i d T (ieee LA ANA NI m NUN del \ d, ak N ^ Nr MNT ANTON UP RICH dr T n Jn Ar MN A de VANUS Mn eH 4 m) J * nc N +e de Ä pi? NA i (éi ei ki Oe NP S Bibliographia Zoologica (diario „Zoologischer Anzeiger“ adnexa) condita ab |. Victor Carus edidit, sub cura doctoris Herbert Haviland Field, Concilium Bibliographicum. Volumen XVII. Lipsiae sumptibus Wilhelm Engelmann 1910. INDEX. Conspectus methodicus 1. Arthropoda 12. Crustacea (incl. Pantopoda et Xipho- sura) 10. Arachnida (incl. grada) 40. Onychophora 50. Myriopoda 57 Insecta 59. Thysanura 77. Orthoptera (incl. Dermaptera) 80. Pseudo-Neuroptera 92. Neuroptera (incl. Strepsiptera) 99. Linguatulida, Tardi- E eco 38071 Hemiptera (incl. Aptera) 102. Coleoptera 120. Diptera incl. Aphaniptera) 169. Lepidoptera 194. Hymenoptera 251. Vertebrata 277. Pisces 293. Amphibia 320. Reptilia 337. Aves 350. Mammalia 397. Bimana 453. Corrigenda. . 18965 Hansen, H. F., recte: H. J. . 19059 Soc. Biol. Paris, recte: Acad. Sc. Paris. . 19345 Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst., recte: Zool. Jahrb. Bd. 27 Abt. Syst. . 19395 Jahrg. 2, recte: Jahrg. 22. . 19464 Creigton, Wellman F., recte: Wellman, F. Creighton. . 19528 Bull. No. 68, recte: Bull. No. 64. . 19859 Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 19. . 20028 Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 15. . 20262 Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 19. . 20349 Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 19. . 20385 Jahrg. 27, recte: Jahrg. 21. . 20626 Vol. 13, recte: Vol. 18. . 20645 Gillett, recte: Gillet. . 20908 Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 15. . 21108 T. 10, recte: T. 26. 221104. Vol. 18, recte: Vol. 15. . 21255 (2) p. 205, recte: (2) Vol. 19 p. 205. . No. 22036, 22114, 22189 Jahrg. 2, recte: Jahrg. 22. . 22289 Ceatha n. g., recte: Clatha n. g. 223107 Voll 18; recte: Vol. 15: . 22384 Dele. . 22441 Dele. . 22476 Dele. -22406 Vol. 18; recte: Vol. 15. 229531. Vol 18, recte Vol; 15. . 22959 Vers. 22, recte: Vers. 20. .No. 23705, 23783, 23803, 23804, 23806, 23833, 23841, 23865, 23937, 23940, 23942, 93988, 23989, 24004 Vol. 13, recte: Vol. 12. . 24030 Vol. 119—124, recte: Vol. 21 p. 119—124. . No. 24060, 24067, 24212 Vol. 13, recte: Vol. 12. . 24247 Bd. 816—807, recte: Bd. 73 p. 816—807. . 24325 Vol. 13, recte: Vol. 12. . 24750 Vol. 120, recte: Vol. 31. . 24802 Congr. ital., recte: Congr. Natural. ital. . 24901 Dele. . 24939 Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver., recte: Korr.-BI. Nat. Ver. Riga. . 24972 T. 10, recte: T. 26. . 25094 Vol. 17, recte: Vol. 47. 3N0925251,:253 14; Vol. 10; recte: Vol. 5: . 25540 Vol. 66—83, recte: Vol. 8 p. 66—83. | mom A i St M e i SIR | CONSPECTUS METHODICUS. Cap. I. 56 Palaeontologia. 0 Generalia 06 Scripta societatum 01 Philosophia, Classificatio 07 Subsidia studii, Musea. 02 Compendia 08 Scripta collecta, Miscellanea 03 Lexica 09 Historia 04 Scholae 091 Bibliographia 05 Scripta periodica 092 Biographia! (11) Stratigraphia (1161) Triassicum (111) Archaicum (1162) Jurassicum (112) Palaeozoicum (117) Cretacieum (1121) Cambricum (118) Neozoicum, Tertiaericum. (113) Siluricum (1181) Eocaenicum (114) Devonicum (1182) Miocaenicum (115) Carbonicum, Permicum. (1183) Pliocaenicum (116) Mesozoicum (119) Quataericum (4) Europa? (7) America septentrionalis? (5) Asia? (8) America australis? (6) Africa? (9) Oceania? Cap. II. 575; 577 Biologia generalis. 579 Evolutio 577 Substantia animata .1 Hereditas .2 Vita .2 Variatio .4 Conditiones vitae .9 Effectus »mediorum ambientium« .6 Vis vitalis .4 Selectio naturalis .7 Mors ‚5 Selectio sexualis .8 Sexualitas .7 Degeneratio Cap. III. 578; 579 Microscopium; Collectio; Conservatio. 578 Microscopium : 578.68 Praeparatamicroscopica quomodo .1 Varietates disponuntur .2 Partes opticae .69 Reconstructio +3 - mechanicae 579 Collectio; conservatio 4 - accessoriae .1 Confectio sceletorum .49 Microphotographia .2 Fluida conservantia, durantia A Partes illuminantes A Injectio vasorum D Subsidia technica A Taxidermia .61 Conservatio histologica, ef. 579,2 .5 Expositio rerum praeparatarum .65 Coloratio .6 Collectio, Cultura .67 Microtomia .7 Dispositio in Museis .8 Tutela collectionum 1 Paläontologische Biographien werden der Bequemlichkeit halber unter der entsprechenden Rubrik (Cap. VII) für Zoologie zitiert. 2 Für die Unterabteilungen siehe S. 5—7. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool XVII. 15 421909! Generalia — Physiologia. 2 59. Zoologia. Cap. IV. 59.01—04 Scripta generalia. 03 Lexica 04 Scholae 01 Philosophia, Classificatio 02 Compendia Cap. V. 59.05—06 Scripta periodica et societatum. 05 Scripta periodica | 06 Scripta societatum Cap. VI. 59.07 Musea; Subsidia studii. 1 07 Subsidia studii, horti, stationes, aquaria, musea Cap. VII. 59.08—092 Scripta collecta; Historia. 091 Bibliographia 092 Biographia 08 Scripta collecta, Miscellanea 09 Historia Cap. VIII. 59.11 Physiologia. 11.27 Respiratio per pulmones +28 Calor animalis | 11.8 Nutritio 11 Physiologia. 11.0 Physiologia generalis +04 Physica et chemia cellularum et organismorum in genere .041 Functiones nuclei et plasmatis (Irritabilitas in genere etc.) — vide etiam 11.81 .044 Effectus mediorum ambientium (virium physicarum et chemi- carum) in cellulas et organismos. — vide etiam 11.85. «05 Chemia physiologica (incl. meta- bolismus in genere — vide etiam 11.33 et 11.49) +06 Organa et media agressionibus et defensionibus inservientia — vide etiam 15.7. 11.1 Sanguis, Circulatio Haemolympha, Lympha inverte- bratorum «11 Proprietates generales chemicae et physicae sanguinis ete. +12 Circulatio 11.2 Respiratio «21 Physiologia generalis respirati- onis: Motus, chemia .22 Respiratio per totam superficiem .23 Respiratio per vasa aquifera 5 Respiratio per branchias 9 da «26 Respiratio per tracheas «31 Prehensio, physiologia stomodaei (masticatio, salivariae glandulae etc.) +32 Digestio, physiologia intestini medii «33 Chemia physiologica alimento- rum et nutritionis (metabolismus syntheticus) .34 Incrementum +96 Proctodaeum, defecatio +39 Longaevitas, Necrobiosis 11.4 Secretio et excretio, Lympha +41 Secretio cutanea +44 Systema lymphaticum (vertebra- torum) +45 Venena +46 Secretio organorum sexualium, lac i +49 Excretio, urina, Metabolismus analyticus 11.5 Variatio +51 — polymorphica +52 — geographica +53 — heterophagica +55 — mimetica +56 — sexualis «57 — colorativa 3 Physiologia — Embryologia. 11.58 Formae hybridae 11.76 Integumentum (substantiae Eege colorantes etc.) 11.6 Generatio .77 Sceleton (inel. Exosceleton) einer 11.8 Systema nervorum .62 Banke no genceis 81 Irritabilitas et Physiologia -63 Paedogenesis, nutrices DENON RSS SC Wissen musculis) Electro-physio- logia ete. — vide etiam 11,041, +82 Nervi et musculi (Tonus, motus reflexus etc.) — vide etiam 11.75 et 11.51 465 Gemmatio «66 Fecundatio +67 Hermaphroditismus +68 Viviparitas «69 Regeneratio .85 Sensus 11.7 Motus, Integumentum (Tropismi vide etiam 11.044) at Itus 2852 Tactus ue Reptatio .853 Sensus chemicus »73 Natatio (chemotaxis vide etiam 11.044) +14 Volatus .853.1 Gustatus «75 Musculorum physiologia in .854 Odoratus oo .855 Auditus, sensus staticus. (nervi et musculi vide 11.82) .856 Visus »751 Organa electrica 11.99 Functio photogenica Cap. IX. 59.12 Pathologia et Teratologia. 12 Pathologia et Teratologiat ` ` 12.4 Systema lymphaticum etc. (Vide etiam 11.59) +6 Organa urogenitalia etc. «1 Organa circulationis etc. vi Organa motus etc. +2 Organa respirationis etc. | +8 Systema nervosum etc. «3 Organa nutritionis etc. | +9 Somatologia etc. Cap. X 59.13 Embryologia. 13.35 Primordia mesodermalia +39 Adnexa embryonis 13 Embryologia? «1 Ovum, Segmentatio I | | | «11 Maturatio cf. 14.65.1 +4 Metamorphosis «13 Fecundatio ovi | +41 Larvae «15 Segmentatio | 45 Metagenesis +16 Morula | +5 Juvenes +17 Blastula «6 Productio sexuum +2 Laminae germinis, Gastrula e? Hybridisatio (vide 11 5S) «3 Embryo, primordia +8 Incestus «31 Primordia ectodermalia | «9 Embryologia experimeutalis +33 — entodermalia 1 Wird wie 14 Orzanologia eingeteilt (S. 4). 2 Allgemeines. Die Entwicklung eines bestimmten Organs findet man urter 14 Organologia (S. 4). Anatomia — Mores. 4 Cap. XI. 59.14 Organologia, Anatomia. 14 Organologia, Anatomia .1 Organa circulationis, cf. 18.5 +11 Pericardium .12 Cor .13 Vasa in genere, Arteriae .14 Venae .15 Vasa capillaria 14.2 Organa respirationis 21 Nasus 2 Larynx 3 Trachea (Vert.); bronchi +24 Pulmo +25 Pleuro +26 Diaphragma +28 Branchiae .29 Organa alia, Tracheae Vesica natatoria 14.3 Organa nutritionis .91 Os 31.3 Lingua «31.4 Dentes «31.6 Glandulae .32 Pharynx, oesophagus .33 Ventriculus .34 Intestinum .35 Rectum, cloaca .96 Hepar .37 Pancreas «38 Peritoneum, coeloma +39 Corpora adiposa, etc. 14.4 Systema lymphaticum .+i Lien +42 Vasa lymphatica +43 Thymus +44 Glandula thyreoidea Ad suprarenalis +46 lymphaticae 14.6 Organa urogenitalia, ef. 14.35 +61 Ren, ureter +62 Vesica, urethra .63 Testis, vas deferens -63.1 Sperma, spermatogenesis om Ki D on (Ins.), | 14.64 Organa copulationis +65 Ovarium, oviduetus «65.1 Ovum, oogenesis cf. 13.11 +66 Uterus +67 Vagina «69 Mammae «7 Organa motus (Musculi, Integu- mentum) «71 Sceleton — ef. 18.3, 18.4 «72 Articulationes +73 Musculi — cf. 18.6 «73.9 Organa electrica .74 Tendines, Fasciae +76 Tela conjunctiva — ef. 18.2 +77 Integumentum — cf. 18.7 +78 Pili, ungues, plumae ete. .78.1 Pili «18.5 Squamae, Exosceleton .18.6 Ungues .78.7 Plumae -78.8 Cornua 14.8 Systema nervosum — cf. 18.8 +81 Systema centrale, Encephalon +82 Medulla spinalis +83 Systema nervos. periphericum +84 Organa visus +85 — auditus +86 — olfactus +87 — gustus +88 — sensus in genere, tactus .S89 — lateralia +89 Ganglia sparsa 14.9 Somatologia +91 Personae cormorum +92 Antimera, metamera +93 Caput +94 Cephalothorax, collum «95 Thorax +96 Abdomen +97 Cauda, telson +98 Extremitates +99 Appendices corporis Cap. XII. 59.15 Mores; vitae ratio. 15 Mores, vitae ratio «1 Instinetus — cf. 11.8 «2 Locus, migratio .9 Alimentum ek Anni tempora, Hibernatio 15.5 Socialitas «6 Neomelia, Oologia «7 Tutamenta eS Cantus Zool. oeconom, — Distrib.geograph. Cap. XIII. 59.16 Zoologia oecoromica. 16 Zoologia oeconomica (ad res dome- sticas, rusticas etc. se referens) el Usus 4b Noxae +7 Animala morbum efficienti 16.9 Parasita! :57 Parasita insectorum :82 — avium :9 — mammalium :9.32 — rodentium, etc., ete. Cap. XIV. 59.18 Histologia. 18 Histologia? el Cellula — ef. 13.1, 14.63.1 »11 Protoplasma +13 Nucleus +15 Divisio cellularum +16 Centrosoma +18 Membrana, cilia, etc. 18.2 Tela conjunctiva +3 Cartilago +4 Os +5 Sanguis, Lympha +6 Musculus ə] Epithelium +8 Tela nervosa Cap. XV. 59.19 DISTRIBUTIO GEOGRAPHICA? — cf. 15.2. (21) Terrae continentes4 (212) Regiones temperatae (213) Regiones intertropicae (22) Insulae (23) Montes (24) Cavernae (25) Plana, deserta (26) Maria, oceani’ (26.01) Plancton (26.02) Fauna pelagica (26.03) — abyssalis (26.1) Atlanticum (26.12) Germanicum (26.13) Balticum (26.2) Mediterraneum (26.23) Adria (26.25) Pontus Euxinus (26.28) Mare caspium (26.3) Atlanticum tropicale (26.35) Mare caraibicum (26.4) Mare australe (26.5) Pacificum septentrionale (26.6) Pacificum orientale (26.7) Indo-pacificum (26.75) Mare rubrum (26.78) Mare persicum (26.8) Oceanus arcticus — v. (98) (26.9) Oceanus antarcticus — v. (99) (28) Aquae dulces (2801) Limnoplancton (281) Flumina (285) Lacus (29) Fontes, putei, aqua solo cont nta (4) EUROPA (403) Regio palaearctica® (405) — mediterranea® (41) Scotland (41.5) Ireland (42) England, British Isles (43) Deutschland (43.59) Luxemburg (43.6) Osterreich-Ungarn 1 Die Parasiten werden hier nach dem Wirt geordnet. Letzterer wird durch einen der taxonomischen Klassifikation entlehnten Zusatz bezeichnet. Beispiel 9.725 heißt Solipedes (Pferd), folglich 16.9:9.725 = Parasiten des Pferdes. 2 Gewebelehre im allgemeinen. suche man unter 14 Organologia. Die Histologie eines bestimmten Organs 3 Bloß die Hauptzahlen werden hier wiedergegeben. Für solche, die sich für die detaillierte Klassifikation interessieren, verweisen wir auf den vollständigen Conspectus, der den Anfang des 10. Bandes der Bibliogr. Zool. bildet. % Die Zeichen (22)—(29) lassen sich mit den die einzelnen Länder bezeichnen- pen Ziffern vereinigen, z. B. 19 (24:43.72) Mährische Höhlen. 5 Hier werden selbstredend nicht alle Aufsätze über marine Tiere angeführt 6 Im allgemeinen. Distributio geographica, (43.7) Böhmen, Galizien etc. (43.9) Ungarn (44 France (45 Italia (46 Espana (469, Portugal (469.8) Madeira (469.9, Acores (47) Russland (48) Norge, Sverige, Danmark (49, Divisiones minores (491) Island, Faroé (492) Nederland (493) Belgique, Belgié Luxemburg v. (43.59) (494) Suisse, Schweiz (495) Griechenland (496) Europàische Türkei < (497) Serbien, Bulgarien, Montenegro (498) Romania (499) Griechischer Archipel (5) ASIEN — cf. (403) (502) Regio orientalis (503) — indo-sinica! (504) — indo-malayicat (51) China (52) Japan (53) ) (55) Persia (56) Asia minor, Syria (57) Asiatisches Russland (58) Afghanistan (58.4) Buchara, Chiva (58.8) Belutschistan (59) Farther India. Indochine (6) AFRIKA (61) Nordafrika — cf. (403) (61.1, Tunisie (61.2) Tripoli, Barca (62) Egypt (63) Abyssinia, Eritrea (64) Maroc, Rio de Oro (65) Algérie (66) Centralafrika, Nordwest (67) Centralafrika, Süd (68) Südafrika (69, Madagasear (7) NORTH AMERICA (101) Regio nearctica (71) British North America 1 Im allgemeinen. 2 UmfaBt (91)—(96.9). (72) Mexico — cf. (801) (728) America centrale — cf. (801) (729) West Indies, Antilles — cf. (801) (78) United States (74) North Eastern (New England) (75) South Eastern (76) South Central or Gulf 77) North Central or Lake 78) Western or Mountain 79) Pacific 8) SÜDAMERIKA (801) Regio neotropicat (S1) Brasil 82) Argentina 82.9) Patagonia 82.99) Falkland, Malouines (83) Chili 84) Bolivia (85) Peru 86) Columbia 86.6) Ecuador 86.69) Galapagos, Clipperton (87) Venezuela 88) Guiana (89) Paraguay (89.6) Uruguay (9) OCEANIA? (902) Regio australica! (903) — austro-malayica 1 (91) Malaysia? — cf. (502)—(504) (92) Sunda — cf. (502)—(504), (91) (93) Australasia (931) New Zealand s (939) Nouvelle Calédonie (933) Loyalty Islands (934) N. Hebrides, Santa Cruz (935) Salomon-Inseln (936) N. Pommern (N.Britain),Bismarck- Archipel, N. Hannover (937) Admiralitáts-Inseln, Echiquier (938) Lord Howe, Norfolk, K ermadec (939, Chatham, Bounty, Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell, Macquarrie — vide etiam (99) (94) Australia (95) N. Guinea, Trobriand, Louisiade Archipelago, Woodlark Island (96, Polynesia (98) Regiones arcticae — cf. (26.8) (99) Regiones antarcticae — cf. (26.9) 3 UmfaBt (91)—(92). 7 Invertebrata — Mollusca, Cap. XVI. 59.2 INVERTEBRATA. Cap. XVII. 59.31 Protozoa. 31 Protozoa ı 31.75 Suctoria el Rhizopoda +9 Sporozoa .2 Foraminifera .91 Gregarinidae +3 Heliozoa +92 Coccidia .4 Radiolaria -926 Haematozoa «5 Infusoria +93 Sarcosporidia 6 Flagellata +94 Myxosporidia vi Ciliata +95 Microsporidia Cap. XVIII. 59.33 Coelenterata. Cap. XIX. 59.34 Spongiae, Porifera. 34 Spongiae, Porifera 34.4 Lithospongiae Tetractinellida .1 Myxospongiae | .b Hyalospongiae, Hexactinellida «2 Ceratospongiae | «6 Calcispongiae +3 Halichondriae, Monactinellida | Cap. XX. 59.35—38 Cnidaria. 37.1 Hydromedusae, Graptolitha «2 Siphonophora +8 Acalephae 85 Cnidaria 36 Actinozoa .1 Rugosa, Tetracorallia. .2 Aleyonaria, Octocorallia +4 Calycozoa .3 Zoantharia, Hexacorallia | .b Rhizostomidae 4 Antipatharia D Marsupialida 5 Actinaria ei Discophora .6 Madreporaria 38 Ctenophora 37 Hydrozoa Cap. XXI. 59.39 Echinoderma (incl. Enteropneusta). 89 Echinoderma | 39.5 Echinoidea el Crinoidea, Pelmatozoa | +6 Holothurioidea +8 Asteroidea +5 Apoda +2 Asterozoa .1 Pedata, Elasipoda 4 Ophiuroidea | «9 Enteropneusta Er Cap. XXII. 59.4—4.5 Mollusca. 4.38 Pulmonata .4 Pteropoda 4 Mollusca | «1 Lamellibranchia | H Scaphopoda | «5 Cephalopoda .3 Gastropoda | ‚51 Tetrabranchia .31 Amphineura i +52 Nautiloidea +82 Prosobranchia | .b3 Ammonitae +34 Heteropoda | +59 Dibranchia +85 Opisthobranchia | 56 Octopoda +36 Nudibranchia | 58 Decapoda +37 Tectibranchia | Molluscoidea — Crustacea. 8 Cap. XXIII. 59.46 Molluscoidea (Brachiostoma). Cap. XXIV. 59.47 Bryozoa. 47 Bryozoa 47.3 Pterobranchia «1 Gymnolaemata 4 Entoprocta «2 Phylactolaemata Phoronis v. 51.76. Cap. XXV. 59.48 Brachiopoda. Cap. XXVI. 59.49 Tunicata. 49 Tunicata 49.4 Synascidiae el Ascidiae .5 Pyrosoma «2 Copelatae «6 Salpae «3 Monascidiae ei Doliolum Cap. XXVII. 59.5 ARTICULATA. Cap. XXVIII. 59.51 Vermes (incl. Mesozoa, Trichoplax). 51 Vermes | 51.6 Oligochaeta el Helminthes, Parasiti t | +7 Polychaeta «2 Platyhelminthes .7& Gephyrea «21 Cestodes «76 Phoronis +22 Trematodes .78 Myzostomum +23 Turbellarii «8 Rotifera .24 Nemertini .85 Echinoderes +3 Nematodes .88 Gastrotricha «31 Gordiacei +89 Dinophilus +33 Acanthocephali «9 Orthonectida +35 Chaetognathi «95 Dicyemida «4 Annelida +99 Trichoplax, ete. .5 Hirudinea Cap. XXIX. 59.52 ARTHROPODA. Cap. XXX. 59.53 Crustacea (incl. Pantopoda et Xiphosura). 53 Crustacea 53.72 Isopoda «1 Entomostraca «8 Thoracostraca +15 Pantopoda +81 Cumacea +2 Phyllopoda +82 Stomapoda +23 Branchiopoda +83 Schizopoda +24 Cladocera +84 Decapoda +3 Ostracoda »+841 Macrura, Anomura +4 Copepoda .842 Brachyura .45 Parasita .9 Gigantostraca «5 Cirripedia «91 Eurypterida «6 Malacostraca, Leptostraca +92 Xiphosura ei Arthrostraca | «93 Trilobita +71 Amphipoda 1 ]m allgemeinen. 9 Arachnida — Hemiptera. Cap. XXXI. 59.54 Arachnida (incl. Linguatulida, Tardigrada). 54 Arachnida 54.5 Pedipalpi el Linguatulida «6 Scorpiones «12 Tardigrada +7 Pseudoscorpiones «2 Acarina 8 Solifugae +3. Phalangida +9 Anthracomarthi e4 Araneae Cap. XXXII. 59.55 Onychophora. Cap. XXXIII. 59.56 Myriopoda. 56 Myriopoda 56.3 Symphyla «1 Chilognatha, Diplopoda 4 Pauropoda «2 Chilopoda «9 Archipolypoda Cap. XXXIV. 59.57 INSECTA!. Cap. XXXV. 59.57.1 Thysanura. 57.1 Thysanura 57.13 Poduridae «11 Campodeidae +15 Lepismatidae Cap. XXXVI. 59.57.2 Orthoptera (incl. Dermaptera). 57.2 Orthoptera? 57.25 Mantidae «21 Dermaptera «26 Saltatoria .22 Cursoria (et Protoblattoidea) +27 Acrididae .23 Gressoria «28 Locustidae .24 Phasmidae +29 Gryllidae Cap. XXXVII 59.57.3 Pseudo-Neuroptera (incl. Palaeodictyoptera). 57.3 Pseudo-Neuroptera 57.35 Perlidae «31 Thysanoptera +36 Palaeodictyoptera, Mixotermi- +32 Corrodentia toidea, Hadentomoidea, Hapalo- +33 Odonata (et Protodonata) [roidea) pteroidea +34 Ephemeridae (et Protepheme- Cap. XXXVIII. 59.57.4 Neuroptera (incl. Strepsiptera). 57.4 Neuroptera | 57.44 Panorpidae +41 Planipennia +45 Trichoptera .42 Megaloptera .46 Strepsiptera .43 Sialidae Cap. XXXIX. 59.57.5 Hemiptera (incl. Aptera). 57.5 Hemiptera (et Palaeohemiptera) 57.52 Phytophthires -51 Aptera +53 Homoptera +512 Pediculidae -54 Heteroptera (et Protohemiptera) e514 Mallophaga 1 Hierher als 57... die Gattung Recula. 2 Hierher als 57.2. Protorthoptera. Coleoptera — Amphibia. 10 Cap. XL. 59.57.6 Coleoptera. 57.6 Coleoptera 57.65 Sternoxia +61 Pentamera .66 Malacodermata .62 Adephaga «67 Heteromera .63 Clavicorni: | +68 Tetramera +64 Lamellicornia | +69 Trimera Cap. XLI. 59.57.7 Diptera (incl. Aphaniptera). 57.7 Diptera 57.74 Pupipara +71 Nematocera .75 Aphaniptera .72 Brachycera Cap. XLII. 59 57.8 Lepidoptera. 57.8 Lepidoptera | 57.86 Noctuina .S1 Heterocera | +87 Bombycina +82 Microlepidoptera +88 Sphingina +88 Macrolepidoptera +89 Rhopalocera +85 Geometrina Cap. XLIII. 59.57.9 Hymenoptera. 57.9 Hymenoptera 57.95 Chrysididae +91 Terebrantia «96 Formicidae +92 Entomophaga +97 Fossoria «93 Phytophaga .98 Vespidae +94 Aculeata «99 Apidae _ nn Lese nF Cap. XLIV. 59.6 VERTEBRATA. Cap. XLV. 59.7—7.5 Pisces. 4 Pisces 7.44 Chondrostei el Pharyngobranchii +45 Pycnodontidei «2 Marsipobranchii +46 Crossopterygii «3 Elasmobranchii (Pleuropterygii, +47 Euganoidei, Heterocerci Ichthyotomi, Ichthyodorulitha) +48 Dipnoi +31 Selachoidei «5 Teleostei .99 Rajae +58 Lophobranchii «38 Holocephali +54 Plectognathi vk Ganoidei 99 Physostomi +41 Amioidei .56 Anacanthini .42 Acanthodidei +57 Pharyngognathi .43 Placoderma, Cephalaspidae DR Acanthopteri > Cap. XLVI. 59.76—79 Amphibia. 76 Amphibia 79 Urodela 77 Gymnophiona 79.5 Stegocephala 18 Anura 11 Repulia — Bimana. Cap. XLVII. 59.81 Reptilia. 81 Reptilia el Sauria +2 Ophidia .21 Serpentes innocui +26 Serpentes venenosi «3 Chelonia 81.4 Crocodilia .5 Ichthyopterygia +6 Sauropterygia vi Theromorpha, Anomodontia AR Pterosauria «9 Dinosauria Cap. XLVIII. 59.82—89 AVES. 89 AVES .9 Saururae 83 Grallatores .1 Fulicariae (Rallides) +2 Alectorides «3 Limicolae +4 Ciconiae 81 Natatores .1 Lamellirostres «2 Longipennes eo Steganopodes vk Impennes +5 Odontotormae 8S5 Ratitae el Struthiones +2 Rheae eo Casuarii .4 Apteryges Cap. XLIX. 9 MAMMALIA el Monotremata «2 Marsupialia .31 Edentata +32 Rodentia .353 Insectivora .54 Tillodontia .4 Chiroptera D Cetacea -51 Mysticete +58 Denticete «095 Sirenia D Subungulata. +61 Proboscidea +62 Hyracoidea +63 Typotheria 85.5 Aepyornithes «6 Odontocolcae 86 Rasores +5 Columbae 87 Scansores el Psittaci +2 Picariae scansores +3 Trogones +4 Coccyges Coliidae sub 88.9 88 Insessores el Acromyodi (Oscines) «6 Mesomyodi +9 Picariae (Scansores, Coccygez, Tro- gones sub 87) 89 Raptores el Falcones .4 Striges 59.9—9.8 MAMMALIA (excl. Bimana). 9.64 Toxodontia «65 Litopterna +66 Amblypoda «71 Ungulata vera +72 Perissodactyla .125 Solipedes .429 — Ancylopoda -73 Artiodactyla 495 Ruminantia .14 Carnivora +143 Creodontia .145 Pinnipedia «58 Quadrumana .81 Prosimii 82 Pitheci RR Anthropomorpàa Cap. L. 59.9.9 Bimana. Due —— > Arthropoda. 12 XXIX. 59.52 Arthropoda. (Vide etiam: 13922.) 118708 Benoit-Bazille, H. 52 : 07 1908. Récolte et conservation des Insectes et des Acariens en vue de létude scientifique. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 114—117. 54.2, 57 09 Bache, René. 52 : 11.45 1907. Venomous Insects. The Dangerous Weapons of Some Curious Creatures. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol: 64 p. 28—29, 6 figg. 54.4,.6, 56.2, 57.54,.96 10 Green, E. Ernest. 52 : 11.55 1908. Mimicry in Insect Life, as Exemplified by Ceylon Insects. Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 5 p. 87—94, 5 pls. 54.4, 57.24,.25,.53,.54,.65,.72,.85,.88,.89 11 Duffaut, Marius. 92 : 11.59 1908. Description de quelques difformités observées chez des articulés. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 41 p. 54--56. 56.2, 57.24,.68 12 Przibram, Hans. 52 : 11.69 1907. Automatischer Abwurf missbildeter Regenerate bei Arthropoden. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 596—599, 2 figg. [Regulationsvorgang.] 13 v. Frisch, Karl. 52 : 11.556 1908. Studien über die Pigmentverschiebung im Facettenauge Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 662—671, 698—704, 1 fig. 53.841, 57.88 14 Heymons, Richard. 52 : 13.4 1907. Die verschiedenen Formen der Insektenmetamorphose und ihre Bedeutung im Vergleich zur Metamophose anderer Arthropoden. Ergebn. Fortschr. Zool. Bd. 1 p. 137—188. 18715 Henneguy, F. 92 : 14.73 1906. Les modes d'insertion des muscles sur la cuticule chez les arthro- podes. ©. R. Ass. Anat. T. S p. 133—140, 4 figg. 53.23, 72, 57.13,.23,.68,.72,.87,.98 16 Gillanders, A. T. 52 : 15 1900. Notes on Phytopti, or Gall-mites, and Arboreal Beetles. Trans. ann. Rep. Manchester micr. Soc. 1900 p. 67—79, 2 pls. 54,2, 57.04 17 Gillanders, A. T. 52 : 15 1903. Notes on Miscellaneous Arboreal Insects. Trans. Manchester micr. 18 Goury, G., et J. Guignon. 52:15 1906/07. Les insectes parasites des cruciferes. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 36 p. 65—69, 97—99, 113—117, 125—132, 144—148, 158—161, 176— 177, 193—200, 11 figg. — Ann. 37 p. 14—17, 28—32, 44—46, 96—98, 112 — 117, 142—143, 160—162, 177—184, 209—213, 244. 54.2, 56.1, 57.52 —.54,.63,.65,.66,.68,.71,.72,.82—.93,.99 19 Dahl. 52:15 1908. Kokon von Agroeca brunnea. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 655— 656, 4 figg. [Mit Pezomachus agroecae n. sp.] 15.6, 54.4, 57.92 20 Goury, G., et J. Guignon. 52 : 15 1908/09. Insectes parasites des Cistinées. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 139—141, 145—152, 205—208, 231—233, 251. — Ann. 39 p. 21—25, 44-46, 63—65, 82—85, 95—101, 114—115, 128—139, 188—192. 54.2, 51.52,.54,.62,.65,.66 —.68,.71,.82—.89 1872] Jarvis, Tennyson D. 52 : 15 1908. Additional Insect Galls of Ontario. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 85—94. 54.2, 57.52,.68,.71,.72,.82,.92 15. I. 1909. 13 Athropoda, 18722 Mariani, Giuditta. 52 : 15 1908. Secondo contributo allo studio della cecidologia valdostana. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 46 p. 289—323, 4 figg. 54.2, 57.52,.68,.71,.82,.92 23 Bacot, A. 52 : 15.1 1908. Instincts that are not Inherited Memories. Nature Vol. 78 p. 509. 54.4, 57.54,.9 24 Bostock, E. 52 : 15.5 1596. Myrmecophilous Acari. Intern. Journ. Mier. nat, Sc. Vol. 15 p. 296 —303, 2 pls. 54.2, 07.96 25 Fenizia, Carlo. 52 : 15.5 1902, Un caso di simbiosi utilitaria reciproca. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 22 p. 55—58. [Musca e Chelifer.) 54.7, 57.72 26 Donisthorpe, Horace St. J. K. 52 : 15.5 1907. British Myrmecophilus Acarina. Hastings & E. Sussex Natural. Yol. 1 p. 65—67. 54.2, 57.96 27 Donisthorpe, Horace St. J. K. 52 : 15.5 1907/09. Myrmecophilous Notes for 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var, Vol. 19 p. 254—256. — for 1908. Vol, 20 p. 281—284; Vol. 21 p. 17—20, 1 pl. 54.2,.4,.7, 56.2, 57.54—.63,.69—.72,.82..89,.92,.96 28 Donisthorpe, Horace St. John K. 52 : 15.5 si 34 18736 1908. A Few Notes on Myrmecophilous Spiders. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 419--425. 54.4, 57.96 Pierce, W. Dwight. 52 : 16.1 1908. A List of Parasites Known to Attack American Rhynchophora. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 380—396. 94.2, 57.72,.92,.98 Piérce, W. Dwight. 52 : 16.1 1908. Studies of Parasites of the Cotton Boll Weevil. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 73, 63 pp., 3 pls., 6 figg. 54.2, 57.63,.66,.72,.92,.96 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 52 : 16.5 1905/06. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 66. — 59th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 3 p. 1—332, 48 pls., 63 figg. — Vol. 4 p. 333—877, 22 pls., 161 figg. [Eriophyes fraxini- flora n. sp.] 54.2, 57.29,.382,.52 —.54,.63—.68,.71 ,.82—.93,.96 2 Froggatt, W. W. 52 : 16.5 1907/08, Insect Pests in Foreign Lands. Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 5 p. 682—685, 716—720. — Vol. 6 p. 77—79, 140—143, 273—219, 481—489, 586—549, 587—588. 54.2, 57.52,.53,.64,.68,.72,.86,.96 3 de Istvánffi, Gy. 92 : 16.5 1907. Sur l’apparition en Hongrie des deux nouveaux ravageurs de la vigne (Ithyphallus impudicus et Coepophagus echinopus.) Math. termeszett. Ertesitó Bd. 21 p. 157—176. — Math.-nat. Ber. Ungarn Bd. 22 p. 59—64. 54.2, 57.68 Severin, G. 52 : 16.5 1907. Oiseaux insectivores et insectes nuisibles. Bull. Soc. centr. forest. Belgique Vol. 14 p. 536—548, 600—609. 666—677. 156—711. 51.3, 54.2, 56.1, 57.21,.29,.31,.63— .65, 68,.71,.72, 82—.87,.89,.93 i e 52 : 16.5 1908. Principal Injurious Insects of the Year 1907. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 541—552. 54.2, 57.29,.31,,52—.54,.64,.65,.68,.71,.72,,82—.89,.92,.96 Lampa, Sven. 52 : 16.5 1908. Anteckningar rórande verksamheten vid Centralanstaltens fór jord- bruksfórsók entomologiska afdelning under är 1907. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 225—244, 4 figg. 94.2, 57.65,.68,.71,.72,.82,.26,.87,.93 15. I. 1909. Arthropoda. 14 18737 Molz, E. | 52 : 16.5 1908. Uber Beeinflussung der Ohrwiirmer und Spinner durch das Schwefeln der Weinberge. Zeitschr. wiss, Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. S7— 9. [Bei Spinnen ohne Wirkung. Ohrwiirmer sterben infolge Stigmen- verstopfung. Aufnahme in Verdauungsapparat ohne Nachteile.] 54.4, 57.21 38 Patch, Edith M. 52 :16.5 1908. Insect Notes for 1907. 23d ann. Rep. Maine Agric. exper. Stat. p. 201—282, 3 pls. — for 1908. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entomolo- gy No. 32) 24th ann. Rep. Bull. No. 162 p. 351—368, 16 figg. 54.2, 57.27,.52,.54,.64—.66,.68,.82,.86—.88,.92,.93 39 Petri, L. 52 : 16.5 1908. Einige Bemerkungen über die Rolle der Milben bei der Dactylopius- Krankheit der Reben. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 21 p. 375— 379, 2 figg. 54.2, 57.52 40 Remisch, Fr. 52 : 16.5 1908. Hopfenschädlinge. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 331— 333, 363—968. 54.2, 56.1, 57.54,.64,.68,.82.,86,.87 41 Thomann, H. 62 : 16.5 1908. Untersuchungen über das Auftreten der Weissährigkeit bei Wiesen- gräsern in der Umgebung von Landquart. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 92 p. 251—967. 54.9, 57.31,.72,.82,.86,.93 42 Tullgren, A. 92 : 10.5 1508. Tjänsteresor 1907. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 245—252, 3 figg 54.2, 56.1, 57.52,.66,.68,.71,.72,.86,.92,.93,.96 18743 Washburn, F, L. 52 116.5 1908. The Apple Leaf Hopper and Other Injurious Insects of 1907 and 1908. 12th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 11—177, 1 pl., 93 figg. 54.2, 57.27,.29,.52..53,.64,.65,.68, 71,.82,.83,.86,.87,.89,.93 44 Galli-Valerio, B. 52 : 16.7 1908. Le röle des arthropodes dans la dissemination des maladies. (14. Internat. Hyg.-Kongr. Berlin.) Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Ref. Bd. 41 p. 353—360. (Originalreferat.) [Träger, Ueberträger u. Wirte v. Parasiten sind zu unterscheiden.] 54.2, 57.9,.7 45 Mackie, F. Percival. 52 : 16.7 1908. A Review of Recent Work on Spirillar Fevers. New York med. Journ. Vol. 88 p. 337—345. 54.2, 57.54 46 Marchoux, E. 92 3 16.7 1908. La fièvre jaune. Rev. scient. (5) T. 9 p. 34—44, 72—83, 5 figg. 54.2, 57.71 47 Möllers, B. 52 : 16.7 1908. Praktische Ergebnisse aus dem Gebiete der Infektionskrankheiten. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 657—660. [Insekten und Zecken als Krankheitsüberträger für Menschen u. Tiere.] 54.2, 57.71,.72 48 Mühlens, P. 52 : 16.7 1908. Ueber einige fieberhafte Tropenkrankheiten. Berlin. klin. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 45 p. 1631—1633. [Spirochaeten. Leishmania, Kala-Azar- Parasiten.] 54.2, 57.54,.71,.72 49 Schaeffer, Charles. 52 : 16.7 1908. Insects and Arachnids as Carriers of Disease. Museum News Brooklyn Inst. Arts Sc. 1908 p. 74—77. 54.2, 5111,72 18750 Sofer, L. | S 52 : 16.7 1908. Uber die Übertragung von Krankheiten durch Insekten. Thera- peut. Monatsh. Jahrg. 22 p. 192—197. 54.2, 57.54,.75 15. I. 1909. 15 Arthropoda. 18751 Cameron, S. 8. 52 :16.9:9 1908. Diseases of the Skin. Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 6 p. 444—448, 504—506, 513—519. 54.2, 57.514,.72,.75 52 Cockerell, T. D. A. 52 (1182) 1908. Fossil Insects from Florissant, Colorado. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 59—69, 1 pl. [12 nn. spp. in: Polystoechotes, Panorpa, Phenacolestes n. g. 2, Anabrus, Lithogryllites n. g. Cecidomyia Nymphalites (BEUTENMULLER & C.) Necrodes (B. & C.), Dryobius, Phymatodes (B. & C.), (Eriophyes. Dysagrioninae n. subfam.) 54.2, 57.28,.29,.33,.42,.44,.63,.68,.71,.89 53 Grinnell, Fordyce, jr. 52 (119) 1908. Quaternary Myriopods and Insects of California. Univ, California Publ. Geol. Vol. 5 p. 207—215, 2 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Julus 2, Spirobolus 2, Eleodes 3.] 56.1, 57.62,.67 54 Slosson, Annie Trumbull. 92 (23: 74.2) 1896/1908. Additional List of Insects taken in Alpine Region of Mt. Washington. Entom. News Vol. 7 p. 262—265; Vol. 8 p. 237—240; Vol. 9 p. 251—253. 54.2,.4,.7, 57.13,.27,.31, 33,.35,.42,.53 — /2,.82,.86,.87,.92—.95,.97 —.99 55 Carl, J. 52 (24 : 494) 1906. Beitrag zur Höhlenfauna der insubrischen Region. Rev. suisse Zool. T. 14 p. 601—615, 1 Taf, 5 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Mesoniscus n. g., Leucoeyphoniscus, Taranucnus, Achorutes. 1 n. var. in Trichoniscus.] 53.72, 54.3,.4, 56.1, 57.13 18756 Brett, Cyril. 52 (42.46) 1903. Gali Insects found at Alton in Sept., 1902. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Stafford. Natural. Field Club Vol. 37 p. 92—93. 54.2, 57.71,.92,.93 57 Carr, J. W. 52 (42.52) 1904/07. Nottinghamshire Crustacea and Arachnida. 51st ann. Rep. Trans. Nottingham Natural. Soc. p. 61—67. — Nottinghamshire Arachnida. 52d ann. Rep. Trans. p. 16—20. — New Nottinghamshire Spiders and False- Scorpions. 54th ann. Rep. Trans. p. 47—48, 53.45,.71,.72,.841, 54.3,.4,.7 58 Enderlein, Giinther. 52 (43.12) 1908. Biologisch-faunistische Moor- und Diinen-Studien. 30. Ber. west- preuss. zool. bot. Ver. p. 54—238, 6 figg., 1 Kart. [2 nn. spp. in: Microdus (1 n. var), Pteronus, Platyura. 2 nn. var. in: Thephritis, Dioctria.] 54.2, 56.1, 57.13,.31,.33,.42,.45,.52— 72,.75,.82—.88,.92,.99 59 Oudemans, A. C. 52 (492) 1902, Entomologische aanteekeningen. Entom. Berichten D, 1 p. 16—17, 20—23. [Acaridae nn. spp. sine diagnoses.] 54.2, 57.75,.87 60 Verhoeff, K. W. 52 (61.2) 1908. Ueber Chilcpoden und Isopoden aus Tripolis und Barka, ge- sammelt von Dr. Bruno Krarrocz. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 257 —284, 1 Taf. [8 nn. spp. in: Lithobius, Scolopendra, Henia, Bothriogaster, Armadillidium, Porcellio 3.] 53.72, 56.2 18761 Newstead, Robert, J. Everett Dutton, and John L. Todd. 52 (67.5) 1907. Insects and other Arthropoda collected in the Co..go Free State. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Vol. 1 p. 1—113, 8 pls., 21 figg. [19 nn. spp. (Newsr.) in: Eretmapodites, Stegomyia 2, Duttonia n. g. 2, Culex 2 (1 n. var.), Mimomyia 2, Neomelaniconion Anisocheleomyia, Boycia n. g., Haematopota ?, Tabanus 2, Glossina, Stomoxys, Lipoptena.]. 54.2, 57.54,.71—.75,.99 15. I. 1909. Arthropoda — Crustacea. 16 18762 Castle, D. M., and Philip Laurent. 52 (76) 1896/97. April Collecting in Georgia and Florida. Entom. News Vol. 7 p. 300—305; Vol. 8 p. 7—9. (76.8,.9) 54.4, 57.21,.24,.27,.33,.53—.72,.85,.89,.93,.97—.99 XXX. 59.53 Crustacea (incl. Pantopoda et Xiphosura). (Vide etiam: 11786, 11821—11824, 11827 —11839, 11841, 11842, 11845, 11847 — 11850, 11853—11859, 11861—11863, 11865- 11870, 11872—11880, 11884, 11886, 11888—11891, 11893, 11894, 11898, 11900— 11902, 11906, 11911—11913, 11919, 11920, 11922, 11925, 11934—11936, 11950, 11952, 11956, 11962, 11975, 11988, 11989, 11990, 11992, 11993, 11997, 11999, 12001, 12006, 12018, 12024, 12029. 12035, 12036, 12043—12045, 12050, 12061, 12063, 12065, 12068, 12070, 12074, 12075, 1208312085, 12090, 12098, 12101, 12104, 12105, 12110, 12111, 12114, 12117, 12118, 12120, 12122—12124, 12128, 12132, 13283, 13284, 13287 — 13289, 13368, 13392, 13393, 13414, 13435, 13604, 13884, 13984, 14052, 14205, 14308, 14389, 15422, 15430, 15433, 15449, 15454, 15456—15458, 15472— 15474) 15482, 15489, 15509, 15511, 15512, 15676, 15693, 15744, 15857, 15862, 15873, 15875— 15880, 15883, 15884, 15886 — 15890, 15892—15899, 15901, 15902, 15905, 15907, 15908, 15910— 15912, 15916—15918, 15926, 15930, 15932, 15935, 15940, 15941, 15943—15956, 15959, 15960, 15962, 15964 — 15973, 15975 —15982, 15986, — 15989, 15993, 15997, 15999, 16005, 16006, 16011, 16016, 16021, 16022, 16025, 16030, 16031, 16034, 16036, 16038, 16043, 16049, 16050, 16052, 16054, 16055, 16062, 16063, 16074, 16078, 16086, 16087, 16089, 16090, 16093, 16094, 16102, 16104—16108, 16110, 16111, 16113, 16117—16122, 16124, 16126, 16127, 18712, 18713, 18715, 18755, 18757, 18760.) 18763 Giaja, J. 53 : 11.05 1907. Ferments des glucosides et des hydrates de carbone chez les Crus- tacés marins. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 63 p. 508—509. [Pas de raffinases chez les Crustacés marins comme chez Mollusques marins, lactase uni- quement chez Homarus; suc de Palinurus vulgaris dédouble l'amygdaline, est sans action envers la salicine.] 64 Sellier, J. 53 : 11.32 1906. Existence de la présure dans le suc digestif des Crustacés. (€. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 35 p. 122, 526—528. 65 Bouvier, E. L. 58 : 11.5 1907. Sur le mécanisme des transformations en milieu normal chez les Crustacés. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 144 p. 301—306. 66 Smith, Geoffrey. 58 : 11.67 1908. Sex in the Crustacea, with Special Reference to the Origin and Nature of Hermaphroditism. Rep. 77th. Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 543 —544. [Close connection between sex and metabolism in general.] 67 Haseman, John Diederich. 53 : 11.69 1907. The Direction of Differentiation in Regenerating Crustacean Appen- dages. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 24 p. 617—637, 9 Taf. 53.71,.72,.841 68 Murbach, L. 53 : 11.855 1905. Further Experiments on Static Function. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. 1905 p. 86—87. 69 Guieysse, A. 33 : 14.34 1907. Etude des organes digestifs chez les Crustacés. Arch. Anat. micr. T. 9 p. 343—494, 3 pls., 29 figg. [Röle des cellules de l’organe entérique (hépatopancréas): Production de suc digestif. Absorption.] 53.4,.71,.72,.82,.841 18770 Scott, Thomas. 53 : 19 1903. Some Observations on the Distribution of the Smaller Crustacea. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier, Soc. Vol. 5 p. 23—36. 53.24,.3,.4,.71 15. I. 1909. d'A Crustacea. 18771 Stebbing, T. R. R. 53 (26.1) 1904. Biscayan Plankton Collected during a Cruise of H. M. S. Re- search, 1900. Part II. — The Amphipoda and Cladocera, with Notes on a Larval Thyrostracan. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) Zool. Vol. 10 p. 13—45, 2 pls., 7 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Eusirogenes n. g., Archaeoscina n. g., Parascina n. g.] — Appendix on the Distribution of the Amphipoda and Cladocera. p. 46—54. 53.24,.71 (2601) 72 Scott, Thomas. 53 (41.44) 1901. List of Fresh-water Crustacea Collected in Mid-Lothian in the Years 1900 and 1901. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 255—260. 53.23;.3,:4,.11,.72 73 Sinel, Joseph. 53 (42.34) 1907. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Crustacea of the Chan- nel Islands. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 212—225. 03.5 —.842 74 Gurney, Robert. 53 (42.61) 1904, The Fresh- and Brackish Water Crustacea of East Norfolk. Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Natural. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 637—660, 1 pl. 53.24,.4,.45,.5,.71,.72,.83,.841 75 Gurney, Robert. 53 (42.61) 1907. The Crustacea of the East Norfolk Rivers. Trans. Norfolk & Nor- wich Natural. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 410—438, 2 pls, 1 fig. 53.24,.4,.45,.5,.71,.72,.83,.841,.842 76 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 53 (68.7) 1908. South African Crustacea. Part III. Marine Investig. South Africa Vol. 4 p. 2i—123, 11 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Dynomene, Neolithodes, Penaeus, Sergestes, Leontocaris n. g., Acanthephyra. Exodromidia n. g. pro Dromidia spinosa.) 53.45,.83-.842 18777 Smith, Geoffrey W. 53 (94.6) 1908. Preliminary Account of the Habits and Structure of the Anaspi- didae, with Remarks on some other Fresh-water Crustacea from Tasma- nia. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 465—473, 1 pl. 14.12,.34,.63,.65,.81, 15.6, 53.4,.71,.83 78 Fischel, Alfred. 53.1 : 14.8 1908. Zur Anatomie des Nervensystems der Entomostraken. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 698—701. 53.24,.4 79 Brian, Alexandre. 53.1: 15.5 1908. L’association d’un crustacé cirrhipede avec des copépodes para- sites. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 58 p. 260—262, 5 figg. 53.45,.5 80 Sprague, T. B., and B. Sprague. 53.1 (41.44) 1902. Notes on the Entomostraca of Mid-Lothian. Trans. Edinburgh Field Nat. mier. Soc; Vol. 4 p. 305—321, 2 pls. 53.24,.3,.4 81 Schauss, Rudolf. 53.1 (43.42) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der freilebenden Copepoden und Cladoceren der Umgegend von Bonn. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. Os- nabr. Jahrg. 64 p. 163—218, 7 figg. 53.24.,4 82 Schauss, Rudolf. 53.1 (43.42) 1908. Zur Entomostrakenfauna der Umgegend von Bonn. Sitz.-Ber. na- turhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 E p. 75— 80. 53.24,.4 83 Scheffelt, Ernst. 53.1 (43.46) 1908. Die Copepoden und Cladoceren des südlichen Schwarzwaldes. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkunde Bd. 4 p. 91—164, 3 Taf., 16 figg. [1 n. var. in Bosmina.] 53.24,.4 84 Thiébaud, Maurice. 58.1 (494) 1908. Les Entomostracés du canton de Neuchatel. Ann. Biol. lacustre T. 3 p. 184—247, 2 pls. [12 nn. spp. in: Candona, Limnicythere.] 53.24—.4 18785 Zederbauer, E., und V. Brehm. 53.1 (56) 1907. Das Plankton einiger Seen Kleinasiens. Arch. Hydrobiol. Plank- tonkunde Bd. 3 p. 92—99, 2 figg. (56.4,.6) 53.24,.4 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool XVII. PEN 190% 2 Crustacea. 18 18786 Brehm, V. 53.1 (61.2) 1908. Entomostraken aus Tripolis und Barka. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Nord-Afrika von Dr. B. Krarrocz. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 439—445, 1 Taf. 53.24—.4 87 Cushman, Joseph A. 53.1 (71) 1908. Fresh-water Crustacea from Labrador and Newfoundland. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 705—713, 5 pls. [Herpetocypris testudinaria n. sp.] (71.8,.9) 53.24—.4 88 Williams, Leonard W. 53.1 (74.5) 1907. A List of the Rhode Island Copepoda, Phyllopoda, and Ostraco- da with New Species of Copepoda. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 69—79, 3 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Ilyopsyllus, Lichomolgus.] 93.24 —.4 89 Dodds, Gideon S. 53.1 (78.8) 1908. A List of the Entomostraca of Colorado. Univ. Colorado Stud. Vol. 5 p. 213—250, 1 fig. 53.23—.4 90 Hodgson, T. V. 53.15 (26) i908. The Pyenogonida of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 46 p. 159—188, 3 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Pallenopsis, Nymphon 2, Chaetonymphon 2, Colossendeis.] (26.1,.5,.9) 91 Norman, A. M. 53.15 (26) 1908. The Podosomata (= Pycnogonida) of the Temperate Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 198—238, 2 pls. [Nymphon stenocheira n. sp.] (26.1,.2, 8) 92 Schimkewitsch, W. 58.15 (44) 1908. Ueber die Pantopoden von St. Vaast-la-Hougue und Roscoff Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. Sc. St. Petersbourg T. 13 p. 427—486. (44.11,.21) 18793 Wolf, Eugen. 93.2 : 19 1908. Die geographische Verbreitung der Phyllopoden, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Deutschlands. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers. 18 p. 129—140. 53.23,.24 (43) 94 Schreitmüller, Wilh. i 53.23 : 15 1908. Einiges über Zucht und Fundstellen von Apus productus und Bran- chipus grubei Dys. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 369 — 371, 2 figg 95 Braun, M. 53.23 (28) 1908. Absonderliche Bewohner des siissen Wassers. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 503—506, 5 figg. [Branchiopoden.] 96 Wolterstorff, W. 53.23 (4) 1907. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Branchiopoden. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg. 4 p. 352—353, 369—370, 380, 390—392, 2 figg. 97 Daday, Eugenius. 53.23 (0) 1908. Diagnoses praecursoriae specierum aliquot novarum e familia Branchipodidae. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 137—150, 8 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Branchinecta, Branchipus, Streptocephalus 5, Dendrocephalus n. g.] (44.97, 63, 65, 67.2, 68.5, 69, 87) 1 3... 53.23 Apus 1896. A Note on the Specimens of Apus productus in the Malton Mu- seum. North & East Yorkshire Sc. Notes Vol. 2 p. 67—68, 72—76. 99 Wenke, Wilhelm. 33.23 Apus : 14.34 1908. Die Augen von Apus productus, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 236—265, 1 Taf. 13 figg. 18800 Wolterstorff, W. 53.23 Apus : 15 1907. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Apusarten. IV. Auf der Suche nach Apus cancriformis. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg, 4 p. 132 —134, 143—144. 15. I. 1909. 19 Crustacea. 18801 Meyer, F., und W. Wolterstorff. 53.23 Apus (43.18) 1907. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Apusarten. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rar.-Kunde Jahrg. 4 p. 37, 1 fig. — Bemerkung zu vorstehender Mittei- lung. p. 37—39. 02 Geyer, Hans. 53.23 Apus (43.34) 1907. Weitere Beitráge zur Kenntnis der Apusidae und Branchiopodidae. (Fortsetzung zu: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Apusarten.) 1. Ueber Apus productus bei Regensburg. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg. 4 p. 304—305. ‘03 Richters, Ferd. 53.23 Apus (43.58) 1907. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Apus-Arten. Ili. 1. Ueber das Vorkommen des Apus cancriformis und A. productus b. Frankfurt a. M. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg. 4 p. 116. 04 Artom, Cesare. 53.23 Artemia : 11.5 1907. La Variazicne dell’ „Artemia salina“ (Lixn.) di Cagliari sotto l'influsso della salsedine. Mem. R. Accad. Sc. Torino (2) T. 57 p. 221— 254, 1 tav. |Evidente influsso sulla furca e sul numero delle setole (femmina e maschio). Formazione di due tipi: Artemia salina e Art. mühlhau- senii.] 05 Artom, Cesare. 53.23 Artemia : 11.6 1906. Osservazioni e raffronto tra le artemie sessuate e le artemie par- tenogenetiche. Biologica Vol. 1 p. 1—4. 11.62,.66 06 Artom, Cesare. 53.23 Artemia : 13.1 1908. La maturazione, la fecondazione e i primi stadii di sviluppo dell’ uovo delP „Artemia salina“ Lin. di Cagliari. Biologica Torino Vol. 1 p. 495—515, 2 tav. [Artemia di Cagliari non è partenogenetica. Due globuli polari. Fecondazione dello spermatozoo. Contiene nelle sue cellule ger- minative solamente un quarto della sostanze cromatica dell’ Artemia di Capodistria.] 13.11—.16 18807 Artom, Cesare. 53.23 Artemia : 13.11 1906. Il numero dei cromosomi e la maturazione dell’ uovo dell’ Artemia partenogenetica di Capodistria e dell’ Artemia sessuata di Cagliari. Bio- logica Vol. 1 p. 5—10. 08 Scupin, E. 53.23 Estheria : 15 1906. Estheria cycladoides Jory. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg. 3 p. 539—541, 2 figg. 09 Lomas, J. 53.23 Estheria (1161) 1901. The Occurrence of Estheria and Plant Remains in the Keuper Marls at Oxton, Birkenhead. Proc. Liverpool geol. Soc. Vol. 9 p. 75— 80, 1 pl. 10 Richardson, L. 53.23 Estheria (1161) 1904. On the Estheria-bed in North-west Gloustershire, and the Organic Associations of Estheria minuta var. brodieana. Proc. Bristol Natural. Soc. Vol. 10 p. 72—76. 11 Issaköwitsch, Alexander. 53.24 : 11.6 1908. Es besteht eine zyklische Fortpflanzung bei den Cladoceren, aber nicht im Sinne Weısmann’s. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 51—61. 12 Thiebaud, M. 53.24 : 11.6 1908. Observations sur la biologie de quelques entomostracés pélagiques du lac de Neuchâtel. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 25 p. 64—66. 13 Weismann, August. 53.24 : 15 1908. Eine hydrobiologische Einleitung. Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 1—9. 14 Keilhack. Ludwig. 53.24 (43.15) 1907. Zur Cladocerenfauna der Mark Brandenburg. Mitt. zool. Samm. Mus. Nat. Berlin Bd. 3 Heft 4 p. 433—488, 25 figg. 18815 Nordqvist, Harald. 53.24 (48.6) 1908. Sommaren 1907 i Aneboda fiskeriförsöksstations fiskdammar funna cladocerer. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskerifören. No. 3 p. 22—30, 8 figg. LD AL 1900; Crustacea. 20 18816 Stingelin, Th. 53.24 (494) 1906. Neue Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Cladocerenfauna der Schweiz. Rey. suisse Zool. T. 14 p. 317—387, 3 Taf, 1 Kart. [2 nn. form. in Daphnia.] 17 Hanssen, Olav. 53.24 Daphnia : 11.044 1908. Recherches expérimentales sur la sensibilisation optique du proto- plasma. Overs. dansk Vidensk. Selsk. Forh. 1908 p. 113—132, 4 pls. [Differénce entre excitations provoquées par divers rayons du spectre. (Daphnies normales et sensibilisées).] 18 Hérouard, E. 53.24 Daphnia : 11.12 1906. La circulation chez les Daphnides. Mem. Soc. zool. France Ann. 18 p. 214—232, 2 pls., 3 figg. [Courants sanguins (dans loges délimitées par cloisons.)] 19 Woltereck, R. 53.24 Daphnia : 11.5 1908. Ueber natürliche und künstliche Varietàtenbildung bei Daphniden. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18 Vers. p. 234—240. 20 Fiedler, Paul. 53.24 Daphnia : 14.28 1908. Mitteilungen über das Epithel der Kiemensäckchen von Daphnia magna Strauss. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 493—496, 2 figg. 21 Largaiolli, Vittorio. 53.24 Diaphanosoma (43.64) 1906. Diaphanosoma brachyurum Litvy. var. tridentinum mihi. Arch. Hydro- biol. Planktonk. Bd. 1 p. 428—432, 12 figg. [2-äugige Varietàt.] 22 Agar, W. E. 53.24 Holopedium : 13 1908. Note on the early Development of a Cladoceran (Holopedium gib- berum). Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 420—427, 4 figg. 13.15,.2 18823 Strohl, Hans. 53.24 Polyphemus : 11.6. 1908. Polyphemusbiologie, Cladocereneier und Kernplasmarelation. In- ternat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 821—832. 11.62,.66 24 Nowikoff, M. 53.3 : 14.84 1908. Ueber den Bau des Medianauges der Ostracoden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 81—92, 1 Taf., 1 fig. 25 Matthew, G. F. 53.3 (1121) 1902. Ostracoda of the Basal Cambrian Rocks in Cape Breton. Canad. Rec. Sc. Vol. 8 p. 487—468, 2 pls. [Bradoriidae n. fam. nn. spp. in: Leperditia, Bradoria 4 (2 nn. varr., 8 nn. mut.), Escasona n. g. 3, Indiana n. g. 2 (1 n. mut.). Bradorona n. subg. 1 n. mut. in Schmidtella.] 26 Young, John. 53.3 (115) 1896. Notes on the Ostracoda found in the Lacustrine, or Freshwater, Strata of the Campsie District, which alternate with the Lower Beds of the Carboniferous Marine Limestone Series. Trans. geol. Soc. Glasgow Vol. 10 p. 334—336. 27 Allix. 53.3 (1181) 1908. Sur les Ostracodes fossiles et leur recherche. Feuille jeun. Natu- ral. (4) Ann. 39 p. 7—9. [Espèces de l’éocène des environs de Paris.] 28 Méhes, Gyula. 53.3 (1183) 1908. Adatok Magyarország pliocén ostracodainak ismeretéhez. II. Az alsö-pannoniai emelet Darwinulidae-i és Cytheridae-i. Földt. Közlöny Kot. 38 p. 537—568, 4 tab., 10 figg. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der pliozänen Ostrakoden Ungarns. II. Die Darwinulidaeen und Cytheridaeen der unterpannonischen Stufe. p. 601—635, 4 Taf., 10 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Darwinula, Loxoconcha 2, Cythere 3, Krithe (1 n. var.), Cytheridea 3 (1 n. var.), Cythereis 5, Cytherideis.] 18829 Miiller, G. W. 53.3 (26) 1908. Die Ostracoden. Deutsch. Südpol.-Exped. Bd. 10 Zool. Bd. 2 p. 51—181, 16 Taf., 45 figg. [67 nn. spp. in: Archiconchoecia, Conchoecia, Eu- conchoeciu, Polycope 2, Cypridina 4, Cylindroleberis, Macrocypris 5, Pontocypris 3, Nesidea, Anchistrocheles, Sclerochilus 4, Pseudocythere, Cytherura, Cytherop- teron 5, Eucytherura 2, Cytherois 2, Paradoxostoma 4, Paracytherois 3 15. E 21909; 2 21 Crustacea Microcythere, Xestoleberis 5, Loxoconcha 3, Cythereis 2, Cypris 4, Cypricercus 2, Iso- cypris n. g. 2, Cyprinotus, Cypridopsis 2, Zonocypris, Erpetocypris, Stenocy- pris (1 n. var.).] (26.1,.9) 18830 Müller, G. W. 53.3 (26.9) 1906. Ostracoden. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool., 7 pp., 1 Tai. [2 nn. spp. in: Conchoecia, Paradoxostoma.] 31 Masi, Luigi. 53.3 (45.6) 1908. Gli Ostracodi del Lazio. Bull. notiz, agrar. Roma N. S. Ann. 6 Vol. 4 p. 859—861. 32 Cleve, P. T. 53.3 (68.7) 1908. The Plankton of the South African Seas. Marine Investig. South Africa Vol. 4 p. 133—138, 3 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Cypridina.] 33 Sharpe, Richard W. 58.3 (73) 1908. A Further Report on the Ostracoda of the United States National Museum. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 399—450, 16 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Spirocypris, Ilyodromus, Cythere 2.] (74.7, 75.7, 7.3) 34 Ulrich, Edward 0., and Ray S. Bassler. 53.3 Beyrichiidae (112) 1908. New American Paleozoic Ostracoda. Preliminary Revision of the Beyrichiidae, with Descriptions of New Genera. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 277—340, 8 pls., 64 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Kloedenia 6, Kloedenella (n. g. pro Kloedenia pennsylvanica) 2 (1 n. var.) Steusloffia n subg. Kre- sowia n. g. pro Beyrichia dissecta, Scofieldia pro Drepanelli bilateralis, Tre- posella pro Beyrichia lyoni, Hollina pro Ctenobolbin« insclens, Kırkbyina pro Beyrichiella reticosa, Jonesina pro Beyrichia fastigiata. Beyrichia granulifera n. nom. pro Bollia granulosa.] (113—115) (71.5, 74.7, 75.2, 76.8) 35 Klintz, Josef H. 53.3 Cypris (62) 1908. Uber eine neue Cypris-Art aus dem Nil. Arch. Hydrobiol, Plank- tonkunde Bd. 3 p. 274—289, 1 Taf. [C. sculpta.] 18836 Cleve, P. T. 53.3 Halocypridae (68) 1908. The Plankton of the South African Seas. Marine Investig. South Africa Vol. 4 p.129—132. (68.4,.7) 37 Thompson, Isaac €. 53.4 1902. The Place of the Copepoda in Nature. Lioar Mannin Isle of Man Vol. 3 p. 621—624, 1 pl. 33 Wilson, Charles B. 99.4 1908. Degeneration in its Relation to Classification. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 446—447. 89 Haecker, V. 93.4 : 13.11 1908. Ueber die „Vierergruppen“ der Copepoden unter natürlichen und künstlichen Bedingungen. Verh. deutsch., zool. Ges. Vers. 18 p. 110— 114, 10 figg. 40 Guieysse, A. 53.4 : 14.33 1906. Structure du tube digestif chez les crustacés copépodes. C. R. Ass. Anat. T. 8 p. 33 —40, 3 figg. [Premiere partie du tube homologue de l’hepato- pancréas des malacostracés (v:cuoles, grains de sécrétion, ergastoplasma.] 41 Williams, Leonard W. 583.4 : 14.98 1907. The Significance of the Grasping Antennae of Harpacticoid Cope- pods. Science N. S. Vel. 95 p. 225—226. [Ecdysis and copula.] 42 Scott, Thomas. 53.4 : 15 1905. An Account of Some Copepoda that Live as Parasites on, or Mess- mates with, other Invertebrata. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 197—207. 53 45 43 Moroff, Theodor. 53.4 : 15.6 1908. Die physiologische Bedeutung des Kernes bei der Entstehung der Muskeln. Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd, 22 p. 621—625, 4 figg. 18844 Brehm, Y. 53.4 : 19 1908. Die geographische Verbreitung der Copepoden und ihre Beziehung dis Eiszeit. Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 447— 62. 15. I. 1909. Crustacea. 22 18845 van Breemen, P. J. 53.4 (26) 1905. Copepoden. Nordisches Plankton Lief. 7 No. 8, 263 pp., 251 figg. (26.01,.1,.12,.8) 46 Farran, G. P. 53.4 (41.5) 1908. Second Report on the Copepoda of the Irish Atlantic Slope. Fish- eries Ireland scient. Invest. 1906 No. 2, 104 pp., 11 pls. [31 nn. spp. in: Mimocalanus n. g. 2, Oxycalanus n. g., Spinocalanus, Chiridius, Gaidius 2, Eurhirella, Euchaeta 4, Valdiviella, Undinelia, Scolecithrix 3, Lucicutia, Hetero- rhabdus, Haloptilus 2, Augaptilus 4, Phyllopus 2, Candacia, Paroithona, Oncaea 2, Lnbbockia.] (26.1) 47 van Douwe, Carl. 53.4 (43) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Süsswasser-Copepoden Deutschlands. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 581—585, 7 figg. [Canthocamptus hoferi n. sp.] (43.37) 48 Brehm, V. 53.4 (45.3) 1906. Zur Planktonfauna des Gardasees. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonk. Bd. 1 p. 496—497, 1 fig. [1 n. var. in Bosmina.] 49 Foster, E. 53.4 (16 3) 1904. Notes on the Free-Swimming Copspods of the Waters in the Vici- nity of the Gulf Biologie Station, Louisiana. Bull. No. 2 Gulf biol. Stat. p. 69— 79. 50 Carl, J. 53.4 (91.3) 1907. Voyage de MM. M. Bepor et C. Picrer dans l’Archipel malais. Copépodes d'Amboine. Rev. suisse Zool. T. 15 p. 7—18, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in Paracalanus, Acartia 2.] 51 van Douwe, Carl. 53.4 (92) 1907. Zur Copepodenfauna von Java und Sumatra. Zoel. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 357—364, 8 figg. [Mesochra prowazeki n. sp] (921, 922) 18852 Hegner, Robert W. 53.4 Canthocamptus : 13.11 1908. An Intra-nuclear Mitotic Figure in the Primary Oócyte of a Cope- pod, Canthocamptus staphilinus Jur. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 321—323, 2 figg. [Entire amphiaster within nuclear membrane (primary oöcytes).] 53 Brehm, Y. 53.4 Canthocamptus (43.61). 1908. Ein neuer Canthocamptus der Ostalpen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 598 —599, 2 figg. [C. aloisianus.] 54 Byrnes, Esther F. 53.4 Cyclops : 11.51 1907. Transitional Stages and Variations in Certain Species of Cyclops. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 567—568. [The species suggested to be transitional forms in development of a single species.] 55 Klintz, J. H. 53.4 Cyclops : 11.69 1907. Versuche über das geringe Regenerationsvermögen der Cyclopiden. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd.25 p: 125—134. [Fehlen der Regenerationsfähigkeit (Antennenstücke und Furkalborsten) beim geschlechtsreifen Tier.] 56 Schiller, Ignatz. 53.4 Cyclops : 13.9 1908. Uber kiinstliche Hervorrufung von Vierergruppen bei Cyclops. Zool.. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 616—621, 5 figg. 57 Gräter, Eduard. 53.4 Cyclops : (24 : 494). 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der schweizerischen Höhlenfauna. (Mit- teilung aus der zoologischen Anstalt der Universitàt Basel). III. Ein neuer Hohlencopepode, Cyclops crinitus nov. Spec. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 45—49, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in C.] 98 Graham, W. M. 53.4 Cyclops (66.7) 1907. A Description of some Gold Coast Entomostraca. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Vol. 1 p. 415—422. — Notes on Dr. Gaanaw's Collection of Cyclopidae from the African Gold Coast by G. Srewarpson Brany. p. 423 —432, 4 pls. [4 nn. spp.] 18859 Hammond, Arthur. 53.4 Diaptomus. 1897. Diaptomus castor. Intern. Journ. Mier, nat. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 385—988, pl: 15. I. 1909. 23 Crustacea. 18860 Sars, G. 0. 53.4 Diaptomus (68.7) 1907. On two New Species of the Genus Diaptomus from South Africa. Arch. Math. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 28 No. 8, 17 pp., 2 pls 61 Esterly, €. 0. 53.4 Eucalanus : 14.84 1908. The Organ of Claus in the Copepod Eucalanus elongatus Dana, (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 453—454. [Organs of vision.] 62 Esterly, Calvin Olin. 53.4 Eucalanus : 14.84 1908. The Light Recipient Organs of the Copepod Eucalanus elongatus. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Mus. comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. No. 196.) Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Vol. 53 p. 1—55, 6 pls. 63 Farran, 6. P. 53.4 Oithona (41.5) 1908. Note on the Copepod Genus Oithona. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 498—503. [2 nn. spp.] 64 Pesta, Otto. 53.45 1908. I. Beitráge zur Kenntnis parasitischer Copepoden. II. Copepoden- Typen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 327—329. [Pseudolichomolgus n.g. pectinis n. sp.] Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 1 p. 561— 542, 2 Taf. 65 Brian, Alexandre. 53.45 : 16.9: 7 1908. Note préliminaire sur les Copépodes parasites des poissons prove- nant des campagnes scientifiques de S. A. S. le Prince ArsznTr ler pe Monaco ou déposés dans les collections du Musée océanographique. Bull. Inst. océanogr. No. 110, 18 pp., 7 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Lernaeenicus, Lernaeopoda.] (26.1,.2) 66 Wilson, Charles Branch. 53.45 : 16.9: 7 1908. North American Parasitic Copepods: A List of Those Found upon the Fishes of the Pacifie Coast, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 431—481, 17 pls. [17 nn. spp. in: Chondracanthus, Pseudochondracanthus n. g., Lepeophtheirus 3, Ach- theinus n. g., Eudactylina, Hatschekia, Lernaeenicus, Opimia n. g., Phrixocepha- lus n. g, Brachiella 2, Lernaeopoda 4. (Also some from Siberia) Artacolax n. g. pro Bomolochus ardeolae.] (57.1, 79.4,.7) 18867 Grobben, Karl. 53.45 Argulus : 14 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Baues und der systematischen Stellung der Arguliden. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 7—8. — Sitz. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 1 p. 191—234, 3 Taf., 6 figg. 68 Wilson, Charles Branch. 53.45 Caligiuae : 16.9 : 7 1908. North American Parasitic Copepods: New Genera and Species of Caliginae. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 593—627, 8 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Caligus, Lepeophtheirus, Parapetalus, Abasia, n. g., Tuxophorus n. g.] 69 Brehm, Y. 53.45 Corycaeus (26.23) 1906. Ein neuer Corycaeus aus dem adriatischen Meere. Arch. Hydro- biol. Planktonk. Bd. 1 p. 392—393. 70 Dogiel, Valentin. 03.45 Entobius (53.1) 1908. Entobius loimiae n. g. n. sp., eine endoparasitische Copepode. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 561—567, 5 figg. 71 de Zulueta, Antonio. 53.45 Lamippidae : 16.9 : 36.2 1908. Note préliminaire sur la famille des Lamippidae, Copépodes para- sites des Alcyonnaires. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. 1—30, 26 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Lamippe 9 (1 n. var), Linaresia n. g.] 72 Brian, Alessandro. 53.45 Lepeophtheirus : 16.9 : 7.56 1906. Descrizione di un Copepode parassita del pesce Rombo (Lepeoph- theirus thompsoni Bar). Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 26 p. 195—127. 18873 Baudouin, Marcel. 53.45 Lernaeenicus : 16.9 : 7.55 1908. Mode d'attaque du Spratt (Clupea sprattus) par le Lernaeenicus sprattae (Sow.), Copépode parasite de l’œil de ce poisson. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 259; Pt. 2 p. 127—141, 3 figg. 159 1.1909. Crustacea. 24 18874 Baudouin, Marcel. 53.45 Lernaeenicus : 16.9 : 7.55 1908. Un nouveau parasite du Spratt (Clupea spratta): Constatation d'un Lernaeenicus sardinae nobis sur un Spratt présentant en outre trois Ler- naeenicus sprattae Sow. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 17—18. (44.61) 75 Gadd, Pehr. 53.45 Lernaeopoda : 16.9 : 7.55 1908. En ny Lernaeopoda (Parasit-Copepod) fran Lena inferior. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Fórh. Bd. 50 No. 4, 5 pp, 1 pl. H. tuberculata n. sp.] 76 Goggio, Empedocle. 53.45 Lernanthropus 1906. Intorno all’ identità del Lernanthropus lichiae Gocaro con il L. tra- churi Brian e del L. Thompsoni Brian con il L. micropterygis RIcHIARDI. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 1? p. 352—353. 77 McClendon, J. F. 53:45 Pandarus : 14.63.1 1907. The Spermatogenesis of Pandarus sinuatus Say. Biol. Bull. Vol. 13 p. 114—119. 78 Calman, W. D. 53.45 Zanclopus : 16.9 : 47.3 1908. On a Parasitic Copepod from Cephalodiscus. Trans. South Afric. philos. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 177—182, 2 pls. [Zanclopus n. g. cephalodisci n. sp.] 79 Pilsbry, Henry A. 53.5 1908. On the Classification of Scapelliform Barnacles. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 104—111. [Scalpellum chiliense n. nom. pro S. gracile Przsseny non Horg, S. bellum pro S. formosum Pussry non Hoss, 80 De Alessandrini, 6. 53.5 (118) 1907. Contribuzione allo studio dei cirripedi fossili della Francia. Nota preliminare. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 362—367. (1181—1183) 81 Hoek, P. P. C. 93.5 (26.9) 1907. Cirripedia. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool. 9 pp. 4 figg. [Verruca mitra n. Sp.] 18882 Hoek, P. P. C. 53.0 (91) 1908. Enkele algemeene resultaten verkregen bij de bewerking der Cirri- pedién van de Siboga-Expeditie. Versl. wis.-nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam D. 17 p. 98—104. — Some Results of the Investigation of the Cirripeds Collected during the Cruise of the Dutch man-of-war „Siboga“ in the Malay Archipelago. Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 11 p. 110—116. 83 Ballowitz, E. 53.5 Balanus : 14.63.1 1908. Die kopflosen Spermien der Cirripedien (Balanus). Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 9i p. 421—426, 1 Taf. 84 De Alessandri, 6. 53.5 Balanus (1182) 1908. Cirrhipedes fossiles des faluns de Touraine. Feuilie jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 218—219, 2 pls. 85 le Roi, Otto. 53.5 Dendrogaster : 16.9 : 39.3 1907. Dendrogaster arborescens und Dendrogaster ludwigi, zwei entoparasi- tische Ascothoraciden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 86 p. 100—133, 2 Taf. (68.7, 91.4) 86 Bage, Freda. 53.5 Ibla 1908. The Body Spaces and so-called Excretory Organs of Ibla quadri- valvis. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 21 p. 226—232, 1 pl. 87 Pérez, Charles. 53.5 Lernaeodiscus : 16.9 : 53.841 1908. Sur la présence du „Lernaeodiscus galatheae“ Swirg dans le golfe de Gascogne. Proc. Verb. Soc. Sc. phys. nat. Bordeaux 1907—08 p. 27-—28. 88 Woodward, Henry. 58.5 Loricula (117) 1908. Ona large Cirripede belonging to the genus Loricula, from the Middle Chalk (Turonian), Cuxton, near Rochester, Kent. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 491—499, 2 figg. [L darwini n. sp.] — Additional Note on Loricula. p. 564. 18889 Richardson, L. 53.5 Pollicipes (1162) 1908. On a New Species of Pollicipes from the Inferior Oolite of the Cottes- wold Hills. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p.351—352, 1 fig. [P. aalensis.] 15. I. 1909. 25 Crustacea. 18890 Williams, Leonard W. 53.6 : 11.32 1908. The Physiology of the Stomach of Higher Crustacea. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 490. 53.7,.8 91 Tattersall, W. M. 53.6 (26.1) 1908. The Schizopoda and Isopoda Collected by the „Huxley“ from the North Side of the Bay of Biscay, in August, 1906. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 189—196. 53.72,.83 92 Samter, M. 53.6 (43) 1905. Die geographische Verbreitung von Mysis relicta, Pallasiella quadri- spinosa, Pontoporeia affinis in Deutschland als Erklärungsversuch ihrer Her- kunft. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1905 physik. Abh. nicht zur Akad. geh. Gel. No. 5, 34 pp., 6 Taf. 53.71,.83 93 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 53.6 (68) 1908. South African Crustacea {Part IV.) Ann, South Afric. Mus. Vol. 6 p. 1—96. [10 nn. spp. in: Mamaia, Conilorpheus, Antarcturus, Trischi- zostoma, Tryphosa, Byblis, Pontharpinia, Tiron, Elasmopoides n. g., Eurys- theus. Macroterocheir n. g. pro Palaemon lepidactylus.] (68.4,.7) 53.71,.72,.82,.842 94 Chevreux, Ed. | 53.71 (26.1) 1908. Diagnoses d’Amphipodes nouveaux provenant des campagnes de la Princesse-Alice dans l’Atlantique nord. Buli. Inst. océanogr. No. 117, 13 pp, 7 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Ewonyz, Paraliceila n. g., Haploops, Joubi- nella n. g., Lescothoe.] — No. 121, 15 pp., 8 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Cleonardo 4, Eusirella n. g.] — No. 122, 8 pp., 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Pontogeneia, Amathillopsis, Melita.] — No. 129, 12 pp., 6 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Stenothoe 2, Oediceropsis, Syrrhoe, Parargissa n. g.] (44.79, 46.85, 469.9) 18895 Stebbing, T. R. R. 53.71 (26.1) 1908. On two new Species of Northern Amphipoda. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 191—197, 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Lepichinella n. g., Rhachotropis.] 96 Pearse, Arthur 8. 52.71 (26.3) 1908. Descriptions of Four New Species of Amphipodous Crustacea from the Gulf of Mexico. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 27—32. [4 nn. spp. in: Ampelisca, Haustorius, Maera, Protellopsis.] (75.9, 76.3) 97 von der Brüggen, Ernst. 53.71 (57.1) 1908. Zwei neue Amphipoden-Arten aus Wladiwostock. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. St. Pétersbourg T. 12 p. 478—483, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Odius, Amphitoe.] 98 Holmes, Samuel J. 93.71 (7) 1908, The Amphipoda Collected by the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer ,Albatross* of the West Coast of North America, in 1903 and 1904, with Descriptions of a New Family and Several New Genera and Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 489—543, 46 pp. [25 nn. spp. in: Vibilia, Orchomenella, Valettiopsis n. g., Tryphosa, Lakota n. g., Scopelochetrus, Koroga n. g., Aruga n. g., Ampelisca 7, Harpinia 2, Metopa, Gracilipes n. g. 2. Neopleustes, Acanthopleustes n. g., Stilipes n. g., Maera, Eurystheus. Stili- pedidae n. fam.] (72.2, 79.4,.8) 99 Kunkel, B. W. 53.71 (729.9) 1908. The Distribution of the Amphipods Occurring in Bermuda. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 489—490. 18900 Walker, Alfred 0. 53.71 (931) 1908. Amphipoda from the Auckland Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 33—39, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Atyloides, Aucklandia n. g., Hyale.] 18901 Chevreux, Ed. 53.71 (96.3) 1908. Amphipodes recueillis dans les possessions francaises de l'Océanie par M. le Dr. Seurat, directeur du laboratoire de recherches biologiques de Rikitea (iles Gambier). 1902—1904. Mém. Soc. zool. France T. 20 p. 470—527, 35 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Elasmopus, Orchestia, Podocerus.] 15. I. 1909. Crustacea. 26 18902 Bruntz, L. 53.71 Caprella : 14.4 1907. La véritable nature des Frontaldrüsen des Caprellides. Buli. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T. S p. 1—3. [Organes globuligenes.] 03 Chevreux, Ed. 53.71 Corophium (65) 1908. Sur trois nouveaux Amphipodes méditerranéens appartenant au genre Corophium LarrerLLe. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 69—75, 6 figg. [3 nn. spp.] 04 Bradley, J. Chester. 53.71 Corophium (79.4) 1908. Notes on Two Amphipods of the Genus Corophium from the Paci- fic Coast. Univ. California Publ. Zool. Vol. 4 p. 227—252, 5 pls. 05 Bruntz, L. 53.71 Gammaridae : 14.4 1907. Sur l’existence de formations lymphoides globuligènes chez les Gammarides. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T. 8 p. 4—5. [Entre les yeux. — Homologues à celles des Caprellides.], 06 Schäferna, Karel. 53.71 Gammaridae (61.2) 1908. Über Gammariden von Tripolis und Barka. (Gesammelt von Dr. B. Krarrocz. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 447—452, 1 Tat. [Echino- gammarus klaptoczi n. sp.] 07 Tait, John. 53.71 Gammarus : 11.11 1908. A Simple Method of Observing the Agglutin.tion of the Blood Corpuscles in Gammarus. (Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 247—249. [Observed in antennae.] 08 Harman, Mary T. 53.71 Gammarus : 11.6^ 1908. The Relation of the Degree of Injury to the Rate of Regeneration and the Moulting Period in the Gammarus. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1907 p. 62—75. [Degree of injury without effect on rate of regeneration (of legs) and on length of moulting period.] 18909 Crivelli-Serbelloni, G. 53.11 Gammarus : 16 1900. Il Gammarus pulex negli incubatoi. Acquicolt. lombard. Anno 2 p. 81-85, 138—139. 10 Schüferna, Karel. 53.71 Gammarus (43.96) 1907. O novém slepém, blefivci Typhlogammarus n. sbg. Véstn. České Spol. Nauk Ti. math. prirod. 1906. Sitz.-Ber. bóhm. Ges. Wiss. math.- nat. Cl. 1906 No. 26, 25 pp., 1 tab., 2 figg. [Ueber eine neue blinde Gammarid, Gammarus mràzeki n. sp.] 11 Brian, Alessandro. 53.71 Guerinia (45.1) 1903. La presenza dell’anfipodo „Guerinia nicaeensis Hore“ nel Mare di Genova, Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 23 p. 41—42. 12 Norman, A. M. 53.71 Leptocheirus (26.1) 1908. Some Species of Leptocheirus, a Genus of Amphipoda. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 307—311, 2 pls. [2 nn. spp.] 19 Harmer, Sidney F. 53.71 Niphargus (41.61) 1899. On the Occurrence of the „Well-Shrimp“, Niphargus, near Norwich. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 489—491. 14 Boulenger, Charles L. 53.71 Orchestia : 11.67 1908. On the Hermaphroditism of the Amphipod, Orchestia deshayesiv Aupoun. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 42—47, 1 fig. 15 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 58.71 Orchestoidea (728) 1908. A New Amphipod Crustacean, Orchestoidea biolleyi, from Costa Rica. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 241—244, 1 pl. 2 figg. 16 Chevreux. Ed. 53.71 Stenothoe (44.91) 1908. Description de deux nouvelles espèces d'Amphipodes des parages de Monaco. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. No. 113, 8 pp., 6 figg. [Stenothoe.] 18917 Sexton, E. W. 53.71 Trischizostoma (26) 1908. On the Amphipod Genus Trischizostoma. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 370—402, 8 pls. (26.1,.2) 15. I. 1909. 27 Crustacea. 18918 Banta, A. M. 53.72 : 11.044 1908. A Comparison of the Reactions ofa Terranean and a Subterranean Species of Isupod. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 945— 946. [Increased development of tactile organs in blind forms accompanied by an increased sensitiveness.] 19 Caullery, Maurice. 53.72 : 13.41 1907. Sur les phases du développement des Epivarides; verification ex- périmentale de la nature des Microniscidae. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 145 p. 596—598. [Micronisciens sont phases larvaires des divers Epica- rides, entre stade epicardien et cryptoniscien.] 20 Bruntz, L. 53.72 : 14.4 1907. Sur l'existence d'organes globuligènes chez les Isopodes. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T.8 p.6—7. [Dans les 2 derniers anneaux thoraciques et le premier abdominal. — Analogues à ceux des Amphipodes.] 21 Rogenhofer, Alois. 53.72 : 14.61 1908. Zur Kenntnis des Baues der Kieferdriise bei Isopoden und des Grössenverhältnisses der Antennen- und Kieferdrüse bei Meeres- und Süss- wasserkrustazeen. Arb. zool. Inst. Wien T. 17 p. 139—156, 1 Taf. 22 Apstein, [C.]. 53.12 (26.13) 1908. Die Isopoden (Asselkrebse) der Ostsee. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schles- wig-Holst. Bd. 14 p. 34—50, 12 figg. 23 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 (26.9) 1908. Isopodes. Expéd. antarct. frane. 21 pp., 1 pl., 26 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Aega, Serolis, Glyptonotus, Ectias n. g., Antias n. g., Austrimunna n. g. Nototanais n. g. pro Paratanais antarctica.] 18924 Bagnali, Richard S. 53.72 (41.83) 1908. Records of some Irish Woodlice With Note on Eluma purpuras- cens, Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 259—260. 25 Carl, J. 93.72 (44) 1908. Etude sur les Trichoniscides (Isopodes terrestres) de la collection de M. A. Dorrrus. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 193—197, 220 223, 6 figg. [l n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Trichoniscus.] — Ann. 39 p. 15—21, 8 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Trioniscus.] (44.74,.83) 26 Carl, Joh. 53.72 (494) 1908. Monographie der schweizerischen Isopoden. Neue Denkschr. schweiz. Ges. Nat. Bd. 42 p. 110—242, 6 Taf. 8 figg. [2 nn. spp. inc Leucyphoniscus, Philoscia. 4 nn. varr. in: Trichoniscus 3, Porcellio.] 27 Stebbing, Thomas R. R. 53.72 (67.6): 1908. Zoological Results of the Third Tanganyika Expedition, conducted by Dr. W. A. Cunnineron, 1904—1905. — Report on the Isopoda terrestria. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 554—560, 1 pi. [2 nn. spp. in Anchi- philoscin n. g | 28 Verhoeff, K. W. 53.72 Androniscus (4). 1908. Ueber Isopoden. Androniscus n. g. 13. Aufsatz. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 129—148, 12 figg. [5 nn. spp. in Androniscus (n. g. pro Trichoniscus: stygius) 3 nn. subspp.] (43.64,.66—.68, 45.1,.2, 494) 29 Racovitza, E. G. 53.72 Anoplocopea (45.9) 1908. Anoploropea hanseni n. g., n. sp. Isopode marin de Corse et les affinités des Sphaeromiens cavernicoles. (Note préliminaire.) Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 5 p. LXXXIV—XC, 1 fig. 30 Foster, Nevin H. 53.72 Armadillidinm (41.5): 1908. Armadillidium pictum, Branpr. An Addition to the Britannic Fauna. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 185—136, 1 pl. (41.65,.83) 18931 Bagnall, Richard 8. 58.72 Armadillidium (42.35), 1908. On Armadillidium album, Dorurus, a Rare Woodlouse New to the: Fauna of Great Britain. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 152—154. 15. I. 1909. Jrustacea. 28 18932 Verhoeff, Karl W. 53.72 Armadillium (45) 1908. Uber Isopoden (14. Aufsatz) Armadillium-Arten, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der in Italien und Sizilien einheimischen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 450-462, 484—492. [5 nn. spp. 3 nn. subspp.] (45.1,.2,.73,.79,.8) 33 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Aselloidea (73) 1908. Some New Isopoda of the Superfamily Aselloidea from the Atlantie Coast of North America. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 71—86. [9 nn. spp. in: Jolella, Rhacura n. g., Haploniscus n. g. 2, Janirella, Munna, Heteromesus 2, Eurycope. Caecimunna n. g.? pro Munna truncata, Haplo- munna? pro M. caeca, Haplomesus pro Ischnosoma quadrispinosum, Hetero- mesus pro I., part. Rhabdomesus pro I. part. Ischnomesus n. nom. pro Isch- nosoma Sars non Srix.] (74.4,.5, 75.5,.6) :34 Zuelzer, Margarete. 53.72 Asellus : 11.34 1997. Ueber den Einfluss der Regeneration auf die Wachstumsgeschwin- digkeit von Asellus aquaticus L. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 361—397, 3 Taf., 3 figg. 35 Zeleny, Charles. 53.72 Asellus : 11.69 1906. The Direction of Differentiation in a Regenerating Appendage. - Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1905 p. 159. .36 Janda, Viktor. i 53.72 Asellus : 11.69 1908. O regeneračních dějích u členovců. Část I. Asellus aquaticus. — Regenerationsstudien an Arthropoden. I. Regenerations-Vorgänge bei Asellus aquaticus. Véstn. české Spol. Nauk Trida math.-prirod. 1908 No. 6. — Sitz.-Ber. böhm. Ges. Wiss. math.-nat. Cl. 1908 No. 6, 28 pp.. 2 Taf. ‘37 Lloyd, R. E. 53.72 Bathynomus : 14 1908. The Internal Anatomy of Bathynomus giganteus, with a Description of the Sexually Mature Forms. Mem. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 8i—102, 4 pls., 8 figg. ; 18938 CropuroBr, A. C. Skorikov, A. 93.72 Chiridothea : 15 1906. K» 6iosxoris MopcKoro rapakanga (Chiridothea entomon (L.); Isopoda). Mspberia Akay. Hartz, — Bull. Acad. Sc. St.-Pétersbourg (5) T. 24 p. 53—64, 2 figg. [Sur la biologie de la blatte de mer (Chiridothea entomon).] 20 Brian, Alessandro. 58.72 Cirolana : 15.3 1905. Un piccolo isopodo divoratore di pesci (Cirolana hirtipes M. Epw.) Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 25 p. 25—27. -40 Gurney, Robert. 58.72 Cirolana (65) 1908. A New Species of Cirolana from a Fresh-water Spring in the Al- gerian Sahara. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 682—685, 5 figg. [C. fontis.] 41 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Colophryxus (74.7) 1908. Description of a New Isopod Genus of the Family Dajidae. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 391—392, 3 figg. [Colophryxus n. g. novan- gliae n. sp.] 42 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Dajidae (26.5) 1908. On some Isopods of the Family Dajidae from the Northwest Pacific Ocean, with Descriptions of a New Genus and Two New Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 689—696, :7 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Holophryzus 2, Arthrophryxus n. g.] (57.1, 79.4) -43 Pack-Beresford, Denis R. 53.72 Eluma (41.83) 1908. Eluma purpurascens. A Woodlouse New to the British Isles. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 255—258, 1 pl. 44 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Ethelomorus 1908. Change of Name Æthelumoris to Ethelomorus. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 50 p. 416. 18945 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Eurycope (74.4) 1908. Description of a New Isopod of the Genus Eurycope from Marthas 15. I. 1909. 29 Crustacea.. 18946 Schoenichen, Walther. 53:72 Gnathia (69.4): 1908. Gnathia aldabrensis n. sp. ein neuer Isopode aus dem indischen Ozean. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 193—196, 7 figg. 47 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Gnathiidae (73) 1908. Some New Isopods of the Family Gnathiidae from the Atlantic Coast of North America. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 483—488, 7 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Bathygnathia, Gnathia 2.] (74.5,.7, 75.1) 48 Lo Giudice, P. 53.72 Gyge : 14.98 1908. Modificazioni negli organi di locomozione della Gyge branchialis indotte dal passaggio dalla vita libera alla vita parassitaria e viceversa.. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 52—80, 1 tav. 49 Gadzikiewicz, Witold. 53.72 Idothea : 11.51 1907. Die Grössenvariation von Idothea tricuspidata. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 27 p. 505—508, 2 figg. [Sexuelle Differenz: (g? bis 25 mm, 9 selten 17 mm.) Saisondimorphismus: (Geschlechtsreife Weibchen im Herbst 9 mm, im Frühling 14—17 mm.) Erklärung: Frühlingsweibchen werden seltener befruchtet u. kónnen daher Wachstum rascher beenden.] 50 Patience, Alexander. 53.72 Idothea (41) 1908. On the occurrence of Idothea neglecta, G. O. Sars, and Idothea viri- dis (SLaBBER), within the Clyde Sea Area, and some Notes on other Clyde species of Idothea. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 42— 46. (41.37 —.41,.43) 51 Racovitza, Emile G. 53.72 Ischyromene (26.2) 1908. Ischyromene lacazei n. g., n. sp. Isopode méditerranéen de la famille des Sphéromidés. (Note préliminaire). Arch. Zool. expér. (4) Vol. 9 p. LX—LXIV, 3 figg. 18952 Richardson, Harriet. 53.72 Leidya : 16.9 : 53.842 1908. The Parasitic Isopod Leidya distorta (Ley) Found on a New Host. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 23—26, 5 figg. 1908. Leidya distorta (Ley) Found on a New Host. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 953. [Pachygrapsus transversus.] 53 Caullery, Maurice. 53.72 Liriopsidae : 16.9 : 53 1908. Recherches sur les Liriopsidae, Epicarides cryptonisciens parasites des Rhizocéphales. Mitth. zool. Stat. Neapel Bd. 18 p. 583—643, 1 pl., 8 figg. [Danalia gregaria n. sp.] (45.13) 54 Zeleny, Charles. 53.72 Mancasellus : 14.98 1907. The Direction of Differentiation in Development. I. The Anten- nule of Mancasellus maerourus. (Contrib. zool. Lab. Indiana Univ. No. 81). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 324—343, 7 pls. 13.9 55 Wake, Phyllis K. 53.72 Oniscoidea (42.55) 1906. Northamptonshire Woodlice. Journ. Northamptonsh. nat. Hist. Soc. Field Club Vol. 13 p. 272—273. 56 Nichols, M. Louise. 58.72 Oniscus : 14.63.1 1906. Chromosome Relations in the Spermatocytes of Oniscus. Biol. m Yor 12 p. 26—30, 20 figg. (Amer Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. p. 293. 57 Carpenter, George H., and Isaac Swain. 53.72 Oxyuropoda (114) 1908. A New Devonian Isopod from Kiltorcan, County Kilkenny. Proc. Irish Acad. Vol. 27 p. 61—67, 1 pl, 1 fig. [Oxyuropoda n. g. ligioides nep] 18958 Bagnall, Richard S. 53.72 Philoscia (42.1). 1908. On Philoscia patience, sp. n., a New Terrestrial Isopod. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 428—431, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. Crustacea. 30 18959 Verhoeff, Karl W. 53.72 Porcellionidae (403) 1907. Ueber Isopoden. 10. Aufsatz: Zur Kenntnis der Porcellioniden (Körnerasseln). Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1907 p. 229—281. [19 nn. spp. in Porcellio (1 n. var. 3 nn. subspp.). Proporcellio n. sect. Porcellidium, Megepimerio, Nasigerio, Euporcellio, Mesoporcellio nn. subgg.] (43.15,.68,.91 —.95, 469, 495, 499, 56.4, 61.2) 60 Coutiere, H. 53.72 Synalpheien : 16.9 : 53.841 1908. Sur le Synalpheon giardi, n.gen., n.sp., Entoniscien parasite d'une Synalpée. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 1333— 1335. 61 Wenig, Jaromir. 53.72 Titanethes : 14.88 1908. O nových smyslových orgánech slepých isopodü. (Titanethes herzegowinensis VERHOFFF.) Vestn. české Spol. Náuk Tr. math.-prirod. 1907 No. 13, 12 pp., 1 tab., 2 figg. 62 Carl, J. 53.72 Trichoniscidae (4) 1908. Etude sur les Trichoniscides (Isopopodes terrestres) de la collec- ` tion de M. A. Dorrrus. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 169—172; Ann. 39 p. 15—21, 9 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Leucoeyphoniscus, Trichoniscus 3.] (43.94, 44.83,.98,.99) 63 Patience, Alexander. 53.72 Trichoniscoides (41) 1908. On Trichoniscoides albidus (Bupvr-Lunn) and T. sarsi, Patience (nom. nov.) Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 84—88, 1 pl. (41.39—.43) 64 Patience, Alexander. 53.19 Trichoniscus (12.1) 1908. On a New British Terrestrial Isopod (Trichoniseus linearis, sp. n.). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 280—282, 1 pl. 65 Hansen, H. F. 53.8 (26) 1908. Crustacea Malacostraca I. Danish Ingolf-Exped. Vol. 3 No. 2, 120 pp., 5 pls., 1 map., 4 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Paralomis 2, Spongicoloides n. g., Stylocheiron, Longithorax, Pseudomma.] (26.1,.8) 53.83—.€42 18966 Bruntz, L. 93.81 : 14.4 1908. Sur lexistence d'organes globuligènes chez les Cumacés. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. LXV—LXIX, 2 figg. 67 Zimmer, Carl. 53.81 (26) 1908. Die Cumaceen der „Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition“. Wiss. Ergebn. deutsch. Tiefsee-Exped. Valdivia Bd. 8 p. 155—196, 11 Taf. [7 nn. spp. in: Cyclaspis, Iphinoe, Hemilamprops, Bathylamprops n. g., Leucon, Diastylis 2. (26.3,.7,.9) 68 Stappers, Louis. 53.81 (26.8) 1908. LesSympodes recueillis à la porte de Kara durant la croisiere du duc d’OrLéans en 1907. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 8 p. XCVII—CIV, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Leptostylis.] 69 Lloyd, R. E. 53.82 Squiila : 11.5 LIRA ae Cases of Variation. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 29— 35, 2 pls. 70 Bruntz, L. 53.82 Squilla : 14.4 1906. Un organe globuligène chez les Stomatopodes. Note préliminaire. (Réunion biol. Nancy.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 60 p. 428—430. [Nodu- les globuligènes répandus dans toute longueur de partie ventrale de l’ab- domen.] 71 Woodward, Henry. 53.83 (115) 1908. Some Coal-Measure Crustaceans with Modern Representatives- Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 385—396, 9 figg. [Praeanaspides n. g., prae. cursor n. sp.] 18972 Holt, E. W., and W. M. Tattersall. 59.83 (26.1) 1905. Biscayan Plankton Collected during a Cruise of H. M. S. ’Research’, 1900. Part V. — The Schizopoda. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) Zool. Vol. 10 p. 103—122, 1 fig. — Appendix on the Vertical Distribution and Movement of the Schizopoda, by G. Herserr Fowrer. p. 122—129. 15. I. 1909. 31 Crustacea, 18973 Ortmann, Arnold E. 53.83 (79.8) 1908. Schizopod Crustaceans in the U. S. National Museum: Schizopods from Alaska. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 1—10. [2 nn. spp. in: Holmesiella n. g., Neomysis.] 74 Hansen, H. J. 53.83 (91.3) 1908. Sur quelques Crustacés pèlagiques d'Amboine. Rev. Suisse Zool. T. 16 p. 156—159. [Euphausia sibogae n. sp.] 75 Illig, G. 53.83 Euchaetomera (26.7) 1908. Ein weiterer Bericht iiber die Mysideen der Deutschen Tiefsee-Ex- pedition 1898—1899. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 550—551, 3 figg. [Euchaetomera merolepis n. Sp.] 76 niig. G. 53.83 Gnathophausia : 11.99 1905. Das Leuchten der Gnathophausien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 28 p. 662, 1 fig. 77 Sayce, 0. A. 53.83 Koonunga (94.5) 1908. Description of a New Remarkable Crustacean with Primitive Mala- costracan Characters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 350—355. [Koo- nungidae n. fam. Koonunga n. g. cursor n. sp.] — On Koonunga cursor, a remarkable new Type of Malacostracous Crustaceans. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) Vol. 11 p. 1—15, 2 pls. — Note on some Characters of Koonunga and Anaspides, by W. T. Carman. p. 15—16. 78 Masi, L. 53.83 Meganyctiphanes (45.5) 1906. Materiali per una fauna dell’ Arcipelago Toscano. V. Isola del del Giglio. Sulla presenza della Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) nelle acque del Giglio. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 ps 149—156. 18979 Bauer, Victor. 53.83 Mysis : 11.044 1908. Ueber die reflektorische Regulierung der Schwimmbewegungen bei den Mysiden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der doppelsinnigen Reiz- barkeit der Augen. Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 8 p. 343—369, 3 figg. [Bedeutung von Statocysten und Augen für reflektorische Regulierung der Schwimmbewegungen. Doppelsinnige Reizbarkeit der Augen (im Sinne Hrrine’s). Ökologische Resultate.] 80 Illig, 6. 53.83 Nyctiphanes (26.1) 1908. Ein weiterer Bericht iiber die Schizopoden der Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition 1898—1899. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 252—253, 1 fig. [Nyctiphanes latifrons n. sp.] 81 Illig, 6. 53.83 Thysanopoda (68.7) 1908. Thysanopoda megalops spec. nov. Erbeutet auf der deutschen Tief. see-Expedition 1898—99. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 54-55, 2 figg. — Berich- tigung. p. 463. [Th. cornuta n. sp] 82 Giaja, Jean, et Fred Vles. 59.84 : 07 1907. Sur un appareil de contention pour les Crustacés décapodes. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 32 p. 127—129, 1 fig. 83 Ninni, Emilio, 53.84 : 11.57 1906. Albinismo parziale di due Carcinus moenas e di un Crangon vul- garis. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 26 p. 76—77. 53.841,.842 84 Cunningham, J. T. 53.84 : 15 1898. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Natural History of the Lobster and Crab. Journ. R. Cornwall Inst. Vol. 13 p. 274—277. 53.841,.842 85 Lörenthey, E. 53.84 (118) 1907. Paläontologische Studien über tertiäre Decapoden. Math. termes- zett. Ertesitö Bd. 21 p. 160—167. — Math..nat. Ber. Ungarn Bd. 22 p. 29—36. [nn. spp. ohne Beschr.] (1181, 1182) (43.91, 45.9, 62) 53.841,.842 18986 Couffon, 0. 53.84 (1182) 1908. Sur quelques Crustacés des Faluns de Touraine & d’Anjou suivi d’un Essai de Prodrome des Crustacés podophtalmaires miocenes. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 39 p. 1—5, 35—40, 3 figg. (44.18,.54) 53.841,.842 15. I. 1909. Crustacea. 39 18987 Patience, Alexander. 53.84 (41.42) 1900. The Decapod Crustacea of the Largs Channel. Commun. Millport biol. Stat. Vol. 1 p. 25—31. 03.841,.842 88 Lagerberg, Torsten. 53.84 (48.5) 1908. Sveriges Decapoder. Góteborg. Vetensk. Vetterhets Samhill. Handl. F. 11 No. 8, X, 117 pp., 5 tafl., 7 figg. (48.6—.8) 53.841,.842 89 de Man, J. G. 53.84 (54.1) 1908. The Fauna of Brackish Ponds at Port Canning. Lower Bengal. Part X. — Decapod Crustacea, with an account of a small collection from Brackish Water near Calcutta and in the Dacca District, Eastern Bengal. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 211—231, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Tympanomerus, Pachygrapsus, Caridina (1 n. var.).] 53.841,.842 90 Verrili, A. E. 53.84 (729.9) 1908. Decapod Crustacea of Bermuda; I. — Brachyura and Anomura. Their Distribution, Variations, and Habits. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sc. Vol. 13 p. 299—474, 15 pls., 67 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Troglocarcinus n. g., Munida, Clibanarius. 2 nn. subspp. in: Sesarmia, Eupanopeus (1 n. var.). 3 nn. varr. in: Achelous, Cycloes, Petrolisthes.] 53.841,.842 91 Przibram. Hans. 53.841 : 11.69 1907. Die „Scherenumkehr“ bei decapoden Crustaceen (zugleich: Experi- mentelle Studien über Regeneration. Vierte Mitteilung). Arch. Entw.- Mech. Bd. 25 p. 266—345. 92 Przibram, Hans. 53.841 : 11.69 1907. Equilibrium of Animal Form. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 259 —264, 10 figg. [Similarity of regeneration, reduction and compensation and their relation to reestablishment of form equilibrium.] 18993 Steele, Mary Isabelle. 53.841 : 11.69 907. Regeneration in Compound Eyes of Crustacea. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 163—243, 16 pls., 2 figg. [Regeneration (taking place from any level) largely influenced by presence or absence of (the whole or a part) optic ganglion.] 94 Coutiere, H. 53.841 : 14.28 1908. Surla formule branchiale de certains Décapodes. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 540—541. 95 Congdon, Edgar Davidson. 58.841 : 14.84 1907. The Effect of Temperature on the Migration of the Retinal Pigment in Decapod Crustaceans. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 4 p. 539 — 548, 7 figg. [Effect of temperature weaker than that of light. Eff. of increased temp. opposite to that of increased light.] 96 Wollebaek, Alf. 53.841 (26.1) 1908. Remarks on Decapod Crustaceans of the North Atlantic and the Norwegian Fiords. Bergens Mus. Aarbog 1908 No. 12, 74 pp, 13 pls., 9 figg. [Calocarides n. subg.] 97 Coutiere, H. 53.841 Alpheidae (6) 1908. Sur quelques nouvelles espéces d'Alpheidae. Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris (9) T. 11 p. 191—216. [25 nn. spp. in: Automate, Athanas 2, Alphe-- 2, Synalpheus 9 (4 nn. subspp.), Alpheus 11, Metalpheus n. g.] (54.87,.88, 63, 66.53, 67.7, 68.7, 69,.6—.8) 98 de Man, J. G. 53.841 Alpheus (91) 1908. Diagnoses of New Species of Macurous Decapod Crustacea from the ,Siboga-Expedition.^ Notes Leyden Mus. Vol. 30 p. 98—112. [10 nn. spp. 2 nn. varr. in Alpheus.] (91.1,.2,.4, 922—929) opsis 99 Kirkaldy, &. W. 53.841 Astacus 1907. Type of the Genus Astacus. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 287. [A. fluvia- tilis Fame. fixed by Drogen 1778.] 19000 Briot, A. 53.841 Astacus : 12.98 1908. Cas de variation dans une patte locomotrice d’écrevisse. (Réunion biol. Marseille) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 777—778, 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. 33 Crustacea. 19001 Briot, A. 53.841 Astacus : 12.98 1908. Anomalie d’une patte copulatrice chez une écrevisse Astacus fluvia- tilis. (Réunion biol. Marseille) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1182 —1183. 02 von Apäthy, Stefan, und Bela Farkas. 53.841 Astacus : 14.3 1906. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Darmdrüsen des Flusskrebses. — Muz. Fuzetek. Naturw. Museumshefte Siebenburg. Mus.-Ver. Bd. 1 p. 117—150, 1 Taf. [Eine neue Zellart , Ausfuhrzelle* in den Oesophagusdrüsen und End- darmdrüsen von Astacus fluviatilis. Die histologischen Vorgänge bei der Tätigkeit der Mitteldarmdrüse.] 14.32—.35 03 Fulinski, Benedykt. 53.841 Astacus : 13.35 1908. Beitrige zur embryonalen Entwicklung des Flusskrebses. Zool. 04 Hindle, Edward. 53.841 Astacus : 14.61 1908. Variation of the ,green-gland“ of Astacus fluviatilis. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 584—585, 2 figg. [Duplication of duct and papilla on each side.] 05 Scriban, I. A. 53.841 Astacus (498) 1908. Note sur les Ecrevisses de Roumanie. Ann. scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 80—83, 3 figg. 06 Bordage, Edmond. 53.841 Atyidae : 11.5 1908. Recherches expérimentales surles mutations évolutives de certains Crustacés de la famille des Atyidés. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1418—1420, 2 figg. [Les 99 d'Ortmannia alluaudi peuvent donner naissance à de jeunes Ortmannia et à de jeunes Atya.] 19007 Legendre, R. 53.841 Callianassa : 11.06 1908. ‘Traces fossiles d'autotomie. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 662 —663. [Traces d'autotomie chez Callianassa faujasi (danien de Maestricht) expliquant l’abondance des pinces que l'on rencontre.] 08 Beli, James Carleton. 53.841 Cambarus : 11.044 1906. The Reactions of Crayfish to Chemical Stimuli. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 16 p. 229—326. 09 Zeleuy, Charles. 53.841 Cambarus : 11.69 1906. The Regeneration of an Antenna-like Organ in Place of the Vesti- gial Eye of the Blind Crayfish. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1905 p. 160. 10 Andrews, E. A. 53.841 Cambarus : 14.67 1908. The Annulus of a Mexican Crayfish. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 121— 133, 10 fige. [Contains a seminal receptacle.] 11 Andrews, E. A. 53.841 Cambarus : 14.67 1908. The Sperm-Receptacle in the Crayfishes, Cambarus cubensis and C. paradoxus. Proc. Washington Acad. Sc. Vol. 10 p. 167—185, 12 figg. [Specialisation of annular plate.] 12 Chidester, Floyd E. 53.841 Cambarus : 15 1908. Notes on the Daily Life and Food of Cambarus bartonius bartoni, Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 710— 716. 15.3,.6 13 Andrews, E. A. 53.841 Cambarus : 15.6 1908. Notes on Cambarus montezumae, Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 665—665. 14 MacCurdy, Hansford. 53.841 Cambarus 18.8 1908. Degeneration in the Ganglion Cells of Cambarus bartonii Gir. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 916—917. [After severing connectives.] 19015 Ortmann, A. E. 53.841 Cambarus (72.3) 1908. Une écrevisse nouvelle du Mexique, Cambarus (Cambarus) bouvieri nov. sp. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 159—166, 4 figg. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. T5. 1. 1909: 3 19016 17 18 19 20 21 19023 24 26 27 28 29 19030 Crustacea. 34 von Daday, E. 53.841 Caridina : 13.41 1907. Der postembryonale Entwicklungsgang von Caridina wyckii (Hrcxs.) Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 239—294, 3 Taf.. 1 fig. [Vollständige Metamorphose trotz Aufenthalts im Siisswasser. — Beschreibung von 7 Larvenstadien (Euzoea, Mesozoea, Metazoea, Proto- Meso- Meta- und Post- mysis). — Entwicklungsgang der Extremitàten.] Bouvier, E. L. 53.841 Caridina (26) 1908, Crustacés décapodes (Pénéidés) provenant des campagnes de l’Hiron- delle et de la Princesse-Alice (1886—1907.) Result. Camp. scient. Prince Monaco Fasc. 33, 122 pp., 16 pls., 1 fig. (26.1,.2) de Man, J. G. 53.841 Caridina (502) 1908. On Caridina nilotica (Roux) and its Varieties. Rec. Indian Mus, Vol. 2 p. 255—283, 1 pl. [3 nn. varr.] (54.1, 65, 68.4, 91.2, 922, 925) Brian, Alessandro. 53.841 Chlorotocus (26.2) 1903. La presenza del Chlorotocus gracilipes A. M. Enn, nel Mare Ligu- stico, Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 23 p. 25—26. Patience, Alexander. 03.841 Crangonidae (41) 1908. Some notes on the distribution of the Clyde Crangonidae. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 64—71. (41.37 —.41,.43) Wanderer, K. 53.841 Enoploclytia (117) 1908. Ein Vorkommen von Znoploclytia leachi Mant. sp. im Cenoman von Sachsen. Abh. nat. Ges. Isis Dresden 1908 p. 22—23, 2 figg. Haseman, John Diedrich. 53.841 Eupagurus : 11.69 1907. The Reversal of the Direction of Differentiation in the Chelipeds of the Hermit Crab. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 24 p. 663—669, 1 pl., 2 figg. Calman, W. T. 53.841 Euryrhynchus (81) 1907. On a Freshwater Decapod Crustacean Collected by W. J. BURCHELL at Para in 1829. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 19 p. 295—299, 8 figg. [Euryrhynchus burchelli n. sp.] Minkiewicz, Romuald. 59.841 Hippolyte : 11.57 1908. Etude expérimentale du synchromatisme de Hippolyte varians Leaca. Note préliminaire. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 918—929. [Synchromatisme pas direct. Avant tout oculaire et reflexe. Coloration protectrice développée par adaptation directe. Couleurs animales en général, développées sous influence directe de divers agents externes (lumière, cha- leur etc).] Minkiewicz, Romuald. 53.841 Hippolyte : 11.57 1908. L’étendue des changements possibles de couleur de Hippolyte varians Leacan. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 943—944. Hadley, Philip B. 53.841 Homarus : 11.044 1906. 'The Relation of Optical Stimuli to Rheotaxis in the American Deos Homarus «mericanus. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 17 p. 326—343, 2 figg. Hadley, Philip B. 53.841 Homarus : 11.044 1908. The Reaction of Blinded Lobsters to Light. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 21 p. 180—199, 9 figg. [Blinding or excision of one or both eyes.] Hadley, Philip B. 53.841 Homarus : 11.044 1908. The Behavior of the Larval and Adolescent Stages of the Ameri- can Lobster (Homarus americanus). Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 199—301, 22 figg. [Reactions to light.] Hadley, Philip B. 53.841 Homarus : 11.34 1906. Regarding the Rate of Growth of the American Lobster, (Homarus americanus.) (Spec. Pap. No. 24). 36th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish Rhode Island p. 153—235, 13 pls. Ehrenbaum, [E.] 93.841 Homarus : 11.34 1908. Artificial Culture and Growth of the Lobster. 38th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 14—31. [Translated from the Mitt. deutsch. Seefisch. Ver.] 15. I. 1909. 35 Crustacea. 19031 Hadley, Phil, B. 53.841 Homarus : 11.5 1905. Changes in Form and Color in Successive Stages of the American Lobster. (Homarus americanus.) 35th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 44—86, 15 pls. 11.51,.57 32 Emmel, Victor E. 53.841 Homarus : 11.69 1907. Regenerated and Abnormal Appendages in the Lobster. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 99—152, 11 pls. 33 Emmel, V[ictor] E. 53.841 Homarus : 11.69 1907. Regeneration and the Question of ,Symmetry in the Big Claws of the Lobster“. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 83—87. 34 Emmel, V[ictor] E. 53.841 Homarus 11.69 1907. Relations Between Regeneration, the Degree of Injury, and Moul- ting in Young Lobsters. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Seience N. S. Vol. 25 p. 785. 35 Emmel, Victor E. 53.841 Homarus : 11.69 1908. The Experimental Control of Asymmetry at Different Stages in the Development of the Lobster. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 471—484. [Up to 5th stage right or left asymmetry can be produced at will of ex- perimenter (regenerated chela becoming a nipper)] — (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 491. 36 Emmel, V[ictor] E. 59:841 Homarus : 11.69 1908. Experimental Studies of Regeneration. (Boston Soc. med. Sc.) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 587—588. 37 Williams, Leonard W. 53.841 Homarus : 14.33 1907. The Stomach of the Lobster and the Food of Larval Lobsters. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 153—180, 9 pls. 19038 Herrick, Francis H. 53.841 Homarus : 14.98 1907. Symmetry in Big Claws of the Lobster. Science N. S. Vol. 25 p. 275—277. 39 Emmel, Victor E. 53.841 Homarus : 15.3 1908. The Problem of Feeding in Artificial Lobster Culture. 38th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 98—114. 40. è è 53.841 Homarus : 16.1 1899/1900. An Examination of the Feasibility and Practicability of Arti- ficial Lobster Culture. 29th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 96—98, 2 pls. — Efforts at Lobster Culture. 80th ann. Rep. p. 42 41 Mead, A. D. 53.841 Homarus : 16.1 1901/03. Habits and Growth of Young Lobsters and Experiments in Lobster-Culture. 31st ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 61 —79, 4 pls. — 32d ann. Rep. p. 35—53, 7 pls., 1 fig. — by A. D. M. and L. W. Wırrısus. 33d ann. Rep. p. 57—85, 4 pls., 1 fig. 2... 53.841 Homarus: 16.1 1904/05. Experiments in Lobster Culture. 34th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 74—82, 1 map. — 35th ann. Rep. p. 33—43, 6 pls. 43 Barnes, Earnest W. 53.841 Homarus : 16.1 1906. The Propagation of Lobster Fry for the Purpose of Increasing the Supply of Lobsters in the Waters of the State. Methods of Artificial Propagation and Cultivation. 36th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 111—119. 44. . . 53.841 Homarus s 16.1 1907. The Continued Investigation of the Life History and the Habits of the Lobster in all Stages of Growth, to Furnish a Basis for Legislation and Commercial Enterprises. 87th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 95—99. 19045 Barnes, Earnest W. 59.841 Homarus : 16.1 1907. Lobster Culture at Wickford, R. I. in 1906. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 88—94. 15. I, 1909. Crustacea. 36 19046 M’Intosh, D. C. 53.841 Nephrops : 11.5: 1908. Variation in the Norway Lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 17 p. 129—142. 47 Przibram, Hans. 53.841 Paguridae : 11.044 1907. Differenzierung des Abdomens enthäuster Einsiedlerkrebse (Pagu- ridae). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 579—595, 1 Taf. [Stärkere Pig- mentierung u. Cuticularisierung, schärfere Gliederung. Asymetrien unver- ändert (während mehrerer Monate).] 48 Issel, Raffaeale. 53.841 Paguridae : 13.41 1908. Le metamorfosi dei Paguridi e la brattea protettrice del Paguristes maculatus Risso. (Nota preliminare.) Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova. Ann. i9 p. 12—17. [Sviluppo postembrionale del Eupagurus prideauzci.) 49 Minkiewicz, Romuald. 53.841 Pagurus : 11.044 1908. L’apparition rythmique et les stades de passage de l’inversion expérimentale du chlorotropisme des Pagures. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1338—1340. 50 Minkiewicz, Romuald. 53.841 Pagurus : 11.044 1908. Sur le chlorotropisme normal des Pagures. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1066—1069, 1 fig. 51 de Man, J. G. 53.841 Palaemon (94.4) 1908. Description of a Species of Palaemon from near Sydney, probably Either a New Species or the Adult Form of Palaemon (Eupalaemon) danae, Herter. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 363—370, 1 pl. [P. novaehol- landia n. sp. (?).] 52 Brozek, Artur. 53.841 Palaemonetes (4) 1908. Ueber die Variabilität und Localformen bei Palaemonetes varians Leaca aus vier verschiedenen Localitäten. Sitz.-Ber. böhm. Ges. Wiss.. math.-nat. Cl. 1907 No. 16, 27 pp., 1 Taf, 8 figg. 11.52 (42.35, 45.6, 497) 19053 Nobili, Giuseppe. 53.841 Palaemonidae 1907. Nuove osservazioni sulla identità di Brachycarpus neapolitanus Cano e Palaemon biunguiculatus Lucas. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 21, 6 pp., 1 tav. 54 Bouvier, E. L. 53.841 Penaeidae 1908. Quelques observations systématiques sur la sous-famille des Penae- inae, Arcock. Bull. Inst. océanogr. No. 119, 10 pp. 55 Spaulding, M. H. 53.841 Penaeus : 16.1 1908. Preliminary Report on the Life History and Habits of the „Lake Shrimp“ (Penaeus setiferus). Bull. No. 11 Gulf biol. Stat. 24 pp., 3 pls.. 3 figg. 56 Lefebvre, M. 53.841 Penaeus (66.8) 1908. Notice sur le Penaeus brasiliensis, crevette du Bas-Dahomey (Cre- vette du lac Ahémé). Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 267—270. 57 Wasserloos, E. 53.841 Sergestes : 13.4 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Sergestidae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 303—331, 13 figg. 58 Bouvier, E. L. 53.841 Stenopidae 1908. Catalogue des Crustacés de la famille des Sténopidés des collec- tions du Musée d’histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 150—151. 59 Bouvier, E. L. 93.841 Stenopidae 1908. Sur les relations zoologiques des crevettes de la tribu des Sténo- pides. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 146 p. 887—891. 19060 Drzewina, Anna. 53.842 : 11.81 1908. Mouvements de rotation et retour à la marche normale aprés sec- tion unilatérale du système nerveux. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 390—322. [Reprise des expériences de Berne. Carcinus maenas et Grap- sus varius malgré section unilatérale du collier nerveux oesophagien, finis- sent par recouvrer marche et réactions normales. Discussion du mé- canisme.] . 15. I. 1909. at Crustacea. 19061 Moulinier, R. 53.842 : 11.82 1907. Des réponses du muscle fléchisseur de la pince du Crabe au pas- sage successif et rapide des deux ondes de fermeture et d’ouverture du courant continu. Variations sous l’influence combinée de l’intensité et du sens du courant. Journ. Physiol. Pathol. gen. Paris T. 9. p. 241—252, 8 figg. [Seuil de l’excitation apparaît plus tòt avec un courant descendant. A partir d’une certaine intensité du courant (individuellement variable) Vaction du courant ascendant prédomine. (Un muscle fatigué est d’emblée plus excitable pour les cour. asc.)] 62 Fleure, H. J. 53.842 : 15 1907. On Crabs which Cling. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 177—184. 63 Rathbun, Mary J. 53.842 (116) 1908. Descriptions of Fossil Crabs from California. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 341—349, 5 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Cancer, Branchiolambrus n. g., Archaeopus n. g.] (117, 1182) 64 Verrill, A. E. 03.842 (729.9) 1908. Geographical Distribution; Origin of the Bermudian Decapod Fauna. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 289—296, 7 figg. 65 McCulloch, Allan R. 53.842 (94) 1908. Studies in Australian Crustacea. No. I. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 51—59, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Hoplophrys, Eucrate. 1 n. var. in: Tri- gonoplax. Gabrielia n. g. pro Lioxantho haswelli.] (94.3,.4) 5e 53.842 Callinectes : 15 1904. Preliminary Inquiry into the Natural History of the Paddler Crab ( Callinectes hastatus) with Remarrks on the Soft-Shell Crab Industry in Rhode Island. 34th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 69—73. 19067 Bolam, George. 53.842 Cancer : 12.98 1901. Monstrosity in the Crab. History Berwick. Natural. Club Vol. 17 p- 80, 1 pl. [Chela.] 68 Pearson, Joseph. 53.842 Cancer : 14 1908. Memoir on Cancer. The Edible Crab. 16th Rep. Lancashire Sea- Fish. Lab. p. 198—406, 13 pls., 13 figg. — Trans. Liverpool biol. Soc. Vol. 22 p. 291—499, 13 pls., 13 figg. 14.13,.29,.34.,61,.63,.65,73,77.78,.5,.81,.83,.84,.98 69 Witten, E. P. 53.842 Cancer : 14.77 1903. On the Structural Changes Accompanying the Ecdysis of the Crab Cancer pagurus. Rep. Northumberland Sea Fish Comm. 1903 p. 42—48, 10 figg. 70 Drzewina, Anna. 53.842 Carcinus : 11.044 1908. De l’hydrotropisme chez les Crabes. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1009—1011. [Crabes se dirigent du còté de la mer attirés par l'humi- dité dégagée par celle-ci.] 71 Kollmann, [Max]. 53.842 Careinus : 11.1 1908. Sur le röle physiologique des granulations leucocytaires. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 153—154. [Granulations de Carcinus maenas disparaissent après privation de nourriture et réapparaissent avec alimen- tation abondante. Semblent constituées par substance de réserve.] 72 Drzewina, Anna. 53.842 Carcinus : 11.8 1908. Les réactions adaptives chez les crabes. Bull. Inst. gén. psychol. Ann. 8 p. 235—255, 6 figg. — Discuss. p. 255—256. 73 Przibram, Hans. 53.842 Gelasimus : 11.69 1908. Versuche an den Scheren der Winkerkrabbe (Gelasimus). (Verh. morphol. physiol. Ges. Wien). Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 288—289. [Regeneration ei eg spaltfussähnlichen Gebildes nach Exstirpation.] 19074 Halbert, J. N. 53.842 Paromola (41.95) 1908. The Occurrence of Paromola cuvieri in Irish Waters. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 129—139, 1 pl. 66. 15. I. 1909. Crustacea. 38 19075 Kalischewsky, Mich. 53.842 Pirimela (26.25) 1907. Une intéressante trouvaille carcinologique dans la mer Noire. Mém. Soc. natural. Nouv. Russ. T. 30 p. 131—133. [n. var. zernovi.] 76 Calman, W. T. 53.842 Potamon : 14.78. 1908. On a Stridulating-organ in Certain African River-Crabs. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 469—473, 5 figg. 77 de Man, J. G. 53.812 Sesarma (59.19) 1908. Description of a New Species of the Genus Sesarma, Say., from the Andaman Islands. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 181—185, 1 pl. [S. thelxinoë.] 78 Verrill, A. E. 53.842 Sesarma (729.9) 1908. Notable Case of a Species of Grapsoid Crustacean Apparently in Actual Process of Evolution. (Brief Contr. Zool. Mus. Yale Univ. No. LXVIII. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 119—122. [Sesarma ricordi n. var. terrestris.] 79 Wiehle, Herm. 53.842 Telphusa : 15 1908. Einiges über 7elphusa fluviatilis Beton. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p.677—678, 1 fig. 15.3 80 Holmes, S. J. 93.842 Uca : 11.044 1908. Phototaxis in Fiddler Crabs and its Relation to Theories of Orien- tation. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 493—497. 81 Clarke, John M. 93.91 (113) 1907. Eurypterus Fauna of the Shawangunk Grit. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 25 p. 294—295. LE. and allies.] 82 Clarke, John M. 53.91 (113) 1907. The Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 107 (Geol. No. 12) — 60th ann. terus 4, Hughmilleria, Pterygotus 7.] 19083 Baldwin, Walter. 58.92 (115) 1905. Prestwichia anthrax and Belinurus lunatus from Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale. Proc. Manchester geol. Mining Soc. Vol. 29 p. 124—127, 2 figg. 84 Baldwin, Walter. 53.92 Belinurus (115) 1903. Belinurus bellulus, from Sparth, Rochdale. Trans. Manchester geol.. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 198—262, 1 fig. 85 Reed, F. R. Cowper. 53.92 Cyclus (115) 1908. Sedgwick Museum Notes. A New Species of Cyclus from the Carboniferous Limestone of Ireland. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 551 —552, 2 figg. [C. simulans.] 86 Calman, W. T. 53.92 Limulus 1908. An Early Figure of the King-Crab (Limulus polyphemus). Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 669. 87 MeGuigan, Hugh. 53.92 Limulus : 11.11 1907. Note on the Composition of Limulus Blood Ash. Science N. S. Vol. 25 p. 68—69. 88 Carlson, A. J. 53.92 Limulus : 11.12 1906. On the Point of Action of Drugs on the Heart with Special Re- ference to the Heart of Limulus. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 17 p. 177— 210, 10 figg. [Action of Alcohol, Ether, Chloroform, Chloreton, Chloral- hydrate, various Alcaloids, Adrenalin, Ergot etc.] 89 Carlson, A. J. 53.99 Limulus : 11.12 1906. The Relation of the Normal Heart Rhythm to the Artificial Rhythm Produced by Sodium Chloride. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 17 p. 478—486, 6 figg. [Experiments on Limulus.] 19090 Carlson, A. J. 53.92 Limulus : 11.12 1907. On the Mechanism of the Refractory Period in the Heart. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 18 p. 71—88, 9 figg. 15. I. 1909. 39 Crustacea. 19091 Carlson, A. J. 53.92 Limulus s 11.12 1907. On the Action of Cyanides on the Heart. Amer. Journ, Physiol. Vol. 19 p. 223—232, 4 figg. [Experiments on Limulus heart.] 92 Carlson, A. J. 53.92 Limulus : 11.12 1908. A Note on the Refractory State of the Non-Automatic Heart Muscle of Limulus. Amer, Journ. Physiol. Vol, 21 p. 19—22, 3 figg. [Myocardium in sodium chloride rhythm exhibits typical systolic refrac- tory state in sense of diminished excitability. Comparison of refractory states in heart and skeletal muscle of Limulus in isotonie sodium chloride.] 93 Carlson, A. J. 53.92 Limulus : 11.12 1908. The Conductivity Produced in the Non- Conducting Myocardium of Limulus by Sodium Chloride in Isotonic Solution. Amer. Journ. Phy- siol. Vol. 21 p. 11—18, 2 figg. [When separated from ganglion the car- diac nerve plexus takes no part in sodium chloride rhythm.] 94 Carlson, A. J., and W. J. Meek. 53.92 Limulus : 11.12 1908. On the Mechanism of the Embryonic Heart Rhythm in Limulus. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 21 p. 1—10, 5 figg. [At stage of heart rhythm beginning in embryo there is no evidence of nerve cord and cross-stri- ations.] 95 Böhm, Johannes. 53.92 Limulus (1182) 1908. Uber Limulus Decheni Zıncken. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 26 p. 240—245, 1 Taf. 96 Baldwin, W. 53.92 Prestwichia (115) 1901. On Prestwichia rotundata found at Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale, Lancashire. Trans. Manchester geol. Soc. Vol. 27 p. 149—154, 1 pl. 19097 Raw, F. 53.93 (1121) 1908. ‘The Trilobite Fauna of the Shineton Shales. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 511—513. [4 nn. spp. in: Triarthrus, Symphysurus, Desmus n. g., Pterocephalus n. g.] 98 Walcott, Charles D. 53.93 (1121) 1908. Cambrian Geology and Paleontology. No. 2. — Cambrian Trilobites. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 53 p. 18—52, 6 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Bur- lingia n. g., Albertella n. g. 2, Oryctocara n. g., Zacanthoides, Neolenus 3 (1 n. var.), Bathyuriscus. Burlingidae n. fam.] (71.1, 78,6, 79.2,.6) 99 Schmidt, E. 53.93 (113) 1907. Nachtrag zur VI-ten Abtheilung der Revision der ostbaltischen silurischen Trilobiten. Bull. Acad. Sc. St.-Pétersbourg (6) T. i p. 803 —804, 2 figg. 19100 Chapman, Frederick. 53.93 (113) 1908. Preliminary Notes on a Collection of Trilobite Remains from the Dolodrook River, N. Gippsland. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 21 p. 268—269, 1 pl. 01 Raymond, Percy E., and J. E. Narraway. 53.93 (113) 1908. Notes on Ordovician Trilobites; Illaenidae from the Black River Limestone near Ottawa, Canada. Ann, Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Car- negie Mus, No. 50) p. 242—255, 3 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Illaenus, Bu- mastus 2.] 02 Zimmermann, E. 53.93 (114) 1908. Das Palaeozoicum bei Görlitz und die Auffindung devonischer Trilobiten daselbst. Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Ges. 1908 p. 168—171. 03 Mordziol, C. 53.93 Agnostus 1908. Ueber Agnostus pisiformis L. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 585—540, 1 fig. 19104 Woodward, Henry. 53.93 Griffithides (115) 1906. On a Carboniferous Trilobite from Angram, in Nidderdale. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 84—86, 1 fig. [Griffithides barkei.] 15. 1. 1909. Crustacea — Arachnida, 40 19105 Raw, F. 53.98 Olenus (1121) 1908. The Development of Olenus salteri, Carr. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 513. [Leptoplastides n. subg.] 06 Herrmann, F. 53.93 Trimerocephalus (114) 1908. Neue Fossilfunde in Hessen. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 D p. 40—41. [Trimerocephalus micromma.] XXXI, 59.54 Arachnida (incl. Linguatulida, Tardigrada; Xiphosura vide Cap. XXX.) (Vide etiam: 11891, 11893, 11894, 11903, 13884, 15430, 15433, 15480, 15481, 15483, 15489—15491, 15493, 15506, 15509, 15517, 15519, 15521, 15862, 15864, 15932, 15935, 15955 —15958, 15969, 15975, 15977, 15979, 15981, 15997, 15999, 16016, 16018, 16019, 16025, 16030, 16034, 16037, 16040, 16043, 16049, 16054, 16055, 16071, 16077, 16078, 16088, 16101, 16104, 16105, 16107, 16124, 16125, 16127, 18708—18710, 18716—18752, 18754—18759, 18761, 18762.) 07 Kraepelin, K. 54 : 11.56 1908. Die sekundären Geschlechtscharaktere der Skorpione, Pedipalpen und Solifugen. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 25 p. 181—225, 61 figg. 54.5,.6,.8 08 Akerman, Conrad. 54: 15 1908. Spiders and their Ways. Rep. Trans. Ealing scient. micr. Soc. 1907/08 p. 25—28. 54.4 19109 Murray, James, 94 : 15 1908. Encystment of Tardigrada. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Yol. 45 p. 837—854, 2 pls. [and Acarina. Macrobiotus furciger n. nom. pro M. furcatus Murray non EHrENBERG.] 54.12,.2 10 Arldt, Theodor. 54 : 19 1908. Die Ausbreitung einiger Arachnidenordnungen. (Mygalomorphen, Skorpione, Pedipalpen, Solipugen, Palpigraden.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 389—458. [Nach Kontinenten und den versch. Erdepochen.] 54.3—.6,.8 11 Evans, William. 54 (41.45) 1897. List of Spiders (Araneida) and Harvest-men (Phalangidea) collected around Eyemouth, Berwickshire, in September 1895. History Berwick. Natural. Club Vol. 15 p. 117—121. 54.3,.4 12 Pickard-Cambridge, 0. 54 (42) 1896/1907. On New and Rare British Spiders observed in 1905. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 17 p. 54—63, 1 pl. — British Arachnida Observed or Captured in 1896. Vol. 18 p. 108—115, 1 pl. — Notes on British Spiders Observed or Captured in 1898. Vol. 20 p. 1— 22, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in Melos n. g., Cnephalocotes, Hasarius]. — On New and Rare British Spiders. Vol. 21 p. 18—39, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in Eupolis n. g., Sintula 4, Gongylidium, Susarion n. g., Evansia n. g.] — On New and Rare British Arachnida. Vol. 23 p. 16—46, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in Agroeca, Microneta, Entelecara, Wideria 3, Lycosa]. — On New and Rare British Spiders. Vol. 24 p. 149—171, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in Laseola, Leptyphantes, Diplocephalus 2]. — On New and Rare British Arachnida. Vol. 26 p. 40— 74, 2 pls. [8 nn. spp. in Phaeocedus, Laseola, Tmeticus 3, Styloctetor, Cnepha- locotes, Trochosa.] — Vol. 27 p. 72—92, 1 pl. [6 nn. spp. in: Bathyphantes, Tmeticus, Maro n. g., Microneta 3.] — Vol. 28 p. 121—148, 2 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Cryphoeca, Robertus, Leptyphantes, Tmeticus, Araeoncus.] 54.2,.3,.4,.7 (41.24,.25,.32,.39,.45, 42.21,.23,.33,.59,.61,.64,.67,.74,.82,.85,.97) 19113 Jackson, A. Randell. 54 (42) 1906, The Spiders of the Tyne Valley. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumber- land Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 1 p. 337—405. (41.45, 42.81—.88) 54.3,.4,.7 15. I. 1909. 41 Arachnida. 19114 Jackson, A. Randell. 54 (42) 1908. On some Rare Arachnids captured during 1907. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 3 p. 49—78, 1 pl. [Ischnothyreus velox, Maro falconerii, Trithyreus bagnallii nn. spp.] 54.3—.4,.7 15 Pickard-Cambridge, 0. 54 (42) 1908. On New and Rare British Arachnida Noted and Observed in 1907. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 29 p. 161—194, 1 pl. [Diblemma n. g. donisthorpii, Centromerus probabilis nn. spp.] (42.21,.82) 54.2—.5,.1 16 Pickard-Cambridge, Fredk. 0. 54 (42.34) 1900. List of the Araneidea, or Spiders, of the Channel Islands. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 379—381; Vol. 4 p. 141—144. 54.3,.4 17 Marquand, E. D. 54 (42.34) 1908. The Spiders of Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 967—383. 54.3,.4,.7 18 Jackson, A. Randell. 54 (42.71) 1907. On some Rare Arachnids captured during 1906. Proc. Chester Soc. nat. Sc. Liter. Art Pt. 4 No. 1, 7 pp., 1 pl. [Centromerus emptus n. sp.] 54.3,.4,.7 19 Sellnick, Max. 54 (491) 1908. Beitrag zur Moosfauna der Färöer. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 208— 212, 1 fig. 54.12,.2 19120 de Lessert, Roger. 54 (494) 1907. Notes arachnologiques. Rev; suisse Zool. T. 15 p. 93—128, 23 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Tapinocyba, Hilaira, Centromerus. Typhochraestus simoni n. nom. pro 7. dorsuosus Simon non CAMBRIDGE. | 54.3,.4 21 Nosek, Anton. 54 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. Anworp Penruer und Emertcu ZEDERBAUER, Araneiden, Opilionen und Chernetiden. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 114— 154, 2 Taf. [33 nn. spp. in: Amaurobius, Dysdera 4, Harpactes 2, Drassodes, Prosthesima, Pterotricha 2, Zodarium, Enoplognatha, Lithyphantes, Araneus, Xystieus 4, Heriaeus, Tegenaria, Lycosa (1 n. var.), Pardosa 4, Salticus, Pseu- dicius, Euophrys, Phalangium 3, Egaenus. 2 nn. varr. in: Gnaphosa, Asagena.] (56.1,.3,.4) 54.3,.4,.7 22 Werner, F. 54 (56.3) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias- Dagh (Kleinasien. Von Dr. Arnotp PrwrHER und EWmERICH ZEDERBAUER. Skorpione und Solifugen. Ann. k. ks Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 115—114. [3 nn. spp. in: Rhinippus n. g., Gylippus, Daesia.] 54.6,.8 23 Kulezynski, VI. 54 (57.1) 1908. Araneae et Oribatidae Expeditionum rossicarum in insulas Novo- Sibiricas annis 1885—1886 et 1900—1903 susceptarum. Mém., Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg (8) T. 18 No. 7, 97 pp., 3 tab. [33 nn. spp. in: Dictyna, Gnaphosa 4, Gongylidium, Tmeticus, Erigone, Metopobactrus, Styloctetor, Fron- tella n. g., Hilaira, Macrargus, Microneta, Micryphantes, Sintula, Poeciloneta, Araneus, Xysticus, Philodromus 2 (1 n. var.), Thanatus 2, Tibellus, Tarentula 7 (1 n. var.), Lycosa 2. 1 n. var. in: Oxyptila.] 54.2,.4 19124 Birula, A. A. 54 (6) 1908. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Tretrn unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. F. Werner’s nach dem ägyp- tischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda. XIV. Scorpiones und Solifugae. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 135—136. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 1 p. 121-152. (62, 67.6) 54.6,.8 15. I. 1909. 19125 26 27 28 29 30 19131 32 33 34 35 36 38 19139 Arachnida. 42 Simon, E. 54 (61.2) 1908. Etude sur les Arachnides, recueillis par Mr. le Dr. Krarrocz en Tripolitaine. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 419—438. [4 nn. spp. in: Setaphis, Lithyphantes, Araneus (2 nn. subspp.), Lycosa. 1 n. subsp. in Stegodyphus.] 54.4,.7 Pocock, R. I. 54 (67.7) 1903. Scorpions and Spiders of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri. Rep. Sokotra Exped. Liverpool Mus. p. 177—208, 2 pls., 2 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Atro- phothele n. g., Tetrognatha, Agelena, Pardosa, Chiracanthium, Sparassus, Bas- saniodes n. g., Dimizonops n. g., Thanatus, Biantes 2.] 54.3,.4,.6,.8 Schreiner, S. C. Cronwright. 54 (68.7) 1902. Some Arachnids at Hanover, Cape Colony. Popul. Se. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 145—162, 1 fig. 54.4,.6,.8 Strand, Embrik. 54 (69) 1908. Arachniden aus Madagaskar, gesammelt von Herrn Warrer Kau- DERN. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 453—487, 12 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Heteromigella n. g., Hersilia, Argyrodes, Dipoena, Leucauge, Cyriogonus, Selenops, Damastes 2, Linus. 2 nn. varr. in: Olios, Grosphus.| — Pseudo- scorpiones. Bearbeitet von Env. ELrincsen. p. 487—488. [Chelifer voeltz- kowi n. sp.] 54.2,.4,.6,.7 Banks, Nathan. 54 (74) 1908. Fauna of New England. 10. List of the Phalangida, Pseudoscor- pionida, and Acarina. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. No. 7, 20 pp. (74.1—.6) 54.2,.3,.7 Stephens, J. W. W. 54.1 : 16.9 : 81.21 1908. Two New Human Cestodes and a New Linguatulid. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 547—556, 1 pL, 3 figg. Broden, A., and J. Rodhain. 54.1 Porocephalus : 16.9 : 6 1908/09. Contribution a l’etude de Porocephalus moniliformis. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 493—504, 1 pl. — Vol. 2 p. 303—313. Riehters, F. 54.12 (4) 1908. Marine Tardigraden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 77—85, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Halechiniscus n. g., Macrobiotus 2.] (44.15, 48.3) Heinis, F. 54.12 (494) 1908. Tardigraden der Schweiz. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 633—638, 1 fig. [Echiniscus bisetosus n. sp.] Heinis, F. 54.12 Echiniscus : 15 908. Zur Metamorphose einiger Echiniscus-Arten. Zooi. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 69—71. Hewitt, C. Gocdon. 54.2 1908. On a New Phytophagous Mite, Lohmannia insignis, Bert. var. dissi- milis n. var., with Notes on other Species of Economic Importance. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 52 No. 5, 10 pp., 1 pl, Oudemans. A. C. 54.2 1908. Notes on Acari. XVth Series. (Parasitidae, Acaridae.) Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 28-88, 3 pls. Oudemans, A. €. 94.2 1908. Notizen über Acari. XVII. Reihe. (Syringobia.). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 96 p. 587—610. [Beschreibung von Larven, Puppen und Imagines.] Chadwick, George H. 94.2 : 15 1908. A Catalogue of the „Phytoptid“ Galls of North America. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124, — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 118—155, 1 pl. Hardy, James. 54.2 : 16.5 1897. Further Observations on Excrescences and Diseases occasioned in Plants by Mites. History Berwick. Natural. Club Vol. 15 p. 354—355. 15. I. 1909. 43 Arachnida. 19140 Korff, G. 54.2 : 16.5 1907. Einige weitere Fälle von Beschädigung des Getreides durch Milben. Prakt. Blätter Pflanzenbau-Pflanzenschutz Jahrg. 5 p. 38—41, 1 fig. 41 Meek, Alexander. 54.2 : 16.7 1897. On Louping-Ill and its Connection with the Tick. Veterinarian 42 Smith, R. Greig, and Alexander Meek. 51.2 : 16.7 1897. Investigation into the Cause of Louping Ill. Veterinarian Vol. 70 p. 249—262, 1 pl. [Transmission by Ticks]. 43 Lignieres, J. 54.2 : 16.7 1901. Sur la „Tristeza“. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Med. Vol. 3 Sect. Bact. Parasit. p. 108—116, 2 figg. [Transmission par les Tiques.] 44 Martini. 94.2 : 16.7 1907. Ueber die Rinderzecken Schantungs und ihre Beziehungen zu den dortigen Piroplasmosen. Arch. Schiffs-Tropenhyg. Bd. 11 p. 740—743. [Ixodae und Rhipicephalae.] 45 Ashburn, P. M. 54.2 : 16.7 1908. A Comparative Study of Tsutsugamushi Disease and Spotted or Tick Fever of Montana. Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 749—361, 7 figg. 46 Ashburn, P. M., and Charles F. Craig. 54.2 : 16.7 1908. A Comparative Study of Tsutsugamushi Disease and Spotted or Tick Fever of Montana. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 1—29, 7 figg. [Carriers: Acarina. (Tick Fever: Dermacenter occidentalis, Tsutsugamushi : larval form of a Trombidium). Causative organisms: not known as yet (probably protozoon blood parasites).] 19147 Borrel, A. 54.2 3 16.7 1908. Acariens et cancer du système pilaire. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 486—489, 1 fig. 48 Hutcheon, D. 54.2 : 16.7 1908. Scab: its Nature, Cause, Symptoms and Treatment. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 433-447, 8 figg. 49 Theiler, A. 54.2 : 16.7 1908. Weitere Versuche, das Ostküstenfieber durch Zecken zu übertragen. Zeitschr. Infektionskr. parasit. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere Bd. 4 p. 265— 278. [Hauptsächlichster Wirt von Piroplasma parvum ist Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Uebertragung erfolgt durch Nymphe oder Imago. Ent- wicklungscyklus von Piroplasma geht nicht durch das Ei der Zecke.] 50 Brandes, [G.] 54.2 : 16.9: 9 1908. Die Erntemilbe und ihre Saugrüssel. Zeitschr. Naturw. Leipzig Bd. 80 p. 302—305, 4 figg. 51 Scott, William M. 54.2 : 16.9 : 9.74 1897. Notes on two Parasitic Diseases as Affecting the Dog and the Cat. Veterinarian Vol. 70 p. 498—503, 1 fig. [Acariasis, Demodez.] 52 Friedenthal, Hans. 54.2 1 16.9: 9.9 1908. Beitrige zur Naturgeschichte des Menschen. Ein Beitrag zur Phy- siologie der Behaarung. Jena, Gustav Fischer. 8°, M. 65.—. Lieferung 3. Geschlechts- und Rassenunterschiede der Behaarung, Haaranomalien und Haarparasiten. 49 pp., 13 Taf. 53 Lohmann, H. 54.2 (26) 1908. Über einige faunistische Ergebnisse der Deutschen Südpolar-Expe- dition, unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Meeresmilben. Schrift. nat. Ver. Schleswig-Holst. Bd. 14 p. 1—14. [22 nn. spp.in: Hyadesia, Notas- pis, Pontarachna, Rhombognathus 2, Halacarus 15 (1 n.var.), Agaue (1 n. var.), Wertella (n. g. pro Halacarus parvirostris).] (26.3,.9) 19154 Berlese, Antonio. 54.9 (4) 1908. Elenco di generi e specie nuove di Acari. Redia Vol. 5 p. 1—15. [73 nn. spp. in: Protoribates (n. g. pro Oribates dentatus) 10, Trachyoribates (n. g. pro 0. ampulla), Peloribates (n. g. pro O. peloptoides;, Euzetes (n. g. 15. I. 1909. Arachnida. 44 pro 0. globulus) 2, Ceratozetes (n. g. pro O. gracilis) 4, Sphaerozetes 6, Ori- batella 3, Punctoribates (n. g. pro 0. punctum) 4, Achipteria 2, Oribates 3, Conoppia (n. g. pro Oppia microptera), Ceratoppia (n. g.pro Notaspis bipilis), Liacarus 2, Oribatula 3, Oribella (n. g. pro Notaspis pectinata), Cultror ibula (n. g. pro N. Fee 2, Tegeocranus, ee (n. g. pro Eremaeus leprosus) 3, Eremulus n. g. 2, Amerobelba n. g. 2, Cimbereremaeus 2, Hermanniella (n. g. pro Hermannia or anulata), Malaconothrus 2, Lomannia, Zetorchestes, Hoplo- derma, Physallolaelaps n. g., Holostapsis, Gamasellus 2, Coprolaelaps n. g.. Pachy- laelaps, Laelaps, Tydaeus 2, Lasiotydaeus n. g., Diversipes. Peloptulus, Phauloppia nn. subgg. Podoribates n. g. pro Oribates longipes, Lucoppia pro Zetes lucorum, Tricheremaeus pro Notaspis serrata, Plateremaeus pro Damaeus ornatissimus.] (44, 45.2,.3,.5,.71,.73,.8, 48.1, 499, 75.9, 86, 922) 19155 Paoli, Guido. 54.2 (403) 1908. Monografia del genere Dameosoma Bert. e generi affini. Redia Vol. 9 p. 31—91, 3 tav., 4 figg. [23 nn. spp. in: Dameosoma 18 (2 nn. varr.), Suctobelba (n. g. pro Notaspis trigona), Lieneremaeus (n. g. pro N. licnophora) 4. Damaeobus n. g. pro Dameosoma asperatum.] (42, 43, 45.2,.5, 65, 75.3,.9) 56 Howard, C. W. 54.2 (68) 1908. A List of the Ticks of South Africa, with Descriptions and Keys to all the Forms known. Ann. rl Mus. Vol. 1 p. 73—169, 8 pls. (68.2—.9) 57 Michael, A. D. 54.2 (931) 1908. Unrecorded Acari from New Zealand. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 134—149, 5 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Oribata, Notaspis 2, Hermannia, Nothrus 2, Trachynotus.] 58 Olivier, E. 54.2 Argas : 16.5 1908. Une invasion d’Argas reflexus. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 238. 19159 Ficker, M., und Stephanie Rosenblat. 54.9 Argas: 16.7 1907. Argas miniatus und Hühnerspirillose. I. Mitteilung. Hyg. Rund- sch. Jahrg. 17 p. 1114—1118, 5 figg. [Übertragung der Spirochaeten durch Zecken, die mit Hühnerblut Spiroch. aufgenommen. Aus Eiern inficierter Zecken gezüchtete Nachkommen sind stets spirochaetenfrei.] 60 Bianchard, R. 54.2 Argas : 16.7 1908. L’Argas reflerus et les maladies infectieuses. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 238—241. 61 Brumpt, E., et Foley. 54.9 Argas : 16.7 1908. Existence d'une Spirochétose des Poules à Spirochaeta gallinarum, R. Br. dans le Sud-Oranais. Transmission de cette maladie par Argas persicus. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 132—134. 62 Galli-Valerio, B[runo]. 54.2 Argas : 16.7 1908. Spirochétiase des poules déterminée à Lausanne avec Argas persi- cus Fiscaer de Tunisie. Note préliminaire. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 47 p. 494—495. 63 Schellack, C. 54.9 Argas : 16.7 1908. Uebertragungsversuche der Spirochaete gallinarum durch Argas re- flexus Pann, Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 46 p. 486—488. 64 Móllers, B. 54.2 Argasidae : 16.7 1907, Experimentelle Studien über die Uebertragung des Rückfallfiebers durch Zecken. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskrankh. Bd. 58 p. 277—285. [Infektion gesunder Tiere durch Zecken, deren Eltern ausschliessl. durch Vererbung ihre Infektiositàt erhielten, also Vererbung der Spaullen: bis in die 3. Zeckengeneration.] 19165 Marshall, Ruth. 54.2 Arrhenurus (73) 1908. The Arrhenuri of the United States. Trans. Amer. micr. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 85 —140, 16 pls. [35 nn. spp. 1 n. var.] (74.2—.4,.7, 76.3, 77.3—.5,.8, 18.2,.6,.8) 15. I. 1909. 45 Arachnida 19166 Steddom, Rice P. 54.2 Boophilus : 16.5 1908. The First Season’s Work for the Eradication of the Cattle Tick. 23d ann. Rep. Bur. anim. Industry U. S. Dept. Agric. p. 101--112. 67 Stewart, Jas. D. 54.2 Roophilus : 16.9 : 9.735 1908. The Cattle Tick: Tick Infestation, Tick Fever, Preventive Measures, and Treatment. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 561—570, 651—655, 1 pl. 6 figg. 68 Davey, Fred. H. 54.2 Coepophagus : 15 1897. Notes on the Bulb-Mite. Journ. R. Cornwall Inst. Vol. 13 p. 168 170, 1 fig. 69 Lewandowsky, Felix. 54.2 Demodex : 16.7 1907. Ein Eall von impetigoartiger Hautkrankheit beim Menschen, ver- ursacht durch Demodex follicularis canis. Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 33 p. 801—802. [Aetiologische Bedeutung des Parasiten wahr- scheinlich.] 70 Borrel, A. 54.2 Demodex : 16.7 1908. Demodex et infections cutanées. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 596—597. 71 MacDougall, R. Stewart. 54.2 Eriophyes : 16.5 1908. The Currant Bud Mite and the Hazel Bud Mite. Journ. Board Agric. London Vol. 14 p. 676—679. 72 Bonnet, A. 54.2 Eschatocephalus (44.73) 1908. Echatocephalus flavipes (Kock), nouvel Ixodidé pour la fauna française. Arch. Parasitol. T. 12 p. 325—327, 3 figg. 73 Jack, R. W. 54.2 Eupodidae : 16.5 1908. The Earth Flea. A Common Pest of Winter Vegetables. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 615—620, 4 figg. 19174 Nuttall, G. H. F., W. F. Cooper, and L. E. Robinson. 54.2 Haemaphysalis : 14.29 1908. On the Structure of the Spiracles of a Tick — Huemaphysalis punctata, Canestrini and Fanzago. Parasitology Vol. 1 p. 347—351, 2 pls. 75 Nuttall, Geo. H. F. 04.2 Haemaphysalis : 16.9 : 6 1908. The Structure and Biology of Haemaphysalis punctata, CANESTRINI and Fanzaco. Parasitology Vol. 1 p. 152—181, 5 pls. 76 Warburton, C. 54.2 Haemaphysalis (5) 1908. On some New and Obscure Species of the Genus Haemaphysalis of the Ixodidae. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 508—519, 9 figg. [3 nn. spp.] (51.7, 52) 77 Trojan, Emanuel. 54.2 Holostapis (43.71) 1908. Holestapis sita, eine neue Acarine. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd, 1 p. 1—12, 1 Taf. 5 figg. 78 Soar, C. D. 94.2 Hydrachna (42) 1908. The Genus Hydrachna. Journ. Quekett mier. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 271—282, 1 pl. [4 nn. epp (42.45,.53,.58,.61) 79 Soar, €. D. 54.2 Hydrachnidae 1903. A Few Words on Fresh Water Mites (Hydrachnidae). Trans. Edin- burgh Field Natural. micr. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 40—46, 4 pls. 80 George, C. F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae : 07 1907. Hints on Collecting and Preserving Fresh-Water Mites. Hastings & E. Sussex Natural. Vol. 1 p. 71— 73. 81 Maglio, C. 54.2 Hydrachnidae : 14.83 1908. Sulla presunta rete nervosa periferica degli Idracnidi. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 116—123, 6 figg. 19182 Walter, C. 54.2 Hydrachnidae : 15.2 1908. Einige allgemein-biologische Bemerkungen über Hydracarinen. Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 351—358. 15. L 1909. Arachnida. 46 19183 Koenike, F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (4) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hydrachniden. Abh. nat, Ver. Bremen Bd. 19 p. 217—266, 45 figg. |13 nn. spp. in: Arrhenurus 2, Atractides 3, Sperchon, Hygrobates, Megapus, Acercus, Hydryphantes, Hydrachna 2, Eulais.] (43.22,.51—.53, 48.1,.9, 71) 84 Walter, C. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (4) 1908. Neue Hydracarinen. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonk. Bd. 4 p. 1—16, 1 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in: Diplodontus, Protzia 2, Xystonotus.] (45.73, 494) 85 Williamson, Wm. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (41) 1906. A Contribution to the Hydrachnid Fauna of Scotland. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. micr. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 239—242. 86 Williamson, Wm. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (41) 1907. Scottish Hydrachnids — Species Collected during 1906. Trans. Edin- burgh Field Nat. micr. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 398—394. (41.33,.41,.44,.47) 87 Williamson, Wm. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (41.38) 1908. Hydrachnids from the Island of Tiree. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 161—163. 88 Soar, Charles D. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (42) 1896/97. British Hydrachnidae. III. Intern. Journ. Micr. nat. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 55—57, 1 pl. — IV. p. 143—148, 1 pl. — V. p. 272—275, 1 pl. — VI. p. 313—316, 1 pl. — VII. Vol. 16 p. 23—26, 1 pl. — VIII. p. 129— 132, 1 pl. — IX. p. 205—212, 2 pls. — X. p. 382—384, 1 pl. 89 Deeley, George P. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (42.46) 1907. Three Water-Mites New to Britain. Journ. Quekett mier. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 173—176, 1 pl. 90 Koenike, F. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (43.52) 1908. Ein neues Hydrachniden-Genus und eine unbekannte Neumania- Species. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 704—707, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Delmea n. g., Neumania.] 19191 Viets, K. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (43.52) 1908. Drei neue Hydrachniden-Formen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 50—53, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Atax, Oxus, Lebertia.] 92 Viets, K. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (43.52) 1908. Hydrachnologische Beiträge. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 19 p. 267 —275, 8 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Arrhenurus.] 93 Maglio, Carlo. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (45) 1907. Elenco critico degli idracnidi italiani. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) 94 Maglio, Carlo. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (45.2) 1908. Idracnidi della provincia di Bergamo. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) Vol. 41 p. 191—194. [Arrhenurus lisii n. sp. 95 Thon, Karl. 54.2 Hydrachnidae (56.3) 1905, Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. ArnoLp Penrmer und EMERIcCH ZEDERBAUER. Hydrach- niden. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 155—163, 2 Taf. [2 nn. spp. in: Hydrachna, Eulais.] 96 Nordenskióld, Erik. 54.2 Ixodes : 14 1908. Zur Anatomie und Histologie von Izodes reduvius. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 637—674, 3 Taf., 2 figg. 14.3,.61,.73,.77 97 Ogata, M., und K. Ishiwara. 54.2 Ixodes: 16.7 1907. Mitteilung über die Aetiologie der Tsutsugamushi = (Kedani)- Krankheit. (Ueberschwemmungsfieber nach Baxrz) Mitt. med. Fac. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 7 p. 205—285, 7 Taf. 19198 Wheeler, E. 6. 54.2 Ixodes : 16.9: 9.735 1900. Louping Ill and the Grass Tick. Veterinarian Vol. 73 p. 141—150, 204—208, 247—250, 7 figg. 15. I. 1909, 47 Arachnida. 19199 Nuttall, George H. F., and Cecil Warburton. 54.2 Ixodidae 1908. On a New Genus of Ixodoidea Together with a Description of Eleven New Species of Ticks. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 392—416, 45 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Ixodes 2, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicentor n. g, Rhipicephalus 2, Amblyomma 4, Hyalomma.] (54.1, 59.1, 67.3, 68.9, 72.7, 79.4, 89, 91.1) 19200 Nuttall, G. H. F., W. F. Cooper, and L. E. Robinson. 54.2 Ixodidae : 14.88 1908. On the Structure of „Harzer’s Organ“ in the Ixodoidea. Parasito- logy Vol. 1 p. 238—242, 1 pl., 1 fig. [Sensory organ on tarsus of first pair of legs. No otolith (Harrer) to be found.] 01 Banks, Nathan. 54.2 Ixodidae : 16.7 1908. Tick-Borne Diseases and their Origin. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 213—215. 02 Hooker, W. A. 54.2 Ixodidae : 16.7 1908. A Review of the Present Knowledge of the Role of Ticks in the Transmission of Disease. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 65—76. 03 Hooker, W. A. 54.2 Ixodidae : 16.9: 6 1908. Life History, Habits and Methods of Study of the Ixodoidea. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 34—50. 04 Bonnet, Amédée. 54.2 Ixodidae (44) 1908. Aperçu sur l’anatomie et la classification des Ixodes. Faune francaise des Ixodidés. Arch. Parasitol. T. 12 p. 224—267, 44 figg. 14.32,.34..6,.73,.84,.88 05 Neumann, L. G. 54.2 Ixodidae (67.5) 1908. Notes sur les Ixodidés — VI. Arch. Parasitol. T. 12 p. 5—27. [8 nn. spp. in: Ixodes 2 (1 n. subsp.), Rhipicephalus 2, Amblyomma 2, Orni- thodorus 2.] (41.36, 54.3,.87, 59.5, 67.5, 86.6, 94.1) 19206 Banks, Nathan. 54.2 Ixodidae (7) 1908. A Revision of the Ixodoidea, or Ticks, of the United States. U.S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Techn. Ser. No. 15, 60 pp., 10 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Argas, Ixodes 2, Rhipicephalus, Dermacentor (1 n. var.). (713, 74.7, 75.3, 76.4, 77.1,.4, 78.6,.8,.9, 79.2,.6,.7) 07 Cooper, W. F., and L. E. Robinson. 54.2 Ixodidae (9) 1908. On Six New Species of Ixodidae Including a Second Species of the New Genus Rhipicentor N. and W. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 457—470, 24 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Amblyomma, 2, Rhipicentor, Apo- nomma 3.] (68.9, 88, 922, 94.4) 08 Koenike, F. 54.2 Lebertia (43.5) 1908. Neue einheimische Lebertia-Arten. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 19 p. 342—348. [6 nn. spp.] (43.52,.53,.56) 09 Maglio, Carlo. 54.9 Lebertia (43.64) 1908. Due nuove specie trentine di ,Lebertia^, Nota preliminare. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) Vol. 41 p. 672—675. 10 Miller, W. W. 54.2 Lelaps : 16.7 1908. Hepatozoon perniciosum (n. g., n. sp.); a Haemogregarine Pathogenic for White Rats; with a Description of the Sexual Cycle in the Inter- mediate Host, a Mite (Lelaps echidninus. Bull. No. 46 hyg. Lab. Treas. Dept. Washington, 51 pp., 20 pls. 11 von Notthafft. 54.2 Leptus : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Ueber eine sommerliche Juckepidemie („Sendlinger Beiss“) bedingt durch Leptus autumnalis. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 848 — 853. 19212 Koenike, F. 54.2 Ljania (4) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hydrachnidengattung Ljania Sie Ton. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 701—703. [3 nn. spp.] (43.56, 494) 15. I. 1909. Arachnida. 48 19213 Hunter, W. D. 54.2 Margaropus : 16.7 1908. A Tentative Law Relating to the Incubation of the Eggs of Marga- ropus annulatus. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 51—55. Discuss. p. 95. 14 Ludwig, F. 54.2 Notaspis (43) 1908. Ueber eine einheimische Wassermilbe aus der Familie der Horn- milben, Notaspis lacustris Micnaer. Stettin. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 69 p. 199. (43.12,.14,.28) 15 Marchal, P. 54.2 Notophallus : 16.5 1908. Sur le Notophallus haematopus Kocu nuisible aux cultures du Pois (Pisum sativum L.) dans le midi de la France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 41—42. 16 Trouessart, E. 54.2 Notophallus : 16.5 1908. Sur un Acarien du genre Notophallus produisant des dégáts sur les pois de primeur dans le département du Var. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 36-37. 17 Trouessart, E., et Valery-Mayet. 54.2 Notophallus : 16.5 1908. Sur un Acarien du genre Notophallus préjudiciable aux petits pois dans le département du Var. C. R. Soc. Biol, Paris T. 64 p. 273 — 975. 18 Ewing, H. E. 54.2 Oribata (77.3) 1908. New Species of the Genus Oribata. — Plate III. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 105—108, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp.] 19 Warburton, C. 54.2 Oribatidae : 19 1908. The Geographical Distribution of the Acarine Family Oribatidae. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 532—534. (469.8, 66.9, 67.6, 69, 71, 88, 96.9) 19220 Manson, Patrick. 54.2 Ornithodorus : 16.7 1903. Trypanosomiasis on the Congo. Journ. trop. Med. Vol. 6 p. 85—87. 21 Hodgkiss, H. E. 54.2 Pediculopsis : 16.5 1908. Notes on the Grass Mite, Pediculopsis graminum Reuter. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 875—877. 22 Ewing, H. E. 54.2 Phthiracarus (77.3) 1908. Two new species of the genus Phthiracarus. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 449—451, 2 figg. 23 Parrott, B. J. 54.2 Phyllocoptes : 15 1908. Notes on Maple Mites. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 311—313. [Phyllocoptes spp.] 24 M’Dougall, Gilbert. 54.2 Phytoptidae : 15.2 1899. Notes on the Migration of some Phytoptidae. Trans. Stirling nat. Hist. antiq. Soc. Sess. 21 p. 172—174. 25 Faes, H. 54.2 Phytoptus : 16.5 1908. Traitements contre l’acariose (court-noué). Chronique agric. Vaud Ann. 21 p. 69—72, 103—106, 151—152. 26 Cunningham, C. 54.2 Psoroptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1898. Sheep-Scab. Veterinarian Vol. 71 p. 594—604. 97 Salmon, D. E., and Ch. Wardell Stiles. 54.9 Psoroptes : 16.9 : 9.735 1900. Sheep-Scab. — Its Nature and Treatment. Summarised and edit- ed by Jno. A. W. Dorrar. Veterinarian Vol. 73 p. 18—26, 81—88, 132 — 139, 208—214, 20 figg. 98 Neumann, L. 6. 54.2 Rhipicentor (68.2) 1908. A New Species of Tick from the Transvaal. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Vol. 1 p. 170—172. [Rhipicentor vicinus n. sp] 19229 Samson, Katharina. 54.2 Rhipicephalus : 15 1908. Die Eiablage und die Larve der Zecke Rhipicephalus sanguineus Larr. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 46—50, 4 figg. 15.6 15. I. 1909. 49 Arachnida. 19230 Christophers, S. R. 54.2 Rhipicephalus : 16.7 1907. Piroplasma canis and its Life Cycle in the Tick. Scient. Mem. Offic. Med. Sanit. Dept. Governm. India N. S. No. 29, 77 pp., 3 pls. 4 figg. 31 Christophers, S. R. 54.2 Rhipicephalus : 16.7 1907. The Sexual Cycle of Leucocytozoon canis in the Tick. Scient. Mem, Offic. Med. Sanit: Dept. Governm. India N. S. No. 28, 11 pp., 1 pl. 32 Lichtenheld, 6. 54.2 Rhipicephalus : 16.7 1908. Ergebnisse der von R. Koch ausgeführten und vorgezeichneten Forschungen iiber das Kiistenfieber der Rinder in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Zeitschr. Hyg. Infektionskrankh. Bd. 61 p. 261—271, 1 Taf., 1 fig. 33 Neumann, L. &. 54.2 Rhipicephalus (67.2) 1908. Description d’une nouvelle espece d’Ixodiné. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 352—355, 2 figg. [Rhipicephalus sulcatus.] 34 Neumann, L. G. 54.2 Rhipicephalus (67.5) 1907. Description of Two New Species of African Ticks. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 113—120, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Rhipicephalus.] 35 Hase, Albrecht. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 11.68 1907. Ist Sarcoptes mutans (Rosm) lebendig gebärend? Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 22 p. 568—570, 7 figg. 36 Schürmann, W. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 9.32 1908. Ueber eine durch Milben hervorgerufene Erkrankung von Ratten. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 48 p. 167—172, 7 figg. 37 Scholl, A. 54.2 Sarcoptes : 16.9 : 9.73 1904. Une épizootie de gale sarcoptique du porc. Ann. Med. vétér. Ann. 53 p. 284—290. 38 Russell, H. M. 54.2 Tetranychus : 16.5 1908. Experiments for the Control of the Red Spider in Florida (Tetrany- chus bimaculatus, Hanv.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 377—380. 19239 Banks. Nathan. 54.2 Tetranychus (76.4) 1908. A New Tetranychus. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 36: [T. opuntiae n. sp.] 40 Viets, K. 54.2 Thyas (43.41) 1908. Eine neue Thyas-Species. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 670—672, 2 figg. 41 Koenike, F., und Chas. D. Soar. 51.2 Thyas (43.61) 1908. Eine neue Thyas-Species aus den Niederósterreichischen Alpen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 708—710, 3 figg. 42 Ewing, H. E. 54.2 Tumidalvus (77.3) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Oribatidae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 248—245, 1 pl. [Tumidalvus n. g. americana n. sp] 43 Maurizio. A. 54.2 Tyroglyphinae : 16.5 1905. Studien über Milben der Familie der Tyroglyphinae, die in Futter- und Nahrungsmitteln leben. Landwirt. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 19 p. 739 44 Trouessart, E. L. 54.2 Tyroglyphus : 16.9: 87.1 1907. Sur la présence de Sarcoptides détriticoles (Tyroglyphinae) dans les os longs de l’aile des Oiseaux. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 145 p. 598 —601. [n. sp. in: Tyroglyphus.] (86) 45 Meyer, Curt. 54.2 Tyroglyphus : 16.9 : 9.9 1898. Ein Fall von Parasiten im Urin. Jahresber. Ges. Nat.-Heilk. Dresden 1897/98 p. 57, 72—76. 46 Kneissl, Ludwig. 54.2 Urobovella (43.33) 1907. Urobovella wasmanni KneıssL, eine neue Myrmekophile Milbe. Zeit- schr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 190—191. 19247 Taschenberg, Otto. 54.3 1908. Einige Bemerkungen zur Deutung gewisser Spinnentiere, die in den Schriften des Altertums vorkommen. Zool. Annal. Bd. 2 p. 213—268. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 4 19248 < ER 50 51 52 54 55 19256 57 58 59 60 61 19264 Arachnida. 50 Banks, Nathan. 54.3 (72) 1908. Three New Species of Tropical Phalangida. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 37—39, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Liobunum, Scotolemon 2.] (72.4, 729.1) Longley, C. Warburton. 54.4 1900,01. Notes on Spiders. Derby. Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 83—86 ; Vol. 2 p. 39—42. [Popular.] Banks, Nathan. 51.4 : 11.55 1908. Some Phases of Protective Resemblance in our Spiders. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 2—9. Remus, K. 54.4: 11.55 1908. Mimikry. Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 15 Entom. p. 7. [Bei einer Spinne] zur Strassen, 0. 51.4 : 11.85 1908. Die Spinnen und die Tierpsychologie. Eine Erwiderung an Fm. Dan, Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 547—560. Piilai, T. Padmanabha. 54.4 : 11.856 1908. On the Change of Colour in the Eyes of an Attis Spider. Nature Vol. 79 p. 631—632, 2 figg. Wallstabe. P. 54.4 : 13.3 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Araneinen. Die Entwicklung der äusseren Form und Segmentierung. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 683—712, 2 Taf., 6 figg. Dahl, Friedr. 94.4 : 14 1907. Ein Versuch, den Bau der Spinne physiologisch-ethologisch zu er- klären. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 25 p. 339—352. (Ref. von R. vox Hansrem. Nat. Rundschau Jahrg. 23 p. 190—191.) Widmann, Eugen. 94.4 : 14.84 1908. Ueber den feineren Bau der Augen einiger Spinnen. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 90 p. 258—312, 3 Taf., 4 figg. Comstock, J. H. 54.4 : 15 1906. The Hackled Band in the Webs of Certain Spiders. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Se. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 297. Montgomery, Thos. H. 54.4 : 15 1908. Further Studies on the Activities of Araneads. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 697—709. Emerton, J. H. 54.4 : 15.4 1908. Autumn Flights of Spiders. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 121. Lécaillon, A. 54.4 : 15.6 1907. Notes complémentaires sur les mœurs des Araignees. II. Nature et importance des „soins“ que certaines femelles donnent à leur progé- niture. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 63 p. 668—670. Lécaillon, A. 54.4 : 15.6 1908. Sur la variation et le déterminisme des caractères éthologiques considérés plus spécialement chez les araignées. €. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 254; Pt. 2 p. 628—683. [Variations relatives à nidi- fieation, accouplement, ponte des ceufs.] 2 Loos, Curt. 54.4 : 16.1 1907. Spinne und Nonne. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 33 p. 109 —113, 1 fig. Macphail, D. H. 54.4 : 16.7 1907. Case of „Spiders’s Lick“. Glasgow med. Journ: Vol. 67 p. 205— 206. [Pustular eruption following crushing spider on skin.] Evans, William. 54.4 (41.32) 1900. A Contribution to the List of Perthshire Spiders. Trans. Perthshire Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 88—96. 15. I. 1909. 51 Arachnida. 19265 Smith, Frank P. 54.4 (42) 1907/08. Some British Spiders taken in 1907. Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 177—190, 1 pl. — in 1908. p. 311—334, 1 pl. [Lessertia n. g. pro Tmeticus simplex.] (42.1,.25,.28,.58) 66 Butterfield, W. Ruskin, & W. H. Bennett. 54.4 (42.25) 1908. On some Spiders collected in the Distriet around Hastings. South- East. Natural. 1908 p. 40—44. 67 Hull, J. E. 54.4 (42.82) 1908. Allendale Spiders. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 3 p. 110—115, 1 pl. [Hilaira pervicaw n. sp.] 68 Jackson, A. Randell. 54.4 (42.97) 1907. A Contribution to the Spider Fauna of the County of Glamorgan. Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Vol 39 p. 63— 77. 69 Kulezynski, Vl. 54.4 (502) 1908. Araneae Musei Nationalis Hungarici in Regionibus Indica et Au- stralica a Lupovico Bró collectae. I. Mygalomorphae, Uloboridae. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 428—494, 1 tab. [20 nn. spp. in: Conothele 2, Dyarcyops, Encyocrypta 2, Monotontium n. g. (4 nn. varr.), Sason, Selenocosmia, Aname, Accola, Dinopsis, Uloborus 5 (1 n. subsp. 3 nn. varr.), Miagrammopes 4.] (54.87, 59.5, 922, 936, 94.4, 95) 70 Kulezynski, Vl. 54.4 (56) 1908. Fragmenta arachnologica VI. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 49—86, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Filistata, Harpactes, Zodarium 2 (1 n. var.) Hoplopholcus (n. g. pro Holocnemus forskalii), Mesiotelus, Tegeneraria, Tarentula.] (56.43,.9) 19271 Simon, Eug. 54.4 (59.9) 1908. Etude sur les arachnides du Tonkin. (lere Partie). Bull. scient. France Belgique T. 42 p. 69—147, 16 figg. [85 nn. spp. in: Maerothele 2, Dinopis, Scytodes 2, Orchestina, Gamasomorpha, Ladissa, Storena, Spermophora, Rhomphaea, Argyrodes, Moneta, Janulus, Euryopis, Theridion 8 (1 n. subsp.), Achaea, Thonastica n. g., Dipoena 5, Dipoenura (n. g. pro Dipoena pyra- midalis) 2, Teutana, Trematocephalus 3, Erigone 2, Tetragnatha, Mangora, La- rinia 2, Araneus 5, Perilla, Prounus (1 n. subsp.), Cyrtarachne 2, Euglyptila n. g. 2, Poltys 3, Cyphalonotus, Ursa, Trichursa n. g., Ero, Phobetinus, Sti- phropus, Zametopina n. g., Amyciaea, Tmarus 2, Haplotmarus n. g., Mecos- trabus, Monaeses, Talaus, Boliscodes n. g., Thomisus 7, Plancinus, Misumena, Xysticus, Synaema, Epidius, Angaeus, Gephyra, Suemus 2. 2 nn. subspp. in: Melanophora, Chorizopes.] 72 Simon, E. 54.4 (6) 1907. Arachnides recueillis par L. Fra sur la côte occidentale d'Afrique. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 218—323, 3 figg. [101 nn. spp. in: Moggridgea, Aporoptychus, Cyphonisia 2, Heterothele, Phoneyusa 2, Loxophobema n. g., Ischnothele, Mnesitheus, Scytodes 3, Gamasomorpha, Xes- taspis, Triaeris, Prodidomus, Echemus 2, Melanophora, Poecilochroa, Aphantau- lax, Ladissa n. g. 3, Pterotrieha 2, Scelidocteus n. g. 3, Palpimanus, Storena 2, Systenoplacis n. g., Hersilia, Mwromerys, Smeringopus 2, Crossopriza, Ari- amnes, Aufidia, Theridion 9, Lithyphantes 4, Enthorodera n. g., Cyathidea n. g., Tetragnatha 8, Leucauge, Mecynometa, Nesticus, Singotypa, Clitaetra, Cyclosa, Nemoscolus, Larinia, Araneus 10 (1 n. subsp.), Cyrtarachne, Poltys 3, Pseu- dartonis, Miopristris n. g., Stiphropus, Simorcus, Tmarus, Monaeses, Tho- misus, Synaema 3, Firmicus (1 n. subsp.), Phrynarachne, Philodromus, Tibel- lus, Tibitanus, n. g, 1 n. subsp. in Runcinia.] (66.3,.4,.8,.99, 67.1,.2) 19273 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (6) 1907/09. Nordafrikanische, hauptsächlich von Canro Freiherr vow Er- LANGER gesammelte Oxyopiden und Salticiden. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 145—147, 156, 163—164, 180—181, 186—188. — Jahrg. 23 p. 49—51, 59 —60, 69—70, 76—77, 84—86, 90—92, 110—111, 117, 155—156, 173—175, 15. I. 1909. Arachnida. DI 180—181, 187—188. [1 n. var. in Oxyopes] — Jahrg. 24 p. 4—6, 12— M, 21—22, 36—38, 44—46, 53—54, 62, 68—69, 74—76, 83—85, 90—91. (63, 65, 67.6,.7) 19274 Pickard-Cambridge, 0. 54.4 (6) 1908. On some New and Little-known Araneidea. Proc. zool. Soc. Lon- don 1907 p. 817—829, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: Platyoides 2, Zoropsis, Pas.lo- bus, Thomisus, Philodromus, Euprosthenops.] (46.85, 66.9, 68.7,.9) 75 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (6) 1908. Nordafrikanische, hauptsächlich von Carro Freiherr von ERLANGER gesammelte Aviculariidae, Drassidae und Theridiidae. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. 11—101. — Nordafrikanische Spinnen, hauptsächlich von Carro Freiherr von ERLANGER gesammelt. (Dietynidae, Eresidae, Sicariidae, Dysderidae, Caponiidae, Palpimanidae, Zodariidae, Urocteidae, Pholcidae, Agelenidae, Pisauridae.) Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 67—128, 1 Taf. [Caponia abyssinica n. sp.] (61.1, 63, 67.6,.7) 76 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (63) 1908. Verzeichnis der von Oscar Neumann in Süd-Aethiopien gesammelten Spinnen. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 13—66, 1 Taf. 77 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (69) 1908. Beiträge zur Spinnenfauna Madagaskars. Nyt. Mag. Naturv. Bd. 46 p. 97—227. 78 Bryant, Elizabeth B. 54.4 (74) 1908. Fauna of New England. 9. List of the Araneida. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. No. 7, 105 pp. (74.1—.9) 19279 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (8) 1908. I. Amerikanische, hauptsächlich in Peru, Bolivien und Josemitetal in Californien gesammelte Spinnen. II. Spinnen aus Kamerun. II. Übersicht der bekannten Hysterocrates-Arten. IV. Zur Kenntnis der Ara- nea rufipalpis (Luc.). Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 223—295. [21 nn. spp. in: Auximella n. g., Drassodes, Hypselistoides, Tetra- gnatha, Thanutus 2, Nonianus, Hilke (?), Trachelas, Tarnetula 7, Lycosa, Dreselia, Chiracanthium, Pisaura. 6 nn. varr. in: Hysterocrates, Aranea 5. Caloctenus tenuitarsis n. nom. pro C. gracilitarsis Srranp.] (66.7, 67.1,.8, 69, 79.4, 84, 85) 80 Strand, Embrik. 544 (8) 1908. Diagnosen neuer aussereuropàischer Argiopiden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 1-4. [7 nn. varr. in: Leucauge 3, Aranea 3 (3 nn. varr.), Micrathena (3 nn. varr).] (46.85, 469.8, 66.9, 81, 86) 81 Strand, Enıbrik. 54.4 (801) 1907. Aviculariidae und Atypidae des Kgl. Naturalienkabinetts in Stutt- gart. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 63 p. 1—100. [19 nn. spp. in: Latouchia, Cantuarides n. g., Ischnocolella n. g., Drytopel- mides n. g., Cyrtopholis, Grammostota, Eurypelma 5, Eurypelnella n. g., Phormictopus, Melopoeus (?), Haplopelma, Selenocosmia, Psalmopoeus, Avicularia 2.] (51.2, 59.5, 728, 729, 76.4, 81, 82, 86.6—.88, 94.2,.3. 96.6) 82 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (801) 1908. Diagnosen neuer aussereuropàischer Spinnen. (Aus dem Sencken- bergischen Museum in Frankfurt a. M.). Zool. Anz, Bd. 32 p. 769—773. 111 nn. spp. in: Cyrtopholis, Ashantia n. g., Grammostola, Scodra, Avicusco- dra n. g., Linothele, Scytodes, Dysdera, Prosthesima, Argyrodes, Leucauge.] (46.85, 53, 66.7, 67.1,.5, 69, 729.2, 81, 86) 19283 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 (801) 1908. Neue aussereuropäische Spinnen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 5—7. [9 nn. spp. in: Eusparassus, Philisca, Ctenus, Enoploctenus, Tarentula, Lycosa, Prostheclina, Phiale, Pharacocerus.| (66.7, 67.1, 69, 729.2, 81, 83, 86) 15. I. 1909. 58 Arachnida. 19284 Kulczyński, Vl. 54.4 (92) 1908. Symbola ad faunam aranearum Javae et Sumatrae cognoscendam. 1. Mygalomorphae et Cribellatae. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 527—584, 1 tab. [7 nn. spp. in: Selenocosmia (1 n. subsp.), Uloborus (1 n. var.), Psechrus 2, Fecenia, Dictyna, Filistata.) (921, 922) 85 Hogg, H. R. 54.4 (93) 1908. Some Australasian Spiders. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 335 —344, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Hexathele, Dolomedes 2.) (931, 939) 86 Simon, Eugène. 54.4 (94.1) 1908. Araneae, lre partie. Fauna Siidwest-Austral. Bd. 1 p. 357—446, 14 figg. [97 nn. spp. in: Cantuaria, Proshermacha n. g. 2, Synothele n. g., Palaevagrus n. g., Amaurobius, Phryganoporus (n. g. pro Amaurobius gausa- patus. 1 n. subsp.), Aphyetoschaema 8, Syrorisa (n. g. pro Aphyctoschaema misella), Epimecinus (n. g. pro A. nexibilis) 2, Lathyarcha n. g., Callevophthal- mus, Dictyna, Gamasomorpha, Ariadna, Rebilus, Hemicloea 5, Corimaethes n. g., Drassodes 7, Honoeothele n. g., Megamyrmaecion 5, Aphantaulax, Sergiolus, Lampona 5, Storena 4, Tama, Trichocyclus n. g., Moneta, Euryopis, Theridion 3, Dipoena, Crustulina, Teutana, Lithyphantes 2, Enoplognatha, Delorrhipis, Gonatium, Ceratinopsis, Linyphia, Laetesia n. g. 2, Tetragnatha 2, Nanometa n. g., Cyclosa, Larinia, Araneus 3 (1 n. subsp.), Parapletanoides, Arcys, Billima n. g., Xysticus, Stephanopsis, Sidyma. Eodelena, Isopoda 4 (1 n. subsp.), Myandra, Molycria 3, Honunius n.g. Molycrieae n. subfam. Gnaphosoideae n. sect.] 87 Rainbow, W. J. 54.4 (94.4) 1908. Studies in Australian Araneidae. No. 5. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 44—50, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Argiope, Celaena.] 19288 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 Argiopidae (6) 1908. Nordafrikanische hauptsächlich von Carro Freiherr von ERLANGER gesammelte Argiopiden. Rev. suisse Zool. T. 16 p. 329—440. (63, 67.6) 89 Weiss, Otto. 54.4 Argyroneta : 11.69 1907. Regeneration und Autotomie bei der Wasserspinne (Argyroneta aquatica Cl) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 643—645, 2 figg. 90 Oppenheim, S. 54.4 Argyroneta : 11.69 1908. Regeneration und Autotomie bei Spinnen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 56—60, 3 figg. 91 Peckham, George W., and Elizabeth G. Peckham. 54.4 Attidae (91.1) 1907. The Attidae of Borneo. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 603—653. [41 nn. spp. in: Myrmarachne 2, Linus, Cyrba, Canama, Micro- hasarius, Mantius 2, Maileus n. g., Ptocasius, Rooseveltia n. g., Gojara n. g., Vailima n. g., Afiola n. g., Bathippus 3, Eugasmia, Erasinus, Hyllus 2, Mar- garomma, Orsima, Pseudamicus 2, Palpelius 3, Pancorius 2, Telamonia 3, Tai- vala n. g., Taupoa n. g., Viciria 6.] 92 Enock, F. 54.4 Atypus : 15 1896. The Life History of Atypus piceus. Rep. Trans. Ealing nat. Sc. micr. Soc. 19 p. 95—98. 93 Strand, Embrik. 54.4 Aviculariidae (6) 1907. Afrikanische und südamerikanische Aviculariiden hauptsächlich aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum zu Lübeck. Zeitschr. Naturw. Stutt- gart Bd. 79 p. 170—266. [1 n. var. in Hysterocrates.] (66.99, 67.1,.8, 68.4,.7, 69, 83, 84) 19294 Dehaut, G. 54.4 Cteniza : 15 1908. Sur l’instinet de réparation architecturale chez une Arachnide, la Cteniza sauvagei Rossi. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 214—215, 1 fig. 15.6 15. I. 1909. Arachnida. 54 19295 Fage, Louis. 54.4 Desidiopsis (26.2) 1908. Un nouveau type d'Araignée marine en Méditerranée Desidiopsix racovitzai n. g., n. sp. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. LXXV—LXXXIV, 9 figg. 96 Trani, E. 54.4 Dolomedes : 15 1901. Intorno ai costumi dei Dolomedes. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 21 p. 21—23. 97 Simon, E. 54.4 Eresidae (62) 1908. Etude sur les espèces de la famille des Eresidae qui habitent l'Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 77—84. [3 nn. spp. in: Stegodyphus, Dorceus, Eresus.] 98 Stevenson, C. W. 54.4 Evagrus : 14.77 1908. On the Spinning Organs and Architecture of Evagrus, a Therapho- sid Aranead. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 105—110, 5 figg. 99 Montgomery, Thos. H., jr. 54.4 Latrodectus : 13.6 1908. The Sex Ratio and Cocooning Habit of an Aranead and the Ge- nesis of Sex Ratio. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 429—452, 2 figg. 19300 Montgomery, Thos. H., jr. 54.4 Lycosa : 11.62 1907. On Parthenogenesis in Spiders. Biol. Bull. Vol. 13 p. 302—305. [Eggs do not develop.] 01 Järvi, T. H. 54.4 Lycosa : 14.67 1908. Ueber die Vaginalsysteme der Lycosiden Tuor. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 754—758, 14 figg. 02 Hancock, Richard. 51.4. Lycosidae : 15 1908. Wolf-Spiders. An Interesting Insect of Prey. Scient Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 412—413, 4 figg. 19303 Dahl, Friedrich. 54.4 Lycosidae (43) 1908. Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands und ihre Stellung im Haushalte der Natur. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. Halle Bd. 88 p. 175—678, 1 Taf., 86 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Pirata, Tarentula, Lycosa (3 nn. subspp.), 1 n. var. in Dolomedes. Xerolycosa n. g. pro Lycosa part., Hygrolycosa pro Trochosa rubrofasciata, Acantholycosa pro Lycosa part. Arc- tosa lamperti n. nom. pro A. simonii BósEexBERe non Srwow.] (43.11,.15,.22,.36,.01) 04 Chamberlin, Ralph V. 54.4 Lycosidae (7) 1908. Revision of North American Spiders of the Family Lycosidae. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 158—818, 16 pls. [Allocosa evagata n. sp. 2 nn. varr. in: Lycosa, Pirata.) (71.1—.3,.9, 72.2, 74.2,4—.9, 75.2—76.4,.7, 77.1—.3,.7, 78.1,.6,8—79.2,4—.6) 05 Montgomery, Thomas H. 54.4 Lycosidae (7) 1908. Remarks on Prof. Caamserzw’s Revision of North American Lyco- sidae. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 513—515. 06 Hirst, A. S. 54.4 Mygalomorphae : 14.78 1908. On a new Type of Stridulating-organ in Mygalomorph Spiders, with the Description of a new Genus and Species belonging to the Sub- order. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 401—405, 5 figg. [Huphrictus n. g. spinosus n. sp.] 07 Adams, James. 54.4 Psalmopaeus : 15 1907/08. Observations on a Mygale Spider (Psalmopaeus cambridgii Poc.) Trans. Edinburgh Field Nat. micr. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 402—406, 1 pl. — Further Note on the Mygale Spider. Vol. 6 p. 81—82. 08 Jackson, A. Randell. 54.4 Tapinocyba 1905. The Genus Tapinocyba. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 1 p. 248—261, 2 pls. 19809 Westberg, Paul. 54.4 Tarantula : 15 1907. Beobachtungen an lebenden Taranteln. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 50 p. 258—260. 15:9,6 15. I. 1909. 19310 12 13 14 15 16 17 19318 24 19325 55 Arachnida. Hutchinson, €. E. 54.4 Tarantula : 15 1908. Habits of the Tarantula. Scient. Amer. Vol. 98 p. 23. Banks, Nathan. 54.4 Theridiidae (73) 1908. New Species of Theridiidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 205—208, 1 fig. [7 nn. spp. in: Theridium 2, Euryopis 3, Argyrodes 2.] (75.9, 76.2,.4, 78.8,.9, 79.4,.6) Montgomery, Thomas H., jr. 54.4 Theridium : 13.1 1908. On the Maturation Mitoses and Fertilization of the Egg of Theri- dium. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 237—250, 2 pls. 13.11,.13 Curtis, John L. 54.4 Theridium (79.4) 1897. Theridium inconstans: — A New Spider. Entom. News Vol. S p. 91—94. [n. sp.] Rivington, H. S. 54.5 Phrynicus (54.8) 1906. The Occurence of the Scorpion Spider (Phrynicus Karscn) in the Shevaroy Hills. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 523. Birula, A. 54.6 (55) 1905. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Skorpionenfauna Persiens. (Dritter Bei- trag. Bull. Acad, Sc. St. Pétersbourg (5) T. 23 p. 119—148. [Buthus schach n. sp. (3 nn. subspp.).] Borelli, Alfredo. 54.6 (7) 1908. Scorpioni raccolti dal Prof. F. Smvesrri nell' America settentrionale e alle isole Hawaii. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 222 —227. [Vaejovis silvestrii n. sp.] (72.6, 76.4, 79.1,.4,.5, 96.9) Schneider, A. 54.6 Buthus : 15 1908. Zur Biologie des Skorpions Buthus oceitanus Amor. Nat. Wochen- schr. Bd. 253 p. 545—548, 2 figg. Baldwin, Walter. 54.6 Eoscorpius (115) 1904. A Carboniferous Air-Breather from Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale. Trans. Manchester geol. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 523—528, 1 fig. |Hoscorpius spar- thensis n. sp.] Police, Gesualdo. " 54.6 Euscorpius : 14.84 1908. Sugli occhi dello Scorpione. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 1—70, 2 tav., 3 figg. Schróder, Olaw. 54.6 Euscorpius : 14.88 1908. Die Sinnesorgane der Skorpionskimme. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 90 p. 436—444, | Taf. [Sinnesborsten, Sinneszapfen (Tastorgane), u. einzellige Sinnesorgane (vielleicht Riechfunktion).] Sokoloff, Iwan. 54.6 Scorpio : 14.4 1908. Zur Kenntnis der phagocytären Organe von Scorpio indicus. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 497—503, 8 figg. Ellingsen, Edv. 54.7 (4) 1907. Notes on Pseudoscorpions, British and Foreign. Journ. Quekett mier. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 155. [Chelifer kewi n. sp.] (41.16,.21,.25,.37,.38,.42, 42.1,.21,.23,.31,.51,.53,.57,.67,.89, 44.15,.71, 68.7) Godfrey, Robert. 54.7 (41) 1908/09. The False-Scorpions of Scotland. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 90—100, 155—161; 1909 p. 22—26, 153—163. (41.16,.21,.32,.33,.37—.39,.41—.45,.49) Ellingsen, Edv. 54.7 (45.5) 1908. Materiali per una fauna deli’ Arcipelago Toscano. VIII. Isola del Giglio. Notes on Pseudoscorpions. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (8) Vol. 3 p. 668—670. Ellingsen, Edv. 54.7 (7) 1908. On some North American Pseudoscorpions collected by Dr. F. Sırvssteı. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 216—226. [/deobi- sium tacomense n. sp. Pseudogarypus n. g. pro Garypus bicornis.] (72.6, 74.7, 79.4,.7) 15. I. 1909. Arachn. — Onychophora. 56 19326 Ellingsen, Edv. 54.7 (71.1) 1908. Two Canadian Species of Pseudoscorpions. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 163. 27 Coolidge, Karl R. 54.7 (73) 1908. A List of the North American Pseudoscorpionida. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 108—114. (74.4,.7, 75.3,.5,.9, 76.1,.4,,9—77.2, 78.6,.8, 79.1,.2,.4,.5,.7) 28 Banks, Nathan. 54.7 (76.4) 1908. The Pseudoscorpions of Texas. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 39—42. [5 nn. spp. in: Chelanops 4, Olpium.] 29 Tullgren, Alb. 54.7 Chelifer 1908. Uber Chelifer patagonicus Turzer. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p- 116, 1 fig. 30 Andre, Emile. 54.7 Chelifer : 15.6 1908. Sur la piqûre des Chélifères. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 289—290. 31 Simon, E. 54.7 Chelifer (63) 1900. Chernetes recueillis en Erythrée par le Lieutenant F. Dercar en 1896. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova Vol. 40 p. 596. [Ch. aethiopicus n. sp.] 32 With, C. J. 54.7 Chelifer (801) 1908. An Account of the South-American Cheliferinae in the Collections of the British and Copenhagen Museums. Trans. zool. Soc. London Vol. 18 p. 217—328, 3 Taf., 21 figg. [12 nn. spp. in: Chelifer.] (729.4,.8, 81, 82, 86, 87, 89.6) 33 Tullgren, Alb. 54.7 Chelifer (82) 1908. Uber einige exotische Chelonethiden. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 57—64, 8 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Chelifer.] (82.9) 19334 Kew, H. Wallis. 54.7 Chernes (42.52) 1907. Chernes cyrneus in Nottinghamshire: a Recent Addition to the Known False-Scorpions of Britain. 54th ann. Rep. Nottingham Natural. Soc. p. 41-46, 1 pl. 85 Reeker, H. 54.8 : 15.6 1903. Lebensweise der Walzenspinnen. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.- Ver. p. 176—178. 36 Rühlemann, H. 54.8 Galeodes : 14.88 1908. Uber die Fücherorgane, sog. Malleoli oder Raquettes coxales, des vierten Beinpaares der Solpugiden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 599 —639, 2 Taf, 8 figg. [Sinnesorgane.] 37 Birula, A. i 54.8 Gluviopsis 1908. Bemerkungen über die Ordnung der Solifugen. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg Bd. 13 p. 332—335, 2 figg. [Beschreibung der weiblichen Gluviopsis nigrocincta Bır.] 38 Hirst, A. S. 54.8 Karschia (51.5) 1907. On a New Species of Karschia from Tibet. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 19 p. 322—324, 2 figg. [K. tibetana.] XXXII. 5955 Onychophora. 39 Sedgwick, A. 55 : 19 1908. Relation Between the Geographical Distribution and the Classi- fication of the Onychophora. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 546. — The Distribution and Classification of the Onychophora. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 52 p. 379—406, 13 figg. 19340 Bouvier, E. L. 55 Peripatus (87) 1908. Sur le Peripatus brasiliensis. Bovv. Bull. Soc. philom. Paris (9) T. 10 p. 50—52, 3 figg. 15. I. 1909) 57 Myriapoda. XXXIII. 59.56 Myriapoda. (Vide etiam: 11891, 11893, 11894, 12080, 15477, 15862, 15999, 16022, 16049, 16055, 16107, 18709, 18711, 18718, 18727, 18734, 18740, 18742, 18753, 18755, 18758, 18760.) 19341 Hennings. C. 56 : 11.85 1906. Das Tömösvary’sche Organ der Myriopoden II. Zeitschr, wiss. Zool. Bd. 80 p. 576—641, 2 Taf., 1 fig. 56.1,.2 42 Depoli, Guido. 56 (43.94) 1907. Analisi dei Miriopodi componenti la fauna Fiumana. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 27 p. 23—27. 56.1—.3 43 Chalande, Jules. 56 (44) 1905. Recherches sur les Myriopodes du Sud-Quest de la France. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 38 p. 46—154, 3 pls., 12 figg. 56.1—.3 44 Silvestri, F. 56 (44.89) 1908. Description de Myriapodes cavernicoles nouveaux de la région orientale des Pyrénées. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 8 p; LXY—LXXIII, 14 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Spelacoglomeris n. g. 2, Lithobius.] 56.1,.2 45 Attems, Carl. 56 (45.5) 1908. Myriopoden von Elba. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. p. 181—195, 1 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in: Lamyctes, Stigmatogaster, Julus, Dactylophorosoma. 1 n. subsp. in Brachydesmus. Paradactylophorosoma n. subg.] 56.1,.2 46 Muralewitsch, W. S. 56 (47.7) 1908. Ueber die Myriopodenfauna des charkowschen Gouvernements. 1. Mitteilung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 124—126. 56.1,.2 119347 Attems, Karl. 56 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. Arnoro Pentuer und Emericu ZEDERBAUER. Myrio- poden. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 163—167, 1 Taf. [4 nn. spp. in: Lithobius, Brachyiulus 2, Rhamphidoiulus n. g.] (56.1,.3) 56.1,.2 48 Bouvier, E. L. 56 (6) 1908. Myriapodes de l'Afrique centrale. Mission Foà Paris p. 587. 56.1,.2 (67.5,.6,.8, 68.9) 49 Ribaut, H. 56 (6) 1908. Voyage de M. Maurice de Rorascmzo en Ethiopie et dans l’Afrique orientale (1904—1906) Myriopodes. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 76 p. 499—514, 10 figg. [5 nn. spp. in Thereuonema, Euryzonus, Orodesmus, Odon- topyge 2. 1 n. subsp. in Otostignus.] (63, 67.6) 56.1,.2 50 Attems, Carl. 56 (61.1) 1908. Note sur les Myriopodes recueillis par M. Henri Gaprau DE Ker- vi,LE en Khroumirie, et description de deux espèces et d'une variété nouvelles provenant de cette région de la Tunisie. Voyage zool. Khrou- mirie (Tunisie) Henri Gadeau de Kerville p. 103—116, 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Geophilus, Cylindroiulus. 1 n. var. in Himantarium. Khroumiriophilus n. subg.] 56.1,.2 51 Attems, C[arl]. 56 (68.7) 1908. Die Myriopoden. Deutsch. Südpol. Exped. Bd. 9 Zool. Bd. 1 p. 415—433, 1 Taf., 16 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Lamyctes, Bournellum, Vanhoeffema n. g., Polydesmus, Cryptocorypha. Neoburnellum n. subg.] (469.9, 68.7) 56.1,.2 19352 Silvestri, Filippo. 56 (729) 1908. Myriopoda from Porto Rico and Culebra. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 563—578, 11 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Geophilus, Diopsiolus, Rhinocerieus, Microspirobolus 2, Lasidöesmus n. g., Tridesmvs.] (729.5,.7) 56.1.2 15. I. 1909. Myriapoda. 58 19553 Robinson, Margaret. 56.1 : 14.9 1907. On the Segmentation of the Head of Diplopoda. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 51 p. 607 —624, 1 pL, 6 figg. [Existence of a first pair of maxillae. Gnathochilarium formed by second pair of maxillae.] 13.1—.3,.41, 14.92,.93,.98 54 Verhoeff, Karl W. 56.1 (4) 1907. Ueber Diplopoden. 7. (27.) Aufsatz: Europäische Polydesmiden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 337—354, 20 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Polydesmus 4, Strongylosoma. 4 nn. subspp. in Brachydesmus.] (43.95, 44.94, 45.1,.2,.5, 46.7) 55 Verhoeff, K. W. 56.1 (4) 1908. Ueber Diplopoden. 9. (29.) Aufsatz: Gervaisia und Polyzonium. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 521—536, 17 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Gervaisia. 1 n. subsp. in Polyzonium.] (43.68, 45.5) 56 Ribaut, H. 96.1 (44.86) 1905. Notes myriopodologiques. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 38 p. 35—42. [Marquetia n. g. pyrenaicum n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Julus.] 57 Ribaut, H. 56.1 (44.86) 1907. Notes myriopodologiques. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 40 p. 31—37, 3 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Gervaisia, Julus.] 58 Attems, Carl. 56.1 Brachydesmus (24 : 43.68) 1908. Ein neuer Brachydesmus aus Höhlen Istriens. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 492—493, 1 fig. [B. dimnicenus n. sp] 59 Verhoeff, Karl W. 56.1 Glomeridae (4) 1908. Zwei neue Gattungen der Glomeroidea. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 413 —416. [2 nn. spp. in: Myrmecomeris n. g., Geoglomeris n. g.] (43.21, 45.6) 19360 Silvestri, F. 56.1 Glomerellina (45.5) 1908. Materiali per una fauna dell’ Arcipelago Toscano. VII. Isola del Giglio. Descrizione di un nuovo genere di Glomeridellidae. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 641—648, 3 figg. [Glomerellina n. g. laurae n. Sp.] 61 Verhoeff, K. W. 56.1 Isobates (43.94) 1908. Ueber Diplopoden. 8. (28.) Aufsatz: Ein neuer Strand-Iulide und seine biologisch-morphologische Bedeutung. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 486— 495, 12 figg. [Isobates adriaticus n. sp., Thalassisobates n. subg.] 14.98 62 Krug, Hermann. 56.1 Julus : 14 1907. Beiträge zur Anatomie der Gattung Julus. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 42 p. 485 —522, 3 Taf., 8 fige. [Tracheensystem. Knospungszone am Hinterende. Darmkanal und dessen Driisen.] 14.29,.34,.96 63 Bruntz. L. 56.1 Julus : 14.61 1908. Les reins labiaux des Iules. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 yp. 519—521. 64 Fauré-Fremiet, E. 56.1 Julus : 18.11 1908. Evolution de l'appareil mitochondrial dans l'eeuf de Julus terrestris. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1057—1058. 65 Brólemann, H. W. 56.1 Mastigonodesmus (44.56) 1908. Mastigonodesmus boncii. nov. sp. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 171—173, 1 fig. 66 Brólemann, H. W. 56.1 Macrosternodesmus (44.79) 1908. Descriptions d’un genre nouveau et d’une espèce nouvelle de Myriapodes de France. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 94—96, 2 figg. [Macrosternodesmus n. g. palicola n. sp.] 19367 Oettinger, Richard. 56.1 Pachyiulus : 14.63.1 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese bei den Myriapoden. Samen- reife und Samenbildung von Pachyiulus varius Fasr. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 164—169, 3 figg. — II. Mitteilung. p. 212—222, 20 figg. 1551. 1909. 59 Myriapoda — Insecta 19368 Chalande, J. 56.1 Polyxenus (63) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rorscuitp, dans l'Afrique orientale. Description d’une nouvelle espèce de Myriopodes du genre Polyxenus. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat: Paris 1908 p. 113—115, 4 figg. [P. aethiopicus.] 69 Brölemann, H. W. e 56.1 Spelaeoglomeris 1908. Complément a la description du Spelaeöglomeris racovitzae SILVESTRI. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 8 p. CX—CXII, 2 figg. 70 Brockhausen, H. 56.2 : 11.99 1903. Über leuchtende Skolopender. 31. Jahresber. westfäl, Prov.-Ver. p. 163—164. 71 Yerhoeff, Karl W. 56.2 : 14.98 1906. Vergleichend-morphologische Studie über die coxopleuralen Kórper- teile der Chilopoden, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Scolopendro- morpha, ein Beitrag zur Anatomie und Systematik derselben, nebst physiologisehen und phylogenetischen Mitteilungen und Ausblicken auf die Insekten. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. Halle Bd. 86 p. 349—500, 44 figg. 72 Ancel, P., et P. Bouin. 56.2 : 18.15 1908. Sur les relations du fuseau et des centres cinétiques pendant la cytodiérése. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 70—72. [Modification de structure normale de figure mitotique sans influence sur résultat de mitose.] 73 Bouin, P., et P. Ancel. 56.2 : 18.15 1908. Sur quelques particularités de la télophase de la cytodiérèse. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 136 - 137. 19374 Ancel, P., et P. Bouin. 56.2 Scutigera : 14.63.1 1908. Sur l'existence d'une double spermatogenèse chez Scutigera coleop- trata L. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 287—289. [Spermies géantes, riches en chromatine et spermies naines, pauvres en chromatine.] XXXIV. 59.57 Insecta. (Vide etiam: 11894, 12922, 13568—13573, 15468—15471, 15486, 16014, 16041, 18708, 18714, 18717.) 75 Bouskell, Frank. 57 1897. The Disappearance of certain Species of Insects, with Notes on their Slaughter and Protection. Trans. Leicester. liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 267—275. 76 Tutt, J. W. 57 1898. Entomology as a Scientific Pursuit. Trans. S.-East. Union scient. Soc. 1898 p. 21—383. 77 Edwards, W. H. 97 1906. An Introduction to the Study of Insect Life. Trans. Worcester Nat. Club Vol. 3 p. 228—233. 78 Dönitz, V. 57 1908. Kurzer Rückblick auf die Vereinstätigkeit und die Fortschritte der Entomologie in den letzten 50 Jahren, Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. (7)— (15). 79 Heller, K. M. 57 1908. Verwendung von Insekten zu ethnographischen Gegenständen. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 595—599, 2 Taf. 80 Krausse, A. H. 57 1908. Entomologisches im Alten Testament. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. Bd. 4 p. 462—465. 19381 Lameere, Aug. 57 1908. La paléontologie et les métamorphoses des insectes. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 127—147, 10 figg. 15. I. 1909. 119382 83 '84 85 °86 87 88 19389 90 91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 95 ‘96 97 19398 Insecta. 60 Navas, Longinos. 37 1908. Neuröpteros nuevos. Mem. Acad. Cienc. Art. Barcelona (3) Vol. 6 p. 401—423, 29 figg. [29 nn. spp. in: Chrysopa 3, Leucochrysa, Notho- chrysa 3, Micromus 2, Sympherobius 2, Cabarer n. g., Peripsocus, Mantispa, Bittacus, Haplodictyus n. g. 2, Panorpa 10, Creagris, Acanthaclisis. Thyri- dates n. g. pro Bittacus chilensis, Diplostigma pro B. sinense.] (46.8,.85, 469.8, 51.5, 52.1, 54.1,.8 59.7, 66.8,.9, 68.4, 69, 73, 81, 85, 922) 91.32,.42,.44 Sajó, Karl. a7 1908. Verbindungsbriicken zwischen Käfern und Immen. Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 705—711, 9 figg. 57.6,.99 Tutt, J. W. 51:01 1898. The Scientific Aspect of Entomology. Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 527—539. Navás, Longin. 57:01 1907. Sur quelques changements de noms génériques de Névroptères et Orthoptères. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 7 p. 10—11. [Phasmotae- nia n. nom. pro Taenionema Borrvar non Banks.] 57.24,.28,.29,.35 Burgess, A. F. 57 : 01 1908. Uniform Common Names for Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 209—213. Fuchs, Rob. 57 : OL 1908. Nomenklaturbetrachtungen. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 76—78. Lesne, P. 57:01 1908. Sur la nomenclature de divers insectes de l’Olivier. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 29—31. 57.52,.63,.68,.72,.82,.92 Lindinger, Leonhard. 57 :01 1908. Nomenklaturbetrachtungen. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 83—95. Lyman, Henry H. 57 : OL v. Seidlitz, 6. 57:01 1908. Ist Georrroy als gültiger Autor zu betrachten oder nicht? Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 359—360. LN 57 : 07 1908. Die Spitzertypie im Dienste der Entomologie. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 34—36, 54. Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57: 07 1908. Mounting Insects for the Microscope. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 355—356. Burgess, A. F. 97:07 1908. Description of New Devices for Rearing Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 267—269, 2 pls. Hoffmann, Fritz. 57:07 1908. Welche Tätigkeit des Entomologen ist die schönste, die gesundeste und der Wissenschaft dienendste? Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 2 p. 99—101. Kuhnt, P. 87 : 07 1908. Wie schützen wir unsere Sammlungen gegen Insektenfrass. Entom. Prochnow, 0. 57 : 07 1908. Vom Werte des Sammelns biologischer Objekte. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 89—90, 101, 115—116, 122—123, 130—131. Reese, Albert M. 97 : 07 1908. An Economical Insect Box. Science N. S. Vol, 28 p. 797. 15. I. 1909. 61 Insecta.. 19399 Scheidter, Fr. 57 : 07 1908. Trockenpraeparation von Larven und Puppen. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 61—64. 19400 Schmidt, Ernst. 57 : 07 1908. Spezial- oder Lokalsammlungen? — Alpines. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 117—118. 01 Tepper, J. G. Otto. 57 : 07 1908. The Preservation of Specimens in Australian Museums. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 155—156. 02 Weber, L. 57 : 07 1908. Präparation von Insektenlarven. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 101. 03 Wesché, W. 57 : 07 1908. On the Microscope as an Aid to the Study of Biology in Entomo- logy, with Particular Reference to the Food of Insects. Journ. R. micr. Soc. London 1908 p. 401—424, 6 pls. 04 Zirolia, 6. 57 : 07 1908. Ueber einen neuen Apparat für Versuche über das Saugen der Insekten. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 48 p: 173—175, 5 figg. KN 05 Schmack, Alfred. 57 : 07 (43.42) 1907. Das Insektenhaus des Zoologischen Gartens in Cöln. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 211—212. 06 Brancsik, K. 91:07 (43.91) 1908. Rovar-gyüjteményeim. Meine Insekten-Sammlungen. Jahresh. nat. Ver. Trencsén Jahrg. 29—30 p. 60—79. 19407 Coupin, Henri. 57 : 07 (492). 1908. L’„insectarium“ d'Amsterdam. La Nature Ann. 36 Sem. 1 p. 159 —160, 1 fig. 08 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57 : 07 (74.7) 1908. 23rd Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other In- sects of the State of New York. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124 p. 5— 117, 2 pls. 1 fig. [Injurious insects. List of publications. Contrib. to col- lection. List of WiLLiam W. Hirr collection of Lepitoptera.] 57.52,.64,.68,.82—.89 09 Bethune, C. J. S. 57 : 091 1907. Bibliography of Canadian Entomology for the Year 1906. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (8) Vol. 1 Sect. 4 p. 131—141. 10 Hinds, W. E., and F. C. Bishopp. 57 : 091 1908. A Key Suggested for the Classification of Entomological Records. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 91—102. 11 Innes, W. 57 : 091 1908. Exposé des travaux relatifs a la faune entomologique de l’Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 14—25. 12 Dewitz, J. 57 : 11.044 1906. Der Einfluss der Wärme auf Insektenlarven. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 17 p. 40—53. onde, Einfluss (Temp. 40°).] DIST: 13 Brues, Charles Thomas. 57 : 11.044 190$. On the Interpretation of Certain Tropisms of Insects. Amer. Natural. Voi. 42 p. 297—302. 14 Bryant, Owen. 57 : 11.044 1908. Lights Attracting Insects. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 797—798. [Differences according to source of light.] — by Leon J. Core. Vol. 29 p. 76. 19415 Hollande, A. Ch. 57:11.11 1907. Etude physico-chimique du sang de quelques insectes. Toxicité. de ce sang. Ann. Univ. Grenoble T. 19 p. 65—97, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. 19416 17 1 D 19425 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 19434 Insecta. 62 Laloy, L. 97 : 113 1908. Le régime alimentaire des insectes. Rev. scient. (5) T. 9 p. 271 Straus, J. 57 : 11.33 1908. Ueber das Vorkommen einiger Kohlehydratfermente bei Lepidop- teren und Dipteren in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 52 p. 95—106. 57.72,.82,.87 Netolitzky, Fritz. 57 : 11.45 1908. Giftige Insekten und deren Gifte. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 323—324. 57.67,.87,.96,.99 9 Dixon, G. B. 57 : 11.5 1897. Supposed Causes of Variation. Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 374—385. [Insects.] Kellogg, Vernon L. 57 : 11.5 1906. Variation in Parthenogenetic Insects. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 695—699. 51.52,.99 Woodforde, F. C. 57 : 11.55 1898. The Protective Mimicry of Insects. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Stafford. Natural. Field Club Vol. 32 p. 66—73. — Lecture on Protective Mimicry in Insects. Trans. Caradoc Valley Field Club Vol. 2 p. 2—7. Reh, L. . 57 : 11.55 1902. Uber Mimikry. Nerthus Jahrg. 4 p. 587—589, 608—610, 6 figg. Grossbeck, John A. 57 : 11.57 1907. Color Sports Among the Insects. Science N. S. Vel. 26 p. 639— 640. 57.28,.53 Hemmerling, Joseph. 57 : 11.57 1908. Studien über die Hautfarbe bei Käfern uud Schmetterlingen. In- tern. entom. Zeitschr. @uben Jahrg. 2 p. 116—117, 121—122. Snyder, Howard Austen. 57 : 11.57 1908. Color and Environment. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 147—149, 2 figg. Bouskell, Frank. 57 : 11.62 1897. Parthenogenesis in Insects. Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 418—427. 57.87,.88 Meissner, Otto. 57 : 11.69 1908. Beobachtungen über Regeneration bei Insekten. Entom. Wochen- bl. Jahrg. 25 p. 208—209. 57.15,.24,.42,.67,.69 Acloque, A. 57.011.939 1907. La lumière des insectes. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 56 p. 624—627, 2 figg. Brunelli, Gustavo. 57 : 13.4 1902. Sul significato della metamorfosi negli insetti. Riv. ital: Sc. nat. Anno 22 p. 100—106. Brunelli, Gustavo. 57 : 13.4 1904. La metamorfosi degli insetti e la filogenesi dei coleotteri. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 24 p. 77—83, 110—112. 57.6 Kellogg, Vernon L. 57: 13.45 1907. Metagenesis in Insects. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 875—876. Lefevre, George, and Caroline McGill. 57 : 14.63.1 1908. The Chromosomes of Anasa tristis and Anax junius. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 469—487, 5 figg. 51.33,.54 Scammon, R. E. 91 : 14.63.1 1908; The Accessory Chromosome as a Determinant of Sex. (Boston Soc. med. Sc.) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 588. Wilson, Edmund B. 57 : 14.63.1 1908. An Exhibition of Photographs of Chromosomes, with Explanatory Comment. Proc; Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 55. [Sexual differen- ces of chromosomes. Spermatozoa of 2 classes: male and female-pro- dueing.] 15. I. 1909. 63 Insecta. 19435 Lécaillon, A. 57 : 14.77 1907. Sur la structure de la cuticule tégumentaire des insectes et sur la manière dont s’attachent les muscles chez ces animaux. (€. R. Ass. Anat. T. 9 p. 73—75. — Recherches sur la structure de la cuticule tégu- mentaire des insectes et sur la manière dont s’attachent les muscles chez ces animaux. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 16 p. 245—261, 6 figg. SE BEE Sr 36 Stehlik, J. 57 : 14.77 1907. O voskotvornych Zlazách hmyzu. Véstn. české Spol. Nauk Ti. math. prirod. 1906. — Sitz.-Ber. böhm. Ges. Wiss. math.-nat. Cl. 1906 No. 25, 55 pp., 2 tab. [Ueber die wachsbereitenden Drüsen der Insekten.] 31.52,.09 37 Acloque, A. 57 : 14.81 1908. Le cerveau des insectes. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 59 p. 651—654, 2 figg. [Rapport avec sens et mouvements.] 38 Link, Eugen. 57 : 14.54 1908. Über die Stirnaugen einiger Lepidopteren und Neuropteren. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 445—450, 2 figg. 57.42—.45,.86,.88 39 Röhler, Ernst. 54 : 14.88 1905. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Sinnesorgane der Insecten. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 22 p. 225—288, 2 Taf., 1 fig. (Ref. von W. ErFFNBERGER. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 21 p. 667—669, 4 fige.) 51.210,12 40 Karny, H. 57 14.9 1908. Über die Veründerlichkeit systematisch wichtiger Merkmale, nebst Bemerkungen zu den Gattungen Thrips und Euthrips. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 273—280, 10 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Euthrips. Physapus bre- vistylis n. nom. pro Thrips pallida Karny. Flügelgeäder, Fühler.] 14.98,.99, 57.31,.32,.53 i 19441 Desguin, E. 57 : 14.95 1908. La composition segmentaire du thorax des insectes. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 113—126, 2 pls. 42 Snodgrass, R. E. 57 : 14.95 1908. A Comparative Study of the Thorax in Orthoptera, Euplexoptera and Coleoptera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 95—108, 4 pls. 57.22,.25,.27,.28,.62 43 Brues, Charles T. 57 : 14.99 1908. Is Mutation a Factor in the Production of Vestigial Wings among Insects? Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 45—52, 1 fig. 44 Meissner, Otto. 57 : 14.99 1908. Die Flügellosigkeit mancher Insektenweibchen — eine Instanz für das Lamarck’sche Prinzip? Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 42—44. 45 Meissner, Otto. 57 : 14.99 1908. Einige Bemerkungen über die Insektenflügel. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 4—5, 13—14. 46 Dixon, G. B. 57315 1896. Reciprocity between Insects and Flowers. Trans. Leicester liter. 47 Enock, Fred. F ‚57:15 1896. Insect Blights and Blessings. Rec. Haslemere micr. nat. Hist. Soc. 1896 p. 47—50. [Popular.] 48 Wood, F. H. 57:15 1896. Water Larvae and their Changes. Journ. Northamptonsh. nat. 19449 Dixon, 6. B. 57 : 15 1898. A Group of Insects’ Home-made Cradles. Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 13—24. 15. I. 1909. Insecta. 64 19450 Smith, Theodora. 57 : 15 1899. „Scraps“ of the Life History of Insects. Halifax Natural, Vol. 4 p. 61—65, 101—106, 7 figg. [Abraxas grossulariata, Saw-fly larva, Phry- ganea fusca, Dicranura vinula. Larvae of various insects.] 57.45,.62,.64,.72,.85,.87,.93 51 Bloomfield, E. N. 57 : 15 1900. Norfolk Galls. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 110—112. 91.995101 92:09 52 Longley, €. W. 57:15 1900. Insect Warfare and Mode of Defence. Derby. Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 15—18. 57.62,.96 53 Witchell, C. A., and C. J. Watkins. 57:15 1900. A Fatal Combat between a Rove Beetle and an Ant. Proe. Cottes- wold Nat. Field Club Vol. 13 p. 195—197. [Xantholinus punctulatus and Lasius niger.] 57.62,.96 54 Connold, Edward T. 57:15 1902. British Vegetable Galls. Abstr. Pap. ann. Rep. Brighton Hove nat. Hist. philos. Soc. 1902 p. 12—16. 57.71,.92 55 Penzig, 0. 57:15 1904. Noterelle biologiche. I. Sopra una galla di Toddalia aculeata Pers. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat, Genova Vol. 15 p. 62—72, 2 tav. [Sopra una galla di Toddalia aculeata Pers. Un caso di simbiosi fra formiche e cica- delle.] 15.5 57.53,.82,.96 56 Cook, Mel. T. 57 : 15 1906. Gall-insects and Insect-galls. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 312. 57 Berlese, Antonio. 573 15 1907. Considerazioni sui rapporti tra piante, loro insetti nemici e cause nemiche di questi. Redia Vol. 4 p. 198—246. 19458 Collins, Percy. 97 : 15 1907. The Nests and Nurseries of Insects. Scient. Amer. Vol. 97 p. 396—398, 11 figg. 15.6 59 Joy, Norman H. 57 : 15 1907. Notes on Searching the Nests of Birds and Mammals for Beetles, etc. Hastings & E. Sussex Natural. Vol. 1 p. 68—70. 57.62,.63,.74 50 Morley, Claude. 57:15 1907. Ten Years Work among Vertebrate Carrion. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 18 p. 45—51. 57.54,.62— .64,.66,.72,.82,.92,.98 61 Pic, M. 57 : 15 1907. Chasse pseudonocturne. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 23 p. 120, 128, 144. 57.54,.62— .64,.66 —.68,.86,.87,.98 62 Burck, W. Dale 1908. Danwiy's Kreuzungsgesetz und die Grundlagen der Blütenbiologie. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 177—195. 63 Cook, Mel. T. 57 : 15 1908. The Insect Galls of Indiana. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1907 p. 88—98. 57.52,.71,.92,.93 64 Creigton, Wellman F. 57:15 908. On some Curious Habits of certain West African Insects. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 65—66. 57.32,.64,.65,.68,.72,.96 65 Escherich, K. 7 bras 1908. Kleinere biologische Beobachtungen aus Erythraea. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 1 p. 247— 248. [Kórnersammelnde Ameisen. Nesterbau von Termes.] 57.32,.96 19466 Escherich, K., und W. Baer. 97:15 1908. Tharandter zoologische Miszellen. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 509—523, 6 figg. [Flugjahre von Saperda populnea und Evetria resinella, Pappelzweiggallen mit Raupen. Zur Biologie von Sesia cephi- formis, Byctiscus populi, Phaenops cyanea u. Polygraphus grandielava. Die Magdalis-Arten der Fichte und Kiefer.] 57.68,.82,.88 15. I. 1909. 65 Insecta. 19 467 Hetschko, Alfred. 57 : 15 1908. Uber den Insektenbesuch bei einigen Vicia-Arten mit extrafloralen Nektarien. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 299—305. 57.94,.63,.67,.69,.71,.72,.92,.96—.99 68 Kleine, R. 57:15 1908. Die europäischen Borkenkäfer und ihre Feinde aus den Ordnungen der Coleopteren und Hymenopteren. Entom. Blätter Schwabach Jahrg, 4 p. 205—208, 225—227. — Jahrg. 5 p. 41—50, 76—79, 120—122, 140—141. 57.62,.63,.66—68,.92 69 Kuhnt, P. 57:15 1908. Die Aas-Insekten. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 111—113. 57.62,.63,.66,.72,.82 70 Ludwig, F. 57 : 15 1908. Neuere Beobachtungen über Pilze züchtende Insekten. Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 373—374. 57.32,.68,.96 71 Manee, Abram Herbert. 97 : 15 1908. Some Observations at Southern Pines, N. Carolina. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 459—462, 2 pls. [Mounds of insects.] 57.29,.62,.64 72 Niessen, J. 57 : 15 1908. Uber Zoocecidien und Cecidozoen des Niederrheins. Sitz. Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 E p. 91—94. 57.52,.68 73 Nüesch, Emil. 57 : 15 1908. Naturwunder auf dem Strassenpflaster. Jahrb. St. Gall. nat. Ges. 1907 p. 105—121. [Insekten.] 74 Reichert, Alex. 57 : 15 1908. Auffallende Insektenpuppen. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 104— 110, 1 Taf. 57.42,.45,.62,.68,.69,.72,.82,.87 19475 Rudow, Fr. 57 : 15 1908. Einige Ergebnisse des letzten Sommers. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 381—382, 397—399. 15.6, 57.52,.92,.97,.99 76 Sehrottky, C. 57:15 1908. Blumen und Insekten in Paraguay. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 22—26, 47—52, 73—78. 57.62,.64,.68,.92,.93,.96—.99 77 Selous, Edmund. 97 : 15 1908. Some Observations on Butterflies and Hornets (Made in France). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 333—341. 57.89,.98 78 Tucker, E. S. 57:15 1908. Concerning some Insects Collected and Bred from Dead and Dying Elm. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 158—162. 57.62,.65,.67,.68,.92,.93,.96 79 Tunkl, Franz. 57 : 15 1908. Uber den Fang von Wasserinsekten. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 389—390. 57.54,.62 80 Merrifield, Frederic. Syr B yl 1900. On Instinets which in some Insects Produce Results Corresponding with those of the Moral Sense in Man. South-East. Natural. Vol. 5 p. 22—29. 81 Sanderson, E. Dwight. 57 2 15.2 1908. The Influence of Minimum Temperatures in Limiting the Northern Distribution of Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 245—262, 7 figg. 82 Goury, G., et J. Guignon. 57 : 15.3 1905. Insectes parasites des capparidées. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 118—119. 57.72,.89 19483 Meissner, Otto: 67 315.3 1908. Wie verzehren die Insekten die Blätter? Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 10. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool XVII. 1531I., 11909. 5 19484 85 86 87 88 89 90 19491 92 93 94 95 96 97 19498 Insecta. 66 Meissner, Otto. 91 : 15.4 1907. Ein Herbstspaziergang. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 24 p. 203—904, 206—207. Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57 : 15.4 1908. Some Winter Insects. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 132. 57.35,.54 Meissner, Otto. 57 : 15.4 1908. Bemerkenswerte entomologische Ereignisse des Jahres 1907 in Potsdam. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 157—159. 57.42,.54,.64,.68,.69,.71,.82,.85,.87,.89,.93 Vorbrodt, Karl. 57 : 15.4 1908. Das Sammeln im Winter. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 310—315. Blathwayt, L. 57 : 15.5 1897. Notes on certain Rare Beetles found in a Wasps’ Nest. Proc. Bath nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 8 p. 136—141, 2 figg. [Especially Cryptophagus. | 57.63,.98 Donisthorpe, Horace St. J. K. 57 : 15.5 1906. The Vice President's Address. 29th ann. Rep. Proc. Lancashire Cheshire entom. Soc. p. 33—44. [Myrmecophilous beetles.] 57.62,.63,.68,.96 Mordwilko, A. 87 : 15.5 1907. Die Ameisen und Blattläuse in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen und das Zusammenleben von Lebewesen überhaupt. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 27 p. 212—224, 233—252, 4 figg. 51.52,.96 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 57 : 15.5 1908. Notes on the Life-History of Two Supposed Ants-nest Beetles. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 108—110, 1 pl. 57.66,.68,.96 Ellis, H. Willoughby, and A. H. Martineau. 57 : 15.5 1908. Midland Myrmecophilous Notes for 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 56—57. 57.62,.63,.68,.92,.96 Schmitz, H. 57 : 15.5 1908. Claviger longicornis Mürr., sein Verhältnis zu Lasius umbratus und seine internationalen Beziehungen zu andern Ameisenarten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 84—87, 109—116, 180—184. 51.62,.96 Speiser, [P.] 97:15 1908. Adventiv-Fauna. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 978—385. 51.22,.52,.63,.66 — .68,.72,.82 Thomann, H. 57 : 15.5 1908. Schmetterlinge und Ameisen. Ueber das Zusammenleben der Raupen von Psecadia pusiella Rom. und der P. decemguttella Hs. mit Formi- ciden. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Graubünden N. F. Bd. 50 p. 21—31, 2 figg. — Soc. entom. Jahrg, 23 p. 105—108, 7 figg. — Bemerkungen zu obigem Artikel von Frrrz Horrmann. p. 121. 57.82,.96 Tutt, J. W. 57 : 15.5 1908. The Connection between Ants and Lycaenid Larvae. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 89—90. 57.89,.96 Wheeler, William Morton. 94 : 15.5 1908. Studies on Myrmecophiles. I. Cremastochilus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 68—79, 3 fige. — II. Hetaerius. p. 135—143, 1 fig. — III. Microdon. p. 202—213, 1 fig. 57.63,.64,.72,.96 Prochnow, Oskar. 97 : 15.8 1907/08. Die Lautapparate der Insekten. Ein Beitrag zur Zoophysik und Descendenz-Theorie. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 133— 135, 141—143, 150—152, 157 — 159, 168—169, 173—174, 181--183, 190—191, 198—199, 207—208, 914—215, 221—993, 229—931, 237—239, 245—947, 253—255, 961—261, 269—271, 277—279, 285—287, 293—296, 301—305, 317—318, 333—334, 341, 349—350, 357—358, 368—370, 373—8375, 377—379, 386—381, 19 figg. 57.27—.29,.32,.54,.69— .68,.87 —.89,.96 15. I. 1909. 67 Insecta. 19499 Swinton, A. H. 57 : 158 1908. The Vocal and Instrumental Music of Insects. Zoologist Vol. 12 p. 376—389. 19500 Berlese, Antonio. 57 :16 1907. Materiali per la storia di alcuni insetti dell’ Olivo. Redia Vol. 4 p. 1—95, 180, 3 tav., 60 figg. [Lasioptera berlesiana (PaoLs) n. sp.] 16.1,.5, 57.52,.69,.71,.72,.86,.92 01 Howard, L. 0. 57 : 16 1907. The Recent Progress and Present Conditions of Economic Entomo- logy. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 769—791. 16.1,.5 02 Schuster, Ludwig. 57 : 16 1907. Feinde des Eichenwicklers (Tortrix viridana). Allg. Forst-Jagd- Zeitg. Jahrg. 83 p. 227—228. 16.1,.5, 57.62,.63,.82,.87 03 De Stefani, T. 57 : 16 1908. Aphis papaveris e Coccinella T-punctata. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 112—114. 16.1,.5, 57.52,.69 04 Doane, R. W. 57 : 16 1908. Notes on Aspidiotus destructor (Sıc.) and its Chalcid Parasite in Tahiti. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 341—342. 16.1,.5, 57.52,.92 05 Fernald, H. T. 57 : 16 1908. The Future of Economic Entomology. Pop. Sc. Monthly Vol. 72 De 174—178. 16.1,.5 06 Houlbert, Constant. 57:16 1908. Le rôle de l’Entomologie appliquée. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 246; Pt. 2 p. 624—629. 19507 Trotter, A. 97:16 1908. Due precursori nell’ applicazione degli insetti carnivori a difesa delle piante coltivate. Redia Vol. 5 p. 126—132. ` 16.1,.5 08 Webster, F. M. 57 : 16 1908. The Value of Insect Parasitism to the American Farmer. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 237—256, 30 figg. 16.1,.5 09 Crafts, H. A. 91 : 16.1 1907. Searching for Parasites to Fight Fruit Pests. Scient. Amer. Vol. 97 p. 183. 10 Fiske, W. F. 57 : 16.1 1908. Notes on Insect Enemies of Wood Boring Coleoptera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 23—27. 11 Frank. 57 : 16.5 1896. Uber Fanglaternen zur Bekämpfung landwirtschaftl. schädlicher Insekten. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Bd. 25 p. 483—49, 1 Taf., 2 figg. 57 : 16.5 1903. Le Phare agricole ,Meduse“. L’Intermed. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 3 p. 145—149, 2 figg. 12. . 18 Barthou. 91 : 16.5 1903. Les ennemis du framboisier. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 3 p. 85—87. 51.11,.86 14 Hine, James 8. 57 : 16.5 1904. Insects Injurious to Stock in the Vicinity of the Gulf Biologie Station. Bull. No. 2. Gulf biol. Stat. p. 82—85. 15 Blanc, M. 57 : 16.5 1907. Dégats causés dans une maison par des Insectes xylophages. (90. Sess, Soc. helv. Sc. nat. Fribourg.) Arch. Sc. physiques nat. T. 24 p. 507 —508. — C. R. Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 90me Sess. p. 94—95. — Actes Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 90me Sess. p. 72. 51.68,.93 19516 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57 : 16.5 1907. White marked Tussock Moth and Elm Leaf Beetle. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 109 (Entom. No. 27). 60th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 1, 14 pp., 8 pls. 57.68,.87 15. I. 1909. Insecta. 68 19517 del Guercio, G. 57 : 16.5 1907. Notizie intorno a due nemici nuovi e ad un noto nemico dell’ olivo mal conosciuto con un cenno sui rapporti di uno di essi con i microsporidi. Redia Vol. 4 p. 334—359, 16 figg. 57.53,.68 18 Péneveyre, F. 91 : 16.5 1907. Arboriculture fruitière, cultures spéciales. Le cerisier. Chronique agric. Vaud Ann. 20 p. 29—32, 58—57, 74—80, 146--153, 157—162, 256 — 262, 289—293, 323—326, 352—355, 400—404, 455—459, 470—474, 488 — 492, 540—545, 566—573, 24 figg. [Insectes nuisibles.] 57.52,.85,.87 19 Reh, L. 51:16» 1907. Insektenschäden im Frühjahr 1907. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forst- wirtsch. Jahrg. 5 p. 492—499. 57.52,.64,.82,.85,.87 20 Rockstroh. 57 : 16.5 1907. Waldbeschädigungen durch Insekten oder andere Tiere, Natur- ereignisse, Pilze u. s. w. Jahrb. schles. Forstver. 1906 p. 32--38. 57.64,.68, 82,.85,.87,.93 21 Willey, Day Allen. 57 : 16.5 1907. Magnified Models of Insect Pests. Scient, Amer. Vol. 97 p. 137 — 138, 10 figg. ER 57 : 16.5 1908. Conference on Fruit-tree Insects. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. On- tario p. 15—22. 57 52,.68,.82 23 Acloque, A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Les insectes xylophages. Cosmos Paris N. S. T, 59 p. 427—429, 4 figg. 57.66,.63,.87,.88,.93 24 Bethune, C. J. 3. 57 : 16.5 1908, Injurious Insects in Ontario in 1907. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 95—99, 2 figg. 57.52,.54,.65,.68 19525 Britton, W. E. 57 : 16.5 1908. Notes from Connecticut. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 313—315. [Injurious insects.] 57.85,.93 26 Britton, W. E. 57 : 16.5 1908. Seventh Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut. Rep. Connecticut agric. exper. Stat. 1907 Pt. 5 p. 266—338, 16 pls., 5 figg. 57.52,.68,.71,.87,.93 27 Caesar, L. 57 : 16.5 1908, The Lime-sulphur Wash. 3Sth ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario Pe 72—82. 28 Chittenden, F. H. 57 : 16.5 1908. Some Miscellaneous Results of the Work of the Bureau of Ento- mology — IX. Insects Injurious to the Loco Weeds. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 68 p. 33—42, 14 figg. 57.52 —.54,.68,.71,.72,.82 29 Decoppet. 57 : 16.5 1908. Altérations des bois de construction dues aux insectes. Journ. forestier Suisse Ann. 59 p. 202—207. 57.66,.93 30 Felt, E. P. 57 : 16.5 1908. Entomological Notes for 1907. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 148 —150. 57.52,.68,.82,.87 31 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57 : 16.5 1908. 23d Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and other ín- sects of the State of New York. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124 — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 1—117, 1 fig. 57.52,.54,.64,.68,.82—.87 32 Forbes, S. A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Thirteenth Report. 24th Rep. noxious & benef. Insects Illinois, 168, XVI pp., 11 pls. 57.52,.54,.64,.68 19533 Friedrich, Josef. 57 : 16.5 1908. Fang-Automat für Nachtfalter. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 1—4, 3 figg. 57.81 15. I. 1909. 69 Insecta. 19534 Froggatt, W. W. 57 :16.5 1908. Entomological Notes. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 149— 152. [Injurious insects.] 57.67,.68,.72,.87 35 Gossard, H. A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Notes of the Season. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 183—191. [Noxious insects.] 57.52,.68,.72,.88 36 Gurney, Wm. B. 57 : 16.5 1908. Entomological Notes. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 503— 507, 3 figg. 57.52,.64,.66,.68 37 Hopkins, A. D. 57 : 16.5 1908. Notable Depredations by Forest Insects. Yearbook U.S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 149— 164. 57.68,.87,.89,.93 38 Lauffer, Jorge. 57 : 16.5 1908. La Cassida vittata Virrxrs y otras plagas de los cultivos de re- molacha. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 7 p. 57—68. 57.21,.29,.52,.68,.71,.72,.86,.93 39 Moreschi, Bartolommeo. 57 : 16.5 1908. Come è organizzata, in Italia, difesa delle piante coltivate contro i nemici animali e vegetali. Boll. notiz. agrar. Roma N. S. Ann. 6 Vol. 6 p. 32—45. 40 Newell, Wilmon, and Arthur H. Rosenfeld. 57 : 16.5 1908. A Brief Summary of the More Important Injurious Insects of Louisiana. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 150—155. 57.52,.54,.64,.68,.71,.72,.86—.88 19541 Silvestri, F. 57 : 16.5 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi all’ olivo e di quelli che con essi hanno rapporti. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 1—2. I. Note dietologiche sulla mosca delle olive, pel G. MamrELLt. p. 3—12. — I. Generazioni della mosca delle olive, pel F. SiLvestri. p. 18—17. — III. Sugli Imenotteri parassiti ectofagi della mosca delle olive fino ad ora osservati nell’ Italia meridionale e sulla loro im- portanza nel combattere la mosca stessa, pel F. Sırvesrer. p. 18—82, 36 figg. [Dinarmus dacicida n. sp. (Ması).] La Tignola delP olivo (Prays oleellus Fa8r.), pel F. Suvest. p. 88—184, 68 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Chelo- nus. 1 n. subsp. in Ageniaspis.] IV. Sul numero e sulla denominazione dei parassiti della mosca delle olive, pel L. Masi. p. 185—194. [l n. subsp. in Dinarmus.] — V. Descrizione e prime notizie biologiche dell’ Ecofillembio dell’ olivo (Occophyllembius neglectus Be) pel F. SrLvestRI. p. 195—216, 23 figg. [n. g. n. sp.] — VII. Osservazioni fatte sulla Cocci- niglie dell’ olivo e loro parassiti in Puglia ed in Calabria, pel G. MARTELLI. p. 217—296, 22 figg. — La cocciniglia del fico (Ceroplastes rusci L.), per F. Sirvestri e G. MARTELLI. p. 297—358, 35 figg. (45.1,.5,.6,.73,.79,.8,.9, 56.8) 57.52,.72,.82,.85,.86,.92 42 Simpson, C. B. 57 : 16.5 1908. Entomological Notes from the Transvaal. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 20—22, 43 Slingerland, M. V. S. 57 : 16.5 1908. Insect Pests and Plant-Diseases. Bull. 252 Cornell Univ. agric. Exper. Stat. p. 333—364, 31 figg. 57.31,.52,.64,.68,.82,.87,.89,.93 44 Surface, H. A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Insect Pests and their Work. Zool, Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 364—409. 19545 Surface, H. A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Life Histories of some Common Orchard Insects. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 36—57, 2 pls. 15. I. 1909. Insecta. 70 119546 Surface, H. A. 57 : 16.5 1908. Report of the Entomologist of the State Board of Agriculture. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 346—853. [On Insect pests.] 47 Weldon, 6. P. 57 : 16.5 1908. Entomological Notes from Maryland. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 145—148. 51.52,.67,.68,.86 —.88 48 Woodworth, €. W. 57 : 16.5 1908. The Theory of the Parasitic Control of Insect Pests. Science N. S. Vol, 28 p. 227—230. 49 Young, C. H., C. E. Grant, J. B. Williams, C. W. Nash, and J. A. Balkwill. 97 : 16.5 1908. Reports on Insects of the Year. Division No. 1, — Ottawa District. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 22—26. 57.65,.68,.86,.87,.89 50 Hunter, William. 97 : 16.7 1905. A Research into Epidemic and Epizootic Plague. Journ. trop. Med. Vol. 8 p. 7—9. [Transmission by insects (Cockroach).] 57.22 51 Bergey, D. H. 57 : 16.7 1907. The Relation of Insects to the Dissemination of Disease. New York med. Journ. Vol. 85 p. 1120—1125. 52 Dutton, J. Everett, John L. Todd, and J. W. B. Hanington. 57 : 16.7 1907. Trypanosome Transmission Experiments. Ann. trop. Med. Para- sit. Vol. 1 p. 199—229. [Mammalian trypanosomes may be mechanically transmitted by bites of blood-sucking arthropoda.] 57.512,.71,.72 19553 Huber, John B. 97 : 16.7 1908. Diseases Conveyed by Insects. (Med. Ass. Gr. City N. Y.) Med. Rec. N. York Vol. 74 p. 944; New York med. Journ. Vol. 88 p. 1199—1200. 57.32,.54,.72 54 Ward, H. B. Da 416.7 1908. Insects and Disease. Western Med. Rev. 1908 p. 117—120. 55 Weinberg, M. 57 216.7 1907. Du röle des Helminthes, des larves de helminthes et des larves d’insectes dans la transmission des microbes pathogènes. Ann. Inst: Pasteur T. 21 p. 415—442, 533—561, 1 pl., 21 figg. 56 Nuttall, George H. F. DI 316.7 1908. The Transmission of Trypanosoma lewisi by Fleas and Lice. Para- sitology Vol. 1 p. 296—301. [Experiments demonstrate that Trypanosoma lewisi is transmitted from rat by means of fleas (Ceratophyllus fasciatus, Ctenophthalmus agyrtis) and lice (Haematopinus spinulosus).] 51.912,15 57 Uhlenhuth, [Paul.] 57 : 16.7 1908. Biologischer Nachweis der Herkunft von Blut in Insekten. (Berlin. med. Ges.) Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 1072.—Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 34 p. 1033. [Ermittelung der Blutlieferanten von Krankheiten übertragenden Insekten mittels der biologischen Reaktion.) 58 Weidanz, [0.] 57 : 16.7 1908. Demonstration des biologischen Nachweises der Herkunft von Blut in blutsaugenden Insekten. (2. Tag. Freien. Ver. Mikrobiol.) Cen- tralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Ref. Bd. 42 p. Beilageheft p. 108*—111*. 59 Howard, L. 0. 57 : 16.9: 57 1908. A Suggestion regarding Development Retarded by Parasitism. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 34—35. 57.92 60 Fuchs, Franz. 57 : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. Schmarotzer aus Forleule. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 274. [Tachinen und Ichneumoniden.] 57.12,.92 19561 e . œ 57 ~ 16.9 5 57.93 1906. Les ennemis du lophyre. Bull. Soc. centr. forest. Belg. Vol. 13 p. 229—234. 57.72,.92 15. I. 1909. 71 Insecta. 19562 Glinkiewicz, Anna. 57 : 16.9: 9.32 1907. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Trerrz unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. Franz Werxer’s nach dem ägyptischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda. X. Parasiten von Pachyuromys dup- rasi Lar. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 381—386, 2 Taf. [2 nn. spp. in: Eremophthirius n. g., Xenopsylla n. g. Xenopsyllidae n. fam.] 51.512,15 63 Meissner, Otto. 91:19 1908. Sind Einwanderungen südlicher Insekten nach Mitteleuropa im Sinne einer Klimaänderung zu deuten? Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 194. 64 Meunier, Fernand. 57 (115) 1908. Nouveaux Mégasécoptérides et nouveau Paléodictyoptère de Com- mentry. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 172—175, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Foriria n. g., Diaphanoptera, Archaemegaptilus m. g.] 57.36,.44 65 Meunier, Fernand. 57 (115) 1908. Quatrieme note sur de nouveaux Insectes du Stéphanien de Com- mentry. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 244—249, 5 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Microdictya, Klebsiella, Fayoliella n. g., Sphecoptera, Cycloscelis.] 57.22,.36,.44 19566 Handlirsch, Anton. 57 (118) 1907/08. Die fossilen Insekten und die Phylogenie der rezenten Formen. Ein Handbuch für Paläontologen und Zoologen. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engel- mann, 8°, Lief. 5—8 (Schluss) p. 641—1432, 26 Taf., 14 figg. [24 nn. spp. in: Gryllacris, Gryllus, Calotermes, (Termes), Aphodius, (Cryptidae), (Ichneu- monidae), Larrophanes, (Apidae), Libellula, (Noctuidae), Penthetria, Therena, Anthrax 3, Bombylius 2, Stobbsia n. g. Bibio. Genaphidae, Sieblosidae nn. famm. Pseudodelphar n. g. pro Delphax pulcher, Homopterulum pro Cerco- pis signoreti, Jassides pro Cicada punctata, Genaphis pro Aphis valdensis, Cur- culiopsis pro Curculionites cretaceus, Elytrulum pro Elytridium multipunctatum, Silphidium pro Silphites priscus, Chrysomelidium pro Chrysomelites simplex, Curculidium pro Curcuhonites senonicus, Sieblosia pro Heterophlebia jucunda, Kebaona pro Etoblattina obscura, Hongaya pro Gerablattina elegans, Rhaeto- blattina pro Etoblattina brevis. Phylogenet. Folgerungen und Begründung des neuen Systems]. (115, 1162—1182, 119) (42.46, 43.11,.67,.71,.91 .94, 45, 495) 57.13—.36,.42,.44—.46,. 52—.74, 82—.99 67 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57 (118) 1908. Descriptions of Tertiary Insects. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 26 p. 51 —52, 69—75, 227—232, 12 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Carabites, Platypedia, Melanagrion, Enallagma, Saperda, Zaitha, Dicranomyia, Agenia, Embia, Ephe- mera. | (1181, 1182) (78.7,.8) 57.33,.34,.53—.62,.71,.97 68 Handlirsch, A. 57 (118) 1908. Uber einige fossile Insekten. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (205) —(207). (113, 1181, 1182) (43.11, 44.27, 59.9, 78.8) 57.21,.42..62,.64,.72,.93 69 Bode, Arnold. 57 (1182) 1907. Orthoptera und Neuroptera aus dem Oberen Lias von Braunschweig. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 25 p. 218—245, 2 Taf. [9 nn. spp. in: Gryllacris 2, Campterophlebia n. g., Heterovhlebia 2, Phryga- nidium 2, Orthophlebia 2. 1 n. var. in Elcana.] 57.28,.33,.45 70 Cockerell, T. D, A. 57 (1182) 1907. Some Old-world Types of Insects in the Miocene of Colorado . Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 446-447. |3 nn. spp. in Pergo, Halter, Panorpa. | 57.42,.44,.72,.93 19571 Pax, Ferdinand. 57 (119) 1908. Einige fossile Insekten aus den Karpathen. Zeitschr. wiss. In - sektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 99—100. (43.91,.92) 57.33,.68,.72,.96 Lange 1909 Insecta. 72 19572 Bodington, Alice. a7 (28) 1897. Stronge Adaptations to the Environment in Water Insects. Intern. Journ. Micr. nat. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 133—148, 7 figg. 57.34,.62,.68,.71,.72 73 Melichar, L. 57 (405) 1907. Cesta do Spanél a do Tangeru. Casop. české Spol. Entom. Acta Noc. entom. Bohemiae Roòn. 4 p. 116—123. [Reise nach Spanien und Tanger.] 74 Morton, Kenneth J. 57 (41.32) 1908. Butterflies and Neuroptera in Perthshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 149—151. 91.33,.45,.89 75 Grimshaw, Percy H. 57 (41.33) 1908. A Contribution to the Insect Fauna of the Isle of May. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 88—90. 57.15,.21,.62,.64,.85,.86,.96 76 Wyx, L. H. Bonaparte. 57 (41.73) 1907. Entomological Notes from Co. Mayo. Irish Natural. Vol. 16 p. 368—370. 57.62—.66,.68,.82—.89 77 Hudd, Alfred E, 57 (42) 1898. The Insects of the Bristol District. Handbook Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1898 p. 204—206. (42.38,.41) 78 Saunders, E., and J. J. Walker. 57 (42.23) 1899. [Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera and Coleoptera of the Dover District.] Handbook Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1899 p. 112—120. 57.5,.6,.9 79 Small, F. A., S. W. Webb, and W. M. Rodwell. 57 (42.23) 1903. [Entomological Notes.] Rep. Trans. East Kent scient. nat. Hist. Soc. (2) Vol. 2 p. 38—39. 57.8,.9 19580 Jeffrey, W. R. 57 (42.23) 1903/04. Entomological Notes trom Ashford. Rep. Trans. East Kent scient. nat. Hist. Soc. (2) Vol. 2 p. 38; Vol. 3 p. 25. — Nature Notes from Ashford. Vol. 4 p. 35. — Notes on Lepidoptera by A. N. Barruey. p. 35. — by W. R. Jerrrey. Vol. 5 p. 21. 57.67,.71,.72,.82—.89 81 Morley, Claude. 57 (42.25) 1898. insects found at Eastbourne. Trans. Eastbourne nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 163—164. 57.22,.45,.53,.54,.61 —.65,.68,.71,.72,.82 —.86,.89,.96,.97,.99 82 Bouskell, Frank. 57 (42.27) 1900. Stray Notes in and about the New Forest: its Origin and Natural History. Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 459—469. 57.21,.22,.26—.29,.62,.63,.65,.68,.72,.85,.86,.89 83 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 57 (42.28) 1908. Coleoptera etc. in the Isle of Wight. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 229—231. 57.21,.27,.62,.63,.65,.67,.68,.96,.97 84 Hayward, H. C., E. F. Elton, and C. Wells. 57 (42.29) 1896/1901. Entomological Report. 26th ann. Rep. Wellington Coll. nat. Sc. Soc. p. 50. — 27th Rep. p. 54—55. — 28th Rep. p. 44—46. — 29th Rep. p. 44. -- 81th Rep. p. 48—49. 57.61—.66,.68,.69,.8 85 Meyrick, E. 57 (42.31) 1896/1908. Entomological Section. Rep. Marlborough College nat. Hist. Soc. No. 44 p. 109—119; No. 45 p. 75—88; No. 46 p. 51—64; No. 47 p. 44—54; No. 48 p. 43—55; No. 49 p. 48—67; No. 50 p. 45—74: No. 51 p. 88—72; No. 52 p. 35—44; No. 53 p. 67—81; No. 54 p. 59—70; No. 55 p. 63—73; No. 56 p. 66—75. (to be contin.) 57.21..22,.26 —.29,.32 —.35,.42 — 46,.52 —.54,.61 —.69,.71 —.75,.81 —.89,.93 —.98 19586 Meyrick, E. 57 (42.31) 1901/05. Notes on Wiltshire Insects outside the Marlborough District. Rep. Marlborough College nat. Hist. Soc. No. 49 p. 75—76; No. 50 p. 92—93; No. 51 p. 97; No, 52 p. 71—73; No. 84 p. 97. 57.54,.71,.72,.74,.82—.89,.99 15. I. 1909. 19587 88 89 90 9 92 93 19594 95 73 Insecta. [Meyrick. E.] 57 (42.31) 1905/06. List of Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, etc. of the District. Rep. Marlborough College nat. Hist. Soc. No. 53 p. 86—98. List of Coleop- tera of the District. No. 54 p. 76—96. 57.21,.22,.26—.29,.32—.35,.42—.46,.52— .54,.61—.69,.93— .99 Luff, W. A. 57 (42.34) 1898/1900. The Insects of Alderney. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 175—182, 388—408. — Additions to the List of Alderney Insects. Vol. 4 p. 29—81, 149—151. 91.21,.22,.21,.32,.33,.42,.45,.52—.54,.62 —.69,.71,.72,.81—.89,.91 —.99 Luff, W. A. 57 (42.34) 1905. ‘The Insects of Herm —Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 4 p. 974—387. — of Jethou. p. 388—390. 97.21,.22,.27,.32,.42,.52—.54,.62 —.69,.71,.72,.81—.89,.92,.93,.96—.99 Luff, W. A. 57 (42.34) u The Insects of Sark. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 185—199. 07.21,.22,.27,.32,.33,.42,.45,.52—54,.61—.68,.71,.72,.75,.81 —.89,.91—.99 Luff, W. A. 57 (42.34) 1908. The Non-British Insects of the Sarnian Islands. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 5 p. 349—354. 94.4, 57.29,.27,.33,.45,.52,.62,.64,.68,.72,.82,.85,.86,.92,.99 Briggs, C. A. 57 (42.35) 1906. The Recent Neuroptera of Devon. Rep. Trans. Devonsh. Ass. Adv. Sc. Vol. 38 p. 351—369. 57.3—57.45 Champion, 6. C. 57 (42.35) 1908. Coleoptera and Hemiptera-Heteroptera in Devonshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 32—34. — 57.54,.62—.64,.67,.68 57 (42. 44) 1896/1908. Entomological Section. 29th Rep. Rugby School rat. Hist. Soc. p. 22—29, 30th Rep. p. 36—42; 31st Rep. p. 36—41; 32d Rep. p. 64— 69; 33d Rep. p. 28—30; 34th Rep. p. 22—25; 35th Rep. p. 18—26 ; 36th Rep. p. 22—27, 37th Rep. p. 38—42; 38th Rep. p. 29—35; 39th Rep. p. 23—32; 40th Rep. p. 21—30; 41st Rep. p. 15—23. [Local Lepidoptera and Odonata]. 57.33,.81—.89 57 (42.45) 1898/1900. Entomology. Rec. Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club No. 7p. 25—27; No. 8 p. 20—23; No. 9 p.31—33; No. 12 p. 42—44; No. 13 p. 38 -—40; No. 14 p. 39—40; No. 15 p. 32— 365 No. 16 p. 30— 33; No. 17 p. 33—38. 57.45,.61—.69,.81—.89,.92,.93,.98 96 Thornley, A. 57 (42.52) 1900. Some Constituents of the Insect Fauna of the County of Notting- ham. 47th ann. Rep. Trans. Nottingham Natural. Soc. p. 18—23. [Census.] 97 Bouskell, Frank. 57 (42.54) 1907. Entomology [ of Leicestershire ]. Handbook Brit. Ass. Ady. Sc. 1907 p. 363—385. 98 Morley, Claude. 57 (42.6) 1908. The Insects of the Breck. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 579—586. (42.61,.64) 57.5,.62— .64,.68,.71,.82,.85,.97,.99 99 Tuck, W. H. 57 (42.61) 1903/04. Entomological Notes for 1902. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 926—527. — for 1903. p, 635—636. 57.54,.62,.67,.68,.93,.96—99 19600 Morley, Claude. 57 (42.61) 1907. An Entomological Visit to Hunstanton. Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 489—492. 57.27,.32,. 53, “54, .62,.63, 67— .69,.71,.72,.82,.85,.89,.92,.96,.97,.99 15. I. 1909. Insecta. 74 19601 Sharp, W. E. 97 (42.7) 1896. The Entomology of the Liverpool District. Handbook Brit. Ass. Ady. Sc. 1896 p. 60—72. 57.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9 (42.71,.72) 02 Torka, Y. 57 (43.13) 1908. Geradflügler aus dem nordöstlichen Teil der Provinz Posen. Zeit- schr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 15 Entom. p. 19—26. 57.22,.27—29,.33 03 Gehrs, Cl. 57 (43.53) 190s. Verzeichnis der in der näheren und weiteren Umgebung Hannovers von mir beobachteten Netzfliigler oder Neuroptera. Ein Beitrag zur Er- forschung der Tierwelt des Hannoverlandes. 55—57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 169—179. 57.83—.35,.42,.44,.45 04 Klapälek, Fr. 94 (43.6) 1906. Příspěvek ke znalosti fauny Neuropteroid Chorvatska, Slavonska i zemí sousedních. Rozpr. české Akad, Tr. 2 Rocn. 15 Cis. 16, 8 pp. [Rhitrogena henschii n. sp.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Neuropteroiden- Fauna von Croatien-Slavonien und der Nachbarländer. Bull. intern. Acau. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 11 p. 77—85, 6 figg. [4nn. spp. in: Synage- petus, Panorpa, Hemerobrus, Capnia.] (43.71,.72,.93,.94) 57.34,.42.44,.45 05 Puschnig, R. 57 (43.6) 1908. Einige Beobachtungen an Odonaten und Orthopteren im steirisch- kroatischen Grenzgebiete. (Rohitsch-Sauerbrunn, Krapina-Töplitz). Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 4 p. 102—111. (43.65,.94) 57.27,.28..33 06 Rudow, Fr. 57 (43.64) 1908. Einige Ergebnisse der Sammelreise im Sommer 1908. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 179—180, 183—184, 190—191. 19607 Karny, Heinrich, 97 (43.69) 1908. Die zoologische Reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines nach Dalmatien im April 1906. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesammelten Materiales. 6. Orthoptera und Blattaeformia. Mitt. nat. Ver. Univ. Wien Jahrg. 6 p. 101—113. [3 nn. spp. in: Euthrips, Thrips, Archaeothrips n. g. 5 nn. varr. in Acrydium.] 57.21,.22,.25—.31 08 Abot, Gustave. 57 (44.18) 1908. Note sur deux insectes rares pour la Faune de l’Anjou. Bull. Soc. Etud. scient. Angers N. S. Ann. 37 p. 73—74. [Phyllomorpha laeini- ata et Mantispa pagana.] 57.42,.54 09 Buysson, H. 57 (44.59) 1908. Une promenade au Mont-Dore. Rev. scient. Bourbonn. Ann. 21 p. 69—78. 10 Xambeu, [V.] 57 (44.89) 1903/08. Notes explicatives au Catalogue de la faune des environs de Ria. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 19—24 Suppl., 257 pp. 51.11,.21 —.24,.27,.28,.53,.54,.62—.99 11 Pandiani, A. 57 (45.1) 1905. Aggiunte all’ Entomologia Valdostana. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Ann. 16 p. 208—218. 57.15,.21,.25,.29,.42,.54,.62,.64,.67—.69,.72,.86,.88,.89,.92,.93,.96—.99 12 Ragusa, Enrico. 57 (45.8) 1908. Due giorni di caccia entomologica sulle Madonie. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 129—134. 57 62,.64,.67—.69,.82,.85,.87—.89 19613 Navas, Longinos. 57 (46) 1908. Neuröpteros de Espana y Portugal. Brotéria Rev. Sc. nat. Vol. 7 p. 5—131, 1 fig. [9 nn. spp. Hemerobius, Sympherobius 5, Embia 3.] (46.4,.7, 469) 57.32,.42,.44,.45 15. I. 1909. 75 Insecta. 19614 Navas, Longinos. 57 (46.85) 1906. Catalogo descriptivo de los insectos Neuröpteros de las Islas Canarias. Rey. Acad. Cienc. exact. fis. y nat. Madrid T. 4 p. 687—707, 1 lám. [5 nn. spp. in: Myrmeleon, Hemerobius 2, Stenolomus n. g. 2.] 57.15,.32—.34,.42,.45 15 Grénblom, Thorwald. 97 (47.1) 1908. Intressanta insektfynd. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 19—20. 57.67,.97 16 Sundvik, Ernst Edv. 97 (47.1) 1908. Biologiska iakttagelser i afseende à humlorna. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 131—137. 57.92,.71,.99 17 Petersen, Esben. 57 (48.4) 1907. Bidrag til en fortegnelse uver arktisk Norges Neuropterfauna. (With Description of a New Species of Ephemeridae by Rev. A. E. Earon). Tromsø Mus. Aarsh. 25 p. 119—153, 6 figg. [Ephemerella aronii n. sp] 57.33— .35,.41,.45 18 Wahlgren, Einar. 57 (48.7) 1908. Bidrag till kännedomen om ôfre Klarälfdalens entomogeografi. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 13, 32 pp. 97.22,.27,.33,.42,.62—.65,.67,.68— .72,.32— .89,.99 19 Lucas, W. J. 57 (494) 1908. A Small Collection of Swiss Neuroptera. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 270. 57.33,.35,.41,.45 | 19620 Bischof, Josef. 57 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias- Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. ArnoLp PentHER und Emerica ZEDERBAUFR. Neuropteren und Dipteren. Ann. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 170—179. [7 nn. spp. in: Tipula, Gonia, Micropalpus, Pseudemintho 2 (1 n. var.), Platys- toma 2.] (56.1,.3,.4) 57.33,.43,.45,.71,.72 21 du Buysson, R. 57 (6) 1908. Note sur les Orthopteres. Note sur les Hyménopteres. Mission Foà Paris p. 591—é95. (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) 51.22,.25,.28,.29,.32,.33,.92,.95—.99 22 Gestro, R. 51 (63) 1901. A proposito di un recente articolo intorno alla fauna entomologi- ca dell’ Eritrea. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova Vol. 40 p. 723—736. [1 n. var. in Alesia.] 57.22,.25,.62,.69,.96,.97 23 Brohmer, P. 57 (67.8) 1908. Entomologisches aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 65—69, 3 figg. 24 Tavares, J. S. 57 (67.9) 1908. Contributio prima ad cognitionem cecidologiae Regionis Zambeziae Moçambique Africa orientalis. Brotéria Rev. Sc. nat. Vol. 7 p. 135— 171, 16 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Sfephodiplosis n. g., Lasioptera, Aphis (Der Guercio), Lopesiella n. g., Polystepha, Microdiplosis n. g., Delodiplosis n. g., Lopesia n. g., Calodiplosis n. g., Asphondylia.] 54.2, 57.52,.71 25 Baker, €. F. 57 (1) 1905. Notes on Neuropteroid Insects of the Pacific Coast of North Ame- rica with Descriptions of New species by Narman Banks. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 85—91. [3 nn. spp. in: Perla, Berotha, Megalomus.| 57.32—,35,.42,.44,.45 19626 Banks, Nathan. 57 (7) 1908. Neuropteroid Insects — Notes and Descriptions. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 pi 255—267, 3 pls. [30 nn. spp. in: Perla 4, Psocus 2, Myopsocus, Caecilus, Polypsocus, Potamanthus, Chrysopa, Melcoma 2, Borio- myia, Hemerobius 2, Sisyra, Bittacus, Anabolia 2, Limnephilus 6, Leptocerus, Hydropsyche, Arctopsyche, Diplectrona.] (711,49 129.1, 7418.2, 4.7, 755,764 TIA BASSO, 29:15. 1) 57.32,.34,.35,.42,.45 15. I. 1909. Insecta. 76 19627. i 57 (71.4) 1908. Notes of Captures. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 118— 133. 57.27,.28,.33,.52—.54,.62,.64,.65,.68,.69,.71,.72,.82—.89 28 Banks, Nathan. 57 (71.8) 1808. Some Trichoptera, and Allied Insects, from New-Foundland. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 61—67, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Anabolia, Lemnephilus 2, Halesus, Alepomyia n. g., Polycentropus, Holocentropus, Isoperla.] 97.34,.35,.45 29 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57 (74.7) 1906/08. 21st Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and other Insects of the State of New York 1905. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 104. — 59th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 Entom. No. 26, 186 pp., 10 pls., 48 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Lasioptera, Rhabdophaga, Bremia, Cecidomyia 2.] — 22d Report 1906. Bull. No. 110 (Entom. No. 28) — 60th ann. Rep. Vol. 1, 186 pp., 3 pls., 2 figg. — 23d Report 1997. Bull. No. 124 — 61st ann. Rep. Vol. 2, 117 pp., 1 fig. 57.29,.52,.54,.64,.68,.71,.82,.86,.87,.89,.96 30 Needham, James G. 57 (74.7) 1908. Report of the Entomologic Field Station Conducted at Old Forge, N. Y., in the Summer of 1905. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124. — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 156—248, 15 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Dolichopeza, Dicranomia. Oropeza n. g. pro Tipula annulata. Venation of Tipulidae.] 57.33,.34,.71,.72 31 Paxon, Owen Shoemaker. 57 (74.8) 1908. Numerical Distribution of some Insects. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 321—337. 32 Gahan, A. B., and G. P. Weldon. 57 (15.2) 1907. Miscellaneous Insect Notes from Maryland for 1906. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 67 p. 37—39. 51.52,.53,.82 19683 Banks, Nathan. 57 (75.6) 1908. A List of Neuropteroid Insects from North Carolina. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 149—156. 57.32,.34,.35,.42—.45 34 Hine, James S. 57 (76.3) 1904/06. A Contribution to the Entomology of the Region of the Gulf Biologic Station. Bull. No. 2 Gulf biol. Stat. p. 65—68. — A Second Contribution. No. 6 p. 65—83, 22 figg. 57.27,.32,.33,.42,.53—.65,.67—.72,.82,.86,.87,.89,.97,.99 85 Tucker, E. S. 57 (76.4) 1908. Incidental Captures of Neurcpterous Insects at Plano, Texas. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 97—100. 57.32 —.34,.42,.44,.45 36 Muttkowski, Richard A. 57 (77.5) 1908. A Summers Insect Collecting. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 164—169. 57.33,.34,.42—-.44 37 Keele, J. 57 (79.8) 1906. Report on the Upper Stewart River Region Yukon. Ann. Rep. geol. Sury. Canada N. S. Vol. 16 Pt. € p. 1—23, 3 pls. [Insects Collec- ted by J. KreLe, Determined by James Frercuer.] 57.85 — .81,.89,.93 38 Holmgren, Nils. 57 (8) 1908. Ueber einige myrmecophile Insekten aus Bolivia und Peru. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 837—349, 7 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Leptanillophilus n. g., Echiaster, Mimopria n. g., Leptanilla.] (84, 85) 57.62,.92,.96 39 Simmonds, Hubert W. 57 (94.3) 1908. An Entomological Visit to North Queensland and to Natal. En- tomologist Vol. 41 p. 28—33. (68.4) 57.62,.68,.87,.89 19640 Giffard, W. M. 57 (96.9) 1908. Presidential Address. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 176 —184. [Fauna of the Island of Lanai.] 57.22,.29..53,.54, 62,.63,.67—.69,.92 15. I. 1909. yi Insecta — Thysanura. 19641 Severin, 6. 91 (99) 1906. Insectes. Introduction. Result. Voyage Belgica Ins. p. 1—8. 42 Enderlein. Günther. 57 (99) 1908. Über die biogeographische Stellung der Crozet-Inseln. 14. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antarktischen Fauna. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 751—753. 57.13,.32,.54,.62,.63,.72,.82,-96 XXXV. 59.57.1 Thysanura. (Vide etiam: 15477, 15481, 15862, 15935, 16022, 16026, 16034, 16077, 16078 18715, 18754, 18755, 18758, 19427, 19435, 19566, 19574, 19610, 19611, 19614 19642.) 43 Bruntz, L. 57.1 : 14 1908. Les reins labiaux et les glandes céphaliques des Thysanoures. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. 195—238, 2 pls., 5 figg. [Glandes cephali- ques antérieures qui debouchent latéralement à la base dela cavité masti- catoire; glandes céphaliques postérieures qui debouchent dans les canaux excréteurs des reins.] 14.316,.61, 57.11,.13 44 Philiptschenko, Jur. 97.1 : 14 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Apterygoten 2. Ueber die Kopfdrüsen der Thysanuren. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 93—111, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [Tubulöse Drüsen (modificierte Kopfnephridien), und Speicheldrüsen.] 14.316,.61 57.11,.15 45 von Olfers, E. W. M. 57.1 (1181) 1908. Die Ur-Insecten“. Thysanura und Collembola im Bernstein. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 1—40, 25 Taf. 57.11—.15 19646 Erans, William. 57.1 (41) 1908. Some further Records of Collembola and Thysanura from the Forth Area. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 17 p. 195—200. (41.33,.34,.36,.44) 57.13,.15 47 Evans, William. 57.1 (41.32) 1901. A Preliminary List of Perthshire Collembola and Thysanura. Trans. Perthshire Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 150—154. 57.11—.15 48 Linnaniemi (Axelson), Walter M. 57.1 (47.1) 1907. Die Apterygotenfauna Finlands. I. Allgemeiner Teil. Acta Soc. Sc. fenn. Vol. 34 No. 7, 134, XII pp., 1 Kart. 57.11—.15 49 Wahlgren, Einar. 57.1 (48.5) 1906. Svensk insektfauna. 1. Första ordningen. Borstsvansar och hoppst- järtar. Apterygogenea. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 27 p. 233—270, 30 figg. (48.6—.8) 57.11—.15 50 Silvestri, F. 57.1 (6) 1907. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Roruscuimp, dans l’Afrique orientale. Thysanoures. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1907 p. 513—517. [4 nn. spp. in: .Lepisma, Ctenolepisma, Thermobia, Japyx.] (63, 67.7) 91.11,.15 51 Silvestri, F. 57.1 (6) 1908. Materiali per lo studio dei Tisanuri. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 359—396, 24 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Lepisma 3, Atopate- lura n. g., Pseudatelma n. g., Mesonychographis n. g., Cryptocephalina n. g., Lepidospora, Praemachilis, Japyz 2 (2 nn. varr.). Heterolepidella n. g. pro Grassiella termitobia, Petalonychia pro Atelura kohli.] (45.6,.75,.76, 499, 61.1, 64, 65, 67.5) 57.11,.15 19652 Silvestri, Filippo. 57.11 Anajapyx (45.73) 1907. Nuova contribuzione alla conoscenza dell’ Anajapyx vesiculosus Sırv. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 1 p. 3—15, 12 figg. 15. I. 1909. Thysanura. 78 19653 Silvestri, F. 57.11 Japygidae (403) 1908. Liste des Japygidae de la collection du Muséum d’Histoire natu- relle avec description de deux espèces nouvelles et d’une espece peu connue. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 151—157, 17 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Japyx.] (44.59, 61.5, 64,.65) 54 Folsom, Justus W., and Miriam U. Welles. 57.13 : 11.4 1906. Epithelial Degeneration, Regeneration and Secretion in the Mid- intestine of Collembola. Univ. Illinois Bull. 4 p. 5—32; Science N. S. Vol. 23 p. 633. [Mid-intestine as organ of excretion (casting of inner half of wall, absence of Malpighian tubes).] 55 Nelson, Edward M. 57.13 : 14.77 1907. On the Podura Scale. Journ. R. mier, Soc. London 1907 p. 393 —404, 1 pl. 56 Latzel, R. 57.13 : 15.2 1907. Massenerscheinungen von Springschwänzen (Collembola) auf Schnee und Eis. Carinthia II Jahrg. 97 p. 145--173. 57 Lindsay, John. 57.13 : 16 1906. The „Water-Flea“ Scare in our City. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. micr. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 267—276. [Collembola in water supply.] 58 Absolon, K. 57.13 (24:4) 1907. Zwei neue Collembolen-Gattungen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 26 p. 335—343, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: 7roglopedetes n. g. Corynephoria n. g. Corynephoriinae n. subfam4 (43.68,.72, 922) 59 Carpenter, Geo. H. 57.13 (41,5) 1908. On two Collembola New to the Britannic Fauna. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 174—179, 8 figg. [1 n. var. in Agrenia.] (41.89,.91) 19660 Axelson, Walter M. 57.13 (47.1) 1905. Zur Kenntnis der Apterygotenfauna von Tvärminne. Festschr. Palmen No. 15, 46 pp., 1 Tat. 61 Wahlgren, Einar. 57.13 (48.8) 1906. Collembola fran Torne Lappmark och angränsande trakter. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 27 p. 219—230, 4 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Achorutes 2, Isotoma, Dicyrtoma.] 62 Börner, Carl. 57.13 (6) 1907. Collembolen aus Ostafrika, Madagaskar und Südamerika. Voeltz* kow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 147—178, 2 Taf., 2 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Avelsonia n. g., Pseudosira (1 n. var.), Sminthurinus, Bour- letiella 3, Proisotoma 2, Entomobrya (1 n. var.), 2, Sminthurides 3, Sminthu- rinus, Katianna 2. Lepidocyrtus wahlgreni n. nom. pro L. decemoculatus WAHLGREN non GUTHRIE.] (67.6, 69) 63 Schött, Harald. 57.13 (82.9) 1907. Collembola während der schwedischen Expedition nach dem Feuer- gees 96 eingesammelt. Svensk. Exped. Magellansländ. Bd. 2 p. 171--172. 64 Wahlgren, Einar. 57.13 (82.9) 1907. Ueber zwei patagonische Collembola. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 28 p. 191—192. 65 Rainbow, W. J. 57.13 (94) 1907. Two New Species of Collembola. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 6 p. 318 —314, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Isotoma, Achorutes.] (94.3) 66 Berlese, Antonio. 57.13 Acerentomidae (4) 1908. Osservazioni intorno agli Acerentomidi. Redia Vol. 5 p. 110-122. [3 nn. spp. in: Acerentomon, Acerentulus (n. g. pro Acerentomon confine) 2.] (43.64, 45.5) 19667 Berlese, Antonio. 57.13 Acerentomidae (45.5) 1908. Nuovi Acerentomidi. Redia Vol. 5 p. 16—18, 1 tav. [4 nn. spp. in Acerentomon 3, Eosentomon n. g.] 15. I. 1909. 19668 69 70 71 72 73 74 19675 76 TIA 78 79 80 81 19682 79 Thysanura. Silvestri, F. 57.13 Acerentomon (45.1) 1907. Descrizione di un novo genere d’insetti apterigoti rappresentante di un novo ordine. Boll. Lab. zeol. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 1 p. 296— 311, 18 figg. [Protura n. ord. Acerentomidae n. fam. Acerentomon n. g. doderoi n. sp.] Latzel, R. 57.13 Achorutes (43.66) 1907. Massenerscheinungen von schwarzen Schneeflöhen in Kärnten. Carinthia II Jahrg. 97 p. 54—71, 7 figg. Dendy, Arthur. 57.13 Anoura (931) 1901. Note on the Distribution of some Australian Collembola. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 33 p. 97—98. Folsom, Justus W. 57.13 Aphorura (71.1) 1908. The Golden Snow-Flea, Aphorura cocklei, n. sp. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 199—201, 6 figg. Jackson, Alma Drayer. 57.13 Papirius (73) 1907. Synopsis of the American Species of the Genus Papirius. Ohio Natural. Vol. 7 p. 159—177, 2 figg. (74.1,.4,.7, 75.8, 76.4, 77.1,.6, 79.4,.7) Hoffmann, R. W. 57.13 Tomocerus : 14 1908. Ueber die Morphologie und die Funktion der Kauwerkzeuge und über das Kopfnervensystem von Tomocerus plumbeus L. III. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Collembolen. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 89 p. 598—689, 5 Taf., 12 figg. 14.31,.81,.98 Przibram, Hans, und Isaak Werber. 97.15 : 11.69 1907. Regenerationsversuche allgemeinerer Bedeutung bei Borstenschwänzen (Lepismatidae). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 516—631, 1 Taf. Bruntz, L. 57.15 : 14.61 1908. Note sur l’anatomie et la physiologie des Thysanoures. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T. 9 p. 96—98; C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 231—933. Bruntz, L. 57.15 : 14.61 1908. Nouvelles recherches sur l’excrétion et la phagocytose chez les Thysanoures. Arch. Zool. exper. gen. (4) T. 8 p. 471—488, 1 pl. [Exis- tence de reins labiaux et de néphrocytes. Phagocytose par globules san- guins et organe phagocytaire (septum péricardiaque).] Philiptschenko, Jur. 57.15 Ctenolepisma : 14 1907. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Apterygoten. I. Ueber die excretorischen und phagocytären Organe von Ctenolepisma lineata F. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. SS p. 99—116. 1 Taf. 14.11,.39,.61 Meissner, Otto. 07.15 Lepisma : 15 1908. Kurze Bemerkungen über den Zuckergast (Lepisma saccharina L.) Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 47, 72. Silvestri, Filippo. 97.15 Machilidae 1906. Note sui „Machilidae“. Redia Vol. 3 p. 325—340, 15 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Allomachilis n. g., Machilis, Praemachilis 2, Machiloides, Machilinus.] (51.1, 59.9, 61.1, 64, 65, 69, 88, 94.4) Silvestri, F. 57.15 Machilidae 1908. Quelques formes nouvelles de la famille des Machilides. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 6 p. 361—370, 22 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Machilis 2, Gra- phitarsus n. g. 2.] (52.1, 67.5, 921) Myryposr, A; M. Shugurov, A. M. 57.15 Machilinus (47) 1906. Kb reorpabmyeckomy paeipocrpanenim Machilinus rupestris (Lucas) Sırv. [Sur la distribution géographique du Machilinus rupestris (Lucas) Sizv.]. Pycek. 5HTom. 0603p. Rev. russe Entom. T. 6 p. 29—31. Bruntz, L. 57.15 Machilis : 14.61 1908. Sur la contingence de la bordure en brosse et la signification pro- bable des bâtonnets de la cellule rénale. ©. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 88—85; Bull. Soc. Se. Nancy (2) T. 9 p. 500—503. — (Réun. biol. Nancy). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 254—256. [Bordure en brosse 15. I. 1909. Thysanura — Orthoptera. 80 est formation contingente, par sa disparition produit de sécrétion rénale est mis en liberté. — Batonnets sont formation de soutien.) 19683 Bruntz, L. 57.15 Machilis : 14.61 1908. Sur la cytologie du labyrinthe renal des Thysanoures. Bull. Soc. A Nancy (3) T. 9 p. 358—359; C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 1045— 0 7. 84 Bruntz, L. 57.15 Machilis : 14.61 1908. Sur la structure et le réseau trachéen des canaux excréteurs des reins de Machilis maritima Leaca. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T. 9 p. 145 —147; C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 146 p. 871—873. 85 Bruntz, L. 57.15 Machilis : 14.61 1908. Sur l’existence des glandes céphaliques chez Machilis maritima Leaca. Bull. Soc. Sc. Nancy (3) T. 9 p. 148—150; C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 491—493. XXXVI. 59.57.2 Orthoptera (incl. Dermaptera). Vide etiam: 14021, 15430, 15475, 15478, 15573, 15676, 15705, 15999, 16019, 16022, 16026, 16034, 16039, 16049, 16055, 16062, 16071, 16103, 16105, 16107, 18710, 18711, 18715, 18731, 18734, 18735, 18737, 18738, 18743, 18752, 18754, 18762, 19385, 19423, 19427, 19439, 19442, 19471, 19494, 19498, 19538, 19550. 19565, 19566, 19568, 19569, 19575, 19581— 19583, 19585, 19587—91, 19600, 19602, 19605, 19607, 19610, 19611, 19618, 19621, 19622, 19627, 16929, 19634, 19640.) 86 Sartory, A., et Clerc. 57.2 3 11.32 1908. Flore intestinale de quelques orthoptères. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 544—545. 87 Vosseler, J. 57.2 : 14.78 1907. Einige Beobachtungen an ostafrikanischen Orthopteren. Deutsch entom. Zeitschr. 1907 p. 241—244, 527—530, 2 figg. [Tonapparate.] 57.22,.24,.27,.28 19688 Link, Eugen. 57.2 : 14.84 908. Ueber die Stirnaugen der Orthopteren. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Vers. p. 161—167, 2 figg. 51.22,.25,.21,.28,.29 89 Miram, Emilie. 57.2 (403) 1907. Zur Orthopteren-Fauna Russlands. Öfvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 49 No. 6, 9 pp. [4 nn. spp. in: Chrysochraon, Stenobothrus 2, Gompho- cerus.] (47.1,.2, 57.1—.6) 57.22,.27,.28 90 Bolivar, Ignacio. 57.2 (403) 1908. Algunos ortöpteros nuevos de España, Marruecos y Canarias. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 317—334. [14 nn. spp. in: Oxythespis, Omo- cestus 2, Stauroderus 2, Fortunata n. g. 2, Tmethis (1 n. var.), Pyrgomorpha 4, Uromenus, Pterolepis. 4 nn. varr. in: Aerotylus, Pamphagus, Ephippigera 2.] (46.3,.5,.85, 64) 57.25,.27,.28 91 Lucas, W. J. 97.2 (42) 1908. Orthoptera in 1907. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 186—188, 1 pl. 57.21,.22,.27—.29 92 Burr, Malcolm. 57.2 (42.23) 1907/08. Orthoptera in East Kent in 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 19 p. 252—254. — in 1908. Vol. 20 p. 275—278. 57.21,.22,.27,.28 93 Luff, W. A 57.2 (42.34) 1897. The Orthoptera of Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 113—117. 57.21,.22,.27,.29 19694 Sopp, E. J. Burgess. 57.2 (42.7) 1905. A Preliminary List of the Orthoptera of Lancashire and Cheshire. 28th ann. Rep. Proc. Lancashire Cheshire entom. Soc. p. 44—56. 57.21,.22,.27,.28,.29 (42.71,.72) 15. I. 1909. 81 Orthoptera. 19695 Zacher, Friedrich. 57.2 (43.14) 1907. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren Schlesiens. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 179—185, 211—217. 57.21,.22,.27—.29 96 von Dalla-Torre, K. W. 57.2 (43.64) 1908. Polare Grenzen der Orthopteren in Tirol. Eine zoogeographische Skizze. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 172—176. 57.21,.22,.27—.29 97 Ebner, Richard. 57.2 (43.9) 1908. Beiträge zur Orthopterenfauna Bosniens und der Herzegowina. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Bd. 58 p. 329 —339. 1 Taf. [2 nn. spp. in: Isophya, Pholidoptera.] (43.95,.96) 57.21..22,.27,.29 98 Hyrypogs, À. M. Schugurov, A. M. 57.2 (47) 1906. Mezxia opronteponoruyeckia 3aMBTKu. II. [Notices orthoptérologi- ques IL] Pycck. sHToM. 0608p. Rev. russe Entom. T. 6 p. 21—23. (47.6,.7,.9) 99 Schugurow, A. M. 57.2 (47.7) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren-Fauna Bessarabiens. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 70 p. 140—145. 57.21,.22,.25—.28 19700 Kuthy, D. 57.2 (499) 1907. Insectorum messis in Insula Creta a Lup. Bırö congregata. I. Or- thoptera. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 5 p. 551—555. [2 nn. spp. in: Stenobothrus, Poecilimon.] 57.21,.22,.25—.29 01 Werner, F. 57.2 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. ArnoLp PentHER und Emerica ZEDERBAUER. Dermap- tera und Orthoptera. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 168—170. (56.1,.3,.4) 57.21,.22,.25—.28 19702 Kuthy, D. 57.2 (56) 1907. Orthoptera ex Asia-Minore. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 5 p. 430—432. [2 nn. spp. in: Stethophyma, Sphingonotus.] 57.21,.22,.25—.29 03 Karny, H. 57.2 (6) 1907. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft Test, unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. Franz Werxer’s nach dem ägyptischen Sudan und Nord-Uganda. IX. Die Orthopterenfauna des ägyp- tischen Sudans und von Nord-Uganda (Saltatoria, Gressoria, Dermaptera) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Acridoideengattung Catantops. Sitz.- Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 267—878, 3 Taf. [63 nn. sp. in: Euscyrtus, Cyrtoxipha, Paraloxoblemmus, Acheta 3, Tri- stria 2, Oxyrrhepes, Ischnacrida, Locusta 2 (1 n. var.) Phyxacra (n. g. pro Coptacra variolosa), Epistaurus, Catantops 31, Wernerella (n. g. pro Thalpo- mena picteti), Acrotylus, Chortoicetes 2, Eleutherotheca n. g. 2, Stauroderus 3 (1 n. var), Phlaeoba 3 (1 n. var.), Machaeridia, Acrida. 5 nn. varr. in: Tridactylus, Paratettix, Tylotropidius 3.] (54,.87, 62, 66.4,.7, 67.6,.8,.9, 68.4,.7,.8, 69,4, 91.2) 57.21,.22,.27—.29 04 Werner, Franz. 57.2 (6) 1907. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft TreırL unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. F. Werxer’s in den ägyp- tischen Sudan und nach Nord-Uganda. VIII. Orthoptera blattaeformia (mit einer Revision der Mantodeengattung Tarachodes. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Ki. Jahrg. 44 p. 18—19 ; Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.- nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 165—266, 13 Taf., 1 fig. [23 nn. spp. in: Phyllo- dromia 3, Pseudoderopeltis, Nuuphoeta, Paramorphoscelis n. g., Eremiaphila, Tarachina n. g., Tarachodes 8, Pyrgomantis 2, Nilomantis n. g., Calamothes- pis n. g., Ischnomantis, Danuria, Blepharodes.] (62, 67.1,.6,.8, 68.2) 57.22,.25 19705 Bolivar, Ignacio 57.2 (61.1) 1908. Note sur les Orthopteres recueillis par M. Henri Gapeau DE Ker- vile en Khroumirie (‘lunisie). Voyage zool. Khroumirie (Tunisie) Henri Gadeau de Kerville p. 117—128. 57.21—.29 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zoo! XVII. 15s T 1909: 6 Orthoptera. 82 19706 Werner, F. 57.2 (61.2) 1908. Diagnosen neuer Orthopteren von Tripolis und Barka. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 713—716. [10 nn. spp. in: Anisolabis, Polyphaga, Gharianus n. g., Acheta 2, Sphingonotus 2, Pyrgomorpha, Pamphagus, Sphodromerus.] 57.21,.22,.24,.27,.29 07 Werner, Franz. 57.2 (61.2) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Orthopteren-Fauna von Tripolis und Barka. Nach der Sammlung von Dr. Bruno Kuaprocz im Jahre 1906. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 27 p. 83—143, 2 Taf. [10 nn. spp. in: Anisolabis, Poly- phaga, Gharianus n. g., Acheta 2, Sphingonotus 2, Pyrgomorpha, Pamphagus, Sphodromerus.] 51.21—.29 08 Finot, A. 57.2 (66.6) 1908. Description d'un genre nouveau et d'une espèce nouvelle d'Orthop- teres de la cóte occidentale de l'Afrique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 27—29. [Thaleius n. g. lemagneni n. sp.] 57.24—.28 09 Baker, C. F. 57.2 (7) 1905. Second Report on Pacific Slope Orthoptera. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 71—83. [Oecanthus rehni n. sp. 5 nn, spp. by Rean in: Bostra, Cyrtoxipha, Oecanthus 2, Heterocoiis.] (728, 79.4) 57.21—.29 10 Caudell, Andrew Nelson. 57.2 (7) 1908. Notes on Some Western Orthoptera: with the Description of one New Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 71—81. [Marsa tuber- culata n. sp.l (71.1,.2, 72.2, 78.4, 79.4,.5,.7) 57.22,.24—.29 19711 Brimley, C. S. 57.2 (75.6) 1908. Notes on the Orthoptera of Raleigh, North Carolina. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 16—21. 57.21—.29 12 Rehn, James A. G., and Morgan Hebard. 57.2 (79.1) 1908. An Orthopterological Reconnoissance of the Southwestern United States. Part I: Arizona. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 365—402, 9 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Yersinia, Paropomala 2, Amphitornus, Horesidotes.] 57.22,.25,.27,.29 13 Baker. C. F. 97.2 (79.3) 1903. First Decade of Orthoptera Issued in the ”Invertebrata Pacifica” Series. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 13—14. 57.27 14 Morse, Albert P. 57.2 (79.3) 1903. New Orthoptera from Nevada. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 14—16. (Reprinted from Psyche Vol. 10) 15 Brunner von Wattenwyl, C. 57.2 (99) 1906. Orthoptères. Result. Voyage Belgica Ins. p. 9—11. [Udenus n. g. w-nigrum n. sp.] (82, 83) 57.28 19716 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 1907. A Preliminary Revision of the Forficulidae (sensu stricto) and of the Chelisochidae, Families of the Dermatoptera. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 v. 91—134, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Sarcinatrix, Forficula 2. Chamaipetes n. g. pro Anechura hermes, Timomenus pro Opisthocosmia oannes, Eudohrnia pro Forficula metallica, Diaperasticus pro Sphingolabis sansbarica, Lipodes pro Opisthocosmia vivax, Hypurgus pro O. humeralis, Emboros pro O. dubia, Kleter pro 0. amazonensis, Sarakas pro 0. devians, Osteulcus pro Ancistrogaster kervillei, Praos pro A. perdita, Vlax pro A. championi, Sken- dyle pro Cosmiella aptera, Liparura pro Neolobophora asiatica, Obelura pro N. tannul, Eparchus pro Forficula insignis, Skalistes pro F. lugubris, Rhada- manthus pro F. lobophoroides, Kosmetor pro Opisthocosmia annandalei, Elau- non pro Sphingolabis bipartita, Doru pro Forficula linearis, Kinesis pro Chelisoches punctulatus, Ereypnus pro Ch. pulchripennis, Proreus pro Forfi- cula simulans, Solenosoma pro Auchenomus birmanus, Enkrates pro Forficula flavipennis, Adiathetus pro Chelisoches shelfordi, Hamaxas pro Ch. feae.] (54.87, 67.8, 72.2) 15. I. 1909. 83 Orthoptera. 19717 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 1908. Notes on the Forficularia. — XI. On New or Little-known Species and Synonymic Notes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 47—51. [Forcipula jacobsoni n. sp., Strorgylopsalis cornuta n. nom. pro Labia cheliduroides Borm. 1883 non 1880.] (922) 18 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 1908. Notes on the Forficularia. — XII. A Revision of the Brachylabi- dae (Isolabidae). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 246—255. [3 nn. spp. in: Brachylabis 2, Pseudisolabis n. g. Verhòffia n. g. pro Brachylabis sjöstedti.] 19 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 1908. Notes on the Forficularia. — XIV. A Revision of the Pygidicra- ninae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 382—392. [2 nn. spp. in: Pygidicrana, Dicrana (n. g. pro P. frontalis) Cranopygia n. g. pro P. cumingi, Picrania pro P. liturata, Pyge pro P. modesta.] 20 Sopp, E. J. Burgess. 97.91 : 14.99 1905. The Callipers of Earwigs. 28th ann. Rep. Proc. Lancashire Ches- hire entom. Soc. p. 38—43. 21 Meissner, Otto. 57.21 : 15 1908. Zur Psychologie der Dermatopteren. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 65—66. 15.3,.6 22 Schtscherbakow, Th. 57.21 (403) 1908. Neue Daten zur geographischen Verbreitung von Forficula tomis Kor. und Labidura riparia pallipes Fasr. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 97—101. (47.3,.8, 57.6) 19723 Matsumura, S., und T. Shiraki. 97.21 (52) 1903. Monographie der Forficuliden Japans. Journ. Sapporo agricult. Coll. Vol. 2 p. 75—86, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Labia, Apterygida, Chelidura.] (52.1,.4) 24 Borelli, Alfredo. 97.21 (6) 1907. Ortotteri raccolti da Leonarno Fra nell Africa occidentale. Der- matteri. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 345—390. [16 nn. spp. in: Diplatys, Echinosoma 3 (2 nn. varr.), Anisolabis 5, Spungiphora 5, Labia (3 nn. varr.), Apterygida (1 n. var.).] (66.3,.99—67.2) 25 Burr, Malcolm. 97.21 (6) i907. Ueber einige neue und interessante Dermapteren-Arten aus Kamerun und Togo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1907 p. 487—488. [Bormansia lictor n. sp.] (66.7, 67.1) 26 Burr, Malcolm. 97.21 (6) 1907. Dermapteren von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Britisch-Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 55—58. (67.8, 69,.4) 27 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 (67.8) 1908. Uber Dermapteren aus Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. Berlin. entom. Zeit- schr. Bd. 52 p. 201—207. [4 nn. spp. in: Diplatys, Psalis, Anisolabis, For- ficula.] 28 Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 (7) 1908. Forficole raccolte dal Prof. F. Silvestri nell America settentrionale e nelle isole Hawaii. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. j3 p. 314 —328, 3 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Anisolabis 2, Paracosmia n. g. 2. 1 n. var. in Sparatta.] (72.5—.7, 76.1,.4, 79.4) 29 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 (9) 1908. Notes on the Forficularia. — X. A Revision of the Nesogastrinae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 42—47. [Nesogaster wallacei n. sp. N. ruficeps Vera. — N. amoenus Smar.] (91.1,.2,.4, 922, 932, 94.6, 95) 19730 Meissner, Otto. 57.21 Anechura : 15 1907. Zur Lebensweise von Anechura bipunctata F. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 24 p. 226—227. 15. I. 1909. Orthoptera. 84 19731 Randolph, Harriet. 57.21 Anisolabis : 14.63.1 1908. On the Spermatogenesis of the Earwig Anisolabis maritima. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 111—116, 2 pls. 32 Burr, Malcolm. 57.21 Apachys 1908. Notes on the Forficularia. — XII. Note on the Genus Apachys, Serv. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 51—54. [A. corticinus n. sp.] (54.87) 33 Tullgren, Alb. 57.21 Chelidura (48.6) 1908. Om förekomsten af Chelidura acanthopygia Gent i Sverige. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 140. 34 Zweiger, Herbert. 57.21 Forficula 14.63.1 1906. Die Spermatogenese von Forficula auricularia L. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 42 p. 143—172, 4 Taf. [Spermatogonien mit 24 oder 26 Chromosomen. Mitochondrienkôrper in Spermatogonien, Spermatocyten u. jüngeren Spermatiden. Reifeteilungen: Praereduktionsmodus. Acces- sorisches Chromosom verursacht 3 Kategorien Spermatozoen. Vorkommen von Riesenspermatiden.] 35 Brockhausen, H. 57.21 Forficula : 15.3 1901. Über den Ohrwurm. 29. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 31—32. 36 Schwartz, Martin. 57.21 Forficula : 16 1908. Ueber den Schaden und Nutzen des Ohrwurms (Forficula auricularia). Arb. biol. Abt. Gesundh.-Amt mes Bd. 6 p. 487—492, 3 figg. 1,.5 37 Heller, K. M. 57.21 Forficula (46.85) 1907. Zwei neue Forficuliden von den Kanarischen Inseln. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1907 p. 525—526, 2 figg. 19738 Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 Pseudochelidura (469.8) 1908. Descrizione di una nuova forficola di Madeira. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23, No. 582, 3 pp, 1 fig. [Peudochelidura madeirensis.| 39 Borelli, Alfredo. 57.21 Pyragropsis (72.8) 1908. Nuovo genere di forficole di Costa Rica. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23 No. 594, 4 pp. 3 figg. [Pyragropsis n. g. tristani n. Sp.] 40 Shelford, R. 57.22 1908. Studies of the Blattidae. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. 455—410. [Described by Lass, de Grrr, and Taunserc. Synonymical Noes.] 41 Shelford, R. 57.22 1908. On a small Collection of Blattidae in the Naturhistorischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wieshaden Jahrg. 61 p. 27— 38, 1 pl. [13 nn. spp. in: Loboptera, Paraloboptera, Tribonoidea n. g., Stylo- pyga 3, Pelmatosilpha, Polyphaga, Tivia, Paralatindıa, Cyrtotria, Periplaneta, Panchlora.} (54.87, 67.1,.8, 68,.8, 921) 42 Mangan, Joseph. 57.22 : 14.98 1908. On the Mouth-Parts of some Blattidae. Proc. Irish Acad. Vol. 27 B p. 1—10, 3 pls. 43 Shelford, R. 57.22 (1181) 1908. Blattidae in Amber. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XXVIII —XXIX. 19744 Shelford, R. 57.22 (6) 1908. Some New Genera and Species of Blattidae, with Notes on the Form of the Pronotum in the Subfamily Perisphaerinae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 157—177, 2 Taf. [9 nn. spp. in: Anaplecta, Ischnoptera, Protagonista n. g., Archiblatta, Cardax n. g., Bantua (n. g. pro Perisphaeria dispar), Pilema, Cyrtotria 2. Platysilpha n. g. pro Perisphaeria murina.] (54.87, 59.9, 67.6, 68.9, 91.1, 94.1) 15. I. 1909. 85 Orthoptera. 19745 Shelford, R. 57.22 (67) 1908. Some New Species of Blattidae in the Brussels Museum. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 227—236. [15 nn. spp. in: Theganopteryx 2, Ischnoptera 3, Phyllodromia 3, Liosilpha, Methana, Pseudoderopeltis, Gyna, Nauphoeta, Stilpnoblatta, Salganea.] (67.1,.5) 46 Shelford, R. 57.22 (67) 1908. New Species of Blattidae in the Collection of the Deutsche En- tomologische National-Museum. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 115— 131, 1 pl.[20 nn. spp. in: Anaplecta, Phyllodromia 6, Liosilpha, Homalosilpha, Periplaneta 2, Nauphoeta 6, Oxyhaloa, Paraplecta, Chorisoneura.] (67.1,.6,.8) 47 van der Scheer, A. 57.22 Blatta : 16.7 1900. The Etiology of Beri-Beri. Journ. trop. Med. Vol. 3 p. 96—97. [Possible Transmission by Blatta orientalis.] 48 Sopp, E. J. Burgess. 57.22 Blattidae 1903. On Cockroaches. 26th ann. Rep. Proc. Lancashire Cheshire entom. Soc. p. 17—39, 2 pls. 49 Schtscherbakow, Th. S. 57.22 Blattidae : 14.98 1908. Zur Frage vom viergliedrigen Tarsus der Blattidae und der Regene- ration der Füsse derselben. Biometrika Vol. 6 p. 311—326. [Vier- gliedriger Tarsus wahrscheinlich Regenerationsprodukt nach Verletzungen der tibio-tarsalen oder Femoro-trochanter-Einlenkungen oder entstanden durch Abbrechen von Tarsusgliedern. (Statistische Methode).] 50 Agnus, Al. N. 57.22 Etoblattina (115) 1904. Un nouvel insecte fossile du Carbonifère de Commentry. Le Natu- raliste Ann. 26 p. 29—30, 1 fig. [Etoblattina gaudrii n. sp (44.57) 57.22] 19751 Bolivar, Ignacio. 57.22 Hololampra (64) 1908. Dos nuevas especies de Hololampra de Marruecos. Bol. Soc. espaü. Hist. nat. T 8 p. 91—92. 52 Mitchell, Evelyn Groesbeeck. 57.22 Lygobius (117) 1908. An Apparently New Protoblattid Family from the Lower Creta- ceous. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 85—86, 1 fig. [Lygobius n. g. knowltoni n. sp. Lygobidae n. fam.] 53 Shelford, R. 57.22 Panesthia : 11.5 1907. A Case of Homoeotic Variation in a Cockroach. Trans, entom. Soc. London 1907 p. XXXIII—XXXIV, 3 figg. [Right maxilla replaced by mandible. Left max. and both mandibles normal.] 54 Bordas, L. 57.22 Periplaneta : 11.4 1908. Produit de sécrétion de la glande odorante des Blattes. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 31—32. [De nature alcaline.] 55 Bordas, L. 57.22 Periplaneta : 11.4 1908. Rôle physiologique des glandes arborescentes annexées à l'appareil générateur femelle des Blattes (Periplaneta orientalis L.). €. R. Aead. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1495 — 1497. 56 Hall, W. J. 57.22 Periplaneta : 14 1899. On the Structure and Life-History of the Cockroach (Periplaneta orientalis). "Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 123—133, 1 pl. 57 Bordas, L. 57.22 Periplaneta : 14.35 1908. Recherches sur les glandes défensives ou glandes odorantes des Blattes. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 1—24, 1 pl, 7 figg. [Glande tubuleuse ramifiée dans région abdom. post. de Blattes males. Produit alealine, à odeur forte.] 19758 Wesché, W. | 57.22 Periplaneta : 14.64 1908. The Male Genitalia of the Cockroach, Periplaneta orientalis, Lnn., and their Homology with the Genitalia in Diptera. Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 235—242, 2 pls. 15. I. 1909. Orthoptera. 86 19759 Bordas, L. 57.22 Periplaneta : 14.65 1908. Anatomie des organes appendiculaires de l’appareil reproducteur femelle des Blattes (Periplaneta orientalis L.). €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1415—1418. 60 Karny, H. 57.22 Pseudogynopeltis 1908. Ueber eine neue Blattidengattung, aufgefunden in Südwestafrika. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 685—686. [Pseudogynopeltis n. g. schencki n. sp.] 61 Caudell, A. N. 57.22 Steleopyga (79.1) 1908. A Cockroach New to the United States. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 468. [Steleopyga rhombifolia.] 62 La Baume, W. 57.24 : 15 1908. Beobachtungen an lebenden Phasmiden in der Gefangenschaft. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 52—57, 1 fig. 63 Jordan, H. E. 57.24 Aplopus : 14.63.1 1908. The Accessory Chromosome in Aplopus mayeri. Anai. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 284—295, 48 figg. 64 Stockard, Charles R. 57.24 Aplopus : 15 1907. The Behavior of Aplopus mayeri. 6th Year Book Carnegie Inst. p. 118—119. [Mimicry. — Male caused to pair with portion of abdomen of mature female.] 15.6 65 Stockard, Chas. R. 57.24 Aplopus: 15 1908. Habits, Reactions and Mating Instincts of the ,Walkingstick“, Aplopus mayeri. (Amer. Soc. Zool. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 494—495. 15.6 66 von Baehr, W. B. 57.94 Bacillus : 13.11 1907. Ueber die Zahl der Richtungskórper in parthenogenetisch sich entwickelnden Eiern von Bacillus rossii. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 175—192, 1 Taf. [2 Richtungskörper.] 19767 Christopher, H. 57.24 Bacillus : 15 1908. Die südeuropäische Stabheuschrecke Bacillus rossii L. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 541—542, 553—554. 15.6 68 Marshall, Wm. S. 57.24 Diapheromera : 18.15 1908. Amitosis in the Malpishian Tubules of the Walking-stick (Diaphe- romera femorata). Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 89—94, 1 pl. 69 Pantel, J., et R. de Sinéty. 57.24 Dixippus : 11.62 1908. Sur l’apparition de máles et d'hermaphrodites dans les pontes par- thénogénétiques des Phasmes. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1358— —1360. 70 Fellmann, Carl. 57.24 Dixippus : 15 1908. Etwas über die Zucht von Dizippus morosus (Indische Stabheu- schrecke). Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 360. 71 Bordas, L. 57.24 Phyllium : 11.32 1906. Les appendices glandulaires de l’intestin moyen des Phyllies (Phyllium crurifolium Aupiner Servite). (Réunion biol. Marseille) GR Soc. Biol. Paris T. 60 p. 439—441. [Röle dépurateur? fonctions ex- crétrices ?.] 72 Werner, F. 57.25 (63) 1908. Die Mantodeen Abessyniens. Ann. Mus. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg T. 13 Mém. p. 108—128. [Microthespis n. g. dmitriewi n. sp.] 73 Werner, F. 57.25 (67) 1908. Zur Kenntnis afrikanischer Mantodeen. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 31—56, 1 Taf. [7 nn. spp. in: Amorpho- scelis (1 n. var.), Agrionopsis (n. g. pro Stenopyga part.) 2 (1 mit Vorbehalt), Chloroharpax n. g. Auchmomantis n. g., Entella, Sigerpes.] (67.1,.2,.8) 19774 Bolivar, Ignacio. 57.25 Amorphoscelis (67.1) 1908. Über die Gattung Amorphoscelis Star. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 513—517, 6 figg. [7 nn. spp.] 15. I. 1909. 87 Orthoptera. 19775 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.25 Lithophotina (1182) 1908. The First American Fossil Mantis. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 343 — 344, 1 pl. [Lithophotina n. g. floccosa n. sp.] 76 Przibram, Hans. 57.25 Mantis : 11.69 1907. Aufzucht, Farbwechsel und Regeneration unserer europàischen Gottesanbeterin (Mantis religiosa L.). Arch, Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 600— 615, 1 Taf. 77 Bordas, L. 57.25 Mantis : 14.31.6 1906. Anatomie et structure histologique des glandes mandibulaires des Mantidae (Muntis religissa L.). (Réunion biol. Marseille) ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 60 p. 437—439, 1 fig. [Indépendant de glandes salivaires = labiales) système sécréteur dans région postérieure des mandibules.] 78 Walker, F. A. 51.26. 1902. Locusts and Grasshoppers with Special Reference to Biblical Species. Journ. Trans. Victoria Inst. London Vol. 34 p. 197---215. 57.27,.28 79 Karny, H. 97.26 : 15.8 1908. Ueber das Schnarren der Heuschrecken. Stettin. entom. Zeitz. Jahrg. 69 p. 112—129, 9 figg. 57.27,.28 80 Berlese, Antonio. 57.26 : 16.5 1902. Istruzione sulle cavallete nocive alle campagne e sul modo di com- batterle. Boll. notiz. agrar. Roma N. S. Vol. 2 p. 2184—2190, 6 figg. 57.27,.28 81 Burr, Malcolm. 97.26 (4) 1905/09. Synopsis of the Orthoptera of Western Europe. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 17 p. 10—14, 61—64, 92—95, 125—129, 151--156, 179— 181, 205—208, 227—232, 287—291, 329—331. — Vol. 18 p. 9—11, 43—44, 66—68, 126— 129, 152— 154, 182—185, 910—212, 226—229, 254— 958, 327 —329. — Vol. 19 p. 18—21, 37—39, 68—71, 115—119, 137 —142, 167—171, 237—239, 298—301. — Vol. 20 p. 58—60, 110—113, 195—200, 257 — 260, Vol. 21 p. 8—13, 40—43, 169—176. 57.27—.29 19782 Karny, H. 57.26 (43.91) 1908. Ergebnisse einer orthopterologischen Exkursion an den Neusiedler See. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 92—98. 57.27—.29 83 Navas, Longinos. 57.26 (46.5) 1908. Orthöpteros recogidos en la excursión anual de la sociedad ara- gonesa de ciencias naturales al Pirineo aragonés en julio de 1907. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 7 p. 98—106, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Arcyp- tera, Barbitistes.] 57.27,.28 84 Baker, C. F. 51.26 (7) 1903. Additional Notes on Pacific Coast Orthoptera. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 14. (728, 79.3,.4) 57.27—.29 85 Gurney, Wm. B. 51.26 (94.4) 1908. Notes on Grasshopper (or Locust) Swarms in New South Wales during 1907—8. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 411—419, 1 pl., 6 figg. 57.27,.28 86 Walling. Lalia V. 57.27 : 14.12 1908. The Anatomy of the Acrididaean Heart and its Histological Struc- ture. EE zool. Lab. No. 184.) Kansas Univ. Se. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 356—3267, 1 pL 87 McClung, ©. E. 51.27 : 14.63.1 1906. Comparative Study of the Spermatogenesis of Insects. 4th Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 282—183. (Abstract of report). 19788 Bolívar, Ign. 57.27 (6) 1908. Acridiens d'Afrique du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Bel- gique. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 16 p. 83—126. [39 nn. spp. in: Thericles 2, Trachytettix 2, Morphopus, Paratettix 2, Tettix, Hedotettix, Copto- tettix, Protagasta n. g., Odontomelus, Amphicremna 2, Wi Iverthia n. g., Ochri- lidia, Orthoctha, Paracinema, Acrotylus 2, Dibastica 2, Mesopsis, Acridium loi: 1909: Orthoptera. 88 (1 n. var.), Kassongia n. g., Acridoderes, Cyphocerastis, Antita n. g., Ptero- pera, Orbillus 2, Catantops 5, Stenocrobylus 2, Tylotropidius. 1 n. var. in Pterotiltus. Duronia n. g. pro Opomala basalis.] (66.3, 67.1,.3,.5) 19789 Bolivar, I. 97.27 (6) 1908. Etude sur quelques Acridiens d’Afrique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 242—248. [9 nn. spp. in: Orthoctha 3, Platypterna 3, Ptemoblax, Calderonia, Antita. Platypternodes n. g. pro Ochrilidia part., Mesopsera pro Mesope filum.] (63, 66.99, 67.5,8, 68.4, 69) 90 Rehn, James A. & 57.27 (801) 1908. Two New Species of Neotropical Orthoptera of the Family Acridi- dae. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 395—398, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Inusia, Proctolabus.] (729.7, 85) 91 Rehn, James A. G. 57.27 (81) 1908. Acrididae (Orthoptera) from Sao Paulo, Brazil, with Descriptions of one New Genus and Three New Species. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Phila- delphia Vol. 60 p. 12--23. [8 nn. spp. in: Elaeochlora, Homalosaparus n. g., Schistocerca.] 92 Aitken, E. H. 57.27 Acridium (54.7) 1907, Breeding Grounds of the Common Locust. Journ. Bombay nat Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 843—844. 93 Caudell, A. N. 57.27 Barytettix (79.1) 1908. A New Barytettix from Arizona. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 69—71. [B. borealis n. sp.] 94 Pantel, P. 57.27 Caloptenus 1908. „Caloptenus italicus“ L., v. „wattenwyliana“ Pant, n'est pas synon me de „Caloptenus ictericus“ Serv. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 548 — 350. 19795 Hancock, J. L. 57.27 Eurymorphopus (54.87) 1908. A New Ceylonese Tettigid of the Genus Eurymorphopus. Spolia zeylan. Vol. 5 p. 113—114, 1 fig. TE latilobus n. sp. 96 Finot, A. 51.91 Galideus (69) 1908. Acridien nouveau de Madagascar. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 1—6, 1 pl, 1 fig. [Galideus n. g. mocquerysi n. sp.] 97 Nowlin, Nadine. 57.97 Melanoplus : 14.63.1 1908. The Chromosome Complex of Melanoplus bivittatus Sav. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 179. Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 263—270, 2 pls. 98 Froggatt, Walter W. 57.27 Oedaleus : 16.5 1908. The Eastern Plague Locust. (Oedaleus senegalensis, Krauss.) Some Suggestions how to Check them. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 539—541, 1 pl. 99 Pinney, Edith. 57.27 Phrynotettix : 14.63.1 1908. Organization of the Chromosomes in Phrynotettix magnus. (Con- trib. zool. Lab. No. 181. Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 306—316, 9 2 pls. 19800 Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.27 Schistocerca : 16.5 1907. Kurze Note über Schistocerca peregrina L. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1907 p. 584, 1 pl. 01 Azam, J. 57.27 Stenobothrus (44.97) 1908. Description d’un Orthoptère nouveau. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 9—11. [Stenobothrus montivagus n. sp.] 02 Robertson, W. R. B. 57.27 Syrbula : 14.63.1 1908. The Chromosome Complex of Syrbula admirabilis. (Contrib. zool. 19803 Haij, Bernhard. 57.27 Tetrix 908. Ueber Tetrix Kraussi Saurcy. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 163—165, 2 figg. [Hat 3 Formen.] 15. I. 1909. 89 Orthoptera. 49804 Hancock, J. L. 57.27 Tettigidae (502) 1908. Further Studies of the Tetriginae (Orthoptera) in the Oxford Uni- versity Museum. "Trans. entom Soc. London 1908 p. 387—426, 1 pl. [31 nn. spp. in: Lophotettix n. g. 2, Piezotettix, Holoarcus n. g., Oxyphyllum n. g., Tettilobus n. g., Gignotettir n. g., Oriotettix, Systolederus, Morphopus, Crimisus, Lamellitettix, Mazarredia, Orthotettix, Thoradonta n. g. 2, Eupara- tettix, Paratettix, Tetrix 2 (2 nn. form.), Nomotettix 2 (1 n. form.), Proto- tettix, Tettiella n. g., Coptotettix, Hedotettix 2, Micronotus, Halmatettix n. g., Scaria 2. Lophotettigera n. sect. Cladonotella n. g. pro Cladonotus beccarii, Rhytinatettix pro Prototettix fossulatus.] (54.1, 8,.87, 59.5, 68.7,.9, 7, 81, 86.6, 91.1, 929, 94.2) 05 Morse, A. P. 57.27 Tettigidea (74) 1908. Tettigidean Notes, and a New Species. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 25. | Tettigidea davisi n. sp. (74.7,.9) 06 Knab, Frederick. 57.28 : 11.57 1907. Color Varieties of Locustidae. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 595—597. 07 Bérenguier, Paul. 57.28 : 15 1908. Notes orthoptérologiques. III Observations sur les Mues de qael- ques Locustaires. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nimes T. 35 p. 14— 20. 08 Carl, J. 91.98 (502) 1908. Neue Locustodeen von Ceylon und Borneo. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 299—305, 1 Tai. [6 nn. spp. in: Psyra (Frirze). Mortonia n. g. (F.), Odontoconus n. g. (F.), Gryllacris (F.) 3.] (54.87, 91.1) 09 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 (504) 1908. Sopra alcuni Stenopelmatidi e sopra alcune mecopodidi malesi ed austro-malesi. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 46 p. 271— 288. [3 nn. spp. in: Rhaphidophora, Mossula (1 n. subsp.), Phrictaetypus. Albertisiella n. subg.] (59.5, 91.3, 921, 95) 19810 Griffini, Achille. 57:28 (6) 1908. Phasgonouridae africane del R. Museo di Storia Naturale di Bru- xelles. 3. Heterodidae, Mecopodidae, Pseudophyllidae. Mem. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 35—64. [6 nn. spp. in: Cymatomera, Polyglochin 2, Licheno- cerus 2 (i n. var.), Tympanocompus.] — 4. Meconemidae et Conocephalidae. p. 65—73. [Xiphidiopsis hintheliana n. sp.] — 5. Phaneropteridae, pars 1a. p. 74-86. [4 nn. spp. in: Pardalota 2, Poreuomena 2.] — 6. Phaneropteri- dae, pars 2a. p. 201—226. [4 nn. spp. in: Ducetia, Polichne, Morgenia, Plangiopsis. 2 nn. subspp. in: Arantia (1 n. var.). Plangia.] (66.6,.7,.9, 67.1,.5) 11 Shull, A. Franklin. 57.28 Amblycorypha : 11.57 1907. A Color Sport Among the Locustidae. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 218—219. 12 HIyryposs, A. M. Shugurov, A. M. 51.28 Callimenus 1906. 3awbrka o Bunaxb poga Callimenus Fisca. pe WaLpa. [Notice sur les espèces du genre Callimenus Fisca. pe Warpu.] Pycck. 3HTOM. 0603p. Rev. rnsse Entom. T. 6 p. 176—183. IC brauneri n. sp.] 13 McAtee, W. L. 57.28 Camptonotus : 15 1908. Notes on an Ortnopterous Leaf Roller. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 488—491, 1 pl. [Comptonotus | 19814 Karny, H. 57.28 Conocephalidae 1907. Revisio Conocephalidarum. Abh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 4 Heft 3, 114 pp., 21 figg. [95 nn. spp. in: Copiphora 2, Acantheremus (n. g. pro Copiphora aztecus) 2, Lirometopum, Eriolus 2, Parowyprora n. g., Phoxacris n. g., Melanophoxus n. g., Xestophrys 2, Pseudorhynchus 2, Pyrgocorypha 3, Conocephalus 35 (C. insularum n. nom. pro C. insulanus Scupp. non Repr.), Subria 3, Pseudoliara n. g, Anelytra, Paranelytra n. g., Rhacoptera n. g., Eschatoceras, Agraecia 2, Paragraecia n. g., Odontocoryphus n. g., Gonata- canthus n. g.. Rhytidogyne n. g., Anrthracopsis n. g., Acanthocoryphus n. g., Salomona 5, Megalotheca n. g. 2, Xiphidion 6, Xiphidiopsis 3, Phlugis, Phlu- 15. I. 1909. Orthoptera. 90 giola n. g., Phisis, Listroscelis 2, Hexacentrus 5, Poecilomerus n. g. Neocono- cephalus, Euconocephalus, Homorocoryphus nn. subgg. Spada n. g. pro Agrae- cia spada. (52.1, 54.1,.87, 59.5,.8,.9, .67.1,.2,.8, 68.7, 69,.5 81, 84, 85, 86.6, 88—89.6, 91. Il 921—929 931, au op, 1) 19815 Carl, J, 57.28 Conocephalidae (9) 1908. Conocéphalides du Muséum de Genève. Rev. Suisse Zool. T. 16 p. 131—150, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: Eriolus, Sphyrometopa n g., Xestophrys, Salomona, Phisis, Paralistroscelis n. g., Yorkiella n. g.] (91.1, 922) 16 Griffini, Achilie. 97.28 Conocephalidae (9) 1908. Sulle Agraecinae malesi ed austro-malesi del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Zool. Jahrh. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 561—586. [4 nn. spp. in: Sytocera, Karnyus n. g., Gestro n. g., Kirkaldyus n. g. 1 n. subsp. in Macrosiphus. 1 n. var. in Habetia.] 17 Gelin, H. 57.28 Cyrtaspis : 14.4 1908. Sur la rusticité du Cyrtaspis scutata Cnarr. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 293—294. 18 Hebard, Morgan. 97.28 Cyrtophyllicus (79.4) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Decticinae (Orthoptera) from Cali- fornia. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 156—159, 3 figg. [Cyrtophyllieus n. g. chlorum n. sp.] 19 Caudell, A. N. 57.28 Decticidae 1908. Note. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 332. [Platycleis fletcheri — Idio- notus brevipes.] 20 van Rossum, A. J. 57.28 Diestrammena : 16.5 1908. Een gevaarlijke Japanner. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 249—250. 21 Kirby, W. F. 57.28 Diestrammena (59.3) 1908. Description of a New Cavernicolous Phasgonurid from Lower Siam. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 43. [Diestrammena annandalei n. sp.] 19822 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57,28 Ephippigera : 15.6 1908. Sur l’éclosion et la ponte d’Ephippigerco onfusus Finor. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 505—516, 3 figg. 23 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Eremus (6) 1908. Sopra alcuni Grillacridi del Genere Eremus Brunner. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 47 p. 1—9. LE philippinus n. sp. 2 nn. subspp.] (67.1, 68.2) 24 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacridae (504) 1908. Note sopra alcuni Grillacridi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23 No. 587, 14 pp. [1 n. subsp. 1 n. var. in Gryllacris.] (59.5, 67.1, 81, 91.4, 922, 94.4, SL 25 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacridae (8) 1908. Intorno a quattro Grillacridi dell’ America meridionale. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 60—67. [2 nn. spp. in: Hyperbaenus, Gryllacris. 1 n. subsp. in Dibelona.| (81, 89) 26 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacris (504) 1908. Sulla Gryllacris genualis WALKER e sopra una nuova specie affine. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 229—282. [G. beccarii n. sp.] (59.5, 91.1. 921) 27 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllaeris (59.1) 1908. Intorno a due Gryllacris di Birmania. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 205—209. [G. comotti n. sp. 1 n. subsp. + 28 Griffine, Achille. 57.28 Gryllaeris (67) 1908. Phasgonouridae africane del R. Museo di Storia Naturale di Bruxel- les. 1. Gryllacridae. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 18—80. [Gryllacris brighella n. sp.] (67.1..2,.5) 19829 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacris (9) 1908. Sopra alcune Gryllacris malesi ed austro-malesi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 22, No. 581, 14 pp. [1 n. subsp. 3 nn. varr.] (91.1, 922, 936, 96.1,.6) 15. 74909. 91 Orthoptera. 19830 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacris (925) 1908. Descrizione d’un nuovo Grillacride di Timor. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 90—92. [G. loriae n. sp.] 31 Grifflni, Achille. 57.28 Gryllacris (95) 1908. Le Gryllacris papuane ad ali bicolori. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Por- tici Vol. 3 p. 207—215. [2 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp.] 32 Bérenguier, Paul. 57.28 Isophya : 15 1908. Notes orthoptérologiques. II. Biologie de l'/sophya pyrenaea, Ser- viLLE. Variété nemausensis (nov.) Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 35 p. 113, 5 figg. 15.6 38 Reuter, 0. M. 57.28 Leptophyes (47.1) 1908. Om förekomsten af Leptophyes punctatissima Bosc. in Finland. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 84—85. 84 Otte, Heinrich. 57.28 Locusta : 14.63.1 1906/07. Samenreifung und Samenbildung bei Locusta viridissima, Zool. Anz. Bd. 30 p. 750—754; Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 431—520, 3 Taf., 2 figg. 35 col Ruggero. 57.28 Meconema : 14.99 1908. Le elitre del Meconema brevipenne Yersix. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 29—30. 36 Griffini Achille. 57.28 Neanias (66.99) 1908. Descrizione di un nuovo Grillacride dell’ Africa occidentale. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 559—561. [Neanias feanus n. sp.] 37 Davis, Wm. T. 57.58 Orchelimum (74) 1908. A New Orchelimum from Staten Island and New Jersey. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 222—223. [O. crusculum n. sp.] (74.7,.9) 19838 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.28 Palaeorehnia (1182) 1908. A Fossil Orthopterous Insect with the Media and Cubitus Fusing. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 126—128. [Palacorehnia n. g. maculata n. sp] 39 Griffini, Achille. 57.28 Phyllophorinae (9) 1908. Phyllophorinae del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova) Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 641—649. [Sasima beccarii n. sp.] (929, 95) 40 Mingaud, Galien. 97.28 Saga : 15 1908. Observations sur la „Saga serrata.^ Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nimes T. 35 p. 69—70. 15.6 41 Frey-Gessner, E. 57.28 Saga (494) 1908. Saga serrata Fasz. Mitt. schweiz. eutom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 274 —275. 42 Griffini, Achille. 57:28 Stizoscepa (67.1) 1908. Phasgonouridae africane del R. Museo di Storia Naturale di Bruxelles. 2. Osservazioni sul Genere Stizoscepa Karsca. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 31—34. [St. severini n. sp.] 43 McClung, €. E. 57.98 Xiphidium : 14.63.1 1908. The Spermatogenesis of Xiphidium fasciatum. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 178.) Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 253 —262. 44 Brunelli, Gustavo. 57.29 : 14.63.1 1907. Contributo alla conoscenza della spermatogenesi negli Ortotteri. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 16 Sem. 2 p. 799—806, 12 figg. 45 Baumgartner, W. J. 57.29 : 14.63.1 1908. The Chromosomes in the Gryllidae. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 947. 19846 Goodman, C. H. 57.29 Acheta 1896. Notes on the House-cricket (Acheta domestica). Proc. Trans. Croy- don micr. nat. Hist. Club Vol. 4 p. 109—203. 15. I. 1909. ‘Orthopt. — Pseudoneuroptera. 92 19847 Caudell, A. N. 57.29 Cyrtoxipha (75.3) 1907. A New Cyrtoxipha from the United States. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 15 p. 287—238. [C. columbiana n. ep 48 Candell, A. N. 57.29 Gryllodes (75.3. 1908. Gryllodes sigillatus WALKER (= poeyi Sauss.) in Washington, D. C. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 96. 49 Biaden, W. Wells. 57.29 Gryllotalpa (42.46) 1898. Occurrence of Gryllotalpa vulgaris in North Staffordshire. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Stafford. Natural. Field Club Vol. 32 p. 74. 50 Birkenhead, G. A. 57.29 Gryllotalpa (42.97) 1897. Note on a Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) found by Mr. Perr- crew on Ery Common in the Summer of 1896. Rep. Trans. Cardiff Na- tural. Ass. Vol. 29 p. 67—68. 51 Lutz, Frank E. 57.29 Gryllus : 11.5 1908. The Variation and Correlations of Certain Taxonomic Characters of Gryllus. (Pap. Stat. exper. Evol. No. 11). Publ. Carnegie Inst. Was- hington No. 101, 64 pp., 6 figg. 52 Gutherz, S. 57.99 Gryllus : 14.65 1908. Ueber Beziehungen zwischen Chromosomenzahl und Geschlecht (Physiol. Ges. Berlin). Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 61—64, 2 figg. 19853 Fiebrig, K. 57.29 Phylloscirtus : 15 1908. Nachtrag zu Phylloscirtus macilentus Sauss. Zeitschr. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 350—352, 2 figg. XXXVII. 59.57.3 Pseudoneuroptera. (Vide etiam : 11890, 11891, 12031, 19076, 15429, 15430, 15444, 15449, 15677, 15932, 15935, 15949, 15957, 15958, 15962, 15973, 15975, 15977, 15981, 15699, 16015, 16016, 16019, 16022, 16026, 16034, 16039, 16049, 16052, 16055, 16062, 16077, 16104, 16107, 18731, 18734, 18735, 18741, 18752, 18754, 18758, 18762, 19382, 19385, 19432, 19440, 19464, 19465, 19470, 19485, 19498, 19543, 19553, 19564—19567, 19569, 19571, 19572, 19474, 19585, 19587— 19592, 19594, 19600— 19605, 19607, 19613, 19614, 19617—19621, 19625— 19628, 19630, 19633 — 19636, 19642.) 54 Neeracher, Ferd. 57.9 (494) 1908. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna des Rheins bei Basel. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 406—407, 2 figg. 57.34,.35 55 Bagnall, Richard S. 57.31 1908. Synonymical Notes with Description of a New Genus of Thysanop- tera. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 348—352. [Egacanthothrips n. g. pro Acanthothrips sanguineus.] 56 Bagnall, Richard S. 57.81 1908. On some New Genera and Species of Thysanoptera. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 3 p. 183—217, 2 pls. [18 nn. spp. in: Apterothrips n. g., Macrothrips Machatothrips n. g., Dinothrips n. g., Diceratothrips n. g., Phloeothrips, Leurothrips n. g. 2, Eurynothrips n. g. 2, Docessissophothrips n. g., Eupathithrips n. g, Panuro- thrips n. g., Idolothrips 5. Acanthinothrips n. g. pro I. spectrum.] (46.85, 52, 59.3, 65, 71.1, 72.6, 728, 81, 921, 94.3, 95) 57 Buffa, Pietro. 57.31 1908. Esame di una piccola raccolta di Tisanotteri esistente nel Museo zoologico della R. Università di Napoli. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 28, 6 pp., 1 fig. [Macrothrips n. g. pro Phloeothrips albo- signatus.] 19858 Buffa, Pietro. 57.31:14 1907. Alcune notizie anatomiche sui Tisanotteri Tubuliferi. Redia Vol. 4 p. 369—381. 17 figg. [Presenza dell’ 11° segmento abdominale nella larva come nella ninfa. — Organi copulatori. — Carattere sessuale esteriore (sternite del 9° segm. abd, è intiero ci, è diviso lungo linea ventrale mediana 9).] 14.64,.785 15. I. 1909. 93 Pseudoneuroptera. 19859 Bagnall, Richard S. 57.31 (42) 1905. Notes on some Genera and Species of Thysanoptera New to the British Fauna. Eniom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 18 p. 3—7. [Uczeliella n. g. lubbocki n. sp.] (42.1,.44,.81,.82) 60 Buffa, Pietro. 57.81 (45) 1907. Esame della raccolta di Tisanotteri italiani esistente nel Museo. Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Redia Vol. 4 p. 332-391, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Bacillothrips n. g., Siphonothrips n. g.] (45.6,.9) 61 Buffa, Pietro. 97.31 (45) 1907. Trentuna specie di tisanotteri italiani. Atti Soc. toscana Sc. nat.. Mem. Vol. 25 p. 227—301, 2 tav., 8 figg. [Megathrips piccioli n. sp.] 62 Buffa, Pietro. 57.31 (45) 1908, Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Tisanotteri italiani. Redia Vol.. 5 p. 133—137. [Siphonothrips elegans n. sp.] (45.5) 63 Buffa, Pietro. 57.31 (45): 1908. Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei Tisanotteri. (Due nuovi generi di Tubuliferi. Boll. Lab. zool; agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 193—196, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Amphilobothrips n. g., Belelothrips n. g.] (45.5,.6) 64 Franklin, Henry James. 97.31 (729) 1908. On a Collection of Thysanopterous Insects from Barbados and St. Vincent Islands. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 715—780, 3 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Euthrips, Anthothrips, Trichothrips, Cryptothrips.] (729.7,.8) €5 Hood, J. Douglas. 97.91 (73) 1908. Three New North American Phloeothripidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 805—309, 4 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Phyllothrips n. g., Megatothrips, Cryptothrips.] (74.8, 77.3) 19866 Hood, J. Douglas. 97.31 (77.3) 1908. New Genera and Species of Illinois Thysanoptera. Bull. Illinois State Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 8 p. 361—378, 9 figg. [15 nn. spp. in: Heterothrips- n. g., Sericothrips, Lygothrips, Lissothrips n. g., Trichothrips 4, Plectrothrips n. g, Neothrips n. g., Allothrips n. g., Acanthothrips, Liothrips, Cryptothrips, Idolothrips.] 67 Buffa, Pietro. 57.81 (8) 1905. Tisanotteri nuovi. Nota preliminare. Redia Vol. 5 p. 123—125, 2 figg. |2 nn. spp. in: Phyllothrips n. g., Heterothrips n. g.] (82, 89). 68 Bagnall, Richard S. 57.91 (95) 1908; On some New and Curious Thysanoptera (Tubulifera) from Papua. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 355—363, 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Me- cynothrips, Macrothrips n. g. 2, Acanthothrips. Phloeothripidae, Idolothripi- dae nn. fam.] 69 Marchal, P. 97.31 Phloeothrips (65). 1908. Sur une nouvelle espèce de Thrips nuisible aux Ficus en Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 251—253. [Phlocothrips bicorum.] 70 Uzel, Jindrich. 57.31 Phloeothrips (94.2). 1905. Phloeothrips tepperi nov. sp. obyvatel nádorü na Acacia aneura v Australii. Casop. české Spol. Entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 2 p. 99—100. — Phloeothrips tepperi nov. sp., ein Bewohner von Gallen auf Acacia aneura in Australien. p. 100—102. 71 Froggatt, W[alter] W. 97.31 Thrips : 16.5 1908. Thrips. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 1030. 72 Zykoff, W. 57.81 Trichothrips (47.3) 1908. Zur Thysanopterenfauna Centralrusslands. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 53.. [Trichothrips copiosus.] 19873 Enderlein, Günther. 57.82 (5) 1907. The Scaly Winged Copeognatha (Monograph of the Amphientomi- dae, Lepidopsocidae and Lepidillidae in Relation to their Morphology and Taxonomy.) Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 4 p. 399—122, 7 pls., 6 figg. [18 nn. spp. in: Tineomorpha n. g. (1 n. var), Syllysis 2, Paramphientomum n. 15. I. 1909. Pseudoneuroptera. 94 g., Stimulopalpus n. g., Seopsis n. g., Soa, Lepium n. g. Perientomum 5, Nep- ticulomima n. g., Echmepteryx 2, Scolopama n. g., Lepolepis n. g. Thylacinae, Tineomorphiae, Echinopsocinae n. subfam. Hemixopsis n. g. pro Amphien- tomum fülleborni.] Supplementary Note on the Scaly Winged Copeognatha. p. 123—125. (43.11, 52.1, 54.7, 87,67.1,.8, 79.4, 81, 95) 19874 Enderlein, Günther. 57.32 (52.9) 1908. Die Copeognathenfauna der Insel Formosa. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 759—779, 3 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Psocus 3, Ophiodopelma n. g., Caecilius, Hemicaecilius, Tapinella n. g., Parempheria, Esacadium n. g., Troctes.] 75 Enderlein, Giinther. 57.32 (6) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Copeognathen. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 245—257, 1 Taf, 3 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Amphigerontia, Psocus, Fiillebornia, Caecilius, Peripsocus, Ectopsocus, Lophopterygella.] (67.6, 69.4) 76 Enderlein, Giinther. 57.32 (7) 1908. Neue Gattungen und Arten nordamerikanischer Copeognathen. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 329—339, 4 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Graphopsocus, Dasydemella n. g., Caecilius 2, Myrmicodipnella n. g., Troctes. Trichadenotecnum n. g. pro Psocus sexpunctatum.] (72.6, 79.4) 77 Ribaga, Costantino. 97.32 (8) 1908. Copeognati estraeuropei del Museo civico di storia naturale di Ge- nova. Redia Vol. 5 p. 98—109, 1 tav. [5 nn. spp. in: Psocus, Amphige- rontia 2, Caecilius, Myopsocus. 1 n. var. in Cerastipsocus.] (84, 89.6) 78 Scott, James. 97.32 Caecilius : 16.5 1907. Insect Agencies as a cause of Larch Canker. Journ. Board Agric. London Vol. 14 p. 551—554, 4 figg. 19879 Friederichs, K. 97.32 Embia (6) 1907. Embiiden von Madagaskar und Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergeb. Bd. 2 p. 51—52. (67.6, 69) 80 Friederichs, K. 97.32 Embia (67.8) 1908. Zur Systematik der Embiiden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (270) --(275). [Embia verhoeffi n. sp. Dityle n. subg.] 81 Ribaga, Costantino. 57.32 Eosilla (922) 1908. Un nuovo Copeognato dell’ Isola di Giava. Redia Vol. 5 p. 20— 26, 1 tav. [Eosilla n. g., jacobsoni n. sp.] 82 Enderlein, Giinther. 57.32 Mesopsocus (61.1) 1908. Eine neue Copeognathe aus Sid-Tunis. Ann. hist. nat. Mus, nation. Hungar. Vol. 5 p. 428—429, 1 Taf. [Mesopsocus nasutus n. sp.] 83 Enderlein, Günther. 97.32 Psoquilla : 11.5 1908. Über die Variabilität des Flügelgeäders der Copeognathen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 779—782, 12 figg. 84 Ludwig, F. 57.32 Stenopsocus : 15 1908. Eine Biologie des Stenopsocus stigmaticus, des blattlausähnlichen Spinnflüglers. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 195—198, 1 fig. 85 Feytaud, J. 57.32 Termes : 14.33 1903. Sur ie ventricule chylifique des Termites. (Réun. biol. Bordeaux.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 474—476. 86 van Rossum, A. J. 57.32 Termes : 15 1907. Uit het Termieten-leven. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 195—197. 87 Trügárdh, Ivar. 57.32 Termes : 15.5 1907. Description of Termitomimus a New Genus of Termitophilous Phy- sogastric Aleocharini, with Notes on its Anatomy. Zoolog. Studien Tull- berg p. 172—190, 1 pl., 10 figg. 88 Sandias, Andrea. 57.32 Termitidae : 15 1906/07. Alcune ricerche sui Termitidi. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 26 p. 191—125; Anno 27 p. 7—11. 19889 Jumelle, H., et H. Perrier de la Bathie. 57.32 Termitidae : 15 1907. Les Termites champignonnistes, a Madagascar. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris 15. I. 1909. 95 Pseudoneuroptera 19890 Wasmann, E. 57.32 Termitidae : 15.5 1908. Zur Kastenbildung und Systematik der Termiten. Biol. Centralbl. Bd, 28 p. 68—73. 91 Scammell, E. H. 57.32 Termitidae : 16.5 1907. White Ants. Knowledge N. S. Vol. 4 p. 10—12, 1 fig. [Protection of wood by a newly devised process.] 92 Pujiula, Jaime. 57.32 Termitidae (46.7) 1904. Los termitos de los alrededores de Tortosa. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 3 p. 23—28, 4 figg. 93 Desneux, ). 57.32 Termitidae (54) 1908. Variétés termitologiques. II. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 388 —400. [3 nn. spp. in: Calotermes 2, Termes.] (54.7,.87, 934) 94 Grieve Robert. 97.32 Termitidae (94.3) 1899/1900. Queensland Termites. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 1—11, 1 fig. — Further Notes. p. 68—72. 95 Heath, Harold. 57.32 Termopsis : 11.39 1907. The Longevity of Members of the Different Castes of Termopsis angusticollis. Biol. Bull. Vol. 13 p. 161—164. 96 Denseux, J. 51.92 Termopsis (54.6) 1906. The Kashmir Termite, Termopsis wroughtoni. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 293—298, 3 figg. 97 Meissner, Otto. 57.32 Troctes : 15.8 1908. Der Ton der Bücherlaus. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 62. 98 Williamson, E. B. 57.98 1908. A New Dragonfly belonging to the Cordulinae, and a Revision of the Classification of the Subfamily. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 428—434, 1 pl., 3 figg. [Platycordulia n. g. zanthosoma n. sp 99 Lucas, W. J. 57.33 3 07 1908. Dragonflies for the Cabinet. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 142—144. 19900 Bentivoglio, Tito. 97.33 : 091 1908. Bibliografia e sinonimia dei Libellulidi italiani. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 9 p. 48—122. 01 v. Uexküll, J. 91.39 : 11.82 1908. Studien über den Tonus. V. Die Libellen. Zeitschr. Biol. Bd. 50 p. 168—202, 9 figg. 02 McGill, Caroline. 57.38 : 13.11 1906. The Behavior of the Nucleoli during Oogenesis of the Dragonfly with Especial Reference to Synapsis. Zool. Jahrb. Bd. 23 Abt. Anat. p. 207—230, 5 pls. [Influence of nucleolus in cell metabolism: in resting © cells chromatine stored in the nucleolus, at period of mitosis chromatine passes out to form the chromosomes.] 03 Thompson, Oliver S. 91.39 : 14.9 1908. Appendages of the Second Abdominal Segment of Male Dragon Flies (Order Odonata). Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 194 p. 249—263, 12 figg. 14.96,.98,.99 04 Johnson, W. 57.38 : 15 1905. The Dragon Fly. Notes Hist. Geol. Entom. Vale Derwent Vol. 5 p. 74—81. 05 Haupt, H. 57.383: 15 1908. Einiges aus dem Leben der Libellenlarve. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 241—242, 257—258, 4 figg. 06 Rousseau, E. 57.83 : 15 1908. Contributions à la connaissance des métamorphoses des Odonates d'Europe. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 272—291. 07 Schwaighofer, Anton. 57.83 : 15 1908. Libellenlarven. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 321—323. 19908 Pierre. 57.83 : 15.6 1908/09. Etudes sur la ponte des Odonates. Rev. scient. Bourbonn. Ann. 15. I. 1909. Pseudoneuroptera. 96 19909 Sellards, E. H. 57.83 (112) 1907. Venation of the Wings of Paleozoic Dragonflies. (Amer. Ass. Adv.. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 25 p. 731—732. 10 FpnuropseB», B. RK. Grigoriev, B. C. 91.99 (403). 1906. Onozarozorazectia 8aMBTKH. I—II. [Notices odonatologiques. I—III] Pycck. 3artom. 0608p. Rev. russe Entom. T. 6 p. 205—207. (47.8, 51.2,.7) 11 Lucas, W. J. 57.33 (42) 1908/09. Notes on the British Dragonflies of the „Dare Collection“. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 198—203. — Vol. 20 p. 79—83. 12 Lucas, W. J. 97.35 (42) 1908. Dragonflies in 1907. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 167—168. (42.21,.27,.61) 13 Speyer, E. R. 97.33 (42) 1908. Rare British Neuroptera. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LV —LVI. (42.25,.28,.57,.58) 14 Campion, F. W., and H. Campion. 57.33 (42.1) 1907. The Dragonflies of Epping Forest in 1907. Entomologist Vol. 40 p. 274-277, 1 fig. 15 Browne, Frank Balfour. 57.33 (42.61) 1904. A Bionomical Investigation of the Norfolk Broads. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Natural. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 661—673. 16 La Baume, W. 97.33 (43.12) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Libellenfauna Westpreussens. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 12 No. 2 p. 75—83. 17 Scholz, Ed. J. R. 57.33 (43.14) 1908. Die schlesischen Odonaten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 417—420, 457—462, 2 figg. [l n. ab. in Libellula. 1 n. var. in Calopteryx.] 19918 le Roi, Otto. 517,93 (43.42) 1908. Beitráge zur Libellen-Fauna der Rheinprovinz. Sitz.-Ber. natur- hist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 E p. 80—87. 19 Speyer, E. R. 57.93 (43.58) 1908. Odonata in Germany. - II. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 116—121, 168 —172. 20 Puschnig, R. 57.38 (43.66) 1908. Kärntnerische Libellenstudien. Carinthia II Jahrg. 98 p. 87—101. 21 Morton, Kenneth J. 57.33 (43.9) 1908. Odonata Collected by Miss Foustame in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 37. (43.95,.96) 22 Bentivoglio, Tito. 97.33 (45) 1908. Distribuzione cou Ca dei Libellulidi in Italia. Atti Soc. Natu- ral. Modena Vol. 9 p. 22—47. 23 Bentivoglio, T. 57.33 (45.2) 1906. Contribuzione allo studio dei Pseudoneurotteri del Mantovano. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 7 p. 64—76. 24 Bentivoglio, T. 97.93 (45.4) 1906. Libellulidi di Reggio-Emilia. Atti Soc. Natural. Moden Vol. 7 p. 80 —88. 25 Bentivoglio, T. 57.35 (45.5) 1907. Libellulidi della Provincia di Lucca. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 8 p. 84-90, 26 Martin, René. 57.38 (6) 1908. Voyage de feu Lronarpo Fra dans l’Afrique occidentale. Odonates. Ann, Mus. Stor, nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 649—667. [8 nn. spp. in: Chlorocnemis, Hemistigma, Zyxomma, Notogomphus, Aciagrion 2, Aethiothemis n. g. (Ris), Platyenemis.] (66.3,.53,.99, 67.2) 19927 Walker, E. M. 57.88 (71.3) 1908. Collecting and Rearing Dragon-flies at the Georgian Bay Biologi- cal Station. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 43—50, 8 figg. 15. I. 1909. 19928 29 30 31 32 33 34 19935 36 37 38 39 40 41 19942 97 Pseudoneuroptera. Calvert, Philip P. 57.83 (72) 1908. The Composition and Ecological Relations of the Odonate Fauna of Mexico and Central America. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 460— 491, 1pl. (72.1— 728) Calvert, Philip P. 57.33 (72) 1908. The Present State of our Knowledge of the Odonata of Mexico and Central America. Science PA Vol. 28 p. 692—695, 855—886. (728) Brimley, C. S. 57.33 (75.6) 1908. North Carolina Records of Odonata for 1906 and 1907. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 131—135. Muttkowski, Richard A. 97.33 (77.5) 1908. Review of the Dragon-Flies of Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 57—123. Ris, F. 57.33 (82) 1908. Beitrag zur Odonatenfauna von Argentina. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 518—531, 7 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Ischnura, Oxyagrion, Progomphus, Aeschna. 1 n. subsp. in Dasythemis.] Tillyard, R. J. 57.33 (94.1) 1908. The Dragonflies of South-Western Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 719—742, 3 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Synthemis 2, Austrogomphus, Austroaeschna, Argiolestes, Pseudagrion.] Tillyard, R. J. 55.33 (94.2) 1908. On a Collection of Dragonflies from Central Australia, with Des- criptions of New Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 561—767, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Lestes, Austrosticta n. g.] Tillyard, R. J. 57.33 (94.3) 1908. On some Remarkable Australian Libellulinae. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 33 p. 637—649, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Camacinia, Agrionoptera 2, Nannophlebia, Tetrathemis.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.33 Aeschna (1182) 1908. A Dragon-fly Puzzle and its Solution. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 455—459. [The dragonfly wing found by Geo. N. Ronwer in the miocene shales of Florissant belongs to the genus Aeschna.] Walker, E. M. 57.83 Aeschna (7) 1908. A Key to the North American Species of Aeshna found North of Mexico. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 377—391, 450—451, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp.] (71.1—.4,.6,.8,.9, 72.2, 74.1,.7, 76.2, 77.1,.2,4—.6, 78.3,.4,.7—.9, 79.2—.4,.8) Williamson, E. B. 57.38 Aeschna (7) 1908. Three Related American Species of Aeshna. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 264—271, 301—308, 3 figg. [A. ja/apensis n. sp.] (72.6) Forster, F. 57.33 Aeschna (94.3) 1908. Über die australischen Aeschniden der Gruppe Brachytron Karscr. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 190—194. [2 nn. spp. in Aeschna. Dro- maeschna n. subg.] Foerster, Fr. 57.33 Aeschnidae 1908. Neue Aeschniden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 213—218. [3 nn. spp. in: Caliaeschna, Gynacantha, Protoaeschna n. g. Plattycantha n. nom. pro Karschia FoERSTER non WALTER.) (59.5, 89, 95) Riley, William A. 57.38 Anax : 14.73 1908. Muscle Attachment in Insects. Ann. entom. Soc. America Vol. 1 p. 265—269, 1 pl., 1 fig. — Muscle Attachment to the Body Wall in the Nymphs of Anax. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 948—949. [Attach directly to cuticle.] Tillyard, R. J. 57.88 Austrogynacantha (94) 1908. On the New Genus Austrogynacantha. [Neuroptera: Odonata] with Description of Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 33 p. 423—431, 1 pl. [A. n. g. pro Gynacantha heterogena.] (94.3) Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 7 19945 44 45 46 48 49 50 19951 52 53 54 59 56 57 58 19959 Pseudoneuroptera. 98 Scholz, E. 57.33 Cordulia : 15.6 1907/08. Ueber Brutpflege bei Libellen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 285—286, 3 figg. — Berichtigung. p. 396. Ulmer, Georg. 7.33 Gomphus : 15 1902. Die Entwicklung der Libellen. Nerthus Jahrg. 4 p. 269—272, 283 —287, 12 figg. Meissner, Otto. 37.33 Libellula : 15 1908. Merkwürdiges Verhalten von Libellen. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 140. Tillyard, R. J. 57.33 Nannodythemis (94) 1908. On the Genus Nannodythemis, with Descriptions of New Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 33 p. 444—455, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp.] (94.1,.4,.5) Tillyard, R. J. 97.33 Petalura (94) 1908. On the Genus Petalura, with Descriptions of a New Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 708—718, 1 pl. [P. ingentissima n. sp.] (94.3, 4) Morton, Kenneth J. 51.99 Pyrrhosoma (46.5) 1908. On the Varieties of Pyrrhosoma tenellum and P. nymphula. En- tomologist Vol. 41 p. 38. Foerster, F. 57.33 Synthemis (94.3) 1908. Zur Gattung Synthemis De SeLys sens. ampl. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 25—29. [2 nn. spp.] Banks, Nathan. 97.33 Tachopteryx (75.5) 1908. Tachopteryx (Odonata) in Virginia. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 384. Sternfeld, Richard. 57.34 : 14 1907. Die Verkiimmerung der Mundteile und der Funktionswechsel des Darms bei den Ephemeriden. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 415— 430, 1 Taf.. 21 figg. [Erhöhung v. Flug- u. Schwebevermögen durch Luftfüllung des Darmes.] 14.34,.98 Dürken, Bernhard. 97.34 : 14.29 1907. Die Tracheenkiemenmuskulatur der Ephemeriden unter Berück- sichtigung der Morphologie des Insektenflügels. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 87 p. 435—550, 3 Taf., 30 figg. Seiler, Wilhelm. 97.34 : 14.84 1905. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ocellen der Ephemeriden. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 22 p. 1—40, 2 Taf., 1 fig. Klapälek, Fr. 57.34 (43.6) 1905. Ephemeridarum species quatuor novae. Acta Soc. entom. Bohe- miae Roén. 2 p. 75—79, 4 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Ephemerella, Rhitrogena 2, Ecdyurus.] (43.61,.64,.67,.94) Bernhard, Carl. 57.34 Cloéon : 11.68 1907. Ueber die vivipare Ephemeride Chloeon dipterum. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 27 p. 467—479, 6 figg. Oppenheim, S. 57.54 Cloeon : 11.69 1908. Segmentregeneration bei Ephemeriden-Larven. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 72—77, 6 figg. Klapalek, Fr. 97.35 (43.71) 1905. Conspectus Plecopterorum Bohemiae. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 2 p. 27—32. Klapálek, Fr. 57.39 (52.1) 1907/08. Japonské druhy podčeledi Perlinae. Rozpr. české Akad. Tr. 2 Roén. 16 Cis. 31, 28 pp., 19 figg. — Über die Arten der Unterfamilie Per- linae aus Japan. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 12 p. 257—274, 19 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Acroneuria 3, Kiotina 2, Niponiella n. g., Kamimuria 2, Oyamia 2.] Nceracher, Ferd. 57.35 Dictyopteryx : 15 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna des Rheins bei Basel. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 668—670, 2 figg. [Larve von Dictyopteryx imhoffi.] 15. I. 1909, 99 Pseudoneuroptera — Neuroptera. 19360 Klapálek, Fr. 57.35 Perla (4) 1907/08. Evropské druhy rodu Perla Grorrr. Rozpr. české Akad. Tr. 2 Roén. 16 Cis. 16, 25 pp., 15 figg. -- Die europàischen Arten der Gattung Perla Gxerrg. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 12 p. 116—138, 15 figg. [9 nn. spp.] (43.72, 495) 61 Klapálek, Fr. 57.35 Pteronarcys (57.1) 1908. Pteronarcys sachalina sp. n., die zweite asiatische Art der Gattung. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg T. 13 Mém. p. 62—64, 11 figg. 62 Klapalek, Fr. 51.99 Pteronarcys (7) 1907/08. Prispévek ke znalosti rodu Pteronarcys Newm. Rozpr. éeské Akad. Tr. 2 Roén. 16 Cis. 23, 17 pp., 10 figg. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Pteronarcys Newman. Bull. internat. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 12 p. 150—162, 10 figg. CUNO 74.7, 15:3, 77.5, 19.5) 63 Klapálek, Fr. 97.35 Taeniopterygidae (4) 1906. Klič evropskych druhů čeledi Taeniopterygidae. Casop. české Spol. Entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 2 p. 91—96. [Schlüssel zu den europäischen Arten der Familie T.] 64 Meunier, Fernand. 57.36 (115) 1908. Nouveaux Paléodictyoptères du Stéphanien de Commentry. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 34—36, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Archaeop- tilus, Cockerelka n. g.] — Deuxieme note sur des Paléodictyoptères du Stéphanien de Commentry. p. 37—39, 3 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Stenodictya, Microdictya 2.) XXXVIII. 59.57.4 Neuroptera (incl. Strepsiptera). (Vide etiam: 12088, 14389, 15449, 15862, 15932, 15935, 15957, 15958, 15960, 15962, 15964, 15975, 15977, 15981, 15997, 15999, 16015, 16016, 16022, 16034, 16037, 16039, 16055, 18752, 18754, 18758, 19382, 19427, 19438, 19450, 19474, 19486, 19564—19566, 1956819570, 19574, 19581, 19535, 19587—19599; 19595, 19601, 19603, 19604, 19608, 19611, 19613, 19614, 19617—19620, 19625, 19626, 19628, 19633—19636.) 19965 Meissner, Otto. 57.4 (43.15) 1908. Kleine Notizen über die Neuropteren der Umgegend von Potsdam. Wien, entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 99—100. 57.42—.45 66 Wanach, B. 57.4 (43.15) 1908. Einige Bemerkungen über Potsdamer Neuropteren. Wien. entom. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 27 p. 249—251. 57.42 —-.44 67 Klapälek, Fr. ] 97.4 (43.71) 1907. Fauna bohemica. Nové české Neuropteroidy. Casop. české Spol. Entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Ročn. 4 p. 22. 57.44,.45 68 Brimley, C. S. 57.4 (75.6) 1908. Notes on Some Neuropteroids from Raleigh, N. ©. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 133—134. 57.43,.45 69 van der Weele, N. W. 57.41 (6) 1908. Planipennes recueillis par M. Rent Caupeau dans le Sud-Algérien et au lac Tchad. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 154. (65, 66.1,.7,.8) 57.42 70 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.42 (1182) 1908. Fossil Osmylidae (Neuroptera) in America. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 941—342, 1 pl. [Osmylus columbianus n. sp.] 71 Banks, Nathan. 57.42 (801) 1908. New Tropical American Neuroptera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washing- ton Vol. 9 p. 30—34. [8 nn. spp. in: Dimares 3, Eremoleon, Acanthaclisis, Brachynemurus 2, Ululodes.] (72.2, 86.6) 72 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.42 Chrysopidae (1182) 1908. Fossil Chrysopidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 90—91. 19973 Rengel, C. 97.42 Myrmeleon : 14.34 1908. Über Myrmeleon formicarius L. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Ber- lin 1908 p. 140—149, 1 Taf. [Bau und Verwandlung des Larvendarmes.] 15. I. 1909. Neuroptera. 100 19974 Lozinski, Paul. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 14.98 1908. Beitrag zur Anatomie und Histologie der Mundwerkzeuge der Myrmeleonidenlarven. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 473—484, 9 figg. 75 Meissner, Otto. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 15 1908. Zur Biologie von Myrmecoleon formicarius L. (V.) Entom. Wochen- bl. Jahrg. 25 p. 169. 76 Meissner, Otto. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 15 1908. Entwicklung zweier Exemplare von Myrmecoleon formicarius. En- tom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 96. 77 Meissner, Otto. 57.42 Myrmeleon : 15 1908. Myrmeleon formicarius L. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 177—187. 78 Terry, F. W. 91.42 Nesomicromus : 15 1908. Notes on the Life-History of an Endemic Hemerobiid (Nesomicro- mus vagus Perx.). Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 174—175. 79 Banks, Nathan. 57.42 Oliarces (79.4) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Neuroptera. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 208—204, 1 fig. [Oliarces n. g. clara n. sp.] 80 Banks, Nathan. 57.43 1908. On the Classification of the Corydalinae, with Description of a New Species. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 27—30. [Neoher- mes (n. g. pro Chauliodes filicornis) humeralis n. sp. Nigronia n. g. pro Ch. part.] 81 Hammar, A. 6. 57.43 Corydalis : 14.8 1908. On the Nervous System of the Larva of Corydalis cornuta L. Ann. entom: Soc. America Vol. 1 p. 105—127, 10 figg. 82 Lyle, 6. T. 57.43 Raphidia : 15.6 1908. Ova of Rhaphidia notata. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 233, 1 pl. 19983 Stitz, Hermann. 57.44 : 14.6 1908. Zur Kenntnis des Genitalapparats der Panorpaten. Zool. Jahrb: Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 538—564, 2 Taf. 14.63,.65 84 Sherman, Franklin, jr. 57.44 (75.6) 1908. The Panorpidae (Scorpion-flies) of North Carolina, with Notes on the Species. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 50—54. 85 Jarvis, Edmund. 57.44 Bittacus : 15 1908. Notes on the Scorpion-Fly, Bittacus australis. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 69—71. 86 Cockle, J. W. 57.44 Boreus : 15.6 1908. The Mating of Boreus californicus. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 101. 87 Lübben, Heinrich. 57.45 : 13.4 1907. Ueber die innere Metamorphose der Trichopteren. (Respirations- system, Geschlechtsdrüsen und Darm.) Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 71—128, 3 Taf. 88 Siltala, A. J. $ 91.45 : 13.41 1907. Trichopterologische Untersuchungen. No. 2. Uber die postembryo- nale Entwicklung der Trichopteren-Larven. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. Bd. 9 p. 809—626, 5 Taf., 20 figg. 89 Kemna, Ad. 57.45 : 15 1906. Les larves tisseuses d’insectes dans les distributions d’eau. Ann. Soc. zool, malacol. Belgique T. 41 p. 128—130. [Larves de Neuroptères du groupe des Hydropsychides.] 90 Felber, Jacques. 57.45 : 15 1908. Beiträge zur Metamorphose der Trichopteren. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 473—478, 6 figg. 91 Felber, Jacques. 57.45 : 15 1908. Geografisches und biologisches über die Köcherfliegen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 400—407. 19992 Felber, Jacques. 57.45 (494) 1908. Die Trichopteren von Basel und Umgebung mit Berücksichtigung der Trichopteren-Fauna der Schweiz. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd. 1 p. 199 —282, 1 Taf., 8 figg. 19.41.1303. 101 Neuroptera. 19993 Ulmer, Georg. 57.45 (52) 1908. Japanische Trichopteren. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 339— 355, 20 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Triaenodes, Oecetis, Molanna, Polyplectropus, Tinodes, Psychomyiella n. g. Neoseverinia n. nom. pro Severinia ULMER non Finor.] (52.1,.4,.9) 94 Ulmer, Georg. 57.45 (801) 1905. Neue und wenig bekannte aussereuropäische Trichopteren, haupt- sächlich aus dem Wiener Museum. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 59—98, 75 figg. [22 nn. spp. in: Dicosmoecus 3, Oligophlebodes n. g., Noti- dobia, Crunoeciella n. g., Dinarthrum, Marilia, Leptocella 2, Pseudosetodes n. g., PhyUoicus, Leptonema, Macronema 3, Wormaldia 2, Polyplectropus 2, Di- pseudopsis 2. Centromacronema n. g. pro Macronema part.] (54.1, 67.2, 69, 72, 74.1, 76.4, 78.8, 79.7, 81, 82, 91.1, 922) 95 Russ, Ernest Alex. L. 57.45 Anabolia : 13.4 1908. Die postembryonale Entwicklung des Darmkanals bei den Trichop- teren (Anabolia laewis Zerr.) Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 675—770, 4 Taf. [Wahrend Metamorphose.] 96 Klapálek, Fr. 57.35 Ecclisopteryx (43.74) 1906. Ecclisopteryz dziedzielewiezi n. sp. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roën. 3 p. 1—4, 2 figg. 97 Navás, Longinos. 57.45 Leptocerus (46.1) 1908. Nuevo Trichoptero de Espana. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 192—193, 4 figg. [Leptocerus zapateri n. sp.] 98 Dziedzielewicz, Jozef, et Frant. Klapälek. 57.45 Limnophilidae (43.74) 1908. Novae species Neuropteroideorum in Karpathibus Orientalibus anno 1907 collectae. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohe- miae Roén. 5 p. 21—24, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Heliconis n. g., Heptagenia.] 19999 Felber, Jacques. 57.45 Microptila (494) 1908. Microptila risi nov. sp. Eine neue Hydroptilide aus der Umgebung von Basel. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 720—722, 1 fig. 20000 Thienemann, August. 57.45 Philopotamus : 15 1908. Trichopterenstudien. IV. Die Fangnetze der Larven von Philopotamus ludificatus M. L. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 378—380, 1 fig. 01 Vorhies, C. T. 57.45 Platyphylax : 14.77 1908. The Development of the Nuclei of the Spinning-Gland Cells of Platyphylax designatus W arrer (Trichopteron). Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 54— 61. 02 Ulmer, Georg. 57.45 Setodes (4) 1908. Eine neue Trichopteren-Species aus Ungarn und Montenegro. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 745—747. [Setodes hungarica.] (43.91, 497) 03 Russ, E. L. 57.45 Stenophylax : 14.34 1908. Sur le développement postembryonnaire de l’intestin moyen chez les. Trichopteres (Stenophylax stellatus, Curr.) Ann, scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 150—154. 04 Klapálek, Fr. 57.45 Thremma : 15 1908. Larva a pouzdro Thremma gallicum Mc Lacur. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 90—93, 5 figg. — Die Larve und das Gehäuse von Thremma gallicum. p. 93—94. 20005 Pierce, Dwight. 57.46 (T) 1908. A Preliminary Review of the Classification of the Order Strepsip- tera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 75—85. [8 nn. spp. in: Apractelytra n. g., Eupathocera n. g., Ophthalmochlus n. g., Acroschismus, An- thericomma n. g., Halictoxenos n. g., Dioxocera n. g., Mecynocera n. g. Acro- schimus, Homilops, Pentoxocera nn. gg. Mengeoidea, Xenoidea, Halictopha- goidea, Elenchoidea nn. superfam. Mengeidae Hylechthridae, Halic- tophagidae, Dioxoceridae, Elenchidae, nn. fam., Xeninae, Homilopinae, Crawfordinae nn. subfam. Schistosiphon n. g. pro Xenos peckii, Homilops pro Xenos westwoodi, Crawfordia pro Xenos pulvinipes, Pentacladocera pro Halictophagus schwarzi, Agalliaphagus pro H. americanus, Xenos wheeleri n. nom, pro X. peckii Brues non Kisry, Pentoxocera pro Bruesia Perkins non Asmuzap.] (729.8, 753,9, 16.3, 77.1, 78.9) 15. I. 1909. Neuroptera — Hemiptera. 102 20006 De Meijere, J. C. H. 57.46 (922) 1908. Zwei neue Strepsipteren aus Java. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 185 —190, 1 Taf. [2 nn. spp. in: Halictophagus, Parastylops n. g.] XXXIX. 59.57.5 Hemiptera (incl. Aptera). (Vide etiam: 12078, 13288, 13297, 14021, 15430, 15453, 15475, 15477—15481, 15483, 15485, 15488—15490, 15510, 15521, 15573, 15864, 15932, 15935, 15964, 15975, 15977, 15999, 16010, 16015, 16016, 16019, 16022, 16026, 16034, 16037, 16039, 16043, 16049, 16055, 16062, 16088, 16101, 16103— 16105, 18709, 18710, 18718, 18720— 18723, 18727, 18731, 18732, 18735, 18733— 18740, 18742 — 18745, 18748, 18750, 18751, 18758, 18761, 18762, 19388, 19408, 19420, 19423, 19432, 19436, 19440, 19451, 19455, 19460, 19461, 19463, 19467, 19472, 19475, 19479, 19485, 19486, 19490, 19494, 19498, 19500, 19503, 19504, 19517-19519, 19522, 19524, 19526, 19528, 19530 — 19532, 19535, 19536, 19538, 19540, 19541, 19543, 19547, 19552, 19553, 19556, 19562, 19566, 19567, 19578, 19581, 19585— 19591, 19593, 19598— 19601, 19608, 19610, 19611, 19616, 19624, 19627, 19629, 19632, 19634, 19640, 19642.) 07 Kirkaldy, 6. W. 57.5 1908. Gorzr’s Specific Names in Hemiptera. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 6—8. 57.52—.54 08 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.5 1908. Bibliographical and Nomenclatorial Notes on the Hemiptera — No. 9. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 188—189. 09 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.5 3 091 1908. Some Recent Papers on Hemiptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 300 —302, 337—339. 10 Distant, W. L. 51.9 : 091 1908. On some Recent Bibliographical Notes. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 15—16. 20011 Horwäth, 6. 57.5 : 11.55 1907. Ueber die Mimicryerscheinungen bei den Hemipteren Ungarns. Math.-nat. Ber. Ungarn Bd. 21 p. 237. 12 Wielowieyski, H. 97.9 : 14.65 1908. Weitere Untersuchungen über die Morphologie und Entwickelungs- geschichte des Insektenovariums. Zweite Mitteilung. Bull. intern. Acad.. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 353—359, 3 Taf. (Résumé.) 57.53,.54 13 Bugnion, E. 57.5 : 14.98 1908. Pièces buccales des Hémiptères. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 25 p. 501—504. 57.53,.54 14 Nietsch, Viktor. 57.8 : 14.98. 1908. Die Mundteile der Rhynchoten. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44. p. 304—311. 15 Reuter, 0. M. 91.5 : 15 1908. Charakteristik und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Hemipteren-Fauna (Heteroptera, Auchenorrhynchia und Psyllidae) der palaearktischen Coni- feren. Acta Soc. Sc. fenn. T. 36 No. 1, 129 pp. 15.3 51.52—.54 16 Lambertie, Maurice. 57.5: 16. 1908. Notes sur les insectes nuisibles et utiles de l'ordre des hémiptères du sud-ouest de la France. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. 321 —449. 16.1,.5 51.52—.54 17 Horváth, 6. 57.0 : 19 1908. Les relations entre les faunes hémiptérologiques de l'Europe et de Amérique du Nord. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 1— 14. (4, 7) 20018 Melichar, L. 57.5 (405) 1907. Bericht über die mit Subvention der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissen- schaften unternommene entomologische Studienreise nach Spanien und Marokko. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 1025—1039. [4 nn. spp. in: Zygina, Thamnotettix, Athysanus, Agallia.] (46.4,.7,.8, 64) 51.53,.54 15. I. 1909. 103 Hemiptera. 20019 Lambertie, M. 57.5 (44.71) 1908. Remarques en passant et description d’une espèce d’Homoptere. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. XCVI—XCVII. 57.53,.54 20 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.5 (94.87) 1908. Notes on some Sinhalese Hemiptera. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 9—14. [6 nn. spp. in: Orthoea, Lethaeus, Cysteochila, Colobesthes, Phaconeura, Udugama. 1 n. var. in Graptosthetus.] 57.53,.54 21 Horvath, G. 57.5 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien) Von Dr. Anwor» Pentuer und Emerica ZEDERBAUER. Hemip- teren. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 179—189. [10 nn. spp. in: Peribalus, Tingis 2, Grypocoris, Cyphodema, Macrotylus, Sthenarus, Orgerius, Hysteropterum 2. Callistonotus n. g. pro Rhyparochromus nigro-ruber.] (56.1,.3,.4) 57.53,.54 Distant, W. L. 97.5 (67.6) 22 1908. Descriptions of some Rhynchota from Ruwenzori. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 436—444. [11 nn. spp. in: Caura, Carbula, Awemba n. g. 2, Aspongopus, Holopterna 2, Mygdonia, Acanthomia, Ptyelus, Lepyronia.] 57.53,.54 23 Horvath, G. 97.9 (7) 1908. Remarques sur quelques Hémipteres de l’Amérique du Nord. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 555—569. [5 nn. spp. in: Chloro- chroa, Cymus, Cymodema, Emblethis, Psyllia. Uhleriola n. g. pro Rhyparo- chromus floralis.] (ILLIS 72.6, 7294,.9, 742,.3,.7, 18.1,.3,.4,.6,.8,.9, 79.4, 82, Sd, 489) 91.52,.54 24 Yan Duzee, E. P. 57.5 (71.4) 1908. List of Hemiptera Taken by W. J. Pırmers, about Quinze Lake, P. Que., in 1907. Canad, Entom. Yol. 40 p. 109—116, 157—160. [2 nn. in Neoborus (Reuter 1 n. var. R.), Ceresa.] 57.52—.54 20025 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.5 (96.1) 1908. A Catalogue of the Hemiptera of Fiji. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 23 p. 345—391, 1 pl., 5 figg. [41 nn. spp. in: Calisius, Cteno- neurus 2, Leptocoris, Graptostethus, Stalagmostethus, Ninus 2, Ontiscus, Bedunia, Insulicola n. g. 2, Elasamolomus, Sinierus, Germalus 2 (1 n. var.), Phatnoma, Holophyyden n. g. Nesocypselas n. g., Nesocysta n. g., Microvelia, Enicocepha- lus 2, Oncocephalus, Phantasmatophanes n. g., Gardena, Poliariodes 4, Luteva, Anthocoris, Nesocrypha n. g., Eucerocoris, Cyrtopeltis, Tichorhinus n. g., An- thropophagiotes n. g., Nesosyephas n. g., Notostira, Nesodaphne n. g., Nesiope n. g. ln. var. in Hyaloscytus.] 57.52—.54 26 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.5 (96.9) 1908. A List of the Described Hemiptera (Excluding Aleyrodidae and Coccidae) of the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 186—208. 1 pl., 3 figg. [47 nn. spp. in: Metrarga (2 nn. varr.), Redu- violus 12, Nesidiolestes, Luteva, Lasiochilus 3, Sulamita 2, Pseudoclerada, Acan- thia 3 (1 n. var.), Nesosydne 7, Nesodryas n. g. 4, Nesothoe n. g. 10, Heva- heva 2. 1 n. var. in Milu. Neoclimatias, Nesocryptias, Nesomachetes nn. subgg.] 51.52—.04 27 Bergroth, E. 57.5 (99) 1896. Hémiptères. Result. Voyage Belgica Ins. p. 17. (82, 83) 57.54 28 Kellogg, Vernon A. 57.514 1908. The Mallophaga of the World: Systematic Summary. Psyche Vol. 18 pe 11—13. 29 Durrani, E. P. 57.514 (77.1) 1908. Descriptions of New Mallophaga. III. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 355 — 358, 1 fig. [Menopon colaptis n. sp.] 20030 Kellogg, Vernon, L. 57.514 (86.69) 1906. A Second Collection of Mallophaga from Birds of the Galapagos and Revillagigedo Islands and Neighboring Waters. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 315—324. [Nirmus ridgwayi, Menopon beckii nn. spp.] 15. I. 1909. Hemiptera. 104 20031 Trägärdh, Ivar. 57.52 Aleurodes : 15 1908. Zur Kenntnis der postembryonalen Entwicklung der Aleurodiden. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 294—301, 13 figg. 32 Marlatt, C. L. 57.52 Aleyrodes : 16.5 1908. Remarks on a Recent Trip to the Citrus Regions of California and Florida. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 121—125. 33 Morrill, A. W. 57.52 Aleyrodes : 16.5 1908. Fumigation for the Citrus White Fly, as Adapted to Florida Con- ditions. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 76, 73 pp., 7 pls., 11 figg. [Aleyrodes citri.] 34 Berger, E. W. 97.52 Aleyrodes (75.9) 1908. The Citrus Whitefly of Florida Consists of Two Species. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 324—325. 35 Kirkaldy, 6 W. 57.92 Aleyrodidae 1908. A Bibliographical Note on the Hemipterous Family Aleyrodidae. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 185—186. 36 Cholodkovsky, N. 57.02 Aphididae 1908. Aphidologische Mitteilungen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 687—693, 5 figg. [Microsiphium n. g. ptarmicae n. sp.] (47.7) 37 Grassi, B., e A. Foà. 57.52 Aphididae 1908. Sulla classificazione della Fillossere. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 2 p. 683—690. [Bórneria n. g. pro Phylloxera danesii.] 38 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.52 Aphididae 1908. Third Supplement to the „Catalogue of Aphidae*. Canad. Entom. Yol. 40 p. 80. 39 Woodworth, C. W. 51.92 Aphididae 1908. Winged Aphids. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 192—123. 20040 Stevens, N. M. 57.02 Aphididae : 11.57 1907. Color Inheritance and Sex Inheritance in Certain Aphids. Science N. S. Vol. 26 p. 216—218. 41 von Baehr, W. B. 57.52 Aphididae : 14.6 1908. Uber die Bildung der Sexualzellen bei Aphididae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 507—517, 14 figg. 14.631,.651 42 Vickery, M. A. 57.52 Aphididae : 14.9 1908. A Comparative Study of the External Anatomy of Plant Lice. 12th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 178—191, 5 figg. 43 Gillette, C. P. 51.92 Aphididae : 14.96 1908. Honeydew and the Cornicles of the Aphididae. Canad. Entom. 44 Davis, John J. 57.52 Aphididae : 14.98 1908. A Secondary Sexual Character of Aphididae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 282—285, 8 figg. [Sensoria upon the hind tibiae of oviparous fe- males. — II. Supplementary. p. 348. 45 Woodworth, C. W. 57.52 Aphididae : 14.98 1908. The Leg Tendons of Insects. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 452—456, 2 figg. |Cuticular invaginations.] 46 Börner, Carl. 57.52 Aphididae : 15 1908. Über Chermesiden. I. Zur Systematik der Phylloxerinen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 600—612, 10 figg. [Moritziellini. Phylloxerinini, Phylloxe- rini nn. trib. Hystrichiella, Pergandea nn. subgg. Moritziella n. g. pro Phyllo- xera corticalis.] — II. Experimenteller Nachweis der Entstehung diöcischer aus monócischen Cellaren. p. 612—616. III. Zur Theorie der Biologie der Chermiden. p. 647 —663. 20047 Mordwilko, A. 57.52 Aphididae : 15 1908. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzenläuse, Aphididae, Passerini. Die zyklische Fortpflanzung der Pflanzenläuse. II. Die Migrationen der Pflanzen- liuse. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 631—639, 649—662. 15.2 15. I. 1909. 105 Hemiptera. 20048 Johnson, Roswell H. 57.52 Aphididae : 16.5 1907. Economic Notes on Aphids and Coccinellids. Entom. News Vol. 18 p. 171—174. 49 Gillette, C. P. 57.52 Aphididae : 16.5 1908. Notes and Descriptions of some Orchard Plant Lice of the Family Aphididae. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 302—310, 359—368, 3 pls., 7 figg. 50 Montizambert, Eric. 57.52 Aphididae : 16.5 1908. Lampyrids and Aphids. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 36. 51 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.52 Aphididae (1182) 1908. Fossil Aphididae from Florissant, Colorado. Nature Vol. 78 p. 318—319. 59 Morley, Claude. 57.52 Aphididae (42.64) 1908. Jottings on Aphides taken during 1907 and 1908. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 209—212, 233—237. 58 Dampf, A. 57.52 Aphididae (43.11) 1908. Über ostpreussische Chermes-Arten. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 351—360. [Generationsfolge.] 54 Borcea, I. 57.52 Aphididae (498) 1908. Matériaux pour l’étude de la faune des Aphides de Roumanie. Ann. scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 166—210. 55 Washburn, F. L. 57.52 Aphididae (77.6) 1908. The So-Called ,Green Bug“ and Other Grain Aphids in Minnesota in 1907. Spec. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota St. Anthony Park Agric. Exper. Stat. 8°, 21 pp., 1 pl, 15 figg. 56 Gillette, C. P. 57.52 Aphis 1908. Aphis gossypii Grov., and its Allies— medicaginis Koch, rumicis, LINN., forbesi Wen, oenotheriae Orst., and carbocolor Gir. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 176—181. 20057 Girault, A. Arsène. 57.52 Aphis : 15.3 1908. An Aphid Feeding on Coccinellid Eggs. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 132—133. 58 . 51.52 Aphis : 16.5 1908. Kafir Corn Aphis (Aphis sorghi). Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 27—831. 59 Forbes, S. A. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1908. Experiments with Repellents Against the Corn Root-Aphis. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 51—83. 60 Lounsbury, Chas. P. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1908. Melon Aphis. An Insect Injurious to Melons, Marrows, Calabashes, Cucumbers, etc. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 33 p. 491—496, 2 figg. 61 Lounsbury, Chas. P. 57.52 Aphis : 16.5 1908. Woolly Aphis and Tobacco Extract. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 33 p. 188—193, 1 fig. 62 Jackson, C. F. 57.52 Aphis (77) 1908. Notes on the Aphididae. (I.) Observations on a Semi-aquatic Aphid, Aphis aquaticus n. sp. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 243—249, 10 figg. (77.1,.5) 63 Davis, John J. 57.52 Aphis (77.3) 1908. A New Aphid on the Virginia Creeper. (Aphis folsomii n. sp.) Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 143—146, 1 pl. 64 Wilson, H. F. 57.52 Aphis (78.8) 1908. The Green Aphis of the Chrysanthemum — Aphis rufomaculata n. sp. 20065 Marlatt, C. L. 57.52 Aspidiotus 1908. Aspidiotus ancylus PurNAM vs. circularis Frrcg. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 309—311. 15. I. 1909. Hemiptera. 106 20066 MacDougall, R. Stewart. 57.52 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1908. The Oyster-Shell Bark Scale. Journ. Board Agric. London Vol. 14 p. 614—616. 67 Parrott, P. J., H. E. Hodgkiss, and W. J. Schoene. 57.02 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1908. Dipping of Nursery Stock in the Limesulphur Wash. Bull. No. 302 N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat. Geneva p. 175—202. 68 Sherman, Franklin. 57.52 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1908. The San José Scale. A Brief Popular Account of a Notorious In- sect Pest, with a Statement of its Present Recorded Status in North Caro- lina. Journ. Elisha Mitchell scient. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 52—59. [Aspidiotus perniciosus.] 69 Surface, H. A. 97.92 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1908. Results ot Spraying Experiments during the Spring of 1907 for San José Scale. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 332 —336. 70 Surface, H. A. 97.92 Aspidiotus : 16.5 1908. Status of San José Scale in Pennsylvania. Zool. Bull. Pennsyl- vania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 270—273. — Habits of, and Remedies for, San José Scale. p. 287 —294. 71 Surface, H. A. 57.52 Aspidiotus :°16.5 1908. The San José Scale, Again. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 239—260. 72 Silvestri, F., e G. Martelli. 57.52 Ceroplastes : 16.5 1908. La cocciniglia del Fico. (Ceroplastes rusci L.) Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 297—358, 37 figg. 20073 Oestlund, 0. W. 57.52 Chaitophorus (77.6) 1908. Chaitophorus testudinatus in America. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 131 —132. 74 Bórner, Carl. 57.52 Chermes 1908. Ueber das System der Chermiden. Zu CHoLopkovsgys Auffassung der Chermidensystematik. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 169—173. 75 Cholodkovsky, N. 57.52 Chermes : 15 1908. Zur Frage' über die biologischen Arten. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 769—782. 76 Marchal, Paul. 57.92 Chermes : 15 1908. Contribution à l'étude biologique des Chermes. (Cinquième note.) Les ailés non gallicoles du Chermes pini. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 229—230. 77 Molz, Emil. 57.52 Chermes : 15 1908. Einige Bemerkungen über die durch Chermes piceae var. bouvieri auf Abies nobilis hervorgerufenen Triebspitzengallen. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 151—154, 4 figg. 78 Niisslin, 0. 57.52 Chermes : 15 1908. Zur Biologie der Gattung Chermes. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 332 — 343, 710—725, 735—758, 8 figg. [Phylogenie des pentamorphen Nor- malcyclus. Fichte als ursprünglicher Wirt anzusehen. (gegen Börner’s Umkehrung der Wirtskorrelation).] 79 Nüsslin, [0.] 57.52 Chermes : 15 1908. Zur Biologie der Chermes piceae Ratz. Verh. deutsch. zool, Ges. 18. Vers. p. 205—224, 4 figg. 80 Sasscer, E. R. 57.52 Chionaspis 1908. The Salt-Marsh Grass Scale. (Chionaspis spartinae Cowsr. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 141—142. 20081 Pettit, R. H. 57.52 Coccidae 1901. The Scale-Insects or Coccidae. 2d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 78 — 83. 15. I. 1909. 107 Hemiptera. 20082 Lindinger, Leonhard. 97.92 Coccidae 1908. Coccidenstudien, Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 96—106. [Chrysomphalus barbusano n. sp.] (46.85) 83 Marlatt, C. L. 57.52 Coccidae 1908. The Papers on Coccidae or Scale Insects. The National Collection of Coccidae. U.S. Dept. Agric. Div. entom. Techn. Ser. No. 16 p. 1—10. 84 Sulc, Karel. 97.92 Coccidae 1908. Towards the Better Knowledge of the Genus Lecanium. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 36. [Parthenolecanium n. g. pro L. partim, Sphaerolecanium pro L. prunastri, Palueolecanium pro L. bituberculatum.] S5 MeAtee, W. L. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.5 1907. Birds that Eat Scale Insects. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1906 p. 189—198, 3 figg, 87.2, 88.1 86 Martelli, G. 57.52 Coccidae : 16.5 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi all’ olivo e di quelli che con essi hanno rapporto. Osservazioni sulle Cocciniglie dell’ Olivo. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 215—296, 22 figg. 87 Parrott, P. J., H. E. Hodgkiss, and W. J. Schoene. 51.92 Coccidae : 16.5 1908. Control of Scale in Old Apple Orchards. Bull. No. 296 N. Y. agric. Exper. Stat., 30 pp., 4 pls. 88 Marchal, Paul. 91.52 Coccidae (403) 1908. Notes sur les Cochenilles de l’Europe et du Nord de l’Afrique. (lre partie.) Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 223—309, 1 pl, 46 figg. [Phenacoccus cholodkovskyi n. sp. 1 n. var. in Pseudococcus.] (47.8) 20089 Leonardi, Gustavo. 57.52 Coccidae (45) 1908. Seconda contribuzione alla conoscenza delle Cocciniglie italiane. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 150—192, 64 figg. [15 nn. spp. in: Orthezia, Kermes, Phenacoccus 2, Pseudococcus 3, Ripersia 4, Eulecanium, Lecanopsis, Chionaspis, Hemiberlesia. | n. var. in Lepidosaphes.] (45.5,.72,.79,.9) 90 Tullgren, Alb. 57.52 Coccidae (48.6) 1908. Notiser rörande skóldlóss. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p: 130. 91 Green, E. E. 57.92 Coccidae (54) 1908. Remarks on Indian Scale Insects (Coccidae) Part II. With a Catalogue of all Species Hitherto Recorded from the Indian Continent. Mem. Dept. Agric. India Entom. Ser. Vol. 2 p. 15—46, 3 pls. [18 nn. spp. in: Monophlebus (1 n. var.), Icerya, Cerococcus, Lefroyia n. g., Dactylo- pius, Phenacoccus 3, Antonina, Coccus, Lecanium 2, Pulvinaria, Aspidiotus, Mytilaspis, Diaspis, Hemichionaspis 2. 1 n. var. in Asterolecanium.] (54.1,.7—.87) 92 Kotinsky, Jacob. 57.52 Coccidae (59.5) 1908. Some Coccidae from Singapore Collected by F. Murr. Proc. Ha- waiian entom. Soc. Yol. 1 p. 167—171, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Cöceus, Chrysomphalus.] 93 Marlatt, C. L. 57.52 Coccidae (7) 1908. New Species of Diaspine Scale Insects. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. entom, Techn. Ser. No. 16 p. 11—32, 9 pls. [17 nn. spp. in: Aspidiotus 19, Aonidia, Chionaspis, Leucaspis, Mytilaspis, Parlatoria 3.] (5.15. 07-9, (68.75, (2: 1,7, 129.1, 75.3,.5,.9, 77.1, 789, 49.2119411,.4) 94 Jarvis, Tennyson D. 57.52 Coccidae (71.3) 1908. A Preliminary List of the Scale-insects of Ontario. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 50—72, 4 pls., 21 figg. 20095 Coleman, George A. 57.52 Coccidae (79.4) 1908. Coccidae of the Coniferae. Supplement No. I. Description of two New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 197—198, 2 pls. [2 nn. spp. in: Pseudococcus, Xylococcus.] 15. I. 1909. Hemiptera. 108 20096 Bugnion, E., et N. Popoff. 57.02 Coccus : 16.1 908. La Cire blanche de Chine (rectification). Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 44 p. 273—283, 1 pl. [Produit par le Coccus ceriferus.] 97 Leonardi, G. 57.52 Diaspis : 16.5 1908. Altre notizie intorno alla Diaspis pentagona Tare. ed al modo di combatterla. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 12—21. 98 Morstatt, H. 57.52 Diaspis : 16.5 1908. Untersuchungen an der roten austernförmigen Schildlaus, Diaspis fallax nov. nom. Horvara. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 21 p. 408—424, 1 Taf., 19 figg. 99 Börner, Carl. 57.52 Dreyfusia (43.44) 1908. Uber Chermesiden. IV. Dreyfusi apiceae (Rarz.) und Dreyfusia nusslini nov. spec. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 737—750, 4 figg. 20100 Quayle, H. J. 57.52 Eulecanium : 16.5 1908. A Statistical Study of Brown Scale Parasitism. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 788—789. 01 Rohwer, S. A. 57.52 Forda (73) 1908. The Aphid Genus Forda. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 67—68. [2 nn. spp.] (74.4, 77.3, 78.8,.9) 02 Lindinger, L. 57.52 Lecanium 1908. Eine Berichtigung zu meiner Zusammenstellung „Fränkischer Coc- eiden“. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 181. [Lecanium franconicum n. nom. pro L. rubellum Linpincer non Cxrr.] 03 Marchal, P. 57.52 Lecanium (44) 1908. Le Lecanium du Robinea. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 2—5. [L. corm. var. robiniarum.] 20104 Tannreuther, Geo. W. 57.52 Melanoxanthus : 14.6 1907. History of the Germ Cells and Early Embryology of Certain Aphids. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 24 p. 609—642, 5 pls. [Spermatogenesis, Ovogenesis; early development of ova; parthenogenetic and sexual gene- rations.] 14.631,.651 05 Taylor, E. P. 57.52 Myzus : 16.5 1908. Life History Notes and Control of the Green Peach Aphis, Myzus persicae. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 83—91. 06 Patch, Edith M. 57.52 Nectarophora : 16.5 1908. The Potato Plant Louse. Nectarophora solanifolii Asamran. 28d ann, Rep. Maine agric. exper. Stat. p. 235—254, 2 pls., 2 figg. 07 Kotinsky, Jacob. 57.52 Orthezia : 16.5 1908. History and Present Status of Orthezia insignis in Hawaii. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 11-12. 08 Patch, Edith M. 57.52 Pemphigus : 15 1908. Pemphigus tessellata: Alternate Host, Migrants and True Sexes. (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entom. No. 30.) Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 484—488, 1 pl. 15.6 09 Jackson, €. F. 57.52 Pemphigus (73) 1908. A Synopsis of the Genus Pemphigus with Notes on their Economie Importance, Life History and Geographical Distribution. (Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entom. No. 29.) Proc. Columbus hortic. Soc. Vol. 22 p. 160—218, 3 figg. 10 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.52 Phenacoccus (78.9) 1908. Phenacoccus gossypii, Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 211. 11 Del Guercio, Giacomo]. 57.52 Phylloxera : 11.6 1908. Le vicende della fillossera del leccio nei terreni aridi ed in quelli irrigui. Redia Vol. 5 p. 144—155, 1 tav. 20112 Del Guercio, Giacomo. 57.52 Phylloxera : 11.62 1908. Ancora sulle forme autunnali della Phylloxera acanthochermes Kou. Redia Vol. 5 p. 138—143, 8 figg. 15. I. 1909. 109 Hemiptera. 20113 Morgan, T. H. 57.52 Phylloxera : 13.6 1908. The Production of Two Kinds of Spermatozoa in Phylloxerans — Functional „Female Producing“ and Rudimentary Spermatozoa. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 56—57. [Egg, as well as sperm, deter- mines sex by regulating chromosome number.] 14 Del Guercio, Giacomo. 57.52 Phylloxera : 15 1908. Sull’ apparizione di particolare forma larvale nella Phylloxera acanthochermes (Korz). Bedia Vol. 5 p. 92—97, 6 figg. 15 Foà, Anna. 57.02 Phylloxera : 15 1908. Intorno al ciclo evolutivo della fillossera del cerro. Rend. Accad.. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 2 p. 391—395. 16 Gescher, Clem. 57.52 Phylloxera : 15 1908. Ueber die Rückwanderung der Reblaus. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. Bd. 3 p. 317—320. 17 Blondeau, F. 57.92 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. La lutte antiphylloxérique en Champagne. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 2 p. 1446—1451. 18 Faés, H. 57.52 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. Le phylloxéra sur feuilles. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 44 p. VI—VII. — Chronique agric. Vaud Ann, 21 p. 381—387, 457—458, 1 fig. 19 Foà, Anna, e Remo Grandori. 57.52 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. Studi sulla fillossera della vite. Differenze tra la Fillossera galli- cola e la Fillossera radicicola. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 276—281. 20 Fuschini, C. 57.02 Phylloxera : 16.5 1907. Contributo allo studio della Philloxera quercus Boyer. Nota preli- minare. Redia Vol. 4 p. 360—368. 20121 Grandori, Remo. 57.52 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. Ulteriori ricerche sulla fillossera della vite. Nota preliminare. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 2 p. 396—403. 22 Grassi, B., e Anna Foà. 57.02 Phylloxera : 16.6 1908. Ricerche sulle fillossere e in particolare su quella della vite, ese- guite nel R. Osservatorio antifillosserico di Fauglia (Pisa) fino all’ agosto del 1907. Boll. notiz. agrar. Roma N. S. Ann. 6 Vol. 5 p. 658—670. — Ulte- riori ricerche sulla fillossera della vite. — Produzione delle galle da parte delle radicicole. — Differenze tra le fillossere radicicole nelle varie stagioni delP anno. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 753—760. — Ulte- riori ricerche sulla fillossera della vite (fino al 1° ottobre 1908). I. An- cora a proposito delle galle prodotte dalle radicicole. — II. Lunghezza del rostro delle neonate. — IIL Le punture della fillossera. — IV. Madri radicicole con caratteri ninfali. — V. Quattro sole mute per arrivare all’ elata. — VI. Differenziazione delle madri atttere e delle alate. Sem: 2: p. 849—359. 28 Grassi, B., e R. Grandori. 51.92 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. Ulteriori ricerche sulle fillossere gallicole della vite. Rend. Accad. 24 Moritz, J. 97.92 Phylloxera : 16.5 1908. Beobachtungen und Versuche, betreffend die Reblaus, Phylloxera vastatrix Pr. und deren Bekämpfung. Arb. biol. Abt. Gesundh.-Amt Berlin Bd. 6 p. 499—571. 25 Dufour, Jean. 97.92 Phylloxera (494) 1900. Die amerikanischen Reben und die Verbreitung der Reblaus in der Schweiz. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz. Bd. 14 p. 323—367, 11 figg. 26 Marlatt, C. L. 97.02 Pseudaonidia 1908. The Genus Pseudaonidia. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p- 131—141, 1 pl., 1 fig. [2 nn. spp.] (68.7, 922) 20127 Vaney, C., et A. Conte. 57.52 Pseudococcus : 11.56 1908. La forme male du Pseudococcus platani Sion. ©. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess, 36 Pt, 1 p. 246; Pt. 2 p. 620—621, 2 figg. 15. L 1909. Hemiptera. 110 20123 Davis, John J. 57.52 Pseudococcus : 15.6 1908. Standards of the number of eggs laid by Insects. — VII. Being Averages obtained by actual Count of the combined Eggs from twenty (20) Depositions or Masses. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 883. 29 Šulc, Karel. 57.52 Psylla (4) 1907/08. Příspěvky ku poznání Psyll. I. Psylla spartii Guerin-Loew a Psylla spartiicola n. sp. Rozpr. éeské Akad. Tr. 2 Roën. 16 Cis. 33, 8 pp. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Psylloden. Bull. internat. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 18 p. 248—256, 2 Taf. (44.27) 30 Sule, Karel. o 57.52 Psylla (69) 1908. Psylla lemurica n. sp. z Madagaskaru. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 77—82, 10 figg. 81 Marlatt, C. L. 57.52 Schizoneura : 16.5 1908. The Woolly Aphis of the Apple. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 20, 6 pp., 2 figg. 32 Horváth, 6G. 57.52 Schizoneura (469) 1908. Description d’un Aphidien nouveau de Portugal. Brotéria Rev. Scienc. nat. Vol. 7 p. 132-133. [Schizoneura lusitanica n. sp.] 33 Gillette, C. P. 57.52 Schizoneura (78.8) 1908. The Poplar Bark Aphid (Schizoneura populi n. sp.) Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 1-3, 1 pl. 34 Washburn, F. L. e 57.52 Toxoptera : 11.56 1908. Sexual Forms of Toroptera graminum, Row». Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 53—54, 2 figg. 35 Phillips, W. J. 57.52 Toxoptera : 15 1908. Notes on Toxoptera graminum and Parthenogenesis of one of its Pa- rasites. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 11—13. 20136 Pierantoni, Umberto. 57.52 Toxoptera : 16.5 1907. Osservazioni sul parassitismo esercitato da un imenottero su di un afide degli agrumi. (Aphidius aurantii n, sp. e Toxoptera aurantii Fonscot.) Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 19, 5 pp., 1 tav. 37 Oshanin, B. 57.53 (403) 1908. Verzeichnis der Palaearktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Be- rücksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im Russischen Reiche. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg Bd. 13 Beil. p. 385—492. (47, 57) 38 Edwards, James. 57.58 (42) 1908. On some British Homoptera hitherto Undescribed or Unrecorded. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 55—59, 80—87, 17 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Accocephalus 2, Empoasca 2, Typhlocyba 2.) (42.41,.61) 39 Lambertie, Maurice. 57.53 (44.71) 1908. Captures d’Homoptéres nouveaux pour le département de la Gi- ronde. Bull. Scc. entom. France 1908 p. 90. — Notes sur des Hémip- tères nouveaux ou peu connus pour le département de la Gironde. Proc. Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. CI—CV. 40 Lambertie, Maurice. 51.99 (44.71) 1908. Faunules hémiptérologiques. Proc. Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. LXVI—LXVIII, LXX —LXXI. 41 Lambertie, Maurice. 57.53 (44.89) 1908. Notules Hémiptérologiques. Proc. Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. XCVII—XCVIII. [Hémiptéres recueillis dans les Pyrénées-Orien- tales par M. V. XamBEU.] 42 Oshanin, B. 57.58 (5) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Hemipteren. Ann, Mus. zoo]. Acad. St. Pétersbourg T. 12 p. 463—477, 4 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Poophilus, Adelungia, Limois, Dorysarthrus, Tigrahauda n. g., Orgeriaria n. div. Haumavarga n. g. pro Orgerius fedtschenko.] (57.1,.6,.9) 20143 Distant, W. L. 57.53 (6) 1908. Rhynchotal Notes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 309—323. [22 nn. spp. in: Ptyelus 2, Hemiapterus 2, Amberana n. g., Dauphina n. g., Triecphora 4, Locris 12 (1 n. var.).] (63, 66.4,.9. 67.1,.6, 68.2,.9, 69.4) 15. I. 1909. 20144 46 47 48 49 20150 51 52 53 54 20155 111 Hemiptera. Melichar, L. 57.53 (67) 1908. Nové rody a druhy Homopter z vychodni Afriky. [Neue Gattungen und Arten der Homoptera aus Ostaftrika.] Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 1—15, 5 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Zanna 2, Cornelia, Homaloplasis, Aphypia n. g., Euhiracia n. g., Oliarus, Or- menis, Poophilus, Tomaspis, Pachynus, Pachyopsis, Agallia, Duraturopsis n. g., Tettigoniella, Empoasca.] (67.3,.8) Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 (67) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eurybrachinen Afrikas. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 508—515. [2 nn. spp. in: Aspidonitys, Mesonitys (n. g. pro A. tae- niata).] (67.1,.8) Distant, W. L. 57.53 (94) 1908. On some Australian Homoptera. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 97—111. [11 nn. spp. in: Idiocerus, Bythoscopus, Eurymeloides 4, Eurymela 4, Penthimia.] (44.1—.4,.6) Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Acanalonia (8) 1908. Drei neue Acanaloniinen-Arten von Ecuador (Südamerika). Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 515—518. [1 n. var.] (85, 86.6) Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Ancyra (59) 1908. Die Arten des Eurybrachinen-Genus Ancyra Waure, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fulgoriden. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 764—769. [2 nn. spp] (59.1,.5,.8) Guilbeau, Braxton H. 57.53 Cercopidae : 15 1908. 'The Origin and Formation of the Froth in Spittle-Insects. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 783—798, 8 figg. [Fluid portion of froth is anal se- cretion into which air bubbles are introduced. Glands of BareLLI secrete mucilaginous substance which, added to anal fluid, renders it viscous and causes retention of air bubbles.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.58 Cercopidae (1182) 1908. Fossil Cercopidae. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 35 —38, 3 figg. Schmidt, Edmund, 57.53 Cercopidae (502) 1908. Neue und bekannte Gattungen und Arten der Subfamilie Cercopinae Star des indoaustralischen Faunengebietes, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cercopiden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 70 p. 146—187, 5 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Gynopygoplax (n. g. pro Cercopis proserpina) 5 (2 nn. varr.), Sura- carta (n. g. pro C. tricolor, 4 nn. subspp. 9 nn. varr.), Serapita (n. g. pro C. charon).] (51.9, 59.1, 91.1, 91.4, 921, 922, 929) Matsumura, S. 57.53 Cercopidae (52) 1903. Monographie der Cercopiden Japans. Journ. Sapporo agricult. Coll. Vol. 2 p. 15—52, 22 figg. [14 nn. spp. in: Rhinaular, Euclovia n. g., Aphrophora 10, Ptyelus 2.| (52.1,.2,.4) Jacobi, A. 57.53 Cercopidae (8) 1908. Neue Cercopiden des Andengebietes. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 200—215. [40 nn. spp. in: Cephisus, Ptyelus, Avernus, Egre- tius n. g., Clastoptera, Ischnorhina 4, Tomaspis 28, Hyboscarta n. g. 2, Simo- rhina n. g.] Matsumura, S. 57.53 Cicadidae (403) 1908. Neue Cicadinen aus Europa und Mittelmeergebiet. Journ. Coll. Sc. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 23 Art. 6, 46 pp., 1 Taf. [47 nn. spp. in: Typhlocyba 9, Gnathodus 2, Cicadula 4, Athysanus, Thamnotettix 14 (1 n. var.), Jassus, Scaphoideus, Deltocephalus 9, Acocephalus, Epicephalius n. g., Carchariacephalus, Chiasmus, Idiocerus 2.] (43.12,.15,.17,.91,.92,.94, 45.75,.8, 61.1, 62, 64, 65) Melichar, L. 57.53 Cicadidae (6) 1908. Jeden nový rod a dva druhy cikäd z čeledě Cicadidae, [Eine neue Gattung und zwei neue Arten aus der Familie Cicadidae.] Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 58—60, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Rhinopsalta n. g., Platypleura.] (67.6, 69) 15. I. 1909. Hemiptera. 112 20156 Kershaw, J. C. 57.53 Cryptotympana (51) 1903. A Naturalist’s Notes from China. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 233—235, 1 pl. [C. necta.] 57 Swezey, [Otto H.] 51.99 Dictyophorodelphax : 15 1908. Nymph of Dictyophorodelphax mirabilis. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 1—2, 5 figg. 58 Washburn, F. L. 57.03 Empoasca : 15.6 1908. Egg Laying of Empoasca mali. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p.142 —145, 2 figg. 59 Webster, R. L. 57.53 Empoasca : 15.6 1908. The Eggs of Empoasca mali Le B. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 326—321. 60 Baker, C. F. 51.99 Erythria (728) 1903. The Genus Erythria in America. Invertebr. pacif. Yol. 1 p. 3—5. [4 nn. spp.] 61 Baker, C. F. 57.53 Eugnathodus (7) 1903. Homoptera. On the Gnathodus Scecies of the abdominalis Group. Invertebrata pacifica Vol. 1 p. 1—2. [6 nn. spp. in Eugnathodus (n. g. pro Gn. abdominalis.) E. a. magnus n. var.] (728, 79.3) 62 Schmidt, Edmund. 97.53 Eurybrachinae 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Eurybrachinen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 241—247. [3 nn. spp: Messena, Yarrana, Dardus. Eurybrachini, Loxo- cephalini, Frutini, Platybrachini, Dardini, Ancyrini, nn. trib.] (921, 94.3) 20163 Bugnion, F. 57.53 Flata : 14.77 1908. Glandes cirieres de Flata (Phronia) marginella. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 25 p; 486—489. 64 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Fulgora (921) 1908. Fulgora sapphirina, eine neue Fulgora-Art von Sumatra. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 93—95. e5 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.93 Fulgoridae (79.4) 1908. A Brief Note on Three [Two New], Californian Fulgoroid Hemip- tera. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 22—23. [2 nn. spp. in Danepteryx.] 66 Schmidt, Edmund. 57.53 Fulgoridae (91.1) 1908. Zwei neue Fulgoriden aus dem Stettiner Museum. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 70 p. 187—192. [2 nn. spp. in: Enchophora, Flatosoma. 1 n. var. in Bithopsyrna.] 67 Ribaga, Constantino. 57.53 Histeropterum : 16.5 1908. Di una peculiare alterazione delle foglie di Gelso dovuta ad un Omottero. Redia Vol. 4 p. 329—39, 1 tav. [Histeropterum grylloides.] es Melichar, L. 57.53 Idiocerus (67.8) 1908. Eine neue Idiocerusart aus Deutsch-Ostafrika. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 65—66, 3 figg. |I. haupti.] 20169 Melichar, L. 57.53 Issidae 1906. Monographie der Issiden (Homoptera). Abh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 3 Heft 4, 327 pp., 75 figg. [Bruchoscelis n. g. pro Caliscelis pecu- liaris, Pseudohemisphaerius pro Hysteropterum piceum, Semissus pro Issus acu- minatus, Perissus pro I. jakowleffi, Duriopsis pro Durium costale, Parametopus pro Acrometopum Star nec Sien. 178 nn. spp. in: Caliscelis, Bruchomorpha 2, Homaloplasis n. g., Plagiopsis, Bergiella n. g., Gergithus 9, Hemisphaerius 27, Hysteropterissus n. g., Hysterosphaerius n. g., Mycterodus, Conosimus, Hysteropterum 17, Monteira n. g., Mangola n. g. 2, Rileya n. g., Dictyssa 5, Neaethus 4, Gamergus 2, Danepteryx, Gamergomorphus n. g., Nubitha, Issus 4, Lollius 3, Tylana 13, Issina n. g., Capelopterum n. g. 4, Issoscepa n. g. 4, Isobium n. g., Pharsalis n. g., Acrisius 2, Trienopa 8, Togoda n. g., Pro- sonoma n. g., Acrometopus 2, Duroides n. g. 3, Heinsenia n. g.4, Eucameruna 15. I. 1909. 113 Hemiptera. n. g., Amnisa, Enipeus 3, Paranipeus n. g., Gelastyra 3, Delia n. g., Thionia 20, Issomorphus n. g. 2, Thabena, Tetrica 2, Sarima 8, Syrgis 2.] (43.68,.69,.94,.96, 46.3,.4,.8,.85, 47.9, 499, 51, 52.1,.2, 54.7—.87, 56.4,.43,.6,.8, 59.1,.4,.5,.9, 65, 66.7.8, 67.1,.2,.5,.8,.9, 68.2,.8,.9, 69, 72.1, 728, 729.2, 76.4, 78,.1,.8,.9, 79.1,4, 81—86, 87—89, 91.1—929, 932, 935, 94.3, 95, 96.1) 20170 Distant, W. L. 57.53 Jassidae (501) 1908. Rhynchotal Notes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 515—531. [26 nn. spp. in: Trichogonia, Tettigoniella 18, Apulia (n. g. pro Tettigonia quadrimacula) 5, Onega n. g., Kolla. Serpa n. g. pro Tettigonia plumbea.] — Vol. 2 p. 57—84. [33 nn. spp. in: Diedrocephala 4, Oncometopia 10, Stictos- carta, Amblydisca 4, Abana (n. g. pro Aulacizes dives) 2, Aulacizes 4, Mareba n. g., Teletusa n. g. 3, Diestostemma 3, Zyzzogeton.] (72, 728, 81, 84—86.6, 89) 71 Baker, C. F. 97.09 Macropsis (7) 1903. Notes on Macropsis. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 9—12. [2 nn. spp.] (728, 79.4) 72 Van Duzee, Edward P. 57.53 Membracidae (7) 1908. Studies in North American Membracidae. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 9 p. 29—125, 2 pls. [27 nn. spp. in: Ceresa 2, Stictocephala 4 (1 n. var.), Telamona 4, Cyrtolobus 11, Ophiderma 2, Publilia, Enchenopa, Tylopelta, Tylocentrus n. g. 1 n. var. in Leioscyta. Xantholobus n. subg.] (74.4—.9, 75.6,.8,.9, 76.4, 77.1,.8, 78.1,.6,.8—79.2,.4,.7) 73 Horvath, G. 07.03 Metropis (44.83) 1908. Description d'un Fulgoride nouveau de France. Bull. Soc. entom, France 1908 p. 165. [Metropis forficula n. sp.] 74 Swezey, Otto H. 57.09 Nesodryas : 15 1908. The Younger Stages of Nesodryas freycinetiae KırkıLpyr. Proc. Ha- waiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 13—14. 20175 Autram, Chas. B. 57.53 Purohita (54.1) 1907. On a New Species of Fulgorid from Darjeeling. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1024. [Purohita arundinacea Disr. described elsewhere.] 76 Marlatt, C. L. 57.53 Tibicen : 15 1908. A Successful Seventeen-Year Breeding Record for the Periodical Cicada. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 16—18. 77 Rothke, Max. 07.58 Tibicen (74.8) 1908. Uber das Auftreten der Tibicen (Cicada) septendecim L. im nord- östlichen Pennsylvanien in den Jahren 1906 u. 1907. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 164—165, 168—169. 78 Matsumura, S. 57.53 Tropidocephala 1907. Monographie der Homopteren-Gattung Tropidocephala Srár. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 5 p. 56—66, 2 Taf. [7 nn. spp.] (51.2, 52.9, 59.5, 95) 79 Quayle, H. J. 57.53 Typhlocyba : 16.5 1908. The Grape Leaf-Hopper. (Typhlocyba comes Say.) Bull. Agric. Exper. Stat. California No. 198 p. 177—218, 23 figg. 80 Quayle, H. J. 57.53 Typhlocyba : 16.5 1908. The California Life History of the Grape Leaf-Hopper. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol, 1 p. 182—153. 81 Baker, C. F. 57.53 Typhlocybella (728) 1903. A New Genus of the Typhlocybini. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 3. [T. n. g. minima n. sp.] 82 Baker, C. F. 57.58 Typhlocybini (7) 1903. New Typhlocybini. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 5—9. [12 nn. spp. in: Alebra, Protalebra 4, Eualebra, Empoasca, Eupteryx, Typhlocyba 4.] (72.7, 728, 79.4) 20183 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 1906. List of the Genera of the Pagiopodous Hemiptera-Heteroptera with their Type Species from 1758 to 1904 (and also of the Aquatic and Semi- Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVIL 15-7. 190% 8 20184 85 86 87 88 89 90 20191 92 93 94 95 96 97 20198 Hemiptera. 114 Aquatic Trochalopoda). Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 117—156. [Dufouriellus n. g. pro Xylocoris ater, Aristoreuteria pro Episcopus ornatus, Indoelum pro Megacoelum rubricatum, Romna pro Morna capsoides. 2 nn. subgg.: Arrostelus (Xylocoris), Mimoperideris (Cyllecoris).] Bergroth, E. 51.54 1908. Uber die von A. A. H. LremreNsrEIN beschriebenen Heteropteren. Wien. entom. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 27 p. 248. Distant, W. L. 51.94 1908. Bibliographical and Nomenclatorial Notes on the Rhynchota. En- tomologist Vol. 41 p. 147—148. Horváth, G. 57.54 1908. Colobathristinae et Heterogastrinae Novae in Museo Nationali Hungarico. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 591—595. [6 nn. spp. in: Phaenacantha, Peruda 2, Hyginus 3.] Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 1908. Some Remarks on the Phylogeny of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 357—365. Reuter, 0. M. 57.04 1908. Die hemipterologischen Arbeiten W. L. Disranr’s und speziell die Valleriola-Frage. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 85—90. Reuter, 0. M. 57.04 1908. Einige von A. Becker und A. KouscaaxewirscH benannte Hemiptera- Heteroptera. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. St. Pétersbourg T. 12 p. 541—545. [Palomena amurensis n. sp.] (57.1) Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 1908. On the Nomenclature of some (British) Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 22—29. Montgomery, Thomas H. 97.54 : 14.63.1 1906. Chromosomes in the Spermatogenesis of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera. (Contr. zool. Lab. Univ. Texas No. 72). Trans. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 19 p. 97—173, 5 pls. Wilson, E. B. 57.54 : 14.63.1 1907. Observations on the Chromosomes in Hemiptera. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 600—601. Kershaw, J. C. W., and G. W. Kirkaldy. 57.54 : 15 1908. On the Metamorphoses of two Hemiptera-Heteroptera from South- ern China. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 59—62, 2 pls. [Chryso- coris stollii & Riptortus linearis.] Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 : 15 1908. On the Interesting Nature of Heteropterous Metamorphoses. En» tomologist Vol. 41 p. 58—59. Oshanin, B. i 57.54 (403) 1908. Verzeichnis der palaearktischen Hemipteren mit besonderer Be- rücksichtigung ihrer Verteilung im russischen Reiche. I. Band Heterop- tera. II. Lieferung Tingididae-Acanthiidae Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg T. 13 Beil. p. 395—586. (47, 57) Szulezewski, A. : 97.54 (43.13) 1908. Verzeichnis der bei Janowitz im Kreise Znin gefangenen Wanzen, Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 15 Entom. p. 3— 6. Ragusa, Enrico. E 1 57.54 (45.8) 1908. Alcuni Emitteri nuovi per la Sicilia. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 123—127. Kirkaldy, G. W. | 57.54 (5) 1908/09. Two New Genera of Oriental Hemiptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 452—453. [2 nn. spp. in: Tessaromerus n.g., Rheumatotrechus n. g.] — A Reply to Mr. Kimkazpy by W. L. Disranr. Vol. 41 p. 95—96. — A last Word to Mr. Disranr by G. W. K. p. 178—180. (51.3, 54.1) 15. I. 1909. 115 , Hemiptera. 20199 Bergroth, E. | 57.54 (54) 1908. Neue indische Hemiptera. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 589 595. [5 nn. spp. in: Microcoris n. g., Sycanus, Sphedanolestes 2, Edocla.] (54.7,.8) 20200 Schouteden, H. 07.54 (6) 1905. Faune entomologique de l’Afrique tropicale. Rhynchota aethi- opica. II. Arminae et Tessaratominae. Ann. Mus. Congo Ser. 3 T. 1 Fasc. 2 p. 133—277, 3 pls., 103 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Canthecona 2, Macro- rhaphis (1 n. var.), Delocephalus, Ectmetocara, Megadoeum, Pisena 2.] (62, 63, 66.3,.4,.6—.8,.99, 67.1,.2,.5,.8,.9, 68.2,.7,.9, 69) ‘01 Courteaux, René. 57.54 (6) 1908. Hémiptères d’Afrique (Togo et Abyssinie.) Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 190—192. [Elasmopoda ampliata n. sp. Dermatinus afri- canus n. nom pro D. aethiopicus CourrEAux non LETHIERRY.] (63, 66.7) 02 Martin, Joanny. 57.54 (6) 1908. Note sur les Hémiptères. Mission Foà Paris p. 595—598. (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) ‘03 Bergroth, E. 57.54 (63) 1908. Neue Hemiptera aus Süd-Abyssinien. Rev. russe Entom. T. 7 p. 106—110. [5 nn. spp. in: Agonoscelis, Acanthomia, Cantacader, Lepto- dema, Lisarda.] 04 Baker, C. F. 57.54 (73) 1906. Notes on the Nysius and Ortholomus of America. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 133—140. [4 nn. spp. in: N., 0. 3 (1 n. var.).] (77.5. 78.8, 79.3,.4) 20205 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 (74.7) 1908. Hemiptera Heteroptera of Westchester County, N. Y. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 223—238. [Bueno margaritacea n. nom pro B. platyenemis UnL., Bueno et auct. non FieBER.] 06 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 (74.7 1908. Notes on Heteroptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 165—167. 1908. Rhynchotographische Beiträge (Fünftes Stück.) Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 67—70. [4 nn. spp.in: Podisus, Margus, Steganocerus, Edocla.] (67.9, 68.2, 82, 89) 08 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 (94) 1908. Memoir on a Few Heteropterous Hemiptera from Eastern Austra- lia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 768—788, 1 pl. [26 nn. spp. in: Cymus, Phaenacantha, Pachygrontha, Phlegyas, Macropes, Geocoris 3, Germalus, Orthoea, Vulturnia n. g., Thaumastocoris n. g., Serenthia, Hyp- sipyrgias n. g., Epimixia n. g., Teleonemia 2, Alloeorhynchus, Acanthobrachys, Rhagovelia, Eurocrypha n. g., Cysteorrhacha n. g., Helopeltis, Synthlipsis n. g., Paracalocoris, Micronecta. Thaumastocorinae n. subfam.] (94.3,.4) 09 Distant, W. L. 57.54 Ammianus (67.5) 1908. Description of a New Tingid from Congo. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 220. [Ammianus schoutedeni n. sp.] 10 Foot, Katharine, and E. C. Strobell. 57.54 Anasa : 14.63.1 1907. A Study of Chromosomes in the Spermatogenesis of Anasa tristis. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 279—316, 3 pls., 4 figg. 11 Wilson, Edmund B. 97.54 Anasa : 14.63.1 1908. The Accessory Chromosome of Anasa tristis. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 445. 20212 de Bergevin, E. 57.54 Ancyrosoma (65) 1908. Sur le genre Ancyrosoma Auvor et ServiLLe. [Hém. Hét.] et des- cription d’une espèce nouvelle d’Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 277—279, 1 fig. [A. tuberculatum n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. Hemiptera. 116 20213 Reuter, 0. M. | 57.54 Aphanus : 14.84 1907. Oceller, felslagna hos en lygaeid (Aphanus phaeniceus Rossi). Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 33 p. 22. [Fleck als Ocellenrudiment.] 14 Kirkaldy, G: W. 57.54 Arctocorisa (75.6) 1908. Notes on Corixidae No. 1. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 117—120. [3 nn. spp. in Arctocorisa. Hesperocorixa n. subg.] 15 Köhler, A. 57.54 Asopus : 13.39 1908. Ueber die Bildung des Chorions bei Asopus bidens. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 478—486, 10 figg. 16 Arnold, Paul. 57.54 Belostoma : 15 1908. Ein Riesen-Ruderwanze (Belostoma?) im Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 381—383, 1 fig. 17 Kirkaldy, 6. W. 57.54 Belostomidae 1908. A Synonymic Note on Certain Belostomidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 164. 18 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Bianchiella (51.7) 1908. Eine neue paläarktische Lygaeiden-Gattung von der Unterfamilie Oxycarenina Star. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg T. 12 p. 598—600. [Bianchiella n. g. adelungi n. sp.] 19 Autram, Chas. B. 57.54 Cantecoma : 15.3 1907. Cantecona furcellata, Worrr. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1024—1025. 20 Reuter, 0. M. 57.94 Capsidae (403) 1908. Capsidae novae palaearcticae. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. St. Péters- bourg T. 12 p. 481—499. [11 nn. spp. in: Phytocoris 2 (1 n. var.), Aetel- phocoris 2, Mermitelocerus n. g., Calocoris 3, Eurycyrtus (Kouscn.i.1.), Ortho- cephalus, Psallus.] (41.9, 51.8,.9, 57.1,.6,.9) 20221 Hiieber, Theodor. 57.54 Capsidae (43) 1908. Synopsis der deutschen Blindwanzen (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Fam. Capsidae). Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg Jahrg. 64 p. 102 —186. 22 Reuter, 0. M. . 57.54 Capsidae (6) 1907. Ad cognitionem Capsidarum aethiopicarum. Ofvers. Finska Vet.- Soc. Fórh. Bd. 49 No. 7, 27 pp. [17 nn. spp. in: Corizidolon n. g., Megacoelum, Calocoris, Charitocoris, Stenotus, Lygus 2, Lygidolon n. g., Tro- pidophorella n. g., Poeciloscytus 2, Pameridea n. g. Fulvius, Laemocoris, Boo- pidella n. g., Allodapus, Psallus. Pameridearia n. div.] (67.5,.6, 68.2,.7, 69.4) 23 Reuter, 0. M. 07.04 Capsidae (72) 1907. Capsidae mexicanae a Do. Brumer collectae in museo I. R. Vindo- bonensi asservatae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 150—179. [35 nn. spp. in: Monalonion, Caulatops, Dichroocoris n. g., Sisynas, Sixeonotus 4, Eurychilella n. g., Pycnoderes 2, Monalocoris, Cyclidolon n. g., Monalocorisca, Phytocoris 3, Horcias, Camptochilella n. g., Lygus 2, Oncerometopus, Hallicus, Hadronemidea n. g., Paraproba, Orthotylus, Ceratocapsus, Nyctella, Psallus, Orizaba n. g., Plesiodemidea n. g., Rhinacloa 3, Leucopoecila. Neella n. g. pro Sisynas floridulus, Opistheuria pro Platytylello latipennis.] (72.1,.4—.6) 24 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (729.1) 1907. Capsidae tres cubanae. Die drei von Guérin in Ramon de la Sa- gras ,Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l’île de Cuba“ beschrie- benen Capsiden. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 147—149. [Noto- lobus n. g. pro Capsus dimidiatus.] er 20225 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (729.2) 1907. Capsidae novae in insula Jamaica mense aprilis a D. E. P. Van Duzer collectae. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 49 No. 5, 27 pp. [29 nn. spp. in: Pycnoderes 2, Bryocoris, Lamproscytus n. g., Phytocoris, 15. L 1909. 117 Hemiptera. Lygus 4, Poeciloscytus (1 n. var.), Cyrtocapsidea, Neolorops, Zanchisme, Bacu- lodema n. g., Ceratocapsus 2, Orthotylus 2, Platyscytus n. g., Melanostictus n. g., Hyalochloria n. g. 2, Mesotropis n. g., Psallus 2, Atomoscelis, Leucopoecila n. g. 2, Sthenarus 2.] 20226 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (81) 1907. Capsidae in Brasilia collectae in Museo I. R. Vindobonensi asser- vatae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 33—80. [29 nn. spp. in: Aspidobothrys (n. g. pro Eccritotarsus dimidiatus) 4, Neofurius 2, Pycnoderes, Bryocoris, Allomatus n. g., Par.xenetus n. g., Paracalocoris (1 n. var.) 5, Horcias 3, Platytylus 3, Chiloxionotus n. g. 2 (2 nn. varr.), Platytylellus (n. g. pro Resthenia nigripennis) 3, Hyaliodes, Paracarnus. Bothrophorella n. g. pro Eccritotarsus procurrens, Euchilocoris pro Lopus hahni.] 27 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (83) 1907. Capsidae quinque novae in Tombillo (Chile) lectae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 180—182, [5 nn. spp. in: Pachyneurhymenus n. g., Cyrtocapsus, Proboscidocoris, Horcias, Plagiognathus.] 28 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (9) 1907. Capsidae quatuor novae regionis Australicae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 183—186. [4 nn. spp. in: Oxychilophora n. g., Adelphoco- ris, Lygus, Compsoscytus n. g.] (94.4, 95, 96.1) 29 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Capsidae (922) 1907. Capsidae javanicae novae vel minus cognitae. Ann. k. k. Hofmus, Wien Bd. 22 p. 187—190. [5 nn. spp. in: Camptobrochis, Proboscidocoris, Lygus 3.] 30 Girault, A. Arséne. 57.54 Cimex : 15.3 1908. Notes on the Feeding Habits of Cimex lectularius Lınnarus. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 85—86. 31 Mackie, Percival F. 57.54 Cimex : 16.7 1907. A Preliminary Note on Bombay Spirillar Fever. Lancet Vol. 173 p. 882—835. 20232 Rogers, Leonard. 57.54 Cimex : 16.7 1907. The Milroy Lectures on Kala-Azar, Delivered before the Royal College of Physicians of London. Brit. med. Journ. 1907 Vol. 1 p. 557 —562, 1 fig. [Leishmania n. g. donovani n. sp. Ross transmitted by bedbugs.] 33 Baker, C. F. 51.54 Corizini (7) 1908. Preliminary Remarks on American Corizini. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 241—244. [4 nn. spp. in: Corizus.] (78.8, 79.3) 34 Hambleton, J. C. 57.54 Corizus (7) 1908. The Genus Corizus. With a Review of the North and Middle American Species. (Contrib. Dept. Zool. Entom. Ohio State Univ. No. 30). Ann. entom. Soc. America Yol. 1 p. 133—152, 4 pls. (71.1,.2, 728, 729.1,.2,.4,.8,.9, 75.2,.4,.8,.9, 76.2,.4, 77.1,7,8, 78.2,.3,.7,.8, 79.1,.2,.4,.5,.7) 35 Breddin, 6. 57.54 Dieuches (92) 1908. Noch ein Dieuches der uniguttatus-Gruppe. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 31—33. [D. procericornis n. sp.] (921, 922) 36 Maxwell-Lefroy, H. 51.54 Dysdercus : 16.5 1908. The Red Cotton Bug (Dysdercus cingulatus, Fasr.) Mem. Dept. Agrie. India Vol. 2 Entom. Ser. p. 47—58, 1 pl. 37 Montandon, A. L. 57.54 Geocorinae (5) 1908. Notes diverses sur les Geocorinae et descriptions d’espèces nou- velles. Bull. Soc. Sc. Bucarest An. 17 p. 123—128. [2 nn. spp. in: Geocoris, Stenophthalmicus. 1 n. var. in Piocoris.] (51, 52, 57.9, 67, 68, 69) 38 Bugnion, E. 57.54 Geocoris : 14.31.6 1907. Les glandes salivaires de quelques Géocores. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 24 p. 639—642. 20239 Montandon, A. L. 57.54 Geocoris (73) 1908. Espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du genre Geocoris Farı. Bull. Soc. Sc. Bucarest An. 16 p. 214—234. [5 nn. spp. 4 nn. varr.] (66.3, 67.9, 74.8, 75.2,.3,.9, 76.1—.4, 77.3,.4,.8, 78.8—79.2, 82, 83, 89) 15. I. 1909. TICIMIPLOra. ATO 20240 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 Gerridae (728) 1908. On the Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera Collected by Prof. James S. Hme in Guatemala. (First Paper). Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 370 — 382, 5 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Telmatometra n. g. (Berarora), Rhewmatoba- tes (B.).] 41 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Hemisphaerodella (729) 1908. Hemisphaerodella mirabilis n, gen. et sp. eine merkwiirdige Capsiden- Gattung aus den Antillen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 297—298. (729.1,.3) 42 Knab, Frederick. 57.04 Heniocephalus : 15 1908. Swarming of a Reduviid. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 De 7—8. 43 Bordas, L. 57.54 Hydrocores : 14.35. 1908. Le caecum rectal de quelques Hemiptères aquatiques. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 27—30, 2 figg. 44 Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 Hydrocores : 15 1908. The Broken Hemelytra in Certain Halobatinae. Ohio Natural, Vol. 9 p. 389—392, 4 figg. [Self-mutilation.] 45 Kirkaldy, 6. W. 57.54 Hydrocores (42) 1908. A Guide to the Study of British Waterbugs (Aquatic Hemiptera). Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 37. 46 Matsumura, S. 57.04 Hydrocores (52) 1903. Die Wasser-Hemipteren Japans. Journ. Sapporo agricult. Coll. Vol. 2 p. 53—66, 1 Taf. [13 nn. spp. in: Aphelocheirus 3, Notonecta, Plea, Corixa 6, Micronecta 2.] (52.1,.4,.8) 47 Montandon, A. L. 57.54 Hydrocores (54.8) 1908. Nouvelles especes d’Hémiptères aquatiques. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 299—304. [4 nn. spp. in: Belostoma, Diaphoro- coris, Heleocorîs 2.] (89) 20248 Wilke, Gottfried. | 57.54 Hydrometra : 15 1908. Einiges über die Biologie und Anatomie der Wasserläufer. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 209—213, 11 figg. 49 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Ischnocoris. 1908. Sur Ischnocoris hemipterus Scurr. et I. angustulus Bon. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 128—131. 50 Heidemann, Otto. 57,54 Isometopinae (73) 1908. Notes on Heidemannia cixiiformis Unter and Other Species of Iso- metopinae. (Hemiptera-Heteroptera.) Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 126—130. [3 nn. spp. in Isometopus.] (14.1, 75.5, 76.4, 79.1) 51 Breddin, &. 57.54 Lincus (8) 1908. Beitrige zur Systematik der Pentatomiden Siidamerikas. Zweites Stück. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 24—36, 23 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Lincus.] (81, 84—86, 88) 52 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Lisarda (63) 1908. Species nova generis Reduviidarum Lisarda SràL. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St. Pétersbourg T. 13 Mém. p. 26—27. [L. rhinocerus.] 58 Taylor, Estes P. 57.54 Lygus : 16.5 1908. Dimples in Apples from Oviposition of Lygus pratensis L. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 370—375, 2 pls. 54 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 Micronecta (54) 1908. A Note on the Species of Micronecta Occurring in India and Ceylon. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 209. [M. malabarica n. sp.] (54.8) 55 Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 Microvelia (931) 1908. A Heteropterous Hemipteron of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 109. [Microvelia macgregori.] 20256 Chittenden, F. H. 57.54 Murgantia : 16.5 1908. The Harlequin Cabbage Bug. (Murgantia histrionica Haun.) U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 103, 10 pp., 7 figg. 15. I. 1909. 119 Hemiptera. ‘20257 Bellevove, Adolphe. 57.54 Neides : 11.55 58 59 60 61 62 63 (64 220265 . 66 67 20272 1908. Mimétisme «Pun Hémiptère. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 258. Breddin, 6. 57.54 Nezara (63) 1908. Zwei neue Nesara-Arten. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 68—69. Saunders, Edward. 57.54 Notochilus (42) 1908. Notochilus kamulatus, Tuoms., an Addition to the List of British ` Hemiptera. Entem. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 252. (42.1,.21) Bueno, J. R. de la Torre. 57.54 Notonecta 1908. Concerning the Notonectidae and some Recent Writers on Hemip- terology. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 210—211. Delcourt. 57.54 Notonecta : 15.6 1908. De Vinfluence de la température sur le développement de Noto- necta. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc, Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 244—245. Champion, 6. C. 57.54 Pachycoleus (42.35) 1908. Pachycoleus rufescens, Sauts. (Fam. Ceratocombidae) in Devonshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 18 p. 8—9, 1 fig. Bergroth, E. 57.54 Pentatomidae 1908. Enumeratio Pentatomidarum post Catalogum bruxellensem des- criptarum. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 131—200. [Euptychodera n. nom. pro Ptychodera Reur. non Escuscnorrz, Carbula distantiana pro Aspa- via carbula Dist. Hemallia pro Allia Scaovr. non WALKER ] Schouteden, H. 57.54 Pentatomidae (67) 1908. Diagnoses préliminaires de Pentatomides nouveaux du Congo belge. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 368—373. [13 nn. spp. in: Aphanopneuma, Ceratocoris 2, Plataspis, Caternaultiella, Coptosoma, Solenostethium, Moffart- sia n. g., Anarropa, Caura (1 n. var.), Lerida, Nezara 2. 1 n. var. in Can- tharodes.] (61.5,.6,.9) Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Phimodera (403) 1908. Monographia generis Heteropterorum Phimodera Gurm. Acta Soc. Sc. fenn. Vol. 33 No. 8, 51 pp., 1 tab. [Ph. torrida n. sp. 17 nn. varr. Pty- chodera n. g. pro Phimodera corrugata.] Théry, André, et F. le Cerf. 57.54 Phyllomorpha : 15 1907. Note sur Phyllomorpha algirica Luc. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois- Perret Ann. 13 p. 20—?1. Kirkaldy, G. W. 57.54 Piezodorus (96.9) 1908. A Note on the Immigration of Hemiptera into Oceanic Islands. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 172. [Piezodorus rubrofasciatus.] Laudois, H. 57.04 Pyrocoris (43.56) 1902, Geflügelte Feuerwanzen, Pyrocoris apterus. 30. Jahresber. westtäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 49. Holmes, $. J. 97.54 Ranatra : 11.044 1904. Phototaxis in Ranatra. 6th Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 199. Holmes, S. J. 57.54 Ranatra : 11.06 1906. Death-Feigning in Ranatra. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 16 p. 200—216. [Influence of temperature on duration of death feint. Death-feigning in decapitated specimens etc.] Bergroth, E. 57.54 Reduviidse (67.3) 1968. Zwei neue Reduviiden aus Angola. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 502—503. [2 nn. spp. in: Sphedanolestes, Cleptria.] Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Reduviidae (7) 1908. Bemerkungen über Nabiden nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten. Mém. Soc, entom. Belg. T, 15 p. 87—130. [6 nn. spp. in: Gorpis, Carthasis 2, Reduviolus 2, Parachnocoris n. g. Dolichunabis, Stomatacanthus nn. subgg. Phorticus minutulus n. nom. pro Ph. parvulus Reur. non Sıen.] (68,8, 69, 729.2, 75.2, 79.4, 95) 15. I. 1909. LOIN prora — LUOICOpLera, 12U 20273 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Rhinocapsidea 1908. Eccritotarsus genetivus Dist. eine Cyllecorarie. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 53—55. [Rhinocapsidea n. g. pro E. g] 74 Slosson, Annie Trumbull. 57.54 Saldoida (75.9) . 1908. A Hunt for Saldoida Ossorx. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 424—428. 75 Montandon, A. L. 57.04 Stenophthalmicus 1908. Sur le Stenophthalmieus fajoumensis A. Costa. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 26, 2 pp. [Synonymie.] 76 Bergroth, E. 57.54 Tenosius (67.3) 1908. Eine neue Art der Coreiden-Gattung Tenosius Star. Deutsch. en- tom. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 1908 p. 500—502. [T. venosus.] 77 Heidemann, Otto. 57.54 Tingitidae (73) 1908. Two New Species of North American Tingitidae. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 103—108, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Acysta, Lep- tobyrsa.] (74.7,.8, 75.2—.4,.6,.9, 76.3, 77.1) 78 Reuter, 0. M. 57.54 Velocipeda (921) 1908. Noch eine Velocipeda-Art. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 90— 91. [V. diguttulata n. sp. XL. 59.57.6 Coleoptera. (Vide etiam: 12078, 12086, 12088, 12105, 13284, 13302, 13915, 14021, 14389, 14829, 14832, 15430, 15443, 15444, 15477, 15478, 15481, 15483— 15485, 15487, 15602, 15676, 15678, 15862, 15864, 15932, 15935, 15957, 15958, 15964, 15977, 15979, 15994, 15997, 15999, 16010, 16015, 16016, 16019, 16022, 16025, 16026, 16034, 16035, 16037, 16039, 16043, 16049, 16052, 16055, 16062, 16070, 16078, 16085, 16104, 16105, 16127, 18710, 18711, 18715, 18716, 18718, 18720—18722, 18727, 18730—18736, 18738, 18740, 18742, 18743, 181752 —18 154, 18758, 18762, 18383, 19388, 19408, 19418, 19424, 19427, 19430, 19435, 19436, 19442, 19450, 19452, 19453, 19459—19461, 19464, 19466—19472, 19474,19476, 19478, 19419, 19486, 19488, 19489, 19491— 19494, 19497, 19498, 19500, 19502, 19503, 19510, 19515—19517, 19519, 19520, 19522— 19524, 19526, 19528—19532, 19534— 19538, 19540, 19543, 19547, 19549, 19566—19568, 19571, 19572, 19575, 19576, 19578, 1958019585, 19587—19591, 19593, 19595, 19598—19601, 19610— 19612, 19615, 19618, 19622, 19627, 19629, 19634, 19638—19640, 19642.) 20279 Puccioni, Nello. 57.6 1905. Della Filogenesi dei Coleotteri e della probabile posizione siste- matica della famiglia Lamellicornia. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 25 p. 82— 87. 57.64 80 Fiori, Andrea. 57.6 1908. Rettifiche di alcune specie di Coleotteri credute nuove. Riv. Co- leott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 237—241. [Otiorrhynhus bettinii Fiorr = raucus Fas. Malthodes baudii Fiorr = ruralis Kresw., Heterocerus fluviatilis Fiori = holo- sericeus Kırsw. ab. pustulatus Scuit., Dasytes palustris Fiort = niger LIN., Psilothrix rufiamnus Fiori = femoralis Moraw. var., Orchestes quercicola Front = subfasciatus GxLL.] 57.63,.66,.68 81 Gerhardt, J. 57.6 1908. Ueber Anthicus und Gymnetron. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 205 —208. 57.67,.68 82 Heller, K. M. 57.6 1908. Synonymische und andere auf die Systematik beziigliche Notizen. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 58—59. [Sphalerocholus n. nom. pro Pseudocholus Dessr. non Lacorparre.] 51.64,.68 20983 von Heyden, L. 57.6 1908. Bemerkungen und Berichtigungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Europ., Cauc. et Arm. ross. 1906. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 43—48. [Oti- errhynchus salicicola n. nom. pro 0. salicis Brent. non Srnów.] 57.62—.69 15. I. 1909. 121 Coleoptera. 20284 von Heyden, L. 57.6 1908. Ergänzungen zu E. Bercrorn’s Bemerkungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 65— 66. 57.62—.65,.69 85 von Heyden, L. 57.6 1908. Ueber die Coleopteren-Gattungen Parablops. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 133. [Pseudoparablops n. g. pro Parablops sardiniensis. Acne- miscelis- Prophagus.] 57.67,.68 86 von Heyden, L. 97.6 1908. Richtigstellungen zu den Bemerkungen zum Catal. Coleopt. Europ. 1906. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 154. 57.62,.64,.67,.68 87 Pic, M. 57.6 1908. Neue Ptinidae, Anobiidae und Anthicidae des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 25 p. 177—179. [5 nn. spp. in: Hadrobregmus, Ptinus, Niptus, Formicomus, Anthicus.] (81, 83, 86.6, 914, 96.1) 57.66,.67 83 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 36. [Carabus parreyssi squamisculptus n. nom. pro C. p. v. ganglbaueri Arrkrs. non C. obtusus v. ganglbaueri Reırr., Athous discrepans pro A. discors Far. non Ree. A. rectithorax pro A. recticollis Farr. non Gmaérrs., A. falli pro A. quadricollis Far. non Deser., A. coquerelli pro A. jejunus Farr. non Kixsw., A. tenuitarsis pro A. longitarsis Farr. non Har.] 57.62,.64,.65 89 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 1908, Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 27 p. 251. [Identifizierungen.] — p. 296. [Drapetes theresae n. nom pro D. im- maculatus Pic non FreıscHher. Lytta luteovitiata v. cincticollis Frxiscm. = v. grumi SEMENow, V. atrocoeruleà FLersca. = v. tristis Escunricn. Mycetochara zolotareffii Rerrr. stammt aus dem Kaukasus.] 57.62,.64,.65,.67,.68 20290 Seidlitz, Georg. 97.6 1908. Bemerkungen zu dem Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi etc. Auctoribus Herpen, Rerrrer, Weisz. Bd. II. 1906. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 572—575. 91 Kolbe, H. 57.6 : 01 1908. Mein System der Coleopteren. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 7 p. 116—123, 153—162, 219—226, 246—251, 286—294, 389 —400. 92 Weise, J. 57.6 : 01 1908. Abermals Georrrov. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 294— 299. [Nomenklatorisches.] — Erwiderung von L. Gaxarsauzn. p. 317—320. 93 Fryer, H. F. 57.6 : 07 1908. On Mounting Coleoptera. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 86—88, 110—112. 94 Grund, Franz. 57.6 : 07 1908. Ueber das Konservieren von Käfer-Larven und -Puppen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 232. 95 Sokolär, Fr. 57.6 : 07 1908. Das Reinigen der Käfer und manches was damit zusammenhängt. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 3--4, 7—8, 11—12, 16, 19—20. 96 Trédl, Rud. 57.6 : 07 1908. Normalpräparation von Kifern. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 121—128, 13 figg. 97 Wagner, Hans. 57.6: 07 1908. Ueber die Trockenpräparation männlicher Käfergenitalien. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 158—157, 1 fig. 98 Beare, T. Hudson. 57.6 : 091 1908. Retrospect of a Coleopterist for 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 pe LA 20299 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. 57.6 : 11.5 1908. Uber die Ursache der Grössenverschiedenheit bei den Coleopteren. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 100—102. [Übersetzt aus dem Eng- lischen durch Car. Scarüner.] 15. I. 1909. 20300 01 02 03 04 05 07 20308 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 20316 Lucas, Karl. 57.6 : 11.56 1908. Sekundäre Geschlechtsmerkmale der Käfer oder Coleopteren. Mitt. nat. Ges, Meissen 1907—08 p. 38—48, 2 Taf. Meissner, Otto. 57.6 : 11.57 1908. Statistische Untersuchungen über Färbungsvariationen bei Coleop- teren (1907). Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 339—342. — (1908). p. 468—469. 57.64,.68 Reineck, Georg. 57.6 : 11.59 1908. Beitrag zur Monstrositätenbildung bei Coleopteren. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 487—489, 1 Taf. 57.62,.64,.67—.69 van Rossum, A. J. 57.6 : 11.62 1908. Parthenogenesis bij kevers. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 50 p. LYI—LVIII. ^ MeguSar, Franz. 57.6 : 11.69 1907. Die Regeneration der Coleopteren. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 148—234, 4 Taf. [Regeneration v. Rumpfteilen (letzte Abdominalsegmente) Flügeln, Mandibeln, Beinen.] 57.62,.64,.67,.68 Weber. 57.6 : 11.69 1908. Ueber Regeneration bei Káfern. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 109—114. Bellevoye, Adolphe. 91.6 : 12 1908. Documents pour l’étude de la Tératologie des Coléoptères. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 247 —248; Pt. 2 p. 639 —649, 31 figg. 12.95,.98,.99 51.61—.69 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. 57.6 : 12.9 1908. Di alcuni Coleotteri mostruosi. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 102— 106. — Di alcuni altri Coleotteri mostruosi. p. 163—174, 1 tav. 12.94,.98,.99 57.67,.68 von Rabe, Friedr. 57.6 : 12.98. 1908. Monströse Käfer. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 51. [Calli- dium violaceum mit 2 ausgebildeten Tarsen u. Carabus violaceus mit 2 Schenkeln.] 57.62,.68 Wielowieyski, H. 57.6 : 14.65. 1908. Weitere Untersuchungen über die Morphologie und Entwicklungs- geschichte des Insektenovariums. Dritte Mitteilung. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1808 p. 741—748, 2 Taf. Flach, K. À 91.6 : 14.77 1908. Bionomische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 51—52. [Fensterbildung bei Coleopteren.] 57.63,.62 —.68 Breed, Robert S., and Elsie F. Ball. 57.6 : 14.99 1908. The Interlocking Mechanisms which are Found in Connection with the Elytra of Coleoptera. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 298—303, 12 figg. Kempers, K. J. W. 57.6 : 14.99 1908. Studie der kevervleugels. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. IX—XVI. Boehm, R. 91.6 : 15 1908. Notes biologiques sur quelques Coléoptères de la faune désertique. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 57—69, 6 figg. 57.62,.64,.67 —.69 Flach, K. 51.6 : 15 1908. Bionomische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 130—132.. 57.62,.67,.68 Gahan, C. J. 57.6 : 15 1908. On the Larvae of Trictenotoma childreni, Gray, Melittoma insulare, Farrmarre and Dascillus cervinus, Linn. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 275—282, 1 pl. 57.66,.67 Joy. Norman H. 57.6 : 15 1908. A Further Note on the Coleoptera Inhabiting Moles' Nests. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 246—249. 57.62,.63 15. I. 1909. 123 Coleoptera. 20317 Knauer, Friedrich. 91.6 : 15 1908. Die Symbiose der Ambrosiakäfer mit Pilzen. Centralbl. ges. Forst- wesen Jahrg. 34 p. 498—501. 57.66,.68 18 Meissner, Otto. 57.6 : 15 1908. Coleopterologische Miszellen. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 141—146, 177—180, 217 —219, 233—237. 15.3 57.62,.64,.66—.69 19 Morris, F. J. A. 57.6 3 15 1908. „Some Beetle-Haunts,“ by an Amateur Botanist. Canad. Entom, Vol. 40 p. 441—449. 57.65,.66,.68 20 Roubal, J. 57.6 : 15 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen I. Entom. Blitt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 12—13. [Eccoptogaster laevis an Schwarzerlen, Eryx ater an Pappeln, Weiden, Ulmen. Sonstige Aufenthaltsorte. Oxypoda umbrata ist carnivor.] 51.62,.64,.67,.68 21 Roubal, J. 51.6 : 15 1908. Nékteré biologické zoogeografické a jihé poznámky o broucích. Casop. éeské Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 83—85. — Biologische und zoogeographische Coleopteren-Miszellen p. 85—86. (43.71) 57.62,.67,.68 22 von der Trappen, A. 91.6 : 15 1908. Lebensgewohnheiten von Buprestiden und Cerambyciden. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 162—166. 57.65,.68 23 Tunkl, Franz. 97.6 : 15 1908. Beobachtungen beim Käferfang. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 70, 86, 100—101. 57.62—.64,.68 20324 Houghton, C. 0. 97.6 : 15.3 1908. Some Coleoptera Affecting the Honey Locust. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 160—162. 57.63,.65—.68 25 Krauss, H. 57.6 : 15.4 1908. Monatliche Sammelanweisungen. Coleoptera. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 66, 70—71, 76—77, 82—83. 26 Copeland, E. B. 57.6 : 16.5 1908. Typhoons, Coconuts, and Beetles. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 3 A p. 533—934. 57.64,.68 27 Garcia Mercet, Ricardo. 57.6 : 16.5 1908. Las plagas de la remolacha. Bol. Soc. espaù. Hist: nat. T. Sp. 158—170, 3 figg. 57.63,.68 28 Thulin, Ivar. 91.6 : 18.6 1908. Studien über den Zusammenhang granulärer, interstitieller Zellen mit den Muskelfasern. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 19 — 205, 8 figg. 57.68 29 Jeannel, R. 57.6 (24:44) 1908. Présentation de Coléoptères cavernicoles vivants et quelques re- marques sur leur biologie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 87—89. 57.62,.63 20330 Apfelbeck, Y. 57.6 (4) 1907. Koleopterologische Ergebnisse der mit Unterstützung der kaiserl. Akademie im Frühjahre 1905 ausgeführten Forschungsreise nach Monte- negro und Albanien. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 114—115. — Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 493—506. — Neue Koleopteren, gesammelt während einer im Jahre 1905 mit Sub- vention der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien durch- geführten zoologischen Forschungsreise nach Albanien und Montenegro. (II. Serie.) p. 507—526. [24 nn. spp. in: Leptusa 3, Sipalia 2, Bergrothiella, Bythinus 4, Euconnus 2, Cephennium 4, Bathyscia, Otiorrhynchus 7 (1 n. subsp.).] (496, 497) 57.61—.69 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 124 20331 Hubenthal, W. 6 (4) 1908. Ueber Verbreitung und Lebensweise einiger Coleopteren. Donte entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 106. (43.22,.74,.91, 495) 32 Pic, Maurice. 57.6 (403) 1906/07. Notes entomologiques diverses. L’Echange Rey. Linn. Ann. 22 p. 85—86, 96. [Cantharis akbesiana n. sp. 3 nn. varr. in: Haplocnemia, Dor- cadion, Crroceris.] — Ann. 23 p. 104, 111—112, 113—115, 121—123, 129— 130, 137 —139, 145 —146, 153—154, 161—162, 169— 170, 177 —179, 185 — 187. [20 nn. spp. in: Brachyderes, Malthodes, Crypticus, Drilus, Hyebaeus, Choleva, Malthinus, Cerapheles, Tomoderus, Erirhinus, Arthrostenus. Pseudeuanoma, Da- naecia, Ptinus, Malthinus, Hoplia (Hozrz i. 1), Danaecia, Heteraspibrachys n. go Luperus, Ptinus. 32 nn. varr. in: Cantharis 4, Evodinus, Drymochares, Dorcadion, C "yptocephalus 4, Lema, Crioceris 2, Xilobius 2, Melasis, Cardiopho- rus, Melandrya (Rrrr i. 1.), Osphia, Phytodecta, Attagenus, Corymbites, Zonitis, Callimus, Physetops, Zonabris, Purpuricenus, Zonitis, Lagorina, Platystomus, Pachybrachys. | Longitarsus ’ sahlbergi n. nom. pro L. weisei JACOBSON non Gure ] (43.36,.43,.87,.95, 45.9,.99, 47.7,.9, 495, 498, 51.5, 56.4,.5,.8, 57.6, 58.4, 61.1,62, 65) 57.62— .68 20333 Pic, M. 57.6 (403) 1907. Coléoptères paléarctiques ncuveaux. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 23 p. 97 —100, 105 —106, 119--120, 125—128, 134—135, 165—166. [30 nn. spp.in: Malthinus 2, Hypebaeus, Attalus, Axinotarsus, Anthocomus, Cerapheles, Hapalochrous, Ptinus 2 (1 n. var.), Haemonia, Theca, Argoptochus, Coryna, (1 n. var.), Cistela, Idgia, Ebaeus, Cantharis, Discodon, Nanophyes 3, Attalus, Hapalochrous, Anthicus 3, Chrysolampra, Myrmecophasma, Falsomycterus. 5 nn. varr. in: Zonabris 2, Ceroctis 2, Cistelomorpha. Falsomycterus n. g. pro Myc- terus diversipes, Nanophyes spissipes n. nom. pro N. crassipes Faust non Prc.] (45.72, 46.9, 495, 51.3, 52.1, 54.87, 56.4,.8, 57.6,.9, 58.4, 59.9, 61.1, 65, 66.8, 67.6, 81, 84) 57.66—.68 34 Fleischer, A. 57.6 (403) 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 211 —212. [Clytanthus mixtornatus n. 8p. (1 n. ab). 3 nn. abb. in: Pedilophorus, Lytta 2. 1 n. var. in Colon.) (43.72,.95, 56.6) 57.63,.68 35 Miiller, Josef. 57.6 (403) 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 235 —239. [1 n. subsp. in Molops. 1 n. ab. in Parmena.] (43.68,.69,.94,.95, 56.4) 57.62—.64,.68—.69 36 Petri, Karl. 57.6 (403) 1908. Coleopterologische Mitteilungen. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 570—575. [2 nn. spp. in Microtherium n. g., Isomerus.] (43.91, 55) 20337 Pic, M. 57.6 (403) 1908/09. Descriptions ou Diagnoses et notes diverses. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 2, 9, 33—35, 41—46, 49—52, 57—58, 65—66, 73—75, 81— 83, 89—91. [55 nn. spp. in: Rhagonycha 3 (3 nn. varr.), Zonabris (2 nn. varr.), Mononychus, Marmaropus, Ceutorrhynchus 3 (3 nn. varr.), Dorcadion, Ebaeus, Malthodes, Trixagus, Ptinus (1 n. var.), Cardiophorus (2 nn. varr.), Triplax, Peritelus 6 (1 n. var.), Pachybrachys 2, Haplocnemus 9 (5 nn. varr.), Poly- drosus, Dorcadion 2, Ernobius, Cardiophorus, Anthicus 2 (1 n. var.), Apion, Drapetes (1 n. subsp.), Malthinus (1 n. var.), Hoplia, Colon 2, Cantharis, Glo- bicornis, Bagous, Peritelus, Cathormiocerus, Cryptocephalus (3 nn. varr.), Can- tharis (2 nn. varr.), Chaerocephalus, Cathormiocerus. 2 nn. subspp. in: Globi- cornis, Trogoderma. 25 nn. varr. in: Dorcadion, Ebaeus, Malachius, Anthenus, Dascillus 2, Colotes, Cerallus, Ochina, Anthicus, ‘Phaenotherion, Cassida, Coryna, Anaglyptus, Dorcadion, Stenochorus, Cassida, Anthicus, Zonabris 2, Tychius, Cteniopinus, Yamina, Haplocnemus, Clytanthus. Peritelus mutatus n. nom pro P. reitteri ViraLe non Stieru., P. logesi pro P. siculus Dessr. non P. flavi- pennis var. siculus Sem., Nano ierophyes pro Microphyes Wrise non Mact.] — Ann. 25 p. 97—100, 105—106, 113—115, 121—123, 129—131, 137—139, 145—146, 153—156, 161—162, 169—171. [41 nn. spp. in: Malthodes 8, Ha- 15. I. 1909. 125 Coleoptera. plocnemus, Trichoceble 2, Prionychus, Anthicus 2 (1 n. var.), Otiorhynchus (1 n. var.), Malachius 2, Zonabris, Malthinus (1 n. var.), Mantura 2, Chaetocnema 5 (2 nn. varr.), Ochrosis, Phyllotreta, Dibolia 2 (1n. var.), Psylliodes, Phytoecia, (1 n. var.), Cryptocephalus 8, Podagrica, Ochrosis, Aphthona, Cantharis (1 n. var.). Rhagonycha (1 n. var", Chloropterus (1 n. var.), Allotarsus. 56 nn. varr. in: Dorcadion 4, Crioceris 2, Prosternon, Ludius, Athous, Elater, Attalus, Phytoecia, Agapanthia, Cry yptocephalus 5, Danacaea 2, Baridius, Osph ya, Rha- gium Anaglyptus, Stenodera, Cryptocephalus 8, Thelyterotarsus, Diorhabda, Gnorimus, Dineutes, Cardiophorus, Stylosomus 7, Orestia, Hippuriphila, Phyllo- treta 2, Ptosima 6, Silaria, Phaenops, Noto:cus, Zonabris, Anthaxia, Hedobia, Derocrepis. Zonabris persicola n. nom pro Z. v. persica Prc non BEAUREGARD.] (43.69,.91, 44.48,.78,.97, 45.6,.79,.99, 46.3,.5,.7,.75,.8, 47.9, 494—499, 53, 56.1, 3, ‘4, .6— 57.1, 6, SC 61 Si 62, 64, 765) 57.63,.65— .68 20338 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (403) 1908. Siebzehn Coleopteren-Neuheiten aus der palaearktischen Fauna, Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 17- 24. [11 nn. spp. in: Ohlaenius, Me- don, Trimium 9, Cephennium, Stenichnus, Nicobium, Heliotaurus, Heliomophlus, Rhizotrogus. 4 nn. varr. in Langelandia, Opatrum, Lepyrus, Scolytus.] (45.99, 46.8, 47.9, 495, 56.8, 57.6, 64) 57.62—.64,.66,.67 39 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (403) 1998. Acht neue Coleopteren aus Europa, Kleinasien und Turkestan. Wien. entom. Zeitschr. Jahre, 27 p. 248—247. [8 nn. spp.in: Agathidium 2, Holoporamecus, Merophysia, Epuraea, Meloé, Ananconia, Aphodius.] (43.74, 45.4,.77,.79, 56.4,.7, 57.6) 57.63,.64,.67 40 Reitter, Edm. 97.6 (403) 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 64. (46.7, 57.1) 57.63,.66,.67 41 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (403) 1908. Coleopterologische Notizen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 198. (57.1) 57.62,.63,.68 20342 Reitter, Edm. 07.6 (403) 1908. Neue paläarktische Käfer. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 129. [3 nn. spp. in: Tanyproctus, Malachius, Mycetochara.] (45.8, 51.8, 56.4) 57. 64, .66,.67 43 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (403) 1908. Sieben neue Coleopteren aus Europa und den angrenzenden Län- dern. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 213—216. [6 nn. spp. in: Zu- phium, Merophysia, Globicornis, Trigonoscelis, Stenomax, Hemictenius. 1 n. var. in Pachyta.] (494, 56.4, 57.1,.6,.9) 57.62, 63, .67,.68 44 Sahlberg, John. 57.6 (403) 1908. Coleoptera mediterranea et rosso-asiatica nova et minus cognita, maxima ex, parte itineribus annis 1895—1896, 1898—1899 et 1903—1904 collecta. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 50 No. 7, 94 pp. [67 nn. spp.in: Clivina, Bembidium 4, Microcys n. g., Trechus, Anthracus, Micro- lestes, Cymindis, Haliplus 2, Hydroporus, Hemisphaera, Ochthebius, Hydraena 2, Ctenomastax, Cephisus, Medon, Achenium, Philonthus, Faronus, Trimium 2, Glyphobythus, Tychus 2, Sognorus, Choleva, Nargus 3, Agathidium, Dissia 4, Aphodius 4, Onthophagus, Homaloplia, Triodonta, Malachius 3, Hypebaeus 2, Pelo- chrous, Blaps, Mesostenopa, Stenosis 2, Pedinus, Cabirus 4, Platysum, Laena, Helops, Mycetochara, Zonabris 2, Oedemera. Abeillea n. g. pro Hypebaeus tenuicollis.] (499, 56.1,.2,.4,.8,.9, 57.6, 62) 57.62—.64,.66,.67 45 Beare, T. Hudson. 91.6 (41.21) 1908. Notes on Coleoptera from St. Kilda. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 30—33. 57.62— 66,.68 20346 Joy, Norman H. 57.6 (41.21) 1908. Notes on Coleoptera from St. Kilda, mainly Collected from Birds? Nests. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 33—35. 57.62,.63,.68 15. I. 1909. 20347 48 49 50 52 53 54 20355 56 57 58 59 60 61 20362 Coleoptera. 126 Ellis, John W. 57.6 (41.65) 1903. The Mourne Mountains and their Beetle Fauna. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 235—239. 51.61—.65,.67,.68 Champion, G. C. 57.6 (42) 1908. Notes on Various British Coleoptera. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. (2) Vol. 18 p. 1—2. 57.62..63,.68 de la Garde, Philip. 57.6 (42.35) 1908. Notes on Coleoptera at Christow and other Places in South Devon, 1907. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 18 p. 13—15. 57.62,.63,.65,.66,.68 Joy, Norman H. 57.6 (42.37) 1908. A note on the Coleoptera of the Scilly Islands. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. i9 p. 175—178. [l n. subsp. in Sunius.] 57.62—.68 Tomlin, J. R., and Norman H. Joy. 57.6 (42.5) 1908. Two New British Beetles. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 104. (42.52,.53) 57.63,.68 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 57.6 (42.52) 1908. Agrilus biguttatus, F., etc., in Sherwood Forest. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 237. 91.65—.68 Sharp, W. E. 91.6 (42.57) 1908. Some Coleoptera of the Chiltern Hills. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 133—134. 57.62—.64,.67,.68 Bagnall, R. S. 97.6 (42.8) 1908. Additions to the Coleoptera of Northumberland and Durham. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 33—34. (42.81,.82) 57.62,.63,.66—.68 Schilsky, J. 57.6 (43) 1908. Beitrag zur deutschen Käferfauna. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 604—608. [3 nn. var. in: Cyrtanaspis, Orchestes 2. Protapion n. nom. pro Podapion Scars. non Bure (43.13,.15,.28,.42) 571.62,.66—.68 Lühe, M. 97.6 (43.11) 1908. Ausbeute in der Aaskäferfalle. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königs- berg Jahrg. 48 p. 233—234. 51.62,.63 Vorbringer, G. 97.6 (43.11) 1908. Sammelbericht aus Ostpreussen für das Jahr 1907. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 475—476. 57.62,.62,.65,.66 Schumann, [E.] 57.6 (43.13) 1908. Coleopteren der Provinz Posen. Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 15 Entom. 8—18. 57.67,.68 Gerhardt, J. 97.6 (43.14) 1908. Neuheiten der schlesischen Käferfauna aus dem Jahre 1907. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 209—210. [1 n. var. in Philonthus.] 57.62,.63,.66,.68 Schreiber, Otto. 57.6 (43.14) 1908. Noch einige Beobachtungen über das Vorkommen einzelner Käfer- arten im Oderwalde bei Neusalz. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 92—24. 57.62—.66,.68 Schilsky, J. 57.6 (43.15) 1908. Neue märkische Käfer und Varietäten aus der Gegend von Lucken- walde. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 599—604. [10 nn. varr. in: Amara, Masoreus, Rhantus, Aleochara, Platysoma, Cantharis, Rhagonycha, Plateumaris, Melasoma, Crepidodera.] 57.62,.63,.66—.68 Hubenthal, Wilhelm. 97.6 (43.22) 1908. Ergänzungen zur Thüringer Käferfauna. II. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 35—54. [3 nn. varr. in: Pterostichus, Euplectus, Dorcadion.] — III. p. 263—270. 51.62 —.69 15. I. 1909. 127 Coleoptera. 20363 Geilenkeuser, F. W. 57.6 (43.42) 1908. Beitrag zur Käferfauna der Hildener Heide. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 E p. 24—54. 57.62—.68 64 Roettgen, C. 57.6 (43.42) 1908. Dritter Beitrag zur Käferfauna der Rheinprovinz. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. Osnabr. Jahrg. 64 p. 219—224. 57.62,.65,.67,.68 65 Röben. 57.6 (43.52) 1908. Fünfter Nachtrag zum systematischen Verzeichnis der bis jetzt im Herzogtum Oldenburg gefundenen Käferarten von C. F. Wırrken. Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen Bd. 19 p. 301—312. 57.62—.69 66 Heinemann, Robert. 57.6 (43.54) 1908. Wanderungen von Käfern. Entom. Blatt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 79—81. [Funde um Braunschweig besonders Leistus rufomarginatus.] 57.62,.68 67 Scholz, Richard. 57.6 (43.6) 1908. Ein Ausflug nach der Hohen Tatra, wobei auch einige Käfer ge- sammelt wurden. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 107—109. (43.74,.91) 57.62,.64,.68 68 Krauss, Hermann. 57.6 (43.67) 1908. Berg- und Höhlenwanderungen im oberen Sanntal. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 311—314. |Coleopteren.] 57.62—.65,.68 20369 Müller, Josef. 57.6 (43.69) 1908. Beschreibungen neuer dalmatinischer Koleopteren. Münch. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 314—316. [Euconnus biokovensis n. sp. 3 nn. subspp. in: Neatelestus, Dryops, Anthicus.| — Die zoologische Reise des natur- wissenschaftlichen Vereins nach Dalmatien im April 1906. B. Spezieller Teil. Bearbeitung des gesammelten Materiales. 7. Coleopteren. Mitt. nat. Ver. Univ. Wien Jahrg. 6 p. 114—116. 57.61—.64,.66—.68 70 Lukes, Josef. p 57.6 (43.71) 1908. Fauna Bohemica. Brouci z okolí piseckého. Casop. české Spol. en- tom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Ročn. 5 p. 100—102. [Coleoptera aus der Gegend von Pisek.] 57.62,.63,.66—.68 71 Zeman, J., J. Roubal a Jindr. Tyl. 57.6 (43.71) 1908. Fauna Bohemica. Novi brouci Geské fauny. Casop. éeské Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 32—34, 72. 57.61—.63,.65,.67—.69 72 Brancsik, C. 57.6 (43.91) 1908. Additamenta ad enumerationem Coleopterorum Comitatus trencsini- ensis. Jahresh. nat. Ver. Trencsén Jahrg. 29 —30 p. 35—52. 57.62—.69 73 v. Wanka, Theodor. 57.6 (43.96) 1908. Coleopterologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in die Herzegowina. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 167—171, 188—194, 209—214, 228 —233. 57.62—.69 74 Normand, H. 57.6 (44) 1908. Nouveaux Coléoptères de la faune francaise. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 226—227, 1 fig. [Euconnus fuxeensis n. sp. 1 n. var. in Troglorrhynchus.] (44.77,.88) | 51.63,.68 75 Pic, M. 97.6 (44) 1908. Sur divers Coléoptéres francais rares ou nouveaux. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 46—47. [4 nn. varr. in: Polystichus, Dasytes 2, Pachy- brachys.] (44.39,.66,.94) 57.62,.65,.66,.68 {20376 Pic, Maurice. 57.6 (44.43) 1908. Coléoptères recueillis dans le département en 1907—1908. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Pro E P 116—120. [1 n. var. in Stagetus.] 57.62—.65,.6 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 128 20377 Viturat, et Louis Fauconnet. 57.6 (44.43) 1908. Catalogue analytique et raisonné des Coléoptères de Saöne-&-Loire et des départements limitrophes. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 p. 161—308. 57.63,.64 78 Pic, M. 57.6 (44.97) 1908. Captures intéressantes mœurs et nouvelles variétés de Coléop- teres francais. L’kchange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 71—72, 78—79. [2 nn. varr. in: Zonabris, Saphanus.] 57.65 —.68 79 Zodda, Giuseppe. 57.6 (45) 1902/03. Specie e località ad aggiungere al Catalogo dei Coleotteri d’ Italia del BerroLmi. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 22 p. 195—127; Anno 23 p. 1—5. 57.62,.63,.65,.67,.68 80 Dodero, Agostino. 57.6 (45) 1908. Appunti Coleotterologici. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 93—102. [Euplectus luigionii n. sp. 1 n. var. in Brachygluta.] (45.5) 57.62,.63,.68 81 Holdhaus, Karl. 57.6 (45) 1908. Koleopterengeographische Studien in Italien. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 58—60. 82 Leoni, Giuseppe. 57.6 (45) 1908. Appunti sui Coleotteri italiani. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 122 —140. 57.62—.68 83 Porta, A. 57.6 (45) 1908. Note coleotterologiche. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 142—143. 57.62—.65,.68 20384 Bigliani, Luigi. 57.6 (45.1) 1908. Note Coleotterologiche piemontesi. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 107—109. 57.62,.64—.67 85 Molitor, A. 57.6 (45.2) 1908. Eine entomologische Reise in die Bergamasker Alpen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 27 p. 135. 57.62,.68 86 Vallon, Graziano. 57.6 (45.3) 1900/07. Note ornitologiche per la provincia del Friuli. Avicula Anno 4 p. 76—78; Anno 5 p. 27—29, 78—825; Anno 6 p. 5—13, 108—117, 126 —130; Anno 7 p. 17—26; Anno 8 p. 23—28; Anno 9 p. 42—45, 82—86, 130—135; Anno 10 p. 111—118, 129—133; Anno 11 p. 2-9, 54—62. 84 —87, 121—130; Anno 12 p. 9—12, 58—61. [Ancne Coleotteri.] 91.61—.68 87 Holdhaus, Karl. 97.6 (45.5) 1907. Vorlàufiger Bericht über meine im Jahre 1906 mit Unterstützung der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften unternommene zoologische Forschungsreise nach Italien. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 106—111. 88 von Heyden, Lucas. 57.6 (45.13) 1908. Contributo alla fauna coleotterologica dell’ Isola di Capri. Riv. 89 Vitale, Francesco. 57.6 (45.8) 1904/06. I Coleotteri Messinesi. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 24 p. 26—28, 37-40, 54—56, 74—76; Anno 25 p. 38—41, 74—77, 81—83, 106—108; Anno 26 p. 1—2, 85—88. 57.62—.67 20390 Ragusa, Enrico. 57.6 (45.8) 1905/08. Coleotteri nuovi o poco conosciuti della Sicilia. Natural. sicil. Ann. 17 p. 288---292. — Ann. 18 p. 24, 69—72, 247—258. [2 nn. varr. in: Calosoma, Potosia, Cicindela.] — Ann. 19 p. 4—8, 61—64, 242—252. [1 n. var. in: Apalus] — Ann. 20 p. 95—101, 151—154. 57.62—.68 15. I. 1909. 129 Coleoptera. 20391 Vitale, Francesco. 57.6 (45.8) 1908. Coleotteri nuovi o rari per la Sicilia. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 109—117. 57.62,.63,.66 92 von Varendorff. 57.6 (45.99) 1908. Einige faunistische Notizen und Betrachtungen. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 133—135. [Käferausbeute von Korsika.] 57.62,.63,.67,.68 93 Breit, Josef. 57.6 (46.75) 1908. Eine koleopterologische Sammelreise auf Mallorka (Balearen). Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (52)-(67). [5 nn. spp. in: Hydro- porus, Cylindropsis, Cryptophagus, Cyrtonus, Scotodipnus. 5 nn. varr. in: Bidessus 2, Ochthebius, Pachychila, Phylan.] 57.62,.63,.68 94 Sahlberg, J. 57.6 (47.1) 1908. Nilviäisiä Kuhmosta. — Notiz über einige Käfer aus Süd-Karelien. Meddel. soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 17—18. 51.62,.65,.68 95 Sahlberg, J. 97.6 (47.1) 1908. Trenne för vär fauna nya Coleoptera. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 171—175. 57.63,.65 96 Ericson, Isaac B. 57.6 (48.5) 1908. Iakttagelser rörande nägra svenska Coleoptera. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 125—126. 57.62,.63 97 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1899/1903. Coleoptera neerlandica. De Schildvleugelige insecten van Nederland en het aangrenzend gebied. D. 1, s’Gravenhage, Martinus Nij- hoff 80, 676 pp., 62 figg. — Suppl., 138 pp., 6 pls. 57.61—.69 20398 Everts, Ed. 97.6 (492) 1908. Lijst van Coleoptera, gevangen in Zuid-Limburg (Maastricht, Eijs- den, Gronsveld, Bunde, Meerssen, Valkenberg en Gulpen), ter gelegenheid van de Zomervergadering der Ned. Ent. Ver., Juni en Juli 1907. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 203—210. 57.62—.68 99 Everts, Ed. 57.6 (492) 1908. Vijfde lijst van soorten en varieteiten nieuw voor de Nederlandsche fauna, sedert de uitgave der „Coleoptera Neerlandica“ bekend geworden. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 1—13. 07.62,.66,.68 20400 MacGillavry, D. 57.6 (492) 1908. Coleoptera, bij Putten op de Veluwe in bierpotten gevangen, IV. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 217—218. 57.62,.63,.68 01 Montandon, A. L. 57.6 (498) 1908. Notes sur la faune entomologique de la Roumanie additions au cata- logue des Coléoptéres. Bull. Soc. Sc. Bucarest An. 17 p. 67—118. 57.62—.69 02 Holdhaus, Karl. 97.6 (499) 1908. Kritisches Verzeiehnis der Pselaphiden und Scydmaeniden der Jonischen Inseln. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 17—31. [9 nn. spp. in: Trimium, Amaurops 2, Brachygluta, Bythinus, Tychus, Cephennium, Eu- connus, Stenichnus.] 57.62,.63 03 Ganglbauer, Ludwig. 57.6 (5) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. Anworp PrwrHER und Emerica ZEDERBAUER. Coleoptera Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 246—290. [20 nn. spp. in: Bembidium, Sphodrus, Zabrus 2, Philonthus, Trichodes, Curimus, Adesmia, Pimelia, Crypticus, (Rerrrer), Helops (R.), Omophlina, Mylabris, Pachybrachys, Ottiorrhynchus (Daxner), Eusomus (D.), Haptomerus, Baris (ScuuLzze), Hoplia, Amphicoma. 1 n. subsp. in Pterostichus, Eusomorphus n. subg.] (55, 56.3,.4,.6) 57.62—.69 20404 Pic, M. 57.6 (5) 1908/09. Coléoptéres exotiques ou peu connus. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann, 24 p. 59—61, 85—86. [7 nn. spp. in: Magerosiagon, Biophida, Clytus, Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 9 Coleoptera. 130 Cephalodendron, Anthicus (1 n. var.) 2, Laria.] — Ann. 25 p. 108—110, 117— 118, 133—134, 142—143, 146—145, 160, 166—167, 173—175, 179—181. [45 nn. spp. in: Hedobia, Sphaericus, Cantharis, Formicilla, Anthicus 2, Macrat- ria 2, Hylophilus 2, Bruchus, Sandalus, Astiocostena, Cistelomorpha, Cistela, Zygia, Allecula, Isomira, Ocladius 4, Xyletinus, Hymenalia, Macrosiagon 2 (2 nn. varr.), Polypria, Idgia, Silidius 2 (1 n. var.), Silis 9, Zonabris 6 (12 nn. varr.), Zonitis, Zonitoschema, Nemognatha. 10 nn. varr. in: Actenodia 3, Pyrochroa 2, Stagetus 2, Pseudolychas, Coryna 2. Mordella madecassa n. nom. pro M. ornata Fru. non Wann, M. fairmairei pro M. tetraspilota Farrm. non Cnr.. Zonabris caffrarius pro Z. myops Faxr. non Cueyr. (91.2,.3, 54.1,.4,.6,.8, 56.8, 59.9, 63, 66.8, 67.2,.6,.7,.8, 68.4,.7,.9, 69, 81, 84, 86.6, 88, 921) 57.66—.68. 20405 Weise, J. 57.6 (502) 1908. Coleopteren aus Ostindien. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 213—230. [16 nn. spp. in: Callispa, Gonophora, Epilachna (1 n. ab.), Sola- nophila 2, Anisocalvia, Sticholotis 7, Clanis, Scymnus, Rhizobius.] (54.1,.7,.8, 59.1, 91.1, 921, 931) 06 Stebbing, E. P. 57.6 (54) 1906. Insect Life in India and How to Study it. IV. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 424—446, 2 pls., 34 figg. 07 Pic, Maurice. 57.6 (54) 1908. Malacodermes et Hétéromères de l’Inde. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 228—230. [4 nn. spp. in: Attalus, Stenothemus, Pyrochroa, Oncomera.] 57.66,.67 08 Reitter, Edm. 57.6 (56.4) 1908. Zwei neue Coleopteren aus Adana in Kleinasien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 133—136, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Zürcheria n. g. 2, Poecilomorpha.] 57.66—.68 09 von der Trappen, A. 57.6 (56.9) 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Coleopteren-Fauna von Palästina. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 13, 19, 25—26, 34—36. 57.62—.68 20410 Poppius, B. 57:6 (57.1) 1907. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coleopteren-Fauna des Lena-Thales in Ost-Sibirien. III. Gyrinidae, Hydrophilidae, Georyssidae, Parnidae, Hetero- ceridae, Lathridiidae und Scarabaeidae. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 49 No. 2, 17 pp. [5 nn. spp. in: Helophorus 4, Ochthebius.] 57.62— .64 11 Lesne. 57.6 (6) 1908. Note sur les Coléoptères. Mission Foà Paris p. 588—589. [Intro- duction.] 12 Peringuey, L. 57.6 (6) 1908. Seventh Contribution to the South African Coleopterous Fauna. Aun. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 5 p. 271—314, 2 pls. [118 nn. spp. in: Dromica 2, Casnonia, Lebia 3, Polyaulacus, Polyhirma 2, Coscinia, Aniso- dactylus, Hypolithus 6, Crazognathus, Omostropus 2, Dioryche, Stenolophus, Acu- palpus 3, Tefflus, Trichisia, Chlaenius 4, Oodes, Systolocranius, Melanodes, Anaulacus, Bascanus, Metaxys, Trechus 2, Tachys 8, Staphylinus, Oedichirus, Mastigus 4, Thorictus, Coraebus, Melibaeus, Amorphosoma 3, Paradora, De- mostis 2, Phlocteis 3, Anadora, Kerremansia n. g. 2, Agrilus 5, Kamosia- Aphanisticus, Ichthyurus, Brachycerus 4, Strophosomus 2, Cimbus, Caloecus n. g., Somatodes, Nesiotes 2, Costaterophasis n. g. 2, Cotasteridus n. g., Antliar- rhinus, Pentarthrophasis n. g., Pentarthrum 2, Mesitomorphus n. g., Clytanthus, Tlepolemus, Blepisanis, Poecilomorpha 2, Lachnaea, Leptispa 2, Callispa 4, Distolaca, Dactylispa 2, Dicladispa 7, Pseudispella.] (67.3,.9, 68.2,.4,.7—.9) 57.62,.63,.65,.66,.68 20413 Chakour, E. 57.6 (62) 1908. Note sur deux nouvelles variétés de Col&opteres d’Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 36—87, 2 figg. [2 nn. varr. in: Attagenus, Zonabris, | 57.63,.67 15. I. 1909. 131 Coleoptera. 20414 Ferrante, G. 57.6 (62) 1908. Una gita a Hamman (Mariout) nell’ aprile del 1908. Buil. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 70—75. 51.62—.69 15 Reitter, Edmund. 57.6 (62) 1908. Beschreibung einiger neuen Käferarten von Egypten. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 41—56. [18 nn. spp. in: Dissia, Platysoma, Tho- rictus, Ephistemus, Litargus, Aethriosia n. g. (2 nn. varr.), Anthrenus, Ocho- daeus, Thryptera, Dilamus, Stenodera, Urodon 2, Otiorhynchus, Baris, Apion 2, Cryphalus. 1 n. var. in: Dermestes.] 57.63,.64,.67,.68 16 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.6 (65) 1908. Nouveaux Coléoptères du Nord-Africain (sixieme note: faune du Djurd- jura). Ball. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 117—125, 2 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Oreocys n. g., Trechopsis n. g., Zabrus, Geostiba, Oxypoda, Pselaphus, Timarcha, Brachyrrhinus.] 57.62,.68 17 Alluaud, Ch. 57.6 (67) 1908. Les Coléopteres de la faune alpine du Kilimandjaro avec notes sur la faune du Mont Méru. Ann. Soc. entom. France Voi. 77 p. 21— 32, 2 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Bembidion, Zargochilus n. g., Hystrichopus 2, Cymindis. 2 nn. subspp. in Orinodromus (Korse i. LA (67.6,.8) 57.62,.64,.66—.68 18 Pic, M. 57.6 (67) 1908. Coléoptères nouveaux de l’Afrique orientale allemande et anglaise. L’Echange Rey. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 25—28. [9 nn. spp. in: Malthodes, Pseu- docolotes n.g., Amanicollops n. g., Attalus 2, Malachiolemphus n. g., Lissodema, Tomoderus, Anthicus. 1 n. var. in Hapalochrous.] (67.6,.8) 57.66,.67 20419 Pic, M. 57.6 (67.5) 1908. Coléoptères africains nouveaux des collections du Musée royal d’Histoire naturelle de Belgique. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 384— 387. [6 nn. spp. in: Hapalochrous 3, Laius, Hylophilus 2.) 57.66,.67 20 Pic, Maurice. 57.6 (68) 1903. Coléoptères de l’Afrique australe. Revue Entom. Caen T. 22 p. 165 —1:1. [12 nn. spp. in: Ceroctis, Hylophilus, Tomoderus, Anthicus 5 (1 n. var.), Bruchus 2, Spermophagus 2.] (68.4,.9) 57.67,.68 21 Schaeffer, Charles. 57.6 (7) 1908. On New and Known Coleoptera of the Families Coccinellidae and Cleridae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 125—185. [15 nn. spp. in: Psyllobora, Brachyacantha, Hyperaspis, Cymatodera 5 (1 n. var.), Hydno- cera 6, Lebasiella. 1 n. var. in Maerotelus.] (72.2, 76.4, 79.1) 57.66,.69 22 Grouvelle, A., et A. Raffray. 97.6 (729.7) 1908. Supplément à la liste des Coléoptères de la Guadeloupe. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 33—64, 2 figg. [8 nn. spp. par R. in: Jubus, Melba 2, Euplectus, Ramecia, Rhexinia, Reichenbachia, Dalmodes. 16 nn. spp. par G. in: Carpophilus, Monoedus 3, Ditoma, Lasconotus, Taphrideres, Bothrideres, Cauto:nus, Telephanus, Laemophloeus, Dasymerus, Europs, Bactri- dium, Hapalips, Litargus.] 57.62,.63 23 Knaus, W. 97.6 (73) 1908. Notes on Coleoptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 91—92. (79)1,778:159) 57.62 ,.64,.65,.67 24 Schaeffer, Charles. 57.6 (73) 1908. New Coleoptera, with Notes on some New Jersey Histeridae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 318—321. [3 nn. spp. in Mister, Listrochelus, Pyrota.] (74.9, 79.1) 57.63,.64,.67 20425 Knaus, W. 57.6 (78.1) 1908. Additions to the List of Kansas Coleoptera for 1907. Trans. Kan- sas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 150—151. 57.62,.65—.69 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 132 20426 Fall, H. C., and T. D. A. Cockerell. 57.6 (78.9) 1907. The Coleoptera of New Mexico. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 145—272. [96 nn. spp. by Farı in: Tachys, Staphylinus, Euaesthetus, Heterothops, Neomedon, Stilicus, Palaminus, Hyperaspis, Narthecius 2, Epuraea, Europs, Pedilophorus 3, Elmis 3, Lamonius, Athous 9, Aphricus, Cebrio, Chry- sobothris, Agrilus, Telephorus, Polemius 2, Trichochrous 7, Clerus, Psam- modius, Aphodius 9, Ochodaeus 2, Dichelonycha 2, Leptura 5, Luperodes, Chaetocnema, Paratenetus, Carebara 2, Mordella 2, Mordellistena 5, Zonitis 2, Epicauta 2, Myodites, Ophryastes, Anametis, Cimbocera, Pandeletejus 3, Cypho- mimus, Trichalophus, Hyleschus n. g., Otidocephalus, Epimechus 2, Conotrachelus, Acalles, Centorhynchus 3.] 57.61—.69 27 Knaus, W. 57.6 (78.9) 1908. Coleoptera of New Mexico. Trans. Kansas Acad. Se. Vol. 21 p. 152—154. 7.62,.63,.65—.69 28 Wright, Julia D. E., and Karl R. Coolidge. 57.6 (79.4). 1908. Notes on the Coleoptera of Placer County, Calif. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 66—69. 51.62—.69 29 Ohaus, Fr. 57.6 (8) 1908. Bericht über eine entomologische Studienreise in Südamerika. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 70 p. 3—139. 15.3,.6 (81, 82, 83, 85, 86.6) 57.62—.69 20430 Fauvel, Albert. 57.6 (932) 1903. Faune analytique des Coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. I. Rev. Entom. Caen T. 22 p.203—378. [78 nn. spp. in: Caledonica, Anomophaenus,. Morion, Percosoma, Badister, Notonomus, Leptopodus, Euryabax, n. g., Aba- coleptus n. g., Coipodes, Scopodes, Plochionus, Notomicrus, Aulonogyrus, Phloeo- charis, Homalium, Oxtelus, Hesperus, Conurus, Gyrophaena, Thamiaraea,. Hoplandria, Aleochara, Amauronyx, Anasis 2, Ewpines 3, Anagonus n. g., Colenisia n. g, Clambidius n. g, Arthrolips 3, Corylophus, Scaphosoma 2, Leperina, Olibrus 2, Eustilbus, Rhizobius, Scymnus 4, Coccinella, Coclophora 2, Trogoderma2, Anthrenus, Euxestus, Sphaerosoma 2. Nosodendron, Byrrhinus, Hydraena, Comacupes, Onthobium 5, Psammobius 2, Gnaphalopoda T, Heteronyx 2, Allophyllus n. g., Conebius, n. g. Platysmodes n. g. pro Abacomorphus gam- beyi, Mimogonus pro Osorius fumator. Shogannopsis n. nom. pro Pachy- cephala Farm. et Holocephala Farrm.] 51.62—64,.69 3l Carter, H. J. 91.6 (94). 1908. Revision of the Genus Seirotrana, Together with Descriptions of New Species of Other Australian Coleoptera. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 33 p. 392—422, 5 figg. [19 nn. spp. in: Seirotrana 4, Hyocis, Adelomus, Ceropria, Platydema, Heterocheira, Pterohelaeus, Chartopteryx, Melaps n. g., Hymaea, Byallius, Cardiothorax, Coripera, Brycopia, Cyria, Stigmodera ] (94.1,.3—.6) 57.65,.67 32 Rousseau, E., A. Grouvelle, H. Schouteden, E. Brenske, H. Boileau, J. Bourgeois, E. Oiivier, 57.6 (99) L. Fairmaire, G. Stierlin, A. Bovie et A Lameere. 1906. Coléoptères. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool. Ins. p. 19—50. [Cicin- delidae et Carabidae par E. R. (3 nn. spp. in: Trechus, Antarctia 2.) — Nitidulidae par A. G. — Silphidae par H. S. — Scarabaeidae par E. B. (2 nn. spp. in Listronyx.) — Lucanidae par H. B. — Dascillidae par J. B. (Microcara fuegensis n. sp.) — Malacodermidae par E. O. — Tenebrionidae, Cantharidae et Oedemeridae par L. F. (2 nn. spp. in: Nytelia, Tolmerus n. g.) — Curculionidae Otiorrhynchinae par G.S. (Otiorrhynchus antarcticus n. sp. — Cylindrorrhinae par A. B. — Cerambycidae par A. L. (Sibylla dancoi n. sp.).] 57.62—.64,.66—.68 (82, 83) 33 Born, Paul. 57.62 : 11.58 1908. Ein hybrider Carabus. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 137. [Procrustes coriaceus >< Megodontus violaceus.] 20434 Bacci, Pietro, ed Alberto G. Razzanti. 57.62 : 11.59 1905. Contribuzione allo studio della Teratologia entomologica. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 25 p. 130—131. 15. I. 1909. 133 Coleoptera. 20435 Manee, Abram Herbert. 57.62 : 15.6 1908. Some Observations at Southern Pines, N. Carolina. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 286—289, 1 fig. 36 Haglund, L. i 57.62 (48.7) 1908. För Sverige nya coleoptera. Entom. Tidskr. Årg. 29 p. 282. 37 Poppius, B. 57.62 (57.1) 1906. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Colepteren-Fauna des Lena-Thales in Ost-Sibirien. II. Cicindelidae und Carabidae. Öfvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 48 No. 3, 65 pp. [14 nn. spp. in: Nebria (1 n. var.), Bembidium 3, Platynus, Poecilus (Manna i. L), Pterostichus 2, Amara 3, Harpalus 3. 2 nn. varr. in Carabus. Amara sahlbergi n. nom. pro A. brevicornis SAHLB. non Men] 38 Sternberg, Chr. 57.62 (6) 1908. Neue Arten aus den Gattungen Chlaenius, Polyhirma und Tefflus, ge- sammelt 1900 von Prof. Oscar Neumann auf seiner Durchquerung Nord-Ost- Afrikas, hauptsächlich Abessyniens und der Gallaländer. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 96—109. [19 nn. spp. in: Polyhirma 2, Tefflus, Chlae- nius 16.] (63, 67.6,.7) 39 Houghton, C. 0. 57.62 (74.7) 1908. Coleoptera of St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.—I. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 399 — 402. 40 Broun, T. 57.62 (931) 1908. Description of New Species of New-Zealand Coleoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 334—352, 405—422, [38 nn. spp. in: Mecodema 9. Diglymma, Snofru n. g., Oopterus 3, Allocinopus, Dicrochile, Anchomenus 5, Ctenognathus, Tarastethus 2, Trichosternus 3, Zeopoecilus, Pterostichus 13, Tachys.] 4l Poppius, B. 57.62 Agabus : 11.56 1908. Uber einige Variationserscheinungen im männliche n Geschlecht bei Agabus (Gaurodytes) arcticus Payg. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Hüft 34 p. 52—55, 3 figg. 20442 Champion, 6. C. 57.62 Aleochara (42.57) 1908. Additional localities for Aleochara crassiuscula, Sınız. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 270—271. 43 Champion, G. C. 57.62 Aleochara (42.61) 1908. Aleocharacrassiuscula, Saute. : A British Insect. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 194—195. 94 Porta, Antonio. 57.62 Aleochara (45) 1908. Revisione degli Stafilinidi italiani. IV. Gen. Aleochara Grava. Riv. Coleott. ital. Anno 6 p. 179—209, 227—236. 45 Fenyes, A. 97.62 Aleocharinae 1908. "Verbesserungen zu den Aleocharinae des neuen Catologus Coleop- terorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossicae. Deutsch. entom, Zeit- sehr. 1908 p. 60. 46 Fenyes, A. 57.62 Aleocharinae (7) 1908. A Preliminary Systematic Arrangement of the Aleocha inae (Cole- optera) of the United States and Canada. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 56 47 Hayward, Roland. 57.62 Amara (7) 1908. Studies in Amara. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 13—65. [49 spp., 8 nn.] (71.1,.9, 77, 78.8—79.2) 48 Viré, Armand, e Carlo Alzona. 57.62 Anophthalmus 1902. Nota sull’ Anophihalmus fabiani (Gestro). Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 22 p. 74—75. 20449 Gestro, R. 57.62 Anophthalmus (45) 1907. Una gita in Garefagnana. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol 3 p. 168 —177. [Anophthalmus andreinii n. sp. Elenco degli Anophthalmus trovati finora in Italia.] (45.1,.3,.5,.6,.9) 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 134 20450 Alzona, Carlo. 57.62 Anophthalmus (45.3) 1899. Anophthalmus fiorii n. sp. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 19 p. 94— 95. 51 Raffray, A. 97.62 Aphiliops (45.6) 1908. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Psélaphide d'Italie centrale.. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 265—266. |Aphiliops crassipes n. sp.] 52 Jeannel, R. 57.62 Apteraphaenops (24 : 65) 1908. A propos d’Apteraphaenops longiceps JeannseL, Staphylinide caverni- cole de l’Algerie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1907 p. 111—113, 2 figg. 53 Porta, Antonio. 97.62 Astilbus (4) 1907. Studio critico del gen. Astilbus Srera. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 5 p. 165—175. [1 n. var.] (45.6,.71,.77,.8, 47.9) 54 du Buysson, H. 97.62 Bembidium 1903. Note sur le Bembidium (Sopha) humerale Sturm. Miscell. entom. Vol. 11 p. 65. 55 Zodda, Giuseppe. 57.62 Bolitobiini (45) 1902. I Bolitobiini d’ Italia. Saggio di un Catalogo descrittivo dei Cole- pen italiani. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 22 p. 86—88, 93—96, 137 —1 H 56 Müller, Josef. 97.62 Brychius (43.68) 1908. Ein neuer Brychius aus dem österr. Küstenlande. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 219. [B. intermedius n. sp.] 57 Luze, &. 57.62 Bryoporus (56.9) 1908. Eine neue Art der Staphylinidengattung Bryoporus Kraatz, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 42. [B. sahlbergi.] 20458 von Heyden, Lucas. 57.62 Calathus. 1908. A proposito del Calathus glabricollis v. distinguendus Fracasst. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 22. [C. g. var. fracassii n. nom pro C. g. var, distinguendus non C. fuscipes var. distinguendus.] 59 Leoni, Giuseppe. 57.62 Calathus (45) 1908, Calathus italiani. Riv. Coleott. ital. Anno 6 p. 33—41, 45—61, 69—56. [2 nn. varr.] 60 d’Amore Fracassi, Antonio. 57.62 Calathus (45.71) 1908. Una nuova specie ed una nuova varietà appartenenti al gruppo del Calathus glabricollis Des. Riv. Coleott. ital. Anno 6 p. 12—13. [C. sirentensis.] 61 Champion, G. C. 57.62 Calodera (42.67) 1908. Calodera protensa, Mann: A British Insect. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 225. 62 Bickhardt, H. 57.62 Calosoma : 12.98: 1908. Ein monströser Calosoma inquisitor L. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 8—9, 1 fig. [8-beinig.] 63 de Lapouge, G. V. 57.62 Carabidae 1907/09. Tableaux de détermination des formes du genre „Carabus“. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 23 p. 143, 147 —148. — Ann. 24 p. 18—?1. 29—31, 37—838, 52—53, 83—85. — Ann. 25 p. 100—101, 106—108, 116 —117. Ann. 25 p. 127, 132—133, 140—141, 149—150, 158—160, 164—166, 172—173. 64 Sokolár, Fr. 57.62 Carabidae : 11.57 1908. Die Färbung der Oberseite unserer Carabini. Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 22—27. 65 Bernau, Gustav. 51.69 Carabidae : 14.99 1908. Ueber den Bauplan der Flügeldeckenskulptur bei den Morpho- caraben Gen. und bei den kaukasischen Tribax- und Plectes-Arten. En- tom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 129—130, 132—133, 3 figg. 20466 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Carabidae (403) 1908. Neue palaearktische Laufkäfer. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 50—51. [2 nn. spp. in: Tachys, Cymindis. 1 n. subsp. in Poecilus (1 n. var.).] (47.8, 498, 56.4) 15. I. 1909. 135 Coleoptera. 20467 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Carabidae (403) 1908. Bestimmungs-Tabelle des Carabiciden-Tribus: Pogonini aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 46 Abh. p. 125—135. [2 nn. spp. in Pogonus.] (56.8, 57.1,.9) 68 Scherdlin, Paul. 91. 62 Carabidae (43.44) 1908. Die in der Umgebung Strassburgs beobachteten Carabidae. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 221—240. 69 Fleischer, A. 57.62 Carabidae (43.91) 1908. Carabusarten verdrängt durch Calosoma auropunctatum Herssr. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 289—290. 70 Poppius, B. 57.62 Carabidae (5) 1907. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Carabiden-Fauna von West-Sibirien und der NW. Mongolei. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Férh. Bd. 49 No. 17, 24 pp. [7 nn. spp. in: Ophonus, Harpalus, Bradycellus, Amara 4. 1 n. var. in Ptero- stichus.] (51.7, 57.4) 71 Poppius, B. 57.62 Carabidae (57) 1908. Neue Carabiden der paläarktischen Fauna. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 49 No. 18, & pp. [5 nn. spp. in: Pterostichus 2, Amara2 (2 nn. var.), KEE (57.6,.9) 72 Ponpius, 57.62 Carabidae (57) 1908. einige sibirische und nordwestamerikanische Käfer-Arten. Öfvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 50 No. 6, 7 pp. [Pterostichus beringensis n. sp. 1 n. ab. in Elaphus.] (57.1,.4) 73 Sternberg, Chr. 57.62 Carabidae (6) 1908. Espèces nouvelles de col&opteres Anthia et Polyhirma des collec- tions du Muséum de Paris. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 76 p. 483 — 491. [5 nn. spp. in: Anthia, Polyhirma 4.] (63, 67.6,.7,.9, 68.7) 20474 Ferrante, &. ‘57.62 Carabidae (62) 1908. Contributo al Catalogo dei coleotteri dell’ Egitto. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 111—132. 75 Maindron, M. 57.62 Carabidae (95) 1908. Carabidae. Nova Guinea Rés. Expéd. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 295—299. [6 nn. spp. in: Homalonesiota n. g., Colpodes 4, Hellu- onidius.] 76 Champion, G. C. 57.62 Carabus 1908. Note on Carabus violaceus, subsp. sollicitans Hartert. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 124. 77 Fleischer, A. 57.62 Carabus 1908. Notiz über Carabus pseudocancellatus Freısch. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 296. [Aberration des typischen emarginatus Durr. nicht synonym mit graniger Parr.] 78 Patkiewiez, Roman. 57.62 Carabus : 12.98 1908. Ein Carabus mit 9gliedrigen Fühlern. Entóm. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 101. 79 Lamy, Pierre. 57.62 Carabus : 14.99 1908. Carabus auratus mit Kettenstreifen. Entom. Blatt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 27. 480 Meissner, Otio. 57.62 Carabus : 15.3 1908, Ein neuer Fall von Kannibalismus bei Carabus glabratus Payr. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 181. 81 Ronchetti, Vittorio. 57.62 Carabus (4) 1900. Le varietà europee del Carabus violaceus L. dalle Bestimmung-Tabellen di Rerrrer. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 20 p. 117—120. MR de 20482 Sokolar, Fr. 7.62 Carabus (4) 1908. Carabus Ullrichi Germ. Entom. Blätt. et Hin 4 p. 172 —176, 194—200. 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 136 20483 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (43.95) 1908. Carabus catenatus strauchi n. subsp. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 137 —138. 84 Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (45.2) 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 20492 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 20500 20501 1908. Orinocarabus concolor lepontinus n. subsp. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 28 p. 188. Krausse, A. H. 57.62 Carabus (45.9) 1908. I Carabi sardi ed i loro parenti. Riv. Colleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 175 —179. [2 nn. subspp. in Carabus.] Born, Paul. 57.62 Carabus (494) 1°08. Carabologisches aus der Schweiz. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 275—279. Rost, Carl. 57.62 Carabus (52.4) 1908. Ein neuer Carabus aus Japan. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 32—33. [C. aino n. sp.] Pehr, Franz. 97.62 Chrysocarabus 1908. Chrysocarabus auronitens Fasz. Carinthia II Jahrg. 97 p. 13 —21. Horn, Walther. 57.62 Cicindela 1908. Synonymische Bemerkungen über Cicindela-Arten. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 292—293. Horn, W. 57.62 Cicindela 1908. Cicindela venusta Lee, durch Larerré occupirt. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 738. [C. lenzi n. nom.] Sh.lford, Victor Ernest. 57.62 Cicindela : 15 1908. Life-Histories and Larval Habits of the Tiger Beetles (Cicindelidae). Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 157—184, 4 pls. 15.3..4,.6 Shelford, V. E. 57.62 Cicindela : 15.2 1907. Preliminary Note on the Distribution of the Tiger Beetles (Ciein- dela) and its Relation to Plant Succession. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 9—14. Schulz, H. 57.62 Cicindela (4) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cicindela campestris L. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 139—140. [3 nn. varr.] (43.14,.21,.22,.51,.56,.61,.64,.91) Sokolär, Fr. 57.62 Cicindela (4) 1908. Unsere Cicindelen. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 121—122, 125. (43.61,.72) Horn, Walther. 57.62 Cicindela (51.1) 1908. Eine neue paläarktische Cicindela. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 33—34. [C. brevipilosa n. sp] Horn, Walther. 57.62 Cicindela (54.8) 1908. Cicindela prothymoides n. sp. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 120—122. Sherman, Franklin. 57.62 Cicindela (75.6) 1908. Notes on Tiger-Beetles and Elevations. Entom. News Vel. 19 p. Horn, Walter. 57.62 Cicindela (801) 1908. 2 neue Cicindela-Rassen der Neuen Welt. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 209. (72, 82) Horn, W. 57.62 Cicindelidae : 19 1908. Die Rertsiscu-Smmorusche Pendulations-Theorie. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 416—418. [Verbreitung der Cicindeliden.] Horn, W. 57.62 Cicindelidae (6) 1907. Cicindeliden von Madagaskar und Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 58— 54. (67.6, 69) Wellman, F. Creighton, and Walther Horn. 57.62 Cicindelidae (67.3) 1908. On the Cicindelidae of Angola. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 504—512. [Cicindela reticostata n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. 137 Coleoptera. 20502 Smyth, Eugene 6. 57.62 Cicindelidae (73) 1908. Notes on Collecting Cicindelidae. — II. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 180—188. (76.4, 78.1) 03 Bruch, C. 57.62 Cicindis (82) 1908. Eine neue Carabidengattung aus Argentinien. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 497—509, 4 figg. [C. n. g. horni n. sp] 04 Horn, Walther. 57.62 Collyris : 13.41 1908. Einige Berichtigungen zu SaeLrorp’s Arbeit über die Larven von Collyris emarginata. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 286, 5 figg. 05 Maindron, Maurice. 57.62 Colpodes (95) 1908. Remarques sur les Colpodes de Nouvelle Guinée. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 185—186. IC s/oane n. nom. pro C. papuensis MAINDRON non SLOANE.] 06 Schaeffer, Charles. 57.62 Copelatus (7) 1908. On North American "and some Cuban Copelatus. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 16—18. [C. cubaénsis n. sp. 1 n. var.] (729.1,.2, 75.9, 76.4, 78.9, 79.1,.4) 07 Roeschke, H. 57.62 Coptolabrus (51.2) 1908. Coptolabrus divus n. sp. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 14 —15. 08 Daniel, Karl. 57.62 Cychrus (403) 1908. Die Cychrini der paläarktischen Region. Auszug aus Dr. Hans Rorscuxe’s „Monographie der Carabiden-Tribus Cychrini“. (Ann. Mus. nat. Hung. 5., 99—277, tab. 4; 1907.) München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 261—294. 09 Mead, Theodore L. 57.62 Dicaelus : 15.3 1908. The Biter Bit. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 302. [Dicaelus attacking a toad.] :20510 Ganglbauer, L. 57.62 Dimerus 1908. Die Gattung Dimerus Fiori. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (21)-(22). 11 Wasmann, Erich. 57.62 Dinarda 1908. On the Evolution of Dinarda, a Genus of Coleoptera. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 68—71. [Translated from German) 12 Champion, G. C. 57.62 Dromius (42.21) 1908. Dromius ungustus, BruLLé at Woking. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 124—125. 18 Ulmer, Georg. 51.62 Dytiscidae : 15 1903. Uber Wasserkäfer und ihre Entwicklung. Nerthus Jahrg. 5 p. 71 —18. 89 —91, 105—106, 13 figg. 14 Hey, W. €. 57.62 Dytiscidae (42.74) 1908. Hydropori Found near West Ayton, Yorkshire. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 146—147. 15 Zaitzev, Ph. 57.62 Dytiscidae (51) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wasserkäfer von Chinesisch-Centralasien. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. Se. St. Pétersbourg T. 13 p. 417—426. [7 nn. spp. in: Cybister, Colymbetes, Helophorus 3, Agabus 2. Lihelophorus n. subg.] (51.5,.6) 16 Weizel, Karl Theodor. 51.62 Dytiscus 1908. Ein abnormaler Dytiscus. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 182. [Breiter 1 mm. tiefer Eindruck auf der Stirne von Auge zu Auge.] 17 Joy, Norman H. 57.62 Euplectus (42.1) 1908. Euplectus bescidicus, Rerrr: A New British Beetle. Entom., Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 56. 20518 Newell, Wilmon, and R. €. Treherne. 57.62 Evarthrus : 16.1 1908. A New Predaceous Enemy of the Cotton Boll Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 244. [Evarthrus spp.] 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 138 20519 Bedel, L. 57.62 Graniger (68.7) 1908. Description d’un Graniger nouveau, de la colonie du Cap. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 318—319. [G. martini n. sp.] 20 Donisthorpe. Horace St. J. K. 57.62 Harpalus (42.28) 1908. Harpalus cupreus, Dy., in the Isle of Wight. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 285—286. 21 Edwards, James. 57.62 Helophorus (42) 1908. On the British Species of Helophorus, Fas. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 218—224. 22 Everts, Ed. 57.62 Helophorus (492) 1908. Helophorus asperatus Rey. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 266. 23 Horn, Walther. 57.62 Heptadonta (51.3) 1908. Heptadonta vermifera n. sp. Entom. Wochenhl. Jahrg. 25 p. 84 — 85. 24 Régimbart, M[aurice.] 57.62 Hydrophilidae (6) 1907. Hydrophilides provenant du voyage de M. L. Fea dans l’Afrique occidentale. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 46—62. [23 nn. spp. in: Hydrophilus, Sternolophus, Helochares, Peltochares n. g, Philhydrus, Cyclonotum, Phaenonotum, Dactylosternum 4, Cercyon 9, Cryptopleurum 2, Sphae- ridium.] (66:319 67216189169) 25 Hiirthle, [K.] 57.62 Hydrophilus : 11.75 1908. Ueber den Einfluss der chemischen Fixierungsmittel auf die Struc- tur des Muskelgewebes. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 621. [Chemische Fixierung bewirkt Strukturveränderungen (der isotropen Sub- stanz). Durch physikalisches Fixierungsmittel (Kälte v. — 12° werden diese vermieden.] 20526 Hiirthle, [K.] 57.62 Hydrophilus : 11.75 1907. Ueber die Structur des quergestreiften Muskels im ruhenden und tätigen Zustande, über seinen Aggregatzustand und über die Hypothesen zur Erklärung der Muskelcontraction. 84. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. vaterl. Cultur med. Sect. p. 159—161. 27 Newbery, E. A. 57.62 Laccobius (42) 1908. On a New Species of Laccobius, Er., with a Table of the British Species of the Genus. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 30—31. [L. purpurascens.] (42.35) 28 Everts, Ed. 57.62 Leistus (492) 1908. Leistus rufomarginatus Durr. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 101. [In Holland.] 29 Fauvel, Albert. 57.62 Leptochirus (59) 1903. Deux Leptochirus nouveaux. Rev. Entom. Caen T. 22 p. 171—172. (59.1,.9) 30 Dodero, Agostino. 51.62 Leptotyphlus (403) 1908. Contribuzione allo studio del genere „Leptotyphlus“ FauveL. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol.3 p. 631— 640, 1 tav. [3 nn. spp. 1 n. var.] (45.1,.5,.99) 31 Moczarski, Emil. 57.62 Leptotyphlus (43.67) 1908. Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Leptotyphlus carniolicus Burrnu. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 313—314. 32 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. 57.62 Lomechusa : 15 1908. The Life History, and Occurrence as British of Lomechusa strumesa, F. Trans. entom. Soc. London Im p. 415—420, 8 figg. 15.5,. 33 Ganglbauer, L. 57.62 Molops (4) 1908. Ueber die Rassen von Molops (Tanythrix) edurus Des. Verh. zool.- bot. &es. Wien Bd. 58 p. (119)-(124). 20534 Joy, Norman H. 57.62 Notiophilus (41.16) 1908. Two Unrecognised British Species of the Genus Notiophilus. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 103—104. 15. I. 1909. 139 Coleoptera. 20535 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Octavius (45.8) 1908. Octavius vitalei. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 25. 36 Beare. F. Hudson, and H. St. J. K. Donisthorpe. 57.62 Olophrum (41.24) 1908. Olophrum assimile, Px., an Addition to the British List. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 255—256. 37 Dubois, A. 57.62 Oxypoda (4) 1908/09. Les „Oxypoda“ Gallo-Rhenans traduit de Allemand et abrégé des ,,0xypoda“ du Dr. Max Berrnuaver. Avec additions concernant la faune Gallo-Rhenane. L'Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 et 25 Suppl., 50 pp. 38 Poppius, B. 57.62 Oxypoda (98) 1908. Oxypoda ancilla J. Sante. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 113. 39 Wasmann, E. 97.62 Paussus (66.7) 1908. Ein neuer Paussus von Togo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 576. [P. togoensis n. sp.] 40 Balfour-Browne, Frank. 57.62 Philydrus (42) 1908. On the British Species of the Genus Philydrus, SoLier. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 25—29, 1 p (41.25,.61—.63,.65,.66,.72 AE. 49, BI, .88,.95, 42.61,.72,.74) 41 Fauvel, Albert. 57.62 Phloeocharis (44.89) 1903. Phloeocharis normandi, nouvelle espece de France. Rev. entom. Caen T. 22 p. 202. 42 Everts, Ed. 57.62 Phytosus (493). 1908. Phytosus nigriventris. Cnevr. Entom, Berichten D. 2 p. 223—224. 20543 Fiedler, C. 57.62 Platyderus : 14.93 1908. Ueber einen neuentdeckten Lautapparat bei dem Carabidengenus. Platyderus Scuaum. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 65, 1 fig. [Auf dem Scheitel.] 44 Horn, W. 57.62 Pogonostoma (69) 1908. Pogonostoma laevigatum n. sp. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 367. 45 Sternberg, Chr. 57.62 Polyhirma (67) 1908. Voyage de M. Maurice de RorsscaıLn en Ethiopie et dans l’Afrique orientale (1904-—1906) Espèces nouvelles de Polyhirma. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 76 p. 492—498. [2 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp.] (67.6,.8) 46 Horn, Walther. 57.62 Prothyma (91.4) 1908. Prothyma schultzei, a New Species of Philippine Cicindelidae. Philippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 273—274. 47 Raffray, A. 51.62 Pselaphidae (54) 1908. Psélaphides récoltés dans les montagnes des Nilghiris (Présidence de Madras) et dans le distriet de Belgaum (Présidence de Bombay), Inde anglaise, par MM. H. Leste Anprewes et H. S. Anprewes. Descriptions d’espèces nouvelles. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 205—212. [8 nn. spp. in: Mechanicus, Batrisocenus, Reichenbachia, Rybaxis, Tmesiphorus, Aphanethrix n. g., Centrophthalmus 2.] (54.7,.8) 48 Rafiray, A. 57.62 Pselaphidae (67.5) 1908. Psélaphides nouveaux du Congo des collections du Musée Royal d'Histoire naturelle de Bruxelles. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 15 p. 6— 17. [15 nn. spp. in: Octomicrus, Zethopsus, Zethinus n. g., Batrisocenus, Rei- chenbachia 3, Apharina, Pselaphus, Pselaphoxys, Odontalgus 3, Centrophthalmus, Centrophthalmosis.] 49 Casey, Thos. L. 57.62 Pselaphidae (7) 1908. Remarks on some New Pselaphidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 257—281. [34 nn. spp. in: Ogmocerus, Brachygluta, Batrisodes 5, Pycnoplec- tus 3, Euplectus 2 i d n.g. 4, Actium 3, Pseudactium n. g. 3, Oropus 7, Rhewius 5.] (66.6, 71,1, 74,8, 7533, 189219470609, 77: 1,2,.7, 8) 20550 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.62 Pselaphidae (73) 1906. Six New Pselaphide. Trans, Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 261— 266. [6 nn. spp. in: Batrisodes 2, Reichenbachia, Caccoplectus, Fustiger, Adrenes.] (75.6, 76.4, 78.9, 79.4) 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 140 20551 Raffray, A. 57.62 Pselaphidae (82) 1908. Pselaphides de la république argentine. Rev. Mus. La Plata T. 15 p. 61—83, 5 figg. [28 nn. spp. in: Pselaphomorphus, Rhynoscepsis. Lioplectus b, Eurhexius, Arthmius 2, Raxybis n. g., Reichenbachia 4, Decarthron 4, Pse- laphelius n. g. 3, Ctenisis 2, Neotyrus, Hamotus, Arhytodes, Fustiger.] 52 Raffray, A. 57.62 Pselaphidae (89) 1908. Neue Pselaphiden des Deutschen Entom. National-Museums, Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 408-411. [4 nn. spp. in: Arthmius, Batrisocenus, Batraxis, Decarthron.] (67.1, 89, 921) 53 Poppius, B. 57.62 Pterostichus 1908. Uber einige Cmaupom'sche Arten der Pterostichen-Untergattung Cryobius Cuaup. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. Bd. 50 No. 5, 4 pp. [P. sedakowi n. sp.] 54 Le Cerf, F. 57.62 Pterostichus : 12.98 1908. Note sur un cas tératologique. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 14 p. 26—32, 1 fig. [Pterostichus niger dont le membre postérieur gauche est étrangement déformé et doublé d’un appendice supplémen- taire.] 55 Lindberg, Harald. 57.62 Pterostichus (47.1) 1908. Pterostichus vermiculosus Min. fran Dryasaflagring pà Karelska näset. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 46—47. 56 Xambeu, P. 57.62 Sphodropsis : 15 1907. Res Ligusticae. XXXVIII. Description de la larve Sphodropsis ghili- anii, Scuaum. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 324—325. 20557 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (403) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Staphyliniden-Fauna. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 320—335. [16 nn. spp. in: Antho- bium 2, Thinobius 2, Medon, Xantholinus 2, Quedius, Gyrophaena, Atheta 3, Sipalia, Coprophilus, Leptophylus 2. 1 n. subsp. in Creophilus. 1 n. var. in Quedius. Dimerini n. trib. Actophylla n. subg. Actocharina n. g. pro Atheta leptotyphloides.] (43.53,.62,.67,.96, 45.5,.75,.79,.99, 46.85, 47.9, 491, 498, 57.6) 58 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (403) 1908. 14. Folge neuer Staphyliniden der paläarktischen Fauna, nebst Be- merkungen. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 32—41. [10 nn. spp. in: Philonthus (1n. var.) Quedius, Bolitobius, Bolitochara 2, Leptusa, Falagria, Atheta 2.] (43.21,.62, 45.79,.99, 56.8, 57.6, 58.4, 61.1) 59 Reitter, Edm. 57.62 Staphylinidae (403) 1908. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der Staphiliniden-Gruppen der Othiini und Xantholinini aus Europa und den angrenzenden Ländern. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 46 Abh. p. 100—124. [3 nn. spp. in Xantholinus (2 nn. varr. 1 n. ab.). 2 nn. varr. in: Diochus, Leptolinus. Megaprosopus, Calontholinus, Metacyclinus, Milichilinus, Typhlolinus nn. subgg.] (43.92, 44.94, 46.8) 60 Joy, Norman H. 57.62 Staphylinidae (42) 1908. Two New British Beetles. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 61 Schatzmayr, Artur. 57.62 Staphylinidae (43.66) 1908. Die Koleopterenfauna der Villacheralpe (Dobratsch) Verh. zool.- bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 432—458. [Mycetoporus santicensis n. sp. 1n. var. in Othius.] 62 Rambousek, Fr. J. 57.62 Staphylinidae (48.71) 1908. Klíče k určování českých brouků. Celed’ Staphylinidae. Casop. české Spol. entum. Acta Sóc. entom. Bohemiae Roën. 5 p. 37—55, 12 figg. [Schüssel zur Bestimmung der böhmischen Käfer. Fam. Staphylinidae. Quedini.] 20563 Fauvel, Albert. 57.62 Staphylinidae (54.3) 1903. Mission de M. Maurice Marnpron dans l'Inde méridionale. Staphylini- des. Rev. Entom. Caen T. 22 p. 149—163. [11 nn. spp. in: Bledius, Oso- rius, Palaminus, Paederus, Menoedius n. g., Philonthus 2, Leucocraspedum, Thamiaraea, Astilbus, Zyr«s.) 15. I. 1909. 141 Coleoptera: 20564 Schubert, K. 57.62 Staphylinidae (54.5) 1908. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna Ostindiens. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 609—625. [19 nn. spp. in: Zygras 2, Gyrophaena, Tachinus, Se- curipalpus n. g., Staphylınus, Philontuseo, Cryptobium, Oxyporus, Oxytelus. Orphnebioidea n. subg.] 65 Bernhauer, Max. 57.62 Staphylinidae (801) 1908. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika. Arch. Nat. Jahrg. 74 Bd. 1p. 283—372. [153 nn spp. in: Calocerus 4, Thoracophorrs, Pholidus, Apocellus 4, Thinobius, Trogophloeus 4, Oxytelodes n. g., Oxytelus 3, Anaco- sorius n. g., Osorius 5, Holotrochus, Craspedus n. g., Stenus 6, Stenaesthetus, Taenodema 5, Palaminus, Pinophilus, Dibeloneies 2, Astenus, Paederus 4, Aca- lophaena, Medon, Lathrobium 3, Cryptobium 21, Somoleptus, Tesba, Platypro- sopus, Trigonophorus, Staphylinus 2, Ophionthus n. g., Belonuchus 2, Musico- derus, Paederomimus 4, Phileciton, Philonthus 4, Neobisnius 2, Acylophorus, Conosoma 2, Dinopsis, Parasilusa, n. g., Gyrophaena 5, Homalota, Diestota 2, Apheloglossa, Phymatura 2, Drepanopora n. g., Leptoglossa 2, Zyras 3, Tropi- dera n. g., Orphnebius, Hoplandria 6, Dinusella n. g., Atheta 17, Ocalea, Calo- dera 2, Polylobus, Tricolpochila n. g. 4, Polylobinus n. g, Aleochara 2. Stil- bogastrus, Paramidobia, Xestota nn. subgg.] (729.8, 81, 82, 83—86, 87, 69) 66 Vorbringer, G. 57.62 Stenus : 11.56 1908. Stenus similis Hxgnsr. (oculatus Grav.) c". Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 24 p. 51. 67 Hubenthal, W. 57.62 Tasgius : 15 1908. Ueber die Lebensweise des Tasgius ater Gry. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 36. 68 Sternberg, Chr. 57.62 Tefflus (67) 1908. Neue Arten aus der Gattung Tefflus. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 70 p. 192—201. [4 nn. spp.] (67.6,.8) 20569 Müller, Josef. 57.62 Trechus (43.69) 1908. Ein neuer blinder Trechus (Duvalius Der., Gaers. aus Zentraldal- matien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 233—234. [T. netolitzkyi n. sp.] 70 Royer, Maurice. 57.62 Trechus (44.36) 1908. Sur la capture de Trechus micros Herssr. Bull. Soc. entom. France 71 Pic, M. 57.62 Velleiopsis (403) 1908. Contribution à l'étude du genre ,, Velleiopsis“ Farrm. L’Echange Rey. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 77—78. (41.9, 497, 56.4) 72 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 (502) 1906. Clavicornes nouveaux du Musée civique de Gênes. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 308—333. [27 nn. spp. in :Brachypeplus 2, Carpo- philus 2, Amystrops n. g. 2, Epuraea 2, Haptoncus 6, Prometopia, Pocadites, Cychramus, Pseudocamptodes 2, Pallodes 5, Labromimus, Stelidota, Cryptarcha.] (59.1, 82, 89, 91.1—.3, 921 —929) 20573 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 (502) 1908. Coléoptéres de la région indienne: Rhysodidae, Trogositidae, Nitidulidae, Colydiidae, Cucujidae. (ler mémoire.) Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 315—495, 4 pls. [107 nn. spp. in: Rhysodes 2, Brachy- peplus, Cillaeus, Carpophilus 3 (1 n. var.), Tetrisus, Eenomaeus, Haptoncus, Epuraea 8, Ischacna, Prometopia 2, Lasiodactylus 2, Pria, Meligethes 9, Xeno- strongylus, Aethinopsis n. g., Pocudites, Amphicrossus 3, Cyllodes 6, Cyboce- phatus 3, Cryptarcha 2, Microprius 3, Ithris, Namunaria, Ocholissa 3, Aprosto- ma, Endestes, Pseudotarphius 2, Tarphiosoma, Trachypholis 3, Labromimus, Microvonus, Chorites, Sysolus n. g., Asosylus 2, Dastarcus 2, Pseudobothrideres n. g. (1 Pasc. i. 1.), Leptoglyphus, Machlotes, Cerylon 3, Cautomus, Ancistria, Narthecius, Pediacus, Laemophloeus T, Cryptamorpha, Psainmoecus 9, Airaphilus, Monotomopsis. Nartheciin e n. subfam.] (54.1,.2,.5,.7—.87, 59.1, 19,.5, 921, 922) 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 142 20574 Portevin, G. 57.63 (52) 75 76 77 78 79 80 20581 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 20589 1908. Quatrième note sur les Nécrophages du Muséum. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 19—29, 3 figg. [13 nn. spp. in: Loricaster, Catoptrichus, Anisotoma 2, Agathidium 7, Loricaster, Hypoliodes n. g.] (52.1,.2, 63, 67.6) Reitter, Edmund. 97.63 (62) 1908. Beschreibung einiger neuer Käferarten von Egypten. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 39—40. [2 nn. spp. in: Cephisus, Sericoderus.] Grouvelle, A. 57.68 (67.6) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice pe Rornmscuirp dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise. Insectes Coléoptères: Clavicornes. Diagnoses des espèces nouvelles. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 365—380. [14 nn. spp. in: Meligethes 7, Cryptarcha, Diplocoelus, Micrambe 2, Mycetophagus, Atritomus, Dryops.] Grouvelle, Ant. 57.68 (932) 1903. Descriptions de Clavicornes de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Rev. Entom. Caen T. 22 p. 173—202. [39 nn. spp. in: Trimenus, Mystrops, Stelidota, Epuraea 2, Amphicrossus, Cyllodes, Pallodes 3, Ulonotus, Ablabus, Ditoma 4, Deretaphrus, Bothrideres 4, Lytopeplus 2, Ino, Laemophloeus 2, Psammoechus, Cryptamorpha 2, Diplocoelus 2, Loberus 4, Litargus 3, Heterocerus.] Jeanne], R. 57.63 Adelopsella 1908. Adelopsella, nouveau genre oculé de la tribu des Bathysciini. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 182—185, 3 figg. [n. g. pro Bathyscia bosnica.] Webster, F. M. 57.63 Adistemia (75.4) 1908. Note on Adistemia watsoni Wort. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 9—4. Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Amphicrossus (6) 1908. Sur les Amphicrossus de l'Afrique et description d'une espèce nou- velle. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 108—110. [A. insularis n. sp (66.99) Joy, Norman H. 97.63 Anisotoma (42.67) 1908. Anisotoma flavicornis, Cu., an Addition to the British List of Coleop- tera. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 174—175. Howard, L. 0. 57.68 Anthrenus : 16.5 190*. The Carpet Beetle or „Buffalo moth“. (Anthrenus scrophulariae L.) U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 5, 4 pp., 1 fig. Müller, Josef. 97.63 Bathyscia 1908. Bathyscia khevenhulleri Mr, und freyeri Mot, ihre systematische Stellung und ihre Rassen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 37—40. [B. freyeri netolizkyi n. subsp.] (43.65,.67) Yi 57.63 Carpophilus (43.44) 1908. Ein zweiter für die Fauna des Elsass neuer Carpophilus. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 165—166 TC multilatus.] Holdhaus, Karl. 57.63 Cephennium (43.92) 1905. Ein neues Cephennium aus den Transsylvanischen Alpen. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 578—580. [C. regale n. sp.] Donisthorpe, H. St. J. k. 97.63 Clambus (42.23) 1908. Clambus punctulum, Beck., a British Species. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 293—294. Joy, Norman H., and J. R. Tomlin. 57.63 Corticaria (42) 1908. Notes on the Genus Corticaria. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 125—128. Reitter, Edm. 97.63 Corylophidae (67.8) 1908. Verzeichnis der von Dr. F. Ercaezsaum im Jahre 1903 in Deutsch- Ostafrika gesammelten Corylophiden. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 59—63. [11 nn. spp. in: Sacium 5, Anthrolips 2, Corylophus, Sericoderus, Homogrypinus n. g., Orthoperus.] Champion, G. C. 57.63 Cryptophagus (42.27) 1908. Cryptophagus lovendali, Gaxars., in the New Forest. Entom. monthly 15. I. 1909. 143 Coleoptera. 20590 Zimmermann, Louis. 57.63 Dryopidae (4) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der mitteleuropäischen Dryopiden. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 341—345, 5 figg. [Riolus wichmamni n. sp. Vergleichende Studien über die Penisformen der mitteleuropäischen Hel- mis-Arten.] (43.36,.37,.61) 91 Edwards, James. 57.63 Dryops (42.61) 1908. Dryops (Parnus) luridus, Er., a Species not Hitherto Recorded as British. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 102—103, 2 figg. 92 Joy, Norman H. 97.63 Epuraea (42) 1908. Notes on the Genus Epuraea. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 106—109. 93 Casey, Thos. L. 57.63 Exoma (71.1) 1908. A New Genus of Byrrhidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 281—282. [Exoma n. g., pleuralis n. sp.] 94 Grouvelle, Ant. 57.63 Helminthidae (88) 1908. Mission de M. F. Gray dans la Guyane (bassin du fleuve Carse- venne). Coléoptères: Helminthidae. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 181 —186. [5 nn. spp. in: Stenelmis, Stenhelmoides n. g. 2, Helmis, Ancyronyx.] 95 Bickhardt, H. 97.63 Hister (403) 1908. Beitràge zur Kenntnis der Histeriden I. VI. Gruppe der Gattung Hıster (nach J. Senn), Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 41—48. [2 nn. spp.] — Uber die europäischen Hister-Arten der VI. Scammrschen Gruppe von Joser MùLLER. p. 114—121. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Histeriden II. von H. B. p. 185—188. (43.94, 46.7) 96 de la Fuente, José María. 97.63 Histeridae (4) 1308. Sinopsis de los histéridos de España, Portugal y Pirineos. Bol. Sec. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 7 p. 165—225. (44.78,.79, 89, 46.1,.4..5,.7—.8, 469) 20597 Miiller, Jos. 07.63 Histeridae (403) 1908. Kleinere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Histeriden. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 336—340. [1 n. subsp. in Plegaderus.] (43.64,.68,.94, 45.3,.79,.99, 47.7, 495, 497, 56.4, 65) 98 Lewis, 6. 97.63 Histeridae (6) 1906. Viaggio di Leonarpvo Fea nell’ Africa occidentale. Histeridae. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 398—405. 1 fig. [9 nn. spp. in: Apobletes, Contipus, Microlister n. g., Paromalus, Pachycraerus 2, Epitoxus, Pelururus, Abraeus.] (66.3,.99, 67.2) 99 Lewis, 6. 97.63 Histeridae (8) 1908. On New Species of Histeridae and Notices of others. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 137—162, 1 fig. [29 nn. spp. in: Hololepta, Tere- trius 2, Mendelius n. g., Omalodes 3, Macrolister, Hister 6, Atholus, Tribalus 5, Pachycraerus, Phelister 7, Phoseonotus.] (54.1,.2,.8, 59.5, 63, 66,7, 67.8, 68.9, 71.1, 74.8, 77.5, 81, 85, 86, 89, 91.4, 921) 20600 Lewis, G. 57.63 Histeridae (95) 1908. Histeridae. Nova Guinea Res. Exped. scient. néerl. N. Guinea Vol. 9 Zool. p. 301. 01 Oudemans, A. C. 97.63 Ignotus 1908. Ignotus aenigmaticus A. T. Srossos. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 257 —258. 02 Slosson, Annie Trumbull. 97.63 Ignotus (73) 1908. A Bit of Contemporary History. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 213— 219, 255, 2 pls. 3 figg. [Ignotus n. g. aenigmaticus n. sp.] (74.7, 77.5) 03 Lühe, Max. 57.63 Lathridius : 15 1908. Schimmelfressende Käfer aus einer feuchten Königsberger Wohnung. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 385—388. [Lathridius spp.] 20604 Reitter, Edm. 97.63 Leonhardella (4) 1908. Uebersicht der Arten der Silphiden-Gattung Leonhardella Rxrrr. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 7—8. [1 n. var. Victorella n. subg.] (43.96, 497) 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 144 20605 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Macroura (9) 1907. Etude sur le genre Macroura. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 552—578. [14 nn. spp. 1 n. var.] (91.3,.4, 921—925, 932, 94.4, 95) 06 Joy, Norman H. 57.63 Melanophthalma (42.61) 1908. Melanophthalma truncatella Mannu., a New British Beetle. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 91. 07 Pic, M. 57.63 Melanophthalma (67.6) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. M. de Roruscuitp dans l'Afrique orien- tale. Description d'un Coléoptére Lathridien nouveau. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 187. [Melanophthalma rothschildi n. sp.] 08 Reitter, Edm. 57.63 Metophthalmus (403) 1908. Analytische Uebersicht der Arten der Coleopterengattung Metoph- thalmus Worr. aus der paläarktischen Fauna. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 133—136. [4 nn. spp. Euchionellus n. subg.] (43.72, 46.4,.8, 499, 499) 09 Newbery, E. A. 57.63 Micrambe (42.67) 1908. Micrambe villosa — pilosula, Er., an Addition to the «British List of Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 105. 10 Houghton, C. 0. 57.63 Necrophorus : 15 1908. Notes on Necrophorus orbicollis Say. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 120 —122. 15.8 11 Schatzmayr, Arturo. 57.63 Neuraphes (43.66) 1908. Un nuovo Neuraphes delle Alpi Giulie. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann, 6 p. 22—23. [N. doderoi n. sp. 20612 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Oxylaemus (94.6) 1908. Description d'une nouvelle espèce d’Oxylaemus. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 885—836. [O. /eae.] 13 Grouvelle, A. 57.63 Rhysodidae (502) 1903. Synopsis des Rhysodides et descriptions d’espèces nouvelles. Rev. Entom. Caen T. 22 p. 85—148, 2 pls. [37 nn. spp. in: Rhysodes 22, Clindium 15. Dhysores, Shyrodes nn. subgg.] (54.1, 59.1,.5,.9, 68.4, 728, 81, 84, 86.6, 87, 91.1, 921, 922, 932, 94.5, 95, 96.1,.4) 14 MacGillavry, J). 57.63 Riolus (492) 1908. Riolus mulsantii Kuw. in Nederland teruggevonden. Entom., Be- richten D. 2 p. 261—262. 15 Reitter, Edm. 51.63 Scaphidiidae (67.8) 1908. Verzeichnis der von Dr. F. ErcarLsaum im Jahre 1903 in Deutsch- Ostafrika gesammelten Scaphidiiden. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 31—35. [1l nn. spp. in: Scaphosoma 5, Baeocera, Toxidium 3, Trichosca- phella n. g., Vituratella n. g.] 16 Reitter, Edm. 51.63 Silphidae 1508. Dichotomische Uebersicht der blinden Silphiden-Gattungen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 103—118. [2 nn. spp. in: Troglophyes. Vic- torella, Troglocharinus, Bathyscina nn. subgg., Ardecheus n. g. pro Diaprysius serullazi.] (44.94, 46) 17 Fleischer, A. 57.63 Silphidae (403) 1998. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der Coleopteren-Unterfamilie: Liodini. Verh. nat. Ver. Brünn Bd. 46 Abh. p. 3—63, 1 Taf. [Liodes bickhardti n. sp. (6 nn. abb. 5 nn. varr.) Trichosphaerula n. subg.] 18 Fleischer, Ant. 57.63 Silphidae (43.72) 1908. Koleopterologické vyzkumy o rodu Liodes a Colon u Adamova. Casop. moravsk, Mus. Zemsk. Roën. 8 Odd. zool. Cis. 7, 31 pp., 1 tab. [L. valadımiri n. sp. Pteromerula n. subg.] 20519 Porta, A. 57.63 Silvanus 1908. Ancora sul Silvanus surinamensis. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 141. io. I. 1909. 145 Coleoptera, 20620 de Peyerimhoff, P. 57.63 Speonomus (24 : 44.79) 1908. Description d’un nouveau Silphide aveugle des Basses-Pyrénées. Buil. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 302—304, 3 figg. [Speonomus bordei.] 21 Leveille, A. 57.63 Temnochilidae (5) 1908. Description de deux formes nouvelles de Temnochilides et note rectificative. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 212—313. [Melambia car- doni n. sp. 1 n. var. in Temnochila.] (51.3, 54.1) 22 Ericson, Isaac B. 57.63 Trichopterygidae (48.5) 1908. Ubersicht der bisher in Schweden angetroffenen Arten der Familie Trychopterygidae. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 121-124. [1 n. var. in Trichopteryz.) 23 Houghton, C. 0. 57.63 Trogoderma : 16.5 1908. Notes on Trogoderma tarsale. Metsu. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 De 916—217. 94 Vitale, Francesco. 57.64 (45.8) 1908. Notizie su alcuni insetti rari del Messinese. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 84—92. 25 Moser, J. 97.64 (5) 1908. Neue Melolonthiden und Cetoniden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 353—367. [17 nn. spp. in: Leucopholis 2, Asactopholis 2, Cyphochilus 2, Chariochilus, Holotrichia, Brahmina, Precilopharis, Chlithria, Tephraea 2, Gonio- chilus 2, Dasyvalgus 2.] (51.3, 59.4, 63, 67.5,.8, 91.1, 921, 94.3) 20626 Peringuey, L. 57.64 (6) 1908. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa. (Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae.) Additions and Corrections. Trans. South Afric. philos. Soc. Vol. 13 p. 547—729, 1 pl. [94 nn. spp. in: Nigidius, Scarabaeus, Sisy- phus, Caccobius 2 (D’Orsıcny), Diuglyptus (D’Ors.), Onthophagus 21 (18 v’Ors.), Phalops 2 (n'Onx.). Diastellopalpus, Aphodius 2, Macroretrus n. g., Trox, Athyreus, Bolboceras 10, Phaeocroides n. g., Araeotanypus, Chaetocanthus. Or- phnus 3, Heteronychus 3, Adoretus 3, Anomala 3, Popillia, Phaenomeris, Ani- sonyx, Hoplocnemis 2, Heterochelus 9, Dicranocnemus 2, Monochelus 3, Tul- bachia, Makalaka n. g., Damara n. g., Schizonycha 9, Stripsipher, Ablabera, Clitopa. Ramoutsa n. g. pro Cutopa fervida.] (67.9, 68.2—.9) 27 Schmidt, Ad. 57.64 Ammoecius (64) 1908. Ammoecius dentatus n. sp. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 504. 28 Xambeu, Y. 57.64 Amphimallus : 15 1904. Mceurs et métamorphoses de l'Amphimallus fuscus Orry., Coléoptere du groupe des Lamellicornes. Naturaliste Ann. 26 p. 83. 99 Schmidt, Adolf. 97.64 Aphodiidae (54) 1908. Ein Beitrag zur indischen Aphodiinen-Fauna. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 46—48. [10 nn. spp. in: Aphodius 8, Oxyomus 2.] (54.7,.8) 30 Schmidt, Adolf. 57.64 Aphodiidae (6) 1908. Neue exotische Aphodiinen des Deutschen Entomologischen Natio- nal-Museums in Berlin. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 41—42, 52 54, 57. [9 nn. spp. in: Aphodius 7, Saprosites, Euparia.] (54, 67.8, 68.2,.7,.8, 69) 31 Schmidt, Adolf. 57.64 Aphodiidae (67.5) 1908. Neue Aphodiinen vom Kongo im Naturhistorischen Museum zu Brüssel. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 37—41. [6 nn. spp. in Apho- dius 3 Didactylia 2, Saprosites.] 32 Bouskell, Frank. 37.64 Aphodius : 11.5 1901. The Variation and Distribution of the Genus Aphodius (ILLIGER). Trans. Leicester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 571—605. 20633 Sietti, H. 57.64 Aphodius (65) 1903. Description d'un Aphodius (S. g. Melinopterus) présumé nouveau d’ Algérie. Miscellan. entom. Vol. 11 p. 66. [A. abeillei n. sp] Zool. Anz. ibliogr. Zool. XVII. ls T. 1909: 10 Coleoptera. 146 20634 Janson, Oliver E. 57.64 Cetonidae (6) 1907. List of the Cetonidae collected by the late Leonarpo Fra in West- Africa. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 326—338. {2 nn. spp. in: Leucocelis, Incalidia n. g.] (66.3,.7,.99 —67.2) 35 Kolbe, H. 57.64 Cetonidae (6) 1908. Ueber einige Cetoniden Afrikas. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 370—375. [2 nn. spp. in: Leucocelis 2 (4 nn. varr.). 2 nn. subspp. in: Eu- dicella, Smaragdesthes.] (67.8, 68.8) 36 Moser, J. 97.64 Cetonidae (6) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 85—96, 252—961. [23 nn. spp. in: Ecoptocnemis (1 n. subsp.), Allor- rhina, Lomaptera (1 n. subsp.), Ischiopsopha, Sternoplidius n. g., Glycyphana 2 (1 n. var.?), Pachnoda, Atrichelaphinis, Leucocelis 2 (2 nn. varr.), Dasyval- gus, Lomaptera 2 (3 nn. varr., Pachnoda, Porphyronota =, Anthracophora, Dasyvalgus 3, Hybovalgus, Euryvalgus n. g. 2 nn. varr. in: Gymnetis, Gnori- mus. Trichocelis n. nom. pro Trichothyrea Scnoca non Korse.] (51.3, 59.5, 63, 66.7, 61.1,2,.5. 8, 81, 911,921, 922, 936, 95) 37 Gillet, Joseph J. E. 57.64 Copridae 1907/08. Remarques sur quelques Coprides du Museo Civico de Génes et description d’espèces nouvelles. Anns Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 587—603. [3 nn. spp. in: Scarabaeus, Catharsius, Synapsis.] (67.7, 68.2) 38 Gillet, Joseph J. E. 57.64 Copridae (6) 1908. Coprides d’Afrique tropicale. Descriptions d’espèces nouvelles et remarques sur quelques espèces connues. Mem. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 16 p. 63—82, 7 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Sceliages, Copris 6 (3 nn. varr.).] (66.3, 67.3,.6,.8) 20639 Kolbe, H. 57.64 Cremastochilinae (68) 1908. Neue myrmekophile Coleopteren Afrikas aus der Gruppe der Cre- mastochilinen. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 363—369. [3 nn. spp. in: Trichoplus 2, Lecanoderus n. 2.] (68.2,.4,.7) 40 Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 Dynastidae (5) 1908. A Contribution to the Classification of the Coleopterous family Dynastidae. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p 321—358. [23 nn. spp. in: Alissonotum n. g. 2, Microryctes n. g., Pseudohomonyx n. g., Heteronychus, Clyster (n. g. pro Stypotrupes itys), Eophileurus (n. g. pro Phileurus part.) 2, Phileurus, Ruteloryctes n. g., Lonchotus 2, Pycnoschema 2, Anomalomorpha n. g. 3, Trichogomphus 2, Pachyoryctes n. g., Eupatorus 2, Lycomedes. Cerato- ryctoderus n. g. pro Phileurus part., Oxyligyrus pro Chalepus rostratus, Ha- ploscapanes pro Scapanes australis. 1 n. var.in Scapanes.) (91,2, 54.1,.7—.87, 59.1.,19,.3,.6,.9, 63, 66.3,.4, 67,.5,.6, 68.9, 69, 81, 86.6, 91.1) 41 Sternberg, Chr. 57.64 Dynastidae (801) 1908. Neue Dynastiden-Arten. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 3—31. [5 nn. spp. in: Coelosis, Scapanes (1 n. var.), Xyloryctes (1 n. subsp.) 2, Enema.] (72, 81, 87, 88, 935, 936, 95) 42 Flach, Karl. | 57.64 Elaphocera (469) 1908. Ein neuer portugiesischer Käfer. Bull. Soc. portug. Se. nat. Vol. 2 p. 121—122. [Elaphocera bedeani n. var. molleri.] 43 Horn, Walther. 57.64 Fornasinius (67.8) 1908. Fornasinius hirthi aus N.-Urundi. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 282—988, 4 fige. 44 Boucomont, A. 57.64 Geotrupidae : 14.98 1908. Note sur un nouveau genre de Geotrupidae et sur une particula- rité remarquable des antennes d'un Bolboceras. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 197—199, 3 figg. [Bolbotrypes D'Orsourierr Rev. russe Entom.] 20645 Gillett, Joseph J. E. 51.64 Heliocopris (67) 1908. Description d'un Heliocomis nouveau d'Afrique orientale. Ann. Noc, entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 15—16. [H. anadematus n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. 20646 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 20654 55 26 58 59 61 20662 147 Coleoptera. Schmidt, A. 57.64 Lorditomaeus (6) 1908. Die Gattung Lorditomaeus Pirimever. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 231—240. [7 nn. spp.] (66.3, 67.5, 8, 68.9) Griffini, Achille. 57.64 Lucanidae : 11.5 1905. Sui Lucanidi e sulla grande variabilità dei loro maschi. Boll. Na- tural. Siena Anno 25 p. 11—19, 51—54, 59—67, 4 figg. Strickler. 57.64 Melolontha : 09 1908. Von den Maikáfern. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 22 p. 23—738. [Geschichtliches.] Ishizaka, Tomotaro. 57.64 Melolontha : 11.76 1908. Ueber künstliche Melanine und das natürliche, im Organismus des Maikiifers vorkommende Melanin. Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd. 58 p. 195—206. Uffeln, K. 51.64 Melolontha : 15.6 1901. Etwas vom Maikäfer. 32. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 42—43. Escherich, K. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 908. Neues vom Maikäfer. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 366—372, 4 figg. — Notiz von Wacruer p. 524. von Tubeuf, C. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1908. Bekämpfungsversuche der Maikäfer. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forst- wirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 73—75, 1 fig. Vill. 57.64 Melolontha : 16.5 1908. Der Kampf gegen die Engerlinge in den Pflanzengärten. Nat. Zeitschr. Land-Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 280—284. Acloque, A. 97.64 Melolonthidae : 15 1908. Les hannetons. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 58 p. 344 —346, 4 figg. Moser, F. 57.64 Melolonthidae (59.9) 1908. Verzeichnis der von H. Fruasrorrer in Tonkin gesammelten Melo- lonthiden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 325—343. [22 nn. spp. in: Antoserica, Cephaloserica, Apogonia, Lepidiota 3, Asactopholis, Cyphochilus 2, Holotrichia 7, Brahmina.] Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 Mimela /5) 1908. On some New Species of the Coleopterous Genus Mimela. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 241—248. [10 nn. spp.] (51.1,.3, 54.1, 59.1,.3) 7 Ohaus, Fr. 57.64 Mimela (502) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 634—644, 4 figg. [8 nn. spp. in Mimela.] (54.1, 59.5,.9, 67.2, 91.1,.4—922) Coupin, Henri. 57.64 Minotaurus : 15 1908. The Minotaur. A Curious Beetle that Lives in Sandy Pastures. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 173. 2 figg. Arrow, Gilbert J. 57.64 Oniticellus (5) 1908. Notes on the Coleopterous Genus Oniticellus and Descriptions of some New Species from India. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 178 —183. [4 nn. spp.] (45.9, 55, 57.6—54.8, 59.1,.3) d’Orbigny, H. 97.64 Onthophagidae (6) 1908. Descriptions d’espèces nouvelles d’Onthophagides africains et notes synonymiques. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 65—208. [94 nn. spp. in: Caccobius 4, Onthophagus 90 (6 nn. varr). 1 n. var. in Milichus. Onthophagus xanthopterus n. nom. pro 0. rufipennis n’OÖrsıcny non Mor- SCHULSKY.] (61.1, 63—65, 66.3,.4,.8—67.2,.5,.6,.8—68.2,.4,.7—.9) Bedel, L. 57.64 Onthophagus 1908. Sur divers Onthophagus du groupe de Amyntas Or. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 286—288. [Synonymie.] de Seabra, A. F. 57.64 Oryctes : 15 1908. Description des Nymphes male et femelle de l’Oryetes grypus. Bull. Soc. Portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 1 p. 163—164, 2 figg. 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 148 20663 Heller, K. M. 57.64 Phaenognatha (82) 1908. Ein neuer Aclopide aus Argentinien. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 55—58, 3 figg. [Phaenognatha jenseni n. sp.] 64 Smith, Herbert H. 57.64 Phyllopertha : 16.7 1898. A Beetle Removed from a Lady’s Ear. Entom. News Vol. 9 p. 151. [P. horticola carried 4 years.] 65 Lamy, Pierre. 57.61 Potosia (43.61) 1908. Varietät von Potosia aeruginosa? Entom. Blatt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 58. 66 Ohaus, Fr. 57.64 Rutelidae : 15 1908. Bericht über eine zoologische Reise in Südamerika. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 15 p. XCI—XCII. 67 Ohaus, Fr. 57.64 Rutelidae (6) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 197—204. [6 nn. spp. in: Anomala (1 n. var.), Popillia 2 (1 n. var.), Spilopopillia 2, Xenoproctis.] (51.2, 59.9, 66.7, 67.1,.2,.5,.8) 68 Ohaus, Fr. 57.64 Rutelidae (8) 1908. Die Ruteliden meiner Sammelreisen in Südamerika. Deutsch. en- tom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 239—262, 383--408. [15 nn. spp. in: Bolax 2, Anomala 2, Strigoderma, Thyridium, Chlorota 2, Pelidnota 3, Lasiocala, Leu- cothyreus 3.] (81, 86.6) 69 Ohaus, Fr. 57.64 Rutelidae (801) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der amerikanischen Ruteliden. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 299—308. [11 nn. spp. in: Anomala (1 n. subsp.), Strigoderma, Lagochile 2, Macraspis, Pseudomacraspis, Dorystethus 2, Pteno- mela, Odontognathus (1 n. subsp.), Spodochlamys. 2 nn. subspp.in: Hypas- pidius, Chlorota.] (72, 728, 81, 84—86.6, 88) 20670 Felsche, Carl. 57.64 Scarabaeidae 1908. Ueber coprophage Scarabaeiden. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 271—274, 3 figg. [Copris persimilis n. sp.] 71 Hardenberg, C. B. 57.64 Scarabaeidae : 14.98 1907. Comparative Studies in the Trophi of the Scarabaeidae. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sc. Vol. 15 p. 548—602, 5 pls. 72 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.64 Scarabaeidae (7) 1906. On Bradycinetus and Bolboceras of North America with notes on other Scarabeide. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 249—260. [Bolbocerosoma n. g. pro Scarabaeus farctus. 6 nn. spp. in: Bradycinetus, Copris, Lachnosterna 3, Anoplocephalus n. g.] (72.2, 75.9, 76.7, 79.1) 73 Fall, H. C. 57.64 Scarabaeidae (73) 1908. New Scarabaeidae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 159—164. [4 nn. spp. in: Thyce, Polyphylla, Lachnosterna 2.] (76.1, 79.1,.4) 74 Bickhardt, H. 57.65 (45.99) 1908. Kleinere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Coleopterenfauna von Korsika. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 201—202. [2 nn. varr. in: Anthaxia, Cardiophorus.] 75 Dury, Charles. 97.65 Agrilus (77.1) 1908. An Interesting New Agrilus from Cincinnati, Ohio. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 368. [A. ferrisi n. sp. 76 Biehl, A. 57.65 Athous : 12.98 1908. Merkwürdige Fühlerbildung bei einem Athous niger L. Intern. en- tom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 249, 1 fig. [3facher linker Fühler.] 77 Kerremans, Ch. 57.60 Buprestidae 1908. Buprestides nouveaux du ,Deutsches Entomologisches National- Museum“. Deutsch. entom, Zeitschr. 1908 p. 61—65, 1 fig. [5 nn. spp. in: Psiloptera 3, Stigmodera 2.] (67.3, 94.3) 20578 Kerremans, Ch. , 57.65 Buprestidae (62) 1908. Catalogue raisonné des Buprestides de l’Egypte. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 84—111. 15. I. 1909. i: 149 Coleoptera. 20679 Kerremans, Ch. 57.65 Buprestidae (66) 1906. Buprestides recueillis par Mr. L. Fea dans |’ Afrique occidentale. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (8) Vol. 2 p. 406—411. [5 nn. spp. in: Coraebus, Agrilus 4.] (66.3,.99) 80 Thery, André. 57.65 Buprestidae (8) 1908. Etude sur les Buprestides. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 68— 81. [16 nn. spp. in: Steraspis2, Halecia 5, Iridotaenia 8, Chalcophora, Cypho- gastra 5. 4 nn. vaır. in: Acmaeodera, Demochroa, 2, Chrysesthes.] (52.8, 66.8, 67.8, 81, 84, 85, 86.6, 88, 91.1—.3, 925, 94, 95) 81 Kerremans, Ch. 57.65 Buprestidae (95) 1908. Buprestidae. Nova Guinea, Rés. Expéd. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 303—310. [1 n. var. in Cyphogastra.] 82 Heller, K. M. 57.65 Elateridae : 14.95 1908. Die Mechanik des Sprungapparates der Elateriden. Deutsch. en- tom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 280—281. [Schnellapparat liegt am Rande der Mittelbrustepimeren.] 83 Pecirka, Jaromir. 57.65 Elateridae : 15.3 1908. Jsou larvy Elateridû masožravé? Casop. české Spol. Entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Ročn. 5 p. 94—96. [Die Larven von Athous rufus und Flater cinnabarinus sind Holzfresser.] 84 Schwarz, Otto. 57.65 Elateridae (6) 1908/09. Neue Elateriden aus Afrika und Madagaskar. Soc. entom, Jahrg. 23 p. 73—74, 82—83, 93, 101—102, 110, 113—114, 121—123, 166, 181— 182. [23 nn. spp. in : Lacon 7, Centrostethus, Alaus 2, Olophoeus 2, Psephus 11.] — Jahrg. 24 p. 4, 14, 46, 77—78, 87, 92—93, 101—103, 109—110, 117—118, 122—123, 130—134. [30 nn. spp. in: Psephus 21, Dorygonus 2, Phedomenus, Elastrus 2, Cardiophorus 2 Cardiotarsus, Aphanobius.] (66.2,.3,.7,.99,67.1,.2,.5,. 68.9, 69) 85 Wickham. H. F. 57.65 Elateridae (1182) 1908. New Fossil Elateridae from Florissant. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 26 p. 76—78, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in Corynbites 2, Melanactes.] 20686 Fleutiaux, E. 57.65 Elateridae (59.9) 1908. Descriptions d’Elatérides nouveaux du Tonkin. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 164. [2 nn. spp. in: Adelocera, Hypnoidus.] 87 Burke, H. E. 97.65 Melanophila (79.1) 1908. A New Buprestid Enemy of Pinus edulis. (Melanophila pini-edulis, n. sp.) Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 111—118, 1 fig. 88 Putzeys, J. 57.65 Melanotus : 15 1908. Note sur les premiers états de Melanotus castanipes Payk. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 291—296, 89 Fleutiaux, Ed. 57.65 Morostoma (69) 1907. Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Morostoma Canp. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1907 p. 86—87. [M. subdepressum n. sp.] 90 Fiebrig, Karl. 57.65 Pachyschelus : 15 1908. Eine Schaum bildende Káferlarve (Pachyschelus spec.) Die Ausscheidung von Kautschuk aus der Nahrung und dessen Verwertung zu Schutzzwecken (auch bei Rhynchoten.) Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 333—339, 353—963, 12 figg. 91 de la Escalera, Manuel M. 57.65 Poecilonota : 15 1908. Observaciones sobre la ninfosis de „Poecilonota solieri* Cast. Bol. Soc. espaîi. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 269—271. 92 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 1908. Sur plusieurs Malacodermes paléarctiques et exotiques. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 328—329. [Astylus michaelisi n. sp. (2 nn. varr.) 1 n. var. in Malthodes.] 20693 Pic, M. 57.66 (5) 1908. Diagnoses ou descriptions abrégés de divers Malacodermes exoti- ques. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 94—96. [12 nn. spp. in: Pachy- mesia, Incisosilis n. g., Silis 3, Rhagonycha 2, Idgia, Ebaeus, Laius 3.] (DU.1,.3, 59.1,.8,.9, 81, 88) 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 150 20694 Alluaud, Charles. 57.66 (62) 1908. Note sur les Col&opteres trouves dans les Momies d’Egypte. Bull. Soc. Entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 29—36. 95 Pic, M. 57.66 (67.5) 1908. Description de deux Malacodermes africains du Musee du Congo. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 311—312. [2 nn. spp. in: Zygia, Hapa- lochrous.] 96 Siebertz, C. 57.66 Anobium : 16.5 1903. Die Insektenschädlinge der Bibliotheken. Nerthus Jahrg. 5 p. 784—385. [Anobium paniceum.] 97 Barber, H. S. 51.06 Astraptor (728) 1908, The Glow-Worm Astraptor. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 41—43, 1 pl. 98 Fiori, A. 57.66 Attalus (45.8) 1908. L’Attalus semitogatus Farr. non esiste in Europa. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 110—111. [n. ab. pallidus.] 99 Lesne, P. 51.66 Bostrychidae (66) 1906. Viaggio di Leonarvo Fra nell'Africa occidentale. Bostrychidae. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 412—417, 2 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Sinoxylon 2, Phonapate.] (66.3,.99) 20700 Olivier, E. 57.66 Bourgeoisia 1908. Description d’un nouveau genre de Lampyrides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 17—18. [Bourgeoisia n. g. pro Luciola part.] Ol Leoni, Giuseppe. 57.66 Cantharis (45) 1908. Le variazioni della Cantharis fusca L. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 48—53. [1 n. ab. 1 n. var.] 02 Wolcott, A. B. 57.66 Chariessa (7) 1908. The North American Species of Chariessa (Coleoptera). Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 70—72. [Ch. texana n. sp.) (76.4) 20703 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Chauliognathus (81) 1908. Description d’une espèce nouvelle de Chauliognathus du Bresil. Rey. Mus. La Plata T. 15 p. 283. [Ch. bruchi n. sp.] 04 Reitter, Edm. 57.66 Cioidae (67.8) 1908. Verzeichnis der von Dr. F. Eıcuersaum im Jahre 1903 in Deutsch- Ostafrika gesammelten Cis-Arten. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 119 —124. [9 nn. spp. in: Xylographus, Cis 8 (1 n. var.).] 05 Kraus, E. J. 57.66 Cioidae (7) 1908. New Bicolored Cioidae. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 74—81, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: Cis 2, Orthocis 2, Ennearthron 3.] (729.1, 75.9, 76.4) 06 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Cleridae 1908. Die Cleriden des Deutschen Entomolog. National-Museums. Nach- trag I. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 361—367. [9 nn. spp. in: Strotocera, Cladiocus 3, Tillus, Eucymatodera, Cymatodera, Callimerus 2.] — IL p. 477—487. [11 nn. spp. in: Opila, Thanasimus, Orthrius 2, Dasycero- clerus, Phaeocyclotomus 2, Ommadius 4. 1 n. var. in Blaestophthalmus.] — III. p. 701—707. [10 nu. spp. in: Hydnocera 2, Allochotes, Tenerus, Platy- noptera, Pelomium 3, Enoplium, Orthopleuroides. 1 n. var. in Corynetes.] (51.3, 54.1,.8, 67.1,.3,.8, 68.4, 72.3, 82, 91.1,.4, 94.3) 07 Hintz, E. 57.66 Cleridae (94) 1908. Das Cleridengenus Phlogistus Gora. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 708—719. [9 nn. spp. in: Phlogistus. Phlogistomorpha n. g. pro Ph. partim.] (94.3 —.4) 08 Pic, M. 57.66 Cydistus (56) 1908. Sur ,Cydistus zurcheri^ Boure. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 88. (56.4,.8) 20709 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Cydistus (56.4) 1908. Une espèce nouvelle du genre Cydistus. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 210—211. [C. zureheri n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. 151 Coleoptera. 20710 Gahan, C. J. 37.66 Dieropsis (68.9) 1908, Description of a New Genus and Species of Cleridae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 95—96. [Dieropsis n. g., quadriplagiata n. sp.] 11 Stebbing, E. P. 97.66 Dinoderus : 16 5 1906. A Note on the Preservation of Bamboos from the Attacks of the Bamboo Beetle or ,Shotborer. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 219—223. — Notes on the ,Shot-borer* in Bamboos, by Norman F. T. Trovr. p. 526. 12 Bugnion, E. 97.66 Ditoneces : 15 1907. Les métamorphoses du Ditoneces pubicornis Warg. Ann. Soc. en- tom. France Vol. 76 p. 119—122, 5 figg. 13 Olivier, Ernest. 97.66 Dodacles (82) 1908. Description d’un nouveau Lampyride argentin. Rev. Mus. La Plata T. 15 p. 294. [Dodacles emissus n. sp.] 14 de Magalhaes, P. S. 97.66 Dorcatoma (8!) 1908. L’anobiidé ravageur des livres au Brésil. (Dorcatoma bibliophagum.) Rev. scient. (5) T. 9 p. 10—14. [n. sp.] 15 Schmitz. 07.66 Drilus : 15 1908. Drilus flavescens Fourer. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. LVI. 16 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Drilus (56.8) 1908. Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Drilus. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 241—242. [D. reitteri.] 17 Portevin, G. 57.66 Eucinetus (52.1) 1908. Description de trois Eucinetus nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 263—265. LE. reitteri n. nom. pro E. strigosus Rxrrr. non Leconte] 20718 Bourgeois, Jules. 57.66 Genecerus (6) 1908. Contribution à l’étude des Coléopteres de la famille des Dascilli- des. Le genre Genecerus Wark. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool, (9) T. 6 p. 349— 359. [5 nn. spp.] (63, 67.6) 19 Schultze, W. 57.66 Gibbium (91.4) 1908. Notes on the Abundant Appearance of Gibbium scotias Far. in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 299— 3 H 20 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Haplocnemus (65) 1908. Deux Haplocnemus Stern. algériens nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 200. [2 nn. spp.] 21 Woleott, A. B. 97.66 Hydnocera (73) 1908. New Species of North American Hydnocera (Coleoptera). Canad. Entom. Vol. 40«p. 229—233. [5 nn. spp.] (78.8, 79.1,.4) 22 Gesiro, R. 97.66 Ichthyurus (5) 1906. Studii sugli Zchthyurus. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol, 2 p. 266—307, 20 figg. [16 nn. spp.] (52.8, 54.1,.5,.8,.87, 59.1,.5) 23 Gestro, R. 57.66 Ichthyurus (6) 1906. Saggio sugli Zchthyurus africani. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (8) Vol. 2 p. 217—233, 11 figg. [6 nn. spp.] (63, 66.7,.9, 67.2,.6,.8) 24 Pic, Maurice. 57.66 Idgia (51.3) 1908. Description d'une nouvelle espèce d’Idgia Cast. de Chine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 128. [Z. major.] 25 Höllrigl, M. Gregoria. 57.66 Lamprorrhiza : 15 1908. Lebensgeschichte von Lamprorrhiza splendidula mit besonderer Be- riicksichtigung des Leuchtvermégens. Ber. nat. med. Ver. Innsbruck Jahrg. 31 p. 167—230, 3 Taf, 11 figg. 26 Steche, 0. 57.66 Lampyridae : 11.99 1908. Beobachtungen über das Leuchten tropischer Lampyriden. Zool. 20727 Gahan, [C. J.] 57.66 Lampyridae (54.87) 1908. Lampyridae from Ceylon. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XL VIII. 23. 1. 1909. Coleoptera. 152 20728 Olivier, Ernest. 57.66 Lampyridae (6) 1906. Lampyrides capturés par Mr. L. Fri dans l’Afrique occidentale. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 235—236. [2 nn. spp. in Dia- phanes.] (66.3,.99—67.2) 29 Olivier, Ern. 51.66 Lampyridae (6) 1908. Lampyrides africains du Musée de Bruxelles. Ann, Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 323. [Luciola dilecta n. sp.] (67.5, 68.7) 30 Olivier, Ern. 57.66 Lampyridae (67.5) 1908. Lampyrides faisant partie des collections du Musée du Congo. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 324. [Diuphanes fossicollis n. sp.] 31 Schaeffer, Charles. 97.66 Lampyridae (79.1) 1908. List of the Lampyridae, from the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, and Descriptions of New Species. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 61—67. [10 nn. spp. in: Lycostomus, Plateros, Discodon 2, Polemius 2, Silis 2, Plectonotum, Malthinus.] 82 Olivier, Ernest. 57.66 Lampyridae (8) 1908. Neue Lampyriden des Deutschen Entomol. National- Museums. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 491-455. [8 nn. spp. in: Aethra, Luci- dota, Heterophotinus, Photinus, Amydetes, Luciola 2, Photuris.] (67.1, 81, 82, 89, 39, 921) 33 Olivier, Ernest. 97.66 Lampyridae (801) 1908. Lampyrides nouveaux du Musée de Genève. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 262 —263. [4 nn. spp. in: Ledocas, Aspisoma, Diaphanes.] (51.5, 54.87, 72.6, 81) 20734 Meissner, Otto. 57.66 Lampyris : 15 1908. Zimmerzucht von Lampyris noctiluca L. Monatsh. nat. Unterr. Bd. 1 p. 74-75. 35 Lea, Arthur M. 57:66 Lemidia (94) 1908. Notes on the Genus Lemidia with Descriptions of New Species. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 331—362, 2 pls. [32 nn. spp.] (94.1—.6) 36 Lesne, P. 57.66 Lichenophanes (67.5) 1908. Notes sur les Coléoptères Térédiles. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 179 —181, 1 fig. [Lichenophanes weissi n. sp.] 37 Armitage, R. W. 37.66 Luciola : 15 1908. Notes on the Queensland Firefly Beetle, Luciola flavicollis. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 28—30. i 38 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Lycidae (6) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice px RorascHıLo dans l'Afrique orientale (1905—1906). Lycides. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 276 —277. [Demosis compactus n. sp.] (63, 67.6) 39 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Lycidae (6) 1908. Diagnoses de Lycides nouveaux ou peu connus. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 501—504. [4 nn. spp. in: Lycus, Xylobanus 2, Lyropaeus.] (68.4, 69,.4) 40 Bourgeois, J. 57.66 Lycidae (67) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. Cn. Ann dans lAfrique orientale (1903—1904). Lycides. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 270—275. [4 nn. spp. in: Lycus 2 (2 nn. varr.), Stadenus, Planeteros (1 n. var.). 3 nn. varr. in: Cladophorus, Cautires, Xylobanus.] (67.6,.8) 41 Lesne, P. 57.66 Lyetus (6) 1908. Notes sur les Coléoptères térédiles. 2. Un nouveau Lyctide appa- renté au Lyctus brunneus Stern. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 356 —358, 1 fig. [L. hipposideros n. sp. (66.3,.9, 68.9) 20742 Ferrante, G. 57.66 Malthinus (62) 1908. Una nuova specie di Malthinus d’Egitto. Bull. Soc. entom. Egypte Ann. 1 p. 26—28, 1 fig. [M. aegyptiacus.] 15. I. 1909. 153 Coleoptera. 20743 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 57.66 Malthodes (42.21) 1908. Malthodes minimus L. var. marginicallis, Scuiusky, a Variety New to the British List. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Yol. 20 p. 82—83. 44 Fiori, Andrea. 57.66 Malthodes (45) 1908. Ancore sui Malthodes italiani. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 1— 12. [M. samniticus n. sp. 1 n. ab. 1 n. var.] (45.4,.71) 45 Pic, M[aurice]. 57.66 Mastilius (69) 1908. Coléoptère Malacoderme nouveau du genre Mastilius provenant de Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 364—365. [M. immacu- latus n. sp.] 46 Olivier, E. 07.66 Ototreta (502) 1908. Le genre Ototreta E. Oriv. et descriptions d’espèces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 113 —116. [6 nn. spp.] (52.4, 59.9, 921) 47 Olivier, E. 57.66 Petalacmis (84) 1908. Description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espéce de Lam- pyrides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 186—187, 1 fig. [Petalacmis n. g. praeclarus n. sp.] 48 Pic, M[aurice]. 57.66 Pseudolichas (5) 1908. Contribution à l’étude du genre „Pseudolichas“ Famm. L'Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 2: p. 53—55. [P. uniformis n. sp. 1 n. var.] (51.3, 59.9) 49 Pic, M[aurice]. 97.66 Ptinidae (502) 1908. Hedobia et Ptinides exotiques nouveaux. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 606—607. [3 nn. spp. in: Hedobia, Gibbium, Maehop- tinus.] (59.1, 922) 50 Breit, J. |. 91.66 Ptinus (45.8) 1908. Ptinus leonhardi nov. spec. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (160) — (162). 20751 Montizambert, Eric. 57.66 Telephorus : 16.1 1908. Lampyrids and Aphids. Canad, Entom. Vol. 40 p. 36. 52 Schenkling, Sigm. 57.66 Tillicera (54.8) 1908. Tillicera paula n. sp. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 224. 53 Cros, Auguste. 97.66 Trichodes : 15 1908. Le Trichodes umbellatarum OL., ses mœurs et son évolution. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 215— 221. 15.3 54 Lesne, [P.] 57.66 Xyloperthodes (6) 1908. Note sur un Bostrychide du genre Xyloperthodes. Mission Foà Paris p. 590. [X. evops n. sp.] (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) 55 Pic, Maurice. 51.67 1908. Descriptions de quatre Hétéromères exotiques nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 304—306. [4 nn. spp. in: Cistela 2, Tomo- derus 2.] (63, 66.8) 56 Pic, Maurice. 91.61 1908. Deux nouveaux Hétéromères exotiques. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 274—275. [2 nn. spp. in: Notoxus, Hylophilus.] 57 Bugnion, E., et N. Popoff. 57.67 : 14.63.1 1907. Les faisceaux spermatiques doubles des Ténébrions et des Mylabres. C. R. Ass. Anat. T. 9 p. 155—163, 10 figg. [Faisceaux bipolaires (parfois tripolaires).] 58 Bugnion, E., et N. Popoff. 57.67 : 14.63.1 1907. Les faisceaux spermatiques doubles des hétéromères. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 63 p; 811—813, 1 fig. 20759 Pic, Maurice. 97.67 (59.1) 1907. Macratria et Anthicidae recueilis par feu L. Fea en Birmanie et 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 154 regions avoisinantes. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 339— 342. [6 nn. spp. in: Macratria 2 (1 n. var.), Formicomus (1 n. var.), Tomo- derus, Anthicus 2 (1 n. var.)] 20760 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 (6) 1908. Trois Hétéromères nouveaux de l’Afrique orientale. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 187—189. [3 nn. spp. in: Cistela, Eurygenius, Zona- bris.] (63, 69) 61 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 (67) 1908. Quatre Vésicants africains nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 125—127. [4 nn. spp. in: Zonabris, Coryna 2, Actenodia.] (67.5,.6) 62 Carter, H. J. 57.67 Adelium (94) 1908. Revision of the Australian Species of Adelium. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 33 p. 257—285, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp.] (94.3,.4) 63 Pic, M[aurice]. 57.67 Anthicidae (63) 1907. Anthicides recueillis en Erythrée par le Dr. Ch. Frein. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 63—65. [Hypaspistes suturalis n. sp. 2 nn. varr. in: Leptaleus, Anthicus.] 64 Chobaut, A. 07.67 Anthicus (44.83) 1908. Variété nouvelle d'Anthicus fairmairei Bris. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 162—163. 65 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Boromorphus (403) 1908. Uebersicht über die Arten der Gattung Boromorphus Worr. mit Ausschluss der Spezies von Madeira. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 217. [B. aegyptiacus n. sp. (46, 47.9, 56.8, 57.6,.9, 62, 64, 65) 66 Snyder, Bertram. 57.67 Cantharis 1898. Cantharis vesicatoria. Amer. Journ. Pharm. Vol. 70 p. 545—549, 3 figg. 20767 Pic, M. 57.67 Cistelidae (5) 1908. Etude synoptique sur divers ,Cteniopini^ L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 38—40, 47—48, 56, 61—62. [16 nn. spp. in: Cistelomorpha 13, Cleniopus 3.] (51.3, 54.1, 58.8,.9, 59.9, 91.1,.4—922) 68 Riley, Wm. A. 57.67 Dendroides : 14.99 1908. The Abnormal Appearance of External Wing-Buds in Larvae of Holometabolous Insects. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 136—139. 69 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Entomogonus (56) 1908. Uebersicht der Entomogonus-Arten aus der Verwandtschaft des E. barthelemyi Sor. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 30. LE. gassneri.] (56.4,.5) 70 Pie, M[aurice]. 57.67 Eutypodera (67.8 1908. Complément à mon étude sur le genre „Eutypodera“ Gxmsr. L' Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 28. 71 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Hylophilus (59.1) 1907. Deux Hylophilus nouveaux des chasses de feu L. Fra. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 313—344. 72 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Hylophilus (66.53) 1906. Hylophilus nouveau des Iles du Cap Vert. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 234. [H. feat r. sp.] 73 Pic, M[aurice]. 57.67 Hylophilus (922) 1908. Description d'un Hylophilus de Java recueilli par le Dr. O. Bxccanr. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 604—605. [H. gibbiceps n. sp.] 20774 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Laena (54) 1908. Die Arten der Gattung Laena (Lara. aus dem westlichen Hima- laya, gesammelt auf seinen Reisen von Herrn Kart Rost. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 275—280. [6 nn. spp.] (54.5,.6) 15. I. 1909. 155 Coleoptera. 20775 Borchmann, F. 57.67 Lagria (6) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice pe Roruscaitp dans l'Afrique orientale. Coléoptères: Nouvelles espèces du genre Lagria. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 151—153. [3 nn. spp.] (63, 67.6) 76 Czerski, St. 57.67 Meloe : 14.34 1905. Die Entwickelung der Mitteldarmanlage bei Melo? violaceus Marsch. Poln. Arch. viol. med. Wiss. Bd. 2 p. 259—284, 1 Taf. [Ektodermaler Ursprung (v. Stomo- und Proktodáum aus gebildet).] 77 Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.67 Meloidae : 15.3 1908. Uber die Biocoenose der Angola-Meloiden. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 647—648. 78 Gahan, C. J. 57.67 Meloidae (502) 1908. Notes on the Coleopterous Genera Horia, Fas., and Cissites, Larr., and a List of the described Species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 199—201. 79 Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.67 Meloidae (67.3) 1908. On the Meloidae of Angola. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 600—624. [13 nn. spp. in: Mylabris 9 (1 n. subsp. 2 nn. varr.), Epicauta (1 n. var.), Zonitis 3.] go Fiori, A. 57.67 Oedemera (45.8) 1908. Oedemera caudata Ser. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 127—128. 81 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Omophlus (56.5) 1908. Omophlus subcostatus (2) n. sp. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 56. 20782 Pic. M. 57.67 Osphya (403) 1908. Contribution à l'étude des „Osphya“ Inu. paléartiques. L'Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 21—24, 31—32, 36—37. [3 nn. varr.] (43.64, 46, 469, 47.9, 56.8) 83 Dorn, K. 57.67 Prionychus : 15 1908. Notizen über Prionychus ater F. und melanarius Gsrm. Entom., Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 49—50. 84 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Pyrochroa (51.3) 1908. Deux nouveaux Pyrochroa Georrr. de Chine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 75. 85 Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.67 Sitarida 1908. Notes on the Genus Sitarida, Wuirr. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 499— 424. 86 Wickham, H. F. 57.67 Tanarthropsis (79) 1906. A Review of the Species of Tanarthropsis. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 165—172. [9 spp., 4 nn.] (79.2,.4) 87 Werber, Isaak. 57.67 Tenebrio : 11.69 1907. Regeneration der exstirpierten Fltigel beim Mehlkafer (Tenebrio mo- litor). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 344—348, 3 figg. 88 Casey, Thos. L. 57.67 Tenebrionidae 1908. A Revision of the Tenebrionid Subfamily Coniontinae. Proc. Washington Acad. Sc. Vol. 10 p. 51—166. [138 nn. spp. in: Discode- mus 6, Eusattus 13, Sphaeriontis (n. g. pro Eusattus muricatus), Coniontis 85 (4 nn. subspp.), Coniontellus (n. g. pro Coniontis obesa), Coelotaxis 2, Coelus 7 (1 n. subsp.). Nyetelioma n. g. 1 n. subsp. in Nesostes. Cryptimorpha, Bra- chyontis, Pseudocoelus nn. subgg. Eusattodes n. g. pro Eusattus laevis, Ne- sostes pro E. robustus, Megasattus pro E. erosus, Conisattus pro Coniontis- rectus, Nyctelia pro Zophosis nodosa.] (71.1, 78.1,.6,8—79.6, 82) 20789 Gebien, Hans. 57.67 Tenebrionidae 1908. Notizen zu dem Tenebrionidenkatalog von Gemminger und Harold, Band VII, Champions Nachtrag zu demselben. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 155—161. 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 156 20790 Dorn, K. 57.67 Tetratoma : 15 1908. Zur Lebensgeschichte einiger Tetratoma-Arten. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 165—168, 2 figg. 91 Reitter, Edm. 57.67 Zonabris (43.96) 1908. Eine auffällige Zonabris-Art aus der Herzegowina. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 272. [Z. zoufali n. sp.] 92 Pic, Maurice. 57.67 Zonabris (6) 1908. Sur divers Zonabris Har. (Mylabris G.-H.) africains. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 89—90. 93 Schilsky, J. 57.68 B Laria oder Bruchus? Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 495 —496. 94 Knoche, E. 57.68 : 14.65.1 1908. Ueber Insektenovarien unter natürlichen und künstlichen Be- dingungen. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Yers, p. 224—230. [Weitmaschige Protoplasmastruktur der Ovarialeier ist Hungererscheinung.] 95 Ragusa, E. 57.68 (45.8) 1906/08. Catalogo ragionato dei Coleotteri di Sicilia. Natural. Sicil. Ann, 18 p. 260—987. [1 nn. var. in: Æustolus.] — Ann. 19 p. 22 —48, 104—112, 256—280. — Ann. 20 p. 63—65, 156—186. [3 nn. spp. in: Tychius 2, Sibinia, 1 n. var. in Gymnetron.] 96 Solari, A., e F. Solari. 57.68 Acalles (403) 1907. Studi sugli Acalles. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 479—351. [5 nn. spp. (1 n. var. 1 n. ab.)] (43.66,.94, 45.1,.6, 47.9, 497, 498, 65) 20797 Meyer, Paul. 57.68 Acalles (403) 1908. Hypothesen, Reflexionen und Spekulationen über die Bildung, Entstehung und Entwicklung der paläarktischen Arten und Formen der Gattung Acalles Scnoenzere. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 167 —197. 98 Quayle, H. J. 57.68 Adoxus : 16.5 1908. A New Root Pest of the Vine in California. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 175—176. [Adoxus app 99 Quayle, H. J. 57.68 Adoxus : 16.5 1908. The California Grape Root-Worm. (Adoxus obscurus Liww). Bull. Agricult. Exper. Stat. California No. 195, 28 pp., 18 figg. 20800 Sedlaezek, [Walter.] 57.68 Agelastica : 16.5 1908. Der blaue Erlenblattkäfer, Agelastica alni L. im Jahre 1906. Cen- tralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 244—246. 01 Lokay, Em. 57.68 Alophus (497) 1908. Novy druh z rodu Alophus Scnówm. Casop. české Spoi. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 60-63, 2 figg. — Beschreibung eines neuen Alophus Sriert, p. 63—65. [A. matzenaueri n. sp.] 02 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Amaurorhinus (403) 1908. Notes sur le Genre Amaurorhinus, Fmw. et description d'une espèce nouvelle de France. Frelon Ann. 16 p. 60—62. [A. clermonti n. sp. 1n. var.] (44.77, 45.1, 56.8, 65) 03 Hunter, W. D. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1907. Some Recent Studies of the Mexican Cotton Boll Weevil. Year- book U. S. Dept. Agric. 1906 p. 313—324, 1 pl. 04 Chittenden, F. H: 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1908. The Strawberry Weevil. (Anthonomus signatus Say.) U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 21, 10 pp. 5 figg. 20805 Hinds, W. E. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1908. The First and Last Essential Step in Combating the Boll Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 233—243. [Anthonomus grandis.] 15. I. 1909. 157 Coleoptera. 20806 Newell, Wilmon, and T. C. Paulsen. 57.68 Anthonomus : 16.5 1908. The Possibility of Reducing Boll Weevil Damage by Autumn Spraying of Cotton Fields to Destroy the Foliage and Squares. Journ. ecón. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 113—116. 07 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.68 Anthribidae (7) 1906. New Anthribidae. Trans. Amer. entom Soc. Vol. 32 p. 267—278. [16 nn. spp. in: Phanosolena, Toxotropis 4, Eusphyrus 2, Griburiosoma n. g. Phoenicobius, Euparius, Piezocorynus, Araeoderes n. g., Brachytarsus 4.] (72.2, 75.9, 76.4, 79.1,.2) 08 Jordan, Karl. 57.68 Anthribidae (95) 1908. Anthribidae. Nova Guinea Res. Expéd. scient. neerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 351—352. [Litocerus rhombicus n. sp.] 09 Chittenden, F. H. 57.68 Apion : 16.5 1908. Some Miscellaneous Results of the Work of the Bureau of Ento- mology — IX. An Injurious North American Species of Apion with Notes on Related Forms. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 64 p. 29 —32, 1 fig. 10 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Apion (403) 1908. Monographie des Apionides d’Europe et circa. (4e supplément.) Frelon Ann. 16 p. 81—84. [7 nn. spp.] (44.9, 47, 56, 64) 11 Wagner, Hans. 57.68 Apion (403) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Apion Herbst. Müuchen. ko- leopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 300—311. [2 nn. spp. A. mediterraneum n. nom. pro A. oblitum Der. non Swrra.] (41.9, 56.4) 12 Wagner, Hans. 57.68 Apion (403) 1908. Zur näheren Kenntnis der palaearktischen Apionidenfauna. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 102—106. [2 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp.] (46.85, 55, 65) 13 Dollman, Hereward C. 57.68 Apion (42.25) 1908. The Genus Apion. Notes from Sussex. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Yol. 20 p. 252—253. 20814 Wagner, Hans. 97.68 Apion (6) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der central- und südafrikanischen Apionen. Ann. Soc. entom., Belg. T. 51 p. 376—383, 1 Taf. [3 nn. spp. A. propin- quum Hrm. n. nom. pro A. cognatum Hru. non Hocam. A. longierus Hru. pro A. constricticolle Hrm. non Smarr, A. pauli Hrm. pro A. amabile Hım. non Lza.] (67.8,.9, 68.4) 15 Wagner, Hans. 57.68 Apion (6) 1908. Die südafrikanischen Apioniden des British Museum, vorzugsweise von Herrn G.-A.-K. Marsnatt im Mashonalande und in Natal gesammelt. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 16 p. 1—62, 6 Taf. [43 nn. spp. (8 Mar- SHALL i. l.), 2 nn. subspp. (1 M. i. 1.), 1 n. form. (M.i.1.), 1 n. var. A. an- gustithorax n. nom. pro A. angusticolle Gersr. non GYLL., ScCHÖöNH., A. ameri- canum pro A. conicolle Smarr non Gerst., A. varium pro A. colonus Fer, 1893 non 1899.] (67.3,.6,.8, 68.2,.4,.7,.9) 16 Wagner, Hans. 57.68 Apion (6) 1908. Neue central- und siidafrikanische Apionen. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 59—92. [21 nn. spp., 1 n. var. in Apion.] (63, 66.7, 67.6,.8, 68.4,.7,.8) 17 Chinaglia, Leopoldo. 57.68 Apoderus (45) 1908. Osservazioni intorno alla variabilità di colcrazione dell’ Aroderus coryli Linn. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 23—33. [2 nn. varr.] 18 Day, F. H. 57.68 Araeocerus (41.95) 1908. Araeocerus fasciculatus, Dx Grrr, as a British Insect. Entom. mouth- ly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 265—267. ^ 20819 Frost, C. A. 57.68 Attelabus : 16.5 1908. Notes on Attelabus rhois and Parasite. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 26—32. 15. I. 1909. 20820 21 22 23 25 26 Coleoptera. 158 French, C. 57.68 Aulacophora : 16.5 1907/08. The Pumpkin Beetle. (Aulacophora oliveri). Journ. Agric. Vic- toria Vol. 5 p. 743—744. Chittenden, F. H. 57.68 Balaninus : 16.5 1908. The Nut Weevils. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 99, 15 pp., 14 figg. [Reprinted from Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1904.] Chittenden, F. H. 57.68 Balaninus (73) 1908. New Species of Balaninus, with Notes. Proc. entom. Soc. Was- hington Vol. 10 p. 19—26. [5 nn. spp. 1 n. var. B. caseyi n. nom. pro B. brevirostris Casey non Pascor.] (74.5,.7—.9, 75.2—.6,.9, 76.1,.2,.4,.7,.8, 77.2—.4, 78.2, 79.1) Horn, Walther. 07.68 Brachycerus 1908. Ueber eine südafrikanische Perlenkette mit Rüsselkäfern als Schnupftabakdose. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 14—16, 1 Taf. Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Brachyderidae (4) 1908. Faunule des Coléopteres de la France et de la Corse. Curculio- nides de la tribu des Brachyderidae. Frelon Ann. 16, 76 pp. [Chaero- dryas gavoyi n. sp. Aranorius n. subg.] (44, 45.99) Everts, Ed. 57.68 Callidium (492) 1908. Callidium (Pyrrhidium) sanguineum L. Entom. Berichten D 2 p. 223. Hegner, Robert W. 57.68 Calligrapha : 15.6 1908. Observations on the Breeding Habits of Three Chrysomelid Beet- les, Calligrapha bigsbyana, C. multipunctata and C. lunata. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 21—24, 3 figg. Perkins, R. C. L. 57.68 Callithmysus (96.9) 1908. Callithmysus koebelei sp. nov. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 1 p. 210, 1 fig. 20828 Weise, J. 57.68 Cassida : 15 1908. Bemerkung über die ersten Stände von Cassida stiymatica Surrr. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 205—207. 29 Schultze, W. 57.68 Cassididae : 15 1908. Life Histories of some Bu Cassididae. Philippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 261—270, 6 pls. 15.6 30 Weise, J. 57.68 Cassididae (91.4) 1908. Description of New Cassididae of the Philippine Islands. Philip- pine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 259—260. [2 nn. spp. in: Priop- tera, Cassida.] 31 Porta, A. 97.68 Cephalocrius (45) 1908. Cephalocrius syriacus Ber, in Italia. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 117 —118. 32 Planet, Louis. 37.68 Cerambycidae 1904. Cérambyx et Priones. Le Naturaliste Ann. 26 p. 48—51, 3 figg. 33 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae 1908. Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 17, 9 pp., 6 fige. [12 nn. spp. in Cidugala n. g., Helymaeus, Protilema n. g., Periaptodes, Callimation, Spilotragus, Frea, Aaiothea, Para- moron n. g., Eunidia, Blepisanis, Nitocris.] 34 Gounelle, E. 57.68 Cerambycidae 1908. Notes synonymiques. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 288—289. 35 Dixon, J. E. 57.68 Cerambycidae : 15.3 1908. Food Plants of Victorian Longicorn Beetles. Victorian Natural. Vol. 24 p. 1553 Vol. 25 p. 77. 20836 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (68) 1908. Von Dr. I. Tnicánpm in Natal und dem Zululande gesammelte Ce- rambyciden. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 127—180, 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in: Abaraeus, Exocentrus.| (68.3,.4) 15. I. 1909. 159 Coleoptera. 20837 Gahan, C. J. 57.68 Cerambycidae (7) 1908. Notes on North-American Longicornia, with Descriptions of some News Species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 140-145. [2 nn. spp. in: Cyllene, Obrium.] (72.2, 76.4) 38 Schaeffer, Charles. 57.68 Cerambycidae (73) 1508. List of the Longicorn Coleoptera Collected on the Museum Ex- peditions to Brownsville, Texas, and the Huachuca’ Mts., Arizona, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species and Notes on Known Species. Mus. ee er Inst. Arts Sc. Vol. 1 p. 325—352. [19 nn. spp. in: Ela- phidion 2, Malobidion n. g., Obrium, Xylotrechus, Neoclytus, Acmaeops, Leptura 2. Strangalia, Parmenosoma n. g., Pogonocherus 2, Pygmaeopsis n.g., Ataxia, Parmenonta, Idoemea, Methia 2. 3 nn. varr. in: Chion, Tragidion, Ecyrus. Obium peninsulare n. nom. pro 0. brunneum Scaarrrer non FaBricius.] (16.4, 79.1,.4,.5) 39 Gounelle, E. 57.68 Cerambycidae (8) 1908. Cérambycides nouveaux ou peu connus de la région néo-tropicale principalement de la sous-région brésilienne. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 7—20, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Compsosoma 2 (1 n. var.), Rhaphiptera 5, Taurolema. Guariteres, Desmiphoropsis, Yamamadis, Tucales nn. subgg.] (81, 88) 40 Bruch, Carlos. 57.68 Cerambycidae (82) 1908, Longicornios Argentinos nuevos ó poco conocidos. Rev. Mus. La Plata T. 15 p. 198—220, 13 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Anoploderma, Achry- son, Gnomidolon, Cycnidolon, Compsocerus, Coremia, Diammaphora, Trachy- deres Di Lissonotus, Phoebe. 1 n. var. in Halycidocrius. | Compsoceridius n. subg.] 20841 Gahan, €. J. 57.68 Cerambycidae (921) 1907. Descriptions of new genera and species of Longicorn Coleoptera from Sumatra. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 66—112. [70 nn. spp. in: Prionallus n. g., Aegosoma, Tetraommatus, Pachylocerus 2, Thra- nius, Leptura, Xylotrechus 3, Chlorophorus, Arcyphorus 2, Demonax 3, Aner- pa n. g., Epepeotes (1 n. var.), Haplohammus, Batocera (Gestro i. 1.), Ereis, Cacia 2, Pterolophia 4, Dystasia, Ropica 2, Sybra 2, SITE n. g., Pothyne eot >, Cleptometopus 2, Tetraglenes, Ectatosia, Ectatina n. g. , Rondibilis, Phyla- rus, Glenea 18, Chlorisanis, Oberea 3, Menesida n. g. 2, Eustathes, Chr. eonoma.] . 42 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.68 Cerambycidae (93) 1908. Neue Coleoptera Longicornia aus einer vom Herrn Gouverneur von BFNNINGSEN zusammengebrachten Sammlung. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 211.—224, 1 Taf., 4 figg. [24 nn. spp. in: Dictamnia, Hypa- tium, Chloridolum, Clytus 2, Tmesisternus 3, Nemophas, Pelargoderus, Mono- chamus 2, Decohammus n. g., Rosenbergia, Heteroelytomorpha 2, Catapausa n. CONI: igonoptera 2, Abryna, Pterolophia, Prosoplus 2, Paratrypanius n. g.] (67.3,.8, 985—937, 95, 96.1,.6,. où 48 Prell, H. 94.68 Cerambyx : 12.99 1908. Ein moströser Cerambyx cerdo L. Berlin. Geer Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 125, 1 fig. [Verwachsung des vierten und fünften Fiihlergliedes.] 44 v. Linstow, 0. 51.68 Cerambyx (1181) 1908. Uber Bohrgänge von Käferlarven in Braunkohlenholz. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 26 p. 467—470, 1 fig. 20845 Dietz, William G. 57.68 Ceutorhynchini (7) 1896. Revision of the Genera and Species of Ceutorhynchini inhabiting North America. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 23 p. 387—480. 3 pls. [67 nn. spp. in: Cg One Acanthoscelis n. g. 9, Auleutes n. g. 6, Pelenosomus n. g., Or ger us n. g. Acallodes, Coeliodes 2, Ceutorhynchus 29, Rileyonymus n. g., Caelogaster, ES 'enthis n. g., Pelenomus 3, Mecopeltus n. g. 6, Rhinoncus, ii 2. Perigaster n. g. pro Coelogaster eretura et CAT (11.1, 74.4,.6—.8, 75.2,.3,.5,.8,.9, 76.4,.9—79.7) 15. I. 1909. e Coleoptera. 160 20846 Newbery, E. A. 57.68 Ceuthorrhynchus (42.35) 1908. Ceuthorrhynchus parvulus, Bris.: An Addition to the British List of Coleoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 195—197. 47 Hegner, R. W. 51.68 Chrysomelidae : 13.9 1908. Effects of Removing the Germ-cell Determinants from the Eggs of Some Chrysomelid Beetles. Preliminary Report. Biol. Bull. Vol. 16 p. 19—26, 4 figg. 48 Jacoby, M. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (6) 1908. Voyage de M. Maurice px Rorascasiup en Ethiopie et dans l'Afrique orientale (1904—1906). Espéces nouvelles de Chrysomelidae. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 76 p. 515—525. [67 nn. spp. in: Cryptocephalus, Hal- tica 3, Sebaethe, Nisotra 2, Chaetocnema, Longitarsus, Oides, Prosmidia, Exs- soma, Luperus, Buphonella, Rudolphia, Haplotes, Pseudocrania.] (63, 67.6) 49 Weise, J. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (67.3) 1908. Chrysomeliden von Angola. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 200 —205. [3 nn. spp. in: Melitonoma, Lefevrea, Hoplionota.] 50 Jacoby, Martin. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (801) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of South- American Beetles of the Cryptocephaline Division of the Family Chrysomelidae. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 829—855. [46 nn spp. in: Monachus 8, Stegnocephala 2, Cryptocephalus 18, Griburius 6, Metallactus 12.] (72.1, 729.1,.4, 81, 82, 84—86, 87—89) 51 Weise, J. 57.68 Chrysomelidae (9) 1908. Chrysomelidae, Nova Guinea Res. Expéd. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 311—349. [17 nn. spp.in: Chalcomela, Tinosis n. g., Paropsides 2, Aulacophora, Prasyptera, Sastra, Neodrana, Pleronexis n. g., Dystodes n. g., Monolepta 2, Xenidea, Sutrea 2, Sebaethe, Agonia. Poneridia n. g. pro Galle- ruca australis.] (929, 95) 20852 Sahlberg, John. Ai 97.68 Cleonus (43.69) 1907. Hoppande insektkokonger. Ofvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Fórh. Bd. 49 No. 8, 4 pp. 53 Gruardet, F. 57.68 Clytus (44.37) 1908. Note sur une aberration remarquable de Clytus arvicola Orv. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 110. 54 Weise, Julius. 57.68 Coptocephala 1908. Coleopterologische Notiz. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 2i8. [Coptocephala intermedia Heger = C. destinoi Farru.] | 55 Reineck, Georg. 97.68 Coptocephala (56.4) 1908. Eine neue paläarktische Coptocephala-Art. Deutsch, entom, Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 368, 3 figg. |C. intermedia.] 56 Sumakow, 6. GB. 57.68 Corigetus (57.6) 1908. Ein neuer Corigetus von Turkestan (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 162. [C. fischerianus n. sp.] 57 Lutz, Frank E. 57.68 Crioceris : 11.57 1908. Notes on the Inheritance of Variations in the Color Pattern of Crioceris asparagi. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 5t---52, 5 figg. 58 Chittenden, F. H. 57.68 Crioceris : 16.5 1908. The Asparagus Beetles. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 102, 12 pp., 6 figg. 59 de la Fuente, José Maria. 57.68 Crioceris (46.75) 1908. Nueva variedad del „Crioceris macilenta“. Bol. Soc. espaü. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 121. [jordai.] 20860 Formánek, [R.] 57.68 Cryphaloides (42.1) 1908. Eine neue Borkenkäfer-Gatiung. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 91. [Cryphaloides n. g., donisthorpei n. sp.] 15. 1. 1909, 161 Coleoptera. 20861 Trédl, Rudolf. 57.68 Cryphalus : 16.5 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lebensweise des Cryphalus intermedius Ferr. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 30—31, 1 figg. 62 Niisima, J. 57.68 Cryphalus (52) 1908. Ueber die japanischen Cryphalus-Arten. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 89—92. [2 nn. spp.] (52.1,.4) 63 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 97.68 Cryptocephalus : 15 1908. A Few Notes on Cryptocephali. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 208—209. 15.3,.6 64 Pic, M. 57.68 Cryptocephalus (403) 1908. Observations, renseignements divers et diagnoses sur le genre. „Cryptocephalus“ Gror. L'Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 12—18. [1 n. sp. 13 nn. abb. 3 nn. varr.] (43.91, 44.36,.48,.89,.94, 45.8, 47.8, 496, 56.3,.9, 57.1,.6, 64, 65) 65 Pic, M. 57.68 Cryptocephalus (403) 1908. Sur le genre „Cryptocephalus“ Grorr. L’Echange Rey. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 91—94. [2 nn. spp. 2 nn. subspp. 10 nn. varr. C. des-gozisi n. nom, pro C. vittatus pes Gozıs.] (43.68, 44.89, 46.8, 52.1 56.8, 57.1,.6, 58.4) 66 Torka, V. 57.68 Cryptorrhynchus : 15 1908. Cryptorrhynchus lapathi L. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 9—10, 28—29. [Lebensweise.] 67 Kleine, Richard. 57.68 Crypturgus: 16.5 1908. Biologische Beobachtungen an Crypturgus cinereus Hersst. Entom, Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 98—101. 68 Buvie, Albert. 57.68 Cureulionidae 1908. Notes sur les Curculionides. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 43 —44. [2 nn. spp. in: Polydius, Compsus. Polytelidius n. g. pro Polydius gue- rini. Alcides anceyi n. nom. pro A. humerosus Axcey non Hanorp, A. olivieri pro A. sulcatus Or. non Fasricius, A. pascoei pro A. guttulatus Pascoe non Tuomson, Brachycerus milleporellus pro B. milleporus Ger, non WIEDEMANN.] (86, 94.4) 20869 Champion, G. C. 57.68 Curculionidae 1508. Synonymical Note on Two Central American Species of Curculio- nidae. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 112. 70 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Curculionidae 1908. Notes critiques et synonymiques sur le Catalogus Cole,pterorum Eu- ropae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossiae, 2e édition, 1906, de MM. L. v. eens, E Rerrrer et J. Weıse. Frelon Ann. 16 p. 85—104. 71 Heller, K. M. 91.68 Curculionidae 1908. Bemerkungen zu Wyrsman, Genera Insectorum, Coleoptera: Curcu- lionidae par Bovie. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 719—721. 72 Schilsky, J. 57.68 Curculionidae 1908. Uber Fagricius’sche Typen der Gattung Phyllobius Scuönn. und Germuar’sche Typen der Gattung Sibinia Germ. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 718—719. 73 Vitale, Francesco. 57.68 Curculionidae : 11.55 1903/05. Le somiglianze protettive nei Curculionidi. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 23 p. 85—90; Anno 24 p. 12—16, 141—145; Anno 25 p. 119 —123. 74 Carpentier, L. 57.68 Curculionidae : 15 1908. Observations sur trois Curculionides parasites des galles du Saule. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 262. 75 Bourgeois, J. 57.68 Curculionidae (4) 1908. Catalogue des Coléoptères de la chaine des Vosges et des régions limitrophes. Bull. Soc. Hisí. nat. Colmar N. S. T. 9 p. 121—198. (43.44, 44.39,.45) 20876 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Curculionidae (4) 1908. Faunule des Coléoptères de la France et de la Corse. Curculio- nides de la Tribu des Attélabides et des Rhinomacérides. Frelon Ann. 16 p. 1—86, 69—80. [Alletinus, Auletobius, Némonus nn. subgg. (44, 45.99) Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 1527. 1909: 11 Coleoptera. 162 20877 Formanek, R. 57.68 Curculionidae (4) 1908. Eine neue Riisslergattung und vier neue Riisslerarten. Wien. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 223—228. [4 nn. spp. in: Argoptochus, Ectme- taspidus n. g., Omias, Dorytomus.] (43.61,.91,.92, 47.9, 495) 78 Solari, Angelo, e Ferdinando Solari. 57.68 Curculionidae (403) 1905. Curculionidi della fauna paleartica. Note e descrizioni. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 87—101. [12 nn. spp. in: Otiorrhyn- chus 2, Caulostrophus, Trachyphloeus 4, Dichotrachelus, Acalles (1 n. var.) 2, Apion 2.) (44.94, 45.1, 61.1, 63, 65) 79 Reitter, Edmund. 57.68 Curculionidae (403) 1908. Neue paläarktische Rüsselkäfer. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 65—67. [4 nn. spp. in: Otiorrhynchus, Cyphicerus, Sitona, Chloebius.] (43.93, 51.8, 56.4) 80 Desbrochers des Luges, J. 57.68 Curculionidae (405) 1908. Description de Curculionides nouveaux et d'un sous-genre nou- veau de la faune d'Europe et circà. Frelon Ann. 16 p. 63—68. [7 nn. spp.in: Meira, Hypurus 2 (1ScnvrzE), Rhynchites, Metallites, Cneorhinus, Hy- pera. Eptacus n. subg.] (43.71, 44.92, 46.4, 56.4, 64, 65) 81 Formánek, R. 97.68 Curculionidae (405) 1908. Vier neue Curculioniden nebst Bemerkungen über vier bekannte. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 137—143. [4 nn. spp. in: Argoptochus, Barypithes, Omias, Trachyploeus.] (46, 47.9, 56.1,.2) 82 Houlbert, €. 57.68 Curculionidae (44) 1903. Genera analytique illustré des Coléoptères de France. Série cur- culionienne. Le Naturaliste Ann. 25 p. 268, 279—280. 83 Vitale, Francesco. 57.68 Curculionidae (45.8) 1902/03. Osservazioni su alcune specie di Rincofori Messinesi. Riv. Oe Sc. nat. Anno 22 p. 115—118, 140—143, 153—155; Anno 23 p. 1—5, figg. 20884 Vitale, Franeesco. 57.68 Curculionidae (45.8) 1907/08. Osservazioni su alcune specie di Rincofori Messinesi. Natural. sicil. Ann. 19 p. 135—142. — Ann. 20 p. 73—82. 85 Heller, K. M. 57.68 Curculionidae (502) 1908. Neue indomalayische Rüsselkäfer, vorwiegend aus Madras und Borneo. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg: 69 p. 122—194. [48 nn. spp. in: Astycophobus, Astycophilus, Apocyrtidius n. g., Episomus 2, Trachodes, Styanax 3, Cepurellus n. g., Dyscerus 5, Nanophyes, Apoderus 4, Attelabus 2 (1 n. var.), Alcides 14, Desmidophorus, Cyphomydica n. g., Ectatorhinus, Nauphaeus 2, Squamispichora n. g., Omotemnus, Ommatolampus (1 n. subsp.), Poteriophorus, Cercidocerus 2, Rhabdocnemis.] (34.7,.8, 59.9, 91.1, 921, 935) 86 Marshall, Guy A. K. 97.68 Curculionidae (6) 1908. A Synoptic Revision of the Tanyrrhynchinae (Curculionidae). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 9--33. [11 nn. spp. in: Sympiezorrhynchus, Bicodes n. g., Euonyx n. g., Synaptocephalus 2, Haptomerus 2, Anathresa (n. g. pro Myorrhinus globulosus), Umzila n. g., Malosomus, Ephimerostylus. Eremnodes n. g. pro Tanyrhynchus pusillus, Nastomma pro Sciobius squamu- losus.] (53.3, 62, 67.9, 68.2,.4,.7,.9) 87 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.68 Curculionidae (73) 1908. Descriptions of New Curculionid Beetles ot the Tribe Anthonomini. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus, Vol. 34 p. 173—181. [10 nn. spp. in: Macrorhop- tus, Smicraulax n. g., Anthonomus 5, Mecynopyga n. g., Pseudanthonomus 2.] (15.5, 76.4, 79.1) 88 Schaeffer, Chas. 57.68 Curculionidae (73) 1908. New Rhynchophora. III. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 213—%22. [18 nn. spp. in: Eugnamptus, Rhynchites, Panscopus, Pandeletejus 4, Endalus, Thysanocnemis, Tychius 4, Eulechriops, Chramesus 3, Phloeotribus.) (74.7, 75.6, 76.4, 79.1—.3) 20889 Solari, A., e F. Solari. 57.68 Curculionidae (801) 1906. Materiali per lo studio dei Barini. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova 15. I. 1909. 163 Coleoptera. (3) Vol. 2 p. 418—444. 1 pl. [37 nn. spp. in: Baris 4, Onychobaris 4, Ma- darellus 9 (1 Faust i. 1.), Ampeloglypter 3, Pseudobaris 8, Loboderinus n. g. 2, Camelodes, Anopsilus 2, Coelonertus n. g. 4.] (72.1, 728, 81, 85, 89) 20890 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Curculionidae (801) 1908. Etudes sur les Curculionides exotiques et descriptions d’espèces inédites. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 242—251. [7 nn. spp. in: Erethisthes 2, Cholus 5 (1 n. var.).] (729.8, 81, 85, 86) 91 Heller, K. M. 97.68 Curculionidae (9) 1908. Vierter Beitrag zur Papuanischen Käferfauna. Abh. Ber. zool.- anthrop. ethnogr. Mus. Dresden Bd. 12 No. 1, 33 pp., 1 Taf., 3 figg. [35 nn. spp. in: Parexophthalmus n. g., Rhinoscapha 3, Eupholus 3, Spheno- morpha (1 n. subsp. 2 nn. varr.), Attistira, Behrensiellus (1 n. subsp.). Cop- torhynchus 3, Lamprohypera n. g., Carbonomassula n. g., Chalcocybebus, Tra- gopus, Ectatocyba, Trichoxymus n. g., Eudyasmus, Orphanyasmus n. g., Cono- malthus n. g., Odosyllis, Mecopus 2, Arachnopus 6 (2 nn. subspp.), Tyrpetes n. g., Pseudocholus 3.] (91.3, 929, 935, 936, 96.1) 92 Lea, Arthur M. 97.68 Curculionidae (94) 1908. Notes on Australian Curculionidae in the Belgian Museum with Descriptions of New Species. Mém. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 16 p. 127—186. [37 nn. spp. in: Stenocorynus 4, Catastygnus, Polyphrades, Oxyops, Syarbis 2, Pantoreites 2, Rhinaria, Isacantha (1 n. var.), Belus 5, Elleschodes 2, Elleschus 3, Melanterius, Stenoporopterus n. g., Cycloporopterus n. g., Euryporopterus n. g., 2, Tentegia, Anchithyrus, Platyporopterus, Mitrastethus, Meniomorpha n. g., Achopera, Tychreus 2, Pseudapries n. g. 1 var. in Agnesiotus.] (94.1—.6) 93 Broun, T. 57.68 Cylas : 16.5 1908. Notes on the Destruction of Kumaras from the Friendly Islands (Tonga), caused by an Imported Weevil, with Descriptions of the Larva, Pupa, and Perfect Insect, &c. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 262—265, 1 pl. [Cylas turcipennis.] e 20894 Severin, G. 57.68 Dendroctonus : 16.5 1908. Le genre Dendroctonus. Bull. Soc. centr. forestiere Belgique Vol. 15 p. 239—248, 312—320, 2 pls., 10 figg. 95 French, C. 57.68 Desiantha : 16.5 1908. A New Vegetable Pest. The Tomato Weevil. (Desiantha novica, Lea.) Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 6 p. 754—755. 96 Kellogg, Vernon L. 97.68 Diabrotica : 11.5 1906. Is there Determinate Variation? Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 621—628, 9 figg. [Determ. variation of Diabrotia soror on Stamford Univ. campus.] 97 Headlee, T. J. 97.68 Diabrotica : 16.5 1908. Life History of the Striped Cucumber Beetle with a Brief Account of some Experiments for its Control. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 208 —209. 98 Hirschler, Jan. 57.68 Donacia : 13 1908. Die Embryonalentwicklung von Donacia crassipes L. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 92 p. 627—744, 15 figg. 99 Hirschler, J. 97.68 Donacia : 13 1908. Beiträge zur embryonalen Entwicklung der Coleopteren. Bull. in- tern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 508—522. [Differencierung der Genital- anlage vor Vollendung der Ectodermentwicklung. — Mitteldarm fast aus- schliesslich entodermalen Ursprungs. — Vor Abschluss der Cardioblasten zum Herzrohr vorübergehendes Auftreten eines Darmblutsinus.] 14.1,.29,.34,.6,.8 20900 de la Escalera, Manuel M. 97.68 Dorcadion (46) 1908. Especies nuevas de „Dorcadion“ de España. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 334—337. [8 nn. spp.] (46.2,.4) 20901 Nicolas, Auguste. 57.68 Dorcadion (46.3) 1904. Note critique sur des D. D. neilense Esc., almarzense Esc., (et v. v. urbionense Esc. et costatum Esc., villosiadense Esc. Bol. Soc. aragon., Cienc. nat. T. 3 p. 35—40. [l n. var.: alm. et vill. rien que des varr.] 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 164 20902 Eggers, H. 57.68 Eccoptogaster (57.1) 1908. Ein neuer Borkenkäfer aus Sibirien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 144. [Eccoptogaster amurensis n. sp. 03 Kuhnt, P. 57.68 Erotylidae (801) 1908. Neue Erotyliden. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 626—633. [13 nn. spp. in: Aegithus T (3 nn. varr.), Micrencaustes, Megalodacne, En- caustes, Tritoma 3. 4 nn. varr. in: Nesites, Micrencaustes, bruchysphaenus 2.] (59.9, 67:1, 72, 728; 81, 85, 86, 921) 04 Kuhnt, P. 57.68 Erotylidae (801) 1908. Synopsis der Gattungen Erotylus, Cypherotylus, Micrerotylus. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 67—100, 225—238. [29 nn. spp. in: Erotylus 24 (15 nn. varr.), Cypherotylus 4 (3 nn. varr.), Micrerotylus (1 n. var.).] (728, 81, 84—86.6) 05 Jacoby, Martin. 57.68 Eumolpini (94). 1908. Descriptions of Two New Genera and Species of Australian Eu- molpini. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 26—28. [2 nn. spp. in: Agetinella n. g., Platycolaspis n. g.] (94.1,.6) 06 Johnson, Fred. 57.68 Fidia : 16.5. 1908. Papers on Deciduous Fruit Insects and Insecticides. Grape Root- Worm Investigations in 1907. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 68 p. 61—68, 2 pls. 07 Marlatt, C. L. 57.68 Galerucella : 16.5. 1908. The Imported Elm Leaf-Beetle. Galerucella luteola Mir. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 8, 6 pp., 1 fig. 20908 Girault, A. A. 57.68 Gastroidea : 15 1908. Outline Life-History of the Chrysomelid Gastroidea cyanea Mxrs- HEIMER. Psyche Vol. 18 p. 6—9. 09 Schenkling, Karl. 57.68 Gymnetron : 15 1908. Unsere Arten der Rüsselkäfer-Gattung @ymnetron und Verwandte, biologisch und analytisch betrachtet. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 205—208. 15.3,.6 10 Morseletto, F. 57.78 Gynandrophthalma (45) 1905. Sulle specie italiani del genere Gynandrophtalma (Fam. Chrysomeli- dae-Trib. Clytridae). Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 25 p. 113—118. 11 Gestro, R. 57.68 Hispidae 1906. Materiali per lo studio delle Hispidae. XXV. Sulla Gonophora interrupta Duv. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 128—129. — XXVI. Osservazioni sopra alcune Hispidae della collezione OnxnrnÜn. p. 129—132. — XXVII. Ricerche intorno alla disposizione delle specie nel genere Cryptonychus. p. 132—134. [Hispodonta depressa n. sp.] 12 Gestro, R. 57.68 Hispidae (502) 1906. Materiali per lo studio delle Hispidae. XXVIII. Descrizioni di alcune Hispidae inedite. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 468 —500. [22 nn. spp. in: Wallacea, Hispodonta, Gyllenhalius, Anisodera 2, Go- nophora, Distolaca, Micrispa, Oncocephala, Downesia, Paradownesia, Prionispa 2, Pleurispa, Brachispa n. g., Dicladispa 7.] — XXIX. Viaggio di LgoxAnpo Fra nell’ Africa occidentale. Hispidae. p. 501—541. [17 nn. spp. in: Leptispa, Callispa, Cryptonychus 6, Oncocephala 2, Dactylispa 6, Trichispa.] — XXX. Elenco delle Hispidae africane. p. 511—557. (54.8, 59.1,.5,.9, 63, 66.3,.4,.6,.8,.9,.99, 67.1,.2,.5,.8, 68.2—.4,.7, 91.1,.3 —922) 13 Gestro, R. 57.68 Hispidae (6) 1908. Materiali per lo studio delle Hispidae, Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Por- tici Vol. 3 p. 197—204. [2 nn. spp. in: Brachispa, Xiphispa. Coelaenome- nodera thompsonii n. nom. pro C. cucullata 'Tuoms. non Guerin] (68.4, 69) 20914 Weise, J. 57.63 Hispidae (728) 1906. Aufzählung von Hispinen aus Nicaragua. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 237—242. [2 nn. spp. in: Anoplites, Octhispa.] 15. I. 1909. 165 Coleoptera. 20915 . . . 57.68 Hylesinus : 16.5 1908. L’hylésine piniperde. Bull. Soc. centr. forestière Belgique Vol. 15 p. 680—685. 16 Hornschu. 51.68 Hylobius : 16.5 1908. Zur Bekämpfung des grossen braunen Rüsselkäfers (Hylobius abietis). Forstwiss. Zentralbl. Jahrg. 52 p. 45—47. 17 Hennings, C. 57.68 Ipidae : 15 1908. Zur Biologie der Ipiden. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Vers. p. 96 —101. [Regenerations-, Ernährungs-, Witwenfrass etc.] 18 Strohmeyer. 57.68 Ipidae (5) 1908. Neue Borkenkäfer (Ipidae) aus dem westlichen Himalaja, Japan und Sumatra. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 69—70, 72—73, 5 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Polygraphus, Scolytus, Ips, Acanthotomicus, Dryocoetes, Platy- pus.] (52, 54.6, 921) 19 Strohmeyer. 57.68 Ipidae (54.6) 1908. Beschreibung zweier neuer Borkenkäfer (Ipidae) aus dem west- lichen Himalaja und des Scolytoplatypus raja BLanprorn. Entom. Wochen- bl. Jahrg. 25 p. 161, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Scolytoplatypus, Dryocoetes.] 20 Hennings, Curt. 57.68 Ips : 16.5 1908. Der achtzühnige Fichtenborkenkáfer oder Buchdrucker, Ips typo- graphus L. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 67 —73, 92—97, 3 figg. 21 von Heyden, L. 57.68 Larinus 1908. Bemerkungen über die Bestimmungstabelle 60, Curculionidae : Larinus, bearbeitet von Dr. K. Perri 1907. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 48—50. 22 Bedel, L. 57.68 Larinus (44.74) 1908. Observations sur le Larinus leuzeae Fara, ses caractères, ses variétés et ses mœurs. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 260—261. In var. staehelinae.] 20923 Scherdlin, Paul. 51.68 Leptidea (43.44) 1908. Leptidea brevipennis Murs. Ein für die elsässische Fauna neuer Cerambycide. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 192—193. 24 Tower, William D. 57.68 Leptinotarsa : 11.5 1906. Experimental investigations of the production and preservation of new character races and species in insects. 4th Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 286—288. (Abstract of report). 25 Meissner, Otto. 57.68 Leptura : 15 1908. Leptura testacea L. in der Gefangenschaft. Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 52—53. 26 Webb, J. L. 57.68 Leptura (75.6) 1908. A New Species of Leptura. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 41. [L. straussi.] 27 Marchal, C. j 57.68 Lina : 16.5 1908. Dégâts causés par „Lina populi“. Bull. Soc: Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Verb. p. 106. 28 Lokay, Em. 57.68 Liosoma 1908. Studie o rodu: Hladkoň, Liosoma Srepurns. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Ročn. 5 p. 103—138, 15 figg. [Studie über die Gattung L. — L. formaneki n. sp.] (43.67) 29 Lambertie, Maurice. 57.68 Liosoma (44.71) 1908. Nouvelle station du Liosoma pyrenaeum Bris. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. CXXII. 30 De Stefani, T. 57.68 Lixus : 15 1908. Alcuni stadii del Lixus algirus Linx. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 115—120. 20931 Petri, Karl. 57.68 Lixus (69) 1908. Ein neuer Lixus aus Algerien. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 72—78. [L. subcylindricus.] 15. I. 1909. Coleoptera. 166 20932 Distant, W. L. 57.68 Megacoelus (68.7) 1908. Description of a New Longicorn Beetle from South Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 279, 1 fig. 33 Bruch, C. 57.68 Megalopus (82) 1908. Ein neuer Megalopus aus Argentinien. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 716—717, 1 fig. [M. jacóbyi n. sp. 34 McCracken, Isabel. 57.68 Melasoma : 11.57 1907. Occurrence of a Spot in Melasoma (Lina) scripta and its Behaviour in Heredity. Journ. expr. Zool. Vol. 4 p. 221—938, 1 pl. 35 Daniel, Karl. 51.68 Minyops (403) 1908. Monographie der Gattung Minyops Scnówgm. München. koleopt. Zeitschr. Bd. 3 p. 346—371. [2 nn. spp. (1 Drepp i. l) (2 nn. abb.) Hoplopteridius n. subg.] (56.4,.8) 36 Beyer, G. 51.68 Oncideres : 16.5 1908. Notes on Oncideres quercus Skinner. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 32. 37 Solari, A., e F. Solari. 51.68 Otiorrhynchus (45.5) 1907. Materiali per una fauna dell Arcipelago Toscana. VI. Isola del Giglio. Nuova specie di Curculionide ipogeo. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Ge- nova (3) Vol. 3 p. 470—472. [Otiorrhynchus laurae n. sp. 38 Bowditch, Fred. C. 57.68 Pachybrachys 1908. Notes on Pachybrachys. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 216—217. 39 Pic, Maurice. 57.68 Peritelus (65) 1908. Un nouveau Peritelus Germ. d'Algérie (Coi) Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 263. [P. roseomicans n. sp.] 20940 Korff, G. 57.68 Phaedon : 16.5 1908. Ueber ein starkes Auftreten des Meerrettichplattküfers. Prakt. Blit- ter Pflanzenbau- Pflanzenschutz Jahrg. 6 p. 92—95, 129—132, 2 figg. 4] de Seabra, A. F. 57.68 Phloeotribus : 16.5 1908. A propos des dernières invasions du Phloeotribus oleae (Papp) en Portugal. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 1 p. 184—188, 1 pl. 42 Newbery, E. A. 97.68 Phyllotreta (42.35) 1908. Phyllotreta diademata, Foupr.: An Addition to the British List of Coleoptera. Eutom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 148. 43 Houghton, €. 0. 51.68 Phytonomus : 15 1908. Notes on the Lesser Clover-Leaf Beetle (Phytonomus nigriostis F AB.). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 297—299. 44 Trédl, Rudolf. 57.68 Pityogenes : 15 1908. Notizen über Flugzeiten der Borkenkäfer. Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 137—141. 45 Gerhard. 51.68 Pityophthorus : 16.5 1908. Zur Lebensweise von Pityophthorus lichtensteini Ratz. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 157—162. 46 Heinemann, R. 57.68 Pityophthorus : 16.5 1908. Etwas über die Lebensweise des Pityophthorus lichtensteini RaTzB. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 156—164. 47 de la Fuente, José M. 51.68 Plagionotus (46.7) 1908. Variedad nueva de Coleóptero Plagionotus scalaris Brut, v. andevi n. v. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Cienc. nat. T. 7 p. 21—22. 48 Pic, Maurice. 57.68 Poecilomorpha 1908. Bemerkungen zu Poecilomorpha quadrimaculata Reirrer. Wien. en- tom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 240. [= P. nigropunctata Pic.] 20949 Peltz, W. 57.68 Polyarthron : 15 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Biologie des angeblich seltenen Wüstenkäfers Polyarthron komarovi Donrn. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 135 —140, 2 figg. 15. I. 1909. 167 Coleoptera. 20950 Reitter, Edm. 57.68 Polydrusus (403) 1908. Uebersicht der mir bekannten Arten der Curculioniden-Untorgat- tung Chaerodrys Duy. Entom. Blätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 32—34. [8 nn. spp.] (43.69,.93, 44, 46, 495, 499, 56.1,.4) 51 Quayle, H. J. 57.68 Psylliodes : 16.5 1908. A Flea-Beetle Attacking Hop» in British Columbia. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 325. 52 Prell, Heinrich. 57.68 Rhagium (43.21) 1908. Rhagium bifasciatum Fas. ab. rufa (nov. ab.). Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 136 — 137. 53 Pic, M. 51.68 Rosalia (4) 1908. Deux nouvelles variétés de „Rosalia alpina“ L. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 33. (43.6, 44) 54 Fleischer, A. 57.68 Saperda (43.72) 1908. Biologische Notizen über Saperda 8-punctata. Scor. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 16. [n. ab. serpunctata.] 55 Hennings, Curt. 57.68 Scolytidae : 15 1908. Experimente!le biologische Studien an Borkenkäfern III Kleinere Beiträge zur Generationsfrage und Mitteilangen über die Borkenkäfersai- son. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 209—229. — IV. Ge- nerationsverhältnisse und Frassformen. p. 469—486, 1 Taf., 2 figg. 15.3,.6 56 Neger, F. W. 57.68 Scolytidae : 15 1908. Die pilzzüchtenden Bostrychiden. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forst- wirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 275—280. 57 Kleine, R. 57.68 Scolytidae : 15.3 1908/09. Die europäischen Borkenkäfer und ihre Nahrungspflanzen in statistisch-biologischer Beleuchtung. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 171—188, 213—232. 20958 Knoche, E. | 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1908. Ueber Borkenkäfer. Zeitschr. Forst- Jagdwesen Jahrg. 40 p. 43— —45. — Antwort an BorGmaxx. p. 45—46. — Erwiderung auf Dr. Kwocnue's Schlussbemerkung von Dr. Boremann. p. 133—134. 59 Knoche, E. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1908. Ueber Borkenkäferbiologie und Borkenkäfervertilgung. Forst- wiss, Centralbl, Jahrg. 52 p. 141—153, 200—209, 245—254. 60 Neuwinger, Karl. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1908. Der Borkenkäfer (Scolytidae) des Isergebirges. Mitt. Ver. Naturfr. Reichenberg Jahrg. 38 p. 7—12. 61 Sedlaczek, Walter. 57.68 Scolytidae : 16.5 1908. Versuche mit verschiedenen Arten von Fangbäumen zur Be- kämpfung der Borkenkäfer. Centraibl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 84 p. 45 — 13. 62 Eggers, H. 97.68 Scolytidae (45.8) 1908. Drei neue Scolytiden aus Sicilia. Natural. sicıl. Ann. 20 p. 121 —123. [3 nn. spp. in: Taphrorychus, Dryocoetes, Thamnurgus.] 63 Hagedorn, Max. 57.68 Scolytidae (502) 1908. Diagnosen bisher unbeschriebener Borkenkifer. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 369—382. [16 nn. spp. in: Dactylipalpus 2, Spongotarsus n. g., Hypaspistes n. g., Xylocleptes, Xyleborus 10, Ozopemon n. g.] (54.1, 67.1,.5, 69.5, 921) 64 Niijima, Y. 57.68 Scolytidae (52) 1908. Ueber japanische Borkenkäfer. Ye.i. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 98 p. (18). 20965 Eggers, H. 57.68 Scolytidae (922) 1908. Fünf neue Borkenkäfer. Entom. Blätter Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 214. [5 nn. spp. in: Eccoptogaster, Hylastinus, Stephanoderes 2, Coccotrypes.] (45.1, 922) 15. 1.71909. Coleoptera. 168 20966 Niisima, J. 57.68 Scolytoplatypus : 16.5 1908 Ueber die Lebensweise einiger japan. Scolytoplatypus-Arten. Zeit- schr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 313—317, 3 figg. 67 ea 57.68 Scolytus : 16.5 1908. The Elm Bark Beetle. Journ. Board Agric. London Vol. 14 p. 617 —620. 68 Niisima, Y. 57.68 Scolytus (52) 1903. On some Japanese Species of the Scolytini. Journ. Sapporo agri- cult. Coll. Vol. 2 p. 67—74, 1 pl. [3 nn. spp. in: Sco/ytus.] (52.1,.4) 69 Desbrochers des Loges, J. 57.68 Sibinidae (403) 1908. Espèces nouvelles de Curculionides appartenant à la Tribu des Sibinidae, (et faisant partie de sa Collection.) Frelon Ann. 16 p. 37—59. [41 nn. spp. in: Tychius 34, Sibinia 7.) (43.67, 44.58,.89,.93, 45.8,.9, 46.7,.8, 47.8,.9, 56.7,.8, 57.9, 64, 65) 70 Flach, K. 57.68 Solariola 1908. Berichtigung über Solariella. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 56. [Solariola n. nom. pro S. FLaca non Woop.] 71 du Buysson, H. 57.68 Stichoptera 1903. Tableau dichotomique du sous-genre Stichoptera Mors. (Chryso- mélines). Miscell. entom. Vol. 11 p. 31—32. 72 du Buysson, Henri. 57.68 Thyamis (44.56) 1908. Thyamis caninae vu Buyss. Rev. scient. Bourbonn. Ann. 21 p. 87—88. 73 Pic, M. 57.68 Trachyphloeus (403) 1908. A propos de divers „Trachyphloeus“ Germ. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 5—6, 28—29. [T. argentatus n. sp (65) 20974 Holdhaus, Kari. 57.68 Troglorrhynchus (45.5) 1908. Ein neuer Troglorrhynchus aus Italien. München. koleopt. Zeit- schr. Bd. 3 p. 311—312. [T. stolzi n. sp.] ER 57.68 Xyleborus : 16.5 1907. Ein noch wenig bekannter Ahornfeind. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Forstw. Jahrg. 58 p. 253—256. [Xyleborus dispar.] 76 Eggers, [H.] 57.68 Xyleborus : 16.5 1908. Zur Gangform und Lebensweise von Xyleborus pfeili Ratz. Entom. Biätt. Schwabach Jahrg. 4 p. 4—7, 2 figg. — Zur Lebensweise des Xyle- borus pfeili Rarz. von Enn, Rerrrer. p. 21. 77 Zimmermann, A. 57.68 Xyleborus : 16.5 1908. Ueber Ambrosiakäfer und ihre Beziehungen zur Gummibildung bei Acacia decurrens. Central), Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 20 p. 716— 724, 7 figg. [Gummibildung als Schutzmittel der Pflanze gegen Ambrosia- käfer und -Pilz.] 78 Neger, F. W. 51.68 Xyloterus : 15.3 1908. Die Pilzkulturen der Nutzholzborkenkäfer. !Vorläufiige Mitteilung.) Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 2 Bd. 20 p. 279—282. [Verbreitung des den Käfern a. . Nahrung dienenden, ambrosiabildenden Pilzes erfolgt passiv beim Anfliegen auf frisches Holz. Wird v. Käfer gezüchtet.] 79 Kellogg, Vernon L. 57.69 : 11.5 1906. A Note on Assortative Mating. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 665 — 668. 80 Girault. A. A. 57.69 Chilocorus : 15.6 1908. The Oviposition of C'{ocorus bivulnerus Mursawr. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 300—302. 81 Ragusa, E. ; 57.69 Coccinella (45.8) 1908. Invasione di Coccinella septempunctata in Palermo. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 111. 20982 Casey, Thos. L. 57.69 Coccinellidae 1908. Notes on the Coccinellidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 393—421. 15. I. 1909. 169 Coleoptera — Diptera. [39 nn. spp. in: Megachile, Hippodamia 3 (2 nn. subspp.), Adalia, Coccinella 3, Olla 2, Exochomus 4, Brachyacartha 3 (1 n. subsp.), Hyperaspis 20, Hype- raspidius 2. Harmoniaspis n. g. pro Coccinella part., Spiloneda pro Cycloneda gilardini, Pseudocleis pro Hormonia picta, Aneaporia pro Neaporia plagioderma, Anovia pro Novius virginalis.] (72.1,.4,.6, 729.1, 74.8, 76.2,.4, 77.8, 78.8, 79.1,.2,.4,.5) 20983 Meissner, Otto. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15 1908. Die Aufenthaltsorte der Coccinelliden. II. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 367—368. 84 Weise, J. 57.69 Coccinellidae : 15.3 1908. Berichtigung von neueren Beobachtungen über die Nahrung einiger Coccinellen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 101—102. 85 Kessler, Alfred. 57.69 Coccinellidae (43.15) 1508. Verzeichnis der in und um Sommerfeld (Lausitz) vorkommenden Coccinelliden. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 236. 86 Silvestri, Filippo. 57.69 Coccinellidae (45) 1908. Coleotteri esotici introdotti in Italia. Riv. Coleott. ital. Ann. 6 p. 242-243. (45.2,.73,.8) 87 Chobaut, A. 57.69 Coceinellidae (65) 1908, Deux aberrations nouvelles de Coccinellides algériens. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 327. [2 nn. abb. in: Bulaea, Mieraspis.] 20988 Sicard, A. 57.69 Coccineilidae (69) 1908. Revision des Coccinellides de la faune Malgache. Ann. Soc. en- tom. France Vol. 76 p. 425—482, 57 figg. [93 nn. spp. in: solanophila 31 (6 nn. varr.), Epilachna 2.] 89 Leng, Charles W. 57.69 Coccinellidae (7) 1908. Notes on Coceinellidae. — III. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 33—44, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Chilocorus (1 n. var. in Axion. Arawana n. subg.] (71.1, 74.4, 5,.7—9, 75.2,.5,.8,.9, 76.2—.4,.8, 77.4,.8, 78.6,.8—79.4,.7,.8) 90 Weise, J. 57.69 Coccinellidae (95) 1908. Coccinellidae. Nova Guinea Res. Exped. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 305—310. [3 nn. spp. in: Aspidimerus, Pharus, Rodolia. ln. ab. in Epilachna.] (922, 95) 9] Fleischer, A. 51.69 Halyzia 1908. Berichtigung. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 52. [Calvia (Haly- zia) a. concolor Penecge W. 1901, 21 = H. 14-guttata v. nigripennis FLEISCA. W. 1900, 17.] 99 Weise, J. 57.69 Hyperaspis (72.6) 1908. Eine neue Coccinellide aus Mexico. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Por- tici Vol. 3 p. 205—206. [Hyperaspis silvestri n. sp.] 90993 Davis, John J. 97.69 Psyllobora : 15.3 1908. Notes on Psyllobora 20-maculata Say. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 160. XLI. 59.57.7 Diptera (incl. Aphaniptera). (Vide etiam: 12078, 13284, 14021, 14268, 14389, 15429, 15430, 15449, 15450, 15475, 15477, 15480, 15481, 15483, 15489— 15494, 15510, 15516, 15517. 15521, 15523, 15527, 15529—15531, 15602, 15676, 15862, 15864, 15908, 15932, 15935, 1595615958, 15960, 15962, 15964, 15965, 15973, 15975, 15977, 15981, 15988, 15997, 15999, 16011, 16016, 16019, 16022, 16025, 16034, 16037, 16039, 16049, 16052, 16055, 16062, 16078, 16088, 16101, 16103, 16105, 18710, 18715, 18718, 18720, 18721, 18722, 18725, 18727, 18729—18732, 18734—18736, 18738, 18741—18744, 18746—18752, 18754, 18756, 18758, 18759, 18761, 18762, 19388, 19404, 19412, 19417, 19435, 19439, 19450, 19451, 19454, 19456, 19459, 19460, 19463, 19464, 19467, 19469, 19474, 19482, 19186, 19494, 14497, 19500, 19513, 19526, 19528, 19534, 19535, 19538, 19540, 19541, 19551— 19558, 19560—19562, 19566 —19568, 19570—19572, 19580—19582, 19585, 19586, 19588—19591, 19598, 19599—19601, 19611, 19616, 19618, 19620, 19624, 19627, 19629, 19630, 19634, 19642.) 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 170 20994 Aldrich, J. M. 97.7 1908. Mercen’s First Paper on Diptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 570 — 373, 432. — by D. W. Coeuizerr. p. 457—458. 95 Hendel, Friedrich, 27.7 1908. Nouvelle classification des mouches à deux ailes (Diptera L.). D’après un plan tout nouveau par J. G. Mer, Paris an VIII (1800 v. s.). Mit einem Kommentar herausgegeben von F. H. Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 43—69. 57.71,.72 96 Bezzi, M. 97.7 3 OL 1908. Nomenklatorisches iiber Dipteran. III. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 74—S4. 57.71,.72 97 Bezzi, M. 07.7: 01 1908. Nomenklatorisches über Dipteren. IV. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 291—295. 51.171,12 98 Jenkinson, W. 57.7 : 14 EAS eh of Diptera. Intern. Journ. Mier, nat. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 173 "Läb, 1 pl. 99 Cholodkovsky, N. 57.7 : 14.65 1908. Ueber den weiblichen Geschlechtsapparat einiger viviparen Fliegen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 367—376, 13 figg. 57.72,.74 21000 Wesché, W. 57.7 : 149 1908. Notes on the Value of the Genitalia of Insects as Guides in Phylo- geny. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 297—305. [Also mouth-parts.] 57.71,.72 01 Kleine, R. orazio 1908. Die Entwicklung von Dipteren in den Brutgängen von Myelophi- lus piniperda L. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 109—113. 57.71,.72 21002 Meissner, Otto. 57.4 : 15 1908. Dipterologische Bemerkungen. Intern. entem. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 380—381, 390. 15.8 57.71,.72 03 Prochnow, 0. 57.7 : 15.8 1908. Bemerkungen zu Orro Mrissner’s „Dipterologischen Bemerkungen“ über das Summen der Dipteren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 6. — Das Summen der Dipteren von Orro Meissner p. 20—21. — Nachtrag. p. 29. 04 Fyles, Thos. W. 57.7 : 16.5 1908. Two-winged Flies. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 102 —111, 15 figg. 57.71,.72,.75 05 Schilling, Claus. Seal». 3T 1908. Bericht über eine Studienreise nach West-Afrika. Klin. Jahrb. Bd. 19 p. 1—40, 8 figg. DCL 06 Yan Harlingen, Arthur. 57.7 : 16.9 : 9.9 1902. Report of three Cases of Creeping Larvae in the Human Skin (Hyponomoderma, Karos). Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 124 p. 436 —441. [Unknown probably dipterous larva.] 07 Bezzi. Mario. 57.7 (24) 1908. Ulteriori notizie sulla Ditterofauna delle caverne. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 46 p. 177—187. 51.11, 14 08 Henderson, Robert. | 57.7 (41.4) 1908. The Diptera of Clyde. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. S p. 7-22. (41.37 — .41,.43) 51.101,12 09 Linnell, John. 57.7 (42.2) 1896. Records of Diptera. Proc. Holmesdale nat. Hist. Club 1893—95 p. 13, 29, 32. (42.21,.23) 21010 Luff, W. A. 57.7 (42.84) 1896/98. The Diptera of Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 54—64. — Additions to the List of Guernsey Diptera. p. 127—128. 57.71—.74 15. I. 1909. 171 Diptera, 21011 Gibbs, A. E., and Philip J. Barraud. 57.7 (42.58) 1908. A Preliminary List of Hertfordshire Diptera. Trans. Hertfordsh. nat. Hist. Soc. Field Club Vol. 13 p. 249— 276. 57.71,.74 12 Wingate, W. J. 57.7 (42.81) 1906. A Preliminary List of Durham Diptera, with Analytical Tables. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 2, 416 pp., 7 pls. 57.71—.74 13 Landrock, Karl. 97.7 (43.72) 1908. Beitrag zur Dipterenfauna Mährens. Zeitschr. mähr. Landesmus. Bd. 8 p. 161—180. 57.71,.74 14 Becker, Th. 57.7 (46.85) 1908. Dipteren der Kanarischen Inseln. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 4 Heft 1 p. 1—180, 4 Taf. [160 nn. spp. in: Nemotelus, Alliophleps n. g., Xylomyia, Anthrax, Argyromoeba, Bombylius, Phthiria, Thereva, Habropogon, Stichopogon 2, (1 Braver i. L), Promachus, Epitriptus 3, Tachydromia 4, Chersodromia, Hilara, Hemerodromia, Philolutra, Kowarzia, Empis 2, Sympye- nus 2, Teuchophorus, Chrysotimus, Tachytrechus, Xiphandrium, Machaerium, Aphrosylus 2, Teneriffa n. g., Sciapus, Oligochaétus, Dilophus 2, Mycetophila 5, Helladepichoria n. g., Neoglaphyroptera, Zygomyia, Macrocera, Telmaphitus n. g. 2, Rhymosia, Orphnephila, Simulium 2, Ceratopogon, Peritaphreuusa n. g. Orthocladius, Chironomus, Tanytarsus, Culex 3, Tipula, Dicranomyia 4, Me- lanostoma, Pipizella, Zodion, Pipunculus 2, Phora, Phaonia 2, Hebeenema, My- daea 2, Fannia, Limnophora 3, Calliophrys 3, Caricea, Hylemyia, Pegomyia, Chortophila, Dexiopsis, Coenosia, Masicera, Chaetoria n. g., Gonia, Trichaeta n. g, Miltogra:mma, Styloneuria, Sarcophaga 6, Lepidosyntoma n. g, Seiomyza, Sapromyza 4, Lonchaea, Helomyza, Borborus 2, Acanthiophilus (n. e. pro Trypeta walkeri), Acidia, Sphaeniscus n. g.. Oedaspis, Sphenella, Urellia 4, Myo- pites, Tephritis 3, Oxyna, Sepsis, Chlorops, Chloropisca, Hippelates, Oscinis 3, Scatella, Scatophila 3, Drosophila 4. Scaptomyza, Asteia, Milichia 3 (1 n. var.), Milichiella, Chiromyia, Rhienoéssa 3, Domomyza 2, Agromyza 6. Tipula mac- quarti n. nom. pro T. longicornis Mace. non Scuummet.] 57.71,.74 21015 Becker, Th. 57.7 (469.8) 1908. Dipteren der Insel Madeira. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 4 Heft 1 p. 181—206. [16 nn. spp. in: Geranomyia, Kowarzia, Chrysotus, Liancalus, Sympycnus, Phora, Conicera, Spilogaster, Stomoxys, Gymnostylina, Gonia, Olina, Limosina, Helomyza, Sapromyza, Ilythea.] 57.71,.72 16 Speiser, P. 97.7 (67) 1908. Dipteren aus Deutschlands afrikanischen Kolonien. Berlin. en- tom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 127—149, 8 figg. [14 nn. spp. in: Ceroplatus, Toxorhina, Styringomyia, Idiophlebia, Dicranoptycha, Mongoma, Limnophila, Pachyrhina, Ptectieus, Hopiodonta, Dilephippium n. g., Hemerodromia, Phora, Aphiochaeta. 1 n. var. in Ptilocera.] (67.1,.8) 57.71.72 17 Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.7 (67.3) 1908. Premiere liste des Diptères recueillis dans l’intérieur de l'Afrique occidentale portugaise. Bull. Soc. eutem. France 1908 p. 76—79. 51.12, (4 18 Aldrich, J. M. 91.4 (7) 1907. Additions to my Catalogue of North American Diptera. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 15 p. 2—9. (12,1,.7, 729.1,.4,.5,.8, 1142.4, 1,.9, 10:5,.6,.8,.9, :7/7505:9:818:2:1,. 8,0 19.15.3746) 57.71,.72 19 Johnson, Charles W. 57.7 (729.6) 1908. The Diptera of the Bahamas, with Notes and Description of one New Species. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 69—80. [Ceratopogon bahamensis n. sp.] 57.71,.72,.74 21020 Coquillett, D. W. 57.7 (73) 1908. New Genera and Species of Diptera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washing- ton Vol. 9 p. 144—148. [9 nn. spp. in: Dieranomyia, Tanypus, Chironomus 2, Misgomyia n. g., Scatophaga, Rhagoletis, Mutiloptera n. g., Pseudiastata n. g.] (74.7,.9, 75.2, 76.4, 78.4) 57.71,.72 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 172 21021 Baker, C. F. 57.7 (79) 1904. Reports on Californian and Nevadan Diptera I. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 17—39. [31 nn. spp. by Coquicrer in: Mycetophila 2, Neoemphe- ria, Sciophila, Dilophus, Leptis, Pheneus, Tabanus, Thereva, Acrocera, Rham- phomyia, Cheilosia, Zagonia n. g., Hippelates, Chyliza, Melieria, Sphilographa, Tephritis, Euaresta, Sapromyza 2, Eccoptomera, Coenosia 2, Lispa, Phavnia, Ad- montia, Biomya, Scleropogon, Leptomydas 2.] (19,3,.4) 57.71,.72 32 Brethes, Juan. 57.7 (82) 1908. Catälogo de los Dipteros de las Repüblicas del Plata. Anal. Mus. nac, Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 277—305. [Homalomyia platensis n. sp.] 57.71—.74 23 Jacobs, J. Ch., Th. Becker, et Ew. H. Riibsaamen. 57.¢,,(99) 1906. Diptères. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool. Ins; p. 67—88. [Bibioni- dae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, Tipulidae, Syrphidae, Muscidae, Rhyphidae, Anthomyidae par J. C. J. — Ephydridae von T. B. (Scatophila curtipennis n. sp.) — Chironomidae von E. H. R. (Jacobsiella n. g. pro Belgica magellanica).] LE Ea PM 72 (82, 83, 99) 24 Pastejrik, J. 57.71 : 13.4 1908. Metamorphosa některých dipter. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 27—31, 2 figg. [Metamorphose gewisser Diptera.] 25 Imms, A. D. 57.71 Anopheles : 15 1908. On the Larval and Pupal Stages of Anopheles maculipennis, MEIGEN, Parasitology Vol. 1 p. 103—133, 2 pls. 26 Futcher, Thomas B. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1899. The Mosquito as an Agent in the Transmission of Malaria. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 118 p. 318—333. 27 Laveran, A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1901. Sur la prophylaxie du paludisme en Corse. Bull. Acad. Med. Pa- ris (3) Vol. 46 p. 883—897. 21028 Ziemann, A. Hans. 57.61 Anopheles : 16.7 1901. Ueber Malaria und Moskitos. C. R. 13e Congr. intern. Med. Vol. 3 Sect. Bact. Parasit. p. 119—128. 29 Volhard, F. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1902. Ueber die neueren Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Malaria. Heilkunde Wien Jahrg. 6 p. 385—396, 3 figg. 30 Wright, Barton Lisle. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1902. Malaria: a Summary of Recent Progress in the Knowledge of its Etiology and Prophylaxis. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 124 p. 635 31 Billet, A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. Prophylaxie de la Malaria. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Hyg. Demogr. 18,095 pp. 32 Celli. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. Prophylaxie de la Malaria. €; R. 13e Congr. intern. Hyg. Démo- gr. T. 8, 16 pp. 33 Grassi, Battista. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. Come si propaga la malaria. Atti Fondaz. Cagnola Milano Vol. 18, 72 pp., 1 tav., 14 figg. 34 Herrick, Glenn W. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. The Relation of Malaria to Agriculture and Other Industries of the South. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 521—525. 35 Plehn, F. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. Prophylaxie de la Malaria. C. R. 13e Congr. intern. Hyg. Démo- 27.1268, ( pp. 21036 Ross, Ronald. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1903. Prophylaxie de la Malaria. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Hyg. Démo- gr. T. 8, 9 pp. 15. I. 1909. 173 Diptera. 21037 Ascoli, Vittorio. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1904. Etiologie et prophylaxie du paludisme. (€. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Path. Interne p. 23—38. 38 Huertas Barrero, Francisco, et Gustavo Pittaluga. 57.71 Anopheles: 16.7 1904. Etiologie et prophylaxie du paludisme. €. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Path. interne p. 7—22. 39 Laveran, A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1904. Sur la prophylaxie du paludisme à Madagascar, principalement dans l'armée. Bull. Acad. Med, Paris (3) T. 51 p. 183—190. 40 Uyama, D. 91.41 Anopheles : 16.7 1904. Sur les nouveaux moyens employés à Formose pour combattre la malaria. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Hyg. milit. nav. p. 154—161. 41 Ribeiro, Manuel Ferreira. 97.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1906. Sur la prophylaxie du paludisme dans les pays chauds. (€. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 17 p. 322—324. 49 Kelsch. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1906. Quelques réflexions sur la pathogénie et la prophylaxie actuelles du paludisme. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 56 p. 206—225. — Disc. (A. Laveran). p. 270—282, 348—357, 513—523, 615—621. 43 Roque, Antonio Bernardino. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1906. Sur la prophylaxie du paludisme dans les pays chauds. Arch. Hyg. Pathol. exot. Lisboa Vol. 1 p. 153—158. — €. R. 15e Congr. in- tern. Med. Sect. 17 p. 317—322. 44 Yeazie, B. A. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1906. Aestivo-autumnal Fever— Cause, Diagnosis, Treatment and Destruction of Mosquitoes which Spread the Disease. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc. 55th Meet. p. 537—539. 21045 Bordas. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. Róle des Anophéles dans la transmission du paludisme. Bull. gén. Thérap. T. 155 p. 644—664, 10 figg. 46 Dahlgren, B. E. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. The Malaria Mosquito. Guide Leaflet No. 27 Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 48 pp., 1 pL, 34 figg. 57.71 47 Howard, L. 0. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. Anopheles Breeding in Sea Water. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 274 —915. 48 Kórmóczi, Emil. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. Beiträge zu den Malariaverhältnissen in Budapest und zur Lehre der Frühjahrsmalaria. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 48 p. 406—412. 49 Sergent, Edmond, et Étienne Sergent. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. Etudes épidémiologiques et prophylactiques du paludisme. — 6ème campagne en Algérie 1907. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 22 p. 390—424, 17 figg. 50 Trautmann, Arno. 57.71 Anopheles : 16.7 1908. Malaria und Anopheles in Leipzig. Arch. Hyg. Bd. 67 p. 163—176, 1 fig. 51 Neveu-Lemaire, M., et 6. Grandidier. 57.71 Anopheles (44.36) 1908. Sur la presence de Diptères Culicides (Anopheles maculipennis) dans les galeries du Muséum. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 39— 40. 59 Pittaluga, Gustavo. 57.71 Anopheles (45) 1904. Sulla prosenza e distribuzione del genere Anopheles in alcune re- gioni della penisola Iberica, e suoi rapporti col parassita della malaria umana. €. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Hyg. p. 513—552, 11 figg. 21053 Laveran, A. 57.71 Anvpheles (69) 1904, Anopheles et Paludisme à Madagascar. Prophylaxie du Paludisme. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 52 p. 197—218. [Anopheles albus n. sp. (VeNTRILLON i. Lu 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 174 21054 Silvestri, F. 57.71 Asphondylia (45.73) 1908. Descrizione e cenni biologici di una nuova specie di Asphondylia dannosa al lupino. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 3—11, 11 figg. [A. lupini.] 55 Combes, Paul. 57.71 Bibio : 15 1908. Les mouches de Saint-Marc. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 58 p. 622— 624, 1 fig. [Bibio.] 56 Girault, A. Arsene. 57.71 Bibio : 15.6 1908. Oviposition of Bibio albipennis Say. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 76. 57 Johnson, C. W. 57.71 Bittacomorpha (74) 1908. A Note on the Distribution of Bittacomorpha jonesi. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 25. (74.3,.4,.9) 58 Johnson, C. W. 57.71 Blepharocera (73) 1908. The Distribution of Blepharocera tenuipes Warxer. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 104. (74.2,.4, 75.3,.6) 59 Ainslie, C. N. 57.71 Campylomyza (77.1) 1908. Note on the Occurrence of Campylomyza scutellata Say. Proc. en- tom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 16—17. 60 Landois, H. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1903. Das Vorkommen der Getreidegallmücke. Cecidomyia cerealis Firscu. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 168—169. 21061 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1908. Grape Blosson Midge. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 243. 62 Gossard, H. A. 57.71 Cecidomyia : 16.5 1908. The Catalpa Bud Maggot. Journ, econ: Entom. Vol. 1 p. 181— 182, 2 pls. 63 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.71 Cecidomyia (78.8) 1908. A New Gall on Aster. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 89. [Cecidomyia crassulina n. sp.] 64 Kahle, Walther. 57.71 Cecidomyidae : 11.63 1908. Die Paedogenesis der Cecidomyiden. Zoologica Bd. 21 Heft 55, 80 pp., 6 Taf., 38 figg. 65 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57,71 Cecidomyiidae : 14.98 1908. Circumfili of the Cecidomyiidae, Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124 — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 305—307. 66 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Cecidomyidae : 15 1908. Observations on the Biology and Food Habits of the Cecidomyii- dae. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 18—21. 15.3,.6 21067 Felt, Ephraim Porter. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (7) 1908. New Species of Cecidomyiidae II. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124. — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 286—304 [51 nn. spp. in: Miastor, Oligarces, Brachyneura, Lasioptera 2, Choristoneura 3, Arnoldia 6, Dasyneura 6, Rhabdophaga, Asphondylia 10, Rhopalomyia 3, Hormomyia 3, Dichrodiplosis 2, Arthrocnodax,Mycodiplosis, Contarinia, Cecidomyia T, Bryocrypta, Winnertzia.) — Studies in Cecidomyiida II. p. 307—422, 12 pls., 20 figg. [347 nn. spp. in: Catocha 2, Microcerata n. g. 3, Lestremia 7, Joanissia 2, Campy- lomyza 21, Brächyneura 2, Lasioptera 22, Baldratia 11, Neolasioptera n. g. 14, Clinorhyncha, Camptoneuromyia (n. g. pro Dasyneura virginica FELT) 2, Trotteria 8, Diarthronomyia n. g., Dasyneura 41, Rhabdophaga 16, Walshomyia n. g., Rhopalomyia 19, Oligotrophus 2, Mayetiola 11, Janetiella 4, As- phondylia 12, Schizomyia 4, Cineticornia (n. g. pro Asphondylia transversa) 6, Hormomyia 6, Dentifibula (n. g. pro Contarinia caryae Fer), Loboptero- myia (n. g. pro C. filicis Fer) 5, Contarinia 13, Dichrodiplosis 2, Bremia, Aphidoletes 8, Coquillettomyia (n. g. pro Mycodiplosis lobata) 2, Youngomyia (n. g. pro Dicrodiplosis podophyllae Ferr), Mycodiplosis 15, Arthrocnodax 5, Odontodiplosis (n. g. pro Cecidomyia karnerensis) 2, Giardomyia (n. g. pro Oc- todiplosis photophila Fer) 5, Metadiplosis n. g., Epidiplosis n. g., Lestodi- plosis 17, Clinodiplosis 7, Cecidomyia 14, Colpodia 7, Johnsonomyia n. g. 3, 15. I. 1909. Li Diptera. Porricondyla 6, Dirhiza 4, Holoneurus 2, Asynapta 4, Winnerizia. 3. Sacke- nomyia n. g. pro Oligotrophus acerifolius, Lobodiplosis pro Mycodiplosis ace- rina Fer, Karshomyia pro M. viburni Fe, Prodiplosis pro Cecidomyia flori- cola Fer, Adiplosis pro C. toxicodendri Fer, Hyperdiplosis pro 0. lobata Feit, Paradiplosis pro C. obesa Ferr, Obolodiplosis pro C. orbiculata Fern.) (129.5, 74.2,.4,.7,..9, 75.3,.5,.8, 76.4, 77.2, 78.9, 79.1,.4) 21068 Beutenmüller, William. 57.71 Cecidomyidae (74) 1908. On some Apparently New Cecidomyiidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 73—75. [6 nn. spp. in Cecidomyia.] (74.7,.9) 69 Bezzi, M. 57.71 Chionea (4) 1908. Die Chionea der Alpen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 97—99. [Ch. alpina n. sp.] (45.2..4, 494) 70 Thienemann, August. 57.71 Chironomidae : 15 1908. Die Metamorphose der Chironomiden. Zeitschr. wiss. Inektenbiol. Bd. 4 pe 95—99. 71 Thienemann, August. 57.71 Chironemidae : 15 1908. Uber die Bestimmung der Chironomidenlarven und -puppen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 753—756. 72 Willem, Victor. 57.71 Chironomidae : 15 1908. Larves de Chironomides vivant dans des feuilles. Bull, Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 697—704, 1 pl. [Se creusant des galeries dans l’epais- seur de tissus végétaux vivants.] 73 Kieffer, J. J., und A. Thienemann. 57.71 Chironomidae (4) 1908. Neue und bekannte Chironomiden und ihre Metamorphose. Zeit- schr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 1—10, 33—39, 78—84, 124—128, 184 — 190. 214—219, 256—259, 277 —986, 58 figg. [27 nn. spp. in: Palpomyia (K.) Ceratopogon (K.), Diamesia (K), Trissocladius n. g. 2 (K.), Diplocladius n. g. (K.), Trichocladius 5 (K.), Psectrocladius 2 (K.), Dactylocladius 5, Camp- tocladius 4 (K.), Metrioenemus, Tanytarsus (K.), Chironomus 2 (K.).] (43.16,.22,.44,.45,.51) 21074 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Chironomidae (493) 1908. Description de deux nouveaux Chironomides. Bull. Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 705—707. [2 nn. spp. in: Chironomus, Psectrocladius.] 75 Johannsen, Oskar Augustus, 57.71 Chironomidae (7) 1908. New North American Chironomidae. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124. — 61st ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 2 p. 264—985. [12 nn. spp. in: Ceratopogon 2, Johannseniella 2, Tanypus, Protenthes, Thalassomyia, Chironomus (C. ithacanensis n. nom. pro C. caliginosus Jonanns.) 3, Orthocladius 2] (74.7,.8, 78.1,.8, 79.7) 76 Haas. 57.71 Chironomus : 11.11 1908. Ueber die Art der Rotfärbung der roten Mückenlarven (Chironomus plumosus). Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienk. Jahrg. 5 p. 316—317. [Hae- moglobin.] 77 Pettit, R. H. 57.71 Chironomus : 15 1900. A Leaf-Miner, Cheironomus sp., in Water Lilies. 1st Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 110—111, 1 pl. 78 Mitchell, Evelyn Groesbeeck. 97.71 Chironomus (73) 1908. Descriptions of Nine New Species of Gnats. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 7—14, 9 figg. [9 nn. spp. in: Chironomus.] (74.7,.9, 75.2, 78.9, 79.1) 79 Felt, E. P. 57.71 Contarinia : 16.5 1908. Observations on the Genus Contarinia. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 225—227. 80 Felt, E. P. 91.41 Contarinia (729.8) 1908. Contarinia gossypii n. sp. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 210—211. 21081 Anthon, Soester I. 57.71 Ctenophora : 13.41 1908. The Larva of Ctenophora angustipennis, Loew. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 541—560, 10 pls. [Digestive, tracheal, circulatory system; fat-bodies, imaginal buds etc.] 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 176 21082 Grossbeck, John A. 57.71 Culex : 15 1908. Additional Notes on the Life History of Culex perturbans. Eniom. News Vol. 19 p. 473—476, 1 pl. 83 Smith, John B. 57.71 Culex : 15. 1908. The Habits and Structures of the Larva of Culex perturbans. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 917—918. — Notes on the Larval Habits of Culex perturbans. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 22—25, 2 pls. 84 Eysell, Adolf. 57.71 Culex : 15.6 1908. Bemerkungen zu den Beobachtungen über das Eierlegen der Culi- ciden von Gazui-Varerro und Rocxaz DE Jongen, Centralbl. Bakt. Parasıt. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 46 p. 717—719. — Zur Frage der Eier von Culex cantans. Antwort an Dr. A. EyserL, von B. GaAruı-Varerıo und J. Rocmaz pg Joneu. Bd. 48 p. 91—92. 85 Girault, A. Arsene. 57.71 Culex : 15.6 1908. Standards of the Number of Eggs Laid by Insects. VI. Being Aver- ages obtained by actual Count of the Combined Eggs from '|wenty (20) Depositions or Masses. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 4. 86 Ross, E. H. 57.71 Culex : 16.7 1908. The Prevention of Dengue Fever. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 2 Pp. 193--196. 87 Eysell, Adolf. 57.71 Culicidae 1905. Sind die Culiciden eine Familie? Insektenbörse Jahrg. 22 p. 51— 52, 55—56. 88 Coquillett, D. W. 57.71 Culicidae 1908. Dr. Dyar's Criticism of „Mosquito Life“. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 81—83. — A Reply to Dr. Dyar, by Every GaorssEkck MircueLL. p. 98 —98. 21089 Dyar, Harrison, and Frederick Knab. 57.71 Culicidae 1908. Notes on Mosquito Work. Canad. Eutom. Vol. 40 p. 809—312. 90 Eysell, Adolf. 57.71 Culicidae : 07 1904. Über Fang, Aufbewahrung und Versand von Stechmiicken. Insekten- börse Jahrg. 21 p. 330—332, 338—339, 346—347, 354—355, 15 figg. 91 Mangianti. 57.71 Culicidae : 09 1903. Une page ancienne de Vhistoire des moustiques. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Hyg. Démogr. T. 8 p. 99—104, 8 fige. [Travail de R£auwun.] 92 Banks, Charles S. 57.71 Culicidae : 15 1908. Biology of Philippine Culicidae. Philippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 235—258, 10 pls. 15.6 93 Galli-Valerio, B., und J. Rochaz de Jongh. 57.71 Culicidae : 15 1908. Betrachtungen über Culiciden. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 46 p. 130 —134, 2 figg. [Eiablage, Brutplátze, Ueberwinterung d. Larven, culicidenfressende Tiere etc.] 94 Blanchard, R. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.5 1906. Présentation d'appareil. Bull. Acad. Méd. Paris (3) T. 56 p. 123— 125, 1 tig. [Monstiquaires.] 95 Doty, A. H. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.5 1905. On the Extermination of the Mosquito. Amer. Journ. med. Soc. 96 Osborn, H. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.5 1907. Destruction of Mosquitoes and their Larvæ by Fish and Lime. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 832—833. 21097 Sternberg, Geo. M. "n 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1896. [Agent of Yellow Fever and Transmission by Mosquitos] Edin- burgh med. Journ. Vol. 41 p. 782—784. — Reply by C. Fray. p. 885— 887. 15. I. 1909. 177 Diptera. 21098 Hauser, Ph. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1904. Le paludisme et sa transmission par les moustiques au point de vue de l’épidemiologie. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Hyg. p. 264— 283. 99 Waldert, Albert. 57.71 Culicidae: 16.7 1904. A Preliminary Investigation of the Theory of the Inoculation of Malarial Fever through the Agency of Mosquitoes. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Hyg. p. 75—90. 21100 Belli, Carlo Maurizio. 97.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1906. Prophylaxie de la malaria et la fièvre jaune à bord des navires en station ou en relâche aux colonies. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 17 p. 96—109. 01 Sanarelli, Giuseppe. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1906. La propagation de la fièvre jaune. C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 14 p. 48—77. [Contre la théorie culicidienne.] 02 Sarmento, Adolpho. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1906. Prophylaxie de la malaria et de la fièvre jaune à bord des navires en station et en reläche aux colonies. (Prophylaxie de l’impaludisme et de la fievre jaune a bord des navires.) Arch. Hyg. Pathol. exot. Lisboa Vol. 1 p. 109—128. — C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 17 p. 193— 210, 316—317. 03 Fülleborn, [F.] 57.71 Culicidae 16.7 1907. Uebertragung von Filarienkrankheiten durch Mücken. Arch. Schiffs- Tropenhyg. Bd. 11 p. 635 —643. [Z%aria-Larven (Hundefilarien) gelangen beim Saugakt in Mückendarm (Anopheles und Stegomyia), entwickeln sich in Malpighischen Gefässen, brechen in Leibeshóhle durch und wandern gegen Kopfende (Ansammeln in Rüsselscheide).] 21104 Ross, E. H., and H. C. Ross. 97.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1907. An Automatic Oiler for the Destruction and Prevention of Mos- quito Larvae in Cesspools and other Collections of Water. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 165—167, 1 pl. 05 Allen, A. H. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. Notes on Dengue in Cuba. New York med. Journ. Vol. 87 p. 358 —359. 06 Ayers, Edward A. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. The Mosquito as a Sanitary Problem. Diseases Caused by Mosqui- toes. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 190—191. 07 Brault. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. Paludisme et maladies parapaludéennes. Leur distribution géo- graphique aux colonies et dans les pays chauds. Rev. scient. (3) T. 9 08 Carbajal, Antonio J. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. Etiologia de la fiebre amarilla o vomito prieto, Considerada desde el punto de vista de su transmisiön por la picadura del mosquito. Mem. Soc. cient. Ant. Alzaie T. 10 p. 369—395. 09 Galli-Valerio, B. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. Les moustiques au point de vue de l’hygiène urbaine. Chronique agric. Vaud Ann. 21 p. 457—442. 10-Seherdlin, Paul. 57.71 Culicidae : 16.7 1908. Einiges über die Stechmücken. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 156—157, 163—164. 11 Blanchard, Raphael, 57.71 Culicidae (44.36) 190i. Les moustiques de Paris; leurs méfaits, mesures de préservation. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (8) Vol. 46 p. 223—244. 21112 Debove. 57.71 Culicidae (44.36) 1901. Les moustiques de Paris. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) Voi. 45 p. 144—478. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 12 Diptera. 178 21113 Macdonald, J. 57.71 Culicidae (46.8) 1901. Le paludisme et les moustiques à Rio Tinto Espagne. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Méd. Vol. 3 Sect. Bact. Parasit. p. 107—108. 14 Macdonald, Juan. 57.71 Culicidae (46.8) 1904. Etiologia del paludismo en la provincia de Huelva. ©. R. i4e Congr. intern. Med. Path. gen. p. 122—124. 15 Jorge, Ricarpo, et Moraes Sarmento. 97.71 Culicidae (469) 1906. La malaria en Portugal. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 14 p. 202—210. [Distribution des Culicides.] 16 Goetghebuer. 57.71 Culicidae (493) 1908. Les Moustiques. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann, 8 p. 19—20. 17 Brunetti, E. 57.71 Culicidae (502) 1907/09. Annotated Catalogue of Oriental Culicidae. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 297—377. — Rev. by Harrison G. Dyar. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 376. — Oriental Culicidae by E. B. Vol. 41 p. 121—122. (54.1—.5,.7—.87, 59.5, 91.4) 18 Theobald, Fred. Y. 57.71 Culicidae (68.2) 1908. Notes on some Transvaal Mosquitoes, including two New Species and a New Variety. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 106—109. [2 nn. spp. in: Ficalbia, Aedes. 1 n. var. in Banksiella.] 19 Blanchard, R. 57.51 Culicidae (69) 1906. Le paludisme à Madagascar. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 56 p. 80—96. [Liste des moustiques de Madagascar. — Disc. p. 110—118, 125—131. 21120 d’Emmerez de Charmoy. 97.41 Culicidae (69.5) 1908. On Three New Species of Culex Collected during the Anti-malarial Campaign in Mauritius in 1908. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Vol.2 p. 257 —264, 1 pl. 2] Knab, Frederick. 57.71 Culicidae (71.2) 1908. Observations on the Mosquitoes of Saskatchewan. Smithson. mis- cell. Coll. Vol. 50 p. 540—547. 22 Dyar, Harrison, G., and Frederick Knab. 57.71 Culicidae (801) 1908. Descriptions of some New Mosquitoes from Tropical America. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 53—70. [32 nn. spp. in: Anopheles, Aëdes 6, Culex 7, Sabethes 2, Lesticocampa, Prosopolepis, Phoniomyia, Wyeomyia 13. Anopheles cruzii n. nom. pro Myzomyia lutzii Tarogarr non Myzorhynchella lutzii Cruz, both gg. not distinct from Anopheles.] (72.6,.7, 728, 729.1,.2,.8, 75.2,.5, 76.2,.4,.6—.8, 79.6, 86, 88) 23 Busck, August. 97.71 Culicidae (86) 1908. Report on a Trip for the Purpose of Studying the Mosquito Fauna of Panama. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 49— 77. 24 Ludlow, C. S. 57.71 Culicidae (91.4) 1908. Mosquito Notes. — No. 6. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 32—34, 50 —52. [3 nn. spp. in: Collia, Chagasia, Pseudoskusea.] 25 Bancroft, Thos. L. 57.71 Culicidae (94.3) 1908. List of the Mosquitoes of Queensland with the Original Descriptions and Notes on the Life-History of a Number. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 8 p. 1—64, 4 figg. 26 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Culicidae (96.2) 1908. Notes on some Society Island Mosquitoes. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 321—392. 27 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Dicranomyia (7) 1908. Notes on the Tipulid Genus Dicranomyia. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 5-9, 4 figg. [4 nn. spp.] (71.4, 74.4,.8, 79.4,.7) 21128 Ball, Carleton R. 57.71 Diplosis : 16.5 1908. The Sorghum Midge. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 114—115. — Notes on Diplosis sorghicola Cog. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) p. 952. [Injury to sorghums.) 15 T 1909 179 Diptera. 21129 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.71 Hormomyia (78.8) 908. A Remarkable Cecidomyiid Fly. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 421— 422, 1 fig. [Hormomyia coloradensis n. sp.] 30 Kieffer, J. J. 57.71 Leptoconops (62) 1908. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Chironomides d’Egypte. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 576—577. [Leptoconops kertészi.] 31 Morgan, H. A., and E. C. Cotton. 57.71 Megarhinus : 15 1908. Some Life-history Notes on Megarhinus septentrionalis D. and K. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 28—30. [Larvae.] 32 Jenkinson, F. 57.71 Mycetophilidae (42) 1908. Notes on Certain Mycetophilidae, Including Several Species New to the British List. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 129—133, 151— 154. [Brachypeza radiata n. sp.] (42.59) 33 Banks, Charles S. 57.71 Myzomyia : 15.2 1908. A Mosquito which Breeds in Salt and Fresh Water. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 3 B p. 335—341, 5 pls. [Strong proof of ròle of Myzomyia as transmitter of aestivo-autumnal malaria.] 34 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Pachyrhina (73) 1908. New North American Pachyrhina, with a Table for Determining the Species. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 173—179. [4 nn. spp.] (714, (86,0, 19.1,.3,.4,.7) 35 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.71 Philorites (1181) 1908. A Fossil Fly of the Family Blepharoceridae. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 262—265, 1 fig. [Philorites n. g. johannseni n. sp.] 36 Grassi, B. 57.71 Phlebotomus (45.6) 1908. Intorno ad un nuovo Flebotomo. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 2 p. 681—682. [Ph. maseittii n. sp.] 21137 Annandale, N. 57.71 Phlebotomus (54.1) 1908. Notes on Oriental Diptera. V. Description of a New Species of Psychodid of the Genus Phlebotomus. Ree. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 101— 104, 1 fig. [Ph. argentipes (AnnanpaLe & BrunneTTI.)] 38 Seitner, M. ; 57.71 Plemeliella : 16.5 1908. Die Fichtensamengallmücke (Plemeliella abietina). Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 185—190, 13 figg. 39 Ludlow, C. S. 57.71 Pseudouranotaenia (91.4) 1908. Mosquito Notes. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 331—332. [Pseudourano- taenia triangulata n. sp.| 40 Haseman, Leonard. 57.71 Psychoda : 15 1908. Notes on the Psychodidae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 274—285, 2 figg. [P. domestica n. sp.] 41 Hasemen, Leonard, 57.71 Psychodidae (73) 1907. A Monograph of the North American Psychodide Including Ten New Species and an Aquatic Psychodid from Florida. Trans. Amer. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 299—333, 4 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Pericoma 3, Psy- choda 6, Trichomyia.] (76.4, 77.8, 79.1) 42 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Rhypholophus (73) 1908. New Species of the Tipulid Genus Rhypholophus, with a Table for Determining the North American Species. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 200 — 202, [5 nn. spp.] (74.7, 79.4) 43 Knab, Frederick. 57.71 Sayomyia: 15 1908. The Early Stages of Sayomyia punetipennis Say. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 36—40, 4 figg. 44 Roubaud, E. 57.71 Simulium : 15 1907. Note biologique sur un type adapté de Simulium reptans du Congo équatorial. Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 21 p. 670—671. 21145 Fernández de Ibarra, Agustin. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1904. La falacia sanitaria del mosquito en la fiebre amarilla. €. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Path. interne p. 785—794. 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 180 21146 Chantemesse, A., et F. Borel. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1905. Fièvre jaune et moustique. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 53 p. 99—104, 125—131, 150—155. 47 Boyce, Rubert. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1906. The Prophylaxis of Yellow Fever as the Result of the 1905 Epidemic in Central America and New Orleans. (€. R. 15e Congr. intern. Méd.. Sect. 3 p. 86—113. 48 Fajardo, Francisco. 97.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1906. Etiologie et prophylaxie de la fievre jaune. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 17 p. 47—60. — Discuss. Sect. 14 p. 101—107 ; Sect. 17 p. 286—292. 49 Gorgas, William C. 97.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1906. Etiology and Prophylaxis of Yellov Fever. C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Méd. Sect. 17 p. 61—74. — Discuss. Sect. 14 p. 101—107; Sect. 17 p. 286. 292. 50 Chantemesse, [A.]. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1908. La fièvre jaune à Saint-Nazaire. C. Rs Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 913 —914. 51 Gorgas, W. C. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1908. Method of the Spread of Yellow Fever. Med. Rec. New York Vol. 73 p. 1061— 1063. H 52 Neumann, R. 0. 57.71 Stegomyia : 16.7 1908. Die Übertragung von Plasmodium praecox auf Kanarienvögel durch Stegomyia fasciata und die Entwicklung der Parasiten im Magen und den Speicheldrüsen dieser Stechmiicke. Arch. Protistenkunde Bd. 13 p. 23— 69, 3 Taf. [Erstmalig beobachtete Ubertragung des Proteosoma durch St. fasciata. Fortpflanzungsverhältnisse.] 21153 Aubert, et Guérin. 97.71 Stegomyia (44.91) 1908. Note sur la capture, à Marseille d’un Moustique du genre Stegomyia. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 378—379. — Semaine med. Ann. 28 p- 120. 54 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Tipula : 16.5 1908. A Remarkable Outbreak of Tipula Larvae. Entom. News Vol. 19 pe 437—438. 55 Bergroth, E. 57.71 Tipula (43.65) 1908. Ueber eine österreichische Tipula-Art. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 218. [T. strobli n. sp.] 56 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Tipula (79.4) 1908. A New Species of Tipula with Vestigial Wings. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 37—49, 1 fig. [T. vestigipennis.] 57 Doane, R. W. 57.71 Tipulidae : 11.5 1908. Variations in the Wing Venation in some Tipulidae. Entom. News. Vol. 19 p. 405—407, 1 pl. 58 Townsend, Charles H. T. 57.72 1908. The Taxonomy of the Muscoidean Flies, including Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 51 p. 1—138. [55 nn. spp.in: Neophyto (n. g. pro Phyto setosa), Myiophasia, Aphria 2, Pho- socephala n. g., Paranaphora n. g., Neofischeria n. g., Drepanoglossa, Oedema- soma n. g., Ichneumonops n. g., Acronarista n. g., Lixophaga n. g., Hemiar- gyra n. g., Poliophrys n. g. 2, Phrissopolia (n. g. pro Prospherysa crebra), Tre- pophrys n. g., Argyrophylax, Zygobothria, Comatacta, Paradexodes n. g. 2, Ceromasia 2, Viviania, Tachina, Euphorocera, Deopalpus n. g., Eufabricia n. g., Rhachoépalpus n. g., Euëpalpus n. g, Calliphora 4, Lucilia 10, Eume- sembrina (n. g. pro Mesembrina latreillei), Hyalomyodes 2, Gymnoclytia, Xan- thomelanodes, Acaulona, Euacaulona n. g., Euomogenia n.g. Polistomyia n. g., Eutrichopoda n. g. Eumegaparia n. g. pro Megaparia flavevla, Dolichocodia pro Myiovera bivittata, Euchaetogyne pro Hystrichodexia roederi, Euclytia pro Clytia flava, Euphyto pro Leucostoma subopaca, Sphenometopa pro Araba nebu- 15. I. 1909. 181 Diptera. losa, Eucalodexia pro Homodexia flavipes, Diaphoropeza pro Atrophopoda braueri, Catemophrys pro Vanderwulpia sequens, Oedemapeza pro Atrophopoda townsendi, Methypostena pro Hypostena barbata, Parafischeria pro Demoticus venatoris, Apachemyia pro Demoticus pallidus, Eusisyropa pro Exorista blanda, Eudexodes pro Dexodes eggeri, Goniomima pro Belvosia luteola, Triachora pro Latreillia unifasciata, Copecrypta pro Schineria ruficauda, Spanipalpus pro Trichophora miscelli, Eupeleteria pro Echinomyia fera, Eujurinia pro Hystricia pollinosa, Xanthozona pro Tachina melanopyga, Eucalliphora pro Calliphora latifrons, Protophormia pro Phormia terraenovae, Metamesembrina pro Mesem- brina meridiana, Galactomyia pro Trichopoda radiata. Brauerimyia n. nom. pro Wulpia Braver & von BxmeEwsr. non Bieor, Neaporia pro Aporia B. & B. non Hüsn., Rondanimyia pro Gymnopsis Ronpaxr non Rararr, Eudemoticus pro Plagiopsis B. & B. non Bererorn, Euphasia pro Neophasia B. & B., Euco- ronimyia pro Isoglossa Cooper non Caser, Argyrophylax piperi pro Sturmia schizurae CoquiLLert non Towxsenp, Latreillimyia pro Latreillia Ron. Desv. non Roux, Tachina orgyiurum pro T. orgyiae Townsenp non Le Baron, Pterotopeza pro Chaetoprocta B. & B. non Nicrvirrx.] (42, 43.21,.22,.36,.61, 47.7, 71.1, 72.1,4—.7, 728, 729.1, 74.2,.4,.8, 75.4,.6,.8,.9 16.1—.4,.9, 77.1,.3,.8, 78.1,.2,.8—79.4,.7,.8, 81) 21159 Perez, Ch. 57.72 : 13.4 1908. Histolyse et histogenèse chez les Muscides. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 262. [Metamorphose. Histogenèse des muscles moteurs des ailes.] 60 Wesché, W. 57.72 : 14.9 1908. The Systematic Affinities of the Phoridae and of several Brachi- cerous Families in Diptera. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 283— 296, 1 pl. 61 Meissner, Otto. 57.72 : 15.6 1908. Verirrungen des Brutpflegeinstinktes bei Dipteren. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 109. , 62 MacKaig, Andrew. 57.72 : 16.7 1902, Insects and Cholera. Edinburgh med. Journ. Vol. 54 p. 137 —140. 63 Bannerman, W. B. 97.72 : 16.7 1907. The Importance of Blood-sucking Flies as Transmitters of Disease to Man and Animals. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 871 —875. 21164 Trembur, H. 57.72 : 16.7 1908. Infektöse Darmkrankheiten und Fliegen. Deutsch. militärärztl. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 37 p. 506—569. 65 Loos, Curt. 57.72 : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. Beobachtungen für einen bedeutungsvollen Fliegenschmarotzer an dem Nonneninsekte. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 4—9. 66 Reis, Yiktor. 57.72 : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Fliegenlarven in einer durch Karzinom exulzerierten Augenhóhle. 67 Vigier, P. 57.72 : 18.8 1908. Sur l'existence réelle et le rôle des appendices piriformes des neurones. Le neurone périoptique des Diptéres. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 959—961, 2 figg. 68 Meunier, Fernand. 67.72 (1181) 1908. Les Phoridae et les Leptidae de l’ambre de la Baltique. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1362—1363. 21169 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.72 (1182) 1908. Two Fossil Diptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 173—175, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Microstylum, Dialysis.] 16. I. 1909. Diptera. 182 21170 Villeneuve, J. 57.72 (4) 1908: Description de Diptères nouveaux. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 202—204. [3 nn. spp. in: Dioctria, Chortophila, Acyglossa.] (43.94, 44.89,.95, 494) 71 Villeneuve, J. 57.72 (4) 1908. Travaux diptérologiques. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 281 —288. [6 nn. spp. in: Exorista, Bigonichaeta, Craspedotrix, Hemimasicera, Frauenfeldia, Vanoyia n. g. Notes synonymiques.] (43.14,.21, 44.89, 47.7,.9) 72 Bezzi, M. 97.72 (402) 1908. Rhagionidae et Empididae Palaearcticae Novae ex Museo Nationali Hungarico. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation, Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 389—39€. [7 nn. spp. in Rhagio 3, Rhamphomyia, Empis 3.] (43.91, 45.2,.6, 499, 52.1) 73 Hendel, Friedrich. 57.72 (405) 1908. Ueber die bisher bekannten Dorycera-Arten. Zeitschr. syst. Hyme- nopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 104—108. [2 nn. spp. in: Dorycera, Perenomatia.} (499, 56.9) 74 Wood, John H. 57.72 (42.44) 1905. Herefordshire Diptera. The Platypezidae, Pipemeulidae, and Syr- phidae. Trans. Wooihope Natural. Field Club 1902/04 p. 363—375. Sack, P. 57.72 (43.58) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna der Umgegend von Frankfurt a. M. Die Dipteren. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. -1 et 106—125. 76 Villeneure, J. 57.72 (44) 1908. Diptères nouveaux pour la France. Bull. Soc. entom, France 1908 p. 275—277. [Tabanus brauerei n. sp] (44.26,.89,.97) 21177 Tuccimei, Giuseppe. 57.72 (45.6). 1908. Saggio di un Catalogo dei Ditteri della provincia di Roma. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 244—261, 321—327. 78 Guilliaume, A. 57.72 (493) 1908. Notes sur les Diptères de Belgique. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 297—298. 79 Brunetti, E. 57.72 (5) 1907/08. Notes on Oriental Diptera. IV. On some Indian Species of Lim- nophora and Anthomyia, with a Description of a New Species of the For- mer Genus. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 381—385, 1 pl. [Limnophora himalayensis n. sp.] — Corrections. Vol. 2 p. 107. [L. h. is a Spilogaster.] (54.6) 80 Martin, Joanny. 57.72 (6) 1908. Note sur les Diptères. Mission Foà Paris p. 599—600. [Addition par Suncovr.] (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) 81 Bezzi, M. 57.72 (67.5) 1998. Diagnoses d’espèces nouvelles de Diptères d’Afrique. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 374—388. [50 nn. spp. in: Hermetia, Hoplodonta 2, Chrysozona, Toxophora, Eclipsis n. g., Epiblepharis n. g., Microstylum 2, An- cylorrhynchus, Hyperechia, Laxenecera, Laphria 2, Promachus 2, Philomachus, Ommatius, Syneches, Drapetis, Sciapus, Rhagoneurus, Baccha, Graptomyza 2, Dolichomerus, Microdon, Cerioides, Winthemia, Rhynchomyia, Stomatorrhina, Zonochroa, Tricyclea, Besseria, Allophora, Atherigona, Limosina, Celyphus, Engistoneura 4, Phytalmodes n. g., Dacus 2, Ceratitis, Paralimna, Camilla.] 82 Cresson, E. T., jr. 57.72 (7) 1906/07. Some North American Diptera from the South West. I. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 279—288, 1 pl. [6 nn. spp. in: Hiatus n. g., Automola, Pterocalla, Acrosticta, Euxesta 2.] I. Vol. 33 p. 99—108, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in Tephritis.] (72.3, 76.4, 78.8,.9) 21183 Cresson, E. T., jr. 57.72 (88) 1908. Two New Species Belonging to the Dipterous Families Ortalidae 15. I. 1909. 21184 87 88 89 90 21191 93 94 95 Or 183 Diptera. and Trypetidae from Dutch Guiana, with Notes on Others of these Groups. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 95—99, il pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Zeugma n. g., Xan- thacrona.] Hendel, Friedrich. 57.72 Acalypterae 1908. Acht neue Pyrgotinen. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 97 p. 145— 158. [8 nn. spp. in: Pyrgota, Hypotyphla, Toxura 2, Eupyrgota, Diasteneu- ra n. g., Geloemyia n. g., Campylocera.] (59.9, 68.7, 81, 91.3, 94.1,.4, 95) French, C. 91. 72 Acalypterae : 16.5 1907. Fruit Flies. Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 5 p. 301—312, 1 pl. Malloch, J. R. 57.72 Acalypterae (42.97) 1908. Eccoptomera microps, Me., and Agromyza bicornis, Karr., Two Dip- tera New to the British List. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 180 —181. Frey, Richard. 57.72 Aca!ypterae (47.1) 1908. Über die in Finnland gefundenen Arten des Formenkreises der Gattung Sepsis Farı. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 577—588. [S orthocnemis n. sp. Sepsidimorpha n. g. pro Sepsis loewi.] De Meijere, J. C. H. 57.72 Acalypterae (9) 1908. Studien über Südostasiatische Dipteren. II Tijdschr. Entom. D. 91 p. 105—180, 1 Taf. [32 nn. spp. in: Sepedon, Laglaisia, Rivellia, Asyn- tona, Tephritis, Sapromyza 5, Drosophila T, scaptomyca, Notiphila 2, Paralimna 2, Ochthera, Hipelates, Chloropisca, Lagaroceras, Meroscinis n. g., Oscinis 2, Siphonella, Limosina, Sphaerocera, Amphicyphus n. g. pro Ensina reticulata, Sapromyza kertészi n. nom. pro S. orientalis Kerr.] (91.1, 921, 922, 95) Shelford, R. 57.72 Aenigmatistes (67.6) 1908. Aenigmatistes africanus, a New Genus and Species of Diptera. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 150—155, 1 pl. Couden, E. D. 57.72 Agromyza (77.8) 1908. A Gall-Maker of the Family Agromyzidae (Agromyza tiliae, n. sp.). Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 34—36, 6 figg. Bezzi, M. 57.72 Allognosta (81) 1908. Eine neue brasilianische Art der Dipterengattung Allognosta O. S. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 471. [4. barbiellinii.] Stein, P. 57.72 Anthomyidae (403) 1908. Analytische Uebersicht aller mir bekannten breitstirnigen Antho- myiden-Mànnchen mit Ausschluss der Gattungen Lispa und Fucellia. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 1—15. [2 nn. spp. in: Chirosia.] (48.18, 48.8) Frey, Richard. 57.72 Anthomyidae (47.1) 1908. Anmärkningsvärda Anthomyid-fynd frän Finland. ‚Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 117—122. Johnson, Charles W. 57.72 Anthrax (74) 1908. Notes on New England Bombyliidae, with a Description of a New Species of Anthrax. Psyche Yol. 18 p. 14—15. [A. shawi n. sp.] (74.2,.4) Bezzi, M. 57.72 Asarcina (5) 1908. Secondo contributo alla conoscenza del genere Asarcina. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p.495—504. [3 nn. spp. 8 nn. varr.] (52.9, 54.1, 59.5, 67.8, 68.4, 936, 95) Hermann, F. 57.72 Asilidae 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Asiliden. IV. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 152—170, 1 Taf. 10 figg. [Nachträge zu der Mitteilung über die um das Genus Laphytisa sich gruppierenden Asilidenformen. 3 nn. spp. in Laphystia.] Hine, James S. 57.72 Asilidae (71.1) 1908. Two New Species of Asilidae from British Columbia. Canad. En- tom. Vol. 40 p. 202—204, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Cuphura, Nigrasilue n. g.] 15. I. 1900. Diptera. 184 21198 Jones, Paul R. 97.72 Asilidae (78.2) 1907. A Preliminary list of the Asilide of Nebraska with Description of New Species. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 273—286. [6 nn. spp. in: Seleropogon, Triclis, Dioctria, Lasiopogon, Heteropogon, Cervtainia.] 99 Beil, T. R. 57.72 Asilus : 15.3 “agen Food of Predaceous Flies. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Yol. 17 pe . 21200 Meunier, F. 97.72 Asilus (1181) 1908. Les Asilidae de l’ambre de la Baltique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 18—20, 3 figg. [Asilus klebsi n. sp.] 01 Villeneuve, J. 57.72 Asilus (44) 1908. Vieux-neuf diptérologique. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 199 — 901. (44.15,.26,.36) 02 Bezzi, Mario. 57.72 Bombyliidae 1908. Eine neue Aphoebantus-Art aus dem palaearktischen Faunengebiete. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 26—36. [A. escheri. Petrorossia n. g. pro Bibio hesperus.] (65) 03 Bogdanow, E. A. 57.72 Calliphora : 11 1908. Ueber die Abhàngigkeit des Wachstums der Fliegenlarven von Bak- terien und Fermenten und über Variabilitàt und Vererbung bei den Fleisch- fliegen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. physiol. Abt. Suppl.-Bd. 1908 p. 173—200, 2 Taf. 11.044,.3,.51 04 Weinland, Ernst. 57.72 Calliphora : 11.05 1908. Uber die Bildung von Fett aus eiweissartiger Substanz im Brei der Calliphoralarven. (Weitere Beobachtungen an Calliphora Nr. 5.) Zeit- schr. Biol. Bd. 51 p. 197—278. 21205 Nelson, Edward M. 97.72 Calliphora : 14.98 1908. Some Hairs upon the Proboscis of the Blow-Fly. Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 227—228. 06 Wesché, W. 57.72 Calliphora : 14.98 1908. The Proboscis of the Blow-Fly, Calliphora erythrocephala, Ma.—a Study in Evolution. Journ. Quekett micr. Club (2) Vol. 10 p. 283 —294, 2 pls., 4 figg. 07 Smiraglia-Scognamiglio. Nino. 57.72 Calliphora (45.73) 1904. Di un nuovo insetto la cui larva vive sui cadaveri umani ed ha rapporti con le malattie infettive, la tuberculosi in ispecie. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Path. gen. p. 207—210. [C. monticelli n. sp.] 08 Mally, C. W. 57.72 Ceratitis : 16.5 1908. The Fruit Fly. Paraffin Remedy Versus Poisoned Bait. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 609—611. — Supplementary Note by C. P. Lounssury. p. 612—614. 09 Swezey, Otto H. 57.72 Chaetogaedia : 15 1908. Observations on the Life-History of Chaetogaedia monticola, Breor. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 7—9. 10 Johnson, C. W. 57.72 Chrysomyia : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Chrysomyia macellaria. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 60. 11 Adams, C. F. 57.72 Crassiseta (7) 1908. Notes on North American Species of Crassiseta V. Ros. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 151-152. [2 nn. spp. (728, 77.5) 12 Enderlein, Giinther. 57.72 Cutiterebra (85) 1908. Cutiterebra schroederi, eine neue parasitäre Fliege. (Oestridae olim.) Stettin. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 70 p. 202—203. 21213 Paoli, Guido. 57.72 Dacus : 15 1908. Intorno a galle causate dalla puntura del Dacus oleae (Rossi) MEIGEN, sull’ oliva. Redia Vol. 5 p. 27—30, 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. 185 Diptera 21214 Berlese, Antonio. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1907. Istruzioni pratiche per coloro che vogliono rinnuovare di esperienze di lotta contro la mosca delle olive col metodo dachicida. Redia Vol. 4 p. 193—197. 15 Berlese, Antonio. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1907. Osservazioni sopra un recente scritto relativo ad insetti nocivi all’ Olivo. Redia Vol. 4 p. 259—260. — Note dietologiche sulla mosca delle Olive per G. Marretti. [Osservazioni del Prof. Giacomo Det Guercio.] p. 261—275. — Generazioni della mosca delle Olive per Fırırro SILVESTRI. [Note ed Osservazioni del Prof. G. DeL Guercio.] p. 276—284. — Deter- minazioni dei parassiti. |Osservazioni del Dott. G. Paorr] p. 285—288. — Intorno alle note di dietologia degli imenotteri parassiti della mosca delle Olive e sul metodo „razionale“ di lotta dal Sırvesteı. [Appunti di Antonio BerLese.] p. 289—328. 16 Berlese, [Ant.]. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1908. Resultati dalle esperienze compiute nell’ anno 1906 per combattere la mosca delle olive. Ann. Agric. No. 258 p. 47—49. 17 Berlese, [Ant.!. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1908. Sulla biologia della mosca delle olive. Ann. Agric. No. 258 p. 35—38. 18 Santolyne, P. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1908. La lutte contre la mouche de Volive. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 59 p. 510—571, 1 fig. 19 Silvestri, E., G. Martelli, e L. Masi. 57.72 Dacus : 16.5 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli Insetti Dannosi all’ Olivo e di quelli che con essi hanno rapporti. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 1—2. — Note dietologiche sulla mosca delle Olive, per G. Mar- TELLI p. 3—12. — Generazioni della mosca delle Olive, per F. SILVESTRI p. 13—17. — Sugli Imenotteri parassiti ectofagi della mosca delle Olive fino ad ora osservati nell’ Italia meridionale e sulla loro importanza nel combattere la mosca stessa, per F. Smvesrrr in collaborazione con G. Mar- TELLI e L. Masr] p. 18—20. 82,36 figg. [Dinarmus dacicidia (Masi) n. sp.] 21220 Silvestri, [F.]. 57.12 Dacus : 16.5 1908. Sulla biologia della mosca delle olive. Ann. Agric. No. 258 p. 40 — 45. 21 Sack, P. 57.72 Dacus (6) 1908. Die afrikanischen Formen der Gattung Dacus (Mrıcen). Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 3—13, 1 fig. [D. cucu- marius n. Sp.] (67.8) 22 Bezzi, M. 57.72 Dasyllis 1908. Sind die Dasyllis-Arten ausschliesslich in Amerika zu Heimat? Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 108-110. 23 Poppius, B. 57.72 Dermatoestrus (68.9) 1907. Eine neue Art der Oestriden-Gatt:1g Dermatoestrus Braver aus Cen- tral-Afrika. Ofrers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Fi: h. Bd. 49 No. 19, 3 pp. [D. erıkssoni.] 24 Carpenter, Frederic W. 57.72 Drosophila : 11.044 1908. Some Reactions of Drosophila, with Special Reference to Convul- sive Reflexes. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 483—491, 1 fig. 25 Carpenter, Frederic W. 57.72 Drosophila : 11.044 1908. Some Reactions of the Pomace Fly (Drosophila ampelophila) to Ex- ternal Stimuli. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 911. 6 Moenkhaus, W. J. 57.72 Drosophila : 13.6 1908. A Study in the Sex-ratio in Drosophila ampelophila, (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 920. [1 c" to 1.14 9 Ratio inherited.] 21227 Meunier, Fernand. 57.72 Empidae (1181) 1908. Monographie des Empidae de l’ambre de la Baltique et catalogue bibliographique complet sur les Diptéres fossiles de cette résine. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 81—135, 10 pls. [53 nn. spp. in: Drapetis 5, 15. I. 1909. 21228 Se 30 31 32 33 34 35 21236 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Diptera. 186 Drapetilla n. g., Phoneutisca 2, Tachydromia 2, Elaphropeza, Platypalpus 4, Hemerodromia, Phyllodromia 3, Lepidomyia, Parathalassiella, Trichopeza, Hybos 2, Oedalea, Leptopeza, Palaeoleptopeza, Meghyperiella Euthyneuriella, Brachystoma, Rhumphomyia 10, Hilara 3, Empis 8, Ragas, Mierophorus.] Hamm, A. H. 97.72 Empis : 15.6 1908. Observations on Empis livida, L. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 181—184. Shattock, S. G. 57.72 Eristalis : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Three Specimens of Eristalis tenax, passed by the Bowel. Proc. R. Soc. Med. London Vol. 1 path. Sect. p. 147—152, 2 figg. — Lancet Vol. 174 p. 934. Bréthes, Juan. 57.72 Exorisia (82) 1908. Sobre tres Exorista parásitas de la „Palustra tenuis“ Bere. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 473—476. [3 nn. spp.] Kertesz, K. 57.72 Fucellia (51.2) 1908. Zwei neue Fucellia-Arten. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 71—72. Frey, Richard. 57.72 Campsocera (47.1) 1908. Campsocera nummerata Hexc. in Finland. Meddel, Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 139—141. Froggat, Walter W. 57.72 Gasterophilus 16.9 : 9.725 1908. The Bot-fly (Gasterophilus equi). Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 229—233, 1 pl. Cholodkorsky, N. 57.72 Gasterophilus : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Ueber Gastrophilus-Larven in der Menschenhaut. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 409—413, 2 figg. Roubaud, E. 57.12 Glossina : 15.6 1908. Sur la reproduction et les variations du développement dans la Glossina palpalis Desv. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 362—365. [Ponte etc. Influence de température et humidité sur pupes.] Blanchard, Raph. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1904. Sur un travail de M. le Dr. Bruwer intitulé: Quelques faits relatifs à la transmission de la maladie du sommeil par les Mouches tsétsé. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 51 p. 458—501. [Trypanosoma cuniculi, lin- gardi, myoki, nn. spp.] — Disc. par A. Laveran. p. 523—524. Blanchard, R. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1907. La conférence internationale sur la maladie du sommeil. Semaine med. Ann. 27 p. 313—316. Mendes, Annibal Correia. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1907. Subsidio para a prophylaxia da doenca do somno em Angola. Distribuicäo geographica das glossinas no districto de Loanda. Arch. Hyg. Pathol. exet. Lisboa Vol. 1 p. 892--401, 1 est. Roubaud, E. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1907. Transmission de Trypanosoma dimorphon par Glossina palpalis R. Dzsv. (Note préliminaire). Ann. Inst. Pasteur T. 21 p. 466—467. Wellman, F. Creighton. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1907. A Note on Angolian Tse-tse Flies. Arch. Hyg. Pathol. exot. Lis- boa Vol. 1 p. 890—891. Bruce, David. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. Fly Fever in Africa. Nature Vol. 78 p. 413—414. Kinghorn, Allan, and R. Eustace Montgomery. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. Reports on the ,Sleeping Sickness^ Expedition to the Zambesi for the Years 1907—1908. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 2 p. 53 — 76. Kinghorn, Allan, and R. Eustace Montgomery. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. The Incidence and Prophylaxis of Human Trypanosomiasis in North Eastern Rhodesia. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 2 p. 77—96, 1 pl. Kürchhoff, D. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. Das Vorkommen der Tsetse-Fliege und ihre Gewohnheiten in den verschiedenen Gegenden. Arch. Schiffs- Tropenhyg. Bd. 12 p. 41—60, 13. I. 1909. 187 Diptera. 21245 Roubaud, E. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. Résultats actuels des recherches biologiques, effectués au labora- toire de la missign d’étude de la maladie du sommeil de Brazzaville, et leur application & la prophylaxie. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 210—214, 46 Roubaud, E. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. Reproduction et développement de la „Glossina palpalis^, l'agent propagateur du trypanosome de la maladie du sommeil. Semaine méd. Ann. 28 p. XLII. 47 Todd, John L. 57.72 Glossina : 16.7 1908. The Prevention of Sleeping Sickness. Brit. med. Journ. 1908 48 Walton, W. R. 57.72 Goniops : 15 1908. Notes on the Egg and Larva of Goniops chrysocoma (O. S. Entom. 49 Austen, Ernest. 57.72 Haematopota (6) 1908. New African Phlebotomic Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History). — Part III—IV. Tabanidae (continued). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 94—116, 274—301. [24 nn. spp. in Haematopota.] (62, 66.9, 67.3—.7, 68.9) 50 Surcouf, Jacques. 57.72 Haematopota (63) 1908. Description d’un Tabanide (Haematopota) d’Abyssinie. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 224—225. [Haematopota sidamensis n. sp.] 51 Surcouf, Jacques. 97.12 Haematopota (6) 908. Description de Diptéres piqueurs africains Tabanides du genre Haematopota. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 155—160. [7 nn. spp.] (63, 67.8,.9) 21252 Aldrich, J. M., and P. S, Darlington. 57.72 Helomyzidae 1908. The Dipterous Family Helomyzidæ. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 67—100, 2 pls. [Arpric®: 3 nn. spp. in: Leria, Siligo n. g. 2. Darz.: 6 nn. spp. in: Porsenus n. g., Achaetomus, Tephrochlamys, Eccopto- mera, Anorostoma, Helomyza.] (14.2,.4, 78.3,.6,.9, 79.4—.6) 53 Austen, Ernest E. 57.72 Hippocentrum (6) 1908. New African Phlebotomic Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History). — Part. V. Tabanidae (continued). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 352—356. [Hippocentrum n. g. versicolor n. sp.] (66.9, 67.6) 54 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.72 Hirmoneura (1182) 1908. Another Fossil Nemestrinid Fly. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 954. [Hirmoneurw occultator n. sp.] 55 Malloch, J. R. 57.72 Hyadina (41.37) 1908. Hyadina nitida, Mce., a Species of Diptera New to the British List. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) p. 205 —206. 56 Sórensen, William. 57.72 Hypoderma : 15 1908. Hvorledes lever Larven af Hypoderma bovis pa Geer? Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 65—116, 3 figg. 57 Meek. Alexander. 57.72 Hypoderma : 16.9 : 9.725 1896. Note on Hypoderma equi. Veterinarian Vol. 69 p. 455—456, 2 figg. 58 Meek, Alexander. 57.72 Hypoderma : 16.9 : 9.735 1598. The Ox Hypoderma or Warble Fly: an Account of the Observations of an Aberdeenshire Farmer. Veterinarian Vol. 71 p. 134—137. 21259 La Baume, W. 57.72 Hypoderma : 16.9 : 9.735 1908. Der Entwicklungsgang der Larve der Rinderbremse (Hypoderma bo- vis pe Geer). Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 106—108. 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 188 21260 Lühe, M. 57.72 Hypoderma : 16.9 : 9.735 1908. Die Wanderungen der Larve der Rinder-Biesfliege (Hypoderma bo- vis) im Kórper ihres Wirtes. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Kónigsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 249--250, 61 Hesse, Erich. 57.72 Lucilia : 16.9 : 78 1908. Lucilia als Schmarotzer, Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 753—758. 62 Stichel, Roland. 57.72 Merodon : 16.5 1908. Merodon equestris F. als Schädling im Warmhause. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 202—204. 63 Cerfontaine, Paul. 57.72 Microdon : 13.41 1907. Observations surla larve d’un Diptère du genre Microdon. Arch. Biol. T. 23 p. 367--410, 2 pls., 5 figg. 64 Cresson, E. T., jr. 57.72 Micropezidae 1908. Dipterological Notes. I. Micropezide. Trans. Amer. entom: Soc. Vol. 34 p. 1— 11, 2 pls. [1 n. var] (18.9) 65 Krassilstschik, J. M. 57.72 Microphtalma : 16.9 : 57.64 1908. Exzerimentelle Untersuchungen zur Erörterung der Frage über das Vermögen der Microphtalma longifacies Ronn, Larven der Anisopha austriaca und einiger anderer Lamellicornia anzustecken. Tray. Soc. Nat. Amat. Sc. nat. Bessarabie Vol. 1 p. 358—395. 66 Hewitt, C. Gordon. 57.72 Musca : 13.41 1908. The Structure, Development, and Bionomics of the House-fly, Musca domestica, Linx. Part II. — The Breeding Habits, Development, and the Anatomy of the Larva. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 52 p. 495—545, 4 pls. [Anatomy of larva: imaginal discs, vascular, muscular, respiratory, alimentary, and nervous system.] 67 Newstead, Robert. 57.72 Musca : 15 1908. On the Habits, Life-cycle and Breeding Places of the Common House-fly (Musca domestica, Liww.). Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 505 —520, 6 pls. 21268 Glover, V. J. 57.72 Musca : 16.7 1908. Epidemic Infantile Diarrhoea. Lancet Vol. 175 p. 715—717, 2 figg. [House-fly as carrier of infection.] 69 Pérez, Charles. 57.72 Muscidae : 13.4 1908. Rénovation épithéliale de l’intestin moyen chez les Muscides. (Ré- union biol. Bordeaux.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 694—695. 70 Pérez, Charles. 52.72 Muscidae : 13.4 1908. Métamorphose de l'intestin antérieur chez les Muscides. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 835—856. 71 Perez, Ch. 57.72 Muscidae : 19.4 1908. Sphères de granules et tissus imaginaux chez les Muscides. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 43—44. [Identité morphologique des élé- ments (leucocytes) contenant des inclusions.] 72 Pérez, Charles. 57.72 Muscidae : 14.12 1908. Réseau de soutien du cœur chez les Muscides. (Réunion biol. Bor- deaux.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 477—478. 73 Stevens, N. M. 57.72 Muscidae : 14.63.1 1908. A Study of the Germ Cells of Certain Diptera, with Reference to the Heterochromosomes and the Phenomena of Synapsis. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 359—374, 4 pls. 74 Chantemesse, A., et F. Borel. 57.72 Muscidae : 16.7 1905. Mouches et choléra. Bull. Acad. Méd. Paris (3) T. 54 p. 252. 75 Riedel, M. P. 57.72 Muscidae : 16.9 : 57 1908. Beitrag zur Biologie der Musciden. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 133—134, 137. 21976 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.72 Nemestrinidae (1182) 1908. Descriptions of Tertiary Insects. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 309—312. [2 nn. spp. in: Hirmoneura.] 15. L 1909. 189 Diptera 21277 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.72 Nemestrinidae (7) 1908. The Dipterous Family Nemestrinide. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 247—253, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Rhynchocephalus, Hirmoneura.] (76.4, 78.1) 78 Speiser, P. 57.72 Norellia (43.22). 1908. Eine seltene Fliege vom Brocken. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 125—176, 1 fig. [Noreliia nervosa.] 79 Rertész, K. 57.72 Notacanthidae (801) 1908. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Notacanthen Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 321—374, 4 Taf. [16 nn. spp. in: Euryneura 3, Meringostylus n. g., Diaphorostylus (n. g. pro Euryneura nasica) 2, Acraspidea, Salduba 5, Panaeris 4]. (72.6, 81, 85, 929, 936, 95) 80 Villela, Arnaldo. 07.72 Ochromyia : 16.7 1907. Descrigäo da larva de uma muscidea que appare ce na cidade da Praia de Cabo Verde, na epoca das chuvas. Arch. Hyg. Pathol. exot. Lisboa Vol. 1 p. 402—404, 1 est. 81 Bau, Arminius. 57.72 Oestridae 1908. Die Identitàt der Oestridengattungen Gyrostigma und Spathicera. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 48 p. 164—167. 82 Reeker, H. 57.72 Oestridae : 16.9 : 9.735 1908. Entwicklung der Rinderbiesfliege. 36. Jahresber. westfiil. Prov.- Ver. p. 49—51. 83 Weinberg, M. 57.72 Oestrus : 15.9 : 9.725. 1908. Substances hémotoxiques sécrétées par les larves d'Oestres. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 75—77, 84 Laudois, H. 57.72 Oestrus : 16.9 : 9.735 di Die Kamel-Nasenbreme. 30. Jahresber. westfil. Prov.-Ver. p. — 66. 21285 Tucker, E. S. 57.72 Oscinis (73) 1908. Incidental Studies of New Species of Oscinis. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 272—274. [4 nn. spp.] (76.4, 78.8) 86 Barber, H. S. 57.72 Omomyia (79.4) 1908. Note on Omomyia hirsuta Coquirrerr. Proc. entom. Soc. Washing- ton Vol. 9 p. 28—29. 87 Surconf, Jacques. 57.72 Pangonia (67) 1908. Note sur les Tabanides (Pangonia) de la collection du Muséum Bull. Mus, Hist. nat. Paris vig Tale [2 nn. spp. in Pangoma.] (67.8,.9) 88 Surcouf, Jacques. 57.72 Pangonia (67.1) 1908. Sur une nouvelle division des Tabanides du genre Pangonia. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 282—285. [P. gravoti n. sp. Subpangonia n. subg.] 89 Sicard, Henri. 57.72 Parerynnia : 16.9 : 57.82 1908. Un nouveau parasite de la Pyrale de la vigne. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 941—943. [Parerynnia vibrissata.] 90 Carter, A. E. J. 97.72 Pegomyia (41.32) 1908. Two New British Diptera: Pegomyia esuriens, Me., and P. univittata, v. Ros. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 128—129. 91 Wood, John H. 57.72 Phora (42) 1908/09, On tbe British Species of Phora. Entom. monthiy Mag. (2 Vol. 19 p. 215 — 218; [5 nn. spp.] Vol. 20 p. 24—29, 59—63, 112—120, 145— 149, 191—195, 244, 5 figg. [42 nn. spp.] (41.16,.37, 42.31,.37,.44) 92 Schmitz. 57.72 Phora : 15 1908. Puparia van Phora spp. gevuld met Helix huisjes. Tijdschr. En- tom. D. 51 p. LVII—LVIII. 21993 Brues, Charles T. 57.72 Phora (1182) 1908. Two Fossil Phoridae from the Miocene Shales of Florissant, Colo- rado. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 273—275, 2 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Phora.] 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 190 21294 Malloch, J. R. 57.72 Phora (41.37) 1908. Notes on Phoridae in Dumbartonshire, with Description of a New Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 208—205. [Phora in- termedia n. sp.] 95 Brues, Charles T. 57.72 Phoridae : 13 1908. Some Stages in the Embryology of certain Degenerate Phoridae and the supposedly Hermaphroditic Genus Termitoxenia. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 942. [Oogenesis and gross embry- ology.] 13.1 96 Becker, Theodor. 57.72 Phoridae (4) 1901. Die Phoriden. Abh. zool.-bot, Ges. Wien Bd. 1 Hft. 1, 100 pp. 5 Taf. 1 fig. [23 nn. spp. in Phora 22, Trineura.] (43.15,.51,.63,.65,.69,.73,.92,.94, 47.1, 48.1,.5, 495) 97 Malloch, J. R. 57.72 Phoridae (41.37) 1908. Phoridae in Dumbartonshire: with Description of a New Species. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 11—13. [Phora pubericornis n. sp. 98 Brues, Charles, T. 57.72 Phoridae (73) 1908. Some New North American Phoridae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 199—201. [3 nn. spp. in: Phora 2, Plastophora.] (75.9, 77.5, 78.8, 79.6) 99 Ludwig, F. 57.72 Phytomyza : 16.5 1908. Noch einige nachträgliche Bemerkungen über die Helleborus-Para- siten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 102—103. 21300 Czizek, Karl. 57.72 Pipunculus ‘1908. Das Weibchen von Pipunculus elephas Beck. Wien. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 27 p. 396. 01 Scott, Hugh. 57.72 Pipunculus : 15 1908. The Pupal and Adult Stages of a Fly New to Britain, Pipunculus melanostelus, Bacxer. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 9—11, 2 figg. 21302 Johnson, Charles W. 57.72 Platypezidae (74) 1908. A Note on Calotarsa, and Descriptions of Two New Species of Callimyia. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 58—59. (74.1,.3) 03 Henshaw, H. W. 57.72 Protocalliphora : 16.9 : 82 1908. A Parasitic Fly Injurious to our Native Birds. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 87—88. 04 Girault, A. Arsène. 57.72 Pseudopyrellia : 15 1908. Length of the Life-Cycle of Pseudopyrellia cornicina Faxsricrus for a Single Generation, with Record of a Parasite. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 15—16. 05 Kramer, H. 57.72 Pseudosarcophaga 1908. Sarcophaga affinis FLL. und Verwandte. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 200—201, 2 figg. [Pseudosarcophaga n. g. pro S. a. P. monachae n. sp.] 06 Quaintance, A. L. 57.72 Rhagoletis : 16.5 1908. The Apple Maggot or „Railroad Worm“. (Rhagoletis (Trypeta) pomo- nella Warsu. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 101, 12 pp., 2 figg. 07 Lichtwardt, B. 57.72 Rhynchomyia (67.3) 1908. Rhynchomyia wellmani n. sp., eine myrmekophile Diptere aus Angola. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 338. 08 Splendore. Alfonso. 57.72 Sarcophaga : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Contribuzione allo studio delle miasi, nuova specie di Mosca an- tropofaga e caso di miasi intestinale verificati in Sao Paulo (Brasile). Arch. Parasitol. T. 12 p. 287—299, 2 figg. [Sarcophaga lambens ] 09 Kramer, H. 57.72 Sarcophaga (43.21) 1908. Sarcophaga-Arten der Oberlausitz. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 152—153, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp.] 21310 Cresson, E. T., jr. 57.72 Scenopinidae 1907. The North American Species of the Dipterous Family Scenopini- dae. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 109—114, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. 191 Diptera. ‘21311 Pörtevin, Gaston. 57.72 Sphaerophoria (44.24) 1908. Description d’une variété nouvelle de Sphaerophoria scripta (L.) Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 14 p. 25—26. 12 Stephens, J. W. W., and R. Newstead. 57.72 Stomoxys : 14.98 1907. The Anatomy of the Proboscis of Biting Flies. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. Vol. 1 p. 171--198, 8 pls. 13 Picard, F. 57.72 Stomoxys (54.1) 1908. Description de deux nouveaux Stomoxys du Bengale. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 20—21. [2 nr. spp.] 14 Speiser, P. 57.72 Stomoxys (59.8) 1908. Eine neue blutsaugende Fliege aus Annam. Zool. Any. Bd. 33 p. 666—668. [Stomoxys dacnusa n. sp.] 15 Brunetti, E. 57.72 Syrphidae (5) 1907/08. Notes on the Oriental Syrphidae. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 319—380, 2 pls. — Vol. 2 p. 49—96, 11 figg. [41 nn. spp. in: Baccha 3, Paragus, Pipizella 2, Dideoides n. g., Eriozona, Rhingia 3 (1 n. var.), Volu- cella 4, Graptomyza (1 n. var.), Helophilus 2, Megaspis, Polydonta, Eumerus, Xylota 2, Milesia 2, Deineches, Azpeytia, Lycastris, Brachypalpus, Criorhina, Sericomyia, Chrysotoxum 2, Microdon 5, Ceria 3. Helophilus doleschalli n. nom. pro H. insignis Dor.] (54.1,.2,.6,.8,.87, 55, 59.1) 16 De Meijere, J. C. H. 57.72 Syrphidae (502) 1908. Studien über Südostasiatische Dipteren. III. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 191—332, 2 Taf. [47 nn. spp. in: Cerioides 3, Microdona, Eumerus 4, Syritta, Xylota, Helophilus 3. Eristalis 10, Graptamyza 4, Chrysogaster, Syr- phus 6, Rhinobaccha n. g., Baccha 4. 1 n. var. in Megaspis. Spheginobaccha n. g. pro Sphegina macropoda. Drosophila guttiventris n. nom. pro D. maculi- ventris ne Mrtsere non v. p. Wurr. (54.1,.87, 59.5, 91.1,.2, 921, 922, 936, 94.4, 95) 21317 Osburn, Raymond C. 57.72 Syrphidae (71.1) 1908. British Columbia Syrphidae, New Species and Additions to the List. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 1—14, 1 fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Syrphus 2, Xanthogramma, Arctophila, Sphecomyia 2.] 18 Meissner, Otto. 57.72 Syrphus : 15.8 1908. Das Summen der Syrphinen. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 134. 19 Austen, Ernest E. 97.72 Tabanidae 1908. On the Synonymy and Systematic Position of Some Species of Ta- banidae Described by Tausserr and LicurENsTEm. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 20 Surcouf, Jacques. 57.72 Tabanidae : 07 (46.4) 1908. Catalogue des Dipteres Tabanides du Muséum de Madrid. Bull. 21 Austen, Ernest E. 97.72 Tabanidae (6) 1908. New African Phlebotomic Diptera in the British Museum (Natural History). — Part I. Tabanidae Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 209 —228. [10 nn. spp. in: Cadicera, Pangonia 3 (1 n. subsp.), Haematopota 3, Tabanus 3.) — II. p. 401—428. [14 nn. spp. in: Haematopota 13, Tabanus.] (54.1, 66.7,.9, 67.3,.5,.6, 68.7,.9) 22 Ricardo, Gertrude. 57.72 Tabanidae (6) 1908. Description of some New Species of Tabanidae, with Notes on some Haematopota. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol.1 p. 54—60. [4 nn. spp. in: Pangonia, Corizoneura 2, Haematopota.| (59.8, 67.6, 68.9) 23 Surcouf, Jacques, et E. Roubaud. 57.72 Tabanidae (67.2) 1908. Tabanides recueillis au Congo francais par la Mission d'étude de la maladie du sommeil. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 221—224. 21324 Brimley, C. S., and F. Sherman, jr. 57.72 Tabanidae (75.6) 1908. Additional Records of Tabanidae (Horse-Flies) of North Carolina. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 168—173. 15. I. 1909. Diptera. 192 21325 Paoli, Guido. 57.72 Tabanus : 13.41 1907. Intorno all organo del Graser nelle larve di Ditteri Tabanidi. Redia Vol. 4 p. 247—258, 6 figg. [Nè ghiandolare nè sensorio, ma appa- rato atto a produrre suono (anche sott’ acqua).] 26 Rieardo, Gertrude. 57.72 Tabanus (6) 1908. Descriptions of Thirty New Species of Tabani from Africa and Madagascar. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 268—278, 311—333. [30 nn. spp. in Tabanus.] (63, 66.3,.4,.7, 67.3,.5—.8, 68.2,.4,.9, 69) 27 Surcouf, Jacques. 57.72 Tabanus (67.5) 1908. Troisieme note sur les Tabanides du Musée Royal d’Histoire Na- turelle de Belgique. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 122—124. [T. lemasres n. sp.] 28 Leigh, H. S. 57.72 Tachinidae : 16.9 : 57.81 1908. Observations on the Life-Histories and Bionomics of some Tachi- nidae. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 113—116. 29 Townsend, Charles H. T. 57.72 Tachinidae : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. A Record of Results from Rearings and Dissections of Tachinidae. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Techn. Ser. No. 12 p. 91—118, 30 figg. 30 Frey, Richard. 57.72 Tachydromia (47.1) 1908. Finlands Tachydromia-arter. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 20—21. 31 Lübben, Heinrich. 57.72 Thrypticus : 15 1908. Thrypticus smaragdinus Gxmsr. und seine Lebensgeschichte Ein Beitrag zur Dolichopidenmetamorphose. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 319—332, 1 Taf., 6 figg. 32 Hendel, Friedrich. 57.72 Timia (403) 1908. Synopsis der bisher bekannten Timia-Arten. Zeitschr. syst. Hyme- nopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 1—11. [7 nn. spp.] (47:9, 51.7, 57.9) 21333 Herrera, A. L. 57.72 Trypeta : 16.5 1908. The Orange Worm (Trypeta ludens). Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p- 169—174. 34 Bezzi, M. 57.72 Trypetidae 1998. Le specie dei generi Ceratitis, Anastrepha e Dacus. Boll. Lab. zool. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 273—313. [A. daciformis n. sp. (1 n. var.). Dacus inornatus n. nom. pro D. modestus Bezzi non Fasr.]} 35 Brèthes, Juan. 57.72 Urellia (82) 1908. El Género Urellia (Diptera) en el Plata. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 367—374, 6 figg. [4 nn. spp.] (82.9) 36 Borner, Carl. 57.74 1908. Braula und Thaumatoxena. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 537—549, 9 figg. [Thaumatoxena gehört neben Braula. In der Bibliographie schon unter 57.54 zitiert.] 37 Massonat, E. 57.74 : 14.84 1908. Variations des yeux composés chez les Pupipares. ©. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 245; Pt. 2 p. 610—614, 2 figg. 38 Speiser, P. 57.74 : 16.9 : 9.4 1907. Preliminary Descriptions of Three New Nycteribiidae from India. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 295—296. [3 nn. spp. in: Nyeteribia, Basilia, Cyclopodia.] (54.1, 91.3) 39 Speiser, P. 57.74 : 19 1908. Die geographische Verbreitung der Diptera pupipara und ihre Phylogenie. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 241—246, 301---305, 490—427, 497—447. [Camptopenicillidia, Cratopenicilhdia, Stylopenicillidia nn. subgg.] 21340 Massonat, E. 57.74 (44.44) 1908. Contribution à la faune des Pupipares de la région lyonnaise. C. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 245—246; Pt. 2 p. 615 —620. 15. L 1909. 193 Diptera, 21341 Scott, Hugh. 57.74 (52.9) 1908. On certain Nycteribiidae, with Descriptions of Two New Species from Formosa. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 359—370, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in Nycteribia.] 42 Speiser, P. 57.74 (69) 1908. Die Diptera pupipara der madagassisch-maskarenischen Region. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 197—205, 9 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Penicillidia, Nycteribia, Ascodipteron.] (69.4,.5) 43 Scott, Hugh. 57.74 Cyclopodia : 16.9 : 9.4 1908. On a Large Series of Nycteribiidae, Parasitic Diptera, from Ceylon. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. 421—428, 2 figg. 11.4 (54.87) 44 de Beaurepaire Aragao, Henrique. 97.74 Lynchia : 16.7 1908. Über den Entwicklungsgang und die Übertragung von Haemopro- teus columbae. Vorläufige Mitteilung. Arch. Protistenkunde Bd. 12 p. 154 —167, 3 Taf. 45 Trägardh, Ivar. 57.74 Thaumatoxena : 14.9 1908. Contributions to the Knowledge of Thaumatoxena Brapp. & Born. Arkiv Zool, Bd. 4 No. 10, 12 pp., 7 figg. 46 Oudemans, A. C. 57.75 1908. Aanteekeningen over Suctoria VI—IX. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 218— 222, 224—228, 238—240, 250—253. — Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 89—104. [Chiropteropsylla n. g. pro Ceratophyllus aegyptius.] 47 Mitzmain, M. B. 57.75 : 16.7 1908. Insect Transmission of Bubonic Plague : a Study of the San Fran- cisco Epidemic. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 353—359. [Fleas.] 48 Jordan, Karl, and N. C. Rothschild. 51.45 : 16.9:6 1908. Revision of the Non-combed Eyed Siphonaptera. Parasitology Vol. 1p. 1—100, 7 pls., 2 figg. [10 nn. spp. in: Loemopsylla (n. g. pro Pulex cheopis) 5. Rhopalopsyllus 5, Pariodontis n. g. pro Pulex riggenbachi, Coptopsyl- la pro P. lamellifer.] (62, 67.7,.9, 68.7, 82, 84, 85, 89) 21349 Doane, R. W. 57.75 : 16.9:9 1908, Notes on Fleas Collected on Rat and Human Hosts in San Fran- cisco and Elsewhere. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 303—304. 50 Rothschild, N. Charles. 97.75 : 16.9:9 1908. New Siphonaptera. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 617—626, 4 pls [11 nn. spp. in: Pygiopsylla 7, Stephanocircus, Ctenophthalmus, Cteno- psyllus 2.] (498, 52.2,.4, 54.87, 67.3, 83, 94.5, 95) 51 Dampf, 57.15 (43.1) 1908. Die ost- und westpreussische Flohfauna. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 388—399. [2 nn. spp. in: Ceratophyllus, Nycteri- dopsylla.] (43.11,.12) 52 Rothschild, N. Charles. 57.75 (52) 1908. Siphonaptera collected by Mr. M. P. Axperson in Japan in 1904. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 627—629, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in Ceratophyllus] (2.2.4) 53 Rothschild, N. Charles. 57.75 (67.6) 1908. Notes on a Collection of Siphonaptera from the Ruwenzori, Uganda. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 76—79, 1 pl. [4 nn. spp. in: Cteno- cephalus, Pygiopsylla, Ceratophyllus, Ctenopsyllus.] 54 Baker, ©. F. 91.45 (79.4) 1904. Two New Siphonaptera. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 39—40. [2 nn. spp. in: Anomiopsyllus, Ceratophyllus.] 55 Mitzmain, M. B. 57.75 (79.4) 1908. Synopsis and Bibliography of California Siphonaptera, Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 380—282. 56 Fox, Carroll. 57.75 Ceratophyllus : 16.9 : 9.9 1908. Ceratophyllus niger n. sp, Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 434—435. 91367 Mitzmain, M. B. 91.19 Ceratopsyllus : 15.3 1908. How a Hungry Flea feeds. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 462—463. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. 190% 18 Diptera. — Lepidoptera. 194 21358 Fox, Carroll. 57.75 Corypsylla : 16.9 : 9.32 1908. A New Genus of the Siphonaptera. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 452 —455, 2 figg. [Corypsylla n. g. ornatus n. sp.] 59 Jordan, K. 97.75 Hystrichopsylla 1908. Hystrichopsylla narbeli, Garri-VaLerIO. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 91. [= H. talpae.] 60 Qudemans, A. C. 57.75 Ischnopsyllus : 14.93 1908. Insekten met een geleden kop. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 11 p. XX—XXI, 1 fig. 61 Rothschild, N. Charles. 57.75 Nycteridopsylla (42.38) 1908. A New Species of Bat-Flea from Great Britain. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 281—282, 1 pl. [Nycteridopsylla longiceps n. sp.] 62 Rothschild, N. Charles. 57.75 Ornithopsyila (42.37) 1908. A New British Flea. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 231— 233, 1 pl. [Ornithopsylla n. g. laetitiae n. sp.] 63 Osborn, Herbert. 57.75 Typhlopsylla : 16.9 : 9.4 1908. Occurrence of Typhlopsylla octactanus in Ohio. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 289—290. 64 Oudemans, A. C. 57.75 Vermipsylla : 14.98 1907. Vermipsylla hyaenae (Kor.) nebst anatomischen Bemerkungen über verschiedene Organe bei den Suctoria. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 9—19, 10 figg. 21365 Herrick, Glenn W. 57.75 Xestopsylia : 16.9 : 86 1908. Notes on the Hen Flea (Xestopsylla gallinacea). Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 1 p. 355—398. XLII. 59.57.8 Lepidoptera. (Vide etiam: 12809, 14021, 14389, 15421, 15430, 15444, 15450, 15476—15479, 15481, 15483—15485, 15676, 15862, 15864, 15979, 15993—15995, 15999, 16001, 16003, 16006, 16010, 16015, 16019, 16022, 16025, 16034, 16039, 16049, 16062) 16070, 16105, 16107, 18710, 18713, 18715, 18718, 18720--18722, 18727, 18731 18732, 18734—18736, 18738, 1874018743, 18752, 18754, 18758, 18759, 18762 19262, 19388, 19408, 19412, 19417, 19418, 19426, 19435, 19438, 19450, 19455. 19460, 19461, 19466, 19469, 19474, 19477, 19482, 19486, 19494— 19496, 19498. 19500, 19502, 19513, 19516, 19518—19520, 19522, 19523, 19595, 19524, 19528,, 19520, 19531, 19533—19535, 19537, 19538, 19540, 19541, 19543, 19547, 19549,, 19566, 1957419576, 19579—19582, 19584—19586, 1958819591, 19594 19595, 19598, 19600, 19601, 19610—19612, 19618, 19627, 19629, 19632, 19634; 19637, 19639, 19642) 66 Buckle, A. S. 57.8 1908. Notes on a Collection of Lepidoptera from Aden and from the Transvaal. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 7—10. (53.4, 68.2) 57.92—.89 67 Griep, Bruno. 57.8 1908. Lepidopterologische Wandlungen in lokaler Hinsicht. Intern. en- tom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 147—148, 155—156, 161—162, 169— 170, 177—178, 181—182, 195—196, 199—201, 230—231, 243—244, 246— 248. 68 Phluyd, R. 57.8 : 01 1903. Classification et Nomenclature. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 3 p. 344—346, 374—376. 69 Ronna, Antonio. 57.8: 07 1904/05. Come si può formare una collezione di Lepidotteri. (Caccia-Cat- tura-Uccisione-Preparazione-Conservazione). Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 24 p. 74—77; Anno 25 p. 9—10. 21370 Ronna, Antonio. 57.8 : 07 1905. Ciò che occorre ad un raccoglitore di lepidotteri. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 25 p. 9—11. ©: Qo 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 195 21371 Young, L. C. H. 57.8 : 07 1906. First Hints on Collecting Butterflies (being a supplementary paper to the articles on the Comon Butterflies of the Plains of India). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 114—121, 3 figg. — Rem. by N. Max- DERS. p. 819—823, 1 fig. 72 Gillmer, M. 57.8 : 07 1908. Präparate zur Bestimmung des Flügelgeäders der Schmetterlinge. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 52. 73 Loquay, R. 97.8 : 07 1908. Selbstanfertigung von Zuchtbehältern. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 20. 74 Merrick, Frank A. 57.8 : 07 1908. The Inflation of Larvae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 9—11, 1 fig. 75 Peter, Adolf. 91.8 : 07 1908. Etwas vom Spannen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 223 — 224. 76 Seitz, A. 57.8 : 07 1908. Wie lässt sich der Wert einer Schmetterlingssammlung erhöhen ? Entom. Zeitschr. Siuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 259—260, 265—266. 77 Dewitz, J. 91.8 : 11.05 1908. Die wasserstofisuperoxydzersetzende Fähigkeit der männlichen und weiblichen Schmetterlingspuppen. Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 145— 150. [Puppenglyzerinextrakt mit Das zusammengebracht. Weiblicher Extrakt zersetzt mehr als männlicher.] 57.87,.88 21378 von Linden, Maria. 97.8 : 11.33 1907. Die Veränderung des Körpergewichtes bei hungernden Schmetter- lingen. Biol. Centralbi. Bd. 27 p. 449—457. [Bestimmte konstitutionelle Unterschiede im Reservestoff-Vorrat u. darnach verschiedene Lebensdauer der einzelnen Lepidopterengattungen. (Substanzverlust bis ?/s des An- fangsgewichtes bei Hylophila prasinana).] 79 von Linden, Maria. 57.8 : 11.33 1908. Ueber die Gewichtszunahme von Schmetterlingspuppen in kohlen- säurereicher Atmosphäre. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 A. p. 1—11. 80 Rocci, Ubaldo. 1906. Sul mimetismo nei Lepidotteri. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. va Ann. 17 p. 165—179. 81 d'Aldin, A. 57.8 : 11.57 1907. Le dessin des ailes des lépidoptères. Ann. Ass. Natural. Leval- lois-Perret Ann. 13 p. 16—19. 82 Fischer, Emil. 57.8 : 11.57 1908. Das Urteil über die von Dr. Cur. ScunópER gegebenen Erklärun- gen per Schmetterlingsfärbungen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 16-22, 41—47. — Literatur-, expeimentelle und kritische Studien über den Nigrismus und Melanismus insbesondere der Lepidopteren, mit zeichnungsphylogenetischen und selektionstheoretischen Darlegungen ; gleichzeitig eine Entgegnung an Herrn Dr. E. Fiscurr (Zürich), v. Cur. ScHRODER. p. 97—65, 83 Gramann, August. 57.8 : 11.57 1908. Weiteres zur Melanismus-Frage. Intern. entom. Zeitschr, Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 5—6. 84 Krausse, A. H. 57.8 : 11.57 1998. Zur Melanismus-Frage. ,,Industrie-Melanismus.“ Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 376. 21385 Meissner, Otto. 97.8 : 11.57 1908. Der zunehmende Melanismns der Lepidopteren in der Nähe der Grossstädte. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 158—154. — Begünstigen die Gross- städte den Melanismus der Lepidopteren. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 15. I. 1909, 57.8 : 11.55 nat. Geno- Lepidotera. 196 p. 21—22. — Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel. Der zunehmende Melanismus der Lepidopteren in der Nähe der Grossstädte, von Orro Meissner, Potsdam. von Eueène Rey. p. 22—23. 21386 Meissner, Otto. 57.8 : 11.57 1908. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung der Melanose der Lepidopteren in der Nähe von Grossstädten. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 88—90 — von P. Bacawersew. Entom. Rundsch. Jahrg. 26 p. 15—16. 87 Tutt, J. W. 57.8 : 11.57 1908. Variation in Lepidoptera. — A Criticism. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 83—87. 88 Uffeln, Karl. 57.8 : 11.57 1908. Nochmals Melanismus im rheinisch-westfälischen Industriebezirke. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 58—59. 89 Solowiow, Paul. 57.8 : 11.76 1906. Zur Pigmentbildung bei den Schmetterlingen. Zeitschr. wiss. In- sektenbiol. Bd. 2 p. 328—329. 90 Fischer, E. 57.8: 12 1906. Ueber die Ursachen der Disposition und über Frühsymptome der Raupenkrankheiten. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 26 p. 448 —463, 534—544. — Entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 20 p. 288—289, 293—291, 303—304, 312 —313. (Referat von Oskar Scaurzz. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 21 p. 121— 124.) 21391 Robin, E. 57.8 : 15 1901/04. Le papillon. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 1 p. 103—104, 132—135, 163—166, 199—202, 261—266, 295—299, 328—333. — Ann. X p. 6—9, 33—37, 68—70, 109—111, 132—134, 211—213, 257—259, 298— 301, 321—324, 359—361. — Ann. 3 p. 1—3, 39—43, 68—72, 9 figg., 97-— 105, 136—141, 164—168, 202—206, 227—230, 262—265, 296—300, 321— 324, 359—361. Ann. 4 p. 138—142, 166—169, 225—228, 261—265, 296— 299, 321—324, 363—366. 92 Morley, Claude. 57.8 : 15 1902. Entomology in Spring. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 107— 110, 1 pl. 93 Culot, J. 57.8 : 15 1904. L'élevage des chenilles. L’Intermed. Bombyc: Entom. Ann. 4 p. 133—135, 161—166, 195—200, 234—239, 260—263, 289—292, 324—330, 356—363, 7 figg. 94 Swinton, A. H. 57.8 : 15 1908. 'The Family Tree of Moths and Butterflies traced in their Organs of Sense. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 99—101, 114—116, 124—126, 131— 132, 140—141, 148—150, 156—158, 162—165. 95 Völker, U, 57.8 : 15 1908. Neues aus der Zuchtpraxis. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 9 p. 55—56, 60. 96 Pictet, Arnold. 57.8 : 15.4 1907. Diapauses hibernales chez les Lépidoptères. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 23 p. 802—305. [Eclosion à un certain moment de l’année, établie par adaptation et sélection naturelle, s'est maintenue par hé- rédité à la même époque, indépendamment des conditions climaté- riques.] 97 Gillmer, M. 57.8 : 15.6 1908. Kleine Nachrichten über einzelne Schmetterlingsarten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 133, 140—141, 206—207, 3 figg. 57.82,.85,.86,.89 21398 Bandermann, Franz. 57.8 : 16.5 1908. Einiges über das Vorkommen schädlicher Raupen in Halle und Umgebung. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 60—61. 57.82—.89 15. I. 1909. 191 Lepidoptera. 21399 Turati, Emilio. 57.8 (4) 1908. Nuove forme di Lepidotteri. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 1—48, 6 tav. [7 nn. spp. in: Dianthoecia 2 (1 n. var), Hadena, Orectis, Spilosoma, Coscinia, Evergestis. 7 nn. abb. in: Melanargia 2, Zygaena, Parnassius 2, Eu- chloé, Cilix, 3 nn. var. in: Drymonia, Epunda, Acidalia. 1 n. form in: Pie- ris.] (43.15,.66,.71, 44.78,.94,.95,45.1,.6,.79,.8) 57.82—.89 21400... 57.8 (42.21) 1896/1900. Entomological Section. Rep. Epsom Coll. nat. Hist. Soc. No. 7 p. 42-52; No. 8 p. 41—50; Nr. 9 p. 38—44; No. 10 p. 41—77; No. 11 p. 49—55. 57.81—.89 01 Salter, J. C. 57.8 (42.41) 1896/1907. E E Section. Rep. Cheltenham Coll. nat. Hist. Soc. 1896 p. 30—31; 1897 p. 30: 1898 p.35; 1899 p. 34—37; 1900 p. 35— 38; 1902 p. 43; 1905 p. 42; 1906 p. 39; 1907 p. 39—41. [Local captures of Lepidoptera] * 51. SE 89 02 Fryer, J. C. F. 57.8 (42.44) 1905. Notes on a Small Collection of Lepidoptera. 38th Rep. Rugby School nat. Hist. Soc. p. 1—8, 2 pls. 57.81—.89 03 Gibbs, A. E. 57.8 (42.58) 1907/08. Notes on Lepidoptera observed in Hertfordshire in the year 1905. Trans. Hertfordsh. nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 13 p. 5—9. — in the year 1906. p. 199—204. 57.81—.89 04 James, Russell E. 57.8 42.59) 1908, Wicken re-visited. — The Lepidoptera of Wicken Fen, etc. En- tom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 294—300. 57.82—.89 05 Raven, C. E. 57.8 (42.61) 1908. A Week in Raven. Entomologist Yol. 41 p. 218—226. 51.82,.86,.87,.89 21406 Bloomfield, E. N. 57.8 (42.64) 1908. Suffolk Lepidoptera in 1906 and 1907. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 34-35. 51.82—.89 07 Dampf. 57.8 (43.11) 1908. Über die Schmetterlingsfauna des Kreises Heydekrug (Ostpr.) Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 69—81, 2 figg. 91.82—.89 08 Hoffmann, Fritz. 57.8 (43.68) 1908. Ein ento a Ausflug in die steirischen Berge. Soc. en- tom. Jahrg. 22 p. 161—162, 170—171. 57.82—.86,.89 09 Galvagni, Egon. 57.8 (43.91) 1908. Lepidopterenausbeute aus der Hohen Tatra. Yerh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (24) —(28). 57.82—.59 10 Rebel, H. 57.8 (43.92) 1908. Entomologische Exkursion in die transsylvanischen Alpen. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (74)—(80). [l n. var. in Erebia]. 21.82—.89 11 Rebel, H. 91.8 (43.95) 1904. Studien über die Lepidopterenfauna der Balkanländer. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 19 p. 97—377, 2 Taf. [6 nn. spp. in: Gelechia 2 Xystophora, Epithectis, Depressaria, Coleophora, T nn. varr. in: Erebia, Agrotis 3, Larentia, Crambus, Platyptilia. 1 n. ab. in Incurvaria.] (43.95,.96) 57.82—.89 12 Daydie, M. $7.8 (44.71) 1908. Sur quelques lépidoptères nouveaux ou peu communs de la faune girondine. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Yol. 62 p. LYI—LIX. 91.82,.85,.86,.89 21418 Perlini, R. 57.8 (45) 1903. Contributo alla Fauna dei Lepidotteri d’Italia. ,, Alcune seconde apparazioni inavvertite o dubbiose.“ Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 23 p. 9— 11, 35—37. 57.86—.88 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 198 21414 Perlini, Renato. 57.8 (45) 1903/04. Elenco dei Lepidotteri propri soltanto all’ Italia. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 23 p. 129—138; Anno 24 p. 1—5, 65—67, 112—114, 117—120. i 57.81—.89 15 Mariani, Giuditta. 57.8 (45.1) 1906. Fauna Valdostana. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 26 p. 104—165. 57.86—.89 16 Constantini, Alessandro. 57.8 (45.4) 1905/07. Materiali per la fauna entomologica del Modenese e Reggiano. Nuove forme di Lepidotteri. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 25 p. 15—18, 61— 66; Anno 26 p. 185—138; Anno 27 p. 11—13. 17 Ragusa, Enrico. 57.8 (45.8) 1908. Note lepidotterologiche. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 189--147. [3 nn. varr. in: Coenonympha, Hybernia, Phigalia]. 57.82--.89 1906. Fünfter Beitrag zur Lepidopterenfauna der Kanaren. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 22—44. [5 nn. spp. in: Hadena, Tephroclystia 2, Gerarctia n. g., Symmoca.] 51.82 —.89 19 Velitchkovsky, Vladimir. 97.8 (47.3) 1908. Faune du district de Walouyki du gouvernement de Woronége. (Russie. Fasc. 4. Lepidoptera par H. Henn, Stockerau, N-O. Druck von Joh. Koch. 8? 44 pp., 1 carte. Mk. 1.— 91.82.—.89 20 Krulikowsky, L. 51.8 (41.8) 1908. Einige neue Varietäten und Aberrationen der Lepidopteren des östlichen Russlands. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 2—3, 18. [8 nn. varr. in: Papilio, Leucochloé, Colias (1 n. ab.), Lycaena (1 n. ab.), Erastria, Pseu- doterpna, Cybosia, Elachista, 36 nn. abb. in: Parnassius, Pieris, Epinephele 2, Coenonympha, Macrothylacia, Miana, Jaspidea, Tapinostola, Plusia (1 n. var.), Larentia 3, Gonodontis, Opisthograptis, Venilia, Biston, Bupalus, Hepialus, Crambus 2, Salebria, Scoparia, Hysterosia, Olethreutes 3, Epiblema 3, Pleurota, Semioscopis, Depressaria 3, Gracilaria.] 57.82,.85—.87,.89 21421 Snellen, P. C. T. 57.8 (492) 1908. Aanteekeningen over Nederlandsche Lepidoptera. Tijdschr. Entom.. D. 51 p. 14—24. 91.82—.89 22 Muschamp, P. A. H. 57.8 (494) 1908. Remarques sur la faune lépidoptérologique des pierriers des Alpes, en 1907. Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 251—257. 57.82,.85,.89 23 Rätzer, August. 57.8 (494) 1908. Lichtfang-Verzeichnis mit spätherbstlicher Köderfang-Nachhülfe von der Pfarrhaus-Veranda in Büren a. A. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 289—297. 57.82—.88 24 Bethune-Baker, George T. 57.8 (494) 1908. Lepidoptera in the Upper Engadine. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Yol. 19 p. 241—245. 57.82,.86—.89 25 Tutt, J. W. 57.8 (494) 1908. The Lepidoptera of the Grisons—St. Moritz to the Morteratsch Glacier. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 193—194. — The Roseg Val- ley. p. 194—195. — Preda and the Albula. p. 205—208. — The Via Ma- la. p. 221—222, — The Strela Pass. p. 273—275. 57.82—.89 26 Tutt, J. W. 97.8 (494) 1808. The Lepidoptera of the Bogs above the Ziiricher-See. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 245—248, 278—281. 51.82,.85,.81 —.89 21427 Tutt, J. W. 57.8 (494) 1908. The Lepidoptera of Ticino — Airolo. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 49—50, 97—99. — The St. Gotthard Pass. p. 106—108. — Piotta. p. 125—198. — The Piottino Gorge. p. 135—128. — Piora. p. 149—151. 57.81—.89 "15. I. 1909. 21428 29 30 31 32 33 34 21435 36 37 38 39 40 41 21442 199 Lepidoptera. Hurmuzachi, Constantin. 57.8 (498) 1902. Catalogue des Lépidoptères récoltés en Roumanie pendant l’année 1901 par les membres de la Société des Naturalistes de Roumanie. Publ. Soc. Nat. Romania An. 1 No. 3 p. 3—11. 57.82,.85—.89 Pax, Ferdinand. 57.8 (498) 1908. Beitrag zur Lepidopterenfauna von Rumänien. Bull. Soc. Sc. Bu- rest An. 17 p. 57—66. 57.82 —.89 Rebel, H. 57.8 (53.4) 1907. Zoologische Ergebnisse der Expedition der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Südarabien und Sokotra in den Jahren 1898 — een Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien mat.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 246. Rebel, H. 57.8 (56.5) 1908. Lepidopterenausbeute aus der Umgegend von Trapezunt. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (82)—(85). [Harpella eseliensis n. sp. 1 n. var. in Ochrostigma.| 57.82—.89 Engel, Henry. 57.8 (74.8) 1908. A Preliminary List of the Lepidoptera of Western Pennsylvania Collected in the Vicinity of Pittsburgh. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 5 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 53) p. 27—136. 57.82—.89 Schultze, W. 57.8 (91.4) 1908. New and Little-Known Lepidoptera of the Philippine Islands. Philipp. Journ. Sc. Vol. 3A. p. 27—37. [13 nn. spp.in: Elymnias, Adixoa, Ceryx, Squamicapilla n. g., Deilemera, Remigia, Crusiseta n. g., Milionia, Scirpophaga, Vitessa, Pyrausta 2, Psecadia.] 57.82 —.89 1908. Lepidoptera of the Victorian Alps: two New Butterflies for Vic- toria. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 31—35. 57.82,.85,.86,.89 Uffeln, R. 57.81 : 11.57 1908. Zur Frage des Melanismus. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 351—352. 51.85 —.87 Schultz, Oskar. 57.81 : 11.67 1908. Über einige aus Oesterreich stammende gynandromorphe Lepi- dopteren-Formen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 247—248, 7 figg. 57.87,.89 Hirschler, Jan. 57.81 : 13 1907. Entwickelungsgeschichtliche Studien an Lepidopteren. Bull. Soc. polon. Av. Sc. Léopol. Fasc. 7 p. 104—120. (Aus Arch. nauk. (2) T. 1.) [Mitteldarm grösstenteils entodermal. — Drüsige Organe am 1. Ab- dominalsegment.] 57.85,.86 14.34,.77 Bornemann, W. P. 97.81 : 15 1908. Der Lichtfang. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 26 —94. Engel, Henry. 91.81 : 15 1908. Early Stages of North American Moths. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 De 120—194. 57.85,.86 Hoffmann, Fritz. 51.81 : 15 1908. Biologische Mittteilungen. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 195 —197. 57.86,.87 Hoffmann, Fritz. 54.81 : 15 1908. Ergebnis des Nachtfanges im Jahre 1907. Auszug aus meinem entomologischen Tagebuche. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 21— 25. 57.82—.88 Hoffmann, Fritz. 57.81 : 15 1908. Hat der Luftdruck Einfluss auf den Anflug vom Schmetterlingen beim Kódern? Entom. Zeitschr. Stutigart Jahrg. 22 p. 18—21. 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 200 21443 Schumann. 57.81 215 1908. Die Spinnfäden von Schmetterlingsraupen. Zeitschr. nat. Abt. nat. Ver. Posen Jahrg. 15 Entom, p. 27—31. 57.82,.86,.87 44 Goossens, Th. 57.81 : 15 1908. Iconographie des chenilles. (Suite). Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois- Perret Ann. 14 p. 3—12. 57.87,.88 45 Scheele. 97.81 : 15.6 1908. Etwas über die Vermehrung von Faltern im besonderen über die Zucht von Cerura furcula. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 2-3. 57.85—.87 46 Jones, Frank Morton. 57.81 : 16.5 1908. Pitcher-Plant Insects. — III. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 150—156, 3 pls. 57.82,.86 47 Osborn, Herbert. 57.81 : 16.5 1908, Notes on some Insects of the Season. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 145. 57.86,.87 48 Shaw, William. 57.81 (41.46) 1901. Entomological Notes from Galashiels during 1899. History Ber- wick. Natural. Club Vol. 17 p. 87—88. 57.86—.88 49 Munk, Jos. 57.81 (43.37) 1908. Nachtrige zur Lepidopteren-Fauna von Augsburg. 38. Ber. nat. Ver. Schwaben-Neuburg p. 109. 57.85,.86 50 Warnecke, G. 57.81 (43.51) 1908. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna Schleswig-Holsteins. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 110. 57.85,.87 21451 Pionneau, Paul. 57.81 (44.14) 1908. Entomologie. Notice sur un Lépidoptère nouveau pour la faune de la Loire-Inférieure et liste de quelques espèces intéressantes. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 10—12. 57.85,.86 52 Grönblom, Thorwald. 57.81 (47.1) 1908. Uusia tulokkaita Suomen perhosfaunalle. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 51—52. [1 n. ab in Xanthia.] 57.86,.87 53 Wegelius, Axel. 57.81 (47.1) 1908. Rik fjärilfauna under oktober. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 125—125. 57.85—.87 54 Teich, C. A. 57.81 (47.4) 1908. Lepidopterologische Notizen. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 37—40. [2 nn. var. in: Lygris, Lymphula.] 57.82,.85,.86 55 Lambillion, L. J. 57.81 (493) 1908. Variétés et aberrations de Lépidoptères. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 48. [2 nn. abb. in: Devlephila, Arctornis.] 57.87,.88 56 Hampson, George. 57.81 (54) 1906/07. The Moths of India. Supplementary Paper of the Volumes in „The Fauna of British India.“ Series III. Part UI. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 164—183, 447—475, 645—677, 23 figg. [72 nn. spp. in: Eupleria 2, Amyna, Diphthera, Perciana 2, Erastria, Hyela, Tarache 2, Xanthoptera, Cosmia, Metachrostis 3, Naranga, Rivula 3, Eublemma, Zagira, Corgatha 4, Tolpia 6, Micraeschus 4, Dilophothripha 3, Metaptya, Arevophora, Plagiograpta n. g., Cetola, Bocula, Acantnolipis, Acantholipes 2, Calpe, Mecodina, Zethes, Raparna, Codonodes n. g., Hydrillodes, Nodaria, Catada 3, Araeopteron 5, Marapana 3, Rhynchina 2, Hypena 4, Prolophota, Rhaesena. Neachrostia n. g. pro N. brunneiphaga, Apothripa pro A. iphida. Sarrothripa poliophaea n. nom. pro S. nolalella Hwrss. non Wrx.] (54,1,.5—.87) 57.82..86 21457 Pagenstecher, Arnold. 57.81 (6) 1907. Lepidoptera-Heterocera (Uranidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae, Pyra- lidae, Thyrididae, Tortricidae, Tineidae, Pterophoridae) von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 93—146, 1 Taf. [31 nn. spp. in: Micronia, Hypochrosis, Zamarada, 15. I. 1909. 201 Lepidoptera. Macaria 2, Boarmia 2, Phibalapteryx, Craspedia, Chrysocraspeda, Timandra Odontestra, Amphipyra 2, Bryophila, Tarache, Amyna, Alamis, Trisula, Pseu- dophia, Catephia, Ophiusa, Grammodes, Cirrhochrista, Epicrocis 2, Anartula Stegothyris, Sylepta, Sameodes 2.] (67.6, 69.4) 57.82,.85,.86 21458 Hampson, George F. 57.81 (6) 1908. On the Moths Collected during the Cruise of the „Valhalla“ during the Winter 1905—6 by Mr. E. G. B. Mrape-WaLrpo. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 474—492, [23 nn. spp. in: Culladia, Ilema, Naranga, Nacoleia, Sylepta, Glyphodes 2, Agathodes, Hyalobatha, Euxoa, Tarache, Pionea, Deile- mera, Acanshodelta n. g., Melapera n. g., Eublemma, Patissa, Ambia, Pilocro- cis, Sylepta, Archernis, Pyrausta 2.] (67.6, 68.4, .7, 69.4—.6, 81, 87) 57.82—-.88 59 Wichgraf, C. 97.81 (6) 1908. Neue afrikanische Heteroceren. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 106—107, 2 figg. [3 nn. spp in: Xanthospilopteryx, Pacasa, Phialla. 2 nn. varr. in: Teracotona.) (66.7, 67.1, 68.2) 57.87,.88 60 Pittier, H., y P. Biolley. 57.81 (728) 1897. Invertebrados de Costa Rica. III. Lepidöpteros Heteröceros (Espe- cies hasta hoy coleccionadas y determinadas). San José de Costa Rica Tipogr. Nacional 8°, 66 pp. 61 Dyar, Harrison G. 57.81 (79.4) 1908. Descriptions of some New Moths from Southern California. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 52—60. [16 nn. spp. in: Phobolosia n. g, Ewroda, Glaucina, Stenaspilates, Deilinia, Selidosema 2, Anaplodes, Me- tasia, Ambesa, Salebria, Sarata, Valdivia.] 57.82- -.87 21462 Dognin, Paul. 57.81 (8) 1905. Hétérocères nouveaux de l'Amérique du sud. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 17—33. [29 nn. spp. in: Cyllopoda, Heterephyra, Perizoma, Erateina 3 (1 n. var.), Tephroclystia 2, Sangalopsis, Nephodia (1 n. var.), Nipteria 2, Leuculopsis, Stenalcidia, Apicia 2, Pseudomacalla n. g., Stericta, Nacolea, Glyphodes, Evergestis, Azochis, Polygrammodes 2 (1 n. ab.), Hyalos- cia, Mimudea, Pyrausta, Tortrix, Polypseustis n. g. 1 n. ab. in Rhodochlora.] (82, 84, 85, 86.6) 63 Dognin, Paul. 57,81 (801) 1908. Hétérocères nouveaux de l'Amérique du Sud. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 153—179. [49 nn spp. in: Uraga, Prumala, Automolis, Me- lese 2, Halisidota 2, Episilia, Lycophotia 2, Eriopyga 3, Oslaria, Elymiotis 2, Proelymiotis, Lysana, Poresta, Tachuda, Hippia 4, Hardingia, Dicentria, Xyli- nodes, Schizura, Dognina, Heierocampa 2, Malocampa 4, Gisara, Blera, Mera- gisa, Euxoga, Rifargia 2, Hemiceras 5, Pseudhapigia, Automeris, Adelocephala.) (728, 82, 84, 85, 86.6—89) 51.86—.88 64 Jones, E. Dukinfield. 97.81 (81) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from South- east Brazil. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 143—176. [16 nn. spp. in: Pheia, Loxophlebia 2, Holophaea, Horama 2, Delphyre, Odozana 2, Thyone, Clemensia, Automolis, Opharus, Halisidota 5, Aemilia, Antarctia 4, Lycophotia 2, Episilia, Chabuata 4, Eriopyga 3, Cucullia, Hypnotype, Heterochroma, Cro- pia, Trachea, Chytonix, Oligia, Macapta, Monodes 4, Gonodes, Matopo, Atre- phes, Cosmia, Doryodes 4, Parvapenna 2, Phrodita, Chlaenogramma, Neogene, Barda:rima, Dasylophia, Eustema, Cerura, Schizura, Blera, Carthara, Olceclos- tera, Apatelodes 4, Tarema, Automeris 2, Dirphia, Heliconisa, Dalcera.] 57.86—.88 21465 Hudson, G. Y. 57.81 (931) 1903. On some New DOGS of Macro-Lepidoptera. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol: 35 p. 248—245, 1 pl. [7 nn. spp. in: Miselia, Melan- chra, Venusia, Notoreas, Dichromodes, Selidosema, Declana.] 57.85,.86 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 202 dl 21466 Philpott, Alfred. 57.81 (931) 1903. On some New Species of Lepidoptera (Moths) from Southland. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 35 p. 246—249, 1 pl. [6 nn. spp. in: Melanchra 2, Tatosoma, Xanthorrhoe 2, Selidosema.] 57.85,.86 6: Philpott, Alfred. 57.81 (931) 1905. On some New Species of Lepidoptera. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. Vol. 37 p. 328—303, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Melanchra, Leucania 2, Xanthorrhoe 2.1] 57.85,.86 68 Bethune-Baker, G. T. 57.81 (95) 1908. New Heterocera from British New Guinea. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 175—243. [220 nn. spp. in: Hypereydas 2, Epicydas n. g., Eup- terote, Paracydas n. g., Neuroanomala n. g., Omestia n. g., Onichlis 5, Habrona n. g. 2, Hyalaethea, Euchromia 3, Claniades n. g., Mambara n. g., Chalcocelis, Squamosa n. g., Metanastria 3, Pararguda n. g. 2, Caviria, Porthesia 5, Porthmeia n. g. 2, Euproctis 10, Nsorgyia n. g., Parakanchia n. g., Lymantria, Anthela, Spilosoma, Diacrisia 2, Rhodogastria, Pisara, Celama, Nola 2, Parapelosia n. g., Graphosia, Scoliacma 2, Ilema 2, Nacaduba, Palaeo- sia 2, Garudinodes n. g., Parascaptia n. g., Chionaema, Azura 2, Milto- christa, Schistophleps, Agrotis 2, Caradrina, Leocyma 2, Gabala, Rivula,, Ramadasa, Zyphochroa, Gadirtha, Stietoptera, Capotena. Nyctipao, Hulodes, Catephiodes n. g.. Hypaetra, Acantholipes 2, Dahlia 2, Zethes, Capnodes, Fa- rara n. g, Iluza, Paralopha n. g, Ilyrgis, Parilyrgis n. g., Simplicia 4, Li- bisosa, Squamipalpis n. g., Badiza, Pseudoglossa, Bleptina 3, Aneliopis n. g. 4, Cristatopalpus n. g., Systaticospora n. g., Megaloptera n. g., Mastigophorus 3, Rejectaria, Insolentipalpus n. g., Falcimala 2, Ceilodiastrophon n. g., Hydri!- lodes 5, Echana 5, Echanella n. g., Cellacrinata n. g., Cheillophota n. g., Pseudogyrtona n. g. 2, Catadoides n. g., Nodaria 3, Catada 4, Heterogramma, Lysimetia, Olulis, Olulodes n. g., Singara 2, Temnoptera n. g., Cyttaralopha n. g, Camptochilus 2, Plinthopa n. g., Coreobara, Marapana 5, Avirostrum n. g. 2, Rhynchina 3, Plumipalpia, Hypena 30, Parhypena n. g., Argillana n. g., Brithodes n. g., Chusaris 3, Foveades n. g., Hypenagonia, Goinocraspedum, Hypenarana n. g., Paranoratha n. g., Moscha, Opodipthera, Eusphalera 5 (4 nn. abb.).] 51.86 —.88 21469 Meyrick, E. 57.82 1908. Notes and Descriptions of Pterophoridae and Orneodidae. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. 471—511. [59 nn. spp. in: Diacrotricha, Tri- choptilus, Deuterocopus 2, Tetraschalis 3, Oxyptilus 5, Xyroptila n. g. 2, Pla- typtilia 8, Alucita 2, Pselnophorus 2, Marasmarcha 2, Pterophorus 20, Stenop- tilia, Orneodes 10.] (52, 54.1,.7—.87, 56.8, 59.1, 66.9, 68.2,.4, 729.2, 75.9, 76.4, 78.8, 81, 82, 84, 929, 94.3) 70 Hogg, Jabez. 57.82 : 15 1897. The so-called Jumping Bean of Mexico. Intern. Journ. Mier, nat. Sc. Vol. 16 p. 309—319, 3 pls. 71 Disqué, Heinrich. 57.82: 15 1902. Versuch einer microlepidopterologischen Botanik. Iris Bü. 21 p. 72 Stephan, Julius. 57.82 : 15 1908. Allerlei Interessantes aus dem Raupenleben einiger Mikrolepidop- teren. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 128—132. 18 Sanderson, E. D. 51.82 : 15.4 1908. The Relation of Temperature to the Hibernation of Insects. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 56—65, 2 figg. 21474 Meixner, Adolf. 57.82 (4) 1908. Microlepidoptera. Die zentraleuropäischen Pyralimorphen (zünsler- artigen Falter. Pyralidae (Nachtrag), Thyrididae, Pterophoridae und Or- neodidae. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 9—11, 15—17, 21--23, 28—29, 34—36, 42—45, 50—53, 58—60, 66—67, 71—72, 77—79, 83—84, 86—89. 15. I. 1909. 203 Lepidoptera:. 21475 Walsingham. 57.82 (403), 1907/08. Spanish and Moorish Microlepidoptera. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 18 p. 212—218. [3 nn. spp. in: Symmoca, Depressaria, Teemerium (n. g. pro Blastobasis anthophaga).] — Vol. 19 ps 52—55, 226—229, [6 nn. spp. in: Zenodochium n. g. 2, Perittia, Phalonia, Phyllonorycter, Opostega.. Triboloneura n. g. pro Elachista sepulchreila.] (44.13,.77,.94, 46.3,.8) 76 Luff, W. A. 57.82 (42.34). 1899. The Micro-Lepidoptera of Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc.. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 267—277. 77 Schopfer, Eduard. 57.82 (43.21): 1908. Beitrag zur Microlepidopteren-Fauna der Dresdener Gegend. Iris. 78 Trost, Alois. 07.82 (43 65.. 1908. Beitrag zur Lepidopteren-Fauna der Steiermark. Mitt.. nat. Ver) Steiermark Bd. 43 p. 216—301. 79 Nickerl, Ottokar. 51.82 (43.71) 1908. Beiträge zur Insekten-Fauna Bóhmens. VI. Die Motten Bóhmens. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Physiokratie. Prag, Verl. der Ges. Phys. 8°, 161 pp. [Nepticula nickerli n. sp.]! 15.3,.4 80 de Joannis, J. 57.82 (44) 1908. Microlépidoptères nouveaux pour la faune francaise. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 233—236. 21481 Chrétien, P. 97.82 (46.85). 1908. Faune entomologique des Iles Canaries. Séjour de M. P. Lea dans la Grande Canarie (1902—1903). I. Mierolépidopteres. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 358—364. [5 nn. spp. in: Scoparia, Lita, Recur-- varia, Nepticula, T'inea.| 82 Walsingham. 57.82 (46.85): 1908. Microlepidoptera of Tenerife. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 911—1034, 3 pls., 3 figg. [69 nn. spp. in: Alucita. 3, Pterophorus, Agdistis,. Metzneria 4, Pragmatodes n. g., Apodia, Aristotelia 2, Chrysopora, Aproaerema 2, Telphusa 2, Gelechia 2 (1 n. var.), Trichotaphe, Apatema;. Ambloma n. g., Chersogenes n. g., Symmoca, Blastopasis, Prosthesis n. g., Zenodochium, Agonop- teryx 2, Depressaria, Coleophora 2, Cosmopteryx, Apheiosetia, Polymetis n. g.,. Mendesia, Perittia 2, Scythris 2, Phyllonoryeter, Acrocercops,. Gracilaria, Tis- cheria, Acrolepia, Glyphipteriyx, Phalonia, Acroclita 2, Polychrosis, Strepsi- crates, Thiodia, Eucelis, Stigmella T, Bucculatrix 2, Ereunetis, Oenophila,. Stathmopolitis n. g., Tinea 2, Luffia. Epanastasis n. g. pro Holcopogon sophro-- niellus.] 83 de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, G. 57.82 (493) 1908. Observations microlépidoptérologiques faites a Rochefort en 1907. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 42. 84 Müller-Rutz. J. 07.82 (494). 1908. Beitrag zur Microlepidopteren-Fauna der Schweiz. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 316—334. 21485 Meyrick, E. 57:82 (6). 1908. Descriptions of African Micro-Lepidoptera. Proc. zool. Soc. Lon- don 1908 p. 716—756. [109 nn. spp. in: Polychrosis 2, Eccopsis, Argyro- ploce, Pamplusia, Enarmonia, Eucosma, Cydia 3, Cacoecia, Tortrix 3, Palto- dora, Aristotelia 2, Ephysteris n. g., Gelechia 2, Dragmatucha n. g., Brach-- mia 3, Polyhymno, Eporycta n. g., Nephantis, Odites:2, Epimactis, Procometis 3, Cvesyra, Epiphractis n. g., Ethmia, Borkhausenia, Stathmopoda, Elachista 2, Cosmopteryx 2, Limnoecia, Epicephala, Acrocercops, Macarostola, Iriothysa n. g., Yponomeuta, Bucculatrix, Opogona 2, Monopis, Malacyntis n. g., Tineola 9,. Tinea +, Pseudurgis n. g., Struthisca 3, Thranitica n. g., Melasina 17, Hapsi-- fera 5, Pitharcha n. g., Amydria 5, Scardia, Hyoprora n. g., Ceromitia 8.] (66.4,.9, 67.3,.6,.8, 68.2,.4,.7,.9;. 69.5), 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 204 ei 21486 Lucas, D. 57.82 (61.1) 1908. Lépidoptères nouveaux de Tunisie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 66—67. [3 nn. spp. in: Epischnia, Pionea, Hedemannia.] 87 Mabille, P. 57.82 (61.1) 1908. Description de Lépidoptères tunisiens nouveaux. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 67—69. [4 nn. spp. in: Actenia, Heterographis 2, Rhodo- phaea.] 88 Chrétien, P. 57.82 (65) 1904. Microlepidoptères d'Algérie. Le Naturaliste Ann. 26 p. 45—46. 89 Chrétien, P. 57.82 (65) 1908. Description de Microlépidoptères nouveaux d’Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 165—168. [3 nn. spp. in: Anacampsis 2, Zityphia n. g] — Description de nouvelles espèces de Microlépidoptères d'Algérie. p. 201—202. [5 nn. spp. in: Proactica, Tortilia n. g., Elachista 3.] 90 Kearfott, W. D. 57.82 (7) 1908. New North American Tortricidae and Tineina. Journ. N. Y. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 167—188, 1 pl. (23 nn. spp. in: Eucosma 7, Cydia, Epinotia, Enarmonia 2, Tortrix, Phalonia, Commophila (?), Choreutis, Argy- resthia, Chrysopora, Gelechia 3, Coleophora, Nepticula, Incurvaria.] (71.2,.3, 74.7—.9, 77.1,.3,.6, 78.8,.9, 79.2,.4) 91 Busck, August. 57.82 (74.8) 1908. Descriptions of some New Microlepidoptera from Pennsylvania. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 193—196. |7 nn. spp. in: Gnorimoschema, Gelechia, Borkhausenia, Epermenia, Batrachedra 2, Elachista.] 21492 Walsingham. 57.82 (96.9) 1907. Microlepidoptera. Fauna Hawaiiensis Vol. 1 p. 469—759, 25 pls. [386 nn. spp. in: Lineodes 2, Platyptilia, Orneodes 2, Aristotelia 8, Merim- netria n. g., Hodegia n. g., Ptychothrix n. g., Psychra n. g. 2, Catamempsis n. g., Thyrocopa 21, Ethmia, Batrachedra 8, Agonismus n. g. 3, Elachista 2, Stagmatophora 4, Aphthonetus n. g. 29, Rhinomactrum n. g. 2, Neelysia n. g. 31, Dysphoria n. g., Bubaloceras n. g., Hyposmocoma 160 (10 nn. varr.), Hy- perdasys n. g. 5, Semnoprepia n. g. 3, Mapsidius n. g. 3, Prays, Flutella, Heterocrossa 32 (3 nn. varr.), Gymnosoma, Adenoneura n. g. 5, Cryptophlebia 2 (2 nn, varr.), Enarmonia 4, Pararrhaptica n. g., Archips 7, Panaphelia: n. g., Dipterina, Tortrix 6, Capua 10, Epagoge 4, Opostega 2, Ereune- tis, Philodoria n. g. 7, Gracilaria 2, Bedellia 2, Setomorpha, Acrolepia, Para- phasis n. g. Eccoptocera n. g. pro Steganoptycha foetorivorans.] 93 Nigmann, Martin. 57.82 Acentropus 14.9 1908. Anatomie und Biologie von Acentropus niveus OLiv. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 489—560, 2 Taf. 15.6 94 Dyar, Harrison 6. 57.82 Acrobasis (73) 1908. Notes on the Species of Acrobasis, with Descriptions of New Ones, Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 41—48. [7 nn. spp.] (74.6,.8,.9, 75.2,.3,.9) 95 Tutt, J. W. 57.82 Adkinia : 15 1908. The Larval Habits of Adkinia graphodactyla var. pneumonanthes in Spring, just previous to Pupation. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 174—176. 96 Meyrick, E. 57.82 Anarsia (54.1) 1908. A New Indian Species of Anarsia. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 197. [A. ephippias.] 97 de Joannis, J. 57.82 Ancylolomia 1908. Observations sur la valeur de certaines espèces du genre Ancylo- lomia Hs. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 145—150. 21498 Lampa, Sven. 57.82 Argyresthia : 16.5 1908. Rónnbàrsmalen (Argyresthia conjugella Zerr.) och hvad vi veta därom. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 253—272. 15. I. 1909. 205 Lepido ptera. 21499 Fernald, C. H. 572.8 Argyroploce (74.4), 1908. A New Species of the Tortricidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 349 —350. [Argyroploce abietana n. sp.] 21500 Snellen, P. C. T. 57.82 Batrachedra (922) 1908. Batrachedra myrmecophila SxeLL. nov. spec. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. 181—184, 1 Taf. 01 Prout, Louis B. 57.82 Botys 1908. The Generic Name Botys, Larr. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 141—142. 02 Busck, August. 57.82 Brachyloma (73) 1308. Tho New Stenomid Moths from the Eastern United States. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 111—112. [2 nn. spp. in: Brachyloma.] (74.8,.9, 75.6) 03 Doleschall, H. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 15: 1908. Carpocapsa pomonella. Soc. entom, Jahrg. 22 p. 154. 04 Gillot, X. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 15 1908. Fèves sauteuses du Mexique. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Yerb. p. 74—76. 05 Hoffmann, Fritz. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 15: 1908. Carpocapsa pomonella L. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 27—28. 06 Melander, A. L. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 16.5 1908, Annihilating the Codling Moth. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 11 —13. 07 Quaintance, A. L. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 16.5: 1908. Papers on Deciduous Fruit Insects and Insecticides. Demonstra- tion Spraying for the Codling Moth. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull.. No. 68 p. 69—12. — Demonstration Spraying in Pennsylvania in 1907, by Fren Jonwsos. p. 72—75. — Demonstration Spraying in Ohio in 1907, by A. A. Gmaurr. p. 15—16. 21508 Quaintance, A. L. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 16.5. 1908. The Codling Moth or Apple Worm. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric.. 1907 p. 435—450, 4 pls. 09 Sanderson, E. Dwight. 51.82 Carpocapsa : 16.5» 1908. Preliminary Report on the Life History of the Codling Moth and Spraying Experiments Against it. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 129 10 Slingerland, M. Y. 57.82 Carpocapsa : 16.5 1908. Must the Calyx Cup be Filled? Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 352—354, 1 pl. 11 de Joannis, J. 57.82 Cnephasia (4 1908. Deux nouvelles espèces de Cnephasia. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 190—193. (44.58, 46.3) 12 Gibson, Arthur. 57.82 Cryptolechia 1908. Note on the Brown Cryptolechia (Cryptolechia quercicella, CLEMENS). Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 84. 13 Dyar, Harrison 6. 91.82 Cryptoses (801) 1908. A Pyralid Inhabiting the Fur of the Living Sloth. (Cryptoses cholaept, n. gen. and sp.) Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 142—144, 1 fig. — A Further Note on the Sloth Moth. Vol. 10 p. 81—82. 14 Houba, J. 57.82 Dioryctria : 16.5 1908. Le Weymouth et le Phycis ou Dioryctria abietella. Bull. Soc. centr. forestière Belgique Vol. 15 p. 532—533. — par Ch. Durieux. p. 533 — 537. 21515 de Joannis, J. 97.82 Dioryctria (65) 1908. Une Phycide nouvelle d’Algerie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 168—169. [Dioryctria peltierri n. sp.] 16. I. 1909. 21516 17 13 19 20 21 22 27 28 21531 > Walsingham. ‘Lepidoptera. 206 Quaintance, A. L. 57.82 Enarmonia : 16.5 1908. Notes on the Lesser Apple Worm, Enarmonia prunivora Warsx. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 141—142. Quaintance, A. L. 57.82 Enarmonia : 16.5 1908. Papers on Deciduous Fruit Insects and Insecticides. The Lesse. AER te U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Bull. No. 68 p. 49—60, IER e Williams, Francis X. 57.82 Eriocranii (79.4) 1908. A New Eriocrania (Lepidoptera) from the Pacific Coast. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 14—15, 1 pl. [E: cyanosparsella n. sp.] Preissecker, Fritz. 07.82 Euxanthis (43.61) 1908. Eine neue heimische Tortricide. Ver. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (69)-(73). [Euxanthis dorsimaeulana n. sp Metalnikoff, S. 57.82 Galleria : 11.11 1906. Ueber die Ursachen der Immunität der Bienenmotte (Galleria melonella) gegen Tuberkulose. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 1 p. 309—316. [Immunität auf Grund eines Tuberkelbazillen zerstörenden Bestand- teiles.] Metalnikov, S. 57.82 Galleria : 14 1908. Recherches expérimentales sur les chenilles de Galleria mellonella. Arch. Zool. expér. gén. (4) T. 8 p. 489—588, 5 pls., 15 figg. 11.32,.49, 14.34,.61 Chrétien, P. 97.82 Gelechiidae (65) 1908. Description de deux Géléchides nouvelles d'Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 56—58, 91—93, 140—144, 4 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Epithectis, Batenia n. g., Apodia 3, Phloeocecis n. g., Sclerocecis n. g., Sicera n. g.] Busck, August. 57.82 Gelechidae (79.4) 1908. Descriptions of Two New Gelechidae from California. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 316—317. [2 nn. spp. in: Recurvaria, Gelechia.] Bail, Th. 97.82 Gracilaria : 16.5 1908. Zur Fliedermottenfrage. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 93 p. 548—459. — Abschluss der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Fliedermotte. p. 648—649. Reh, L. 97.82 Hyponomeuta : 16.5 1908. Ungewöhnlicher Massenfrass von Gespinnstmotten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 259—262, 3 figg. [Hyponomeuta padi.] 57.82 Hyposmocoma 1908. Fauna Hawaiiensis: Microlepidoptera. — A Correction. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 109. [Hyposmocoma nephelodes n. nom. pro H. nebulifera Wısm. No. 293 non 147.] Chrétien, P. 97.82 Lita (65) 1908. Description d’un Microlépidoptère nouveau d’Algérie. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 231—232. [Lita jaspidella n. sp.] Braun, Anuette F. 57.82 Lithocolletis (7) 1905. Revision of the North American Species of the Genus Lithocolletis Hüsxer. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 269—357, 5 pls, 7 figg. [Porphyrosela, Cremastobombycia nn. subgg. 9 nn. spp.] (71.1,.3, 74.9, 75.3, 71.1, 79.4,.7) Braun, Annette F. 57.82 Lithocolletis (7) 1908. New Species of Lithocolletis. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 99—107. [9 nn. spp.] (71.1, 74.9; 49:9, 774) Chapman, T. A. 57.82 Marasmarcha (46.5) 1908. Notes from the Pyrenees. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 50 —53, 3 pls. [Marasmarcha.] de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele. 57.82 Nepticula : 15 1908. Les Nepticula. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 51 p. 401—408. 15. I. 1909. 207 Lepidoptera. 21532 Sich, Alfred. 07.82 Nepticula : 15 1908/09. Notes on the Life-History of Nepticula Ua, Str. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 248—252, 1 pl. — Vol. 21 p. 103 —106, 1 pi. 15.6 33 Busck, August. 57.82 Oecophoridae (73) 1908. A Generic Revision of American Moths of the Family Oecophori- dae, with Descriptions of New Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 187—207. [6 nn. spp. in: Gerdana n. g., Cryptolechia 3, Agonopteryx, Durrantia (n. g. pro Gelechia piperatella). Inga pro Agonopteryx sparsici- liella, Decantha pro Epicallima borkhausenii, Fabiola pro E. shalleriella.] (74.4, 75.2,.5, 76.4, 77.1, 79.1) 34 Silvestri, F. 57.82 Oecophyllembius (45) 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi all’ olivo e di quelli che con essi hanno rapporto descrizione e prime notizie biologiche dell’ Ecofillembio dell’ Olivo (Oecophyllembius neglectus Sınv.) Nuovo genere di Lepidotteri minatore allo stato di larva delle foglie dell’ olivo. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 196—216, 23 figg. [n. g. n. sp.] (45.5,.6,.73,.79) 35 Dietz, Wm. 6. 57.82 Ornix (7) 1907. The North American Species of the Genus Ornix Tr. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 287 —297, 1 pl. [10 nn. spp.] (74.8) 36 de Joannis, J. 57.82 Paralipsa (44.91) 1908. Paralipsa gularis ZeLLer, Galléride d'origine orientale observée ré- cemment en France. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 277—282, 1 fig. 37 Dampf. 57.82 Plodia (43.12) 1908. Eine für Altpreussen neue Motte im Honigkuchen. Schrift. phys. kon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 98—101. [Plodia interpunctella.] 21538 Grinnel, Fordyce. 57.82 Pterophoridae 1908. Notes on the Pterophoridae or Plume-Moths of Southern Califor- nia, with Descriptions of New Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 313— 321. [14 nn. spp. in: Trichoptilus, Oxyptilus, Platyptilia 4, Pterophorus 6 (1 n. subsp.), Stenoptilia 2.] 39 Kearfott, William Dunham. 97.82 Pyralidae (7) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of North American Crambid Moths. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 367—333, 13 figg. [19 nn. spp. in: Surattha 2, Mesolia 2, Prionapteryx, Eugrotea, Crambus 6, Thaumatopsis 4, Diatraea, Chilo 2.] (71.1—.3, 74.9, 75.8,.9, 76.4,.7, 78.8— 79.1,.3,.4) 40 Dyar, Harrison G. 07.82 Pyralidae (73) 1908. A Review of the North American Chrysauginae. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 92—96. [2 nn. spp. in: Artopsis n. g., Satole n. g. Xantippides n. g. pro Xantippe descansalis.] (16.4, 79.1) 41 Dyar, Harrison G. 07.82 Pyralidae (73) 1908. A Review of the North American Pyralinae. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 96—102. [4 nn. spp. in: Aglossa Pyralis, Herculia 2, Uscodys (n. g. pro Anerastia cestalis).] (74.8, 75.2,.7, 76.4, 77.3, 78.8—79.1,.4) 42 Dyar, Harrison G. 57.82 Pyralidae (73) 1908. Descriptions of Eleven New North American Pyralidae, with Notes on a New Others. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 112—118. [11 nn. spp. in: Elophila, Dieymolomia, Ephestiodes, Zophodia, Salebria 3, Euzophera, Bandera, Pectinigera, Ollia.] (76045. (8.8, 19.1,.4,.1) 43 Haimbach, Frank. 51.82 Pyralidae (73) 1908. New Pyralidae. Entom. News Vol, 19 p. 262—264. [4 nn. spp. in: Symphysa, Blepharomastix 2, Crambus. 1 n. var. in Pyrausta.] (78.8, 79.1) 21544 de Joannis, J. 57.82 Scythris (44.13) 1908. Ute nouvelle espèce de Scythris. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 248—250. [S. herniariae.] 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 208 21545 Cosens, A. 57.82 Stagmatophora (71.3) 1908. A New Lepidopterous Gall-producer. Cauad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 107—105. [Stagmatophora ceanothiella n. sp.] 46 Gillmer, M. 57.82 Stenoptilia : 15 1908. Weitere Mitteilungen über die Entwickelung der beiden Generatio- nen von Stenoptilia (Adkinia) pnemonanthes, ScaLerca. Intern. eniom, Zeit- schr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 217—218, 222—223, 229. 47 Chapman, T. A. 57.82 Stenoptilia (44.95) 1908. On Stenoptilia grandis (New species). Trans. entom. Soc. London 48 Warren, W. 57.82 Thyrididae (801) 1908. New Thyrididae in the Tring Museum. Novitat. zool. Yol. 15 p. 325—351. [59 nn. spp. in: Addaea, Banisia 5 (1 n. ab.), Beguma, Belonop- tera, Brixia 2, Dohertya, Draconia 5, Dysodia 6 (1 n. ab.), Herdonia, Hypo- lamprus 7 (1 n. ab.), Iza 4, Letchena, Macrogonia, Microbelia 3, Pharambara 8, Plagiosella, Plesiodesma n. g., Proterozeuxis 2, Rhodoneura 2 (1 n. ab.), Siculodes 5, Striglina. Letchenodes n. g. pro Pyralis ninniusalis, Obelura pro Banisia dohertyi. Pharambara moorei n. nom. pro Ph. reticuluta Moore nen Burrzn.] (54.1, 59.1,.4,.5, 66.9, 67.3, 68.2,.4,.9, 729.8, 81, 84— 80.6, 88, 59, 91.1,.3, 921—929, 933, 935, 95) 49 Fielde, Adele M. 57.82 Tinea : 16.5 1908. The Moth-proofing of Woolens. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 271. 50 Pettit, R. H. 57.82 Tinea : 16.9 : 57.88 1908. A Case of Possible Parasitism in the Lepidoptera. 10th ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 161. [Tinia pellionella bred from pupae of Phlegatontius sexta.] 51 Sich, Alfred. 57.82 Tineidae (42.21) 1908. Some Tineids from Wimbledon Common. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 104—105. 21552 Busck, August. 57.82 Tineidae (7) 1908. Descriptions of North American Tineina. Proc. entom. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 9 p. 85—95. [16 nn. spp. in: Atteva, Gnorimoschema, Gele- chia 2, Glyphidocera, Depressaria 6, Ethmia, Scardia 4.) (71.2,.3, 74.8, 75.2,.6,.9, 76.4, 77.1,.3, 78.2,.9, 79.1,.4,.7) 53 Fernald, C. H. 57.82 Tortricidae 1908. The Genera of the Tortricidae and their Types. Amberst, Mass. Carpenter & Morehouse 8°, 67 pp. 54 Dewitz, J. 57.82 Tortricidae : 16.5 1908. 40. Bekämpfungsarbeiten gegen den Heu- und den Sauerwurm im Sommer 1907. Ber. Lehranst. Wein-, Obst- & Gartenbau Geisenheim 1907 p. 356—371. 55 Meyer. 57.82 Tortricidae : 15 1908. Analytische Tabelle zur Bestimmung der Tortriciden-Raupen. En- tom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 138—149. 56 Swezey, Otto H. 57.82 Tortricidae : i5 1908. Life History Notes on Two Variable Tortricids. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Sos. Vol. 2 p. 14-16. [Cryptophlebia illepida, Enarmonia sp | 57 Dewitz, J. 57.82 Tortripidae : 16.5 1908. Essais de traitements contre la Cochylis et l'Eudemis. Progr. agric. vitic. Ann. 29 p. 231— 240. 58 Kennel, J. 57.82 Tortricidae (403) 1908. Die Palaearktischen Tortriciden. Zoologica Bd. 21 Heft 54, 100 pp., 24 Taf., 5 figg. [Crobylophora n. g. pro Carpocapsa inquinatana.] 21559 Kearfott, W. D. 57.82 Tortricidae (7) 1907. New North American Tortricidae. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 1—98. [158 nn. spp. in: Evetria 6, Polychrosis 5, Olethreutes 15, Eucos- ma 48, Thiodia 11, Proteopteryx 5, Proteoteras 4, Epinotia 4, Cydia 4, Ancy- 15. I. 1909. 209 Lepidoptera. lis, Enarmonia 16, Sparganothis 4, Cenopis 3, Archips, Pandemis, Tortrix 5 (2 nn. varr.), Phalonia 23, Commophila, Eulia.] (71.1—.3, 74.1,.2,.4,.7—.9, 75.2,.3,.6,.9, 76.4,.7,.9, 77.1,3—.8, 78.3,.8, 79.1—.4,.6—.8) 21560 Adkin, Robert. 57.82 Tortrix : 15 1908. Life-History of Tortrix pronubana. Entomologist Yol. 41 p. 49—51, ba dk 61 Adkin, Robert. 57.82 Tortrix : 15 1908. Further Notes on Tortrix pronubana, He., including its Life History in Britain. Proc. London entom. nat. Hist. Soc. 1907—08 p. 20—26, 3 pls. 62 Lyncker. 57.82 Tortrix : 16.5 1908. Eichenwickler und Traubeneiche. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirt- sch. Jahrg. 6 p. 414—415, 1 fig. — Notiz von Watruer. p. 524. 63 Adkin, R. 57.82 Tortrix (42) 1908. Tortrix pronubana in Britain continuously brooded. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XII. 64 Lampa, Sven. 57.82 Yponomeuta 1908. Vara skadligaste spinnmalar af släktet Yponomeuta Larr. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 ps 278—277, 1 tafl. 65 Bankes, Eustace R. 57.82 Yponomeuta (42) 1908. Yponomeuta rorellus, Hg., in Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 250—252. (42.25,.33) 21566 von Aigner-Abafl, L. 57.83 1908. Lepidopterologische Miscellen. Entom, Wochenbl. Jahrg. 95 p. 73—74. 57.85,.89 67 Bandermann, Franz. 57.83 1908. Erwähnenswerte Falter aus meiner Sammlung. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 86—87. 57.86,.87,.89 68 Dyar, Harrison &. 57.83 1908. Notes on a New Apparent Case of Synonymy in Lepidoptera. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 30—35. [Lophoceramica n. g. pro Tricholita artega.] 57.85 —.87 69 v. Linstow. 58.83 : 01 1908. Zur Systematik der Macrolepidopteren. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 191—200, 4 figg. 70 Frings, Carl. 57.83 : 13.9 1908. Bericht über Temperatur-Experimente in den Jahren 1905 — 1907. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 1—2, 9—11, 19—21, 26—27, 33—34, 44—46. 57.86—.86 71 Hollmann. 57.83 : 13.9 1908. Ueber die Einwirkung von Röntgenstrahlen auf die Entwicklung der Schmetterlinge. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p, 226. 72 Kühne, Ernst. 57.83 : 13.9 1908. Ergebnisse von Temperaturexperimenten an Lepidopteren. En- tom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 67—70. 57.87—.89 21573 Coolidge, Karl R. 57.83 : 15 1908 Western Lepidoptera. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 81—85, 1 fig. 57.86,.87,.89 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 14 Lepidoptera. 210 21574 Dieroff, Rich. 97.33 : 15 1908. Häufiges Auftreten einzelner Schmetterlings-Arten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 380—382. 57.88,.89 75 Gossens. Th. 51.83 : 15 1899/1907. Iconographie des chenilles. Ann, Ass. Natural. Levallois- Perret Ann. 5 p. 5—7. — Ann. 8 p. 8—13. — Ann. 9 p. 10—15. Ann. 10 p. 18—25. Ann. 12 p. 20—28. — Ann 13 p. 3-11. 57.88,.89 76 Jammerath, 4. 97.833 : 15 1908. Verschiedene interessante Zuchtergebnisse. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 21 p. 261—262. 57.87,.89 77 van Rossum, A. J. 97.83 : 15.3 1908. Het voedsel der rupsen. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 235—238. 57.85,.87,.89 78 Hoffmann, Fritz. 97.83 : 15.4 1908. Kleine Mitteilungen betreffend die Flugzeit einiger Schmetterlings- arten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 306—307. 57.85,.89 79 Brake, B. 97.83 : 15.6 1968. Aus dem Liebesleben der Schmetterlinge. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 1—3, 6—7, 10—11, 14—15. 80 Joukl, H. A. _ 57.85 (4) 1908. Nové odrůdy některých středoevropských motýlů. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén, 5 p. 96—98. — Einige neue Aberrationen mitteleuropaeischer Schmetterlinge. p. 98--100. [4 nn. abb. in: Melitaea 2, Dianthoecia, Callopistria.] (43.61,.65,.71) 57.86,.89 21581 Gauckler, H. 57.83 (403) 1908. Einige neuere bemerkenswerte Aberrationen meiner Lepidopteren- sammlung. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 86. (43.46, 56.9) 57.85,.87,.89 82 Allen, J. E. R. ; 57.83 (41.68) 1908. Lepidopterological Notes from Co. Fermanagh. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 29—30. 57.85—.87,.89 83 Reid, Percy C. 57.83 (42) Laus, Notes on Lepidoptera during the Season 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 11—13. 51.85—.89 84 James, E. Russell. 57.83 (42.25) 1908. Lepidopterological Notes from the Hailsham District — The Aurora borealis and treacle. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 227—228. 57.85,.86,.89 85 Spiller, A. J. 57.83 (42.37) 1901. Macro-Lepidoptera Observed at Godolphin. Journ. R. Cornwall Inst. Vol. 14 p. 420—422. 57.85 —.89 86 Blathwayt, C. H. 57.83 (42.44) 1897. The Macrolepidoptera of Herefordshire, from personal observation. 30th Rep. Rugby School nat. Hist. Soc. p. 1—13. 57.85 —.89 87 Hewett, William. 57.83 (42.74) 1900. Yorkshire Macro-Lepidoptera in 1897. Trans. Yorkshire Natural. Union Series D Vol. 5 Part 26 p. 157—188. 88 Pfitzner, R. 57,83 (43.14) 1908. Die Macrolepidopteren der Sprottauer Gegend. Iris Bd. 21 p. 1 —33. 57.85—.89 89 Gillmer, M. 57.83 (43.18) 1908. Fortsetzung der kleinen Mitteilungen iiber einzelne Schmetterlings- arten (V) aus der Umgegend von Halle. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 145 —146, 149—150. 57.85,.87,.88 21590 Metschl, C. 57.83 (43.34) 1908. Entomologische Notizen. Ber. nat. Ver. Regensburg Heft 11 p. 73—77. [Uber Vorkommen von Faltern in der Oberpfalz.] 51.85—.89 15. I. 1909. 211 Lepidoptera. 21591 Weymer, Gust. 57.83 (43.42) 1908. Kurze Notizen über die Lepidopterenfauna der Hildener Heide. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 E p. 34—387. 57.85—.87,.89 92 Warnecke, 6. 57.83 (43.51) 1908; Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lepidopterenfauna von Schleswig-Hol- stein. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 173—174, 197--198. 57.85 —.89 93 Warnecke, 6. 97.83 (43.51) 1908, Zur Lepidopterenfauna der Nieder-Elbe. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 110—111. 51.86—.88 94 Peets, W. 57.83 (43.53) 1908. Die Grossschmetterlinge der Umgegend der Stüdte Hannover und Linden. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der heimischen Tierwelt. 55—57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 181—289. 91.85 —.89 95 Uffeln, Karl. 57.83 (43.56) 1908. Die Grossschmetterlinge Westfalens mit besonderer Berücksichti- gung der Gegenden von Warburg, Rietberg und Hagen. 36. Jahresber. westfál. Prov.-Ver. Beiheft, 158 pp. 57.85 —.89 96 Sich, Alfred. 57.83 (43.58) 1908. Rhopalocera in the Taunus Hills. Proc. London entom. nat. Hist. Soc. 1907—08 p. 8—11. 57.86..87,.89 ‘97 Mullenberger, Hubert. 57.83 (43.59) 1907/08. Sammelbericht für das Jahr 1906. (Schmetterlingskunde). Mo- natsber. Ges. Luxemburg Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 1 p. 44—49. — fiir das Jahr 1907. Jahrg. 2 p. 120—123. 57.85—.89 21598 Klos, Rudolf. 97.83 (43.6) 1908. Ein Vergleich der Schmetterlingsfauna Steiermarks und Kärntens. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 271—276. (43.65,.66) 57.85—.89 99 Hoffmann, Fritz. 57.83 (43.65) 1908. Entomologisches Tagebuch fiir 1907. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 39—40, 45--46, 51—52, 59—60, 67, 71—72, 91, 108— 109, 117—118, 131—132, 148—149, 170—171, 182—183, 207—211. 51.82 —.89 21600 Kiefer, H. 97.83 (43.65) 1908. Macrolepidopteren-Fauna des steirischen Ennstales. Entom. Wo- chenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 138, 142, 153—154, 158, 162, 165 —166, 169—170, 172 —173. 57.85—.89 01 Gillmer, M. 57.83 (43.71) 1908. Beitrag zur böhmischen Schmetterlings-Fauna, Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 112—114, 121. 57.85,.89 02 de Joannis, J. 57.83 (44.13) 1908. Description de quelques formes remarquables de Lépidoptères provenant des environs de Vannes (Morbihan). Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 45—46. [2 nn. abb. in: Melitaea, Ephyra. 2 nn. varr. in Ange- rona, Earias.] 57.85,.89 03 Rondou, P. 97.83 (44.89) 1908. Lepidopteres nouveaux pour la faune des Pyrénées. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. CXII—CXIUI. 57.85,.86,.83,.89 04 Rowland-Brown, H. 57.83 (44.95) 1908. The Basses-Alpes in August. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 257—262. [Macrolepidoptera.] 97.87 —.89 21605 Pionneau, Paul. 57.83 (45) 1908/09. Liste d'espéces et variétés de Lépidoptères recueillis en Sicile et Sardaigne. L'Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 55, 62—64, 68—69, 15—76, 86—88, 96; Ann. 25 p. 110—111, 118—120, 121—125. (45.8,.9) 51.85—.89 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 212 21606 v. d. Goltz. 57.83 (45.1) 1908. Sammeltage an der Riviera. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 255—257. 57.85—.89 07 Rostagno, Fortunato. 57.83 (45.6) 1908. Su alcune importanti catture di lepidotteri. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 79—80. 57.86,.87,.89 08 von Lutzau, C. 57.83 (47.4) 1908. Eine neue Aberration von Argynnis paphia L. und zwei neue Aber- rationen von Calymnia irapezina L. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 246. 57.86,.89 09 von Lutzau, K. 57.83 (41.4) 1908. Beitrag zur baltischen Lepidopteren-Fauna. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 17—36. [l n. ab. in Ephyra. 1 n. form in Panolis.] 57.85—.89 10 Slevogt, B. 57.83 (47.4) 1908. Uberraschende Entdeckungen im Sammelkasten. Soc. entom.. Jahrg. 23 p. 51-52. [Für die Fauna baltica neue Falter.] 57.85,.89 11 Wahlgren, Einar. 57.83 (48.7) 1908. Fjärilar från Värmlands ekomräde. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 131 —139. 57.85—.89 12 Stichel, H. 57.83 (48.8) 1908. Ein Beitrag zur nordischen Schmetterlingsfauna und ankniipfende Bemerkungen. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 61—124, 1 Taf [2nn. subspp. in: Argynnis (1 n. form.), Cossus. 2 nn. form. in: Erebia, Calocam- pa.] 57.85 —.87,.89 21613 Snellen van Vollenhoven, S. C. 57.83 (492) 1900. Srrr's Nederlandsche Insekten. (2) D. 4 s’ Gravenhage, Martinus Nij- hoff, 8°, p. 307—338, 2 pls. 57.85 --.87,.89 14. . e 57.83 (493) 1908. Liste de captures intéressantes. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 49— 50. 51.85—.89 15 Franck, Gust. 57.83 (493) 1908. Lépidoptères de Hertogenwald. Rey. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 18—19. — Listes des captures en 1908. p. 50—51 57.85—.89 16 Gauckler, H. 57.83 (494) 1908. Ein entomologischer Ausflug nach der französischen Schweiz. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 23—24. 57.85,.88,.89 17 v. d. Goltz. 57.83 (494) 1908. Noch etwas über Schmetterlingsfang im Wallis. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 35—36. 57.85-—.89 18 Gramann, August, ‘57.83 (494) 1908. Eine Exkursion ins Wallis. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 270—271, 277—278. 57.85—.89 19 Prideaux, R. M. 57.83 (494) 1908. A Few Notes from Berisal during June, 1907. Entomologist Voi. 41 p. 55—58. 57.85,.86,.88,.89 20 Rehfovs, M. 57.83 (494) 1905. Liste des lépidoptères capturés dans le Valais par les membres de la Société pendant la course de 10 jours. Bull. Soc. lépidept. Genève Vol. 1 p. 257—260. 57.85—.89 21 Tetley, A. S. 57.83 (494) 1908. Spring Butterflies in the Rhone Valley. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 74—78. 57.85,.87—89. 21622 Wegelin, H. 57.88 (494) 1908. Beiträge zur Schmetterlingsfauna des Kantons Thurgau. I. Gross- schmetterlinge. Mitt. thurgau. nat. Ges. Heft 18 p. 62—110. 57.85—.89 15. L 1909. 213 Lepidoptera. 21623 Swinhoe, C. 7.83 (5) 1908. New Eastern Lepidoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 60 —8. [12 nn. spp. in: Lyela n. g., Cyrestis, Pentateucha n. g., Syntomis, Deilemera, Isbarta, Pompelon, Dasychira, Nyctipao, Thalassodes, Dysphania 2, Pareumelea.] (52.9, 54.1, 58.8, 59.1,.19, 91.1,.2, 921, 922) 57.85 —.89 24 de Joannis, J. 57.83 (65) 1908. Liste de Lépidoptères recueillis au Sahara par M. R. Caureau en 1905—1906. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 82—83. 57.86—.89 25 Blachier, Ch. 57.83 (64) 1908. Lépidoptères du Maroc. Remarques sur diverses espèces et des- cription de variétés nouvelles. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 209— 222, 1 pl. 2 figg. [8 nn. varr. in: Papilio, Thais (1 n. ab.), Teracolus, Epi- nephele, Chrysophanus (1 n. ab.), Lycaena (1 n. ab.), Syntomis, Zygaena. 2 nn. abb. in: Polygonia, Satyrus.] 57.86,.88,.89 26 Weymer, Gust. 57.83 (67.3) 1908. Einige neue Lepidopteren des Deutschen Entom. National-Museums, gesammelt von Dr. F. Cr. WeLLmAN in Angola. Deutsch, entom, Zeitschr. 1908 p. 507—513, 2 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Henotesia, Pericallia, Pachyphasa, Callopistria, Lythria.] 57.85—.87 27 Weymer, Gust. 57.83 (67.3) 1908. Einige neue Lepidopteren des Deutschen Entom. National-Museums, gesammelt von Dr. F. Cr. Wertman in Benguella. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 728—735. [3 nn. spp. in: Semioptila, Taeda, Chalciope. 2 8 nn. subspp. in: Acraea, Utetheisa.] 57.86 —.89 28 Heath, E. Firmstone. 57.83 (71.2) 1908. Additions to the List of Manitoban Lepidoptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 21—24. 57.86,.88,.89 91629 Haimbach, Frank. 57.83 (74.9) 1507. List of the Lepidoptera of Five-Mile Beach, N. J. Entom. News Vol. 18 p. 217—228. 51.85 —.89 30 Plitt, Edw. A. 57.83 (75.2) 1908. Collecting in Baltimore Co., Md. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 402— 404. [Lepidoptera.] 57.87,.89 31 Kwiat, Alex. 57.83 (77.2) 1908. One Day’s Collecting, with a Description of a New Noctuid. En= tom. News Vol. 19 p. 420—424. [Heliolonche indiana (Gw) 1 n. sp.] 57.86,.89 32 Porter, A. F. 57.83 (77.7) 1908. A List of Local Lepidoptera found at Decorah, Iowa. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 369—372. 57.85—89 33 Jordan, Karl. 57.83 (8) 1908. Some New and some Unfigured Lepidoptera. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 253—258, 3 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Castnia, Mimeusemia, Euschirropterus (1 n. subsp. | n. form.), Seirocastnia, Bunaea, Eurhodia. 5 nn. subspp. in: Papilio, Schausia, Tuerta, Bunaea, Saliunca.] (51.2, 67.3,.5,.6, 82, 86.6, 88, 95) 57.85,.87—.89 34 Longstaff, G. B. 57.83 (87) 1908. A Fortnight’s Winter Collecting in Venezuela. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 68—76, 117—123. [Lepidoptera.] 51.86—.89 35 Hudson, 6. V. 57.83 (931) 1908. Recent Observations on New Zealand Macrolepidoptera, including Descriptions of New Species. Trans. N. Zealand Inst Vol. 40 p. 104— 107, 1 pl. B nn. spp. in: Lythria, Dichromodes, Porina.] 57.85—.87,.89 21636 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 1908. Neue Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Iris Bd. 20 p. 257—266. [8 nn. spp. in: Spargania, Heterusia 3 (1 n. ab.), Erateina (1 n. ab.), 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 214 Mimocharis, Ophthalmophora, Mesocoela. 4 nn. subspp. in Dysphania. 3 nn. abb. in: Tephroclystia 2, Ephyra.] (43.58, 67.8, 72.6, 728, 84, 91.3, 922) 21637 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 1908. Besprechung und Beschreibung einiger neuer oder sonst interes- santer Arten von exotischen Geometriden im Naturhistorischen Museum zu Wiesbaden. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 72—77. [2 nn. spp. in: Psilocera, Tephrina.] (67.1, 68.8) 38 Prout, Louis B. 57.85 1908. Brresrro’s Geometrid Genera. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 204—205. 39 Broadwell, Wm. H. 97.85 : 15: 1908. A July Blizzard. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 327—328. [Millions. of Ennomos subsignarius and Nepytia semiclusaria.) 40 Smallman, Raleigh S. 57.85 (42.21) 1908. The Geometrides of Wimbledon Common. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var, Vol. 20 pe 60—62. 41 Cannaviello, Enrico. 57.85 (45.7) 1902/04. Osservazioni sulle Phalaenae, dell’ Italia meridionale. Riv. ital.. Se. nat. Anno 22 p. 149—153; Anno 23 p. 5—11, 63—66, 91—99; Anno 42 Prout, Louis B. 57.85 (5) 1908. Geometrid Notes. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 76—80. [3 nn. spp. in: Operophtera, Semiothisa, Stegania.] (51.1, 52) 43 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (504) 1908. Neue exotische Acidaliden meiner Sammlung. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 33—34, 37—38. [6 nn. spp. in: Problepsis,. Emmiltis 2, Ptychopoda 2, Perixera.] (59.5, 69, 72.6, 922, 95) 21644 Grossbeck, John A. 57.85 (7) 1907. Notes on Certain Described Species of Geometridae with Descrip- tions of a Few Species. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 335—343. [3 nn. spp. in: Hyariomena, Petrophora, Ania.) (79.2,.4) 45 Taylor, Geo. W. 57.85 (71.1) 1908. Notes on the Lepidoptera of Kaslo, B. C., with Description of Seven New Species. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 54—60, 985—100. [7 nn. spp. in: Eupithecia 4, Xanthorhoé, Aplodes, Sciagraphia.] 46 Grossbeck, John A. 57.85 (73) 1908. Additions to the List of North American Geometridae, with Notes on some Described Species. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 85—91. [7 nn. spp. in: Euphenolia, Enypia, Therina, Gonodontis, Sabulodes 2, Destutia n. g.| (78.9,,731) 47 Grossbeck, John A. 57.85 (79) 1908. New Moths of the Family Geometridae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 19—31. [17 nn. spp. in: Gymnocelis 3, Eupithecia 4, Rheumap- tera, Coenocalpe, Sciagraphia 2, Euemera, Phengommataea, Alcis, Selidosema,, Stergamataea, Gonodontis.] (79.1,.2,.4) 48 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (8) 1908. Neue Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 36—38. [6 nn. spp. in: Rhopalodes, Thamnonoma, Hete- rusia, Erateina 3.] (81, 85, 86) 21649 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.89 (8) 1908. Beschreibung neuer exotischer Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 158—159. [8 nn. spp. in: Apicia,. Ptychopoda, Calyptocome (?), Sangalopsis 4, Abrazas.] (84, 86, 89, 936, 94.3) 15. I. 1909. 215 Lepidoptera, 21650 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (8) 1908. Weitere neue Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 98—99, 105—106. [4 nn. spp. in: Conolophia, Erateina 2, Heterusia. 5 nn. abb. in: Tephroclystia 2, Eucosmia, Nepteria 2.) (43.14,.41,.42, 67.8, 84, 86.6) 51 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (8) 1908. Weitere Neubeschreibungen exotischer Geometriden in meiner Sammlung. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 78—87. [16 nn. spp. in: Chrysocraspeda, Tephrina, Tephrinopsis, Erilophodes, Micro- gonia 2, Dasystole, Epirrhoe, Chloroclystis, Tephroclystia 6, Pero.] (59.5, 72.6, 76.4, 84—86, 87,94.5) 52 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (801) 1908. Weitere Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 58—59, 61—63. [15 nn. spp. in: Cophocerotis, Tricentra, Brachyprota, Pseudasellodes, Prochoerodes, Caberodes, Visitara, Patruissa, Acrotomodes, Ischnopteris, Callipseustes, Stenalcidia, Emplocia, Ary- canda 2.] (72.6, 81, 82, 84, 85, 91.1,.2, 936, 95) 53 Bastelberger, M. J. 57.85 (801) 1908. Beschreibung neuer Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 101—106. [5 nn. spp. in: Rhopalodes, Tephro- clystia 2, Psodopsis, Stenaleidia. 5nn.abb.in: Mimocharis, Erateina 2, Semio- thisa 2.] (72.6, 85) 54 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 (801) 1908. Neue Geometriden aus meiner Sammlung. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 21 p. 217—218. [2 nn. spp. in: Heterusia, Colotois. 3 nn. abb. in: Pamphlebia, Semiothisa 2. 1 n. var. in Rhodostrophia.] (43.42, 72.6, 85, 936) 21655 Dognin, Paul. 57.85 (801) 1908. Hétérocères nouveaux de l'Amérique du Sud. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 264—270. [15 nn. spp. in: Campylona, Racheolopha, Blech- roma, Tricentra 2, Haemalea 2, Dyspteris, Ballantiophora, Opisthoxia, Nephodia, Thysanopyga, Certima, Phyllodonta, Capnophylla.] (72.6, 81, 84, 85, 86.6, 88) 56 Warren, William. . 57.85 (801) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of South-American Geometrid Moths. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 91—110. [33 nn. spp. in: Polysemia 2, Zanclopteryx, Anapalta, Orthonama, Graphidipus, Oenothalia, Phellinodes, Hammaptera 5, Coenocalpe, Hydriomena, Perizoma, Psaliodes, Pterocypha, Strepsizuga n. g., Xanthorhoe, Notholoba n. g., Physoloba n. g., Cambogia, Callipia, Marmopteryx, Nephodia, Calvertia n. g., Oenoptila, Oenothalia, Thy- sanopyga 3, Nereis n. g.] (72.6, 729.1,.2, 81, 83—86.6) 57 Turner, A. J. 57.85 (94) 1908. Revision of Australian Lepidoptera, IV. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 32 p. 631—700. [31 nn. spp. in: Chloroelystis 3, Hydrio- mena, Diploctena, Xenocentris 4, Eois'i, Leptomeris 5, Pylarge, Autanepsia n. go Trygodes, Ptochophyle, Brachycola 2, Perixera 2, Anisodes 2. Dasybela n. g. pro Emmiltis achroa.] (94.3,.9) 58 Rebel, H. 57.85 Acidalia (43.69) 1908. Acidalia agraria. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (164) 59 Bacot, A. 57.85 Amphidasys : 11.57 1908. The Melanie Variety of the ,Peppered Moth.“ Nature Vol. 77 p. 294—235. 60 Leigh, H. S. 57.85 Amphidasys : 11.57 1908. A Biological Inquiry in to the Nature of Melanism in Amphidasys betularia, Linn. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 41, 1 pl. 21661 Schulz, Gustav Leo. 57.85 Amphidasys : 11.57 1908. Melanismus im rheinisch-westfilischen Industriegebiet. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 79—80. [Hervorgerufen durch feine ununterbrochene Nebel.] 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 216 21662 Mansbridge, Wm. 57.85 Amphidasys (42.72) 1908. A New Variety of Amphidasys betularia. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 112. [n. var. ochrearia.] 63 Hoffmann, P. 57.85 Boarmia (43.56) 1908. Boarmia luridata ab. cornelseni n. ab. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 38. 64 Meissner, Otto. 57.85 Cheinatobia : 15 N Zur Lebensweise von Cheimatobia boreata. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 74—75. 65 Pearsall, Richard F. 57.85 Chlorochlamys (79.1) 1908. One of our Neglected „Greens“ (Geometridae). Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 197. [Chlorochlamys vertaria n. sp 66 Chapman, T. A. 57.85 Cleogene : 15 1908. Notes on Lepidoptera from the Pyrenees — Cleogene peletieraria. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 151—159, 7 pls. [Eggs, larvae, pupae.] 67 Pearsall, Richard F. 51.85 Cleora 1908. Nepytia pellucidaria, Pack. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 456. [= Cleora fumosaria.] 68 de Joannis, J. 57.85 Coenina : 15 1908. Une curieuse chenille de Géométride. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 214—217, 1 fig. [Coenina dentataria.] — Note complémentaire sur Coenina dentataria Swinnor. p. 282—233, 1 fig. — Rectification au sujet de Coenina dentataria Swiwg. p. 266—267. [Coenina — Orsonoba Reset qui est à mettre en synonymie.] 69 Prout, Louis B. 57.85 Dysstroma 1908. Dysstroma concinnata, Stern., a valid Species. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 143. 21670 Fletcher, J. 57.85 Ennomos : 15.6 1908. Ennomos magnarius, Guexée. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 170. 71 Chapman, T. A. 57.85 Entephria (46.5) 1905. Sur deux Phalenes des Pyrénées. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 496—500, 4 pls. 72 Rosenthal, H. 57.85 Epione : 15 1908. Für Sammler von Geometriden. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 260. [Zur Lebensweise von Epione parallelaria.] 73 Maschke, Franz. 57.85 Epione : 15.6 1908. Zur Eiablage von Epione parallelaria Scurr. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 113, 1 fig. 74 Raebel, H. 57.85 Euchloris : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Euchloris pustulata. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 140. 75 Swett, L. W. 57.85 Eupithecia 1908. Packanp's Eupithecias. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 196—197. 76 Dietze, Karl. 57.85 Eupithecia (403) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Eupithecien. Iris Bd. 21 p. 153—201, 2 Taf. [6 nn. spp., 1 n. var.] (57.1—.6, 61.1, 65) 77 Tutt, J. W. 57.85 Eupithecia (42.37) 1908. Eupithecia tamarisciata as a British Insect. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol 20 p. 102—104. 78 Pearsall, Richard F. 57.85 Eupithecia (7) 1908. Eupithecia miserulata Grore. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 312—313. (71.1, 74.4,.8,.9, 75.2,.5,.6, 76.1,.4, 77.3,.5,.8, 78.9) 21679 Pearsall, Richard F. 57.85 Eupithecia (73) 1908. Eastern and Central Eupithecias. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 98—103. [5 nn. spp.] (74.4,.8, 75.2,.6, 78.9) 15. I. 1909. ‘21680 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 21689 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 :21697 217 Lepidoptera Swett, L. W. 57.85 Eupithecia (73) 1908. Geometrid Notes, with Descriptions of New Species. Canad. En- tom. Vol. 40 p. 245—247. [2 nn. spp. Eupithecia.] (74.4,.9, 75.5) Pearsall, Richard F. 97.85 Eupithecia (74.7) 1908. Eastern Eupithecias. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 192—195. [3 nn. spp.] Pearsall, Richard F. 57.85 Eupithecia (74.7) 1908. Two New Species of Eupithecia Curts. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. Taylor, Geo. W. 57.85 Gabriola 1908. Note on Gabriola dyari TarLor. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 93. Gillmer, M. 57.85 Gnophos : 15.6 1908. Das Ei von Gnophos dilucidaria Hs. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p- 113. Marechal, P. 57.85 Hygrochroa : 15 1908. Remarque sur Hygrochroa syringaria. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 51. Moulton, J. C. 57.85 Hyria : 15 1908. Rest Attitude of Hyria auroraria. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. LXXXY—LXXXYVI. Oehme, Emil. 91.89 Larentia (43.21) 1908. Larentia affinitata Steruess in Sachsen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 191. Oehme, E. 57.85 Larentia (43.21) Lous, Die Larentien des Königreichs Sachsen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten, biol. Bd. 4 p. 382, 428—429, 467 —468. Rebel, H. 57.98 Larentia (43.95) 1908. Larentia corydalaria n. ab. eurytaenia. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (30). Slevogt, B. 57.85 Larentia (47.4) 1908. Eine baltische Neuheit. (Larentia fluviata He.) Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 65—66. Bodart, Ch. 57.85 Larentia (493) 1908. Le genre Larentia en Belgique. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 27—28, 30—32, 84—36, 42—43, 45—47. Calmbach, Viktor. 57.85 Metrocampa : 15 1908. Ex ovo-Zucht von Metrocampa margaritata L. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 59. Pearsall, Richard F. 57.85 Nasusina 1908. The Genus Eupithecia and its Allies. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 344 —345. [Nasusina n. g. pro Eupithecia inferior.] Burrows, C. R. N. 57,85 Nemoria : 15 1908. Nemor:a viridata, Linn. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 128— 135, 1 pl. Chapman, T. A. 57.85 Odezia (44.79) 1908. Notes from the Pyrenees — Odezia atrata and its Variation, En» tom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 222—225, 260—264, 2 pls., 2 figg. Andres, Ad. 57.85 Orsonoba : 15 1908. Die Raupe von Orsonoba aegyptiaca Ret. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 90, 2 figg. Tutt, J. W. 57.85 Ourapteryx : 15.6 1908. The Egg and Egglaying of Ourapteryx sambucaria with a Remark on upright Geometrid Eggs. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 200 —202. 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 218 = 21698 Bastelberger, [M. J.] 57.85 Phaeochlaena 1908. Gehört die Gattung Phaeochlaena zu den Geometriden? Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 66—67, 2 figg. [Sehr zweifelhaft.] 99 Grossbeck, Jehn A. 57.85 Plagodis (74.8) 1908. Plagodis schuylkillensis: a New Geometrid. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 315—316. 21700 Dyar, Harrison G. 97.85 Racheospila 1908. The Geometrid Genus Racheospila. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 171, 01 Hackauf, Th. 57.85 Rhyparia : 15 1908. Zuchtversuche von Rhyparia melanaria. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 261, 266. 02 Kühne, Ernst. 97.85 Selenia (43.44). 1908. Selenia tetralunaria ab. kühnei ab. nov. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutigart Jahrg. 22 p. 70. 03 Pearsall, Richard F. 51.85 Tornos. 1908s. The Species of Tornos, Morr. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 133—134. 04 Galvagni, E. 57.85 Venilia (43.68) 1908. Venilia macularia n. var. meridionalis (Harner). Verh. 2001.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (158)—(159). 05 Burkhardt, G. i 57.86 : 15 1908. Der Fang an Weidenkätzchen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 370—8371. 06 Slevogt, B. 51.86 : 15 1908. Wie ich kòdere. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 100—101. 21707 Schultz, Oskar. 57.86 (403). 1908. Ueber einige verdunkelte Lepidopteren-Formen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 185—186. [4 nn. abb. in: Acronyeta, Agrotis, Gram:nodes,. Euclidia.] (43.14,.51—.53,.64, 57.1) 08 Slevogt, B. 57.86 (47.4). 1908. Einige Vermutungen über Artentstehung und Verdrängung. Soc, entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 74. — Einige kritische Bemerkungen zu dem Artikel „Einige Vermutungen etc.“ von Frrrz Horrmann. p. 92—93. 1907. New Species of Noctuidae for 1907. I. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 125—143. [29 nn. spp. in: Acronycta, Semiophora 2, Setagrotis 3, Euxoa 2, Schinia 3, Taenicampa, Orthosia 5, Homoglaea, Aleptina, Oxycnemis 4, Stibadium 2, Perigea, Acontia, Yrias, Chytolita.] (11.1,.2, 72.1, 74.9, 76.4,.8, 78.8,.9, 79.1,.2,.4,.5,.7) 10 Dyar, Harrison 6. 57.86 (7) 1908. Descriptions of some New Species of American Noctuidae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 46 p. 77—80. [7 nn. spp. in: Gortyna D Chabuata.] (72.6, 74.1,.2,.7, 75.2, 78.8) 11 Smith, John B. 57.86 (7): 1908. A Revision ct Some Species of Noctuidae Heretofore Referred to the Genus Homoptera Boıspuvar. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 209 —275, 6 pls. [10 nn. spp. in: Phaocyma.] (71.1.2, 74.1,.2,.4,.7,.8, 75.2,.3,.5,.6, 16.2,.4, 77.5,.8, 78.1,.8—79.1,.4,.7) 21712 Smith, John B. 91.86 (7) 1908. New Species and Genera of the Lepidopterous Family Noctuidae for 1907. Part II. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Se. Vol. 18 p. 91—127. [44 nn. spp. in: Viridemas n. g., Meleneta n. g., Acronycta 2, Noctua, Euxoa 4, Ufeus 2, Mamestra 2, Miodera n. g., Taeniocampa 3, Himella, Orthodes, Fa- ronta n. g., Anarta 3, Luperina, Hadena 3, Xylophasia 2, Orthosia Cuculia, Copicucullia, Plagiomimicus, Schinia, Pseudaconita, Annaphila 2, Erastria 3, Thalpochares, Homopyralis, Epizeuxis 2.] (11.1,.2,.8, 742,8, 75.2,.9, 76.3,.4, 78.1,.7,.9, 79.1,.2,.4,.5, 98) 15. I. 1909. 219 Lepidoptera. 21713 Smith, John B. 57.86 (7) 1908. New Species of Noctuidae for 1908. I. With Notes on Charadra, Raphia and Pseudanarta. Journ. N. Y. entoms Soc. Vol. 16 p. 79—98. [20 nn. spp. in: Charadra, Raphia, Acronycta, Noctua, Aplectoides, Choriza- grotis 2, Porosagrotis, Pseudanarta 2, Perigea, Caradrina, Homohadena 2, Oncocnemis, Tueniocampa, Leucania, Stylopoda, Parora, Yrias.]. (71.1,.2,.8, 75.9, 76.4, 77.8, 78.9—79.2,.4) 14 Hampson, G. F. 57.86 (71.1) 1908. Notes on Noctuidae. Collected by Mrs. M. D. Nıcnorr, in Alberta, British Columbia, and the Washington Forest Reserve, in the Years 1904— 5—7. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 102—107. [8 nn. spp. in: Protagrotis, Miselia, Plusia.] 15 Druce, Herbert. 57.86 (85). 1908. Descriptions of Some New Species of Noctuidae from Peru. Ann.. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 289—303. [39 nn. spp. in: Miselia 7, Cha- buata, Hyssia 5, Eriopyga 3, Meliana, Dascuplexia; Rhizotype, Cropia, Perigea 3, Macapta, Gonodes, Monodes 4, Calymniodes 4, Chytonix, Leucosigma, Neo-. calymnia, Delta, Acroriodes, Eriopus.] 16 Howes, George. 57.86 (931) 1908. Further Notes on Lepidoptera. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol.. 40 p. 533—534, 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in: Melanchra, Leucania,] 17 Mell, R. 57.86 Acronyeta : 15 1908. Biologische Kleinigkeiten. IL Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 176—177, 10 figg. [Uber Acronycta auricoma.] 18 Warnecke, 6G. 57.86 Acronycta (43.51). 1908. Eine dunkle Form von Acronycta euphorbiae F. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 132, 1 fig. 19 Krulikowsky, L. 57.86 Acronyeta (47) 1908. Eine neue Varietät von < ferenigra 9.] 98 Standfuss, M. 57.87 Aglia : 11.58 1908. Aglia tau L. ab. weismanni Srors. Entom, Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 42—43. 99 Giinner, Anton. 57.87 Aglia (4) 1908. Aglia tau n. ab. dealbata. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (81). 21800 Postel, Georges. 57.87 Aglia (44.25) 1908. Note sur la présence de l’Aglu tau dans la cour des cloîtres du petit Séminaire du Mont-aux-Malades à Mont-Saint-Aignan, près de Rouen. Bull. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen (5) Ann. 43 p. 113—115. 01 Dudgeon, Gerald C. 57.87 Anaphe : 16.1 1908. Silk-producing Insects of West Africa. Nature Vol. 79 p. 160. 02 Biederman, C. R. 57.87 Anisota (79.1) 1908. A New Anisota from Arizona (Lepidoptera, Heterocera, Cerato- campidae). Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 77, Li. skinneri n. sp.] 03 Glaser, F. 57.87 Arctia : 11.5 1908. Varietätenbildung bei Arctia caja L. durch Inzucht. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 189—192, 1 Taf. [A. c. glaseri n. form. (SricueL).] 11.57 21804 Allmeroth, Konrad. 57.87 Arctia : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Arctia testudinaria ex ovo. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 43. 05 Loquay, R. 57.87 Arctia : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Artia casta Esr. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 52. 06 Schmidt, E. 57.87 Arctia : 15 1908. Etwas über die Lebensweise von Arctia flavia Furssty und Winke über deren Zucht ex ovo. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 40 —41. 07 Niepelt, W. 57.87 Arctia (4) 1908. Seltene Aberrationen von Arctia caja L. und Arctia villica L. Ber- lin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 193—194, 1 Taf. (43.14) 08 Ribbe, C. 57.87 Arctiidae 1908. Was ist Omochroa (Bnp) spurca Rer.? Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 189. [= Crocata rubicundaria.] 09 v. Gadolla. 57.87 Arctiidae (43.65) 190s. Die mitteleuropäischen, speziell steirischen Arctiidae. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 314—318. 10 de Joannis, J. 57.87 Attacus : 15 1908. Observations sur Attacus cynthia Drur. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 320—322. 11 Laisiepen, 6. 57.87 Attacus : 15 1908. Einiges über die Zucht von Attacus (Rothschildia Gmorx) jorulla Wesrw. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 216—217. 12 Wadbyl, H. P. 57.87 Attacus : 15 1908. Ex ovo-Zucht von Attacus orizaba. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 164—165. 21813 Weymer, Gustav. 57,87 Automeris (8) 1908. Zwei neue Saturniden. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 73—74. [L n. subsp. in Automeris.] (81, 86.6) 15. I. 1909. 995 Lepidoptera. 21814 Verson, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.044 1900. Influenza delle condizioni esterne di allevamento sulle proprietà fisiche del bozzolo. XI. Razza Coréa. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 28 p. 46—52. 15 Bordier, H. 57.37 Bombyx : 11.044 1906. Action des rayons X sur des cocons normaux. (€. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 35 p. 509—511. 16 Bordier, H. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.044 1906. Influence des rayons X sur l'évolution des vers à soie. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 35 p. 506—509. 17 Bordier, H. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.044 1906. Action des rayons X sur les vers à soie. C. R, Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess, 35 p. 120—121. [Empéchent la fécondation.] 18 Bisson, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.044 1908. Influenza delle condizioni esterne di allevamento sulle proprietà fisiche del bozzolo. 19. Razza corsa. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Yol. 35 p. 81—89, 1 tav. 19 Kellogg, Vernon L. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.58 1908. Inheritance in Silkworms. Leland Stanford jun. Univ. Publ. Univ. Ser. No. 1, 89 pp., 4 pls., 12 figg. 20 McCracken, Isabel. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.8 1907. The Egg-Laying Apparatus in the Silkworm (Bombyx mori) as a Reflex Apparatus. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 17 p. 262—285, 1 fig. [High degree of independent activity of posterior abdominal gan- glion which is controlling center of reproductive mechanism. Mating and oviposition taking place after decapitation.] 21821 Polimanti, 0. 57.87 Bombyx : 11.8 1907. Contribution à la physiologie de la larve du ver à soie („Bombyx mori“), (Résumé de l’auteur.) Arch. ital. Biol. T. 47 p. 341—372, 27 figg. 22 Vaney, Clément, et Francois Maignon. 57.87 Bombyx : 13.4 1906. Contribution à l'étude physiologique des métamorphoses du ver à soie. Rapp. Labor. Etud. Soie Vol. 12 p. 13—72, 2 pls. [Courbes de variations de glycogène, graisse et albumines solubles. Influence de sexualité. Localisation de substances de réserve.] 23 Verson, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 13.41 1901. Sull’ armatura delle zampe spurie nella larva del filugello. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 29 p. 41—65, 1 tav. 24 Kellogg, Vernon L. 57.87 Bombyx : 13.9 1907. Artificial Parthenogenesis in the Silkworm. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 15— 22. 25 Gillbard, Percival J. 57.87 Bombyx : 15 1900. The Silkworm: its Life History and Products. Journ. City London Coll. Sc. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 63—74, 1 pl. 26 Hugues, Ad. 57,87 Bombyx : 15 1902,03. Instructions pratiques pour élever les vers à soie libres. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 2 p. 291—292, 369—313; Ann. 3 p. 65—68, 105— 107, 171—173, 194—198, 269— 272. 27 Hugues, Ad. 57.87 Bombyx : 15 1902/03. | L'élevage des vers à soie dans le centre et le nord de la France. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom: Ann. 2 p. 324—327, 357—359 ; Ann. 3 p. 33—35, 74—77, 141—143, 181—183. 28 Harz, C. 0. 57.87 Bombyx : 15.3 1904. Méthode nouvelle pour élever le ver à soie du mürier (Bombyx mori L.) avec une plante herbacée. L’Interméd. Bombyc. Entom. Ann. 4 p. 272—276, 299—305, 334—339. [Traduction par A. pe Panovr]. | 21829 Quajat, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.1 1900. Dei rapporti che passano tra il peso delle uova di razzi pure e quello dei relativi incroci. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 28 p. 34—45. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. Lot E 1909. 15 Lepidoptera. 226 21830 Quajat, E. 97.87 Bombyx: 16.1 1900. Della possibilità o meno di prolungare la vita delle crisalidi nel Baco da seta. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 28 p. 15—21. 31 Quajat, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.1 1900. Studi su alcune principali Razze di Bachi da seta. Ann. Staz. Bacoi. Padova Vol. 28 p. 53—68. 32 Conte, A. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.1 1908. Remarques sur l’hérédité des maladies chez les vers à soie. C. R. Ass. frane. Av. Nc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 246. Pt. 2 p. 622—623. 33 Quajat, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.7 1901. Il male delle filatrici e delle allevatrici del filugello. Ann, Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 29 p. 66—76. 34 Quajat, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.7 1901. Incubazione rapida o graduale? Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 29 p. 77—S9. 35 Verson, E. 57.87 Bombyx : 16.7 1901. La Creolina nella industria dei bachi. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 29 p. 90—96. 36 Verson, E. 97.37 Bombyx : 18 1900. Dei tessuti ghiandolari che il filugello alberga nei suoi vani circo- latori. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 28 p. 69—84, 1 tav. Verson, E. 57,87 Bombyx : 18 1908. Ancora degli elementi ghiandolari che il filugello alberga nelle sue lacune interviscerali. Ann. Staz. Bacol. Padova Vol. 35 p. 23—37. [Cellule glandulari ipostigmatiche, peritracheali, pericardiali e epigastriche.] 21838 Sageder, Franz. 57.87 Caligula : 15 1908. Etwas über die Häutungsstadien von Caligula japonica. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 92—93. 39 Loquay, R. 57.87 Callosamia : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Callosamia promethea Dru. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 12—13. O2 I 40 Jones, Frank Morton. 57.87 Callosamia (75.7) 1908. Callosamia angulifera WLx., n. var. carolina. Entom., News Vol. 19 p. 231. 41 Brèthes, Juan. 57.87 Chlanidophora (82) 1908. Chlanidophora culleni una nueva mariposa argentina. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 45—47, 3 figg. [n. sp.] 42 English, J. 57.87 Citheronia : 15 1908. Aus dem Insektenhaus des Zoologischen Gartens zu Frankfurt a. M. Die Zucht von Citheronia regalis. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 193—124. 43 Bell, T. R. 57.87 Clania : 15 1907. Note on Clania variegata Sage, Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 837—840, 1 fig. 41 Pellegrini, Vit orio. 57.87 Cnethocampa : 16.5 1907. La Cnethocampa pityocampa e modo di combatterlo. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 144—746, 1 fig. 45 Du Bois, Charles. 57.87 Cnethocampa : 16.7 1908. La dermite due à la chenille processionnaire. Rev. méd. Suisse rom. Ann. 98 p. 632—639, 4 figg. 21846 Dyar, Harrison 6. 97.87 Cochlidiidae (801) 1908. Notes on Some American Cochlidiidae, with Descriptions of New Species. Proc. entom, Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 48—52. [7 nn. spp. in: Parasa, Metraga, Natada, Epiperola 2, Tanadema, Packardia.] (728, 81, 86) 15. I. 1909. 22 Lepidoptera 21847 Siegel, A. 57.87 Comacla : 15 1908. Die Eizucht von Comacla senex Hs. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 50—51. 48 Landwehr, Friedrich. 57.81 Coscinia (43.56) 1908. Beitrag zur Fauna der Grossschmetterlinge Westfalens. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 70—71. [Coscinia cribrum.] 49 Wright, W. S. 57.87 Datana : 15 1908. Notes on the Life History of Datana robusta Strecker. Journ. N. xa entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 1—6. 50 Frings, Carl. 57.87 Dendrolimus : 11.67 1908. Dendrolimus pini L. gynandr. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 162 —163. 51 Loquay, Richard. 57.87 Dendrolimus : 11.67 1908. Zwitter von Dendrolimus pini L. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 152. 52 Niepelt, Wilh. 57.87 Diacrisia (43.14) 1908. Diacrisia sanio L. (russula L.) c? ab. (nov.) immarginata. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 181. 53 Habisch. 57.87 Dieranura : 15 1908. Zucht von Dicranura erminea Esp. aus dem Ei. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 139. 54 Martelli, G. 51.87 Dicranura : 15 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza della Dicranura vinula L. e di alcuni suoi parassiti. Boll, Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 239—260, 12 figg. 15.6 21855 Schwangart, F. 57.87 Endromis : 13.33 1907. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Darm- und Blutzellenbildung bei Endromis versicolor L. (Ein Beitrag zur Endothelfrage. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Morph. Physiol. München Bd. 22 p. 95—113, 7 figg. [Mitteldarm und Blutzellen entodermal.] 56 Grünberg, K. 57.87 Epicopiidae 1908. Zur systematischen Stellung der Epicopiiden. Deutsch, entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 107—110, 1 fig. [Epicopiopsis n. g. pro Epicopeia part.] 57 Holtz, Martin. 57.87 Eriogaster (495) 1908. Zur geographischen Verbreitung und Biologie von Eriogaster cataa L. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 157—158. 58 Reynolds, A. T. 57.87 Euproctis (74.1) 1908. Brown-Tail Moths at Gardiner, Maine. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 202. 59 Trautmann, W. 57.87 Fumea (494) 1908. Fumea subflavella Mitt. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 367. — von F. J. M. Hzvrarmrs, Jahrg. 2 p. 4. 60 Berger, Arthur. 57.87 Gastropacha : 15.4 1908. Aussergewöhnliches Vorkommnis bei Bombyciden. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 52, 70. [Gastropacha pini als Raupe überwinternd.] 61 Boden, W. 57.87 Gastropacha : 16.5 1908. Der Frass und die Bekämpfung von Gastropocha pini im Lehrrevier Freienwalde. Zeitschr. Forst- Jagdwesen Jahrg. 40 p. 35—42. 62 Lenz, Fr. 57.87 Graéllsia : 15 1908. Beschreibung eines Zuchtversuchs von Graëllsia isabellae. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 216—217. 21863 Gibson, Arthur. 57.87 Halisidota : 16.5 1908. An Unusual Outbreak of Halisidota Caterpillars. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 82—85, 2 figg. 15. L 1909. Lepidoptera. 228 21864 Manders. 57.87 Hepialus : 15.6 1908. The Courtship of Hepialus humuli. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 202. 65 Hooker, W. A. 57.37 Heterocampa : 16.5 1908. Injury to Oak Forests in Texas by Heterocampa manteo Dousrepay. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 8—9. 66 Patch, Edith M. 57.87 Heterocampa : 17.6 1908. The Saddled Prominent, Heterocampa guttivitta (Warxer). 24th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 161 (Pap. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Entomology No. 31) p. 311—350, 27 figg. 67 Samson, Katharina. 57.87 Heterogenea : 13.4 1908. Uber das Verhalten der Vasa Malpighii und die excretorische Funktion der Fettzellen wáhrend der Metamorphose von Heterogenea lima- codes Hurn. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. TES Bu 26 p. 403—422, 2 Taf, 2 figg. 4.39,. 68 Paetz, Jos. 51.87 Lasiocampa : 15.6 1908. Geschlechtswitterung bei Lasiocampa quercus. Intern. entom. Zeit- schr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 220. 69 Dadd, E. M. 57.87 Lasiocampa (4) 1908. Lasiocampa quercus L. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 197 — 151. [Und seine Formen.] 70 Müller, 0. 97.87 Lasiocampidae : 15.6 1908. Beobachtungen aus dem Liebesleben von Lasiocampa quercus L. und Macrothylacia rubi L. Intern. entom. Zeischr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 171. 71 Brown, H. 57.87 Lemonia : 15 1908. Observations sur les moeurs de Lemonia dumi L. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 289—291. 15.6 72 Cuno, Walter. 57.87 Lemonia : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Lemonia dumi. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 116—117, 1 fig. 21873 Vogt, Karl. 51.87 Lemonia : 15 1908. Falter aus überwinterten Puppen von Lemonia dumi. Entom. Zeit- schr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 243—244. 74 Plötsche, A., und 0. Rentor. 57.87 Lemonia (43.58) 1908, Der erste Fang von Lemonia dwmi bei Kassel. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 242—243. 75 Baudisch, Fr. 57.87 Liparis : 16.5 1908. Schnecke und Nonne (Liparis monacha L.) Centralbl. ges. Forst- wesen Jahrg. 34 p. 393—394. [Schnecken Nonnenpuppen ausfressend.] 76 Cermak, Leo. 57.87 Liparis (43.71) 1908. Die Nonne im-Forstbezirke Komotau. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 476—479. 77 Brake, B. 97.87 Lymantria : 11.58 1908. Zuchtergebnis von Lym. hybr. (v. japonica cg! x dispar 2.) g? 9. I. Inzucht (gynandromorph). Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 113 —114. 78 Felt, E. P. 57.87 Lymantria : 16.5 1908. Notes on the Work Against the Gypsy Moth. Journ. econ. En- tom. Vol. 1 p. 275—276. 79 Kramer, H. 57.87 Lymantria : 16.5 1908. Vom Aufreten der Nonne in der Oberlausitz 1908. Entom. Wochen- bl. Jahrg. 25 p. 185—186. 50 Sedlaczek, Walther. 57.87 Lymantria : 16.5 1908. Die Nonne in Böhmen im Jahre 1907. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (110)—(117). ol... 97.87 Lymantria (493) 1908. Invasion du Bombyx moine ou nonne. Bull. Soc. centr. forestière Belgique Vol. 15 p. 251—953. 15. I. 1909. 229 Lepidoptera. 21889 . dro 57.87 Lymantria (493) 1908. L'invasion de la nonne (Psilura ou Bombyx monacha) en Campine. Bull. Soc. centr. forestière Belgique Vol. 15 p. 555—556, 679—680. 83 Heymons, R. 57.87 Lymantriidae : 16.5 1908. Europäische Insektenschädlinge in Nordamerika und ihre Bekämp- fung. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 6—22. 84 Kirkland, A. H. 57.87 Lymantriidae : 16.5 1908. The Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths in Massachusetts. 38th ann. Rep. entom. Soc. Ontario p. 27—31. 85 Kirkland, A. H. 57.87 Lymantriidae : 16.5 1908. Third Annual Report of the Superintendent for Suppressing the Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths. Doc. No. 73 Publ. Boston, Wright & Potter, Printing Co. 8°, 228 pp., 13 pls. 86 Sanderson, E. Dwight. 57.87 Lymantriidae (74.2) 1908. The Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths in New Hampshire. Bull. New Hampshire Coll. Agric. Exper. Stat. No. 136 p. 93—156, 34 figg. 87 Deegener, P. 57.87 Malacosoma : 13.4 1908. Die Entwicklung des Darmkanals der Insekten während der Me- tamorphose. II. Teil. Malacosoma castrensis L. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 45—182, 5 Taf., 1 fig. 88 Quaintance, A. L. 57.87 Malacosoma : 16.5 1908. The Apple-Tree Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma americana Fas.) U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 98, 8 pp., 4 figg. 89 Rothschild, N. Charles. 57.87 Malacosoma (42.56) 1908. Malacosoma neustria ab. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 257, 1 fig. [Aber- ration.] 21890 Kolisko, Alfred. 57.87 Malacosoma (43.61) 1908. Malacosoma neustria n. ab. maculifera. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 91 Gauckler, H. 57.87 Nola (43.46) 1908. Nola subchlamydula Srer. in Baden. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 193—194. 92 Dyar, Harrison 6. 51.87 Notodontidae (801) 1908. Notes on Some Species of Notodontidae in the Collection of the United States National Museum, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 45—69. [32 nn. spp. in: Malocampa, Congruia n. g., Heterocampa, Rhuda 3, Brecontia n. g., Gisara, Hemiceras 16, Hippia, Chadisra 4, Psilacron 2, Pseudodryas. Azaxian. g. pro Heterocampa luteilinea, Eustemides pro Eustema carama, Urgedra pro Hetero- campa striata ] (72.6, 728, 729.3, 81, 85—88) 93 Calmbach, Viktor. 57.87 Pachypasa : 15 1908. Zucht von Pachypasa otus Drury. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 75—76. 94 Schawerda, Karl. 57.87 Parasemia (43.64) 1908. Parasemia plantaginis n. ab. flavoradiata (Locke). Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (29)—(30). 95 Raebel, H. 57.37 Pericallia : 15 1908. Altes und Neues über die Zucht von Pericallia matronula. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 145—147. 96 Vorbrodt. 57.87 Pheosia (494) 1908. Eine unbeschriebene Form von Pheosia tremula Cr. Intern. en- tom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 371. 97 Brodie, Wm. 57.87 Platysamia 1908. Platysamia columbia nokomis. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 373—376. 21898 Loquay, R. 57.87 Platysamia : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Platysamia cecropia. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 343. 15. I. 1909, Lepidoptera. 230 21899 Krulikowsky, L. 57.87 Poecilocampa (47.8) 1908. Eine neue Varietät von Poecilocampa populi L. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 49. [P. p. lydiae.] 21900 Adkin, Robert. 57.87 Porthesia (42) 1908. Notes on Porthesia chrysorrhoea, L. Proc. London entom. nat. Hist. Soc. 1907—08 p. 12—15. 01 Coolidge, Karl R. 57.87 Pseudohazis : 15 1908. Western Lepidoptera — II. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 101—103. [Syno- nymy and habits of Pseudohazis eglanterina.] 02 Gerwien, E. 57,87 Psilura : 11.5 1908. Die Variabilitàt der Flügelfarbe bei Psilura monacha nebst einem Beitrag für die Mimikry-Theorie. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 407—414. 11.55,.57 03 Auel, H. 57.87 Psilura (43.15) 1908. Die Variabilitàt der Flügelfarbe bei Psilura monacha L. in Potsdam 1907, nebst einem Beitrag zur Bekämpfung der Mimikry-Theorie. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 10—16, 39—41. [1 n. ab.] 11.55,.57 04 Trautmann, W. 57.87 Psyche : 11.58 1908. Psychiden-Hybriden und deren Aufzucht. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 3—4. 05 Trautmann, W. 57.87 Psychidae (4) 1908. Mitteilung über die Variabilität einiger Vertreter der Familie Psychidae und Beschreibung zweier neuer südeuropäischer Formen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 234—235. (45.5, 494) 06 Miyake, T. 57.87 Pterodecta : 11.57 1908. On Two Anomalies of Wing marking in Pterodecta Ferrer Berem. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol: 6 p. 293—294, 3 figg. 07 Freedley, W. J. 57.87 Samia : 15 1908. The Early Stages of Samia columbia nokomis. Canad. entom. Vol. 40 p. 350—354. — Note by Henry Skinner. p. 354. 21908 Forel, A. 57.87 Saturnia : 11.044 1908. Zur Farbenbildung der Raupe der Saturnia carpini (Jugenderfahrung). Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 447—448. [Dunkelbleiben bei Lichtmangel, Griinwerden am Sonnenlicht.] 09 Demaison, L. 57.87 Saturnia : 15 1908. Sur les cocons à chrysalides multiples. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 65— 66. 10 Weigelt, Karl. 57.87 Saturnia : !5 1908. Erfolgreiche Zucht von Saturnia atlantica Luc. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 155. 11 Schepp, Oskar. 57.87 Saturnia (43.45) 1908. Saturnia pyri in Lothringen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 56. 12 Le Cerf, F. 51.87 Saturnia (65) 1908. Sur Saturnia pyri Scurr. et sur Saturnia atlantica Luc. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 169—170. 13 Crampton, H. E. 57.87 Saturniidae : 11.5 1907. Correlation and Selection. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 17 p. 601 — 602, 14 Schaus, William. 57.87 Saturniidae (801) 1908. Descriptions of Three New Species of Saturnian Moths. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 65—66. [3 nn. spp. in: Ormiscodes 2, Heliconisa.] (728, 81) 21915 Srdinko, Jos. 57.87 Selenephera : 15 1908. Příspěvek k přírodopisu pfástevníka Se. lunigera Esp. asop. éeské Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 18—21. — Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte von Selenephera lunigera Esr. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 18—20. 15. I. 1909. 21916 17 18 19 20 21 N - 30 51 21932 231 Lepidoptera. Oberthiir, Ch. 57.87 Setina (44.97) 1908. Description d’une nouvelle variété frangaise de Setina ramosa. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 291. [catherinei.] Oberthiir, Ch. 57.87 Somabrachys (65) 1908. Nouvellee especes algériennes du genre Somabrachys. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 47—48. [2 nn. spp.] Hesse, W. 57.87 Stauropus : 15 1908. Stauropus fagi L. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 32 DI Howard, L. 0., and F. H. Chittenden. 97.87 Thyridopteryx : 16.5 1908, The Bagworm. (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw.) U: S. Dept. Agric. Div. entom. Cire. No. 97, 10 pp., 11 figg. Tutt, J. W. 57.88 : 11.58 1908. Hybrid Sphingids. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 202 — 204, Muir, F. 57.88 : 14.78 1908. On the Stridulating Organ of a Sphingid from Larat. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 12—13. 2 Lambillion, L. J. 57.88 : 15 1907/09. Histoire naturelle et mœurs de tous les papillons de Belgique. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 7 p. 2, 15—16, 19—20, 23—24, 32, 34—35, 38—39, 46—48, 51—52; Ann. 8 p. 14--16; Ann. 9 p. 44—48, 51—52, 59 — 60, 63— 64. Farben, William. 57.88 : 15 1908. The Skin Moult of a Caterpillar. The Changes from Caterpillar to Moth. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 365—366, 6 figg. Denso, Paul. 57.88 : 15.6 1908. De la fertilité des Sphingides européens dans la deuxieme géné- ration. Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genéve Vol. 1 p. 216—245. Rothschild, W., and K. Jordan. 57.88 (6) 1908. Some New Sphingidae. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 259—260. [4 nn. spp. in: Polyptychus 2, Temnora 2. 1 n. subsp. in Amblypterus.] (66.4, 67.1,.5,.6, 8, 729.1) Webster, F. M. | 57.88 (7) 1904. Diffusion of the Hawk Moths in North America. Canad. Entom. Vol. 36 p. 65—69, 1 fig. Wagner, Arno. 57.88 Acherontia : 15 1908. Das Suchen der Raupen in Südtirol. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 16. Cockayne, E. A. 57.88 Anthrocera (42) 1908. Anthrocera achilleae Esr.. Added to the British List. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 73. — by J. W. Turr. p. 73—74. (41.38, 42.37) Lambillion, L. J. 57.88 Anthrocera (493) 1908. Anthrocera carniolica Sc. Observations sur les formes qui se trou- vent en Belgique. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 13. Calmbach, Viktor. 51.88 Bembecia : 15 1908. Bembecia hylaeiformis Laser. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 12—13. Denso, P. 57.88 Celerio : 15 1908. Die Erscheinung der Anticipation in der ontogenetischen Ent- wicklung hybrider Schmetterlingsraupen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 128—135, 170—176, 201—208. Denso, P. 57.88 Celerio (46) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Variabilität von Celerio euphorbiae L. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 104—106. [n. form viverina.| (46.1,.7) 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 232 21933 Girault, A. Arsene. 57.88 Ceratomia : 15 1908. Texas, Virginia and Maryland Notes on the Catalpa Sphinx, Cera- tomia catalpae Borspuvar. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 197—199. 34 Meier, K. 57.88 Chaerocampa : 15 1908. Neues über die Raupe von Chaerocampa elpenor L. Internat. en- tom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 225. 35 Andres, Ad. 57.88 Daphnis (62) 1908. Ftwas über das Vorkommen von Daphnis nerii in Aegypten. En- tom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 262. 36 Lindner, Erwin. 57.88 Deilephila : 15 1908. Eigenartige Beschäftigung einer Raupe. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 73. [D. galii.] 37 Wagner, Arno. 57.88 Deilephila (43.64) 1908. Deil. vespertilio in Südtirol. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 33 94. 38 Godron, H. 57.88 Deilephila (44.23) 1908. Note sur l'apparition et l'élevage naturels de la Chenille du Deile- phila nerii sur des lauriers-roses en caisse dans le département de l'Orne. Bull. Soc. Amis Se. nat. Rouen (5) Ann. 43 p. 125—127. 39 Kolisko, Alfred. 57.88 Dilina : 15 1908. Uber Inzuchtversuche mit Dilina tiliae L. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 244—258. 40 Gallardo, Angel. 57.88 Dilophonota : 11.55 1908. Notable mimetismo de la oruga del esfingido Dilophonota lassauxi (Borspuvar) Bere. An. Mus. nac. Buenos-Ayres T. 16 p. 243—248. 21941 Brown, Henry. 57.88 Haemorrhagia (44.84) 1908. Note sur une aberration d’Haemorrhagia fuciformis L. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 14 p. 23-24, 1 fig. 42 de Hennin, Guy. 57.88 Hyloicus : 15 1908. Etat larvaire de Hyloicus pinastri. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 56—58. 43 Chittenden, F. H. 57.88 Melittia : 16.5 1908. The Squash-Vine Borer. (Melittia satyriniformis Hsn.). U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 38, 6 pp., 2 figg. 44 Denso, P. 57.88 Pachysphinx : 15 1908. Die Zucht von Pachysphinx modesta imperator SrREckER. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 152—154, 3 figg. 45 Denso, P. 57.88 Pachysphinx : 15.6 1908. Die Copula und das Ei von Pachys;hinx modesta imperator STRECKER. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 29. 46 Le Cerf, F. i 57.88 Paranthrene : 15 1907. Note sur Paranthrene tineiformis Esr. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois- Perret Ann. 13 p. 12-15. 47 Denso, P. 57.88 Pergesa : 11.58 1908. Perges« hybr. luciani (hybr.elpenor c? >< porcellus 9). Entom. Zeit: schr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 108--109. — Pergesa hybr. irene = hybr. elpenor cf >< hippophaës 9. p. 109. 48 Niepelt, Wilhelm. 57.88 Pergesa (43.32) 1908. Pergesa (Chaerocampa) elpenor L. form. daubi, eine neue Sphingiden- Form. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 209. 49 Manson, C. E. F. 57.88 Rhodoprasina : 15 1906. The Early Stages of the Moth Rhodoprasina floralis. Journ. Bom- bay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 241, 1 pl. 21950 Le Cerf, F. 57.88 Sciapteron : 15 1908. Sur les premiers états et les moeurs de Sciapteron tabantformis Rorr. var. rhingiaformis Hs. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 14 p. 13—22. 15. I. 1909. 233 Lepidoptera, 21951 Engel, Henry. 57.58 Sesia : 15 1908. Notes on Sesiidae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 161—168. 52 Fuchs, Ferd. 57.88 Sesia (43) 190S. Sesia spuleri nov. spec. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 33. 53 Schiitze, K. T. 57.88 Sesia (43.14) 1908. Zur Lepidopterenfauna von Kohlfurt. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 216. 54 Oehme, E. 97.88 Sesiidae : 15 1908. Daten der Larvenzustinde der in Sachsen einheimischen Arten der Familie Sesiidae H.-S. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 230— 231, 268—269. 55 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.88 Sesiidae (78) 1908. New Sesiid Moths. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 329—331. [Sesia florissantella n. sp. (1 n. var.). 1 n. var. in Aegeria.] (78.8,.9) 56 Roepke, Walter. 97.88 Smerinthus : 11.58 1908. Ergebnisse anatomischer Untersuchungen an Sranpruss’schen Lepi- dopterenbastarden. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 44 p. 1--122, 3 Taf., 53 figg. [Betreffend Geschlechtsapparat u. Spermatogenese. Intermediärer Charakter des Bastards.] 14.631 57 Schultz, Oskar. 57.88 Sphinx : 15 1908. Zur Biologie von Sphinx ligustri. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 91 p. 232—233. 15.3 58 Süssmuth, Paul. 57.88 Sphinx : 15 1908. Noch einmal merkwürdige Raupen von Sphinx ligustri. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 271—272. 21959 Wohnig, A. 57.88 Sphinx : 15 1908. Merkwürdige Raupen von Sphinx ligustri. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 21 p. 233. 15.3 60 Pirling, E. 97.88 Syntomis : 15 1908. Syntomis phegea L. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 27—28. 61 Trautmann, W. 57.88 Zygaena : 15.6 1908. Kopula zwischen verschiedenen Zygaenenarten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 164. — von O. Menen Jahrg. 3 p. 27. 62 Dziurzyński, Clemens. 57.88 Zygaena (403) 1908. Die palæarktischen Arten cler Gattung Zygaena F. Verzeichnis und Synopsis sämtlicher zur palæarktischen Fauna gehörigen Arten und For- men der Lepidopteren Gattung Zygaena F. (Anthrocera Scor.) Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 1—60, 3 Taf. [11 nn. form.] (43.61, 44.94, 45.1, 494, 56.8, 57.6,.9) 63 Dziurzyński, KI. 57.88 Zygaena (43.61) 1908. Zygaena Formen aus der Gegend um Mödling. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 n. (73) — (74). 64 de Jeannis, J. 21.88 Zygaena (65) 1908. Une Zygène nouvelle d'Algérie. Bull. Soc, entom. France 1908 p. 208—204. [Z. theryi n. sp.] 65 Rothschild, Walter. 97.88 Zygaena (65) 1908. Description of a New Form of Zygaena from Algeria. Entomo- logist Vol. 41 p. 185. [Z. lavandulae nisseni n. subsp.] 66 Chapman, T. A. 57.89 1908. Erebia lefebvrei and Lycaena pyrenaica. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 307—316, 6 pls. [Distinct spp., not varieties.] 21967 Hafner, J. 57.89 1908. Was ist unter Papilio révularis Scop. zu verstehen? Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 148—149. [Neptis lucilla #] 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 234 ui 21968 Smyth, Ellison A., jr. KOCH 1908. Two Freaks: — Papilio ajax and Eudamus tityrus. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 191—192, 1 pl. 69 Tutt, J. W. 57.89 1908. Everes argiades, Parr., E. dipora, Moore and Binghamia parrhasius, SC Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 301—305, 1 pl. [Different Spp. 10 Tutt, J. W. 51.89 1908. Preoccupied Generic Names. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 143—144. [Strymonidia n. nom. pro Leechia Turr non Sours, Chattendenia pro Edwardsia Turr non Quarrerages, Raywardia pro Langia Turr non Moonz.] 71 v. Brücke, Ernst Th. 91.89 : 11 044 1908. Ueber die angebliche Mästung von Schmetterlingspuppen mit Koh- lensáàure. Arch. Anat. Physiol. physiol. Abt. 1908 p. 431—444. [Kein prinzipieller Unterschied zwischen Gewichtskurven in atmosphàrischer Luft und in Luft-COz-Gemisch aufgezogener Segelfalterpuppen. Unter beiden Bedingungen nehmen Puppen an Gewicht zu, wenn nass gehalten, und ab, wenn unbenetzt aufbewahrt. Hóherer Gehalt der „Kohlensäure- puppen* an organischem Material nicht durch Assimilation, sondern durch geringeren Verbrauch der sich relativ langsam entwickelnden Puppen zu erklären.] 72 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 : 11.044 1908. Experiments on Seasonally Dimorphic Forms of African Lepidop- tera. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Leicester 1907 p. 540. [Arti- fical variation of conditions during immature stage brings about in one season forms which under natural conditions would have been produced in the other.] 21973 Rainbow, W. J. 57.89 : 11.5 1908. Notes on Mimicry and Variation. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 69 —73, 1 pl. 11.55,.57 74 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 : 11.55 1908. Mimetic relation between Colaenis telesiphe, Hew., Heliconius telesiphe, Dovsr., and Pereute antodyca, Borso. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XCI—XCII. 75 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 : 11.55 1908. Mimicry of Colaenis telesiphe and Belenois thysa, probably Miillerian. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XCVI—XCVII. 76 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 : 11.55 1908. Mimicry of the melpomene-like Heliconii by other groups of South American Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LI—LIV. "7 Dixey, F. A. 97.89 : 11.55 1908. On Müllerian Mimicry and Diaposematism. A Reply to Mr. G. A. K. Marsuarr. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 559— 583. — Reply to Dr. Drey by G. A. K. Mazsnarr. p. LXX—LXXIII. 78 Manders, N. 57.89 : 11.55 1908; Mimicry in Bourbon Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XLII—XLIV. 79 Marshall, Guy A. K. 57.89 : 11.55 1908/09. On Diaposematism, with reference to some limitations of the Müllerian Hypothesis of Mimicry. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 93—142. — XIII—XIV. — Note by E. B. Pourrow. p. XIV—XVI. — On Reciprocal Mimicry. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 21 p. 133—134. 21980 Moulton, C. J. 57.89 : 11.55 1908. On some of the principal Mimetic (Miillerian) Combinations of Tropical Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 585—666, 5 pls. 15. I. 1909. 235 Lepidoptera.. 21981 Poulton, E. B. 57.89 : 11.55 1908. Mimicry in the Butterflies of Mauritius and Bourbon. Trans. en- tom. Soc. London 1908 p. IY— VII. 82 Poulton, E. B. 51.89 : 11.55 1908. Secondary Mimetic Resemblance of Ithomiinae to the Danaine genus Ituna. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. VII—XI. 83 Fischer, E. 57.89 : 13.9 1908. Neue Tagfalterformen meiner Sammlung. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 129—130. [6 nn. abb. in: Papilio 5, Pyrameis — durch Temperaturexperi- mente erzielt ] 84 Manders, N. 57.89 : 13.0 1908. Temperature Experiments on Tropical Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. LXXIY—LXXY. | 85 Longstaff, G. B. 57.89 : 15 1908. Bionomic Notes on Butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908. p. 607—673, 7 figg. [Mimicry, Flight, Scent, Heliotropism, resting habits Dimorphism.] 11.044..39,.51,.57,.74 86 Saverner, P. A. 57.89 : 15.2 1908. Migrating Butterflies. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 218—220. 87 Willey, A. 57.89 : 15.2 I a of Butterflies at Trincomalee. Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 5 p. 88 Dod, F. H. Wolley. 57.89 (23) 1908. Argynnis astarte, Dourr.-Hew., and other High Mountain Butter- flies. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 108—114. 21989 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (4) 1908. Neue paläarktische Rhopaloceren-Rassen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 194—195. [6 nn. subspp. in: Melitaea 2, Argynnis, Chrysophanes (3 nn. form.) 2, Satyrus.] (43.35,.64, 46.8, 47.7, 404) 90 Gillmer, M. 57.89 (4) 1908. Kleine Mitteilungen über einzelne Schmetterlingsarten. Entom.. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 24 p. 51—52, 55—56; Jahrg. 25 p. 14—15, 20, 23. [2 nn. abb. in: Chrysophanus, Lycaena.] (43.18, 494) 91 Culot, J. 57.89 (403) 1908. Descriptions de variétés ou aberrations de lépidoptères. Bull. Soc- lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 265—266, 1 pl. [3 nn. abb. in: Colias, Epinc phele, Papilio.] (44.95, 494, 56.8) 92 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (403) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Péle-Méle. VII. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 127—128. [Euploea juvia n. sp. 8 nn. subspp. in: Sym- brenthia, Eribcea, Eumems 6.] (43.64,.68, 45.1, 46.8, 494, 495, 497, 52.9), 93 Gillmer, M. 57.89 (43.51) 1907/09. Das Verzeichnis der von C. H. Brsxe in den Jahren 1826—1829 bei Hamburg gefundenen Lepidopteren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 53—54, 65.—66, 52—83, 87—88, 94—96, 104, 114—115, 152— 153, 184—185, 231, 247—248, 296—297, 806, 318—319, 334—335, 359— 360, 1 fig. [I n. ab. in Argynnis] — Jahrg. 2 p. 11—12, 25—26, 53— 54, 51—58, 65—66, 77—78, 86—87, 90—91, 99—100, 114—115, 121. 129 —130, 138 —139, 146—147, 153—154, 178—179, 189—190, 265—266, 286— 287, 312—313. [2 nn. ab. in: Chrysophanus 2.] — Jahrg. 3 p. 15. 94 Grund, Arnost. 57.89 (43.94); 1908. Neue Rhopalocera-Formen aus der Umgebung von Agram (Zagreb, Kroatien.) Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p.81—82. [4 nn. abb. in: Limenitis, dr- gynnis, Melanargia 2. 1 n. form. in Papilio.) 21995 de Labonneton, €. .. 91.89 (44) 1902/03. Description des Lépidoptères de France. L’Intermed. Bombyc. | Entom. Ann. 2 p. 112—116, 134—142, 175—181, 197—205, 229—234, 265 15. I. 1909. 21996 97 98 99 22000 01 02 03 22004 05 06 07 08 09 22010 Lepidoptera. 236 — 277, 307—315, 60 figg. — Ann. 3 p. 20—28, 52—58, 78—82, 117—121, 149—153, 183—187, 209—211, 244—249, 272—276, 310—314, 332—335, 862—367, 31 figg. Keynes, J. N., and G. L. Keynes. 57.89 (44) 1908. Butterflies in the Pyrenees in 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 176 —180. (44.78,.89) Sheldon, W. &. 57.89 (44.79) 1908. Notes from South-Western France. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 294 —295. [Rhopalocera from the Basses-Pyrénées.] Rowland-Brown, H. 57.89 (44.95) 1908. The Basses-Alpes in August. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 296—299. Rostagno, F., e L. Zapelloni. 57.89 (45.6) 1908. Lepidoptera Faunae Romanae. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 289 —305. Rosa, A. T. 91.89 (49.5) 1908. A Few Notes on Spanish Butterflies. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 4 —1. Sheldon, W. G. 57.89 (46.7) 1908. Melitaea aurinia etc. at Barcelona. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 301 —302. Sheldon, W. G. 57.89 (46.8) 1908. Butterflies from South Spain. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LIV. Sheldon, W. G. 57.89 (46.8) 1908. Notes on some Andalusian Butterflies. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 212—218, 239—242. Miler, E., und N. Zubowsky. 57.89 (47.7) 1908. Materialien zur Kenntnis der entomologischen Fauna Bessarabiens. Macrolepidoptera. Trav. Soc. Nat. Amat. Sc. nat. Bessarabie Vol. 1 p. 410—425. Rowland-Brown, H. 57.89 (494) 1902. Butterfiy-Hunting in the Alps. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 84—98. Pearson, Douglas. 57.89 (494) 1908. Swiss Butterflies in 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 54—55. — in 1908. p. 300—301. Rehfous, Marcel. 57.89 (494) 1998. Aberrations de lépidoptères. Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 261—263, 1 pl. [2 nn. abb. in: Colias, Melitaea.] Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (5) 1908. Neue ostasiatische Rhopaloceren. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 37—38, 41. [Lethe mataja n. sp. (3 nn. subspp. 2 nn. form.) 19 nn. subspp. in: Papilio 9 (1 n. form), Appias, Delias 2, Stichophthalma, Panto- poria 2, Limenitis 2, Vanessa, Symbrenthia.] (D1.2,.3, 52.2,.8,.9, 59:39) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (5) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Péle-Méle. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 46—47, 48—49. [Zophoessa insularis n. sp. 27 nn. subspp. in: Pa- pilio (3 nn. form.), Mycalesis 3, (1 n. form.), Lethe, Euploea, Timelaea, Taxila, Ilerda 4 (1 n. form.), Mahathala 4, Curetis, Celaenorhinus.] (51.2,.4,.5, 52.8,.9, 54.1, 59.3,.5,.8, 921, 922) Fruhstorfer, H. 91.89 (502) 1908. Neue indo-australische Mycalesis und Besprechung verwandter For- men. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 126—239, 1 Taf. [M. inops n. sp. (32 nn. subspp. 2 nn. form.) 2 nn. form. in Ptyehandra. Mycalesis terminus pseudasophis n. nom. pro M. asophis auct. non. Hxwrrsox.] (54.8, 59.1,.8,.9, 91.1—921, 926, 95) 15. I. 1909. 237 Lepidoptera. 22011 Oberthiir, Ch. 57.89 (51). 1908. Description de nouvelles espèces du Lépidoptères de la Chine occidentale et du Thibet. Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 310—314.. [6 nn. spp. in: Neptis 2, Lycaena, Thecla 2, Carterocephalus.] (51.5) 12 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (52.9) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Pêle-Mêle. Neue Rhopaloceren von Formosa. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 102—103, 118—119, 131—132, 140—141. [5 nn. spp. in: Apatura, Euthalia, Rhodocera, Blanaida, Mycalesis. 7 nn. subspp. in Danais, Mycalesis, Euthalia 2, Sephisa, Papilio 2, Ypthima, Neptis 3, Pantoporia, Calinaga, Lethe 2.| 13 Oberthür, Ch. 51.89 (52.9). 1908. Observations sur des Lépidoptéres de l'ile Formose. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 930. 14 Wileman, A. E. 57.89 (52.9). 1908. New and unrecorded species of Rhopalocera from Formosa. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol. 6 p. 307—385. [6 nn. spp. in: Neope, Sephisa, Apa- tura, Zephyrus, Tajuria 2. 1 n. var. in Phengaris.] 15 Young, L. C. H. 97.89 (54) 1906. The Common Butterflies of the Plains of India. II—III Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 418—423, 921—927, 2 pls. 16 Adamson, C. H. E. 57.89 (59.1). 104. Catalogue of Butterflies Collected in Burmah. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 1 p. 155 — 189. 17 Adamsom, C. H. E. 54.89 (59.1). 1908. Catalogue of Butterflies Collected in Burmah. II. Trans, nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 3 p. 116—148. 22018 Poujade, [G. A.] . 57.89 (6). 1908. Note sur les Lépidoptères. Mission Foà Paris p. 598—599. (67.5,.6,.8,.9, 68.9) 19 Schultze, Arnold. 97.89 (67.1) 1908. Drei neue Tagfalter aus Kamerun. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 180 —131. [3 nn. spp. in: Cymothoë, Spindasis, Zeritis.] 20 Bethune-Baker, 6. T. 57.89 (67.5) 1908. Descriptions of new Rhopalocera from the Upper Congo. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 469—452. [23 nn. spp. in: Mycalesis 2, He- notesia, Acraea, Planema 2, Eupaedra, Euryphene 5, Deistogyna 3, Charaxes, Celoenorrhinus 2, Osmodes, Parnara, Ceratrichia 2, Andronymus.] 21 Grünberg, Karl. 57.89 (67.6) 1908. Neue Lepidopteren aus Uganda. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Beriin 1908 p. 50—62, 3 Taf. [19 nn. spp. in: Elymnias, Kallima, Diesto- gyna, Cymothoe 2, Mimacraea, Papilio, Lechriolepis, Rhodogastria. 4 nn. varr. in: Amauris, Euphaedra, Liptena, Cupido.] 22 Rogers, K. St. Aubyn, E. B. Poulton, and Roland Trimen. 57.89 (67.6) 1908. Some bionomic notes on British East African butterflies. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 489—557, 4 pls. [Pseudacraea rogersi n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Acraea. 1 n. form. in Papilio. Mimetic forms.] 23 Manders, N. 57.89 (69.5) 1908. The Butterflies of Mauritius and Bourbon. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1907 p. 429—454, 1 pl., 1 fig. 24 Dod, F. H. Wolley. 57.89 (71.2) 1908. Further Notes on Alberta Lepidoptera. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 149 —156, 181—193. 25 Longstaff, G. B. $7.89 (729.2) 1908. Notes on some Butterflies taken in Jamaica. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 37—51, 1 fig. 22026 Longstaff, G. B. 57.89 (729.8) 1908. On some of the Butterflies of Tobago. Trans. entom. Soc, Lon- don 1908 p. 53—57. 15. I. 1909. 22027 28 29 30 31 32 22033 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 22041 Lepidoptera. 238 Coolidge, Karl R. 57.89 (79) 1908. Notes on the New Species and Varieties of Rhopalocera in Werıcur’s Butterflies of the West Coast. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 237 —239. Coolidge, Karl R. 57.89 (79.4) 1908. The Rhopalocera of Santa Clara County, California. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 425 —431. [1 n. ab. in Lemonias.] Wrigtit, W. S. 57.89 (79.4) 1908. Annotated List of the Diurnal Lepidoptera of San Diego County, California, based on Collections during 1906 and 1907. Journ. N. Y. en- tom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 153—167. Stichel, H. 57.89 (8) 1908. Corrigenda und Addenda zu jüngeren Benennungen südamerika- nischer Rhopaloceren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 237 —238, 241—243. [Archonias critias rubrosparsa n. subsp.] (86.6) Sanders, Cora B. 57.89 (81) 1908. The Collections of Wırrıam Joan BurcarLL D. C. L., in the Hope Department, Oxford University Museum. On the Lepidoptera Rhopalo- cera Collected by W. J. BurcHeLL in Brazil, 1825—1830. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 33—42. Bethune-Baker, G. T. 57.89 (9) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of Butterflies of the Division Rhopa- locera from Africa and from New Guinea. Proc. zool. Soc. Lon- don 1908 p. 110—126, 2 pls. [31 nn. spp. in: Acrea, Pentila, Citrinophila, Deudoryx, 3, Jolaus 2, Powellana rn. g., Leptomyrina, Hypocista, Thaumaina n. g., Cyaniris 2, Upolampes n. g., Callictita n. g., Mambara n. g., Canda- lides 9 (C. grandissima n. nom. pro C. grandis Bernune-BAker non Gros€ Swrrg), Thysonotis 3, Waigeum 2 (67.3,.5, 929, 95) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 (922) 1908. Neue Rhopalocerenrassen der Insel Bali. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 238. [9 nn. subspp. in: Troides, Papilio, Delias, Sala- tura, Appias, Macroploea, Euploea, Tanaecia, Symbrenthia.] Waterhouse, G. A., and G. Lyell. 57.89 (94.5) 1908. Some Dimboola Butterflies. Victorian Natural. Vol. 24 p. 165 —166. Manders, N. 57.89 Abaratha (54.87) 1908. A New Species of Hesperiidae in Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 5 p. 102. [Abaratha siamica.] Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Adelpha (8) 1908. Neue Adelpha. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 2 p. 8—9. [3 nn. subspp.] (81, 86) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Amnosia (504) 1908. Neue indische Tagfalter-Formen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 135. [3 nn. subspp. in Cethosia, Amnosia 2.] (59.5, 91.1) Taborsky-Neumann, W. 57.89 Anthocharis (4) 1908. Uber einige Aberrationen von Ant. cardamines. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 17, 6 figg. (43.67,.71) Borggreve, B. 57.89 Apatura : 11.58 1908. Ein Apatura-Bastard-Zwitter. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 154—155. TA. clytiex ilia.] Schindler, Karl. 57.89 Apatura : 11.58 1908. Apatura-Zwitter. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 125. [Rechts ilia c^, links elytie 9.] Gerstner, C. 57. 89 Apatura : 15.6 1908. Das Ei von Apatura ilia Scurr. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 92 p. 17—18, 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. 22042 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 22050 51 52 53 54 57 22058 239 Lepidoptera. Slevogt, B. 57.89 Aporia (47.4) 1908. Noch einmal: Aporia crataegi, L. Entom, Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 60—61. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Argynnis : 14.6 1908. Neues über die Genitalien der Rhopaloceren. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 74—75, 4 figg. doli. 57.89 Argynnis : 15 1908. Hints as to the Egg-laying and Hybernation of Larvae of A. pa- phia. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LX —LXI. 15.4,.6 Fischer, E. 57.89 Argynnis : 15 1908. Wiederholt gelungene Paarung und Weiterzucht von Argynnis la- thonia L.in der Gefangenschaft. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 143—145, 149—151. 15.6 Pfetsch. 57.89 Argynnis : 15 1908. Eizucht von Argynnis paphia. Intern. Entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 107—108. Skinner, Henry. 57.89 Argynnis : 15 1908. Argynnis astarte, DousL.-Hew. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 14—15. Gillmer, M. 57.89 Argynnis : 15.4 1908. Zum Überwinterungs-Stadium der deutschen Argynnis-Arten. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 350—351, 366—367, 379 -380, 388— 389, 395 —397. Fruhstorfer, H. 97.89 Argynnis (4) 1908. Neue palaearktische Rhopaloceren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 214—215. [6 nn. subspp. in Argynnis.] (43.95,.96, 44.48, 45.1, 494) Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Argynnis (4) 1908. Uber die Variabilität von Argynnıs daphne Scuirr., sowie das Auf- treten von Strahlenzeichnung bei aberrativen Erscheinungen in der Gattung Argynnis F. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 38—40. [6 nn. abb.] (43.36,.42..64, 494) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Argynnis (403) 1908. Neue Argynnis-Rassen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 69—70. [4 nn. subspp.] (47.8, 55, 65) Mayer, Ludwig. 57.89 Argynnis (43.65) 1908. Eine seltene Aberration von Argynnis daphne Scurr. Entom. Zeit- schr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 272. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Argynnis (46.3) 1908. Eine neue Argynnis-Rasse aus Spanien. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 161. [A. aglaja methana n. subsp.] Lambillion, L. J. 97.89 Argynnis (493) 1908. Argynnis aphirapae He. ab. franckii n. ab. Rev. Soc. entom. Namur Ann. 8 p. 38. Oberthür, Ch. 57.89 Argynnis (65) 1908. Description d'une nouvelle variété algérienne de l’Argynnis paphia L. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 26—27. [dives.] Dod, F. H. Wolley. 57.89 Argynnis (71.2) 1908. Further Notes on Alberta Lepidoptera. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 124— 125. Oberthür. Ch. 57.89 Athyma (51.1) 1908. Description d'une aberration nouvelle de Athyma ningpoana Lxecu. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 150. [erebina.] Stichel, H. 57.89 Brassolidae 1908. Brassoliden-Studien. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 160—179. [Zergliederung und Revision einer diesbez. Arbeit Frunsrorrer’s. 3 nn. subspp. in: Dynastor, Opsiphanes, Opoptera. 1 n. form. in Caligo.] (81, 84, 86) 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 240 22059 Stichel, H. 57.89 Brassolidae- 1908. Totgeburten in der Familie Brassolidae. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 341—342. [Synonyme.] 60 Gillmer, M. 57.89 Brenthis : 15 1908. Some Notes on Brenthis amathusia. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 138—139. 61 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Calinaga (51.!). 1908. Eine neue Calinaga aus China. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 147. [C. lactoris n. sp.] 62 Stichel, H. 97.89 Catoblepia (86.6). 1908. Catoblepia berecynthia midas, eine neue Brassolide. Soc. entom. Jahrz. 23 p. 8S3. 63 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Cethosia (51.2) 1908. Neue indische Tagfalter-Formen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg.. 22 p. 135. [3 un. subspp. in Cethosia, Amnosia 2.] 64 Leigh, G. F. 57.89 Charaxes 1908. Charaxes neanthes, Hew. (1854), a form of C. zoolina, Wxsrwoop (1850). Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LXIY—LXY. [Ch. neanthes Hew. a form of C. zoolina Westwoon.] — Note by G. A. K. Mansmarr. p. LXV. — by E. B. Porron p. LXV—LXVI. by Rorawp Tren. p. LXVYI—LXVIII. — by Kart Jorpin. p. LXVIII—LX X. [Ch. zoolina n. form. phanera.] 65 Schultz, Oskar. 57.39 Charaxes : 11.67 1908. Gynandromorphismus bei einer Charaxes-Art. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 79. 66 Druce, Herbert. 57.89 Charaxes (67.1). 1908. Description of a new Species of Charaxes from the Cameroons, West-Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 449. [C. acraeoides.] 22067 Fruhsterfer, H. 57.89 Charaxes (921) 1908. Ein seltenes Charaxes-Weibchen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben. Jahrg. 1 p. 365—366, 1 fig. [Ch. dumfordi connectens.] 68 Cochrane, A. M. 57.89 Chattendenia : 15 1908. The Life-history of Chattendenia (Edwardsia) w — album. Entom.. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 159—162. 69 Young, L. C. H. 97.89 Chilaria (54.7). 1907. Occurrence of the Butterfly Chilaria othona in Salsette. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1030. 70 Selzer, August. 57.89 Chrysophanus : 15 1908. Eine kleine Auskunft über Raupen — Gewohnheiten einiger Feuer- falter (Chrysophaniden) und Anleitung zur Zucht der Falter von Chr. vir- gaurae und Chr. hippotho aus dem Ei. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 73. 71 Warnecke, 6. 57.89 Chrysophanus : 15.4 1908. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte paläarktischer Lepidopteren. In welchem Entwicklungsstadium überwintert Chrysophanus virgaurea L.? Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 150. — Die Verbreitung in Nordwest- Deutschland. p. 214. (43.17,.18,.51,.53,.54,.56) 72 Charnley, J. R. 57.89 Chrysophanus (42) 1902. An Extinct Butterfly. (Chrysophanus dispar, Haw.) The Large Copper. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 294—299. 73 Geest, Waldemar. 57.89 Colias : 14.77 1908. Untersuchungen über die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Pigment und Schuppenform und zwischen Zeichnung und anatomischen Verhält- nissen des Flügels, dargestellt an der Tagfaltergattung Colias F. Zeit- schr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 162—169, 208—214, 251—256, 317— 331, 1 Taf., 15 figg. 22074 Frohawk, F. W. 97.89 Colias : 15 1908. Colias edusa Bred in October, 1908 Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 291. 15. I. 1909. 241 Lepidoptera. 22075 Wilkinson, M. 57.89 Colias (4) 1896. Coliäs hyale and edusa: their Varieties and Localities in England and Switzerland. Journ. Oxford Univ. jun. scient. Club Vol. 2 p. 102 —105. (42, 494) 76 Skala, H, 97.89 Colias (43.72) 1908. Colias chrysotheme Esp. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 344. [Generat. vern. minor, 4 nn. abb.] 77 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Curetis (5) 1908. Neue Curetis und Uebersicht der bekannten Arten. Stettin. en- tom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 49—59. [14 nn. subspp. 5 nn. form.] (52.1, 59.5,.9, 91.1,.2,.4, 921, 922, 935, 95) 78 Chapman, T. A. 57.89 Cyclopides : 15.6 1908. The Eggs of Cyelopides palaemon and C. sylvius and their Thymeli- cine Affinities. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 14—16, 30—33, 3 pls., 7 figg. 79 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Deudorix (9) 1908. Neue Lycaeniden. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 37—38. [3 nn. sub- spp.] (91.3, 94.3, 95) 80 Fruhstorfer, H. 97.89 Ectima (8) 1908. Neue Ectima-Rassen. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 41—44. [3 nn. subspp.] (81, 85, 89) 81 Cook, J. H., and F. E. Watson. 57.89 Epidemia : 15.6 1908. Practical and Popular Entomology. — No. 25. Oviposition of Epidemia epixanthe. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 85—88. 82 v. Aigner-Abafi, L. 57.89 Epinephele 1908. Epinephele jurtina L. ab. semialba Bro. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 218—219. 83 Meuth, F. H. 57.89 Epinephele : 11.57 1908. Ein Sandauge (Epinephele jurtina Hey.) mit einem auffallend ge- färbten Flügel. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 228. 22084 Bocklet, Conrad. 57.89 Epinephele : 11.67 1908. Ein gynandromorphes Exemplar von Epinephele tithonus L. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 123—124, 131. 85 Reverdin, Jaques L. 97.89 Erebia (4) 1908. Variétés et aberrations d’Erebia tyndarus dans les Alpes de la Suisse et de la Haute-Savoie. Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 192 —245, 43 figg. (44.49, 494) 86 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Erebia (4) 1908. Uber einige seltene Erebia-Formen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 4—5. [l n. subsp. 5 nn. abb.] (43.14,.66, 494) 87 Oberthür, Ch. 07.89 Erebia (44) 1908. Description de deux variétés françaises inédites de l’Erebia tyn- darus. Bull. soc. entom. France 1908 p. 267—269. (44.78,.89) Coolidge, Karl R. 07.89 Erebia (7) 88 1908. The North American Species of the Genus Erebia (Lepidoptera). Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 73—75. (71.1,.2, 78.6—.9, 79.7,.8] 89 Coolidge, Karl R. 57.89 Euchloe 1908. Notes on Euchloe hyantis, Enw. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 298— 300. [Synonomy.] 90 Coolidge, Kari R. 57.89 Euchloe : 15 1908. The Chrysalis of Euchloe lanceolata, Borsp. Canad, Entom. Vol. 40 p. 130—131. 22091 Coolidge, Karl R., and Ewal J. Newcomer. 97.89 Euchloe : 15 1908. The Life History of Euchloe ausonides, Borsp. Entom. News Vol. 1° p. 204—210, 3 figg. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 16 22092 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 22100 22101 02 03 04 05 06 22107 Lepidoptera. 249 di Pettit, R. H. 57.89 Euclemensia : 16.9 : 57.52 1900. The Habits of Euelemensia (Hamadryas) bassettella. A True Parasite Belonging to the Lepidoptera. 1st Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 112—114. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Eumenis (403) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Charivari II. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 50—82. [6 nn. subspp. in Zumenis.] (43.53,.58, 44.94, 45.1,.5, 46.4, 494) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Eunica (81) 1908. Eine neue Eunica aus der alemena-Gruppe und Beschreibung neuer Lokalformen. Stettin. entom; Zeite, Jahrg. 69 p. 44—48. [E. ariba n. sp. 4 nn. subspp.] Field, W. L. W. 57.89 Eurema (74.2) 1908. Eurema lisa at Langdon, N. H. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 104. Bethune-Baker, George. 57.89 Everes 1908. Everes argiades, Parr, and coretas, Ocns.: Are these distinct or merely Local Races? Entom. Hec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 78-79. — Notes on Everes argiades and its ab. alcetas, Hm. (= coretas, Ocus.) p. 79 —81. Chapman, T. A. 57.89 Everes 1908. Are Everes argiades and coretas distinct species? Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 371—374, 2 pls. Tutt, J. W. 57.89 Everes 1908. Everes alcetas (coretas) as a distinct Species from Everes argiades. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 231—237, 264—266. Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Gonepteryx : 11.67 1908. Drei Fälle von Gynandromorphismus bei Gonepteryx rhamni. En- tom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 3—4. Gillmer, H. 57.89 Gonepteryx (4) 1908, Noch einmal Gonepteryx rhamm aberr. rubescens. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 226—227. — Noch einmal „Rote Citronenfalter“ von Aporr Perer. p. 227—228. Riffarth, H. 57.89 Heliconius 1908. Ueber Neusrerrers „Neue Heliconius-Formen. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 110—114. [1 n. form.] Niepelt, Wilh. 57.89 Heliconius (86.6) 1908. Neue Formen der Gattung Heliconius. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 505—506. [6 nn. form.] Niepelt, Wilh. 57.89 Heliconius (86.6) 1908. Zwei neue Formen der Gattung Heliconius. Berlin. entom. Zeit- schr. Bd. 52 p. 213—214. — Nachtrag von H. SricHEL. p. 214—215. Rollason, W. A. 57.89 Hesperia : 15 1908. Life History of Hesperia paniscus, F. — palaemon Parras, Stau. Cat. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 102—106. Plötz, and C. Swinhoe. 57.89 Hesperiidae (502) 1908. On the Species of Hesperidae from the Indo-Malayan and African Regions, with Descriptions of some New Species. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 1—36, 3 pls. [Sadera n. g. pro Hesperia caesina.| (54.1,.7,.87, 59.1,.4,.5, 67.3,.6, 91.1—922, 929, 95) Druce, Hamilton H. 57.89 Hesperiidae (801) 1908. Descriptions of some New Hesperiidae from Central and South- America. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 375—386, 1 pl. [14 nn. spp. in: Pyrrhopyge 3, Jemadia, Croniades, Thymele, Prenes, Aides, Dion, Thracides, Pyrrhopygopsis 4.] (728, 84—86) Mabille, P., et Eug. Boullet. 57.89 Hesperiidae (801) 1908. Essai de revision de la Famille des Hespérides. Ann. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 167—207. [18 nn. spp. in: Pyrrhopyge 5 (1 n. var.), Amenis 2, Mysoria 2, Yanguna, Jemadia 4 (1 n. var.), Sarbia 3, Mimoniades (Ln. var.).] (72, 728, 81, 84—86, 88, 89) 15. I. 1909. 243 Lepidoptera. 22108 Jarvis, E. 57.89 Heteronympha : 15 1908. Life-History of Butterfly Heteronympha philerope, Borso. Victorian Natural. Vol. 24 p. 194—196. 09 Jordan, K. 57.89 Hypochrysops (935) 1908. A New Lyeaenid from the Solomon Islands. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 394. [Hypochrysops taeniata n. sp.] 10 Cook, John H. 57.89 Incisalia : 15 1907/08. Studies in the Genus Incisalia. Canad. Entom. Vol. 39 p. 181 —187, 929—235, 257—260, 293—295, 405—409, 4 pls. — Vol. 40 p. 37— 43, 1 pl. 11 Lowe, E. E. 91.89 Lampides : 15 1908. The Life-history ne boeticus Linn. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 139. 12 Tutt, J. W. 57.89 Leptidia : 15.6 1908. The Egg-laying of Leptidia sinapis. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 228—229. 13 Culot, J. 57.89 Leptidia (4) 1908. Le genre Leptidia Dis, (Leucophasia Stra.) Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 246—250. [1 n. var.] (56.8) 14 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Lethe (59.9) 1908. Eine neue Lethe-Rasse aus Tonkin. Entom., Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 2 p. 7. [L. syreis diunaga n. subsp.] 15 Poulton, Edward B. 57,89 Limenitis : 11.55 1908. Mimetie North American species of the Genus Limenitis (s.1.) and their models. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 447—488, 1 pl. 16 Griitzner, H. 57,89 Limenitis : 15 1908. Zur Biologie von Limenitis populi. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 133—137. 32117 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Limenitis (403) 1908. Drei neue Limenitis-Rassen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 50. [3 nn. subspp.] (43.64, 51.7, 57.6) 18 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Limenitis (43.14) 1908. Abart von Limenitis populi L. (ab. defasciata m.) Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 188. [n. ab.] 19 Gillmer, M. 57.89 Lycaena 1908. Bemerkungen zu Lycaena argiades Parr. ab. et var. alcetas Hin. (= ab. coretas Ocus.) und ab. depuncta Hırscake. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 17—18. 20 Trautmann, Wi $7.89 Lycaena : 11.57 1908. Der Kalk trägt zur Variabilität der Schupperfitigler viel bei. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 162—163. 2] Rebel, H. 57.89 Lycaena : 14.63 1908. Lycaena argiades und deren Formen. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (32)-(34), 3 figg. 22 Frohawk, F. W. 57.89 Lycaena : 15 1908. Life History of Lycaena acis. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 161 —167. 23 Williams, Francis X. 57.89 Lycaena : 15 1908. The Life-History of Lycaena antiacis Bpv., with other ‚Notes on other Species. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 476—483, 2 figg. 24 Gillmer, M. 57.89 Lycaena : 15.4 1908. Das Überwinterungs-Stadium der Raupe von Lycaena alcon F. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. &uben Jahrg. 2 p. 239—240, 1 fig. 22125 Gillmer, M. 57.89 Lycaena (403) 1908. Das ganz blaue 9 von Lycuena icarus Rorr. mit roten Randflecken = ab © amethystina m. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 1—2, 10-11. [2 nn. ab. 15. I. 1900. Lepidoptera. 244 22126 Ebert. 57.89 Lycaena (43.58) 1908. Lycaena argus L. (= aegon Scurr.) aberr. 9 caeruleo cuneata. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 169—170. 27 Preissecker, Fritz. 57.89 Lycaena (43.67) 1908. Lycaena corydon Popa ab. c" hafneri nov. ab. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (68)-(69). 28 Oberthür, C. 57.59 Lycaena (44) 1908. Description d'une variété française inédite de Lycaena bellargus Esper. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 23—26. [coelestis.] (44.61,.65,.71) 29 Latiers, H. J. H. 57.89 Lycaena (492) 1908. Lycaena coridon P. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 211—212. 30 Muschamp, P. A. H. 57.89 Lycaena (494) 1908. Aberrations nouvelles. Bull. Soc. lépidopt. Genève Vol. 1 p. 264. [4 nn. abb. in Lycaena.] 81 Vorbrodt. 57.89 Lycaena (194) 1908. Ueber die Variabilität von Lycaena damon Scurr. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 375. — Berichtigung von M. Groupen, Jahrg. 2 p. 30. 82 Kaye, W. J. 57.89 Lycaenidae 1908. On the Identity of Two South American Lycaenids. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 10—12. 83 Chapman, T. A. 57.89 Lycaenidae : 11.55 1908. A Mimetic Group of Indian Celastrinids (Cyaniris) and Everids. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LXXXI—LXXXIY, 3 pls. 22184 Nicholson, C. 97.89 Lycaenidae : 11.57 1908. The Colours of Blue Butterflies. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 26 p. 114—116. 35 Coolidge, Karl R. 57.79 Lycaenidae : 15 1908. Notes on California Butterflies. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 346— 348. [Life-history.] 36 Grund, Arnost. 57.89 Lycaenidae (43.94) 1908. Die Lycaeniden der Umgebung von Agram (Zagreb, Kroatien). Mit mehreren neuen Aberrationen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 66—67, 70—71, 78—79, 87—88. 37 Chapman, T. A. 57.89 Lycaenidae (54.1) 1908. Two New Genera (and a New Species) of Indian Lycaenids. Proc. zool, Soc. London 1908 p. 676—678, 1 pl. [.Notarthrinus n. g. binghami n. sp. Bothria n. g. pro Cyantris chennellii.] 38 Rebel, H. 57.89 Lycaenidae (67.8) 1908. Zwei neue ostafrikanische Lycaeniden. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (159)-(160). [Pentila parapetreia n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Axio- cerses. | 39 Manders, N. 57.89 Melanitis : 11.5 1907. The Climatal Changes of Melanitis leda. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 709—720. 40 Kettlewell, H. W. 97.89 Melanitis (54.3) 1907. Melanitis bethami in Pachmarhi. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1013—1015. 41 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Melanitis (9) 1908. Monographische Revision der Gattung Melanitis. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p, 80, 82—87, 6 figg. [32 nn. subspp. 9 nn. form. M. leda moluccarum n. nom. pro l. fulvescens FELD. non GUENÉE. (51.4, 52.9, 59.1,.8,.9, 66.7, 67.8, 91.1 — 929, 935, 936, 95, 96.1,.6) 22142 Tutt, J. W. 157.89 Melitaen 1908. Melitaea phoebe var. occitanica Stoar. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 105—106. 15. I. 1909. 245 Lepidoptera. 22143 Wheeler, George. 97.89 Melitaea 1908. Melitaea phoebe var. occitanica, Star. Entom. Ree. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 169—171. — by J. W. Torr p. 171. 44 Wheeler, George. 57.89 Melitaea 1908/10. The athalia Group of the Genus Melitaea. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 137 —142, 177 —182, 195—201, 221—227, 244—249, 267—270, 302— 307. — Vol. 42 p. 29—32, 54—58, 98—100, 119—115, 149—152. — Vol. 43 p. 8—11. 45 Joukl, H. A. 51.89 Melitaea : 11.5 1908. Nová aberrace druhu Melitaea athalia Rorr. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 25—27, 1 fig. [n. ab. jelineki.] 46 Skala, H. 57.89 Melitaea (4) 1908. Wieder einiges über Melitaea didyma O. Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 21 p. 237—238, 2 figg. [2 nn. abb.] — Berichtigung p. 268. [M. d. hoffmanni n. nom pro M. d. radiata Sxara non Arawzm, M. d. nigrita pro M. d. nigra Skara non Borxsrus.] (42.14,.72) 47 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Melitaea (403) 1908. Uber einige Färbungs- und Zeichnungsanomalien aus dem Genus Melitaea F. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 90—92. (3 nn. abb. [1 n. var., 1 n. form.] (43.3,.61, 44.94, 47.8, 494, 57.6) 48 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Minois (4) 1908. Neue paläarktische Satyriden. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 75—76. [2 nn. subspp. 1 n. form in Minois.] (43.64, 46.4, 47.8) 49 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Minois (54.6) 1908. Eine fiir Indien neue Satyride. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 10. [Minois actasa monocolus n. subsp.] —. Berichtigung. p. 29. [= Satyrus pimpla.] 22150 Gallardo, Angel. 57.89 Morpho : 15 1908. Invernada de las orugas de Morpho catenarius (Perry). Anal. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 64 p. 200—204. 51 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Myletus (9) 1908. Neue Lycaeniden. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 85—86, 91—92, 99—100. [13 nn. subspp. in Myletus.] (91.3, 94.3, 95) 52 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 Mylothris (67.6) 1908. Transition between Mylothris chloris, Fasr. and M. agathina, Cram. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. LY—LYI. 53 Stichel, H. 57.89 Neptis 1908. Noch einiges über Neptis hylas L. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 9. 54 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Neptis (5) 1907/08. Neues iiber eine alte Neptis. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 149—150, 159—161, 165—167, 174—176, 183—184. [12 nn. subspp. 4 nn. form.] — Zusátze und Berichtigungen zum Artikel: H. Fruustorrer. Neues über eine alte Neptis in No. 21 u. folg. dieser Zeit- schrift von H. Srıcast, p. 311, 325—327. (92.1,.4,.9, 91.1,.4, 921—929) 55 Poulton, E. B. 57.89 Neptis (69) 1908. On the Species of Neptis in the Islands to the E. and the N. W. of Madagascar. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XXXIII—XLII, 3 figg. (69.4,.5) 56 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Neptis (91.2) 1908. Eine neue Neptis von der Insel Saleyer. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 288—239. [Neptis hylas saleyra n. subsp.] 22157 Tutt, J. W. 57.89 Nymphalidae : 15 1908. A further Note on the Egg laying of Brenthis amathusia with some 15. I. 1909. Lepidoptera. 246 Remarks on the Hybernating Stage of the Argynnid and Brenthid Groups of Fritillaries, Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 226—297. 15.4,.6 22158 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Nymphalidae (4) 1908. Diagnosen einiger pal. Rhopaloceren-Formen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 22 p. 177—178. [13 nn. abb. in: Vanessa, Melitaea, Argynnis 7, Satyrus 4.] 59 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Nymphalidae (4) 1908. Zur Variabilität einiger Arten aus den Gattungen Pararge He. — Aphantopus Water. — Epınephele Hz. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 278—279. [10 nn. ab. in Pararge 5, Aphantopus, Epinephele 4.] (43.14,.15, 469.8, 48) 60 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Nymphalidae (403) 1908. Neue Argynnis und Melitaea. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 310—311. [3 nn. subspp. in: Argynnis (1 n. form.), Melitaea 2.} (47.8, 494, 495, 56.9) 61 Bird, J. F. 57.89 Nymphalidae (42) 1908. Notes from the Wye Valley: the Vanessids in 1907. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 36—41. (42.44,.45,.96) 69 v. Gadolla. 51.89 Nymphalidae (43.68) 1908. Die mitteleuropàischen, speziell steirischen Nymphaliden. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 325—329. 63 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Nymphalidae (5) 1908. Versuch einer monographischen Revision der Indo-Australischen Neptiden. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 240—412, 3 Taf. [Bunbi- sara calliplocama n. sp. (12 nn. subspp.). 62 nn. subspp. in: Rahinda 11, Acca 6 (3 nn, form.), Neptis 43 (4 nn. form.), Phaedyma 2 (1 n. form.).] (51.4, 52.9, 54.87, 59.3,.8,.9, 91.1,.3—929, 936, 94.1,.3, 95) 64 Matsumura, S. 57.89 Nymphalidae (52) 1908. Die Nymphaliden Japans. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 157—158. [2 nn. spp. in: Argynnis (1 n. var.), Neptis. 1 n. var. in Pyra- meis.] (52.1—.9) 22165 Moulton, J. C. 57.89 Nymphaliuae (81) 1908. The Collections of Wırrıam Joux BurcaeLL in the Hope Depart- ment Oxford University Museum. On the Lepidoptera Rhopalocera collec- ted by M. J. Burcaezr in Brazil, 1825—1830. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 165—195. |1 n. subsp. in Cystineura.] 66 Austaut, Jules Léon. 57.89 Oeneis (57) 1908. Notice sur quelques formes nouvelles ou peu connues du genre Oeneis. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 43—45. [O. germana n. sp. 1 n. var. 1 n. ab.] (57.1,.6) 67 Ribbe, C. 57.89 Ornithoptera : 15 1908. Bemerkungen über die Verpuppung von Ornithoptera urvillianc Gurr. Iris Bd. 21 p. 148—152, 1 Taf. 68 Laurent, Philip. 57.89 Pamphila : 1° 1908. Notes on the Early Stages of some Pamphila. Entom. News Vo!. 69 Skinner, Henry. 57.89 Pamphila (71.3) 1908. Pamphila manitoboides, Fırrcuer, and Pamphila sassacus, SCUDDER. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 220. 70 Briggs, T. H. 57.89 Papilio 1908. Papilio camilla Liwwaxmus (1764). Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 282 —9285. 71 Gauckler, H. 57.89 Papilio 1908. Papilio machaon L. ab. sphyrus Hr. — ab. asiatica Men. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 23 p. S8—89. 22172 Schultz, Oskar. 57.89 Papilio 1908. Papilio machaon L. v. fenestrella Cuno (1908) identisch mit Pap. machaon L. ab. dissoluta Scaurrz (1900). Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 147. 15. L 1909. 22173 78 79 80 22181 85 83 22189 247 Lepidoptera. Poulton, Edward B. 57.89 Papilio : 11.5 1908. Heredity in six families of Papilio dardanus, Brown, Subspecies cenea, SroLr., bred at Durban, by Mr. G. F. Lrıcu, F. E. S. Trans. entom., Soc. London 1908 p. 427—445, 2 Taf. Stichel, H. 57.89 Papilio : 11.57 1908. Merkwürdige Anomalien bei südamerikanischen Papilio-Arten. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 53 p. 198—201, 2 figg. [Zeichnungsano- malien.] Chapman, T. A. 57.89 Papilio : 15 1908. On the Egg and First-Stage-Larva of Papilio homerus, Far. En» tomologist Vol. 41 p. 97—101, 3 pls. Cuno, W. 57.89 Papilio : 15 1908. Weitere Beobachtungen über Temperatur-Einflüsse. Entom. Zeit- schr. Stutigart Jahrg. 22 p. 87—88. Cuno, W. 57.89 Papilio (4) 1908/09. Drei neue Varietäten von Papilio machaon. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 133—134, 3 figg. Zum Artikel über „Neue Papilio machaon L. — Varietäten von WirLiaw Rewer. p. 216—217. — Papilio machaon v. eoncavifasciatus C. Jahrg. 23 p. 14—15, 24, 9 figg. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Papilio (5) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Péle-Méle. IV. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart. Jahrg. 22 p. 72—183: (9 nn. subspp. 3 nn. form. in Papilio.] (51.4, 54.1, 59.1,.3,.8,.9, 921, 922) Rothschild, Walter. 57.89 Papilio (5) 1908. New Forms of Oriental Papilios. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 165— 174. [P. jonasi n. sp. 41 nn. subspp.] (51.2, 52.8,.9, 54.6, 59.1—.5, 91.1—929, 935, 95) Matsumura, S. . 67.89 Papilio (52) 1908. Die Papilioniden Japans. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 58—55. [4 nn. spp. in Papilio.] (52.1—.9) Rothschild, L. W. 57.89 Papilio (67.8) 1908. A New Papilio from Africa. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 249—250. [P. leucotaenia n. sp.] 2 Schultz, Oskar. 57.39 Papilio (7) 1908. Nordamerikanische Papilio-Formen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 92, 119. [5 nn. abb.] Skinner, Henry. 07.89 Papilio (79.4) 1908. A New Variety of Papilio philenor. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 149. [hirsuta.] Niepelt, Wilh. 57.89 Papilio (86) 1908. Neue südamerikanische Papilionen. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 208—210, 2 figg. [2 nn. subspp.] Seltene und bisher unbekannte 2? südamerikanischer Papilionen. p. 210—212, i fig. (86,.6) Niepeli, Wilhelm. 57.89 Papilio (86.6) 1908. Papilio zynias Hew. 9. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 12—13, 1 fig. Fruhstorfer, H. 97.89 Papilio (91) 1908. Neue PapilioRassen aus der eurypylus-Gruppe. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 222. [5 nn. subspp.] (51.2, 91.1,.4, 921, 922) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Papilio (91) 1908. Neue Papilio-Rassen. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 49—50. [8 nn. subspp. 3 nn. form.] (91.3, 925, 929, 95) Fruhstorfer, H. 97.89 Papilio (91.1) 1908. Zwei neue Papilio. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 319. [2 nn. subspp.] Waterhouse, G. A. 57.89 Papilio (94.3) 1908. A New Form of Papilio for Australia. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 118—120. [P. beatrix n. sp.] 19: I; 49095 Lepidoptera. 248 22190 Rebel, H. 57.89 Papilio (95) 1908. Papilio aegeus aegates Fruust. c? forma citrinus nov. ab. Verh. zool.- bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (80)-(81). 91 Grose-Smith, H. 57.89 Papilionidae 1908. Descriptions of Two New Forms of Papilio in the Collection of Mr. Grose-Swra. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 116. [2 nn. spp. in: Papilio, Parnassius.] (57.6, 95) 92 Pagenstecher, Arnold. 57.89 Parnassius 1908. Uber Parnassius phoebus F. (delius Esp.) var. styriacus Fruust. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 137—138. 93 Stichel, H. 57.89 Parnassius 1908. Die Lepidopteren-Gattung Parnassius LarreILLE mit besonderer Be- rücksichtigung der historischen, morphologischen und biologischen Ver- háltnisse. Berlin. entom. Zeitschı. Bd. 52 p. (15)-(25). 94 Stichel, H. 57.89 Parnassius : 11.67 1908. Hermaphrodit von Parmassius phoebus sacerdos. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr, Bd. 53 p. (23)-(24). 95 Calmbach, Viktor. 51.89 Parnassius : 15 1908. Zucht von Parnassius apollo ex ovo. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 236. 96 Hoffmann, Fritz. 57.89 Parnassius : 15 1908. Kleine biologische Mitteilungen über einzelne Schmetterlingsarten. Entom. Jahrb. Jahrg. 18 p. 150—155. [Parnassius mnemosyne.] 97 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Parnassius (4) 1908. Neue Parnassius-Rassen. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 2 p. 12. [4 nn. subspp.] Berichtigung p. 199. [P. mnemosyne craspedontis n. subsp.] (43.62,.64, 44.94, 47.8) 22198 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Parnassius (4) 1908. Neue Parnassier aus der mnemosyne-Gruppe. Intern. entom. Zeii- schr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 17—18. [3 nn. subspp. 1 n. form. P. m. verne- tanus n. nom. pro P. m. pyrenaica Verrry non P. apollo v. pyrenaica Harcourt, P. m. turatii pro P. m. ab. pyrenaica Turati non P. apollo v. pyrenaica Hancounr.] (43.14,.67,.94, 44.95) 99 Hoffmann, P. 57.89 Parnassius (4) 1908. Parmassius apollo ab novarae Ostu. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 387—388, 394—395. (43.72) 22200 Pagenstecher, Arnold. 57.89 Parnassius (43.42) 1908. Notiz über Parnassius apollo vinningensis Sricu. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 114—115. 01 Wagner, Arno. 57.89 Parnassius (43.64) 1908. Parnassius apollo in Südtirol. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 269—210. 02 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.39 Parnassius (57.6) 1908, Eine neue Parnassius-Rasse. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 51. [P. apollonius narynus n. subsp.] 03 Dixey. F. A. 57.89 Pieridae : 11.57 1908. Mimetic Parallelism in Five Genera of African Pierines. Trans. entom. Sóc. London 1907 p. LXX —LXXIII. 04 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Pieridae (402) 1908. Neue paläarktische Pieriden. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahre. 99 p. 50—51. [6 nn. subspp. in: Leucochloë 4, Euchloë, Colios.] (43.61,.63,.65, 51.1,.3, 56.9, 57.6) 22205 . 5. ls 57.89 Pieridae (47.4) 1908. Pieris-Varietäten beobachtet bei Bathen (Kurland) 1908. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 308—309, 342—343. 15. I. 1909. 249 Lepidoptera. 22206 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Pieridae (8) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Péle-Méle II. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 59. [Leptopholia cinnia n. sp. (3 nn. subspp.). 2 nn. subspp. in: Perrhybris, Pieris.] (84, 86,.6, 89) 07 Main, Hugh. 57.89 Pieris 1908. Some Notes on Pieris napi. Proc. London entom. nat. Hist. Soc. 1907—08 p. 16—19. 08 Harrison, A., and H. Main. 57.89 Pieris : 11.58 1908. Experiments in crossing British Pieris napi with Swiss Pieris napi, var. bryoniae. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. LXXXVII—LXXX VIII. 09 Harrison, J. W. 57.89 Pieris : 14.77 1908. Glands of Pierid Larvae. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 253 —254. [On the underside of the neck.] 10 Martin. 57.89 Pieris : 15 1905. Eine paläarktische Pieride mit exotischer Lebensweise. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 163—164. [Pieris brassicae in Smyrna | 11 Blaha, Eduard. 57.89 Pieris : 15.2 1908. Wanderzug der Kohlweisslinge. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 124. 12 Dixey, F. A. 57.89 Pinacopteryx (68.9) 1908. New Species of Pinacopteryx. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. LXY —LX VI. 13 Newman, L. M. 57,89 Polygonia : 15 1908. Life History of Polygoniac-album, imago. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1908 p. LXXXYIII—XC. 22214 Coolidge, Karl R., and Ewal J. Newcomer. 57.89 Pontia : 15 1908. The Life-History or Pontia castoria Reaxmr. Entom. News Vol. 19 15 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Pseudonotis (9) 1908. Neue Lycaeniden des Papuagebiets. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Gu- ben Jahrg. 2 p. 114. [2 nn. spp. in Pseudonotis.] (91.8, 95) 16 Adkin, Robert. 57.89 Pyrameis : 15 1908. Pyrameis cardui and the June Rainfall of 1906. Entomologist Voi. 17 Blumenthal, Nicolaus. 57.89 Pyrameis : 15 1908. Aus dem Sinnesleben der Falter. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 15—16. 15 Fruhstorfer, H. 97.89 Pyrrhogyra (501) 1908. Neue Pyrrhogyra und Uebersicht der bekannten Arten. Stettin. entom. Zeite, Jahrg. 69 p. 34—41. [P. stratonicus n. sp. 9 nn. subspp. 1 n. form.] (728, 81, 81— 86.6) 19 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Satyridae : 14.64 1908. Neues über die Copulationsorgane der Satyriden. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 191—123, 19 figg. 20 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Satyridae (4) 1908. Neue europäische Satyriden. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 93, 121. [4 nn. subspp. in: Satyrus 2, Eumenis 2.] (43.69,.96, 45.8, 46.8) 21 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Satyridae (403) 1998. Neue paläarktische Satyriden. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 95 —96. [4nn. subspp. in: Eumenis, Pararge 3.] — Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 9—10. [9 nn. subspp. in: Pararge 3, Eumenis 3 (1 n. form.), Coenonympha 3.] (43.64,.69, 44.48, 47.8, 494, 495, 51.7, 52, 57.4,.6) 22222 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Satyridae (5) 1908. Neue ostasiatische Satyriden. Entom. Zeitsehr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 127. [2 nn. spp. in: Ypthima. 1 n. subsp. in Lethe (1 n. form.).| (52.2, 59.9) 15. L 1909. 22223 22230 3: ~ 34 Lepidoptera. 250 Dampf, A. 91.89 Salyrus : 14.6 1908. Zur Frage der Artberechtigung von Satyrus hermione D. und S. al- cyone S. V. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 128—131, 2 figg. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Satyrus : 14.9 1908/09. Ueber ein neues Organ der Rhopaloceren. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 50, 2 figg. [Von unbekannter Bedeutung auf der Aussenseite des Abdomen.] — Ueber das Jurrırxische Organ der Rhopalo- ceren, von A. Dawrr. p. 77—78, 2 figg. [Sekundáres männliches Ge- schlechtsmerkmal, das keinen eigenen Namen verdient.] — von H. Fn. p. 94—99, 18 figg. — Neues über das Juzcrenische Organ, von H. Fm. p. 190 —191, 5 figg. Frulistorfer, H. 57.89 Satyrus (4) 1908.. Zwei neue Lokalrassen von Satyrus actaea Esp. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1,p. 351. [2 nn. subspp.] (494, 495) Oberthür, Ch. 57.89 Satyrus (4) 1908. Observations sur les Satyrus hermione et aicyone. Bull. Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 151—153. (44.46,.48,.59,.65,.73,.74,.75,.78,.81,.89,.91,.94,.97, 46.8, 494) Fruhstorfer, H. 51.89 Satyrus (403) 1908. Neue Satyriden des paläarkt. Faunen-Gebietes. Intern. entom. Zeit- schr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 358—859. [5 nn. subspp.] (43.36,.64, 51, 52.1,.4) Brants, A. 57.89 Satyrus (492) 1905. Nederlandsche Vlinders (Derde Serie van Srrr’s Nederlandsche In- secten. Afl. 1—2. s’Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff 8°. 17 pp., 2 pls. [Satyrus statilimus Hurn.] Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Smyrna (7) 1908. Neue südamerikanische Rhopaloceren. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 319. [Smyrna blomfildia datis n. subsp.] (72, 728, 76.4) Grinnell, Fordyce, jr. 57.89 Synchloë (79.4) 1908. Synchloé lanceolata, Borspuvar, with a Description of a Related Spe- cies from Southern California. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 71—73. [S. australis n. sp.] de Rhe-Philipe, G. W. V. 57.89 Talicada (54.8) 1906. Occurrence of the Butterfly Talicada nyseus, Guerin, at Khandala- Western Ghats. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. i7 p. 230. 2 Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Terias (91) 1908. Lepidopterologisches Póle-Méle. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 63—64. [Bemerkungen zu Faupers Terias-Typen. 3 nn. form.] (91.1,.2, 922) Le Cerf, F. 57.89 Thais (55) 1908. Description d'une variété nouvelle de Thais cerisyi Gov. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 21—22. [/ouristana.] Schultz, Oscar. 57.89 Thecla (4) 1908. Zwei neue Formen von Thecla spini Zenter, Entom. Zeitschr. Stutt- gart Jahrg. 22 p. 222—223. [2 nn. abb.] Dupont, L. 57.89 Thestor (65) 1908. Sur une variété de coloration du Thestor ballus F. Bull, Soc. en- tom. France 1908 p. 319—820. [n. var. crosi.] Rothschild, L. W. 57.89 Troides (91) 1908. New Oriental Papilionidae. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 1-4. [12 nn. subspp. 1 n. ab. in Troides.] (51.2, 91.1—.3, 921—925, 95) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Troides (91.4) 1908. Eine neue Ornithopterarasse von den Südphilippinen. Internat. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 39. [Troides rhadamanthus bazilani- eus n subsp.] 15. L 1909. 251 Lepidopt.— Hymenoptera, 22238 Pfennigschmidt. 57.89 Vanessa : 13.9 39 4t = 41 43 44 22245 46 4 -1 48 1908. Hitze-Experimente mit Puppen von Vanessa io und V. urticae. 55 —57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 64—65. Solowiow, Paul. 51.89 Vanessa : 13.9 1908. Zur experimentellen Pathologie der Lepidopteren. Zeitschr. wiss. Norris, A. E. 57.89 Vanessa : 15 1901. Life History of the Camberwell Beauty Butterfly. ( Vanessa antiopa.) Canad. Rec. Sc. Vol. 8 p. 345—349. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Waigeum (95) 1908, Neues über die Gattung Waigeum. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Gu- ben Jahrg. 2 p. 113. [2 nn. form.] 2 Schultz, Oskar. 57.39 Zerynthia (4) 1908. Über eine neue Lokalrasse sowie Abart von Zerynthia (Thais) polyxena Scmrer. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 79—80. [1 n. subsp. 1 n. ab.] (43.6, 496) Schultz, Oksar. 57.89 Zerynthia (403) 1908. Neue Formen der Gattung Zerynthia O. (Thais F.) Entom. Zeit- schr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 21 p. 266—268. [1 n. subsp. 10 nn. abb. 1 n. var. 4 nn. form.] (43.5,.91, 44, 46, 56.4,.6) Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Zerynthia (45.1). 1908. Eine neue Zerynthia. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 58. Fruhstorfer, H. 57.89 Zerynthia (47.8), 1908. Eine neue Zerynthia. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 16. [Z. polyxena thesto n. subsp.] XLIII. 59.57.9 Hymenoptera. (Vide etiam : 12029, 12044, 12076, 12078, 14389, 15429, 15430, 15450, 15475, 15477 — 15479, 15483, 15484, 15505, 15676, 15999, 16019, 16022, 16023, 16030, 16034, 16037, 16043, 16049, 16055, 16062, 16063, 16101, 16103, 16105, 18709, 18715, 18718, 18719, 18721—18724, 18726—18732, 18734—18736, 18738, 18741— 18743, 18754, 18756, 18758, 18761, 18762, 19383, 19418, 19420, 19459— 19458, 19460, 19461, 1946319465, 19467, 19468, 19470, 19415 —19478, 19486, 19488 — 19493, 19495—19198, 19500, 19504, 19508—19510, 19515, 19520, 19523, 19525, 19526, 19529, 19537, 19538, 19541, 19543, 1955919561, 19566 — 19368, 19570, 19571, 19575, 19578, 19579, 19581, 19583, 19585— 19591, 19595, 19598. - 19601, 19610, 19611, 19615, 19616, 19618, 19621, 19622, 19629, 19634, 19637, 19638, 19640, 19642.) Fabre, Paul. 57.9 : 11.45: 1905. Le venin des hyménoptères. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) T. 53 p.. 487—509. 57.92,.97—.99 Loyez, Marie. 57.9 : 14.65.1 1908. Les „noyaux de Brocumann“ et la formation du vitellus chez les. Hyménoptères. €. R. Ass. Anat. 10. Réun. Marseille p. 92—101, 3 figg. [Pseudo-noyaux (dans l’oocyte), finissant par se transformer en globules deutoplasmiques.] 57.98,.99 Mräzek, Al. 57.9 215.5 1908. Myrmekologické poznámky. I—IV. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 73—77, 139—146, 4 figg. [Gründung der Kolonien bei Ameisen. Solenopsia imitatrix bei Solenopsis fugax. Brachyp- tere Mermithogynen bei Lesius. Biologie der gemischten Strongylognathus- Tetramorium-Kolonien.]l 57.92,.96 Ulbricht, Alb. 57.9 (4) 1908. Ergänzungen zu Scauæpsknecurs ,Hymenopteren Mitteleuropas“ bezw. „Opuscula Ichneumonologica*. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 pe 356—358. 57.92,.97 15. I. 1909. 22250 52 53 54 22255 56 57 58 22259 Hymenoptera. 959 Kohl, Franz Friedr. 57.9 (403) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. AÁnxorp Desen und Euerıch ZEpERBAUER. Hymenop- teren. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 220—246, 2 Taf. [23 nn. spp. in: Pachycephus 2, Ophion 5, Alastor, Podalirius, Eucera, Anthrena, Dasypoda, Halictus (Vacnat) 5, Halictoides, Osmia 3, Crocisa, Nomada.] (46.85, 47.9, 56.1,.3,.4, 58.4, 61.1) 57.92—.99 Luff, W. A. 57.9 (42.34) 1908. ‘The Chrysididae, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae of Guernsey. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 4 p. 215—247. Speiser, P. 57.9 (43.1) 1908. Notizen über Hymenopteren. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 12 No. 2 p. 81—57. [Stylocryptus euxestus n. sp. Mycroeryptus albilarva n. nom. pro M. genalis Kargcus. non Briscuxe, Glypta papyri pro G. brischkei Darra-Torre non Horweren, Campoplex admontinus pro C. rufiventris STROBL non Tosuiner, Dolerus eutrofris pro D. carinatus Konow non ScHotrz.] (43.11,.12) 57.92,.93,.99 de Gaulle, Jules. 57.9 (44) 1906/09. Catalogue systématique & biologique des Hyménoptères de France. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 36 p. 137—141, 162—164, 178-- 180, 189—192. — Ann. 37 p. 9 —13, 34—36, 47—49, 72—76, 99—100, 118 —120, 114—145, 163—164, 185 —189, 213—215, 235—240. — Ann. 38 p. 18—20, 64—66, 79—82, 102—104, 120—122, 140—141, 183—184, 209—210. 234—235, 252—207. — Ann. 39 p. 46-49, 66—69. — Additions au catalogue des Hyménoptères de France par L. Carpentier. p. 200. 57.92—.99 Mantero, Giacomo. 91.9 (45.5) 1905. Materiali per una fauna dell’Arcipelago Toscano. IV. Isola del Giglio. Catalogo degli Imenotteri. Parte I. Ann. Mus. Stor: nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 40—86. [Pseudopezomachus n. nom. pro Ischnopus MarsHALI. non KrıscHBAUMER.] 57.92,.95—.99 Cameron, P. 91.9 (54) 1907. Description of a New Genus and some New Species of Hymenop- tera captured by Lieut-Col. C. G. Nurse at Deesa, Matheran, and Ferozepore. Joarn. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1001—1012. [18 nn. spp. in: Halietus, Andrena 2, Ceratina 3, Nomia, Megachile 3, Odynerus 2, Tropoxylon, Cerceris, Miscophus, Astatus, Paropheltes n. g.] (54,.5,.7) 57.92,.98,.99 Wickwar, 0. S. 57.9 (54.87) 1908. Hymenoptera New to Ceylon, with Descriptions of New Species: Spolia zeylan. Vol. 5 p. 115—122, 1 pl. [8 nn. spp. in: Mutilla 2 (1 San), Eumenes, Montezumia, Odynerus, Labus, Chrysis, Nomia.] Appendix to Mr. Wickwar's Paper by C. T. Ben. p. 122—124. [Podalirius wickwari n. sp.] 57.95,.97—.99 Magretti, P. 57.9 (6) 1908. Collections recueillies par M. le baron de Maurice pr Rorascaizn dans l'Afrique orientale. Insectes hyménoptères: Sphégides et Eva- niides. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 187—190. [3 nn. spp. in: Philantus (1 n. var.), Oxybelus, Palarus. 1 n. var. in Brachygaster.] (63, 67.6) 57.92,.97 Cameron, P. 57.9 (7) 1908. On some Undescribed American Hymenoptera chiefly from the Southwest of the United States. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 229 —246. [21 nn. spp.in: Ancistrocerus, Odynerus, Trachypus, Psen 2, Pemphre- don, Monedula, Plesia 4, Dimorphomutilla, Ichneumon, Pseudamblyteles 2, Ota- custes, Stiboscopus, Bathymetis, Eriborus, Pristomeridia 2. Stictoeryptus n. g. pro Cryptus fasciatipennis.] (728, 77.6, 78.8,.9, 79.1,.3,.4) 57.92,.97,.98 Cameron, P. 57.9 (728) 1905. On Some {Hymenoptera Collected by Prof. C. F. Baxe: in Nica- 15. I. 1909. 953 Hymenoptera. ragua. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 99—104. [8 nn. spp. in: Sphaerophthalma, Ephuta, Paratiphia, Tiphia 2, Mesostenoideus, Neleothymus, Eumenes.]| 57.92,.97,.98 22260 Cameron, P. 57.9 (73) 1905. On Some Hymenoptera (chiefiy undescribed) Collected by Prof. C. F. Baxer in Nevada and Southern California. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 120—132. [14 nn. spp. in: Ancistrocerus 3, Odynerus 2, Nortonia, Brasema, Erythrocryptus n. g., Campsoeryptus, Ateleophadnus n.g., Glypta, Lampronota, Cidaphurus, Banchus, Aneuclis, Orona n. g., Enytus n. el (18.8, 79.3,.4) 57.92,.98 61 Viereck. H. L. 57.9 (73) 1906/08. Notes and Descriptions of Hymenoptera from the Western United States. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 173—247. [62 nn. spp. in: Melanobracon, Dinotrema, Limnerium 2, Idecthis, Amorphota 4, Angitia, Pimpla 2, Campoplez, Ichneumon, Cryptus, Leucospis, Scelio 3 (2 Brues), Mutilla 6, Brachycystis, Elis, Notozus, Chrysis 5, Odynerus 5, Polistes, Crypto- cheilus, Nysson, Didyneis, Trypoxylon 2, Philanthus, Niteliopsis, Ancistromma 3, Tachysphex 3, Diodontus, Passalaecus, Crabro, Notoglossa 3, Oxybelus.] — Vol. 33 p. 981—409, 2 pls., 1 fig. [37 nn. spp. in: Eumenes 5, Crabro 4, Dorycto- morpha, Doryctes 2, Iphiaulax, Mutilla, Odynerus 16 (Maricopodynerus n. subg.), Pepsis, Gorutes 3, Phaenodus, Hedysomus, Nysson.] (74.8, 76.4, 78.1,.7,.8, 79.1) 57.91—.95,.97—99 62 Rohwer, S. A. 57.9 (78.8): 1908. Four New Hymenoptera. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 417—420. [4 nn. spp. in: Belomicrus, Crabro 2, Ichneutidea.] (78.2,.8) 57.92,.97 63 Bréthes. Juan. 57.9 (8), 1908. Himenöpteros Sudamericanos. Anal, Mus, nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 1—13, 5 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Zethus, Chrysis 3, Epistenia,. Iphiau- lax.] (82, 89) 57.92,.95,.98 22264 Cameron, P. 57.9 (801), 1902. Descriptions of New Genera and Species of American Hymenoptera. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 28 p. 369—377. [10 nn. spp. in: Glodi- anus n. g. Melanocryptus n. g., Cosmiocryptus n. g., Callicryptus, Jethsura n. g., Alyson 2, Nomia 2, Epeolus.] (12, 18.9, 81, 85) 6067-929799 65 Perkins, R. C. L. 97.9 (94.3). 1908. Some Remarkable Australian Hymenoptera. Proc. Hawaiian en- tom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 27—35. [5 nn. spp. in: Pachyprosopis n. g., Macroca- lymma n. g., Ischnocoelia n. g., Montezumia, Harpagocrytus n. e 57.92,.98,.99 66 Rechinger, Karl. 97.9 (9). 1908. Botanische und zoologische Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Forschungsreise nach den Samoa-Inseln, dem Neuguinea-Archipel und den Salomons-Inseln von März bis Dezember 1905. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien.math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 81 p. 197—317, 3 Taf. [Hymenopteren bearb. von: Fr. Konr. 12 nn. spp. in: Halictus 2, Nomada, Pison 2, Polistes, Paniscus, Ophion 4, Leucaspis. 1 n. var. in Larra. — Formiciden von G. Mayr.] (935, 95, 96.1) 57.92,.95,.97,.99 67 Tosquinet, J., Carlo Emery, E. André et J. Vachal. 57.9 (99) 1906. Hyménoptères. Result. Voyage Belgica Zool. Ins. p. 53—64. [Ichneumonidae et Braconidae par J. T. (2 nn. spp. in: Hemiteles, Meteorus.) — Formicidae par C. E. — Thynnidae par E. A. (2 nn. spp. in Thynnus.) — Apidae par J. V.] 57.92,.96,.97,.99 — (82, 83) 68 Aaron, S. Frank. 57.91 : 14.99 1908. Mechanism of the Ovipositor Drill. Scient. Amer. Vol. 99 p. 435, 5 figg. 57.92,.93 29969 Reuter, E. 57.91 (47.1). 1908. Nagra hymenopterocecidier. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 pe 64—66. 57.92,.93 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 254 22270 Cameron, P. 57.91 (54.6) 1906. On the Tenthredinidae and Parasitic Hymenoptera collected by Major C. G. Nusse in Kashmir. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 289—298. [6 nn. spp. in Rhodogastera, Dosytheus, Chalcis, Paniscus 2, Gaste- ruption.] 57.92,.93 71 Cameron, P. 57.91 (58.8) 1906. On the Tenthredinidae & ParasiticHymenoptera Collected by in Balu- chistan Major C. G. Nurse. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 89—107, 274—288. [49 nn. spp.in: Nematus, Onychia, Leucaspis 2, Dirrhinus, Mega- colus, Chalcis, Oncochalcis 2, Neochalcis, Etroxys, Sparasion, Helorus, Evania, Gasteruption 2, Dapsilotoma n. g., Curdiochiles 2, Chelonus 2, Macrocentus 2, Orgilus, Bracon 2, Vipio 2, Exetastes, Ophion 3, Nototrachus, Tranosema, Barylypa 5, Limnerium, Paurolexis n. g., Pimpla, Lassonota, Cryptus 2, Phaedrophadnus n. g., Mesostenus, Fileanta, Epyris.] 57.92,.93 72 Vaney, C., et A. Conte. 57.92 : 13.41 1908. Une nouvelle forme larvaire d'Hyménoptére parasite. ©. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 2 p. 629—633. [Parasite de larves de Mycé- tophiles.] 73 Brues, Charles T. 57:99 : 15 1908. The Correlation Between Habits and Structural Characters Among Parasitic Hymenoptera. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 123 H — 128. 74 Rudow, Fr. 57.92 3.15 1908. Die Schmarotzer bei Käfern. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 125 —126, 128—129. 22275 Silvestri, F. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza biologica degli Imenotteri parassiti. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 29—83, 2 tav., 62 figg. [Sviluppo dell’ Ageniaspis fuscicollis (Darm), parassita dell’ Hyponomeuta ma- linellus; Encyrtus aphidivorus Mayr., parassitizzata da Aphidius brassicae, Oophthora semblidis Aur., parassita della Mamestra brassicae.] 13.11—.3,.41 76 Swezey, Otto H. 575995505169 7:151 1908. On Peculiar Deviations from Uniformity of Habit among Chalcids and Proctotrupids. Proe. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 18—22. 77 Kirby, W. F. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.54 1908. Rhynchota and their Parasites in South Africa. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 193—195, 1 fig. 78 Pierce, W. Dwight. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.68 1908. Factors Controlling Parasitism with Special Reference to the Cot- ton Boll Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 315—323. 79 Pierce, W. D. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.68 1908. The Economic Bearing of Recent Studies of the Parasites of the Cotton Boll Weevil. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 117—122. 80 Berlese, Antonio. 97.92 : 16.9 : 57.72 1907. Osservazioni sopra un recente scritto relativo ad insetti nocivi all’ Olivo. Redia Vol. 4 p. 259—260. — Note dietologiche sulla mosca delle Olive pel G. MarreLui. {Osservazioni del Prof. Giacomo DeL Guercio.) p. 961—275. — Generazioni della mosca delle Olive pel Fro SILVESTRI. [Note ed Osservazioni del Prof. G. DeL Guercro.] p. 276—284. — Deter- minazioni dei parassiti. [Osservazioni del Dott. G. Paorr] p. 285—288. — Intorno alle note di dietologia degli imenotteri parassiti della mosca delle Olive e sul metodo „razionale“ di lotta dal Sırvssrrı. [Appunti di Anronıo BrrLEsE.] p. 289—328. 22281 Masi, L. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.72 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza degli insetti dannosi all’ olivo e di quelli che con essi hanno rapporto. Sul numero e sulla denominazione dei 15. I. 1909. 299 Hymenoptera. parassiti della Mosca delle Olive. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 185—194, 1 fig. [Dinarmus dacicida virescens n. subsp.] (56.8) 22282 Silvestri, F., G. Martelli e L. Masi. 97.92 : 16.9 : 57.72 1908. Sugli Imenotteri parassiti ectofagi della mosca delle Olive fino ad ora osservati nell’ Italia meridionale e sulla loro importanza nel combat- tere la mosca stessa. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 2 p. 18 —82, 36 figg. [Dinarmus dacicida (Mast) n. sp. 83 Fiebrig, Karl. 57.92 : 16.9: 57.87 1908. Biologische Daten aus dem Schmarotzerleben einer Braconide aus Paraguay. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 453—457, 10 figg. 84 Martelli, G. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza della Dieranura vinula L. e di alcuni suoi parassiti. Boll, Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 239—260, 12 figg. 85 Smith, John B. 97.92 : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. Notes on some Cecropia Cocoons and Parasites. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 293—297. 86 Loiselle, A. 57.92 : 16.9 : 57.93 1908. Sur l’éclosion tardive de certains parasites. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 213—214. 87 Heymons, Richard. 97.92 (43.15) 1908. Süsswasser-Hymenopteren aus der Umgebung Berlins. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 137—150, 4 figg. [Gyrocampa stagnalis n. sp.] 88 Cameron, P. 57.92 (54.7) 1907. On the Parasitic Hymenoptera collected by Major C. G. Nurse in the Bombay Presidency. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 578 —597. [28 nn. spp. in: Dissepyris, Coelochalcis, Euchalcis, Antrocephalus, Oncochalcis, Chalcis, Gasteruption 2, Evama, Iphiaulax, Chelonus, Pseudapan- teles, Disophrys, Metopius, Campoplex, Tarytia n. g. 4, Zaporus, Nototrachus, Xanthopimpla 2, Cratocryptus, Melcha, Friona, Fileanta, Eutanyacra.| 22289 Cameron, P. 57.92 (54.87) 1905. On the Phytophagous and Parasitic Hymenoptera collected by Mr. E. Ernest Green in Ceylon. Second Paper. Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 3 p. 98—145, 2 pls. [57 nn. spp. in: Melanichneumon, Hoplismenus, Haliphera- Aluina n. g., Deniya n. g., Tanyphatnus n. ge, Stictichneumon n. g., Buodias- Melcha 6, Friona 2, Fenenias, Skeatia 3, Bathythrix 2, Clitiga n. g. 2, Ear, rana n. g, Ophion, Pleuroneutrophion, Eniscospilus 6, Spitophion n. g., Panis- ‘us 3, Camproplex, Limnerium, Nototrachys, Ceatha n. g., Trichomma, Bassus- Rhorus, Epirhyssa, Theronia, Erythrotheronia n. g., Xanthopimpla 4, Philo- psyche n. g., Lissotheronia n. g., Charitopimpla, Lissopimpla, Tanera n. g. Lissonota.] 90 Brues, Charles T. 97.92 (73) 1908. Notes and Descriptions of North American Parasitic Hymenoptera. VI. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 48—56. [8 nn. spp. in: Anysepyris, Hoploteleia, Oxytorus, Promethes, Zootrephes, Syrphoctonus, Eni- zemum, Blacus.] (74.7, 76.4, 77.6, 78.8,.9) 91 Davis, G. C. 57.92 (7) 1897. Descriptions of New Species of Trigonalid&, Stephanidae and Ichneu- monide. Trans. Amer. entom, Soc. Vol. 24 p. 349—372. [84 nn. spp. in: Trigo- nalis, Megischus 2, Ichneumon 5, Hoplismenus, Amblyteles, Trogus, Platylabus 4, Eurylabus 3, Excolytus 10, Exochilum, Anomalon 11, Trichoma, Campopiex 2, Zachrasta, Casinaria, Habronyx, Ateleute, Pyrachmon 2, Omoborus, Canidia, Cremastus 4, Leptopygus, Exetastes 2, Ceratosoma, Orotes, Colpomeria, Pimpla 3, Polysphincta 5, Clistopyga, Glypta 5, Meniscus, Phytodietus, Cylloceria, Xylo- nomus.] (71.3, 74.2,.7—.9, 75.9, 76.4, 77.3,.4, 78.1,.3,.8, 79.6,.7) 22292 Brues, Charles T. 97.92 (73) 1908. Notes and Descriptions of North American Parasitic Hymenoptera. VII. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 154—163, 2 figg. [9 nn. 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 256 spp. in: Cephalonomia, Proctotrypes, Aphanomerus, Rosneta n. g., Bephratoi- des n. g., -Asaphes, Chrysocharis, Nesomyia, Cosmophorus.] (74.4,.7,.8, 76.4, 77.5, 79.2) 22293 Washburn, F. L. 57.92 (77.6) 1908. Three New Hymenopterous Parasites of the Cabbage Maggot. 12th ann. Rep. State Entom. Minnesota p. 192—196, 3 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Loxotropa (Brurs) Mesocrina (B.), Aphaereta (B.).] 94 Silvestri, F. 57.92 Ageniaspis : 16.9 : 57.82 1908. A proposito di certe osservazioni sulla tignola deil’ olivo. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 340—344. 95 Oudemans, J. Th. 51.92 Amblyteles : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. Amblyteles variegatorius. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. LIX—LXI. 96 Chitty, Arthur J. 57.99 Antaeon (42) 1908. On the Proctotrypid Genus Antaeon, with Descriptions of New Species and a Table of those Occurring in Britain. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 141—146, 209—215. [3 nn. spp.] (42.23,.57,.64) 97 Weissenberg, Richard. 57.92 Apanteles : 16.9 : 57.89 1908. Zur Biologie und Morphologie einer in der Kohlweisslingsraupe parasitisch lebenden Wespenlarve (Apanteles glomeratus (L.) Rema.) Sitz.- Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 1—18, 9 figg. 98 Howard, L. 0. 57.92 Aphelinus (73) 1908. Upon the Aphis-Feeding Species of Aphelinus. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 365—367. [2 nn. spp.] (75.7, 78.8) 99 Pierantoni, Umberto. 57.92 Aphidius : 16.9 : 57.52 1907. Osservazioni sul parassitismo esercitato da un imenottero su di un afide degli agrumi. (Aphidius aurantii n. sp. e Toxoptera aurantii Foxscot.) Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 19, 5 pp., 1 tav. 22300 Beutenmiiller, William. 57.92 Aulax (79.1) 1908. A New Cynipid from Arizona. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 45, 1 pl. [Aulax chrysothamni n. sp.] 01 Lounsbury, €. P. 57.92 Blastophaga : 16.1 1908. The Smyrna Fig and its Pollinating Insect. Story of the Blastophaga: mi oa at the Cape. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 561 — 56 9 D 02 Morley, Claude. 57.92 Bracon : 16.9:57 1908. Further Notes on the Hymenopterous Genus Bracon, Fas. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 269—270. 03 Morley, Clande. 57.99 Braconidae (42) 1908. Notes on British Braconidae — VI. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 125— 129. 148—150. 04 Howard, L. 0. 57.92 Braconidae (73) 1908. On two New Species of Parasites of Aleyrodidae. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 63—65, 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in Encarsia, Eret- mocerus.] 05 Szépligeti, V. 57.92 Braconidae (8) 1908. Braconiden aus der Sammlung des Ungarischen National-Museums. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 397—427. [29 nn. spp. in: Hormiopterus, Rutheia n. g.. Caenopachyella n. g., Binarea, Atoreuteus, Sigalphus, Microchelonus n. g., Chelonus 2, Phanerotoma 2, Baeognatha, Dio- phrys 5, Biroia 4, Dichelosus 3, Macroagathis n. g., Neomicrodus n. g., Micro- typus. 1 n. var. in Rhogas. Chelonella n. g. pro Chelonus part., Tritoma pro Ascogaster tritoma.] (43.91, 46.85, 65, 67.8, 81, 84, 88, 89, 91.1, 94.4) 06 Cameron, P. 57.92 Braconidae (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of New Species of Braconidae from Borneo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 687—694. [ll nn. spp. in: Vipio, Chelonus 2, Spathius 2, Stenophasmus, Disophrys, Agathis 3, Microdus.] 22307 Vassiliew, J. 57.92 Chalcididae : 11.62 1908. Ueber neue Fälle von Parthenogenese in der Familie der Chal- cididae. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 386—387. 15. I. 1909! 22308 09 10 11 12 13 22314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22323 257 Hymenoptera. Masi, Luigi. 57.92 Chalcididae (45) 1908. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Calcididi italiani. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 86—149, 45 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Encyrtus, Aphicus, Chalcis, Habrocytus, Pseudocatolaecus n. g., Prospalta 2.] (45.6,.73,.78—.8) Masi, Luigi. 57.92 Chalcididae (45) 1908. Sullo studio dei Calcididi con particolare riguardo alla fauna italiana. Boli. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 853--374. [l n. subsp. in Dinarmus.] Crawford, J. C. 57.92 Chalcididae (73) 1908. Some New Chalcidoidea. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 157—160. [6 nn. spp. in: Cerambycobius 3, Eutrichosoma, Zatropis n. g., Catolaccus.] (76.4, 77.1) Girault, A. Arsène. 57.92 Chalcididae (73) 1908. Descriptions of Three New North American Chalcidoidea ot the Subfamilies Mymarinae and Aphelininae. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 115—121. 13 nn. spp. in: Stichothrix, Prospaltella 2.] (75.3, 77.2) Cameron, P. 57.92 Chalcididae (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of Two New Genera and Species of Reared Chal- cididae from Borneo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 559—561. [2 nn. spp. in: Philopison n. g., Philolema n. g.] Cameron, P. 57.92 Chalcididae (91.1) 1908. On Two New Genera of Chalcididae from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 151—153. [2 nn. spp. in: Elemba n. g., Pentachalcis n. g.] Howard, L. ©. 57.92 Cosmocomoidea (75.9) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Mymaridae Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 68—70, 1 fig. [Cosmocomoidea morrilli.] Elliot, Ernest A. 57.92 Cryptinae 1908. The Brachypterous Cryptinae. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 34—36. Beutenmüller, William. 57.92 Cynipidae 1908. Notes on Hannr's Types of Cynipidae. Psyche Vol. 18 p. 9—11. Schmidt, Hugo. 57.92 Cynipidae (43.14) 1908. Zur Verbreitung der Gallwespen in der niederschlesischen Ebene. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 344—350, 2 figg. Mantero, Giacomo. 57.92 Cynipidae (45.1) 1906. Res Ligusticae. XXXVII. Materiali per un Catalogo degli Imenotteri Liguri. Parte IV. Cinipidi. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (8) Vol. 2 p. 415—467, 2 figg. Perkins, R. C. L. 57.92 Cynipidae (96.9) 1908. Synonomy of Hawaiian Cynipidae. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 10. Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.92 Dolichopselephus 1908. Note on the Genus Dolichopselephus, Asumeap. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 39. Girault, A. Arséne. 57.92 Encarisa (77.2) 1908. Encurisa versicolor Species novum, an Eulophid Parasite of the Greenhouse Whitefly, Aleyrodes vaporariorum Wesrwoon. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 58—57. Morley, Claude. 57.92 Eurhoridae (42) 1908. Notes on British Braconidae — VII. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 286 — 290. (41.96, 42.21,.27,.28,.58,.61,.64,.67) Schreiner, J. 57.92 Eurytoma : 16.5 1908. Eurytom« sp., ein neuer Feind der schwarzen Zwetsche und Rei- neclaude. Zeiischr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 26—28. [schreineri n. sp.] (41.8) Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII. 15. I. 1909. 17 Hymenoptera. 258 22324 Martelli, 6. 57.92 Eurytoma : 16.9 : 57.92 1908. Notizie sull’ Eurytoma strigifrons Tuoms., parassita dell’ Apanteles glo- meratus Rex. e delP Anilastus ebeninus Tuoms. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 261—264. 25 Ainslie, C. N. 57.92 Evania : 11.39 1908. Tenacity of Life in Evania urbana BranLer. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 17. 26 Cameron, P. 57.92 Evania (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of Two Species of Evania from Borneo. Entomolo- 27 Bradley, J. Chester. 57.92 Evaniidae (7) 1908. The Evaniidae, Ensign-Flies, an Archaic Family of Hymenoptera. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 101—194, 21 pls. [Semenorius n. nom. pro Semenovia Kierrer non Weısz, Semaeodogaster pro Brachygaster Sterpens non Leaca. 27 nn. spp. in: Foenus 5, Pammegischia 2, Interau- lacus n. g., Tropaulacus n. g., Pristaulacus 2 (Neaulacus n. subg.), Evanıa 2, Evaniella 2, Hyptia 7, Acanthinevania n. g., Zeuxevania, Semaeomyia n. g. 3. Szepligetella n. g. pro Evania sericea. Evania szepligeti n. nom. pro E. parva SZEPLIGETI non ENDERLEIN.] (71.1,.4, 72, 728, 729.1, 74.4,.7—.9, 75.3,.5,.8,.9, 76.4, 774,6, 78.1,.9, 79.3, 81, 88, 922, 94.4) 28 Kleine, Richard. 97.92 Habrobracon : 16.9 : 57.68 1908. Pissodes notatus F. und sein Parasit Habrobracon sordidator Rarzes. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 414—417, 5 figg. 29 Brues, Charles T. 57.92 Helorimorpha (74.4) 1908. The Occurrence of the Remarkable Braconid Genus Helorimorpha in America. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 363—364, 1 fig. [H. melanderi n. sp.] 22330 Howard, L. 0. 97.92 Hunterellus (76.4) 1908. Another Chalcidoid Parasite of a Tick. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 239—941, 1 fig. [Hunterellus n. g., hookeri n. sp.] 31 Gehrs, Clemens. 57.92 Ichneumonidae (4) 1908. Ueber ein paar Ichneumonidenarten. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 465—467. [2 nn spp. in: Ichneumon, Ctenopelma. 1 n. var. in Noto- pygus.] (43.64, 494) 32 Bignell, G. C. 57.92 Ichneumonidae (42.35) 1898/1901. The Ichneumonidae (Parasitic Flies) of the South of Devon. Rep. Trans. Devoash. Ass. Adv. Sc. Vol. 30 p. 458—504, 4 figg. — Vol. 33 p. 657—692, 1 pl, 5 figg. 83 Pic. M. 57.92 Ichneumonidae (44) 1908. Quelques Ichneumoniens des Alpes françaises. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 66—68, 134—135. [2 nn. spp. in: Ichneumon, Amblyteles (1 n. var.) 1 n. var. in Hoplismenus.] (44.97) 34 Pic, M. 97.92 Ichneumonidae (44.39) 1908. Ichneumoniens recueillis dans les Vosges en 1906. L’Echange Rev. Linn. Ann. 24 p. 3—4. [Platylabus pici n. sp. (BeRTHOUMIEU.)] 35 Cameron, P. 57.92 Ichneumonidae (54.1) 1907/08. On some New Genera and Species of Ichneumonidae from the Himalayas. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 7 p. 466—469. [2 nn. spp. in: Chlorojoppa n. g. Megatrema n. g.] -- Jahrg. 8 p. 37—44. [9 nn. spp. in: Ephialtes, Xanthopimpla 3, Pimpla 2, Glypta, Lissonota 2.] 36 Cameron, P. 57.92 Ichneumonidae (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of Two New Genera and Species of Ichneumonidae (Xoridini) from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 82—84. [2 nn. spp. in: Parazylophrurus n. g., Allostomus n. g.] 99337 Adler. 57.92 Inostemma : 16.9 : 57.71 1908. Beitrag zur Biologie von Inostemma (Platygaster) boscii Jur. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 306—307, 2 figg. [Parasit von Cecidomyia piri.] 15. I. 1909. 259 Hymenoptera. 22338 Kieffer, [J. J.] 57.92 Inostemma : 16.9 : 57.71 1908. Bemerkungen über ApLer’'s Beitrag zur Biologie von Inostemma boscii, Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 465—466. 39 van Leeuwen, W. 57.92 Isosoma : 14.3 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Metamorphosen. Die microscopische Anatomie des Darmkanals und dessen Drüsen von Jsosoma graminicola Giraup. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 11 p. 1—35, 2 Taf. 40 Webster, F. M. 57.92 Isosoma : 16.5 1908. The Joint-Worm. (Isosoma tritici Frrcu.) U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 66, 7 pp., 6 figg. 41 Ruggero de Cobelli. 57.92 Lissonota (43.64) 1908. Lissonota bivittata Grav. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 190. 42 Silvestri, Filippo. 57.92 Litumastix : 16.9 : 57.86 1906. Contribuzioni alla conoscenza biologica degli imenotteri parassiti. I. Biologia del Litomastix truncatellus (Darm.) (2 a) (Nota prelim.) Ann. R. Scuola sup. Agric. (2) Vol. 6 p. 1—51, 4 tav., 13 figg. 43 Phillips, W. J. 57.92 Lysiphlebus : 11.62 1908. Notes on Toxoptera graminum and Parthenogenesis of one of its Parasites. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 11—13. t 44 Webster, F. M. 57.92 Lysiphlebus : 16.9 : 57.52 1908. The Fashioning of the Pupal Envelope in Lysiphlebus tritici Asum. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 110—114, 1 pl., 2 figg. 45 Withington, C. H. 57.92 Lysiphlebus : 16.9 : 57.52 1908. Habits of Lysiphlebus sp. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 188 —140. 22346 Swezey, Otto H. 57.92 Melittobia : 16.9 : 57 1908. Further Notes on Melittobia hawaiiensis Perkins. Proc. Hawaiian entom. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 17—18. [Parasitic in Megachile, Sceliphron, Pison, Odynerus, Ereunetis.] 47 Crosby, Cyrus R. 57.92 Metapelma (73) 1908. Some Notes on Metapelma spectabilis, Westw. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 458—460, 4 figg. (74.7, 75.3,.5,.9, 79.1,.4) 48 Cameron, P. 57.92 Microgaster (89) 1908. Description of a New Species of Microgaster from the Paraguayan Chaco, South America. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 686. [M. cha- coensis. | 49 Frost, C. A. 57.92 Omphale : 16.9 : 57.68 1908. Notes on Attelabus rhois and Parasite. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 26 — 82. 50 Cameron, P. 57.92 Oxyura (41) 1908. On the Scottish Species of Oxyura (Proctotrypidae). — Part II. 51 Cameron, P. 57.92 Pachybracon (91.1) 1908. Description of a New Genus and Species of Braconidae from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 295—296. [Pachybracon n. g. fortipes n. sp.] 52 Cameron, P. 97.92 Palmerella (91.1) 1908. Description of a New Genus and Species of Cryptinae (Ichneu- monidae) from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 290—291. [Palmerella n. g. nigra n. sp.| 53 Cameron, P. 97.92 Paramblynotus (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of a New Genus and Two New Species of Parasitic Cynipidae from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 299—300. [2 nn. spp. in: Paramblynotus n. g.] 22354 Cobelli, Ruggero. 57.92 Pezomachus (43.64) 1908. Una nuova specie di Pezomachus. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 31—32. [P. roboretanus.] 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 260 22355 Kleine, R. 57.92 Plectiscus : 16,9 : 57.68 1908. Myelophilus piniperda L. und sein Parasit Plectiscus spilotus Förster. Berlin. entom: Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 150—156. 56 Smyth, Lumina C. Riddle. 07,92 Podagrion : 16,9 : 57.25 1908. Occurrence of Podagrion mantis in the Eggs of the Common Mantis. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 178—179. 57 Krieger, R. 57.92 Poemenia 1908. Wie Poemenia zu ungleichlangen Oberkiefern kam. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 174—175. [Durch einen Druckfehler in der Diagnosi.] 58 Chitty, Arthur J. 57,92 Proctotrypidae 1908. Notes on Scotch and other Proctotrypidae. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 99—102. 59 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. 57,92 Proctotrupidae (42). 1908. Some New British Myrmecophilous Proctotrupidae. Entom. Rec. Journ. Var. Vol. 20 p. 106. (41.32, 42.54,.81) 60 Kieffer, J. J. 57.92 Proctotrypidae (801) 1905. Nouveaux Proctotrypides exotiques conservés au Musée civique de Génes. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p, 9—39, 1 fig. [27 nn. spp. in: Dryinus, Goniozus (1 n. var.), Parasierola, Platyscelio n. g., Odon- toscelio n. g., Habroteleia n. g., Caloteleia 2, Macroteleia 2, Hoploteleia, Spara- sion, Scelio 2, Telenomus, Cinetus, Heteropria n. g., Odontopria n. g. 2, Hexa- pria n. g., Paramesius, Psilopria n. g., Clinopria n. g., Tropidopria, Diapria, Tropidopsis, Galesus, Bakeria, Pentapria, Prosynacra, Aneuropria nn. gg.] (66.99, 728, 89.6, 921, 95) 61 Silvestri, F. 57.92 Prospalta : 16.9 : 57.52 1908. Appunti sulla Prospalta berlesei How. e specialmente sui primi stati del suo sviluppo. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol, 5 p. 22—28, 6 figg. 22362 Cameron, P. 57.92 Psilosema (91.1) 1908. Description of a New Species of Parasitic Cynipidae from Kuching, Borneo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 588. [Psilosema rufipes n. sp.] 63 de Seabra, A. F. 57.92 Pteromalus : 16.1 1908. Sur un parasite de l’Altice de la Vigne. Bull. Soc. Portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 1 p. 189—191, 1 pl. 64 Semichon, L. 57.92 Sphecophaga : 15 1908. Note biologique sur le Sphecophaga vesparum Courts. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 79—81, 2 figg. 65 Enderlein, Günther. 57.92 Stantonia 1908. Neue Arten der Braconidengattung Stantonia. Stettin. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 69 p. 110—112. [3 nn. spp.] (69, 85, 921) 66 Crosby, Cyrus R. 57.92 Syntomaspis (74.7) 1908. A New Species of Syntomaspis (Chaleidoidea.) Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 48—44, 3 figg. [S. thalassinus.] 67 Howard, L. 0. 57,92 Tetrastichus : 16.9 : 57.68. 1908. The Importation of Tetrastichus xanthomelaenae (Ronp.) Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 281—289, 1 fig. [Parasite of Galerucella luteola.] 68 Ainslie, C. N. 57.92 Tetrastichus : 16.9 : 57.92 1908. Tetrastichus as a Parasite on Polygnotus. Proc. entom. Soc, Wash- ington Vol, 10 p. 14—16, 2 figg. 69 Girault, A. Arsene. 57.92 Tritneptis : 16.9 : 57.87 1908. A Peculiar Case of Parasitism with Hemerocampa leucostigma Hurm & Assor, with Description of a New Genus and Species of Pteromalidae. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 89—96. [Tritneptis n. g. hemerocampae n. sp. 22370 Crawford, J. €. 57.92 Zalophothrix (729.8) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Eupelminae Proc: entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 156—157. [Zalophothrix n. g. mirum n. sp. 15. L 1909. 261 Hymenoptera. 22371 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 1905/07. Chalastogastra. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 5 p. 249—828, 377—352 — Bd. 6 p. 193—208, 257—272, 401—416 — Jahrg. 7 p. 81—96, 177—192, 257—262, 417—422, 481—496. — Jahrg. 8 p. 49 —64, 113—128, 209--232. 72 van Rossum, [A. J.] 57.93 : 11.62 1908. Parthenogenesis bij bladwespen. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 50 p. L— LVL. 73 van Rossum, A. J. 57.93 : 11.62 1908. I. Parthenogenesis bij bladwespen. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. XXIX—XXXVII. — II. Larven van bladwespen. p. XXXVII— XL. — Ill. Voedings-proeven. p. XL—XLI. — IV. Proeven met kleurstoffen. p. XLI — XLII. 15.3 74 Zimmer, C. 57.93 : 15 1908. Gemeinsames Puppengespinnst von Blattwespen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 266—267, 2 figg. 75 van Rossum, [A. J.] 57.93 : 15.6 1908. Legwijze van bladwespen. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 50 p. LVIII—LIX. 76 Chittenden, F. H, 97.93 : 16.5 1908. The Rose Slugs. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Entom. Circ. No. 105, 12 pp., 5 figg. 77 Rohwer, S. A. 57.93 (1182) 1908. On the Tenthredinoidea of the Florissant Shales. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 521—530. [5 nn. spp. in: Neurotoma, Paleotaxonus, Pseudocimbex n. g., Fenusa, Dineura. Lisconeura n. g. pro Scolioneura vexa- bilis.] 22378 Rohwer, S. A. 97.93 (1182) 1908. The Tertiary Tenthredinoidea of the Expedition of 1908 to Floris- sant, Colo. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 591—595. [5 nn. spp. in: Schizocerus, Eriocampa, Nortonella n. g., Dineura, Tenthredo.] 79 Morice, F. D. 57.93 (42) 1906/09. Help-notes towards the Determination of British Tenthredinidae etc. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 17 p. 30—33, 79 —84, 130—136, 206 —910, 246—251, 4 fige. — Vol. 18 p. 21—26, 76—79, 141—145, 247—249, 1 fig. — Vol. 19 p. 95—102, 189—194, 260 —265 — Yol. 20 p. 71—74, 182 —184, 203—20t, 2 fige. 80 Morley, Claude. 57.93 (42) 1908. Field Notes on British Sawflies. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 172—177 189—192. 81 Kubes, Augustin. 07.93 (43.71) 1908. Příspěvek k znalosti fauny českých Hymenopter. Casop. české Spol. entom. Acta Soc. entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 15—17. [Beitrag zur Kenntnis der böhmischen Hymenopterenfauna. A. Chalastogastra.] 82 Lepri, Giuseppe. 57.98 (45.6) 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza degli Imenotteri tentredinei del Lazio. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 151—158. 83 Tullgren. Albert. 57.93 (48.5) 1908. Svensk Insektfauna. 13. Steklar. Hymenoptera. 4. Växtsteklar. Phytophaga. Entom. Tidskr. Ärg. 29 p. 141—220, 25 figg. (48.6— 8) 84 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 (51.5) 1908. Über die Ausbeute der Expeditionen der Kaiserlich Russischen Geographischen Gesellschaft an Blattwespen aus Tibet, 1893—1895 und 1899—1901. [5 nn. spp. in: sciopteryx 2, Allantus, Tenthredo 2.] 22385 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 (54.1) 1908. Neue Tenthrediniden aus Sikkim. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 19—26. [10 nn. spp. in: Clydostomus n. g. 2, Allantus 2, Ten- thredo 6.] 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 262 22386 MacGillivray, Alex. D. 57.93 (73) 1908. Blennocampinae—Descriptions of New Genera and Species—Synony- mical Notes. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 289—297. [37 nn. spp. in: Neo- pareophora n. g. 2, Neotomostethus n. g., Rhadinoceraea, Hypargyricus n. g., Isiodyctium, Periclista, Tomostethus, Monovhadnus 7, Paracharactus n. g., Neo- charactus n. g., Monophadnowes 10, Aphanisus n. g. 4, Blennocampa 6.) (74,.2,.4,.6,.7,.9, 75.6,.9, 77.3—.5,.7) 87 MacGillivray, Alex. D. 57.93 (73) 1908. Emphytinac—New Genera and Species and Synonymical Notes. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 365—369. [4 nn. spp. in: Cockerellonis n. g., Monostegia, Phrontosoma n. g., Strongylogastroidea. | Epitaxonus n. g. pro Taxonus albidopticus, Parataxonus pro T. multicolor, Polytaxonus pro T. ro- bustus, Monsoma pro Poecilostoma inferentia, Macremphytus pro Harpiphorus varianus.] (74.4,.7,.8, 77.7, 78.9) 88 Rohwer, S. A. 57.93 (78) 1908. New Western Tenthredinidae. Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16. p. 103—114. [16 nn. spp. Batroceros, Lycaota, Camponiscus 2, Pteronus 2, Pontania, Pachynematus, Pristiphora 2, Emphytus, Ta:conus, Rhogogaster, Schizocerus, Lophyrus 2 (1 Mac G. i. 1).] (78.2,.8) 89 Rohwer, S. A. 57.93 (78.8) 1908. Notes on Tenthredinoidea, with Descriptions of New Species, Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 175—180. [6 nn. spp. in: Huura 2, Cephaleia.. Emphytus, Hoplocampa, Lycasta.] 90 Rohwer, S. A. 57.93 (78.8) 1908. Some New Nematid Sawflies from Colorado. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 45—50. [7 nn. spp. in: Pontania 5, Pteronus 2.] 22391 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 (19.8) 1908. De Chalastogastris miscellanea. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. Si—93. [10 nn. spp. in: Arge, Pterygophorus, Pachynematus, Entodecta, Stromboceros, Probleta, Tenthredo 4 (1 n. var.).] (57.1, 81, 86, 79.8, 94.4) 92 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 (801): 1908. Neue mittel- und siidamerikanische Tenthrediniden. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 144—163. [29 nn. spp. in: Braunsiola 2, Tanyphatna, Sericoceros, Waldheimia 4, Stromboceros 17, Synaptoneura n. g., Probleta n. g. 3.] (59.1, 72.3, 728, 81, 84, 85, 86.6, 91.1,.4) 93 MacGillivray, Alex. D. 57.93 Acordulecera (73) 1908. New Species of Acordulecerinae (Hymenoptera). Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 168—170. [10 nn. spp. ] (74.2,.1,.8, 77.1,.3,.7,.8) 94 Konow, Fr. W. 57.93 Athalia (6). 1908. Ueber die bisher bekannten Athalia-Arten Afrikas. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. S p. 164—169. [5 nn. spp.] (67.2,.5,.7, 68.7) 95 MacGillivray, Alex. D. 57.93 Ceratulus (76.4) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Blennocampinae from Texas. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 454—455. [Ceratulus n. g. spectabilis n. sp.] 96 Meissner, Otto. 57.93 Cimbex : 15 1908. Die Entwicklungsdauer von Cimbex femorata L. (Cimbex betulae Zapp.) Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 132. 97 Meissner, Otto. 57.93 Cimbex : 15. 1908. Zur Biologie von Cimbex betulae Zano. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 1 p. 191—192. 98 Wanach, B. 57.93 Cimbex : 15 1908. Uber Cimbex betulae Zapp. Entom. Zeitschr. Stuttgart Jahrg. 22 p. 223. 22399 van Rossum, A. J. 57.93 Croesus : 11.62 1908. Mededeelingen over Bladwespen IV. Parthenogenesis der Croesus- soorten. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 267—270. 15. I. 1909. 22400 01 03 04 22407 08 09 10 dali 12 13 14 22416 263 Hymenoptera. MacGillivray, Alex. D. 57.98 Dolerus (73) 1908. New Species of Dolerinae. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 125—130. [10 nn. spp. in Dolerus.] (74,1,.2,.4,.7, 77.3,.6, 78.2) Fenner. 57.93 Lophyrus : 16.5 1908. Der Frass der Kiefernbuschhornblattwespe (Loph. pini) in den Waldungen des untern Main- und Kinzigtales der ehemaligen Grafschaft Hanau. Festschr. 100jähr. Best. Wetterau-Ges. Naturk. Hanau a. M. p. 118—139. Rudow, F. 57.98 Lyda : 15 1908. Einige Beobachtungen, das Leben der Blattwespengattung Lyda DEE Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 72—73, 50—81, 92— 93. Walden, B. H. 57.93 Pamphilius : 16.5 1908. The Peach Sawfly: A Correction. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 160. van Rossum, A. J. 57.93 Pristiphora : 11.62 1908. Mededeelingen over Bladwespen II. Parthenogenesis bij Pristi- phora fulvipes Fart. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 212—216. — III. Parthe- nogenesis bij Pristiphora betulae Herz, p. 228—232. Jacob, B. 57.98 Schizocera (494) 1908. Sehizocera eylindricum Troms. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 288—289. Houghton, €. 0. 57.98 Scolioneura 16.5 1908. The Blackberry Leaf-Miner. (Scolioneura capitalis Nortox.) Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 212—216. Cameron, P. 57.93 Selandria (91.1) 1908. Description of a New Species of Sawfly (Selandria) from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 124—125. [S. kuchingenesis.] Schultze, W. 57.98 Sirex (91.4) 1908. Notes on the Appearance of Sirex juvencus Linn. in Manila. Philip- pine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 299. Kleine, R. 57.98 Taxonus : 15 1908. Biologische Beobachtungen an Taxonus glabratus Fır. (agilis) Kre. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 66—68. Webster, R. L. 57.93 Taxonus : 15 1908. Saw Fly Larvae in Apples. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 310— 311. [Taxonus nigrisoina.] Cameron, P. 57.93 Tremex (91.1) 1908. A New Species of Tremex from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 33—34. [T. viridiceps.] Bordas, L. 57.94 : 14.77 1908. Sur quelques points d’anatomie des glandes venimeuses des Hy- ménoptères. Buli. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 136—140, 2 figg. 51:99:99 Edgeworth, F. Y. 57.94 : 15 1907. Statistical Observations on Wasps and Bees. Biometrika Voi. 5 p. 365—386. [Wasp’s excursions are longer in the middle of the day (30 minutes, 56 min. in another case) than in early morning or at approach of night (15 min.).] 57.98,.99 Baer, 6. A. 57.94 : 15 1908. Notes de voyage. Observations biologiques Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 105—10*. 57.96,.99 Butterfield, Rosse. 57.94 : 15 1908. Notes on Bees and Wasps during May and June near Bradford. Bradford scient. Journ. Vol. 2 p. 151—153. 51.98,.99 Hóppner, Hans. 51.94 : 15 1908. Zur Biologie der Rubus-Bewohner. II. Zeitschr. wiss. Insekten- biol. Bd. 4 p. 368—315, 6 figg. 91.90..99 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 264 22417 Clark, James. 57.94 (42.37) 1907. The Bees, Wasps and Ants of Cornwall. 74th ann. Rep: Cornwall polytechn. Soc. p. 92—130. 57.96,.98,.99 18 Schirmer, C. 57.94 (43) 1908. Verbreitungsgrenze mehrerer Hymenopteren. Zeitschr. syst. Hy- menopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 111—112. (43.15,.21) 57.95,.97 19 Schneider, J. Sparre. 57.94 (48.4) 1908,09. Hymenoptera aculeata im arktischen Norwegen. Tromsg Mus. Aarsh. 29 p. 81—160, 1 Taf. [1 n. ab. in Bombus.] 51.95 —.99 20 du Buysson, R. 57.94. (66.1) 1908. Voyage de M. René Cnupeau du Sud-Algérien au Tchad (1905— 1906. Bull. Sec. entom. France 1908 p. 131—135. [Labus chudeaui n. sp.] 57.95 —.99 21 Turner, Rowland E. 57.94 (94.3) 1908. Two New Diplopterous Hymenoptera from Queensland. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. 89—91. [2 nn. spp. in: Paragia, Euchalco- menes n. g.] 57.97,.98 22 Mocsäry, Alexander. 57.95 (6) 1908. Chrysididen von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika. Voeltz- kow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergeb. Bd. 2 p. 258—263. [3 nn. spp. in: Hedychrum, Chrysogona, Chrysis.] (67.8, 69,.4) 23 du Buysson, R. 57.95 (62) 1908. Révision des Chrysidides de l'Egypte. Mém. Soc. entom. Egypte Vol. 1 p. 1—99, 4 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Chrysis (Mocsary i. 1. 2 nn. varr.).] 24 Mocsäry, Alexander. 57.95 (68) 1908. Chrysididae in Africa Meridionali a Dre. H. Brauns Collectae. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 505—526. [21 nn. spp. in: Holopyga, Hedychrum 2, Chrysogona, Chrysis 17. 1 n. var. in Allocoelia.] (68.2,.7,.9) 22425 Cameron, P. 57.95 (91.1) 1908. Descriptions of Two New Species of Chrysididae from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 61—62. [2 nn. spp. in: Hedychrum, Chrysis.] 26 Turner, C. H. 57.96 : 11.8 1907. The Homing of Ants: An Experimental Study of Ant Behavior. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 17 p. 367—454, 3 pls., 1 fig. [Ants are not mere reflex machines, but self-acting, guided by memories of on- togenetic experience.] 27 Reichenbach, Heinrich. 57.96 : 11.8 1908. Der Ameisenstaat und die Abstammungslehre. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 126—147. 28 Forel, A. 97.96 : 15 1908. Konflikt zwischen zwei Raubameisenarten. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 445 — 447. 29 Viehmeyer, H. 57.96 : 15 1908. Zur Koloniegründung der parasitischen Ameisen. Biol. Central- bl. Bd. 28 p. 18—32. 15.6 30 Wanach, B. 51.96 : 15 190*. Beobachtungen an Ameisen. Berlin. entom. Zeitschr. Bd. 52 p. 220 — 228. 31 Wasmann, E. 57.96 : 15.1 1908. Zur Kontroverse über die psychische Fähigkeiten der Tiere, ins- besondere der Ameisen. Natur & Schule Bd. 3 p. 20—26, 80—89, 133— 142, 4 figg. 22432 Wasmann, E. 57.96 : 15.5 1905. Weitere Beiträge zum sozialen Parasitismus und der Sklaverei bei den Ameisen. (Zugleich 162. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen.) Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 257—271, 290—306, 321—333, 353—382, 417— 441, 726—731, 3 figg. (Rev. by W. F. Kirsyr. Nature Vol. 79 p. 51—52.) 15. T. 1909; 265 Hymenoptera. 22433 Acloque, A. 57.96 : 16 1908. Les fourmis sont-elles nuisibles? Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 55 p. 651—653, 4 figg. 16.5 34 Emery, C. 57.96 (403) 1908. Beiträge zur Monographie der Formiciden des paläarktischen Fau- nengebietes. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 165—205, 305- 338. 437 —465, 549—558, 663— 686, 52 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Camponotus (1 n. sub- sp. 3 nn. varr.), Stenamma, Aphaenogaster (4 nn. subspp. 2 nn. varr.), Messor 2 (4 nn. varr.), Epixenus n. g. 2. 3 nn. varr. in: Goniomma, Mono- morium 2.] (43.69, 45.8, 46.8, 495, 499, 56.4,.43,.8,.9, 61.1, 64, 65) 35 Santschi, F. 57.96 (405) 1908. Nouvelles Fourinis de l’Afrique du Nord (Egypte, Canaries, Tuni- sie). Ann. Soc. entom. France Vol. 77 p. 517—534, 12 figg. [7 nn spp. in: Ponera, Leptanilla, Oxyonomyrmex 2. Leptothorax 2, Plagiolepis. 2 nn. varr. in: Prenolepis, Campono! us.] (46.85, 61.1, 62) 36 Donisthorpe, H. St. John. 57.96 (42.1) 1908. Ants from Kew Gardens. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. IL 37 Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (469.9) 1908. Ants from the Azores. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 169—170. 38 Aurivillius, Chr. 57.96 (48.5) 1908. Svensk Insektfauna, Hymenoptera Gaddsteklar. Aculeata. Attonde Familien, Myror. Formicidae. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 29 p. 1—36, 27 figg. (48.6 —.8) 22439 Forel, A. 7.96 (54.87) 1908. Fourmis de Ceylan et d'Egypte récoltées par le Prof. E. Buenion. Lasius carniolicus. Fourmis de Kerguelen. Pseudandrie? Strongylognathus testaceus. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 44 p. 1—22, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Pseudolasius, Camponotus, Polyrhachis 2 (3 nn. varr.), Camponotus.] (48.6, 494, 62, 99) 40 Mayr, Gustav. 57.96 (6) 1907. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft "Ter, unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. F. Wxrner’s nach dem ägyp- tischen Sudan und nach Nord Uganda. XI. Liste der von Dr. Franz Werner am oberen Nil gesammelten Ameisen nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 387—392. [Cremastogaster werneri n. sp.] (62, 67.6) 41 von Schulihess Rechberg, [Ant.] 97.96 (6) 1907. Vespiden von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 63—92. [10 nn. spp. in: Lep- togenys, Oligomyrmex, Monomorium, Cremastogaster (1 n. subsp. 2 nn. varr.,) Pheidole (1 n. subsp.), Cataulacus, Tapinoma 2, Plagiolepis, Prenolepis (1 n. subsp. 1 n. var). 6 nn. varr. in: Platythyrea, Tetramorium, Technomyrmex, Camponotus 3.] (63, 67.6, 68.2, 69,.4,.5) 42 Mayr, Gustav. 97.96 (61.2) 1905. Ameisen aus Tripolis und Barka. Gesammelt von Dr. Bruno Krar- rocz. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 415 —418. 43 Emery, C. 91.96 (67.5) 1908. Descriptions d'un genre nouveau et de plusieurs formes nouvelles de Fourmis du Congo. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 184—189, 2 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Dicroaspisn.g, Tetramorium (1 n. subsp.), Tapinoma, Cam- ponotus.] 22444 Wheeler, William Morton. 97.96 (72) | 1908. Ants collected by Prof. F. Sırveseer in Mexico. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 228 —238. [4 nn. spp. in: Leptogenys, Phei- dole, Megalomyrmex, Rhizomyrma. 2 nn. varr. in: Eciton, Cremastogaster.] (72.6,.7, 728) 15. I. 1909. 22445 46 48 49 22450 ol 53 54 22456 Hymenoptera. 266 Forel, A. 57.96 (728) 1908. Fourmis de Costa-Rica récoltées par M. Paur Brorrxv. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 44 p. 35—72. [9 nn. spp. in: Odontomachus (1 n. var.) Ectatomma (1 n. subsp.), Strumigenys, Solenopsis, Pheidole 2 (4 nn. sub- spp. 4 nn. varr.), Dolichoderus, Tapinoma (1 n. var.), Prenolepis (5 nn. subspp. 1 n. var). 1 n. subsp. in Atta (1 n. var.) 5 nn, varr. in: Anochetus, Azteca 2, Myrmecocystus, Camponotus.] Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (729) 1908. The Ants of Porto-Rico and the Virgin Islands. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 117—158, 2 pls., 4 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Cardiocon- dyla, Pheidole (1 n. var.), Macromischa 2, Iridomyrmex (1 n. var). 1 n. subsp. in Myrmelachista. 2 nn. varr. in: Solenopsis 2, Strumigenys.] (729.5,.7) Wheeler, William Morton. 97.96 (729.2) 1908. The Ants of Jamaica. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 159 —163. [1 n. subsp. in Pheidole. 3 nn. varr. in: Cremastogaster, Rhopalothrix, Camponotus ] Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (73) 1908. Honey Ants, with a Revision of the American Myrmecocysti. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 345—397, 28 figg. [5 nn. subspp. 2 nn. varr.] (76.4, 78.8—79.1,.4) Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (73) 1908. The Ants of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Buli. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 399—485, 2 pls. [22 nn. spp. in: Eciton 2, Solenop- sis 3, Pheidole 16 (5 nn. subspp. 3 nn. varr.), Cremastogaster (1 n. var.).] (76.4, 78.9, 79.1) Wheeler, William Morton, 57.96 (74.1) 1908. The Ants of Casco Bay, Maine, with Observations on Two Races of Formica sanguinea Larreizze. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 619—645. [l n. var. in Formica.] Forel, A. 57.96 (801) 1908. Ameisen aus Sao Paulo (Brasilien), Paraguay etc. Gesammelt von Prof. Herm. v. InerInG, Dr. Lurz, Dr. Fresrie etc. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p 310—418, 2 figg. [28 nn. spp. in: Ponera 2, Acan- thostichus, Eciton, Atta 2 (3 nn. varr.), Wasmanma 2, Ochetomyrmex, Sole- nopsis 2 (2 nn. subspp. 1 n. var.), Cremastogaster 2 (1 n. subsp. 1 n. var.), Pheidole 7 (1 n. subsp. 5 nn. var.), Pseudomyrma (1 n. var.), Azteca (1 n. subsp. 3 nn. varr.) (1 Emery), Myrmelachista (1 n. var.), Brachymyrmex (1 n. var), Camponotus 4 (8 nn. subspp. 3 nn. varr. C. bellus n. nom. pro C. ornatus For. non C. sexguttatus var. ornata Ew.) 6 nn. subspp. in: Pro- eryptoceros (1 n. var.), Cryptocerus, Iridomyrmex (1 n. var), Dorymyrmex (1 n. var.), Prenolepis. 5 nn. varr. in: Ectatomma 3, Pseudomyrma, Tapinoma.] (72.3, 729.1, 81, 89) Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (96.2) 1908. Ants from Moorea, Society Islands. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 165—167. [Plagiolepis mactavishi n. sp.] Wheeler, William Morton. 57.96 (96.9) 1908. Ants collected by Prof. F. Sirvesrri in the Hawaiian Islands. Boll. Lab. zool. gen. agrar. Portici Vol. 3 p. 269—272. [Cerapachys silvestrii n. sp.] Luja, Eduard. 57.96 Anomma : 15 1907. Uber die Treiberameise. Monatsber. Ges. Luxemburg. Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 1 p. 91—93. Huber, Jacques. 57.96 Atta : 15.5. 1908. A origem das colonias de Saüba (Atta sexdens). Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para Vol. 5 p. 223—241. Pricer, John Lossen. 57.96 Camponotus : 15 1908. The Life History of the Carpenter Ant. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 177 15. I. 1909. 267 Hymenoptera. —218, 7 figg. [Colonies’ life history. Polymorphism. Food. Light and colour relations. Instincts and Intelligence.] 1511884 22457 Schleip, Waldemar; 57.96 Formica : 13.11 1908. Die Richtungskérperbildung im Ei von Formica sanguinea. Lool.. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 651—680, 2 Taf. 58 Newell, Wilmon. 57.96 Iridomyrmex : 16.5 1908. Notes on the Habits of the Argentine or „New Orleans“ Ant. Iridomyrmex humilis Mays. Journ, econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 21—84. 59 Foster, E. 57.96 Iridomyrmex (76.3) 1908. The Introduction of Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr) into New Orleans. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 289—293. 60 Emery, C. 57.96 Lasius 1908. Remarques sur les observations de M. de Lannoy touchant l'existence de Lasius mixtus dans les fourmiliéres de Lasius fuliginosus. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 182—183. 61 Forel, A. 57.96 Lasius 1908. Lettre à la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Ann. Soc. entom.. Belg. T. 52 p. 180—181. [Sur Lasius fuliginosus et mictus.| 62 Janet, Charles. 57.96 Lasius : 14 1907. Anatomie du corselet et histolyse des muscles vibrateurs, aprós le vol nuptial, chez la reine de la fourmi (Lasius niger) Limoges, Ducour- tieux & Gout 8?, 149 pp., 13 pls., 41 figg. 63 de Lannoy, F. 57.96 Lasius : 15: 1908. Notes sur le Lasius niger et le Lasius fuliginosus. Ann. Soc. en- tom. Belg. T. 52 p. 47—53. 15.6 64 de Lannoy, F. 57.96 Lasius : 15. 1908. Observations sur les Fourmis. Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 313—319. [Défense des Lasius niger contre des araignées myrmécophages ; nourriture des larves; curieuse émigration estivale d'une fourmilière.] 15.3 22465 Linder, Ch. 57.96 Lasius 2 15 1908. Observations sur les Fourmilières-boussoles. Bull. Soc. vaud. Sc. nat. (5) Vol. 44 p. 303—310, 6 figg. — p. VIII—IX. 66 Zimmer, €. 57.96 Lasius : 15.6: 1908. Nest von Lasius fuliginosus Lrr. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 229—230, 2 figg. 67 Emery, C. 57.96 Myrmecocystus 1908. Myrmecocystus viaticus et formes voisines. Bull. Soc. vaud. nat. Sc. (5) Vol. 44 p. 213—217, 4 figg. [Réponse à Mr. Forrr.]. — Remarque sur la réponse de M. le prof. Emery, par Ave. Forez. p. 218. 68 Wheeler, W. M. 57.96 Myrmica (74.4) 1908. A European ant (Myrmica levinodis) Introduced into Massachusetts.. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 337—339. 69 Burrill, A. C. 57.96 Polyergus : 15 1908. A Slave-Making-Foray of the Shining Amazon (Polyergus lucidus: Mayr.) Journ. N. Y. entom. Soc. Vol. 16 p. 144—151. 70 Assmuth, J. 57.96 Prenolepis : 15 1908. Einige Notizen über Prenolepis longicornis Larr. Zeitschr. wiss.. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 301—309, 328—334, 357—308. 15.3,.5,.6 71 Emery, Carlo. 57.96 Sifolinia (45.5) 1907. Una formica nuova italiana spettante ad un nuovo genere. Rend. Accad. Sc. Bologna N. S. Vol. 11 p. 49—51, 3 figg. [Sifolinia n. g. laurae li. sp.] 22472 Hilbert, R. 57.96 Tetramorium : 15 1908. Zur Biologie von Tetramorium caespitum L. Zeitschr. wiss. In- sektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 308. [An einer Leiche gefunden.] 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 268 22473 Latter, Oswald H. 57.97 : 15 1908. Fossorial Hymenoptera. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 26 — 35. — Rem. by A. E. Jounson. p. 270—271. 74 Hóppner, Hans, 57.97 : 15.6 1908. Zur Biologie der Rubus-Bewohner. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 176—180, 6 figg. 75 Bequaert, J. 91.97 (493) 1908. Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis onzer Hymenopterenfauna. Handl. vlaamsch. nat.-geneesk. Congr. 1908 p. 212—214. 76 Turner, Rowland E. 57.97 (8) 1908. Notes on the Thynnidae, with remarks on some aberrant genera of the Scoliidae. [13 nn. spp. in: Thynnus 2, Telephoromyia 3, Scotaena, Pseudelaphroptera, Elaphroptera 3, Eirone, Anthobosca 2.] (68.4, 82, 84, 85, 87, 91.4, 94.2,.4) 77 Kohl, Franz Friedr. 57.97 Ammophila (403) 1906. Die Hymenopterengruppe der Sphecinen. III. Monographie der Gattung Ammophila W. Kirsy (sens. lat. = Ammophilinae Asumeap.) Ab- teilung A. Die Ammophilinen der paläarktischen Region. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd, 21 p. 228—382, 7 Taf. 5 figg. [4 nn. spp.] (46.4, 51.9,.7, 61.1) 78 Barth, George P. 57.97 Anacrabo : 15.6 1908. The Nesting of Anacrabro ocellatus Pack. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 147—153, 3 pls., 4 figg. 79 Schuster, Wilh. 57.97 Bembex : 15 1908. Aufzeichnungen über Bembex rostrata, die grösste deutsche Mordwespe. Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 124—126. 80 Johnson, S. A., and S. A. Rohwer. 97.97 Bembicidae (73) 1908. Colorado Bembicidae. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 373—380. [2 nn. spp. in: Bembidula, Bembex. 3 nn. spp. in Microbembex. Also from Texas and New Mexico.] (76.4, 78.8,.9) ‘22481 Mally, C. W. 57.97 Crabronidae : 16.5 1908. Bee Pirates. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 33 p. 206—213, 4 figg. 82 Rohwer, S. A. 57.97 Crabronidae (73) 1908. New Philanthid Wasps. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 322—327. [6 nn. spp. in: Cerceris 5, Eucerceris Ccxu. and RI (78.8—79.1) 83 Rohwer, S. A. 57.97 Crabronidae (78) 1908. Some Crabronidae from Colorado and New Mexico. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 245—259. [11 nn. spp. in Crabro 10, Rhopalum.] (18.8,.9) 84 Rohwer, S. A., and T. D. A. Cockerell. 57.97 Crabronidae (78.9) 1908. Some Oxybeline Wasps from New Mexico. Entom, News Vol. 19 p. 179—180. [2 nn. spp. in Oxybelus.] 85 Cameron, P. 57.97 Crabronidae (91.1) 1908. On Three Undescribed Fossorial Hymenoptera (Crabro and Psen) from Borneo. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 242—243. 86 Rohwer, S. A. 57.97 Larridae (78.8) 1908. Some Larrid Wasps from Colorado. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 220 —224. [3 nn. spp. in Tachysphex (1 n. var.).] 87 Rohwer, S. A. 57.97 Mellinus (1182) 1908. A Fossil Mellinid Wasp. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 596. [Mellinus handlirschi n. sp.] 88 Smith, Harry S. 57.97 Mellinus (77.2) 1908. A New Mellinus. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 299—300. [M. wolcotti n. sp.] 22489 Magretti, Paul. 57.97 Mutilla (66.3) 1908. Un Mutillide nouveau d’Afrique. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 175—176. [Mutilla ilgiformis n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. 269 Hymenoptera. 22490 Qudemans, J. Th. 57.97 Mutillidae : 15 1908. Over inlandsche Mutillidae. Tijdschr. Entom. D. 51 p. LVII — LIX. 91 Qudemans, J. Th. 57.97 Mutillidae (492) 1908. Onze Nederlandsche Mutillidae. Entom. Berichten D. 2 p. 243 —8£493. 92 André, Ernest. 57.97 Mutillidae (6) 1907/08. Description d’especes nouvelles de Mutillides, appartenant au Museum d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 7 p. 337—352. [10 nn. spp. in: Dasylabris, Liomutilla n. g., Mu- tilla 3, Ephuta 5.] — Jahrg. 8 p. 14—18. [2 nn. spp. in Mutilla.] (66.3, 67.8, 69) 93 André, Ernest. 57.97 Mutillidae (6) 1908. Especes nouvelles de Mutillides africains faisant partie des collec- tions du Musée zoologique de Berlin. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 65—80, 129—137. [19 nn. spp. in: Dasylabroides, Odontomu- tilla 2, Dolichomutilla, Barymutilla 2, Mutilla 10, Psammotherma, Dasylabris, Stenomutilla.] (66.7,.99, 67.1,.6—.,7,.8, 68.7) 94 André, Ernest. 57.97 Mutillidae (68.2) 1908. Description de deux nouvelles espèces de Mutillides du Trans- vaal. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 468—470. [2 nn. spp. in: Odon- tomutilla, Mutilla.] 95 Baker, C. F. 57.97 Mutillidae (73) 1905. New Western Mutillidae. — I. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 93—99. [5 nn. spp. in Odontophotopsis — II. p. 111—119. [13 nn. spp. in: Pho- topsis 9, Chyphotes 4.] (76.4, 79.3,.4) 96 Cockerell, T. D. A., and S. A. Rohwer. 57.97 Mutillidae (78.8) 1908. Two New Mutillidae from Colorado. Psyche Vol. 18 p. 4—5. [2 nn. spp. in: Ephuta, Photopsis.] 22497 André, Ernest. 57.97 Mutillidae (8) 1908. Description de quelques nouveaux Mutillides du Musée National de Hongrie. Ann. hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 375— 383. [7 nn. spp. in: Barymutilla, Mutilla, Rhoptromutilla, Sphinctomutilla 2, Trau- matomutilla, Photopsis (1 n. var.).] (62.9, 63, 81, 82, 89) 98 Cameron, P. 57.97 Paratiphia (79) 1905. Descriptions of New Species of Tiphiidae from Nevada and South California. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 105—109. [6 nn. spp. in P.] (19.3,.4) 99 Turner, €. H. 57.97 Pelopoeus : 11.8 1908. The Homing of the Mud-Dauber. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 215—225. [Evidence of existence of memory. Way home is found by utilizing landmarks. Promient role of light in furnishing such landmarks.] 22500 Rohwer, S. A. 57.97 Pison (1182) 1908. A Fossil Larrid Wasp. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 519—520. [Pison cockerellae n. sp.] 01 Zavattari, Edoardo. 57.97 Podium (86.6) 1908. Di una nuova e di alcune controverse specie del gen. Podium Farr. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23 No. 593, 6 pp. LP o^ n. Sp.] 02 Tucker, E. S. 57.97 Proterosphex : 15 1908. Wasp Storing Katykids in a Well. Journ. econ. Entom. Vol. 1 p. 940—341. [Proterosphex pennsylvanica.] 22508 Cameron, P. 57.97 Pseudagenia (54.1) 1968. A New Pseudagenia from Sikkim. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 88—389. [P. bidens n. sp.] 18. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 270 22504 Turner, Rowland E. 57.97 Scoliidae (6) 1908. Additions to the Hymenopterous Genera Myzine and Plesia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 497—514. [15 nn. spp. in: M. 4 P. 11.] (51, 59.1, 66.53, 67.9, 68.2,.0,.9, 69, 81, 82) 05 Smith, Harry Scott. 97.97 Sphegidae (78.2) 1908. 'The Sphegidae of Nebraska. Univ. Stud. Nebraska Vol. 8 p. 323 —410, 1 pl. [14 nn. spp. in: Brachystegus, Nysson, Hoplisus, Pseudoplisus, Philanthus, Cerceris 3, Mimesa 3, Crabro, Oxybelus 2. Sphex cressoni n. nom. pro Sph. collaris Cresson non LixxAkvs.] 06 Turner, Rowland E. 57.97 Sphegidae (94) 1908. Notes on the Australian Fossorial Wasps of the Family Sphegidae, with Descriptions of new Species. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 457 —535, 1 pL, 6 figg. [82 nn. spp. in: Stigmus, Harpactophilus 4, Ammo- phila 2, Sphex 2, Cerceris 4, Larra 2, Notogonia 8, Tachytes 3, Tachysphex 10, Zoyphium 4, Gorytes 6, Bembex 2, Nysson 2, Nitela 2, Pison 13, Trypoxylon, Crabro 15. Sphex wallacei n. nom. pro Sph. nitidiventris Sm. non SrinorA.] (94.1—.3,.5) 07 Beadnell, C. B. 57.97 Sphex : 15 1906. The Sand Wasp (Sphex lobatus.) Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 546. 08 Handlirsch, Anton. 57.97 Stizus (65) 1908. Kleiner Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Grabwespengattung Stizus Larter. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 240—244. St. fertoni n. sp.] 09 Turner, Rowland E. 57.97 Thynnidae (94) 1908. A Revision of the Thynnidae of Australia. (Hymenoptera.) Part II. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 33 p. 70—256. [75 nn. spp. in: Thynnus 72, Tachynomyia, Rhytidogaster 2, Phymatothynnus, Glaphyro- thynnus, Macrothynnus nn. subgg.] (94.1—.5) 22510 Turner, Rowland E. 57.97 Tiphia (9) 1908. Remarks on the Hymenopterous Genus Tiphia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 116 —131. [8 nn. spp.] (51.5, 55, 59.5, 68.8,.9, 81, 82) 11 Cameron, P. 57.97 Tiphia (7) 1906. New Species of Tiphia Collected by Prof. C. F. Baxer in Nevada and Nicaragua. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 156—159. [4 nn. spp.] (728, 79.3) 12 Andre, Ernest. 57.97 Traumatomutilla (82) 1908. Une nouvelle espèce de Mutillide de la République Argentine. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p 230—231. [Traumatomutilla bruchi.) 13 du Buysson, R. 57.98 (6) 1908. Hyménoptères nouveaux d’Afrique. Bull. Soc. entom. France 1908 p. 64—65. {2 nn. spp. in: Polistes, Belonogaster.] (66.3, 67.2,.6) 14 Cameron, P. 57.98 (7) 1905. On New Vespidae Collected by Prof. C. F. Baker in Western, North and Central America, Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 145—150. [6 nn. spp. in: Ancistrocerus 3, Odynerus 3.) (728, 78.8, 79.3,.4) 15 Cameron, P. 57.98 (728) 1906. On some Vespinae from Belize. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 150— 153. [2 nn. spp. in Polybia.| 16 Cameron, P. í 57.98 (801) 1906. Descriptions of three New Species of Social Vespidae with Note on Polybia albopicta Sm. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 154—156. [3 nn. spp. in Chartergus.] (72.7, 728, 81) 22517 Ducke, A. 57.98 (801) 1908. Beitrige zur Hymenopterenkunde Amerikas. Deutsch. entom. Zeit- schr. 1908 p. 695—700. [Insbesondere über die Synonymie der sozialen Vespiden. Polistes bicolor var. unicolor n. nom. pro P. b. v. aterrimus Ducxk.] 15. L 1909. 271 Hymenoptera. 22518 Ducke, Adolpho. 57.98 (801) 1908. Novas contribuicoes para o conhecimento das vespas (Vespidae sociales) da regiao neotropical. Bul. Mus. Goeldi Para Vol. 5 p. 152— 200, 3 est. [5 nn. spp. in: Protopolybia 2, Polybia 2, Polistes.] (81, 84, 85) 19 Cameron, P. 57.98 (91.1) 1908. On some Undescribed Vespidae from Borneo. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 561—565. . [5 nn. spp. in: Odynerus 2, Icaria 3.] 20 v. Schulthess-Rechberg, A. 57.98 Eumenidae (52) 1908. Neue Eumeniden aus Japan. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 284—288. [3 nn. sop. in: Eumenes, Euancistrocerus, Stenancistrocerus. 1 n. var. in Lionotus.] (52.1,.2) 21 Tandy, M. 57.98 Monobia : 15.6 1908. The Carpenter Mud Wasp (Monobia quadridens.) Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 231—232. 22 Cameron, P. 57.98 Odyneridae (7) 1906. A Contribution towards a Knowledge of the Nearctic Odynerinae. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 325—384. [12 nn. spp. in: Symmor- phus 2, Odynerus 6, Ancistrocerus 4.] (71.4, 74.8, 78.9) 23 Cameron, P. 57.98 Odyneridae (73) 1908. A Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Odyneridae of the Southwest of the United States. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 34 p. 195—228. [36 nn. spp. in: Odynerus 13, Ancistrocerus 20, Nortonia, Ptero- chilus 2. Ancistrocerus and Nortonia alternately treated as genera and as subgg.!] (OA 18.8;.9 oA 921, 79:3) 24 Cameron, P. 57.98 Odynerus (78.9) 1906. Description of a New Species of Odynerus from North Mexico. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 335. [O. packardi n. sp] 22515 Enteman, Minnie Marie. 57.98 Polistes : 15 1902. Some Observations on the Behavior of the Social Wasps. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 339—351. 15.5,.6 26 Mead, Theodore L. 57.98 Polistes : 15.3 1908. Actias luna. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 333. [Polistes destroying the larvae.] 27 Brimley, C. S. 57.98 Polistes : 15.4 1908. Male Polistes annularis Survive the Winter. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 107. 28 Gallardo, Angel. 57.98 Polybia : 15 1908. Algunas observaciones biolögicas sobre los camuaties. Rev. Jar- din zool. Buenos Aires Ann. 4 p. 21—23. 15.3,.6 29 Roubaud, E. 57.98 Synagris : 15.6 1908. Gradation et perfectionnement de l'instinct chez les Guépes so- litaires d'Afrique, du genre Synagris. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 695—697. [Construction des nids, nourrissement des larves.] 30 Acloque, A. 97.98 Vespa 1908. Les guêpes. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 59 p. 232—234, 3 figg. 31 Turner, C. H. 57.98 Vespa 1905. The Workers of Vespa carolina Dr. Resemble in Coloration the Males. A Correction. Psyche Vol. 18 p. 1-3, 1 pl. 32 Meves, Friedrich, und Jules Duesberg. 57.98 Vespa : 14.63.1 1908. Die Spermatocytenteilungen bei der Hornisse (Vespa crabro L.) Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 571—587, 2 Taf. [Spermatocytenteilungen nach Art einer Richtungskörperbildung. — Kernlosigkeit des 1. Richtungs- körpers (wie bei Apis) lässt parthenogenet. Herkunft der Männchen ver- muten. Zweite Teilung liefert 2 gleichwertige Spermatiden.] 22533 Bordas, L. 57.98 Vespa : 14.77 1908. Les glandes cutanées de quelques Vespides. Bull. Soc. zool. France T: 33 p. 59—64, 3 figg. 15. I. 1909. Hymenoptera. 272 22534 v. Sicherer. 57.38 Vespa : 14.84 1908. Die Entwicklung des Arthropodenauges. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. München Bd. 24 p. 23—42, 6 Taf. 39 Zieprecht, E. 07.98 Vespa : 15.6 1908. Eine eigenartige Niststätte einer Wespe. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 573, 2 figg. 36 Alfken, J. D. 57.99 1908. Ueber einige von Arxorp beschriebene Bienen. Zeitschr. syst: Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 11—14. 37 Reuter, 0. M. 57.99 1907. ,Sotare“ bland bina. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 93 p. 23—24. [Von Russ geschwärzte Biene.] 38 Rabes. 57.99 : 11.4 1906. Wachsbereitung bei den Bienen. Prometheus Jahrg. 17 p. 602—604, 2 figg. 39 Rodda, J. T. 57.99 : 11.856 1908. Have Bees a Colour Sense? Trans. Journ. Proc. Dumfries Gallo- way nat. Hist. antiq. Soc. Vol. 19 p. 33—35. 40 Strohl, Johannes. 57.99 : 14.64 1908. Die Copulationsanhänge der solitären Apiden und die Artentstehung durch „physiologische Isolierung“. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 26 p. 333 —384, 3 Taf., 2 figg. [Kopulationsapparat nicht mehr als andere Organe bei der Entstehung neuer Arten beteiligt. Artentstehung durch „physio- logische Isolierung“ im Sinne Prrersen’s nicht anzunehmen. Germinal- selektion genügt zur Schaffung indifferenter Merkmale. — Kopulationsrohr von Apis mell. ist durch Funktionswechsel entstanden zu denken und den entsprechenden Organen der solitàren Apiden taxonomisch gleichwertig. 41 Demoll, R. 57.99 : 14.98 1908. Die Mundteile der solitären Apiden. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 1—51, 11 figg., 2 Taf. 22542 Brunelli, Gustavo. 57.99 : 15 1904. Collezionismo e ibernazione nell origine degli istinti delle Api solitarie e sociali. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 24 p. 60— 64. 43 Müller, Max. 57.99 : 15 1907/08. Zur Biologie unserer Apiden, insbes. der märkischen Osmien. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 247—251, 280—285. Nachtrag. p. $96. 15.6 44 Jensen, A. C. 57.99 : 15 1908. Biologische Mitteilungen über einige südamerikanische Apiden. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 375—378. [Übersetzt von Car. SCHRÖDER.] 45 Popovici-Baznosanu, A. 57.99 : 15.6 1908. Variations dans la nidification de quelques Apides solitaires. (Reunion biol. Bucarest). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1126—1127. [Entre cellules normales de Megachile et d’Osmia barricades, espaces libres et cellules vides. Ouvrage d’abeille stérile ou moyen de défense ?] 46 Kubes, A. 57.99 (43.71) 1908. Fauna bohemica. Nové včely. Casop. české, Spol. entom, Acta Soc, entom. Bohemiae Roén. 5 p. 34. [Für Böhmen neue Bienen.] 47 Bequaert, J. 57.99 (493) 1908. Over onze inheemsche Bijenfauna. Handel. 11. vlaamsch nat. geneesk, Congr. p. 82—84. 48 Frey-Gessner, E. 51.99 (494) 1908. Fauna insectorum helvetiae. Hymenoptera. Apidae Bd. 2 Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Bd. 11 Suppl. p. 1—144. 29549 Friese, H. F. 57.99 (6) 1907. Apidae von Madagaskar, den Comoren und Ostafrika. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 59—62. [Nomia voeltzkowi n. sp.] (67.6, 69,.4) 15. I. 1909. 273 Hymenoptera. 22550 Perez, J. 57.99 (61.1) 1908. Descriptions de trois espèces nouvelles de Mellifères trouvées par M. Henri Gapeau pe KerviLLe en Khroumirie (Tunisie). Bull. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen (5) Ann. 43 p. 19—21. [3 nn. spp. in: Andrena, Panur- gus, Colletes.] y p1 Friese, H. 57.99 (67) 1908. Neue Bienenarten aus Ostafrika. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 567—572. [9 nn. spp. in: Sphecodes, Nomia 2, Samba n. g., Xylocopa, Megachile 3, Anthidium.] (67.6—.9) 52 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (67.3) 1908. Some Bees collected by Dr. F. ©. WeLLman in West Africa. En- tomologist Yol. 41 p. 34—36. [3 nn. spp. in: Mesotrichia, Ceratina, Halictus.] 53 Cockerell, T. D. A. È 57,99 (67.3) 1908. Descriptions and Records of Bees. — XIX. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 337—944. [10 nn. spp. in: Dufourea, Heriades 2, Chelynia, Cyrtapis n. g., Ceratina, Protomelecta n. g., Coelioxys, Thrinchostoma 2.1 (54.1, 67.3, 78.8) 54 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (67.3) 1908. New African Bees. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 84—86, 121—122. [3 nn. spp. in: Thrinchostoma, Normia, Mesotrichia, Anthophora 2, Halictus (1 n. subsp.)] 55 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (67.3) 1908. New and Little Known Bees. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 144—148. [3 nn. spp. in Nomia.] (67.3, 78.8) 56 Crawford, J. C., jr. 97.99 (728) 1906. Some Costa Rican Bees. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 82 p. 157—163. [7 nn. spp. in: Centris (1 n. var.), Macroglossapis 2, Hylaeosoma, Agapostemon, Halictus, Dialictus.] 22557 Baker, C. F. i 57.99 (73) 1906. American Bees Related to Melecta. Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 148 —145. [Micromelecta n. g. pro Melecta maculata. 2 nn. spp. in Ericrocis.] (79.1) 58 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (73) 1908. New and Little-known Bees. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 934—235. [2 nn. spp. in: Andrena, Melissodes.] (75.5, 79.7) 59 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (76.4) 1908. Some Bees Collected by Mr. F. C. Prarr in Texas. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 71—72. 60 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (78) 1908. Descriptions and Records of Bees. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 323—334. [7 nn. spp. in: Anthophora, Andrena, Stelis, Dixys, Tetra- lonia (1 n. var.), Nomia 2. 1 n. subsp. in Melissodes.] (78.8,.9) 61 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (78) 1908. New American Bees. — VII. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 292—294. [4 nn. spp. in: Megachile 2, Colletes, Panurginus.] (18.8,.9) 62 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (78.8) 1908. New American Bees. VI. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 59—61. [3 nn. spp. in: Osmia, Epeolus, Sphecodes.] 63 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 (78.9) 1906. 'The Bees of New Mexico. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 32 p. 289—314. [Xenoglossodes neotomae n. sp.] 64 Ducke, A. 97.99 (81) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Schmarotzerbienen Brasiliens. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 44—47, 99—104. [2 nn. spp. in Leiopodus. 1 n. var. in Acanthopus.] 22565 Schrottky, C. 97.99 (89) 1908. Die bisher aus Paraguay bekannten Arten der Bienengattungen Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 18 Hymenoptera. 274 Epicharis und Hemisia. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 93 —99, 138—143. [Hemisia anisitsi n. sp. (3 nn. form.) 2 nn. form. in Epi- charis | 22566 Cameron, P. 57.99 (91.1) 1908. Description of Two Undescribed Bees from Borneo. Deutsch. en- tom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 565—566. [2 nn. spp. in: Prosopis, Ceratina.] 67 Friese, H. i 57.99 (95) 1903. Hymenoptera II. Apidae. Nova Guinea Res. Expéd. scient néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 353—359, 1 Taf. [6 nn. spp. in: Megachile 2, Tri- gona 4 (1 n. var).] (59.5,.8, 91.4, 95) 68 Hooker, W. A. 57.99 Agapostemon : 15 1908. An Observation on Agapostemon melliventris Cresson. Proc. entom. Washington Vol. 10 p. 9. 69 Morice, F. D. 57.99 Anthidium : 12.96 1908. Teratological Specimen of a Bee. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1907 p. LXI—LXIII, 2 figg. — by T. A. Crapman. p. LXM—LXIV. [Ab- domen.] 70 Dusmet y Alonso, José Maria. 57.99 Anthidium (46) 1908. Los „Apidos“ de España. III Gén. Anthidium. Mem. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 5 p. 153—214. [l n. var. (46.2,.4,.5,.7,.8) 71 Dieterich, Karl. 57.99 Apis : 11.41 1908. Die Analyse des Be in seinen verschiedenen Ent- stehungsstadien und aber das Bienenharz (Propolis). Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 TI. 2 Hälfte 1 p. 166—168. [Frisches Wachs hat hellere Farbe, höheren Schmelzpunkt und höheres sp. Gew. als solches aus altem Bau.] 72 Bonnier, Gaston. 57.99 Apis : 11.8 1908. Le raisonnement collectif des abeilles. Rev. scient (5) T. 9 p. 385 — 389, 426—431. 22573 Kuhnt, P. 57.99 Apis : 11.8 1908. Wie finden die Bienen die Nek tarien und enthalten letztere Al- kaloide usw.? Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 187—138. 74 Galli-Valerio, Bruno. 57.99 Apis : 12 1901. La peste delle Api e la sua cura colla formalina. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 21 p. 113—115. 75 Duesberg, J. 57.99 Apis: 13 1908. Sur l'existence de mitochondries dans l’œuf et l’embryon d’Apis mellifica. (Communication préliminaire.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 261—265, 4 fieg. 13.1,.3 76 Briinnich. 57.99 Apis : 14.93 1906. Der Kopf der Biene. Schweiz. Bienenzeitg. N. S. Jahrg. 29 p. 36 —40, 130—137, 10 figg. 77 Bonnier, Gaston. 51.99 Apis : 15 1908. Organized Anarchy among Bees. The Curious Social Life of the Bee. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 324—326, 12 figg. 18 Demoll, R. 51.99 Apis : 15 1908. Die Bun von Apis mell., ein Atavismus. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 271—278, 2 figg. 79 Schneider, Gustav. 57.99 Apis : 15 1908. Über eine Urwald-Biene (Apis dorsata) F. Zeitschr. wiss. Insek- tenbiol. Bd. 4 p. 447—453, 2 figg. 80 Bresslau, Ernst. 57.99 Apis : 15.6 1908. Die DicgeLschen Bienenexperimente. Studien über den Ge- schlechtsapparat und die Fortpflanzung der Bienen. II. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 722—141, 2 figg. 22581 Bresslau, E. 57.99 Apis : 15.6 1908. Über die Versuche zur Geschlechtsbestimmung der Honigbiene. Zu Dickes, v. BorreLs und meinen Bienenexperimenten. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 727—737. 15. I. 1909. 275 Hymenoptera. 22582 v. Buttel-Reepen, H. 57.99 Apis : 15.6 een Ee D TEE See der Honigbiene. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 . 280—288. 83 Dickel, Ferd. 57.99 Apis : 15.6 1908. Zur Frage nach der Geschlechtsbestimmung der Honigbiene Zu E. BressLau’s Bienenexperimenten. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 222—286. 84 Nibelle, M. 91.99 Apis : 15.6 1908. Note sur un eas de Nidification d'Abeille commune à l'air libre. Bull. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen (5) Ann. 43 p. 25—27. 85 Attridge, H. L. 57.99 Apis: 16.1 1908. South African Bee-Keeping. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 692—704, 9 figg. -— Vol. 83 p. 46—56, 156—170, 307—317, 438— 460, 37 figg. 86 Forster, F. 57.99 Bombus : 15 1908. Zur Schwirrbewegung der Bienen im Stocke. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 85. 87 Gundermann, E. 57.99 Bombus : 15.6 1908. Einige Beobachtungen an Hummelnestern. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 30—31, 35—36. 88 Krausse, A. H. 97.99 Bombus (4) 1908. Bombologische Notizen. Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 138—140. [3 nn. varr.] (43.14,.71, 44.94, 45.9, 47.1, 48.6) 89 Krausse, A. H. 97.99 Bombus (403) 1908. Die Formen von Bombus terrestris L. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 163. 22590 Krausse, Anton H. 57:99 Bombus (45.9) 1908. Bombus hortorum ichnusae m., eine neu sardische Hummelform. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 174. 9] Krausse, A. H. 57.99 Bombus (45.9) 1908. Zwei neue Hummelformen von Sardinien: Bombus terrestris limba- rae m. und Bombus terrestris gallurae m. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 78. 92 Krausse, A. H. 57.99 Bombus (45.9) 1908. Bombus terrestris dettoi m. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 132. [n. var.] 93 Krausse, A. H. 57.99 Bombus (45.9) 1908. Eine neue Hummelform von Sardinien: Bombus hortorum arboren- sis m. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 139—140. 1908. Eine neue Hummelform von Sardinien: Bombus hortorum wolffi m. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 94. [n. var.] 94 Krausse, Anton H. 57.99 Bombus (45.9) 1908. Eine neue sardische Hummelform: Bombus hortorum haeckeli m. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 174. 95 Krausse, A. H. 57.99 Bombus (47.1) 1908. Eine neue Hummelform aus Lappland: Bombus lapponicus pulchrior m. Entom. Wochenbl. Jahrg. 25 p. 76. 96 Poppius, B. 57.99 Bombus (47.2) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Hummel-Fauna der Halbinsel Kanin. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Haft 34 p. 85—89. 97 Krausse, Anton H. 57.99 Bombus (48.6) 1908. Zwei neue Hummelformen aus Schweden: Bombus pratorum aureus und Bombus soroénsis quattricolor m. Intern. entom. Zeitschr. Guben Jahrg. 2 p. 133. [2 nn. varr.] 98 Smith, Harry Scott. 51.99 Ceratina (7) 1907. Contribution toward a Monograph of the Ceratinidae of North and Middle America. Trans. Amer. entom. Soc. Vol. 33 p. 115—124, 1 pl. [9 nn. spp. in Ceratina.] (72.3,.7, 728, 74.8, 76.4, 79.4) 22599 Cameron, P. 57.99 Ceratina (91.1) 1908. Description of a New Species of Ceratina from Borneo. Entomolo- gist Vol. 41 p. 285—286. [C. cosmiocephala.] 15. I. 1909, 22600 01 02 03 04 22609 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 Hymenoptera. 276 Morice, F. D. 57.99 Coelioxys (43.27) 1908. Coelioxys afra, Ler. — A Bee New to Britain — From the New Forest. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 178—180. Friese, H. 57.99 Coelioxys (504) 1908. Ueber die beiden grössten Arten der Kegelbiene (Coelioxys.) Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. 8 p. 172—174. [1 n. subsp.] (59.5, 91.2, 922) Swenk, Myron Harmon. 57.99 Colletes (7) 1908. Specific Characters in the Bee Genus Colletes. Univ. Stud. Nebras- ka Vol. S p. 43—102, 3 pls. [4 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp.] (74.9, 75.5, 76.4, 78.9, 79.3) Friese, H. 57.99 Corbicula (82) 1908. Eine neue Bienengattung Corbicula aus Argentina. Zeitschr. syst. Hymenopt. Dipt. Jahrg. S p. 170—172. [apiformis n. sp.] Enderlein, Günther. 57.99 Cyaneoderes (504) 1908. Cyaneoderes dormeyeri, eine neue Xylocopide. Stettin. entom, Zeite, Jahrg. 70 p. 203—205. (69.5, 921) Mocsäry, Alexander. 57.99 Euglossa (8) 1908. Species tres magnificae Generis Euglossa Larr. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 581—582. (81, 85) Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Exaerete (81) 1908. Notes on the Bee-Genus Exaerete. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 41—42. Saunders, Edward. 57.99 Halictus. 1908. Halictus longulus, Gren, a Small Form of H malachurus, Kirsy. Entom. monthly Mag. (2) Vol. 19 p. 229—230. Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Halictus (73) 1908. Some Bees of the Genus Halictus. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 9 p. 119—120. [H. manitonellus n. sp.] (78.8,.9, 79.4) Lovell, John H. 57.99 Halictus (74.1) 1908. The Halictidae of Southern Maine. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 32—49. [H. eraterus n. sp. 1 n. var.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Megachile- 1908, A New Name in Megachile. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 460. [M. geophila n. nom. pro M. terrestris Ce, non ScHROTTKY.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Megachile (1182) 1908. A Fossil Leaf-cutting Bee. Canad. Entom. Vol. 40 p. 31-32. {Megachile praedicta n. sp.] 2 Cameron, P. 57.99 Megachile (54) 1908. Description of a New Species of Megachile from India, Entomolo- gist Vol. 41 p. 88—89. [M. nicevillii.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 1 57.99 Megachile (67.3) 1908. A New Subgenus of African Bees. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 146 —147. [Megachile mitimia n. sp. Creightonella n. subg.] Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Megachile (73) 1908. Descriptions and Records of Bees. — XVIII. Ann. Mag. nat, Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 259—267. [11 nn. spp. in Megachile.] (76.3, 78.8,.9) Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Megachile (96.2). 1908. A New Bee from Tahiti. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 466. [Megachile doanei n. sp.] Fiebrig, Karl. 57.99 Melipona : 15 1908. Skizzen aus dem Leben einer Melipone aus Paraguay. Zeitschr. wiss. Insektenbiol. Bd. 3 p. 374—386, 3 figg. Nurse, C. G. 57.99 Melipona (54.3) 1907. A New Species of Indian Wax-producing Bee. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 619. [M. cacciae.] 22618 Turner, C. H. 57.99 Melissodes : 11.8 1908. The Homing of the Burrowing-Bees (Anthophoridae). Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 247—258. [Way home found by memory.] 15. I. 1909. 277 Hymenopt. — Vertebrata. 22619 Turner, €. H. 57.99 Melissodes : 15 1908. The Sun-dance of Melissodes. Psyche Vol. 15 p. 122—124. 20 Ulbricht, Alb. 57.99 Nomada : 11.67 1908. Ein neuer Hymenopteren-Zwitter. Deutsch, entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 490. 21 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Nomada (73) 1908. Bees of the Genus Nomada, belonging to the Group of N. depressa Cresson. Entom. News Vol. 19 p. 323—324. [2 nn. epp (74.1,.8, 75.5) 22 Cockerell, T. D. A. 57.99 Nomada (73) 1908. Three New Bees of the Genus Nomada. Proe. entom. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 10 p. 88—85. (74.7,.8, 78.8) 23 Cockerell, T. D, A. 57.99 Nomada (75.9) 1908. A Deceptive Bee. Pooc. entom., Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 66— 67. [Nomada mimula n. sp.] 24 Frey-Gessner, E. 57.99 Osmia (494) 1908. Osmia mucida Dours. Mitt. schweiz. entom. Ges. Vol. 11 p. 280— 283. [n. var. stecki.] 25 Baker, C. F. 57.99 Pasiphae (728) 1906. The Bee Genus Pasiphae in North America, Invertebr. pacif. Vol. 1 p. 141—142. [P. cameroni n. sp] 26 Herbst, Paul. 57.99 Sphecodes (83) 1908. Eine neue Sphecodes-Art aus Chile. Deutsch. entom. Zeitschr. 1908 p. 470. [Sph. friesei.] 27 Cameron, P. 57.99 Trigona (91.1) 1908. On some Bornean Species of Trigona. Entomologist Vol. 41 p. 192—195. [5 nn. spp.] 22628 Schuster, Wilhelm. 51.99 Xylocopa (43.41) 1908. Warum, wie und wann ist die stahlblauflügelige grosse Holzbiene (Xylocopa violacea) bei uns im Untermaintal eingewandert? Soc. entom. Jahrg. 23 p. 89—90. — Festschr. 100jühr. Best. Wetterau.-Ges. ges. Naturk. Hanau a. M. p. 75—77. XLIV. 59.6 Vertebrata. (Vide etiam: 12836, 12838, 12887, 12903, 12966, 12974, 13369, 13391, 13582, 13583, 13678, 14022, 14024, 14027, 14028, 14128, 14387, 14826, 14827, 14943, 15085, 15105, 15257, 15635, 15680, 15718, 15723.) 29 Brown, Arthur Erwin. 6 1908, Generic Types of Nearctic Rentilia and Amphibia. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 112—127. 78, 79, 81.1—.4 80 Lucas, F. A. 6 1908. Is Alabamornis a Bird? Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 311. [Pelvis of Zeuglodon or coracoids of a bird ?] 82, 9.5 31 Sordelli, Ferdinando. 6 1908. Vertebrati dell’Argentina e del Benadir donati al Civico Museo di Milano dal Sig. SiLvio Bonpmas. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 47 p. 10—22, 2 figg. (67.7, 82) 78, 79, 81.1,.21,.3,.4, 88.9, 9.2,.32,.4,.74 32 Abel, 0. 6:07 1908. Die Anwendung der Röntgenstrahlen in der Paläontologie. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (232) — (233). 33 Lydekker, R. 6:091 1908. The Year’s Vertebrate Palaeontology. Sc. Progress Vol. 2 p. 501 — 524 22634 Bottazzi, F. 6 S111 1908. Ricerche chimico-fisiche sui liquidi animali. — Il ,tempo di de- flusso“ del siero del sangue di alcuni animali marini e terrestri. II. Ver- tebrati. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 792—802. 7.31,.55, 18, 84.1, 86, 9.32,.73,.735,.74 15. I. 1909. Vertebrata. 278 22635 Mamlok, Léontine. 6:11.11 1908. Beitrige zur Frage der Normalagglutination. Arch. Hyg. Bd. 68 p. 95—115. [Allgemein stark oder schwach agglutinierende Species und innerhalb derselben allgemein stark oder schwach agglutinierende Indi- viduen (beziiglich der verschiedensten Bakterien).] 86.5, 9.32,.725,.73..735,.74,.9 36 Portier. 6 : 11.28 1908. Temperature de Vertébrés marins, en particulier des poissons du groupe des Thons. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 400—402. 7, 81.3, 9.53 37 Robertson, T. Brailsford. 6 : 11.34 1908. On the Normal Rate of Growth of an Individual, and its Bio- chemical Significance. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 581—614, 3 figg. 18, 9.32,.9 38 Renaut, J. 6 : 11.49 1903. Pouvoir sécrétoire et signification glandulaire des épitheliums des tubes contournés du rein, et valeur thérapeutique de leurs préproduits solubles dans l’eau. Bull. Acad. Méd. Paris (3) T. 50 p. 599—625. 812 39 Tandler und Gross. 6 : 11.56 1907. Ueber den Einfiuss der Kastration auf den Organismus. (Ges. Aerzte Wien) Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrz. 20 p. 1596— 1597. — Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 57 p. 2472. [Unreife namentlich in der Ske- lettbildung. Offenbleiben der Epiphysengruben. Mikroskopische Unter- suchung der Genitalien. Sekundäre Geschlechtscharaktere keine von dem einen Geschlecht acquirierten Nova, sondern nur fortgebildete oder gehemmte Speziescharaktere. Beim Mangel der Genitaldrüse Schaffung einer Zwischenform.] 22640 Beddard, Frank E. 6 : 11.57 1903. Animal Colouring in Winter. Field Natural. Ta Vol. 2 p. 11—16. — Rem. by Ernest A. Errrorr. p. 187. 41 van Kempen, Ch. HET 1908. Mammifères et oiseaux présentant des variétés de E ob- tenus depuis 1899. Bull. Soc. zoöl. France T. 33 p. 88—108. 83.3,.4, 84.1,.3, 86.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.33,.735,.74 42 Gadeau de Kerville, H. 6:11.59 1907. Description et figuration de deux Mammiféres et d'un Oiseau mon- strueux (Agneau synote, Chevreau opodyme et Goeland polydactyle). Bull. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen (5) Ann; 42 p. 295—297, 3 pls. 84.2, 9.735 48 Forsheim, Anton. 6 : 11.59 1908. Beschreibung der Brust- und Baucheingeweide einiger Doppel- missbildungen (von Mensch, Schwein, Katze und Ente) nebst Bemerkungen über die modernen Ansichten betreffs der Entstehung von Doppelmiss- bildungen im allgemeinen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 117—142, 6 figg. 84.1, 9.73,.74,.9 44 van Kempen, Ch. 6 : 11.59 1908. Mammiféres et oiseaux d'Europe et exotiques présentant des ano- malies. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 83—87. 83.3, 84.1, 86,.5, 87.1, 88.1, 9.32,.735,.74 45 Dorello, M. 6 : 11.66 1908. Essai d’une division biologique des vertébrés. Am. Soc. cient. Argentina T. 65 p. 185 —218. [D’apres mode de fécondation: externe et interne.] 46 Kammerer, P. 6 : 11.69 1908. Versuche an Amphibien und Reptilien. (Verh, morphol. physiol. Ges. Wien). Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 290—291. 79, 81.2,.3 22647 Morgan, T. H. 6 : 11.69 1908. Experiments in Grafting. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 1—11. Kl 3 15. I. 1909. 22648 49 51 60 22661 279 Vertebrata, Nussbaum, M. 6 : 11.69 1908. Über Experimente zur Vererbungsfrage. Sitz.-Ber. niederrhein. Ges. Nat.-Heilk. 1908 B p. 3—5. [Transplantation v. Geschlechtsdrüsen. (Zusammenfassung.)] Schmincke, Alexander. 6 : 11.69 1905. Die Regeneration der quergestreiften Muskelfasern bei den Saurop- siden. Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Path. Bd. 43 p. 519 —551, 1 Taf. [Regene- ration erfolgt in Kontinuitüt mit alten Fasern, durch terminale Knospung. Kernteilungsmodus: stets Amitose.] 78, SG 21,.3, 86,.5, 88.1 Athias, Marck. 6: 11.76 1906. Origine, nature et classification des pigments. (Les pigments cellu- laires des Vertébrés. ©. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 1 p. 132—177. Staffel. 6 : 11.76 1908. Die Genese des Hauptpigmentes. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 11 Dresden p. 136—142. [Pigment wird sowohl von Oberhaut als auch von Cutiszellen (Plasma- und Mastzellen) gebildet, in beiden Fàllen durch folgende celluläre Vorgänge: Anreicherung des Kerns mit Nucleolärsub- stanz, Austritt derselben ins Plasma und daselbst Umwandlung in Pig- ment. (Froschlarvenschwanz, Tritonenhaut, menschl. Hauptpigmentosen, Negerhaut).] FAST AUS Edinger, L[udwig]. Gs 1908. Tierseelenkunde. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 98*—100*. Edinger, Ludwig. 6 : 11.8 1908. The Relations of Comparative Anatomy to Comparative Psycho- logy. Journ, comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 437—457, 5 figg. [Task of anatomy to be of use to psychology.] Edinger, L. 6 : 11.855 1908. Ueber das Hören der Fische und anderer niederer Vertebraten. Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 1—4. 7.5 König, Bertold, 6 : 11.856 1907. Die Funktion der Netzhaut beim Sehakte. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Jahrg. 44 p. 5—6. Clarke, R. H. 6 : 11.856 1908. The Effect of Structural Changes connected with the Development of Binocular Vision on Associated Movements of the Eyes. Brain Vol. 51 p. 138—146, 3 figg. [Animals with typical binocular vision (monkey) are descended from ancestors with divergent eyes: these had acquired varieties of conjugate rotation now exhibited by divergent eyes. Conju- gate rotation in frontal and sagittal planes would become reverse ro- tations in new position of eyes.] Höber, Josephine. 6: 11.856 1908. Neuere Untersuchungen über den Farbensinn von Tieren. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 758—765. [Sammelreferat.] 86.5, 9.74 Bonnevie, Kristine. 6 : 12.6 1906. De nyere tiders opfatning af Hermaphroditismen. Arch. Math. Nat. Kristiania Bd. 27 No. 14, 15 pp. Huntington, George S. 6 : 13 1898. The Comparative Anatomy and Embryology of Vertebrates as Aids in the Teaching of Human Anatomy in the Medical Course. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 116 p. 629—646, 13 figg. Gaskell, Walter H. 6 : 13 1905. On the Origin of Vertebrates Deduced from the Study of Ammo- coetes, Part 12. The Principles of Embryology. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 39 p. 371—401. 1.2 Lillie, Frank R, 6 : 13 1906. Embryology of the Chick and the Pig. Laboratory Outlines. Chi- cago, The University of Chicago Press 1906, 8°, 50 pp. 86, 9.73 15. I. 1908. Vertebrata. 280 22662 Hubrecht, A. A. W. 6:13 1908. Early Ontogenetic Phenomena in Mammais and their Bearing on our Interpretation of the Phylogeny of the Vertebrates. Quart. Journ. micr. Sc. Vol. 53 p. 1—181, 35 pls. 13.13..16,.2,.9,.39. 1.1,.2,.31,.35,.41,.48, 78, 79, 81.1,.3,.4, 84.1, 88.1, 9.2,.32,.33,.4,.73,.733,.81,.88,.9 63 Riddle, Oskar. 6 : 13.1 1908. The Rate of Growth of the Egg-yolk in the Chick, and the Signi- ficance of White and Yellow Yolk in the Ova of Vertebrates. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 945. 81.3, 86 64 von Szily, Aurel. 6: 13.2 1308. Uber das Entstehen eines fibrillären Stützgewebes im Embryo und dessen Verhältnis zur Glaskórperfrage. Anat. Hefte Bd. 3% p. 649—757. 12 Taf. [Beteiligung aller drei Keimblätter am Aufbau des Stützgewebes ] 7.05, 86, 9.32 65 Brunelli, Gustavo. 6 : 13.3 1903. La Gastraea-Theorie e |’ origine del canal neurale nei Cordonii. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 23 p. 138—143. 66 Gage, Susanna Phelps. 6 : 13.33 1906. The Notochord of the Head in the Human Embryos of the Third to the Twelfth Week, and Comparisons with Other Vertebrates, (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 295—296. 9:9 67 Boeke, J. 6 : 13.33 1908. Das „Geldrollenstadium“ der Vertebraten-Chorda und des Skelettes der Mundcirren von Branchiostoma lanceolatum, und seine cytomechanische Bedeutung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 541—556, 574—580, 17 figg. TEL 68 Maar, Wilhelm. 6 : 13.39 1908. Om Opdagelsen af ductus vitello-intestinalis. Overs. dansk. Vi- denskab. Selsk. Forh. 1908 p. 233—265, 1 fig. 22669 Tornier, Gustav. 6 : 13.9 1908. Uber experimentelles Hervorrufen und Naturentstehen von Mops- köpfen, Cyclopen und anderer vorgeburtlichen Kopfverbildungen bei Wirbeltieren. Sitz:-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 298—315, 37 figg. 1:99, 49 70 Fürbringer, Max. : 14 1906. Eröffnungsrede. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 2—20. [Metame- rische Umbildung des Wirbeltierkörpers, Wanderung der paarigen Glied- massen. Regeneration der Urodelenlinse. Finiges über die Zelle. Ueber die Genese der Elemente des Nervensystems.] 14.84,.92,.98, 18.1,.8, 79, 9 71 Gaskell, Walter H. 6:14 1906. On the Origin of Vertebrates, Deduced from the Study of Ammo- coetes. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 40 p. 305—317, 5 figg. 14.3,.71, 7.2 72 Abel, 0. 6:14 1908. Angriffswaffen und Verteidigungsmittel fossiler Wirbeltiere. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (207)—(217), 4 figg. 73 Hesse, R. 6:14.12 1908. Die Beziehungen zwischen Herzgrösse und Arbeitsleistung bei Wirbeltieren. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. LXXVIII—LXXXII. [Herzgrésse als Massstab für Lebhaftigkeit des Stoffwechsels.] 74 Tanasescu, J. Ch. 6:14.12 1908. Sur la topographie des vaisseaux lymphatiques du coeur. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 17 p. 244—247, 2 figg. 86.5, 9.32,.73,.735,.74,.9 22675 Broman, Ivar. 6 : 14.13 1907/08. Ueber die Entwicklung, „Wanderung“ und Variation der Bauch- aortenzweige bei den Wirbeltieren. Ergebn. Anat. Entw.-Gesch. Bd. 16 p. 639 —745. — Bemerkungen von Frépéric. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 366— 368. — von I. B. p. 554—556. 15. I. 1909. 281 Vertebrata. 22676 Zuckerkandl, E. 6 : 14.13 1907. Zur Anatomie und Morphologie der Extremitätenarterien. Sitz.- Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 3 p. 459—530, 6 Taf., 14 figg. 81.1—.4, 9.1,.2,.32,.33,.62,.72—.74,.81—.9 77 Fedorow, V. 6 : 14.14 1908. Ueber die Entwickelung der Lungenvene. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 544—548. 18, 79, 84.1, 9.32 78 Ingersoll, John M. 6 : 14.21 1908. ‘The Morphology of the Turbinals. (Amer. Laryng. Soc.) Med. Rec. New York Vol. 74 p. 509. 7, 81, 82, 9.82,.9 79 Brachet, A. 6 : 14.26 1908. La Signification du Diaphragme dorsal. Réponse an Prof. D BertEeLLI. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 62—63. 19, 81220 80 Forssner, Hjalmar. 6:143 1907. Die angeborenen Darm- und Ösophagusatresien. Eine entwicke- lungsgeschichtliche und patologisch-anatomische Studie. Anat. Hefte Bd. 34 p. 1—163, 9 Taf., 16 figg. [Frühe Entwickelung des Verdauungskanals bei Selachiern, Reptilien, Vögeln, Säugern.] 14.32,.34, 7.31, 81.1, 86, 9.32,.9 81 Fleischmann, A. 6:14.31 1908. Das Kopfskelet der Amnioten. Morphogenetische Studien. (3. Fort- setzung.) Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 488—489. — VI. Das Munddach der Vögel und Säuger, von Wirurrm Sırrer. p. 490—524, 1 Taf, 12 figg. — Nachwort von A. Frriscamann. p. 525—527. 81.1, 84.1, 9.74 82 Dependorf, [Theod.] 6 : 14.314 1908. Zur Frage der sogenannten Konkrescenztheorie. Eine Entgegnung auf Dr. Aprorr’s Aufsatz: „Zur Frage der Konkrescenztheorie“ (Bd. 43, 1907 der Jenaischen Zeitschr. für Naturwissenschaft) Jena. Zeitschr. Nat. Bd. 43 p. 802—805. 22683 Schanz, F. 6 : 14.35 1897. Uber die Entwickelung des Enddarmes. Jahresber. Ges. Nat.- Heilk. Dresden 1896/97 p. 64—65. [Entsteht durch Einstülpung. Wurm- fortsatz ist Rest des Schwanzdarmes, d, h. Canalis neurentericus.] 710,39 84 Arnold, Julius. 6 : 14.36 1908. Zur Morphologie des Leberglykogens und zur Struktur der Leber- zelle. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 193 p. 174—204, 2 Tat. 18, 9.32,.73,.735,.74,.9 85 Shikinami, J. 6 : 1436 1908. Beiträge zur mikroskopischen Anatomie der Gallenblase. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 551—599, 4 Taf. 79, 81.3, 9.32,.73,.735,.74,.9 86 Vincent, Swale, and Florence D. Thompson. 6 : 14.57 1907. The Islets of LancerHAns and the Zymogenous Tubules in the Ver- tebrate Pancreas, with special reference to the Panereas of the Lower Vertebrates. Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) Vol. 1 Sect. 4 p. 275—256, 2 pls. 1.31, 39. 81.1,.21..8 87 Agosti, Francesco. 6:14.41 1908. Ricerche sulla distribuzione dei nervi nella milza. Atti Accad. Sc. Torino Vol. 43 p. 801—508, 1 tav. 86, 9.32,.74 88 Ricci, Omero. 6 : 14.43 1906/07. Contributo allo Studio del Timo. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 26 p. 8—11; Anno 27 p. 3—7, 33—35. (Continua.) 22689 Forsyth, David. 6 : 14.44 1908. The Comparative Anatomy, Gross, and Minute, of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands in Mammals and Birds. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 42 p. 111 —169, 302—319 22 figg. 83.1—84.2, 86,.5, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1,.7, 9.2,.32,.4,.73—.74,.82 15. I. 1909. 22690 91 93 94 22696 97 98 99 22700 01 22702 Vertebrata. 282 E? Regaud, Cl. 6 : 14.61 1908. Sur les mitochondries des cellules ciliées du tube urinaire. Ont- elles une relation avec la fonction motrice de ces cellules? €. R. So. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 206 -208. [Aucune relation avec les cils. (Vertebrés à sang froid).] 1.2, (9; 81a Disselhorst, Rudolf. 6 : 14.63 1908. Gewichts- und Volumszunahme der münnlichen Keimdrüsen bei Vögeln und Sáugern in der Paarungszeit; Unabhängigkeit des Wachstums. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 113—117. 82, 9 Gerhardt, Ulrich. 6 : 14.64 1908. Der gegenwärtige Stand der Kenntnisse von den Copulations- organen der Wirbeltiere, insbesondere der Amnioten. Erg. Fortschr. Zool. Bd. 1 p. 367—402, 16 figg. hole TPE 620 Staurenghi, Cesare. 6 : 14.71 1900. Note di craniologia Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova Vol. 40 p. 635 —660, 2 tav. [I. Sutura fronto-incisivio in un Semnopithecus cristatus. (I. Apparente difetto delle ossa del naso in taluni Oranghi e Macachi. III. Sutura sagittaie accorciata dal pre-interparietale e dai bregmatici in un Orango; annullamento dela stessa in un Cane Schipperka per mezzo di un ossicino intrasagittale. Esistenza di ossicini intrasagittali nella Co- lumba livia. IV. Significato morfologico del margine occipitale del parietale umano. Sutura parieto-sovraoccipitale nell Uomo. Ossicini bregmatici nel Galius domesticus.] 86, 86.5, 9.74,.82,.88,.9 Gaupp, E. 6:14.71 1906. Ueber allgemeine und spezielle Fragen aus der Lehre vom Kopf- skelett der Wirbeltiere. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 21—6s, 16 figg. v. Bardeleben, K. 6:14.71 1907. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie, besonders Paläontologie des Unter- kiefers der Wirbeltiere. Verb. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 34—37. 7.8,.4,.9, 19, 81,09 Seitz, Adolf Leo Ludwig. : 14.71 1907. Vergleichende Studien über den mikroskopischen Knochenbau fossiler und recenter Reptilien und dessen Bedeutung für das Wachstum und die Umbildung des Knochengewebes im Allgemeinen. Nova Act. Acad. Leop. Carol. Halle Bd. 87 p. 229—400, 14 Taf. 79.5, 81.1..4—.9 Staurenghi, Cesare. 6 : 14.71 1907. Dimostrazione dell’ esistenza dell’ Os interparietale nel Sus scrofa e nel Meleagris gailo pavo. Atti. er Natural. ital. 1906 p. 602—603. 86, 9.7: Parsons, F. G. 6 : 14.71 1908. Further Remarks on Traction Epiphyses. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 42 p. 388—395, 3 figg. 9 Schwarz, Hugo. 6:14.71 1908. Uber die Morphogenie der Wirbelsäule der Tetrapoden. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 315—3229. [Zusammenstellung.] 18, 79, 79.5 Terras, M. 6 : 14.71 1908. Note sur quelques points de la morphologie du rachis lom- baire dans ses rapports avec les conditions biologiques. (Réunion biol. Marseille). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 979—980. Lubosch, W. 6 : 14.72 1908. Die stammesgeschichtliche Entwicklung der Synovialhaut und der Sehnen mit Hinweisen auf die Entwicklung des Kiefergelenks der Säuge- tiere. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 678—697. 18, 19:99 Futamura, R. 6 : 14.73 1907. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der Facialis- Muskulatur. Anat. Hefte Bd. 82 p. 479—575, 7i figg. 78, 81.1, 841, 9.73 15. I. 1909. 283 Vertebrata. ` 22703 Bender, Otto. 6:148 1907. Die Homologie des Spritzloches der Selachier und! der Pauken- höhlen der Amphibien, Sauropsiden und Säugetiere auf Grund ihrer Inner- vation. Veri. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 38—44. 16, SI, 9 04 Lapieque, Louis. 6 : 14.8 1908. La grandeur relative de l'œil et l'appréciation du poids encéphali- que. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 209—219. 7.58, 78, 81.1, 9.32,.74, 14.81,.84 05 Lapicque, Louis, et H. Laugier. 6:14.8 1908. Relation entre la grandeur des yeux et le poids de l’encéphale chez les vertébrés inférieurs. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1108— 1110. 82 14.81,.84 06 Ramón, y Cajal, Pedro. 6: 1481 1904. Aparato óptico central de las aves, reptiles y lus baträceos. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Anat. p. 127—129. 76. 81, 82 07 Edinger, [Ludwig]. 6 : 14.81 1908. „Oralsinnapparat“. (2. Jahresvers. Ges. deutsch. Nervenärzte Hei- delberg). Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 24 p. 471—472. — Mün- chen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 2353. — Deutsch. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 34 p. 2005. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 1914. [Lobus parolfactorius.] 08 Fuchs, Fanny. 6 : 14.81 1908. Ueber die Entwicklung des Vorderhirns bei niederen Vertebraten. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 547—610, 8 Taf., 1 fig. 7.2,.31,.55, 78 09 Haller, B. 6 : 14.87 1908; Die phyletische Entfaltung der Grosshirnrinde. Arch. mikr. Anat.. Bd. 71 p. 350 —466, 10 Taf. 1.2,.91, 78, 79, 81.3, 9.32,.4,.74,.82 22710 Herring, P. T. 6 : 14.81 1908. A Contribution to tbe Comparative Physiology of the Pituitary Body. Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 261—280, 1 pl. 8 figg. 7.5, 82, 9 11 Johnston, J. B. 6 : 14.81 1908. The Mesencephalic Root of the Trigeminus in Reptiles and Mammals. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 912—913. [Root of midbrain. still in part a primary cutaneous sensory center.] 81.2.3, 9.32,.33,.73,.74,.9 12 Joris, Hermann. 6 : 14.81 1908. Le Lobe postérieur de la glande pituitaire. Mém. cour. Acad. Med.. Belgique T. 19 p. 1—29, 4 pls. 7 31,.4,.55,.56,.58, 9.32,.735 12 Kappers, €. U. Ariéns. 6 : 14.81 1908. Weitere Mitteilungen über die Phylogenese des. Corpus striatum. und des Thalamus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 321—336, 6 figg. 7.2,.8, 19, 81.1, 82, 9.2,.33,.62 14 Kappers, C. U. Ariéns. 6 : 14.81 1908. Weitere Mitteilungen bezüglich der phylogenetischen: Verlagerung der motorischen Hirnnervenkerne. Der Bau des autonomen Systems. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. 157—172, 11 figg. [Grundgesetz der Neuro- biotaxis: Wenn im Nervensystem an verschiedenen. Stellen Reizladungen auftreten, so erfolgt Auswachsen der Hauptdendriten, namentlich auch Verlagerung des ganzen Leibes der betr. Ganglienzelle in Richtung maxi- maler Reizladung ] 22715 Kappers, ©. U. Ariëns, und W. F. Theunissen.. 6 : 14.81 1908. Die Phylogenese des Rhinencephalons, des Corpus striatum und. der Vorderhirnkommissuren. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. 173—288, 3 Taf., 5 figg. 15. I. 1909. Vertebrata. 284 22716 Kappers, €. U. Ariëns, und H. Vogt. 6:14.81 1908. Die Verlagerung der motorischen Oblongatakerne in phylogene- tischer und teratologischer Beziehung. Neurol. Centralbi. Jahrg. 27 p. 958—964, 2 figg. 17 Vogt, H., und P. Rondoni, 6:14.81 1908. Zum Aufbau der Hirnrinde. Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 34 p. 1886—1887. [Tatsachen der phylogenetischen und ontogenetischen Cortexstruktur.] 13 Barbieri, N. A. 6 : 14.82 1907. La structure de la moélle épinière. (7. Internat. Physiol. Kongr. Heidelberg.) Zentraibl. Physiol. Bd. 21 p. 500. — Deutsch. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 33 p. 1566. [Vordere u. hintere Wurzeln der Spinalnerven sämtlich centrifugal, in Bezug auf morphol. trophische und chem. Rolle.] 19 Dixon, A. Franeis. 6 : 14.83 1905. Distribution of the Peripheral Nerves. Dublin Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 119 p. 81—10?, 11 figg. 20 van Rijnberk, 6G. 6 : 14.83 1907. Over segmentale huidverzorging, door het sympathische zenuwstel- sel bij gewervelde dieren, op grond van proefondervindelijke onderzoe- kingen over de zenuwverzorging der kleurstofcellen bij platvisschen en der haarbewegende spieren bij katten. Versl. wiss. nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 16 p. 290—239, 9 figg. — On the segmental skin-inner- vation by the sympathetic nervous system in vertebrates, based on ex- perimental researches about the innervation of the pigment-cells in flat fiishes and of the pilo-motor muscles in cats. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 10 p. 332—341, 9 figg. 7.56, 9.74 21 Botezat, Eugen. 6 : 14.83 1908. Die Nerven der Epidermis. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 45—75, 8 figg. 86, 9.74 22122 Hensen, V. 6 : 14.83 1908. Ueber das Auswachsen der Nerven im Embryo. (Physiol. Ver. Kiel. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 995. [Polemik gegen- über v. Esner, Dourn und Harrisox.] 23 Ribbing, L. 6 : 14.83 1908. Die Innervation der Extensoren im distalen Teile der Extremi- täten der Tetrapoden. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 449—456. 78, 79, 81.1,.3,.4, 9 24 de Lieto Vollaro, Agostino. 6 : 14.84 1908. Del tessuto elastico nell iride dell’ uomo adulto e di alcune specie di vertebrati. (Ass. oftalm. ital) Ann. Ottalmol. Pavia Vol. 37 p. 328. — Discuss. p. 329—330. 9:9 25 Parker, G. H. 6 : 14.84 1908. The Origin of the Lateral of Vertebrates Eyes. Amer. Natural. Yol. 42 p. 601—609, 2 figg. 26 Wetzel, G. 6 : 14.84 1908. Besitzt die Zapfenfaser eine Dreiteilung? Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 194 p. 639—641. [Kontrolle der alten Angaben von Hasse, die Scnexx für theoretische Zwecke benutzt. Bei Säugetieren mehr als 3 Fortsätze, beim Hecht nur 2. Also kein anatomischer Ausdruck der Dreifarbentheorie.] 1.55, 9.73,.735 27 Beyer, Hermann. 6: 14.85 1907/08. Stadien über den sogenannten Schallleitungsapparat bei den Wirbeltieren und Betrachtungen über die Funktion des Schneckenfensters. Arch. Ohrenheilk. Bd. 71 p. 258—292; Bd. 72 p. 278—304; Bd. 77 p. 77 —105 ; Bd. 78 p. 14—34, 24 figg. 81, 82, 9 22728 Fuchs. Hugo. 6 : 14.85 1907. Ueber die Entwickelung des Operculums der Urodelen und des Distelidiums (,Columella^ auris) einiger Reptilien. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 8—34, 2 Taf., 4 figg. 19781 15. I. 1909. 285 Vertebrata.. 22729 Beyer, [Hermann.] 6 : 14.85. 1 30 9 Ha DI bo 33 34 22736 3 N 38 39 40 41 42 43 22744 S. Bemerkungen zum Bau und zur Funktion des Mittelohrs der Wir- beltiere. (Berlin. otol. Ges.) Arch. Ohrenheilk. Bd. 76 p. 130. Gray, Albert A. 6 : 14.85 1908. An Investigation on the Anatomical Structure and Relationships of the Labyrinth in the Reptile, the Bird, and the Mammal. Proc. R.. Soc. London B Vol. 80 p. 507—528, 2 pls. * 81.1, 84.4, 85.2, 3, 9.1 Oimer, W. K. 6 : 14.85 1908. Ueber die Endigungsweise des Akustikus im Labyrinth. (Oester. otol. Ges.) Med. Klin. Jahrg. 4 p. 1436—1437. Herrick, €. Judson. 6 : 14.86 1908. The Phylogenetic Differentiation of the Organs of Smell and Taste. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 912. [Different pathways depending upon somatic or visceral reaction response early established.]; Roule, Louis. 6 : 14.92 1906. Métamérisation embryonnaire; son importance au point de vue de lanatomie comparée. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 1 p. 201—202. — Discuss. p. 273—214. Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst. 6 : 14.93 1908. Die phylogenetische Entstehung des Kopfes der Wirbeltiere. Jena.. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 45 p. 653—684, 1 Taf., 11 figg. (el 5 Lydekker, R. 6: 14.98 1907. Flippers and Fins. Knowledge N. S. Vol. 4 p. 99—101, 2 figg. 7.31,.48, 81,1,.3,.5,.6, 9.51-—.55,.745 Sewertzoff, A. N. 6 : 14.98. 1908. Studien über die Entwickelung der Muskeln, Nerven und des Ske- letts der Extremitäten der niederen Tetrapoda. Beiträge zu einer Theorie der pentadactylen Extremitàt der Wirbeltiere. Bull. Soc. imp. Nat. Mos- cou Ann. 1907 p. 1—432, 6 Taf., 34 figg. [Embryologische u. vergl.-anat. Tatsachen sprechen für Ableitung des Chiridiums von einem biserialen oder uniserialen Archipterygium.] 79, 81.1,.3,.4 Beal, W. J. 6:15. 1900. Trees as Dwelling Places for Animals. ist Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 132—133. Speedy, Tom. 6 : 15 1901. Recent Observations in Natural History. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier. Soc. Vol. 4 p. 208—214. [Stalking Seals. Wide-awake Fox, Grouse sitting on trees. Rooks deserting a rookery. Habits of Magpie.] 86, 88.1, 9.74,.745 Mills, Wesley. 6 : 15 1903. The Behaviour of Blind Animals. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 944—347. 86.5, 9.32,.74 Nuttall, G. Clarke. 6:15 1907. Some Rarer Agents of Pollination. Knowledge N. S. Vol. 4 p. 223—224. [Bats and Birds.] 82, 9.4 Wickes, W. H. 6 : 15. 1908. Pebble-swallowing Animals (a sequel to "The Rhaetic Bone-Beds”.) Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. (4) Vol. 2 p. 25—31. Spalding, Douglas A. 6 : 15.1 1902. Instinct, with Original Observations on Young Animals. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 126—142. 86 Wieland, G. R. 6 : 16.1 1908. The Conservation of the Great Marine Vertebrates: Imminent Des- GET of the Wealth of the Seas. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 72 p. 425 EECH 0. Welsh, D. A. 6 : 18.1 1900. Lymph Canaliculi in the Nerve-Cell Protoplasm and Endocellular Blood-Vessels. Scott. med. surg. Journ. Vol. 7 p. 460—464. 15. I. 1909. Vertebrata. 286 22745 Regaud, Cl. 6:18.11 1908. Variations des formations mitochondriales dans les tubes à cuti- cule striée du rein. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1145—1147. 18, 79, 81.2 46 Regaud, Cl. 6 : 18.11 1908. Sur les formations mitochondriales de diverses espèces cellulaires: 1. Dans le rein de Couleuvre (Tropidonotus viperinus) et de Grenouille (Rana viridis); 2. Dans l’estomac du Chien. (Résumé.) €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 15—20. 78, 81.21, 9.74 47 Trinci, Giulio. 6 : 18.13 1908. Sulle questioni concernenti le differenze morfologiche dei cromo- somi d'uno stesso nucleo. Osservazioni nei Vertebrati. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 224—939, 2 figg. 48 Gargiulo, Antouio. 6 : 18.2 1903/04. Contributo all’ Istologia nelle Glandole. Riv. ital. Sc: nat. Anno 23 p. 99—106, 117—122, 148—150; Anno 24 p. 5—12. 14.316,.36,.61, 7.2—.35,.55,.56,.58, 78, 79, 9.32,.33,.725,,7—.74 49 Nowikoff, M. 6:18.3 1908. Beobachtungen über die Vermehrung der Knorpelzellen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über die Struktur der „hyalinen“ Knorpelgrundsub- stanz. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 90 p. 205—257, 4 Taf., 5 figg. 1.2.31, 485419; 811 50 da Costa Ferreira, Antonio Aurelio. 6 : 18.4 1903. A technica histologica e as theorias da osteogenese. Inst. Rev. scient. litter. Coimbra Vol. 50 p. 285—293. 51 Retterer, Ed. 6 : 18.4 1908. De l’ostéogenèse et du développement variable des éléments de la substance osseuse, ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 535—538. 9.725 22752 Retterer, Ed. 6 : 18.4 1908, Structure comparée du tissu osseux. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 485—488. 78, 79, 83.1, 9.32 53 Engel. 6 : 18.5 1901. Dévelopement des globules rouges du sang. €. R. 13e Congr. in- tern. Med. Vol. 3 Sect. Anat. path. p. 300—301. 82, 9.73 54 Albrecht, Eugen. 6 : 18.5 1906. La composition des corpuscules rouges du sang. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Méd. Sect. 1 p. 261—263. 55 Gulland, G. Lovell. 6 : 18.5 1906. Classification, origine et róle probable des leucocytes, Mastzellen et Plasmazellen. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 1 p. 178 — 200. 56 Romiti, Guglielmo, et Francesco Pardi. 6 : 18.5 1906. Classification, origine et róle probable des leucocytes. — Mastzellen et Plasmazellen. (Clasmatocytes et Mastzellen). C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Méd. Sect. 1 p. 13—15. [Chez les mammifères ces 2 éléments sont bien distincts les uns des autres.] 18, 79, 9.32 57 Cagnetto, Giovanni. 6 : 18.5 1908. Ricerche ematologiche col metodo della colorazione vitale. Nota prima. Sul comportamento della sostanze granulo-filamentosa degli eri- trociti nel corso dell’ emolisi. Arch. Sc. med. Torino Vol. 32 p. 1—40, 1 tav. 22758 Dietrich, A. 6 : 18.5 1908. Rote Blutkörperchen bei Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 12 p. 202—209, 2 Taf. 86, 9.735,.74 15. I. 1909. 22759 60 61 62 63 64 22766 67 68 69 79 71 72 22773 287 Vertebrata. Dietrich, A. 6: 18.5 1908. Beobachtungen über Hämolyse bei Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung. Arbeit. pathol. Anat. Bakter. Tübingen Bd. 6 p. 375—397. [Auch mit Paraboloid- Kondensor zeigen Biutkörperchen der Säugetiere kein Gerüstwerk, kein Stroma; also wohl Bläschen mit flüssigem Inhalt. Hämolytisch wirkende Agentien beeinflussen zuerst Blutkörperhülle. Freytag, Fiedrich. 6 : 18.5 1908. Männliche und weibliche Blutkórper. Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 366—369, 2 figg. Weidenreich, Franz. 6 : 18.5 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der granulierten Leucocyten. 5. Fortsetzung der „Studien über das Blut und die blutbildenden und -zerstörenden Organe.“ Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 209—325, 4 Taf. 18, 9.32,.74 Yamada, Kando. 6: 18.5 1908. Ein Beitrag zu den Untersuchungsmethoden iiber Erythrozyten- formen. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 1984—1985. Meigs, E. B. 6 : 18.6 1908. Histological Differences Between Relaxed and Contracted Smooth Muscle Fibers. (Boston Soc. med. Sc.) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 587. MIodowska, J. 6 : 18.6 1908. Zur Histogenese der Skelett-Muskeln. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 145 —171, 2 Taf. [Muskelfaser der hóheren Wirbeltiere ist mehreren, im Syncytium verschmolzenen Zellen äquivalent.] 86, 9.32,.73 Thoma, R. 6 : 18.6 1908. Ueber die netzfórmige Anordnung der auergestreiften Muskel fasern. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 191 p. 192—202, 1 Taf. 78, 9.9 Cavalié, M. 6 : 18.8 1904. Etat des terminaisons nerveuses dans les muscles striés sous l’in- fluence du curare. (Recherches microscopiques sur la localisation de Pempoisonnement par le curare.) C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Med. Anat. p. 110—113. 1.35, 9.32 Cavalié, M. 6 : 18.8 1904. Note sur les rapports des terminaisons nerveuses motrices avec les fibres musculaires striees chez le lapin et chez la torpille. €. R. 14e Congr. intern. Méd. Anat. p. 122. 1.35, 9.32 Held, H. 6 : 18.8 1906. Zur Histogenese der Nervenleitung. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. p. 185—205, 11 figg. Ramon y Cajal, S. 6: 18.8 1906. Histogenèse des nerfs. C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 1 p. 253—261. 86 Schultze, 0. 6 : 18.8 1906. Ueber den frühesten Nachweis der Markscheidenbildung im Nerven- system. Sitz.-Ber. phys.-med. Ges. Würzburg 1906 p. 46—48. 16, 9.9 Auerbach, Leopold. 6 : 18.8 1908. Weitere Erfahrungen über die primäre Färbbarkeit des Nerven- gewebes und die Fibrillensäure (Berme). Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 102—109. 9.32,.73,.74 Curreri, Giuseppe. 6: 18.8 1908. Richerche intorno alla natura delle spine collaterali dei prolunga- menti dendritici delle cellule nervose. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 429—441, 5 figg. 86 Eugling, Max. 6 : 18.8 1908. Untersuchungen über den peripheren Tonus der Blutgefässe. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 121 p. 275—297, 1 Taf. [Mittelst Methylenblau- 15. I. 1909. Vertebrata, 288 methode Nachweis der nach Durchschneidung der Gefässnerven ein- tretenden Degeneration der peripheren Nervengeflechte. Gleichzeitig Verschwinden der Möglichkeit durch lokale Reizung Kontraktion der Arterie auf grössere Strecken hin hervorzurufen. Wiederkehr des peri- pheren Tonus dagegen unabhängig vom Bestehen des Nervengeflechtes.] 78, 9.32 29774 Held, H. 6 :18.8 1908. Ueber den Begriff der Wirbeltierganglienzelle. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hülfte 2 p. 461—463. [Keine genetische Einheit.] 75 Krassin, P. 6 : 18.8 1906. Uber die Regeneration der peripheren Nerven nach Verletzung. Intern. Monatschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 149—179, 1 Taf. [Phago- zytenrolle Scuwaxn’scher Zellen bei Nervenregeneration. Bestätigung Watter’scher Regenerationstheorie.] 78, 9.32,.74 76 Kilvington, Basil. 6:18.8 1908. An Investigation on the Regeneration of Nerves with Regard to Surgical Treatment of Certain Paralyses. Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 1 p. 1414—1419. [Perfect response of transplanted nerves to electrical stimulation.] 9 77 Ramón Cajal, S. 6: 18.8 1908. Nouvelles observations sur l'évolution des neuroblastes, avec quel- ques remarques sur l'hypothése neurogénétique de Hexsen-HeLp. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 1—25, 65—87, 18 figg. 86, 9.32 78 Wunderer, Hans, 6:18.8 1908. Über Terminalkórperchen der Anamnien. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 11 p. 504—569, 1 Taf. 1.1,,31,.35, 78, 79 22779 Elliott, J. Steele. 6 (115) 1896/97. The Vertebrate Fauna of Sutton Coldfield Park. Journ. Birming- ham nat. Hist. philos. Soc. Vol. 2 p. 5—10, 17—27, 34—41, 48—54, 58 —63, 69—73. — Stray Notes from our Neighbourhood. p. 98—103, 126—131. 7.2,.55,.58, 78, 81.1,.21,.26, 83.1,.3,.4, 84.1—.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.33,.4,.74 80 Case, E. C. 6 (115) 1908. Description of Vertebrate Fossils from the Vicinity of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 234—241, 1 pl., 6 figg. 79.5, 81.7 81 Pabst, Wilhelm. 6 (115) 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Tierfährten in dem Rotliegenden „Deutsch- lands“. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 60 p. 325—345. [Böhmens & Mährens.] (43.14,.22,.71,.72) 82 Pabst, Wilhelm. 6 (115) 1908. Die Tierfährten in dem Rotliegenden „Deutschlands“. Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. Halle Bd. 89 p. 315—482, 35 Taf., 36 figg. (43.22,.25) 83 Thomson, James Allan. 6 (115) 1908. The Hornblendie Rocks of Glendalough and Greystones (County Wicklow). Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 64 p. 496—500, 1 pl. 84 Beasley, Henry C. 6 (1161) 1896. An Attempt to Classify the Footprints in the New Red Sandstone of this District. Proc. Liverpool geol. Soc. Vol. 7 p. 391—409, 3 pls. 85 Brodie, F. P. 6 (1161) 1897. Sketch of the Labyrinthodontia and Reptilia in the Trias, chiefly with reference to those in the British New Red Sandstone and more especially in Warwickshire. Proc. Warwicksh. Natural. Archaeol. Field Club Vol. 42 p. 92—97. 79.5, 81 22786 Beasley, Henry C. 6 (1161) 1991. Notes on Type Specimen of Cheirotherium herculis (Ecerton). Proc. Liverpool geol. Soc. Vol. 9 p. SI, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. 289 Vertebrata. 22737 Beasley, Henry C. 6 (1161) 1902/03. On two Footprints from the Lower Keuper, and their Relation to the Cheirotherium storetonense. Proc. Liverpool geol. Soc. Vol. 9 p. 238—242, 1 pl. — Some Lithographs of Footprints, &c., from Storeton, issued by the Liverpool Natural History Society about 1839. p. 284—287. 88 Beasley, H. C. 6 (1161) 1908. Report on Footprints from the Trias, Part V. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Ady. Sc. p. 300—304, 1 pl., 3 figg. 19, 8t 89 Lomas, J. 6 (1161) 1908. On a Footprint Slab in the Museum of Zoology, University of Liverpool Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 804—306, 1 fig. 79, 81 90 Camous, Yictor. 6 (1151) 1908. Reptiles et Mammifères fossiles de la Débruge, près Apt (Vaucluse). Cs R. ASS. frane. AY. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 pe 212—213. 81, 9 91 Dal, 6. 6 (1182) 1908. Sui Vertebrati delle arenarie mioceniche di Belluno. Atti Accad. Sc. Yeneto-Trent.-Istriana N. S. Ann. 5 p. 106—120, 7 figg. [Zidiodelphis n. g.] 7.31,.58, 81.3, 9.53,.72 92 Wegner, Richard N. 6 (1182) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Säugetierfauna des Obermiocins bei Oppeln (Oberschlesien). Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1908 p. 111—117. 78, 81.3, 9.32,.61,.72,.725,.735,.74 93 Newton, E. T. 6 (1183) 1908. Note relative à des fragments fossiles de petits vertébrés trouves dans les dépots pliocenes de Tegelen-sur-Meuse. Bull. Soc. Belg. Géol. Pal. T. 21 p. 591—596, 2 figg. 7.55,.58, 78, 9.32 22794 Abbott, W. J. Lewis. 6 (119) 1908. The Pleistocene Vertebrates of south-east England. South-East. Natural. 1908 p. 96—113. 7.55,.58, 78, 79, 81.21,.26,.3, 83.1, 84.1—.3, 88.1, 89.1, 9.32—.53,.61,.72,.73—.74 95 Brøgger, A. W. 6 (119) 1908. Vistefundet en ældre Stenalders Kjekkenmedding fra Jæderen Stavanger, Dreyer 8°, 102 pp., 5 pls., 20 figg. [Neolithische Niederlassung auf Jideren mit tierischen Resten.] 1.95,.57, 84.1—.4, 88.1, 89.1, 9.32,.33,.72,.735,.74,.745 96 Brown, Barnum. 6 (119) 1908. The Conard Fissure, a Pleistocene Bone Deposit in Northern Ar- kansas: with Descriptions of Two New Genera and Twenty New Species of Mammals. Mem. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 9 Pt. 4 p. 157—208, 9 pls. [15 nn. spp. in: Microsorex, Brachyprotoma (n. g. pro Mephitis fossi- dens) 2, Putorius (1 n. subsp.), Lynx, Felis, Smilodontopsis n. g. 2, Tamias. Geomys, Reithrodontomys, Neotoma, Fiber, Lepus, Symbos. 4 nn. subspp. in: Blarina, Sorex, Vespertilio, Mephitis.] 78, 79, 81.1,.26, 86, 9.32—.4,.725,.735,.74 97 Maillieux, Eug. 6 (119) 1908. Note sur la faune des cavernes à ossements des environs de Cou- vin. Bull. Soc. belg. Géol. Pal. T. 22 Proc.-Yerb. p. 48—51. 86, 9.61,.725,.73—.74 98 Abel, 0. 6 (26) 1908. The Genealogical History of the Marine Mammals. Ann. Rep. Smithson. Inst. 1907 p. 473—496, 27 figg. [Translated from Meereskunde Jahrg. 1.] 9 22799 M’Intosh, [W. C.] 6 (26.1) 1908. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 524—545, 2 pls. [Stranding of Mesoplodon bidens. Abnormal plaice. Orthagoriscus mola. The British Sphaerodoridae Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zoo!. XVII 155 7.3909. 19 Vertebrata. 290 Chloraemidae, and Chaetopteridae. The same families dredged in the „Porcupine“ Expeditions of 1869 and 1870. Also in the Gulf of St. Law- rence, Canada, in Norwegian waters and in Finmark. 2 nn. spp. in: Stylarıoides, Brada.] (41.33, 42, 48.2—.4, 71:4—.8) 7.47,.53,.54,.56,.58, 9.52 22800 Martin, J. W. 6 (41.48) 1908. Reptilia and Amphibians of the Cairn District. Trans. Journ. Proc. Dumfries Galloway nat. Hist. antiq. Soc. Vol. 19 p. 79—82. 78,079,081.1,.217.26 01 Charbonnier, H. J., and C. Lloyd Morgan. 6 (42) 1898. The Reptiles, Amphibians and Fishes of the Bristol District. Handbook Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1898 p. 197—199. — The Mammals. p. 200—203. 1,16, 81, 9 (42.38,.41) 02 Service, Robert. 6 (42) 1902. ‘The Vertebrates of Solway. A Century's Changes. Trans. Journ. Proc. Dumfries Galloway nat. Hist. antiq. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 15—31. (41.48,.49, 42.85) 1.55,56, 81.26, 83.3, 84.1,.4, 86,.5, 88.1, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.735,.74,.745 03 Horwood, A. R. 6 (42) 1903. Birds and Beasts in 1901, at Marrington Hall. Trans. Caradoc Valley Field Club Vol. 3 p. 37—47. (42.45,.94) 18, 79, 81.1,.21,.26, 83.1,.3, 84.1, 86,.6, 87.2,.4,. 88.1,.9, ,89.1,.7, 9.32,.33,.4,.74 04 Storer, 6. H. 6 (42) 1903. Our Reptiles and Amphibians: their Distribution in the Counties of Stafford, Derby, and Leicester. Trans. Burton-on-Trent nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 5 p. 60—65. 78, 79, 81.1,.21,.26 (42.46,.51,.54) 22805 Forrest, H. E[dward]. 6 (42) 1908. Vertebrates of Wales and Ireland. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 321— 325, 454—455. — Trans. Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club Vol. 4 p. 245—248. 7.5, 78, 79, 81.1,.21,.26, 9.32—.4,.735,.74 (41.5, 42.9) 06 Kelsall, J. E. 6 (42.2) 1898. The Reptiles of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Pap. Proc. Hampshire Field Club Yol. 3 p. 267—273. (42.27,.28) 78, 79, 81.1,.21,.26 07 Meyrick, E. 6 (42.31) 1897. List of Vertebrate Animals (except Birds) of the Marlborough Dis- trict. Rep. Marlborough College nat. Hist. Soc. No. 45 p. 38—42. 7.2,.05,.08, 78, 79, 81.1,.21,.26, 9.32,.33,.4,.735,.74 08 Forrest, H. Edward. 6 (42.45) 1899. The Fauna of Shropshire, being an Account of all the Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes found in the County of Salop. Shrewsbury: L. Wilding; London: Terry & Co. So. 248, VI pp., 24 pls. 7.2,,44,.55,.56,.58, 78, 79, 81.1,.21, 26, 23—86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.33,.4,.73,.735,.74 09 Forrest, H. E[dwards]. i 6 (42.45) 1902. Records of Observation. Notes on Shropshire Fauna. Field Na- tural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 52—55. 81, 82 10 Lydekker, R. 6 (42.59) 1904. Vertebrate Palaeontology [of the Cambridge Distriet.] Handbook Brit. ASS. Adv. Sc. 1904. pe 51--70. 11 Forbes, H. 0. An 6 (42.7) 1896. The Vertebrate Fauna of the Liverpool District. Handbook Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. 1896 p. 36—42. 76, 81, 82, 9 (42.71,.72) 22812 Pickles, Harold. 6 (42.74) 1902. A List of the Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes in the Parish of Halifax. Halifax Natural. Vol. 7 p. 95—%. 7.55,58, 78, 79, 81.1,.21, 9.32,.33,.4,.74 Ze de 2900, 291 Vertebrata. 22813 Clarke, W. J. 6 (42.74) 1905/06. Vertebrate Zoology. Ann. Rep. Scarborough phil. archaeol. Soc. 1905 p. 24—25; 1906 p. 16—17. [A standing chapter for new re- cords, etc. Continuation will not be cited.] 14 Damköhler Eduard. 6 (43.18) 1908. Kleine Mitteilungen über das Vorkommen einiger Tiere im Harz. Mitt. sächs.-thüring. Ver. Erdkunde Jahrg. 32 p. 121—124. 88.1, 89.1, 9.32,.74 15 Hildebrandt, Hugo. 6 (43.24) 1908. Beitrag zur Reptilien- und Amphibien-Fauna des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenburg. Mitt. Osterl. Altenburg N. F. Bd. 13 p. 109—117. 78, 79, 81.1—.3 16 Löns, Hermann. 6 (43.53) 1908. Einbürgerungen von Wirbeltieren. 55—57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 128—133. 7.55,.58, 78, 81.1,.21,.3, 84.1, 86, 88.1, 9.32,.33,.735 17 Werner, F. 6 (43.61) 1908. Die Kriechtiere und Lurche Wiens. Lacerta 1908 p. 78—80. 18, 79,:81.1,.21 18 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. 6 (44.24) 1908. Note sur un Lapin sauvage (Lepus cuniculus L.) isabelle et un Cincle d'eau variété à ventre noir (Cinclus aquaticus Beust. var. melano- gastra Brenm) tués par M. A. Duquesne dans les environs de Pont-Au- demer (Eure). Bull. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen (5) Ann. 43 p. 15—18. 88.1, 9.32 19 Mourgue, Marcel. 6 (44.92) 1908. Catalogue raisonné de la faune erpétologique des environs de Sainte-Cécile Sérignan, Orange (Vaucluse). Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 178—182. 9, HO 91:12 22820 Bernardi, Ilio. 6 (45.5) 1904. I Rettili e gli Anfibi del Livornese. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 24 p. 14—16. 18, 79, 81.1,.21,.26,.3 21 Morgana, Mario. 6 (45.72) 1903. Contribuzione allo studio della fauna di Montecassino. Boll. Na- tural. Siena Anno 23 p. 26--30. 78, 81.1,.21,.26, 83.3,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1..9, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.33,.4,.74 22 Floericke, Curt. 6 (46.85) 1902/03. Haustiere und jagdbares Wild auf den Kanarischen Inseln. Ibis Berlin Jahrg. 31 p. 77—78, 82—83, 90—92; Jahrg. 32 p. 11—18. 83.3, 86,.5, 87.1, 88.1,.9, 9.725 — 74 28 Fischer-Siegwart, H. 6 (494) 1908. Der Haldenweiher. Zofingen, Joh. Fehlmann, 8?, 14 pp., 1 Taf. 1.55. 78, 79, 81.21 24 Boulenger, G. A. 6 (52.9) 1908. Descriptions of anew Frog and a new Snake from Formosa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 221—222. [2 nn. spp. in: Rhacophorus, Achalinus.] 78, 81.21 25 Steindachner, Franz. 6 (56) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias- Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. Arnoro PentHER und Dr. Emerica ZEDERBAUER. Eidechsen, Schlangen und Batrachier. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 307—309. (56.1,.3,.4) 78, 81.1,.21 22826 Steindachner, Franz. 6 (6) 1906. Uber Homopholis erlangeri (n. sp.) aus Abessinien, Alestes adleri Bre. c? u. 9 aus dem Victoria-Nyansa und Varicorhinus Tornieri (n. sp. aus Deutsch-Kamerun. Ann. k. k. hufmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 149—155, T. Tat, (63, 67.1,.8). ..'7.55, 81.1 15. I. 1909, Vertebrata. 292 22827 Werner, Franz. 6 (6) 1907. Ergebnisse der mit Subvention aus der Erbschaft TrerrL unter- nommenen zoologischen Forschungsreise Dr. F. Werner’s nach dem ägyp- tischen Sudan und Nord-Unganda. XII. Die Reptilien und Amphibien. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien mat.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 477—483. [11 nn. spp. in: Hemidactylus, Mabuia 2, Leptodira, Chilorhinophis n. g., Rana 3, Rappia 3.] — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss, Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 1823—1926, 4 Taf. (62, 67.6) 78, 81.1—.26 28 Andersson, Lars Gabriel. 6 (6) 1908. A remarkable new Gecko from South-Africa and a new Stenocer- cus-species from South-America in the Natural History Museum in Wies- baden. Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 299—306, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Palmatogecko n. g.] (62, 67.1,.6, 68.8, 84, 85) 18, GE 29 Mocquard, F. 6 (6) 1908. Description de quelques Reptiles et d'un Batracien nouveaux de la collection du Muséum. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 259—262. [5 nn. spp. in: Uroplatus, Mabuia, Liophidium, Elapops, Bufo.] (66.6,.7, 69) 78, 81.1,.21 30 Bethencourt Ferreira, J. 6 (67.3) 1898. Lista dos Reptis e Amphibios que fazem parte da ultima remessa de J. p’Ancaiera (1897). Jorn. Sc. math. phys. nat. Acad. Sc. Lisboa (2) T. 5 p. 240—246. 18, 81.1—.26 31 de Seabra, A. F. 6 (67.3) 1908. Mammifères et Oiseaux capturés par le Dr. PrrEIRA po Nascimento dans l'Afrique Occidentale. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol.2 p. 41—44. 83.1,.4, 87.1, 88.1,.9, 89.1, 9.735,.74,.81 32 Forbes, Henry 0. 6 (67.7) . 1903. Batrachians and Fishes of Sokotra and Abd-el-Kuri. Rep. Sokotra Exped. Liverpool Mus. p. 105—108. [No batrachians observed; no fishes collected.] 22833 Le Cerf, F. 6 (68). 1907. Reptiles et Batraciens observés à Maison-Carrée (Algérie). Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 13 p. 22—26. 78, 81.1,.21,.3 34 Boulenger, G. A. 6 (68) 1908. On a Collection of Fresh-water Fishes, Batrachians, and Reptiles from Natal and Zululand, with Descriptions of New Species. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. Vol. 1 p. 219—235, 2 pls. [5 nn. spp. in: Neobola, Haplochilus, Zonurus, Gerrhosaurus, Calamelaps.] (68.3,.4) 7.55,.57,.58, 78, 81.1—.26 35 Odhner, Teodor. 6 (68) 1908. Reptilien und Batrachier, gesammelt von Dr. I. Tricärpx in Natal und Zululand 1904—05. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 18, 7 pp. (68.2,.4) 78—81.3 36 Sandberg, Axel. 6 (68.9) 1907. Notes on Certain Antelope and Birds Found in North-western Rhodesia. Proc. Rhodesia scient. Ass. Vol. 7 p. 51—59. 84.3, 87.4, 9.735 37 Chubb, E. C. 6 (68.9) 1908. List of Batrachia and Reptilia collected in Northern Matabeleland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 218—221. 78, 81.1—.3 38 Strecker, John K., jr. 6 (16.4) 1908. The Reptiles and Batrachians of McLennan County, Texas. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 69—84. 78, 79, 81.1—.26 39 Strecker, John K., jr. 6 (76.4) 1908. The Reptiles and Batrachians of Victoria and Refugio Counties, Texas. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 47—52. 78, 79, 81.1—.26 22840 Strecker, John K., jr. 6 (76.7) 1908. Notes on the Habits of Two Arkansas Salamanders and a List of Batrachians snd Reptiles Collected at Hot Springs. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 85—90. 78, 79, 81.1—.3 15. I. 1900. 293 Vertebrata — Pisces. 22841 Hahn, Walter L. 6 (77.2) 1908. Notes on the Mammals and Cold-Blooded Vertebrates of the In- diana University Farm, Mitchell, Indiana. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 545—581. 7.55, 78, 79, 81.3, 9.2,.32,.4,.74 42 Clark, Hubert Lyman. 6 (77.4) 1904. Notes on the Reptiles and Batrachians of Eaton County. 4th Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 192—194. 18, 79, 81.1,.21,.3 43 Reagan, Albert B. 6 (18.3) 1908. Animals, Reptiles and Amphibians of the Rosebud Indian Reser- vation, South Dakota. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 163—164. 78, 81.21 —.3, 9.32 — .4,.735,.74 44 Grinnell, Joseph. 6 (79.4) 1908. The Biota of the San Bernardino Mountains. Univ. California Publ. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 1—170, 24 pls. [Fauna.] 81.1—.26, 83.1,3—84.2,.4, 86.5, 87.2, 88.1—89.7, 9.32— 4,.735 45 Loring, J. Alden. 6 (79.8) 1902. Note on Mammals and Birds Observed in Southern Alaska in 1901. 6th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 145—159. 83.2,.8, 84.1-—.4, 86, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7, 9.32,.51,.735,.74 46 Osgood, Wilfred H. 6 (79.8) 1908. Tho Game Resources of Alaska. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 469—482, 2 pls., 3 figg. 86, 9.735—.745 47 Boulenger, G. A. 6 (86) 1908. Descriptions of new Batrachians and Reptiles discovered by Mr. M. G. Parure in South-western Colombia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 515—522, 5 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Hyla, Leptodactylus, Hylodes, Anolis, Prionodactylus, Euspondylus, Oreosaurus, Geophis.] 78, 81.1,.21 22848 Bruce, William S. 6 (98) 1899. A Naturalist’s Notes on the recent Voyage of the „Blencathra“ to the Arctic Regions. Trans. Perthshire Soc. nat. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 25—37, 5 pls. 8333, 84.2, 9.745 XLV. 59.7—7.5 Pisces. (Vide etiam: 71822, 11824, 11857, 11861, 11862, 11865, 11879, 11884, 11887, 11889—11893, 11895 —11899, 11901, 11909, 11910, 11922, 11932, 11934—11937, 11939, 11940, 11950, 11955, 11958, 11959, 11963, 11965, 11966, 11970, 11976, 11986, 11988—11990, 11992—11994, 11996, 11998, 12006, 12007, 12012, 12021, 12031, 12045, 12048, 12051, 12060, 12066—12068, 12071, 12072, 12075, 12076, 12092, 12098, 12100, 12106, 12107, 12112, 12115, 12125, 12853, 12950, 13257, 13296, 13368, 13993, 14025, 14052, 14202, 14205, 14389, 14505, 14759, 14832, 15256, 15258, 15422, 15459, 12474, 15602, 15676, 15705, 15744, 15870, 15873 —15880, 15884, 15886—15888, 15892, 15907, 1591715919, 15926, 15935, 15965, 15975—15979, 15986, 15987, 15989, 15995, 15999, 16001, 16005, 16010, 16011, 16014, 16016, 16021, 16022, 16028, 16044, 16049, 16050, 16052, 16055, 16063, 16074, 22634, 22636, 22654, 22660, 22662, 22664, 22667, 22669, 22671, 22678, 22680, 22686, 22690, 22692, 22695, 22704, 22708—22710, 22712, 22713, 22720, 22725, 22726, 22734, 22735, 22748, 22749, 22765 —22767, 22778, 22779, 22791, 2279322795, 22799, 22801, 22802, 22805, 22807, 22808, 22812, 22816, 29823, 22826, 22832, 22834, 22841.) 49 Jordan, David Starr. 7:07 1902. How to Collect Fishes. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 85—88. 22850 Lahille, Fernando. 7:07 1908. Fiches Ichthyométriques. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 443—457, 2 figg. 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 294 22851 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7:07 1908. Conseils pour la récolte et la conservation des poissons en vue de l'étude scientifique. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 16—21. 52 Nordquist, Ose. 7:07 (48.6) 1906. Södra Sveriges Fiskeriförenings försöksstation i Aneboda. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskerifören No. 1 p. 7—13, 1 kart. 53 Hussakof, L. 7:07 (74.7) 1908. Catalogue of the Type and Figured Specimens of Fossil Vertebra- tes in the American Museum of Natural History. Part I. — Fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 25, 103 pp., 6 pls., 49 figg. 54 Reichard, Adolf. 7:07 (75.3) 1904. Das Fischereibureau der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Allgem. Fischerei-Zeitg. Jahrg. 29 p. 21—25. 55 Dean, Bashford. 7:09 1908. Studies on Fossil Fishes During the Year 1907. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 201—205. 56 Leach, E. F., and C. E. Wright. dus Lil 1899. The Fishes of Northamptonshire. Journ. Northamptonsh. nat. Hist. Soc. Field Club Vol. 10 p. 209—216, 259—264. [Only physiology.] 57 Roques, Lucien. rg thie 1906. Sur la respiration des poissons et la technique employée à son étude. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 60 p. 287—289. 58 Ward, Francis. 4 211.5 1908. Markings and Colors in Fish. How they Protect their Wearers. Sient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 297—298, 6 figg. 11.55,.57 22859 Aflalo, F. G. 7 : 11.56 1902, Some Signs of Age and Sex in Fishes. Field Natural. Quarterly 60 Aflalo, F. G. ripe art 1903. Colour in Fishes. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 212—215. 61 Jäger, Gustav. 7e 457 1908. Die Farbe der Fische. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonk. Bd. 4 p. 88 —85. [Prioritätsansprüche gegenüber Pororr.] 62 Kórner, 0. 7 : 11.855 1908. Können die Fische hören? Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frank- furt a. M. 1908 p. 110*—111*. [Keine merkbare Reaktion auf Schall. Damit jede Möglichkeit der Hörfähigkeit nicht ausgeschlossen.] 63 Ward, Francis. 7 : 11.856 1908. The Five Senses in Fishes. I. Sight. Journ. Ipswich Field Club Vol. 1 p. 3—4. 64 Brauer, August. 4:14 1908. Die Tiefseefische. II. anat. Teil. Wiss. Ergebn. deutsch. Tiefsee- Exped. Valdivia Bd. 15, 266 pp., 26 Taf, 11 figg. 14.77,.84 65 Baglioni, S. 7 : 14.29 1908. Il nesso tra le condizioni esterne e la forma e la funzione di al- cuni organi nei pesci. Nota 2a. Vesica Natatoria. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 200--207, 2 figg. 66 Baglioni, S. 7 : 14.29 1908. Zur Physiologie der Schwimmblase der Fische. Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 8 p. 1—80, 10 figg. [Nichtbestätigung Borerrrscher Auf- fassung. Schwimmblase ist hydrostatisches Organ, zugleich aber eigen- tümliches, spezifisches Sinnnesorgan, dessen adäquate Erregungen zweck- mässige reflektorische Schwimmbewegungen auslösen. Regelung des Gas- inhaltes von Schwimmblase durch wahre Sekretionsvorgänge.] 22867 Favaro, Giuseppe. 7 : 14.42 1908. Ueber den Ursprung des Lymphgefässsystems. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 15—77. 7.2,.3,5 15. I. 1909. 295 Pisces. 22868 Kerr, J. Graham. 7 : 14.72 1908. Note on the Autostylic Skull of Vertebrates. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 17 p. 169. [Modes of suspension of jaw apparatus.] 7.31,.38,.48 69 Goodrich, Edwin S. 7 : 14.78.5 1908. On the Scales of Fish, Living and Extinct, and their Importance in Classification. Proc. zool, x London 1907 p. 751—774, 4 pls., 9 figg. .3,.4,.5 70 Ziegler, H. E. 7 : 14.78.5 1908. Die sog. Hornfäden der Selachier und die Flossenstrahlen der Knochenfische. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 721—727, 4 figg. [Sog. Hornfäden sind keine Epidermisgebilde, sondern intercelluläre Fasern des Bindege- webes: „Elastoidinfäden“. — Flossenstrahlen sind besondere Art Haut- knochen u. rein mesodermale Bildungen.] 7.31,.55 71 Herrick, C. Judson. 7 : 14.81 1908. On the Commissura Infima and its Nuclei in the Brains of Fishes. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 409—431, 12 figg. [Function- al analysis of somatie and visceral centres at lower end of medulla ob- longata.] 7.4,.41,.55,.58 72 Kappers, C. U. Ariéns. 7:14.81 1908. Eversion and Inversion of the Dorso-Lateral Wall in Different Parts of the Brain. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 433— 436, 5 figg. 7.31,.4 73 Kappers, C. U. Ariéns. 7 211481 1908. Weitere Mitteilungen über Neurobiotaxis. II. Die phylogenetische Entwicklung des horizontalen Schenkels des Facialiswurzelknies. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 2 p. 255—261, 2 figg. 1.2,.91 74 Grynfeltt, E., et A. Demelle. 7:14.84 1908. Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur l’opercule pupillaire des poissons. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 18 p. 119—135, 9 figg. 7.31,.35,.55,.56,.58 22875 Houssay, Frédéric. 7 : 14.9 1908. Notes préliminaires sur la forme des poissons. Arch. Zool. expér. gen. (4) T. 8 p. XY—XXXI, 8 figg. 76 Jordan, David Starr. 7 3 14.98 1902. Origin of the Fins of Fishes. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 536 — 547, 4 figg. 77 Stafford, William. 7:15 1897. Some Account of the Electric Fishes. 45th ann. Rep. Trans. Nottingham Natural. Soc. p. 1-11. (.95,.55 78 Aflalo, F. G. 4 sën? 1902. Some Spring Movements of Sea-Fish. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. i p. 99—102. 79 Carr, A. M. 7 215.3 1908. Food of Fishes. Rep. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm. 1907 p. 68—71. 7.35,.56,.58 80 Seal, William P. ri ems 1908. Fishes and the Mosquito Problem. Their Serviceability as Mos- quito Exterminators. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 351—552. 81 Clark, Frank N. QT 1904. Commercial Fish and Fisheries. 6th Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 65—68. 82 Cori, Karl J. 7 : 16.1 1904. Zur Frage der Schleppnetzfischerei in den oesterreichischen Meeres- gebieten. Oesterr. Fischerei-Zeitg. Jahrg. 1 p. 163—164. 22883 Dickerson, F. B. 4.2 16:1 1904. The Benefits of the Propagation of Game Fish to the State of Michigan. 6th Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 69—71. 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 296 22884 Comber, E. 7:161 1907. Protective legislation for Indian fisheries. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc: Vol. 17 p. 637—644. €5 Wallinger, W. A 7:161 1907. Estuary "Fishing. Some remarks on its decadence as an industry in the Konkan, Western India. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 620—635, 8 figg. 80 alte dir 1908. Bulletin statistique des péches maritimes des pays du nord de E Cons. perman. intern. Explor. Mer Bull. statist. Vol. 2, PP 87 Bounhiol, J. P. 734671 1908. Quelques faits biologiques relatifs aux poissons comestibles des côtes de l'Algérie. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 210—241 ; Pt. 2 p. 591—594. 88 de Gail. 7:16.1 1908. Notes de pisciculture. Sur le fonctionnement de l’étang à repro- ducteurs des huttes. Ann. forestières T. 47 p. 417—420. — Sur le fonctionne- ment d'un bassin à reproducteurs créé à Rotournemer. p. 420--42i. 89 Fuhrmann, 0. 7: 16.1 1908. Bericht über die Fischereiverhältnisse der Vereinigten Staaten. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 16 Beil. 15 pp., 6 figg. 90 Smith, Hugh M. 7 2161 1908. The Transplanting of Fisb. What has been done by the Fish Commission. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 190—192. 91 Löschner, Hans. 146.1 1908. Fischwege in Stauanlagen. Leitmomente für ihre zweckmässige Anordnung. Graz, Leuschner & Lubensky. 8°, 15 pp., 1 fig. Mk. —.90. [Sep. Abz. aus Oesterreich. Wochenschr. öffentl. Baudienst Jahrg. 1908.] 22892 Nemiloff, Anton. 7 : 18.8 1908. Beobachtungen über die Nervenelemente bei Ganoïden und Knochen- fischen. Teil 1: Der Bau der Nervenzellen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 1—46, 2 Taf., 7 figg. — T. II: Der Bau der Nervenfasern. p. 575— 606, 3 Taf. [Markhaltige periphere Nervenfasern (Methylenblaumethode).] 7.4,.55,.58 93 Goodchild, J. G. 7 (114) 1905. The Black Hill of Earlston. History Berwick. Natural. Club Vol. 19 p. 51—59, 4 figg. [Devonian Fishes.] 94 Eastman, Charles R. 7 (114) 1907. Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations (Mus. Mem. No. 10). 60th ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. Vol. 5 Appendix 7, 235 pp., 15 pls, 35 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Asterolepis, Cladodus, Ptyctodus, Machaeracanthus, Dinichthys, Protitanichthys, Glyptaspis.] (Rev. by L. Hussaxor Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 311—313) (ULT S619 71:1) 1.31 —.38..42,.42,.48 95 Wellburn, Edgar D. rébus) 1898. Fish Fauna of the Lower Coal Measures of the Halifax and Little- drugs Districts. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 18 p. 419— 432, 2 pls. 7.31,.35,.42,.46,.47 96 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7 (115) 1898. On some Fossil Fish found in the Millstone Grits of Yorkshire. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 13 p. 395—399, 1 pl. 7.3,.42,.46,.47 97 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7 (115) 1899. Fish Fauna of the Lower Coal Measures of the Halifax District. Halifax Natural. Vol. 4 p. 12—14, 47—50, 9 figg. 7.3,.42,.44,.46 22828 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7 (115) 1901. On the Occurrence of Fish Remains in the Limestone Shales 15. I. 1909. 22899 22900) 01 02 04 22905 07 03 09 10 22911 297 Pisces. (Yoredale) at Crimsworth Dean (Horse Bridge Clough), near Hebden Bridge, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 175—177, 7.31,.47 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7 (115) 1901. On the Fish Fauna of the Yorkshire Coal Measures. Proc. York- shire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 159—174. [nn. spp. sine descr.] 1.31,.35,.42,.46—.48 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7 (115) 1902. On the Fish Fauna of the Pendleside Limestones. Proc. York. shire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 465—473. [Marsdenius n. g summiti & acuta, Coelacanthus hindi nn. spp.] 7.31,.42,.46,.47 Wellburn, Edgar D. 2. (115) 1905. Fish Fauna of the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of Yorkshire. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 15 p. 380—387. 7.31,.35,.46,.47 Ward, John. 7 (115) 1906. A Newly Discovered Fish-bed in the Cheadle Coalfield ; with Notes on the Distribution of Fossil Fishes in that District. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Stafford. Natural. Field Club Vol. 40 p. 87—101, 1 pl. 7.31,.35,.42,.46,.47 Leriche, Maurice. 7 (115) 1908. Premiere note sur les Poissons carboniferes du Nord de la France Ann. Soc. géol. Nord. T. 37 p. 266—281, 2 pls. [Deltodus hanagavensis. n. sp.] 7.35,.46,.47 ‘Traquair, Ramsay H. 7 (115) i908. Report on Fossil Fishes Collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland from Shales Exposed on the Shore near Gullane, East Lothian. Trans, R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 46 p. 103—117, 2 pls., 2 figg. 7.3,.46,.47 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 7 (1161) 1908. The Fossil Fishes of the Hawkesbury Series at St. Peters. Mem. geol. Surv. New South Wales Pal. No. 10 p. 1—29, 4 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Pleuracanthus, Sagenodes, Palaeoniscus, Elonichthys 2, Myriolepis, Elpiso- pholis n. g., Semionotus, Pholidophorus.] 7.3,.47,.48 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 7 (1162) 1897. Notes on the Collection of Fossil Fishes from the Upper Lias of Ilminster in the Bath Museum. Proc. Bath nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Yol. 8 p. 233—242, 2 figg. [Lepidotus, Dapedius, Caturus, Pachycormus, Pholidophorus.] 7.47,.55 Woodward, A[rthur] Smith. 7 (117) 1908. On some Fish-remains from the Lameta Beds at Dongargaon, Cen- tral Provinces. Palaeont. indica N. S. Vol. 3 Ne. 3, 6 pp., 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Eoserranus n. g., Pycnodus.] 7.45,.58 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 7 (117) 1908, On some Fossil Fishes discovered by Prof. Exnss pe Souza in the Cretaceous Formation at Ilhéos (State of Bahia), Brazil. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 64 p. 388 —362, 2 pls. [9 nn. spp. in: Mawsonia, Lepidotus, Scrombroclupea.| 7.47,.59 Eastman, Charles R. 7 (1181) 1905. Les types de Poissons fossiles du Monte-Bolca au Museum d’His- toire naturelle de Paris. Mém. Soc. géol. France Paléont. T. 13 Mém. No. 34, 31 pp., 5 pls, 1 fig. [6 nn. spp. in: Chanoides, Coelogaster, Platina, Eomyrus 2, Anquilla.| 7.31,.35,.45,.53—.55,.57,.58 Leriche, Maurice. 7 (1181) 1908. Note sur les Poissons paléocènes et éocènes des environs de Reims (Marne). Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 37 p. 229—265, 4 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Pelamys, Pagellus, Dentex. 1 n. var. in Otodus.] 7.31—.38,.56—.58 Pietschmann, Viktor. 7 (26) 1906. Ichthyologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Island, an die at- lantische Küste von Marokko und in die westliche Hälfte des Mittel- meeres. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 72—148, 2 Taf., 7 figg. (26.1,.2) (491, 61.1,.2, 64) 7.35,.54—.56,.58 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 298 22912 Woodward, A[rthur] Smith. 7 (26.03) 1898. The Fishes of the Deep Sea. Rec. Haslemere mier. nat. Hist. Soc. 1896 p. 51-54. [Popular] 13 Reed, Thomas S. 7 (26.03) 1904. Ocean Depths: Their Contents and Surroundings. Proc. geogr. Soc. Australasia South Austral. Branch Vol. 7 p. 1—15, 3 pls. [Fishes.] 14 Jordan, David Starr. 7 (26.03) 1908. The Fishes of the Deep Sea. Strange Life Forms near the Ocean's Bottom. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 109—110, 5 figg. 15 Holt, E. W. L., and L. W. Byrne. 7 (26.1) 1908. Second Report on the Fishes of the Irish Atlantic Slope. Fishe- ries Ireland scient. Invest. 1906 No. 5, 63 pp., 5 pls., 3 figg. [Raja bathy- phila n. sp.] (41.5, 42) 1.35,.55,.56,.55 16 Atkinson, George T. 7 (26.8) 1908. Notes on a Fishing Voyage to the Barents Sea in August, 1907. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 71—98, 1 pl, 3 figg. 1 map. 7.35,.56,.58 17 Leriche, Maurice. 4 (4) 1908. Contribution à l’étude des Poissons fossiles du Nord de la France et des régions voisines. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 35 p. 338—357. (44.27,.28,.36, 493) (113, 114, 117, 1181) 7.31,.33,.38,.41,.44,.45,.47,.58 18 Bolam, George, 7 (41.45) 1899. Ichthyological Notes. History Berwick; Natural. Club Vol. 16 p. 201 — 204. 7.2,.31,.54,.55,.56,.58 22919 Aflalo, F. G. 7 (42) 1902. Six Uncommon British Sea-Fish. Field Natural. Quarterly Voi. 1 p. 7—18, 1 pl. — Note on the Angler-Fish, by Wu. Turner. p. 185—186. — Fish Notes by F. G. A. p. 291—294. 1.31—.38,.54,.55,.58 20 Beckford, Frank J. B. 7 (42.33) 1897. On the Fish of Dorset: Their Habits, Mode of Capture &c. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 18 p. 1—43. 7.2,.31,.35,.44,.53—.58 21 Thompson, P. R. 7 (42.81) 1908. Rare Fishes Caught Locally. Proc. Univ. Durham philos. Sec. Vol. 3 p. 3—4, 1 fig. [Triglops murrayi, Raniceps raninus, Myliobatis aquila and Trygon pastinaca.] 7.35,.56,.58 22 Frié, Antonin. y 7 (43.71) 1908. České ryby a jich cizopasnici. Praha: Frant. Rivnäc 8°, 75 pp» 111 figg. [Die Fische Böhmens und ihre Parasiten.] 7.2,.55,.06,.58 23 Fritel, P. H. 7 (44.3) 1904. Poissons fossiles des environs de Paris. Le Naturaliste Ann. 26 p. 41-44, 7 figg. 24 Gensoul, Joseph. 7 (44.43) 1908. Monographie des Poissons du departement de Saöne-et Loire. Bull. Soc. Hist, nat. Autun No. 20 p. 153—250. 7.2,.44,.55,.56,.58 25 Picaglia, L. 7 (45.4) 1907. Note ittiologiche. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 8 p. 55—58. 7.2,.44,.55,.58 26 Kreyenberg, M., und P. Pappenheim. 7 (51) 1908. Fin Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fische des Jangtze und seiner Zu- flüsse, Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 95—109. [2 nn. spp. in: Coilia, Culter. Hemiculter kneri n. nom. pro Culter leucisculus Kner nec Basır.] (51.1,.4) 7.44,.55,.58 22927 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7 (52) 1908. Notes on Some Japanese Fishes, with Descriptions of Fourteen New Species. Journ. Coll. Sc. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 23 Art. 7, 54 pp., 4 pls. [14 nn. spp. in: Tetronarcine, Catulus, Chimaera, Acipenser, Gymnothorax 2, Alepocephalus, Anampses 2, Halichoeres, Pachygnathus, Tetraodon, Owstonia n. g., Trachypterus.| (52.1,.2,.8) 7.31,.38,.44,.54,.55,.57,.58 15. I. 1909. 299 Pisces. 22928 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7 (52.1) 1908. On Some Fishes from Lake Biwa, with Description of One New Species and a List ¿f All the Fish Species hitherto En wn from That Locality. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol. 7 p. 1—15, 1 fig. [Acheilognathus shimazui n. sp.] 7.2,.55,.58 29 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7 (57.1) 1908. Notes on a Collection of Fishes made by Prof. Izma in the Southern Parts of Sakhalin. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol. 6 p. 235—254, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp. in: Porocottus.] 7.2,.31,.55,.56,.58 30 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7 (6) 1908. Mission des Pêcheries de la côte occidentale d’Afrique. Poissons. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. 71—102, 17 figg. [1 n. var. in Solea.] (64, 66.3) 7.35,.46,.63—.56,.58 31 Regan, C. Tate. 7 (68) 1908. A Collection of Fishes from the Coasts of Natal, Zululand, and Cape Colony. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. Vol. 1 p. 241—255, 6 pls. 1 fig. [9 nn. spp. in: Squalus, Squatina, Ophichthys, Apogon, Pomadasys, Dentex, Sargus, Blennius, Salarias.] (68.3,.4,.7) 7.31,.55,.57,.58 32 Jordan, David Starr, and Mary Cynthia Dickerson. 4 (12) 1908. Notes on & Collection of Fishes from the Gulf of Mexico at Vera Cruz and Tampico. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 11—22. [Bair- diella vera-crucis n. sp.] (12.1,.6) 7.31,.53,.95,.98 33 Regan, C. Tate. 7 (728) 1908. A Collection of Freshwater Fishes made by Mr. C. F. Unperwoo» in Costa Rica. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 455—464. [8 nn. spp. in: Tetragonopterus, Gambusia, Petalosoma n. g., Poecilia 2, Cichlosoma 2, Tomocichla n. g. Xenorhynchichthys n. g. pro Joturus stipes.] 7.31,.55,.97,.08 22934 Kendall, William C. 7 (74): 1908. Fauna of New England. 8. List of the Pisces. Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. No. 7, 152 pp. (74.1—.6) 7.2—.35,.41,.44,.55,.56,.58 35 Tracy, Henry C. 7 (14.5) 1906. A List of the Fishes of Rhode Island. 36th ann. Rep. Comm- Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 38—99, 12 pls. 7.2,.31,.35,.44,.54—.56,.58 36 Tracy, Henry C. 7 (74.5) 1907. The Fishes of Rhode Island. IV. A List of the Rare Fishes Taken in Rhode Island in the Year 1906. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish.. Rhode Island p. 65—68. 7.35,.54—.56 37 Forbes, Stephen Alfred, and Robert Earl Richardson. 7 (77.3) 1908. The Fishes of Illinois. Nat. Hist. Surv. Illinois Vol. 3 Ichthyology CXXXI, 358 pp., 55 pls., 76 figg. — Atlas 103 maps. 7.2,.41,.44,.47,.55,.56,.58 38 Cockerell, T. D. A. 7 (78) 1908. The Fishes of the Rocky Mountain Region. Univ. Colorado Stud.. Vol. 5 p. 159—178, 9 figg. (78.6 —.9) 7.31,.38,.41,.44..48,.55,.58 39 Jordan, David Starr, and Mary Cynthia Dickerson. 7 (9) 1908. On a Collection of Fishes from Fiji, with Notes on Certain Ha- waiian Fishes. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 603—617, 6 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Cypsilurus, Abudefduf. Rastrelliger n. g. pro Scomber brachy- somus.] (934, 96.1,.9) 1.31,.55,.91,.58 22940 Ogilby, J. Douglas. 7 (94) 1908. On New Genera and Species of Fishes. Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land Vol. 21 p. 1—26. [10 nn. spp. in: Brachaelurus n. g., Dasyatis, Exo- nautes, Trachinotus, Apogonichthys, Hypoplectrodes, Paraplesiops, Merogymnus n. g., Pseudupeneus, Spheroides. Cirriscyllium n. g. pro Chiloscyllium modestum Plenonotus pro Exocoetus cirriger.] (94.3,.4) 7.31,.55,.58 15. L 1909. 22941 42 43 di 45 46 47 48 22949 50 51 53 5+ 22955 Pisces. 300 Ogilby, J. Douglas. 7 (94.3) 1908. De-criptions of New Queensland Fishes. Proc. R. Soc. Queens. land Vol. 21 p. 87—98. [7 nn. spp. in: Scoliodon, Tylosurus, Hemirhamphus, Macrorhamphosus, Ephinephelus, Pseudomycterus n. g., Pseudomonacanthus.] 7.31,.54,.55,.58 Jensen, Ad. S. 7 (98) 1904. The Fishes of East-Greenland. Medd. Grgnland Heft 29 p. 211— 276, 3 pls. [Lycenchelys kolthoffi n. sp.] Pietschmann, Viktor. 7 (98) 1907. Ichthyologische Ergebnisse einer Reise ins Barontsmeer. Teleostei. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 297—307. , 7.35,.55,.56 Parker, 6. H. 7.1 : 11.044 1908. The Sensory Reactions of Amphioxus. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sc. Vol. 43 p. 415—455. Goldschmidt, R. 7.1 : 14.77 1908. Das Bindegewebe des Amphiorus, Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Morphol. Phy- siol. München Bd. 24 p. 53—78, 27 figg. [Besitz einer echten binde- gewebigen Cutis.] Joseph, H. 7.1 : 14.77 1908. Die epidermoidalen Sinneszellen des Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. Bd, 32 p. 448—455, 7 figg. Boeke, J. 7:14.81 1908. Das Infundibulorgan im Gehirne des Amphiorus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 473—488, 12 figg. Boeke, J. 7.1 : 14.83 1908. Die Innervierung der Muskelsegmente des Amphioxus (Branchio- stoma lanceolatum), nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Endigungsweise der motorischen Nerven bei den Vertebraten. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 273 —290, 9 figg. Boeke, J. 7.1: 18.8 1907. Over den bouw van de gangliencellen in het centraal zenuwstelsel van Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Iste mededeeling). Versl. wis. - nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 16 p. 5—11, 1 pl. — On the structure of the nerve-cells in the central nervous system of Branchiostoma lance- olatum. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 10 p. 86—93, l pl. Boeke, J. 7.1 : 18.8 1908. „Over den bouw van de gangliencellen in het centrale zenuwstelsel van Branchiostoma lanceolatum. II. Versl. wis.-nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam D. 17 p. 32—38, 1 pl. — On the structure of the ganglion-cells in the central nervous system of Branchiostoma lanc. Proc. Seet. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 11 p. 53—59, 1 pl. Haswell, W. A. 7.1 (94.3) 1908. Note on the Cephalochorda in the Australian Museum. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 33—35, 1 figg. [Heteropleuron hedleyi n. sp. Tretjakoff, D. 7.2 : 14.83 1908. Die peripherische und zentrale Endigung des Gehörnerven bei Ammocoetes und Petromyzon fluviatilis. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. i4—29, 1 Taf., 2 figg. Hatta, S. 7.2 Ammocoetes : 14.1 1908. Bemerkungen über die früheren Entwicklungsstadien des Gefäss- systems des Ammocoetes. Journ. Sapporo agric. Coll. Vol. 3 p. 81—107, 3 figg. Tretjakoff, D. 7.2 Ammocoetes : 14.85 1908. Die Entstehung der äusseren Ampulle. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 165 —174, 3 figg. ; Schaffner, Daniel C. 7.2 Ammocoetes (77.4) 1902. Notes on the Occurrence of Ammocoetes, the Larval Form of Lam- petra wilderi, near Ann Arbor. 3d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 71— 72. 15. I. 1909. 301 Pisces. 22956 Schreiner, A., u. K. E. Schreiner. F 7.2 Myxine : 14.63.1 1908. Zur Spermienbildung der Myxinoiden. (Uber die Entwicklung der männlichen Geschlechtszellen von Myxine glutinosa L. IIL) Arch. Zell» forschung Bd. 1 p. 152—231, 6 Taf., 26 figg. 57 Ayers, Howard. 7.2 Myxinoidei : 14.81 1908. The ventricular Fibres of the Brain of Myxinoids. Anat. Anz. Bd.. 82 p. 445—448, 5 figg. 58 Johnston, J. B. 7.2 Petromyzon : 14.83. 1908. Additional Notes on the Cranial Nerves of Petromyzonts. Journ.. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 569—608, 31 figg. 59 Krause, Rudolf. 7.2 Petromyzon : 14.85. 1906. Das Gehörorgan der Petromyzonten. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 22 p. 257—265, 4 figg. 60 Johnston, J. B. 7.2 Petromyzon : 18.8- 1908. On the Significance of the Caliber of the Parts of the Neurone in Vertebrates. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 609—618. 61 Berthier, V. 7.2 Petromyzon (44.56). 1908. Lamproie marine (Petromyzon marinus Linné.) Bull. Soc. Hist. nat.. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Yerb. p. 58—61. 62 Widakowich, Victor. 7.3 : 14.66. 1908. Uber einen Musculus sphincter uterorum bei Torpedo ocellata und über das Hymen der Plagiostomen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat. Abt.. Jahrg. 1908 p. 352—370, 5 figg. 7.31,.39 63 Luther, Alex. 7.3 : 14.73 1908. Untersuchungen über die vom N. trigeminus innervierte Muskula- tur der Selachier (Haie und Rochen) unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Be- ziehungen zu benachbarten Organen. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. T. 36, 176 pp., 23 figg., 5 Taf. 7.31,.35 22964 Reighard, Jacob. 7.3 : 14.93 1902. On the Anterior Head Cavity of the Elasmobranchs. (Abstract.) 9d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 81. [Aborted adhesive organ.] 65 Reynolds, Sidney H. 7.8 (115) 1908. Fish Teeth and Spines from the Carboniferous Limestone of the Bristol District. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. (4) Vol. 2 p. 41—43. 7.31,.35 66 Pietschmann, Viktor. 7.3 (52). 1908. Japanische Plagiostomen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 261. —Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 1 p. 637—710, 2 Taf., 14 figg. 7.31,.35 67 Branson, E. B. 7.9 . Cladodus.. 1908. Cladodus compressus, a Correction. Science N. S. Vol. 97 p. 311— 312. [C. compressus n. nom. pro C. striatus Aaassiz non Braxsox.] 68 Traquair, R. H. 7.3 . Cladodus 115)- 1898. On Cladodus Neilsoni (Traquair), from the Carboniferous Limestone of East Kilbride. Trans. geol. Soc. Glasgow Vol. 11 p. 41—50, 1 pl. 69 Missuna, A. 7.9 , Edestus (115) 1908. Ueber eine neue Edestus-Art aus den Karbon-Ablagerungen der Umgebungen von Kolomna. Buli. Soc. Natural. Moscou Ann. 1907 p. 529—535, 4 figg. [E. karpinskii n. sp.] 70 Petersen, Hans. 7.31 : 14.3 1908. Beitráge zur Kenntnis des Baues und der Entwicklung des Se- lachierdarmes. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturwiss. Bd. 43 p. 619—652, 3 Taf., 4 figg. — Bd. 44 p. 123—148, 3 Taf., 18 figg. 14.33,.34 22971 van Rynberk, 6. 7.31 : 14.78.5 1908. Di una disposizione particolare nello scheletro cutaneo di alcuni selacei. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 137—146, 12 figg. — Riv. mens. Pesca Milano Anno 10 p. 50—58, 12 figg. — Arch. ital. Biol. T. 49 p. 203—212, 12 figg. 15. I. 1909. 22972 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 22980 83 84 86 22987 Pisces. 302 Leriche, Maurice. 7.31 (1182) 1907. Observations sur les Poissons du Patagonien récemment signalés par M. Fr. Awraumo. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 36 p. 129—137. Ameghino, Florentino. *.91 (1182) 1908. Notes sur les Poissons du Patagonien. An. Mus. nac. Buenos- Ayres T. 16 p. 477—497, 7 figg. Leriche, Maurice; 7.31 (1182) 1908. Observations sur les Squales néogénes de la Californie. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 37 p. 302—306. Fowler, Henry W. 7.91 (26) 1908. Notes on Sharks. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 52—70; [Eulamia odontaspis n. sp.] Pietschmann, Viktor. 7.31 (52) 1907. Zwei neue Selachier aus Japan. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien mat.- nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 394—396. [2 nn. spp. in: Centrophorus, Etmopterus.] Blaizot, L. 7.31 Acanthias : 14.66 1908. L’épithélium utérin chez Acanthias vulgaris Risso avant la pre- mière gestation. (lére note. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 339—341. — 2e note. p. 453—455. Blaizot, L. 7.91 Acanthias : 14.66 1908, Note sur l'origine des cellules libres trouvées dans l’épithélium utérin d’Acanthias vulgaris R. avant le debut de l’histolyse épithéliale. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 30—31. Blaizot, L. 7.31 Acanthias : 14.66 1908. Observations sur la gestation chez Acanthias vulgaris R. Bull. Soc. z00l. France T. 33 p. 57—59. [Part de l’organisme maternel dans nutri- tion des petits. (Pas d'albuminoides dans liquide utérin).] Regan, C. Tate. 7.91 Cestraciontidae (26) 1908. A Synopsis of the Sharks of the Family Cestraciontidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 493—497. (26.1,.5,.7) Leriche, Maurice. 7.31 Cetorhinus (1183) 1908. Sur un appareil fanonculaire de Cetorhinus trouvé a l’état fossile dans le Pliocene d'Anvers. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 146 p. 877—818. Ziegler, H. E. 7.31 Chlamydoselachus : 13.3 1908. Ein Embryo von Chlamydoselachus anguineus Gaga. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 561—574, 7 figg. Brohmer, P. 7.31 Chlamydoselachus : 14.61 1908. Das Exkretionssystem eines Embryos von Chlamydoselachus angui- neus Garm. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 621—627. Leriche, Maurice. 7.31 Cochliodontidae (115) 1908. Sur quelques plaques dentaires de Cochliodontidés des "Terrains carboniferes de la Belgique. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 37 p. 281—286, 1 pl. Regan, C. Tate. 7.31 Heteroscyllium 1908. A new Generic Name for an Orectolobid Shark. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 454—455. [Heteroscyllium n. nom. pro Brachaelurus Osırzy 1907 non 1906.] Krall, Albert. 7.31 Hexanchus : 14.64 1908. Die männliche Beckenflosse von Hexanchus griseus M. u. H. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Copulationsorgane der Selachier und deren Her- kunft. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 529—585, 2 Taf., 17 figg. M’Intosh, [W. C.] 7.81 Lamna : 14 1907. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. — No. XXVII. Or the Porbeagle Shark with a Large Suboral Aperture. — On the Young of the Ling. — On Genetyllis citrina (n. sp.), a New Phyllo- dorid. — On the Reproduction of Nereis diversicolor O. F. Mirrer. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) Vol. 20 p. 169—185, 3 pls. 15. I. 1909. 303 Pisces. 22988 Kellicott, William E. 7.31 Mustelus : 14 89 90 91 93 94 22995 96 97 98 23000 Ol 23002 1908. The Growth of the Brain and Viscera in the Smooth Dogfish (Mustelus canis, Mırcar). Amer. Journ, Anat. Vol. 8 p. 319—354, 7 Taf. 14.12,.35,.36,.37,.41,.63,.65,.81 Vincent, Swale. 7.31 Mustelus : 14.37 1908. The Ductless Glands. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Lei- cester 1907 p. 400—401. [Ductule, islet and zymogenous tubule, portions of same morphological entity.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.31 Orectolobidae (26) 1908. A Revision of the Sharks of the Family Orectolobidae. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 347—364, 3 pls. [Euerossorhinus n. g. pro Crosso- rhinus dasypogon.] (26.1,.5,.7) Borcea, I. 7.31 Pristiurus : 15.6 1908. Une observation sur la maturité et la parturition chez le Pristiu- rus melanostomus Br. Ann. scient. Univ. Jassy T. 5 p. 84—85. [Embryon à 6 fentes branchiales etc. (chez forme ovipare).] Regan, C. Tate. 7.51 Scyliorhinidae (26) 1908. A Synopsis of the Sharks of the Family Scyliorhinidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 453—465. (26.1,.5,.7) Pregl, Fritz. 7.31 Scyllium : 11.05 1908, Ueber die Eihäute von Scyllium stellare Guenta. und ihre Abbau- produkte. Zeitschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 56 p. 1—10. [Hoher Gehalt an Tyrosin.] Widakowich, Victor. 7.31 Scyllium : 14.65 1908. Wie gelangt das Ei der Plagiostomen in den Eileiter? Ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis des Venensystems von Scyllium canicula. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 640—658, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [Durch Blutaustritt in präformierte, von Gefässendothel ausgekleidete Räume (Tubarsinus) wird Entfaltung des Ostium abdominale tubarum u. Dilatation der Anfangs- stücke der Eileiter herbeigeführt. So erklärt sich die Uberwanderung des enormen Eis (17—19 mm dick) in den dünnen Eileiter (2 mm Durch- messer).] Hendricks, Karl. 7.31 Selache : 14.78.5 1908. Zur Kenntnis des gröberen und feineren Baues des Reusenappa- rates an den Kiemenbögen von Selache maxima Cuvier. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 427—509, 2 Taf., 5 figg. Parona, Corrado. 7.31 Selache (26.2) 1908. La Selache maxima nei mari italiani. Riv. mens. di Pesca Ann. 10 p. 263—267. (26.23) Brohmer, P. 7.31 Spinax : 18.8 1908. Die Sinneskanále und die Lorenzmr’schen Ampullen bei Spinax- Embryonen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 25—40, 8 figg. Regan, C. Tate. 7.31 Squalidae (26) 1908. A Synopsis of the Sharks of the Family Squalidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 39—57. (26.1,.2,.5,.7) Ishikawa, Chiyomatsu. 7.31 Squalus (52) 1908. Description of a New Species of Squaloid Shark from Japan. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 71—73. [Squalus japonicus] (52.1,.2) Drzewina, Anna. 7.35 : 11.11 1908. Influence de la dessalure sur les leucocytes granuleux des Séla- ciens. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1039—1041. [Disparition et modi- fications des leucocytes a bätonnets.] Jackson, J. Wilfrid. 7.35 (115) 1908. Carboniferous Fish-Remains in North Derbyshire. Geol. Mag. N. Huber, 0. 7.35 Laeviraja: 14.64 1908. Die Copulationsglieder von Laeviraja oxyrhynchus. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 717—720, 4 figg. 15. L 1909. Pisces. 304 23003 Pantanelli, D. 7.89 Ptychodus (1182) 1906. Ancora su i resti di Piychodus nell’ Appennino Emiliano. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 7 p. 36—37. 04 Smallwood, W. M. 7.35 Raja : 12.84 1908. Notes on the Atrophy of the Eye of Raja erinacea. Science N. 8. Vol. 28 p. 930—931. Vaillant, Léon. 7.35 Raja : 12.99 1908. Sur un individu monstrueux nyctéridoide du Raja claveta Linxé. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 112—113. [Nageoires pectorales for- ment deux saillies latérales, au milieu desquelles la téte reste libre.] 06 Weber, A. 7.99 : Raja : 14.12 1908. Recherches sur quelques stades du développement du cœur de la Raie. C. R. Ass. Anat. Reun. 10 p. 10—14. 07 Carruccio, Antonio. 7.85 Rhinobatus (26.2) 1908. Sovra un Rhinobatus Halavi Rürr. teste avuto dal Museo Zoologico della R. Università di Roma, preso forse per la prima volta nel Mare Toscano. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 97—105. 03 Pighini, Giacomo. 7.35 Torpedo : 14.3.9 1908. Sur la structure des cellules nerveuses du lobe électrique, et des terminaisons nerveuses dans l'organe électrique du Torpedo ocellata. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 489—498, 9 fgg. 09 Gentes, L. 7.35 Torpedo : 14.81 1908. Les lobes latéraux de l’hypophyse de Torpedo marmorata Risso. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux. €. E. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1072 —1073. 23010 Gentes, L. 7.39 Torpedo : 14.81 1908. Développement et évolution du sac inférieur de l'hypophyse de Torpedo marmorata Risso. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1073—1075. 11 Gentes, L. 7.35 Torpedo : 14.81 1908. Développement comparé de la glande infundibulaire et des plexus. choroides dorsaux chez la Torpille. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux.) ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 687—689. 12 Gentes, L. 7.89 Torpedo : 14.81 1908. Sur le développement des lobes inférieurs chez les Sélaciens. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 836—838. 13 Sabrazès, J., et L. Muratet. 7.35 Torpedo : 18.5 1908. Observations sur le sang de la Torpille. (Torpedo marmorata Risso.) Proc.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. CXIII—CXVII. [Hé- maties. thrombocytes, lymphocytes.] 14 Woodward, A[rthur] Smith. 7.38 Ischyodus (1162): 1906. On a New Chimaeroid Fin-spine from the Portland Stone. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 27 p. 181—182, 1 pl. e 15 Wilder, Burt G. 7.98 Rhinochimaera : 14.81 1908. 'The Brain of Rhinochimaera. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 47 p. 37—38. 16 Brookover, Chas. 7.4 : 14.83: 1908. Pinkus’s Nerve in Amia and Lepidosteus. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 pè 913—914. 7.41,.47 17 Wellburn, Edgar D. 7.4 (115) 1903. On Some New Species of Fossil Fish from the Millstone Grit Rocks, with an Amended List of Genera and Species. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 15 p. 70—78. [4 nn. spp. in: Coelacanthus, Rha- dinichthys, Elonichthys 2.] 7.46,.47 23018 Parker, William A. 7.4 (115) 1904. Remains of Fossil Fishes Found near Rochdale. Trans. Roch- dale liter. scient. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 24—32, 3 figg. 7.46,.47 ib. I. 1909. 23019 20 22 24 23025 32 23033 305 Pisces. Woodward, Arthur Smith. 7.4 (1162) 1896/98. On the Fossil Fishes of the Upper Lias of Whitby. Part I. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. Vol. 13 p. 155—170, 3 pls. [Caturus. Pachyeormidae.] — Part. III. p. 325—357, 3 pls. [Lepidotus] — Part IV. p. 445—472, 2 pls., 13 figg. [Dapedius, Belonorhynchus, Gyrosteus.] 7.44,.47 Phelps, Jessie. 7.41 Amia: 13.41 1900. The Origin and Development of the Adhesive Organ of Amia calva. ist. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 137—139. [Entoblastic in origin.] Eycleshymer, Albert C., and James Meredith Wilson. 7.41 Amia : 13.41 1908. The Adhesive Organs of Amia. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 134—148, 2 pls. [Sucking disks, (paired diverticula of foregut, that break through Epidermis), functioning as secreting organs for about a week.] Reighard, Jacob, and Jessie Phelps. 7.41 Amia : 13.41 1908. The Development of the Adhesive Organ and Head Mesoblast of Amia. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 469—496, 1 pl. [Pair of gut pouches, comparable to anterior head cavities of Elasmobranchs. In no way ho- mologous with epidermal sense organs.] Beckwith, Cora J. 7.41 Amia : 14.8 1902. On the Early History of the Auditory and Lateral Line Organs of Amia. (Abstract.) 3d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 82. 14.85,.889 Reighard, Jacob, and S. 0. Mast. 7.41 Amia : 14.81 1908. Studies on Ganoid Fishes. II. The Development of the Hypophysis of Amia. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 497—510, 1 pl. Reighard, Jacob. 7.41 Amia : 15.6 1900/02, The Breeding Habits of the Dog-Fish, Amia calva. Ist Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 133—137, 1 pl. — Some Further Notes on the Breeding Habits of Amia. 3d Rep. p. 80—81. Leriche, Maurice. 7.41 Amia (1181) 1907. Sur Vattribution de Lacerta? eocena Owen de l’Eocene inférieur du Suffolk, a un Poisson du genre Amia. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 36 p. 167 —169. Leriche, Maurice. 7.41 Amia (1181) 1908. Sur la présence du genre Amia dans les „Hamstead Beds“ (Oligo- cene inférieur) de Vile de Wight. Bull. Soc. belg. Geol. Pal. T. 22 Proc.-Verb. p. 121—123. Dean, Bashford. 7.42 : 14.71 1907. Notes on Acanthodian Sharks. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 209 —226, 36 figg. [Dentition, skull, vertebral column etc. Relationship to Cladoselachians.] Branson, E. B. 7.43 Dinichthys : 14.71 1908. Notes on Dinichthys terrilli, Nawserry, with a Restoration. Contri- bution from the Geological Laboratory of Oberlin College. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 363—369, 2 figg. Branson, E. 6. 7.43 Dinichthys (115) 1908. Dinichthys intermedius Newserry from the Huron Shale. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 94. Malenück, W. D. 7.44 Acipenser : 11.05 1908. Zur Chemie der Protamine. I. Mitteilung. Ueber das Protamin aus den Spermatozoen des kaspischen Störs, Acipenser guldenstidtii. Zeit- schr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 57 p. 99—112. Ostroumoff, A. 7.44 Acipenser : 13 1907. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus.) V—VI. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 504—507. [Spinalganglien der Occipitalregion. — Mürrer’scher Gang.] 14.65,.89 Lawroy, S. 7.44 Acipenser : 14.37 1908. Ueber die Pancreasgänge der Sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus).. Zool. Anz. Bd. 23 p. 408—409, 1 fig. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15: 1:4909 20 23034 35 36 37 38 39 40 23041 42 43 44 45 46 4 -1 48 23049 Pisces. 306 Ostroumoff, A. 7.44 Acipenser : 14.83 1907. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus.) II. Der Plexus cervicalis. Zool. Anz. Bd. 31 p. 723—725, 1 fig. Nachtrieb, Henry F. 7.44 Polyodon : 14.889 1908. The "Primitive Pores" and the Sensory Ridges of the Lateral Line of Polyodon spathula. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 914— 915. Woodward, A. Smith. 7.45 Mesodon (1162) 1906. On a Pyenodont Fish of the Genus Mesodon from the Portland Stone. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 27 p. 183—187, 1 pl. [M. darnesi n. sp.] Wellburn, Edgar D. 7.46 Coelacanthus (115) 1902. Onthe Genus Coelacanthus as Found in the Yorkshire Coal Measures, with a Restauration of the Fish. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 474—483, 1 fig. Wellburn, Edgar D. 7.46 Megalichthys 1900. On the Genus Megalichthys Acassız: its History, Systematic Posi- tion, and Structure. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 52—71, 6 pls. Goodrich, E. 8. 7.46 Polypterus 1908. On the Systematic Position of Polypterus. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Leicester 1907 p. 545—546. [Relations to Actinopterygii.] Kerr, J. Graham. 7.46 Polypterus : 13 1907. The Development of Polypterus senegalus Cuv. Budgett Memorial Voi. p. 195—284, 3 pls., 67 figg. 13.15—.35, 14.12—.14,.28,.3,.61,.71,.81,.86,.98 Allis, Edward Phelps. 7.46 Polypterus : 14.13 1908. The Pseudobranchial and Carotid Arteries in Polypterus. Anat. Anz Bd. 33 p. 217—227, 1 fig. Budgett, J. Herbert. 7.46 Polypterus : 15 1907. Note on Habits of Polypterus. Budgett Memorial Vol. p. 291—292. [Reprinted from "Field".] Wellburn, Edgar D. 7.46 Strepsodus (115) 1900. On the Occurrence of Strepsodus sulcidens, Hanpcock and ATTHEY in the Yorkshire Coal Measures. Proc. Yorkshire geol. & polyt. Soc. N. S. Vol. 14 p. 86—87, 1 pl. Allen, William F. 7.47 Lepidosteus : 14.42 1908. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Tail Region of Lepidosteus. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 49—88, 25 figg. [Separate subcutaneous venous system, functioning both for veins and lymphaties.] Allen, William F. 7.47 Lepidosteus : 14.42 1908. “Symposium on the Development and Structure ot the Lymphatic System. IX. Distribution of the Subcutaneous Vessels in the Tail Region of Lepidosteus. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 65—70. [Subcutaneous system a sort of intermediary between lymphatics and veins.] Priem, F. 7.47 Lepidotus (116) 1908. Etude sur le genre Lepidotus. Aun. Paléont. T. 3 p. 1—19. 4162, 117) (44.22,.25,.33,.44,.47,.58) Woodward, A[rthur] Smith. 7.47 Pholidophorus (1162) 1897. On a New Specimen of the Mesozoic Ganoid Fish, Pholidophorus, from the Oxford Clay of Weymouth. Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. antiq. Field Club Vol. 18 p. 150—152, 1 pl. Airaghi, C. ; 7.47 Pholidophorus (1162) 1908. Di un ”Pholidophorus, del retico lombardo. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) Vol. 41 p. 765—772, 1 fig. [Ph. caffii n. sp] Kerr, J. Graham. 7.48 : 14.2 1908. Note on Swim-bladder and Lungs. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 17 p. 170—174, 2 figg. 14,24,.29 15. I. 1909. 23050 51 55 56 23057 60 61 62 63 307 Pisces. Greil, [Alfr.] 7.48 Ceratodus : 18 1907. Ueber die Bildung des Kopfmesoderms bei Ceratodus Forst. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 59—72. Kellicott, William Erskine. 7.48 Ceratodus : 14 1905. The Development of the Vascular and Respiratory Systems of Ceratodus. Mem. New York Acad. Se. Vol. 2 Pt. 4 p. 135—249, 5 pls., 106 figg. 14.12—.15,.24,.28 2 Greil, [Alfr.] 7.48 Ceratodus : 14.28 1906. Ueber die Entstehung der Kiemendarmderivate von Ceratodus F. 8 Merciai, Giuseppe. 7.48 Lepidosiren : 14 1906. „Lepidosiren paradoxa“ Firze. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 26 p. 59—61. 4 Kerr, J. Graham. 7.48 Lepidosiren : 14.13 1908. Note on the Cause of Disappearance of the Fifth Aortic Arch in Air-Breathing Vertebrates. Proc. R. phys. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 17 p. 167 —168, 5 figg. À Smith, Grafton Elliot. 7.48 Lepidosiren : 14.81 1908. The Cerebral Cortex in Lepidosiren, with comparative Notes of the Interpretation of certain Features of the Forebrain in other Vertebrates. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 513—540, 18 figg. Knauer, Fr. doi 11 1908. Neue Beobachtungen an Fischen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarien- kunde Jahrg. 5 p. 455—456. [Hennmarrs Atmungsversuche mit Laby- rintfischen. — Versuche über den Geschmackssinn, G. H. Pırkar.] 11.26,.8531, 7.55,.58 van Herwerden, M. 4.9 : 11.32 1908. Zur Magenverdauung der Fische. Zeitschr. physiol. Chem. Bd. 56 p.453—494.[Reaktion des Magensaftes. — Peptisches und fettspaltendes Enzym.] 7.55,.56,.58 Ninni, Emilio. 7.9 211.57 1907. Metacromatismi in pesci raccolti nel mare e lagune di Venezia. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 585—589. 7.55,.56 Bogacki, Kamil. 7.9 : 11.69 1906. Experimentelle Flossenregeneration bei europäischen Süsswasser- fischen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 22 p. 18—20, 1 Taf. 7.55,.58 Grochmalicki, Jan. 7.5 : 11.69 1908. Untersuchungen über die Linsenregeneration bei den Knochenfischen. Bull. Soc. polon. Av. Se. Léopol Fasc. 8 p. 128—131. (Aus Arch. Naukow. (2) T. 1. [Irisrand als Mutterboden der neuen Linse] (Ref. von O. Rasxs Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 24 p. 13—14, 2 figg. 7.99 Deganello, Umberto. 7.9 : 14.2 1908. Die peripherischen, nervósen Apparate des Atmungsrhythmus bei Knochenfischen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 123 p. 40—94, 48 figg. [Tonus des N. maxill. auf Atemzentren: Gegensatz zu Säugetieren, wo ausser dem N. vagus kein zentripetaler Nerv Tonus ausübt.] Reis, Caroline. 7.5 : 14.29 1906: Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gasdrüse bei den Knochen- fischen. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1906 p. 771—777. Huber, Robert 0. 7.5 3 14.29 1908. Interessante Formen und Funktionen der Schwimmblase von Fischen. Mitt. nat. Ver. Univ. Wien Jahrg. 6 p. 128—129. 64 Starks, Edwin Chapin. 7.5 : 14.29 1 23065 908. On a Communication between the Air-bladder and the Ear in Certain Spiney-rayed Fishes. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 613—614. 7.56,.58 Woodland, W. 7.9 : 14.29 1908. New gland in certain Teleostean Fishes. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 431—433, 2 figg. [Distinct from gas-gland. Its cells in close 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 308 connection with venous blood vessels, and packed with granules derived from red-corpuscle desintegration (concerned in generation of oxygen of swim-bladder).] 7.53,.56,.58 23066 Eggeling, H. 7.5 : 14.34 1907. Dündarmrelief und Ernährung bei Knochenfischen, Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 43 p. 417—529, 3 Taf. [Beziehungen zw. beiden zunächst nicht feststellbar: Dasselbe Relief kann bei verschiedener Darmlänge und Ernährungsweise vorkommen.] 7.53,.54,.55,.56,.58 67 Hammar, J. Aug. 7.5 : 14.43 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Teleostierthymus. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 73 p. 1—68, 3 Taf, 10 figg. [Thymus persistiert bei fast allen Formen zeit- lebens als integrierender Bestandteil des Kiemenhöhlenepithels. — Ein- wanderung zahlreicher Lymphocyten während der Differenzierungsperiode. — Autochthones Entstehen der myoiden Zellen. — Altersinvolution findet statt, (wahrscheinlich in Beziehung zur Geschlechtsreife).] 7.55,.56,.58 68 Starks, Edwin Chapin. 7.5 : 14.71 1908. On the Orbitosphenoid in some Fishes. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 69 Pychlau, Waldemar. 7.5 : 14.72 1908. Untersuchungen an den Brustflossen einiger Teleostier. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 43 p. 692—728, 3 Taf. [Verbindung zwischen Schultergürtel und äusserstem Strahl der Brustflosse.] 7.55,.56,.58 70 Barbieri, Ciro. 7.9 : 14.83 1907. Intorno allo sviluppo dei nervi cranici nei teleostei. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 590—596. 23071 Grynfeltt, E. 7.5 : 14.84 1908. Sur le sphincter de liris chez quelques Téléostéens. (Note prélimi- minaire). C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 102—104. 72 Ehrenbaum, E. 7.9215 1908. Ueber Eier und Jugendformen der Seezunge und anderer im Früh- jahr laichender Fische der Nordsee. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N. F. Bd. 8 Abt. Helgoland p. 201—269, 6 Kart., 17 figg. 15.6 7.55,.56,.58 73 Strodtmann, S. 4.9 ? 15 1908. Eier und Larven der im Winter laichenden Fische der Nordsee. I. Einleitung und Uebersicht über die Fahrten nebst Fangtabellen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N. F. Bd. 8 Abt. Helgoland p. 177—189, 5 figg. 15.6 1.35,.06,.08 74 Supino, Felice. 7.5 : 15.3 1908. I cosi detti Pesci antimalarici. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 47 p. 117—120. 1.55,.58 75 Ehrenbaum, E. 7.5 3 15.6 1908. Die Fortpflanzungsverhältnisse der Seefische. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 106*—108*. 7.53,.58 76 7.5 : 16.1 1904. The Stocking of Our Ponds and Streams with Suitable Fresh-Water Fish, through the Distribution of Eggs and Fry. 34th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 13. 77 Townsend, C. H. 7.9 2 16.1 1907. The Cultivation of Fishes in Natural and Artificial Ponds. 11th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 89—112, 11 figg. 78 Lakowitz. 7.9 : 16.1 1908. „Die nordeuropäischen Meere im Rahmen der internationalen Meeresforschung*. Schrift. nat. Ges. Danzig N. F. Bd. 12 No. 2 p. XXXIV —XXX VIII. 23079 Masterman, A. T. 7.5 : 16.1 1908. Memorandum on the Vitality of Trawl-Caught-Fish. Cons. perman. intern. Explor. Mer Publ. de Circ. No. 42, 7 pp., 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. 309 Pisces. 23080 Wollman, Eugène, 7.5: 16.1 1908. Sur quelques résultats des recherches entreprises par l’Association internationale pour L’Exploration de la mer du Nord. Rey. scient. (5) T. 10 p. 141—145. 7.55,.56 81 Schubert, R. J. F. 7.5 (118) 1908. Die Fischotolithen des Pausramer Mergels. Zeitschr. mähr. Lan- desmus. Bd. 8 p. 102—120, 1 Taf., 1 fig. [9 nn. spp.] 7.55,.56,.58 82 Holt, E. W., and L. W Byrne. 7.5 (26.1) 1908. New Deep-sea Fishes from the South-west Coast of Ireland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 86—95, 1 pl., 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Laemo- nema. Cyttosoma, Oneirodes.] 1.56,.58 83 Regan, C. Tate. 7.5 (26.3) 1908. Description of a New Fish of the Genus Cichlosoma from Tampico with Notes on some other Fishes from Mexico and the Caribbean Sea Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 222—228. [C. laurae n. sp.] (26.35) 7.57,.58 84 Regan, C. Tate. 7.5 (26.7) 1908. Report on the Marine Fishes Collected by Mr. J. STANLEY GARDINER in the Indian Ocean. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (2) Vol. 12 p. 217—255, 9 pls. [53 nn. spp. in: Borostomias n. g., Argyropelecus, Macrurus, Xenan- thias n. g., Apogon 4, Holacanthus, Dascyllus, Pomacentrus, Amphiprion, Neo- eyttus, Platophrys 2, Scaeops 5, Arnoglossus, Cynoglossus, Pogonoscorpius n. g., Minous, Platycephalus 4, Hoplichthys, Lepidotrigla, Gobiomorphus, Asterropteri:c, Cryptocentrus, Hopoplomus, Gobiopterus, Champosodon 6, Psammachthys n. g., Callionymus 5, Synchiropus 2, Sladenia n. g., Halieuta, Monacanthus, Speroi- des.] (53.5, 54.88, 68.7, 69.6,.8, 91.4) 7.54—.58 23085 Kammerer, Paul. 7.5 (285 : 4) 1908. Fische aus dem Gardasee. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 9 p. 107—108, 130—132, 157—159, 3 figg. (43.64, 45.2,.3) 7.55,.57,.58 86 Patterson, Arthur H. 7.5 (42.61) 1908. Some Fish-Notes from Great Yarmouth for 1908. Zoologist (4) Yol. 12 p. 441—449, 3 figg. 7.55,.56,.58 87 Regan, C. Tate. 7.5 (5) 1908. Descriptions of New Freshwater Fishes from China and Japan. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 149—153. [8 nn. spp. in: Gymnosto-) mus, Ischikavia, Achilognathus, Clarias, Pseudobagrus, Liobagrus 2, Ctenogobius.] (51.1, 52.1,.9) 7.55,.58 88 Regan, C. Tate. 7.5 (51.9) 1908. The Duke of Beprorp’s Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. — VIII. A Collection of Fresh-water Fishes from Corea. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 59—63, 2 pls. [7 nn. spp. in: Leucogobio, Acanthogobio, Acanthorhodeus, Silurus, Liobagrus, Ctenogobius, Tridentiger.] 7.55,.58 89 Snyder, John Otterbein. 7.5 (52) 1908. Descriptions of Eighteen New Species and Two New Genera of Fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu Islands. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 93—111. [18 nn. spp. in: Leptocephalus, Gymnothorax 2, Lepi- daplois 2, Choerops, Callyodon, Hetereleotris, Gnatholepis, Amblygobius, Doryp- tena n. g. 2, Xenisthmus n. g., Alticus 2, Salarias 2, Enchelyurus.] (92.2,.8) 7.55,.57,.58 90 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7.5 (52) 1908. Notes on some rare Fishes of Japan, with Descriptions of Two New Genera and Six New Species. Journ. Coll. Sc. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 23 Art. 13, 24 pp., 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Gymnosimenchelys n. g., Sphage- branchus, Astronesthes, Ceratias. 2 nn. subspp. in: Macrostoma, Pseudosco- pelus. Paraceratias, n. subg.] (52.1,.2,.8) 7.55,.58 23091 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7.5 (52.1) 1908. Descriptions of Eight New Species of Fishes from Japan. Annot. 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 310 zool. Japon. Vol. 7 p. 27—47. [7 nn. spp. in: Lestidium, Solenostomus. Ctenogobius 2, Zoarchias, Carapus, Malthopsis. 1 n. subsp. in Bregmaceros.} 7.55,.56,.58 23092 Tanaka, Shigeho. 7.9 (52.3) 1908. On a Small Collection of Tide-Pool Fishes from Misaki, with Des- criptions of Two New Species. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol. 7 p. 17—26. [2 nn. spp. in: Aspasma, Zoarchias.] 7.53,.57,.58 93 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (52.9) 1908. Poissons d’eau douce de Formose. Description d’une espèce nou- velle de la famille des Cyprinidés. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 262—265. [Gymnostomus barbatulus n. sp.] 1.95,.58 94 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (66.3) 1908. Sur une Collection de Poissons recueillie par M. le Docteur Wurtz en Guinée francaise. Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris (9) T. 10 p. 192—135, 3 figg. 7.55,.57,.58 95 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (66.3) 1908. Poissons recueillis par M. le Docteur Wurtz en Guinée française, description de quatre espéces nouvelles. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 204—209. [4 nn. spp. in: Labeo, Barbus 2, Barilius.] 7.55,.57,.58 96 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (67} 1908. Poissons du Congo recueillis par la mission d'étude de la maladie du sommeil. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 265—267. (67.2,.5) 7.55,.57 97 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (67.2} 1908. Collections recueillies par M. E. Hava, dans l'Ogóoué. Liste des Poissons et description d’une espèce nouvelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 347—349. [Petrocephalus microphthalmus n. sp.] 7.55,.57,.58 23098 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.5 (67.2) 1908. Sur une seconde Collection de Poissons recueillie par M. E. Have à Ngomo (Ogôoué). Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris (9) T. 11 p. 184—190. [Petrocephalus microphthalmus n. sp.] 7.55,.97,.58 99 Gilchrist, J. F. D., and W. Wardlaw Thompson. 7.5 (68.4) 1908. Description of Fishes from the Coast of Natal. Ann. South Af- ric. Mus. Vol. 6 p. 145—206. [25 nn. spp. in: Lutianus, Ambassis, Apogon, Pristipoma, Diagramma, Dentex, Holacanthus, Scorpis, Upeneus, Cantharus 2, Lethrinus, Chrysophrys 5, Apistus, Minous, Umbrina 2, Sciaena, Cossyphus, Engraulis, Pellona.] 1.59,.97,.98 23100 Gilchrist, J. D. F. 7.5 (68.7) 1908. Description of Fifteen New South African Fishes with Notes on Other Species. Marine Investig. South Africa Vol. 4 p. 143—171, 14 pls. [15 nn. spp. in: Tetraroge 2, Monocentris, Cottunculus, Cyttosoma, Pseudo- cyttus n. g., Neocyttus n. g., Laemonema, Solea, Synaptura, Cynoglossus, Bathyp- terois 2, Neostomias n. g., Halosaurus. 1 n. var. in Plagusia.] 7.55,.56,.58 01 Boulenger, G. A. 7.5 (68.9) 1908. Diagnoses of new Fishes discovered by Capt. E. L. Raoapss in Lake Nyassa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 238—243. [12 nn. spp. in: Barbus, Paratilapia 5, Haplochromis, Tilapia 4, Chilotilapia n. g.] 7.55,.57 02 Boulenger, G. A. 7.5 (68.9) 1908. Diagnoses of new Fishes from the Upper Zambesi. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 492—495. [7 nn. spp. in: Barbus 5, Paratilapia 2.] 1.59,.91 23103 Evermann, Barton Warren. 7.5 (72.2) 1908. Descriptions of a New Species of Trout (Salmo nelsoni) and a New Cyprinodont (Fundulus meeki) with Notes on other Fishes from Lower California. Proc. biol. Soc. DUE Vol. 21 p. 19—30, 1 pl, 1 fig. 7.55,.5 15, I. 1909, 311 Pisces. 23104 MeGlone, Bartgis. 7.5 (15.6) 1908. A Note on the Occurrence of two West Indian Fishes et Beaufort, N. C. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 572. [Abudefduf saratilis & Ulaema lefroyi.] 7.57,.58 05 Evermann, Barton W., and H. Walton Clark. 7.5 (77.2) 1908. Lake Cicott, Indiana, and Notes on its Flora and Fauna. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 213—218, 1 fig. 7.55,.58 06 Snyder, J. 0. 7.5 (79.4) 1908. The Fauna of Russian River, California, and its Relation to that of the Sacramento. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 269—271, 1 fig. 07 Nichols, John Treadwell. 7.5 (79.8) 1908. A small Collection of Alaska Fishes. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 171—174. 7.55,.58 08 von Ihering, Rodolpho. 7.5 (81) 1907. Os Peixes da agua doce do Brazil. Rey. Mus. Paulista Vol. 7 p. 258—335, 1 Est., 7 figg. 7.55,.57 09 Seale, Alvin. 7.5 (91.4) 1908. The Fishery Resources of the Philippine Islands. Part I, Com- mercial Fishes. Philippine Journ, Se. Vol. 3 A p. 513—529, 12 pls., 5 figg. 7.55,.55 10 Ogilby, J. Douglas. 7.5 (93) 1908. New or Little Known Fishes in the Queensland Museum. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 9 p. 1—41. [12 nn. spp. in: Trachysurus, Neosi- lurus, Jenynsella n. g., Corythoichthys, Hippocampus, Mugil 2, Ostichthys, Holo- centrus, Pseudochromis, Dampieria, Callionymus. Nemapteryx n. g. pro Arius stirlingi, Anyperisteus pro A. perugiae, Squalomugil pro Mugil nasutus.] (936, 94.3,.4) 7.53,.55,.58 23111 Regan, C. Tate. i 7.9 (95) 1908. Descriptions of Four New Freshwater Fishes from British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 153—156. [4 nn. spp. in: Neosilurus, Arius, Rhombatractus, Eleotris.] 7.55,.58 12 Weber, Max. 7.9 (95) 1908. Süsswasserfische von Neu-Guinea. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem früheren Zusammenhang von Neu-Guinea und Australien. Nova Guinea Res. Exped. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 201—267, 3 Taf., [26 nn. spp. in: Hemipimelodus, Copidoglanis, Doryichthys, Hemiram- phus, Pseudomugil, Rhombatractus 4, Melanotaenia 2, Glossolepis n. g., Apogon 3, Pardachirus, Symphurus, Synaptura, Eleotris 3, Pogoneleotris, Bostrychus, Gobius, Oxyurichthys, Petroscirtes.] 7.55,.56,.58 ‘13 Srdinko, Otakar. 7.53 : 11.45 1907/08. O vývoji nadledviny u Lophobranchü. Rozpr. éeské Akad. Tr. 2 Roën. 16 Cis, 12, 6 pp., 1 tab. — Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Nebenniere der Knochenfische: Uber die erste Anlage der Srannrus’schen Körperchen der Lophobranchier. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 325—332, 1 Tat. [Ohne Beziehung zu Worrr’schen Kanälen. Entstehung aus Bauchhóhlen- epithel.] 14 Guitel, Frederic. 7.53 Entelurus : 15.6 1908. Sur lexpulsion des œufs chez l’Entelurus equoreus Linné. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. XXIY—XXIX, 1 fig. 15 Evermann, Barton W., and William C. Kendall. 7.53 Nerophis (26.1) 1908. Notes on a Pipefish from the Mid-North Atlantic. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 207 —210, 1 pl. 16 Duncker, Georg. 7.53 Siphonostoma : 11.5 1908. Syngnathiden-Studien. I. Variation und Modifikation bei Siphono- pae typhle L. Mitt. nat. Mus. Hamburg Jahrg. 25 p. 1—115, 3 Taf, gg. 23117 Duncker, Georg. 7.53 Syngnathidae : 11.69 1907. Uber Regeneration des Schwanzendes bei Syngnathiden. (Zweite Mitteilung). Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 24 p. 656—662, 1 Taf., 2 figg. 15. I. 1909. 23118 19 20 29 23130 Pisces. 312 di Wolterstorff, W. 7.54 Tetrodon : 15 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Tetrodon cutcutia Ham. Buca. (Kugelfisch.) Wochen- schr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 202—204, 215—217, 1 fig. Kendall, William Converse. 7.55 1908. Identity of a Supposed Whitefish, Coregonus angusticeps Cuvier & Varencrennss, with a Northern Cyprinid, Platygobio gracilis (Rxcnanpsox) Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 95—99. Kolff, Wilhelmine M. 7.55 3 11.12 1908. Untersuchungen über die Herztätigkeit bei Teleostiern. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 122 p. 37—97, 28 figg [Neben Herzbewegung auch negativer Druck der Perikardialhöhle sowie die bei Körperbewegungen stattfinden- den Muskelkontraktionen als bluttreibende Kräfte von Bedeutung. Auf Systole des Vorhofes folgt sofort diejenige der Kammer. Intensität der Herzreflexe abhängig von Stromstärke und Reizstelle. Bei Reizung des Vagus Verlangsamung des Herzschlages. Durchschneidung des Vagus: Herzbeschleunigung. Einfluss der Temperatur auf Herzfrequenz. Un- abhängigkeit von Atem- und Herzfrequenz, nicht ohne gewisse Korre- lation.] Lombroso, Ugo. 7.55 : 11.2 1908. Uber den Ursprung der Atmungsbewegungen der Fische. Die Bedeutung des physikalischen Mediums. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 125 p. 163—172, 5 figg. [Eintauchen der Tiere in Ol. Weder Reflex von Mund- kiemenschleimhaut, noch ist Wasser der einzig peripherische Reiz, der für Eintreten der Atmungsbewegungen nötig ist.] 2 Nusbaum, Jozef. 7.55 : 11.69 1907. Zur Teratologie der Knochenfische, zugleich ein Beitrag zu deren Regeneration. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 24 p. 114—123, 1 Taf. Grochmalicki, Jan. 7.05 2 11.69 1908. Ueber die Linsenregeneration bei den Knochenfischen. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 89 p. 164—172, 6 figg. [Entstehung der Linsenanlage meist am oberen Irisrand, in gew. Fallen seitlich am Pupillarrand.] Franz, V. 2.99 3.11.70 1908. Die Struktur der Pigmentzelle. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 536— 043, 545—548, 11 figg. [Intracelluläre Pigmentkörnchenströmung.] Mazza, Felice. 7.55 : 14.28 1907. Sulle branchie supplementari di alcuni ciprinodontini. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 615—621, 3 tav. Hopewell-Smith, A. 7.55 : 14.314 1908. Two Specimens of the Head and Jaws of the Adult Hemirham- phus. — A Specimen showing Developmental Defects occurring in the Upper Jaw of a Pike (Esox lueius). Proc. R. Soc. Med. London Vol. 1 Policard, A., et J. Mawas. 7.55 : 1461 1906. Le canalicule urinaire des Téléostéens. (Note préliminaire.) Bib- liogr. anat. Nancy T. 15 p. 215 - 221, 3 figg. Haller, B. 7.55 : 14.61 1908. Zur Phylogenese des Nierenorganes (Holonephros) der Knochen- fische. Jena, Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 43 p. 729—801, 6 Taf., 8 figg. Roule, Louis, et I. Audigé. 7.55 : 14.61 1908. Sur le rein des Poissons osseux. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 275—277. [Continuité parfaite des trois parties (pro-, méso- et métané- phros) dans le temps comme dans l’éspace, donc: ,mononéphros.*] Gomez Ocaña, José. 7.55 : 14.81 1908. Contribución al estudio de las funciones de los lóbulos ópticos de los peces. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 247—249, 1 fig. [En este supuesto, los lóbulos ópticos de los peces representarian á los cuatro tubéreulos cuadrigéminos de los mamíteros.] 15. I. 1909. 23131 32 33 34 36 37 -23138 40 41 42 43 -23144 313 Pisces. Sheldon, R. E. 7.99 : 14.83 1908. The Participation of Medullated Fibers in the Innervation of the Olfactory Mucous Membrane of Fishes. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 915—916. Urban, F. 7.95 : 15 1908. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Aquarienkunde. (I. Bericht.) Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 481—487. Needham, James 6. 7.53 : 15.3 1908. Report of the Entomologic Field Station Conducted at Old Forge, N. Y. in the Summer of 1905. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. No. 124 p. 156— 248, 29 pls. 16 figg. [Fauna. Studies on Fish food.] Stead, David G. 7.55 : 15.3 1908. Fishes as Mosquito Destroyers in New South Wales. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 762— 764. 5 Knauthe. K. 7.55 3 16.1 1908. Uber Säurebildung in Gewässern und deren Beziehung zum Auf- treten von Fischkrankheiten. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkunde Bd. 3 p. 290—308. Jordan, David Starr, and Joln Casper Branner. 7.55 (117) 1908. The Cretaceous Fishes of Cearä, Brazil. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 1—29, 8 pls., 22 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Tharrhias n. g., Cala- mopleurus, Enneles n. g., Cearana n. g.] Goll, H. 7.55 (494) 1907. Lac de Morat et quelques spécimens typiques de poissons. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 24 p. 505—507. — C. R. Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 90me Sess. p. 92—94 — Actes Soc. helvét. Sc. nat. 90me Sess. p. 71—72. Regan, C. Tate. 7.09 (51.1) 1908. Descriptions of Three New Freshwater Fishes from China. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 109—111, 1 pl., 1 fig. [3 nn. spp. in: Gym- nostomus, Gobio, Glyptosternum.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.59 (52.9) 1908. Descriptions of New Fishes from Lake Candidius, Formosa, collec- ted by Dr. A. Morrexcur. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 358—360. [5 nn. spp. in: Gymnostomus, Opsariichthys, Pararasbora n. g., Liobagrus, Salana.] Keilhack, Ludwig. 7.59 (67.8) 1908. Bemerkungen zur Fischfauna des nördlichen Njassa-Gebietes: einige neue Arten aus den Gattungen Barbus und Synodontis und Bei- träge zur Systematik der Gattung Clarias. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 164—169. [3 nn. spp. in: Barbus 2 (4 nn. varr.), Synodon- tis, ln. form. in Clarias.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.55 (8) 1908. Descriptions of New Loricariid Fishes from South America. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 795—800, 3 pls., 3 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Ple- costomus 5, Otocinclus, Arges 2.] (81, 86) Steindachner. F. 7.55 (81) 1907. Drei neue Characinen und eine neue Corydoras- Art. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 82—85. [4 nn. spp. in: Tetra- gonopterus 3, Corydoras.] Steindachner, F. 7.95 (81) 1907. Neue Fische aus Brasilien. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 4 p. 152—155. [2 nn. spp. in: Prochilodus, Loricaria (1 n. var.).] Steindachner, Franz. 1.99 (81) 1907. Uber einige Fischarten aus dem Flusse Cubataó im Staate Santa Catharina bei Theresopolis (Brasilien). Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Ki. Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 475—492, 2 Taf. [5 nn. spp. in: Hemipsilichthys, Rhamdella, Loricaria 2, Plecostomus.] 15. I. 1909. 23145 Steindachner, F. 7.55 (81) 1907. Ueber eine neue Corydoras-Art aus dem Rio Preto, einem sekun- dären Nebenflusse des Rio San Francisco, und eine Xenocara-Art aus dem Parnahyba bei Victoria und Sa. Filomena, welche von mir während der zoologischen Expedition der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften nach Brasilien gesammelt wurden, sowie iiber die weite geographische Verbreitung von Anacyrtus (Raeboides) prognathus Bram. und Brachychalci- nus longipinnis (Porra) Steınv. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 290—293. [2 nn. spp. in: Corydoras, Xenocara.] 46 de Miranda Ribeiro, Alipio. 7.59 (81) 1908. On Fishes from the Iporanga River, S. Paulo, Brasil. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 19, 5 pp., 1 pl. [Typhlobagrus kronei n. sp 47 Parker, 6. H. 7.55 Ameiurus : 11.853.1 1908. The Sense of Taste in Fishes. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 453. 48 Allis. Edward Phelps. 7.55 Ameiurus : 14.13 1908. The Pseudobranchial and Carotid Arteries in Ameiurus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 256—270, 1 fig. 49 Landacre, F. L. 7.55 Ameiurus : 14.89: 1908. The Epi-branchial Placodes of Ameiurus. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 251—255. [Placodes giving rise to portion of ganglion commune which supplies special visceral or gustatory fibres, (portion supplying general viscer. fibr. coming from neural crest).] 1908. The Epibranchial Placodes of Ameiurus melas and nebulosus. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 913. 50 Schneider-v. Orelli, Mathilde. 7.05 Anableps : 14.84 1908. Untersuchungen über das Auge von Anableps tetrophthalmus. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1908 p. 87—118, 14 figg. 23151 Doerr, R., und H. Raubitschek. 7.59 Anguilla : 11.11 1908. Toxin und anaphylaktisierende Substanz des Aalserums. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 1525—1528. [Zweierlei Antigene im Aal- serum: Toxin und anaphylaktisierender Körper. Ersteres kann durch Säure oder Wärmewirkung zerstört werden. Beide Immunkórper ent- stehen unabhángig von einander im Serum.] 52 Frouin, Albert. 7.55 Anguilla : 11.11 1908. Filtration de l’hémolysine du sérum d'anguille au travers des membranes de collodion. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 355—356. 53 Mazza, Felice. 7.55 Anguilla : 13.2 1907, Sul grado di sviluppo delle cellule germinali in quelle anguille distinte a Cagliari col nome di Filatrotas. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 622—631, 3 tav. 54 Gill, Theo. 7.55 Anguilla: 15 1908. Recent Discoveries in the History of the Common Eel. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 845—846. 15.6 55 Liibbert, [H.] 7.55 Anguilla : 15 1908. Neue Forschungsergebnisse über das Leben des Aals und deren Einfluss auf die Aalfischerei. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 15 p. XLIX— LI. 56 Pietschmann. 7.55 Anguilla : 15 1908. Der gegenwärtige Stand unserer Kenntnisse in der Aalfrage. Verh. zool. bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (261)— (264). 15.2,.6 57 Pintner, Theodor. 7.55 Anguilla : 15 1908. Die Aalfrage. Schrift. Ver. Verbr. nat. Kenntn. Wien Bd. 48 p. 117—143, 8 figg. 15.6 23158 Bishop, Watson L. 7.55 Anguilla : 15.2 Pisces. 314 1908. Eels in Water Pipes and their Migration. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Vol. 11 Pe 640—650. 15. I. 1909. 315 Pisces. 23159 Trybom, Filip, und Guido Schneider. 7.55 Anguilla : 15.2 1908. Die Markierungsversuche mit Aalen und die Wanderungen gekenn- zeichneter Aale in der Ostsee. Cons. perman. intern. Explor. Mer Rapp. Vol. 9 pe 51—59. 60 Marsh, M. C. 7.00 Anguilla : 15.6 1902. Eels and the Eel Question. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 426 —433. 61 Franz, Y. 7.59 Anguilla : 15.6 1908. Unsere gegenwärtigen Kenntnisse vom Lebenslauf des Aales (An- guilla vulgaris Freu.) und ihre ökonomische Bedeutung. Internat. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. & Hydrogr. Bd. 1 p. 488—498. 62 Holt, E. W. L. 7.95 Anguilla : 15.6 1908. Summary of Reports Relative to Eel Fry, 1905 to 1907. Fisheries Ireland scient. Invest. 1906 No. 8, 11 pp. 63 Lühe, [M.] 1.99 Anguilla : 15.6 1908. Die Laichstátte unserer Aale, Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königs- berg Jahrg. 48 p. 88—91. 64 Schweder, [&.] 7.55 Anguilla : 15.6 1908. Die neuesten Ergebnisse der Aalforschung. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 145—146. 65 Trybom, Filip, und Guido Schneider. 7.95 Anguilla (26.13) 1908. Das Vorkommen von „Montees“ und die Grösse der kleinsten Aale in der Ostsee und in deren Fliissen. Cons. perman. intern. Ex- plor. Mer Rapp. Vol. 9 p. 60—65. 23166 Henking. 7.09 Anguilla (45) 1908. Der Aalfang in den Lagunen von Comachio und Venedig. 1. Er- gebnisse einer Studienreise. Mitt. deutsch. Seefischerei-Ver. Bd. 24 p. 366— 393, 17 figg. — 2. Der Aalfang in der Lagune von Comachio. Fang- einrichtungen und Verwertung des Fanges. Von H. Lisserr. p. 394—404, 1 Taf, 12 figg. — 3. Bericht über die Informationsreise nach Comachio und Venedig zum Studium des Aalfanges (im September 1906). Von P. SCHIEMENZ. p. 404—411, 1 fig. (45.3,.4) 67 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.00 Arius : 15.6 1908. L’incubation buccale chez deux Arius de la Guyane. (€. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 252; Pt. 2 p. 665—672, 1 fig. 68 Crevecoeur, F. F. 7.59 Campostoma (78.1) 1908. A New Species of Campostoma? Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 155—157. 69 Tornier, Gustav. 7.09 Carassius : 11.5 1908. Vorläufiges über das Entsthen der Goldfischrassen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 40—45. [Zurückzuführen auf Dotter- verquellung und Bewegungsträgheit infolge specifischer Plasmaschwäche. Letztere hervorgerufen durch ungünstige Lebensbedingungen (Luftman- gel) in der Gefangenschaft.] 70 Wintrebert, P. 7,55 Carassius : 14.1 1908. Sur la première circulation veineuse du Cyprin doré (Carassius au- ratus L.) €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. S5—87. [Première circulation vitelline est entierement veineuse, mais ensuite, Carassius (à l’inverse des téléostiens étudiés) possède circulation vitell. secondaire d’origine ar- térielle.] 71 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.55 Characinidae (8) 1908. Characinid6s américains nouveaux de la collection du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 342—347. [5nn. spp. in: Curimatus, Hemiodus 2, Characidium, Anostomoides n. g.] (81, 86.6, 88) 23172 Eigenmann, Carl H. 7.55 Characinidae (801) 1908. Zoölogical Results of the Thayer Brazilian Expedition. Prelimi- nary descriptions of New Genera and Species of Tetragonopterid Chara- cins. (Contrib. zool, Lab. Indiana Univ. No. 99). Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. 15. I. 1909. 23173 ER 82 86 23187 Pisces. 316 Vol. 52 p. 93—106. [38 nn. spp. in: Gymnocorymbus n. g., Thayeria n. g., Astyanax 12 (2 nn. subspp.), Deuterodon 2, Hemigrammus 7 (Durnin, 1 n. subsp. D.), Moenkhausia 9 (4 nn. subspp.), Bryconamericus 4 (1 n. subsp.), Brycochandus n. g., Creatochanes. Hyphessobryon n. subg. Ctenobrycon n. g. pro Tetragonopterus hausewellianus, Pristella pro Holodristes riddlei, Psello- grammus pro Hemigrammus kennedyi.] (728, 81) Smith, Bertram G. 7.55 Chrosomus : 15.6 1908. The Spawning Habits of Chrosomus erythrogaster Rarixesque. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 9—18, 5 figg. Simpson, Sutherland. 7.55 Clupea : 11.28 1908. Further Observations on the body-temperature of fishes. (Proc. Physiol. Soc.) Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 36 p. XLII—XLIV. Broch, Hjalmar. 7.55 Clupea : 11.5 1908. Sind die Heringsstimme erbliche Rassen? Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 68—69, 2 figg. [Wahrscheinlich keine erbliche, sondern nur hydrogra- phisch bestimmte lokale Rassen.] Cépède, Casimir. 7.05 Clupea : 15.3 1908. Observations et remarques sur la nourriture de la Sardine. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 268—267; Pt. 2 p. 774— 778. de Toni, Giambattista. 7.55 Clupea : 15.3 1908. La nutrizione della Sardina. Boll. notiz. agrar. Roma N. S. Anno 6 Yol. 5 p. 1035—1036. Raggi. Luigi. 7.55 Clupea : 16.1 1904/05. L'aringa e la sua pesca. Schema di una Conferenza tenuta il 17 Novembre 1903. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 24 p. 132—125, 145—147; An- no 25 p. 18—23. Wigg, T. J. 7.55 Clupea : 16.1 1908. Notes on the Herring Fishery of 1907. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 599—603. Hinkelmann, Andr. 7.55 Clupea (26.13) 1908. Die Treibnetzfischerei in der Ostsee mit besonderer Berücksichtig- ung des Laichplatzes für Heringe bei Fehmarn. Mitt. deutsch. See- fischerei Ver. Bd. 24 p. 358—361, 2 figg. Schneider, Guido. 7.55 Clupea (26.13) 1908. Die Clupeiden der Ostsee. Cons. perman. intern. Explor. Mer Rapp. Vol. 9 p. 66—111, 4 figg. Jenkins, J. T. 7.55 Clupeidae : 14.85 1902. Altersbestimmung durch Otolithen bei den Clupeiden. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N. F. Bd. 5 Abt. Kiel Bd. 6 p. 81—122, 1 Tar., 2 figg. Tracy, Henry €. 7.55 Clupeidae (74.5) 1906. The Common Fishes of the Herring Family. 36th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 100—102, 6 pls. Babak, Edward. 7.55 Cobitidinae : 11.21 1907. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Darmatmung der Cobiti- dinen und Betrachtung über die Phylogenese derselben. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 27 p. 697—703. Hefford, A. E. 7.55 Conger : 12.65 1908. Note on a Conger with Abnormal Gonad. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 318—319, 1 fig. [Left gonad is a sterile ovary tranverse germinal ridges being absent (right ovary normal). Klunzinger, C. B. 7.55 Coregonus : 12 1908. Die Trommelsucht der Kropffelchen oder Kilchen (Coregonus acro- nius Rarr.) Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers. 18 p. 241—242. Nüsslin, 0. 7.55 Coregonus : 13.41 1908. Die Larven der Gattung Coregonws, ihre Beziehungen zur Biologie, und ihre systematische Bedeutung. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers. 18 p. 172—194, 17 figg. [Hervorragende Bedeutung der Larvencharaktere 15. I. 1909. Sid Pisces. für Diagnostik der Coregonenarten.] (Ref. von V. Franz Nat. Rundsch. Jahrg. 24 p. 20—21.) 23188 . «+ + 7.55 Coregonus : 16.1 1908. Künstliche Coregonenzucht. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 16 p. 1—9. 89 Regan, C. Tate. 7.59 Coregonus (42) 1908. A Revision of the British and Irish Fishes of the Genus Coregonus, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 482—490. [2 nn. subspp.] (41.37,.48,.61,.68,.93, 42.85,.92) 90 Bean, Barton A. 7.55 Ctenolucius 1905. On Ctenolucius Giur, a Neglected Genus of Characin Fishes, with Notes on the Typical Species. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 101 703, 1 fig. iN hc 7.59 Cyprinidae : 11.25 1908. Atmung bei Grundeln (Cobitidinen). Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 16 p. 10—11. 99 Gensoul, J. 7.55 Cyprinidae : 11.58 1908. Note sur deux poissons hybrides: Gardon et Brème bordelière „Leuciscus rutilus et Blicca Bjoerkna., Bull. Sóc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Verb. p. 107—109. 93 Regan, C. Tate. 7.09 Cyprinidae : 11.58 1908. The Hybrid between the Braem and the Rudd (Abramis brama >< Leuciscus erythrophthalmus). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 162—165, 2 pls. 94 Regan, C. Tate. 7.99 Cyprinidae (51.3) 1908. Descriptions of Three New Cyprinoid Fishes from Yunnan, collec- ted by Mr. Jonn Granam. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 356—951. [3 nn. spp. in: Acunthorhodeus, Barilius, Nemachilus.] 95 Boulenger, G. A. 7.50 Cyprinidae (66) 1908. Descriptions of Two new Cyprinodontid Fishes from West-Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 29—30. [2 nn. spp. in: Fundulus, Haplochilus.] (66.6,.9) 23196 Fowler, Henry W. 7.00 Cyprinidae (74.8). 1908. A Synopsis of the Cyprinidae of Pennsylvania. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 517—553, 1 pl. [Notropis keimi n. sp.] 97 Hofer, B. 7.55 Cyprinus : 12.31 1904. Karpfen mit verschlossener Mundspalte. Allgem. Fischerei-Zeitg. Jahrg. 29 p. 31, 1 fig. 98 Thilo, Otto. 7.00 Cyprinus : 14.29 1908. Die Entwicklung der Schwimmblase bei den Karpfen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 559—597, 5 figg. 99 Nusbaum, Józef. 7.55 Cyprinus : 14.71 1908. Entwicklungsgeschichte und morphologische Beurteilung der Occi- pitalregion des Schädels und der Weszr’schen Knöchelchen bei den Knochenfischen (Cyprinus carpio L.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 513—532, 14 fige. 23200 Nusbaum, Józef. 7.05 Cyprinus: 14.7: 1908. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Occipitalregion des Schädels und der Weser’schen Knöchelchen bei den Cyprinoiden. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 505—508. [Paarige, teilweise knorpelige Anlage des Pharyngealfortsatzes des Occipitale basilare. Occipitale superius ist Pro- dukt des Zusammenwachsens der Processus spinosi der 3 ersten, dem Palaeokranium assimilierten Wirbel. Morphologischer Wert von: Claustrum = Teil des processus spinos. des 3. Wirbels, Stapes = oberer Bogen des- selben, Incus — modificierter oberer Bogen des nächstfolgenden Wirbels, Malleus — unterer Bogen 4 Rippenanlage des nächsten — nach embryo- log. Tatsachen 5. — Wirbels.] 23201 Colb. gi 7.55 Cyprinus : 16.1 1904. Uber die Vorzüge des „Fränkischen und Aischgründer“ Karpfens, sowie über Karpfenentwicklungseinrichtungen in Bayern. Allgem. Fischerei- Zeitg. Jahrg. 29 p. 88—92, 2 figg. 15. I. 1909. 23202 03 04 23209 12 13 14 23217 Pisces. 318 Hartwig, W. 7.55 Danio : 15.6 1908. Altes und Neues vom Danio rerio. Wochensehr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 213—215, 1 fig. Regan, C. Tate. 7.52 Danio (59.1) 1997. Description of a New Cyprinid Fish of the Genus Danio from Upper Burma. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 1 p. 395. [D. browni n. sp. Derjugin, K. 7.55 Exocoetus : 14.98 1908. Die Entwicklung der Brustflossen und des Schultergürtels bei Exo- coetus volitans. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 559—598, 2 Taf. [Meta- merer Ursprung der Brustflossen. Den 5 Muskelknospen der Urwirbel, welche in die Brustflossenanlage eintreten, entsprechen 5 Radialia u. 5 Nerven.] Newman, H. H. 7.00 Fundulus : 11.58 1908. The Process of Heredity as Exhibited by the Development of Fun- dulus Hybrids. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 944—945. — Journ. exper. Zool. Yol. 5 p. 503—561, 5 pls., 16 figg. Newman, H. H. 7.55 Fundulus : 12.6 1908. A Significant Case of Hermaphroditism in Fish. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 207—214, 4 figg. 14.63,.65 Stockard, Charles R. 7.55 Fundulus : 13.9 1907. The Artificial Production of a Single Median Cyclopean Eye in the Fish Embryo by Means of Sea Water Solutions of Magnesium Chlo- rid. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 23 p. 249—258, 8 figg. Stockard, C. R. 7.55 Fundulus : 13.9 1908. The Question of Cyclopia, One-eyed Monsters. Science N. S. Vol. 98 p. 455—456. [Experimentally produced in Fundulus by MgCl solu- tions in sea water. Defect present at first appearance of optic ve- sicles.] Ritter, Wm. E., and Samuel E. Bailey. 7.55 Fundulus : 15.6 1908. On the Weight of Developing Eggs. Part I. The Possible Signifi- cance of Such Investigations. Univ. California Publ. Zool. Vol. 6 p. 1— 5. — Part II. Practicability of the Determinations. p. 5—10. [Gradual loss in Weight.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.55 Galaxias (88) 1908. Description of a New Fish of the Genus Galaxias from Chile. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 372. [G. bullocki n. sp.] Gerlach, Georg. 7.99 Girardinus : 15.6 1908. Neue lebendgebürende Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. Aquar. Ter- rark. Jahrg. 5 p. 187—188, 1 fig. Ballon, H. A. 7.55 Girardinus : 16.1 1908. Malaria in the West Indies. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 885. [Girar- dinus as destroyer of Mosquito larvae.] Gerlach, Georg. 7.55 Glaridodon : 15.6 1908. Neuere lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. Aquar. Ter- rark. Jahrg. 5 p. 269—270, 1 fig. Kunstler, J. 7.55 Gobio : 11.6 1908. La reproduction du Goujon. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 545 — 546. M Stansch, K. 7.55 Haplochilus 1908. Einiges über Haplochilus-Arten und Varietäten. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 77—79, 1 fig. — Meine Beobachtungen an Haplo- chilus-Arten und -Värietäten. p. 175—176. Lütge, Alb. 7.55 Haplochilus : 15.6 1908. Haplochilus panchax. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 95— 96. Zimmermann. 7.95 Haplochilus : 15.6 1908, Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Haplochilus sexfasciatus und spilargyreus. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 189—190, 201—202. 15. I. 1909. ‘23218 19 20 DO m 22 23223 to ut 26 29 30 3l 23232 319 Pisces. Jordan, David Starr, and 7.55 Hemiramphus (52.2) Mary Cynthia Dickerson. 1908. Description of a New Species of Half-beak (Hemiramphus miopro- rus) from Nagasaki, Japan. Proc. U. S. nation, Mus. Vol. 34 p. 111— 112, 1 fig. Kunstler, J. 7.55 Idus : 16.1 1908. L'Ide mélanote dans les eaux du Sud-Ouest. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 888—849. Winterstein, Hans. 7.05 Leuciscus : 11.25 1908. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Fischatmung. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 125 p. 73—98, 2 figg. [O-Druckverminderung bis 2° Atmosphäre wird ertragen, weiterhin tritt Asphyxie auf. Empfindlichkeit gegen Ansteigen des COs- Druckes. Also Gasdruck, nicht Gasgehalt eines Mediums sind zu berück- sichtigen. In beiden Fällen Notatmung: in Mund aufgenommene Luft zur Durchlüftung von Atemwasser. Atemgrösse 3000—4200 ccm pro Stde., Atemtiefe etwa 0,5—0,6 cem. Ausnutzung von O des Wassers bei Kie- menatmung bis über 68 °/o.] Ricei, Omero. 7.95 Leuciscus : 11.856 1901/04. Sulle modificazioni della retina all’ oscuro ed alla luce. Riv. ital. Sc. nat. Anno 21 p. 78—83, 103—106, 124—128, 152—153; Anno 24 p. 124— 128. van Kampen, P. N. 7.35 Megalops : 15 1908. Kurze Notizen über Fische des Java-Meeres. Die Larve von Mega- lops cyprinoides Brouss. Bull. Dept. Agric. Indes Néerl. No. 20 Zool. No. 3 p. 10—12, 1 fig. Wolterstorff, W. 7.06 Metynnis 1908. Zur Nomenklatur und Systematik des Metynnis unimaculatus STEIND. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 411—412. Werner, F. . 7.95 Misgurnus : 13.5 1908. Ein Jugendstadium des Schlammbeissers (Misgurnus fossilis). Mitt. nat. Ver. Univ. Wien Jahrg. 6 p. 32, 1 fig. Barbour, Thomas. 7.55 Muraenidae 1908. Notes on Rhinomuraena. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 39—42. [Rh. ambonensis n. sp., Rhinechidna n. g. pro Rhinomuraena eritima.] (91.3) Dollo, Louis. 7.55 Notolepis (26.9) 1908. Notolepis coatsi, poisson pélagique nouveau recueilli par l'expédi- tion antarctique nationale écossaise. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Yol. 28 p. 58—64. Rutter, Cloudsley. 7.55 Oncorhynchus : 16.1 1902. Studies in the Natural History of the Sacramento Salmon. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 195—211, 15 figg. Snyder, John Otterbein. 7.00 Pantosteus (79.4) 1908. Description of Pantosteus santa-anae, a New Species of Fish from the Santa-Ana River, California. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 33 — 34. Giaja, Jean. 7.95 Phoxinus : 11.855 1908. Sur l’ablation de la vessie natatoire des Poissons. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 125—126. [Pas de régénération. Mais au bout de 6 mois disparition complète de tous troubles observés au début.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.59 Plecostomus (82) 1908. Description of a New Loricariid Fish of the Genus Plecostomus from Argentina. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 358. [P. taeniatus n. sp.] Wolterstorff, W. 7.05 Poecilia 1908. Ueber Poecilia cf. pavonina (Porr). Zur Nomenklatur. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 609—610. Gerlach, Georg. 7.55 Poecilia : 15.6 1908. Neuere lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. Aquar. Ter- rark. Jahrg. 5 p. 120—121, 129—130, 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 320 23233 Metzges, Peter. 7.55 Pyrrhulina : 15 1908. Ein neuer Enc zur Pyrrhulina-Frage. Wochenschr. Aquar. Ter- rark. Jahrg. 5 p. 32. 15.6 34 Schäme, Paul. 7.50 Pyrrhulina : 15 1908. Etwas von Pyrrhulina australis Ercenm. and Kenw. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 49—51, 2 figg. 35 Regan, C. Tate. 7.05 Salanginae (5) 1908. A Synopsis of the Fishes of the Subfamily Salanginae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 444—446. [4 nn. spp. in: Hemisalana n. g., Pa- rasalanz n. g. 3. Protosalanx n. g. pro Salanx hyalocranius.] (51.2, 52.9) 36 de Drouin de Bouoille, R. 7.55 Salmo : 11.044 1908. Influence des variations thermiques brusques sur les œufs, alevins et jeunes sujets de Salmonides. (Réun. biol. Nancy). €. R. Soc. Biol. 37 Surbeck, G. 7.55 Salmo : 11.57 1904. Ein Bachsaiblingsalbino. Allgem. Fischerei-Zeitg. Jahrg. 29 p. 31— 32. 38 Barbieri, Ciro. 7.909 Salmo : 14.83 1908. Ricerche sullo sviluppo dei nervi cranici nei Teleostei. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 161—201, 2 tav. 39 Mencl, Em. 7.50 Salmo : 14.84 1908. Neue Tatsachen zur Selbstdifferencierung der Augenlinse. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 431—450, 2 Taf. [Linse vorhanden trotz voll- kommenen Fehlens der Augenblase. (Blinder Kopf eines Anadidymus von Salmo salar.)] 40 Crawshay, L. R. 7.55 Salmo : 15 1908. On an Experiment in the Keeping of Salmon (Salmo salar) at the Plymouth Laboratory. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 303—312, 1 pl. 15.3,.6 23241 Hesse, Edmond. 7.00 Salmo : 15 1908. Sur le minimum d'eau nécessaire pour un petit élévage de Sal- monides à une température constante de 12°. Ann. Univ. Grenoble T. 20 p. 925—330. 42 Nüsslin, IO. 7.55 Salmo : 16.1 1908. Neueres vom Lachs. Verh. nat. Ver. Karlsruhe Bd. 20 p. 10*—13*. 43 Jordan, David Starr, and John Otterbein Snyder. 7.95 Salmo (71.1) 1908. Description of a Trout from Lake Kootenay in British Columbia. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 33—34, 1 pl. [Salmo kamloops.] 44 Jordan, David Starr, and Joseph Grinnell. 7.55 Salmo (79.4) 1908. Description of a New Species of Trout (Salmo evermanni) from the upper Santa Ana River, Mount San Gorgonio, Southern California. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 31—32, 1 pl. 45 Trybom, Filip. 7.09 Salmonidae : 15.2 1908. Markierungen von Lachsen und Meerforellen im Ostseegebiete. Cons. perman., intern. Explor. Mer Rapp. Vol. 9 p. 29—50. 46 Ward, Henry B. 7.55 Salmonidae : 15.2 1908. Some Points in the Migration of Pacific Salmon as Shown by its Parasites. Stud. zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska No. 92, 9 pp. 47 Nordqvist, Osc. 7.59 Salmonidae (26.13) 1908. Die Lingenmasse von der in der südlichen Ostsee gefangenen Lachsen und Meerforellen als Vorbereitung einer eventuellen Einführung von vereinbarten Mindestmassen dieser Fische. Cons. perman. intern. Explor. Mer Rapp. Vol. 9 p. 23—28. 23248 Berg, L. 7.55 Salmonidae (403) 1908. Vorläufige Bemerkungen über die europäisch-asiatischen Salmo- ninen, insbesondere die Gattung Thymallus. Ann. Mus. zool. Acad. St. Petersburg T. 12 p. 500—514. [ Thymalloides n. subg. Salmothymus n. g. pro Salar obtusirostris.] 15. I. 1909. 921 Pisces. 23249 de Drouin de Bouville, R. 7.55 Salvelinus : 12.2 1908. L'omble à collerette. (Réunion biol. Nancy. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 229—931. |Déformations de l'appareil respiratoire dües sans doute à un adéno-carcinome de glande thyroide.] 50 Regan, C. Tate. 7.55 Salvelinus (41.5) 1908. A Preliminary Revision of the Irish Char. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 225—234, 6 figg. 51 Washburn, Margaret F., and I. Madison Bentley. 7.55 Semotilus : 11.856 1906. The Establishment of an Association Involving Color-Discrimina- tion in the Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 16 p. 113—125. [Discrimination of red from green and blue pigments.] 52 Acloque, A. 7,55 Siluridae 1908. Les silurides. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 59 p. 35—37. 53 Boulenger, G. A. 7.55 Siluridae (6) 1908. A Revision of the African Fishes of the subfamily Clariinae. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 1062—1097, 10 figg. [Clarias poensis n. sp.] (62, 63, 66.3,.4,.6,.7,.9—67.9, 68.4) 54 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.59 Siluridae (8) 1908. Description de deux Poissons nouveaux de l'Amérique du Sud, de la famille des Loricariidés. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 124— 127. [2 nn. spp. in: Loricaria, Oxyloricaria.] (87, 88) 55 Pietravalle, Nicola. 1.55 Squalius (4) 1908. Contribuzione allo studio delle specie europee del gen. Squalius Br. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 225—243, 228—334. 23256 Boulenger, G. A. 7.55 Synodontis (67.1) 1908. Description of a new Silurid Fish of the Genus Synodontis from South Cameroon, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 30—31. [S. par- dalis n. sp.] 57 Lombroso, Ugo. 7.55 Telestes : 11.21 1908. Sull’ origine dei movimenti respiratori dei pesci. L’ importanza dell’ ambiente fisico. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 867— 875, 5 figg. 58 Popta, C. M. L. 7.55 Tetragonopterus 1908. Zur systematischen Stellung von Tetragonopterus longipinnis Porra. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 163—764. 59 Watkins, M. G. 7.55 Thymallus (42.4) 1896. Grayling in the Monnow. Trans. Woolhope Natural. Field Club 1893/94 p. 201—205. (42.43,.44) 60 Nordqvist, Harald. 7.55 Tinca : 14.77 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Kolbenzellen der Schleie (Tinca vulgaris Cuv.). Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 525—528, 783, 2 figg. 61 Ritchie, James. 7.55 Trutta : 12.71 1908. A Hump-Backed Trout from Stranraer. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 223—227, 1 pl. [Crowding of spines, bases of as many as three rest on a single internode. Only 40 vertebre (instead of 56 to 60), yet full complement of neural spines, hæmal arches and ribs are present.] ' 62 Cappelle. 7.55 Trutta : 16.1 1908. Die Forelle, ihre Zucht und ihr Fang. 55-57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 62—64. 63 Jacobsen, J. P., and A. C. Johansen. 7.06 : 13.9 1908. Remarks on the Changes in Specific Gravity of Pelagic Fish Eggs and the Transportation of same in Danish Waters. Medd. Komm. Hav- underség. Ser. Fiskeri Bd. 3 No. 2, 24 pp., 2 figg. 23264 Lane, Henry H. 7.06 Brotulidae : 14.65 1908. On the Ovary and Ova of the Cuban Cavefishes. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 951—952. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 21 23265 66 67 for) O0 c 69 70 77 78 79 23280 Pisces. 322 Hefford, A. E. 7.36 Gadus : 12.6 1908. Note on a Hermaphrodite Cod (Gadus morrhua). Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 315—317, 1 fig. Federley, Harry. 7.56 Gadus : 12.71 1908. Monströsa torskar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 84 p. 68—74, 1 tab. [,Mopsform* und „Skoliose“ häufig bei Dorschen der Umgebung von Helsingfors; vermutlich rachitische Veränderungen des Skeletts in Folge ungünstiger Lebensbedingungen]. Bogoljubsky, 8. 7.06 Motella : 14.99 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Dorsalflosse bei „Motella trieirrata.“ Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 90 p. 327—333, 1 Taf. Woodward, Henry. 7.56 Pleuronectes : 12.97 1908. Malformed Plaice. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 161—164, 2 figg. [Reintegration after loss of posterior part of caudal region.] Sauvage, H. E. 7.56 Pleuronectes : 14.38 1908. Contribution à l’étude du péritoine des Pleuronectes. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 p. 1—7. Immermann, Ferdinand. 7.56 Pleuronectes : 14.85 1908. Beiträge zur Altersbestimmung der Fische. Il. Die innere Struktur der Schollen-Otolithen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N, F. Bd. 8 Abt. Helgo- land p. 129—176, 5 Taf., 10 figg. [Otolith aus organ. Grundsubstanz u. anorganischer Zwischenlagerung. Erstere ist modificiertes, den Sacculus- raum erfüllendes Fasergewebe. Lamellenbildung in Abhängigkeit von äusseren Wechselwirkungen.] Ehrenbaum, E. 7.06 Pleuronectes : 15.2 1808. Versuche mit gezeichneten Flundern oder Elbbutt (Pleuronectes flesus) Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N. F. Bd. 8 Abt. Helgoland p. 191—199, 1 fig. 2 Johansen, A. C. 7.56 Pleuronectes (26.1) 1908. Contributions to the Biology of the Plaice with Special Regard to the Danish Plaice-Fishery. III. On the Variation in Frequency of Young Plaice in Danish Waters in 1902—1907. Medd. Komm. Havundersgg. Ser. Fiskeri Bd. 3 No. 4, 48 pp., 12 figg. (26.12,.13) Thilo, Otto. 7.56 Pleuronectidae : 14.84 1908. Die Augen der Schollen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 602—608, 10 figg. [Augenmuskeln als Zugkräfte bewirken Wandern des einen Auges.] Hensen, V. 7.26 Pleuronectidae (26.12) 1901. Ergänzungen und Berichtigung zu den Befunden über die im An- fang des Jahres 1895 in der Nordsee treibend gefundenen Fischeier. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. N. F. Bd. ò Abt. Kiel p. 152—170, 2 figg., 1 Kart. Dampf. 7.56 Pleuronectidae (26.13) 1908. Die Plattfische der Ostsee. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 236. Tracy, Henry C. 4.56 Pleuronectidae (74.5) 1908. The Fishes ef Rhode Island. V. The Flat-Fishes. 38th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish Rhode Island p. 47—84, 9 pls. Ritchie, James. 7.56 Rhombus : 11.5 1908. An Ambicolored Turbot with Eyes Approximately Normal in Posi- tion. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 146—150, 1 fig. Masterman, A. T. 7.56 Solea : 11.55 1908. On a Possible Case of Mimicry in the Common Sole. Journ. Linn. Soc. London Vol. 30 p. 239—244. Haas. 7.97 Acara : 15 1908. Mitteilungen über Acara coeruleopunctata. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 245—246. Angermann, Theodor. 7.97 Acara : 15.2 1908. Acara coeruleo-punctata var. latifrons Steınv. u. Kn. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar.-Kunde Jahrg. 19 p. 157—159. 15. I. 1909. 23281 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 23289 90 91 92 93 94 23296 323 Pisces. Hartwig, W. 7.54 Acara : 15.6 1908. Noch einiges über Acara coeruleo-punctata var. latifrons Step. u. Kn. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 117—119, 1 fig. Gill, Theodore. 7.54 Choerodon 1908. Choerodon in Place of Choerops for a Labroid Genus of Fishes, Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 155—156. [Choerodon BLEEKER.] Regan, C. Tate. 7.57 Heterogramma (68.8) 1908. Description of a New Cichlid Fish of the Genus Heterogramma from Demerara. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 870—371, 1 fig. LH. steindachneri n. sp.] Conrad. 7.57 Paratilapia : 15.6 1908. Brutpflege bei Paratilapia multicolor. "Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terra- rienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 374. Boulenger, Charles L. 7.57 Tilapia : 15.6 1908. On the Breeding-Habits of a Cichlid Fish (Tilapia nilotica). Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 405—407. Schmidt, Johs: 7.58 : 13.5 1908. On the Post-Larval Stages of the John Dory (Zeus faber L.) and some other Acanthopterygian Fishes. Medd. Komm. Havundergg. Ser. Fiskeri Bd. 2 No. 9, 12 pp., 1 pl. Supino, Felice. 7.58 : 14.71 1908. Morfologia del Cranio e Note sistematiche e biologiche sulle Fa- miglie Trachinidae e Pediculati. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 47 p. 100—116, 7 figg. Oswald, Felix. 7.98 : 15 1907. A Fish Out of Water. Knowledge N. S. Vol. 4 p. 35—36, 3 figg. [Adaptation to semi-terrestrial habits in Anabas, Periophthalmus and Bo- leophthalmus. | Tower, R. W. 7.58 : 15.8 1908. The Production of Sound in the Drumfishes, the Sea-Robin and the Toadfish. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 18 p. 149—180, 4 pls., 5 figg. [Specific muscles, („musculus sonificus“) attached to swim-bladder. pro- duce vibration in abdominal organs, especially in the walls of air-bladder. Sexual character of drumming (female without drumming muscles).] MeClung, C. E. 7.58 (117) 1908. Ichthyological Notes of the Kansas Cretaceous, I. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 176). Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 233—246, 4 pls., 10 figg. Jordan, David Starr, and Robert Earl Richardson. 7.58 (52) 1908. A Review of the Flat-heads, Gurnards, and other Mail-cheeked Fishes of the Waters cf Japan. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 629—670, 9 figg. [Hoplichthys gilberti n. sp. Rogadius n. g. pro Platyce- phalus asper, Bambradon pro Bembras laevis, Ebisinus pro Dactylopterus chei- rophthalmus, Dactyloptena pro D. orientalis, Daicocus pro D. petersem.] Snyder, John Otterbein. 7.58 (7) 1908. Notes on Two Rare California Fishes, Rimicota eigenmanni and Pla- giogrammus hopkinsi. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 183—186. (72.2, 79.4) McCulloch, Allan R. 7.58 (94) 1908. Studies in Australian Fishes, No. 1. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 36—43, 2 pls. (94.1,.4—.6) Adams, L. A. 7.98 Anarrhichthys : 14.71 1908. Description of the Skull and Separate Cranial Bones of the Wolf- eel. (Anarrhichthys ocellatus). (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 183). Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 328—355, 12 pls. Dahlgren, Ulrich. 7.58 Anomalops : 14.77 1908. The Luminous Organ of a New Species of Anomalops. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 454—455. de Buen, Odön. 7.58 Aphya (46.75) 1908. Un nouveau Gobiidé méditerranéen du genre Aphya: Aphya ferreri n. sp. Arch.7Zool. expér. (4) T. 8 p. CY—CX, 5 figg. 15. I. 1909. Pisces. 324 23297 Plate, L. 7.58 Apogonichthys (729.6) 1908. Apogonichthys strombi n. sp., ein symbiotisch lebender Fisch von den Bahamas. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 393—399, 2 figg. [Lebt in der Mantelhöhle von Strombus gigas.] 98 Hofer. 7.98 Aspro 1908. Der Apron. Aspro vulgaris Cuv. & Var. — Aspro apron Sie. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg. Jahrg. 16 p. 2—7. 99 Dahlgren, Ulric. 7.58 Astroscopus : 14.21 1908. The Oral Opening of the Nasal Cavity in Astroscopus. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 993—994. 23300 Ogilby, J. Douglas. 7.58 Batrachoididae (94.3) 1908. Revision of the Batrachoididae of Queensland. Ann. Queensland Mus. No. 9 p. 43—57. [2 nn. spp. in: Batrachomoeus (n. g. pro Pseudo- batrachus minor). Halobatrachus n. g. pro Batrachus didactylus, Coryzichthys pro Batrachus diemensis.] 01 Gilchrist, J. D. F., and W. Wardlaw Thompson. 7.58 Blenniidae (68) 1908. The Blenniidae of South Africa. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 6 p. 97—143. [19 nn. spp. in: Blennius 3 (1 Regan), Aspidontus, Salarias,, Clinus 12 (1 n. var.), Cristiceps, Tripterygium.) (68.3,.4,.7) 02 Arcangeli, Alceste. 7.58 Box : 14.33 1907. Istologia e fisiologia dell’ epitelio e delle glandole stomacali del Box salpa L. Nota preliminare. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 572 — 575. 03 Engmann, P. 7.58 Centrarchus : 15.6 1908. Centrarchus macropterus (Lectrèpe), Pfauenaugenbarsch. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrarienkunde Jahrg. 5 p. 577—578, 595—596, 1 fig. 04 Gill, Theodore. 7.58 Cottus : 15 1908. The Millers-Thumb and its Habits. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 101—116, 14 figg. 15.6 23305 Tracy, Henry C. 7.58 Cynoscion : 11.34 1908. The Fishes of Rhode Island. VI. A Description of two Young Specimens of Squeteague (Cynoscion regalis) with Notes on the Rate of Their Growth. 38th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 85 —91, 2 pls. 06 Pellegrin, Jacques. 7.58 Epinephelus (72.2) 1908. Sur un grand Poisson Percoide peu connu du golfe de Californie. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 349—352. [Epinephelus rosaceus SrREKTS.] 07 Reeves, Cora D. 7.58 Etheostoma : 15.6 1907. The Breeding Habits of the Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma coeruleum Srorer), a Study in Sexual Selection. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 35—59. 08 Haas. 7.58 Gasterosteus 1908. Einiges über Gasterosteidae. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 206—207. 09 Jordan, David Starr. 7.08 Gasterosteus 1908. Note on a Fossil Stickleback Fish from Nevada. Smithson. mis- cell. Coll. Vol. 52 p. 117. [Gasterosteus williamsoni leptosomus Hav, Merria- mella doryssa Jorvan. The last name having priority and the species be- longing to the genus Gasterosteus, it should stand as Gasterosteus doryssus JORDAN.] 10 Guitel, Frédéric. 7.58 Gobius : 14.61 1908. Sur la persistance du pronéphros chez les Téléostéens. ©. R.. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 392—393, 1 fig. 11 Patience, Alexander. 7.58 Gobius (41) 1908. On the Occurrence of Gobius orca, Corzerr, within the Clyde Sea Area. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 74—76. (41.81 —.41,.43) 23812 Fasciolo, Alba. 7.58 Labrax : 12 1904. Due casi di deformazione nel Labrax lupus. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 15 p. 92—99, 1 tav. [Mopsia e nototeromorfia (causata. da deformazione della colonna vertebrale.).] 12.71,.93 15, I. 1909, 325 Pisces. 23313 Henninger, Gustav. 7.98 Labyrinthici : 14.28 1908. Die Labyrinthorgane bei Labyrinthfischen. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 251—304, 4 Taf, 3 figg. [Lage, Bau und Blutversorgung des in der Kiemenhóhle befindlichen, der Atmung atmosphär. Luft dienen- den Labyrinthorgans. Kiemenatmung allein ungenügend für Sauerstoff, bedarf.] (Ref. von R. v. Hansrem. Nat. Rundschr. Jahrg. 28 p. 198—200.) 14 Reighard, Jacob. 7.58 Lutianus : 11.8 1907. An Experimental Study of Color Discrimination, Association, and Memory in the Gray Snapper Lutianus griseus (Linnaeus), and of Warning Coloration in Coral-Reef Fishes. 6th Year Book Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington p. 117—118. 15 Steindachner, Franz. 7.58 Mugil (81) 1907. Ueber eine in dem Rio Xingu (Brasilien) vorkommende Mugil-Art, Mugil xinguensis. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 489 —491. [n. sp.| 16 Schneider, Guido. 7.58 Perca : 11.57 1908. Farbenvariationen des Flussbarsches (Perca fluviatilis), Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 41—46. 17 Roule, Louis. 7.58 Perca : 13.33 1908. Sur le développement de la notocorde chez les Poissons osseux. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 1423—1425. 18 Arnold, Paui. 7.58 Periophthalmus : 15 1908. Der Schlammspringer (Periophthalmus koelreuteri (PaLL) Bl.) und seine Haltung im Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 1—3, 13—15, 25—27, 2 figg. 19 Arnold, Paul. 7.58 Polycentropsis : 15.6 1908. Polycentropsis abbreviata Bout. und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquari- um. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 93—95, 105—106, 119— 120, 1 figg. 23320 Bayer, Franti&ek. 7.58 Portheus (117) 1908. Nové zbytky r. Portheus Core (Xiphactinus Lemy) z českého útvaru křídového. Rozpr. české Akad. Tr. 2 Roén. 17 Cis. 19, 11 pp., 1 tab., 6 figg. [Neue Reste der Gattung Portheus Cope (Xiphactinus Lemy) aus der böhm. Kreide.] 21 Evans, William. 7.58 Regalecus (41.45) 1908. The Oar-Fish, or King of the Herrings, Regalecus glesne (Ascan.) — R. banksii (Cuv. and Var.), on the Coast of East Lothian. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 150—154, 1 fig. 22 Willey, Arthur. 7.58 Rhynchobdella (54.87) 1908. Rhynchobdella àculeata in Ceylon. Nature Vol. 77 p. 345. 23 Künstler, J. 7.58 Ruvettus : 15.2 1908. Le Rouvet précieux dans le golfe de Gascogne. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 500—501. 24 Allis, Edward Phelps. 7.58 Scomber : 14 1903. The Skull, and the Cranial and First Spinal Muscles and Nerves in Scomber scomber. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 18 p. 45—328, 11 pls. 14.71,.73,.81,.83 25 Bullen, G. E. 7.58 Scomber : 15.3 1908. Plankton Studies in Relation to the Western Mackerel Fishery. Journ. mar. biol. Ass. Plymouth N. S. Vol. 8 p. 269 —302, 6 pls., 2 figg. 26 Tracy, Henry C. 7.58 Scomberoidei (74.5) 1907. The Fishes of Rhode Island. III. The Fishes of the Mackerel Family. 37th ann. Rep. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island p. 33—64, 10 pls. 27 Regan, C. Tate. 7.58 Stylophorus 1908. The Systematic Position of Stylophorus caudatus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 447—449. 23328 Vayssière, A. 7.58 Trachypterus (44.91) 1908. Note sur un Trachypterus iris trouvé mort à l'éntrée du port de Carry-le-Rouent (Bouches-du-Rhóne). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 780. 15. I. 1909. Pisces — Amphibia. 326 23329 Vayssière, A. | 7.58 Trachypterus (44.91) 1908. Note zoologique et anatomique. Sur quelques Trachypterus pris dans le golfe de Marseille de 1874 4 1908. Ann. Fac. Sc. Marseille T. 16 p. 121—128. 30 Snyder, John Otterbein. 7.58 Trachypterus (79.4) 1908. Description of Trachypterus seleniris, a New Species of Ribbonfish from Monterey Bay, California. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 319—320. 31 Roule, Louis. 7.08 Triglidae (26.2) 1908. Notes ichtyologiques. Les Triglidés de la Méditerranée. Première Note: Systématique stricte. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. XVII—XXIV. 32 Lahille, Fernando. 7.58 Zoarcidae (82) 1908. Nota sobre los Zoarcidos Argentinos. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 403—441. 2 läm., 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Lycodalepis, Caneolepis n. g.] XLVI. 59.76—79 Amphibia. (Vide etiam: 11934—11936, 12080, 12088, 12092, 12107, 12840, 12904, 13284, 13604, 13915, 13984, 14021, 14025, 14205, 14268, 14308, 14389, 14505, 14832, 15421, 15422, 15444, 15535, 15584, 15602, 15626, 15676, 15681, 15693, 15926, 15964, 15975, 15977, 15979, 15926, 15999, 16003, 16014, 16016, 16022, 16026, 16028, 16039, 16049, 16052, 16055, 16063, 22629, 22631, 22634, 22637, 22646, 22647, 22649, 22651, 22662, 22669, 22670, 22677, 22679, 22683—22685, 22690, 22692, 22695, 22696, 22699, 22701—22704, 22706, 22708, 22709, 22713, 22723, 22728, 22736, 22745, 22746, 22748, 22749, 22752, 22756, 22761, 22765, 22770, 22773, 22775, 22778—22782, 22785—22789, 22792—22794, 22796, 22800, 22801, 22803—22808, 22811, 22812, 22815—22817, 22819—22821, 22823— 22825, 22827—22830, 22833— 22835, 22837—22843, 22847.) 33 Kammerer, Paul. ry 16: 1155 1908. Experimentell erzielte Ubereinstimmungen zwischen Tier und Bodenfarbe. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (126)—(130). 78, 79 23334 Ogushi, K. 76:13 1908. Bemerkung über die Entfernungsmethode der Gallerthülle des Amphibienlaiches. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 500. 35 Bataillon, E. 76 : 13.11 1908. Les croisements chez les Amphibiens au point de vue cytologique. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 642—644. 36 Bataillon, E. 40: 15-11 1908. Le substratum chromatique héréditaire et les combinaisons nu- cléaires dans les croisements chez les Amphibiens. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 692—694. 37 Wintrebert, Paul. 76 : 13.4 1908. Essai sur le déterminisme de la métamorphose chez les Batraciens. C. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. pe FE 1 p. 260; Pt. 2 p. 741—764. 78, 38 Ostwald, Wolfgang. 76: 13.9 1907. Uber das Vorkommen von oxydativen Fermenten in den reifen Ge- schlechtszellen von Amphibien und iiber die Rolle dieser Fermente bei den Vorgängen der Entwicklungserregung. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 6 p. 409—472. [Guajakperoxydase und Katalase. Bei gleicher Konzentration der Ei- und Spermaextrakte enthält letzteres mehr Katalase und Peroxy- dase, als Eiextrakt. Zunahme oder Activierung der Peroxydase, wenn gleichviel oder weniger Spermaextrakt zu bestimmtem Volumen Eiextrakt gegeben wird. Zunahme des Katalasegehalts, wenn Gemisch von Ei- und Spermaextrakt längere Zeit stehen gelassen wird. Entwicklungs- erregung beruht auf bestimmter Konzentrierung bzw. Activierung der 2 Oxydationsfermente. Dieser Vorgang verursacht Autoxydation, welche zur chemischen Synthese von Nucleinsubstanzen führt.] 78, 79 23339 Tornier, G. 76 : 13.9 1907. Die Wirkung experimentell hervorgerufener überzähliger Bildungen auf den Organismus. (Physiol. Ges. Berlin.) Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. 15. I. 19093 327 Amphibia. Jahrg. 33 p. 1841. [Hemmung der Entwicklung noch nicht ausgebildeter Organe, z. B. mangelhafte Geschlechtsorgane bei überzähligen Schwänzen. (Trennung der Furchungskugeln durch Druck).] 18,209 23340 Moodie, Roy L. 76 : 14.64 1908. The Clasping Organs of Extinct and Recent Amphibia. Biol. Buli. Vol. 14 p. 249—259, 5 figg. [Specialised parts of abdominal armature.] 5; (955 4l Braus, H. 76:14. 13 1907. Ueber Frühanlagen der Schultermuskeln bei Amphibien und ihre allgemeinere Bedeutung. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 192—219, 3 figg. 42 Schuberg, August. 76 : 14.77 1908. Beitràge zur vergleichenden Anatomie und zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der Lederhaut der Amphibien. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 90 p. 1—72, 1 Taf. 78, 79 43 Ramon y Cajal, Pedro. 16 : 14.81 1904. Aparato olfatorio de los batráceos. C. R. 14e Cong. intern. Med. Anat. p. 129—133. 44 Lewis, Warren Harmon. 76 : 18.8 1907. Experimental Evidence in Support of the Theory of Outgrowth of the Axis Cylinder. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 6 p. 461—471, 21 figg. [Out- growth of nerves from transplanted pieces of brain tissue.] 78, 79 45 Nieden, Fritz. 76 (67.1) 1908. Die Amphibienfauna von Kamerun. Mitt. zool. Samml. Mus. Nat. Berlin Bd. 3 Heft 4 p. 489—518. [3 nn. spp. in: Rana, Conraua n. g., Phrynopsis.] TUNIS 46 Strecker, John K., jr. 76 (76.4) 1908. A Preliminary Annotated List of the Batrachia of Texas. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 53—62. 78, 79 23347 Marcus, Harry. 77 314 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gymnophionen. 1. Über das Schlund- spaltengebiet. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 695—774, 4 Taf., 12 figg. [Kiemen rein ektodermale Bildungen. Bildung des ultimo-branchialen Kérpers aus der (letzten), 7. Schlundtasche (wie bei Selachieren u. Cera- todus). Lungenanlage mit Aussackung der 8. Schlundtasche v. Petromy- zon vergleichbar. — Sämtliche Thymuselemente von Epithelzellen ab- stammend. Vergleich (cytologisch) von Thymus u. Sexualzellen.] 14.24,.28,.43,.44 48 Marcus, Harry. 77 2 14.42 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gymnophionen. II. Ueber interseg- mentale Lymphherzen nebst Bemerkungen über das Lymphsystem. Mor= phol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 590—607, 1 Taf., 6 figg. 49 Peter, Karl. 77 Boulengerula : 14 1908. Zur Anatomie eines ostafrikanischen Apoden nebst Bemerkungen über die Einteilung dieser Gruppe. Sammelausbeute von A. Borcerr 1904—1905. 7. Mitteilung. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 527—536, 1 Taf. [Auge stark zurückgebildet.] 14.71,.84 50 Barbour, ‘Thomas. 78 1908. Some New Amphibia Salientia. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Yol. 21 p. 189—190. [2 nn. spp. in: Rana, Ixalus. 1 n. subsp. in Cornufer.] (52.8, 922, 95) 51 Francois-Franck, Ch. A. 78: 11.21 1908. Etudes de mécanique respiratoire comparée. Les mouvements et pressions respiratoires des Batraciens. I. Etat général de la question. Données de technique graphique et chronophotographique. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 663—666. 93352 Phisalix, Mme. 78 : 11.45 1908. Action physiologique du venin muqueux des Batraciens et en particulier des Discoglossidae. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 306 —310. 15. L 1909. Amphibia. 328 23353 Schreitmiiller, Wilhelm. 78 : 11.45 1908. Eine eigenartige Todesursache bei Salamandra maculosa Laur. (Feuersalamander). Lacerta 1908 p. 55. [Sekret von Fröschen u. Kröten ist tötliches Gift für Salamandra.] 54 Braus, Hermann. 78 : 11.69 1906. Vordere Extremität und Operculum bei Bombinatorlarven. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis morphogener Correlation und Regulation. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 35 p. 509—590, 3 Taf., 6 figg. [Regenerationsfähigkeit der Extremitäten etc.] 55 Braus, H. 78 : 11.69 1908. Pfropfung bei Tieren. Verh. nat.-med. Ver. Heidelberg N. F. Bd. 8 p. 525—539, 1 Taf. 56 Harrison, Ross 6. 78 : 11.69 1908. Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 Anat. Rec. p. 209. [No „auto-regeneration.“] 57 Bles, Edward J. 78 : 13 1907. Notes on Anuran Development; Paludicola, Hemisus, and Phyllome- dusa. Budgett Memorial Vol. p. 443—458. 6 pls. 2 figg. [Little organo- geny.] 58 Brachet, A. 78:13 1907. La tête et le tronc chez les embryons d'amphibiens. €. R. Ass. Anat. T. 9 p. 104—105. [Le tronc est plus récent que la téte, ontogénique- ment comme phylogéniquement.] 14.93—.96 59 Reichenow, Eduard. 78 : 13.4 1908. Die Riickbildungserscheinungen am Anurendarm während der Meta- morphose und ihre Bedeutung für die Zellforschung. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 671--718, 1 Taf., 5 figg. [Enthält Cytologisches über Amitose, Zelldegeneration u. Chromidienbildung.] 23360 Goggio, Empedocle. 78 : 18.9 1907. Studi sperimentali sopra larve di Anfibi anuri (Sviluppo indipen- dente di due porzioni separate per mezzo di un taglio). Atti Soc. tos- cana Sc. nat. Mem. Vol. 23 p. 20—78, 2 tav. 61 Miiller, R. 78 : 14.34 1908. Ueber die Nervenversorgung des Magendarmkanals beim Frosch durch Nervennetze. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 123 p. 387—405, 1 Taf. [Existenz der Netze durch Methylenblau-Vitalfärbung erwiesen.] 62 Robinson, R. 78 : 14.39 1908. Recherches expérimentales sur les corps adipeux des Amphibiens. C. R: Acad, Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 277—279. [Corps adipeux de grenouilles, à linstar de l’epiploon, happent poudre de bronze dont on les a re- couverts.] 63 Sweet, Georzina. 78 : 14.61 1908. The Anatomy of Some Australian Amphibia. Part I. A. — The Openings of the Nephrostomes from the Colom. B. — The Connection of the Vasa Efferentia with the Kidney. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Yol. 20 p. 222—249, 2 pls., 1 fig. 64 Schmalhausen, J. J. 78 : 14.71 1908. Die Entwickelung des Skelettes der hinteren Extremität der anuren Amphibien. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 337—344, 4 figg. 65 Weiss, Otto. 78 : 14.77 1908. Ueber die Entwickelung der Giftdrüsen in der Anurenhaut. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 124—125. 66 Ramön y Cajal, P. 78 : 14.81 1905. El encéfalo de los batracios. Mem. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 3 p. 165—188, 7 lam. 23367 Spemann, [Hans]. 78 : 14.84 1908. Studien am Wirbeltierauge. (Phys. med. Ges. Würzburg) Med. Klinik Jahrg. 4 p. 968—969. [Bei Rana selbstàndige Linsenbildung auch bei fehlendem Augenbecher, bei Bombinator dagegen Mithilfe des letzteren notwendig.] 15. I. 1909. 329 Amphibia. ‘23368 Schreitmüller, Wilhelm. 78: 15 1908. Bombinator igneus Laur. (die rotbauchige Feuerkröte oder Unke) und Rana esculenta Linné (der Wasserfrosch) als Aquariumtiere und ihre Haltung im Aquarium. Lacerta 1908 p. 101—103, 4 figg. 69 Boulenger, G. A. 78 (6) 1906. Report on the Batrachians collected by the late L. Fea in West Africa. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 157—172, 2 pls., 3 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Hymenochirus, Atelophryne n. g., Arthroleptis 2, Hylambates 3] (66.3,.9, 67.2) 70 Nieden, Fritz. 78 (67) 1908. Ueber einige westafrikanische Frösche. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 651 —662, 3 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Hiéldebrandtia (n. g. pro Rana part.) ] (67.1,.3) 71 Stejneger, Leonhard. 78 (91.4) 1908. Two New Species of Toads from the Philippines. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 573—576. [2 nn. spp. in: Phrynixalus, Kalophry- nus.] 72 Bassetta, A., et A. Branca. 78 Alytes : 14.78 1908. Recherches sur la keratinisation, sur la structure et le développe- ment des formations cornées vestibulaires chez Alytes obstetricans WAGLER. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44 p. 249—270, 2 pls., 3 figg 73 Hackenberg, Hugo. 78 Alytes : 15.6 => Einiges über die Geburtshelferkröte. Lacerta 1908 p. 66—68, 70 74 um en Le 78 Bombinator (45.71) 1899. Nuova Varietà di *Ululone Focato, (amfibi urodeli). Boll. Natu- ral. Siena Anno 19 p. 94. [B. igneus n. var. deleonis.] 23375 Beddard, Frank E. 78 Breviceps : 14 1908. On the Musculature and other Points in the Anatomy of the Engystomatid Frog, Breviceps verrucosus. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 11-41, 12 figg. 14.42,.6,.71,.73 76 Manicastri, Nicolò. 78 Bufo : 11.69 1904. La rigenerazione di parti laterali delle code di larve di Anuri. Boll. Natural. Siena Anno 24 p. 1—2. 77 King, Helen Dean. 78 Bufo : 13.11 1908. The Oögenesis of Bufo lentiginosus. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 369—438, 4 pls. 78 Aimé, Paul. 78 Bufo : 14.6 1908. Figures de division dans les nucléoles des grandes cellules de l'organe de Biper chez Bufo calamita. C.R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 134 —138, 7 figg. 79 Cerruti, A. 78 Bufo : 14.6 1908. Contribuzioni per lo studio dell’ organo di Bidder nei Bufonidi. III. Sulla struttura e sui varii stadii di evoluzione degli ovuli. Rend. Accad. Sc. fis. mat. Napoli (3) Vol. 14 p. 20—27, 5 figg. [L’ organo di B. è da considerarsi come un ovario in cui elementi si comportano perfettamente come oociti, che non maturano e degenerano in modo vario.] 14.65 80 King, Helen Dean. 78 Bufo : 14.6 1908. The Structure and Development of Binper’s Organ in Bufo lentigi- nosus. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. a 2 pls. [Rudimentary ovary.] 4.65 81 Ognew, S. J. 78 Bufo : 14.6 1908. Materialien zur Histologie des Bmper'schen Organs der Króten. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 467—491, 1 Taf. 14.65 23382 Bristol, C. L., and G. W. Bartelmez. 78 Bufo : 14.77 1908. The Poison Glands of Bufo agua. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 455. 15. I. 1909, Amphibia. 330 23333 Banchi, A. 78 Bufo : 14.83 1908. Nuove osservazioni sullo sviluppo dei nervi periferici indipendente- mente dai centri nervosi. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 143—152, 1 tav. 84 Kellicott, Wm. E. 78 Bufo : 15 1908. A Note on the Proportion of Injured Individuals in a Natural Group of Bufo. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 855—857. 85 Vaillant, Léon. 78 Bufo : 15 1908. Observations faites au Muséum d’histoire naturelle, sur de jeunes crapauds communs à la période ultime de la métamorphose (Ve. période de Ducès) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 11—12. [Jeunes crapauds placés dans l'eau se gonflent et meurent noyés.] 86 Thulin, Ivar. 78 Bufo : 18.6 1908. Muskelfasern mit spiralig angeordneten Säulchen. Vorläufige Mit- teilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 241—252, 13 figg. 87 Allard, H. A. 78 Bufo (75.8) 1908. Bufo fowleri (Purnam) in Northern Georgia. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 655—656. 88 Wright, A. H., and A. A. Allen. 78 Chorophilus : 15.6 1908. Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Swamp Cricket Frog, Choro- philus triseriatus Wimp. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 39—42. 89 Phisalix, Mme., et G. Dehaut. 78 Discoglossus : 11.45 1905. Action physiologique du venin muqueux d'un Batracien, le Dis- coglossus pictus. Bull, Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 302—305. 90 Wintrebert, M. 78 Discoglossus (44.89) 1908. Présence de Discoglossus pictus Orra. à Banyuls-sur-Mer (Pyrénées- Orientales). Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 54. 23391 Chapman, H. G. 78 Hyla : 11.044 1908. The Behaviour of Hyla aurea to Strychnine. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol. 23 p. 292—303. 92 Sweet, Georgina. 78 Hyla : 11.5 1908. Variations in the Anatomy of Hyla aurea. Proc. R. Soc. Victoria N. S. Vol. 21 p. 349—364, 2 pls. 93 Gal, Jules, 78 Hyla : 15.8 1908. Chant de la Rainette. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat. Nîmes T. 35 p. 59—64. 94 Lesage, J. 78 Leptodactylus : 14.71 1908. Adaptation sexuelle ostéologique chez Leptodactylus ocellatus. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 463—464. [Humerus très large et à crêtes très developpées chez le mâle.] 95 Boulenger, G. A. 78 Megalophrys (5) 1908. A Revision of the Oriental Pelobatid Batrachians (Genus Megalo- phrys). Proc. zool. Sec. London 1908 p. 407—430, 4 pls., 1 fig. [M. ro- busta n. sp. M. major n. nom. pro M. gigas Jerpon non Bern (51.2, 54.1, 59.1,.3,.5, 91.1, 921, 922) 96 Yan Bambeke. 78 Pelobates : 14.82 1908. Considération sur la genése du névraxe, spécialement sur celle observée chez le Pélobate brun (Pelobates fuscus) Wacr. Arch. Biol. T. 98 p. 523—539, 1 pl., 3 figg. 97 Beddard, Frank E. 78 Pelobatidae : 14 1908. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Anatomy of the Batrachian Family Pelobatidae. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 871—911, 12 figg. 14.22,.24,.36,.61,.63,.71,.73 23398 Amerling, Karel. 78 Rana : 11.044 1908. Ueber die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Sauerstofimangel und gegen Wärmelähmung während der Ontogenie des Frosches. Arch. ges. Phy- siol. Bd. 121 p. 363—369. [Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Sauerstoff- mangel nimmt mit fortschreitender Entwicklung ab, dagegen zu, gegen- über Warmeeinwirkung. Wärmelähmung also “wohl nicht identisch mit Lihmung durch Sauerstoffmangel. Erstere hängt mit Schädigung des Zentralnervensystems zusammen.] 15. I. 1909. 991 Amphibia. 23399 Weiss, G. ; 78 Rana : 11.21 1908. Sur les Echanges gazeux de la grenouille. — Action de la lumière. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 391—392. 23400 Weiss, G. 78 Rana; 11.21 1908. Sur l’élimination de l’acide carbonique par la grenouille dans un gaz inerte. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 491—493. [Grenouilles placées danv l’hydrogène éliminent méme quantité d'acide carbonique que dans Pair.] 01 Gerhartz, Heinrich. 78 Rana : 11.3 1908. Geschlechtsorgane und Hunger. (2. Mitteilung.) Centralbl. Phy- siol. Bd. 22 p. 65—67. [Abnahme der Hoden von Rana fusca proportio- nal der Abnahme des Kérpergewichtes.] 02 Klunzinger, [C. B.] 78 Rana : 11.57 1908. Ueber neue Funde von schwarzen Grasfröschen. Verb. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Vers. p. 230—234, 1 fig. 03 Sollaud, E. 78 Rana : 11.57 1908. Role du systeme nerveux dans les changements de coloration chez la grenouille. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 536—538. [Partie pos- térieure du bulbe est centre du réflexe chromo-constricteur.] 04 Ellis, Max Mapes. 78 Rana: 11.69 1908. Some Notes on the Factors Controlling the Rate of Regeneration in Tadpoles of Rana clamata Daupin. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 281—283. 05 Harrison, Ross G. 78 Rana : 11.69 1908. Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 448—449. 23406 Steche, 0. 78 Rana : 12.13 1908. Eine Abnormität im Arterienverlauf bei Rana esculenta. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 563—506, 2 figg. 07 Goodall, Strickland. 78 Rana : 12.6 1908. Two Cases of Hermaphroditism. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Vol. 42 p. 337—342, 4 figg. 08 Reichenow, Eduard. 78 Rana: 12.98. 1908. Beispiele von Abweichungen in der Zahl der Hintergliedmassen bei Rana esculenta. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 677—682, 4 figg. [3 resp. 4 Hintergliedmassen. (Kulturen aus künstlich befruchteten Eiern).] 09 Jenkinson, J. W. 78 Rana : 13 1908. Experiments on the Development of the Frog. On the Relation between the Symmetry of the Egg and the Symmetry of the Embryo in the Frog. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. Leicester 1907 p. 247—348. 10 Wetzel, 6. 78 Rana : 13.1 1908. Der Wassergehalt des fertigen Froscheies und der Mechanismus der Bildung seiner Hülle im Eileiter. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 26 p. 651 —661. 11 Lams, H. 78 Rana : 13.11 1906. Le corps vitellin de Bausranı et la masse vitellogene dans l'oocyte de Rana temporaria. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 169—172. — Disk. BARFURTH, Fick, VAN DER STRICHT. 12 Schmitt-Marcel, William. 78 Rana : 13.6 1908. Ueber Pseudo-Hermapheoditismus bei Rana temp. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 516—539, 1 Taf., 4 figg. [Vorherrschen des weiblichen Geschlechts bei jungen Fróschen beruht auf Bestehen von „intermediären“ Formen, deren Abgrenzung von Weibchen in ganz jugendlichen Stadien unmöglich. Sämtliche intermed. Formen wandeln sich zu Männchen um.} 23413 Bialaszewicz, K. 78 Rana : 13.9 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Wachstumsvorginge bei Amphibienem- bryonen. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 783—835. [Bedeutung des Wassers als Wachstumskomponente. Einfluss der Temperatur auf Wachstum u. Wasseraufnahmeprocesse.] 15. I. 1909. 23414 15 16 17 18 19 20 23421 22 23 24 23427 Amphibia. 332 Chambers, Robert. 78 Rana : 13.9 1908. Einfluss der Eigrösse und der Temperatur auf das Wachstum und die Grösse des Frosches und dessen Zellen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p- 607—661, 9 figg. Konopacka, B. 78 Rana : 13.9 1908. Die Gestaltungsvorgänge der in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien zentrifugierten Froschkeime. Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 659 — 741, 3 pls. McGregor, J. H. 78 Rana : 13.9 1908. Abnormal Development of Frog Embryos asa Result of Treatment of Ova and Sperm with Roentgen Rays. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 445—446. Spemann, Hans. 78 Rana : 13.9 1908. Neue Versuche zur Entwicklung des Wirbeltierauges. Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Vers. p. 101—110. [Determinierte Linsenbildungszellen in der Epidermis im Neurulastadium, speziell bei Rana esculenta.] y. Bolkay, St. 78 Rana : i4 1908. Ueber die Artberechtigung des Flussfrosches (Rana ridibunda Patt). Dre 1908 p. 49—51, 10 figg. — Bemerkungen von W. WoLTERSTORFF. p. 55—46. Michailow, Sergius. 78 Rana : 14.12 1908. Das intracardiale Nervensystem des Frosches und die Methode von Ramon v Casar. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 351— 372, 1 Taf. Weber, A. 78 Rana : 14.12 1908. Etude de la torsion de l’ébauche cardiaque chez Rana esculenta. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 18 p. 136—141, 7 figg. Radford, Marion. 78 Rana : 14.41 1908. Development of the Spleen. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Vol. 42 p. 288 —301, 5 figg. [Arising from mesenchyme tissue of dorsal mesentery.] Hoyer, H. 78 Rana : 14.42 1908. Untersuchungen über das Lymphgefässystem der Froschlarven. IL Teil Bull. intern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 451—464, 1 fig. [Ent- wicklung der Lymphherzen an der vorderen Vertebralvene. Centraler Ursprung der nach der Peripherie auswachsenden Lymphgefässe.] Knower, Henry McE. 78 Rana : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. VI. The Origin and Development of the Anterior Lymph Hearts and the Subcutaneous Lymph Sacs in the Frog. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 59—62. [Primary segmental arrangement of lymph hearts.] Kuschakewitsch, Sergius. 78 Rana : 14.6 1908. Über den Ursprung der Urgeschlechtszellen bei Rana esculenta, Sitz.-Ber. math.-nat. phys. Kl. Akad. Wiss. München 1908 p. 89—112, 11 figg. [Primäre Urgeschlechtszellen sind umgewandelte Dotterzellen, die secundären dagegen Mesenchym- und Coelomepithelzellen.] 14.63,.65 Champy, Christian. 78 Rana : 14.63 1908. Note sur les cellules interstitielles du testicule chez les batraciens anoures. (Note préliminaire.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 895—896. [Sécrétion interne probable. Pas de relation entre développement de l'interstitielle et la spermatogenèse.] ; Champy, Christian. 78 Rana : 14.63.1 1908. Sur la dégénérescence des spermatogonies chez la grenouille verte (Rana esculenta.) C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 139—143, 4 figg. Donaldson, Henry H. 78 Rana: 14.81 1908. The Nervous System of the American Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, Compared with that of the European Frogs, Rana esculenta and Rana tem- poria (fusca). Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 121—149, 6 figg. [Body weight, total length, weight of brain and spinal cord, number of medullated fibers in spinal cord — ratio to one another.] 15. I. 1909. 333 Amphibia. 23428 Dunn, Elizabeth Hopkins. 78 Rana : 14.83 1906. Distribution of the Afferent Nerve Supply to the Leg of Rana virescens brachycephala Corx. €. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 1 p. 333 —334. 29 Dunn, Elizabeth H. 78 Rana : 14.83 1907. Supplemental Report Regarding the Innervation of the Leg of Rana virescens. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 57—58. 30 Dunn, Elizabeth Hopkins. 78 Rana : 14.83 1908. The Ischio-coccygeal Plexus as a Pathway for Cutaneous Inner- vation in the Leopard Frog. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. s. Vol. 27 p. 916. 31 Takahashi, Katashi. 78 Rana : 14.83 1908. Some Conditions which Determine the Length of the Internodes found on the Nerve Fibers of the Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 167—197, 7 figg. [Average length of internodes on fibers of a given diameter increases as does the nerve in which they occur etc.] 32 Athanasiu, J., et I. Dragoin. 78 Rana: 15.4 1908. La distribution de la graisse dans le corps de la Grenouille pen- dant l’hiver. Infiltration graisseuse normale. (Addition a cette com- munication par V. Bases.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 191—194. 33 Nussbaum, M. 78 Rana : 15.6 1908. Zur Mechanik der Eiablage bei Rana fusca und Rana esculenta. Arch. ges. Physol. Bd. 124 p. 100—111. [Für eine Brunstperiode fertig- gestellte Geschlechtsstoffe, sowohl Eier als Samenfäden, überdauern in keinem Falle die Brunstzeit und kommen nicht in folgender Periode zur Verwertung.] 23434 Bruno, Alessandro. 78 Rana: 18.15 1907. Sulla cariocinesi nelle cellule epidermiche (Contribuzioni istolo- giche). Boll. Soc. Natural. Napoli Vol. 20 p. 38—41, 1 tav. 35 Albrecht. 78 Rana: 18.3 1908. Zur Struktur des jugendlichen Bindegewebes. Verh. deutsch. Path. Ges. 11 Dresden p. 4—9. [Schaumartige Struktur (,lipoide Emulsions- schicht“). (Kaulquappenschwanz.)] 36 Arnold, Julius. 78 Rana : 18.2 1908. Supravitale Färbung Mitochondrien ähnlicher Cranula in den Knor- pelzellen nebst Bemerkungen über die Morphologie des Knorpelglykogens. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 361—366. 37 Harrison, Ross 6. 78 Rana : 18.8 1907. Observations on the Living Developing Nerve Fiber. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 Anat. Rec. p. 116—118. [Development of nerve fiber brought about by amoeboid movement of protoplasm, (outflowing of protoplasm from central cell).] 38 Siedlecki, M. 78 Rhacophorus : 15 1908. Uber Bau, Lebensweise und Entwicklung des javanischen Flug- frosches (Rhacophorus reimwardtii Bore). Vorläufige Mitteilung. Bull. in- tern. Acad. Sc. Cracovie 1908 p. 682—689. [Totale inaequale Furchung (am vegetativen Pol so verlangsamt, dass partielle Furchung vorgetàuscht werden kann).] 15.2,.6 39 Beddard, Frank E. 78 Rhinoderma : 14 1908. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Batrachian Rhinoderma darwini. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 678—694, 7 figg. 14.33,.34,.36,.6,.73 40 Strecker, John K. 78 Scaphiopus : 15 1908. Notes on the Life History of Scaphiopus couch Barn. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 199—206. 15.3,.6,.8 23441 Vaillant, Léon. 78 Xenopus : 15.6 1908. La reproduction des Xenopus laevis Daupin à la ménagerie du Mu- seum d'histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 208—204. 19. I. 1909, 23442 43 44 46 47 48 23449 50 51 55 ; Reese, Albert M. Amphibia. 334 Coghill, G. E. 79 : 11.044 1908. The Reaction of Amphibian Embryos to Tactile Stimuli. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 911—912. Anton, Wilh. 79 : 14.21 1908. Beitrag zur Morphologie des Jacobson’schen Organs und der Nasen- höhle der Cryptobranchiaten. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 448—470, 2 Taf. Albrand, Max. 79 : 14.45 1908. Die Anlage der Zwischenniere bei den Urodelen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 353—385, 2 Taf. Krauss, Friedrich. 79 : 14.71 1908. Uber die Genese des Chordaknorpels der Urodelen und die Natur des Chordagewebes. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 73 p. 69—116, 3 Taf. [Her- vorragende Anteilnahme der vakuolisierten Chordazellen am Verknorpelungs- prozess der Chorda (Chordaepithelzellen liefern nur periphere Partien). — Definition der Chorda als eines Larvalknorpels. (Ahnlichkeit mit Epithel- gewebe ist rein äusserlich und zufällig).] Eismond, J. 79 : 18.15 1899. Ueber Zellteilung. C. R. 12e Congr. intern. Med. Moscou Vol. 2 Sect. 1 p. 112—115. [Zellplattenbildung bei Axolotlblastomeren.] Schultze, 0. 79 : 18.8 1906. Zur Histogenese der peripheren Nerven. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. Haecker, [V.] 79 Amblystoma : 11.58 1908. Ueber Axolotlkreuzungen. II. Mitteilung (Zur Kenntnis des par- tiellen Albinismus). Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. 18. Vers. p. 194—205, 2 figg. Wintrebert, P. 79 Amblystoma : 13.4 1908. Sur le déterminisme de la métamorphose chez les batraciens. X. Une demi-métamorphose expérimentale. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 415—417. [Arréts de la métamorphose à mi-chemin. Fixation de cette forme intermédiaire (maturité des organes génitaux).] Wintrebert, [Paul]. 79 Amblystoma : 13.4 1908. Sur le déterminisme de la metamorphose chez les Batraciens. XI. Les caractères anatomiques du demi-amblystome à branchies. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 549—551. [Demi-amblystome, obtenu par remise à l'eau au cours de métamorphose, présente caractères d'Amblystome et d’Axolotl.] Tornier, Gustav. 79 Amblystoma : 13.9 1908. Vorläufiges über experimentell erzielten Hautalbinismus bei Axolott- Larven. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 66—67. 2 Wright, Albert Hazen. 79 Amblystoma : 15.6 1908. Notes on the Breeding Habits of Amblystoma punctatum. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 284—289. Schuberg, [Aug.] 79 Amblystoma : 18.1 1907. Ueber Zellenverbindungen. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 56—59. Norris, H. W. 79 Amphiuma : 14.83 1908. The Cranial Nerves of Amphiuma means. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 527—568, 5 pls. — Cranial Nerve Components in Amphiuma. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 915. Osawa, Gakutaro. 79 Cryptobranchus : 14 1908. Beiträge zur Lehre von den Eingeweideorganen des japanischen Riesensalamanders. Mitt. med. Fak. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 8 p. 19—93, 15 Taf. 14.2—.6 79 Cryptobranchus : 15 1903. The Habits of the Giant Salamander. Popul. Se. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 526—531. Terni, Tullio. 79 Geotriton : 14.63 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza del testicolo del Geotriton fuscus. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 299 —303. 15. I. 1909. 23458 59 60 61 23466 67 63 69 73 74 23475 99D. Amphibia. Williston, S. W. 79 Lysorophus : 14.71 1908. Lysorophus, a Permian Urodele. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 229—240, 5 figg. [To be excluded from Reptilia; not to be classed with Stegoce- phalia. (Distinct family of Urodela). Vide etiam 81.1 Lysorophus.] Case, E. C. 79 Lysorophus (115) 1908. Notes on the Skull of Lysorophus tricarinatus Core. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 531—533, 1 fig. [Vide etiam 81.1 Lysorophus.] Williston, S. W. 79 Lysorophus (115) 1908. A New Group of Permian Amphibians. Science N. S. Vol. 98 p. 316—317. [L. tricarinatus No reptile. Requires a new group equivalent to the modern Caecilia. Vide etiam 81.1 Lysorophus.] Ishikawa, Ch. 79 Megalobatrachus : 13 1908. Ueber den Riesensalamander Japans. Die Entwicklung der äusseren Körperform des Riesensalamanders. Mitt. deutsch. Ges. Nat. Völkerk. Ostasiens Bd. 11 p. 259—280, 4 figg. [Vom Ende des Blastulastadiums bis einige Tage nach dem Ausschlüpfen.] 2 Braun, M. 79 Megalobatrachus : 15.6 1908. Fortpflanzung des japanischen Riesesalmanders. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 55—57. Bateman, Gregory C. 79 Molge : 15.4 1903. Newts in Spring. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 124—128, 1 pl. Waite, Edgar R. 19 Molge : 15.6 1908. Note on the Breeding Habits of the Red Bellied Newt (Molge pyr- rhogastra Bore). Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Vol. 33 p. 66—67. Boulenger, G. A. 79 Molge (62) 1908. Description of a new Newt. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 32—833, 1 pl. [Molge macrosoma n. sp.] Eycleshymer, A. C. 79 Necturus : 11.044 1908. The Reactions to Light ofthe Decapitated Young Neeturus. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 305—308. [Normal as well as de- capitated animals are negtively phototropic. Eycleshymer, Albert C. 79 Necturus : 11.69 1907. The Closing of Wounds in the Larval Necturus. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 317—326, 10 figg. McGill, Caroline. 79 Necturus : 14.34 1908. Fibroglia Fibrils in the Intestinal Wall of Necturus and their Re- lation to Myofibrils. Intern. Monatsehr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 90—98, det Choronshitzky. 79 Necturus : 14.41 1899. Entstehung der Milz und des dorsalen Pankreas beim Necturus (Menobranchus lateralis.) €. R. 12e Congr. intern. Med. Moscou Vol. 2 Sect. 1 p. 115—120. Smallwood, W. M. 79 Necturus : 14.71 1908. The Sacrum of Necturus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 237—239. [Sacral ribs on 19th and 20th vertebrae.] Smith, Frank. 79 Necturus : 14.71 1908. Place-modes for the Sacrum and the First Haemal Arch of Nec- turus. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol, 27 p. 917. 2 Wilder, H. H. 79 Necturus : 14.73 1908. The Limb Muscles of Necturus, and their Bearing upon the Question of Limb Homology. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 493—494. Okajima, Keji. 79 Onychodactylus : 14.71 1908. Die Osteologie des Onychodactylus japonicus. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 91 p. 351—381, 1 Taf., 4 figg. Reed, Hugh Daniel. 79 Plethodon : 11.57 1908. A Note on the Coloration of Plethodon cinereus. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 460—464, 7 figg. Hirsch-Tabor, O. 19 Proteus : 14.81 1908. Über des Gehirn von Proteus anguineus. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 719—730, 3 figg. [Relativ, niedrige Entwicklung. Kleinhira fehlt.] 15. I. 1909. Amphibia. 336 23476 Honigmann, H. 79 Proteus : 15.6 1908. Die Fortpflanzung des Grottenolms. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 36. 77 Kammerer, Paul. 79 Proteus : 15.6 1908. Die Fortpflanzung des Grottenolms (Proteus anguineus LAURENTI.) Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (277)—(292). 78 Weil, S. ` 79 Salamandra : 11.45 1908. Uber die natürliche Immunität des Salamanders gegen Krampfgifte (Coriamyrtin, Pikrotoxin.). Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Suppl. Bd. 1908 p. 513—516. [Immunität sowohl gegen eigenes als gegen andere Krampf- gifte.] 79 Reinke, Friedrich. 79 Salamandra : 13.9 1908. Durch Aether erzeugte, atypische Entwicklung des Gehirns der Salamanderlarve. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 26 p. 89—107, 34 figg. [Zu erklären durch Schädigung der Lipoidstoffe innerhalb der Zellen.] 80 Nierenstein, Edmund. 79 Salamandra : 14.77 1905. Uber den Ursprung und die Entwicklung der Giftdrüsen von Salamandra maculosa nebst einem Beitrage zur Morphologie des Sekretes. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 47—140, 3 Taf. [Sowohl larvale Giftdrüsen als auch Ersatzdrüsen gehen aus Schleimdrüsen hervor. — Sekretkörper- chen sind Elementarorgane der Zelle.] 81 Wolterstoríf, W. 79 Triton 1908. Ueber Triton pyrrhogaster subsp. orientalis Dav. Lacerta 1908 p. 95—96, 99—100. 82 Wolterstorff, W. 79 Triton : 11.58 1908. Nochmals Kummers Bastarde. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 2—3, 42—43. 23483 Wolterstorff, W. 79 Triton (4) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Tritonen Südosteuropas. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 17—18. 84 Kurz, Oskar. 79 Triton : 11.69 1908. Uber die Regeneration ganzer Extremitäten aus transplantierten Extremitätenteilen vollentwickelter Tiere. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Cen- tralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 369—370. 85 Lecaillon, A. 29 Triton : 15 1908. Sur quelques faits relatifs a l’&thologie et a la psycho-physiologie des Batraciens, en particulier du Triton cret& (Triton cristatus Laur.). Bull. Inst. gen. psychol. Ann. 8 p. 142—144. [Mouvement dans l’eau. — Comportement pendant la mue. Impossibilite de faire difference entre proie reelle et son image virtuelle.] 11.7,.8 86 Wolterstorff, W. 79 Triton : 15.6 1908. Aus dem Liebesleben des Triton vittatus Gray. (Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Triton (-Molge) vittatns Gray IIL) Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 34-36, 39—40, 1 fig. 87 Wolterstorff, W. 79 Triton (43.6) 1908. Ueber neue Tritonformen Oesterreichs, insbesondere Triton (= Molge) vulgaris subsp. typica forma kammereri n. f. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 15— 16, 18—20. (43.65) 88 Wolterstorff, W. 79 Triton (43.69) 1908. Eine neue Tritonenform Dalmatiens. Wochenschr. Aquar. Terrark. Jahrg. 5 p. 23. 89 Schwarz, Hugo. 79.5 : 14.71 1908. Ueber die Wirbelsiulen und die Rippen Holospondyler Stegoce- phalen (Lepospondyli Zrrr.]. Beitr. Palaeont. Geol. Oesterr.-Ungarn Bd. 21 p. 63—105, 36 figg. [Ophiderpetontidae n. fam.] 90 Seeley, H. G. 79.5 : 14.71 1908. On the Structure of the Mandible in a South African Labyrintho- dont. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 505. 23491 Moodie, Roy L. 79.5 : 14.889 1908. The Lateral Line System in Extinct Amphibia. Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 511—540, 1 pl., 13 figg. [Seven distinct lateral line canals in four of the five suborders of Stegocephala.] 15. I. 1909. 991 Amphibia — Reptilia. 23492 Moodie, Roy L. 79.5 (115) 1908. The Ancestry of the Caudate Amphibia. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 961—373, 10 figg. 93 Moodie, Roy L. 79.5 Dissorophus 1908. Dissorophus — a Correction. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 80—31. [D. articulatus — D. multicinctus.] 94 Broili, F.. 79.5 Eryops : 14.71 1908. Uber die rhachitomen Wirbel der Stegocephalen. Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Ges. 1908 p. 235—240, 1 Taf., 1 fig. 95 Woodward, A. Smith. 79.5 Labyrinthodon (1161) 1908. On a Mandible of Labyrinthodon leptognathus, Owen. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 298—300, 1 pl. 96 Broom, R. 79.5 Rhinesuchus (115) -1908. On a New Labyrinthodont, Rhinesuchus whaitsi, from the Permian Beds of South Africa. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 4 p. 373—376, 1 pl [n. g. n. sp.] 97 Broili, F. 79.5 Sclerocephalus (115) 1908. Ueber Selerocepkalus aus der Gaskohle von Nürschan und das Alter dieser Ablagerungen. Jahrb. geol. Reichsanst. Wien Bd. 58 p. 49 —70, 1 Taf. 98 Seeley, H. G. 19.5 Syphonodon (1161) 1908. A Large Labyrinthodont Tooth from the Upper Karroo Beds of Wonderboom, near Brughersdorp. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 241— 243, 1 pl. [Syphonodon n. g. thecomastodon n. sp.] XLVII. 59.81 Reptilia. (Vide etiam: 11934, 11935, 11937, 11938, 11940, 11950, 11956, 11960, 11963, 11970, 11988, 11989, 11999, 12020, 12021, 12031, 12033, 12039, 12048, 12060, 12068, 12073, 12088, 12094, 12095, 12107, 12109, 12118, 12125, 12840, 12904, 13604) 13984, 14389, 14505, 14832, 15429, 15676, 15887, 15975, 15977, 15979, 15986, 15999, 16001, 16007, 16014, 16022, 16026, 16028, 16039, 16049, 16052, 16055, 16063, 22629, 22631, 22636, 22638, 22646, 22647, 22649, 22662, 22663, 29676, 22678—22681, 22685, 22686, 22690, 22692, 22695, 22696, 22702— 22704, 22706, 22709, 22711, 22713, 22723, 22727, 22728, 22730, 22735, 22745— 22747, 22749, 22780—22782, 22785—22792, 22794, 22796, 22800—22812, 22815— 99817, 22819—22821, 22823—22830, 22833—22835, 2283722844, 99847.) 99 Ditmars, Raymond L. 81 1908. Some Snakes and Other Reptiles. Some Personal Observations. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 252—254, 12 figg. 81.2 23500 Drevermann, F. S1 1908. Das Zeitalter der Saurier. Ber. Senckenberg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 95*—96*. 81.5—.9 01 Trendelenburg, Wilhelm, und Alfred Kühn. 81 : 11.855 1908. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Physiologie des Ohrlabyrinthes der Reptilien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. physiol. Abt. 1908 p. 160—188, 21 figg. [Exstirpation. — Drehversuche. — Bestätigung der Breurr’schen Theorie mit Annahme, dass Endolymphverschiebung nur zur Ampulle hin gerichtet reflexauslósend wirkt, nicht von Ampulle zum Bogengang.] 81.1,.2,.3 02 Broom, R. 81 : 14.71 1908. On the Origin of the Mammal-like Reptiles. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 1047—1061, 4 figg. 03 Fuchs, Hugo. 81 : 14.71 1908. Ueber das Vorkommen selbständiger knócherner Epiphysen bei Sauropsiden. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 352—360, 4 figg. 23504 v. Huene, F. 81 : 14.71 1908. Beiträge zur Lösung der Pr&pubisfrage bei Dinosauriern und an- deren Reptilien. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 401— 105. 81.9 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 22 23505 06 0 - 08 09 10 ul 23512 13 14 16 17 18 1° 23520 Reptilia. 338 Moodie, Roy L. 81 : 14.71 1908. Reptilian Epiphyses. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 443—467 24 figg. 81.1,.3,.4,.6 Moodie, Roy L. 81 : 14.71 1908. The Relationship of the Turtles and Plesiosaurs. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 182). Kansas Univ. M Bull. Vol. 4 p. 317—327, 2 figg. 1.3,.6 Leighton, Gerald. 81 : 15 1502/03. Reptile Studies. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 17—23, 103—106, 177—182, 261—269, 1 pl. — Vol. 2 p. 111—118, 208—212, 297 —309, 1 pl. 81.1—.26 Wall, F. 81:15 1906/07. The Snake and its Natural Foes. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 375—395. — Encounter between a Snake and Lizard. p. 1017 — 1018. 81.1,.2 Wall, F. 81:15 1907. 'Tuctoo and Snake. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1035. 011221 Tomasini. 81 : 15.6 1908. Die natürlichen Eiablageplätze unserer Reptilien. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 7—8, 44. 81.1—.3 Huene, Friedrich. 81 (1161) 1908. On the Age of the Reptile Faunas Contained in the Magnesian Conglomerate at Bristol and in the Elgin Sandstome. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 99—100. (41.23, 42.41) 8171,.9 Zimmermann, Rud. 81 (43.17) 1908. Herpetologische Beobachtungen in der Lewitz. Lacerta 1908 p. 895—586, 1 fig. 81.1—.26 Bouleuger, G. A. 81 (6) 1906. Report on the Reptiles collected by the late L. Fra in West Af- rica, Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 196—216, 9 figg. [13 nn. spp. in: Hemydactylus 2, Amphisbaena 2, Placogaster n. g., Mabuia, Cha- maeleon, Typhlops 2, Glauconia, Boodon, Gastropyxis, Calamelaps.] (66.3,.53,.99, 67.1,.2) 81.1—.3 Boulenger, G. A. 81 (8) 1908. Descriptions of New South-American Reptiles. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 111—115. [7 nn. spp. in: Lepidoblepharis, Anolis 2, Polychrus, Liophis, Atractus, Leptognathus.] (81—86, 87) 81.1,.21 5 Cheeseman, T. F. 81 (931) 1908. Notes on the Occurrence of certain Marine Reptilia in New Zea- land Waters. Trans. Proc. N. Pond Inst. Vol. 40 p. 267—269. 81.26,. Abel, 0. 81... Placochelys (1161) 1908. Ein neuer Reptilientypus aus der Triasformation Ungarns. Verh. z0ol. bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (246)— (248). Günther, A. 1.1 1908. Agamidae and Iguanidae Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 523 —524. Gandolfi, Herzog. 81.1 : 14.31.8 1908. Die Zunge der Agamidae und Iguanidae. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 569-580, 11 figg. [Unterschiede im Verlauf d. Muskeln.] Zavattari, Edoardo. 81.1 : 1471 1908. Materiali per lo studio dell’ osso ioide dei Sauri. Atti Accad. Sc. Torino Vol. 43 p. 1188 —1145, 1 tav. Otto, Hans. 81.1 : 14.78.5 1908. Die Beschuppung der Brevilinguier und Ascalaboten. Jena. Zeit. schr. Naturw. Bd. 44 p. 193—252, 1 Taf., 28 figg. [Formen der Cutis- knochengebilde u. deren Beziehung zur überdeckenden Hornschuppe. Be- deutung “dieser Verhältnisse für systemat. Verwandtschaft v. Gattungen u. Arten.] an 15. I. 1909. 23521 22 339 Reptilia. Fleissig, Julius. 81.1 : 14.85 1908. Die Entwicklung des Geckolabyrinthes. (Ein Beitrag zur Entwick- lung des Reptilienlabyrinthes). Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 1—116, 7 Taf, 16 figg. Ditmars, Raymond L. 81.1 : 15 1904. Observations on Lacertilians. Sth ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 146—160, 5 pls., 3 figg. Gore, St. George. 81.1 : 15 1906. Fascination by Lizards. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 520. Bryan, B. 81.1 : 15 1998. Notes on the Habits of the Blind-worm and Common Lizard. Anu. Rep. Trans. N. Staffordsh. Field Club Vol. 42 p. 74—81. Strecker, John K. 81.1 : 15.6 1908. Notes on the Breeding Habits of Phrynosoma cornutum and Other Texas Lizards. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 165—170. 26 Nopesa, Franz. 81.1 (118) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der fossilen Eidechsen. Beitr. Palaeont. Geol. Oesterr.-Ungarn Bd. 21 p. 33—62, 1 Taf., 5 figg. (117—119) 27 Douglass, [Earl]. 81.1 (1181) 1908. Some Oligocene Lizards. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Car- negie Mus. No. 50) p. 278—285, 8 figg. [Glyptosaurus montanus n. sp.] 28 Sinel, Joseph. 81.1 (42.34) 29 23530 31 33 34 35 23537 1908. Notes on the Lizards of the Channel Islands, Rep. Trans. Guern- sey Soc. nat. Se. Vol. 5 p. 308—317. Surface, H. A. 81.1 (74.8) 1908. First Report on the Lizards of Pennsylvania. Zool. Bull. Penn- sylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 236—258, 4 pls., 3 figg. Stejneger. Leonhard. 81.1 (91.4) 1908. Three New Species of Lizards from the Philippine Islands. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus, Vol. 34 p. 199—201, 6 figg. [8 nn. spp. in: Spheno- morphus 2, Tropidophorus.] ndersson, Lars Gabriel. 81.1 (932) 1908. Two New Lizards (Eurydactylus and Lygosoma) from New Cale- donia. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 14, 5 pp., 1 fig. [2 nn. spp. in: Hurydac- tylus, Lygosoma.] Watkins, S. Cornish. 81.1 Anguis : 15.6 1902. A Note on the Reproduction of the Slow-Worm. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 289—290, 1 pl. v. Huene, F. 81.1 Callibrachion (115) 1908. Bemerkungen über Callibrachion. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 932—534, 1 fig. Fortin, E. P. 81.1 Chamaeleo : 14.84 1908. Sur quelques particularités de la vision du Caméléon. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 346—347. [Fovea semblable à celle de l'homme. Champ visuel petit, mais trés grand champ de fixation; 180? dans champs vertical et horizontal. Changement à volonté d'ouverture pupillaire. Celle- ci peut devenir transversale et horizontale. Correction probable de l'as- tigmatisme dü à cristallin trés sphérique de cet animal. Indépendance des mouvements des 2 yeux.] Duncan, F. Martin. 81.1 Chamaeleo : 15 1908. The Chameleon in Captivity. The Strangest of Pet Animals. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 284, 4 figg. à Johnstone, Mary A. 81.1 Chamaeleo : 15 1908. Notes on Chamaeleons. Bradford scient. Journ. Vol. 2 p, 136 —137. Tofohr, Otto. 81.1 Chamaeleo : 15 1908. Ein Panther-Chamäleon im Terrarium. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 37 —39, 1 fig. 15. I. 1909. Reptilia. 340 23538 Schroeder, Henry. 81.1 Datheosaurus (115) 1907. Datheosaurus macrourus nov. gen. nov. sp. aus dem Rotliegenden von Neurode. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 25 p. 282 —9294, 2 Taf. 39 Stejneger, Leonhard. 81.1 Draco (91 4) 1908. A New Species of Flying Lizard from the Philippine Islands. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 33 p. 677—679. [Draco mindanensis n. sp.] 40 Kammerer, Paul. 81.1 Egernia : 15 1908. Ein Rauhskink. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 21—23, 1 fig. 41 Tofohr, Otto. 81.1 Ezernia : 15 1908. Der Rauhskink. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 6—7. 42 Gasparro, Emerita. 81.1 Gongylus : 13.6 1908. Osservazioni sull’ origine delle cellule sessuali nel Gongylus ocellatus. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 105—116, 2 tav. 43 Gisi, Julia. 81.1 Hatteria : 14.81 1908. Das Gehirn von Hatteria punctata. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 71—236, 3 Taf., 21 figg. 44 Cooke, Elizabeth, and Leo Loeb. 81.1 Heloderma : 11.45 1908. Hemolytic action of the venom of Heloderma suspectum. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 104—105. [Venom alone does not cause hemolysis but in combination with lecithin.] 45 Steck, Leo. 81.1 Hemidactylus : 14.22 1908. Der Stimmapparat des Hemidactylus garnoti Dux. et Bær. Ein Bei- trag zur Anatomie der Geckotiden. (Reise von Dr. Warren Vorz.) Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 611—636, 1 Taf. 23546 Steindachner, Franz. 81.1 Hemidactylus (63) 1907. Herpetologische Notizen III Anz. Akad: Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 356—956. [Hemidactylus erlangeri n. sp.] —- Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 1535— 1040, 1 Taf. 47 Broili, F. 81.1 Labidosaurus (115) 1908. Ein montiertes Skelett von Labidosaurus hamatus Core, einem Co- tylosaurier aus dem Perm von Texas. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges. Bd. 60 p. 63—67, 1 Taf. 48 Imchanitzky, Marie. 81.1 Lacerta : 14.12 1908. The nervous coórdination of the auricles and ventricle of the heart of the lizard. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 77—80, 2 figg. [Purely neurogenic origin of heart beat coórdination.] 49 Svensson, Elis. 81.1 Lacerta : 14.13 1908. Zur Morphologie der Arteria subclavia und axillaris bei Lacerta, Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 603—658, 10 Taf. 50 Arcangeli, Alceste. 81.1 Lacerta : 14.33 1908. Per una migliore conoscenza della struttura e della distribuzione delle glandole nello stomaco di Lacerta muralis. Atti Soc. toscana Sc. nat. Pisa Mem. Vol. 24 p. 205—207. 51 Schmidt, Wilhelm J. 81.1 Laceria : 14.81 1908. Ueber ein Nebenparietalauge bei Lacerta agilis. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 137—140, 1 fig. 52 Geyer, Hans. 81.1 Lacería : 156 1908. Leuchtende Eier der Zauneidechse. Lacerta 1908 p. 87— $88. 53 Geyer, Hans. 81.1 Lacerta : 15.6 1908. Ungelòste Fragen hinsichtlich der Fortpflanzungsgeschichte von Lacerta agilis. Lacerta 1908 p. 51—52. 54 Tornier, Gustav. 81.1 Lacerta : 15.6 1908. Über Eidechseneier, die von einer Pflanze durchwachsen sind. Sitz.- Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 195—196. 55 Geyer, Hans. 81.1 Liocephalus : 15 1908. Liocephalus personatus Corr. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 25—27, 3 figg. 23556 Broili, F. 81.1 Lysorophus (115) 1908. Systematische und biologische Bemerkungen zu der permischen 15. I. 1909. 341 Reptilia. Gattung Lysorophus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 290—298, 3 figg. [Gegen Case. Ist doch ein Reptil! Vide etiam 79 Lysorophus.] 23557 Werner, F. 81.1 Macroscincus (66.53) 1908. Der capverdische Riesenskink (Macroscincus coctaei.) Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 13—15, 1 fig. 58 Broom, R. 81.1 Mesosaurus (1161) 1908. Note on the Species of Mesosaurus. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 4 p. 319—380. 59 Müller, Lorenz. 81.1 Metopocerus : 15 1908. Ueber das Gefangenleben des Nashornleguans (Metopocerus cornutus.) Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 27—28, 29—31, 1 fig. 60 Holland, W. J. 81.1 Mosasauridae : 14.71 1908. An Undetermined Element in the Osteology of the Mosasauridae Enns Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 162—167, 55: 61 Merriam, John C. 81.1 Nectosaurus : 14.71 1908. Notes on the Osteology of the Thalattosaurian Genus Nectosaurus. Univ. California Publ. Geol. Vol. 5 p. 217—223, 2 pls. 62 Jarvis, May M. 81.1 Phrynosoma : 14.6 1908. The Segregation of the Germ-cells of Phrynosoma cornutum: Preli- minary Note. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 119—126, 4 figg. [First appearance in entoblast of vascular area of blastoderm. Migration to germinal an- lagen. (Path of normal migration: entoblast of blastoderm, yolk-stalk and intestine, scelerotome of mesentery).] 14.63,.65 63 Fleissig, J. 81.1 Platydactylus : 14.85 1908, Zur Entwicklung des häutigen Geckolabyrinthes. (Verh. morphol. physiol. Ges. Wien). Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 197—198. 23564 Annandale, N. 81.1 Salea (54.1) 1908. Description of a New Species of Lizard of the Genus Salea from Assam. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 37—38. [S. austeniana.] 65 Le Cerf, F. 81.1 Trogonophis : 14.78.1 1908. Sur la mue de Trogonophis Wiegmanni Kaur.. Ann. Ass. Natural. Levallois-Perret Ann. 14 p. 33—34. 66 Coffey, D. J. 81.2 : 14.32 1900. Simple Forms of Mucous Glands. (R. Acad. Med, Ireland.) Dublin Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 109 p. 391. [Oesophagus of snakes.] 67 Biggs, H. V. 81.2 : 15 1907. 'The Vitality of Snakes. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1018—1019. 68 Mitchell, P. Chalmers, and R. I. Pocock. 81.2 : 15.3 1908. On the Feeding of Reptiles in Captivity. With Observations on the Fear of Snakes by other Vertebrates. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 185—794. 81.21,.26 69 Knauer, Friedrich. 81.2 (43.69) 1908. Europas Schlangenland. Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 215—218, 233 — 92388, 250—254, 8 figg. 81.21,.26 70 Fletcher, Bainbrigge. 81.2 (54.87) 1908. Notes on Snakes from Diyatalawa, Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica Vol. 5 p. 98—101. 81.21,.26 71 Boulenger, 6. A. 81.2 (6) 1908. Description of Three new Snakes from Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Yol. 2 p. 93—94. [3 nn. spp. in: Thrasops, Hyptoptophis n. g., Atractaspis.] (66.9, 67.1,.5) 81.21,.26 72 Sternfeld, Richard. 81.2 (6) 1908. Die Schlangenfauna Ostafrikas. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 4 Heft 1 p. 237—241, 2 figg. [Boodon erlangeri n. sp.] (63, 67.6,.7) 81.21,.26 23573 Sternfeld, R. 81.2 (6) 1908. Neue und ungenügend bekannte afrikanische Schlangen. Sitz.- 15. I. 1909. Reptilia. 342 Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 92—95. [9 nn. spp. in: Typhlops, Glauconia, Boodon, Simocephalus, Coronella, Micrelaps, Miodon, Atractaspis 2.} (66.7, 67.1,.6—.8, 68.8) 81.21,.26 23574 Sternfeld, Richard. 81.2 (66.7) 1908. Die Schlangenfauna Togos. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin Bd. 4 Heft 1 p. 207—236, 3 figg. weree o coon n. Sp. 1 n. var. in Prosymna.] .21,.2 75 Gough, Lewis Henry. 81.2 (68) 1908. Catalogue of the South African Snakes in the Collection of the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, and the State Museum, Bloemfontein. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Vol. 1 p. 17—45, 3 figg. [3 nn. sop. in: Psammophis 2, Atractaspis.] 81.21,.26 76 Boulenger, G. A. 81.21 : 15. 1908. The Ringed and Smooth Snakes. The Markings of two Harmless Snakes. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 316—317, 6 figg. 77 Wall, F. 81.21 (5) 1907. Some New Asian Snakes. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol; 17 p. 612—618, 2 pls. [Lycodon flavomaculatus, Tropidonotus xenura, T. baileyi, nn. spp.] (51.5, 54.7) 78 Wall, F. 81.21 (54): 1906/07. A Popular Treatise on the Common Indian Snakes. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1—9, 259—273, 857—870, 7 pls. — Habitat of the Green Keelback (Macrophisthodon plumbicolor), by C. E. C. Fischer. p. 527—528. 79 Clark, H. L. 81.21 (77.4) 1904. Snake Notes. (Abstract. 6th Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 194. 80 Knauer, Fr. 81.21 Coluber (42.6) 1908. Die Coluber-Arten Oesterreich-Ungarns. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 5—6, 9—10. (43.6,.9) 28581 Beddard, Frank E. 81.21 Corallus : 14 1908. A Comparison of the Neotropical Species of Corallus, C. cookii, with C. madagascariensis; and on some Points in the Anatomy of Cora/lus caninus. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 135—158, 7 figg. 14.13,.14,.24,.36,.37,.41 82 Blundell, 6. E. 81.21 Coronella (42 29) 1903. Reappearance of the Smooth Snake in Berkshire. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 216—217. 83 Sternfeld, R. 81.21 Dasypeltis : 11.55 1908. Mimicry bei afrikanischen Schlangen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 89—91. 84 Fitz Simons, F. W. 81.21 Dispholidus : 16.7 1908. The Boomslang (Dispholidus typus). Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 601—608, 6 figg. [Exeedingly venomous. Poison affects mucous membranes and causes extravasation of blood through walls of bloodvessels.] 85 Clark, Hubert Lyman. 81.21 Eutaenia (7) 1908. The Garter Snakes of North America. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 682. 85 Hammar, A. 6. 81.21 Helminthophis (81) 1908. Note on the Type Specimen of a Blind Snake, Helminthophis wilderi (Garman), from Brazil. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 334—335, 3 figg. 87 Wall, F. 81.21 Lycodon (54.2) 1906. A New Himalayan Snake (Lycodon mackinnoni). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 29—30, 3 figg. [n. sp.] 23588 Wall, F. 81.21 Polyodontophis 1907. Reduction in the Species of the Genus Polyodontophis. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 823—824. [P. subpunctatus = P. sagit- tarius.] 15. I. 1909. 343 Reptilia. 23589 Gough, Lewis. 81.21 Psammophis (68) 8. Description of two New Species of Psammophis from South Africa. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 101—103. (68.2,.9) 90 Begbie, Arundel. 81.21 Python : 15.3 mo The Food of Pythons. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 91 Boulenger, G. A. 81.21 Rhachidelus (8!) 1908. On a New Genus of Snakes from Brazil Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 31—32. [Rhachidelus n. g. brazili n. sp.] 92 Baumeister, Ludwig. 81.21 Rhinophis : 14 1908. Beitràge zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Rhinophiden. Integu- ment. Drüsen der Mundhóhle, Augen u. Skeletsystem. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 423—526, 4 Taf. 14.631,.71,.785,.84 93 Wall, F. 81.21 Simotes (59.1) 1908. Remarks on Simotes splendidus. Rec. Indian Mus. Vol. 2 p. 105— 106, 2 figg. 94 Ruthven, Alexander G. 81.21 Thamnophis : 11.5 i908. Variations and Genetic Relationships of the Garter-Snakes. Bull. U. S. nation. Mus. No. 61, 201 pp. 82 figg. (Rev. by Arraur Erwin Brown, Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 313—315.) 95 Knauer, Friedrich. 81.21 Tropidonotus 1908. Wassernattern der Gattung Tropidonotus. Lacerta 1908 p. 97—99, 2 figg. 96 Tornier, Gustav. 81.21 Tropidonotus : 11.57 1908. Uber eine albinotische Ringelnatter und ihr Entstehen. Sitz.- Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 196—200, 4 figg. 23597 Ussoff, D. D. 81.21 Tropidonotus : 13.33 1908. Urdarm-Ectochorda. (Vergl.-embryologische Studien des axialen Skelettes.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 265—270, 5 figg. 98 Boulenger, 6. A. 81.21 Tropidonotus (51.3) 1908. Description of a New Snake from Yunnan. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 244. [Tropidonotus johannis n. sp.] 99 Knauer, Friedrich. 81.21 Zamenis : 15 1908. Die Zornnatter (Zamenis gemonensis Laurenti.) Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 43—44. 23600 Wall, F. 81.21 Zamenis : 15.6 1907. Hatching of Dháman (Zamenis mucosus) Eggs and Observations on the Egg Tooth. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1033—1035, 2 figg. 01 Lamb, George. 81.26 : 11.45 1903. Snake Venoms: their Physiological Action and Antidote. Glasgow med. Journ. Vol. 59 p. 81—98. 02 Lamb, George. 81.26 : 11.45 1906. Snake Venoms and their Antidotes : an Account of Recent Research. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 18—22. 03 Ditmars, Raymond C. 81.26 : 15 1905. Observations on the Mental Capacity and Habits of Poisonous Serpents. 9th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 177—196, 1 pl., 10 figg. 04 Schreitmüller, Wilhelm. 81.26 : 15 1908. Einige Beobachtungen über Vipera berus L. (Kreuzotter), Vipera aspis L. (Juraviper), Vipera ammodytes L. (Sandviper) und Cerastes cornutus Forsx. (Hornviper). Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 41—43, 1 fig. 23605 Marktanner-Turneretscher, Gottlieb. 81.26 (43.65) 1908. Zweiter Nachtrag zum ,Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Verbreitung der Giftschlangen in Steiermark“ unter Bezug auf die Ergebnisse der Prämiie- rung in den Jahren 1905 und 1906. Mitt. nat. Ver. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 94—101. 15. I. 1909. Reptilia. 344 23606 Wall, F. 81.26 (54) 1906. The Poisonous Snakes of the India and How to Recognise Them. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 51—71, 299—333, 40 figg. — Correction. p. 995—996. 07 Boulenger, G. A. 81.26 Apisthocalamus (95) 1908. Description of a New Elapine Snake of the Genus Apisthocalamus, Brer., from New Guinea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 248—249. (A. loennbergii n. sp] 08 Wall, F. 81.26 Bungarus (54.2) 1907. A New Krait from Oudh (Bungarus wall). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 608—611, 1 pl. [n. sp.] 09 4, 81.26 Callophis (54.87) De ne Records. Callophis trimaculatus. Spolia Zeylanica fol. 5 p. 186. 10 Ditmars, Raymond C. 81.26 Crotalus : 11.5 1905. An Unusual Variation of Crotalus lucifer. 9th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 200—201, 1 fig. 11 Ditmars, Raymond C. 81.26 Crotalus (728) 1905. A New Species of Rattlesnake. 9th ann. Rep. New York zool. Noc. p. 197—200, 4 figg. [Cr. pulvis n. sp.] 12 Boulenger, G. A. 81.26 Diemenia (94.2) 1908. Description of a New Elapine Snake from Australia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 333—334... [Diemenia ingrami n. sp] 13 Yan Denburgh, John, and Joseph C. Thompson. 81.26 Disteira (91.4) 1908. Description of a New Species of Sea Snake from the Philippine Islands, with a Note on the Palatine Teeth in the Proteroglypha. Proc. California Acad. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 41—48, 1 pl. [Disteira cincinnati n. sp.] 14.314,.64 23614 Boulenger, G. A. 81.26 Emydocephalus 1908. Note on the Ophidian Genus Emydocephalus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 231. 15 Wall, F. 81.26 Melanelaps (53.4) 1906. A New Snake (Melanelaps mephersoni) from the Aden Hinterland. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 27—28, 3 figg. [n. sp.] — The Snake- bite inflicted by Melanelaps mcphersoni p. 807—808. — Suppression of Melanelaps mephersoni. p. 995. |= Atractaspis andersonii BLer.] 16 Bannerman, W. B. 81.26 Naia (54) 1907. A Further Note of the Distribution of the Varieties of Cobra in In- dia. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1031— 1032. 17 Ohage, H. 81.26 Pelias : 15 1908. Ueber das Vorkommen von Kreuzottern im Moor. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 15. 18 Gough, Lewis Henry. 81.26 Prosymna (68.2) 1908. Note on a Specimen of Prosymna sundevalli (Surrx.) Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. Vol. 1 p. 64. 19 Selous, Percy S. 81.26 Sistrurus : 15 1900. Notes and Observations Regarding the Habits and Characteristics of the Massasauga of Ground Rattlesnake. Sistrurus catenatus, during Cap- tivity. Ist Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 89—92. 20 Ishizaka, Tomotaro. 81.26 Trimeresurus : 11.45 1906. Vorläufige Mitteilung über das Habuschlangengift (Trimeresurus rinkinanus, Hizcenporrr.) C. R. 15e Congr. intern. Med. Sect. 4 p. 93— 96. [Hämorrhagische Wirkung. Fällung der wirksamen Bestandteile durch Aceton.] 21 Kitajima, T. 81.26 Trimeresurus : 11.45 1908. On ,Habu* Venom and its Serum Therapy. Philippine Journ. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 151—164. 23622 Graber, R. 81.26 Vipera : 15 1908. Die Juraviper (Vipera aspis L.). Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 1—2. 15. I. 1909. 23623 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 36 23637 345 Reptilia. Bannerman, W. B. 81.26 Vipera : 15.6 1907. Note on the Breeding of Russell’s Viper (Vipera russelli) in Capti- vity. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 808—811, 2 figg. Pfluck, M. 81.3 : 11.856 1908. L’accommodation des tortues. (Soc. frane. Ophtalm.) Arch. Oph- talm. Paris T. 28 p. 381. — Discuss. p. 381—382. Ann. Ocul. Paris T. 139 p. 380—381. [Accommodation par formation passagére de lenticöne artérieur. Fixation de forme accommodative du cristallin.] Hay, Oliver P. 81.3 (118) 1908. Descriptions of Five Species of North American Fossil Turtles, Four of which are New. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 161—169, 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Hoplochelys, Echmatemys, Terrapene, Aspideretes.] (117—1183) (78.1,.6,.7) Hay, Oliver P. 81.3 (26) 1908. On Three Existing Species of Sea-Turtles, one of them (Caretta remivaga) New. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 183—198, 6 pls. (26.1,.5) (72.7) Kersting. 81.3 (43.56) 1901. Schildkröten in der Umgegend von Lippstadt. 29. Jahresber. west- fil. Prov. Ver. p. 14—16. Siebenrock, Friedrich. 81.3 (51.2) 1907. Ueber einige zum Teil seltene Schildkröten aus Südchina. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 491—492. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 1741—1776, 2 Taf., 3 figg. 9 Siebenrock, F. 81.8 (56.3) 1905. Ergebnisse einer naturwisschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Von Dr. ArnoLn Prntarr und Emerica ZEDERBAUER. Schild- kröten. Ann. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 20 p. 309—310. Surface, H. A. 81.3 (74.8) 1908. First Report on the Economy of Pennsylvania Turtles. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 6 p. 107—196, 9 pls., 16 figg. Stejneger, Leonhard. 81.3 Amyda 1908. The Status of the Japanese Soft-Shelled Turtle. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 746—748. Siebenrock, F. 81.3 Cinosternidae (7) 1907. Die Schildkrötenfamilie Cinosternidae m. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 104—106. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 527—599, 2 Taf., 8 figg., 2 Kart. Culbertson, Glenn. 81.3 Cistudo : 15 1908. Some Notes on the Habits of the Common Box Turtle. (Cistudo carolina). Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1907 p. 78—79. ` Kreyenberg, M. 81.3 Damonia 1908. Etwas von Damonia reevesii Gray und der Grünhaarschildkróte. Lacerta Jahrg. 1908 p. 3—4. Di Cristina, 6G. 81.8 Emys : 11.12 1908. Sulle propietà dinamiche del cuore di Emys europaea sana ed in degenerazione grassa. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze Vol. 5 p. 493—502, 1 tav., 1 fig. [Variazioni, sotto pressione da 13 a 20 cm. d’ acqua, per diversi esemplari fra minimo di 1,17 a massimo di 8,95 grem. Lavoro dello stesso cuore cambia quando cambia pressione intracardiaca.] Heine. 81.3 Emys : 11.856 1908. Über die Akkomodation des Schildkrötenauges (Emys europaea). Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 335—337. [Bestätigung der Brrr’schen Be- funde. Refraktionszunahme fast nur durch Wölbungszunahme der vor- deren Linsenfläche.] Hochstetter, F. 81.3 Emys : 13.39 1908. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der europäischen Sumpfschild- króte (Emys lutaria Mansi). 1. Ueber die Art und Weise, wie die Em- 15. I. 1909. Reptilia. 346 bryonen der Sumpfschildkròte ihre Hiillen abstreifen und wie die Jungen dieses Tieres das Ei verlassen. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 81 p. 1—20, 2 Taf., 4 figg. 23638 Filatoff, D. 81.3 Emys : 14.93 1908, Die Metamerie des Kopfes von Emys lutaria. Zur Frage über SON NN Entwicklung. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 259—296, 3 Taf. 88- 39 Braun, M. 81.3 Emys (43.1) 1908. Uber die europäische Sumpfschildkröte in Ost- und Westpreussen. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 94—95. (43.11,.12) 40 McCulloch, Allan R. 81.3 Natator (94.2) 1908. A New Genus and Species of Turtle, from North Australia. Ree. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 126—128, 2 pls. [Nutator tessellatus.] 41 Siebenrock, F. 81.3 Pseudemydura (94) 1907. Beschreibung und Abbildung von Pseudemydura umbrina SIEBENR. und iiber ihre systematische Stellung in der Familie Chelydidae. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. KI. Jahrg. 44 p. 294. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 1 p. 1205—1211, 2 Taf., 1 fig. 42 De Stefano, Giuseppe. 81.3 Ptychogaster (1182) 1903. Ptychogaster miocenici della Francia conservati nel Museo di Storia naturale di Parigi. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol: 9 p. 61—94, 4 tav. [2 nn. spp.] 43 Francois-Franck, Ch. A. 81.3 Testudo : 11.27 1908. Etudes critiques et expérimentales sur la mécanique respiratoire comparée des Reptiles. I. Chéloniens (Tortue grecque). Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. 31—187, 1 pl., 126 figg. [Exploration, graphiques. Mouve- ments respiratoires. Effets du pneuinogastrique. Contractilité et inner- vation du poumon.] 23644 Ditmars, Raymond L. 81.3 Testudo : 15 1902. The Giant Tortoises. 6th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 120 —127, 2 pls. 45 Gadeau de Kerville, Henri. 81.3 Testudo : 15.6 1908. Sur les ceufs de la Tortue mauritanique (Testudo ibera Parr.) Voyage zool. Khroumirie (Tunisie) Henri Gadeau de Kerville p. 299—306. 46 Boulenger, G. A. 81.3 Testudo (54.8) 1907. A New Tortoise from Travancore. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 560—561, 2 pls. [T. travancorica n. sp.] 47 Siebenrock, Friedrich. 81.8 Testudo (68) 1904. Die südafrikanischen Testudo-Arten der Geometrica-Gruppe s. 1. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 113 Abt. 1 p. 807—323, 9 Taf. (68.7,.8) 48 Hooker, Davenport. 81.3 Thalassochelys : 15.6 1908. The Breeding Habits of the Loggerhead Turtle and Some Early Instincts of the Young. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 490—491. 49 Ditmars, Raymond L. 81.4 : 11.39 1907. Growth of the Alligator. 11th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 143—154, 1 pl, 6 figg. 50 Reese, Albert M. 81.4 Alligator : 13 1908. The Development of the American Alligator (A. mississippiensis). Smithson, miscell. Coll. Vol. 51 p. 3—60, 23 pls. 13.1,.3,.39 51 Hochstetter, F. 81.4 Crocodilus : 14 1906. Über die Entwickelung der Scheidewandbildungen in der Leibes- höhle der Krokodile. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 4 p. 141—206, 5 Taf., 8 figg. 14.25,.38 23652 Hochstetter, F. 81.4 Crocodilus : 14.1 1906. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte des Blutge- fässsystemes der Krokodile. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Er- gebn. Bd. 4 p. 1—139, 10 Taf., 37 figg. 15. I. 1909. 347 Reptilia; 23653 Meek, Alexander. 81.4 Crocodilus : 14.86 1908. The Olfactory Organ of the Crocodile and the Homologies of the Her Region. Proc. Univ. Durham philos. Soc. Vol. 3 p. 1—2, 3 88. 54 Landois, H. 81.4 Goniopholis (1162) 1904. Die Saurier von Gronau i. Westf, 32. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.» Ver. p. 45—46. [Goniopholis pugnax.] 99 Leeds, E. Thurlow. 81.4 Metriorhynchus (1162) 1908. On Metriorhynchus brachyrhynchus (Destone.) from the Oxford Clay Do Peterborough. Quart. Journ. geol. Soc. Vol. 64 p. 345—557, 2 pls.,. 2 figg. 56 Huene, Friedrich. 81.4 Rileya (115) 1908. On Phytosaurian Remains from the Magnesian Conglomerate of Bristol (Rileya platyodon) Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 228—230,. 1 pl. (42.38,.41) 57 Merriam, John C. 81.5 (1161): 1908. Triassic Ichthyosauria, with Special Reference to the American: Forms. Mem. Univ. California Vol. 1 p. 1—196, 18 pls., 154 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Cymbospondylus.] (42.38,.41, 79.3,.4, 931, 98) 98 Holland, W. J. 81.5 Baptanodon : 14.31 4. 1908. Baptanodon not a ,Toothless, Ichthyosaur. Science N. S.. Vol. 27 p. 191—192. 59 Branca, W. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus: 1907/08. Sind alle im Innern von Ichthyosauren liegenden Jungen aus- nahmslos Embryonen ? Abh. Akad. Wiss.. Berlin 1907 physik. Abh. No. 3, 34 pp., 1 Taf. [Orientierung, Grössenverhältnisse u. Lage der „Em- bryonen“ lassen einen Teil derselben als gefressene Junge erscheinen.]: — Nachtrag zur Embryonenfrage bei Ichthyosaurus. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1908 p. 392—396. [Auffassung eines Teil der „Embryonen“ als gefressene resp. verschlungene Junge (unter Hinweis auf die Lebens-- gewohnheiten der Zahnwale).] 23660 Seeley, H. G. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus : 14.71 1908. On the Extremity of the Tail in Ichthyosauria. Ann. Mag.. nat.. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 436—441. 61 Seeley, H. 6. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus : 14.71 1908. On the Interlocking of the Neural Arches in Ichthyosauria. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Voi. 1 p. 441—444, 2 figg. 62 Landois, H. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus (1162) 1900/02. Ichthyosaurusreste aus Gronau. 28. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.- Ver. p. 36—37. — Zum Ichthyosaurus von Gronau. 30. Jahresber. p. 48—49. 63 Broili, F. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus (117): 1908. Ichthyosaurierreste aus der Kreide. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. Beil.-Bd. 25 p. 422—442, 1 Taf., 3 figg. [I. kokeni n. sp.] (43.54, 73) 64 Rogenhofer, Alois. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus (117) 1908. Ueber ein Endglied des Ichthyosaurierstammes aus der Kreide- formation. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (38) —(42). — Diskuss. p. (42)—(44). 65 Matthew, W. D. 81.5 Ichthyosaurus (43.47) 1908. The New Ichthyosaurus. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 8 p. 7—8, 1 pl. 66 Williston, S. W. 81.6 1908. The Evolution and Distribution of the Plesiosaurs. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p.§726—727. 67 v. Huene, F. 81.6 : 14.71 1908. Zur Beurteilung der Sauropoden, Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Ges.. 1908 p. 294—297. 23668 Broom, R. 81.7 1908. On the Inter-relationships of the Known Therocephalian Genera. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 4 p. 369—372. 15. I. 1909. Reptilia. 348 "23669 Seeley, H. G. 81.7 (115) 1899. On Fossil Reptiles from the Governments of Perm and Vologda. C. R. Congr. géol. intern. T. 8 p. 179—182. (47.2,.8) 70 Case, Ermine C. 81.7 (115) 1906. Completion of a monograph on the Pelycosaurian order of Permian reptiles. (Report). 4th Year Book Carnegie Inst. Washington p. 240. 71 Broom, R. 81.7 (1161) 1908. On some New Therocephalian Reptiles. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 4 p. 361—367. [5 nn. spp. in: Alopecodon n. g. 2, Hyaenasuchus n. g., Trochosuchus n. g., Pardosuchus n. g.] (68.2,.7,.9) 72 v. Huene, F. 81.7 (4) 1908. Neue und verkannte Pelycosaurier-Reste aus Europa. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 431—434, 2 figg. [Oxyodon n. g. britannicus n. Sp.] (115, 1161) (42.48, 43.21) 73 Seeley, H. G. 81.7 Cynognathus : 14.31.4 1908. On the Dentition of the Palate in the South African Fossil Reptile Genus Cynognathus. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 486—491, 1 pl. "(4 Seeley, H. G. 81.7 Diademodon : 14 1908. Additional Evidence as to the Dentition and Structure of the Skull in the South African Fossil Reptile Genus Diademodon. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 611—617, 1 fig. 14.314,71 75 Broili, F. 81.7 Dicynodon (1161) 1908. Ein Dicynodontierrest aus der Karooformation. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 Bd. 1 p. 1—15, 1 Taf, 5 figg. [D. seeleyi n. sp.] 76 Case, E. C. 81.7 Dimetrodon : 14.71 1905. The Morphology of the Pelycosaurian Genus Dimetrodon. Trans. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 21 p. 5—29, 7 pls., 9 figg. “23677 Seeley, H. G. 81.7 Gomphognathus : 14.31.4 1908. .On the Dentition of the Diastema in some Fossil Reptiles refer- red to the Gomphodontia, from the Upper Karroo Rocks of Cape Colony. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 376—382, 1 fig. 78 Seeley, H. 6. 81.7 Pareiasaurus : 14.78.5 1908. The Armour of the Extinct Reptiles of the Genus Pareiasaurus. Proc. zool: Soc. London 1908 p. 605—610, 5 figg. 19 Broom, R. 81.7 Propappus (68.7) 1908. Contributions to South African Vertebrate Palaeontology. 2. — On the Pareiasaurian Genus Propappus. Ann. South Afric. Mus. Vol. 4 p. 351—359, 1 pl. ; 80 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 81.7 Scaphonyx (1161) 1908. On Some Fossil Reptilian Bones from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 251—255, 4 figg. [Reprinted ‘from Rev. Mus. Paulista Vol. 7. Scaphonyx n. g. fischeri n. sp.] 81 Matthew, W. D. 81.7 Tetraceratops (115) 1908. A Four-horned Pelycosaurian from the Permian of Texas. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 183—185, 1 fig. [Tetraceratops n. g. in- signis n. Sp.] 82 Abel, 0. 81.8 1908. Bau und Lebensweise der Flugsaurier. Verh; zool. bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (253)—(254). 83 Wanderer, Karl. 81.8 Rhamphorhynchus (1162) 1908. Rhamphorhynchus gemmingi H. v. Meyer. Palaeontographica Bd. 55 p. 195—216, 1 Taf. 84 Seeley, H. 6. 81.9 1908. The Kraai River Vertebra Referred to Euskelesaurus. Geol. Mag. ‘N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 332—333. 23685 Cannon, Geo L. 81.9 : 11.33 .1906. Sauropodan Gastroliths. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 116. 15. I. 1909, 349 Reptilia. 23686 Hay, Oliver P. 81.9 (116). 1908. On Certain Genera and Species of Carnivorous Dinosaurs, with Special Reference to Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsa. Proc. U. S. nation.. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 351—366, 4 figg. (1162, 117). (71.2, 74.9, 75.2, 78.6—.8) 87 Brown, Barnum. 81.9 (117) 1908. Trachodont, the Duck-Billed Dinosaur. — Skeletons of Prehistoric Reptiles more than three Million Years Old. Scient. Amer. Vol. 98 p. 262—263, 4 figg. (78.3,.6) 88 Fraas, E. 81.9 (117). 1908. Dinosaurierfunde in Ostafrika. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. LXXXIV—LXXX VI. 89 Fraas, E. 81.9 (117) 1908. Funde von Dinosauriern in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Ges. 1908 p. 172. 90 Matthew, W. D. 81.9 Allosaurus (78.7) 1908. Allosaurus, a Carnivorous Dinosaur, aud its Prey. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. S p. 3—5, 1 pl. 91 Brown, Barnum. 81.9 Ankylosaurus (117) 1908. The Ankylosauridae, a New Family of Armored Dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 187—201, 20 figg. [Ankylosaurus n. g. magniventris n. sp.] 92 Woodward, Arthur Smith. 81.9 Dinodocus (117) 1908. Notes on Dinodocus mackesoni, a Cetiosaurian from the Lower Greensand of Kent. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 204—206, 1 fig. 93 Hay, Oliver P. 81.9 Diplodocus 1908. On the Habits and the Pose of the Sauropodous Dinosaurs, espe- cially of Diplodocus. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 672—681. (Ref. Nat. Rundsch. Jahrg. 24 p. 162—163.) 23694 Hay, Oliver P. 81.9 Diplodocus : 14.71 1908. Dr. W. J. Horrawp on the Skull of Diplodocus. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 517—519. — Dr. O. P. Hay on the Skull of Diplodocus, by W. J.. HoLranp. p. 644—645. 95 Fraas, E. 81.9 Gigantosaurus (117) 1908. Ostafrikanische Dinosaurier. Palaeontographica Bd. 55 p. 105— 144, 5 Taf, 16 figg. [2 nn. spp. in Gigantosaurus n. g.] 96 von Huene, F. R., and R. S. Lull. 81.9 Hallopus (1161) 1908. On the Triassic Reptile, Hallopus victor Marsa. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 113—118, 5 figg. 97 Bertrand, C. Eg. 81.9 Iguanodon (117) 1908. Les Coprolithes de Bernissart. I. Les Coprolithes qui ont été attribués aux Iguanodons. Analyses chimiques par E. Lupwic. Men. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg. T. 1, 153 pp., 15 pls. 98 Woodward, A. Smith. 81.9 Megalosaurus (1162) 1908. Note on a Megalosaurian Tibia from the Lower Lias of Wilmcote, Warwickshire. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 257—259, 1 fig. 99 v. Huene, F., und R. S. Lull. 81.9 Nanosaurus (1161). 1908. Neubeschreibung des Originals von Nanosaurus agilis Marsa. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 134—144, 1 Taf., 10 figg. 23700 Woodward, A[rthur] Smith. 81.9 Scaphonyx (1161). 1907. On some Fossil Reptilian Bones from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Rev. Mus. Paulista Vol. 7 p. 46— 57, 4 figg. [Scaphonyx n. g. fischeri n. Sp.] 01 Brown, Barnum. 81.9 Trachodon (117) 1908. The Trachodon Group. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 8 p. 51—56, 1 pl., 3 figg. 23702 Lull, Richard S. 81.9 Triceratops : 14.73 1908. The Cranial Musculature and the Origin of the Frill in the Cera- topsian Dinosaurs. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 887—399, 3 pls., 10 figg. 15. 1909 “Aves. 350 XLVIII. 59.82—89 Aves. (Vide etiam: 12080, 12089, 12095, 12096, 12099, 12100, 12107, 12112, 12778 — 12780, 12791, 12793, 12794, 12797, 12814, 13447, 13903—13905, 13915, 14023, 14025, 14389, 14505, 14832, 15258, 15421, 15429, 15450, 15468 — 15470, 15478, 15602, 15676, 15975, 15977, 15979, 15986, 15995, 15997, 15999, 16001, 16003, 16006, 16010, 16011, 16014—16016, 16019, 160122, 16023, 16026, 16044, 16046, 16049, 16063, 16070, 16077, 22630, 22631, 22634, 22635, 22640— 22644, 22649, 22657, 22661—22664, 22673, 22674, 22677, 22678, 22680, 22681, 22687, 22689, 22691— 22693, 22697, 22702, 22705, 22706, 22710, 29713, 22721, 22727, 22730, 22738—22740, 22749, 22752, 22753, 22758, 22764, 22769, 22772, 22777, 29794 — 22797, 22802, 22803, 22808, 22809, 22811, 22812, 22814, 22816, 22818, 22821, 22822, 22831, 22826, 22844— 29846, 22848.) -23703 Harting, J. E. 82 1899. The Largest Bird that Flies. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 52—55. [Bustard and wild swan.] 83 2,.4, 84.1,.2, 89.1 04 Neunzig, Karl. 82 1901. Allerlei aus dem Vogelleben. Eine interressante Entdeckung. Ibis Berlin Jahrg. 30 p. 82—83, 2 figg. [Rachenzeichnung bei Nest- hockern.] — Aus dem Leben der Papageien. p. 97—98. 87.1, 88.1 05 e 82 1903. Observations ornithologiques. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 178. 83.2, 86, 88.9 06% de 82 1904. The Illustrations. Emu Vol. 4 p. 36, 184—185, pl. 8, 9, 13. [Ninox boobook. Red Gum Tree containing 7 Species of Brooding Birds. Xero- phila castaneiventris, Mirafra woodwardi and Amytis housei.] 88.1, 89.7 07 Dubois, Alph. 82 1905. Remarques au sujet de certains oiseaux méconnus. (4th intern. or- nith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 519—523. [Bycanistes leucopygius, Tiga borneonensis, Lampribis olivacea.] 83.4, 87.2, 88.9 23708 Newton, Alfred. 82 1905. Lxquar’s Giant Bird. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 70—71. [Is a Flamingo, Lequatia no genuine genus.] 83.1, 84.1 09 Rothschild, Walter. 82 1905. On Extinct and Vanishing Birds. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 191—217, 2 pls. [6 nn. spp. in: Necropsittacus, Ara 2, Ana- dorhynchus 2, Conurus.] (69.5, 729:2,.7..8, 931, 939, 94, 96) 83.1,.3 — 84.4, 85.2—.5, 86—87.1, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 10 Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 1905. Die schönsten Vogelsagen der europäischen Völker. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 29—20, 41—42, 53—54, 65, 89, 288—289, 312, 324—325, 335 —926, 347—948, 377—378, 388, 397 — 398, 417—418, 426—427. 11 Schuster, Wilhelm, und Ludwig Schuster. 82 1905. Aus alten Schweizer Chroniken. Schweiz. Blatter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 589—590. 12 Adams, Charles €. 82 1908. The Ecological Succession of Birds. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 109—155. 19 de las Barras de Aragón, Francisco. 82 1908. Nombres vulgares de las aves de la isla de Cuba. Bol. Soc. es- pan. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 215—218. 14 Hartert, Ernst. 82 1908. Ein fast allgemein vergessener Artikel. Zool. Annal. Bd. 3 p. 64 —68. [In der Allgem. deutsch. naturhist. Zeitg. Bd. 3 (1857) über eine vorläufige Zusammenstellung der Vögel Spaniens von A. E. Bremm. Be- merkungen zu einzelnen Arten.] 23715 Hilgert, Carl. 82 1908. Katalog der Collection von EnrawcEeR in Nieder-Ingelheim a. Rh. Berlin, R. Friedländer & Sohn, 8°, 527 pp., 1 Taf., Mk. 4.— 15. I. 1909. 23716 17 18 19 29 23732 351 Aves. v. Lorenz, L. 82 1908. Die in historischer Zeit ausgestorbenen Vögel. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (217)—(282). McGregor, Richard C. 82 1908. Some Necessary Changes in the Names of Philippine Birds. Phi- lippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 283. [Megalurus tweeddalei n. nom. pro Megalurus ruficeps 'TwEEDDALE non Syxes, Zosterops boholensis pro Z. laeta McGregor non De Vis. 88.1, 89.1 Menegaux, A. 82 1908. Sur les embryons, les poussins, et les jeunes des Oiseaux des ré- gions australes. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 104—107. Reichenow, [Ant.] 82 1908. Neue Arten. Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 16 p. 13—14. [2 nn. spp. in: Prinia, Cisticola. 1 n. subsp. in Ara.] (51.3, 67.6, 84) 87.1, 88.1 Clark. Hubert Lyman, 82:01 1902. The Classification of Birds. (Abstract) 3d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 83. Kendall, H. 82 : 01 1903. Some Notes on Vernacular Names. Emu Vol. 3 p. 51—54. — The Use of Scientific Bird Names, by Ricaarp C. M’Grecor. Vol. 4 p. 18—20. Blasius, Rudolf. 82 : O1 1905. Vortheile und Nachtheile moderner Arten- und Unterartenbeschrei- bung und Namengebung. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 275—288. — Disc. p. 35—37: Hartert, Ernst. 82:01 1905. 'The Principal Aims of Modern Ornithology. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 265—274. de Montlezun, M. 82 : O1 1905. Tableau de concordance des dénominations des Oiseaux-Mouches. Représentés dans les planches coloriées de l'ouvrage de Muzsanr et Ver- reaux et de celles du Catalogue de Gray. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 38 p. 160—167. l Rothschild, Walter. 82: OL 1905. [Nomenclature]. Ibis (S) Vol. 5 p. 135—137. 89.7 Selater, P. L. 82 : 01 1905. Remarks on Scuarrrer’s "Museum Ornithologicum’. Ibis (S) Vol. 5 p. 85—88. [Generic terms valid. Witherby, Harry F. 82: 01 1905. [Trinomials or Binomials?] Ibis (S) Vol. 5 p. 140—141. Richmond, Charles W. 82 : 01 1908. Generie Names Applied to Birds during the Years 1901 to 1905, Inclusive, with Further Additions to WarkrHouses „Index Generum Avium.^ Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 35 p. 888—695. [Gnorimopsar n. nom. pro Aaptus Ricuwowp non Gray, Notiomystis pro Pogonornis Gray non BirrzEmo.] SC eke 82 : 06 1901/08. The Australasian Ornithologists’ Union. Emu Vol. 1 p. 1-5, 34—51, 1 pl. — Vol. 2 p. 125—139, 2 pls. — Vol. 3 p. 141—167, 2 pls. -- Vol. 4 p. 85-93; Vol. 5 p. 105—139, 2 pls. — Vol. 6 p. 85—95; Vol. 7 p. 121--187, 1 portr. Shufeldt, R. W. 82 : 07 1897. Avian Photography. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 59—62, 3 figg. i Chapman, Frank M. 82 : 07 1905. What Constitutes a Museum Collection of Birds? (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 144—156, 6 pls. Sharpe, R. Bowdler. 82 : 07 (42.1) 1907. President’s Address. (Proc. 4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 90—143. [Collections in British Museum.] 15. I. 1909. Aves. 352 23733 Stoll. 82 : 07 (43.11) Der Die Vogelwarte Rossiten. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 146 34 y. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor. 82 : 07 (43.61) 1906. Die Typen meiner Sammlung. Originalbeschreibungen der jetzt im k, k, naturbistorischen Hofmuseum in Wien befindlichen Typen. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 179—194. 8655) Oia eos.) 89 E 35 Hornaday, Wm. T. 82 : 07 (14.1) 1897. Birds in the New York Zoological Park. (A Promissory Note). Osprey Vol. 2 p. 1— 6, 2 figg. 36 Bureau, Louis. 89 : 09 1905. Sur un atlas des planches coloriées de l’ornithologie de Brisson attribué au peintre Marrmer provenant de la vente Arpa. Mirne-Epwauns. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 176—180. — Rem. by Ar- FRED Newron. p. 180—182. 37 Scherren, Henry. 82 : 09 1905. The First Bird List of Eser & Peucer and its Relation to the "Avium Historia” of Winriaw Turner (1544). (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 188—190. 38 v. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor. 82 : 091 (43.6) 1908. Ornithologische Literatur Oesterreich-Ungarns und des Okkupations- gebietes 1906. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. 93—125. — 1507. p. 458—490. 39 Thurburn, Alex. 89 : 11.39 1908. The Average Age of Birds. Knowledge Vol. 5 p. 81—82. 40 Worthen, Chas. K. 82 : 11.5 1896. Albinism, Melanism, and Hybridism. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 23—25. 11.57,.58, 83.3, 84.1—.3, 86, 87.2, 88.1, 89.1,.7 23741 Le Souéf, D. 82 : 11.57 1902. Protective Colouration of Australian Birds and their Nests. Emu Vol. 1 p. 57—62, 128—132, 2 figg. 42 Le Souéf, D. 82 : 11.57 1903. On Certain Birds Changing Colour of Plumage without Moulting. Emu Vol. 2 p. 196—199, 1 pl. 43 Jourdain, F. C. R. 82 : 11.57 1905. On Colour Variation in the Eggs of Palearctic Birds. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 580—612. 83.1,.3, 84.2,.4, 86, 87.4, 88.1 44 Beebe, C. William. S2 71157 1908. Preliminary Report on an Investigation of the Seasonal Changes of Color in Birds. Amer. Natural. Yol. 42 p. 34—38. 45 Haagner, Alwin. 82 : 11.57 1908. Some Remarks on the Protective Resemblance of South African Birds. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 1—16, 2 pls. 83.2,.3, 86.,5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.7 46 y. Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, Viktor. 82 : 11.57 1906. Die Farbenaberrationen meiner Sammlung, jetzt im Besitze des k. k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 195—203. 86, 87.2, 88.1, 89.1 rp 82 : 11.58 1905. Winke über die Bastardzucht. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- zucht Jahrg. 29 p. 86, 99, 110—111. 23148 Poll, Heinrich. 82 : 11.58 1908. Mischlingstudien III: System und Kreuzung. Sitz.-Ber: Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 127—189, 1 Taf., 1 fig. [Untersuchungen der Spermatogenese von Mischlingen führten zur Aufstellung folgender Ar- beitshypothese: Die Länge des spermiogenetischen Weges eines Kreuzungs- produktes ist Funktion der Verwandtschaft der Stammorganismen. Je ferner diese sich stehen, desto früheres Abbrechen des Samenbildungs- prozesses.] 84.1, 86 15. I. 1909. 353 Aves. 23749 Angele. 82 : 11.74 1906. Neues über Winddruck und Vogelflug. Jahresh. Ver. Math. Nat. Ulm Jahrg. 12 ps 21—39, 16 figg. 50 Headley, F. W. 82 : 11.74 1907. Wind and Flight. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 115—121, 143—146, 169 —173. 51 Amans, P. 82 : 11.74 1908. Sur le planement des Oiseaux. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 1296. 52 Deprez, Marcel. 82 : 11.74 1908. Sur le planement des Oiseaux. (€. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 191—800. 53 Headley, F. W. 82 : 11.74 1908. The Down-stroke of the Wing. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 262—263, 2 figg. 54 Milla, Karl. 82 : 11.74 1908. Wie fliegt der Vogel? Monatsh. nat. Unterr. Bd. 1 p. 299—312, 358—368, 12 figg. [Berechnungen und Experimente.] 55 Olshausen, A. 82: 11.74 1908. Kritik der Exner’schen Theorie des Zitter- oder Schwirrfluges. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 123 p. 433—453. [Widerlegung des von Exner ange- genommenen Vibrierens als Quelle für den Segelflug der Vógel. Wahr- scheinlichkeit aufsteigender Luftströme.] 56 Thouveny, L. 82 : 11.74 1908. Principes du vol à voile. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1466 — 1468, 1 fig. 23757 Walcher. 82 : 11.74 1908. „Ueber die Physiologie des Flugs der Tiere“. Jahresh. Ver. va- terl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. LII—LXVI. — Ueber die Atmung von W. Gauss, p. LXVI—LXVII. [Im Anschluss an Watcuer’s Vortrag.] 55 Schwarzkopf, Eduard. 82 : 11.75 1908. Beiträge zur Physiologie der Vogelmuskeln. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 121 p. 416—422, 3 figg. [Hohe Reizfrequenz (bis 70 pro Sek.) zur Erreichung von Tetanus nicht nur für Flug- sondern auch für Lauf- muskulatur notwendig. Lange Wellen, auf denen bei Reizung eines Flug- muskels die einzelnen Kontraktionen aufsitzen, sind synchron mit Atem- bewegungen, durch Bewegungen des Sternums bedingt; können bei Va- gusdurchschneidung deutlich verlängert werden.] 59 Strong, R. M. 82 : 11.854 1908. The Sense of Smell in Birds. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. 8. Vol. 27 p. 943. 86.5 60 Mettam, A. E. 82 : 12 1908. Malignant Tumours in Birds, with Observations on the Changes in the Blood. Proc. Irish Acad. Vol. 27 p. 68—75, 2 pls. [Sarcomata and carcinoma.] 86, 88.1 61 Regalia, E. 82 : 12.71 1907. Sui numeri eccezionali di Falangi dei Piedi negli Uccelli. Avicula vol. 11 p. 62—64. 62 Pycraft, W. P. 82 : 13.5 1902. The Significance of the Condition of Young Birds at Birth. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 108—116. 63 Rabaud, Etienne. 82 : 13.9 1908. Recherches expérimentales sur l’action de la compression méca- nique intervenant au cours de l’ontogenèse des oiseaux. (Faits spéciaux à l’omphalocéphalie et considérations générales.) Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 26 p. 429—447. 23764 Heidrich, Kart. 82 : 14 1908. Die Mund- und Schlundkopfhéhle der Vógel und ihre Drüsen. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 10—69, 2 Taf., 13 figg. 14.21,.22,.316,.32 83.4, 84.1, 86, 86.5, 87.1 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zoo!. XVII 15. 1. 1009; 23 Aves, 354 23765 Lapieque, Louis. 82 : 14 1908. Limite supérieure de la proportion d'encéphale par rapport au poids du corps chez les Oiseaux. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 14?1 —1423. 66 Zietzschmann, Otto. 82 : 14.33 1908. Ueber eine eigenartige Grenzzone in der Schleimhaut zwischen Muskelmagen und Duodenum beim Vogel. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 456 — 460, 1 fig. 84.1, 86, 86.5 67 Giannelli, Luigi. ~ 82 : 14.37 1908. Contributo allo studio dello sviluppo del pancreas negli Uccelli. Nota preventiva. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 196--199. 86 63 Visentini, Arrigo. 82 : 14.37 1908. Alcune osservazioni sull’ anatomia del pancreas degli uccelli. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 17—26, 1 tav. 86.5, 88 69 Jolly, J. 82 : 14.46 1908. Sur le tissu lymphoide des oiseaux. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 176—182. [Tube digestif, rate, ganglions.] 84.1, 86,.5 70 Balducci, Enrico. 82 : 14.71 1908. Morfologia dello sterno degli uccelli, con ricerche originali. Prato 8° 84 pp., 28 tav. SSH HEILEN 71 Kulezycki, Wladimir. 82 : 14.71 1908. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Schlüsselbeines und der Hals- hautmuskulatur bei den Vögeln und im besonderen beim Kanarienvogel. 72 Martin, Basil W. 82 : 14.78.7 1902. Feathers: Their Structure and Uses. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 171—177. 23773 Cbigi, Francesco. 82 : 14.78.7 1908. Appunti di Sistematica Ornitologica. Saggio di uno studio sulle fasi evolutive del piumaggio. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 106—136. 74 Riddle, Oscar. 82 : 14.78.7 1908. The Cause of the Production of „Down“ and other Down-like Structures in the Plumages of Birds. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 163—176, 2 figg. [Faulty nutrition.] 5 Wallenberg, Adolf. 82 : 14.81 1906. Die basalen Aeste des Scheidewandbündels der Vógel (Rami ba- sales tractus septo-mesencephalici). Anat. Anz. Bd. 28 p. 394—400, 5 figg. 76 Franz, V. 82 : 14.84 1908. Das Pecten, der Fächer, im Auge der Vögel. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 449—468, 24 figg. — Verh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Vers. 18 p. 167 —171. [Das Pecten ein Drucksinnesorgan. Besitz von Sinneshaaren und Sinneskòlbchen. (Derivat des Sehnerven.)] 77 Riehl, H. A. 82 : 14.84 Intern. Monatsschr. 84.1,.2, 86,.5, 88.1, 89.7 1908. Über den Bau des Augenlides beim Vogel. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 181—272, 2 Taf. 78 Breuer, Josef. 82 : 14.85 1907. Über das Gehörorgan der Vögel. Sitz-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 3 p. 249—291, 3 Taf. 86,.5 79 Schweder. 82 :14.98 1908. Uber den Vogelfuss und die gekämmte Vogelkralle. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. Riga No. 51 p. 123—128. 83.3,.4, 84.3, 88.9, 89.7 80 d'Hamonville, Louis. 82: 15 1898. Hevue des oiseaux qui au moment de la mue perdent la faculté du vol. Ornis T. 9 p. 15—22. 82.1, 81.1,.2,.4, 86 23781 van Kempen, Ch. 82: 15 1900. Observations ornithologiques. Ornis Vol. 10 p. 480. [Influence d'une periode de froid sur les oiseaux de passage. Puteo vulgaris saisi pendant son repas.] 15.3,4 89.1 15. I. 1909. 23782 83 84 $5 86 87 88 89 90 23791 eo bz 93 94 95 96 97 98 355 3 Aves. M’Clymont, J. R. 82:15 1902. Notes on Some Familiar Birds. Emu Vol. 2 p. 22—24, 84.3, 86, 87.4, 88.1 Houba, Julien. 82 : 15 1903. Le coucou et l’engoulevent. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 75—76. 87.4, 88.1 Werner, Paul. 82 : 15 1903. Die Schlafstätten unserer Vögel. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.» Ver. p. 188—197. 83.1, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1, 89.1,.7 Dwight, Jonathan. 82 : 15 1905. Sequence in Moults and Plumages, with an Explanation of Plu- mage-cycles. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 513—518. Seth-Smith, D. 82 : 15 1905. The Importance of Aviculture as an Aid to the Study of Ornitho- logy. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 663 -675. v. Wendt, Georg. 82 : 15 1905. Beobachtungen an tropischen Vögeln im nordischen Klima. Fest- schr. Palmén No. 17, 9 pp. Campbell, A. G. 82 : 15 1906. Some Victorian Winter Notes. Emu Vol. 6 p. 60—65. 85.3, 87.1,.4, 88.1 Cleland, J. Burton. 82:15 1906. Some Bird Observations. Emu Vol. 5 p. 189—192. 83.3, 88.1,9, 89.1 Turner, Emma L., and P. H. Bahr. 82 : 15 1907. The Home Life of some Marsh-Birds. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 Suppl., 62 pp., 32 pls., 12 figg. 83.1,.3, 84.2,.4, 88.1 Adams, Chas. C. 82 : 15 1908. The Ecological Succession of Bird Associations. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 918. de Chaignon, H. 82:15 1908. Observations sur la pretendue disparition des oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 p. 9—52. Fletcher, J. H. 82 : 15 1908. Birds in Captivity. Journ. Northamptonsh. nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 141—144. Heatherley, Francis. 82 : 15 1908. A Visit to the Ternery at Wells-by-the-Sea. Zoologist Vol. 12 p. 361—369, 2 pls. 15.6, 83.3, 84.2 von Tubeuf, €. 82 : 15 1908. Uber die Beziehungen zwischen unseren Misteln und der Tierwelt. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 47—68, 1 fig. [Verbreitung und Vertilgung durch Vögel.] Herrick, Francis H. 82 : 15.1 1908. The Relation of Instinct to Intelligence in Birds. Science N. S. Blasius, Rudolf. 82 : 15.2 1896. Vogelleben an den deutschen Leuchtthürmen. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 577—620. von Berg. 82 : 15.2 1900. Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus Elsass-Lothringen für 1898. (43.43,.44) 83.2--84.1, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 Biasius, Rudoif. 82 : 15.2 1900. Vogelleben an den deutschen Leuchtthürmen 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 und 1899. Ornis Vol. 10 p. 293—476. 83.1—84.1,.3,.4, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.7 15.7. S909, Aves. |. 856 23800 Sauvage, H. E. 82 : 15.2 1900. Sur quelques apparitions et passages d'oiseaux dans le Boulonnais dans le second semestre de 1899. Ornis Vol. 10 p. 196. 83.2—84.1, 88.1 01 Quinet, Alfred. 82 : 15.2 1901. Considérations sur la migration des oiseaux. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 313—326. 02 Westell, W. Percival. 82 : 15.2 1902. The Dates of Arrival of our Summer Migrants. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 189—196. 83.3, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9 03 Cretté de Palluel, Albert. 82 : 152 1903. Notes sur les migrations des oiseaux du nord-ouest de la France. Ornis Hes 13 p. 119—120. 83.3,.4, 84.3, 88.1,.9 04 Oustalet, E. 82 : 15.2 1903. Note sur quelques oiseaux du nord qui se sont montrés en France durant l’hiver 1902—1903. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 179—182. 84.1,.2, 88.1 05 Westell, W. Percival. 82 : 15.2 1903. Lists of Summer Migrants. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 160—162. 83.3, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9 06 Blasius, Rudolf. 82 : 15.2 1904. Vogelleben an den deutschen Leuchtthürmen 1900, 1901, 1902 und 1903. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 257—380. 83—84.1..4, 87.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 07 Herman, Otto. 82 : 15.2 1905. On the Migration of Birds. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 163—175, 10 figg. 23808 Wemer, Paul. 82 : 15.2 1905. Tabelle über die Ankunft und Fortzug der westfälischen Vögel. 33. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 60—66. 097216 82 : 15.2 1907. Der diesjährige Frühlingszug in der Gegend von Sempach. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 405, 417—415. IHRE 82 :15.2 1908. The Report of the Committee for Migration for the Years 1906. and 1907. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 61—69. 83.3,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 11 Eifrig, 6. 82: 492 1908. A Long-drawn-out Migration: its Causes and Conseauences. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 1—9. 12 Killermann, S. 82 : 15.2 1908. Zugvógel auf hoher See. Alte und eigene Beobachtungen mit einer Originalphotographie. Nat. Wochenschr. Bd. 23 p. 193—198, 2 fige. 13 Knauer, Friedrich. 82 : 15.2 1908. Zur Lösung des Vogelzugproblems. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 9—14. 14 Lühe, M. 82 : 15.2 1908. Beobachtungen über den Vogelzug dieses Jahres. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 105—108. 15 Pittet, Léon. 82 : 15.2 1908. Essai sur l'origine des migrations des oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Fribourg. Sc. nat. Vol. 16 p. 48—50. 16 Quinet, [Alfr.] 82 :15.2 1908. A propos du travail de Orro Herman: „Ornithologie moderne et Ornithophénologie“. Ann. Soc. zool. malacol. Belgique T. 43 p. 63—103. — Réponse à la critique de M. le Dr. Qumer, par Orro Herman. p. 159 —145. 23817 Ressólr, Ervin. 82 : 15.2 1908. Selidba ptica u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji 1901—1905. — Der Vogel- zug in Kroatien u. Slavonien 1901—1905. Glasn. hrvatsk. naravosl. Drustva God. 20 p. 1—59, 7 Kart. (43.93,.94) 83.3—84.2, 86,.5, 87.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 15. I. 1909. 23818 19 20 24 25 30 31 32 33 23834 357 Aves. Stone, Witmer. 82 : 15.2 1908. Methods of Recording and Utilizing Bird-Migration Data. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 128—156. Stone, Witmer. 82 : 15.2 1908. Report on the Spring Migration of 1908. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley ornith. Club Vol. 12 p. 45—64. (74.8,.9) 83.1,.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 86.5, 88.1—89.7 Thienemann, J. 82 : 15.2 1908. Vogelwarte Rossitten. Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 16 p. 6—9. 83.4, 84.1, 88.1, 89.1 Wood, Norman A. 82 : 15.2 1908. Notes on the Spring Migration (1907) at Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 10—15. Needham, James 6, 82 : 15.3 1898. Birds vs. Dragonflies. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 85—87. 88.9, 89.1 Prévost, Florent. 82 : 15.3 1900. Observations sur le régime alimentaire des oiseaux avec notes et remarques par E. OusraLer. Ornis Vol. 10 p. 121—158. 81.2,:45 88:1,.9, 89.027 Quinet, Alfred. 82 : 15.3 1901. Sur le régime alimentaire des oiseaux. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 327—333. [Critique des méthodes d'étude.] Herman, Otto. 82 : 15.3 1905. The Food of Birds. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 630 —635. j Quinet, Allred. 82 : 15.3 1905. Ornithologie économique. A propos d’étude sur le Régime alimen- taire des Oiseaux. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 636—645. Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 : 15.3 1908. Lassen sich Lophyrus-Kalamitäten verhüten? Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 146—147. [Durch Vogelschutz.] 87.2, 88.1 Stephan, Julius. 82 : 15.3 1908. Die natürlichen Feinde der Schmetterlinge und ihre Bedeutung im Haushalt der Natur. Monatsh. nat. Unterr. Bd. 1 p. 469—475. Surface, H. A. 82 : 15.3 1908. Plants for Bird Food and Protection. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Torka, V. 82 : 15.3 1908. Fischfressende Vögel als Insektenfresser. Entom. Blätt. Schwa- bach Jahrg. 4 p. 74—79. 83.1,.3—84.2,.4, 88.9, 89.1 Wellman, F. €. 82 : 15.3 1908. Les oiseaux mangent-ils les papillons? Ann. Soc. entom. Belg. T. 52 p. 148—149. Cretté de Palluel, Albert. 82 : 15.4 1900. Note sur les effets produits par le froid sur les oiseaux pendant les hivers 1894—1895 et décembre 1899 dans le département des Cótes-du- Nord. Ornis Vol. 10 p. 235—240. o van Kempen, Ch. 82 : 15.4 1903. Notes ornithologiques. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 129—130. 83.1,.3, 84.1, 88.1 Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 : 15.4 1908. Wie stellen sich die Naturforscher zu dem Nachweise, dass orni- thologische Anzeichen verschiedener Art auf eine wiederkehrende „Ter- tiärzeit“, d. h. eine zukünftige wärmere Zeitepoche, hindeuten ? "Ber. oberhess. Ges, Nat. Heilk. Giessen naturw. Abt. N. F. Bd. 2 p. 155—163. [Mit jedem Winter überwintern im pal. Gebiet viel mehr Vögel als früher.] 15. I. 1909. Aves. 358 3835 Widmann, 0. 82 : 15.5 1896. The Sociability of Birds. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 3—4. 36 Watkins, L. Whitney. 82 : 15.6 1900. Michigan Birds that Nest in Open Meadows. Ist Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 66—75. 33.3,.4, 86,.5, 88.1, 89.1 37 Wells, Wm. L. 82 : 15.6 1900. Nesting of some Rare Birds. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 118—120. 83.1,.3, 88.1 38. 82 : 15.6 1901/02. Illustrations. Emu Vol. 1 p. 154, 4 pls. [Gannets nesting. Nests of Red-capped Dottrel, Pied Oyster-catcher and Osprey. Taking Topknot Pigeon's Nests.] 83.3, 84.3, 86.5, 89.1 89 serie 82 : 15.6 1902/03. [Illustrations, without text] Emu Vol. 2 pl. 6, 7, 9, 10, 12. [Young Aegialitis ruficapilla. Rhipidura tricolor on Nest. Eudytula minor in Nest. Nest of Petroeca rosea with egg of Cacomantis variolosus. 3 Species of Malurus. Nests of Circus gouldi and Sphenura broadbenti.| 83.3, 84.4, 87.4, 88.1, 89.1 40 Bird, M. C. H. 82 : 15.6 1903. Notes on the Nests and Eggs of Birds. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 128—137, 201—208. 4] Raspail, Xavier. 82 : 15.6 1903. Observations sur la durée de l’incubation et de l'éducation des jeunes dans le nid chez quelques oiseaux. Ornis Yol. 13 p. 147—154. 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1 42 Wemer, Paul. 82 : 15.6 1903. Nestbau und Neststand der hiesigen Vögel. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 198—204. 23843 Read, R. H. 82 : 15.6 1904. Birds’ Eggs. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Stafford. Natural. Field Club 44 Dresser, H. E. 82 : 15.6 1905. An Oological Journey to Russia. Ibis (8) Vol. 5 p. 149—158. 45 Pycraft, W. P. 82 : 15.6 1905. On the Origin of the Differences between Nestling Birds. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 454—459. 46 Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 : 15.6 1905. Die Eier des Haselhuhns und des kleinen Sumpfhuhns. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 40—41, 2 figg. 83.1, 86 47 Wemer, Paul. 82 : 15.6 1905. Wer baut bei den Vögeln das Nest? 33. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.- Ver. p. 54—58. 83.143, 86;.9;,874.2; 88.1,.9,. 89.1 48 Dresser, H. E. 82 : 15.6 1906. On some Palaearctic Birds’ Eggs from Tibet. Ibis (8) Vol. 6 p. 337—347. (51.5) 83.2, 84.1, 86, 88.1, 89.1 49 Betham, R. M. 82 : 15.6 1907. Breeding of the Common or Grey Quail (Coturnix communis) and the Desert Lark. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 848. 86, 88.1 50 Pycraft, W. P. 82 : 15.6 1907. Nestling Birds and Some of the Problems they Present. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 102—114, 129—132, 162—167, 1 pl, 4 figg. 23851 Selous, F. C. 82 : 156 1907. Nesting Habits Observed Abroad of some Rare British Birds. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 25—27, 48—51, 76—80, 107—108, 2 figg. 83.1,.4, 88.1, 89.1 15. I. 1909. 359 Aves. 23852 . > e 82 : 15.6 1908. On the Shapes of Eggs, and the Causes Which Determine Them. Nature Vol. 78 p. 111—113. 53 Alexander, C. J., and H. G. Alexander. 82 : 15.8 1908. Some Observations on the Song-periods of Birds. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 367—372. 54 Bucknill, John A. 82 : 15.6 1908. A Description of some Portion of the Oological Collection of South African Birds’ Eggs in the Transvaal Museum, Pretoria. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 69—102. 87.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 55 Cummings, Bruce F. 82 : 15.6 1908. Speculations on the Origin and Development of the Parental In- stinct in Birds. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 241—251. 56 Dresser, H. E. 82 : 15.6 1908. Exhibition of, and remarks on, the eggs of various species of birds. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 52—53, 88—89. 83.2,.3, 84.4, 88.1,.9 57 Dresser, H. E. 82 : 15.6 1908. Further Notes on rare Palaearctic Birds’ Eggs. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 486 —490, 1 pl. — Rem. by F. C. R. Jourpan. p. 634. 83.3, 88.1 58 Fischer-Sigwart, H. 82 : 15.6 1908. Nichées d'oiseaux rares. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 26 p. 595 —997. — Neue Nistorte seltener Vögel. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. 91. Vers. Bd. 1 p. 269—273. 898.1788917 59 Horwood, A. R. 82 : 15.6 1908. The Coloration of Birds Eggs. Nature Vol. 78 p. 126—127. 23860 Ottosson, 0. 82 : 15.6 1908. Some Rare Birds Eggs. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 9, 4 pp., 1 pl. 84.3, 88.1 61 Payn, W. A, 82 : 15.6 1908. Oological Notes. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 44 —45. 83.1,.2,.4, 84.2.4, 86.5, 88.1 62 Pycraft, W. P. 82 : 15.6 1908. The Nest of the Ringed Plover and the Bearing thereof on the Evolution of Birds’ Nests in General. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 373—380, 5 figg. 83.3 63 Zedlitz, Otto. 82 : 15.6 1908. Hat die im Winter niedergegangene Regenmenge einen Einfluss auf das Brutgeschäft einzelner Vögel im Chott-Gebiete südlich des Atlas ? Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 480—487. 64 Witchell, Charles A. 82 : 15.8 1902. Bird-song in Winter. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 14—17. 65 Cretté de Palluel, Albert. 82 : 15.8 1903. Les oiseaux imitateurs. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 143—145. 66 Robinson, E. Kay. 82 : 15.8 1903. The Language of Birds. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 100— 107. — by Reaimatp Haines. p. 273. 67 Braun, Fritz. 82 : 15.8 1908. Uber den Gesang der Vogel. 30. Ber. westpreuss. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 3—21. 68 Boucard, Ad. 82 : 16 1901. Les oiseaux utiles et nuisibles. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 343—362. 16.1,.5 23869 Martin, Paul. 82 : 16 1905, Etude sur la grosseur des grélons dangereux pour les oiseaux. (4th intern, ornith. Congr) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 656—657. 15. I. 1909. 23870 . 71 72 73 74 23879 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 23887 Aves. 360 spina 82 : 16 1908. The Fight against Extermination. What has Become of some Well- Known Birds. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 168—169, 7 figg. Henshaw, H. W. 82 : 16 1908. Does it Pay the Farmer to Protect Birds? Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 165—178, 4 pls. 16.1,.5 Surface, H. A. 82:16 1908. The Value, Destruction and Preservation of Birds. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 305—307. 16.1,.5 Pistone, A. 82 : 16.1 1896. Gli uccelli utili nella lotta contro gl’ insetti e gli animali nocivi alla agricoltura. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 545—576. Arnould, A. 82 : 16.1 1901. Etude des mesures internationales de protection. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 413—420. Mathey-Dupra, A. 82 : 16.1 1901. Mémoire sur la protection des oiseaux. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 363—374. Ohlsen, Charles. 89 : 16.1 1901. La protection des oiseaux. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 325—390. Quinet, Alfred. 82 : 16.1 1901. Observations sur la question de la protection des oiseaux. (3e Congr. ornith. intern. Ornis Vol. 11 p. 391—412. Lemon, Frank E. 89 : 16.1 1905. 'The Rationale of Bird Protection. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 613—629. Severin, G. 82 : 16.1 1907. Oiseaux insectivores et insectes nuisibles. Bull. Soc. centr. forest. Belgique Vol. 14 p. 536—548, 600—609, 666—677, 756—771. Papin, A. 82 : 16.1 1908. De la protection des petits oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Etud. scient. Angers N. S. Ann. 37 p. 1—18. Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 : 16.1 1908. Vögel und Insekten. Pro Ichneumoniden kontra Aves oder um- gekehrt? Wien. entom. Zeitg. Jahrg. 27 p. 41—42. Surface, H. A. 82 :16.1 1908. Nesting Boxes and Bird Nesting. — How we may aid the Birds in this Most Important Feature of their Lives. — The First Step Toward Establishing Bird Colonies. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 299—305, 7 figg. Williams, Alexander. 82 : 16.1 1908. Wild Bird Protection in Co. Dublin. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 119—122. Schuster, Wilhelm. d 82 : 16.5 1908. Vögel und Fische. Über die Schädlichkeit unserer fischenden Vögel. 36. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 76—85. Coiduras, B. 82 : 18.8 1904. Sobre los espongioblastos de asociaciön de la retina de las aves. C. R. 14e Congr. intern. Méd. Anat. p. 158. Blasius, R. 82 (23 : 44) 1905. Die Pyrenaen und ihre Vogelwelt. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 554—579. 83—84.1,.3,.4, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 (44.7,.8) Arrigoni degli Oddi, Ettore. 82 (4) 1900. Relazione sulla riunione ornitologica di Sarajevo (25—28 Settem- bre 1899). Ornis Vol. 10 p. 175—182. (42.95,.96, 497) 15. I. 1909. 361 Aves, 23888 Reiser, Othmar. 82 (4) 1901. L’activit& deployée dans le domaine ornithologique sur le territoire de la péninsule des Balkans par le Museum de Bosnie-Herzégovine à Sara- jevo. (8e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 141—150. (43.45,.46, 495, 497) 89 Saunders, Howard. 82 (4) 1907. Additions to the List of British Birds since 1899. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 4—16. — Rem. by Warrer Roruscumrp. p. 63— 64. 83.3, 84.1,.2, 88.1 90 Paterson, John. 82 (41) 1908. Report on Scottish Ornithology for 1907. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 129—139, 193—208. 83.1,.3—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,,9—89.7 91 Bedford, Duchess of. 82 (41.1) 1908. Notes on Birds Observed in the Scottish Islands during the Spring and Autumn of 1907. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 2—11. . (41.12,.16) 92 Clarke, Wm. Eagle. 82 (41.11) 1908. The Birds of Fair Isle. — III. Report on Observations made during the Year i907. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 72—85. 83.3, 84.1,.2, 86,.5, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 93 Long, Sydney H. 82 (41.14) 1908. Address read by the President to the Members of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society, at their Thirty-ninth Annual Meeting, held at the Norwich Castle-Museum. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 499—516, 5 pls. [The birds of Handa.] 83.1,.3, 84.1—.4, 88.1, 89.1 94 Adam, J. C. 82 (41.17) 1908. The Bird Life of an Outer Island. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. mier. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 1—19, 4 pls. 84.2,.4, 88.1, 89.1 23895 Rintoul, Leonora Jeffrey, and Evelyn V. Baxter. 82 (41.33) 1908. Bird Notes from the Isle of May. 9th September—8th October 1907. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 11—22. 83.3, 84.1—.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 96 Williams, Alexander. 82 (41.83) 1908. Bird Life in Dublin Bay. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 165—170, 1 pl. 97 Gyngell, W. 82 (42) 1903. Our Common Wild Birds, and How to know them: An Attempt to help the Young Ornithologist. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 9 p. 217 — 229, 312—320. 98 Hartert, Ernst. 83 (42) 1907. On Birds Represented in the British Isles by Peculiar Forms. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 208—222. [Dendrocopus minor comminutus n. subsp.] 86, 87.2, 88.1 99 Witherby, H. F., and N. F. Ticehurst. 83 (42) 1907/08. On the More Important Additions to our Knowledge of British Birds since 1899. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 52—64, 81— 85, 109—114, 147— 152, 118—184, 246—256, 280—284, 314—322, 347—350, 1 fig. 83.4, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23900 Kerr, Graham W. 82 (42.1) 1908. The Birds of the District of Staines. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 137 —143. 83.2, 84.1,.2,.4, 88.1 01 Hepburn, Thomas. 82 (42.23) 1908. The Birds of North Kent: Autumn Passengers. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 106—112. 83.3,.4, 84.2 02 Whistler, Hugh. 82 (42.25) 1908. Rough Notes in East Sussex in 1908. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 345 —349. [Birds] ‘23903 Robertson, John. 82 (42.43) 1908. The Birds of Rouken Glen Park. Ann. Anderson. Nat. Soc. Glas- gow Vol. 3 p. 68—70. 83.1,.3,.4, 84.1,.2,.4, 86,.5, 87.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 15. I. 1909. Aves. 362 23904 Haines, Reginald. 82 (42.54) 1903. Rutland Birds: Are they increasing or decreasing? Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 39—48. — Rem. by C. E. Reaper. p. 186. — by W. Gysserr. p. 269—270, 355—356. — Reply by R. H. p. 272, 356-358. 84.1, 86, 88.1, 89.1,.7 05 Aplin, 0. V. 82 (42.57) 1908. Notes on the Ornithology of Oxfordshire. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 326—332. 06 Gurney, J. H. 82 (42.61) 1908. Ornithological Report for Norfolk (1907). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 121—136, 1 pl., 2 figg. 07 Booth, Harry B. 82 (42.74) 1908. Notes on the Summer Migratory Birds for 1907/8. Bradford scient. Journ. Vol. 2 p. 171—181. 83.1,.3, 87.4, 88.1,.9 08 Parker, T. C. 82 (42.8) 1908. Notes from Lakeland, Cumberland and Westmoreland, 1905. Zoo- logist (4) Vol. 12 p. 144—150, 185—188. — by D. Losa Tuorrz and Lin- NAEUS E. Hope. p. 192—193. [Birds.] (42.85,.88) 09 Temperley, George W. 82 (42.82). 1908. The Northumberland Coast in September. An Ornithological Ram- ble. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland Durham Newcastle N. S. Vol. 3 p. 170—182. 83.3, 84.1—.3 10 Oldham, Charles. 2 (42.85) 1908. Field-Notes on the Birds of the Ravenglass Gullery. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 161—173. 83.3, 84.1,.2, 86.5, 88.1 11 Lampe, Ed. 89 (43). 1908. Uber zwei seltene Gäste. [Somatoria mollissima (L.) und Reeur- virostra avosetta (L.)]. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. 221--222. (43.32,.58) 83.3, 84.1 23912 Schuster, Wilhelm. 82 (43) 1908. Die Ornis des Mainzer Beckens und der angrenzenden Gebiete (Rheinhessen, Starkenburg, unteres Maintal, Wetterau, Südhang des Tau- nus, Rheingau.) Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wiesbaden Jahrg. 61 p. S8S— 142. (43.41,.58) 83.1— 84.4, 86.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 13 Thienemann, J. 82 (43.11) 1908. VII. Jahresbericht (1907) der Vogelwarte Rossitten der Deutschen Ornithologischen Gesellschaft. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 393—470. 83.1—84.2,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 14 Tischler. 82 (43.11) 1908. Die Vögel des Kinkeimer Sees. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königs- berg Jahrg. 48 p. 101—104. 83.1,.3, 84.1,.4, 88.1, 89.1 15 Ibarth. 82 (43.12) 1908. Verzeichnis der auf dem Danziger Stadtgraben und in seiner un- mittelbaren Nachbarschaft vorkommenden bezw. brütenden Vögel. 30. Ber. westpreuss. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 257—261. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86, 87.4, 88.1,.9 16 Zimmermann. s2 (43.12) 1908. Der Vogelzug auf Hela im Friihjahr und Herbst 1907 und anderes von dort. 80. Ber. westpreuss. bot.-zool. Ver. p. 262—214. 17 Hübner, Ernst. s2 (43.16) 1908. Avifauna von Vorpommern und Rügen. Leipzig, Oswald Weigel 8°, 155 pp. Mk. 10.— 18 Clodius, 6. 82 (43.17) 1908. Ornithologischer Bericht iiber Mecklenburg (und Liibeck) fiir das Jahr 1907. Arch. Ver. Freunde Nat. Mecklenburg Jahrg. 62 p. 118—135. 83.2—84.2,.4, 86,.5, 88.1,.9, 89.1 23919 Berge, Robert, 82 (43.21). 1908. Ornithologische Vorkommnisse aus dem Westlichen Sachsen. 32. Jahresber. Ver. Nat. Zwickau p. 107—112. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 15. I. 1909. 363 Aves. 23920 Hesse, E. 82 (43.21); 1908. Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen in der Umgegend von Leipzig während des Jahres 1906. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 25—60.. 83.1—84.2,.4, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9—89.7 21 Hesse, E. 82 (43.21). 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Ornis der näheren Umgegend von Leipzig. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 260—282. 83.3—84.1,.3,.4, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 22 Fischer, Anton. 82 (43.37) 1908. Ornithologische und oologische Beobachtungen am Lech. Verh.. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 162—168. 83.3, 84.1,.2 23 König, Al. 82 (43.42). 1908. Einige Veränderungen in der Vogelwelt der Umgebung von Bonn.. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 £ p. 97—99. 87.2, 88.1 24 Heussler, W., und Th. Heussler. 82 (43.43) 1896. Die Vögel der Rheinpfalz und der unmittelbar angrenzenden Ge- biete. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 477—531. 83—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 25 Brons, Hermann, 82 (43.53). 1908. Brutvögel der Meeden am Grossen Meer. 92. Jahresber. nat. Ges.. Emden p. 3—4, 2 Taf. 26 Blasius, R[udolf]. 83 (43.54). 1896. Die Vógel des Herzogthums Braunschweig und der angrenzenden Gebiete. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 621—688. 83— 84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4,. 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23927 Leverkühn, P., und R. Blasius. 82 (43.54). 1896. Ornithologische Beobachtungen aus dem Herzogthum Braunschweig 1885—1894. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 373—476, 1 Taf. 83—84.1,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89,.1,.7 28 Hennemann, W. i 82 (43.56). 1901/07. Ornithologische Beobachtungen im Sauerlande. — (Mitte August bis Mitte November 1900). 29. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 42—45 — im Jahre 1902. 31. Jahresber. p. 204—213. — im Jahre 1903. 38. Jahres- ber. p. 48—54. — im Jahre 1904. 34. Jahresber. p. 50—57, — im Jahre 1905. 35. Jahresber. p. 76—81. 83.1—84.1,.2,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 29 Landois, H. 82 (43.56) 1902. Verzeichnis der Vögel, welche 1891—1902 auf dem Tuckesburger Hügel vorgekommen sind. 30. Jahresber.. westfäl.. Prov.-Ver. p. 10—71. 30 Wemer, Paul: 82 (43.56). 1904. Ornithologische Beobachtungen (ausgearbeitet nach Tagebuchnoti- zen von Oktober 1903—April 1904). 32. Jahresber. westfäl. Proy.-Ver. pe 87—97. 31 Wemer, Paul. 82 (43.56) 1904. Tabelle über westfälische Brutvögel nach Tagebuchnotizen. 32, Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 99—111. 32 Koch, Rudolf. 82 (43.56) 1905. Ornithologische Mitteilungen: 33. Jahresber; westfäl. Prov.-Ver.. ip. 58—59. 83.2, 84.1,.2,.4, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1 33 Reichling, Hermann. 82 (43.56) 1908. Die Vogelwelt des Wolbecker Tiergartens. 36. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 96—101. 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9— 89.7 23934 Schmidt, Heinrich. 82 (43.56) 1908. Kleiner Beitrag zur Westfälischen. Vogelfauna. 36. Jahresber.. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 74—76. 83.1,.2, 84.1, 87.2, 88:1, 89.1,.7 15. I. 1909. Aves. 364 23935 Feltgen. 82 (43.59) 1907,08. Ornithologisches aus dem Jahre 1907. Monatsber. Ges. Luxem- burg Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 1 p. 370—372. — aus dem Jahre 1908. Jahrg. 2 p. 495—438. 36 Halla, Jan. 82 (43.72) 1908. Ptactvo kraje Mor.-Krumloyského a Stfelicka. Casop. moravsk. Mus. Zemsk. Roén. 8 Odd. zool. Cis. 8, 31 pp. — Vögel von Mährisch-K, und S. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 37 Fraisse, Paul. 82 (44) 1904. Liste de quelques oiseaux étrangers à la région sud-est de la France qui y ont été observés en 1903. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 582. (44.44,.58,.81,.99) 84.2, 87.2, 89.1 S81 00 3, 82 (44.25) 1901. Catalogue des oiseaux du Musée Lehuédé à Batz (Loire-Inférieure). (3e Congr. ornith, intern) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 154. 83.2—84.4 39 Fraisse, Paul. 82 (44.58) 1902. Observations ornithologiques. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 448. [Casse-Noix et Caille à St.-Etienne.] 86, 88.1 40 Fraisse, Paul. 82 (44.58) 1903. Observations sur les oiseaux du département de la Loire (France). Ornis Vol. 13 p. 155—177. 83—84.4, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 41 du Buysson, H. 82 (44.59) 1908. Prodrome d'une faune du Puy-de Dome. Oiseaux. Rec. scient. Bourbonn. Ann. 21 p. 102—126. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86.5, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 42 Picchi, Cecilia. 82 (45) 1904. Elenco degli uccelli conservati nella sua collezione ornithologica italiana al 29 Febbraio 1904 con notizie intorno alla distribuzione e nidi- ficazione in Italia. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 381—562. 83—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23943 Pavesi, Pietro. 82 (45.2) 1907. Ottavo calendario ornitologico pavese (1902—06). Atti Congr. Nas tural. ital. 1906 p. 605—614. 44 Picaglia, L. 82 (45.4) 1907. Note ornitologiche. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 8 p. 51—54. 84.1, 88.1, 89.1 45 Chigi, Fr. 82 (45.6) 1908. Notizie ornitologiche per la Provincia di Roma. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 197—199. 84.1,.2, 89.1 46 Ricci, Ettore. 82 (45.6) 1908. Noterelle d Avifauna per la provincia di Macerata. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 401—409. 83,3,.4, 84.3,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 47 Giordano, Domenico. 82 (45.8) 1907. Specie ornitologiche stazionarie e di passo delle Due Raguse (in Sicilia, 1906). Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 737—743. 83.1—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9—89.7 48 Cabrera y Díaz, Agustín. 82 (46.85) 1908. Nota ornitológica. Bol. Soc. espaù. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 314—316. 83.2,.3, 84.4, 87.2,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 49 Sassi, Moriz. 82 (46.85) 1908. Einige Bemerkungen zur Ornis der canarischen Inseln. Ornith. Jahrb. Jahrg. 19 p. 30—36. [2 nn. subspp. in: Calandrella, Oedicnemus:] 83.3, 88.1 50 Schmitz, Ernesto. 82 (469.8) 1905. On the Birds of Madeira. (4th intern. ornith. Congr. Ornis Vol. 14 p. 449—453. 83.1, 84.1,.2, 86, 88.1 23951 Schmitz, Ernesto. 82 (469.8) 1908. Die Vögel der Madeira-Inselgruppe. Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 16 p. 1-4. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 15. I. 1909. 1 365 Aves. 3952 Montell, Justus. 82 (47.1): 1908. Nagra för Lappmarken nya häckfäglar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 39—42. 88.1, 89.1,.7 53 Loudon, Harald, und S. A. Buturlin. 82 (47.4) 1908. Eine ornithologische Fahrt an die Matzal Wiek. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 61—72. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 89.1 54 Serle, William. 82 (48.4) 1908. Birds of the Graakallen Mountain, Norway. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 64—67. 83.3, 84.1, 86, 87.4, 88.1, 89.1 55 Söderberg, Rudolf. 82 (48.6). 1908. Hornborgasjöns fágellif. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 1, 94 pp., 1 kart, 6 figg. 83.1,.3—84 2,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 56 Friesendahl, Arvid. 82 (48.8) 1908. Om fàgelfaunan i södra Norrbotten. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 2, 15 pp. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9—89.7 57 Gróndal, Benedikt. 82 (491) 1902. Zur Avifauna Islands. (3e Congr. ornith. intern. Ornis Vol. 11 p. 449—459. 83.1,.3—84.2,.4, 86, 88.1, 89.7 58 Snouckaert van Schauburg. 82 (492) 1908. Ornithologie van Nederland. Waarnemingen van 1 mei 1906 tot en met 30 april 1907. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 10 p. 369—383. Waarnemingen van 1 Mei 1907 tot en met 30 April 1908. D. 11 p. 36—51. 83.2,.3, 84.1—.4, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 PON 82 (494) 1905. Das Vogelleben der Stadt Zürich in den Anlagen und in den Ge- pe Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 459—460, 70—472. 3960 Hofer. 82 (494) 1905. Die schweizerische Vogelfauna. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 123—124. Bl on [s 82 (494) 1907. Seltene Vogelarten in Brugg. Schweiz. Blütter Ornith. Kaninchen- zucht Jahrg. 31 p. 517. 62 Hofer. 82 (494) 1907. Wasservógel vom Zürchersee. Schweiz. Blitter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 191—193, 1 fig. 83.3,.4, 84.1,.2,.4 63 Knopfli, W. 82 (494) 1907. Ornithologische Betrachtungen während des Winters 1906/07 in Zürich. Schweiz. Blitter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 543, 553 554, 565—506, 578. 64 Parrot, C. 82 (504) 1908. Uber eine Vogelsammlung aus Siam und Borneo. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 97—139. [3 nn. subspp. in: Athene, Coracias, Pratin- cola.] (59.3, 91.1) 83.1, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9—89.7 65 Sharpe, R. Bowdler. 82 (51.4) 1901. Sur une petite collection faite par le Pere Huan dans la province du Shen-Si et d’autres parties de la Chine septentrionale. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 173—185. 83.3—84.2, 86, 87.2, 88.1, 89.1 66 Sharpe, R. Bowdler. 82 (51.7) 1901. On a Collection of Birds made in Mongolia by Dr. DonaLpson Sum and Messrs J. E. and G. L. Farnum. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 155—172. 83.3, 84.2, 86,.5, 87.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 67 Ingram, Collingwood. 82 (52) 1908. Ornithological Notes from Japan. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 129—169, 1 pl., 1 fig. 83.3,.4, 84.2, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23968 Ogawa, Minori. 82 (52) 1908. A Hand-List of the Birds of Japan. Annot. zool. Japon. Vol. 6 p. 337—420; (52.1—.8) 83.1— 84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 15. I. 1909. 23969 74 .23976 2 zl 78 19 80 81 23983 Aves. 366 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 82 (52.9) 1908. Additional Notes on the Birds of Formosa. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 600 —-608, 2 pls., 1 fig. 83.4, 84.4, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.7 Baker, E. C. Stuart. 82 (54.1) 1907. Birds of the Khasia Hills. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 783—195, 957—975. 83,1,.8—84.4, 86—89.7 Sclater, P. L. 82 (54.1) 1908. Remarks on a Collection of Birds from the Sikhim Himalayas. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 116—117. 2 Whitehead, C. H. 82 (54.2) 1906. Notes on the Occurrence of certain Birds in the Plains of N.-W. India. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 243—244. 84.2,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 Ward, A. E. 82 (54.6) 1906/07. Birds of the Provinces of Kashmir and Jammu and Adjacent Districts. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 108—113, 479—485, 723—729, 943—949. 83—84.4, 86,.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 Braun, Fritz. 82 (56.2) 1908. Unsere Kenntnis der Ornis der Kleinasiatischen Westküste. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 539—626. 83.1—84.2,.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 Braun, Fritz. 82 (56.2) 1908. Vom winterlichen Vogelleben der kleinasiatischen Westküste. Schrift. nat.îGes. Danzig N. F. Bd. 12 No. 2 p. XXY—XXY. 83.1, 84.1, 86.5, 88.1, 89.1 Johansen, Hermann. 82 (57) 1901. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse ornithofaunistischer Untersuchungen in Central-Sibirien während des Jahres 1899. (3 Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 151—153. 83.1,.3, 84.2, 86, 88.1 Buturlin, S. A. 82 (57.1) 1908. Bemerkungen über die geographische Verbreitung der Vögel im nordöstlichen Sibirien. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 282—294. — An- merkung von Herman ScHaLow. p. 294. Lönnberg, Einar. 82 (57.1) 1908. Contributions to the Ornis of Saghalin. Journ. Coll. Sc. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 23 Art. 14, 69 pp. [3 nn. subspp. in: Garrulus, Parus, Clivicola.] 83.1,.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 Schalow, Herman. 82 (57.6) 1908. Beitrige zur Vogelfauna Centralasiens. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 72—121. — Berichtigung von S. A. Bururum. p. 295. 83.1— 84.4, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1,.9— 89.7 Betham, R. M. 82 (58.8) 1907. Further Notes on Birds’ Nesting round Quetta. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 828—832. 88.1, 89.1 Macdonald, K. C. 82 (59.1) 1906. A List of Birds found in the Myingyan District of Burma. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 181—191, 492 —504. 83—84.4, 86,.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 Harrington, H. H. 82 (59.1) 1908. On some new Species and Subspecies of Birds from Upper Burma Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 244—246. [4 nn. spp. in: Stachyrhi- dopsis, Cyornis, Urocichla 2.] 88.1 Osmaston, B. B. 827 (59.19) 1906. Notes on Andaman Birds with Accounts of the Nidification of Several Species whose Nests and Eggs have not been Hitherto Described. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 156—163, 486—491. 83.1,.3 —84.2, 85,.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 15. I. 1909. 367 Aves. 23984 Baker, H. R. 82 (59.5) 1907. Some Birds of Singapore. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 ps 155—764. 83.1,.3,.4, 84.2, 86,5, 87.2—88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 85 Alexander, Boyd. 82 (6) 1908. Exhibition of eight new species of African birds. — Psalidoprocne bamingui, Cotile sudanensis, Apalis goslingi, Mirafra chadensis, Dendromus herberti, Caprimulgus chadensis, C. gabonensis, and Indicator theresae. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 88 —91. (66.2, 67.2,.5,.6) 81.2, 88.1,.9 86 Neumann, Oscar. 82 (6) 1908. New African Birds. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 42 —48, 54—60, 68—71, 76—78, 94—97. [7 nn. spp. in: Tchitrea, Astur, Bradypterus (2 nn. subspp.), Turdus (1 n. subsp.), Apus, Francolinus (1 n. subsp ), Calamo- cichla. 37 nn. subspp. in: Pteronetta, Turturoena, Agapornis, Indicator, Stega- nura, Serinus, Sarothrura 2, Lybius 2, Tricholaema 3, Buccanodon, Ruwen- zorius, Estrilda 2, Cinnyris, Turdinus, Chaetura 3, Ploceus, Lagonosticta 2, Zosterops 2, Ptilopachus 2, Sigmodus, Gymnoris, Halcyon, Centropus 2, Neocossy- phus, Gymnoschizorhis, Dendromus.] — Rem. by W. R. OciLvie-Grant. p. 60 — 61. 84.1, 86,.5, 87.1,.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1 87 Reichenow, Ant. 82 (6) 1908. Vögel von den Inseln Ostafrikas. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika Wiss. Ergebn. Bd. 2 p. 179—192, 1 Taf. (67.6, 69,.4) 83.4, 84.2, 86,.5, 87.4, 88.1—89.7 88 Talamon, Georges. 82 (61.1) 1904. Notes sur les oiseaux de la Tunisie. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 583—596. 83.1—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 89 Quinet, Alfred. 82 (62) 1903. Considérations sur les oiseaux d’Egypte. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 1—74, 1 carte, 9 figg. 83—84.4, 86,.5, 87.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23990 Butler, A. L. 82 (62) 1908/09. A Second Contribution to the Ornithology of the Egyptian Sou- dan. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 205—263; Contributions to the Ornithology of the Soudan. — No. III. On Birds collected by Captain F. P. BLsncowe in the Bahr-el-Ghazal Province. Vol. 3 p. 74—90. — No. IV. On Birds ob- served on the Red Sea Coast in May 1908. p. 389—405. — Corr. p. 405— 406. 83.1—84.3, 85.1, 86—87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 91 Nicoll, Michael J. 82 (62) 1908. Contributions to the Ornithology of Egypt. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 490 —510. -- Corr. p. 633—634. 83.1,.3—84.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 92 Beccari, Nello. 82 (63) 1907. Contributo alla avifauna della Colonia Eritrea. Ann, Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 113—167. 83.1,.3, 84.4, 86,.5, 87.1—88.1,.9—89.7 93 Salvadori, T[ommaso]. 82 (63) 1908. Uccelli dell’ Eritrea raccolti dal signor ILarıo Capomazza. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. &enova (3) Vol. 3 p. 608—630. 83.2,.4, 84.2,.3, 86.5, 87.1,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 94 Salvadori, Tommaso. 82 (66.3) 1901. Uccelli della Guinea Portoghese raccolti da Lxonarpo Fra. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova Vol. 40 p. 749—790. [2 nn. spp. in: Turdinus, Indicator.] 83.4, 84.2,.3, 86.5, 87.1,.2,4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 95 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 82 (67) 1908. On a Collection of Birds made by Mr. Doveras Carrurners during his Journey from Uganda to the Mouth of the Congo. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 264—317, 2 pls. |133 spp.] (67.2,.5,.6) 83.1,.4, 84.2, 86,0, 87.2—88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 23996 Bates, G. L. 82 (67.1) 1908. Observations regarding the Breeding-Seasons of Birds in Southern Kamerun. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 558—570, 1 map, 1 fig. — Corr. Vol. 3 p. 61. 15.4,.6, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9 15. I. 1909, Aves. 368 23997 Elliot, D. 6. 82 (67.7) 1897. Some Birds of the Dark Continent. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 31-35, 1 portr., 4 figg. 86, 88.1,.9, 89.1 98 Grant, Claude. 82 (68) 1908. Species of Birds New to South Africa. — Immature Bee-eater. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 65—67. 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9 99 Chubb, Ernest C. t2 (68.7) 1908. On Birds collected in Northern Matabeleland. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 112—121. 83—84.1,.4, 85.1, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 24000 Davies, C. G. 82 (68.7) 1908. Some Notes on the Wildfowl and Water-Birds of Matatiele, East Griqualand. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 102—107. 83—84.2,.4 01 Fitzsimons, F. W. 82 (68.7) 1908. Notes from Port Elizabeth. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 40. 83.3,.4, 89.1 02 Chubb, Ernest C. 82 (68.9) 1908. On Birds collected and observed at the Khami River, Matabeleland. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 108—111. 83.3,.4, 87.1, 88.1,.9, 89.1 03 Swynnerton, C. F. M. 82 (68.9) 1908. Further Notes on the Birds of Gazaland. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 391— 443, 1 pl. [Figures of Passerine eggs.] 83—84.1,.3, 86—88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 04 Carié, Paul. 82 (69.5) 1903. Observations sur quelques oiseaux de De Maurice. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 121—128. 83.4, 86,.5, 87.1, 88.1, 89.1 24005 82 (7) 1908. Fourteenth Supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check. List of North American Birds. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 343—399. 83.1,.3— 84.3, 86, 88.1— 89.7 06 Cantwell, George G. 82 (71.1) 1898. Birds of the Yukon Trail. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 25. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 86, 88.1 07 Cooke, Wells W. 82 (71.1) 1908. Bird Migration in the District of Columbia. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 21 p. 107—118. 08 Seton, Ernest Thompson. 82 (71.2) 1908. Bird Record from Great Slave Lake Region. A Preliminary List of Birds Observed by my 1907 Expedition into the Arctic Barren-Grounds of Canada. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 68—74. 83.1—84.4, 86, 88.1,.6, 89.1,.7 09 Seton, Ernest Thompson. 82 (71.2) 1908. Recent Bird Records for Manitoba. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 450 —454, 83—84.2, 86.5, 87.2, 88,1,9, 89.1,.7 10 MacSwain, John. 82 (71.7) 1908. A Catalogue of the Birds of Prince Edward Island. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Vol. 11 p. 570—592. 83.1—.3, 84.1—.4, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 11 Hantzsch, Bernhard. 82 (71.9) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt des nordöstlichsten Labradors. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 177—202. 307—392. 83.3—84.2,.4, 86, 88.1,.6, 89.1,.7 12 Nelson, E. W. 82 (72.6) 1898. A Morning with the Birds on Mount Orizaba. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 49—50. 87.2, 88.1,.6, 89.1 24013 Bangs, Outram, and Morton E. Peck. 82 (728) 1908. On some Rare and New Birds from British Honduras. Proc. biol- Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 43—46. [3 nn. spp. ia: Antrostomus, Troglo- dytes, Coturniculus. 1 n. subsp. in Limna pardalus.] 83.1, 88.1, 89.7 15. I. 1909. 369 Aves. 24014 Carriker, M. A., jr. 82 (728) 1908. Brief Descriptions of some New Species of Birds from Costa Rica and a Record of some Species not Hitherto Reported from that Country. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnigie Mus. No. 50) p. 301—302. [2 nn. spp. in: Formicarius, Sporophila.] 84.1, 86.5, 88.1,.6 15 Lowe, P. R. 82 (729.8) 1908. Exhibition of two New Species of Birds from the West Indies. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 108—109. [2 nn. spp. in: Coereda, Chamaepelia.] 86.5, 88.1 16 McCreary, Otto, and F. H. Hall. 82 (73) 1908. All Day with the Birds. Wilson Buli. Vol. 20 p. 96—100. (74.7, 77.1) 17 Clark, John N. 82 (74.2) 1899. Eight Days among the Birds of Northern New Hampshire. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 2-3. 88.1, 89.1 18 Allen, Francis H. 82 (743) 1908. Summer Birds of the Green Mountain Region of Southern Vermont. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 56—64. 83.3,.4, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.6,.9, 89.1,.7 19 Harlow, Richard C. 82 (74.8) 1908. Recent Notes on Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 276—282. 83.4, 87.2, 88.1,.6, 89.1,.7 20 Surface, H. A. 82 (74.8) 1908. Report of the Ornithologist of the State Board of Agriculture. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 320—323. 21 Braislin, William C. 82 (74.9) 1908. A List of the Birds Observed on the Barnegat Region of the New Jersey Coast in August, 1908. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley ornith. Club Vol. 12 p. 41—44. 83.1,.3,.4, 84.2, 86, 87.2, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 24022 Hunt, Chreswell J. 82 (74.9) 1908. Some Birds of Maurice River Farm. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley ornith. Club Vol. 12 p. 14—19. 23 Moore, Robert Thomas. 82 (74.9) 1908. Three Finds in South Jersey. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley or- nith. Club Vol. 12 p. 29—40. 24 Stone, Witmer. 82 (74.9) 1908. Bird-Life at Catoxen. Cassinia Proc. Delaware Valley ornith. Club Vol. 12 p. 25—28. 25 Pennock, C. J. 82 (75.1) 1908. Birds of Delaware. — Additional Notes. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 282—288. 83.3—84.2, 86,.5, 87.2, 88.1, 89.1,.7 26 Beebe, C. William. 82 (75.5) 1904. Five Days among the Birds on Cobb Island, Virginia. 8th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 161—181, 3 pls., 7 figg. 83.1,.3—84.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 27 Pearson, Gilbert. 82 (75.6) 1908. Ornithological Work in North Carolina. Journ, Elisha Mitchell scient. Soc. Vol. 24 p. 33—43. 28 Saunders, Aretas A. 82 (76.1) 1908. Some Birds of Central Alabama. A List of the Birds Observed from March 7 to June 9, in Portions of Coosa, Clay and Talledega Coun- ties, Alabama. The Auk N, S. Vol. 25 p. 413—424. 83.3,.4, 84.1, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.6,.9, 89.1,.7 29 Beyer, G. E., Andrew Allison, and H. H. Kopman. 82 (76.3) 1908. List of the Birds of Louisiana. Parts IV—V. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 439—448. 83.1—.4, 86,.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.9, 89.1,.7 24050 Howell, Arthur H. 82 (16.3) 1908. Notes on. the Winter Birds of Northern Louisiana. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 119— 12i. 88.954, 1867.5, 87.2, 88.1,.6, 89.1, 7 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 24 Aves, 370 24031 Jones, Lynds. 82 (77) 1908. Significant Changes in the Breeding Ranges of Certain Birds of the Ohio Valley and Lower Lake Region. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 920. (77.1) 32 Keck, J. M. 82 (77.1) 1897. Modification of our Avi-Fauna. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 141—142. 33 Henninger, W. F. 82 (77.1) 1908. Bird Notes from Middle Western Ohio. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 208—210. 34 Jones, Lynds. 82 (77.1) 1908. The Spriug Migrations at Oberlin, Ohio, 1908. Wilson Bull. Vol. 26 p. 158—159. 35 Forbes, S. A. 89 (71.3) 1908. A Statistical Study of Midsummer Birds of Illinois. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 918—920. 36 Forbes, S. A. 82 (77.3) 1908. The Mid-Summer Bird Life of Illinois: a Statistical Study. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 505—519. 37 Sherman, Althea R. 82 (77.3) 1908. August Notes from a Watering Place. Wilson Bull. Vol. 26 p. 146—150. [Birds.] 38 Peet, Max Minor. 82 (77.4) 1908. An Ecological Study of the Birds of the Ypsilanti Bayou. 10th ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 162—196. 83.1,.3—84.2,.4, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 24039 Swales, B. H. 82 (77.4) 1908. Winter Notes from Detroit, Michigan and Vicinity. Wilson Bull. Vol. 26 p. 152—154. 83.1,,3—84.1,.3, 88.1,.6 40 Taverner, P. A. 82 (77.4) 1908. The Year 1908 in Southeastern Michigan. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 199—208. 41 Woodruff, E. Seymour. 82 (77.8) 1908. A Preliminary List of Birds of Shannon and Carter Counties, Missouri. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 191—214. 83.3—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1—89.7 42 Larson, Adrian. 82 (78.3) 1908. October Birds of Wall Lake, South Dakota. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 186—188. 43 Reagan, Albert B. 82 (78.3) 908. ‘The Parde of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 462—467. 83— 84.3, 86,.5, 87.2, 88—89.1,.7 44 Job, Herbert K. 82 (18.4) 1898. The Enchanted Isles. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 37—41, 5 figg. 83.3. 84.1—.3 45 Rolfe, Eugene S. 82 (78.4) 1898. Notes from the Devil's Lake Region. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 125—128, 4 figg. 84.1—.3, 89.1,.7 46 Rolfe, Eugene S. 82 (78.4) 1899. Notes from North Dakota. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 81—84, 2 figg. 83.2,.3, 84.1,.2, 89.1 47 Sclater, W. L. 82 (78.8) 1908. The Winter Birds of Colorado. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 443—450. 84.1, 86, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 24048 Smith, Horace 6. 82 (78.8) 1908. Random Motes on the Distribution of some Colorado Birds, with Additions to the State Avifauna. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 184— 191. 83.4, 84.1, 87.2, 88.1,.6, 89.7 15. I. 1909. Sch Aves. 24049 Wetmore, Alex. 82 (79.1) 1908. Notes Some Northern Arizona Birds. (Contrib. zool. Lab. No. 186) Kansas Univ. Sc. Bull. Vol. 4 p. 375—388. 87.4, 88.1, 89.1 50 Hollister, N. 82 (79.4) 1908. Birds of the Region about Needles, California. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 455—462, 1 pl. 83.3—84.3, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1—89.1 51 Dawson, William Leon. 82 (79.7) 1908. The Bird Colonies of the Olympiades. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 153—166. 83.3, 84.1—.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 52 Edson, J. M. 82 (79.7) 1908. Birds of the Bellingham Bay Region. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 425—439. 83.1—84.4, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88—89.1,.7 53 Jones, Lynds. 82 (79.7) 1908. June with the Birds of the Washington Coast. Wilson Bull. Vol. 54 Goeldi, Emilio A. 82 (81) 1908. Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus e Pipra caelesti-pileata. Uma questao de prioridade pouco a meu gosto. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para Vol. 5 p. 77 —84. — A Question of Priority little to my Taste. p. S5—91. 87.2, 88.6 55 Hellmayr, C. E. 82 (81) 1908. An Account of the Birds Collected by Mons. G. A. Barr in the State of Goyaz, Brazil. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 13—102. [4 nn. subspp. in: Thryotrorus, Celeus, Bucco, Columba.] 83.3, 84.1, 86,.5, 87.1,.2, 88.1—.9 56 Snethlage, E. 82 (81) 1908. Ornithologisches vom Tapajoz und Tocantins. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 493—539. 83.3, 86,.5, 87.1—.3, 88.1—89.1 57 Snethlage, E. 82 (81) 1908. Sobre uma colleccäo de Aves do Rio Purüs. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Vol. 5 p. 43—76, 1 map. 83.1,.3, 84.2, 86,.5, 87.2—89.1 24058 Snethlage, E. . 1908. Eine Vogelsammlung von Rio Purüs, Brasilien. 82 (81) Journ. Ornithol. [Myrmelastes goeldii n. sp. 3 nn. subspp. in: Xipho- colaptes, Piaya, Columba.] 86,:5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.6, 89.1 59 de La Vaulx, H. 82 (82) 1901. Note sur quelques oiseaux rapportés de son voyage dans la Répu- blique Argentine en 1897. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 196. 83.3, 84.1 60 Baer, G. A. 82 (82) 1904. Note sur une collection d'oiseaux du Tucuman (République Ar- gentine). Ornis Vol. 13 p. 209—234. 83.1,.3— 84.1, 86,.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88—89.7 61 von Berlepsch, Hans, et Jean Stolzmann. 83 (85) 1901. Descriptions d'oiseaux nouveaux du Pérou central recueillis par le voyageur polonais Jean Karriwoswkr. (3e Congr. ornith. intern. Ornis Vol. 11 p. 191—195. [4 nn. spp. in: Nothoprocta 2, Geositta, Grallaria.] 86, 8 , 62 Bangs, Outram. 82 (86) 1908. Notes on Birds from Western Colombia. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 157—162. [2 nn. spp. in: Aulacorhamphus, Atlapetes. 3 nn. subspp. in: Calospiza, Dacnis, Basileuterus.] 87.2, 88.1 63 Menegaux, A. 82 (86.6) 1908. Etude d'une collection d'oiseaux de l'Equateur donnée au Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. Bull. Soc. philom. Paris (9) T. 10 p. 84—100. 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1—89.1 24064 Menegaux, A. 82 (86.6) 1908. Oiseaux de l'Equateur données au Muséum par M. Goxzssiar, ancien directeur de l'observatoire de Quito. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 107—112. 87—88.9, 89.1 15. L 1909. Aves. 372 24065 Cherrie, George K. 82 (87) 1908. On a Second Small Collection of Birds from the Island of Trini- dad. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Arts Sc. Vol. 1 p. 353—370. 86.5, 87.3,.4, 88.1—.9, 89.7 66 von Berlepsch, Hans. 82 (88) 1908. On the Birds of Cayenne. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 261—324. [Crax granti n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Celeus.] 83.1,.3—84.4, 86.5, 87.1—88.1,.9—89.7 67 Hose, Charles. 82 (91.2) 1903. List of Birds Collected in Northern Celebes. Ornis Vol. 13 p. 77 177. 83.1,.3,.4, 84.2—.4, 86—87.1,.4—89.7 68 McGregor, Richard C. 82 (91.4) 1908. Notes on a Collection of Birds from Siquijor, Philippine Islands. Philippine Journ. Sc. A. Gen. Sc. Vol. 3 p. 275—281. 83.1,.3— 84.2, 86,.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 69 Bartels, Max. 82 (922) 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt der Tausendinseln. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 471—480. 83.3,.4, 84.3, 86.5, 87.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 70 Mathews, Gregory M. 82 (93) 1908. Handlist of the Birds of Australasia. With an Introductory Letter by R. BowpLer Suarre. Emu Vol. 7 Suppl. 108 pp. — Correction. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 110. 83—84.4, 85.3, 86—87.1,.4, 88—89.7 (931, 94, 95) 71 Hutchinson, F. 82 (931) 1901. Scinde Island, from a Naturalist’s Point of View. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit. Vol. 33 p. 218—221. 83.1,.3, 84.1—.3, 87.1,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 24072 Drummond, James. 82 (931) 1908. The Little Barrier Bird-sanctuary. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 500—506. 83.1, 84.2.3, 85.4, 87.1,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 78 Fulton. 82 (931) 1908. The Disappearance of the New Zealand Birds. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 485—500. 74 Rothschild, Walter, and Ernst Hartert. 82 (935) 1908. On a Collection of Birds from San Christoval, Salomon Islands. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 359—365. [3 nn. spp. in: Halcyon, Monarcha, Zosterops.] 83.4,.86.5, 87.1,.4, 88.1,.9 75 Rothschild, Walter, and Ernst Hartert. 82 (935) 1908. The Birds of Vella Lavella, Salomon Islands. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 351—358, 1 pl. 83.3,4, 86.5, 87.1, 88.1,.9, 89.1 76 Hall, Robert. 82 (94.1) 1908. Notes on a Collection of Birds from North-West Australia. Emu Vol. 7 p. 138—142. 83.1,.3,.4, 86.5, 87.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 77 Cornwall, E. M. 82 (94.3) 1908. Notes on Birds Found Breeding near Mackay, North Queensland. I Emu Vol. 7 p. 171—175. 88.1, 89.1 78 Ingram, Collingwood. 82 (94.3) 1908. On the Birds of Inkerman Station, North Queensland. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 458—481, 1 pl. 83.2 —84.4, 85.3, 86.5, 87.1,.2,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 79 Mellor, J. W. 82 (94.4) 1908. Birds Identified in New South Wales during the Seventh Session of the A. O. U. Emu Vol. 7 p. 184—186. 83.1,9—84.3, 86,.5. 87.1,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1,.7 80 Mattingley, A. H. E. 82 (94.5) 1908. A Night with the Birds of Lawrence Rocks. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 12—24, 2 pls. 84.2—.4, 89.1 24081 Armstrong, W. J. T. 82 (94.€) 1908. A Visit to the Furneaux Group, Bass Strait. Emu Vol. 7 p. 181— 184. £3.83, 84.1,.2 15, I. 1909. 373 Aves. 24082 Legge, W. V. 82 (94.6) 1908. Some Notes on the Location of Birds in the Vicinity of Home- steads, Break-o’-day District, Tasmania. Emu Vol. 7 p. 142—152. 88.1, 89.1,.7 83 de Beaufort, L. F. 82 (95) 1906. Birds from Dutch New Guinea. Nova Guinea Rés. Expéd. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 389—420. [Lorius cyanauchen viridicrissa- lis n. subsp.] 83.1,.4—84.4, 85.3, 86,.5, 87.1,.4, 88.1,.9, 89.1 84 North, Alfred J. 82 (96.3) 1908. On Three Apparently Undescribed Birds from Henderson or Eli- zabeth Island, Paumotu Group. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 29—32, 2 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Calliptilus, Ptilopus, Porzana.] 83.1, 86.5 85 Ray, Milton S. 82 (96.9) 1899. Familiar Birds of Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 1. 83.1,.3,.4, 86.5, 88.1, 89.7 86 Clarke, George Harlow. 82 (98) 1898. The Birds of Bowdoin Bay. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 115—117, 2 figg. 84.1,.2,.4, 88.1, 89.1,.7 87 Deichmann, H. 82 (98) 1904. Birds of East Greenland. Med. Grenland Heft 29 p. 141—156. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 86, 88.1, 89.1,.7 88 Bertelsen, A. 82 (98) 1905. De i Grenland brugte Fuglenavne og deres Betydning. Medd. Grønland Heft 33 p. 69—93. 83.3, 84.1—.4, 86, 88.1, 89.1,.7 89. 82 (98) 1908. Birds of the Far North. Ibis (9) Vol. 9 p. 388—389, 541—544. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 86, 88.1, 89.7 24090 Dresser, H. E. 82 (98) 1908. On the Russian Arctic Expedition of 1900—1903. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 510—517, 593—599. 63.2,.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 86, 88.1 91 Hantzsch. 82 (98) 1908. Ueber das Studium der arktischen Vógel. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 92 Koenig, A. 82 (98) 1908. Reise in die arktischen Gewässer. Journ. Ornithol, Jahrg. 56 p. 123—139. [Vogelwelt.] 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4 93 Künig, A. 82 (98) 1908. Vogelleben und Vogelbilder aus hohem Norden. Ber. Sencken- berg. nat. Ges. Frankfurt a. M. 1908 p. 100*—102*. 83.3, 84.1,.2,.4, 88.1 94 Bruce, W. S. 82 (99) 1905. Some Ornithological Results of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. (4th intern. ornith. Congr.) Ornis Vol. 14 p. 271—274. 83.1, 84.1—.4, 88.1 95 Manning, C. J. 83 : 15.2 1896: Ueber den Vogelzug auf Barbados im Jahre 1886. — Bearbeitet von R. Brass. Ornis Jahrg. 8 p. 365—372. 96 Dalgliesh, Gordon. 88.1 Fulica (54.1) 1907. Nesting of the Coot (Fulica atra) in India. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1013. 97 Chubb, Ernest C. 83.1 Podica (68.9) 1908. On the Nesting of Podica petersi, Hartt. (Peters’ Finfoot) in Sou- thern Rhodesia. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 107—108, 1 pl. 24098 Bird, M. C. H. 83.1 Porphyrio (42) 1903. On the Claims of the Green-backed Gallinule (Porphyrio smarag- donotus) to inclusion in the List of British Birds. Field Natural. Quar- terly Yol. 2 p. 52—60. — Rem. by Reamarp Hames. p. 185. 15. I. 1909. Aves. 374 24099 M’Lean, J. C. 83.1 Porphyrio (931) 1902. Porphyrio melanonotus in New Zealand. Emu Vol. 1 p. 52—56, 1 fig. 24100 Wickham, P. F. 83.1 Rallina : 15.6 1906. Nesting of the Malayan Banded Crake (Rallina fasciata). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 228—229. — Rem. by E. L. STUART BAKER. pe 229. 01 Kunstler, J. 83.1 Rallus : 15.6 1908. Note sur le Rale des genéts. Episode de la lutte pour la propa- gation de l’espèce. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 105. [Femelle de räle dont nid fut découvert sauve ses ceufs SR ER placant sous ses ailes, dont elle se sert comme d'un moignon de ras. 02 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 83.1 Sarothrura (67.7) 1908. Description of a new species of Rail (Sarothrura buryi) from So- maliland. Bull. Brit, Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 93—94. 03 Blaauw, F. E. 83.2 Anthropoides : 15.6 1908. On the Breeding of the White-necked Crane (Anthropoides leu- cauchen) at Gooilust, 'sGraveland. Ibis (9) Yol. 9 p. 481—485. 04 de Adanson-Rocquigny, G. 83.2 Anthropoides (44.57) 1901. La Demoiselle de Numidie dans l’Allier. (3e Congr. ornith. intern.) Ornis Vol. 11 p. 236. 05 Lühe, Max. 83.2 Otis (43.11) 1908. Eine weibliche Zwergtrappe, Otis tetrae L. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 365—366. 24106 Baker, F. C. Stuart. 83.2 Sypheotis : 15.6 1906. The Breeding of the Bengal Florican (Sypheotis bengalensis). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 538—540. 07 Paris, Paul. 83.2 Tetrax (44.4) 1908. La Canepetière, Tetrax tetrax (Linné) en Bourgogne. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 65—66. (44.41—.43) 08 Service, Robert. 83.3 (42) 1908. The Waders of Solway. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 46— 60. (41.48,.49, 42.85) 09 Rolfe, Eugene S. 83.3 (78.4) 1900. Nesting Notes on the Waders of the Devils Lake Region. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 85—87. 10 M'Gregor, Richard C. 83.3 (19.4) 1898. Phalaropes. Notes on the Occurrence of the Red and Northern Phalaropes at Santa Cruz Cal. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 87—88. 11 Robertson, John. 83.3 Charadriidae : 15.6 1908. Nesting Dates of some of the Waders (Charadriidae). Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 62—64. 12 Millar, D. 83.3 Glareola (68.4) 1908. [Glareola pratincola breeding in Natal] Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 385—986. 13 Dewar, J. M. 83.3 Haematopus : 15.3 1908. Notes on the Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus), with Reference to its Habit of Feeding upon the Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Zoologist (4) Yol. 12 p. 201—212. 19 14 Burns, Frank L. 83.3 Haematopus : 15.6 1908. The Mystery of Small-headed Flycatcher. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 63—79, 2 figg. 15 n e 83.3 Ibidorhynchus : 15.6 1906. Nesting of the Ibis-bill (Ididorhynchus struthersi) and the Common Sandpiper (Totanus hypoleucus). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 946—547. 1 24116 Service, Robert. 83.3 Limosa (41.49) 1908. The Bar-Tailed Godwit as a Solway Bird. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 85—87. 15. I. 1909, 375 Aves. 24117 Farren, William. 83.3 (Edienemus : 15 1908. The Crouching Habit of the Stone-Curlew. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 301—308, 4 figg. 18 Scharff, R. F. 83.3 Scolopax : 11.56 1908. The Determination of Sex in the Woodcock. Irish Natural. Vol. 17 p. 72—73. 19 Pycraft, W. P. 83.3 Scolopax : 14.85 1908. On the Position of the Ear in the Woodcock (Scolopax rusticula). Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 551—558, 7 figg. [Profound displacement.] 20 Melsheimer, D. 83.3 Scolopax : 15.6 1908. Beitrag zur Schonung der Waldschnepfen. 36. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 20—21. 21 Brown, J. A. Harvie. 83.3 Scolopax (41) 1908. Distribution of the Woodcock in the Central Districts of the Forth Area in the Spring of 1908. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 142—146. (41.33,.36,.44,.45) 22 Robertson, John. 83.3 Totanus : 15 1908. The Common Sandpiper (Totanus hypoleucus). Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 77—79. 15.6 23 Harris, J. H., jr. 83.3 Tringa : 15 1896. Some Observations on the Spotted Sandpiper. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 7—8, 1 fig. 24 Robertson, John. 83.3 Tringa (41.41) 1908. Little Stint (Tringa minuta) at Balgray Reservoir. Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow N. S. Vol. 8 p. 76—77. 24125 Rabl, Hans. 83.3 Vanellus : 14.61 1908. Über die Entwicklung der Vorniere bei den Vögeln, nach Unter- suchungen am Kiebitz (Vanellus cristatus M.). Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 731—815, 5 Taf., 5 figg. [Mutterboden der Vorniere nicht im Gebiete des segmentierten, sondern des lateralen, unsegmentierten Mesoderms. Homologie zwischen Vornieren- u. Urnierenkanälchen ist keine einfach seriale, sondern kann höchstens als homonome (GraerwBAvm) bezeichnet werden.] 26 Baudouin, Marcel, 83.3 Vanellus (44.61) 1908. Nouvelle capture d’un Vanellus (L.) cristatus M. et W., atteint d’al- binisme, en Vendée (Vanneau isabelle). Bull. Soc. Sc. nat. Quest Nantes Ann. 18 p. 37—39. 27 Pycraft, W. P. 83.4 Ardea : 14.78.7 1908. The "Powder-down" of the Heron. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 343— 346, 1 fig. 28 Regelsperger, Gustave. 83.4 Ardea : 16.1 1908. La protection des aigrettes en Afrique. La Nature Ann. 36 Sem. 1 p. 225—227, 1 fig. 29 Watt, Hugh Boyd. 83.4 Ardea (41) 1908. A List of Scottish Heronries, Past and Present. Aun. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 218—223. (41.11,.12,.16 —23,.33,.34,.36 —.38,.41,.44,.45,.48,.49) 30 Blathwayt, F. L. 83.4 Ardea (42) 1908. Notes on Heronries. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 450—453. (42.38,.53) 31 Phillott, D. C. 83.4 Ardea (54.6) 1907. Note on the Blue or Common Heron (Ardea cinerea). Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Vol. 3 p. 553—555. 32 Reinecke, Ottomar. 83.4 Ardea (74.7) 1908. The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) in New York State. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 9 p. 3—16, 6 figg. 24133 Court, Edward J. 83.4 Ardea (79.4) i908, Treganza Blue Heron. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 291—296, 2 pls. [Ardea herodias treganzai n. subsp.] 15. I. 1909. Aves. 376 24134 Schaub, Samuel. 83.4 Ardeidae : 14 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der postembryonalen Entwicklung der Ar- deiden. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 25 p. 305—404, 2 Taf, 18 figg. [Aeussere Kórpergestalt, Proportionen u. Wachstumsverschiebungen. — Entwicklung des Federkleides.] 14.78.7,.9 35 Wade, E. W. 83.4 Botaurus : 15.6 1908. The Breeding Habits of the Common Bittern. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 329—334, 1 pL, 1 fig. 36 Rhenius, €. E., and E. Comber. 83.4 Botaurus (54.8) 1906/07. Occurrence of the Bittern in South India (Botaurus stellaris). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 247, 1037. 37 Schacht, H. 83.4 Ciconia (43.55) 1902. Das erste Storchnest in Lippe. 30. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 68—70. 38 Schuster, Wilhelm. 83.4 Ciconia (43.58) 1908. Die Storchnester in Hessen-Nassau. Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Nat. Wies- baden Jahrg. 61 p. 143—158. 39 Allen. J. A. 83.4 Ciconiidae 1908. The Generic Names Mycteria and Tantalus of Linnaeus, 1758. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 37—38. 40 Cherrie, Geo. K. 83.4 Mycteria (87) 1908. The Giant Stork, or Jabiru. Museum News Brooklyn Inst. Arts Sc. Vol. 3 p. 109—111. 41 Grober, J. 84 : 14.12 1908. Ueber Massenverhältnisse am Vogelherzen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 125 p. 507—521. [Proportionalgewicht des Herzens von Hausente, Wildente und Sturmmóve. Flugarbeit erhóht relative Grósse des Herzens. Hypertropie betrifft rechten Ventrikel mehr als linken.] 84.1,.2 24142 Reichenow, Ant. 84 (26) 1908. Vögel des Weltmeeres. Die Meeresvógel der östlichen Erdhälite. Deutsch. Südpol. Exped. Bd. 9 Zool. Bd. 1 p. 435—567, 6 Taf., 32 figg. (26.1,.12,.9) 84.1—.4 43 Ticehurst, N. F. 84 (41.12) 1908. On some Bird Remains from the Broch of Ayre Orkney. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 309—311. 84.2—.4 44 Jones, Lynds. 84 (79.7) 1908. June with the Birds of the Washington Coast. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 189—199, 7 figg. 84.2,.3 45 Cantwell, Geo. G. 84 (79.8) 1898. On Isolated Alaskan Islands. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 63—65, 4 figg. 84,9 — 46 Jones, Lynds. 84.1 (77.1) 1908. Ohio Records. Wilson Bull, Vol. 20 p. 210—211, 1 fig. 47. 84.1 Anas 1905. Die Knäk-Ente (Anas querquedula L.). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 37—38, 49—50. 48 Rabl, Hans. 84.1 Anas : 14.13 1906. Die Entwickelung der Arterien der vorderen Extremitäten bei der Ente. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 142—144. — Disk. De Vriese, C. Rast, H. RABL, FùRBRINGER. 49 Stephan, P. 84.1 Anas : 14.63.1 1908. Les divisions de maturation dans les organes génitaux des hybri- des. €. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 255; Pt. 2 p. 687—690. 24150 Müller, Robert. 84.1 Anas : 14.64 1908. Ueber den Tanwnenserc'schen Körper. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Lymphbildung. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 122 p. 455—483, Dat. [Erektion erfolgt bei Enten durch austretende Lymphe, die von dem Tannenzere’schen Körper gebildet wird. Sie steht unter dem Einfluss des Sympathicus.] 15. I. 1909. Sud Aves. 24151 . a 84.1 Anas: 15 1905. Die Krickente (Anas crecca L.) Schweiz. Blitter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 85—86, 97—98. 52 Rolfe, Eugene S. 84.1 Anatidae 15.6 1897. Some Observations on the Nesting of Ducks. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 131—133. 53 Cadell, P. R. 84.1 Anatidae (54) 1907. Vernacular Names of some Indian Ducks. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1028—1029. 54 Trostler, Isador S. 84.1 Anatidae (78.2) 1899. Missouri River Duck Notes. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 131. 55 Oates, Eugene W. 84.1 Anser 1906/7. On the Species of Bean-Geese. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 38—50, 1 pl. — On the Indian Species of Bean-Goose, by E. C. Stuart Baker. p. 037—538. — A Few Words in Reply to Mr. E. W. Oares Paper, by S. ALPHERARY. p. 098—602. — On the Bean-Geese, by E. W. Oarzs. p. 950—954. 56 Buturlin, S. A. 84.1 Anser 1907. On Bean-Geese. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 603 — 607. 57 Fischer-Sigwart, H. 84.1 Cygnus (494) 1908. Cygnus bervicki. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 26 p. 557. — Die Erlegung eines Zwergschwanes. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. 91. Vers. Bd. 1 p. 273. [In der Schweiz.] 58 Wall, F. 84.1 Dafila : 11.57 1906. Plumage of Young Male Pintail Duck (Dafila acuta). Journ. Bom- bay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 238—239. 59 Bannermann, W. B. 84.1 Dendrocyena : 12.12 1906. An Unusual Displacement of the Heart in a Whistling Teal. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 535—536. 24160 Coon, Floyd T. 84.1 Glaucionetta : 15 1899. The American Golden-Eye. Osprey Vol. 8 p. 132. 61 Rinker, Glen. 84.1 Lophodytes : 15.6 1899. Peculiar Nesting of the Hooded Merganser. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 19 —20. 2. 84.1 Nettion 1906. [Illustration of the Common Teal (Nettion craeca)] Journ. Bom- bay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 pl. 23. 63 Littledale, H. A. P. 84.1 Nettion : 15.6 1908. The Nesting and other Habits of the Cape Widgeon (Nettion ca- pense). Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 16—19, 1 pl. 64 Bryant, Edwin S. 84.1 Oidemia (78.4) 1899. The White-Winged Scoter in North Dakota. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 132 — 133. 65 Savage, James. 84.1 Olor : 15 1908. The Whistling Swan on Niagara River. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 9 p. 23—28, 3 figg. 66 Oates, Eugene W. 84.1 Polionetta (59.1) 1907. On a New Species of Grey Duck (Polionetta haringtoni) from Burma. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 558—559. 67 Salvadori, T. 84.2 Fregetta (99) 1908. Description of a New species of Petrel (Fregetta melanoleuca). Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 78—80. 68 Matys, W. 84.2 Larus : 14.73 1908. Entwicklung und Topographie der Muskulatur der Orbita bei Vögeln. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat. Abt. Jahrg. 1908 p. 321—351, 3 Taf. 24169 Völker, Otomar. 84.2 Larus : 14.81 1908. Ueber eine proximal von der Epiphyse am Zwischenhirndach auf- tretende Ausstülpung bei den Embryonen von Larus ridibundus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 170—177, 5 figg. 15. I. 1909. Aves. 378 24170 Forel, F. A. 84.2 Larus : 15.2 1908. Traits des mœurs des mouettes, Larus ridibundus. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 26 p. 558—559. — Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. 91. Vers. Bd. 1 p. 274-275. 71 Musy, M. 84.2 Larus: 15.3 1908. Une observation relative au régime du goéland & manteau noir (Larus marinus.) Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 26 p. 559—560. — Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. 91. Vers. Bd. 1 p. 275. 72 Johnson, A. E. 84.2 Larus (42.53) 1902. The Gulls of Twigmore Warren. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 199—202, 1 pl. 73 Brenner, M. 84.2 Larus (47.1) 1908. Skrattmäsen (Larus ridibundus) vid Helsingfors. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 144—146. 74 Allen, Francis H. 84.2 Larus (74.4) 1908. Larus kumlieni and other Northern Gulls in the Neighborhood of Boston. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 296—300. 75 Anthony, R. 84.2 Sterna 1908. A propos des Oiseaux (Embryons, Poussins et Jeunes) rapportés par la Mission antarctique française. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 196—197. [Réponse à la critique de Mr. MénéGaux.] 76 Peabody, P. B. 84.2 Sterna : 15 1896. A Tern Study. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 1—3, 21—23. 77 Anthony, A. W. 84.2 Sterna (72.2) 1898. Terns of Socorro Island. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 123, 1 fig. 78 Coker, Robert E. 81,3 : 16.1 1908. Regarding the Future of the Guano Industry and the Guano-pro- ducing Birds of Peru. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 58—64. [Protection of Cormorants and Pelicans.] 24179 Cheeseman, T. F. 84.3 Fregata (931) 1908. Notice of the Occurrence of the Lesser Frigate-bird (Fregata ariel) in the North Auckland District. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 265—266. 80 Stoll, Gustay. 84.3 Pelecanus 1905. Der Pelikan. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 489 —490. 81 Rhenius, C. E. 84.3 Pelecanus (54) 1907. Pelicans Breeding in India. Jonrn. Bombay nat. Hist. Vol. 17 p. 806—807. 82 Gibbs, Morris. 84.3 Pelecanus (75.9) 1897. Brown Pelican on Indian River. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 75-77, 1 fig. 83 Anthony, A. W. 84.3 Sula (72.2) 1898. The Boobys of the Revillegigedo Islands. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 4--6, 5 figg. 84 Williams, J. E. 84.4 (42.97) 1908. Guillemots on the Worms Head. Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Vol. 40 p- 45—46, 1 pl. 85 Bond, Frank. 84.4 Alca 1903. The Great Auk in Art. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 505—511, 17 figg. 86 Ward. Henry L. 84.4 Alle (77.5) 1908. An Addition to the Avifauna of Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 124. [Alle alle.] 87 Grinnell, Joseph. 84.4 Brachyrhamphus : 15 1897. Notes on the Marbled Murrelet. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 115—117. 88 Barnes, R. M. 84.4 Colymbus : 11.74 1897. The Circling Loon. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 77—78. 24189 Wohlauer, Ernst. 84.4 Eudyptes : 14.78.7 1902. Entwicklung des Embryonalgefieders von Eudyptes chrysocome. Zeit- schr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 149—178, 2 Taf. 15. I. 1909. 379 Aves. 24190 Tait, Thomas. 84.4 Fratercula : 15 1903. The Natural Attitude of Puffins. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 184—185, 273, 1 pl. — Rem. by H. Horrroyp Mirrs. p. 853—954. 91 Dalgliesh, Gordon. 84.4 Podiceps : 15.6 1906. Breeding Habits of the Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 515—516. 92 Aplin, 0. V. 84.4 Podiceps : 15.6 1908. Late Breeding of and Retention of Summer Dress by the Great Crested Grebe. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 407—408. [Retardation of usual change of plumage in consequence of attending late young.] 98 Johnson, Charles E. 84.4 Podilymbus : 14.43 1908. The Development of the Thymus in the Pied-billed Grebe. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 946—947. 94 Müller, Erik. 84.4 Spheniscidae : 14.18 1908. Beiträge zur Morphologie des Gefässsystems. III. Zur Kenntnis der Flügelarterien der Pinguine. Anat. Hefte Bd. 35 p. 553—648, 11 Taf. [Hervorgehen aus bestimmt gelagerten, embryonalen Gefässnetzen.] 95 Beebe, C. William. 85 1905. ‘The Ostriches and their Allies. 9th ann. Rep. New York zool. Soc. p. 203—229, 21 figg. 85.1—.4 96 Sternberg, Wilhelm. 85.1 Struthio : 11.31 1908. Der Appetit in der Theorie und in der Praxis. Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 329—335. [Beteiligung von Bewegungserscheinungen für Auf- nahme der Nahrung bei Appetit. (Strauss).] 97 Schulze, Franz Eilhard. 85.1 Struthio : 14.24 1908. Die Lungen des afrikanischen Strausses. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1908 p. 416—431, 1 Taf. [Letzte Endigungen, im Gegensatz zu Säugetieren, aus anastomosierendem System v. Luftcapillaren (dazwischen Blutcapillaren) bestehend.] 24198 Duerden, J. E. 85.1 Struthio : 15 1908. The Waltzing Instinct in Ostriches. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 499—501. 99 Duerden, J. E. 85.1 Struthio : 15.6 1908. Experiments with Ostriches. VI. — Egg-Laying Records of Ostri- ches. Agric. Journ. Cape Good Hope Vol. 32 p. 449—453. 24200 Marre, Francis. 85.1 Struthio : 16.1 1908. L’élevage des autruches à Madagascar. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 58 p. 319—322, 6 figg. 01 di Carpegna Falconieri, Guido. 85.2 Rhea : 16.1 1908. Acclimatazione in Italia dei Nandù (Rhea americana) Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 40-41. 02 Rothschild, Walter. 85.3 Casuarius (95) 1908. Note on Casuarius casuarius bistriatus Oort. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 392. 03 Ghigi, Alessandro. 86 : 11.58 1907. Sulla forma progenitrice della Faraona domestica e sugli ibridi di quest’ ultima con N. ptilorhyncha. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 532 — 589. 04 Pays-Mellier, G., et E. Trouessart. 86 : 11.58 1907. Sur deux hybrides de Paon et de Poule cochinchinoise. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 145 p. 1203—1205. 05 Ghigi, Allessandro. 86 : 11.58 1908. Sulla dissociazione dei caratteri specifici negli ibridi complessi di alcuni uccelli. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 452—461. 06 Landmann, 0. 86 : 12.84 1908. Mikrophthalmus bei einem 8 Tage alten Hühnerembryo. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenkheilk. N. F. Bd. 5 p. 633—637, 7 figg. 24207 Lecaillon, A. 86 : 13.1 1908. Sur modifications qui peuvent se produire dans la structure de la cicatricule de l’œuf non fécondé des oiseaux. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 647—649. 15. I. 1909. Aves. 380 24208 Guyer, Michael F. 86 : 13.6 1908. Sur le sexe des hybrides dans la famille des Phasianidae. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 642—644. 09 Gerhardt, Ulrich. 86 : 14.64 1908. Ueber das Copulationsorgan von Crax und Tinamus. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 649—651. [Wohlentwickelter Penis.] 10 Porta, Antonio. 86 : 14.73 1908. I muscoli caudali e anali nei generi Pavo e Meleagris. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 116—120, 4 figg. 11 Riddle, Oscar. 86 : 14.78.7 1908. The Genesis of Fault-Bars in Feathers and the Cause of Alter- nation of Light and Dark Fundamental Bars. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 328 —370, 4 pls., 5 figg. [Five types of fault-bars (feather defects). Occur normally in all feathers. Can be produced experimentally by agencies bringing about poorer nutritive conditions in feather germs. Qantitative variations of melanin pigment of feathers in response to changes of food supply.] 12 van Kempen, Ch. 86 : 15.6 1903. Note sur un œuf de Caille commune (Coturnix communis Bonnar.) trouvé dans un nid de Perdrix grise (Starna cinerea Br.) Ornis Vol. 13 p. 132. 13 täteg 86 : 16.1 1905. Inzucht und Zuchtwahl. Sehweiz. Blütter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 121—122, 133—134, 147—148, 163—164, 179—150. 14 Mellanby, J. 86 : 18.6 1908. Muscle plasma. (Preliminary communication.) (Proc. Physiol. Soc.) Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 37 p. XXXIY—XXXVY. 24215 Gilflllan, D. F. 86 (68) 1908. Notes on Game Birds of South Africa. Journ. South Afric. Or- nith. Union Vol. 4 p. 19—36. (68.2,.7) 16 Venour, Walter. 86 Catreus (54.5) 1907. Occurrence of the Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichi) in the N. W. F. Province. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 812. 17 Huntington, Dwight W. 86 Centrocercus 1897. The Sage Grouse. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 17—18, 1 pl., 1 fig. 18 Fenchel, Ad. 86 Gallus : 07 1908. Ueber künstliche Hühnerbrut. Verh. nat. Ver. Hamburg (3) Bd. 15 p. LV—LVI. 19 de Aranzadi, Telesforo. 86 Gallus : 11.56 1908. Algunos caracteres secundarios de los capones. Bol. Soc. espaii. Hist. nat, T. 8 p. 951 — 998. 20 Davenport, Chas. B. 86 Gallus : 11.57 1908. Elimination of Self-coloured Birds. Nature Vol. 78 p. 101. [Pen- cilled birds are relatively immune from attack. Self-colours (arisen under domestication) tend to be eliminated by natural enemies.] 2] Boutan, L. 86 Gallus : 11.58 1908. Le métis du Gallus ferrugineus et son utilisation au Laos pour la chasse du Coq sauvage. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 138—141, 1 fig. 22 Pearl, Raymond, and F. M. Surface. 86 Gallus : 11.6 1908. Some Results of a Biometrical Study of Egg Production in the Domestic Fowl. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 449—450. 23 Guthrie, C. C. 86 Gallus : 11.69 1908. Further Results of Transplantation of Ovaries in Chickens. Journ. exper. Zool. Vol. 5 p. 563—576, 3 figg. [Transplanted ovaries seemed to function. Color characters of resulting offspring appeared to be influ- enced by foster mother.] 94924 Pearl, Raymoud, and Frank M. Surface. 86 Gallus : 11.69 1908. Resection and End-to-End Anastomosis of the Oviduct in the Hen, without Loss of Function. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 22 p. 351—901, l fig. 15. I. 1909. 381 Aves. 24225 Ceni, C. 86 Gallus : 11.8. 1907. L'influence des centres corticaux, sur les phénomènes de la géné- ration et de le perpétuation de l’espèce. Arch. ital. Biol. T. 48 p. 49— 66, 11 figg. [Stérilité de degré proportionnel a lésion d’écorce corticale. Point d’influence sur manifestations extérieures de vie sexuelle.] 26 Braus, H. 86 Gallus : 12.71 1908. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Analyse der Hyperdaktylie. Miinchen.. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 386—890, 3 figg. [Spiegelbildliche Ver- dopplung der Extremitàtenanlage.] 27 Parona, Corrado. 86 Gallus : 12.78.7 1906. Sdoppiamento del vessillo in due penne di Pollo. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Ann. 17 p. 97—98, 1 fig. 28 Langman, Otto. 86 Gallus : 12.84 1908. Amnion Protrusion into the Lens-Vesicle. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 189—191, 1 fig. 29 Landois, H. 86 Gallus : 12.98. 1902. Ein Haushtihnchen mit zwei überzähligen Beinen an der Brust.. 30. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov,-Ver. p. 38. 30 Barfurth, Dietrich. 86 Gallus : 12.98 1908. Experimentelle Untersuchung über die Vererbung der Hyperdacty- lie bei Hühnern. 1. Mitteilung. Der Einfluss der Mutter. Arch. Entw.- Mech. Bd. 26 p. 631—650. 31 Barfurth, [Dietrich.] 86 Gallus : 12.98. 1908. Versuche über Vererbung der Hyperdactylie bei Hühnern. Arch. Ver. Nat. Freunde Mecklenburg Jahrg. 62 p. III—X. — II. Mitteilung. Der Einfluss des Vaters. p. XY—XX. 32 Kaufmann-Wolf, Marie. 86 Gallus : 12.98: 1908. Embryologische und anatomische Beiträge zur Hyperdactylie (Houdan-- huhn.) Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 471—531, 3 Taf., 42 figg. 24233 Lecaillon, A. 86 Gallus : 13.1 1908. Sur les changements qui se produisent, après la ponte, dans l’as- pect extérieur de la cicatricule de l’œuf non fécondé de la poule. C. R.. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1034—1036. 34 Peguin, Pierre. 86 Gallus : 13.1 1908. Œuf de poule nain. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-- Yerb. pe 48—49. 35 Sonnenbrodt. 86 Gallus : 13.11 1908. Die Wachstumsperiode der Oocyte des Huhnes. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 415—480, 2 Taf. 36 Rabaud, Etienne. 86 Gallus: 13.3. 1908. La position et l’orientation de ’embryon de Poule sur le jaune. Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. I—VI. 37 Dantschakoff, Wera. 86 Gallus : 13 35 1908. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des Blutes und Bindege- webes bei den Vögeln. I. Die erste Entstehung der Blutzellen beim Hühnerembryo und der Dottersack als blutbildendes Organ. Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 471—589, 4 Taf. [Gemeinsamer Ursprung sämtlicher Blutzellen. Als blutbildendes Organ funktioniert im frühesten Stadium das Gefäss- netz der Area vasculosa, später das venöse Capillarnetz der Dottersack- wand.] 38 Dantschakoff, Wera. 86 Gallus : 13.35 1908. Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung von Blut- und Bindegewebe bei Vögeln. Das lockere Bindegewebe des Hühnchens im fetalen Leben. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 73 p. 117--181, 2 Taf. [Das fertige lockere Binde- gewebe sowohl als auch die verschiedenen Blutelemente sind auf die in- differente Mesenchymzelle zurückzuführen.] 24239 Hubbard, Marian E. 86 Gallus : 13.35 1908. Some Experiments of the Order of Succession of the Somites in the Chick. Amer. Natural, Vol. 42 p. 466—471, 2 figg. [Not more than two somites arise in front of the one first formed.] 15. I. 1909. 24240 43 44 24247 48 49 24258 Aves, 382 Gage, Simon H., and Susanna Phelps Gage. 86 Gallus : 13.9 1908. Sudan II. Deposited in the Egg and Transmitted to the Chick. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 494— 495. Branca, A. 86 Gallus: 14.21 1908. Sur le développement du vestibule des fosses nasales. €. R. Ass. Gerini, Cesare. 86 Gallus : 14.83 1908. Quelques recherches sur les premières phases de développement des neurofibrilles primitives chez l’embryon du poulet. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 178—189. Landman, Otto. 86 Gallus : 14.84 1908. An open Cleft in the embryonic Eye of a Chick of eight Days. Landois, H. 86 Gallus : 15.6 1901. Durch Zuchtwahl erzielte bunte Hühner-Eier. 29. Jahresber. west- fil. Prov.-Ver. p. 12. Wright, Lewis. 86 Gallus : 16.1 1905. The New Book of Poultry. London, Cassell & Co., 89, VIII, 600 pp., 45 pls., figg. 21 s. Pearl, Raymond, and Frank M. Surface. 86 Gallus : 16.1 1908. Appliances and Methods for Pedigree Poultry Breeding. (Pap. biol. Lab. Maine Exper. Stat. No. 6) 24th ann. Rep. Maine agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. No. 151 p. 239—274, 13 figg. Meves, Friedrich. 86 Gallus : 18.1 1908. Die Chondriosomen als Träger erblicher Anlagen. Cytologische Studien am Hiihnerembryo. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 816—867, 4 Taf. Fragnito, 0. 86 Gallus : 18.8 1908. Ancora sulla genesi delle neurofibrille. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 314 —319. E: Oates, Eugene W. 86 Gennaeus (59.1) 1906. On some New Species of Silver-Pheasants from Burma. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 10—12. [3 nn. spp.] Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. 86 Lagopus : 11.58 1908. On two Supposed Hybrids between Red Grouse and Ptarmigan. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 269—274, 2 figg. Breninger, George F. S6 Lophortyx : 15 1899. Gambel’s Quail. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 84—85, 2 figg. 2 Smith, Allen J. 86 Meleagris : 12.12 1901. Note upon a Case of Cardia duplex in a Turkey. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 122 p. 317—320, 4 figg. Ober, Frederick A. 86 Numida (729.7) 1899. Wild Guinea-Fowl of Barbuda. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 21— 24. Lühe, M. 86 Perdix (403) 1908. Uber ostpreussische und russische Rebhuhnformen. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 234—236. (43.11, 41.3, 51.4) Berger, Karl. 86 Phasianidae (5) 1997. Das Wohngebiet des wilden Pfaus und seiner Verwandten. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 85—86. Hartert, E. 86 Pterocles (68.2) 1908. Exhibition of a new subspecies of Sand-Grouse (Pterocles bicinctus multicolor) from E. Africa. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Yol. 21 p. 53—54. Olivier, Ernest. 86 Starna 1908. La Perdrix de montagne. Rev. scient. Bourbonn. Ann. 21 p. 56— 99, 1 fig. Chigi, Francesco. 86 Syrrhaptes (45.6) 1908. Prime notizie sulla incursione del Syrrhaptes paradoxus (PALL) nella Russia Europea, durante la primavera dell anno 1908. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 200—206. 15. I. 1909. 383 Aves. 24259 Carruccio, A. 86 Syrrhaptes (45.75) 1908. Ancora del Syrrhaptes paradoxus; Individuo ucciso presso Trini- tapoli. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 10 p. 206—207. 60 Brandt, Alexander. 86 Syrrhaptes (47.7) 1908. Ein neuer Besuch des Faust- oder Steppenhuhns (Syrrhaptes para- doxus) in Europa. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. 28 p. 478. 61 Di Colo, Francesco. 86 Tetrao : 14.85 1908. Una rivendicazione ad Antonio Scarpa. Nota storico-critica. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 172—176, [Organi glandolari nel condotto uditivo esterno giàscoperti dal Scarpa 1772.] - 62 Poulton, E. B. 86 Tetrao : 15.3 1908. Insect and Other Foods of Blackgame. Trans. entom. Soc. Lon- don 1907 p. LXXXIII—LXXXVY. 63 Allen, J. A. 86.5 1908. Columbina vs. Chaemepelia. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 301—306. ‘64 Ghigi, Allessandro. 86.5 : Ol 1908. Proposta di una nuova classificazione dei piccioni domestici. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 216—224. 65 de Montlezun, M. 86.5 : 11.58 1905. Hybrides d’un pigeon bleu barré et d’une tourterelle nankin à collier noir. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse T. 38 p. 43—45. 66 Craig, Wallace. 86.5 : 15 1908. Sociology applied to Pigeons. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 950. [Ceremonies displayed.] 67 Lowe, Percy R. 86.5 Chamaepelia (729.5) 1908. On the Ground-Dove of Porto Rico, with Notes on the other Spe- cies of Chamaepelia. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 107—115. [Ch. portoricensis n. sp.] — Corr. p. 545. 24968 Stoll, Gustav. 86.5 Columba 1905. Die Taube in Mythologie und Geschichte. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 254—255. 69 Ghigi, Alessandro. 86.5 Columba : 11.59 1908. Sulla poligenesi dei piccioni domestici. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 271—276, 4 figg. 70 Staples-Browne, Richard. 86.5 Columba : 11.58 1908. On the Inheritance of Colour in Domestic Pigeons, with Special Reference to Reversion. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 67—104, 4 pls. 71 Ticehurst, C. B. 86.5 Columba : 12 1908. The Wood-pigeon Diphtheria. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 243—268. 72 Patterson, J. Thos. 86.5 Columba: 13.1 1908. Amitosis in the Pigeon’s Egg. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 117—125, 24 figg. 73 Arcangeli, Aiceste. 86.5 Columba : 14.34 1507. Ricerche sull’ assorbimento intestinale. Nota preliminare. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. Milano 1906 p. 576—577. [Ricerche sopra P? intestino del colombo neonato.] 74 Schmid, Emanuel. 86.5 Columba : 15 1305. Die Rebhuhntaube (Columba cyanocephala). Schweiz. Blätter Or- nith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 110. 75 Martorelli, Giacinto, 86.5 Columba (45.72) 1908. Sopra una preziosa razza di colombi domestici dell’ antica Cam- pania. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) Vol. 41 p. 717—726. 76 Buturlin, S. A. 86.5 Columba (51) 1908. New Pigeons in the collection of the Zoological Museum of Im- perial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc, St. Petersbourg T. 13 p. 324—326. [Columba nigricans n. sp. 1 n. subsp.] (51.6,.8) 24277 Deane, Ruthven. 86.5 Ectopistes : 15.6 1908. ‘The Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) in Confinement. The 15. I. 1909. 24278 79 80 81 82 83 84 90 Aves. 384 » [kii 86.5 Goura: 15 1907. Die Krontaube (Goura coronata). Schweiz. Blütter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 416—417. Manders, N. 86.5 Nesoenas (69.5) 1908. Notes on Mayer's Pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri) Proc. zool. Soc. Lon- don 1907 p. 801—803. Neumann, Oscar. 87 (6) 1908. Notes on African Birds in the Tring Museum. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 366—390. [4 nn. subspp. in: Turacus, Poicephalus 2, Agapornis.] 87.1,.4 (63, 66.3,.4,.5 —.7,.9—67.6,.8, 68.2,.4,.7—.9) Martorelli, Giacinto. 87.1: 07 (45.73) 1908. Elenco dei Pappagalli del Museo Zoologico Universitario di Napoli con note ed illustrazioni. Ann. Mus. zool. Univ. Napoli N. S. Vol. 2 No. 24, 9 pp., 1 tav. Keartland, G. A. 87.1: 14.78.7 1908. Notes on the Plumage of Australian Parrots. Victorian Natural. Vol. 24 p. 156—158. Kalischer, 0. 87.1: 14.81 1905. Das Grosshirn der Papageien in anatomischer und physiologischer Beziehung. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1905 Physik. Abh. nicht zur Akad. geh. Gel. No. 4, 105 pp., 6 Taf., 7 figg. Clark, Austin Hobart. 87.1 Ara (729.7) 1908. The Macaw of Dominica. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 309—311. [Ara atwoodi n. sp.] Birtwell, Francis Joseph. 87.1 Chrysotis : 11.57 1899. Aptosochromatism in Chrysotis levaillanti. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 113— Tasty fs. Knowlton, F. H. 87.1 Nestor : 15.3 1896. The Genus Nestor. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 31—33, 2 figg. Marriner, George R. 87.1 Nestor : 16.5 1908. Additional Notes on the Kea. Trans. Proc. N. Zealand Inst. Vol. 40 p. 534—537, 3 pls. Osmaston, B. B. 87.1 Palaeornis : 16.5 1906. Mangroves and Paroquets. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p Selous, Edmund. 87.2 : 15 1908. Some Notes on a Habit of the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Den- drocopus major) in Relation to a Similar but more Developed Habit in the Californian Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 81—91. Buturlin, S. A. 87.2 (403) 1908. Notes on Woodpeckers (Fam. Picidae) in the Zoological Museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sc. St, Pétersbourg Bd. 13 p. 229—254. [Picus khamensis n. sp. 5 nn. subspp. in: Dendrodomas, Xylocopus 4.] (47.9, 51.2,.7,.8, 57.1) 9ı Fisher, Wm. H. 87.2 (75.2) 1897. The Woodpeckers of Maryland. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 145—146. 92 Ridgway, Robert. 87.2 Campephilus (75.9) 24295 1898. The Home of the Ivory-Bill. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 35—36, 2 pls. Cummings, Carlos E. 87.2 Ceophloeus (74.7) 1908. A Recent Occurrence of the Pileated Woodpecker near Buffalo. Bull. Buffalo Soc. nat. Hist. Vol. 9 p. 17—22, 2 figg. Evans, William. 87.2 Dendrocopus (41) 1908. On the Origin of the Present Colony of Scottish Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 216—218. [British or Swedish birds.] Harvie-Brown, J. A. 87.2 Dendrocopus (41) 1908. The Great Spotted Woodpecker’s Resuscitation in Scotland since 1841 or 1851. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 210—216, 1 map. 15. I. 1909. 385 Aves. 24296 Chubb, Charles. 87.2 Dendromus (67.1) 1908. Description of a new species of Woodpecker (Dendromus efulensis) from the Camaroon. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 92. 97 Alexander, Boyd. 87.2 Indicator 1908. Remarks on certain species of Indicator. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 91—92. 98 Neumann, Oscar. 87.2 Indicator 1908. Two New Forms of Indicator. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 97—98. |I. variegatus jubaensis, I. archipelagicus inornatus.] (59.5, 68.7) 99 Brewster, William, 87.2 Picoides 1898. Notes on the American Three-Toed Woodpecker. (Picoides ameri- canus). Osprey Vol. 2 p. 73—76, 1 portr., 2 figg. 24300 . . . 87.2 Picus 1907. Unsere einheimischen Buntspechte. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 5, 1 fig. 01 Lesmüller, A. 87.2 Picus :12.78 1908. Eine starke Schnabelanomalie bei Picus viridis L. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 169, 2 figg. [Oberschnabel aus 2 Teilen bestehend, wovon der eine schraubenartig gewunden 6.4 cm lang, der andere normal gewachsen 3,3 em (abgebrochen ?).] 02 Farmer, Arthur M. 87.2 Picus : 15.6 1897. Nest Building of the Downy Woodpecker. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 96—97. 03 Schuster, Wilhelm. 87.2 Picus (43) 1968. Warum nimmt der Schwarzspecht in den Wäldern rund um die Wetterau und überhaupt in Gesamt-Hessen in den beiden letzten Jahr- zehnten dauernd, wenn auch spärlich, zu? Festschr. 100 jähr. Best. Wetterau. Ges. ges. Naturk. Hanau a. M. p. 69—70. [Weil er geschützt wird und mehr Nadelholzwälder kultiviert werden als früher.] (43.41,.58) 24304 Haines, Reginald. 87.2 Picus (82) 1903. The Great Black Woodpecker (Picus martius). Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 138—141. 5 Goeldi, Emilio A. 87.3 Microtrogon 1908. Microtrogon novo nome generico proposto para Trogon ramonianus Des Murs. Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para Vol. 5 p. 92—93. — Microtrogon New Generic Name Proposed for Trogon ramonianus Des Murs. p. 94— 95. 06 Baker, E. C. Stuart. 87.4 : 15.6 1906/07. The Oology of Indian Parasitic Cuckoos. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 72—83, 351—374, 678—696, 3 pls. — Additional Cuckoo Notes. p. 876—894. 07 Alexander, Boyd. 87.4 Centropus (67.5) 1908. Description of a new species of Larkheeled Cuckoo (Centropus neu- manni) from the River Welle. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 78. © © 08 Gunning, J. W. B., and Alwin Haagner. 87.4 Centropus (68) 1908. On the South African Species of Centropus. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 36—37. (68.2,.7,.9) 09 Leist, E. 87.4 Cuculus : 15.3 1908. Zur Lebensweise des Kuckucks. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forstwirt- (la Ge 87.4 Cuculus : 15.6 1907. Der Kuckuck (Cuculus canorus.) Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 99—101. 11 Bahr, P. H. 87.4 Cuculus : 15.6 1908. On the Developement of a Young Cuckoo. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 361—366, 1 pl., 2 figg. 24312 Dewar, D. 87.4 Eudynamis : 15.6 1907. An Enquiry into the Parasitic Habits of the Indian Koel. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 765—782. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 25 Aves. 386 24313 Stone, Witmer. 87.4 Piaya (801) 1908. A Review of the Genus Piaya Lesson. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Phila- delphia Vol. 60 p. 492—501. [2 nn. subspp.] (729.8, 81, 84, 88) 14 Draper, E. H. U. 87.4 Turacus : 11.76 1908. A Note concerning some Properties of the Colouring-matter in the Remiges of Turacus corythaix. Journ. South Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 129—130. 15 Anthony, A. W. 88: 15.2 1897. Land Birds at Sea. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 57—58. 88.1,.9 16 Ries, A. 88 : 15.2 1908. Zugbeobachtungen über verschiedene Vogelarten im Gebiete von Bamberg. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 47—96. 88.1,.9 17 Jones, K. H. 88 : 15.6 1908. On the Nidifiation of Halcyon pileatus and Turnix blanfordi in Hong Kong. Ibis (9) Vol. 2 p. 455—457. 88.1,.9 18 Hennemann, W. 88 (43.56) 1902. Uber die Schwalben und Segler des mittleren Lennetals im Jahre 1901. 30. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 71—73. 88.1,.9 19 Ridgway, Robert. 88 (801) 1908. Diagnoses of Some New Forms of Neotropical Birds. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 191—196. [8 nn. spp. in: Thryorchilus, Myr- melastes, Stenopsis. 13 nn. subspp. in: Caryphotriccus, Dysithamnus 2, 1ham- nistes, Thamnophilus 2, Drymophila, Myrmeciza, Gymnocichla, Formicarius 2, Delattria 2.] (72.3,.6, 728, 729.8, 86, 87) 88.6,.9 20 Menegaux, A. 88 (84) 1908. Description de deux formes nouvelles d’Oiseaux rapportés de la Bolivie par la mission de Créqui-Montfort. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 240 —342. [2 nn. subspp. in: Agriornis, Brachyspiza.] 88.1,.6 24321 von Berlepsch, Hans. 88 (88) 1908. On the Birds of Cayenne. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 103—164. [3 nn. subspp. in: Oryzoborus, Empidochanes, Formicivora.] 88.1,.6 22 Menegaux, A. 88 (88) 1908. Liste des Oiseaux de la Guyane francaise donnés au Muséum par M. Rey, Gouverneur de la Colonie. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 8—13. 88.1,.6 28 Kollibay, Paul. 88.1 1908. Die richtigen wissenschaftlichen Namen des dalmatinischen Felsen- kleibers und des kanarischen Wüstengimpels. Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 16 p. 11—12. 24 Schwartz, Martin. 88.1 : 15.3 1908. Beiträge zur Ernährungsbiologie unserer kórnerfressenden Singvögel. Arb. biol. Abt. Gesundh.-Amt Berlin Bd. 6 p. 445—486, 11 figg. 25 Reboussin, R. 88.1 : 15.6 1903. Notes sur des nidifications anormales ou remarquables de divers oiseaux. Ornis. Vol. 13 p. 133—158. 26 Whymper, S. L. 88.1 : 15.6 1906. Sites of Birds’ Nests. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 236—231. 27 Porter, Louis H. 88.1 : 15.6 1908. Nesting Habits of Birds at Stamford, Connecticut, as Affected by the Cold Spring of 1907. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 16—21. 28 Baumann, E. 88.1 : 15.8 1907. Vergleich des Gesanges zwischen Nachtigall und Sprosser (Sylvia luscinia und S. philomela), sowie Singdrossel und Amsel (Turdus musicus und T. merula). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 113—114. 24329 Braun, Fritz. 88.1 : 15.8 1908. Ueber den extranuptialen Gesang und das Phänomen des Spottens. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 146—153. 15 els 387 Aves. 24330 Réthi, L. 88.1 : 15. 1908. Untersuchungen über die Stimme der Vögel. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 173. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. 117 Alt. 3 p. 93—109, 2 figg. [Kehlkopf stellt Zungenpfeife dar.] 31 Whymper, S. L. 88.1 (54.6) 1907. Some Notes on Birds! Nesting in Tehri-Garhwal. Journ. Bombay nat, Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 817—819. 32 Schalow, Herman. 88.1 (57.6) 1908. Beiträge zur Vogelfauna Centralasiens. Journ. Ornithol. Jahrg. 56 p. 202—260. 33 Grant, Claude H. B. 88.1 (6) 1908. On three new species of South African birds (Sphenoeacus trans- vaalensis, Apalis ruddi, and Cinnyris neergaardi). Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 92—93. (67.9, 68.2) 34 Osgood, Wilfred H. 1897. El Dorado County Notes. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 19—20. 35 Hartert, E. 88.1 (935) 1908. Exhibition of Examples of New Birds from the Solomon Islands. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 105—107. [2 nn. spp. in: Pachyce- phala, Zosterops. 2 nn. subspp. in: Myzomela, Monarcha.) 36 Ingram, Collingwood. 88.1 (94.3) 1908. On two new species (Neositta magmrostris and Sphecotheres stalkeri) from N. Queensland. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 99—100. 37 Stejneger, Leonard. 88.1 (96.9) 1900. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 71— 73. 38 Nichols, J. B. 88.1 Aédon (42.23) 1908. The Grey-backed Warbler (Aédon familiaris) in Kent. A New Bri- tish Bird. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 257, 1 Ge, . 24339 Bell, T. R. 88.1 (19.4) 88.1 Aegithaliscus (54.7) 1906. Occurrence of Aegithaliscus coronatus, SEVERTZ, in Sind. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 244—245. 40 M'Gregor, Richard C. 88.1 Agelaeus : 15 1897. A Roost of Blackbirds. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 103—105. 41 Stone, Witmer. 88.1 Ammodramus 1898. ALEXANDER WiLson and the Ipswich Sparrow. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 117. |A. princeps.] 42 Dippie, G. F. 88.1 Ammodramus : 15.6 1899. Nesting of Le Conte’s Sparrow. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 73. 43 Brackett, Foster H. 88.1 Ammodramus (74. 4) 1899. The Sharp-Tailed Sparrow in Massachusetts. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 155—156. 44 Fuertes, Louis Agassiz. 88.1 Ammodramus (74.7) 1898. Leconte’s Sparrow in New York. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 103. 45 Vickers, Earnest W. 88.1 Ammodramus (77.1) 1908. Notes on the Henslow’s Sparrows (Ammodramus henslowii) in Ma- honing County, Ohio. Wilson Bull. Vol. 26 p. 150—152. 46 Rolfe, Eugene $. 88.1 Ammodramus (78.4) ripe Nesting of Baird’s Sparrow in North Dakota. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 47 Magrath, H. A. F. 88.1 Ampelis (54. À 1907. Occurrence of the Waxwing”(Ampelis garrulus) at Bannu, N. W. FE Province. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 1037. 48 Carter, T. 88.1 Amytis (94.5) 1908. SC of a Supposed New Grass-Wren. Victorian Natural. Vol. 25 p. 86—87. [Amytis varia.] 49 Dewar, D. 88.1 Arachnecthra : 11.57 1906. The Plumage of the Cock Purple Honeysucker (Arachnecthra asia- tica). A query? Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soe, Kol, 17 p. 540—541. 24350 Tinker, A. D. 88.1 Baeolophus (77.4) 1908. Breeding of the Tufted Titmouse in Washtenaw County, Michigan. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 322—323. 15. I. 1909. Aves. 388 24851 Alexander, Boyd. 88.1 Batis (66.2) 1908. Batis chadensis, sp. n. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 104—105. 52 Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Buphaga : 15 1905. Der Madenhacker (Buphaga habessinica). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 356. 53 Cavazza, Filippo. 88.1 Calandrella (45.4) 1908. Nota su una cattura di ,Calandrella“ Cas. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 87—93. 54 Tullsen, H. 88.1 Cardinalis (77.7) 1908. A Note on the Spring Migration, 1901, at Leland, Uncompahgre Ute Indian Reservation, Utah. Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 100. 55 di Carpegna Falconieri, Guido. 88.1 Carpodacus (45.6) 1908. Nuova cattura presso di un Carpodacus erythrinus (Parr). Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 38—39. 56 Harvie-Brown, J. A. 88.1 Chelidon : 15.6 1908. Martin’s Nest Built on a Window-pane. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 355 356, 1 fig. 57 Breninger, George F. 88.1 Chelidon (79.1) 1898, Barn Swallows in Southern Arizona. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 117. 58 Banfield, E. J. 88.1 Chibia : 15 1908. The Spangled Drongo-Shrike. Emu Vol. 7 p. 178—181. 59 Baron, Antoine. 88.1 Cinclocerthia : 12.98 1908, Perruche unipatte. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Verb. p. 48. 60 Grant-Ogilvie, W. R. 88.1 Cisticola (67.5) 1908. Exhibition of two new species of Grass-Warbler (Cisticola belli and C. woosnami) from S. E. Ruwenzori. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 71—72. — Rem. by R. B. Woosnam. p. 72—73. 94361 Miller, Richard F. 88.1 Cistothorus (74.8) 1908. Nesting of the Short-billed Marsh Wren in Philadelphia, Pa. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 320—322. BO. s us 88.1 Coccothraustes : 15 1905. Der Kernbeisser (Coccothraustes vulgaris). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 209. 65 Hennemann, W. 88.1 Coccothraustes (43.56) 1903. Uber das Vorkommen des Kernbeissers, Coccothraustes vulgaris PALL., im mittleren Lennetal. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 186—187. 64 Davis, Charles A. 88.1 Coccothraustes (77.4) 1900. The Evening Grosbeak in Central Michigan. 1st Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 106. 65 Cholmondeley, E. C. 88.1 Copsychus : 15 1906. Note on the Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Voi. 17 p. 247. [Behaviour before mirror.] 66 Logan, A. C., and E. Blatter. 88.1 Corvus : 11.57 1906. A Brown Crow. — A Brown and White Crow. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 519. (C. splendens.] 67 Tur, Jan. 88.1 Corvus : 13.33 1908. Nouvelle forme singulière de blastoderme sans embryon. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 615—631, 1 pl. [Evolution excessive du para- blaste et de formations vasculaires d’origine parablastique. Ectoderme et mésoderme font absolument défaut.] 68 Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Corvus : 15 1907. Unsere Raben (Corvinae). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchen- zucht Jahrg. 31 p. 429—430, 441, 454—455, 466. 15.6 69 Schuster, W. 88.1 Corvus : 15.4 1905. Das Leben und Treiben der Raben (Corvi) im Winter. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 365—366, 375—376, 385. 54370 Haug. 88.1 Corvus : 16 1899. Nutzen und Schaden unserer Raben. Jahresh. Ver. Math. Nat. Ulm Jahrg. 9 p. 34-42. 16.1,.5 15. I. 1909. 24371 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 24380 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 24390 389 Aves. Sande 88.1 Corvus: 16 1905. Der Nutzen oder Schaden der Krähen. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 135—136. Hollrung, M. 88.1 Corvus : 16 1906. Beiträge zur Bewertung der Saatkrühe auf Grund von 11 jährigen Magenuntersuchungen. Landwirtsch. sid Bd. 35 p. 579—620, 1 fig. 16.1,. Sunnen, M. 88.1 Corvus : 16 1908. Der gemeine Rabe. (Nutzen, Schaden; ein Schlauberger). Monats- ber. Ges. Luxemburg. Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 2 p. 68—71. 16:1,.5 Burns, Frank L. 88.1 Corvus (74.8) 1899. Breeding of the Fish Crow in Pennsylvania. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 33 —34. Gunning, J. W. B. 88.1 Cossypha (68.7) 1908. On a New Species of Cossypha from West Pondoland. Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. Vol. 1 Suppl. p. 2. [C. haagneri.] Sarudny, N. 88.1 Cyanistes (55) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lasurmeisen (Cyanistes.) Ornith. Monats- ber. Jahrg. 16 p. 4—6. [2 nn. subspp.] Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Cyanocitta : 15 1905. Der Blauhäher (Cyanocitta cristata). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Ka- ninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 469—470. Swain, J. Merton. 88.1 Cyanocitta : 15 1900. Notes on the Habits of the Blue Jay in Maine. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 134—135. Dyche, L. L. 88.1 Cyanocitta : 15.3 1908. Some Observations on the Food Habits of the Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata). "Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 130—137. Buterlin, S. 88.1 Cyanosylvia (79.8) 1908. Red-spotted Bluethroat of Alaska. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 35 —37. Brackett, Foster H. 88.1 Dendroica : 15 1899. Winter Notes on the Myrtle Warbler (Dendroica coronata) in Massa- chusetts. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 5—6. Meyer, J. 88.1 Dendroica : 15 1905. Die Krongrasmücke (Sylvia dendroica coronata) Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 479—480. Shufeldt, R. W. 88.1 Dendroica : 15.6 1896. The Nest of the Prairie Warbler. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 35—36, 1 pl. Bowles, J. H. 88.1 Dendroica : 15.6 1897. Nesting Habits of the Black-throated Green Warbler. Osprey Vol. 1 pe 64— 65, H fig. Fuertes, Louis Agassiz. 88.1 Dendroica (74.7) 1899. Two Rare Warblers Observed at Ithaca. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 24. [D. tigrina and rara.] Campbell, W. Howard. 88.1 Dicrurus : 15.6 1906. Nesting of the White bellied Drongo (Dicrurus caerulescens.) Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 248. Cummings, S. G. 88.1 Emberiza (42.9) 1908. Notes on the Habits and Distribution of the Cirl Bunting in North Wales. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 275—279. (42 92—.94) French, C. 88.1 Eopsaltria : 15 1907. Yellow-Breasted Robin. Eopsaltria australis (Larnaw). Journ. Agric. Paris, Paul. 88.1 Erythacus : 15.6 1908. Note sur le nid du Rouge-gorge (Erythacus rubecula). Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 148. Gengler, J. 88.1 Fringilla : 11.57 1908. Fringilla nobilis Scuranx 1798. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der 15. I. 1909. Aves. 390 Schwanzfärbung des Buchfinken. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 171—174. [Weisser Fleck auf der 3. Schwanzfeder.] 24391 McAtee, W. L. 88.1 Fringillidae : 15.3 1908. Food Habits of the Grosbeaks. Bull. No. 32 U. S. Dept. Agric. Bur. biol. Surv., 92 pp., 4 pls., 40 figg. 92 Landois, H. 88.1 Garrulus : 11.57 1903. Ein gebändertschwänziger Eichelhäher. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 185—186. 93 Jackson, Thomas H. 88.1 Geothlypis : 15.6 1908. The Mourning Warbler in Warren Co., Pa. Cassinia Proc. Dela- ware ornith. Club Vol. 12 p. 9—13, 1 pl. 94 Cooke, W. W. 88.1 Harporhynchus (78.8) 1897. Bendire’s Thrasher in Colorado. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 7—8. 95 Townsend, Charles W. 88.1 Helminthophila 1908. On the Status of Brewster’s Warbler (Helminthophila leucobronchialis.) 96 Bowles, J. H. 88.1 Helminthophila : 15.6 1896. Nesting Habits of the Nashville Warbler. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 20— 91, 1 pl. 97 Marten, James. 88.1 Henicurus : 15.6 1906. The Nesting of the Black-backed Forktail (Henicurus immaculatus). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 533. 98 Grant, Claude H. B. 88.1 Heteronyx (68.2) 1908. On a New form of Lark from the Transvaal. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 111. [H. n. g. ruddi n. sp] 99 Fischer-Sigwart, H. 88.1 Hirundo : 15.2 1908. Passage des hirondelles. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Geneve T. 26 p. 558. — Eine Beobachtung über den Schwalbenzug. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. 91. Vers. Bd. 1 p. 273— 274. 24400 Lynes, H. 88.1 Hirundo : 15.2 1908. An Incident in the Southward Migration of the Swallow. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 285—287. 01 White, Stephen J. 88.1 Hirundo : 15.6 1908. Swallow's Nest Built on a Glass Gas Shade. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 354—355, 1 fig. 02 Hartert, E. 88.1 Horeites (59.19) 1908. Description of a New Subspecies of a Warbler (Horeites pallidipes osmastoni) from the Andaman Islands. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 107 —108. 03 Carriker, Henry W. 88.1 Junco : 15 1899. Thurber’s Junco. Osprey Vol. 8 p. 129—130, 2 figg. 15.6 04 Kleffner, Wilh. 88.1 Lanius : 15 1900. Die Laniidae. 28. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 49—51. 15.6 05 Bunyard, Percy F. 88.1 Lanius : 15.6 1908. Eggs of Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 30—32. : 06 Hennemann, W. 88.1 Lanius (43.56) 1904. Beobachtungen über die Würger (Laniidae) im Sauerlande aus den letzten drei Jahren. 39. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 48—50. [Aus Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 29.] à a 07 Martorelli, Giacinto. 88.1 Lanius (49) 1908. Il Lanius homeyeri, Cananis in Italia. Atti Soc. ital. nat. Sc. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 46 p. 257—270, 1 tav. 08 Ohlinger, (Mrs.) M. A. 88.1 Lanius (75.9) 1899. The Butcher Bird in Florida. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 18—19. , 08. . 27% 88.1 Leiothrix : 15 1905. Der Sonnenvogel in Freiheit und Gefangenleben. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 209—210, 226, 241—242, 1 fig. 24410 Procter, F. W. 88.1 Linota (42.29) 1908. The Lesser Redpoll as a Breeding Species in Berkshire. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 312—313. 15. I. 1909. 391 Aves. 24411 Sharpe, R. Bowdler. 88.1 Loborhamphus (95) 1908. On a new species of Bird-of-Paradise (Loborhamphus ptilorhis). Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 67—68. 12 Lemmon, Wm. P. 88.1 Loxia : 14.71 1897. The Formation of the Bill in the Genus Lozia. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 118—119, 8 figg. 13 Mathews, Gregory M. 88.1 Malurus (94.1) 1908. On a new species of Wren (Malurus dulcis) from North-West Aus- tralia. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 100—101. 14 Nichols, J, B. 88.1 Melanocorypha (42.21) 1908. White-winged Lark in Sussex. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 357, 1 fig. 15 Schmid, Emanuel. - 88.1 Menura : 15 1905. Der Leierschwanz (Menura superba). Schweiz. Blitter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 512, 522. 16 Ward, Henry L. 88.1 Merula : 11.57 1908. A Rapid Melanistic and Subsequent Partial Albinistic Change in a Caged Robin. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 43—47. 17 Surface, H. A. 88.1 Merula : 16.1 1908. Robins Destroy Wireworms. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. 18 Grant, Claude H. B. 88.1 Mirafra (67.9) 1908. Exhibition of a Lark new to the Avifauna of S. Africa. Buli. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 111. 19 Jacobs, J. Warren. 88.1 Mniotilta : 15.6 1899. Nesting of the Black-and-White Warbler. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 71—72. 20 Burns, Frank L. 88.1 Mniotiltidae (74.8) 1898. A Warbler Census. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 18—50. [Estimate of breed- ing birds in Chester Co., Pa.] 21 Whitehead, €. H. T. 88.1 Molpastes (54.5) 1908. On a new species of Bulbul (Molpastes magrathi) from Bannu. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 48. 24422 Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Montifringilla : 15 1905. Der Schneefink (Montifringilla). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 479. 23 Krohn, H. 88.1 Muscicapa 1908. Berichtigung betreffend Muscicapa parva Becusr. Ornith. Monats- ber. Jahrg. 16 p. 12—13. «Aue 88.1 Muscicapa : 15 1905. Der graue Fliegenschnäpper und sein Verhalten gegen die Bienen. Pet ai Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 521—522, 531— 533. i 25 Butterfield, E, P. 88.1 Muscicapa : 15 1908. Notes on the Pied Flycatcher (Muscicapa atricapilla). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 222—225. 26 Fenton, L. L. 88.1 Nucifraga : 15.3 1906. Food of the Himalayan Nutcracker (Nucifraga hemispila). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 229. 27 Harrington, H. H. 88.1 Oreicola : 15.6 1906. The Variation in the Colour of the Eggs of the Dark Grey Bush Chat (Oreicola ferrea). Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 249— 250. 98 Koenen, Otto. 88.1 Oriolus : 15.6 1908. Einiges vom Neste des Pirols. 36. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 102—104. 99 Hennemann, W. 88.1 Parus (43.56) 1907. Die Tannenmeise, Parus ater L., im Sauerlande. 35. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Yer. Zool. Sekt. p. 71—72. 24430 v. Burg, Gustav. SS.1 Parus (194) 1907. Ueber die Verbreitung der Graumeisen iu der Schweiz. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 31 p. 477—478, 489—490. 15. I. 1909. 24431 32 33 34 35 36 47 48 24449 Aves. 392 de Burg, Gustave. 88.1 Parus (494) 1908. Les mésanges grises en Suisse. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 25 p. 373—316. Carriker, M. A. 88.1 Parus (78.2) 1900. The Chickadee (Parus atricapillus) in Eastern Nebraska. Osprey Yol. 4 p. 138—139. Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Passer : 15 1905. Der Sperling (Passer domesticus). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 405—406, 414—415. Musson, C. T. 88.1 Passer (94.4) 1907/08. The House Sparrow in New South Wales. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 535—538, 914—917; Vol. 19 p. 127—135. — Sparrows by A. J. Mrrcnugrr. p. 814—815. Bartsch, Paul. 88.1 Petrochelidon : 15.6 en Primitive Nesting Sites of the Cliff Swallow. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 6, l fig. Haecker, Valentin. 88.1 Phylloscopus (4) 1908. Ueber das Vorrücken des Berglaubvogels. (Phylloscopus bonnellii.) Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. b nor uad Jahrg. 64 p. 334—345, 1 fig. (43.41) Raspail, Xavier. 88.1 Pica : 15.3 1908. Sur l’enlèvement des œufs d'oiseaux par la pie. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 149—151, 1 fig. Chubb, E. C. 88.1 Pinarornis (68.9) 1908. Description of a New Species of Babbling Thrush from Rhodesia. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 110—111. [P. rhodesiae n. sp.] Sharpe, R. Bowdler. 88.1 Podoces 1907. A Note on Podoces pleskei, Zarunny. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 555—557, 1 pl. Chubb, E. C. 88.1 Poliospiza (68.9) 1908. Description of a new species of Finch (Poliospiza mennelli) from Rhodesia. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 62. Surface, H. A. 88.1 Progne : 15 1908. A Martin Colony. Zool. Bull. Pennsylvania Dept. Agric. Vol. 5 p. 311—312. — Something about the Purple Martin (Progne subis), by J. Warren Jacoss, p. 312—317, 4 pls. 15.2 2 Loucks, W. E. 88.1 Protonotaria : 15 1898. Life History of the Prothonotary Warbler. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 99— 102, 111—113, 129—131, 1 fig. French, C. 88.1 Psophodes : 16.1 1907. The Coach-Whip Bird. Psophodes crepitans (Vısors and Horsrretp). Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 5 p. 209—210, 1 pl. Musson, C. T. 88.1 Pteropodocys : 16.1 1908. A Native Bird destroying the Sparrow. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 680. [Pteropodocys phasianella.] Gill, Theodore. 88.1 Ptilorhynchus : 15 1900. Esthetic Birds. The Bower Birds of Australia and New Guinea. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 67—71, 3 figg. Andrewes, H. Leslie. 88.1 Pycnonotidae : 15.3 1908. The Bulbul feeding its Young on specially Protected Insects. Trans. entom. Soc. London 1908 p. XXXI—XXXIII. Schuster, Wilhelm. 88.1 Pyrrhula : 15.8 1908. Der hessische Vogelsberg als Dorado der Welt-Gimpelzucht (Pyr- rhula vulgaris) Festschr. 100 jühr. Best. Wetterau.-Ges. ges. Naturk. Hanau a. M. p. 71—74. [Gesang.] Magrath, H. A. F. - 88.1 Remiza (54.5) 1906. Occurrence of Remiza (Aegithalus) coronatus in Kohat. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 524—525. Raspail, Xavier. 88.1 Rubecula : 15.6 1908. Sur l'établissement judicieux d'un nid de Rouge-Gorge. Bull. Soc, zool. France T. 33 p. 122—124. 15. L 1909. 393 Aves ‘24450 North, Alfred J. 88.1 Sauloprocta : 15.6 1908. On an Unusual Nesting-Site of Sauloprocta melaleuca. Rec. Austral. Mus. Vol. 7 p. 21—23. 51 Ries, A. ` 88.1 Saxicela (43.31) 1908. Uber eine lokale Verbreitung des Steinschmätzers (Saxicola oenanthe L.) durch die menschliche Kultur. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 169—170. 52 Grant-Ogilvie, W. R. 88.1 Saxicola (62) 1908. Description of a new species of Chat (Saxicola harkeri) from the Sudan. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 94. 53 Nicoll, M. J. 88.1 Scotocerca (62) 1908. Description of a new subspecies of Grass-Warbler (Seotocerca in- quieta innesi from Egypt. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 98. 54 Davenport, Charles B. 88.1 Serinus : 11.5 1908. Inheritance in Canaries. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 452—453; (Pap. Stat. Exper. Evol. No. 10.) Publ. Carnegie Inst. Washington No. 95, 26 pp., 3 pls. 11.58 55 Bateson, W. 88.1 Serinus : 11.56 1908. Determination of Sex: a Correction. Nature Vol. 78 p. 665. 56 Noorduyn, C. L. W. 88.1 Serinus : 11.57 1908. Die Erblichkeit der Farben bei Kanarienvögeln. Arch. Rass.-Ges.- Biol. Jahrg. 5 p. 161—177. 57 Neunzig, Karl. 88.1 Serinus : 15 1901. Der Kanarienvogel und seine Naturgeschichte. Ibis Berlin Jahrg. 30 p. 58—59, 76—77. 58 Brownell, L. W. 88.1 Sialia : 15 1908. Home Life of the Bluebird. The Story of a Harbinger of Spring. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 204—205, 4 figg. 59 Inglis, Chas. M. 88.1 Siphia (59.1) 1906. Occurrence of the Indian Red-breasted Flycatcher (Siphia hypery- thra) in Bengal. Journ. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 520. 24450 Haines, Edwin Irvine. 88.1 Sitta : 15 1897. Remarks on the Habits of the White-Breasted Nuthatch. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 143—145. 61 Fisher, Wm. H. 88.1 Spizella : 15.6 1898. A Double Nest. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 69, 1 fig. 62 Peabody, P. B. 88.1 Sturnella : 15 1897. Song Notes and Nesting Notes of the Western Meadowlark. Os- prey Vol. 1 p. 139—141, 1 fig. 15.6,.8 ‘63 Schmid, Emanuel. 88.1 Sturnus : 15 1905. Der Star (Sturnus vulgaris). Schweiz. Blitter Ornith. Kaninchen- zucht Jahrg. 29 p. 181—152, 193—194, 196—197. ‘64 Helm, F. 88.1 Sturnus : 15.2 1908. Neuere Untersuchungen über den Herbstzug des Stars. Journ. Ornith. Jahrg. 56 p. 154—164. '65 Schuster, Ludwig. 88.1 Sturnus : 15.3 1908. Uber den Nahrungserwerb des Stares im Flug. 36. Jahresber. westfil. Prov.-Ver. p. 72—73. 66 Hennemann, W. 88.1 Sturnus : 15.6 1907. Aus dem Starenleben im Jahre 1906. 85. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.- Ver. Zool. Sekt. p. 61—62. 67 Engelhardt, George P. 88.1 Sturnus (74.7) 1908. ‘The Starling in Brooklyn. Museum News Brooklyn Inst. Arts Sc. 1908 p. 85—87. 68 Nicoll, M. J. 88.1 Sylvia : 15.6 1908. Whitethroats. A Study of a Common Bird. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 397, 3 figg. 24469 Neumann, Oscar. 88.1 Sylviidae (6) 1908. A Revision of the Genus Calamocichla Szarpr. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 244—252. [C. ansorgei nilotica n. subsp. Hemiellisia n. g. pro Calamo- herpe newtoni.] (66.53,.99, 67.3,.6, 68.2—.4) 15. I. 1909, Aves. 394 24470 Baskett, James Newton. 88.1 Troglodytes : 15.6 1896. Some Notes on the Nesting of the House Wren. Osprey Vol. 1 pe 17—18. 71 Kemp, Robin. 88.1 Turdinus (66.9) 1908. On a New Species of Babbler from Lower Nigeria. Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club Vol. 21 p. 111—112. [T. phedei n. sp.] 72 Cannarella, Pietro. 88.1 Turdus : 11.5 1908. Variazioni individuali e sessuali del „Turdus musicus“ ex n. ScuRANCK. Biologica Torino Vol. 1 p. 479—493. [Variazioni della lunghezza.] 73 Grinnell, J. 88.1 Vireo 1908. The Name of the California Least Vireo. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 85—86. TH. bellii albatus.] 74 Parker, J. P. 88.1 Vireo : 15.6 1896. Nesting of the Warbling Vireo. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 4. 75 Kells, Wm. L. 88.1 Vireo (71.1) 1896. The Warbling Vireo. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 25—26. 76 Miller, W. De Witt. 88.6 Chiroxiphia (801) 1908. A Review of the Manakins of the Genus Chiroxiphia. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 331—343, 1 pl. [Ch. napensis n. sp.] (86.6) 71 Barlow, Chester. 88.6 Contopus : 15.6 1897. Nesting of the Olive-sided Flycatcher. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 47—48, 1 fig. 78 Carriker, M. A. 88.6 Formicariidae (728) 1908. Notes on Costa Rican Formicariidae. (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 53). Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 5 p. 8—10. 79 Hellmayr, C. E. 88.6 Percnostola (8) 1908. Ubersicht der Formen der Gattung Percnostola. Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 140—143. [1 n. subsp.] (81, 88) 24480 Bangs, Outram. 88.6 Rhynchocyclus (86) 1908. A New Tyrant-Bird from the Santa Marta Region of Colombia. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 163—174. [Rhynchocyclus sulphues- cens exortivus n. subsp.] 81 Bowdish, B. S. ; 88.6 Tyrannidae : 15.6 1908. Our American Flycatchers. Some Feathered Benefactors. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 226—227, 7 figg. Mitchell, Walton I. 88.6 Tyrannidae (77.6) 1897. Flycatchers of Minnesota. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 79—81. — Flycatcher Notes, by P. B. Prasopy. p. 105—106. O0 bo 83 Howe, Reginald Heber. 88.6 Tyrannus : 15.6 1898. A Curious Site for a Kingbird’s Nest. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 50, 1 fig. 84 Ward, Harold C. 88.9 Aéronautes : 15.6 1898. Nesting of the White-Throated Swift. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 41—42, 1 fig. 85 Hartert, Ernst. 88.9 Apus 1908. Zur Nomenclatur der Fahlsegler. Ornith. Monatsber. Jahrg. 16 p. 9—11. 86 Paris, Paul. 88.9 Apus : 15 1907. Note sur le Martinet noir (Apus apus) en captivité. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 147. 87 Hellmayr, C. E. 88.9 Chaetura (801) 1908. Ubersicht der südamerikanischen Arten der Gattung Chaetura (s. str) Verh. ornith. Ges. Bayern Bd. 8 p. 144—161. (128, 729.8, 81, 82, 85—88) 88 Jennings, Allan H. 88.9 Chordeiles : 15.3 1908. Mosquitoes Destroyed by the Nighthawk. Proc. entom. Soc. Washington Vol. 10 p. 61--62. 89 Breninger, George F. 88.9 Coeligena : 15.6 1899. A Nest of the Blue-Throated Hummingbird. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 86. 24490 Willard, F. €. 88.9 Eugenes : 15 1899. Notes on Eugenes fulgens. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 65—66, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. 395 Aves. 24491 Millar, Alfred D. 88.9 Halcyon : 15.6 1908. On the Nidification of the Striped Kingfisher (Halcyon chelicuti). Journ. Soath Afric. Ornith. Union Vol. 4 p. 37—39. 92 Mead, Charles W. 88.9 Trochilidae : 15 1908. Hummingbird and Hornet. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 408. [Bird pursued by hornet.] 93 Simon, E.. et C. E. Hellmayr. 88.9 Trochilidae (801) 1903. Notes critiques sur quelques Trochilidae. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 1—2. [1 n. subsp. in Basilinna.] (728) 94 De Marchi, Marco. 88.9 Trochilidae (82) 1907. I trochilidi dell’ Argentina. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 632 — 729, 9 tav. 95 VanGorder, W. B. 88.9 Trochilus : 15 1908. Notes on the Humming Bird. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1907 p. 59 —60. [Daily visits of flowers.] 96 Bevir, J. L. 88.9 Upupa : 15 1903. The Hoopoe. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 2 p. 326—328. 97 Speedy, Tom. 89 (42) 1908. British Birds of Prey. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. micr. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 20—30. 89:157 98% 8%1:15 1905. Aus dem Gefangenleben einiger Raubvógel. Schweiz, Blätter Ornith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 240—241, 255—956, 468—469. 99 Lodge, R. B. 89.1 : 15 1908. Experiences with Eagles and Vultures in the Carpathians. .Zoolo- gist (4) Vol. 12 p. 401—406, 1 pl. 24500 Bentham, C. H., and L. B. Mouritz. 89.1 (42.21) 1908. Breeding of the Hen-Harrier and Hobby in Surrey in 1907. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 237—242, 2 figg. 01 Saeftel, A. 89.1 (81) 1908. Die Aasgeier Brasiliens. Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 425—426, 3 figg. 02 Phillott, D. C. 89.1 Aesalon (54.5) 1907. Note on the Red-headed Merlin (Aesalon chicquera). Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Vol. 3 p. 395—399. 03 Phillott, D. C. 89.1 Aesalon (54.5) 1908. Note on the Common Merlin (Aesalon regulus). Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Vol. 3 p. 601—602. 04 Cameron, E. S. 89.1 Aquila : 15.6 1908. Observations on Golden Eagle in Montana. The Auk N. S. Vol. 05 Fisher, Wm. H. 89.1 Aquila (75.2) 1899. Nesting of the Bald Eagle in Baltimore County, Md. Osprey Vol. 4 p. 21. 06 Rolfe, E. S. 89.1 Archibuteo : 15 6 1896, Nesting of the Ferruginous Roughleg. Osprey Vol. ! p. 8—10, 1 pl. 07 Cameron, E. S. 89.1 Buteo : 14.8.7 1908. Changes of Plumage in Buteo swainsoni. The Auk N.S. Vol. 25 p. 468—471. 08 Hoag, Benjamin. 89.1 Buteo : 15.6 1897. Are Green Eggs of the Red-tailed Hawk Rare? Osprey Vol. 1 p. 78-79. 09 Fischer-Sigwart, H. 89.1 Buteo (494) 1908. Der Mäusebussard. Buteo vulgaris Leaca (1814). Seine Biologie und Verbreitung in der Schweiz. Aarau, Sauerl. & C. 8°, 29 pp. [Sep. aus der „Tierwelt“.] 10 Riley, J. H. à 89.1 Buteo (729) 1908. Notes on the Broad-winged Hawks of the West Indies, with Des- cription of a New Form. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 268—276. [Buteo platypterus insulicola n. subsp.] (729.7) 24511 Peabody, P. B. 89.1 Circus : 15 1896. My Marsh Hawk Finds. Osprey Vol. 1 p. 36—38, 49—51. 15. I. 1909. 24512 30 31 24532 A ves. 396 Ingram, Collingwood. 89.1 Circus (42.21) 1908. Montagu’s Harrier in Surrey. Zoologist (4) Vol, 12 p. 308—311, 1 fig. W[itherby], H. F. 89.1 Circus (42.21) 1908. ,Hen-Harrier“ Nesting in Surrey. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 350—354, l fig. Forrest, H. E. 89.1 Circus (42.92) 1902. Montagu’s Harrier in North Wales. Field Natural. Quarterly Vol. 1 p. 186—189, 1 pl. 5 Phillott, D. C. 89.1 Falco (54.5) 1907. Note on the Shahin Falcons (Falco peregrinator and F. barbarus, Buanrorp). Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Vol. 3 p. 389—393. Finley, William L. 89.1 Gymnogyps : 15 1908. Studying the Condor in its Native Haunts. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Yol. 66 p. 10—12. Finley, Wiliam L. 89.1 Gymnogyps (79.4) 1908. The California Condor. Scient. Amer. Vol. 99 p. 7—8, 6 figg. Knauer, Friedrich. 89.1 Gypaetus 1908. Der Bartgeier. Ein Verschwundener der deutschen Fauna. Pro- metheus Jahrg. 19 p. 33—38, 5 figg. Salvadori, T. 89.1 Gyps (63) 1908. Gyps erlangeri, nov. sp. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23, No. 576, 6 pp. Shufeldt, R. W. 89.1 Ictinia : 15.6 1908. Notes on the Nest and Eggs of the Mississippi Kite (Ictinia missi- ssippiensis). Wilson Bull. Vol. 20 p. 163—164, 1 pl. Ysern y Fixe, Francisco. 89.1 Neophron : 15.6 1908. Algunas observaciones sobre la nidificacion del ,, Neophron percnopterus“ Lin. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 390—393. Kellerhals, A. 89.7 1905. Einheimische Nachtraubvögel oder Eulen. Schweiz. Blätter Or- nith. Kaninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 599—600, 612—613. Allen, J. A. 89.7 1908. The Case of Strix vs. Aluco. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 288—291. Kumlien, Ludwig. 89.7 Asio : 15 1899. Habits of Young Short-eared Owls. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 69—70, 1 fig. Whitaker, J. 89.7 Asio : 15.6 1908. Short-eared Owls nesting at Rainworth. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 461—468, 1 fig. Witherby, H. F., and N. F. Ticehurst. 89.7 Athene : 15.2 1908. The Spread of the Little Owl from the Chief Centres of its Pro- duction. Brit. Birds Vol. 1 p. 335—342. Oberholser, Harry C. 89.7 Bubo 1908. A New Great Horned Owl from Venezuela, with Notes on the Names of the American Forms. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Sc. Bull. Vol. 1 p. 871—374. [B. virginianus scotinus n. subsp.] Breninger, Geo. F. 89.7 Glaucidium 1898. The Furruginous Pygmy Owl. Osprey Vol. 2 p. 128, 1 fig. Schmid, Emanuel, 89.7 Otus : 15 1907. Die Waldohreule (Otus vulgaris). Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Kanin- chenzucht Jahrg; 31 p. 259, 277—278. Bangs, Outram. 89.7 Strix 1908. A New Name for the Texan Barred Owl. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 316. [Strix varia albogilva n. nom. pro St. nebulosum helveolum Banes non LicHTENSTEI.] Purdy, R. J. W. 89.7 Strix : 11.99 1908. The Occasional Luminosity of the white Owl (Strix flammea). Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 547—552. Cohen, D. A. 89.7 Strix : 15 1899. Habits of the Barn Owl in Captivity. Osprey Vol. 3 p. 68—69. 15. I. 1909. 397 Aves — Mammalia. 24533 Wemer, Paul. 89.7 Strix : 15.3 1904. Unsere Eulen und ihre Nahrung. 32. Jahresber. westfil. Prov.- Ver. p. 62—72. 34 Wayne, Arthur T. 89.7 Strix (75.7) 1908. The Breeding Season of the American Barn Owl (Strix pratincola) in South Carolina. The Auk N. S. Vol. 25 p. 21—25. 39 Hine, James S. 89.7 Strix (77.1) 1908. Note on the American Barn Owl. Ohio Natural. Vol. 8 p. 290. XLIX. 59.9—9.8 Mammalia (excl. Bimana). (Vide etiam: 11988, 12021, 12026, 12030—12033, 12039, 12040, 12059, 12060, 12064, 12068, 12071, 12073, 12080, 12082, 12086, 12088, 12089, 12091 — 12096, 12099, 12100, 12106—12110, 12112, 12125, 12312, 12315, 12331, 12778—12780, 12783, 12864, 12887, 12903, 12908, 12916, 12068, 13284, 13290, 13351, 13514, 13915, 14389, 14829, 14830, 14832, 15421, 15429, 15478, 15485, 15499— 15494, 15551, 15586, 15676, 15677, 15705, 15706, 15713, 15744, 15864, 15886, 15919, 15977, 15979, 15999, 16001, 16003, 16006, 16007, 16010, 16011, 16014, 16016, 16022, 16023, 16026, 16028, 16037, 16049, 16055, 16063, 16070, 22630, 22631, 29634— 22637, 22640 — 22644, 22656, 22657, 22661, 22662, 22664, 22670, 22673, 22674, 22676 — 22681, 22684, 22685, 2268722689, 22691 —22693, 22695, 22697, 22698, 22701 —22704, 22707, 22709—22721, 22723, 22726, 22727, 22730, 22735, 22738— 22740, 22743, 22746, 22748, 22751—22764; 22766, 22767, 22771, "99778, 22775— 22777, 22779, 22790— 22799, 22801— 29803, 22805, 22807, 22808, 22811, 22812, 22814, 22816, 22818, 22821, 22822, 22831, 22836, 22841, 22843 — 22846, 22848.) 36 Gadow, Hans. 9, 1902. The Origin of the Mammalia. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 345—364, 18 figg. [Evolution of Mammalia from reptilian stock.] 24537 Abel, 0. 9 1908. Die Anfänge des Säugetierstammes. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 57 p. (249) —(250). 38 Abel, 0. 9. 1908. Neuere Studien über die Systematik und Stammesgeschichte der Halbaffen und über den Fund eines angeblichen Vorfahren des Menschen in Südamerika, Tetraprothomo argentinus Amecuino. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (35)— (88). 9.81—.9 39 Allen, J. A. 9 1908. Mammalogical Notes. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 579 — 589, 4 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Ardops, Molossus. Types, localities and ex- tension of range, concrescence in premolars of a bat.] (71.2, 729.3, 78.9) 9.32,.4,.735,.74 40 Hilzheimer, Max. 9 1908. Wie sollen wir die Haustiere benennen? Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 182 — 187. 4l Matthew, W. D. 9 1908. Mammalian Migrations between Europe and North America. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 68— 70. 42 Poche, Franz. 9 1908. Einige notwendige Aenderungen in der mammalogischen Nomen- clatur. Zool. Annal. Bd. 2 p. 269—272. [Thomasia n. nom. pro Ducrolestes Prien. non Scum. Gös. Thomasiidae pro Microlestidae, Mungosinae pro, Herpestinae, Aotina pro Nyctipithecinae.] 9.2,.74,.82 43 Toldt, K. jr. 9:07 1908. Róntgenogramme von kleinen Säugetieren. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (234)—(236). 24544 Poppius, B. R., och A. Luther. 9:07 (47.1) 1908. Det finska museets diggdjursamling. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora fennica Häft 34 p. 59—68. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 398 24545 Cesari, Luigi, 9 : 11.044 1906. Esperienze preliminari circa l’ influenza dell’ elettricità atmosferica sulla vita animale. Atti Soc. al Modena Vol. 7 p. 61—63, 1 fig. 9.32 46 Hill, Leonard, and M. Greenwood, jr. 9 : 11.044 1908. The Influence of Increased Barometrie Pressure on Man. No. 4. — The Relation of Age and Body Weight to Decompression Effects. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 12—24. [Relative immunity (depend- ing on rapid circulation) of smaller animals to rapid decompression. Little advantage on the side of young animals.] 47 Achard, Ch. et E. Feuillie. DEE 1908. Sur l’activité leucocytaire. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 17—19. [Parmi globules blanes mis en présence d’encre de Chine dans eau phy- siologique ce sont presque exclusivement les polynucléaires qui se char- gent du charbon. Augmentation considérable d’activité leucocyt. en cas d’ictère ete.] 48 Guyot, G. 9 sb 1908. Ueber die Agglutinabilitát der mit Formalin fixierten roten Blut- kórperchen und der Blutkórperchenstromata. Beitrag zum Studium der Hàmagglutination. Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 48 p. 330 — 334. 49 Konradi, Daniel. DIT 1908, Ist die erworbene Immunität vererbbar? Centralbl. Bakt. Parasit. Abt. 1 Orig. Bd. 46 p. 41—48, 139—148. [Immunität der Nachkommen, wenn mütterl. Immunit. nach Conception erworben. Bei Imm. der Eltern vor Concept., Resultate verschieden. (Hund, Lyssaimmunit.).] 9.74 50 Loeffler und [Paul] Uhlenhuth. SRE EE 1908. Bericht über das Nersser-Sacus’sche Verfahren zur forensischen Unterscheidung von Menschen- und Tierblut. Klin. Jahrb. Bd. 19 p. 42 — 51. 24551 Neisser, M., und H. Sachs. 9:11.11 1908. Untersuchungen über das Verfahren von M. Neisser und H. Sacus zur forensichen Uunterscheidung von Menschen- und Tierblut. Klin. Jahrb. Bd. 19 p. 69—90. 52 Nerking, Joseph. Le i la 1906. Die Verteilung des Lecithins im tierischen Organismus. Biochem. Zeitschr. Bd. 10 p. 193—208. [Auffallend hoher Gesamtlecithingehalt des gegen Schlangengift ziemlich immunen Jgels.] 9.33 53 Reichert, Edward T., and Amos P. Brown. d Bake 1908. Preliminary Report upon a Crystallographic Study of the Hemo- globins: a Contribution to the Specificity of Corresponding Vital Sub- stances in Different Vertebrates. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 47 p. 298 —501. [Crystals of species of any genus belong to a crystallographic group.] 54 Schulz und Marx. Ore aed 1908. Untersuchungen über das Verfahren von H. Nrısser u. H. Sacus zur forensischen Unterscheidung von Menschen- und Tierblut. Klin. Jahrb. Bd. 19 p. 63—68. 55 Wassermann. 9 : 11.11 1908. Untersuchungen über das Verfahren von M. Neısser und H. Sacus zur forensischen Unterscheidung von Menschen- u. Tierblut. Klin. Jahrb. Bd. 19 p. 52—62. 56 Rubner, Max. 9:113 1908. Das Wachstumsproblem und die Lebensdauer des Menschen und einiger Säugetiere vom energetischen Standpunkt aus betrachtet. Sitz.- Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1908 p. 32—47. — Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 58 p. 546—551, 619—623, 679—684. 11.34,.39 24557 Rubner, Max. 9 : 113 1908. Das Wachstumsproblem und die Lebensdauer des Menschen und einiger Säugetiere vom energetischen Standpunkt aus betrachtet. Arch. Hyg. Bd. 66 p. 127—208, 2 figg. 11.34,.39 15. I. 1909. ` 24558 60 61 63 24564 65 67 68 69 70 24571 399 Mammalia. Ganzer, H. 9:11.31 1908. Über die Bewegungsbahn des Unterkiefers, insbesondere beim Menschen und bei den Nagetieren. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 156—164, 5 figg. 9.32,.9 Wellmann, 0. 9 : 11.33 1908. Untersuchungen über den Umsatz von Ca, Mg und P bei hun- gernden Tieren. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bd. 121 p. 508—533. [Ca- und P- verlust der Knochen während des Hungers. Zunahme des Wassergehaltes der Knochen.] Babes, V. 9 : 11.4 1908. Les rapports entre la graisse, le pigment et des formations cris- tallines dans les capsules surrénales. (Réunion biol. Bucarest). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 83—84. [Formations cristallines dues sans doute a décomposition de graisse capsulaire.] Kreidl, Alois, und Alfred Neumann. 9 : 11.46 1908. Über ultramikroskopische Beobachtungen an Frauen- und Tier- milch. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 36—88. [Laktokonien.] — Ueber die ultramikroskopischen Teilchen der Milch (Laktokonien). I. Die Identifizierung der Ultrateilchen und ihre Beziehungen zur Labgerinnung. Sitz,-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 3 p. 113—121. 9.32,.735,.74,.9 2 Neumann, Alfred. 9 : 11.46 1908. Ueber die in der Tiermilch vorkommenden Ultrateilchen (Lakto- konien). (Ges. inn. Med. Kinderheilk. Wien. München. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 55 p. 829, [Fehlen in der Frauenmilch, erscheinen bei ver- schiedenen Tieren zu versch. Zeiten.] Hagmann, G. 9 : 11.52 1908. Die Landsäugetiere der Insel Mexiana. Als Beispiel der Einwir- kung der Isolation auf die Umbildung der Arten. Arch. Rass.-Ges.-Biol. Jahrg. 5 p. 1—31, 2 Taf., 6 figg. 9.2,.31,.32,.72,.73,.735,.74,.82 Ernst, Paul. 9 : 11:59 1906. Les monstruosités animales dans leurs rapports avec l’organogénie expérimentale et la phylogénie. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève (4) T. 22 p. 3875—3880. Bishop, Mabel. 9 : 11.59 1908. Heart and Anterior Arteries in Monsters of the Dicephalus Group: a Comparative Study of Cosmobia. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 441— 472, 7 pls. 3 Lesbre, F, X., et A. Gilly. 9 : 11.59 1908. Etude d'un monstre ischio-ectopage, suivie de considérations gé- nérales sur l’ischiopagie complexe. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44. p. 357—381, 14 figg. 9.735 Lesbre, F, X., et J. Jarricot. 9271:1559 1908. Etude sur la notomélie. Rapports avec la mélomélie et la pygo- mélie. Nouvelle interprétation. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 17 p. 248—281, 16 figg. [Monstruosité caractérisée par existence d'un ou deux membres surnuméraires insérés sur le dos.] 9.735 Wilder, Harris Hawthorne. 9 : 11.59 1908. The Morphology; of Cosmobia; Speculations Concerning the Signi- ficance of Certain Types of Monsters. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 355 —440, 4 pls., 32 figg. Emerson, Haven. 9 : 11.69 1904. Studies upon the Capsule of the Kidney. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 128 p. 692—710, 5 figg. [Decapsulation followed by reformation.] alte 9 : 11.69 1908, Regeneration of Bone. Med. Rec. N. Y. Vol. 73 p. 483. 9.32 Axhausen, Georg. 9: 11.69 1908. Die histologischen und klinischen Gesetze der freien Osteoplastik auf Grund von Thierversuchen. Arch. klin. Chir. Bd. 88 p. 23—145, 4 Taf. 9.32,.74 15. L 1909. Mammalia. 400 24572 Capelle. 9 : 11.69 1908. Ueber Dauerresultate nach Gefiss- und Organtransplantationen. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 2012—2013. [Auch Schilddrüsen- transplantation.] 9.32, 14 73 Carrel, Alexis. 9 : 11.69 1908. La transplantation des membres. Rev. Chir. Paris Ann. 28 p. 613—681. 9.74 74 Carrel, Alexis. 9 : 11.69 1908. Results of the Transplantation of Blood-vessels and Organs. (59th Sess. Amer. med. Ass.) Med. Rec. New York Vol. 73 p. 967—768. 75 De Palma, Antonio. 9: 11.69 1908. Sulla rigenerazione epatica e processo di riparazione delle ferite del fegato. Ann. Ippocrate Milano Anno 2 p. 208—210, 235 —241. 76 Flörcken, H. 9 : 11.69 1908. Experimenteller Beitrag zur Frage des Kollateralkreislaufs der Niere. Deutsch. Zeitschr. Chir. Bd. 95 p. 591—596. [Ausbleiben einer arteriellen Gefässverbindung zwischen Netz u. Niere nach einseitiger Nephrotomie mit Implantation des Netzes in den Nierenspalt.] 77 Foges, A[rthur]. Se 11:69 1908. Schicksal von transplantierten Genitaldrüsen. (Ges. Aerzte Wien.) Wien. med. Wochenschr, Jahrg. 58 p. 410—411. — Wien. klin. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 21 p. 271. [Degeneration v. Hoden u. Ovarien nach Ver- pflanzung in die Milz.] 9.32 78 Galeazzi, Riccardo. 9 : 11.69 1908. Sul trapianto della cartilagine interepifisaria. Rend. Ist. lombard. (2) Vol. 41 p. 111—116. 9.32,.9 24579 Guthrie, C. C. 9 : 11.69 1908. Further Results on Heterotransplantation of Blood Vessels. (Proc. Amer. Physiol. Soc. Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 21 p. XVII—XVIII. 9.32,.74 80 Kyrle, J. 9 311-69: 1908. Ueber die Regenerationsvorginge im tierischen Pankreas. (Eine experimentell-pathologische Studie) Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 141— 160, 1 Taf. [Bildung neuen Parenchyms von den Ausführungsgängen her. — Neubildung Lanceruans’scher Inseln aus jungen Ausführungs- gängen.] 9.32,.74 81 Marinesco, G., et J. Minea. 9 311.69 1908. Note sur les changements morphologiques des cellules des gang- lions greffés sur des animaux privés de leur appareil thyroparathyroidien. (Réun. biol. Bucarest.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 239—241. [Ap- pareil thyroparathyroidien exerce action stimulante sur processus histo- logiques dans ganglions greffés et active neuronophagie. (Ablation de cet appareil exerce action ralentissante).] 82 Marshall, F. H. A., and W. A. Jolly. 9:11.69 1908. On the Results of Heteroplastic Ovarian Transplantation as Com- pared with those Produced by Transplantation in the same Individual. Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 115—120, 1 fig. [Trans- plantation of ovaries into kidney is more successful than on peritoneum. Presence of grafted ovary in abnormal position (whether from same or from another individual) is sufficient to arrest degenerative changes of uterus. Ovarian influence on uterus is therefore chemical rather than nervous in nature.] 24583 Morpurgo, B. 9 : 11.69 1908. Ueber Parabiose von Säugetieren verschiedenen Geschlechtes. Vor- làufige Mitteilung. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 2447, 1 fig. [Weisse Ratten.] 9.32 15. I. 1909, 401 Mammalia. 24584 Morpurgo, B. 9 : 11.69 1908. Sulla parabiosi di mammiferi di sesso diverso. Ricerche sperimen- tali. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze Vol. 5 p. 27—32, 1 fig. (II. Congr. Soc. ital. Progr. Sc. Firenze.) Pathologica Genova Anno 1 p. 38. [Topi albini di sesso diverso uniti medianti ampia celostomia laterale si sviluppano per- fettamente coi caratteri sessuali del proprio sesso. E possibile la gravi- denza della femmina, quando la coppia conviva con maschi liberi. Topi di diverso grado di sviluppo non si pareggiano, ma quello più debile deperisce rapidamente, mentre il più forte cresce.] .33 85 Papin, E. 9 : 11.69 1908. A propos des essais de transplantations du rein et du tissu rénal. Biol. méd. Ann, 6 p. 45—65, 5 figg. [Revue.] 86 Perroncito, Aldo. 9: 11:69 1908. Zur Frage der Nervenregeneration. Beobachtungen und neue Ex- perimente. Beitr. path; Anat. allg. Path. Bd. 44 p. 575—580. [Polemik gegen BerHE.] 87 Sauerbruch, F., und M. Heyde. 9 : 11.69 1908. Ueber Parabiose künstlich vereinigter Warmblüter. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 153—156. [Dauernde organische Vereinigung erzielt bei jugendl. Kaninchen gleichen Geschlechts und aus einem Wurf. Allmáühlich einstellende Bewegungskoordination. Direkte Blutkommuni- kation. Uebergang lóslicher Stoffe, sowie von Bakterien von einem Tier zum andern. (Körperseiten in 10 cm langem Schnitt vereinigt).] 9.32 88 Stich, [R.]. 9 : 11.69 1908. Uber die Implantation von Venenstücken in resezierte Arterien. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 B p. 52—54. 9.32, 14 89 Stich, R., und M. Makkas. 9 : 11.69 1908. Zur Transplantation der Schilddrüse mittels Gefässnaht. Beitr. klin. Chir. Bd. 60 p. 431—449, 3 Taf., 4 figg. 9.74 24590 Stilling, H. 9 : 11.69 1908. Versuche über Transplantation. III. Mitteilung. Ueber den Bau und die Transplantation des Epoophoron. Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Pathol. Bd. 43 p. 263—283, 1 Taf., 5 figg. [Erfolgreiche Transplant. in der Milz. Struktur bleibt normal, keine Neigung zur Wucherung. Mit- überpflanztes Ovarialepithel geht zu Grunde.] 9.32 91 Stoerk, Oskar, und Hans v. Haberer. 9 : 11.69 1908. Ueber das anatomische Verhalten intrarenal eingepflanzten Neben- nierengewebes. Arch. klin. (bir. nie 87 p. 893—930, 1 Taf., 7 figg.! 9.32,.74 92 Tomita, Chutaro. 9 : 11.69 1905. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über Knochentransplantation. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 191 p. 80—94. 93 Yamada, Tetsugo. 9:11:69 1908. Experimentelle Beiträge zu den Rückenmarksverletzungen. Mitt. med. Fac. Univ. Tokyo Bd. 7 p. 355—604, 4 Taf. [Fehlende Regenerations- fähigkeit des Rückenmarksgewebes (Hund) wohl bedingt durch angiolo- gische Verhältnisse. Da fast sämtliche periphere Arterienstämmchen in transversaler Richtung ins Rückenmark eintreten (im Gegensatz zu dem parallel der Axe gerichteten Verlauf der Arterien der peripheren Nerven) so steht die stets in der Richtung der Blutgefässe verlaufende, zuerst er- folgende Gewebsneubildung einem etwaigen Hervortreten von Nerven- fasern aus dem Rückenmarksstumpfe als mechanisches Hindernis ent- gegen.] 9.74 94 Perry, John. 9 : 11.71 1908. The Speed of Racing Animals. Nature Vol. 77 p. 389—390. 9.725,.9 24595 Lefébure, M. 9: 11.8 1908. Considérations sur la physiologie des terminaisons nerveuses sen- sitives de la peau. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44 p. 382—414, 2 figg. [Appareils sensitifs formés d'éléments conducteurs répondent élec- Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 152121902: 26 24596 9 EW 98 99 24600 01 02 24603 04 05 06 08 09 10 24611 Mammalia. 402 tivement aux excitations du dehors. Perception exclusive d’excitations déterminées.] Weber, Ernst. 9217.8 1908. Physiologische Parallelversuche an Mensch und Tier. Miinchen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 889—890. (Antrittsvorlesung). [Blut- verschiebung nach elektr. Reizung der Hirnrinde und deren Beziehung zur Ausführung der von denselben Hirnrindenteilen abhängigen Bewe- gungen. Nachweis von Gefässnerven für das Gehirn (vom allgemeinen . Blutdruck unabhängige Volumenänderung des Gehirns bei Reizung sensibler Nerven).] Yerkes, Robert M., and John D. Dodson. 9: 11.8 1908. The Relation of Strength of Stimulus to Rapidity of Habit-For- mation. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 459—482, 5 figg. 9.32 Keith, Arthur. areas: 1908. Persistence of the Vessels of the Yolk Sac. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 42 p. 457—459, 4 figg. 9.74,.9 Hilzheimer, Max. 9 : 12314 1908. Einige Zahnanomalien wilder Tiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 442— 445, 6 figg. 9.32,.74,.81,.82 Ruppert, Bruno. 9 : 12.36 1908. Ueber kongenitale histologische Leberanomalien. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierheilk. Bd. 35 p. 150—176. 9.73,.735 Guerrini, Guido. 9 : 12.41 1908. Ueber einen Fall von Hämatoma splenis mit zahlreichen über das ganze Peritoneum versprengten Nebenmilzen. Monatsh. prakt. Tierheilk. Bd. 90 p. 90—94. [Hypertrophie der schon existierenden (als congenitale Missbildung) Nebenmilzen infolge Iusuffizienz der Milz.] 9.74 Alagna, Gaspare. 9:12.44 1908. Cisti paratiroidee. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 406—417, 2 figg. 9.74 Bayer, Heinrich. 9 : 12.6 1908. Uber wahres und scheinbares Zwittertum. Kritische Erórterungen im Anschlusse an F. L. v. NeuGeBAUERS ,Hermaphroditismus beim Men- schen“. Beitr. Geburtsh. Gynik. Bd. 13 p. 180—197. 9.9 Radasch, Henry E. 9 : 12.6 1908. Congenital unilateral absence of the urogenital system and its relation to the development of the Wolffian and Muellerian ducts. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 136 p. 111—118, 1 fig. 9.74 Cuneo, G. 9 : 12.69 1901. Brevi note di chimica biologica. Clin. med. ital. Milano Anno 40 p. 352—354. [Latte in glandole ,linfatiche“ (mammaria sopra-numeria).] Staurenghi, Cesare. 93 12.71 1907. Dimostrazione di alcune varietà nello scheletro cefalico dei mammi- feri. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 601. Salmon, J. 9: 12.8 1908. Sur le systeme nerveux des Ectroméliens. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris Tq 64 pe 131—133. Rawitz, Bernhard. 9 : 12.82 1908. Zwei Fülle von absonderlichem Verlauf dorsaler spinaler Wurzeln. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 10—12, 2 figg. 9.4,.9 Rousseau, Mederic. 9 : 12.98 1908. Sur quelques cas tératologiques observés chez les Ongulés. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 270—951. 9.725,.735 Rubaschkin, W. 9 : 13.1 1908. Zur Frage von der Entstehung der Keimzellen bei S2ugetier- embryonen. (Vorläufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 222—224. 9.32 Minot, Charles 8. 9 : 13.33 1907. The Segmental Flexures of the Notochord. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 15. I. 1909. 403 Mammalia. 42—50. [Bend in ventral direction in each vertebral region, bend in dorsal direction in intervertebral disks. (Mammals).] 9.2,.32,.73,.735,.74,.9 24612 Williams, L. W. .9 : 13.33 1908. Subdivision of Continuous Notochord of Early Mammalian Em- bryos. (Boston Soc. med. Sc.) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 587. 13 Strahl, H. 9 : 13.39 1906. Ueber Placentarsyncytien. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 69—73. — Disk. Roserr, STRAHL, Rast. 9.31,.62,.82 14 Duckworth, W. L. H. 9 : 13.39 1908. Note on a Method of Demonstrating the Syncytial Appendages of the Placental Villi. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 425—427, pl dfe 15 Grosser, 0. 9 ; 13.39 1908. Ueber vergleichende E und die Einteilung tierischer Placenten. Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 198—199. 16 Paton, D. Noel., B. P. Watson and James Kerr. 9 : 13.39 1908. On the Source of the Amniotic and Allantoic Fluids in Mammals. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 46 p. 71—102, 3 figg. [Fluids of nature of urine derived by secretion from foetal kidney.] 9.32,.735,.74 17 Basile, Carlo. 9: 13.9 1908. Influenza della Lecitina sulla determinazione del sesso et sui ca- ratteri mendeliani. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 643—652. [Nè inversione della proporzione fra due sessi nè contravvenzione alle leggi mendeliane.] 32 18 Freund, Ludwig. 9:14 1908. Die Anpassung der Säugetiere ans Wasserleben. Lotos Prag Bd. . 324—325. 9.5,.745 24619 Spalteholz, W. 9 : 14.12 1907. Die Coronaraterien des Herzens. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 141 —153. 9.735,.74,.9 20 Michailow, Sergius. i 9 : 14.12 1908. Zur Frage über den feineren Bau des intracardialen Nerven- systems der Säugetiere. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 44—89, 3 Taf. 21 Bonnet, R. 9 : 14.13 1908. Uber den Bau der Arterienwand. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 B p. 39 —45. 22 Mobilio, Camillo. 9 : 14.14 1908. Intorno alle valvole del golfo giugulare e dei tronchi brachio-ce- falici negli animali domestici. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 62—89, 7 figg. 9.725—.74 23 Botezat, E. 9 : 14.15 1908. Ueber die Innervation der Blutkapillaren. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 394—401, 4 figg. 9.32 24 Kormann, Bodo. 9 : 14.21 1908. Vergleichende makroskopische Untersuchungen über das Nasen- loch und den Nasenvorhof der Haussäwgetiere. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tier- heilk. Bd. 34 p. 390—410, 1 fig. 9.725,.73,.735,.74 25 Weber, A. 9 : 14.24 1908. L'origine de l'appareil pulmonaire chez les mammifères. Bibliogr. amt. Nancy T. 18 p. 16—21, 4 figg. [Deux ébauches bilatérales (con- trairement à Fıır).] 9.73 26 Miller, William S. 9 : 14.25 1907. The Vascular Supply of the Pleura Pulmonalis. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 73—74. 9.725,.735,.74,.9 24627 Fox, Henry. 9: 14.28 1908. The Pharyngeal Pouches and their Derivatives in the Mammalia. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 187—250, 15 pls. 9.32,.73,.74 15. 1. 1909. Mammalia. 404 24628 Beddard, Frank E. 9:143 1908. On the Anatomy of Antechinomys and some other Marsupials, with special reference to the Intestinal Tract and Mesenteries of these and other Mammals. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 561—605, 13 figg. [Four stages of advancing complexity in Mammalian gut.] 14.34.,38, 9.2,.31,.32,.33,.62,.74,.81,.82,.88 29 Immisch, Kurt Benno. 9 : 14.31 1908, Untersuchungen über die mechanisch wirkenden Papillen der Mundhöhle der Haussäugetiere. Anat. Hefte Bd. 35 p. 759—859, 21 figg. [Ausbreitungsgebiet u. histolog. Aufbau der Papillae operariae.] 9.125,35, 14 30 Becker, J. 9 : 14.31.83 1908. Ueber Zungenpapillen. Ein Beitrag zur phylogenetischen Ent- wicklung der Geschmacksorgane. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 43 p. 537 —618, 1 Taf, 44 figg. [Auch Betrachtungen über wahrscheinliche Funk- tion der einzelnen Papillen.] 9.725,.73,.735,.74 81 Adloff, P. 9 : 14.314 1903. Zur Frage nach der Entstehung der heutigen Säugethierzahn- formen. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 357—382, 1 Taf., 5 figg. 32 y, Ebner, V. 9 : 14.314 1906. Ueber die Entwickelung der leimgebenden Fibrillen im Zahnbein. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 137—142. 33 v. Korff, K. 9 : 14.31.4 1906. Ueber die Entwickelung der Zahnbein- und Knochengrundsubstanz der Säugetiere. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 132—136. 34 Schweitzer, Georg. 9 : 14.314 1907. Ueber die Lymphgefässe des Zahnfleisches und der Zähne beim Menschen und bei Säugetieren. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 69 p. 807—908, leat, 9.32,.74,.82 24635 Adloff, P. 9 : 14.314 1908. Ausgestorbene Menschenaffen und ihre Beziehungen zum Men- schen. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 113—116. [Gebiss.] 9.88,.9 36 Gaudry, Albert. 9 : 14314 1908. A propos d'une dent découverte par MM. Maurice de RorsscHıLn et H. NeuviLLe. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 99. [Appartenant à mammi- fère africain inconnu, probablement allié aux proboscidiens.] 9.61 37 Dieulafé, L., et Mouchet. 9 : 14.31.6 1908. Sur la vascularisation des glandes salivaires. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 151—154, 2 figg. 9.73—.74 38 Loewenthal, N. 9: 14.31.6 1908. Driisenstudien. 3. Die Unterkieferdriise des Igels und der weissen Ratte. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 588—666, 2 Taf. [Auch die Sub- maxillaris im engeren Sinn (abgesehen von der Gl. retrolingualis) zeigt heterogenen Bau.] 9.32,.33 39 Metzner, [R.] 9 : 14.31.6 1908. Demonstration von Speicheldrüsenpräparaten. (74. Vers. àrztl. Centralver. Basel) Corr.-Bl. SO Aerzte Jahrg. 38 p. 532—533. 9.7 40 Roscher, Paul. 9 : 14.31.6 1908. Fin Beitrag zur vergleichenden Histologie der Glandula parotis und des Ductus parotideus bei den Haussäugetieren. Zeitschr. Tiermed. Bd. 12 p. 252—268, 1 Taf., 5 figg. 9.725,.73,.735,.74 41 Sihler, Chr. 9 : 14.31.6 1908. Disputed Points in the Histology of the Submaxillary Gland and their Physiological Significance. (Proc. Amer. Physiol. Soc.) Amer. Journ. Physiol. Vol. 91 p. XIX—XX. 9.74 24642 Alagna, Gaspare. | 9:14.32 1908. Contributo allo studio del reticolo adenoideo e dei vasi della Ton- silla palatina. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 178—189, 6 figg. 9.32,.74 15. I. 1909. 405 Mammalia- 24643 Alagna, Gaspare. 9 : 14.32 1908. Osservazioni sulla struttura della Tonsilla palatina. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 206—216, 5 figg. 9.74 44 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 14.32 1908. Structure et évolution de la cellule épithéliale de l’amygdale. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 322—325. 9.725 45 Retterer, Éd. 9 : 14.32 1908. Des corps concentriques ou perles épithéliales de l’amygdale pa- latine. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 367—369. 46 Schorr, Georg. 9 : 14.32 1908. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des sekundären Gaumens bei einigen Säugetieren und beim Menschen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 69—106, 1 Taf., 19 figg. 9.33,.73,.82,.9 47 Waldeyer, W. 9 : 14.33 1908. Die Magenstrasse. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1908 p. 595— 606. [Cardia-Pylorusstrasse. Longitudinale Faltenbildung lings der kleinen Kurvatur. Einrichtung zur Fortbewegung der Ingesta.] 48 Ellison, F. 0. B. 9 : 14.34 1907. The Musculature of the Villi. Trans. R. Acad. Med. Ireland Vol. 25 p. 480—481. 9.74 49 Lewis, Frederic T., and Fred. W. Thyng. 9 : 14.34 1908. 'The Regular Occurrence of Intestinal Diverticula in Embryos of the Pig, Rabbit, and Man. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 505—519, 5 figg 992: TOR 50 Revilliod, Pierre. "net 9 : 14.34 1908. Influence du régime alimentaire sur la croissance et la structure du tube digestif. Rev. suisse Zool. T. 16 p. 241—320, 1 pl. — Résumé par Emme Yuna: Effects anatomiques d'une alimentation exclusivement végétale ou exclusivement animale sur l'intestin. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 25 p. 616—618. [Différences de longueur chez le souris.] 9.32 24651 Bradley, 0. Charnock. 9 : 14.36 1908. A Contribution to the Morphology and Development of the Mam- malian Liver. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 43 p. 1—42, 20 figg. [Development of lobes and vessels.] 9.73 52 Kolski, Wolff. 9 : 14.36 1908. Der Bau des Leberlippchens unter dem Einfluss des Nervus splanchnicus. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 193 p. 204—213. [Verlauf des Kapillarstromes von Peripherie des Leberläppchens bis Vena centralis von Gefässinervation beinflusst (Splanchnicusdurchschneidung).] 9.32 53 Schilling, V. 9 : 14.36 1908. Zur Kenntnis des Baues und der Funktion der Kurrrer’schen Sternzellen in der Leber. Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 19 p. 577 —583. [Intravaskuläre Endothelzellen. Aufnahme von Fremdkórpern.] 9.32,.9 54 Giannelli, Luigi. 9 : 14.37 1908. Nuovo contributo allo studio dello sviluppo del pancreas nei Mammiferi. Monlt. zool. itai. Ann. 19 p. 44—54, 8 figg. 9.32 595 Pochon. 9 : 14.37 1908. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Lanceruans’schen Inseln des Pankreas. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierheilk. Bd. 34 p. 581—622, 1 Taf. [Ohne Zusammen- hang mit Ausführungsgangssystem des Pankreas. Infolge direkter Be- ziehung zum Blute als Blutgefässdrüsen zu betrachten.] 9.73,.739,.14 56 Thyng, Fred. W. 9 : 14.37 1908. Models of the Pancreas in Embryos of the Pig, Rabbit, Cat, and Man. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 489—503, 6 figg. 9.32,.73,.74,.9 57 Freytag, F. 9 : 14.41 1908. Ueber die Bedeutung der Milz für das Blut. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 455—450. 24658 Huntington, George S. 9 : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 406 System. II. The Genetic Interpretation of the Development of the Mam- malian Lymphatic System. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 19—45, 9 pls. 9.74 24659 Sabin, Florence R. 9 : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. III. Further Evidence on the Origin of the Lymphatic Endothe- lium from the Endothelium of the Blood Vascular System. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 46—55. [First lymphatie endothelium derived from venous en- . doth. not by simple budding process, but by transforming of veins into primitive lymphat. sacs. All lymphat. vessels arise by process of sprout- ing lymph sacs.] 9.73 60 Mietens, H. 9 : 14.43 1908. Zur Kenntnis des Thymusreticulum und seiner Beziehungen zu dem der Lymphdrüsen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über die Winter- schlafdrüse. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw. Bd. 44 p. 149—192, 2 Taf. [Ur- sprung der Winterschlafdrüse aus Parenchymzellen der Pars thymica] 9.32,.735,.74,.9 61 Launoy, L. 9 : 14.45 1905. Notes bibliographiques à propos de quelques travaux récents sur Panatomie fine des capsules surrénales, particulierement en ce qui con- cerne la „cellule chromaffine*. Biol. med. Aun. 3 p. 265—982, 4 figg. 62 Scheel, Olaf. 9:14.45 1908. Ueber Nebennieren. Sekretkörnchen- Oedem-Gewicht. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 192 p. 494—513, 1 Taf. 3 figg. [„Sekretkörnchen“ besonders in der Medullaris menschl. Nebennieren (bei Tieren fehlend).] 9.9 63 Sézary, A. 9 : 14.45. 1908. Structure métatypique de la corticale des surrénales. Unité de la cellule corticale. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 430—432. 24664 Stoerk, Oskar. 9 : 14.45 1908. Beitrige zur normalen Histologie der Nebennierenrinde. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 773—776, 908—910, 3 figg. [Fehlen echter Drüsenlumenbildung.] 9.32,.74,.9 65 Stoerk, Oskar, und Hans y. Haberer. 9 : 14.45 1908. Beitrag zur Morphologie des Nebennierenmarkes. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 481—496, 2 Taf., 8 figg. 66 Balabio, Romano. 9 : 14.46 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza della fine struttura delle „Lympho- glandulae“. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 135—139, 2 Taf. 9.735,.74 67 Baum, [H.], und Hille. 9 : 14.46 1908. Die Keimzentren in den Lymphknoten von Rind, Schwein, Pferd und Hund und ihre Abhängigkeit vom Lebensalter der Tiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 52 p. 561—584, 10 figg. 9.72,.73,.735,.74 68 Bonnot, Edmond. 9 : 14.46 1908. The Interscapular Gland. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 43 p. 43—58, 17 figg. [Originates from wall of primitive internal jugular vein, functions perhaps as storehouse for fat, scavenger for red blood cells and blood forming organ. In man probably homologue of so-called hibernating gland in rodents.] 9.32..73,.74,.9 69 Meyer, Arthur W. 9 : 14.46 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. VIII. Subcutaneous and Subpanicular Haemolymph Glands. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 64—65. 9.735 24670 Fleischmann, Albert. 9 : 14.6 1906. Morphologische Studien über Kloake und Phallus der Amnioten. 9. Fortsetzung. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 36 p. 515—516. — XIII. Die äusseren Genitalien des Schweines, von WiLHeLm DürBecx. p. 517—543, 2 Taf., 4 figg. — XIV. Die äusseren Genitalien der Hauskatze, von Wit- HELM Dürszck. p. 544—565, 2 Taf, 3 figg. — Tabellarische Übersicht der Genitalentwicklung bei Säugetieren, von W. DünsEck. p. 566—569. — X VI. Die Stilcharaktere an Urodäum und Phallus, von A. FrziscHMANN. p. 510 —601, 22 figg. 14.64, 9.73,.74 15. 1.51909. 407 Mammalia. 24671 van den Broek, A. J. P. 9 : 14.6 1908. Ueber die gegenseitige Lagerung von Urniere und Keimdrüse nebst einigen Betrachtungen über Testicondie. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 225—247, 10 figg. 9.33 12 Peter, K. 9: 14.61 1907. Ueber die Nierenkanälchen des Menschen und einiger Säugetiere. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 114—124, 2 figg. 9.9 13 Ammelounx, Albert. 9 : 14.61 1908. Ueber Entwicklung und Entwicklungstórungen der Niere. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierheilk. Bd. 34 p. 258—287, 2 Taf. 9.73,.735,.9 74 Pizzini, Benedetto. 9 : 14.61 1908. Uber die Sekretionserscheinungen in der Nierenzelle bei Diurese. Experimentelle Untersuchungen. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 25 p. 108—148, 1 Taf. [Cytologische Veränderungen nach Darreichung von Diureticis in reichlich wässerriger Lósung.] 9.32,.74 75 Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 14.62: 1907. Ueber die sensiblen Nervenendigungen in der Harnblase der Säuge- tiere, Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 254—283, 2 Taf. [Im Bindegewebe der Schleimhaut, im Epithel der Schleimh. u. im Bindegewebe der äusseren Faserhaut. (Katze, Schwein, Pferd).] 9.725,.73,.74 76 Whitehead, R. H. 9 : 14.63 1907. The Presence of Granules in the Interstitial Cells of the Testis. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 60—61. [No relation to spermatogenesis.] 9:9 77 Kasai, K. 9 : 14.68 1908. Ueber die Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 194 p. 1—17. 9.32,.725,.73,.739,.74,.9 78 Regaud, Cl[aude]. 9: 14.63 1908. Action des rayons de Réyreen sur l’épithélium seminal. Application des résultats à certains problémes concernant la structure et les fonctions de cet épithélium. €. R. Ass. Anat. T. 9 p. 30—45, 3 figg. 9.32 24679 Whitehead, R. H. 9: 14.63 1908. Studies of the Interstitial Cells of Leydig. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 213—227, 8 figg. 9.73,.735,.74,.9 80 Worms. 9: 14.63 1908. Les voies anastomotiques de la circulation artérielle testiculo-épi- didymaire. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris Ann. 83 p. 341—346, 4 figg. 9.735,.9 81 Duesberg, J. 9 : 14.63.1 1907. Der Mitochondrial-Apparat in den Zellen der Wirbeltiere u. Wirbel- losen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 284—296, 1 Taf. [Samenzellen der Ratte.] 9.32 82 Bugnion, Edouard, et N. Popoff. 9 : 14.63.1 1908. Le faisceau spermatique des Mammifères et de l'Homme. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. ! p. 262—203. 9.32,.33,.735,.74,.9 83 Königstein, Hans. 9 : 14.63.1 1908. Ueber das Schicksal der Spermatozoen, welche nicht zur Befruch- tung gelangen. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 21 p. 971—973. (Ges. Aerzte Wien) Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 58 p. 1314. — Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 21 Diskuss. p. 854. 9.32,.9 84 Regaud, Cl[aude]. 9: 14.63.1 1908. Sur les mitochondries de l’épithélium séminal. I. Les mitochon- dries du syncytium nourricier, leurs variations quantitatives et topographi- ques. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 566—568. [Variations des mito- chondries et développement des spermies sont connexes.] II. Les mito- chondries des cellules de la lignée spermatique. p. 607—609. — II. Technique, variations histochimiques. p. 660—662. 9.32 24685 Giannelli, Luigi. 9 : 14.65 1907. Richerche istologiche sull’ ovidutto dei mammiferi. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 552—558. 9.32,.73,.725,.9 15. I. 1909. 24686 90 91 92 24693 94 95 96 98 24699 Mammalia, 408 Athias, M. 9 : 14.65 1908. Sur les phénoménes de division des ovules dans les follicules en voie d'atrésie chez quelques Mammifères. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 2 p. 97—111. 9.32,.4 Cesa-Bianchi, Domenico. 9 : 14.65 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza della fine distribuzione del tessuto con- nettivo nella ghiandola interstiziale dell’ ovaia. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 41 —50, 3 figg. 9.4 Cesa-Bianchi, D[omenico]. 9 : 14.65 1908. Alcune osservazioni sulla cellula interstiziale dell ovaja. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 258—283. 9.32—.4,.74 Cesa-Bianchi, Domenico. 9 : 14.65 1908. Di alcune particolarità di struttura e dei fenomeni di secrezione del corpo luteo. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol. Bd. 95 p. 1—43, 1 tav. [Corpo luteo ghiandola a secrezione interna.] 9.725,.73,.735 Holzbach, [Ernst]. 9 : 14.65 1908. Ueber Sekretionsvorginge in der Schleimhaut der weiblichen Ge- nitalien. (Med.-naturwiss. Ver. Tiibingen.) Miinchen. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 1157. [Physiolog. Variationen v. Epithelauskleidung des Ge- nitalapparates v. Deciduaten. Analogie von Menstruation und Brunst.] 14.65,.66 Holzbach, Ernst. 9 : 14.65 1908. Studien über den feineren Bau sezernierenden Uterus- und Tuben- epithels. Beitr. Geburtsh. Gynük. Bd. 13 p. 285—296, 1 Taf. 14.65,.66, 9.32 Käppeli, J. 9 : 14.65 1908. Beitráge zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Ovarien von wild- lebenden und gezihmten Wiederkäuern und Schweinen. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 22 p. 53—129, 6 Taf. [Frühzeitige Follikelbildung.] 9.73,.735 Mulon, P. 9 : 14.65 1908. Sur une forme d'atrésie conjonctive des follicules ovariens chez le cobaye. €. R, Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 123—125. [Cellules de follicules jeunes peuvent devenir au cours d'atrésie cellules conjonctives et élaborer tissu collagène.] 9.32 Mulon, P. 9 : 14.65 1908. Corps jaune kystique exclusivement formé par la Theca interna du follicule (Cobaye). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1016—1017. 9.32 Schaffer, Josef. 9 : 14.65 1908. Ueber den Bau und die Funktion des Eileiterepithels bei den Säugetieren. (Verh. Morphol. Physiol. Ges. Wien.) Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 30. Smyth, Ellison A., jr. 9 : 14.65 1908. An Unusual Graafian Follicle. Biol. Bull. Vol. 14 p. 319—320, 1 fig. [Multiple ova (2, 3, 4 and 7) in follicles and large number of off- spring.] 9.74 von Winiwarter, H., et G. Sainmont. 9 : 14.65 1908. Nouvelles recherches sur l’ovogenèse et l’organogenèse de l'ovaire des mammiferes (chat) Arch. Biol. T. 24 p. 1—142, 1 pl, 11 figg. 9.74 Zalla, Mario. 9 : 14.65 1908. Ricerche sopra la struttura e l’istogenesi della sostanza midollare dell’ ovaja. Arch. ital. Anat. Embr. Vol. 6 p. 706—736, 5 tav. — Alcune osservazione alla memoria, di L. GranneLLi. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 19 p. 123—128. — Risposta di M. Z. p. 125—128. 9.32 Mandl, Ludwig. 9 : 14.66 1908. Ueber das Epithel im geschlechtsreifen Uterus. Zweifache Funktion des bald flimmernden bald sekretorisch tätigen Epithels. Zentralbl. Gynük. Jahrg. 32 p. 425—429. 9.32,.74,.82,.9 15. I. 1909. 24700 04 05 06 24707 08 09 10 11 12 13 24714 409 Mammalia. Ogata. | 9 : 14.66 1908. Uber Altersveränderungen des Uterus. Beitr. Geburtsh. Gynik. Bd. 13 p. 228—246, 1 Taf. 9.32,.74,.9 Coraini, E. 9 : 14.71 1901. L’ articolazione bigemina del bregma comparativamente studiata in cranii fossili. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 6 p. 160—164, 1 tav. 9.735,.74 Forster, Andreas. 9 : 14.71 1902. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Interparie- tale. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 99—148, 1 Taf, 45 figg. [Ent- steht durch endo- und perichondrale Ossification in knorpeliger Grund- lage, bildet später den vordersten Tel der Spitze des occipitale sup.] 9.7 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 14.71 1902. Ebauche squelettogène des membres et développement des arti- culations. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 38 p. 473 —509, 580--625. 2 pls. 9.32 Magnin, L. 9 : 14.71 1907. Influence de la fonction sur le poids et le volume des os. Rec. Med. vétér. Paris T. 84 Bull. Mém. Soc. centr. Med. vétér. p. 51—62. 9.725 Ameghino, Fiorentino. 9 : 14.71 1908. El arco escapular de los edentados y monotremos y el origen rep- tiloide de estos dos grupos de mamiferos. An. Mus. nac. Buenos-Ayres T. 17 p. 1—91, 60 figg. 9.1,.31 Anderson, J. Richard. 9: 14.71 1908. The Thickness of the Skull in Mammalia. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Se. p. 546—547. Anderson, R. S. 9:14.71 1908. Some Notes on the Hard Palate and Maxilla in Primates. (Brit. med. Ass.) Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 2 p. 596. 9.81..82,.88,.9 Kirchner, A. 9 : 1471 1908. Die vordere Epiphyse und der untere Tuberositaskern der Tibia beim Menschen und in der Säugetierreihe. Die Tuberositas tibiae des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat. Abt. 1908 p. 237—320, 27 figg. 9.1,.2,.32,.33,.73,.735,.74,.81,.82,.88,.9 Radlauer, Curt. 9 : 14.71 1908. Beiträge zur Anthropologie des Kreuzbeines. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 823—447, 3 Taf., 22 figg. 9.82,.88,.9 Schmalhausen, J. J. 9 : 14.71 1908. Zur Morphologie des Säugetierfusses. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 373—378, 5 figg. 9.1,.2,.32,.73,.9 Williams, Leonard W. 9: 14.71 1908. The Later Development of the Notochord in Mammals. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 251—284, 7 pls. 9.2,.32,.735,.74,.9 Kroh, Fritz. 9 : 14.72 1908. Studien über den Bau der Synovialmembran und die Resorption des Gelenkinhaltes unter dem Einflusse variabler-mechanischer Momente. Deutsch. Zeitschr. Chir. Bd. 94 p. 215—240. [Experimentelle Unter- suchungen. Übertrittswege von Gelenkhéhleninhalt in Lymphbahnen. Tuscheinjektionen.] 9.32,.9 Lubosch, W. 9 : 14.72 1908. Das Kiefergelenk der Säugetiere. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 TI. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 458—460. Virchow, H. 9 : 14.73 1907. Ueber die tiefen Rückenmuskeln des Menschen. Vorschläge zur Abänderung der Bezeichnung und Beschreibung derselben. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 91— 111, 7 figg. 9.2,.735,.74,.88,.9 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 410 24715 Boas, J. E. V., und Simon Paulli. 9 : 14.73 1908. Ueber den allgemeinen Plan der Gesichtsmuskulatur der Sáugetiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 497—512, 7 figg. 9.1,.2,.31,.61,.725,.74 16 Frets, G. P. 9 : 14.73 1908. Die Varietiten der Musculi peronaei beim Menschen und die Mm. peronaei bei den Säugetieren. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 135—193, 18 figg. 9.1,.2,.31,.82,.33,.4 17 Glaesmer, Erna. 9: 14.78 1908. Untersuchung über die Flexorengruppe am Unterschenkel und Fuss der Säugetiere. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 36—90, 2 Taf, 1 fig. 9.1,.2,.31,.33,.81,.82,.88 18 Lesbre, F. X., et F. Maignon. 9 : 14.73 1908. Sur l’innervation motrice du muscle crico-thyroïdien. ©. R. Soc. Biol .Paris T. 64 p. 21—22. [D'une part du laryngé moyen, branche du pharyngien, d’autre part du laryngé externe, branche du laryngé supèrieur. Ce dernier provient du spinal et non du pneumogastrique, ainsi que prouve effet de section de lun et de l'autre sur M. cricothyr.] 9.73 19 Loth, Edward. 9 : 14.73 1908. Die Aponeurosis plantaris in der Primatenreihe. Mit spezieller Berücksichtigung des Menschen. Eine vergleichend-morphologische und anthropologiscbe Untersuchung. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 194—322, 124 figg. [Phylogenetisch ist die Plantaraponeurose nichts anderes als der Ansatz der Plantarissehne an der Planta pedis. Erst bei Anthropoiden tritt vollständige Trennung des Muskels von der Aponeurose auf.] 9.8—.9 20 Toldt, C. 9 : 14.73 1907/08. Der vordere Bauch des M. digastricus mandibulae und seine Varietäten beim Menschen Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 290— 292. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 116 Abt. 3 p. 373—442, 19 figg. — Bd. 117 Abt. 3 p. 229—321, 5 Taf., 3 figg. 9.2,.31,.32,.8,.9 24721 Zuckerkandl, E. 9 : 14.73 1908. Zur Morphologie des M. ischiocaudalis. (Dritter Beitrag.) Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 205—206. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 3 p. 125—130, 1 Taf. 9.32 23 Dammann, Otto. 9 : 14.74 1908. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den Bau und die funktionelle Anpassung der Sehnen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 26 p. 549—371. 9./25,. 135 23 Toldt, Karl, jun. 9:14 71 1907. Studien über das Haarkleid von Vulpes vulpes L. Nebst Bemer- kungen über die Violdrüse und über den Harcker-MaAvrer’schen Bären- embryo mit Stachelanlagen. Ann. k. k. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 22 p. 19;— 269, 3 Taf., 2 figg. 14.77,.181 9.33,.74 24 Retterer, Ed. 9:14.77 1908. De la structure de la cellule épidermique et des facteurs qui la modifient, Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44 p. 470—321, 1 pl. [Cellules malpighiennes.] 9.32,.725 35 Unna, Paul. 9 : 14.77 1908. Untersuchungen über die Lymph- und Blutgefässe der äusseren Haut mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Haarfollikel. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 161—208, 1 Taf. 9.32,.73,.74,.9 26 Friedenthal, Hans. 9: 14.78.1 1908. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte des Menschen. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Behaarung. Jena. Gustav Fischer, 8°, M. 65.—. Lief. 1. Das Wollhaarkleid des Menschen. 31 pp., 10 Taf. Lief. 2. Das Dauer- haarkleid des Menschen. 39 pp., 11 Taf. Lief. 3. Geschlechts- und Rassenunterschiede der Behaarung, Haaranomalien und Haarparasiten. 49 pp., 13 Taf. Lief. 4. Entwicklung, Bau und Entstehung der Haare. Literatur iiber Behaarung. 57 pp., 7Taf. 9.1,.32,.4,.51,.74,.82,.88,.9 24727 Miiller, Franz. 9: 14.78.1 1908. Ein Kennzeichen zur Beurteilung der Vererbungskraft. Landwirt- sch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 22 p. 287—295. [Haarwirbel auf der Stirn von Pferden und Rindern.] 9.725,.735 15. I. 1909. 411 Mammalia 24728 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 14.78.1 1908. Structure du poil. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1079—1080. [Ecorce constitué par éléments nucléés. Noyaux formés de protoplasme granuleux. Corps cellulaires réunis par lignes moniliformes.] 9.725,.9 29 Retterer, Ed. 9 :14.78.1 1908. Des variations évolutives de la moëlle pileuse. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1130—1133. 9.725 30 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 14.78.8 1908. Structure de la corne. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1006—1009. 9.32,.74,.9 31 Holl, M. 9 : 14.81 1907. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Hinterhautlappens. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Jahrg. 44 p. 14—18. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 3 p. 89—171, 4 Taf. 9.82,.88,.9 32 Van der Stricht, Nestor. 9 : 14.81 1907. L’histogenèse des parties constituantes du neuroépithélium acousti- que. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 158—170. 33 Bauer, Julius. 9 : 14.81 1908. Ueber ein Faserbündel der Haube und dessen mógliche Beziehung zum Kauakt. Anat. Anz; Bd. 33 p. 140—147, 5 figg. 9.74 34 Brodmann, K. 9:14.51 1908. Ueber den gegenwärtigen Stand der histologischen Lokalisation der Grosshirnrinde. (Jahresvers. deutsch. Ver. Psychiatr. Berlin.) Neu- rol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 27 p. 542—543. — Diskuss. p. 543—544; Monats- schr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 24 p. 197—199. — Deutsch. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 34 p. 899—900. [Cytoarchitektonik u. deren regionäre Mo- difikationen. Sechsschichtiger Grundtypus in der ganzen Säugetierreihe.! 24135 Brodmann, [K.] 9 : 14.81 1908. Zur histologischen Lokalisation des Scheitellappens. (Berlin. Ges. Psychiatr. Nervenkrankh.) Berlin. klin. Wochensshr. Jahrg. 45 p. 474— 475, Diskuss. p. 475—411. 36 Döllken, A. i 9:14.81 1908. Die ersten Nervenbahnen im Grosshirn. Verh. Ges. deutsch. nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 236—238. [Nebenschluss der Hörleitung.] 37 Donaldson, Henry H. 9 : 14.81 1908. A Comparison of the Albino Rat with Man in Respect to the Growth of the Brain and of the Spinal Cord. Journ. comp. Neurol. & | Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 345—392, 2 pls., 1 fig. 14.81,.82, 9.32,.9 38 Herrick, €. Judson. 9 : 14.81 1908. The Morphological Subdivision of the Brain. Journ. comp. Neu- rol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 393—408. 39 Herring, P. T. 9 : 14.81 1908. ‘The Histological Appearances of the Mammalian Pituitary Body. Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 121—159, 16 figg. [An- terior lobe: intermediate part; nervous part; vascular supply.] 9.32,.73—.74,.82 40 Herring, P. T. 9 : 14.81 1908. The Development of the Mammalian Pituitary and its Morphologi- cal Significance. Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 161— 185, 11 figg. [The pars intermedia is a brain gland, the anterior lobe is a gland whose secretion must enter the blood directly.] 9.73—.74,.9 41 Herring, Percy T. 9:14.81 1908. Some observations on the morphology, histology and development of the mammalian pituitary body. (Preliminary communication.) (Proc. physiol. Soc.) Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 36 p. L—LII. 9.32,.74,.8,.9 24742 Holi, M. 9:14.81 1908. Die Insel des Menschen- und Affenhirns in ihrer Beziehung zur oberen Fläche des Schläfenlappens. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 335--334. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 117 Abt. à p. 325—364, 4 Taf, 1 fig. 9.8,.9 15. I. 1909. 24743 45 46 47 18 49 24750 51 52 53 54 55 56 24757 Mammalia. 412 Holl, M. 9 : 14.81 1908. Zur vergleiehenden Morphologie der ,vorderen Insel^ des mensch- lichen Gehirns. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 45 p. 335—336. — Sitz.-Der. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 117 Abt. 3 p.365—410, 5 Taf. 9.8,.9 Joris, Hermann. 9: 14.81 1908. De lexistence d'une glande infundibulaire chez les mammifères. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 17 p. 282—988. Luna, Emerico. 9 : 14.81 1908. Einige Beobachtungen über die Lokalisation des Kleinhirns. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 617—623, 2 figg. 9.74 Rawitz, Bernhard. 9 : 14.81 1908. Das Zentralnervensystem der Cetaceen. II. Die Medulla oblongata von Phocaena. communis (Cuv.) Less. und Balaenoptera rostrata FAmm. Zu- gleich ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Oblongata der Säuger. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 73 p. 182—260, 2 Taf. 9.2,.51,.53,.73 Rosenberg, Ludwig. 9 : 14.81 1908. Ueber die Cytoarchitektonik der ersten Schläfenwindung und der Hescxer’schen Windungen. Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 23 p. 52— 68, 3 Taf. [Histologische Verschiedenheiten beider Regionen. Hörsphäre wahrscheinl. Hescaer’sche Windungen.] Rynberk, G. 9:14.81 1908. Die neueren Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Klein- hirns der Säuger. Kritisches Sammelreferat. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. 46 —62, 403—419, 535—551, 4 figg. Soyer et [A.] Prenant. 9 : 1481 1908. Préparations d'hypophyse de l'Homme (supplicié) et du Chat nou- veau-né. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 199—200. 9.74,.9 Turner, John. 9 : 14.81 1908. The Structure of Grey Matter. Brain Vol. 120 p. 426—465, 11 figg. van den Broek, A. J. P. 9 : 14.83 1908. Untersuchungen über den Bau des sympathischen Nervensystems der Säugetiere. I. Teil. Der Halssympathicus. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 202—288, 26 figg. — II Teil. Der Rumpf- und Beckensympathicus. Bd. 38 p. 523—589, 1 Taf., 16 figg. 9.1—.33,.735,.74,.8—.9 Lesbre, F. X., et F. Maignon. 9 : 14.88 1908. Sur l'innervation des muscles sterno-mastoidien, cléido-mastoidien et trapèze. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 84—85. [Pas de dualité d'innervation motrice. Branche externe du spinal est nerf moteur, ra- meaux rachidiens sont n. sensitifs (chien, cheval, boeuf).] 9.725,.735,.74 Maignon, F., et [F. X.] Lesbre. 9 : 14.83 1908. Contribution à la physiologie du pneumogastrique et du spinal. Ann. Soc. Agric. Sc. Industr. Lyon 1907 p. 332—350, 3 figg. [Nerf spinal agit non seulement sur le cœur, mais exerce action motrice sur d'autres viscères (poumon, estomac etc.) Il préside à lui seul aux mouve- ments du larynx (respiratoires et phonatoires). Pneumogastrique se com- porte comme nerf purement sensitif.] 9.73 Meiklejohn, S. Jean. 9 : 14.83 1908. On the Development of the Plexiform Nerve Mechanism of the Alimentary Canal. (Preliminary Communication.) Journ. Physiol. Lon- don Vol. 36 p. 400—404, 5 figg. [Visceral (Aurrsacn’s) plexus is not independent system, but formed later than, and probably as outgrowth from sympath. system.] Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 14.83 1908. Mikroskopische Struktur der Ganglien des Plexus solaris und an- derer Ganglien des Grenzstranges des N. symphthicus. Anat. Anz. Bd. 38 p. 581—590. Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 14.83 1908. Zur Frage über die Innervation der Blutgefüsse. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 540—553, 1 Taf. [Harnblase von Pferd und Katze] 9.725,.74 Ranson, S. Walter. 9 : 14.83 1908. The Architectural Relations of the Afferent Elements Entering into 15. I. 1909, 413 Mammalia. the Formation of the Spinal Nerves. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 101—119, 1 fig. [Relation of fibres of dorsal root to cells in substantia grisea of spinal cord. Proportion of sensory and motor fibers in roots etc.] 9.32 24758 Klinge, E. 9 : 14.84 1908. Die inneren Irisschichten der Haussáugetiere. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 601—710, 24 figg. 9.73,.735,.74 59 Lauber, H. 9 : 14.84 1908. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie der Iris und des Pigmentepithels der Netzhaut. Arch. Ophthalm. Bd. 68 p. 1-37, 2 Tat, 10 figg. 9.73,.74,.9 60 Mawas, J. 9 : 14.84 1908, Recherches sur l’origine et la signification histologiques des fibres de la zonule de Ziww. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 73—78, 1 fig. [For- mations exoplastiques, produits d'élaboration du protoplasme des cellules cilliaires.] 9.32,.725,.74,.9 61 Mawas, J. 9: 14.84 1908. Note sur l'origine des fibres de la zonule de Zinn. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1029—1031. 9.32,.725,.74 62 Mawas, J. 9 : 14.84 1908. Sur la structure de la rétine ciliaire. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1334—1335. 63 Wolfrum, C. 9 : 14.84 1908. Multiple Einkerbungen des Becherrandes der sekundären Augen- blase, ein Beitrag zur Kolobomfrage. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. N. F. Bd. 6 p. 971—893. 9.32,.73 64 Wolfrum, M. 9 : 14.84 1908. Untersuchungen über die Macula lutea der höheren Säugetiere, (35. Vers. ophthalm. Ges. Heidelberg.) Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. N. F. Bd. 6 p. 217. — Zeitschr. Augenheilk. Bd. 20 p. 297. — München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 2011—2012. — Med. Klinik Jahrg. 4 p. 1519. Arch. Augenheilk. Bd. 61 p. 293. 9.82,.9 24165 Brühl. 9 : 14.85 1907. Peripherische Endigungsweise der Hörnerven (Ver. inn. Med.) Berlin klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 44 p. 1427—1428. [Letzte Auffaserungen im Corrrschen Organ erkennbar (mittels Silberimprägnationsmethode von BieLscHowsky).] 66 Gemelli, Agostino. 9 : 14.85 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza della distribuzione dei nervi e delle terminazioni nervose della membrana del timpano. Atti Soc. ital. Sc. nat. Mus. civ. Milano Vol. 47 p. 134—138. 9.725,.74,.82 67 Hardesty, Irving. 9: 14.85 1908. On the Nature of the Tectorial Membrane and its Probable Role in the Anatomy of Hearing. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 109—180, 12 pls. [Tectorial membrane as vibrating mechanism.] 9.73 68 Henneberg, B. 9 : 14.85 1908. Beiträge zur Entwickelung der Ohrmuschel. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 107—188, 8 Taf. 9.32,.73 69 Van der Stricht, Nestor. 9 : 14.85 1908. L’histogenèse des parties constituantes du neuro-épithélium acousti- que, des taches et des crêtes acoustiques et de l'organe de Corti. Arch. Biol. T. 24 p. 541—693, 5 pls. 9.32,.4,.74,.9 70 Read, Effie A. 9 : 14.86 1908. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Olfactory Apparatus in Dog, Cat and Man. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 17—48, 17 pls., 1 fig. 9.74,.9 24771 Dorello. 9 : 14.89 1908. Contribuzione allo studio dello sviluppo dei gangli simpatici. Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sc. Riun. 1 p. 279. 9.4 15. I. 1909. 24772 78 79 24780 83 84 85 24786 Mammalia. 414 Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 14.89 1908. Zur Frage von der feineren Struktur der peripheren sympathischen Ganglien. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 129—134, 4 figg. 9.735,.74 Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 14.89 1908. Die feinere Struktur der sympathischen Ganglien der Harnblase bei den Säugetieren. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 554—574, 2 Taf. 9.725,14 Jackson, C. M. 9 : 14.95 1907. What Determines the Thoracic Index? Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 90— 91. 9.74,.9 5 Pettit, Auguste. 9 : 14.95 1908. Sur une adaptation a la fonction adipopexique du Rhomboide. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 209—210; C. R. Soc: Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 892—893. [Bosse du Zébu due à hypertrophie du rhomboide.] 9.735 Wilder, Harris Hawthorne. 9 : 14.98 1902. Scientific Palmistry. Popul. Se. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 41—54, 6 figg. Kalide, G. 9 : 14.98 1904. Vergleichende Betrachtung einiger Säugetierbeine Natur und Levi, Giuseppe. 9 : 14.98 1908. Sullo sviluppo della cresta apicale degli arti. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 93, 1 tav., 2 figg. 9.32,.3, 9.33,.735 Mollison, [Th.] 9: 14.98 1908. Rechts und links in der Primatenreihe. (39. Vers. deutsch. anthrop. Ges. Frankfurt a. M.) Korr.-Bl. deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Ethnol. Jahrg. 39 p. 112—115, 14 figg. [Begünstigung einer Seite (Grössenver- hältnisse der Knochen) bei höheren Formen stärker ausgesprochen als bei niederen, speciell der rechten für obere Extremität bei Aylobates, Orang u. Mensch. Form der Aortenverzweigung kann nicht Ursache sein. Bei- trag zum Verständnis der Rechtshändigkeit.] 9.81,.82,.88,.9 Brooks, Fred E. 9:15 1908. Notes on the Habits of Mice, Moles and Shrews. Bull. 113 Agric. Exper. Stat. West Viriginia p. 89—133, 10 pls., 1 fig. 9.32,.33 Sabatini, P. 9 : 15.6 1908. Untersuchungen über die Tragezeit bei unseren wichtigsten Haus- tieren, beeinflusst durch Frühreife, Erstgeburt, sowie Zahl und Geschlecht der Foeten. Jahrb. wiss. prakt. Tierzucht Bd. 3 p. 1—107. 9.725,.73,.735 2 Verson, Saverio. 9:181 1908. Contributo allo studio delle cellule giganti tubercolari e di altri elementi cellulari normali e patologici. Arch. Sc. med. Torino Vol. 32 p. 489—496, 1 Taf. Manouélian, Y. 9:18.11 1908. Note sur l’existence des produits de dégénérescence cellulaires rappelant les corps de Negri. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 419—421. [Dans corps résiduels des spermatides de mammiferes.] 9.32 Russo, Achille. 9:18.11 1908. Sulla origine e sulla funzione dell’ apparato mitocondriale nelle cellule sessuali dei mammiferi. Boll. Accad. Gioen. Sc. nat. Catania 1908 p. 16—25, 3 figg. 9.32 Guieysse, A. 9:18.13 1908. Régénération de fragments nucléaires dans les cellules géantes expéri- mentales. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 387—389. Guieysse, A. 9 : 18.13 1908. Etude des cellules géantes expérimentales. La caryoanabiose. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 44—54. [Quantité énorme de noyaux dans une seule cellule géante (obtenue expérimentalement par action irritative de corps étrangers) Noyaux sont formés par fragments de noyaux de cellules polynucléèes que cell. géantes absorbent, et qui au contact d'un nouveau 15. I. 1909. 415 Mammalia. protoplasme se reforment („caryoanabiose“). Tétes de spermatozoides, (injection de sperme) effectuent caryoanabiose dans cellules géantes.] "oc 24787 Barrati, J. 0. Wakeliu. 9 : 18.15 1907. On Mitosis in Proliferating Epithelium. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 79 B p. 372 377, 5 figg. [Implantation of piecies of proliferating epithelium under skin of rabbits.] 9.32 88 Maximow, Alexander. 9 : 18.15 1908. Ueber Amitose in den embryonalen Geweben bei Säugetieren. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 89—98, 11 figg. 9.32 89 Renaut, J., et G. Dubreuil. 9: 18.2 1906. Les cellules connectives de la lignée rhagiocrine. Cytologie — évo- lution — propriétés phagocytaires et édificatrices. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 15 p. 222—242, 5 figg. 9.32,.74 99 Spalteholz, W. 9:182 1906. Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Bindegewebsfasern und -Zellen. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 209—218. 9.32 91 Dürck, H. 9 : 18.2 1907. Ueber eine neue Art von Fasern im Bindegewebe und in der Blut- gefässwand. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. München Bd. 23 p. 70— 16, 5 figg. [Radiärfasern als Antagonisten der Ringmuskelschicht.] 92 Renaut, J., et G. Dubreuil. 9 : 18.3 1908. Note sur la préossification dans la croûte osseuse périchondrale et la ligne d’ossification du ee 2 R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 55— 12. .135 93 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 18.3 1908. Structure de la substance fondamentale du cartilage hyalin. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 32—34. 9.32 24794 Retterer, Ed. 9: 18.3 1908. De la chondrogenese embryonnaire. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 3—6. 9.725 95 Retterer, Ed. 9: 18.3 1908. Structure du cartilage diarthrodial de l’adulte. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 45—48. 9.32 96 Retterer, Ed. 9: 18.3 1908. De Vinfluence de la suractfvité fonctionelle sur la structure du cartilage diarthrodial. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 117—120, 155— 158. [Amputation d’un membre de cobaye. Membre restant supporte tout poids de l’arrière-train. Ses cartilages, après la mort du sujet, sont hypertrophiés dans toutes leurs parties. Ceux du moignon amputé, hors d’usage présentent atrophie et sont transformés en éléments indifférents. Mouvement accroit, repos abaisse énergie vitale des cellules cartilagineuses.] 9.32 97 Kiilbs. 9 : 18.4 1908. Beiträge zur Entwicklung des Knochenmarks. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 191 p. 421—455. [Im Verlaufe der ersten 3 Monate wesentliche Zu- nahme der Markmengen und Umwandlung des roten, weichen Marks in Fettmark.] 9.74 98 Renaut, J., et G. Dubreuil. 9: 18.4 1908. La chondrolyse axiale des travées directrices de l’ossification dans les os longs des mammiferes et „l’ossification primaire“ à leur surface. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 928—931. 99 Retterer, Ed. | 9:184 1908. De l’ossification intracartilagineuse ou enchondrale. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 571—574. 9.725 24800 Retterer, Ed. 9:184 1908. Influence de l'activité ou du repos sur la structure du tissu osseux. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 36—43. [Modifications dans forme et structure des éléments de l'os de jeune mammifére, soumis à inaction. (Amputation d'un membre thoracique).] 9.32 15.51. 1909. Mammalia. 416 24801 Renaut, J., et G. Dubreuil. 9 : 18.5 1906. Sur les cellules rhagiocrines libres du liquide des diverses séreuses. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 60 p. 34—37. [Cellules glandulaires du tissu conjonctif, du liquide des cavités celomiques de la synovie et des gaines synoviales, du liquide céphalorachidien.] 02 Corti, Alfredo. 9 : 18.5 1907. Su alcuni elementi del sangue di mammiferi. Atti Congr. ital 1906 p. 510—545. | 03 Lebram. 9 : 18.5 1907. Normale Histologie der Leukocyten. (Aerztl. Ver. Danzig.) Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 33 p. 114. 04 Sedimair. 9 : 18.5 1907. Morphologie und Biologie des Blutes. Jahresh. Ver. Math.-Nat5 Ulm Jahrg. 13 p. 1—15. 05 Trinci, Giulio. 9 : 18.5. 1907. Cellule cromaffini e , Mastzellen* nella regione cardiaca dei Mammi- feri. Rend. Accad. Sc. Bologna N. S. Vol. 11 p. 56—57. 9.32 06 Weidenreich, F. 9 : 18.5 1907. Ueber die zelligen Elemente der Lymphe und der serösen Höhlen. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 51—56. 9.32,.74 07 Chistoni, Alfredo. 9 : 18.5 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza della composizione istologica della linfa nella linforrea sperimentale. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze Vol. 5 p. 74—84. [Costante presenza nella lina di feritrociti normali in numero inferiore ai globuli bianchi in essa presenti. Anostomosi tra sistema linfatico e sistema venoso. Durante deflusso prolungato della linfa del dotto toracico diminuiscono eritrociti e aumentano globuli bianchi. Età senza influenza sul numero dei globuli rossi presenti. Causa dell’ arrossamento della linfa postmortale va ricercata nella presenza di emoglobina libera e non nell’ aumento degli eritrociti.] 24808 Dietrich. 9:185 1908. Demonstrationen zur Morphologie der roten Blutkórperchen. (Licht- bilder.) (Deutsch. path. Ges. 12 Kiel) Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 19 p. 413. [Beobachtungen mittels Paraboloidkondensor.] 09 von Domarus, A. 9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber Blutbildung in Milz und Leber bei experimentellen Anämien. Arch. exper. Path. Pharm. Bd, 58 p. 319—342, 2 Taf. [Experimentell erzeugte Anämie mit Organveränderungen in Knochenmark, Milz u. Leber, die als Regenerationsbestrebung des Organismus gegen Blutzerfall anzu- sehen sind. Am stärksten wenn Tiere mehrmals Gelegenheit hatten, sich während der Vergiftung zu erholen und gegen die Schädigung zu rea- gieren.] 10 Doyen, M. 9: 18.5 1908. Röle du noyau des phagocytes dans la digestion cellulaire. Le cancer, maladie parasitaire du noyau des cellules normales. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 221—223. [Role actif des noyaux dans la phagocy- tose. Parasite intranucléaire du cancer.] 11 Freytag, Friedrich. 9 : 18.5 1908. Was sind Blutplättchen? Eine kritische und experimentelle Be- trachtung. Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Jahrg. 52 p. 197—803. 12 Freytag, Friedrich. 9 : 18.5 1905. Studien über Blutbildung in den blutbildenden Organen nach Blutentziehung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Milz. Zeitschr. allg. Physiol. Bd. 8 p. 451—484, 29 figg. 24813 Kontorowitsch, W. 9 : 18.5 1908. Morphologische Untersuchungen des embryonalen menschlichen Blutes. Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 58 p. 1926—1930, 1985—1988, 2032— 2038. 9.32,.755,.9 15. I. 1909. 417 Mammalia. 24814 Meyer, Erich. 9 : 18.5 1908. Weitere Untersuchungen über extrauterine Blutbildung. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 1161—1164. — Sitz.-Ber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. München Bd. 24 p. 43—52. [Nach Einwirkung hämolytisch wir- kender Gifte. (Kaninchen). Beziehungen zwischen Milz und Knochen- mark.] 9.32 15 Petry, Eugen. i 9: 18.5 1908. Zur Chemie der Zellgranula. 1. Mitteilung. Ueber die Eigen- schaften der eosinophilen Leukozytengranula. Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 21 p. 1360—1363, 1 fig. [Sekretstoffe des lebendigen Plasmas.] 16 Pisarski, Tadaäus. 9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber den Einfluss der Phosphorvergiftung auf die morphologischen Elemente des Blutes bei Menschen und Tieren. Deutsch, Arch. klin. Med. Bd. 93 p. 287—309. [Leukopenie gefolgt von Leukocytose. Reizung des Knochenmarks: Erscheinen von Normoblasten u. neutrophilen Myelo- cyten.] 9.9 17 Ponder, Constant W. 9 : 18.5 1908. A Simple Method of Obtaining a Preparation of Living Isolated Leucocytes. Lancet Vol. 175 p. 1746—1747, 3 figg. 18 Retterer, Ed. 9 : 18.5 1908. Forme et dimensions des hématies de quelques mammiféres do- mestiques. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 594—596. 9.725,.73,.735 19 Ross, H. C. 9 : 18.5 1908. On the Vacuolation of Leucocytes and the Liquefaction of their Cytoplasm. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 37 p. 333—336. [Nature of cer- tain spots which appear in leucocytes under suitable conditions. They are droplets of liquid absorbed by cells and remain suspended in jelly- like cytoplasm.] 9.9 24820 Sacerdotti, C. 9 :18.5 1908. Le piastrine dei mammiferi e il siero antipiastrinico. Arch. Sc. med. Torino Vol. 32 p. 339—404. 21 Schmidt, P. 9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber Jugendstadien der roten Blutkörperchen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 497—515, 1 Taf. [Basophile Kórnelung und Polychromatophilie eine Regenerationserscheinung.] 9.32 22 Schridde, Herm. 9:185 1908. Ueber Regeneration des Blutes unter normalen und krankhaften Verhältnissen. Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 19 p. 865—895. [Referat.] 28 Türk, Wilh. 9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber Regeneration des Blutes unter normalen und krankhaften Verhältnissen. Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 19 p. 895—998, 1 fig. [Referat.] 24 Walz, Karl, 9: 18.5 1908. Uber die Durchgängigkeit der Schleimhäute, im besonderen der Magendarmwand, für Leukocyten. Arbeit. path. Anat. Bakter. Tübingen Bd. 6 p- 244—259. 25 Weidenreich, Franz. 9 : 18.5 1908. Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze P. Scammr's: „Über Jugendstadien der roten Blutkörperchen.“ Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 73 p. 261—963. 26 Dietrich, A. 9 : 18.6 1907. Die Querlinien des Herzmuskels. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 10 p. 40—46, 3 Taf. 24827 Peterson, Reuben. 9 : 18.8 1899. Peripheral Nerve Transplantation, with the Report of a Case in which the Sciatics of a Dog were Transplanted Successfully between the Severed Ends of the Median and Ulnar Nerves of a Man. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. N. S. Vol. 117 p. 377—405, 13 figg. [Regeneration by down- growths from axis-cylinders of central end.) 4 Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909, 27 24828 30 31 33 34 24835 36 37 38 39 40 24841 Mammalia. 418 Robertson, W. Ford. 9 : 18.8 1899. On a new Method of Obtaining a Black Reaction in certain Tissue- Elements of the Central Nervous System. (Platinum Method). Scott. med. surg. Journ. Vol. 4 p. 23—30, 2 pls. Fleming, R. A. 9 : 18.8 1902, The Peripheral Theory of Nerve Regeneration with Special Refe- rence to Peripheral Neuritis. Scott. med. surg. Journ. Vol. 11 p. 193— 211, 1 pl. 9.32,.9 Gage, Simon H. 9 : 18.8 1906. Glycogen in the Nervous Tissue of Embryo Mammals, with De- monstration. (Amer. Ass. Adv. Sc.) Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 295. 9.73 van de Velde, E. 9 : 18.8 1906. Nota bij de demonstratie van praeparaten van zenuwcellen, vol- gens de methode van Dr. A. Donacaro. Handl. 9de vlaamsch nat.-geneesk. Congr. p. 62—64. [Itracellulaire kanalen.] 9.32 2 Joris, Hermann. 9 : 18.8 1907. Des neurofibrilles et de leurs rapports avec les cellules nerveuses. Bull. Acad. méd. Belgique T. 21 p. 63—92, 1 pl. Bethe, Albrecht. 9 : 18.8 1908. Ist die primäre Färbbarkeit der Nervenfasern durch die Anwesen- heit einer besonderen Substanz bedingt? Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 337 — 345, 1 Taf. Bogrowa, V. 9 : 18.8 1908. Quelques observations relatives à l'émigration du nucléole dans les cellules nerveuses des ganglions rachidiens. Note préliminaire. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 18 p. 166—172, 2 figg. 9.32 May, W. Page, and C. E. Walker. 9 : 18.8 1908. Note on the Multiplication and Migration of Nucleoli in Nerve Cells of Mammals. Quart. Journ. exper. Physiol. London Vol. 1 p. 203—208, 2 pls. [Nucleoli pass out of nucleus. Their staining reaction changes, After passing out of nucleus nucleoli become granular in appearance and increase in size. Nucleoli sometimes pass bodily out of nerve cell (peri- karyon) and are taken into cytoplasm of leucocytes or capsular cells.] 9.32,.74,.82,.88 Botezat, E. 9 : 18.8 1908. Nouvelles recherches sur les nerfs intraépithéliaux. (Réun. biol. Bucarest. ©. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 763—764. \ Capparelli, Andrea. 9 : 18.8 1908. Ueber die Struktur der Zellen der Rückenmarkzentren der hóheren Tiere. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 465—472, 1 Taf. 9.735 Chiari. 9 : 18.8 1908. Ueber die Genese der Corpora amylacea des Zentralnervensystems. Yerh. deutsch. path. Ges. 11 Dresden p. 23; Neurol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 26 p. 979; Centralbl. allg. Path. path. Anat. Bd. 18 p. 802. [Uebergangs- bilder zw. Gliakernen u. Corp. amyl.] Dürck, [Herm.] 9 : 18.8 1908. Untersuchungen über den normalen und pathologischen Bau des peripherischen Nervensystems. (Arztl. Ver. München.) Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 45 p. 2045. Gurewitsch, M. J. 9 : 18.8 1908. Zur Morphologie des fibrillären Apparates der Nervenzellen im nor- malen und pathologischen Zustande. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 2 p. 197—210, 1 Taf. [Neurofibrillen sehr resistente Gebilde. Untersuchungen im Hunger- zustand, nach Strychnin-, Tetanusvergiftung, Kompression der Aorta.] Lentz, Otto. 9 : 18.8 1908. Über spezifische Veründerungen an den Ganglienzellen wut- und staupekranker Tiere. Ein Beitrag zu unseren Kenntnissen über die Be- deutung und Entstehung der Neerrschen Kórperchen. Zeitschr. Hyg. In- fektionskrankh. Bd. 62 p. 63—94, 1 Taf. [Nxzcenrsche Körperchen ein- schliesslich bis jetzt bekannter Innenkórperchen nicht Erreger der Toll- wut, sondern Reaktionsprodukte der Ganglienzelle.] 15. I. 1909. 419 Mammalia. 24842 Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 18.8 1908. Die Nerven des Endocardiums. Anat. Anz. Bd, 32 p. 87—101, 7 figg. 9.725 43 Michailow, Sergius. 9 : 18.8 1908. Die Neurofibrillen der sympathischen Ganglienzellen bei Säuge- tieren. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. 637—655, 2 Taf. 44 Oppenheim, 6G. 9 : 18.8 1908. Ueber protoplasmatische Gliastrukturen. (33. Wandervers. süd- \ westdeutsch. Neurol. Irrenärzte Baden-Baden.) Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 24 p. 187—188. [Neue Farbreaktion ergibt Netzstrukturen.] 45 Pesker, D. J. 9 : 18.8 1908. Zur Lehre von der Histogenese der Neurofibrillen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 333—349, 1 Taf. [Entwickung des sekundären Fibrillen- netzes aus dem primären. Jede neue Fibrille entspringt aus einer alten, bleibt mit ihr in Verbindung u. verbindet sich (unter beliebigem Winkel) mit einer Nachbarfibrille (Maus).] 9.32 46 Wossidlo, E. 9 : 18.8 1908. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über Veränderungen der Nissr’schen Granula bei der Lumbalanisthesie. Arch. klin. Chir. Bd. 86 p. 1017 — 1053. [NıssL-Körper sind Produkte der normal funktionierenden Gang- lienzelle.] 47 Arldt, Th. 9 (118) 1908. Die alttertiäre Säugetierwelt Afrikas. Nat. Rundsch. Jahrg. 23 p. 285—287, 301—303, 316—318. 48 Deperet, Charles. 9 (118) 1908. The Evolution of Tertiary Mammals, and the Importance of their Migrations. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 109—114, 166—170, 302—307. [Translated from C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 143, by Jonanna KxroeBER.] 24849 Gaudry, Albert. 9 (118) 1908. Fossiles de Patagonie de l'économie dans la nature. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 1131—1134; Ann. Paléont. T. 3 p. 41—60, 71 figg. 9.31,.32,.64,.65,.72,.729,.78,.74 50 Donglass, Earl. 9 (1181) 1908. Vertebrate Fossils from the Fort Union Beds. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 5 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 53) p. 11—26, 2 pls. [4 nn. spp. in: Ptilo- dus, Picrodus n. g., Coriphagus n. g., Megopterna n. g.] 9.2,.32,.33,.66,.74 51 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 9 (1181) 1908. New Fossil Mammals from the Fayum Oligocene, Egypt. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 265—272, 6 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Ptole- maia n. g., Phiomys n. g., Metaphiomys n. g., Aspidium n. g. Ptolemaiidae n. fam.] 9.32 52 Gidley, James Williams. 9 (1182) 1908. Notes on a Collection of Fossil Mammals from Virgin Valley, Nevada. Univ. California Publ. Geol. Vol. 5 p. 235—242, 9 figg. 9.725,.735 53 Seguenza, Luigi. 9 (1182) 1908. Il Miocene della provincia di Messina. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 p. 379—385. 9.61,.73,.735,.74,.82 54 Ameghino, Florentino. 9 (1183) 1907. Notas sobre una pequefia coleccion de huesos de mamiferos pro- cedentes de las grutas calcäreas de Iporanga en el Estado de Säo Paulo- Brazil. Rev. Mus. Paulista Vol. 7 p. 59—124, 22 figg. 9.2,.32,.4,.73— .74 55 Fucini, A. 9 (1183) 1908. Sopra alcuni resti di vertebrati delle argille plioceniche dei din- torni di Empoli. Atti Soc, tosc. Sc. nat. Proc.-verb. Vol. 17 p. 36—39. 9.61,.72,.735,.74 24856 Landois, H. 9 (119) 1901. Ross und Reiter aus der Steinzeit Westfalens. 29. Jahresber. west- fal. Prov.-Yer. p. 3—4, 1 Taf. 9.125,.9 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 420 24357 Packard, A. S. 9 (119) 1902. An Afternoon at Chelles and the Earliest Evidences of Human In- dustry in France. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 61 p. 81—88, 2 figg. 9.32,.61,.72,.725,.735 58 Merriam, John C. 9 (119) 1906. Recent Discoveries of Quaternary Mammals in Southern Cali- fornia. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 248—250. 9.31,.61,.735,.74 59 Gilmore, Charles W. 9 (119) 1908. Smithsonian Exploration in Alaska in 1907 in Search of Pleistocene Fossil Vertebrates. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 51 p. 1—38, 13 pls., 2 figg.. 9.32,.61,.725,.735,.74 60 Harlé, Edouard. 9 (119) 1908. Faune quaternaire de Saint-Sébastien (Espagne). Bull. Soc. géol. France (4) T. 8 p. 82—83. 9.725,.735,.74 61 Harle, Edouard. 9 (119) 1908. Faune quaternaire de la province de Santander (Espagne). Bull. Soc. géol. France (4) T. 8 p. 300—302. 9.61,.725,.73,.735,.74,.9 62 Holland, W. J. 9 (119) 1908. A Preliminary Account of the Pleistocene Fauna Discovered in a Cave Opened at Frankstown, Pennsylvania, in April and May, 1907. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 228—233, 2 pls., 1 fig. 9.31,.32,.4,.61,.725,.73,.735,.74 63 Major, C. I. Forsyth. 9 (119 1908. The Mammalian Fauna of the Forest Bed. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Yol. 5 p. 329—330. 24864 de Mortillet, A. 9 (119) 1908. Insuffisance de la faune comme base de classification des stations quaternaires. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 2 p. 912—920. (44.65,.71,.72) 9.32,.61,.72,.725,.735,.74 65 Nordenskiöld, Erland. 9 (119) 1908. Ein neuer Fundort für Säugetierfossilien in Peru. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 11, 22 pp., 2 Taf., 7 figg. [3 nn. spp. in: Canis, Furcifer, Onohip- pidium.] 9.31,.725,.735,.74 66 Pontier, G. 9 (119) 1908. Découvertes paléontologiques dans la Vallée de l’Aa. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 37 p. 131—139. 9.61,.725,.73,.735 67 Rausenberger, J. 9 (119) 1908. Neuere Funde aus dem Diluvium von Hanau. Festschr, 100jähr. Best, Wetterau.-Ges. ges. Naturk. Hanau a. M. p. 146—148. 9.61,.72,.725,.735,.74 68 Rösch, Josef. 9 (119) 1908. Mammut- und Rhinozerosreste aus der diluvialen Egerterrasse bei Kaaden. Lotos Prag Bd. 56 p. 190—192, 1 Taf. 9.61,.72 69 Schroeder, Henry. 9 (119) 1908. Rhinoceros mercki Jicer von Heggen im Sauerlande. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 26 p. 212—239, 11 Taf. [Sowie Sus scrofa und Ursus spelaeus.] 9.72,.73,.74 70 Stürtz, B. 9 (119) 1908. Das Rheindiluvium talwärts von Bingerbrück. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westf. Osnabr. Jahrg. 64 p. 1—96, 1 Taf. 9.61,.72,.725,.735 71 Gourdon, Maurice. 9 (4) 1908. Note sur une série de cränes de mammiferes des Pyrénées. Bull. Soc. Sc. nat. Quest Nantes Ann. 18 p. 1—34. (44.78,.79,.89) 9.32,.725—.74 24872 Dalgliesh, Gordon. 9 (42.21) 1908. The Mammals of PS Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 178—184, 2 figg. i 4 y 15. I. 1909. 421 Mammalia, 24873 Bunting, R. H. 9 (42.34) 1908. Notes on the Mammals of the Channel Islands. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 461—465. 9.32—.4,.74 74 Coward, T. A. 9 (42.35) 1908. Some Notes on the Mammals of Lundy. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 52 No. 6, 14 pp. 9.32,.33,.745 75 Clark, James. 9 (42.37) 1908. Notes on Cornish Mammals. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 409—418. 9.32—.4,.53,.74,.745 76 von Schweppenburg, Geyr. 9 (43.42) 1908. Uber die Erforschung der einheimischen Säugetier-Fauna. Sitz.- Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. zen. Westfalen 1907 E p. 99—103. .92—.4 77 Winge, Herluf. 9 (489) 1908. Danmarks Fauna. Handboger over den danske dyreferden udgivet af Naturhistorisk Forening. 5. Pattedyr. Kjebenhavn: G. E. C. Gad 16? 249 pp., 117 figg. [81 spp.] 9.32—.53,.61,.725—.745 78 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (51.1) 1908. The Duke of Beprorp’s Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. — X. List of Mammals from the Provinces of Chih-li and Shan-si, N. China. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 635—646, 1 pl. [5 nn. spp. in: Myotis, Meriones, Cricetulus, Craseomys, Capreolus.] 9.32,.4,.735..74 79 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (51.7) 1908. The Duke of Beprorp’s Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. — IX. List of Mammals from the Mongolian Plateau. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 104—110. [Microtus angustus n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Mus.] 9.32,. 24880 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (52.2) 1908. The Duke of Brprorn’s Zoological ioni in Eastern Asia. — VII. List of Mammals from the Tsu-shima Islands. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 47—54. [Lutreola quelpartis n. sp. 4 nn. subspp. in: Urotrichus 3, Apodemus.] 9.32—.4,.735,.74 81 Miller, Gerrit 8. 9 (56.5) 1908. Two New Mammals from Asia Minor. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 68—70. [2 nn. spp. in: Neomys, Muscardinus.] 9.32,.33 82 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (59.5) 1908. On Mammals from the Malay Peninsula and Islands. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 301—306. [2 nn. spp. in: Galeopterus. Sciurop- terus (29 nn. subspp.) 2 nn. subspp. in: Symphalangus, Sciurus.] D dis 83 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (6) 1908. New Bats and Rodents in the British Museum Collection. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 370--375. [5 nn. spp. in: Murina 2, Keri- voula, Nyctinomus, Mus. 1 d subspp. in: Chalinolobus, Dipodillus.] (65, 66.4,.99, 67.1,.2, 922, 925, 94.1,.2, 95) 9.32,.4 84 Thomas, Oldfield, and R. C. W ‘roughton. 9 (6) 1908. The Eus Exploration of S. Africa. — X. List of Mammals collected by Mr. Grant near Tette, Zambesia. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 535—553. [Also from Arabia, Egypt and British Rhodesia. 5 nn. spp. in: Mungos, Mus (2 nn. subspp.), Thamnomys 3. 5 nn, subspp. in: Scoteinus 3, Funisciurus, Arvicanthis.] (62, 67.9, 68.9) 9.32—.4,.74,.82 85 Wroughton, R, C. 9 (6) 1908. A List of Mammals Collected by Mr. C. F. M. Swynnerron in Northern Gazaland (Portuguese East Africa) and the Melsetter District of Rhodesia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 303—907. (67.9, 68.2,.9) 24886 Klaptocz, Bruno. 9 (61.2) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Säuger von Tripolis und Barka. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 27 p. 237—272, 2 figg. [Gerbillus grobbeni n. sp.] 9.32—.4, .73—.74 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 422 24887 Pocock, R. I. 9 (66.6) 1908. Report upon a Small Collection of Mammalia brought from Li- beria by Mr. Lronmarp Leen, Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 1037 —1046, 1 pl. [Genetta johnstoni n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Poiana.] 9.735,.74,.82 88 Trouessart, E. L. 9 (66.6) 1908. Liste raisonnée des Mammifères recueillis par M. A. CHEVALIER à la Côte d'Ivoire. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 146—150. 9.32,.62,.735,.74,.82 89 Cabrera, Angel. 9 (66.99) 1908. Lista de los mamiferos de las posesiones espafiolas del Golfo de Guinea. Mem. Soc. espaîi. Hist. nat. T. 1 p. 435—456. 9.31,.4,.55,.61,.62,.73—.74,.82,.88 90 Lydekker, R. 9 (67) 1908. Notes on Two African Mammals. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 782—785, 1 fig. (67.1,,6) 9.61,.74 91 Thomas, Oldfield, and R. C. Wroughton. 9 (67) 1908. The Rupp Exploration of South Africa. — IX. List Mammals ob- tained by Mr. Grant on the Gorongoza Mountains, Portuguese S. E. Africa. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 164—173. [2 nn. spp. in: Bdeogale, Tu- tera. 2 nn. subspp. in: Mungos, Cricetomys. (61.8,.9) 9.32,.33,.735,.74,.81,.82 92 Lönnberg, Einar. 9 (67.5) 1908. Notes on some Mammals collected in the Congo Free State by the Swedish Missionary K. E. Laman. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 16, 14 pp. [Cressarchus zebroides n. sp. 2 nn. subspp. in: Mungos, Cephalophus.] 9.32,.735,.74,.82 24893 Sassi, Moriz. 9 (67.6) 1908. Ueber einige Säugetiere vom Weissen Nil. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 148—159, 1 fig. 9.32,.4,.74 94 Thomas, Oldfield, and R. C. Wroughton. 9 (67.9) 1908. The Rupp Exploration of South Africa. — VII. List of Mammals Obtained by Mr. Granr at Beira. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 774 —782. [Georchus beirae n. sp.] 9.32,.4,.735,.74,.82 95 Allen, J. A. 9 (728) 1908. Mammals from Nicaragua. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 647—670, 12 figg. [11 nn. spp. in: Hoplomys n. g., Heteromys 2, Neo- toma, Oryzomys 2 (1 n. subsp.), Ototylomys, Peromyscus, Lutra, Bassari- cyon, Blarina. 6 nn. subspp. in: Lepus, Sigmodon, Sciurus, Tayra, Artibeus, Alouatta.] 9.32,.33,.74,.82 96 Hartley, H. T. Jackson. 9 (77.5) 1908. A Preliminary List of Wisconsin Mammals. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 13—34, 1 pl. 9.2,.32— .4,.735,.74 97 Hollister, N. 9 (77.5) 1908. Notes on Wisconsin Mammals. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 137—142. 9.2—.4,.735,.74 98 Swenk, Myron H. 9 (78.2) 1908. A Preliminary Review of the Mammals of Nebraska. Stud. zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska No. 89, 88 pp. 9.2,.32— .4,.,73— 74 99 Warren, Edward R. 9 (78.8) 1908. Further Notes on the Mammals of Colorado. Colorado Coll. Publ. Gen. Ser. No. 33 p. 61—89, 9.32—.4,.735,.74 24900 Young, Robert T. 9 (78.8) 1908. Notes on the Distribution of Colorado Mammals, with a Des- cription of a New Species of Bat (Eptesicus pallidus) from Boulder. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 403—409. 9.32—.4,.74 24901 Thomas, Oldfield. 9 (81) 1900. List of the Mammals Obtained by Dr. G. Franco GriLLo in the Province of Parana, Brazil. 9.2,.32,.4 15. I. 1909, 423 Mammalia. 24902 Lyon, Marcus Ward. 9 (921) 1908. Mammals Collected in Eastern Sumatra by Dr. W. L. Assorr dur- ing 1903 1906, and 1907, with Descriptions of New Species and Subspe- cies. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 619—679, 5 pls., 4 figg. [13 nn. spp. in: Tragulus (1 n. subsp.), Sciurus (2 nn. subspp.), Mus 2, Arcto- galidia 2, Paradoxus, Felis, Tupaia, Crocidura, Niadias, Presbytis 2.) 9.32 —.4,.73—.74,.81—.88 03 Lyon, Marcus W. 9 (921) 1908. On a Collection of Mammals from the Batu Islands, West of Su- matra. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 137—140. [Cynocephalus tello- nis n. Sp.] 9.32,.33,.82 04 Jentink, F. A. 9 (95) 1908. Mammals Collected by the Members of the Humboldt Bay- and the Merauke River-Expeditions. Nova Guinea Rés. Expéd. scient. néerl. N. Guin. Vol. 5 Zool. p. 361—374. [2 nn. spp. in Pogonomys.] 9.2,.32,.4,.73 05 Jensen, Soren. 9 (98) 1904. Mammals observed on Amdrup’s journeys to East Greenland 1898 —1900. Medd. Grønland Heft 29 p. 1—62, 17 figg. 9.32,.53,.735—.745 06 Reeker, H. 9.1 1900. Das Leben der Schnabeltiere. 28. Jahresher. westfil. Prov.-Ver. p. 29—927. 07 Keibel, Franz. 9.1 Echidna : 14.6 1908. Modelle zu der Entwickelung des Urogenital-Apparates von Echidna aculeata var. typica (Tachyglossus aculeatus), hergestellt von Herrn FRIEDRICH ZieeLer in Freiburg i. B. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 245—215, 2 figg. 24908 Gaupp, E. 9,1 Echidna : 14.71 1907. Hauptergebnisse der an dem Semon’schen Echidna-Material vorge- nommenen Untersuchung der Schädelentwickelung. Verh. anat. Ges. 09 Frets, G. P. 9.1 Echidna : 14.71 1908. Ueber die Entwicklung der Wirbelsäule von Echidna hystrix. Mor- 10 Heck, L. 9.1 Echidna : 15.6 1908. Echidna-Züchtung im Berliner Zool. Garten. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 187—189, 1 fig. 11 Toldt, Karl, jun. 9.1 Zaglossus : 14.78 1906. Über das Haar- und Stachelkleid von Zaglossus Giur (Proechidna Gervais). Ann. Hofmus. Wien Bd. 21 p. 1—21, 3 Taf. 14.781 12 Bresslau, Ernst. 9.2 : 14.69 1902. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Mammarorgane bei den Beuteltieren. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 261--317, 2 Taf., 14 figg. 13 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.2 Dactylopsila (93) 1908. The Species of the Genus Dactylopsila. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 122—124. [2 nn. spp.] (94.3, 95) 14 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.2 Dendrolagus (95) 1908. A new Tree-Kangaroo from British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 452—453. [Dendrolagus goodfellowi n. sp.] 15 Ducceschi, V. 9.2 Didelphys : 11.46 1908. Il latte dei marsupiali. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze Vol: 5 p. 413—424, 6 figg. [Latte del Didelphys mostra caratteri generali del latte dei mammi- feri superiori. Presenza di pepsina e assenza di chimosina nello stoma- co del Didelphys non sta in favore teoria della identità dei due fermenti.] 24916 Fuchs, Hugo. 9.2 Didelphys : 14.71 1908. Ueber einen Rest des Parasphenoids bei einem rezenten Säugetiere. 15. I. 1909 Mammalia. 424 24917 Abel, 0. 9.2 Diprotodon (119) 1908. Unsere gegenwärtige Kenntnis über den Bau und die Lebens- weise von Diprotodon australis Owen. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (44)—(47), 1 fig. 18 Noetling, Fritz. 9.2 Macropus 1%8. Der Abdruck der Hinterfüsse des rezenten Känguruhs. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 725—728, 2 figg. [Ähnlichkeit mit den ver- meintlich menschlichen Fussspuren von Warrnambool.] 19 Shepstone, Harold J. 9.2 Macropus : 15 1908. Farming the Kangaroo. A Novel Experiment which Has Proved Ai in England. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 264—265, 5 88. 20 Ameghino, Florentino. 9.31 (118) 1908. Encore quelques mots sur les Tatous fossiles de France et d’Alle- magne. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos-Ayres T. 17 p. 93—110, 12 figg. (1181, 1182) (43.32, 44.58,.73) 21 Grandidier, G., et Neveu-Lemaire. 9.81 (8) 1908. Observations relatives à quelques Tatous rares ou inconnus habi- tant la ,Puna^ Argentine et Bolivienne. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 4—7, 2 pls. [Dasypus boliviensis n. sp.] (52, 84) 22 Menegaux, A. i 9.81 Bradypodidae 1908. Les genres actuels de la famille des Bradypodidés. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 701—703. 23 Menegaux, A. 9.31 Bradypodidae : 15 1908. Sur la biologie des Bradypodidés. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1079—1082. 24 Anthony, [R.] 9.81 Bradypus : 14.71 1908. A propos des caractères anatomiques du Bradypus torquatus In. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 873—875. 24925 Menegaux, A. 9.31 Bradypus : 14.71 1908. Sur le squelette du membre antérieur de Bradypus torquatus Inn. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 637—640. 26 Poche, Franz. 9.31 Bradypus : 14.71 1908. Uber die Anatomie und die systematische Stellung von Bradypus torquatus (ILu.). Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 567—580, 7 figg. 27 Menegaux, A. 9.31 Bradypus : 15 1908. La marche et la facon de grimper des Paresseux, d’après les ob- servations récentes et notamment celles de M. et Mme. Gray, voyageurs du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 334— 387, 1 pl. 28 Menegaux, A. 9.31 Bradypus : 15.3 1908. La nourriture des Paresseux, d’après les observations de M. et Mme. Gray, voyageurs du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 337—340; Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 159—161. 29 Ballowitz, E. 9.31 Dasypus : 14.63.1 1907. Die Form und Struktur der Schuppentierspermien. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 86 p. 619—624, 1 Taf. 30 Adams, Lionel E. 9.31 Dasypus : 15 1908. Notes on the Hairy Armadillo (Dasypus villosus). Zoologist (4) Yol. 12 p. 342—344. 15.8 31 Anthony, R. 9.31 Hemibradypus : 14.71 1908. A propos des caractères de D Hemibradypus (Scaeopus) torquatus Inu. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 162—167, 2 figg. 32 Tims, H. W. Marett. 9.31 Manis : 14.31.4 1908. Tooth-Vestiges and Associated Mouth-Parts in the Manidae. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 42 p. 375—387, 14 figg. 24933 de Beaux, 0. 9.31 Tamandua (81) 1908. Über die schwarze Varietät der Tamandua longicaudata Gray. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 417—418. [n. var. nigra.) 15. I. 1909. 425 e Mammalia: 24934 Shuddemagen, Lily C. 9.31 Tatu : 14.8 1907. On the Anatomy of the Central Nervous System of the Nine- Banded Armadillo (Tatu novemcinctum Lixn.). (Contrib. zool. Lab. Univ. Texas No. 75) Biol. Bull. Vol. 12 p. 285—302, 3 pls. 14.81,.82 35 Boycott, A. E., and 6. C. C. Damant. 9.32 : 11.04 1908. A Note on the Total Fat of Rats, Guinea-Pigs and Mice. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 37 p. 25—26. [Tendency for fatness to increase with age. Females fatter than males.] 36 Lee, Thomas 6. 9.32 : 13.39 1908. A Comparison between the Implantation Stages in Dipodomys and Geomys. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 918. 37 Rzehak, A. 9.32 (119) 1908. Nagetierreste aus dem Brünner Löss. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1908 p. 336—337. 38 Miller, Gerrit S. 9.32 (4) 1908. Eighteen New European Voles. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 191—206. [10 nn. spp. in: Evotomys, Arvicola 2, Microtus 3 (3 nn. sub- spp.), Pitymys 4 (5 nn. subspp.)] (41.12,.21, 42.34, 43.92, 44.59,.77—.79, 46.2—.4,.7,.8) 39 Greve, C. 9.32 (47.4) 1908. Zur Verbreitung einiger kleiner Nager in den Ostseeprovinzen. Korr.-Bl. Nat. Ver. No. 51 p. 164—170. 40 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 (5) 1908. New Asiatic Apodemus, Evotomys, and Lepus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 447—450. [3 nn. spp. in: A, E., L] (52.9, 57.6) 41 Thomas, Oldfield, 9.32 (51.1) 1908. The Duke of Bxprorn’s Zoological Exploration in Eastern Asia. — VI. List of Mammals from the Shantung Peninsula, N. China. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 5—10. [2 nn. subspp. in: Mus, Apodemus.] 24942 Merriam, C. Hart. 9.82 (78.8) 1908. Three New Rodents from Colorado. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 143—144. [3 nn. subspp. in: Eutamias, Neotoma, Thomomys.] 43 Merriam, C. Hart. 9.32 (79.4) 1908. Four New Rodents from California. Proc. biol.” Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 145—148. [Thomomys mewa n. sp. (1 n. subsp.) 2 nn. subspp. in: Microtus.| 44 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Akodon (82.9) 1908. A new Akodon from Tierra del Fuego. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 496—497. [A. francei n. sp] 45 Shull, Charles A. 9.32 Arctomys : 12.31.4 1908. Abnormal Incisors of Marmota monax L. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 457—459, 2 figg. [Abnormal growth (extremely long and curved) ot upper incisors depending upon congenital abnormality in position and direction of socket of left incisor.] 46 Dubois, Raphael. 9.32 Arctomys : 15.4 1908. Sur l'immunité de la marmotte en hivernation à l'égard des maladies parasitaires. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 54—57. — Réponse de R. BLANCHARD. p. 51—58. 47 Krause, Georg. 9.32 Arctomys (43.14) 1903. Das Alpenmurmeltier. (Arctomys marmota, Parras.) Wanderer im Riesengeb. Jahrg. 23 p. 65—68, 1 fig. 48 Hiltner, L. 9.32 Arvicola : 16.5 1908. Über den Stand der Feldmäuseplage in Bayern Mitte April und Mitte Novemper 1907. Prakt. Blätter Pflanzenbau-Pflanzenschutz Jahrg. 6 p. 18—20, 2 Kart. 24949 Korff, G. 9.32 Arvicola : 16.5 1908. Die Wühl- oder Mollmaus (Arvicola amphibius) und ihre Bekämp- fung. Prakt. Blätter Pflanzenbau-Pflanzenschutz Jahrg. 6 p. 100—107, 3 figg. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia, 426 24950 Brandes, Georg. 9.32 Casto: 1908. Ueber Vorkommen, Lebensweise und anatomischen Bau des Bibers Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 T]. 2 Hälfte 1 p. 256. 51 Heinrick, Paul. 9.32 Castor : 14.31. 1908. Ueber die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems von Castor fiber L. Zool b Jahrb. Abt. Anat. Bd. 26 p. 355—402, 2 Taf., 18 figg. 52 Major, C. I. Forsyth. 9.32 Castor : 14.31. 1908. Jaw of Canadian Beaver, with five lower cheek-teeth. Proc. zool Soc. London 1908 p. 630, 1 fig. 53 Mingaud, Galien. 9.32 Castor : 16. 1908. La protection du Castor du Rhóne. Bull. Soc. Etud. Sc. nat Nimes T. 35 p. 45—49. 54 Ferrant, V. 9.32 Castor (119 1908. Interessanter Fossilienfund aus den pleistocänen Ablagerungen be M re. Monatsber. Ges. Luxemburg Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. - pe A — 2 E 55 v. Linstow, O. 9.32 Castor OI 1908. Die Verbreitung des Bibers im Quartär. Eine Literaturstudi: Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat.-Heimatkunde Magdeburg Bd. 1 p. 213—357, 1 Kar (41.45, 42.53..59..61,.67, 43.11—-.16,.19 —.23,.37 — .47,.51 —.56,.58 —.63,.65,.67,.71 —.74,.91,.92,.94 —.96, 44.96,.44,.51,.88,.91,.94—.96, 45.2,.6, 47.3—.5,.8.,492— 494, 57.1—.6, 74.8, 75. 76.8, 77.1, 79.5) 56 Major, C. I. Forsyth. 9.32 Castor (11! 1908. On Species of Castor, Fossil and Recent. Proc. zool. Soc. Lon don 1908 p. 630—634. 6 figg. 24957 Dyche, L. L. 9.32 Castor (78.1 1908. A Kansas Beaver. (Castor canadensis KunL.) Trans. Kansas Acad Sc. Vol. 21 p. 165—167. 58 Castle, W. E. 9.32 Cavia : 11.5 1908. A New Color Variety of the Guinea-Pig. Science N. S. Vol. 28] 950—959. 59 Moore, J. E. Salvin, and F. Tozer. 9.32 Cavia : 13.1 1908. On the Maturation of the Ovum in the Guinea-Pig. Proc. R. So London Vol. 80 B p. 285—287, 3 pls. 60 Arcangeli, A. 9.32 Cavia : 14.3 1908. Einige histologische Beobachtungen über das Deckepithel des Oes phagus beim Meerschweinchen. (Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung de Keratohyalins. Monatsh. prakt. Dermat. Bd. 47 p. 297—316. 61 Fleischmann, Albert. 9.32 Cavia : 14. 1906. Morphologische Studien über Kloake und Phallus der Amniote (4. Fortsetzung). Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 36 p. 1—2. — XII Bau und En wicklung der äusseren Genitalien bei Cavia cobaya, von Cart GRUBER. ] 3—26, 2 Taf., 4 figg. 14.64,.67 62 Loeb, Leo. 9.32 Cavia : 14.6 1908. A Note on the Occurrence of Mitoses in the Corpus Luteum c the Guinea-Pig. Anat. Rec. Vol. 2 p. 240—941. 63 Mulon, P. 9.32 Cavia : 14.6 1908. Sur certaines formes d’atrésie du follicule dans l’ovaire du Cobay: C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 120—127, 2 figg. 64 Collin, Remy. 9.32 Cavia : 1 1908. Variations volumétriques de l’appareil nucléolaire de la cellul nerveuse somatochrome, à l'état normal, chez le cobaye adulte. (Réw biol. Nancy) (Note préliminaire.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 457- 459. 18.13,.8 24965 Zimmermann, A. 9.32 Cavia : 18. 1908. Über das Vorkommen der Mastzellen beim Meerschweinchen. Arck mikr. Anat. Bd. 72 p. 662—669. [In nahezu allen Organen.] 15. I. 1909. 427 Mammalia. 24966 Collin, Remy. 9.32 Cavia : 18.8 1908. Les variations de structure a l’état normal du noyau de la cellule nerveuse somatochrome chez le Cobaye. ©. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 21—29, 5 figg. 67 Scheunert, A. 9.32 Cricetus : 11.32 1908. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Verdauungsphysiologie. Die Magen- verdauung von Cricetus frumentarius. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 475. 68 Simroth, H. 9.32 Cricetus : 11.57 1908. Demonstration of Skin Varieties of Cricetus frumentarius of Thur- ingia. Rep. 77th Meet. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc. p. 550. 69 Ochs, Arthur. 9.32 Cricetus : 13 1908. Die intrauterine Entwicklung des Hamsters bis zum Beginn der Herzbildung. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 89 p. 193—229, 15 figg. [Sog. Inversion der Keimblätter. Starke glockenförmige Krümmung der Keim- anlage („Entypie des Keimfeldes“, SeLenka).] 13.17,.2,.3 70 Ming, 6. 9.32 Cricetus : 14.3 1908. Ueber den Verdauungstractus von Cricetus frumentarius. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 TI. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 473—475. TU Grundlach, A. 9.32 Cricetus (43.1) 1908. Die Verbreitung des Hamsters in Mecklenburg und den Nach- bargebieten. Arch. Ver. Freunde Nat. Mecklenburg Jahrg. 62 p. 157— 162. 72 Duges, A. 9.32 Dipodomys 1908. Dipodomys phillipsi, Gray. Mem. Soc. cient, Ant. Alzate T. 10 p. 407 —411, 3 figg. 73 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Dipus (51.4) 1908. A New Jerboa from China. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 907—308. [Dipus sowerbyi n. sp.] 24974 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Eliurus (69.5) 1908. A New Species of the Mascarene Genus Eliurus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 453—454. LE. penicillatus.] 75 Bruner, Lawrence, 9.32 Geomys : 16.5 1908. Pocket Gophers. Press Bull. agric. Exper. Stat. Nebraska No. 29, 8 pp., 8 figg. 76 Chubb, E. C. 9.32 Georychus (68.9) 1908. A new Rodent-Mole from North-western Rhodesia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 451—452. [Georychus malyneuxi n. ep 77 Brian, Otto. 9.32 Hystrix : 14.31.3 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hornzühne auf der Zunge von Hystrix eristata. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 155—158, 1 Taf. [Modificierte Pa- pillen.] 78 van Bemmelen, J. F. 9.32 Lepus 1908. Absolute kenmerken ter onderscheiding van haas en konijn. Tijdschr. nederl. dierk. Vereen. (2) D. 10 p. XXXIII- XXXVI. 79 Loisel, Gustave. 9.32 Lepus : 11.57 1908. Influence du sexe mále dans Phéréditó du pelage chez les lapins. C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 254; Pt. 2 p. 683—687. 80 Regaud, Ci., et G. Dubreuil. 9.32 Lepus : 11.66 1908. Existe-t-il des relations entre les phénomènes du rut et la présence des corps jaunes ovariens, chez la lapine. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 176—178. [Nulle relation entre corps jaune et acceptation du coit.] 81 Regaud, Cl, et G. Dubreuil. 9.32 Lepus : 11.66 1908. Glande interstitielle de l’ovaire et rut chez la lapine. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 217—219. [Sans rapport avec rut.] 24982 Regaud, Cl., et G. Dubreuil. 9.32 Lepus : 11.66 1908. Gravidité et glande interstitielle de l'ovaire chez la lapine. €. R. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 428 24983 Regaud, Cl., et G. Dubreuil. 9.32 Lepus : 11.66 1908. L’ovulation de la lapine n'est pas spontanée. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 552—554. 84 Burckhard, Georg. 9.32 Lepus : 11.69 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Ovarientransplantation. (Transplantation von Ovarien in die Hoden bei Kaninchen). Vorläufige Mitteilung. Zentralbl. Gynük. Jahrg. 32 p. 150—151. (Physik. med. Ges. Würzburg.) Med. Klinik Jahrg. 4 p. 929. [Degenerationserscheinungen in Ovarien und Hoden nach Transplant. ersterer in letztere.] 85 Burckhard, Georg. 9.32 Lepus : 11.69 1908. Ein Beitrag zur Ovarientransplantation. (Transplantation von Ovarien in die Hoden bei Kaninchen.) Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Path. Bd. 43 p. 499—518. [Degenerative Processe an Hoden u. Ovarien. Keine Embryome.] 9.32 86 Chabrié, C. 9:32 Lepus : 11.77 1908. Mesures sur le pouvoir diathermane des poils de lapin brun et de lapin blanc. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 891—892. [Poils blancs sont plus facilement traversés par les rayons calorifiques.] 87 Marburg. 9.32 Lepus : 12 1908. Teratom im Kaninchenhirn. (Ver. Psychiatr. Neurol. Wien). Neu- rol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 27 p. 889—890. 88 Hilton, William A. 9.32 Lepus : 12.31.4 1908. Peculiar Abnormal Teeth in a Jack-Rabbit. Amer. Natural. Vol. 49 p. 799, 2 figg. 89 Heape, Walter. 9.32 Lepus : 13.6 1908. Note on Russo’s attempt to show differentiation of sex in the ovarian ova of the Rabbit. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 609 — 612. 24990 Tourneux, F. 9.32 Lepus : 14.35 1908. Sur les premiers développements de la membrane cloacale chez l'embryon de lapin. €. R. Ass. Anat. Marseille Réun. 10 p. 183—186, 2 figg. 91 oso, Ugo, e Anselmo Sacerdote. 9.32 Lepus : 14.37 1908. Sulle modificazioni istologiche del pancreas di coniglio dopo la legatura del dutto di Wirsune. Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 17 Sem. 1 92 Dubreuil, G., et Cl. Regaud. 9.32 Lepus : 14.65 1908. Parallélisme des variations macroscopiques et microscopiques de la glande interstitielle dans l’ovaire de la lapine. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 901—908. 93 Regaud, CL, et G. Dubreuil. 9.32 Lepus : 14.65 1908. Karyokinèse des cellules lutéiniques dans les corps jaunes en régression, chez la lapine. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 858—859. 94 van Bemmelen, J. F. 9.32 Lepus : 14.71 1908. Ueber den Unterschied zwischen Hasen- und Kaninchenschädel. Versl. wis.-nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 17 p. 410. 95 Kunstler, J. 9.32 Lepus : 15 1908. La castration des lièvres par les lapins. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 105—106. — Encore les Lièvres et les Lapins. p. 701. 96 Thomson, D. G. 9.32 Lepus : 15 1908. Notes on a Tame Hare. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. Vol. 8 p. 540—546. 97 Deschanel, Paul Privat. 9.32 Lepus : 16.5 1908. La question des lapins en Australie. La Nature Ann. 36 Sem. 1 p. 139—142, 2 figg. 24998 Faber, Ernst. 9.32 Lepus : 16.5 1908. Das wilde Kaninchen (Lepus cuniculus), seine Lebensweise und Be- kämpfung. Monatsber. Ges. Luxemburg Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 2 p. 250—258. 15. I. 1909. 429 Mammalia. 24999 Friederichs. 9.32 Lepus : 16.5 1908. Das Wildkaninchen in Mecklenburg. Nat. Zeitschr. Land- Forst- wirtsch. Jahrg. 6 p. 161—196, 2 Taf., 1 Kart. 25000 Lantz, D. E. 9.32 Lepus : 16.5 1908. The Rabbit as a Farm and Orchard Pest. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agric. 1907 p. 329—342, 2 pls., 1 fig. 01 Peacock, R. W. 9.32 Lepus : 16.5 1908. Rabbits and the Western Flora. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 19 p. 46—48, 2 figg. 02 Hilzheimer, Max. 9.52 Lepus (4) 1908. Die Hasenarten Europas. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württem- berg Jahrg. 64 p. 383—419, 1 Taf. 03 Chubb, E. €. 9.32 Lepus (68.9) 1908. On a New Rhodesian Hare. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 466—467. [Lepus zuluensis micklemi n. subsp.] 04 Miller, Gerrit S. 9.32 Microtus (403) 1908. The Recent Voles of the Microtus nivalis Group. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 97—103. [3 nn. spp. 1 n. subsp. Chionomys n. subg.] (43.92, 44.88, 56.6,.9) 05 Weldon, W. F. R. 9.32 Mus : 11.5 1907. On Heredity in Mice from the Records of the Late W. F. R. We pon. Part I. On the Inheritance of the Sex-Ratio and of the Size of Litter. Biometrika Vol. 5 p. 436—449. 06 Hagedoorn, Arend L. 9.32 Mus : 11.5 1908. Origin of Two New Retrogressive Varieties by one Mutation in Mice, (Preliminary Notice). Univ. California Public. Physiol. Vol. 3 p. 87—90. [Cross-breeding experiments.] 11.57,.58 -25007 Morgan, T. H. 9.32 Mus : 11.5 1908. Some Experiments in Heredity in Mice. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 49. 08 Cuénot, L. 9,32 Mus : 11.58 1908. Sur quelques anomalies apparentes des proportions mendéliennes. (6e Note.) Arch. Zool. expér. (4) T. 9 p. VII—XY. [Tous les déterminants connu chez les Souris suivent strictement les régles de l’hérédité men- délienne.] 09 Mudge, Geo. Plercival]. 9.32 Mus : 11.58 1908. On some Features in the Hereditary Transmission of the Self- black and the „Irish* Coat Charaters in Rats. Paper 1. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 97—121, 2 pls., 1 fig. 10 Mudge, George Percival. 9.32 Mus : 11.58 1908. On Some Features in the Hereditary Transmission of the Albino Character and the Black Piebald Coat in Rats. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 388—393. 11 Levin, Isaac. 9.32 Mus : 11.69 1908. The Reactive Power of the White Rat to Tissue Implantation. Second Communication. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 41—42. 12 Small, Willard, S. 9.32 Mus : 11.8 1899. Notes on the Psychic Development of the Young White Rat. Amer. Journ. Psychol. Vol. 11 p. 80—100. 13 Small, Willard S. 9.32 Mus : 11.8 1900/01. An Experimental Study of the Mental Processes of the Rat. Amer. Journ. Psychol. Vol. 11 p. 133—165; Vol. 12 p. 206—239, 1 fig. 25014 Carr, Harvey, and John B. Watson. 9.32 Mus :11.8 1908. Orientation in the White Rat. Journ. comp. Neurol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 27—44, 1 fig. [Importance of Kinaesthetic factor: when auto- matic series of acts in rat is disturbed the "movement to come” is released by utilizing kinaesthetic cues, whilst man utilizes distance sense cues for reéstablishing automatic adjustments.] 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 430 25015 Yerkes, Robert M. 9.32 Mus : 11.8 1908. The Relation of Plasticity to Sex and Age in the Dancing Mouse, Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Vol. 5 p. 64—66. [Modifiability of behavior.] 16 Landois, H. 9.32 Mus : 12.9 1900. Eine zweibeinige schwanzlose Hausmaus. 28. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 37. 12.97,.98 17 Corsy. 9.32 Mus : 12.99 1908. Absence congénitale de la queue chez un rat. (Réun. biol. Mar- seille). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 987. 18 Anikiew, Ar. 9.32 Mus: 13.1 19 al 22 25023 24 25 27 28 29 25030 1908. Ueber den Bau des Eiprotoplasma und über die exzentrische Lagerung der Kernfiguren in einigen Tubeneiern der Hausmaus (Mus musculus, varietas alba.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 320—330, 7 figg. Kirkham, William B. 9.32 Mus : 13.11 ae The Maturation of the Mouse Egg. Biol. Bull. Vol. 12 p. 259—265, 88 Coe, W. R. 9.32 Mus : 13.11 1908. The Maturation of the Egg of the Rat. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 444—445. Long, J. A. 9.32 Mus : 13.11 1908. Some Maturation Stages of the Mouse Egg. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 443—444. Sumner, F. B. 9.32 Mus : 13.9 1908. Some Effects of Differences of Temperature and Humidity upon the Post-natal Development of the Mouse. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 450—451. Duesberg, J. 9.32 Mus : 14.63.1 1908. Les divisions des spermatocytes chez le rat. (Mus decumans PALL., var. albinos.) Arch. Zellforschung Bd. 1 p. 399—449, 1 pl., 1 fig. Hatai, Shinkishi. 9.32 Mus : 14.71 1908. Studies on the Variation and Correlation of Skull Measurements in Both Sexes of Mature Albino Rats (Mus norvegicus var. albus). Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 7 p. 423—441, 1 fig. Hatai, Shinkishi. 9.32 Mus : 14.81 1908. Preliminary Note on the Size and Condition of the Central Ner- vous System in Albino Rat Experimentally Stunted. Journ. comp. Neu- rol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 151—155. Panse, Rudolf. 9.32 Mus: 14.85 1901. Ueber das Gleichgewichts- und Gehörorgan der japanischen Tanz- mäuse. Jahresber. Ges. Nat.-Heilk. Dresden 1900/01 p. 50—54, 4 figg. [Wesentliehe Verschiedenheiten zwischen Tanz- und Hausmaus nicht vor- handen. Gegen Rawirz.] Asai. K. 9.32 Mus : 14.85 1908. Die Blutgefässe des häutigen Labyrinthes der Ratte. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie des inneren Ohres. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 711 728, 3 Taf. Cleland, J. Burton. 9.32 Mus : 15 1907. Some Remarks on the Natural History and Diseases of the Rats of Perth and Fremantle, Western Australia. Rep. Austral. Ass. Adv. Sc. Vol. 11 p. 516—520. Brockhausen, H. 9.32 Mus : 15.8 1901. Eine singende Hausmaus. 29. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 37—38. Apery, Pierre. 9.32 Mus: 16.5 1900. De l’emploi de l’anhydride carbonique COs pour la destruction des rats dans les cales des navires et dans les caves et de son action conservatrice sur les cadavres en général. C.R. 13e Congr. intern. Med. Vol. 17 Med. navale p. 48—50. 15. I. 1909. 431 Mammalia. 25031 Galli-Valerio, B. 9.32 Mus : 16.5 1908. Dangers et destruction des rats noirs (Mus rattus) et gris (Mus de- cumanus). Chronique Agric. Vaud Ann. 21 p. 149—147. 32 Hesse. 9.32 Mus : 16.5 1908. Forstschaden durch Mäusefrass. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. LXXXVI. 33 Klunzinger, C. B. 9.32 Mus : 16.5 1908. Ueber unsere Ratten und Mäuse, deren Schaden und Bekämpfung. Jahresh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Württemberg Jahrg. 64 p. XXXI—XX X VIII. 34 Lóns, H. 9.32 Mus (43.53) ER Mus rattus in Celle. 55.—57. Jahresber. nat. Ges. Hannover p. 41 35 Wroughton, R. C. 9.32 Mus (6) 1908. Three New African Species of Mus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 255—257. (66.9, 67.6, 68.7) 36 Cabrera, Angel. 9.32 Muscardinidae (46) 1908. On Muscardinidae from the Iberian Peninsula. Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 188—194. [l n. subsp. in @%s.] (46.1,.4,.5,.7,.8, 469) 37 Pycraft, W. P. 9.32 Myodes : 15.2 1908. Migration of the Norwegian Lemming. The Strange Flight of a Rodent. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 298, 1 fig. 38 Forsyth, C. I. 9.32 Myoryctes (119) 1908. A Giant Sub-fossil Rat from Madagascar, Myoryctes rapeto, gen. et Sp. nov. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 97—98, 1 fig. 39 Hennemann, W. 9.32 Myoxina (43.56) 1908. Einiges über das Vorkommen der Schläfer (Myoxini) im Sauer- lande. 36. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 69—71. 25040 Brumpt, E. 9.32 Myoxus : 15.4 1908. Guérison de la maladie du sommeil chez le Lérot vulgaire en hibernation. Action du froid sur le Trypanosoma inopinatum „in vivo“. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1147—1149. [Destruction phagocytaire des parasites dépasse reproduction des Tryp. a basse temperature, d’oü guerison de l’animal.] 41 Festa, E. 9.32 Myoxus (43.66) 1908. Res italicae. XXI. Il Myoxus intermedius, Nzurıns, nelle Alpi italiane. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp. Torino Vol. 23 No. 585, 3 pp. 42 Osgood. Wilfred H. 9.32 Peromyscus (79.8) 1908. A New White-Footed Mouse from Alaska. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash- ington Vol. 21 p. 141—142. [Peromyscus hylaeus n. sp.] 43 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Petaurista (504) 1908. On the Large Flying-Squirrels Referred to Petaurista nitida, Desw. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 250—252. [2 nn. subspp.] (59.5, 921, 922) 44 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Pogonomys (95) 1908. A new Pogonomys presented to the British Museum by Sir WA Incram. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 495—496. [P. vates n. sp.] 45 v. Mehely, L. 9.32 Prospalax (1183) 1908. Prospalar priscus (Nure.), die pliocäne Stammform der heutigen Spalax-Arten. Ann. Hist. nat. Mus. nation. Hungar. Vol. 6 p. 305—816, 3 pls. 46 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Psammomys (62) 1908. The Psammomys of the Alluvial Soil of the Nile Delta. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 91—92. [P. obesus nicolli n. subsp.] 47 Dixon, Joseph. 9.32 Reithrodontomys (79.4) 1908. A New Harvest Mouse from the Salt Marshes of San Francisco Bay, California. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 91 p. 197—198. [Reithro- dontomys raviventris n. sp.] 25048 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Sciurina 1908. The Genera and Subgenera of the Sciuropterus Group, with Des- criptions of Three New Species. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 1—8. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 432 [3 nn. spp. in; Belomys (n. g. pro Sciuropterus pearsoni), Pteromyscus (n. g. pro Sc. pulverulentus), Petaurillus (n. g. pro Sc. nosei). Iomys n. g. pro Pteromys horsfieldi. Glaucomys, Hylopetes, Petinomys, Belomys nn. subgg.] (59.1, 91.4) 25049 Miller, Gerrit S. 9.32 Sciurus 1908. Arrum’s Squirrel Names. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 127 —128. 50 Wemer, Paul. 9.32 Scinrus : 15.3 1903. Die Nahrung unseres Eichhörnchens. 31. Jahresber. westfäl, Prov.- Ver. p. 217—228. 51 Stoll, Gustav. 9.32 Sciurus : 16.5 1905. Das Eichhörnchen als Nestriuber. Schweiz. Blätter Ornith. Ka- ninchenzucht Jahrg. 29 p. 17—18. 52 Sedlaczek. 9,32 Sciurus : 16.5 1906. Forstzoologische Notizen. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 32 p. 122—125. [Eichhörnchenfrass.] 53 de Launay, L. 9.32 Sciurus (118) 1908. La fourrure d'un écureuil tertiaire. La Nature Ann. 36 Sem. 1 p. 393—395, 2 figg. 54 Wroughton, R. C. 9.32 Sciurus (59.1) 1908. A new Squirrel from Burmah. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 491. [Sciurus kemmisi n. sp.] 55 Wroughton, R. C. 9.32 Sciurus (59.3) 1908. On the Forms of Squirrel hitherto classed under Sc. finlaysoni, Horse. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 393—401. [S. nox n. sp. 3 nn. subspp. 56 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Sciurus (91) 1908. The Squirrels described as Sciurus steerii from Balabac and Pala- wan. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 498. [S. juvencus n. sp. (91.4, 922) 25057 Völker, Otomar. 9.32 Spermophilus : 13.15 1908. Ueber die ersten Entwickelungsvorgänge beim Ziesel. (Vorläufige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 98—111, 8 figg. 58 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.32 Zetis 1908. Note on the Squirrel-Genus „Zetis.“ Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 136. [= Dremomys Heure, which name must be used.] 59 Schaffer, J. 9.33 : 14.31.6 1908. Zur Histologie der Unterkieferspeicheldrüsen bei Insectivoren. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. Bd. 89 p. 1—27, 2 Taf. 60 Broom, R. 9.33 Chrysochloris (68) 1908. Further Observations on the Chrysochloridae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Vol. 1 p. 14—16. [Ch. gunningi n. sp.] (68.2,.7) 61 Cabrera, Angel. 9.33 Crocidura (469) 1908. Las musarafias españolas del género „Crocidura.“ Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 238—240. [C. cantabra n. sp.] 62 Jacobfeuerborn, H. 9.33 Erinaceus : 13 1908. Die intrauterine Ausbildung der äusseren Körperform des Igels. (Erinaceus europaeus L.) mit Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der wich- tigeren inneren Organe. pr N Zool. Bd. 91 p. 382—420, 3 Taf., 1 fig. Ka 63 Chubb, E. C. 9.33 Myosorex (68.7) 1908. A New Shrew from Pondoland. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Vol. 1 Suppl. p. 1. [Myosorex swinnyi.] 64 è è e 9.33 Solenodon 1908. The rare Insect-eater, Solenodon. Amer. Mus. Journ. Vol. 8 p. 19 EU o bro 65 Allen, J. A. 9.33 Solenodon (729.3) 1908. Notes on Solenodon paradoxus Branpr. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 505—517, 6 pls., 9 figg. 25066 Service, Robert. 9.33 Talpa : 11.5 1908. Mole Variation. Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. micr. Soc. Vol. 6 Pe 64— 66. 15. I. 1909. 433 Mammalia. 25067 Soulié, A., et C. Bonne. 9.33 Talpa : 14.13 1908. Contribution à l'étude de l'appareil branchial et des arcs aortiques chez les mammifères : les cinq arcs branchiaux et les six arcs aortiques de l'embryon de taupe. Journ. Anat. Physiol, Paris Ann. 44 p. 20—45, l pu 63 Soulié, A., et C. Bonne. 9.33 Talpa : 14.13 1908. Sur l’existance de cinq ares branchiaux et de six arcs aortiques chez l'embyron de Taupe. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 38—40. 69 Pycraft, W. P. 9.33 Talpa: 15 1908. The Fortress of the Mole. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 65 p. 220, 2 figg. 70 Reeker, H. 9.33 Talpa : 15.6 1904. Bau der Maulwurfsnester. 32. Jahresber. westfil. Prov.-Ver. p. 71 de Seabra, A. F. 9.4 1898/1900. Sobre um caracter importante para a determinacäo dos gene- ros e especies dos ,Microchiropteros^ e lista das especies d'este grupo existentes nas collecçües do Museo Nacional. Jorn. Sc. math. phys. nat. Acad. Sc. Lisboa (2) T. 5 p. 247—258, 12 figg. [20 spp. 1 n. in Rhino- lophus.] T. 6 p. 16—35, 76—89, 20 figg. [64 spp. 6 nn. in: Vesperugo 2, Nyctinomus 4. 1 n. var. in Taphozous.] (61.3) Andersen, Knud. k 9.4 1908. On Four Little-Known Names of Chiropteran Genera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 431—435. 25073 Hahn, Walter Louis. 9.4 : 11.85 1908. Some Habits and Sensory Adaptations of Cave-inhabiting Bats. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 135—164, 165—193, 1 fig. [Obstacles perceived through sense organs located in iuternal ear. Neither sight nor external ear and tragi are necessary for pérception of obstacles during flight. Body hairs probably have sensory function. Existence of sixth sense? (of di- rection).] 74 Herbert, Elias. 9.4 : 14.22 1908. Zur Anatomie des Kehlkopfes der Mikrochiroptera. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 70—119, 1 Taf, 13 figg. 75 Andersen, Knud. 9.4 : 14.31.4 1908. A Monograph of the Chiropteran Genera Uroderma, Enchisthenes, and Artibeus. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 204—319, 20 figg. 76 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.4 : 14314 1908. The Missing Premolar of the Chiroptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 77 Howell, Arthur H. 9.4 : 15.2 1908. Notes on Diurnal Migrations of Bats. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington Vol. 21 p. 35—38. 78 Masefield, John R. B. 9.4 (42.46) 1908. Staffordshire Bats. Ann. Rep. Trans. N. Staffórd. Nat. Field Club Vol. 49 p. 68—73. 79 Cabrera, Angel. 9.4 (46) 1908. Nuevas observaciones sobre los quirópteros de España. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 447—449. 80 Andersen, Knud. 9.4 (502) 1907. Chiropteran Notes. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 5 —45. [2 nn. spp. in: Myotis, Mormopterus. 3 nn. subspp. in: Hipposi- derus, Rhinoiophus 2.] (59.1,.19, 63, 64, 66.6, 67.5, 68.4, 91.3, 921, 922, 929) 25081 Arnback-Christie-Linde, Augusta. 9.4 (52.9) 1908. A Collection of Bats from Formosa. Ann. Mag. nat, Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 235—238. [Myotis taiwanensis n. &p.] —] bo Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 28 25082 83 84 ' [o o) SI 88 25089 90 91 92 93 94 95 25096 Mammalia. 434 Barboza du Bocage, J. V. 9.4 (6) 1898. Sur une nouvelle espèce de Cynonycteris d’ Angola. Jorn. Sc. math. phys. nat. Acad. Sc. Lisboa (2) T. 5 p. 133—139, 6 figg. [12 spp., 2 nn. in: €, Epomophorus.] (66.3, 67.3) Dollman, Guy. 9.4 (66.9) 1908. On a Collection of Bats from Yola, Northern Nigeria, collected by Mr. G. W. Wesster. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 545—547. [Choerephon websteri n. Sp.) Toldt, Karl. 9.4 (81) 1908. Ergebnisse der zoolog. Expedition der kais. Akad. der Wissensch. nach Brasilien im Jahre 1903. Die Chiropterenausbeute. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien. math.-nat. Cl. Bd. 76 p. 43—53, 3 figg. 5 Andersen, Knud. 9.4 Myonycteris (6) 1508. Preliminary pe iron. of Two new Species of Myonycteris. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 450—451. (66.4,.6, 67.5) Trouessart. E. L. 9.4 Notopteris (932) 1908. Notopteris macdonaldi neocaledonica nov. subsp., Chiroptére nouveau pour la faune de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 251—259. Andersen, Knud. 9.4 Pteropus (9) 1908. Twenty New Forms of Pteropus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 361—370. [13 nn. spp. 6 nn. subspp. P. dobsoni n. nom. pro P. fus- cus Dosson non Grorr., non Desmarest, non BLAINVILLE.] (59.1,.19,.3,.5, 69, 91.1, 921, 925, 931, 935, 94.2, 95, 96.6) Coward, T. A. 9.4 Rhinolophus s 15 1908. Notes on the Greater Horsehoe Bat, Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum (SCHREBER), in Captivity. Mem. Proc. Manchester liter. philos. Soc. Vol. 52 No. 11, 12 pp., 1 pl. 15.3 è Andersen. Knud. 9.4 Rhinolophus (502) 1907. Chiropteran Notes. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 3 p. 473 —478. [Rhinolophus feae n. sp. 1 n. subsp.] (59.1, 921, 922) Andersen, Knud. 9.4 Rhinolophus (6) 1906. On some new or little-known Bats of the genus Rhinolophus in the collection of the Museo Civico, Genoa. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova (3) Vol. 2 p. 173—195, 1 pl. [2 nn. spp.] (59.19, 62, 63, 66.7, 67.9, "58.9, 929, 94, 95) Gough, Lewis Henry. 9.4 Rhinolophus (68.7) 1908. On a New Species of Rhinolophus from Pondoland. Ann. Trans- vaal. Mus. Vol. 1 p. 71—72, 2 figg. [Rh. swinnyi.] Thomas, Oldfield. 9.4 Rousettus (66.4) 1908. A New Fruit-Bat from Sierra Leone. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p. 325—376. [Rousettus smithii n. sp.] Van der Stricht, 0. 9.4 Vespertilio : 13.1 1908. La structure de l’œuf des mammifères (Chauve-souris, Vespertilio noctula). Troisième partie: L’oocyte a la fin du stade d’accroissement, au stade de la fécondation et au début de la segmentation. — Rapport par Van Beneven Bull. Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 588—596. True, Frederick W. 9.5 1908. On the Classification of the Cetacea, Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 17 p. 385—391. [Proposed by O. Amt Schulze, Franz Eilhard. 9.5 : 14.24 1908. Zur Anatomie der Cetaceenlunge. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1908 p. 586—592, 1 Taf. Abel, 0. 9.5 : 14.71 1908. Die Morphologie der Hüftbeinrudimente der Cetaceen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Jahrg. 44 p. 249—250; Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Cl. Bd. S1 p. 139—195, 56 figg. 9.51,.55 15. I. 1909. 435 Mammalia. ‘25097 Kükenthal, W. 9.5 : 14.71 1908. Ueber die Ursache der Asymmetrie des Walschädels. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 609—618, 3 figg. 98 Haldane, R. C. 9.5 : 16.1 1908. Whaling in Scotland for 1907. Ann. Scott. nat. Hist. 1908 p. 65 —12. 9.51,.53 99 Kükenthal, W. 9.5 : 16.1 1908. Die Wale und ihre wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. Nat. Wochenschr. 25100 Lucas, Frederic A. 9.5 : 16.1 1908. The Passing of the Whale. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 337, 344—346, 10 figg. 01 Ugolini, Riccardo. 9.5 (1183) 1907. Resti di vertebrati marini del Pliocene di Orciano. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 195—207, 1 tav. 9.51,.55 02 Japha, Arnold. 9.5 (119) 1908. Über subfossile und recente Walknochenfunde aus Ost- und West- preussen. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 237—242, — Weiteres über ostpreussische Walknochenfunde. p. 350—351. (43.11,.12) 03 Japha, A. 9.5 (26.13) 1908. Die in der Ostsee beobachteten Wale. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 81—87. 9.51,.53 04 Parona, Corrado. 9.5 (26.2) 1908. Catture recenti di grandi Cetacei nei Mari italiani. Atti Soc. ligust. Sc. nat. Genova Vol. 19 p. 173—205. (26.23) 9.51,.53 05 Robert, A. 9.5 (26.2) 1908. Quelques observations sur les Cétacés de la Méditerranée. Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 22—24. 9.51,.53 25106 Scheibe, A. 9.51 : 11.46 1908. Die Zusammensetzung der Walfischmilch. München. med. Wochen- schr. Jahrg. 55 p. 195—196. 07 Braun, M. 9.51 : 14.71 1908. Das Handskelet der Bartenwale. Schrift. phys. ökon. Ges. Königs- berg Jahrg. 48 p. 406—410. 08 Braun, M, 9.51 : 14.71 1908. Über das Brustflossenskelet der Cetaceen. Schrift. phys. ókon. Ges. Königsberg Jahrg. 48 p. 400—406. 09 Castillo, Luis. 9.51 : 16.1 1908. Der Walfischfang bei der chilenischen Insel Santa Maria. Mitt. deutsch. Seefischerei-Yer. Bd. 24 p. 90—94. 10 Capellini, Giov. 9.51 Aulocetus (1182) 1899. Balenottere mioceniche di San Michele presso Cagliari. Mem. Accad. Sc. Bologna (5) T. 7 p. 661—679, 2 tav. [Awlocetus calaritanus e lovisatoi nn. spp.] (Anal, Rev. crit. Paléozool. T. 4 p. 145—140.) 11 Allen, J. A. 9.51 Balaena : 14.71 1908. The North Atlantic Right Whale and its near Allies. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 277—329, 6 pls., 1 fig. 12 Andrews, Roy C. 9.51 Balaena : 14.71 1908. Notes upon the External and Internal Anatomy of Balaena glacialis Bonn. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 171—182, 6 figg. [Measure- ments of parts of skeleton.— Number of lumbars — 1l, of chevron 12. — Considerable variation of carpal bones. — Color variation, bilateral asymmetry etc.] 25113 Del Prato, A. 9.51 Balaena (1183) 1900. Balena fossile del Piacentino. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 6 p. 136 —142, 1 tav., 1 fig. [B. paronai n. sp.] 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 436 25114 Lahille, Fernando. 9.51 Balaenoptera : 14.71 1908. Notas sobre un ballenato de 2.10 metros de largo (Baluenoptera acuto-rostrata Lac.) Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 375—401, l lám., 8 figg. 15 Stromer, Ernst. 9.53 : 14.71 1908. Die Urwale (Archaeoceti) Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 81—88, 1 Taf. 16 Stromer, Ernst. 9.53 (1181) 1908. Die Archaeoceti des ägyptischen Eozäns. Beitr. Palaeont. Geol. Oesterr.-Ungarn Bd. 21 p. 106—177, 4 Taf. 17 True, Frederick W. 9.53 (1182) 1908. On the Occurrence of Remains of Fossil Cetaceans of the Genus Schizodelphis in the United States, and on Priscodelphinus (?) crassangulum Case. Smithson. miscell. Coll. Vol. 50 p. 449—460, 2 pls. 18 Dal Piaz, Giorgio. 9.53 Cyrtodelphis (1182) 1903/05. Sugli avanzi di Cyrtodelphis sulcatus dell’ arenaria di Belluno. Parte prima. Palaeontogr. ital. Vol. 9 p. 187—219, 4 tav., 16 figg. — Parte seconda. Vol. 11 p. 253—279, 4 tav., 10 figg. 19 Abel, 0. 9.53 Delphinidae (1182) 1901. Bericht über die Fortsetzungen der Untersuchungen an den fossilen Zahnwalen aus dem Boldérien von Antwerpen im Musée royal d’histoire naturelle de Belgique in Brüssel. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1901 p. 316—317. [Eurhinodelphis.] — Les dauphins longirostres du boldérien (miocène supérieur) des environs d’Anvers. I. Mém. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg. T. 1 p. 1—95, 15 pls. (Ausz. von F. TeLLer Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1901 p. 322—324.) 20 Nichols, John Treadwell. 9.53 Delphinidae (26.5) 1908. Notes on two Porpoises Captured on a Voyage into the Pacific Ocean. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 217—219, 1 pl., 3 figg. 25121 Kolmer, Walter. 9.53 Delphinus : 14.85 1908. Ueber das häutige Labyrinth des Delphins. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 295—300, 3 figg. 22 Andrews, Roy C. 9,53 Mesoplodon (931) 1908. Description of a New Species of Mesoplodon from Canterbury Pro- vince, New Zealand. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 203—215, 1 pl, 5 figg. [M. bowdoini.] 23 Andrews, C. W. 9.53 Prozeuglodon (1181) 1908. Note on a Model of the Skull and Mandible of Prozeuglodon atrox, Anprews. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 5 p. 209—213, 1 pl. 24 True, Frederick W. 9.53 Rhabdosteus (1182) 1908. Remarks on the Fossil Cetacean Rhabdosteus latiradix Corn. Proc. Acad. nat. Sc. Philadelphia Vol. 60 p. 24—29, 1 pl. 25 Lahille, Fernando. 9.53 Tursiops : 14.71 1908. Nota sobre un Delfin (Tursiops gephyreus Lan). Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 347—365, 1 lám., 4 figg. 20 Wilder, Burt G. 9.55 : 13 1908. The Length of the Smallest Known Sirenian Fetus; Gyre Preferred to "Convolution". Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 825. 27 Freund, Ludwig. 9.55 : 14.21 1908. Der Nasenknorpel der Sirenen. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 TI. 2 Hälfte 1 p. 254—256. 28 Merriam, John C. 9.55 Desmostylus (1182) 1906. On the Occurrence of Desmostylus, Marsa. Science N. S. Vol. 94 p. 151—152. [Probably a sirenian rather than a proboscidean.] 25129 Gudernatsch, J. F. 9.55 Halicore : 14.31 1908. Zur Anatomie und Histologie des Verdauungstraktes von Halicore dugong Erxt. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 586—613, 1 Taf, 9 figg. 14.313,.314 15. I. 1909. 437 Mammalia. 25130 Gudernatsch, J. F. 9.55 Manatus : 15 1908. Manatus latirostris Haru. Biologische und morphologische Bei- träge. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Bd. 27 p. 225—236, 1 Taf., 3 figg. [Aeus- sere Gestalt. Lidspalte. Cornealgallertschicht. Schnauze. Genitalien. Lebens- weise. Beobachtungen an gefangenen Exemplaren.] 31 Lull, Richard S. 9.61 1908. The Evolution of the Elephant. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 25 p. 169 —212, 27 figg., 4 maps. 32 Puccioni, Nello. 9.61 Elephas 1905. Dell’ Elephas lyrodon Wxrr. del Valdarno. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 11 p. 74—78. [Cranio di giovane E. meridionalis.] 33 Arldt, Th. 9.61 Elephas 1908. Die Heimat der Elefanten. Gaea Jahrg. 44 p. 97—104, 1 Taf., 1 Kart. 34 Lucas, F. A. 9.61 Elephas 1908. The Size of the Mammoth. Nature Vol, 78 p. 443. 35 Dixon, Samuel 6. 9.61 Elephas : 11.11 1908. The Reaction of the Phagocytes of Elephant’s Blood on the Ba- cilli of Tuberculosis. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol, 135 p. 584—586. [No higher phagocytie energy than human leucocytes.] 36 Gebhardt, F. A. M. W. 9.61 Elephas : 14.31.4 1906. Ein interessantes Bildungsgesetz (Elefantenstosszahn). Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 218—256, 18 figg. 37 Pettit, Auguste. 9.61 Elephas : 14.61 1908. Sur le rein de l’Eléphant d'Asie (Elephas indicus Cuv.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 326—327; Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 102 —103. 25138 Boas, J. E. V., and Simon Pauli. 9.61 Elephas : 14.93 1908. The Elephant’s Head. Studies in the Comparative Anatomy of the Organs of the Head of the Indian Elephant and other Mammals. First Part: The Facial Muscles and the Proboscis. Jena, Gustav Fischer. Fol, 80 pp., 17 pls. Mk. 100.— Bemerkninger ved Forelægelsen af forste Del af Boas & Dam: The Elephant’s Head, ved J. E. V. Boas. Overs. dansk. Videnskab. Selsk. Forh. 1908 p. 197—211, 2 tab. 39 Seguenza, Luigi [fu G.] 9.61 Elephas (119) 1904. Intorno ad alcuni molari elefantini fossili di Sicilia e di Cala- bria. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 10 p. 41—58. LE. antiquus e meridionalis.] (45.79,.8) 40 Matarazzi, Gaetano. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1907. Elephas antiquus Farc. rinvenuto presso Sant’ Agata dei Goti (Prov. di Benevento). Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 13 p. 130—134, 1 tav. 41 Parona, C. F. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1907. A proposito dei resti di un elefante (El. primigenius BLum.) scoperto in un deposito quaternario della collina di Torino. Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 240—245, 1 tav. 42 Pontier, 6. | 9.61 Elephas (119) 1907. Note à propos d'un Elephas antiquus de Tilloux. Ann. Soc. géol Nord T. 36 p. 356—360. 43 Bestel. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Les ossements d'un mammouth à Alland'huy (Ardennes.) C. R. Ass. franc. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 221. 44 Cayeux, L. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Découverte de l’Elephas antiquus à l'ile de Délos (Cyclades). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1089—1090. 25145 de Gregorio, Antonio. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Resti di Elephas antiquus var. melitae presso Palermo. Natural. sicil. Ann. 20 p. 82. 15. I. 1909. 25146 47 48 49 50 51 CO bo 25153 54 55 56 57 58 Mammalia. 438 Haupt, 0. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Elephas primigenius, Brecn. aus den Diluvialschottern von Main- flingen a. M. Notizbl. Yer. Erdkunde grossh. geol. Landesanst. Darm- stadt (4) Heft 29 p. 95—104, 2 Taf. Laville, A. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. L’Elephas trogontheri Dono, à Villejuif et la situation stratigraphique de quatre haches néolithiques taillées et polies, à Villejuif et à Ivry. Feuille jeun. Natural. (4) Ann. 38 p. 89—92, 109—113, 129—132, 16 figg. Mourlon, M[ichel]. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Découverte d’ossements de Mammouth dans le limon de Freeren, près de Tongres. Bull. Soc. belg. Géol. Pal. T. 22 Proc.-Verb. p. 5—9. Mourlon, Michel. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. La question du Quaternaire moséen résolue pour les environs de Bruxelles par la découverte „in situ“ de l’Elephas antiquus. Bull. Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 891—895. Mourlon, M[ichel]. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Sur la découverte de l’Elephas antiquus au Kattepoel, à Schaerbeek lez-Bruxelles, dans un depöt rapporté au Quaternaire moséen. Bull. Soc. belge Géol. Pal. Hydrol. T. 22 Proc.-Verb. p. 327—333, 1 fig. Pfitzenmayer, E. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Das Mammut Eleph. primigenius Brum. Leipzig, F. E. Wachsmuth, 8°, 24 pp., 2 figg. 40 Pfg. Schroeder, H., und J. Stoller. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Wirbeltierskelette aus den Torfen von Klinge bei Cottbus. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landesanst. Bergakad. Bd. 26 p. 418—435, 1 fig. [Elephas primigenius.] Simoens, G. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Découverte d'un Mammouth à Bruges. Bull. Soc. belg. Géol. Pal. Hydrol. T. 22 Proc.-Verb. p. 2—4 Toula, Franz. 9.61 Elephas (119) 1908. Ein Mammutfund von Wilsdorf bei Bodenbach in Bóhmen. Jahrb. geol. Reichsanst. Wien Bd. 58 p. 267—280, 3 Taf., 4 figg. Pontier, Georges. 9.61 Elephas (42.6) 1908. Remarques sur l’Elephas meridionalis et l'Elephas antiquus d’Angle- terre. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 37 p. 54—66, 2 figg. (1183, 119) (42.61,.64) Hermann, Rudolf. 9.61 Mastodon : 12.31.4 1908. Caries bei Mastodon, Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 305—313, 1 Taf., 4 figg. Barbiani, A. 9.61 Mastodon (1183) 1907. Cenni sul Mastodonte di Petroio (prov. di Siena) e sugli Strati Levantini in cui si rinvenne. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 13 p. 91—99, 1 tav. [M. arvernensis.] Deere, E. 0. 9.61 Mastodon (119) 1908. A Fossil Tusk Found in the Equus Beds in McPherson County. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sc. Vol. 21 p. 115—117, 2 figg. [Mastodon americanus ?} Townsend, P. S. 9.61 Mastodon (119) 1908. The Chester, New York, Mastodon. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. Vol. 18 p. 147, 1 pl. Pontier, G. 9.61 Paleomastodon (1181) 1907. Sur une espèce nouvelle de Paleomastodon (Paleomastodon barroisi). Ann. Soc. géol. Nord T. 36 p. 150—154, 2 figg. Beasley, Walter L. 9.62 Arsinotherium (1181) 1908. New Fossil Wonders from the Fayum of Egypt. Scient. Amer. Vol. 99 p. 261—262, 7 figg. Adloff, P. 9.62 Hyrax : 14.31.4 1903. Zur Kenntnis des Zahnsystems von Hyrax. Zeitschr. Morph. An- throp. Bd. 4 p. 181—200, 2 Taf. 15. I. 1909. 439 Mammalia, 25163 Dräseke. 9.62 Hyrax : 14.81 1908. Das Gehirn der Hyraciden. (9. Jahresvers. Ver. norddeutsch. Psychiater Neurol.) Allg. Zeitschr. Psychiatr. Bd. 65 p. 850 —851. [Zwischen Carnivoren u. Ungulaten bestehende Homologien in der Furchung der Grosshirnrinde.] 64 Sinclair, William J. 9.63 (1181) 1908. The Santa Cruz Typotheria. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc. Vol. 47 p. 64 65 Osborn, Henry F. 9.72 1908. Coincident Evolution through Rectigradations and Fluctuations (third paper). Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 749—752, 3 figg. [Braycephaly, dolichoce- phaly and tooth evolution in fossil perissodactyls. Dependeney upon hereditary control. Orthogenesis.] 66 Cook, Harold James. 9.72 Aceratherium (1182) 1908. A New Rhinoceros from the Lower Miocene of Nebraska. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 548—545, 2 figg. [Aceratherium egregius n. sp.] 67 Peterson, 0. A. 9.72 Diceratherium (1182) 1906. Preliminary Description of two New Species of the Genus Dicera- therium Marsa, from the Agate Spring Fossil Quarry. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 281—283. 68 Trouessart, E. L. 9.72 Rhinoceros 1908. Le Rhinocéros blanc, retrouvé au Soudan, est la Licorne des anciens. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1352—1355. 25169 Pérot, Francis. 9.72 Rhinoceros (1182) 1908. Notice sur une Mächoire entaillée de Rhinocéros fossile, découverte a Billy (Allier). Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun No. 21 Proc.-Verb. p. 49— 55, 1 pl. — Quelques Observations & propos de la Notice de M. Péror sur la mâchoire de Rhinocéros fossile de Billy, par P. Porte. p. 138—145. 70 Bortolotti, Ciro. 9.72 Rhinoceros (1183) 1903. Intorno ad alcune resti di Rinoceronte nei dintorni di Perugi:. Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 9 p. 50—53, 1 tav. [Rh. etruscus.] 71 Bach, Franz. 9.72 Rhinoceros (119) 1908. Ueber einen Fund eines Rhinoceroszahnes aus der Umgebung von Pola. Mitt. nat. Yer. Steiermark Bd. 44 p. 57—67, 1 Tat. 72 Douglas, Earl. 9.72 Rhinocerotidae (118) 1908. Rhinoceroses from the Oligocene and Miocene Deposits of North Dakota and Montana. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 256—266, 2 pls., 7 figg. [Aphelops montanus n. sp.] (1181, 1182) (78.4,.6) 73 Loomis, Frederic B. 9.72 Rhinocerotidae (1182) 1908. Rhinocerotidae of the Lower Miocene. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol, 26 p. 51—64, 15 figg. [4 nn. spp. in: Diceratherium 3, Aceratherium.] (78.2, 795) 74 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 9.72 Titanotheres 1908. The Four Inseparable Factors of Evolution. Theory of their Dis- tinct and Combined Action in the Transformation of the Titanotheres, an Extinct Family of Hoofed Animals in the Order Perissodactyla. Science N, S. Vol. 27 p. 148—150. [Life and Evolution centered around 4 inseparable and interacting processes: heredity, ontogeny, environment and selection.] 25175 Osborn, Henry Fairfield. 9.72 Titanotheres (1181) 1908. New or Little Known Titanotheres from the Eocene and Oligocene. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 599—617, 21 figg. [16 nn. spp. in: Limnohyops 3, Palaeosyops 3, Manteoceras, Mesatirhinus n. g., Metarhinus n. g. 2, Dolichorhinus, Telmatherium 2, Protitanotherium, Brontotherium, Sym- borodon.] (78 3,.7, 79.2) 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 440 25176 Camerano, Lorenzo. 9.725 1908. Il Quagga del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Atti Accad. Sc. Torino 77 Charley, W. T. 9.725 1908. The Horse: The History, Development, Characteristics, and Functions of the English Hackney Horse, with short Notes on Coachers and Trotters. Agric. Gaz. N. S. Wales Vol. 18 p. 129—142. 78 Sabrazès, J., L. Muratet et P. Durroux. 9.725 311.11 1908. Le sang du cheval. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux). €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 169—171. 79 Kraemer, H. 9.725 : 11.5 1908. Zur Lehre der Formenentstehung in der Haustierzucht. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 1908 p. XII. 80 Kiesel, K. 9.725 : 11.57 1908. Ueber die Vererbung von Farben und Abzeichen beim Pferd. Arch. 81 Reinhardt, Richardt. 9.725 : 12.98 1908. Ueber Pleiodaktylie beim Pferde. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 1—68, 13 figg. 82 Wucherer. 9.725 : 12.98 1908. Digitus secundus bei einem Fohlen. Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Jahrg. 52 p. 865. 83 Heron, David. 9.725 : 13.6 1908. Inheritance of the Sex-Ratio in the Thoroughbred Racehorse. Biometrika Vol. 6 p. 120—122. 84 Lüder von Liitzow, Kurt. 9.725 : 14 1908. Vergleichende anatomische und physiologische Untersuchungen bei Lauf- und Schrittpferden. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 731—855, 4 Taf. 25185 Staurenghi, Cesare. 9.725 : 14.71 1907. Fixura bregmatica lateralis degli Equidae apparentemente suturale (con dimostrazioni). Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 597—599. 86 Wolter, A. 9.725 : 14.71 1907. Untersuchungen am Metacarpus von Lauf- und Schrittpferden, be- sonders auf Biegefestigkeit. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Bd. 36 p. 485—568, 34 figg. 87 Brasil, L. 9,725 : 14.71 1908. Sur l’existence d’une dépression pré-orbitale sur un cràne de Zèbre de BurcneLL (Equus burchelli typicus) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 432—433. [Donc, cette dépression ne peut plus étre invoquée pour dis- tinguer Couagga et Zebre.] 88 Skoda, C. 9.725 : 14.72 1908. Ein konstantes Ligamentum metacarpo(tarso)-intersesamoideum des Pferdes. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 12—19, 3 figg. 89 Skoda, Carl. 9.725 : 14.73 1908. Eine beim Pferde vorkommende scheinbare Homologie des Mus- culus abductor cruris posterior der Carnivoren. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 216—221, 2 figg. 90. 6s 9.725 : 16.1 1901. Unsere Pferdezucht. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Bd. 15 p. 1—55. 91 Wood, S. 0. 9.725 : 16.1 1907. Improvement in Horse-Breeding. Action by Victorian Government. Journ. Agric. Victoria Vol. 5 p. 138—152, 5 figg. 92 Sabrazès, J., L. Muratet et P. Durronx. 9.725 : 18.5 1908. Rapports des variétés leucocytaires chez le cheval. (Réunion biol. Bordeaux.) €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 171—173. 25193 Walther, Ad. 9,725 : 18.5 1908. Zwei Beitrige zur Kenntnis des Pferdeblutes. Arch. ges. Physiol. 15. I. 1909. 441 Mammalia. Bd. 123 p. 233—248, 2 figg. [Blutplättchen haben Spindelform. Bei je- dem auf den ersten folgenden Aderlass ist Gerinnungszeit herabgesetzt.] 25194 Douglass, Earl. 9.725 (118) 1908. Fossil Horses from North Dakota and Montana. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ, Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 267—277, 4 pls. [3 nn. spp. in: Mesohippus, Altippus n. g., Merychippus.] (1181, 1182) (78.4,.6) 95 Granger, Walter. 9.725 (1181) 1908. A Revision of the American Eocene. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 221—264, 4 pls., 5 figg. [5 nn. spp. in: Eohippus 2, Orohippus 2, Epihippus. Aminippus n. subg. Orohippus typicus n. nom. pro 0. pumilus MaRsH.] (78.7, 79.2) 96 Landois, H. 9.725 (119) 1902. Das neolithische Pferd von Sünninghausen. 30. Jahresber. westfil. Prov.-Ver. p. 14. 97 Landois, H. 9.725 (119) 1903. Ein subfossiler Pferdeschädel. 81. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. De 158—159. 98 Ewart, J. Cossar. 9.725 (57.6) 1903. The Wild Horse (Equus przevalskii, Porraxorr). Field Natural. Quar- terly Vol. 2 p. 287—293, 1 pl. 99 Loomis, F. B. 9.725 Parahippus (1182) 1908. A New Horse from the Lower Miocene. Amer. Journ. Sc. Vol. 26 p. 163—165, 1 fig. [Parahippus tyleri n. sp.] 25200 Holland, W. J. 9.729 Moropus (1182) 1908. A New Species of the Genus Moropus. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 809—810, 2 figg. [M. petersoni n. sp.] 01 Staurenghi, Cesare. 9.73 : 14.71 1907. Duplicità dei centri ossificativi dell'Os nasale nell’Ovis aries e Sus scrofa (con dimostrazioni) Atti Congr. Natural. ital. 1906 p. 604. 9.73,.735 02 Stehlin, H. G. 9.73 (1181) 1908. Die Säugetiere des schweizerischen Eocaens. Critischer Catalog der Materialien. Fiinfter Teil. Abh. schweiz. pal. Ges. Vol. 85 p. 691— 837, 2 Taf., 36 figg. [7 nn. spp. in: Choeropotamus, Cebochoerus 2, Choe- romorus, Haplobunodon, Rhagatherium, Mixtotherium.] 03 Depéret, Charles. 9.73 Anthracotheridae (118) 1908. L’histoire géologique et la phylogénie des Anthracothéridés. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 146 p. 158—162, [2 nn. spp. in: Lophiobunodon n. g. Microbunodon n. g. pro Anthracotherium laharpei, Microselenodon pro A. minimum, Amphirhagatherium pro Rhagatherium fronstettense, Catodontherium pro Catodus rutimeyeri.] (1181, 1182) (43.69, 44.87) 04 Brinkmann, August. 9.73 Dicotyles : 14.77 1908. Die Rückendrüse von Dicotyles. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 281—307, 2 Taf., 3 figg. [Tubulóse, von Schweissdrüsen herstammende, Fett secer- nierende Driise, (Uebereinstimmung mit Sekretionsvorgingen der Milch- driise.) — Duftorgan.] 05 Mitchell, P. Chalmers. 9.73 Hylochoerus (67.5) 1908. Young Forest-Pigs (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni). Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 203—204, 1 fig. 06 Bach, Franz. 9.73 Listriodon (1182) 1908. Listriodon splendens H. v. M. aus Steiermark. Verh. geol. Reichs- anst. Wien 1908 p. 117—118. 07 Douglass, Earl S. 9.73 Merycoidodontei 1906. Generic Names of Merycoidodonts. Science N. S. Vol. 24 p. 565 — 567. 25208 Simpson, J. P., and Q. I. Simpson. 9.73 Sus : 11.5 1908. Genetics in Swine Hybrids. (Amer. Soc. Zool.) Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 941. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 442 25209 Landois, H. 9.73 Sus : 11.59 1902. Ein Doppelschweinchen mit Januskopf. 30. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 66—68, 3 figg. 10 Duckworth, W. L. H. 9.73 Sus : 11.59 1908. Description of a Microcephalous New-Born Pig in which the Face and the Fore-parts of the Brain were Undeveloped, and the Buccopharyngeal Membrane Remained Imperforate. Proc. Cambridge phil. Soc. Vol. 14 p. 447—456, 2 pls., 10 figg. 11 Giniéis. 9.73 Sus : 12.6 1908. Hermaphrodisme chez le porc. Rec. Méd. vétér. Paris T. 85 p. 478—881, 1 fig. 12 Debeyre, [A.] 9.73 Sus : 14.36 1908. Lobule hépatique. — Essai de reconstruction partielle. — Foie de porc. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 201. [Cloisons conjonctives pas systématiquement périlobulaires et continues.] 13 Baetjer, Walter A. 9.73 Sus : 14.42 1908. On the Origin of the Mesenteric Sac and Thoracic Duct in the Embryo Pig. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 303—317, 1 pl, 9 figg. [By growth and fusion of capillaries from sac and thoracic duct proper, the former becomes definite part of lymphatie system.] 14 Baetjer, Walter A. 9.73 Sus : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. IV. The Origin of the Mesenteric Lymph Sac in the Pig. Anat. Rec. Vol. 2 p. 55—57. [Genesis of lymphatie system from the veins (Mass of blood capillaries becoming fused into a sac).] 25215 Heuer, George J. 9.73 Sus : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. V. The Development of Lymphatics in the Small Intestine of Pig. Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 57—58. [Growth from center to periphery. Differentiation following lines of development of blood vessels.] 16 Bondy, Gustav. 9.73 Sus : 14.85 1908. Ueber die Entwickelung des Tympanicum und der Shrapnellschen Membran des Schweines. Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 591—602, 3 Taf. 17 Cossmann, M. 9.735 1899. Catalogus Mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium, a doct. E. L. Trovessart. Rey. crit. Paléozool. Ann. 3 p. 49—50. [Trouessartia pro Odontostylus Trovess. non Gnav.] Corr. p. 134. [Trouessartella pro Troues- sartia Cosm. non Canxstr.] 18 Pocock, R. I. 9.735 1908. On the Generic Names of the Rupicaprine Ruminants known as Serows and Gorals. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 183—188. 19 Keller, Otto. 9.735 : 14.61 1908. Über die Lage der Wiederkäuer-Nieren. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. Bd. 50 p. 187—226, 4 figg. 20 Lankester, Edward Ray. 9.735 : 14.71 1908. On certain Points in the Structure of the Cervical Vertebrae of the Okapi and the Giraffe. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 320—334, 12 figg. 21 Fambach. 9.735 : 14.78 8 1908. Geweih und Gehórn. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 584—585. 25222 Forgeot, [E.] 9.735 : 18.5 1908. Sur la composition histologique de la lymphe des ruminants. Ann. Soc. Agric. Sc. Industr. Lyon 1907 p. 4—20. [Deux sortes de lymphes (en dehors du chyle): celle qui n’a pas traversé ganglion lymphatique et qui ne renferme jamais globules rouges; celle qui sort des ganglions 1. et qui contient proportion variable de globules rouges. Fonction hémato- poietique des ganglions hémo-lymphatiques.] 16.010 1908: 443 Mammalia. 25223 Pocock, R. I. 9.735 (502) 1908. Notes upon some Species and Geographical Races of Serows (Capricornis) and Gorals (Naemorhedus) based upon Specimens exhibited in the Society’s Gardens. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 173—202, 9 figg. [2 nn. spp. in: Capricornis (3 nn. subspp.), Naemorhedus.] (51.3,.6,.9, 54.1,.2, 59.1,.5, 921) 24 Floericke, Kurt. 9.735 Alces (43.11) 1908, Ein vorsintflutlicher Recke in der preussischen Wüste. Kosmos Stuttgart Bd. 5 p. 14—18, 3 figg. 25 Ward, Henry L. 9.735 Alces (77.9) 1908. The American Elk in Southern Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 145—146. 26 Lyon, Marcus Ward. 9.735 Antilocapra : 14.78.8 1908. Remarks on the Horns and on the Systematic Position of the American Antelope. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 393—402, 2 pls. 27 McClung, C. E. 9.735 Bison : 14.71 1908. Restoration of the Skeleton of Bison occidentalis. (Contrib. zool. 25 Matthew, W. D. 9.735 Blastomeryx (1182) 190%. Osteology of Blastomeryx and Phylogeny of the American Cervidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. Vol. 24 p. 535—562, 14 figg. (72.3,.7) 29 Masefleld, John R. B. 9.735 Bos 1903. The White Cattle of Chartley, Staffordshire. Field Natural. Quar- terly Vol. 2 p. 118—124, 1 pl. 30 Hilzheimer, Max. 9.735 Bos 1908. Ueber italienische Haustiere. (39. Vers. deutsch. anthrop. Ges.) Korr.-Bl. deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Ethnol. Jahrg. 39 p. 136—141, 2 figg. 25231 Wilson, James. 9.735 Bos: 11.5 1908. Mendelian Characters Among Short-Horn Cattle. Sc. Proc. R. Dub- lin Soc. N. S. Vol. 11 p. 317—324. [Uoat-colour: descendence of modern short-horn from 2 races, White Roman and Red Saxon.] 11.57,.58 32 Landois, H. 9.735 Bos : 11.59 1903. Eine Vereinigung von Einfach-, Doppel- und Zyklopenkopfbildung beim Kalbe. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. p. 216—217. 33 Bichlmaier. 9.735 Bos : 11.59 1908. Dipygus bei einer Kalbin. Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Jahrg. 52 p. 546. 34 Rörik, H. H., und A. Guillebeau. 9.735 Bos : 13.39 1908. Die Oberfläche der Semiplacenta materna beim Rind. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 277—284, 5 figg. 35 Glur, Arnold. 9.735 Bos : 14.24 1908. Uber rudimentàre Lungenabschnitte beim Rinde. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 194 p. 52—63, 5 figg. 36 Hilty, Heinrich. 9.735 Bos : 14.66 1908. Untersuchungen über die Evolution und Involution der Uterusmu- cosa vom Rind. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. Bd. 50 p. 268—323, 353—406, 6 Taf., 1 fig. 37 Sundwall, John. 9.735 Bos : 14.77 1907. The Structure of the Harderian Glands of the Ox. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 72—73. [Located at the base and sides of posterior part of cartilage in nictitating membrane.] 38 Ringholz, Odilo. 9.785 Bos : 16.1 1908. Geschichte der Rindviehzucht im Stifte Einsiedeln. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des schweizerischen Braunviehes. Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Schweiz Jahrg. 22 p. 413—508, 4 Taf., 6 figg. 25239 Auerbach, M. 9.785 Bos (43) 1908. Auerochs und Wisent in Deutschland. Verh. nat. Ver. Karlsruhe Bd. 20 p. 3—32, 9 figg. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 444 25240 Gidley, James Williams. 9.735 Bovidae (119) 1908. Descriptions of two New Species of Pleistocene Ruminants of the Genera Ovibos and Bodtherium, with Notes on the latter Genus. Proc. U. S. nation. Mus. Vol. 34 p. 681—684, 3 pls., 1 fig. (77.4, 79.8) 41 Lönnberg, Einar. 9.735 Bovidae (67.6) 1908. Two Apparently New Antelopes from British East-Africa. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 3, 10 pp., 3 figg. [Madoqua nasoguttatus n. sp. 1 n. subsp. in Cobus.] 42 Prisse d’Avennes, Emile. 9.735 Camelus : 16.1 1908. De l’acclimatation du dromadaire dans les colonies. Cosmos Pa- ris N. S. T. 59 pe 214-217. 43 Landois, H. 9.735 Capra : 12.78.8 en, Eine fünfhörnige Haus-Ziege. 31. Jahresber. westfäl. Prov.-Ver. D, 6 H 44 Rörig, Adolf. 9.735 Capreolus : 14.78.8 1908. Das Wachstum des Geweihes von Capreolus vulgaris. Arch. Entw.- Mech. Bd. 25 p. 423—430, 1 Taf. 45 Beal, W. J. 9.735 Cervidae : 16.5 1901. The Damage Done to Young Trees by Deer and Elk. 2d Rep. Michigan Acad. Sc. p. 88—84. 46 Gross, [Siegfried], und [Julius] Tandler. 9.735 Cervus : 11.56 1908. Einfluss der Kastration auf die Geweihbildung beim Rehbock. (Ges. Aerzte Wien. Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 58 p. 629. 47 Faber, Ernst. 9.735 Cervus: 15 1908. Das Reh. Monatsber. Ges. Luxemburg. Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 2 p. 310—318. 15.6 48 Kirchschlager, A. 9.735 Cervus : 16.5 1908. Über das Schälen des Edelwildes in Tiergärten. Centralbl. ges. Forstwesen Jahrg. 34 p. 121—123. 25249 Grieg, James A. 9.735 Cervus (119) 1908. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges hvirveldyrfauna i ældre tider. I. Hjorten. Bergens Mus. Aarbog. 1908 No. 7, 34 pp., 7 figg. 50 Hollister, N. 9.735 Cervus (77.5) 1908. The Last Records of Deer in Walworth County, Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. 6 p. 143—144. 51 Hinton, Martin A. C. 9.735 Gazella (1183) 1908. Note on Gazella daviesii, Hixros, an Antelope from the Norwich Crag. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 10 p. 445, 1 pl. [n. sp.] 52 Mitchell, P. Chalmers. 9.735 Giraffa 1908. On a young Female Kordofan Giraffe. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 130—134, 1 fig. 53 Scherren, Henry. 9.735 Giraffa 1908. On certain Errors with Reference to George the Fourth's Giraffe, Proc. zooi. Soc. London 1908 p. 403—405. 54 Trouessart, E. L. 9.735 Giraffa (66.3) 1908. Sur la jeune Girafe du Soudan occidental récemment arrivée à la ménagerie du Muséum. €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 603—606. 55 Noack, Th. 9.735 Giraffa (68.9) 1905. Die Giraffe des Sambesi-Gebietes. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 354—356. [G. infumata n. sp., mit Vorbeh.] 56 Thomas, Oldfield, 9.735 Mazama (87) 1908. A New Deer of the Brocket Group from Venezuela. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 349—350. [Mazama bricenii n. sp.] 57 Fraipont, Julien. 9.735 Okapia 1908. L’Okapi. — Ses affinités avec les Giraffidés vivants et fossiles. Bull. Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 1097—1130, 4 Taf. 25258 Perlmann, S. M. 9.735 Okapia 1908. Is the Okapi Identical with the „Thahash“ of the Jews? Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 256—260. 15. I. 1909. 445 Mammalia. 25259 Thomas, Oldfield, and R. C. Wroughton. 9.735 Ourebia (67.6) 1908. On a New Oribi Obtained by Major Powzrr-Corrow in British East Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 177—178. [Ouredia cottoni n. sp.] 60 Kowarzik, Rud. 9.735 Ovibos 1908. Der Moschusochs und seine Rassen. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 616— 618. [Es existieren 2 völlig getrennte Gruppen, die in gewisser Beziehung soweit von einander abstehen wie Bos und Ovis.] 61 Bristol, C. L. 9.735 Ovis 1908. Otter Sheep. Amer. Natural. Vol. 42 p. 282. 62 Berry, Richard J. A. 9.735 Ovis : 11.59 1907. The Anatomical Variations Presented by a Case of a Thoraco- pagous Lamb Monster, together with an Account of the Developmental Explanation of the same. Rep. Austral. Ass. Adv. Sc. Vol. 11 p. 508 —bI5. 63 Kiikenthal, W. 9.735 Ovis : 12.31.4 1908. Ueber das Vorkommen verkalkter und durchbrochener oberer Eck- zähne bei einem jungen Schaf. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 498—499, 1 fig. 64 Even. 9.735 Ovis : 12.78 1908. Corne énorme située sur le plat du cou en avant de l'épaule chez une brebis. Rec. Med. vétér. Paris T. 85 p. 635—637, 1 fig. [Véritable corne ectopiée à laquelle il ne manque que la cheville osseuse.] 65 Liversidge, A. 9.735 Ovis : 14.31.4 1905. On so-called Gold-coated Teeth in Sheep. Journ. Proc. R. Soc. N. S. Wales Vol, 39 p. 33—44. [Incrustation on teeth is deposit of tartar, perhaps partly due to superficial decay of tooth.] 66 Meyer, Arthur W. 9.735 Ovis : 14.46 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. por The Haemolymph Glands of the Sheep. Anat. Rec. Vol. 2 p. 62—64. 25267 Strahl, H., und P. Martin. 9,735 Ovis : 14.66 1908. Die puerperale Involution des Uterus beim Schaf. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 273—216. 68 Franz, K. 9.735 Ovis : 14.71 1908. Zur Entwicklung des knóchernen Beckens nach der Geburt. Ex- perimentelle Untersuchungen. Beitr. Gehurtsh. Gynik. Bd. 13 p. 12—29, 9 Taf. [Geschlechtsdrüsen als Bedingung der Geschlechtsunterschiede des Beckens. Verlangsamung des Knochenwachstums durch Kastration Neu- geborener.] 69 Serffait, Henry. 9.735 Ovis : 14 78.5 1908. One-Horned and Three-Horned Sheep. Biological Curiosities. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 44, 3 figg. 70 Moreau-Berillon, Camille. 9.735 Ovis : 16.1 1908. Le mouton en Champagne. €. R. Ass. frane. Av. Sc. Sess. 36 Pt. 1 p. 437—438; Pt. 2 p. 1471—1457. 71 Geinitz, E. 9.735 Ovis (119) 1908. Vierhörniges Schaf aus mecklenburgischem Torfmoor. Arch. Ver. Freunde Nat. Mecklenburg Jahrg. 62 p. 139—140, 1 Taf. 72 Staudinger, Wilhelm. 9.785 Praeovibos (119) 1908. Praeovibos priscus, nov. gen. et nov. sp., ein Vertreter einer Ovibos nahestehenden Gattung aus dem Pleistocän Thüringens. Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1908 p. 481—502, 4 figg. 73 Kolster, Rud. 9.735 Rangifer : 13.39 1908. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Embryotrophe. III. Ueber den Uterus gravidus von Rangifer tarandus H. Su. Anat. Hefle Bd. 38 p. 101 —192, 8 Taf. 25274 Harle, Edouard. 9.735 Rangifer (119) 1908. Ossements de Renne en Espagne. Anthröpologie T. 19 p. 573— 577, 2 figg. (46.3,.6,.7) 15. I. 1909, Mammalia. 446 25275 Allen, J. A. 9.735 Rangifer (98) 1908. The Peary Caribou (Rangifer pearyi Auten). Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. 76 Peterson, 0. A. 9.735 Stenomylus (1182) 1908. Description of the Type Specimen of Stenomylus gracilis PETERSON. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Vol. 4 (Publ. Carnegie Mus. No. 50) p. 286—300, 12 figg. 71 Strahl, [H.] 9.735 Tragulus : 13.39 1908. Zwischenformen bei Placenten. (Med. Ges. Giessen) Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 34 p. 623; Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 78 Sergi, Quirino. 9.74 : 14.81 1908. Contributo allo studio delle omologie dei solchi cerebrali nei felidi e nei canidi. Osservazioni su due cervelli di Ghepardo asiatico (Cynai- lurus jubatus). Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 210—281, 2 figg. d Wees Si 9.74 (43.3) 1908. Zur Geschichte des Luchses und des Wolfs in Nord-Bayern. Allg. Forst-Jagd-Zeitg. Jahrg. 84 p. 375—378. 80 Mola, Pasquale. 9.74 (45.9) 1908. Considerazioni sopra un problematico incrocio di Felidi. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 42—45, 1 fig. 81 Thomas, Oldfleld. 9.74 (8) 1908. On Certain African and S.-American Otters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 1 p. 387—395. [4 nn. spp. in Lutra. 1 n. subsp. in Aonyz.] (67.3, 81, 82.9, 83, 85, 87) 25282 Noack, Th. 9.74 Canis 1908. Ueber Canis hadramauticus, Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 609—616. 83 Noack, Th. 9.74 Canis 1908. Ueber die Abstammung nordrussischer Haushunde. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 254—264. 84 Richet, Charles. 9.74 Canis : 11.28 1908. De la variation de la température organique des chiens selon le pelage. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 880—881. |Différence moyenne d'au moins !/ degré entre la température organique des chiens à poils longs et à poils ras.] 85 Strong, R. M. 9.74 Canis : 11.5 1908. A Litter of Short-tailed Dogs. (Amer. Soc. Zool) Science N. $ Vol. 27 p. 942. 86 Martinoli, Cayetano. 9.74 Canis : 12.31.4 1908. Algunas observaciones sobre las anomalias dentarias del perro. Anal. Mus. nac. Buenos Ayres (3) T. 9 p. 459—472. 87 Pocock, R. I. 9.74 Canis : 12.31.4 1908. A Case of Abnormal Dentition in à Dhole, or Indian Red Dog (Cuon dukhunensis). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (S) Vol. 2 p. 196—198, 1 fig. 88 Hilgenreiner, Heinrich. 9.74 Canis : 12.71 1908. Ausgedehnte Spaltbildung im Bereiche der vorderen Extremität bei einem Hunde. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierheilk. Bd. 34 p. 288—296, 3 figg. 89 Illing, 6. 9.74 Canis : 14.33 1908. Ueber histologische Eigentiimlichkeiten der Schleimhaut des Hunde- magens. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 471 472. 90 Bouin, P., et P. Ancel. 9.74 Canis : 14.65 1908. Sur le follicule de De Graf mür et la formation du corps jaune 25291 Bouin, P., et P. Ancel. 9.74 Canis : 14.65 1908. Sur la différentiation d’une membrane propre d’origine épithéliale 15. I. 1909. 447 Mammalia. pendant le développement du corps jaune chez la chienne. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 201—202. [Membrane interne du follicule, possédant caracteres et réactions du tissu conjonctif, se différencie aux dépens de cellules épithéliales.] 25292 Yan der Stricht, 0. 9.74 Canis : 14.65 1908. La structure de l’œuf de Chienne et la genèse du corps jaune. C. R. Ass. Anat. Réun, 10 p. 1—7, Discuss. p. 8—9. — Démonstration concernant la structure de l’ovule de Chienne et la genése des corps jaunes. p. 204—207. 98 Asai, K. 9.74 Canis : 14.85 1908. Die Blutgefässe im hàutigen Labyrinthe des Hundes. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 369—403, 4 Taf. 94 Lemaistre. 9.74 Canis : 15 1902. Du sevrage chez le chien. Ses peptones. Manière de se les procurer sans mutilation de l'animal. Bull. Acad. Med. Paris (3) Vol. 48 p. 35— 42. 15.3,.6 95 Faber, Ernst. 9.74 Canis: 15 1908. Der Wolf, seine Lebensweise und frühere Verbreitung im Gross- herzogtum. Monatsber. Ges. Luxemburg. Naturfreunde N. S. Jahrg. 2 p. 389—394, 411—419. 96 Zell, Th. 9.74 Canis : 15.1 1908. Der Richtungssinn der Tiere. Kosmos Stuttgart Bd. 5 p. 20—21. [Innehalten der Richtung bei Fehlen jeglicher Aussicht (Hund).] 97 Albrecht, [M.] 9.74 Canis : 15.6 1908. Eigentümlichkeiten im Geschlechtsleben der Hunde. Wochenschr. Tierheilk. Jahrg. 52 p. 561—564, 571—581, 597—602, [Eklampsieanfälle bei Hündin zur Zeit, wo sie hätte werfen sollen, wenn sie bei letzter Brunst belegt worden wäre.] 25298 Rohr, E. M. 9.74 Canis : 16.1 1908. Des utilités économiques du chien. — Mesures de protection et 99 Studer, Th. 9.74 Canis (119) 1908. Schädel eines Hundes aus einer prähistorischen Wohnstätte der Hallstattzeit bei Karlstein, Amtsgericht Reichenhall. Mitt. nat. Ges. Bern 25300 Keller, C. 9.74 Canis (46.75) 1908. Haustierrelikten aus Asien, Afrika und Europa. Verh. schweiz. nat. Ges. Vers. 91 Bd. 1 p. 264. [Der Balearen-Windhund.] — Diskuss. von E. A. Gorni. p. 264—265. [Ähnlichkeit mit dem brasilianischen Reh- hund.] — Race de chien très voisine de celle du lévrier des Baléares. Arch. Sc. phys. nat. Genève T. 26 p. 551—552. 01 Hilzheimer, Max. 9.74 Canis (6) 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der nordafrikanischen Schakale, nebst Be- merkungen über deren Verháltnis zu den Haushunden, insbesondere nord- afrikanischen und altigyptischen Hunderassen. Zoologica Bd. 20 Heft 58, 11 pp., 10 Taf. [3 nn. spp. 6 nn. subspp. in Canis. Alopedon n. subg.] (61.1, 62, 64, 65, 67.7) 02 Pocock, R. I. 9.74 Felis : 11.58 1908. Hybrid between Felis sylvestris and F. ocreata. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 749, 1 pl. 03 Berry, Charles Scott. 9.74 Felis : 11.8 1908. An Experimental Study of Imitation in Cats. Journ. comp. Neu- rol. & Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 1—25, 2 figg. [Jumping from box to table, opening door by turning button, getting meat out of bottle etc. — Voluntary imitation of certain type exists. Cats imitate human beings. Do not instinctively kill and eat mice but learn to do so by imitation]. 25304 Pearl, Raymond. 9.74 Felis : 12.14 1908. An Abnormality of the Venous System of the Cat, with some Con- siderations Regarding Adaptation in Teratological Development. Arch. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 448 Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 648—654, 2 figg. [Blood from posterior body part returned to heart through azygos vein. Homologue of vena cava inf. a small vessel, receiving only hepatic and phrenic veins.] 25305 Thyng, F. W. 9.74 Felis : 14.37 1908. Models of the Pancreas in Embryos of the Cat. (Boston Soc. med. Sc.) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 588. 06 Huntington, George S., and Charles F. W. McClure. 9.74 Felis : 14.42 1908. Symposium on the Development and Structure of the Lymphatic System. I. The Anatomy and Development of the Jugular Lymph Sacs in the Domestic Cat (Felis domestica). Anat. Record Vol. 2 p. 1—18, 11 figg. [Reciprocai relationship between developing lymphatics and embryonic veins. Separation of parallel venous channels from the latter by fenes- DE and conversion into definite lymph sacs by process of growth and sion.] 07 MeClure, Charles F. W. 9.74 Felis : 14.42 1908. The Development of the Thoracic and right Lymphatic Ducts in the Domestic Cat (Felis domestica.) Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 533—513, 13 figg. 08 v. Winiwarter, Hans, und Georg Sainmont. 9.74 Felis : 14 65.1 1908. Ueber die ausschliesslich postfetale Bildung der definitiven Eier bei der Katze. Vorläufige Mitteitung. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 613—616. 09 von Winiwarter, Hans, et G. Sainmont. 9.74 Felis : 14.65.1 1908. De la formation exclusivement post-fetale des œufs definitits chez le chat. (Communication préliminaire.) Bull. Acad. Sc. Belgique 1908 p. 602—607. — Rapport par Epouarp van BENEDEN. p. 586—587. [Néoformation d’ovules (poussée unique), préalable à puberté.] 25310 Noack, Th. 9.74 Felis : 14.71 1908. Uber den Schädel eines Bastards von Tiger 9 und Löwe o, 11 Landau, E. 9.74 Felis : 14.81 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Katzenhirns (Hirnfurchen). Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 38 p. 1-35, 4 Taf. [Unmöglichkeit der Geschlechtsbestim- mung nach Tiefe, Länge u. Variabilität der Furchen. Grosse Ähnlichkeit des Katzenhirns mit demjenigen anderer Felidae u. weiterhin der Canidae, (speciell Canis familiaris).] 12 Staderini, Rutilio. 9.74 Felis : 14.81 1908. Di un prolungamento ghiandolare dell’ ipofisi accolto in uno speciale pre-mammillare nel cervello del gatto adulto. Nota preventiva. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 271. 13 Winkler, C. 9.74 Felis : 14.81 1908. Het centrale zenuwstelsel eener witte doofgeboren kat: een bij- drage tot de kennis der gehoorsvezelstelsels. Versi. wis.-nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 17 p. 216—220. — The nervous system of a white cat, deaf from its birth: A contribution to the knowledge of the secondary systems of the auditory nerve-fibres. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam li tina 9.74 Felis : 15 1908. Ecureuils et chatte. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 58 p. 228—230. [Allaitement par la chatte.] 15 Buchanan, A. 9.74 Felis : 16.1 1908. Cats as Plague Preventers. Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 1 p. 1485 —1486; Vol. 2 p. 1231—1233. 16 Karlinski. Justyn. 9.74 Felis : 16.7 1908. Über eine durch Hauskatzen verbreitete Diphtheritisepidemie bei Kindern. Heilkunde Wien Jahrg. 12 p. 129—120. 25317 Qivalleri, Italo. 9.74 Felis : 18.8 1908. Contributo allo studio delle terminazioni nervose nel labbro del gatto. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 461—464, 3 figg. 15. I. 1909. 25318 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25326 27 28 29 25334 449 Mammalia. Lydekker, R. 9.74 Felis (51.3) 1908. Felis temmincki mitchelli new race from Szechuen. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 433—434. Lydekker, R. 9.74 Felis (54.8) 1908. Exhibition of, and Notes upon, an Abnormally Marked Leopard- skin from the Deccan. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 1—3, 1 fig. Noack, Th. 9.74 Felis (56.7) 1908. Der mesopotamische Löwe. Zool. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 403—406. Beddard, Frank E. 9.74 Galidictis : 14 1908. On some Points in the Structure of Galidictis striata. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1907 p. 803—817, 8 figg. de Seabra, A. F. 9.74 Genetta (469) 1908. Sur l’existence de la Genetta afra Fr. Cuv. en Portugal. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 2 p. S0—81. Schroeder, Henry. 9.74 Hyaena (119) 1907. Hyaena aus märkischem Diluvium. Jahrb. preuss. geol. Landes- aust. Bergakad. Bd. 25 p. 336—341. Pohl, Lothar. 9.74 Ictis : 15.6 1908. Zur Naturgeschichte des kleinen Wiesels (Ictis nivalis L.). Zool. Collier, W. Payne. 9.74 Lutra : 15 1908. Notes on the Otter (Lutra vulgaris). Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 92— 96. 15.3 Lönnberg, Einar. 9.74 Lutra (6) 1908. On the Clawless Otter of Central Africa (Lutra capensis hindei Tuomas) and Biological Adaptations of African Clawless Otters. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 12, 11 pp., i pl., 2 figg. (63, 67.6, 68.4,.9) Gordon, C. E. 9.74 Lutra (74.4) 1908/09. The Otter in Massachusetts. Science N. S. Vol. 28 p. 772— 775, 1 fig. — The Otter in Eastern Massachussetts, by Wi Brewster. Yol. 29 p. 551—555. Mola, Pasquale. 9.74 Lynx (45.9) 1908. Ancora della lince della Sardegna. Boll. Soc. zool. ital. (2) Vol. 9 p. 46-48. [Lynx sardiniae n. sp.] Beddard, F. E. 9.74 Meles : 14.34 1908. Colon and Rectum of a Badger (Meles meles.) Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 128—131, 1 fig. [Pryer’s patch of remarkable size in large intestine.] 14.35 Patterson, Arthur H. 9.74 Meles (42.61) 1908. The Badger in Norfolk. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 426—427. de Montlezun, M. 9.74 Mustela 1905. Note sur le Vison. Mustela lutreola L. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Tou- Girardin, P. 9.74 Mustela : 15 1908. Le transport des ceufs par les fouines. Bull. Soc. fribourg. Sc. nat. Yol. 16 pe 50—55. Forrest, H. E. 9.74 Mustela (42) 1908. 'The Marten in England and Wales. Zoologist (4) Vol. 12 p. 1 —8. Davis, H. B. 9.74 Procyon : 11.8 1907. The Raccoon: A Study in Animal Intelligence. Amer. Journ. Psychol. Vol. 18 p. 447—489, 1 pl, 7 figg. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15,1 1909; 29 25335 36 37 38 39 40 25341 43 44 46 25349 Mammalia. 450 Bach, Franz. 9.74 Pseudocyon (1182) 1908. Pseudocyon sansaniensis Larr. Verh. geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1908 p. 299—304. Letacq, A. L. 9.74 Putorius : 15 1908. Notes biologiques sur le Vison. Buil. Soc. Amis Sc. nat. Rouen \5) Ann. 43 p. 98—100; Natural. canad. Vol. 35 p. 12—14. Knottnerus-Meyer, Theodor. 9.74 Thaiassarctos (98) 1908. Uber den Eisbären und seine geographischen Formen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 170—187, 2 Taf. [4 nn. spp. 1 n. var. in Thalassarctos.] (71.2,.9) Hooper, David. 9.74 Ursus : 11.05 1908. Fat of the Himalayan Bear— Ursus torquatus, Wagner. Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Vol. 4 p. 33—34. [Chemical ccnstants.] Flores, Eduardo. 9.74 Ursus (119) 1902/03. L’Ursus spelaeus Brum. del Buco del Piombo sopra Erba (Prov. di Como). Riv. ital. Paleont. Anno 8 p. 26—27, 1 fig. — Nuovi avanzi di Ursus spelaeus Buum. del Buco del Piombo sopra Erba (Como). Anno 9 p. 10-11. Toldt, K., jr. 9.74 Yulpes : 14.78 1908. Neueres über Andeutungen eines Schuppenkleides bei rezenten Säugetieren. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (108)—(110). Toldt, K., jr. 9.74 Yulpes : 14.78 1908. Schuppenförmige Profilierung der Hautoberfläche von Vulpes vulpes L. Zool. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 793—805, 2 figg. [im Zusammenhang mit be- stimmter Haaranordnung.] 2 Lydekker, R. 9.745 Macrorhinus 1908. The Californian Sea-Elephant. Knowledge N. S. Vol. 5 p. 49—50, 1 fig. Rothschild, Walter. 9.745 Mirounga (72.2) 1908. Mirounga angustirostris (Giur). Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 393—394, o pls. Ballowitz, E. 9.745 Phoca : 14.63.1 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der Pinnipedier. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 253 --256, 6 figg. Daleau, F. 9.745 Phoca (44.71) 1908. Un Phoque en Gironde. Prec.-Verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux Vol. 62 p. LXXIV—LXXY. Sokolowsky, Alexander. 9.745 Trichechus : 15 1908. Neues aus der Biologie der Walrosse. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 237—253, 5 figg. Sokolowsky, Alexander. 9.745 Trichechus : 15 1908. Neue Beobachtungen über Walrosse. Prometheus Jahrg. 19 p. 586—588, 1 fig. Rutten, L. 9.745 Trichechus (1183) 1908. On fossil Trichechids from Zealand and Belgium. Proc. Sect. Sc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Vol. 10 p. 2—14, 1 pl., 1 fig. (492, 493) Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. 9.8 : 14.71 1902. Schädelmaasse bei Affen und Halbaffen. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Dd. 4 p. 318—344. 9.81,.82,.88 15, 1.1908: 451 Mammalia. 25350 Manners-Smith, T. 9.8 : 14.71 1908. A Study of the Cuboid and Os Peroneum in the Primate Foot. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 42 p. 397—414, 23 figg. 9.82,.88 51 Zuckerkandl, E. 9.8 : 14.81 1902. Zur Morphologie des Affengehirnes. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 463—499, 3 Taf., 3 figg. [Fissuren und Sulci.] 9.82,.88 52 Zuckerkandl, E. 9.8 : 14.81 1908. Zur Anatomie der Fissura parietooccipitalis medialis und des Suleus intraparietalis. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-nat. Kl. Bd. 45 p. 332. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. D d 117 Abt. 3 p. 411—483, 37 figg. 2, 53 Beddard, Frank E. 9.81 : 14 1908, Some Notes upon the Anatomy of Chiromys madagascariensis, with references to other Lemurs. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 694—702, 4 figg. 14.13..14,.34 54 Mott, F. W., and Agnes M. Kelley. 9.81 : 14.81 1908. Complete Survey of the Cell Lamination of the Cerebral Cortex of the Lemur. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 488—506, 5 pls. 55 Mott, F. W., and W. D. Halliburton. 9.81 : 14.81 1908. Localisation of Function in the Lemur's Brain. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 136—147, 3 pls., 3 figg. [Motor centres (Stimulation and extirpation).] 56 Standing, Herbert F. 9.81 (119) 1908. On Recently Discovered Subfossil Primates from Madagascar. Trans. zool., Soc. London Vol. 18 p. 59—177, 19 pls., 63 figg. [6 nn. spp. in: Palaeopropithecus, Mesopropithecus n. g., Archaeolemurs, Megaladapis, Lemur 2.] 25357 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.81 Galeopteridae 1908. The Nomenclature of the Flying-Lemurs. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 252—255. [Galeopteridae n. fam. Galeopterus n. g. pro Galeopithecus temminckii,] e 58 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.81 Lemur 1908. The Nomenclature of Certain Lorises. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 1 p. 467—469. 59 Marinesco, G., Parhon et Goldstein. 9.81 Lemur : 14.89 1908. Sur la nature du ganglion ciliaire. (Réun, biol. Bucarest). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 88—89. [Nature sympathique du ganglion dé- montrée par méthode de Ramon y Cayar.] 60 v. Lorenz, L. 9.81 Megaladapis (119) 1908. Vorlage des rekonstruierten Skelettes eines fossilen Riesenhalb- affen aus Madagaskar. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien Bd. 58 p. (34)—(35). 61 Cabrera, Angel. 9,81 Nycticebus (91.4) 1908. Sobre los loris, y en especial sobre la forma filipina. Bol. Soc. españ. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 135—139. 1 fig. [Nycticebns philippinus n. sp.] 62 Anthony, R. 9.81 Propithecus : 13.3 1908. Note sur un fetus de Propithéque et ses membranes. Aun. Sc. nat. Zool. (9) T. 7 p. 248—248, 1 pl, 2 figg. 63 de Seabra, A. F. 9.82 1908. Notes Mammalogiques. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 2 p. 25—40, 125—138, 155—162. 25364 Fischer, Eugen. 9.82 : 14.71 1908. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Affenschädels. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 388—414, 2 Taf., 4 figg. [Primordialcranium.] 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 452 25365 Holl, M. 9.82 : 14.81 1908. Über Furchen und Windungen der Scheitel-Hinterhauptgegend an den Gehirnen der Affen der neuen Welt. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.- nat. Kl. Bd. 45 p. 12—14. — Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 117 Abt. 3 p. 9—90, 6 Taf., 8 figg. 66 Lewy, Fritz Heinrich. 9.82 : 14.81 1908. Das aberrierende Pyramidenbündel Dreis Folia neuro-biol. Bd. >» > p E) p. 25—33. 67 Friederici, Georg. 9.82 : 15. 1908. Affengeschichten aus Amerika. Arch. Anthropol. Bd. 7 p. 16— 21. [Zusammenstellung der Berichte (in alten Chroniken etc.) über Himmern u. Werfen der Affen, angebl Paarung zwischen Mensch und Affe, u. ge- schwänzte Menschen.] 68 Thomas, Oldfield. 9.82 (81) 1908. Four new Amazonian Monkeys. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) Vol. 2 p- 88—91, [4 nn. spp. in: Callicebus 3, Saimiri.] 69 van der Broek, A. J. P. 9.82 Ateles : 14 1908. Ueber einige anatomische Merkmale von Ateles, in Zusammenhang mit der Anatomie der Platyrrhinen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 111—124. 14.1—.8 70 Hatschek, Rudolf. 9.82 Ateles : 14.81 1908. Beitrag zur Frage der Menschenähnlichkeit des Afeles-Gehirns. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 389—394, 5 figg. 25371 Trouessart, E. L. 9.82 Cercopithecus (66) 1908. Contribution à la distinction spécifique des Cercopithèques du groupe de la Diane. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1908 p. 97—101, 2 figg. (66.6,.7) 72 Pocock, R. I. 9.82 Cercopithecus (67.5) 1908. Description of a New Species of Monkey of the Genus Cercopithe- cus. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1908 p. 158—160, 1 pl. [C. ezrae.] 73 Polak, Clara. 9.82 Colobus : 14 1908. Die Anatomie des Genus Colobus. Verh. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 74 Lönnberg, Einar. 9.82 Colobus (6) 1908. On a New Guereza (Colobus angolensis sandbergi), and remarks on other Black and White Guerezas. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 4 No. 15, 13 pp., 3 figg. (66.4,.6,.7,.9—67.1,.6,.8) 75 Paris, Paul. 9.82 Hapale : 15.6 1908. Un cas de reproduction du Quistiti (Hapale jacchus). Bull. Soc. zool. France T. 33 p. 147. 76 Kinnaman, A. J. 9.82 Macacus : 11.8 1902. Mental Life of two Macacus rhesus Monkeys in Captivity. 1. Amer. Journ. Psychol. Vol. 13 p. 98—148, 8 figg. — II. p. 173—218, 4 figg. 25377 Hinton, Martin A. C. i 9.82 Macacus (1183) 1908. Note on the Discovery of a Bone of a Monkey in the Norfolk ”Forest-Bed”. Geol. Mag. N. S. (5) Vol. 10 p. 440—444, 1 pl. 15. I. 1909. 453 Mammalia. — Bimana. 25378 Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. 9.82 Semnopithecus : 14.66 1902. Die Umgestaltungen des Uterus der Affen nach der Geburt. Zeit- schr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 1—16, 34 figg. 79 Verner, S. P. 9.88 (6) 1908. Likely Places for Evidence as to the History of the Evolution of the Anthropoid Apes and Primitive Man. Science N. S. Vol. 27 p. 929. [Probability of finds in Africa.] 80 Rothschild, Walter. 9.88 Gorilla (67.1) 1908. Note on Gorilla gorilla diehli Marscnie. Novitat. zool. Vol. 15 p. 391—392, 1 pl. 81 Elbert, Joh. 9.88 Pithecanthropus 1908. De nieuwste onderzoekingen over het Pithecanthropus-vraagstuk. Natuurk. Tijdschs. Nederl. Indié D. 67 p. 125—142. 82 Deninger, K. 9.88 Pithecanthropus 1908. Zur Stellung des Pithecanthropus erectus Dusors auf Grund der neuesten Resultate. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstamm.- u. Vererbungslehre Bd. 1 p. 121—124. 88 Toldt, C. 9.88 Pithecus : 14.73 1907. Der M. digastricus und die Muskeln des Mundhóhlenbodens beim Orang. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd. 116 Abt. 3 p. 443—456, 3 Taf. 25384 Combes, Paul. 9.88 Pithecus : 14.98 1908. Chiromancie de l'orang-outang. Cosmos Paris N. S. T. 59 p. 493 —427, 4 figg. 85 Wegner, R. N. 9.88 Symphalangus : 12.31.4 1908. Ein überzähliger Prämolar beim Siamang (Symphalangus syndac- tylus Desmarrst). Zeitschr. Ethnol. Jahrg. 40 p. 86—88, 1 fig. 86 Friedenthal, Hans. 9.88 Troglodytes : 14.78.1 1908. Ueber einen neuen morphologischen Nachweis der Verwandt- schaft zwischen Mensch und anthropoiden Affen. Sitz.-Ber. Ges. nat. Freunde Berlin 1908 p. 110—111. [Menschenähnliche Behaarung (speciell der Kopfhaut) eines Tschegofctus.] L. 59.9.9 Bimana. (Vide etiam: 12179, 12203, 12206—12209, 12215, 12216, 12218, 12227, 12235, 12237, 12238, 12242, 12256, 12264, 12271, 12278, 12280, 12287, 12288, 12290, 12291, 12301, 12317, 12324, 12340, 12356— 12361, 12365, 12404, 12421, 12423, 12426, 12489, 12490, 12497, 12498, 12502, 12836, 14030, 14309, 14505, 15576, 15600, 22635, 22637, 22643, 22651, 22656. 22662, 22666, 22674, 22676, 22679, 22680, 22683—22685, 22693, 22711, 22724, 22765, 22770, 24538, 24546, 24550, 24551, 24554— 24558, 24561, 24562, 24578, 24594, 24596, 24598, 24603, 24608, 24611, 24619, 24626, 24635, 24646, 24647, 24649, 24653, 24656, 24660, 24662, 24664, 24665, 24668, 24672, 24673, 24676, 24677, 24679, 24680, 24682, 24683, 24685, 24699, 24700, 24707—24712, 24714, 24719, 24720, 24725, 24726, 24728, 24730, 24731, 24737, 24740—24743, 24749, 24751, 24759, 24760, 24764, 24769, 24770, 24774, 24779, 24813, 24816, 24819, 24827, 24829.) 25387 Reed, Thomas S. 9.9 1907. Lecture on Primeval Man and His Companions. Proc. geogr. Soc. Australasia South Austral. Branch Vol. 3 p. 17—30, 2 pls. 15. I. 1909. 25388 89 90 91 93 25394 95 96 97 98 99 25400 25401 Bimana. 454 Sergi, G. 9.9 1908. Di una classificazione razionale dei gruppi umani. Atti Soc. ital. us Sc. Riun. 1 p. 232—242. — Atti Soc. romana Antrop. Vol. 14 p. Stauley, W. F. 9.9 1908. Prehistorie Man. — I A Review of Modern Theories and Dis- coveries. Scient. Amer. Suppl. Vol. 66 p. 90—91, 106—107. Oswald, Adolf. 9.9 : 11.044 1908. Der Einfluss des Höhenklimas auf den Menschen. Wissen und Leben Zürich Jahrg. 1 p. 147—155. Hessler, Robert. 9.9 : 11.044 1908. The Influence of Environment on Man. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sc. 1907 p. 76—77. (Abstract) [Influence of latitude.] Ross, H. C. 9.9 : 11.11 1908. On the Death of Leucocytes. Journ. Physiol. London Vol. 37 p. 327—332. |Various changes in leucocytes placed on agar containing methylene blue and various amounts of salts.] Schmidt, M. B. 9.9 : 11.11 1908. Ueber Pigmentbildung in den Tonsillen und im Processus ver- miformis. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 11 Dresden p. 24—29, 1 Taf. [Hae- molytische Funktion von Tonsillen, Zungenbalgdrüsen u. Submucosa des Wurmfortsatzes, (als Teile des lymphat. Syst.), ähnlich der von Milz- u. Knochenmark.] Armann, William F. 9.9 : 11.12 1908. Ueber einen Fall von Pulsationen, beobachtet am primitiven Herz- schlauch des menschlichen Embryos aus der zweiten Woche. Arch. Gynik. Bd. S5 p. 139—141. Dally, J. F. Halls. 9.9 : 11.21 1908. A Contribution to the Study of the Mechanism of Respiration with Especial Reference to the Action of the Vertebral Column and Dia- phragm. Proc. R. Soc. London Vol. 80 B p. 182—187. Schäfer, E. A. 9.9 : 11.4 1908. On the Present Condition of Our Knowledge Regarding the Func- tions of the Suprarenal Capsules. Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 1 p. 1277 —1281, 1346 — 1351. Ellis, Havelock. 9.9 : 11.5 1903. Variation in Man and Woman. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 237—253. von Neugebauer, Franz Ludwig. 9.9 : 11.56 1908. Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen. Leipzig, Werner Klinkhardt 89 VII, 748 pp., 346 figg. Mk. 40.—. [Entwicklungsgesch. Einleitung. Ka- suistik (1262 Falle). Synoptische Zusammenstellung der Ergebnisse nach verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten.] Pearl, Maud DeWitt, and Raymond Pearl. 9.9 : 11.56 1908. On the Relation of Race Crossing to the Sex Ratio. Biol. Bull. Vol. 15 p. 194—205. [Preponderance of males in offspring of cross matings. (Statistics of over 200,000 human births in Buénos Ayres.)] Tandler, [Julius]. 9.9 : 11.56 1908. Ueber den Einfluss der Kastration auf den Organismus. (Ges. Aerzte Wien.) München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 147—148. Foerster, F. 9.9 : 11.57 1908. Die Hautfarbe des Menschen in der frühen Nacheiszeit. Ber. Prühistoriker-Vers. Cóln p. 145 —147. 15. I. 1909. 455 Bimana. 25402 Rille. 9.9 : 11.57 1908. 2 Brüder mit Albinismus totalis congenitus. (Med Ges. Leipzig.) München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 592. 03 Mall, Franklin P. 9.9 : 11.59 1908. A Study of the Causes Underlying the Origin of Human Mon- sters. (Third Contribution to the Study of the Pathology of Human Embryos.) Journ. Morphol. Vol. 19 p. 1—361, 4 pls., 400 figg. 04 Brewitt. 9.9 : 11.69 1908. Transplantation eines Ovarium. (Med. Ver. Greifswald.) Deutsch, med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 34 p. 1700. [Einem noch nicht menstruier- ten ED Implantation eines kurz vor Menstruation stehenden Ova- riums. 05 Lexner, Erich. 9.9 : 11.69 1908. Die Verwendung der freien Knochenplastik nebst Versuchen über Gelenkversteifung und Gelenktransplantation. Arch. klin. Chir. Bd. 86 p. 999—954. — Ueber Gelenktransplantation. Med. Klinik Jahrg. 4 p. 817—820. 05 von Mangoldt, F. 9.9 : 11.69 1908. Ueber das Endschicksal des implantierten Rippenknorpels. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 110—111. 07 Pankow, 0. 9.9 : 11.69 1907. Über Reimplantation der Ovarien beim Menschen. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Naturf. Arzte Vers. 78 TI. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 177—178. [Autoplas- tische u. homoplastische Transplantationen. Letztere ohne Erfolg.] 25408 Pankow, [0.] 9.9 : 11.69 1908. Was lehren uns die Nachbeobachtungen von Reimplantationen der Ovarien beim Menschen? Zentralbl. Gynük. Jahrg. 32 p. 1040 —1049. [Funktionierende Ovarialreste nach 3 Jahren noch vorhanden.] 09 Meirowsky, E. 9.9 : 11.76 1908. Ueber Pigmentbildung in vom Körper losgelóster Haut. Beitr. Physiol. Path. Festschr. Hermann p. 137—147. [Hautstückchen im Pa- raffinschrank nach wenigen Tagen intensiv schwarz gefärbt, während Kon- trollstiickchen auf Eis unverändert bleiben. Pigment ist Abkömmling färberisch definierbarer Kernsubstanz.] — Ueber den Ursprung des mela- notischen Pigments. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 465—467. 10 Bezold. 9.9 : 11.855 1908. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über den Schalleitungsapparat des menschlichen Ohres. Arch. Ohrenheilk. Bd. 75 p. 208—216, 243—259, 19 figg. 11 Straub, M. 9.9 : 11.856 1908. Eine bisher nicht veröffentlichte Schrift von Curistian Huyeens über das Auge und das Sehen. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. N. F. Bd. > p. 295 —304, 5 figg. 25412 Zeemann, W. P. C. 9.9 : 11.856 1908. Ueber die Form der hinteren Linsenfläche. Klin. Monatsbl. Augen- heilk. Bd. 46 p. 83—86, 2 figg. [Nach vorn konvexe Krümmung an der Peripherie der Linsenhinterflàche beim normalen Menschenauge. (Be- stätigt Akkomodationserklärung von Prruck’s).] 15. I. 1909. Bimana. 456 25413 Tobiášek, Stanislav. 9.9 : 12.71 1907/08. O accessornich distalnich epifysäch falang u ectrodaktylie člověka. Rozpr. české Akad. Ti. 2 Roén. 16 Cis. 20, 7 pp., 1 tab. — Über akzes- sorische distale Epiphysen der Phalangen bei Ectrodaktylie des Menschen. bom internat. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 12 p. 233—240, 1 DAT: 14 Tobiäsek, Stanislav. 9.9 : 12.71 1907/08. O vrozené brachymetakarpii. Rozpr. české Akad. Tř. 2 Roën. 16 Cis. 21, 5 pp., 2 tab. — Über kongenitale Brachymetakarpie. Bull. inter- nat. Acad. Sc. Prague Sc. math.-nat. Ann. 12 p. 241—947, 2 Taf. 15 Falk, Edmund, 9.9 : 12.71 1908. Eine seltene menschliche Missbildung und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklungsgeschichte. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 192 p. 544—563, 1 Taf., 2 figg. [Verschiedene Bildungshemmungen (Kopf- und Rumpfskelet) im vorknorpeligen Stadium.] 16 Rauber, A. 9.9 : 12.71 1908. Schläfenbein des Menschen, ohne Pars tympanica, mit Hammer- Rudiment. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 1—9, 1 Taf. l7 Smith, G. Elliot. 9.9 : 12.71 1908. The Significance of Fusion of the Atlas to the Occipital Bone, and Manifestation of Occipital Vertebrae. (Brit. med. Ass.) Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 2 p. 594—596, 2 figg. 25418 Taubert. 9.9 : 12.71 1908. Ueberzählige Karpalia und Tarsalia, und Sesambeine im Róntgen- bilde. Med. Klin. Jahrg. 4 p. 702—704, 251—754, 794—796, 7 figg. 19 Wiesermann, J. 9.9 : 12.71 1908. Ueber Chondrodystrophia foetalis. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 26 p. 47—81, 3 figg. [Nicht angeborene Wachstumsschwüche des Knorpels, sondern mechanische Wachstumshemmung (Verzögerung des Verknöche- rungsprocesses infolge allseitigen Druckes auf den Knorpel durch hyper- tropische Cutisgewebsbildung).] 20 Fleischer, B. 9.9:12.84 1908. Ueber Reste des Musculus retractor bulbi beim Menschen. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 TI. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 305—307. 21 Drinkwater, H. 9.9 : 12.98 1908. An Account of a Brachydactylous Family. Proc. R. Soc. Edin- burgh Vol. 28 p. 35—57, 11 figg. 22 Lewis, Thomas. .9 : 12.98 1908. Note on Inheritance of Brachydactyly. Biometrika Vol. 6 p. 326. 23 Mathew, Philip W. 9.9 : 12.98 1908. A Case of Hereditary Brachydactyly. Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Vol. 2 p. 969, 2 figg. 24 Regnault, Félix. 9.9 : 12.98 1908. Conformation anatomique du pied préhensible humain. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris T. 83 p. 500—501. 25425 Grosser, 0. | 9.9 : 13 1908. Ueber hypothetische Frühstadien menschlicher Entwicklung. (Mor- phol. Physiol. Ges. Wien.) Centralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 30—31. 15. I. 1909. 457 Bimana. 25426 Keibel, Franz, und Curt Elze. 9.9 :13 1908. Normentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. Normen- taf. Entw. Wirbelt. Heft 8, 314 pp., 6 Taf., 44 figg. [Beitr. von Ivar Broman, J. Aus. Hammar u. Junius TANDLER.] 27 Karpeles, M. J: 9.9 : 13.13 1308. Multiple Conception. New York med. Journ. Vol. 87 p. 1089— 1090. [Superfecundation.] 28 Hochstetter, F. 9.9 : 13.3 1907. Ueber die äussere Körperform einiger menschlicher Embryonen. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 90. 29 Keibel, [F.] 9.9 : 13.3 1907. Ueber ein junges, operativ gewonnenes menschliches Ei in situ. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 111—114. 13.39 30 Low, Alexander. 9.9 : 13.3 1908, Description of à Human Embryo of 13—14 Mesodermie Somites. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Vol. 42 p. 237—251, 18 figg. 13.33,.35 31 Stroganoff, (Mme.) 9.9 : 13.39 1901. Sur les rapports anatomiques de Pouf à la paroi de la trompe gravide. €. R. 13e Congr. intern. Med. Vol. 15 Gynécol. p. 77—84. 32 Swan, John M. 9.9 : 13.39 1904. A Human Embryonie Vesicle Showing Early Placenta Formation. Amer. Journ. med. Soc. Vol. 127 p. 528—329, 2 figg. 33 de Bovis, R. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. La placentation de la femme. Semaine med. Ann. 28 p. 493—494. [Aperçu général des connaissances actuelles.] 25434 Branca, A. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. Recherches sur la vésicule ombilicale de l'homme. Ann. Gynécol. Obstétr. (2) T. 5 p. 577—607, 3 pls. — Sur l'endoderme ombilical de l'embryon humain. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 193—196, 2 figg. 35 Bryce, T. H. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. The Imbedding of the Human Ovum. (Brit. med. Ass.) Brit. med. Journ. 1908 Yol. 2 p. 598. [Inplantation cavity in connective tissue produced by destructive and dissolving action of trophoblast.] 36 Frassi, L. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. Weitere Ergebnisse des Studiums eines jungen menschlichen Eies in situ. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 667—694, 1 Taf., 17 figg. [Eiein- bettung. Verschiedenheit der mütterlichen u. fótalen Elemente.] 37 Holsti, 0. N. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. Weitere Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Embryotrophe. II. Ueber die Fettzufuhr zum menschlichen Ei. Anat. Hefte Bd. 37 p. 179—198, 2 Taf. [Fettumsatz in der Placenta. Fettige Degeneration von Deciduazellen. Leucocyten als Vermittler des Fetttransports.] 38 Jaeger, Oskar. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. Drillingsschwangerschaft mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Placentarsitzes. Zentralbl. Gynük. Jahrg. 32 p. 1049—1054. [Dreieiige Drillinge.] 39 Oliver, James. 9.9 : 13.39 1908. The Early Relationship of the Oosperm to the Endometrium. New York med. Journ. Vol. 88 p. 579—580. 25440 Duckworth, W. L. H. 9.9 : 14 1904. Morphology and Anthropology. Cambridge Biol. Ser. Cambridge Univ. Press. New York: The Macmillan Co. 89, XXVIII, 564 pp., 333 figg., 15. L 1909. 20441 43 44 45 20446 47 48 49 51 Bimana. 458 5 maps. 15 s. — $ 4.50. (Rev. Nature Vol. 71 p. 433—435, Science N. S. Vol. 22 p. 398—399). Zielinsky, W. 9.9 : 14 1908. Das Wachstum der Kiefer und Zàhne und ihre Beziehungen zur Kaufunktion. Deutsch. Monatsschr. Zahnheilk. Jahrg. 26 p. 804—840, 35 figg. 14.31.4,.71 Debierre, Ch., et Tramblin. 9.9 : 14.11 1908. Contribution à l'étude du péricarde. Moyens de fixation et liga- ments du péricarde fibreux. Réflexion du pericarde séreux autour de la base du coeur (réunion du péricarde séreux viscéral au péricarde séreux pariétal) Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44 p. 174—207, 14 figg. Bruni, N. 9.9 : 14.12 1908. Ricerche sui resti della valvola venosa sinistra. Atti Soc. toscana Sc. nat. Pisa Mem. Vol. 94 pe 96—119. Bluntschli, H. 9.9 : 14.13. 1908. Varietäten der Arteria profunda femoris und der Arteria circum- flexa femoris medialis des Menschen. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 142— 154, 5 figg. Broman, Ivar. 9.9 : 14.13. 1908. Ueber die Entwicklung und „Wanderung“ der Zweige der Aorta abdominalis beim Menschen nebst Bemerkungen über Gefässwurzelwan- derungen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 405—550, 5 Taf., 43 figg. — Zu der Replik Ivan Broman’s von Frépéric. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 190. TICE Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 554—556] Cavatorti, Pietro. 9.9 : 14.13 1908. Il tipo normale e le variazioni delle arterie della base dell ence- falo. Nota preliminare. Monit. zool. ital. Anno 19 p. 248—958. — Sulla. morfologia delle arterie della base delP encefalo. Atti Soc. ital. Prog. Sc. Riun. 1 p. 279. [Arteria cerebrale posteriore dalla maggior frequenza di un tipo, è una collaterale del ramo di biforcazione caudale della carotide: interna.] Letulle. i 9.9 : 14.13: 1908. Genèse des fibres élastiques dans la paroi aortique. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris Ann. 83 p. 270. [Genèse de fibres élastiques aux dépens de cellules élasticogènes.] Luna, Emerico. R9 : 14.13 1908. Zur Morphogenese der unteren Zwerchfellarterien beim Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat. Abt. Jahrg. 1908 p. 443—458, 7 figg. Ancel, P., et F. Villemin. 9.9 : 14.14 1908. Sur la persistance de la veine cave supérieure gauche chez l'homme. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris Ann. 44 p. 46—62, 8 figg. Berry, Richard J. A., and H. A. S. Newton. 9.9 : 14.14 1908. A Study of the superficial Veins of the superior Extremity in 300: living Subjects. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 591—601, 5 figg. — Zusatz von Kart von BARDELEBEN. p. 601—602. Pigache. 9.9 : 14.14 1908. Veines profondes de la cuisse. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris T. S3 p. 506—512, 4 figg. 5452 Curran, E. J. 9.9 : 14.21 1908. The Ethmoid Cells at Birth and Their Development During Fetal Life. Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 159 p. 565—570, 12 figg. 15, I. 1909. 459 Bimana. 25453 Della Vedova. 9.9 : 14.21 1908. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nebenhóhlen der Nase beim Menschen. (L intern. laryng.-rhin. Congr. Wien.) Intern. Centralbl. Laryng. Rhinol. Jahrg. 24 p. 464. 54 Strecker, Friedrich. 9.9 : 14.3 1908. Der Vormagen des Menschen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat. Abt. 1908 p. 119—236, 2 Taf. [Intraabdominales Endstück des Oesophagus.]. 14.32,.33 55 Thompson, Peter. 9.9 : 14.8 1908. A Note on the Development of the Septum Transversum and the Liver. Journ. Anat. Physiol. doit 42 p. 170—175, 3 figg. 14.36,. 56 Dieulafé, L., et E. Tournier. 9.9 : 14.31 1908. Sur l'évolution et la morphologie de la voüte palatine. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 18 p. 173—188, 11 figg. 57 Stahr, Hermann. 9.9 : 14.31.3 1902. Ueber die Papillae fungiformes der Kinderzunge und ihre Bedeu- tung als Geschmacksorgan. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 199— 260, 4 Taf. [Hauptperiode der Schmeckfunction findet sich für die Fungi- formes beim Säugling, für die Gräben der Vallatæ und Foliate beim Er- wachsenen.] 98 Eckermann, R. 9.9 : 14.31.1 1908. Das Eckzahnproblem und die Primolaren-Wanderung. Deutsch. Monatsschr. Zahnheilk. Jahrg. 26 p. 898—927, 8 figg. 25459 Gorjanovic-Kramberger. 9.9 : 14314 1908. Die Kronen und Wurzeln der Molaren des Homo primigenius und ihre genetische Bedeutung. (Deutsch. anthropol. Ges.) Arch. Anthropol. Bd. 7 p. 198—141. 60 Gorjanovic-Kramberger. 9.9 : 14.31.4 1908. Ueber prismatische Molarwurzeln rezenter und diluvialer Menschen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 401--413, 7 figg. 61 Civalleri, A. 9.9 : 14.52 1908. L’hypophyse pharyngienne chez l'homme. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 128—133. [Tissu pituitaire sur ligne médiane dans muqueuse pharyngienne, se conservant pendant toute la vie.] 62 Arnold, Julius. y 9.9 : 14.36 1908. Haben die Leberzellen Membranen und Binnennetze? Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 257—260. [Zellmembran ist vorhanden; Binnennetze sind nur Funktionszustànde.] 63 Kon, Jutaka. 9.9 : 14.36 1908. Das Gitterfasergerüst der Leber unter normalen und pathologischen Verhältnissen. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Bd. 25 p. 492—522, 1 Taf. [Stammt von Sternzellen der Capillaren.] 64 Lobenhoffer, W. 9.9 : 14.36. 1908. Ueber extravasculäre Erythropoese in der Leber unter pathologischen und normalen Verhàltnissen. Beitr. path. Anat. allg. Pathol. Bd. 43 p. 124—146, 1 Taf. 65 Ruge, Georg. 9.9 : 14.36. 1908. Die äusseren Formverhältnisse der Leber bei den Primaten. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung. VI. Die Leber des Menschen. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. 37 p. 397—487, 614—660, 80 figg. 25466 Debeyre. 9.9 : 14.37 1908. Bourgeons pancréatiques chez un embryon humain de 4 mm 5. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 201. 15. I. 1909. Bimana. 460 25467 Hasse, C. 9.9 : 14.37 1908. Die Ausfuhrwege der menschlichen Bauchspeicheldriise. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 417—420, 1 fig. 68 Laguesse, E. 9.9 : 14.37 1908. Acini à périphérie granuleuse dans le pancréas humain. (€. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p, 117—119. 69 Laguesse, E. 9.9 : 14.37 1908. Sur les rapports des ilots endocrines avec l’arbre excréteur dans le pancréas de l’homme adulte. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 139— 141. [Plupart des ilots endocrines restent en continuité avec parenchyme exocrine.] 70 Michaud, Louis. 9.9 : 14.44 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis intrathyreoideal gelegener Zellhaufen der Parathyreoidea. Arch. path. Anat. Bd. 191 p. 63—70, 1 Taf. 71 Tenchini, L., e P. Cavatorti. 9.9 : 14.44 1908. Sulla morfologia della ghiandola tiroide normale nell’ uomo. Mem. Accad. Lincei (5) Vol. 6 p. 441—541, 8 figg. [Parabola evolutiva — di incremento, stato e decremento. (Peso e peso specifico).] 72 Luna, Emerico. 9.9 : 14.45 1908. La morfologia delle glandole soprarenali del? uomo nelle varie fasi del loro sviluppo. Anat. Anz. Bd. 33 p. 383—399. 25473 Meyer, Robert. 9.9 : 14.45 1908. Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie der accessorischen Nebennierenrinde des Genitalgebietes. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 12 p. 135—139. [Accessorische Nebennierenrindenknótchen kaudal vom Haupt- organ nicht autochthon, sondern mittransportiert beim Descensus der Keimdrüsen resp. ihrer Bànder.] 74 Sézary, A. 9.9 : 14.45 1908. Petites cellules surrénales (microcytes surrénaux). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 65 p. 381—383. 75 v. Schumacher, S. 9.9 : 14.46 1907. Ueber das Glomus coccygeum des Menschen und die Glomeruli caudales der Säugetiere. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 172—178. 76 Liborio, P. Gomez. 9.9 :14.46 1908. The Anatomy and Pathology of the carotid gland. Amer. Journ. med. Sc. Vol. 136 p. 98—110, 6 figg. 77 Bayer, Heinrich. 9.9 : 14.6 1908. Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie des weiblichen Genital- apparates. Zwanzig Vorlesungen. (Vorlesungen über allgemeine Geburts- hülfe, Band I.) Strassburg, Schlesier & Schweikhardt 8" 572 pp., 16 Taf., 63 figg. M. 38.—. [Becken und seine Anomalien. Betrachtungen über Eilósung, Menstruation, Befruchtung, Geschlechtsbildung, Mammae.] 14.62,.65,.69 78 Rothfeld, J. 9.9 : 14.6 1908. Ueber das Verhalten der elastischen Elemente in den kavernósen Körpern der Sexualorgane. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 248—256, 1 Taf, 1 fig. 14.62,.64,.67 25479 Kolster, Rud. 9.9 : 14.61 1902, Studien über die Nierengefässe. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 179—197, 4 figg. 14.13,.14,.15 15. I. 1909. 461 Bimana. 25480 Latarjet et Laroyenne. 9.9 : 14.61 1908. Les artères de l’uretère. €. R. Ass. Anat. Réun. 10 p. 109—116, 4 figg. 81 Seitz, Ludwig. 9.9 : 14.61 1908. Ueber die Form der Ureteren, speziell bei Föten und Neugeborenen. Beitr. Geburtsh. Gynäk. Bd. 13 p. 127—133, 5 figg. 82 Manley, Thomas H. 9.9 : 14.62 1899. On some of the Special Characters of the Anatomy of the Male Urethra, as Bearing on Infections or Traumatic Lesions. Regeneration of Epithelia of Urethral Mucous Membrane. Journ. cutan. gen.-urin. Diseases Vol. 17 p. 66— 73. 83 Pohlman, A. G. 9.9 : 14.62 1907. The Ectoblastic Anlage for the Bulbo-Vestibular Glands. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 72. 84 Posner, C. 9.9 : 14.63.1 1907. Beobachtungen an menschlichem Sperma bei Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung. Berlin. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 44 p. 1617—1618, 1 fig. 85 Posner, C. 9.9 : 14.63.1 1908. Zur Kenntnis der menschlichen Spermien nach Untersuchungen mittelst der Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung. Zeitschr. Urol. Bd. 2 p. 969—974, qma. Tg. 25486 Riebold. 9.9 : 14.65 1908. Beobachtungen der inneren Klinik über die Beziehungen der Ovula- tion zur Menstruation. (25. Kongr. Innere Med. Wien. München. med.. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 871. — Zentralbl. inn. Med. Jahrg. 29 p. 448 —449. [Nicht der reife, sondern der reifende Follikel ist Ursache der M. Menstr. und Ovul. können unabhängig von einander ablaufen.] 87 von Winiwarter, Hans. 9.9 : 14.65 1908. Das interstitielle Gewebe der menschlichen Ovarien. Anat. Anz. 88 Hegar, Karl. 9.9 : 14.66 1908. Anatomische Untersuchungen an nulliparen Uteris mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung der Isthmus. Beitr. Geburtsh. Gynäk. Bd. 13 p. 30—49, 17 figg. 89 Hoehne, 0. 9.9 : 14.66. 1908. Vorläufige Mitteilung über das bisherige Ergebnis einer systema- tischen Untersuchung der Flimmerung im Gebiete des weiblichen Geni- talapparates. Zentralbl. Gynik. Jahrg. 32 p. 121—125. [Diskontinuierliche Flimmerung im Uterus von Wichtigkeit für Einbettung des Eis.] 90 Hórmann, Karl. 9.9 : 14.66. 1908. Ueber das Bindegewebe der weiblichen Geschlechtsorgane. III. Die Bindegewebsfasern in der Schleimhaut des Uterus. Arch. Gynäk. Bd. 86 p. 401—433, 2 Taf. 25191 Insabato, Luigi. 9.9 : 14.66 1908. Sul connettivo nell utero fetale con particolare riguardo alla sua istogenesi. Monit. zool. ital. Ann. 19 p. 281—285. ‚15. I. 1909. 9 kal 98 03 04 06 25507 Bimana. 462 2 Ulesko-Stroganoff, K. 9.9 : 14.66 1908. Zur Frage von dem feinsten Bau des Deciduagewebes, seiner Histo- genese, Bedeutung und dem Orte seiner Entwickelung im Genitalapparat Taussig, Fred. J. 9.9 : 14.67 1908. The Development of the Hymen. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. § p. 89—108, 14 figg. [Vaginal origin.] Hasselwander, Albert. 9.9 : 14.71 1903. Untersuchungen über die Ossification des menschlichen Fussskeletts. Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 438—508, 1 Taf., 29 figg. Fawcett, E[dward]. 9.9 : 14.71 1906. A Number of Specimens Illustrating Ossification. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London Vol. 40 p. XY—XYI, 1 fig. v. Schumacher, 8. 9.9 : 14.71 1906. Ueber Hàmalbogen bei menschlichen Embryonen. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 20 p. 173—178, 3 figg. Pryor, J. W. 9.9: 14.71 1907. The Hereditary Nature of Variation in the Ossification of Bones. Anat. Rec. Vol. 1 p. 84—88. [Chronological order of ossification of carpus bones.] Bruni, A. C. 9.9 : 14.71 190s. Sui derivati scheletrici extracranici del secondo arco branchiale nell’ uomo. Atti Soc. ital. Progr. Sc. Riun. 1 p. 279. Gorjanovié-Kramberger. 9,9 : 14.71 1908. Zur Kinnbildungj des Homo primigenius. Ber. Prihistoriker-Vers. Cóln p. 109—113, 6 fee. Hasselwander, A. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Ueber die Ossifikation des Fussskeletts. (Vorläufige Mitteilung.) Kollmann, [Julius]. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Die Neanderthal-Spy-Gruppe. Ber. Prähistor. Vers. Céln p. 21— 41, 18 figg. 2 Mannu, Andrea. 0.9 : 14.71 1908. Un caso indiscutibile di manifestazione della vertebra occipitale nell’ uomo. Atti Soc. romana Antrop. Vol. 14 p. 379—304, 2 figg. Preiswerk-Maggi, G. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Die Rolle des Zwischenkiefers bei der Bildung von Zahn- und Kieferanomalien. Deutsch. Monatsschr. Zahnheilk. Jahrg. 26 p. 32—43, 11 figg. von Schumacher, Siegmund. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Ein Modell vom menschlichen Schläfenbein. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 549—551, 3 figg. Sterling, Stefan. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Sind die Ossa suprasternalia beim Menschen auf das Episternum der niederen Wirbeltiere zurückzuführen? Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 333— 334. [Topographisch, aber nicht genetisch.] Swjetschnikow. 9.9 : 14.71 1908. Ueber die Variationen des Occipitalwirbels. Anat. Anz. 32 p. 50 —61. Retterer, Ed. 9.9 : 14.72 1908. Du cartilage de la glene scapulaire de l’homme. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 710—713. 15. I. 1909, 463 Bimana. 25508 Stieda, L. 9.9 : 14.77 1902. Das Vorkommen freier Talgdrüsen am menschlichen Körper. Zeit- schr. Morph. Anthrop. Bd. 4 p. 443—462, 1 Taf. [D. h. nicht in Be- gleitung von Haaren.] 09 Cevidalli, Attilio. 9.9 : 14.77 1907. Sulle linee papillari delle dita della mano. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 8 p. 33—44, 1 tav. 10 Fick, Johannes. 9.9 : 14.77 1907. Zur Kenntnis der in den Knäueldrüsen vorkommenden Körnchen. 11 Bardeen, Charles Russell. 9.9 : 14.77 1908. Early Development of the Cervical Vertebrae and the Base of the Occipital Bone in Man. Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 181—186, 3 figg. 12 Gievannini, Sebastiano. 9.9 : 14.77 1908. Sull’ esistenza nell’uomo di papille pilifere con più propagini ter- minali semplici (Papille pilifere composte). Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 206— 215, 1 tav. 13 Stöhr, Ph. 9.9 : 14.78.1 1907. Ueber die Schuppenstellung der menschlichen Haare. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 153—158, 1 Taf., 3 figg. 14 Frédéric, J: 9.9 : 14.78.1 1908. Die Entwickelung der Kopfhaare bei Negerembryonen. (Demon- stration mikropischer Präparate.) (Deutsch. anthropol. Ges.) Arch. An- thropol. Bd. 7 p. 180. 25515 Lefébure, M. 9.9 : 14.78.1 1908/09. Innervation des poils chez l'homme. Bibliogr. anat. Nancy T. 1S p. 142—161, 9 figg. — A propos de l'innervation des poils chez l'homme. p. 241-243. 16 Calleja, Carlos, y Borja-Tarrius. 9.9 : 14.81 1908. Contribución á la histogénesis del cerebelo en el hombre. Bol. Noc, espaîi. Hist. nat. T. 8 p. 113—117, 1 fig. 17 Flechsig, [Paul]. 9.9 : 14.81 1908. Ueber die Hörsphäre des menschlichen Gehirns. Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 23 p. 88—89. Diskussion. p. 89, 172—173. o IM REC Windung (entwicklungsgeschichtl. und Degenerationspräpa- rate). 18 Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. 9.9 : 14.81 1908/09. Die Gehirnfurchen malaischer Vólker verglichen mit denen der Australier und Europäer. Ein Beitrag zur Evolutionslehre. Versl. wis.- nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam D. 17 p. 183—184. — Verh. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam (2) D 15 No. 1, 52, CXX pp., 17 Taf., 4 figg. 19 Langelaan, J. W. 9.9 : 14.81 1908. Description of a Stage in the Development of the Human Cere- bellum. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 421—429, 7 figg. 25520 Marburg, Otto. 9.9 : 14.81 1908. Zur normalen Anatomie und Physiologie der Glandula pinealis. (Morphol.-physiol. Ges. Wien.) Zentralbl. Physiol. Bd. 22 p. 587. 15.-I.- 1909. 26 4 2 25928 29 30 31 34 25535 Bimana. 464 Bruce, Alexander. 9.9 : 14.82 1906. Distribution of the Cells in the Intermedio-Lateral Tract of the Spinal Cord. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh Vol. 45 p. 105—131, 1 pl., 24 figg. Laiguel-Lavastine, M. 9.9 : 14.82 1908. Le système des fibres endogènes des cordons postérieurs dans la dégénérescence ascendante des racines de „la queue de cheval“. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 223—225. Bremer, J. L. 9.9 : 14.83. 1908. Aberrant Roots and Branches of the Abducent and Hypoglossal Nerves in Human Embryos. (Boston Soc. med. Sc) Boston med. surg. Journ. Vol. 158 p. 588. v. Schumacher, Siegmund, 9.9 : 14.83 1908. Zur Kenntnis der segmentalen (insbesondere motorischen) Inner- vation der oberen Extremität des Menschen. Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien Bd; 117 Abt. 3 p. 131—209, 1 Taf., 24 figg. Streeter, George L. 9.9 : 14.83. 1908. The Peripheral Nervous System in the Human Embryo at the End E PA First Month (10 mm). Amer. Journ. Anat. Vol. 8 p. 285—302, pls. Goldberg, Hugo. 9.9 : 14.84 1907. Pigmentkórperchen an der Hornhauthinterfläche. Arch. Augenheilk. Bd. 58 p. 324—336. [Fast 2/3 aller Augen jenseits des 40. Lebensjahres zeigen die Kórnchen.] Ask, Fritz. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Ueber die Entwicklung der Lidränder, der Tränenkarunkel und der Nickhaut beim Menschen, nebst Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung der Trànenableitungswege. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 191—279, 13 Taf. Aubaret. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Les replis valvulaires des canalicus et du conduit lacrimo-nasal, au point de vue anatomique et physiologique. Arch. Ophthal. Paris T. 98 p. 211—236, 10 figg. Dedekind, F. 9.9 : 14.84 1908 Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Augengefásse des Men- schen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 38 p. 1—29, 1 Taf. Jusélius, Emil. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Die Entwicklung des hinteren Pigmentepithels der lris aus der sekundären Augenblase und sein Verhältnis zu der Irismuskulatur und den spontanen lriszysten. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. N. F. Bd. 6 p. 19—27, 1 fig. |Entwicklung des Sphinkters aus vorderem Ektodermal- blatt ungefáhr gleichzeitig mit Uebergang des Ektoderms in Pigment- epithel.] Speciale-Cirincione. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Uber die Entwicklung der Tränendrüse beim Menschen. Arch. Ophthalm. Bd. 69 p. 193—230, 13 Taf. 2 Wolfrum, M. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Ueber die Anatomie der Regenbogenhaut. Yerh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hälfte 2 p. 307—309. Wolfrum, M. 9.9 : 14.84 1908. Uber Ursprung und Ansatz der Zonulafasern im menschlichen Auge. Arch. Ophthalm. Bd. 69 p. 145—171, 1 Taf. Bezold. 9.9 : 14.85 1908. Drei plastische Modelle des menschlichen Gehörorgans. Arch. Ohrenheilk. Bd. 76 p. 262—264, 3 Taf. Henneberg, Br. 9.9 : 14.85 1907. Zur Entwickelung der Ohrmuschel. Verh. anat. Ges. Vers. 21 p. 171—172. i 15. I. 1909. 465 Bimana. 25536 Luna, Emerico. 9.9 : 14.89 1908. Über Anordnung und Struktur der sympathischen Ganglien in der menschlichen Prostata. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 2 p. 220—223, 1 Taf. 97 Marinesco, G., und J. Minea. 9.9 : 14.89 1908. Ueber die mikro-sympathischen, hypospinalen Ganglien. Neurol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 27 p. 146—150, 4 figg. [Anatom. u. physiol. Aequiva- lente des grossen Sympathicus. — Lage: aussen od. unten vom entspr. Spinalganglion. — Beziehungen zum Ramus communicans des Sympathi- cusstranges. (Mensch).] 38 von Mojsisovies, Edgar. 9.9 : 14.93 1908. Die Gesichtsbildung des Genies. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsge- schichte des Menschen. Dresden, Richard Lincke, 8°, 41 pp., 1 Taf. 39 Virchow, Hans. 9.9 : 14.93 1908. Gesichtsmuskeln und Gesichtsausdruck. Arch. Anat. Physiol. anat, Abt. Jahrg. 1908 p. 371—436, 2 Taf., 36 figg. 40 Cevidalli, A., e G. Benassi. 9.9 : 14.93 1907. Ricerche sulle pieghe palmari. Contributo allo studio antropolo- gico della mano. Atti Soc. Natural. Modena Vol. 66—83, 4 tav. 4l Wilder, Harris H. 9.9 : 14.98 1908. Zur körperlichen Identität bei Zwillingen. Anat. Anz. Bd. 32 p. 193—200, 2 figg. 42 Bruegel, Carl. 9.9 : 182 1908. Ueber das Vorkommen der Duercr’schen Fasern im Bereich der Penis und deren Beziehungen zu den elastischen Elementen. Arch. path. 25543 de Kervily, Michel. 9.9 : 18.3 1908. Sur le développement des fibres élastiques dans le cartilage des bronches chez le fœtus humain. (€. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 1031— 1033. — Sur les variétés de structure du cartilage élastique des bronches chez Phomme. p. 1082 —1084. 44 Achard, Ch., et M. Aynaud. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Forme et mouvements des globulins du sang. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 341—342. [Observation directe. Forme de bátonnets, 3 fois plus longs que larges. Mouvements d’ondulation.] — Nouvelles re- cherches sur les globulins. p. 714—716. 45 Butterfield, E. E. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber die ungranulierten Vorstufen der Myelocyten und ihre Bild- ung in Milz, Leber und Lymphdrüsen. (Ein Beitrag zur Histogenese der myeloiden Umwandlung bei Leukämie nnd Anämie.) Deutsch. Arch. klin. Med. Bd. 92 p. 336—369, 4 Taf. 46 Courmont, Jules, et Ch. André. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Culture „in vitro“ des globulins de l’homme. €. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 805—807.—Rectification. p. 875. 47 Gabriel. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber Ringkörper im Blute Anämischer. Deutsch. Arch. klin. Med. 48 Herzog, Franz. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Uber das Vorkommen von Blutkórperchenschatten im Blutstrom und über den Bau der roten Blutkörperchen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bd. 71 p. 499— 503, 1 Taf. [R. Blutkórp. besitzen eine Membran, die (bei Degeneration) nach Austritt des Hämoglobins zusammenfällt. Es resultieren zuerst scheibenförmige, weiterhin unregelmässig gestaltete Gebilde.] 25549 Pollitzer, Hans. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Einschlüsse in den grossen mononucleären Zellen des Blutes. Mitt. Ges. inn. Med. Kinderheilk. Wien Jahrg. 7 p. 69—70. Zool. Anz. Bibliogr. Zool. XVII 15. I. 1909. 30 Bimana. 466 s 25550 Schridde, Herm. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Die Entstehung der ersten embryonalen Blutzellen des Menschen. Verh. deutsch. path. Ges. 11 Dresden 1907 p. 360—366. [Entstehung der Blutzellen aus Gefásswandzellen und zwar zeitlich aufeinander folgend: 1, Ausschliesslich intravasculäre, primäre Erythroblasten, in Dottersack und Bauchstiel bei Embryonen v. 1—9 mm. Sie verschwinden vóllig wieder (Karyorrhexis) und werden im späteren Embryonalleben völlig neu gebildet. 2. Ausschliesslich extravasculäre, zuerst allein in der Leber entstehende, sekundáre Erythroblasten, Myeloblasten und Riesenzellen (Embryo 12 mm) — Lymphocyten treten erst bedeutend später auf. (Rassenverschiedenheit der leukocytären und lymphocytären Elemente.) „Primäre Wanderzellen* existieren nicht.] 51 Schridde, Herm. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Ueber die Histogenese der myeloischen Leukämie. München. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 55 p. 1057—1060. [Drei differencierte Zellreihen — Erythroblasten, Myeloblasten und Riesenzellen — stammen von embryo- nalen Gefässwandzellen. Lymphocyten stellen völlig differentes Gewebe dar (vielleicht aus d. Wandzellen d. Lymphräume sich herleitend).] 52 Sluka, E. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Blutprüparate mit auffälligen Einschlüssen in den roten Blutkör- perchen. (Ges. inn. Med. Kinderheilk. Wien.) Zentralbl. inn. Med. Jahrg. 29 p. 257—258; Wien. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 58 p. 357—359; Wien. klin. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 21 p. 243—244; Deutsch. med. Wochenschr. Jahrg. 34 p. 576. [Zartfädige Gebilde verschiedener Form. (Bei Anae- mia pseudoleukaemica infantum). Wohl Kernwandreste. Beweis für in- tracelluläre Entkernung der Erythroblasten. (Türk.).] 25553 Studer, Arnold. 9.9 : 18.5 1908. Unser Blut in gesunden und kranken Tagen. Mitt. nat. Ges. Winterthur Heft 7 p. 131—151. 54 Babes, V. 9.9 : 18.6 1908. Observations sur les fibres musculaires du cceur. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 64 p. 196—198. 55 Sapegno, Mario. 9.9 : 18.6 1908. Sul significato delle linee trasversali (Querlinien) della fibra mus- colare cardiaca. Arch. Sc. med. Torino Vol. 32 p. 299—309. 56 Spielmeyer, W. 9.9 : 18.8 1907. Von der protoplasmatischen und faserigen Stützsubstanz des Cen- tralnervensystems. Arch. Psychiatr. Bd. 42 p. 303—326, 1 Taf. [Intra- protoplasmatische, pluricellulire Genese der Gliafasern.] 57 Bartels, Martin. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Ueber Primitivfibrillen in den Achsencylindern des Nervus opticus und über die Wertung varicöser Achsencylinder. Arch. Augenheilk. Bd. 59 p. 168—177, 1 Tat., 4 figg. 58 Brock, Gustav. 9.9 :18.8 1908. Weitere Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der Neurofibrillen. Monatsschr. Psychiatr. Neurol. Bd. 23 p. 390—405, 3 Taf. 25559 Ceccherelli, Giulio. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Contributo alla conoscenza delle espansioni nervose di senso nella mucosa del cavo orale e della lingua dell uomo. Intern. Monatsschr. 15. I. 1909. 467 Bimana. 25560 Held, H. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Zur weiteren Kenntnis der marginalen Neuroglia. Verh. Ges. deutsch. Nat. Aerzte Vers. 79 Tl. 2 Hiilfte 2 p. 463—465. 61 Nambu, Takakazu. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Über die Genese der Corpora amylacea des Centralnervensystems. Arch. Psychiatr. Bd. 44 p. 390—401, 1 Taf. [Abkómmlinge von dege- nerierten Gliakernen.] 62 v. Orzechowski. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Nervenzellen in den lymphatischen Ràumen der Pia und Arach- noidea. (Ver. Psychiatr. Neurol. Wien.) Neurol. Centralbl. Jahrg. 27 p. 1186. [In Pia von Grosshirn und Rückenmark.] 63 Pacheco, Arthur. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Sur les modifications des cellules des ganglions spinaux de l'Homme, consécutives aux amputations. Bull. Soc. portug. Sc. nat. Vol. 2 p. 90 — 93. 64 Perusini, Gaetano. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Uber besondere Abbauzellen des Zentralnervensystems. Ein Bei- trag zur Körnchenzellenfrage. Folia neuro-biol. Bd. 1 p. 384—402, 1 Taf., 4 figg. 65 Ramstróm, M. 9.9 : 18.8 1908. Anatomische und experimentelle Untersuchungen über die lamel- lósen Nervenendkórperchen im Peritoneum parietale des Menschen. Anat. Hefte Bd. 36 p. 309—368, 6 Taf, 6 figg. [Sehr variabel gebaute (vom einfachen ,Endkolben“ bis wohlentwickelten Varer-Pacimrschen K.), — in Gruppen angeordnete — kurze, grobe meist rekurrent verlaufende Nerven abschliessende lamellóse Kórperchen. Fehlen jeder Reaktion auf einfache Berührung (auch mit kalten oder warmen Instrumenten) verun- möglicht ihre Auffassung als Organe des Druck- u. Temperatursinns.] 25566 Wossidlo, E. 9.9 : 18.8 1908, Experimentelle Untersuchungen über Veränderungen der Nissr’schen Granula bei der Lumbalanästhesie. Arch. klin. Chir. Bd. 86 p. 1017— 1053. [Nissr-Kórper sind Produkte der normal funktionierenden Gang- lienzelle.] 67 Penck, A. 9.9 (118) 1908. Das Alter des Menschen. Zeitschr. Ethnol. Jahrg. 40 p. 390—407, 3 figg. Diskuss. p. 428—436. 68 Steinmann, G. 9.9 (118) 1908. Uber die neuerdings in alt- und vortertiären Schichten gefundenen Menschenspuren. Sitz.-Ber. naturhist. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westfalen 1907 D p. 56—58. 69 Wilser. 9.9 (1183) 1908. Spuren des Vormenschen aus Südamerika. (Deutsch, anthrop. Ges.) Korr.-Bl. deutsch. Ges. Anthrop. Ethnol. Jahrg. 39 p. 124—125. 70 Williston, S. W. 9.9 (119) 1903. 'The Fossil Man of Lansing, Kansas. Popul. Sc. Monthly Vol. 62 p. 463—473, 9 figg. 71 Boule, Marcellin. 9.9 (119) 1908. L'Homme fossile de la Chapelle-aux Saints (Corrèze). C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1349—1352. 25572 Bouyssonie, A., J, Bouyssonie, et L. Bardon. 9.9 (119) 1908. Découverte d'un squelette humain moustérien à La Chapelle-aux- Saints (Corrèze). €. R. Acad. Sc. Paris T. 147 p. 1414—1415. 15. I. 1909. Mammalia. 468 25573 Hopf, Ludwig. 9.9 (119) 1908. Der diluviale Mensch, ein Zeitgenosse des Mammut (Elephas pri- migenius). Kosmos Stuttgart Bd. 5 p. 18—20, 3 figg. 74 Mériot, B. 9.9 (119) 1908. L’apparition de l'homme dans le pays de Montbéliard. Mém. Soc. Emul. Montbéliard Vol. 35 p. 109—142. 25575 Schoetensack, Otto. 9.9 (119) 1908. Der Unterkiefer des Homo Heidelbergensis aus den Sanden von Mauer bei Heidelberg. Ein Beitrag zur Paläontologie des Menschen. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 4°, 67 pp., 13 Taf, Mk. 14.—. (Ref. Nat. Rundsch. Jahrg. 24 p. 55—57, 3 figg.) 76 Steinmann, G. 9.9 (119) 1908. Das Alter des Menschen in Argentinien. Ber. Prähistoriker Vers. Cöln p. 73—74. 25577 Wüst, Ew. 9.9 (119) 1908. Neues über die paläolithischen Fundstátten der Gegend von Wei- mar. Zeitschr. Naturw. Leipzig Bd. 80 p. 125—134. wept Ne oe DA TR AMT S SIA RES ""T"olemmenehlge Rakinrranhica Zirinh 4 t À IM i bd OLO j A TE is ii Wf srt Py. i eu LU DM n Y rh moy 4 20 MT. KA H 4 / K 3 m ^ (t c MUT dat Ku Ké ai JU MS E KA i En À mo aA / T AA UN ACA I M UH L8bdQ 4