o* I LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 550.5 Fl v. 17 U& UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN GEOLOGY O, s? (^r e. a I o ey BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN ARCHAEOCYATHIDS _- ---■; MATTHEW H. NITECKI flfc\S^Q l SEP *S m FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2 Published by FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MARCH 13, 1967 QfiOLOGY LIBRARY BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN ARCHAEOCYATHIDS MATTHEW H. NITECKI Assistant Curator, Fossil Invertebrates FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2 Published by FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MARCH 13, 1967 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 67-18853 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY FIELD MUSEUM PRESS CONTENTS PAGE Abstract 107 Introduction 109 Preface 109 Definition of archaeocyathids 110 Major works on archaeocyathids 110 Affinities of archaeocyathids 112 Classification of archaeocyathids 113 Catalog of Genera and Species 119 Genera and Species of Uncertain Affinities 210 References 213 105 ABSTRACT This bibliographic index includes systematic and stratigraphic en- tries on the species of North American archaeocyathids. Each entry consists of name, reference, stratigraphic and geographic location, and number and depository of cited specimens. Seventy-five species are recognized and distributed in twenty-six genera. Short sections on the definition, history, affinities and classifica- tion of archaeocyathids are included. 107 INTRODUCTION Preface During the last two decades, the study of archaeocyathids, par- ticularly in the Soviet Union, has expanded so rapidly that the liter- ature is becoming alarmingly voluminous. The number of taxonomic groups erected is formidable. Almost 200 genera have now been named. In North America, specimens are usually calcified in contrast to those from the Australian and Siberian platforms, where most are silicified. Because of this difference in their preservation, the phy- lum has been less extensively studied in America, and fewer special- ists on the group have emerged. But even here 75 species are recognized. Hoping to avoid future chaos, and in order to save later workers the time spent on library search, this bibliographic index of North American archaeocyathids has been compiled as an outgrowth of my interest in Paleozoic sponges. The first workers on the archaeocya- thids included them in the Porifera; even the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, ed., 1955) included the two phyla in a single volume. The early references on archaeocyathids inevitably came to hand during my search of the 19th century literature of sponges. Archaeocyathids possess a certain fascination, probably due to their strange and disputed position in the animal kingdom. They were among the first organisms to extract calcium carbonate from the sea, and thus are important in evolutionary history. Their unique struc- ture and their unusually brief history provide the grounds for paleon- tological speculations. I have included references to species only, since discussions of genera, as is customary in the paleontological literature, do not occur apart from descriptions of species. The literature covered is predominantly American and Canadian. Non- American references to American species are uncommon. Many, but not all, stratigraphic entries are included. However, a special effort was made to insure the completeness of systematic papers. 109 110 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Definition of archaeocyathids Archaeocyathids are small marine benthonic organisms. In North America they are found only in the Lower Cambrian rocks, but range elsewhere into early Middle Cambrian time. They lasted about 50 million years, an extremely short time span for a taxon that was both abundant and widespread. They have been found on all continents except South America. They are extremely common in Australia and Siberia, and have been found in Antarctica. The major North American localities are shown on the accom- panying map (fig. 1). Their distribution follows well the distribution of Lower Cambrian carbonate rocks. Some forms have been de- scribed from younger Cambrian strata, but either these are now con- sidered not to be archaeocyathids, or the stratigraphic correlation has been in error. These organisms are of great stratigraphic value and have stimu- lated many important biologic discussions. They are great reef build- ers, associated with carbonate shelf facies, and it appears that they built their skeletal parts only of calcium carbonate. A great deal of speculative work has been done on their spatial and temporal distri- bution, on their ecology, anatomy, embryology, ontogeny, evolution and paleoecology. These topics are well summarized in English by Hill (1964c, 1965a). Archaeocyathid skeletons are conical or cylindrical, with no skele- tal elements in the interior. Most of the known species have a double wall with an "intervallum" between, although single- walled specimens are often found. The walls are perforated, and in some forms com- plicated skeletons have evolved. It appears that water circulation may have been somewhat similar to that of sponges. By analogy it is assumed that the path was through pores of the outer wall, the intervallum and the pores of the inner wall to the interior of the ani- mal. There has been a great deal of speculation on the nature of the soft parts, a matter outside the scope of this paper. Among the innovators in the construction of a carbonate skeleton, these creatures compose the earliest group known to have become extinct. Major works on archaeocyathids As in many fossil groups, most of the research on this phylum has been done by a small number of paleontologists. The major works on archaeocyathids fall naturally into five groups representing the NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 111 Fig. 1. Map of North America showing the major localities of Archaeocyathids. five geographic regions of their major occurrence. These are: Russia, Australia, Antarctica, North America, and Europe-Africa. The Russian literature dealing with the fossils of the Siberian plat- form, is preponderantly the work of Vologdin and Zhuravleva. The Russian work is difficult for me to evaluate becouse of the unavail- ability of the earlier papers and because of the characteristically short descriptions of taxonomic units. One cannot but think that too many species have been described, but this is true in many fields. Foreign collections are unavailable for study, and new species are gen- erally erected for specimens found on different continents. Russian workers have published a great number of good speculative papers, interpreting archaeocyathid evolution, morphology and ecology. 112 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 The Australian studies stem from Taylor's (1910) excellent early account which contains clear illustrations and an imaginative scheme of classification. A series of papers (R. Bedford and W. R. Bedford, 1934, 1936, and R. Bedford and J. Bedford, 1936, 1937, 1939) was published on the taxonomy of Australian forms. They described many new taxa and proposed an outline of classification. The fossils in Antarctica were first recovered from glacial mo- raines, and from sea dredging. These were monographed by Gordon (1920). It is only recently that specimens have been collected in situ. All the Antarctic material was worked out by Hill (1964a, b; 1965a), who contributed the most important recent papers (in Eng- lish) on all aspects of archaeocyathids. Hill is now a leading student of the group who has "dallied" with them with the most "vigorous precision of scientific method" (Hill, 1965b, pp. 74, 75). Her highly imaginative and careful work reads in a way pleasantly different from the remaining sea of short descriptive notes of other authors. The fourth group of papers deals with the fossils found in Europe (particularly Spain and Sardinia) and recently in Africa. The publi- cations of Bornemann (1883, 1884) and Simon (1939, 1941) are faunal and systematic, while Hinde (1889) in a very important summary included all archaeocyathid knowledge up to his time. In America the first archaeocyathid was found by Bayfield (1845). The first systematic paper was published by Elkanah Billings (1861), the distinguished Canadian paleontologist. It was he who named the genus Archaeocyathus and thus a hundred years later gave a name to a phylum. In the United States, Ford (1873a, b; 1878), Meek (1868), and particularly Walcott (1886-1917) described archaeocyathids from American localities. The American species in particular, and the phylum in general received a great deal of attention from Okulitch who has been working on them continuously since 1935. His well- known work together with that of his students and co-workers domi- nates the American literature. The present paper could not have been written without Okulitch 's articles, in which most of the biblio- graphic references were found. Future workers will have an equally great debt to Okulitch's industry. Affinities of archaeocyathids Billings (1861a) in describing the first archaeocyathid species, thought that it might be a sponge or a coral. Four years later he described additional species. Because of the small number of speci- mens that he had, he could not have done other than to assign them NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 113 to existing and recognized phyla. He subsequently changed his mind and placed them with Protozoa. For the same reason, namely, the lack of adequate numbers of fossils, the later workers attempted to fit them into some existing phylum. These were the grounds for affiliating them with foramini- fers and other protozoans, calcareous algae, sponges, corals and other coelenterates. Later researchers, namely, Taylor (1910), Bedford and Bedford (1936), Vologdin (1940) and Okulitch (1943), all believed strongly that archaeocyathids were an independent branch of Porifera. The difficult taxonomic position of the group was well recognized, and reflected itself by usage of terms subphylum (Okulitch) or subtype (Vologdin). Or they were considered to constitute a class of equal standing with calcareous or siliceous sponges. The uncertainty of their placement ended with the publication of Okulitch and Lauben- fels (1953), where they were assigned to a phylum of their own. The most comprehensive and the most recent classification is that of Hill (1964c, 1965a) . She considers archaeocyathids "as a primitive phylum of single multicellular animals, with a level of organization lying between that of Protozoa and that of Porifera" (1964c, p. 250). Whether or not the group can be placed between protozoans and sponges in the system of classification on the basis of the level of or- ganization is a difficult question. The concept of "complexity" or "primitiveness" of sponges is based on studies of their cellular organi- zation, a part of anatomy little known from fossil record. Sponges, at least on the species level, are characterized by lack of individuality. One may think of sponges as a morphologically plastic, well-adapted group. There appear, of course, to be some exceptions, and thus per- haps glass sponges may show less variation. On the other hand, protozoans do not exhibit any morphological variation on such a grand scale. I would, for the time being, prefer not to affiliate archae- ocyathids with either of these two groups. Classification of archaeocyathids Recently E. H. McKee (1963) threw serious doubt on the classi- fication and identification of Ethmophyllum whitneyi, E. cooperi and Ajacicyathus nevadensis. He has questioned the taxonomy of these three entities. While I recognize his contribution, I am unable to pass judgment, and therefore I have followed the classification of Okulitch (1943 and subsequent) and Hill (1964c, 1965a). 114 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Hill (1964c, 1965a) divides the phylum into two classes: Regu- laria and Irregularia. The division is shown on Table 1. CHARACTER REGULARIA IRREGULARIA Walls One or Two One or Two Radial Skeletal Elements Rods or Septa Rods or Taeniae or Radial Tubules Tabulae Present or Absent Present or Absent Inner Wall Developed Before Dissepiments After Dissepiments Table I. Characters used for classification of Regularia and Irregularia. (Modified after Hill, 1964c). The following is the classification of North American archaeocya- thids modified after Hill (1964c, 1965a) and Okulitch (1943-1956). Phylum Archaeocyatha Vologdin, 1937 Class Regularia Vologdin, 1937 Order Monocyathida Okulitch, 1935 Family Monocyathidae Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Genus Monocyathus Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Monocyathus Sp. Order Ajacicyathida Bedford and Bedford, 1939 Family Ajacicyathidae Bedford and Bedford, 1939 Genus Ajacicyathus Bedford and Bedford, 1939 Ajacicyathus ajax (Taylor) Ajacicyathus argentus (Okulitch) Ajacicyathus clarus (Vologdin) Ajacicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) Ajacicyathus osilinka Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Ajacicyathus profundomimus Okulitch, 1943 Ajacicyathus purcellensis Okulitch, 1947 Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch, 1943 NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 115 Ajacicyathus undulatus Okulitch, 1948 Ajacicyathus iveeksi Okulitch, 1943 Ajacicyathus yukonensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Ajacicyathus sp. Genus Archaeocyathellus Ford, 1873 Archaeocyathellus dwighti (Walcott) Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 Archaeocyathellus uniporosus Okulitch, 1943 Archaeocyathellus walcotti Okulitch, 1943 Archaeocyathellus sp. Genus Archaeofungia Taylor, 1910 Archaeofungia obliqua Okulitch, 1955 Archaeofungia sp. Genus Loculicyathus Vologdin, 1931 Loculicyathus ellipticus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Genus Nevadacyathus Okulitch, 1943 Nevadacyathus septaporus (Okulitch) Family Ethmophyllidae Okulitch, 1943 Genus Ethmophyllum Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch, 1952 Ethmophyllum cooperi Okulitch, 1952 Ethmophyllum lineatus Greggs, 1959 Ethmophyllum ratum Vologdin, 1940 Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum sp. Family Erbocyathidae Vologdin and Zhuravleva, 1956 Genus Syringocyathus Vologdin, 1937 Syringocyathus canadensis Okulitch, 1955 Syringocyathus inyoensis Okulitch, 1954 Syringocyathus sp. Family Bronchocyathidae Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Genus Thalamocyathus Gordon, 1920 Thalamocyathus sp. Family Carinacyathidae Krasnopeeva, 1953 Genus Carinacyathus Vologdin, 1932 Carinacyathus perforatus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 116 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Family Coscinocyathidae Taylor, 1910 Genus Coscinocyathus Bornemann, 1884 Coscinocyathus cassiariensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch, 1943 Coscinocyathus inequivallus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus miniporosus Bedford and Bedford, 1937 Coscinocyathus multiporosus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus rhyacoensis Okulitch, 1948 Coscinocyathus serratus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus tubicornus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus veronicus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus sp. Genus Coscinoptycta Broili, 1915 Coscinoptycta sp. Family Alataucyathidae Zhuravleva, 1955 Genus Ethmocoscinus Simon, 1939 Ethmocoscinus sp. Class Irregularia Vologdin, 1937 Order Rhizacyathida Zhuravleva, 1955 Family Rhizacyathidae Bedford and Bedford, 1939 Genus Archaeopharetra Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Archaeopharetra typica Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Archaeopharetra sp. Order Archaeocyathida Okulitch, 1935 Family Metacyathidae Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Genus Dendrocyathus Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Dendrocyathus sp. Genus Metethmophyllum Okulitch, 1943 Metethmophyllum labradorensis (Okulitch) Metethmophyllum meeki (Walcott) Metethmophyllum resseri Okulitch, 1943 Family Archaeocyathidae Hinde, 1889 Genus Archaeocyathus Billings, 1861 Archaeocyathus arborensis Okulitch, 1954 Archaeocyathus atlanticus Billings, 1861 Archaeocyathus borealis Okulitch, 1955 Archaeocyathus constr ictus (Raymond) NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 117 Archaeocyathus latus (Vologdin) Archaeocyathus loculiformis Okulitch, 1955 Archaeocyathus taeniatus Okulitch, 1948 Archaeocyathus yavorskii (Vologdin) Archaeocyathus sp. Genus Protopharetra Bornemann, 1884 Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch, 1943 Protopharetra raymondi Okulitch, 1935 Protopharetra rootsi Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Protopharetra sp. Genus Pycnoidocyathus Taylor, 1910 Pycnoidocyathus amourensis (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) Pycnoidocyathus columbianus (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus dissepimentalis (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus donaldi (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus loupensis (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus orthoconicus (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Pycnoidocyathus septimus (Okulitch) Pycnoidocyathus solidus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Pycnoidocyathus sp. Genus Copleicyathus Bedford and Bedford, 1937 Copleicyathus laminosus Okulitch, 1948 Family Archaeosyconidae Zhuravleva, 1956 Genus Archaeosycon Taylor, 1910 Archaeosycon billingsi (Walcott) Archaeosycon evansi Okulitch, 1948 Archaeosycon vesiculosum Okulitch, 1943 Archaeosycon sp. Family Metacoscinidae Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Genus Metacoscinus Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Metacoscinus deasensis Okulitch, 1955 Metacoscinus gabrielsensis Okulitch, 1955 Metacoscinus poolensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Metacoscinus sp. 118 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Genus Paracoscinus Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Paracoscinus sp. Genus Pycnoidocoscinus Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Pycnoidocoscinus rectiporus Okulitch, 1948 Genus Claruscyathus Vologdin, 1932 Claruscyathus ketzaensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Claruscyathus obliquus (Okulitch) Claruscyathus solidus Vologdin, 1937 Order Syringocnematida Okulitch, 1935 Family Syringocnematidae Taylor, 1910 Genus Syringocnema Taylor, 1910 Syringocnema colvillensis Greggs, 1959 Syringocnema sp. GENERA OF DIFFICULT OR UNCERTAIN AFFINITIES Genus Atikokania Walcott, 1912 Atikokania lawsoni Walcott, 1912 Atikokania irregularis Walcott, 1912 Genus Exocyathus Bedford and Bedford, 1937 Exocyathus canadensis Okulitch, 1943 Exocyathus regularis Okulitch, 1943 Genus Haguia Walcott, 1899 Haguia sphaerica Walcott, 1899 Genus Matthewcyathus Okulitch, 1940 Matthewcyathus pavonoides (Matthew) Genus Wilbernicyathus Wilson, 1950 Wilbernicyathus donegani Wilson, 1950 CATALOG OF GENERA AND SPECIES AJACICYATHUS Bedford and Bedford, 1939 Ajacicyathus ajax (Taylor) 1958. Ajacicyathus ajax Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Lower Cambrian : Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Ajacicyathus (Archaeocyathus) cf. clarus (Vologdin) See: Ajacicyathus clarus (Vologdin) Ajacicyathus argentus (Okulitch) 1935. Archaeocyathus argentus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, pp. 100-101, pi. 2, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9325, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1943. Ajacicyathus argentus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 57, pi. 1, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian: Waucobian, Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9325, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massahusetts. 1960. Robustocyathus argentus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, pp. 113, 134. Lower Cambrian: North America. Ajacicyathus clarus (Vologdin) 1943. Ajacicyathus (Archaeocyathus) cf. clarus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 13. Cambrian: Nevada and California. 119 120 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1947. Ajacicyathus clarus Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake Area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Ajacicyathus clarus Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, p. 40, pi. 1, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake Area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12762 in the collection of Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus clarus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Ajacicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) 1935. Archaeocyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 101, pi. 1, figs. 7-9; pi. 2, fig. lg and fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9327 in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1943. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 55, text-figs. 18a, b; pi. 1, figs. 1-2, 4. Lower Cambrian : (Waucobian) at Silver Peak, Nevada, and Inyo County, California. Holotype: 9327 in Museum of Comparative Zoology, Har- vard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1948. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 341, pi. 53, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian : Donald Formation, Purcell Range, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. 1950. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo Area, British Colum- bia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 121 1952. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Moore et at., Invertebrate fossils, figs. 3-11 (2). Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1952. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, p. 28, pi. 7, figs. 5, 6; pi. 9, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: pleospongian reef, west of Caborca, So- nora, Mexico, and at Silver Peak, Nevada. Referred specimens: 111815, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1953. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1953. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleontol- ogy, figs. 3-9D. 1954. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, p. 56, pi. 9, figs. 5, 6; pi. 11, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico and at Silver Peak, Nevada. Referred specimen: 111815, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1954. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, pp. 293-294, pi. 28, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimens: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley. 1955. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 49, pl. 2, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12360, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1955. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E Archaeocyatha, p. E10, figs. 1, 6, 8, 9a, and 8, 9b. Lower Cambrian: North America. 122 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1956. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch, 20 Inter. Geol. Congress, Mexico. Geol. paleont. region Caborca, norponiente Sonora, pt. 1, p. 56, pi. 9, figs. 5, 6, pi. 11, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, and at Silver Peak, Nevada. Referred specimen: 111815, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington 25, D. C. 1958. Ajicicyathus nevadensis Fenton and Fenton, The Fossil Book, figs, on p. 67. Early Cambrian: Nevada. 1958. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618, 619, 620, 621. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian : Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek area, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. 1959. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 63-64, pi. 11, fig. 7; pi. 12, figs. 10, 11; pi. 14, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington; and on the south fork of the Salmo River at the base of the Laib Group, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: C017b-2, CLllc-6, CL7b-7 and SB-4, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 1960. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Easton, Invertebrate paleontology, p. 119, figs. 3.9 (la, lb). Lower Cambrian: U.S.A. 1960. Ajacicyathus nevadensis Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 112. Lower Cambrian : North America. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 123 Ajacicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) See also: Ethmophyllum whitneyi, Meek, 1868. Ajacicyathus osilinka, Okulitch and Roots, 1947 1947. Ajacicyathus osilinka Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Ajacicyathus osilinka Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, pp. 40-41, pi. 1, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 12763 in the collection of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Ajacicyathus osilinka Little, Canada Geol. Surv. paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus osilinka Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Osilinka Valley, Aiken Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Ajacicyathus profundomimus, Okulitch, 1943 1943. Ajacicyathus profundomimus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 57, pi. 1, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Labrador, and at Troy, New York. Holotype: 108096, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1946. Ajacicyathus profundomimus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 40, sec. 4, p. 86, pi. 6, fig. 4. Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1960. Ajacicyathus profundomimus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 113. Lower Cambrian: North America. 124 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Ajacicyathus purcellensis, Okulitch, 1947 (in Okulitch and Roots, 1947) 1943. Ajacicyathus sp. Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 13, pi. 1, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 108118, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. [now in Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada]. 1947. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, pp. 39^0, pi. 1, figs. 1-3, 12. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12758-12761, Geological Survey, Can- ada, Ottawa, Canada. 1948. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 342, pi. 53, figs. 2, 3. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Purcell Range, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Types: 108118, U. S. National Museum (now with the col- lection of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Can- ada) ; 9514, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, and 8, Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1950. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo Area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1957. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Kawaseand Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, p. 915, pi. 109, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: (Lord's Group C sediments), Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 125 Referred specimens: Collection 24035 (nos. 35-Y-5, 6, 7); and specimen 13325, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619, 620, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus cf. purcellensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex. Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 1960. Ajacicyathus purcellensis Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 113. Lower Cambrian: North America. Ajacicyathus rimouski, Okulitch, 1943 1943. Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 58, pi. 2, figs. 4, 5. Lower Cambrian: Bic Harbour, Rimouski County, Prov- ince of Quebec, Canada. Holotype: 108098; paratypes: 108099 at U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1945. Ajacicyathus rimouski Rasetti, Natur. Canadien, 72, p. 59. Lower Cambrian: Sillery Formation, Bic, Quebec, Canada. 1952. Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, p. 28, pi. 9, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: west end of the Proveedora, Sonora, Mexico, and Bic Harbour, Quebec, Canada. Referred specimen: 111823, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 126 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1954. Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, p. 57, pi. 11, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: west end of the Proveedora, Sonora, Mexico, and Bic Harbour, Quebec, Canada. Referred specimen: 111823, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1956. Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico, Geol. palent. region Caborca, norponiente Sonora, pt. 1, p. 57, pi. 11, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: west end of the Proveedora, Sonora, Mexico, and Bic Harbour, Quebec, Canada. Referred specimen: 111823, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington 25, D. C. 1958. Ajacicyathus rimouski Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. 1959. Ajacicyathus rimouski Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 64-65, pi. 13, figs. 1-3. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Washington, and (Laib Group) on the south fork of the Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada Referred specimens: CL 6b-7; CL 7b-3; CL 3a-2. Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Ajacicyathus undulatus, Okulitch, 1948 1948. Ajacicyathus undulatus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, no. 3, p. 342, pi. 53, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Mountains, Purcell Range, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 9515, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Ajacicyathus undulatus Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 127 1955. Ajacicyathus undulatus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 49-50, pi. 2, fig. 9. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12361 in the collection of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus undulatus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Ajacicyathus weeksi, Okulitch, 1943 1943. Ajacicyathus weeksi Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 58, pi. 2, figs. 1-3. Lower Cambrian: 10 miles northeast of Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 108097, U. S. National Museum, Washington D. C. 1960. Robustocyathus weeksi Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, pp. 113, 134. Lower Cambrian: North America. Ajacicyathus yukonensis, Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Ajacicyathus yukonensis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 915-916, pi. 109, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian: (Lord's Group C sediments), Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 35-Y-13.I; 13326; Collection 24035, in Geolog- ical Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Ajacicyathus yukonensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 128 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Ajacicyathus sp. 1950. Ajacicyathus sp. Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1953. Ajacicyathus sp. Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleon- tology, figs. 3-11 G-H. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1960. Ajacicyathus Clark and Stearn, The Geological Evolution of North Amer- ica, fig. A-6. 1962. Ajacicyathus sp. Orlowski, Polska Akad. Nauk, p. 110, fig. 1. Ajicicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) See: Ajacicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) ARCHAEOCYATHELLUS Ford, 1873 Archaeocyathellus (Archaeocyathellus) rensselaericus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 Archaeocyathellus atreus (Walcott) See: Incertae sedis Archaeocyathellus dwighti (Walcott) 1889. Archaeocyathus Dwighti Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889 [1890]. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) dwighti Walcott, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12, p. 34. Lower Cambrian: Troy and near Greenwich, Washington County, New York. Type: 18352, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) dwighti Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 601, pi. 54. figs. 4, 4a. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 129 Lower Cambrian: Troy and near Greenwich, Washington County, New York. Type: 18352, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1891. Archoeocyathus dwighti Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, p. 153. Lower Cambrian: Washington County, New York. 1895. Archaeocyathus Dwighti Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1916. Archoeocyathus dwighti Walcott, Smithsonian, Misc. Coll., 64, no. 5, p. 317. Lower Cambrian: Washington County, New York. 1943. Archaeocyathellus dwighti Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 62, pi. 3, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian: Schodack and Greenwich, Washington County, New York. Cotypes: 18353 and 18352, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1960. Archaeocyathellus dwighti Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian: North America. Archaeocyathellus profundus (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Archaeocyathellus (Protocyathus) septapora (Okulitch) See: Nevadacyathus septaporus (Okulitch) Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) 1878. Protocyathus rarus Ford, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 15, no. 86, art. 16, pp. 124-126, text-figs, la, lb. Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone [of the Lower Potsdam Group of Ford] at Troy, New York. Holotype: 52 2060, New York State Museum, Albany, T~ New York. 1886. Ethmophyllum rarum Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, pp. 87-89, pi. 5, figs. 2, 2a -b. 130 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Middle Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone, on the ridge east of the city of Troy, New York. Type: 52 2060, New York State Museum, Albany, New York. 1889. Ethmophyllum rarum Lesley, A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania, 1, p. 227, figs. 2, 2a and 2b on p. 227. Lower Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone ridge east of Troy, New York. 1889. Archaeocyathus rarum Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889. Ethmophyllum rarum Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, p. 160. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller]. 1890. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) rarus Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 601, pi. 54, figs. 2, 2a-b. Lower Cambrian : conglomerate-limestone, on the ridge east of the city of Troy, New York. Type: 15306, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Ethmophyllum rarum Ulrich, 111. Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Protocyathus rarum Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, p. 152. Cambrian: near Troy, and south of Schodack landing, Co- lumbia County, New York. 1895. Archaeocyathus rarus Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1895. Ethmophyllum rarum Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 10. 1895. Protocyathus rarus Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 11. 1910. Archaeocyathus rarus Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, pp. 64, 119, fig. 26 (1). NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 131 Cambrian: North America. 1935. Archaeocyathus rarus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, pp. 91, 99. Lower Cambrian: Troy, New York. 1937. Archaeocyathus rarus Ting, Neus Jahrb. Mineral., 78, p. 360. 1937. Archaeocyathus rarum Ting, Neus Jahrb. Mineral., 78, text-fig. 8c. 1939. Archaeocyathellus rarus Simon, Abhandl. Senckenberg. naturf. Ges., 448, p. 34. 1939. Protocyathus rarus Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 6, p. 72. 1943. Archaeocyathellus rarus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 63-64, pi. 3, figs. 10-13. Lower Cambrian: ridge east of Troy, New York. Plesiotype: 15306, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1960. Archaeocyathellus rarus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1965. Protocyathus rarus Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 63, text-fig. 14.6. Lower Cambrian: Troy, New York. Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus (Ford) 1873. Archoeocyathus ? Rensselaericus Ford, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 5, no. 27, pp. 211-213, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone and even bedded limestones of Potsdam [of Ford] Group, near Troy, New York. Holotype: 53 2061, New York State Museum, Albany, New York. 132 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1873. Archaeocyathellus Rensselaericus Ford, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 6, no. 32, pp. 135, 136. Cambrian: Troy, New York. 1880. Archaeocyathus Rensselaericus Roemer, Lethaea palaeozoica, I Theil, p. 300. Cambrian: conglomerates of "Potsdam Group," Troy, New York. 1880. Archoeocyathellus Rensselaericus Dana, Manual of geology, p. 177. Cambrian: [Potsdam of Dana] Troy, New York. 1884. Archaeocyathus Rensselaericus Bornemann, Z. dtsch. geol. Ges., 36, p. 702. 1886. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, pp. 84, 85-87, pi. 5, fig. If (not pi. 5, figs. 1, a-e). Middle Cambrian : conglomerate-limestone on the ridge east of the city of Troy, New York. Okulitch, 1943, pp. 60-61, states that only pi. 5, fig. If is Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus. Specimens represented in figs. 1, la-e are A. walcotti. 1889. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum Lesley, A dictionary of fossils of Pennsylvania, 1, p. 228, figs. 1, la-e. Lower Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone near Troy, New York. 1889. Ethmophyllum Rensselaericum Nicholson and Lydekker, A manual of palaeontology, 3rd ed., figs. 72, A and B. Lower Cambrian: of North America. 1889. Archoeocyathus Rensselaericus Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 45, p. 133. Cambrian: Nevada. 1889. Archaeocyathus Rensselaericum Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, p. 160. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller]. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 133 1890. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum Ulrich, Illinois Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Archoeocyathus rensseloericum Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, p. 152. Cambrian: near Troy, and south of Schodack landing in Columbia County, New York. 1891. Archaeocyathellus Rensselaericus Bornemann, Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akad. der Natur. Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 495-499. 1895. Archaeocyathellus Rensselaericus Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1895. Archaeocyathus Rensselaericus Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1895. Ethmophyllum Rensselaericum Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 10. 1909. Archoeocyathus rensseloericus Chamberlin and Salisbury, A college text-book of geology, p. 500, figs. 376, a and b. Cambrian. 1910. Archoeocyathus Rensselaericus Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, p. 64. Cambrian: North America. 1921. Archoeocyathus rensseloericus Grabau, A textbook of geology, part II, historical geology, p. 227, figs. 1009, a and b. Cambrian. 1924. Archoeocyathus rensseloericus Schuchert, A textook of geology, part II, historical geology, 2nd ed., p. 189, pi. 4, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian. 1930. Archoeocyathus rensseloericus Chamberlin et al., College textbook of geology, part II, his- torical geology, p. 484, figs. 382, a, b. 1935. Archaeocyathus rensselaericus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 99. Lower Cambrian : Labrador and Nevada. 134 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1937. Archaeocyathus rensselaericum Ting, Neus Jahrb. Mineral., 78, pp. 330, 360, text-fig. 8b. 1939. Archaeocyathellus (Archaeocyathellus) rensselaericus Simon, Abhandl. Senck. natur. Ges., 448, p. 19. 1939. Archaeocyathellus ? rensselaericus Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem. no. 6, pp. 71- 72. 1943. Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, pp. 60-61, pi. 3, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone on ridge east of Troy, New York. 1944. Archeocyathus rensselaericus Shimer and Shrock, Index fossils of North America, p. 56, pi. 17, figs. 14, 15. Lower Cambrian : Vermont?, New York, New Jersey. 1955. Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E, Archaeocyatha, p. E10. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1959. Archaeocyathus rensselaericus Stirton, Time, life and man, p. 167, fig. 91 (a). Cambrian. 1960. Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian: Troy, New York. 1965. Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 63, text-fig. 14.5. Lower Cambrian: Troy, New York. Archaeocyathellus uniporosus Okulitch, 1943 1943. Archaeocyathellus'! uniporosus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 62-63, pi. 3, figs. 8-9. Lower Cambrian: Schodack and Greenwich, Washington County, New York. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 135 Holotype: 108100, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1960. Archaeocyathellus^ uniporosus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian: North America. Archaeocyathellus walcotti Okulitch, 1943 1886. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum (in part) Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, pp. 85-87, pi. 5, figs. 1, la-e. Middle Cambrian : conglomerate-limestone on the ridge east of the city of Troy, New York. 1890. Archaeocyathus (Arthaeocyathellus) rensselaericus Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 600-601, pi. 54, figs. 1, la-e. Lower Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone on the ridge east of the city of Troy, New York. Type: 15305, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1943. Archaeocyathellus walcotti Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 61-62, pi. 3, figs. 2-5. Lower Cambrian : conglomeratic limestone on ridge east of Troy, New York. Holotype: 15305a; paratypes: 15305b, c, d, e, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1960. Archaeocyathellus walcotti Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian : North America. Archaeocyathellus sp. 1886. Ethmophyllum sp. Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, p. 87, pi. 4, fig. 2. Middle Cambrian: conglomerate-limestone, Troy, New York. 1950. Archaeocyathellus sp. Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 136 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1953. Archaeocyathellus sp. Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleon- tology, fig. 3-9C. 1958. Archaeocyathellus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 618. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Archaeocyathellus sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 65, pi. 14, fig. 8. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, south fork of the Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimen: SC-14a, Paleontology Collection, Uni- versity of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Specimen transferred to Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, no. 14316.) 1960. Archaeocyathellus sp. Easton, Invertebrate paleontology, p. 119, fig. 3.9(3). Lower Cambrian: USA. Archaeocyathid See: Incertae sedis Archaeocyathina See: Incertae sedis ARCHAEOCYATHUS Billings, 1861 Archaeocyathus arborensis Okulitch, 1954 1953. Archaeocyathus sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Archaeocyathus arborensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 295, pi. 28, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California and Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: C107, University of British Columbia, Van- couver, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 137 Other specimen: 32965, Museum of Paleontology, Univer- sity of California, Berkeley, California. 1960. Archaeocyathus arborensis Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 297. Lower Cambrian: North America. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) rarus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Archaeocyathus argentus Okulitch, 1935 See: Ajacicyathus argentus (Okulitch) Archaeocyathus atlanticus Billings, 1861 1861. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Billings, Geol. Surv. Canada, New Species of Lower Silurian Fossils, pp. 3-4, figs. 1-4 [however, fig. 4 is not A. atlan- ticus]. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation [Potsdam Group of Billings], Anse au Loup on the north shore of the Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 369, Geological Survey Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1861 [1862]. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Billings, Report on the Geology of Vermont, 2, pp. 944-945, figs. 341-343. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation [Potsdam Group of Billings], Anse au Loup on the north shore of the Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1865. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Billings, Geol. Surv. Canada, Palaeoz. Fossils, 1, pp. 3-6, figs. 5a-c, also pp. 59, 355, 356. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation [Potsdam of Billings], L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada; also Potsdam Group in Vermont. 1865. Archoeocyathus atlanticus Dawson, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, 21, p. 53. (Cambrian) : Calciferous formation at Mingan, Canada. 1865. Archoeocyathus atlanticus Dawson, Canadian Natur., new ser., 2, p. 104. (Cambrian) : Calciferous formation at Mingan, Canada. 138 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1871. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 186, figs. 236A (a and b). Cambrian: [Potsdam of Dana], North Shore of the Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1877. Archeocyathus rensselaericus Miller, The American Palaeozoic fossils, p. 42. Cambrian: [Lower Potsdam of Miller]. 1877. Archeocyathus atlanticus Miller, The American Palaeozoic fossils, p. 42. Cambrian: [Potsdam Group of Miller]. 1880. Archaeocyathus Atlanticus Roemer, Lethaea palaeozoica, I Theil, p. 300. Cambrian: "Potsdam Group," L'Anse au Loup, Belle Isle, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 1880. Archoeocyathus Atlanticus Dana, Manual of Geology, p. 177, figs. 261 a and b. Cambrian : [Potsdam of Dana] ; Straits of Belle Isle, Canada. 1884. Archaeocyathus Atlanticus Bornemann, Z. dtsch. geol. Ges., 36, pp. 702-703. 1886. Archaeocyathus Atlanticus Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, pp. 29, 38, 45, 50-51, 73-74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 84; pi. 2, figs. 1, la; pi. 3, figs. 1, la, b, 2, 2a. Middle Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, on the straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada, and Silver Peak, Nevada. 1887. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 34, no. 200, art. 18, pp. 145-146. 1889. Spirocyathus atlanticus Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 45, pp. 136-138; pi. 5, figs. 8-10. Cambrian : L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Types: in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1889. Spirocyathus Atlanticus Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 139 1889. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Lesley, A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania, 1 , p. 30, figs. 1, la, 2, 2a on p. 30. Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada, and Silver Peak, Nevada. Types: in Canadian Geological Survey, Ottawa, Canada. 1889. Spirocyathus atlanticus Nicholson and Lydekker, A Manual of palaeontology, 3rd ed., pp. 184-185, figs. 72C and 72D. Lower Cambrian: Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, p. 154, figs. 89a and b. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller]. 1890. Spirocyathus atlanticus Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., Geol. Survey, p. 600, pi. 50, figs. 1, la-f ; 2, 2a. Lower Cambrian: on the straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada, and Silver Peak, Nevada. Referred specimen: 15301, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Ulrich, Illinois Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Spirocyathus atlanticus Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, pp. 78, 319. Cambrian : north side of the Straits of Belle Isle on the Lab- rador shore, at L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada, and Silver Peak, Nevada. 1891. Archaeocyathus Atlanticus Bornemann, Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop. -Carol., Deutschen Akad. der Naturforscher. Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 495-499. 1895. Spirocyathus Atlanticus Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1895. Spirocyathus Atlanticus Dana, Manual of Geology, 4th ed., p. 470, figs. 508 -508a. Lower Cambrian. 140 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1906. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Spurr, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 55, p. 17. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak Quadrangle, Nevada. 1910. Spirocyathus Atlanticus Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, pp. 61, 64, 147, 150, text fig. 26(11). Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup on the Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1912. Spirocyathus atlanticus Willis, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 71, p. 99. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone at Silver Peak in Western Nevada. 1934. Spirocyathus atlanticus Schuchert and Dunbar, Geol. Soc. Am., Mem. 1, p. 19. Lower Cambrian : Forteau Formation, Forteau Bay, Labra- dor, Canada. 1935. Spirocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 100. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1937. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Proc. Geol. Soc. Am., p. 358. 1937. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo, 11, pp. 251-252. 1937. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Vologdin, Problems of paleontology, pp. 453, 481. Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1937. Spirocyathus atlanticus Ting, Neus. Jahrb. Mineral., 78, pp. 330, 331, 334, 368. 1939. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Simon, Abhandl. Senck. naturf. Ges., 448, pp. 20, 38. 1939. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 6, pp. 71, 78. 1940. Spirocyathus atlanticus Vologdin, Atlas of the leading forms of the fossil faunas of the USSR, p. 45. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 141 Lower Cambrian: "middle horizons," North America. 1940. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34 (abstr.), p. 159. 1940. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, sec. 4, pp. 76-78, pi. 1, figs. 1-3, 5. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loup on the north shore of the Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 369, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1940. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Chi, Bull. Geol. Soc. China, 20, no. 2, p. 129. 1943. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 68-70, pi. 5, figs. 1, 2; pi. 18, c. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loupe, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada and Silver Peak region, Nevada. Holotype: 369, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Referred specimen: 14688, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1944. Archeocyathus atlanticus Shimer and Shrock, Index fossils of North America, p. 56, pi. 17, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Labrador, Canada, and Vermont. 1948. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 344, pi. 54, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dog- tooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Figured specimens: Okulitch Collection, University of Brit- ish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1950. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, pp. 393-394. Holotype: 369, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 142 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1950. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1952. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Moore et al., Invertebrate fossils, figs. 3-ll(la) and (lb). Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1953. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 295, pi. 28, fig. 9. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimen : Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1955. Spirocyathus atlanticus Neaverson, Stratigraphical palaeontology, p. 158. Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Western Newfoundland reef, Canada. 1955. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 53-54, pi. 3, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12363, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1955. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E, Archaeocyatha, p. E14, figs. 11, 10a and 11, 10b. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1958. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617-618, 619, 621. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville. Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 143 Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1959. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 67, pi. 12, figs. 7-9; pi. 14, fig. 11. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada and about 1 mile north of Col- ville, Washington. Referred specimens: CL 20c-3, CL 20e-2, CL 20c-2, SB-7, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver [and Geological Survey of Canada nos. 14315 and 14322, Ottawa, Canada]. 1960. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 297. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1962. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Vologdin, Osnovy paleontologii, p. 133. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1964. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Hill, Trans. Royal Soc, New Zealand (Geol.), 2, no. 9, p. 143. 1965. Archaeocyathus atlanticus Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Scient. Rept. no. 10, p. 122, fig. 23.1. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 369, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Archaeocyathus cf . atlanticus, Billings, 1861 1932. Spirocyathus cf. atlanticus Poulsen, Mus. Min. Geol. Univ. Copenh., Comm. Paleo., no. 44, p. 26, pi. 5, figs. 1-2; pi. 6, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Ella Island Formation, south coast of Ella Island, Greenland. 1947. Archaeocyathus cf. atlanticus Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41 , sec. 4, pp. 41^42, pi. 1, fig. 6. 144 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12765, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1956. Archaeocyathus cf. atlanticus Poulsen, 20 Int. Geol. Congress, El Sistema Cambrico, p. 65. Lower Cambrian : Mt. Bastion on Ella Island, East Green- land. 1957. Archaeocyathus cf. A. atlanticus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 922-923, pi. Ill, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimen: 13339, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus cf. atlanticus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 1962. Spirocyathus cf. atlanticus Orlowski, Polska Akad. Nauk, p. 114. Lower Cambrian: Ella Island, Eastern Greenland. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) atreus Walcott, 1917 See: Incertae sedis Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) dwighti Walcott, 1889 See: Archaeocyathellus dwighti (Walcott) Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) rarus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) rensselaericus Ford, 1873 See: Archaeocyathellus walcotti Okulitch, 1943 Archaeocyathus atreus Walcott, 1917 See: Incertae sedis NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 145 Archaeocyathus billingsi Walcott, 1886 See: Archaeosycon billingsi (Walcott) Archaeocyathus borealis Okulitch, 1955 1955. Archaeocyathus borealis Okulitch, Proc. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. 1955. Archaeocyathus borealis Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 55-57, pi. 2, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 12355, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus borealis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 621. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Archaeocyathus borealis Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 67-68, pi. 12, fig. 6; pi. 13, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Washing- ton, and McDame area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: CL 20f-2, CL 3a-2, Paleontology Col- lection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (and 14321, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada). Archaeocyathus constrictus (Raymond) 1931. Spirocyathus constrictus Raymond, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 55, no. 6, p. 177, pi. 2, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian at Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9,299; other specimen 9,313, Museum Compara- tive Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachu- setts. 146 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1935. Spirocyathus constrictus Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 100. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1943. Archaeocyathus constrictus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 70, pi. 6, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian at Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9299; paratype: 9313, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1960. Archaeocyathus constrictus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 298. Lower Cambrian: North America. Archaeocyathus Dwighti Walcott, 1889 [1890] See: Archaeocyathellus dwighti (Walcott) Archaeocyathus gracilis (Meek) See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1865 Archaeocyathus latus (Vologdin) 1955. Archaeocyathus cf. latus Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 54, pi. 3, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12364, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus cf. latus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Archaeocyathus loculiformis Okulitch, 1955 1955. Archaeocyathus loculiformis Okulitch, Proc. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 147 1955. Archaeocyathus loculiformis Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 54-55, pi. 2, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Holotype: 12354, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus loculiformis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Archaeocyathus nevadensis Okulitch, 1935 See: Ajacicyathus nevadensis (Okulitch) Archaeocyathus pavonoides Matthew, 1886 See: Matthewcyathus pavonoides (Matthew) Archaeocyathus profundus Billings, 1865 See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Pycnoidocyathus loupensis (Okulitch) Archaeocyathus rarum (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Archaeocyathus rarus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Archaeocyathus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 See: Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus (Ford) Archaeocyathus septaporus Okulitch, 1935 See: Nevadacyathus septaporus (Okulitch) Archaeocyathus (Spirocyathus) yavorskii (Vologdin) See: Archaeocyathus yavorskii (Vologdin) Archaeocyathus taeniatus Okulitch, 1948 1948. Archaeocyathus taeniatus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, pp. 344-345, pi. 54, fig. 8. 148 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, south side of Holt Creek, Dogtooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: Okulitch Collection, University of British Co- lumbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus taeniatus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 619. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Archaeocyathus Whitneyi (Meek) See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Archaeocyathus yavorskii (Vologdin) 1952. Archaeocyathus yavorskii Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, pp. 31-33, pi. 10. Lower Cambrian: pleospongian reef, west of Caborca, So- nora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111824, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1953. Archaeocyathus yavorskii Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Archaeocyathus yavorskii Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, pp. 61- 62, pi. 12. Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111824, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1954. Archaeocyathus (Spirocyathus) yavorskii, Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 295, pi. 28, fig. 8. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimens: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1956. Archaeocyathus yavorskii Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico, Geol. Paleont. region Caborca nor-pon. Sornora, part 1, pp. 61-62, pi. 12. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 149 Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111824, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. Archaeocyathus sp. 1845. Cyathophyllum Bayfield, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 1, p. 457. Lower Cambrian: red and white limestone on eastern point of Forteau Bay, Labrador, Canada. 1891. Archaeocyathus und. sp. Walcott, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 81, p. 319. Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1895. Archoeocyathus sp. Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 49, p. 143. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1902. Archaeocyathus sp. Freeh, Lethaea palaeozoica, p. 683. Cambrian : California and Nevada. 1906. Archaeocyathus undet. Spurr, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 55, p. 17. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak Quadrangle, Nevada. 1908. Archoeocyathus sp. Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 53, no. 5, pp. 187, 188, 189. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Esmeralda County, Nevada. 1910. Archoeocyathust sp. Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 53, no. 6, pp. 300, 315, 323. Lower Cambrian: Silver Spring Quadrangle, Esmeralda County, Nevada, and in Owens Valley, Inyo County, Cali- fornia. 1910. Archaeocyathus sp. Walcott, Outlines of geologic history, pp. 31, 32. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1912. Archaeocyathus sp. Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Monogr. 51, p. 584. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak, Nevada. 150 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1912. Archaeocyathus sp. Willis, U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 71, pp. 100, 101. Lower Cambrian: Olenellus zone at Silver Peak in western Nevada. 1918. Archaeocyathus sp. Kirk, U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 110, pp. 30, 31. Lower Cambrian: Inyo Range, California. 1932. Archaeocyathus sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 836-E, pp. 398, 401. Lower Cambrian: Tatonduk -Nation district, east central, Alaska. 1934. Archaeocyathus sp. Resser, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 92, no. 10, p. 7. Lower Cambrian: town of Colville, Washington. 1937. Archaeocyathus sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 872, p. 79. Middle Cambrian : North of Yukon River, near international boundary, Alaska. 1940. Archaeocyathus sp. Butts, Va. Geol. Survey Bull. 52, pp. 47, 55, 56, 473. Cambrian: Shady Dolomite, Appalachian Valley. 1947. Archaeocyathus sp. Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Archeocyathus sp. Campbell, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 58, p. 60. Lower Cambrian: "undifferentiated argillite" one mile north Colville, Stevens County, Washington. 1953. Archaeocyathus sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1956. Archaeocyathus sp. Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, El Sistema Cambrico, p. 725. Lower Cambrian: Yukon River, Alaska. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 151 1957. Archaeocyathus sp. Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , no. 5, p. 923, pi. Ill, % 8. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimen: 13340, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Archaeocyathus sp. See: Metethmophyllum resseri Okulitch, 1943 Archaeocyathus arborensis Okulitch, 1954 Incertae sedis ARCHAEOFUNGIA Taylor, 1910 Archaeofungia obliqua Okulitch, 1955 1955. Archaeofungia obliqua Okulitch, Proc. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. 1955. Archaeofungia obliqua Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 59, pi. 1, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Holotype: 12353, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeofungia obliqua Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. 152 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Archaeofungia sp. 1955. Archaeofungia sp. Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 48. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. 1958. Archaeofungia sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 620, 621. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. ARCHAEOPHARETRA Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Archaeopharetra typica Bedford and Bedford, 1936 1958. Archaeopharetra typica Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Washington. 1959. Archaeopharetra typica Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 68, pi. 11, figs. 2-5. Lower Cambrian : about 1 mile north of Colville, Washing- ton and Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: CL2d-l, C018a-1, CL3b-2, CL2b-l, from Paleontology Collection, University of British Colum- bia, Vancouver [and 14319 and 14325, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa], Canada. Archaeopharetra sp. 1953. Archaeopharetra sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Archaeopharetra sp. Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 293, pi. 28, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimen: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 153 1955. Archaeopharetra sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 57. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12372, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Archaeopharetra sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. ARCHAEOSYCON Taylor, 1910 Archaeosycon billingsi (Walcott) 1886. Archoeocyathus Billingsi Walcott, U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 30, pp. 29, 45, 51, 73, 74, pi. 3, figs. 3, 3a-c. Middle Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus billingsi Lesley, A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania, 1 , pp. 30- 31, figs. 3, 3a on p. 30. Cambrian: [Lesley's Braintree Formation]. 1889. Coscinocyathus Billingsi Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889. Coscinocyathus Billingsi Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 45, p. 135. Lower Cambrian : L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus billingsi Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, p. 154. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller], 1889 [1890]. Coscinocyathus billingsi Walcott, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12, p. 34. Middle Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Type: 15302, National Museum, Washington, D. C, 154 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1890. Coscinocyathus billingsi Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., Geol. Survey, p. 600, pi. 51, figs. 2, 2a -b. Types: 15302, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Archaeocyathus billingsi Ulrich, 111. Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Archaeocyathus Billiyigsi Bornemann, Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop. — Carol. Deutschen Akad. der Naturforscher, Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 495-499. 1895. Archaeocyathus Billingsi Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1910. Archoeosycon Billingsi Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, pp. 64, 111. Cambrian: North America. 1935. Archaeosycon billingsi Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 100. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1937. Archaeocyathus billingsi Ting, Neus. Jahrb. Mineral., 78, p. 330. 1939. Dictyocyathus (Archaeosycon) billingsi Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, p. 45. 1939. Archaeocyathus billingsi Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, p. 45. 1939. Archaeosycon billingsi Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, p. 22. 1943. Archaeosycon billingsi Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 81-82, pi. 14, figs. 2-4. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 15302, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1955. Archaeosycon billingsi Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E, Archaeocyatha, pp. E16-E17, figs. 12, 7. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 155 Lower Cambrian: North America. 1960. Archaeosycon billingsi Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, pp. 309, 311. Lower Cambrian : North America. 1962. Archaeosycon billingsi Vologdin, Osnovy paleontologii, p. 134, pi. 7, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1965. Archaeosycon billingsi Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 130, figs. 24.1a, b. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 15302, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Archaeosycon evansi Okulitch, 1948 1948. Archaeosycon evansi Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 347, pi. 54, fig. 9; pi. 55, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dog- tooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: la, Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Archaeosycon evansi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 619. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Archaeosycon vesiculosum Okulitch, 1943 1943. Archaeosycon vesiculosum Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 82-83, pi. 15, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Point Amour, Lab- rador, Canada. Holotype: 17046, Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Two thin sections of holotype: 25640 (65 A, B), Royal On- tario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 1960. Archaeosycon vesiculosum Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, pp. 309, 311. Lower Cambrian: North America. 156 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Archaeosycon sp. 1955. Archaeosycon sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 49. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. 1958. Archaeosycon sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Archaeosycon sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 71, pi. 11, fig. 10. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimen: CLla-2, Paleontology Collection, Uni- versity of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Archeocyathus Atlanticus Billings, 1861 See: Archaeocyathus atlanticus, Billings, 1861 Archeocyathus gracilis Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Archeocyathus profundus Billings, 1865 See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Archeocyathus rensselaericus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 Archeocyathus Whitneyi Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Archeocyathus sp. See: Archaeocyathus sp. Archoeocyathusl pavonoides (Matthew) See: Mattheivcyathus pavonoides (Matthew) Archoeocyathus profundus Billings, 1865 See: Pycnoidocyathus loupensis (Okulitch) NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 157 Archoeocyathus rensseloericus (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 Atikokania irregularis Walcott, 1912 See: Incertae sedis Atikokania lawsoni Walcott, 1912 See: Incertae sedis Cambrocyathus amourensis Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus amourensis (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) See: Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) Cambrocyathus columbianus Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus columbianus (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus dissepimentalis Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus dissepimentalis (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus donaldi Okulitch, 1948 See: Pycnoidocyathus donaldi (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus cf . donaldi Okulitch, 1948 See: Pycnoidocyathus cf. donaldi (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus loupensis Okulitch, 1940 See: Pycnoidocyathus loupensis (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus occidentalis Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus cf . C. occidentalis Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus cf. occidentalis (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus orthocornicus Okulitch, 1943 See: Pycnoidocyathus orthocornicus (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus profundus (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) 158 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Cambrocyathus septimus Okulitch, 1948 See: Pycnoidocyathus septimus (Okulitch) Cambrocyathus sp. See: Pycnoidocyathus sp. CARINACYATHUS Vologdin, 1932 Carinacyathus perforatus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Carinacyathus perforatus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , no. 5, p. 922, pi. Ill, figs. 1-5. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 13336, other specimens 13337, 13338, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Carinacyathus perforatus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. CLARUSCYATHUS Vologdin, 1932 Claruscyathus ketzaensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Claruscyathus ketzaensis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , pp. 928-929, pi. 113, figs. 13-16. Lower Cambrian: Pelly Mountains, Quiet Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: AP-2; other specimens: AP-1, 3, 4, 81, 811, 8, 10 and 11, Department of Geology, University of British Co- lumbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Claruscyathus ketzaensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian: Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Claruscyathus obliquus (Okulitch) 1948. Eucyathus obliquus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, pp. 347-348, pi. 55, figs. 4, 5. Lower Cambrian : Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dogtooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 159 Holotype: 13 in Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1950. Eucyathus cf. obliquus Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Claruscyathus obliquus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Claruscyathus solidus Vologdin, 1937 1958. Claruscyathus solidus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Washington. 1959. Claruscyathus solidus Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 71-72, pi. 11, figs. 6, 8, 9, 11, 12. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Wash- ington. Referred specimens: CL llb-3, CL 10b-4, CL 9b-6, CL 9b-9, CL 2d-7, Paleontological Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia (and 14323, Geo- logical Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada). COPLEICYATHUS Bedford and Bedford, 1937 Copleicyathus laminosis Okulitch, 1948 See: Copleicyathus laminosus Okulitch, 1948 Copleicyathus laminosus Okulitch, 1948 1948. Copleicyathus laminosus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 345, pi. 55, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian : Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dogtooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 14, Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 160 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1950. Copleicyathus laminosis Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Copleicyathust laminosus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. COSCINOCYATHUS Bornemann, 1884 Coscinocyathus billingsi (Walcott) See: Archaeosycon billingsi (Walcott) Coscinocyathus cassiarensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 See: Coscinocyathus cassiariensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus cassiariensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus cassiariensis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 917-918, pi. 109, figs. 10-13. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake Area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 13330; other specimens: 13331, 13332, Geologi- cal Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus cassiarensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch, 1943 1943. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 67-68, pi. 4, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, Canyon Creek near Golden, British Columbia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 161 Holotype: 108101, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Other specimens: 9516, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1948. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, no. 3, pp. 342-343, pi. 53, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Mountain, Canyon Creek, near Golden, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 9516, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1955. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 51-53, pi. 3, figs. 5-7. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12359, 12367, 12368 in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1957. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 916-917, pi. 109, figs. 4-6. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimens: 13327, 13328 and collections nos. 24040 and 24041, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619, 620, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. 162 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1960. Coscinocyathus dentocanis Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 253. Lower Cambrian: North America. Coscinocyathus inequivallus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus inequivallus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , pp. 918-920, pi. 110, figs. 1-6. Lower Cambrian: Pelly Mountains, Quiet Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: AP-14; other specimens: AP-13, 15, 16, 19, and 21, Department of Geology, University of British Colum- bia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus inequivallus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian : Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus cf. miniporosus Bedford and Bedford, 1937 1950. Coscinocyathus cf. miniporosus Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus cf. miniporosus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 618. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Coscinocyathus multiporosus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 See: Coscinocyathus multiporus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus multiporus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus multiporus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , no. 5, p. 917, pi. 109, figs. 7-9. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 163 Holotype: 13329, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus multiporosus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus rhyacoensis Okulitch, 1948 1948. Coscinocyathus rhyacoensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 343, pi. 53, figs. 7, 8. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dog- tooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 7, Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus rhyacoensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 619. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Coscinocyathus serratus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus serratus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, p. 920, pi. 110, figs. 7, 9. Lower Cambrian: Pelly Mountains, Quiet Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: AP-17, Department of Geology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus serratus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian : Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus tubicornis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 See: Coscinocyathus tubicornus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 Coscinocyathus tubicornus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus tubicornus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , no. 5, p. 921, pi. 110, figs. 10, 11. Lower Cambrian : 1 mile due NE of northeast end Crescent Lake, lat. 60°12'30", long. 131°11'30", Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. 164 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Holotype: 13334; other specimen 24036, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus tubicornis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus veronicus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Coscinocyathus veronicus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 920-921, pi. 110, fig. 8. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 13333; other specimens: collection nos. 24040 and 24041, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus veronicus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Coscinocyathus sp. 1895. Coscinocyathus sp. Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 49, p. 143. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1902. Coscinocyathus sp. Freeh, Lethaea palaeozoica, p. 683. Cambrian: California and Nevada. 1912. Coscinocyathus sp. Willis, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 71, p. 100. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone at Silver Peak, in western Nevada. 1943. Coscinoyathus sp. Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Special Papers, 48, p. 67, pi. 4, figs. 5-7. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Shady Formation, Georgia and Virginia. Referred specimens: 108125, 108107, U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C, and 9517, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 165 1947. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, 41, ser. 3, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, p. 41, pi. 1, fig. 11. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12764 in the collection of the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1948. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, no. 3, p. 343, pi. 53, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Figured specimen: 9517, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Coscinocyathus sp. Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1952. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, p. 31, pi. 9, figs. 1A, 2. Lower Cambrian: upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111820, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1954. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, p. 60, pi. 11, figs. 1A, 2. Lower Cambrian: upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111820, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1955. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 53. 166 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. 1956. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress Mexico, geologia y paleont. region Caborca nor-pon. Sonora, pt. 1, p. 60, pi. 11, figs. 1A, 2. Lower Cambrian: upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111820, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1957. Coscinocyathus sp. Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 921-922, pi. 110, fig. 12. Lower Cambrian : 1 mile due NE of northeast end of Cres- cent Lake, lat. 60°12'30", long. 131°11'30", Wolf Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 13335, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Coscinocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619, 620, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1960. Coscinocyathus Clark and Stearn, The Geological Evolution of North America, fig. 15-10. Coscinoptycha sp. See: Coscinoptycta Broili, 1915 NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 167 COSCINOPTYCTA Broili, 1915 Coscinoptycta sp. 1956. Coscinoptycha sp. Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, El Sistema Cambrico, p. 725. Lower Cambrian : Yukon River, Alaska. Cyathophyllum sp. See: Archaeocyathus sp. DENDROCYATHUS Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Dendrocyathus inexpectans Okulitch and Roots, 1947 See: Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch and Roots, 1947 Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch and Roots, 1947 1947. Dendrocyathus inexpectans Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, 41, ser. 3, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, pp. 44-45, pi. 1, figs. 10, 13. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 12769 in the collection of Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1955. Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Pt. E, Archaeocyatha, p. E16, fig. 11, 1. Lower Cambrian: British Columbia, Canada. 1958. Dendrocyathus unexpectans Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 168 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Dendrocyathus sp. 1958. Dendrocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo, 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash. 1959. Dendrocyathus sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 71. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Dictyocyathus (Archaeosycon) billingsi (Walcott) See: Archaeosycon billingsi (Walcott) Erimophyllum profundum (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) ETHMOCOSCINUS Simon, 1939 ^Ethmocoscinus sp. 1957. Ethmocoscinus (?) sp. Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, p. 916, pi. 109, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Pelly Mountains, Quiet Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimen: AP7, Department of Geology, Univer- sity of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Ethmocoscinus (?) sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian : Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. ETHMOPHYLLUM Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch, 1952 1950. Ethmophyllum americanum Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1952. Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, pp. 30-31, pi. 7, figs. 3, 4. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 169 Lower Cambrian : West end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico. Holotype: 111816, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1954. Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, pp. 59- 60, pi. 9, figs. 3, 4. Lower Cambrian : West end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico. Holotype: 111816, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1956. Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico Geol. paleont., region Caborca norponiente Sonora, pt. 1, pp. 59-60, pi. 9, figs. 3, 4. Lower Cambrian: West end of the Proveedora Hills, So- nora, Mexico. Holotype: 111816, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1958. Ethmophyllum americanum Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Ethmophyllum americanum Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 66, pi. 13, fig. 11; pi. 14, figs. 5, 12. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Washing- ton, and Laib Group, south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: CL 20e-9, SC-7, in the Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (and 14316, 14322 in Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada). Ethmophyllum cf. americanum Okulitch, 1952 1959. Ethmophyllum sp. cf. E. americanum Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 66, pi. 14, figs. 9, 12. 170 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: SC-12; SK-3 in the Paleontology Col- lection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (and 14316 in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada) . Ethmophyllum ceratodictoides Raymond, 1931 See: Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) Ethmophyllum ceratodictyoides Raymond, 1931 See: Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) Ethmophyllum cooperi Okulitch, 1952 1952. Ethmophyllum cooperi Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, pp. 29-30, pi. 7, figs. 1, 2; pi. 9, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: pleospongian reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Holotype: 111814; other specimen 111814a, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1954. Ethmophyllum cooperi Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico, Bull. 58, pp. 58- 59, pi. 9, figs. 1, 2; pi. 11, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Holotype: 111814; other specimen 111814a in U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1956. Ethmophyllum cooperi Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico, Geol. paleont., region de Caborca norponiente de Sonora, pt. 1, pp. 58-59, pi. 9, figs. 1, 2; pi. 11, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: archaeocyathid reef, west of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Holotype: 111814; other specimen 111814a in U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. See also: Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum gracile Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 171 Ethmophyllum gracilis Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum labradorensis Okulitch, 1935 See: Metethmophyllum labradorensis (Okulitch) Ethmophyllum lineatus Greggs, 1959 1958. Ethmophyllum lineatus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 618. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Ethmophyllum lineatus Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 66-67, pi. 14, figs. 2^4. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: SB-14, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, and 14315, Geolog- ical Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Other specimens: SC-9 and SE-1, University of British Co- lumbia, Vancouver, and 14316, Geological Survey of Can- ada, Ottawa, Canada. Ethmophyllum meeki Walcott, 1891 See: Metethmophyllum meeki (Walcott) Ethmophyllum profundum (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Ethmophyllum profundus (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Ethmophyllum rarum (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Ethmophyllum cf . ratam Vologdin, 1940 See: Ethmophyllum cf. ratum Vologdin, 1940 Ethmophyllum cf. ratum Vologdin, 1940 1955. Ethmophyllum cf. ratum Okulitch, Trans. Royal Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 50, pi. 3, figs. 8, 9. 172 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12370, 12371, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Ethmophyllum cf. ratam Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Ethmophyllum rensselaericum (Ford) See: Archaeocyathellus rensselaericus Ford, 1873 Ethmophyllum whitneii Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 1868. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Meek, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 45, pp. 62-64. Cambrian : [Silurian of Meek] at Silver Peak, Nevada. 1868. Ethmophyllum gracile Meek, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 45, p. 64. Cambrian: [Silurian of Meek] at Silver Peak, Nevada. 1868 [1869]. Archeocyathus Whitneyi Meek, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 46, no. 136, p. 144. Cambrian : [Silurian of Meek] at Silver Peak, Nevada. 1868 [1869]. Archeocyathus gracilis Meek, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, 46, no. 136, p. 144. Cambrian : [Silurian of Meek] at Silver Peak, Nevada. 1877. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Miller, The American palaeozoic fossils, p. 53. Cambrian: [Upper Silurian of Miller]. 1877. Ethmophyllum gracile Miller, The American palaeozoic fossils, p. 53. Cambrian: [Upper Silurian of Miller]. 1886. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 30, pp. 81-84, pi. 4, figs. 1, la-h. Middle Cambrian: Silver Peak, Western Nevada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 173 Remarks: Okulitch, 1943, p. 66, states that only pi. 4, figs. 1, lb and lc are E. whitneyi; figs, lh, Id and le are E. meeki; and la, If and lg are of another genus and species. 1887. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 34, no. 200, art. 18, pp. 145- 146. 1888. Archoeocyathus Whitneyi Hinde, Geol. Mag., ser. 3, 5, p. 228. 1889. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Nicholson and Lydekker. A manual of palaeontology, 3rd ed., pp. 183-184. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1889. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 45, pp. 133-134, pi. 5, fig. 7. Cambrian: Nevada. 1889. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, p. 160. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller]. 1890. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 601, pi. 55, figs. 1, lb and lc. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Western Nevada. Types: 15307, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Ulrich, 111. Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, pp. 165, 169, 319. Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1891. Archaeocyathus Whitneyi Bornemann, Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Acad, der Naturforscher. Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 495-499. 1895. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 10. 174 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1895. Ethmophyllum gracilis Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 10. 1895. Archaeocyathus gracilis Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1895. Ethmophyllum whitneii Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 49, p. 143. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1902. Ethmophyllum Whitney i Freeh, Lethaea palaeozoica, p. 683. Cambrian: California and Nevada. 1906. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Spurr, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 55, p. 17. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak Quadrangle, Nevada. 1908. Ethmophyllum gracile Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 53, no. 5, p. 187. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak, Esmeralda County, Nevada. 1910. Ethmophyllum Whitneyi Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, pp. 64, 61, figs. 26 (6), 26 (9) and 26 (10). Cambrian: Nevada. 1912. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Willis, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 71, pp. 99, 100, 101. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone at Silver Peak, in Western Nevada. 1918. Ethmophyllum gracile Kirk, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 110, pp. 30, 31. Lower Cambrian: Inyo Range, California. 1935. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 100, pi. 2, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1935. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 106, pi. 2, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1937. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Ting, Neus. Jahrb. Mineral., 78, p. 365, text-fig. 8d. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 175 1937. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Vologdin, Problems of paleontology, pp. 453, 481. Cambrian: Nevada. 1937. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Proc. Geol. Soc. Am., p. 358. 1939. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Simon, Abhandl. Senck., nat. Ges., 448, p. 29. 1939. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 6, p. 71. 1943. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, pp. 65-67, pi. 3, figs. 15a -c; pi. 4, figs. 1, 3, 4, 8. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak district, Nevada. Referred specimens: 15307, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1944. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Shimer and Shrock, Index fossils of North America, p. 57, pi. 17, fig. 19. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1950. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1952. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Moore et al., Invertebrate fossils, figs. 3-11 (3a) and (3b). Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1952. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, pp. 28-29, pi. 8, figs. 3-5. Lower Cambrian: west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico; and Silver Peak district, Nevada. Referred specimens: 111818 a-c, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1953. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 176 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1954. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico Bull. 58, pp. 57- 58, pi. 10, figs. 3-5. Lower Cambrian : west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico; and Silver Peak district, Nevada. Referred specimens: 111818 a-c, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1954. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 294. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimens: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1955. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, pt. E Archaeocyatha, p. E12, figs. 9, 2 and 4A. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1956. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress Mexico, geol. paleont. region Caborca norponiente Sonora, pt. 1, pp. 57-58, pi. 10, figs. 3-5. Lower Cambrian : west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico; and Silver Peak district, Nevada. Referred specimens: 111818 a-c, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1958. Ethmophyllum ivhitneyi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 620. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Lower Cambrian : Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. 1958. Ethymophyllum whitneyi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 618. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 66, pi. 13, figs. 7, 8; pi. 14, figs. 7, 10. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Washing- ton; and Laib Group at the South Fork of the Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 177 Referred specimens: CL-10b-6, CL-5a-2, SK-1, SA-10, Pale- ontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Van- cover, Canada (and 14323 in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada). 1960. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Easton, Invertebrate paleontology, p. 119, fig. 3.9 (8). Lower Cambrian: U.S.A. 1960. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 163. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1962. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Vologdin, Osnovy paleontologii, pp. 121-122. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1963. Ethmophyllum whitneyi McKee, Jour. Paleo., 37, pp. 287-293, text-figs. 1-4. Lower Cambrian: 150 feet above the base of the Poleta Formation, Last Chance Range, California. 1963. Ethmophyllum cooper i McKee, Jour. Paleo., 37, pp. 287-293, text-figs. 1-4. Lower Cambrian: 150 feet above the base of Poleta Forma- tion, Last Chance Range, California. 1963. Ajacicyathus nevadensis McKee, Jour. Paleo., 37, pp. 287-293, text-figs. 1-4. Lower Cambrian: 150 feet above the base of the Poleta Formation, Last Chance Range, California. 1965. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958. Sci. Rept. no. 10, pp. 72-73, text-figs. 16.1a-c; pi. 4, figs. la-d. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Type specimens: 15307 in U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. See also: Incertae sedis Ethmophyllum cf. whitneyi Meek, 1868 1910. Ethmophyllum cf. ivhitneyi Walcott, Outlines of geologic history, pp. 31, 32. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 178 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Ethmophyllum sp. 1932. Ethmophyllum sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 836-E, pp. 398, 401. Lower Cambrian: Tatonduk -Nation district, east central, Alaska. 1935. Ethmophyllum Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 106, pi. 1, fig. 1. 1937. Ethmophyllum sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 872, p. 79. Middle Cambrian : north of Yukon River, near international boundary, Alaska. 1950. Ethmophyllum sp. Little, Canada Geol. Surv., Paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1955. Ethmophyllum sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 48. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. 1956. Ethmophyllum sp. Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, El Sistema, Cambrico, p. 725. Lower Cambrian: Yukon River, Alaska. 1958. Ethmophyllum sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. See also : Incertae sedis Ethymophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 See: Ethmophyllum whitneyi Meek, 1868 Eucyathus obliquus Okulitch, 1948 See: Claruscyathus obliquus (Okulitch) NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 179 EXOCYATHUS Bedford and Bedford, 1937 Exocyathus canadensis Okulitch, 1943 1943. Exocyathus canadensis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 83-84, pi. 14, fig. 5; pi. 16, fig. 1; pi. 17, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Point Amour and Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Cotypes: 17048 and 17049, Peabody Museum, Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Connecticut, and 25639, 25643 and 25645, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 1946. Exocyathus canadensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 20, pp. 275-276, pi. 41, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian : Point Amour, Labrador, Canada. Referred specimen: 25643, Peabody Museum, Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Connecticut. Thin section, 67, Royal Ontario Museum of Paleontology, Toronto, Canada. Exocyathus regularis Okulitch, 1943 1943. Exocyathus regularis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 84, pi. 15, figs. 3, 4. Lower Cambrian : Point Amour, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 17047, Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Referred specimens: 25641, Royal Ontario Museum, To- ronto, Canada. Haguia sphaerica Walcott, 1899 See: Incertae sedis LOCULICYATHUS Vologdin, 1931 Loculicyathus ellipticus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Loculicyathus ellipticus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 926-927, pi. 113, figs. 1-6. Lower Cambrian : 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21\ Wolf Lake Area, Yukon, Canada. 180 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Holotype: 13347, other specimens : 13348, 13349, Geol. Sur- vey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Loculiformis ellipticus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Loculiformis ellipticus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 See: Loculicyathus ellipticus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 MATTHEWCYATHUS Okulitch, 1940 Matthewcyathus pavonoides (Matthew) 1886. Archeocyathust pavonoides Matthew, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 3, sec. 4, pp. 29-30, pi. 5, figs. la-d. St. John Group; in greyish-grey shale of Div. lc, Hanford Brook, St. Martin's, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathust pavonoides Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 38, p. 35. 1890. Archaeocyathust pavonoides Ulrich, 111. Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Archoeocyathust pavonoides Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 81, p. 83. Cambrian: St. John Group, New Brunswick, Canada. 1892. Archaeocyathus(t) pavonoides Matthew, Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull., no. 10, p. V. Cambrian: St. John Group, division C, near St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. 1895. Archaeocyathus pavonoides Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, p. 7. 1940. Matthewcyathus povanoides Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34 (abstr.), p. 159. 1940. Matthewcyathus pavonoides Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, sec. 4, pp. 83-86, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 181 Middle Cambrian: division lc at Hanford Brook, New Brunswick, Canada. Holotype: 242, in Royal Ontario Museum of Paleontology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 1943. Matthewcyathus pavonoides Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 85-86, pi. 14, fig. 6; pi. 15, fig. 5. Middle Cambrian: division lc, Hanford Brook, St. Martin's, New Brunswick, Canada. Referred specimen: 7872, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 1960. Matthewcyathus povanoides Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty, Sibirskoi platformy, p. 303. 1965. Matthewcyathus pavonoides Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 141. Middle Cambrian: from division lc, Hanford Brook, St. Martin's, New Brunswick, Canada. Holotype: 7872, Royal Ontario Museum of Paleontology, Toronto, Canada. Matthewcyathus povanoides (Matthew) See: Matthewcyathus pavonoides (Matthew) METACOSCINUS Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Metacoscinus deasensis Okulitch, 1955 1955. Metacoscinus deasensis Okulitch, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group; McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. 1955. Metacoscinus deasensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 62-63, pi. 1, figs. 3, 4. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Holotype: 12358, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 182 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1958. Metacoscinus deasensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Metacoscinus gabrielensis Okulitch, 1955 See: Metacoscinus gabrielsensis Okulitch, 1955 Metacoscinus gabrielsensis Okulitch, 1955 1955. Metacoscinus gabrielsensis Okulitch, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. 1955. Metacoscinus gabrielsensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 61-62, pi. 1, figs. 1, 2, 5. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Holotype: 12357, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Metacoscinus gabrielensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Metacoscinus poolensis Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Metacoscinus poolensis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 927-928, pi. 113, figs. 7-11. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake Area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 13350, other specimens 13351, 13352, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Metacoscinus poolensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 183 Metacoscinus sp. 1957. Metacoscinus sp. Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, p. 928, pi. 113, fig. 12. Lower Cambrian: Pelly Mountains, Quiet Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimen : AP-6, Department of Geology, Univer- sity of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Metacoscinus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian : Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. METETHMOPHYLLUM Okulitch, 1943 Metethmophyllum labradorensis (Okulitch) 1935. Ethmophyllum labradorensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, pp. 102-103, pi. 2, fig. 7. Lower Cambrian : Point Amour and Loup Bay, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 9329, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1943. Metethmophyllum labradorensis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 80, pi. 13, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Point Amour and Loup Bay, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 9329, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1960. Ethmophyllum labradorensis Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 164. Lower Cambrian: North America. Metethmophyllum meeki (Walcott) 1886. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, pp. 81-84, pi. 4, figs. lh, Id and le. Middle Cambrian : Silver Peak, Western Nevada. 1889. Ethmophyllum Meeki Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 184 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1889 [1890]. Ethmophyllum meeki Walcott, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12, p. 34. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone, Silver Peak, Nevada. Type: 18358, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Ethmophyllum meeki Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 601-602, pi. 55, figs. 2, 2a-c. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 18358, National Museum, Washington, D. C. Remarks: Okulitch, 1943, p. 79, states that only fig. 2 can be regarded unequivocally as E. meeki. 1895. Ethmophyllum Meeki Head, Palaezoic sponges of North America, p. 10. 1912. Ethmophyllum meeki Willis, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 71, p. 99. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone at Silver Peak, in western Nevada. 1943. Metethmophyllum meeki Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 79, pi. 13, figs. 2, 3. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Cotypes: 18358, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1955. Metethmophyllum meeki Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part E, Archaeocyatha, p. E16, figs. 12, 5. Lower Cambrian : North America 1960. Ethmophyllum meeki Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 164. Lower Cambrian: North America 1962. Metethmophyllum meeki Vologdin, Osnovy paleontologii, p. 122. Cambrian: Nevada 1964. Metethmophyllum meeki Hill, Trans. Roy. Soc, New Zealand (Geol.), 2, no. 9, p. 145. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 185 1965. Metethmophyllum meeki Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 121, fig. 22.18. Lower Cambrian: Nevada Cotypes: 18358 (originally 15307), U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Metethmophyllum resseri Okulitch, 1943 1938. Archaeocyathus sp. Resser, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 15, pp. 36-37, pi. 2, fig. 28. Lower Cambrian: Shady; near Quebec; five miles southeast of Marion, Virginia. Referred specimen : 94736, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1943. Metethmophyllum resseri Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 80, pi. 14, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Shady; near Quebec; five miles southeast of Marion, Virginia. Holotype: 94736, National Museum, Washington, D. C. MONOCYATHUS Bedford and Bedford, 1934 Monocyathus sp. 1958. Monocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. 1959. Monocyathus sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pi. 11, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimen: CLlld-22, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (and 14320, Geol. Survey Canada, Ottawa), Canada. 1960. Monocyathus sp. Easton, Invertebrate Paleontology, p. 119, fig. 3.9 (6). 186 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 NEVADACYATHUS Okulitch, 1943 Nevadacyathus septaporus (Okulitch) 1935. Archaeocyathus septaporus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, pp. 101-102, pi. 1, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian: at Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9326, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1939. Archaeocyathellus (Protocyathus) septapora Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, p. 19, pi. 1, fig. 12. 1943. Nevadacyathus septaporus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 59-60, text- fig. 19. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9326, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1955. Nevadacyathus septaporus Okulitch, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, pt. E, Archaeocyatha, p. E10, fig. 8.10. Lower Cambrian: Nevada 1960. Nevadacyathus septaporus Easton, Invertebrate Paleontology, p. 119, fig. 3.9 (4). Lower Cambrian: U.S.A. 1962. Nevadacyathus septaporus Vologdin, Osnovy paleontologii, p. 119, fig. 64. Lower Cambrian: North America 1965. Nevadacyathus septaporus Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 65, text-fig. 14.14. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9326, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Nevadacyathus sp. 1953. Nevadacyathus sp. Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleon- tology, fig. 3-11 A. Lower Cambrian: Nevada NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 187 1960. Nevadacyathus Clark and Steam, The Geological Evolution of North Amer- ica, fig. A-6. PARACOSCINUS Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Paracoscinus sp. 1950. Paracoscinus sp. Little, Geol. Surv. Canada, paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Paracoscinus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 618. Cambrian: Lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Protocyathus rarum Ford, 1878 See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) Protocyathus rarus Ford, 1878 See: Archaeocyathellus rarus (Ford) PROTOPHARETRA Bornemann, 1884 Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch, 1943 1943. Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 71-72, pi. 6, fig. 5; pi. 9, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian : Forteau Formation of Point Amour and Taylor's Gulch, near Forteau Village, Labrador, Canada. Cotypes: 17043, Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, and 25642, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 1953. Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 295. 188 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimens: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1958. Protopharetra dunbari Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Protopharetra dunbari Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 69, pi. 12, figs. 4-5; pi. 14, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada; and Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimens: CL7b-8, CLlla-6, SC-6, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (and 14316, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa), Canada. 1960. Protopharetra dunbari Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 295. Lower Cambrian Protopharetra raymondi Okulitch, 1935 1935. Protopharetra raymondia Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 103, pi. 2, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9328, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1943. Protopharetra raymondi Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 71, pi. 4, fig. 8; pi. 6, figs. 3, 4. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9328, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1953. Protopharetra raymondi Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleon- tology, fig. 3-11F. Lower Cambrian: Nevada. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 189 1960. Protopharetra raymondi Easton, Invertebrate paleontology, p. 119, fig. 3.9 (7). Lower Cambrian: U.S.A. 1960. Protopharetra raymondi Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 295. Lower Cambrian Protopharetra raymondia Okulitch, 1935 See: Protopharetra raymondi Okulitch, 1935 Protopharetra rootsi Okulitch and Roots, 1947 1947. Protopharetra rootsi Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Protopharetra rootsi Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, pp. 42-43, pi. 1, fig. 7. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: Collection of Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Protopharetra rootsi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Protopharetra sp. 1889. Protopharetra sp.? Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. 1889 [1890]. Protopharetra sp.? Walcott, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12, p. 33. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Referred specimen: 15303, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Protopharetra sp.? Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., Geol. Surv., p. 599, pi. 51, figs. 1, la. 190 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Type: 15303, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1895. Protopharetra sp. Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 49, p. 143. Lower Cambrian : Inyo County, California. 1902. Protopharetra sp. Freeh, Lethaea palaeozoica, p. 683. Cambrian : California and Nevada. 1910. Protopharetra sp. Walcott, Outlines of geologic history, pp. 31, 32. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1912. Protopharetra sp. Willis, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 71, pp. 100, 101. Lower Cambrian : Olenellus zone at Silver Peak in Western Nevada. 1934. Protopharetra sp. Schuchert and Dunbar, Geol. Soc. Am., Mem. 1, p. 19. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Forteau Bay, Lab- rador, Canada. 1935. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 106, pi. 2, fig. 5. Lower Cambrian. 1943. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 10, 70-71, pi. 6, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak, Nevada and Forteau Forma- tion of Point Amour and Taylor's Gulch, near Forteau Vil- lage, Labrador, Canada. 1947. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch and Roots, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, app. C, p. 192. Lower Cambrian: Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. 1947. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, p. 43, pi. 1, fig. 8. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 191 Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12767 in the Collection of Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Protopharetra sp. Little, Geol. Surv. Canada, paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1952. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, p. 33, pi. 9, fig. IB. Cambrian : upper part of Buelna Formation, Difuntos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111822, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1953. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1954. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma Mexico Inst. Geol., Bull. 58, p. 62, pi. 11, fig. IB. Lower Cambrian : upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111822, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1954. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, pp. 293, 295, 296. Lower Cambrian : Inyo County, California. Referred specimen : Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1956. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress Mexico, Geol. paleont. region Caborca, norpon. Sonora, pt. 1, p. 62, pi. 11, fig. IB. Lower Cambrian : upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111822, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 192 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1958. Protopharetra sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618, 620. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Protopharetra sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 69, pi. 12, figs. 1-3. Lower Cambrian : about 1 mile north of Colville, Washing- ton, and Salmo area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: CL20b-3, CL8a-4 and CL4b-2. Paleon- tology Collection, University of British Columbia, Van- couver (and 14324 in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa), Canada. PYCNOIDOCOSCINUS Bedford and Bedford, 1936 Pycnoidocoscinus rectiporus Okulitch, 1948 1948. Pycnoidocoscinus rectiporus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, pp. 348-349, pi. 55, figs. 2, 3. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, south side of Holt Creek, Dogtooth Range, near Golden, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 6 in Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocoscinus rectiporus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 619. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. PYCNOIDOCYATHUS Taylor, 1910 Pycnoidocyathus amourensis (Okulitch) 1943. Cambrocyathus amourensis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 76, pi. 9, fig. 3; pi. 10, fig. 3; pi. 11, figs. 1-3; pi. 18, fig. lb. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 193 Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Point Amour and Taylor's Gulch, Labrador, Canada. Cotypes: 17041 and 17042, Peabody Museum, Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Connecticut, and 25638, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 1946. Cambrocyathus amourensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 40, sec. 4, pp. 74, 85, pi. 1, figs. A, B; pi. 2, pi. 3, pi. 6, figs. 4, 6, 7. Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1946. Cambrocyathus amourensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 20, pp. 275-276, pi. 41, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian : Point Amour, Labrador, Canada. Referred specimen: 25643, Peabody Museum, Yale Uni- versity, New Haven, Connecticut. Thin section 67, Royal Ontario Museum of Paleontology, Toronto, Canada. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus amourensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. 1950. Cambrocyathus amourensis Little, Canada Geol. Survey, paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1955. Pycnoidocyathus amourensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 58, pi. 2, fig. 8. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12366, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1957. Pycnoidocyathus amourensis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, no. 5, pp. 923-924, pi. 112, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: 1 mile due NE of northeast end of Cres- cent Lake, lat. 60°12'30", long. 131°11'30", Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimen: 13341, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus amourensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618, 621. 194 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1959. Pycnoidocyathus amour ensis Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 70, pi. 13, figs. 9, 10. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington; and at Salmo River at the base of Laib Group, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimens: CLlle-6 and CLllb-1, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus (Archaeocyathus) profundus (Billings) See: Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) Pycnoidocyathus (Cambrocyathus) sp. See: Pycnoidocyathus sp. Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides (Raymond) 1931. Ethmophyllum ceratodictyoides Raymond, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 55, no. 6, pp. 176-177; pi. 2, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9298 in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1935. Ethmophyllum ceratodictyoides Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 100. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1943. Cambrocyathus ceratodictyoides Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 74-75, pi. 9, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian : Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9298, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus ceratodictyoides Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 195 1960. Ethmophyllum ceratodictyoides Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 164. Lower Cambrian: North America. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus (Okulitch) 1943. Cambrocyathus columbianus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 78, pi. 12, v fig. 3; pi. 13, fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Canadian Rocky Mountains; Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, Canyon Creek, near Golden, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 108104; paratype: 108105, U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. Other specimens: 9518, 9519, with Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1948. Cambrocyathus columbianus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 346, pi. 54, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Canyon Creek, near Golden, British Columbia, Canada. Cotypes: 9518 and 9519, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. 1950. Cambrocyathus columbianus Little, Canada Geol. Surv., paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian: Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1955. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 58-59, pi. 2, figs. 4-6. Lower Cambrian : Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12362, 12369, in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1957. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , p. 924, pi. 112, fig. 2. Cambrian : Wolf Lake area, Yukon Territory, Canada. Referred specimens: AP-22 and 23, Department of Geology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 196 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1958. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618, 619, 621, 622. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1959. Pycnoidocyathus columbianus Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 69-70, pi. 12, fig. 12. Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimens: CLlla-11. Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus cf. columbianus (Okulitch) 1959. Pycnoidocyathus sp. cf. P. columbianus Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 69-70, pi. 13, figs. 12, 14. Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimens: CL12a-2, CLllc-7, Paleontology Col- lection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus dissepimentalis (Okulitch) 1943. Cambrocyathus dissepimentalis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, pp. 77-78, pi. 11, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian : Forteau Formation, Anse au Loup, Lab- rador, Canada. Holotvpe: 108103, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus dissepimentalis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. Pycnoidocyathus cf . dissepimentalis (Okulitch) 1957. Pycnoidocyathus cf. P. dissepimentalis Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , p. 925, pi. 112, fig. 7. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 197 Cambrian: Wolf Lake area, Yukon Territory, Canada. Referred specimens : AP-23 and 24, Department of Geology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus cf . dissepimentalis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 622. Lower Cambrian: Quiet Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus donaldi (Okulitch) 1948. Cambrocyathus donaldi Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, pp. 345-346, pi. 54, figs. 3-5. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dog- tooth Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Cotypes: 2 and 4, Okulitch Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus donaldi Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus donaldi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 619. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus cf. donaldi (Okulitch) 1950. Cambrocyathus cf . donaldi Little, Canada Geol. Surv., paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus cf. donaldi Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 620. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus loupensis (Okulitch) 1889. Archoeocyathus profundus Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, London, 45, pp. 131-133, pi. 5, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada, 198 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Type specimen: 366 in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1940. Cambrocyathus loupensis Okulitch, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3 (abst.), 34, p. 159. Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. 1940. Cambrocyathus loupensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, sec. 4, pp. 82-83, pi. 1, fig. 4. Lower Cambrian : L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 366, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1943. Cambrocyathus loupensis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 74, pi. 8, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 366, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus loupensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis (Okulitch) 1943. Cambrocyathus occidentalis Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 75-76, pi. 10, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. Holotype: 9358, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, p. 394. 1952. Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis Moore et al., Invertebrate fossils, fig. 3-11(4). Lower Cambrian: Nevada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus occidentalis ..;•. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. r/ Lower Cambrian : Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 1960. Cambrocyathus occidentalis Easton, Invertebrate fossils, p. 119, fig. 3.9(9). Lower Cambrian: U.S.A. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 199 Pycnoidocyathus cf. occidentalis (Okulitch) 1952. Cambrocyathus cf. C. occidentalis Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, p. 33, pi. 9, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111821, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1954. Cambrocyathus cf. C. occidentalis Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma Mexico Bull. no. 58, p. 63, pi. 11, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111821, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1956. Cambrocyathus cf . C. occidentalis Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico geol. paleont. region Caborca norpon. Sonora, pt. 1, p. 63, pi. 11, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian : upper part of Buelna Formation, Difun- tos Hills, 14 miles northwest of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimen: 111821, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. 1957. Pycnoidocyathus cf. P. occidentalis Kawaseand Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31, pp. 924-925, pi. 112, figs. 3-6. Lower Cambrian: (Lord's Group B sediments), Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Referred specimens: 13342-13345, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus orthoconicus (Okulitch) 1943. Cambrocyathus orthoconicus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, p. 77, pi. 12, figs. 1, 2. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Anse au Loup, Lab- rador, Canada. Holotype: 108102, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 200 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Pycnoidocyathus profundus (Billings) 1865. Archeocyathus profundus Billings, Palaeozoic Fossils, Geol. Surv. Canada, 1, pp. 3-5, 59, 354, 356, 419, text figs. 1-4. Lower Cambrian: (Forteau Formation), [Potsdam of Bil- lings], L'Anse ail Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Also Potsdam Group in Vermont. Types: 341, a; in the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1877. Archeocyathus profundus Miller, The American palaeozoic fossils, p. 42. Cambrian: Potsdam Group of Miller. 1880. Archaeocyathus profundus Roemer, Lethaea palaeozoica I, Theil, pp. 299-300. Cambrian: "Potsdam group," Anse au Loup, Belle Isle, Newfoundland, Labrador, Canada. . 1884. Archaeocyathus profundus Bornemann, Z. dtsch. Geol. Ges., 36, p. 702. 1886. Ethmophyllum profundum Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 30, pp. 50-51, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, pi. 1, figs, la-c; pi. 2, figs. 3, 3a, b; pi. 4, fig. 3. Middle Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1887. Ethmophyllum profundum Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 34, no. 200, art. 18, pp. 145- 146. 1889. Erimophyllum profundum Lesley, A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania, 1 , p. 226, figs. 1, la, lc and Id. 1889. Ethmophyllum profundum Lesley, A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania, 1 , p. 227, figs. 3, 3a and 3b on p. 227. Lower Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus profundus Walcott, Am. Jour. Sci., 37, p. 388. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 201 1889. Archoeocyathus profundus Nicholson and Lydekker, A Manual of paloeontology, ser. 3, pp. 183-184, figs. 72 A, B. Lower Cambrian: Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus profundus Hinde, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soe. London, 45, pp. 126, 127, 129-133, pi. 5, figs. 1-5. Cambrian: Anse au Loup, Labrador, Canada. Referred specimens: in Museum of McGill College, Mon- treal, and Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1889. Archaeocyathus profundus Hinde, Canadian Rec. Sci., 3, no. 6, p. 373. 1889. Ethmophyllum profundum Miller, North American geology and palaeontology, pp. 159- 160, text-figs. 105, 106. Cambrian: [Upper Taconic of Miller] 1890. Archaeocyathus profundus Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 600, pi. 52, figs. 1, la-c; pi. 53, figs. 1, la-b; pi. 54, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Referred specimen: 15304, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1890. Ethmophyllum profundum Ulrich, 111. Geol. Surv., 8, p. 240. 1891. Archoeocyathus profundus Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 81, pp. 79, 319. Cambrian: north side of the straits of Belle Isle on the Lab- rador shore, at L'Anse au Loup, Canada. Also: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1891. Archaeocyathus profundus Bornemann, Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop.-Carol., Deutschen Akad. der Naturforscher, Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 495-499. 1895. Archoeocyathus profundus James, The American naturalist, 29, p. 980, fig. 4. Cambrian: North America. 1895. Ethmophyllum profundum Head, Palaeozoic sponges of North America, pp. 7, 10. 202 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1895. Archoeocyathus profundus Dana, Manual of geology, 4th ed., p. 470, fig. 507. Lower Cambrian. 1910. Archoeocyathus profundus Taylor, Roy. Soc. S. Australia, Mem. 2, pp. 61, 64, 127, 135, 165. Cambrian : Anse au Loup, on the straits of Belle Isle, Lab- rador, Canada. 1920. Archaeocyathus profundus Gordon, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 52, pp. 687, 707. 1921. Ethmophyllum profundum Grabau, A textbook of geology, part II, historical geology, p. 227, fig. 1010. Cambrian. 1924. Archoeocyathus profundus Schuchert, A textbook of geology, part II, historical geol- ogy, 2nd ed., p. 189, pi. 4, fig. 6. Lower Cambrian. 1931. Archaeocyathus profundus Raymond, Bull. Mus. Comp Zool., 55, pp. 175, 177. 1933. Archoeocyathus profundus Schuchert and Dunbar, A textbook of geology, p. 135, pi. 5, fig. 15. 1934. Archoeocyathus profundus Schuchert and Dunbar, Geol. Soc. Am., Mem. 1, p. 19. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Forteau Bay, Labra- dor, Canada. 1935. Archaeocyathus profundus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 99. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada and Nevada. 1937. Archaeocyathus profundus Ting, Neus. Jahrb. Mineral., 78, pp. 331, 357, 358. 1937. Ethmophyllum profundus Okulitch, Proc. Geol. Soc. Am., p. 358. 1937. Archaeocyathus profundus Vologdin, Problems of paleontology, pp. 453, 481. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 203 Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1937. Cambrocyathus profundus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 11, pp. 251-252. 1937. Archaeocyathus profundus Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem. no. 4, pp. 28, 33. Cambrian: Canada. 1939. Archaeocyathellus profundus Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, pp. 19, 23-24, pi. 1, fig. 11. 1939. "Archaeocyathus profundus" Bedford and Bedford, Kyancutta Mus. Mem. no. 6, pp. 71, 78, 80, pi. 52, fig. 210. Cambrian: Anse au Loup, Canada. 1940. Archaeocyathus profundus Vologdin, Atlas of the leading forms of the fossil fauna of the U.S.S.R., p. 52. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1940. Cambrocyathus profundus Okulitch, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, p. 159 (abstr.) 1940. Cambrocyathus cf. profundus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, sec. 4, pp. 78- 82, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2; pi. 3, figs. 1-3. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Holotype: 341 and referred specimens: 373d, 373m, Geo- logical Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1940. Cambrocyathus profundus Chi, Bull. Geol. Soc. China, 20, pp. 123, 129, 130. 1943. Cambrocyathus profundus , H Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 48, pp. 72-73, pi. 6, fig. 7; pi. 7, figs. 1, 2; pi. 8, figs. 1-5; pi. 9, fig. 3; pi. 18, a. Lower Cambrian: Forteau Formation, L'Anse au Loup, Straits of Belle Isle, Labrador, Canada. Referred specimens: 341 and 373m, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, and 15304, U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. 204 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1944. Cambrocyathus profundus Shimer and Shrock, Index fossils of North America, p. 57, pi. 17, figs. 22, 23. Lower Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1946. Cambrocyathus profundus Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 40, sec. 4, pp. 74, 85, pi. 4; pi. 7, figs. 1A, IB, 2, 4. Cambrian: Labrador, Canada. 1949. Cambrocyathus profundus Dunbar, Historical geology, pi. 2, fig. 15. Cambrian. 1950. Pycnoidocyathus (Archaeocyathus) profundus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 24, pp. 393-394. Types: 341, 341a, 373, 373a, d, e, f, m., Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1955. Archaeocyathus profundus Neaverson, Stratigraphical palaeontology, p. 158. Cambrian: Forteau Formation, Western Newfoundland Reef, Canada. 1960. Cambrocyathus profundus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, pp. 280-285. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1965. Cambrocyathus profundus Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 120. Lower Cambrian: North America. Lectotype: 341, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus septimus (Okulitch) 1948. ? Cambrocyathus septimus Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, pp. 346-347, pi. 53, fig. 9. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, south side of Holt Creek, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Holotype: 10 in Okulitch Collection at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus septimus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 619. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 205 Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus solidus Kawase and Okulitch, 1957 1957. Pycnoidocyathus solidus Kawase and Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 31 , no. 5, pp. 925-926, pi. 112, figs. 8, 9. Lower Cambrian: 3 miles S30°E from Veronica Lake near Mile Post 702, Alaska Highway, lat. 60°3', long. 130°21', Wolf Lake area, Yukon, Canada. Holotype: 13346, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus solidus Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Wolf Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. Pycnoidocyathus sp. 1947. Cambrocyathus sp. Okulitch and Roots, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 41, sec. 4, pp. 43-44, pi. 1, fig. 9. Lower Cambrian: Ingenika Group, Osilinka River, Aiken Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. Referred specimens: 12768 in the Collection of Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1948. Cambrocyathus sp. Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 22, p. 346, pi. 54, fig. 7. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Holt Creek, Dog- tooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. 1950. Cambrocyathus sp. Little, Canada Geol. Surv., paper 50-19, p. 18. Lower Cambrian : Laib Group, Salmo area, British Colum- bia, Canada. 1953. Pycnoidocyathus sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. 1953. Cambrocyathus sp. Shrock and Twenhofel, Principles of invertebrate paleon- tology, figs. 3-11B-E. Lower Cambrian : Labrador, Canada. 206 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1954. Pycnoidocyathus (Cambrocyathus) sp. Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 294. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Referred specimen: Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. 1958. Pycnoidocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 617, 618, 619, 620. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Washington. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Donald Formation, Dogtooth Range, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Sinclair Mills, Upper Frazer River, Brit- ish Columbia, Canada. Cambrian: upper group of the Wolverine Complex, Aiken Lake, Osilinka Valley, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Pycnoidocyathus sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 70-71, pi. 12, fig. 13. Lower Cambrian: Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimen: C017b-6, Paleontology Collection, Uni- versity of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 1960. Pycnoidocyathus Clark and Stearn, The Geological Evolution of North Amer- ica, fig. 15-10. Robustocyathus argentus (Okulitch) See: Ajacicyathus argentus (Okulitch) Robustocyathus weeksi (Okulitch) See: Ajacicyathus weeksi Okulitch, 1943 Spirocyathus atlanticus (Billings) See: Archaeocyathus atlanticus Billings, 1861 NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 207 Spirocyathus cf. atlanticus (Billings) See: Archaeocyathus cf. atlanticus Billings, 1861 Spirocyathus constrictus Raymond, 1931 See: Archaeocyathus constrictus (Raymond) SYRINGOCNEMA Taylor, 1910 Syringocnema colvillensis Greggs, 1959 1958. Syringocnema colvillensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 617. Lower Cambrian : Old Dominion Limestone, Colville, Wash- ington. 1959. Syringocnema colvillensis Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 72-73, pi. 13, figs. 5, 6. Lower Cambrian: Old Dominion Formation, about 1 mile north of Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Holotype: CL2a-l, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; and 14317, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Other specimens: C018b-1, Paleontology Collection, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; and 14318, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. Syringocnema sp. 1952. Syringocnema^ sp. Okulitch, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 119, no. 1, pp. 33-34, pi. 8, figs. 1, 2; pi. 9, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian : west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimens: 111817 a, b, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1954. Syringocnemat Okulitch, Univ. Nac. Autonoma, Mexico Bull. no. 58, pp. 63-64, pi. 10, figs. 1, 2; pi. 11, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian : west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimens: 111817, a, b, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 208 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1956. Syrincocnemal Okulitch, 20th Int. Geol. Congress, Mexico Geol. paleont- region Caborca, norpon. Sonora, pt. 1, pp. 63-64, pi. 10, figs. 1, 2; pi. 11, figs. 6, 7. Lower Cambrian : west end of the Proveedora Hills, Sonora, Mexico. Referred specimens: 111817 a, b, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. SYRINGOCYATHUS Vologdin, 1937 Syringocyathus canadensis Okulitch, 1955 1955. Syringocyathus canadensis Okulitch, Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, app. C, p. 41 (abstr.). Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, Northern British Columbia, Canada. » 1955. Syringocyathus canadensis Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, p. 63, pi. 2, fig. 7. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Holotype: 12356, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Syringocyathus canadensis Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, pp. 618, 621. Cambrian: lower part of the Laib Group, Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. 1959. Syringocyathus canadensis Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 73-74. Cambrian: south fork of Salmo River, British Columbia, Canada. Syringocyathus inyoensis Okulitch, 1954 1953. Syringocyathus sp. Okulitch, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 64, p. 1521. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 209 1954. Syringocyathus inyoensis Okulitch, Jour. Paleo., 28, p. 294, pi. 28, figs. 4, 5. Lower Cambrian: Inyo County, California. Holotype: 32961b, other specimen: 32961a, Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Syringocyathus sp. 1959. Syringocyathus sp. Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 33, p. 74, pi. 13, fig. 13. Lower Cambrian: about 1 mile north of Colville, Stevens County, Washington. Referred specimen: CL20e-2, Paleontology Collection, Uni- versity of British Columbia, Vancouver (and 14322, Geo- logical Survey of Canada, Ottawa), Canada. Also see: Syringocyathus inyoensis Okulitch, 1954 THALAMOCYATHUS Gordon, 1920 Thalamocyathus sp. 1955. Thalamocyathus sp. Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 49, sec. 4, pp. 50, 51, pi. 3, fig. 2. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame area, British Co- lumbia, Canada. Referred specimen: 12365, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1958. Thalamocyathus sp. Okulitch and Greggs, Jour. Paleo., 32, p. 621. Lower Cambrian: Atan Group, McDame Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Wilbernicyathus donegani Wilson, 1950 See: Incertae sedis INCERTAE SEDIS Genera and Species of Uncertain Affinities 1960. Archaeocyathellus atreus Zhuravleva, Arkheotsiaty Sibirskoi platformy, p. 147. Lower Cambrian: North America. 1935. Archaeocyathid Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 106, pi. 2, figs, la-f, text-fig. 2. 1945. Archaeocyathid McKee, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. no. 563, p. 88. Cambrian: Fossil Rapids section, Grand Canyon. 1945. Archaeocyathid Resser, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. no. 563, p. 176, pi. 26, fig. 1. Cambrian: Grand Canyon, Fossil Rapids. 1935. Archaeocyathina Okulitch, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 29, sec. 4, p. 79, text-fig. 1. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Nevada. 1917. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) atreus Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 67, no. 3, p. 67, pi. 8, figs. 2, 2a. Lower Cambrian: Mount Whyte Formation; oolitic lime- stone about 400 feet below summit of ridge above Gog Lake, below Wonder Pass on Continental Divide, in British Co- lumbia, 19 miles southwest of Banff, Alberta, Canada. 1943. Archaeocyathus (Archaeocyathellus) atreus Okulitch, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, p. 64, pi. 3, fig. 14. Lower Cambrian : Mount Whyte Formation, 19 miles south- west of Banff, Alberta, Canada. Holotype: 64352, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. 210 NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 211 1928. Archaeocyathus atreus Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 75, no. 5, p. 297. Lower Cambrian: Mount Whyte Formation. Mount Assini- boine Region, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains, Canada. 1955. Archaeocyathus atreus Neaverson, Stratigraphical palaeontology, p. 158. Cambrian: Mount Whyte Beds of British Columbia, Canada. 1924. Archaeocyathus sp. Sardeson, Pan-Am. Geol., 41, pp. 9, 10, fig. 2. Early Cambrian. 1937. Archaeocyathusl sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 872, p. 79. Middle Cambrian: north of Yukon River, near inter- national boundary, Alaska. 1937. "Archaeocyathus" sp. Mertie, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 872 p. 79. Middle Cambrian: north of Yukon River, near inter- national boundary, Alaska. 1885. Archeocyathus Hyatt, Science, 6, p. 386. 1912. Atikokania irregularis Walcott, Geol. Surv. Canada, App. Memoir no. 28, p. 6, pi. 2, fig. 1. Pre-Cambrian?: limestone of Steeprock Series, Steeprock Lake, west -northwest of Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada. Types: 58317, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C; and 8059d, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 1912. Atikokania laivsoni Walcott, Geol. Survey Canada, App. Memoir no. 28, pp. 5- 6, pi. 1, figs. 1-5; pi. 2, fig. 2. Pre-Cambrian?: limestone of Steeprock Series, Steeprock Lake, west -northwest of Lake Superior, Ontario, Canada. Types: 58313-58316, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C; and 8059a -e, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 212 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1939. Atikokania lawsoni Simon, Abhandl. Senck. nat. Ges., 448, p. 22. 1965. Atikokania lawsoni Hill, Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, Sci. Rept. no. 10, p. 141. ?Archaean: Steeprock Series, Steeprock Lake, from west- northwest of Lake Superior, Canada. 1890. Ethmophyllum Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 601, pi. 53, fig. 3. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Western Nevada. 1886. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. no. 30, pp. 81-84, pi. 4, figs, la, If and lg. Middle Cambrian: Silver Peak, Western Nevada. 1890. Ethmophyllum whitneyi Walcott, 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., p. 601, pi. 55, figs, la, Id, le. Lower Cambrian: Silver Peak, Western Nevada. Type: 15307, National Museum, Washington, D. C. 1899. Haguia sphaerica Walcott, Mono., U. S. Geol. Surv., 32, pt. 2, pp. 442-443, pi. 63, figs. 6, 6a. Middle Cambrian: Flathead Formation, Yellowstone National Park. 1920. Haguia sphaerica Walcott, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 67, no. 6, p. 264. Upper Cambrian. 1950. Wilbernicyathus donegani Wilson, Jour. Paleo., 24, pp. 591-593, pi. 80, figs. 1-7, text- fig. 1. Upper Cambrian: Wilbers Formation, Camp San Saba, 11 miles south of Brady, McCulloch County, Texas. -Manuscript submitted for publication February 8, 1966 REFERENCES Bayfield, Capt. H. W. 1845. On the junction of the transition and primary rocks of Canada and Lab- rador. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 1, pp. 450-459. Bedford, R. and Bedford, J. 1936. Further notes on Cyathospongia (Archaeocyathi) and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 3, pp. 21-26, pis. 21-26. 1937. Further notes on Archaeos (Pleospongia) from the Lower Cambrian of South Australia. Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 4, pp. 27-38, pis. 27-41. 1939. Development and classification of Archaeos (Pleospongia). Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 6, pp. 67-82, pis. 42-52. Bedford, R. and Bedford, W. R. 1934. New species of Archaeocyathinae and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 1, pp. 1-7, pis. 1-6. 1936. Further notes on Archaeocyathi (Cyathospongia) and other organisms from the Lower Cambrian of Beltana, South Australia. Kyancutta Mus. Mem., no. 2, pp. 9-20, pis. 7-20. Billings, E. 1861a. New species of lower Silurian fossils. Geol. Surv. Canada, 24 pp. 25 figs. [pamphlet]. 1861b [1862]. On some new or little-known species of Lower Silurian fossils from the Potsdam Group (Primordial zone). Report on the geology of Vermont, 2, pp. 942-960. [A reprint of Billings, 1861.] 1865. On some new or little-known species of Lower Silurian fossils from the Potsdam Group (Primordial zone): Palaeozoic Fossils. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1, pp. 1-18. [A reprint with alteration of Billings, 1861.] BORNEMANN, J. G. 1883. Palaeontologisches aus dem Cambrischen Gebiete von Canalgrande in Sardinien. Z. dtsch. geol. Ges., 35, pp. 270-274. 1884. Berichtete tiber die Fortsetzung seiner Untersuchungen cambrischer Ar- chsaocyathus-F 'ormen und verwandter Organismen von der Insel Sardinien. Z. dtsch. geol. Ges., 36, pp. 702-706. 1891. Die Versteinerungen des Cambrischen Schichtensystems der Insel Sar- dinien. Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop. -Carol. Deutschen Akad. der Natur., Bd. 56, no. 3, pp. 492-502. Butts, Charles 1940. Geology of the Appalachian Valley in Virginia. Part I, geologic text and illustrations. Bull. Va. Geol. Surv., 52, pt. 1, 568 pp. Campbell, CD. 1947. Cambrian rocks of northeastern Stevens County, Washington. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 58, pp. 597-612. 213 214 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 Chamberlin, T. C. and Salisbury, R. D. 1909. A college textbook of geology, xvi + 978 pp., 608 figs., Henry Holt and Co., New York. Chamberltn, T. C, Salisbury, R. D., Chamberlin, R. T. and MacClintock, P. 1930. College textbook of geology. Part II. Historical Geology, xxvm + 878 pp., 588 figs., Henry Holt and Co., New York. Chi, Y. S. 1940. Cambrian Archaeocyathina from the gorge district of the Yangtze. Bull. Geol. Soc, China, 20, no. 2, pp. 121-146, 3 pis. Clark, Thomas H. and Stearn, Colin W. 1960. The Geological Evolution of North America. A regional approach to Historical Geology. 434 pp., figs. The Ronald Press Co., New York. Dana, J. D. 1871. Manual of geology: treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history, for the use of colleges, academies, and schools of science. Revised ed. 800 pp., 986 figs., Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co., New York and Chicago. 1880. Manual of geology: treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. 3rd ed. xiv + 911 pp., 12 pis., 1 map, 1,162 figs., American Book Co., New York. 1895. Manual of geology: treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. 4th ed., 1,087 pp., 1,575 figs., American Book Co., New York. Dawson, J. W. 1865a. On the structure of certain organic remains in the Laurentian limestones of Canada. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, London, 21, pp. 51-59, pis. 6-7. 1865b. On the structure of certain organic remains in the Laurentian limestones of Canada. Canadian Nat. new ser., 2, pp. 99-111. Dunbar, C. O. 1949. Historical geology. 2nd ed., ix + 500 pp., 406 figs. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. Easton, W. H. 1960. Invertebrate paleontology, xn + 701 pp., Harper and Bros., New York. Fenton, C. L. and Fenton, M. A. 1958. The fossil book a record of prehistoric life, xm -f 482 pp., Double- day and Co., Inc., Garden City, N. Y. Ford, S. W. 1873a. On some new species of fossils from the Primordial or Potsdam group of Rensselaer County, N. Y. (Lower Potsdam), Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 5, no. 27, art. 24, pp. 211-215, figs. 1-3. 1873b. Remarks on the distribution of the fossils in the Lower Potsdam rocks at Troy, N. Y., with descriptions of a few new species. Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 6, no. 32, art. 17, pp. 134-140, figs. 1-2. 1878. Descriptions of two new species of Primordial fossils. Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, 15, no. 86, art. 16, pp. 124-127, fig. 1. Frech, Fritz 1902. Lethaea geognostica. I Theil. Lethaea palaeozoica. 2 Band, 4 Lieferung. pp. 579-788. NITECKI: ARCHAEOCYATHID INDEX 215 Gordon, W. T. 1920. Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-1904; Cambrian organic remains from a dredging in the Weddell Sea. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. 52, pp. 681-714, 7 pis., 2 text figs. Grabau, A. W. 1921. A textbook of geology, part II. Historical geology, vm + 976 pp., 1,980 figs. D. C. Heath and Co., New York. Greggs, Robert G. 1959. Archaeocyatha from the Colville and Salmo areas of Washington and British Columbia. Jour. Paleo., 33, pp. 63-75, pis. 11-14. Head, William R. 1895. Palaeozoic sponges of North America. 12 pp. Published by the author. Chicago. Hill, D. 1964a. Archaeocyatha from the Shackleton limestone of the Ross System, Nim- rod Glacier Area, Antarctica. Trans. Roy. Soc, New Zealand. Geol., 2, no. 9, pp. 137-146. 1964b. Archaeocyatha from loose material at Plunket Point at the head of Beardmore Glacier. In Antarctic geology. Proceedings of the 1st Inter- national Symposium on Antarctic Geology. Cape Town, 16-21 Sept. 1963. pp. 609-619. North Holland Publ. Com. Amsterdam. 1964c. The Phylum Archaeocyatha. Biol. Rev., 39, pp. 232-258. 1965a. Archaeocyatha from Antarctica and a review of the phylum. Trans- Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958. Scientific Rep. no. 10, pp. 151. Trans-Ant- arctic Expedition Committee, London. 1965b. [Reply upon presentation of Lyell Medal.] Proc. Geol. Soc, London, no. 1616 (session 1963-64), pp. 74-75. Hinde, G. J. 1888. 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Changes in nomenclature of Archaeocyathi (Cyathospongia). Proc. Geol. Soc. Am., 1936, p. 358. 1937b. Some changes in nomenclature of Archaeocyathi (Cyathospongia). Jour. Paleo., 11, pp. 251-252. 1940a. Revision of type Pleospongia from Eastern Canada. Proc. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, app. D [abstr.], p. 159. 1940b. Revision of type Pleospongia from Eastern Canada. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 34, sec. 4, pp. 75-87, pi. 3. 1943. North American Pleospongia. Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper 48, pp. 1-112, pis. 1-18, figs. 1-19. 1946a. Exothecal lamellae of the Pleospongia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3, 40, sec. 4, pp. 73-86, 7 pis. 1946b. Intervallum structure of Cambrocyathus amourensis. Jour. Paleo., 20, pp. 275-276, pi. 41. 1947. Lower Cambrian Pleospongia from the Purcell Range of British Colum- bia. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 58, p. 1256. 1948. Lower Cambrian Pleospongia from the Purcell Range of British Colum- bia, Canada. Jour. Paleo., 22, no. 3, pp. 340-349, pis. 53-55. 1950a. 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Surv., 8, Geology and Palaeontology, pp. 209-241, text-figs. 1-10. Vologdin, A. G. 1937. Archaeocyatha and the results of their study in USSR. Problems of Paleontology. Vol. II-III, pp. 453-481 [in Russian]; 481-500 [in English]. 1940. Subtype Archaeocyatha, pp. 24-97, pis. 1-32. In A. Vologdin, Ed., Atlas of the leading forms of the fossil faunas of the U.S.S.R. vol. 1, Cambrian. 194 pp., 49 pis., State Editorial Office for Geological Literature, Moscow, U.S.S.R. 1962. Typ Archaeocyatha, Arkheotsiaty, pp. 89-144, 9 plates, in Osnovy paleon- tologii. Gubki arkheotsiaty, kishechnopolostnye, chervi. Akademya Nauk SSSR. Moscow, USSR. Walcott, C. D. 1886. Second contribution to the studies on the Cambrian faunas of North Am- erica. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 30, 369 pp., 33 pis. 1887. Note on the genus Archeocyathus of Billings. Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 34, no. 200, art. 18, pp. 145-146. 1889a. Stratigraphic position of the Olenellus fauna in North America and Europe. Am. Jour. Sci., 37, art. 40, pp. 374-392, and pt. 2, 38, art. 3, pp. 29- 42. 1889b [1890]. Descriptive notes of new genera and species from the LowerCam- brian or Olenellus zone of North America. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 12, pp. 33-46. [I have a copy of a reprint from Stuart Weller's library before me stamped: "Smithsonian Institution. Issued Feb. 5, 1890."] 1890. Fauna of the Lower Cambrian or Olenellus Zone. 10th Ann. Rept., U. S. Geol. Surv., pt. 1, Geology, pp. 509-774. 1891. Correlation Papers. Cambrian. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. no. 81, 447 pp. 220 FIELDIANA: GEOLOGY, VOLUME 17 1895. Lower Cambrian rocks in Eastern California. Am. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, 49: art. 14, pp. 141-144. 1899. Chapter 12, Paleozoic fossils. Section 1 — Cambrian fossils. In U. S. Geol. Surv. Mono., 32, p. 2., pp. 440-466. 1908. Cambrian sections of the Cordilleran Area. Cambrian Geology and Pale- ontology. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 53, no. 5, pp. 167-230. 1910a. Olenellus and other genera of the Mesonacidae. 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