Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Ws UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE f 2 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 ngton, D.C. Issued February 1951 __ A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA ; Compiled Helen V. Barnes and Jessie M. Allen, Bibliograpkers Library, United States Department of Agriculture LIBRA CURRENT SERIAL mB MAY 3 11951 U8. SEPARTMENT oF AGRIOULTURE | United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1951 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 ashington, D. C. Issued February 1951 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Compiled Helen V. Barnes and Jessie M. Allen, Bibliographers Library, United States Department of Agriculture United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1951 ‘GPO—O—LIB 420 aie _ so 2s zy . r PREFACE This bibliography containing references on plant pathology in the tropics and Latin America covers the years 1937-1949. Subtropical regions have not been considered except in South America. Material prior to 1937 is contained in the following bibliographies: COOK, M. T. Host index of virus diseases of plants. P. R. U. J. Agr. 19:315- 406. July 1935. 8 P327 3 Sup. 1, P. R. U. J. Agr. 20:691-727. July 1936. Sup. 2, P. R. U. J. Agr. 22:411-435. July 1938. COOK, M. T. Index of the vectors of virus diseases of plants. P. R. U. J. Agr. 19:407-420. July 1935. 8 P8327 Sup. 1, P. R. U. J. Agr. 20:729-739. July 1936. Sup. 2, P.R. U. J. Agr. 22:437-439. July 1938. HEALD, F. D. Manual of plant diseases. Ed. 2. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1933. Ref. 464 H34M NEWHALL, A. G. An annotated bibliography of some of the more important papers on the Phytophthora pod rot of cacao (gleaned mostly from the Review of Applied Mycology 1922 to 1948, arranged chronologically). 21 p., processed, [1948 ?] OTERO, J. I., and COOK, M. T. A bibliography of mycology and phytopathology of Central and South America, Mexico and the West Indies. P. R. U. J. Agr. 21:249-286. July 1937. 8 P8327 OTERO, J. I., and COOK, M. T. Partial bibliography of virus diseases and plants. P.R. U. J. Agr. 18,410 p. Jan./Apr.1934. 8 P8327 Sup. 1, P. R. U. J. Agr. 19:129-313. Apr.1935. Sup, 2, P. R. U. J. Agr. 20:741-819. July 1936. Sup. 3, P. R. U. J. Agr. 22:263-409. July 1938. STEVENSON, J. A. Foreign plant diseases...a manual of economic plant diseases which are new to or not widely distributed in the United States. Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1926. 198 p. 1 F31F The arrangement is alphabetical by author. In the Index of Plant Diseases, diseases are grouped under the scientific name of the host plant as given in Standardized Plant Names. Cross references are made to the scientific name of the host from the common name in English, Spanish and Portuguese. When several diseases of one plant are discussed in one article or when the name of the disease is not known, the article is indexed under the subhead, diseases, which is further subdivided geographically. When diseases of several plants are discussed the publication is indexed under Plant diseases with geographical subdivisions. The in- dex includes also the names of causal organisms. The Name Index includes the names of secondary authors, editors, and any others, either persons or institutions, making a contribution to the publication indexed. Names used as subjects are included. Since the primary arrangement of the references is by author, the name of the first author of each publication is omitted from the Name Index, Material which was not available for examination is marked with an asterisk (*). Call numbers following the citations are those of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Library unless otherwise noted. Grateful acknowledgment is made to Dr. Frederick L. Wellman, Field Consultant in Plant Pathology, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for his kind assistance and helpful suggestions. Photoprint or microfilm copies of any items listed which are in the Library of the U. S. Department of Agriculture may be ordered from its Copying Service at the following prices: Microfilm: $1.00 for each 50 pages or fraction thereof from a single article or book. Photoprint: $1.00 for each ten pages or fraction thereof from a single article or book. Sources Consulted Catalogs U. S. Department of Agriculture Card Catalog, including Plant Science and Plant Pathology catalogs. Bibliographies Bibliography of Agriculture, July 1942-June 1950. International Institute of Agriculture. Bibliography of Tropical Agriculture, 1937-1942. Plant Science Literature, 1937-1942. iii a SS en oR bee REN - INTRODUCTION icati i i i bject in the process of ibli lutely complete or up-to-date at publication when it deals with an active su n the > ana Heeeen aetie i Taarent the bibliographers complete here ier Se Or neter ene ae ane care was” is the obscurely published articles that remal I 4 : i ee eee ean Mis WEN th babilities in their compilation of the literature on tropical and Latin exercised by Miss Barnes and Miss Allen to obviate these probab ei ation of tie eee a resent. it will be ee i _ The result is, it is believed, that this is the best bibliography on 3 a Se aerate assistance for many years to come, to pathologists everywhere, in the North Temperate Zone regions as well as in the world of the Tropics and in Latin America. it is, i i i llen who started it, and later i i ks almost endless. As it is, it required almost four years of work for Miss A , es paineen he once the responsibility and completed the labor. ape eagad leitch the De eee Rat the ma naw i ile other lists, meanwhile piling up the references they Sought on s subject. | ) er of GAG ate of Western Hemisphere origin and of research published from below subtropical United States. All of Latin America is included, although it involves the Temperate Zone areas of southern South America and the cool, high plateaus and mountainous portions of the Tropics. Citations were also gathered, however, from workers in the Tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. The list here presented grew out of the recognitions of its great need in Latin America during the last 10 years. I was first in- terested in such E Mibliograchy, in 1929, but pontaiieven expend the time to develop it. Some years later it was cheering to learn from Dr. Mel T. Cook, himself in the Tropics, that such a list was being prepared. This finally appeared from Puerto Rico. The ef- forts of Cook and Otero were, and still are, invaluable. A much greater body of tropical workers has been publishing in the last 15 years, and some most inspiring work in the Tropics and Latin America has occurred since that time. Knowing how much the lists of Cook and Otero filled the need at that earlier time, it was considered both by the researchers and the bibliographers sufficient to start with 1937, and bring the compilation up to include 1950. He who wants to refer to works before that time will need to refer to the lists by Cook and Otero. The bibliography by Miss Barnes and Miss Allen puts into the present day researcher’s hands 76 pages of listed references. These are made up of 2395 citations with numerous very useful, succinct annotations. This list is a welcome tool by which the earnest student and investigator in the subject can find pertinent literature citations. He can likewise discover that the literature in the original, or as abstracts in review journals, is of great interest as an indication of progress. It is apparent, for one thing, that in many respects we in the Tropics and in Latin America are in enviable positions. Plant pathology is, in many cases, at ap- proximately the same stage in progress as it was inthe Temperate Zone at about the beginning of the century. Of course, in some of the more favored spots progress is much better than that, but in some places it is even less. On the whole, the person who is at work today in the Tropics is treading on what will later be holy ground, for he is laying the foundations for the science of the future What is being done now, and what is being planned, will color the body of that science for generations to come. It is, however, not altogether to the future that we must look. It is impressive to study the older works. As one becomes more and more familiar with earlier published tropical experience he discovers that there has been much fine, modestly presented study in the past. One is bound at times after he knows and appraises them to feel that many of the investigations that were carried on in Latin America, in its Tropics, Subtropics, and temperate regions, have perhaps been given too little recognition in centers of teaching and study in the Temperate Zone of either Europe or North America. Part of this is neglect, part is due to language dif- ferences; and part to obscurity of publication media. One of the desirable end products of this bibliography is that it will result in a better distribution of information concerning that which has already been done. Things will no longer be hidden that are included in it since copies of the cited papers can be referred to or obtained from or/in the Library of the United States Department of Agri- culture in Washington. Anyone can secure them. This bibliography will perform a useful service also in indicating the professional- ly employed people, the institutions, and the areas where further contributions are being made in increasing quantity and quality. It is clear that much of the basic knowledge of plant pathology has been brought to its present high state in the Temperate Zone. This will inevitably continue. Nevertheless, it needs to be known that there is also growing up a large body of knowledge worked out in, and applicable specifically to the Tropics. Temperate Zone pathologists in many places are, on the whole, much more ad- vantageously furnished with better and newer equipment and materials for study and control of diseases. They enjoy larger sub- sidies for their work than are usually found in other parts of the world and are, also, solving their probl and control practices in the midst of a comparatively wealthy economy. : i‘ : a Tropical pathologists in many cases find it necessary to work with almost nothing, and sometimes even against opposition from Superstition or the lack of an understanding public, although it would gain greatly b earch i i trol are practically nonexistent. In addition, when, a : a Fe ae oe en é from reference to Temperate Zone experience, chemical means of bati plant disease losses are a logical indication in the Tropics, they often cage be used. This may be directly due to RipEYCoskior. ey to as of forelen chemicals and equipment, and the presence of labor that is not only illiterate but through tradition is un- be pare pee alae Enea pechacloe cal mets. There are likewise to be considered ecologic factors of the Tropics such ine crate : : eee ocean re Ae pleand olanied ioeale ss, high relative humidities, steep slopes of fields, and extensive growth of crops It behooves the thoughtful worker in the Tropics to re-study disease problems that have previously been well solved for the Temperate Zone. He has to come to grips with the matter of plant disease control by farming people living in a difficult environ- ment made more troublesome because of lack of human requisites. He must often devise a system to reduce disease losses through some well studied changes in simple cultural practices. Wherever possible he must take advantage of natural means of i ameliorating disease effects without recourse to costly treatments and chemical applications. For such reasons it may well be that — the Latin American or tropical pathologist has to indeed become more cenversant with finer details of phenomena in plant disease problems than his Temperate Zone colleagues. Such considerations make compilation of this bibliography of even greater value to tropical workers than the same kind of a compilation would have for workers in the Temperate Zone. It seems not unlikely as time goes on and more work is done in the Tropics that the greatest contributions regarding such phases of life histories of disease organisms, host-parasite relations, disease resistance, and human factors related to plant disease control practices, will come from the Tropics and from the well-trained but less-specialized researchers such as must develop in less favored areas. I have found an increasingly large group of tropical plant pathologists that is impatient with Temperate Zone pathologists who seemingly disregard publications from tropical work. They hold that studies from the Temperate Zone are quoted freely in the Tropics, but the reverse is not likely to occur. They believe it unfortunate for students in the Temperate Zone. Much of this is due to oversight, and that will undoubtedly be obviated to a large extent by the use of this bibliography. While it was prepared in the Library of the United States Department of Agriculture, it can be seen at a glance that it has regional but no linguistic or nation- al boundaries. It is also obvious that tropical pathologists have not always been in close enough touch with each other. The use of this bibliography will reduce the problem of obscurity and help in intercommunication of scientific results in the area it ccvers and | 2s well the rest of the world. | In closing, I wish to express the appreciation of many L : I pathologists in different areas who have awaited the bibliography while it was in preparation. Its appearance will fill a great need L ; ; j and good use will be made of it. I have been helped by both Miss Allen and Miss Barnes for a long time in my library contacts. This has occurred to many others in the Tropics, and this bibliography is, in a sense, a culmination of these efforts and a forehanded answer that the bibliographers must have known would come to them sooner or iater. It is, I believe, a notable step in the history of the subject, and will be a force in the stimulation of even more descriminative research in plant pathology in Equatorial Regions. Frederick L. Wellman The Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences Turrialba, Costa Rica February 16, 1951 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Compiled by Helen V. Barnes and Jessie M. Allen, Bibliographers Library, United States Department of Agriculture 1. ABBOTT, E. V. Enfermedades del cafeto. Rev. Agr. [Managua] 3:26-29. Jan./May 1939. 8 R329 In Nicaragua. 2. ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Big bud in tomatoes. Queensland Agr. J. 67:213-214, illus. Oct.1948. 23 Q33 3. ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Black rot (‘‘rust’’) on cabbages and cauliflowers. Queensland Agr. J. 66:272- 273. May 1948. 23 Q33 A bacterial disease of crucifers and its control. 4. ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Diseases of the tomato and their control. Queensland Agr. J. 60:277-299, illus. May 1945. 23 Q33 5. ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Notes on fungicides for the control of tomato foliage and fruit diseases. Queensland Agr. J. 62:274-277. May 1946. 23 Q33 Results of experiments by the Queensland Department of Agriculture, 1937-41, principally in the Redlands District. 6. ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Seasonal notes on the con- | trol of vegetable diseases. Queensland Agr. J. 63:344- 345. Dec.1946. 23 Q33 Bacterial and Fusarium wilt of tomato, black rot and black leg of cabbage and cauliflower, Septoria leaf spot of lettuce, and crown rot of carrots. P 7, ABERDEEN, J. E. C. Tomato diseases and their | control. Queensland Agr. J. 68:330-344;69:10-25,86-91, 146-152, illus. June-Sept.1949. 23 Q33 : : Includes ‘‘Key to aid identification of tomato diseases in seed-bed and field’? and discussion of the following dis- | eases: target spot, Irish blight, Septoria leaf spot, bac- terial canker, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, damping- off, mosaic, fern leaf, streak, bigbud, spotted (bronze) wilt, blossom-end rot, shade spot, cuticle blotch, puffy fruit, sunscald, catface, and blossom-drop; general notes om control measures. 8. ABIUSSO, N. G. Compuestos fungicidas orgda- nicos. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Almanaque 24:357-358. 1949. 9 Ag874 9. ABIUSSO, N.G. Preparaci6n y propiedades del acido pentati6nico; su acci6n fungicida. La Plata U. Nac. Facul. de Cien. Quim. Rev. 20:71-79. 1945, pub. 1947. 385 L31 55 10. ABIUSSO, N. G. Probable accion fungicida de la fenotiazina y algunos de sus derivados de oxidaci6n. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e Invest. Rev. de Invest. Agr. 2:117-138. July 1948. 9 R329 11. ABRAHAO, J. Botrytis cinerea pers. para- sitando mudas de Eucalyptus spp. Biolégico 14:172. July 1948. 442.8 B529 12. ABRAHAO, J., and COSTA, A.S. Instrugoes para 9 reconhecimento da ‘‘ramulose’’ do algodoeiro. Biologico 15:59-60, illus. Mar.1949. 442.8 B529 Anthracnose of cotton caused by Colletotrichum gossypii. 13. ACUNA, J., and ZAYAS, F. DE. El mosaico y otras plagas de la fruta bomba (Carica papaya L.). Cuba. Estac. Expt. Agron. C. 85,32 p., illus. 1946. 102 C89 14. ADSUAR, J. Chlorotic streak disease of sugar cane in Puerto Rico. P. R. Agr. Expt. Sta. (Rio Piedras). Tech. B. 3,12 p., illus. Aug.1946. 100 P83T 15. AGATI, J. A., SISON, P. L., and ABALOS, R. A progress report on the rice maladies recently observed in Central Luzon with special reference to the ‘‘stunt or dwarf’? disease: 1. Philippine J. Agr. 12:197-210, illus. 1941. 25 P543 Virus diseases and their transmission. 16. AGATI, J. A., and CALICA, C. The leaf-gall disease of rice and corn in the Philippines. Philippine J. Agr. 14:31-38, illus. 1949. 25 P543 Virus disease. 17. AGUILAR, S. G. El mal negro del talluelo. Café de El Salvador 14:457-459, illus. Apr./May 1944. 68.28 C112 Caused by Rhizoctonia solani. 18. AGUILAR VALENZUELA, A. Destrucci6én de plagas. Asoc. Gen. de Agr. [Guatemala] B. 100:1,4. Mar.8,1947. 8 As52 Nematode control with DD. 19. AHMED, Q. A. Varietal resistance and sus- ceptibility of Phaseolus radiatus towards Cercospora. Sci. & Cult. 14:436. Apr.1949. 475 Sci24 Probably Cercospora cruenta. Results of experiments in the Dacca University Botani- cal Garden, Dacca, East Pakistan, in 1948. 20. ATYAR, S. P. A chlorosis of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) due to sulphate deficiency. Cur. Sci. [India] 14:10-11. Jan.1945. 475 Sci23 Experiments on the Mandalay Agricultural College Farm, Burma. 21. ATYER, A. K. Y. N. Field crops of India, with special reference to Mysore. Bangalore, Govt. Press, 1944, 552 p. 64 Aid uicldes diseases of sugarcane, oil crops, and vegeta- es. 22. ALAMO IBARRA, R. ‘‘La mancha de hierro”’ [Sinphalia Havidal del café. Café de Nicaragua 1(5):29- 3. Mar.1945. 68.28 C114 From Venezuela, Ministerio de Salubridad y Agricul- tura y Crias, Boletin. 23. ALAZRAQUI, J. M. Las sales de cobre y las sales de mercurio en la desinfecci6n de las semillas. Suelo Argentino 1:161-163, illus. Mar.1942. 9 Su2 24, ALENCAR, J. DE. Notas sobre a entomospori- ose na ameixa amarela (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). Ceres vicoeal 3:117-120, illus. Sept./Oct.1941. 9.2 C332 Disease of loquat caused by Entosporium maculatum. 25. ALENCAR, J. DE., and DRUMMOND, O. A. Notas sobre a murcha bacteriana da batatinha e do to- mateiro Bacterium solanacearum E. F. Smith. Ceres [Vicosa] 5:178-225, illus. Jan./Feb.1944. 9.2 C332 English summary. Brown rot of potato and southern blight of tomato. 26. ALENCAR, J. DE. Podrid&o do pé dos citrus. Ceres [Vicosal 2:488-496, illus. May/June 1941. 9.2 C332 Gummosis of citrus. 27. ALGEMEENE. VEREENIGING VAN RUBBER- PLANTERS TER OOSTKUST VAN SUMATRA. Plant- kundige afdeeling (Botanical Division). Alg. Proefsta. der A. V. R. O. S. Meded. Alg. Ser. 59:25-38. 1940. 78.9 AL3Me Includes diseases of rubber: mouldy rot, white stem blight, and dieback. 28. ALGUNAS enfermedades y plagas del arbol del cacao. Agr. Venezol. 1(9):22-24, illus. Jan.1937. 9.95 Ag8 29. ALIBERT, H. Note préliminaire sur une nou- velle maladie du cacaoyer, le ‘‘swollen shoot.’’ Agron. Trop. 1:34-43. Jan./Feb.1946. 26 Ag86é In the Gold Coast and Ivory Coast, West Africa. 30. ALLDAY, C. Blister blight, the influence of early tipping on yield. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19: 45-48. July 1947. 68.18 C33 Disease of tea. . 31. ALLWOOD P., E. Algunas observaciones sobre el ‘‘ojo de gallo”’ o ‘‘argefio” (Stilbum flavidum Cooke) en fincas de las zonas de Ataco y Apaneca, en el departa- mento de Ahuachapan. Café de El Salvador 12:629-633, illus. Nov.1942. 68.28 C112 American leaf disease of coffee. 32. ALTMAN, R. F. A. The control of the downy mildew of maize; a preliminary note. 8 p., typewritten. Buitenzorg, Java, 1945. 464.02 AL7 34. ALVARADO, J. A. El agotamiento del humus en el terreno y su influencia sobre ciertas clases de podre- dumbres de la raiz, que aparentemente son de origen paté6geno y que realmente no son mds que casos de inani- cién y muerte por hambre debido a una alimentacién de- ficiente de la planta. I-VII. Café de El Salvador 12:170- 192, 242-252,282-301, 346-362, 396-409, 468-478, 523-534, illus. 1942. 68.28 C112 An apparent fungous disease of coffee (Rosellinia) but in reality a physiological condition due to malnutrition. Also in Inst. de Defensa del Café de Costa Rica Rev. 12: 306-316. June 1942. 68.28 C82 2 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 35. ALVARADO, J. A. Enfermedades criptogamicas que atacan las hojas y frutos del cafeto. Ed. 2. Guate- mala, 1942. 33 p., illus. (Admin. del Gén. Jorge Ubico 779). 31.6 G933 36. ALVARADO, J. A. Enfermedades de los semil- leros y almdcigos de café. Rev. Cafetal. de Guatemala 3(30/33):45-47. May/Aug.1947. 68.28 R322 Glomerella coffeicola. Also in Rev. Agr. Guatemala 14:470-472. June 30,1937. 8 G934 , 37. ALVARADO, J. A. Enfermedades del banano en Guatemala. Rev. Agr. Guatemala 14:408-422, illus. May 30,1937. 8 G934 Leaf spot of banana caused by Cercospora musae and Chloridium musae. 38. ALVARADO, J. A. Es la sigatoka una enfer- medad susceptible de curarse por si sola y sin trata- miento alguno? Rev. Agr. Guatemala 15:214-220. Apr.30,1938. 8 G934 Leaf spot of banana, Cercospora musae. 39. ALVARADO, J. A. Informe de los trabajos de la Estaci6n Experimental de Santa Tecla del 15 de abril al 31 de diciember de 1939. Café de El Salvador 10:147- 186. Feb.1940. 68.28 C112 Registro de fitopatologia, p. 172-182, illus. Coffee diseases. 40. ALVARADO, J. A. Las lluvias y su relaci6n con la caida del fruto maduro. Café de El Salvador 13:277- 282. Dec.1943. 68.28 C112 Effect of rain on mature coffee berries. 41. ALVARADO, J. A. Mancha de la hoja del banano (sigatoka). I-II. Rev. de Agr. Costa Rica 10:411-417, 447-452,454. Sept.-Oct.1938. 8 Esl Cercospora musae. 42. ALVARADO, J. A. Muerte prematura de cafetos. Ed. 2. Guatemala, 1942. 25p., illus. (Admin. del Gén. Jorge Ubico 835). 464.09 AL8M 43. ALVARADO, J. A. Opinién sobre la enfermedad del hongo o enfermedad de la arena. Rev. Agr. Guate- mala 14:369-374, illus. Apr.30,1937. 8 G934 A disease of the coffeetree. 44, ALVARADO, J. A. Las podredumbres radicu- lares del cafeto. Café de El Salvador 11:5-26, illus. Jan.1941. 68.28 C112 45. ALVARADO, J. A. Las sequias prolongados y su efecto nocivo sobre la fisiologia del cafeto. Café de El Salvador 10:219-247, illus. Mar.1940. 68.28 C112 46. ALVAREZ, R. Porvenir de la citricultura en Corrientes. Corp. Fruticola Argentina. Rev. Gremial 15(175):31-32. July 31,1949. 83 C81 Importance of government aid in view of tristeza and other diseases and pests. 47. ALVAREZ GARCIA, L. A. A cedar seedling blight in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Forester 1(2):26. Jan.1940. 1.9622 T2C23 Phyllachora balansae on Cedrela mexicana. 48. ALVAREZ GARCIA, L. A. Como evitar y dominar las enfermedades de las hortalizas. P. R. Agr. Expt. Sta. (Rio Piedras) C. 108,33 p. 1943. 100 P83C Manual on vegetable diseases in Puerto Rico. Prepared for use of county agricultural agents, teachers of agri- culture, and crop specialists. 49, ALVAREZ GARCIA, L. A. De las enfermedades de las hortalizas. P. R. Agr, Expt. Sta. (Rio Piedras). Agr. Expt. 3(4):2-4. July/Aug.1943. 100 P83Ae Diseases of garden crops and their control. 90. ALVAREZ GARCIA, L. A. A mahogany seedling blight in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Forester 1:23-24. Oct. 1939. 1.9622 T2C23 Phyllosticta swietenia n. sp. on Swietenia mahagoni. 51. ALVAREZ GARCIA, L. A. El problema de las enfermedades en la produccion de hortalizas en Puerto Rico. Rev. del Café 5(4):17-18. Sept.1949. 8 R3295 A general article on the diseases of potatoes, tomatoes and onions; control measures. 52. ALVAREZ-LAVIADA, M. La sigatoka. Rev. de Agr. [Dominican Repub.] 33:71-73, illus. Mar./Apr.1942. 8 R323 Leaf spot (Cercospora musae) on banana. 53. AMARGOS, J. L. Aprendiendo a vivir con la en- fermedad del cocotero. Rev. de Agr. [Cuba] 4:975-982, illus. July 1938. 8 R328 Preliminary note in B. de Inform. Agr. Santa Clara 9(100/102:24. Apr./June 1937. 8 Sa53 Nematode disease. 54. AMARGOS, J. L. Laclorosis de las ornamen- tales. Agronomia [Habana] 8(5):20-23. May 1948. 8 C893 Observed in Cuban gardens. 55. AMARGOS, J. L. La clorosis del Vedado. Reronorte [Habana] 6:256,268-269. Jan.-Feb.1946. 8s a Chlorosis of garden plants in the Vedado district, Cuba, © ; 56. ANAIS, D. La maladie vermiculaire; susceptibil- ité des bananiers infestés par les anguillules aux atta- ques de Cercospora (leafspot). Rev. Agr. [Guadeloupe] n.S.)4:153-158. Nov./Dec.1947. 8 R327 — Cercospora musae. 57. ANDRADE, A. C. DE. Podriddo das raizes (Rosellinia) em juta indiana. Biologico 8(8):217-218. Aug.1942. 442.8 B529 } 58. ANDRADE, A. C. DE. Progressos no estudo dos © fungicidas organicos. Biolégico 14:57-64. Mar.1948. 442.8 B529 59. ANDRADE, A. C. DE, and SALLES, J. M. Pul- verizacao da batatinha. Bioldgico 15:187-198. Oct.1949. 442.8 B529 Spraying potatoes. 60. ANDRADE, A.C. DE. Thielaviopsis paradoxa causando escurecimento do lenho do tronco de palmeira. Biologico 8:93. Mar.1942. 442.8 B529 No species of palm indicated. 61. ANDRADE, D. X. DE. A ‘‘tristeza’’ dos citrus. Pernambuco.Sec. de Agr., Indis. e Com. B. 12: 45-48. Jan./Mar.1945. 9.2 P423 62. ANDREWS, F. W. Investigations on black-arm disease of cotton under field conditions. I-III]. Empire J. Expt. Agr. 4:344-356;5:204-218;6:207-218, illus. 1936-38. 10 Em7 I, The relation of the incidence and spread of black-arm disease of cotton to cultural conditions and rainfall in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. II. The effect of flooding infective cotton debris. III. The mode of infection of the newly planted crop. Disease due to Pseudomonas malvacearum. 63. ANGELES, O. La ‘‘tristeza’’ de los citricos. Agronomia [Lima] 12(52):89-90. Oct./Dec.1947. 9.8 Ag83 64. LA ANTRACNOSIS del palto. Vida Agr. [Lima] 14:533-540, illus. July 1937. 9.8 V66 | 65. ARANA, O. Informe sobre la enfermedad del banano conocida con el nombre de Sigatoka. Rev. Agr. [Guatemala] 14:355-359, illus. Apr.30,1937. 8 G934 Cercospora musae cause of leaf spot. 66. ARANGO MESTRE, O. Enfermedades del cultivo de la ‘‘fruta bomba’’ [Carica papaya]. Control de Plagas 8:70-71. May 1946. 464.8 C76 In Cuba. 67. ARANGO V., A. Uso de la creolina. Vida Rur. 6(72):12. July 1945. 9.4 V66 For control of plant diseases in Colombia. 68. ARANO, R. E. El ‘‘carb6n’’ de la cafia de azicar. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Almanaque (1945)20: 239-240. 9 Ag874 Produced by Ustilago scitaminea. 69. ARAUJO MARQUES, M. DE. A verrugose do abacateiro: experiencias sobre 0 combate e seus resul- tados. Brazil. Dept. Nac. da Prod. Veg. Serv. de Defesa Sanit. Veg. P. 13,26 p., illus. 1938. 464.9 B73 Sphaceloma perseae. 70. ARENS, K. O processo de infec¢ao da Bremia lactucae. Sado Paulo. U. Bot. 1:39-54, illus. 1937. 451 Sa63 German Summary. 71. ARENTSEN, S. Aislamiento de un hongo de la “‘pudricion parda.’’ Chile. Dir. Gen. de Agr. Agr. Tech. 8:160-161, illus. Dec.1948. 464.9 C432B Phytophthora palmivora, cause of gummosis in citrus. 72. ARENTSEN S., S. Enfermedades de los citrus en Chile. Simiente 14(3/4):6-8, illus. 1945. 9.3 Si4 73. ARENTSEN S., S. Estudio de la susceptibilidad presentada par diversas especies y variedades de citrus al ataque de Phytophthora citrophthora (Sm. & Sm.) Leon. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. B. de Sanid. Veg. 2:56-60, illus. Jan./June 1942. 464.9 C432B 74. ARENTSEN S., S. La hernia de las coles, Union Agr. del Sur. 3(16):30-31. Mar.1945. 9.3 Un3 Club root of cabbage and other crucifers caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae. 75. ARENTSEN S., S. Rajadura de las frutas citri- cas. Campesino [Santiago] 76:228-229,262, illus. May 1944. 9.3 So12 Split of citrus fruits in Chile. 76. ARENTSEN S., S. La ‘‘roya’”’ [Puccinia men- thae] de la menta [Mentha]. Simiente 15:144-146, illus. 1945. 9.3 Si4 In Chile. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLQGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 3 77. ARGENTINA. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. Informaciones de interés para los trabajos de selecci6n de trigos resistentes a sus principales parasitos. Argen- tina. Inst. de Fitotec. Hoja Inform. 11,5 p. June 1949. 464.9 Ar324 78. ARGENTINA. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. INSTITUTO DE FITOTECNIA. Informaciones de interés para los trabajos de seleccién de cebadas resistentes a «‘Rhynchosporium secalis’’ y de trigos resistentes a “Septoria nodorum y S. tritici.’’ Argentina. Inst. de Fitotec. Hoja Inform. 7,3 p. May 1947. 464.9 Ar324 79. ARGOTE, F. Dos graves enfermedades del manzano en el noroeste de Chihuahua. Tierra [México, D. ¥] 3:211-214. Mar.1948. 8 T445 Root rot caused by Rosellinia necatrix. 80. AROSTEGUI, F. Algunas enfermedades y plagas del arbol del cacao. Agr. Venezol. 1(9):22-24, illus. | Jan.1937. 9.95 Ags Podredumore negro de las mazorcas; cancer o lepra del tronco; enfermedad negro de la raiz. 81. ARRUDA, S.C. Antraconose e cancro das anon4- ceas. Biologico 6:224-225. Aug.1940. 442.8 B529 Cause of canker undetermined. 82. ARRUDA, S.C. A cana de acucar e 0 problema das doengas. Biologico 7:271-280. Oct.1941. 442.8 B529 83. ARRUDA, S.C. As doencas da no Estado de Sao Paulo. I-IV. Biglaeicouiesue 3 5. 12:21-27,63-69,123-134, illus. 1945-46. 442.8 B529 Contents: I. Escaldura das folhas; II. Mosdico; II. Doengas de importancia secundaria; IV. Control. 84. ARRUDA, S.C. A “‘escaldodura das folhas,”’ doenga da cana de acucar, nova no Brasil. Inst. Biol. [Sao Paulo] Agr. 15:141-196, illus. Dec.1944. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Caused by Phytonionas albilineans. 85. ARRUDA, S.C. Fungo preto (Corynelia) das folhas de pinheirinho (Podocarpus). Biolégico 6:201. July 1940. 442.8 B529 Disease due to Corynelia brasiliensis. § B pa RRUDA, pace A peter das grandes epifitias cana de acucar. Bioldégi 1313-318, i io 9 B08 ¢ gico 8, illus. Nov.1941. Important epidemics of sugarcane diseases. 87. ARRUDA, S. C., and FRANCO DO AMARAL, J. Leaf scald of sugar cane in Brazil. Phytopathology 35: 135-137. Feb.1945. 464.8 P56 Phytomonas albilineans. : ae eee S. os ee do Panama” em ‘‘Ber- hardino de Campos.”’ Bioldgico 5:198- 449.8 8529 p g 198-199. Sept.1939. Fusarium oxysporum var. cubense cause banana wilt. a 89. ae pi ar DESL ANDES: J. A murcha mamoneira do nordeste. Bioldgi 3 - IGA Toe gico 6:144-148. June Fusarium orthoceras var. Z 90. ARRUDA, S.C. Murcha de Sclerotium. Biologi- co 6:67-68. Mar.1940. 442.8 B529 Discussion of a disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii. 91. ARRUDA, S. C., and GONCALVES, R. D. A ‘murcha,’’? uma nova doencga da mamona em S. Paulo. Bioldgico 3:232-235, illus. 1937. 442.8 B529 Fusarium sp. 92. ARRUDA, S. C. Observacées sobre algumas doencas do eucalipto no Estado de S. Paulo. Bioldgico 9: 140-144, illus. June 1943. 442.8 B529 Cylindrocladium sp., possible causal organism of dis- ease of Eucalyptus seedlings; other diseases discussed. 93. ARRUDA, S. C. A podriddo parda da couve flor. Biol6gico 4:343-344, illus. Oct.1938. 442.8 B529 Alternaria brassicae. 94. ARRUDA, S.C. A septoriose ou mancha da folha do tomateiro. Soc. Rur. Bras. Rev. 27(325):24-25. Sept. 1947. 9.2 B733 Septoria lycopersici. Also in Biologico 4:389-392, illus. Dec.1938. 442.8 B529 95. ARTEAGA, P. H. Gomosis de los citrus. Corp. pauntcola Argentina. Rev. Ofic. 11(122):31. Feb.28,1945. From La Repdblica, San Salvador. : 96. ASHPLANT, H. Hevea brasiliensis and disease resistance. India Rubber J. 99:274-276, illus. Mar.16, 1940. 305.8 In21 Apparent resistance dependent upon weather and soil conditions, particularly resistance to Phytophthora meadii attack. 97. ASHPLANT, H. The replanting of old rubber areas, and root disease. (A discussion of some recent plantation research). India Rubber J. 99:342-343, illus. Apr.6,1940. 305.8 In21 Combating ‘‘white root disease,’’ due to Fomes lignosus. 98. ASSAM. DEPT. of AGRICULTURE. Annual re- port for the year ending 31st March, 1947. Shillong, 1949, 362 p. 22 As7TRp Mycology, p. 22-24. Brief notes on diseases of paddy, sugarcane, banana, potato, arecanut, and pan. Earlier reports, by S. K. Mitra and H. K. Nandi, plant pathologists, deal also with diseases of tobacco, jute, ginger, litchi, pineapple, arecapalm,. tomato, chilli, cabbage, cauliflower, limes, oranges, soybeans, apple, jowar, onion, cotton, betelvine, peach and plum, wheat, linseed, grape, and cocoanut. 99. ASTHANA, R. P. Bacterial leaf-spot on Arum. Cur. Sci. 15:356. Dec.1946. 475 Sci23 : Work in progress on this disease at the Agricultural Research Institute at Nagpur, India. Organism not identified. 100. ASTHANA, R. P. Bacterial root-rot of citrus. Nagpur Agr. Col. Mag. 21:77-79. Dec.1946/Mar.1947. 107.5 N132 101. ASTHANA, R. P., and MAHMUD, K. A. Cercos- pora leaf-spot on Piper longum Linn. Nagpur Agr. Col. Mag. 21:58-59. Dec.1946/Mar.1947. 107.5 N132 102. ASTHANA, R. P. Cheap & simple control of grain-smut of sorghum. Nagpur Agr. Col. Mag. 22:6-9. June 1947. 107.5 N132 Caused by Sphacelotheca sorghi. 103. ASTHANA, R. P. The influence of chemical manures upon ‘‘white rot’? of Allium. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B. 22:168-174. Sept.1945. 513 In25B Sclerotium cepivorum on onions. 104. ASTHANA, R. P. Latent wither-tip infestation on citrus. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B. 24:243-245. Nov.1946. 513 In25B Due to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. 105. ASTHANA, R. P., and MAHMUD, K. A. A new bacterial leaf-spot on Piper betle. Cur. Sci. 14:73. Mar. 1945. 475 Sci23 Characteristics quite different from those of Bacterium betle; provisionally named Bacillus betle. 106. ASTHANA, R. P. The role of ‘cuttings’ in the dissemination of foot-rot of Piper betel. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 17:223-225. Aug.1947. 22 Ag831 A disease due to Phytophthora parasitica, in the Central Provinces and Berar, India. 107. ASTHANA, R. P., and MAHMUD, K. A. Tip-burn of Piper betle in the Central Provinces. Cur. Sci. 13:234, illus. Sept.1944. 475 Sci23 108. ASTHANA, R. P. Wheat rusts and their control. Nagpur Agr. Col. Mag. 22:136-143. Sept.1947/Mar.1948. 107.5 N132 109. AVILA, J. A. Dos nuevas enfermedades del trigo en la zona de Tarija. Colon. y Agr. [La Paz] 12:11-14. Aug.1937. 9.1 C712 Take-all disease of wheat and root rot caused by Ophiob- olus graminis and Helminthosporium sativum, in Bolivia. 110. AZEVEDO, N. Relagao bibliographica referente a fungos e doengas do cafeeiro. Rodriguésia 2(numero esp.):213-238. 1936/1937]. 442.8 R61 Spanish and English introduction. Paper presented at Conference of the Plant Pathologists of Brazil. 111. BACCHI, O. Identificagao colorimetrica em Citrus. Bragantia 3:179-189, illus.(col.). July 1943. 102.5 B73Tb English summary. Colorimetric tests used to identify stocks of orange trees in the citrus orchards of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, in order to test susceptibility to tristeza disease. 112. BACHY, A. Etude sur le ‘‘boyomi’’ et quelques autres maladies graves du palmier en Afrique. Oleagi- neux 4:421-426. July 1949. 77.8 OL2 English summary, p. 453. Possibly a deficiency disease. 113. A BACTERIOSE da mandioca. Campo [Re de Janeiro] 10(119):28-30, illus. Nov.1939. 9.2 C15 Bacillus manihat. 114. BAIN, F. M. Bronze leaf wilt disease of the co- conut palm. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, J. D. Corrie, 1937. 48 p., illus. 464.09 B16 Description of disease; thorough study of soil condi- tions; discussion of control methods. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 115. BAIN, F. M. A progress report on the dying of limes. Agr. Soc. Trinidad & Tobago. Proc. 45:123-149. June 1945. 8 T73 A possible “‘lack of balance between growth period and dormancy.”’ 116. BAIN, F. M. Report on the coconut growing areas of Jamaica. Jamaica. Dept. Sci. & Agr. B. 22,12 p. 1940. 8 J227B On the bronze leaf wilt of coconut palm in western Ja- maica and its control. 117. BAKER, R. E. D. Additions and corrections to the Further preliminary list of Trinidad fungi by C. A. Thorold, 1931. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:316-319. Nov. 1937. 26 T754 118. BAKER, R. E. D. Cacao virus diseases. Agr. Soc. Trinidad & Tobago. Proc. 45:289,291-294. Dec.1945. 8 T73 Experimentations with a virus disease at River Estate, Trinidad. 119. BAKER, R. E. D. Citrus scab disease on grape- fruit in Trinidad. Trop Agr. [Trinidad] 15:77-79. Apr. 1938. 26 T754. Caused by the fungus Elsinoe fawcettii. Distribution of the disease in Trinidad; relationship of the disease to temperature and humidity; inoculation experiments; con- trol recommendations. 120. BAKER, R. E. D. Citrus scab on Marsh grape- fruit. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:69. Mar.1937. 26 T754 Caused by Sphaceloma faweettii. 121. BAKER, R. E. D. The control of scab and cer- tain other diseases and pests of grapefruit by fungicides and insecticides. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 16:31-34. Feb. 1939. 26 T754 Sphaceloma fawcettii. 122. BAKER, R. E. D. Distribution of fungous dis- eases of crop plants in the Caribbean region. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 17:90-94. May 1940. 26 T754 List of the more important diseases of the major crops in the West Indies for plant quarantine purposes. 123. BAKER, R. E. D., and DALE, W. T. Fungi of Barbardos and the Windward Islands. Commonwealth Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 25,26 p. Dec.29,1948. 451 Im73M This list is based on collections made from 1944 to 1947, inclusive. 124. BAKER, R. E. D. Gummosis of citrus in Trini- dad. I-IIl. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 11:236-239;12:36-42:;14: 255-256, illus. 1934-37. 26 1754 Contents, I, Marsh grapefruit on sour orange stock; II, The causal organisms; III, Notes on the control of the disease in old plantations. Disease is attributed to the fungus Phytophthora parasitica. 125. BAKER, R. E. D. The influence of climatic fac- tors on citrus scab disease. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 17: 83-86. May 1940. 26 T754 Elsinoe citri, causal agent. 126. BAKER, R. E. D., and DALE, W. T. Notes ona virus disease of cacao. Ann. Appl. Biol. 34:60-65, illus. Feb.1947. 442.8 An72 Occurring in the northwestern part of Trinidad. 127. BAKER, R. E. D. Notes on some diseases of field crops, vegetables and fruits at the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. I-Vil. Trop. Agr. [ Trinidad] 20: 28-32,59-63. Feb.-Mar.1943. 26 T754 I, Cereals; II, Sugar cane and fodder grasses; III, Root crops; IV, Legumes; V, Fruits and vegetables; VI, Mis- cellaneous crops; VII, General subjects. 128. BAKER, R. E. D. Notes on the control of mango anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 15:12-14. Jan.1938. 26 T754 Spraying experiments. 129. BAKER, R. E. D. Notes on the diseases and fruit rots of tomatoes in the British West Indies. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 16:252-257. Nov.1939. 26 T754 130. BAKER, R. E. D. Papaw mosaic disease. Trop. Aer? neimdaa 16:159-163, illus. July 1939. 26 T754 131. BAKER, R. E. D. [Phytophthora parasitica on young lime scions]. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 16:110. May 1939. 26 T754 An outbreak of damping-off of citrus in October, 1934 in Trinidad, caused by Phytophthora parasitica. 132. BAKER, R. E. D. Red root disease of limes in the British West Indies. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 15:105- 108. May 1938. 26 T754 Sphaerostilbe repens thought to be the fungus causing the disease. Includes an acccunt of destructive outbreaks in Dominica, Montserrat and St. Lucia. Mem., Mycol. & Bact. Ser. 7,28 p.; 8,28 p., illus. 133. BAKER, R. E. D., CROWDY, S. H., and MCKEE, R. K. A review of latent infections caused by Colletotri- chum gloeosporioides and allied fungi. Trop. Agr. [Trin- idad] 17:128-132, illus. July 1940. 26 T754 134. BAKER, R. E. D., and CROWDY, S. H. Studies in the witches’ broom disease of cacao caused by Marasmi- us perniciosus Stahel. I-II. Trinidad Imp. Co. Trop. Agr. i i 1943-44, 451 Sa28 3 { I, Introduction, symptoms and etiology; II, Field studies — and control methods. 135. BAKER, R. E. D. Studies in the pathogenicity of tropical fungi. I-II. Ann. Bot. (n.s.)1:59-65; 2:919-931. Jan.1937-Oct.1938. 450 An7 C. W. Wardlaw, joint author, I. I, On the types of infection encountered in the storage of © certain fruits; II, The occurrence of latent infections in developing fruits. 136. BAKER, R. E. D. Witches’ broom disease in- vestigations. I-XII. Trop. Agr. [rrinidad| 18:107-116;19: 207-209; 20:5-12,156-158,176-181,188-194,239-241;21:170- 176,196-199, 1941-44,1946. 26 T754 us S. H. Crowdy, joint author, I-II; C. A. Thorold, joint author I, sole author V, VII; R. K. McKee, joint author, VI; W. T. Dale, joint author, VII-XI, sole author, XII. Experiments on disease of cacao at Marper Estate, Trinidad. I, Seasonable variations in intensity of infection and : their effect on control methods; II, Notes on the suscepti- bility of I. C. selections at River Estate to witches’ broom disease of cacao; III, Notes on the occurrence of witches’ broom disease of cacao at River Estate, 1939-42; IV, Further notes on the susceptibility of I. C. selections at River Estate to witches’ broom disease of cacao; V, Large-scale experiments on direct control; VI, The in- fection of flower cushions and pods of cacao by Marasmi- us perniciosus Stahel; VII, Observations on direct con- trol; VIII, Observations on fan broom formation and loss of pods at River Estate from September 1942 to Septem- ber 1943; IX, Loss of pods at River Estate. Results to April 19 4: X, Loss of pods in I. C. S. clones at River Estate during 1943; XI, Observations on the effect of planting interval on witches’ broom disease at River Estate; XII, Further studies on the infection of cacao pods by Marasmius perniciosus Stahel. 137. BALAKRISHNAN, M. S. Phytophthora palmivora Butler causing a seedling blight of Hibiscus esculentus L. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B 26:142-146. Oct.1947. 513 In25B Contributions from the Mycology Section, Agricultural Research Institute, Coimbatore. 138. BALAKRISHNAN, M.S. Phytophthora palmivora Butler on Cyphomandra betacea Sendt. and Carica papaya Linn. Cur. Sci. 16:146-147. May 1947. 475 Sci23 Fungus disease of the tree tomato and papaya. 139. BALAKRISHNAN, M.S. South Indian Phycomy- cetes. I. Pythium indicum sp. nov. causing a fruit rot of Hibiscus esculentus Linn. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B 27:161-173, illus. June 1948. 513 In25B 140, BALDOC LLANSA, P. Algunas enfermedades del manzano y Su profilaxis. Rancho Mex, 3(22):53-56,76, illus. Aug.1947. 8 RI5R 141. BALDRATI, I. Una fanerogama parassita dei cereali (Striga lutea o Erba Strega). Agr. Colon, 35:14- 21. Jan.1941. 26 Ag82 142. BALLEYGUIER, A. Swollen shoot disease in the Ivory Coast. In Cocoa, Chocolate and Confectionery Al- liance. Report of the Cocoa Conference, 1949,p.112. London,1949. 68.39 C642 143. BALLOU, C. H., and MULLER, A. S. Enferme- dades de los aguacates. Agr. Venezol. 4(49):47. May 1940. 9.95 Ag8 Diplodia cacaoicola. 144. BALSEVICINS, E. La desinfecci6n de la semilla de arroz para la siembra. Rev. Agr. y Ganad. 11(119):9- 10. Dec.1949. 9.4 R327 145. BANCORA, E. D. Remedios de accién combinada en la lucha contra las enfermedades de los arboles fru- tales y consideraciones generales relativas a su aplica- cion. Buenos Aires (Prov.) Dir. de Agr. Ganad. e Indus. Anu. Rur. 7:257-264. 1939. 9 B866A Includes list of cryptogamic diseases of fruit and fruit trees in Buenos Aires and fungicides and insecticides used to control them. 146, BANCORA, E. La viruela en los frutales. Buenos Aires (Prov.) Dir. de Agr. Ganad. e Indus. Anu. Rur. 10:211-213, illus. 1942. 9 B866A California blight of fruits due to the fungus Coryneum beiierinckii. 147. BANERJEE, S. The occurrence of Phytophthora parasitica Dast on Caralluma (Boucerosia) diffusa Wight. Calcutta U. Dept. Sci. J. (n.s.)1:53-71, illus. Nov.1937. 513 C124 Stem rot. 148. BANERJEE, S. On Fusarium equiseti (Cda.) Sacc. (= Fusarium falcatum App. et Wr.) causing a leaf- spot disease of Eichhornia crassipes Solms. I. Calcutta U. Dept. Sci. J. (n.s.)1(3):29-37, illus. Aug.1942. 513 C124 Infected leaves of water-hyacinth plants. gat 149. BANERJEE, S., and GHOSH, T. Preliminary re- port on the occurrence of higher fungi on bamboos in and about Calcutta. Sci. & Cult. 8(4):194. Oct.1942. 475 Sci24 List of fungi. rae 150. BANERJEE, S., and BAKSHI, B. K. Studies in the biology of wood-rotting fungi of Bengal. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 24:73-93, illus. May 1945. 450 J821 Description of six species of Polyporaceae. 151. BARBADOS. DEPT. OF SCIENCE AND AGRI- CULTURE. Annual report for the year 1947/48. [Bridge- town] 1949. 82 p. 8 B23A : Plant diseases, by D. R. D. Wiles, p. 60-61. Deals with diseases of sugarcane and cotton. Previous reports are Similar. 152. BARRETO, S. Enfermedades de la vina. Peron- sopora, oidium, antracnosis, perla de tierra. Tratamien- tos. Campo y Arados 8(83):20, illus. Jan.1944. 9.9 C152 In Uruguay. 153. BATALLANEZ, R. H. Presencia de la ‘‘antrac- nosis”’ del lino en la Republica Argentina. Pergamino. Estac. Expt. P. 23,34 p., illus. (pt. col.). 1947. 102.5 P41 English summary. Produced by Colletotrichum lini. 154. BATES, G. R. Diseases of citrus fruits in Southern Rhodesia. Mazoe Citrus Expt. Sta. Ann. Rpt. 1936:169-208, illus. 1937. 93.33 M45 155. BATISTA, A. C., and CARNEIRO, H. A acdo do DD, comprovada eficiente contra Fusarium bulbigemum var. lycopersici (Brushi) Wr. e R. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Inds. e Com. B. 14:62-71. Jan./Mar.1947. 9.2 P423 English summary. Experiments with pepper and tomato. é 156. BATISTA, A. C. O ‘‘anel vermelho’’ do coqueiro e a fumigacao do solo com D-D. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 15:356-387, illus. July/Dec.1948. 9.2 P423 - 157. BATISTA, A. C. Ceratostomella fimbriata (E. e H.) Elliot sobre Crotalaria juncea L. em Pernambu- co. Pernambuco, Sec. de Agr., Indis. e Com. B. 14:243- 245, illus. July/Sept.1947. 9.2 P423 158. BATISTA, A. C., and COUCEIRO, E. M. Crota- laria juncea Lin. e Fusarium javanicum Koord. Pernam- buco. Sec. de Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 14:214-221, illus. Apr./June 1947. 9.2 P423 159. BATISTA, A. C., and CARNEIRO, H. DD como nematicida, para a horticultura. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indis. e Com. B. 14:147-157, illus. Apr./June 1947. 9.2 P423 English summary. 160. BATISTA, A. C. Principais doengas das plantas em o Nordeste. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indts., e Com. B. 13:195-252;14:5-46, illus. 1946-47. 9.2 P423 Plant diseases in Brazil. Includes diseases of rice, cotton, avocado, banana, sweetpotatoes, potato, onion, citrus, coco-palm, sugarcane, coffee, tobacco, mango, manioc (cassava) narcissus, orchids, peony, roses, sisal, sorghum, tomato and tulip. 161. BATISTA, A.C. ‘‘Tipburn’’ do abacateiro, em Pernambuco. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indis. e Com. B. 13:136-139, illus. July/Sept.1946. 9.2 P423 162. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Algunos fungicidas, su preparacion y aplicaciones. Rev. de Agr. [San José] 20: 245-259. July 1948. 8 Es1 Also in Lima, Peru. Estac. Expt. Agr. de La Molina. Divulg. Agr. 7,15 p. Feb.1947. 102.5 L622D 163. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Lista de las princi- pales enfermedades de las plantas determinadas en el Pert por el Departamento de Fitopatologia. Peru. Dir. de Expt. Agr. Divulg. Agr. 3,13 p. Lima, 1946. 102.5 L622D In English and Spanish. Includes diseases of coffee, cacao, sugarcane, orange, maize and beans. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 5 164. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Una nueva enfermedad del haba (Vicia faba L.) en el Peru. Agronomia [Lima] 10(42):49-52, illus. July/Aug.1945. ~.8 Ag83 Caused by Phoma sp. 165. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Nuevas enfermedades del lino en el Peru. Lima, Peru. Estac. Expt. Agr. de la Molina. B. 36,37 p., illus. (pt. col.). Dec.1947. 102.5 L622B Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Colletotrichum linicolum. 166. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Nuevo tipo de gomosis delos naranjos en el Pert. Lima, Peru. Estac. Expt. Agr. de la Molina, B. 32,7 p., illus. 1947. 102.5 L622B Black rot caused by Diplodia natalensis. 167. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. La podredumbre more- na [Sclerotinia fructicola] ael melocotomero en el Peru. Lima, Peru. Estac. Expt. Agr. de la Molina, B. 30,13 p., illus. 1946, 102.5 L622B 168. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Podredumbre radicu- lar del algodonero. Cent. Nac. de Invest. y Expt. Agr. de la Molina, B. 37,22 p., illus. Oct.1949. 102.5 L622B English summary. Thielaviopsis basicola. 169. BAZAN DE SEGURA, C. Virosis de la papa en el Peri. Lima, Peru. Estac. Expt. Agr. de la Molina, B. 31,7 p., illus. (pt. col.). 1947. 102.5 L622B Virus X (latent mosaic). 170. BAZAN PIZARRO, C. La virosis de la papa en el Pert. Agronomiéa [Lima] 8(30):41-71;(31):15-43. May/Aug.1943. 9.8 Ag83 171. BEELEY, F. Covers in relation to the incidence and control of diseases and pests in rubber plantations. I. Above-ground diseases and pests. India Rubber J. 96: 725-727. Dec.17,1938. 305.8 In21 The author is with the Rubber Research Institute, Malaya. The article deals with pink disease, mouldy rot, bark cankers, and various leaf spot fungi. 172. BEELEY, F. Diseases and pests of new plantings of Hevea. Planter 19:452-453. Sept.1938. 78.8 P69 Leaf spot diseases, pink disease, dieback, collar rot, and patch-canker. 173. BEELEY, F. Diseases and pests of young rub- ber and cover plants. Planter 19:106-111. Mar.1938. 78.8 P69 Brief discussions of physiological diseases and those due to fungus parasites in Malaya. 174. BEELEY, F. A nematode pest of roots of cover plants. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya J. 9:51-58, illus. July 1939. 78.9 R824J Species of eelworm closely resembling Heterodera marioni, causing root knot of cover plants in Malaya. 175. BEELEY, F. Oidium heveae. Report on the ‘ 1933-39 outbreak of Hevea leaf mildew. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya J. 5:5-13,342-350;6:49-57;7:20-26;8:140-148,232- 240;9:59-67. Sept.1933-July 1939. 78.9 R824J Districts of Malaya most affected: Johare, Malacca, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak, Province Wellesley, Kedah, and Pahang. 176. BEELEY, F., and BAPTIST, E. D.C. Palm oil diluent for tar oil fungicides and its effects on bark re- newal of Hevea. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya J. 9:40-50. July 1939. 78.9 R824J Describes an experiment to determine ‘‘the benefits of using palm oil as a diluent for fungicides for application to the tapped panel of rubbertrees.”’ 177. BEELEY, F. Pests and diseases in rubber- growing. Rubber Res. Inst. Planters’ B. 17:6-10. Oct. 1941. 78.9-R825 Talk...broadcast from the Singapore Station of the Ma- laya Broadcasting Corporation, Oct. 1, 1941. 178. BELL, A. F. Downy mildew disease. Queens- land Bur. Sugar Expt. Stas., Cane Growers’ Q. B. 6:30- 32, illus. July 1938. 65.9 Q3C _ 179. BELL, A. F. Downy mildew, Queensland’s most important sugar cane disease. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Stas., Cane Growers’ Q. B. 7:178-182. Apr.1,1940. 65.9 Q3C An address to the Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists at Mackay conference, 1940. Discusses nature and spread of disease, and control measures. 180. BELL, A. F. Fiji disease of sugar cane. Queensland Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 9:211-218 illus. 1938. 65.9 Q332 : Transmitted by the sugarcane leafhopper, Perkinsiella saccharicida. 6 ; BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 ; i ‘ 181. BELL, A. F. Mosaic disease in Q.25. Queens- land Bur. Sugar Expt. Stas., Cane Growers’ Q. B. 8:127. Apr.1,1941. 65.9 Q3C Experimental work with this variety of sugarcane in the Bundaberg district shows susceptibility to mosaic dis- ease, caused by the corn aphis. 182. BELL, A. F. Pineapple disease: a cause of poor germination in cane. Queensland Agr. J. 47:323-324, illus. Mar.1,1937. 23 Q33 | 183. BELL, A. F, Twenty years of disease control. Austral. Inst. Agr. Sci. J. 15:2-7. Mar.1949. 23 Au74 Plant diseases relating particularly to sugarcane. 184. BEMBOWER, W. Nematode control. Hawaii. U. Agr. Ext. C. 219,2 p. May 1947. 275.29 H312Ac 185. BENATAR, R. Algumas observacées sobre a ‘“‘hernia’’ das cruciferas. Brazil. Esc. Nac. de Agron. B. 2:281-301, illus, 1941. 102.5 R473 English summary. ; Plasmodiophora brassicae on Brassica acephala. 186. BENATAR, R. Contribuig4o ao estudo biblio- graphico de doengas da roseira. Rodriguesia 2(numero especial):239-264. 1936[1937]. 442.8 R61 Contents: pt, 1, Alphabetical list of fungi common to the rose bush; pt. 2, Alphabetical list of authors, with refer- ence to published works on rose diseases. 187. BENATAR, R. Contribuigdo ao estudo e trata- mento das mais communs doenc¢as de roseiras. Rodri- guésia 2(8):9-23, illus. Mar./June 1937. 442.8 R61 Description, microscopical observations and treatment of leaf spot, rusts, and other diseases of the rose. 188. BENGAL. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Annual report, 1938/39. Alipore, 1939. 377 p. 22 B435 i Mycology, by P. C. Kar, p. 21-25. Deals principally with diseases of betelvine, rice, sugarcane, potatoes, sunn- hemp, flax, linseed, gram, groundnuts, brinjal plants, mango, banana, citrus and orange disease. Earlier reports are Similar; later reports are not available. 189. BENNETT, C. W., and others. The Argentine curly top of sugar beet. J. Agr. Res. 72:19-48, illus. Jan.1,1946. 1. Ag84J E. Carsner, G. H. Coons, and E. W. Brandes, joint authors. Studies were carried on at Arlington, Va., in 1927 and 1937-39 on diseased material from Argentina. Further studies were made at the Estaci6n Experimental Agricola de Tucumdn in Argentina, September 1940 to March 1941. Proposed name of Argentine virus, Ruga verrucosans distans. 190. BENNETT, C. W., and COSTA, A. S. The Bra- zillian curly top of tomato and tobacco resembling North American and Argentine curly top of sugar beet. J. Agr. Res. 78:675-693, illus. June/15,1949. 1 Ag84J ‘A virus disease, transmitted by the leafhopper, Agallia albidula; transmission experiments. — 191. BENNETT, C. W. Informe sobre experimentos con el mosaico de la cana de azticar en Tucumdn, Argen- tina, octubre 12 de 1940 a febrero 9 de 1941. Tucumdan Rev. Indus. y Agr. 31:427-437. Oct./Dec.1941. 9 T79 192. BENNETT, C. W., and COSTA, A.S. Tristeza disease of citrus. J. Agr. Res. 78:207-237, illus. Apr.15,1949. 1 Ag84J | Part of a cooperative study between the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture and Instituto Agronodmico, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Results of studies conducted cooperatively in Cam- pinas, Brazil, from 1946-48 on methods of transmitting this disease and methods of control. Includes also re- sults of studies of which a preliminary report was made in 1947. 193. BENNETT, C. W., and MUNCK, C. Yellow wilt of sugar beet in Argentina. J. Agr. Res. 73:45-64. July 15,1946. 1 Ag84J | Chlorogenus patagoniensis is the proposed name for the virus causing the diseases of sugar beet in the Valley of the Rio Negro. 194. BENTANCUR, M. O. Diferentes metodos de cura contra el carbon (Ustilago bromivora Tul.) de la cebadilla Australiana (Bromus unioloides (Willd.) H. B. K. Arch. Fitotéc. Uruguay 3:170-173, illus. 1939. 102.5 Ur8A English summary. 195. BERLIN. BIOLOGISCHE REICHSANSTALT FUR LAND- UND FORSTWIRTSCHAFT. Literatur Uber tropische nutzpflanzen und deren krankheiten und schdd- linge. Berlin. Biol, Reichsanst. f. Land u. Forstwirt. Mitt. 56,32 p. Apr.1938. 410.9 G3M Diseases and pests, p. 10-12. 196. BERNAL CORREA, A. Las enfermedades del _| arroz y Su importancia econémica en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia U. Nac. Facult. Nac. Agron. Rev. 3:820-850. Sept./Dec.1940. 9.4 C717 Las principales afecciones: manchas, clorosis, que- maz6n, vaneamientos. | 197, BERNATH, E. L. Enfermedades forestales, mas _ especialmente la-entomologia y patologia forestales. II. Las enfermedades forestales 0 mas especialmente la patologia forestal. - Se trata de las enfermedades origi- nadas por hongos o bacterios. Chile. Min. de Agr. B. 4(11):117-136. Jan./Mar.1937. 9.3 C433 I, not botanical a 198. Sea TA, Bs ie Sobre una enfermedad de los macigos de pino. ile. Min. de Agr. B. 4(13):33- illus. July/Sept.1937. 9.30433. Wee Caused by a Fusarium. 199. BERNES, V. El pasmo del cogollo de la papaya. Agri. Venezol. 6(72):40-41. Apr.1942. 9.95 Ag8 Bunchy top, a virus disease. | 200. BERTA, J. A., and TOBLER BOTTINI, H.D. En- | sayos del caldo bordeles contra la Phytophthora infestans | (Mont.) de Bary en Solanum tuberosum. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 17(4):3-11. Dec.1945. 290.9 As73 Late blight of potato in Uruguay. 201. BERTELLI, J.C. Anatomia y patologia de las lesiones gomosas de las ramas del duraznero (Prunus persica Sieb. et Zucc.). Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 19(78):11-32, illus. Sept.1947. 290.9 As73 English summary. In Uruguay. 202. BERTELLI, J. C. Control de las enfermedades de los cereales y del lino. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 18:9-32. June 1946. 290.9 As73 Diseases of wheat, barley, rye, oats, maize and flax in Uruguay. 203. BERTELLI, J. C. Cura de las semillas de los cereales y del lino. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 3:158. May 30,1946. 9.9 G15B 204. BERTELLI, J. C., and others. Enfermedades y plagas principales de la agricultura uruguaya. Uruguay. Dir. de Agron. P. 55,19 p. 1941. 9.9 Ur84 G. Gassner, A. M. Guarch, L. K. de Bertelli, and F. M. Carrion, joint authors. Diseases, p. 1-12. 205. BERTELLI, J. C. Estudio de la naturaleza de las ramas del duraznero (Prunus persica Sieb. et Zucc.) y su relaci6n con la gomosis. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 14: 43-89, illus. Sept.1942. 290.9 As73 English summary. 206. BERTELLI, J. C., and BERTELLI, L. K. DE. Estudio etiolégico de la ‘‘podredumbre de las raicillas’’ o ‘‘tristeza’’ de los citrus. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 17:15-32, illus. Mar.1945. 290.9 As73 English summary. Study of a fungus and a virus located in the citrus zone of Salto Department, Uruguay. 207. BERTELLI, J. C. Histopatologia de las lesiones gomosas del duraznero (Prunus persica Sieb. et Zucc.). Asoc. de Ingen. Agron, Rev. 20(82):9-34, illus. Sept.1948. 290.9 As73 English summary. A study of the changes in cell composition in the lesions caused by fungi and insect borers. 208. BERTELLI, J. C., and BERTELLI, L. K. DE. Notas fitopatologicas: podredumbre de las raicillas de los citros. Uruguay. Dir. de Agron. P. 71,23 p., illus. 1944. 9.9 Ur84 English summary. Tristeza disease. 209. BERTELLI, J. C., and BERTELLI, L. K. DE. Notas fitopatol6gicas: 1.° agregado a la lista de ‘‘En- fermedades y plagas principales de la agricultura uru- guaya,’’ No. 55, afio 1941-Direccioén de Agronomia. Uru- guay. Dir. de Agron. P. 70,25 p., illus. 1944. 9.9 Ur84 English summary. 210. BERTELLI, J. C. La ‘‘podredumbre de las rai- cillas’’ 0 ‘‘tristeza’’ de los citrus. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 2:402. Oct.18,1945. 9.9 G15B Control measures. 211. BERTELLI, J. C. Primer agregado al estudio de la etiologia de la ‘‘podredumbre de las raicillas’’ 0 ‘tristeza’? de los citrus. Uruguay. Dir. de Agron. P. 91, 16 p., illus. 1947. 9.9 Ur84 English summary. Results of an experiment on the orange tree which proves that the sweet-orange and the Poncirus trifoliata from seed, used as stocks, are resistant to the agent of the ‘‘tristeza’’ of citrus. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA u 212. BERTELLI, J. C. La sarna de la naranja dulce (Elsinoe australis, Bitancourt y Jenkins) en el Uruguay. Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 12(4):17-20, illus. Dec.1940. 290.9 As73 English summary. Sweet orange fruit scab. 213. BERTELLI, J. C. Los setos de transparentes estan siendo atacados por una enfermedad. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 78:269. June 28,1945. 9.9 G15B Sclerotium rolfsii on hedges. 214. BERTELLI, L. K. De. La ‘‘podredumbre de las raicillas’’ o ‘‘tristeza’’ de los citrus. Uruguay Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 4(177):213;5(219):2;(223):8-9. 1947-48. 9.9 G15B 215. BERTELLI, L. K. DE. Preparacién del caldo bordelés adherentes. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. | Inform. 4:170. June 20,1947. 9.9 Gi5B 216. BERTRAND, H. W. R., and MINOR, E. C. K. | A method of controlling Fomes and other root diseases in replanted rubber areas. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 89:135-140. Sept.1937. 26 T751 Fomes lignosus, Fomes noxius (brown root disease), and Poria hypobrunnea, 217. BERTUS, L.S. Blossom-end rot of tomato | fruits. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 89:220-221, illus. Oct.1937. 26 T751 218. BESOEKISCH PROEFSTATION, JAVA. Jaarver- | slag tabak over Juli 1939-Juni 1940, by J. Schweizer. | Besoek. Proefsta. [Java], Meded. 66:1-30. 1940. 109.5 B46M : Phytopathologische onderzoekingen en waarnemingen, | p. 10-27. Earlier reports are Similar; later reports are not available. 219. BESSEY, E. A. Notes on Hawaiian fungi. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts & Let. Papers (1942)28:3-8. 1943. 500 M582 Brief historical sketch of collections of fungi made on | the Islands by various mycologists. 220. BHAGWAGAR, P.R. Early blight of potato in India. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 16:296-301. June 1946. 22 Ag83I Alternaria solani and A. tomato. 221. BHARGAVA, K.S. Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz. on Carica papaya. Cur. Sci. 10:212-213. Apr.1941. 475 Sci23 Damping -off. 222. BHAT, S. S. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 102:242-246. Oct./Dec.1946 [pub.1947]. 26 T751 ane Physiological disease resulting from malnutrition. Also in Indian Farming 6:250-253. June 1945. 22 1n283 223. BHIDE, V. P., and UPPAL, B. M. A new Fusar- ium disease of lang (Lathyrus sativus). Phytopathology 38:560-567. July 1948. 464.8 P56 Fusarium orthoceras var. lathyri (n. var.), on lang in the Broach District of Bombay Province, India. 224. BIGI, F. Sui parassiti dell’ arachide in Somalia e negli altri territori dell’ Africa Orientale. Olearia 3: 901-912, illus. Dec.1949. 307.8 CL2 Fungus diseases and pests. 225, BITANCOURT, A. A. O agente da bacteriose da mandioca. Biologico 7:37. Feb.1941. 442.8 B529 Phytomonas manihotis (Arthaud-Berthet e Bondar) Viegas (Bacillus). 226. BITANCOURT, A. A. A antracnose da mangue- ira. Biologico 4:43-45, illus. Feb.1938. 442.8 B529 Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. 227. BITANCOURT, A. A. Antracnose do limoeiro galego. Bioldégico 5:52-54, illus. Mar.1939. 442.8 B529 Gloeosporium limetticolum. 228. BITANCOURT, A. A. Antracnose (Elsinoe) das anonaceas. Biolégico 6:199-200. July 1940. 442.8 B529 ae cher enolia: _ 229, COURT, A. A. A ascoquitose dos citrus. Biologico 5:94-95, illus. May 1939. 442.8 B529 ee Ascochyta citri. 230. BITANCOURT, A. A. Brazil: diseases of culti- vated or useful plants, observed in the State of SAo Paulo. Internatl. Plant Protect. 11:269 M-275 M;12:49 M-53 M; 14:25 M-27 M. Dec.1937-Feb.1940. 464.8 In8 List of diseases studied in the Plant Pathology Labora- tory of the Institute of Biology, So Paulo, 1931-38; hosts and parasites included. 231. BITANCOURT, A. A. Brazil: plant diseases ob- Served in the State of SAo Paulo in 1939 and 1940. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 15:222 M-223M. Dec.1941. _ 464.8 In8 The dieback disease of citrus trees. 232. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. Ciclo evolutivo de ‘‘Elsinoé australis Bitancourt & Jenkins,’’ agente da verrugose da laranja doce. Inst. Biol., SAo Paulo. Arq. 10:129-146, illus. 1939. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Detailed life history study of Elsino# australis in cer- tain citrus regions of South America. 233. BITANCOURT, A. A. Consideracées sobre a | presenga do nematoide Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb, em raizes de citrus. Biologico 10:47. Feb.1944. 442.8 B529 234, BITANCOURT, A. A. El desenvolvimiento de la industria citricola en el Brasil (Observaciones sobre los problemas de las enfermedades y plagas). 13 p. Type- written. [Sdo Paulo, met 93.33 B54 Also reprinted in Agricola 34:19-27. Aug.1937. 9 Ag89 Citrus diseases, p. 6-10. 235. BITANCOURT, A. A. Diseases of the sugarcane in Brazil. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Cong. Proc. 6(1938):187-193, illus. 1939. 65.9 In84 236. BITANCOURT, A. A. Distribuicdo tedérica de lesdes em folhas ou frutas, causadas por insetos e outros animais ou por agentes infecciosos transmitidos por vetores. Inst. Biol., So Paulo Arq. 14:243-252. 1943. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. 237. BITANCOURT, A. A. A doenga dos citrus no vale do Paraiba. Biologico 6:268-269. Sept.1940. 442.8 B529 i A new root disease of citrus in Brazil. 238. BITANCOURT, A. A. As doencas da cafia de acucar no Brazil. Biologico 6:137-143. June 1940. 442.8 B529 239. BITANCOURT, A. A. Doengas do abacateiro. Biologico 2:385-389,419-425;3:3-10, illus. Nov.1936- Jan.1937. 442.8 B529 f Description of mosaic, canker, and anthracnose diseases. 240. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. ‘“‘Elsinoé theae n. sp.,’’ agente de verrugose do cha. Inst. Biol., S4o Paulo Arq. 10:193-198, illus. 1939, 442.9 Sa6 English summary. 41. BITANCOURT, A. A. O falso exantema dos citrus. Bioldgico 11:266-268, illus. Oct.1945. 442.8 B529 A physiological disease of citrus in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. 242. BITANCOURT, A. A. O feltro ou camurc¢a dos citrus. Bioldgico 3:271-272, illus. Sept.1937. 442.8 B529 Septobasidium albidum, causal organism. 243. BITANCOURT, A. A., and ROSETTI, V. As gal- has pulverulentas das Lauraceas. Bioldgico 12:55-62, illus. Mar.1946. 442.8 B529 English summary. Species of causal fungi observed in S4o Paulo, Brazil, include Drepanoconis larviformis, Clinoconidium farino- sum and, Botryocomis spp. 244. BITANCOURT, A. A. Uma hipotese sobre a cau- sa da ‘‘tristeza’’ dos citrus. Biolégico 9:360-361. Oct. 1943. 442.8 B529 245. BITANCOURT, A. A. A leprose dos citrus. Biol6gico 6:39-45, illus. Feb.1940. 442.8 B529 246, BITANCOURT, A. A, A leprose e a proxima colheita de laranjas. Biologico 3:37-40, illus. Feb.1937. 442.8 B529 Control measures. Also in Soc. Rur. Bras. Rev. 17(199):31, illus. Mar. 1937. 9.2 B733 247. BITANCOURT, A. A. Lesdes nas frutas da mancha anular do cafeeiro. Biologico 5:33-34, illus. Feb.1939. 442.8 B529 Virus disease, with characteristics similar to those of spotted wilt. 248. BITANCOURT, A. A. Limdes atacados por an- tracnose. Bioldgico 7:361-362. Dec.1941. 442.8 B529 249. BITANCOURT, A. A. A mancha anular, uma nova doenca do cafeeiro. Biologico 4:404-405. Dec.1938. 442.8 B529 250. BITANCOURT, A. A. A mancha d’aguae a podridado d’agua da laranja. Biolégico 4:273-274, illus. Aug.1938. 442.8 B529 251. BITANCOURT, A. A. A mancha estylar da lar- anja doce e da laranja cravo. Biologico 2:242. July 1936. 442.8 B529 252. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. New discoveries of Myriangiales inthe Americas. Amer. Sci. Cong. Proc. 8(3):149-172, illus. 1942. 330.9 Am3008 Ten species of Elsino#, five of which are described under the imperfect stage (Sphaceloma), 8 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 253. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. Novas especies de Elsinoé e Sphaceloma sobre hospedes de im- portancia economica. Inst. Biol., SAo Paulo. Arq. 11:45- 58, illus. (col.). 1940(1941). 442.9 Sa6 English summary and Latin diagnoses of new species (S. arachidis, S. zorniae, S. rhois; E. talisiae, E. pitan- gae, E. clethrae, E. jasminae). 254, BITANCOURT, A. A. Novas especies de Sphace- loma sobre Terminalia e Genipa. Inst. Biol., Sao Paulo. Arq. 8:197-200, illus. 1937. 442.9 Sa6 English abstract. Sphaceloma terminaliae n. sp. causes scab of Terminal- ia catappa L. and Sphaceloma genipae n. sp. causes an- thracnose of Genipa americana L., in Brazil. 255. BITANCOURT, A. A. A organisagao da defesa sanitaria vegetal na Republica Argentina. Bioldgico 3: 289-297, illus. Oct.1937. 442.8 B529 256. BITANCOURT, A. A. Plant pathology in Brazil. In Verdoorn, F., ed. Plants and plant science in Latin America, p. 302-304. Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica Co., 1945. 453 V58 Also in Chron. Bot. 7:318-320. 1943. 450 C46 Research centers, plant diseases and agriculture, and plant quarantine. 257. BITANCOURT, A. A. A podridao das radicelas dos Citrus na provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Bio- légico 6:285-288,356-364;7:62-69, illus. Oct.1940-Mar. 1941. 442.8 B529 A general study of root rot including history, geographi- Ca iste symptoms, species of citrus affected, ries o the cause i i grafting. , and treatment by inarching and 258. BITANCOURT, A. A. Podridao estilar i Tahiti. Biol6gico 5:180-181. Aug.1939. 442.8 Beers Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, 259. BITANCOURT, A. A. Podridoes da castanha do Para. _ Biologico 7:303-312, illus, Nov.1941. 442.8 B529 English summary. Diseases of Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut); storage experiments, 260. BITANCOURT, A. A. As podridées das laranjas na safra de 1936. Bioldgico 3:255- i Vee gico 3:255-263, illus. Sept.1937. English summary. ainly stem rot (chiefly due to Ph is citri blue and green mold. ee ce _ 261. BITANCOURT, A. A. Problemas do Instituto Biologico. Biologia vegetal. I-II, Biologico 6:237-244, 322-331. Sept.-Nov.1940. 442.9 B529 Includes plant diseases, with publication for 1937. 262. BITANCOURT, A. A. «“Pyrenochaeta sacchari n. Sp.’” € uma mancha da folha da cana de acucar. Inst. Biol., So Paulo. Arq. 9:299-302, illus. 1938. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. An account of the characteristics of leaf spot disease of Sugarcane found at Cantareira, Brazil. Also in Soc. Bras. Agron. Rev. 2:91-96, illus. Sept.1939, 9.2 So13 263. BITANCOURT, A. A. Recomendacées para com- bater e minorar 9s estragos da ‘‘podriddo das radicelas’’ dos citrus. Biologico 9:41-44. Feb.1943. 442.8 B529 Cause of the disease uncertain; control by grafting on less susceptible rootstocks recommended. 264, BITANCOURT, A. A, Relacdo das doencas e fungos parasitos observados na seccedo de phytopathologia durante os annos 1935 e 1936. Inst. Biol., Sa 8:315-322. 1937, 442.9 Sa6 Mega 265. BITANCOURT, A. A. A rubellose. 17-18, illus. Jan.1938. 442.8 B529 cane disease of citrus produced by Corticium salmoni- 266. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. Sweet orange fruit scab caused by Elsinoé australis. J. Agr. Res. 54:1-18, illus. (col.). Jan.1937. 1 Ag84y Detailed study of this disease which as yet is to be found ore gaan America, - BITANCOURT, A. A. Um teste para a identifi- ca¢4o precoce da tristeza dos Citrus. Bioldej :169- tastes 1944, 442.8 B529 7 ea English summary. 268. BITANCOURT, A. A. O tratamento da leprose dos Citrus. Biol6gico 7:149-152. June 1941. 442.8 B529 269. BITANCOURT, A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. Treze novas especies de Elsinoé do Brasil. Inst. Biol., Sao Paulo. Arq. 12:1-20, illus. (pt.col.). Sept.1941. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Discovered between 1936 and 1939. Bioldgico 4: re ere ae A. A., and JENKINS, A. E. A ver- rugose da mangueira. Inst. Biol., Sdo Paulo. Ara. 17:205- 227, illus. 1946. 442.9 Sag : pene English summary. 271. BITTENCOURT, P. V. C. Consideracoes sobre a presenca do nematoide Tylenchylus semipenetrans cone gi raizes de Citrus. Bioldgico 10:47. Feb.1944. Cuivestization shows no relation with tristeza disease of itrus, 272. BLACKFORD, F. W. Black rot and black leg of cabbage and cauliflower. Queensland Agr. J. 59:287-289; 63:151-153, illus. Nov.1944-Sept.1946. 23 Q33 Pseudomonas campestris and Phoma lingam. 273. BLACKFORD, F. W. Citrus fruit rots and blem- ishes. Queensland Agr. J, 58:33-38. il 5 Sees g , illus. Jan.1944. Discusses the following diseases: blue mould, brown rot and stem-end rot, sooty mould, smoky blotch or fly speck, oil spot, rind break down, and stylar-end rot of limes. Reprinted as part of Queensland Dept. Agr. & Stock., Div. Plant Indus. (Res.) Pam. 90, 24 p., illus. Apr.8,1944. 423.92 Q3P ; 274, BLACKFORD, F. W. Damping-off. Queensland Agr. J. 60:89-90. Feb.1,1945. 23 Q33 Control measures. 275. BLACKFORD, F. W. Downy mildew and powdery mildew of the cucumber. Queensland Agr. J. 57:164-165, illus. Sept.1943. 23 Q33 Control measures. 276. BLACKFORD, F. W. Downy mildew and Septoria leaf spot of lettuce. Queensland Agr. J, 59:221-223, illus. Oct.1944. 23 Q33 Also issued as Queensland Div. Plant Indus. (Res.) Adv. L. 71,3 p., illus. Nov.3,1944. 423.92 Q3A 277. BLACKFORD, F. W. Five minor fungous and virus diseases of citrus. Queensland Agr. J. 58:95-99, illus. Feb.1944. 23 Q33 Collar rot, Armillaria root rot, Ganoderma root rot, psorosis, and pink disease. 278. BLACKFORD, F. W. Four major diseases of citrus. Queensland Agr. J. 57:353-358, illus. Dec.1943. 23 Q33 Black spot, melanose, scab, and brown spot. 279. BLACKFORD, F. W. A Ganoderma root rot of citrus. Queensland. Dept. Agr. & Stock B. (n.s.)22:19-23, illus. Dec.1944,. 423.92 Q3B Also in Queensland J. Agr. Sci. 1:77-81, illus. Dec. 1944, 23 Q37 Fungus identified as Ganoderma lucidum. 280. BLACKFORD, F. W. Sclerotinia or cottony rot. Queensland Agr. J. 59:161-163, illus. Sept.1944. 23 Q33 Attacking various vegetables and sunflower in Queens- land. Also issued as Queensland Div. Plant Indus. (Res.) Adv. L. 70,3 p., illus. Sept.26,1944. 423.92 Q3A 281. BLACKFORD, F. W. Spraying recommendations for the control of citrus diseases. Queensland Agr. J. 50: 248-249. Aug.1938. 23 Q33 Instructions for spraying black spot, melanose, scab, and brown spot of the Emperor of Canton mandarin under Queensland conditions. 282. BLACKFORD, F. W. Whiptail of cauliflowers and cabbages. Queensland Agr. J. 57:35-36, illus. July 1943, 23 Q33 A physiological disease. Also reprinted as. Queensland Dept. Agr. & Stock, Div. Plant Indus. (Res.) Adv. L. 54,2 p., illus. Sept.9,1943. 423.92 Q3A 283. BLAND, D. E. A study of the toxicity of Austral- ian vertical retort creosote oils to Lentinus lepideus Fr., Polystictus versicolor (L.) Fr., and Madison 517. Austral. Council Sci. & Indus. Res. J. 15:135-146. May 1942. 514 Au72J7 Fungi used in toxicity tests; experiments in wood pres- ervation. 284. BOEDIJN, K. B. The fungi collected by Dr. O. Jaeg, in Alor, Bali, and Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands). Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. B., (ser.3)16:245-252, illus. Feb. 1940. 451 B86B A list of fungi - the first to be reported from these islands. Most of the forms belong to species commonly found in the eastern tropics. 285. BOEDIJN, K. B. The Mycetozoa, fungi and lichenes of the Krakatau group. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. B. (ser.3)16:358-429, illus. Dec.1940. 451 B86B List of fungi, p. 365-418. _ spot of antirrhinum, Phyllosticta antirrhini Syd. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 9 286. BOEDIJN, K. B. A smut causing galls on the leaves of Hypolytrum. Buitenzorg Jard. Bot. B. (ser.3) 14:368-372, illus. Dec.1937. 451 B86B Cintractiella nov. gen., C. lamii. 287. BOLLE, P. C. Een chytride als mogelijke vero- orzaker van vierde ziekte. Arch. v. Suikerindus. Nederland. Indié 1:243-244. Sept.1940. 65.8 Ar21 288. BOMBAY. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Annual report, 1945/46. Poona, 1947. 50 p. 22 B63A Crop protection: research work [on crop Bisease eI p. 18-20. Research schemes for investigations on wheat rust, citrus dieback, and small-leaf disease of cotton. Brief notes on diseases of Lathyrus sativus, arecanut palm, tur and gram. Many of the earlier reports, by B. N. Uppal, plant pathologist, are more complete, reporting variously on diseases of sann hemp, mango, figs, rice, soybeans, to- bacco, ginger, bananas, soybeans, betelvines, and Lathy- rus sativus. “Sle : 289. BOND, T. E. T. Deficiency diseases and the role of the ‘‘minor elements”’ in plant life. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 16:9-15. Mar.1943. 68.18 C33 Particularly in regard to tea. 290. BOND, T. E. T. A leaf spot disease of annual phlox. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 96:142-146, illus. Mar.1941. 26 T751 Septoria drummondii provisionally adopted. 91. BOND, T. E. T. Leaf spot diseases of lettuce and antirrhinum. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 97:62-67, illus. | Aug.1941, 26 T751 1, Leaf spot of lettuce, Septoria lactucae Pass. 2, Leaf 292. BOND, T. E. T. Notes on Ceylon fungi and plant diseases. I. Ceylon J. Sci. Sect. A, Bot. 12:171-193, illus. July 30,1947. 451 P4l ; d 293. BOND, T. E. T. The ‘‘phloem necrosis’’ virus disease of tea in Ceylon. I-III. Ann. Appl. Biol. 31:40-47, 300-310;34:517-526, illus. Mar.1944-Dec.1947. 442.8 An72 an I, Introductory account, symptoms, and transmission by grafting; Il, Field observations and effect on yield; III, Further characterization of necrosis in the leaf. 294. BOND, T. E. T. Plant viruses and virus dis- eases. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 17:12-17. July 1944. 68.18 C33 Virus diseases of tea: their character, manner of spreading, prevention and control. 295. BOND, T. E. T. Pod spot of okra (Hibiscus escu- lentus L.) and a leaf spot of (Hibiscus rosasinensis L.) in Ceylon. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 20:67-70, illus. Apr.1943. 26 T754 Caused by Ascochyta abelmoschi and Ascochyta sp. ‘‘which is in all probability the same fungus but which appears to differ somewhat in the dimensions of its spores and pycnidia.”’ 296. BOND, T. E. T. ‘‘White spot’’ [Cercosporella Beessicae) of turnips; a disease new to Ceylon. Trop. Bey on] 98(4):17-18, illus. Oct./Dec.1942. T7751 297. BONDAR, G. Fatores adversos e molestias do cacau na Bahia. Bahia Inst. de Cacau B. 2,94 p., illus. 1938. 68.38 Bi4B Fungos parasitas de cacau, p. 73-85. 298. BONDAR, G. Fatores diversos e molestias nao parasitarias do cacaueiro. Campo [Rio de Janeiro] 9(106):22-24, illus. Oct.1938. 9.2 C15 299. BONDAR, G. Insetos nocivos e molestias do coqueiro (Cocos nucifera) no Brasil. Bahia Inst. Cent. de Fomento Econ. B. 8,160 p., illus. 1940. 9.2 B143 Molestias criptogamicas, p. 133-139. 300. BONDAR, G. Nova e grave ameaca aos coque- irais brasileiros. Campo [Rio de pancinol 16(182):71-72; (183):15-18, illus. Feb.-Mar.1945. 9.2 C15 Red ring disease caused by Aphelenchus cocophilus. 301. BONDAR, G. A phytopathologia e a cultura ca- caoeira no Brasil. Rodriguesia 2(numero especial):197- 198. poate at. 442.8 R61 Principal disease of the cacao tree is a rot caused by Phytophthora faberi. 302. BONDAR, G. Podriddo parda dos frutos do cacau. Campo [Rio de Janeiro] 17:29-33, illus. Mar. 1946. 9.2 C15 Caused by Phytophthora palmivora. Also in Bahia Rur. 16:18-19,34, illus. Aug.1948. 9.2 B142 303. BOOCK, O. J. O fumigante ‘‘Dowfume W-10’’ no controle aos nematdides da batatinha. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 24:25-42. Jan./Feb.1949. 9.2 R324 English summary. A soil fumigation study. 304. BORDEN, R. J. Juice quality affected by lodging. Hawaii. Plant Rec. 46:39-42, figs. 1942, 25 H3i1 es 305. BORGET, M. Nouvelles recherches sur les champignons parasites de l1’Hévéa en Indochine. Rey. Internatl. de Bot. Appl. et d’Agr. Trop. 29:117-123. Mar./Apr.1949. 26 R323 Culture experiments with fungous parasites: Corticium salmonicolor, Phytophthora palmivora, Gloeosporium albo-rubrum, and Fomes lamaoensis. : 306. BORGET, M. Toxicité de cing nouveaux fongi- cides pour quelques espéces de champignons héveicoles: essais au laboratoire. Inst. de Rech. sur le Caoutchouc’ en Indochine. Cahiers I. R. C, I. 4:1-13. 1949. 78.9 In7 : fone ee Bo tern on leaves of sunflower in India. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 21: - i A50 3891 21:179-184, illus. May 1942. Leaf spot disease attributed to A. t i India for the first time. Mis eee 308. BOTELHO, J. Mosaico. Bras. Acucareiro 26: 200-203. Aug.1945. 65.8 B73 Mosaic disease of sugarcane. 309. BOUGHEY, A. S. The cause of variation in the incidence of blackarm disease of cotton in the Sudan Gezira. Imp. Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 21,7 p. Sept.24,1947. 451 Im73M Caused by Xanthomonas malvacearum. 310. BOUGHEY, A. S. The causes of variation in the incidence of cotton leaf curl in the Sudan Gezira. Imp. Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 22,9 p. Sept.24,1947. 451 Im73M A possible relationship to the amount of rainfall. 311. BOUGHEY, A.S. The effect of rainfall on plant disease distribution in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Imp. Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 19,13 p. May 7,1947. 451 Im73M 312. BOUGHEY, A.S. Physiological cotton wilt in the Sudan Gezira. Ann. Appl. Biol. 31:12-18, illus. Mar. 1944, 442.8 An72 Root investigations to determine cause of wilt. 313. BOUGHEY, A. S. A preliminary list of plant dis- eases in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Imp. Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 14.16 p. 1946. 451 Im73M An alphabetical arrangement of common names of hosts with common names of diseases. Includes also scientific names of hosts and diseases. 314. BOURIQUET, G. Contribution a l’étude des alterations de la vanille prepares a Madagascar. Agron. Trop. 1:244-260. May/June 1946. 26 Ag86 Fungus diseases and insect pests. 315. BOURIQUET, G. Une grave maladie del’arachide a Madagascar la rosette. B. Econ. Madagascar (n.s.)11: 269-272. 1937. 270 M26B 316. BOURIQUET, G. Madagascar: list of the para- sites and diseases of cultivated plants. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 11:66 M-68 M;12:191 M-192M. Apr.1937- Sept.1938. 464.8 In8 This list continues those published in 1932, and 1934. Includes diseases of coffee, grape, mango, vanilla, sisal hemp, rice, tobacco, French bean, and potato. 317. BOURIQUET, G. Madagascar: phytopathological and entomological notes. Internatl. Rev. Agr. 28:118 M- 119M. 1937. 241 In82 Notes on coffee and cassava diseases. 318. BOURIQUET, G. Les maladies cryptogamiques et les principaux ennemis végétaux et animaux du riz a Madagascar. Agron. Trop. 4:81-89. Jan./Feb.1949. 26 Ag86 Maladies crytogamiques, p. 81-83. 319. BOURIQUET, G. Les maladies de la canne a sucre 4 Madagascar. Agron. Colon. 27:1-17. July 1938. 26 Ag812 Includes mosaic disease, leaf scald, smut, and red rot. Also in J. des Fabric. de Sucre 80:256, 288-289, 336-337, 638-640. 1939. 65.8 J82 320. BOURIQUET, G. Les maladies des plantes culti- vées A Madagascar. 545 p., illus.(col.). Paris, Leche- valier, 1946,i.e.1947. (Encye. Mycol.,v.12) 464 B662 321. BOURIQUET, G. Les maladies du haricot a Madagascar. Acad. Malgache B. (n.s.)19(1936):123-127, illus. 1937. (U.S. Geol. Survey Libr.) Rouille, Cercospora sp., anthracnose, graisse, pourri- dié. 322. BOURIQUET, G. Les maladies et les ennemis du caféier. Marchée Colon. 3:1897-1900. Dec.27,1947. 286.8 M33 In the French colonies of Africa. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 323. BOURIQUET, G. Note concernant les maladies des plantes cultivées 4 la Réunion. Rev. Agr. de l’Ile Réunion 43:33-44,. Mar./Apr.1938. 25 R32 Includes diseases of manioc, coffee, dates, corn, pea- nuts, tobacco, tomatoes, rose geraniums, roses, and dahlias. Liste ces publications du laboratoire de Phytopathologie de Tanunarive, p. 38-42; Liste des tirages a part deposés an Pec aerar iat Général du gouvernement de la Réunion, Pp. 42-44, 324, BOURIQUET, G. Recherches systématiques, biologiques et cytologiques, sur les maladies des plantes cultivées 4 Madagascar. 136 p., illus.(col.). Paris, P. Lechevalier, 1939. (Libr. Cong.) Thesis - University de Paris, Contents: Ch. 1, Madagascar, sa géologie, son relief, ses climats, sa végétation, ses sols, ses cultures; Ch. 2s Vue d’ensemble sur les maladies des plantes cultivées a Madagascar; Ch. 3, Anthracnose du géranium rosat; Ch. 4, Rouille de l’Aubergine; Ch. 5, Quatre maladies cryptogamiques du Voandzeia subterranea; Ch. 6, Chancre des rameaux du cacaover; Ch. 7, La rouille du caféier. Un Verticillium parasite de l’Hemileia vastatrix; Ch. 8, Quelques observations sur deux maladies & ultravirus du tabac, le Kroepoek et le Crinkling; Ch. 9, Mosaique et maladie bactérienne du manioe; Ch. 10, Index alphabéti- que des parasites et maladies observés a Madagascar et 4 la Réunion. Conclusions générales, and Bibliographie concernant le chapitre 2. 325. BOURIQUET, G. Réunion Island: a list of para- sites and diseases of cultivated plants. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 12:146M-147M. July 1938. 464.8 In8 Continued from ‘‘Réunion: plant parasites newly re- corded in the Island,’’ Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 7:123. June 1933. Includes diseases of cassava, coffee, grapevine, apple, peach, date palm, maize, groundnut, beans, tobacco, and tomato. 326. BOWMAN, G. F. Podredumbre negra del cacao. Hacienda 43(9):48-49, illus. Sept.1948. 6 H11 Results of experiments to control canker, conducted in Costa Rica, 1946-48. 327. BOWMAN, G. F. A podriddo negra do cacau. Fazenda 43:46,48, illus. Oct.i948. 6 H11P Disease of cacao on the coasts of Costa Rica and Pana- ma caused by Phytophthora palmivora. 328. BOX, H. E. Insect transmission of the ‘‘swollen- shoot’? virus in West African cacao, Nature [London] 155: 608-609. May 19,1945. 472 N21 Preliminary account of experiments carried out at Tafo, Gold Coast Colony, 1943-44 showing the mealy-bugs (Ferrisiana virgata, Pseudococcus exitiabilis) to be vec- tors of this disease. 329, BOYD, J. H. How to control tomato blight. Hawaii. U. Agr. Ext. C. 48,rev.,2 p. 1945. 275.29 H312Ac 330. BOZA BARDUCCI, T. Posibilidades practicas de la selecci6n en masa de plantas libres de roya para la producci6én de semilla de lino apta para los sembrios de la Costa. Peru. Dir. Gen, de Agr. B. 16:221-228. 1943. 9.8 P43B Combating rust on flax caused by the fungus Melamp- sora lini; result of a study at Agricultural Experiment Station, Department of Plant Genetics, La Molina, Peru, 1941-43. 331. BOZA BARDUCCI, T., and GARCIA RADA, G. El Verticillium-wilt del algodonero. Lima, Peru Estac. Expt. Agr. de La Molina B. 23,46 p., illus. Oct.1942. 102.5 L622B 332, BRAIN, C. K. A witchweed on tobacco roots. Rhodesia Agr. J. 35:345-346, illus. May 1938. 24 R34 Roots of the tobacco plant severely parasitized by Striga orobanchoides. Reprinted as South. Rhodesia Dept. Agr. & Lands B. 1070,2 p., illus. May 1938. 24 R345 333. BRANDES, E. W. Un caso complejo de enfer- medad de la cafia de azticar en la Provincia de Oriente. Asoc. de Téc. Azucareros Cuba, B. Ofic. 8:281-283. Oct.1949. 65.9 As5B 334, BRAVO E., A. Enfermedades de las plantas de Sud Yungas. GEO; Agr., Colon. y Ramas Anex. 4(15):3, illus. 1938, 9.1 C712 Includes brief descriptions of citrus diseases induced by parasitic fungi, or by insects in Bolivia. 335. BRIANT, A, K., and JOHNS, R. Cassava investi- gations in Zanzibar. East African Agr. J. 5:404-412. May 1940. 24 Ea74 Mosaic diseases, p. 406-411. 336. BRIEGER, F. G., LIMA, A. R., and FORSTER, R, Comportamento de variedades e progénies de fumo na resisténcia ao ‘‘vira-cabeca.’’ Bragantia 2:275-294. Aug.1942, 102.5 B73Tb English summary. Experiment at the Institute of Agronomy, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 337, BRIEGER, F.G., and others. Ensaio de épocas de transplante para o fumo. Bragantia 2:295-310. Aug. 1942. 102.5 B73Tb A. Rodrigues Lima, Reinaldo Forster, A. S. Costa, S. Ribeiro dos Santos, joint authors. English summary. Study of transplanting tobacco in connection with re- seater on spotted wilt disease in the State of Sdo Paulo, razil. 338. BRIEGER, F. G., and FORSTER, R. Tumores em certos hibridos do género nicotiana. Bragantia 2:259- 274, illus. July 1942. 102.5 B73Tb English summary. Observations on abnormalities in the interspecific hybrids, Nicotiana glauca x N. langsdorffii and N. glauca x N. sanderae, in the State of Sdo Paulo, Brazil. 339. BRITISH GUIANA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE, Annual report (Divisional) for the year 1946. George- town, 1947. 49 p. 9.6 B774D Plant pathology report not included. Annual reports for the years 1939-45 are not available. Earlier reports contain ‘‘Report on the Botanical and Pathological Division,’’ by E. B. Martin, treating with diseases of sugarcane, rice, coffee, citrus, cacao, toma- toes, peanuts, and bananas. 340. BRITISH WEST INDIES SUGAR ASSOCIATION. The incidence of mosaic disease. Brit. West Indies Sugar Assoc. Proc. Mtg. Sugar Technol. (1945):59-61. 65.9 B775 Informal discussion led by R. E. D. Baker. Mosaic disease on sugarcane. 341. BRITON-JONES, H. R. The diseases of the co- conut palm. London, Bailliére, Tindall and Cox, 1940. 176 p., illus. 464.09 B77Di A general handbook of coconut palm diseases in the British West Indies. 342. BROEN, M. Causas que provocan el ‘‘degene- ramiento’’ de los bulbos que interesan a los floricultores. Suelo Argentino 4:236-237,269. Apr.1945. 9 Su2 343. BROWN blast of rubber trees. Rubber Res. Inst. Malaya C. 2,2 p. Feb.1939. 78.9 B824C 344. BRUCHER ENCINA, G. Gomosis de los citrus. Campesino [Santiago, Chile] 78(5):17, illus. May 1946. 9.3 So12 Phytophthora sp. 345. BRUCHER ENCINA, G. Pudrici6én parda de los citrus. Campesino [Santiago] 78(3):13-14. Mar.1946. 9.3 Sol2 In Chile. Caused by Phytophthora. 346. BRUNER, S.C. Algunos hongos de la cana de azucar y sus productos. Asoc. de Téc. Azucareros Cuba B. Ofic. 1(10):143-145. Dec.1942. 65.9 As5B A list of disease producing fungi. 347. BRUNER, S.C. The diseases of sugar cane. Asoc. de Téc. Azucareros Cuba, Proc. 14(1940):69-104, illus, [1941]. 65.9 As5 Review of sugarcane diseases in Cuba: mosaic, eyespot, ring spot, brown stripe, brown spot, target blotch, pokkah-boeng, rind disease, root disease, red stripe dis- ease, and miscellaneous affections. Spanish translation in Asoc. de Tec. Azucareros Cuba, B. Ofic. v.1-2. May 1942-June 1943. 65.9 As5B 348. BRUNER, S. C., ARANGO, R., and AGUERO, R. La enfermedad antracnosis de los mangos. Rev. de Agr. Cuba 21(5/6):72-77, illus. May/June 1938. 8 Ag88Re 349. BRUNER, S.C. La enfermedad de Panama del platano. Fomento 1(7):27-28,30;(8):23-24,26, illus. May- June 1944, 8 F734 Wilt disease. 350. BRUNER, S. C. La enfermedad pudricién del cogollo del cocotero. Cuba Agr. 4(12):12-16, illus. Dec. 1937. 8 C894 Phytophthora palmivora. 351. BRUNER, S. C. Sobre el dafio que ocasiona el ‘‘Mosaico’’ a la cafia de azucar. Rev. de Agr. y Com. [Panama] 3(28):49-55. Dec,.1943. 8 R3291 Experimental work on mosaic disease of sugarcane in Cuba. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 11 352. BURGUES, S. A. Identificaci6n de los carbones volantes de la cebada. Uruguay U., Facul. de Agron. Rev. 31:111-117, illus. Feb.1943. 102.5 M76R Ustilago nuda and U. hordei. 353. BURKART, A. El nematode del tallo (‘‘Anguil- lulina dipsaci’’) en alfalfares de la provinica de Salto, Rev. Argentina de Agron. 10:190. June 1943. 9 R327 354. BURKART, A. La selecci6n de alfalfa immune al nematode del tallo (Angullulina dipsaci). Rev. Argen- tina de Agron. 4:171-196, illus.(map). Sept.1937. 9 R327 German summary. 355. BURMA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Report, 1939/40. Rangoon, 1940. 273 p. 22 B92Re Report of the mycologist, by L. N. Seth, p. 57-65. On diseases of rice, sesamum, groundnuts, onion, soybean, and coffee. Earlier reports, by M. T. Su, plant patholo- gist deal also with diseases of sugarcane, betelvine, mangosteen, cotton, tobacco, orange, lime, wheat, grape, sann hemp, and gram. Later reports are not available. 356. BURNS, W. Breeding for disease resistance in agricultural plants. Sci. & Cult. 2:619-621. June 1937. 475 Sci24 Wilt resistant varieties of cotton and flax, and rust- resistant varieties of wheat in India. 357. BURNS, W. The progress of agricultural sci- ence in India during the past twenty-five years. Calcutta, Indian Sci. Cong. Assoc. 1938. 34.2 B93 Reprinted from Progress of Science in India during the past 25 years. Plant diseases due to fungi, p. 146-151. 358. BUY WENNIGS®, W. F. M. DE. Meeldauwbestui- ving met cirrus zwavel versus zwavelmodder. Bergcul- tures 11:462-463. Apr.3,1937. 22.5 B45 359. C., R. Tres enfermedades del poroto que se transmiten con la semilla. Rev. Mens. B. A. P. 27(321): 41,43,45, illus. Aug.1944. 9 R326 Mosaic, bacterial blight, and wilt. 360. CABRERA, D. Dos enfermedades fungosas que atacan a los plantios de algod6n en los meses de junio y julio. Agr. Lagunero 2(14):11. June 1947. 8 Ag824 Phymatotrichum omnivorum and Fusarium vasinfectum. In the Lagoon region of Mexico. i 361. CADBURY, J. History of the swollen shoot dis- ease on cocoa up to 1949. In Cocoa, Chocolate & Confec- tionery Alliance. Report of the Cocoa Conference, 1949, p.34-39. London,1949. 68.39 In82 Gold Coast. Me 362. CADENA, F. Trata de la desinfeccion de la semilla. Vida Rur. 6(63):24. Oct.1944. 9.4 V66 363. CALINISAN, M. R. A comprehensive study of symptoms of abacd mosaic. Philippine J. Agr, 10:121- 130, illus. 1939. 25 P543 In the Province of Davao, Philippine Islands. Also in Sugar Cane Planter 4(12):13-15. June 1940. 65.8 Su392 364. CALINISAN, M. R. The occurrence of cabbage yellows at the Suarez commercial cabbage station in Dau, Angeles, Pampanga. Agr. & Indus. Mon. 5(4):26, illus. Jan.1938. 25 Ag82 In the Philippine Islands. Caused by Fusarium conglutinans. 365. CALINISAN, M. R. The three destructive dis- eases of abaca in Davao (bunchy-top, mosaic, and the vascular disease) and their control. Philippine J. Agr. 9:329-333, illus. 1938. 25 P543 366. CALINISAN, M. R. Transmission experiment of abacd mosaic. Philippine J. Agr. 9:309-313, illus. 1938. 25 P543 Progress report No. 1. Experiments at the Plant Fathol- ogy Laboratory, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila, Philip- pine Islands. 367. CALINISAN, M. R. Vascular disease of abaca (Manila hemp) in Davao. Philippine J. Agr. 9:153-160, illus. 1938. 25 P543 Progress report No. 1. Disease thought to be due to a fungus similar to Fusarium oxysporum, bacteria, and a stem weevil (Odoiporus paganus). 368. CALINISAN, M. &., and HERNANDEZ, C. C. Studies on the control of abaca bunchy-top with reference to varietal resistance. Philippine J. Agr. 7:393-408, illus. 1936(1937). 25 P543 Experimental work at Silang Experiment Station, Cavite Province, Philippine Islands in an attempt to reestablish the abac4 plantations in this province which ‘vere de- stroyed by bunchy top. ~ 369. CALMA, V. C. Studies on the deterioration of burned sugar cane. Philippine Agr. 29:660-671. Jan. 1941. 25 P542 370. CAMARGO, R. DE. Combate 4 podridao das raizes do cafeeiro. Chacaras e Quintais 78:352. Sept.15, 1948. 9.2 C34 371. CAMERO ZAMORA, J. El mosaico de la cafia de azticar. Agr. Venezol. 4(45/46):15-18, illus. Jan./Feb. 1940. 9.95 Ag8 372. CAMERON, D.S. Blister blight in relation to planting and supplying tea. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19:92-95. Dec.1947. 68.18 C33 373. CAMINHA FILHO, A. A cana de actcar na Bahia. Bahia Inst. Cent. de Fomento Econ. B. 15,119 p., illus. (col.). 1944. 9.2 B143 Includes accounts of diseases: mosaic, sereh, red stripe, chlorosis, and leaf spots. 374. CAMINHA FILHO, A. O carvdo da cana de acicar. Bras. Acucareiro 23:262-264, illus. Mar.1944, 65.8 B73 Caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea. 375. CAMINHA FILHO, A. O carvéo da cana de acu- car (Ustilago scitaminea (Rab) Syd.). Bras. Acucareiro 32:349-351. Sept./Oct.1948. 65.8 B73 376. CAMINHA FILHO, A. Correlagdo entre o grau de infecc4o do mosaico da cana de acucar e o esforgo de adaptacgao de uma variedade ao meio ambiente. Bras. Acucareiro 11(6):30-33, illus. Aug.1938. 65.8 B73 377. CAMINHA FILHO, A. Doengas da canna de as- sucar no Brasil. Rodriguesia 2(No. especial):191-196. ee 442.8 R61 A description of the eight major diseases of sugarcane: mosaic, sereh, leaf-scald, streak, downy mildew, gummo- sis, and smut. 378. CAMINHA FILHO, A. A enfermidade do mosaico na Baia. Bras. Acucareiro 21:583-587, illus. June 1943. 65.8 B73 Mosaic of sugarcane. 379. CAMINHA FILHO, A. A molestia das listas ver- melhas. Bras. Acucareiro 20:507-509, illus. Nov.1942. 65.8 B73 Phytomonas rubrilineans and P. rubrisubaldicans, or- ganisms associated with the disease as it occurs in Brazil. 380. CAMINHA FILHO, A. Ha mosaico em Sergipe. Bras. Acucareiro 16:398-399. Nov.1940. 65.8 B73 381. CAMP, A. F. La podredumbre de las raicillas. Corp. Fruticola Argentina Rev. Ofic. 9(98):7-21. Feb.28, 1943. 83 C81 Report on his trip to Argentina to study root rot of Citrus. 382. CAMP, A. F. The status of sour orange stock in South American areas. Citrus Indus. 26(11):5-7,9,16,20- 21. Nov.1945. 80 C49 Observations on the tristeza disease of orange. 383. CAMP, A. F. The tristeza disease of citrus in Argentina. Fla. State Hort. Soc. Proc. (1948)61:15-19. 1949. 81 F66 Tristeza of orange. 384. CAMP, A. F. Una visita al Brasil y la Isla de Trinidad. Corp. Fruticola Argentina Rev. Ofic. 9(100):5- 8. Apr.30,1943. 83 C81 Study of citrus root rot in Brazil. 385. CAMPACCI, C. A. A podriddo branca [Sclerot- ium cepivorum] do alho e da cebola. Biol6gico 12:279- 281, illus. Dec.1946. 442.8 B529 386. CAMPACCI, C. A. A podrida&o mole do abacaxi. Biologico 12:70-71. Mar.1946. 442.8 B529 Thielaviopsis paradoxa. 387. CAMPI, M. D. ‘‘Botrytis tulipae,’’ pardsito del tulipdn en la Reptiblica Argentina. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 8:16-18, illus. Mar.1941. 9 R327 4 388. CAMPI, M. D. Ensayo comparativo de la efica- cia de tres fungicidas sobre la enfermedad del clavel producida por Heterosporium echinulatum (Berk.) Cke. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. [P.] (ser.A)2(11),12 p. 1946. 464.9 Ar323 Control of ring spot. 389. CAMPI, M. D. ‘‘Helminthosporium turcicum’’ Pass. en la Reptblica Argentina. Lilloa 4:5-32, illus. 1939. 450 L62 English summary. A common fungus on corn in Argentina. 390. CAMPI, M. D. Heterosporium echinulatum (Berk.) Cke., nuevo parasito del clavel Dianthus caryo- phyllus en la Reptblica Argentina. Lilloa 8:269-271 illus. 1942. 450 L62 f A fungus injurious to carnations grown under glass. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 391. CAMPI, M. D. El marchitamiento de la acacia de Constantinopla (Albizzia julibrissin) y su relaci6én con la presencia de Fusarium oxysporum Schl. F. pernicios- um (Hepting) Snyder. Lilloa 9:457-460, illus. Dec.24, 1943. 450 L62 In Argentina. 399 CAMPOS, A. R. Moléstias da cana de acicar em FPc.nambuco. Pernambuco, Sec. de Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 8:169-174, illus. Nov.1941. 9.2 P423 1, ‘‘Mal das raizes;’’ 2, Leptosphaeria sacchari; 3, ‘*Podridao do colmo”’ - Thielaviopsis paradoxa; 4, ‘‘Fu- magina’’ da cana de agticar - Fumago sacchari; 5, ‘‘Pod- ridao vermelha’’ - red-rot.- Colletotrichum falcatum; 6, Trichosphaeria sacchari. Also in Bras. Acucareiro 19:182-185, illus. Feb.1942. 65.8 B73 393. CAMPOS, A. R. Moléstias da mamoneira no estado de Pernambuco. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indts. e Com. B. 9:55-59, illus. Feb.1942. 9.2 P423 Fusarium orthoceras on the castoroil plant in Brazil. 394. CAMPOS, A. R., and PICKEL, B. Observacdes sobre as doengas e agentes patogenicos das plantos en Pernambuco. Rev. de Agr. |Piracicaba] 20:19-38. Jan./Feb.1945. 9.2 R324 395. CANNON, R. C. Control of nematodes in tobac- co seed-beds. Queensland Agr. J. 63:20-21. July 1946. 23 Q33 The root knot nematode (Heterodera marioni), 396. CANUTO MARMO, J., and NEVES, C. A. DAS. Doencas de plantas encontradas no Estado de Sao Paulo. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 17:407-415. Dec.1942. 9.2 R324 List of plants with their diseases. 397. CAPOOR, S. P., and VARMA, P. M. Enation mosaic of Dolichos lablab Lian., a new virus disease. Cur. Sci. 17:57-58, illus. Feb.1948. 475 Sci23 398. CAPOOR, S. P., and VARMA, P. M. A mosaic disease of Carica papaya L. in the Bombay Province. Cur. Sci. 17:265-266, illus. Sept.1948. 475 Sci23 399. CAPOOR, S. P., and VARMA, P. M. A mosaic disease of Datura alba Nees. Cur. Sci. 17:151-152, illus. May 1948. 475 Sci23 400. CAPOOR, S. P., and VARMA, P. M. A mosaic disease of Lagenaria vulgaris Ser in the Bombay Prov- ince. Cur. Sci. 17:274-275, illus. Sept.1948. 475 Sci23 401. CAPOOR, S. P., VARMA, P. M., and UPPAL, B. N. A mosaic disease of Vigna catjang Walp. Cur. Sci. 16:151. May 1947. 475 Sci23 Note on a disease of the cowpea at the Agricultural College Farm, Poona, India. 402. CAPOOR, S. P., and VARMA, P. M. Yellow mosaic of Phaseolus lunatus L. Cur. Sci. 17:152-153, illus. May 1948. 475 Sci23 Results of experimental work at the College of Agricul- ture, Poona, India. é 403. CARACAS. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL CAFE. Algunas observaciones practicas acerca del cultivo y beneficio del café. Caracas, Coop. de Artes Grdficas, 1942, 181 p., illus.” 68.2C17 Enfermedades del cafeto in Venezuela, p. 92-131, illus. 404. CARDENAS, M. Algunas enfermedades cripto- gadmicas y entomologicas constatadas en Bolivia de 1942- 1944. Rev. de Agr. [Cochabamba] 2(2):39-40. July 1944. 102.5 C64 405. CARDENAS, M. La ‘‘estalla de la coca.’”’ Rev. de Agr. [Cochabamba] 2:41-43. July 1944. 102.5 C64 In Bolivia. 406. C/ARDENAS], M. La Phytophthora infestans en Cochabamba. Rey. de Agr. [Cochabamba] 2(2):41. July 1944. 102.5 C64 Late blight of potatoes. 407. CARDINI, A. F. Area de difusion del ‘‘carbon hediondo”’ o ‘‘caries’’ del trigo en las distintas zonas cerealistas del pais. Ano agyfcola 1937-38. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Almanaque 14:73-77, illus. 1939, 9 Ag874 408. CARDONA S., H. Aplicacion de los productos quimicos para proteger la caviculturo. Café de El Salva- dor 19:1299-1303. Mar.1949. 68.28 C112 The use of insecticides and fungicides in plant disease control. \ 409. CARDOSO, J. G. A. Contribuicdo para o estudo das ferrugens das plantas em Mocgambique. Mocambi- que 9(35):29-67;(36):45-59;(38):51-58, illus.(col.). Sept. 1943,Oct./Dec.1943,Apr./Jun2 1944. 110 M71 410. CARDOSO, J.G. A. Da fitopatologia em Mo- gambique. Mocambique 11(44):129-148, illus.(col.). Oct./Dec.1945. 110 M71 411. CARDOSO, J. G. A. Mozambique: Fungi, bac- teria and diseases of unknown origin observed in the colony. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 14:28M-29M. Feb. 1940. 464.8 In8 List. 412. CARDOSO, J. G. A. Mozambique: Parasites of cultivated plants observed in the province of Sul do Save. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 12:74M-76M. Apr.1938. 464.8 In8 413. CARETTE, E., and LEAL, A. R. Supuesta enfer- medad de los mazanos en Tunuydn. Mendoza (Prov.) Dir. de Indus. y Fomento Agr. B. Agr. 10(1/3):20-22. Jan./Mar.1942. 9 M52B Considered a physiological abnormality. 414. CARLOS, G. O. Algunas enfermedades y plagas que atacan al manzano en Antioquia. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. 7:443-494, illus. Dec.1947. 9.4 C717 415. CARNEIRO, J. G., and PICKEL, D. B. Catdlogo das bacterias e dos fungos do caféeiro. Sdo Paulo, Bra- zil, 1940. 184 p. 464.09 C21 ~ 416. CARNEIRO, J. G. Nomenclatura phytopathologi- ca e mycologica brasileira. Sao Paulo. Dir. de Pub. Agr. B. de Agr. 38(1937):674-722. 1938. 9.2 Sa63 417. CARNEIRO, J. G. Nomenclatura phytopathologi- ca e mycolégica no Brasil. Rodriguésia 2(numero espec- ial):339-340. ase 1887 442.8 R6i 418. CARNEIRO, J. G. Podriddo da raiz em Ficus retusa. Biologico 7:260. Sept.1941. 442.8 B529 Rosellina sp. 419. CARNEIRO, J. G. A secca das pontas galhos do pecegueiro. Biolégico 4:18-19. Jan.1938. 442.8 B529 Note on dieback of peach caused by Phoma persicae. 420. CARPENTER, C. W. A chytrid in relation to chlorotic streak disease of sugar cane. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 44:19-33, illus. 1940. 25 H311 Preliminary report on an intracellular parasite of sugarcane, 421. CARPENTER, C. W. Fusarium disease of the prickly pear. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 48(2):59-63, illus. 1944, 25 H311 Fusarium oxysporum. 422. CARPENTER, C. W., WELLER, D. M., and MARTIN, J. P. Studies with Penicillium notatum West- ling in Hawaii. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 49:1-23. First Q. 1945. 25 H311 i 423. CARRERA, C. Uncaso de verticilliosis apareci- do y comprobado sobre ciruelo en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Gong. Fruticola San Juan,Trab. (1936):334-341, illus. 1939. 93.09 C7623 Verticillium albo-atrum, causal agent. 424. CARRERA, C. Enfermedades mas comunes del trigo en la Republica Argentina. Granos 10:13-20. July 1938. 9 G762 Includes rusts, take-all of wheat, seedling blight, smut, and powdery mildew, with recommendations for control. 425. CARRERA, C. Tratamiento 0 cura de las semil- las de los cereales. Bolsa de Cereales, Buenos Aires. Rev. 35(1868):19-21,28-37. Oct.14,1948. 287 B866 Also in Campo [Buenos Aires] 29:28-29. July 1945. 9C15 426. CARRERA, C. J. M. La agalla de corona de los frutales. Agente: Phytomonas tumefaciens Smith y Town- send. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C.24,2 p. Mar.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 427. CARRERA, C. J. M. Cancer del manzano (Physalospora obtusa, Schw. Physalospora cydoneae, Arn.). Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C. 20,2 p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 428. CARRERA, C. J. M. El cancer negro del manza- no. Campo y Suelo Argentino 31(372):46. Oct.1947. 9 C15 Produced by Physalospora obtusa. 429. CARRERA, C. J. M. El mildiu-tizon tardio o fitoftora de la papa Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) De Bary. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C.23,2 p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 430. CARRERA, C. J. M. Especies de Fusarium que causan podredumbre en los frutos de carozo. Lilloa 5: 169-180, illus. 1940. 450 L62 Brief German summary. Short historical summary of studies of various Fusari- ums on stone fruits. Illustrations of infected peaches. 431. CARRERA, C. J. M. Estudio de una nueva enfer- medad del Gladiolo en la Republica Argentina. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. [PB], Ser. A, 3(34),8 p, illus. 1947. 464.9 Ar323 Caused by Fusarium oxysporum gladioli. | | | | A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 432. CARRERA, C. J. M. Estudio sobre la fisiologia de la Phytophthora capsici Leonian productora del ‘‘mildiu’”’ o ‘‘tiz6n’’ del pimiento en la Argentina, Buenos Aires. U. Facul. de Agron. y Vet. Rev. 10:156-198. Oct. 1942. 9 B863 English summary. 433. CARRERA, C. J. M. La ‘‘fusariosis’”’ 0 marchi- tamiento del lino en la Republica Argentina debida al ‘cFusarium lini,’? Bolley. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Almanaque (1941)16:141-142, illus. (col.). 9 Ag874 Wilt of flax. 434. CARRERA, C. J. M. El género ‘‘Fusarium’’ en la Reptblica Argentina. Estudio e identificacioén de algu- nas especies. Physis 15:21-77, illus. Mar.31,1939. 516 So12 Discussion of the genus: importance, lesions, pathoge- nicity, culture studies and media, generic groups. 435. CARRERA, C. J. M. El género ‘‘Fusarium”’ en la Reptblica Argentina. Estudio y clasificacio6n sistem4- tic. (Segunda contribucién). Rev. Argentina de Agron. 7: 277-296, illus. Dec.1940. 9 R327 Lists of Fusarium and hosts, p. 293-295. 436. CARRERA, C. J. M., and NOLL, W. La impor- tanica de algunas especies de Fusarium en el pietin y el marchitamiento de Lupinus albus, Lup. angustifolius y Lens esculenta en el Uruguay. Soc. Cient. Argentina An. 131:152-184, 185-211, illus. Apr.-May 1941. 516 Sol 437. CARRERA, C. J. M. Lucha contra las enfer- medades y parasitos de las plantas frutales. Campo y Suelo Argentino 32(373):20-22. Nov.1947. 9 C15 438. CARRERA, C. J. M. Lucha y control de las en- fermedades de los vegetales. Campo y Suelo Argentino 32(374):31. Dec.1947. 9 C15 439. CARRERA, C. J. M. Una nueva enfermedade de la cana de azticar. IDIA; Inform. de Invest. Agr. 2(16):15. Apr.1949. 9 Id3 Caused by Fusarium moniliforme. 440. CARRERA, C. J. M. La ‘‘peronospora”’ o ‘‘mil- dew’’ de la vid (Plasm6para viticola) (Berkeley y Curtiss). Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C. 16, ae Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C Iso in Campo [Buenos Aires] 30(358):50-51. Aug.1946. 9 C15; Corp. Fruticola Argentina. Rev. Ofic. 13(145):25- 26,28. Jan.31,1947. 83 C81 441. CARRERA, C. J. M. Podredumbre del pie o gomosis de los citrus (Phytophthora parasitica (Dastur)). Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C. 19, 2p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 442. CARRERA, C. J. M. Podredumbre morena del duraznero (Sclerotinia cinerea, Schz.) (-Monilia cinerea, Bon.). Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C.13,1 p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C _ 443. CARRERA, C. J. M. La presencia de ‘‘Fusarium Scirpi, v. acuminatum’’ en la Republica Argentina. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 7:89-94, illus. June 1940. 9 R327 Fungus associated with blight of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus); same fungus found pathogenic to flax. ae ae CE, oe 5 Moepxinctpales enfermedades - Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C. 22,3 p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C : i , Spasm, wilt and rust. 445. CARRERA, C. J. M. Procedimientos para com- batir la “‘sarna’”’ o ‘‘verruga”’ de los citrus, Sphaceloma fawcettii, Jenkins. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat.C. 15,2 p. Feb.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 446. CARRERA, C. J. M., and MENASE DE GIBERTI, M. J. Pruebas experimentales realizadas con Fusarium graminearum Schw. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. [P.] Ser. A, 3(25),7 p. 1947. 464.9 Ar323 eS - CARRERA, C. J. M. Torque o aa (Taphtina defor mans (Fel.) Tale arenes : anid. Veg. Dept. de Fi 3 1947, 464.9 Aa CMis Mt aaa C Lea eeeb: - CARRERA, C. J. M. La tuberculosis del olivo Agente: Phytomonas savastanoi (Smith.) Bergey. Argen- tina. Inst. de Sanid. Ve . Dept. d i Mar.1947, 464.9 Ar323@ FT itOPat. C. 25,2 p. 449, CARVAJAL BARAHONA, F. ‘Ojo de gallo” (Omphalia flavida), Inst. de Defensa del Café de Costa Rica. Rev. 7:535-576, illus. Feb.1939. 68.28 C82 American leaf disease of coffee. ; 450. CARVALHO, J. H. DE. Requisitos indispensa- veils no combate aos parasitas dos vegetais. Rev. Agron. Rio Grande do Sul 4:119-124, illus. Feb.1940. 9.2 R325 Controlling plant diseases in Argentina. 13 451. CARVALHO, R. DE S. O nematdide das raizes das plantas citricas - Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb - a sua possivel relagao com a doen¢a ‘‘podridao das radi- celas.”” Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 17:423-434, illus, Dec.1942. 9.2 R324 English summary. General account of the history, distribution, and symp- toms of the disease and of the morphology and control of the parasite. 452. CARVALHO, R. DES. Sobre a ocorrencia de um nematoide nas rafzes das plantas citricas. Rev. de Agr Piracicaba] 17:347-352, illus. Aug-Oct.1942. 9.2 R324 Tylenchulus semipenetrans on orange, 453. CARVALHO, R. F. DE. Principais pragas e moléstias das plantas de horta. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indas. e Com. B. 10(3/4):4- i ee (3/4):4-13, illus. Sept./Dec. Moléstias, p. 9-13, illus. 454. CARVALHO, T. DE. A doeng¢a do enegreci ee eS (podridao bacteriana) das Cousees cae : nthomonas campestris Dows.). : 70-82) Muss Sept 1049, Mean te OO Sere 1: In Mozambique. Pitre (Sre oe i De A marcha preta da fruta oma citricarpa McAlp.). Gaz. d :95- 102, illus. Oct.1949. 24 G25 pace In Mozambique. 456. CARVALHO, T. DE. A murcha bacteriana da batateira, tomateiro e outras plantas (Xanthomonas solanacearum Dows.). Gaz. do Agr. 1:130-134, illus. Nov.1949. 24 G25 In Mozambique. 4 457. CARVALHO, T. DE. Relacdo preliminar de doengas encontradas em plantas e insectos, com anota- codes fitopatologicas. Lourenco Marques, 1948. 84 p., illus. 464 C25 458. CASANUEVA R., J. M. Pestes y enfermedades de las plantas frutales. Chile Min. Agr. B. 6:21-60, illus. Jan./Mar.1939. 9.3 C433 Profusely illustrated. 459. CASARES PEREZ, E. Manchas del henequén. Sisal de Yucatan 6(63):11,32. Mar.31,1945. 73.8 Si83 Anthracnose caused by Glomerella cingulata, often following injury due to Homalodisca triquetra. 460. CASTANO A., J, J. Los virus en las plantas. Agr. Trop. 2(7):57-60. Aug.15,1946. 26 Ag8 461. CASTELLANI, E. L’antracnosi del Carrubo. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 42:81-91. Apr./June 1948. 26 Ag82 English summary. A strain of Colletotrichum gloeosporiorides. 462. CASTELLANI, E. Attuali conoscenze sul genere Fusarium in Africa Orientale Italiana. Agr. Colon. 34: 425-431. Oct.1940. 26 Ag82 463. CASTELLANI, E. Considerazioni fitopatologiche sull’ Africa Orientale Italiana. Agr. Colon. 33:486-492, illus. Aug.1939. 26 Ag82 : 464. CASTELLANI, E. Osservazioni fitopatologiche sul ‘‘Berberé.’’ I. Cercosporiosi. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 42(1/3):20-29, illus. Jan./Mar.1948. 26 Ag82 English summary. Description of a disease of ‘‘Berberé”’ (chilli, Capsicum annuum e C. frutescens) that the author once observed in Eritrea and Abyssinia, East Africa, caused by a Cercos- pora. 465. CASTELLANI, E. Osservazioni preliminari sulle ruggini del grano nell’ altopiano etiopico. Agr. Colon. 32:400-407, illus.,(maps). Sept.1938. 26 Ag82 466. CASTELLANI, E. Premiére contribution a la connaissance de la flore blastomycétique des bananes de 1’Afrique orientale Italienne. -Soc. Internaz. di Microbiol. Sez. Ital. B. 9:226-232. July 1937. 448.3 Sol Torulopsis conglobata var. minima n. var., Torulopsis muSarum n. sp. 467. CASTELLANI, E. Prima ricognizione fitopatol- ogica in Africa orientale Italiana. Agr. Colon. 33:143- 148. Mar.1939. 26 Ag82 468. CASTELLANI, E. Problemi fitopatologici dell’ Impero. Osservazioni ed orientamenti. Georgofili 5:545- 558. Oct./Dec.1939. 507 F51 469. CASTELLANI, E. A proposito della presunta resistenza di varieta brasiliane di caffé alla Hemileia vastatrix. Agr. Colon. 36:100-101. Apr.1942. 26 Ag82 In East Italian Africa. 470. CASTELLANI, E. La ruggine del caffé (Hemileia vastatrix B. e Br.). Agr. Colon. 31:15-23,66-72, illus. Jan.-Feb.1937. 26 Ag82 14 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 471. CASTELLANI, E. La Scabbia delle arance in Eritrea. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 42:145-150. July /Sept.1948. 26 Ag82 English summary. In East Africa. 472. CASTELLANT, E. Su due malattie del cartamo osservate nell’ altopiano etiopico. Agr. Colon. 34:331- 338. Aug.1940. 26 Ag82 Puccinia carthami and Cercosporella carthami on saf- flower in East Italian Africa. 473. CASTELLANI, E. Su due malattie del Cyperus rotundus L. Agr. Colon, 36:157-161, illus. June 1942. 26 Ag82 Rust on nut grass in East Italian Africa caused by Puc- cinia caniculata and Cintractia sp. 474. CASTELLANI, E. Su un marciume dell’ ensete. Agr. Colon. 33:297-300, illus. May 1939. 26 Ag82 Bacterium solanacearum on Musa ensete. 475. CASTILLO, B. S.,.and CELINO, M.S. Wilt dis- ease of abacd, or Manila hemp (Musa textilis Née). Philippine Agr. 29:65-85, illus. June 1940. 25 P542 Caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f.3 Wr. A study to prove that the fungus causing banana wilt is identical with the one causing abaca wilt. 476. CELINO, M.S. Diseases of cotton in the Philip- pines. I-II. Philippine Agr. 25:302-317;26:788-806, illus. 1936-38. 25 P542 K. Jalavicharana, main author Pt. II, M. S. Celino and R. C. Espino, joint authors Pt. II. I, Sclerotium stem rot, with notes on other diseases. II, Anthracnose, soreshin, and Fusarium stem and boll TOF aT. CELINO, M.S. Experimental transmission of the mosaic of abacd, or Manila hemp plant (Musa textilis Née). Philippine Agr. 29:379-403, illus. Oct.1940. 25 P542 é 478. CELINO, M.S. A preliminary report on a blight disease (cadang-cadang) of coconut in San Miguel Estate, Albay Province. Philippine J. Agr. 13:31-35. Third Q. 1947. 25 P543 In the Philippine Islands. «Tentatively called San Miguel leaf blight.’’ ; This yellowing disease is different from the non-infec- tious form of cadang-cadang previously observed by the writer. 479. CELINO, M.S. Progress report on experimental transmission of cadang-cadang disease of coconut. Philippine J. Agr. (1947)13:109-113, illus. 1949. 25 P543 480. CELINO, M. S., and OCFEMIA, G. O. Two addi- tional insect vectors of mosaic of abac4, or Manila hemp plant, and transmission of its virus to corn. Philippine Agr. 30:70-78, illus. June 1941. 25 P542 481. CENTRAL PROVINCES AND BERAR. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Annual report, 1937/38. Nagpur, 1939. 40 p. 107.5 N13A Report of the mycologist, by J. F. Dastur, p. 30-32. Brief notes on diseases of jowar, wheat, peanuts, pan, citrus, and rice. Similar reports for the earlier years. Later reports not received. 482. CEYLON, DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Admin- istration report, 1946. Colombo, 1948. 88 p. 22.5 C33R Plant pathology, by L. S. Bertus, p. D8-D11. Brief notes on diseases of cacao, coconut, citrus, ginger, and plantain. Earlier reports are similar, reporting variously on diseases of rubber, tobacco, rice, tomato, maize, cas- sava, Pyrethrum, soybean, brinjal, turmeric, Napier grass, cardamoms, casuarina tree, and bolsa tree. 483. CEYLON. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Pink dis- ease, a common disease of fruit trees. Ceylon. Dept. Agr. L, 104, 1 p., illus. 1937. 22.5 C33L Produced by Corticium salmonicolor. 484, CEYLON. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. DIVI- SION OF PLANT PATHOLOGY. Brown spot of paddy. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 99:150-151, illus. July/Sept.1943. 26 T751 Caused by Helminthosporium oryzae. 485. CEYLON TEA RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Annual report, 1946. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. B. 28,62 p. St. Coombs, Talawakelle, 1947. 68.19 C33 Report of the mycologist, by F. R. Tubbs, p. 24-27. Mainly a discussion of blister blight of tea caused by the fungus Exobasidium vexans. Previous reports, by C. H. Gadd, mycologist, discuss other diseases of tea, such as, nematode and root dis- eases, phloem necrosis, Rosellinia disease, stem canker, sooty mould, horsehair blight, and leaf diseases. 486. CHAKRAVARTI, R. Eelworm diseases in plants. i Indian Farming 9:447-450. Nov.1948. 22 In283 Description of root-knot disease (causative agent: Heterodera marioni); ear-cockle disease (Anguillulina tritici); ufra disease (Anguillulina angusta), and bud-rot disease (Aphelenchus cay 487. CHALONS, M. Desinfecci6én de semillas. Ecuador. Min. de Prevision Social. B. 1(5):16-18. June 1937. 281.8 Ec9 488. CHARDON, C. E. Informe del profesor Carlos E. Chardon sobre el ‘‘mosaico’’ de la cana de aztcar al Serle ee de Agricultura y Commercio doctor anuel Jose Vargas. Agricultura [Bogota] 9(6): - illus, Mar.1937. 9.4 Ind2 tae ae In Colombia. 489. CHARDON, C. E. El mosaico de la cana de azucar en Colombia. Rev. de Agr. [Dominican Repub. ] 28:239-242. May 1937. 8 R323 Symptons described; transmissibility; control measures, 490. CHARDON, C. E. Origenes y desenvolvimiento del mosaico de la cafia de azucar. Rev. de Agr. de P. R, 28(4):749-753. June 1937. 8 R325 Extract of paper given before ‘‘la Sociedad de Agricul- tores de Colombia,’’ Jan. 22, 1937. 491. CHATTERJI, N. K. Anatomical studies in a necrotic papaya (Carica papaya, L.) plant. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 22:41-50, illus. Jan.1943. 450 3821 492, CHATTERJI, N. K. Plant viruses. Sci. & Cult. 6:450-455. Feb.1941. 475 Sci24 The nature of viruses, physical properties, size of Mie edge immunity, modes of transmission, and control. 493. CHAUDHURI, H. Diseases in plants. Sci. & Cult. 7:90-97, illus. Aug.1941. 475 Sci24 In general, with observations on plant diseases in India. 494. CHAUDHURI, H. On resistance of yernalised plants of linseed to attack by Melampsora lini. Cur. Sci. 8:555-556. Dec.1939. 475 Sci23 495. CHEESMAN, E. E., and WARDLAW, C. W. Specific and varietal susceptibility of bananas to Cerco- spora leaf spot. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:335-336. Dec. 1937. 26 T754 Certain hybrid varieties, highly resistant to Cercospora leaf spot (Cerospora musae), offer best solution to the problem of obtaining a good export banana. 496. CHERIAN, M. C., and KYLASAM, M.S. Prelim- inary studies on the ‘‘freckled yellow’’ and ‘‘stripe’’ dis- eases Of cholam. Assoc. Econ. Biol. Proc. 4(1936):57-63, illus. 1937. 442.9 As7 ‘‘Freckled yellow’’ disease transmitted by shoot bug, Peregrinus maidis. 497. CHEVALIER, A. Le dépérissement des cacaoy- ers dans l’Ouest africain et les recherches sur le swollen-shoot. Rev. Internatl. de Bot. Appl. et d’Agr. Trop. 29:296-297. May/June 1949. 26 R323 498. CHEVALIER, A. Travaux du congrés des riz et des mais des Colonies francaise. Rev. Bot. Appl. 19:790- 801. Nov.1939. 26 R323 Maladies cryptogamiques et insectes nuisibles au riz et au mais, p. 799-801. 499. CHIAROMONTE, A. Conferencia interamericana de sanidad vegetal. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 43:188- 194. July/Sept.1949. 26 Ag82 Discussion of the Inter- American Conference on Plant Protection, Buenos Aires, Sept. 20-25, 1948. 500. CHILE. DEPARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGE- TAL. Agallas del cuello [Bacterium fume tastier) de los arboles frutales. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 21,3 p. 1945. 464.9 C432C 501. CHILE. DEPARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGE- TAL. La gomosis de los citrus. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 22,3 p. Nov.1945. 464.9 C432C Caused by a fungus of the genus Phytophthora. 502. CHILE. DEPARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGE- TAL. El oidio de la vid. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 23, 3p. 1945. 464.9 C432C 903. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. La antracnosis de la vid. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept, de Sanid. Veg. C. 3, 3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C 904. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. La cloca del durazno. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 15, 3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C Caused by Taphrina deformans. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 15 505. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. Formulas mds comunes en Sanidad de las plantas. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 18,4 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C 506. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. La fusariosis 0 pudrici6n seca de la papa. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 5,3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C Produced by a fungus of the genus Fusarium. 507. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. E1 oidio del durazno. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 9, 3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C Caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa, var. persicae. 508. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. La pudrici6n de las raices y tallos del papayo. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 10,3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C 509. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA, DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. Pudricion parda de las frutas citricas. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 12,4 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C Caused by various fungi of the genus Phytophthora. 510. CHILE. MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. ‘‘Tiro de munici6n’’ de los drboles frutales de hueso. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 14,3 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C 511. CHILE. MINISTERO DE AGRICULTURA. DE- PARTAMENTO DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. La Venturia del manzano. Chile. Min. de Agr. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. C. 13,4 p., illus. 1942. 464.9 C432C Apple scab fungus produced by Venturia inaequalis. 512. CHOUSSY, F. Algodon. Siembra comparativa de algunas variedades en los terrenos de ensayo de la aso- ciaci6n cafetalera y control de las plagas corrientes. Café de El Salvador 12:11-14, illus.(col.). Jan.1942. 68.28 C112 513. CHOUSSY, F. Las ‘‘escobas de brujas.’’ Café de El Salvador 13:220-222, illus. Nov.1943. 68.28 C112 On coffee. 514. CHOUSSY, F. ‘Mal de heridas”’ o ‘‘mal de poda’’ del cafeto. Café de El Salvador 10:312-315, illus. Apr.1940. 68.28 C112 Brief note on the study of a disease attributed to a fun- gus of the Rostrella group or possibly to a Fusarium. 515. CHOUSSY, F. El posible implantamiento del cultivo de la rosella en El] Salvador; datos basicos y re- copilaciones. 95 p., illus. San Salvador, Cisneros, 1942. 73.5 C45 WE Ne Reprinted by various authors in the Recopilacion anexa, . 21-95. punter ncdides'.: by J. Stern, p. 14-15. 516. CHOUSSY, F. Sobre una enfermedad de origen fungoso en los magueyales de Oriente. Café de El Salva- dor 13:267-269, illus. Dec.1943. 68.28 C112 Apparently caused by Diplodia. 517. CHOWDHURY, S. An Alternaria disease of saf- flower. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 23:59-65, illus. May 1944. 450 J821 Alternaria carthami n. sp. 518. CHOWDHURY, S. Ceratostomella diseases of ineapple. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 15:135-139. June 1945 alee 22 Ag83I 519. CHOWDHURY, S. A Cercospora blight of jute. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 26:227-231, illus. Nov.1947. 450 J821 C. corchori. Reported in Sylhet, Assam, India. 520. CHOWDHURY, S. Control of Cercospora blight of til jp Seoaniunl indicum]. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 15:140-142. June 1945 [pub.1946]. 22 Ag83I 521. CHOWDHURY, S. Germination of fungal spores in relation to atmospheric humidity. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 7:653-657. Aug.1937. 22 Ag83I 522. CHOWDHURY, S. A Gibberella blight of rye hitherto unrecorded from India. Cur. Sci. 16:152-153. May 1947. 475 Sci23 Gibberella saubinetti. 523. CHOWDHURY, S. A Glomerella rot of nuna [Buena reticulata]. Cur. Sci.16:384. Dec.1947. 75 Sci23 524. CHOWDHURY, S. Heart or stem-rot of pine- apple. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 15:139-140. June 1945 [pub. 1946]. 22 Ags3I Caused by a strain of Phytophthora parasitica. 525. CHOWDHURY, S. A leaf spot of Borassus flabel- lifer L. caused by Pestalotia [i. e. Pestalozzia] palmar- um Cke. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 25:131-137, illus. Aug.1946. 450 J821 A survey of a disease of the Palmyra palm tree, 1944- 46, observed in Assam and other parts of India. 526. CHOWDHURY, S. Mode of transmission of the bunt [Neovossia horrida] of rice. Cur. Sci. 15:111. Apr. 1946. 475 Sci23 Experiments have shown that the smut (Neovossia horri- da) is not seed-borne and infection does not take place in the seedling stage. 527. CHOWDHURY, S. On the control of Rhizoctonia root-rot of pan (Piper betle L.). Sci. & Cult. 13:507-508. June 1948. 475 Sci24 Investigations on betelvine carried out at the Plant Pathological Laboratory, Sylhet, Assam, India. 528. CHOWDHURY, S. Physiology of Cercospora sesami Zimm. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 23:91-107, illus. Aug. 1944. 450 J821 529. CHOWDHURY, S. A Rhizoctonia leaf blight of Dioscorea. Cur. Sci. 15:81-82, illus. Mar.1946. 475 Sci23 First report of the occurrence of this disease on Dio- scorea (yam) leaves at Sylhet, 4ssam, India. 530. CHOWDHURY, S. Some studies in the Rhizopus rot of jack fruit: Indian Bot. Soc. J. 28:42-50, illus. Feb. 1949. 450 J821 Work carried out at the Plant Pathological Laboratory, Sylhet, Assam, India. Disease caused by the fungus Rhizopus artocarpi. 531. CHOWDHURY, S. Wilt of pineapple in Assam. Cur. Sci. 15:82. Mar.1946. 475 Sci23 Fungus identified as a strain of Phytophthora parasitica. 532. CICCARONE, A. Appunti sulla coltivazione del frumento nel Kenya con particolare riguardo al pro- blema delle ruggini. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 41:22- 42. Jan./Mar.1947. 26 Ag82 533. CICCARONE, A. Considerazioni sulla presenza e sul comportamento della ruggine del caffé (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br.) in alcune regioni del Galla e Sida- ma. Agr. Colon. [Italy] 34:112-115. Mar.1940. 26 Ag82 534. CICCARONE, A. Un’interessante defogliazione del cotone. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 42:154-156. July /Sept.1948. 26 Ag82 English summary. _ The author reports the presence of the fungus Alternar- ia on cotton in Venezuela. 535. CICCARONE, A. Italian East Africa; plant dis- eases reported in 1939. Internatl. B. Plant Protect. 14: 117M-119M. June 1940. 464.8 In8 List. 536. CICCARONE, A. Malattie delle piante segnalate nel 1939 nell’ Africa Orientale Italiana. Agr. Colon. 34: 388-390. Sept.1940. 26 Ag&2 537. CICCARONE, A. Note sulla biologia della ‘‘neb- bia del frumento’’ (Erysiphe graminis D. C.) nello Scioa. Agr. Colon. 35:232-238. June 1941. 26 Aga2 In Italian Africa. 538. CICCARONE, A., and PLATONE, E. Notizie su Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in Venezuela e prove preliminari per la lotta. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 43:71-80. Apr./June 1949. 26 Ag82 539. CICCARONE, A. Osservazioni sulle epifizie di Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary nel Valle de Aragua, Venezuela. Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 43 (1/3):22-28. Jan./Mar.1949. 26 Ag82 English summary. The notato crop as affected by the fungus Phytophthora infestans; control measures. 540. CICCARONE, A. Il problema delle ruggini dei grani in Etiopia. Tre anni di osservazioni (1938, 1939, 1940). Riv. di Agr. Subtrop. e Trop. 41:169-194,248-261. 1947. 26 Ag&2. 541. CICCARONE, A. Zonate leaf spot [Gloeocerco- spora porenilot sorghum in Venezuela. Phytopathology 39:760-761. Sept.1949. 464.8 P56 542. CIFERRI, R. La escoba de bruja de algunos ar- boles de sombrio del cacao, (Erythrina y Tabebuia) en Venezuela, una enfermedad de origen no criptogamico. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. 10:143- 147. June 1949. 9.4 C717 . 543. CIFERRI, R. Estudios sobre cacao. I-II. Co- lombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. @:395-413. Dec.1948. 9.4 C717 Physiological wilt and Phytophthora palmivora in Vene- zuela. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 544. CIFERRI, R. Infectious chlorosis of bananas in Colombia. Nature [London] 163:175. Jan.29,1949. 472 N21 Brief note. 545. CIFERRI, R., and GADDINI, L. Marciume delle Musa da Bacterium solanacearum nell’ oasi di Derna. Agr. Colon. 33:531-535, illus. Sept.1939. 26 Ag82 546. CIFERRI, R., and CICCARONE, A. Observa- ciones sobre la enfermedad de la ‘‘hoja bronceada’’ del cocotera en Venezuela. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. 9:17-26, illus. Mar.1949. 9.4 C717 Opinion divided as to the real cause of wilt of the coco- nut palm. 547. CIFERRI, R. Symptomatology of virus diseases induced in cacao by ‘2-4,D’ treatment. Nature [London] 163:881. June 4,1949. 472 N21 Results of an experiment in Venezuela. 948. CIFERRI, R. Una virosis del cacao en Colombia y en la Republica Dominicana. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. &(29/30):79-84, illus. Mar./June 1948. 9.4 C717 Describes symptoms of a disease known as ‘“thoja estrecha abollada,’’ in the Dominican Republic and in the Valley of the Cauca in Colombia; transmitted through grafting. 549. CLARA, F. M. Diseases of garden vegetables and their control. Philippine Isl. Dept. Agr. & Com. News B. 1(4/5):60-65. June/July 1946. 25 P533N Includes disease of cabbage, cauliflower, celery, radish, tomatoes, eggplant, pepper, onion, peas, bush bean, and cucurbits. 550. CLARA, F. M. Some diseases of vegetables and their control. Philippine Isl]. Dept. Agr. & Com. News B. 1(12):51-52. Feb.1947. 25 P533N A popular radio presentation on garden crops in general. _951. CLEARE, L. D. Plant legislation in British Guiana and the Caribbean colonies. Brit. Guiana. Dept. Agr. J. 9:25-38. Mar.1938. 9.6 B774 For the prevention and control of plant diseases. 952. COLE, H. B. Battle of the swollen shoot; a war with test tubes and microscopes to save the Gold Coast cocoa industry. African World, Jan. 1947, p.16-17. 286.8 Af8 Experiments at the West African Cocoa Research Insti- tute at Tafo, Gold Coast. 553. COLON, E. C. The Macrosporium root [i. e. rot] of onions 1938-1939. Rev. de Agr. de P. R. 33:490-493. July/Sept.1941. & R325 Macrosporium sp. 554. COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY INTO THE SWOL- LEN SHOOT DISEASE OF CACAO IN THE GOLD COAST. Report. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1948. 9p. (Gt. Brit. Colon. Off., Colon. 236). 464.09 C732 Control recommendations and proposed research and educational programs, by G. H. Berkeley, W. Carter, and E. Van Slogteren. COMMONWEALTH MYCOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. See IMPERIAL MYCOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. 555. CONDADO, C. La antracnosis de Melilotus albus en la Republica Argentina. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 5: 240-248, illus. Dec.1938. 9 R327 556. CONFORTI, E. L’anguillulosi del banano nella Somalia Italiana. Agr. Colon. 37:128-131. May 1943. 26 Ag82 In East Africa. 557. COOK, M. T. A brief history of plant pathology. Rev. de Agr. de P. R. 32:449-452. July/Sept.1940. 8 R325 958. COOK, M. T. Cucumber mosaic in Puerto Rico. P.R. U. J. Agr. 22:443-447, illus. July 1938. 8 P8327 559. COOK, M. T. Dry top rot disease. P. R. Sugar Manual 1938:12-13. 65.8 P96 A sugarcane disease in Puerto Rico caused by a low type fungus. 560. COOK, M. T. Una enfermedad del anands que ataca la cana de azticar en Puerto Rico. Hacienda 32: 177-178, illus. May 1937. 6 H11 Thielaviopsis paradoxa. 561. COOK, M. T. Enfermedades de las plantas economicas de las Antillas... Traducido... por J. I. Otero. P. R. U. Monog. Ser. B. 4,530 p., illus. 1939. 516 P96 Deals with diseases of sugarcane, citrus plants, bana- nas, cacao, pineapple, avocado, mango, papaw, guava, passionflower, fig, grape, cabbage, cassava, cucumber, eggplant, onions, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, coffee and coconut trees, and the cotton plant. 562. COOK, M. T., and OTERO, J. I. History of the first quarter of a century of the Agricultural Experiment Station at Rfo Piedras, Puerto Rico. P. R. Agr. Expt. Sta. B. 44,123 p., illus. 1937. 100 P83A Brief review of the work in botany and plant pathology, p. 68-73. | 563. COOK, M. T. The organism causing the dry top rot of sugar cane. P.R. U. J. Agr. 21:85-97, illus. Jan. 1937. 8 P8327 A discussion of the morphological, life history, and tax- onomic position of the causal agent. It is believed that “this organism should be kept in the genus Ligniera or that there should be a merging of genera...in which it would become Sorosphaera vascularum.” 564. COOK, M. T. Viruses and virus diseases of plants. 244 p., illus. Minneapolis, Minn., Burgess Pub. Co., 1947. 464.32 C77 565. COOK, M. T. The witches’ broom of Tabebuia pallida in Puerto Rico. P. R. U. J. Agr. 22:441-442, illus. July 1938. 8 P832J Source of infection undetermined ‘‘but a leafhopper (Protalebra Tabebuia Dozier )...may be the vector.” 566. COOLHAAS, C. Phytopathologische onderzoe- kingen. In his Een overzicht van de werkzaamheden van het Proefstation midden- en Oost-Java in 1940. Bergcul- tures 15:682-685. May 24,1941. 22.5 B45 Observations on diseases of coffee, rubber, and cacao in Java. 567. COOLHAAS, C. Veldproeven ten dienste van het brandbaarheidsonderzoek. Klaten, Java. Proefsta. v. Vorstenland. Tabak. Meded. &4:61-64. 1937. 69.9 K66 568. COOPER, R. F. V. Mancha foliar del apio o “‘ceniza.’’ Rev. Mens. B, A. P. 27(320):55-57, illus. July 1944. 9 R326 Septoria apii and S. apii graveolentis. 569. CORDONA S., H. Enfermedades del cafeto. Rev. ge oer [San José] 21:261-262,437,439. June-Nov.1949. Es In Costa Rica. 570. CORREA, G. Tratamento das sementeiras e dos viveiros de hortalicas. Ceres [Vicosa] 2:74-78. July/Aug.1940. 9.2 C332 571. CORREA LUNA, N. La perondspora y el ‘‘pol- villo’’ de la vid. Uruguay Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 2:441-442. Nov.22,1945. 9.9 G15B 572. COSTA, A., JR. Septoriose do tomateiro. Ceres [Vicosa] 2:395-413, illus. Mar./Apr.1941. 9.2 C332 A general review of the disease and its distribution; its cause (Septoria lycopersici), including life history, ecol- ogy, and hosts; control. 573. COSTA, A. S., and others. Contribuig4o para o conhecimenita da distribui¢ado geogrdfica das moléstias de fumo no estado de S4o Paulo. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 17:237-256. May/July 1942. 9.2 R324 R. Foster, A. R. Lima, and S. R. Santos, joint authors. Virus diseases. 574. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Duas molestias de virus do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Biologico 7:177-182, illus. July 1941. 442.8 B529 575. COSTA, A. S. Duas novas moléstia de virus do tomateiro em Sao Paulo. Bioldgico 15:79-81, illus. Apr.1949. 442.8 B529 Topo amarelo e superbrotamento ou cdlice gigante, in Brazil. 576. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Identidade do virus de vira-cabeca e sua inclus4o no grupo do virus do “spotted wilt.’? Bragantia 1:491-516, illus. July 1941. 102.5 B73Tb 577. COSTA, A. S. Infestagao de sementes de algodo- eiro com Colletotrichum gossypii South, e C. gossypii var. Cephalosporioides. J. de Agron. Sao Paulo 2:265- 270, iHlus. July/Aug.1939. 9.2 J764 578. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Lista de hos- pedeiras do virus de vira-cabeca. Bragantia 2:83-91. Mar.1942, 102.5 B73Tb English summary. Forty-five plants tested for their susceptibility to the disease; symptoms described. 579. COSTA, A. S. Mancha aureolada e requeima das folhas do fumo causadas por Corticium solani. Biologico 14:113-114, illus. May 1948. 442.8 B529 580. COSTA, A. S. Uma mela das sementeiras de fumo causada por Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. Bioldgico 7: 323-324, illus. Nov.1941. 442.8 B529 581. COSTA, A. S., and KIEHL, J. Uma moléstia da batatinha, ‘‘Necrose do tOpo,’’ causada pelo virus de “‘Vira-cabega.’’? J. de Agron. Sao Paulo 1:193-202, illus. July/Aug.1938. 9.2 J764 English summary. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 17 582. COSTA, A. S. Uma molestia de virus do amendo- im (Arachis hypogaea L.). Biologico 7:249-251, illus. Sept.1941. 442.8 B529 583. COSTA, A. S., and KRUG, H. P. Molestias aa _batatinha em Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo Inst. Agron, B. 14, 55 p., illus.(col.). 1937. 102.5 B73T In Brazil. 584. COSTA, A. S., LIMA, A. R., and FORSTER, R. Necrosé branca, uma moléstia de virus do fumo (Nicotia- na tabacum L.) e ‘‘fumo couve’”’ como sintoma tardio. J. Agron. de Sdo Paulo 3:1-26, illus. Mar.1940. 9.2 J764 English summary. A new virus disease of the tobacco plant. 585. COSTA, A. S., and FRANCO DO AMARAL, J. Nota preliminar sObre uma moléstia das folhas do fumo (Nicotiana tabacum L.) causada por Botryobasidium solani (Pril. & Del.) Donk. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 14: 389-397, illus. Sept./Oct.1939. 9.2 R324 English summary. 586. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Nota prelimi- nar sobre uma nova molestia de virus do algodoeiro. Mosaico das nervuras. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 13:187- 191, illus. Mar./Apr.1938. 9.2 R324 English summary. Transmission of the disease by grafting. 587. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Nota sobre a moléstia de virus do fumo denominada faixa das nervur- as. Bragantia 2:55-82, illus. Feb.1942. 102.5 B73Tb 588. COSTA, A. S., and SOUZA, O. F. DE. Nota sobre a verrugose do amendoinzeiro. Bioldégico 7:347-349, illus. Dec.1941. 442.8 B529 Sphaceloma arachidis on peanut. 589. COSTA, A. S. Nota sobre 0 mosaico do algodoe- iro. Rev. de ea] Eira icabal 12:453-470, illus. Oct./Dec.1937. 9.2 R324 English summary. An account of a mosaic disease of cotton in the State of S4o Paulo, Brazil. Symptoms and transmissibility are discussed. : 590. COSTA, A. S., and NORMANHA, E. Nota sobre o tratamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot utilissima Pohl) em 4gua aquecida a diversas temperaturas. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 14:227-230. May/June 1939. 9.2 R324 English summary. Control measures recommended for a type of cassava mosaic found in S40 Paulo, Brazil. Y 591. COSTA, A. S. Observacdes sobre 0 mosaico comum e o mosaico das nervuras da mandioca (Manihot utilissima Pohl). J. de Agron. S40 Paulo 3:239-248, illus. Sept.1940. 9.2 J764 Common mosaic and vein mosaic of cassava. 592. COSTA, A. S. Observacées sobre viracabega em tomateiros. Bragantia 4:489-507, illus. Aug.1944. 102.5 B73Tb ‘ 593. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Ocorrencia de molestia semelhante a ‘‘frenching’’ em uma plantacao de fumo em Piracicaba. Bioldgico 14:171, illus. July 1948. 442.5 B529 4 594, COSTA, A. S. The relationship between Ameri- can tobacco streak and Brazilian ‘‘necrose branca’’ or “‘couve.’’? Phytopathology 35:1029-1030, illus. Dec .1945. 464.8 P56 : | A note from the Department of Genetics, Instituto Agronémico de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. { 595. COSTA, A. S., and LIMA, A. R. Sobre varieda- des de fumo que localizam o virus do mozaico comum (Nicotiana virus 1). Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 15:209- 213. May/June 1940. 9.2 R324 . 596. COSTA, A. S., and FORSTER, R. Uma suspeita moléstia de virus do fumo (Nicotiana tabacum L.) semel- hante a ‘‘leaf-curl,’’ presente no estado de Sao Paulo. J. de Agron. Sao Paulo 2:295-302, illus. Sept./Oct.1939. 9.2 J764. 597. COSTA, A. S., and FOSTER, R. A transmiss4o mecdica de ‘‘vira-cabe¢a,’’ por friccdo, com Suco. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 13:249-262, illus. May/June 1938. 9.2 R324 Also in Sao Paulo Inst. Agron. Camp. B. Téc. 50,15 p., illus. 1939. 102.5 B73Ta English summary. Virus diseases oftobacco. Spotted wilt, kromneck, corco- va, and vira-cabeca may be identical diseases. 598. COSTA RICA. DEPT. DE AGRICULTURA. In- forme anual 1939. San José, 1940. 119 p. 102 C8221 Informe del Departamento de Fitopatologia y Sanidad Vegetal, by R. Méndez C. On diseases of banana, cacao, bean,maize, tobacco, citrus, sugarcane, rice, coffee, po- tato, and apple. Earlier reports are similar; later reports are not available. 599. COSTER, C. The work of the West-Java Re- search Institute, Buitenzorg, 1938-41. Empire J. Expt. Agr. 10:22-30. Jan.1942. 10 Em7 On tea, rubber, and cinchona; includes pathological investigations. 600. COUCEIRO, G. M. F. Notas acérca da ocorren- cia do ‘‘anel vermelho’’ e do ‘‘mal da folha curta’’ nos coqueirais do estado do Parad. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 16:70-74, illus. Jan./June 1949. 9.2 P423 Red ring caused by Aphelencoides cocophilus; little leaf, cause undetermined. 601. COUCEIRO, E. M. Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., sobre Crotalaria juncea Lin, Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indis. e Com. B. 14:55-57, illus. Jan./Mar.1947. 9.2 P423 602. COUCH, J. N. A new Uredinella from Ceylon. Mycologia 33:405-410, illus. July/Aug.1941. 450 M99 Uredinella spinulosa. 603. COURAULT, P. A. Observaciones sobre la fol- iocelosis de los citrus en la provincia de Santa Fé. Cordoba B. de Agr. y Ganad. 175:13-16. Jan./Feb.1940. 9 C81Bo In Argentina. 604. CRANDALL, B. S., and DIEGUEZ C., J. A. A check list of the diseases of economic plants in the Tingo Maria zone of the Peruvian Montana. Plant Dis. Rptr. 32:20-27. Jan.15,1948. 1.9 P69P 605. CRANDALL, B.S. Cladosporium leaf mold of tomatoes in the Peruvian Montafia. Plant Dis. Rptr. 31: 358-365. Oct.15,1947. 1.9 P69P Caused by Cladosporium fulvum. 606. CRANDALL, B.S. Las enfermedades de la quina en el Pert, producidas por miembros del género Phytophthora. Agronomia [Lima] 13(53):47-61, illus. 1948. 9.8 Ag83 607. CRANDALL, B.S. An epidemic vascular wilt disease of barillo, Calophylum brasiliense var. rekoi, in El Salvador. Plant Dis. Rptr. 33:463-465. Dec.15,1949. 1.9 P69P Caused by Cephalosporium sp. Contribution from the Centro Nacional de Agronomia. 608. CRANDALL, B.S., ABREGO, L., and PATINO, B. Investigaciones sobre enfermedades del café. Café de El Salvador 19:1425-1431, illus. May 1949. 68.28 C112 From the National Center of Agronomy, Department of Phytopathology, Santa Tecla, El Salvador. 609. CRANDALL, B.S., and DAVIS, W. C. Occur- rence of cinchona root rots in the Americas. Plant Dis. Rptr. 28:926-929. Sept.22,1944. 1.9 P69P Disease reported from Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia. 610. CRANDALL, B.S., and DIEGUEZ C., J. Phy- tophthora stem canker of sesame in Peru. Phytopathol- ogy 38:753-755, illus. Sept.1948. 464.8 P56 611. CRANDALL, B.S., and DAVIS, W. C. Phytoph- thora wilt and stem canker of cinchona. Phytopathology 35:138-140, illus. Feb.1945. 464.8 P56 In the tropics. 612. CRANDALL, B.S., and SWINGLE, C. F. Studies of tomato diseases in the Amazon Basin of Peru. (prelim- inary report). Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 49:267-269. June 1947. 81 Sol2 613. CRANDALL, B.S. Three Phytophthora [P. cin- namomi, P. palmivora, P. cactorum] diseases observed fen avocado, cacao and tomato] in the region of Tingo aria, Peru. Plant Dis. Rptr. 29:536. June 15,1945. 1.9 P69P 614. CRANE, J. C., and WELLMAN, F. L. Podran los cambios en la nutrici6n de los cafetos en las planta- ciones de El Salvador promover y prolongar la alta pro- ducci6n? Café de El Salvador 16:711-719. Aug.1946. 68.28 C112 Experimental work conducted at the National Center of Agronomy, E1 Salvador, on the control of root rot. 615. CRONSHEY, J. F. H., and BARCLAY, C. Re- planting in areas infested by root disease. Preliminary results obtained from an experiment on low land on Sumatra’s east coast. Arch. v. de Rubbercult. 23:163- 169. Aug. 11,1939. 78.8 Ar2 Results of a rubbertree experiment. 616. CROSS, W. E. La actuacién de la Estacion Ex- perimental frente a la crisis producida por el ‘‘carbon’”’ de la cana de azucar. Tucumdn. Estac. Expt. Agr. C. 136,7 p. 1946. 102.5 T79 In Argentina» Includes list of varieties resistant to smut. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 617. CROSS, W. E. La cana de azucar. Buenos Aires, 1939. 231 p., illus.(pt.col.). (Buenos Aires. U. Facul. de Agron. y Vet. Bibliot. Agron. y Vet., v.2). 65 C88C Enfermedades y plagas, p. 147-194. 618. CROSS, W. E. Contestando algunas preguntas sobre el ‘‘carbon’’ de la cafia. Tucumdn. Estac. Expt. Agr. C. 121,4 p. 1943. 102.5 T79 Ustilago scitaminae, causal agent. 619. CROSS, W. E. Datos adicionales sobre el ‘‘car- bon’’ en las distintas variedades de cafia de azucar. Tucuman. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 43,13 p. 1943. 102.5 T79B 620. CROSS, W. E. Declaraci6n referente al ‘‘car- bon’’ de la cafia de azucar. Tucumdan. Estac. Agr. C. 120,4 p. 1943. 102.5 T79 Ustilago scitaminea. 621. CROSS, W. E. El efecto del ‘‘earbon’’ en las cafias de distintas variedades durante el afio agricola 1944-1945. Tucumdan. Estac. Exot. Agr. B. 55,31 p. 1945. 102.5 T79B 622. CROSS, W. E. La enfermedad del ‘‘carbon”’ y la zafra de 1942 en Tucumdn. Indus. Azucarera 47(579):6-7. Jan.1942. 65.8 In22 Ustilago scitaminea on sugarcane. 623. CROSS, W. E. Informaciones relacionadas con la lucha contra el ‘‘carb6n’’ de la cafia de azticar. Tucu- man. Estac. Expt. Agr. Rev. Indus. y Agr. 34:45-91. Apr./June 1944. 9 T79 ; 624. CROSS, W. E. Nuevas observaciones sobre el ‘‘carb6én’’ en las distintas variedades de cafia de aztcar. Tucumaén. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 39,15 p. Apr.1943. 102.5 T79B- 625. CROSS, W. E. Nuevas datos sobre el ‘‘carbon’’ en los distintas variedades de cafia de azucar. Tucumdn. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 50,35 p. Dec.1944. 102.5 T79B Results of investigations at the Tucumdn Experiment Station in Argentina. 626. CROSS, W. E. Observaciones y ensayos cul- turales relacionados con el ‘‘carbén’’ de la cana de azu- car. Tucumdn. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 37,12 p. 1942. 102.5 T79B 627. CROSS, W. E. The sugar cane smut crisis in Tucuman. Sugar 42(10):30-31, illus. Oct.1947. 65.8 Fil 628. CROSS, W. E. Variedades de cafia resistentes al ‘scarbon.’’ Tucumdn. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 45,22 p. 1944. 102.5 T79B 629. CROUCHER, H. H. Efficient spraying to control leaf spot. Effects of inefficient spraying. Jamaica Agr. Soc. J. 45:284,286-287. Aug.1941. 8 J223 In banana. 630. CROWDY, S. H., and POSNETTE, A. F. Virus diseases of cacao in West Africa. IH. Cross-immunity ex- periments with viruses 1A, 1B and 1C. Ann. Appl. Biol. 34:403-411. Sept.1947. 442.8 An72 For other parts see Posnette, A, F. 631. CRUZ, H. M. DA, and LIMA, L. T. F. Doenca do anel vermelho dos coqueiros no Brazil. Chacaras e Quintais 74:608. Nov.15,1946. 9.2 C34 Aphelenchus cocophilus. 632. CUMMINS, G. B. Annotated check list and host index of the rusts of Guatemala. Plant Dis. Rptr. Sup. 142:79-131. 1943. 1.9 P69P 633. CUMMINS, G. G. Descriptions of tropical rusts. I-VII. Torrey Bot. Club B. 64:39-44;67:67-75,607-613; 68:467-472;70:68-81,517-530;72:205-222, illus. Jan.1937; Jan.-Oct.1940;Oct.1941;Jan.-Sept.1943;Mar./Apr.1945. 451 T63B New species of Lipocystis, Puccinia, Uredo, and Aecidium. 634. CUMMINS, G. B. Revisionary studies in the tropical American rusts of Panicum, Paspalum and Setaria. Mycologia 34:669-695, illus. Nov./Dec.1942. 450 M99 Puccinia catevaria, Puccinia pseudoatra, n. spp. 635. CUMMINS, G. B. Uredinales of New Guinea. I- IV. Mycolopia 32:359-375;33:64-68,143-154,380-389, illus. May, 450 M99 New species of Corbulopsora n. gen., Puccinia, Uredo, and Aecidium. 636. DA COSTA, E. W. B. Diseases of the papaw [Carica pavaya]. Queensland Agr. J. 58:282-293, illus. May 1944. 23 Q33 A review of the situation in Queensland with discussion of dieback, yellow crinkle, trunk rot, root rot, powdery mildew, fruit spot, black spot, and Rhizopus fruit rot. June1940;Jan./Feb.,Mar./Apr.,July/Aug.1941. 637. DADE, H. A. A revised list of Gold Coast fungi and plant diseases. Kew Roy. Bot. Gard. B. Misc. Inform. 1940:205-247. 451 K51B Systematic list with host index, p. 238-247. 638. DADE, H. A. Swollen shoot of cacao; report on... visit to the Gold Coast. 15 p. [Accra?1937]. 464.09 D12 Control recommendations. 639. DAJI, J. A. Manganese toxicity as a probable cause of the band disease of Areca palm. Cur. Sci. 17: 259-260. Sept.1948. 475 Sci23 In the Ratnagiri and Kolaba districts of Bombay Province. 640. DALE, W. T. Observations on a virus disease of certain crucifers in Trinidad. Ann. Appl. Biol. 35:598- 604, illus. Dec.1948. 442.8 An72 Transmitted by Rhopalosiphum pseudobrassicae. Rape and turnip are susceptible, but cabbage, cauliflow- er, kohlrabi and the European radish are apparently immune. 641. DALE, W. T. Preliminary studies of the plant viruses of Trinidad. I-VIII. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 20:228- 235. Dec.1943. 26 T754 Contents. Ch. 1, Introduction and review of literature. Ch. 2, Methods. Ch. 3, Cowpea mosaic virus. Ch. 4, The transmission of cowpea moSaic virus. Ch. 5, Common bean mosaic virus. Ch. 6, Tobacco mosaic virus. Ch. 7, Agricultural importance of tobacco mosaic. Ch. 8, Other suspected plant viruses in Trinidad. 642. DALE, W. T. Witches’ broom disease investiga- tions. XII. Further studies on the infection of cacao pods by Marasmius perniciosus Stahel. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 23:217-221, illus. Dec.1946. 26 T754 For other parts see Baker, R. E. D. 643. DAMLE, V. P. A new species of Cystopus on Evolvulus alsenoides Linn. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 22:133- 136, illus. July 1943. 450 J821 Cystopus evolvuli n. sp. 644. DANIELS, Z. A. Symptoms of diseases affecting citrus in Jamaica and suggestions on their control. pamiaice Agr. Soc. J. 44:274-276,278. June/July 1940. Citrus scab, gummosis, citrus knot, withertip of limes, dieback, thread blight, and foliocellosis. 645. DANIELS, Z. A. Tomato diseases and their con- trol. Jamaica Agr. Soc. J. 45:380-382. Oct.1941. 8 J223 Includes anthracnose, blossom-end rot, Fusarium rot, Fusarium wilt, leaf mould, mosaic, and Phoma rot. 646. DANIES L., C. A., and PENARANDA CANAL, F. Mildeu de la vid. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de ~ Agron. Rev. 4:1009-1036, illus.(col.). Jan./Feb.1941. 9.4 C717 A general account of the disease and its control; caused by Plasmopara viticola. ; 647. DANTAS, B. A ocorréncia da ‘‘cercosporiose”’ da bananeira no Brasil, Cercospora musae Zimmi. Pard. Inst. Agron. do Norte. B. Téc. 14,45 p., illus. Mar.1948. 9.2 P213B English summary. ‘ The disease occurs only in the Amazon Region of Brazil. 648. DASTUR, J. F. A new Corticium on orange stem. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 10:89-92, illus. Feb.1940, 22 Ag83I Corticium album. 649. DASTUR, J. F, ‘‘Pan-sukh’’ disease of rice in the Central Provinces. Agr. & Livestock India 7:509- 511, illus. July 1937. 22 Ag83A : A physiological disease found in Chhatisgarh Division and Nagpur Division of the Central Provinces, India. 650. DASTUR, J. F. Stem breaking of cotton. Agr. & Livestock India 9:685-687, illus. Nov.1939. 22 Ag83A A physiological disease occurring in the Central Prov- inces, India. 651. DASTUR, R. H., and SINGH, K. Investigations on the red leaf disease in American cottons. I. Red leaf dis- ease in Sind-American cottons in Sind. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 17:235-244. Oct.1947. 22 Ag83I Believed to be caused by a deficiency of nitrogen in the leaves of plants growing on light sandy soils. 652. DAVIS, W. C., and CRANDALL, B.S. Some cinchona diseases in the Western Hemisphere. Plant Dis. Rptr. 28:996-997. Oct.15,1944. 1.9 P69P Some observations on pink disease and thread blight in Central and South America. 653. DECARY, 8. Les recherches de phytopathologie a Madagascar. Nature [Paris] 3156:108-111, illus. Apr.1,1948. 473 N21 Includes diseases of coffee, vanilla, sugarcane, manioc, tobacco, grapes, peanuts, clove, cacao, and rice. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 19 654. DEIGHTON, F. C. Tobacco leaf curl in Sierra Leone. West African Agr. Conf. Proc. (1938)3:7-8. 27 W52 : Brief article including a list of other host plants; con- trol measures. 655. DEL VALLE, C.G., and ARANGO, O. La enfer- medad de las rayas blancas del maiz produce grandes pérdidas en Calimete y Jaglley. Agr. Mod. [Habana] 1(5/6):13,24. Oct./Nov.1943. 8 Ag&82 White streak disease of maize in Cuba; transmitted by the Peregrinus maidis. 656. DELGADO MONTOYA, N. El enrrollado de las hojas de la papa. Rev. de Agr., Com. e Indus. [Panama] 7(80):35-48. Apr.1948. 8 R3291 In Colombia. 657. DELI PROEFSTATION TE MEDAN. Overzicht van de ziekten en plagen der Deli-tabak in het jaar 1937, by H. G. van der Weij. Deli Proefsta. te Medan. Meded. (Sser.2)98,15 p. Medan, Sumatra, 1938. 109.5 D37 Ziekten der tabak, p. 1-9. Earlier reports are Similar; later reports are not available. 658. DELLE COSTE, A. C. Conocimientos actuales sobre las enfermedades del tobaco en el pais. Argentina. Inst. de Sanidad Veg. [P.] Ser. B, 1(2), 23 p. 1945. 464.9 Ar323P In Argentina. Diseases include mildew, wilt, rot, bacterial, mosaic ‘‘carovo’’ o ‘‘joroba,’’ and ‘‘polvillo.’’ 659. DELLE COSTE, A. C., OFFERMANN, A. M., and ZABALA, S. Determinaci6n de dos virus del haba en cultivos de los alrededores de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e Invest. Rev. de Invest. Agr. 2:81-88, illus.(col.). Mar.1948. 9 R329 660. DELLE COSTE, A. C., and ZABALA, S. La ‘ 1816. RANGASWAMI, S., and GRIFFITH, A. L. Host plants and the spike disease of sandal. Indian Forester 65:335-345. June 1939. 99.8 In2 Results of work done in Madras, India. 1817. RANGASWAMI, S., and GRIFFITH, A. L. A note on the control and eradication of new outbreaks of the spike disease of sandal (Santalum album) Indian For. Rec. n. S., Silvic. 3:263-290, illus. July 1,1939. 99.8 In22S 1818. RANGEL, E. D. S. Contribuigdo para o glossario portugués referente 4 micologia e 4 fitopatologia. Seguido de vocabulos latinos, ou alatinados, e seus corresponden- tes em portugués. Rodriguesia 4(12):67-116. Sept./Dec. 1939. 442.8 R61 Revision of his Ensaio de um glossario portugués. 1819. RANGEL, J. F., and GOMES, J. G. Guia para reconhecimento e combate das principais doengas e pragas da laranjeira. Brazil. Dept. Nac. da Prod. Veg. Div. de Defesa Sanit. Veg. P. 11,78 p., illus. (col.). 1938. 464.9 B73 Diseases, p. 7-20. 1820. RANGEL, J. F. Uma nova manchadas laranjas o mofo verde. Soc. Bras. de Agron. Rev. 1:117, illus. Dec.1937. 9.2 S013 Cladosporium, probably C. berbarum. 1821. RANGEL, J. F. A “‘podriddo preta’’ do abacaxi (Thielaviopsis paradoxa (De Seynes) Von Hohn). Soc. Bras. de Agron. Rev. 1:18-23, illus. Sept.1937. 9.2 So13 Black rot of pineapple. Also in Rodriguesia 2(Numero especial):329-332. 1936 [1937]. 442.8 R61 1822. RANGEL, J. F. Técnicas fitopatoldgicas. I-IV. Soc. Bras. de Agron. Rev. 3:109-126,174-195,329-351, illus. 1940. 9.2 So13 : Contents: I, Do laboratério; II, Da preparagdo micro- scopica; III, Cultura e isolamento; IV, Inoculacdo. 1823. RANGEL, J. F. Toxicologia dos desinfestantes das sementes. Brazil. Esc. Nac. de Agron. B. 2:185-223, illus. 1941[1942]. 102.5 R473 English summary. 1824. RANJAN, S., and JHA, V. R. The effect of ethylene and sulphur dioxide on the fruits of Mangifera indica. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. 11(B):267-288, illus. June 1940. 513 In25B Physiology of black tip disease studied in relation to - ethylene and sulphur dioxide. 1825. RAO, M. K. S. Blister blight |[Exobasidium vexans]| of tea in south India. Planters’ Chron. 41:462- 463. Dec.1,1946. 22 P693 1826. RAPOSO, H. A galha da azaléa, Rhododendron indicum Sweet, provocada peio fungo Exobasidium dis- coideum Ellis. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 6:61-70, illus. Mar.1943. 9.2 So13 1827. RAYNER, R. W. Latent infection in Coffea arabica L. Nature [London] 161:245-246. Feb.14,1948. 472 N21 Colletotrichum coffeanum most frequently isolated from cultures. 1828. RAYNER, R. W. Some abnormalities of the cof- fee bean. Kenya Colony. Coffee Bd. Mon. B. 7:32-33,36. Mar.1942. 68.29 C652 Considerable discussion of black bean disease, a physio- logical disease of coffee. 1829. LA RECUPERACION de los citrus en Rivera sobre la base de plantas resistentes. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 6(257):11. Feb.10,1949. 9.9 G15B Use of trifoliate orange in Uruguay as a rootstock re- sistant to tristeza. 1830. REGO, C. DO V., GOMES, J. G., and ALVIM, G. B. Doencas e pragas das plantas de horta. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Ministério da Agricultura, Servico de Documenta¢ao, 1945. 230 p., illus. (pt. col.) 464.04 V24 In Brazil. 1831. REGO, C. DO V. Indicagoes sobre 0 combate quimico as doengas e pragas da lavoura. Brazil. Dept. Nac. da Prod. Veg. Div. de Defesa Sanit. Veg. P. 18, 144 p., illus.(col.). 1943. 464.9 B73 Plant disease control; fungicides. 1832. REINAT, A. M. Como combatir la melanosis en las plantaciones de frutas citricas. Rev. de Agr. de P. R. —31:227-229, illus. June 1939. 8 R325 _» Due to Phomopsis citri. i hs i A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 51 1833. REINIGER, C. H. Mancha anelar das folhas de ““crape-fruit’’ Citrus sp. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 4:247- 248, illus. June 1941. 9.2 S013 Chlorosis. 1834. REINKING, O. A. Abaca disease studies: Davao, Philippine Islands. Plant Dis. Rptr. 33:456-462. Dec.15,1949. 1.9 P69P 1835. REINKING, O. A. Diseases of roselle fiber plants in El Salvador. Plant Dis. Rptr. 29:411-414. May 7,1945. 1.9 P69P 1836. REINKING, O. A. Isolations made from heart rot of banana in Honduras. Phytopathology 27:853-854. Aug.1937.. 464.8 P56 Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans. 1837. REINKING, O. A. Preliminary studies of abaca diseases in Panama. Plant Dis. Rptr.'29:390-393. May 1, 1945. 1.9 P69P 1838. REINKING, O. A. Report on cinchona diseases in Guatemala. Plant Dis. Rptr. 29:432-439. May 15,1945. 1.9 P69P 1839. REITSMA, J., and EMDEN, J. H. VAN. De bladpokkenziekte van de thee. Bergcultures 18:218-221, 223 ,225,227,229,231, illus. June 16,1949. 22.5 B45 For part 2 see Emden, J. H. van. In Sumatra. Disease produced by Exobasidium vexans. 1840. REITSMA, J., and SLOOFF, W. C. A disease of eggplant fruits caused by Phytophthora parasitica Dastur and P. palmivora Butler. Chron. Nat. 103:60-63, illus. May 1947. 514 B31 Observed in 1943, in the Experimental Garden for veg- etables at Moeara near Buitenzorg, Java. Description of the fungi. 1841. REITSMA, J., and KARTHAUS, J. P. Onderzoek naar de resistentie van verschillende maisvarléteiten tegen omo lijer of bulai (Sclerospora maydis Palm). In- vestigations upon the resistance of various maize vari- eties (Zea mais L.) against ‘“‘omo lijer’’ or ‘‘bulai’’ (Sclerospora maydis Palm). Netherlands Indies. Alg. Proefsta. v. Landb. Meded. 89,20 p. 1949. 109.5 Ea73 English summary. Also in Landbouw 21:427-444. Sept.1949. 22.5 L23 In Java. 1842. REUNION ARGENTINA DE AGRONOMIA, 1ST. APRIL 1941. Resoluciones y resimenes de los trabajos presentados. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 8, sup.150 p. 1941. 9R327 Fitopatologia, p.81-89. ; 1843. REVILLA, V. A. Razas fisioldgicas de la roya negra del trigo (Puccinia graminis tritici) encontradas en el Pert. Lima, Peru, Estac. Expt. Agr. de La Molina. B. 26,16 p., illus. (col.). June 1945. 102.5 L622B English summary. 1844.REYES, G. M. Disease-resistant rice hybrids produce superior yields in commercial trials. Philippine J. Agr. 8:417-423, illus. 1937. 25 P543 Results of an experiment to isolate hybrid strains of rice resistant to the rice stem rot (Sclerotium oryzae). 1845. REYES, G. M. Notes on diseases affecting maize in the Philippines. Philippine J. Agr. 12(1):61-71, illus. 1941. 25 P543 Downy mildew, brown spot, pokkah bong, dry ear rot, anthracnose and banded sclerotical disease. 1846. REYES, G. M. Occurrence of the stalk rot [Pythium sp-| of corn in the Philippines. Philippine J. Agr. 14:123-127. Second Q.1949. 25 P543 1847. REYES, G. M. “‘Palay lalake’’ a fungus. Agr.- Indus. Mon. 6:24,26, illus. Nov. 1938. 25 Ag82 Also known as ‘‘lawis’’, a disease of rice caused by a species of Fusarium; found mainly in Central Luzon provinces, Philippine Islands. Also issued as Philippine Isl. Bur. Plant Indus. Farmers C.47,.3 p.- 1938. 25 Pb4he 1848. REYES, G. M. Rice diseases and methods of control. Philippine J. Agr. 10:419-436, illus. 1949. 25 P543 Also printed as Philippine Isl. Bur. Plant Indus. Farmers’ C. 50:419-436. 1939. 25 P54Fc Diseases of major importance: Sclerotium and helmin- thosporium diseases, blast, “‘palay lalake’’, stem and sheath rot, Rhizoctonia blight, black smut, and straight- head. 1849. REYES, G. M. Rice hybrids versus stem rot disease. Philippine J. Agr. 7:413-417, illus. 1936(1937). 25 P543 Disease attributed to the fungus Sclerotium oryzae. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 1850. REYES, G. M. Sclerotium wilt of peanut, with special reference to varietal resistance. Philippine J. Agr. 8:245-287, illus. 1937. 25 P543 Results of a technical study “‘to isolate a pure line variety or strain of peanut, Drachis hypogaea Linn., highly resistant, if not immune, to the wilt disease caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.”’ 1851. REYES, G. M., and ROMASANTA, R. Varietal susceptibility of peanuts to black spot (Cercospora per- sonata (B. & C.) Ell. & Ev.) Philippine J. Agr. 11(4):371- 381, illus. 1940. 25 P543 One of the most important fungus diseases in the Philippines. 1852. RHODESIA, SOUTHERN. DEPT. OF AGRICUL - TURE AND LANDS. Report of the Secretary for the year ended 31st December,1948. Salisbury, 1949. 14 p. 24 R344 Botany and plant pathology, p. 12. Brief notes on dis- eases of peach and tobacco. Earlier reports by G. Wickens and J. C. Hopkins, plant pathologists note briefly diseases on potatoes, maize, sugarcane, tomatoes, wheat, grapes, and mangoes. 1853. RICK, J. O genero Polystictus no Rio Grande do Sul. Reuniado Sul-Amer. de Bot. (1938)1(2):251-270. 1940. 451 R31 Description of this genus of fungi in Brazil. 1854. RICK, J. Poliporos riograndenses. Reunido Sul- Amer. de Bot. (1938)1(2):271-307. 1940. 451 R31 1855. RICK, J. Recensentur fungi resupinati rari et novi Americae Meridionalis. Lilloa (U. Tucuman) 9:215- 219. 1943. 450 L62 Many new species and two new genera, Anthosepto- basidium and Cystidiodendron. 1856. RIOLLANO, A., ADSUAR, J., and RODRIGUEZ, A. Breeding peppers resistant to a Puerto Rican type of mosaic. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 51:415-416. June 1948. 81 S012 Results of work conducted at the Agricultural Exper - iment Station, Rio Piedras, P. R. Also in Rev. de Agr. de P. R. 39:108-109. Jan./June 1948. 8 R325 1857. RIOLLANO, A., ADSUAR, J., and RODRIGUEZ, A. Estacion experimental agricola desarrolla variedad de pimientos resistentes al mosdico. Puerto Rico. Agr. Col. Ext. Carta Mens. 5(9):3. Dec.1948. 275.29 P96Ca Also in Rev. del Café 4(5):10. Oct.1948. 8 R3295 1858. ROBA, R. P. Consulta sobre la enfermedad del café llamada ‘‘pellejillo”’. Rev. Agr. [Managua] 4(11): 23-25, illus. 1940. 8 R329 Pellicularia koleroga, the cause of thread blight of cof- fee. 1859. ROBA, R. P. Notas sobre la ‘‘macana’’ o llaga de la parte superior del tronco del café. Rev. Agr. [Managua] 4(11):26-28, illus. 1940. 8 R329 Rostrella coffeae, the fungus causing the disease, is found on the trees in the mountainous Districts of Managua, Nicaragua. 1860. ROBA, R. P. Resumen de las enfermedades y plagas encontradas sobre el café en la Republica de Nicaragua. Rev. Agr. [Managua] 4(11):14-15. Nov. 1939/Jan.1940. 8 R329 1861. ROBBS, C. F. Contribuigao ao estudo das bac- terias que atacam plantas no Brasil. I-III. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 9:195-213, illus. Sept.1946. 9.2 S013 Contents: I, Contribuicao ao estudo da ‘‘podriddo negra’”’ das Cruciferas no Distrito Federal; II, Consideracgées sobre insétos possivelmente transmissores do doencas bacterianas em plantas do Brasil; III, Lista preliminar das bacterias fitopatogénicas observadas no Brasil. 1862. ROBBS, C. F. Contribuicao ao estudo de uma bacteriose em Stapelia variegata L. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 7:407-414, illus. Dec.1944. 9.2 S013 English summary. Bacterial soft rot of carrionflower due to a probable strain of Erwinia aroideae. 1863. ROBLES G., L. H. Plagas y enfermedades del co cotero de mayor importancia en la costa del Estado de Yucatan. Mex. Dept. Fitosanit. Fitofilo 3(2):3-25, illus. Mar./Apr.1944. 421 F55 [Diseases] p. 21-25.- 1864. RODIGUES, J. A., and COSTA, A. S. ‘“‘Tristeza”’ ----flagelo de la citricultura brasilena. Hacienda 41 (5): 46-47,58, illus. May 1946. 6 H11 1865. RODRIQUEZ LANDAETA, A. La antracnosis de las caraotas. Agr. Venezol. 11(115):35-36, illus. June/ July 1946. 9.95 Ag8 Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. 4: Jus pean + 1866. RODRIGUES LANDAETA, A. Consideraciones sobre la marchitez [Fusarium vasinfectum] del algodo- nero. Agr. Venezol. 12(127):31-34, illus. Nov.1947. 9.95 Ag8 1867. RODRIGUEZ LANDAETA, A. Manchas gra- sientas en las hojas de citrus. Agr. Venezolana 12(129): 11. Jan./Feb.1248. 9.95 Ag8 Melanose on grapefruit. 1868. RODRIGUEZ LANDAETA, A. ‘‘Sarna comun’’ o verrugosis de los citrus. Agr. Venezol. 13(133):9-13, illus. Jan./Mar.1949. 9.95 Ag8 Due to the fungus Elsinoé fawcettii. 1869. RODRIGUEZ LANDAETA, A. Septoriosis de los citrus. Venezuela. Dir. de Agr. C. 14, 3 p., illus. Oct. 1947. 9.95 EL1 Caused by Septoria citri in Venezuela. 1870. RODRIGUEZ LZ., L. La alternariosis de la patata. Ecuador U. Cent. Inst. Bot. B. 1(1):85-124, illus. Jan.1942. 451 Ec9 | Alternaria solani, cause of early blight of potato in the provinces of Pichincha, Cotopaxi and Tungurahua of Ecuador. 1871. RODRIGUEZ LZ., L. La ‘‘anguilulosis’’ de las papas. Ecuador U. Cent. Inst. Bot. B. 1(1):160-168, illus. Jan.1942. 451 Ec9 Caconema radicicola (Greef) Cobb, Heterodera radici- cola (Greef) Miller; nematodes causing rootknot or root gall in the Sierra provinces of Ecuador. 1872. RODRIGUEZ LZ., L. La antracnosis del frejol. Ecuador. Min. de Agr. B. 20, 16 p., illus. Dec.1942. 9.5 Ag8B Caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. 1873. RODRIGUEZ LZ., L. Enfermedades parasitar- ias. Pardsitos de plantas cultivadas o utiles. pManget Consorcio de Cent. Agr. B. 3(27/28):9-15;4 (28) i.e. 3(29); 29-33;4 (29):40-42;4 (30):29-31;4 (31):49-51. 1941-42. 9.5 M31 Plant diseases of Ecuador. 1874. RODRIGUEZ LZ., L. La sarna polvorienta de la Papa. Ecuador. Min. de Agr. B. 27, 11 p., illus. Oct. 1943. 9.5 Ag8B Causal organism Spongospora subterranea. Also in Ecuador, Cam. Primera Zona de Agr. Rev. 6: 723-728, illus. July/Aug.1943. 9.5 Ec96 1875. RODRIGUEZ V.,J. Las enfermedades de las plantas. Tierra [Mex.| 2:721-723,758-759, illus. Dec. 1947. 8 T445 Includes diseases of wheat, corn, and cotton. 1876. RODRIGUEZ V., J. La herrumbre o chahuixtle del trigo. Mex. Dept. Fitosanit. Fitofilo 2(4):1-34, illus. July/ Aug.1943. 421 F55 Puccinia graminis tritici. 1877. ROGER, L., and MALLAMAIRE, A. Notes de phytopathologie Africaine. Ann. Agr. de 1’ Afrique Occi- dent. 1:187-206, illus. Apr.1937. 24 An7 Plant material collected in Guinea, Céte d’Ivoire, Dahomey and Cameroun. 1878. ROGER, L. La rouille du caféier au Cameroun (Hemileia Coffeicola Maublanc et Roger). Ann. Agr. de l’ Afrique Occident. 1:92-98, illus. Jan.1937. 24 An7 Leaf diseases of coffee, Cameroon, Africa. 1879. ROGER, L. Sur deux maladies des bananiers 4 la Guadeloupe. Agron. Colon. 27:161-176, illus. June 1938. 26 Ag812 Cercospora musae, Bacterium solanacearum. 1880. ROJAS PENA, E. DE. La gomosis | Phytophthora parasitica] de los frutales citricos. Rev. Agr. y Ganad 8(89):6-8, illus. Dec. 1944. 9.4 R327 Citrus disease in Colombia. 1881. ROLDAN, E. F., and QUERIJERO, A. F. Black spot of peanut. Philippine Agr. 27:669-682, illus. Jan. 1939. 25 P542 Caused by Cercospora personata. “The most prevalent and destructive disease of peanut in the Fhilippines.’’ 1882. ROLDAN, E. F. New or noteworthy lower fungi of the Philippine Islands. II. Philippine J. Sci. 66:7-13, illus. May 1938. 475 P53 Pt. Lis in Philippine J. Sci. 60:119-123, illus. June 1936. Cercospora fuligena, Cylindrosporium insularum, Macrosporium centaureae, Acrothecium rubiginosum, Piricularia cannae, Cicinnobolus sigacollus n. spp. 1883. ROLDAN, E. F. Nursery wilt of mahogany seed- lings. Philippine J. Forestry 4(3):267-277, illus. 1941. “ 99.8 P53 Sclerotium delphinii on Swietenia macrophylla in Makiling National Park, Philippines. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 53 1884. ROMBOUTS, J. Algumas palavras sobre uma molestia cryptogamica prejudicial aos tomateiros, na Bahia, causada por “‘Septoria lycopersici’’ Speg Rodriguesia 2(8):45-49, illus. Mar./June 1937. 442.8 R61- Leaf spot of tomato in Brazil. 1885. ROMBOUTS, J. E. Moléstias criptogamicas do cacaueiro. Resumo da literatura mundial e observacoes na zona cacaueira da Baia. Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 26: 33-57. Oct./Dec.1937. 9.2 Ag83 1886. ROMERO BRAMBILA, A. El empleo de las sales de cobre en el combate de las enfermedades fungosas de las plantas. Mex. Dept. Fitosanit. Fitdfilo 2:12-19. Jan./Feb.1943. 421 F55 1887. ROQUE, A., and ADSUAR, J. Studies on the mosaic of peppers (Capsicum frutescens) in Puerto Rico. P.R.U. J. Agr. 25:40-50, illus. Oct.1941. (Feb.1942). 8 P8327 Results of experiments conducted at the Agriculture Experiment Station at Rio Piedras, P. R. during the years 1939-41. 1888. ROSA-MATO, F. Estudios micrograficos sobre esporas de hongos. Reunido Sul-Amer. de Bot. (1938) 1(2):315-324, illus. 1940. 451 R31 1889. ROSENBERG M., G. La “‘tristeza’’ de los naranjos. Simiente 16:110-119. July/Sept.1946. 9.3 Si4 Situation in Chile. 1890. ROSSETTI, V. Podridao preta das orquideas. Bioldgico 9:201-205, illus. Aug.1943. 442.8 B529 Caused by an unidentified Phycomycete. 1891. ROSSETTI, V. Porta-enxertos de Citrus resis- tantes 4 ‘‘gomose’’ de Phytophthora e 4 ‘“‘tristeza.”’ Bioldgico 13:89-90. May 1947. 442.8 B529 1892. ROSSETTI, V. O teste do iGdo na identificacao da ‘‘tristeza’’ dos Citrus. Biolégico 11:13-21. Jan.1945. 442.8 B529 k 1893. ROSTAND, J. Qué es el mosaico. Agricultura [Bogota] 9:187-190. Apr.1937. 9.4 In22 1894. ROUMAIN, P. La mort de'nos cocotiers et le probléme de la quarantaine. Rev. Agr. d’Haiti 1:75-82. Dec.1945. 8 R3241 In Haiti. 1895. ROUMAIN, P., and PIERRE-LOUIS, F. Le prob- leme de la pourriture du bourgeon terminal ou “bud rot’’ du cocotier en Haiti. Rev. Agr. d’Haiti 1, p.10-16. 1945. 8 R3241 Phytophthora palmivora. 2 1896. ROY, T. C. A root-rot disease of mulberry plants (Morus alba L.) Indian Bot. Soc. J. 22:27-35, illus. Jan.1943. 450 J821 Caused by Diplodia morina. 1897. RUBBER RESEARCH BOARD, CEYLON. Report, 1948. Colombo, 1949. 46 p. 78.9 C33R Mycological department, by C. A. de Silva, p. 5-6. General discussion of Oidium and Phytophthora leaf di- seases of rubber; root diseases and brown bast of rubber. Earlier reports by C. G. Hansford, R. K. S. Murray, C. C. T. Sharp, and C. E. Ford, mycologists, are similar. 1898. RUBBER RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MALAYA. Annual report, 1940. Kuala Lumpur, 1947. 181 p. 78.9 R824A Pathological division, by F. Beeley. p. 89-115. Discus- ses root diseases of rubber, mouldy rot, black stripe and patch canker, brown bast, pink disease, leaf mildew, and minor leaf diseases. Earlier reports by F. Beeley and R. P. N. Napper, plant pathologists, are similar. 1899. RUBBER RESEARCH SCHEME, CEYLON. Oidium leaf disease [of Hevea]. Rubber Res. Scheme, Ceylon. Adv. C. 22, sup. 2, 1p. 1944. 78.9 R826 Replanting in mid-country districts. 1900. RUBBER RESEARCH SCHEME, CEYLON. The treatment of brown bast. Rubber Res. Scheme, Ceylon. Adv. C. 24,4 p. 1944. 78.9 R826 “Tt is now generally accepted that brown bast is a physiological disease caused by over-extraction of latex.”’ 1901. RUDIN, W. Topsterftebestrijding in de practijk. Bergcultures 11:289-291,847-849. 1937. 22.5 B45 Control of dieback of coffee. 1902. RUEST, C. Algo sobre plagas y enfermedades del cafeto. Rev. Agr. [Guatemala] 15:330-335, illus. Dec. 1938. 8 G934 American leaf disease of coffee caused by Omphalia flavida. 1903. RUEST, C. Enfermedades del cafeto. Rancho Mex. 2(3):18-20, illus. Jan.1946. 8 R15R A disease caused by the insect Stephanoderes hampei and a leaf spot caused by Omphalia flavida. 1904. RUIZ LEAL, A. Algunos hongos Mendocinos. B. Agr. [Mendoza, Argentina] 6(9/10):3-16., illus. Sept./Oct.1938. 9 M52B 1905. SACCA, R. A. Contribui¢do para o estudo das doencas cryptogamicas das plantas citricas. Rev. de Agr. | Piracicaba] 13:107-126, illus. (col.) Mar./Apr. 1938. 9.2 R324 1906. SACCA, R. A. Contribuicdo para o estudo das doengas das plantas citricas, Phytophthora parasitica Dast. Sao Paulo. Sec. da Agr., Indus. e Com. B. de Agr. (ser.44)1943:149-162. 1945. 9.2 Sa63 Gummosis disease. i 1907. SACCA, R. A, Contribuigao para o estudo das doencas nas plantas citricas. Solo 30:30-41, illus. Dec. 1938. 9.2 So4 From the Centro Academico ‘‘Luiz de Queiroz’’ dos Academicos de Agronomia da Universidade de Sdo Paulo, Brazil. 1908. SACCA, R. A. Contribuicao para o estudo das molestias cryptogamicas das laranjeiras. I-II. Solo 28: 58-60;31:51-58, illus. 1936-39. 9.2 So4 I, Nectria cancri (Butgers) f. aurantii, Averr - II, Ple- ospora hesperidearum, Oospora citri-auranti:. Storage and transportation rots. 1909. SACCA, R. A. Nectria cancri (Butg.) f. aurantii, Averna. Rev. de Agr. [P ingetcab 2 16:150-160. illus. Mar./Apr.1941. 9.2 R324 A fungus parasite on orangetrees. 1910. SACCA, R. A. Phomopsis, sp. colecionado sobre lantas citricas em Piracicaba e Guaruja. Rev. de Agr. Piracicaba] 16:455-460, illus. Sept./Oct.1941. 9.2 R324 Report of a Phomopsis found on Citrus spp. in Brazil. 1911. SACCA, R. A. Pustulas pretas sobre laranjas doces produsidas pelo Phoma citricarpa. Rev. de Agr. Piracicaba] 15:468-474, illus. (col.) Nov./Dec.1940. .2 R324 1912. SACCA, R. A. Sobre a f6rma ascofora (Glom- erella sp.) que encontrei em algumas folhas de laranjeira doce no Guaruja. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 15:463-467. illus. (col.) Nov./Dec.1940. 9.2 R324 Anthracnose of orange. 1913. SAHA, J. C. Diseases of rice and methods for their control. Sci. & Cult. 11:13-20,69-74. July, Aug. 1945. 47 5 Sci24 : In India. 1914. SAHA, J. C. Hot-water treatment of paddy seeds against seed-borne infection of Helminthosporium. Sci. & Cult. 11:502-503. Mar.1946. 475 Sci24 In India. 1915. SAHA, J. C. Studies in rots of Indian fruits. I. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 15:332-338. Dec.1945. 22 Ag83I I. Occurrence of latent and superficial infections. Experiments with guava, jujube, and litchi. 1916. ST. AUGUSTINE, TRINIDAD. IMPERIAL COL- LEGE OF TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. Report of the governing body and the principal’s report for 1948. St. Augustine, 1949. 55p. 102 Sa2Pr Department of mycology and bacteriology, p. 45-47. Contains a brief note on a cacao virus disease. Earlier reports by R. E. D. Baker, mycologist, deal with diseases of cacao, principally with witches broom disease of cacao. 1917. ST. LUCIA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Report, 1945. Castries, St. Lucia, 1946. 10p. 102 W527 Brief mention of wither tip of lime. Previous reports include Panama disease of banana. Later reports not yet received. 1918. SAIYANANDA, C., and CELINO, M.S. Leaf blight of tomato. Philippine Agr. 29:365-377., illus. Sept.1940. 25 P542 Provisionally identified with Helminthosporium lycop- ersici. 1919. SAKIMURA, K. Evidence for the identity of the yellow-spot virus with the spotted-wilt virus: exper- iments with the vector, Thrips tabaci. Phytopathology 30: 281-299, illus. Apr.1940. 464.8 P56 Technical University Paper No. 129 of the Pineapple Experiment Station, Hawaii. Experiments on yellow spot disease of pineapple. 1920. SAKIMURA, K. Thysanoptera of Kauai with notes on the incidence of yellow spot on wild host plants. Hawaii Ent. Soc. Proc. 10:167-173, illus. July 1938. 420 H312 Species of Emilia hosts for virus of pineapple yellow spot in Hawaii. 1921. SAKSENA, R. K. Growth of Pythium hyphalos- ticton Sideris in synthetic nutrient liquid media. Cur. Sci. 8:81-82. Feb.1939. 475 Sci23 54 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 1922. SALGADO, M. L. M. Note on physiological stem bleeding of mature coconut palms. Trop. Agr. [Ceylon] 98(2):31-35. Apr./June 1942. 26 T751 1923. SANCHEZ ANDREU. Desinfecci6n de bulbos de Gladiolos: Pampa Argentina 23(262):3., illus. Aug.1949. 9 Pl In Argentina. 1924. SANCHEZ ANDREU. Torque o enrulamiento del curaznerg: Pampa Argentina 23(263):12. Sept.1949. P19 Caused by Taphrina deformans. 1925. SANTIS, L. DE Enfermedades de los Alamos en el Delta del Parana. Agricola 34:489-491. July 1937. 9 Ag89 Roya del alamo comun (Melampsora larici-populina La ‘‘mancha’’ del alamo in Argentina. 1926. SANTOS, P. R. Leaf spot of derris. Philippine Agr. 29:641-659, illus. Jan.1941. 25 P542 Phyllosticta derridis. 1927. SARAN, A. B. Some observations on an obscure disease of paddy: Oryza sativa. Cur. Sci. 18:378-379. Oct.1949. 475 Sci23 1928. SARASOLA, A. A. Dos enfermedades semejantes causadas por Botrytis cinerea y Ovularia viciae en las alverjillas forrajeras. Dagi 3(3):16 p., illus. Dec.1946. 9 B866D Leaf and stem blight. ee 1929. SARASOLA, A. A. Dos septoriosis de las alamedas argentinas. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 11:20-43, illus. Mar.1944. 9 R327 Septoria musciva, and S. populi. 1930. SARASOLA, A. A. Enfermedades del girasol. Buenos Aires (Prov.) Dir. de Agr., Ganad. e Indus. An. Rur. 10:111-122, illus. 1942. 9 B866A Includes diseases caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Albugo tragopogonus, and Erysiphe cichoracearum. aie in Suelo Argentino 2:643-645,667, illus. Aug.1943. u 1931. SARASOLA, A. A. El oidio 0 mal blanco que ataca a los zapallos y melones. Buenos Aires (Prov.) Dir. de Agr., Ganad. e Indus. An. Rur. 11:105-106,108-109, 1943. 9 B866A : 1932. SARASOLA, J. A. Una grave amenaza-éen los avenales. IDIA; Inform. de Invest. Agr. 2(17):13. May 1949. 9 1d3 Helminthosporium victoriae. 1933. SARASOLA, J. A., FAVRET, E. A., and VAL- ' LEGA, J. Reaccién de algunas cebadas con respecto a ‘‘Erysiphe graminis hordei’”’ en Argentina. Rev. Argen- tina de Agron. 13:256-276. Dec.1946. 9 R327 English summary. A study of the physiologic specialization of Erysiphe graminis in order to simplify the selection of resistant varieties. 1933. SARASOLA, J. A., and CAMPI, M. D. Reacci6on de algunas cebadas con respecto a ‘‘Rhynchosporium . secalis’’ en Argentina. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e et Rev. de-Invest. Agr. 1:243-260, illus. Oct.1947. R3 Artificial inoculation of barley varieties with Rhyn- chosporium secalis to produce resistance to leaf scald disease. : 1935. SARAVI CISNEROS, R. El tiz6n de la frutilla en ia Reptblica Argentina. Dagi 3(4):16. 1946. 9 B866D Dendrophoma obscurans. 1936. SARAVIA I., G. Algunos aspectos de sanidad vegetal en Brasil. Simiente 16(1):47-50, illus. First Q. 1946. 9.3 Si4 Study of insect control and tristeza disease in citrus. 1937. SARAVIA I., G. La antracnosis de la vid. Vitic. Chilena 4:20-21. Jan.1948. 390.8 V83 1938. SARAVIA I., G. Oidio de la vid (Uncinula necator). Agrario 8(342):10. July 15,1944. 9.3 Ag85 In Chile. 1939. SAUER, H. F. G. A cigarrinha Agallia albidula Uhl. (Hom., Cicadel.) vetora de uma doenga de virus do tomateiro. Biologico 12:176-178, illus. June 1946. 442.8 B529 1940. SCARAMUZZA, L. C. Enemigos de la cafia de azicar en Cuba. Rev. de Agr. [Cuba] 27 (28):28-32. Oct./Dec.1944. 8 Ag88Re Includes diseases. 1941. SCARAMUZZA, L. C. Las enfermedades de la cafia de azucar en el Brasil. Asoc. de Téc. Azucareros de Cuba. B. Ofic. 8:9-10. Mar.1949. 65.9 As5B Leaf scald and smut. 1942. SCARSETH, G. D. La enfermedad de Panama en el cultivo del banano y maneras de luchar contra ellas. Rev. de Agr., Com. e Indus. [Panama] 8:35-37. Feb.1949. 8 R3291 ° 1943. SCARSETH, G. D. Growing bananas on acid soil. Agr. in the Americas 4:188-189,194-195, illus. Oct.1944. 1 F752A Report of experiments to control Panama disease. 1944. SCHIEL, E. Enfermedades de las plantas cul- tivadas en la provincia de Santa Fé. I-II. Santa Fé Inst. Expt. de Invest. y Fomento Agr.-Ganad. P. Téc. 13, 21. 1939-40. 102.5 Sa52 — Plant diseases in Argentina. 1945. SCHIEL, E. La lucha contra Sphaceloma aus- tralis, pardsito del mandarino en la provincia de Santa Fe. Rey. Argentina de Agron. 9:19-27. Mar.1942. 9 R327 : Use of two bordeaux sprays as a factor in the control of orange scab, Sphaceloma australis. 1946. SCHOONNEVELDT, J. C. VAN Beknopt over- zicht van de meerjarige cultures in het rayon Buitenzorg over 1938. Bergcultures 13:606-608. May 13,1939. 22.5 B45 Includes diseases of tea and rubber in Java. 1947. SCHOUTEN, G. B. Fitoparasita da ‘‘Eugenia jambos L.’’ Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 15:403-408, illus. Sept./Oct.1940. 9.2 R324 A discussion of rust (Puccinia psidii) on the Malabar plum in Brazil. 1948. SCHREVEN, D. A. VAN Bestrijding van mo- zaiekziekte bij tapak met looistofhoudende oplossingen. Landbouw 17:222-230, illus. 1941. 22.5 L23 English summary. 1949. SCHULTZ, E. F. Algunas observaciones sobré la podredumbre de las raicillas del naranjo agrio injer- tado. Tucuman. Estac. Expt. Agr. B. 54, 22 p., illus. Tucuman, 1945. 102.5 T79B Tristeza disease of grafted sour orange in north- western Argentina. 1950. SCHWEIZER, J. Over een physiologische theorie van de bruine binnenbast-ziekte bij Hevea brasiliensis. Bergcultures 12:31-39. 1938. 22.5 B45 1951. SELEMA FERNANDEZ, L. Tiz6n tardio en la papa. Agrotecnia 3(6):22-24, illus. Dec. 1949? 8 Ag825 1952. SETH, L. N. Studies on the false-smut disease of paddy caused by Ustilaginoidea virens (Cke.) Tak. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 15:53-55. Feb.1945. 22 Ag83I 1953. SHAW, E. B. Banana migration and Sigatoka. J. Geog. 40:350-354. Dec.1941. 278.8 J82 The gradual shifting of plantings from the Atlantic to Pacific Coast of Central America. Diseases, such as banana leaf spot, are not so apt to develop in the drier climate. 1954. SHAW, E. B. Recent changes in the banana pro- duction of middle America. Assoc. Amer. Geog. Ann. 32: 371-383, illus. Dec.1942. 500 As73 Includes description of Sigatoka disease (leaf spot) caused by Cercospora musae and methods of combating it. 1955. SHEPHERD, E. F. S. Cocoyam root rot in the Gold Coast. West African Agr. Conf. Proc. (1938)3 (1): 83-86. 1938. 27 W52 ; Tea disease of yautia (Xanthosoma sagittae- olium). ; 1956. SHEPHERD, E. F. S. The gumming disease of the sugarcane. Mauritius Dept. Agr. Sci. Ser. B. 25, 9p. 1937. 24 M443Bsc Caused by Bacterium vasculorum. : 1957. SHEPHERD, E. F. S. A revised list of plant dis- eases occurring in Mauritius. Mauritius. Dept. Agr. Sci. Ser. B. 23, 14 p. 1937. 24 M443Bsc 1958. SHEPHERD, E. F. S. Tobacco leaf curl. West African Agr. Conf. Froc. 3(1):87-89. 1938. 27 W52 _ Conference held on the Gold Coast; disease transmitted by a white fly (Bemisia sp.) ‘‘apparently not transmiss- ible in seed.” 1959. SIERRA LEONE. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Annual report, 1948. Freetown, 1949. 51p. 24 Si2 Plant pathology, p. 25. Brief notes of new fungus or host records, and collections of fungi. Earlier reports are brief accounts of work being done on diseases of rice, tomatoes, beans, citrus, pineapple, tobacco, and potatoes. No reports on plant pathology in the 1940, 1941, 1942, and 1945 annual reports. 1960. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Acumulacao e mobiliza¢ao do amido em folhas de laranjeira atacada pela ‘‘tristeza’’. Rev. de Abe, Einacicaba) 23:295-322, illus. Sept./Oct. 1948. 9.2 R324 English summary. 1961. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and LOPES TORRES, H. Algumas observac6es sobre 0 mecanismo da acumulac4o do ‘‘nicotiana virus 1 (Mayer) Allard’’ em félhas de fumo. Inst. Biol. [Sao Paulo] Arq. 15:97-140, illus. Oct.1940. 442.9 Sao English summary. 1962. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. Bra- zilian bean varieties as plant indicators for the tobacco- mosaic virus. Phytopathology 31:430-439, illus. May 1941. 464.8 P56 1963. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. Con- . tribuigdo para o conhecimento do mosaico do fumo e dos seus hospedeiros selvagens no Brasil. Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo Arq. 9:1-20, illus. 1938: 442.9 Sa6 Germany summary. 1964. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. A degenerescencia da batatinha. Biologico 3:247-254, illus. Sept.1937. 442.8 B529 1965. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. A dis- seminagdo do mosaico do fumo no campo. Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo Arq. 10:61-72, illus. 1939. 442.9 Sa6 German summary. 1966. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. M. Enfermedades de virus de la papa en Colombia. Agr. Trop. 3(1):27-35. Jan.15, 1947. 26 Ag8 1967. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and CAMPOS, A. R. Estudos relativos 4 doenca ‘‘superbrotamento’’ ou ““envassouramento”’ da mandioca. Inst. Biol. SAo Paulo Arq. 15:1-26, illus. Aug. 1944. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Superbudding and witches broom disease of cassava. 1968. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Estudos sobre a trans- missao experimental da ‘‘clorose infecciosa’’ das Mal- vaceas. Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo Arq. 14:105-156, illus. 1943. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Results of observations on the transmission of the virus disease of Sida acuta carpinifolia, S. rhombifolia, and S. cordifolia, and of two ornamental shrubs, Abutilon striatum, and A. striatum spurium. 1969. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., NOBREGA, N. R., and KRAMER, M. A identificagao das doenc¢as de virus en- contradas nos campos de multiplicagdo de tuberculos- sementes de batatinha. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 16:23- 40, illus. Jan./Feb. 1941. 9.2 R324 1970. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. A im- portancia das hervas mAs para a disseminagao de “mosaico do fumo’’. Biologico 4:163-164, illus. May. 1938. 442.8 B529 1971. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Infectious chlorosis of Phenax sonneratii. Phytopathology 38:395-398, illus. May 1948. 464.8 P56 A new host plant for this disease. 1972. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. A in- fluencia da altitude sobre a degenerescencia da batatinha no Estado de Sao Paulo. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 18: 1-108, illus. Jan./Feb.1943. 9.2 R324 English summary. Results of experiments performed during the years 1937-41, in Brazil. 1973. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. A ‘‘mancha anular’’, uma nova Ree de virus da arruda (Ruta sp.). Biold- gico 12:219-220. Aug.1946. 442.8 B529 _ 1974. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. O mosaico da mandioca. Biologico 4:177-181, illus. June 1938. 442.8 B529 1975. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and NOBREGA, N. R. Notas sobre uma doenga de virus em feijao de porco (Canavalia ensiformis, D. C.) e outra em feijdo comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Biologico 8:129-133, illus. May 1942. 442.8 B529 English summary. 1976. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and CAMPOS, A. R. Novos aspétos do problema da formacao dos cristais en folhos do fumo atacadas pelo mosaico. Inst. Biol., Sado Paulo. Arq. 12:59-73, illus. Oct.1941. 442.9 Sa6 1977. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and CARVALHO, J. C. Observacoes citologicas sobre 0 mosaico do fumo. Inst. Biol. SAo Paulo Arg. 9:261-271, illus. 1938. 442.9 Sa6 German summary. 1978. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Observacdes suplemen- tares sObre a transmissdao experimental da “‘clorose infecciosa’’ das Malvaceae. Inst. Biol. Sdo Paulo Arq. 16: 49-64. Nov.1945. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Results of experiments on Sida species. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 55 1979. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. A pos- sibilidade da transmissdo de doengas de virus pelas pul- verizacoes com extratos de fumo. Biologico 7:207-215, illus. Aug.1941. 442.8 B529 English summary. Experimental work shows that there is little danger of transmission of tobacco-mosaic by sprays made from home-made extracts of tobacco powder. 1980. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Progressos teéricos e praticos no campo da virologia. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 5(1):78-83. Mar.1942. 9.2 S013 1981. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. Sobre a provavel causa da “tristéza’’ das laranjeiras (Consideracdes em torno do artigo de H. J. Webber). Bioldgico 9:371-378. Nov.1943. 442.8 B529 1982. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., NOBREGA, N. R., and KRAMER, M. Sobre as variantés do virus X das batatin- has no Estado de Sao Paulo. Inst. Biol., Sio Paulo Arq. 12:27-58, illus. Oct. 1941. 442.9 Sa6 German summary. 1983. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and NOBREGA, N. R. Sobre uma doenga de virus da bananeira. Bioldgico 7: 216-219, illus. Aug.1941. 442.8 B529 Brief English summary. Transmission of a banana virus disease by sap inocula- tion. 1984. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. A transmissdo exper - imental da ‘‘mancha anular’’ do cafeeiro. Biologico 7: 93-99, illus. Apr.1941. 442.8 B529 English summary. Transmission of ring spot of coffee by grafting. 1985. SILBERSCHMIDT, K. O valor diagnéstico de alteragoes das qualidades fisiol6gicas dos tuberculos para o reconhecimento do grau de degenerescéncia das batatinhas. Ceres [Vicosay 5:326-351. May/June 1944. 9.2 C332 Virus diseases of the potato in Brazil. 1986. SILBERSCHMIDT, K., and KRAMER, M. O virus Y, uma das principais causas da degenerescencia das batatinhas no Estado de S40 Paulo. Biolégico 8:39-46, illus. Feb.1942. 442.8 B529 English summary. On the dissemination of this virus disease. 1987. SILVA, A. R. DA. Estudos preliminares para a produc¢do de variedades de trigo resistentes 4s ferrugens no Brasil. Brazil. Serv. Nac. de Pesquisas Agron. B. 1, 53 p. June 1947. 9.2 B738 English summary. : A thesis, University of Minnesota, 1946. Seven races of leaf rust isolated in material sent from Brazil. 1988. SILVA, P., and LELLIS, W. T. Cacao disease in Brazil. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 24:56. 1947. 26 T754 A note reporting the more important diseases of cacao. 1989. SILVEIRA, F. DA. A mancha de ferro do cafeeiro. [Sao Paula] Inst. de Café Rev. 13:1028-1030, illus. Aug.1938. 68.29 Sa63 American leaf disease of coffee caused by Omphalia flavida. 1990. SILVEIRA, V. D. As doencas de virus e 0 seu estudo. Rev. Soc. Bras. de Agron. 2:61-79, illus. Dec. 1939. 9.2 So13 Reprinted as Rio de Janeiro Esc. Nac. de Agron. Avulso 1,19p. 1940. 102.5 R473A 1991. SILVEIRA, V. D. Elementos de fitopatologia. Agronomia [Rio de Janeiro] 8:1-42,87-130,189-247,281 - 328, illus. (Cont.) Jan.-Dec.1949. 9.2 Ag892 Chapters 1-9. Later issues not yet received. 1992. SILVEIRA, V. D., and REINIGER, C. H. Estiolamento das sementeiras de citrus causado pelo fungo Sclerotium rolfsii Sace. Soc. Bras. de Agron. Rev. 2:165-168, illus. June 1939. 9.2 So13 1993. SILVEIRA, V. D. As galhas ou tumores das raizes. Agronomia [Rio de Janeiro] 2:5-23, illus. Jan./Mar.1943. 9.2 Ag892 Root diseases. 1994. SILVEIRA, V. D. Notas fitopatolégicas e micolé- gigas: I-XI. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 5:273-286,417-426;6: 3-60,109-118,193-202,279-292;7:33-40,95-100,183-190; 8:205-218;9:181-186, illus. 1942-46. 9.2 So13 Brief descriptions of plant diseases in Brazil. 1995. SILVEIRA, V. D. Sobre uma doenca de virus do geranio (Pelargonium zonale). Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 4:120, illus. Mar.1941. 9.2 S013 “Mancha anelar’”’ (ring-spot). Differs from disease described by Pape in 1927 and Verplanke in 1932. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 1996. SILVEIRA e AZEVEDO, N. da. Herbario mi- colégico do jardim botanico. Rodriguésia 6(15):69-81. June 1942. 442.8 R61 | : 1997. SIMMONDS, H. W. Coconut pests and diseases in Melanesia and southern Polynesia. Fiji. Dept. Agr. B. 20, 40 p., illus. (pt. col.). 1938. 25 F47B Coconut diseases, p. 33-34. 1998. SIMMONDS, J. H., and MITCHELL, R. S. Black end and anthracnose of the banana, with special reference to Gloeosporium musarum Cke. and Mass. B. Austral. Council Sci. & Indus. Res: 131. 63 p., illus. 1940. 514 Au72B G 1999. SIMMONDS, J. H. Citrus diseases. Queensland Ager. J. 47:142-158, illus. Feb.1, 1937. 23 Q33 In the coastal areas of Queensland. 2000. SIMMONDS, J. H. The fungicidal treatment of : seed potatoes. Jamaica Agr. Soc. J. 41:363. June 1937. 8 J223 P- eparation of fungicide for seed potatoes showing signs of common scab or black scurf. 2001. SIMMONDS, J. H. Influence of seasonal con- ditions on the development of Cercospora leaf spot on the banana, with special reference to the control programme. Queensland Agr. J. 52:633-647, illus. Dec. 1, 1939. 23 Q33 2002. SIMMONDS, J. H. La:zent infection in tropical fruits discussed in relation to the part played by species of Gloeosporium and Colletotrichum. Roy. Soc. Queens- land Proc. 52:92-120, illus. Jine 3,1941. 514 B775 Experiments with anthracnose of banana, mango and papaw. 2003. SIMMONDS, J. H. Plant diseases and their con- trol. Queensland Agr. & Past. Handb. 3:116-247, illus. 1938. 36 Q3 Contents: I, General considerations; II, Fruit diseases; III, Diseases of field crops; IV, Vegetable diseases; V, The preparation of fungicides 2004. SIMMONDS, J. H. Squirter disease in banana~ Queensland Agr. J. 64:329. June 1947. 23 Q33 Caused by Nigrospora. 2005. SIMMONDS, J. H., anc MITCHELL, R. S. The squirter disease in bananas wih special reference to its corel: Queensland Agr. J. 47:542-548. June 1, 1937. Q33 Thought to be caused by a species of Nigrospora. 2006. SLOOFF, W. C. Over de oorzaak en de best- rijding van inwendige schimmel in de muskaatnoot [On the problem of mouldiness in nutmegs]. East Indies (Dutch) Alg. Proefsta. v. Landk. Meded. 82, 20 p. Feb. 1949. 109.5 Ea73 English summary. Investigations at the Macassar Division of the General Agricultural Experiment Station, Buitenzorg, Java. 2007. SMEE, C. Notes on plant virus diseases with particular reference to tobaccvo. Nyasaland Agr. Q. J. 5: 73-89. Oct.1945. 24 N983 2008. SMITH, K. M. A textbook of plant virus diseases. Phila., Blakiston, 1937. 615 p., illus. (pt. col.). 464.32 Sm6T 2009. SMITH, P. G. Some vegetable diseases in the South Pacific. Plant Dis. Rptr 30:376-379. Oct.15,1946. 1.9 P69P ‘ Includes diseases of tomatoes, watermelons, eggplant, snapbeans, cantaloups, sweetpctato, and peanuts. 2010. SMITH, P. G. Witches’-broom of cucumber and cantaloup in the South Pacific. Plant Dis. Rptr. 30:375- 376. Oct.15,1946. 1.9 P69P 2011. SOARES, O. M. Verminése do pinhao, Araucaria brasiliensis (Angustifdlia). Brazil. Dept. Nac. de Prod. Veg. Secc. de Fomento Agr. Parana. B. Agr. 3(10/11): 119-122, illus. Dec.1945. 9.2 B7363 2012. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Algunas doengas do alho. Rio de Janeiro, Minisiério da Agricultura, Servico de Informacao Agricola, 1943. 6 p. (S. I. A. 820) 464.04 B732A Diseases of garlic include rust, purple spot, mildew, dry rot, and soft rot. iy, Also in Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30:29-34, June 1941. 9.2 Ag83 2013. SOARES BRANDAO, J. FILHO. Os ‘‘carvoes’’ do milho. Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30:31-33. Oct. 1941. 9.2 Ag83 Ustilago zeae, Sorosporium reilanum. - 2014: SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Doenca dos citrus; medidas indicadas contra a podridéo do pé. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Agricultura, Servico de In- formacdo Agricola, 1943. 4p. (S. I. A. 763) 464.06 B732 Gummosis disease caused by Phytophthora spp. Also in Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30:25-28. Aug.1941. 9.2 Ag83 2015. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Doengas da couve e outras cruciferas. Sitios e Fazendas 8(3):53; (4):8. Mar.,Apr.,1943. 9.2 Si8 Plasmodiophora brassicae. 2016. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Doengas e pragas do amendoim. [Brazil] Min. da Agr. B. 30:57-61. Mar.1941. 9.2 Ag83 Diseases, p. 57-59. Brief descriptions and control recommendations for: Alternaria brassicae phaseoli, Cercospora personata, Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani, Puccinia arachidis, and Fusarium sp. 2017. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Meios de con- trole & “‘bacteriose’’ da mandioca. Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 29:11-15. July.1940. 9.2 Ag83 Bacillus manihot. Also in Campo 11:62-63. Oct.1940. 9.2 C15 2018. SOARES BRANDAO, J. FILHO. Os nematdides e OS meios usuais para o seu controle. Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30(7):9-15. July 1941. 9.2 Ag83 Root knot caused by the nematode Heterodera marioni. 2019. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. Pragas e doengas da cebola. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Agri- cultura, Servico de Informacdo Agricola, 1943. 8p. (S. I. A. 751) 464.04 B732 Includes descriptions of rots, moulds, rusts, and an- thracnose in Brazil. Also in Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30:1-8. Feb.1941. 9.2 Ag83 2020. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. A septoriose do tomateiro. Brazil Min. da Agr. B. 30:19-21. Nov.1941. 9.2 Ag83 Leaf spot caused by Septoria lycopersici. 2021. SOARES BRANDAO, J., FILHO. O sublimado corrosivo no tratamento das sementes horticolas. Ed. 2. Rio de Janeiro, Ministério da Agricultura, Servico de In- formacdo Agricola, 1943. 3p. (S. I. A. 656) 464.4 B73 Mercury bichloride. Also in Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 30:29-31. May 1941. 9.2 Ag83 2022. SOBRINHO, V. A tristeza dos citrus; hipotese fisiol6gica. Pernambuco. Sec. de Agr., Indis., e Com. B. 13:253-264. Oct./Dec.1946. 9.2 P423 English summary. 2023. SOBUSTAN, J. R. Enfermedades del banano. Agricultura [Bogota] 9:184-186. Apr.1937. 9.4 In22 Banana wilt and other minor diseases. 2024. SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTS, INDIA. Annual Review of Biochemistry and Allied Research in India for 1940. Bangalore, 1941. 173 p. 385 Sol3 Phytopathology - mycology, by M. Mitra. Report on dis- eases of-wheat, cotton, sugarcane, apples, almond, man- goes, orange, and pineapple. Earlier reports by B. B. Mundkur, plant pathologist are similar, dealing also with diseases of jowar, rice, maize, peas, beans, citrus, ragi, sann hemp, potatoes, tea, coffee, tobacco, gram, pigeonpeas, soybeans, sandal- wood, and grapes. Later reports have a section on industrial mycology. 2025. SOESMAN, J. G. Maatregelen en tapcontrole ter bestrijding van Phytophthora. Bergcultures 11:865-869, illus. June 12, 1937. 22.5 B45 Control of Phytophthora on rubbertrees in the Nether- lands Indies. 2026. SOESMAN, J. G. Wortelschimmels en Hevea- herontginningen. Bergcultures 12:1239-1244, illus. Sept. 3,1938. 22.5 B45 Root fungi and hevea clearings. Root diseases due to Fomes lignosus. ‘ 2027. SOETARDI, R. G. Geslaagde inoculatieproeven met Phomopsis heveae (Petch.) Boedijn, geisoleerd uit jonge Heveazaailingen met stengelinsterving. Arch. v. de Rubbercult. 26:279-288, illus. June 1949. 78.8 Ar2 English summary. 2028. SOETARDI, R. G. Iets over de ‘‘swollen shoot”’ ziekte van cacao. Bergcultures 18:187,189. May 16,1949. 22.5 B45 2029. SORENSEN, H. G. Crown budding for healthy Hevea. U.S. Off. Foreign Agr. Relat. Agr. in the Americas 2:191-193, illus. Oct.1942. I F752A Resistance to South American leaf blight. Spanish translation, with title Obtencion de caucheras sanas por injerto de escudete, in Hacienda 38:154-155, 164, illus. Apr.1943. 6 H11 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY 2030. SORIANO, S. Sobre la presencia del Azotobacter agilis en Norte y Sud America. Argentina. Inst. Nac. de la Nutr. Recopilacién de Trab. Cient. 1940/41:66-78, illus. 1942. 389.9 Ar3Pu 2031. SOUTHERN, B. L. Copper bunticide standards. Austral. Inst. Agr. Sci. J. 4:160-161. Sept.1938. 23 Au74 Recommended for Australia. 2032. SOYER, D. La “‘rosette’’ de l’arachide. Recher - ches sur les vecteurs possibles de la maladie. Inst. Natl. pour l’Etude Agron. Congo Belge P., Sér. Sci. 21, 23 p., illus. (pt. col.). 1939. 24 In7 Virus disease transmitted by insects. 2033. SPERONI, H. A. La citricultura en relacion a las enfermedades y plagas del sur de Cordoba y nordeste de San Luis. Rev. Mens. B. A. P. 23(270):29,31-32, illus. May 1940. 9 R326 On gummosis and chlorosis of citrus and its control in Argentina. 2034. SPERONI, H. A. Las enfermedades de los citrus. Argentina Min. de Agr., B. Fruticola y Hort. 4:137-197, illus. July 1939. 286.83 Ar32 2035. SPERONI, H. A. Nueva contribucién en el estu- dio de la enfermedad conocida como la podredumbre de las raicillas del naranjo. Cong. Fruticola Proc. (1936)4: 361-376, illus. 1939. 93.09 C7623 Root rot of orange: history, symptoms, cause and con- trol measures. 2036. SPERONI, H. A. Tizon gomoso de las ramitas ‘de los citrus. Argentina Min. de Agr. Almanaque 16:111- 112, illus. (pt. col.). 1941. 9 Ag874 Phytophthora citrophthora, P. parasitica, causing brown rot of lemon. Reprinted as Argentine Repub. Dir. de Frop. y Fubs., P. Misc. 114, 4 p., illus. (col.) 1942. 9 P943; also in pampo [Buenos Aires] 27(319):36-37, illus. May 1943. C15 2037. SPERONI, H. A. Tratamiento de la “‘podre- dumbre del pie’’ de los citrus, llamada vulgarmente “somosis’’. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Misc. P. 26, 7p., illus. 1937. 9 B943 Results of experimental work in the phytopathological laboratory at Bella Vista in the Province of Corrientes, Argentina. 3 2038. SQUIRE, F. A., and BRIANT, A. K. Spotting of bananas caused by Frankliniella insularis (Franklin). Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:351-352. Dec.1937. 26 T754 2039. SREENIVASA IYENGAR, G., and BADAMI, V. K. Report on work done on the scheme for combating ‘‘red leaf’’ disease of cotton in Mysore State during the year 1936-1938. Mysore Agr. Dept. Rpts. 1936/37-1937/38. 1938-39. 22 M99R Work conducted in the following places: 1. Irwin Canal Farm, Mandya. 2. Hebbal Farm, near Bangelore. 3. Lab- oratory Breeding Cage, Bangelore City. For reports of the Mycological Section See Mysore. Dept. of Agriculture. Annual reports. =A 2040. SREENIVASAYA, M. The spike disease of sandal. Cur. Sci. 17:141-145. May 1948. 475 Sci23 2041. SRINIVASAN, A. R. Some new hosts for Striga. Cur. Sci. 16:320-321, illus. Oct.1947. 475 Sci23 2042. SRINIVASAN, K. H. A coffee root parasite - Balanophora sp. Mysore Agr. & Expt. Union J. 16:133- 137, illus. 1937. 22 M993 On coffee estates in Mysore, India. 2043. STAHEL, G. The banana leaf speckle in Surinam caused by Chloridium musae nov. spec. and another related banana disease. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:42-45, illus. Feb.1937. 26 T754 Ramichloridium musae n. gen., n. Sp. 2044. STAHEL, G. Banana leaf spot (Cercospora musae). Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14:59-60. Mar.1937. 26 T754 An ‘‘advanced summary’’ of a complete report to offer later in this journal. 2045. STAHEL, G. Cacao. Surinam. Landbouwproefsta Meded. 10:1-32. 1947. 102.5 D95 Ziekten en plagen, p. 28-30. 2046. STAHEL, G. De Cercospora bladziekte der Peover Surinam. Dept. Lands B. 53, 27 p. Apr.1937. -6 D95 2047. STAHEL, G. Corticium areolatum, the cause of the areolate leaf spot of citrus. Phytopathology 30:119- 130, illus. Feb.1940. 464.8 P56 Common disease in Surinam (Dutch Guiana). 2048. STAHEL, G. Notes on Cercospora leaf spot of bananas (Cercospora musae). Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 14: 257-264, illus. Sept.1937. 26 T754 IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 57 On the occurrence of this disease in Surinam (Dutch Guiana), description of symptoms; laboratory work with Cercospora musae in pure culture; infection experiments; control measures. 2049. STAKMAN, E. C., POPHAM, W. L., and | CASSELL, R. C. Observations on stem rust epidemiology in Mexico. Amer. J. Bot. 27:90-99, illus., map. Feb. 1940, 450 Am36 2050. STAKMAN, E. C., and HARRAR, J. G. Plant pathology in Mexico. In Verdoorn, F., ed. Piants and plant science in Latin America. Waltham, Chronica Bo- tanica Co., 1945. p. 52-55. 453 V58 2051. STANER, F. Las maladies de l1’Hevea au Congo Belge. Inst. Roy. Colon. Belge, Sect. des Sci. Nat. et Med. Mém. 11(6):42 p., illus. 1941. 504 B8362M 2052. STEINDL, D. R. L. Disease control in the Bundaberg area. Queensland Bur. Sugar Expt. Stas., Cane Grower’ Q. B. 7:206-209. Apr.1,1940. 65.9 Q3C Results of control board’s operations. 2053. STEINDL, D. R. L. Droopy top disease of sugar cane. Queensland. Bur. Sugar Expt. Stas. Cane Growers’ Q. B. 11:175-177, illus. Apr. 1, 1948. 65.9 Q3C 2054. STERN, J. El ‘‘chamusco’’ del platano (Sigatoka disease). Agricultura [Mex.] 1:43-50, illus. Jan./Feb. 1938. 8 Ag823 Leaf spot of banana, Cercospora musae. 2055. STERN, J. Importancia de la fitopatologia en la agricultura. Café de Salvador 12:217-224. Apr.1942. 68.28 C112 2056. STERN, J. Nuevos aspectos del problema del chamusco del platano en México. Mex. Esc. Nac. de Cien. Biol. An. 1:161-167. Oct./Dec.1938. 442.9 M573 Cercospora musae. 2057. STEVENSON, G. C. Breeding and testing sugar - cane seedlings for gumming disease resistance at the British West Indies central sugar cane breeding station, Barbados. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Cong. Proc. 6(1938):75-78. 1939. 65.9 In84 Testing methods. 2058. STEVENSON, G. C. Breeding and testing sugar- cane seedlings for mosaic disease resistance at the British West Indies central sugar cane breeding station, Barbados. Internatl. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Cong. Proc. 6(1938):71-75. 1939. 65.9 In84 Methods of conducting mosaic disease resistance tests. 2059. STEVENSON, G. C. The inheritance of gumming disease resistance in sugarcane breeding. Mauritius. Dept. Agr. Sugarcane Res. Sta. B. 15, 9p. 1939. 65.9 M44B 5 2060. STEVENSON, G. C. Studies on gumming disease of sugar cane. I-II. West Indies Cent. Sugar cane Breed. Sta. B. 16:1-9. July 1927. 65.9 W522B I, The relationship between leaf symptom development and systematic infection; II, The inheritance of gumming disease resistance. ; 2061. STEVENSON, J. A., and RANDS, R. D. An anno- tated list of fungi and bacteria associated with sugarcane and its products. Hawaii. Planters Rec. 42 (4):247-313. 1938. 25 H311 2062. STEVENSON, J. A., and WELLMAN, F. L. In- forme preliminar de las enfermedades de las plantas de El Salvador. Rev. de Agr. Trop. [Salvador] 14 (25):10-21. 1947. 8 R326 Also in Café de El Salvador 17:99-105,187-191. Feb.- Mar.1947. 68.28 C112 2063. STEVENSON, J. A. A leaf blight [Pellicularia ilamentooal of jack-bean in Cuba. Plant Dis. Rptr. 30: 125. Apr.15,1946. 1.9 P69P 2064. STEVENSON, J. A., and WELLMAN, F. L. A preliminary account of the plant diseases of El Salvador. Wash. Acad. Sci. J. 34:259-268. Aug.15,1944. 500 W2767 2065. STEYAERT, R. L. L’anthracnose des baies du caféier arabica. Agr. et Elevage 11:100-101. July 1937. 26 Ag84 Colletotrichum coffeanum, cause of the disease in Kivu, East Africa. 2066. STEYAERT, R. L. Contribution a 1’ étude des parasites des végétaux du Congo Belge. Soc. Roy. de Bot. de Belge B. 80 (ser. 2) 30(1-2):11-58, illus. Aug.1948. 451 B41B 2067. STEYAERT, R. L. Notes sur deux conditions pathologiques de l’Elaesis quineensis. Inst. Natl. 1’Etude Agron. Congo Belge P., Sér. Sci., 18, 13 p., illus. 1939. In I, Pourriture du tronc; Il, Pourriture du bourgeon cen- tral de plants en pépiriéres. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 2068. STEYAERT, R. L. Notes sur l’ecologie en phy- topathologie. In Journées d’ Agron. Colon. (Koloniale Landbouwdagen) p. 332-337. Louvain, 1937. 5 J82 2069. STEYAERT, R. L. Plant protection in the Belgian Congo. Sci. Mon. 63:268-280, illus. Oct.1946. 470 Sci23 Diseases of cotton, oil palm, coffee, rubber, cacao, cin- chona, potato, corn, wheat, rice, peanuts, cassava, and sweetpotato. 2070. STEYAERT, R. L. Présence du Sclerospora maydis (Rac.) Palm (S. javanica Palm) au Congo Belge. Inst. Natl. pour l’Etude Agron. Congo Belge P., Ser. Sci. 13, 16 p., illus. 1937. 24 In7 2071. STEYAERT, R. L. Le probléme des pourridiés dans les cultures arbustives tropicales et sa portée sur les techniques d’ouverture des plantations. B. Agr. du Congo Belge 40:1651-1678, illus. June 1949. 24 K83 Conference africaine des sols, Gama (Congo Belge) 8-16 novembre 1948. On the root rots of trees, particularly of rubber, cin- chona, cacao, coffee, and the oil palm. 2072. STEYAERT, R. L. La sélection du cotonnier pour la résistance aux stigmatomycoses. Inst. Natl. Pour Etude Agron. Congo Belge P. Ser. Sci. 16, 29 p., illus. 1939. 24 In7 2073. STEYAERT, R. L. La situation phytosanitaire de 1’ Afrique centrale. Parasitica 4:109-130. 1948. 464.8 Pal 2074. STEYAERT, R. L. Vues sur la phytopathologie en Afrique Centrale. Inst. Natl. pour l’Etude Agron. du Congo Belge. Semaine Agr. de Yangambi. Compt. Rend. 2:677-681. 1947. 35.4 In7 2075. STOREY, H. H., and NICHOLS, R. F. W. A field experiment in the transmission of cassava mosaic. East African Agr. J. 3:446-449. 1938. 24 Ea74 2076. STOREY, H. H. A new virus of maize transmit- ted by Cicadulina spp. Ann. Appl. Biol. 24 (1):87-94, illus. Feb.1937. 442.8 An72 The mottle virus occurring in East Africa is considered a new one, not related to the streak virus. 2077. STOREY, H. H., and NICHOLS, R. F. W. Studies of the mosaic diseases of cassava. Ann. Appl. Biol. 25: 790-806, illus. .Nov.1938. 442.8 An72 Experimental work at the East African Agricultural Research Station, Amani, Tanganyika Territory. 2078. STOREY, H. H. Virus diseases of East African plants. I- VII. East African Agr. J. 1:63-68, 148-153, 206 -211,333-337,471-475;2:34-39, illus.;3:446-449. 1935-38. 24 Ea74 R. F. W. Nichols, joint author, VII. I. Introduction. II. Leaf-curl disease of tobacco. III. Rosette disease of groundnuts. IV. A survey of the viruses attacking the Gramineae. V. Streak disease of maize. VI. A progress report on studies of the disease of cassava. VII. A field experiment in the transmission of cassava mosaic. 2079. STRAIB, W. Las razas fisiol6gicas de Puccinia glumarum en Sudamérica y su comportemiento an la in- feccién comparado con el de las formas europeas. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. Arch. Fitotéc. 2:217-233. 1937. 102.5 Ur8A English summary. The South American races of stripe rust, so far known, are specific wheat rust races which can infect certain varieties of barley and also pass over to different wild grasses (species of Elymus, Hordeum and Agropyrum). 2080. SUBBA RAO, M. K. The deterioration of Grevilleas on south Indian tea plantations. I-III. Plan- ters’ Chron. 37:370-374,390-394,418-421. 1942. 22 P693 I, Introduction - previous history; II, Natural causes; III, Control. Reprinted as United Planters’ Assoc. South India (Tea Sci. Sect.) Paper, 3, 12 p. Oct.1942. 68.19 Un3P ,. 2081. SUBBA RAO, M. K. Serious tea diseases in south India. Planters’ Gaz. & Ann. 1:19-20. Aug.1939. 22 P694 The author, mycologist of the Tea scientific department of the U. P. A. S.1I., reports on a recent investigation. 2082. SUBIRATS, F. Amenaza el tizon tardio la zona ; tomatera. Rinc6n Campesino 8(87):7-9,34. Feb.1948. R47 2083. SUBRAMANIAM, L. S., and CHONA, B. L. Note on Cephalosporium sacchari Butl. (causal organism of vugarcane wilt). Indian J. Agr. Sci. 8:189-190. Apr.1938. 22 Ag83I Y 2084. SUBRAMANIAN, C. V. Some factors affecting the growth and survival of Fusarium vasinfectum Atk., the cotton wilt pathogen in the soil, with special reference to microbiological antagonism. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 25:89- 101, illus. Aug.1946. 450 J821 2085. SUDAN. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE. Report, 1938 Khartoum, 1939. 124 p. 24 Su232 Section of botany and plant pathology, by T. W. Clouston and F. W. Andrews, p. 32-47. Reports on the diseases of cotton. Earlier reports include information on cotton diseases. 2086. SUMMERVILLE, W. A. T. Deficiency diseases of citrus. Queensland Agr. J. 58:362-366, illus. June 1944. 23 Q33 Includes mottle leaf and dieback diseases. 2087. SUNDARARAMAN, S. Fungus diseases. How they affect the wealth of the Madras presidency. Madras Agr. J. 27:19-24. Jan.1939. 22 M262 Summary of the Curzon lecture delivered at the Agri- cultural College, Coimbatore. Diseases of paddy, cholam, chillies, ginger, tumeric, betel vine, sugarcane, palms, and fruits. 2088. THE SURVIVAL of Diploidia in maize com- post. Rhodesia Agr. J. 38:531-533. Oct.1941. 24 R34 Report of an investigation by E. E. Wijers. 2089. SYMPOSIUM on blister blight control. Proceed- ings of the first symposium. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 20:97-148. Dec.1949. 68.18 C33 2090. TACHIBANA, S. T. Pak choi seed production. Hawaii Farm & Home 7:12-13, illus. Apr.1944. 25 H3191 Includes diseases of cabbage. 2091. TAFO, GOLD COAST. COCOA RESEARCH STATION. Annual report, 1947/48. London, 1948. 85 p. 68.39 T12A Virus research, p. 11-41. On swollen shoot and other virus diseases of cacao. Mycology, p. 67-69. Report on fungus diseases of cacao. Earlier reports by A. F. Posnette, plant pathologist, are similar. 2092. TAFO, GOLD COAST. COCOA RESEARCH STATION. Discussion on cocoa surveys and swollen shoot disease of cocoa at Aburi, 2nd January, 1946. Tafo?1946. 11 p. 464.09 T12 2093. TALLEDO V., P. El cultivo del aji. Lima, Ministerio de Agricultura, 1945. 17p. 68.6 T14 In the zone of Tacna, Feru. Diseases, p. 14-16. f 2094. TAMAYO, F. Exploraciones botanicas en la Peninsula Paraquana, Estado Falcén. Soc. Venezol. de Cien. Nat. B. 7, (47):90 p., illus. 1941. 516 C172 Includes plant diseases of Venezuela. 2095. TAMMES, P. M. L. De bestrijding van de bladvlekkenziekte bij jonge klappers. Landouw 13:69-73, illus. Feb.1937. 22.5 L23 English summary. Coconut blight caused by Pestalozzia. 2096. TANGANYIKA TERRITORY. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Annual report, 1947. Dar Es Salaam, 1949. 150 p. 24 T15 Pests and diseases, p. 5. Brief mention of the diseases of potato, coffee, wheat, tobacco, tea, and sorghums. Earlier reports are similar, with brief notes on dis- eases of bananas, tea, papaws, tomatoes, and sweet- potatoes. 2097. TANGANYIKA TERRITORY. DEPT. OF AGRI- CULTURE. Annual report of the Coffee Research and Experimental Station, Lyamungu, Moshi, 1944. Dar es Salaam, 1945. 8p. 68.29 L98 Pests and diseases, p. 2. Brief mention of Hemileia disease of coffee. Earlier reports by G. B. Wallace, plant pathologist, are similar, dealing also with leaf fall of coffee. Later reports are not available. 2098. TANTALEAN, C. Resumen histérico del origen de los hibridos de trigo resistentes a las royas en Con- cepcion. Peru. Dir. Gen. de Agr. B. 17:141-145. 1944. 9.8 P43B : 2099. TARASIUK, I. El aleli - importancia, cultivo, obtencion de flores dobles (metodos), bases geneticas de la seleccion, enfermedades. Buenos Aires (Proyvy.) Dir. de Agr., Ganad. e Indus. Anu. Rur. 10:273-286, illus. (col.). 1942. 9 B866A Diseases of stocks (genus matthiola), p. 284-285. 2100. TARRAGO, E. Tratamiento de las heridas pro- ducidas en los arboles. Argentina. Min. de Agr. Almana- que 19:221-222. 1944. 9 Ag874 2101. TARTAKOWSKY H., S., and ARMANDO GARCIA, A. Ensayos preliminares sobre control del damping- off del tobaco. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. B. de Sanid. Veg. 2:20-24. Jan./June 1942. 464.9 C432B Preliminary results in the use of disinfectants on seed and soil. 2102. TARTAKOWSKY H., S. La gomosis de los citrus. Agri. del Norte 25:245-246. Sept.1940. 9.3 Sol4 Produced by the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora. 2103. TARTAKOWSKY H., S. La gomosis y la pudri- cién parda de los citrus. Soc. Agr. del Norte B. 25:158- 160. july 1937. 9.3 S014 Brown rot of citrus. 2104. TARTAKOWSKY H., S. G., and ARENTSEN S., S$. T. La roya del Alamo en Chile. Chile Dept. de Sanid. Veg. B. de Sanid. Veg. 1:21-32. July/Dec.1941. 464.9 C432B Melampsora larici populina. 2105. TARTAKOWSKY H., S. J., and ARENTSEN S., S. T. La antracnosis de la vid. Chile. Dept. de Sanid. Veg. B. 1:7-18. July 1941. 464.9 C432B 2106. TAUNAY, A. de E. Um flagello gravissimo dos cafezaes. Inst. de Café Rev. Sao Paulo 24:896-903. July 1938. 68.29 Sa63 Nematode disease. 2107. TAUNAY, A. de E. Observacao do ““mal de Cantagalo’’. Brazil. Dept. Nac. de Café. DNC 13:321-327, 469-476,631-639. Mar.,Apr.,May 1945. 286.83 D44 Title varies. Nematodes. 2108. TAVARES, !. A antracnése da manga. Pernam- buco. Sec. Agr. Indus. e Com. B. 3:28-30,-illus. Apr. 1938. 9.2 P4223 Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. 2109. TAVARES, I. Catalogo dos fungos de Pernam- buco. Pernambuco Sec. Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 4:1-33, illus. Mar. 1939. 9.2 P423 2110. TAVARES, I. Macrosporiose da cebola. Per- nambuco. Sec. Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 4:45-48, illus. Mar.1939. 9.2 P423 2111. TECHNICAL reports on the blister blight situa- tion. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 20:102-125. Dec.1949. 68.18 C33 Ceylon, by J. Lamb, C. A. Loos, and G. B. Portsmouth; India, by S. A. Rau, W. W. Mayne, and E. Hainsworth; Sumatra, by J. H. Van Emden and J. Reitsma. 2112. TEOBALDO LLOSA, P. El problema de la roya del trigo en el Departamento de Ancash. Lima, Peru, Dir. de Agr. y ganad., Secc. Técnica de Propag. Agro- pecuaria, 1942. 21p. 464.02 P43 To control the spread of the two most important rust diseases of wheat, Puccinia graminis tritici and P. glum- arum. 2113. TEODORO, N. G. An enumeration of Philippine fungi. Philippine Dept. Agr. & Com. Tech. B. 4, 585 p. 1937. 462.16 T26 2114. TEUBER E., F. J, Algunas sugestiones practicas para combatir el chancro del manzano. Agrario 9(358): 2" 12. Mar.29, 1945. 9.3 Ag85 In Chile. 2115. TEXERA, D. A., and MULLER, A. S. La podre- dumbre anular o marchitez bacteriana de las papas. Agr. Venezol. 5(57/58):27-30, illus. Jan./Feb.1941. 9.95 Ag8 An account of bacterial ring rot of potato due to Phy- tomonas sepedonica in Venezuela. 2116. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Angular leaf-spot of Kudzu in Mysore. Cur. Sci. 18:16-17. Jan.1949. 475 Sci23 Cercospora pueraricola. 2117. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. An ascomycetous parasite [Strigula sp.| of Cephaleuros. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B. 22:374-377,illus. Dec.1945. 513 In25B 2118. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Doengas causadas por fungos dos géneros “‘Elsinoe’’ e ‘‘Sphaceloma’’ em Misore (sul da India). Inst. Biol., SAo Paulo. Arq. 17: 55-66, illus. 1946. 442.9 Sa6 English summary. Accounts of nine species of Sphaceloma and one species of Elsinoé. 2119. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Ergot and sphacelial stages on some wild grasses in Mysore, Cur. Sci. 14:22. Jan.1945. 475 Sci23 2120. *THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Ergot on Cynodon dactylon Pers. Cur. Sci. 13:288, illus. Nov.1944. 475 Sci23 Ergot on Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) in India. 2121. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Ergot on sugarcane in Mysore. Cur. Sci. 12:330-331. Dec.1943. 475 Sci23 Large-scale production of ergot by means of inoculation and dissemination of infection. 2122. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Hapalophragmium pondorosum Syd. on Acacia leucophlaea Willd. Indian Bot. _ Soc. J. 20:293-298, illus. Oct. 1941. 450 J821 Rust on Acacia. malian se Vile A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 59 2123. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Masseeella narasim- hanii, a new species of rust on Flueggea leucopyrus Willd. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B. 18:36-40, illus. Aug.1943. 513 In25B Observed in the region of Yashavantapur, Bangalore, India. 2124. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. A new species of Puccinia on Ocimum adscendens. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. 14(B):466-471, illus. Nov.1941. 513 In25B Puccinia leiocarpum comb. nov., rust fungus. 2125. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Olpidium uredinis parasitic within the urediospores of Hemileia canthii Berk. and Broome. Cur. Sci. 11(9):363-364, illus. Sept. 1942. 475 Sci23 Fungi parasitic on fungi. 2126. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. On the morphology, cytology and parasitism of Uromyces hobsoni Vize. (U. Cunninghamianus Barc.). Indian Bot. Soc. J. 17:295-299, illus. Dec.1938. 450 J821 A preliminary note on this rust fungus. 2127. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. A preliminary note on a Melampsora parasitic on Lobelia trigona Roxb. Cur. Sci. 10:366-367, illus. Aug.1941. 475 Sci23 Rust (M. mundkuri n. sp. 2128. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Puccinia droogensis Butler on Berberis aristata D. C. Cur. Sci. 11(7):282-283, illus. July 1942. 475 Sci23 Rust on barberry. 2129. THIRUMALACHAR, M. J. Tuberculina on Uromyces hobsoni Vize. Indian Bot. Soc. J. 20:107-110, illus. Mar.1941. 450 J821 Fungi parasitic on fungi. : 2130. THOMAS, K. M., and KRISHNASWAMI, C. S. Leaf crinkle, a transmissible disease of papaya. Cur. Sci. 8:316, illus. July 1939. 475 Sci23 An experiment by the authors in pot culture of papaya at Coimbatore, India. No organism found. : 2131. THOMAS, K. M., and KRISHNASWAMI, C. S. Little leaf - a transmissible disease of brinial [egg plant]. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. 10(B):201-212, illus. Aug.1939. 513 In25B Virus disease transmitted by grafting; also appears on Datura fastuosa. K. M. Smith suggests that the virus may be termed Datura virus 2. Experimental work carried out at Coimbatore, India. 2132. THOMAS, K. M., RAMAKRISHNAN, T. S., and SRINIVASAN, K. V. The natural occurrence of ergot in south India. I-III. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B 21: 93 -100;22:191-192;26:136-141, illus. 1945-47. 513 In25B T. S. Ramakrishnan is sole author of III. New hosts of Claviceps have been recorded and the fungal characters on these hosts described.”’ 2133. THOMAS, K. M. and MENON, K. K. The present position of pollu disease of pepper in Malabar. Madras Agr. J. 27:348-356, illus. Oct.1939. 22 M262 Anthracnose of black pepper in India caused in part by a species of Colletotrichum. 2134. THOMAS, K. M. Short notes on some diseases and pests of coffee. Planters’ Chron. 43:346-348. July 15,1948. 22 P693 From the Indian Coffee Board Monthly Bulletin. Leaf diseases, black-rot and dieback, 2135. THOMAS, K. M., and MARUDARAJAN, D. Some aspects of the control of Koleroga or Mahali disease of the Areca palm. Madras Agr. J. 26:435-438. Nov.1938. 22 M262 5 Spraying experiments in Malabar and South Kanara of the Madras Presidency where the disease is prevalent. 2136. THOMAS, K. M., and others. Studies in the genus Phytophthora. I-II. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B 26:147-163, illus. 1947-48. 513 In25B T. S. Ramakrishnan, C. K. Soumini, and M. S. Balak- rishnan, joint authors, I. T. S. Ramakrishnan, joint author, II. 2137. THOMPSON, A. “‘Blister blight’’ of tea. Malayan Agr. J. 32:25-27. Jan.1949. 22.5 F312 In Malaya. 2138. THOMPSON, A. Branch canker of tea. Malayan Agr. J. 29:152-154, illus. Apr.1941. 22.5 F312 Due to sun scorch when bushes are pruned. 2139. THOMPSON, A. Legislation in Malaya relating to trade in plants. Malayan Agr. J. 28:408-413. Sept. 1940. 22.5 F312 2140. THOMPSON, A. Notes on plant diseases in 1937- 1940. Malayan Agr. J. 27:86-98;28:400-407;29:241-245, illus. 1939-41. 22.5 F312 : Includes diseases of oil palms, coconuts, pineapples, tea, rice, citrus, papaya, avocado, cinchona, beans, peas, and pepper in Malaya. 69 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 2141. THOMPSON, A. Observations on stem-rot of the oil palm. Fed. Malay States, Dept. Agr. B. Sci. Ser. 21, 28 p., illus. 1937. 22.5 F31Bs Fomes noxius. 2142. THOMPSON, A. Pineapple fruit rots in Malaya. A preliminary report on fruit rots of the Singapore canning pineapple. Malayan Agr. J. 25:407-420, illus. Oct.1937. 22.5 F312 Fruitlet brown rot, broken core, fruit collapse. 2143. THOMPSON, A. A root disease of the durian tree caused by Pythium complectens Braun. Malayan Agr. J. 26:460-464, illus. Nov. 1938. 22.5 F312 2144. THOROLD, C. A. Cacao diseases in Trinidad. Cocoa Res. Conf. Rpt. & Proc. 1945:140-141. 1945. 68.39 C64 Includes witches broom disease, pod, stem, leaf and root diseases. 2145. THOROLD, C. A. Cacao virus disease. Trinidad ®& Tobago. Agr. Soc. Proc. 45:295,297-299. Dec.1945. 8 T73 A plan toward eradication of this disease in Trinidad. 2146. THOROLD, C. A. Cultivation of bananas under shade for the control of leaf spot disease. Trop. Agr. [Peinided 17:213-214. Nov.1940. 26 T754 2147. THOROLD, C. A. The effects of certain crop rotations on the incidence of bacterial wilt disease (Xan- thomonas solanacearum) of tomato. Trop. Agr. [Trini- dad] 26:28-32. Jan./June 1949. 26 T754 Results of experimental work carried out at the St. Augustine Experiment Station of the Trinidad Department of Agriculture. 2148. THOROLD, C. A. Elgon dieback disease of cof- fee. East African Agr. J. 10:198-206, illus. Apr.1945. 24 Ea74 Fungi isolated are believed to be secondary and not par- asitic. Probably a physiological disease. 2149. THOROLD, C. A. Manurial experiments with papaw (Carica papaya): Trop. Agr. [Trinidad]26:129-132. July/Dec.1949. 26 T754 Effects on mosaic disease incidence. _2149a, THOROLD, C. A. Observations on a trial of trees as shade for cacao. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 22:203- 206. Nov.1945. 26 T754 Fifteen species described and resistance to Calostilbe striispora discussed. _ 2150. THOROLD, C. A. ‘‘Reported control of Fanama disease.’’ Agr. Soc. Trinidad & Tobago. Proc. 45:39,41. Mar.1945. 8 T73 Panama disease or wilt of banana caused by Fusarium cubense. ‘“‘Comment on a newspaper article sent to the Society by a meimber.”’ 2151. THOROLD, C. A. Vegetable pests and diseases. Trinidad & Tobago, Agr. Soc. Proc. 40:207-213. Sept. 1940. 8 T73 Descriptions of leaf spotting, blossom-end rot, soft rot diseases, maize’’ stripe’’-disease, and tomato wilt. 2152. THUNG, T. H. De epidemiologie van de Phytoph- thora parasitica var. nicotianae op de Vorstenlandsche tabaksondernemingen. Klaten, Java, Proefsta V. Vorsten- land Tabak. Meded. 86, 55 p., illus. 1938. 69.9 K66 English summary. On the Vorstenlanden estates in Java. 2153. THUNG, T. H. Virusziekten van Arachis hypogea with summary: virus diseases of Arachis hypogea. Landbouw 19:337-347. Apr./May 1947. 22.5 L23 Three types of mosaic disease discovered in the neigh- borhood of Buitenzorg, Java. 2154. THUNG, T. H. Waarnemingen over resistentie- eigenschappen bij verschillende tabakssoorten. Land- bouw 16:646-652. Nov.1940. 22.5 L23 2155. THUNG, T. H. Zwartrot van kool. Landbouw 21: 259-266. June 1949. 22.5 L23 English summary. Results of experimental studies of cabbage varieties, in Java, resistant to the black rot disease caused by the organism, Xanthomonas campestris. 2156. TINOCO CORONA, L. Principales enfermedades del naranjo en la regién de Santa Engracia, Tams. Mex. Ofic. Fitosanit. Fit6filo 3:26-46, illus. Mar./Apr.1944. 421 F55 2157. TOBLER BOTTINI, H., and BERTA, J. A. En- sayo del caldo bordeles contra la peronospora de la papa (Ehytophthora infestans Bary). Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 2:401. Oct.18,1945. 9.9 G15B 2158. TOBLER BOTTINI, H. D. Estudio del contralor del carb6én cubierto, hediondo, caries o tizén del trigo (Tilletia spp.). Asoc. de Ingen. Agron. Rev. 18(72):17-27. Mar.1946. 290.9 As73 English summary. Use of copper carbonate for control of stinking smut in Uruguay. 2159. TOCCHETTO, A. Crestamento alternaria da batata (Solanum tuberosum L.). Rev. Agron. [Rio Grande do Sul | 5:339-340, illus. May/June 1941. 9.2 R325 ; Causal organism, Alternaria solani. 2160. TOCCHETTO, A. Mancha preta ou cercosporiose | do amendoim (Cercospora personata (B. & C.) Ellis). j Rev. Agron. [Rio Grande do Sul] 5:501-502, illus. Sept. 1941. 9.2 R325 Note on this disease in Brazil, and its control. 2161. TOCCHETTO, A. A leprose da laranjeira. Rev. — Agron. [Rie Grande do Sul] 5:663-664, illus. Nov.1941. | 9.2 R32 Note on this virus disease and its control in Brazil. 2162. TOCCHETTO, A. Mildit da batata e controle. Rev. Agron. [Porto Alegre] 11:176-178, illus. July/Sept. 1947. 9.2 R325 Phytophthora infestans, causal organism. 2163. TOCCHETTO, A. Ferondéspora [Plasmopara vit- icola] da parreira. Rev. Agron. [Rio Grande do Sul] 7: 253, illus. May 1943. 9.2 R325 2164. TOCCHETTO, A. Rizoctoniose da alfalfa. Rio Grande do Sul (State) Sec. de Estado dos Negocios da Agr., Indus. e Com. C. 51, 3 p.,illus. Nov.1942. 9.2 R473C 2165. TOCCHETTO, A. Tratamento da semente de batata. Rev. Agron. [Rio Grande do Sul] 6:111-112, illus. Mar.1942. 9.2 R325 : 2166. TOCCHETTO, A. Trés novos fungos do arroz | no Rio Grande do Sul: nota prévia. Rev. Agron. [Porto Alegre] 11:10, illus. Jan./Feb.1947. 9.2 R325 Rhizoctonia solani, Phythium arrhenomanes, and Sclero- tium oryzae. 2167. TORO, R. A. Pugillus fungorum venezuelensis. P.R.U. J. Agr. 22:449-454, illus. Oct.1938. 8 P8327 Schiffnerula paraparensis n. sp., Kerniomyces costi n. gen., n. Sp. “‘The present paper represents an attempt to identify some of the specimans which were collected in course of the several trips to Venezuela.”’ 2168. TORREND, C. As Poliporaceas da Bahia e es- tados limitrofes. Reuniao Sul-Amer. de Bot. An. (1938) 1(2):325-341. 1940. 451 R31 French summary. 2169. TOTHILL, J. D., ed. Agriculture in Uganda, by the staff of the Department of Agriculture, Uganda.Oxford, University Press, 1940. 551p.,illus. 35.4 T64 Includes native food crops, cotton, coffee, etc., with notes on diseases under each. 2170. TORRES, J. M. La asfixia radicular en las plan- taciones del Delta. Buenos Aires. Dir. de Agr. Ganad. e Indus. Anu. Rur. 10:185-191, illus. 1942. 9 B866A Observations on citrus plantations in Argentina. 2171. TRAVENCORE. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Administration report, 1946/47. Trivandrum, 1948. 41 p. 22 T69 Plant pathology, p. 11-15. Deals with investigations of coconut palm diseases. Previous reports deal with coconut palm diseases with occasional brief reporting on diseases of the arecanut palm, rubbertrees, cloves, tapioca, guavas, pepper, and banana. 2172. TRAVERSI, B. A. Algunos consejos para luchar contra las enfermedades de virus. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. Dept. de Fitopat. C. 26, 2 p. Apr.1947. 464.9 Ar323C 2173. TRAVERSI, B. A. Inclusiones celulares de Ni- cotiana virus 1 en Nicotiana tabacum. Soc. Cient. Argen- tina. An. 142:97-100. Sept.1946. 516 Sol English summary. 2174. TRELLES, J. B. El manzano. Argentina Min. de Agr. B. Fruticola y Hort. 4(37), 90 p., illus. Mar. 1939. 286.83 Ar32 Enfermedades y plagas: p.69-78. 2175. TRELLES, J. B. La podredumbre del corazon de las manzanas, por efecto de calices abiertos. Cong. Fruticola San Juan [Trab.] (1936)4:382-384, illus. 1939. 93.09 C7623 Observed in the Rio Negro Valley, Brazil. \ _ 2176. TRINIDAD DEFT. OF AGRICULTURE. Admin- istration report, 1947. Trinidad, Port-of-Spain, 1948. 19p. 8 T732 Mention is made of a few diseases of sugarcane and cacao, p. 14-15. Previous reports deal variously with diseases of cacao, sugarcane, citrus, sweetpotatoes, cabbage, potatoes, lettuce, papayas, tomato, rice, banana, tonka-bean, coco- nut, coffee, and cauliflower. 2177. TUBBS, F. R. Blister blight [Exobasidium]. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 18:90. Dec.1946. 68.18 C33 2178. TUBBS, F. R. Blister blight [Excbasidium vex- ans]. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19(1):9-13, 23-26. May 1947. 68.18 C33 Discussion, p. 13-17. | 2179. TUBBS, F. R. The control of blister blight of || tea [Exobasidium vexans, Massee). Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19:34-41. July 1947. 68.18 C33 2180. TUBBS, F. R. A leaf disease of tea new to Cey- lon. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19:43-45. July 1947. 68.18 C33 Blister blight caused by Exobasidium vexans. 2181. TUBBS, F. R. Notes on blister blight. Ceylon | Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19:50-56. July 1947. 68.18 C33 | Caused by Exobasidium vexans. 2182. TUBBS, F. R. Spraying and dusting in the con- trol of blister blight of tea. Ceylon Tea Res. Inst. Tea Q. 19:78-92. Dec.1947. 68.18 C33 2183. TUCKER, C. M. Enfermedades del café en America. Café de El Salvador 9:141-156, illus. Mar. 1939. 68.28 C112 Includes root rots, leaf and fruit spots of coffee in Cen- tral and South America. Also in inst. de Defensa de Café de Costa Rica. Rev. 8: 103-110. Apr.1939. 68.28 C82 2184. TUCUMAN. ESTACION EXPERIMENTAL AGRICOLA. Memoria anual del ano 1944. Tucuman Estac. Expt. Agr. Rev. Indus. y Agr. 36:5-85. 1946. 9 T79 Departamento de Botdnica y Fitopatologia, by G. L. Fawcett, p. 57-60, illus. Reports on diseases of sugarcane, orange, potatoes, tobacco, and tomatoes. Previous reports are similar, reporting variously on diseases of cotton, rice, and citrus. Later reports not yet received. 2185. TUNSTALL, A. C. Black rot and thread blight [of tea]. Tocklai Expt. Sta. Proc. Annu. Conf. 4:27-33. 1940. 68.19 T562 Black rot caused by the fungi Corticium invisum and C. theae in India. 2186. TUNSTALL, A. C. [Black rot in tea] Tocklai Expt. Sta. Proc. Annu. Conf. 1:29-39. 1937. 68.19 T562 In India, more especially in the Assam Valley. 2187. TUNSTALL, A. C. Diseases affecting the woody portions of the tea bush. Tocklai Expt. Sta. Proc. Annu. Conf. 2:70-81. 1938. 68.19 T562 Fungus diseases in India, particularly dieback. 2188. TUNSTALL, A. C. Notes on root diseases of tea in north east India. Tocklai Expt. Sta. Memo. 8, 25 p., illus. (pt. col.) Jan. 24, 1940. 68.19 T562M 2189. TUNSTALL, A. C., and SARMAH, K. C. Notes On stem diseases of tea in north east India. Tocklai Expt. Sta. Memo. 16, 77 p., illus. (pt. col.). July 3, 1947. 68.19 T562M 2190. TUNSTALL, A. C. Red szust. Tocklai Expt. Sta. Memo. 14., 19p., illus. (col.) Jan.15,1942. 68.19 T562M Cephaleuros parasiticus is the term adopted by the author to denote the alga causing red rust of tea in India. 2191. TUNSTALL, A. C. Report on visit to south India in connection with blister blight. Planters’ Chron. 42: 179-182. Apr.15, 1947. 22 P693 Tea. 2192. UBISCH, G. von. A alteracdo da morphologia de flores pelos Ustilaginales. Rodriguésia 2(Numero espe- Cial):323-327. 1936[1937]. 442.8 R61 2193. UGANDA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. Annual report, 1945/46. Entebbe, 1947. 92 p. 24 Ug12 Section of plant pathology, p. 1, by C. G. Hansford. Brief mention of the continued study of cotton diseases, particularly wilt and blackarm, and the study of virus disease of sweetpotatoes. Earlier reports deal principally with diseases of tobacco, Cassava, sugarcane, beans, and bananas. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 61 2194. UNITED PLANTERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH- ERN INDIA. TEA SCIENTIFIC OFFICER. Blister blight of tea. Planters’ Chron. 42:49-51. Feb. 1, 1947. 22 P693 2195. UNITED PLANTERS’ ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH - ERN INDIA. TEA SCIENTIFIC SECTION. Report, 1948/49. Madras, 1949. 32 p. 68.19 Un3 coe report, p. 15-21. On blister blight disease of tea. Earlier reports by M. K. Subba Ras, mycologist, are similar, including other diseases of tea, such as, red rot, witches broom, Fusarium, galls and canker diseases, black blight, and bird’s-eye spot. 2196. UPHOF, J. C. T. Enfermedades de los Arboles producidas-por las heridas. Hacienda 34:461, illus. Dec. 1939. 6 H11 Also in Agr. Venezol. 4(45/46):28-29. Jan./Feb.1940. 9.95 Ag8 2197. UPHOF, J. T. Enfermedades del mosaico. Hacienda 35:186-187, illus. May 1940. 6 Hil 2198. UPHOF, J. C. T. Parasitos en los heridas de los cafetos y la manera de controlarlos. Café de El Salvador 8:391-406, illus. July 1938. 68.28 C112 Fungus diseases due to species of Polyporus, Fomes, Agaricus, Corticium, Nectria, and others. 2199. UPHOF, J. C. T. La podredumbre radical negra. Hacienda 39:434, illus. Sept.1944. 6 H11 Rosellinia bunodes in coffee plantations. 2200. UPHOF, J. C. T. Psittacanthus calyculatus (D. C.) Don. as parasite on citrus trees in Central America. Rev. Sudamer. de Bot. 6:31-37, illus. Mar. 1939. 450 R3242 2201. UPHOF, J. C. T. Variedades de caupi resist- entes a la podredumbre de las raices. Hacienda 37:326, illus. Aug.1942. 6 HIl 2202. UPPAL, B. N., PATEL, M. K., and KAMAT, M. N. Alternaria blight of cumin. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 8:49- 62, illus. Feb.1938. 22 Ag831 Caused by the fungus Alternaria burnsii n. sp., in the Kaira District, India. 2203. UPPAL, B. N., PATEL, M. K., and NIKAM, B. G. Bacterial blight of Phaseolus vulgaris var. White Kidney. Natl. Inst. Sci. India. Proc. 12:351-359, illus. Aug./Oct.1946. 513 N212 Bacterial blight of French beans grown on the Agricul- tural College Farm at Poona. Proposed name of the organism causing the disease is Xanthomonas phaseoli var. indicus nov. var. 2204. UPPAL, B. N., PATEL, M. K., and KAMAT, M. N. Bacterial leaf spot of soybean in Bombay. Bombay. U. J., Sect. B, Biol. Sci. 6:16-18. Mar.1938. 513 B633 Phytomonas phaseoli var. sojense. 2205. UPPAL, B. N. Breeding for wilt resistance in cotton. Conf. Sci. Res. Workers on Cotton, India, (1937) 1:279-295. 1938. 72.9 C764 > 2206. UPPAL, B. N. Crop protection from fungi. India. Bd. Agr. & Anim. Husb., Crops & Soils Wing Proc. 2(1937):329-333. 1939. 22 In233 Plant diseases in India and their control. 2207. UPPAL, B. N. Diseases of cotton in India. Bangalore City, Indian Cent. Cotton Com., 1948. 32 p. 464.042 Up6 2208. UPPAL, B. N., and DESAI, M. K. Koleroga dis- ease of Areca nut. Cur. Sci. 8:122-124, illus. Mar.1939. 475 Sci23 In Bombay Province, India. Caused by Phytophtho’-a arecae. 2209. UPPAL, B. N., VERMA, P. M., and CAPOOR, S. P. A mosaic disease of cardamon. Cur. Sci. 14:208-209, illus. Aug.1945. 475 Sci23 Includes experiments On insect transmission of the dis- eases of Elettaria cardamomum. 2210. UPPAL, B. N., KAMAT, M. N., and PATEL, M. K. Powdery mildew of betel vines. Indian Acad. Sci. Proc. Sect. B. 24:255-259, illus. Dec.1946. 513 In25B Disease localized in the Thana District of Bombay Province. 2211. UPPAL, B. N., PATEL, M. K., and KAMAT, M. N. Powdery mildew of the mango. Bombay. U. J., Sect. B, Biol. Sci. 9:12-16, illus. Mar.1941. 513 B633 Oidium mangiferae. 2212. UPPAL, B. N., CAPOOR, S. P., and RAYCHAUD- HURI, S. P. ‘‘Small-leaf’’ disease of cotton. Cur. Sci. 13:284-285, illus. Nov.1944. 475 Sci23 Authors state that this disease is caused by a virus. It has usually been considered due to physiological causes. The disease is found in India in the Provinces of Bombay, Madras and the Punjab. ; 62 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 2213. UPPAL, B. N., and KULKARNI, N. T. Studies in Fusarium wilt of sann-hemp. I. The physiology and biol- ogy of Fusarium vasinfectum Atk. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 7: 413-442. June 1937. 22 Ag83I 2214. UPPAL, B. N., VARMA, P. M., and CAPOOR, S. P. Yellow mosaic of “‘bhendi’’. Cur. Sci. 9:227-228, illus. May 1940. 475 Sci23 Mosaic of okra (Hibiscus esculentus). 2215. URIBE ARANGO, H. La gotera [Omphalia flavida] del café. Colombia. U. Nac. Facul. Nac. de Agron. Rev. 7:249-260. June 1947. 9.4 C717 2216. URQUIDI M., R. Melanosis de los citrus. Campo [La Paz] 3(24):5-7, illus. Apr.1949. 9.1 C15 Caused by Phomopsis citri. f 2217. URUGUAY. DIRECCION DE AGRONOMIA. En- fermedades y plagas principales de la agricultura ur- uguaya. Uruguay. Dir. de Agron.[P]55, 19 p. 1941. 9.9 Ur84 List of diseases produced by bacteria, viruses, and fungi, p. 1-12. 2218. URUGUAY. MINISTERIO DE GANADERIA Y AGRICULTURA. La encrespadura [Taphrina deformans] de las hojas del duraznero. Uruguay. Min. de Ganad. y Agr. B. Inform. 2:325, illus. Aug.16,1945. 9.9 G15B Leaf curl of nectarine. 2219. VALDIVIA A., A. El cultivo del naranjo en los Yungas de La Paz, Bolivia. La Paz Bolivia, Imp. Artis- tica Sucs. de A. H. Otero, 1942. 154 p., illus. 93.331 V23 Includes phytopathology and entomology, p. 115-144. 2220. VALDIVIA A., A. Enfermedades del duraznero. Campo [La Paz] 1(6):8-11, illus. Oct.1947. Includes leaf curl, scab, and powdery mildew of peach in Bolivia. 2221..VALDIVIA A., A. La Phytophthora infestans en la papa. Camp [La Paz] 2(11):5-10, illus. Mar.1948. 9.1 C15 In Bolivia. 2222. VALLE, C. G. DEL, and ARANGO, O. La en- fermedad de las rayas blancas del maiz produce con- siderables pérdidas en Calimete y Jagiiey Grande. B. Agr. Campesino Cubana 7(310):6,8. Sept. 15,1943. 8 B632 Virus disease transmitted by Peregrinus maidis. 2223. VALLEGA, J. Especializacion fisiolégica de Melampsora lini, en Argentina. Inst. Fitotec. de Santa Catalina. An. 4:59-74. 1942 (pub. 1944). 451 In72A English summary. 2224. VALLEGA, J. Especializacién fisiolégica de Puccinia graminis tritici, en Brasil. Inst. Fitotéc. de Santa Catalina An. (1941)3:29-36, illus. 1943. 451 In72A English summary. 3 2225. VALLEGA, J. Especializaci6n fisiologica de Puccinia graminis tritici en la Argentina, Chile y Ur- uguay. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 7:196-220. Sept.1940. 9 R327 English summary. 2226. VALLEGA, J., and FAVRET, E. A. Herencia de la resistencia a Erysiphe graminis hordei en cebada. I. Factores de resistencia en las variedades Monte Cristo y Nigrate. Argentina. Inst. de Fitotec. P. Tec. 4, 11 p. 1947. 464.9 Ar324B 2227. VALLEGA, J. Dos nuevas selecciones de trigo de origen hibrido immunes a ‘‘Puccinia glumarum’’. La Plata. U. Nac. Facul. de Agron. Rev., Epoca 3, v. 22: 139-145. 1938. 9 R32 2228. VALLEGA, J. Observaciones preliminares sobre especializacion fisiolégica de Puccinia sorghi, en Argentina. Inst. Fitotec. de Santa Catalina. An. 4:14-15, illus. 1942 (pub. 1944). 451 In72A English summary. Trabajo presentado en la segunda Reunion Argentina de Agronomia. Cérdoba 1943. A study of Puccinia sorghi from Llavallol, Province of Buenos Aires. 2229. VALLEGA, J. Observaciones sobre la resist- encia a la roya de algunos linos ensayados en el Institu- to Fitotecnico de Llavallol. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 5: 25-56. Mar.1938. 9 R327 In Argentina. 2230. VALLEGA, J. Physiologic specialization of Puccinia graminis tritici in Argentina, Chile, and Ur- ve ay Pacific Sci. Cong. Proc. (1939) 6 (4):769-774. 1940. 330.9 P194 Wheat rust. 2231. VALLEGA, J. Razas fisiolégicas de Puccinia graminis avenae halladas en Argentina. Buenos Aires U. Facul. de Agron. y Vet. Rev. 10:517-529, illus. Nov. 1943. 9 B863 English summary. Study of varieties of oats resistant to Puccinia graminis avenae strains 3 and 7. hy] _ 2232. VALLEGA, J., and FAVRET, E. A. Razas fisio- logicas de “‘Puccinia graminis tritici’? que atacan a ‘Triticum timopheevi.’’ Argentina. Rev. de Invest. Agr. 1:113-118. July 1947. 9 R329 Reprinted as Argentina. Inst. de Fitotec. P. Tec. 6:113- 118, illus. 1947. 464.9 Ar324B 2233. VALLEGA, J. Razas fisiolégicas de Puccinia rubigo-vera tritici, comunes en Argentina. Inst. Fitotec. de Santa Catalina. An. 4:40-57. 1942 (pub. 1944). 451 In?2A English summary. Trabajo presentado en la segunda Reuni6n Argentina de Agronomia. Cérdoba, 1943. 2234. VALLEGA, J. Razas fisiolégicas de Puccinia triticina procedentes de Ipanema, San Pablo, Brasil. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 8:57-59. Mar.1941. 9 R327 2235. VALLEGA, J. Razas fisiologicas de Puccinia triticina y P. graminis tritici comunes en Chile. Chile Dept. Genet. Fitotec. B. Tec. 3, 32 p., illus. (maps). Jan.1942. 64.9 C43 English summary. 2236. VALLEGA, J. Reacci6on de algunas especies espontaneas de Hordeum con respecto a las royas que afectan al trigo. Argentina. Inst. de Fitotec. P. Tec. 3, lip. 1947. 464.9 Ar324B 2237. VALLEGA, J., and FAVRET, E. A. Royas y otros parasitos de los cereales en los valles andino- patagonicos. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e Invest. Rev. de Invest. Agr. 1:269-277. Oct.1947. 9 R329 2238. VALLEJO E., S. P. Enfermedades de algunas plantas cultivadas en el Departamento de La Libertad. Pensamiento Peruana, p. 32-36. Oct./Nov.1944. 110 P38 2239. VARADA RAJAN, B.S. Disease resistance in plants. Poona Agr. Col. Mag. 29:93-101. Dec.1937. 22 P79 2240. VARADA RAJAN, B.S., and PATEL, J. S. Seed transmission of stem-rot of jute and its control. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 16:193-206, ilius. Apr.1946. 22 Ag83I Macrophomina phaseoli. 2241. VARGAS, M. J. Informe del Professor Carlos E. Chardon sobre el mosaico de la cana de azucar. Agricultura [Bogota] 9:107-120, illus. Mar.1937. 9.4 In22 2242. VARGAS, M. J. El mosaico de la cana de azucar. Agricultura [Bogota] 9(6):121-125. Mar.1937. 9.4 In22 2243. VEEN, R. VAN DER. Tjemara-ziekte (frenching) bij tabak als vergiftigingsverschijnsel. Besoek. Proefsta. Havel, Meded. 61:14-20, illus. 1938. 109.5 B46M English summary. 2244, VEEN, R. VAN DER. Zonnebrand bij Hevea. Bergcultures 15:313-317, illus. Mar. 15,1941. 22.5 B45 Meded van het Besoekisch proefstation. 2245. VEIGA, F. M. Tratamento de toletes de cana com fungicidas. Bras. Acucareiro 32:352-355, illus. Sept./Oct.1948. 65.8 B73 Sugarcane. 2246. VELASCO LLANO, V. La enfermedad [Bacter- ium solanacearum] del platano es muy grave. Colombia. Estac. Agr. Expt. de Palmira. B. 5, 2 p., processed. Palmira, 1944. 102.5 P18Bol 2247. VELLOZO, L. G. de C. Doencas bacterianas vegetais. I. Generalidades sobre doen¢gas bacterianas em vegetais. Brazil. Dept. Nac. da Prod. Veg. Secc. de Fomento Agr. no Parana. B. Agr. 4:51-62. Oct.1946. 9.2 B7363 2248. VELLOZO, L. G. C., and NOWACKI, M. J. Lista prévia dos fungos observados na Divisao de Fitopatologia. durante os anos 1946 e 1947. Arq. de Biol. e Tecnol. 2: 221-224. 1947. 475 Ar62 English summary. Division of Plant Pathology of the Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnologicas, Parana, Brazil. ' 2249. VENEZUELA. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL CAFE. Algunas observaciones practicas acerca del cul- tivo y beneficio del café. Caracas, Coop. de Artes Graficas, 1942. 181 p. 68.2 C17 Enfermedades de cafeto, p. 92-131; Plagas del cafeto, p. 132-157. 2250. VENKATA RAO, M. G. The influence of host plants on sandal and on spike disease. Indian Forester 64:656-669. Nov.1938. 99.8 In2 s A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 63 2251. VENKATAKRISHNAIYA, N. S. Ephelis on two new hosts [Isachne elegans and Eragrostis tenuifolia] Cur. Sci. 15:260-261, illus. Sept.1946. 475 Sci23 Grasses found infected with Ephelis oryzae in Mysore ‘and Bangalore, India. 2252. VENKATAKRISHNAIYA, N.S. Perfect stage of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. causing pseudostem-rot of plan- tain (Musa sapientum). Cur. Sci. 15:259, illus. Sept. 1946. 475 Sci23 A rot of banana found in Mysore, Bangalore and Tumkur Districts, India. 2253. VENKATARAMANI, K. S. A note on a leaf dis- ease of rubber in south India. Planters’ Chron. 44:581. Noy.1,1949. 22 P693 Caused by Helminthosporium heveae. 2254. VENKATARAYAN, S. V. Coffee black bean. Cur. Sci. 7:113-114, illus. Sept.1938. 475 Sci23 Diseased samples collected in the Mysore State, India. 2255. VENKATARAYAN, S. V. Diseases of ragi (Eleusine coracana). Mysore Agr. J. 24:50-57. 1945/46. 22 M993 Discusses leaf blight and foot rot, blast, smut, green ear and moSaic diseases. 2256. VENKATARAYAN, S. V. Mosaic disease of Mal- vastrum coromandelianum Garcke. Cur. Sci. 16:347-348, illus. Nov.1947. 475 Sci23 2257. VENKATARAYAN, S. V. Mosaic disease of ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) Cur. Sci. 15:258-259, illus. Sept.1946. 475 Sci23 In the Madras Presidency and the Mysore State, India. 2258. VENKATARAYAN, S. V. Smut on the matsedge, Cyperus pangorei, Rottb. Cur. Sci. 18:13, illus. Jan.1949 475 Sci23 Cintractia sp. 2259. VERA P., L. El lacco copro “‘50’’ una promesa ara controlar el chamusco. Tierra [Mex.]. 2:269-272, illus. May 1947. 8 T445 Experiments in the control of leaf spot or sigatoka disease of banana caused by Cercospora musae. 2260. VERGANI, A. R. La transmisi6n de la “‘lepra explosiva’’ de la ligustrina por los acaros. Rev. Argen- tina de Agron. 9:292-294, illus. Dec. 1942. 9 R327 Leaf spot disease of Ligustrum sinense transmitted by Tenuipalpus pseudocuneatus. Br 2261. VERGANI, A. R. Trazsmision y naturaleza de la “epra explosiva’’ del naranjo. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. P., Ser. A, 1(3), 10 p., illus. 1945. 464.9 Ar323 Leaf spot disease of orange transmitted by Tenuipalpus pseudocuneatus. 2262. VERMA, G. S. The occurrence of Cystopus ipomoeae-panduratae (Schw.) Swingle on Ipomoea pesti- gridis Linn. Cur. Sci. 6:99, illus. Sept.1937. 475 Sci23 In India. Q 2263. VIDAL, L. F. El mosaico de la cana de aztcar. Rev. de Agr. y Com. [Dominican Repub. ] 28:55-58, 133 - 135,189-195. Feb.,Mar.,Apr.1937. 8 R323 [1]. Las cuatro especies de cafias principales. [II]. Causa, caracter y consecuencia de la enfermedad. -Modo de propagacion. Sus efectos en el rendimiento de las cosechas. [III]. (Has various titles). Also in Agricultura | Bogota] 9:203-223. Oct.1937. 9.4 In22 2264. VIEGAS, A. P. Alguns fungos da mandioca. I-II. Bragantia 3:1-19,21-29, illus. Jan.,Feb.1943. 102.5 B73Tb In Brazil. 2265. VIEGAS, A. P., and TEIXEIRA, C.G. Alguns fungos de Minas Gerais. Rodriguésia 9(19):49-56. Sept./Dec.1945. 442.8 R61 Description of fungi in Brazil. 2266. VIEGAS, A. P. Alguns fungos do Brasil. Peas Bragantia 3:223-269;4:5-392,739-762;5:1-144,197-212, 239-251,253 -290,583 -595,717-779:6:1-37,353-442, illus. 1943-46. 102.5 B73Tb A. R. Teixeira, joint author, i. Contents: {I], Phycomycetos; II, Ascomicetos; III, Ustilaginales; IV, Uredinales; V, Basidiomycetos - Auriculariales; VI, Dacryomycetaceae - Tremellaceae; VIi-VIII, Cyphellaceae e Thelephoraceae; IX, Agaricales fete only]; X, Gastromicetos; XI, Fungi imperfecti Sphaeropsidales); XII, Fungi imperfecti - Melanconiales; XII, Hifomicetos. 2267. VIEGAS, A. P. Alguns fungos do cerrado. Bra- gantia 3:49-72, illus. Apr.1943. 102.5 B73Tb New species: Nectria erythroxylifoliae, Puccinia ery- throxyli, Diplochorella indaia, Septoidium didymopanacis in Brazil. sy 2268. VIEGAS, A. P., and KRUG, H. P. Desenvolvimen- to de uma espécie de Elsinoe. J. Agron. S40 Paulo 2:277- 284, illus. July/Aug.1939. 9.2 J764 English summary. On Mimosa sp. 2269. VIEGAS, A. P. Manchas das félhas da mandioca, produzidas por cercosporas. Bragantia 1:233-248, illus. (col.) Mar.1941. 102.5 B73Tb I. Mancha parda das folhas da mandioca, causada por Cercospora henningsii Allesch. Il. Mancha branca das folhas da mandioca, causada por Cercospora caribaea Ciferri. 2270. VIEGAS, A. P. A murcha da bananeira ou mal do Panama. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 14:225-226. May /Tune 1939. 9.2 R324 Banana wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum var. cu- bense. 2271. VIEGAS, A. P. A murcha do algodoeiro. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 14:449-556, illus. Nov./Dec.1939. 9.2 R324 Wilt of cotton caused by Verticillium albo-atrum, Fusarium vasinfectum. 2272. VIEGAS, A. P. Notes sobre o carvao (Urocystis hypoxidis Thaxter) de Hyposix decumbens. Rev. de Agr. [Piracicaba] 14:292-307, illus. July/Aug.1939. 9.2 R324 2273. VIEGAS, A. P. Notas sobre Polyporus sapurema Moller. Rodriguésia 6(15):57-60, illus. June 1942. 442.8 R61 A fungus associated with banana diseases. 2274. VIEGAS, A. P. Notas sébre Septobasidium pseudopedicellatum Burt 0 causador dum dos feltros dos citrus no estado de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo Inst. Agron. Campinas B. Tec. 79, 7p., illus. 1940. 102.5 B73Ta 2275. VIEGAS, A. P. Notas sébre Septobasidium sac- cardinum (Rangel) Marchionato. Sao Paulo Inst. Agron. Campines B. Téc. 60, 12 p., illus. 102.5 B73Ta Septobasidium saccardinum on tung-oil tree. 2276. VIEGAS, A. P. Notas s6bre trés fungos brasileiros. Bragantia 3:31-48, illus. Mar.1943. 102.5 B73Tb Pleophragmia manihoticola n. sp., Catacauma myrciae, Piedraia hortai. 2277. VIEGAS, A. P. A ocorréncia de Helicobasidium compactum, no estado de S4o Paulo. J. Agron. S40 Paulo 3:273-278, illus. Dec.1940. 9.2 3764 2278. VIEGAS, A. P. A ocorréncia de Rosellinia bu- nodes em Ubatuba, estado de S40 Paulo. J. Agron. Sdo Paulo 2:327-328, illus. Sept./Oct.1939. 9.2 J764 2279. VIEGAS, A. P., and CARDOSO, L. Queirozia, nova genero da familia Erysiphaceae. Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 7:1-6, illus. Mar.1944. 9.2 So13 Queirozia turbinata on leaves of Platycyamus regnellii. 2280. VIEGAS, A. P. Stalagmites tumefaciens (Sydow) Theissen e Sydow, um interessante fungo campineiro. Bragantia 3:133-135. June 1943. 102.5 B73Tb 2281. VIEGAS, A. P. Tolediella nov. gén. da familia Phyllachoraceae. Bragantia 3:123-129, illus. June 1943. 102.5 B73Tb Describes T. fusispora n. gen. and sp., parasitizing leaves of members of the Myrtaceae. 2282. VIEGAS, A. PF. Tomentella bambusina, n. sp., causadora da séca do bambu. J. Agron. Sao Paulo 2:313- 326, illus. Sept./Oct.1939. 9.2 3764 A new root and shoot rot of bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris) observed in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 2283. VIEGAS, A. P. Uma variedade de Septobasidium castaneum Burt. Sado Paulo Inst. Agron. Campinas B. Téc 73, 7p., illus. 1940. 105.2 B73Ta Septobasidium castaneum var. draconianum associated with undetermined insect on bark of Croton urucurana e Inga sp. 2284. VIEGAS, G. P. Tratamentos de sementes de milho. Bragantia 5:145-151. Feb.1945. 102.5 B73Tb Experimental results. | 2285. VIEIRA, J. T. “‘Lagartao ou vassoura de bruxa.”’ Soc. Bras. de Agron. B. 5:393-400. Dec.1942. 9.2 So13 Witches broom of cacao caused by Marasmius pernicio- sus. Also in Brazil. Min. da Agr. B. 31:39-45. Nov.1942. 9.2 Ag83 2286. VIGLIANO, I. C. El fermentado del maiz, sus clases y sus causes. Soc. Rur. Argentina. An. 73:703- 704,707-708, illus. Aug.1939. 9So1 Ear, stalk, and root rots caused by Diplodia zeae and D. maydis. 64 ie BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 2287. VILLALON GUEVARA, i Enfermedades y plagas de la papa. Tierra [Mex. | 3:261-264,307. Apr. 1948. 8 T445 Diseases of potato, p. 261-263, illus. 2288. VIMUKTANANDANA, Y. Y., and CELINO, M. S. Anthracnose of black pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) Philippine Agr. 29:124-141, illus. July 1940. 25 P542 2289. VITORIA, E. R. », and ALCALDE LASSALLE, A. J. Els ‘arrugamiento viroso’”’ de la vid. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e Invest. Rev. de Invest. ac 3:1-26, illus. Jan.1949. 9 R329 California disease of grape. Results of experimental work “‘en el Laboratorio de Fitopatologia « de Mendoza, del Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nacion.’ 2290. VITORIA, E. R. El desarrollo de Fusarium avenaceum influido por el filtrado del substrato de Pen- icilllum sp. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 6:309-314, illus. Dec.1939. 9 R327 Method for the development of Fusarium avenaceum. 2291. VITORIA, E. R., and CERESA, M. C.D. Eficacia de los tratamientos ‘ ‘antiperonosporigos’”’ a base de sales de cobre, en la provincia de Mendoza. Rev. Argentina de Agron. 12:30-37.. Mar.1945. 9 R327 Trabajo del Laboratorio de Fitipatologia de Mendoza, Instituto de Sanidad vegetal durante el ano 1943-44. Control of downy mildew of grape caused by Plasmopara viticola. 2292. VITORIA, E. R. Las enfermedades de virus del tomate en Mendoza. Cien. e Invest. 3:355-365, illus. Sept.1947. 475 C482 In Argentina. 2293. VITORIA, E.R. La‘ ‘estria neere > del tomate. Argentina Inst. de Sanid. Veg. [P] Ser. A, 2(14), 20 p., illus. 1946. 464.9 Ar323 Streak disease of tomato in Argentina “‘caused by a mixture of viruses, its components being: Nicotiana virus 1 and Solanum virus 1.”’ 2294. VITORIA, E. R., CERESA, M. C. D., and ALCALDE LASSALLE, A. J. Metodo para valorar el ataque de la ‘‘peronospora’’ de la vid. Argentina. Dir. Gen. de Labs. e Invest. Rev. de Invest. Agr. 1:261-268. Oct.1947. 9 R329 English summary. 2295. VOELCKER, O. J., and WEST, J. Cacao die- back. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 17:27-31, illus. Feb.1940. 26 T754 In the Gold Coast and Nigeria. 2296. VOELCKER, O. J., and WEST, J. Swollen shoot and die-back of cacao. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 19:83. May 1942, 26 T754 In the Gold Coast. 2297. VOLLEMA, J. S. Enige waarnemingen over het optreden der bruine binnenbastziekte. Bergcultures 18: 243,245. July 1,1949. 22.5 B45 A disease of the Para rubbertree (Hevea brasiliensis) in Sumatra. 2298. VOLLEMA, J. S. Wortelschimmels bij rubber en thee. Bergcultures 11:1518-1530, illus. Oct. 23,1937. 22.5 B45 Ganoderma pseudoferreum, causal organism. 2299. VOLOSKEY DE HERNANDEZ, D. Algo sobre los polvillos colorados. Simiente 14 (1): 37-38. Jan./Mar. 1944. 9.3 Si4 Puccinia graminis tritici. 2300. VOLOSKEY DE HERNANDEZ, D. Desinfestantes del ‘‘carbon de la cebada.”’ Chile. Dir. Gen. de Agr. Agr. Tec. 5:37-47. Jan./June 1945. 464.9 C432B English summary. On the control of barley smut (Ustilago hordei). Results of experiments carried on for four years at the Paine Plant Breeding Station and for two years at another Chilean Plant Breeding Station. 2301. VOLOSKY YADLIN, D. Identificaci6én de razas fisiolégicas del Puccinia graminis tritici y P. triticina, algunos estudios efectuados en Chile. Chile. Dir. Gen. de Agr. Agr. Tec. 5: 70-78. Jan./Tune 1945. 464.9 C432B 2302. VOLOSKY YADLIN, E. Obtenci6on de resistencia a la ‘‘marchitez del aji.”’ Simiente 14(3/4):19-22, illus. 1945. 9.3 Si4 Fusarium on redpepper in Chile. \ 2303. VOLF, P. The ineffectiveness of roguing leaf scald infected fields for use as a source of planting ma- terial. Queensland Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 14:99- 101. 1947. 65.9 Q332 Disease of sugarcane. 2304. VOLP, P. Some effects of leaf-scald disease in the Mulgrave area. Queensland Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. Proc. 15:171-174. 1948. 65.9 Q332 Sugarcane. 2305. WALKER, E. M. ‘‘Pink disease’’ in rubber: its symptoms, effects and prevention. Brit. Trade J. 77(921): 17-18, illus. Oct.1939. Libr. Cong. Found in all tropical countries. Caused by fungus, Cor- ticium salmonicolor. 2306. WALLACE, G. B. Bacterial soft rot of vege- tables. East African Agr. J. 14:34-35, illus. July 1948. 24 EaT4 Disease caused by Bacterium carotovorum; observed in Tanganyika Territory. 2307, WALLACE, G. B. Defoliation of crops by a gemmiferous fungus. East African Agr. J. 14:141-143, illus. Jan.1949. 24 EaT74 An unidentified basidiomycete on tea, coffee, and euca- lyptus. 2308. WALLACE, G. B., and WALLACE, M. M. Dis- eases of papaw and their control. East African Agr. J. 13:240-244, illus. Apr.1948. 24 Ea74 Discusses Pythium root rot, Armillaria root rot,’ mosaic disease, mildews, leaf and fruit spot, fruit rot, and anthracnose. 2309. WALLACE, G. B. Diseases of papaws. East African Agr. J. 9:175-176. Jan.1944. 23 Ea74 A root, stem and fruit rot of papaws in the Northern Province of Tanganyika Territory caused by a phythi- aeons fungus, a species of either Phythium or Phytoph- ora. 2310. WALLACE, G. B. French bean diseases and bean fly in East Africa. East African Agr. J. 5:170-175. Nov.1939. 24 Ea74 Halo spot observed in Tanganyika Territory; caused by Phytomonas medicaginis var. phaseolicola. 2311. WALLACE, G. B. Irish blight [late blight] re- corded on tomato. East African Agr. J. 10:128. Oct.1944. 24 BalT4 At Lyamungu in the Moshi District of Tanganyika Terri- tory, in October 1944. 2312. WALLACE, G. B. Kromnek disease. East African Agr. J. 13: 103-106, illus. Oct.1947. 24 Eav4 The appearance of this virus disease on tobacco and sunflower plants in the south-western part of Tanganyika Territory. 2313. WALLACE, G. B., and WALLACE, M. M. A list of plant diseases of-economic importance in Tanganyika Territory. Commonwealth Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 26, 26 p. Jan.26,1949. 451 Im73M A combination of previous lists published in the East African Journal, including some additions and amend- ments, for the period 1925-48. 2314. WALLACE, G. B. A non-parasitic disease of Arabica coffee. East African Agr. J. 4:365-368, illus. Mar.1939. 24 Ea74 Probably due to improper methods of planting. 2315. WALLACE, G. B. Plant diseases spread by bugs. East African Agr. J. 4:268-271. Jan.1939. 24 Batl4 Notes on internal disease of cotton bolls, coffee bean disease and yeast spot of legumes. Includes list of host plants. : 2316. WALLACE, G. B. A revised list of plant dis- eases in Tanganyika Territory. East African Agr. J. 2: 305-310. Jan.1937. 24 Ea74 2317. WALLACE, G. B., and WALLACE, M. M. Sup- plement to the revised list of plant diseases in Tangan- yika Territory. East African Agr. J. 10:47-49. July 1944 24 Ea74 Second supplement in East African Agr. J. 13:61-64. July 1947. 2318. WALLACE, G. B., and WALLACE, M. M. To- mato [late] blight. East African Agr. J. 10:181-182. Jan.1945. 24 Ea74 In Tanganyika Territory the causal organism is Phy- tophthora infestans. 2319. WALLACE, G. B. Yellow bean mosaic and notes on other bean diseases. East African Agr. J. 7:114-115. Oct.1941. 24 Ea74 In Tanganyika Territory. 2320. WALLACE, M. M. ‘Ascochyta blight of cotton. East African Agr. J. 14:10- 11, illus. July 1948. 24 Ea74 Caused by Ascochyta gossypii in Tanganyika Territory. 2321. WALLACE, M. M. Sclerotinia disease of beans and other crops. East African Agr. J. 9:171-172. Jan. 1944. 24 Ha74 Disease of the French bean in Tanganyika Territory produced by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. | 6 failure’’. 2322. WARD, F. S. Cercospora leaf spot of bananas. Jamaica Agr. Soc. J. 42:23-34, illus. Jan./Feb.1938. 8 J223 Cercospora musae. Printed as Jamaica. Dept. Sci. & Agr. B. 15, 7p. 1938. 8 J227B 2323. WARD, F. S. Factors affecting the control of Cercospora musae. Jamaica Agr. Soc. J. 43:483-487. Oct.1939. 8 J223 Leaf spot of banana. 2324. WARD, K. M. Little-leaf, a functional disorder of apple trees at Stanthorpe. Queensland Agr. J. 51:458- 473, illus. May 1939. 23 Q33 2325. WARD, K. M. The treatment of little-ieaf of deciduous fruit trees. Queensland J. Agr. Sci. 1:59-76, illus. Dec.1944. 23 Q37 Application of zinc by means of spraying experiments and soil treatments. 2326. WARDLAW, C. W.., and LEONARD, E. R. Anti- septic and other treatments in the storage of Trinidad citrus fruits. St. Augustine, Trinidad. Imp. Col. Trop. - Agr., Low Temp. Res. Sta. Mem. 5, 27p., illus. Apr. 1937. 295.9 Sa2 With an appendix: Mycological notes on citrus wastage, by R. E. D. Baker, p. 24-27. 2327. WARDLAW, C. W’. Banana diseases. I-XIII. Trop. Agr. Trinidad 8:227-230,293 -298,327-331;9:366; 10: -11:8-13,13-15,143-149,173-175;14:117-118,279-280;15: 276 -282;17:124-127, illus. 1931-40. 26 T754 I. Observations on botryodiplodia fruit rot of the banana ie. theobromae]. II. Notes on “‘cigar-end’’ (Strachylidium heobromae Turc.). III. Notes on the parasitism of Gloeosporium musarum (Cooke and Massee). IV. Notes on “‘black-tip’’ disease in Trinidad: Helminthosporium | torulosum (Syd.) comb. nov. Ashby. V. Fusarium tip-rot | of immature Cavendish fruits. VI. The nature and occur- rence of pitting disease and fruit spots. VII. Notes on ba- nana leaf diseases in Trinidad. VIII. Notes on various diseases occurring in Trinidad. IX. The occurrence of | Sigatoka disease (Cercospora musae Zimm.) on bananas in Trinidad. X. Further observations on Cercospora leaf spot of bananas. XI. Notes on some plantation diseases in | Guadeloupe. XII. Diseases of the banana in Haiti, with special reference to a condition described as “‘plant XIII. Further observations on the condition of banana plantations in the Republic of Haiti. 2328. WARDLAW, C. W. The banana in Central America. Nature [London] 147:313-316,344-349, illus. 1941. 472 N21 Contents. I. Cultivation. II. The control of Cercospora leaf disease. III]. Panama disease. Reprinted in Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 18:157-163, illus. Aug.1941. 26 T754 2329. WARDLAW, C. Ww. Banana research at the Im- perial College of Tropical Agriculture, Trinidad, B.W.lI. | Roy. Soc. Arts. J. 90:644-655. Sept. 4, 1942. 501 L847J Includes work on Panama disease and Cercospora leaf spot. 2330. WARDLAW, C. W., LEONARD, E. R., and BARNELL, H. R. Banana storage investigations 1937-39. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 16:130-142, illus. June 1939. 26 T754 The effect of Cercospora leaf disease on storage be- haviour of bunches: p. 135-137. 2331. WARDLAW, C.-W. Cercospora leaf spot disease of bananas. Nature 144:11-14, illus. July 1, 1939. 472 N21 In Trinidad. 2332. WARDLAW, C. W. Control of banana wilt disease eee oxysporum cubense]. Nature [London] 160: 05. Sept. 20, 1947. 472 N21 Refers to an experiment in Honduras of growing bananas on new land “‘built up by the sedimentation of controlled flood water.’’ Of interest to those associated with the allu- vial lands of Central America. 2333. WARDLAW, C. W. Infectious chlorosis of ban- anas in the Cameroons. Nature [London] 162:894. Dec.4, 1948. 472 N21 2334. WARDLAW, C. W., BAKER, R. E. D., and CROWDY, S. H. Latent infections in tropical fruits. Trop. Agr. Trinidad 16:275-276. Dec.1939. 26 T754 Storage and transportation rots. 2335. WARDLAW, C. W., LEONARD, E. R., and BARNELL, H. R. Metabolic and storage investigations on the banana. St. Augustine, Trinidad. Imp. Col. Trop. Agr., Low Temp. Res. Sta. Mem. 11, 61 p., illus. Sept. 1939. 295.9 Sa2 The effect of Cercospora leaf disease on the storage behavior of bunches, p. 36-42. NE EEE EEE A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 65 2336. WARDLAW, C. W. Report on a visit to the banana producing areas of Dominica. Dominica Dept. Agr. Rpt. 1936:27-29. 1937. 102 W523 Recommendations for the control of Panama disease of banana. aay 2337. WARDLAW, C. W. Storage investigations with Trinidad avocados, 1938. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 16:28-30. Feb.1939. 26 T754 Fungal wastage slight, due chiefly to anthracnose spot- ting (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). 2338. WARDLAW, C. W. The storage of tropical fruits. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 15:171-173. Aug.1938. 26 T754 Mention is made of wastage due to storage and transpor- tation rots, with reference to bananas, citrus, avocados, mangoes, and pawpaws. 2339. WATERSTON, J. M. Observations on the par- asitism of Rosellinia pepo Pat. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 18:174-184, illus. Sept.1941. 26 T754 Soil analysis experiments in Trinidad and Grenada. 2340. WEBBER, H. J. A doenga da “‘tristeza’’ do porta-enxerto de laranjeira azeda. Bioldgice 9:345-355. Oct.1943. 442.8 B529 2341. WEHMEYER, L. E. Las especies de Diaporthe en el herbario Spegazzini. La Plata Mus. Rev., n. s., Sec. Bot. 2:65-88, illus. Oct. 18, 1938. 516 L31Rb Traduccion del original, por Juan C. Lindquist. Addenda a las Diaporthe del herbario Spegazzini. La Plata. Mus. Notas. Bot. 3(Bot. 19):99-102. 1938. 451 L31 2342. WEIJ, H. G. VAN DER. Kan de slijmziekte zich horizontaal door de grond verspreiden? Deli Proefsta. te Medan, Meded. (ser. 3) 10:14-25. 1940. 109.5 D37 English summary. Pseudomonas solanacearum, causal organism. 2343. WEIJ, H. G. VAN DER. Disinfectie tegen tabaksmozaiek. Deli Proefsta. te Medan, Meded. (ser. 3) 6, 22 p. 1940. 109.5 D37 English summary. In Sumatra. . 2344. WEIJ, H. G. VAN DER. Nieuwe elementen in de braaklandflora van het delische tabaksgebied en hun beteekenis voor het slijmziekte-vraagstuk. Deli Proefsta. te Medan, Meded. (ser. 3) 10:14-25. 1940. 109.5 D37 English summary. Pseudomonas solanacearum, causal organism. 2345. WEIJ, H. G. VAN DER. Onbetrouwbare bibit en slijmziekte in de aanplant. Deli Proefsta. te Medan, Meded. (ser. 3) 10:3-10. 1940. 109.5 D37 English summary. Pseudomonas solanacearum. 2346. WELLBORN, V. Clorosis de los cafetos (am- arillez de las hojas). Café de Salvador 10:187-191, illus. Feb. 1940. 68.28 C112 2347. WELLBORN, V. Enfermedades del mosaico. Café de El Salvador 10[i.e.] 9:721-740, illus. Nov.1939. 68.28 C112 ~ Of tobacco, sugarcane, cotton, and potato. Also in Inst. de Defensa del Café de Costa Rica. Rev. 9:171-179. Dec.1939. 68.25 C82; [Santa Clara, Cuba Junta Prov. de Agr. y Com., B. de Inform. Agr. 13:12-18, illus. Jan./Feb.1940. 8 Se53 2348. WELLBORN, V. Enfermedades maculiferas del follaje de los cafetos. Rev. Cafetal. de Guatemala 2, 12 p., illus. col.) May/June 1946. 68.28 R322 2349. WELLBORN, V. Extenuaci6n perniciosa en el cafeto (paloteo pernicioso, anemia perniciosa, die back). Café de Salvador 10:817-823, illus. Dec.1940. 68.28 C112 Due to nutrional deficiencies. 2350. WELLBORN, V. La necrosis de los cafetos. Café de Salvador 10:484-500. July 1940. 68.28 C112 Discussion of coffeetree phloem necrosis in Liberia and Surinam; investigations on insect transmission. 2351. WELLBORN, V. Nueva observaciones sobre en- fermedades e insectos dafiinos del café. Inst. de Defensa del Café de Costa Ricas Rev. 9:336-339. Feb./Mar.1940. 68.28 C82 Brown rot and leaf roll. 2352. WELLBORN, V. Sobre unas enfermedades que atacan las hojas de los cafetos. Cafe de El Salvador 10 [i.e.] 9:655-669, illus. Oct.1939. 68.28 C112 Mal de hilachos (Corticium sp.); Manchas blanquecinas del cafeto (causada por liquenes Strigula?); Manchado seco de la hoja (Leucoptera coffeclia).. Also in Inst. de Defensa del Café de Costa Rica. Rev. 9: 421-425. Apr.1940. 68.28 C82 2353. WELLBORN, V. Tumor canceroso de las plantas (crown galls, agallas en corona). Café de Salvador 10: 437-446, illus. June 1940. 68.28 C112 A general discussion of a disease caused by Phytomonas tumefaciens. 66 | BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 2354. WELLMAN, F.L. Anotaciones sobre el prob- lema de las enfermedades de las plantas en El Salvador. I-XXXV. Café de El Salvador 16:383-387,469-472,627-631, 767-772,889-895,991-1001,1077-1081. 1946. 68.28 C112 Contents: I, Introduction; Il, Carbon del maiz;II, “Damping off’’ o ‘‘mal del talluelo’’ en los semilleros de café;IV. Podredumbre negra y decaimiento del repollo; V, Moho en la hoja del tomate; VI, Enfermedad de la hoja de la cebolla y el puerro; VII, Podredumbre del cogollo del cocotero;VHI, ‘“Dieback’’ del madrecacao;IX, Podre- dumbre mucosa de las legumbres;X, Mosaico en la cafia de azucar;XI, Manchas en las hojas del frijol negro;XII, Mancha negra de los rosales;XIIl, Ataque de nematodes a las raices de los semilleros de café;XIV, La sigatoka del banano;XV, Manchas de la hoja de zanahoria;XVI, Utilidad de usar nombres cientificos para designar los organismos patogenos;XVII, Anthracnosis del mango; XVIII, Matapalo de flores rojas;XIX, Gomosis del naranjo dulce;XX, Decaimiento del sistema radicular del tomate; XXI, Ulcera en la vaina de la chilipuca;X XII, Mancha foliar del granado;XXIII,-Dos importantes manchas del follaje en los almacigos de café;XXIV, Podredumbres de las naranjas;XXV, Aspersiones contra las enfermedades de las plantas;XXVI, Mildew pulverulento del pepino; XXVII, Vigor de las plantas y su resistencia a las enfer- medades;XXVILI, Dafios en las hojas del cafeto causados por aracnidos;XXIX, Estudio de los pardsitos de las plantas en el laboratorio;XXX, Enfermedad del moho en el maiz;XXXI, La coleccion de especimenes patogenos de las plantas;XXXII, Tizdn del maicillo 0 sorgo;XXXIII, Observaciones sobre las enfermedades de las plantas producidas por virus;XXXIV, Marchitez del tomate pro- ducida por Fusarium;XXXV, Conclusion. 2355. WELLMAN, F. L. Enfermedades corrientes del café en los paises productores de America. In Inter- Amer. Coffee Bd. Estudio de la situacién de café. Apen- dice ““C’’, 29 p. 1948. 286.368 In8As In Central and South America. 2356. WELLMAN, F. L. Informe sobre las actividades del Centro Nacional de Agronomia de El Salvador, de julio 19. 1943 hasta julio 19- 1944. Diario Oficial de x see: 137 (210):2891-2894. Sept. 22, 1944. (Libr. ong. 2357. WELLMAN, F. L. A list of maize diseases from a limited area in Costa Rica. Plant Dis. Rptr. 33: 81-85. Feb. 15, 1949. 1.9 P69P 2358. WELLMAN, F. L. Una mancha negra de henequén. Sisal de Yucatan 5(54):6-7, 30; (55):6-7,26. June, July 1944. 73.8 Si83 Translation and notes by Augusto Perez Toro. Produced by Diplodia theobromae. 2359. WELLMAN, F. L. Observations on coffee root rot in El Salvador. Plant Dis. Rptr. 30:247-252. July 15, 1946. 1.9 P69P Cause undetermined. : 2360. WELLMAN, F. L., and MONTERO, J. J. Prop- agaci6n del ‘‘ojo de gallo’’ por la lluvia, en las fincas de café. Suelo Tico 2:13-16. Feb./Mar.1949. 8 Su2 Este estudio se llev6 a cabo en Costa Rica comoparte de un proyecto cooperativo de tres Instituciones: El Ministerio de Agricultura del Gobierno de Costa Rica; la Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores Agricolas del Depart- amento de Agricultura y el Comité Interdepartamental de los Estados Unidos de América; y el Instituto Inter- americano de Ciencias Agricolas. American coffee leaf disease caused by the fungus Omphalia flavida. 2361. WELLMAN, F..L. Reporte acerca del adelanto de los estudios sobre las podredumbres radiculares del cafeto en El Salvador. Café de El Salvador 16:105-117. Feb.1946. 68.28 C112 2362. WELLMAN, F. L. Successful spray control of Alternaria blight of Petunias grown for seed in Costa Rica. Plant Dis. Rptr. 33:69-72. Feb. 15, 1949. 1.9 P69P ‘ 2363. WELLMAN, F. L. Trip to consult on cacao prob- lems in Ecuador. Inter-Amer. Inst. Agr. Sci. Cacao In- form. B. 1(25), 4 p. Nov.1949. 68.38 C11 From a report written September 1, 1949, for the Com- plementary Crops Division, Technical Collaboration Branch, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Work centered at the cooperative station in the Hacienda Pichilingue, near the town of Quevedo, 1949. The most important diseases proved to be witches broom and 6 different pod rots. 2364. WEST, J. The control of leaf curl of tobacco in southern Nigeria.- West African Agr. Conf. Proc. 3(1- Nigeria):205-206. 1938. 27 Ww52 2365. WEST, J., and VOELCKER, O. J. Plantation cacao in the British Cameroons. Trop. Agr. [Trinidad] 19:4-11, illus. (map). Jan.1942. 26 T754 Includes section on black pod disease, p. 8-10. : 2366. WEST, J. A preliminary list of plant diseases in Nigeria. Kew Roy. Bot. Gard. B. Misc. Inform. 1938:17- 23. 1939. 451 K51B 2367. WEST, P. La science contre la maladie du cacao. Courrier Agr. d’ Afrique 12(10):1. May 14, 1947. 24 C83 ; A virus disease. The campaign against swollen shoot, a virus disease of cacao on the Gold Coast. WEST AFRICAN CACAO RESEARCH INSTI- TUTE. See TAFO, GOLD COAST. COCOA RESEARCH STATION. 2368. WHETZEL, H. H. A new genus and new species of brown-spored inoperculate discomycetes from Pan- ama. Mycologia 34:584-591, illus. Sept./Oct.1942. 450 M99 Martinia (M. panamaensis) 2369. WICKENS, G. M. A new and serious disease of tobacco in S. Rhodesia. Rhodesia Agr. J. 35:181-184, illus. Mar.1938. 24 R34 Preliminary note. “‘All the experimental evidence so far obtained points to this being a virus disease trans- mitted by the aphid Myzus persicae.” Reprinted as South. Rhodesia. Dept. Agr. & Lands B. 1063, 4 p., illus. Mar.1938. 24 R345 2370. WICKENS, G. M. Rosette disease of tobacco. Field observations and suggestions for control. Rho- desia Agr. J. 35:842-849. Nov.1938. 24 R34 Caused by a virus. 2371. WICKENS, G. M. Smut diseases of wheat in Southern Rhodesia. Rhodesia Agr. J. 34:271-276. Apr. 1937. 24 R34 2372. WIEHE, P. O.. L’influence de la saison et des engrais potassiques sur le développement du “‘eye spot’’ de la canne 4 sucre. Rev. Agr. del Ile Maurice 19:57-61, illus. Sept./Oct.1940. 24 M44 Produced by Helminthosporium ocellum. 2373. WIEHE, P. O. Le “‘knife cut’’ du cocotier. Rev. Agr. del Ile Maurice 19:101-103, illus. Nov./Dec.1940. 24 M44 Cause undetermined. 2374. WIEHE, P. O. La maladie de la racine sur la P. O. J. 2878. Rev. Agr. Del Ile Maurice 19:8-11, illus. Jan./Aug.1940. 24 M44 Comparison of various species of fungi and nematodes causing disease of sugarcane. 2375. WIEHE, P.O. La morve rouge de la canne a sucre. Rev. Agr. del Ile Maurice 20:198-202, illus. July/Aug.1941. 24 M44 Colletotrichum falcatum. 2376. WIEHE, P. O. Un nouvel héte de la mosaique du tabac 4 Maurice Rev. Agr. del Ile Maurice 106:101. July/Aug.1939. 24 M44 Mucuna deeringiana. 2377. WIEHE, P. O. The plant diseases and fungi re- corded from Mauritius. Commonwealth Mycol. Inst. Mycol. Papers 24, 39 p. Dec. 8, 1948. 451 Im73M Contents: I, Introduction; II, Annotated list of plant dis- eases; III, List of plant diseases from Rodriguez and the Chagos Archipelago; IV, List of virus diseases arranged in alphabetical order of host plants; V, List of bacterial plant pathogens; VI, Annotated list of fungi including saprophytes; VII, Common names of plants with their botanical equivalents; VIII, Bibliography. 2378. WIEHE, P. O. Results of some experiments on smut of sugarcane in Mauritius. Rev. Agr. del Ile Maurice 28:7-11. Jan./Feb.1949. 24 M44 Work performed at the Pamplemousses Experimental Station, 1939-41. 2379. WIEHE, P. O. La sensibilité de quelques var- iétés de cannes aux principales maladies existant 4 Maurice. Rev. Agr. de 1’ Ile Maurice 21:225-226. Sept./Oct.1942. 24 M44 Diseases referred to are gummosis, leaf scald, red rot, root disease, smut, chlorotic streak and eyespot. 2380. WIESSEL, C. Enfermedades de la cebolla almacenada. Rev. de Agr. [Costa Rica] 14:117-125. Mar.1942. 8 Esl Storage and transportation rots. 2381. WILLE, J. E., and GARCIA RADA, G. Los in- sectos y las enfermedades del lino. [Peru] Min. de Fomento. Dir. Agr. y Ganad. Informe 54, 19 p., illus. (pt. col.) Apr.1942. 102.5 L622In Las enfermedades del lino, p. 11-19, by Garcia Rada. 2382. WILLIAMS, T. L. Progress made in the pro- duction of varieties of cassava resistant to mosaic dis- ease. West African Agr. Conf. Proc. 3(1-Gold Coast): 45-60. 1938. 27 W52 Investigational work begun in 1935. 2383. WIMBUSH, S. H. Canker on Monterey cypress in Kenya. Empire Forestry J. 23:74, July 1944. 99.8 Em72 2384. WOLF, F. A. Downy mildew of tobacco in Brazil. Phytopathology 29:291. Mar.1939. 464.8 P56 2385. WOLF, F. T. An addition to the fungus flora of Barro Colorado Island. Brit. Mycol. Soc. Trans. 25:191- 193. Nov. 10, 1941. 451 B76 Mainly Allomyces. 2386. WOLLENWEBER, H. W. ‘‘Sphaerella linicola’”’ n. sp., die ursache der Amerikanischen leinpest (pasmo- oder ‘‘Septoria’-krankheit). Lilloa 2:483-496, illus. 1938. 450 L62 Note concerning Sphaerella linorum n. sp., replacing Sphaerella linicola, on a supplemental unnumbered leaf. 2387. WOOLLEY, F. O Eucalyptus. Rev. de Agr. [Brazil] 19:228-229. May/June 1944, 9.2 R324 Government order to destroy diseased Eucalyptus plantings in Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador, to prevent spread of the disease, should be warning to Brazil. Item Abalos R 15 Abrego L 608 Acosta D R y. See Ramo6n y Acosta D. : Acufia J 2393 Adsuar J 1856 1857 1887 AgatiJ A 1705 Agtiero R 348 Aiyappa K M 1795 Akeley R V 1453 Alcalde Lassalle A J 2289 2294 Alfaro Cardoso J G,See CardosoJGA. Alibert H 1292 1293 Allan F E 1028 Alvim G B 1830 Amaral J Franco do. See Franco do Amaral J Andrade A C de 1184 Andrews F W 2085 Angell HR 1028 Arango O 655 2222 Arango R 348 ArentsenS S T 2105 Armando Garcia A 2101 Averna Sacca R. See Sacca RA Aznarez M 796 Bacchi O 831 Bachy A 1025 Badami V K 2040 BakerRED 340 642 1761 1916 2326 2334 Bakshi B K 150 Balakrishnan M S 2136 Baptist EDC 176 Barclay C 615 Barnell HR 2330 2335 Bartlett H H 1298 Bary Anton de 1300 Basset A 1292 1293 Bates GR 1075 1397 Bell A F 1784 Berkeley W C 554 BertaJ A 2157 Bertelli J C 79 208 Bertelli L K de 204 206 2209 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA 67 2388. XAVIER CE ANDRADE, D. A “tristeza’’ dos citrus. Pernambuco Sec. 45-48. 1945. 9.2 P423 de Agr., Indus. e Com. B. 12: 2389. YELLOWING symptoms in coffee. Kenya Coffee Bd. Monthly B. 12:82. July 1947. 68.29 C652 Due to physiological factors. 2390. ZABALA, S. La podredumbre del pie del naranja Campo y Suelo Argentino 32(373):33-34,36. Nov.1947. 9 C15 Gummosis of orange in Argentina, produced by Phy- tophthora parasitica. 2391. ZABALA, S., and DELLE COSTE, A.C. La presencia del mosaico comun del tabace en los cultivos de [> Ser. A, 3 imiento y tomate. Argentina. Inst. de Sanid. Veg. (28), 8 p., illus. 1947. 464.9 Ar323 392. ZAPATA CASTRO, J. A. La antracnosis de la vid y su control en esta época. Agricultor Chile] 42(9/10):5. Sept./Oct.1942. 9.3 Ag8 Ie oncepcicn, 2393. ZAYAS, F. de and ACUNA, J. Experiencia sobre la causa de una clorosis seguida de quemaduras en las puntas de las hojas de fruta bomba. Rev. de Agr. [Cuba] 23 (16):88-94, illus. Apr.1940. 8 Ag88Re Phyllosticta caricae-papayae, causal organism. 2394. ZUNDEL, G. L. A new smut from southern Chile. Mycologia 30:679-680. Nov./Dec.1938. 450 M99 Ustilago gunnerae G. P. Clinton, on Gunnera magella- nica, collected by R. Thaxter, 1906. 2395. ZUNDEL, G. L. I. The Ustilaginales of South Africa. Bothalia 3:283-330. Apr.1938. 460.46 B65 Ustilaginaceae, Tilletiaceae. INDEX OF NAMES* Item Bertus LS 482 Bitancourt A A 772 #774 775 778 1114 1116 1117-1119 1121 1123 1124 1125 1127 1128 1130 Boock O J 1581 Botero R O. See Obregén Botero R. Bouriquet G 1024 Bouriquet L 1022 1023 Brandao J S Filho. See Soares Brand4o J Filho. Brandes E W 189 Briant A K 2038 Burton MG 1440 Butler A F 1425 Calica C 16 Calinisan MR 1660 Campi M D 1933 Campos AR 1967 1976 Capoor S P 2209 2212 2214 Cardon C E ; 1440 Cardona A N. See Navarro Cardona A, Cardoso L 2279 Carneiro H 155 159 Carrién F M 204 Carsner E 189 Carvalho JC 197? Carvalho T de 1479 Cash E K 1126 Cass Smith W P 1769 Cassell R C 2049 Castro J Bde 1581 Celino MS 743 1601 1605 1606 1607 1918 2288 Centro Nacional de Agronomia de El Salvador 2356 Ceresa MCD 2291 2294 Chacravarti AS 1168 Chardon C E 2241 Charmoy D d’Emmerez de. See Emmerez de Charmoy Dyd7 Chatterjee Nk 923 3 Chaves Batista A. See Batista A C. Item Chona B L 2084 Chowdhry KRR 1650 Chupp C 1115 1492 Ciccarone A 546 1523 1528 Clouston T W 2085 Conant R K 1364 Coons GH 189 Correa A B. See Bernal Correa A. CostaAS 12 190 192 337 824 964 1237 1464 1465 1864 Costa Neto J P da. See Neto J PC da. Coste A C Delle. See Delle Coste AC. Coste A D 932 Cotterell GS 1441 Couceiro E M 158 Crandall BS 652 1370 Cristébal U L. See Lépez Cristébal U. Crowdy SH 133 134 136 1762 2334 Cruz H M da 1235 Dale W T 123 126 136 1761 Dastur J F 481 Davis W C 608 609 611 De Fluiter H J. See Fluiter H J de. Deighton F C 1003 1009 Delle Coste A C 2391 Desai M K 2208 Deslandes J 89 Dhande G W 1693 Dieguez C J 604 610 Di Fonzo M A. See Fonzo M A di. Dowson W J 1065 Drummond O A Drummond-Gongalves R Dunez A 665 Dutt A T 923 Dutt S C 1150 Dwyer RE P 1568 Eek T van 1502 Item Emden J H van 1839 Favret E A 1932 2226 2232 Fawcett G L 1332 2184 Fawcett HS 1334 Fernando M_ 1671 1672 1674 1676 Ferreira C 830 Ferreira Lima A D. See Lima ADF Figueiredo E R Jr 1228 Filho A C. See Caminha Filho A, Fischer I 1549 1550 Flores Caceres S 1711 Fluiter H J de 1105 Ford C E 1897 Forster R 336-338 573 574 576 584 586 587 593 596 Foster H H 1776 Foster R 597 Franco M R. See Mejia Franco R. Franco do Amaral J 87 585 716 718 1187 Frazier WA 1034 1171 1172 Gadd C H 485 Gaddini L 545 Ganguly D 1650 Garcia G J 1601 Garcia Fortufio M 827 Garcia Rada G 331 1238 2381 Gassner G 204 Ghesquiére J 1100 Ghosh S 923 Ghosh T 149 Giannotti O 1230 Gold Coast Dept of Agriculture” Cocoa Research Station Tafo. See Tafo Gold Coast Cocoa Research Station. Gomes J G Gongalves L I Goncalves R D. See Drummond-Gongalves R. Goodall D W Grant T J 1819 1830 1229 1762 1464 1465 *Since the primary arrangement of the references is by author, the names of the first author of each publication is omitted. 68 Item Greenslade R M 1210 Griffith A L 1815-1817 Guarch A M 204 Hainsworth E 2111 Hansford C G 1897 2193 Harrar JG 2050 Hauman Luciano 1347 Hendrickx F L 1232 Hendrix J W 844 845 1015 1064 1171 1172 Hernandez C C 368 Hipdlito O 694 Hirschhorn J 1042-1048 Hopkins J C 1852 Hosking HR 1006 Ikeda W 1064 1240 Instituto Bioldgico Sfio Paulo 261 Irizarry Rubio G 827 828 Issouribehere P J 1433 Jaeg O 284 Jenkins A E 232 240 252 253 266 269 270 974 1781 Jensen DD 1064 1240 Jensen J H 1775 Jha VR 1824 Joffily J 1438 Johns R 335 Jones y Grout M 1147 Joshi S G 1149 Kalamkar R J~ 735 Kalyanasubramanyam S-~ 1387 Kamat MN 2202 2204 2210 2211 Kar PC 188 Karthaus J P 1841 Kevorkian AG 1775 Kiehl J 581 Kikuta K 844 845 1034 Koch de Bertelli L. See Ber- telli L K de. Kramer M 1962 1963 1965 1969 1970 1972 1979 1982 1986 KrishnaswamiCS 2130 2131 Krug H P 583 1126 Kulkarni N T 2213 Kuikarni YS 1693 1695 1697 1700 Kylasam M S 496 Lamb J 2111 Landaeta A R, See Rodriguez Landaeta A. Langdon R F 1036 Larter NLH 1106 Leal A R. See Ruiz Leal A. Lefeuvre 1128 Lefeuvre R F 1114 Legleu R 1751 Leonard ER 2326 2330 2335 Leus-Palo S 1417 Lima AR 584 595 336 573 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 } Item Lima L T F 631 Lindner R C 1064 Lindquist J C 2341 Loos C A 878 880 883 1752 1961 2111 Lopes Torres H 1961 Macaspac IS 1599 McDonald J 1161 McKee R K 33a 36 Macola T 862 863 MahmudKA 101 105 107 Mallamaire A 1877 Marchant A D 1781 Marc6 PR 1794 Martin E B 339 Martin J P 422 1016 Martyn E B 1106 1215 Marudarajan D 2135 Matsuura M 1685 Mayme W W 2111 Meléndez Mde LA 1641 Menasé de Giberti M J 446 Méndez C R 598 Menon K K 2133 Menor J G. See Gomez Menor J. Minor E C K 216 Mitchell RS 1998 2005 Mitra M 2024 Mitra S K 98 Moniz L 1690 1695 1697 169 Montero J J 2360 Morales E 1785 Mossop M C 1078 Mulholland J J 803 Mitiller AS 143 1440 2115 Muller HRA 841 Munck C 193 Mundkur B B 2024 Murray RKS 1897 Nandi H K 98 Narasimhalu I L 1801 Narasimhau M J 1515 Nattrass R M 1160 Neves C A das 396 Nichols R FW 730 2075 2077 2078 Nikam BG 2203 Noll W 436 798 Norbrega N R 1969 1975 1982 1983 Normanha E 590 Nowacki M J 2248 Ocfemia G O 480 Offermann A M 659 Orejuela C G. See Garcés Orejuela C. Orian G 1391 Orlando A 1185 1230 Otero JI 561 562 Otoya F J 1592 Padhye Y A 1691 Padmanabhan S Y- 1787 1788 2 Item Padwick G W 1522 Palma M 1757 Parris GK 1015 Patel A F 1663 Patel JS 2240 Patel M K 1153 2202-2204 2210 2211 Patino B 608 Pefiaranda Canal F 646 Pereira H F 794 Perez Toro A 2358 Pickel B 394 Pickel DB 415 Pierre-Louis F 1895 Popham W L 2049 Portsmouth G B 2111 Posnette A F 630 1441 2091 Querijero A F 1881 Rada G Garcia. See Garcia Rada G. Rafay SA Ramakrishnan K 1654 1797 Ramakrishnan TS 1796 2132 2136 Ramnathan K R 1167 Rands R D 2061 RauSA 2111 RaychaudhuriS P 1020 2212 Rayner R W 1160 Reiniger C H 1992 Reitsma J 13% 2111 Remussi C 1202 Ribeiro dos Santos S$ 337 Ripperton JC 1682 Rodrigues Campos A, See Campos A R. Rodrigues Lima A 337 Rodriguez A 1856 1857 Romasanta R 1851 Rosetti V 243 Roy TC 920 Saeger H de 1227 Saha JC 1018 1019 1156 Saint-Hilaire A de 1131 Salles J M 59 Santis L de 1433 Santoro R 796 Santos SR 573 Sarmah K C 1096 2189 Schweizer J 218 Seth LN 355 SharpC CT 1897 Silberschmidt K 1186 1418 1576 1577 1630-1633 Silberschmidt K M 1185 Singh K 651 Singh UB 679 Sison PL 15 s’Jacob J C. See JacobJ Cs’. Slogteren E van 554 Slooff WC 1840 Smith FE V 1106 Smith K M ' 2131 SouminiC K 1799 1800 1806 2136 Souza O F de Spaini L S Spegazzini Carlos Speroni HA Srinivasan K V Steindl DR L Stern J Stevenson J A Steyaert R L Storey H H Storey WB Strickland A H SuM T Subba Rao M K Subramaniam C L Swingle C F 1100 Teixeira C G Texera DA 1494 Thirumalachar M J 1508 Thorold C A aly Thung TH 1157 Thurston H W Jr Tobler Bottini H D Tommerup E C Tothill J D 989-1001 Tubbs FR 485 Tugade P P 1655 Uppal B N 223 288 401 1155 Vallega J 1932 Van Emden J H 2111 Varadaraja Iyengar A V. See Iyengar AV V. Varma PM 398— 402 Vasconcellos L G de 837 Vélez Fortufio J 828 Verdoorn F ed 1703 Vergara C C 1482 Verma PM 2209 2214 Villamil G F 749 Vitoria E R 1613 Voelcker O J 2365 Wallace GB 2097 Wallace MM 2308 2313 2317 2318 Wardlaw C W 135 495 Watts-Padwick. See Padwick GW. Webster M 1454 Weij H G van der 657 Weller DM 422 Wellman FL 614 1455 2062 2064 West J 2295 2296 Wickens G 1852 Wiehe PO 1391 Wijers EE 2088 Wiles DRD 151 Yuan H F 1599 Zabala S 659 — 661 Zayas F de 13 A BIBLIOGRAPHY Item || Abaca. See Musa textilis. Abacateiro. See Persea | americana, || Abacaxi. See Ananas comosus. || Abutilon virus 1 | Acacia julibrissin. See | Albizzia julibrissin. | Acacia leucophlaea 1620 rust 2122 Acer leaf spot 836 | Actinomyces 923 || Aecidium gossypii 1710 || Aeginetia indica 962 Aeginetia pedunculata 1019 || Agallia albidula 190 1939 || Agave || anthracnose 459 fungus diseases 1265 Agave fourcroydes 516 || Agave sisalana black spot 2358 diseases Mexico Yucatan 1711 leaf disease 705 712 necrosis 1400 | physiological diseases 782 | Ageratum conyzoides yellow vein-banding 883 Aguacate. See Persea americana. || Aji. See Capsicum frutescens. Ajonjoli. See Sesamum. lao. See Populus. Albizzia Madagascar 1023 Albizzia julibrissin wilt 391 Albugo candida 949 Albugo tragopogonus 1930 Aleurites fordii canker 947 diseases Madagascar 842 Nyasaland 822 fungus diseases 2275 _ root rot 718 Aleurites montana Java 1501 Aleyrodidae (White fly) 1633 Alface. See Lactuca sativa. Alfalfa. See Medicago sativa. Algodoéiro, See Gossypium. Algod6én. See Gossypium. Alho. See Allium sativum. Allium cepa diseases Argentina 1734 Brazil 670 686 Colombia Ocafia 1592 Costa Rica 1375 downy mildew 693 fungus diseases 1552 1561 1564 2019 2110 leaf spot 695 nematode diseases 1561 rot 553 Storage and transporta- tion rots 2380 white rot 103 385 Allium sativum fungus diseases 2012 white rot 385 Allomyces 2385 Almendro. See Prunus amygdalus. Almond. See Prunus amygdalus Alternaria 534 727 1336 1371 1554 1773 2362 Alternaria brassicae 93 OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA INDEX OF PLANT DISEASES Item Alternaria burnsii 2202 Alternaria longipes 807 1073 Alternaria mali 1316 Alternaria solani 220 959 1147 1870 2159 Alternaria tenuis 307 Alternaria tomato Altingia excelsa damping - off 1151 dieback 1151 Ambary hemp. See Hibiscus cannabinus. Ameixa amarela. See Eriobotrya japonica. Amendoim. See Arachis hypogaea. Anand. See Ananas comosus. Ananas comosus black rot 220 1821 diseases Mexico 955 Panama 1144 fruit rots 2142 fungus diseases 518 1461 rots 386 524 stem-rot 524 water blister disease 1274 wilt 531 yellow spot 1919 1920 Andropogon sorghum. See Sorghum vulgare. Anguillulina dipsaci Anguillulina pratensis Anguillulina similis Annona cherimola 354 1794 875 1287 anthracnose 226 fungus diseases 1637 Annonaceae anthracnose 81 canker 81 Anona cherimolia. See Annona cherimola. _ Anona reticulata. See Annona reticulata, ae Antestia 1232 Anthoseptobasidium 1855 Anthracnose diseases 133 2002 See also under names of hosts. Antirrhinum jajus leaf spot 291 smut 1356 stem rot 1356 © Aphelenchoides cocophilus 600 826 1235 1266 1268 1657 Aphelenchoides olesistus 1255 Aphelenchus cocophilus 31 1634 300 1436 1419 Aphis maidis Aphis tavaresi Apio. See Apium graveolens dulce. Apium graveolens dulce 1435 fungicides 1170 late blight 568 1108 1170 1489 1641 1748 1583 Aplanobacter stewartii 1584 Apple. See Malus pumila. Arachis hypogaea crown rot 1474 disease resistance and resistant varieties 1850 diseases Australia Queensland 1475 Uganda 994 fungus diseases 224 2016 leaf spot 1785 1851 1881 2160 mosaic 1662 2153 rosette 315 938 1662 1751 2032 Item Arachis hypogaea--Cont. scab 588 seed treatment 1070 virus diseases 582 2153 wilt 1089 1850 Araucaria angustifolia nematode diseases 2011 Araucaria brasiliensis. See Araucaria angustifolia. Areca cathecu band disease 1149 bud rot 1619 fruit rot 1387 fungicides 1387 koleroga disease 2135 2208 physiological diseases 639 Arecanutpalm. See Areca cathecu. Armillaria mellea 666 953 Armillariella mellea 1286 Arrheratherum elatius smut 1677 Arrowroot. See Maranta arundinacea. Arroz. See Oryza sativa. Arruda. See Ruta. Arthraxon lancifolius India Bombay Artocarpus heterophyllus rot 1692 530 Arum bacterial leaf spot 99 Ascochyta abelmoschi 295 Ascochyta cherimoliae 1637 Ascochyta citri 229 Ascochyta gossypii 2320 Ascochyta melongenae 1651 Ascomycetae 901 Ascomycetes 1126 1440 Aspergillus 1270 1446 Aspergillus flavus 1338 Aspergillus niger 965 Aspergillus wentii 817 Avena fungus diseases 787 1932 rust 2231 wilt 798 Avocado. See Persea americana. Axonopus compressus mosaic 897 Azalea. See Rhododendron indicum. Azotobacter agilis 2030 Bacillus betle 105 Bacillus cereus 1150 Bacillus manihot 113 694 2017 Bacillus musae 1406 Bacterial diseases 1445 1541 1623 1861 2247 See also under names of hosts. Bactericides 1479 Bacterium 969 Bacterium albilineans 1618 1621 1624 Bacterium carotovorum 1691 0 Bacterium ricinicola 1135 Bacterium solanacearum 25 474 545 1018 1660 1879 2246 Bacterium tumefasciens 500 Bacterium vasculorum 1084 1621-1623 1625 1626 1783 1956 Bacterium visecatorium 959 Balanophora 2042 Balansia claviceps 1342 Balansia oryzae 1518 Bamboo. See Bambusa vulgaris. 69 Item Bambi. See Bambusa vulgaris. Bambusa vulgaris ergot 1797 fungus diseases 149 root rot 2282 shoot rot 2282 Banana. See Musa para- disiaca sapientum. Barillo tree. See Calophylum brasiliense. Barley. See Hordeum vulgare. Basil. See Ocimum adscendens. Batata. See Solanum tuberosum. Batatéira. See Solanum tuberosum. Bean. See Phaseolus; Vicia faba. Beet. See Beta vulgaris. Bemisia 1958 Bemisia tabaci 1630 Berberis aristata rust 2128 Berenjena. See Solanum melongena. Berinjela. See Solanum melongena. ° Bermuda grass. See Cynodon dactylon. Bertholletia excelsa 259 Beta vulgaris curly top 189 190 yellow wilt 193 Betel pepper. See Piper betle. Betel vine. See Piper betle. Betelpalm. See Areca cathecu. Black pepper. See Piper nigrum. Blackarm disease. See Angu- lar leaf spot under names of hosts. Boletus tropicus 944 Borassus flabellifer leaf spot 525 Bordo. See Acer. Botryocomis spp 243 Botryodiplodia theobromae 791 Botryosphaeria tamaricis 859 Botrytis cinerea 11 1032 1109 1313 1524 1792 1928 Botrytis faba 1109 Botrytis tulipae 387 1311 Botrytis vulgaris 927 Brassica acephala. See Brassica oleracea acephala. Brassica oleracea acephala club root 185 Brassica oleracea botrytis black leg 272 black rot 3 272 gray rot 93 whiptail 282 Brassica oleracea capitata bacterial rot 454 black leg 272 black rot 3 272 984 1213 2155 club root 74 diseases Hawaii 2090 fungus diseases 2015 whiptail 282 yellows 364 1234 Brassica rapa bacterial rot 454 white spot 296 Brazilnut. See Bertholletia excelsa. Bremia gramicola var indica 1692 Bremia lactucae WO 92 70 Item Broadbean. See Vicia faba. Bromus catharticus smut Bromus unioloides. See Bromus catharticus. Broomjute Sida. See Sida rhombifolia. Broomrape. See Orobanche. Bulo. See Eleusine coracana. Bush redpepper. See Capsicum frutescens. 194 Cabbage. See Brassica oleracea capitata. Cacao. See Theobroma cacao. Cacao virus 1A 1762 Cacao virus 1B 1762 Cacao virus 1C 1762 Cacao virus 1D 1762 Cacaoéiro. See Theo- broma cacao. Caconema radicicola 1871 Cafeeiro. See Coffea. Cafeto. See Coffea. Cajanus cajan wilt 1447 Cala. See Zantedeschia aethiopica. Calabash, See Lagenaria vulgaris. Callalily. See Zantedeschia aethiopica. Calophyllum brasiliense wilt 607 Calostilbe striispora 2149a Camellia sinensis “‘bitten-off’’ disease 872 black rot 1096 2185 2186 blister blight 30 372 1737 873 1096 1176 1208 1210 1294-1297 1392 1468 1570 1720 1752 1825 1839 2089 2111 2137 2177 2178-2182 2191 2194 2195 canker 2138 dieback 2187 diseases 874 India 2081 Java 599 Buitenzorg 1946 Uganda 1002 injuries 2138 mottle scab 1117 nematode diseases 877 phloem necrosis 293 876 877 884 physiological diseases 289 red rust 2190 root disease 875 882 2188 2298 scab 240 stem disease 2189 thread blight 2185 white scab 1117 witches’ broom 1159 yellows disease 821 Camote. See Ipomoea batatas. Cana de acucar. See Saccharum officinarum. Cafia de azticar. See Saccharum officinarum. Canavalia ensiformis leaf blight virus diseases Cancer in relation to plants 890 Cantaloup. See Cucumis melo cantalupensis. 2063 1975 Capsicum bacterial rot 984 blight 933 disease resistance and resistant varieties 1857 1856 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 Item Capsicum--Cont. fungus diseases 1773 mildew 933 mosaic 1856 1857 Pepper blight 1307 rust 950 virus diseases 1738 wilt 1306 Capsicum annuum. See Capsicum frutescens. Capsicum frutescens disease resistance and re- Sistant varieties 2302 diseases Peru Tacna 2093 fungus diseases 464 727 mildew 432 mosaic 1887 wilt 1746 2302 Caqui. See Diospyros kaki. Caralluma diffusa stem rot 147 Cardota. See Phaseolus vulgaris. Cardamom. See Elettaria cardamomum. Carica papaya bunchy top 199 chlorosis 2393 damping-off 221 diseases Australia Queensland 636 Brazil 948 Cuba 66 East Africa 2308 fungus diseases 138 1683 2309 leaf crinkle 2130 leaf spot 2393 manurial experiments effects on mosaic disease incidence 2149 mosaic 13 130 398 ring spot 1064 1240 rot 508 virus diseases 491 yellow crinkle disease 1275 Carnation. See Dianthus caryophyllus. Carod. See Neoglaziovia variegata, Carob. See Ceratonia siliqua. Carpetgrass. See Axonopus compressus, Carpha schoenoides Smut 1050 Carrionflower. See Stapelia variegata, Carrot. See Daucus carota Sativa. Carthamus tinctorius fungus diseases 517 rust 472 Carya illinoensis anthracnose 1118 Cassava. See Manihot esculenta, Castanha. See Bertholletia excelsa. Castor oil plant. See Ricinus communis. Catacauma myrciae Catenulopsora zizyphi Cauliflower. See Brassica oleracea botrytis. Cebada. See Hordeum vulgare. Cebola. See Allium cepa. Cebolla. See Allium cepa. Cedar. See Cedrela mexicana. Cedrella mexicana seedling blight 47. Celery. See Apium graveolens:: Apium graveolens dulce. 2276 1802 i Item Cephaleuros 2117 Cephaleuros parasiticus 2190 Cephalobus elongatus 1704 Cephalosporium 607 Cephalosporium sacchari 740 j 741 2083 Ceratonia siliqua anthracnose 461 Ceratophorum setosum 1060 Ceratostomella fimbriata 157 1373 Ceratostomella paradoxa 518 Cercospora 101 1492 2046 2328 2330 2331 2335 Cercospora apii 1170 Cercospora capsici 1346 Cercospora caribaea ~ 2269 Cercospora coffeicola 870 1457 Cercospora corchori 519 Cercospora cruenta 19 Cercospora fourcroyae 1136 Cercospora henningsii 2269 Cercospora musae 37 38 41 52 56 65 495 647 1083 1139 1158 1164 1376 1425 1427 1429 1617 1645 1647 1741 1750 1879 2001 2044 2048 2054 2056 2322 2323 Cercospora nicotiana 1671 1674 1675 Cercospora personata 1785 1851 1881 2160 Cercospora phaeochlora 1115 Cercospora pueraricola 2116 Cercospora sesami 520 528 1413 1495 1546 Cercosporella brassicae 296 Cercosporella carthami 472 Cercosporella persicae 850 Cereals. See Grain. Cerebella 963 Cerotelium desmium 810 Cerotelium fici 1494 Cevada. See Hordeum vulgare. Cha. See Camellia sinensis. Cherimoya. See Annona cherimola. Chickpea. See Cicer arietinum. Chili. See Capsicum frutescens. Chloridium musae 37 2043 Chlorogenus patagoniensis 193 Christisonia wightii 1786 Chrysanthemum diseases Argentina 1327 leaf spot 1255 rust 1488 Chrysophlictis endo- biotica 1428 Cicadulina 2076 Cicer arietinum foot rot 1169 Cinchona damping-off 1279 diseases 1253 1370 Guatemala 1838 Java 599 Latin America 1703 Peru 1260 Philippine Republic 1298 fungus diseases 606 1021 pink disease 652 root rot 609 scab 1132 stem canker 611 thread blight 652 wilt 611 Cintractia 473 2258 Cintractia carphae 1050 Cintractia sorghi 1054 Cintractiella lamii 286 Ciruelo. See Prunus domestica. Citrus anthracnose bacterial root rot black spot brown rot 345 509 peel 863 866 10 chlorosis 871 dieback 222 disease resistance and resistant varieties diseases 644 779 Argentina 603 768 2034 Australia Queensland 277 1999 Brazil 234 755 772 778 1905 1907 Chile 72 Colombia Fiji Islands India Indonesia Panama Paraguay Southern Rhodesia 154 felt disease 242 fungus diseases 73 774 777 954 1339 1343 11702 gummosis 26 71 124 344 441 744 862 1283 1891 1906 2014 2037 2102 2103 leaf spot 229 leprosis 245 melanose 1832 1910 mottle leaf 820 871 2086 nematode diseases 233 851 855 979 physiological diseases pink disease psorosis root diseases 237 root rot 257 263 381 384 1350 scab 125 445 1771 split diseases storage and transporta- tion rots tristeza 46 206 214 831 1421 1829 1936 wither-tip xyloporosis Citrus aurantifolia anthracnose damping - off physiological diseases red root disease Citrus aurantium 61 63 208 210 267 271 1037 1179 1463-1465 1864 1891 1949 2022 1462 227 limon. Citrus nobilis. See Citrus reticulata, Citrus paradisi chlorosis fungicides insecticides fungus diseases 1909 storage and transporta- tion rots 1908 tristeza 382 1949 Citrus grandis scab 1156 Citrus limon brown rot 248 861 2036 cottony rot 903 fungus diseases 1120 physiological diseases 692 Citrus limonia. See Citrus Cladosporium 1820 |} Cladosporium carpophilum 720 | Cladosporium fulvum Item Citrus paradisi--Cont. melanose 1867 mottled leaf 1134 scab 119— 121 Citrus reticulata anthracnose 1290 fungus diseases 28 scab 1017 1945 Citrus sinensis anthracnose 1912 black rot 166 black spot 1911 brown rot 830 diseases 1439 Bolivia La Paz 2219 Brazil 707 1819 Costa Rica 929 Mexico Santa Engracia 2156 Peru Zone of Chanchamayo 1249 fruit rot 1795 fungicides 1819 fungus diseases 648 green mold 1820 gummosis 864 865 2390 | insecticides 1819 leaf-fall 1795 leaf spot 2261 | leprosis246 838 1305 1310 1430 2161 || nematode diseases 452 j mee vorceical disease 251 || psorosis 769 916 | root rot 919 1246 1341 1351 1563 2035 scab 212 232 266 471 } 1409 | split disease 849 | stem rot 260 | tristeza 111 244 383 | 766 964 1418 1420 } 1889 1960 1981 2340 | virus diseases 2261 water rot 250 water spot 250 605 { 754 1415 . Cladosporium jamaicensis 1382 | Cladosporium musae 1382 | Clavel. See Dianthus | caryophyllus. , Claviceps 1797 2132 Claviceps purpurea 1522 | Claviceps pusilla 1522 , Clinoconidium farinosum 243 Clitocybe sp 1021 Clove. See Eugenia aromatica, Clover. See Trifolium. Coca. See Erythroxylum coca. Coco palm. See Cocos nucifera. Cocoa. See Theobroma cacao. Coconut. See Cocos nucifera, Cocos nucifera blight 2095 bronze leaf wilt 114 116 137 bud rot 350 956 1221 1707 1895 ‘‘cadang-cadang”’ disease 478 479 1603 diseases 1689 Brazil 299 British West Indies 341 Coiombia Magdalena 1383 Guatemala 1141 Haiti 1894 Jamaica 1379 Melanesia 1997 Item Cocos nucifera--Cont. diseases--cont. Mexico Yucatan 1863 New Guinea 728 Philippine Republic 142 Polynesia 1997 fungus diseases 1422 ‘‘knife cut’? disease 2373 little leaf 600 ‘physiological diseases 729 red ring 156 300 600 631 826 1137 1235 1266 1268 1634 1657 San Miguel leaf blight 478 stem bleeding 1922 ‘unknown disease”’ 1099 1381 wilt 546 726 Cocotero. See Cocos nucifera. Cocoyam. See Xanthosoma Sagittaefolium. Coffea American coffee leaf disease 31 449 784 1154 1456 1902 1989 2360 anthracnose 922 2065 bacterial diseases 415 berry diseases 870 1199 black bean disease 1828 2254 black rot ' 2134 brown rot 2351 canker 1859 chlorosis 2346 defoliation 1457 dieback 1500 1716 1719 1901 2134 2148 2349 diseases Africa 322 1231 1469 Belgian Congo 1030 Brazil 1200 Central America 2183 2355 Colombia 925 Costa Rica 569 925 1080 : 1458 2352 Ecuador 799 El Salvador 39 608 2198 Guatemala 35 42 India 1394 Jamaica 925 Kenya 1161 1263 Madagascar 317 Mexico 1903 Nicaragua 1 1860 Ruanda-Urundi 752 South America 2183 2355 Tanganyika 2097 Uganda 992 Venezuela 403 2249 fungicides 1395 1591 1593 fungus diseases 36 43 110 415 913 1032 1411 1547 1591 1723 injuries 40 45 752 latent infection 1827 leaf diseases 22 469 470 533 926 1393 1395 1878 1903 2348 2351 leak disease 2215 nematode diseases 803 808 1717 2106 2107 nematodes 1288 phloem necrosis 1595 2350 physiological diseases 2314 pruning disease 514 ring spot 247 249 1984 root diseases 34 44 370 802 921 1286 2199 2359 2361 smut 1706 sooty mold 1061 stem rot 17 thread blight 1858 trunk canker 1140 virus diseases 1984 witches’ broom 513 yellowing 2389 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Item Coffee. See Coffea. Col. See Brassica oleracea capitata. Colletotrichum 555-2002 2133 Colletotrichum capsici 1805 Colletotrichum coffeanum 1827 2065 Colletotrichum falcatum 1787 1805 2375 Colletotrichum gloeospori- oides 104 128 133 226 258 461 907 2108 2337 Colletor ican gossypii 12 77 Colletotrichum indicum 1807 Colletotrichum linde- muthianum 1865 1872 Colletotrichum lini 153 Colletotrichum linicolum 165 Commelina nudiflora mosaic disease 1770 Coniothecium chomato- sporum 679 Coniothecium richardiae 1110 Coniothyrium fuckelii 889 Coprinus nigrostriatus 1024 Coqueiro. See Cocos nucifera. Coralbean. See Erythrina. Corchorus blight 519 root rot 57 stem rot 2240 Corchorus capsularis dieback 1658 Corn. See Zea mays. Corticium album 648 Corticium areolatum 2047 Corticium invisum 2185 Corticium koleroga 1591 Corticium rolfsii Corticium-salmonicolor 483 1410 2305 Corticium solani Corticium theae Corynebacterium michi- ganense 1523 Corynelia brasiliensis 85 Coryneum beiierinckii 146 Coryneum eaepophitum 1113 1790 Cotton. See Gossypium. Couve flor. See Brassica oleracea botrytis. Cover crops root knot Cowpea. See Vigna catjang; Vigna sinensis. Crisantemo. See Chrysanthe- mum. Crotolaria juncea 174 fungus diseases 157 #158 601 2213 Crown gall 890 2353 Crozalsiella argentina 1059 rucifers fungus diseases 1639 rust 949 virus diseases Cucumber. See Cucumis sativus. Cucumis melo cantalupensis powdery mildew 1931 640 witches’ broom 2010 Cucumis sativus downy mildew 275 mosaic 558 powdery mildew 275 witches’ broom 2010 Cucumis virus 1 1575 Cucurbita maxima powdery mildew 1931 white rot 1747 i 1747 wilt b Cumin. See Cuminum cyminum. 71 Item Cuminum cyminum India 2202 Cupressus canker 1528 2383 Cupressus macrocarpa canker 1525 Curvularis pallescens 1336 Cuscuta 1205 1526 Cuscuta epilinum Custardapple. See Annona aga reticulata. Cydonia oblonga drying control 667 leaf blight 704 708—710 891 smut 849 Cylindrocladium 92 835 Cylindrocladium scoparium 1111 Cynodon dactylon ergot 2120 Cyperus pangorei Smut 2258 Cyperus rotundus Tust 473 smut Cyphomandra betacea 1088 India 138 Cypress. See Cupressus. Cystopus ipomoeae- panduratae 2262 Dadap tree. See Erythrina. Dahlia virus Sate 792 1320 Dalia. See Dahlia. Damping-off 274 914 1315 Darluca filum 1654 Datura alba mosaic 399 Datura fastuosa. See Datura metel. Datura metel virus diseases 2131 Datura virus 2 2131 Daucus carota sativa leaf blight 1254 Dayflower. See Commelina nudiflora. Dendrophoma obscurans 1935 Derris leaf spot 1926 Desmodium diffusum leaf spot 1698 Desmodium gangeticum leaf spot 1690 1699 Dianthus caryophyllus diseases Argentina 1325 1326 fungus diseases 390 ring spot 388 yellow spot 887 Diaporthe 2341 Dictyosperma album bacterial disease 1625 Didymaria sp 1265 Didymellina iridis 888 Dioscorea sativa leaf blight 529 Diospyros kaki anthracnose 945 Diplochorella indaia 2267 Diplodia 718 2088 Diplodia cacaoicola 143 Diplodia maydis 2286 Diplodia morina 1896 Diplodia natalensis 166 Diplodia theobromae 2358 Diplodia zeae 973 2286 Diplothemium Brazil 689 Disease resistance in plants 900 Diseases in general. See Plant diseases; and under names of hosts. 72 Item Dodder.-See Cuscuta, Dodder (Flax). See Cuscuta epilinum. Dolichos biflorus India 1693 Dolichos lablab mosaic 397 Dothideales 896 Dothidella ulei 1211 Dothiorella 1905 Drepanoconis larviformis Duraznero, See Prunus persica. Durian, See Durio zibethinus, Durio zibethinus root disease 2143 Durra. See Sorghum vulgare durra. Dutch Guiana. See Surinam. 243 Easter lily. See Lilium candidum. Eggplant. See Solanum melongena. Eichhornia crassipes leaf. spot 148 Elaeis guineensis boyomi disease 112 1025 diseases Belgian Congo 2067 stem rot 2141 Elettaria cardamomum diseases India 1396 mosaic 2209 Eleusine coracana diseases India Mysore 2255 Uganda 990 mosaic 2257 Elsinoe 228 252 253 269 1116 1118 1125 1127 1130 2118 Elsinoé ampelina 1114 1123 Elsinoé australis 212 232 266 1120 Elsinoé Boehmeriae 1124 Elsinoé cinchonae 1132 Elsinoe citri 125 Elsinoé fawcettii 319 1868 Elsinoé hansfordii 1119 Elsinoé leucospila 1117 Elsinoé theae 240 1117 Elsinoé toddaliae 1121 Emilia yellow spot 1920 Emilia scabra virus disease 1257 Entomosporium macula- tum 24 667 706 708 709 710 854 891 Ephelis oryzae 2251 Eragrostis tenuifolia fungus diseases 2251 Ergot 1522 2132 Erianthus trinii smut 1047 Eriobotrya japonica Brazil 706 Erwinia aroideae 1862 Erwinia carotovora 1303 Erwinia phytophthora 1190 Erysiphaceae 2279 Erysiphe cichoracearum 1930 Erysiphe graminis 537 Eien iphe erarninte hordei 756 3 Erythrina diseases Indonesia 1718 fungus diseases 1589 witches’ broom 542 Erythroxylum coca witches’ broom 405 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 Item Eucalyptus Tee diseases Brazil 2387 | S&o Paulo 92 fungus diseases Strut Lett 1524 1792 necrosis 835 rust 1138 seedling diseases 92 Eucalyptus globulus 1251 Eucalyptus robusta 1251 Eucalyptus tereticornis 1251 Eugenia aromatica Madagascar 1022 Eugenia jambos. See Syzygi- um jambos. Euphorbia pulcherrima scab 1129 Evolvulus India 643 Exobasidium 2177 Exobasidium discoideum 1826 Exobasidium vexans 737 873 878 1176 1294-1297 1392 1825 1839 2178 2179-2181 Falsemallow. See Malvastrum coromandelianum. Ficus canker 697 701 root rot 418 rust 1494 Field crops Australia Queensland 1470 Fig. See Ficus. Figuéira. See Ficus. Flax. See Linum usitatis- simum. Flueggea leucopyrus rust 2123 Fomes lamaoensis 1286 Fomes lignosis 97 216 666 809 921 1105 1286 2026 Fomes noxious 2141 Fcemes semitostus 921 Fragaria crinkle disease 1271 diseases Southern Rhodesia 1079 leaf blight 1935 Frankliniella insularis 2038 Frankliniella paucispinosa 761 1738 Fr jol. See Vigna sinensis. Fruit crown gall 426 500 diseases ‘Argentina 437 1324 Bolivia 1521 Chile 458 fungus diseases 145 146 1113 1278 leaf diseases 510 1737 2325 pink disease 483 root rot 1352 rot 430 storage and transporta- iion rots 135 2334 2338 Fruit diseases. See also under- names of hosts. Frjita bomba. See Carica papaya. Frutilla. See Fragaria. Fumo. See Nicotiana tabacum. Fungi 1394 Argentina 1304 1333 1345 1348 Buenos Aires 1549 Mendoza 1904 Australia Queensland 1036 Barbados 123 Item Fungi--Cont. Brazil 967 1126 1558 2109 2168 2248 2267 2276 1994 2266 Minas Gerais 2265 Rio Grande do Sul 1853 1854 Ceylon 292 Chile 747 1482 1483 2394 Colombia 901 1163 1361 1362 deter mination 1892 Gold Coast 637 Guatemala 632 Hawaii 219 1678 2061 herbaria ; 1996 in soils 920 2083 India 150 521 1446 1508 Indonesia 966 Malay Archipelago 284 285 Mauritius 2377 Mexico 1573 Mozambique 411 Sul do Save 412 New Guinea 635 Panama 1361 1362 2385 parasitic on algae 2117 on fungi 1346 1654 2125 pathogenicity 135 Peru 911 Philippine Republic 1417 1882 2113 South America 1855 spores 1888 Tanganyika 2317 terminology 1818 Trinidad 117 tropics collecting and preserv- ing 1389 Uganda 987 988 1003 1004 1009 Uruguay 681 Venezuela 901 1162 1440 2167 viability 2088 Windward Islands 123 See also names of fungi and fungus diseases. Fungicides 8— 10 58 67 145 162 176 215 281 306 388 408 505 848 940 1038 1184 1247 1299 1399 1479 1590 1593 1665 1726 1793 1831 1886 2003 2031 See also under host names. Fungus diseases distribution Caribbean region 122 See also under names of hosts. Furcraea gigantea Brazil 1136 Fusarium 91 198 430 434 435 436 462 514 783 913 1008 1089 1204 1438 1609 1723 1809 1847 2302 Fusarium avenaceum 2290 Fusarium bulbigenum 155 Fusarium concolor 1199 Fusarium conglutinans 364 Fusarium cubense 1143 1728 2150 Fusarium equiseti 148 Fusarium falcatum 148 Fusarium graminearum 446 Fusarium javanicum 158 Fusarium lini 433 Fusarium moniliforme 439 919 973 1195 1708 1808 Item Fusarium moniliforme subglutinans 1836 Fusarium niveum 1636 Fusarium orthoceras 89 393 902 Fusarium orthoceras lathyri 223 Fusarium oxysporum 391 421 475 1405 1598 Fusarium oxysporum cubense 88 1158 1423 2270 2332 Fusarium oxysporum gladioli 431 Fusarium perniciosum 391 Fusarium scirpi 443 Fusarium sesami 1546 Fusarium solani 1359 1552 1564 1746 Fusarium solani martii 1072 1746 Fusarium udum 1447 Fusarium vasinfectum 360 673 677 813 818 1201 1306 1478 1746 1866 2084 2213 2271 Fusarium wilt 1250 Fusicladium dendriticum 857 279 Ganoderma pseudo- ferreum 666 2298 Garlic. See Allium sativum. Genipa americana anthracnose 254 Geranium. See Pelargonium zonale, Gibberella saubinetti Ganoderma lucidum 522 Girasol. See Helianthus annuus. Gladiolus bulb rot 783 collar rot 1512 diseases Argentina 1328 1923 fungus diseases 431 scab 1273 Gloeocercospora sorghi 541 Gloeosporium 2002 Gloeosporium gloe- osporioides 1505 Gloeosporium limetticolum 227 Gloeosporium olivarum 1571 Glomerella 523 1912 Glomerella cingulata 459 Glomerella coffeicola 36 Glycine soja bacterial leaf spot 2204 mildew 714 Goldstargrass. See Hypoxis decumbens. Gossypium ’ angular leaf spot 62 309 512 812 982 1006 1700 anthracnose 12 577 811 blight 2320 crazy-top 1194 defoliation 534 disease resistance and resistant varieties 356 1091 1663 2072 2205 diseases Africa 1509 | Argentina 815 | Brazil | S4o Paulo 1459 India 2207 Java -841 Sudan 2085 | Uganda 993 | fungus diseases 360 476 915 1227 al internal boll disease 1585 | leaf curl 310 | leaf spot 770 A BIBLIOGRAPHY Item Gossypium--Cont. mosaic 586 589 physiological diseases 1207 1596 powdery mildew 1628 red leaf blight 651 1095 2039 root diseases 770 root rot 168 rust 810 1710 seed treatment 512 814 819 silvered leaf 816 small-leaf disease 2212 stem breaking 650 wilt 312 331 356 673 677 813 818 1008 1091 1201 1204 1250 1438 1478 1866 2084 2205 2271 Grain diseases Mexico ae Ur mist 540 2237 seed freatment 203 425 87 See also names of grains. Gram. See Cicer arietinum. Grape. See Vitis. Grapefruit. See Citrus paradisi. Grass pea. See Lathyrus sativus. Grasses ergot 1522 2119 fungus diseases 1342 rusts 634 See also names of grasses. | Grevillea diseases India 2080 leaf fall 879 Groundnut. See Arachis hypogaea. Haba. See Vicia faba; Phaseolus lunatus. Hapalophragmium pondorosum 2122 Hedges Uruguay 213 Helianthus annuus cottony rot 280 diseases Argentina 1930 fungus diseases 1359 kromnek disease 2312 leaf spot 307 Helianthus tuberosus | Argentina 1511 | Helicobasidium com- pactum 04 2277 Helminthosporium 90 1559 1649 1682 1914 _ Helminthosporium avenae 1787 | Helminthosporium | gramineum 1930 | Helminthosporium heveae 1165 i 2253 | Helminthosporium lycopersici 1918 H¢lminthosporium ocellum 2372 | Helminthosporium oryzae 484 | 892 1014 1650 |) Helminthosporium |) sacchari 1680 Helminthosporium sativum 109 1248 |) Helminthosporium turcicum 389 1645 Helvella 1573 ‘| Hemileia 2097 Hemileia canthii 2125 Hemileia coffeicola 1878 OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Item Hemileia vastatrix 469 470 533 1393 Hemileia wrightiae 1800 Henequen. See Agave fourcroydes. Heterodera marioni 395 1723 881 888 1013 1104 1230 1467-1477 1531 1534 1567 2018 Heterodera radicicola 1288 871 Heterosporium echinulatum 388 390 Hevea brasiliensis American leaf disease 1374 bark rot 823 bird’s eyespot disease 1165 brown bast 343 1012 1900 1950 2297 dieback 2027 disease resistance and resistant varieties 96 2029 diseases 1148 Belgian Congo 2051 Ceylon 1897 Indonesia 1040 Java 1026 Buitenzorg 1946 Malaya 171—173 177 1898 Mexico 1372 Uganda 997 fungicides 306 fungus diseases 305 306 2025 leaf blight 1371 leaf disease 1180 2253 mildew 175 358 961 1010 1513 ‘mouldy rot 805 806 1373 pink disease 1410 2305 powdery mildew 1899 Toot disease 97 216 615 2 666 802 804 809 1027 1105 1513 1514 1516 2026 2298 rots 1226 South American leaf blight 1211 2029 sunburn 2244 Hibiscus canabinus Java 1502 Hibiscus esculentus fungus diseases 139 mosaic 790 2214 pod spot 295 seedling bligiit 137 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis leaf spot 295 Hibiscus sabdariffa El Salvador 515 1835 Java 1502 Higuera. See Ficus. Hordeum vulgare disease resistance and resistant varieties 78 1933 1934 2226 diseases Brazil 1553 1557 fungus diseases 1559 leaf scald 1934 Powdery mildew 1933 2226 rust 2079 2236 smut 352 1432 2300 Hortalizas. See Vegetables. Hortela& pimenta. See Mentha Piperita, Host indexes 1004 1482 Host plants 632 Hyacinth bean. See Dolichos lablab. Hypolytrum Java 286 Hypoxis decumbens smut 2272 Item Tlex paraguariensis fungus diseases 1111 Immunity phenomena 1443 Inga 1589 Insecticides 145 408 Insects as carriers of plant diseases 762 943, 1217 1394 1633 2315 See also names of insects; and under names of hosts. Tpomoea batatas brown rot 908 fungus diseases 1001 virus diseases 1005 1577 wet rot 1223 Tpomoea muricata bacterial disease 1694 1701 Ipomoea pestigridis India 2262 Tris leaf spot 888 Isachne elegans fungus diseases 2251 Jackbean. See Canavalia ensifor mis. Jackfruit. See Artocarpus heterophyllus. Jamaica falsevalerian. See Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. Jasmine. See Jasminum malabaricum. Jasminum malabaricum rust 1664 Jassus indicus 1815 Jowar. See Sorghum vulgare. Juglans ‘‘mal de la tinta’’ 1745 Jujube. See Zizyphus oenoplea. Jute. See Corchorus; Corchorus capsularis. Kale. See Brassica oleracea acephala. Kerniomyces costi 2167 Kudzuvine. See Pueraria. Lactuca sativa bacterial leaf spot 1510 downy mildew 70 276 leaf spot 276 291 mildew 912 mosaic 1185 rot 1349 Lactuca virus 1 1185 Laestadia acerifera 836 Lagenaria vulgaris mosaic 400 Lang. See Lathyrus sativus. Laranja. See Citrus sinensis; Citrus aurantium. Lathyrus odoratus wilt 1072 Lathyrus sativus India 223 Lauraceae galls 243 Lead tree. See Leucaena glauca. Lechuga. See Lactuca sativa. Legislation 551 Legumes West Africa 1285 Lemon. See Citrus limon. Lens aae Urugua Lentif, See Lens. Lentinus lepideus 283 Leptosphaeria 680 Leptosphaeria salvinii 1020 Lettuce. See Lactuca sativa. Leucaena glauca Indonesia Leveillula taurica Ligustrum sinense leaf spot virus disease 1718 1801 2260 2260 73 Item Lilium candidum mosaic Lim4o. See Citrus limon. Lime. See Citrus auranti- folia. Limonero. See Citrus limon. Lino. See Linum usitatis- simum. Linseed. See Linum usitatis- simum, seed. Linum usitatissimum anthracnose 153 disease resistance and resistant varieties 330 356 880 1202 2229 diseases © Argentina 444 Peru 2381 fungus diseases 165 pasmo disease 1535 seed treatment 203 spasm disease 2386 rust 330 494 2223 2229 wilt 356 433 443 Lithraea caustica fungus diseases 1115 Lobelia trigona rust 2127 Loquat. See Eriobotrya japonica. Loranthus 1205 Lovegrass. See Eragrostis tenuifolia. Lupine. See Lupinus. Lupinus fungus diseases 436 1060 Lycopersicon esculentum bacterial diseases 456 715 1309 2147 big bud 5 2 blight 329 blossom-end rot 217 1673 canker 959 984 1523 curly top 190 disease resistance and resistant varieties 845 1034 1062 1171 1172 diseases Australia Queensland 4 7 Brazil 672 1554 British West Indies 129 Jamaica 1385 Peru 612 early blight 959 1147 fern leaf 691 fruit rot 1799 fungicides 5 fungus diseases 155 645 late blight 785 1377 2082 2318 leaf blight 1918 leaf curl 762 leaf mold 605 754 1415 leaf spot 94 572 696 1743 _ 1034 1555 1884 2020 mosaic 661 physiological disease 1731 powdery mildew 934 Southern blight 25 1157 spotted wilt 660 1171 1172 1681 streak disease 2293 virus diseases 575 592 761 1193 1738 1939 i 2292 wilt 1018 Maceira. See Malus pumila. Macrophomina phaseoli 2240 Macrosporium 553 2110 Macrosporium carotae 1254 Macrosporium porri 695 Maguey. See Agave fourcroydes. Mahogany. See Swietenia mahagoni; Swietenia macro- phylla. 74 Item Mainsia holwayii 1243 Mainsia imperialis 1243 Maize. See Zea mays. Malabar plum. See Syzygium jambos. Malus pumila abnormalities 413 bitter pit 1743 black rot 428 canker 427 2114 core rot 1316 2175 diseases Argentina 847 1329 2174 Colombia Antioquia 414 Boyaca 1587 Mexico 140 Southern Rhodesia 1074 fungus diseases 1242 leaf spots 854 little-leaf 2324 powdery mildew 1533 root rot 79 scab 511 857 1566 1769 stem-black disease 679 Malvaceae 1978 infectious chlorosis 1630 1968 mosaic 1643 Malvastrum coromandelianum mosaic 2256 Mamoéira. See Ricinus communis. Mandarin orange. See Citrus reticulata. Mandioca. See Manihot esculenta, Mangifera indica anthracnose 128 226 348 1269 2108 bacterial diseases 1695 1697 black tip 1824 diseases India 1519 Indonesia 1507 fungicides 128 injuries 1824 powdery mildew 2211 rots 791 1155 1691 scab 270 twig blight 1155 Mango. See Mangifera indica. Manguéira. See Mangifera indica. Mani. See Arachis hypogaea. Manihot esculenta 833 bacterial diseases 113 225 694 699 670 837 1724 disease resistance and resistant varieties 2382 diseases Brazil 671 722 1644 Madagascar 317 fungus diseases 685 718 721 991 2264 leaf spots 2269 mosaic 335 590 591 839 840 1615 1616 1974 2075 2077 2382 “rust 834 Superbudding disease 1967 witches’ broom 1967 Manihot utilissima. See Mani- hot esculenta. Manila hemp. See Musa textilis. Manuals 48 341 1063 1146 1337 1672 1709 1991 2008 Manzano. See Malus pumila, Maple. See Acer. Maranta arundinacea banded leaf blight 1796 Marasmius 1227 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 | Item Marasmius perniciosus 134 136 642 895 1764 1765 2285 Marasmius semiustus 1814 Marmeléiro. See Cydonia oblonga. Martinia panamaensis 2368 Masseeella narasimhanii 2123 Maté. See Ilex paraguariensis. Matsedge. See Cyperus angorei. atthiola Argentina 2099 Mauginia musae 1704 Medicago sativa disease resistance and resistant varieties 354 fungus diseases 2164 nematode diseases 353 354 1258 1794 wilt 665 Melampsora 1450 Melampsora albertensis 856 Melampsora allii- populina 1308 Melampsora larici- populina 856 1308 1925 2104 Melampsora lini 330 494 2223 Melampsora mundkuri 2127 Melanopsichium pennsyl- vanicum 1053 Melilotus anthracnose 555 Meliolineae 1009 Melocotonero. See Prunus persica. Melon. See Cucumis melo cantalupensis. Menta. See Mentha. Mentha rust : 76 Mentha rfiperita rust 711 Milho. See Zea mays. Mimosa Brazil 2268 Mint. See Mentha. Mistletoe. See Loranthus. Molds tere ilia cinerea Monilia cin 1586 Moncchaetia unicornis 152 Monterey Cypress. See Cupressus macrocarpa. Morningglory. See Ipomoea muricata; Ipomoea pesti- gridis. Morus alba root rot 1896 Mosaic diseases 1150 1893 2197 2347 See also under names of hosts. , Mucuna deeringiana. See Sti- zolobium deerinianum. Munj grass. See Saccharum sarc, Musa paradisiaca sapientum anthracnose 1998 bacterial diseases 474 545 678 1406 1879 2246 black end 1998 bunchy top 1668 chlorosis 544 disease resistance and resistant varieties 1668 diseases Brazil 668 669 1551 Colombia Bogota 2023 Magdalena 1383 Cuba 1442 Dominican Republic. 942 Guadaloupe 2327 Haiti 2327 Item Musa paradisiaca sapientum-- Cont. diseases--cont. Trinidad Uganda fungicides fungus diseases 751 989 466 2327 1007 1424 719 heart rot infectious chlorosis injuries leaf speckle leaf spot 37 38 41 56 65 495 647 1083 1107 1164 1218-1220 1425 1427 1429 1668 1741 1750 1953 1954 2001 2044 2046 2048 2056 2146 2259 2323 2329-2331 nematode diseases 556 Panama disease 88 1158 1214 1917 1943 2150 2270 2329 2336 root rot rots sigatoka disease 1427 1647 squirter disease 2004 stem end rot storage diseases 2330 virus diseases wilt 1143 1423 1424 2332 Musa sapientum. See Musa paradisiaca sapientum. Musa textilis bacterial wilt 1660 bunchy top 368 1601 1605 disease resistance and resistant varieties 368 1605 diseases 675 1139 Panama 1837 Philippine Republic 365 Davao 1597 1598 1834 dry sheath-rot 1814 mosaic 363 366 477 480 1601 1607 vascular disease 367 wilt 475 Mycosphaerella caryophyl- lata 1024 Mycosphaerella musicola 1219 220 Mycosphaerella venezuelensis 1440 Myriogenospora paspali 690 Myristica fragrans Java Myrtaceae Myzus persicae 2006 2281 2369 Nectarine. See Prunus persica nectarina. Nectria cancri Nectria erythroxyli- foliae Needlegrass. See Stipa neesiana. Nematode diseases 18 159 184 486 749 1230 1614 See also under names of hosts. Neoglaziovia variegata Brazil Neovossia horrida Nicotiana tabacum 1908 1909 2267 abnormal growths 338 bacterial wilt 1076 crooked top 824 curly top Nicotiana tabacum--Cont. damping-off 580 585 1517 1675 2101 disease resistance and resistant varieties 336 2154 diseases Argentina Ceylon Java Klaten Philippine Republic Puerto Rico 827 828 Southern Rhodesia Sumatra Medan Venezuela downy mildew ‘‘faixa das nervuras”’ frenching 593 frog eye 1674 fungus diseases 807 2152 injuries kromnek disease leaf curl 596 654 leaf spot 1073 marble leaf mildew mosaic 594 661 663 1948 1963 1965 1976 1977 1979 nematode diseases 395 root knot root parasites rosette disease 1078 slime disease 2342 2345 spotted wilt 336 337 825 streak vein banding virus diseases 573 597 761 1071 1237 1612 1961 2173 2369 wild fire wilt yellow patch row spot icotiana virus 1 595 16 1961 2173 2293 Nigrospora 2004 2005 Nogal. See Juglans. Nutgrass. See Cyperus rotundus, Nutmeg. See Myristica fragrans. Oat. See Avena. Oatgrass. See Arrherather- um elatius. Ocimum adscendens rust 2124 Odoiporus paganus 367 Oidiopsis taurica 1153 1801 Oidium 934 Oidium heveae 175 Oidium mangiferae 2211 Oidium tuckeri 733 Oilpalm. See Elaeis 4 guineensis. Okra. See Hibiscus esculentus. Olea europaea anthracnose 1571 knot 985 1572 1659 tuberculosis 448 Olive. See Olea europaea. Olivo. See Olea europaea. Olpidium uredinis 2125 Omphalia flavida 22 31 449 784 870 1154 1456 1902 1903 1989 2215 2360 A BIBLIOGRAPHY “Ge 4 OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Item Item Item Onion. See Allium cepa. Passionflower. See Passi- Phoma lingam 272 Oospora citri-aurantii 1908 flora; Passiflora edulis. Phoma persicae _- 419 Operculella padwickii 1169 Patata. See Solanum Phomopsis 947 1112 1910 Ophiobolus graminis 109 sure aine Phomopsis cinerascensi 0a 1539 1579 each. Prunus persica. AEA Opuntia We Peanut. See Arachis Bremepsrs cltri 260 1832 | Hawaii 1 hypogaea. ‘ : | Orange, sour. See Citrus Pearlmillet. See Pennisetum Erneeee never’ ae aurantium. glaucum. ; Orange, sweet. See Citrus Pecan. See Carya illinoensis. Ehycomycetes 139 1890 sinensis. Peceguéiro. See Prunus DROME eee He 2281 Orange, trifoliate. See persica. Pholing oe salmonii 928 Poncirus trifoliata. Pelargonium zonale DRO TIBeHGES eehini 879 Orchid ring spot 1995 yllosticta antirrhini 291 pecterial diseases waco eae Hlamentosa 1796 Phyllosticta caricae- diseases Pellicularia koleroga 1858 BR anna rE Puerto Rico 1166 Penicillium ISTO We eeEER oie ze rust 1772 Penicillium notatum CLs nace che a alte 0 virus disease 1575 Penicillium viridicatum 1358 pelt crates um nen namental plants Pennisetum glaucum Benlorosis 7 54 rust 1806 Bhysa los Pere ey donee re diseases top-rot 1808 yealoepora obtusa 7 Argentina 342 Pennisetum purpureum Phythiopsi 1670 nematode diseases 1255 eye-spot 1680 Phythiopsis Orobanche 1205 fungus diseases 1682 Eby tun arrhenomanes 2166 Oryza sativa Pennisetum typhoideum. See 5 ytomonas ili 833 blast 935 996 1340 Pennisetum glaucum. ee hytomonas albilineans 84 brown spot 484 Pentalonia nigronervosa : eeacnp=cadang 1705 Pepper. See Piper; Ehytomonas calpesttis ee chlorosis 20 Capsicum. ytomonas leptovasorunt-+4595 disease resistance and Peppermint. See Mentha Phytomonas malvacearum 982 resistant varieties 1844 piperita. ~_ Phytomonas manihotis 225 Pereginus maidis 496 655 837 diseases 2222 Phytomonas medicarginis 1736 Africa 498 Peronospora 1241 Phytomonas medicaginis Colombia 196 Peronospora manshurica 714 phaseolicola 310 India 1913 1927 Peronospora nicotiana 932 Phytomonas phaseoli Madagascar 318 Peronospora sparsa 1727 Sojense Nic 2204 Philippine Republic 1426 Peronospora viticola 733 Phytomonas rubrilineans 379 1848 Persea americana 970 1627 West Africa 1284 anthracnose 64 2337 Phytomonas rubrisubaldi- dwarf disease 16 dieback 143 cans 379 fungus diseases 892 1014 diseases Phytomonas savastanoi 985 1638 1650 2166 Panama 941 1659 kernel disease 1652 Peru Phytomonas sepedonica 2115 ‘‘lawis’’ disease 1847 Chanchamayo 1249 Phytomonas solanacearum 716 leaf gall 15 fungus diseases 239 2337 1187 1560 nematode disease 1467 scab 69 698 1122 1236 Phytomonas tabaci 983 ‘‘palay lalake’’ 1847 _tipburn 161 Phytomonas tumefaciens 426 ‘¢Pan-sukh’’ disease 649 Persea gratissima 918 rust 1687 Persimmon. See Diospyros— Phytomonas vascularum 1640 sclerotial disease 1020 kaki. Phytomonas vesicatora 984 seed spot 1336 Péssegueiro. See Prunus Phytophthora 344 345 501 seed treatment 144 1914 persica. 509 606 610 611 smut 526 1952 Pestalozzia 1251 2095 613 777 823 866 stem rot 1844 1849 Pestalozzia palmarum 525 867 954 1422 1891 Ovularia viciae 1928 Petunia hybrida 2014 2025 2136 2309 Ovulariopsis gossypii 1628 _ blight 2362 Phytophthora arecae 2208 Phaseolus Phytophthora boehmeriae 860 Paddy. See Oryza sativa. blight 1736 Phytophthora cactorum 1242 Palmae 60 disease resistance and Phytophthora cambivora 1809 Palmeira. See Palmae and resistant varieties 844 846 Dhytophthora capsici 432 names of palms. diseases 359 933 1307 1747 Palms. See Palmae and names Madagascar 321 Phytophthora citrophthora 73 of palms. Mauritius 1771 861 1745 2102 Palmyra palm. See Borassus fungus disease 2321 Phytophthora faberi 301 902 flabellifer, = halo spot 2310, Phytophthora infestans 200 Palto. See Persea americana. mosaic 402 574 1608 2319 406 429 539 734 Pan, See Piper betle. rust 844 846 1684 1685 748 785 843 931 Panicum virus diseases 659 1033 1173 1453 1537 smut 1059 Phaseolus limates ies 1548 1574 1609 1778 = ati ago4, Phaseolus radiatie 1 Phytophthors areca eaf spo : ffs, See Solanum Phaseolus vulgaris SAT aaa | Papaw (Carica), See anthracngse 1s6p 1872 350 543 863 1795 Carica papaya. Pectoral uugne 2208 1799 1840 1895 Parasitic plants. See names of diseases Phytophthora parasitica 106 sae — Venezuela 1493 441 Parasitic plants. aenie 1962 124 ae ua ae Efoodiness” i 1527) prekernseases use. 1683 1840 1880 1906 P atl ae ad 1; BSEASE Phenax sonneratii 2390 EE eotinasees diewaee 1540 Bete ke ERIS pead Phytophthora parasitica Passiflora laurifolia ieee spot 999 Ricotiana Ns 2152 Chile Briana 164 11 Phytophthora parasitica Ay, ~ El Palqui 1636 phoma citricarpa 455 1911. Piperina 7 75 Item Piedraia hortai 2276 Pigeonpea. See Cajanus cajan. Pimenta officinalis rust Pimento. See Capsicum. Pimiento. See Capsicum. Pifia. See Ananas comosus. Pine. See Pinus. : Pineapple. See Ananas 1276 comosus. Pino. See Pinus. Pinus damping -off 868 fungus diseases 198 rust 1142 Piper fungus diseases 155 leaf spot 101 Piper betle bacterial leaf spot 105 foot rot 106 1282 powdery mildew 2210 root rot 527 tipburn 107 Piper nigrum anthracnose 2133 2288 Piricularia oryzae 935 996 1014 1340 Pitéira. See Furcraea ieee lacostroma diplothemi 689 Plant diseases 195 236 557 832 1094 1146 1337 1357 1520 1542 1543 1831 1991 2055 Africa 1877 2073 2074 Antilles 561 Argentina 255 438 450 858 1317 1318 1322 1323 1330 1335 1337 1353 1355 1749 1791 1842 2391 Santa Fé 1944 Tucumdan 2184 Australia 183 Queensland 6 1035 1272 2003 Barbados 151 Belgian Congo 1031 1100 2066 2069 Bolivia 334 404 904 Brazil 230 231 256 261 264 453 674 688 930 946 951 952 968 1556 1558 1562 1565 1729 1777 1781 1994 Minas Geraes 1491 Pernambuco 160 394 1262 1267 S40 Paulo 396 1228 British Guiana 339 551 Ceylon 292 482 485 789 1672 Chili 1480 1484 Colombia 1407 1594 Costa Rica 598 1455 Cuba 55 Dominica 682 East Africa 463 467 468 535 536 730 1532 2307 2315 Ecuador 1448 1449 1873 El Salvador 2062 2064 2354 2356 Federated Malay States 780 Fiji Islands 1666 Gold Coast 637 939 Guatemala 1145 Hawaii ‘4 1614 1648 1678 India 357 493 1081 1386 1915 2024 2132 2206 Assam 98 Bengal 188 Bombay 288 1152 Burma 355 76 Item Plant diseases--Cont. India--cont. Central Provinces and Berar 481 Madras 1280 2087 Mysore 21 1515 Travencore 2171 Indonesia 960 Jamaica 732 1106 1215 1380 Java 566 1177 Kenya 1160 1536 Latin America 1496 bibliography 1642 Madagascar 316 320 324 653 Malaya 2140 Mauritius 1391 1957 2377 Mexico 5 1811 1875 2049 Mozambique 410 457 1479 New Guinea 1568 Nigeria 2366 Peru 163 604 613 910 1038 1715 2238 ‘ Lima 1238 Philippine Republic 549 550 1426 1721 1722 Puerto Rico 562 1774-1776 Réunion 32302020 Rhodesia 1071 1075 Sierra Leone 1959 South America 1125 Southern Rhodesia 154 1066 1067 1069 1852 Sudan 311 313 Sumatra 1039 1041 Tanganyika 2096 2313 2316 2317 Trinidad 127 2176 Uganda 1007 2169 2193 Uruguay 204 209 746 975 2217 Venezuela 1498 Falcon 2094 West Indies 122 551 climatic factors 1233 environmental condi- tions 789 2068 laboratory methods 1822 legislation 1092 1093 2139 names and terminology 416 417 1818 Plant pathology. See Plant diseases. Plant protection 499 Platano. See Musa paradisia- ca sapientum. Plasmodiophora brassicae 185 2015 Plasmodiophora vitis Plasmopora viticola 74 733 440 646 977 1434 2163 2291 Platycyamus regenellii Brazil 2279 Pleophragmia manihoti- cola 2276 Pleospora hesperidearum 1908 Plum. See Prunus domestica. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 Item Poplar. See Populus. Populus canker 1929 disease resistance and resistant varieties 1450 leaf spot 1925 rust 856 1308 1450 1925 2104 Poria hypobrunnea Poria hypolateritia Poroto. See Phaseolus. Potato. See Solanum 216 882 tuberosum. Potato mottle virus 1613 Powdery mildews 852 Pricklypear. See Opuntia. Privet. See Ligustrum sinense, Protalebra tabebuiae Prunus amygdalus dieback fungus diseases Prunus domestica black spot brown rot fungus diseases Prunus persica 565 1112 928 1472 853 1111 blight 1790 brown rot 167 442 720 853 dieback 419 1112 diseases Bolivia 2220 Colombia Boyaca 1587 gummosis 201 205 207 leaf curl 447 504 703 1742 1790 1924 mildew 507 850 906 909 root knot 1567 rot 430 scab 720 848 Prunus persica nectarina leaf curl Pseudococcus comstocki Pseudococcus exitiabilis Pseudococcus njalensis Pseudomonas campestre 1213 Pseudomonas malvacearum 62 Pseudomonas mangiferae- indicae 1695 Pseudomonas marginalis Pseudomonas marginata Pseudomonas savastanoi Pseudomonas solanacea- rum 2342 2344 Psittacanthus calyculatus Puccinia 634 Puccinia caniculata Puccinia carthami Puccinia chrysanthemi Puccinia droogensis Puccinia erythroxyli Puccinia glumarum 2079 2227 2218 944 981 981 272 1697 1510 1512 1572 2345 2200 1244 473 472 1488 2128 2267 2112 797 2231 1843 2224 Puccinia graminis 735 Puccinia graminis avenae Puccinia graminis tritici 1876 2049 2112 Plum, Malabar. See Syzygium 2225 2230 2232 2235 jambos. 2299 2301 Plumegrass. See Erianthus. Puccinia immensispora 1163 Podocarpus Puccinia kuehnii 1654 Brazil 85 Puccinia leiocarpum 2124 Poinsettia, See Euphorbia Puccinia liabicola 1163 pulcherrima. Puccinia maydis 1584 1645 Poliporos 1854 Puccinia menthae 76 07D Polygonum pennsylvanicum Puccinia palerceus 1645 smut 1053 Puccinia penniseti 1806 Polyporaceae 150 1854 2168 Puccinia psidii 1138 1276 Polyporus cinnabarinus 1431 ae 1947 Polyporus sapurema 719 2273 Puccinia rubigo-vera Polystictus 1853 tritici ; 2233 Polystictus versicolor 283 Puccinia sorghi 2228 Poncirus trifoliata Puccinia tritici 757 1216 Argentina 724 2234 2235 Puccinia triticina 2301 \ Item Pueraria angular leaf spot 2116 Pummelo. See Citrus grandis. Pyrenochaeta sacchari 262 Pyrethrum wilt 1809 Pythium 914 1846 2309 Pythium aphanidermatum 221 Pythium complectens 2143 Pythium debaryanum 1408 1803 1921 139 Queirozia turbinata 2279 Quina. See Cinchona. . Quince. See Cydonia oblonga. Pythium hyphalosticton Pythium indicum Ragi. See Eleusine coracana. Ragimillet. See Eleusine coracana, Ramichloridium musae 2043 Rasamala. See Altingia excelsa, Redpepper. See Capsicum. Repollo. See Brassica oleracea capitata. Rescuegrass. See Bromus catharticus. Rhinotrichum griseoroseum 1346 Rhizoctonia 529 718 914 1151 1279 1487 1653 2164 Rhizoctonia corocorum 1354 Rhizoctonia solani 17 580 1180 1354 1809 2166 Rhizopus 1670 Rhizopus artocarpi 530 Rhizopus nigricans 721 Rhododendron indicum gall 1826 Rhynchosporium secalis 78 1934 Rice. See Oryza sativa. Ricinus communis bacterial disease 1135 fungus diseases 89 91 393 powdery mildew 1801 Rigidoporus microporus 1027 Root diseases 1272 1993 names of hosts. Root knot 1013 1477 1531 2018 Rosa anthracnose 885 bibliographies 186 187 cane blight 889 diseases 187 Argentina 971 1319 downy mildew 1727 fungus diseases 1111 gray rot 1313 mosaic 1188 1189 powdery mildew 886 Rose. See Rosa. Roséira. See Rosa. Roselle. See Hibiscus sabdariffa. Rosellinia 34 57 418 2278 2339 Rosellinia bunodes 2199 Rosellinia necatrix 79 1352 Rosellinia pepo 1589 Rostrella 514 Rostrella coffeae 1859 Royalpalm. See Roystonea. Roystonea bud rot 1620 Rubbertree, See Hevea brasiliensis. Rue. See Ruta. Ruga verrucosans distans 189 Rusts 2231 2233 2234 2301 South America : 2079 See also under names of hosts. Ruta ring spot 1973 Rye. See Secale cereale. Saccharum arundinaceum India Saccharum munja. See Saccharum sarc. Saccharum officinarum bacterial diseases 1084 chlorotic streak 14 420 725 1085 1364 disease resistance and re- 1654 Sistant varieties 377 625 628 1174 1368 1451 2057-2059 diseases 82 86 Argentina 617 Australia 183 Queensland 1086 1784 2052 Brazil 235 238 377 392 Bahia 373 Pernambuco 1725 S4o Paulo 83 Colombia Valle de Ctcuta 1629 Cuba 333 347 1940 Guatemala 1646 Hawaii 304 1016 1363 1367 2061 Indonesia 287 Madagascar 319 Mauritius 2374 2379 Panama 1588 Philippine Republic 1604 Puerto Rico 1580 Trinidad 1093 Uganda 1000 downy mildew 178 179 1224 droopy top 2053 dry top rot 559 563 dwarf disease 1264 ergot 2121 eyespot 2372 Fiji disease 180 1174 1175 1365 1366 1600 1606 fungicides 1088 2245 fungus diseases 346 439 963 1088 1654 gumming disease 1622 1956 2057 2059 2060 gummosis 1621 1640 1783 injuries 369 leaf roll 690 leaf scald 83 84 87 1087 1618 1621 1941 2303 2304 leaf spot 262 1653 mosaic 83 181 191 308 340 351 371 376 378 380 488— 490 738 739 1225 1259 1384 1401 1404 1435 1436 1451 1476 1586 1730 2058 2241 2242 2263 Pineapple disease 182 560 red rot 741 1168 1732 1787 2375 red stripe 379 970 1627 root diseases 962 1019 1669 1713 1730 1786 1803 seed treatment 1364 sereh disease 742 smut 68 374 375 616 618 —628 758 —760 764 765 829 869 976 1044 1046 1082 1196 1197 1222 1277 1635 1788 1941 2378 top-rot 1808 2223-2225 2228 2230 — A BIBLIOGRAPHY Item Saccharum officinarum-- Cont. . twisted top 1195 virus diseases wilt 740 741 1168 Saccharum sarc Smut Safflower. See Carthamus tinctorius. 1708 1610 2083 1167 Salix Argentina 974 Sandalwood. See Santalum. Sandia. See Passiflora laurifolia. Santalum spike disease 1102 1103 1815 1817 2040 Schiffnerula paraparensis 2167 Schizophylum commune 1654 Sclerospora javanica 2070 Sclerospora maydis 1841 2070 Sclerospora sacchari178 179 1224 Sclerospora sorghi 1696 Sclerotinia 280 Sclerotinia cinerea 442 1720 Sclerotinia fruticola 167 853 Sclerotinia minor 1349 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 165 1930 2321 Sclerotium 476 seer onium ceplvorum 103 Sclerotium delphinii 1883 Sclerotium oryzae 1844 1849 2166 Sclerotium rolfsii 90 213 538 601 1495a 1850 1992 2252 Scutia myrtina scab 1119 Secale cereale blight 522 Seed tcatment 23 362 570 823 See also under names of hosts. Septobasidium albidum 242 1499 Septobasidium castaneum draconiana 2283 Septobasidium caveniae 1331 Septobasidium guaraniticum 1331 1339 Septobasidium lepidosaphis 1499 Septobasidium pseudo- pedicellatum 1343 1499 2274 Septobasidium saccardin- um 2275 Septoidium didymo- panacis 2267 Septoria 276 1301 2386 Septoria apii 568 1108 1489 Septoria apii-graveolentis 568 1108 1489 1641 1748 Septoria cercidis 1344 Septoria citri 1869 Septoria dianthii 887 Septoria drummondii 290 Septoria gaillardiae 1344 Septoria lactucae 291 Septoria leucanthemi 1344 Septoria lycopersici 94 572 696 743 1555 1884 2020 Septoria musciva 1929 Septoria nodorum 78 Septoria obesa 1255 Septoria populi 1930 Septoria tritici 78 Sesame. See Sesamum. Sesamum fungus diseases 1413 stem canker 610 white spot OF PLANT PATHOLOGY IN THE TROPICS AND IN LATIN AMERICA Sesamum indicum blight diseases Uganda fungus diseases Sesamum orientale. See Sesamum indicum. Sida infectious chlorosis Sida rhombifolia infectious chlorosis Simsim. See Sesamum orientale. Sisal hemp. See Agave sisalana, Item 520 998 1546 1978 1633 Snapdragon. See Antirrhinum majus. Soja. See Glycine soja. Solanceae brown rot 1157 virus diseases 576 Solanum melongena bacterial wilt 1676 disease resistance and resistant varieties 1676 fungus diseases 794 1661 1773 1840 leaf spot 1651 little leaf 2131 rust 1806 Solanum tuberosum bacterial diseases 715 1780 bacterial ring rot 2115 bacterial spot 456 black leg 1190 black scurf 2000 brown rot 25 716 1187 1530 1560 bud wilt 1312 canker 1428 diseases Argentina Buenos Aires 1433 Mendoza 1744 Brazil 583 676 684 Chile 1481 1485 Colombia 893 Costa Rica 1412 1414 Java 1503 1504 Mexico 2287 Panama 1378 Peru Aija 1252 early blight 220 1870 2159 fungicides 59 2000 2157 fungus diseases 748 1354 1405 1487 1609 2157 2221 late blight 200 406 429 931 1033 1173 1453 1537 1538 1548 1574 1779 1951 2311 leaf roll 656 793 legislation 1428 mildew 734 1416 2162 ‘necrose das nervuras”’ 1631 nematode diseases 303 1534 powdery scab 1490 1874 ring rot 1529 root knot 1871 rot 539 1495a scab 800 2000 seed treatment 2000 2165 silver scurf 1192 top-necrosis 581 1613 virus diseases 169 170 581 662 664 1767 924 1182 1191 1576 1632 1714 1964 1966 1969 1972 1982 1985 1986 wart diseases 753 1229 wilt 506 1495a 1688 Solanum virus 1 1613 2293 Sopubia delphinifolia 1206 1495 Sorghum. See Sorghum vulgare. Item Sorghum sudanensis. See Sorghum vulgare sudanensis. Sorghum vulgare diseases Uganda 999 ergot 1798 1804 leaf diseases 541 1471 root parasites 683 1206 smut 102 1471 top-rot 1808 virus diseases 496 Sorghum vulgare durra smut fungicides 1203 Sorghum vulgare sudanensis smut 1054 Sorosphaera vascularum 563 Sorosporium reilanum 2013 Sour orange. See Citrus aurantium. Soybean. See Glycine soja. Sphacelia sorghi 102 1798 Sphaceloma 252 253 1116 1125 1127 1129 1130 1804 2118 Sphaceloma arachidis 588 Sphaceloma australis 1409 1945 Sphaceloma fawcettii 120 121 445 Sphaceloma genipae 254 Sphaceloma murrayae 974 Sphaceloma perseae 69 698 1122 1236 Sphaceloma rosarum 885 Sphaceloma terminalia 254 Sphaceloma theae 1117 Sphacelotheca 1055 Sphacelotheca schwein- furthiana 1167 Sphaerella linorum 1535 Sphaeronema fimbriatum 908 Sphaeropsis tumefaciens 1212 Sphaerostilbe repens 132 Sphaerotheca panosa 886 Sphaerotheca pannosa ersicae 507 906 picariopsis tropicale 1024 Spondylocladium atrovirens 1192 Spongospora subterranea 1490 1874 Spotted wilt virus 1681 Spraying equipment 1538 Squash. See Cucurbita maxima. Stachylidium theobroma 675 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis virus diseases 1256 Stalagmites tumefaciens 2280 Stapelia variegata bacterial soft rot 1862 Stemphylium solani 1034 Stephanoderes hampei 1903 Stigmatomycoses 2072 Stilbella flavida. See Omphalia flavida. Stilbum flavidum. See Omphalia flavida. Stipa neesiana smut 1051 Stizolobium deeringianum mosaic 376 Stock. See Matthiola. Strawberry. See Fragaria. Striga 683 1205 2041 2117 Striga lutea 141 Striga orobanchoides 332 Sudangrass. See Sorghum vulgare sudanensis. Sugar beet. See Beta vulgaris. Sugarcane. See Saccharum officinarum. Sugarcane leaf hopper. See Perkinsiella saccharicida. ne. 17 Item Sunflower. See Helianthus an- nuus; Helianthus tuberosus. Sunn crotalaria. See Crotalaria juncea. Sunn hemp. See Crotalaria juncea. Sweet orange. See Citrus sinensis. Sweetclover. See Melilotus. Sweetpea. See Lathyrus odoratus. Sweetpotato. See Ipomoea batatas. Swietenia macrophylla nursery wilt 1883 seedling blight 50 Synchytrium endobioticum 753 1229 Syzygium jambos rust 1947 Tabaco. See Nicotiana tabacum. Tabebuia witches’ broom Tabebuia pallida witches’ broom Tamarisco. See Tamarix gallica. Tamarisk. See Tamarix gallica. Tamarix gallica canker Taphrina deformans 447 703 1742 1924 Tasselflower. See Emilia; Emilia scabra. 542 565 859 504 Tea. See Camellia sinensis. Tenuipalpus pseudo- cuneatus 2260 2261 Tephrosia root knot 881 Terminalia catappa scab 254 Theobroma cacao bibliography 1569 black pod disease 2365 black rot 327 brown rot 302 canker 326 902 dieback 2295 2296 diseases Brazil 298 301 1988 Bahia 1885 Colombia 894 898 899 1029 1245 Costa Rica 1101 Ecuador 2363 Manabi 1582 Gold Coast 939 2091 Surinam 2045 Trinidad 751 1916 2144 Venezuela 28 80 1281 1709 Paria Peninsula 1757 fungus diseases 297 1239 leaf scorch 1011 nematode diseases 53 Physiological diseases 1090 Swollen shoot 29 142 328 361 497 552 554 638 750 980 981 986 1292 1293 1402 1441 1452 1754-1756 1759 1760 1763 2028 2092 2296 2367 virus diseases 118 126 547 548 630 1753 1761 2145 wilt 543 witches’ broom 134 136 642 895 1764-1768 2285 Thielaviopsis 1274 Thielaviopsis basicola 168 718 Item Thielaviopsis paradoxa 60 386 560 1444 1461 Thrips tabaci 1919 Thysanolaena maxima bacterial diseases 1626 Thysanoptera 1920 Tickclover. See Desmodium diffusum; Desmodium gangeticum. Tigergrass. See Thysanolaena maxima. Tilletia 1045 1056 1390 2158 Tilletia hyalospora cuscoensis 1057 Tobacco. See Nicotiana tabacum. Tobacco-mosaic virus 1962 Toddalia scab 1121 Tolediella fusispora 2281 Tomate. See Lycopersicon esculentum. Tomateiro. See Lycopersicon esculentum. Tomato. See Lycopersicon esculentum. Tomentella bambusina 2282 Toronja. See Citrus paradisi. Torulopsis conglobata minima 466 Torulopsis musarum 466 Trees disease resistance and resistant varieties 2149 diseases 197 fungus diseases 1289 2149a injuries 2100 2196 root rots 1289 2071 See also names of trees. Treetomato. See Cyphomandra betacea. Tremoceiro. See Lypinus. Trichoconis padwickii 1652 Trifoliate orange. See Pon- cirus trifoliata. Trigo. See Triticum vulgare. Triticum vulgare disease resistance and resistant varieties 177 78 356 1390 1987 2098 2227 diseases Argetina 424 1301 Uruguay 958 fungicii es 2158 mildew 537 physiological diseases 1656 root rot rust 108 356 465 532 735) 2757 TOT EOL, 1131 1216 1460 1686 1843 1876 1987 2049 2098 2112 2224 2225 2227 2230 2232-2235 2299 2301 scab 446 seed treatment 796 1578 1686 smut 407 745 972 1028 1045 1248 -1360 1390 1398 1712 2158 2371 take-all disease 109 1539. 1579 Item Tritirachium 1550 -Tuderculina 2129 Tulip. See Tulipa. Tuwipa Argentina 387 1328 fire disease Tulipdn. See Tulipa. Tungoiltree. See Aleurites fordii; Aleurites montana. Turnip. See Brassica rapa. Tyienchus coffeae 803 1717 Tylenchus pratensis 808 Tylenchulus semipenetrans 233 1311 271 451 452 855 979 1341 1350 1351 Uncinula necator 1938 Uredinales 409 632 633 635 681 1162 1163 1778 Uredineae 1243 Uredinella spinulosa 602 Uredo imperialis 1243 Urocystis 1049 Urocystis hypoxidis 2272 Uromyces 1244 Uromyces hobsoni 2126 2129 Uramyces manihotus 834 Uromyces phaseoli pice 1684 Ustilaginales 2192 2395 Usiilaginoidea virens 1952 Ustilago 3 1055 Ustilago bromivora 194 Usiilago chacoénsis 1058 Ustilago hordei 352 1432 2300 Ustilago jacksonii 1052 Ustilago maydis. See Usiilago zeae. Ustilago microthelis 1047 Ustilago nuda 352 Ustilago perennans 1677 Ustilago rottboelliae 1052 Ustilago sacchari 759 760 Ust}lago scitaminea 68 374 375 618 620 622 758 765 829 1044 1046 1082 1196 1222 1635 1788 Ustiiago spegazzinii 1051 Ustilago tritici 972 Ustilago zeae 1042 1048 1388 | 2013 Varilla. See Vanilla plenifolia. Vanilla planifolia fungus diseases 314 Vegetables bacterial soft rot 2306 cottony rot 280 diseases australia _Queensland 1272 Brazil 1830 Hawaii BIBLIOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN NO. 14 Item Venturia inaequalis 511 1566 Verticillium 331 1008 Verticillium albo-atrum 423 1486 2271 Verticillium diseases 1486 Verticillium wilt 1250 Vetch. See Vicia sativa. Vicia faba brown spot 1109 diseases Peru 164 Vicia sativa leaf blight 1928 stem blight 1928 Vid. See Vitis. Vidéira. See Vitis. Vigna catjang mosaic Vigna sinensis 401 disease resistance and resistant varieties 2201 diseases Venezuela 1493 root rot 2201 Virus diseases 294 328 492 564 576 641 788 1063 1198 1217 1261 1602 1735 1782 1919 1968 1980 1990 2008 2078 2172 hosts 578 654 1920 See also under names of hosts. Virus X 169 1982 Virus Y 1577 1632 1986 Vitis anthracnose 503 713 763 1114 1123 1128 1454 1812 1937 2105 2392 California grape disease 2289 diseases Brazil Chile Urugua Gown lca 440 940 1434 1789 2163 fungicides 1097 fungus diseases 1454 1473 gray rot powdery mildew 977 978 1740 1789 virus diseases 702 «#717 1098 152 571 646 1454 1740 2291 1789 2291 733 1278 1813 927 1313 502 571 1097 1434 1938 2294 Walnut. See Juglans. Water hyacinth. See Eichhornia crassipes. Watermelon. See Passi- flora laurifolia. Wheat. See Triticum. Whitepalm. See Dictyosperma album. Willow. See Salix. 1679 Witchgrass. See Panicum. Yuerto Rico 48 49 51 Witchweed. See Striga South Pacific 2009 orobanchoides. ‘trinidad 2151 Wood seed treatment 2021 rots 966 1369 1431 virus diseases 1181 Wood decay 795 names of vegetables. Velvetbean. See Stizolobium deeringianum. Item Weodsdestroying fungi 150 83 Wood preservation 283 Wrightia tinctoria rust 1800 Wrightia tomentosa rust 1800 Xanthomonas campestris 454 2155 Xanthomonas desmodii 1698 Xanthomonas desmodii- gangeticii 1690 1699 Xanthomonas malvacearum 309 1700 Xanthomonas nigromaculans zinniae 1065 Xanthomonas phaseoli indicus 2203 Xanthomonas phaseoli sojense 1693 Xanthomonas pruni 1472 Xanthomonas solana- cearum 456 1530 2147 Xanthomonas uppalii1694 1701 Xanthomonas vasculorum 1619 1620 Xanthosoma sagittaefolium root rot 1758 1955 Xanthosoma sagittifolium. See Xanthosoma sagittae- folium. Yam. See Dioscorea sativa. Yautia malanga. See Xantho- soma Sagittaefolium. Yellow-spot virus 1681 Zantedeschia aethiopica Argentina 1110 Zapallo, See Cucurbita maxima. Zea mays bacterial wilt 736 1583 1584 diseases Argentina 1810 Africa 498 Brazil 687 1557 Costa Rica 2357 Philippine Islands 1845 Uganda 995 downy mildew 32 fermented maize ears 1302 fungus diseases 389 1070 1696 1841 2070 grain disease 1358 leaf gall 15 mold 1338 rots 973 2286 rust 1584 2228 seed treatment 2284 sigatoka disease 1645 smut 1042 1048 2013 stalk rot 1846 streak disease 2076 “‘verdin”’ 1358 virus diseases 2222 white streak 655 1497 Zinnia elegans bacterial leaf disease 1065 flower disease 1065 Zizyphus oenoplea rust 1802 { i