^A-7 SWEDOCUMENTS /fJC THE MONTANA STATE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY SIXTH BIENNIAL REPORT 1925 ' 1926 THE MONTANA STATE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY SIXTH BIENNIAL REPORT 1925 - 1926 (No report was issued for the biennium 1923-1924) MONTANA STATE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY W. F. COGSWELL, M. D^ Secretary State Boaid of Health, Chairman, Helena, Montana W. J. BUTLER, D. V. S^ State Veterinary Surgeon, Member, Helena, Montana E, A. COOLEY, B. Sc, State Entomologist, Secretary, Bozeman, Montana LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Bozeman, Mont., December 15, 1926 To His Excellency, J. E. Erickson Governor of Montana Helena, Mont. Sir: In behalf of the Montana State Board of Entomology it gives me pleasure to transmit to you the Sixth Report which covers the years from 1923 to 1926, inclusive, no re- port having been issued in 1925. The work of this Board began in the year 1913 and has been continuous since that year. The primary object in passing the law which crea.ted this Board was to provide for the investigation and control of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, though the study of any insect borne diseases of man and domestic animals was authorized. From the first. Spotted Fever has been almost the only subject studied. The problem has turned out to be a long and difficult one. There was very little known in medical science or in entomology to guide and aid us, and we have been obliged to make advances into the unknown in any progress we have made. It has been the policy of the Board to enlist the cooper- ation of any agencies that might aid and we have had the assistance of various agencies, including the U. S. Public Health Service, the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, the U. S. Biological Survey, the U. S. Forestry Service, the Rocke- feller Foundation for Medical Research, and Harvard Uni- versity, all of which have rendered valuable assistance. In the nature of the case, there has been much that the State of Montana has had to do and in the future the State will be obliged to take an active part if the problem is to be successfully completed. We are pleased to report progress which may best be appreciated by a reading of the report. Very respectfully, R. A. COOLEY, Secretary. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from IVIontana State Library http://www.archive.org/details/biennialre19251926mont SIXTH BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY by R. A. Cooley, Secretary The State Board of Entomology is made up of the following state officers, who are ex-officio members; the Secretary of the State Board of Health, the State Veterinary Surgeon, and the State Entomologist. There has been no change in the personnel of the Board since it was first established in 1913. This fact has done much to make for continuity and effectiveness in the labors of the member- ship. The Board was organized primarily for the investi- gation of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and for puttmg into effect such control measures as the investigations might uncover. Time has shown that the form of organization was an effective one, for the expert services of specialists and the organized official forces of the State have been brought to bear on the problem. At the outset it was seen that the solution of the problem must involve medical science, the health and control of domestic animals, and service in the field of the entomologist. All of these are covered in the organization and without the expense to the State of personal compensation, excepting for employees of the Board. Formerly the Board employed Doctor R. R. Parker as Assistant Entomologist and valuable work was done by him. However, when in 1921 a sharp increase in the number of cases occurred in Western Montana, and when at the same time it became evident that the disease was getting closer to certain large centers of population in western Montana, the United States Public Health Service was called upon for assistance, and at this time Dr. Parker was transferred to the United States government pay roll. He is now an em- ployee of the Public Health Service but, being stationed in Montana under the present plan of cooperation, we still have the benefit of his wide knowledge of the work. In 1924 Mr. F, J. O'Donnell was employed to conduct the tick control work of the Board which involves rodent destruction and the dipping of livestock. Mr. O'DonneH has become a very valuable aid in the work. He has supervision of all of the control districts and all of the employees of the State, conducts the cooperative work with the County of- ficers and is generally in charge for the State. Cooperation Since 1921 the work at the Hamilton laboratory has been conducted under an informal plan of cooperation be- tween the State and the United States Public Health Service 6 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT which will be continued indefinitely, so for as we are now informed. Doctor R. R. Spencer, Surgeon, is in charge for the United States, and Doctor Parker is closely associated with him. A number of important publications eminating from this work have been published from Washington by the Public Health Service under the joint authorship of Doctors Spencer and Parker. Owing to the form of organization, it is impossible to state just how much money the U. S. government is allot- ting to this work, but the sum is nearly twice the amount of. the State appropriation. The Montana State Board of Entomology has much pleasure in acknowledging the assistance of the United States Public Health Service and particularly desires to commend the high type of personal service rendered by Doctor Spencer and Doctor Parker. Both of these men are daily exposed to infection by spotted fever and their families are in constant danger. Both of them during the period since the last report, have gone through distressing and protracted illness from tularaemia, contracted while on duty in the laboratories. Acknowledgement is also made of the cooperation and assistance of both the U. S. Biological Service and the U. S. Forestry Service in connection with giving information and aiding in the destruction of rodents in public domains bordering the tick control districts operated by the State. Control Measures It is the general policy of the Board to conduct invest- igations into the causes of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, experiment with methods of control or eradication, and, as rapidly as useful information is obtained, put it into practical use. The control work now being conducted is covered in a paper by the Field Agent, Mr. O'Donnell, which appears on later pages and may be summarized as follows. For the purpose of conducting the control work portions of Ravalli and Missoula Counties have been set off and bounded as control districts. In these districts the destruction of rodents and the dipping of livestock is being carried on as previously. In the growth and development of the tick from the egg to the adult condition, the early stages, larvae or "seeds" and nymphs, feed on rodents and the full grown ticks or adults feed on domestic animals, principally horses and cows. The killing of ground squirrels on which the young ticks feed principally and the dipping of horses and cattle for the killing of adult ticks are the best known methods of control BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 7 which we have. This work which has been going on for some years has resulted in a very marked reduction in tick abundance and a lessening of the danger of residents being bitten. It is highly desirable that this control work be con- tinued, even though we now know that it is not a sufficient method for eradicating spotted fever or the tick. It is certain that the killing of rodents and dipping of livestock has greatly reduced the ticks and that a continuance of the same work will futher reduce the deplorable condition that formerly existed. The recent investigations by the Public Health Service into the conditions concerned in the maintenance and per- petuation of the spotted fever virus in nature have pointed to new avenues of control. Their use however is being held in abeyance pending the securing of additional information on certain points and the results of the tests to determine the value of the parasite, Ixodiphagus caucurtei and its place in the plan of control. The control work is being done wholly on State funds. It should further be pointed out that in conducting the control work a large amount of valuable notes, maps and experience have accumulated which are certain to be of great value in future work, whatever it may be. For ex- ample, the notes which show present conditions will be of value in judging the measure of progress being made when the work with tick parasites is taken into the field, which we hope to do in the spring of 1927. WORK OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Throughout the whole history of the spotted fever investigations in Montana, the Public Health Service has at times allotted funds to the project and has had repres- entatives engaged in various phases of the study. The arrangement now in force began in 1921, when Dr. R. R. Spencer took up his study and Dr. R. R. Parker, formerly employed by the Board of Entomology as Assistant Entom- ologist, was transferred to the government pay roll. The investigations of the Public Health Service have been concerned mainly with the following: 1. A vaccine that will provide protection, 2. The organism of spotted fever and other micro- organisms found in ticks. 3. Characteristics of the virus of spotted fever, par- ticularly with reference to differences as it occurs in ticks and in animals. 8 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT 4. The conditions physical and biological that are con- cerned in the maintenance and perpetuation of the virus in nature. 5. The relation of the rabbit tick (Haemaphysalis lep- oris-palustris Packard), in the spotted fever complex, 6. Tularaemia. 7. Tick paralysis. We are pleased to report real progress, particularly in the search of a vaccine. A brief article on this subject by Drs. Spencer and Parker appears in another part of this report. Another article on tularaemia, a disease which turn- ed up in ticks brought in from nature for use in the work on spotted fever, is included and shows important findings which are in the nature of a bi-product of the laboratory. A third article by Drs. Parker and Spencer on the distribution and spread of spotted fever in Montana, places on record a vast amount of information which does much to emphasize the problem as one of more than local significance. The Public Health Service workers have also found the common rabbit tick, a species entirely different from the spotted fever tick, has the spotted fever virus in nature and may transmit it from one rabbit to another. This finding is of much importance, not because this tick ever bites men, but rather because it may be a important factor in the complex conditions that harbor the infection in nature. A fuller understanding of some of the natural conditions back in the mountains that border the Bitter Root Valley has been reached. It has been found that the Rocky Mountain Goat, which occurs rather abundantly in the mountains, is a very important factor in keeping up the tick poDulation and that the ticks on goats and in the goat ranges are par- ticularly high in the percentage of infective individuals. IMPORTANCE OF THE TICK PROBLEM IN MONTANA Prior to the year 1906, when Dr. H. T. Rickitts by his admirable experiments conducted in Montana under the auspicies of the State Board of Health, definitely established the fact that the common "wood tick" is the agency of man's infection with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, not much interest was taken in this parasite. It was known to infest livestock and to bite man, but it was not considered to be of much importance and certainly not a factor in the develop- ment of a great commonwealth. In twenty years' time, however, we have come to realize this arachnid to be of great importance. We are concerned with it for the follow- ing reasons: BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 9 1. It is the means, and the only means, of man's in- fection with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. 2. It causes the definite but obscure disease known as tick paralysis in human beings, of which there are several cases in Montana each year. This disease generally occurs in children. It is induced by the bite of the tick generally in the region of the base of the head and is always fatal unless the tick is discovered and removed before the para- lysis reaches vital organs. 3. It is one of the agencies of man's infection with tularaemia and is an important factor in keeping this disease alive in nature by transmitting it from one rodent to an- other. 4. By its bite it frequently induces resistant ulcers on man. 5. It is a generally objectionable parasite of man, causing apprenhension and discomfort to many persons who love the open air and delight in tramping. 6. It causes a definite disease known as tick paralysis in sheep and at times causes heavy loss by killing sheep and making necessary the hand picking of the ticks. 7. It is a severe parasite of both domestic and wild animals such as horses, cows, sheep, elk, deer and mountain goats. "Down with ticks" is an expression among stock men and refers to animals so heavily infested that they are devitalized and unable to get up. Whether there ?s a paralysis connected with this condition is not now clear. The fact that the tick causes spotted fever is beyond doubt the principal score against it but all of the foregoing reasons, collectively, have created a real problem for Mon- tana and for the other northwestern states. A correct idea of the prevalence and spread of spotted fever in Montana may best be gained by a study of the accompanying table and a map shown in another part of this report. The map and table show that the number of cases has increased and that the disease is spreading. The table of cases by years, if compared with the same table presented in the last re- port will show that during a period of four years, spotted fever has appeared in four new counties. Two of these were new in 1926. The total in the state for this four year per- iod is 152 against 122 for the four years preceding, an in- crease of 30. It appears to be evident that changes in con- ditions brought about by the increase in population and the advancing of agriculture in new territory has brought about the increase and spread of cases. 10 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT There can be no doubt that the increase in automobiles in the United States, improved roads, extensive tourist travel together with more intermingling of people residing in different parts of the country have brought about a much greater familiarity of the people of the United States gener- ally, with the fact that there is such a condition here. This is in evidence whenever one travels in the east and whenever residents of the east visit here, as well as by the letters received by the Board of Health in Helena and the State Entomologist. The following is an example. The Secretary of the Board of Health recently received a letter from an individual in Iowa, who stated that he represented thirteen families who were thinking of moving to the Bitter Root Valley but having heard of ticks and spotted fever, he wanted to know about the conditions that existed. The presence of ticks and spotted fever in Montana cannot fail to be a serious obstacle in the way of normal development until an adequate solution to the problem is found. The Spencer-Parker vaccine, now in an experimental stage, looks encouraging, but it should be understood that this vaccine can never completely solve the problem. At the present time it is costing approximately twenty dollars to make the vaccine for one person. With quantity pro- duction and more experience the cost can be reduced some- what but we believe that it will always be so high as to make it difficult to induce the general public to use it. We can hardly expect the Federal Government to continue the production of vaccine, and administer it free much beyond the experimental stage, at least not without a special act of congress. If this vaccine is finally demonstrated to be entirely successful, and if it may be produced at a cost to put it within the reach of all who want it, it will still be true that the presence of spotted fever is a menace to the state. If persons knew where and how they became infected with the diseases for which vaccination is ordinarily practiced, such as small pox, typhoid fever, etc, they would generally avoid the possibility of becoming infected in preference to taking the protective treatment. With an effective vaccine for this disease available people will still continue to avoid places where ticks are found and, excepting in cases in which their habits take them into places where they are in danger, will not generally be vaccinated. A successful vaccine will be of great value in aiding to solve the problem but we will still need to eliminate spotted fever as we would small pox and typhoid fever. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 11 Spotted Fever Chart. A graphic chart prepared by Doctor Frank H. Parker, under the supervision of Doctor R. R. Parker, showing the Hfe cycle of the spotted fever tick and the supposed cycle of the virus, is presented herewith. This chart should do much to make clearer the intricate relationships between the virus, the tick and the hosts of the tick in the various stages of development. 12 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT h z < cc o Q 7- < re _r «• 1 -I r < ■4-" > < c nr £ . ^ < _i c D o n +J (0 0) ^ £. 5 in n ^ < i> I •a h 1 a. re UJ T5 T (U h ^ O o s. Hi tf) UJ 1- re 9) z: CO D Q o o +^ z ^ — re £ tf> 1- m 1— I ^J i-l (M CO ^ (M ; T-H CO ; rH ; :(M (M rH ; (M CO : eg ; lo :T-i(rqcg : H eg c^j 1-H teoco :"<**T : eg c^j : (M : co co : m i-H ; c^j : : iri i-H co (M : CO : i-H T-H T-H (M ; ,— I \ -^ T-K Q'^ a^i :cg : :m ; : CO : i-H : : co : : :iM :i-i : eg CO "^ cc> III V Ll n Tt- Ul Ol h ■r- H O Q. rn Z c I- m z D O 5 s-TOcSS-SCF BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 13 to MfCO (M tCOO CO UJ Tf -4 o 03 r-1 lU h N eg TfCOO z < 03 tc o ^ IM ec c^ o 03 Q z < O IM fc C3 iH -1 -I O < Oi n CO o > < tc CO O < "-1 _! O V> CM C5 ^.,o tn '" '-' i-\ L-r ?C O ^ to O t- 3 355 ^ ^ m > d Oi ^ = ^ T-t C] « O O ~ M ^ ^r^>-^ Eh SH O, , C^ -M ^ 0 M u 0} 5S^ 2 .2 «"c 0 3 0 ri , 3 boo C>1 0 a! C >o 0 0 -^-s 0 . .^1 c 0 s g Sj>. >. d -"^^ .£c r^ ■3 |3 <0 i- -a 0 w c o/O U 0 9 cS C 0 +f (B " ■^ P. S-4 42 Mrs CD !- 3 0 W Ph 01 "O ^ >-< 0 ;-4 0) 0 0) O.S.. C W c 2 1^2 02 cii 0 03 -g^- Is "Si in 0 5 rt 1> §2 c bD «W 'm a 0 0, o - 14 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT GEORGE HENRY COWAN Born January 10, 1886. Died October 29th, 1924, of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever contracted while on duty, after twelve years of service in the investigations. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 15 GEORGE HENRY COWAN Yet again it becomes our painful duty to record the death from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever of one of those engaged in the investigations. George Henrv Cowan, an employee of the United States Public Health Service, con- tracted the disease, in some unknown manner ,while on duty and died on October 29th, 1924. Mr. Cowan was first employed by the Public Health Service during the period of Doctor Thomas B. McClintick',1 service in the Bitter Root Valley about 1912, then by the United States Bureau of Entomology and later by the State in the work of dipping livestock and killing rodents and finally again by the Public Health Service. His services were therefore almost continuous to the time of his death. Of tremendous physique, with a keen intellect, and with a willing heart, which made him invaluable alike in the field and in the laboratory, he had done very much to ad- vance the work on spotted fever. Something more than the thought of the usual monetary compensation to be received must have actuated him to take up the work on spotted fever and to continue it with devo- tion for a period of twelve years. Every school boy in Montana should be told the story so they may know that true heroism still lives and that men of high motives place duty first. A Parasite of Ticks In years past we have had correspondence with Doctor M. E. Brumpt, of the Faculte de Medecine de Paris, an eminent parasitologist, regarding a specific parasite of ticks in which he was much interested. This parasite, scientifically known as Ixodiphagus caucurtei Buysson, was first described in 1912 (Un Hymenoptere Parasite des Ixodes. In Archives de Parasitology, Tome XV, p. 246.) It is a minute, dark-colored, very active insect about one milli- meter in length which feeds in and destroys the tick in the nymphal stage. At Dr. Brumpt's request some of our ticks were sent to him, alive, for his experiments. Doctor Brumpt's preliminary experiments were so en- couraging that the subject was written up in an article en- titled, "Utilisation des Insectes Auxiliares Entomophages dans la Lutte contre les Insectes Pathogenes," which ap- peared in La Presse Medicale, (No. 36, du 3 Mai, 1913). This parasite was introduced into America during 1926. Near Woods Hole, Massachusetts, just off the shore, is a small island, Naushon, which is privately owned and used for purposes of residence and recreation. Several families, all 16 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT branches of one family, reside on the island. The island is so overrun by the American Dog Tick, Dermacentor vari- abilis Say, as to be much less desirable for residence pur- poses. Through Doctor S. B. Wolbach, professor of Path- ology, Harvard Medical School, arrangements were made for Dr. Brumpt to send over an assistant with a brood of parasites for the purpose of attempting to colonize and es- tablish them on the island. Accordingly, in the early part of the summer of 1926, Dr. F. Larrousse arrived in Boston and, after a conference with Dr. Wolbach, set up his experi- ments on Naushon. It is too early to judge reliably of the results of the experiments but since Dr. Larroussee was able later in the season to recover parasitized ticks in nature there is hope that the attempt will be successful. Soon after Dr. Larrousse arrived in America, Dr. Cogs- well, Chairman of the Board of Entomology, received a telegram from Dr. Wolbach, inviting the State to send a representative to Massachusetts for the purpose of becom- ing acquainted with the method of handling and rearing the parasites, with a view to attempting to introduce them into Montana. The Secretary left for Boston on July 8th and after a stay of a few days on Naushon Island in conference with the French scientist and in observation of his work, returned with a small but sufficient supply of parasitized nymphs. Every possible courtesy and assistance was ex- tended both by Doctor Wolbach and Doctor Larrousse and our success in rearing the parasites since July is due to the careful and thorough manner in which the experience gained in France was explained. It was learned that in France, where the insect is native, ticks are practically exterminated in those parts where the parasite is found, and it had previously been learned from Dr. Brumpt that ,in experimenting in the laboratory with different species of ticks brought in alive from different parts of the world, our spotted fever tick was the only one in which he had obtained a one hundred percent parasitism. These facts, together with the success we have had during the few months since we obtained our stock of parasites, lead us to hope for success in their use, not only in Ravalli and Missoula Counties, but elsewhere in Montana. It must be borne in mind, however, that there may be many factors which will be against success in the enterprise. Climatic conditions, both in summer and in winter, may make it impossible for the parasite to live here. The parasites work only in the nymphal stage of the tick and it is not yet clear that the life histories of the tick and of the parasite are so timed as to enable the parasite to pass through the full year's cycle. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 17 Such points can be determined only by experiments and steps have already been taken to conduct such investigations as are necessary. The parasites multiply very rapidly and by the spring of 1927 we shall have a supply which will enable us to begin our experiments in liberating them. This work will begin in the Bitter Root Valley and in the moun- tains nearby, where the ticks are very numerous. It should be known also that the proposed investigations of the parasite will involve a tremendous amount of labor. It will be necessary to maintain at all times a reserve stock of the parasites in the laboratory. To do this it is necessary, first, to rear ticks on animals in laboratory cages. Since only the nymphs can be used, we shall have to begin with adult engorged ticks, either picked from domestic animals or fed to repletion on laboratory animals, allow them to lay eggs, wait for the eggs to hatch, feed the larvae on labor- atory animals, and finally wait for the nymphs to emerge from the engorged larvae. Throughout this stage of the process it is necessary to prove that the ticks being used are non-infective, as it would be unwise to liberate infected ticks in nature. Having the stock of unfed nymphal ticks, it is neces- sary to allow them to feed on laboratory animals and, while being fed, to liberate the parasites in the cloth bags in suitable temperatures. The parasitized ticks must later be separated from those not parasitized and held under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity until ready to em- erge as adult parasites. Several experimental methods will be tried in liberating the parasites in nature. One will be to obtain wild rodents by trapping, infest them with nymphal ticks and ,after parasitizing them as with laboratory animals, liberate the rodents where they may go back to their old haunts and drop the parasitized ticks where we want them to be and under natural conditions. In order to avoid proceeding blindly with methods the effectiveness of which is unknown, it will be necessary to conduct experiments to check up results. Other wild rodents will be shot or trapped and the ticks will be carried through to determine the percentage of parasitism for comparison with other methods. In order to carry out this work, several assistants will be needed and much more laboratory space than we now have. 18 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT PLANS AND NEEDS The plans of the Board of Entomology contempla'ie continued cooperation with the Public Health Service, that the destruction of rodents and dipping of live stock shall be carried on as formerly; and that the new tick parasite shall be experimented with and made use of as far as possible. Through the proper channels budget estimates have been submitted. The figures presented are carefully ad- justed to the actual needs and are conservative. Larger and more suitable quarters are very badly needed and the present legislature should make available a sufficient fund to permit the erection of suitable building. A LABORATORY NEEDED During recent years the laboratory work in connection with this problem has been conducted in a vacated school building across the river to the west of Hamilton. It is an old structure wholly unadapted to our work, far too small, and badly in need of repair. It was formerly rented from the local school board but has recently been turned back to the original owners, by a court action, because no longer used for school purposes. The laboratory work has so in- creased that a larger and better equipped building is the Board's most urgent need. It is impossible to place too much emphasis on the fact that this building is not suitable for the purpose of this investigation. Such work calls for order and cleanliness which cannot now be had. A very large amount of ex- perimental work on laboratory animals is necessary, re- quiring the use of hundreds of caged animals. At present these are stacked up in the same rooms with equipment, records, work tables, and office desks. As would be expected unnecessary human cases of laboratory infection have oc- curred. Since the fall of 1921 eleven out of sixteen persons who have been engaged in the United States Public Health Service investigations have been infected either with spotted fever or tularaemia. Five of these men have contracted spotted fever and six tularaemia. Two of the former re- sulted fatally while the last three, who had received the vaccine, recovered. These three recovered cases all occurred during season of 1926 and resulted from attempting to pro- duce increased quantities of vaccine without suitable facilit- ies. Without the vaccine it is partically certain that we would have been obliged to report five deaths instead of two from accidental infections originating in this improvised laboratory. All prior laboratory cases, five in number had proved fatal. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 19 A representative of the Public Health Service has re- cently stated that their v^ork would be increased in Montana if adequate quarters are provided. The laboratory is full to the limit and there is no space in which to take up the proposed new work on tick parasites. In this work alone a large amount of space will be necessary for the cages in which laboratory animals are held and for other uses in the same connection. It should not be understood that all danger of infection may be avoided if suitable housing is provided. The work is dangerous at best, but the state can do no less than provide every protection possible, and with every thing possible done to protect the workers there is still danger that ticks or other infectious materials will be taken to the homes of the workers. The older members of the family may be vaccinated but the younger children cannot be, at present. DISTRIBUTION AND SPREAD OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER IN MONTANA. ' By R. R. Parker, Special Expert, and R. R. Spencer, Surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service. (Cooperating with Montana State Board of Entomology) During the past ten years there has been a spread- of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Montana that is with- out precedent in any section of the northwest. The ac- companying map shows the three relatively small areas in which the disease was definitely known to be endemic prior to 1914. Beginning in that year, infection has spread until now it is present in 34 counties extending from the east- ern to the western and the northern and southern state boundaries. On the map, the endemic areas known prior to 1914 are indicated by solid black. The subsequent spread is in- dicated by black circular dots, each of which indicates an individual case and its approximate point of origin. 1. Data subsequent to 1913 are from records of the Montana State Board of Entomology and the United States Public Health Service. Prior data are partly from records of these org-anizations, partly from literature. 2. The terms "spread" and "extension" as here used mean the occur- rence of human cases in new localities It is possible, however, that infection has long been endemic in the new areas, without the occurrence of earlier cases in man. 20 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT ENDEMIC AREAS PRIOR TO 1914— WESTERN MONTANA. In western Montana, there are two areas in which Rocky Mountain spotted fever of the most virulent type has been endemic for many years, probably long before white settlement. The mortality rate has approximated 75 per cent, and in persons of adult age has been nearer 90. "• One of these areas is on the west side of the Bitter Root River, partly in Missoula and partly in Ravalli county. It is about 90 miles long and with an average width of less than 15 miles. Although there is strong evidence of the infection among the Indians before the Valley was settled, the earliest authentic record was in 1873, Several hundred deaths have occurred. Land values were depreciated, and, due to the actual or potential high priced agricultural value of the land, a serious economic situation has been created. * The second area lies along the lower portion of Rock Creek, east of Missoula, mostly in Granite County but in- cludes the southern corner of Missoula County. It is not to exceed 15 miles in length. The earliest recorded case was in 1891, but an unverified report indicates its occurrence at least 10 .years earlier. It is a narrow mountain valley chiefly used for grazing. In Missoula County, outside these two well defined endemic areas isolated cases have been reported as follows: 1 each in Grant and Butler Creeks and in Pattee Canyon in 1904; 2 on Rattlesnake Creek and 1 in Dry Gulch in 1909; and near the mouth of the Blackfoot River, 1 each in 1899, 1904 and 1906. The third endemic area of long standing is southern Carbon County, east of the mountains. Prior to 1914, cases had been reported from the Clark Fork of the Yellowstone River, Dry Creek, Boulder Creek, and Sage Creek. The mortality rate was approximately 15 per cent. The only cases reported outside these counties prior to 1914 were 1 each in Beaverhead, Gallatin, Park and Fergus counties, all in 1904. In view of their isolated oc- currence and the distances from known endemic areas one can but wonder as to the correctness of the diagnoses. 3. These percentages are based on the case records for the last ten years. Recoveries among young children are far more frequent than in adults. 4. Most sections of the northwest in which Rocky Mountain spotted fever occurs are sage brush areas, of relatively low agricultural vahie. RDCKY MDUNTAIN SPDTTED FEVER LIFE CYCLE OF THE SPDTTED FEVER TICK AND SUPPD5ED CYCLE Dr THE VIRUS THt VIRUS 16 THANSnnriD BY TWO TICKS, THE WOOD TICK AND THE RABBIT TICK . IT IS MAINTAINED (1) BY PASSAGE EROn STAGE TO 6TAGE OF THESE TICKS AND (2) BY NEW LINTS OE INFECTION STARTED IN PREVIOUSLY UN INFECTED TICKS ST TEEDING ON INFECTED HOSTS. THE WOOD TICK IS THE ONLY KNOWN AGENT OF HUMAN INFECTION. TICK-DERMACENTOR VENU5TUS 1 EGGjS 4 NYMPHS 2 LARVAE 5 ENGORGED NYMPHS 3 ENGORGED LARVAE 6 MALE and FEMIALL 7 ENGORGED FEFIALE THE WOOD TICK COMPLETES ITS LIFE CVCLEl IN TWO YEARS, FEEDING THREE TIMES, FIRST AS LARVAE THEN AS NYHPHS AND LAST AS ADULTS. EACH STAGE FEEDS ON A SEPERATE HOST sTLV on LAftGe CONTROI METHOnfi AREDIRECTrO AGAINST THE LARVAE AND NYMPHS OM RODENTS AND THE ADULT TICKS ON DOMESTIC ANIMALS. THE METHODS USED ARE RODENT DESTRycr/ON , DIPPING OF DOnESTIC ANIMALS, RESTRICTION OF GRAZING, HAND PICKING AND THE APPLICATION OF REPELLANTS. + ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTEID FEVER f MAN AND RODEwrs + TICK PARALYSIS (nosTLY in childreln ) + TICK PARALYSIS (SHEtPi + TULARAEMIA (Man and rooCnTSI O SEPTIC INFECTION Chan) DESIGNED BY R.R.PARKER UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 21 SPREAD OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEVER BEGINNING IN 1914. The first authoritative reports of the occurrence of Rocky Mountain spotted fever outside the above three old endemic areas was in 1914. The subsequent spread can best be outhned by considering separately the eastern and west- ern parts of the state, the former to include the plains sec- tion east of the mountains where the fever mostly occurs in sage brush areas, the latter, the western, more moun- tainous portion where the fever commonly occurs under mountainous conditions. Eastern Montana. The most extensive spread has taken place in this section. Before 1914, infection was known only in Carbon County. It now occurs in 23 counties and a line^ drawn to connect the peripheral cases would en- close an area of many thousand square miles. This must be considered as one vast endemic area and each year there is new evidence of either extensive or intensive spread or both. The accompanying tabulation shows the occurrence of cases in this area from 1914 to 1926, giving totals by years and counties. The first evidence of spread was in 1914, when two cases were reported from widely separated points; one from Richland and one from Musselshell county. In 1915 cases were again reported from Musselshell county, and the fol- lowing new counties: Big Horn, Carter, Custer, Garfield, Prairie, Powder River, Rosebud, and Treasure. Fergus, Valley and Yellowstone counties were added in 1916; Still- water in 1917; Daniels in 1919; McCone and Golden Valley in 1921 ; Blaine, Dawson and Fallon in 1922 ; and Phillips and Wheatland in 1926. The number of cases by counties has been : Blaine, 1 ; Big Horn, 11; Carbon, 25; Carter, 9; Custer, 13; Daniels, 1; Dawson, 1; Fallon, 7; Fergus, 25; Garfield, 37; Golden Valley, 5; McCone- 2: Musselshell, 36; Prairie, 4; Phillips, 2 ; Powder River, 6 ; Richland, 1 : Rosebud, 35 ; Stillwater, 6 ; Treasure, 7; Yellowstone. 21; Valley, 5; Wheatland, 1. The total number of cases has been 261 of which 246 have been outside Carbon County. Of the 25 which have occurred in Carbon County at least half represent new areas of infection or extension of old areas. Reference to the year by year totals on the tabulation of eastern Montana cases shows two peaks of abundance seven years apart; one in 1915 (32 cases) and one in 1922 (48 cases). From the peak in 1915 cases decreased to 5 in 1918, then rose to the second peak in 1922, following which cases 22 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT again declined to 21 each year in 1925 and 1926. This variation in prevalence has been repeatedly noted by the writers in other sections of the northwest and is especially characteristic of the occurrence of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in sage brush plains areas. It occurs not only in large endemic areas but also in local foci. The intervals between peaks of prevalence is not constant, but is more regular over large areas than locally. In eastern Montana we are probably at a low point in one of these cycles just now, and increase in case prevalence beginning in 1927 is very prob- able. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 23 (H 1— ( LO 5 0) c 2o rt ,„'0 D W ,, to t. rt d) H C fi) .— K^ 10 ,r: III 05 ^ >> ^ o 'O tc to o a.. OJcq < PQ ^ ^; 24 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT The mortality rate in eastern Montana has averaged about 15 per cent, but in 1926, it was SS^i per cent. Western Montana. While the spread of infection in western Montana has not been as great as in the eastern section, it has, nevertheless, been considerable. Cases have been reported from nine new counties; Gallatin, Madison, Lewis and Clark, Broadwater, Jefferson, Powell, Meagher, Beaverhead, and Mineral, and a new endemic area has ap- peared just north of Missoula River, partly in Missoula and partly in Granite county. Gallatin. Two cases were reported in 1915 from the Sixteen Mile Creek country in the northern part of the county. One case in the same district occurred in 1922. Madison. Two cases were reported from between Wall and Horse Creek on the west side of the Madison River in 1^17. A third case of unknown point of infection occurred in 1922. Lewis and Clark. The first report was of three cases in 1920. Others have since occurred, as follows: 1 in 1921 ; 2 in 1923 ; 1 in 1924 ; and 1 in 1925. These have been much scattered, one being close to the northern boundary near Teton County. Broadwater. The first case was in 1920. Cases have been reported as follows: 1 in 1920; 1 in 1921; 2 in 1923; 1 in 1924; 1 in 1926. The localities of infection indicate a wide distribution of the virus in nature. Jefferson. Four cases have been reported, one each in 1922, 1923, 1925, and 1926. These have all been in the northeastern section of the county. Powell. Only one case has been reported. This was in 1922. There is a strong probability that the tick causing this case, which resulted fatally, was brought in on lumber shipped from Bonner in Missoula county. Meagher. A single case has occurred in Meagher county. This was in 1923, and was just over the line from Gallatin County. It doubtless represents an extension of in- fection from the Sixteen Mile Creek country. Beaverhead. Two cases, both from Brown's Lake have been reported, one in 1924, the other in 1925. Mineral. A single case occurred near Quartz in 1926. The new focus of infection that lies partly in Missoula and Granite counties, is on the north side of the canyon of the Missoula River. It is of interest that all four cases that have occurred in this area have recovered, whereas in the old Rock Creek area lying just south on the other side of the Missoula River cases have been almost uniformly fatal. BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 25 (M tC CO '^ CO CO rH T z UJ h «" si z o - y HI _ o _l z J Ul < -J > < < > cc UJ I < DC UJ UJ - h Oh Q. a. <0 Ul o )^ o o : 0^1 ; i-H M !M i "-I ; :tH O !-. ao <^ C5 > OC O < h -I C '^ i-^ H O o Z DC DC U h h 2 Z IL O o 005 Q -I > (T UJ h < DC 2 O OC D DO - O uja" OC OC o z < DQ D _l O O >- DC < ■r C I- 0) 5S OOP cij d — < P ^ S ^> «i > o o a, 0) 2«^ M O 3 (C C CJ 0, »6 o +-» Jl 'o 3 > C 3 O oi — Eq OK c^j o LTS th cq c^ -rf* o r-T^ r^ rH CO >^ OS fM 00 '^ O CO -f 00 000000 rHOOt-TpCO'XiOCO CO fM >7 -rf CO Cq -^ Tt^ T-t'— I^Olfti-HOO tH C-l CO O C^ «D O t-— ?o lo o CO Oi :r) (>) eg ^COSC^IOOOOO'^ oO'Tooooii^ooL::! C^CgClCOiMC^-^CD lO^C^ X) CO i.":) CO th eg LO CO o x)a5oaic^LOccTt* C^JCOt-Or-H'^'GOOO -fJ^-^CO-^-^LOLOt— Oi o C^ C--C0O C-CO T-i -* 00 00 10 Oi CO Locq 00 o coco '^ 00 ^ :>o CO o c^ C^ GO eg t - tH -^ CO CO to GO CI M t- 1-1 CO -^ <:oco 1-* i-H iro CO GO O (M tH CO CO ■^ CO eg rH CO O O GO rf m f— I ' -rr 'Tt' oo -^ CO '^ I CDtHCOC-I ooi^Oioomoico aiaimrfOio>cg"^ CO M "^ t- -^ -^ O O ■^xtooTHcgcocoLro rr-rt*'*Ttirt• Lt CO '^ t^ iD C^l 00000 >--o He 8? -I" O c V Tj* LO 10 CO cc r-H O O O O c^3 :o t- I CC 1— t Ci 00 00 C^ OS -^ rr t>« ^ :» ^H cr> o >0 O 5Crt CO O OOOi-l X) c^q crs » OC 1-1 O C>) M CO o 05 CO I- CO ■* 00 CO rH cq 1— I th "M eg ooooooo 3 -^O OS Irt 1-H rH C<1 CO t^ 005 50 00 toco C^ 1—1 CO CO c 000000 Oi CO ^rj- CO CO O C-l oo •00 o 1-t T-H CO O O Ci CO OS eg O '^ -^ o ir^ H eg C5 10 O O t— O CO CO rH eg OC CO CO Lft) t- 05 10 eg ooooooo LOO 000 o o t^ m o CO o o o cg'^egi-iT UJ DC O U. -I < 2 r~ t- CO o 10 00 'X < z . : 0000 : GO 'Tf oocD :-^'<^ oio 000000 H CC CD CO l-- O CI CO 1—1 'M OOCC^OO O OCOOiO CD 00000 T3 L.O o 'rf ir- evi eg CO --S- C] i-H CO C O 10 O t^GO O 0 CO -^ CO IC O Oi to rt^ CO O >D '^ <:z> c^ ^•'f -• ■^ Oi O O^i ^ eg CO 't* uo CD c] eg eg eg ci eg 0i O^ Ci CQ 0 lC o a < J fM o § z << < m > a o o H tc o Q ^ > y. I w h. J O o w • <0 _l cw 35 § -" CO <; LJ Q. p >^ h< < Q J UJ Q oc z < o z > r EC ^Q o I z (0 - - UJ w oc 1- D en CO HI o h 0. X «l^ ?^ < - _l z m ^^iZ 0 -Jn (—1 <° § O m o >^ 2 0 D o _l < CJ o in 6 z UJ 00 _l CQ 0) < c 3 h -s # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■" -. 3S o ^ (u i? .-5 o .n o ,-i o titles a : a ; ^s ^ H cc 73 n o o 0,0 X ^^ BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY 51 July 9, 1925. Mr. F. J. O'Donnell, Field Agent, State Board of Entomology, Hamilton, Montana. Dear Sir: Inclosed find tabulated result of tests made with the exposed samples of calcium cyanide flakes to determine the residual hydrocyanic acid. Naturally, the residual amount of hydrocyanic acid was found greater in the samples exposed in dry than in those exposed in damp ground. That was very noticeable in the samples which had been exposed fifteen days in dry and damp ground. From the tests it can be noticed that there is a more or less progressive loss of hydrocyanic acid cor- responding to time exposure and humidity of the soil. After fifteen days of exposure of the cyanide of calcium in the ground, only small amounts of hydrocyanic acid were found to be left and the danger from accidental poisoning of live- stock may be considered practically nil. Some of the samples were so intimately mixed with particles of soil, sand, and other extraneous material that it was impossible to completely remove these impurities and for this reason you will notice some discrepancy in the amounts of residual hydrocyanic acid found. Some of the samples were wet and these also, naturally, showed consider- able differences from those in dry condition. The investigation is insofar interesting and of value for your purpose, as it has shown clearly that after the fifteenth day of exposure of the calcium cyanid under proper conditions there could no longer be any danger of poisoning live stock if they should accidentally get hold of the ex- posed material. It also shows the initial rapid liberation of the gaseous hydrocyanic acid, which ceased after a short time if suffici- ent moisture were present to decompose the material. These facts are of value in cases of lawsuits, and dis- putes where losses of livestock are claimed to have been due to cyanide poisoning with exposed calcium cyanide. The investigation also proved the great efficiency of the cyanide of calcium in the destruction of rodents and its comparat- ively greater safety with regard to live stock than that of other poisons used heretofore. Trusting the above will furnish you some data which will be of value in your work, I remain Very truly yours, EMIL STARZ, Chemist. 52 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT lU O (U ^^^#^ff (/) r- r^ ootcoot^oo o O C5 LO .^ M- CO tH ^ Q. > :?3 cc ffi'g 0) 01 O UJ H u. < P 5j 3 0) 01 aJ 2 '1' si CO Ui O (^< M ^ o J < IL s >>>.>>>.>>>,>. H - 0 S o H m ^ ,-^ ^ s 3 O 0 ^ L^ l^ L. !h Cti Oj L. O _l ppppppp O 02 < o o in CM li. a> « ® o (0 -1 |C SoS 3 cS rH M M -9" u; i^D t- >. ^ CB Q. "5 s. -> < (0 CO z d O (U 'SPi Or5 OCOli2LOOi-tCCTHC^]t^(M Q z ooc o P 2; EoSEEfeoEEoS o P «<1 a: o Q Pi > o X Pi p s1^ >, >. >>>i>i>>>i>»>i>j>> _i oScic^c^cortcScjcdcud < Q t— 1 ,— 1 C<1 -^ .^ L.*^ ^ t^ O O lO HH f^— ' P oc M r^ IL o o o « ^ Z^ Z. 'Zu Zu ^ *^ rv >>>,>.§£§£>,>.§>. y. So S C/C^fc-dcJcSdi-i-dt. z H PPPPPPPPPPP o p < z 33 s ^, a i S"SS .-1 (M M T}< L.-: cc l~ cc C5 O >-H oc 3 05 UI Z w h Ul u BOARD OF ENTOMOLOGY ' 53 REPELLANTS During the spring of 1924, a series of experiments was carried on for the purpose of developing, if possible, a suit- able tick repellant for farm and range stock. Various oils such as raw cotton seed oil, raw linseed oil, lard, some pe- troleum oils, and others, have for some time been known to certain tick repelling properties, but are of value only where the animals are being handled frequently and the repellants !an be applied as indicated. The purpose of our experiment was to develop a repellant that could be applied early in the spring before the ticks became active and that would remain on the animals and serve as a repellant over the greater portion of the active tick season. For the purpose of our xperiments 65 animals were used; three dairy herds of 12 animals each, one herd of 8 animals, 15 range cattle and six horses. The horses were grazed in the Stevensville district and the cattle were grazed; one each in the O'Brien Creek, Florence, Stevensville and Darby districts, and two herds in the Hamilton district. Before applying the repellant each animal was care- fully inspected and a record made of the number of ticks found attached, of the number found crawling, the condition of the animal and other data. The repellants used in our experiments weye as follows. Raw linseed oil, raw cottonseed oil, linseed plus para cresol, cottonseed oil plus pinene, lanolin plus cottonseed oil, lanolin plus vaseline, cottonseed oil plus pine tar, cottonseed plus derrisine, vaseline plus para cresol, linseed plus derris- ine, lanolin plus sulphur, plus cottonseed oil, plus pine tar, plus pinene, heavy crankcase oil and paraffine oil. These oils and other substances were used in various proportions, and on cattle, were applied to the base of the horns, along the neck and withers, and on horses, under the jaws, on the breast, between the fore legs and between the hind legs. Six ounces of the preparation were used on each animal at each treatment. After the repellants were applied, the animals were pastured in tick infested areas and inspected in about seven days, when note was again made of the number of ticks attached, the number found crawling on the animal, the general condition of the animal and the condition of the repellant; that is, whether the repellant was still on the animal in sufficient quantities to prevent ticks attaching. In a few instances there was apparently sufficient amount of the material still in evidence to act as a repellant; on other animals there was only a slight trace of the material, and in most cases the repellant had entirely disappeared in from seven to ten days. 54 SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT Our experiment was a failure so far as developing a suitable repellant was concerned, but it did demonstrate that it would be extremely difficult to develop a repellant with an oil base that would be effective for any considerable length of time. Lack of funds and personnel has thus far prevented further experiments along these lines, but it is hoped that these experiments will be again taken up in the near future. The Bureau of the Biological Survey, has, as in previous years, cooperated with this office in the control work on federal lands lying within the control districts and on the National Forest lands which border the districts on the west. The amount of money made available by the Bureau for control work has not been large, but it has helped con- siderably in reducing the migration of rodents from the mountains to the adjoining valley areas. Our relations with the County Commissioners of both Ravalli and Missoula counties have been most cordial. They have given us their hearty cooperation at all times, and have expressed themselves as pleased at the manner in which the work has been conducted. This station is indebted to the Livestock Sanitary Board, and particularly to Dr. Emil Starz, Chemist, for the splendid service rendered us in making laboratory tests of our dip solutions, in making analyses of the stomach con- tents of animals killed, allegedly, as the result of eating rodent poison, and other laboratory work.