UNDERSTANDING DIVERSITY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL History 1989/1990 BIENNIAL REPORT DIVERSITY IN NATURE, PAGE 4 SUPPORTERS, PAGE 12 & Pace 24 INANCIAL REPORT, PAGE 20 INORS TO THE COLLECTIONS, PAGE 34 iy tet UND ¥ ay ifs RSTANDING DIVERSITY IN HUMAN CULTURES, PAGE 38 rary it OLU » Tue DIVERSITY OF LIFE IS EXTRAORDINARY. THERE ARE SAID TO BE A MILLION OR SO DIFFERENT KINDS OF LIVING ANIMALS, AND HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF KINDS OF PLANTS. BUT WE DON'T NEED TO THINK OF THE WORLD AT LARGE. IT IS AMAZING ENOUGH TO STOP AND LOOK AT A FOREST OR AT A MEADOW — AT THE GRASS AND TREES AND CATERPILLARS AND HAWKS AND DEER. HOW DID ALL OF THESE DIFFERENT KINDS OF THINGS COME ABOUT; WHAT FORCES GOVERNED THEIR EVOLUTION; WHAT FORCES MAINTAIN THEIR NUMBERS AND DETERMINE THEIR SURVIVAL OR EXTINCTION; WHAT ARE THEIR RELA- TIONS TO EACH OTHER AND TO THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT IN WHICH THEY LIVE? THESE ARE THE PROBLEMS OF NATURAL HISTORY, PROBLEMS THAT CONCERN OURSELVES AS ANIMALS AND THAT CONCERN US EVEN MORE AS ORIGINATORS OF THIS THING CALLED CIVILIZATION —- WHICH IS, AFTER ALL, MERELY A RATHER SPECIAL SORT OF AN ANIMAL COMMUNITY. MARSTON BATES, 7HE NATURE OF INNATURAL HISTORY THE OBJECTS OF OUR AFFECTION Pictured in this report are a few dozen of the nearly 20 million natural history specimens and cultural artifacts in the Field Museum collections, along with a very few of the staff members, volunteers, contributors, and visitors who make these inert objects come alive. INTRODUCTION Every large organization lives with a verbal shorthand that compresses complex ideas or experience into a word or phrase. This seems inevitable, and the Field Museum is no exception to the rule. What should not be inevitable is that we fail to explain ourselves when we communicate with our friends. Among the Museum’s most pervasive buzzwords are systematics and cultural understanding. Between them, they represent a large part of what we are about as an institution — the kind of research we do and the ethos that governs our educational work. In this report we’ve tried to illuminate those concepts. I hope that through them readers will gain a better understanding of the special role the Museum plays in basic science, environmental education, and human relations. As I conclude my term as chairman of the Museum’s Board of Trustees, I want to thank my colleagues, the Museum staff and volunteers, the Chicago Park District, and our public, corporate, and individual donors for helping prepare the ground for the Museum’s second century. In this regard, I should call attention to one fact that pops out of the financial figures in this report. In 1990, unrestricted contributions by individuals and family foundations increased 33 percent over 1989, and represented 65 percent of total unrestricted giving, up from 55 percent in previous years. Despite the recession, total unrestricted giving increased by 11 percent, to more than $2 million. These increases reflect not so much larger individual contributions as a large increase in the number of contributors. That is a happy development, not least because it creates a new base from which to build even larger constituencies in the future. RG Robert A. Pritzker, Chairman, Board of Trustees as 0, Robert A. Pritzker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, photog: iphed in ‘SYSTEMATICS’ AND ‘CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING’ — BETWEEN THEM, THESE WORDS REPRESENT A LARGE PART OF WHAT WE ARE ABOUT AS AN INSTITUTION Opposite: An Egyptian mortuary cloth depic woman holding a papyr I INVESTIGATING DIVERSITY IN THE NEOTROPICS: FUNGI, FISHES, RELICT FORESTS, THE ADVANCE OF THE ANGIOSPERMS, THE FAMILY LIFE OF THE BLACKBIRDS, AND THE RISE OF TTWANAKU fami AS 3ceae, found by Michael O. Dillon in the Andes of erm i. (Illustration by Peruvian professor Segundo: Leiva Gonzales.) Andean cushion plant of the carrot family, Umbelliferae When Field Museum scientists are “in the field,” that could mean Borneo or Iowa or Kenya, or any of numerous other locations around the world. But chances of bumping into a curator are highest in the New World, between latitudes 23.5° north and 23.5° south: the neotropics. No doubt there are many idiosyncratic reasons why one-third of the Museum’s curators — a dozen Ph.D.s with as many different research interests — have chosen to work in this region. The most important reasons, however, have to do with institutional tradition and commitments (the Museum’s Flora of Peru project, for example, has been the work of generations of curators since 1921), and the extreme diversity of tropical environments that so excites museum people. /See page 7.] Within this relatively small area of Central America and northern South America, Field Museum curators have in recent years been able to study the effect of ocean currents on desert vegetation /page 10] and, not far away, the ecological associations of small mammals in Andean rain forests. They have catalogued the 400 species of the coffee family in Costa Rica, among other floras and faunas, and have been mapping the variation among the thousands of species of tetras in the tropical freshwater streams of Venezuela. On the shores of Lake Titicaca, they are unearthing the succession of cultures that led to the rise and ultimate demise of one of the earliest empires in the Americas. In the Peruvian highlands, they have demon- strated the independent evolution of birds confined to mountain peaks above the clouds. These and other Field Museum research projects are in most outward respects quite traditional. Curators find, collect, sort, describe, classify, and preserve the objects of their Above: test containing pine roc inoculated mushroom culture form the symbiot relationship kno\ mycorrniza Background a scanning electro microscope ime the spor of L rtilus i 1,000 tims attention. But armed with computers, the techniques of molecular genetics, analytical tools like “phenetics” and “Cladistics,” and machines like the scanning electron microscope and the superconducting cryogenic magneto- meter, contemporary museum-based scientists can often ask more difficult questions of their data than their predecessors could. And frequently nowadays, especially in the tropics, their data and analyses have high utilitarian value for conservation and development. mushrooms in the oak forests of Costa Rica, and he and his colleagues have collected more than 2,500 specimens. These are being subjected to several different laboratory tests, including electron microscopy, so they can be assigned a genus and species, their relationships assessed, and information on their life histories obtained. Cultures of some of these mushrooms are also being amassed so they can be grown next to Costa Rican oak seedlings to learn which are potentially able to form a specialized symbiosis. Oaks and mushrooms form joint underground structures called mycorrhizae on which both are dependent, but the known chairman of the Desens of Geology, has found remarkably we ] preserved fossil plants. Similar assemblages have been found in Virginia and Portugal and include minuscule flowers that still contain pollen grains. — Pa se, Under the scanning electron micro- scope, these hundred-million-year-old fossils have unlocked many of the mysteries in the reproductive biology of basal angiosperms — the primitive flowering plants. Moreover, studying the pollen preserved within the flowers enables Crane and his Field Museum colleague Scott Lidgard to interpret with greater confidence the data in their imposing study of the rise of the flowering plants, which is based on analysis of fossil pollen data from many parts of the world. To their own surprise, they discovered that between 120 million and 80 million years ago (the mid-Cretaceous period), during the time the present continents and oceans were taking shape, the flowering plants and their nearest relatives, the Gnetales, began to diversify rapidly in equatorial regions and to spread to higher latitudes. But soon the Gnetales died off, perhaps vanquished by the preadaptive power of the flowering plant, which subsequently came to dominate every terrestrial ecosystem except the high-elevation or high-latitude spruce and pine forests. This news, and the analytical methods employed by Crane and Lidgard, have attracted wide interest, including in the oil industry — much of the world’s oil is found in mid-Cretaceous rock. Funding from the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society will support SYSTEMATICS The kind of work that most Field Museum scientists do is called systematics — a word that is not in the vocabulary even of many well-educated people. Paleobotanist Peter Crane, chairman of the Museum’s Department of Geology, defines systematics as the science of “documenting and understanding the relationships between organisms.” At a basic level, this means collecting, describing, and sorting the plants and animals of a given place. Cartoon images of butterfly hunters in pith helmets aside, systematics is the foundation on which all other study of life on earth is constructed. As a practical matter, such studies are essential in conservation and environmental planning, and in any consideration of evolution. Beyond this, systematists may take a group of related organisms (the New World blackbirds, for instance, or the tropical fresh-water tetras) and seek to understand it in detail — its subdivisions, geographic distribution, patterns of behavior, ecological relationships, evolutionary history. The greater the diversity in a place or in a group of organisms, the greater the challenge of understanding its forms and relationships. At yet another level of investigation, systematists may try to understand the processes at work in the patterns of relationship they have discerned — the biochemistry of evolution, say, or the mathematics of shape and size change. further research by Crane and Lidgard that will expand their database geographically over a longer time span and provide new insight into the long- term interactions of vegetation and climate in the history of our planet. Bosque Monteseco, in northwestern Peru, is one of several remnants of a vast forest that 30,000 years ago stretched through what are now Ecuador and Colombia as well as Peru. Field Museum botanist Michael O. Dillon, with American and Peruvian colleagues and students, has been surveying the forest as part of the Flora of Peru project. In isolation, many of the plants and animals there have evolved into new species that are found nowhere on earth except these 6,000 acres. Because the forest is in the path of agricultural development, the researchers have been working with the local schools to develop science-education programs in hopes that a new generation will come to appreciate and protect natural diversity. Fish are a lot quicker than land animals to change their physical characteristics to accommodate environmental change. In an effort to better understand the process at work, zoologist Barry Chernoff studies two groups of fishes — the silversides, whose several dozen species inhabit a wide variety of ecosystems throughout the Americas, and the tetras, whose several - thousand species are confined to tropical freshwater streams. These tropical waters, however, offer a multitude of mini-environments through which to = trace the fishes’ changing features. Chernoff is interested in exploring mathematical aspects of evolutionary change, and in the theoretical question of how much change makes a “species.” ; = But in the Orinoco Basin of Venezuela, where deforestation and channelization are destroying habitat at a rapid pace, the most pressing research priority is simply to identify previously S undescribed species before they are gone. Scott M. Lanyon, chairman . 9 of the Department of Zoology, is 2 » another frequent visitor in the neotropics, where he has done collecting, conservation consulting, and research in his own specialty, the New World blackbirds — the redwings, grackles, meadowlarks, bobolinks, orioles, and other songbirds. Despite the blackbirds’ familiarity as a group, not much is known about how the 97 species are related to one another, and Lanyon is using the techniques of molecular biology in an effort to construct the family tree. Lanyon is principally interested in studying the evolution of mating and nesting behaviors, including plumage and song, which among the blackbirds are both extremely varied and highly unusual. Birds typically pair for a season, males and females often look alike, they tend to be territorial and to have a species- specific song. But blackbird species may exhibit sexual promiscuity, males and females may be of sharply different size and color, they often mimic other birds’ songs, and may tolerate dozens of nests in one tree, among other odd behaviors. Lanyon hopes to be able to plot these morphological and behavioral characteristics against the family tree derived from DNA studies, to suggest how and why one led to another. Lest we forget, human beings are also a result of natural history, and their group behaviors — cultures — while not genetically determined, have patterns and processes of change that museum-based researchers can study by means of systematic collections. Thirteen thousand feet up in the Andes, during the reign of Caesar Augustus in Rome and for a thousand years after, the city of Tiwanaku ruled an immense empire that was built on the surplus provided by a remarkably sophisticated agricultural technology. The system of terraced fields, naturally irrigated and insulated against the cold Andean nights, had been developed during the preceding 1,000 years by a succession of village cultures around Lake Titicaca. Field Museum archaeologist Charles Stanish x : has begun a ten-year Xx project to investigate the origins of the agricultural technology THE BIOCHEM LABS The Biochemical Laboratories, a Museum research facility, produced its first DNA sequence data in 1990, obtained by using a recent technological innovation known as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The technique permits genetic analysis of DNA extracted from small pieces of tissue, including dried or alcohol-preserved tissues. In a rare instance, the Lab was able to sequence DNA from a 20,000- year-old leaf fossil. Major projects have involved analysis of the evolutionary and biogeographic relationships among blackbirds (Scott Lanyon) and South American fruit bats (Bruce Patterson). 10 and development of political systems that culminated in the long reign of Tiwanaku, and its decline before the rise of the Inca about 1450 A.D. With teams of U.S. and Peruvian students, he has so far uncovered 450 new archae- ological sites that reveal evidence of six different cultures. There is some hope that the amazingly productive terraced agriculture can be reintroduced by the current residents of the area, the Aymara Indians.* THE LOVE OF EL NINO, AND THE FEAR OF GOATS It hardly ever rains in the coastal deserts of Peru and Chile. Life is sustained there by seasonal fogs from which plants condense moisture. Even a few species of bromeliads endure the spare environment, like their neighbors, _by condensing moisture on their leaves and roots, while their numerous relatives in wetter climates collect water in specialized leaf bases that form a tank. These tanks provide aquatic environ- ments capable of sustaining other _ ‘pty Dees "A om. a ] Michael O. Dillon, on a collecting 2 cone . ‘ ig f a me =< ti ‘1 cliff faces wher . the de ‘se FS _ blooming with unusual plants + My & \ Pe Lee ticated nor the wil ose e seeds, apparently, had » = the area = at it. Dille My TE an Gar disendies Such els d be interesting in od subjects for the Pa, bys Ae ati on. A few months later, COMPUTER he area todo © SERVICES Computerization of the Museum's research, collections med driven their cattle managementeuhbit and administrative down the i to forage amid the cee rs accelerated in recent vegetation, endl ewes ner severely years and is poised for ne expansion and Be rbed or destroyed. upgrading. Currently, in the scientific Subsequent El Nifio events departments, a DEC VAX 11/785 running and a freak rainstorm in northern Chile the Unix 5.3 operating system is connected 7 have reinvigorated the to more than 120 personal computers sve -geta ion and stimulated and a wide range of ata peripherals. h. The result will be an exhaustive Upgrading is planned to add image- 4%. > A ' . TG = ? . C ory; 2 m er clima fects, it : ea omputer analysis of desert processing y 4 oh r ‘ Fy ey F re applications, to ts ay, al tan a Ay : : (i produ rst Major rains in t Bs fo g-depe en dent plant communities in increase connectivity } within the Museum desert since 1 5. Dillon’s eS rand C rile that in turn — given the ee bila departments, and to work has been in ie where he is Bigodic rett of El Niftio — will parm iipelwaing with other research Gen 4 j d educational continuing a Field Museum project — provide basen data for the study of a os ll institutions. begun decades before he was born — global warming.* Py hana Left: Tillandsia tragophoba, a new cliff-dwelling bromeliad of the Ch blossom of T. tragophoba. (Illustrations by Marlene Werner.) Backgt species of the sunflower family, Asteraceae, found by Dillon | . i Gas — BAGS Ge sve wo - iG * - «~ THE SPIRIT OF GIVING: FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS OF THE FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ‘THE FOUNDERS’ COUNCIL INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Ackmann (Ackmann Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Allan Mrs. Margaret B. Allyn (The Allyn Foundation, Inc.) Mr.* & Mrs. James W. Alsdorf (Alsdorf Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Mrs. Lester Armour Mrs. P. Kelley Armour Mr. & Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Mr. Vernon Armour Mr. Robert Asher Mr.* & Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann (O. Paul Decker Memorial Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. George R. Baker Mr. & Mts. Judson C. Ball Mr. & Mrs. James H. Bankard George Barr* Miss Kristina Barr (Kristina Barr and George Barr Foundation) Ms. Virginia T. Bartholomay (Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Bass (Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Baumgarten ~ Mr.* & Mrs. George R. Beach Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Dr. & Mrs. Nenad Belic Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bent Mr. & Mrs. Harry O. Bercher Mr. & Mrs. James F. Beré Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Berg Mr. Richard S. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block III (JB Charitable Trust) Mrs. Daniel J. Boone (The Seabury Foundation) Mrs. G. E. Boone Mr. & Mrs. William A. Boone Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Boyd Mrs. Harold S. Brady Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bramsen (Svend and Elizabeth Bramsen Foundation) Mrs. Dorothy T. Braun Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Z. Brodie (Edwin J. Brach Foundation) Mrs. Helen D. Bronson Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown (Cameron Brown Foundation) Mr.* & Mrs.* Henry A. Brown Ms. Jennifer Martin Brown (The Martin Foundation, Inc.) Mrs. Murray C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mr. Fred J. Brunner (Fred J. Brunner Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Brunner Mr.* & Mrs. DeWitt W. Buchanan, Jr. (Buchanan Family Foundation) Mrs. Donald P. Buchanan* Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Buehler, Jr. (ACP Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Dean L. Buntrock (Dean and Rosemary Buntrock Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. James E. Burd Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roy Carney (Peter R. and Marina G. Carney Foundation) Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Mr. & Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz (Chaffetz Family Foundation) Mrs. Jerry G. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Cherry (Virginia B. and Walter L. Cherry Trust) Mr. & Mrs. William C. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Chiles Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Clark, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Colburn / Ms. Robin Lucas (The Negaunee Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Considine Mr. & Mrs. Stanton R. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Cooper (Richard H. Cooper Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John R. Covington (Howard L. Willett Foundation, Inc.) Mrs. William S$. Covington* Mr. & Mrs. William S. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crane Mr. & Mrs. William F. Crawford (The Crawford Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Lester Crown (Arie and Ida Crown Memorial) Mrs. Sandra K. Crown Ms. Susan Crown, Mr. William Kunkler II] (Arie and Ida Crown Memorial) Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cruikshank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Dabovich Mr. & Mrs. O. C. Davis (O. C. Davis Foundation) Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta (Walter E. Heller Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Delaney Mrs. Charles S. DeLong* Mr. Donald J. DePorter Mr. & Mrs. James R. DeStefano Mr.* & Mrs. Albert B. Dick III (The Dick Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Edison Dick (EJD Foundation) Mrs. Clinton O. Dicken Mr.* & Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. (Sudix Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley (Gaylord Donnelley 1983 Gift Trust) Mr. & Mrs. James R. Donnelley (The Nina H. and James R. Donnelley Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II (Thomas E. Donnelley II Foundation) Mrs. George H. Dovenmuehle Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Edwards (Woodruff and Edwards Foundation) Mr. Huntington Eldridge, Jr. (Buchanan Family Foundation) Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mr. Evans Erikson (Evans W. Erikson Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman Mary & Bruce Feay Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mrs. Joseph N. Field Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field (Jamee and Marshall Field Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Fifield Mr. & Mrs. M. Peter Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Morgan L. Fitch, Jr. Mrs. Leonard S. Florsheim, Jr. (Enivar Charitable Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robert Foltz Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Foreman (Peter and Virginia Foreman Foundation/Peroke Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Foxwell Mr.* & Mrs. Gaylord Freeman Peter B. & Donna B. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. William M. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Friend Mrs. Edmund W. Froehlich Mr. & Mrs. Marshall B. Front Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton (Maurice and Muriel Fulton Foundation, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gerrie Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Gidwitz * Deceased T3 FIGHTI-SIX NEW MEMBERS Eighty-six new members joined the Founders’ Council in 1989-90, bringing the total to 340. The Council’s Award of Merit, recognizing significant contributions to the study of natural history, was presented to Harvard University biologist Edward O. Wilson. Previous recipients include Sir David Attenborough, the documentary film maker, Roger Tory Peterson, the wildlife artist, and Stephen Jay Gould, the essayist. In 1990, Laura and Marshall Front succeeded John B. Judkins, Jr. to the Council’s chair. Individual Founders’ Council members annually contribute $1,500 or more in unrestricted gifts or gifts to other special funds; give a single or accumulated gift of $25,000 or more for permanent membership; make a deferred gift of $50,000 or more; or make a gift of a major collection. Corporate and foundation members of the Founders’ Council annually contribute $5,000 or more in unrestricted gifts. From the Field Museum Library: Snake Foot, a figure from Vipera Pythia, a treatise on venomous snakes by Marcus Aurelius Severini (1580-1656), published in1651. 14 NEW VISITOR MARKETING The Museum launched an aggressive visitor marketing plan in 1989 and 1990 through the Public Relations Department with the assistance of Leo Burnett U.S.A., a top advertising agency. A new marketing theme, “Field Museum — The Smart Way to Have Fun,” inspires an integrated program of publicity, promotions, and advertising that has helped the Museum exceed attendance and revenue goals both years. New corporate marketing partnerships with United Airlines, American Express Travel Services, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, top Chicago hotels, major radio stations and retailers enhance promotional activities. Mr. Joseph L. Gidwitz (The Division Fund/Gidwitz Family Foundation) Dr. Elizabeth-Louise Girardi Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Good Mr. & Mrs. John C. Goodall, Jr. (Thorson Foundation) Dr. & Mrs. John G. Graham Mr. & Mrs. William B. Graham (William B. Graham Foundation, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grainger (The Grainger Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gray Lewis & Misty Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Mr. & Mrs.* Robert P. Gwinn Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Mrs. Burton W. Hales (Hales Charitable Fund, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. Corwith Hamill (Happy Hollow Fund) Drs. K. W. & Lucy Hammerberg Mrs. Charles L. Hardy (Elliot and Ann Donnelley Foundation) Mrs. William A. Hark Mr. & Mrs. D. Foster Harland Mr. & Mrs. King Harris (Harris Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Hawkes Mr. & Mrs. Laurin H. Healy (Winona Corporation) Wayne E. & Colette J. Hedien Mr. & Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hines Mr. George C. Hixon Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Hodous Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hoellen (Sulzer Family Foundation) Mr. Myron Hokin (Dave Hokin Foundation) Mr. Wayne J. Holman III (Wayne J. Holman, Jr. 1963 Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Holzheimer (Holzheimer Fund) Carl Holzheimer* Mr. Keith A. Hooper Mrs. H. Earl Hoover (H. Earl Hoover Foundation) Mrs. William D. Horne Mrs. Irvin E. Houck Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Howe Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll (Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll Foundation) From the Field Museum Library: Anthropomorphic rendering of a mandrake root, from Gart der Gesundtheit, an herbal pharmacopoeia compiled by Joannes de Cuba and published in Augsburg in 1486 — the oldest printed book in the collection. Mr. Marshall Isaacson Mr. & Mrs. Hal Iyengar Mr. & Mrs. Reinhardt H. Jahn Mrs. Harold James (Butz Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Edgar D. Jannotta Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Jannotta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Jelinek Mrs. Barbara Smail Johnson* Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Johnson (Clarence E. Johnson and Shirley M. Johnson Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. S. Curtis Johnson III Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John B. Judkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Kackley Mr. & Mrs. Morris A. & Alice B. Kaplan (Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. Spencer R. Keare Carolyn M. & Douglas E. Keats Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser Mr. Milt Keller Donna Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Kierschr Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kinsella (J. J. Kinsella Charitable Lead Trust) Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Kirby (F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick (John E. and Phyllis D. Kirkparick Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel Mrs. Ray A. Kroc Mr. Carl A. Kroch Mr. William H. Kurtis / Ms. Donna LaPietra Mrs. Richard W. Leach (Isabella Leach Charitable Lead Trust) Paul H. & Theo H. Leffmann Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Lehman (New Prospect Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Leslie (The Leslie Fund) Mrs. John Woodworth Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Levin Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. George Lill II Lucia Woods Lindley / Daniel A. Lindley, Jr. Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Mrs. Renee Logan The Honorable & Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. (John J. Louis Foundation) Mrs. Rena I. Lozins Bettina R. MacAyeal Mr. & Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. & Mrs. Cary J. Malkin Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Malott Sandy & Jerry Manne Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Ira G. Marks (Ira & Janina Marks Charitable Trust) Mrs. Geraldine F. Martin (The Martin Foundation, Inc.) Mrs. Harold T. Martin Mr. & Mrs. R. Eden Martin Mr. Clifford G. Massoth Mr. & Mrs. Edward Marz, Jr. Mrs. Beatrice Cummings Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Oscar G. Mayer (Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Charitable Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. McCaskey Mr. & Mrs. Archibald McClure (CDM Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Brooks McCormick (Brooks and Hope B. McCormick Foundation) Mrs. Susan McDowell Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. McLachlan Mr. & Mrs. Cirilo A. McSween Dr. & Mrs. L. Steven Medgyesy Mr. & Mrs. John C. Meeker (John C. Meeker and Withrow M. Meeker Charitable Lead Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. Richard Merrick Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. David R. Meyers (Meyers Charitable Family Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Newton N. Minow (Minow Family Foundation) Mrs. William H. Mitchell* Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Morrow Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Colonel & Mrs. John B. Naser (JBN Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Neal Mr. & Mrs. John D. Nichols Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Wrigley Offield Mrs. Eric Oldberg Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thomas O'Neil Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood Mr. & Mrs. James Otis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pavey * Deceased Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Peterson (Otto W. Lehmann Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel L. Petre Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pigott Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Potter (McClurg Foundation) Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Printen Mrs. A. N. Pritzker Mr. James Pritzker Mr. Robert A. Pritzker (Pritzker Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Reed (Robert C. Reed Family Trust) Miss Ruth Regenstein Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Reichelderfer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. Ottomar D. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal (D & R Fund) Mr. Ted Ross (Ross Charitable Trust) Mr. & Mrs. David S. Ruder Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. David R. Sawyier / Timothy Sawyier Mr. Leonard B. Sax (Sax Family Foundation) Mr.* & Mrs.* Norman J. Schlossman (Jocarno Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schroeder Dr. & Mrs. John S. Schweppe Mrs. John W. Seabury (The Seabury Foundation) Mr. Michael D. Searle (Searle Family Trust) Mr. & Mrs. William L. Searle Searle Family Trust) Mr. Michael Segal Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro (Soretta and Henry Shapiro Family Foundation) Mr.* & Mrs. John I. Shaw (Arch W. Shaw Foundation) Mr. Jeffrey Shedd Mr. & Mrs. Saul S. Sherman Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Shields (Bessie Shields Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Short, Jr. Mrs. John M. Simpson Mrs. Thomas B. Singleton* Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mr. & Mrs.* Edward Byron Smith (Edward Byron Smith Charitable Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm N. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Worthington L. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Snydacker Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Sommer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sondheimer Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Sparks (Jack D. and Fredda Sparks Foundation) Mrs. George T. Spensley Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Spore (Howard L. Willett Foundation, Inc) Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. Donna Wolf Steigerwaldt Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Steinfeld Mr. & Mrs. Wallace J. Stenhouse.,]r. Mrs. David B. Stern, Jr. Dr. & Mrs.* David W. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Stitt Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stone Mr. & Mrs. William S. Street (The Seattle Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Herbert F. Stride Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Erwin A. Stuebner Mr.* & Mrs.* Bolton Sullivan (Bolton Sullivan Fund) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sullivan (Bolton Sullivan Fund / Susan and John W. Sullivan Foundation) Mrs. James Swartchild* (Collier-Swartchild Foundation) Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Phelps Hoyt Swift (Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation) Barbara Olin Taylor / F. Morgan Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor III Dr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Telling Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mrs. Reuben Thorson (Thorson Foundation) Mr.* & Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken (HBB Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George S. Trees Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Trienens (Howard J. and Paula M. Trienens Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. Uihlein Katherine L. Updike, Robert Wagner Mr.* & Mrs. Herbert A. Vance (Herbert A. and Dorothy J. Vance Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Van Zelst Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Vernon Dr. & Mrs. Harold K. Voris Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dey W. Watts Mr. & Mrs. Morrison Waud Mr.* & Mrs. E. Leland Webber Mr. & Mrs. Roderick S. Webster Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weiss (William L. and Josephine B. Weiss Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John L. Welsh III (McCrea Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. George F. Wilhelm Mrs. Abra Prentice Wilkin (Abra Prentice Charitable Trust) Mrs. Howard L. Willett, Jr. (Howard L. Willett Foundation, Inc.) Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Benton J. Willner (Madeline and Henry Straus Endowment Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Winn Mr.* & Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mr. & Mrs. William Wood-Prince Mr. & Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington Mrs. George B. Young Mr. & Mrs. George D. Young Mr. & Mrs. Max Zar Mrs. Claire B. Zeisle * Deceased LS DONOR GROUPS In 1989, four new support groups were organized to encourage and recognize, with additional membership benefits, those who donate funds to the Museum beyond basic membership. These are the Field Contributors ($100-$249), Field Adventurers ($250-$499), Field Naturalists ($500-$999), and Field Explorers ($1,000-$1,499). Members of these groups are listed in the publication “Field Museum Donor Groups.” Donors of $1,500 or more annually are named to the Founders’ Council. From the Field Museum Library: Sea creature from Konrad Gesner’s Fischbuch, published in Zurich in 1575. Pe THE FOUNDERS’ COUNCIL CORPORATION AND FOUNDATION MEMBERS Abbott Laboratories Allen-Heath Memorial Foundation The Allstate Insurance Company American National Can Company Ameritech Amoco Foundation, Inc. Amsted Industries, Inc. Arthur Andersen & Company Aon Corporation Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Bankers Trust Company The Barker Welfare Foundation Baxter Healthcare Corporation Beatrice Company Borg-Warner Foundation Boulevard Bank Leo Burnett, U.S.A. The Chase Manhattan Corporation The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Tribune Company Commonwealth Edison Company Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company DeSoto, Inc. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. EMC Corporation Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Foundation We 2 im n | ry) ‘eh Ny ‘a ih Sel seb From the Field Museum Library: Frontispiece from Ricreatione Elizabeth Ferguson Trust First National Bank of Chicago Ford Motor Company Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Geraldi Norton Memorial Corporation Harris Bank Foundation Helene Curtis, Inc. Household International, Inc. IBM Illinois Bell Illinois Tool Works, Inc. The Interlake Corporation Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund Kemper Financial Services, Inc. The James S. Kemper Foundation Kraft General Foods Louis R. Lurie Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Marshall Field’s Robert R. McCormick Charitable TrustMcMaster-Carr Supply Company MidCon Corp. Molex International, Inc. Morton Thiokol, Inc. Nalco Chemical Company Northern Illinois Gas Company The Northern Trust Company John Nuveen & Company Peat Marwick Main & Co. J.C. Penney Company, Inc. Price Waterhouse Prince Charitable Trusts Quaker Oats Company The Regenstein Foundation The Rice Foundation S & C Electric Company Safety-Kleen Corp. Sahara Coal Company, Inc. Santa Fe Southern Pacific Corporation Sara Lee Corporation Sears, Roebuck and Co. Skil Corporation Staley Beverage Company Tiffany & Company Touche Ross & Co. United Airlines USG Foundation, Inc. Harry Weese & Associates Burke, Wilson & Mcllvaine Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company * Deceased dell‘occhio, a treatise on sea shells published in 1681 by Filippo Buonanni (1638-1725). THE WOMEN’S BOARD Mrs. Keene H. Addington Mrs. Edward King Aldworth Mrs. Stanley N. Allan Mrs. Richard I. Allen Mrs. James W. Alsdorf Mrs. J. Robert Anderson Mrs. Angelo R. Arena Cynthia Armour Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Mrs. P. Kelley Armour Mrs. Laurance H. Armour, Jr. Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann Mrs. Thomas G. Ayers Mrs. Warner G. Baird, Jr. Mrs. George R. Baker Mrs. Claude A. Barnett Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram Mrs. Robert O. Bass Mrs. George R. Beach Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Mrs. James H. Becker Mrs. Theodore A. Bell Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger Mrs. Gordon Bent Mrs. Harry O. Bercher Mrs. Michael A. Bilandic Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford III Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. Philip D. Block II Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist Mrs. John J. Borland, Jr. Mrs. Arthur S. Bowes Mrs. Willard L. Boyd Mrs. Lester Harris Brill Mrs. K. Dane Brooksher Mrs. Cameron Brown Mrs. Jennifer Martin Brown Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mrs. T. von Donop Buddington Mrs. Albert C. Buehler, Jr. Mrs. Clark Burrus Mrs. Robert N. Burt Mrs. Robert D. Cadieux Mrs. Douglas H. Cameron Mrs. Robert A. Carr Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Miss Nora F. Chandler Mrs. Walter L. Cherry Mrs. Donald C. Clark Mrs. W. H. Clark, Jr. Mrs. J. Nothhelfer Connor Mrs. Frank W. Considine Mrs. Stanton R. Cook Mrs. Edward A. Cooper Mrs. James R. Coulter Mrs. William S$. Covington” Mrs. Mark Crane Mrs. John V. Crowe Mrs. Lester Crown Mrs. Sandra K. Crown Mrs. Susan Crown Mrs. Robert Lane Cruikshank Mrs. Herschel H. Cudd Mrs. Dino J. D'Angelo Mrs. John A. Daniels Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Mrs. O. C. Davis Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mrs. Robert O. Delaney Mrs. Charles S. DeLong* Mrs. Charles Dennehy Mrs. Edison Dick Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mrs. William C. Douglas Mrs. Maurice F. Dunne, Jr. Mrs. Robert C. Edwards Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Mrs. Josephine Fairman Elting Mrs. Winston Elting Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman Mrs. Meyer Feldberg Mrs. Calvin Fentress Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mrs. Robert Fesmire Mrs. Joseph N. Field Mrs. Marshall Field Mrs. Charles Robert Foltz Mrs. Peter B. Foreman Mrs. Francis G. Foster, Jr. Mrs. Hubert D. Fox Mrs. Earl J. Frederick Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman Mrs. Marshall Front Mrs. William D. Frost Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton Mrs. John S. Gates Mrs. John A. Gavin Mrs. Robert H. Gayner Mrs. Robert B. Gerrie Mrs. Isak V. Gerson Mrs. Gerald S. Gidwitz Mrs. James J. Glasser Mrs. Philip W. Goetz Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. William B. Graham Mrs. David W. Grainger Mrs. Roger Griffin Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mrs. Charles L. Hardy Mrs. King Harris Mrs. Charles Cotton Harrold II] Mrs. Robert S. Hartman Mrs. David C. Hawley Mts. Frederick Charles Hecht Colette J. Hedien Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. Duncan Y. Henderson Mrs. Stacy H. Hill Mrs. Rembrandt C. Hiller, Jr. Mrs. Edward Hines Mrs. John L. Hines Mrs. John H. Hobart Mrs. Richard H. Hobbs Mrs. Thomas D. Hodgkins Mrs. Thomas J. Hoffmann Mrs. David B. Horn Janice S. Hunt Mrs. Chauncey Keep Hutchins Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mrs. Stanley O. Ikenberry Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll Mrs. Sue Ish Mrs. Frederick G. Jaicks Mrs. Brian Jerome Mrs. Clarence E. Johnson Mrs. S. Curtis Johnson III Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mrs. John B. Judkins, Jr. Mrs. Wallace Kaehler, Jr. Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. John J. Kinsella Mrs. William T. Kirk, Jr. Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Mrs. Richard Kracum Mrs. Walter A. Krafft Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Mrs. John H. Leslie Mrs. John Woodworth Leslie Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mrs. Michael S. Lewis Camille Lione Mrs. Richard G. Lione Mrs. Chapin Litten Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding* Mrs. Walter M. Mack Mrs. John W. Madigan Mrs. James F. Magin Mrs. Robert H. Malott Mrs. Carter H. Manny, Jr. Mrs. Richard Marcus Mrs. Edward Matz, Jr. Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mrs. George Barr McCutcheon II Mrs. William J. McDonough Mrs. Andrew McKenna Mrs. Eugene J. McVoy Mrs. John C. Meeker Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. Allen C. Menke Mrs. Robert E. Merriam Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mrs. Philip B. Miller Mrs. Newton N. Minow Mrs. Charles H. Montgomery Mrs. John R. Montgomery III Mrs. Kenneth F. Montgomery Mrs. Carolyn S. Moore Mrs. Vernile Murrin Morgan Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett Mrs. Leo F. Mullin Mrs. Elita Mallers Murphy Mrs. Charles Fenger Nadler Mrs. Charles Fenger Nadler, Jr. Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan Mrs. Earl L. Neal Alice Neild Mrs. John Doane Nichols Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Miss Lucille Ann Nunes Mrs. James J. O’Connor Mrs. Ralph Thomas O’Neil Mrs. Paul W. Oliver, Jr. Mrs. Harry D. Oppenheimer II Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mrs. O. Macrae Patterson Mrs. Hope Haywood Paul Mrs. R. Marlin Perkins Mrs. Richard J. Phelan* Mrs. Richard J. Pigott Mrs. Charles S. Potter Mrs. Virginia F. Pullman Mrs. William Putze Mrs. Neil K. Quinn Mrs. James H. Ransom Mrs. Howard C. Reeder Mrs. Robert W. Reneker Mrs. Don H. Reuben Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mrs. John M. Richman Mrs. Frederick Roe Mrs. Edward M. Roob Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. John S. Runnells Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mrs. George W. Ryerson Dr. Muriel S. Savage Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Mrs. Charles E. Schroeder Mrs. Elizabeth M. Schultz Mrs. William L. Searle Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Melissa A. Shennan Mrs. C. William Sidwell Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mrs. Gerald A. Sivage Mrs. Edward Byron Smith* Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Jr. Mrs. Gordon H. Smith Mrs. Malcolm M. Smith Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Mrs. Charles H. Solberg Mrs. Lyle M. Spencer Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. Harlan F. Stanley Mrs. E. Norman Staub Mrs. Gardner H. Stern* Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson III Mrs. Roger W. Stone Mrs. William S. Street Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mrs. Barry F. Sullivan Mrs. John W. Sullivan Mrs. James Swartchild* Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. Edward F. Swift Mrs. Hampden M. Swift Mrs. Phelps H. Swift Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mrs. John W. Taylor III Mrs. Edward R. Telling Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr. Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Mrs. Howard J. Trienens Mrs. C. Perin Tyler Mrs. Theodore W. Van Zelst Mrs. V. L. D. von Schlegel Mrs. Thomas M. Ware Mrs. E. Leland Webber Mrs. Arnold R. Weber Mrs. William L. Weiss Mrs. John Paul Welling* Mrs. Daniel R. Welsh Mrs. John L. Welsh III Mrs. B. Kenneth West Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mrs. Richard R. Whitaker, Jr. Mrs. Julian B. Wilkins Mrs. Philip C. Williams Reverend Dr. Ruth Teena Williams Mrs. Norman B. Williamson Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Mrs. Wallace C. Winter Mrs. Arthur W. Woelfle Mrs. Peter Wolkonsky Mrs. Clarence N. Wood Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mrs. William Wood-Prince Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington Mts. George B. Young * Deceased Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. iz WOMEN’S BOARD Under the leadership of Presidents Mrs. James J. O'Connor (1989) and Mrs. Howard J. Trienens (1990) the Women’s Board raised $700,000 for general support of the Museum’‘s activities. Each year the Board provides an elegant setting to preview the Museum’s latest exhibit renovation. The Pacific exhibit was celebrated at two Fall galas: “One Enchanted Evening,” chaired by Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman with United Airlines as underwriter; and “Jewels of the Pacific,” chaired by Mrs. John M. Richman with underwriting from Kraft, Inc. The Christmas Tea, attended each year by some 1,500 children, was chaired in 1989 by Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. and in 1990 by Mrs. Andrew McKenna. Thirty-seven members volunteer for the Ambassador Program, founded in 1990, to greet the public and to enrich their visits to the Museum. oH ee. a eens ms Sasee, Sa “Map, v Cee GEE = From the Field Museum Library: The “bishop fish,” from Libri de Piscibus Marinus, published in 1554 by Guillaume Rondelet (1507-1566). 18 SPECIAL- INTEREST SUPPORT GROUPS The Friends of Field Museum Library was organized in 1990 to promote interest in and support for the Library and its programs of book and journal acquisition, collection and preservation, and exhibition and publication. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. T. Stanton Armour, a member of the Museum's Board of Trustees, the group has launched a newsletter, Gatherings, and sponsored the acquisition of several rare books, including Richard Bradley's A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature, published in London in 1721. Other special-interest groups are the Friends of Ruatepupuke II, the Maori meeting house now undergoing renovation on the Ground Floor, and the Outreach Council, formerly known as the Public Programs Support Group, which aids the Museum's community outreach program. en THE FRIENDS OF FIELD MUSEUM LIBRARY Mrs. Lester Armour Mr. & Mrs.’ T. Stanton Armour Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. G. E. Boone Mr. & Mrs. John J. Borland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Chaneske Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. James R. Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. ThomasE. Donnelley II Dr. & Mrs. George Dunea Josephine F. Elting Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robert Foltz Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Frederick Dr. & Mrs. John S. Garvin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Gates Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Dr. & Mrs. John G. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hayman Mr. & Mrs. Laurin H. Healy Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Lewis Mrs. Rena I. Lozins Mr. James A. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thomas O’Neil Mr. & Mrs. Joel Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel L. Petre Mrs. George A. Poole Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mrs. Frederick Roe Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Mr. Edward Byron Smith From the Field Museum Library: Fishpersons. from Historiae Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis by Joannes Jonstonus (1603-1675), published in Amsterdam in 1657. Mr. & Mrs. Worthington L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Straus II Mr. & Mrs. Terence A. Tanner Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Trienens Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Van Zelst Dr. & Mrs. Rupert L. Wenzel Mr. Willard E. White Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John W. Winn Mrs. George B. Young Mr. & Mrs. Max Zar ‘Chair THE OUTREACH COUNCIL Tony Armour Jonathan H. Bogaard Nancy M. Bush Arturo Cisneros Kevin S. Considine Matthew S. Eyerman Elizabeth Jolls Giese Gerald P. Giese Claire Hartfield Philip L. Harris’ Carrie Healy J. Duncan Healy Laura Jones Richard Jones Mary Kay Karzas Mercedes A. Laing Carl Lavender Patricia J. Lawson Marda Lebeau Louise Lefkow David Lefkow Adriana Ballen Litvak Susan Lopez Alexis MacDowall Patricia McMillen Therese M. Obringer Jesse G. Reyes Laurie D. Roston Robert Rosen Julie P. Shelton Louise K. Smith Rhonda Y. Stivers Mary Wilson Nikki Zollar Chair FRIENDS OF RUATEPUPUKE II Mr. & Mrs. James Ballard Mr! & Mrs. Donald Cameron Ms. Jane Connolly Mr. John Cook Ms. Lucy Fairbank Mary & Bruce Feay Mrs. Rebecca Gilson Mr. James P. Littlejohn Mr. John M. MacDonald Mrs. Dagmara Nyman Ms. Frances L. Osgood Ms. Florence O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Schultz Mr. Delbert Erle Yarnell Ms. Tory Light ' Chair RICE FOUNDATION LEADS DONORS NTO THE WILD With a pathbreaking gift that will total $5 million, the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation has led the Museum “Into the Wild” — a new thematic exhibit, subtitled “Animals, Trails & Tales,” on the world’s animals and their environments. Many contributors large and small have come forth eagerly to support this major mounting of the Museum’s zoology collections. Among them: The National Science Foundation made its largest grant ever for a museum exhibit ($1.2 million), and the members of the Windy City Grotto chapter of the National Speleological Society (cave explorers) put together $1,000 and no little expertise to help redeem the reputation of the much-maligned bats. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks McCormick contributed funds for a diorama on wild turkeys, and Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis for the stunning installation of Carl Akeley’s famous “Four Seasons” diorama. Franklin J. Lunding pledged a gift in memory of his wife, Virginia, for the passenger pigeon diorama, and Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley to support a new interactive exhibit on natural areas around Chicago. The Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities donated $150,000 to help enhance the exhibit as a family experience, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave $1.4 million for exhibit construction and educational programming. The exhibit, including a Nature Walk that will take visitors from Chicago to Alaska and to South America, opens in November 1991 in the first-floor west halls, which will now be known as the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Wing.* i + STATEMENTS OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES DECEMBER 31, 1990 AND 1989 CURRENT FUND DESIGNATED FUND FUNCTIONING | | OPERATING FUND For SPECIAL PURPOSES AS ENDOWMENT ; 1990 1985 ; : 1989 ASSETS CASH INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS RECEIVABLE PLEDGES RECEIVABLE MUSEUM STORES INVENTORY : Pee { \w Se 3 INVESTMENTS 15,8 : Ve 828, 54,026,689 PREPAID PENSION CosT DEFERRED NOTE ISSUANCE COSTS OTHER ASSETS MUSEUM PROPERTIES, NET COLLECTIONS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ACCRUED LIABILITES DEFERRED REVENUE CONTRIBUTIONS OTHER NOTES PAYABLE DUuE To (FROM) OTHER FUNDS | ($4,158,591) a, ‘ *. 5 ly » io t Tora LIABILITIES . 8.250% 4,414,466 (4,158,591) “> eet & =, FUND BALANCE (1,355,854 | 1330854) 4,158,591 one tae? 54,461,200 ms 4 ; ae vn" toy re f ae $7,703,039 $5,745, Y ores Bh 0 a ¥, CURRENT OPERATING FUND, FUND DESIGNATED FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES AND FUND FUNCTIONING AS ; . ENDOWMENT ARE UNRESTRICTED FUNDS. MUSEUM RESTRICTED FUND ENDOWMENT FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS PROPERTY FUND 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 $952,516 $1,172,748 $846,090 $281,490 $167,000 $167,000 1,578,090 995,490 891,667 2,574,866 $734,000 $5,000 150,000 2,185,417 2,755,116 1,354,884 1,471,134 38,800,938 18,279,980 17,526,519 16,889,660 114,071,517 91,188,415 571,110 467,121 789,520 356,578 789,520 356,578 350,000 247,886 264,582 1,164,805 867,563 48,010,462 46,505,192 48,010,462 46,505,192 1 1 1 1 $89,688,678 $67,998,107 $981,886 $269,582 $17,843,519 $17,056,660 $170,678,322 $145,779,358 $1,164,707 $1,372,940 $230,726 $70,396 1,209,461 970,116 $10,958,120 $7,129,132 10,958,120 GAZI, 132 313,143 43,548 459,305 205,302 31,300,000 13,000,000 31,300,000 13,000,000 10,390,387 8,234,278 (10,289,377) (6,903,098) 41,921,113 21,304,674 981,886 269,582 45,091,593 22,677,490 47,767,565 46,693,433 17,843,519 17,056,660 125,586,729 123,101,868 SSS SS SF SE SS SS 5S SSS ES ET SR SETI SO Rw SET GS SS Samm SS $89,688,678 $67,998,107 $981,886 $269,582 $17,843,519 $17,056,660 $170,678,322 $145,779,358 STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1990 AND 1989 CURRENT FUND DESIGNATED FOR FUND FUNCTIONING © OPERATING FUND SPECIAL PURPOSES As ENDOWMENT > 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 _ REVENUES: CHICAGO PARK DISTRICT $6,660,554 $5,585,944 PROPERTY TAX COLLECTIONS GOVERNMENT GRANTS 532,846 499,392 INTEREST & DIVIDEND INCOME 2,972,946 3,310,228 $98,709 NET REALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON 103,561 ($782,907) $2,263,062 INVESTMENTS SOLD CONTRIBUTIONS 2,253,005 1,706,463 494,316 706,222 MEMBERSHIPS 557,514 510,634 ADMISSIONS 2,094,226 2,139,140 AUXILLARY ENTERPRISES 3,911,775 3,719,542 (MUSEUM STORES, VENDING, Tours, & FOOD SERVICES) OTHER 16,625 Z2aNG 255,179 158,994 TOTAL REVENUES 18,999,491 17,597,417 353,888 158,994 (288,591) 2,969,284 EXPENSES: RESEARCH & COLLECTIONS 3,779,600 3,182,384 144,514 193,042 PUBLIC PROGRAMS 1,443,757 1,386,576 72,045 181,198 FINANCE & MUSEUM SERVICES 6,087,603 5,677,786 5,736 75,098 DEVELOPMENT & EXTERNAL 1,604,404 1,666,730 46,551 36,325 AFFAIRS ADMINISTRATION 1,602,456 1,616,394 61,317 8,466 AUXILLARY ENTERPRISES 3,680,851 2,919,384 74l (MUSEUM STORES, VENDING, Tours, & FOOD SERVICES) DEPRECIATION NOTE INTEREST & AMORTIZATION OVERHEAD COSTS CHARGED TO (466,257) (546,806) GRANTS TOTAL EXPENSES 17,732,414 15,902,448 330,904 494,129 INCREASE (DECREASE) 1,267,077 1,694,969 22,984 (335,135) (288,591) 2,969,284 IN FUND BALANCE RESULTING FROM REVENUES AND EXPENSES FUND BALANCE: BEGINNING OF YEAR 1,330,854 1,305,854 3,311,232 3,433,324 54,709,689 51,968,841 ADD (DEDUCT) TRANSFERS NON-MANDATORY (1,059,895) (213,043) 1,059,895 213,043 MUSEUM PROPERTY * (676,610) (1,456,926) (255,719) ADDITIONS TOTAL RETURN 494,428 20,199 (499,898) OTHER 540,000 (500,000) NET REALIZED GAIN ON 271,564 INVESTMENTS HELD END OF YEAR $1,355,854 $1,330,854 $4,158,591 $3,311,232 $54,461,200 $54,709,689 CURRENT OPERATING FUND, FUND DESIGNATED FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES AND FUND FUNCTIONING AS ENDOWMENT ARE UNRESTRICTED FUNDS. MUSEUM RESTRICTED FUND ENDOWMENT FUND TOTAL ALL FUNDS PROPERTY FUND 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 1990 1989 $6,660,554 $5,585,944 $1,870,680 $1,810,040 2,403,526 2,309,432 $1,518,126 $1,619,832 883,382 869,863 5,473,163 5,799,923 15,901 (489,122) 28,238 ($249,823) $696,139 (1,016,829) 2,601,878 7283285 949,945 1,196,198 119,972 4,671,804 3,482,602 557,514 510,634 2,094,226 2,139,140 SUL) 33719542 888,928 1,160,732 181,507 SE Re a a a a SE CE PRET EE SE SSE SESS ee 2,422,955 1,130,710 3,482,347 3,658,086 946,375 816,111 25,916,465 26,330,602 970,940 926,144 4,895,054 4,301,570 697,985 800,518 2,213,787 2;368,292 1,002 6,094,341 5,752,884 69,595 1,720,550 1,703,055 226,132 188,637 48,004 107,152 1,937,909 1,920,649 3,253 3,681,592 2,922,637 2,000,083 1,897,308 2,000,083 1,897,308 888,288 883,470 888,288 883,470 466,257 546,806 3,114,503 2,969,415 2,253,783 2,383,873 23,431,604 21,749,865 (691,548) (1,838,705) 1,228,564 1,274,213 946,375 816,111 2,484,861 4,580,737 46,693,433 45,326,892 17,056,660 15,657,012 123,101,868 117,691,923 1,765,680 D7 oily ho) (833,351) (1,274,213) 144,787 (159,516) (540,000) 500,000 474,107 83,537 829,208 Seer ee ee ee ee renee eS LT LS LL SS STS LSS LLL SE SSS SISSIES SASS TY $47,767,565 $46,693,433 se Ge $17,843,519 $17,056,660 $125,586,729 $123,101,868 24 SPRING SYSTEMATICS SYMPOSIA Each year the Museum sponsors an interdisciplinary symposium on topics bearing on problems in systematics research. Organized by Matthew H. Nitecki, curator of fossil invertebrates, Department of Geology, these symposia have been supported by the National Science Foundation. The 13th annual symposium in 1990 was concerned with the understanding and meaning of ethical judgment and the relation between ethics and evolution. SPECIAL GIFTS: RESTRICTED, CAPITAL, AND ENDOWED FUNDS INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILY FOUNDATIONS $100,000 Gladys N. Anderson Estate June B. Davis Estate Mrs. R. Winfield Ellis Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grainger (The Grainger Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John H. Leslie (The Leslie Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Oscar G. Mayer (Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Charitable Trust) Arthur Rubloff Estate Olive M. Shepherd Estate Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken Lucille R. Wiser Estate The Women’s Board $10,000 To $99,999 Anonymous Carolyn S. Akenson Estate Mrs. P. Kelley Armour Helen K. Bieker Estate Mr. & Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Buehler, Jr. (ACP Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Cooper (Richard H. Cooper Foundation) The Crown Family (Arie & Ida Crown Memorial) Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. DeCosta (The Walter E. Heller Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II (Thomas E. Donnelley II Foundation) Jamee & Marshall Field Foundation Evelyn Frank Estate Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Mrs. Charles L. Hardy (Elliott Ann Donnelley Foundation) * Deceased ced on pages 20 to Walter R. Hauschildt Estate Mr. & Mrs. Laurin H. Healy (Winona Corporation) Mrs. Beatrice C. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Brooks McCormick (Brooks & Hope B. McCormick Foundation) Philip M.McKennaFoundation, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Montgomery Dessie P. Morrow Estate Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Harry G. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal (D & R Fund) Norman J. Schlossman Estate The Seabury Foundation Edward Byron Smith (Edward Byron Smith Charitable Fund) Gretchen Stewart Estate Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Trienens (Howard J. & Paula M. Trienens Foundation) Chester D. Tripp Estate Jane B. Tripp Estate Mr. & Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington (The Chicago Community Trust) $1,000 To $9,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Ackmann (Ackmann Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Cynthia Armour Mrs. Lester Armour Mr. & Mrs. T. Stanton Armour Vernon Armour Mr* & Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann (O. Paul Decker Memorial Foundation) Abby K. Babcock Estate Kristina Barr (Kristina Barr & George Barr Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Bass Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Bedford Louis Bein Estate Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Block III (J. B. Charitable Trust) Mr.* & Mrs. Daniel J. Boone Mrs. G. E. Boone Mrs. Arthur S. Bowes Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Boyd Helen D. Bronson Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Worley H. Clark, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Considine Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Cottrell, Jr. John R. Covington (Howard L. Willett Foundation, Inc.) (207 B.C Mrs. William S. Covington* Elizabeth M. Covington Estate Mr. & Mrs. William S. Cowles A. G. Cox Charity Trust Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crane Mr. & Mrs. John V. Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cruikshank Mrs. Suzette Morton Davidson Mrs. Charles $. DeLong* Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. James R. Donnelley (Nina H. & James R. Donnelley Foundation) Elling O. Eide Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Ewing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman William F. Farley (William F. Farley Foundation) Mary & Bruce Feay Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Feinberg (Joseph & Bessie Feinberg Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Field Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robert Foltz Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Foreman (Peter & Virginia Foreman Foundation/Peroke Foundation) Robin Foster Mr.* & Mrs. Gaylord Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Marshall B. Front Josephine D. Galitzine Estate Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Gidwitz Elizabeth L. Girardi Mr. & Mrs. William B. Graham (William B. Graham Foundation, Inc.) William M. Hales (Hales Charitable Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Corwith Hamill (Happy Hollow Fund) Mr. & Mrs. King W. Harris (Harris Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Harrold III Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Ben W. Heineman H. John Heinz III Trust Philip Hershkovitz Mr. & Mrs. RembrandtC. Hiller, Jr. Elizabeth Hoffman Mrs. Harold James (The Butz Foundation) William B. Jeffries Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Johnson (The Clarence E. & Shirley M. Johnson Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Curtis S. Johnson III Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Kapnick, Jr. (The Kapnick Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kinsella Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Kolar Mrs. Arthur H. Krausman Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Mrs. John Woodworth Leslie 33 are from tomb bricks and tiles of the Han Dynasty 220 A.D.) found in Sichuan Province, China. Dr. & Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Malott (Camalott Charitable Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Carter H. Manny, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Marcus Mr. & Mrs. Edward Matz, Jr. Cirilo McSween Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McKenna, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen C. Menke (Menke Family Foundation) Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Miller Miner-Weisz Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Newton N. Minow (Minow Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Mullin Miss Jeanne E. Murray Hisaze Nagatani Col. & Mrs. John B. Naser (J BN Trust) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Neal Abbie L. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Neisser (The Neisser Fund) Mr. & Mrs. John Doane Nichols Mr. & Mrs. John K. Nov, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Oliver, Jr. Harry D. Oppenheimer II (Oppenheimer Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. James Otis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Patterson (The Warwick Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. James R. Patton, Jr. Mrs. Pauline Yacktman Petre (Pauline Yacktman Foundation) Mr. & Mrs.* Richard J. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Allan M. Pickus Mr. & Mrs. John Pusinelli Mr. & Mrs. Neil K. Quinn Audree M. Ragan Estate Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Reichelderfer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Richman George N. Ross Estate John W. Ruettinger Estate Mr. & Mrs. John S. Runnells Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sargent Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Schroeder (The Schroeder Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. William L. Searle Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior (The Morgan-Senior Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shapiro (Soretta & Henry Shapiro Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mr. & Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm N. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Mrs. Frederick W. Spiegel (Ruth & Frederick Spiegel Foundation / H. H. Butler Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Stone (Roger & Susan Stone Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. William S. Street (The Seattle Foundation) Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Strotz Mrs. James Swartchild * (Collier-Swartchild Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vogel Harold K. Voris Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Walsh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mrs. Imy Wax Mr. & Mrs. Roderick S. Webster Mr. & Mrs. William L. Weiss (William L. & Josephine B. Weiss Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John L. Welsh III (McCrea Foundation) Mrs. B. Kenneth West Dr.* & Mrs. Louis O. Williams Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Wilson James R. Wimmer Winnetka Garden Club Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mr. & Mrs. William Wood-Prince Claire Zeisler $100 To $999 Anonymous Mrs. Lester S. Abelson (Lester S. Abelson Foundation) Alicia Ann Adams Mrs. Keene H. Addington Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Adlesick Katharine D. Agar Janet Agranoff Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Aldworth Sharon A. & M. Mehdi Alister Mr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Allan Dorothy K. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Allen Mr.* & Mrs. James W. Alsdorf (Alsdorf Foundation) Julius Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Kimball R. Anderson Sandra K. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Anderson Thomas W. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Lester J. Anixter Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Archambault Mr. & Mrs. Angelo R. Arena Dr. & Mrs. David Ashbach *Deceased TOTAL GIFTS, BEQUESTS, AND GRANTS 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 ee 15615 8 125190) MEE $386,978 (6%) | Se? (ie, $$ SAG iIT (@m1Ge) MEE $874,090 (14%) TOTAL: $6,147,191 \—______ SS ss ean (ULG11A) ME $358,258 (4%) MM $525,265 (8%) Sl eee ee) $4,477,767 (54%) mS $1 232,994 (15%) TOTAL: $8,289,491 ee S15633,257 (19%) mmm $455,155 (5%) m™ $247,439 6%) SE TE] $4,707,580 (55%) Ga $1 496,781 (18%) TOTAL: $8,540,212 a 36 CE OLD) MEE $493,684 (4%) TL HT MD) (Ea La ee ee P ) $4,897,390 (45%) CE $1 755,182 (16%) TOTAL: $10,935,523 1 848,348 (22%) mmm $064,317 (12%) meme $570,599 (7%) TOTAL: $8,487,623 ens 5705 191401(1 490) mum $1 271,875 (11%) mn 446,231 (13%) AEE EEL ES) OT STE $4,621,670 (40%) $7 (56,093 (18%) TOTAL: $11,447,009 @ CapiraL @ GOVERNMENT GRANTS ™ UNRESTRICTED GIVING ™ RESTRICTED GIVING ™ Bequests & ENDOWMENTS 26 SCIENTIFIC ILLUSTRATION Four Field Museum artists produce illustrations of specimens and artifacts to supplement the research of the curatorial staff. They employ a broad range of techniques, but each has refined a particular style: Zbigniew Jastrzebski specializes in pencil or pen and ink stipple renderings of skeletal structures and reconstruction of pottery; Clara Richardson-Simpson in line and stipple representations of zoological and paleontological specimens; Marlene Werner in using carbon dust and scratch board techniques; and Zori¢a Dabich in crow quill drawings of botanical subjects and water color paintings of South American monkeys. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ayers Richard Badger/Inge Fryklund Mrs. Warner G. Baird, Jr. Edwardine M. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Baker Lance C. Balk Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Balter Mr. & Mrs. James H. Bankard Walter Baranowski Mr. & Mrs. Norbert J. Barbahen Dr. & Mrs. J. W. Barnes Jane E. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. E. Keith Barns Mr. & Mrs. John E. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baumgarten Lawrence W. Bay Mrs. George R. Beach Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Virginia L. & William K. Beatty Mrs. James H. Becker Dr. Helen R. Beiser Dr. Nenad Belic/Ellen Stone Belic Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bell, Jr. Coburn Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. B. Edward Bensinger Mr. &€ Mrs. Stephen Bent Mr. & Mrs. Harry O. Bercher Richard A. Bergdahl Richard S. Berger Mrs. Byron E. Besse Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bilandic Mr. & Mrs. Kendrick D. G. Bisset Carolyn P. Blackmon Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mr. & Mrs. Nelson C. Block Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. Edwin R. Blomquist Mrs. Harlan G. Bogie James Bohnen Merlin Bohse Richard E. Boice Dr. Brian M. Boom Jeffrey W. Boyar Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Boyer Mrs. Nancy Brandt Mrs. Lester Harris Brill Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Brizzolara Margaret Broch Robert H. Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Brooker T. Kimball Brooker Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown (Cameron Brown Foundation) Jennifer Martin Brown (The Martin Foundation, Inc.) Jerry Lee Brown / Evelyn Priebe Josiah Brown Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Browne Mrs. T. von Donop Buddington Dr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Bunta Dr. & Mrs. William C. Burger Mrs. Gunnar Burgeson Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Burkhardt Donald E. Burney Mrs. Joseph A. Burnham Marie Kraemer Burnside Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Burrows Mr. & Mrs. Clark Burrus Rhett W. Budler (Butler Family Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Cadieux (Cadieux Charitable Trust) Eleanor F. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. L. Bradley Callicott John F. Calmeyn Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. John G. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Kyle L. Campbell Mrs. Robert A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Carson Beatrice Carter Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wells Carton Dr. & Mrs. Ramon E. Casas Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Casey Mrs. Jack Cavenaugh Mr. & Mrs. Hammond E. Chaffetz (Chaffetz Family Foundation) Mrs. Jerry G. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Champion, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Michael F. Chaneske Elvin E. Charity/Roxanne M. Ward Mrs. Mary V. Chen Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Cherry (Virginia B. & Walter L. Cherry Trust) Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Chester Mr. & Mrs. August C. Chidichimo William G. Chorn Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Christian Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Ciriacks Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Clark Dorothy Clissold Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Clow, Jr. Gregory Coakley Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Collopy Walter Compton Janet N. Connor Mr. & Mrs. Stanton R. Cook Mrs. Edward A. Cooper Mrs. Gale C. Corley Gerald Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. James R. Coulter Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cousins, Jr. Roger E. Covey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Crisafulli Carla S. Crofoot Wayne C. Cross Mrs. Sandra K. Crown Paul F. Cruikshank Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Cudd David W. Cugell, M.D. Mr. John F. Cuneo, Jr. (The Cuneo Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lin Cunnison Kenneth H. Currier Clarence Curtis Gertrude L. Curtis Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. William Czerwinski Casimer J. Czochara, Jr. Thomas J. Czubak Dr. & Mrs. Anthony M. D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Ernest A. Dahl, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dino J. D'Angelo Mr. & Mrs. John A. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Ken M. Davee (The Davee Foundation) Mrs. Leonard S. Davidow Charles A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Davis Wendell K. Decker Mrs. Emmett Dedmon Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. T. Dehmlow Ruth M. A. Denn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dennehy Mr. & Mrs. Jack Der Kacy Amy T. Dickinson Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr. Paul Dickman Michael O. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. William S. Dillon Rocco A. Dimeo Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon Patricia Dodson Dr. Robert D. Dooley Dr. & Mrs. Erl Dordal Ron Dorfman Mr. & Mrs. James Doughan James C. Dowdle Robert A. Duewerth Mrs. Robert J. Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dugan Dr. & Mrs. George Dunea Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Dunne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Durrett Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Dusza Donna G. Earl Robert J. Eck Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Edwards (Woodruff & Edwards Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Elias Mr. & Mrs. Larry Elkins J. Thomas Eller Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Elliott, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James P. Elmes Mrs. Josephine F. Elting Mrs. Marjorie H. Elting Daniel N. Epstein Mr. & Mrs. John W. Estey Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Evans Lucy F. Fairbank Edith H. Falk Mrs. John V. Farwell IV Peter A. Fasseas Mrs. Irene H. Faust Harry & Arlene Feiger Dr. & Mrs. Meyer Feldberg Mr. & Mrs. Warren L.Fellingham, Jr. Mr. John R. Fenner Robert J. Ferrari Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ferris Mrs. Robert Fesmire Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Irving S. Fishman Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Fitts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Florian Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Florio III Mr. & Mrs. Dwight W. Follett Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Foster, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Foulkes Mrs. Hubert D. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. The Friday Club Mr. & Mrs. William D. Frost Mr. & Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton (Maurice & Muriel Fulton Foundation) Donald I. Funk, M.D. Dan Galardy Dr. & Mrs. John S. Garvin Mr. & Mrs. John S. Gates Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Gates Mr. & Mrs. James J. Gavin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Gebhard Mr. & Mrs. Raymond I. Geraldson, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Gerber Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Gerlicher Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gerrie Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gibbons Mr. & Mrs. James Gidwitz Joseph L. Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Giese Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Giesen Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gifford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Gladding Mrs. James J. Glasser (D & R Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Glinsman Thomas W. Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. John T. Golitz Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. David E. Good Morris F. Goodman Edward Gordon Lawrence W. Gougler Dr. & Mrs. John G. Graham Mary Jo Green Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Greenman Colonel & Mrs. Clifford C. Gregg Mr. & Mrs. George Price Grieve Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Grobarcik Mr. & Mrs. John Grochowski Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Gronkiewicz Lewis & Misty Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Grunschel Dr. & Mrs. Rolf M. Gunnar Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Delores H. Gustafson Dr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Haag Mrs. Burton W. Hales (Hales Charitable Fund) Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Hall Mr. & Mrs. J. Parker Hall Ernestine Hambrik, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hanson Irving B. Harris Philip Harris / Claire Hartfield Mr. & Mrs. Nelson K. Harrison Karen R. Harsha James W. Hart Kyle L. Harvey Dr. William A. Haseltine Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm H. Hast Clarence M. Hatfield Mr. & Mrs. F. William Hauschildt Mr. & Mrs. Marty Hauselman Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Hayes Maryann C. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hayman Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Healy Mr. & Mrs. J. Duncan Healy Josephine Hedges Wayne E. & Colette J. Hedien James L. Heller Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Y. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hengehold Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Henke Mary Ellen Hennessy Mr. & Mes. Harold H. Hensold, Jr. Derral R. Herbst Norman Hessler Edna M. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Stacy H. Hill Mr. & Mrs. David Lea Hillis Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hines Mrs. Harold H. Hines, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Hines Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hintz Mrs. Edwin F. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Hirsch Dr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Hirschmann Edward B. Hirshfeld Mrs. Richard H. Hobbs Joel Hochberg Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Hochberg Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Hoekstra Harry Hoffman* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hoffmann John A. Holabird, Jr. Craig J. Holderness Mr. & Mrs. David B. Horn Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Allen F. Hosticka Mr. & Mrs. Karl Humbert Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Hummer Marjorie M. Humphrey Mrs. Harvey Huston Mrs. Chauncey Keep Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Hutchinson Mrs. W. F. Huter Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Dr. & Mrs. Stanley O. Ikenberry Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ingersoll Dr. Dominique Irvine Ellen Isaacson Sue B. Ish Dr. & Mrs. Michael Jablon * Deceased UNRESTRICTED GIVING 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 $559,088 (36%) ms $213,700 (14%) EEE $789) ()§ (5(%4) TOTAL: $1,561,817 mS $48 149 (31%) ms $3()5,.200 (19%) TOTAL: $1,595,207 mms $187,000 (11%) NN $859,057 (53%) TOTAL: $1,633,257 $558,256 (29%) mmm $3()2.150 (16%) | ()4(). 750) (55%) TOTAL: $1,951,155 ME $563,697 (31%) mmm $262,700 (14%) ae a em ee) $1,021,951 (55%) TOTAL: $1,848,348 MS $466,452 (23%) Mmmm $253,580 (12%) I ee eS) $1,331,108 (65%) TOTAL: $2,051,140 ™ CORPORATIONS ™ FOUNDATIONS @ INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY FOUNDATIONS NOTE: THIS CHART DETAILS THE “UNRESTRICTED GIVING” COLUMN SHOWN IN THE “TOTAL GIFTS, BEQUESTS, AND GRANTS” CHART ON PAGE 25. 28 IN THE FIELD The Museum's new membership publication, |\n the Field: The Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History, premiered in July 1990 with news of the discovery by Field Museum researchers in Madagascar of a living population of red-tailed Newtonia (above), a bird long thought to be extinct. The bimonthly newspaper features articles by curators and others on the Museum’s research activities and public programs, and highlights events of interest to members. Dr. Lauren Krent Jacker Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jacob Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Jaicks Gordon K. James, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. James Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Jannotta, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Colt Jerome Dr. Timothy A. Johns Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Johnson Robert L. Johnson Charles B. Jones Phyllis A. Jones Robert J. Jordan William K. Jordan II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Marjorie June Edward J. Juracek Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Kalsch Philip J. Kania Dr. & Mrs. Alan Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Karlin Eugene Kart Mr. & Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mary Kay Karzas Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Kasper Dorothy A. Keating Catherine M. Keebler Mrs. Richard L. Keller Mrs. Norman R. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. John S. Kellogg, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly Mrs. A. Frederick Kempe Joseph F. Kindlon Margaret Mertz King Neil King Dr. Steven R. King Mrs. William T. Kirk, Jr. Bruce Klefstad Edward T. Klunk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koenig Dr. Vilma L. Kohn Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Kokes Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke (Koldyke Family Foundation) Leonard Kolender Barry Konig Robert W. Kopaczewski Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kopp Dr. Richard Korf Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kostal Howard G. Krane Mr. & Mrs. Lee V. Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Frederich A. Kremple Mr. & Mrs. Warren R. Kremske Timothy J. Kress Mrs. Irwin E. Kretchmer Scott Krueger Mr. & Mrs. James A. Kuehnle Duane R. Kullberg Mercedes Anita Laing Mr. & Mrs. Arthur La Velle Mr. & Mrs. Marshall S. Leaf Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Leet (Leet Charitable Trust) Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lefkow Bernice H. Lehmann Hon. & Mrs. George N. Leighton Frederick R. Lent Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Levin Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Levy Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Lewis Mary E. Liebman Charlotte T. Lindar-Gorbunoff Camille Lione Mrs. Richard G. Lione Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lipsky Mrs. F. Chapin Litten M. Susan Lopez David B. Love Mrs. Rena I. Lozins Bettina R. Mac Ayeal Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Mack Mr. & Mrs. William J. Mack Mr. & Mrs. William O. Maddocks Mr. & Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Mages Mrs. Patricia A. Magon Mr. & Mrs. William R. Mahoney Francis M. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Manchee Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Marc Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Marks James A. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matta Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Matz Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Barr McCutcheon II Mr. & Mrs. Wayne McDaniel Clarence T. McDonald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. McElnea Dr. & Mrs. Ernest G. McEwen Mr. & Mrs. John E. McGovern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. McKay Dr. & Mrs. Peter McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Ben McQueen Mrs. Eugene J. McVoy Elisabeth C. Meeker Mr. & Mrs. John C. Meeker Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Meers (Henry W. Meers Fund) Ernst Melchior Charles W. Melind Nancy F. Meloy Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Melvoin Mrs. Herman Menzel Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Michaels George F. Mihelic Norman A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Miller Rebecca Anne Miller Mrs. Robert Montes Mr. & Mrs.John R. Montgomery III Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Moore Mrs. Carolyn S. Moore Mrs. Remo Morelli Juliet Morgan Scott A. Mori/Carol Gracie Mr. & Mrs. John H. Morrison Gregory M. Mueller / Betty A. Strack Mr. & Mrs. Roger William Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Aidan I. Mullett Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mundstock Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Munn III Nina A. Murphy Richard J. Murphy Ann E. Murray Dr. Mary Aileen Murray Barbara Murtha Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Nadler, Jr. Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan Lois E. Natusch Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Neach _ Mr. & Mrs. Earl L. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Cary L. Neiman Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Nelson Patricia A. Nemeth Thomas B. Nendick Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Nerenberg Mr. & Mrs. Alan Nesburg Dr. & Mrs. Lorin I. Nevling, Jr. Ralph G. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Donald Seon Christine Niezgoda Diana L. Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Nordlund Lucille Ann Nunes Mrs. John Nuveen +% Paul R. Nylander ? . Marjorie E. Nystrom ‘s Mrs. Anton Oberhuber Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J, O’Brien _ (M. J. Family Foundation) Therese M. Obringer ‘ Che Paul E. Ogle a yn Thomas R. Okleshen , a ; Carl B. Olson oe Aes E Mrs. Norman Olson ae tees L ys Olson Charitable Foundation) — Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Thomas O'Neil Mrs. Harry D. Oppenheimer II Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Oppman Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Oughton Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Over — “aes David T. Owsley ; Mr. & Mrs. Willard C. Packs Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Papanek II Dr. & Mrs. William L. Parish, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Parker, Jr. Bonnie P. Pashkow Mr. & Mrs. Monroe B. Passis Cathy Patrick Bruce Patterson Mrs. O. Macrae Patterson — Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pavey Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Pearl Pi Frederic C. Pearson Mary Chase Pell Marianne F. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Julian S. Perry Richard E. Petit Dr. & Mrs. C. B. Petty-Weeks Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Pickering Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pigott Jeffrey M. Pines Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Plochman III Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Pollack (Mary Jane & Bernard Pollack Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Walter Polner Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Pontikes Mrs. George A. Poole Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Porter Mr. & Mrs. David Poster Jamie Ann Potash Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Newell Pottorf Prairie Woods Audubon Society Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Pranian Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Printen Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Pritkin Mrs. Virginia F. Pullman Mr. & Mrs. James A. Radtke Mr. & Mrs. Norman X. Raidl Anthony Ramirez Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ramsay George A. Ranney, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ransom Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Rauschenberg Dr. Peter H. Raven Dr. & Mrs. William R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. H. Thomas Reepmeyer Miss Ruth Regenstein Lewis W. Reich Mrs. Robert W. Reneker Rowena M. Rennie Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Renwick Mr. & Mrs. Harold Reskin Mrs. Merle Reskin Mr. & Mrs. Don H. Reuben Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rich Mr. & Mrs. R. Norton Richards Dr. E. P. Richardson, Jr. Mrs. Samuel A. Rinella Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Rippert Dr. & Mrs. W. R. Risk Mr. & Mrs. Harry V. Roberts Penelope Robinson Rhonda Rochambeau Mr. & Mrs. H. P. Davis Rockwell Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Roe (Milius Roe Foundation) Mrs. Ward C, Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Roob Mr. & Mrs. John Rose Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rosen Dr. & Mrs. Max Rosenberg Sarah R. Rosenbloom Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Rosin Elizabeth B. Roth Mr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Rothrock Lawrence Rowan Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rowe H. Nelson Rowley III Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Rua, Jr. Don Ruegg Mr. & Mrs. I. W. Ruge Saul & Beverlee Ruman Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ruppman Nancy Tamm Ruscitti Mary A. Russell Dr. John H. Rust Mrs. Shirley A. Sallas Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Saltzberg Mr. & Mrs. Quentin E. Samuelson Norman L. Sandfield Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Sargo Regina M. Sariol Mr. & Mrs. Dante G. Scarpelli Mr. & Mrs. George Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schaefle Mr. & Mrs. Henry F. Schiele Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Schiller Dr. Laurence D. Schiller / Cathleen A. Weigley Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Dr. & Mrs. J. A. Schoenberger Mts. Robert J. Schofield Ray J. Schoonhoven Mr. & Mrs. Rodd M. Schreiber Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Schroeder Richard E. Schultes Mrs. Elizabeth M. Schultz Calvin Selfridge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sents Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sertich Mr. & Mrs. C. Olin Sethness Mr. & Mrs. John Shad Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Shaw John M. Shay Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell B. Sheinkop Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sheldon Julie P. Shelton Melissa A. Shennan John G. Shields Dr. Robert W. Shoemaker Lauretta Silveri Michael Silverstein Mrs. John M. Simpson Mrs. Gerald A. Sivage Mrs. Frank A. Slauf Mr. & Mrs. Guy Slaughter Susan A. Sloma Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Smith Mrs. Gordon Smith Jackie Smith Mrs. Lawrence D. Smith Louise K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Worthington L. Smith James E. Smittkamp Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sohl Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel Michael & Judith Spock 20 MEMBERSHIP Three members won trips to Hawaii and another a trip to New Zealand in raffles during the three-night members’ previews of “Traveling the Pacific” (November 1989) and “Pacific Spirits” (November 1990). A special program featuring talks by Pacific exhibit developers in August 1989 drew more than 1,000 members ATTENDANCE 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1,089,167 ES | si, |S: ee | | SE SAT ITE | (S135 30 THE NEW EXPLORERS The Museum’s Education Department, working with a group of Chicago teachers, the University of Chicago Lab School, and Argonne National Laboratory, developed a curriculum for fourth- to eighth-graders to accompany the “Islands in the Jungle” episode of The New Explorers, the PBS television series produced by Museum trustee Bill Kurtis. The series aims to teach science and to interest students in scientific careers by personalizing scientific adventure and discovery. (“Islands” features the work of Field Museum researchers in Peru.) The Museum is the repository for tapes of the series, which are available for loan to teachers along with teaching materials and hands- on activities for students. Amoco Corp. and Waste Management, Inc. have helped subsidize a national marketing campaign for the teaching materials. A second year of the series is in production, and the Museum is again participating in curriculum development. Mr. & Mrs. E. Norman Staub Robert J. Stavigna Mr. & Mrs. Allan I. Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. Gardner H. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson III Hal S. R. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Stitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stocker Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Straus II Mr. & Mrs. Jacob C. Stucki Dr. & Mrs. Robert Study Mr. & Mrs. Barry F. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Bert O. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sullivan (Susan R. & John W. Sullivan Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. James L. Surpless Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Swelstad Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T. Swick Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Swift III Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore P. Swift Mr. & Mrs. James B. Tafel Nina Tai Jackie L. Tajiri Mr. & Mrs. Terence Tanner Bill S. Taylor Carol G. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Roy L. Taylor John W. Terborgh Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Marilyn Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Prasong Thongsai Mr. & Mrs. John L. Thoresdale Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr. Karl Tilton Paul E. Tobin Nobuo Tokunaga Mr. & Mrs. William J. Townsley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tracy Victor R. Trautwein, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tubergen Norman Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Frank Q. Tuma Dr. & Mrs. William D. Turnbull Mrs. C. Perin Tyler Matilda J. Tyler Dr. & Mrs. Edward Unger Mr. & Mrs. James Vallely Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Lillian Vanek Sandra E. Van Tilburg Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Van Zelst (Minann, Inc.) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Vender George Vernon Mr. & Mrs. William Taylor Vickers Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Visconti Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Voysey Robert W. Wadsworth Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. George M. Walker * Deceased Malcolm M. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Walker Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. E. Worthington Walters Mrs. Thomas M. Ware Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Warkenthien Mr. & Mrs. John S. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Russell V. Watts Mrs. E. Leland Webber Dr. & Mrs. Arnold R. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wehr Michael E. Weiner Carey Weiss Mrs. John Paul Welling* Mrs. Daniel R. Welsh Dr. & Mrs. Rupert L. Wenzel Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Whisler Dr. & Mrs. Walter W. Whisler Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Whitaker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Whitcomb Mr. & Mrs. Miles D. White Willard E. White Eldon L. Whiteside Mr. & Mrs. Lawson E. Whitesides, Jr. Sally M. Whiting Constance Wiedeman Mr. & Mrs. Thornton B. Wierum Mr. & Mrs. Clyde F. Willian Mrs. Benton J. Willner (Madeline & Henry Straus Endowment Fund) Dr. & Mrs. Lanny Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Wilson John T. Winburn Barbara K. Wing Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn C. Winland John W. Winn Nancy Corwith Hamill Winter Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wise Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Wohlers Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wolfe Sheffield Wolk Mrs. Peter Wolkonsky Arthur M. Wood Henry C. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mary H. Woodward George C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Merle Wyld Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Young, Jr. Mrs. George B. Young Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zalatoris Mr. & Mrs. Max Zar Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Zehner Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Zenner Mr. & Mrs. Frank O. Zimmermann Lois Zoller GIFT IN TRUST: Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd SPECIAL GIFTS: RESTRICTED CAPITAL, AND ENDOWED FUNDS CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS $100,000 AND ABOVE Amoco Foundation, Inc. Aon Corporation The Chicago Community Trust Elizabeth Ferguson Trust The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc. The Joyce Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust The Regenstein Foundation The Daniel F. and Ada L.Rice Foundation Sears, Roebuck & Co. $10,000 To $99,999 The Allstate Foundation Amsted Industries Foundation The Baxter Foundation Beatrice Foundation The Chase Manhattan Corporation Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Comdisco Inc. Commonwealth Edison Company The DeSoto Foundation R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Fel-Pro/Mecklenburger Foundation First National Bank of Chicago Foundation FMC Foundation GE Foundation Geraldi-Norton Memorial Corporation Helene Curtis Industries Inc. William Randolph Hearst Foundation Walter E. Heller Foundation Illinois Tool Works Inc. Kemper Educational & Charitable Foundation Kemper Financial Services, Inc. James S. Kemper Foundation Kraft General Foods Bertha LeBus Charitable Trust Louis R. Lurie Foundation Midcon Corporation Morton International National Boulevard Foundation The Northern Trust Company John Nuveen and Co. Polk Bros. Foundation The Quaker Oats Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities Safety-Kleen Corp.Sara Lee Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Simpson Trust Foundation The Siragusa Foundation Susman & Asher Foundation Touche Ross and Co. United Airlines Foundation Walgreen Co. Harry Weese & Associates Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company $5,000 To $9,999 American National Bank Foundation AT &T Foundation Bridgestone/Firestone Leo Burnett USA Centel Corporation CR Industries DDB Needham Worldwide Marshall Field’s Harris Bank Foundation Hartmarx Corporation Household International The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Company Price Waterhouse & Co. Rockwell International Salomon Foundation Inc. Sargent & Lundy Schwarz Paper Company Skil Corporation $1,000 To $4,999 ACCO International, Inc. Ameritech Foundation ARCO Foundation Bankers Trust Company Berg, DeMarco, Lewis & Sawatski William Blair & Company Burke, Wilson & Mecllvaine Chicago Title & Trust Company Chicago Tribune Foundation The Coca-Cola Company GATX Corp. GTE Automatic Electric Laboratories, Inc. Hascek-Melville Corporation Hutchinson, Shockey, Erley Co. Illinois Bell IMCERA Group International Business Machines Corporation Kirkland & Ellis LaSalle National Bank Maytag Corporation Foundation McDonald’s Corporation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Moore Business Forms, Inc. Motorola Foundation Northern Illinois Gas Ogilvy & Mather, Inc. Philip Morris Incorporated Rubloff, Inc. Santa Fe Pacific Schal Associates Seattle Foundation Trust Fund Shell Companies Foundation, Inc. J. Walter Thompson USG Foundation, Inc. Winston & Strawn Xerox Corporation $100 To $999 Chicago Extruded Metals Exchange National Bank First American Bank of Chicago Home Savings of America Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. Kellum Temporaries Douglas Kenyon Inc. Louisville Community Foundation Depository, Inc. Marquette National Bank William M. Mercer-Meidinger- Hansen, Incorporated Midwest Bank & Trust Co. Montgomery Ward Foundation Morgan Stanley & Company R.J.R. Nabisco, Inc. Kenneth Nebenzahl, Inc. Oriental Art Society of Chicago Pepsico Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Roosevelt University Strombecker Corporation U.S. West Foundation Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammholz Henry C. Wienecke, Inc. World Book Publishing Company 31 BENEFACTORS Sustaining Benefactors are individuals, foundations, and corporations whose cumulative contributions total $1,000,000 or more. During 1989 and 1990, the following individuals were formally recognized as Sustaining Benefactors for their exceptional generosity: Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Staehle and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Tiecken. (Theodore D. Tieken passed away on January 24, 1990. Museum Benefactors are individuals, foundations, and corporations whose cumulative contributions total $100,000 or more. During 1989 and 1990, the following individuals and family foundations were formally recognized as Museum Benefactors: Mrs. Pamela Kelley Armour Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper (The Richard H. Cooper Foundation) The Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mr. and Mrs. John H. Leslie Mrs. Glen A. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron Smith During 1989 and 1990, the following corporations and foundations were formally recognized as Museum Benefactors: Ameritech Foundation Chicago Tribune Foundation DeSoto Foundation Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Harris Bank Foundation Kraft, Inc. International Business Machines Corporation McMaster-Carr Supply Company National Endowment for the Arts Peat, Marwick and Main Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Rockefeller Foundation S&C Electric Company Santa Fe Southern Pacific Foundation Sara Lee Foundation Simpson Trust Foundation United Airlines Foundation Waste Management 32 GEOLOGY LABS An $800,000 renovation of the Museum’s paleontological research facilities has begun that will revamp some 6,700 square feet of laboratory space. Among the areas marked for improvement are the geomagnetics laboratory, the fossil and rock preparation facilities, and the image- analysis laboratory. The work is supported by a $375,000 grant from the National Science Foundation and a $200,000 commitment from the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial. UNRESTRICTED GIFTS CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS $5,000 AND ABOVE Aon Corporation Amoco Foundation, Inc. Bankers Trust Company The Barker Welfare Foundation William Blair & Company Borg-Warner Foundation, Inc. Burke, Wilson & Mcllvaine Chicago Board of Trade Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation Continental Bank Foundation Crum & Forster Foundation The DeSoto Foundation Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. First National Bank of Chicago Foundation FMC Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund HBB Foundation Harris Associates L.P. Household International Illinois Bell Illinois Tool Works Foundation Interlake Foundation International Business Machines Corporation J.C. Penney Company, Inc. Kemper Financial Services, Inc. Kraft General Foods The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation MacLean-Fogg Company Marshall Field’s The Nalco Foundation Northern Illinois Gas The Northern Trust Company The Albert Pick Jr. Fund Polk Bros. Foundation Quaker Oats Foundation S & C Electric Company Sahara Coal Co., Inc. Santa Fe Pacific Foundation Sara Lee Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Sears, Roebuck & Co. United Air Lines Foundation Waste Management, Inc. W.P. & H.B. White Foundation E. W. Zimmerman Products, Inc. $100 TO $4,999 ACCO International Inc. Akzo Chemicals Inc. Alexander Building Company Allied- Signal Foundation, Inc. Ameritech Foundation, Inc. Anderson Secretarial Service ARCO Foundation Ashland Products Company AT & T Foundation Axia, Inc. Baird Foundation — Banc One Wisconsin Foundation, Inc. Banque Paribas Bell & Howell Foundation — Beslow Associates Inc. Blum-Kovler Foundation Helen V. Brach Foundation Brand Companies Charitable Foundation The Brunswick Foundation, Inc. Leo Burnett Company USA Central Steel & Wire Co. The Cherry Corporation Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Chicago Bears Football Club Inc. Chicago Bridge & Iron Foundation — Chicago Corporation Chicago Public Schools The Clinton Company/Artist in the Park Program CNA Foundation Commodity Warehouse Corp. Consolidated Papers Foundation Cooper Lighting Corey Charitable Foundation CPC International Patrick and Anna M. wey Fund R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Draper & Kramer Incorporated Dun & Bradstreet Corporation E-J Industries, Inc. Elkay Manufacturing Co. Federal Signal Corporation Ferrara Pan Candy Co. The Field Corporation Fund Firemans Fund Insurance Co. First Boston Corporation First National Bank of Evergreen Park b Florsheim Shoe Co. Follett Corporation GATX Corp. Nex General Binding Corporation General Motors Co. George S. May International Co. Geraldi-Norton Memorial Corporation W.W. Grainger, Inc. Great Northern Nekoosa Corp. Guarantee Trust Life Insurance John Hancock Charitable Trust Harris Bank Foundation Harza Engineering Company DC Heath and Company Helene Curtis Industries Inc. Walter E. Heller Foundation Houghton Mifflin Company Hyatt Regency Chicago Hyre Electric Co. Illinois Central Railroad IMCERA Group Intermatic, Inc. Johnson & Higgins of Illinois "4 Keck Mahin & Cate James S. Kemper Foundation _ Kirkland & Ellis *. § K Mart Corporation © Lawson Products Inc. Levy Organization Liquid Carbonic Corp : Lyphomed, Inc. 4 Marsh & McLennan, Inc. Masonite Corp. The May Stores Foundation, Inc. a | Mayer Brown & Platt Maytag Corporation Charitable 7 Foundation (A McDonald’s Corporation McGraw Foundation aaaL McKinsey & Company = ; McMaster-Carr Supply Co. '™> 1 William M. Mercer- — Hansen, Inc. » Mid-America Foundation Mid-City National Bank of mee Midas International ; Milex Products Inc. % om) 2 Monsanto Fund Montgomery Ward Foundation Morton International Motorola Foundation Near North Insurance Agency © John Nuveen & Company — Old Republic International Corp. On The Scene P-K Tool & Manufacturing Co. Packaging Corporation of America P.C. Brand, Inc. ~ Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. — Pittway Corporation a Foundation Prudential Foundation Pp Retirement Research Foundation Pas Schawk, Inc. fai Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation = Searle ' Security Pacific Foundation wv ; Shell Companies Foundation, Inc J.R. Short Milling Company. Skil Corporation Sleepeck Printing Company — Smith Barney & Co. Inc. Square D Foundation Standard Federal Savings Stein Roe & Farnham . Stepan Company Ss John S. Swift Company — ‘Oakleigh L. Thorne Foundation Time, Incorporated The Travellers Companies Foundation United Conveyor Corporation USG Foundation, Inc. Vance Publishing Corporation Vienna Sausage Manufacturing Co. PUBLIC Firemans Fund Insurance Co. 30 Follett Corporation ENTITIES GATX Corporation W.W. Grainger Great Northern Nekoosa The Chicago District Corporation h | , : ‘ Chicago muna Educatio Gulf & Wenn Founda §: {: * & ‘ as City of Chicago, * Office of Fine Arts nl aritable Trust 4° Illinois Arts Council ; ‘Sag ‘oundation y Institute obi liss um Se au? ye ational A 4 5 “dhe heat d : F 4 National Endowment f Tool Works Inc, ‘ - pane ‘ - Sn sk, Hu ities ai tional h 3's R ee * orporatio y dg National Institutes Health. = on ¢ J ‘s al S ienc Foundation James & Co. of Illi 4 : .. a lin Oe ive ansas or, Southern In ustr * i 2 : * 2 col & Chile ’ dation “4 2, s0% 6 tino Sania g a eo, Z Kemper ina Sh I iy een a char Pere PROGRA ae etiam ay: F UNDATIONS © eff, ign o oe » “a eg. oF rr Ares International Inc. «Alle aS al Fo He al iene - €; _ Form of bequest: “gi a Le pea “ns } ‘ to the em . : C Tiree of 3:3 History, ry, located in gp linda: ‘ J >€ a< ¥ Ip