=ield Museum bf Natural History >ft/ ^f >-\ '■^7rVp'5P Field Museum of Natural History Report 1969 - 1970 In his recent work, Reason Awake, Rene Dubos, the distinguished biologist, wrote, "There is no way for mankind to retreat from reason or from science; but this does not mean that mankind must continue on the road that it is now following. Trend is not destiny." Dubos was referring to the precipitous and destructive course which has been pursued by mankind in the current scientific-technological age, yet referring hopefully to the opportunity man still has for creative effort to terminate, and even reverse, the deterioration of the bio- sphere which we all occupy. Man slowly and painfully is coming to the realization that his future depends on a rational accommodation with nature and the ecological laws that govern it, rather than the now discredited attempts to conquer nature. As this adjustment in our life patterns occurs, the bank account of scientific knowledge that has been accumulated by man becomes the capital for our future. It is this bank account to which Field Museum, in company with other museums of its type, has been contributing during its entire history. The understanding of man and his natural world has been the core of Field Museum's program from the Museum's founding day. In succeeding sections of this report this Museum's current con- tribution to man's understanding of his world is narrated — ranging from studies of meteorites that may help to cast light on the origin of the earth to studies of parasitic flies of potential importance to medical zoology. No one institution, or type of institution or study, will keep our bank account of scientific knowledge supplied. Certain it is, however, that the collections of Field Museum, their study, and the broad public educational programs flowing from them are critical. Dubos' words carry a particular and poignant significance for Field Museum, an institution dedicated to both reason and science. The institutions created by man, as well as man himself, sometimes unconsciously accept trend for destiny. Predestination, defined by Webster as the "... doctrine that all events throughout eternity have been foreordained by divine decree or purpose ..." is a comfortable, but risky, way of life. The Board and staff have in recent years been trying to build Field Museum's destiny, not drift toward it. 1 Recognizing the increasingly difficult financial problem faced by the Museum, and all non-profit institutions in the United States today, major efforts have been dedicated to strengthening our finan- cial base. Many friends of Field Museum responded generously. Our membership grew from 15,300 to 19,342. The two-year period under review brought to the Museum gifts for operating purposes one-third greater than in the preceding biennium. Gifts for capital purposes were $819,000 greater than in the preceding period. The largest corporate gift in the history of the Museum was made in late 1970 by the Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation which granted $500,000 over a five-year period. The gift will be applied toward Field Museum's capital improvement program. Other particularly generous gifts were received from the following individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Bowen Blair, Joseph N. Field, Mrs. John L. Kellogg, Mrs. Clive Runnells, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Staehle, Mrs. David W. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dudley Tripp, Women's Board of Field Museum, Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley; corporations: International Harvester Co., Marshall Field & Co. Foundation, The Northern Trust Co., Sears, Roebuck & Co.; and foundations and bequests: The Chicago Community Trust, Field Foundation of Illinois, The Irene Heinz Given and John La Porte Given Foundation, Inc., Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust, Mark Morton Foundation, John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund, Sarah Adelia Stanley Trust, Estate of Jens A. Paasche. These friends, and the more than 2,000 other individuals, corporations, and foundations that made gifts during 1969 and 1970, brought strength to Field Museum. Grateful appreciation is due them. Despite the gratifying increase in gifts, it became clear during 1969-70 that Field Museum, and the other Chicago museums, would require income beyond that which could be anticipated from gifts and other available sources in the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the six museums in the Chicago Park District, in collaboration with the Park District Commissioners, worked in 1969 to secure authority from the Illinois General Assembly to increase the statutory limit on the museums' tax levy. As a consequence of this successful effort the Chicago Park District was able to approve an increase in tax levy support that will result in a doubling of public tax funds avail- able to each museum by 1972. It should be pointed out that, even Museum President Kemick McDowell welcomes President Richard M. Nixon to Field Museum for a meeting of the Great Lakes Regional Environmental QuaHty Conference. with the doubled level of tax support, local tax funds will comprise less than 25% of Field Museum's operating revenues in 1972. Further examination of our financial structure brought attention, inevitably, to the third possible source of income — the user. Al- though an admission charge has been in effect since the Museum's founding in 1893, income from admissions had never been a signifi- cant sum. In recent years the 75-year-old charge of 25 cents had brought less than 3% of our operating income. After long study by the Board of Trustees it was determined that some reasonable con- tribution by the visiting public was an essential element of any co- herent long term financial policy. Thus, on August 1, 1970, the adult admission charge was increased from 25 cents to $1.00 and a charge of 35 cents for children 6-17 was established under authority granted by the Illinois General Assembly and the Chicago Park District. The number of free days was reduced from three to one. As with tax income, the increased visitors' admission fees will be a modest percentage of total income, estimated to be approximately 10% in 1971. Attention was given to the continuing process of reorganization of the internal staff structure and policies. Much staff time has been devoted to that much maligned institution, the committee. But productive decisions have been made in a measure that justifies the loss of traditional "productive" time. Principal among the organi- zational changes was the consolidation of all scientific activities of the Museum, while retaining traditional departmental structure, under the coordinative efforts of a Chairman, Scientific Programs. Dr. Robert F. Inger, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles, and for 24 years on the staff of the Museum, was appointed to this pivotal position in mid 1970. Another important organizational change was the consolidation of all divisions presenting educational programs below the Ph.D. level into a Department of Education. Mr. Don- ald C. Edinger was appointed to the position as Chairman in 1969. These two structural changes completed a series of organizational changes begun five years ago. Three new Trustees were elected during the two-year period un- der review: Harry M. Oliver, Jr., William L. Searle, and John W. Sullivan. On August 18, 1969 Mr. Henry P. Isham died. Mr. Isham had been a Trustee of Field Museum for 23 years. In De- cember, 1970 Mr. Lester Armour, a Trustee for more than 31 years, 4 died. Mr. Armour's and Mr. Isham's contributions to the Museum were many through the years and they will be sorely missed. The observance of Field Museum's 75th Anniversary was com- pleted in 1969, There are great traditions and a distinguished history in this institution to guide those who seek to continue to build it to- day. The pages that follow narrate what must be ranked as perhaps the most active and productive two-year period in recent decades. The last quarter of Field Museum's first century has begun well. Special Events The past two years have been highlighted by a series of events that were indeed special. Many of them — such as the Fiesta Mexi- cana, the 75th Anniversary, and the acquisition of the Audubon volumes — are detailed in the following pages. President Richard M. Nixon came to Field Museum on Febru- ary 6, 1970 to convene the Great Lakes Regional Environmental Quality Conference. This was the first time a cabinet-level meeting had been held outside Washington, D. C. and included, in addition to the President and the Cabinet Committee on the Environment, Gov. Whitcomb of Indiana, Gov. Milliken of Michigan, Gov. Knowles of Wisconsin, and Gov. Ogilvie of Illinois. October 10 through November 9, 1969 the Museum offered the first Chicago-area public display of the rock samples from the his- toric moon landing of Apollo 11. The headline-making exhibit was made possible through the co-operation of The University of Chicago and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Financial assistance for the exhibit was provided by The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc. Members' Night attendance continued to break records — in 1969 5,400 members, their families, and guests helped celebrate the Mu- seum's 75th Anniversary. A key feature of the evening was the preview of the commemorative exhibit — "A Sense of Wonder, A Sense of History, A Sense of Discovery." A new high was attained in 1970 when 8,495 individuals responded to our annual Members' Night invitation. Ramon Medina, Huichol Indian dancer from Jalis- co, Mexico performing at Fiesta Mexicana. (Photo by Nickerson) Women's Board In the past two years the Women's Board has become ever more closely interwoven with the fabric of Museum life. The primary function of the Women's Board has been to stimulate increased pub- lic awareness of the Museum's treasures. To that end, the board has presented a number of special events including exhibition pre- views, tours, and talks by the Museum's scientific staff. Outstand- ing among the events of 1969-1970 were the well-received 75th Anniversary dinner, the gala dinner held to preview the Fiesta Mexicana, and the enormously successful "Christmas Afternoon at Field Museum," attended by more than 1,300 people. To insure the success of such events, members of the Women's Board have given generously of their time, energy, and enthusiasm. These qualities, as well as their many gifts, have earned the Women's Board the last- ing gratitude of Field Museum. Scientific Programs Anthropology Geology Botany Zoology The Study Collections The housing of enormous study collections of ethnographic and natural history specimens is the distinctive and unifying characteris- tic of the great natural history museums of the world. The collec- tions of Field Museum now comprise over 13,000,000 specimens. As might be expected, the remarkable variety of the objects in these collections imposes a great diversity of mechanical problems. For example, the Department of Zoology has seven divisions — Mammals, Insects, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Fishes, Inver- tebrates, and Vertebrate Anatomy, Each of these divisions has more than 100,000 specimens. There are over 300,000 bird skins, about the same number of fishes, and approximately 3,000,000 in- sects. The uncertainty of the totals is due to the backlog of unidenti- fied, uncatalogued material. Every kind of animal must be stored in a special way related to the structure of the animal and the manner in which study is usually conducted. Ornithologists invariably study the feathers and birds are stored as dried skins as this is the best way to preserve the feathers. In contrast, fishes, frogs, and snakes are preserved whole in alcohol; these animals do not dry well, and ichthy- ologists and herpetologists frequently examine internal parts of fishes and reptiles during the course of their study. Naturally, these varying methods of preservation also require a multiplicity of housing arrangements. Animals preserved in alcohol are kept in a wide array of sealed containers from 1 4 -ounce vials to large stainless steel tanks. Birds and small mammal skins are stored on shallow open trays, insects in air-tight, glass-covered drawers. The drawers and trays are housed in steel cases to protect the speci- ments from light and dust. Insects require the added protection of covered drawers because the very fine air-borne particles of Chicago can adversely affect the surface of these animals. For optimum scientific value, a specimen must be accompanied by specific data — the locality and special circumstances of its collec- tion in the field, the name of the collector, the date of collecting. As a museum specimen may be used in research many years after its acquisition, association of these data and the specimen have to be guaranteed for a long period of time. First-class rag paper and water- proof ink are the key elements in this aspect of museum technology. Insect data are printed on minute labels and pierced by the same pin used to mount the insect in its tray. Long paper labels are tied to mammal or bird skins; frogs and snakes have small serially num- bered tags tied to them — the numbers are listed in catalogs of high quality paper bound in linen with the data wintten in waterproof ink. Shells, if large enough, have the catalog numbers inked directly on them or, if too small for this, a label is slipped into the vial or card- board tray holding the shells. Like the collections of the other three scientific departments, the Department of Zoology's collections increase in size annually. The zoological collections grew by 143,000 specimens in 1969-1970. In 1970 2,427 bird skins from Peru, Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines, and the Ivory Coast of Africa were purchased through the Board- man Conover Fund, which is restricted to this purpose. Six thou- sand insects collected in remote areas of Colombia, were purchased with general Museum funds. The Thomas Birch collection of mol- lusks, a worldwide collection of 14,500 snails and clams, was re- ceived as a gift by the Division of Invertebrates; a good portion of these specimens has been described in publications, which makes them especially useful in research. The Division of Amphibians and Reptiles accessioned 11,241 specimens from Thailand, Malaya, and Borneo in 1969-1970; all were collected in conjunction with a Museum research program which was partly supported by the National Sci- ence Foundation. The Division of Insects received a great many medically important insects which were removed from wild-caught mammals as part of U. S. Department of Defense research programs. They include about 10,000 parasitic batfiies from Panama and Vene- zuela which were sent to Field Museum to be studied by Dr. Rupert Wenzel as part of the research progi'am. Because of its important collection of parasitic insects, the Museum received 288 samples of lice from Nepal. Acquiring, preparing, identifying, and cataloging specimens con- stitute only the beginning of the Museum's responsibilities regarding the study collections. Maintenance to insure their usefulness over a very long period of time is, of course, fundamental. Preventive rnaintenance may involve no more than housing in dust-free cases. Usually, however, additional special attention is required at regular intervals. For example, the paradichlorobenzene used in the bird 8 and mammal storage cases for protection against insect attacks is renewed every year. The preservative level in every one of the ap- proximately 50,000 jars of the fish collection was checked in 1970; a defective gasket or cracked lid can result in evaporation of the fluid and subsequent deterioration of the specimens. Problems of maintaining the anthropological collections are so severe that the Department of Anthropology has a conservation lab- oratory staffed by a full-time conservator. The anthropology col- lections include specimens made of a wide range of substances — wood, cloth, metals, animal skins, bone — and each substance has its own special hazards which must be understood chemically and physi- cally before the objects are treated. Details of the restoration and repairs to these specimens must be recorded for the information of future scholars. The Department of Botany, too, has unique maintenance and preservation problems. The department has about 2,000,000 plant specimens mounted, as is customary, on paper sheets stored in tight steel cases. Because this collection is in constant use, the cases are opened often and are thus exposed to damaging air pollutants so prevalent in downtown Chicago. Due to excessive heat build-up in the summer months, the storage area cannot be closed to outside air. The obvious solution is air-conditioning but at present funds are not available for this expensive installation. Study collections are amassed by museums to serve primarily as the basis for research. In addition to its own scientific activities, each major museum supports research at colleges, universities, re- search institutes, and other museums through an extraordinarily ex- tensive program of lending. The Department of Botany, for exam- ple, sent out on loan 20,000 plant specimens in 1969-1970 to 209 individuals at 80 institutions; 40% of these loans provided material for the use of graduate students. In this same period the Depart- ment of Zoology loaned 41,985 specimens to 326 individuals of whom 32% were at foreign institutions. Museums traditionally charge the borrowers of specimens only for postage or freight. The costs of searching for the material in the collections, of careful packing and recording of the specimens both as they are sent and again on return are all absorbed by the museum making the loan. As informed judgment is usually required in the selection of specimens and, as many of the specimens are fragile and rare, processing loans demands both time and skill. 9 Occasionally, it is either too hazardous or expensive to ship speci- mens. At these times the scientist or student must visit the collec- tions. Again, because of uncertainty concerning the quantity or identity of material available, a researcher may tour the collections in advance of a formal request for loans. Each of these reasons brings many professional visitors to the Museum annually. In 1969-1970 the Department of Anthropology had 365 such visitors; Botany, 279; Geology, 718; and Zoology, 742. Tending to the needs of these visitors is usually an interesting experience involving an exchange of technical information as well as personal satisfaction. The time-consuming staff service involved is for the most part a non-reimbursed cost to the Museum. There is, of course, reciprocity among institutions; other researchers come here, Museum staff members go there. However, since most visitors come from universities lacking significant collections, strict reci- procity is not generally possible. The major museums in this country are making significant finan- cial contributions to the support of certain fields of science through- out the United States by maintaining the study collections, lending specimens, and accommodating professional visitors. These insti- tutions in the last several years have made an exhaustive study of this type of support and, through a special committee of the Con- ference of Directors of Systematic Collections, are attempting to gain partial compensation for this effort from the National Science Foundation. Research and Publication Current research projects of Museum staff members range over the entire world from Alaska to Melanesia, from eastern Arizona to East Africa, from Australia to Thailand, and from Peru to Guate- mala. The objects of study are extremely diverse and range from mites that live in the quills of bird feathers to the dwellings of In- dians who lived in America's southwest more than 1,000 years ago; from trees and birds of tropical American forests to the art of Mela- nesia; from stone tools of prehistorical Africa to moon rocks collected by astronauts. This broad sweep of scientific study has characterized the Mu- seum's research program throughout its history. The subjects of 10 the individual research projects, though highly varied, fall into rec- ognizable categories. Those that deal with plants and animals, ex- tinct or contemporary, systematize our knowledge of life by recording and classifying the species of the past and present. Evolution and ecology are also principal themes running through these biological studies. The determination of the species occurring in tropical America has long been the concern of biologists at Field Museum. Currently, Drs. Louis 0. Williams, William C. Burger, and Johnnie L. Gentry are working on the flora of Central America and Dr. Donald R. Simpson on the flora of Amazonian Peru. These long-term projects are designed to provide descriptions and keys to the higher plants, many of them previously undiscovered, in these botanically rich areas. Without this background information, scientific progress in understanding the diversity and structure of these tropical plant communities would be very difficult and slow. That tree-sized species of plants are still unknown prepares the mind for the inadequacy of our knowledge of featherwing beetles. Students working at "New Perspectives in Archaeology" site in Vernon, Arizona. (Photo by Mary David Montague) 11 These tiny insects, rarely more than 1/25 of an inch long, are one of the main research interests of Mr. Henry Dybas, who continues with the painstaking task of describing and classifying these animals whose successful evolution of miniaturization has preceded by some 30-40 million years the efforts of human engineers to achieve analo- gous results. Search for and description of past life leads to different but equally difficult technical problems. The marsupial mammals of Australia form a very well known and one of the most distinctive of living faunas. Yet there is almost no fossil record of these beasts in Aus- tralia from strata older than two million years, which in geological terms is only yesterday. Paleontologist Dr. William D. Turnbull and his associate from the University of Texas, Dr. Ernest Lundelius, have succeeded in uncovering an important older find that will help unravel the history of the Australian fauna. The technical difficul- ties— other than the physically trying one of investigating over 100 potential sites — arise from the fact that the fossils are mainly teeth and small ones at that. Other research projects deal with strategies of adaptation and evolution. Dr. Wenzel's investigation on flies that parasitize bats attempts to unravel questions that seem highly specific. Is it a better strategy for a bat-fly to specialize on feeding on one particular species of bat and on one part of that bat? Or is it better, from the point of view of the fly's evolutionary success, to retain flexibility at the expense of loss of efficiency? This is a common problem many organisms have faced throughout evolutionary history; some species have become so efficient through over-specialization that they have become extinct, while others have disappeared from the face of the earth through lack of efficiency. On the practical side, the relation- ship between specialization of parasites and transfer to other species of hosts is one of the important problem areas of medical zoology concerning situations in which diseases are transmitted by blood- sucking parasites. Adaptive responses are obviously not the exclusive intellectual properties of biologists. Anthropologists at Field Museum are con- tinually dealing with adaptation in their search, whether the cultures being studied are those of the Eskimos of southwestern Alaska in the nineteenth century or of the Indians in Arizona 1,000 to 5,000 years ago. Dr. James W. VanStone, in his investigations along the Nusha- gak River in Alaska, has been concerned with the patterns of cultural 12 continuity and change as the Eskimos of this corner of the far north successively encountered first Eskimos from Kodiak and the Aleu- tian Islands and then Russians and Americans. Are newly intro- duced materials used as the invaders bearing them used them? Are the raw materials put to new uses? In one instance broken bottles were not discarded as would have happened in their countries of origin, but were used by the Eskimos as scrapers replacing flinty material. Tin cans were converted into baskets of the same shape as those formerly constructed of birch bark. In contrast, nails were used as nails, needles as needles, and beads as beads. Use as origi- nally designed mixed with novel adaptations — is this what all soci- eties have done? Many research projects have esoteric names — for example, "Min- eralogy and chemistry of irons-with-silicate-inclusions" or "Mineral- ogy and chemistry of silicate, oxide, phosphate phases in common octahedrites." Since these project titles are aimed primarily at spe- cialists, it should not be surprising that they convey little information to one outside that field of study. Actually, these research projects of Dr. EdwardJOlsen are part of broad investigations of the compo- sition of meteorites through which mineralogists hope to learn about the origin of the earth and the composition of its inner metallic core. Very few scientific studies are the work of a single person or even the work of persons from a single institution. Prof. Antonio Molina R. of the Escuela Agricola Panamerica, Honduras, and Ing. Eduardo Izquierdo C, Director of the Peruvian Forest and Wild- life Service, are active participants in the research program of the Museum's Department of Botany. In the Department of Geology, Dr. John Clark's research on ancient climates is conducted in collab- oration with Dr. J. R. Beerbower, New York State Teachers College; Dr. Olsen's studies of meteorites are part of a joint effort shared with three men from the Smithsonian Institution, two from Argonne National Laboratory, two from NASA, and one from the Univer- sity of New Mexico. Dr. Glen Cole's African archaeological studies are part of a program involving faculty of the University of Califor- nia. In the Department of Zoology, Mr. Hymen Marx's study of the evolution of snakes is a joint project with Dr. George Rabb, Research Associate, Field Museum and Associate Director, Chicago Zoological Society. Dr. Wenzel's research on bat-flies is part of an ambitious program involving 18 other professionals at various institutions. Co-operation even involves members of several departments within Field Museum: Dr. Alan Solem of Zoology and Dr. Matthew Nitecki 13 of Geology put their respective interests together for a project on fossil snails. University students, mainly at the graduate level, are important participants in Field Museum's research program. Substantive con- tributions have been made by students to Dr. VanStone's studies of Eskimos, to Dr. Robert F. Inger's research on the structure of animal communities in tropical forests, and to Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr.'s research on fossil assemblages from Mazon Creek, Illinois. The students involved in these projects are from the universities of To- ronto, Manitoba, Illinois, and Chicago, Much of the cost of research projects is borne by Field Museum from internal funds. However, significant support comes from the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, National Endowment for the Humanities, the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, United States Army, American Philosoph- ical Society, the Irene Heinz Given and John La Porte Given Foun- dation, Inc., and United States National Park Service. There are, in addition to these outside sources, special funds with- in Field Museum designed to support its scientific activities. This year we cite only two out of a number. The research programs in the Division of Birds owes part of its effectiveness to the Boardman Conover Fund which is used to purchase specimens. The extensive field program so vital to the research of the Department of Geology is substantially assisted by the Maurice L. Richardson Paleontolog- ical Fund. Every research effort must, before it truly contributes to our fund of scientific knowledge, result in publication — in book form or in sci- entific journals. Fieldiana, the Museum's own scientific series, is devoted mainly to the publication of staff research as well as research based on Museum collections and expeditions conducted under Mu- seum auspices. The list of publications of the scientific staff of Field Museum is given on pp. 26-31. These publications have a remark- ably wide distribution. Besides the hundreds of libraries that receive each publication, copies are distributed to scientists all over the world. Interpretation of Science Interpretation of science to the public is, of course, one of the functions of Field Museum and involves the entire institution. The scientific staff is involved in this interpretation in a variety of ways. 14 The preparation of an exhibit may require a member or many mem- bers of the curatorial staff to meet in consultation with members of the Department of Exhibition, to do special research and to engage in negotiations with other institutions and collectors for the loan of scientific materials for display. Public lectures and a variation on that theme, public field trips, are part of the interpretative activities of the scientific staff. Dr. Nitecki, for example, led geological field trips to the Ozarks and to the Grand Canyon and Dr. Bertram Woodland organized the same kinds of trips in the Chicago area. Public lectures were given by various members of the scientific staff at a number of places — the Beverly Art Center, the Cranbrook Institute, Girl Scouts of Naperville, local park district councils, and assorted high schools, as well as at the Museum. Occasionally, curators are asked to participate in educa- tional television broadcasts. Because of their professional interests in the evolution and ecology of air-breathing fishes, Mr. Loren Woods and Drs. Karel F. Liem and Robert F. Inger presented a television program on the so-called "walking fishes" of Florida. A scientist's special training and experience is frequently put to use in public roles he did not anticipate. For example, Mr. Dybas continues to serve as a Trustee of the South Cook County Mosquito Abatement District; Mr. Dybas' general competence as an ecologi- cally-oriented entomologist and his personal experience with mos- quito control in the Pacific makes him especially qualified for this public service. Finally, interaction with the broadest segment of the public is achieved by Museum scientists via popular writing. The Bulletin of Field Museum is the staff's principal outlet for articles of this sort, but books are produced regularly: Mr. Woods' book Fishes, Dr. Austin Rand's Ornithology, an Introduction, and the concise German, Swedish, and Dutch editions of Living Reptiles of the World by the late Dr. Karl P. Schmidt and Dr. Inger appeared in 1969-70. Other Staff Activities "Science" in this and other highly technological countries in- volves more than actual research and studies. There is a national, indeed an international, organizational activity that is concerned with the "health" of science. Professional scientific societies exist to stimulate development of particular fields of study and to pub- lish the results of current investigations. In the United States these 15 societies represent a very old tradition, dating back to the American Philosophical Society of which Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were members. Every cm-ator on the staff of Field Mu- seum belongs to at least one professional society and it is not unusual for a curator to be a member of four or more. The relationship of our staff to these associations is not merely a passive one. In 1969-1970 Dr. Alan Solem was elected President of the American Malacological Union and Dr. Robert F. Inger was elected President of the Society for Systematic Zoology. Dr. Rupert Wenzel was made a member of the Council of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science and w^as appointed to the Gov- erning Board of the Coleopterists' Bulletin. Other members of Field Museum staff served on governing boards, councils, and committees of organizations as diverse as the Entomological Society of America (Mr. Henry Dybas), the Society of Economic Botany (Dr. Louis 0. Williams), and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetol- ogists (Mr. Hymen Marx). Seven hundred North American paleontologists and visiting scien- tists representing many fields of interest came together for the first time at one meeting at the Museum-hosted North American Paleon- tological Convention, September, 1969. Field Museum as an institution contributed to the success of the 1970 annual meeting in Chicago of the American Association for the Advancement of Science by acting as host for several sessions. The Museum was also host for the first organizational meeting of the Inter-American Institute of Ecology in December, 1970. Staff News Dr. Karel F. Liem, associate curator of vertebrate anatomy, was granted a Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship in 1970. Dr. Liem left for Europe in August to begin his study of the evolution of the cichlid fishes in Africa's Lake Nyassa and Lake Tanganyika. Dr. Austin Rand, Chief Curator, Zoology, and Dr. Robert Deni- son. Curator of Fossil Fishes, retired in 1970. Dr. Rupert Wenzel, formerly Curator, Insects, became Chairman, Department of Zool- ogy, upon Dr. Rand's retirement. Dr. Kenneth Starr, Curator, Asiatic Archaeology and Ethnology, resigned July, 1970, to become Director of the Milwaukee Public Museum. 16 Supporting Staff Any discussion of the Museum's scientific programs would be in- complete without mention of the supporting staff. These technicians, custodians, preparators, assistants, and secretaries are of the utmost importance to the proper care of the collections, response to visiting scholars, and successful completion of research projects. The scien- tists of Field Museum, individually and collectively, as well as the administration of the Museum, owe a great deal to the devoted, energetic assistance of the supporting staff. Educational Programs Advanced Studies Field Museum has for many years played an important role in the education of university students through activities of the scien- tific staff and through use of the Museum's facilities — its collections, library, and laboratories. Many of the university students who use the scientific depart- ments of Field Museum are "transients," that is, they come for only a few days or weeks to study specimens too fragile or too numerous to ship. For most of these transient students, these visits provide a means not only of studying the collections, but also of talking to the curators, which in effect gives them an opportunity to learn from new, "temporary professors," whose points of view may differ from those of their regular professors. In 1969-70 more than 500 univer- sity students used Field Museum in these ways. "New Perspectives in Archaeology," a summer program for high- ability college sophomores and juniors, has been conducted annually by Dr. Paul S. Martin at Vernon, Arizona since 1964. Supported jointly by Field Museum and National Science Foundation grants, the program is designed to encourage scholarly development and competence in those who hope to pursue a career of teaching or re- search in anthropology or another science. In 1969 and 1970 24 students took part in the program under the leadership of graduate students who are basing their doctoral theses on research conducted in this program. A number of graduate students working toward higher academic degrees at one of our local universities (Chicago, Illinois, and North- 17 western) conduct much of their research at Field Museum or rely heavily on consultation with Museum curatorial staff. Four stu- dents who received their Ph.D.'s in 1969-70 were under the direct supervision of Field Museum scientists and based their dissertations on specimens in the Department of Zoology. Seven others still work- ing for their doctorates in the Departments of Geology and Zoology have Field Museum staff as thesis advisers. A Wenner-Gren Foun- dation post-doctoral fellow in Anthropology did her research under the direction of Dr. Donald Collier. Three students working toward their master's degrees are doing much of their research in the De- partment of Zoology. This educational effort of Field Museum is administered through the Center for Graduate Studies in Systematic Zoology and Paleon- tology, which is a joint undertaking of the Museum, University of Chicago, University of Illinois Medical Center, and Northwestern University. Seven graduate level courses were given at Field Mu- seum under the auspices of the Center for Graduate Studies in 1969-70. The subject matter of these courses varied from anatomy and biogeography to herpetology and vertebrate paleontology. Some of these courses were given by Museum staff, some by university faculty, and some by a mixture of both. Staff from all scientific departments of Field Museum have aca- demic appointments at one or more of the local universities. In turn, many faculty members have been appointed to the staff of Field Museum. Though these cross appointments are honorary in the sense that they carry no salary, they are substantial since the holders have all the prerogatives of paid staff or faculty. The joint participation in teaching and the cross appointments are parts of the main goal of the Center for Graduate Studies — the combining of university and Museum resources in the Chicago area to the benefit of society at large as well as of the institutions and persons involved. Department of Education In 1969 three divisions of the Museum were combined to form a Department of Education under the direction of Donald C. Edinger, Chairman. Two of the divisions, Raymond Foundation and N. W, Harris Extension, will continue their past functions with some modi- fication. The third. Division of Audio Visuals, formerly Motion Pictures, now includes audio-visual services and evaluation. 18 In its concern with a multiplicity of educational aspects, the de- partment has been working in a number of areas. A series of three field trips, "Geology of the Chicago Region," presented by Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki, Associate Curator, Fossil Invertebrates, was well received and will hopefully be the first of many such programs. In co-operation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science the short courses for college teachers — "Biology and Human Affairs," "Air Pollution Sedimentation Survey," "Bonding and Quantum Mechanics," and "Mathematical Modeling Computer Techniques in the Natural and Social Sciences" — are being offered. These courses are also being offered at the University of Maryland, Clark College, and the University of Texas. "Death By Crowding," a travelling high school exhibit, was com- pleted by six Frances Parker High School students enrolled in the pilot Muscology course. A second Muscology course, co-operatively offered with the Chicago Public Schools program for gifted students and begun in October, 1970, is a performance-objective, self-paced curriculum. The Holiday Science Lectures for outstanding Chicago-area high school students, co-sponsored by the Museum and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, were presented by Dr. Thomas Eisner, Professor of Biology, Cornell University, in Decem- ber, 1970. Dr. Eisner gave a four-lecture series titled "To Be An Insect." The Raymond Foundation's pace was a brisk one, with a total of 823,524 individuals in organized groups using museum facilities and the presentation of 3,231 tours in 1969-1970. The volunteers in the Department of Education have proven invaluable as they provided over 600 tours to approximately 19,000 children, many of whom came from inner city schools. A total of 3,104 hours was donated by 15 volunteers. A new group of 15 volunteer trainees will soon complete the foundation's intensive training course, en- abling Raymond Foundation to provide direct service to an even greater number of children. The Summer Course in Anthropology for high-ability high school students, initiated in 1966 with support from the National Science Foundation, was continued through 1970. The highly successful course, which offers guest lecturers from local colleges and universi- ties in addition to instruction from Museum staff members, use of Museum facilities, and field experience at a "dig," has been com- pleted by 129 students since 1966. 19 During the past two years approximately 3,000 individual jour- neys were turned in for credit in the Museum's on-going Journey program. Another continuing program, the Members' Children's Workshops, continued to evoke a strong positive response. Eleven Teacher-In-Service programs were devoted to exploring in depth the Museum's educational function and its role as a supplemental learn- ing center. With the help of a grant from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, a detailed analysis of organized group attendance is now operational. This analysis is designed to aid the Museum in determining educational needs and providing the necessary services to meet those needs. During the Museum's Fiesta Mexicana the Raymond Founda- tion worked with several organizations from Chicago's Mexican com- munity to provide bi-lingual volunteer interpreters and guides. More than 200 groups of nearly 15,000 school children took part in the Fiesta activities. Harris Extension has been actively involved in the revision of its program of lending portable Museum exhibits to Chicago schools. The routing system was revised, exhibits have been renewed and inventoried and, in February, 1970, a catalogue was produced. The distribution of this catalogue to Chicago schools has resulted in a 300% increase in loan material requests. Library Headed by W. Peyton Fawcett, newly promoted Librarian, the Library has experienced another two years of steady growth and increased use, particularly by students and faculty of Chicago area universities. This increase is in part the result of two new pro- gi^ams, one w^orked out in co-operation with the Committee on Evo- lutionary Biology of the University of Chicago and the other with the Museum's Library Committee and Curatorial Staff. In the first program a carrier service has been instituted between the University and the Museum in order to make the library holdings of each more rapidly and easily available to the other. In addition, information regarding the contents of periodicals received by the Museum Li- brary but not by the University is quickly made available to inter- ested faculty members. This service has worked very well and we look forward to similar arrangements with other area libraries. The 20 Plate depicting the Key West pigeon (quail dove) from John James Audubon's The Birds of America. second program resulted from a generous gift from the Bertha LeBus Charitable Trust. After consultation with the Museum's Library Committee it was decided that this money would be used to provide a small but select collection of books to provide basic information for college and advanced high school students and visitors in all areas of the natural sciences. These volumes were selected after consultation with the Museum staff and are available in the Li- brary's Reading Room as the Bertha LeBus Browsing Collection. This collection has proved most valuable and will be maintained and added to in future years. The Library's acquisition, exchange, reclassification, and other programs have continued in a highly satisfactory way. It is hoped that reclassification can be completed during the next year and this long and difficult project finally concluded. The Library was the fortunate recipient of many valuable and interesting volumes during this period. Outstanding among these was a magnificent copy of the elephant folio edition of John James Audubon's The Birds of America, the gift of an anonymous donor. This rare and beautiful work, one of the landmarks of American ornithology, was published in London between 1827 and 1838 and 21 consists of 435 aquatints bound into five volumes. This copy is of particular value because it is one of two existing copies enriched with an additional 13 plates. It has been described as probably the finest set in existence and is displayed in the Museum's North Lounge in a specially constructed glass case containing an environmental control mechanism which will maintain filtered air in the case at an appropriate temperature and humidity. A page will be turned each day until all of the 448 plates have been shown. A very rare volume entitled A Catalogue oj the Different Specimens of Cloth Collected in the Three Voyages of Captain Cook, to the Southern Hemisphere was received from Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller of Sussex, England. This volume was published in the year 1787 in London and is illustrated with actual samples of the tapa or bark cloth collected by Cook and his companions during his three voyages. Department of Exhibition Under the leadership of Lothar P. Witteborg, the Department of Exhibition experienced another period of expansion and accelerated activity. Aiming at a progi^am of greater public involvement, the exhibition staff, which now numbers 19, created a number of imagi- native and successful temporary and special exhibits such as a color- ful exhibit featuring kites, "The Wind in My Hands," which opened in April, 1969 and was happily combined with a kite fly-in in Grant Park; "Moon Rocks," an exhibit of rock and soil samples collected by NASA's Apollo 11 supplemented with support information on the Museum's own meteorite collection and its relevance to the NASA space program; and "A Child Goes Forth," which explored toys as indicators of the cultures which produced them. Field Museum's 75th Anniversary Exhibit — "A Sense of Wonder, A Sense of History, A Sense of Discovery" — was the highlight of the 1969 Members' Night and continues on public view. The exhibit offers a gi'aphic portrayal of the Museum's history, examples of the scientific research conducted by the Museum staff, as well as aes- thetic and innovative displays on the wonders of nature. "Fiesta Mexicana," September, 1969, was a cultural-historical ex- hibit which viewed the development of indigenous Mexican folk art styles from pre-Columbian times to the present with authentic crafts- men working in the exhibit hall. A photo essay, live music, and dancing, films, lectures, and a craft sales area completed the festival. 22 Visitors at "Moon Rocks" — an exhibit of rock and soil samples collected by NASA's Apollo 11. Other exhibits shown during 1969-1970 were "The Art and Life of the Cuna Indians," "Eskimo Masks: The World of the Taremiut," "Tibetan Carpets," and "Illinois By the Sea: A Coal Age Environ- ment." Annual exhibits, such as the International Exhibition of Nature Photography, sponsored by the Nature Camera Club of Chicago, and the Chicago Shell Club Exhibit, were also designed and produced. The Museum's significant acquisition of four Audubon elephant folios (see p. 21) were placed in an environmentally controlled exhi- bition case. The department consulted with the Special Bindery of R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., which established the protective criteria for the volumes. The elaborate case was then designed by the De- partment of Exhibition. The department initiated the "Exhibit of the Month," a number of small, one-case exhibits shown in the South Lounge. These ex- hibits covered themes of current and timely interest as well as examples of new acquisitions or "rediscovered" specimens in the Museum's collections. Some of the exhibits shown were: "Wedg- wood Commemorative Medallion of Captain Cook"; "Carbonaceous Stone Meteorite"; "Mexican Jewelry"; "Cast of Australopithecus 23 boisei"; the "Garden Spider (Aurantia argiope)," and an example of the recent corn bhght that affected the midwest. Work progressed on the reconstruction of four Neanderthal man- nikens which will eventually replace the figures in the Neanderthal diorama in Hall C. Numerous botanical models were completed for installation in Hall 29, "Plant Families," and the Chalmers' Topaz was permanently installed in the Gem Hall. Two information booths were designed and fabricated for use in Stanley Field Hall; hundreds of scientific drawings were com- pleted by the scientific illustrators; numerous posters, mailers, bro- chures, and announcements were produced; and the format of the Bulletin was redesigned. Designers also worked in close collaboration with the architectural firm of Harry Weese and Associates in develop- ing final plans for the department's new quarters which will be ready for occupation by autumn, 1971. Planning and Development Late in 1969 Thomas R. Sanders became Planning and Develop- ment Officer, succeeding retiring Robert E. Coburn. Membership, Public Relations, and Natural History Tours, as well as fund-raising activities were consolidated under his direction. Museum member- ship continued to increase. From a total of 15,263 members on January 1, 1969 the figure increased to 19,342 at the end of 1970, a new record. In 1970 the Bulletin, the Museum's monthly popular natural history publication, became the responsibility of the Division of Public Relations. New type faces, design, format, color stock, and increased number of pages combined to give the magazine a fresh, new look. In the autumn of 1970 the first issue of a monthly em- ployee magazine. Field Notes, was published. Museum events and functions received extensive coverage in all media with an ever-in- creasing number of radio and television stations using public service spot announcements to announce Museum activities. Field Mu- seum's natural history tours program continued to receive enthusi- astic response as Tour Chief Phil Clark led a total of six tours to Brazil; the Himalayan Kingdoms and Northeastern India; England and Scotland; and Guatemala. Museum members with a strong geological interest participated in a tour of the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River with Dr. Matthew H. Nitecki, Associate Cura- tor of Fossil Invertebrates. 24 Volunteers During 1969 37 volunteers contributed 6,116 hours — one man alone gave 864 hours — for an increase of 50% over 1968. The fol- lowing year again saw an increase with the total rising to 60 volun- teers donating a total of 8,830 hours. These men and women have served throughout the Museum in a variety of ways, including identifying shells, beetles, and butterflies; preparing specimens for the collections; reconstructing a fossil turtle; typing catalogue cards of Chinese rubbings, oiling rare books. In October, 1970 the Ray- mond Foundation held a progi-am which trained 13 volunteers to provided lectures to organized gi'oups. The Museum is deeply grateful to these dedicated men and women. Building Operations In answer to the continuing need for additional space, the Mu- seum has once again embarked upon a progi^am of construction, beginning with a centralized Department of Exhibition to be located on the fourth floor in the area now occupied by the Division of Invertebrates and Anthropology storerooms. When remodeled, this area will provide approximately 12,000 square feet of air-conditioned office and shop space efficiently located next to the freight elevator. Filling in one-half of the center lightwell on the west side of the build- ing will, by mid-1971, provide the burgeoning Division of Inverte- brates with modern processing laboratories, offices, and a library on the fourth floor and storage space on the third. The second floor of this lightwell fill-in will be dead storage until funds to provide ade- quate facilities and equipment to meet other critical Museum needs become available. The displaced Anthropology storerooms have been moved to existing space on the second floor. In addition to the many operational functions constantly requir- ing attention in a structure as busy and large as the Museum, the Building Operations staff has been involved in the design and com- pletion of new" offices for the expanding Membership Department and for Public Relations and Natural History Tours. An additional class- room was constructed for the Department of Education and the sprinkler system has been extended to cover certain hazardous fire areas. Work was also begun on improving and increasing the elec- trical system in critical areas of the Museum building. 25 Publications The following list includes the scientific publications of the Field Museum curatorial staff, as well as the complete list of Fieldiana, the Museum's scientific series, for the years 1969-1970. In addition to the publications listed below, staff members have produced numer- ous reviews, abstracts, comments, encyclopedia entries, and popular articles and books. DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Cole, Glen 1969. Site C. Excavations, 1966, pp. 182-186. In J. D. Clark, Kalembo Falls Prehistoric Site. Cambridge University Press. 1969. (with W. W. Bishop) Revised Stratigraphical Nomenclature For the Ka- gera and Orichinga Valleys, Uganda. Appendix III, pp. 125-128. In W. W. Bishop, "Pleistocene Stratigraphy in Uganda," Geological Survey of Uganda, Memoir X, Entebbe, Uganda. Lewis, Phillip H. 1969. The Social Context of Art in Northern New Ireland. Fieldiana: Anthro- pology, vol. 58, 186 pp., 54 figs., 3 tables. VanStone, James W. 1969. Masks of the Point Hope Eskimo. Anthropos, vol. 63/64, nos. 5/6, pp. 828-840. 1970. Akulivikchuk: A Nineteenth Century Eskimo Village on the Nushagak River, Alaska. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 60, 123 pp., 15 plates, 14 figs., 2 tables. 1970. Canadian Trade Silver from Indian Graves in Northern lUinois. The Wisconsin Archaeologist, n.s., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 21-30. 1970. Baron F. P. Von Wrangell's Observations on the Eskimos and Indians of Alaska. Arctic Anthropology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-20. Madison. 1970. Ethnohistorical Research in Southwestern Alaska: A Methodological Perspective. In M. Lantis, Ed., Ethnohistory in Southwestern Alaska and the Southern Yukon: Method and Content. University of Kentucky Press. 1970. Entree Into the Field: Arctic and Subarctic North America, pp. 237-245. In R. NarooU and R. Cohen, eds., Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthro- pology, Natural History Press. 1970. (with Joan B. Townsend) Kijik: An Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement. Fieldiana: Anthropology, vol. 59, 202 pp., 29 figs., 23 plates. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Baehni, Charles and Luciano Bernardi 1970. Flora of Peru. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 13, pt. 5A, no. 3, pp. 133-177. Gibson, Dorothy N. 1969. Two New Guatemalan Tournefortias. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 65-68, 2 figs. 1970. Studies in American Plants, II. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 173-177, 2 figs. 26 Glassman, S. F. 1969. Studies in the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart, II. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 77-103, 12 figs. 1970. A Conspectus of the Palm Genus Buiia Becc. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 10, pp. 127-172, 31 figs. 1970. A Synopsis of the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 15, pp. 215-240, 1 fig. 1970. A New Hybrid in the Palm Genus Syagrus Mart. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 16, pp. 241-257, 14 figs. Heller, Alfonso H. 1969. A New Odontoglossum from Nicaragua. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 73-75, 1 fig. Ponce de Leon, Patricio 1969. A New Member of Morganella. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 69- 71, 1 fig. 1970. Revision of the Genus Vascellum (Lycoperdaceae). Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 109-125, 3 figs. SCHWEINFURTH, CHARLES 1970. First Supplement to the Orchids of Peru. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 33, 80 pp. Standley, Paul C. and Louis O. Williams 1969. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 24, pt. 8, no. 4, pp. 263- 474, 57 figs. 1970. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 24, pt. 9, nos. 1, 2, pp. 1- 236, 47 figs. Williams, Louis O. 1970. Tropical American Plants, XI. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 12, pp. 179-206, 4 figs. 1970. An Overlooked Genus of the Scrophulariaceae. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 14, pp. 211-214, 1 fig. 1970. (with Antonio Molina R.) The Juglandaceae of Guatemala. Fieldiana: Botany, vol. 32, no. 13, pp. 207-209. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Applegate, Shelton p. 1970. The Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama. Part VII. The Fishes. Fieldiana: Geology Memoirs, vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 381-433, 31 figs. Bardack, David and Gloria Sprinkle 1969. Morphology and Relationship of Saurocephalid Fishes. Fieldiana: Geol- ogy, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 297-340, 8 figs., 2 tables. Black, Craig C. 1970. A New Pareumys (Rodentia: Cyhndrodontidae) from the Duchesne River Formation, Utah. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 17, pp. 453-459, 2 figs. Clark, John and Thomas E. Guensburg 1970. Population Dynamics of Leptomeryx. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 411-451, 13 figs., 4 tables. 27 Denison, Robert H. 1969. New Pennsylvanian Lung-Fishes from Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 193-211, 8 figs. 1970. Revised Classification of Pteraspididae with Description of New Forms from Wyoming. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-41, 26 figs. Golden, Julia and Matthew H. Nitecki 1970. Catalogue of Type and Referred Specimens of Fossil Echinozoa (Echi- noidea and Cyclocystoidea) in Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 43-51. 1970. Catalogue of Type and Referred Specimens of Echinozoa (Edrioasteroi- dea) in Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 53-64. 1970. Catalogue of Type and Referred Specimens of Fossil Stelleroidea in Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 65-75. Gordon, Ralph and Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. 1969. Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois. The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 119-149, 18 figs. Kjellesvig-Waering, Erik N. 1969. Scorpionida: The Holotype of Mazonia woodiana Meek and Worthen, 1868. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 171-190, 11 figs. Lane, N. Gary 1969. A Crinoid from the Pennsylvanian Essex Fauna of Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 151-156, 3 figs. Mueller, Robert F. and Edward J. Olsen 1969. Mineral Assemblages and the Chemical History of Chondritic Meteo- rites. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 15, pp. 377-410, 8 figs., 1 table. Nitecki, Matthew H. 1969. Redescription of Ischadites koenigii Murchison. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 13, pp. 347-359, 15 figs., 1 table. 1969. Surficial Pattern of Receptaculitids. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 16, no. 14, pp. 361-376, 11 figs. 1969. Art and the Things of Earth. Earth Science, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 208, 1 fig. 1970. North American Cyclocrinitid Algae. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 22, 182 pp., 53 figs., 8 tables. 1970. Redescription of Ischadites elrodi (S. A. Miller, 1892) a Lower Devonian Receptaculitid. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 77-83. 1970. (with Julia Golden). Catalogue of Type Specimens of Trilobites in Field Museum of Natural History. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 22, 117 pp. Olsen, Edward 1969. Pyroxene gabbro (anorthosite association): Similarity to Surveyor V Lunar Analysis. Science, 166, pp. 401-402. 1970. (with A. Anderson, A. Crewe, J. Goldsmith, P. Moore, R. Newton, J. Smith, and P. Wyllie). Petrographic History of the Moon Suggested By Petrography, Mineralogy, and Crystallography. Science, 167, pp. 587-589. 1970. (with E. Jarosewich). The Chemical Composition of the Silicate Inclusions in the Weekeroo Station Iron Meteorite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 8, pp. 261-266. 1970. (with T. E. Bunch and K. Keil) Mineralogy and Petrology of Silicate Inclusions in Iron Meteorites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 25, pp. 297-340. 28 1970. (with T. E. Bunch) Compositions of Natural Osumihtes. American Mineralogist, vol. 55, pp. 875-879. 1970. (with J. V. Smith, A. Anderson, R. Newton, and P. J. Wyllie) A Petro- logic Model For the Moon Based On Petrogenesis, Experimental Petrology, and Physical Properties. Journal of Geology, vol. 78, pp. 381-405. 1970. (with J. V. Smith, A. Anderson, R. C. Newton, E. Olsen, P. J. WyUie, A. Crewe, M. Isaacson, and D. Johnson) Petrologic History of the Moon Inferred from Petrography, Mineralogy, and Petrogenesis of Apollo 11 Rocks. Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, pp. 897-925. Pergamon Press. 1970. (with T. Bunch) Empirical Derivation of Activity Coefficients for the Mag- nesium-rich Portion of the Olivine Sohd Solution. American Mineralogist, vol. 55, pp. 1829-1842. 1970. Introduction and Appendix I. Stereogram Book of Rocks, Minerals, and Gems. Hubbard Press. Olsen, Everett C. 1970. New and Little Known Genera and Species of Vertebrates from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 357-434. Paul, C. R. C. 1970. The Aboral Nervous System of Marsupiocrinus Morris. Fieldiana: Geol- ogy, vol. 16, no. 18, pp. 461-469, 9 figs. Russell, Dale A. 1970. The Vertebrate Fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama. Part VII. The Mosasaurs. Fieldiana: Geology Memoirs, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 361-380, 10 figs. ScHRAM, Frederick R. 1969. The Stratigraphic Distribution of the Paleozoic Eumalacostraca. Fieldi- ana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 13, pp. 213-234, 1 fig., 1 table. 1969. Some Middle Pennsylvanian Hoplocarida (Crustacea) and Their Phylo- genetic Significance. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 14, pp. 235-289, 31 figs., 3 tables. Turnbull, William D. 1970. Mammalian Masticatory Apparatus. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 147-356, 48 figs., 13 tables, app. 1970. Structural Composition and Dental Variations. The Murids Broom Cave Fauna, Late Pleistocene, Wombeyan Caves Area, V. Records of the Australian Museum, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 1-24. fuJ.' J^R. 1970. (with Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr.) The Hamilton Fauna. A Late Pliocene Fauna from the Grange Burn, Victoria, Australia. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 19, 163 pp., 2 figs., 8 tables, 31 plates, 10 graphs. Zangerl, Rainer 1969. Bandringa rayi. A New Ctenacanthoid Shark from the Pennsylvanian Essex Fauna of Illinois. Fieldiana: Geology, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 157-169, 7 figs. 1969. (with E. S. Richardson, Jr., B. G. Woodland, and D. L. Zachry, Jr.) Early Diagenetic Phenomena in the Fayetteville Black Shale (Mississippian) of Arkansas. Sedimentary Geology, vol. 3, pp. 87-119. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Forcart, Lothar 1969. Veronicellid Land Slugs from the New Hebrides, with Description of Semper ula solemi. New Species. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 147- 156, 3 figs., 2 tables. 29 Hassinger, Jerry D. 1970. Shrews of the Crocidura zarudnyi-pergrisea Group with Descriptions of a New Subspecies. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 5-8. Hershkovitz, Philip 1969. Comments on Cynocephalus Boddaert versus Galeopithecus Pallas. Z. N. (S) 1792. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 25 (6), pp. 202-203. 1969. The Evolution of Mammals on Southern Continents. VI. The Recent Mammals of the Neotropical Region: A Zoogeographic and Ecological Re- view. Quarterly Revue of Biology, vol. 44 (1), pp. 1-70, 16 figs. 1970. Notes on Tertiary Platyrrhine Monkeys and Description of a New Genus from the Late Miocene of Colombia. Folia Primatologia, vol. 12, pp. 1-37, 4 figs., 12 pis. 1970. Dental and Periodontal Diseases and Abnormalities in Wild-Caught Marmosets (Primates, Callithricidae). American Journal of Physical Anthro- pology, vol. 32, pp. 377-394, 5 pis. 1970. Metachromism Like It Is. Evolution, vol. 24 (3), pp. 644-648. 1970. Cerebral Fissural Patterns in Platyrrhine Monkeys. Folia Primatologia, vol. 13, pp. 213-240, 8 figs. 1970. Supplementary Notes on Neotropical Oryzomys dimidiatus and Oryzomys hammondi (Cricetinae). Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 51, pp. 789-794, 2 figs. Heyer, W. Ronald and Phillip A. Silvertone 1969. The Larva of the Frog Leptodactylus hylaecactulus (Leptodactylodae). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 141-145, 1 fig. Inger, Robert F. 1969. Organization of Communities of Frogs Along Small Rain Forest Streams in Sarawak. Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 38, pp. 123-148. 1970. A New Species of Frog of the Genus Rana from Thailand. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 14, pp. 169-174, 3 figs. James, Pauline, Frank W. Judd, and Joseph Curtis Moore 1970. First Western Atlantic Occurrence of the Pigmy Killer Whale. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 1-3. Kethley, John 1970. A Revision of the Family Syringophilidae (Prostigmata: Acarina). Con- tributions of the American Entomological Institute, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1-76. LlEM, Karel F. 1970. Comparative Functional Anatomy of the Nandidae (Pisces: Teleostei). Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 56, 166 pp., 66 figs. LiEM, Sioe Sing 1970. The Morphology, Systematics, and Evolution of Old World Treefrogs. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 57, 145 pp., 70 figs., 9 tables, app. Marx, Hymen 1970. (with T. S. Olechowski). Fea's Viper and the Common Gray Shrew: A Distribution Note on Predator and Prey. Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 51, p. 205. 1970. (with George B. Rabb). Character analysis; An Empirical Approach Applied to Advanced Snakes. Journal of Zoology, London, vol. 161, pp. 525- 548, 4 figs., 12 tables. Rand, Austin L. and Dioscoro S. Rabor 1969. New Birds from Camiguin South, Philippines. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 13, pp. 157-168. 30 Segall, Walter 1970. Morphological Parallelisms of the Bulla and Auditory Ossicles in Some Insectivores and Marsupials. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 16, pp. 169- 205, 26 figs. SoLEM, Alan 1970. The Endodontid Land Snail Genera Pilsbrycharops and Paryphantopsis. Veliger, vol. 12 (3), pp. 239-264, 3 figs., 6 tables. 1970. Malacological Applications of Scanning Electron Microscopy I. Intro- duction and Shell Surface Features. Veliger, vol. 12 (4), pp. 394-400, 3 plates, 1 table. 1970. The Land Snail Genus Afrodonta (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Endodontidae). Annals of the Natal Museum, vol. 20 (2), pp. 341-364, 2 figs. 1970. Fritz Haas, 1886-1969. The Nautilus, vol. 83 (4), pp. 117-120. Traylor, Melvin a., Jr. 1970. Two New Birds from the Ivory Coast. Bulletin of the British Ornitholo- gists' Club, vol. 90, pp. 78-80. 1970. A New Race of Serinus citrinelloides. Bulletin of the British Ornitholo- gists' Club, vol. 90. pp. 83-86. 1970. Notes on African Muscicapidae. Ibis, vol. 112, pp. 395-397. 1970. East African Bradornis. Ibis, vol. 112, pp. 513-531. Van Regteren Alten, C. O. 1970. Notes on Land Slugs, 16^: Deroceras from Afghanistan, including De- scriptions of D. Kandahar ensis. Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 51, no. 15, pp. 175- 178, 1 fig. Wenzel, Rupert L. 1970. Family Streblidae. In N. Papvero, ed., A Catalogue of the Diptera of the Americans south of the United States. Fascic. 100, 22 pp. Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin VOL. 40, 1969 Alanne, Elizabeth Collier, Donald Shadowing a Museum Detective, no. 2. Chicago Comes of Age, The World's The Fairest of Stones, no. 8. Columbian Exposition and the Birth of Field Museum, no. 5. Burger, William and Ronald Liesner Dybas, Henry S. Cycadeoidea, Did This Flower Ever The 17-Year Cicada: A Four-Year Blooml, no. 6. "Mistake"?, no. 8. Fawcett, W. Peyton Conqueror of the Colorado, no. 3. Clark, John Treasures in the Attic, no. 7. Fricke, George Clark, Phil Insects, Summer Journey, no. 6. The Gray Eminence of Kew Gardens, no. 7. Holloman, Regina The Gardens of Great Britain, no. 10. Acculturation and the Cuna, no. 7. 31 Legge, Christopher \Vc Don't Know Whose It Was Bid It Wasn't Cleopatra's, no. 1. and Edward G. Nash James Edward Little, Dealer in Sav- age Weapons, Curios, Skins, Horns, Ivory, & c, no. 4. Last Voyage of Progress, no. 12. MuNSON, Cheryl Ann and Patrick J. From The Palos Site: An Early His- toric Indian Village Near Chicago (a site report), no. 3. Nash, Edward G. The Potato, A very short history of a very valuable plant, no. 3. NiTECKi, Matthew H. The River That Flows Through Time, no. 1. Rand, Austin L. Brazilian Bird Walk, no. 2. Richardson, Eugene S., Jr. Paleontological Convention Notes . . ., no. 10. Roscoe, Ernest Major John Wesley Powell, Illinois Naturalist, no. 5. SoLEM, Alan . . . in his dim, uncertain sight, no. 3. Webber, E. Leland On Our Seventy-fifth (excerpt from a speech), no. 6. Williams, Patricia M. Links to the Past, no. 3. Kites, no. 4. Karel Liem: A Lesson in Persistence, no. 6. Ptom-, Diken- and Ariaspis'!, no. 9. Pewter: the collector's alloy, no. 10. What Makes Orchids So Special!, no. 11. VOL. 41, 1970 Burger, William C. Fall Color, no. 10. Southern Leaf Corn Blight, no. 12. Chun, Edline Of Gems and Things, no. 4. Clark, Phil The Inca's Empire and Darwin's Ga- lapagos, no. 2. Delsing, Patricia M. The Welcoming of the President, no. 3. The Day Before, no. 3. Denison, Robert H. The Origin of the Skeletons in Animals, no. 12. Dybas, Henry Population Explosion — 17-Year Lo- cust Style, no. 5. Aurantia argiope, no. 9. Edinger, Donald C. Learning About Our Environment, no. 3. Education at Field Museum, 1922- 1970, no, 5. Ehrlich, Paul R. The Population Crisis: Where We Stand, no. 10. Fawcett, W. Peyton All About Audubon, no. 5. Happiness Is a Ripe Love Apple, no. 8. Pious Pelican, no. 12. Fricke, George Journey Program Stimulates Students' Interest, Provides World Perspec- tive, no. 6. Gentry, Johnnie L., Jr. Dieffenbachia — a Poisonous House Plant, no. 8. Poisonous Holiday Plants, no. 12. Hershkovitz, Philip The Decorative Chin, no. 5. 32 Legge, Christopher C. Hornbill Carving, no. 9. LocKwooD, Frank The Museum's First Million (ex- cerpted from The Life of Edward E. Ayer, 1929), no. 8. Olsen, Edward J. Early Returns on the Lunar Samples, no. 2. Geochemistry — a study of airborne lead pollution, no. 6, Snow, no. 12. Putnam, Lee How We Got to Where We're Going, no. 7. Ramey, Karen Turtle Lore: Fact and Fiction, no. 11. Rand, Austin L. New Museums for Old, no. 6. Simpson, Donald R. Flight Across the Andes, no. 4. SoLEM, Alan Extinction Strikes 10,000 Species, Man Remains Unconcerned, no. 4. Another View of the Elephant, no. 12. Straub, Virginia M. Byssus, no. 9. Traylor, Melvin a. The Vanishing Peregrine!, no. 9. VanStone, James W. Nushagak: A Russian Trading Post in Southwestern Alaska, no. 11. Williams, Patricia M. Su-Lin, Super Star of the Thirties, no. 1. The Mysterious Missing Moon of Ger- many, no. 2. Presidential Visit to Field Museum, no. 3. The Unique Gift of Charles R. Knight, no. 6. Tell Me Everything You Know, no. 7. Williams, Louis O. Milkweeds Are Milkweeds, no. 5. WiTTEBORG, LOTHAR P. Museums in a Changing World, no. 1 1 . Woods, Loren P. The Changing Great Lakes, nos. 7, 8. 33 Field Museum o Statement of Revenues an Years ended Decembe Source of Income: Investment income availed of — Consolidated security investments (Note 4) Securities of individual funds Rental income Chicago Park District tax collections. Contributions Government and other grants Admissions Memberships Visitors' services — net Other Operating Costs: Scientific Education and exhibition PubHcation, illustration and photography Library N. W. Harris Public School Extension Building improvements, maintenance and security. Administration and general Construction of new zoology facilities (Note 6) . . . Deficit for year . See accompanying notes, pp. 36, 37. 34 Natural History Expenditures - Current Funds 31, 1970 and 1969 1970 Unrestricted Restricted Total 1969 Unrestricted Restricted Total $1,082,240 122,213 1,204,453 953,685 108,514 1,062,199 72,251 66,758 188,971 139,009 42,326 996,011 79,011 121,337 1,154,491 1,343,462 187,525 1,183,536 112,000 188,971 112,000 1,455,462 112,000 112,000 1,266,491 1,108,011 187,525 1,295,536 480,605 480,605 422,019 422,019 363,163 33,010 396,173 323,382 294,545 617,927 404,820 404,820 372,248 372,248 189,274 189,274 53,110 53,110 171,966 171,966 161,033 161,033 171,096 171,096 210,694 210,694 9,775 626,801 9,775 3,279,171 16,029 854,318 16,029 2,652,370 2,294,278 3,148,596 645,305 423,607 1,068,912 621,688 408,739 1,030,427 346,639 24,990 371,629 312,471 183,505 495,976 191,209 1,427 192,636 175,618 1,362 176,980 101,255 27,168 128,423 93,187 252,298 345,485 55,628 55,628 34,326 34,326 863,421 19,302 882,723 723,851 23,177 747,028 574,775 6,674 581,449 516,509 3,360 519,869 235,613 794,409 235,613 2,443,324 40,601 947,368 93,050 40,601 2,722,604 3,517,013 237,842 3,390,692 $ 70,234 167,608 149,046 242,096 35 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1970 1. Basis of financial statements In accordance with common institutional practice, building alterations and renovations and acquisitions of collections, furniture and equipment are charged to expense as incurred. No depreciation is provided on the Museum building, but annual appropriations (not based on the cost or remaining lives of specific assets) are made from the Operating Fund for heating plant renewal. In all other aspects, the accompanying statement is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. 2. Restrictions on expenditures The restricted and Museum Modernization funds are subject to restrictions placed upon the funds either by the donors or by the Board of Trustees. Those funds restricted by donors may be expended only in accordance with the terms of the respective gifts. Those funds restricted by the Trustees may be expended only for the purposes designated by the Trustees; such restrictions are revocable. 3. Museum Modernization Fund As of January 1, 1970, a new Museum Modernization Fund was established and credited with restricted contributions and accumulated investment income aggregating $1,341,523 at December 31, 1970. This fund is not included in the accompanying statement of revenues and expenditures — current funds. Of the total contributions credited to the fund, $500,000 was received in 1969 and is subject to refund to the donors, with interest, if certain conditions are not met. No charges were made to the Museum Modernization Fund in 1970. 4. Policy on investment income determination Effective in 1970, the Museum adopted what is known as the total return concept for investing its funds functioning as endowment (i.e., those funds on which restrictions on the use of principal have been imposed by action of the Museum's own Board of Trustees, rather than by outside donors or testators). Under this concept security investments are selected on the basis of expected total return including dividends, interest, and prospective appreciation. Since this policy may involve the purchase of attractive low yield investments, with result- ing reductions in dividend and interest receipts, the Museum has decided to compute investment income (from the funds functioning as endowment) available for expenditure each year as 5% of the average June 30 market values of the securities for the three preceding years. Differences between this amount and dividends and interest actually received each year are charged or credited to accumulated net gains on sales of securities held by funds functioning as endow- ment. In 1970 the resulting charge amounted to $107,576. 5. Pension plan The Museum has a contributory trusteed pension plan covering substantially all employees. Pension expense under the plan, including amortization of past service cost over 15 years, amounted to $102,000 ($105,000 in 1969). The Mu- seum's normal policy is to fund pension costs accrued. The unfunded past service liability at December 31, 1970, as actuarially computed, was approximately $465,000. 36 6. Real estate valuation During 1970 the building located on the Museum's land at the corner of State and Madison Streets was designated as a Chicago landmark by the Chicago City Council. Counsel for the Museum believes that this designation has caused a decline in the value of the property but that the amount of any loss which the Museum may have sustained is not presently determinable. It is not believed, in any event, that such decline is material in the Hght of the Museum's total endowment funds. 7. Reclassifications Certain amounts in the 1969 financial statements have been reclassified to con- form to the 1970 presentation. The Board of Trustees Field Museum of Natural History We have examined the accompanying statement of revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended De- cember 31, 1970, prepared on the basis described in Note 1. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accord- ingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing pro- cedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the statement mentioned above presents fairly the revenues and expenditures — current funds of the Field Museum of Natural History for the year ended December 31, 1970 in conformity with the method of accounting de- scribed in Note 1 to the financial statements applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, except for the change in accounting for investment income explained in Note 4. Arthur Young & Company Chicago, lUinois February 12, 1971 37 Contributions and Bequests The gifts of many individuals have built a gi'eat mu- seum. Contributions and bequests now and in the future will permit needed improvement of exhibits, expansion of the educational program, and increased support of scientific research. The following form is suggested to those who wish to provide for Field Museum of Natural Histoi'v in their wills: Form of Bequest I do hereb}^ give and bequeath to Field Museum of Natural History of the City of Chicago, State of Illinois: Cash contributions to Field Museum of Natural History are allowable as deductions in computing net income for federal income tax purposes. 38 DONORS TO THE COLLECTIONS OF THE MUSEUM 1969 - 1970 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Mrs. David J. Allen Anthropology Curriculum Study Herbert Baker Herbert Baker Advertising, Inc. Harlan J. Berk Sammy Berk Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Boehme Miss Louise Borchelt Mrs. Mary Wilmarth Brown Dr. William C. Burger Robert Campbell Mrs. Ross P. Cicero Dr. Glen H. Cole Gary Edwards Mack Gilman Mrs. Paul Grant Harry Hefler Estate of Mrs. Jane Warder Hodgson Jon Holtzman Paul Holtzman Dr. and Mrs. F. Louis Hoover Lester Landman Evaristo Ledesma Estate of John A. Leith Mr. and Mrs. Phillip H. Lewis James E. Lockwood, Jr. Joseph C. Lyons Jerome Matuch Miss Florence Mikowski Mrs. Glenn W. Miller Mrs. Robert Nelson Albert Hardy Newman Mrs. Leslie Payne Mrs. Virginia Pettet Stephen Polyak Mrs. Elizabeth C. Porch Joaquin Mendoza Preciado Mr. and Mrs. David Press Mrs. Clarence B. Randall Georges D. Rodrigues Walter W. Sheridan Mrs. Lincoln Shimidzu Mrs. Samuel W. Simpson William F. Smith Mrs. Richard D. Stevenson Studio 33, Inc. Miss Marian Templeton Mrs. Mary Antonia Thomas James D. Thornton Baroness S. F. van Hoevell Teding van Berkhout E. Leland Webber Major Joseph W. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Wielgus DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY British Museum (Natural History) California State College University of California Phillip T. Clark Dr. Jose Cuatrecasas Dr. R. Daubenmire Professor Angel Diaz Dudley Herbarium, Stanford University Donald C. Edinger Escuela Agricola Panamericana Dr. Robert Fleming Robert Fogel J. Fogelson Harvard University Herbaria Herbario Nacional, Institute de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico Institute Botanico, Caracas Iowa State University University of Iowa Dr. B. A. Krukoff Loma Linda University Herbarium Francis Lukas Michigan State University University of Michigan John R. Millar Missouri Botanical Garden Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro New York Botanical Garden Ohio State University GTS Universidad de Costa Rica Palynologiska Laboratoriet, Sweden Royal Botanic Garden, Scotland A. Saejarto Robert Schanzle Dr. Rolf Singer Smithsonian Oceanic Sorting Center Stanford University W. S. and J. K. Street Expedition Texas A. & M. University University of Texas at Austin Tulane University U. S. D. A. Forest Service U. S. D. A. National Arboretum Universidad del Valle, Colombia Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marco Vanderbilt University Mike Wilson University of Wisconsin Rudolph Ziesenhenne 39 (Donors to the Collections — continued) DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY University of Arkansas Mrs. Charles Asher Ray Bandringa Francisco Mueller Basto Professor J. R. Beerbower Bruce Bell Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Berry Scot Bowman Jay Brouwer University of California Carnegie Museum Gerard Case University of Chicago Glenn Commons Denver Museum of Natural History Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Douglass Jerome Duluk Dr. David Dunkle Dr. Wyatt Durham Robert S. Florczyk Thomas Gibbs Alan Gottesfeld Reinhold Groh Thomas E. Guensburg Paul Harris Harvard University Jerry Herdina Charles Hocking Earl Hoffman Miss Katherine Kamp Peter Kasik Robert Kott John Krzton Dr. V. E. Kurtz Stephen Le May John Lugar Dr. Richard Lund Professor R. W. Macomber Maine Township High School West Arch McLean Dr. David Nicol Dr. Ronald Parsley Dr. C. R. C. Paul Casey Pawlak Mr. and Mrs. Ted Piecko R. Peter Richards Steven Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rodden Miss Mildred D. SchefTel David Schessel Bernard Schmidt Shuler Museum of Paleontology Herman M. Slatis Dr. W. H. Smith Dr. Thomas Taylor Dr. John H. Tenery Tiffany and Company Chester Dudley Tripp Joseph Urban Mrs. Roderick Van Trump Dr. Peter P. Vaughn B. W. Vogt Donald Weir Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Wolff Jay Wollin David Wren David Young DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Arthur C. Allyn Peter L. Ames W. F. H. Ansell Dr. William F. Barr Julian Boos Ronald A. Brandon William L. Brown, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke Ellen Carlson Ruth Carlson Miss Emilda Castillo Epimaco Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Crawford N. Gate Chicago Shell Club Chicago Zoological Society Dr. Earle A. Cross Stanley J. Dvorak, Jr. Henry Dybas Paul Earl Dr. David H. Eccles Dr. Robert E. Elbel Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erman Madame Felipe Espil Dr. Edward W. Eager Jacob J. Fischthal Florida Board of Conservation Mrs. Arthur A. Frost Dr. Dean P. Furman E. Gerrard & Sons Miss Susan Girardi Dr. B. P. Glass H. K. Gloyd Dr. David Greenfield Dr. Earle A. Gross Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum Mrs. Lloyd Orr Haid Miss Adelaide M. Harrold D. Hitchin Donald Hocking C. E. Hoger F. E. Holly Dr. Harry Hoogstraal Dr. Henry Howden Leslie Hubricht University of Illinois Medical Center Raymond J. Jae Japan Monkey Centre Michael Johnson Eugene P. Keferl Mrs. R. B. Kemp Dr. David Kistner Dr. Glen M. Kohls N. L. H. Krauss Ronald Lambert Mr. and Mrs. John Landers Dr. Robert E. Lewis Dr. Karel F. Liem Lincoln Park Zoological Society 40 (Donors to the Collections — continued) Ch'eng-Chao Liu Dr. Carlos Machado- Allison Dr. William MacLean Joe T. Marshall J. I. Menzies Andrew Moldenke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Thomas Olechowski Dr. Orlando Park Dwain W. Parrack Dr. Luis E. Pena Terry Perry Dr. B. V. Peterson Fred Pfaff Karl Plath Laurie Price Dr. George Rabb Dr. D. S. Rabor Dr. Frank J. Radovsky Dr. Austin L. Rand Dr. Charles Reed Dr. Eugene S. Richardson, Jr. Arnold Richter Rev. J. C. E. Riotte San Diego Zoo Sana Atallah Mrs. Frieda Schilling John G. Shedd Aquarium William E. Sieker AUyn G. Smith Mrs. Clara Spiegel R. Andrew Stevens Dr. Walter Suter Dr. M. A. Tamers Melvin Traylor Ray Treon, Jr. Dr. William TurnbuU U. S. Army Medical Department Dr. R. L. Usinger Dr. Harold K. Voris Dr. John Wagner Mrs. D. C. Ward Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warren Richard Wassersug E. Leland Webber Donald Weir Frederick T. Wiggins, Jr. Dr. Louis O. Williams F. G. Wood Dr. Conrad Yunker August Ziemer John Zitta LIBRARY Banco de la Repiiblica, Bogota, Colombia W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory, Richmond, Va. Joseph Spear Beck Mrs. Frank Bopp British Museum (Natural History) Cambridge Philo- sophical Society Dr. John B. Carpenter Dr. Donald CoUier David R. Cook H. Croasdale Dr. Ulrich F. Danckers Dr. L. S. Davitashvili Henry S. Dybas Dr. E. C. Edinger Encyclopaedia Brittanica W. Peyton Fawcett Albert M. Fehring Dr. Henry Field Dr. Roland W. Force Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Dr. Fritz Haas K. Handtke Mrs. R. F. Howe Insj;itut des Hautes Etudes de I'Amerique Latine, Paris Japan Racing Association N. L. H. Krauss Dr. Kenneth F. Lampe Christopher C. Legge Dr. PhiUip H. Lewis Dr. Karel F. Liem Alton A. Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Remick McDowell Richard A. Martin Mrs. George Allen Mason Sidney M. Mead Dr. Joseph C. Moore Dr. A. Edward Murray Edward G. Nash Newberry Library, Chicago, 111. Natividad Noriega Dr. Edward J. Olsen Dr. Luciana Pallestrini Mrs. Howard R. Peterson Michael Prokop Dr. Austin L. Rand William N. Roark Ernest J. Roscoe Frederick Rosengarten, Jr. Samuel R. Rosenthal Dr. Alberto Ruz Lhuillier Tom L. Sancha Dr. Wayne Serven Dr. Donald R. Simpson Dr. Leon Siroto Dr. H. Sleumer Hermon Dunlap Smith Dr. Alan Solem Dr. Kenneth Starr Mrs. Virginia Straub Mr. and Mrs. William S. Street Dr. Bogdan Stugren Tokyo National Museum U Tun Yin Mrs. Nelson H. Utley Charles Valauskas Dr. James W. VanStone Venezuela. Direccion de Cartografia Nacional Charles Vesely Dr. Paul D. Voth Dr. Allen Wardwell A. S. Warthin, Jr. E. Leland Webber Dr. Marvin J. Weller Whatcom Museum of History and Art, Bellingham, Wash. Raymond Wielgus Dr. Johannes Wilbert Mrs. Carl Williams Dr. Louis O. Williams Glenn E. Wixom Loren P. Woods 41 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Mrs. John Stephens Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warren Mrs. Autumn Grisch Henry P. Wheeler DONORS OF MATERIALS TO THE MUSEUM The Art Institute of Chicago National Institutes of Health 42 DONORS TO THE FUNDS OF THE MUSEUM -TOTAL FOR 1969-1970 INDIVIDUALS DONATIONS OF $5000 OR MORE Lester Armour Mr. & Mrs. Bowen Blair Dewitt W. Buchanan James A. Cathcart (Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Joseph N. Field HBB Foundation- Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tieken Mrs. John L. Kellogg William H. Mitchell Estate of Jens A. Paasche (Bequest) Mr. & Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mrs. Clive Runnells John S. Runnells John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund Mr. & Mrs. John M. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Byron Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Staehle Sarah Adelia Stanley Trust (Martin A. & Carrie Ryerson Endowment Fund) Mrs. David W. Stewart The Ruth and Vernon Taylor Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Chester Dudley Tripp Women's Board of Field Museum Philip K. Wrigley DONATIONS OF $1000-$4999 Dr. T. George Allen Arthur C. Allyn James W. Alsdorf (Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. A. Watson Armour III Mrs. Stanton Armour, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David H. Barnow Harry O. Bercher Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Becker William McCormick Blair Mrs. L. E. Block Mary and Leigh Block Charitable Fund, Inc. Baird Brown Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Brown Miss Margaret B. Conover Mrs. James A. Cook Dexter Cummings Mr. & Mrs. C. S. Cutting Mrs. Suzette M. Davidson Mrs. Burt J. Denman Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Diller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Ellis Robert C. Erwood & Mildred Johnson Mrs. Webb A. Everett Albert D. Farwell Marshall Field Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Galitzine Mrs. Anne Rickcords Gait Paul W. Goodrich Ernest Guild Charles C. Haffner III Hales Charitable Fund, Inc. Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hanson Mrs. Esther Pardee Harper Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Hawkes Mrs. Joseph W. Hibben (The Seabury Foundation) Mrs. Robert Hixon Dr. Helen Holt Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Howe Mrs. C. Agnes Lawrence Robert O. Lehmann (Otto W. Lehmann Foundation) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Leslie Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. F. Leighton Merserve Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minarik Col. & Mrs. John B. Naser Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Norman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Parks Olson 43 (Individuals' Donations of $1 000- $4999— coA??//7iyeo') Seymour Oppenheimer James L. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. John Reich David W. Rewick Mrs. Frances E. Riley J. H. Riley Mrs. T. Cliflford Rodman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. George W. Ryerson Mr. & Mrs. Irving Schweiger William L. Searle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Sigborn Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sivage Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Snydacker Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr. James L. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Watkins John W. Watzek, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Medard Welch Miss Adele Whitney Miss Lois Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wilson Mr. & Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. Claire B. Zeisler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Zwiener DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $1000 Mr. & Mrs. Ely M. Aaron Jules Abramson Paul W. Ackerman Roger Ackley Cyrus H. Adams III Earl H. Addison Dr. Bernard H. Adelson Dr. Robert Adler Robert S. Adler Family Fund Lawrence J. Aggerbeck W. B. Agler Elbert V. Ainger 0. A. Akerlund Mrs. H. Albertine, Jr. George Albiez Thomas W. Adler William W. Alderman, Jr. A. M. Aldrich Arthur D. Alex Edward Alexander William H. Alexander Charles J. Allen Fred M. Allen Walter L. Allen John AUerton Hamilton Allport Mrs. A. Alschuler Richard H. Alschuler Mrs. Josephine C. Ames Miss Bonnie J. Andersen Alfred Anderson Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Anderson Corliss D. Anderson Donald B. Anderson Miss Gretchen F. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Anderson Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Anderson Stephan Anderson Vern Anderson Arthur Andre Mrs. Marjorie C. Andre Mrs. Roy Andrews Henry Angsten H. E. Anning Vernon Annamunthodo W. John Anthony Gordon Appell Arthur I. Appleton Frank K. Armour Laurance H. and M argot B. Armour Norbert F. Armour Mrs. Stanton Armour, Sr. Mrs. Vernon Armour A. Watson Armour IV Mrs. Clara Stockton Armstrong Mrs. E. Armstrong Leslie Arnett Herbert R. Arnold Mrs. L. Arnold Lester Aronberg Harry Aronson George Arquilla, Jr. William Arzbaecher, Jr. Frederick Asher Guilford N. Askew Carl E. Atwood Henry J. Auer Edwin C. Austin Arthur Averitt Mrs. John P. Ayer Mrs. Gustavus Babson Alexander Bacci Richard L. Bach Arthur A. Baer Mrs. R. A. Baer David P. Baier Miss Pat Bain John W. Baird Mrs. R. M. Baird Mrs. H. Bairstow, Jr. George J. Bakalis James Baker E. M. Bakwin Charles A. Balch Benjamin H. Baldwin William H. Ball Williard J. Ball Ronald Balut James Banks Dr. Sam W. Banks William B. Banta Edward Bara, Sr. Mrs. L. Barazowski Franklin D. Barber H. A. Barber Oscar A. Barke Paula S. Barker W. Curtis Barkes Dr. & Mrs. G. Barnett Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Barnow G. G. Baron Charles L. Barr George Barr Mrs. Avis Barrett Mrs. Scammon Barry George W. Barth Henry Bartholomay III 44 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Robert C. Bartlett George F. Bartoszek Paul J. Basinger Charles Bass Trust (Bequest) Emery Bass Mr. & Mrs. R. O. Bass George A. Basta James Bateman Miss Faye E. Bates Ernest T. Baughman Alvin H. Baum Harry T. Baumann Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Baxter Michael Bayard Mrs. G. Beach, Jr. Orville C. Beattie Ross J. Beatty Miss Edith Becker Mrs. S. Max Becker, Jr. Robert C. Becherer Mr. & Mrs. A. N. Bederman Ernest A. Bederman Frank C. Bednar Mrs. Morrison D. Beers Harry R. Begley Daniel W. Behnke Mrs. B. L. Behr Dr. H. R. Beiser Mrs. L. Bell Dr. John Bellows Alfred Benesch John F. Benjamin Bertram W. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Bennett, Jr. Gail Bennett Mrs. G. Bent John P. Bent Mrs. P. Bentley William Bentley Keith Bentz Harry 0. Bercher Lambert Bere Garret L. Bergen Robert Berghoff Richard Berliner Mrs. E. Bermingham Mrs. L. Berton Jack Besser Harry J. Bettendorf Dr. Henry B. Betts Miss Hermine Beukema James B. Bevill Miss Moyra Beynon Charles E. Bidwell Andrew P. Bieber Mrs. L. W. Bicker Charles F. Biersborn Paul E. Birk Mrs. F. J. Bittel Richard Bittenbender E. R. Bixby W. R. Blew Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Black John C. Blackmore Blake Blair Mrs. E. McCormick Blair E. S. Blanck Dr. R. H. Blankshain T. R. Blatchford W. R. Blew Mr. & Mrs. M. M. Blink Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Block Mr. & Mrs. P. D. Block, Jr. Harry Blout Milroy R. Blowitz Herbert Blum Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Blumberg CM. Blumenschein Raymond S. Blunt, Sr. Mrs. G. V. Bobrinskov Earl C. Bodine Harold C. Bodine Paul J. Bodine, Jr. Stephen Bodjanac W. S. Bodman Arthur Boettcher James A. Boggis Mrs. Joan Bohlin Henry BoUing Gerald G. Bolotin Howard Boltz Mrs. M. E. Bonadonna Orville J. Bond Louis Bonhajo Jerome Bonkowski Mrs. Miriam Booth Mrs. M. Storrs Booz Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Bopp Dr. & Mrs. W. Borges Mrs. B. Borland Mrs. J. J. Borland II Mrs. M. Boruszak Fred M. Borwell Fred P. Bosselman J. E. Bossong C. Laury Botthof Jackson L. Boughner J. R. Boulis Mrs. A. J. Bowe Mrs. William J. Bowe Robert Bowen Mrs. C. Bowen Murray L. Box Darrell S. Boyd Dr. & Mrs. J. R. Boyd Mrs. A. B. Bradley Harold S. Brady James Brakefield Dr. L. H. Brammer A. Bramsen S. Bramsen Theodore C. Brand Dr. H. Brandman LesHe A. Brandt Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Brandt William T. Branham Harvey W. Branigar, Jr. Lester W. Brann, Jr. David P. Brannin John J. Bransfield, Jr. E. L. Brashears August J. Braun Dr. Milton Braun Thomas Breen WiUiam E. Breitzke Dr. & Mrs. W. C. Brennan Miss Hannah Brenner Dr. & Mrs. H. C. Breuhaus George L. Briggs Mrs. Adele C. Brigham Miss A. M. Bright Dr. Allan G. Brodie, Jr. Mrs. Bertram Z. Brodie Mrs. A. L. Brody Mrs. Louise K. Broman Mr. & Mrs. M. S. Bromwell Beckwith R. Bronson Walter D. Bronson H. C. Brook Mrs. Melvin Brorby Charles L. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Gardner Brown Isidore Brown James E. Brown James Brown IV Mrs. Murray C. Brown Mrs. Roger O. Brown Dr. Rowine H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Russell Brown Mrs. J. W. Brown Sheldon Brown Mrs. W. A. Brown, Jr. Mrs. W. L. Brown Aldis J. Browne, Jr. Miss Callie Broxton 45 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Richard H. Bruce Matt Bruch Mrs. A. L. Bruckner Joseph E. Brunswick Miss D. M. Bryan Mrs. J. Bryan Miss D. C. Bryant Leo E. Bryant Mrs. C. Buchanan Mrs. De Witt W. Buchanan, Jr. Donald P. Buchanan Eugene D. Buchanan Gordon Buchanan, Jr. Walther Buchen Mrs. E. Buckingham Dr. Paul C. Bucy Mrs. R. W. Buddington Robert E. Budorick Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Buehler, Jr. H. L. Buehler Robert Buehler Louis J. Buffardi Roland A. Buhl Lewis E. Bulkeley Richard Bullock Clayton B. Burch James E. Burd Patricia J. Burda William C. Burger F. E. Burgess Mrs. K. F. Burgess Miss Mildred Burgess Herman Burgi, Jr. Mrs. A. L. Burke Mrs. J. O. Burke Thomas M. Burke Leo Burnett Mr. & Mrs. L. C. Burns Miss M. L. Burns Richard E. Burow Robert S. Burrows Edwin R. Burt Raymond C. Burton Robert R. Burton Mrs. D. M. Burwell John C. Butler Edward J. Byrne Dr. Hyo Hyun Byun Louis F. Cainkar Mr. & Mrs. S. C. Caldwell Wesley C. Calef Daniel H. Callahan Eugene Callen Milton H. Callner Foundation Mrs. Harry Calvin Chris Cameris Mrs. Chesser M. Campbell Donald F. Campbell, Jr. Hugh Campbell Mrs. James Campbell Ralph O. Campbell Dr. Kenneth M. Campione David L. Canmann Alfredo Capitanini Nicholas J. Capos Mrs. Charles Carey Thomas F. Carey Otto Frederick Carl George T. Carlin Leo J. Carlin Roger L. Carlson Donald A. Carney Peter R. Carney W. Roy Carney Mr. & Mrs. Dorr B. Carpenter Mrs. R. F. Carr Lewis C. Carroll Dr. M. E. Carroll Miss Anne G. Carter John C. Carter Philip V. Carter Dr. Robert W. Carton F. Strother Gary, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. D. J. Caseley Thomas J. Casey Victor M. Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Gate Silas S. Cathcart J. Herbert Cattell J. J. Cavanaugh The Caxton Club Warren Cecil John L. Cella Joe Gervenka Dr. Helen Challand Rayrriond M. Champion, Jr. Mrs. H. T. Chandler Mr. & Mrs. K. Chandler Marvin Chandler Caroline S. and George S. Chappell, Jr Dr. Allan G. Charles Dr. J. A. Chenicek Chicago Shell Club Chicago Woman's Club Dr. Wayne S. Chilcote, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Newell Childs William G. Chorn Peder A. Christensen Dr. G. L. Christopher Mrs. F. S. Church Herbert S. Church, Jr. Robert R. Church, Jr. Miss Deborah Cicerchia Miss Helen M. Cirese Roy W. Clanskv, Jr. Mrs. E. C. Clark Norman Clark John Walter Clarke Mrs. Philip R. Clarke Miss Georgetta Clarkston John K. Clauson J. Benjamin Cleaver James E. Clemens George L. Clements Lloyd T. Clemetsen Mrs. Duane L. Clinton A. J. Clonick Kent S. Clow Miss Marion Clow Mr. & Mrs. H. Clorfene William F. Coale, Jr. Eleanor Coambs Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Coburn Mrs. Eric W. Cochrane John L. Cochran Robert P. CofRn Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Cohen Miss Laura Cohen Maxim M. Cohen Perry Cohen Lester M. Cohn Norman Cohn Robert H. Cohn Mrs. Charles C. Colby Bruce H. Cole Dr. Roger B. Cole Clarence L. Coleman Marvin H. Coleman Ira Colitz Julien Collins Mrs. Philip Colnon WiUiam R. Colton E. M. Combs III John H. Coman Fairfax M. Cone Philip Conley James Conner Ronnoc Hill Connor Arthur W. Consoer Philip Contant Mr. & Mrs. James Cook Richard S. Cook R. W. Coomer J. C. Corbett Mrs. M. P. Cornelius, Sr. 46 (Individuals' Donations of less than $^ 000— continued) Malcolm D. Corner Dr. William H. Cornog Dr. Maurice H. Cottle Donald Cottrell, Jr. Thomas H. Coulter Charles B. Coursen Richard N. Courtice Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Courtney Mrs. William S. Covington Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Cowan Dr. Jack P. Cowen Alfred Cowles Knight C. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Clifford B. Cox C. R. Cox Thomas R. Coyne Mr. & Mrs. S. G. Craig Mrs. Norman L. Cram Arthur A. Cramer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Crawford Walter H. Creber, Jr. Mrs. John J. Crown Lester Crown B. W. Crume, Jr. Victor Cullin Frank Cullotta Tilden Cummings Samuel W. Curry Mrs. Austin T. Cushman A. Michael Cusick Michael J. Cusumano Paul William Cutler Dr. & Mrs. R. P. Cutler Paul William Cutler Miss Gertrude Curtis Thomas C. Dabovich Miss Thorine Dahl Mrs. Florence F. Dane Dr. David Danforth George Edson Danforth William F. Danforth Oscar O. D'Angelo Mrs. W. A. Daugherty Sigmund W. David Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Davidow David W. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Davidson (Sterling Morton Charitable Trust) CharJas A. Davis Dr. Charles F. Davis Mrs. D. D. Davis Howard J. Davis Orval C. Davis Dr. T. N. Davis III Wesley H. Day Mr. & Mrs. J. Deagan Bruce Dean Thomas A. Dean Mr. & Mrs. E. Dedmon James J. Deegan Norman DeHaan Louis H. T. Dehmlow Dr. Friedrich Deinhardt Anton R. Dekom Paul A. Delcourt Mrs. Charles DeLong George L. DeMent William R. Demmert R. J. DeMotte Joseph W. Dennis Mrs. J. R. DePencier William E. Derrah Ashley D. DeShazor Joseph Desloge Gus C. Detlefsen Edward J. DeWitt Mr. & Mrs. De Ver Sholes John J. Devery Mr. & Mrs. J. De Young David L. Diana Mrs. Albert B. Dick, Jr. Mrs. Edison Dick E. G. Dierks Miss Nancy A. Dietrich Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Dietzgen John B. Diezel Mr. & Mrs. Otto C. Dill Robert C. Dille Robert Diller W. S. Dillon Dominick Di Matteo, Jr. Mrs. Phelix Dinelli J. Richard Dirks Geoffrey Whitmore Disston Dr. & Mrs. J. W. Ditzler Mrs. Arthur Dixon George Dlesk Dr. F. W. Dobbs Isidor Doctor Mrs. E. J. Doering Burtis J. Dolan, Jr. Robert J. Dolan John L. Dole W. Fred Dolke David Dolnick James C. Domabyl Norbert F. Dompke Mrs. Stephen E. Donlon David E. Donnelley James R. Donnelley Miss Kathryn F. Donnelly Robert G. Donnelley Raphael G. Dooman Maurice M. Dore Mr. & Mrs. Q. P. Dorschel George D. Doty Arthur H. Douglas, Jr. Miss Clara Douglas William C. Douglas H. James Douglass Mrs. H. J. Douglass John F. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Dovenhuehle Lyman M. Drake, Jr. Robert T. Drake George Dreher Raymond C. Dreier Max Dressier Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Drevs Miss Dianne G. Drobish Daniel B. Droege Joseph A. Dubbs Miss Ruth Duckworth Walter J. Ducey Mrs. A. A. Duer Lester Dugas, Jr. George B. Duhamel Steven J. Dulla Miss Louise Dunbar Norman J. Dunbeck Carl P. Duncan Louis C. Duncan Mrs. Allison Dunham William E. Dunlap Charles Dunlop The Reverend R. G. Dunlop Lewis Dunn William J. Dunn William E. Dunshee Robert L. Duntley Winfield T. Durbin R. Gregory Durham Miss Cynthia Ann Durko B. L. Durling Henry Dybas Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Dyer Wilbur E. Dyer Thomas E. Earle The Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois 47 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Carl J. Easterberg Mrs. A. D. Eastman Carl H. Ebert Nate Eckstein Morris R. Eddy Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Edens Mrs. Guy Ederheimer, Jr. Murray Edes Peter Edge Dr. 0. H. Edinger, Jr. Lawrence L. Edlund James A. Edmonds Mark Egan Gerard J. Eger Marvin W. Ehlers Stanton L. Ehrlich Walter H. Ehrmann Fred R. Eiseman Ernest A. Eklund William Elfenbaum Mrs. Elsie H. Elgin Avery Eliscu E. E. Ellies Miss Grace E. Elliott Dr. Margaret Elliott Mrs. G. Corson Ellis Dr. James P. Elmes Mrs. Henry Embree J. W. Embree, Jr. Miss M. Caroline Emich William L. English Robert A. Enlow E. Stanley Enlund Mrs. Laura Pratt Erick Donald Erickson Walter Erman Floyd Ervin Jerome L. Ettelson Mrs. Bergen Evans Chester Evans W. M. Evans Boyd Everett William S. Everett Gordon H. Ewen A. L. Fader Mr. & Mrs. Abel F. Fagen W. E. Fahey Stanley W. Faierson S. J. Fairweather Mrs. Ralph Falk Joseph C. Fall Paul E. Fanta David L. Fargo Mrs. H. D. Fargo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Preston Farley Mrs. Ernest H. Farrell Richard J. Farrell Bernard Feinberg Mrs. Bernard J. Felbinger Charles R. Feldstein John F. Fenn Mrs. J. F. Fennelly Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Fentress, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Judge H. Fern Armin F. Fick Jack H. Fields Robert S. Fiffer Dr. & Mrs. Morris Fishbein Mylon O. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. P. M.Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Fitzgerald Robert G. Flagg Mrs. E. F. Flegg Miss Anne Fleischman Miss Louise Fleischman Dr. James F. Fleming Joseph Fletcher Mrs. Mildred C. Fletcher Philip H. Flick Mrs. J. B. Fligman John Flodin James G. Flood Anton G. Florian Fred S. Floyd Jerry H. Fogelson Charles W. Folds Cifford P. Foley Dwight W. Follett Mrs. Eliot E. Foltz Dr. L. Forcart Mrs. John L. Forch, Jr. Edwin S. Ford Alfred K. Foreman, Jr. Peter B. Foreman Donald C. Forrey Mrs. George H. Forsyth Miss Thelma A. Fowler Earl B. Fox John Jay Fox Richard Foxwell Charles D. Fraker Stanley Framburg, Sr. Ejler Frandsen A. A. Frank, Jr. Gerald B. Frank ZoUie and Elanie Frank Fund Marshall Frankel Charles P. A. Frankenthal Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Fraser Mrs. George E. Frazer Hermann Frauen Dr. Vincent C. Freda Miss Carolyn Frederick Dr. Christabel H. Frederick Dr. Kenneth A. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Freeman, Jr. William M. Freeman Frederick E. French Miss Phyllis J. French Mrs. J. Dennis Freund Robert A. Fried Dr. Stanton A. Friedberg Mrs. Herbert A. Friedlich Fred M. Friedlob Mark Friedman WiUiam J. Friedman Edwin H. Friesendorf Hellmut FVitzsche William D. Frost FVank M. Fucik E. Montford Fucik R. Neal Fulk W. W. Fullagar Mrs. A. W. F. Fuller Douglas R. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Judson E. Fuller Dave Fultz Frank A. Furar Joseph M. Gabriel Lawrence N. Gabriel Rudolph R. Gabriel Miss Elsie Gadzinski Mrs. M. H. Gaines Filmore W. Galaty Mrs. Geraldine Gallagher John F. Gallagher Mrs. H. W. Galley Mrs. Anne Rickcords Gait Jack Gaiter Mrs. Helen Gant William E. Garapick, Jr. Mrs. James L. Garard Mrs. Myrl A. Garas F. Sewall Gardner Henry K. Gardner Mrs. Harry H. Garner Mrs. J. M. Garner Miss Maryella Garner 48 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Alan C. Garrett Robert R. Garrison George P. Garver W. H. Garvey, Jr. Dr. Carl L. Gast Harvey P. Gates Richard I. Gavin Robert Gay Mrs. Ruth K. Gaylord John J. Gearen A. E. Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Gebhard Dr. John E. Gedo James W. Gee Dr. & Mrs. Clyde Geiger John T. Geldermann Calvin M. George Raymond I. Geraldson John H. Gerard Samuel H. Gersh Louis Gershon Mrs. Jesse R. Gerstley Edward J. Gessner Mrs. Harry W. Getz James R. Getz Oscar Getz Montanarella Giannandrea Thomas E. Gibbs, Jr. William T. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Procter J. Gilbert Dr. R. Kennedy Gilchrist Robert T. Gilchrist Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Gilkey, Jr. Langdon B. Gilkey Joseph L. Gill Dr. & Mrs. John Gilmore Miss Constance G. Gintilas Dr. Tawfik F. Girgis Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Glass Louis J. Glass James J. Glasser Mrs. Morris Glasser Mrs. James J. Glassner Robert T. Glidden Mrs. Charles F. Glore Mrs. Albert H. Glos John P. Gnaedinger Robert V. Gnapp Louis H. Goebel Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Goelzer Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Goewey Bertrand Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Herman Goldberg Fred L. Goldsby Joseph J. Golman August T. Gonia Mrs. Howard Goodman George S. Gordey CoHn S. Gordon Herman J. Gordon Miss Marion G. Gordon Sidney S. Gorham, Jr. Richard Gough Mr. & Mrs. Howard P. Gould Mrs. Samuel Gould Harold J. Graf Paul A. Graf Mrs. Everett D. Graff William Grage Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Graham Donald M. Graham Robert L Graham William B. Graham Michael E. Grant Dr. Gunars Graudins Eugene Gray WiUiam Scott Gray III Dr. John Grayhack Dr. Edward D. Greaves James L. Green Miss Ruth E. Green Aubrey J. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Greene Mrs. Howard T. Greene Dr. Lois D. Greene Dr. J. P. Greenhill Dr. Bernard M. Greenwald Col. CHfford C. Gregg Frank Gregor James J. Gregory Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Dr. Dorothy Grey Edwin R. Griesbach Alvin G. Griffith, Jr. Bruce C. Griffith Mrs. Carroll L. Griffith George Griffith Dr. Herold Griffith Mrs. John L. Gring Harold T. Griswold Gordon A. Groebe Leonard H. Grosse A. J. Grossman Frank D. Grossman Mrs. W. F. Grote, Jr. Mrs. Leon Grotowski Chris Grumbos Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Grumhaus Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Paul Guenzel Gunnar E. Gunderson Robert M. Gunn Mrs. R. C. Gunness Miss Helen K. Gurley Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Gustafson Miss Ruth E. Gustafson Dr. Edwin L. Gustus Mr. & Mrs. Grover Guthaus Mrs. D. N. Gutmann H. C. Gwinn Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Ralph F. Haag Charles H. Haas Thomas Hack John W. B. Hadley W. W. Haerther Charles C. Haffner III Paul A. Hakanen Dr. R. G. Haley Arthur B. Hall Dr. Buford Hall Dr. Dennis M. Hall Edward Hall Richard W. Hall Charles L. Halladay Romaine M. Halverstadt Chalkley J. Hambleton Arthur J. Hamer Hunt and Jean Hamill Foundation James L. Hamilton Joseph W. Hancock Jack C. Hand J. Russell Hanson Joseph F. Harant John H. Harder Frank Harding Mrs. D. Foster Harland Meredith E. Harmon John Harplan Chauncy D. Harris Gerald H. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer B. Harris Mrs. Augustin S. Hart Harry J. Hart Richard F. Hart 49 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1 000 — continued) Raymond H. Hartigan Robert S. Hartman Mrs. Walter J. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. William E. Hartmann Harvard University (Dept. of Mollusks of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology Mrs. Byron Harvey Daggett Harvey Harry L. Hatton Mrs. Benjamin Hausman Larry Havlicek Walter Hawrysz Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Hayes Mrs. William H. Hazlett Mrs. James P. Hecht Myron A. Hecht Walter L. Hedin Reuben E. Hedlund Mrs. Otto H. Hedrich Dr. Bart T. Heffernan Miss Helen Heggie William H. Heidenreich Mrs. Clifford Heindel Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Walter W. Heinze Alfred Heller Henry M. Henriksen Dr. David D. Henry Mrs. John A. Henry F. C. Hensel Martin K. Henslee Harold H. Hensold, Jr. H. L. Henson Mrs. Victor Herbert Jerry Herdina Gerard F. Herkes Mrs. Carolynne Hertenstein J. H. Herz'Family Foundation Douglas Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Heymann Mrs. J. O. Heyworth Howard John Hibbert J. Patrick Hieber Edgar J. Higgins Howard E. Hight Mrs. Marion Hilker Kimball Hill Thomas F. Hill David C. Hilliard William H. Hillier George S. Hilton Victor H. Hinze Henry D. Hirsch Milton W. Hirsch Dr. H. J. Hirshfield Robert F. Hite Mrs. F. P. Hixon D. R. Hoaglund George S. Hoban John Hobart Edward W. Hobler Charles H. Hocking Robert C. Hodgkins Mrs. G. C. Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hoenecke Richard Hoerger Dr. Dieter F. Hoffman Dr. Eugene Hoffman Dr. Gerald G. Hoffman Irving Hoffman Hon. J. J. Hoffman Raymond A. Hoffman Miss Vera R. Hoffman Miss Frances C. Hoffmann Dr. Ned U. Hohman Myron Hokin Mrs. W. S. Holabird, Jr. William Holabird Marshall M. Holleb Mrs. Letitia Baldrige Hollensteiner Joseph F. HoUerbach, Jr. Thomas Hollingsworth Gerald V. HoUins Raymond Hollis Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Holloway William E. Holly V. V. Holmberg Carl Holzheimer Miss Frances Hooper Miss Alice A. Hoos H. E. Hoover Stephen Y. Hord Mrs. WiUiam Dodge Home, Jr. Leo O. Horstein Mrs. Helen Horton Rev. John Horton John T. Horton Mr. & Mrs. A. Horween Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Horwich Robert J. Hoshell L. E. Houck Joseph J. Houda John W. Hough Harvey H. Howard James A. Howard Miss Amy L. Howe Mrs. J. E. Howie Mrs. William Hewlett N. Landon Hoyt Mrs. John D. Hrdlicka Frank B. Hubachek Dr. J. I. Hubbard Ralph F. Huck George A. Huggins Dr. Charles E. Hughes Ted Hunsaker J. N. Himter Lemuel B. Hunter Mrs. Raymond J. Hurley James M. Hurwith Frank D. Huth Mrs. James L. Hvale Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hylbert D. P. Hynes Mrs. W. Ickes Massao Igasaki, Jr. Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Iker Mrs. H. B. Ingersoll Robert S. Ingersoll Mrs. S. L. Ingersoll G. K. Ingraham Warren L. Ingraham Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Ireland Miles Irmis Mrs. Spencer E. Irons Frank 0. Irwin George M. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Isham James L. Isham Miss Katharine P. Isham Robert A. Jablonski David Jackson Mrs. R. B. Jackson Carl B. Jacobs Jesse A. Jacobs Mrs. Walter H. Jacobs Raphael Jacobson Andrew P. Jaeger Mrs. Eugene Jaffe Louis Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. R. Jahn David W. James Mrs. Ralph C. James Mr. & Mrs. T. N. James Richard Janetka Miss Wynnette Janicek Miss Barbara Jannusch Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Janus Mrs. Leonard Japp, Sr. 50 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Willard K. Jaques Mrs. C. E. Jarchow Charles C. Jarchow Andrew O. Jaros Sidney F. Jarrow Fred Jasper Robert W. Jay Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Dr. Thesle T. Job Harold R. Johnsen Alan W. Johnson Calmer L. Johnson Carl A. Johnson David E. Johnson Edwin L. Johnson Dr. Frank R. Johnson Milton C. Johnson Mrs. R. L. Johnson Robert M. Johnson Dr. Walter L. Johnson, Jr. R. G. Johnstone, Jr. Charles W. Jones Dr. Morris H. Jones C. R. Jonswold Paul Jorgensen Gabe Joseph Harold R. Judelson C. C. Jung Karl Jung B. B. Junkunc Miss Irmgard A. Kaak Miss K. R. Kaczkowski William V. Kahler Simon Kahn John A. Kahoun Miss Annette Kamysz Burton W. Kanter Ben G. Kaplan Lambert P. Karst Mr. & Mrs. B. C. Karzas Mr. & Mrs. L. Kasakoff Dr. J. E. Kasik Mr. & Mrs. V. Kastning Gerald S. Kaufman Henry W. Kaufman M. G. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Kaufman Harry H. Kay James G. Kazanis Donald S. Keare Mrs. J. J. Kearns Miss Catherine M. Keebler Marshall W. Keig Roy C. Keister Thomas W. Keith Mr. & Mrs. R. Kelemen Dr. A. Kelertas Russell P. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. W. K. Kellogg II Mr. & Mrs. E. B. Kelly, Jr. Dr. F. B. Kelly Mrs. G. N. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Kelly Mrs. Margaret P. Kemel Wallace B. Kemp Miss M. R. Kempe Charles F. Kennedy Philip L. Kennedy Mrs. R. L. Kennedy Clarence B. Kenney Mrs. Geoffrey Kent Mrs. William Kerr Charles C. Kerwin Edward M. Kerwin Mrs. M. Kestnbaum Robert D. Kestnbaum Mrs. S. W. Ketola Mrs. E. Ogden Ketting Ferenc J. Kezdy Sam Kharasch Alan R. Kidd Alan R. Kidston Robert J. Kieckhefer, Jr The Honorable R. J. Kiley William W. Kimball Mrs. H. W. King Dr. Lowell R. King Dr. Robert King W. S. Kinkead Dr. Janet R. Kinney Robert S. Kinsey Mrs. Weymouth Kirkland Mr. & Mrs. C. Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick Lyman R. Kirst Miss Mixie Kitazaki E. H. Kitzelman Lester A. Kitzman, Jr. Philip A. Klapman Mr. & Mrs. S. Klefstad Roger H. Klich Donald J. Kline Roger Klocek Philip C. Klohr Fred F. Kloman Dr. Leo J. Knaff Mrs. R. F. Knott Mrs, F. M. Knight Hugh S. Knowles Robert S. Knowles Leonard S. Knox Mrs. John Koch Raymond F. Koch Raymond J. Koch Herman Kogan Mrs. S. Kohn Dr. & Mrs. L. W. Kolb Martin J. Koldyke N. F. Korhumel Miss Maurine Kornfeld Peter J. J. Kosiba Robert S. Kosin Miss L. V. Kosinske Mrs. S. Kosterlitz C. James Kotal Dr. & Mrs. J. D. Koucky Igor Kovac Dr. Joseph Kovacs Harry O. Kovats, Jr. Frank B. Kozlik Edward A. Kracke, Jr. Douglas Kramer Dr. & Mrs. A. M. Krause Barry Krause Dr. LeRoy Krbechek Henry B. Kreer Don Kreider Miss J. G. Kremer Carl Kresl Miss Mary Jean Kretzer Leonard O. Krez William Krick Miss Lucille Kriel Mathew F. Kritchever Miss Dona Kriz Kenneth Kroehler W. A. Kroeplin William Krucks Miss Margaret Kruse Jack R. Kubik Harold E. Kuehl Eugene J. Kuhajek Robert H. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Kuhn Robert E. Kulasik Sigmund Kunstadter Irv Kupcinet Commander J. F. Kurfess USN Clyde Kurlander Mrs. K. Kurtzon Henry M. Kusher Dr. A. Kushner Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy S. Kwiatt Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Kyle 51 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Dr. John R. Laadt Kenneth B. Lacy David L. Ladd Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George Lamb George W. Lamberson Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Lamberton S. J. Landau J. Malcolm Landen Sigurd Lee Landon F. Howard Lane William Noble Lane Mrs. George Taylor Langhorne Joseph B. Lanterman Mrs. Walter D. Larkin Earl D. Larsen Joseph C. Larson Dr. A. F. Lash Willard K. Lasher Miss Frances E. Latham Richard A. Laubhan Fred T. Lauerman Fred P. Lauth J. G. Lavish Russell M. Lawall George C. Lawlis Miss C. Agnes Lawrence Dr. Charles H. Lawrence William H. Lawrence Mrs. W. R. Lawrence Gerard Lawson John F. Lax Gordon Leadbetter George J. Leahy Estate of Anna E. Lebensohn (Bequest) Dr. T. LeBoy Mrs. E. Fred Lechler Dr. Francis L. Lederer Bertram Z. Lee Harold B. Leeper Leslie C. Lehman Morris I. Leibman Frederick W. Leich Dr. Murray H. Leiffer John G. Leininger Dr. & Mrs. C. A. Lekas Edward L. Lembitz Robert L. Leopold William H. Lerch John Lerner John H. Leslie James N. Lesparre Dr. & Mrs. F. Lestina D. S. Letchinger Stanley B. Levi Joseph M. Levine Mrs J. Y. Levinson Robert A. Lewis Mrs. S. Liebman Paul B. N. Lind Mrs. Muriel P. Kindahl James A. Linen IV Howard Linn Mrs. William Lippman Donald C. Lisle Dr. W. C. Liu Mrs. K. T. Livezey Mrs. John Livingood Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Joseph F. Lizzadro Glen A. Lloyd L. R. Lock Mrs. J. E. Lockwood Mrs. Clarence Loeb Dr. Henry S. Loeb Edward E. Loebe R. M. Loeff Richard J.Loewenthal, Jr. John 0. Logan Anthony A. Lopez, Jr. John S. Lord James H. Lorie Dr. Warren C. Lothrop Charles S. Lott Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Miss Ruth Loughead Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Lounsbury H. Norris Love Bryan Lovelace, Jr. WiUiam H. Lowe James R. Lowenstine Maurice R. Lowenstine L. N. Lucas Russell Q. Luckow Frank Luczak Earle Ludgin Ralph J. Lueders Edmund Luff Francis F. Lukas Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Luna Mrs. F. J. Lunding William Lusthoff Don T. Lutz, Jr. Mrs. Jeneva A. Lyon E. J. Lyons W. F. Maas William D. Mabie Donald Macarthur Charles C. MacDonald H. E. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Roberts. Macdonald William G. Macias Joan Maclntire E. K. Mack Mr. & Mrs. D. 0. MacKenzie Mrs. W. D. Mackenzie John A. MacLean Mrs. J. A. MacLean, Jr. J. de Navarre Macomb Mrs. Duncan MacRoe, Jr. Mrs. Albert F. Madlener, Jr. Frank L. Madlener Otto Madlener Mrs. Irving H. Mages Robert B. Maher Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Malinowski Dr. Francis D. Malloy Gerald Mandel Mrs. Frank W. Manegold Mr. & Mrs. H. Manhoflf Mrs. J. F. Manierre Robert E. Mann John F. Mannion Mrs. W. H. Mannon George L. Manta Gilbert Marcus R. Bailey Markham Dr. Leo Markin Harold E. Marks Miss Rachel B. Marks Stanford D. Marks Sydney R. Marovitz Mckimm Marriott E. S. Marsh Peter J. Marsh Jay Marshall Paul G. Martens Mr. & Mrs. C. V. Martin Dr. Stanley Martin Mr. & Mrs. Howard 0. Martisen Mrs. Margaret Martling Arnold D. K. Mason Keith Masters Miss Dorothy R. Matchett Mrs. Narcissa Thome Matchett Selwyn R. Mather Thomas N. Mathers Robert Matson John G. Mattas Leonard S. Matthews Robert Matthies 52 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Walter J. Mattick John C. Maulding Augustus K. Maxwell, Jr. Robert E. Maxwell Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Harold M. Mayer Mrs. Winifred P. Mayne Mrs. Durham Mead John L. Means Dr. L. Steven Medgyesy Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Meers Miss Jean Meese Dr. Kermit Mehlinger Gerhard B. Meissner Gail M. Melick Miss Margaret Mellody William N. Melzer W. G. Mendell Dr. Karl Menninger John D. Merkel Peter H. Merlin Alexander Merrill Glenn E. Merritt Jack N. Mervis Paul H. Mesenbrink Gordon M. Metcalf Carl A. Metz Dr. Karl A. Meyer Allen C. Michaels Edward Michalko Robert D. Michels, Jr. Andrew Michyeta Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Mies Munroe Milavetz Mrs. C. Phillip Miller C. R. Miller Glenn R. Miller Homer L. Miller Dr. & Mrs. J. Roscoe Miller Leslie V. Miller Nathan Miller Norman A. Miller Mrs. Thomas S. Miller John J. Milligan Mr. & Mrs. John Milliken Mrs. Dorothy Stone Mills Mrs. Harold J. Mills Ralph Mills, Jr. Mrs. Florence J. Milnor Robert W. Minett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Mitchell Dr. Michael R. Mizen L. T. Moate Edward C. Mobbs Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Moinichen H. G. Mojonnier Mrs. T. Mojonnier Mrs. Janos Molnar Myron T. M onsen Dr. Clark Montgomery John R. Montgomery HI Miss Carolyn Moore Mrs. Philip W. Moore, Jr. Fred M. Morrelli Joseph N. Morency, Jr. Albert A. Morey Dr. Freda Morgan K. P. Morgan Samuel Morgan John P. Moriarty Mrs. Charles M. M orison Harry E. Moroni, Jr. Jerrold L. Morris Mrs. Gertrude Morrison George L. Morrow Mrs. J. Morrow, Jr. R. M. Morrow Howard C. Morton Horace C. Moses, Jr. Walter H. Moses Alfred E. Mossner Mrs. Arthur T. Moulding Russell G. Moy Mrs. D. G. Moyer Robert L. Muckley Mr. & Mrs. L. J. Mueller John Muhlenberg J. Bernard Mullen, Jr. Manly W. Mumford Keith Munroe Dr. Daniel J. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. G. J. Murphy O. R. Murphy W. Richard Murphy Prof. G. N. Murray Philip Lee Musick Hughston M. McBain N. E. McCabe Mr. & Mrs. L. H. McCain Mrs. Marie Leach McCain Mr. & Mrs. R. G. McCallister Ward McCallister Nolen A. McCleary Miss Jean A. McClelland Mr. & Mrs. J. J. McClure, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brooks McCormick Fowler McCormick George Cole S. McCray E. S. McCready Dr. Walter C. McCrone Dr. T. M. McCuIlough Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McCurry Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Dr. Ernest G. McEwen Risley B. McFeely Jr., E. J. McGehee Charles S. McGill John P. McGoorty, Jr. J. R. McGoun Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mcllvain Miss Mabel McKay Mr. & Mrs. Donald McKellar D. F. McKenzie John A. McKinven Robert W. McKittrick William Wood McKittrick Mrs. Herbert P. McLaughlin Mrs. W. G. McLaury Mr. & Mrs. D. H. McLucas Miss Shirley McMillen Frank McNair James E. McNamara Mr. & Mrs. J. E. McNamara William H. McNeill Joseph M. McNulty Cleo Edwin McPherson A. L. McWilliams Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Mrs. Walter H. Nadler Mrs. Kathleen B. Nagel Paul Nagel, Jr. Mrs. Jerome Naman Bernard Nath Mrs. Claude Nathan Mrs. Sylvia J. Nathan George L. Naylor Harry E. Neander Mr. & Mrs. K. Nebenzahl Mrs. Lloyd F. Neely Mr. & Mrs. Willard R. Neely Mrs. Arthur L. Nehls Mrs. Walter R. Neisser 53 (Individuals' Donations of less than $^ 000— continued) Arthur W. Nelson Harold A. Nelson Hubert B. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Nelson W. H. Nelson Dr. Joseph G. Nemecek Graham Netting T. B. Nendick D. W. Neville Dr. William E. Neville Robert B. Newman New Horizon Club Miss Josephine Newson Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Newton Mollie B. Nieland Arthur C. Nielsen, Jr. George Nielsen Alden W. Niemoth Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Niems Sam Nierman Thomas M. Niles W. A. Ninnis Mrs. G. F. Nixon Miss Anna W. Nock Jeremiah J. Nolan John 0. Nordling Mrs. Lawrence E. Nor em Theodore J. Nork The James N orris Foundation Mrs. Lester Norris Mrs. Carl R. Norton Dr. Gertrude Novak J. B. Novak Edward W. Nugent Mrs. John Nuveen James F. Gates, Jr. Robert O'Boyle Mr. & Mrs. R. E. O'Brien Daniel O'Connell John R. O'Connell Emmitt M. O'Connor Lawrence L. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Odell William R. Odell Mr. & Mrs. William W. Oelman Mrs. James Offield Wrigley and Edna J. •^Offield Foundation Paul E. Ogle De Witt O'Kieffe Dr. George A. Olander Charles E. Olcott Dr. Eric Oldberg Dr. & Mrs. R. S. Oldberg Edward Oldfield Daniel J. O'Leary Mrs. Larry Olin Henry C. Oliver Dr. Marguerite Oliver Mr. & Mrs. K. J. Ollendorff Mr. & Mrs. Conway H. Olmsted John F. O'Loughlin Seymour Oppenheimer Dr. John R. Orndorff Harold I. Orwin W. Irving Osborne, Jr. Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood Mrs. Helena P. Osuch J. Sanford Otis James Otis, Jr. John Ekern Ott Wendel Fentress Ott William H. Ott Dr. G. H. Otto Anderson A. Owen John E. Owens John H. Owen, Jr. Mrs. Ralph W. Owen Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Owens Mrs. Alvin M. Owsley Norman M. Oyen Andrew J. Pach F. V. Paine Max J. Palmer R. M. Palmer Clarence 0. Palmquist Angelo A. Pane Edson M. Paradise Mr. & Mirs. Roland Parduhn Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Park Norman A. Parker Dr. Francis M. Parks Dr. J. J. Parodiz Dr. Jacqueline Parsavand Cecil A. Partee Lloyd C. Partridge Judge Herbert C. Paschen Daniel E. Pasowicz Monroe B. Passis Joseph Pastore Dr. Philip Y. Paterson Robert Pates Norman Patinkdn Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Patner Donald W. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Patterson John M. Patton Richard J. Patton Charles Paveza Mr. & Mrs. R. Payson John H. Payton Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Peabody Mrs. E. S. Pearsoll Donald E. Pearson Roy E. Peavey Frederick R. Pedrigi Dick Pelles Vernon J. Pellouchoud Kurt G. Penn Louis L. Penner Mrs. John F. Perkins Harold L. Perlman Mr. & Mrs. Ward E. Perrin William A. Perry Frank Pesce Dr. Albert G. Peters William O. Petersen Albert C. Peterson Clifford T. Peterson Mrs. Mildred R. Peterson Mrs. Nancy Peterson Adelor Petit, Jr. Guy S. Petit-Clerc William J. Pfeif Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Pfeif er Miss Roselyn Pfeiffer J. F. Pfrank Howard Phalin H. F. Philipsborn Wilbert J. Pichler Albert Pick, Jr. Mrs. Robert Picken Edward A. Pieklo Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Pielsticker J. Norman Pierce Franklin H. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pikarsky Mrs. John F. Pilgrim Bert O. Pinch The Pioneer Fund (Mrs. Lewis E. Myers) Mrs. Gordon L. Pirie John T. Pirie, Jr. Mrs. Samuel C. Pirie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Plews Paul M. Plunkett John W. Pocock 54 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mrs. Barbara Polikoff E. J. Pool Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Poole Mrs. Henry Pope, Jr. James Pope Mrs. William P. Pope Edward C. Porter Mrs. I. R. Post Mrs. Charles S. Potter Dr. Robert Morse Potter Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Potts Charles C. Powell H. Robert Powell Joseph A. Power Peter B. Powles Robert C. Preble, Sr. Charles D. Preston Mrs. E. S. Price Jay H. Price, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Priestley Mrs. Arthur C. Prince Harry Prince Robert A. Pritzker Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Prosser Raymond Prucha Alex Pruzan Dr. Charles B. Puestow Mr. & Mrs. R. H. Pugh Victor W. Purcey Mrs. R. T. Quackenbush Ward L. Quaal Gene Quirini S. S. Raab Dr. E. M. Racher Mrs. Dorothy W. Radack Richard J. Radebaugh Mrs. Arthur Raff Mr. & Mrs. L. S. Raisch Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Ranney Allen N. Ransom Earle S. Rappaport Dr. Lilly Rappolt and Miss Laura F. Martin James M. Ratcliffe Roy A. Rauschenberg Clayton L. Rautbord Miss Martha L. Ravlin Kathleen Ray Dr. Frank Raymon Dr. A. L. Raymond Paul Raymond William T. Reace William M. Redfield Lawrence N. Redlin William A. Redmond Miss Gertrude E. Reeb Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Reed Guy L. Reed Dr. Clifton L. Reeder Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Reeder William A. Reego Miss Ruth Regenstein Mrs. R. H. Reel Mrs. R. G. Regan Bryan S. Reid, Jr. Dr. F. Theodore Reid, Jr. Mrs. Sophie M. Reiffel Dr. Arthur F. Reimann Lester E. Rein Keith Reinhard Miss Marie K. Remien Fred H. Remmert John W. Rendall Fred A. Replogle Mrs. Harold Reskin Miss Ada K. Rew Mrs. I. R. Reynolds Thomas A. Reynolds, Jr. John Riccardo J. E. Rice Robert B. Richards Dr. Maurice L. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Rietz Elmer W. Rietz William C. Riker George G. Rinder Ridger F. Ringham Denis J. Rintz Mrs. John Ritchie Charles E. Ritter Mrs. Margaret H. Robb Mrs. Leo L. Roberg Harry V. Roberts William J. Roberts Hugh Robertson Scott Robertson Hugh Robertson Mrs. J. J. Robichaux John H. Robinson John W. Robinson Sanger P. Robinson Theodore W.':Robinson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. O. Robson Henry W. Rodewald John H. Rodger Daniel P. Rodriguez Dr. Douglas D. Rodriguez Dr. Arthur A. Rodriquez Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Roegner Davis H. Roenisch A. C. Roeth, Jr. Robert W. Rogers John Roggenkamp John Roloff Mrs. R. N. Roloson III William R. Rom Miss Virginia M. Roos Harry A. Root, Jr. Mrs. Philip Rootberg Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Roothaan Mrs. Evelyn Rose M. R. Rosen Gerald Rosenband Harry B. Rosenberg Dr. Ronald Rosenberg Nathan Rosenstone Albert Jay Rosenthal Gerson M. Rosenthal, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Peter A. Rosi Stephen Rosos Mrs. Charles H. Ross Dr. David E. Ross, Jr. Earl Ross Miss Gwen Ross Miss Lillian A. Ross Peter H. Ross Robert C. Ross Dr. William M. Ross Theodore Rossman William R. Rostek Dr. S. D. Rothman Albert B. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. A. F. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. E. Rothschild Mr. & Mrs. M. N. Rothschild Miss Edith Rotta Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Roubik Mrs. Paul Rowan Dr. D. A. Rowley Dr. Bernard Rubin Edward P. Rubin Arthur Rubloff Mrs. F. E. Rubovits John W. Ruettinger Carlton A. Rune Mrs. Mary H. Russell Mrs. Paul Russell Mrs. Fifer Rust Dr. J. H. Rust Edward C. Rustigan Arthur Ryan 55 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Mrs. Charles Ryan Werner Ryser Robert G. Sachs Robert W. Saigh Mrs. Charles M. Sailor Saint Patrick High School Anthropological Society Alan Saks Mrs. Robert C. Sale Dr. Melvin R. Salk Mrs. Charles S. Salmon S. M. Salvino J. A. Samartano Nathan Samburs Marshall G. Sampsell William D. Sampson Frank B. Sanders Henry T. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Sanders Miss Margaret H. Sanderson Chester F. Sargent Richard E. Savin Mrs. Alvah L. Sawyer Leonard B. Sax Dr. Loren D. Sayer Mrs. Henry Scarborough Miss Hazel Schafer Herbert T. Schaffner Francis R. Schanck Ernest G. Schau Miss Marion H. Schenk Mrs. Ben D. Schenker Haskell Schiff Mrs. Gerhart Schild William E. Schindler Richard W. Schlienz Harold W. Schloss George M. Schlosser Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Schlossman Miss Eleanor Schluderbacher Fred H. Schmidt Mrs. K. P. Schmidt E. L. Schnadig David M. Schneider Roy E. Schneider Mrs. Harry Schneiderman J. T. Schriver W. F. Schroeder Walter E. Schuessler E. Charles Schuetz Carey Tyler Schug Miss Isabelle Schuh William A. Schwab Edwin C. Schwartz Nathan Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. J. S. Schweppe Roy T. Schwerdtman Harry Schwimmer Peter J. A. Scott Robert M. Scott A. T. Seaholm Lymond L. Sealy Glenn R. Seals Irving Seaman, Jr. Miss Dorothy Sears Gordon Seavoy Jerome R. Sebastian S. E. Sebestyen Frank Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Noel Seeburg Mr. & Mrs. Nel M. Seeburg, Jr. Irving N. Segal C. Gordon Segersten Dr. Ben Seid Walter H. Seidel Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. John H. Sengstacke Paavo R. Seppo Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Sethness, Jr. George S. Severance Fred P. Seymour, Jr. James G. Shakman Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Shapin Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Share Ludwig J. Sharlog Donald H. Sharp Alfred P. Shaw Connor B. Shaw John I. Shaw Dr. Noel G. Shaw Burcher Sheard Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Shebelski Mrs. Charles C. Shedd Jeffrey Shedd Dr. John J. Sheinin Mrs. A. W. Sherer Mrs. E. E. Sherff John H. Sherman Saul S. Sherman William A. Sherwin W. Lee Shield John T. Shively Dr. Robert W. Shoemaker E. H. Shomo Gerald L. Shott Dr. Harry Sicher E. J. Sierocinski Mrs. Wilma Silberman Vincent D. Sill Mrs. C. W. Sills Herbert Silverman Harry Silverstein Anthony Simons Mr. & Mrs. W. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Sims Miss Marilyn Singer William A. Singer Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Singleton Ross D. Siragusa, Jr. Dr. Albert H. Slepyan Dr. Noah H. Sloan James Sloss Burton M. Smalley John Smalley Robert W. Smick Carl R. Smith Dr. Clayton Smith Eldon J. Smith Farwell Smith Mrs. George D. Smith II Goff Smith Miss Grace F. Smith Herman Smith John F. Smith Dr. Mark E. Smith Miss OUie M. Smith Thom E. Smith Walter H. Smith WiUiam S. Smith Walter S. Snodell Jr. James U. Snydacker James E. Snyder Walter H. Sobel Dr. Harold A. Sofield Dr. G. Alan Solem Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein, Jr. Mrs. Robert Sooy James P. Soper, Jr. Christ J. Sorensen Mrs. Edwin J. Souhrada R. M. Spark George Spatta Frederick P. Spaulding Mr. & Mrs. J. G. Speer Dr. I. Joshua Speigel Joseph Spencer Mrs. L. M. Spencer Robert Spicer Mrs. Arthur H. Spiegel F. William Spiegel, Jr. Mrs. Gatzert Spiegel 56 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Ronald Spiegel Mrs. Robert Spiel Leonard M. Spira Mr. & Mrs. Joel Spitz Mrs. Charles A. Sprague Mrs. Gloria Sprinkle Richard A. Staat Miss Kate Staley Mrs. Elmer J. Stamm Frederick K. Stamm Thomas Stanislawski Eugene J. Stankiewicz Emil Stanley Frederick J. Stannard Dr. D. H. Stansbery Dr. W. C. Starrett Dale Starzvk C. B. Stateler Earl F. Steffens Dr. Enrique Steider Mrs. Herbert Stein Karl E. Stein Sydney Stein Paul W. Steinbrink Mrs. Julius P. Steindler Stanley Steiner Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Stellman Dr. Frederick Stenn John L. Stephens Herbert L. Stern, Jr. Russell T. Stern, Jr. Mrs. Joseph True Steuer C. Gardnar Stevens III Miss Kathryne A. Stevens Mrs. Clement D. Stevens John Stevens Ben T. Stevenson Arnold D. Stine James P. Stirling Robert W. Stitt E. J. Stoll Mrs. Leon Stolz Robert G. Stolze Marvin N. Stone Prof. W. H. Stone Miss Phyllis A. Stout Mrs. Margaret F. Strandjord Mr. & Mrs. T. O. Stratton Mrs. David R. Straub Mrs. Frederick W. Straus Mrs. R. E. Straus Herbert R. Strauss Mrs. Herman A. Strauss Ivan G. Strauss Robert Strauss Dr. William B. Stromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Stuart Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Study Erwin A. Stuebner Allen P. Stults Mrs. R. E. Sturtevant Carroll H. Sudler, Jr. Dr. Oscar Sugar Edwin T. Sujack Bolton Sullivan Mrs. Frank L. Sulzberger Dr. & Mrs. Hirotoshi Sumie Edmund J. Sumnarski R. P. Sunderland Ernest G. Sundin William A. Sundlof Novel E. Surbaugh Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Surpless Albert E. Suter William Sutherland Dr. George C. Sutton Hector Suyker Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Svoboda Hilbert G. Swanson Dr. David R. Swarner Mrs. James Swartchild Mrs. Allen W. Swenson Miss Gayle Swenson Irving G. Swenson Swett Family Fund Arthur T. Swick George H. Swift, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, Jr. Thomas Swigart, Jr. J. R. Swihart Harold Taff Frank Takahashi Mrs. C. Conover Talbot Stuart Talbot Dr. J. H. Talbott Dr. & Mrs. J. R. Tambone Miss Pearl B. Tanenbaum Miss Joyce Tani L. Shirley Tark Nathan B. Tasemkin Mr. & Mrs. A. Tatham Mrs. Colleen Tatner Allen S. Taylor Mrs. A. Thomas Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hall Taylor Harold N. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John W. Taylor WiUiam L. Taylor, Jr. Joseph A. Tecson N. M. Temple Dean Terrill Dr. Charles S. Textor Ashley C. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Thomas Edwin C. Thomas Joseph P. Thomas Mrs. Thomas M. Thomas Dr. John B. Thomison David L. Thompson C. Harold Thompson Mrs. Frank D. Thompson Dr. John R. Thompson Joseph Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Thompson Russell W. Thompson Warren H. Thon William E. Thoresen Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Thorne Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Thorson Robert Thrasher Howard A. Thrun Douglas E. Tibbitts Mr. & Mrs. W. Tichy S. N. Tideman, Jr. Mrs. Albert H. Tippens Mr. & Mrs. L. Tobias Newton Tobey E. L. Toffenetti Mrs. Peter G. Torosian Victor Torsberg Dennis Toyomura Eugene A. Tracy Mrs. Wilfred Tracy H. G. Trainor Dempsey J. Travis George S. Trees Mrs. Edna Trentlage Miss Grace Tress Miss Mildred Tress Dr. F. E. Trobaugh, Jr. William C. Trotter Charles H. True, Jr. John Truempy Richard Truitt William N. Tucker 57 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) CPL. James A. Turnbull Dr. & Mrs. W. D. Turnbull C. F. Tuzin Robert D. Tyler Mrs. Thomas S. Tyler Edgar J. Uihlein Gerard M. Ungaro Louis A. Unti Mrs. F. W. Upham Mr. & Mrs. F. Allen Upson Nelson M. Utiey Glenn S. Utt, Jr. Mrs. Derrick Vail Harrison Van Aken, Jr. F. J. Van Bortel Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Vanderlip Mr. & Mrs. Peter 0. Vandervoort John B. Van Duzer Edna V. Vanek John C. Vanek James Van Santen Dr. James VanStone Dominick Varraveto, Jr. D. Throop Vaughan Howard A. Vaughan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Veerhusen K. L. Vehe Herbert P. Veldenz D. J. Velo M. P. Venema Mrs. J. T. Venerable Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Vernon Dr. Frank J. Veverka Charles H. Vial Robert C. Victor Mrs. Bohumil Vlach Dr. Anton Vlcek Edward J. Vogt J. A. Volkober C. P. Voll Mr. & Mrs. E. Vondrak Dr. H. C. Voris C. W. Vorreiter Omer G. Voss Charles S. Vrtis E. H. Wachs Dr. Harry K. Waddington John Alexander Wagner Richard Wagner Orlin I. Wahl Arthur W. Wakeley Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Wald Mr. & Mrs. C. Waldo, Jr. Donald Wales C. R. Walgreen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Walken Frank R. Walker Malcolm M. Walker Reno R. Walker Mrs. Samuel J. Walker Dr. Lydia Walkowiak Mrs. William Waller Dr. Eugene L. Walsh Thomas M. Walsh Louis K. Walter, Jr. Dimitry Wanda Mr. & Mrs. M. H. Wandrey David E. Wanger, Jr. Mrs. Cyril L. Ward Mrs. J. Harris Ward S. Donald Ward Ben H. Warren Ben 0. Warren James L. Warren John S. Warren Paul G. Warren Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Jr. Mrs. Hempstead Washburne, Sr. John W. Washburn Dr. Milan M. Wasick Mrs. I. B. Wasson F. M. Watkins Mrs. Henry B. Watkins William A. P. Watkins Albred Watrin Artemus D. Watson Richard H. Watson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Watt Amos H. Watts Mrs. Morrison Waud Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Waverly Kline Weatherford The Reverend R. C. Weaver William D. Weaver Dr. E. F. Webb James E. Weber Robert B. Weber Frederick F. Webster Mrs. Roderick S. Webster Kenneth L. Weeks Thomas Weeks Charles W. Wegener Dr. Henry G. Wehringer Byron S. Weil Mrs. Celia O. Weinberg Melvin A. Weinstein Myron Weinstein David R. Weinstock Paul Weir Maxfield Weisbrod William M. Weisenborn Mr. & Mrs. E. Weiss A. W. Weissbrenner Carl J. Weitzel Mrs. Paul A. Welbon Clarence W. Weldon Mrs. D. P. Welles Mrs. E. K. Welles Mrs. John P. Welling Robert H. Wellington C. A. Wells James M. Wells Lyman R. Wells Mrs. Maurice L. Wells Thomas E. Wells Eugene F. Welter Barrett Wendell F. Lee H. Wendell Mr. & Mrs. D. Wenner, Jr. William C. Wenninger Peter L. Wentz Reinald Werrenrath Richard WessHng Arthur H. West George Westerberg, Jr. WiUiam H. Westrup H. O. Wetmore R. J. Wetter lund Mrs. J. P. Wharton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Rex Wheeler, Jr. Henry P. Wheeler Mrs. H. P. Wheeler Charles F. Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Jay N. Whipple Jerome P. Whiston Robert B. Whitaker Alexander P. White Mrs. Dorothy L. White James J. White Dr. P. C. White Mrs. Lawson Whitesides Russell M. Wicks Jack Widick Frank J. Wiedner 58 (Individuals' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Dr. Henry W. Wiggins, Jr. Robert B. Wilcox Mrs. Lydon Wild William Wilke III Miss Carolyn F. Wilkerson Philip Will, Jr. Joseph Willens Albert D. Williams, Jr. Miss Dorothy F. Williams Harry J. Williams Miss Irene Lois Williams Dr. Jack Williams Dr. Louis O. Williams Melville C. Williams O. B. Williams Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Jack A. Williamson Samuel P. Willits Alexander Wilson Christopher W. Wilson G. Rex Wilson Grant V. Wilson Miss Janet Wilson Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Robert E. Wilson James R. Wimmer James G. Wing Joseph Winiecki Louis J. Winkler Mrs. Elwyn C. Winland Dr. I. C. Winter Walker Winter Alfred A. Wittersheim Arthur Wlochall Steve Wojtanek Murray Wolbach, Jr. C. W. Wolf John B. Wolf Mrs. Milton H. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Arnold R. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Wolff Mrs. Marvin J. Wolf son Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wolper Arthur M. Wood Donald M. Wood Percy A. Wood Mrs. R. Arthur Wood James C. Wood Gen. Robert E. Wood W. Lloyd Wood W. Roberts Wood Daniel Woodhead, Jr. Harry Woodnorth Mr. & Mrs. F. H. Woods John L. Woods Robert A. Woods Miss Mary H. Woodward Harry Woodnorth Mrs. Ira Wool Francis C. Woolard Otto R. Wormser David L. Wren C. G. Wright Dr. & Mrs. F. Howell Wright Miss Margaret J. Wright Mrs. Therese S. Wrobel Miss Lydia Wulf Mrs. Eleanor M. Wurster Miss Frances Wyant Alex K. Wyatt Mr. & Mrs. Harry N. Wyatt J. Frank Wyatt Ralph E. Wynbrandt Joseph E. Wyse A. D. Yablin Dr. Seymour H. Yale Louis P. Yangas Theodore N. Yelich John M. Yoder Daniel J. Yomine Mrs. Ray M. York Fred J. Young Mr. & Mrs. George B. Young James Webb Young Paul S. Young J. William Zabor George Ziegler David Zimberoff John W. Zimmer Stanley Zimmerman Clifford A. Zoll Anthony A. Zurek Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Zuvers 59 CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS DONATIONS OF $5000 OR MORE The Chicago Community Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation Commonwealth Edison Co. Field Enterprises, Inc. Chicago Daily News Chicago Sun-Times World Book Field Foundation of Illinois The Irene Heinz Given and John La Forte Given Foundation, Inc. Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in Fine Arts Illinois Arts Council Illinois Bell Telephone Co. International Harvester Co. Bertha LeBus Charitable Trust (Bertha LeBus Fund) Marshall Field & Co. Foundation The Oscar G. and Elsa S. Mayer Charitable Trust Robert R. McCormick Charitable Trust Mark Morton Foundation The Northern Trust Co. The Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co. Sahara Coal Co., Inc. Sears, Roebuck & Co. The Shinner Foundation Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation, Inc. Sun-Times/Daily News Charity Trust DONATIONS OF $1000 -$4999 American National Bank and Trust Co. of Chicago American Philosophical Society American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Amsted Industries, Inc. Arthur Andersen & Co. Baxter Laboratories, Inc. James B. Beam Distilling Co.- Blum-Kovler Foundation Borg-Warner Foundation Burlington Northern Foundation Leo Burnett Co., Inc. Carson Pirie Scott & Co. Chemetron Corp. (Foundation) Chicago Bears Football Club Chicago Title & Trust Co. Chicago Today Clow Foundation Columbia Pipe and Supply Co. Commerce Clearing House (The CT Foundation) Consolidated Foods Corp. Container Corp. of America Continental Bank Charitable Foundation Crowell Collier and MacMillan Foundation The A. B. Dick Foundation The Do-All Company R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Ernst & Ernst First Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. of Chicago First National Bank of Chicago Foundation Foote, Cone & Belding General American Transportation Corp. Hammond Corp. (Foundation) Harris Trust and Savings Bank (Foundation) The Hugh M. Hefner Foundation Hi-Life Packing Co. Household Finance Corp. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Inland Steel-Ryerson Foundation, Inc. International Business Machines Corp. Jewel Companies, Inc. (Foundation) M. S. Kaplan Co. James S. Kemper Agency, Inc. (Kemper Educational & Charitable Fund) Kirkland, EUis, Hodson, Chaffetz & Masters Link Belt Co. Marsh & McLennan Foundation, Inc. McMaster-Carr Supply Co. The Merchandise Mart Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. John Mohr & Sons Morton International, Inc. Motorola Inc. (Foundation) C. F. Murphy Assoc. Northwest Industries, Inc. George Pick & Co. The Quaker Oats Foundation Rollins Burdick Hunter Co. S & C Electric Co. Santa Fe Railway Foundation, Inc. 60 (Corporations' Donations of $1000 — $A999~continued) Scribner & Co. Skil Corp. St. Charles Travel Bureau Sunbeam Corp. Swift & Co. (Foundation) Texaco, Inc. The Toni Co. (The Paper Mate Co.) Union Oil Company of California Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. of Chicago (Prince Foundation) United-Greenfield Corp. (TRW Foundation) United States Gypsum Co. United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Universal Oil Products Co. (UOP Foundation) Victor Foundation Walgreen Benefit Fund Arthur Young & Co. E. W. Zimmerman, Inc. DONATIONS OF LESS THAN $1000 Acme Barrel Co. Advance Heating & Air Conditioning Corp. Aerosol Research Co. Alden's Inc. All American'Life & Casualty Co. Allied Asphalt Paving Co. AlHed Mills, Inc. Allied Structural Steel Co. Allstate Insurance Co. Alnor Instrument Co. Amazon Hose & Rubber Co. American Airlines Foundation American District Telegraph Co. American Hospital Supply Corp. American Sab Co., Inc. Amphenol-Borg Electronics Corp. Anderson & Litwack Co. Apex Railway Products Co. Apex Smelting Co. Armour & Co. Atlas Electric Devices Co. Automatic Electric Co. Baird & Warner, Inc. The Bakery Barns Ely Co., Inc. Beatrice Foods Co. Bigelow-Garvey Lumber Co. Fred S. Bremer Co. Bronson & Bratton, Inc. Budd Business Forms Inc. Burgess Envelope Co. Burroughs Corp. Cadillac Glass Co. Callaghan & Co. Calumet Heat Treating Corp. Camera Exchange C. D. Cash Manufacturing Co. CEF Foundation Central Lake Currency Exchange Central National Bank in Chicago Central Steel & Wire Co. Century Weaver Foundation Chatham Paving Co. Cherry Electrical Products Corp. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. (Foundation) Chicago, Burhngton & Quincy Railroad Co. Chicago City Bank and Trust Co. Chicago Heights Steel, Div. of AlHed Products Corp. Chicago Litho Plate Graining Co., Inc. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Co. Chicago Seven-Up Bottling Co. Chicago Specialty Manufacturing Co. Chicago White Metal Casting Christensen & Olsen Foundry Citizens National Bank of Chicago City Products Corp. Clearing Industrial District Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Chicago Combustion Engineering, Inc. Comprehensive Copy Service Inc. Construction Aggregates Corp. Continental Airlines, Inc. Continental Glass Co. Coronet Films Corey Steel Co. Crooks Terminal Warehouse, Inc. Crown Zellerbach Corp. Crush International, Inc. Cuneo Press Inc. (Foundation) Charles C. Davis & Co. Dean Industries (Foundation) Dempsey & Co. Edward Don & Co. Reuben H. Donnelley Corp. Alan Drey Co., Inc. Edit Inc. M. G. Electric Service Co. 61 (Corporations' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Electro-Kinetics, Inc. Bob Elmore & Assoc, Inc. The Emulsol Egg Products Corp. Englewood Electrical Supply Co. Enterprise Paint Foundation, Inc. A. Epstein & Sons, Inc. Equipment Storage Corp. Frederick J. Essig & Co. Faber Foundation Fabrico Manufacturing Corp. Feldco-Major, Inc. Felt Products Manufacturing Co. J. C. Ferguson Publishing Co. Ferrara Candy Co. File-Ad Service Co., Inc. Firks Exhibitions Inc. First National Bank of Morton Grove Fischbach & Moore Electrical Contracting, Inc. L. Fish Furniture Co. Florsheim Shoe Co., Inc. Foley & Lavish Engineering Co. Foremost Liquor Stores Charitable Foundation Fox Furniture Co., Inc. G. B. Frank Inc. Z. Frank, Inc. Otto Frankenbush, Inc. FrankHn Boulevard Community Hospital Freund Can Co. Frito-Lay, Inc. CPepsico Foundation, Inc.) FuUerton Coal Co. Garrity Co. The Gaylord Foundation, Inc. General Electric Co. General Exhibits and Displays, Inc. General Mills, Inc. (Foundation) Glenbard Tool Manufacturing Inc. GoldshoU & Assoc. Jerry Golten Co. Gordon Bros. Iron &. Metal Co. Lou Gordon Provision Co. John H. Grace Co. The Grainger Foundation (W. W. Grainger, Inc.) Edward Gray Corp. Great Lakes Agency, Inc. Great Lakes Contracting Co. Great Northern Paper Co. Griswold & Bateman Warehouse Co. Guaranty Savings & Loan Assoc. Harris Hub Co., Inc. Hart, Schaffner & Marx Hartford Insurance Group Haskins & Sells Hautau & Otto, Inc. Heco Envelope Co. Heineman's Bakeries Helpmate, Inc. The W. W. Henry Co. Hess-Stephenson Co. Fred S. Hickey Corp. Holabird & Root Harry Holland & Son, Inc. Charles HoUenbach, Inc. Household Finance Foundation T. N. Hubbard Scientific Co. Humboldt Manufacturing Co. Hyre Electric Co. Paul F. Ilg Supply Co. Illinois Central Industries Illinois Railway Equipment Co. Illinois-Wisconsin Sand and Gravel Co. Interlake Steel Corp. (Foundation) Hanns D. Isenberg Foundation Jahn & Oilier Engraving Co. Johns-Manville Corp. Juergens & Andersen Co. Katz Agency TV & Radio King Arthur's Pub A. M. Kinney Assoc, Inc. Knapp & Tubbs, Inc. Koppers Co., Inc. Stanley Korshak, Inc. Krahl Construction Co. Paul J. Krez Co. Kroger Co. Lance Construction Supplies, Inc. F. Landon Cartage Co. Lapham-Hickey Steel Corp. LaSalle Messinger Paper Co. LaSalle National Bank Lawson Products Inc. Harry Lee & Sons, Inc. Link Belt Co. The Lockformer Co. (Foundation) Joe Louis Milk Co. Low's Inc. Luce Press Clippings, Inc. Earle Ludgin & Co. Gerald H. Lurie Co. Maclean-Fogg Lock Nut Co. Mandabach & Simms, Inc. Manpower, Inc. Marquis Who's Who Inc. Marsh and Truman Lumber Co. Marsteller Inc. Matherson-Selig Co. 62 (Corporations' Donations of less than $^000— continued) Maxwell Sroge Co., Inc. Mayfair Molded Products Corp. Mechanical Plating Co. Mehring & Hanson-Wendt Inc. Meister Brau Inc. Merchandise National Bank Metropolitan Structures Michigan Avenue National Bank of Chicago Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies M & K Sales Miehle-Goss-Dexter, Inc. Mohawk Electric Construction Co. Mojonnier Bros. Co. Monarch Laundry Co. Monogram Models, Inc. Monon Railroad Murphy & Miller Corp. Murray Brothers Mutual Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. of Chicago Estate of Leander J. McCormick W. C. McCrone Assoc, Inc. Norton McMurray Manufacturing Co. Nalco Chemical Co. National Bank of Albany Park in Chicago National Boulevard Bank of Chicago (Foundation) National Bureau of Property Administration, Inc. National Lacquer & Paint Co. National Tea Co. Needham Harper & Steers, Inc. Henry Newgard & Co. Newman-Green, Inc. North American Car Corp. Northwest Screenprint Co. Northwestern Photo Engraving Co. Olympia Fields Internal Medicine Assoc. S. C. 0-T-D Corporation Panama Banana Distributing Co. CD. Peacock Jewelers Peat, Marwick and Mitchell Pella Windows and Doors, Inc. Pepper Construction Co. Perfection Tool and Metal Heat Treating Co. Perkins & Will Service Co., Inc. H. F. Philipsborn & Co. Pick Hotels Corp. (The Albert Pick, Jr. Fund) The Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. (Foundation) The Plastic Contact Lens Co. William A. Pope Co. Portec Foundation Precision Steel Warehouse, Inc. Price Waterhouse & Co. Producers Livestock Credit Corp. Productigear Co. Production Metal Products Co., Inc. Pullman Inc. (Foundation) R & S Cermak Liquors, Inc. Radio Steel & Manufacturing Co. Real Estate Research Corp. The Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc. John E. Reid & Assoc, Inc. Resol Manufacturing Co., Inc. Roberts and Porter, Inc. Rohlen Foundation Ro.ss, Hardies, O'Keefe, Babcock, McDugald & Parsons Runkle-Thompson-Kovats, Inc. Runzel Cord and Wire Co. Russell-Hampton Co., Inc. K. Schlanger Co. J. Schonthal & Assoc. Schuessler Knitting Mills (Foundation) Arnold Schwinn & Co. Sciaky Brothers, Inc. Scott, Foresman & Co. Sealy Mattress Co. Sears Bank & Trust Co. John Sexton Sand and Gravel Corp. Seyfarth, Shaw, Fairweather & Geraldson J. R. Short Milling Co. Signode Corp. Sinclair Koppers Co. John M. Smyth Co. Son and Prins Co. Spector Freight Systems, Inc. The Sperry & Hutchinson Co. SRA Foundation Standard Alliance Industries, Inc. Standard Car Truck Co. Standard Process Corp. Standard Photo Supply Co. Starbey Food Products Co. Steel City Furniture Co. Stepan Chemical Co. Charles A. Stevens & Co. Superior /Rogers Graphics, Inc. Supreme Life Insurance Co. of America Sweetheart Cup Corp. 63 (Corporations' Donations of less than $1000 — continued) Symons Manufacturing Co. Szabo Food Service, Inc. Talman Federal Savings & Loan Assoc, of Chicago Tee-Pak, Inc. Trans-Union Corp. Arthur C. Trask Co. Travel Service of Illinois Union National Bank of Chicago United Agency, Inc. United Air Lines United Conveyor Corp. The United Educators Foundation United Motors Service Universal Metal Hose Co. Universal Wire & Cable Co. Urban Investment & Development Co. Vaco Products Co. Vapor Corp. Variety Auto Supply, Inc. Ventfabrics, Inc. Warwick Electronics Inc. The Water Tower Hyatt House WBBM-TV Wedron Silica Co. Weeden & Co., Inc. Harry Weese & Assoc. Western Community Salvage Co. Western Weighing & Inspection Bureau Westinghouse Electric Corp. Wilkins-Anderson Co. Winzeler Manufacturing & Tool Co. Wisconsin Tool & Stamping Jack Witkowsky Wolfberg & Kroll Woodbridge Ornamental Iron Co. Wyler Foods Young & Rubicam, Inc. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. The Zack Foundation 64 Board of Trustees December 31, 1970 OFFICERS Remick McDowell, President Harry 0. Bercher, Vice-President BowEN Blair, Vice-President John M. Simpson, Vice-President Edward Byron Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary BOARD OF TRUSTEES Harry O. Bercher BowEN Blair William McCormick Blair William R. Dickinson, Jr. Thomas E. Donnelley II Marshall Field Nicholas Galitzine Paul W. Goodrich Remick McDowell J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell Charles F. Murphy, Jr. Harry M. Oliver, Jr. John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John S. Runnells John G. Searle William L. Searle John M. Simpson Gerald A. Sivage Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Edward Byron Smith Mrs. Hermon Dunlap Smith John W. Sullivan William G. Swartchild, Jr. E. Leland Webber Julian B. Wilkins J. Howard Wood Blaine J. Yarrington HONORARY TRUSTEES Joseph N. Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain James L. Palmer Louis Ware 65 OFFICERS WOMEN'S BOARD December 31, 1970 Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, President Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Vice-President Mrs. John T. Moss, Vice-President Mrs. William G. Swartchild, Jr., Vice-President Mrs. Emmett Dedmon, Recording Secretary Mrs. Rolly O. Swearingen, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Philip C. Williams, Treasurer Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II, Assistant Treasurer Mrs. James W. Alsdorf Mrs. Mrs. a. Watson Armour III Mrs. Mrs. Lester Armour Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Armour Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Arnold Miss Mrs. Edwin N. Asmann Mrs. Mrs. Russell M. Baird Mrs. Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard Mrs. Mrs. Claude A. Barnett Mrs. Mrs. George R. Beach, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. George W. Beadle Mrs. Mrs. Laird Bell Mrs. Mrs. Edward H. Bennett, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. B. E. Bensinger Mrs. Mrs. Richard Bentley . Mrs. Mrs. Bowen Blair Mrs. Mrs. Edward McCormick Blair Mrs. Mrs. William McCormick Blair Mrs. Mrs. Joseph L. Block Mrs. Mrs. Leigh B. Block Mrs. Mrs. Philip D. Block, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. William J. Bowe Mrs. Mrs. Arthur S. Bowes Mrs. Mrs. T. Kenneth Boyd Mrs. Mrs. Robert E. Brooker Mrs. Mrs. John A. Bross, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Cameron Brown Mrs. Mrs. Gardner Brown Mrs. Mrs. Isidore Brown Mrs. Mrs. John Whiteside Brown Mrs. Mrs. Daniel C. Bryant Mrs, Walther Buchen Thomas B. Burke Robert Wells Carton Henry T. Chandler Nora F. Chandler George Chappell F. Newell Childs Robert E. Coburn Fairfax M. Cone Peter F. Connor, Jr. Thomas J. Coogan James A. Cook James R. Coulter William S. Covington Norman L. Cram Herschel H. Cudd Leonard S. Davidow Emmett Dedmon Charles S. DeLong Edison Dick William R. Dickinson, Jr. Arthur Dixon Wesley M. Dixon Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Elliott Donnelley Gaylord Donnelley Thomas E. Donnelley II QUERIN DORSCHEL G. Corson Ellis R. Winfield Ellis Winston Elting 66 Mrs. Ralph Falk Mrs. Mrs. Ralph Falk II Mrs. Mrs. Arthur G. Falls Mrs. Mrs. John F. Fennelly Mrs. Mrs. Calvin Fentress Mrs. Mrs. Joseph N. Field Mrs. Mrs. Gaylord A. Freeman Mrs. Mrs. a. W. F. Fuller Mrs. Mrs. Douglas R. Fuller Mrs. Mrs. Nicholas Gautzine Mrs. Mrs. Maurice Patrick Geraghty Mrs. Mrs. James Gordon Gilkey, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Julian R. Goldsmith Mrs. Mrs. Howard Goodman Mrs. Mrs. Paul W. Goodrich Mrs. Mrs. Donald M. Graham Mrs. Mrs. Stephen S. Gregory Mrs. Mrs. Harold F. Grumhaus Mrs. Mrs. Robert C. Gunness Mrs. Mrs. Robert P. Gwinn Mrs. Mrs. Burton W. Hales Mrs. Mrs. Corwith Hamill Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Charles Hecht Mrs. Mrs. Ben W. Heineman Mrs. Mrs. James O. Heyworth Mrs. Mrs. Joseph W. Hibben Mrs. Mrs. W. Press Hodgkins Mrs. Miss Frances Hooper Mrs. Mrs. Samuel Insull, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Spencer E. Irons Mrs. Mrs. Henry P. Isham Mrs. Mrs. Henry P. Isham, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Byron C. Karzas Mrs. Mrs. Thomas A. Kelly Mrs. Mrs. Richard Lea Kennedy Mrs. Mrs. Walter A. Krapft Mrs. Mrs. Bertram D. Kribben Mrs. Mrs. Louis E. Laflin, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Lang Mrs. Mrs. John W. Leslie Mrs. Mrs. Edward H. Levi Mrs. Mrs. Homer J. Livingston Mrs. Mrs. Albert E. M. Louer Mrs. Mrs. Franklin J. Lunding Mrs. Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie Mrs. Mrs. Richard D. Mason Mrs. Mrs. David Mayer Mrs. Mrs. Frank D. Mayer Mrs. Mrs. Brooks McCormick Mrs. Mrs. John T. McCutcheon Mrs. Mrs. John T. McCutcheon, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Edward D. McDougal, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Remick McDowell Mrs. Mrs. Henry W. Meers Mrs. Mrs. J. RoscoE Miller Mrs. Mrs. William H. Mitchell Mrs. Mrs. John T. Moss Mrs. Mrs. Charles F. Murphy, Jr. Mrs. Mrs. Lewis E. Myers Mrs. Mrs. Charles Fender Nadler Mrs. Mrs. Richard H. Needham Mrs. Mrs. John Nuveen Mrs. Paul W. Oliver J. Michael O'Riley Walter Paepcke Henry D. Paschen, Jr. John T. Pirie, Jr. William Roe Polk William P. Pope Charles S. Potter Edward S. Price Frederick Childs Pullman George A. Ranney John Shedd Reed Howard C. Reeder Joseph E. Rich T. Clifford Rodman Clive Runnells John S. Runnells Harold Russell George W. Ryerson Leo H. Schoenhofen, Jr. John G. Searle William L. Searle Patrick Shaw John M. Simpson John R. Siragusa Gerald A. Sivage Edward Byron Smith Farwell D. Smith George Dresser Smith II Hermon Dunlap Smith Solomon Byron Smith Lyle M. Spencer Gatzert Spiegel Jack C. Staehle Gardner H. Stern Adlai E. Stevenson III Robert E. Straus Joseph L. Strauss, Jr. William S. Street Walter A. Stuhr, Jr. Carroll H. Sudler William G. Swartchild, Jr. ROLLY O. Swearingen Edward F. Swift GusTAVus F. Swift Phelps H. Swift A. Thomas Taylor Bruce Thorne Theodore D. Tieken Chester D. Tripp Thomas S. Tyler Derrick Vail Cyril L. Ward J. Harris Ward Louis Ware Thomas M. Ware Hempstead Washburne Hempstead Washburne, Jr. George Harry Watkins Morrison Waud E. Leland Webber John Paul Welling 67 Mrs. Frank O. Wetmore II Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler Mrs. Tieken Wheelock Mrs. Julian B. Wilkins Mrs. Philip C. Williams Mrs. Jack A. Williamson Mrs. John P. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. J. Howard Wood Mrs. Frank H. Woods Mrs. Philip K. Wrigley Mrs. Blaine J. Yarrington Mrs. Rainer Zangerl Mrs. Ernest Zeisler 68 Staff December 31, 1970 E. Leland Webber, B.B.Ad., C.P.A., Director SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS Robert F. Inger, Ph.D., Chairman DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Donald Collier, Ph.D., Chairman Paul S. Martin, Ph.D., Chief Curator Emeritus Phillip H. Lewis, Ph.D., Curator, Primitive Art and Melanesian Ethnology James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Curator, North American Archaeology and Ethnology Glen H. Cole, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Prehistory HOSHIEN Tchen, Ph.D., Consultant, East Asian Collection Christopher C. Legge, M.A., Custodian of Collections Christine S. Danziger, M.S. Conservator Raymond Wielgus, Restorer, Anthropology Lillian Novak, B.A., Departmental Secretary Robert J. Braidwood, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory Philip J. C. Dark, Ph.D., Research Associate, African Ethnology Fred Eggan, Ph.D., Research Associate, Ethnology J. Eric Thompson, Dipl. Anth. Camb., Research Associate, Central American Archaeology George L Quimby, M.S., Research Associate, North American Archaeology and Ethnology F. Clark Howell, Ph.D., Research Associate, Old World Prehistory James R. Getz, Field Associate Evett D. Hester, M.S., Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Louis O. Williams, Ph.D., Chairman William C. Burger, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Vascular Plants Johnnie L. Gentry, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Vascular Plants Patricio Ponce de Leon, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium Donald Ray Simpson, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Peruvian Botany Dorothy Gibson, Supervisor, Herbaria Rolf Singer, Ph.D., Visiting Research Curator in Mycology 69 Roberta C. Carnagio, B.A., Departmental Secretary and Librarian Margery C. Carlson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Sidney F. Glassman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Palms. E. P. KiLLiP, A.B., Research Associate, Phanerogamic Botany Rogers McVaugh, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vascular Plants Donald Richards, B.S., Research Associate, Cryptogamic Botany Ing. Agr. Antonio Molina R., Field Associate A. H. Heller, Associate DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY Rainer Zangerl, Ph.D., Chairman Edward J. Olsen, Ph.D., Curator, Mineralogy Eugene S. Richardson, Jr., Ph.D., Curator, Fossil Invertebrates Bertram G. Woodland, Ph.D., Curator, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology John Clark, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Sedimentary Petrology Matthew H. Nitecki, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Invertebrates William D. Turnbull, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Fossil Mammals Orville L. Gilpin, Chief Preparator, Fossils Winifred Reinders, Departmental Secretary Edward Anders, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics Ernst Antevs, Ph.D., Research Associate, Glacial Geology David Bardack, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Paleontology Albert A. Dahlberg, D.D.S., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Robert E. DeMar, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Arnold M. Friedman, Ph.D., Research Associate, Geology Louis H. Fuchs, B.S., Research Associate, Meteoritics Ralph G. Johnson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleoecology Walter Kean, B.S., Associate, Mineralogy Erik N. Kjellesvig-Waering, B.S., Research Associate, Fossil Invertebrates Robert F. Mueller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Paul B. Moore, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Everett C. Olson, Ph.D., Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates Bryan Patterson, Research Associate, Fossil Vertebrates George W. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Meteoritics Joseph V. Smith, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mineralogy Thomas N. Taylor, Ph.D., Research Associate, Paleobotany J. Marvin Weller, Ph.D., Research Associate, Stratigraphy R. H. Whitfield, D.D.S., Associate, Fossil Plants Violet Whitfield, B.A., Associate, Fossil Plants DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Rupert L. Wenzel, Ph.D., Chairman 70 Joseph Curtis Moore, Ph.D., Curator, Mammals Philip Hershkovitz, M.S., Research Curator, Mammals Emmet R. Blake, M.S., D.Sc, Curator, Birds Melvin a. Traylor, A.B., Associate Curator, Birds M. DiANNE Maurer, A.B., Assistant, Birds Hymen Marx, B.S., Associate Curator, Reptiles Loren p. Woods, B.S., Curator, Fishes Henry S. Dybas, B.S., Head, Division of Insects John B. Kethley, Ph.D., Assistant Curator, Insects August Ziemer, Assistant, Insects Alan Solem, Ph.D., Curator, Invertebrates Karel F. Liem, Ph.D., Associate Curator, Vertebrate Anatomy Sophie Andris, Osteologist Mario Villa, Tanner Marilyn A. Kurland, Departmental Secretary RUDYERD Boulton, B.S., Research Associate, Birds Alfred E. Emerson, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Associate, Insects Harry Hoogstraal, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects David Kistner, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Ch'eng-Chao Liu, Ph.D., Research Associate, Reptiles Helen M. McCammon, Ph.D., Research Associate, Invertebrates Charles F. Nadler, M.D., Research Associate, Mammals Charles Ernest Oxnard, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Clifford H. Pope, B.S., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles George B. Rabb, Ph.D., Research Associate, Amphibians and Reptiles Charles A. Reed, Ph.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Robert Traub, Ph.D., Research Associate, Insects Ronald Singer, D.Sc, Research Associate, Mammalian Anatomy Alex K. Wyatt, Research Associate, Insects Luis de la Torre, Ph.D., Associate, Mammals Jack Fooden, Ph.D., Research Associate, Mammals Waldemar Meister, M.D., Associate, Anatomy Edward M. Nelson, Ph.D., Associate, Fishes Harry O. Nelson, B.S., Associate, Insects Karl Plath, Associate, Birds DioscoRO S. Rabor, M.S., Associate, Birds Lillian A. Ross, Ph.B., Associate, Insects Walter Segall, M.D., Research Associate, Vertebrate Anatomy Ellen T. Smith, Associate, Birds Robert L. Fleming, Ph.D., Field Associate Georg Haas, Ph.D., Field Associate 71 Frederick J. Medem, Sc.D., Field Associate Dale J. Osborn, Ph.D., Field Associate, Mammals William S. Street, Field Associate Janice K. Street, Field Associate DEPARTMENT OF EXHIBITION Lothar p. Witteborg, M.A., Chairman Harry E. Changnon, B.S., Assistant to the Chairman Carl W. Cotton, Taxidermist Samuel H. Grove, Jr., Artist-Preparator Ben G. Kozak, B.F.A., Chief Exhibit Designer TiBOR Perenyi, Ph.D., Artist Donald R. Skinner, M.F.A., Chief Graphics Designer Solomon A. Smith II, M.A., Coordinator of Special Exhibits DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Donald C. Edinger, M.S., M.Ed., Chairman N. W. Harris Public School Extension Jonathan G. Taylor, B.A., Co-ordinator Ronald Lambert, Preparator Bertha M. Parker, M.S., Research Associate James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation for Public School and Children's Lectures Marie Svoboda, M.A., Co-ordinator Harriet Smith, M.A., Edith Fleming, M.A. Ernest J. Roscoe, M.S. Dorothy Geel, Departmental Secretary Division of Audio-Visuals Janet M. Swinton, M.A., Co-ordinator THE LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM W. Peyton Fawcett, B.A., Librarian Chih-Wei Pan, M.S., Cataloger Eugenia Jang, Serials Librarian Alfreda C. Rogowski, Order Librarian Max L. Plaut, M.A., Reference Librarian FIELD MUSEUM PRESS Editorial Office James W. VanStone, Ph.D., Scientific Editor Patricia M. Williams, B.A., Managing Editor, Scientific Publications 72 Division of Printing Harold M. Grutzmacher, in charge DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Thomas R. Sanders, B.S., Planning and Development Officer Phil Clark, B.A., Tours Joyce Zibro, B.A., Public Relations Counsel Dorothy M. Roder, Membership Secretary Virginia M. Straub, Secretary to the Women's Board ADMINISTRATION Norman W. Nelson, B.S., C.P.A., Business Manager GusTAV A. NOREN, Assistant to the Business Manager Susanmary C. Young, B.A., Secretary to the Director Betty J. Peyton, Secretary to the Chairman, Scientific Programs Beverly C. Scott, B.S.C, Secretary to the Business Manager Mary A. Hagberg, L.L.B., Registrar Richard D. Janecki, A.A., Chief Accountant Michael D. Lee, B.Sc, Purchasing Agent THE BOOK SHOP UNO M. Lake, A.B., Manager DIVISION OF PHOTOGRAPHY John Bayalis, Photographer Ferdinand Huysmans, Dipl. A., Assistant Clarence B. Mitchell, B.A., Research Associate BUILDING OPERATIONS James R. Shouba, Building Superintendent Leonard Carrion, Chief Engineer Jacques L. Pulizzi, Superintendent of Maintenance Rudolph Dentino, Assistant Chief Engineer THE GUARD August Teschendorf,* B.S., Security Chief VOLUNTEERS Mrs. Richard Bentley Mr. Harlan J. Berk Mrs. Harlan J. Berk Mrs. Jack Blackmon Mrs. Hugo Brod Mrs. Robert L. Brookman Mrs. Roger Brown Mrs. Thomas D. Burke, Jr. Mrs. Orlando R. Cabanban Mrs. WiUiam M. Carson Miss Nora Chandler Mrs. John Colliopoulos Resigned December, 1970 73 Mrs. Leonard Davidow Mrs. Britton A. Davis Mr. James B. Dickson Mr. Stanley J. Dvorak, Jr. Mrs. Henry Dybas Dr. Margaret Elliott Mrs, Charles Fuller II Mrs. Maurice P. Geraghty Mrs. Joseph Girardi Mr. Solomon Gurewitz Miss Gertrude M. Hannen Mrs. Ann Marie Hegarty Mrs. William A. Hoff Mr. Claxton E. Howard Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mrs. Robert Y. Jordan Mrs. Rudolph Karall Miss Mary Kay Karzas Mrs. Robert T. Keppler Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenzie Mrs. Arthur E, MacQuilkin Mrs. John Maris Mrs. H. F. Matthies Mr. Edmund S. Meltzer Mrs. George Morrison Mrs. Frank Nellis Mrs. Seymour Nordenberg Mrs. Ronald A. Orner Mrs. Richard Oughton Mrs. Philip Y. Paterson Mr. Herman J. Pfeifer Mrs. Theodore H. Pincus Mrs. John Prokup Miss Mae Provus Mr. Vernon Reaves Mrs. Samuel R. Rosenthal Mrs. Harold M. Ross, Jr. Mr. Sol Sackheim Mrs. A. R. Sarabia Mrs. James W. Sasso Mrs. Alice K. Schneider Mr. Wayne Serven Mr. Stephen A. Shank Miss Cynthia Sholl Mrs. C. William Sidwell Mrs. Nathan M. Silberman Mrs. James G. Speer Mrs. George T. Spensley Mrs. John Stephens Mrs. James Swartchild Mrs. Allen W. Swenson Mrs. Roy R. Wiley Mrs. Marvin Wolfson 74