ia^fU'Hllli04t MONTANA STATE LIBRARY 3 0864 0016 1677 3 MONTANA STArt UNIVERSITY LIBRARY I STATE DOCUMENTS STATE OF MONTANA BIENNIAL REPORT of the FISH AND GAME COMMISSION for MAY L 1952 — APRIL 30, 1954 rE:Dw8l959 Published MONTANA FISH AND^AME COMMISSION Helen^ Montana NAEGEUn PRIHTING CO., HELENA, MONT. ,2 MONTANA STATE OBRAfff 930 East Lyndale Avenue Hilena, Montana 59601 s '^ FOREWORD Montana's wildlife resources have continued to prosper during the biennium even in the face of ever-increasing demands by the hunting and fishing public. Sportsmen, recreationalists and nature students from all over the nation look to Montana for its clear, clean waters, its wilderness areas and its vast acreage of unspoiled out-of-doors. The real value of our wildlife heritage lies in its contribution to the relaxation, health and general well-being of our nation's people, but economically, the recreation business can also stand in its proper place with other industries in the state. With this ever greater interest in Montana's wildlife and in the face of rapidly changing conditions brought about by demands of civilization, the responsibility of managing the wildlilfe resource has become correspondingly increased. Management, charged by law to the State Fish and Game Commission, must today be based upon scientific facts. Mistakes brought about by popular appeal, uninform- ed demands or selfish interests can be costly in terms of the future of wildlife. In approaching this responsibility, the Fish and Game Commis- sion has, wherever possible, predicated its program on long-range policies, based on factual information and research. That all of these policies will not be popular is understandable, but it is believed that thinking and informed citizens will recognize the need for scientific long-range planning on matters pertaining to wildlife management. For this reason, a definite effort has been made in this Biennial Report to include not only a detailed fiscal and activity report, but also to include some of the thinking that has governed the decisions made in setting up such a program. It is also hoped that this report, because of the detailed and factual material, will serve as a reference on Montana Fish and Game Commission activities for the legislature, sportsmen, citizens and students. To the Honorable J. Hugo Aronson Governor of Montana Dear Governor Aronson: In accordance with Montana law, we herewith submit the Biennial Report of the Montana Fish and Game Commission for the period May 1, 1952 through April 30, 1954. Expansion of the Fish and Game Commission activities has been necessitated by the corresponding increase in public demands for outdoor recreation and activities associated with the sports of hunting and fishing. It is the purpose of this report to review the Commission's finances over the past two years, the activities and progress that have been completed during this period as well as the reasons for the program and policies undertaken by the Commission. Respectfully submitted, MONTANA STATE FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WALTER BANKA, Chairman WILLIAM T. SWEET, Member MANSON H. BAILEY, JR., Member H. W. BLACK, Member RALPH D. SHIPLEY, Member A. A. O'CLAIRE, Secretary TABLE OF CONTENTS ADMINISTRATION fi Comparison of Income and Disbursement 8-9 FISHERIES 50 Access to Fishing: Waters 71 A New Look at Fisheries Management (Introduction) 50 Fish Culture Prog^ram. (Hatchery Operation) 81 Distribution 95 Hatcheries 82-92 Spawning: Stations 94 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Cooperative Prog-ram 92 Fisheries Manag-ement and Investig-ation 72 Continuing' Fisheries Census 80 Fish Restoration Districts 76 Grayling: Study 72 Irrigation Diversion Study 74 Fish Hatchery and Fisheries Manag^ement 54 Fish Stocking- and Management Policy 52-53 General Fisheries Management 57 FOREWORD 2 GAME BIRD FARMS 46 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION 18 LAW ENFORCEMENT 14 LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS 10 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 3 PREDATOR CONTROL 47 STATISTICS 98-108 Detail of Expenditure 102-105 Fish and Game Violations By Counties 108 License Sales By Counties 106-107 Recapitulation of Disbursements 100-101 Recapitulation of Funds 105 Statement of Income 98-99 WILDLIFE RESTOR.ATION 24 Big Game 25 Fur Animal Research and Management 33 Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit 41 Upland Game Birds 28 Waterfowl 30 ADMLNISTRATION ADMINISTRATION stewardship of Montana's wildlife resources is vested by law with the five-man Fish and Game Commission which authorizes all operations of the Department through its executive officer, the State Game Warden. This body is responsible not only for the careful administration of its funds in operational expense, but also for the proper manage- ment of the fish and game resources from which the bulk of funds are derived. The Commission meets for two days each month to consider current problems, form policies and adopt necessary regulations to meet changing conditions. Authority of the Commission to set seasons, bag limits and other regulatory measures within the provisions set forth by legis- lative assent, is of necessity flexible. Decisions are based on the most comprehensive information available from field personnel, sound recommendations from sportsmen and landowners. However, some of the Fish and Game Codes have become ob- solete over the years, others need amendment and even more import- ant are several entirely new concepts for Fish and Game Laws to keep pace with the changing wildlife picture. Several recommendations for needed legislation are given at the end of this section. These were drawn up after careful study by a committee, appointed by the Governor, which made the proposed revisions after consultation with the Fish and Game Commission, sportsmen, landowners and other interested individuals. Electrical business machines were rented during the biennium to facilitate special permit drawings. On antelope permits alone, the process which formerly required six or more weeks was completed by machine in ten hours. Plans call for installa- tion of these machines lor use in future drawings, fisheries creel census worlc, beaver control and other fur research, detailed distribution of accounts, preparation of pay- rolls, property control, questionnaires, cataloging of license sales and other work. The physical job of keeping detailed records of income and ex- penditures is a function of the administrative branch of the Depart- ment. With an annual income of more than one and one-half million dollars, and a capital evaluation of more than two million dollars, the job of accurate records is considerable. During the past biennium, increasing use has been made of electrical business machines in bookkeeping procedure. Electric machines are also now used in draw- ing special permits for buffalo, mountain sheep, mountain goats, moose and antelope. Machinery has greatly expedited this work, with increased efficiency and economy. Within the accounting division nearly 500 separate accounts are maintained for the dealers who distribute the licenses from which the Department obtains most of its finances. Detailed property records are kept as required by law and since the Department receives Federal Aid funds, a report of the property purchased for Dingell-Johnson and Pittman-Robertson projects must be submitted annually to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In Helena, a warehouse is operated where supplies may be stored and distributed to personnel all over the state. Purchase of needed materials and supplies is handled through the State Purchas- ing Department. For this service, the Montana Fish and Game Department allocates $3,000 each year. Equipment maintenance and construction are facilitated by mech- anical and woodworking shops operated in Helena where the special- ized equipment required in wildlife management can be constructed and repaired. As in any organization, the Administration Division functions as a service group, basic in the job of managing the state's wildlife resource. Distribution of the 450,000 separate licenses oi all types to the 500 authorized dealers throughout the state requires accurate record keeping oi the serially numbered forms as well as careiul packaging of the completed order for shipment. All licenses are held in Helena and released in a single mailing before May 1 . — ?• INCOME AND EXPENDITURE May 1, 1953 - April 30, 1954 INCOME HUNTING a FISHING LICENSES AND SHIPPING PERMITS 70.6% OTHER LICENSES 6i PERMITS 1.90% FINES 2.18% MISCELLANEOUS 396% PITTMAN-ROBERTSON 16.64% DIN6ELL— JOHNSON 4.72% EXPENDITURE RESTORATION 31.04% FISHERIES 25.85% ENFORCEMENT 22.10% MISCELLANEOUS 4.26% ADMINISTRATION 6.92% GAME FARMS 4.10% PREDATOR CONTROL 3.68% INFORMATION-EDUCATION 1.63% \ COMMISSIONERS 0.42% COMPARISON OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENT (1902 Through April 30. 1954 $1,800,000 1,700,000 1,600,000 1,500,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 11 1 1 I / > / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / f / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / ' / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / f f 1 1 * f / i 1 1 1 1 t / / // / * » / y ^ ;r/= ^--Jj I^^--:^ ^ ^L^-^ r^^ / (N t- (N t- C^ t- (N t- M t- M 'fi o o iH iH e^i IM ro co ■<*< Tt* kO )n 05 OJ O) CT> 05 05 05 C5 05 CT> a> 05 Income Expenditure Incomplete Record -» >*- A >< *• A ^ 7^- *« =>V >>* A-A- LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS 1. AUTHORITY TO ISSUE SUMiMONS AND ACCEPT BAIL BOND IN THE FIELD. Due to the increased number of hunters and fishermen enjoying this type of recreation, the job of policing this group has been proportionately enlarged. It would be a great aid to enforcement if wardens had authority to issue summons and accept bail bond in the field to guarantee the appearance in court of the person accused of tlie violation. The efficiency of the Department's field force would be greatly expanded by such authority, as the arrest of a person violating the law would not take the warden out of the field of activity. At present, wardens are sometimes taken away from areas of hunter or fisher- men concentration for periods ranging from several hours to a whole day while they accompany the violator to the nearest justice court. Since a great portion of arrests for game and fish violations occurs on Sundays and holidays, the holding of the persons accused of the offense until courts open is often a problem which has not always been satisfactorily handled. 2. AMENDMENT TO BEAVER CONTROL LAW TO PERMIT DESTROYING BEAVER DOING DAMAGE TO IRRIGATION IN- STALLATIONS. The beaver damage to irrigation installations has increased enormously during the past ten years. This is attributed to lessened demand for beaver pelts in the fur trade and the subsequent lack of an adequate harvest of beaver populations by trappers. The first general open season on beaver in 36 years was held dur- ing the 1953-54 trapping season. Approximately 16,000 beaver were harvested during that season but the beaver were still under-trapped for it is estimated that the annual increment was greater than this amount. Requests to remove nuisance beaver from irrigation installations have been too numeruos for the warden force to handle. Many beaver have been destroyed by water users during irrigation season and not in accordance with existing regulations. An amendment to the beaver control law, providing that land owners and irrigation district employees may destroy beaver causing damage to irrigation installations without a permit during the months of June, July and August of each year, will help solve the beaver damage problem. 3. AUTHORIZ.\riON FOR SI'E( lAL NON-RESIDENT AN- TELOPE OR DEER PERMITS WITHOUT THE PRESENT PRE- REQl'ISITE OF THE SI 00 NON-RESIDENT BKi G.AME LICENSE and also .M'THORIZATION TO GRANT TWO .ANTELOPE PER P^:R.MIT IN CERTAIN ARE.AS. Under the existing antelope permit law, there is an inadequate harvest of antelope in certain areas of — 10 — the State. It is believed that the saturation point has been reached in issuing antelope permits to resident hunters. This figure is between 20,000 and 25,000 hunters who are interested in antelope hunting. Because the permit system will retain control of the antelope population and prevent annihilation in the areas which are easily accessible to large numbers of hunters, it is very desirable to retain the permit system with some modifications. Non-resident hunters do not apply for antelope permits because of the restrictive $100 non-resident big game license which is a prerequisite for obtaining any special permit. It is believed that if a special non-resident antelope permit were available for direct sale to antelope hunters, without requirinig the purchase of the $100 non- resident license, several thousand of these permits could be sold, especially in areas of eastern Montana where a surplus antelope problem exists. The money that would be spent in Montana by non-resident hunters seeking antelope would be of great economic importance to all of the people of the State. If the Montana Fish and Game Commission were also allowed to grant two antelope per permit in certain areas, it would also help solve the problem. It is also recommended that a special non-resident deer permit be provided for certain areas without requiring non-resident hunters to purchase the $100 big game license first. This permit would also be an inducement to non-residents to come into the eastern part of the State to hunt antelope and at the same time to hunt deer where a deer damage problem exists. In such areas, resident hunters have not been numerous enough to adequately harvest the deer. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CHANGES IN LEGISLA- TION have been submitted by the Governor's Committee on Recodifi- cation of Fish and Game Laws. The committee was authorized by the 33rd Legislative Assembly which enacted Chapter 140, providing for appointment, powers and duties of this Committee. Members are Sen. Don Valiton, Deer Lodge; Rep. R. H. Wiedman, Poison; and John Willard, Helena. This Committee and the Montana Fish and Game Commission worked closely on all sections of the law which were in need of clarification or revision. The proposals were mailed to all sportsmen's organizations in the State for consideration and received wide-spread publicity through radio and newspaper coverage. 11 LAW ENFORCEMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT Fish and Game law enforcement is a phase of wildlife management which has changed in general objectives within the past few years. At one time, the primary emphasis was on the apprehension of violators, but today, an increasing effort is directed toward preven- tion of violations by education. However, a certain percentage of the people continues to be willful violators so law enforcement remains a primary duty of the warden force. The imposing of laws and regulations governing the take or harvest of wildlife is a necessity in assuring all hunters and fishermen an equal opportunity to share in the wildlife crop while at the same time protecting game populations from excessive over-kill. This is an important tool in management. It is the warden's job to see that this portion of a management program is effective. To sum up briefly, the enforcement phase of a warden's job is to "encourage a regulated use and to discourage an abuse of wildlife resources." The warden force has expanded during the past two years and presently is composed of 52 district wardens and seven district super- visors. Each district supervisor has supervision of from six to ten district wardens. The district supervisor is the coordinator of the work of the district wardens within the district and with other Department field project personnel. DISTRICT MEETINGS Periodic meetings of personnel on each district are held for the purpose of discussing district administrative problems and instruction and training programs are provided. Information is given to warden personnel about their Department projects, fiscal matters, policies, and a variety of subjects are discussed and explained in order to put a better informed officer in the field. At such group meetings, also come recommendations for seasons and bag limits for consideration of the Commission when it sets the seasons on the various wildlife species. Another important value of these meetings results from supervisory personnel obtaining first- hand information from the field as to existing conditions of wildlife for management purposes. RECRT ITIXG New warden employees are chosen from an eligible list which has been establi.shed from applicants who have succe.ssfully passed a competitive written examination and a subsequent oral interview. During the past two years, examinations for filling the warden positions were held on December 18, 1952 and March 15, 1954. New wardens are placed in training under the district supervisor before receiving an assignment as a district warden. — 14 — Written examinations were given to nearly 200 applicants ior game warden positions during the biennium. Those selected are required to serve an apprentice- ship and a probationary period of one year before receiving permanent status. DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS PLAN A program was begun to acquire sites for district supervisors' headquarters. The plan for the present is to provide office and equip- ment storage space which is most sorely needed. De-centralization of some of the administrative details will be effected at these head- quarters, thus giving better service to the public. The buildings will be used by other personnel as well for head- quarters while assigned to projects on the supervisor district. Tlie storage provided will make it possible to pool equipment, supplies and manpower to accomplish work in the district at a saving to the Department. ARRESTS Arrests for violations of the game laws continued to increase over the preceeding biennium, although approximately the same num- ber of hunters and fishermen were in the field. During the current biennium, a total of 1,592 arrests were made compared to 1,415 in the previous two-year period. The increase in number of convictions is partially due to more effective methods of patrol and detection. Airplanes were placed on three supervisor districts for law enforcement and all other purposes for which airplanes are used in the Department. The airplanes, equipped with two-way radios, search out areas for hunter concentrations and direct patrol groups. Four- wheel drive equipment is available on some districts to keep abreast with others using this type of equipment for hunting and fishing activity. The size of boats and motors furnished to the warden force is determined after considering the type of work to be accomplished. An attempt has been made to provide the law enforcement division with the best equipment available so that the warden force has the means to check hunters and fishermen using similar equipment. — 15 — INFORMATION and EDUCATION INFORMATION AND EDUCATION Wildlife management, which is the primary function of the Mon- tana Fish and Game Department, can proceed no faster than the rate permitted by public understanding and support. Thus, the chal- lenge facing the Department is to gain that support and understand- ing by means of providing current factual information. Research, management, development and enforcement are gen- erally learning new facts and techniques faster than these can be transmitted to the general public. Until these facts are put into practice, they are of no value and the job of providing fish and game to fishermen and hunters is made correspondingly less effective. This job of bringing new findings and other general information to Montana citizens is the responsibility of the Information and Educa- tion Division. The Montana Fish and Game's Information and Education Divi- sion, the newest major section in the Department, has made definite progress during the past biennium in developing a suitable program of conservation information and education. Youth and adult education programs were the newest develop- ment to materialize during the past two years. Probably one of the most far-sighted efforts is the Commission's plan to provide $15,000 to be divided between Montana State College and Montana State University to finance wildlife extensionists in the conduct of Adult Education programs throughout the state. The division has gradually expanded its youth program within the limits of its personnel. Both the adult and youth programs are basic in approach, teach- ing that wildlife is a product of the land and dependent upon soil, water and vegetation. Appreciation of natural resources and how With Governor J. Hugo Aronson (seated) are young Montana conservationists and a panel oi resource professionals. The teen-agers were candidates in state- wide competition to determine Montana's Outstanding Young Outdoor American. w • fpf^'^^"^- An important phase oi the conservation education program is the study course presented in Montana classrooms. Lectures and demonstrations cover all segments of v^ildliie as v^ell as the inter-related resources including soil, vvrater, land use, etc. these are important to the state and national economy and welfare is also emphasized. The Department has adopted the general philosophy that citizens provided with the basic background and information will make wise decisions and laws in the management and use of state resources. Continued participation at youth camps, such as 4-H and Boy Scouts, was also a feature of the biennium and the first annual Young Montana Conservationists program to reward and recognize outstanding teen-age conservationists was completed with consider- able success. Increased effort was made in scheduling the department's educa- tional wildlife display at County and State Fairs. This exhibit is much in demand and is generally considered one of the outstanding attractions. Last year, 16 fairs featui-ed the collection of native Montana game animals, birds and fish with an estimated attendance of over 200,000. In making the exhibit available to Montanans, the Department feels that knowledge derived from observing the animals close at hand will create a greater interest and appreciation of this valuable resource. Education is stressed along with the entertainment so natural to wild animal displays. Many of the animals were loaned by the "See 'em Alive" zoo at Red Lodge and the "Wonderland Zoo" at Billings. Information services stress the importance of keeping Montana citizens informed of the actions and ideas pf the Fish and Game -19-^ Department. Through the wire services and radio stations, the public is advised of daily decisions and of important fish and game an- nouncements. This same information is assembled and distributed once each week to the weekly newspapers over the entire state, thus providing an essential service to persons living in rural areas. Approximately sixty radio programs are prepared annually as current hunting and fishing topics. These receive fairly complete state-wide coverage. Expansion of radio programs and entry into the television field are definitely to be considered if future budgets permit additional activity. One of the most important jobs of the Information and Education Division is inter-departmental education. A formal system of "In- Service Training" was developed and the first school was held at the Blackfoot-Clearwater Game Range Headquarters. Personnel were given intensive training in game management, biology and public speaking. Annual courses will be held in all phases of depart- mental activity with the objective of having a staff of completely informed personnel who will accomplish their work with maximum efficiency. In keeping with this latter objective, a complete technical libiary is maintained by the division in which all current writings and reports on wildlife subjects are available to personnel. Special emphasis has been placed on several subjects needing particular attention. Firearm safety has been approached with school programs, distribution of literature and posters and through the use of three films on hunting safety. Pamphlets explaining care of game were distributed; several news releases and radio programs featured the various aspects of Intensive "In-Service Training" of wardens is another educational program carried on within the Department. Wardens attend a two-week "school" designed to acquaint them with operations of all other divisions, public speaking, popular feature vrriting, general biological instruction and other subjects. 20 — proper care of wild meat, and other phases of education featured Landowner-Sportsman relationships. Montana's free quarterly magazine, "Montana Wildlife," featur- ing Departmental activities and programs, continued in popularity with an estimated readership of over 25,000. It is sent to all Montana schools and any person making a request. A vast amount of promotional work is accomplished by the Divi- sion incidental to its regular duties. Inquires by both resident and non-resident have necessitated increased general information services. Approximately 10,000 letters are mailed annually to persons inquir- ing about Montana's hunting and fishing. Continued cooperation in publicity programs was extended to the Montana Chamber of Commerce and the Montana Highway De- partment's Advertising Director. Assistance is provided each year in conducting the Outdoor Writers Tour which results in much favor- able national publicity. Photographs and literature are supplied to free lance writers wherever possible. A special booklet, "Hunting and Fishing in Montana," hunter's maps and fishing regulations were distributed to hunters and fisher- men all over the nation. A lending library of moving pictures and colored slides provides illustration for talks as well as educational entertainment. Photo- graphs and moving pictures are also prepared on department projects. The preparation of sound movies will be an even more important future activity of this division as it has developed practical tech- niques for economical moving picture productions. With the increased interest in fish and game, it is natural that people should request more and more information. Personnel of this division, as well as those in other divisions, spend many eve- nings and weekends attending meetings of civic groups, educational groups, sportsmen's organizations and other interested agencies. It is evident from the experiences of the biennium that additional personnel are required to meet the increased demand for conservation information and education. It is hoped that future expansion will be possible so one man can be stationed in each of the seven supervisor districts. These men would be assigned to the work of conducting school programs of conservation education, working on Landowner- Sportsmen's programs, supplying information and education on a district level and generally broadening the public's knowledge of its natural resources. Such activity, conducted by trained men, will do much to promote more enlightened consideration by the public of not only wildlife pro- grams but of agricultural, forest and other resource problems as well. In view of the increasing demands for all natural resources, the educational efforts of any agency as to their proper use is a real contribution to the state and national economy. — 21 — WILDLIFE RESTORATION WILDLIFE RESTORATION PROGRAM Introduction The end of this biennium marks the fourteenth year that Wildlife Restoration funds have been available for use in Montana's Fish and Game Department program. This division was organized following legislative assent to the Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson) in 1941. The monies allotted the various states for wildlife purposes under this Act are obtained through an excise tax on sporting arms and ammunition. The amount each state receives is dependent upon the size of the state and the number of licenses sold. In using this money the Montana Fish and Game Commission pays for one-fourth of the cost of the program and the Federal Government the remaining three-fourths. The program thus made possible is initiated and carried out entirely by State personnel. All equipment and lands purchased be- come the property of the State. The assent to this Act through the years of its existence has allowed Montana to carry out an important and varied program, the greater portion of which would have been impossible otherwise due to the lack of funds. An important part of the work carried out under this Division has been the gathering of necessary information needed by the Com- mission in the management of big game, game birds, waterfowl and fur-bearing animals. Some of the more important aspects of this phase of the program consist of obtaining census figures by age and sex classes, as well as reliable information on distribution, annual increase, hunter harvest, range and food conditions and predation. During the past two years, work has continued in rounding out the acquisition of several important winter big game range areas, and also vitally needed marsh land for waterfowl development and public hunting. In regard to this acquisition program, during the past legislative session a law was enacted allowing the State Fish and Game Commission to pay the various counties an amount in lieu of taxes comparable to that paid by private landholders and based upon routine assessment. The management of beaver on public lands within the State was made possible two years ago by the action of the State Legislature. This necessitated the gathering of a great deal of information upon which this expanded program has been based. This work was carried out by the personnel of the fur section of the restoration program. — 24 — The marked increase of antelope and deer throughout much of the State during the past several years has brought about the need for a careful analysis of the feeding habits of these two important big game species. This work will materially aid in correlating the management of big game with agriculture. Perhaps the most important phase of the program highlighted during the past two years has been the acquisition and development of waterfowl areas. Although the need for public hunting areas has not as yet presented as serious a problem in Montana as in the more thickly populated states, it is felt its future assurance is being guar- anteed by such acquisition programs and will become increasingly important in the future. More detailed phases of the Wildlife Restoration program with particular reference to that accomplished during the past two years is summarized in the following pages. Big Game Big Game Statewide Population Figures 1952 1953 Antelope 59.600 66,034 Grizzly Bear 737 719 White-Tailed Deer 46,600 68,000 Mule Deer 181,700 201,700 Elk - -... 42,100 4,100 46,900 4,400 Mountain Goat Moose 3.500 3,100 Mountain Sheep 1,700 1,400 The above figures indicate a continued upward trend among sev- eral species of big game. The taking of either sex deer throughout much of the state has become necessary in order that numbers of game may be kept in balance with forage available to them, particul- arly during severe winter periods. Observation has indicated that a higher rate of production is evidenced among big game herds on range where adequate amounts of forage are available. This basic principal as applied to game management indicates the desirability of a substantial hunter take throughout many big game ranges in the State to assure a maximum annual increase. In addition to this important objective, hunter harvest, as based upon — 25 — field information obtained through the program, is also geared to avoid serious conflicts with agricultural interests. Winter Game Ranges The past two years have emphasized the importance of previously acquired big game winter ranges, both in maintaining adequate game numbers and in avoiding conflict with adjacent private lands. The management of the important Sun River elk herd is now based upon the carrying capacity of the winter range area. From one of the most difficult big game problems this Sun River herd has become a model of present day management, chiefly due to the presence of an acquired winter range in the foothills. The Judith River Game Range, acquisition of which was started fifteen years ago, has been rounded out and now is carrying out many of the important functions ascribed to the Sun River Range. Although considerably smaller in size, its importance is proportion- ately high. The Blackfoot-Clearwater Big Game Range has been of particular importance in overcoming a number of difficult problems pertaining to the wintering of both elk and deer in that area. Elk tagged on the game range, when killed by hunters have indicated the wide area influenced by this winter range. The Gallatin Game Range is adding a material source of forage for elk in that area where deep snows seriously handicap the winter foraging activities of elk. An additional small game range tract has been purchased during the biennium. It is located in the Whitetail area adjacent to the /i- ""♦ajsNf- -C;;i3i« Tt1HfJ4IUll Mtin ■•iriiii m •■ Liv«-trapp«d elk await ear-tagging beiore release on Judith Game Range. — 26 — Judith Game Range headquarters buildings at Utica. Bull Mountain elk range. It is anticipated that the presence of this supply of forage maintained for big game will aid in working out a problem now existing in that area. Range Inventory In order that these game ranges may be properly managed, a careful forage inventory is being conducted on each. This information will indicate the proper number of game animals that can be carried from year to year. Game Salting The placement of game salt was carried out on a statewide basis during the past two years. Airplane drops were used to good ad- vantage in the more remote regions. It is felt that desirable distribu- tion of game may well be influenced by the proper location of salt. Approximately eighty tons were placed on big game ranges during each of these two years; almost half of it was distributed by the use of airplanes. Kootenai Dam A detailed analysis of the effect on wildlife of a possible dam on the Kootenai River in Lincoln County was carried out during the past year. In addition to the local importance of this study, it is felt that it will add materially to the consideration of other like pro- posals. Grizzly Bear A careful study of the numbers and distribution of the grizzly bear has been conducted in the more remote ranges along the Con- tinental Divide. An important correlation between this rare big game species and wilderness type range has been observed. It is becoming increasingly evident that this big game animal is distinctly intolerant to activities brought about by road construction and has been found to virtually disappear from heavily logged or otherwise seriously disturbed areas. — 27 — Upland Game Birds This type of game in Montana falls roughly into two types. The introduced species such as the ring-necked pheasant, chukar partridge and the Hungarian partridge; and the various native grouse species. The native species appear to fit into a population pattern that fluctuates in cycles seemingly quite independent of hunting pressure. This point has been recently demonstrated by a study conducted in the Bitterroot Mountains where the East Fork has been open to grouse hunting during the past four years while the West Fork, a comparable area, has remained closed. No measurable difference can be observed in the population of grouse between the hunted or unhunted area. Sage Grouse A method of accurately aging sage grouse developed by a de- partment biologist based on the comparative development of the wing feathers has added an important technique to the management of this species of prairie grouse. Ring-necked Pheasant The management of the ring-necked pheasant, the yearly abund- ance of which appears closely dependent upon food and weather con- ditions, has been based upon annual census and distribution informa- tion. Because of this, an important aspect of the game bird program has been the determination of numbers based upon spring crowing counts, roadside censuses, brood counts, and sex ratio counts made before and following the hunting season. All this information is of vital importance in determining hunting season regulations. Hungarian Partridges The Hungarian partridge, although reasonably well established in the State, does not as yet represent an extremely important game bird species. This is due for the most part to its general lack of abundance. Sage grouse studies during the biennium included live-trapping (left) and neck-banding (right) to determine daily and seasonal movements, longevity, popu- lation trends and other data necessary in the management oi the species. — 28 — .^^h Brood stocks of Chukar partridge are reared at Montana Game Bird Farms for release in selected areas in an eiiort to establish this species for Montana sportsmen. Although it has successfully adapted itself to many of the areas ■where it has been released, it has not as yet reproduced in sufficient numbers to make hunting feasible. Chukar Partridge In order to add to hunting possibilities, the chukar partridge, an exotic from Southern Asia, has been recently introduced. Earlier plants in neighboring states have indicated that its most desirable habitat is in the more arid rocky sections. To date 16 major plants have been made. Field observations have been carried out in order to determine the success of these various introductions. Although a fair degree of nesting success has been observed, it is as yet too soon to predict the final outcome of this most recent addition to the upland game birds of Montana. Merriam Turkey The entire State has been carefully inspected with the objective of determining the feasibility of introducing the Western or Merriam's turkey. Careful observations have been made of the better turkey range in neighboring states. From this work it appears that Montana contains several favorable areas which meet all of the important re- quirements of the wild turkey with the possible exception of a mast bearing species such as scrub oak. Introduction of this species will be made on a trial basis and careful study of each transplant will pro- vide a key as to the practicability of developing wild turkeys in Montana. — 29 — Waterfowl Waterfowl, due to their migratory habits, are considered an in- ternational wildlife resource. To properly manage these wide-ranging birds, Montana actively cooperates with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the various neighboring states, as well as Canadian provinces and Mexico. During the past six years, Montana's program of waterfowl in- vestigation and research has been tied in closely with the continental management of this resource. Waterfowl are actually managed on the basis of four continental flyways. Montana, due to its large size and geographic position, is tra- versed by portions of three of these flyways -the Pacific, Centi'al and Mississippi. It is located largely in the Central Flyway, however, and is regulated on that basis. Vitally needed information which must be obtained on an annual basis consists of a breeding ground inventory, production or brood counts, hunter bag checks, as well as information pertaining to the winter carry-over of waterfowl in Montana (winter inventory). All of this information is carefully analyzed and is very useful in the State's management of waterfowl. Marsh Development Areas Several vitally important marsh land areas are being acquired and developed. The chief objective is to increase local production and assure public hunting for present and future generations of Montana sportsmen. Montana is governed by federal regulations set up for the Central Flyway although waterfowl from the two adjacent flyways are also found in the state. Construction of an outlet canal, representing the initial phase of development of Freezout Lake, was begun during the biennium. Freezout Lake (Greenfields) This area in Teton County, consisting of aproximately twenty- five hundred acres of water, four thousand acres of marsh and twenty- five hundred acres of nesting and feeding edge, represents an import- ant waterfowl production and hunting area. The lake's water level has been unpredictable in the past since it has no outlet and acted as a sump for natural runoff and waste water from an adjacent irrigation district. A rapid rise in water level two years ago caused material damage to surrounding agricultural lands, nearby state highway and two adjacent railroads. Under a restoration program a water control drain structure is being constructed. When completed it will be possible with this facility to maintain the lake at a desired level. A degree of fluctuation may also be obtained whenever necessary for management purposes. The construction of dikes within the project area will also increase its desirability for both waterfowl pro- duction and hunting purposes. The maintenance of various food crops, such as grain about the edge of this marsh area, will act as a buffer against possible waterfowl depredation on surrounding agricultural lands. Its location upon a natural flyway just east of the main Rocky Mountain system also enhances its importance to waterfowl. This, plus the proximity of heavy hunting pressure, certainly places this project in the category of a major development for the entire western section of the United States. 31 Ninepipe-Pablo This is a combined acquisition and waterfowl habitat develop- ment project located in the Lower Flathead Valley. The assurance of public hunting in this particularly important waterfowl area is a major aspect of this project. The production of supplemental food about the edge of the Ninepipe-Pablo area will undoubtedly increase its waterfowl production, facilitate hunting and act as a buffer against possible waterfowl depredation. The acquisition of these lands ties in very closely with the pur- chase of several goose nesting islands in Flathead Lake, as well as brooding ai'eas necessary in the development of year around habitat requirements of an important population of Canadian geese which add materially to the hunting success in that area. An intensive investigation of these geese has indicated that those produced in the Flathead Valley contribute more to the hunter than those migrating through the area. Milk River In the Milk River area along the Highline, several waterfowl marsh areas have been scheduled for acquisition and development. During the present biennium one of the most important of these, the Sleeping Buffalo Marsh in eastern Phillips County, has been obtained under a long time lease. It has been fenced, and will be developed by diking and further flooding to materially increase the waterfowl production and hunting possibilities in that area. One of the most important aspects of this program is the vital location that this marsh bears to the other waterfowl producing areas in that region. In addition to the many species of ducks fre- quenting this area, one of the most important Canadian goose popu- lations in the state is now being developed in that region. Public hunting will therefore represent an additional important aspect of the program. Fox Lake Fox Lake in Richland County west of Sidney is being acquired and will be developed for waterfowl production and public hunting. A careful analysis has been made regarding the value to water- fowl of fencing portions of the shore line reservoirs in eastern Mon- tana. Virtually thousands of reservoirs are scattered throughout the eastern section of the state. These areas, varying in size between a fraction and several hundred acres in size, represent an important contribution to the waterfowl resource in that section of the State. It has been felt that the protection of certain portions of these reservoirs from heavy use by livestock would increase the nesting possibilities, as well as increase food available for waterfowl without materially interfering with their usefulness as livestock watering places. A final report regarding this work is being compiled and will be available in the near future. — 32 — Fur Animal Research And Management A comprehensive study of the fur resources of Montana was initiated three years ago with the addition of a Fur Resources Sec- tion to the Wildlife Restoration program. Since that time much fac- tual information has been collected by biologists of the section to guide development of a constructive program of fur animal manage- ment. Fur animal research has been a neglected field, not only in Mon- tana but in many other states as well. As a result, specific methods of obtaining factual information on the lives and habits of fur ani- mals are often not available. Out of necessity many of the activities of Fur Resources Section workers have been concerned with the development of techniques. Examples of this are studies on beaver, mink and marten aimed at providing methods of determining the age composition of the annual take. Other activities are chiefly concerned with investigations of the status and welfare of the various fur animal populations. In addition, information on the habits and distribution of the various species is collected. Each year these data are integrated and used as the basis for trapping seasons which allow an annual harvest while assuring the maintenance of a satisfactory breeding stock. Economic Survey Fur animals are unique as a wildlife resource in that they provide a direct cash crop. This crop is harvested with relatively little invest- ment on the part of the trapper and frequently is taken by seasonal workers at a time of year when other types of employment are scarce. Information was lacking to fully evaluate the significance of the fur resource in Montana's economy. Accordingly, an economic survey was one of the first activities undertaken by the Fur Re- sources Section. During the biennium a total of 2,717 trapper's licenses were issued. Listed on the following page are the furs taken by these trappers and their value. Furs taken during the past two seasons totaled approximately 159,000 pelts worth more than one-half million dollars. Three species — beaver, mink and muskrat — produced more than 90 per cent of the pelts and nearly all of the income, reflecting current market trends. Approximately 80 per cent of these furs were produced in the western half of the state where more than three-fourths of the trappers operated. About ten per cent of the pelts taken were sold to out-of-state buyers. Average prices for most fur animals declined from levels of past seasons; however, a progressive management plan for beaver, based — 33 — Size And Value of Fur Take Coyote J Skunk ^nS^ wolverine Total r:?«4=vC 1952-53 No. Pells Value N( V< 1953-54 3. Pelts ilue 64,733 39,382 $ 60,849 $ 23,045 9,936 16,123 $ 95,485 $154,796 6,848 9,378 $ 95,256 $119,349 2,233 3,282 $ 1,965 $ 2,265 927 1,097 S M22 $ 1,196 196 104 $ 437 $ 90 1,965 1,664 $ 1,788 $ 1,431 373 412 $ 489 $ 486 154 148 $ 106 $ 99 6 14 $ 8 $ 14 8 21 $ 40 $ 63 4 $ 40 $ 80 87,381 $257,585 71,629 $302,914 on research findings, permitted a greater harvest of beaver. Largely as a result of the increased beaver catch, the average income to the individual trapper rose from $214 in the 1952-53 season to $244 in the 1953-54 season. Beaver The history of Montana's beaver population is that of extirpation through intensive, uncontrolled trapping in the 1800's followed by protection during the first half of the twentieth century. Beaver management during the latter period was confined to restoration and limited trapping on private lands for beaver damage alleviation. Areas of overpopulation, manifested by "die-offs" and increasing economic conflict, began showing up during the 1930's. By the late '40's a high beaver population existed throughout the state. In July 1952, the Fish and Game Department, concerned with the situation, initiated through the Fur Resources Section a study of beaver populations in the Jefferson Basin. This study was designed to evaluate the true situation and to provide a sound management plan. Preliminary results indicated: (1) a high beaver population existed, (2) the landowner permit system was inadequate for ob- taining a sustained yield harvest, (3) a change in beaver laws was apparently needed. Cognizant of the problem, the 1953 Montana Legislature amended the beaver law, authorizing the Fish and Game Commission to declare open seasons. With the advent of this legislation, the immediate need for a basic beaver management program became apparent. Utilizing pertinent research results of the Jefferson Basin beaver study in addition to the beaver research reports of other workers, Fur Resources Section personnel formulated such a program. This management plan is based on beaver trapping areas which coincide with local deputy game warden districts. The management of each area is administered by the resident deputy game warden. Annually, a trapping quota Warden Manages is set for each area and trappers register for Each Area; Quotas trapping in the area of their choice. The indiv- Set Up — Trappers idual trapper's limit in an area is determined Limit Determined by dividing the area quota by the number of trappers registered. Deputy game wardens have the authority to designate specific trapping locations for each trapper within their beaver trapping area. This basic plan resolved the problem of administration and provided means of adjusting the distribution of harvest. Maximum harvest limits could be controlled and regulations to control illegal beaver pelt traffic could easily be formulated and administered. Certain pi'oblems were, however, not solved. A maximum, sustained, annual or periodic harvest from a basic population compatible with all values involved is in most cases the objective of beaver management. To attain this objective it is — 35 — necessary to know what the ideal population level is, and when it has been reached. What constitutes a sustained-yield harvest of this population, and how to attain and recognize it must be determined. The proper population level is determined by the welfare of the animal itself and by its value to man. An ideal balance between a minimum and a maximum population must be quantitatively resolved to provide for the beaver's welfare. Soil and water conservation, sport fisheries, wildlife habitat development, fur and other positive values, as well as the negative values of agricultural conflict, timber destruction, road damage, stream obstruction, etc., must be quan- titatively expressed to properly determine the ideal population level. Part of the beaver research conducted by the Fur Resources Section is directed toward this problem of pop- Beaver Research ulation levels. Results on beaver "carrying capa- Directed Toward city" studies in the Jefferson Basin are giving Carrying Capacity the determinants of the population level con- ducive to the welfare of the beaver. Through these studies it is possible to understand some of the factors of population levels and to better define an ideal situation. Maximum sustained yield cropping is determined by the annual net increment of an ideal population. It is difficult, however, to know when a beaver- harvest constitutes sustained-yield cropping. Mon- tana's research on this problem includes age-ratio methods develop- ment, aerial colony count trend analysis and beaver harvest analysis. The age-ratio of a beaver population will change under varying intensities of trapping. A method of determining age-ratio figures through pelt-measurement analysis was developed by section per- sonnel and is now in use on a state-wide basis. "'^ Annual state-wide aerial colony counts were initiated in the fall of 1953. These counts constitute only an index designed to help determine population trends and thus the relative intensity of cropping. Approximately one-fifth of the state's beaver habitat is involved in this operation. Results of the first count indicated that over half of the state contains a "maximum" beaver population. A comprehensive harvest analysis is conducted at the end of every season. This shows the number trapped, dates of capture, trapper success and the ratio of piivate land to public land utilized, for every beaver trapping area. Through these studies of age ratios, aerial colony count trends and harvest analysis, the status and trend of beaver populations can be determined and within reasonable limts the status of harvests in relation to sustained-yield cropping can also be ascertained. In the last two years beaver management in Montana has shown considerable progress. Much of this progress can be directly attrib- uted to the research and planning of the Fur Resources Section. The Fish and Game Department's program will continue to improve as — 36 — the research results on which progressive management is based become available. MINK Previous to the 1953-54 season, muskrats received the heaviest trapping pressure. Because of a marked decline in prices for muskrats dui'ing the 1953-54 season, many trappers trapped fewer or no muskrats at all and expended greater effort in taking mink. As a result, the muskrat catch dropped 39 per cent while the increased pressure on mink caused the take to rise 37 per cent. This situation had been anticipated and accordingly, an age and sex ratio study of the mink take was begun in July, 1953. Inasmuch as the size of the annual mink take is influenced by market and weather conditions as well as by population levels, information based on biological indicators was needed by supplement catch records as a measure of population status. Nearly 1,000 mink carcasses representing approximately 15 per cent of the 1953-54 mink take were collected from trappers through- out the state. Analysis of this material is still progressing and will soon provide factual information to guide the establishment of trap- ping seasons in accordance with the status of mink populations. MARTEN One of the greatest opportunities for increased production of furs is presented by restoration and proper management of Montana's marten populations. It is felt that the state's potential production of Live-traps hidden in the ends oi fallen logs, chopped out of rotten snags or concealed in various other places known to be frequented by marten are used to capture this fur- bearer. Trussed up flexible Twire cones (right) they are ear-tagged, weighed, aged, sexed and examined as to reproductive ability as part of a continuing study. — 37 marten under careful management may be several times its present level. As a result of overtrapping in past years, many areas of suit- able habitat now support very few or no marten. In addition, extensive burned areas on which regeneration of forest cover has progressed to a stage suitable for utilization by marten are being considered for restoration through a transplanting program. Areas of these types are being investigated and evaluated as transplant sites. A long-range investigation of marten living requirements based on live trapping was undertaken in cooperation with the Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit to supply information essential to a sound management plan. Successful methods of trapping, hand- ling and marking marten were developed and much useful information has resulted from the application of these methods. In addition, the study of marked marten will determine whether the National Parks and larger game preserves in Montana contribute significantly to surrounding populations. Unregulated distribution of trappers in the 1950-51 and 1951-52 marten season resulted in severe reduction of marten populations in some accessible areas while remote areas remained untrapped. This situation, coupled with a marked decline in the price of marten pelts, necessitated closed seasons during the past two years. Marten are not as prolific as muskrats nor as wary as mink; therefore, the proper manipulation of trapping pressure is of especial importance. It is hoped that an aggressive program of transplanting followed by application of a sound management plan will bring marten populations to the point where a sustained annual harvest may be taken. WOLVERINE Information on the distribution and status of the wolverine was collected during the bienium in cooperation with the Department of -i.:^ One of the nation's rarest wildlife species is the wolverine which was con- sidered near extinction in Montana lor many years. — 38 — RECENT RECORDS OF WOLVERINE N MONTANA SIGHT RECORDS O CAPTURE RECORDS A trend toward the "come-back" of the wolverine is indicated by sight and capture records in the above map. Zoology, Montana State University. One of North America's rarest fur animals, the wolverine, was thought by many to be near extinction in Montana. Findings of the study indicated, however, that wolverine may be increasing in northwestern Montana and extending their range to other portions of the state. Although the 21 known capture records of wolverine date back to 1932, 18 have been taken since 1939. Eleven have been shot or trapped since 1950. Known sight records of wolverines began only in 1944 and since then at least twenty observations have been made. OTTER Otter have been protected in Montana since the 1949-50 season. In the few areas of the state where they are often observed, irate fishermen have accused the otter of preying selectively on game fish, while trappers claim "they drive away and eat mink, muskrat and even beaver." Between April, 1952 and May, 1953, a food habit study was conducted in the Thompson Lakes area of Lincoln County to supply information on the accuracy of these claims. A total of 1,374 otter — 39 — scats collected from 96 otter latrines and representing all seasons of the year is the basis for the findings presented. Fish remains appeared in 93 per cent of the total scats, inverte- brates in 41 per cent, amphibians in 18 per cent, mammals in 15 per cent, birds in five per cent and reptiles in less than one per cent. Two well defined and separated areas existed in this total col- lection and analysis of each can be compared. One area showed the three most commonly occurring fishes to be: sunfish present in 71 per cent of the scats, suckers 31 per cent, sculpin 19 per cent — beaver in 0.2 per cent and muskrat 1.2 per cent. In the other area, trout were present in 52 per cent of the scats, suckers 43 per cent, sculpin 31 per cent, beaver three per cent and muskrat 19 per cent. The waters of the Thompson Lakes region are heavily populated with fishes not particularly sought by fishermen. These fishes con- stitute a high percentage of the diet of the otter. Fishing pressure is light. These findings do not justify the conclusion that otter con- stitute a menace to the sport fishing of the area. The data indicate that otter take some muskrat and beaver, particularly in areas of high populations. These surplus animals, if unable to establish a secure life, will become easy victims to predators whether it be man, otter, coyote or bobcat. These depredations should not be interpreted as a true reduction in population. They are more suggestive of a top-heavy population possibly resulting from insuf- ficient harvests. It would appear that muskrat and beaver trapping in the area should be increased. The numbers of otter do not appear sufficient to warrant an open season. There is the possibility, however, that a limited open season might stimulate an increase in reproduction and survival in this population and create a self-imposed protection by residents on an animal now subject to acts of vandalism. An otter food habit study on the Gallatin River has been completed to the point of obtaining a year-around collection of more than 1,100 scats. The remaining studies will be on the Sun River-Gibson Lake area and on the Madison and Missouri Rivers. ri liLK'ATIONS Publications produced during the biennium by Fur Rersources Section personnel are: (Technical) "Yearly food habits of the River Otter in the Thompson Lakes Region, northwestern Montana, as indicated by scat analysis." Am- erican Midland Naturalist, (in press). Kenneth R. Greer. "Progress on a marten live-trapping study," Transactions of the North American Wildlife Conference, Vol. 19, pp 152-462. Fletcher E. Newby and Vernon D. Hawley. "Distribution and status of the wolverine in Montana," Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 36 ( Tn press). Fletcher E. Newby and Phillip L. Wright. — 40 — Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research The Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit was formally established February 8, 1950, with a signed Memorandum of Under- standing describing the Unit objectives as follows: 1. To provide technical and professional training on various levels in wildlife management, teaching, research, demonstra- tion and administration. 2. To investigate and correlate the production, utilization, man- agement and restoration of desirable populations of wildlife compatible with good land use. 3. To demonstrate research findings through extension and prac- tical management of game and fur-bearing animals and of other desirable species of wildlife, and encourage wildlife restoration through programs with schools, youth clubs and adult groups. 4. To make available to land-owners and operators, sportsmen, conservation officials, extension workers, teachers and others the facts, methods and new findings discovered through re- search, and through literature suited to local and State con- ditions. 5. To disseminate research findings through the publications of reports, bulletins, circulars, and journal and magazine articles. These to include scientific, semi-popular and popular materials at all levels. The operation of the Unit is administered jointly through a Coordinating Committee consisting of J. W. Severy, Montana State University, Missoula; A. A. O'Claire, State Fish and Game Warden, Helena; John J. Craighead, Unit Leader, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Missoula. Cooperators in this important program are the Montana Fish and Game Commission which budgeted $7,385.00 and $7,200.00 annually during the biennial period, Montana State Uni- versity which makes its facilities available to the Unit, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service which provides the Unit Leader and other facilities and the Wildlife Management Institute which gives an annual gx'ant to the Unit. The location of this Unit at Montana State University makes available facilities and services of technicians in many specialized fields related to wildlife research problems. All projects handled by the Research Unit have been of immediate interest and use to the Montana Fish and Game Commission. Find- ings have represented an important aid to the betterment of wildlife management in the State. — 41 — A major objective of the Cooperative Unit is to prepare students for professional wildlife positions. In addition to the graduates that have received instruction, direction and supervision from the Unit staff, a number of undergraduates have also received specialized field training outside of classroom work. The third major objective has been to promote wildlife education. In this regard the Unit Leader has cooperated and participated in the Montana Wildlife Forum, a series of conservation lectures delivered throughout the State. Kodachrome movie picture films are being developed by the Unit Leader. These will illustrate many aspects of present day wild- life research and management. It is expected also that this film will be developed for television showing, for sportsmen and adult education groups throughout the State. Examples of several of the more important projects included in the Unit program during the past biennial period are as follows: FEED KEQl IREMENTS OF ELK Objectives: The purpose of this study has been to obtain information on the nutritional value of important forage species found on the big game ranges of Montana and more particularly: 1. To determine a forage requirement value for elk and cattle use in present and future elk range surveys: Experimental elk held in feeding pens at the Blackioot-Clearwater Game Range to determine forage requirements of this species as related to domestic stock. — 42 — a. to determine weight change of elk and cattle under various forage conditions during the winter months; b. to compare food requirements of elk and domestic cattle; c. to establish food habit characteristics of elk on a free choice basis. 2. To rate various important forage plants for use in inventory work on elk winter ranges. 3. To compare nutritional values of various types of feed avail- able on elk winter ranges. The inforniation being obtained from this project has represented an important basis for the determination of the carrying capacity of the Fish and Game Commission's more important winter elk ranges, particularly the Sun River. FACTORS INFLUENCING SURVIVAL OV RELEASED CHUKARS Objectives: 1. To contribute to the knowledge of the life history of the chukar partridge. 2. To obtain survival, reproduction and dispersal information on spring and fall releases. 3. To attempt to determine when and under what conditions chukar releases are most likely to prove successful. The findings of this project are of particular importance to the Montana Fish and Game Commission in planning the introduction of this species of upland game bird in the State. LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY OF MARTEN IN GLACIER PARK Objectives: 1. To gather data on the life history of this very important fur bearer. 2. To determine population density and turnover, dispersal, range movement and distribution of marten by means of live trapping and tagging. 3. To correlate marten density with vegetation types and food supply. The information being gathered from this project has immediate application in the management and restoration of the marten throughout desirable mountain ranges in the State. — 43 — BICiHORN SHEEP STUDY Objectives: 1. To determine the population growth and productivity of the Wildhorse Island bighorn sheep population. 2. To measure and evaluate lamb and yearling survival. The findings from this project have been of particuhir interest and value to the management of bighorn sheep not only on Wihlhorse Island but on the several additional important ranges throughout the State. This work also indicated the availability of bighorns from this particular range for transplanting purposes in the development of new herds. BIOLOGY OF CANADIAN GEESE IN THE FLATHEAD VALLEY OF MONTANA Objectives: 1. To determine the total nesting population of Canada geese in the Flathead Valley by means of aerial and ground census techniques. 2. To determine productivity of Canada geese in the Flathead Valley through extensive population survey and intensive nesting studies in areas of high nesting concentrations. 3. To determine factors affecting nesting densities such as habitat and human activity. 4. To evaluate environmental resistance factors including weather conditions, water levels and predation. 5. To gather information on local and migratory movements of geese in the area through banding and field observations. 6. To determine total kill by hunters of geese in the area and to obtain information on hunting pressure. In working out the answers to the various a.sp«*cts of this pro- gram, the I'nit has work<>d very <'losely with Fish and (iame Depart- ment personnel. Findings have been and will <(tntinue to be of ex- treme imp<»rtanee in building up a waterf(»wl management program for this area. — 44- ......ay f""" NATIONAl BISON RANGE Missoula ■tlillk AREA INCLUDED IN SIUDY $eol. t- 10 20 H- 30 -f- 40 ^_^ mitt: CANADIAN GOOSE STUDY AREA IN THE FLATHEAD VALLEY GAME BIRD FARMS Ring^-Npcked Pheasants The game farm program in the State has undergone sev- eral changes in the last two years in an effort to derive the greatest possible benefit from the biids released. With less emphasis on attempting to re- lease maximum numbers of birds, it has been possible to concentrate more on the quality of the birds released and on im- proved distribution methods. Birds are now being retained as long as possible at the farms before being released. This pro- vides a more mature bird with a better chance for survival after release. Also, as many roosters as possible are held for release just prior to the opening of the hunting season. Studies have shown that in this way, the greatest return to the hunter is realized. Birds are also held over the winter for release in the spring in areas where adequate breeding populations are lacking. Pheasant distribution throughout the State is now determined according to the recommendations of field personnel based on the results of surveys made in the various areas, rather than an a county quota system. It is therefore pos- sible for the Fish and Game Department to direct its efforts toward stocking areas where (1) no natural stock is present but where conditions appear to be suitable (2) resident populations have been depleted or (3) heavy hunting pressure in areas with low pheasant populations makes it advisable to release roosters just prior to the hunting season. During the last two-year period, the Department operated pheasant farms at Billings, Fort Peck, and Warm Springs. Chukar Partridge The Department has continued to inciease its efforts toward establishing chukar pai-tridge hunting in the State. The Moiese Game Farm was reopened duiing the Spring of 1952 to raise chukars and has been operated as a chukar faiiii since that time. 1952-195;{ 1953-1954 <;.\.MK I .Aim PKODl ( TION Uiiig-n<-(-k('(l I'lieasaiifs 33,723 25.675 ('hiikar Partridge 673 1258 Totals 59,398 1931 46- PREDATOR CONTROL Control of predatory animals has historically been one of the initial steps in the development of a game management program in most states. Since certain predators utilize game species for a portion of their diet, it seems to follow logically that if man wants these species for his own use, he should eliminate the predator. This line of reasoning is, however, not entirely correct since there are many other factors associated with game abundance. It has been shown, for example, that when ringnecked pheasant populations decline this decrease is noted not only in the areas where predatory animals abound but also in island habitats where there are no land predators. In other words, it is recognized that lack of protective cover, food shortage, disease and numerous other fac- tors may have a far greater limiting effect on some species than do predators. Thus, in game management it is essential to evaluate the point beyond which predatory control becomes an expensive and ineffectual tool. Another consideration, of course, is the relative reproductive potential of a species. It is undoubtedly true that predation has a greater effect on the larger game animals such as deer and ante- lope which reproduce at a slower rate than it has on those species which propagate more rapidly. The problem is most complex since it often involves unknown factors in what is commonly called the "Balance of Nature." Fish and Game Department participation in predator control activities were accomplished in two ways during the biennium. First, by direct payment of bounties on certain species and second, by cooperation with the Predator Control Board. Bounty payments were raised from $25.00 to $50.00 on mountain lions shortly after the biennium started, and a $2.00 bounty was paid on bobcats. The bobcat bounty was temporarily increased to $5.00 for a period of slightly over a year during the biennium, and then reduced to the original $2.00 payment. The Department also assisted in magpie and crow control by paying up to 5 cents for each bird killed when local spoitsmen's groups matched this with a similar amount. Cooperation with the Predator Control Board continued during the past two years. This board consists of representatives from the Montana Fish and Game Department, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Montana Woolgrowers and the Montana Livestock Asso- ciation. Each contributed a portion of the cost of controlling preda- tion, and control operations are handled by the Predator Control Division of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 47- FISHERIES A NEW LOOK AT FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Introduction It is undoubtedly true that every sportsman and interested person desires the assurance that fisheries management in the State of Montana is based on sound principles that will be productive of results. Undoubtedly the greatest single contribution to fisheries management made this biennium by the Commission and its staff of fisheries men with the support of the sportsmen is the "new-look" they have taken at the program and the selection they have made of "sound principles" for guiding the program. To say that a scientific aproach has been chosen sounds pedantic, but actually it is not. It is no more than putting trained or ex- perienced men to work who will act without bias, without prejudice, and without interest in personal gain. As these men work and make observations, they keep precise records; they let the facts from these records speak for them. In addition they make the facts from these records available to other fisheries workers throughout the world, and they, in tuin, keep informed of facts produced by work elsewhere. This "new-look" at fisheries management has been made for just one purpose: to determine the causes for declined fishing suc- cess so that a sound program may develop to meet the changing needs. A great deal has been leained about the decline in fishing success and a program is being developed to hold the quality of fishing at as high a level as possible. The Fish and Game Commis- sion has jurisdiction over very few of the factors which affect fish- ing; therefore this program can be developed and can proceed no 50 — faster than it is understood and accepted by the public, by other state agencies, by federal agencies, and by various private and public organizations. The picture which has developed during this biennium is presented herein. The reader, however, must keep two thoughts foremost in his mind. First, fisheries management is a changing science, and the fisheries resource is a changing resource. Those interested in the resource must consider it with an open and flexible mind that is capable of adjustment to the changing conditions and newly acquired scientific facts. Second, concepts change as well. While the Indians and early settlers regarded fish as a food source basic to their survival, fishing later developed into a pastime, a hobby. Increasing numbers of people followed the sport, but fishing was subordinated to all other water uses as one of little importance. However, fishing being a particularly desirable type of recreation has attracted an ever increasing number of anglers, so that from this sport a major industry has developed. The recreational industry has become so interwoven into Montana economy that fishing is gaining a place as a beneficial use of water on a level with other water uses. While the financial and industrial aspects of fishing are import- ant, these are subordinated by certain intangibles. For example, its effect on the moral fiber of citizens is great and among those who fish are found almost no juvenile delinquents and very few adult criminals. It is an especially beneficial form of relaxation of un- measurable worth to the health and welfare of the people. If recreational fishing is to see an orderly expansion so needed by Montana and so natural to the state, those whose actions and decisions affect it must act without prejudice, deceit, or partiality, or desire for personal gain with the total welfare of the people foremost in mind. 51 Fish Stocking and Management Policy of the Montana Fish and Game Department General 1. The Fish Stocking and Management Policy hereby established shall constitute the official directions regarding the man- agement and planting of fish in the State of Montana. All personnel acting under the jurisdiction of the Montana Fish and Game Commission shall comply with this policy. The provisions contained herein shall supercede all others and changes may be made only with the approval of the Montana Fish and Game Commission, the Superintendent of Fisheries and Chief Fisheries Management Biologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 2. No stale or federally raised fish shall be planted in any water of Montana where public access is denied, except as provided for under Pond Planting and Management or under Planting and Man- agement of Waters Affected by Natural or Artificial Disaster. 3. The Five-year Fish Distribution and Management Plan shall be revised to conform with the provisions of the Stock- ing and Management Policy and shall hereafter be known as The General Fish Distribution Plan. 4. The General Fish Distribution Plan shall be changed only with the written approval of the Superintendent of Fish- eries and the Chief Fisheries Management Biologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 5. No plant of fish shall be made in any water of Montana not specifically designated for planting in the General Fish Distribution Plan without written ap- proval from the Superintendent ol Fish- eries and the Chief Fisheries Manage- ment Biologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 6. Experimental plants of any species of fish, of any size, may be made in spec- ific waters for specific purposes where there is no danger of damaging that water or adjacent waters from a fishery stand- point. Such plants of fish must be made by the conservation personnel respon- sible for the fishery management of the waters wherein the fish are planted and must first be approved by the Superin- tendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fish- eries Management Biologist of the Mon- tana Fish and Game Department. 7. Eastern brook trout shall be reared, as need for stock arises, at one only ol the following state or federal fish cultural stations: Big Timber, Lewistown, or Great Falls. Stream Planting and Management 1. The provisions of this section shall apply to all streams except as provided for under General or Planting and Man- agement of Waters Affected by Natural or Artificial Disaster. 2. Only grayling, rainbow^ or cutthroat trout shall be planted in the streams of Montana. 3. Cutthroat trout and grayling shall be given preference in stream plants where they are likely to become estab- lished. 4. Rainbow trout plants shall not be made in predominant cutthroat trout pop- ulations and cutthroat trout shall not be planted into predominant rainbow trout populations. 5. No rainbow or cutthroat trout planted in streams shall be less than six inches long (total length). 6. Fish placed in streams shall be planted at locations readily accessible and used by the angling public. 7. Fish planted in streams shall not be placed in any stream location closer than one-quarter stream miles from portions of the stream where public access is denied. 8. The number of fish planted in any stream shall be dependent upon the fish- ing pressure exerted on that stream; the more heavily fished streams receiving greater numbers of fish. 9. Continued plants of fish in any stream shall be dependent and based upon a reasonable return of the planted fish to the creel. 10. Stream plants of fish shall not be made until after the opening of the gen- eral fishing season and not later than August 1 5th in any calendar year. 11. Stream plants of fish shall be made Irequently and repeatedly in streams warranting such plants. 52-^ 12. Streams warranting plants of fish shall be stocked each year. Lake Planting and Management 1. Only grayling, cutthroat trout, rain- bow trout or golden trout shall be reg- ularly planted in the lakes ol Montana. Kokanee, lake trout and silver salmon may be planted in lakes where it is rec- ommended by the conservation personnel responsible for the fishery management of the specific water and with the written approval of the Superintendent of Fish- eries and the Chief Fisheries Management Biologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 2. Trout, kokanee, silver salmon or grayling planted in Montana lakes shall be advanced fry or fingerling, exceptions to be approved by the Superintendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fisheries Biolo- gist of the Montana Fish and Game De- partment. 3. Lakes shall be planted only where spawning is non-existant or inadequate to provide a fishable population. 4. Not less than one-hundred fish shall be planted per surface acre of lakes. The number of surface acres shall be deter- mined during the lowest annual lake level. 5. Continued plants of fish in any lake shall be dependent and based upon a reasonable return of the planted fish to the creel. 6. Fish planted in lakes shall be well distributed in the littoral zone. 7. Planting boats shall be used to release fish when planting accessible lakes. 8. Specific plants in specific waters by airplane shall be allowed when ac- complished under the direction of the conservation personnel responsible for the fishery management wherein the fish are to be planted and with the written ap- proval of the Superintendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fisheries Management Bi- ologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. Ranch Pond Planting and Management 1. No pond in Montana shall be man- aged, from a fishery standpoint, by the State Fish and Game Department which contains less than one hundred acre feet of wafer and which has less than ten feet of depth over two surface acres dur- ing the lowest pond level. 2. Suitable ponds shall be planted with fry, fingerling or larger fish of a species determined to be best suited by the conservation personnel responsible for the fishery management of the spec- ific water and with the approval of the Superintendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fisheries Management Biologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 3. There shall be no minimum size re- strictions applying to private trout ponds. 4. Size restrictions applying to \warm water ponds shall be as follows: Ponds less than one-half acre in size shall not be planted. Ponds from one-half to three acres shall not be planted unless 50% of the pond area is at least ten feet deep during the lowest annual pond level. Ponds over three acres shall not be plant- ed unless 20% of the pond area is at least ten feet deep during the lowest an- nual pond level. 5. All applications for fish to be planted in Montana ponds shall be submitted to the Montana Fish and Game Department and approval must be obtained from the Superintendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fisheries Management Biologist before any plants may be made. 6. Applications for securing warm water fish shall be approved only if submitted by pond owners or lessees. 7. The number of fish planted in the suitable ponds of Montana shall be based upon maximum survival and maximum return of the planted fish to the creel. 8. No black, yellow or brown bullheads (Ameriurus); yellow perch (Perca flaves- cens); or sunfish (Lepomis), with the ex- ception of the common bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) shall be planted in the ponds of Montana. Planting and Management of Waters Affected by Natural or Artificial Disaster 1. Streams, lakes and ponds from which the fish population has been removed by natural or artificial disaster shall be planted with advanced fry or small fingerling trout or warm water fishes of a species determined to be best suited to the particular water, and not damaging from a fishery standpoint to adjacent waters, by the conservation per- sonnel responsible for the fishery man- agement of that water and with the ap- proval of the Superintendent of Fisheries and the Chief Fisheries Management Bi- ologist of the Montana Fish and Game Department. 2. Fish planted into such waters shall be widely distributed throughout the stream, lake or pond in which the pop- ulation is to be established and they shall be planted in such a manner so as to obtain maximum survival. — 53 Fish Hatchery And Fisheries Management No fisheries management measure has been so completely accepted by the public as the liberation of artificially propagated fishes into the waters. No argument is more heated than that which arises every year among sportsmen, the department, and influential persons concerning allocations of fishes. Each area of the state endeavors to extract from the hatcheries its proportionate share or more of hatchery fish, regardless of the need, regardless of the results. To many, planting is the cure-all, the panacea to every fishing ill. There has been a great deal of inconsistency in the thinking relating to the liberation of hatchery fish, particularly trout. On the one hand some fishermen believe that the natural productivity of the waters is almost zei'o, and if there is to be any fishing in a body of water, that body of water must be stocked. On the other hand, how- ever, when these same fishermen are considering how many fish should be planted In a body of water, its productivity is believed to be unlimited; that is, the numbei' of fish available at the hatchery is the only limit that should be set on the number planted. Many sports- men feel there is food and space enough in that stream or lake to support any number of fish which may be planted. Research has shown both of these common concepts to be wrong. As Montana's economic developments change the state's fish- eries resource, every tool of management must be used to the greatest efficiency if the resource is to contribute a substantial degree to recreation. There is no cure-all to fishing ills any more than there is one medicine to soothe all human ailments. The fish hatchery if wisely used is an effective, although expensive, tool of management. The greatest expenditure in the hatchery system is for the production of catchable size trout. The cost of these liberated in the streams and lakes of the state ranges from twenty-five to forty cents for each fish, depending upon the fish-cultural station where the fish is produced and the size of the fish at the time of planting. If only the lower value of twenty-five cents is considered, and if all planted fish were caught, any one fisherman could take only twelve fish a year to get value received for his $3.00 bird and fishing license. This is less than the daily legal limit in most waters. And in so doing, he would contribute nothing to the cost of departmental administiation, to the costs of law enforcement, to the costs of other forms of fisheries management, nor to costs of upland game bird management. Three points become evident from this consideration of dollars and cents: (1) Fry and fingerling size trout should be used in management rather than catchable size trout wherever practical; (2) Fish of all — 54 — sizes should be liberated at such times and in such a manner as to insure the greatest possible return to the creel; and, (3) Fish should be liberated only where they are needed for management and only where a reasonable return of the fish to the creel may be assured. During the past biennium the personnel of the Fisheries Division have taken a new look at the hatchery planting program in the light of great quantities of scientific data which has been accumulated from Montana and elsewhere, and have drafted a policy statement to govern the use of hatchery raised fish. This statement, on pages 52-53, has been designated as the "Fish Stocking and Management Policy of the Fish and Game Department, State of Montana" and has been adopted by the Fish and Game Commission. One who works in or is interested in fisheries management must approach the subject with a flexible mind. This is absolutely essential for two reasons: (1) The fishery itself is continually changing be- cause of the influences of man and of nature; (2) The science of fisheries management itself is changing as new scientific data become available from research and investigation and as new management methods are developed. Thus as one studies the "Fish Stocking and Management Policy," he must bear in mind that it is based on present conditions and on the most current facts. As these conditions change and as current knowledge is expanded by new facts, the policy will be adjusted accordingly. The policy statement is reproduced in its entirety at the start of this section. Various principles should be borne in mind as one studies the policy statement. Why Are Fish Planted? There are four reasons for operating hatcheries. (1) Where there are no game fish present or where it is certain that an introduced species of game fish will be more desirable or pro- duce a more desirable sport fishery, the hatchery may be used to establish a population. Once the population is established, natural reproduction should be adequate to sustain the sport fishery; the hatchery task is completed. (2) In lakes, ponds and some streams where there are no spawning grounds for an introduced population, or where existing spawning grounds are inadequate to produce fish naturally in a quantity to fill the carrying capacity of that body of water, fish may be planted on a sustained basis. (3) In some streams existing spawning grounds are adequate to produce fish naturally in a quantity to fill the carrying capacity of the stream but the fishing pressure is so excessive that catchable size trout may be planted from a hatchery on a put-and-take basis, providing there is a reasonable return of these trout to the creel. (4) Lastly, the hatchery has the role of an "ace-in-the-hole" to re-establish fish in waters where these have been removed by some natural or artificial disaster. Of course, the most controversial of these points are number two and three as relates to trout. Many sportsmen feel that most of — 55 — the lakes and streams should be planted for the reasons stated in point two. There are a goodly number of lakes which do not have adequate spawning facilities to provide a maximum trout population under moderate fishing pressure. These should be planted. On the other hand, the spawning areas in streams are usually far more than adequate to provide naturally propagated trout in quantities to saturate the productive capacity of the stream. Hatchery fish put in such streams are unable to compete with natur- Most Controversial ally produced trout, and a majority of them will Points In Hatchery die if they are not caught within a very short Management time after they are planted. Obviously, fry and fingerling ti'out cannot be harvested soon after they are planted. It would be most desirable if these fish could be planted to live and enter the catch at some later date, in fact, that has been the hope behind the liberation of untold millions of fish. From the best information available at the present time, it appears that this does not happen, and fisheries managers and sportsmen alike must be realistic in accepting this. Since plantings of most streams cannot be justified under con- ditions stated in point two, can these streams be indiscriminately stocked for reasons stated in point three ? Since the streams already populated with trout cannot be planted successfully with fish that are intended to live and grow for a considerable period of time until they are caught, the only alternative is that these fish be planted at a size where they are available to the angler immediately. This is put-and-take stocking. From the consideration of economics given earlier, it can be seen that this type of fish planting can be done only at a heavy financial drain on the fishery program. Put-and-take stocking must be done judicially and not indiscriminately. These trout must be planted in places, in such manner, and at such times that most of them may be caught in a relatively short time by the greatest number of fishermen. The planting policy is stated to accomplish this. Policy Would Shift Emphasis From Stream To Lake One of the intentions in the stocking and management policy is that emphasis will be shifted from stream planting to lake planting. Stream planting is expensive and return to the creel is poor. Smaller size fish may be planted in lakes with higher survival. In the past, lake management has not been given adequate attention, with the result that poor lake fishing has channeled fishermen to streams where naturally produced fish were more abundant and where fishing has been better. It is the desire now under this "new-look" at the fisheiies resource to build up lake fishing to where it shoulders mcAe of the fishing load. In the past the numbers of trout planted in lakes has often been very low, even as low as one fish or less per acre. As these fish spread out over the area of the lake, they became so "dilute" that the chances of an angler encountering a fish were low, making fishing — 56 — poor. The stocking and management policy eliminates the possibility of such "token plants" being made in the future by stating that no less than 100 fish per surface acre shall be liberated. This figure is the minimum. The actual number planted per surface acre will depend upon the productivity of the water and the fishing pressure. The policy statment takes into account that a great number of Montana lakes are so contaminated with undesirable fishes that re- sults commensurate with the cost cannot be obtained by fish plant- ing. This will be discussed in more detail under another section; therefore, it will suffice to state here that rehabilitation of such waters is an integral part of the over-all program. Over the large eastern portion of the State of Montana, fishermen depend largely upon small stock-water reservoirs or ranch ponds, for fishing. It is desirable that the northern pike and other "warm- water" fishes which are shown to be well suited to these waters and which will reproduce in these waters be planted from the hatcheries. Many of the ponds will be managed for trout or walleyed pike. Neither of these fish will reproduce in these waters to any degree, but by the stocking of small fish in these ponds, excellent fishing can be .maintained at a nominal cost. General Fisheries Management In pioneer days fish were abundant, the land had been only sparsely settled and developed, modes of transportation were slow, and methods of taking fish were crude and inefficient. Since those days the human population has increased and brought with it an increase in land use and development, modes of transportation have advanced so that any portion of Montana is only a day or less away from any other point in the State, and fisherman skills have developed greatly. The result of these changes has been that fishing success has declined. Why is this so ? Increased fishing pressure is given nearly all the credit for this decline, but can the fisherman himself be blamed for all the decline of today's angling success ? The question can be answered with a resounding NO, although in most states, Montana included, the major part, if not all, of the fisheries program has been developed upon the theory that fishing pressure is the chief factor in declined fishing success. In this section the causes for this decline will be discussed as discovered by the "new-look" at the fisheries resource, together with the program which has been designed to retard, stop, and even turn the course of this decline in the resource. Kinds Of Fish In The Waters As Lewis and Clark wound their way through the waters of the Missouri River and its tributary drainages they found the only "game fishes" present in these waters were grayling, whitefish, and cut- throat trout. While they found other species of fish, it is important to note that they found no carp and no Utah chubs, nor did they — 57 — find perch, sunfish, or bass in these trout waters. As these ex- plorers crossed the Continental Divide into the Columbia River drain- age, their "game fish" list changed somewhat, embracing the cut- throat trout, Dolly Varden trout, and whitefish, but again carp, sunfish, perch and bass were absent. Fishermen speak of fishing success declining since the "good old days" but in many instances they are not even talking about the same kind of fish. Many introductions of non-native fish have been beneficial, but many others have been harmful. There are a great many instances of unwise introductions of fish, particularly rough fish. Game fish can be as undesirable as rough fish when they are found in habitats not suited to them. Perch, sunfish and bass have been introduced quite universally into some fine trout lakes and in a few of the larger trout streams such as the Missouri River. They do not do well in Montana on the whole from the fisherman's viewpoint. They grow slowly and become stunted, usually producing very large populations of fish that do not attain large enough size for fishermen to bother with. In competing with these fish, trout often fall off in abundance until fishermen all but quit using the water. Thus it is evident that fishing pressure cannot be blamed for poor fishing in this large segment of the State's trout waters. Almost everyone is familial- with the presence of chubs in Hebgen Lake, carp and perch in the main stem impoundments of the Missouri River, carp in Dead Man's Basin Lake, carp and sunfish in Cooney Reservoir, and many other similar instances. These rough fish are not native to Montana and have contributed noticeably to poor fish- ing. Overabundance of some of the native rough fish also accounts for poor fishing. An example is suckeis in Cooney Reservoir, Suther- land Lake, Lake Martinsdale, Harris Lake and many other waters. Adjustment in management measures, not reduction of fishing pres- sure, will again make fishing good in these waters. The eastern brook trout has also caused many problems in Montana. These are not isolated instances, but are problems common to every bit of the trout waters in the western part of the State. The brook trout does well in a very few waters, particularly in the ranch ponds of Eastern Montana. Then, there are a few parts of the State, particularly in Central Montana, where the brook trout, while it does not do too well, is furnishing fishing where PINKHAM CREEK 28-29 40-4 9 6 0-6 9 30-39 5 0-5 9 70-79 60-89 Surveys conducted in Pinkham Creek, a tributary oi the Kootenai River near Eureka, shows that the major portion oi eastern brook trout in the stream were less than six inches long, at a time when the minimum length limit on this species was seven inches. — 58 — SHEEP CREEK 2 0-2 9 40-4 9 6 0-69 8 0%e.9 lO.O-IOS 3 0-3 9 5.0-5.9 V^^O^'" a<«-9 other trout would not do well at all. Where eastern brook trout have been introduced and have established themselves, upwards of 90 percent of the population is below catchable size and does not contribute to the angler's bag. Fishermen prefei' to fish elsewhere rather than catch tiny brook trout. An unwise in- troduction, not fishing pressure has caused the trouble. In fact, heavier fishing pressure on these small fish might help. IS 10 IBIG ELK Brown Trout Unwise ? jDREEK v^ 30-3.9 SO-5.9 70-7.9 9.0-9.9 40-49 6.0-6.9 9.0-8.9 Research on Sheep Creek, north of White Sulphur Springs, and Big Elk Creek, near T^wo Dot, sho-ws the large numbers oi eastern brook trout which did not attain a length oi more than 6.9 inches. As a result oi these studies, the seven- inch limit on eastern brook trout was re- moved. While it would be a very bold statement to say the brown trout was a completely unwise introduction; nevertheless, it has caused trouble. It was not even native to the United States, but was brought here from Europe. Native species have declined in abundance wherever it has been estab- lished. It is a good fish, but the average fisherman is not skilled enough to catch him. The average fisherman finds fishing poor in these brown trout waters, even though there are large populations of trout present. In Rock Creek in Carbon County the brown trout constitutes 81 percent of the population of trout in the stream, and yet it makes up only about 45 percent of the catch. In Prickly Pear Creek in Lewis and Clark County, the brown trout constitutes about three- quarters of the population of trout in the stream, and yet makes up only one-third of the catch. The Shields River in Park County has been reported as being a very poor fishing stream, and yet this stream has been found to contain an average of 50 pounds of brown trout per 300 feet of stream, an extremely high population of fish. Again it is evident in many waters that fishing is poor, not because of heavy fishing pressure, but in this case because the fishermen are not skilled enough to take browns even though large populations of brown trout are known to exist. The program designed to alleviate the difficulties caused by unwise introductions of fishes is twofold: (1) To prevent unwise introductions and (2) To rehabilitate waters now containing un- dftsvvable fishes and to plant these with desirable fishes. 59 — In some parts of the state minnow fishing (use of small fish for bait) has been a chief factor in unwise introductions. This is a popular means of taking fish, and regulations prohibiting The Danger the use of small fish for bait are often given a Of Minnows great deal of opposition. Fishermen in Western P"or Bait Montana have seen the danger of introductions by minnow fishing and have given the support needed by the Commission to prohibit the use of minnows for bait in this area. Many fine waters in the balance of the State are in jeopardy of being contaminated year by year through this means. Until fishermen realize that they can catch fish by other means, and in so doing, keep these waters clean for their own later enjoyment and for the enjoy- ment of future generations, restrictions cannot be placed success- fully on this type of fishing. Other steps which have been taken to eliminate unwise intro- ductions are given elsewhere in this report under "Fish Stocking and Management Policy of the Fish and Game Department, State of Montana" on pages 52-53. The second step being taken to correct the problem of unwise introduction of fishes is rehabilitation of waters. Some Waters Can This is simply the introduction of a material. Be Rehabilitated which is toxic to fish, into the water in such a With Toxicants manner that all fish life in that body of water will be killed. When that water again becomes non-toxic, it is restocked with a suitable fish from hatcheries. This is an excellent management measure and has been much used ► ► Rehabilitation ol a Montana lake by aerial distribution oi toxicants. — 60 — throughout the United States with great success. It is costly, but if reintroduction of undesirable fishes can be prevented, the long- term benefits far outweigh the costs. Most rehabilitation work has been done on lakes where there is no possibility of undesirable fishes moving up or down the drainage into the lakes and reinfecting them. Recent experiments have shown that streams may also be rehabilitated, providing natural or artificial barriers are present or constructed to prevent fishes from moving into the rehabilitated area. Because rehabilitation of waters can be justified in Montana only where there is reasonable assurance that reintroduction of rough fishes will not be made, waters will be rehabilitated only in those parts of the State where use of small fish for bait (minnow fishing) has been prohibited. Stream Habitat Until the last decade or so, and even at the present time to some extent, there was the popular belief that fish needed no more than m&s.' Sucker and carp predominate in the rough fish washed ashore (above) alter poisoning. When this lake becomes non-toxic to lish, it will be stocked with desired game ash. (Insert at lelt) — Stunted perch and sunfish removed by poisoning from once-good Montana trout lake. — 61 water to thrive. It is now realized that there are other needs, and the productivity of the fishery resource depends to a great extent upon the degree to which these needs are provided. Fish must have water of proper temperatures and the water must contain suitable chemicals in the proper amounts. Since the bulk of the fish caught by anglers are produced by nature, spawning facilities must be available. Food must be available in suitable amounts. In stream habitats, cover and resting places are extremely im- portant. The stream habitat is almost universally not under the juiisdiction of the Fish and Game Commission. The Commission is in the position of having been given the responsibility of managing the fisheries resource without having a word to say about what may be done to the habitat of that resource. Thus, a sound program for fisheries conservation can be de- veloped and can proceed no faster than it is understood and accepted by those who destroy the aquatic habitat. Municipalities and indust- ries use the water heritage of the people as open sewers. State and Federal agencies as well as private individuals and corporations channel the meandering streams into open flumes without thought given to the fisheries resource to construct railroads and highways, to get water out of the State as rapidly as possible to prevent GOOD STREAM HABITAT . . . Cover, rostinq places, well protected watershed. — 62 — floods, and in order to provide another acre of ground on which alfalfa may be raised or to consolidate a block of ground. Ranchers often allow cattle and other livestock to have access to every inch of a stream, thereby denuding it of valuable cover and trampling down undercut banks. State and Federal agencies together with private corporations construct dams and impound waters that flood out hundreds of miles of spawning areas, destroy valuable trout stream fisheries, and in their places, provide artificial impoundments that are difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to manage as fisheries. Irrigation waters are drawn from streams, leaving countless miles completely dry, and reducing the water flow in other hundreds of miles of streams thereby reducing the fish populations they contain. These are the results of an increasing human population involving new and additional water uses. These have had drastic effects upon the fisheries resources and can in no way be related to fishing pressure as the cause of a declining fisheries resource. It is evident that the human population will continue to increase and that econ- omic developments will be made at even a more accelerated rate than in the past. Because this is evident and true, a general rule should not be pushed aside: A fishery can be no better than the aquatic habitat. POOR STREAM HABITAT t^^/^ , Straightened to accommodate the highway at right. — 63 — Developments in the past have been haphazard and uncorrelated. Individuals, individual org-anizations, and individual agencies have de- stroyed fish habitats completely or lowered their productive potential drastically without thought being given to the results of such actions, not only on the fisheries industry, but on other branches of the economy as well. Unless the general plan calls for an almost complete elimination of the recreational fishing industry of Montana, this State is in dire need of balanced planning in resource development. Pollution is not a major deterrent to the fisheries resource in Montana as yet. The potential for fish production Pollution Is is greatly lowered or removed in a few waters, A Potential but to date the over-all effects are not great. Hazard As Montana continues to develop, the threat from domestic and industrial pollution will be- come real. Since preventative measures are far moi-e pleasant and effective than corrective measures, Montana is in need now of legisla- tion that will provide adequate protection against pollution. Straightening of stream channels has had a far more drastic effect on the aquatic habitat than has pollution to date. Every person who drives an automobile desires a good straight highway, but is it not possible in many instances to locate these highways away from stream beds ? Have all of the other reasons for which streams are channeled into flumes been completely evaluated for their over-all effects? Every turn in a stream course provides a much needed hole. The natural banks of the streams, together with their over- hanging brush, provide much needed cover and resting places. They also provide sources of food, for insects fall in large numbers from overhanging brush into the water and are consumed by the fish. Once a meandering stream is channeled into a flume with the banks shaped to engineering perfection, that stream is no longer a highly productive body of water from a fisheries or any other recreational standpoint. This problem is also related to a similar problem of destruction of overhanging streamside brush from other causes. Consider the miles of streams along which the brush has been removed, not only by highway and road construction, but by cattle grazing, general agricultural practices, and flood control activities as well. Experiments done by Marvin F. Boussu ( "Relationship between trout populations and cover on a small stream," Master of Science Thesis submitted at Montana State College, June, Exp«'riment I»roves 1954, and published in the Journal of Wildlife Kriish Rnnoval Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, April, 1954) have K<'•i?»^^A.»^*'^V-I-■•*-• Without adequate laws, Montana streams are subject to pollution as above. face of a general 20 percent increase in the population of the stream. Changes such as these have been made on thousands of miles of streams in Montana and have made corresponding reductions in the trout populations. Again, here is a situation which has seriously and adversely affected the trout populations but which is related in no way to fishing pressure. Construction of impoundments for storage of irrigation water, for generation of hydro-electric power, and for flood control is in- evitable. When these dams are planned, fish should be given not simply consideration, but an active role. In the Consider Fish past, and unfortunately at the present also, the In Planning policy is to salvage some remnant of the fish Impoundments resource after other interests have been given more than their share of consideration. Fish have not even been considered until after construction has been completed. Hundreds of miles of good fishing water have been lost in the past to artificial impoundments, and additional hundreds of miles are destined for the same fate. Economic developments cannot be stopped to preserve recreational fishing, but a minimum of harm will be done to the recreational resource if the fisheries interests are given an active place in the planning of these water development projects. In this manner those projects can be constructed first that will have the least damaging effects to the fisheries resource, and in this manner also, adjustments can be made in the plans so that fisheries can be benefitted to the utmost, consistent with the major purposes of the impoundments. While it is essential that waters be diverted from stream courses to raise crops to feed the human population of the nation, neverthe- less since the fishery habitat is involved, it must be examined along with other factors to determine why the fisheries have declined. The basic premise stated earlier was that fish need water. How many miles of fishing streams in Montana have had all the water removed for irrigation purposes? These streams are re- moved from fish production. How many more miles of stream, while not completely dewatered, have had the noimal stream flow greatly reduced by irrigation uses? Fish can live in these stieams, nevertheless the reduced stream size will produce a correspondingly reduced fish population. Waters must be used for irrigation; but fishing opportunities are thereby reduced and fishing success is also reduced. Civilization then, and not fishing pressure, is responsible for declined fishing success from these causes. It would be desirable if the laws of the state were such that the Fish and Game Commission could create additional water by construction of strategically located headwater impoundments so that this watei- could be released into streams during periods of — 66 — heavy irrigation use and this water used solely for fish production; that is, if this water could be allowed to pass down a stream course without being diverted for other uses. Lake Habitat A lake and a stream are entirely different types of aquatic habitat; nevertheless, there are a great many similarities between requirements of fish in these habitats, and many of the arguments given in the previous section on streams are equally applicable to lakes. In lakes, as in streams, fish require clear, pure water with suit- able chemical balance. The lakes of the state are even less con- taminated today with pollutants than are the streams, but the potential for such contamination is high as economic developments progress. As population pressures in Montana increase in coming years, anglers will become more and more dependent upon the State's lakes for their recreational fishing. Here again, Montana is in need now of legislation that will provide adequate protection against pollution so that contamination of the lakes of the State may be prevented. This will be far more fair and desirable than passing foul waters on to the next generation, thus forcing them to take corrective measures for their forebearers' negligence. The stream fish populations of Montana are not any more subject to decimation from construction of impoundments than are lake fish populations. These fish are affected in two ways. First, impoundments may be constructed so as to raise the natural level of lakes. Superficially it would appear that such im- poundments would be beneficial in that they would increase the size of the lake and thus increase the size of the fish populations. Such impoundments are constructed, however, for water use. The level of the lake must fluctuate. If the fluctuations of the lake level amount to only a few feet, the lake may well be quite satisfactory for fish populations. Montana has excellent fishing in many impoundments of this type. When the annual drawdown in the impoundments increased to from 25 to 100 feet as is common in many Montana reservoirs, it becomes impossible to maintain populations of fishes adequate for angling. Second, dams may be constructed on streams tributary to lakes. Trout, most important in Montana, do not normally reproduce in lakes, but migrate out of the lakes and spawn in the tributaries. Such dams may well eliminate important segments or all of the spawning grounds upon which lake fish depend. Such has been the case with Flathead Lake where Hungry Horse Dam has denied many miles of valuable spawning grounds to the cutthroat and Dolly Varden trout which annually move out of Flathead Lake. — 67 — Thus with lakes as well as streams, it is important that the fisheries interests be given an active place in the planning of water development projects. Natural lakes have not yet been affected greatly by having irri- gation waters drawn from them. Now with the development of modern economical pumping units and spray irrigation, a potential danger has developed. Undoubtedly water will be pumped from Montana's lakes in increasing amounts. Maximum fish food production depends upon minimum fluctuations in lake levels and these lake levels will be drawn down drastically by such pumping units. A certain amount of water could be taken from lakes without completely decimating the fish populations. The amount which could be taken would vary from lake to lake. It would, therefore, be desirable if the Fish and Game Commis- sion were authorized by law to file water rights on lakes important to the recreational fishing industry, these waters to be left in the lakes for fish production. Surveys could be made to determine how much water could be drawn from these lakes without affecting the fish populations drastically, and the Commission could then file rights on the waters below this level. Water Sheds The watersheds of Montana are inseparably connected with the fisheries resource. The populations of fishes can be no better than the aquatic habitat, and the aquatic habitat can be no better than the watershed upon which it is dependent for its water supply. The ideal, of course, is no land use, for with virgin stands of grass and timber, spring run-off will be spread over longer periods of time and the largest proportion of water possible will filter into the ground to come out through the entire year as springs to sustain water flows. Of couise, civilization dictates that this ideal not be maintained. The land must be used. The more wisely it is used, the better will be conditions in the streams and lakes. Over-grazing, poor timber management, and other adverse agricultural practices all allow rapid spring run-off which in itself is damaging to fish populations and which also causes untenably low water flows in the streams through the balance of the year. Adverse watershed use in Montana is a major cause of declining fishing success. This problem has a bright side. Water and soil are the very roots of mankind's existence. Ranchers must keep their all-important topsoil on their land. It's their life-blood. Then too, they must manage their land to permit a considerable amount of rainwater to soak into the soil, so the plants will have water in long periods between rains. Over-grazing huits the range; it reduces carrying capacity so that in the future less livestock can be raised per acre of land at the very time more is needed. — 68 — Water, racing down the stream beds and out of Montana in the spring, is of no value to Montanans for any purpose. In fact, it is commonly destructive, carrying with it the State's soil and even homes. Impoundments have and can be built to retain these waters, but as watersheds continue to deteriorate, these impoundments will silt full even more rapidly than they are at the present time. Many of these are now inadequate to hold back spring floods, and will become less and less effective in the future. Yes, there is a bright side in the relation of watershed to fish populations. People will realize that good, clear, clean waters with stable flows reflect a healthy economy and a prosperous people. Montanans will and must soon awake to the realization that the con- dition of their watersheds will spell the degree of their prosperity. A well integrated and intensive program of education by all con- cerned with water and land will speed the day's arrival when land users will look at the soil as their wealth. Regulations Regulation is one of the oldest and most used types of fisheries management. Like any other management tool, it can be only as effective as its use is sound. Too often in the past the intention has been to regulate the fishermen instead of the fish populations, and again there has been the intention of saving the fish instead of making optimum utilization of the fish. Remember that fish are a crop; a renewable resource that should be used. If they are not caught within a reasonable number of years after hatching they die of natural causes. Even at this present time in Montana many fishing regulations are formed from ill considered opinions or wishful thinking. Un- fortunately— or perhaps fortunately, depending upon one's viewpoint — fish do not behave as men reason they should. The Commission, in its "new-look" at the fisheries resource, is endeavoring to base its regulations on fact instead of fiction just as rapidly as the fishing public will allow this to be done. Only those regulations which have a proven need should be imposed upon the fishermen. Regulations tend to become complicated and involved, and Montana's are no exception. Regulations are of little value unless they are obeyed, and the presence of an enforce- ment officer does not pi'event violations when fishermen consider that regulations are needlessly complicated and of little value. Laws are obeyed when respected. There are few people who would knowingly drive through a red traffic light, even though there were no traffic, and even though it were obvious that there was no traffic officer in the vicinity. Then too, law enforcement and regulations are inseparable. The once imagined need for more and more law enforcement is not valid. The warden is an important figure in fish and game conserva- — 69 — tion, and he will become an even more valuable figure. Emphasis is now switching from detection to prevention. Prevention is brought about mainly, through a sound, practical fact-finding program to determine which laws and regulations are really needed, and through a sound, effective educational program aimed at enlightening the public to the need for the laws and regulations. Creation Of New Waters Montana has been greatly blessed in aquatic resources, but these waters are not evenly distributed over the state. In past years, large areas of new water have been created in the more arid portions of the state and have brought fishing to localities where fishing was not known. These impoundments have been built, however, for pur- poses other than fishing, usually for irrigation or for stock water. Because of their primary purpose, they are often not well suited for fish and management of them is difficult. If these waters, and particularly those intended for stock water, had been designed for their basic use plus recreation, most of them could have been good fishing reservoirs. The Commission intends to encourage the construction of ponds and reservoirs specifically for fish, designed and managed for this purpose, but not at the expense of valuable stream fisheries. In addition, the Commission is planning to construct dams in areas lacking any or adequate fishing opportunities. Since these are expensive, the Commission can proceed only as funds are available. These impoundments will be specifically designed for fish. They will be landscaped and provided with facilities for highest aesthetic values in recreational fishing and will be managed to provide the maximum in fishing. ^ Habitat Improvement Throughout this section on "General Fisheries Management," no mention was made of the management measure of stream and lake habitat improvement. This is a management tool that Montana may some day use. But right now Montana is wealthy in recreational fi.shing opportunities. Its wealth is in its aquatic habitat, in its watersheds, and in its waters. These can be preserved easily and readily. Habitat im- provement is costly and relatively ineffective. It is hoped that efforts will be directed so that Montana will not be forced from dire poverty in natural resources into habitat improvement which is no more than rebuilding what has been destroyed. — 70 — Access To Fishing Waters As has been pointed out in other sections of this report, many of the factors whicli affect the fisheries resource most are not under the control of the Fish and Game Commission. One of these was the aquatic habitat itself in which the fish reside. A large quantity of Montana's most productive waters lie wholly or in part within private lands, and sportsmen depend upon the good will of the landowner to fish these waters. It matters not at all the quality of fishing the Commission is able to provide if the public is denied access to these waters. Every year sees an increasing amount of water denied to the public for fishing. While the lack of fishing is related to fishing pressure, nevertheless, it has not developed from the direct pressure upon the fisheries resource itself, but rather, from pressure of thoughtless and inconsiderate individuals upon the landowners. A great deal of the land posted in the state has been posted for just cause; however, it is only fair to note also that the public is denied access to much water for no reason other than that the land- owner desired to exercise his constitutional right as a landowner in denying anyone the right to enter. Even though the Commission is expected to do so, it cannot begin to approach the problem of public access alone. It will continue to work on the problems of public access, and it will continue educational programs. The one great, potential source of energy which has directed little effort toward solution of the problem is the sportsmen themselves, both through organized sportsmen's clubs and through other civic groups and service clubs. The Commission plans to expand its encouragement of these. Commission Can't Solve Access Problem Without Cooperation One solution to access problems is construction of stiles to avoid trampled fences and unclosed gates. Such construction is a worthwhile activity ior any sportsmen's club. — 71 — A very few groups have already begun this program of improving relations between fishermen and landowners. This is one of the very best and most productive programs that a sportsmen's group or other organization can undertake in the interests of fish and game. They may initiate programs of education at home. They, better than anyone else, know the need. They may work with the landowners in providing sanitary facilities such as toilets and garbage disposal facilities and in pro- viding cattle guards, gates and stiles. They may further assist the landowner by providing him with signs and posters, by helping him to enforce closures of certain high-hazard areas in order that other areas on his land may be left open to the public. Above all, they may aid in the program by sympathetically un- derstanding the landowner's problems, whatever they may be, and patiently conferring with him to arrive at a solution. Fisheries Management And Investigation The operations of the Fisheries Management and Investigation Section of the Fisheries Division are financed largely through the Fedeial Aid in Fish Restoration Program, commonly known as the Dingell- Johnson Progi'am. During the 1952-53 fiscal year, ten Federal Aid projects were authorized and executed. While only eight were conducted in the fiscal year of 1953-54, this does not indicate that the program declined. Certain phases of the work were completed, allowing more effort to be put in the remaining projects. A few of the highlights of the work accomplished by this section are briefly reviewed on the following pages. Grayling Study In the Biennial Report of the Fish and Game Commission for 1950-52, a review of the history and present status of the Montana grayling was given, together with an explanation of the need for investigation of this species. Duiing this biennium the grayling study was completed and a report' of the findings has been published. The Montana Fish and Game Commission gratefully acknowledges the cooperative efforts given in this study by the Montana State College Agricultural Experiment Station and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Red Rock National Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. Management recommendations from the study were as follows:' "FISHING SEASON — It is recommended that the present fishing season (July 1 to September 15) be maintained and that Red Rock and Swan Lakes and that portion of Red Rock Creek on the waterfowl refuge be closed to fishing the entire 'Nelson, Perry H. 1954. The American Grayling in Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 18, No. 3: pages 324-342. — 72 — year. This will give adequate protection for spawning grayling and permit a return to the Upper Red Rock Lake before fishing begins. "DAILY LIMITS — If is recommended that the present limit of five grayling be reduced to two. The aggregate limit on cutthroat and lake trout should remain at 15 fish, not to exceed 10 pounds and one fish Size, number, and weight restrictions should be removed on rainbow trout, eastern brook trout, and wrhitefish. "IRRIGATION — It is recommended that an investigation be made of legal 'water rights' for creeks entering the refuge. The most important would be Red Rock, Tom, Odell, and Metzel Creeks. The latter three are almost completely dewatered where they enter the refuge for certain periods during the summer. "Control of irrigation on the refuge should be vested in the refuge manager. At present, water from lake tributaries (mainly Red Rock and Tom Creeks) is used to irrigate hay and grazing land leased to ranchers by the refuge. Irrigation should be curtailed wherever possible on the refuge, and no new developments should be permitted. Where permitted, irrigation should not begin before July 1 5 in order to protect the grayling spawners and fry. "ARTIFICIAL STOCKING — The complete cessation of stocking exotic species into this area was recommended as early as 1950. This recommendation should be strictly adhered to. Only grayling and cutthroat trout should be stocked in the drainage above the Lima Dam. Further experimental stocking of grayling fry may meet writh success. Stocking of grayling (six or more inches in length) in the more heavily fished waters such as Elk Lake, Odell and Red Rock Creeks would probably provide some grayling fishing. "BEAVER CONTROL — It is recommended that all beaver and beaver dams be removed from tributaries of the Upper Red Rock Lake. Elk Springs Creek, part of Tom Creek, and six small spring creeks on the south shore of Upper Red Rock Lake have spawning areas not accessible to grayling because of beaver dams. Beaver dam removal above the last springs in Tom Creek is not recommended until a minimum flow of water is established by enforcement of legal water rights. Beaver dam removal without elimination of beaver on spring-fed creeks is useless since dams are rebuilt almost immediately. On Red Rock Creek no repairs to dams -were observed until September. This allowed ample time for grayling to spawn. "Red Rock Creek and its tributaries and part of Tom Creek were made accessible by removal of approximately 100 beaver and 90 dams in 1951 and 1952. Until beaver are eliminated from these areas, beaver dams will need to be removed prior to each year's grayling spawning run in order to keep the stream accessible. "EROSION AND SILTING — Number and weight of all fish was lowest in Section 1 of Red Rock Creek where erosion of banks, and silting was prevalent. Perhaps after a more complete investigation, fencing of the creeks against livestock in this area might be justified. "RECLAIMING WATER FOR GRAYLING — Culver (Widows) Pond, Buck Pond, and Shambow Pond contain rainbovr and eastern brook trout at present. These fish should be removed by poisoning and grayling introduced. Buck Pond is the only one not at the head of its individual drainage. It has a small run-off from Elk Lake which can be isolated from fish movements by a coarse gravel fill' in the canyon at the lowrer end of the lake. If this is done, these ponds would be isolated and could be managed exclusively for grayling. They have some suitable spaw^ning areas in their short spring inlets. "Two ponds, located off the refuge appear suitable for grayling stocking, if permission can be secured from the owners to poison out the species present. "If may be feasible fo poison certain creeks but not without further investigation. "MANAGEMENT IN OTHER AREAS — It is recommended that possibilities for enlarging the present grayling range be investigated. All barren mountain lakes which still exist in Montana and which are suitable, should be reserved for grayling only. A number of small mountain lakes already stocked with species other than cutthroat and golden trout might be poisoned out and then stocked with grayling. Headwaters of creeks that are isolated to upstream movement of fish by artificial or natural barriers offer an opportunity to develop grayling water. Over a period of years, it may be possible to reclaim a few entire creeks by poisoning and installing barriers fo keep out other fish." ^This earth fill was made during the summer of 1953. — 73 — Irrigation Diversion Study During this biennium the irrigation diversion study discussed in the Biennial Report of the Fish and Game Commission for 1950-52 was completed. Two reports ' '' were published and a pamphlet^ was printed by the Fish and Game Commission giving a brief discussion of fish losses in irrigation diversions and giving practical methods of reducing these losses. The Commission extends its grateful apprecia- tion to the Montana State Agricultural College Experiment Station for its major role in this cooperative project. The solution to fish losses in irrigation diversions has invariably hinged on fish screens or salvage operations. Many experimental in- stallations have been tested by the Fisheries Division and in 1942 it was concluded that annual maintenance alone for a statewide screen- ing program would cost three times as much money as was available for the operation of the entire Division. In addition it has been demonstrated conclusively in the present study, at least for canals in the Gallatin Valley, that fish losses to any one canal are small enough so that conventional type fish screens cannot be installed and maintained economically. Fish salvage is equally impractical because the high cost of crews and equipment does not permit the wide application necessary to effect an appreciable reduction of the over-all loss. This study demonstrated that proper headgate manipulation can be expected to save as much as 35 percent or more of the pounds of trout lost to individual ditches. Reductions in water flow exposes fish and stimulates movement. Most of the fish so stimulated travel in an up-canal direction until they reach the river or find cover in the form of pools, undercut banks, or heavy overhanging brush. Fish travel greater distances whenever a uniformly smooth canal bottom and a minimum of cover exists. These observations have lead to the recommendation of two management measures: 1. It is recommended that all ditch companies reduce the flow in ditches abruptly three days prior to headgate closure in the fall, or at any other time during the year when headgates are closed. Shorter reduction periods are beneficial and can be applied anytime conditions favor decreased flow tluring iirigation season. The amount of decreased flow will depend primarily on the opening under the headgates. This opening should be not less than three inches high. If this spacing does not reduce the flow to the lowest level capable of sup- 'Clothier, William D. 1953. Fish loss and movement in irrigation diversions from the West Gallatin River, Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 17, No. 2: pages 144-158, April, 1953. -Clothier, William D. 1954. Eiiecl of water reduction on lish movement in irrigation diversions. Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 18, No. 2; pages 150- 160, April, 1954. 'Clothier, William D. 1953. Methods of reducing tish losses in irrigation diversions. Montana Fish and Game Department pamphlet, 5 pages. — 74 — porting- fish movement, a narrow high opening should be created by either modifying the construction of the head- gate or blocking part of the flow into the canal with baled straw, boards or other suitable material. 2. It is recommended that holes be filled and brush cover or undercut banks be removed to stimulate a greater number of fish to move to the river. This is especially important for the area immediately behind the headgate. It is of little benefit to stimulate fish to move one or two thousand yards up a canal only to have them find suitable concealment just short of the river. A project of cover removal can be accomplished through the cooperative efforts of both sportsmen and ditch companies. Many ditches have two headgates — one at the point of diversion and the other some distance down the canal. The downstream head- gate regulates the flow into the canal proper and surplus water at this point is by-passed back to the river through a blowoff. Wherever this condition exists, a third measure to reduce fish losses can be applied. If the upstream headgate and by-pass are opened one or two weeks prior to the irrigation season, some resident fish in the vicinity of the intake structure can be transferred from the intake back to the river downstream from the point of diversion. The proposal is based on the finding that approximately 80 percent of the pounds of trout and whitefish lost to the Keughen Canal in 1950 moved down the ditch during the high water period, and an even greater percentage (96 percent) was lost to the Low Line Canal in 1951 under similar conditions. GATE CCL05ED) BLOWOFF*- • MAIN bTR-EAM ^m — 75 — Fish Restoration Districts The boundaries of Montana's fish restoration districts have been changed from that reported in the Biennial Report for 1950-52, as shown in the accompanying map. All five of the restoration districts are now active with two men each stationed in districts 1 and 3, and one man each stationed in districts 2, 4, and 5. By constant observation and study, these men will know their waters and their needs. They will outline sound and substantial plant- ing programs; will execute needed restoration measures such as habitat improvement, rough fish control, creation of new fishing waters, and acquisition and development of fishing areas for public use; and will formulate adequate and needed regulations. In the course of general survey work on the waters of district 4, the district biologist noted in Otter Creek, Judith Basin and Cas- cade Counties, that trout constituted only 2.3 percent of the fishes resident in the stream while rough fish made up the balance of the population as is shown in the accompanying graph. MONTANA FISHERIES RESTORATION DISTRICTS — 76 This survey demonstrated that, while most certainly any trout fishing at all must be depend- ent upon hatchery plantings, nevertheless because of the large population of rough fish present such plantings would be futile. As a result of the sur- vey, in late summer of 1953, 500 pounds of a commercial toxicant were introduced into the stream in an experimental rehabilitation project. In the case of Otter Creek, which empties directly into Belt Creek, undesirable fishes will be able to move again into the rehabilitation area. The plan here was to stock the rehabil- itated area, as has been done, with brown trout while there were no rough fish present. Rainbow and brook trout were present before. Percent of each group of fish re- covered from sampled sections of Otter Creek, Judith Basin and Cascade Coun- ties, Montana, August, 1952. Observations will be made in subsequent years to measure the rate of recontamination by rough fish if such occurs, and to deter- mine the economic feasibility of this type of management against the economic feasibility of continued plants of hatchery fish into large populations of rough fish. In cooperation with the Montana State College Agricultural Experiment Station an investigation was conducted in this biennium in district number 1 on the relation between trout and yellow perch in Thompson Lakes. Total rehabilitation of this chain of lakes is not as yet economically feasible because of the combined area of the lakes. The native cutthroat trout populations of the lake did furnish excellent sport angling. With the introduction of yellow perch into these lakes, trout fishing has all but ceased. Kokanee have been planted and are furnishing the bulk of the still poor sport fishery. It was noted in the study that during a short period in the spring, the yellow perch are concentrated on the shoal areas while the kokanee and cutthroat trout are in the deep waters. It was noted also that partial poisoning during this period along the lake margins and in the bays killed perch in large numbers at low costs without killing kokanee and cutthroat trout. Based upon this work a further experiment has been planned for execution during the summer of 1954, whereby a concentrated effort will be made using fish toxicants to reduce drastically the perch population in one of the lakes by partial poisoning. As soon as the treated area of this lake is non-toxic cutthroat trout fry will be planted into the shoal areas of the lake at a 77 — rate of 300 per surface acre. At the same time cutthroat trout fry will also be planted into a second lake of the chain at the same rate per acre. The perch will not be poisoned in the second lake, leaving this lake as a control. The effects of this type of management measure will be noted and its economic feasibility calculated. Bank Vs. Boat Fishing As a result of excessive pressure placed upon the Fish and Game Commission by Flathead County sportsmen and sportsmen's groups in 1953 to outlaw the use of boats for fishing on the North Fork of the Flathead River, a study was undertaken during that summer to determine the relationship of angler's success by fishing with the aid of a boat as against that of the angler that did not use a boat. The Commission has the desire to formulate regulations needed for the fisheries^ conservation, but it desires to keep those regulations to a minimum which are enacted for no other reason than to satisfy a local demand. The Commission gratefully acknowledges the assistance given in this study by the Department of Zoology, Montana State University. The following conclusions were drawn from this study: 1. The fishing pressure exerted by boat fishermen was small as compared with pressure exerted by bank fishermen. Likewise, the number of fish caught by boat fishermen was small compared to the number of fish caught by bank fishermen. Even though boat fish- ing becomes more popular in the future and there was a significant increase in boat fishermen, it does not appear that restricting this means of taking fish would be justified. 2. Boat anglers caught 31 percent of the fish while bank anglers caught 69 percent of the fish. Outlawing boat fishermen would not make the 31 percent of fish they caught available just to the present bank fishermen for two reasons. First, it was observed many times that fishermen using boats would tie up to shore and fish from the bank, thus becoming a bank- angler. This would be entirely legal even though fishing from a boat were outlawed. A goodly share of the 31 percent of the fish taken by present boat fishermen would continue to be taken in this manner. Second, if boat fishing were prohibited in the North Fork, a por- tion of the present boat anglers would simply fish from the bank as do other fishermen, and continue to take their share of the 31 precent in this manner. 3. While boat fishermen are more successful than bank fisher- men, their success is not unduly high. The catch per hour for all ran- dom trout fishing ci-eel census in the state is 1.2. Boat fishing success on the North Fork of the Flathead was 0.7 fish per hour. 4. There is little doubt that fishing success has declined in this river. Prohibiting fishing from or with the aid of a boat as a manage- — 78 — ment measure to improve fishing success would merely give anglers and fisheries managers a false sense of security. The true cause of the decline would not be found and would not be corrected. Contribution Of Hatchery Trout Study A four-year study was concluded this biennium on the lower 25 miles of Rock Creek below Red Lodge, Montana in district num- ber 3. This section of Rock Creek is predominantly a brown trout stream. The study was designed to measure the contribution of hatchery reared trout to the total catch. Approximately 20,000 yearling marked rainbow trout, averaging 5.4 inches in length, were planted each year prior to the opening of the fishing seasons in the years 1950, 1951, and 1952. These plants contributed 4 to 5 percent of the creel in the year planted and 7 to 8 percent of the creel the year after liberation. In 1953 approximately 9,000 marked rainbows, averaging 7 inches in length, were planted after the start of the fishing season. These fish were liberated at points of access throughout the fishing season. This plant contributed 20 percent of the total fish caught during the 1953 season. This study demonstrates the benefits that can be gained from following wise fish stocking procedures and demonstrates as well the absolute waste of money that does result from negligence in fish stocking. Water Analysis Brush Lake in Sheridan County, Montana, (district number 5) has a surface area of 200 acres and a depth of 57 feet. Fish have been planted at intervals in past years in a considerable quantity. No catch of fish has ever been reported. It is a beautiful lake and is located in a country that needs such waters for recreational fishing. But before further plants of fish were made, the district biologist examined the water. Water analysis showed the lake to be highly saline. The most significant fact discovered, however, was the lake was almost devoid of dissolved oxygen. Fish could not live in water with only 0.5 p. p.m. dissolved oxygen, therefore further efforts at stocking the lake will be stopped. These fish may now be used in other waters where desirable results will be obtained. Rehabilitated Lakes During this biennium three lakes were rehabilitated. Savage Lake near Troy which was populated with sunfish and carp, Birkland's Reservoir near Fort Benton which was populated with bullheads, and Stewart Lake near Philipsburg which was populated with carp and yellow perch. All will be planted with trout when they become non-toxic to fish. Special mention should be given to the Flint Creek Sportsmen's — 79 — Association of Philipsburg which contributed one half of the cost of the toxicant used in the rehabihtation of Stewart Lake. Continuing Fisheries Census During the biennium as in the past one, a program of fisheries census has been continuing in an effort to catalog the state's waters for fishery management use. The program has two parts, creel census and direct stream and lake census. The latter census is done largely by the district biologists but every opportunity to gather such information is accepted by all members of the Fisheries Division. The Fish and Game Commission again gratefully acknowledges the help given the Department in this program by the Zoology and Entomology Department of the Montana State College. Without the provision they have made for allowing the Department office and laboratory space, specialized equipment, and consultation with staff members, the Continuing Fisheries Census, particularly as relates to age and growth of fishes, could not have advanced to the stage of high value it has now reached. Through the Statewide Creel Census phase of this program, information on fish catches is obtained at a minimum cost to the Department. The catch data is analyzed from punch cards and is used by fishery managers in outlining hatchery planting programs, in keeping a check on trends of fishing success, and in outlining the species distributions. The greater part of the information is gathered by the Depart- ment's game wardens as they go about their regular duties of enforce- ment. This information is also furnished by cooperative sportsmen who enter their catch records in Fishermen's Logs and by a few guides and outfitters who are interested enough in the well-being of the fisheries resource to keep catch records. In 1953 an estimate was made of Montana's total fish catch using information obtained from the Statewide Creel Census. This estimate was 11,182,000 fish of which 76.9 percent were trout, salmon or grayling; 10.2 percent whitefish; 5.2 percent food fish (bass, sun- fish, perch, catfish, crappie, sturgeon, ling and pike): and 7.7 percent rough fish. — 80 — Fish Culture Program In Montana, as in other parts of the United States, fish culture is an important part of the fisheries program. The rearing and planting of fish in sparsely populated Montana, with its many miles of fishing streams and myriads of lakes, must of necessity be dif- ferent than programs for the more heavily populated areas of the nation. It has been determined that the success of the fish cultural program depends upon the ability of Montanans to adjust their program to the existing conditions in the light of the best information available. The adjustments needed are discussed elsewhere in this report under the heading, "Fish Stocking and Management Policy". The goal of the fish cultural pi'ogram is to provide a net increase of fish to the fisherman's creel. During the past biennium, two major steps have been taken to accomplish this. First, to liberate fish in such manners, places, and at such times so that a maximum number is caught by the anglers. Second, to provide a higher quality fish for planting which is best adapted for survival. Fish planting pro- grams are being changed continuously according to the latest information available. These revisions are made by Department per- sonnel in cooperation with various sportsmen's organizations. It has been the practice to measure the cost and success of hatchery operations in pounds of fish produced. While Montana is concerned about production and cost of production, nevertheless the greatest concern must be the cost of the end product, that is the fish returned to the creel. If in some waters optimum results can be obtained most economically by liberating" small fish, this should be done. If economical results can be obtained only by planting catchable-sized fish, this should be done. The "Fish Stocking and Management Policy" has been designed to bring Montana fish cultural practices to the greatest level of success at the least cost. Under the fish cultural program, Montana has been divided into three areas. These three areas are under the direct supervision of hatchery field superintendents, who, in addition to their supervisory positions, each operate one fish cultural station. These men have had much experience in hatchery programs, having been employed in the Fish and Game Department for periods ranging from 26 to 32 years. ■81 ANACONDA The silver salmon (Oncor- hynchus kisutch) has become an important fish in the manage- ment of certain Montana lakes. The eggs have been obtained from west coastal states, how- ever, hydroelectric and other water developments in the Columbia River system have so lowered the supply of silver salmon that there is doubt whether Montana can continue to obtain eggs from these sources. Prior to this biennium, silver salmon eggs have been obtained from fish in Georgetown Lake and hatched at the Anaconda station. Fish reared from these eggs have been held at this station and during this biennium eggs were obtained from the resulting mature fish. This is the first time on record that silver salmon eggs have been obtained from brood stock which have spent their entire life cycle in fresh water. The Anaconda station is of great importance to the hatchery system in the State, since it is used for collection and distribution of rainbow and cutthroat eggs for a large portion of the other hatcheries in the state. The Georgetown Lake and Willow Creek reservoir spawning stations are operated from Anaconda. In addition to the wild eggs taken, the domestic brood stock of early spawning rainbow is maintained at this station. All necessary maintenance was carried on at the Anaconda station. ^ FISH PLANTED FROM ANACONDA HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May I, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Rainbow 32,120 4 960 Rainbow 24,164 4 540 37,640 5 1,940 64,274 5 3,300 43,368 6 3,680 19,996 6 1,700 11,596 61/2 1,240 9,082 * 1,410 10,514 7 980 10,186 * * 3,430 5,600 8 1,120 Cutthroat 24,960 ■:■ 6 156 * * 290 16,320 1 12 Cutthroat 277,388 1 125.5 23,898 4 854 59,131 4 1,290 27,800 5 1,120 Eastern Brook 640 2!/2 4 Eastern Brook 1,728 2 6 Brown 69,600 1 50 7,600 3 100 Silver Salmon 18,750 4 375 481 4 13 Grayling 900,000 .1. 23 13,875 5 375 5,640 6 300 Brown 4,000 18,800 32,000 19,228 * 1 2 4 435 40 40 460 Silver Salmon 8,960 57,600 2 3 70 450 Grayling 1,790,366 t 146 TOTAL - - 2,000 5 80 TOTAL - - - 1.472,143 12,377.5 - 2,177,318 14,587 Symbols Indicate: •Legal. ** Adult. tFry ttEyed Eggs. — 82- ARLEE The Arlee Station has been plagued with a myxo-bacteria infestation in the water supply which caused annual losses as high as 80 percent in the fish production. During the biennium this difficulty was overcome, and the hatchery is producing a full crop of fish. ' .- '.. The Arlee Station also con- ' ■ tributes to the egg production "C^* .*•' for other hatcheries with their "^'^ f brood stock of fall spawning rainbow that is used in the put- and-take hatchery program of Montana. The cost of this operation shows in the over-all costs of hatchery production and must be evaluated not against the cost of production of the hatchery itself but as a part of the over-all program in Montana. All necessary maintenance was carried on at the Arlee Hatchery which included an installation of a new water supply line, and land- scaping of the hatchery grounds. FISH PLANTED FROM ARLEE HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 Species — Rainbow . Cutthroat . Eastern Brook Brown TOTAL - - - Symbols Indicate: 188,548 25,960 14,163 8,046 292 265,232 164,880 14,640 7,200 30,154 95,000 50,648 850 53,800 8,521 927,934 *Legal. 1 11/2 4 41/2 5 1 11/2 * 1 5 84 618 ,179 ,150 97.4 77.2 70 337 160 .367 28 49 121.5 32.5 367 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Number Size Weight Species — Rainbow Cutthroat Eastern Brook Sockeye Salmon 5,737.6 TOTAL - **Adult. vFry. i tEyed Eggs. — 83 — Number Size Weight 143,888 70,520 17,420 21,826 40,030 14,588 87,240 145,096 17,457 5,400 1,170 100,224 664,859 79.7 172 194 424.7 2,550 3,100 20 56.6 529 360 2 76 7,564 BIG TIMBER During the biennium the management of the Big Timber station has been changed over to meet the requirements of fish- ing in the area. With the co- operation of the sportsmen, what was formerly a concent- rated brown trout rearing pro- gram has been changed to rear- ing rainbow trout for put-and- take and for lake plantings within the area. Brown trout are still being raised, but on a restricted basis realizing from actual samples and information derived from investigational programs that the brown trout is very well established and at the present time is in no need of assistance from an artificial program. The results of this procedure will be analyzed annually. During the biennium the personnel have incubated and raised golden trout which were secured from lake stock near West Yellow- stone and are now all being held as brood stock at the Hamilton hatchery where water is deemed most suitable for the propagation of this species. These fish, when finally in production, will be utilized in high elevation lakes where this species is well suited for reproduction and survival. The Big Timber station incubates the eggs and rears the small trout for transfer to the Bluewater station at Fromberg where they are reared to legal size. The management of the Fromberg and Big Timber stations is closely integrated. During the biennium the living quarters for the assistant fore- man were completely repaired and put in top condition. FISH PLANTED FROM BIG TIMBER HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Rainbow Eastern Brook Number 864 317.580 54,000 11,840 2,500 49,000 22,500 123,552 16,120 Size 21/2 t 31^7 •*Ad Weight 2 887 270 740 3.1 140.3 100 36 260 Species — Rainbow Cutthroat Eastern Brook Rrnwn ... , . Number 10.400 39.090 8.960 33,300 24,125 6,268 3,265 38,950 33,100 Size 1 3 5 6 1 2 4 1 6 Weight 13 275 560 2,495 12.8 67 51 41 TOTAL - - - ft Eyed Eggs. 2.980 TOTAL - - - Symbols Indicate: 597,956 •Legal. 2,438.4 ult. tFry. — 84- 197.458 6,494.8 BLUEWATER The Bluewater station at Fromberg was started in 1948 through the cooperation and in- terest of sportsmen, Fish and Wildlife Service and the Mon- tana Fish and Game Depart- ment. Being a new station, many of the problems arising from construction and water- use had to be worked out. During the biennium, in addition to the ten concrete rearing units previously in- stalled, nine dirt rearing units were constructed and are now in production making a total of nine- teen at the Bluewater station. The nine additional dirt raceway units were constructed at a cost which is almost equal to the cost of constructing two concrete-type rearing units. In addition to the ten rearing units, new quarters for permanent personnel were constructed at the Bluewater station during the biennium. This was a needed development considering the expanded production of the station. FISH PLANTED FROM BLUEWATER HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May I, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Rainbow 10,260 4 190 Rainbow 213,350 4 6,380 138,836 41/2 4,501 7,048 5 360 20,585 51/2 1,170 480 6 40 Cutthroat 10,540 4i/^ 340 9,686 * 1,150 6,358 5 220 Eastern Brook ^ 65,745 1 137 Brown 41,528 21/2 179 TOTAL - - - 228,107 6,600 TOTAL - - - 296,309 8,067 Symbols Indicate: *Legal. ** Adult. tFry. ttEyed Eggs. — 85 — EMIGRANT During the biennium the Emigrant station assisted the sportsmen of the Livingston area in the construction of a diversion canal to bring addi- tional water to Dailey's Lake. After construction, a planting program using sockeye salmon and rainbow trout at a stocking rate of 200 fry and fingerlings per acre was initiated. Excel- lent fishing has been produced for fishermen ranging from Butte to Billings. No new construction was undertaken at this hatchery during the biennium. Routine maintenance was carried on. W^^^ FISH PLANTED FROM EMIGRANT HATCHERY May 1. 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Rainbow Cutthroat Eastern Brook Brown TOTAL - - - Symbols Indicate: Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight 53,985 3 539.9 Rainbow 75,000 1 79 2,500 4 59.5 28,600 3 465 43,950 41/2 1,463 43,940 4 1,490 27,650 5 1,258 1,008 6 160 1,000 8 166.7 1,002 • ♦ 334 1,520 9 304 Cutthroat 59,600 1 23 245,840 1 V4 71.5 78,820 3 910 80,000 11/2 81.5 Eastern Brook 169,140 1 173 16,346 3 163.5 80,160 2 159 67,000 IV2 68.3 2,440 4 120 20,000 14,400 2 52.4 Brown . . . 76,500 1 90 3 144 113,040 i'2 108 149,600 11/2 152.3 112,000 2 175 15,300 2. U! i I !^ ' It appears that water tem- peratures at the Hamilton station makes this hatchery the one most suited to holding golden trout brood stock. A brood stock has been developed at this station from eggs ob- tained from high mountain lakes near West Yellowstone. It is anticipated that the first eggs may be obtained from these fish in 1955. Eggs so ob- tained will be used for planting suitable high mountain lakes. The Hamilton hatchery is a cold water station and is well suited for hatching" eggs of fall spawning fish, such as the sock- eye salmon. When these eggs are hatched at warm water stations, they are ready for planting too early in the year when lakes are still ice covered. Hatched at the Hamilton station, these fish are available for planting after the ice cover has gone from the lakes and when conditions are most suitable for survival of the planted fish. Rearrangement of water supply pipes, construction of fish rearing tanks in the hatchery, and repair of sewage disposal facilities were carried out during the biennium together with necessary maintenance. FISH PLANTED FROM HAMILTON HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30. 1954 Species — Rainbow Cutthroat Brown Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight 16,200 4,800 8,488 10,400 187,620 30,900 27,600 38,400 9,600 31/2 4 tt t 1 11/2 3 1 11/2 270 100 2 3.3 62.7 13.5 290 12 5 Rainbow 2,500 6,108 2,380 10,200 Cutthroat 90,254 34,210 24,542 Eastern Brook . 3,498 Brown 95,814 TOTAL - - - 333,968 758.5 TOTAL - - Symbols Indicate: 'Legal. * "Adult. iFry. ttEyed Eggs. — 88 — 269,506 25 290 140 600 33 430 485 33 42.5 2,078.5 LEWISTOWN The Lewistown station is operating at full capacity and the Fish and Game Commission during the biennium purchased the Layman Spring water sup- ply that may be used in later years for additional develop- ment in the Lewistown area. This spring is adjacent to the hatchery and investigations are being carried out as to utiliza- tion and development. All necessary maintenance work was carried on during the biennium. •' ^^ FISH PLANTED FROM LEWISTOWN HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1. 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Rainbow 123,000 t 35.2 Rainbow — 49,424 t 14 11,460 21/2 61.6 84,918 2 612 63,620 3 636.2 32,140 3 502 8,800 4 210 4,160 6 520 30.400 41/2 1,013 39,275 * 7,655 43,290 5 1,968 24,760 ** 8,120 25,340 6 2,140 Cutthroat 46,000 t 10 3,418 ** 1,139.3 Eastern Brook 81,739 2 457 Cutthroat 54,500 t 15.9 23,800 3 135 ^.^^^ ^ ^^ g^^^^ 246,987 2 683 3,600 4 85.7 Eastern Brook .... 35,740 3 357.4 2,760 4 65.7 4,200 5 191 Brown ...._ 117,740 3 1-177.4 6,200 5 281.9 Sockeye Salmon . 8,000 3 80 3,360 4 80 Mackinaw 2,240 6 186.8 TOTAL - - - 552,668 9,631 TOTAL - - - 633,203 18,708 Symbols Indicate: *Legal. **Adult. jFry. ttEyed Eggs. — 89 — LIBBY The Libby station is now- being fitted into the new pro- gram of lake planting. The area served by the Libby station contains many lakes where na- tural reproduction is negligible, and the production of this unit will fulfill the stocking require- ments of these lakes. Necessary maintenance was carried out during the biennium. FISH PLANTED FROM LIBBY HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Rainbow 80,750 1 24.5 Rainbow 33,200 1 36 21,375 n/2 15.8 5,000 2 8 45,000 3 150 10,250 4 194 5,000 4 80 20,000 5 800 360 8 120 420 * 120 Cutthroat _ 221,400 J. t 56.7 Cutthroat 37,000 V 9.3 206,200 1 77 10,000 2 40 195,000 n/2 115 30,000 3 300 21,000 2'/2 70 8,250 5 540 30,500 41/2 610 3,500 6 280 4,000 5 100 Eastern Brook 66,800 1 33.1 Eastern Brook 38,500 1 12 2,200 3 25 8,560 5 380 3,150 4 90 1,275 6 85 2,500 5 100 Mackinaw 30,000 1 10 Sockeye Salmon . 570,908 ■;- 166.3 Grayling 187,000 t 54.5 TOTAL - - ■ - TOTAL - - - 1,666,828 2,126.8 232,270 2.575.4 Symbols Indicate: 'Legal. ** Adult. iFry it Eyed Eggs. ^ o McNEIL One of the greatest needs of the hatchery program in Montana is an adequate station for the hatching and rearing of walleye and northern pike. These species of fish are greatly needed for manage- ment of eastern Montana waters. The McNeil hatchery located at Malta was constructed for this purpose some years ago, but it was not designed adequately to function as a pike rearing station. Ponds available cannot be drained or otherwise controlled as closely as needetl for maximum production. During this biennium consideration was given to steps which can be taken to develop the needed pike hatching and rearing facilities. Personnel adjustments were made and a study has been made of progress realized in pike hatching and rearing in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota. From these adjustments and studies steps will be taken soon to develop the facilities so greatly needed. ■90 — I OVANDO The Ovando station is operated as needed to fulfill the stocking programs in Montana above the regular hatchery load for the entire state. For the past biennium it has been used for the introduction of sockeye salmon in the Clearwater Chain of Lakes. FISH PLANTED FROM OVANDO HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Cutthroat Sockeye Salmon - TOTAL - - - Symbols Indicate: Number Size Weight 11,520 969,344 980,864 *Legal. 262.1 270.1 ** Adult. tFry. Species — Sockeye Salmon TOTAL - - ttEyed Eggs. Number 839,719 839,719 Size Weight t 231.5 231.5 POLSON The Poison hatchery has assumed great importance dur- ing the review of the fish cul- tural facilities in Montana. It is at this station that the major portion of kokanee for distribu- tion in Montana has been prop- agated. The cold water at Poison retards the incubation period and also retards the fry development after hatching. This condition prolongs the time that kokanee fry swim-up and are ready for feeding and planting. Results of kokanee plantings following this practice have been successful and therefore it is neces- sary to consider Poison as an important unit in the fishery program of Montana. If warmer water were used, the kokanee would be ready to plant before the ice cover left many of the lakes. Poison fish production cannot be evaluated on a basis of cost per pound of fish produced and thereby be compared with similar production costs of catchable-size fish at productive warm water trout stations. Poison does not produce catchable-size fish for put- and-take stocking as do the warm water trout stations. It produces "seed" fish at a time of year when they are needed for stocking. FISH PLANTED FROM POLSON HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 lo April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Cutthroat 464,890 Sockeye Salmon 1,164,000 t 1 35.3 1 339.5 Cutthroat Sockeye Salmon TOTAL - - - 300,000 1 120 17,500 3 182 1,548,800 t 352.5 TOTAL - - - 1,628,890 474.8 1,866,300 654.5 Symbols Indicate: * Legal. ** Adult. tFry ttEyed Eggs. Si- SOMERS The Somers station on the west side of Flathead Lake serves a hatchery district and is used for the rearing of native black spotted trout, grayling and sockeye salmon. This is a small unit which also fits into the over-all picture of fishery management in Montana. There is little public access -"'^^^ available on Flathead Lake. The station grounds are of great value, therefor, for providing to the public a means of ingress and egress to the lake. A boat dock was constructed this biennium for use by the public. FISH PLANTED FROM SOMERS HATCHERY May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 Species — Cutthroat Dolly Varden Mackinaw Sockeye Salmon Silver Salmon Grayling 21,145 339,128 367,272 14,010 34,420 7,200 4,080 31,200 36,000 1,588,426 38,700 3,500 2,500 2,121,000 11/2 3 4 41/2 2 1 2 2 2'/2 3 6.1 104 232 108.8 686.4 160 6 15 60 364 94 9 8 61.4 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Cutthroat Dolly Varden Mackinaw Sockeye Salmon Silver Salmon Grayling 127,284 331,886 33,572 14,960 2,812 1,500 26,240 1.026,235 50,400 2,642,000 TOTAL - - - 4,608,581 1,914.7 TOTAL - - - 4,256,889 Symbols Indicate: *Legal. * 'Adult. i Fry. ttEyed Eggs. 55 166.2 360.2 226 74 8 16.3 220.1 54 59.3 1,239.1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cooperative Program There are three federal trout hatcheries and one federal warm water fish hatchery in Montana. During this biennium, as in the past, the Fish and Game Department contributed monies to three of these stations to defray operating costs. This money so spent has been highly productive in fish planted in Montana waters. This cooperative program between the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Fish and Game Department is highly successful. These hatcheries are closely integrated into the fisheries program of the state, and are contributing a major part to the fish stocking of Montana waters. — 92 — FISH PLANTED FROM BOZEMAN HATCHERY (Federal-State Cooperative) May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 Species — Rainbow . Eastern Brook Brown Cutthroat 352,730 2 TOTAL - - - 1,090,301 38,540 121,634 77,390 41,597 30,010 29,800 90,250 131,220 177,130 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 2 3 140 1,582 2,130 1,851 2,320 294 1,930 690 1,920 867.5 13,724.5 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Number Size Weight Species — Rainbow Eastern Brook Brown Cutthroat TOTAL Number Size Weight 822,710 23,912 56,275 85,466 26,332 170,165 191,920 80,582 1,457,362 2 3 4 5 6 3 3 1,610 280 1,431 4,943 6,195 1,838 1,755 93.5 18,165.5 Symbols Indicate: * Legal. * Adult. iFiy. ttEyed Eggs. FISH PLANTED FROM CRESTON HATCHERY (Federal-State Cooperative) May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30, 1954 Species — Number Size Weight Species — Number Size Weight Rainbow 24,514 1 29 Rainbow 16,848 ? 54 24,248 2 176 53,087 3 427 4,857 6 870 800 4 20 2,452 a 844 20,982 5 936 510 9 150 Cutthroat 6,936 1 3 102 * * 408 22,008 2 24 Cutthroat . 1,374,730 1 347 143,860 3 1,580 170,054 3 1,334 167,552 4 3,431 108,715 4 2,245 49,436 5 2,264 45,800 5 2,920 41,924 6 3,398 1,560 6 300 22,920 * 4,079 4,782 8 1,406 Eastern Brook ^ 9,000 3 200 4,550 9 1,000 29,657 4 606 Eastern Brook .. 39,308 4 1,066 15,609 * 3,560 5,700 5 350 1,025 * * 360 3 301 8 788 Mackina^v 7,788 967 18 * * 72 Dolly Varden .... 2,278 3 34 Mackinaw 12,450 15,360 3 4 166 384 TOTAL - - - 1,845.289 14,889 TOTAL - Symbols Indicate: *Legal. **Adult. tFry. ttEyed Eggs. 609,432 21,909 FISH PLANTED FROM ENNIS HATCHERY (Federal-State Cooperative) May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 May 1, 1953 to April 30. 1954 Species — Rainbo\v Number 43,646 340,098 Si 2 6 ze Weight 50 33,562 Species — Rainbow Cutthroat Grayling TOTAL - - ttEyed Eggs. Number 244,000 70,000 220,176 531,475 86,600 4,525 6,000 Size 2 3 4 6 1 4 5 Weight 1,945.7 700 3,388 48,237 53.2 75.5 200 TOTAL - - - Symbols Indicate: 383,744 *Legal. 33,612 Adult. tFry. — 93 - 1.162,776 54.599.4 FISH PLANTED FROM MILES CITY HATCHERY (Federal-State Cooperative) May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 Species — Bass, Lge. Mouth Bluegill Bullhead Number Size Weight 23,900 38,900 26,150 300 71,245 400 TOTAL - - - 160,895 Symbols Indicate: *Legal. 275.3 775.3 16.8 60 527.6 100 May 1 Species — Bass, Lge. Mouth 1953 to April 30, 1954 Number Size Weight 100 2 10,875 3 7,925 4 22,100 5 300 6 1,450 * Bluegill 7,250 1 223,025 2 Crappie 350 2 Walleye 1,092,000 t 2,500 3 Bullhead 35,900 3 1,755 ** Adult. tFry. TOTAL - - ttEyed Eggs. 1,403,775 1 110.4 197.4 880.7 17.6 72.5 5.5 1,451.5 7 21.8 27.2 329 3,121.6 Spawning Stations Montana has within its borders several lakes and streams where natural runs of wild fish as well as fish which have been planted return to spawning stations for egg collections. In fact, Montana in itself is in an enviable position as it has within its borders the largest spring-run rainbow egg source in the United States. In addition to being sources of fish eggs, spawning stations are a management tool. The magnitude of fish runs and the average weight and length of the fish in the runs are watched carefully. In this manner, fish population trends are observed and management measures are adjusted to maintain optimum fish populations. This program was started this biennium. These stations are located at Willow Creek Reservoir, George- town Lake, Lake Mary Ronan, Little Bitterroot Lake, Rogers Lake, P^lathead Lake and the South Fork of the Madison River near Hebgen Lake. At these stations are taken rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, brown trout, kokanee ( sockeye salmon) and grayling eggs. Eggs furnished to different fish hatcheries in Montana from wild stock and stock that are living under natural conditions make — 94 — them most desirable for use in Montana because the resulting off- spring are adapted to life and reproduction in Montana lakes. With the exception of fall-spawning rainbow eggs and a very few eggs from lake trout, northern pike and walleye pike, Montana is self-sufficient in this egg collection program. If this state were to buy the eggs (valued from $2.00 to $3.00 per thousand) which would be necessary to carry out this present program, the cost would be a heavy burden. Distribution Fish distribution in Montana is getting more attention each year. It becomes increasingly evident that large hatcheiy pi-oduction fig- ures mean nothing if, after fish have been reared in the hatcheries for several weeks to a year or more, the fish produced are taken to the lakes and streams of the state and hurriedly dumped into the water. The main concern of individuals and organizations is over large hatchery production figures. Little concern is expressed over the number of liberated fish that reach the fisherman's creel. One of the weakest links in the fisheries programs has been in the distribu- tion of fish reared. Montana's current hatchery production will become relatively much greater as the fish distribution plans and systems are improved. Many times the number of fish will reach the creel under improved planting methods than are now being returned from present methods. 95 — STATISTICS STATE FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF INCOME May 1, 1952 -April 30, 1953 Hunting and Fishing Licenses & Shipping Permits: Resident Bird and Fish ..„ 183,770 @ $ 3.00 $ 551,310.00 Resident Big Game 116,566 @ 2.00 233,132.00 Tourist Fishing 27,940 @ 2.50 69,850.00 Non-Resident Fishing 5,017 (d 10.00 50,170.00 Non-Resident Bird 262 fa 25.00 6,550.00 Non-Resident Big Gome 1,615 (tr 100.00 161,500.00 Shipping Permits ._ 5,770 (ii .60 3,462.00 Special Moose Permits 211 (5 25.00 5,275.00 Special Antelope Permits 18,622 (S 5.00 93,110.00 Special Elk Licenses 341 Cw 1.00 341.00 Special Deer Licenses 4,270 @ 5.00 21,350.00 $1,196,050.00 Less Dealers' Fees 33,653.30 Net Income from Sale of 1952 Licenses 51,162,396.70 1951 Accounts paid during above period 1,578.40 Total Income from Hunting and Fishing License Sales $1,163,975.10 Licenses and Permits Other than Above: General Trappers' Licenses 809 @ $ 10.00 $ 8,090.00 Land Owner Trappers' Licenses 472 & 1.00 472.00 Beaver Tags 11,196 @ .50 5,598.00 Beaver Trapping Permits 1,068 14,840.00 (Permit for ten beaver $10.00) (Each additional beaver $1.00) Guides' and Outfitters' Licenses 198 (n 10.00 1,980.00 Resident Fur Dealers' Licenses 49 (tr 10.00 490.00 Taxidermist's Licenses 10 (a' 15.00 150.00 Certificates of Identification 873 ^ .50 436.50 Fur Dealer Agents' Licenses 22 ^' 10.00 220.00 Non-Res. Fur Dealers' Licenses 2 (a 50.00 1 00.00 Minnow Seining Permits 10 di 10.00 100.00 Alien Gun Permit 1 (?/^ 25.00 25.00 $ 32,501.50 Miscellaneous Revenue: Fines $ 34,815.50 Sale of Confiscated Fish and Meats 2,968.28 Other Revenue _. _ 793.35 Royalty on Beaver Sold _ 27.50 Additional Beaver Granted on Beaver Permits 224.00 $ 38,828.63 $1,235,305.23 Pittman-Robertson Income by Federal Reimbursement 268,567.92 Dingell-Johnson Income by Federal Reimbursement 57,134.01 TOTAL INCOME TO DEPARTMENT — May 1, 1952 to April 30, 1953 $1,561,007.16 98 — STATE FISH AND GAME DEPARTMENT STATEMENT OF INCOME May 1, 1953- April 30, 1954 Hunting and Fishing Licenses and Permits: Resident Bird and Fish 181,560 (ni Resident Big Game 117,984 @ Non-Resident 6-day Fishing 31,295 @ Non-Resident Fishing _.._ 4,080 (a^ Non-Resident Bird 149 ( a s - tr 0) D^ 'in 0> •3 6 73 c 2 C «.s K 0 ? 'it 2n pan; Beaverhead - 3,007 Big Horn — .— 1,898 Blaine _ 1,422 Broadwater 1,190 Carbon 2,888 Carter 607 Cascade _... 17,020 Chouteau _ 1 ,645 Custer 3,196 Daniels .- 611 Dawson -. 2,400 Deer Lodge 4,454 Fallon - _.- 902 Fergus 5,426 Flathead _ 12,831 Gallatin 7,934 Garfield 491 Glacier 2,208 Golden Valley 438 Granite 1,091 Hill 3,706 Jefferson 1,284 Judith Basin 1,142 Lake 3,998 Lewis & Clark 8,444 Liberty 511 Lincoln 4,483 Madison _ 2,328 McCone 536 Meagher 1,016 Mineral 1,254 Missoula - 11,140 Musselshell 1,686 Park 4,942 Petroleum - _ 394 Phillips 1,593 Pondera 2,436 Powder River 636 Powell 2,363 Prairie 489 Ravalli 4,061 Richland 2,122 Roosevelt — . 2,437 Rosebud 1 ,406 Sanders - 2,747 Sheridan 1,171 Silver Bow 13,270 Stillwater 2,078 Sweet Grass 1,469 Teton 2,227 Toole 1,741 Treasure 268 Valley 3,070 Wheatland 1,447 V^ibaux 343 Yellowstone 15,663 Totals 181,560 2,078 1,242 862 886 1,761 550 10,292 1,247 2,632 421 1,856 2,302 767 4,600 8,323 5,236 476 833 318 821 1,715 937 963 1,864 5,795 229 3,258 1,519 424 815 983 6,711 1,379 3,710 380 1,299 1,288 559 1,710 417 2,428 1,746 1,629 1,219 2,051 785 6,322 1,528 1,131 1,293 849 234 1,868 1,100 284 10,059 3,334 146 41 88 430 1 644 33 64 3 61 733 16 292 2,461 7,909 27 277 10 151 92 255 68 1,993 831 5 1,1 15 1,654 22 124 564 1,557 123 924 25 165 230 5 1,048 17 59 25 732 5 1,084 236 237 142 61 4 188 146 15 815 258 38 8 6 66 2 86 1 17 12 46 5 30 320 922 36 [7 17 12 4 123 113 7 128 141 2 13 490 194 9 135 4 37 2 30 85 5 16 3 128 162 75 33 16 28 29 19 14 196 117,984 31,295 4,080 2 10 13 10 5 14 13 4 18 1 8 10 4 1 2 3 149 94 1 "2 9 66 13 "5 8 2 24 118 251 25 Ys 8 11 n 12 266 12 42 yy 22 156 14 127 '7 9 7 17 64 14 2 8 23 ]6 3 11 25 2 "y 17 15 2 1 4 2 72 1 7 2 25 41 20 6 41 53 15 23 2 22 3 10 1 17 2 5 2 6 24 "] 9 10 Y3 19 56 51 1,607 535 Special Permits Special Antelope _ 23,677 Special Moose ) 42 Special Mt. Sheep 30 Special Mt. Goat 50 Special Buffalo 3 STATE — Total All 23,902 < o 8,788 3,328 2,334 2,176 5,156 1,160 28,182 2,927 5,929 1,036 4,336 7,551 1,692 10,376 24,088 22,306 994 3,401 772 2,095 5,583 2,499 2,188 8,000 15,507 767 9,019 5,697 984 1,979 3,327 19,793 3,214 9,848 774 2,929 3,954 1,214 4,355 911 7,690 3,924 4,144 2,667 5,689 1,971 20,822 3,920 2,882 3,716 2,691 506 5,170 2,750 656 26,843 337,210 23,677 142 30 50 3 361,112 107 FISH AND GAME VIOLATIONS By Counties May 1, 1952 May 1, 1953 to to April 30, 1953 April 30, 1954 Beaverhead ___ 24 40 Big Horn 10 6 Blaine j ) 3 Broadwater _ j 1 g Carbon 17 13 Carter "....- 3 24 Cascade 34 ] 4 Chouteau . 9 4 Custer 20 3 Daniels Dawson 2 Deer Lodge -. 37 41 Fallon Fergus 7 4 Flathead 60 45 Gallatin 45 58 Garfield 4 2 Glacier 5 6 Golden Valley 1 Granite .. 17 12 Hill :: 12 11 Jefferson 10 32 Judith Basin 8 7 Lake 13 30 Lewis and Clark 13 25 Liberty — 4 Lincoln 35 1 9 Madison 44 38 McCone — 3 Meagher 12 12 Mineral 25 35 Missoula 27 39 Musselshell _ 1 Park _ 8 13 Petroleum 1 Phillips 9 1 Pondera 24 27 Powder River 6 6 Powell 25 31 Prairie 1 3 Ravalli 10 13 Richland 10 9 Roosevelt 11 13 Rosebud 21 8 Sanders 19 10 Sheridan 3 16 Silver Bow 4 17 Stillwater 16 18 Sweet Grass 10 9 Teton _ 9 14 Toole 2 8 Treasure 4 5 Valley 10 12 Wheatland 17 — Wibaux — — Yellowstone 45 39 TOTALS __ 782 810 FISH AM) (iAME VIOLATIONS Classified as Follows Fishing Violations (All Types ) Big^ Game Hunting; (All Types) Trapping Improper Licenses Game Bird (All Types) TOTALS 782 810 — 108 — May L l!)"Vi May 1, 1}»53 to to April M), 1953 April 30, 1954 329 351 290 272 16 31 78 73 69 83