20 www.biodive rsityjournaLcom ISSN 2039-0394 (Print Edition) ISSN 2039-0408 {Online Edition) with the support of bo world biodiversity association o n I u s Journal SEPTEMBER 2015, 6 (3): 671-770 FOR NATURALISTIC RESEARCH AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Physeter macrocepha/us Linnaeus, 1 758 - S. Nicola Arcella (Calabria, S-Tyrrhenian Sea) BIODIVERSITY JOURNAL 2015,6 (3): 67 1 -770 Quaternly scientific journal edited by Edizioni Danaus, viaV. Di Marco 43, 90143 Palermo, Italy www.biodiversityjournal.com biodiversityjournat@gmai!.com Official authorization no, 40 (28.12.2010) ISSN 2039-0394 (Print Edition) ISSN 2039-0408 (Online Edition) The Cetacean biodiversity in the Italian Seas (Mammalia Cetacea). The Cetaceans are the marine Mammals more specialized for life i nth e aquatic environment, having achieved during their evolution profound morphological, anatomical and physiological adaptations. The Cetaceans are considered up to now a monophyletie taxon (Order Cetacea Brisson, 1 762), but recent studies at the molecular level have shown that they are closely related to the Order Artiodactyla. considered probably a paraphyktic group. This means that some groups (especially the hippos) are more closely related to Whales than with the other animals of this order. Modern phylogenetic analysis take Arliodaetyls and Cetaceans for monophyletie clade of Cetarfiodactyla Monlgelard, Catzeflis el Douzery, 1 997, The Order Cetarliodaety la was adopted by the I ntemational Whaling Commission in 2003. by LU.C.N. (Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2015.3) and by the Committee on Taxonomy of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (List of October 20 14). Most zoologists, however, sti ll consider the living Cetaceans as a separate order, with 90 described species divided into two suborders, Odontoeeti Flower, 1867 (Toothed Whales), and Mysticeti Flower, 1864 (Baleen Whales); the first one with 10 families and 76 species (with one species, Lipoies vex ill if tv, “possibly extinct”, and one Sousa un-named species, Australian Humpback Dolphin); the second one is divided into four families with 14 species. The Cclofauna of the Mediterranean basin can be considered as a subset of the North Atlantic one with 23 regular species, as they live, breed and feed in this sea: no species is endemic, they arc abundantly widespread species in all the oceans of the globe. Light of them are sighted on a regular basis in Italian seas; one species of Mysl iced, the Fin Whale Balacnopiera phy.sahis (Linnaeus. 1 758 ) ( Balacnopteridae) and seven species of Odontoeeti: the Sperm Whale Phvseter mucrocaphalus Linnaeus, 1758 ( - l 1 , catodon) ( Physcieridae); the Cuvier's Beaked Whale Ziphius cavirostris Gray. 1865 (Ziphiidac); and five species of the family Dclphinidae (the Short- Bcacked Common Dolphin Delphimts deiphis Linnaeus, 1758, I lie Common BotlJenose Dolphin Tursinps truncants (Montagu, 1 82 1 ), the Striped Dolphin Sfenella coeruleoaiba (Meyen, 1833), the Risso's Dolphin Grampus griseus (G, Cuv ier. 1812), and the Long-Finned Pilot Whale Glnbicephala melus (Traill. 1809)), In Italian waters there are also other species considered as “irregular” since there is no certainty that they reproduce, but there may allocate for some periods: the Common Minke Whale Balaenopfera acutomstmia Laeepede, 1804, and three dolphin species (the Kilter Whale Ora tuts area (Linnaeus, 1758), the False Killer Whale Pseudo re a crass i dens (Owen, 1 846) and the Rough-Toothed Dolphin Sic no hredanensis (Lesson, I K28)). Concerning other species there are very few records; North Atlantic Right Whale Euba/ciena glacialis (Muller, 1776) (Mysticeti Balaenidae), the Humpback Whale Megaptera novaeangUae ( Boro w ski, 1781) (Balaenopteridae). the Dwarf Sperm Whale Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) (Kogitdae), and two species of Ziphiidac, the Sowerby's Beaked Whale Mesoplodon bidens (Sower by, 1 804) and the Gervais' Beaked Whale Mesoplodon eumpaeus (Gcrvais, 1 855 ) Cetaceans are protected at international level by CITF.S (Appendices I and ID, by the I labitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EF.C of 21 May 1992) on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (annex II and IV). and a lot of species are mentioned on thelUCN Red List of Threatened Species. At European level some species are protected by the “Barcelona Convention” on the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Mediterranean Coast (and its new Application Protocol relative to Special Protection Zones and the Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean adopted on 1 995), the “Bonn Convention” on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the “Beni Convention” relative to the Conservation of European Wild life and Natural Habitats, and by the Agreement on the Conservation ofCetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area ( ACCOBAMS ). For these reasons the Cetaceans arc protected by special laws in many countries. Nicola Maio - Diparti men to di Biologia. University degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Coniplesso Universitario di Monte S, Angelo, via Cinthia 26 80126 Napoli. Italy: e-mail: niooinaio@unina.it cover photo by Giuseppe Gruosso Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (2): 673-682 The effects of afforestation and vegetation conversion on plant diversity: a case study in S-W Syrian Mountains Lamis Eid\ Ahmad Haj 2 & Mohammad S. Abido 3 * 'Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Damascus, Syria; e-mail: lamis.zena@hotmail.com 2 University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria; e-mail: hajahmad33@yahoo.com 3 Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain; e-mail: mohammedsaa@agu.edu.bh ■"Corresponding author ABSTRACT The effect of afforestation and conversion of natural vegetation on plant diversity was in- vestigated in 4 sites in the South-Western Syrian Mountains. Plot and plotless sampling tech-niques were used to assess vegetation parameters within and outside afforested sites. The results of the survey indicated the presence of 80 species belonging to 70 genera and 24 families in the study area. Seventy five percent of the species were of medicinal and forage values where the remaining were of wild relatives of fruit trees. Therophytes and hemicrypto- phytes dominated plant communities in the all sites. Average species richness was 12.6 in open areas compared to 6.7 in forest tracts. Nine species were limited to forest plantations only. Shannon- Weiner diversity index was 63% greater in open than in afforested areas. Species similarity between open and afforested areas was 47%. Significant differences existed between afforested and open area sites with regard to the number of species and diversity index, however, no significant differences were observed among afforested sites nor among open area sites for measured parameters. It is concluded that afforestation and land conversion effect on the composition and structure of natural vegetation is obvious, however this effect is highly variable. It is recommended that afforestation and land conversion operations be integrated into national strategies for biodiversity conservation in the country to maintain habitats and minimize loss of native species. KEY WORDS Pinus; afforestation; conversion; coniferous; Syria; Mediterranean. Received 07.04.2015; accepted 09.06.2015; printed 30.06.2015 INTRODUCTION The Syrian vegetation is heterogeneous due to bio-geographical, historical, climatic, physiognomic, and geomorphological factors (Zohary, 1973; Nahal, 1981; Khouzami & Nahal, 1983; Quezel, 1985; Nahal, 1995; Quezel et al., 1999). These factors contributed to emerging distinctive eco- systems that harbor a number of plant species exceeding 3100 (Mouterde, 1966). Furthermore, vegetation cover is characterized by instability and vulnerability due to anthropogenic activities (Nahal, 1995; Abido, 1999; Ghazal, 2008). Afforestation and conversion of natural forest into forest planta- tions contribute to this instability and vulnerability. These operations are believed to harm ecosystem biodiversity and interfere with biodiversity conser- vation goals (Fleming & Freedman, 1998; Maestre & Cortina, 2004; Camus et al., 2006, Broclcerhoff et al., 2008). However, this issue is still under 674 Lamis Eid etalii debate due to site locations, modalities of affor- estations, ecological context and the definition of biodiversity itself (Allen et al., 1995; Bremer & Farley, 2010). Changes in the composition, decrease of richness and abundance of understory species have been reported after afforestation due to micro- climate changes at site level (Elmarsdottir & Ma- gnusson, 2007). The impact also differs according to afforested species, where light penetration through the canopy of trees plays an important role in recruitment of lower vegetation. Broadleaf species allow more light penetration compared to conifers creating better conditions for recruitment of understory species (Pourbabaei et al., 2012; Yang et al., 2014). It has been reported that habitat de- pendent species are the most affected by affor- estation operations (Amici et al., 2012; Calvino- Cancela et al., 2012). A number of researchers consider conversion of natural forest to plantation yields limited habitats and niches (Bemhard-Reversat, 2001); thus negat- ively affecting richness of native species (Meers et al., 2010; Pourbabaei et al., 2012). On the other hand, it is well known that original land cover, re- placed species, age and density of stands contribute to habitat formations leading to controversial ef- fects of conversion on biodiversity (Brockerhoff et al., 2001; Hartley, 2002; Carnus et al., 2006; Gil-Tena et al., 2007; Brockerhoff et al., 2008; Gonzalez-Moreno et al., 2011). For instance, de- creasing stand density or stand basal area, makes favorable conditions for light demanding species, thus in-creasing understory plant diversity and richness (Bone et al., 1997; Parker et al., 2001; Camevale & Montagnini, 2002). Mediterranean natural forests and woodlands are habitats for a wide spectrum of native species (Naveh, 1975; Proenga et al., 2010; Bergner et al., 2015). Meanwhile, they provide humans with many products as well as environmental and cultural services (Croitoru, 2007). To this end, the South- Western Syrian Mountains form an ecotone where the Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian biogeographic regions meet (Zohary, 1973; Cohen et al., 1981, Abido, 2000). With its unique climate and topo- graphy the area supports Eu-Mediterranean vegeta- tion type of rich plant diversity; making its conservation a priority (Abido, 1999; Chikhali, 2000; Ghazal, 2008). However, large tracts of these mountains have been subjected to extensive affor- estation and land conversion operations. The cur- rent study explores vegetation structure and com- position of the area and the effect of afforestation and the conversion of natural forests into planta- tions on plant diversity. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study site The study area is composed of three adjacent sites where, afforestation and conversion of natural forests have taken place since the 1980s (Table 1, Fig. 1). In these sites, pine plantations replaced de- graded natural vegetation that composed mainly of evergreen and non-deciduous trees and shrubs of less than 20% coverage. Native cover species in- clude Amygdalus communis L., Crataegus azarolus , C. monogyna Jacq., Quercus calliprinos , Q. infec- toria, Prunus cerasus L., P. mahaleb L., P. micro- carpa , P ursina Kotschy, Pyrus syriaca and Poterium spinosum L. Soil is terra rosa of 20-30 cm deep on limestone. The climate is sub humid Me- diterranean type of meso-thermo variant (Nahal, 1981; Quezel, 1985) with monthly averages preci- pitation and temper-ature of 500 mm and 14 °C re- spectively. Drought period extends to 6 months a year (Fig. 2). Methods Three 10x10 m quadrates were taken randomly in and outside each of the three plantations. Figure 1 . Location of the study area: S-W Syrian Mountains. The effects of afforestation and vegetation conversion on plant diversity: a case study in S-W Syrian Mountains 675 Site Latitudes Altitude (m) Physiography Anthropogenic activities Stand Wadi Barada (Nabi Habeel) 33° 36" N, 36° 22" E 1310 Gentle to steep slopes (30-35%) North, South, West Afforestation - grazing Cedrus libani, Cupressus arizonica, C. sempervirens. Dimas (Dier Ashaer) 33° 35" N, 36° 24" E 1250 Steep slopes (45%) North, East, South Afforestation - land clearing P. brutia, Cupressus sempervirens. Zabadani (Jebel Saeeda) 33° 36" N, 36° 31" E 1246 Moderate slope (20-30%); North, East, West Afforestation - Reforestation - grazing — tourism - collection of medicinal and aromatic plants Pinus brutia, Cupressus arizonica, C. sempervirens. Rawda (Zarzar) 33° 37" N, 36° 01" E 1210 Gentle slopes (15- 20%); North, East, South Grazing- wood cutting, - collection of medicinal and aromatic plants Natural landscape (Maquis) Table 1. Study site attributes: S-W Syrian Mountains. —Precipitation (mm) Temperature (C) Figure 2. Average annual rainfall, temperature and dry period. The basal area of the stands was estimated by measuring diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees in the forested plots using diameter tape (Husch et al., 2003). Height of 6 trees representing dominant, co-dominant and medium height were measured using clinometers. Basal area and overall density of trees were calculated and expressed in hectares. Relative coverage, density, frequency and importance value of species for outside plots were calculated using a 60 meter- line transect laid along the edge of each quadrate (Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974; Magurran, 1988). Shannon- Weiner diversity index (H’) was calculated (Mueller- Dombois & Ellenberg, 1974) as: s H' =~Y J P i In Pi i= 1 where S is Number of unique species, Pi is the proportional abundance of species i and In Pi = the natural logarithm of the proportional abundance of species i. Soerensons similarity index (ISs) was calculated according to Mueller-Dombois & Ellenberg (1974); Boyce & Ellison (2001). 2C IS =— — xlOO * A + B where, C is the common species between paired plots, A and B are a number of encountered species in each plot. Species' life form was classified according to Raunikiaer (1934). Analysis of variance between sites was conduc- ted at 5% level using CoHort Statistical Package. Furthermore, cluster analysis for sites was imple- mented using Multi- Variable Statistical Package (MVSP). Uses of species were acquired from Louhaichi et al. (2009), Al-Oudat & Qadir (2011). Species were identified according to Mouterde (1966) and Tohme & Tohme (2007). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The outcomes of the study showed the presence of 80 species belonging to 70 genera and 24 fam- ilies in the study region (Table 2). This reflects a species genera ratio of 1 . 14 and the genera, families ratio of 2.92. Forty percent of the surveyed species 676 Lamis Eid etalii Scientific name Family name Life form class Open areas Forest land Wild relatives Medi- cinal Forage Acer hermoneum (Bomm.) Schwer. Aceraceae Ph + - * * Achillea falcata L. Asteraceae Ch + - * Achillea membranacea (Labill.) DC. Asteraceae Ch + - * Achillea santolina L. Asteraceae He + - * Aegilops sp. Gramineae Th + + * Allium paniculatum L. Liliaceae Ch + - * Amygdalus orientalis Miller Rosaceae Ph + - * * * Anagallis arvensis phoenicea Vollm. Asteraceae Th - + Anchusa strigosa Retz. Boraginaceae Th + - * Anthemis cotula L. Asteraceae Th + + Artemisia herba-alba Asso Asteraceae Ch + - * Asphodeline lutea (L.) Reichenb Asteraceae Cr + + * Asphodelus microcarpus Salzm. et Viv. Asteraceae Ch + - B romus tec tor um L. Gramineae Th + + * Capparis spinosa L. Capparaceae Ch + - * Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Brassicaceae Th + - * Carduus pycnocephalus L. Asteraceae He + - * Caucalis tenella Delile Caryophyllaceae Th + - * Centaurea iberica Trevir. et Spreng. Asteraceae Th + - Cichorium pumilum Jacq. Asteraceae Th - + * Cirsium libanoticum DC. Asteraceae He - + * Cirsium phyllocephalum Boiss. et Blanche Asteraceae He + + Colchicum brachyphyllum Boiss. et Hausskn. Liliaceae Cr + + * Coronilla scorpioides (L.) Koch Fabaceae Th + - Crataegus azarolus L. Rosaceae Ph + + * * * Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl. Brassicaceae Th + - * Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich. Cucurbiaceae He - + * Echinops viscosus Rchb. Asteraceae He + + Erodium hirtum (Forssk.) Willd. Geraniaceae He + - * Eryngium creticum Lam. Umbellifera He + + * * Euphorbia macroclada Boiss. Euphorbiaceae He + - * Fibigia clypeata (L.) Medik. Brassicaceae He + - * Fritillaria libanotica (Boiss.) Liliaceae He + - Gundelia tournefortii L. Asteraceae He + - Haplophyllum fruticulosum G.Don Rutaceae He + - Hordeum bulbosum L. Gramineae He + + * Koeleria cristata (L.) Roem. et Schult. Gramineae Th - + * Lactuca orientalis (Boiss.) Boiss Asteraceae Ch + - * Linum strictum L. Linaceae Th + - Malva sylvestris L. Malviaceae He + - * Table 2/1. Life forms and uses of species found in open and afforested areas. Ph: Phanerophyte, Ch: Chamaephyte, Th: Therophyte, Cr: Cryptophyte, He: Hemiciyptophyte, +: presence, absence (continued). The effects of afforestation and vegetation conversion on plant diversity: a case study in S-W Syrian Mountains 677 Scientific name Family name Life form class Open areas Forest land Wild relatives Medi- cinal Forage Marrubium vulgare L. Lamiaceae He + - * Notobasis syriaca (L.) Cass. Asteraceae Th + + * Ononis natrix L. Fabaceae Ch + - * Papaver syriacum Boiss. et Bl. Papaveraceae Th + + * Salvia triloba L. fil. Lamiaceae Ch + + * Pistacia atlantica Desf. Anacardiaceae Ph + - * Pisum sativum L. Fabaceae Th + - * Poa bulbosa L. Gramineae Ch + + * Poa sinaica Steud. Gramineae Ch + + * Primus microcarpa C.A.Mey Rosaceae Ph + - * * * Pterocephalus plumosus (L.) Coulter Dipsacaceae Th + - * Pyrus syriaca Boiss. Rosaceae Ph + - * * Quercus calliprinos Webb. Fagaceae Ph + - * Quercus infectoria Olivier Fagaceae Ph + - * Ranunculus arvenis L. Ranunculaceae Th + - * Salvia pinardi Boiss. Lamiaceae He + + * Sarcopoterium spinosum (L.) Spach Rosaceae Ch + - * Scabiosa prolifera L. Dipsacaceae Th + - Scolymus hispanicus L. Asteraceae Th - + * Scolymus maculatus L. Asteraceae Th + + * Scorzonera parviflora Jacq. Asteraceae He + + * Scrophularia libanotica Boiss. Scrophulariaceae He + + * Senecio sp. Asteraceae Th + + * Serratula kurdica Post Asteraceae He + + * Silene latifolia Poir. Caryophyllaceae He + - * Sinapis alba L. Brassicaceae Th + + * Sinapis arvensis L. Brassicaceae Th + - * Stachys nivea Labill. Lamiaceae Ch + - * Stipa barbata Desf. Gramineae He + + * Taraxacum syriacum Boiss. Asteraceae He + - * * Teucrium polium L. Lamiaceae Ch + + * Thymus syriacus Boiss. Lamiaceae Ch + - * Tragopogon latifolius Boiss. Asteraceae He + - * Trifolium campestre Schreb. Fabaceae Th + + * Trifolium purpureim Loisel. Fabaceae Th + + * Trifolium stellatum L. Fabaceae Th + + * Trigonella spinosa L. Fabaceae Th + + * Turgenia latifolia (L.) Hoffm. Umbellifera Th + - Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke ex Asch. Caryophyllaceae Th + - * Vicia sp. Fabaceae Th - + * * Table 2/2. Life forms and uses of species found in open and afforested areas. Ph: Phanerophyte, Ch: Chamaephyte, Th: Therophyte, Cr: Cryptophyte, He: Hemicryptophyte, +: presence, absence. 678 Lamis Eid etalii were of medicinal value, 35% forage species and 9 wild relatives of fruit trees. The area was dominated by Therophytes (38%), Hemicryptophytes (30%), followed by Chamaephytes (20%) which reflects the dryness of the area and the prevailing of low temperature in winter months. Figure 3 presents the percentage of plants in each category of life forms in open and forested areas. The plant community in open areas varied in structure and composition among sites due to physiographic and anthropogenic pressures. The Plant life form spectra (%) 50 40 30 20 10 o ■ Study area ■ Open areas Forested areas Figure 3. Plant life forms in open and afforested areas. community was dominated by a mixture of ever- green and deciduous species, of which Amygdalus spp., Crataegus ssp., Poterium spinosum, Quercus calliprinos and Primus spp. were the prominent species. The community was stratified into two strata as dwarf trees (up to 4m) with average density of 500 tree ha 1 are dispersed among herbaceous and shrubby vegetation. The following species with their importance val- ues (IV) were observed outside plantation plots: Coronila scorpioides (29%), Crataegus azarolus (26%), C. monogyna (15%), Poterium spinosum (29%), Sinapis arvensis (19%), Euphorbia macro- cloda (18%), Stachys nivea (17%) and Primus microcarpa (6%). Other species of lesser IVs like Asphodehine aestivus, Centaurea iberica and Salvia pinardi were registered. The slopes of the study area were dominated by different woody species according to their water requirement. Quercus calliprinos dominated eastern slopes with 39% importance value, whereas northern slopes were occupied by Crataegus azarolus (25%) and Prunus microcarpa (8%). Meanwhile, southern slopes were occupied by Asphodelus microcarpus Plot Zabadani (BA: 24 nr) Wadi Barada (BA: 1 8 m 2 ) Dimas (BA: 10 in 2 ) Rawda (Natural landscape) Plot 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 Zabadani (BA: 24 m 2 ) 1 100.00 2 76.35 100.00 3 94.73 71.43 100.00 Wadi Barada (BA: !8m 2 ) 1 94.68 71.39 99.95 100.00 2 82.54 66.67 87.28 87.24 100.00 3 91.49 84.55 86.23 86.55 79.00 100.00 Dimas (BA: 10 m 2 ) 1 86.28 64.04 91.52 91.48 96.40 78.29 100.00 2 90.27 67.37 95.52 95.57 91.85 81.91 95.75 100.00 3 94.14 70.89 99.41 99.46 86.79 85.70 91.02 95.24 100.00 Rawda (Natural landscape) 1 56.51 39.12 60.88 60.92 64.89 49.85 68.09 64.74 61.38 100.00 2 70.67 50.46 75.57 75.61 79.99 63.08 83.47 79.83 75.92 83.76 100.00 3 43.00 28.93 46.67 46.71 50.08 37.52 52.84 49.96 47.10 81.98 66.78 10 Table 3. Similarity index among plots based on number of species and diversity index . The effects of afforestation and vegetation conversion on plant diversity: a case study in S-W Syrian Mountains 679 Source df Number of species Shannon-Weiner diversity index Type III SS MS F P Type III SS MS F P Blocks 2 32 16 0.71 0.53 ns 1.27 0.64 3.76 0.09 ns Trt. j 509.67 169.89 7.53 0.02* 4.02 1.34 7.91 0.02* Error 6 135.33 22.56<- 1.02 0.1 7<- Total 11 677 6.31 Table 4. ANOVA for number of species and Shannon- Weiner diversity index among the study sites. ^Significant at 5% (LSD 0.05 = 9.49 for number of species and 0.82 for diversity index). WPGMA - Open Open Open BA 18 BA 24 - BA 10 -BA 18 - BA 10 r BA 10 BA 18 " BA 24 - BA 24 t 1 1 r 1 1 » « «» t» n m Percent Similarity Figure 4. Cluster analysis among plots based on number of species and diversity index . (72%) and Poterium spinosum (35%). Other herb- aceous species existed on the slopes with lesser I Vs. The dominance of Poterium spinosum and Asphodelus microcarpus indicates degradation of plant community as free ranging animals are roaming the site (Naveh, 1975; Thirgood, 1981; Giourga et al., 1998; Abido, 2000). There were 73 species outside forested areas be- longing to 24 families compared to 35 species re- lated to 1 1 families in closed forest tracts. Forty five species were only found outside forest area, which represent 52% of the total species. Species richness was higher in open areas than in afforested areas, where average species richness was 12.6 in open areas compared to 6.7 in forest areas. Nine species were limited to forest plantations as height of trees were in the range of 1 0- 1 5 meters. In the meantime, density and BA of trees ranged from 500 to 8 16 ha -1 and 10 to 24 m 2 /ha consecutively. Shannon- Wei- ner diversity index was 63% greater in open than in afforested areas as a diversity index registered 3.92 and 1 .46 for the open and afforested areas con- secutively. This result is line with Sattout & Caligari (2011) where they related forest diversity with stand age, density and site history. Species similarity between open and afforested areas was 47%. Figure 4 and Table 3 illustrate the results of cluster analysis among plots with regard to the number of species and diversity index. Significant differences existed between affor- ested sites and open area sites with regard to the number of species and diversity index, however, no 680 Lamis Eid etalii differences were observed among afforested nor among open area sites for measured parameters (Table 4). This result is in line with the findings of a number of researchers where highlighted the negative effects of afforestation on species diversity (Andres & Ojeda, 2002; Cao et al., 2009; Pourba- baei et al., 2012). CONCLUSIONS The Natural vegetation of the study area repres- ents a relic of natural forest with various degrad- ation states as indicated by the presence of remnant of old natural forests as well as pioneer species in all sites of the study area forming a steppe vegeta- tion. Afforestation and land conversion effect on the composition and structure of natural vegetation is obvious as the number and diversity of species were lower in afforested sites. However, this effect is highly variable as physiographic, anthropogenic ac- tivities and the structure and composition of affor- ested sites themselves contributed to this variability. It is very important to incorporate afforestation and land conversion into national strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the country in order to maintain habitats and native species. 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Seron Department of Natural Sciences, Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida L 32084, U.S.A. * Corresponding author, e-mail: emcginley@flagler.edu ABSTRACT The nine-armed sea star, Luidia senegalensis (Lamark, 1816) (Asteroidea Luidiidae), typically ranges from South American marine waters into Florida. Previous reports have documented this species collected as far north as latitude 28°N. This observation at 29.89°N represents the farthest north this species has been collected. KEY WORDS Luidia senegalensis ; Matanzas River Estuary; marine; sea star. Received 19.06.2015; accepted 08.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION One of the major consequences of climate change is a shift in the latitudinal distributions of species (Parmesan, 2006). This shift is occurring in Northeast Florida, as the coastal marine ecosystem is changing from one dominated by salt marsh to one dominated by mangroves (Cavanaugh et al., 2015). Animal species also have been migrating northward, i.e. the mangrove tree crab, Aratus pis- onii Milne-Edwards, 1853 (Decapoda Sesarmidae) (Riley et al., 2014) and gray snapper, Lutjanus gri- seus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes Lutjanidae), (Hare et al., 2012). The increase in air and water temperatures has the potential to open areas previously unavailable to non-native species (Kolbe et al., 2012). In aquatic systems, non-native species tend to have a decided advantage over native species in aquatic systems (Sorte et al., 2013). The nine-armed sea star ( Luidia senegalensis) (Lamark, 1816) (Asteroidea Luidiidae), has been documented in Florida, but the exact extent of its range is unknown (Tiffany, 1978; Lawrence et al., 1993). Observations indicate that this species is known from latitude 28°N and south in Florida (Tiffany, 1978). Due to the continued increase in water and air temperatures, it is imperative to monitor for non- native species that can disrupt an ecosystem. The aim of the over-arching study in which this nine- armed sea star was discovered is to relate patterns of fish biodiversity, phytoplankton diversity and total chlorophyll-a, and major nutrient concentra- tions in the Matanzas River Estuary (MRE) region of northeast Florida. The study area is located from 26.6°-26.9°N latitude and is generally characterized by oceanic salinities >30 %o, low water residence times, and relatively low chlorophyll-a concentra- tions as compared to similar systems such as the Indian River Lagoon estuary system further south. MATERIAL AND METHODS As part of a monthly fish and phytoplankton sampling, two plankton tows were conducted 684 Ed J. McGinleyab et alii simultaneously on March 10th, 2015 in the Intra- coastal Waterway in downtown St. Augustine, FL, USA (29.89°N, -81.31°W). The net consisted of 153 |tim mesh with a 1 2.7 cm opening attached to a 1 . 1 6 m pole. Each phytoplankton tow was done for 3 minutes in duration. As the nets were pulled through the water, the sample was collected in a 125 ml plastic bottle with a screw cap and transported to the lab for identification. Plankton identification from the duplicate tow samples was performed on March 11th, 2015 at Flagler College (St. Augustine, FL). 200 pi aliquots of sample were placed on a Lovin Field Finder Gridded Micro-slide (Cat #72266-01) and species were identified using a Nikon Eclipse El 00 micro- scope under 100X magnification. When the organ- ism was located, a picture was taken using an iPhone 4 camera (Fig. 1). Based on the grid size of the micro-slide, the species is approximately 100 pm in diameter. The picture was sent to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) for verification on the identification of the species. DISCUSSION The positive identification received from FWC indicated that the species in Fig. 1 was indeed the Figure 1 . Picture of the nine-armed sea star ( Luidia sene- galensis ) obtained from a plankton tow in the Matanzas River Estuary (MR in downtown St. Augustine). nine-armed sea star. As stated previously, this species is commonly found in Florida, but has typically been documented to reside south of lat- itude 28°N (Tiffany, 1978). The observation of this species at 28.89°N likely represents the farthest north this species has ever been documented. The diet of the nine-armed sea star tends to con- sist primarily of gastropods and bivalves (Halpern, 1970; Gibran, 2002), most notably the common Atlantic abra, Abra aequalis (Say, 1822) (Veneroida Semelidae) (Halpern, 1970). Previous studies indic- ate that the MRE is home to the Atlantic abra and several other species preferred by the nine-armed sea star (Frazel, 2009; Hymel, 2009). Temperature and food are often cited as the some of the most im- portant factors that determine sea star growth rates, and it appears that there is a food resource that can be exploited by the nine-armed sea star in the MRE. The MRE currently is home to three docu- mented sea star species: the Forbes sea star, Asterias forbesi (Desor, 1 848) (Asteroidea Asteriidae), the royal sea star, Astropecten articulatus (Say, 1825) (Asteroidea Astropectinidae), and the lined sea star, Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825) (Asteroidea Lu- idiidae) (Frazel, 2009). Diet studies indicate that both the Forbes sea star (Menge, 1986) and the royal sea star (Wells at al., 1961) are generalists and consume gastropods as well as bivalves en- countered, although the majority of the diet for the royal sea star tends to be gastropods rather than bi- valves. McClintock & Lawrence (1985) found that the last species, the lined sea star, preferably feeds on the dwarf surf clam, Mulinia lateralis Say, 1 822 (Veneroida Mactridae) when available, but will also feed on gastropods and other bivalves as well. The similar diet patterns of the various sea stars indicate the possibility of trophic overlap if the nine-armed sea star were to become established. Halpern (1970) notes that the growth rate of this sea star is much greater than many other temperate sea stars. This could become a decided advantage for limited food resources if competition did arise. The second factor that is necessary for sea star survival is temperature (Halpern, 1970), however, very little information exists on the temperature tol- erances of the nine-armed sea star. The Encyclope- dia of Life has limited information based on collections made, and state the temperature range at which this organism is found is between 22.67 - 27.58 °C ( Luidia senegalensis, 2015). Temperature Occurrence of a nine-armed sea star larvae, Luidia senegalensis (Asteroidea Luidiidae), further north along Florida’s east coast 685 q? 9 ^ 9 ? ,°5° S$® & & & & & & & & & $ & & & & & ^ s»V eft sW' V' s»V «*** ' ! V A Figure 2. Temperature profile for St. Augustine pier from September 1986 to June 2012. These values were ob- tained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Data Buoy Center; coordinates: 29.857°N, 81.265°W. Missing values indicate no data from that time point. profiles from the St. Augustine pier (Fig. 2) indicate that ocean waters flowing into the MRE fall between these temperatures at times of the year. There are many instances in which the temperature does fall below 22.67 °C, which could be a limiting factor for this species. Assessment of temperatures from 1986-2012 also indicate that temperatures have not been increasing in this area. With so little information on temperature tolerances of this species, more intensive sampling will be necessary to determine if this species is indeed moving north- ward and capable of establishing a stable popu- lation. Sampling efforts in the southeast US Intracoastal Waterway and MRE system are being conducted monthly. Along with plankton samples, fishes are sampled in this waterbody to monitor for changes in the community structure, and the possible presence of invasive species. A genetic barcoding effort has been started to positively identify each fish species and determine if non-native species are present or if hybridization is occurring in this eco- tone. Documenting the current status of the estuary will be invaluable to determining the climatic and species changes that we have already begun to record. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank C. van Kuiken for assistance with plankton sampling and fish monitoring during the collection of this specimen. We would also like to thank the numerous under- graduate students who have been involved with this sampling project since its inception. REFERENCES Abraham Cavanaugh K.C., Parker J.D., Cook-Patton S.C., Feller I.C., Williams A.P. & Kellner J.R., 2015. Integrating physiological threshold experiments with climate modeling to project mangrove species’ range expansion. Global Change Biology 2015: DOI: 10.1 111/gcb. 12843 Frazel D., 2009. Site profile of the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve. Ponte Vedra, FL. 151 pp. Gibran F.Z., 2002. The sea basses Diplectrum formo sum and D. radiale (Serranidae) as followers of the sea star Luidia senegalensis (Asteroidea) in southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 62: 591-594. Halpern J.A., 1970. Growth rate of the tropical sea star Luidia senegalensis (Lamarck). Bulletin of Marine Science, 20: 626-633. 686 Ed J. McGinleyab et alii Hare J.A., Wuenschel M.J., & Kimball M.E., 2012. Pro- jecting range limits with couple thermal tolerance- climate change models: an example based on gray snapper ( Lutjanus griseus) along the U.S. east coast. PLoS ONE 7: e52294. doi: 1 0.1 37 1/journal. pone. 0052294 Hymel S.N., 2009. Inventory of marine and estuarine benthic macroinvertebrates for nine Southeast Coast Network parks. Natural Resource Report NPS/ SECN/NRR-2009/121. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Kolbe J.J., Van Middlesworth P.S., Losin N., Dappen N., & Losos J.B., 2012. Climatic niche shift predicts thermal trait response in one but not both introduc- tions of the Puerto Rican lizard Anolis cristatellus to Miami, Florida, USA. Ecology and Evolution, 2: 1503-1516. Lawrence J.M., Mahon W.D., Avery W. & Lares M., 1993. Concentrations of metals in Luidia clath- rata and Luidia senengalensis (Echinodermata: As- teroidea) in Tampa Bay and the nearshore Gulf of Mexico, Florida. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 105C: 203-206. 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Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 687-694 Catalogue of inland fishes of Chanthaburi Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand Drainages Sitthi Kulabtong* 1 , Yananan Soonthornkit 2 & Nipaporn Churaroum 2 'Save wildlife of Thailand, Wangnoi District, Ayuttaya Province, Thailand fisheries Program, Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Chantaburi Campus Chantaburi, Thailand ’Corresponding author, e-mail: kulabtong2011@hotmail.com ABSTRACT The present paper reports on a catalogue of inland fishes in Chanthaburi Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand Drainages. All the species encountered in this region, belonging to 18 orders, 73 families and 229 species, are listed. In particular, Crossocheilus reticulatus (Fowler, 1934) (Cypriniformes Cyprinidae), Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902) and P. oblonga (Valenciennes, 1846) (Cypriniformes Cobitidae) are new records for Chanthaburi Province, entered in December 2007 and February 2012; description and distribution data of the three new records are provided here. KEY WORDS Crossocheilus reticulatus ; Pangio anguillaris', Pangio oblonga', Chanthaburi; Thailand. Received 09.07.2015; accepted 22.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION The Asian Chanthaburi Basin originates at Kit- chakut-Soidao mountain range. This river system runs through Chanthaburi Province, East Thailand, and flows into the Upper Gulf of Thailand at Laem Sing estuary, with a total length of about 123 kilo- meters. Chanthaburi Basin is a very important river basin but in some areas of it, such as Pongnum Ron District and South Soidao mountain range, very little is known about inland fishes population. At the present moment available data are scarce and fragmented making it difficult to use them. A survey project aimed at studying freshwater fishes in Chanthaburi Province (see Fig. 1) was car- ried out in December 2007 and February 2012. We separated this area into two: a pool and a small stream in the mountain; te pool showed transparent slowly waters with an average width of about 20 m, average depth less than 1 m, and a combination of clay and sand on the botton; the stream had transpar- ent and running fast waters with an average width of about 15 m, average depth ranging from 0.3-1 .0 m, and a combination of rock and sand on the bottom. We found specimens of Crossocheilus reticu- latus (Fowler, 1934) (Cypriniformes Cyprinidae), Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902) and P. oblonga (Valenciennes, 1 846) (Cypriniformes Cobitidae) in Chanthaburi Province. Three species are new r ecords in this area and are reported for the first time in this paper; for previous reviews, see Fowler, 1934; Smith, 1945; Sontirat, 1976; Suvatti, 1981; Kamasuta, 1993; Kottelat & Fim, 1993; Monkolpra- sit et al., 1997; Robert, 1997; Robert, 1998; Ng & Kottelat, 2000; Soonthornkit, 2001; Sontirat et al., 2006). ABBREVATIONS. Standard length = SF; head length = HF. RESULTS 688 SlTTHI K.ULABTONG ET ALII Figure 1. Study area: Chanthaburi Province, East Thailand. CATALOGUE OF INLAND FISHES IN CHANTHABURI PROVINCE, EAST THAI- LAND According to known literature (see above) and present study, inland fishes in Chanthaburi Province belong to 18 orders, 73 families and 229 species. Order ORECTOLOBIFORMES Applegate, 1972 Family HEMISCYLLIIDAE Gill, 1862 Chiloscyllium indicum (Gmelin, 1789) Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Anonymous [Bennett], 1830) Order RAJIFORMES Berg, 1940 Family GYMNURIDAE Fowler, 1934 Gymnura micrura (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Order OSTEOGLOSSIFORMES Berg, 1940 Family OSTEOGLOSSIDAE Bonaparte, 1832 Scleropages formosus (Muller et Schlegel, 1 844) Family NOTOPTERIDAE Bleeker, 1859 Notopterus notopterus (Pallas, 1780) Order CLUPEIFORMES Bleeker, 1959 Family CLUPEIDAE Cuvier, 1817 Anodontostoma chacunda (Hamilton, 1822) Clupeichthys goniognathus Bleeker, 1855 Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker, 1 849) Family EN GRAULID AE Gill, 1861 Stolephorus indicus (van Hasselt, 1823) Stolephorus insularis Hardenberg, 1933 Stolephorus tri (Bleeker, 1852) Stolephorus waitei Jordan et Seale, 1926 Thyssa hamiltonii Gray, 1835 Thryssa mystax (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Thryssa setirostris (Broussonet, 1782) Order CYPRINIFORMES Bleeker, 1859 Family CYPR1NIDAE Swainson, 1839 Barbodes rhombeus Kottelat, 2000 Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant, 1885) Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1850) Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Bleeker, 1853) Barilius koratensis (Smith, 1931) Cirrhinus microlepis Sauvage, 1878 Crossocheilus reticulatus (Fowler, 1934) Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Valenciennes, 1842) Dcinio albolineatus (Blyth, 1860) Esomus metallicus Ahl, 1923 Garra fasciacauda Fowler, 1937 Garra cambodgiensis (Tirant, 1883) Hampala macrolepidota Kuhl et Van Hasselt, 1 823 Hypsibarbus vernayi (Norman, 1925) Labiobarbus leptocheila (Valenciennes, 1842) Labiobarbus lineatus (Sauvage, 1878) Laubuca siamensis Fowler, 1939 Mystacoleucus marginatus (Valenciennes, 1842) Neolissochilus sumatranus (Weber et de Beaufort, 1916) Neolissochilus stracheyi (Day, 1871) Catalogue of inland fishes of Chanthaburi Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand Drainages 689 Oreichthys parvus Smith, 1933 Osteochilus microcephalus (Valenciennes, 1842) Osteochilus schlegelii (Bleeker, 1851) Osteochilus waandersii (Bleeker, 1852) Osteochilus vittatus (Valenciennes, 1842) Osteochilus lini Fowler, 1935 Oxygaster anomalura Van Hasselt, 1 823 Parachela maculicauda (Smith, 1934) Parachela siamensis (Gunther, 1868) Poropuntius bantamensis (Rendahl, 1920) Poropuntius deauratus (Valenciennes, 1842) Poropuntius normani Smith, 1931 Puntius leiacanthus (Bleeker, 1 860) Puntius masyai Smith, 1945 Puntigrus partipentazona (Fowler, 1934) Puntius brevis (Bleeker, 1850) Rasbora dusonensis (Bleeker, 1851) Rasbora trilineata Steindachner, 1870 Rasbora borapetensis Smith, 1934 Rasbora myersi Brittan, 1954 Rasbora paviana Tirant, 1885 Systomus orphoides (Valenciennes, 1 842) Trigonostigma heteromorpha (Duncker, 1904) Family GYRINO CHEILIDAE T.N. Gill, 1905 Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (Tirant, 1883) Family COBITIDAE Swainson, 1838 Acanthopsoides gracilentus (Smith, 1945) Acantopsis choirorhynchos (Bleeker, 1854) Barbucca diabolica Roberts, 1989 Lepidocephalichthys hasselti (Valenciennes, 1846) Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei (Blyth, 18609 Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902) Pangio kuhlii (Valenciennes, 1846) Pangio oblonga (Valenciennes, 1 846) Serpenticobitis zonata Kottelat, 1998 Yasuhikotakia sidthimunki (Klausewitz, 1959) Family BALITORIDAE Swainson, 1839 Balitora annamitica Kottelat, 1988 Homaloptera modesta (Vinciguerra, 1890) Homaloptera sexmaculata Fowler, 1934 Homaloptera orthogoniata Vaillant, 1902 Homaloptera smithi Flora, 1932 Homaloptera zollingeri Bleeker, 1853 Nemacheilus binotatus Smith, 1933 Nemacheilus masyai Smith, 1933 Nemacheilus pallidus Kottelat, 1990 Nemacheilus platiceps Kottelat, 1990 Schistura deignani (Smith, 1945) Schistura kohchangensis (Smith, 1933) Schistura nicholsi (Smith, 1933) Schistura schultzi (Smith, 1945) Schistura sexcauda (Fowler, 1937) Order SILURIFORMES Cuvier, 1816 Family AMBEYCIPITIDAE Day, 1873 Amblyceps foratum Ng et Kottelat, 2000 Family AKYSIDAE Gill, 1861 Akysis maculipinnis Fowler, 1934 Pseudobagarius macronemus (Bleeker, 1860) Family SISORIDAE Bleeker, 1858 Glyptothorax fuscus Fowler, 1934 Glyptothorax major (Boulenger, 1894) Glyptothorax trilineatus Blyth, 1860 Family SILURIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Ompok siluroides Lacepede, 1803 Pterocryptis torrentis (Kobayakawa, 1989) Silurichthys phaiosoma (Bleeker, 1851) Silurichthys hasseltii Bleeker, 1858 Silurichthys schneideri Volz, 1904 Family PLOTOSIDAE Bleeker, 1858 Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1 822 Family CLARIIDAE Bonaparte, 1845 Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus, 1758) Family BAGRIDAE Bleeker, 1858 Hemibagrus nemurus (Valenciennes, 1840) Leiocassis micropogon (Bleeker, 1852) Mystus cavasius (Hamilton, 1 822) Mystus castaneus Ng, 2002 Pseudomystus stenomus (Valenciennes, 1840) Pseudomystus siamensis (Regan, 1913) 690 SlTTHI K.ULABTONG ET ALII Family ARIIDAE Bleeker, 1858 Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792) Arius venosus Valenciennes, 1840 Batrachocephalus mino (Hamilton, 1 822) Hexanematichthys sagor (Hamilton, 1 822) Osteogeneiosus militaris (Linnaeus, 1758) Plicofollis argyropleuron (Valenciennes, 1840) Order AULOPIFORMES D.E. Rosen, 1973 Family SYNODONTIDAE Gill, 1861 Saurida tumbil (Bloch, 1795) Order GADIFORMES Goodrich, 1909 Family BREGMACEROTIDAE Gill, 1872 Bregmaceros mcclellandi Thompson, 1 840 Order BATRACHOIDIFORMES Goodrich, 1909 Family BATRACHOID1DAE Jordan, 1896 Allenbatrachus grunniens (Linnaeus, 1758) Order ATHERINIFORMES D.E. Rosen, 1966 Family PHALLOSTETHIDAE Regan, 1916 Neostethus bicornis Regan, 1916 Neostethus lankesteri Regan, 1916 Phenacostethus smithi Myers, 1928 Order BELONIFORMES L.S. Berg, 1937 Family BELONIDAE Bonaparte, 1835 Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton, 1 822) Family EXOCOETIDAE Risso, 1827 Cheilopogon arcticeps (Gunther, 1 866) Family HEMIRAMPHIDAE Gill, 1859 Dermogenys siamensis Fowler, 1934 Zenarchopterus ectuntio (Hamilton, 1822) Order SYNGNATHIFORMES Berg, 1940 Family CENTRISCIDAE Bonaparte, 1831 Centriscus scutatus Linnaeus, 1758 Family SYNGNATHIDAE Bonaparte, 1831 Doryichthys boaja (Bleeker, 1851) Doryichthys martensii (Peters, 1868) Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852 Order CYPRINODONTIFORMES L.S. Berg, 1940 Family APLOCHEILIDAE Bleeker, 1859 Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton, 1822) Order SYNBRANCHIFORMES Nelson, 1994 Family SYNBRANCHIDAE Bonaparte, 1835 Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) Family MASTACEMBELIDAE Swainson, 1839 Macrognathus circumcinctus (Hora, 1924) Macrognathus siamensis (Gunther, 1861) Mastacembelus armatus (Lacepede, 1800) Mastacembelus favus Hora, 1924 Order SCORPAENIFORMES Greenwood et al., 1966 Family APISTIDAE Gill, 1859 Apistus carinatus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Family PLATYCEPHAL1DAE Swainson, 1839 Grammoplites scaber (Linnaeus, 1758) Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758) Family SYNANCEIIDAE Swainson, 1839 Inimicus didactylus (Pallas, 1769) Trachicephalus uranoscopus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Family TETRAROGIDAE Smith, 1949 Paracentropogon longispinis (Cuvier, 1 829) Pterois russelii Bennett, 1831 Catalogue of inland fishes of Chanthaburi Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand Drainages 691 Order PERCIFORMES Bleeker, 1859 Family AMBASSIDAE Klunzinger, 1870 Parambassis siamensis (Fowler, 1937) Family FATIDAE Jordan, 1888 Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) Family APOGONIDAE Gunther, 1859 Apogon hyalosoma Bleeker, 1852 Apogon multitaeniatus Cuvier, 1828 Family SIFFAGINIDAE Richardson, 1846 Sillago sihama (Forsskal, 1775) Family CARANGIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Alectis ciliaris (Bloch, 1787) Carangoides praeustus (Anonymous [Bennett], 1830) Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy et Gaimard, 1 825 Parastromateus niger (Bloch, 1795) Scomberoides lysan (Forsskal, 1775) Family FEIOGNATHIDAE Gill, 1893 Gazza minuta (Bloch, 1795) Leiognathus daura (Cuvier, 1829) Secutor ruconius (Hamilton, 1 822) Family FUTJANIDAE Gill, 1861 Lutjanus sanguineus (Cuvier, 1828) Lutjanus vitta (Quoy et Gaimard, 1 824) Family FOBOTIDAE Gill, 1861 Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790) Family GERRE1DAE Bleeker, 1859 Genres erythrourus (Bloch, 1791) Genres setifen (Hamilton, 1 822) Family HAEMUFIDAE Gill, 1885 Plectonhinchus nigrus (Cuvier, 1830) Pomadasys hasta (Bloch, 1790) Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793) Family SPARIDAE Rafmesque, 1818 Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskal, 1775) Family POFYNEMIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804) Eleutheronema tridactylum (Bleeker, 1 849) Family SCIAENIDAE Cuvier, 1829 Nibea soldado (Facepede, 1802) Pennahia angentata (Houttuyn, 1782) Family MUFFIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Upeneus sulphureus Cuvier, 1 829 Upeneus tnagula Richardson, 1 846 Upeneus vittatus (Forsskal, 1775) Family MONODACTYFIDAE Jordan et Evermann, 1898 Monodactylus argenteus (Finnaeus, 1758) Family TAXOTIDAE Bleeker, 1859 Toxotes jaculatrix (Pallas, 1767) Family POMACENTRIDAE Bonaparte, 1831 Abudefdufbengalensis (Bloch, 1787) Neopomacentrus taeniurus (Bleeker, 1856) Pristotis obtusinostnis (Gunther, 1 862) Family NANDIDAE Bleeker, 1852 Nandus nebulosus (Gray, 1835) Pristolepis fasciata (Bleeker, 1851) Family TERAPONTIDAE Richardson, 1842 Pelates sexlineatus (Quoy et Gaimard, 1825) Terapon theraps Cuvier, 1 829 Family CEPOFIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Acanthocepola limbata (Valenciennes, 1835) 692 SlTTHI K.ULABTONG ET ALII Family LABRIDAE Cuvier, 1816 Halichoeres argus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Halichoeres nigrescens (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Thalassoma lunare (Linnaeus, 1758) Family BLENN1IDAE Rafmesque, 1810 Istiblennius dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1836) Petroscirtes mitratus Riippell, 1830 Family CALLIONYMIDAE Bonaparte, 1831 Dactylopus dactylopus (Valenciennes, 1837) Family ELEOTRIDAE Bonaparte, 1835 Buds buds (Hamilton, 1 822) Buds gymnopomus (Bleeker, 1853) Ophiocara porocephala (Valenciennes, 1837) Family GOBI1DAE Cuvier, 1816 Acentrogobius bontii (Bleeker, 1 849) Acentrogobius caninus (Valenciennes, 1837) Acentrogobius chlorostigmatoides (Bleeker, 1 849) Acentrogobius viridipunctatus (Valenciennes, 1837) Callogobius hasseltii (Bleeker, 1851) Cryptocentrus callopterus Smith, 1945 Cjyptocentrus diproctotaenia Bleeker, 1876 Eugnathogobius oligacds (Bleeker, 1875) Glossogobius giuris (Hamilton, 1 822) Mahidolia mystacina (Valenciennes, 1837) Oxyurichthys microlepis (Bleeker, 1 849) Parapocryptes serperaster (Richardson, 1 846) Periophthalmus barbarus (Linnaeus, 1766) Priolepis semidoliata (Valenciennes, 1837) Scartelaos histophorus (Valenciennes, 1837) Valenciennea muralis (Valenciennes, 1837) Yongeichthys nebulosus (Forsskal, 1775) Family SCATOPHAGIDAE Gill, 1883 Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus, 1766) Family SPHYRAENIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Sphyraena barracuda (Edwards, 1771) Sphyraena flavicauda Riippell, 1838 Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier, 1 829 Family SCOMBRIDAE Rafmesque, 1815 Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede, 1800) Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Family DREPANEIDAE Gill, 1872 Drepane punctata (Linnaeus, 1758) Family AN AB ANT1DAE Bonaparte, 1831 Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) Family OSPHRONEMIDAE van der Hoeven, 1832 Betta taeniata Regan, 1910 Betta prima Kottelat, 1994 Trichogaster trichopterus (Pallas, 1770) Trichopsis pumila (Arnold, 1936) Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831) Family CHANNIDAE Fowler, 1934 Channa gachua (Hamilton, 1 822) Channa lucius (Cuvier, 1831) Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) Family CYNOGLOSSIDAE Jordan, 1888 Cynoglossus lingua Hamilton, 1 822 Order PLEURONECTIFORMES Linnaeus, 1758 Family SOLEIDAE Bonaparte, 1833 Brachirus orientalis (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Family PARALICHTHYIDAE Regan, 1910 Pseudorhombus arsius (Hamilton, 1822) Pseudorhombus oligodon (Bleeker, 1854) Order TETRAODONTIFORMES L.S. Berg, 1940 Family BALIST1DAE Rafmesque, 1810 Abalistes stellatus (Anonymous, 1798) Family DIODONTIDAE Bonaparte, 1835 Diodon holocanthus Linnaeus, 1758 Catalogue of inland fishes of Chanthaburi Province, Eastern Gulf of Thailand Drainages 693 Family TETRAODONT1DAE Bonaparte, 1831 Arothron leopardus (Day, 1878) Arothron stellatus (Bloch et Schneider, 1801) Tetraodon cambodgiensis Chabanaud, 1923 Tetraodon fluviatilis Hamilton, 1822 Tetraodon leiurus Bleeker, 1851 Family TR1ACANTH1DAE Bleeker, 1859 Triacanthus biaculeatus (Bloch, 1786) NEW RECORDS FOR CHANTHABURI PROVINCE Crossocheilus reticulatus (Fowler, 1934) Examined material. 3 specimens, 48.3-61.1 mm SL, Pongnum Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, East Thailand, XII. 2007 and 11.2012, legit S. Kulabtong (Fig. 2). Description. Crossocheilus reticulatus is com- press, body depth is 26.23-27.1 %SL. Body width is 12.28-12.35 %SL. Scales in lateral series are medium to large, lateral series scales are 31-33. Head length is 23.52-23.75 %SL. The eyes is large, eye diameter is 36.7-37.1 %HL. Snout length is long, with 37.41-38.2 %HL and interor- bital width is 40.29-40.46 % HL. Dorsal fin origin is anterior pelvic fin origin, predorsal fin length is 48.22-49.31 %SL, prepectoral fin length is 22.87- 23.69 %SL, prepelvic fin length is 51.8-53.47 %SL and preanal fin length is 75.63-78.24 %SL. Caudal peduncle depth is 11.2-12.52 %SL. Pec- toral fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pec- toral fin is 18.2-20.98 %SL long with 13-14 branched fin rays. Pelvic fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pelvic fin is 18.95-20.33 %SL long with 7-8 branched fin rays. Anal fin base is shorter than dorsal fin base, the anal fin base length is 8.8-10.6 %SL, dorsal fin with 2 unbranched rays and 10-11 branched rays and dorsal fin base length is 16.07-17.4 %SL. Distribution. This species is known from pen- insular Thailand, Mekong Basin in Indochina, Chao Phraya Basin and Maeklong Basin, Thailand. New record for Chanthaburi Province. Pangio anguillaris (Vaillant, 1902) Examined material. 1 specimen, 60 mm SL, from Pongnum Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, East Thailand, XII.2007, legit S. Kulabtong (Fig. 3). Description. Pangio anguillaris is compress, body depth is 6.05 %SL. Body width is 1.96 %SL. Head length is 10.46 %SL. The eyes are small, eye diameter is 1.56 %HL. Snout length is long, with 34.38 %HL and interorbital width is 32.6 % HL. Dorsal fin origin is posterior pelvic fin origin, pre- dorsal fin length is 67.97 %SL, prepectoral fin length is 9.48 %SL, prepelvic fin length is 50.33 %SL and preanal fin length is 69.12 %SL. Caudal peduncle depth is 3.76 %SL. Pectoral fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pectoral fin is 6.86 %SL long with 5 branched fin rays. Pelvic fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pelvic fin is 6.54 %SL long with 6 branched fin rays. Anal fin base is shorter than dorsal fin base, the anal fin base Figure 2. Crossocheilus reticulatus, 57.6 mm SL. Figure 3. Pangio anguillaris, 60.8 mm SL. Figure 4. Pangio oblonga, 45.6 mm SL. 694 SlTTHI K.ULABTONG ET ALII length is 0.16 %SL, dorsal fin shows 1 unbranched and 7 branched rays; dorsal fin base length is 0.16 %SL. Distribution. This species is known from Malay- sia, Indonesia, peninsular Thailand, Mekong Basin in Indochina, Chao Phraya Basin and Rayong River, Thailand. New record for Chanthaburi Province. Pangio oblonga (Valenciennes, 1846) Examined material. One specimen, 43.1 mm SL, from Pongnum Ron District, Chanthaburi Province, East Thailand, XII.2007, legit S. Kulab- tong (Fig. 4). Description. Pangio oblonga is compress, body depth is 11.03 %SL. Body width is 5.75 %SL. Head length is 19.08 %SL. The eyes are small, eye diameter is 15.66 %HL. Snout length is long, with 40.96 %HL and interorbital width is 30.12 % HL. Dorsal fin origin is posterior pelvic fin origin, pre- dorsal fin length is 63.68 %SL, prepectoral fin length is 20.0 %SL, prepelvic fin length is 59.31 %SL and preanal fin length is 82.53 %SL. Caudal peduncle depth is 6.44 %SL. Pectoral fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pectoral fin is 1 0. 1 1 %SL long with 5 branched fin rays. Pelvic fin is short not reaching beyond anus, the pelvic fin is 6.21 %SL long with 6 branched fin rays. Anal fin base is short than dorsal fin base, the anal fin base length is 0.23 %SL, dorsal fin with 1 unbranched and 7 branched rays; dorsal fin base length is 0.23 %SL. Distribution. This species is known from Malay- sia, Indonesia, peninsular Thailand, Mekong Basin in Indochina, Chao Phraya Basin and Rayong River, Thailand. New record for Chanthaburi Province. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to anonymous referees for reviewing this manuscript and a special thank to all partners for helping in collecting the speci- mens employed in this study. REFERENCES Fowler H.W., 1934. Zoological results of the third De Schauensee Siamese Expedition, Part I. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 86: 67-163. Karnasuta J., 1993. Systematic revision of Southeastern Asiatic cyprinid fish genus Osteochilus with descrip- tion of two new species and a new subspecies. Kasetsart University Fishery Research Bulletin, 19: 105 pp. Kottelat M. & Lim K.K.P., 1993. A review of the eel- loaches of the genus Pangio (Teleostei: Cobitidae) from the Malay Peninsula, with descriptions of six new species. Raffles bulletin of zoology, 41 : 203-249. Monkolprasit S., Sontirat S., Vimollohakarm S. & Songsirikul T., 1997. Checklist of fishes in Thailand. Office of environmental policy and planning, Thailand. Ng H.H. & Kottelat M., 2000. A review of the genus Amblyceps (Osteichthyes: Amblycipitidae) in In- dochina, with descriptions of five new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 11: 335 - 348. Roberts T.R., 1997. Systematic revision of the tropical Asian labeoin cyprinid fish genus Cirrhinus, with de- scriptions of new species and biological observations on C. lobatus. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society, 45: 171200, 505203. Roberts T.R., 1998. Freshwater fugu or pufferfishes of the genus Tetraodon from the Mekong basin, with de- scriptions of two new species. Ichthyological Re- search, 45:225200, 505234. Smith H.M., 1945. The fresh-water fishes of Siam, or Thailand. National Museum Bulletin 188. U.S. Government Printing office, Washington D.C. 622. Sontirat S., 1976. Revision of the Southeastern Asiatic cyprinid fish Genus Cyclocheilichthys , Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann. Ardor, 133 pp. Sontirat S., Tunchareon S. & Soothornkit Y., 2006. Fish species diversity in the areas of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in the five eastern provinces of Thailand. The 44th proceeding of the Kasetsart University conference, pp. 60 - 67. Soonthomkit Y., 2001. Fish species diversity in Khao Khitchakut National Parks and Khao Soi Dao wildlife sanctuaries. Master Thesis, Kasetsart University, Thailand, 298 pp. Suvatti C., 1981. Fishes of Thailand. Royal Institute, Thailand, 379 pp. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 695-698 Observation on food items of Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1 768) (SquamataVaranidae), in urban eco- system, Central Thailand Sitthi Kulabtong* & Rujira Mahaprom Save wildlife volunteer Thailand, Wangnoi District, Ayuttaya Province 13170, Thailand; e-mail: kulabtong2011@hotmail.com (Sitthi Kulabtong); e-mail: Rujira.ma@hotmail.com (Rujira Mahaprom) jj* Corresponding author ABSTRACT Feeding habit of Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768) (Squamata Varan- idae) in urban areas of Central Thailand indicated that this species is carnivorous and scavenger according to the observations data. KEY WORDS food items; Asian water monitor; Varanus salvator, urban ecosystem; Thailand. Received 09.07.2015; accepted 22.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768) (Squamata Varanidae) is the largest monitor in Thailand and the second largest lizard in the world (Shine et al., 1996). Asian water monitor is the most widespread species of all monitor lizards. Distribution range of this species is extending from India Subcontinental to South East Asia, Sunda Islands, and Moluccas (Bohme, 2003; Gaulke & Horn 2004; and Koch et al., 2007, 2010). Current status of the species can be separated into following subspecies according to Koch et al. (20 1 0) namely V. salvator salvator from Sri Lanka; V. salvator bivittatus (Kuhl, 1 820) from Indonesia, type locality Java; V. salvator andamanensis De- raniyagala, 1944 from Andaman Islands; V salvator macromaculatus Deraniyagala, 1944 from Thai- land, Peninsula Malaysia, Vietnam, southern China, Hainan, Sumatra, and Borneo and smaller off-shore islands. In Thailand, Asian water monitor can be found in many ecosystems from hill stream ecosystem, mangrove ecosystem, national park ecosystem to urban ecosystem. Habitat of this species is semi- aquatic ecosystem. The microhabitat of the species was thermally stable and the species also used bur- rows for the body temperature control (Shine et al., 1996). Feeding habit and reproductive biology of Asian water monitor were reported in many coun- tries, especially in Sumatra, Indonesia, Shine et al. (1998) reported that, the monitor lizard can eat a wide variety of prey, including vertebrates (e.g. rats, chickens) and invertebrates (e.g. insects, crabs). Reproduction of the monitor lizard is all year-round spawned, with lower intensity in drier months and the monitor lizard can produce multiple clutches of 6-17 eggs each year. In Thailand, the biological data of Asian water monitor, V salvator are poorly known, especially in urban ecosystem. MATERIAL AND METHODS The surveys were carried out by direct observa- tion of Asian water monitor, V. salvator in many urban areas of Central Thailand during the period January-December, 2014. 696 Sitthi Kulabtong & Rujira Mahaprom The detemiination of the ingested material was carried directly on the site as observation or trans- porting food waste is difficult to identify in the laboratory. The observation areas include: green space of Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus and many parks in Bangkok; green space of Silpakorn University Sanamchandra palace Cam- pus, Meuang District, Nakhon Patthom Province; green space of Kasetsart University Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom Province; Mueang District, Ayuttaya Province; Meuang District, Chachoengsao Province; Bang Kruai District, Nonthaburi Province and Bang Kachao green zone, Prapadaeng District, Samut Prakan Province (Figs. 1-4). RESULTS In the observation zone and in laboratory we surveyed many food products which constitute the basic diet of the Asian water monitor in urban eco- system of Central Thailand. Food items can be separated into 17 groups which were Cyprinid fishes, Common suckers, Nile tilapia, Climbing perch, Striped snakehead, Marsh crab, Snail-eating turtle, Chinese edible frog, Chicken, Duck, Waterhen, Myna, Rat, Cat, Dog, food scraps and carcass. Below is the list of foods classified in detail. 1. CYPRINIFORMES CYPRINID AE Carps or Cyprinid fish Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1 822) 2. SILURIF ORME S LORICARIIDAE Common suckers Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (C. Weber, 1991) Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Castelnau, 1855) 3. PERCIFORMES CICHLIDAE Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) 4. PERCIFORMES ANABANTIDAE Climbing perch Anabas testudineus (Bloch, 1792) 5. PERCIFORMES CHANNIDAE Striped snakehead Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) 6. DECAPODAGRAPSIDAE Marsh crab Episesarma spp. 7. TESTUDINES BATAGURIDAE Snail-eating turtle Malayemys macrocephala (Gray, 1859) 8. ANURARANIDAE Chinese edible frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Wiegmann, 1834) 9. GALLIFORMES PHASIANIDAE Chicken Gallus gallus domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758) 10. AN SERIF ORMES ANATIDAE Duck Anas spp. 11. GRUIFORMES RALLIDAE White-breasted waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus Pennant, 1769 12. PASSERFORMES STURNIDAE White vent Myna Acridotheres grandis Moore, 1858 1 3 . RODENTI A MURID AE Common rat Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout, 1769) 14. CARNIVORA FELIDAE Cat Fells catus Linnaeus, 1758 Observation on food items of Asian water monitor, V aranus salvator, /n urban ecosystem, Central Thailand 697 Figures 1-4. Asian water monitor, Varanus salvator (Laurenti, 1768) in urban ecosystem of Bang Kachao green zone, Prapadang District, Samut Prakan Province, Central Thailand 15. CARNIVORA CANID AE Dog Canis familiaris Linnaeus, 1758 16. Food scraps from households and restaurants, rubbish bin 17. Carcass CONCLUSIONS The Asian water monitor, V. salvator, are carni- vores, and have a wide range of foods. They are known to eat fish, frogs, rodents, birds, crabs, snakes, turtles, young crocodiles and crocodile eggs (Sprackland, 1992; Whitaker, 1981) and garbage (Uyeda, 2009). According also to these our observations which include a wide range of foods (see above), at present, feeding habit of Asian water monitor, in urban areas of Central Thailand indicated that this species is carnivorous and scavenger. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable editorial advice. A very special thank to Assist. Prof. Dr. Prateep Duengkae, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Thailand for providing available data for this species and helping us during the field survey. REFERENCES Bohme W., 2003. Checklist of the living monitor lizards of the world (family Varanidae). Zoologische Verhan- deln, 341: 1-43. Gaulke M. & Horn H.G. , 2004. Varanus salvator (Nom- inate form). In: Pianka E.R. & King D.R. (Eds.): 698 Sitthi Kulabtong & Rujira Mahaprom Varanoid lizards of the Word. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indianapolis, 244-257. Koch A., Auliya M., Schmitz A., Kuch U. & Bohme W., 2007. Morphological Studies on the Systematics of South East Asian Water Monitors ( Varanus salvator Complex): Nominotypic Populations and Taxonomic Overview. In: Horn H.-G., Bohme W. & Krebs U. (Eds.), Advances in Monitor Research III. Merten- siella 16, Rheinbach, 109-180. Koch A., Auliya M. & Ziegler T., 2010. Updated checklist of the living monitor lizards of the world (Squamata: Varanidae). Bonn zoological Bullettin, 57: 127-136. Shine R., Harlow PS. & Keogh J.S., 1996. Commercial harvesting of giant lizards: the biology of water monitors Varanus salvator in Southern Sumatra. Biological Conservation, 77: 125-134. Shine R., Ambariyanto, Harlow P. & Mumpuni, 1998. Ecological traits of commercially harvested water monitors, Varanus salvator , in northern Sumatra. Wildlife Research 25: 437-447. Sprackland R.G., 1992. Giant lizards. Neptune, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, 61 pp. Uyeda L.T., 2009. Garbage appeal: relative abundance of Water Monitor Lizards ( Varanus salvator ) correl- ates with presence of human food leftovers on Tinijil Island, Indonesia. Biawak, 3: 9-17. Whitaker R., 1981. "Bangladesh - Monitors and turtles". Hamadryad, 6: 7-9. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 699-702 A new species of Luisia Gaud. (Orchidaceae) from northwe- stern Bihar, India Jibankumar Singh Khuraijam* & Rup Kumar Roy Botanic Garden, CSIR - National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow, 226 001 Uttar Pradesh, India; e-mail: jskluiraijam@yahoo.com; roynbri@rediffmail.com ^Corresponding author ABSTRACT In this paper, a new species of genus Luisia Gaud. (Orchidaceae) is described and illustrated. L. indica n. sp. is morphologically similar to L. trichorhiza (Hook.) Bl., but it is distinguished from L. trichorhiza by its smaller flowers and smooth surfaced greenish lip with purple spots together with five veined sepals and petals. KEY WORDS Luisia; endangered; orchid; Bihar; India. Received 14.07.2015; accepted 22.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Luisia Gaud, is a small genus in the family Orch- idaceae with ca 40 epiphytic species distributed in Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Micronesia, Melanesia and Australia. India is the centre of di- versity of this genus. In India, 1 8 species of Luisia have been reported and they are mainly found in Northeastern states, Peninsular India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Haines, 1924; Gamble, 1935; Bose & Bhattacharjee, 1980; Abraham & Vatsala, 1981; Kataki et al. 1984; Deva & Naithani, 1986; Srivast- ava, 1996; Chowdhery, 1998; Rath & Priyadarshini, 2005; Kumar et al., 2007; Gogoi et al., 2012; Karthigeyan et al., 2014). Taxonomically, Luisia is a difficult genus with relatively low morphological variations among the species (Seidenfaden, 1971; Misra, 2010). During plant collection tour in March 2015 to Valmiki Tiger Reserve at West Champaran district of Bihar state, an attractive species of Luisia was found growing on a tree trunk on the top of the Bodrewa Hill in Manguraha Range of the Tiger Reserve. The species was found growing in clump with long green stem with terete leaves. The speci- mens were collected, acclimatized and grown in the Botanic Garden, CSIR-NBRI and have started bear- ing flowers in early April 2015. ACRONYMS. LWG = Herbarium, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India. Luisia indica n. sp. (Figures 1-12) Diagnosis. Herba caule erecto sive ascendendo; relinquit tenuibus, denique inflorescen axillares, 2-5 erecti, floribus, labium, triangularibus trilo, lamina labii pallore purpura coloratum; sepalis pallide quinque pauilo oblongo- petalis obovatis porrect carnosus, pallide viridia, five pauilo columna crassa, purpureus; duo flavo; pollinia. Examined material. Type. India. Bihar: West Champaran, Valmiki Tiger Reserve, 13 March 2015. J.S. Khuraijam 101206 (holotype LWG), here designated. Paratypes 101208, 101209 (LWG), same data of holotype. 700 JlBANKUMAR SlNGH KHURAIJAM & RlIP KUMAR ROY Description of holotypus. Epiphytic herb, stem erect or ascending, 12 cm long, ca 0.5 cm diameter, covered with leaf bases. Roots 3 mm thick, vermiform. Leaves terete, slender, apex narrowed 17 cm long. Inflorescence short, axillary, 0.9 cm long, peduncle minute, 2 flowered, opening 1-3 flowers at a time. Flowers ca 8><7 mm, purplish green, lamina of lip greenish with purple coloured dots, green beneath, hypochile dark purple. Pedicel with ovary 9 mm long, pale green. Sepals and petals spreading. Sepals unequal, dorsal sepal 5 mm long, elliptic, acute, slightly hooded, pale green, five veined, central vein larger pale purple/pink. Lateral sepals 6 mm long, concave, boat shaped, dorsally keeled beyond the middle, pale green, five veined. Petals 7 mm long, oblong-obovate, pale green, five veined, central vein larger dim pink. Lip triangular, trilobed, fixed at the base of the column, porrect, fleshy, surface smooth, 5x7 mm, margin recurved. Column 4 mm long, stout, purple, anther cap greenish white with purple colour dots, pollinia two, yellow. Variability. The paratypes do not show sub- stantial morphological differences compared to the holotype. Lenght 10-15 cm, diameter 0.3-0. 7 cm; Roots 2-3 mm thick, vermiform. Leaves terete, slender, apex narrowed 10-20 cm long. Inflores- cence 0.5-1 cm long, 2-5 flowered, opening 1-3 flowers at a time. Flowers ca 8-9 x 7-8 mm; dorsal sepal 5-6 mm long; lateral sepals 6-7 mm long; petals 7-8 mm long; lip 5-6 x 6-7 mm; column 3-5 mm long. Figures 1-9. Luisia indica n. sp. Fig. 1: habit. Fig. 2: flower. Fig. 3: Lip. Fig. 4: dorsal sepal. Fig. 5: lateral sepals. Fig. 6: petals. Fig. 7: column. Fig. 8: anther cap. Fig. 9: pollinia. A new species of Luisia Gaud. (Orchidaceae) from northwestern Bihar, India 701 Figures 10-12. Luisia indica n. sp. Figs. 10, 11: habit. Fig. 12: flower. Photos by A.C. Little. 702 JlBANKUMAR SlNGH KHURAIJAM & RUP KUMAR ROY Etymology. The specific epithet is in reference to the species occurrence in India. Habitat, Ecology and Distribution. Grow on tree trunks at tops of low lying hills in evergreen forest. The species is now known only from Valmiki Tiger Reserve in West Champaran district of Bihar, India. Flowering. Late March-April Conservation status. Since the species is known only from a small area in Valmiki Tiger Reserve along the Indo-Nepal border, the species may be designated as Endangered (IUCN SPS, 2010). Remarks. Luisia indica n. sp. resemble L. trichorhiza (Hook.) Bl. in having trilobed triangular lip but differ in having rather smooth surfaced greenish lip with purple spots and five veined sepals and petals. On the basis of these morphological variations, L. indica is different from L. trichorhiza. Moreover, L. trichorhiza have deep purple lip with ridged surface or deeply grooved and three veined sepals and petals (Hooker, 1823; Blume, 1849; Bose & Bhattacharjee, 1980; Yonzone & Rai, 2012). Luisia indica n. sp. is the first report of the genus Luisia from Bihar. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the Forest Department, Govt, of Bihar for their kind help during the field survey and Director, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow for providing necessary support and facilities to carry out the study. REFERENCES Abraham A. & Vatsala R, 1981. Introduction to orchids with illustrations and descriptions of 150 South In- dian orchids. Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Trivandrum. Blume C.L., 1849. Lugduno - Batavum. Museum Botan- icum, 1: 63-64. Bose T.K. & Bhattacharjee S.K., 1980. Orchids of India. Naya Prokash, Calcutta. Chowdhery H.J., 1998. Orchid flora of Arunachal Pra- desh. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun. Deva S. & Naithani H.B., 1986. The orchid flora of north west Himalaya. Print & Media Associates, New Delhi. Gamble J.S., 1935. Flora of the Presidency of Madras. Newman and Adlard, London. GogoiK., Borah R.L., SharmaG.C. & Yonzone R.,2012. Present status of orchid species diversity resources and distribution in Dibrugarh district of Assam of North East India. International Journal of Modern Botany, 2: 19-33. Haines H.H., 1924. The Botany of Bihar and Orissa. Adlard, London. Hooker W.J., 1823. Vandal Trichoriza. Hairy-rooted Vanda. Exotic Flora, 1: 72. Karthigeyan K., Jayanthi J., Sumathi R. & Jalal J.S., 2014. A review of the orchid diversity of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India. Richardiana, 15: 9-85. Kataki S.K., Jain S.K. &. Sastry A.R.K., 1984. Distribu- tions of Orchids of Sikkim and North-Eastern India. Plant Conservation Bulletin, 5: 1-38. Kumar P., Jalal J.S. & Rawat G.S., 2007. Orchidaceae, Chotanagpur, state of Jharkhand, India. Check List, 3:297-304. IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee, 2010. Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 8.1. Prepared by the Standards and Petitions Subcommittee in March 2010. Down- loadable from http://intranet.iucn.org/webfiles/doc/ SSC/RedList/RedListGuidelines.pdf Misra S., 2010. A new species of Luisia Gaud. (Orch- idaceae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Nelumbo, 52: 152-155. Rath B. & Priyadarshini P., 2005. Threat Status of Plants of Conservation Concern in Orissa (India): A Com- pilation. Vasundhara, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. Seidenfaden G.S., 1971. Notes on the genus Luisia. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv, 27: 1-101. SrivastavaR.C., 1996. Orchicdaceae. In: Flora of Sikkim: Volume I (Monocotyledons), Hajra P.K. & Verma D.M. (Eds.). BSI, Calcutta, 85 pp. Yonzone R. & Rai S., 2012. Botanical Description, Diversity Resources, Distribution and Present Ecological Status of Luisia Gaudichaud - A Horticul- turally less known Epiphytic Orchid Species of Darjeeling. Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 1: 5-9. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 703-708 Additions and corrections to the Scissurellidae and Anatom- idae (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda) of the Mediterranean Sea, with first record of Sinezona semicostata Burnay et Rolan, 1 990 Pasquale Micali 1 & Daniel L. Geiger 2 'via Papiria 17, 61032 Fano, Pesaro-Urbino, Italy; e-mail: lino.micali@virgilio.it 2 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-2936 U.S.A.; e-mail: dgeiger@sbnature2.org ABSTRACT New information on the scissurellids fauna, Scissurellidae and Anatomidae (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda), in the Mediterranean Sea is presented. Scissurella azorensis Nolt, 2008, is confirmed from several localities in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Sinezona semicostata Burnay et Rolan, 1990, a species until now known from Cape Verde and Canary Islands, is reported for the first time in the Mediterranean, based on the record of 12 specimens at Linosa island (Sicily Channel), 35 m. Anatoma crispata (Fleming, 1828) does not occur in the Mediter- ranean; earlier misidentified records are corrected. Anatoma eximia Seguenza, 1880, appears to be a cold water guest species at the type locality Gallina, Reggio Calabria. KEY WORDS Anatoma; Scissurella ; Sinezona ; Mediterranean. Received 27.07.2015; accepted 21.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Scissurellidae and Anatomidae are two families of microscopic marine gastropods of world-wide distribution. They are amongst the smallest gastro- pods (0.5-11 mm, modal size ~l-3 mm), and are distributed in all fully marine oceans from the intertidal to the abyssal plain. They are members of the basal Vetigastropoda as evidenced by paired gills, a rhipidoglossate radula, and usually with a slit or hole in the shell above the mantle cavity. Unlike other Vetigastropoda such as abalone (Hali- otidae), top snails (Trochidae Turbinidae), and slit shells (Pleurotomariidae), scissurellids lack a nacreous inner shell layer (see Geiger et al., 2008 for review). The groups have been recently revised and mono- graphed by Geiger (2012) on a global scale. As was anticipated, some errors need to be corrected, and some additional data have come to light in the meantime (see also Pimenta & Geiger, in press). Here are addressed some novel data for the Mediter- ranean Sea. MATERIAL AND METHODS Standard procedures for scanning electron mi- croscopy (SEM) were employed (see Geiger et al., 2007; Geiger, 2012). Some specialized terms are defined following Geiger (2012). • Selenizone: the closed portion of the slit. Has lateral keel and growth markings (= lunules). The onset of the selenizone with growth defines the boundary between teleoconch I and II. 704 Pasquale Micali & Daniel L. Geiger • Shoulder: on the teleoconch II, the portion of the shell between the apical suture and selenizone. • Slit: the anteriormost portion of the selenizone, which is open at the apertural margin. • Teleoconch I: postembryonic shell to the start of the selenizone. • Teleoconch II: postembryonic shell from the start of the selenizone to the apertural margin. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS. DLG: Daniel L. Geiger collection, Los Angeles, Califor- nia, U.S.A. DSC: Danilo Scuderi collection, Catania, Italy. M: Monotypy. OD: original designation. PMF: Pasquale Micali collection, Fano, Italy. SBMNH: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A. SD: subsequent designation. USNM: United States National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington (DC), U.S.A. SYSTEMATICS VETIGASTROPODA Salvini-Plawen, 1980 Vetigastropoda are typically divided into a num- ber of superfamilies. Geiger (2012) discussed in de- tail the fundamental disagreement amongst various phylogenetic studies with respect to family-level re- lationships, further hampered by highly incomplete and incongruent taxonomic sampling of major lineages. With respect to the scissurellids, it seems clear that Scissurellidae and Anatomidae are not sis- ter taxa, and Larocheidae and Depressizonidae have not been included in any formal phylogenetic as- sessment. Accordingly, the superfamily Scissurel- loidea is untenable, unless it is restricted to Scissurellidae s.s. only. Using Scissurelloidea (or any other vetigastropod superfamily) in the narrow sense does not contain any classification informa- tion, therefore, is superfluous. Because superfam- ilies are not mandatory ranks as per ICZN 1999, the best and most honest representation of our under- standing is to omit all superfamilies under Veti- gastropoda at this time. Family SCISSURELLIDAE Gray, 1847 Scissurella d’Orbigny, 1824. Type species: Scissurella laevigata d’Orbigny, 1824 (SD: Gray, 1847) (= Scissurella costata d’Orbigny, 1824) Scissurella azorensis Nolt, 2008 Examined material. France, Corsica SW, between Pisciucani and Paragan beaches, beach, 41.442°N, 9.115°E (DSC 2). Italy, Reggio di Calab- ria, Scilla, 50 m, 38.26UN, 15.715°E (DLG 2370, 4; DSC 4). Italy, Reggio di Calabria, Scilla, 50 m, 38.255°N, 15.714°E (DLG 2670, 1). Italy, Sicily, Trapani, Egadi Islands, Marettimo Island, Secca del Cammello, 30 m, 37.989°N, 12.065°E (DLG 1812, 3). Italy, Sicily, Trapani, 30 m, 38.024°N, 12.504°E (DLG 2386, 1). Italy, Sicily, Trapani, San Vito Lo Capo, Cape San Vito, 2.5 m, 38.185°N, 12.733°E (DLG 2542, 2). Italy, Sicily, Acitrezza, Lachea island, 5-30 m, 37.56LN, 15.163°E (DSC 11). Italy, Sicily, Brucoli, 3 m, 37.282°N, 15.188°E (DLG 2547, 5). Italy, Sardinia, Sant' Antioco, 39.066°N, 8.459°E (DLG 2607, 1). Italy, Pelagian Islands, Linosa (SBMNH 456685, 7; DSC 6). Italy, Linosa, Punta Calcarella, 35 m, 35.853°N, 12.880 °E (PMF 8). Italy, Pelagian Islands, Lampedusa, Cala Croce, 6 m, 35.499°N, 12.590 °E (DSC 3). Remarks. The species was described from the Azores, but was reported by Geiger (2012) also from a single lot from the Mediterranean sea. Since then, several additional lots have been found from Mediterranean sediment samples. Most (8 of 12) of those samples are from Sicily or the eastern tip of mainland Italy, while one is from Corsica and Sardinia to the north and Linosa and Lampedusa Islands to the south. The species have not been recovered from any other samples (e.g., Croatia, Spain, France). Scissurella azorensis (Figs. 9-12) differs from S. costata by the more rounded whorls, lacking of flat shoulder, the lack of spiral threads on shoulder and base, teleoconch II of about 0.75 whorls, compared to 1-1.125 whorls. Sinezona Finlay, 1926. Type species: Schismope brevis Hedley, 1904 (OD) Sinezona semicostata Bumay et Rolan, 1990 Remarks. Sinezona semicostata was described by Bumay & Rolan (1990) from material collected at a depth of few meters at Boavista island (Cape Verde archipelago, eastern Atlantic), but it is also known from the Canary Islands and Madeira (Hernandez et al., 2011; Geiger, 2012). The place- Scissurellidae and Anatomidae of the Mediterranean Sea, with first record of Sinezona semicostata 705 ment in genus Sinezona Finlay, 1926 is indicated by the anteriorly closed slit. This character is difficult to observe in many shells, because the apertures of shells found in shell grit are usually damaged. Twelve specimens have been found at Linosa in shell grit manually collected by SCUBA diving at Punta Calcarella (south-east of Linosa island, Sicily Channel) at a depth of about 35 m, most of them fully mature (Figs. 1-8), representing the first Mediter- ranean record (SBMNH 456687, 7; PMF 8). Al- though similar to Sci. azorensis. Sin. semicostata is readily distinguished by the protoconch sculpture composed of half as many and much stronger axial cords (Figs. 1-4). The species’ range is herewith ex- panded from the Cape Verde Archipelago, Madeira, and the Canary Islands, into the Mediterranean Sea. Because Sci. costata d’Orbigny, 1824, a rather variable species, was found in numerous specimens Figures 1-12. Scissurellids from Linosa, Pelagian Islands, Italy, 35 m. Figures 1-4. Sinezona semicostata. Figures 5-8. Sinezona semicostata. Figures 9-12. Scissurella azorensis. Scale bars shell = 500 pm. Scale bars protoconch = 100 pm. 706 Pasquale Micali & Daniel L. Geiger in the same sample, we could exclude the pos- sibility that the Sin. semicostata specimens were juvenile Sci. costata. In particular Sin. semicostata differs from Sci. costata by the much more de- pressed overall shape, the adapically angulated and flat shoulder as opposed to being horizontally ori- ented, the stronger and fewer axial ribs, and the wide umbilicus in Sin. semicostata. Sinezona semi- costata is much smaller (to 0.67 mm) and the teleo- conch II consists of about 0.3-0. 5 whorl compared to up to 1.125 teleoconch II whorls in Sci. costata growing to 1.7 mm. Anatoma Woodward, 1859 Type species: Scissurella crispata Fleming, 1828 (M: misidentified; SD: Geiger, 2012) Anatoma crispata (Fleming, 1828) Remarks. The species is commonly, but mis- takenly, indicated as part of the Mediterranean malacofauna (see Geiger, 2012 for comprehensive chresonymy). Geiger (2012) questioned some of his own earlier identifications of those Mediterranean occurrences, which were made prior to the revision by Hoisaeter & Geiger (2011), but was unable to re-evaluate that material prior to publication. Re- examination of material from USNM has confirmed the earlier suspicion. The following A. “ crispata ” lots were re-identified as: Anatoma aspera (Philippi, 1844): USNM 181621, 181630, 181631, 181600, 181616, 181623, 181620. Anatoma eximia (Seguenza, 1880): USNM 181597, 181601,181598, 181599. Anatoma tenuisculpta (Seguenza, 1880): USNM 83386, 126631, 181592. The A. aspera records confirm the known distri- bution of the species, with one additional locality from Crete Island, representing one of the eastern- most locations. Anatoma eximia was re-surrected by Geiger (2012) as a valid species. It was described from fossil material from Gallina (near Reggio Calabria, Italy). The depositional environment of Gallina is well described by DelF Angelo et al. (1998: 139): the levels described by Seguenza show sign of gravitational flow and canalization of debris. The outcrop represents an epibathyal fauna dated to lower Pleistocene with additional material from the upper Pliocene and more littoral assemblages, re- ferred to lower Pleistocene, with cold (or boreal) guests. More recent works (Ruggiero & Raia, 2014; La Pema & Vazzana, 2014; Vazzana et al., 2014) deal with the Calabrian (lower Pleistocene) fauna and reported the presence of cold guests, such as Pseudamussium peslutrae (Linnaeus, 1771) = P. semptemradiatum (O.F. Muller, 1776). The Recent records of A. eximia are from the Mediterranean adjacent northeastern Atlantic, with a single record from the Mediterranean Sea (off Malaga). The new records are all from the North Atlantic. It appears that A. eximia should also be considered a cold guest at the type locality. The new records of A. tenuisculpta are both from the North Atlantic as well as the Mediter- ranean (Sicily). Anatoma eximia (Seguenza, 1880) Anatoma tenuisculpta (Seguenza, 1880) Remarks. The publication date for those two taxa was erroneously indicated as 1877 by Geiger (2012), which, however, was the date of acceptance of the manuscript. Serge Gofas (pers. comm.) kindly pointed out that error. DISCUSSION Despite the Mediterranean Sea being one of the best-studied bodies of water on the planet, including its malacofauna (e.g., Parenzan, 1970; Sabelli et al., 1990; Barash & Danin, 1992; Cossignani et al., 1992; Giannuzzi-Savelli et al., 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2014; Ardovini & Cossignani, 1999; Doneddu & Trainito, 2005; Cossignani & Ardovini, 2011; Gofas et al., 2011; Scuderi & Terlizzi, 2012) new discoveries can still be made. Those are not necessarily restricted to minute molluscs; the re-discovery of the abalone species Haliotis stomatiaeformis (= H. ncglecta ) at Malta island, is a particularly striking example (Geiger, 1998; Geiger & Owen, 2001), as well as the cone species known from that general area ( Conus vayssierei Pallary, 1906; Conus desidiosus A. Adams, 1853; Conus fumigatus Hwass in Bruguiere, 1792). Scissurellidae and Anatomidae of the Mediterranean Sea, with first record of Sinezona semicostata 707 Micromolluscs (< 5 mm total shell length: see Geiger et al., 2007 for review) are more in need of study and yield many more discoveries. Despite the very recent global monographic treatment of the scissurellids (Geiger, 2012), new discoveries can still be made as exemplified by the present contri- bution. It is striking, that both the abalone cited above, as well as the scissurellids reported here, have been found in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sicily and its surrounding islands. Some of it may be due to available material and novel sens- itivity of collectors. However, none of the numerous samples from North Africa, France, Spain, and the Adriatic Sea have yielded novel scissurellids (D. Geiger, pers. obs.). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the staff of “Terraferma Diving” at Linosa, for the enthusiastic support to malacolo- gical activity of the first Author. Chad Walter, Ellen Strong, and Jerry Harasewych (USNM) kindly facilitated loans of material. Danilo Scuderi kindly provided data of his records. REFERENCES Ardovini R. & Cossignani T., 1999. Atlante delle conchiglie di profondita del Mediterraneo. L’ Informatore Piceno, Ancona, 111 pp. Barash A. & Danin Z., 1992. Fauna Palaestina Mollusca I - Annotated List of Mediterranean Molluscs of Israel and Sinai. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 405 pp., 372 pis. Burnay L.P. & Rolan E., 1990. The family Scissurellidae in the Cape Verde Islands. Archiv fur Mollusken- kunde, 120: 31-45. Cossignani T. & Ardovini R., 2011. Malacologia Mediterranea. L’lnformatore Piceno, Ancona, 536 pp. Cossignani T., Cossignani V., Di Nisio A. & Passamonti M., 1992. Atlante delle Conchiglie del Medio Adri- atico. L’lnformatore Piceno, Ancona, 40 pp., 417 figs. Dell’Angelo B., Vazzana A. & Bertolaso L., 1998. Ritro- vamento di piastre fossili di Callisto chiton (Mol- lusca: Polyplacophora) nel Plio-Pleistocene della Calabria. Bollettino Malacologico, 33: 139-140. Doneddu M. & Trainito E., 2005. Conchiglie del Mediterraneo. II Castello, Trezzano su Naviglio, 256 pp. Geiger D.L., 1998. Recent genera and species of the family Haliotidae (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda). The Nautilus, 111: 85-116. Geiger D.L., 2012. Monograph of the Little Slit Shells. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, 2 vols.,1291 pp. Geiger D.L. & Owen B., 2001. The identity of Haliotis stomatiaeformis Reeve, 1846, from the Mediter- ranean Sea (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda: Haliotidae). The Nautilus, 115: 77-83. Geiger D. L., Marshall B., Ponder W., Sasaki T. & Waren A., 2007. Techniques for collecting, handling, and preparing small molluscan specimens. Molluscan Research, 27 (Special Issue): 1-50. Geiger D.L., Niitzel A., & Sasaki T., 2008. Vetigastro- poda. In: W. Ponder & D. Lindberg (Eds.), Phylogeny and Evolution of the Mollusca. University of Califor- nia Press, Berkeley, pp. 297-330. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Palmeri A. & Ebreo C., 1994. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 1 (Archeogastropoda). La Conchiglia, Rome, 125 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Palmeri A. & Ebreo C., 1997. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 2 (Caenogastropoda part 1 : Discopoda - Heteropoda). La Conchiglia, Rome, 258 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Palmeri A. & Ebreo C., 1999. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 3 (Caenogastropoda part 2: Ptenoglossa). Evolver, Rome, 127 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Palmeri A. & Ebreo C., 2001. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 7 (Bivalvia: Protobranchia - Pteriomorpha). Evolver, Rome, 246 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Palmeri A. & Ebreo C., 2003. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 4 Part 1 (Neogastropoda: Muricoidea). Evolver, Rome, 298 pp. Giannuzzi-Savelli R., Pusateri F., Micali P., Nofroni I. & Bartolini S., 2014. Atlas of Mediterranean Seashells, Volume 5 (Heterobranchia). Edizioni Danaus, Palermo, 91 pp. Gofas S., Moreno D. & Salas C., 2011. Moluscos Marin- hos de Andalucia. Universidad de Malaga, Malaga, 2 vols., 798 pp. Hernandez J.M., Rolan E. & Swinnen F., 2011. Parte 3: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia. In: E. Rolan (Ed.), Moluscos y Conchas Marinas de Canarias. Conch Books, Hackenheim, pp. 54-269. Hoisaeter T. & Geiger D.L., 2011. Species of Anatoma (Gastropoda: Anatomidae) in Norwegian and adjacent waters, with the description of two new species. The Nautilus, 125: 89-112. ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature), 1999. International Code of Zoological 708 Pasquale Micali & Daniel L. Geiger Nomenclature. 4th ed. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 29 + 306 pp. La Perna R. & Vazzana A., 2014. Marginelliform gastro- pods from the Early Pleistocene of Gallina (Reggio Calabria, Southern Italy). Giornate di Paleontologia, XIV edition - Bari, 11-13 June 2014. Volume dei riassunti, pp. 49-50. Parenzan P. 1970. Carta d’identita delle conchiglie del Mediterraneo Vol. 1 Gasteropodi. Bios Taras, Taranto, 283 pp. Pimenta A.D. & Geiger D.L. in press. Taxonomic revi- sion of the Anatomidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda) from Brazil, with description of four new species. Malacologia. Ruggiero E. & Raia P., 2014. Oichnus taddeii, a new fossil trace produced by capulids on brachiopod shells. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 29: 15-24. Sabelli B., Giannuzzi-Savelli R. & Bedulli D., 1990. Annotated check-list of Mediterranean Marine Mollusks, vol. 1. Libreria Naturalistica Bolognese, Bologna, 348 pp. Scuderi D. & Terlizzi A., 2012. Manuale di malacolo- gia dell’Alto Ionio. Edizioni Grifo, Manduria, 186 pp. Vazzana A., Vertino A. & La Pema R., 20 14. 1 coralli pleis- tocenici di Gallina (Reggio Calabria, Italia meridi- onale). Giornate di Paleontologia, XIV edition - Bari, 11-13 June 2014. Volume dei riassunti, pp. 71-72. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 709-718 Evaluating and measuring biodiversity in a subterranean light gradient Roberto Battiston* & Adriana Marzotto Musei del Canal di Brenta, 36020 Valstagna, Vicenza, Italy ^Corresponding author, e-mail: roberto.battiston@museivalstagna.it ABSTRACT The structure and composition of the biodiversity have been analysed in a light gradient of a case-study cave in Northern Italy to evaluate the influence of light in promoting, limiting, or altering it. Minor quantitative variations have been found along the gradient but remarkable qualitative differences have been recorded and discussed on the composition of the biod- iversity proceeding from the full light of the entrance toward the darkness of the deep cave. Light intensity proved to be the main limit for many troglobiont an troglophilic species mi- gration from or to the inner part of the cave. The subterranean environment is here discussed as a model for assessing also the epigean biodiversity considering the ecological limits in conservation problems of vulnerable environments. KEY WORDS biodiversity; biospeleology; conservation; ecology; karst. Received 11.08.2015; accepted 09.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Biodiversity, defined as all hereditarily based variations at all levels of organization, from the genes within a single local population or species, to the species composing all or part of a local com- munity, and finally to the communities themselves that compose the living parts of the multifarious ecosystems of the world (Wilson, 1988), is a simple name given to a huge complexity. This complexity is probably the greatest limit for its complete un- derstanding and its full evaluation and measuring, is almost impossible. If measuring the whole biod- iversity is a limit many methods to give a good rep- resentative quantification have been proposed (Hill et al., 2005). Most of them are based on species in- dicators, representative for the whole community and useful for comparisons between different places, or on environmental parameters linked to the species richness (Caoduro et al., 2014), as a compromise to manage a fundamental resource for our planet without knowing it in detail. Studying the hypogean environments, usually composed by a scarce num- ber of high specialized species and simple com- munities, offers the rare occasion to have a nearly complete measure of the whole local biodiversity and a good understanding of its structure. A global evaluation of subterranean biodiversity is however still scarce in literature (Culver et al., 2006) where single species indicators (or groups of) are more often used to compare different caves (Culver & Pipan, 2009; Latella et al., 2012), instead of evalu- ating the whole biodiversity of a single one. Caves are not closed environments and measur- ing biodiversity in caves must consider contamina- tion rates from more or less troglophilic organisms and how much cave organisms remain isolated or migrate to other places, according with the superfi- 710 Roberto Battiston & Adriana Marzotto cial underground environment concept (MSS in Juberthie et al., 1980). Understanding the paramet- ers that influence, promote or limit the biodiversity of a cave can be important to understand how biod- iversity complexity evolves in a resource-limited environment. Light gradient is here considered as the main direct limit for autotrophs’ ecology, diver- sification and, influencing also the temperature, evaporation, humidity and other physical paramet- ers, indirectly the key factor for all the other levels of the local food net. The case-study of the cave of Ponte Subiolo is here presented, a well known cave since historical times with an almost straight and barely sloping development with a long light gradient at the entrance which make possible to separate the main steps of the disappearing of the light and its influence on the biodiversity of the cave. In this study the changes in the biodiversity have been evaluated in relation to the light gradient to examine the species richness, its composition and the dynamics related to a transition zone between epigean and subterranean environments. Evaluating and quantifying how the light influences subter- ranean communities as a limiting factor for biod- iversity can be helpful in understanding how con- servation measures promote stable and rich subterranean communities. MATERIAL AND METHODS The cave of Ponte Subiolo is located in a sub- alpine continental area of northern Italy (45°52T8.13"N, 11°40'8.94"E) at 175 m a.s.l. in a narrow valley covered mostly by Carpinus-F agus woods. The cave is a natural part of the dolomitic karst system of the Altopiano di Asiago, partially altered by human activity and occasionally used by tourists since the XIX century. It develops almost horizontally whit a moderate sloping for 260 m from the entrance (Fig. 1). The entrance of the cave is located in the middle of an emi-circus of dolomite rocks (10 m diameter), never exposed to direct sun- light and with scarce surrounding vegetation and with a continuous gradient of light in the straight passage toward the hypogean area. The light gradi- ent was here measured directly with a a luxmeter (1 lux resolution) and indirectly, using the presence of chlorophyll photosynthesis as an environmental parameter, from full light (photosynthesis present) to complete and permanent darkness (photosyn- thesis absent or not observed), for a length of 20 m and 4 m average diameter tunnel. Photosynthesis was defined by the presence of different kinds of vegetation in three different locations where a pit- fall trap has been placed: entrance, in permanent shadow but with full indirect light (Cl : 0.5 m from the entrance), where the last living vascular plant ( Parietaria officinalis L.) was recorded together with non-vascular plants, mosses and algae; twi- light zone, an intermediate point between traps Cl and C3 (C2: 8 m from the entrance) just after the last non-vascular plant ( Asplenium trichomanes L.) fertile and with erect structure was recorded, to- gether with true mosses and algae; dark zone, with a complete and permanent darkness (C3: 20 m from the entrance) just after the last photosynthetic or- ganism (Algae). After C3 some weak indirect light was still recognizable from the human eye but no photosynthetic organisms were found and 0 lux were recorded by the luxmeter. Temperature and relative humidity recorded have been measured in the three points during sea- sonal investigations. To evaluate the biodiversity of the cave three pitfall traps, containing fresh meat (chicken liver) as attractive and salt water for killing and preserve, have been placed in the three loca- tions with increasing darkness (1, 2, 3) and left for about three continuous years (from 19/07/2011 to 18/03/2014), seasonally checked to evaluate their conditions, attractiveness and impact on the local ecosystem. To prevent damage to the deep cave ecosystem, deep cave biodiversity was evaluated qualitatively placing non-trapping meat baits in all along the cave every 50 m and checking them occasionally, recording the species observed. A small underground river located in the deepest part of the cave (about 200 m from the entrance) was investigated placing water traps (plastic bottles with meat) to check the presence of water macroinver- tebrates during October 2011. To evaluate the species exchanges between the cave an the external woodland 6 pit-fall traps have been placed in the hemicycle outside the cave dur- ing the same time -period in different environments: 3 (Al, A2, A3) at 2-5 m from Cl in a cave-like environment (rock slope with scarce erbaceous vegetation, Fig. 2) and 3 (Bl, B2, B3) at 6-10 m when the rocky ground left its space for the earthly soil of the Carpinus-F agus woodland (Fig. 3). Evaluating and measuring biodiversity in a subterranean light-gradient 711 Figure 1. Perspective of the study area with the light gradient and the disposition of the three inner pitfall traps (Cl, C2, C3) from the opening of the cave to the starting point of the permanent darkness, in the moment of maximum illumination. Figure 2. Entrance of the cave of Ponte Subiolo with the maximum limit of the direct sunlight traced on the ground. Picture taken in a sunny day at 13:34, June 12, 2014. 712 Roberto Battiston & Adriana Marzotto Figure 3. Land survey of the study area (courtesy Gruppo Grotte Giara Modon, modified) with the disposition of the three pitfall traps inside the cave (Cl, C2, C3), the three pitfall traps under the outer cave ceiling (Al, A2, A3), the three pitfall traps on the woodland edge (Bl, B2, B3). Scalebar 5m. To compare the biodiversity in the light gradient Shannon- Wiener Index and Species Evenness were measured considering the specimens collected in the three cave pitfall traps. Mean values of Chao2 index (Chao, 1984) were measured with software Estimates (Colwell, 2009) to evaluate the richness of unique species. Ecological categories (trophic habits and troglophily, here intended the progress- ive adaptation to form subterranean communities low or absent in Trogloxenes, moderate in Troglo- philes, high in Troglobiont) were inferred using information available on the single species when available from literature and morphological charac- ters (mouth parts, depigmentation, expansion of limbs or sensilla, etc.) directly observed. Since the ecology of all the species was not completely known Sket separation between eutroglophile and subtroglophile (Sket, 2008) have not been used here. Taxonomical identification has been done here at Order level to separate main different functional strategies to live in a subterranean environment. Lower level of identification was used when neces- sary to better describe single units, and species level was used for all individuals collected as functional, morphological distinct units as “morphospecies” (SP1, SP2, etc...) to evaluate quantitatively their diversity and richness. Only adults or high vagile immatures (i.e. Orthoptera) have been considered to avoid bias due to direct egg- layings inside the Evaluating and measuring biodiversity in a subterranean light-gradient 713 traps occurred by some Diptera. Coleoptera have been here considered as walker as their primary moving strategy since all the species collected were linked to the subterranean environment where flight, when available, is used occasionally. The Analysis of Variance at significance 0.05 has been used to compare the specimens and species collec- ted in the three cave traps. Biomass have been eval- uated by measuring the wet weight of the specimens, grouped by taxa, with an electronic balance with sensitivity O.lg. RESULTS Physical air parameters (Temperature/Humidity) attested on a annual average difference between one trap and another of 4.53°C and 18%: 4.50/17% from the external area to the entrance of the cave (Cl), 4.85/18% from Cl to C2 and 4.25°C/19% from C2 to C3, reaching the nearly constant abso- lute parameters for the whole cave in C3 of 12°C/82%. Maximum light measures were obtained during summer: 572 lux in the shadows of the external part of the cave, 127 lux at Cl, 68 lux at C2 and 0 lux at C3. The overall biodiversity in the three years of sampling attested on: 624 invertebrate specimens belonging to 35 different species collected in the three cave traps placed in the cave (Table 1). To these numbers must be added the autotrophs present in the study area: 4 different species belonging to: Magnoliophyta, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta, Chloro- phyta, and the occasional presence Trogloxene/ Troglophile vertebrates, Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758), Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechstein, 1800, R. ferrumequinum Schreber, 1774, which visited the cave and rested there non-continuously for some days/months, the Troglophile spiders Nesticus cel- lulanus (Clerck, 1757) and Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775) never trapped but frequently ob- served in the area between Cl and C2, and at least one species of Fungi was observed occasionally. No invertebrates were collected during water samplings and no bacteria, protozoan or microinvertebrates were here considered. Deep cave observations re- corded a progressive but not constant diminish in the number of species. The species collected in C3 were also observed till 80 m from the entrance, where the flyers disappeared. From 80 to 140 m only walkers have been observed and after 140 m where the floor of the cave is frequently submerged by interstitial water, no species were observed. The total number of species recorded in the cave of Ponte Subiolo in the three years is 44. Soil invertebrates species have been collected in almost equal numbers in the three cave traps (Table 2), not significant different in ANOVAone way test, both for the number of species (P: 0.69, 24 dot) and number of specimens collected (P: 0.32, 52 dot). A large part of the animals collected are detritivores, but the ratio with predators is close to 1 proceeding toward the darkness. Even if the trophic categories have been evaluated only by a descriptive point of view, the percent of Troglobiont species increased over the Trogloxene species from light to darkness, with a high and nearly constant number of Troglo- phile species collected in all the gradient, something expected for a cave transition zone, which confirms the goodness of the trapping procedure and the representativeness of the community considered in the analyses. All these percents should be however con- sidered in the vagility of their components which remained in nearly constant ratio (walkers/flyers) in all the cave traps (1.2, 0.9, 1.4). As expected, most of the Trogloxene species in traps C2 and C3 were flyers while all the Troglobiont species were much less vagile walkers. With the exception of one trogloxene Calliphorid fly (body parts occasionally found from the entrance to 80 m inside the cave), some Troglophile species were recorded alive in good numbers both in darkness as full light such as the flyers Diptera (Phoridae), Hymenoptera (Icneu- monidae) or Trichoptera (Limnephilidae) as well as the walker millipede (Polydesmidae). Some troglo- biont species, collected or observed more than twice (and supposed not to be occasional encounters), never reached the full light entrance of the cave (Cl) as the Pseudoscorpion, Neobisium torrei (Simon, 1881), and the Isopoda, Spelaeonethes nodulosus Verhoeff, 1932, while the millipede, Typhloiulus tobias (Berlese, 1886), and the cave beetle, Orotrechus targionii (Dalla Torre, 1881), never passed the edge of darkness (C3). Two invertebrates, the isopod, Androniscus brentanus Verhoeff, 1932, and the springtail (Collembola) were frequently observed on the rocks from the deepest of the cave to the entrance. 714 Roberto Battiston & Adriana Marzotto Trap Taxonomic Group Morpho- species Individuals Feeding Troglophily Vagility Cl Aracnida SP1 1 Predator Trogloxene Walker Cl Aracnida SP2 1 Predator Troglophile Walker Cl Aracnida SP3 1 Predator Troglophile Walker Cl Acaroidea SP1 1 Predator Troglophile Walker Cl Diplopoda SP1 5 Detritivore Troglophile Walker Cl Collembola SP1 7 Detritivore Troglobiont Walker Cl Orthoptera SP1 9 Detritivore Troglophile Walker Cl Trichoptera SP1 7 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer Cl Coleoptera SP1 1 Predator Trogloxene Walker Cl Coleoptera SP2 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Walker Cl Coleoptera SP3 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Walker Cl Coleoptera SP4 1 Detritivore Troglophile Walker Cl Coleoptera SP5 5 Detritivore Troglophile Walker Cl Coleoptera SP6 2 Detritivore Troglobiont Walker Cl Hymenoptera SP1 3 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer Cl Hymenoptera SP2 2 Predator Troglophile Flyer Cl Diptera SP1 85 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer Cl Diptera SP2 3 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer Cl Diptera SP3 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer Cl Diptera SP4 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer Cl Diptera SP5 1 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer Cl Diptera SP6 1 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer Cl Diptera SP7 1 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer Cl Diptera SP8 1 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer C2 Aracnida SP4 1 Predator Troglobiont Walker C2 Aracnida SP5 1 Predator Troglobiont Walker Table 1 . Specimens collected in the three cave traps with their taxonomical and ecological categories. Evaluating and measuring biodiversity in a subterranean light-gradient 715 Trap Taxonomic Group Morpho- species Individuals Feeding Troglophily Vagility C2 Pseudoscorpiones SP1 2 Predator Troglobiont Walker C2 Scorpiones SP1 1 Predator Troglophile Walker C2 Acaroidea SP2 1 Predator Trogloxene Walker C2 Diplopoda SP1 18 Detritivore Troglophile Walker C2 Hymenoptera SP1 53 Predator Troglophile Flyer C2 Hymenoptera SP2 3 Predator Troglophile Flyer C2 Diptera SP1 126 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer C2 Diptera SP2 13 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Diptera SP3 2 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Diptera SP4 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Diptera SP5 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Diptera SP6 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Diptera SP7 1 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer C2 Isopoda SP1 4 Detritivore Troglophile Walker C2 Isopoda SP2 4 Detritivore Troglobiont Walker C3 Aracnida SP5 1 Predator Troglobiont Walker C3 Aracnida SP6 2 Predator Troglobiont Walker C3 Pseudoscorpiones SP1 1 Predator Troglobiont Walker C3 Opiliones SP1 1 Detritivore Troglophile Walker C3 Diplopoda SP1 2 Detritivore Troglophile Walker C3 Diplopoda SP2 5 Detritivore Troglobiont Walker C3 Trichoptera SP1 1 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer C3 Coleoptera SP7 7 Predator Troglobiont Walker C3 Hymenoptera SP1 70 Predator Troglophile Flyer C3 Diptera SP1 142 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer C3 Diptera SP2 14 Detritivore Troglophile Flyer C3 Diptera SP3 8 Detritivore Trogloxene Flyer Table 1 . Specimens collected in the three cave traps with their taxonomical and ecological categories. 716 Roberto Battiston & Adriana Marzotto Springtails always maintained their nearly- white/transparent pigmentation, and were never encountered under daylight so night habits are sup- posed. On the contrary isopods were occasionally observed even on the rocks, even under full indirect daylight with a slightly darker (pink) pigmentation respect the completely white-nearly transparent observed in the deep cave individuals. Biodiversity measured in the three cave traps in terms of species evenness was almost equally distributed, with a light decreasing proceeding deeper in the cave. A bit more evident but not remarkable was the decreasing in the Shannon- Wiener Index, but significant in Species Richness halved from the light to the darkness (Table 3). This trend is maintained also when considered in a wider range of 50 computed repetitions where Chao2 slightly diverges (from 0 to 32%) from the species rarefaction curve (Fig. 4). Animal biomass from sampled invertebrates shows a non linear progression from light to darkness (Table 4) and is almost equally distributed between flyers (7.1 g) and walkers (7.2 g) but dominated by few species: the large and trogloxenic Calliphorid flies within the flyers and by the troglophilic/trogloxenic Diplopoda within the walkers. In the external traps (Al, A2, A3, Bl, B2, B3) 288 specimens were collected in 51 species, 14 of them (27%) found also in the traps inside the cave. Figure 4. Comparison of the biodiversity estimators used, related to the number of individuals computed with Estima- tes (x axis) in 50 repetitions, for to the three cave trap sites, and the number of species (y axis). CONCLUSIONS The light-gradient (together with other air para- meters related to it) seems to have a moderate in- fluence in changing on the overall subterranean biodiversity and biomass of the cave studied. Even if the length of the gradient here considered is remarkably long for a semi-natural karstic cave, the difference between the three cave traps in terms of biodiversity is quantitatively very low, but it should be considered also qualitatively. The slight decreas- ing of the number of species, proceeding from full light to full darkness, is the result of a replacement of species and strategies that makes the overall biod- iversity almost constant: specialized deep cave species take the place of less specialized epikarst species. In a model of a dynamic subterranean environ- ment (Giachino &Vailati, 2010) the cave of Ponte Subiolo confirms again that some traditionally defined troglobiont species are generally not ex- clusive of the deep cave habitat. However it should be noted how the presence of light seems to be a real limit for others. Our results indicate that seems some species don’t cross (or at least we can presume don’t use to cross at day/season level) the line of permanent darkness (or limit for chlorophyll photosynthesis), forming separate subterranean communities. Chlorophyll photosynthesis stopped at 1 lux where the last alga was found and vascular plants stopped at 130 lux leaving the range between 130 to 50 lux to non vascular plants and the range between 50 to 1 to unicellular algae. If we exclude trogloxenic species collected or observed only once that may be related to occasional intrusions, very few species of the woodland habitat have been frequently found in the cave and almost all of them limited to the external part, and vice versa. We can presume that this barrier is not absolute but these records suggest that for some troglobionts, the migration rates from cave to cave are very low and should be considered in terms of many years or absent. This is supported also by the historical records (Paoletti et al., 2009): in more than 20 years from 1992 to 2013 the invertebrate populations of the cave of Ponte Subiolo are nearly the same. Even if located in a karst area near other caves with differ- ent fauna, species contaminations and migration between caves seem to be extremely reduced. Large Evaluating and measuring biodiversity in a subterranean light-gradient 111 Trap Groups Species Specimens Predators Detritivores Trogloxene Troglophile Troglobiont 1 9 20 142 25% 75% 33% 58% 8% 2 8 18 227 39% 61% 39% 33% 28% 3 8 12 254 42% 58% 8% 58% 33% Table 2. Sum of the categories and abundance of the specimens collected in the three cave traps. Trap Species Richness Shannon- Wiener Index Species Evenness Cl 24 1.79 0.56 C2 17 1.50 0.53 C3 12 1.29 0.52 Table 3. Biodiversity estimators directly calculated on the sampled specimens. Cl C2 C3 Total Diptera 1 3 2.3 6.3 Diplopoda 0.6 2.2 1.8 4.6 Orthoptera 1.4 n.p. n.p. 1.4 Isopoda n.p. 0.7 n.p. 0.7 Hymenoptera <0.1 0.3 0.3 0.6 Coleoptera <0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 Aracnida <0.1 0.2 <0.1 0.2 Trichoptera 0.2 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 Collembola <0.1 0 0 <0.1 Total 3.2 6.6 4.5 Table 4. Biomass measured in the three traps grouped by taxon. Values are reported in grams, “n.p.” is for a taxon not present in the trap and “<0. 1” is for the weights (wet) lower than the sensitivity of the balance. invertebrates like Troglophilus cavicola (Kollar, 1 833) or Meta menardi Latreille, 1 804 can be com- monly found in natural caves or military galleries in the surroundings (<2 km) but have never been collected in the Cave of Ponte Subiolo and vice versa large and easy to see invertebrates of this cave ( Gryllomorpha dalmatina Ocskay, 1832 or Typhloi- ulus tobias ) have never been observed or are extre- mely rare in the surroundings (Battiston unpub- lished data). A single case does not allow any generalization but the topic stmcture of this cave and its history in its natural and anthropic context supports the idea that it should not be an exception. By a methodological point of view comparing the records from the external traps with the internal traps show a remarkable abundance of specimens inside the cave represented by few species and the opposite outside. This can be due to the trap sta- bility: more efficient in a protected environment and less in an open one subjected to rainfalls, interac- tions with large predators or scavengers or other unpredictable disturbing factors. The almost gradual progression of this trend from the cave to the external area and to the wood- land suggests however an increasing of dispersion and diversification of life. This should be carefully investigated in further studies and considered in its methodological implications. The qualitative distribution of biodiversity ob- served under a light gradient has remarkable im- plications for the conservation of the subterranean environments; they seem to be stable by a qualit- ative point of view, but they may be not in a quant- itative point of view, and any loss of species can have long term effect to the biodiversity and be a threat for the resilience of its ecological system. Dispersions and concentrations of species and indi- viduals should be considered in assessing biod- iversity both in subterranean and epigean contexts. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Federazione Spele- ologica Veneta that financed and supported the field survey and the World Biodiversity Association 718 Roberto Battiston & Adriana Marzotto onlus for covering the printing costs. Luca Lecis for his great help in the field work, Leonardo Latella an Gianfranco Caoduro for their valuable comments about the text and Gruppo Grotta Giara Modon for sharing important information on the cave. REFERENCES Chao A., 1984. Non-parametric estimation of the number of classes in a population. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 11: 265-270. Colwell R.K., 2009. Estimates: Statistical estimation of species richness and shared species from samples. Version 8.2. Culver D.C., Deharveng L., Bedos A., Lewis J.J., Madden M., Reddell J.R., Sket B., Trontelj R & White D., 2006. The mid-latitude biodiversity ridge in terrestrial cave fauna. Ecography, 29: 120-128. Culver D.C. & Pipan T., 2009. The Biology of Caves and Other Subterranean Habitats Oxford University Press, Oxford, 256 pp. Giachino P.M. & Vailati D., 2010. The Subterranean En- vironment. Hypogean Life, Concepts and Collecting Techniques. 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Cave Dwelling Inver- tebrates: Possible bioindicators of pollution in Italian caves. Konrad Thaler Memorial Book, Contributions to Natural History, 12: 1029-1045. Sket B., 2008. Can we agree on an ecological classifica- tion of subterranean animals? Journal of Natural History, 42: 1549-1563. Wilson E.O., 1988. The current state of biological di- versity. In: Biodiversity, Wilson E.O (Ed.), Washing- ton, D.C.: National Academy Press, pp. 3-18. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 719-722 Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight and Trifolium repens L. (Fabales Fabaceae) two new legume records for natural flora of the United Arab Emirates Tamer Mahmoud 1 *, Sanjay Gairola 1 , Hatem Shabana 1 &Ali El-Keblawy 1,2 'Sharjah Seed Bank and Herbarium, Sharjah Research Academy, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Corresponding author, e-mail: tamer_mahmed@yahoo.com ABSTRACT In this report, we have recorded for the first time the presence of Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight and Trifolium repens L. (Fabales Fabaceae) in natural flora of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Based on extensive field surveys and literature review, it was apparent that these species have not been recorded before in the UAE flora.lt might be important to mention that the two new records have great economic and agricultural importance. Both species are spontaneously occurring in the natural habitat and considered as good forage and can adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions. Specimens of both newly recoded species are deposited in the Sharjah Seed Bank and Herbarium (SSBH), UAE. Descriptions and photo- graphs of these species are provided. The new records of vascular plants in UAE flora would help ecologists and conservation biologists in more potential scientific research and natural resources exploitations. KEY WORDS Naturalized plants; new record; Sesbania bispinosa', Trifolium repens'. United Arab Emirates. Received 13.08.2015; accepted 05.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Fabaceae or Leguminosae is one of the most widespread flowering plants families with about 751 genera and over ca. 19,500 species (Lewis et al., 2005). Fabaceae species range from dominant tropical canopy trees to tiny alpine annual herbs (Doyle, 1994) and are distributed throughout the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. In United Arab Emirates (= UAE), the family Fabaceae is represented by approximately 73 species and this paper reports Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight and Trifolium repens L. as an addition to the Fabaceae flora of the country. The Fabaceae species represent a significant ele- ment of the UAE flora and contribute significantly to structure and functioning of desert ecosystems of the country. It is interesting to note that despite of being first record in the country, S. bispinosa was found with more than hundred individuals growing in Wadi Al- Ain. Existence of this species in the nat- ural habitats with high abundance shows its rapid naturalization. At present, globalization is facilitat- ing and intensifying the intentional and uninten- tional introduction of plant species across the globe. Accordingly, the data sets of biological records are likely to grow even faster, providing a wealth of research opportunities for ecologists and conserva- tion biologists in understanding the main drivers of biodiversity loss. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of species is vital to many areas of biological research (Powney & Isaac, 2015). Biological recording has grown markedly in recent decades and the size and taxonomic breadth of 720 Tamer Mahmoud etalii species distribution datasets are expected to rise (Dickinson et al., 2012; Miller-Rushing et al., 2012). In the past few years, many plant species were added as new records to the UAE flora (Boer & Chaudhary, 1999; Shahid & Rao, 2014a, 2014b; Gairola et al., 2015; Mahmoud et al., 2015). As the UAE is experiencing a fast growth and development, mega sizes of commercial and agricultural exchange, there is a big possibility of spontaneous occurrence of new vascular plants to the country’s flora. This paper reports the presence of two legume species, S. bispinosa and T. repens for the first time in the natural flora of the UAE. MATERIAL AND METHODS During field explorations in 2013-2015, the Sharjah Seed Bank and Herbarium team collected the specimens of S. bispinosa and T. repens for the first time in the UAE. Along with plant samples, all relevant field data including geographic coordinates of the collection sites, associated species and habitat in which plants grow have been recorded. The specimens were studied in detail and identified using relevant flora and literatures. Drs. Ahmed El Banhawy and Sarnia Heneidak, expert taxonomists in the regional flora of the Middle East, also confirmed the identification of the two species. After identification, the specimens were processed and deposited in the herbarium of SSBH. The review of literature further confirmed that these species have not been reported from the UAE (Jongbloed, 2003; Karim & Fawzy, 2007). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight =Aeschynomene bispinosa Jacq. = Sesbania aculeata (Willd.) Pers. Common names. Prickly sesban, Dnchifibre, and Dhaincha. Examined material. In the UAE, we have re- corded S. bispinosa in four wet sites in Wadi Al Ain, Al Ain city (N: 24.169242, E: 55.658084 Alt.: 236 m, N: 24.210189 E: 55.756487 Alt.: 276 m, N: 24.204791 E: 55.739821 Alt.: 262 m and N: 24.188811 E: 55.698345 Alt.: 249 m). More than 150 individuals of the species were recorded from these sites. These included young, flowering, fruit- ing and senescent individuals. Remarks. Sesbania bispinosa is an annual or biennial, erect herb, sometimes suffrutescent, 1-3 m tall; stems semi-woody glabrous or sparsely pubescent when young, sparsely aculeate; leaves paripinnate; leaflets oblong, obtuse, mucronate, sparsely pilose on margins and midrib below; stipules 6-10 mm long; inflorescence raceme, 3- 12-flowered; corolla pale yellow, violet flecked; fruit glabrous, somewhat curved; seeds pale brown, olive-green or greenish-black, ellipsoid; flowers and fruits were recorded in May (UAE). The asso- ciate species recorded with S. bispinosa were Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trim ex Steud., Juncus socotranus (Buchenau) Snogerup, Prosopis juli- flora (Sw.) DC., Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. and Typha domingensis Pers. Trifolium repens L. = Trifolium repens var. giganteum Lagr.-Foss. Common names. White clover, Dutch clover, Ladino clover. Examined material. In June 2013, we have recorded 5 individuals of T. repens from Emirate highway (N: 25.224, E: 55.559 and Alt.: 187), Dubai, UAE. Remarks. Trifolium repens is glabrous to glabres- cent, prostrate, short-lived perennial or annual under moisture stressed conditions (Hutchinson et al., 1995). Stolon consists of a series of intemodes separated by nodes. Each node bears a trifoliolate leaf. Leaflets 1-4 cm long, broadly obovate, roun- ded or retuse at the apex, if the node comes into contact with moist soil, adventitious roots may form from the root primordia closest to the ground (Thomas, 1987); petiole long; stipules broad at the base, sheathing, ending in a subulate apex; inflor- escence globose raceme, 15-25 mm broad; flowers scented; calyx 2-6 mm, 10-nerved; teeth unequal; corolla white or pinkish; fruit linear, 3-4 seeded. Flowering and fruiting in May and June (United Arab Emirates). In the collection site, T. repens was growing in a sandy roadside habitat close to a wide sandy plain. This site generally receives some irrig- ation water from Dubai municipality to maintain the roadside landscape plants. The associate species of Sesbania bispinosa and Trifolium repens two new legume records for natural flora of the United Arab Emirates 721 Figures 1-3. Sesbania bispinosa. Fig. 1: habitat. Fig. 2: flowers. Fig. 3: stem with flower, spines and leaf base. Figure 4. Trifolium repens , herbarium specimen. Figure 5. The recording points of both the species. T. repens were Centropodia forsskalii (Vahl) Cope, Coelachyrum piercei (Benth.) Bor., Eragrostis bar- relieri Daveau, Eremobium aegyptiacum (Spreng.) Asch., Gisekia pharnacioides L., Moltkiopsis cili- ata (Forssk.) I.M. Johnst., Salvadora persica Wall., Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. and Tragus ra- cemosus (L.) Haller. In a study conducted by Mousa & Fawzi (2009), they did not record S. bispinosa in the same study area. This indicates that this species has introduced after their survey and it rapidly adapted and natur- alized to the local habitat of the study area as indic- ated by the presence of more than 150 individuals. The fast naturalization of S. bispinosa under the environment of the UAE indicates that this species might have an invasive ability and threaten the unique indigenous flora of the country. In similar context, Wu et al. (2003) highlighted naturalization 722 Tamer Mahmoud etalii as an important step of the primary phases of plant invasion and suggested comprehensive monitoring of naturalized species to collect important informa- tion about potential invaders. Consequently, careful monitoring for the distribution and abundance of rapidly naturalizing species such as S. bispinosa in the different habitats of United Arab Emirates should be taken into consideration. CONCLUSIONS It is a well established fact that due to recent increase in international trade and travel, inflow of alien species tends to gradually increase worldwide. Both S. bispinosa and T. repens are newly recorded alien species to the natural flora of the UAE. The magnificent growth of S. bispinosa in the United Arab Emirates renders this species as a good candidate as economic crops under the natural conditions of the UAE. However, the economic exploitation of this species necessitates careful records for its distribu- tion and abundance in the different habitats of the country. Some of the previous new vascular plant records have made great contributions to our under- standing of alien invasion plant within UAE. So, the mechanisms of arrival of newly recorded alien plants species in the country need to be determined. This will help in understanding the origins and pathways of arrival of invasive species and can help developing strategies for preventing future intro- duction and safeguarding native plant diversity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Sharjah Research Academy for the facilities and support. We thankfully acknowledge Mohamed Hassan and Mohamed Fiaz of Sharjah Seed Bank and Herb- arium (SSBH) for their assistance in plant collec- tions, and Drs. Sarnia Heneidak and Ahmed El-Banhawy for helping in plant identification. REFERENCES Boer B. & Chaudhary S.A., 1999. New records for the flora of the United Arab Emirates. Willdenowia, 29: 159-165. Dickinson J.L., Shirk J. Bonter D., Bonney R., Crain R.L., Martin J. & Purcell K., 2012. The current state of citizen science as a tool for ecological research and public engagement. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10: 291-297. Doyle J.J., 1994. Phylogeny of the legume family: an ap- proach to understanding the origins of nodulation. 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White Clover. CAB International Wallingford, pp. 1-29. Wu S.H., Chaw S.M. & RejmanekM., 2003. Naturalized Fabaceae (Leguminosae) species in Taiwan: the first approximation. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica, 44: 59-66. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 723-748 New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula Ivan Rapuzzi Via Cialla 4 7, 33040 Prepotto, Udine, Italy; e-mail: info@ronchidicialla.it ABSTRACT An extensive contribution to the genus CoTClbuS Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula is provided. One new species and 14 new subspecies are described and figured: Carabus ( Acoptolcibrus ) planicranion n. sp., C. ( Carabus ) szeli obong n. ssp., C. ( Carabus ) cingustus dopyeong n . ssp., C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi gimliwa n . ssp., C. (Carabus) sternbergi goheungicus n. ssp., C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi jindoensis n. ssp., C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi deogyusan n . ssp., C. ( Carabus ) cartereti peacedam n . ssp., C. (Carabus) f rater - cuius yongwangicus n. ssp., C. (Acoptolabrus) cons trictico llis microcolas ellus n. ssp., C. (Acoptolabrus) leechi viniciosalamii n. ssp., C. ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi drouini n. ssp., C. ( Coptolabrus ) jankowskii byeoksanensis n. ssp., C. ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus buangun n. ssp., C. ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus euaureus n. ssp. A new natural hybrid is described and figured: C. ( Leptocarabus ) seishinensis seishinensis Lapouge, 1931 x C. ( Leptocarabus > semiopacus Reitter, 1 895. Two taxonomic changes are proposed: C. (IsioCarabllS) kirinicilS Csiki. 1927 bona species and C. ( lsiocarabus ) SaisllUtoicllS Csiki. 1927 bona species and additional information are provided for several little known taxa. KEY WORDS Carabus-, new taxa; Republic of Korea; Democratic Republic of Korea; Korea Peninsula. Received 13.06.2015; accepted 06.08.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION The Korean Peninsula extends southwards for about 1,100 km from continental A sia (Manchuria) into the Pacific Ocean and is surrounded by the Sea of Japan (East Sea) to the East, and the Yellow Sea to the west, the Korea Strait connecting the first two bodies ofwater. A number of islands surrounds the Peninsula. The Amnok River and the Duman River separates Korea from China and Russia. The Korean Peninsula has plains in the western and southern parts, while the eastern and northern parts are mountainous. The main mountain range is named Baekdudaegan that runs through mostofthe length of the Korean Peninsula, from Paektu Mountain (the highest point 2744 m) in the north to Jirisan in the south. The Korean Peninsula is part of the East Asian monsoonal region. The typical vegetation of the temperate middle regions includes a deciduous hardwood forest that varies floristically from south to north. Conifers occur in places that are especially cold or recently disturbed. The w arm -te m p e rate southern part of the ecozone includes the hornbeam species C(l ip in US tSChonoskH Maxim, and C. Idxi- flora (Siebold et Zucc.) Blume. Other characteristic species in the southern part are pine PillUS thunber- gii Pari., maple Acer formosum Carriere, A. pal~ matum Thu nb., oak QuercUS acutissima C a rru th ., and snow bell StyrclX. T he bamboo PhyllostClchyS is 724 Ivan Rapuzzi also characteristic of this warm temperate area, although it occurs mainly in areas that have been disturbed by forest clearing or cultivation. The cool- temperate northern part supports forests of the oak species QuerCUS mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb., Q. serrata Murray, and the fir Abies holophylld Maxim. Other cool temperate deciduous trees in- clude Acer mono (Maxim.) H.Ohashi, birch Betula, Carpinus, Celtis chinensis Bunge, Korean ash, Fraxinus rhynchophylla (Hance) A. E. Murray, walnut Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Maackia amurensis Rupr., Platycarya strobilacea s ie b o id e t Zucc., Prunus padus (L.), Pyrus ussuriensis M axim ., w illow Solix, an d elm UlmUS.Ve ry similar vegetation is present also in the middle and southern part of the peninsula in the mountain areas up to 1000/1 5 00 m . The genus Carabus Linnaeus, 1 75 8 in the Korean Peninsula is very rich in terms of species and subspecies and it is characterized by the pre- sence of a number of endemic taxa (Kwon & Lee, 1984; Deuve, 1990; 1991; 2004; Deuve & Mourzine, 1 993; Brezina, 2003). Particularly the species belonging to the subgenera ParhomopteruS Lapouge, 1931, AcoptolabvUS Morawitz, 1886, and Coptolabrus S olier, 1 84 8 are splitted in m any sep ar- ate species or subspecies due to the fact that the dif- ferent populations are often confined to the isolated and favourable biotopes of the mountainous regions. Tatum (1 847) described the first Carabus species from Korea: C. monilifer ( = C. smaragdinus monilifer ) . Lapouge (1929-1932) and Breuning (1932-1 936) treated extensively the Korean CorClbuS in their fam ous monographs. An extensive book on the Korean CorobuS was provided by Kwon & Lee (1984). Others contribution are provided by Born (1922) and Kwon & Park (1 989). The aim of this paper is to improve the know- ledge of the genus CorobuS of the Korean Penin- sula. One new species and 14 new subspecies are described and figured: C. ( AcoptolobruS ) ploni- cranionn. sp .; C. ( Carabus ) szeliobongn. ssp.; C. ( Carabus ) angustus dopyeong n . s s p . ; C. ( Carabus) sternbergi gimhwa n. ssp.; C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi goheungicus n. ssp.; C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi jindoensis n. ssp.; C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi deogyusann. ssp.; C. ( Carabus ) cartereti peacedam n. ssp.; C. ( Diocarabus ) fraterculus yongwangicus n. ssp.; C. ( Acoptolabrus ) constricticollis micro- colasellus n. ssp.; C. ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi vinicios- alamii n. ssp.; C. ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi drouini n. ssp.; C. ( Coptolabrus ) jankowskii byeoksanensis n. ssp.; C. ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus buangun n. ssp.; C. ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus euaureus n. ssp. A new natural hybrid between species is de- scribed and figured: C. ( Leptocarabus ) seishinensis seishinensis Lapouge, 1 9 3 1 x C. ( Leptocarabus ) SemiopOCUS Reitter, 1895. Two taxonomic changes are proposed: C. ( IsiocarabuS ) kirimCUS Csiki, 1927 bona species; C. ( IsiocarabuS ) SaishutoicUS Csiki, 1927 bona species and additional informations are provided for several little known taxa. ACRONYMS. CIR: Ivan Rapuzzi private col- lection. RESULTS Carabus ( Isiocarabus ) kirinicus Csiki, 1927 bona species (Figs. 5-8) kirinicus Csiki, 1927 nom. pro auricollis Born, 1922 auricollis Born, 1922 nec Waterhouse, 1867 Examined material. Carabus {Isiocarabus) fiduciarius Thomson, 1 856 (Figs. 1-4): 1 male and 2 females: China, Hubei, M t. Daba Shan, Gushui (sub C. fiduciarius tim Klein feld, 19 99) (CIR); 2 males and 1 female: China, Sichuan, Wanyuan, M t. Hua-e-shan (sub C. fiduciarius tint) (CIR); 1 male: China, Kiang-si, Kiu-kiang (CIR); 2 males: China, Fujian, Tain shan (CIR); 1 male and 1 female:China, Zhejiang, m t. d ai-shan (CIR). Carabus (/.) kirinicus Csiki, 1927: 2 males and 1 female: Republic of Korea, Kyonggi-Do, Nam-yang-Ju-shi (CIR); 2 females: Republic of Korea, Kyonggi-Do, East from Seoul, Yangpyeong (CIR). Remarks. Described as a good species, C. ( Ohomopterus ) auricollis Born (1 92 2) on two specimens (1 male: length 28 mm and 1 female: length 32 mm) from Korea without detailed locality. The name auricollis Born, 1922 was pre-occupied by C. auricollis Waterhouse, 1 867 (= C. blaptoideS rugipennis Motschulsky, 1 8 6 1 ) and consequently changed in kirinicus Csiki, 1927. It was treated as a subspecies of C. ( Isiocarabus ) fiduciarius by Breuning (Breuning, 1 927). It can be treated as a separate species from C. fiduciarius Thomson, 1856 by the larger body size (3 1 mm to 35 mm); the larger, transverse and sub- rectangular shape of pronotum with wide borders New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 725 strongly bent upwards till the apex; the longer, slender and flatter elytra; the more regular sculpture of elytra; the less pubescent sternum. It seems to be endemic to the Central Western part of Korea peninsula (Kyonggi-Do, West Kangwon-Do; South H aw angae-B ukdo provinces) (Kwon & Lee, 1984) with a completely separate distribution from C. fiduciariliS from Central East China (Shanghai, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Shaanxi provinces) (Deuve, 2013) Carabus ( Isiocarabus ) saishutoicus Csiki, 1927 bona species (Figs. 9-12) saishutoicus Csiki, 1927 nom.pro insularis L a p o u g e , 1911 insularis Lapouge, 1911, nec Hope, 1837 Examined material. 1 male and 1 female: Republic of Korea, Cheju Island, M t. Hallasan (CIR); 2 female: Republic of Korea, Cheju Island, M t. H an g la (CIR). Remarks. It was described as a subspecies of C. fiduciarius by Lapouge: C. fiduciarius insularis Lapouge, 1911, name not available because preoc- cupied by C. insularis H op e , 1 83 7 and changed in C. fiduciarius var. saishutoicus C siki, 1 927. It was described from Quelpart Island (former name for Chejudo Island), its presence in northeastern China is very doubtful, probably due to a wrongly labelled specimen (Deuve & Li, 2000). From Chejudo Island it is known from several localities: Cheju, Hagwi, M t. Hallasan, Sanch’o’ndan, So’gwip’o, So’ngp’anak (Kwon & Lee, 1984). Carabus {I.) saishutoicus differs from C. fidu- ciarius by the following characteristics: darker colour, totally black or black with dark bluish or violet margins; pronotum smaller, less cordate and less transverse (1.25 times as broad as long for C. saishutoicus an A 1.3 2 for C. fiduciarius), apex of pronotum laterally rounded; elytra more elongate, ovoid, strongly broader next to the middle distally; elytral sculpture smoother, perfectly triploid homo- diname, striae very slightly and superficially punc- tured; male aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view more elongated and slender, apex longer (Fig. 10); apex in dorsal view (Fig. 11) longer and more rec- tilinear. From C. kirinicUS it is easily distinguished by the following characters: smaller size; darker colour; less transverse pronotum (1.4 times as broad as long for C. kirinicUS), apex of pronotum laterally rounded, base of pronotum with wide borders not bent upwards; shorter and more convex elytra; sculp- ture of elytra smoother, less interrupted primary intervals, striae less punctured; sternum pubescent; aedeagus shorter with enlarged median portion. Carabus ( Carabus ) szeli obong n. ssp. (Figs. 13-16) Examined material. Holotype male, Demo- cratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, M t. Obong, (ca 42.40 NL; 1 29.80 EL), 1/15. VII. 2012, local collector legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: males and females, same data as Holotype, depos- ited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 19 mm, maximum width of elytra: 7.1 mm. Head, pronotum and dorsum co p pery -g reen , very shiny; palpi, antennae and legs black-brownish. Head short and thickened; very short neck; surface punctured, frontal impressions deep and rugulose, exceeding the margin of eyes; very convex eyes. Mandibles very short and strongly curved. Palpi very narrow and slender, la- bial palpi bisetose. Antennae short, extending with 4 antennomeres beyond pronotal base. Pronotum transverse (1.35 times as broad as long) and slightly cordate; sides of pronotum with wide borders bent upwards; basal angles rounded and strongly pro- truding behind the base. Elytra ovate, convex; elytral sculpture strong for the species, triploid hetero- dyname type; primary intervals convex, forming short links by deep foveae; secondary intervals con- vex and uninterrupted; tertiary intervals faintly and somewhat reduced. Male aedeagus: Figs. 14,15. Variability. The variability concerns the size that ranges from 17.5 mm to 2 1 mm for the males and 19 mm to 23 mm for the females. The colour is variable: coppery and coppery with green lustre is dominant, rarely green, blue or black forms. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Remarks. Distinguished from the typical sub- species by the narrower pronotum, shorter and more 726 Ivan Rapuzzi convex elytra; elytral sculpture with primary inter- vals strongly convex, forming shorter and rounded segments, secondary and tertiary strongly convex, faintly striate between the intervals; male aedeagus with apical lobe in lateral view smaller and thin, less curved; apex in dorsal view with apical lobe shorter and acuminated, strongly curved on the left. Carabus ( Carabus ) angustus dopyeong n. ssp. (Figs. 17-20) Examined material. Flolotype male, Republic of Korea, G eonggi-do/G angw on-do provincial border, Pass North from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 6 males and 7 females, same data as holotype, deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 22.5 mm, maximum width of elytra: 7.4 mm. Colour black with metallic coppery lustre; dorsum, pronotum and head rather mat. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black-brown- ish. Head moderately thickened; surface of the head slightly punctured, strongly and roughly punctured at the margins of eyes and at the base; short neck. Eyes salient. Mandibles short. Palpi thin and long, labial palpi bisetose. Antennae thin and elongate, extending with 5 antennomeres beyond pronotal base and reaching the middle of elytra. Pronotum moderately sinuate, slightly transverse (1.28 times as broad as long), upper surface flat; sides of pronotum margined, bent upwards; hind angles rounded, long and protruding behind the base; surface punctured, strongly punctured at the base and at the sides. Elytra very elongate, narrow, oval, slightly convex, maximum width near the apex; shoulders very salient, angulate; sculpture triploid heterodynam e, primary segments larger and more elevated, forming chains of short links; secondary and tertiary intervals of the same size forming lines uninterrupted. Male aedeagus typical of the species but well characterized: the median lobe in lateral view is stronger and longer with simple apex, not uncinate (Fig. 18); the apex in dorsal view is longer and less dilated laterally (Fig. 19). Variability. Very little variability: the length of the body ranges from 20.8 mm to 25 mm. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Remarks. The new taxon is characterized from all the other C. ClYlgUStUS forms from North Korea by the larger size, more elongate and flat body, and the shape of male aedeagus. This is the first time that C. angUStUS is recognized from S o u th Korea. Carabus ( Carabus ) sternbergi gimhwa n. ssp. (Figs. 2 1-24) Examined material. Holotype male, Republic of Korea, Gyeonggi-do/Gangwon-do provincial border, Pass North from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/1 3 .VII. 20 1 2, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 8 males and 4 females, same data as holotype; 2 males and 2 females, Republic of Korea, Gangwon-do province, South from Gimhwa, 450 m, 3/1 3 .V 11.20 1 2, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit; 3 males and 6 females, Republic of Korea, Gyeonggi-do province, between Pocheon and Gimhwa, Dopyeong, Baegun valley, 350-400 m, 3/1 3 .V 11.20 1 2 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon le g it; 1 male and 5 females Republic of Korea, Gangwon- do province, Gimhwa, Maewoldae fall, 400 m, 3/1 3 .V 11.20 1 2, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The Paratypes are deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 26.5 mm, maximum width of elytra: 10.2 mm. Dorsal side shiny coppery. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black. Close to C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi sternbergi Roeschke, 1898 and C. ( Carabus ) sternbergi longior Breuning, 1 975 (Breuning, 1 975) but distinguished by the following characters: smaller and slender in general; pronotum very elongate and sinuate with the hind angles acute and more strongly protruding behind the base; surface of pronotum strongly and densely punctured; elytra ovate and elongate, more convex with smoother sculpture; smaller and thinner male aedeagus; in lateral view the tooth on the median lobe is smaller and less pointed, smooth (Fig. 22). The apex in dorsal view is shorter and less c urv ed (F ig . 2 3). Variability. In general very little variability: the length of the body ranges from 22 mm to 27 mm New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula ill for the males and 26 mm to 27.5 mm for the fe- males. The colour is very constant, occasionally coppery with green lustre. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Carabus ( Carabus ) sternbergi goheungicus n . ssp . (Fig. 25) Examined material. Holotype female, Repub- lic of K ore a, Goheung peninsula, Paryeongsan, 20 0 m, 1 0/1 7 .V 11.20 1 2 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The Holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype, depos- ited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Female. Length in- cluding mandibles: 30.5 mm, elytral width: 10.9 mm. Colour black with few metallic lustre brown- ish-copper on dorsum, moderately mat; pronotum slightly shiny and colourful. Head thickened. Frontal impressions rugulose, exceeding anterior margin of eyes; vertex slightly convex, surface of the vertex punctured; short neck; surface punctured. Pronotum slightly wide (1.32 times as broad as long), scarcely sinuous, basal angles short. Elytra oval, elongate, disc depressed, maximum width of elytra at the middle; shoulders marked and rounded; sculpture triploid heterodyname type: only the primary intervals are interrupted by small foveae; secondary and tertiary intervals are uninterrupted and of the same size; between the primary and tertiary intervals are two series of striae more or less aligned, sometimes confluent. Variability. No variability. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the Goheung peninsula where the type locality is situated. Remarks. Carabus sternbergi goheungicus n . ssp. differs from C. sternbergi honamensis k won et Lee, 1984 by the stronger and densely punctured surface of head and pronotum; slightly sinuate and more convex pronotum; more elongate elytra; elytral sculpture less prominent, primary foveae indistinct; between primary and tertiary elytral intervals there are two rows of points. From C. namhae doe ns is Kw on et Lee, 1984 the new taxon differs by the stronger and larger shape of the body; more convex elytra; more strongly and densely punctured surface of head and pronotum. Further examination of male specimens will permit to understand the correct systematic position of the new taxon: a subspecies of C. Sternbergi (as sup- posed in this article), a subspecies of C. narnhae- doensis or a separate different species. Carabus ( Carabus ) sternbergi jindoensis n. ssp. (Figs. 26-29) Examined material. Holotype male, Republic of Korea, Jin do Island, 8.VIII.2010, unknown legit. The Holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype, depos- ited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 24.3 mm, maximum width of elytra: 8.8 mm. Dorsal side coppery, very shiny. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black. Head moderately thickened, surface very shiny, short neck. Pronotum not sinuate, upper surface convex; sides of pronotum marginated, very slightly bent upwards; basal angles short and rounded. Elytra quite short, oval, convex, maximum width near the apex; shoulders slightly salient, rounded; sculpture triploid heterodyname, primary segments larger and more elevated, forming chains of short links with deep foveae; secondary and tertiary intervals of the same size forming uninterrupted lines; punctured striae. M ale aedeagus characteristics: in lateral view (Fig. 27) the apical lobe is very short and large, asymmetric; strongly carinate and convexly protruding on the ventral side of the mediane lobe (Fig. 27). In dorsal view the apex is moderately dilated at the base, and the apex is very short and large (Fig. 28). Variability. Very little variability of the female paratype: the upper surface is more mat. Etymology. The species is named after the type lo c ality. Remarks. Carabus sternbergi jindoensis n. ssp. is easily distinguished from all other C. Stern- bergi subspecies by its short and convex body shape and by the distinctive morphology of the aedeagus. 728 Ivan Rapuzzi Carabus ( Carabus ) sternbergi deogyusan n . ssp . (Figs. 30-33) Examined material. Holotype male, Repub- lic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, M t. Deogyusan, 135 0/16 0 0 m, 8/15. VII. 2 0 07, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 9 males and 25 females, same data as holotype; 2 females, Republic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Deogyusan, 10 km North from Gucheondong, 5 50 m, 7 / 1 5 . V II .2 0 0 7 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The paratypes are deposited in the author's c o llec tio n . Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 23.4 mm, maximum width of elytra: 8.5 mm. Colour of elytra coppery with margins, pronotum and head gold-green, very shiny. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black- brown. Plead very moderately thickened, sparsely and faintly punctured. Pronotum sinuate, transverse (1.36 times as broad as long), upper surface convex; surface of pronotum very shiny and very faintly punctured, not rough. Elytra oval, elongate and very convex; maximum width of elytra at the apical third; shoulders very salient; sculpture triploid nearly homodyname, primary intervals forming chains of long segments; secondary and tertiary intervals forming uninterrupted lines; punctured striae. Male aedeagus very distinctive: in lateral view (Lig. 31) the apicallobe is very large and long, sp atu la -sh ap ed ; the median lobe is very strongly carinate and very convexly protruding on the ventral side. In dorsal view the apical lobe is moderately dilated at the base, and the apex is very short and curved on le left (Lig. 32). Variability. The variability of paratypes relates to the size that ranges from 22 mm to 24.8 mm for the males and 23.2 mm to 27.3 mm for the fe- males. The colour is variable: coppery and cop- pery with green margins is dominant, rarely dark blue fo rm . Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Remarks. The new subspecies seems to be en- demic to the Deogyusan Peak and closest moun tain area. Carabus ( Carabus ) cartereti peacedam n. ssp. (Pigs. 34-37) Examined material. Flolotype male, Republic of Korea, Gangwondo, “Peace Dam”, NE Hwacheon 40 0 m, 3/13. VII. 2 0 12, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The Holotype is deposited in the au- thor's collection. Paratypes: 5 males and 36 females, same data as Holotype; 3 males and 2 females, Re- public of Korea, Gangwondo, NE Hwacheon, E Pungsan, 350 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit; 28 males and 51 females, Republic of Korea, Gangwondo, 20 km NW Inje, 5 00 m, 3/1 3 .V 11.20 1 2 I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The paratypes are deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 24.6 mm, maximum width of elytra: 9.3 mm. Colour of elytra coppery with some green lustre, shiny. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black. Head very moderately thickened, very sparsely and faintly punctured, vertex smooth. Pronotum not sinuate, sides of pronotum with borders bent upwards; basal angles rounded and stronglyprotruding behind the base; surface of pronotum not punctured but rough. Elytra oval, quite short and rather convex; shoulders very salient; sculpture marked, triploid heterodyname type: primary intervals forming chains of short segments with deep foveae, secondary intervals forming uninterrupted lines, tertiary intervals partially reduced (especially from the middle of elytra to the apex); punctured striae. Male ae- deagus: in lateral view (Fig. 35) the median lobe is more developed than in the typical subspecies, the apical lobe is larger; the median lobe is convexly protruding on the ventral side. In lateral view the apex is bent, forming a sort of tip of foil (Fig. 36). Variability. The variability of paratypes concerns the size that ranges from 23 mm to 26 mm for the males and 23.5 mm to 27 mm for the fe- males. The colour is very constant, only very few specimens are green with coppery lustre; the fe- males are usually rather mat. The elytral sculpture in some case are less marked, and sometimes more homodyname type. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality, the “Peace Dam” build near the border of Democratic Republic of Korea. New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 729 Remarks. The range of C. Cartereti pecicedam n. ssp. very close to that of C. Sternbergi gimhwa n. ssp. We did not find any sympatric locality but no transitional forms are known. A sympatric locality (Democratic Republic of Korea, Wonsan, Hwangyong San) for the two species was reported by Deuve (Deuve & Li, 2009) and confirmed by several specimens of the two species preserved in m y collection. Carabus (Lepto carabus) seishinensis aff. seuglaki Kwon et Lee, 1984 (Fig. 38) Examined material. 2 males and 1 female, Republic of Korea, Southeast from Gurye, M t. Paegusan, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). Remarks. This Carabus is close to C. seishinen- sis seunglaki from Mt. Jirisan but with a different elytral sculpture with stronger and elevated inter- vals; pronotum slightly slender. Carabus (Leptocarabus) seishinensis elongatipennis Imura et Yamaya, 1994 (Fig. 39) Examined material. 10 males and 12 females, Democratic Republic of Korea, South Pyongan Prov., Songchun city, Kubong-dong, 1/5. VI. 2011, local collector legit (CIR). Remarks. The new locality expands the range of this taxon to the South. Carabus ( Leptocarabus ) seishinensis seishinensis Lapouge, 1931 x C. (Leptocarabus) semiopacus Reitter, 1 895 (Figs. 40-42) Examined material. Carabus (L.) seishinensis x C. (L.) SeiniopaCUS Reitter, 1895 1 male: Republic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, Mt. Deogy- usan, 1 350/1600 m, 8/1 5 .V 11.2007 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). Carabus (L.) seishinensis (Figs. 43-46), numer- ous males and females, Republic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, M t. Deogyusan, 1 350/1600 m, 8/1 5 .V 11.2007 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). Carabus (L.) semiopacus (Figs. 47-50), numer- ous males and females, Republic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, M t. Deogyusan, 1 350/1600 m, 8/15. VII. 2007, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). Description of the hybrid specimen. Length including mandibles: 23.5 mm. The fenotype is the closest to C. seishinensis in general. The head is slightly thicker, intermediate between the parental species. The pronotum is less cordate, slightly bent upwards, hind angles rounded and shortly protruding behind the base as in C. Semi- OpaCUS. Sculpture of elytra triploid heterodyname type, primary segments larger and more elevated, forming chains of long links by deep foveae; secondary and tertiary intervals equal, forming lines uninterrupted; quaternary intervals reduced in grains. Male aedeagus similar to C. Seishinen- SIS b u t th e apical lobe in lateralview is longer and less curved. The apex in dorsal view is longer and narro w er. Remarks. The hybrid was sampled in the field, in mixed Broadleaf Forest. In this area C. SeiTli- opacus is less abundant than C. seishinensis. Carabus ( Leptocarabus ) vogtianus horvatovichi D euve, 1992 (Figs. 5 1-53) Examined material. 6 males and 9 females, Re- public of Korea, Geonggido/Gangwondo provincial border, Pass North from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit; 1 male and 1 female,Republic of Korea, Gangwondo province, “Peace Dam”, NE Hwacheon 40 0 m, 3 II 3 . V II. 2 0 1 2 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit; 2 males and 4 females, Republic of Korea, Gangwondo province, Gimhwa Maewoldae fall, 400 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). remarks. Carabus ( L. ) vogtianus horvatovichi was described from the Paykon-san Massif, 30 km Northeast from Kaesong in the Democratic Re- public of Korea nearthe Republic of Korea border (Deuve, 1992). The first record of C. VOgtianuS for the Republic of Korea was from Mount Kwandak (Lassalle, 1999) which very probably belongs as well to the subspecies horvatovichi. 730 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig. 1 . Carabus (Isiocarabus) fiduciarius, male, 27.5 mm, China, Sichuan, Wanyuan, M t. Hua-e-shan (sub C. fidllciarillS tlffl ) (CIR). Fig. 2. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 3. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 4. Idem, female, 30.5 mm, China, Zhejiang, Mt. Dai-shan (CIR). Fig. 5. C. (/.) kirinicus , male, 34 mm, R. of Korea, Kyonggi-Do, Nam-yang-Ju-shi (CIR). Fig. 6. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 7. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 8. Idem, female, 35 mm, R. of Korea, Kyonggi-Do, East from Seoul, Yangpyeong (CIR). New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 73 1 Fig. 9. Carabus (IsiocarabllS) saishutoicus, male, 26.5 mm, R. of Korea, Cheju Island, M t. Hallasan (CIR). Fig. 10. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 11. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 12. Idem, female, 31 mm, R. of Korea, Cheju Island, Mt. Hangla (CIR). Fig. 13. C. ( CarabllS) SZeli obong n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 14. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 15. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 16. Idem, paratype female, 20 mm. D.R. of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, Mt. Obong, (ca 42,40 NL; 129,80 EL), 1/15. VII. 2012, local collector leg. 732 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig . 17. CarabllS ( Cavabus) ungustus dopyeong n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 18. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 19. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 20. Idem, paratype female, 23.5 mm, R. of Korea, Geonggi-do/Gangwon- do provincial border, Pass No rth from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. Fig. 21. C. (C.) Stev- nbergi gimhwa n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 22. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 23. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 24. Idem, paratype female, 27.3 mm, R. of Korea, G yeonggi-do/G angw on-do provincial border. Pass N o rth from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 733 Fig. 25 . Carabus ( Carabus) sternbergi goheungicus n . s sp hoiotype female. Fig. 26. C. (C.) sternbergi jincloensis n . s s p . , holotype male. Fig. 27. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 28. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 29. Idem, paratype female 24.5 mm. R. of Korea, Jin do Island, 8. VIII. 2010, unknown leg. Fig. 30. C. (C.) Sternbergi deogyusan n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 31. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 32. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 33. Idem, paratype fern ale, 26.5 mm. Republic of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Deogyusan, 10 km North from Gucheondong, 550 m, 7/1 5 .V 11.2007, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. 734 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig. 34. CarabllS ( Carabus ) cartereti peacedam n. ssp., holotype m ale. Fig. 35 . Idem , aedeagus: m edian lobe in lateral view. Fig. 36. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 37. Idem, paratype female, 26 mm, R. of Korea, Gangwondo, “Peace Dam’’, NE Hwacheon 400 m, 3 / 1 3 . V II .2 0 1 2 , 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. Fig. 38. C. ( LeptOCarClbuS ) seishiliensis aff. seuglaki, male, 24 mm, R. of Korea, Southeast from Gurye, Mt. Paegusan, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 39. C. (L.) seishinensis elongcitipennis, male, 27 mm, D.R. of Korea, South Pyongan Prov., Songchun city, Kubong-dong, 1/5. VI. 2011, local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 40. C. (L.) seishinensis seishinensis X C. ( L .) semiopacus , male, 2 2.5 m m , R . of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, Mt. Deogyusan, 1350/1600 m, 8/15. VII. 2007, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 41. Idem, male aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 42. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 735 Fig. 43. Carabus (Lepto carabus) seishinensis seishinensis , male, 21 mm, R. of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, M t. Deogyusan, 1 350/1 600 m, 8 /I 5 . V II .2 0 0 7 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 44. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 45. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 46. Idem, female 24.5 mm. Fig. 47. C. ( L .) SeiTliopaCUS, male 27 mm, R. of Korea, Cholla Bukdo, Muju Gun, Mt. Deogyusan, 1350/1600 m , 8/15. V 11.2007, 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 48. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 49. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 50. Idem, female, 29 mm. 736 Ivan Rapuzzi Carabus {Leptocarabus) fraterculus aff . jirisanensis Ishikawa et Kim , 1983 (Fig. 54) I collected a male specimen close to C. frater- CliluS jirisanensis on the Mt. Paegusan, southeast from Gurye. It differs from the specimens from Mt. Jirisan by the more regular elytral sculpture and by the shape of the aedeagus apex (Figs. 55, 56). Carabus ( Diocarabus ) fraterculus yongwangicus n. ssp. (Figs. 57-60) Examined material. Holotype male, Democratic Repub lie ofKorea,South Hamgyong P ro vince , Yon g - wang County, Mt. Komsan, 1 /2 0.VII. 2013, local col- lector leg. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 5 males 10 females, same data as holotype, deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 17.4 mm, maximum width of elytra: 7.1 mm. Dorsal side black with blue lustre, shiny. Legs, palpi, antennae, and mandibles black. Surface of head very wrinkled; supra antennary ridges very strong. Pronotum sinuate, upper surface convex; sides of pronotum marginated and crenate at the base; basal angles long and pointed. Elytra oval and convex, shoulders quite salient, rounded; sculpture triploid h e tero d y n am e , primary foveae very superficial. M ale aedeagus characteristic of the species but more elongate and the apex in lateral view is strongly dilated (Ligs. 58, 59). Variability. In general, the variability of para- types is very little, the length of the body ranges from 18.2 mm to 20.2 mm for the females. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the Yongwan County, Mt. Komsan, where the type locality of the new taxon comes from. Remarks. Carabus fraterculus yongwangicus n . ssp. is easily distinguished from the other subspecies by the following characters: upper surface of head strongly wrinkled; pronotum more convex, basal angles more prominent and pointed; sculpture of elytra more regular; primary foveae very superficial; apex of aedeagus very dilated. The closest subspecies i s C. fraterculus onipoensis Deuve, 1 9 9 1 that lives more to the North but the latter has a shorter shape of elytra, a larger pronotum and different aedeagus. Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) planicranion n. sp. (Figs. 6 1-65) Examined material. Holotype male, Demo- cratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, M t. Obong, (ca 42,40 NL; 1 29,80 EL), 1/15. VII. 2012, local collector legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 1 male and 5 females, same data as holotype, depos- ited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length includ- ing mandibles: 28 mm, maximum width of elytra: 8.9 mm. Upper surface metallic, moderately shiny; head and pronotum cupreous green; green elytra with primary and secondary intervals black. Ventral face of head and pronotum gold-green, metallic; abdomen violet. Large, very flat and very long head; very long and large neck; supra-antennary ridge very strong , frontal foveae deep and rough, vertex the shape of a raised plate, strongly wrinkled. Eyes quite small and slightly salient. Labrum bilob- ate, multi-setulose; clypeus flat and smooth. Mand- ibles very developed, long with subparallel sides; retinacular teeth of mandibles bidentate. Palpi very long with the apical segment strongly dilated (simple in the females); penultimate segment of labial palpi bisetose. Ventral cephalic appendages (mentum, submentum, cardo, gula and gena) very flat, forming a single plane with the mandibles; gula and gena obliquely strongly wrinkled. Pronotum small, long and narrow (1.2 times as long as broad); apex of pronotum constricted and margined before the neck, sides slightly rounded in the middle, and strongly constricted before the base; hind angles salient and not protruding behind the base; surface of pronotum obliquely strongly wrinkled, median sulcus strongly marked. Elytra very narrow and very elongate, slender; shoulders narrow, not pronounced; disk of elytra convex; sculpture marked, triploid heterodyname type: primary inter- vals forming rectangular tubercles with large and superficially foveae; secondary intervals smaller and less elevated (the first secondary line is fused with the suture of elytra); tertiary intervals very reduced, forming grains. Legs very long and thin. 4th male protarsal segmentwithout adhesive soles. Male aedeagus narrow and elongate; the median lobe in lateral view (Fig. 62) regularly curved, ostial membranous orifice long, strongly bent in the ventral side, apex quite large and rounded; in dorsal view (Fig. 63) the apex is long and very pointed. New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 737 Variability. In general, the variability of paraty- pes is very little; the length of the body of the male par a type is 27. 6 mm; the female para types range from 32 mm to 37 mm. The elytra in the females are larger and more convex; only one female is more elongate. The colour is constant, except for four females with a pro no turn coppery -red w ithout green lustre. Etymology. The new species is named after the very characteristic flat head (Fig. 64). Remarks. The distinctive very flat shape of head of the new species is peculiar and unique in the whole genus CarabuS 4 , no other species belonging to the most fiat subgenus ( Apoplesius , Plcity carabus, TribaX , etc.) have similar head structure. From several morphological characters it may remind C. ( Acoptolabrus ) changeonleei ishikaw a et k im , 19 8 3 (Fig. 66) but in the latter the head has a normal shape and is, in general, close to C. mirabilissimus. Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi viniciosalamii n . s sp . (Figs. 67-70) Examined material. Holotype male, Demo- cratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, M t. Wanta, 24. VII. 2004, local collector legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's col- lection. Paratypes: 5 males and 1 female, same data as holotype; 1 male same data as holotype but 15. VII. 2009. The Paratypes are deposited in the au- thor's collection, and in the collections of Mr. V. Salami (Italy) and Mr. S. Dacatra (Italy). Description of Holotype. Male. Fength in- cluding mandibles: 2 8.4 mm, maximum width of elytra: 9.7 mm. Upper surface metallic, very shiny; head and pronotum cupreous-red; elytra gold-green with primary and secondary intervals black. Ventral face of head, pronotum and abdomen violet, metal- lic; femurs violet; tibiae, tarsi, palpi and antennae black. Head long and quite thickened; surface of head punctured and strongly wrinkled, frons with a raised smooth plate. Mandibles very elongate. Pronotum quite narrow (1.08 times as broad as long). Elytra quite broad and short, ovate and con- vex; sculpture of elytra triploid heterodyname type: prim ary intervals form in g very raised short tubercles ; secondary intervals smaller, less elevated and often reduced; tertiary intervals very reduced forming grains. Fong legs. M ale aedeagus narrow and regu- larly curved; in lateral view (Fig 68) the apex is long and pointed; apex in dorsal view (see Fig 69). Variability. Tittle variability: the length of the body ranges from 25 mm to 26 mm for the males, the female is 32 mm. Etymology. The new beautiful subspecies is very cordially dedicated to my friend Mr. Vinicio Salami, entomologist and collector of Carabidae. Remarks. The new subspecies differs from all known C. leechi subspecies by the narrower pro- notum, the shorter elytra, the sculpture of elytra with primary intervals formed by small tubercles and secondary intervals partially reduced. M oreover it is the northernmost known form of the species. Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi drouni n. ssp . (Figs. 7 1-74) Examined material. Holotype male, Demo- cratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, Kilchu, M t. M uhak, 8/19. VII. 2006, local collector leg. The holotype is deposited in the au- thor's collection. Paratypes: 1 female, same data as holotype, deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Close to C. (A.) leechi viniciosalamii n. ssp. but uniformly coppery-red; smaller size (23.5 mm); pronotum with very rounded sides; elytra elongate and more convex. The sculpture of elytra is very character- istic and som ew h at sim ilar to the C. ( Acoptolabrus ) Schrencki “ type"; in fact the primary intervals are very often fused with the secondary and tertiary ones, forming very large cell- shaped foveae. Male aedeagus (Figs. 72, 73): in lateral view the apical lobe is regularly curved and not dilated. Etymology. The new Carabus is very cordially dedicated to my friend Mr. Gontran Drouin (Quebec City,Canada), specialist of Pa lea retie Cerambycidae. Remarks. The new subspecies is very distinctive: particularly, the sculpture of elytra and the shape of pronotum makes possible to distinguish it easily from all other C. leechi subspecies. The closest form is C. leechi auvrayorum Deuve et M ourzine, 1993. From the latter, the new subspecies differs by the smaller, tiny and elongate head; the sculpture of elytra is less dense and the colour is shiny and uniformly coppery- red metallic. From C. leechi leechi Bates, 1 888 the new subspecies has the same colour but differs by a smaller size (23.5 mm for drouini and 37 mm for leechi), a much more transverse pronotum, and a different sculpture of elytra. 738 Ivan Rapuzzi Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi onjinsanicola Rapuzzi, 20 0 9 (Fig. 75) Described on two specimens from the Democratic Republic of Korea, North Hawanghae province, Onjin San Mts., I know the subspecies also from: Democratic Republic of Korea, South Hwanghae province, Unryul County, Mt. Kuwol, 954 m, local collector legit (CIR). Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) mirabilissimus mirabilis- sitUUS Ishikawa etDeuve, 1982 (Fig. 76) Described from Taebaek San Mountain Range, M t. Taebaek San it is widespread in a large sector of northern part of South Korea. I know the sub- species also from the following localities: Republic of Korea: C h u n g c h eo n g b u kd o/G y eo n g s an b u k do provincial border, M t. Sobaeksan (CIR); Gang- wondo province, Taebaek San M t. (CIR); Gang- wondo, “Peace Dam”, NE Hw acheon 400 m (CIR); Gyeonggido province, G apyeong/Yangpyeong Counties border, Hwayasan M t. (CIR) Carabus {Acoptolabrus) mirabilissimus furumiensis D euve, 200 1 (Fig. 77) Characterized by the spectacular and unusual coloration: blue to blue-green elytra and red to red- green head and pronotum, the subspecies seems to be endemic to M t. Odaesan in the Gangwondo province (Republic of Korea). I found the sub- species in two different places on the Odaesan Mt.: Jingogae, 800 m (CIR) and Sangwonsa Temple vicinity (CIR). Carabus { Acoptolabrus ) mirabilissimus igniferescens Deuve, 1992 (Fig. 78) Described from the northernmost part of Mts. Taebaeksan (Kumgangsan, Mt. Mammulsan) in the Democratic Republic of Korea, I collected the sub- species in the following locality in the Republic of Korea: Gangwondo province, South of Gimhwa, 450 m (CIR). Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) constricticollis aff. limes Rapuzzi, 2009 (Fig. 79) I described the subspecies (Rapuzzi, 2009) on two females from Mt. Onjinsan, South Hawanghae, Democratic Republic of Korea; a new population very close to C. COYlStricticollis limes w a s collected in the following locality: Democratic Republic of Korea, South Hwanghae province, Unryul County, M t. Kuwol, 954 m, local collector legit (CIR); a male specimen made possible the drawing of the aedeagus (Figs. 80, 81). Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) constricticollis microco- lasellus n. ssp. (Figs. 82-85) Examined material. Ho lo type male,Democratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, Mt. Obong, (ca 42,40 NL; 1 29,80 EL), 1 /I 5 .V 11.20 1 2 , local collector legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 2 males and lfe- male, same data as holotype; 1 female, same data as holotype but 5 /29 . V 1.2 00 8 ; 1 male, Democratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgyong province, Sechon, 1 / 1 0 . V II .2 0 04 , local collector legit; 1 fe- male, Democratic Republic of Korea, North Hamgy- ong province, Paeksa, 1139 m, VII. 2004, local collector legit. The paratypes are deposited in the author's co lie c tio n . Description of Holotype. M ale. Upper surface metallic, very shiny; head and pronotum cupreous- red; elytra green with primary and secondary inter- vals black. Close to C. (A.) constricticollis colasellus Deuve (1 990) but sm alter (23 mm versus 3 1 mm for COlaselluS)\ mandibles shorter and more curved; pronotum larger (1.15 times as long as broad); shorter body, ovate and convex. Antennae longer, reaching half of the elytra. Aedeagus small and relatively stout; in lateral view (Fig. 83) the apical lobe is elongate and very slightly dilated; the ostial membranous orifice large and long; apex in dorsal view (Fig. 84). Variability. Little variability: the length of the body ranges from 20 mm to 23 mm for the males, and from 22 mm to 27 mm for the females. One fe- male has cupreous- green elytra. The paratype male from Sechon is slightly more elongate, with longer antennae, and the apex of aedeagus is clearly more d ilated . New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 739 Etymology. The given name wants to point out the analogy of the new subspecies with C. (A.) constricticollis colas ellus and also emphasize its sm aller size . Remarks. Close to C. (A.) COYlStricticolUs COlasellliS , the new subspecies is clearly smaller and shorter with a larger pronotum and longer antennae. In the same area also lives C. (A.) leechi vitlitios- alamiin. ssp., C. (A.) leechi drouni and C. (A.) leechi auvrayorum. From ail of them C. (A.) constricticollis micro colas ellus n. ssp. differs by the very different shape of aedeagus, different pronotum and colour. The new subspecies is sympatric and syntopic with C. (A.) planicaranion but easily distinguished by its smaller size, smaller and not flatted head, the sculpture of elytra and the shape of aedeagus. Carabus ( Acoptolabrus ) constricticollis grallatorius Roeschke, 1921 (Fig. 85) In my collection is preserved one historical male specimen of C. (A.) constricticollis grallat- OriUS that matches very well with the original de- scription of Roeschke (Hauser, 1921). The original printed label reads as follows: Seishin Korea ( = Chongjin, North Hamgyong province, Democratic Republic of Korea). This corresponds exactly with the type locality of the subspecies. The length of the specimen including mandibles is 32 mm; it is interesting to note the extraordinary development of the legs as Roeschke wrote in his original de- scription and correctly confirmed by Hauser (1921). The antennae are exceptionally long as well, reaching the apical third of elytra. It is cer- tainly a valid subspecies. Carabus (. Acoptolabrus ) schrencki lijingkeianus Deuve, 2006 (Fig. 86) Examined material. Democratic Republic of Korea, South Hamgyong province, M t. Kachwari, local collector legit (CIR). Remarks. Carabus (A.) schrencki is widespread with different subspecies in a large area of Far East of Russia, North East China (H eilogjiang, Jilin, Eiaoning provinces) and Northern part of Korea peninsula, u p to this day C. (A.) schrencki lijingkei- anus Deuve (2006) is the southernmost subspecies for the Korean peninsula. Carabus {Acoptolabrus) jankowskii byeoksanensis n. ssp. (Figs. 8 8 — 9 1 ) Examined material. Holotype male, Republic of Korea, Jeollabuk-do Province, Buan-gun, Byeonsanbando, 10 0/200 m, 13/20. VII. 2 0 12, I. Rapuzzi and E. Caldon leg. The holotype is de- posited in the author’s collection. Paratypes: 8 males and 8 females, same data as holotype, deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 35.2 mm, maximum width of elytra: 10.6 mm. Upper surface of elytra dark green, metallic-mat, intervals black, margins green with gold, very shiny; pronotum c u p reo u s -re d , the vertex less brilliant, head black with cupreous shades. Ventral side of head black, ventral side of pronotum and epipleura violet, metallic, abdomen black with violet shades; appendix black. Head quite short and thickened; neck short; surface of head punctured, frons convex and smooth. Mand- ibles quite short and strong. Pronotum slightly trans- verse (1.15 times as broad as long), cordate, margins not angled; upper slightly convex; sides of pronotum margined, slightly bent upwards; hind angles rounded, long, and protruding behind its base; surface punctured, strongly at the base and at the sides, median sulcus complete and shallow. Elytra ovate, convex; sculpture of elytra tetraploid heterodyname type: primary intervals large and raised forming quite long links; secondary intervals thinner and less raised forming short links; tertiary intervals forming raised grains; quaternary inter- vals reduced, forming small grains; very short and rudimental mucrons. Long and strong legs. Male aedeagus (Fig. 89, 90) typical of the species but a little smaller and thinner. Variability. Little variability: the length of the body ranges from 33 mm to 36.5 mm forthe males, from 36 mm to 40 mm for the females. Few speci- mens with slightly darker colour. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Remarks. The new subspecies is related to C. jankowskii seoulensis Deuve, 1998 and C. jankowskii chinoensis Kwon et Park, 1989 but easily distin- guished by the following characters: shorter and stronger mandibles; cordate pronotum as in 740 Ivan Rapuzzi chinoensis but the sides not angled as in seoulensis ; hind angles of pronotum longer, protruding behind the base; shorter and more convex elytra; stronger and raised sculpture of elytra; primary intervals less interrupted. It is interesting to note that the B y eo n s an b an do Mountains is an isolated pen- insula surrounded by plains in Southwest Korea; the area has a high ecological value because the habitats and ecosystem of rare plants and animals are well preserved. For that reason the area is under protection as Natural Treasures. Carabus ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus buangun n . ssp . (Figs. 92-95) Examined material. Holotype male, Republic of Korea, Jeollabuk-do Province, Buan-gun, Bye- onsanbando, 100/200 m, 13/2 0. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 6 males and 6 fe- males, same data as holotype, deposited in the au- th o r's co llec tio n . Description of Holotype. Male. Length includ- ing mandibles: 41 mm, maximum width of elytra: 13.4 mm. Upper surface metallic, very brilliant; head, pronotum and elytra coppery-red; primary and secondary intervals of elytra black. Ventral side of pronotum and epipleura intense coppery-red, metallic, abdomen black with coppery shades; appendix black. Thickened and quite short head; large and short neck; vertex punctured, frons convex and strongly punctured, wrinkled; supra- antennary ridge bent upwards; clypeus punctured; clypeus foveae very strong. Mandibles very de- veloped and strong, sickle- shaped. Palpi very long with the apical segment strongly dilated (simple in the females); penultimate segment of labial palpi bisetose. Pronotum hexagonal, transverse (1.4 times as long as broad); sides strongly angled, margined, bent upwards; basal lobes rounded, slightly protrud- ing the base; surface punctured and wrinkled, me- dian sulcus very shallow. Elytra oval, large; disk of elytra convex; sculpture marked, triploid hetero- dyname type: primary intervals forming tubercles large and raised, about two times than the secondary ones; tertiary intervals very reduced forming grains. Legs very long and strong. Male aedeagus (Figs. 93, 94) with the characteristic shape for the species but the apex in lateral view is a little less dilated. Variability. Little variability: the length of the body ranges from 38 mm to 42 mm for the males, from 44 mm to 5 1 mm for the females. The colour is constant, only few specimens are coppery-red w ith gold lustre. Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the type locality. Remarks. Because of its size the new sub- species is the largest for the species. The new sub- species is related to C. smaragdinus branickii Taczanowski, 1 8 87 but the head is thickened, the pronotum strongly transverse, and the colour is m ore brilliant. Carabus ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus euaureus n. ssp. (Figs. 96-99) Examined material. Holotype male, Republic of Korea, Jirisan Nat. Park, Yeongrieongchi, 1200 m, 7/1 6 .V 11.20 1 2 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit. The holotype is deposited in the author's collection. Paratypes: 1 male and 10 females, same data as holotype, deposited in the author's collection. Description of Holotype. Male. Length in- cluding mandibles: 39 mm, maximum width of elytra: 12 mm. Upper surface metallic, very shiny, brilliant; head, pronotum and elytra coppery-gold red; primary and secondary intervals of elytra black. Ventral side of pronotum and epipleura intense coppery-red, metallic, abdomen dark violet; ap- pendix black. Head thickened and long; vertex punc- tured, frons slightly convex and punctured; clypeus sparsely punctured at its base. Mandibles very long and quite thin, sickle-shaped. Palpi very long with the apical segment strongly dilated (simple in the females); penultimate segment of labial palpi bis- etose. Pronotum elongate, hexagonal, slightly trans- verse (1.2 times as long as broad); sides angled, margined, bent upwards; basal lobes rounded, not protruding the base; surface very strongly punc- tured. Elytra very elongated; disk of elytra very convex; sculpture marked, triploid heterodyname type: primary intervals forming oval and well spaced tubercles; secondary intervals smaller and rounded; tertiary intervals forming very rough grains; background of the elytra very roughly sculptured. Legs very long. Male aedeagus: Figs. 97,98. New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 741 Fig. 51. Carabus (Lepto carabus) vogtianus aff. horvatovichi, male, 24 mm, R. of Korea, Geonggido/Gangwondo provincial border. Pass North from Dopyeong, 600 m, 3/13. VII. 2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. Fig. 52. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 53. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 54. C. ( DiocarabllS ) fratercullis aff. jirisanensis, male 18.5 mm, R. of Korea, Mt. Paegusan, Sou th east from Gurye, 350 m , 9/15. V 11.2012, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. Fig. 55. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 56. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 57. C. ( D .) fratercullis yongwangicus n. ssp.,holotype male, 17.4 mm. Fig. 58. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 59. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 60. Idem, paratype female, 20 mm, D.R. of Korea, South Hamgyong P ro vince, Yongwang County, Mt. Komsan, 1 /20.V 11.20 1 3, local collector leg. (C1R). 742 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig. 61. CarabllS (Acoptolabrus) planicranion n . sp.,holotype male. Fig. 62. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 63. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 64. Idem, head in lateral view. Fig. 65. Idem, paratype female, 37 mm, D .R . of Korea, North Hamgyong Prov., M t. Obong, (ca 42,40 NL; 1 29,80 EL), 1 /I 5 . V 11.20 1 2 , local collector leg. (C1R). Fig. 66. C. (A.) changeonleei, female, 31.5 mm, R. of Korea, Jirisan Mt., 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (C1R). Fig. 67. C. (A.) leechi Vlll 1 Cl OSCllcun / / n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 68. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 69. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 70. Idem, paratype fern ale, 32 mm. D.R. of Korea, N orth Flamgyong Prov., Mt. Wanta, 24. V 11.2004, local collector leg. (C1R). New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 743 Fig. 7 1. CambllS ( Acoptolabrus ) leechi dvouini n. ssp., male, 23.5 mm, D.R. of Korea, North Hamgyong Prov., Kichu, Mt. Muhak, 8 / 1 9 . V 11.2 0 0 6 , local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 72. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 73. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 74. Idem, fern ale, 31.5 mm, D.R. ofKorea,North Hamgyong Prov., Kichu, Mt. Muhak, 8/19. V 11.2006, local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 75. C. (A.) leechi Onj insauicola, male, 29.5 mm, D. R. of Korea, South Hwanghae province, Unryul County, M t. Kuwol, 954 m, local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 76. C. (A.) VflivabiUssiYYlUS mifabiUssimUS, male, 24.5 mm, R. of Korea, Gangwondo province, “Peace Dam”, NE Hwacheon 400 m (CIR). Fig. 77. C. (A.) mivabilis- simus furum iens is , male 26.5 mm, R. of Korea, Gangwondo province, Odaesan Mt„ Jingogae, 800 m (CIR). Fig. 78. C. (A.) mirabilissimus igniferescens , male 26 mm, R. of Korea, Gangwondo province, South from Gimhwa, 450 m (CIR). 744 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig. 79. Carabus (Acoptolabrus) costricticollis aff. limes, male 28 mm, D.R. of Korea, South Hwanghae province, Unryul County, M t. Kuwol, 954 m, local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 80. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 81. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 82. C. (A.) COUStricticolUs tnicwcoldsellus n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 83. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 84. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 85. Idem, paratype female, 22 mm, D.R. of Korea, North Hamgyong Province, Paeksa, 1139 m , VII. 2004, local collector leg. (CIR). Fig. 86. C. (A.) constricticollis grcillcitorius, male 33 mm, Seishin Korea (= Chongjin, North Hamgyong province, D.R. of Korea) (CIR). Fig. 87. C. (A.) Schrencki lij iflgkeicmUS , male 24 mm, D.R. of Korea, South Hamgyong province, M t. Kachwari, local collector leg. (CIR). New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 745 Fig. 88. Carabus (Coptolabrus) jankowskii byeoksanensis n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 89. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 90. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 91. Idem, paratype female, 37 mm, R. of Korea, Jeollabuk-do Province, Buan-gun, B yeonsanbando, 100/200 m, 1 3 12 0 . V II .2 0 1 2 , I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (C1R). Fig. 92. C. ( C.) SinaragdiriUS buangun n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 93. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 94. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 95. Idem, paratype female, 51 mm. R. of Korea, Jeollabuk-do Province, Buan-gun, Byeonsanbando, 100/200 m, 1 3/20. V 11.20 1 2, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (C1R). 746 Ivan Rapuzzi Fig. 96. Carabus (Coptolabrus) smaragdinus euaureus n. ssp., holotype male. Fig. 97. Idem, aedeagus: median lobe in lateral view. Fig. 98. Idem, aedeagus: apex in dorsal view. Fig. 99. Idem, para type fern ale, 43 mm, R. of Korea, lirisan Nat. Park, Yeon - grieongchi, 1200 m, 7/1 6. V 11.20 1 2, 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 100. C. (CoptolabrilS) smaragdinus euviridis, male 38 mm, R. of Korea, Jirisan Mt„ 1. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon leg. (CIR). Fig. 101. C. (TeratOCarabllS) azmel gdizhouensis, female 24 mm, D.R. of Korea, Pyonganbukdo, Kwaksan County, Sinmi Island, Unjong-Ni 9/20. V 11. 2006, local collector leg. (CIR). New and interesting Carabus Linnaeus, I 758 (Coleoptera Carabidae) from Korean Peninsula 747 Etymology. The new subspecies is named after the spectacular gold colour. Variability. Little variability: the length of the body ranges from 41 mm to 44 mm for the females (the male paratype has the same size as holotype). The colour is constant; only one specimen is gold w ith green lustre. Remarks. The new subspecies is closely related to C. smaragdinus euviridis ishikaw a et Kim, 1983 but with different colour: dark “cold” green for eu- viridis and coppery -go Id foreuaureus.The size is lar- ger as well as the shape of pronotum and the elytra. Carabus ( Coptolabrus ) smaragdinus euviridis Ishikawa et Kim , 1 983 (Fig. 100) Examined material. One male Republic of Korea, Kyongsang-Namdo province, Mt. Chiri-san (= Jirisan Mt.), C h o n w an g b o n g , 1400-1900 m, Y. Imura leg. (CIR); 6 males and 2 females: Republic of Korea, Kyongsang-Namdo province, Jirisan Nat. Park, Byeoksoryeong, 1350 m, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR); 5 males and 4 females: Re- public of Korea, Kyongsang-Namdo province, Jirisan Nat. Park, G angcheong-ri, 250 m, I. Rapuzzi and L. Caldon legit (CIR). Remarks. The subspecies is endemic to the Jirisan Mountains and particularly in the area surrounding the highest peak (C ho n w an g b o ng peak) where euviridis lives at different altitudes (from 250 m to 1900 m) and different habitats. In the Southwest part of Jirisan massif the subspecies is replaced by C. Smaragdinus euaureUS n . ssp. Carabus {Ter ato carabus) azrael gaizhouensis Imura, 199 6 (Fig. 10 1) Examined material. 1 female, Democratic Re- public of Korea, Pyonganbukdo, Kwaksan County, Sinmi Island, Unjong-Ni 9 /2 0 . V II. 2 0 0 6 , local col- lector legit, in the author's collection. Remarks. First record forthe Korean peninsula. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Dr. Frank Kleinfeld (Fiirth, Ger- many) for helping me with literature and critical review of the article; Dr. Luisa Caldon (Pordenone, Italy) for helping me with collecting trips to Korea; Mr. Gontran Drouin (Quebec City, Canada) for the language revision of the text; Mr. Vinicio Salami (Alfianello, Italy) and Mr. Stefano Dacatra (Milano, Italy) for the loan of the specimens for description . REFERENCES Born P., 1922. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Carabenfauna Ostasiens. Entom ologische Mitteilungen, 11: 16 6 — 174. B reuning S., 1 927. Beitrag zur Kenntnis asiatischer Caraben, sowie 3 neue europaische Carabenformen. C oleopterologisches C entralblatt, 2: 80-85. B reuning S., 1 932-1 936. Monographic der Gattung Cardbus L. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren. Troppau, 1610 pp. B reuning S., 1975. Description de nouvelles sous- especes du genre CarabllS L. (s. 1.) (Cole op teres Carabidae, Carabinae). Nouvelle Revue d’Entomolo- gie, 5 : 1 29-1 34. B re z in a B., 2003. World Catalogue of the Genus CarabllS L. Pensoft. S o fia -M o s c o w , 170 pp. Deuve T., 1990. Nouveaux CarabllS d'Asie (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences Nat ure lies, 66: 25-28. Deuve T., 1991. Descriptions et diagnoses de nouveaux Coleopteres Carabidae asiatiques. L' E n to m o lo g is te , 47: 1 3-27. Deuve T., 1 992. Carabus d'Asie. Nouveaux taxons (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences Naturelles, 74: 7-9. Deuve T. & Mourzine S., 1993. Descriptions de trois nouveaux CarabllS de la Coree S eptentrionale et de la Siberie Orientale (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bulletin de la Societe de Sciences Naturelles, 77: 37-3 8. Deuve T., 2004. Illustrated Catalogue of the Genus Carabus of the World (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Pensoft. S o fia-M o sco w , 461 pp. Deuve T., 2006. Noveaux DamaSter et AcoptolttbrilS de Chine et de Coree se p te n trio n a le (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Coleopteres, 12: 7-18. Deuve t., 2013 . Cychrus, Calosoma e t Carabus d e Chine. Pensoft. S o fia -M o sc o w , 307 pp. Deuve T. & Li J., 2000. Esquisse pour la connaisance d u Genre Carabus L. en Chine du Nord-Est. Lambil- lionea, 1 00: 502-530. Deuve T. & Li J., 2009. Noveaux CarabllS de Chine et de Coree et confirmation de la validite specifique de Carabus (CarabllS) cartereti Deuve, 1982 (Cole- optera, Carabidae). Coleopteres, 15: 1-12. 748 Ivan Rapuzzi Hauser g 1921 . Damaster - Coptolabrus - G ruppe der Gattung CarabllS. Jena Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 394 pp, 11 pis. Lapouge G.V. de, 1929-1932. Coleoptera Adephaga, Fam. Carabidae, Subfam. Carabinae. Gen. Ins. 192: 747 pp, 7 maps, 10 pis. Lassalle B ., 1 999. Carabes nouveaux de Coree (Cole- optera Carabidae). Le C oleopteriste. 35: 25-28. Kwon Y.J. & Lee S.-M., 1984. Classification of the sub - family Carabinae from Korea (Coleoptera: Cara- bidae). Insecta koreana, 4: 148 pp, 107 pis. Kwon Y. J. & Park J. K., 1989. Morphometric Analyses of Damaster (Coptolabrus) jankowskii from k o re a (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Agricultural Research Bulletin Kyungpook National University, 7: 127- 15 1 . Rapuzzi I., 2009. Nuovi CarabllS L ., 1758 di Corea S ettentrionale ed Afghanistan (Coleoptera Cara- bidae). L am b illionea, 1 09: 358-369. Tatum T., 1847. Description of two new species of CarabllS from Asia. The Annals of Magazine of Natural History, 20 (1 30): 14-1 5. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 749-752 Two new species of Pseudosphegesthes Reitter, 1913 from Greece and Turkey (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) Pierpaolo Rapuzzi 1 & Ivo Jenis 2 'via Cialla, 48, 33040 Prepotto, Udine, Italy; e-mail: info@ronchidicialla.it 2 Naklo 342, 783 32, Czech Republic; e-mail: ivojenis@seznam.cz ABSTRACT Two new species of Pseudosphegesthes Reitter, 1913 are described. One is from Peloponnese (Greece), the second one is from Southern Turkey. They are close to Pseudosphegesthes bergeri Slama, 1982 from Crete (Greece). KEY WORDS New species; Cerambycidae; Clytini; Pseudosphegesthes', Greece; Turkey. Received 13.08.2015; accepted 11.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Studying the interesting Cerambycidae collected by one of the authors (Ivo Jenis) in Greece and thanks to the courtesy of our colleague and friend Ivo Martinu (Olomouc, Czech Republic) who gave us part of his interesting material collected in Greece for study, we found a Pseudosphegesthes Reitter, 1913 species that belongs to an unknown species related with the Cretan species P. bergeri Slama, 1982. Moreover the first author had the opportunity to study a series of specimens of a Pseudosphegesthes collected in SW Turkey by the specialist of Buprestidae Maurizio Gigli (Rome, Italy) that belongs to a new species related to P. bergeri from Crete as well (Slama, 1982). The genus Pseudosphegesthes was introduced by Reitter (1913) for Clytus cinereus Laporte et Gory, 1836. According to the structure of the pronotum, head and elytra, it is very likely that it is a synonym of Perissus Chevrolat, 1863 described for Perissus x-littera Chevrolat, 1863 from Papua New Guinea. To establish this synonymy it will be necessary to study this Asiatic species. ACRONYMS. BBuC: Boris Bubenik collec- tion, Frydek Mistek, Czech Republic. BBC: Bartlomiej Bujnik collection, Elblag, Poland. GRC: Gianfranco Giannini and Gabriella Rondinini col- lection, Lissone, Milano, Italy. IJC: Ivo Jenis col- lection, Naklo, Czech Republic. MGC: Maurizio Gigli collection, Rome, Italy. IMC: Ivo Martinu col- lection, Olomouc, Czech Republic. RPC: Radoslaw Plewa collection, Raszyn, Poland. PRC: P. Rapuzzi collection, Prepotto, Udine, Italy. GSC: Gianfranco Sama collection, Cesena, Italy. Pseudosphegesthes bubeniki n. sp. Figure 1 Examined material. Type material: Holotypus male, Greece: Peloponnese, Messenia, Dasochori, e.l. 5.V.2013, Boris Bubenik, Oliver Dulik and Ivo Jenis legit (BBC); Paratypus: 42 males 35 females same data as Holotype (PRC, IJC, BBC, RPC); 1 female; Greece: Peloponnese, Chrousa, SW ofMe- galopoli, 1 female ex pupae, 14.VI.20 12, Ivo Jenis legit; 45 males and 43 females Greece: Peloponnese, 750 PlERPAOLO RAPUZZI & IVO JENIS Arkadia, Vastas S W Megalopoli, 22.V.2014, e.l. Ivo Martinu legit (IJC, BBC, IMC, BBC, and PRC). Description of the Holotypus. Male. Length 11 mm, width 2.5 mm. Body dark, almost black. Front large, broad, square, strongly and densely punctate; covered with recumbent short ash gray bristles, denser around eyes. In the middle of the front there is a short groove, more evident close to the antennal tubercles and evanescent towards the mouth. Pronotum longer than wide, bell-shaped with the largest portion just before the base. Scutellum round shaped, apex covered with silver pubescence. Elytra long, sides parallel, narrowed only towards the apex. Apex truncate without any teeth on the sides. Elytra deeply punctate. The punctures are small, with the same density on all surface, but a little smaller and not so dense towards the apex. Between humeri and scutellum there is a short carina, parallel with suture. Elytra black, covered with ash gray pubescence on the shoulders; there are two transverse ash gray bands: the first one is arched, starting just behind the scutellum, slightly leaning outside in the first half and then curved and reas- sembling towards the epipleurae. The second one is just behind the middle, transverse, thin, and climbs up again along the suture on its upper side. On the lower side it follows the shape of the upper side. Apex with confuse ash gray pubescence. Legs long, with several erect black setae on the inner side of femora and tibiae. Tarsi very long, mainly on the hind legs. The first segment of hind tarsi is more than twice as long as the other segments together. Antennae reaching the first third of the elytral length. Variability. The length-range of the paratypes is between 7.1 and 11.5 mm for the males and 9.0 and 13.0 mm for the females. The females show the typical differences from the males of the genus: elytra larger and less acuminate towards the apex, antennae shorter and pronotum with punctuation smoother on the disk. Some males have the elytra covered with a very dense ash gray pubescence masking the individual bands. Etymology. The new species is dedicated to our friend Mr. Boris Bubenik (Frydek Mistek, Czech Republic) to thank him for collecting a large series of this species. Biology. All the specimens were reared from dead branches of Quercus pubescens Willd. Remarks. Pseudosphegesthes bubeniki n. sp. is related to P. bergeri Slama, 1982 endemic from Crete according to the elytral pattern. It shows indeed the same structure in the bands, with the transverse band thin, not enlarged along the suture; in fact it is projected toward the elytral base but remains of the same thickness. The new species is easy to distinguish from the Cretan species by the pronotum shape. More or less with parallel sides in P bergeri and bell-shaped in the new species. The elytral bands are thinner in the new species and often wider in bergeri. Moreover, the third antennal segment is as long as the fourth in P bubeniki n. sp., clearly longer in P. bergeri. From P. cinerea the new species is easy to distinguish by the pronotum shape: bell-shaped instead of parallel sided. It Figure 1. Pseudosphegesthes bubeniki n. sp., paratypus male, lenght 10.8 mm. Two new species of Pseudosphegesthes Reitter, 1913 from Greece andTurkey (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae) 751 shows the same ratio in the length of the third and fourth antennal segments. The transverse light band in P. cinerea is clearly wider near the suture due to the fact that it is more or less parallel sided towards the elytral apex but is elongate along the suture towards the elytral base. This new species is very interesting because it extends the range of the genus to the continental Greece. As for its features it stands in the middle way between P. cinerea and P. bergeri. It will be very interesting to study the population of Pseudosphegesthes from Northern Greece and former Yugoslavia. Pseudosphegesthes giglii n. sp. Figure 2 points on the whole surface. Two bands decorate the elytra: the basal band, in the first half, is arched towards the outer margin. This band starts just behind the scutellum and turns almost immediately to the outside. The second band is just behind the middle of the elytral length and is more or less transverse, enlarged close to the suture toward the apex and toward the base giving to this band a sort of “cross-shape”. There are many ash gray recum- bent short hairs on the shoulders, the lateral margins and the apical area. Apex obliquely truncate. Legs long with many very short, recumbent ash gray hairs, denser on the femora than on the tibiae. Tibiae with long, thin, light erect hairs, denser on the inner side, especially on the hind legs, sparser on the middle legs and quite absent on the forelegs. All Examined material. Type material: Holotypus male Turkey: Antalya prov.: Karaovabeli, 1000 m., 23. VI. 2003, ex larva Quercus coccifera, emerged 3. VII. 2006, M. Gigli legit (PRC); Paratypus: 54 males and 36 females: same collecting data as holotypus, emerged 27.VII.2005; 15.VIII.2005; 3.VII.2006; 7.VIII.2006; 11.VII.2007; 2.VII.2008; VII.2011; V.2013; 1 male (PRC; GSC, and MGC); Turkey, Mugla prov., Fethye, 8-20. VIII. 2001, G. Giannini legit. (GRC); 1 male, Turkey: Antalya prov., Giindogmu§, 13.VI.1994, ex larva Quercus , S. Lundberg legit (GSC); 1 male, Turkey: Antalya prov., Giindogmu§, 12.VI.1994, ex larva Quercus , S. Lundberg legit (GSC); 1 male Turkey: Mersin prov., north of Erdemli, 27.V.1996, ex larva Quer- cus , emerged 20.IV. 1997, S. Lundberg legit (GSC). Description of the Holotypus. Male. Length 6.5 mm width 2.0 mm. Body dark brown, mat. Front large with a deep unpunctured furrow between eyes. Head all covered with short, recumbent ash gray hairs, more densely around the eyes and up to the labrum. Pronotum long, clearly longer than large, about two times longer than wide with paral- lel sides. All pronotum is deeply punctured; in the middle of the disk is a longitudinal crest with very dense granules. Just above middle are two small round depressions placed at each side of the median ridge. Sides of pronotum are covered with dense, short, recumbent ash gray hairs; only few of these hairs on the disk. Scutellum rounded, glabrous. Elytra parallel, slightly narrowed only towards the apex. Elytral punctuation made by dense and small Figure 2. Pseudosphegesthes giglii n. sp., paratypus male, lenght 12.5 mm. 752 PlERPAOLO RAPUZZI & IVO JENIS tarsi are long, hind tarsi particularly long, the first segment very long and the next very short, the second about five times shorter than the first and the third about one third than the second. Antennae of medium length, dark brown, segments second to fifth with several long ash-grey erect hairs at inner side; third segment a little longer than the fourth. All antennae covered with very short and recum- bent ash-grey hairs. Variability. The length range is between 6 and 13 mm for the males and 5 and 11 mm for the females. Some males show elytra quite entirely covered with ash gray hairs making the bands con- fused in this light pubescence. The ground color of the integuments is sometimes reddish-brown instead of dark-brown. Etymology. The new species is dedicated to our friend Mr. Maurizio Gigli (Rome, Italy). Biology. All the specimens collected were reared from dead branches of Quercus coccifera L. Remarks. Pseudosphegesthes giglii n. sp. is related to the Cretan species P. bergeri. It is easy to distinguish them by the shorter antennae and the particular ratio of the hind tarsi: a very long first segment and very short next segments, the second about five times shorter than the first and the third about one third of the second; in the Cretan species this ratio is: second segment about four times shorter than the first and the third about half of the second. Third antemial segment slightly longer than the fourth; clearly longer in P. bergeri. From these features it is close to P bubeniki n. sp. but easy to distinguish by the hind tarsi (which are similar in Greek species and P. bergeri). Comparing to the other Turkish species, the closest one is P longit- arsus Holzschuh, 1974 but it is very easy to distin- guish them by the very long tarsi of P longitarsus (Holzschuh, 1974). The other known Anatolian species are P samai Danilevsky, 2000 and P. brun- nescens Pic, 1897 (Lobl & Smetana, 2010) but these two species have very different elytral pat- terns and many others features (see Pic, 1897 and Danilevsky, 2000). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Boris Bubenik (Frydek Mistek, Czech Republic), Oliver Dulilc (Nasoburky, Czech Republic), Ivo Martinu (Olomouc, Czech Republic), Bartlomiej Bujnik (Elblag, Poland), Gianfranco Sama (Cesena, Italy), Maurizio Gigli (Roma, Italy), Gianfranco Giannini and Gabriella Rondinini (Fissone, Milano, Italy) for the oppor- tunity to study the specimens collected during their scientific survey in Greece and Turkey. We are deep grateful to our friend Gontran Drouin (Sainte Henedine, Quebec, Canada) for the critical revision of the manuscript and for the revision of the english text. REFERENCES Danilevsky M.L., 2000. New Taxa of Cerambycidae from Turkey and Transcaucasia. Elytron, 13: 39M7. Holzschuh K., 1974. Neue Bockkaferaus dei Pakistan, Iran, Anatolien und Mazedonien (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Zeitschrift der Arbeitgemeinschaft Osterreichischer Entomologen, 25: 81-100. Lobl I. & Smetana A., 2010. Catalogue of Paleartic Coleoptera. 6. Chrysomeloidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 924 pp. Pic M., 1897. Description de longicornes de la region caucasique. Le Naturaliste, 19: 262-263. Reitter E., 1913. Fauna Germanica. Die Kafer des Deutschen Reiches. Band IV (1912). K. G. Lutz, Stuttgart, pp. 1-236. Slama M., 1982. Neue Arten und Unterarten von Cerambyciden aus Kreta (Coleoptera). Reichenbachia, 20: 203-212. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 753-756 Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis new genus and new species from Arabic Peninsula (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) Pierpaolo Rapuzzi 'via Cialla, 48, 33040 Prepotto, Udine, Italy; e-mail: info@ronchidicialla.it ABSTRACT Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis new genus and new species is described from Yemen and Oman. The new genus belongs to Psebiini Lacordaire, 1869 tribe and it is close to Pectinopse- bium Adlbauer, 2012 and BosOychopsebium Quentin et Villiers, 1971 but it is strictly related to Pectinopsebium by the shape of the antennae in both sexes. The new genus is easy to distinguish from all other genera of Psebiini by its particular shape of antennae, the length of the elytra and legs, and for the very small size of its body. KEY WORDS New genus; new species; Cerambycidae; Psebiini; Yemen; Oman. Received 31.08.2015; accepted 21.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Among the Cerambycidae collected by my colleagues Petr Kabatek (Prague, Czech Republic) and Walter Grosser (Opava, Czech Republic) I found a series of Cerambycidae that belongs to a genus and species unknown. The new genus belongs to tribe Psebiini and is strictly related to Pectinopsebium Adlbauer, 2012 described from Kenya and Bostrychopsebium Quentin et Villiers, 1971 from East Africa (Quentin & Villiers, 1971). ACRONYMS. NMC: Collection of National Museum Natural History, Prague, Czech Republic; PKC: Petr Kabatek collection (Prague, Czech Republic); PRC: Pierpaolo Rapuzzi collection, Prepotto, Udine, Italy; WGC: Walter Grosser col- lection (Opava, Czech Republic); Kabatekiipsebium n. gen. Type species. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. sp. Description. Male: very small and thin; head and pronotum deeply punctate; frons large, flat. Pronotum with several longitudinal thin and short wrinkles on the disk. Pronotum 2.5 times longer than wide, constricted before base, without teeth on sides, many long pale erect thin setae on the disk. These setae are slightly tilted forward. Eyes large, the two lobes are joined by several lines of omma- tidia. Elytra short, two third longer than abdomen, the last four abdominal segments exceed the elytral apex. Elytra deeply punctured. The punctures are larger and denser on the sides, especially around the apex. In the middle of the disk is a long triangular depression. Elytra covered with long pale erect hairs, denser near the base and shorter and sparser towards the apex. Legs short, with small dense punctures, covered with several pale erect setae. Epipleurae densely and heavily punctured. Anten- nae simple for the first five segments and the last six segments very short. Each of the last six seg- ments with a very long flabellum on the outside, flabellum longer than the whole antennal length. 754 PlERPAOLO RAPUZZI Segments 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th of the same length. 2nd segment a third longer than the first. Female: female differs from the male by the pronotum a little shorter, two times longer than wide. Elytra a little longer. Antennae shorter, simply without any flabellum or spine, made by 9 segments ( 9th to 11th segments are fused together). First to fifth segments cylindrical, 6th to 9th segments com- pressed and flat, slightly expanded externally. Elytra evidently shorter than abdomen. The last four abdominal segments exceed the elytral apex. Etymology. The new genus is dedicated to Petr Kabatek from Prague (Czech Republic) who collected the largest number of specimens known. The second part of the name refers to the tribe Psebiini. Remarks. According to the small size, the new genus is close to Pectinopsebium Adlbauer, 2012 and Bostrychopsebium Quentin et Villiers, 1971. It is strictly related to Pectinopsebium by the shape of the antennae in both sexes. It is easy to distin- guish by the great length of the antennal flabella in male, as long as the whole antennal length, the segments with flabella that are very short and indistinct, but distinct and really longer in Pectin- opsebium. The number of flabella is 6 instead of 8 in the African genus. In the females the last three antennal segments are fused in one segment only in the new genus, simple and distinct in the related genus. From Bostrychopsebium it differs by the longer elytra, very short in Bostrychopsebium. Antennal segments in Bostrychopsebium are simple and distinct except in B. usurpator Flolzschuh, 1989 from Sri Lanka where male shows small flabella in the last 7 antennal segments. Pronotum is longer and legs are shorter in Kabatekiipsebium n. gen. than both the other related genera of this Tribe (Bostrychopsebium and Pectinosebium). The new genus is easy to distin- guish from all other genera of Psebiini by its par- ticular shape of antennae, the length of the elytra and legs, and for the very small size of its body. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. sp. Examined material. Type material: Holotypus male, Yemen, Jabal al Fatk, Hawf NE A1 Ghaydah, 16°39’N 53°05’E, 729 m., 12-13.V.2005, P. Kabatek legit (NMC); Paratypus: 9 males and 4 females, Yemen, Jabal al Fatk, Hawf NE Al Ghaydah, 16°40’N 53°04’E, 477 m., 12-3 1 .111.2007, ex larva Acacia sp., P. Kabatek legit; 2 males, Yemen, Jabal al Fatk, Hawf NE Al Ghaydah, 16°39’N 53°03’E, 191 m., 1-2.IV.2007, ex larva Acacia sp., P. Kabatek legit; 1 male and 2 females, Yemen, Jabal al Fatk, Hawf NE Al Ghaydah, 16°40’N 53°05’E, 759 m., 1.IV.2007, P. Kabatek legit; 1 male, Oman, Dhofar prov., Jabal al Qamar, 10 Km N Dhalqut, 476 m., 16.70275°N53.19460°E, ex larva, W. Grosser legit; 1 male, Oman, Taqah env., 270-350 m., 18- 21.IX.2003, R. Cervenka legit. Paratypes in PKC, WGC, PRC. Description of the Holotype. Male. Length 4.5 mm. Body black except for the elytra, legs and antennae which are dark brown. Antennae paler. Head deeply and thinly punctate, eyes very large and finely facetted. Frons plane and square. Several erect pale setae denser between eyes. Pronotum clearly longer than wide, about two times longer than wide. Black, strongly punctured with many short elongate thin wrinkles, clearly larger than the punctures on the head, several long light erect setae denser on the base than the apex. Elytra brown, deeply punctate. Punctures large and denser close to the suture. Elytra short, small, reaching farther than the middle of the abdomen. Apex rounded. In the middle is a deep triangular depression with its apex towards the elytral apex, and the base towards the elytral base. The base is covered with dense pale erect hairs. These hairs are clearly shorter and denser than the hairs on pronotum. Legs brown, short, with sparse erect pale hairs. Femora slightly enlarged and tibiae slightly arched. Antennae shorter than the body. First five segments normal, from the sixth to the eleventh very short with an extremely long flabellum at the apex of each. Variability. The size of the males is between 4 and 6 mm; one male shows an elongate thin light spot on the middle of each elytra. Females completely dark brown. Antennae normal, without any flabellum, shorter, not reaching the middle of the body. Elytra with two white bands. The first one, just before shoulders, is interrupted before suture; the second one, behind the middle, is com- plete. The size of the females is between 3.5 and 6 mm. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis new genus and new species from Arabic Peninsula (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) 755 Figure 1. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. gen. and n. sp., paratype male, lenght 5 mm. Figure 2. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. gen. and n. sp., paratype female, lenght 5.5. mm. Etymology. The new species’ name refers to the region of the Arabian Peninsula where was collected the large part of specimens of the type series. Distribution and Biology. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. sp. is, at moment, known only from Southern Arabian peninsula. The large part of the specimens of the type series was reared from Acacia sp. Other specimens was collected during the night at light traps. Remarks. Kabatekiipsebium yemenensis n. sp. is very interesting, in fact all known species of very small size Psebiini are from East Africa except for Bostrychopsebium usurpator Holzschuh, 1989 which is known from Sri Lanka (Holzschuh, 1989; (Lobl & Smetana, 2010; Adlbauer & Bjoornstad, 2012.). Once again, this new species shows how the Southern Arabian peninsula’s Fauna is connected with Eastern African Fauna. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I’m grateful to Mr. Petr Kabatek (Prague, Czech Republic) and Mr. Walter Grosser (Opava, Czech Republic) who gave me the opportunity to study this very interesting species collected in Yemen and Oman respectively. I’m deep grateful to my friend Gontran Drouin (Sainte Henedine, Quebec, Canada) for the critical revision of the manuscript and for the revision of the English text. REFERENCES Adlbauer K. & Bjoornstad A., 2012. Neue afrotropische Cerambyciden (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Ceram- bycinae). Linzer biologischen Beitrage, 44: 465- 480. 756 PlERPAOLO RAPUZZI Holzschuh C., 1989. Beschreibung neuer Bockkafer aus Europa und Asien (Col., Cerambycidae). Koleopte- rologische Rundschau, 59: 153-183. Quentin R.M. & Villiers A., 1971. Revision des Psebiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae). Anna- les de la Societe Entomologique de France (N.S.), 7: 3-38. Lobl I. & Smetana A., 2010. Catalogue of Paleartic Co- leoptera. 6. Chrysomeloidea. Apollo Books, Sten- strup, 924 pp. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 757-760 On the presence of Buprestis (Buprestis) mag. ca Laporte et Gory, 1837 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) in Italy Ignazio Sparacio via E. Notarbartolo 54 int. 13, 90145 Palermo, Italy; e-mail: isparacio@inwind.it ABSTRACT The present study confirmed the presence of Buprestis ( Buprestis ) magica Laporte et Gory, 1837 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) in Italy based on a male specimen preserved at the Museum of Natural History of Genoa (Italy), which, for some peculiar morphological characteristics, is described as a new subspecies: B. magica doderoi n. ssp. from Sardinia. The new subspecies is illustrated and compared with related taxa. KEY WORDS Buprestidae; Buprestis ; new subspecies; Sardinia. Received 08.08.2015; accepted 18.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Buprestis (. Buprestis ) magica Laporte et Gory, 1837 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) is widespread in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Spain (Baviera & Sparacio, 2002; Kuban, 2006). In Italy, this species is signalized by Porta (1929 sub B. octoguttata a. magica), Luigioni (1929 sub B. octoguttata a. ma- gica) and Obenberger (1938, 1941 sub B. octogut- tata ssp. magica). Subsequently, these reports were attributed, with doubt, to B. octoguttata Corsica Obenberger, 1941 (Curletti, 1985; Gobbi & Platia, 1995; for the exacte date description of "corsica" see also Schaefer, 1949 p. 206). After the taxonomic and geonemic revaluation of this species by Baviera & Sparacio (2002) there were not more data on the presence of B. magica in Italy (Curletti et al., 2003). The present study confirms the presence of this species in Italy and highlights some morphological differences in the specimen of Sardinia examined and described below. ACRONYMS. CGM: G. Magnani collection, Cesena, Italy. MCSNG: Collection of Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy. CIS: I. Sparacio collection, Palermo, Italy. Buprestis ( Buprestis ) magica doderoi n. ssp. Figures 1, 2, 5, 9, 13, 17 Examined material. Holotypus male, pinned with three original labels: Carloforte (Sardinia) A. Dodero - Var. magica Lap. - Collezione A. Dodero (red label) (MCSNG). Collection date: 1901-1912. A. Dodero travelled to Carloforte only three times, in 1901, 1902 e 1912 (R. Poggi in verbis). Other examined material. Buprestis magica ma- gica. Algeria, D. Fairmaire, teste Thery 1926, Museo Civico di Genova, 1 male (MCSNG). Algeria, Blida Chrea m. 1500, G. Magnani legit, ex larva Cedrus atlantica, 28.VI.1986, 1 male (CGM). S-Spain, Tarifa, IX. 1983, 1 female, legit G. Dellacasa (MCSNG); S-Spain, Coto Donana, XII. 1984, 1 fe- male, leg. Cortesogno (MCSNG); Spain, Cadiz, Conil El Colorado, 15.VII.1995, P. Coello legit, 2 males (CIS); Balearic Islands, Mallorca, Pollensa, 758 Ignazio Sparacio 1 male and 1 female, leg. J. Jorda (MCSNG). Buprestis octoguttata octoguttata Linnaeus, 1758. Croatia, 2 males (MCSNG). Dalmatia, 1 female, leg. Kelecsenyi (MCSNG). Germany, Chiemgau, Grassau Moor, 23. VII. 1972, 2 males, leg. P. Brandi (CIS). Italy, Potenza, Pietra Castello, 15.VII.1996, 1 male, leg. F. Izzillo (CIS). Buprestis octoguttata Corsica. S-Corsica, Partinello, 19.VII.1990, 1 male, leg. A. Paulian (CIS). Buprestis aetnensis Baviera et Sparacio, 2002. Italy, Sicily, Mount Etna north side, 2000 m asl, 14.VIII.1999, leg. C. Baviera (CIS), idem 1 female (CIS). Description of the Holotypus. Male. Length 14.6 mm. Head, pronotum and elytra dark with feeble green or bluish lustre. Ventral surface dark with more metallic lustre. Presence of multiple yellow spots arranged on the dorsal surface as follows: 1 elongated spot on the inner edge of the eye, 1 on the lower edge and a smaller one on the upper-rear edge; pronotum with yellow lateral margins that continue forward on the anterior margin, 2 large spots on the posterior margin, con- tiguous but clearly distinct, joined by a small stretch; elytra with 4 spots reaching neither the su- ture nor the elytral margin; 1 humeral spot irregular and extended and a very small one on the elytral margin before the last pre-apical spot. Ventral sur- face with yellow spots disposed as follows: 4 in the prostemum, the more elongated upper, 2 spots elongated on the margin of prosternal process; 4 spots on the mesostemum; 4 spots on the metasternum; stemites 1-4 with isolated spots; anal stemite with 1 spot elongated along the basal half; other small spots are arranged on the coxae; femurs with spots of elongated shape on the lower edge that, at the articulation with the tibia, extend in part on the dorsal surface. Frons, antennae, legs and ventral surface with short, sparse and white pubescence. Epistome concave. Frons little hollowed with big and dense punctures; eyes big, protruding, inner margins almost straight, little converging dorsally. Antennae (Fig. 5) with first antennomere long and little dilated anteriorly, second one short, third antennomere denticulate, 4-10 little, denticulate but with obtuse outer angles, terminal antennomere elongated and rounded at apex. Pronotum 1 .6 times as wide as long, transverse, regularly convex, lateral margins converging anteriorly, maximum pronotal width at basal third, anterior margin deeply biar- cuate, medial lobe very slighty prominent, posterior margin very biarcuate, strongly lobate in the middle; pronotal sculpture consisting of big, deep and dense punctures, interspace between punctures with very little, superficial and sparse punctures. Scutellum subcordiform, 1.2 times as wide as long, microsculptured. Elytra 1.9 times as long as wide, slightly wider than pronotum at humeral part, sub- parallel at anterior two thirds, narrowed at elytral apices, elytral epipleura narrow not reaching the elytral apex; elytral sculpture consisting of regular striae of small points, deep and spaced; interstriae slightly convex with wide and superficial punctures, little and transverse lines, and background micro- sculpture not very evident; humeral swellings distinct; apex of elytra (Fig. 9) irregularly and obliquely truncate between two tooth-shaped protrusions: the margin is concave in the outer half, straight and irregular in the inner half. Legs relat- ively long and slender, all femora normal, not swollen; protibiae slightly, straight, wider distally and with the pre-apical emargination and 1 apical tooth; mesotibiae slender, nearly straight; meta- tibiae straight, flattened, 1-4 segments of tarsi dilated, the first one little and narrower than the other three; tarsal claws slender, hook-shaped slightly enlarged at the base. Prosternal process with a median furrow and big and sparse punctures; the sides are straight with apex truncate and rounded. Metastemum with punctures and a median furrow. Stemites microreticulated with elongated and irregu- lar punctures, the first one with a little hollow at the center, anal stemite (Fig. 13) truncated and little con- cave at apex between two tooth- shaped protmsions. Aedeagus (Fig. 17) with parameres pointed ap- ically, larger around the middle and narrow and slightly hollow at apical half; microsculpture apical medium thickened; median lobe pointed apically. Variability. Unknown. Etymology. The new subspecies is dedicated to Agostino Dodero (Genoa, Italy) who collected the specimen object of this study. Biology and Distribution. The species of the genus Buprestis Linnaeus, 1758 usually develops on wood of various conifers ( Pinus , Picea, Abies , Larix, ...). Buprestis magica doderoi n. sp. is known, at the moment, only from Southern Sardinia. On the presence of Buprestis (Buprestis) magica Laporte et Gory, 1837 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) in Italy 759 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 1 mm Figures 1, 2. Buprestis (B.) magica doderoi n. ssp. holotypus male (14.6 mm) with labels. Figures 3-6. Antennae of male of B. (B.) magica magica (Algeria) (Fig. 3), B. (B . ) magica magica (Spain, Cadiz) (Fig. 4), B. (B . ) magica doderoi n. ssp. (Fig. 5) and B. ( B .) octoguttata Corsica (Corsica, Partinello) (Fig. 6). Figures 7-10. Apex of elytra of male of B. (B.) magica magica (Algeria) (Fig. 7), B. ( B .) magica magica (Spain, Cadiz) (Fig. 8), B. ( B .) magica doderoi n. ssp. (Fig. 9) and B. ( B .) octoguttata Corsica (Corsica, Partinello) (Fig. 10). Figures 1 1-14. Anal stemite of male of B. (B.) magica magica (Algeria) (Fig. 11), B. (B. ) magica magica (Spain, Cadiz) (Fig. 12), B. (B.) magica doderoi n. ssp. (Fig. 13) and B. (B. ) octoguttata Corsica (Fig. 14). Figures 15-18. Aedeagus of B. ( B .) magica magica (Algeria) (Fig. 15), B. (B.) magica magica (Spain, Cadiz) (Fig. 16), B. ( B .) magica doderoi n. ssp. (Fig. 17) and B. (B.) octoguttata Corsica (Corsica, Partinello) (Fig. 18). 760 Ignazio Sparacio Remarks. The description of B. magica doderoi n. ssp. was performed on a single male specimen that, however, appears well differentiated by the peculiar shape of the antennae, the apex of elytra, anal stemite and aedeagus (Figs. 5, 9, 13, 17). In particular, this new subspecies is different from the surrounding populations of Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Spain, Balearic Islands in- cluded, attributed to B. magica magica (Figs. 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16) and those of Corsica attributed to B. octoguttata Corsica (Figs. 6, 10, 14, 18); B. magica doderoi n. ssp. is different, also, from European populations of B. octoguttata octoguttata and Sicilian populations of B. aetnensis (see Baviera & Sparacio, 2002). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very obliged to Roberto Poggi (Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genoa, Italy) for the possibility to study the present ma- terial. REFERENCES Baviera C. & Sparacio I., 2002. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Buprestis Linnaeus della Sicilia (Coleoptera Buprestidae). II Naturalista siciliano, 26: 93-99. Curletti G., 1985. I Buprestidi d’ltalia. Catalogo Tasso- nomico, Sinonimico, Biologico, Geonemico. Mono- grafia di “Natura Bresciana”, 19: 1-318. Curletti G., Rastelli M., Rastelli S. & Tassi F., 2003. Piccole Faune. Coleotteri Buprestidi dTtalia. CD- ROM. Gobbi G. & Platia G., 1995. Coleoptera Poliphaga VII (Elateroidea, Buprestoidea). In: Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Pasta S. (Eds.), Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana, 52. Calderini, Bologna. Kuban V., 2006. Buprestidae subfamily Buprestinae (without Anthaxiini). In: Lobl I. & Smetana A. (Eds.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, vol. 3. Stenstrup: Apollo Books, 381-388. Luigioni P., 1929. I Coleotteri dTtalia. Memorie della Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze di Roma, 12: 1-1160. Obenberger J., 1938. Buprestis octoguttata L. (Col. Bupr.). Acta entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae, 16: 83-90. Obenberger J., 1941. Revision der Palaearktischen Buprestis Arten. Mitteilungen der Miinchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 31: 460-554. Porta A., 1929. Fauna Coleopterorum Italica. Stabili- mento Tipografico Piacentino, Piacenza, Vol. 3: 380- 410. Schaefer L., 1949. Les Buprestides de France. Miscel- lanea Entomologica, Supplement. Paris, 512 pp. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 761-766 Therapeutic use of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiales Lamia- ceae) and description of its medicinal flora cortege in Algeria Amina Mostefai*, Hassiba Stambouli-Meziane & Mohamed Bouazza '‘Laboratory of Ecology and Management of Natural Ecosystems, PO Box 296, 13000 Tlemcen, Algiers, Algeria ‘Corresponding author, e-mail: amina_biol3@hotmail.fr ABSTRACT Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiales Lamiaceae), Rosemary, is an aromatic and medicinal plant distributed throughout the Mediterranean Sea and the rest of Europe. It is typically Mediterranean and in Algeria is widespread in different regions. Rosmarinus officinalis is known and used since ancient times for its culinary, medicinal and aromatic (in perfumery) virtues. It is widely used as a condiment in the Mediterranean basin and in England; also there are honey specially produced from the nectar of the flowers of Rosemary called "Honey of Narbonne" or "Rosemary honey". It is very used in agri-food as conservative and antioxidant, for the conservation of meat and fats. The essential oil used in doses greater than 2 to 3 drops/day would cause risk of nephritis and gastroenteritis. The leaves and flowering tops would have the same effect at excessive doses. Our work is focused on the study of the diversity of the floristic cortege of R. officinalis species taking into account two geographically different stations: Sidi Djilali and Beni Saf. KEY WORDS Rosmarinus officinalis', medicinal flora; coastal station; steppe. Received 11.08.2015; accepted 09.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Traditional medicine and plants world live in close connection, as the first one draws its raw material from the second to make remedies. All drugs falling within Western medicine, must over- come a pharmacological experimentation in order to verily their activity and to ensure their safety. Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiales Lamiaceae) is one of the medicinal plants which are in use since antiquity in the entire Mediterranean basin. It is placed in the category of purifying plants for its action on the digestive and urinary systems and as stimulant plant for its essential oil showing anti- rheumatic virtues and positive effects on fertility and pregnancy. In gastronomy it is used also as a spice for food preparation and preservation of food (i.e. meat). Today, R. officinalis is entered in modem medicine through herbal nature specialties where it appears often in association with other plants. MATERIAL AND METHODS To study the dynamics of the floristic cortege of R. officinalis, it is necessary to know the factors that encourage their diffusion. To carry out this work we have chosen two stations located in two different areas of the country: • coast: the station of Sidi Safi belonging to the municipality of Beni Saf 762 Amina Mostefai etalii • steppe: station of Sidi Goretti belonging to the municipality of Sidi Djilali. The two stations are located in semi-arid en- vironments and characterized by a rainy season from November to April and a drought summer lasting about 5 to 6 months. For all medicinal species and each station types, morphological, biological and phytogeographic distributions have been taken into account in order to assess the floristic richness of medicinal plants in the study area. The oil of Rosmarinus officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis essential oil contains scents of camphor, pinenes, cineol, and verbenone; it also contains flavonoids (diosmin, Luteolin), diterpenes, like the rosmadial and camosolic acid, but also lipids (alkanes and alkenes), steroids (acid triterpenes aleanolique, acid ursotique), phenolic acids (rosmarinic acid, chlorogenic acid) and phytoestrogens, showing effects comparable to the female hormones. Rosmarinus officinalis oil stimulates circulation and invigorates the nervous system, skin, liver and gall bladder. Is refreshing, antiseptic and antibac- terial, and even diuretic and purifying; moreover, it is an antidepressant with antifungal properties, prevents and reduces spasms, tempers flatulence and regulates digestion. It hunts large colds and pain. And, on an emotional level, the oil soothes mental exhaustion and clarifies the spirit. Use of Rosmarinus officinalis The dried leaves of R. officinalis are commonly used in gastronomy (see I.T.E.I.P.M.A.I., 1991). Still, R. officinalis enters the composition of Vin- egars. Its high content of bomeol gives it powerful antiseptic properties which makes it the bactericide of choice in cannery (see I.T.E.I.P.M.A.I., 1991). The essential oil used in doses greater than 2 to 3 drops/day would cause risk of nephritis and gastroentheritis (leaves and flowering tops would have the same effect at excessive doses). The essential oil is avoided in people with epilepsy and hypertension, children and pregnant and lactating women. The toxicity A plant is considered toxic when it contains one or more substances harmful to humans or animals, the use of which causes death or more or less serious varied disorders (Fournier, 2001). Many toxic plants are listed by several Anti Poison centres (see for example Patrick, 2003; Flesch, 2005). The study of acute plant toxicity is usually performed by intra-peritoneal injections of different extracts in laboratory animals, the plant is con- sidered toxic when the mean lethal dose (LD50) is 500 mg/lcg or less (Maries & Norman, 1994). Among all deemed toxic plants, some are lethal in case of injection while others do cause minor, mainly digestive, disorders. All parts of the plant have the toxic principles, but especially roots and seeds do, since they contain aconitine - a diterpenoid alkaloid - with a mainly neurological and cardiac toxicity (Flesch, 2005). Depending on the duration, frequency and quantity of toxic products to which an individual is exposed, there are several types of toxicities (Damien, 2002). Humans are constantly exposed to either acute or sub-acute or even chronic toxicity (Bismuth et al., 1987). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Obtained results are shown in Table 1 and fig- ures 1-4. The study area comprises 66 medicinal species distributed in 31 families, with the pre- dominance of Lamiaceae (17%), Liliaceae (15%) and Apiaceae (8%). Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Cupressaceae are represented only by 6 or 5 %; while other families are only poorly represented. Generally speaking, biological types or forms of the species reflect biology and a certain adaptation to the environment (Barry, 1988). The coexistence of many biological types, in a same station, no doubt accentuates the floristic richness of a given site, taking also into account the importance that annuals can take in arid zones during some favourable years (Florer & Ponta- nier,1982). The spectrum composition of the study area revealed the predominance of Therophytes> Chamaephytes>Geophytes>Phanerophytes>Hemi- chryptophytes. As said, the dominant biological type is repres- ented by the Therophytes with a percentage of Therapeutic use of Rosmarinus officinalis L and description of its medicinal flora cortege in Algeria 763 TAXA FAMILIES BIO TYPES MORPHO TYPES COROTYPE Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. Lamiaceae TH HA EUR-MED Allium nigrum L. Amaryllidaceae GE HV MED Ammoides verticillata (Duby) Briq. Apiaceae TH HA MED Aristolochia longa L. Aristolochiaceae GE HV MED Arum italicum Mill. Araceae TH HA ATL-MED Asparagus acutifolius L. Liliaceae GE HV MED Asparagus albus L. Liliaceae GE HV W-MED Asparagus stipularis Forsk. Liliaceae GE HV MACAR-MED Asphodelus microcarpus L. Liliaceae GE HV MACAR-MED Astragalus lusitanicus Lam. Fabaceae TH HA ALG-ORAN-MED Borrago officinalis L. Boraginaceae TH HA W-MED Bryonia dioica Jacq. Cucurbitaceae TH HA AS-EUR Carduus pycnocephalus L. Asteraceae HE HV AS-EUR Chamaerops humilis subsp argentea Andre Arecaceae CH LV MED Chenopodium album L. Chenopodiaceae TH HA COSM Chrysanthemum coronarium (L.) Spach Asteraceae TH HA MED Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum Asteraceae TH HA END Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Poaceae GE HV COSM Clinopodium nepeta (L.) Kuntze Lamiaceae CH HV AS-EUR Daphne gnidium L. Thymelaeaceae CH LV MED Daucus carota L. Apiaceae TH HA MED Drimia maritima (L.) Steam Liliaceae GE HV MACAR-MED Echium vulgare L. Boraginaceae TH HA MED Erica multiflora L. Ericaceae CH LV MED Eryngium maritimum L. Apiaceae CH LV EUR-MED Euphorbia helioscopia L. Euphorbiaceae TH HA AS-EUR Fedia cornucopiae (L.) Gaertner Valerianaceae TH HA MED Funrana thymifolia (L.) Spach ex Webb Cistaceae TH HA AS-EUR-MED Globularia alypum L. Plantaginaceae CH LV MED Herniaria hirsuta L. Caryophyllaceae TH HA PAL-TEMP Jasminum fruticans L. Oleaceae CH LV MED Juniper us oxycedrus L. Cupressaceae PH LV ATL-MED Juniperus phoenicea L. Cupressaceae PH LV MED Kundmannia sicula (L.) DC. Apiaceae TH HA MED Lavandula dentata L. Lamiaceae CH LV W-MED Lavandula multifida L. Lamiaceae CH LV MED Lavandula stoechas L. Lamiaceae CH LV MED Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv. Brassicaceae TH HA MED Table 1. Listing of related medicinal species associated with Rosmarinus officinalis in the study area. 764 Amina Mostefai etalii TAXA FAMILIES BIO TYPES MORPHO TYPES COROTYPE Lonicera implexa Aiton Caprifoliaceae TH HA MED Malva sylvestris L. Malvaceae TH HA MED Marrubium vulgar e L. Lamiaceae TH HA COSM Muscari comosum (L.) Mill. Liliaceae GE HV MED Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. Liliaceae GE HV EUR-MED Nepeta multibracteata Desf. Lamiaceae TH HA PORTUGAL A.N Olea europea L. Oleaceae PH LV MED Ononis spinosa L. Fabaceae CH LV AS-EUR Pallenis maritimus (L.) Greuter Asteraceae TH HA MACAR-MED Pinus pinaster Aiton Pinaceae PH LV W-MED Pistacia lentiscus L. Anacardiaceae PH LV MED Plantago major L. Plantaginaceae HE HV AS-EUR Ranunculus repens L. Ranunculaceae TH HA PAL Rhaphanus raphanistrum L. Brassicaceae HE HV MED Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb et Berthel. Fabaceae CH LV MED Rosmarinus officinalis L. Lamiaceae CH LV MED Rubia peregrina L. Rubiaceae TH HA ATL-MED Rumex bucephalophorus L. Polygonaceae TH HA MED Ruta chalepensis L. Rutaceae TH HA MED Smilax asp era L. Liliaceae GE HV MAC-MED-ETH-IND Tamus communis L. Dioscoreaceae TH HA ATL-MED Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast. Cupressaceae PH LV IBERO-MAURIT-MATH Teucrium fruticans L. Lamiaceae CH LV MED Teucrium polium L. Lamiaceae CH LV EUR-MED Thapsia garganica L. Apiaceae CH LV MED Thymus serpyllum L. Lamiaceae CH LV END.N.A Tulipa sylvestris L. Liliaceae GE HV EUR-MED Viburnum tinus L. Adoxaceae CH LV MED Table 1. Listing of related medicinal species associated with Rosmarinus officinalis in the study area. about 41%. This dominance is primarily due to their resistance to drought in the steppe areas. Neverthe- less, the Chamaephytes also keep a place very im- portant with a percentage of 27%. Benabadji et al. (2004) reported that grazing promotes the installa- tion, in a comprehensive manner, of the Chamae- phytes often refused by herds. Geophytes are in 3rd position, followed by Phanerophytes (9%) with bulbous and rhizomatous medicinal species. Hemi- cryptophytes are scarsely represented in the study (only 5%), probably due to the poverty in organic matter of the soil, as previously stressed by Barbero et al. (1989). From the morphological point of view, the ve- getation of the study area is marked by hetero- geneity between woody, herbaceous, perennials and annuals medicinal. The herbaceous annuals are dominant in the study with a percentage of 41% which is probably connected to the invasion of Therophytes (which are generally herbaceous annual). Roman (1987) Therapeutic use of Rosmarinus officinalis L and description of its medicinal flora cortege in Algeria 765 Figure 1. Percentage of families of medicinal plants from the study area. already highlighted the existence of a good cor- relation between biological types and many pheno- morphologic characters. Despite the dominance of annuals, perennial woody plants retain an important place with 35%. Herbaceous perennials are the least represented with 24%. Phytogeography is studying the distribution of plant species on the surface of the globe (see Lacoste & Salanon, 1969). The reasons why a species does not exceed the limits of its geograph- ical range can be many including: climate, soil, history or isolation by natural barriers. In our study we showed (Fig. 4) the predom- inance of the Mediterranean biogeographical types species with a percentage of 59%, followed by cosmopolitan elements (16%), Asian elements (6%) and Euro-Mediterranean and W-Mediterranean species (5% each). The other biogeographic elements are very little represented. CONCLUSIONS The therapeutic use of R. officinalis is ana- lyzed. Floristic cortege of Rosemary in the study area is marked by the dominance of Lamiaceae, Lili- aceae and Apiaceae. Therophytes are dominant, reflecting a strong anthropic action. biological types 5 % ■ Cluiinnephyte ■ Geophyte HeinKluyptopliyte 8 Plinnpi opliyfe Tlievopliyte Figure 2. Biological types of medicinal plants from the study area. Figure 3. Morphological types of medicinal plants from the study area. 766 Amina Mostefai etalii Biogeographical types ■ ■ MAC-Med ■ Cosm S As-Eur ■ Eur-Med ■ M«d Mio-Temp ■ W-Med others Figure 4. Biogeographic patterns of medicinal species from the study area. REFERENCES Barbero M., Bonin G., Loisel R. & Quezel R, 1989. Sclerophyllus Quercus forests of the mediterranan area: Ecological and ethologigal significance. Bielefelder Okologische Beitrage, 4: 1-23. Barry J.-R, 1988. Approche Ecologique des Regions Arides de l’Afrique. Universite de Nice. ISS de Nouakchott, 107 pp. Benabadji N., Bouazza M., Metge G. & Loisel R., 2004. Les sols de la steppe a Artemisia herba-alba Asso. au Sud de Sebdou (Oranie, Algerie). Synthese n°13, pp. 20-28. Bezanger Beauquesne L., Pinkas M., Torek M. & Trotin F., 1990. Plantes medicinales des regions temperees. 2eme edition Maloine. Paris. Bismuth C., Baud F., Conse F., Frejaville P.P. & Gamier R., 1987. Toxicologie clinique. Flammarion Mede- cine Sciences, Paris, 956 pp. Damien A., 2002. Guide du traitement des dechets. 3 edition. Dunod edition, Paris, 335 pp. Flesch F., 2005. Intoxications d'origine vegetale. Plant poisoning F. Flesch (Praticien hospitalier) Centre antipoison, hopitaux universitaires de Strasbourg. Floret C.H. & Pontanier R., 1982. L’aridite en Tunisie presaharienne: climat, sol, vegetation et amen- agement. Memoire de theses. Travaux et documents de TO.R.S.T.O.M., Paris, 544 pp. Fournier P., 2001. Les quatres flores de France. Leche- valier. Paris. Vol 2, 504 pp. I.T.E.I.P.M.I., 1991. Generalites sur le romarin (Ros- marinus officinalis L.). Fiches techniques elaborees a partir de sources multiples. Mise a jour (Janvier), pp. 2-5, 7-12. Lacoste A. & Salanon R., 1969. Elements de biogeo- graphie. Nathan, Paris, 189 pp. Maries R.J & Norman R.F, 1994. Plants as sources of antidiabetic agents. In "Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, vol. 6", H. Wagner & N.R. Farns- worth (Eds.), Academic Press, London, Chapter 4. Patrick N., 2003. Intoxications par les vegetaux: plantes et baies. Editions Scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS, 112 pp. Romane F., 1987. Efficacite de la distribution des formes de croissance des vegetaux pour E analyse de la vegetation a l’echelle regionale. Cas de quelques taillis du chene vert du Languedoc. These en doctorat a l'Universite d’Aix-Marseille III, 153 pp. Biodiversity Journal, 2015, 6 (3): 767-769 A new species of Clytus Laicharting, 1 784 from Greece (Cole- optera Cerambycidae) Pierpaolo Rapuzzi 1 & Ivo Jenis 2 'via Cialla, 48, 33040 Prepotto, Udine, Italy; e-mail: info@ronchidicialla.it 2 Naklo 342, 783 32, Czech Republic; e-mail: ivojenis@seznam.cz ABSTRACT A new species of Clytus Laicharting, 1784 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Clytini) is described from Peloponnese, Greece. The new species is close to Clytus tropicus (Panzer, 1795) which is also reported as a new species for Italy. KEY WORDS New species; Cerambycidae; Clytus', Greece. Received 31.08.2015; accepted 21.09.2015; printed 30.09.2015 INTRODUCTION Our colleagues and friends Mauro Malmusi (Modena, Italy), Lucio Saltini (Modena, Italy) and Massimiliano Trentini (Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, Italy) collected during the summer 2014 two specimens of a particular form of Clytus Laicharting, 1784 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Clytini) from Peloponnese (Greece). The same particular form of Clytus was collected V by Ivo Jenis, Oliver Dulik (Nasoburky, Czech Republic), Ivo Martinu (Olomouc, Czech Re- public) from the same area. These specimens are related to Clytus tropicus (Panzer, 1795) but they are easy to distinguish from many distinctive characters which we attribute to a new species that we describe below. ACRONYMS. BBuC: Boris Bubenik collec- tion, Frydek Mistek, Czech Republic. IJC: Ivo Jenis collection, Naklo, Czech Republic. MMC: Mauro Malmusi collection, Modena, Italy. IMC: Ivo Martinu collection, Olomouc, Czech Republic. PRC: Pierpaolo Rapuzzi collection, Prepotto, Udine, Italy. Clytus paradisiacus n. sp. Figure 1 Examined material. Type material: Holotypus female, Greece: Arkadia, Paradisia, South of Megalopoli, 1-9.VI.2014, sugar traps, M. Malmusi, L. Saltini and M. Trentini legit (PCR); Paratypus 1 female, same data as holotypus (MMC); 1 female, Greece: Arkadia, Paradisia, South of Megalopoli, 13. VI.2004, I. Jenis legit (IJC); 1 female, Greece: Arkadia, Dasochori, South of Megalopoli, ex larva, 5.V.2013, O. Dulik legit (BBuC); 1 female, Greece: Arkadia, Vastas, South of Megalopoli, ex pupae, 14. V.2014, 1. Martinu legit (IMC). Description of the holotype. Length 17 mm.; width 3 mm. Body black except for the base of elytra, antennae and part of the legs. Body with yellow stripes. Head deeply punctate. Frons square, with a middle small carina between eyes. Antennal tubercles prominent. Only few yellow hairs just around the eyes on frons. The whole surface of the head is densely and deeply punctate. Pronotum as long as wide; sides rounded, the largest portion just before the middle. Pronotum 768 PlERPAOLO RAPUZZI & IVO JENIS deeply punctate with several dark erect setae denser on the sides. Pronotum with four yellow spots, two on the base and two on the apex. On the middle of pronotum, on external sides, there are two small depressions; sides rounded. Scutellum small, triangular and covered with yellow pubes- cence. Elytra long, the basal quarter with light brown integuments, the apical three quarters black. The yellow pattern is made by short and recumbent setae. The drawing consists of four yellow bands. The first one is an elongate spot on each elytra, briefly arched behind the shoulders. The second one is a complete “U” shaped band on each elytra. This band starts from the lateral margin and reaches the suture, the basal yellow spot is positioned inside the concavity made by this band. The third band is behind the middle of the elytra, transverse, slightly protracted towards the base. The fourth band is very small, only a thin spot before the apex on each elytra. Few semi- erect short setae in the light portion of the elytra; these setae are yellow and black. Apex rounded. Elytral punctuation very dense and relatively thin, density and size of the punctures similar on the whole elytral surface. Legs very long, especially the hind legs. All the legs are yellow, only the club of all femurs darker. Antennae short, not reaching the middle of elytra, yellow, darker towards the apex. Third antennal segment longer than fourth and next segments progressively shorter towards the apex. Variability. The lenght of the paratypes fe- males is between 16 and 18 mm.; the paratypes are completely missing the apical yellow spot; the clubs of femora are darker and the apex of antennae is slightly dark as well. Male unknown. Etymology. The name of the new species ori- ginates from the collecting locality of the specimens known (Paradisia, Arkadia, Greece). Figure 1. Clytus paradisiacus n. sp., paratypus female. Figure 2. Clytus tropicus (Panzer, 1795), female (Czech, Republic). A new species of Clytus Laicharting 1 784 from Greece (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) 769 Distribution and Biology. The new species is, at moment, known only of the collected locality in Greece, Peloponnese. The specimens of C. paradisiacus n. sp. were reared from dead branches of Quercus pubescens Willd. (BBuC and IMC). Remarks. Clytus paradisiacus n. sp. is related to Clytus tropicus (Panzer, 1795) (Fig. 2) but is easy to distinguish by the third antennal segment that is clearly longer than fourth, equal in C. tropicus. The pattern is different and helps for the identification of the new species. The first fourth of elytral length is light brown, completely black or at the most only a narrow portion of the base is brown in C. tropicus. The yellow spot on each elytra is longer and more oblique in the new species than in C. tropicus. The first arched band is “U” shaped in C. paradisiacus n. sp. instead of “J” shaped in C. tropicus. The post- median band is less arched and wider than in C. tropicus where it very often connects with the pre- apical transverse band. The latter is completely missing or at least remains only a small spot in the new species. Antennal tubercles are more prom- inent and acute in the new species. Clytus tropicus is known from Middle Europe and South East Europe from the Balkan Peninsula to Bulgaria and Southern Russia (Lobl & Smetana, 2010). Recentely it was discovered in Italy as well (Lazio, Roma province, Bosco di Manziana, VI.2014, D. Patacchiola legit (Rome, Italy); it is a new record for Italy (Sama, 2005). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mauro Malmusi (Modena, Italy), Lucio Saltini (Modena, Italy) and Massimili- ano Trentini (Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, Italy), V Oliver Dulik (Nasoburky, Czech Republic), Ivo Martinu lgt. (Olomouc, Czech Republic) for the opportunity to study the specimens collected during their scientific survey in Peloponnese. We are grateful to Daniel Patacchiola (Roma, Italy) to give us the opportunity to study his specimen of Clytus tropicus collected in Lazio (Italy). We are deep gra- teful to Mr. Gontran Drouin (Sainte Henedine, Quebec, Canada) for the critical revision of the manuscript and for the revision of the english text. REFERENCES Lobl I. & Smetana A., 2010. Catalogue of Paleartic Coleoptera. 6. Chrysomeloidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 924 pp. Sama G., 2005. Coleoptera Cerambycidae. In: Ruffo S. & Stoch F. (Eds.), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, s. 2, sez. Scienze della Vita, 16: 219-222.