, • • : ' oi ii m JD a a a m o THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY HERTWIG / THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY PREFORMATION OR EPIGENESIS? THE BASIS OF A THEORY OF ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT 0 RlC-iUfcC C # I E . BY PROFESSOR DR. OSCAR HERTWIG DIRECTOR OF THE SECOND ANATOMICAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN ut^oriseb translation BY P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE TRANSLATOR AND A GLOSSARY OF THE TECHNICAL TERMS 'Cr THE MACMILLAN CO. NEW YORK PREFACE SHORTLY after the appearance of Dr. Oscar Hert- wig's treatise ' Praformation oder Epigenese ?' I published in Natural Science (1894) a detailed abstract of it. But the momentous issues involved in the problem of heredity, and the great interest excited by Dr. Weismann's theories, make it de- sirable that a full translation should appear. By the kindness of Dr. Hertwig and his German pub- lisher, this is now possible. I have prefixed an introduction, written for those who are interested in the general problem, but who have little acquaint- ance with the technical matters on which the argument turns. In the actual translation I have tried no more than to give a faithful rendering of the German. After no little perplexity, I have rendered the German word Anlage as 'rudiment.' It is true, a double meaning has been grafted upon the English word, and it is widely employed to mean an undeveloped structure, without discrimination between incipient and vestigial character. I use it in the etymological sense, as an incipient structure. For the difficult words, Erbgleich and Erbungleich, a succession of new terms have been suggested. Here I use for the first term the word ' doubling,' for the second ' differentiating.' P. C. M. TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION INQUIRY into the problems of heredity is beset with many difficulties, of which not the least is the temptation to argue about the possible, or the probable, rather than to keep in the lines of obser- vation. Setting out from a laborious and beautiful series of investigations into the anatomy of the Hydromedusse, Weismann came to think that the organic material from which the sexual cells of these animals arose was not the common protoplasm of their tissues, but a peculiar plasm, distinct in its nature and possibilities. In the course of several years, Weismann not only continued his own in- vestigations in the many directions that his con- ception suggested, but made abundant use of that new knowledge of the nature and properties of cells which has been the feature of the microscopy of the last decade. His theory of the germplasm gradually grew, undergoing many alterations, so that even in its present form he regards it as tenta- tive. Neglecting the numerous modifications and accessory hypotheses by which he has sought to adapt the theory to the phantasmagorial complexity of organic nature, the main outline of the theory is viii TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION as follows : A living being takes its individual origin only where there is separated from the stock of the parent a little piece of the peculiar reproductive plasm, the so-called germplasm. In sexless repro- duction one parent is enough ; in sexual repro- duction equal masses of germplasm from each parent combine to form the new individual. The germplasm resides in the nucleus of cells, and Weis- mann identifies it with the nuclear material which microscopists have named chromatin, on account of the avidity with which it absorbs certain dyes. Like ordinary protoplasm, of which the bulk of cell-bodies is composed, the germplasm is a living material, capable of growing in bulk without altera- tion of structure, when it has access to appropriate food. But it is a living material much more com- plex than protoplasm. In the first place, the mass of germplasm which is the starting-point of a new individual consists of several, sometimes of many, pieces termed ids, each of which contains all the possibilities — generic, specific, individual — of a new organism. Each id is a veritable microcosm, possessed of a historic architecture that has been slowly elaborated during the multitudinous series of generations that stretch backwards in time from every living individual. This microcosm, again, consists of a number of minor vital units called determinants, which cohere according to an orderly plan. A determinant exists for every part of the adult organism which is capable of being different in different individuals. And, lastly, each deter- minant consists of a number of ultimate particles TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION ix called biophores, which eventually pass into the protoplasm of the cells in which they come to lie and direct the vital activities of these cells. A most important part of the theory is what it supposes to occur during the embryological develop- ment of the individual. The mass of germplasm derived from the germplasm of the parent lies in a mass of ordinary protoplasm. Both the protoplasm and the germplasm, by the assimilation of food, gradually increase in bulk until the adult size of the organism is reached. Along with the increase of size there occurs a gradual specialisation, during which the tissues, organs, and structure of the creature are attained. The simplest conception of this process is to regard the initial mass as a single cell, the nucleus of which is composed of the parental germplasm. The nucleus and the proto- plasm increase in size, and then, first the nucleus and next the protoplasm divide, so that there are formed two cells, each with a nucleus. Each of these again divides, and the process goes on con- tinuously, the new-formed cells gradually being marshalled into their places to form the adult tissues and organs, and they gradually assume the special characters of these tissues and organs. Now, Weismann's theory supposes that the first division of the germplasm is what is called in this translation a doubling division (Erbgleiche Theilung). The mass has grown in bulk, without altering its character, so that each resulting mass is precisely like the other. One of the two portions subsequently increases in bulk, and may again x TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION divide repeatedly, but always by doubling division. It therefore remains unaltered germplasm, and eventually is marshalled to the part of the adult from which new organisms are to arise, becoming, for instance, in the case of a woman, the nuclear matter of the ovary. Thus, the germplasm is handed on continuously from generation to genera- tion, forming an unbroken chain, through each individual, from grandparent to grandchild. This is the immortality of the germ-cells, the part of the theory which has laid so strong a hold on the popular imagination. And with this also is con- nected the equally celebrated denial of the inherit- ance of acquired characters. For, at first, it seemed a clear inference that, if the hereditary mass for the daughters were separated off from the hereditary mass that was to form the mother, at the very first, before the body of the mother was formed, the daughters were in all essentials the sisters of their mother, and could take from her nothing of any characters that might be impressed upon her body in subsequent development. As this treatise touches only indirectly upon the question of acquired characters, it is necessary only to mention that while his early sharp denial of the possibility of inheritance of acquired characters has led to a damaging criticism of supposed cases, Weismann, in the riper development of his theory, has found a possibility for the partial transference of influences that affect the mother to the germplasm contained within her. It is with the fate of the other portion coming TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION xi from the first division of the germplasm that we are concerned here. It is set apart to form the nuclear matter, and so to control the building up of the actual individual. Weismann supposes that the subsequent divisions it undergoes are what I call in this translation differentiating divisions (Erbungleiche Theilung). According to his theory, in each of these divisions the microcosms of the germplasm are not doubled, but are slowly dis- integrated, the division differentiating among the determinants, and marshalling one set into one portion, the other set into the other portion. The differentiating process occurs in an order deter- mined by the historic architecture of the micro- cosms, so that the proper determinants are liberated at the proper time for the modelling of the tissues and organs. Ultimately, when the whole body is formed, the cells contain only their own kind of deter- minants. It follows, of course, from this that the cells of the tissues cannot give rise to structures containing less disintegrated nuclear material than their own nuclear material, and least of all to reproductive cells, which must contain the undis- integrated microcosms of the germplasm. As special adaptations for the formation of buds and for the reconstruction of lost parts, cells may be provided with latent groups of determinants to become active only on emergency. But with these exceptions, the nuclear matter of the cells of the body contains only what is called idioplasm, a differentiated portion of the germplasm peculiar to cells of their own order, and it can give rise only to xii TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION idioplasm of the same or of a lower order. And here we come round again to the original observations from which Weismann set out. For he found that among the Hydrornedusae, although the sexual cells seemed to arise in very different topographical positions, there had always been a migration to these localities of a material which he would now call the germplasm. And here also, that the point may be made plain, there may be mentioned the observations of surgeons and physicians, who insist that the growths of disease always conform strictly, in their cellular nature, to the tissues from which they arose, and that in the healing of wounds like only grows from cellular like. Dr. Oscar Hertwig is a scientific naturalist of the very first rank, and his name is peculiarly asso- ciated with many of the most important advances in our knowledge of cells and of embryology. To him chiefly, for instance, is due the discovery of the intimate nature of fertilisation — that it consists in the union of the nuclear matter of a cell from the male with the nuclear matter of a cell from the female. With the exception of Francis Balfour, no man has laboured more patiently, or achieved more wonderful results, in the investigation of the origin and marshalling of cells by which the egg changes into the adult. From his own experience, and from his study of the observations made by others, he has been led to doubt the validity of apparently fundamental parts of Weismann's conception. In the first place, he thinks that there is no evidence for the existence of differentiating as opposed to TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION xiii doubling divisions, and that there is evidence that divisions always are doubling divisions. He thinks, in fact, that when a portion of germplasm divides, the daughter- cells receive portions of germplasm exactly alike and exactly like the original portion in the parent-cell. The cells, indeed, become different from each other as the organism grows, some becoming muscle-cells, others nerve-cells, others digestive-cells, and so forth. Weismann thinks that the differences occur because, in the disintegration of the germplasm - microcosms, according to a prearranged plan, only the deter- minants for nerve-cells are marshalled into nerve- cells, only those for muscle-cells into muscle-cells, and so forth. The development is an evolution, an unfolding or unwrapping of little rudiments that lie in the germplasm. Hertwig insists that every cell receives the same kind of germplasm, but that, according to the situations in which they come to lie, different characters are impressed upon them. The development is an epigenesis, or impressing on identical material of different characters by dif- ferent surrounding forces. His second line of argument against Weismann leads to a similar conclusion. A large number of the characters that arise in an organism during its development are due to the combination of many cells. They cannot come into existence until the multiplication of cells has made their existence possible, and he thinks, therefore, that they cannot have rudiments inside a single cell as their determining cause. It is no part of my present purpose to insist, xiv TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION even to the extent that in this treatise Hertwig o nimself insists, upon the points of agreement between the two views. We are only at the beginning of inquiry into the problems of heredity, and the protagonists of the opposing views, like all those who care more for knowledge than for argument, are concerned more for truth than for the establishment of a modus vivendi. Reconcilia- tion is the parent of slothful thinking and of glosses ; it is by sharp contrasting of the opposing views that we are like to have new facts elicited, and new lines of inquiry suggested. As many are interested in the problems who have little acquaintance with the technical facts of embryology, a simple account of the early stages in the development of an animal may be useful for reference. I shall choose back-boned animals, as, from the inclusion of man among them, they are of more general interest. The process begins with the fertilisation of the egg- cell by the fusion with its nucleus of the nucleus or head of a male-cell or spermatozoon. At their first origin the nuclei of the sperm and of the egg may be of very different appearance, while that of the sperm is invariably smaller than that of the egg. But before or during the process of fertilisation, changes take place, the result of which is that the fusing nuclei are exactly alike in morphological character. The chromatin, or peculiar substance of the nuclei, is transformed into a number of bodies known as chromosomes, which are of the same number, form, and size, in the two sexes. TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION xv Form, size, and number are different in different animals, but there is reason to believe that they are normally the same in all the individuals of a species. The fertilised nucleus, thus consisting of chromosomes from male and female, then divides by a complicated process known as karyokinesis, in which each chromosome splits longitudinally, one half passing to each daughter-nucleus. Through- out the whole process of embryonic and post- embryonic growth, the chromatin is gradually increasing in bulk, and being distributed by karyokinesis. The normal character of these divisions is as follows : A daughter-nucleus, after separation, passes through a resting phase, in which the chromosomes, as detinite structures, disappear, and in which growth of the nuclear matter occurs. Then chromosomes of definite size and form, and corresponding in number to those present in the fertilised egg-cell, again appear. These split longitudinally, and a half of each passes to each daughter-nucleus. The simi- larity of these processes among all living creatures, vegetable and animal, and their extreme complica- tion, suggests that karyokinesis is the chief factor in distributing the hereditary mass to the growing organism. Weismann and some others think that there is evidence for a difference in the nature of the process, which may in some cases correspond to his distinction between doubling and differentiating divisions, but it may be said at once that the record of observations is yet too conflicting for any such general interpretation. xvi TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION Along with the increase in bulk and distribution of the nuclear matter, there goes an increase in bulk and segregation of the ordinary protoplasm. The simplicity of the actual development of most back-boned animals is disguised by provision for the nutrition of the growing embryo. In a large number of cases, as, for instance, in birds and reptiles, the egg-cell, a microscopic structure at its first formation, is bloated out into the large eggs with which we are familiar, by the addition of quantities of food-yolk. These eggs, although morphologically single cells, do not divide as cells. A small disc of protoplasm, surrounding the nucleus, floats upon the surface of the yellow yolk, and, when the nucleus divides, furrows appear in this between the daughter-nuclei, but stretch very little way into the inert food-yolk. The subse- quent marshalling of the cells is disguised by their association with a preponderating mass of inert material. In a far-distant period in the history of evolution, the eggs of mammals like man were large, and contained, as in the lowest existing mammals, a store of food-yolk. Now the food- yolk is not formed, as the developing embryo obtains its nourishment from the blood of the mother. But the course of development is dis- torted, partly as a legacy from the old large-yolked condition, and still more to suit the new method of nutrition. Some of the simpler animals even among existing vertebrates still exhibit a marshal- ling of cells common among invertebrates, and to be traced under the complications of higher forms. TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION xvii In these, now, as in the marine ancestors of all the vertebrates, the fertilised egg is a tiny cell provided with very little yolk, and set adrift in the sea- water. The first division of the nucleus, and each subsequent division of the daughter-nuclei, is at once followed by division or segmentation of the whole cell. The plane between the two cells thus formed is called the first cleavage-plane, and is regarded as vertical. The second cleavage-plane is at right angles to the first, and is also vertical, so that the little embryo consists of four cells, all on the same horizontal plane. The third cleavage- plane is horizontal, and divides the four cells into an upper and lower tier of four cells. In the course of a series of divisions the eight cells come to form a hollow sphere — the blastosphere — enclosing a cavity known as the cleavage or segmentation cavity. The first great modelling then occurs. At one side the single layer of cells, of which the wall of the blastosphere is composed, begins to bend inwards, just as a dimple forms in a hollow india- rubber ball if a pin-prick allow some of the con- tained air to escape. Further cell-divisions occur, and the invagination becomes deeper, until the in- vaginating wall nearly touches the wall which has retained its primitive position. The embryo has thus become a hollow cup, the walls of which are double. The cup elongates, and its mouth, origin- ally wide open, becomes more and more narrow, until it forms a small pore opening into an elongated blind sack. The embryo in this stage is known as xviii TRANSLATORS INTRODUCTION a gastrula. The central cavity becomes the cavity of the gut; the pore leading into it marks the hind end of the future animal, in the case of verte- brates, and is known as the blastopore. The layer of cells lining the cavity of the sack is known as the hypoblast, and gives rise chiefly to the cells lining the alimentary canal of the future animal. The outer layer of cells is known as the epiblast, and forms the outer layer of the skin, and, along the future dorsal line, gives rise to the nervous system. The muscles and skeleton and the repro- ductive cells arise from a set of cells known as the mesoblast, that are formed chiefly from the hypo- blast, and that push their way in between the hypoblast and epiblast. This general course of development may be traced in all members of the vertebrate group, and, with slight modifications, may be applied to a large number of invertebrates. As the modelling of the general contour of the whole body and of the separate organs proceeds, the protoplasm of the cells gradually assumes the characters of the sub- stance of muscle-cells, liver-cells, nerve-cells, blood - cells, and so forth. The problem of this book will become clearer if it be considered with special re- ference to what goes on in these early stages. Hertwig says that all the cells of the epiblast, hypoblast, mesoblast, and of the later derivatives of these primary layers, receive identical portions of germplasm by means of doubling nuclear divisions. The different positions, relations to each other and to the whole organism, and to the TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION xix environment in the widest sense of the term, cause different sides of the capacities of the cells to be developed, but they retain in a latent form all the capacities of the species. Weismann says that the nuclear divisions are differentiating, and that the microcosms of the germplasm, in accordance with their inherited architecture, gradually liberate different kinds of determinants into the different cells, and that, therefore, the essential cause of the specialisation of the organism was contained from the beginning in the germplasm. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE - - V TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION - vii INTRODUCTION 1 PART I. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM AND DOCTRINE OF DETERMINANTS - 17 PART II. THOUGHTS TOWARDS A THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS ..... 1Q1 31244 THE BIOLOGICAL PEOBLEM OF TO-DAY INTRODUCTION. WHAT is development? Does it imply preforma- tion or epigenesis ? This perplexing question of biology has reappeared recently as a problem of the day. Of late years there have been set forth con- tradictory doctrines, each seeking to explain the process by which the fertilised egg-cell, an ap- parently simple beginning, gives rise to the adult organism, which often is exceedingly complicated, and which has the capacity of producing new beginnings like that from which it itself arose. The opposing views of to-day were in existence centuries ago, and they are known in the history of science as the theory of preformation or evolu- tion, and the theory of epigenesis. That most of the great biologists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were decided upholders of evolution was the natural result of the con- temporary knowledge of facts. For they knew only the external signs of the process of develop- 1 2 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y ment. All they saw was the embryo becoming adult, the bud growing out into a blossom, as the result of a process in which nutrition transformed smaller to greater parts. And so they regarded development as a simple process of growth result- ing from nutrition. Their mental picture of the germ or beginning of an organism was an exceed- o o o o ingly reduced image of the organism, an image requiring for its development nothing but nutrition and growth. That the material eye failed to recognise the miniature they attributed to the imperfection of our senses, and to the extreme minuteness and resulting opacity of the object. That it might satisfy our human craving for final causes, the theory of preformation had to be accompanied by a corresponding explanation of the origin of the miniatures. Biologists had already abandoned the error of such spontaneous generation as the origin of flies from decaying meat, and, in its place, had accepted the doctrine of the con- tinuity of life, formulating it in the phrase, Omne vivum e vivo (Each life from a life), and in the similar phrase, Omne vivum ex ovo (Each life from an egg). One creature issued from another, within which it had lain as a germ, and the series was continuous. Thus, the theory of preformation gave rise to the conception that living things were a series of cases or wrappings, germ folded within germ. The origin of life was relegated to the beginning, at the creation of the world : it became the work of a supernatural Creator, who, when He formed the first creatures, formed with them, and INTRODUCTION 3 placed within them, the germs of all subsequent creatures. To reckon at their proper value the theory of preformation, and, still more, the doctrine of en- folded germs, the standard of appreciation must not be the present range of our knowledge. They must be viewed historically, in the light of the knowledge of these days. Nowadays it is not so much pure reason as a wider empirical knowledge of nature, with its con- sequent transformation of ideas, that makes the doctrine of enfoldment difficult. Abstract thought sets no limit to smallness or greatness ; for mathe- matics deals with the infinitely small and with the infinitely great. So long as actual observation had not determined the limits of minuteness in the cases in question, there were no logical difficulties in the doctrine of enfolded germs. The biology of earlier centuries had not our empirical standard. What appeared then to be a simple organic material we have resolved into millions of cells, themselves consisting of different chemical materials. The chemical materials have been analysed into their elements, and chemistry and physics have determined the dimensions of the ultimate molecules of these. It is only because the minute constitu- tion of matter is no longer a secret to us that the theory of germ within germ now touches the absurd. It was very different in earlier days ; the acutest biologists and philosophers were evolutionists, and an epigenetic conception of the process of develop- 4 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y merit could find no foothold alongside the apparent logical consistency of the theory of preformation. Wolff 's T/ieoria Generationis (1759) failed to convince his contemporaries, because he could bring against the closed system of the evolutionists only isolated observations, and these doubtful of inter- pretation ; and because, in his time, on account of the rudimentary state of the methods of research in biology, men attached more importance to ab- stract reasoning than to observation. His effort was the more praiseworthy in that it was observa- tion bearing witness against abstract and dogmatic conceptions. By means of actual observation he tried to expose the fallacy in preformation, to show that the organism was not fully formed in the germ, but that all development proceeded by new forma- tion, or epigenesis ; that the germ consisted of unorganised organic material, which became formed or organised only little by little in the course of its development, and that Nature really was able to produce an organism from an unorganised material simply by her inherent forces. It is interesting to display the essential contrast between preformation and epigenesis in the poetical words of Wolff' himself. ' You must remember,' so run his words in the second argument against the probability of preformation, ' that an evolution would be a phenomenon formed in its real essence by God at the Creation, but created in condition invisible, and so as to remain invisible for long before it would become visible. See, then, that a phenomenon of enfolding is a miracle, differing INTRODUCTION 5 from ordinary miracles only in these : first, it was at the creation of the world that God produced it ; second, it remained invisible for long before it became visible. In truth, therefore, all organic bodies would be miracles. Would not this change for us the presence of Nature ? Would it not spoil her of her beauty ? Hitherto we had a living Nature, displaying endless changes by her own forces. Now it would be a fabric displaying change in seeming only, in truth and essence remaining unchanged and as it was constructed, save that it gradually becomes more and more used up. Formerly it was a Nature destroying herself and creating herself anew, only that endless changes might become visible and new sides be brought to light. Now it would be a lifeless mass shedding off piece after piece until the stock should come to an end.' None the less, who seeks in Wolff's ' Theoria Generationis ' an account of the means or forces by which Nature builds up organic forms will seek in vain. The vis essenticdis (inherent force) with which Wolff endowed his plastic organic material, or the nisus formativus (formative force), afterwards suggested to science by Blumenbach- -what are they but empty words by which men seek to grasp in thought what has eluded them ? Wolff's epigenesis was not a complete explanation— indeed, from its fundamental conception it could not possibly be such. For investigation of the natural forces by which development proceeds can advance only slowly and step by step, and for long will con- 6 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY stitute the foremost task of biology. The prose- cution of biological investigation will continuously endow the theory of epigenesis with a fuller and fuller meaning, but will never transform it into a solution final in the sense of the theory of pre- formation. It seems to me that the significance of Wolff's doctrine lies in this : it rejected the purely formal theory of preformation because actual observations were against it. Thereby Wolft' freed research from the straitened bonds of prejudice, and entered the only possible path by which science can advance -the path along which the biology of our century has made so great advances. Biologists of to-day approach the problem of organic development equipped with incomparably greater knowledge and with more delicate methods of research. But in our thoughts to-day, as we discuss the essential nature of the process of organic development and the mutual causal relations be- tween rudiments and their products, the same con- tradictory views are present, altered only as our methods of expression have altered. In a striking fashion Roux1 has contrasted the opposing ideas inherent in our modern conception of development, but yet identical with those which formerly found expression in the theories of pre- formation and epigenesis. c By the term " embryonic development," in its 1 "VVilhelm Roux in Zcitsclirift fiir Pioloylc, vol. xxi. (1SS5) : Zilr Ori^ntinnui iicJicr rinlai- Proll^m,- <•- bene des Embryo. Anatom. Anzeiger. (1894) ; Nos. 8 and 9. If, as would appear from the last treatise, Roux would avoid being reckoned with evolutionists, he must abandon his mosaic theory, and this he has not done. I think in the present essay, on theoretical and experimental grounds I have vshown the un- tenability of Roux's mosaic theory. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLA8M 57 broken up into unlike halves, by which the development of the corresponding cells is directed FIG. 3. — DIAGRAMS OF THE EGGS OF FROGS, which show how alteration of the cleavage process changes the mode in which the nuclear material is distributed. The nuclei indicated by the same numbers have the same descent in all the diagrams. All the eggs are viewed from the animal pole. A. Normally develop- ing eggs. B. Eggs developing under compression by horizontal plates. C. Eggs developing under compression by vertical plates. diversely, i.e., is determined in a specific fashion. The error in these representations of Weismann 58 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y and of Roux has been shown by varied ex- periments of my own. The eggs of frogs on the point of cleaving were flattened to a disc between vertically or horizontally placed glass-plates. In the first case they were flattened in the dorso- ventral direction, i.e., the axis passing through the animal and vegetative pole was shortened ; in the second case an axis at right angles to this was shortened. In both cases the course of cleavage, and the resulting distribution of the nuclei in the yolk, was artificially modified. The diagrams A, B, C (Fig. 3) will make the results plain to the reader. A, represents the dis- tribution of the nuclei after normal cleavage ; B, the same, when the egg was pressed between horizontally- arranged parallel glass-plates ; C, the same, where the flattening was produced by vertically-placed parallel glass-plates.1 The diagrams show the positions of the seg- mentation spheres and of the contained nuclei as seen from the animal pole. In stages where two layers of cells as a result of division lay one above the other, the cells of the lower layer are distin- guished in the figure by shading. In the three diagrams the nuclei are numbered so that the reader may know how far they are removed from the nuclei of the first two segmentation spheres. The numbers are further exhibited in the following two genealogical trees : 1 The terms vertical and horizontal refer to the vertical axis of the egg, which passes through the animal and vegetative poles. - Translator s note. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 59 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6 11 12 13 14 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 In the three diagrams the nuclei with the same numbers have the same rank in descent, and therefore, according to the theory of Roux and Weismann, have the same qualities, while the nuclei with unlike numbers differ in qualities. Let us now notice how the nuclei in the three processes of division, of which two are abnormal, are placed in the mass of the egg. After the first division, the nuclei are alike in all three cases ; after the second difference appears. In Al and Bl nuclei 3 and 5 lie to the left ; 4 and 6 to the right of the second cleavage-plane, which, according to Roux's hypothesis, corresponds to the median-plane of the future embryo ; while in C they are forced into two layers, one above the other, nuclei 4 and 6 being dorsal, 3 and 5 ventral. In the third cycle of division there is no agree- ment between the three cases. In the diagrams A2 and B2 the nuclei still lie similarly to the right and left of the middle line ; but in A2 they are arranged in two layers, in B3 in a single layer. The nuclei 8, 10, 12, and 14, which compose the upper layer in A2, form the middle of the disc in B2 ; and 7 and 9, 11 and 13, the ventral nuclei of A2, occupy the ends of the single-layered disc of B2, being closely pressed against each other. 60 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY In the diagram C2 there is actually no median- plane after the third cycle of division. The nuclei 9, 10, 14, 13, which in A and B form the right side of the mass, here form a dorsal layer with nuclei 7, 8, 12, 11, forming a ventral layer. In the fourth cycle of division the nuclear matter is still more variously distributed through the mass, as may be seen from comparison of diagrams A3, B3, C3. Although, under normal conditions, the multi- plication and division of the nuclear material occurs in an almost invariable and definite fashion, the mere altering of the spherical form to a cylinder or to a disc produces a method of division completely different, so far as the nuclei are related to each other in a genealogical tree. In the one and the other method of division the nuclei are brought into relation with different regions of the proto- plasmic mass, and are united with these regions to form cellular individuals. I had quite enough reason for what I said in my essay : ' If the doctrine of Roux and Weismann be true, and the successive divisions by which nuclei arise really place different qualities in the nuclei — qualities according to which the masses of proto- plasm surrounding them become different and definite parts of the embryo — what a pretty set of malformations must result from eggs in which the nuclear matter has been shuffled about so wantonly! As such malformations do not occur, it is plain that the doctrine is untenable.' We reach the same conclusion from consideration of the interesting experiments made by Driesch WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 61 and Wilson upon the early stages of segmentation of the egg. In the cases of an echinoid and of amphioxus (Fig. 4) they succeeded in shaking apart the first two and the first four cells that arose in division of the egg ; and they traced the subse- quent development of these separated segmentation spheres. From one of the first two segmentation spheres of an echinoid egg, Driesch was able to rear suc- cessive embryonic stages (Gastrula and Pluteus), which were normal in shape, but one-half the usual size. Wilson's results, obtained by shaking apart 4. — NOKMAL AND FRACTIONAL GASTPOJL.E AMPHIOXUS. (After Wilson.} A Gastrula from a whole egg ; B, c and D, gastruLe from single cells artificially separated, (B) from the two-celled stage, (c) from the four-celled, and (D) from the eight-celled stages of normal development. the segmentation spheres, were even more interest- ing, as they were performed upon amphioxus, a more highly-organized animal. He reared gastrulss and older embryos with notochord and nerve - tube, which were perfect and normal, except in size. They were one-half, one-quarter, or one-eighth of the usual size, according as they were reared from 62 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY cells isolated from the two, four, or eight-celled stage of the segmenting egg. Results which Chabry and I gained by destroy- ing, by puncture, one of the first two segmentation spheres, assist the present argument. Although one-half of the mass had been destroyed, Chabry obtained, in the case of an ascidian, and I obtained, in the common frog, embryos with notochord and nerve-plate. These developed directly and normally, although, in the case of the frog, there was a slight defect at the ventral posterior part of the body, where the arrested protoplasmic mass came to lie. All these experiments show that the first two (and in some cases the first four) results of division can assume a quite different bearing as regards their function in the mechanical building of the embryo, according to whether they remain bound with each other into a whole or are separated and develop by themselves. In the former case, each forms only one-half (in some cases only a fourth) of the whole. In the latter case, each by itself pro- duces the whole. The half and the whole, then, of the first cleavage-cells are identical in real nature, and, according to the circumstances, can develop, now in this way, now in that. Even if Weismann were to admit the correctness of these experiments, perhaps he would not con- sider that they contradicted his theory of the germ- plasm and the segregation of the hereditary mass, but would make a supplemental hypothesis, which, from the spirit of his theory, could be none other than this : each of the first cleavage - cells, in WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 63 addition to its specific part of the hereditary mass, the part that controls its normal course of develop- ment, possesses an accessory idioplasm, an undivided fragment of the germplasm, left behind to be ready for unforeseen emergencies ; this part takes com- mand when, in consequence of violence, a separated part develops into the whole. But such an assumption does not go far enough, if it be confined to the first cleavage-cells. By compression of the frog's egg, I have shown that the pole passing through the blastopore, which coincides with the chief axis of the future embryo, may assume different relations to the first segmenta- tion-plane, sometimes coinciding with that, some- times making a right or an acute angle with it. It is clear that in each of these cases the embryonal- cells take a different share in the formation of the regions of the body, and that they must be fore- endowed with the capacity of playing different parts. The developmental history of double monsters enforces the same doctrine ; such are common among the embryos of fish, and rather less common among chicks. From causes of which we are ignorant two, instead of one, gastrula stages may arise at separate regions of the germinal layer of the egg. According to the position of these two invaginations, which may be regarded as crystal- lisation-points for the formation of the future embryo, the cells of the germinal disc will be drawn into the process of development, and, falling into groups, will build up organs. In relation to this 64 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y double gastrulation, there may arise, for instance, four instead of two primitive ears, eyes, and nasal organs ; and these arise from cell - groups, the choice of which is determined by their relation to the position of the gastrula-invagination. From various other experiments, conducted so as to distort the normal course of development, I have obtained parallel results. Taking frogs' eggs immediately after fertilisation, I compressed them strongly between parallel, horizontally placed glass plates. I then inverted them, so that the vegetative pole came to lie uppermost. In spite of their unnatural relation to gravity, they developed further, and became ab- normal, quite unsymmetrical embryos. In another experiment, taking a triton's eggs after they had divided into two spheres, I sur- rounded them with a silk thread in the plane of the first cleavage, and tightened the thread until the embryo assumed the form of a sand-glass. The deformity of the resulting larvse was very different, and perhaps depended on the tightness of the con- striction. Some became greatly elongated, and had developed so that the thread surrounded the dorsal nerve- cord. In other cases the dorsally- placed organs arose only from one-half of the sand- glass-shaped embryo, while the other half gave rise to the ventral part of the body. In this case the dorsal organs (nerve -tube and notochord) were doubled over like a snare, the head and tail ends, the mouth and the region of the anus, being bent in at the position of the constricting thread. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 65 * The important point is that in both the experi- ments, in the case of the frog and of the triton, the cell-material, separated at the first cleavage, was turned to a use quite different to its use in the formation of a normal embryo. We may conclude with a very convincing proof. In the above-mentioned abnormal development of the frog's egg it happened that one edge of the blastopore, on account of its weight, was very much bent outwards. In consequence of this the cleft of the blastopore lay between the normal blastopore- lip and the everted border of the other lip. When the notochord and the nerve-plate appeared, as a result of this abnormal condition, they grew from a cell-material that was quite different to that which gives them origin in normal cases.1 In these cases Weismann cannot apply his accessory conception, the existence of supple- mentary idioplasm, only to the nuclei arising from the first division ; he must extend it to the thou- sands of embryonic cells that arise by division up to the time for the appearance of the nerve-tube and notochord. The behaviour of these cells under fortuitously changed conditions shows them all to be endowed with the capacity of development in different directions. 1 Further details concerning these experiments may be found in HERTWIG, Ueber den Werth der ersten Furclmngszellen fur die Organbildung des Embryo. Experimentelle Studien am Frosch- und Tritonei. Archiv. fur Mikrosk, Anatomic, vol. xlii., 1893, p. 710 ; Plate xli. ; Figs. 1, 2, 27. 66 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y FIFTH GROUP OF FACTS. — PHENOMENA OF VEGETATIVE AFFINITY.1 Many considerations, taken from the region of general physiology, support the view that all the cells of an individual, of any species, are alike, and are to be distinguished from one another only by the special development of one character. 1 For the facts in this section I rely in particular upon the writings of Vochting, Bert, Oilier, Trembley, Landois, Ponfick, and others : H. VOCHTING : Ueber Transplantation auf PflanzenJcorper. Un- tersuchungen zur Physioloyie und Pathologic ; Tubingen, 1892. VON GARTNER : Versuche und Beobachtungen ueber die Bastardcr- zeugung im Pflanzenreich, 1849. LEOPOLD OLLIER : Recherches experimentales sur la production artifieielle des os au moyen de la transplantation du 2^ioste, etc. Journal de la physiologic de I'homme et des animaux, torn, ii., 1859, pp. 1, 169, 468. LEOPOLD OLLIER : Recherches experimentales sur les greffes osseuses. The same, torn, iii., p. 88, 1860. PAUL BERT : Recherches experimentales pour servir a Vhistoire de la vitalitc propre des tissus animaux. Annalcs des Sciences naturclles, Ser. V., Zoologie, torn, v., 1886. VON RECKLINGHAUSEN : Die Wiedererzeugung (Regeneration} und die Ueberpflanzung (Transplantation}. Handbuch d. All-gem. Pathologic des Kreislaufs aus Deutsche Chirurgie, 1883. TREMBLEY : Memoires pour servir d Vhistoirc d'un genre de Polypes d'eau douce, 1744. LANDOIS: Die Transfusion des Blutes ; Leipzig, 1875. ADOLF SCHMITT : Ueber Osteoplastik in klinischer und experi- menteller Bcziehung. Arbeiten aus der chirurgischenklinik der Konigl. Universitdt, Berlin. PONFICK : Experimcntcllc Beitrage zur Lehre von der Transfusion. Virchow's Archiv., vol. Ixii. BERESOWSKY : Ueber die histologischen Vorgdnge bei der Trans- plantation von Hautstilcken auf TJiiere einer andercn Species. Ziegler's Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeincn Pathologic; Jena, 1893. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 67 Formerly, indeed, many biologists, relying upon the optical appearances presented in microscopical investigation, have been inclined to the view that the visible qualities of a tissue, as revealed by the microscope, were the only, or the chief, distinctive characters. For instance, by microscopical investi- gation one cannot distinguish the tendons, nerves, bones, and cartilages of a dog from the corre- sponding tissues in a horse. So far as their special use in the organism goes, one might interchange the corresponding parts in these two mammals. A tendon from the dog, if large enough, might be attached to the muscle of a horse, and would transmit the pull of the muscle on the bone just as well, and would completely satisfy the mechanical duties of the horse's tendon. The same might happen in the case of a bone, of a cartilage, or of a nerve-fibre. As a matter of fact, the idea that parts of the tissues of different animals may serve to replace one another has been employed repeatedly in science, especially in the science of medicine. But I believe that our ideas are not yet clear upon the matter. The erroneous impression to which I have alluded has arisen because we do not bear in mind that each tissue, each part of an organ, each cell, possesses, in addition to its obvious characters, very many characters that are invisible to us. Such characters are inherent in the tissue-cells because these are parts of a definite organism. In conse- quence of their specific tissue characters, which are visible to us, we assign cells their place in histo- 68 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y logical classification ; in contrast, we may denote the other characters as constitutional, or species, characters. No doubt tissue cells are in the same case as genital cells. So far as microscopical characters go, egg cells and spermatozoa are wonderfully alike in all the mammalia ; in many cases we could not dis- tinguish between those of different animals. But, because they bear the specific characters, we cannot doubt but that they are as distinct as are the species, although invisibly to us. The products of the sexual cells show us clearty enough that out of each kind of egg only its own species of organism can be developed. Certainly it is not so plain that, besides their visible micro- scopical characters, the tissues and organic parts are in possession of more general characters, identical in all the differently -specialised tissues of a single organism ; but we may infer the existence of such latent characters, at least partly, from the results obtained, in the case of plants, by grafting, in the case of animals, by transplantation and transfusion. In the case of plants one may graft a twig cut from one tree upon the stem or lower part of another tree of the same kind, and so bring about a firm and lasting union between the two. In a short time the corresponding tissues of the parts brought into connection quietly unite. Thus from two different individuals a single living organism may be produced artificially. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 69 One would expect, therefore, that a twig and stem, chosen from two closely allied species, such as, for instance, the pear and the apple, would unite when the suitable tissues were put together. But this does not happen. Successful grafting depends far less on the conjunction of obviously appropriate parts than upon characters unrecognis- able by us, such as deep-seated kinship between the parts, and the specific characters of their cells ; while in the case of individuals of the same species two pieces will unite even if they are not brought together in appropriate conjunction, or when they belong to different parts of the organism, as, for instance, to the root and the leaf; yet in the absence of deep-seated kinship union will not take place. Generally this kinship, which has been called vegetative affinity, depends, like sexual affinity, upon the degree of systematic relationship. It appears that the same condition of things occurs as when, in ordinary fertilisation, sexual cells from different varieties, or species, are united. In both cases it happens, on the average, that union is the more to be expected the more closely the plants concerned are akiu, in a natural system of classifica- tion. But in grafting, as in cross-fertilisation, unex- pected exceptions to this rule occur. Relying upon these, Naegeli thought that the external distinguish- ing tokens do not always indicate correctly the intrinsic constitutional differences. Frequently 70 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y union will not take place between plants most near akin in classification, most alike in external characters ; while it will occur between plants most different in outward aspect and belonging to different genera or even families. In other words, external characters give no certain index to the degree of vegetative affinity or of sexual affinity between two kinds of plants. As an example of this, Vochting, in his treatise upon transplantation of plant-tissues, takes the tribes of pear-trees. Grafting between these and apple - trees takes place only with difficulty, although the apple is a close kinsman and belongs to the same genus. On the other hand, most of them graft easily upon the quince, although that belongs to a different genus. In this case, also, there is no sexual affinity between the pollen and the ova. Hybrids are not formed between the pear and the apple. It seems probable to me, although as yet I can- not get complete proof of it, that sexual and vege- tative affinity, that is to say, the relationship between the egg- cell and the pollen of two species, and the relation between twig and stem, depend upon the same intrinsic qualities of that elementary organism the cell. Vochting distinguishes as harmonic or dis- harmonic the modes of union between twig and stem, according to whether or no they reach the formation of functional unity. Among cases of disharmony there are several interesting grada- tions. Generally speaking, in the case of plants WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 71 not adapted to each other, no attempt at union occurs, and the grafted twig speedily perishes ; sometimes even the stem dies, as if it had been poisoned by the graft. In other cases the dis- harmony is not shown so strongly. The twig and the stem begin to unite, but. sooner or later, dis- turbances occur, and complete destruction results. According to Vochting, in the case of some Cruci- ferce the disturbances are as follows : the twig begins to form roots at its lower end, and these QTOW into the stem of the host. Through them the O o twig uses as food the juices and salts of the stem, refusing to unite with the stem so as to form a single individual. As Vochting says, this forma- tion of roots simply is an attempt on the part of the twig to complete its own individuality. Instead of growing into corporate union with the stem, the twig attempts to become a parasite upon it. A further consequence often is, that the stem, too, begins to respond to the unadaptive stranger's in- fluence. Thus, when Vochting grafted a Rhipsalis paradoxa on an Opuntia laJbouretiana, he found that round the roots of the graft the tissues of the host threw out a protective sheath of cork, or turned in places to a gelatinous mass. In some cases experimenters have overcome dis- harmony between two species, A and B, by making use of a third species, C, with a vegetative affinity for both A and B. Thus, an intermediary between the two disharmonic forms is made, and by such an arrangement a single functional individual is pro- duced from pieces of three different species. Thus, 72 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y upon A, as stock, a shoot of C is grafted, while upon this shoot of C, as stock, a shoot of B in turn is grafted. In the matter of these different grades of dis- harmony, a comparison may be made between sexual and vegetative affinities. In many cases the spermatozoa of one species will not impregnate the eggs of another species. In other cases, the alien spermatozoon may penetrate the egg and unite with its nucleus, making, however, an un- satisfactory combination in various degrees of infertility. Sometimes the fertilised egg divides only a few times and then dies ; sometimes develop- ment proceeds to the stage of the blastula, the gas- trula, or even further ; but it then comes to an end, through intrinsic causes beyond our ken, and, finally, complete destruction follows. Our acquaintance with what happens in trans- plantation of animal tissues is smaller than in the sphere of botany. Long ago, Trembley attempted to cause, by graft- ing, the union of two pieces of hydroid polyps into a single individual. He divided, across their middles, two specimens of Hydra fusca, and then, in a watch-glass, applied the upper end of one to the lower end of the other. In one case he was rewarded by the occurrence of complete union ; for, after a few days, on feeding the upper end with a worm, it was passed on into the lower end. Later on buds arose, both above and below the point of union. Trembley, however, was unable to graft on each other parts of different species, parts of the WEISMANN*S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 73 green hydra, Hydra viridis, upon the common hydra. Transplantations of single tissues or organs have been made more often, and by several investigators. I shall mention only the older results of Oilier and M. Bert, and those made in 1893 by A. Schmitt and Beresowsky. Oilier exposed the bone of an animal, and, care- fully removing a part of the periosteum, planted it in the connective tissue under the skin in another part of the body. The consequences differed according as the transplanted tissue was imbedded in another animal of the same species, or of another species. In the first case the piece of periosteum grew, obtaining a supply of blood from vessels which grew out into it from the surrounding con- nective tissue in which it was embedded. In a short time lamellae of bone were formed by the layer of osteoblasts, so that a small plate of bone was formed under the skin. This, however, proved always but a temporary structure, for, being formed in an inappropriate spot, and, therefore, being functionless, it was soon reabsorbed. In the second case, however, in which the piece of periosteum was removed from the bone of a dog and planted in a cat, rabbit, goat, camel, or fowl (or vice versa), formation of bone did not occur ; either the piece 7 0. of periosteum was absorbed, or set up suppuration around it, or became enclosed in a cyst. Paul Bert's experiments were the following. He removed pieces two or three centimetres long from the tails of white rats a few days old, skinned each 74 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y piece, and planted it in the connective tissue under the skin of the same animal. In a few days circu- lation of blood was established in the pieces of the tails, by union with vessels from the connective tissue in which they were embedded. Muscles and nerves degenerated, but the other tissues, bones, cartilages, and connective tissue, grew vigorously, so that, in animals killed and examined a month after the operation, the pieces of tail, implanted when they were two or three centimetres long, had grown five to nine centimetres long. The result was totally different when the trans- plantation was made from one species to another. When the tip of the tail of a Mus decumanus or a Mus rattus was transplanted to a squirrel, guinea- pig, rabbit, cat, dog (or vice versa), either extensive suppuration took place, and the piece was extruded, while sometimes the subject of the experiment died ; or, after a less turbulent course, the alien piece was absorbed. The continuance of life and growth in the piece only took place when the two animals concerned were allied very closety. Thus success followed transplantation from Mus rattus to Mus decumanus (or vice versa), but not when it was from Mus sylvaticus to Mus rattus. The recent experiments of A. Schmitt and Bere- sowsky lead to the same conclusion. The former succeeded in making pieces of living bone ' take ' only when the transplantation was from one indi- vidual to another of the same species, or to another part of the same individual. Beresowsky trans- planted pieces of frog's skin to the dog and the WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GEPMPLASM 75 guinea-pig, and pieces of dog's skin to the guinea- pig, and always found that they died, or were thrust out as foreign bodies. Precisely the same results follow transfusion of blood between animals of different species. There is complete agreement among investigators. When the blood is made to flow directly from the vessels of one animal to the vessels of an animal of a different species, as from the dog to rabbit, or from dog to sheep (or vice versa) ; or when it has been first freed from fibrin and then injected, the result is always the same. ' We have always found,' says Ponfick, summing up the results of the investiga- tion, ' not only that blood of another species acts in strong doses as a poison, and in weaker or smaller doses is harmful, but that (and this seems to me my most important result) in every case the blood- corpuscles are destroyed almost completely, pro- bably quite completely.' In a very few minutes, in the case of disharmonic kinds of blood, the red corpuscles degenerate, and the haemoglobin, be- coming dissolved in the blood-plasma, soon appears in the urine. In the case of transfusion of similar blood between individuals of the same or of very closely related species, the haemoglobin does not appear in the urine except after very large doses ; and Ponfick infers that the red blood-corpuscles, either all of them or most of them, remain un- changed in the new animal. Landois has carried out transfusion between the remotest species, between different families of mammals, and between mammals, birds, and 76 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y amphibia ; from these he drew ' the inference, important for classification of animals, that those animals anatomically most nearly allied have their blood most closely alike.' In fact, ' the destruction of the foreign blood happens the more slowly the more nearly the animals are allied.' ' Thus, in doubtful cases, experiments on transfusion might settle degrees of relationship. Between individuals of the same species transfusion is a complete success ; when the species are closely allied, the transfused blood disappears only very gradually, and large quantities may be transfused without harm. The further apart the animals may be, in a system of classification, the more violently the destruction of the foreign blood takes place, and the smaller is the quantity that can be endured in the vessels. Thus, in the extent to which blood transfusion may occur, I see a step towards the foundation of a Darwinian theory applied to cells.' As yet, transplantations and transfusions between animals of different species have been considered with a view to their importance in surgery and in medicine, rather than from their purely physio- logical side. From the results given above, in which I believe, although there might be drawn from literature contradictory results — in which, however, I cannot feel confident — I am prepared to extend a conclusion to the animal kingdom that is better supported in botany : the conclusion that the cells and tissues possess, in addition to their definite microscopical characters, more general, in- trinsic, specific characters, and that one may speak WEISM 'ANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 77 of the vegetative affinities between tissues exactly as one speaks of the sexual affinities between repro- ductive cells. SUMMARY OF THE CONCLUSIONS IN THE FIRST SECTION. Summing up what has been said in the pre- ceding pages, we find a large series of facts sup- porting our contention that cells multiply only by doubling division. First comes the fundamental circumstance that single-celled organisms exhibit only doubling division, as by that alone the per- manence of species, which experience shows us to exist, is possible. Secondly, some facts of reproduction were con- sidered. The formation of germinal tissues, and, in the case of lower plants and animals, the occur- rence of budding in almost any part of the bod}7, are easily intelligible if every cell, like the egg- cell, has been formed by doubling division, and so contains the rudiments of all parts of the organism; and if thus, on the call of special conditions, every cell may become a germ-cell again. Thirdly, great stress is to be laid on those ex- periments in which the process of development was interfered with at different stages, as these showed that the separate cells which arose by division were not predestined unalterably for a particular role, according to a predetermined plan (facts of re- generation and heteromorphosis). Fourthly, the results of grafting, transplantation, and transfusion indicate that the cells and tissues 78 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY of an organism possess, in addition to their patent microscopical characters, latent characters, which show themselves to be peculiar to the species. How does Weismann attempt to reconcile his hypothesis of differentiating division with these facts ? By the provision of different complementary hypotheses, which, as we have seen, amount to this, that he allows the set of rudiments which he had turned out by differentiating division of the cell to creep in again by a back-door. He accom- plishes this by his idea that the germplasm may un- dergo, simultaneously, doubling and differentiating division. In these cases cell-division has a double aspect. According to Weismann, this is possible, because the egg contains many, sometimes as many as a hundred, ids, each of which is a combination representing the species. Weismann believes that in an egg, while it is preparing for its first division, the ids are arranged in two groups — an active army and a reserve army. By differentiating division the active army is broken up into the divisions, brigades, and regiments of determinants appropriate to the separate groups of cells, and so the course of the development is conducted according to a preconceived plan. On the other hand, the passive, reserve army multiplies by doubling division, and is sent along with definite parts of the active army as baggage in a fixed or inactive condition, so that it has no influence upon the normal course of development nor upon the characters of the cells (fixed germplasm, inactive, accessory idioplasm, bud-idioplasm). WEISMANN 'S THEORY OF THE GEEMPLASM 79 In spite of this purely arbitrary, complementary hypothesis, the facts seem to me to show that Weismann assumed an untenable position when he attributed a reserve army of ' stable plasma ' only to the sets of cells in which it was necessary to suppose its existence. The experiments of Driesch, Wilson, and myself show that a complete embryo may spring from a half or quarter of the egg, and that the set of nuclei first to arise may be shifted about in the egg like a heap of billiard-balls. In the face of such facts there seems nothing left for the theory of Weismann but to endow every cell with accessory germplasro. to prepare it for un- foreseen events. This, however, would sterilize the other part of the theory, the doctrine of deter- minants, and the mechanism of development de- pendent on a rigid architecture of the germplasm. Consider the confusion that would arise when the deploying of the active army was disarranged by external influences, now in one fashion, now in another, if the reserve army, with its store of latent rudiments, had to come to the help of the broken pieces. What would compel the rudiments dis- posed to activity according to the prearranged plan to become latent where they were no longer wanted ? And what would stir into activity in the necessary places the originally quiescent rudiments of the reserve army? In fact, if the roles of activity and quiescence are even once to be exchanged by the rudiments in the cell, what object is there in drawing a distinction so sharp between the two armies — the active army which carries out the 80 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y process of development according to a plan pre- arranged in its minutest details, and a passive reserve army ordered into quiescence and carried as baggage ? But here we come upon the scarlet thread that continuously has traversed the theory of germplasm in all its changes. Weismann attaches the greatest importance to the distinction. The twofold nature of the process of development is a cardinal point in his theory, linked to his doctrine of immortality for unicellular organisms and germ- cells and mortality for somatic cells. Between somatic cells and reproductive cells Weismann places a gulf that cannot be bridged. Only the reproductive cells contain real germ- plasm, and only these contain the conditions for maintaining the species, as they alone serve for the starting of new generations of development. The somatic cells, on the other hand, are endowed only with fragments of germplasm, and hence they are incapable of preserving the species, and are doomed to death. The reproductive cells, like unicellular organisms, are regarded as immortal, the somatic cells as mortal, According to Weis- mann, cells cannot pass from the one category to the other. As I see Nature, this contrast has been arti- ficially reasoned into her. From several reasons, I do not think that it exists. In the first place, I consider that the facts I have given show the hypothesis of a differentiating division of cells and germplasm to be not proven and arbitrary. Next, WEISM ANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 81 the reproductive-cells must be considered as much a part of the organism as any other tissue. Some- times they form the greater part of the body, as in many parasites, and, like the other tissues, they are subject to death, unless the conditions necessary to their further development have occurred in time. But under such conditions other cell-com- plexes may have death averted from them, as, for instance, when a slip cut from a willow-tree is planted. Thirdly, the reproductive cells are derived from the egg- cell just in the same way as other tissue cells are derived from it. Like tissue cells in multicellular organisms, they arise by the specialisation of material separated from the egg- cell, and, like every other organ, attain the position assigned them in the plan of development in the course of the general metamorphosis of position that all the cells pass through. Often the sexual cells, like those of other tissues, appear at a distance of several cell-generations from the egg. The intervening generations are specially numerous in those animals and plants in which several sexless generations come between the sexual generations (e.g., many plants, coelenterates, worms, tunicates). I cannot agree to the existence (in Weismann's sense) of special germ-tracks. Naturally, I do not deny that the sexual cells arise from the egg after definite sequences of cell - divisions ; but this happens in the case of all specialised cells, such as muscle, liver, kidney, and bone cells. The con- ception of special germ-tracks has no more sig- nificance than there would be in the conception of 6 82 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y muscle, liver, kidney, and bone tracks. Though Weismann associates with germ- tracks the idea that germplasm travels along them, proof of this has yet to be brought forward. Finally, a word about the meaning of ' immortal.' In a scientific work the word must be used in a philosophical sense. In calling a being immortal one implies both individuality and indivisibility. This, at least, was the view of the old philosophers, who have defined the idea of immortality. Thus says Leibnitz in his Theodice: ' I hold that the souls which one day become the souls of men existed already in the seed, that they have existed always in organised form in the ancestors, back to Adam — that is to say, to the beginning of things.' In his doctrine of immortality, Weismann has not concerned himself with the two implications — individuality and indivisibility. He calls a uni- cellular organism immortal, simply because its life is preserved in the organisms arising from it by division. The immortality of the unicellular forms depends upon their divisibility, upon a property which, according to the philosophical use of the word, is incompatible with immortality. According to Weismann, one immortal organism gives rise to several immortal organisms, but, as these are sub- ject to destruction by external agents, the separate individuals are mortal. The unicellular organism is not immortal in itself, but only in as much as it may give rise to other organisms. In this way Weismann comes in conflict with the idea of individuality, and is compelled to transform his WEISMAtfN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 83 conception. For he says ' that among unicellular organisms there are not individuals separated from each other in the sense of time, but that each living being is separated into parts so far as space is con- sidered, but is continuous with its predecessors and successors, and is, in reality, a single individual from the point of view of time.' Consequently Weismann must take the same view of the germ- cells, which, according to his theory, are immortal in the same way as unicellular organisms, and, in the same sense, he must make a single individual of all the germ cells arising from a single germ cell, and, with them, of ail the organisms developed out of them. Adam is immortal quite as much as uni- cellular organisms, for he survives in his successors. In brief, \Yeismann assigns immortality not to the unicellular individual, but to the sum of all the individuals arising from it, all the individuals of the same species, living contemporaneously and successively— in fact, to the conception of a species, In my view, what Weismann has tried to express by the word ' immortality ' is no more than the continuity of the process of development. So he himself says in the course of a defence in which, however, he did not intend to give up the stand- point he had taken ; he wishes to imply, by the immortality of unicellular organisms, only ' the deathless transformation of organic material,' or ' a O ' transformation of organic material that always comes back to its original form again.' Thus, Weismann himself really has implied that his distinction between immortal unicellular organ- o 84 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y isms, immortal germplasm, and mortal somatic cells, is a misconception. For the continuity of the process of development, or the mode of trans- formation of organic material, depends upon the continual formation and eventual destruction of newly-formed material, but in no way implies the continuous existence of the organised material in a state of organisation. From this point of view, the immortality of unicellular organisms and of the germplasm breaks down, and, above all, the artificial distinction between somatic cells and reproductive cells. For, in the latter, the organic process of development, with its transformation of organic material, also occurs. Here I may give the conclusion of this division of my argument. Cells multiply only by doubling division. Between somatic cells and reproductive cells there is no strong contrast, no gulf that cannot be bridged. The continuity of the process of development depends upon the power of the cells to grow and to divide, and has already been set forth in the sayings — Omniscellulaecellida, omnis nucleus e nucleo. Whatever novelty the doctrine of the continuity of the germplasm brings into this saying depends upon error, and is in contradiction to known natural facts. II. ARGUMENTS AGAIN ST THE DOCTRINE OF DETERMINANTS. Weismann has united his doctrine of determinants with his assumption of a differentiating division. He conceives that every little group of cells in the WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 85 adult body possessed of definite character and of definite position in the body — in fact, every group of cells that is independently variable — is represented in the egg and in the spermatozoon by a number of little particles - - the biophores - - and that these, joined in a system, form the determinants. The innumerable determinants, he thinks, are so arranged in the germplasm, and are endowed with such powers, that, during the process of develop- ment, they reach, at the right time, the right place for their expansion into cells. For instance, in the case of a mammal with parti-coloured fur, as many architecturally arranged determinants would be present as there were different spots and stripes in the fur, due to colour and length of the hairs. This chain of ideas, made sharp and definite by Weismann, has recurred again and aofain in theo- 7 O O retical biological literature in a vague way. In my view, it rests upon a false use of the conception of causality, and upon a false implication given to the relation between the rudiment and the product of the rudiment, each mistake involving the other. o Because, if its development be not interfered with, a definite egg necessarily gives rise to a definite kind of animal, a complete identity between the rudiment and the product, between cause and con- sequence, has been assumed more or less con- sciously. The conception of the sequence has been as if an organism caused its own development in a closed system of forces, in a kind of organic per- petual motion. It has been overlooked that, in the course of the development, many other con- 86 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY ditions must be fulfilled, as without them the product never would come from the rudiment. That the same adults may come from the eggs depends upon the egg-cells, in the ordinary course of events, being in similar conditions of anabolism and katabolism, being affected by gravity, light, temperature, and so forth, in the same way. Thus, when we are attempting to grasp the fundamental nature of the course of organic development, we must not omit the part played by these factors. We may dwell for a moment upon this weighty point, as its significance is commonly misunder- stood. The course of each organic development depends, in the first place, upon the absorption and meta- morphosis of matter. Inorganic matter perpetually is being turned into organic material to serve for the growth and development of the rudiments. Thus, what in one stage of the development is mere inorganic material, and an external condition of the development of the rudiment, in the next stage is become a part of the rudiment. The food-yolk of an egg, for instance, like the oxygen of the atmo- sphere, appears, in its relation to the material of the rudiments, to be something supplied from outside, an external condition of the development ; yet it is continually passing into the rudiments and altering them, even though the alteration may be purely quantitative. From this follows the very simple inference that during the course of an organic development external matter is always being changed into internal matter, or that the rudiments WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 87 are continually growing and changing at the ex- pense of the surroundings. Now, let one reflect that the egg and the adult are two terminal states of organised material, and that they are separated from each other by an almost inconceivably long series of connecting, intermediate states ; consider that each stage of the development is the rudiment and the producer of the succeeding stage, of the stage that follows, as the consequence of it ; consider that what was external in each antecedent stage has entered the rudiment and become part of it in the succeeding stage. Then it will be understood that it is a logical error to assume that all the characters present in the last link of the chain of develop- ment have their determining causes in the first link of the chain. The mistake lies in this : in the failure to distinguish between the causes con- tained in the egg at the beginning of the develop- ment, and the causes entering it during the course of development from the accession of external material in the various stages. As there can be no absolute identity between rudiment and pro- duct, it is erroneous to transmute the visible com- plexity of the final stage of the development into an invisible complexity of the first stage, as the old evolutionists did, and as the new evolutionists are attempting to do. But there is another error in the doctrine of determinants. This is in intimate union with the error just discussed, and, to put it shortly, consists in attributing to a cell — and the egg and sperma- 88 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y tozoon are cells — the possession of characters not peculiar to cells, but resulting from the co-operation of many cells. The characters of an adult active organism, like a plant or an animal, are exceedingly numerous, most varied in their nature, and essentially differ- ent. Some characters depend upon the healthy co-operation of nearly all the parts of the body, or of a group of organs ; others are peculiar to an organ, and may be referred to its shape, structure, position, function, and so forth. Others, again, depend upon individual cells, or even upon sepa- rate parts of cells. Is it really possible that all these characters, so many and so heterogeneous, have special, material bearers in the germ, and that these bearers are either simple biophores or determinants — that is to say, groups of biophores ? I can conceive a cell as endowed only with the material bearers of such characters as really belong to a cell itself. Thus, a reproductive cell might have material particles as the rudiments for producing horn, chitin, chondrin, ossein, pigment, or chloro- phyll, or for nerve-fibrils, muscle-fibrils ; but not for producing a hair, or a separate ganglion of the spinal cord or the biceps muscle. The rudiments for hairs, nerve-ganglia, muscles, and so forth, must be groups of cells, for only groups of cells, and not specially arranged groups of particles within a cell, are able to grow into hairs, spinal ganglia, or muscles. In a short statement, made in 1892, I said : ' The mistake into which speculations upon the nature of organic development has led so many investigators WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 89 is this : they reflect the characters of the adult upon the undivided egg, and so people that sphere of yolk with a system of tiny particles, corresponding to the parts of the adult, qualitatively and in spacial relations. But in this method of thinking, it is left out of count that the egg is an organism which multiplies by division into numerous organisms like itself, and that, in each stage of the develop- ment, it is only by the mutual action of all these numerous elementary organisms that the develop- ment of the whole organism slowly proceeds.' Weismann himself, in a discussion of the pan- genes of De Vries, has partly shown that one cannot assume the existence in the cell of material particles that are the bearers of qualities foreign to the nature of a cell and transcending it. In refer- ence to the attempt to explain zebra-striping by pangenes, he says (Germplasm, English edition, p. 16) : ' There can be no "zebra-pangenes," because the striping of a zebra is not a cell character. There may perhaps be black and white pangenes, whose presence causes the black or white colour of a cell ; but the striping of a zebra does not depend on the development of these colours within a cell, but is due to the regular alternation of thousands of o black and white cells arranged in stripes.' Again (p. 17), he says: ' The serrated margin of a leaf, for instance, cannot depend on the presence of " serration-pangenes," but is due to the peculiar arrangement of the cells. The same argument would apply to almost all the obvious " characters ' of the species, genus, family, and so on. For 90 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY instance, the size, structure, veining, and shape of leaves, the characteristic and often absolutely •/ constant patches of colour on the petals of flowers, such as orchids, may be referred to similar causes. These qualities can only arise by the regular co- operation of many cells.' Notwithstanding so correct a declaration, Weis- mann himself, in his doctrine of determinants, has fallen into the error he himself has exposed. To represent characters of the adult due to groups of cells and organisms, he imagines in the egg-cell, not simple particles like pangenes, but architec- turally arranged groups of particles, determinants. No real change has been made. Conditions are reflected upon the cell that in their real nature surpass its possibilities. With right and reason one may adduce, against his own determinants, what Weismann has said about pangenes, for exactly the same reasons : ' There cannot be zebra-determinants or serration-determinants, because zebra- striping, like the serrated edge of a leaf, is no cell character.' The error in Weismann's doctrine of determinants may be made clearer by an analogy. The human state may be conceived as a high and compound organism that, by the union of many individuals, and by their division into classes with different functions, has developed into a form always becoming more complicated. To carry out our comparison better, let us assume that all the individuals united in the human state arose from a single pair. The single pair would be the rudiment of the whole state, and would bear the same signifi- WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE ftERMPLASM 91 cance in the development of the state, as the ferti- lised egg bears to the development of the adult. The characters of the state, its different organisa- tions for protection, for tilling the soil, for trade, for government, and for education, must be explained causally from the characters of the first pair, which we take as the human rudiment, and from the outer conditions under which that pair and the generations that arose from it had to live. As the state develops, urban and district com- munities, unions for husbandry and manufactures, colleges of physicians, parliaments, ministries, armies, and so forth, appear. All this visible com- plexity depends upon individuals associated for definite purposes and specialised in different direc- tions. It would certainly not occur to anyone to explain the growth of this complexity in the de- veloping state by the assumption that this secondary complexity was preformed as definite material par- ticles present in the first pair, although the first pair is the rudiment of the whole. Much comment is unnecessary ; everyone must feel that this attempt to explain the causal relations is on the wrong track, that it is perverse to try to explain the complex characters of the human state by a system of architecturally arranged particles stored within the first pair. The organisations arising from the co-operation of many men are something new, and cannot be regarded as present in the organizations of one man. No doubt they depend, in the last resort, upon human nature, but by no means in this crude, mechanical fashion, 92 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y But what applies to the causal relations between the state-organism and men applies also, ceteris paribus, to the explanation of the causal relations between the rudiments in the egg and the organism to which the egg gives rise. For these an explana- tion cannot be expected on the lines of Weismann's doctrine of determinants, as that implies a funda- mentally erroneous assumption. It refers organi- zations that depend upon cell-communities to organizations of material particles within a cell. 'To understand inheritance,' says Naegeli, with truth, c we require not an independent, special symbol for every difference resulting from time, space, and quality, but a substance that, by the linking of the limited number of elements in it, can exhibit every possible combination of differ- ences, and that by permutation can pass into another combination of differences.' This standpoint is clearer when interpreted in terms of cells. The hereditary masses contained in the egg and spermatozoon can be composed only of such particles as are the bearers of cell-characters. Every compound organism can inherit characters only in the form of cell-characters. The innu- merable, and endlessly variable, characters of plants and animals are of composite nature. They find their expression in differences of shape, structure, and function in the organs and tissues, and in the special methods in which these are interrelated. They depend upon the co-operation of many cells, and, for this reason, cannot be carried into the hereditary mass of any cell by material bearers. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF TTtE GERMPLASM 93 They are secondary formations, that can arise only after the multiplication of cells, and from the varied combination of cell-characters that accom- panies the multiplication of cells. In the foregoing pages I have attempted to prove the untenability of the doctrine of determinants from general considerations. I shall now attempt the same by analysis of a concrete case. The frog's egg may serve for this. It is a familiar object, frequently studied. Consider its mode of division, and the formation of the blastula, gastrula, and germinal layers. In cleavage the nucleus plays the chief part, and thus has been accepted as the bearer of the hereditary mass. But no single, special determinant gives the impulse for cleavage ; rather, the co- operation of all the particles that are essential to the nature of the nucleus. The chromosomes, which we may regard as independently growing and dividing units, must have doubled by assimila- tion of food material from the yolk ; perhaps, also, the centrosorne may have doubled in the same way before the nucleus is in a condition to divide. This condition itself appears the necessary result of many different processes of nutrition and growth, as the result of complicated chemical processes that run their course within the separate, elementary, vital units of the nucleus. The multiplication of the nucleus into two, four, and eight daughter-nuclei, and so forth, gives the impulse for the breaking up of the yolk into a corresponding number of cells. In that process 94 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y the direction of the cleavage-planes, the relative positions and the different sizes of the cells exhibit, under normal conditions, the most marked regu- larity. But it may be shown directly that this regularity is not the result of special determinants lying within the nucleus. For ail these phenomena, which are characteristic in the cleavage of the frog's egg, as well as in the cleavage of ail other eggs, are determined directly by the qualities of the yolk surrounding the nucleus. In several publications I have shown clearly that the external form, of an egg and the arrangement of its contents, according to the different specific gravities of the component particles, determine the position of the nucleus and of the successive planes of division. Similarly, the different sizes of the ceils first formed and the unequal rate of division shown at the two poles of the egg depend upon the constitution of the yolk, upon the cleavage of the yolk into a portion richer in protoplasm and a portion poorer in protoplasm, and upon the differ- ences in the bulk of protoplasm that in this way reaches each of the first-formed cells. In many cases it has been shown that there is a constant relation between the first three cleavage - planes of the egg and the long axis of the animal that arises from the egg. Weismann and Roux make this a proof that, in nuclear division, the nuclei that arise have different qualities ; that the protoplasmic masses lying to the right and left of the median plane are set apart to build up the right and left halves of the embryo ; that, similarly, WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 95 the lirst transverse and horizontal cleavage-planes divide the protoplasm of the egg into pieces pre- determined for the formation of the anterior and posterior, dorsal and ventral, parts of the embryo. But I think I have shown beyond possibility of doubt that these events are due not to the exist- ence of special, mysteriously working groups of determinants within the nucleus, but merely to the specific shape of the whole egg and to the segregation of the yolk. It is self-evident that, as the body of the embryo builds itself up from the actual material of the egg, the way in which the material of the egg is disposed must be of great influence upon the formation of the shape of the embryo. And so, in a recently published work, I stated that the grow- ing embryo, especially in its early stages, must conform in many ways to the shape of the fer- tilised egg. Thus, to bear out what I have been saying by actual examples, the distribution of the actual particles of the fertilised egg must correspond to the disposition of the bulk of material in the blastosphere ; for, in the breaking up into cells, the spacial arrangement of the substances of different weights undergoes no change. Thus, amphibia, the eggs of which have the poles different in character, produce blastospheres the poles of which are unlike ; while eggs, like those of the fowl, where the yolk does not divide, give rise to blastospheres with unsegmented yolk. In such cases the more or less complete segregation ot the yolk and gravity, which causes a separation ot 96 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY the contents of the egg according to the weights of the particles, are agencies determining the par- ticular kind of development. It is no case of special groups of determinants within the nucleus. Thus, an oval and an elongate egg produce respectively an oval and an elongate blastosphere. The blastosphere determines the orientation of the gastrula, and so forth. In fact, the original dis- tribution of mass in the material of the egg is carried directly on to the following stages of develop- ment (oval eggs of triton, insects, etc.). So, finally, in many eggs, where, in addition to a polar differentiation, there is also a bilateral sym- metry in the distribution of substances of different specific gravities and of different physiological value, the resulting blastospheres, from the reasons given above, assume a bilaterally symmetrical form. Although, then, in eggs with polar differentiation, which have either one axis longer or are bilaterally symmetrical, under normal conditions the planes of the first two segmentations may correspond to the principal axes of the future embryo, the cause for this agreement lies in the structure of the egg, and is not to be looked for, as Roux and Weismann suppose, in differentiating processes of cleavage, undergone by the nuclei in their first divisions. It is in this way that there are to be explained the investigations made by Van Beneden and Jiilin upon the eggs of ascidians, by Wilson upon the egg of Nereis, by Roux upon the egg of Rana esculenta, and by me on the egg of Triton. As it fails with the process of cleavage, so Weis- WEISM ANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 97 mann's doctrine of determinants fails when we analyse the formation of the blastosphere, the gastrula, and the germinal layers. The formation of the blastosphere seems to me to be due to the co-operation of the following processes : (1) In the division of the egg- cell cavities arise between the four, eight, and sixteen pieces, and thus the whole contents of the egg become arranged more loosely. (2) The more the cells multiply by division and become smaller in circumference, the more closely they apply their lateral surfaces to each other, especially at the outer surface of the whole, so assuming the arrangement of cell-epithelia. (3) By the secretion of iiuid, a constantly growing central cavity is formed pari passu with the approximation of the superlicial cells, and this probably also brings with it an increase of the internal pressure, and a wider curvature of the wall of the sphere. Now, is there any part of these processes that has to do with the breaking of the nuclear contents into groups of determinants with different qualities ? By no means. The egg divides into many pieces, because such division is a general property of cells, and it is not associated with separate, special material bearers. The appearance of spaces between the cells, resulting from division, is due to forces some of which reside within the single cells, some of which come from without. In especial, the assumption of a spherical shape — an assumption occurring also to a greater or less degree when the 7 98 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y results of division leave each other — is caused by the yolk actively arranging itself round the two nuclei as centres of attraction. The attempt to become spherical is opposed by other forces, in accordance with which the ceils resulting from division press against each other. These forces that press the cells together seem to increase ^as the size of the cells diminishes, so that the cells approximate their lateral faces continually more closely. The secretion of fluid into the interior of the sphere and the resulting increase of the outer surface results from the characters of the whole wall, and cannot be explained by single, specially determined cells. Finally, to take the case of the special kinds of blastospheres (e.g., of amphioxus, amphibia, reptiles, birds, and so forth), it has been already shown that these are produced by the shape of the egg, by the bulk of the yolk, and by the segregation of the yolk-particles under the influence of gravity; that, in fact, the shapes are determined by the general gross conditions of the structure of the egg. Plainly, the blastosphere cannot be pre-existing as a structure of particles in the fertilised nucleus ; there cannot be blastosphere determinants. The conditions for the origin of the blastosphere come into existence only by the process of segmentation, and it is only by its capacity to divide that the egg contains the conditions for blastosphere forma- tion. Here we have epigenesis — the appearance of a new formation, not the becoming visible of pre- existing complexity. WEISMANN'S THEORY OF THE GERMPLASM 99 The conditions of gastrulation and of the forma- tion of the germinal layers are similar. The invagination of the blastosphere comes about by the co-operation of all the cells of its wall, by local differences in the rates of growth in that wall, from dissimilarities in its curvature, from many causes which have not yet been sufficiently sought out and investigated. As cell division itself depends not upon special particles, but upon changes in the entire nuclear contents, it follows that the growth of the blastosphere- wall, which is merely the sum of the growth of all the cells in it, cannot be determined by special groups of determinants. As an attempt to explain gastrulation, the origin of the germinal layers and many other events of development, the doctrine of determinants has re- versed cause and effect. Certain cells do not become invaginated into the segmentation cavity because they possess groups of determinants that impel them to the assumption of inner layer characters. The reverse is the truth. Local condi- tions of growth cause the invagination of a set of the cells of the blastosphere-wall. This invaginated layer of cells, brought into a new position with regard to its environment, becomes the endoderm and re- ceives the stimulus to assume the character appro- priate to the new environment. It is unlogical to speak of endoderm in the fashion of many text- books and treatises on embryology, while the so- called endoderm cells still form part of the outer surface of the blastosphere, or even while they are still in process of formation by cleavage. For 100 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY ' inner germinal layer ' implies a condition of position winch is created by the invagination. In fact, it is impossible, in thinking of the gastrula as in thinking of the blastosphere, to conceive that in the egg, which is a simple cell, there can be preformed by material particles in the nucleus a condition which implies the existence of two layers of cells. Thus analysis of a special case leads to the same conclusion as is reached by the general reasoning of the earlier part of this section. PART IT. THOUGHTS TOWARDS A THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS.1 Now that criticism of the germplasm theory has given us a bias in the right direction, it is necessary to map out more clearly the path along which 1 The second section contains references to the following treatises : C. V. NAEGELI : Mechanisch-physiologische Theorie der Abstam- mungslehre (1884). HERTWIG, OSCAR : Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des AFensclien und der Wirbelthiere ; 4th edit. SACHS : Lectures on Plant Physiology ; English edition, Clarendon Press. VOECHTIXG : Ueber die Theilbarkeit im Pflanzenreich und die JVit'kung innerer und dusserer Krdfte auf Organbildung an Pflan- zentheilen. Pflugers Archiv., vol. xv. , 1877. Ibid. : Ueber Organbildung im Pflanzenreich, 1, 2 ; Bonn, 1878, 1884. GOEBEL : Beitrdge zur Morphologic und Physiologic des Blattes. Bot. Zeit., 1880. PFLUGER : Die tcleologische Mechanik der lebendigen Natur ; Bonn, 1877. MAITPAS : Sur le determinisme de la sexitalite chez THydatina senta. Comptes rendus des seances de VAcadlmie des Sciences ; Paris, 1891. WEI.SMAXN : DieAllniachtder Naturzilchtung. Eine Erwiderung an Herbert Spencer ; Jena, 1893. 102 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY solution of the problem may be sought. In general terms, our problem is the necessary origin from an egg, always of the same organism, with its manifold characters, and the explanation must avoid the attribution to the egg of characters foreign to its nature as a cell. This is the more necessary as Weismann objects to the supposition that cell- division is doubling, holding that the supposition allows neither an explanation, nor even the beginning of an explanation, of the differences that arise among cells while the differentiation of the body occurs. 1 Any explanation must in the first place account for this differentiation/ says Weismann (Germplasm, p. 224) ; ' that is to say, the diversity which always exists amongst these cells and groups of cells arising from the ovum must be referred to some definite principle. In fact, no one could even look at it as giving a partial solution of the problem, if differentiation is supposed to be due to that part alone of the germplasm becoming active which is required for the production of the cell or organ under consideration. But the higher we ascend in the organic world, the more limited does the power of producing the whole from separate cells become, and the more do the numerous and varied HERBERT SPENCER : A Rejoinder to Professor Weismann. Con- temp orary Review, 1893. Ibid. : Die Unzulangliclikeit der l NatiirZichen Zuchtwahl.' BioL Centralblatt, vol. xiv. , No. 6. EMERY: Die JSntstehung und Ausbildung dcs Arbeiterstandes I>CL den Ameisen. BioL Centralb., vol. xiv., No. 2, 1894. HAACKE ; Gestaltung und Vererbung (1894). THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 103 differentiations of the soma claim our attention and require an explanation in the first instance. The presence of idioplasm in all parts containing the primary constituents does not help us in this respect.' With this I cannot agree. Naturally, Naegeli, De Vries, Driesch and I assume that, of the many rudiments present in every cell, only some come to activity in each special case, and that the selection of those that become active is due to causes arising in the course of development. Our conception of the nature of these causes, and of their place of origin, is diametrically opposed to Weismann's. Weismann would make the causes of this orderly development of the rudiments reside in the germ- plasm itself; for he considers that to be not only the material but the motive force of the course of development. According to him, every cell must have become what it is, because it was provided only with the definite rudiments assigned it before- hand, according to the plan of the development of the germplasm. On the other hand, we regard the development of the rudiments as depending upon motive forces or causes that are external to the germplasm of the ovum, but that none the less arise in orderly sequence throughout the course of the development. The causes we recognise are first, the continual O changes in mutual relations that the cells undergo as they increase in number by division, and second, the influence of surrounding things upon the organism. 104 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY One may group together as centrifugal coMses of the process of development the characters of the fertilised cells and the interrelations between the products of their divisions, and distinguish them from the centripetal causes, or motive forces that are provided by the action of surrounding things. None the less, it must be borne in mind that there is no sharp distinction between centrifugal and centripetal forces. On page 86 I showed how what is external in one stage of the process becomes internal in the succeeding stage. The external constantly is becoming internal, and the sum of the internal factors increases only at the expense of external factors. From the physiological point of view I regard the divergent differentiation of cells as a reaction of the organic material to unlike impelling forces — that is, to factors shown by experimental physiology to be actually present and to rule the building up of the organism. ' It were superfluous to detail/ as Naegeli says, * how continually other forces external to the idioplasm, but belonging to the individual, influence the idioplasm; every cell, indeed, as it grows and divides, takes up a definite place in the growing whole, and finds itself in a peculiar combination of conditions of organisation.' ' Not only influences within the individual affect the idioplasm, as that may be altered by external influences, and so may be forced to grow in a new direction.1 * The influence of surroundings in determining which of the rudiments contained in o the idioplasm shall achieve development is shown THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 105 in the following example: it depends on their nutrition whether certain trees shall bear foliage or flowers ; while in an unpropitious climate many plants refuse to bear flowers at all, but content themselves with vegetative reproduction.' This principle indicates the path along which explanation of the differentiation of cells is to be sought. Although in no single case is it yet possible to refer a known action to its appropriate cause — in other words, to show a definite stimulus producing a definite reaction upon the rudiment — this failure is not to be attributed to error in the principle. It is the natural result of the enormous difficulties besetting an attempt to understand the highly involved events of development. We can only ask whether or no our general prin- ciple is harmonious with the facts displayed in nature. In the following pages I shall try to develop this view, taking, as formerly, a few instances. I shall now proceed further with suggestions I made in my treatise on Old and New Theories of Develop- ment. I start from the conception that the ovum is an organism that multiplies by division into numerous organisms like itself. I shall explain the gradual, progressive organisation of the whole organism as due to the influences upon each other of these numerous elementary organisms in each stage of the development. I cannot regard th^ development of any creature as a mosaic work. I hold that all the parts develop in connection with each other, the development of each part always 106 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y being dependent upon the development of the whole. The power of the egg to multiply by division is a chief and most important factor in the production of complexity during the course of development. It is only because the nuclear material, by a series of intricate, chemical changes, assimilates reserve material from the egg and oxygen from the atmo- sphere that it can give rise to continually increas- ing complexity within itself. The increase in bulk results in a cleavage into two, four, eight, and sixteen pieces, and so forth. The cleavage produces a constantly changing distribution in space of the nuclear material. The two, four, eight, and sixteen nuclei that arise by division diverge from each other and take up new positions inside the egg, in definite relations to each other. At first the particles of the egg were arranged around the fertilised nucleus, which was a single centre offeree ; they become grouped around as many centres of forces as there are nuclei, and so become segregated into as many cells. Clearly enough, the egg, in its single-celled condition, changes its quality in a marked degree when it becomes multicellular, even although the change has occurred by doubling division. This, so clear in the early stages of development, continues to occur throughout the later stages of growth. The continued cell-multiplication causes not only changes of bulk, but also from time to time changes in quality ; for each shape is bound up with definite conditions. When the conditions THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 107 alter, the organic material, by its power of reaction, changes its shape in a corresponding fashion. As the nature of architectural plans depends upon the properties of the wood, stone, or iron, as they must correspond with the material to be em- ployed (i.e., the span of a roof, the construction of a bridge depend upon the material in shape and weight), so the nature of the organic material determines to a large extent the shapes assumed in the course of growth. Shape in many respects appears to be a function of growth in an organic material. A few examples will make clear this important relation. A limit is set to increase in the size of a blastosphere by the nature of the material of its walls. Its wall is a membrane, composed of one or more layers of cells ; that this may preserve its curvature, a definite pressure from within must be maintained, proportioned to the cohesive force of the cells ; at the same time the wall of the sphere must be able to withstand the strain and pressure put upon it by external forces. All these, and many other factors less easy to conceive, must be delicately adjusted to one another. If in any direction a definite limit be exceeded, then either the structure will be destroyed by disintegration of the component parts, or a new shape will be assumed. The latter is the event in the case of a living substance capable of reaction. The blasto- sphere, growing beyond its limits, folds into a cup- shaped organism. Did we know all the influences affecting the wall of the blastosphere, then we 108 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY would understand the causes by which growth beyond a definite limit must result in invagination. From the occurrence of the gastrula in all the divisions of the animal kingdom, we may conclude that it is a temporary phase, inevitable in the growth of animals. There may be noticed here a second connection between shape and organic growth, exceedingly simple in its nature, but of fundamental importance in its consequences. It may be stated in this saying : Growth always must be such as to produce the greatest possible extension of surface. The reason of this is simple, depending on the different natures of inorganic material and living organic material. A crystal in its mother liquor grows by attract- ing new particles and depositing them upon its outer surface, according to the kind of crystallisa- tion peculiar to the material of which it is com- posed. These particles, once crystallised, retain their position even when new layers are deposited on their outer surfaces, and remain unchanged, perhaps, like rock crystals, for thousands of years, until changed outer forces loosen the bonds that bind them. Organised material cannot grow in this fashion ; it takes up material from without, not, like the crystal, arranging it on the outer surface, but in- gesting it. Protoplasm cannot become fixed in any condition without being destroyed ; it exhibits perpetual interchanges with the outer world ; un- ceasing intake and output is a necessary accompani- ment of its life. ' The growth of idioplasm,' as THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 109 Naegeli strikingly says, ' implies a constancy oi perpetual change.' Thus, growing protoplasm can assume only such shapes as allow it to remain in constant touch with the outer world. A cubical or spherical mass of cells could not grow by the formation of new layers of cells on the outside, for these layers would deprive the centrally placed masses of cells of their conditions of existence. Similarly, an extended membrane of cells or an epithelial layer cannot add indefinitely to its thickness, else would the ceils furthest removed from the outside be injured in their relations to surrounding things. To satisfy its essential conditions, protoplasm can grow only with a proportionate extension of its external surfaces. This is secured by the cells becoming arranged in threads and membranes, and its result is that the threads by branching, and the mem- branes by folding, produce structures whose com- plexity increases with growth. This conception that the shape of growing organisms is in many respects the necessary con- sequence of the specific characters with which protoplasm is endowed, explains the great contrast between animals and plants in their general organisation. The contrast is the result of the difference between animal and plant metabolism, and between the ways in which animals and plants obtain their food. Plant cells elaborate protoplasm from the carbonic acid of the air, water, and easily diffusible solutions of salts, obtained from the sea or from the soil. For the chemical work of combining 110 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY these, they require the active energy of sunlight. We can now see the chief requirements to which the constitution and arrangement of the cells in a multicellular plant must be adapted. Plant cells may become clothed in a thick membrane, as that would prove no hindrance to the passage of gases and easily diffusible salts ; but they must be arranged so as to present the greatest possible surface to the surrounding media (i.e., to the soil and the water, the air and the sunlight) whence is drawn their supply of matter and force. The cells must turn a broad face to the outside ; this they do by becoming arranged in branching rows, or in leaf-shaped flattened organs. That they may suck up water and salts from the soil, the ceils are arranged as a highly branched system of roots, covered with delicate hairs, and penetrating the soil in every direction. To inhale the carbonic acid from the air, and to be subjected to the influence of sunlight, the aerial part of the plant stretches out its branches towards the light, and becomes folded into the flat leaves, the structure of which reveals a suitability for assimilation. Thus the whole architecture of a plant is superficial and visible; internal differentiation into organs and tissues either is wanting, or, compared with animals, is very scanty. It is only in the higher plants that the internal fibro-vascuiar tissues appear; these serve a double purpose : they act as channels along which the sap passes, so bringing together the different materials absorbed by roots and leaves ; and they have the mechanical function of strengthening THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 111 the stem and branches. The different mode of nutrition of animals results in a totally different structural plan. Animal cells absorb material that is already organised, and that they may do so their cells are either quite naked, so affording an easy passage for solid particles, or they are clothed only by a thin membrane, through which solutions of slightly diffusible, organic colloids may pass. Therefore, unlike plants, multiceliular animals display a compact structure with internal organs adapted to the different conditions which result from the method of nutrition peculiar to animals. A unicellular animal takes organic particles bodily into its protoplasm, and forming around them temporary cavities known as food vacuoles, treats them chemically. The multiceliular animal has become shaped so as to enclose a space within its body into which solid organic food -particles are carried and digested, thereatter, in a state of solution, to be shared by the single cells lining the cavity. In this way the animal body does not require so close a relation with the medium surrounding it ; its food, the first requirement of an organism, is distributed to it from inside outwards. In its further complica- tion the animal organisation proceeds along the same lines. The system of internal hollows becomes more complicated by the specialisation of secreting surfaces, and by the formation of an alimentary canal, and of a body cavity separate from the alimentary canal. In plants, it is the external surface that is in- creased as much as possible* In animals, in obedi- 112 "THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY m ence to their different requirements, increase takes place in the internal surface. The specialisation of plants displays itself in organs externally visible — in leaves, twigs, flowers, and tendrils. The specialisa- tion of animals is concealed within the body, for the internal surface is the starting-point for the forma- tion of the organs and tissues. Comparative embryology shows that, however varied the forms and functions of the numerous animal organs may be, the method of their develop- ment is remarkably similar. There are required only the slightest variations of a few simple general laws. For these I may refer readers to a series of special investigations (Studies on the tierm-layer Theory, Oscar and Kichard Hertwig), and to the fourth chapter of my Embryology, ' General Dis- cussion of the Principles of Development.' In these works and in the foregoing pages I have tried to show that the multiplication of the egg- cell by division is itself a source of increasing com- plexity and an active principle in the determination of form, since the products of the division unite to form a higher unity. But in another way the multiplication of cells leads to differentiation among the cells arising from the egg. Although each of these resembles the parent egg, from which they arose by doubling division, yet they differ from it in one point : they are no longer a whole, but have become the subordinate parts of a higher unity, that is, of a higher organism. A cell that is no longer a whole, but the part of a whole, has entered upon reciprocal relations with other cells, and in THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 113 the functions of its life is limited by these others and by the whole. The further this is carried the more the cell falls short of its independence as an elementary organism, and appears only as a part with its functions subordinate and in dependence upon the whole.1 Although from the point of view of morphology it has become more and more imperative to regard the cell as the unit of the higher organism, still, from the physiological point of view the higher organisms must be regarded as masses of material acting as wholes, and composed of several grades of structural parts, subordinate in function to the whole, and displaying only a limited division of capacities. And so the cell theory, according to which the cell was exalted unduly as the unit of life, 1 The assumption of doubling division does not involve the assumption that the germinal mass is unalterable. Although I do not regard the process of division as a mechanism for breaking up the idioplasm into dissimilar groups of determinants, I regard the idioplasm — and here I agree with Naegeli — as only relatively stable. In course of time external and internal forces may slowly alter it. On the one hand, the idioplasm of the reproductive cells in the course of generations may slowly alter, while, on the other hand, the idioplasm of cell groups in an organism may acquire a local character in correspondence with their different topographical and functional positions in the whole creature, and in relation to their place in the organic division of labour, just as in human com- munities individuals become altered by the lifelong exercise of some calling. Nor does the doctrine of doubling divisions conflict with those conclusions of pathology according to which, in the process of regeneration, cells and tissues give rise only to cells and tissues of their own order. For further details see my treatise, Ei und Samen-Bildung lei Nematoden, pp. 97-99. These slight sugges- tions are only to prevent misconceptions. 8 114 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY the centre of life, the elementary organism, must take limitation and correction from these wider views. This has already been insisted upon by many physiologists of insight — for instance, by Naegeli (see p. 30), by Sachs, and by Yochting. 1 Cell formation,' declares Sachs (Physiology of Plants, p. 73), ' is a phenomenon very general, it is true, in organic life, but still only of secondary significance ; at all events, it is merely one of the numerous expressions of the formative forces which reside in all matter, in the highest degree, however, in organic substance.' ' Essentially, every plant, however highly organized, is a continuous mass of protoplasm, surrounded externally by a cell wall and penetrated internally by numerous transverse and longitudinal partitions.' My conception receives strong support from the way in which Vochting set forth the relations of the cell to the whole : 1 Is the circumstance that a cell, separated from the organism, is able to survive and build up the whole again a proof of the independent life of the cells while in the organism ? I believe it to be only a proof that the life of the organism is always dependent upon the cell, that the life is inherent in the cell, and that the life of a compound organism is merely the resultant of the vital phenomena of its single cells ; but by no means that the cell when isolated displays the same functions as while it is a part of the organism. The cell while in the organism and the cell separated from the organism and self-sufficing, are THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 115 quite different. We must regard the functions of a cell that is part of an organism, disregarding external influences, as determined by the whole organism, and only by the cell itself, in so far as that forms a greater or less part of the whole organism. When not part of an organism, the cell is independent, and entirely determines its own function. Nowhere is it easier than in this case to confuse possibilities with facts, and nowhere is the confusion more fatal. From a morphological point of view, one may confidently regard the cell as an individual ; but it must be borne in mind that an abstraction has been made. Physiologically con- sidered, the cell is an individual only when it is isolated from a complex and is independent ; of this no abstraction can be made/ According to the conception I have been explain- ing, cells merge their independent individuality in that of the whole, and so the force that directs their ultimate development, and that leads to their appropriate elaboration, cannot be within them, cannot reside in special groups of determinants, in the sense of Weismann. It is given by the relations in which the cells come to stand to the whole organism and to the various parts of the organism, and, on the other hand, to surrounding- things. Naturally, such relations differ with the place or position occupied by cells in the whole organism, and in this way there come to be in- numerable conditions making for diverging direc- tions of development, for division of labour, and for dissimilar, histological differentiation. The 116 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY part played by a cell, as Vochting puts it, will depend upon the position it comes to assume in the whole living unit. To use an expression of Driesch's, dissimilar differentiation of cells is a ' function of position.' Such a conception my brother and I, ia our Studies on the Germ-layer Theory, sought to establish clearly by many examples from the histology of the coelenterates and of higher animals ; such a conception for long has been clearly ex- pressed in physiological botany. The simpler nature of plants in structure and function makes it easy to conduct experimental observations upon this point. I have already described how either side of the prothallus of a fern may be made to produce male or female organs, according as it is kept in the light or in the dark. Similarly, taking a willow slip, roots may be made to appear at one end by moisture and darkness, while they will not appear on the end kept in the light. The experiments of botanists and of fruit-growers show that young buds and the rudiments of roots are indifferent structures, the further growth of which depends entirely upon the conditions in which they are placed. ' One and the same bud may grow to a long or short vegetative shoot, to a floral shoot, to a thorn, or may remain undeveloped. The same root rudiment may grow to a main tap- root or may form a secondary lateral root. The conditions that determine the mode in which these structures will develop are quite within the power of the experimenter. We have shown already THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 117 and could show further, that he is able to determine the mode of growth by cutting, bending, tying in a horizontal position, and so forth/ For such reasons, Yochting describes plants as masses of tissue, practically plastic, and which may be moulded at the discretion of the investigator. ' For instance, in the case of Prunus spinosa, a branch may be produced in place of a thorn by cutting a growing shoot at the proper height, in spring. The buds below the point where the cut was made turn to shoots like the rest of the plant and complete the interrupted growth, while on an uncut stem they would have grown to thorns. Thus, the rudiment of a thorn has been changed to that of a shoot ' (Yochting). Although it is more difficult to carry out experi- ments upon animals, some good instances are known. If a piece cut from the stem of Antennu- laria (a hydroid polyp) be placed vertically, in a short time new branches and new ' roots ' spring from it. In this case, again, the position of the new growths is determined by the relation in which the stem is placed to gravity. * The tentacles arise only at the end turned towards the zenith ; the " roots " from the parts directed towards the ground ' (Loeb). A similar example may be taken from among vertebrates. The notochord arises from a set of cells which are in close relation with the fused tips of the blastopore. By exposing developing frog's eggs to abnormal conditions, I was able, in some cases, to produce a hypertrophy of; one of the lips 118 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y of the blastopore. When fusion of the lips took place the normal lip united with the rim of the protruding hypertrophied lip. As a result of this the notochord and the nerve plate came to arise, not from the usual set of cells, but from those cells that, by the abnormal condition, had come to lie in the place for the notochord. The protruding cells, which normally would have developed into noto- chord and nerve plate, grew into a simple fold of the external skin. Moreover, it is well known in pathology that mucous membranes may lose their proper char- acter and assume the qualities and aspect of the external skin, when, as in cases of prolapse, fistula, etc., they have been exposed for some time to the air. The relations of different parts to each other and to the whole are known as correlations. Correla- tion exists in all the stages of the development of an organism, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another. One must note very carefully that Weismann's doctrine of determinants, according to which all that happens in development follows a prearranged plan, is entirely in opposition to this correlative character of the changes that occur during development. Here I shall give a few quotations from botanical and zoological writers : 1 If the stem of a plant be cut so that it retains its roots, but is deprived of leaves and shoots, then the adventitious buds will produce new leaves and shoots. If, however, the stem be cut so as to THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 119 deprive it of roots, then the same cells that in the other case produced leaves and shoots will now produce roots. Precisely the same occurs with a piece of the root. In fact, it appears as if the idio- plasm knew what parts of the plant were wanting, and what it must do to restore the integrity and vital capacity of the individual.' 'The idioplasm in the remaining part of a plant must be affected when an important part has been removed, because the idioplasm of the lost part is no longer capable of having influence.' * It is clear enough that necessity acts as a stimulus, and that each definite need calls into existence the appropriate reaction.' These are Naegeli's views, and they have been elaborated by Pfliiger in his important treatise on The Teleological Mechanism of Living Nature (1877). Vochting writes in similar fashion : ' In a tree that is growing under normal condi- tions, without being subjected to injury, all the organs appear in definite relation to each other: so many leaves correspond to a definite number of twigs and branches. These spring from a stem of proportionate thickness, and the stem passes into a definitely proportioned tap-root, from which arise a due array of lateral roots. In normal conditions all these organs are in equilibrium. An apple-tree, growing on the line where tilled garden ground meets a lawn, grows more vigorously on the side towards the garden. If one of the roots of an apple-tree with three main roots and three branches be amputated, then the correspond- 120 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y ing branch will lag behind in growth, although it may not absolutely perish.' * The equilibrium varies according to the specific nature of the tree. It is shown in one way in the oak, in another in the beech, and is different in the varieties of a species.' Finally, consider this statement from Goebel's Treatise on the Morphology and Physiology of the Leaf: 'The fact that lateral buds do not develop while the axial bud is still growing vigorously depends upon the relation between the two. That I denote as correlation of growth.' The dependence of parts upon each other, and upon the whole, is specially clear and instructive in cases where different plant individuals are united by budding or grafting. To limit the growth of a tree, and to induce it to become dwarfed, it is necessary only to graft it upon a nearly allied but dwarf variety. When a pear-tree is grafted upon the quince, which is characterized by its dwarf- like growth, the vegetative growth of the pear is re- duced exceedingly. It produces shorter and weaker shoots ; all the dwarf varieties of the pear employed as wall fruits, or growing into the little pyramids spoken of in the trade as ' cordon '-trees and potting-trees, could not have been produced unless the gardener had had the quince as a natural dwarf stock (Vb'chting). With the dwarf- ing is associated a freer and earlier production of fruit. Other kinds of fruit-trees, apples, apricots, and so forth, show the same course. * The capacity to withstand external influences and the duration of life may be altered in the same THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 121 way. The pistachio (Pistazia vera), cultivated in Frankfort, which is destroyed by a temperature lower than 7*5 degrees of frost, will survive 12'5 degrees if it has been grafted upon P. terebinthus. Moreover, when it is grown from a seedling, it may reach the age of 150 years; but when it has been grafted upon P. terebinthus its length of life is in- creased to 200 years ; while, grafted on P. lentiscus, it reaches only about 40 years ' (Yochting). Vochting's experiments upon beetroot are still more characteristic. ' The stem of a beet plant that bore young buds gave rise to vegetative shoots when it was united with a young, still grow- ing root, but to a blossoming stem when it had been grafted, in spring, upon an old root.' Similarly, animal growth is correlative in all its stages. When a muscle becomes unusually large it sets up corresponding correlations of growth in many other parts of the body. The bloodvessels and nerves supplying it become larger, and the increase in the nerves leads to corresponding in- crease in the nerve centres. The tendons of origin and of insertion, and the parts of the skeleton to which these are attached, must react to the in- creased size of the muscle by growing larger ; in fact for all the parts of the animal body the con- clusions which Naegeli and other physiologists drew from plants are applicable. All the different elements of the body are in definite and intimate touch with each other. This is shown most beautifully and clearly in the extraordinarily interesting phenomena called di- ' THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y orphism and polymorphism. These seem to me V to show how very different final results may grow from identical rudiments, if these, in early stages /* of development, be subjected to different external « /• influences. Finally, I have a little to say about the sexual dimorphism that occurs so generally in the animal kingdom. Nearly all kinds of animals appear as male or 'as females. These differ from each other not only in that they produce eggs or spermatozoa, but frequently in a number of more or less striking characters affecting different parts of the body, and known as secondary sexual characters. In fact, the difference between the sexes may be so great that a systematic naturalist, unacquainted with the mode of development of the creatures, might place them in different species, genera, or even families, on account of the striking differences in external characters. As an instance, take Bonellia, a gephyrean, the strange case of which has been remarked upon by Hensen and by Weismann. The male is about a hundred times smaller than the female, in the respiratory chamber of which it lives as a kind of parasite, and appears, so far as outward shape goes, more like a turbellarian than a gephyrean. None the less, male and female are alike not only while they are in the egg, but as larvse, and it is only towards the period of sexual maturity that the great difference between them begins to appear. So also is it with the dwarf males of the cirripedes. THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 123 Males and females, whether they be more or less unlike, arise from the same germinal material. The germinal material itself is sexless ; that is to say, there is not a male and a female germinal material. The phenomena of inheritance in the sexual genera- tion of hybrids show this clearly. Characters appro- priate both to males and to females are transmitted either by eggs or by spermatozoa. In partheno- genetic animals both male and female individuals appear at definite times from eggs produced without sexual commerce. Whether the male or the female forms be produced depends, not upon any difference in the germinal material, but on the external influ- ences, just as external influences determine whether the bud on a twig shall give rise to a vegetative or to a flowering shoot, to a thorn or to a stem. The influence of food, of temperature, or probably of other agencies, determines in which direction the germinal material shall grow. The experiments of a distinguished French investigator, M. Maupas, on the determination of sex in Hydatina senta, a rotifer, have given striking results. In Hydatina, under normal conditions the eggs of certain individuals give rise always to males, of others always to females. By raising or lowering the temperature at the time when the eggs are being formed in the germaria of the young females, the experimenter is able to determine whether these eggs shall give rise to males or to females. After that early time the character of the egg cannot be altered by food, light, or temperature. 124 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO- DA Y In one experiment, in which five females not yet fully grown were kept in a room at the tempera- ture of 26 to 28 degrees centigrade, Maupas found that, of 104 eggs only 3 per cent, gave rise to females, while in the case of other five young females of the same brood, but kept in a cold chamber at a temperature of 14 to 15 degrees centigrade, 95 per cent, of females were produced. In another experiment, young animals were kept for a few days in the cold, and then, until death, in a higher temperature. Of the eggs produced while in the cold, 75 per cent, produced females, of those deposited in the warmth, 81 per cent, became males. With these results may be compared what happens with many plants. Melons and cucumbers, which produce on the same stem both male and female flowers, bear only male flowers in high temperatures, only female flowers when subjected to cold and damp. In the case of many insects in which partheno- genesis occurs, the determination of sex depends upon fertilisation. Thus, among bees, unfertilised eggs give rise to drones, fertilised eggs to females. Sexual dimorphism in still another way reveals the intimate interactions existing between all the parts of an organism in every stage of develop- ment. It is well known, for instance, that among animals the early removal or destruction of the sexual organs hinders the development of the secondary sexual characters, or even may occasion the appearance of the characters of the other sex. Old hens become cock-feathered ; human eunuchs THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 125 have the high-pitched voice and the peculiarities of the larynx found in women. As much as sexual dimorphism, the phenomena of polymorphism show the enormous influence exerted by external forces upon correlated varia- tion of the parts during development, and in this way upon the final structure. In the question of polymorphism it is worth while to discuss at some length the extreme poly- morphism exhibited in the case of some of the colonial animals — first, because the matter has recently occasioned an important controversy be- tween Herbert Spencer and Weismann ; and, secondly, because the discussion will serve to make still more clear the difference between my views and those of Weismann upon the nature of the process of development. Among the colonial insects there arise, in addition to males and females, sexless individuals known as neuters. These in certain cases are very different from both males and females in structure and in social instincts. Among bees there are the queens, sexually mature females ; the workers, females whose sexual organs are rudimentary, and parts of whose bodies — the stings, the wings, the hind legs, with their pollen-collecting apparatus — are peculiarly formed; and, lastly, the males, or drones. In many of the ant and termite colonies still greater differences exist between the different sets of individuals. In addition to males and females, there are sexless workers, and these in many species 126 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY are of two kinds, known as workers and soldiers. The divergences of structure among the three or four forms are shown, frequently by considerable differences in size, by the presence and absence of wings, by differences in the sense-organs, the brain, and the structure of the head. In the common ant — Solenopsis fugax, for instance, as Weismann quotes from Forel — the males have more than four hundred facets on their eyes, the females about two hundred, and the workers from six to nine. Many soldiers possess enormously large and heavy heads, with massive jaws, and naturally, with the appropriate muscles much enlarged. But as workers and soldiers, on account of the rudimentary state of their sexual organs, cannot reproduce themselves, all the three or four kinds of ants in the colony must be developed from eggs deposited by the females. In this Weismann finds the most convincing proof of the omnipotence of natural selection, and, I venture to add, for the omnipotence of his doctrine of determinants. He says (Contemporary Review, vol. Ixiv., p. 313) : ' It fortunately happens that there are animal forms which do not reproduce themselves, but are always propagated anew by parents which are unlike them. These animals, which thus cannot transmit anything, have nevertheless varied in the past, have suffered the loss of parts that were useless, and have increased and altered others ; and the metamorphoses have at times been very important, demanding the variation of many parts of the body, inasmuch as many parts THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 127 must adjust themselves so as to be in harmony with them.' 'None of these changes' (p. 318) ' can rest on the transmission of functional varia- tions, as the workers do not at all, or only ex- ceptionally, reproduce. They can thus only have arisen by a selection of the parent ants, dependent on the fact that those parents which produced the best workers had always the best prospect of the persistence of their colony. No other explanation is conceivable, and it is just because no other ex- planation is conceivable that it is necessary for us to accept the principle of natural selection.' According to Weismann's conception, ' every part of the body of the ant' (Ioc. cit., p. 326) 'that is differently formed in the males, females, and workers is represented in the germplasm by three (sometimes four) corresponding determinants ; but on the development of an egg never more than one of these attains to value — i.e., gives rise to the part of the body that is represented — and the others remain inactive.' This structure of the germplasm Weismann attributes to the operation of selection. ' For in the ant state ' (Ioc. cit., p. 326) ' the barren individuals or organs are metamor- phosed only by the selection of the germplasm, from which the whole state proceeds. In respect of selection, the whole state behaves as a single animal. The state is selected, not the single indi- viduals, and the various forms behave exactly like the parts of one individual in the course of ordinary selection.' Naturally, from the views on the germplasm 128 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY theory and on the doctrine of determinants that I have expressed in this book, I cannot accept the explanation Weismann thus gives of the facts. It is true that Weisniann holds his own explanation to be the only conceivable explanation. ' For there are only two possible a priori explanations of adaptations for the naturalist, namely, the trans- mission of functional variations and natural selection ' (loc. cit, p. 386) ; ' but as the first of these can be excluded' (on account of the infertility of workers and soldiers), 'only the second remains.' But are the alternatives really only as Weis- mann suggests ? Is there no choice left for the naturalist ? When I was reading his All-sufficiency of Natural Selection, kindly sent me by the author, it came into my mind that I could not accept his dilemma. For the different individuals in the insect states may be explained in a third way — in a way overlooked by Weismann. This third ex- planation is nothing more than the subject of all this treatise of mine. It is that, in obedience to different external influences, the same rudiments may give rise to different adult structures. I am glad that the same answer has been made to Weismann's All-sufficiency of Natural Selection by two biologists, Herbert Spencer and Emery, simultaneously with mine. Emery, a specialist upon the structure of ants, and Herbert Spencer, relying upon the investigations of several English- men, have sought to prove that the differences between the individuals in the colonies of ants, THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 129 bees, and termites, have been slowly called into existence by the operation of external influences affecting the egg in its situation and food during development. It has been shown fully by experiment and by observation that the fertilised eggs of the queen bee may become either workers or queens. This depends merely on the cell in the hive in which the egg is placed, and on what food the embryo is reared. In the specially large cells, known as queens' chambers, and with specially nutritious diet, they become queens. With poor food, and in smaller cells, they become workers. Even if worker larvae be supplied in time with a richer diet, they may be turned into queens. Similarly, the differences that exist among termites and ants, as Emery shows, may be de- scribed as polymorphism due to food. The Italian zoologist, Grassi, has shown that termites have it in their power to alter the relative numbers of workers and soldiers, and to produce as many of the latter as may be required, and they are able to accelerate the sexual maturity of other individuals by supplying nourishment suitable for stimulating the maturation of the genital organs. Emery explains this polymorphism by attri- buting it to the general laws of growth in the insect organism under the influence of different external stimuli. He thinks that ' the production of workers depends upon a special capacity of the germplasm to respond to the abundance or scanti- ness of certain nutritive materials by a greater 9 130 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY growth of certain parts of the body, and a lesser growth of other parts. Workers' food stimulates growth in the jaws and brain, retards growth in the wings and sexual cells. Queens' food has the opposite action.' There is a correlation between retardation of the sexual glands and acceleration of the development of the head, just as in verte- brates there is a correlation between the sexual glands and the secondary sexual characters. ' The characters by which the workers differ from the queens, therefore, are not innate, but are produced secondarily/ Quite independently, but simultaneously, Herbert Spencer has suggested the same explanation as Emery. Moreover, he has used the conditions that exist among the state-forming insects as a strong argument against Weismann's doctrine of deter- minants. The observations of many careful persons, such as Charles Darwin, Emery, and others, show that in many species of ants the extreme types of individuals are connected by many intermediate forms. (Apud Emery, this is the case in many Myrmicidce, in most Oamponotidce, and in Azteca.) These forms are transitional, not only in general size, but in the degree to which the genital organs have been arrested, and in the peculiarities of the jaws. Spencer explains these transitional forms, and I agree with him, by supposing that the stoppage in food supply has taken place at different times after development has begun. ('It must happen that the stoppage of feeding will be indefinite/) Thus, THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 131 the existence of transitional forms presents no difficulty on the theory of the agency of food. But how can the doctrine of determinants be applied to it ? ' If he is consistent ' (says Spencer, Con- temporary Revieiv, Ixiv., p. 901), ' he must say that each of these intermediate forms of workers must have its special set of " determinants," causing its special set of modifications of organs ; for he cannot assume that while perfect females and the extreme types of workers have their different sets of deter- minants, the intermediate types of workers have not. Hence we are introduced to the strange con- clusion that, besides the markedly distinguished sets of determinants, there must be, to produce these intermediate forms, many other sets slightly distinguished from one another — a score or more o kinds of germplasm, in addition to the four chief kinds. Next comes an introduction to the still stranger conclusion, that these numerous kinds of germplasm producing these numerous intermediate forms are not simply needless, but injurious — produce forms not well fitted for either of the functions discharged by the extreme forms, the implication being that natural selection has origin- ated these disadvantageous forms. If, to escape from this necessity for suicide, Professor Weismann accepts the inference that the differences among these numerous intermediate forms are caused by arrested feeding of the larvae at different stages, then he is bound to admit that the differences between the extreme forms, and between these and perfect females, are similarly caused. But if he *» iw THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y V & does this, what becomes of his hypothesis that the ''[several castes are constitutionally distinct, and een shown, I think, in these pages that n 4f^' Vmuch of what Weismann would explain by deter- ijf ^ niinants within the egg must have ° ^^^^ ^nfcirio / / THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 133 the egg. The chief factors in the process of development we have found to be : (1) The multi- plication of cells by division (growth as a moulding factor) ; (2) the relations of cells to their external environment (position in its widest sense as a factor); (3) the interrelations of the parts of a whole (cells, tissues, and organs) to one another and to the whole (correlative development). There remains to be considered the extent to which the germinal material in the egg determines the course of development of the organism. Here, before all things, it must be insisted that the individual nature of the cell determines the specific fashion in which the cell will react to the varying stimuli coming from varying conditions. The same agency produces very different results upon different organisms. These differences must be attributed to the differences in the nature (different intimate structure) of the active material. Sachs speaks strikingly on this point (Physiology of Plants, p. 602) : ' If the same external cause induces exactly opposite effects in the organs, the explanation of this must simply be sought in the different structure of the organs. If one organ, when illuminated from one side, becomes curved so as to be concave on the side turned towards the centre of light, while another becomes convex on that side, the cause can only lie in the internal structure of the organ. But it is just on such differences of structure that the great variety of reactions which the most different plant organs exhibit towards the same external influences 134 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY depends; and, fundamentally, all that we term biology — the mode of life of organisms — depends upon the fact that different organisms react dif- ferently towards the same external influences, and these reactions differ not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively, the finest gradations existing in both cases.' For instance, in a plant-embryo roots are pro- duced at the lower end under the influence of the soil and of gravity. But it is upon the specific nature of the protoplasm of different kinds of plants that the special shape of the whole root system depends : whether, for instance, the root system ramifies superficially or strikes deep into the soil; whether the rootlets grow quickly or slowly ; in what fashion they fork, and whether or no they form special structures like bulbs. Thus, even from my point of view, explanation of the process of development requires the as- sumption of the existence of different kinds of germinal material in different kinds of organisms. These germinal substances must be possessed of an extraordinarily complex organisation, and must be able to react in specific fashion — that is to say, in a fashion different in each species — to all the slightest internal and external stimuli encountered from time to time as the organisation becomes formed by cell division. In this sense I agree with what Naegeli says : ' The egg-cells contain all actual specific char- acters as truly as the adult organisms ; when they exist in the condition of eggs, organisms are as THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 13» distinct from each other as in the adult condition. The species is present as truly in the fowl's egg as in the fowl, and the egg of a fowl differs as much from the egg of a frog as the fowl differs from the frog. Men, rodents, ruminants, invertebrates display more or less important and outwardly visible dif- ferences in constitution ; so also the sexual cells to which they give rise, since they represent the rudiments of the future adults, must be different from each other in the constitution of the rudi- ments, although we are not yet able to prove these differences by observation.' In this assumption of a specific and highly- organized germinal substance with which a develop- ment begins, I agree with evolutionists ; but in its details my conception is quite different from their conception. For I can ascribe to the germinal substance only such characters as are appropriate to the true nature of a cell, but I cannot ascribe to it the numerous characters that can come into existence only by the interrelations of many cells and the action of the environment. Haacke, in his recently-published book (Gestal- tung und Vererbung), has expressed a doubt that my conception of development is, after all, a pre- formational theory. 'For preformation,' he says, ' it is not necessary to imagine that the egg contains a miniature of the adult. If only, like Hertwig, one assumes to be present in the germinal material a prearrangement of qualitatively different idio- blasts, one has steered into the harbour of pre- formation with all sails set.' 136 TEE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY In reply, I plead that, like Naegeli, De Vries, Driesch, and others, I have tried to blend all that is good in both theories. My theory may be called evolutionary, because it assumes the existence of a specific and highly-organised initial plasm as the basis of the process of development. It may be called epigenetic, because the rudiments grow and become elaborated, from stage to stage, only in the presence of numerous external conditions and stimuli, beginning with the metabolic processes preceding the first cleavage of the egg-cell, until the final product of the development is as different from the first rudiment as adult animals and plants differ from their constituent cells. To explain more clearly my conception of the nature of the process of development, especially in the relations that I conceive to exist between the rudiment and the adult, I shall conclude by revert- ing to my comparison between a human community and an organism. As a man arises from an egg-cell by cell multiplication and cell differentiation, so the human community, a composite organism of a still higher nature, has arisen from separate human beings as its starting-point. Culture and civilization are the wonderfully com- plicated results of the co-operation of many in- dividuals united in society. By the manifolding of their relations and their combinations, men in society have brought about a higher complexity than man, left by himself, ever would have been able to develop from his own individual properties — THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 137 a complexity that has arisen by the interaction of the same characters of many men in co-operation. Similarly the activity of the egg in growth and cell-formation is an inexhaustible source of new complexity ; for the self-multiplying systems of units, always binding themselves into higher complexes, continually enter into new interrelations, and afford the opportunity for new combinations of forces — in fact, of new characters. Both cases — the course of the development of the egg- cell into a man, and of men into a state — depend upon epigenesis, not upon evolution. The comparison may be carried into details. The more complex and higher organisation of human society occurs in this fashion : of the numerous single individuals, all of which are endowed with the various incipient human char- acters, some individuals elaborate some incipient characters, others other characters, and these come to play correspondingly different parts. The special differentiation undergone by any individual depends upon the special place he comes to occupy in the whole of which he is a part, not upon really different organisation residing in him from his birth. Beside those characters which have de- veloped specially in his case, there lie dormant the rudiments of all the characters possessed by men, and, under different conditions, these might have come to development. Differentiation in multicellular organisms takes a similar course. Every cell, by doubling division of the egg, receives all the rudiments of its kind ; 138 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DAY of these rudiments, some in one set of cells, others in another, come to develop, according to the part of the whole in which the cells come to lie during the progress of the development, and according to the relations to the whole they come to assume. Thus, here they assume the characters of the external skin; there, they become gland-cells of the intestine ; here, muscle-fibres; there, sense-cells or nerve-cells ; in one place they serve the whole organism, in the form of blood- corpuscles, as agents for nutrition and respiration ; there, becoming connective tissue or bone, they form skeletal elements of the body. Thus, during the course of development, they are forces external to the cells that bid them assume the individual characters appropriate to their individual relations to the whole ; the determining forces are not within the cells, as the doctrine of determinants supposes. The cells develop those characters that are suggested by their relation to the external world and their places in the whole organism. But I must insist here that the subordination of the cells to the whole organism, in both multicellular animals and in plants, is much more complicated than that of the units to the human state. In the latter case, the individuals are separate from one another; they are independent organisms and are bound together only in social relations. None the less, consider how in a civilized state the apparently sovereign individual is conditioned in all his circum- stances; how each change in the general state exercises an influence on the individual's disposi- tion freedom of will, and method of life (dwelling, THEORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISMS 139 food, institutions, health) ; then reflect how much greater in the animal and the plant is the domina- tion of the whole, and the subordination of the units, as in them cell is directly joined to cell — indeed, in most cases united materially by threads of proto- plasm. In such cases the self-sufficiency of the cell as an elementary, living organism is so far pre- vented, that it becomes a subordinate part, with its function in dependence on the whole. One other point our comparison will make clearer : I refer to the relation of the specific nature of the rudiment to the specific nature of the pro- duct of the rudiment. The different organisations and qualities of the communities formed by different animals may be explained by the special characters of the animals forming them. Those of the bee colonies depend on the nature of bees ; of ant colonies on the nature of ants; of the societies of men on the nature of men ; indeed, in the latter case we see how they differ as they are formed by Italians, Germans, Slavs, Turks, Chinese, or Negroes. Similarly, the specific organisation of the cell determines the kind of animal which may be built up by it. In my theory two assumptions of totally con- trasting nature are made : I assume a germplasm of high and specific organisation, and I assume that this is transformed into the adult product by epige- netic agencies. To a certain extent, therefore, I reconcile the opposition between evolution and epi- genesis, these opponents so prominent last century. But my theory does not pretend to explain all 140 THE BIOLOGICAL PROBLEM OF TO-DA Y the many problems involved in the course of organic development. In this respect it differs from Weismann's doctrine of determinants, as that is a closed system, finding within itself a formal explanation of all development. So far it seems to me an abandonment of explanation rather than an explanation ; for it explains by signs and tokens that elude verification and experiment, and that cannot encounter concrete investigation. His ex- planation is no more than a description, in other words, of the visible events of development. To be more than this, it would be necessary to explain how in each case the biophores and determinants and ancestral plasms are constituted, and how they are arranged in the architecture of the germplasm so as to produce the development of the egg- cell in this or that fashion. It must, at the least, offer such possibilities as the structural formulae of chemists offer. But in the present stage of our knowledge Weismann's method is unpromising ; it merely transfers to an invisible region the solution of a problem that we are trying to solve, at least partially, by investigation of visible char- acters ; and in the invisible region it is impossible to apply the methods of science. So, by its very nature, it is barren to investigation, as there is no means by which investigation may put it to the proof. In this respect it is like its predecessor, the theory of preformation of the eighteenth century. INDEX AND GLOSSARY ACINETA, a group of protozoa, development of, 41. Acquired characters, question of their inheritance, x. Arnphioxus, a marine animal, representative of the primi- tive vertebrate stock, experi- ments on eggs of, 61. Anabolism, the formation of more complex chemical bodies by the agency of pro- toplasm, 86. Animal cells, characteristic mode of growth, 111. Antennularia, Loeb's experi- ment, 117. Ants, polymorphism in, 125. Ascidians, tunicate animals, 46. Atavism, the occurrence in an organism of a character ab- normal in it, but normal in an ancestor, 24. B Bees, polymorphism in, 125. Beetroot, grafting experiments, Begonia, reproduction from leaves, 46. BERT, experiments on rats, 73. BERESOWSKY, skin-grafting, 75. BEYERINCK, upon galls, 51. Biophores. Each determinant, according to Weismann, is composed of a number of ultimate living pieces, the biophores, which are the active agents that direct the functions of a mature cell, ix, 22. Blastosphere, an early stage in embryonic development ; the embryo consists of a hollow sphere, the walls of which consist of a single layer of cells, and the cavity of which is called the segmentation cavity, xvii ; explanation of formation, 97, 98. Blood, transfusion of, 75. BLUMENBACH, nisus forma- tivus, 5 ; upon galls, 50. Bone-grafting, 73, 74. Bonelfia, sexual dimorphism in, 122. Bryozoa, a group of minute animals which form encrus- tations on seaweeds and stones, 46. Buds, origin of, 28 ; reproduc- tion and regeneration by, 46. C Cell, description of, 31 ; charac- ters possible in, 88 ; differen- tiation of, in development, 112 ; as units in morphology and physiology, 113 ; Sachs on, 114; Vochtiiig on, 114, 116. Cell theory, relation of, to heredity, 31. Centrosome, an organ of cells 142 INDEX AND GLOSSARY most obvious during nuclear division, 93. Cerianthus, experimental het- erornorphoses, 51. CHABRY, destruction of segmen- tation sphere, 62. Chromatin, a material found in the nucleus of cells, so called because it absorbs stains with avidity : germ- plasm and, viii, xiv ; relation of, to specific character of cells, 36, 37. Chromosomes, definite, visible bodies, as which the chroma- tin of a dividing nucleus appears, xiv, 93. Crystal, growth of, compared with organic growth, 108. Cione, experimental hetero- morphoses, 52. Clavelliiia, reproduction from buds, 46. Cleavage - planes, the planes separating the daughter- nuclei, or daughter-cells, in the early division of a fer- tilised egg-cell, xvii ; relation between appearance of, and structure of eggs, 95. Coelenterata, a major division of multicellular animals, in- cluding such creatures as sea-anemones, corals, and jelly-fish, 46. Continuity of the germplasm, 26. Continuity of life, the doctrine opposed to spontaneous gene- ration, 2. Correlations, 118, 121. D DARWIN, pangenesis, 21. Determinants. Each id of germplasm is supposed by Weismann to be composed of minor pieces, arranged in a complicated fashion that is the result of the past history of the species. For every part of the body, large or small, that may be dif- ferent in different individuals or species, there is, at least, one determinant in the id. The determinants are so grouped in the id that they are liberated and become active when the time comes for the development of that part of the body they con- trol, viii, 22 ; arguments against, 82; relation to cells, 87. Determinates, the smallest parts of an organism which vary independently, and which are supposed by Weis- mann to be represented in the germplasm by special pieces, 23, 25. Differentiating division, such a division of the nucleus as would result in daughter- nuclei unlike each other, and unlike the parent nucleus. The qualities of the parent nucleus are supposed to have been distributed between the daughter-nuclei, xi ; absence of visible evidence for, xv, 25 ; objections to occurrence of, 34, 78. Dimorphism, the appearance of the same species in two different forms, sexual di- morphism, 122, 124. Disharmonic union in graft- ing, 70. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 143 Double monsters, as examples of heteromorphosis, 63. Doubling division. When an amoeba reproduces by simple division, the daughter-amoe- bae are identical, and each is identical with the parent except in size ; from one amoeba two have been formed. A doubling division of the nucleus is such as would result in the forma- tion of two nuclei alike in every respect, ix ; visible evidence for, xv, 24; in unicellular organisms, 40 ; occurrence of, with differen- tiating division, 78. DRIESCH, experiments on eggs, 54 ; separation of segmenta- tion spheres, 60. E. Echinoderms, a group of marine animals, of which the star- fish is the most familiar type, eggs of, 54. Echinoidea, a group of echino- derms, 61. Ectoderm, the tissue in an adult derived from the epi- blast (which see), 19. Egg, relation between structure and division of, 94 ; specific character of, 135. EMERY, on polymorphism in ants, 128. Endoderm, the tissue in an adult, derived from the hypoblast (which see), 19. Enfoldment. See Evolution. Epiblast. In the development of all multicellular animals, the young embryo soon be- comes divided into two sets of cells, the epiblast and hypoblast ; where a gastrula is formed, the outer layer of cells is the epiblast, the inner layer the hypoblast, xviii. Epigenesis, the doctrine that the formation of a new indi- vidual is not the mere out- growing of particles hidden in the egg-cell, but the result of moulding external forces, xiii ; Roux's definition of, 7 ; Weismann's denial of, 9 ; epigenetic explanation of stages in development, 98 ; summary of Hertwig's ac- ceptance of, 136. Evolution. Originally the term was applied, not to the origin of existing forms of life from common ances- tors, but to the doctrine that every living creature con- tained within it the whole series of its future descend- ants, and that the growth of a living creature was evolv- ing of one of these enfolded miniatures, xiii, 1, 2, 3 ; Eoux's contrast of, with epi- genesis, 6 ; the new evolu- tion, 10 ; Hertwig's partial agreement with, 135, 136. Experiment, Weismann's cau- tion against, 10. F. Fertilisation, the union of the nuclear matter of a male cell with the nuclear matter of a female cell, xii, xiv. Foraminifera, a group of pro- tozoa provided with shells, 44. FOREL, on eyes of ants, 126. 144 INDEX AND GLOSSARY Frogs' eggs, Hertwig's experi- ments upon ; development of, under compression, 57-60. Funaria, reproduction from chopped pieces, 46. G. Galls, 50. Gastrula, an early embryonic stage, most simply formed from the blastosphere by the invagination of one side of the wall, and consisting of a hollow sac, the walls of which are formed by two layers of cells, xviii, 60 ; for- mation of, 99. Gernmules. See Pangenesis. Germ, the youngest embryonic stage of an individual or organ, 10. Germplasm, the substance sup- posed to be the material bearer of inherited qualities : Weismann's conception of, viii, 20; identification of, with nuclear matter, 21 ; account of Weissmann's theory, 21-28. Germ-tracks, the hypothetical paths along which germ- plasm passes in an un- altered condition during development, 27 ; objections to, 81. GOBBEL, on plasticity of plants, 120. Grafting, 68, 70 ; of Hydra, 72 ; bone -grafting, 73, 74 ; skin- grafting, 74, 120, 121. GRASSI, polymorphism due to food, 129. Gregarines, a group of parasitic protozoa, development of, 41. H. HAACKE, declaration that Hert- wig is evolutionary, 135. Haemoglobin, the red colour- ing matter of blood, 75. Harmonic union in grafting, 70. Heteromorphosis, explanation of, 49 ; cases of, 51, 52 ; embryonic cases, 54. His, presence of foci in the germ, 13. Histogenous, producing micro- scopical characters, 20. Histology, study of the micro- scopical characters of cells and tissues, differentiation, 115. Hydatina, determination of sex, 5 ; temperature, 123. Hydra, regeneration in, 47 ; grafting of, 72. HydroniedusEe, a group of in- vertebrate animals, the typical members of which are branched colonies of polyps : Weismann's in- vestigations on, viii, xii. Hypoblast. See Epiblast, xvi. Hypotrichous infusoria, a group of protozoa, 41. Ids, hypothetical individual pieces, a number of which are supposed by Weismann to be present in the germplasrn of every sexual cefi, and each of which is supposed to con- tain the inherited material necessary for a complete new organism. It has been sug- gested that tiny beads seen within the chromosomes of INDEX AND GLOSSARY 145 a sexual cell are the ids, viii, 23, 33. Idioblasts, Hertwig's name for hypothetical ultimate units of living matter, 22, 32 ; the ultimate units of living matter, according to De Vries, 22. Idioplasm, as opposed to germ- plasm, which is the nuclear material of gerin-cells ; idio- plasm is the nuclear material of tissue-cells, xi, 38. Immortality, definition of, 82 ; of germ-cells, ix ; of uni- cellular organisms, 17 ; of germ-cells, 80. Individuality of cells, 115. Invagination, the infolding of a layer of cells, as, for instance, in the transforma- tion of a blastosphere into a gastrula, xvii. Isotropism, explained in foot- note, 33. K Karyokinesis, a complicated process of nuclear division, xiv. Katabolism, the formation of less complex chemical bodies by the agency of protoplasm, 86. Labile, unstable, constantly changing, 38. LANDOIS, experiments on trans- fusion of blood, 75. LEIBNITZ, on immortality, 82. LOEB, on heteromorphoses, 49 ; on plasticity of animals, 117. M MAUPAS, experiments on sex of rotifers, 123. Melons, determination of sex by temperature, 124. Mesoblast, in the development of the cceloniata, or three- layered multicellular ani- mals ; a third set of cells, themesoblast, arises between the epiblast and hypoblast, xviii. Monsters, relation of, to divi- sion of egg-cell, 63. Mosaic theory of Eoux, 56. Morphoplasrn, the general protoplasm of a cell, 35. Multicellular organisms, those in which the body is com- posed of many cells, spe- cialized in different direc- tions ; cell- division in, 43. Mus, experiments on grafting among mice and rats, 74. Myxomycetes, sometimes called ' slime fungi,' a group of low organisms, consisting of creeping masses of proto- plasm with many nuclei, 33. N NAEGELI, biological units, 30 ; cross-fertilization and graft- ing compared, 69 ; heredity, 92 ; environment in develop- ment, 104 ; on plasticity of plants, 119 ; on specific characters of eggs, 134. Nais, regeneration in, 47. Notochord, formation of, from unusual cells, 117. Nucleus, a specialized portion of the protoplasm of cells, different in chemical and 10 146 INDEX AND GLOSSARY physical properties (see Chromatin, Chromosomes) as the bearer of heredity, 19 NUSSBAUM, views on origin o germ- cells, 17. Nutrition, influence of, on de- velopment, 2. O OLLIER, bone-grafting, 73. Ontogeny, the development of an individual from the egg upwards, 9. Osteoblasts, cells which are the active agents in bone-forma- tion, 73. Ovogenesis, the formation of egg-cells in the ovary, 13. Pangenesis, Darwin's provi- sional hypothesis, that the sexual cells were composed of minute particles (gem- mules), given off by all the cells of the body, 21. Periosteum, a cellular sheath of bones, 73. Physiological units, Herbert Spencer's name for hypo- thetical ultimate units of living matter, 22. Pistachio, influence of tem- perature on, 121. Plant-cells, mode of growth, 110. Plasomes, Hertwig's name for theoretical units of proto- plasm, 32. Plasticity of plant tissues, 117, 119, 120. Pluteus, a free - swimming larval stage in the develop- ment of echinoderms, 54. Podophrya, reproduction of, 41. Polymorphism, the appearance of the same species in several different forms in ants and social insects, 125. PONFICK, on transfusion of blood, 75. Preformation, identical with the original meaning of evo- lution, which see. Prothallus, the leaf - shaped green organism that grows from the spore of a fern and produces sexual organs, 49. Pseudopodia, extensions of pro- toplasm beyond the general contour of the cell, 41. R Radiolaria, a group of pro- tozoa, 44. Regeneration in plants and animals, 45, 47. Ehipsalis grafted on Opuntia, 71. Roux, contrast between epi- genesis and evolution, 6 ; mosaic theory of, 56. Rudiment, used here as a translation for the word anlage, which means the first plotting-out or begin- ning of a living structure. Darwin showed that rudi- mentary organs in adult creatures were for the most part vestiges of organs that had lost their use. In this treatise ' rudiment ' is ap- plied to an organ or struc- ture in its incipient condi- tion, whether that incipient state be visible in a young embryo, or a hypothetical structure in the germplasm, 6 ; latent rudiments, 37. INDEX AND GLOSSARY 147 S SACHS, on cells, 114 ; on re- action and protoplasm, 133. Salix purpurea, reproduction from galls, 51. SCHMITT, bone-grafting, 74. Segmentation, the early divi- sion of a developing egg, xvii. Segmentation spheres, the cells resulting from the early di- visions of a developing egg separation of, by Wilson and Driesch, 60. Segmentation cavity. See Blastosphere. Sex, determination of, by temperature, 123, 124. Sexual cells (spermatozoa in male, ova or egg-cells in female), the nucleated pieces of protoplasm which are the starting-point of the new generation in sexual repro- duction, origin of, 18. Soma, the body of a plant or animal as contrasted with the reproductive cells con- tained within it, 45. Somatic cells, the cells of the soma ; mortality of, 17. SPENCER, HERBERT, contro- versy withWeismann on poly- morphism in insects, 125. Spermatogenesis,the formation of spermatozoa in the testis, 13. Spontaneous generation, 2. Stolon, a strand of tissue con- necting the individuals of colonial animals, 46. STRASBURGER, the value of the nucleus in heredity, 13, 18. T Termites, polymorphism in, 125. Transfusion of blood, 75. Transplantation of bone, 73, 74. TREMBLEY, grafting of Hydra, 72. Triton, an amphibian, experi- ments on the egg by con- striction, 64. Tubularia, experimental hetero- morphoses, 51. Tuiiicata, a group of marine animals clad with a leathery tunic, 14. U Unicellular organisms, animals (protozoa) and plants (proto- phyta) with the simplest structure, each being a single ceU : immortality of, 17 ; division doubling in, 40. Unit, definition of a biological, 30. Vegetative affinity, 66 et seq. Vertebrates, regeneration of lost parts, 47. VOECHTIXG, experiments on grafting, 70 ; harmonic and disharmoiiic union, 70 ; on cells, 114, 116 ; on plasticity of plants, 117, 119 ; on grafting, 120. W WEISMANN and preforrnation, 8-10 ; caution against experi- ment, 12 ; sources of his theory, 20, 21; Hertwig' description of his theory, 22 148 INDEX AND GLOSSARY absence of proof for differ- entiating division, 34 ; sym- metry of egg and adult, 55 ; immortality of germ-cells, 17, 80, 82 ; germ-tracks, 83 ; doubling division, 102 ; con- troversy with Spencer, 125. Willow, reproduction from slips, 46. WILSON, separation of seg- mentation spheres of am- phioxus egg, 60. WOLFF, Theoria Generationis , 4. Wounds, healing of, in relation to idioplasm, xii. Yolk, nutritive material stored in an egg- cell, xvi. THE END. BILLING AND SONS, PRINTERS, GUILDFORD. . - • - . . • -