^ Biological Structure and Function Volume I Biological Structure and Function Proceedings of the First lUB I UBS International Symposium Held in Stockholm, September 12-17. 1960 Edited by T. W. GOODWIN Depart lueni of Agrieu/tural Biocheiuistr Institute of Rural Science Peng la is, H 'ales O. LINDBERG The ll'enner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology, University of Stockholm. Sweden Volume I 1961 ACADEMIC PRESS • LONDON ■ NEW YORK ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 17 OLD QUEEN STREET LONDON, S.W.I U.S. edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. 1 11 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK 3, NEW YORK Copyright © 1961, by Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd. Library oj Congress Catalog Card Number: 61-17329 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY SPOTTISWOODE, BALLANTYNE & CO. LTD., COLCHESTER AND LONDON Contributors to Volume I Per-ake Albertsson, Institute of Biocliemistry, Uppsala, Sweden. Vincent G. Allfrey, The Rockefeller Institute, Nezv York, N.Y., U.S.A. Erik Arrhenius, The W'enner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biologv, University of Stockholm, Szveden. Kare Aspberg, Research Laboratory, AB Pharmacia and the Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Szveden. GuNNAR Blix, Medicinsk-kemiska Institutionen, Uppsala, Szveden. H. G. BoMAN, The Institute of Biochemistrv, Uppsala, Szveden. I. A. BoMAN, The Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Szveden. P. N. Campbell, Courtauld Institute, Middlesex Hospital, London, England. E. S. Canellakis, Department of Pharmacohgw Yale University Medical School, Nezv Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. H. Chantrenne, Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Brussels, Belgium. Erwin Chargaff, Department of Biochemistry, Columbia University, Nezv York, N.Y., U.S.A. J. N. Davidson, Department of Biochemistry, University of Glasgozv, Scotland. Albert Dorfman, The LaRabida- University of Chicago Institute and the Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Per Flodin, Research Laboratory, AB Pharmacia and the Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Szveden. F. Haguenau, Laboratoire de Medecine Experimentale du College de France, Paris, France. Mirjam Halmann, Department of Biology, Brookhaven National Labora- tory, Upton, Long Island, A', i'., U.S.A. Edward Herbert, Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Shlomo Hestrin, Department of Biological Chemistry, The Hebrezv University, Jerusalem, Israel. C. H. W. HiRS, Department of Biology, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, N.Y., U.S.A. Gottwalt Christian Hirsch, Zoologisches Institut, Gottingen, Germany. VI CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME I K. H. HoLLMANN, Laboratoire de Medecine Experimentale du College de France, Paris, France. H. HoLTER, Carhberg Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark. Tore Hultin, The Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology, University of Stockliolm, Sweden. J. C. Kendrew, MRC Unit for Molecular Biology, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, England. Jadwiga H. Kycia, Department of Biology, Brookliaven National Labor- atory, Upton, Long Island, N.Y., U.S.A. W. K. Maas, A^ra' York University School of Medicine, Nezv York, N.Y., U.S.A. WiNFiELD S. Morgan, Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. H. R. Perkins, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, England. Gertrude E. Perlmann, The Rockefeller Institute, New York, N. Y., U.S.A. Peter Perlmann, The Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology, University of Stockholm, Sweden. Keith R. Porter, The Rockefeller Institute, Nezv York, N.Y., U.S.A. Peter Reichard, Department of Chemistry I, Karolinska Institutet, Stock- holm, Sweden. H. J. Rogers, National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, England. Sara Schiller, The LaRabida-University of Chicago Institute and the Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Philip Siekevitz, The Rockefeller Institute, Nezv York, N.Y., U.S.A. A. Tiselius, Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Sweden. Alexandra von der Decken, The Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology, University of Stockholm, Sweden. M. H. F. WiLKiNS, Physics Department, King's College, London, England. Preface In 1956 The International Union of Biological Sciences (lUBS) decided to set up a Biochemistry Section Committee, which would be a Co- ordinating Committee between lUBS and the International Union of Biochemistry (lUB) and, through a Co-ordinating Committee of lUB and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (lUPAC), would also have contact with lUPAC. It was considered that the Committee would be specifically concerned with chemical biology within the framework of the Unions federated to the Councils of Scientific Unions (ICSU). The members of the Biochemistry Section Committee are at present : R. Brunei (Toulouse) and O. Lindberg (Stockholm) (appointed by lUBS), A^I. Florkin (Liege) and T. W. Goodwin (Aberystwyth) (appointed by lUB), and P. Boyer (Minneapolis) and F. Lynen (Munich) (co-opted members). Florkin and Goodwin were elected Chairman and Secretary respectively. The first Committee meeting was held in 195S during the 4th Inter- national Congress of Biochemistrv in Vienna. It had been visualized throughout the discussions that an important function of the Committee would be to make suggestions for various International Svmposia to both lUBS and lUB. It was agreed that subjects would be appropriate only if both biochemistry and the biological sciences were combining to produce a rapidly expanding sphere of knowledge. A number of possibilities were considered at Vienna and it was eventually decided that "Biological Structure and Function" was most appropriate at this time. This idea was accepted by the two International Unions and plans began to be formulated. It was readily agreed that the most suitable centre in Furope for such a symposium was theWenner-Gren Institute, with its w'ell- established, international reputation in this field and, furthermore, the project had the blessing and support of Dr. Axel Wenner-Gren himself, who honoured the Symposium by agreeing to act as Patron of Honour and by attending the Inaugural Session to deliver the opening address. The lUB and lUBS have supported this Symposium financially but the realization of the Symposium would not have been possible without the generous aid of the Wenner-Gren Foundation, and of the various bodies in different countries which support the attendance of scientists at important international meetings. It was extremely satisfying to the PREFACE organizers to know that these official bodies considered this First lUB/ lUBS Joint Symposium worthy of support, and mention should be made of the National Science Foundation which supported so many of our U.S. participants; furthermore, in this connection the work done on our behalf by Dr. Elmer Stotz, the treasurer of lUB, should not be forgotten. The organizers hope that this Symposium will be the forerunner of a long line of similar international symposia based on fruitful co-operation between biochemists and biologists from all nations. The organizers are most grateful to the Institute of Physics, University of Stockholm, for their generosity in putting their attractive new lecture theatre at the disposal of the Symposium. In preparing the proceedings for the press the organizers have been greatly helped by Miss J. T. Peel, who transcribed the recorded dis- cussions, and by Mr. D. J. Howells, who prepared the subject index. April, 1 96 1 T. W. Goodwin O. LiNDBERG Contents of Volume I Contributors to Volume I Preface Contents of Volume 11 Macromolecular Structure and Function Introduction. By A. Tiselius ....... 3 The Structure of Globular Proteins. By J. C. Kendrew . . 5 Molecular Configuration of Nucleic Acids. By M. H. F. Wilkiub . 13 Partition of Alacromolecules in .Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Bv Per-Ake Albertsson . . . . . . . 33 The Reactivity of Certain Finictional (jroups in Ribonuclease A towards Substitution by i-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. Inacti- vation of the Fnzyme by Substitution at the Lysine Residue in Position 41. By C. II. W. Hirs, Mirjam Halmann and Jadwiga H. Kycia . . . . . . . . . 41 The Relation of the Secondary Structure of Pepsin to Its Biological Activity. By Gertrude F. Perlmann ..... 59 The Problem of Nucleotide Sequence in Deoxyribonucleic Acids. By Erwin Chargaft" ........ 67 Problems in Polynucleotide Biosynthesis. By J. N. Davidson . 95 Fnzymic Formation of Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Ribonucleo- tides. By Peter Reichard . . . . . . .103 Studies on the Mechanism of Synthesis of Soluble Ribonucleic Acid. By E. S. Canellakis and Edward Herbert . . .113 Microsomes and Protein Synthesis The Endoplasmic Reticulum : Some Current Interpretations of Its Form and Functions. By Keith R. Porter .... Pinocytosis. By H. Holter ....... The Ergastoplasm in the Mammary Gland and Its Tumours: An Electron Microscope Study with Special Reference to Caspersson's and Santesson's A and B Cells. Bv F. Haguenau and K. H. Hollmann ....... The P^xternal Secretion (jf the Pancreas as a Whole and the Com- munication between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Bodies. By Gottwalt Christian Ilirsch 127 157 169 ^95 C A1 fth» CONTENTS OI" VOLUME I PAGE Immunological Studies of Microsomal Structure and Function. By Peter Perlmann and Winfield S. Morgan .... 209 Amino Acid Incorporation by Liver Microsomes and Ribonucleo- protein Particles. By Tore Hultin, Alexandra von der Decken, Erik Arrhenius and Winfield S. Morgan . . . .221 The Effects of Spermine on the Ribonucleoprotein Particles of Guinea-Pig Pancreas. By Philip Siekevitz .... 239 The Correlation between Morphological Structure and the Syn- thesis of Serum Albumin by the IMicrosome Fraction of the Rat Liver Cell. By P. N. Campbell 255 Amino Acid Transport and Early Stages in Protein Synthesis in Isolated Cell Nuclei. By Vincent Ci. Allfrey . . . 261 Effects of 8-Azaguanine on the Specificity of Protein Synthesis in Bacillus cereiis. By H. Chantrenne . . . . .281 Purme and Pyrimidine Analogues and the Mucopeptide Biosyn- thesis in Staphylococci. By H. J. Rogers and H. R. Perkins . 289 Studies on the Incorporation of Arginine into Acceptor RNA of Escherichia coli. By H. G. Boman, I. A. Boman and W. K. Maas .......... 297 POLYS./VCCHARIDES Introduction. By Gunnar Blix . . . . . .311 The Growth of Saccharide Macromolecules. By Shlomo Hestrin . 315 Mucopolysaccharides of Connective Tissue. By Albert Dorfman and Sara Schiller ......... 327 Separation of Oligosaccharides with Gel Filtration. By Per Flodin and Kare Aspberg ........ 346 Author Index . . . . . . . . -351 Subject Index . . . . . . ... -359 Contents of Volume II Mitochondrial Structure and Function Effects of Thyroxine and Related Compounds on Liver Mitochondria in Vitro. Bv Olov Lindberg, Hans Low, Thomas E. Conover, and Lars Ernster Components of the Energy-couphng Mechanism and Mitochondrial Structure. By Albert L. Lehninger Ascorbate-Induced Lysis of Isolated Mitochondria — A Phenomenon Different from Swelling Induced by Phosphate and Other Agents. Bv F. Edmund Hunter, Jr. Integrated Oxidations in Isolated Mitochondria. By J. B. Chappell Metabolic Control of Structural States of Mitochondria. By Lester Packer Stable Structural States of Rat Heart Alitochondria. Bv F. A. Holton and D. D. Tyler Solubilization and Properties of the DPNH Dehydrogenase of the Respir- atory Chain. By Thomas P. Singer Reversal of Electron Transfer in the Respiratory Chain. By Britton Chance Function of Flavoenzymes in Electron Transport and Oxidative Phos- phorvlation. By L. Ernster Coupling of Reduced Pyridine Nucleotide Oxidation to the Terminal Respiratory Chain. By Thomas E. Conover Mitochondrial Lipids and Their Functions in the Respiratory Chain. By E. R. Redfearn The Functional Link of Succinic Dehydrogenase with the Terminal Respiratory Chain. By Giovanni Felice Azzone Pyridine Nucleotides in Mitochondria. By E. C. Slater, M. J. Baillie and J. Bouman Nucleotides and Alitochondrial Function: Influence of Adenosinetri- phosphate on the Respiratory Chain. By Martin Klingenberg The Role of ATPase in Oxidative Phosphorylation. By Maynard E. Pullman, Harvey S. Penefsky and E. Racker The Mechanism of Coenzyme Q in Heart Mitochondria. By Daniel M. Ziegler Reactions Involved in Oxidative Phosphorylation as Disclosed by Studies with Antibiotics. By Henry Lardy Structure and Function of Chloroplasts and Chromatophores Chairman's Opening Remarks. By T. W. Goodwin Haem Protein Content and Function in Relation to Structure and Early Photochemical Processes in Bacterial Chromatophores. By Martin D. Kamen Xll CONTENTS OF VOLUME II Observations on the Formation of the Photosynthetic Apparatus in Rhodospirillum rubrum and Some Comments on Light-Induced Chro- matophore Reactions. B}^ Douglas C. Pratt, Albert W. Frenkel and Donald D. Hickman. The Photosynthetic Macromolecules of Chlorobiuni t/iiosulfatophilum. By J. A. Bergeron and R. C. Fuller Some Physical and Chemical Properties of the Protochlorophyll Holo- chrome. By James H. C. Smith Photosynthetic Phosphorylation and the Energy Conversion Process in Photosynthesis. By Daniel I. Arnon The Mechanism of the Hill Reaction and Its Relationship to Photo- phosphorylation. By Birgit Vennesland Electron Transport and Phosphorylation in Light- Induced Phosphoryla- tion. By Herrick Baltscheffsky Reduction of Dinitrophenol by Chloroplasts. By J. S. C. Wessels The Relationship between " Methaemoglobin Reducing Factor" and " Photosynthetic Pyridine Nucleotide Reductase." By H. E. Davenport ATP Formation by Spinach Chloroplasts. By Andre T. Jagendorf and Joseph S. Kahn Intact Cellular Structure and Function Chairman's Introduction: Remarks on Control of Structure and Differen- tiation in Cells and Cell Systems. By J. Runnstrom The Central Problems of the Biochemistry of Cell Division. By Daniel Mazia Studies on the Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis in the Sea Urchin. By T. Gustafson Cell Differentiation: a Problem in Selective Gene Activation through Self-Produced Micro Environment Differences of Carbon Dioxide Tension. By W. F. Loomis RNA Synthesis in the Nucleus and RNA Transfer to the Cytoplasm in Tetrahymena pyriformis. By D. M. Prescott Cell Division and Protein Synthesis. By Eric Zeuthen Structure and Function in Amoeboid Movement. By Robert D. Allen Some Problems of Ciliary Structure and Ciliary Function. By Bjorn A. Afzelius Specific Membrane Transport and Its Adaptation Chairman's Introduction. By Bernard D. Davis Approaches to the Analysis of Specific Membrane Transport. By Peter Mitchell Protein Uptake by Pinocytosis in Amoebae: Studies on Ferritin and Methylated Ferritin. By V. T. Nachmias and J. M. Marshall Comparative Study of Membrane Permeabilitv. By E. Schoffeniels Active Transport and Membrane Contraction-Expansion Cycles. By R. J. Goldacre MACROMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION Introduction A. TiSELIUS Biochemical Institute, The University of Uppsahr, Sweden I think it is very interesting and significant that at this first joint Symposium of the International Union of Biochemistry and the Inter- national Union of Biology you have asked an ex-president of the Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry to be in the chair during the first day's discussion of macromolecular structure and function. I have ventured to interpret this as signifying that these problems, so fundamental in biochemistry and biology, can now be discussed also in strictly chemical terms, and it is very gratifying that the host Unions in their activities do not feel themselves limited by barriers between different disciplines, barriers which no longer have any meaning. It is very gratifying that among our speakers today we have several to whom we owe some of the most fundamental recent discoveries in this field which have made a symposium with today's subject possible and worth while for discussion. Macromolecular substances in biochemistry were until not very long ago confined to what one might call "pre-structural" chemistry. That is to say, one had to content oneself with isolation and characterization, perhaps involving also one or two essential structure details. This is still a very important field of biochemistry, but it is a great advance that today we know that an almost complete structure analysis, also in a strictly chemical sense, can now be made on some typical and particularly im- portant substances of this category. The methods of approach to such structural problems have proved of such general applicability that we have the right to be optimistic about further advances in the near future. It is particularly important just now to observe how different modes and ways of attacking problems of structure among biochemically important macromolecules at last merge together so that information of difi^erent kinds can be utilized in the final attempt to unveil a structure. This is, I understand, what is now happening in the field of protein structure, when X-ray crystallographic analysis data can now be combined with amino acid sequence determinations to work out the details of the structure (e.g. the position of the side chains). Something similar is happening in the nucleic acid field, although the advance there has naturally been slower. When discussing biochemical function in relation to structure on a molecular level we are thus now gradually approaching the state in which we can say that we share the problems and the difficulties in some of the most advanced fields of physics and chemistry. The situation makes me 4 A. TISELIUS recall a conversation I had with a distinguished elderly professor of organic chemistry when I was a young man and found myself gradually drifting from physical chemistry into biochemistry. "Be careful," he said, "this is a dangerous subject, and you will never become a good bio- chemist anyhow. What is the use of studying enzymes and the mechanism of their action until the phenomena of catalysis have been analyzed and elucidated by the physical chemists ?" I have always doubted whether he was right in this, and today I doubt it still more. I do not propose to say that the biochemists can get much further than the physical chemists in providing the ultimate explanation for these and similar phenomena, but I do believe that they have brought to light a number of observations which must be of fundamental importance in any attempt to work out a general theory of catalytic function in the inorganic world. Thus the study of the functions of substances of complicated structure — such as we find in biological materials — may contribute just as much, or even more, to our basic knowledge in the field in general as a study confined only to the very simplest inorganic reactions. It would appear natural that this should be so: the phenomena of catalysis which we meet in biological matter are among the most striking and most specific found in Nature. Thus, quite aside from their interest per se, it must be worth while to study them from a very general and advanced point of view. Discussion of function on a molecular level usually involves mechanisms of activation and the structural background of highly specific affinities. This is of course the case when we deal with reactions between, for example, a macromolecular enzyme and substrate molecule of smaller size. But it is also true when we deal with those specific interactions between difi^erent kinds of macromolecules which appear to play such an important role in the organized chemical reactions characteristic of life. Here also, structural aspects come into the picture and we then gradually find our- selves discussing organization rather than intermolecular structures without being able to define a borderline in the application of these terms. This is also reflected in the methods used, where electron microscopy goes hand in hand with methods of structure analysis such as X-ray crystallography and organic chemistry have provided. I shall not dwell upon this interesting field of "molecular biology", as this rather belongs to the programme of the following days — especially the forthcoming dis- cussion about structure and function of certain submicroscopic particles. But I wish to emphasize that here again we have a field which is yielding much new information of a very general importance — also to the chemists. The elusiveness of the structures and functions involved in this highly organized matter is of a kind where biologists and biochemists with their gentle methods and somewhat greater reverence for Nature in its intact forms are more likely to succeed than the chemists. The Structure of Globular Proteins J. C. Kendrevv MRC Unit for Molecular Biology, Cavendisli Laboratory, Cambridge, England Proteins have probably been more intensively studied than any other class of molecule. Not only have they been subjected to exhaustive in- vestigation by the classical techniques of organic chemistry, culminating in the determination of the complete amino acid sequence of insulin (by Sanger) and later of several other proteins ; but also a whole armoury of physicochemical methods has been used to interpret the behaviour of proteins in solution and, finally, the kinetics and specificity of enzyme reactions have been investigated in great detail. All this work has had the object of understanding the function and biosynthesis of proteins in living organisms. Hitherto the chief obstacle in the way of applying the results of these researches to biological problems has been our ignorance of the structure of proteins, that is to say, of the three-dimensional arrangement of the atoms of which they are composed. The amino acid sequence is in efi^ect a topological description ; but in a molecule as complex as a protein topography is much more important than topology, because it is the spatial relations between the side-chains which determine the chemical behaviour of the molecule, and these relations cannot be determined, except in a fragmentary manner, by chemical methods. We are now for the first time in a position to appreciate the general principles of protein architecture, indeed in one or two cases to under- stand their application in some detail. If we work upwards in the hierarchy of organization of protein molecules we find a remarkable alternation between the simple and the complex in structural arrangement. At the lowest level, the polypeptide chain itself is of the utmost simplicity, having the same backbone structure of repeated peptide groups whatever the side- chains attached to them (with proline as the only exception). When we examine the amino acid sequence, however — the so-called primary structure — we find a bewildering irregularity; there are no discernible periodicities in the sequence, which in some places seems to be entirelv random and in others highly non-random, several identical side-chains being grouped closely together. At the next level, the spatial configuration 6 J. C. KENDREW of the polypeptide chain (the secondary structure), we find simphcity and regularity once more. This regularity was first appreciated by Astbury in his classical studies of fibrous proteins, resulting in his classification of polypeptide chain configurations into three main types, to one of which almost all known fibrous proteins conform. The most important of these is the so-called a-configuration, and its structural basis was revealed by ( < ^ 0 \ 0^ r V V FRANK Fig. I. Model of myoglobin based on the three-dimensional Fourier syn- thesis at a resolution of 6 A, showing the general arrangement of the polypeptide chain and the position of the haem group. Pauling and Corey [i] when they discovered the a-helix. For some time indirect evidence has been accumulating that the a-helix is a structural element in the globular as well as in the fibrous proteins, but definite proof of this has only recently been obtained, in the structure analysis of myoglobin. The first stage of the X-ray analysis of myoglobin [2] gave a three- dimensional picture of the molecule at a resolution of 6 A (Fig. i), reveal- ing the general arrangement of the polypeptide chain and of the haem THE STRUCTURE OF GLOBULAR PROTEINS 7 group, in other words of the tertiary structure of the molecule. The tertiary structure is highly irregular and complex, in sharp contradiction to the simplicity of the secondary structure. More recently [3] the resolu- tion of the analysis has been increased to 2 A (Fig. 2). Although neigh- bouring covalentlv bonded atoms are still not resolved, it is now possible to separate atoms which are hydrogen bonded or in Van der Waals contact, with the result that the atomic arrangement of most of the molecule can Fig. 2. Model of myoglobin based on the three-dimensional Fourier syn- thesis at a resolution of 2 A. The model is seen from the same point of view as that of Fig. I. The course of the main-chain is indicated by a white cord: side-chains have been inserted wherever possible. be inferred. It turns out that all the straight regions of polypeptide chain are in the a-helical configuration ; in fact the molecule consists of eight seg- ments of a-helix joined by irregular regions of varying length ; the helical segments comprise 75",, of the amino acid residues, in agreement with estimates made on the basis of optical rotation and deuterium exchange studies. The appearance of the haem group corresponds closely with theoretical expectation, and it can be seen that the iron atom is attached to a neighbouring a-helix bv means of a group which is almost certainly the imidazole ring of a histidine residue. 8 J. C. KENDREW In the Fourier synthesis the side-chains can be seen as dense regions emerging from the hehcal main chain at intervals corresponding to the parameters of the a-hehx. A close examination of these regions often makes it possible to identify a side-chain with certainty; in other cases some ambiguity remains but the choice of side-chain can be reduced to two or three. At the present resolution about one-third of the side-chains can be identified with certainty, and another third with fairly high prob- ability. It now becomes possible to correlate these X-ray results with the preliminary data obtained by Dr. A. Edmundson who is engaged in working out the amino acid sequence of myoglobin by chemical methods. He has broken down the molecule into short peptides by tryptic digestion, and has determined the composition, and in a few cases the internal sequence, of these peptides. By comparing his results with our own it has proved possible to place almost all the tryptic peptides along the polypep- tide chain, and the order of peptides thus ascribed corresponds with the order which has in a few cases been suggested by Edmundson on the basis of a preliminary examination of the chymotryptic digest. A few discrepan- cies remain, but although the amino acid sequence has not yet been com- pletely determined, its main features are now beyond doubt. We are now engaged in an attempt to increase the resolution of the X-ray results still further, and we hope that the remaining ambiguities will then be removed. Large molecules are often built up of sub-units, whose spatial arrange- ment may be called the quaternary structure. At this level of organization we return once more to simplicity and symmetry. Thus recent X-ray studies of haemoglobin by Perutz and his collaborators [4], resulting in a three-dimensional Fourier synthesis with a resolution of 5.5 A, have shown that in this protein the four sub-units are arranged in the most symmetrical manner possible, namely at the vertices of a tetrahedron. Another very remarkable result has also emerged, namely that each of the four sub-units, consisting of a single polypeptide chain together with a haem group, very closely resembles the molecule of myoglobin in tertiary structure. In still bigger molecules, such as the viruses, the number of sub- units may be very large, nevertheless their arrangement is highly regular. For example in tobacco mosaic virus there are about 2000 sub-units arranged in the form of a helix ; in the spherical viruses the sub-units are arranged on the surface of regular or semi-regular polyhedra. Thus we are now beginning to get a first glance at the general nature of protein structure at all levels of complexity. It seems certain that during the next 4 years these preliminary glimpses will lead to a detailed picture of the structure of proteins which will give an immense impetus to biochemistry generally, and indeed in many respects transform it. THE STRUfTURE OF GLOBULAR PROTEINS 9 References Pauling, L., Corey, R. B., and Branson, H. R., Proc. iiat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 37, 205 (1951). Bodo, G., Dintzis, H. M., Kendrew, J. C, and WyckofF, H. W., Proc. row Soc. A 253, 70 (1959)- Kendrew, J. C, Dickerson, R. E., Strandberg, B. E., Hart, R. G., Davies, D. R., Phillips, D. C, and Shore, V. C, Nature, Loud. 185, 422 (i960). Perutz, M. F., Rossmann, M. G., Cullis, A. P., Muirhead, H., Will, G., and North, A. C. T., Nature, Land. 185, 416 (i960). Discussion TisELius : Is it possible by comparing the structure, derived by your crystallo- graphic methods, of reduced and oxidized haemoglobin or myoglobin to get any hints about any structural changes which would accompany the combination with oxygen ? Kendrew : A crystal of met-myoglobin can very easily be converted into the reduced form by diffusing into it a solution of sodium dithionite and watching the colour change. The crystal is quite unharmed by this procedure, and its X-ray pattern is virtually identical with that of met-myoglobin. If the same experiment is performed with haemoglobin, the result is quite different; haemoglobin crystals on reduction fall to pieces, and if one begins with a solution of reduced haemoglobin and adds salt the crystals which are formed are quite different from those of met- haemoglobin. The simplest hypothesis which would explain these results is that during oxygenation the haemoglobin molecule changes shape, the sub-units moving relative to one another : in myoglobin no such change could occur because there are no sub-units. This idea is purely speculative at present, but my colleague Dr. Perutz is now beginning a study of crystals of reduced haemoglobin with the object of discovering exactly what differences there are between its structure and that of met-haemoglobin. Chan'CE: It is obvious that Dr. Kendrew "s results are important not only for those interested in the mechanism of oxygenation but also for those interested in the mechanism of haemoprotein action where the histidine group connected to the iron is of special importance. I have one question which is prompted by Philip George, as to how certain one may be that this link is histidine ; how well does histidine fit the electron densities near the iron atom ? A second question is the interesting electron-dense material on the other side of the water molecule, which leads one to wonder in the reactions of the ferrimyoglobin which is really what we are talking about, the way which you would speculate that this material will inter- fere with ligands for the oxygen atom ? Kendrew: At the present resolution of our Fourier synthesis of myoglobin, namely 2 A, it is not possible to be absolutely certain of the identity of the haem- linked side chain in myoglobin, but it is very probably histidine. As an alternative we have tried to build a model of lysine into the electron density, but for several reasons this solution seems very unsatisfactory. With regard to the group on the other side of the haem group, we are in more difficulty. We think it probable that this residue also is histidine, but there is a lO J. C. KENDREW definite possibility that it is glutamic acid. It is probable that we shall have to wait for a more highly resolved Fourier synthesis before this question can be answered definitely. There are indeed serious problems about the attachment of large ligand groups. We have found that /)-iodophenyl isocyanide can be diffused into a crystal of myo- globin and that it combines at the haem group, producing the characteristic change in spectrum. When one looks at the model of the myoglobin molecule, and notes how closely the side chains are packed together, it is hard to understand how a ligand as large as this can approach the iron atom without a major disturbance in the structure. It may indeed be that some disturbance does take place, because we find that the /)-iodophenyl /^ocyanide derivative of myoglobin crystallizes with slightly different cell dimensions from the normal crystal, and on some occasions assumes a totally new crystal form, which suggests that the overall shape of the molecule may have been slightly changed. In this connexion we are contemplating the possibility of making comparative studies of the detailed structure of myoglobin with diflFerent ligands attached to the haem group. Theorell: Of course, this change in shape of haemoglobin molecule on oxygen- ation is very interesting indeed, as it has been since the observation over 30 years ago of the strictly hyperbolic oxygenation curve of the myoglobin. Do you think the S shape could be a consequence of the change in shape of the molecule ? Could it explain why the introduction of the first oxygen for instance is so diflficult and the latter ones so much easier ? Kendrew : I agree that it is quite possible to imagine that the first oxygen becoming attached to haemoglobin in some way alters the relative position of the sub-units, so that subsequent oxygens can enter more readily. This idea, however, is purely speculative at present. Theorell: It would be very interesting to know if under low oxygen tension the whole change occurs at the introduction of the first oxygen molecule. Kendrew: It would be very difficult to study this question experimentally unless somebody could discover a method of preparing crystals of haemoglobin in the partly oxygenated state. Hirs: In applying the method of isomorphous replacement to myoglobin you prepared several heavy atom derivatives with reagents such as mercury diammine, aurichloride, etc., in which you were subsequently able to locate the position of the heavy atoms in regard to the 6 A resolution structure. Can you now tell us with which residues these derivatives are formed ? I believe the information would be of interest to some of us. Kendrew : The heavy atom groups which we used for working out the structure of myoglobin undoubtedly cause local disturbances on the side chains in their immediate neighbourhood. These disturbances mean that it is particularly difficult to identify just those side chains which are of most interest in the present context. In succeeding stages of the analysis we propose to use conventional refinement methods which do not involve the introduction of heavy atoms at all ; if these methods are successful the problem of local disturbances will not arise and we shall then be in a position to identify the important side chains. Our impression is that in most cases the heavy atom groups do not combine in a strictly chemical fashion THE STRUCTURE OF GLOBULAR PROTEINS I I with the myoglobin molecule, but that they lodge in interstices in the lattice. This means that if the same molecule is crystallized in a new form, with a different packing arrangement, it reacts quite differently with heavy-atom ligands. Thus sperm whale myoglobin crystallizes in a monoclinic form from ammonium sulphate, and in an orthorhombic form from phosphate. In the former, p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonate enters the lattice at one place on the molecule and indeed proved to be one of our most useful heavy atoms. In the latter, the behaviour is entirely different ; the group becomes attached at four different sites on the molecule and is really of little use for analytical purposes. Molecular Configuration of Nucleic Acids M. H. F. WiLKINS ]\IRC Biophysics Research Unit, Physics Department, King's College, London, England Need for certainty in the structure determination of DNA Molecular theory of replication of genetic material and of mutation is based on the structure of DNA. Since the ideas of Watson and Crick concerning DNA are so aesthetically attractive and are now being extended in many ways to create almost a whole subject of nucleic acid biology (e.g. the structures of RNA's with various functions in protein synthesis are being derived by analogy with DNA), it is important that these ideas do not become a dogma and that alternatives are not ignored. It is also desirable that a stage be reached where the structure of DNA can no longer be regarded as hypothetical. It is essential therefore that the structure be placed on a sound basis of experimental fact. It is generallv agreed that DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains linked together bv hvdrogen bonds between adenine and thymine and between guanine and cytosine. It is, however, still a somewhat open question whether the hydrogen bonding scheme in the base pairs is that proposed by Watson and Crick or has some other form. Valuable evidence supporting the Watson Crick scheme is supplied by the studies of enzymic synthesis of DNA (e.g. Josse and Romberg [i]) and evidence in favour is also given by studies of complexes of synthetic polyribonucleotides [2]. I wish to discuss here, however. X-ray diffraction data on DNA itself and the extent to which these data provide an exact structure for DNA and give a unique solution. Difficulties in the X-ray structure analysis of DNA There are two main difficulties in studying DNA by means of X-ray difl'raction. First, DNA, like other chain polymer molecules, does not form single crystals. The advantage of single crystals is that they enable diffraction to be separated in all directions in three dimensions. Second, the resolving power of the data has until very recently been insufficient to show individual atoms in the structure. The first difficulty has to a large extent been overcome : the DNA molecule is highly regular and fibres 14 M. H. F. WILKINS may be prepared which consist of aggregates of parallel microcrystals. With care in producing the DNA (by Dr. L. D. Hamilton of the Sloan- Kettering Institute, New York) and by taking pains with the diffraction Fig. I. X-ray diffraction photograph of microcrystalline fibres of the Hthium salt of DNA. technique we have gradually improved our fibre diffraction photographs, and such is their sharpness now that overlapping of reflections is to a large extent avoided (Fig. i.) As a result we are able to separate a large proportion of several hundred reflections in three dimensions and obtain a reasonably accurate set of intensities. We have also reduced the difficulty of limited resolving power of the data. We have recently increased the resolving MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 1 5 power by recording diffraction at angles corresponding to spacings as small as I • I A. As mentioned later, we have not yet analyzed these new data but expect that they will improve considerably the results described here. In our earlier work we had in the main analyzed the diffraction data in two dimensions and by trial had adjusted a molecular model until it was in agreement with the diffraction data in two dimensions [3, 4]. We have now used the three-dimensional data to check the accuracy of the model and to find the extent to which it is a unique solution. The Fourier synthesis method is convenient for this purpose. The syntheses which I will describe have been obtained by Dr. D. A. Marvin (aided by a computer programme written by Dr. O. S. Mills). Principles of the Fourier synthesis method of structure analysis The Fourier synthesis method [5] may in simple terms be described as follows. The diffracted X-rays have three characteristics : 1. Direction of diffraction. 2. Amplitude (given by the measured intensities). 3. Phase. The direction of diffraction corresponds to the spacing of the electron density in the structure. A Fourier synthesis is produced if the various spacings, with correct amplitudes, are added together or subtracted. The result is that one obtains directly a picture of the structure. The phases of the diffracted beams, roughlv speaking, tell one which amplitudes are to be added and which subtracted. Without knowledge of the phases the structure cannot be derived. The main difficulty with the X-ray diffraction method is that the phases are not given directly by the X-ray photograph. In favourable cases, phases can be derived by measuring intensities with and without a heaw atom placed in the molecule. This method has been used in the remarkably successful structure analysis of myoglobin [6]. Another approach is as follows. If one has already a roughly correct idea of the structure or of an appreciable part of it, one can obtain a com- plete and exact structure, provided that the X-ray intensity data are com- plete and exact. The procedure is to calculate the phases from the rough structure, in this case our molecular model, and perform a Fourier synthesis using the experimentally determined amplitudes and the calculated phases. The picture given by this synthesis has the following characteristics : 1. If the model is correct the picture is like the model (except that the limited resolving power mav not enable all the detail of the model to be seen.) 2. If the model requires modification the picture is intermediate between the model and the correct structure. As a result one can see how to adjust the model to make it more nearly correct. i6 M. H. F. WILKINS Parts of the structure not included in the model appear roughly in the picture, i.e. approximately half-height on the electron density contour map. For example the positions of water molecules in crystals of vitamin 6^2 have been determined ([7] and private communication) when phases were calculated from the vitamin molecule alone. Fig. 2. (Right). Fourier synthesis of section through DNA molecule. The helix axis is vertical, approximately in the plane of the section, and on the right- hand side of the diagram. (Left). Section through phosphate groups of two neigh- bouring DNA molecules. A marks a peak that may correspond to a chloride ion. Two smaller peaks lie to the right of A and probably correspond to water mole- cules. The A' marks show positions of atoms in the molecular model. Fourier syntheses for DNA Fourier syntheses of sections through the structure of the lithium salt of DNA are shown in Fig. 2. The model used for calculating the MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 1 7 phases was the final model (Model 3) described in Langridge et al. [3, 4]. The section on the right in Fig. 2 is along the helix axis of a DNA molecule and shows the bases stacked on one another and confined to the central part of the molecule. Parts of the deoxyribose sugar ring are shown where the section passes through them. The section on the left is parallel to the helix axis but removed from it and passes through various phosphate groups. Some of the phosphate groups belong to one molecule and others Fig. 3. Typical Fourier synthesis in plane of a base-pair. The positions of atoms in the model are shown. + marks the position of the helix axis. The base- pairs and deoxyribose rings show clearly in the synthesis. to an adjacent molecule in the crystal. The resolution is insufficient to show separately the oxygen atoms of the phosphate groups. The main interest of this section is that in the region occupied by water and between the DNA molecules, several peaks appear on the contour map. Possibly several of these peaks correspond to water molecules and they do in fact occur in stereochemically likely positions. One peak at A is higher than the others and might be due to a chloride ion, for it is necessary that chloride be present in the DNA for the crystalline structure to form. M. H. F. WILKINS Figure 3 shows a section at right angles to the helix axis and in the plane of a base-pair. The position of the atoms in the model are marked. Since the sequence of bases along a polynucleotide chain is not periodic, the Fig. 4. Fourier difference synthesis through same section as Fig. 3. The space between DNA molecules has been treated approximately as uniformly filled with water. There is almost no indication that the separation of the glycosidic links needs to be altered. If the Watson-Crick pairs were incorrect and the Hoogsteen scheme correct, the region near AA should be positive and that at BB negative. In fact the signs are the reverse. X-ray diffraction method shows an average base. It may be seen that regions of high electron density correspond to the positions of atoms in the base and deoxyribose parts of the molecule. The distance between the glycosidic links appears somewhat larger on the Fourier section than on the model. However, the synthesis was performed without taking account of the presence of water in the structure. When the DNA molecule is MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 1 9 treated as being immersed in water of uniform electron density [3, 4] this discrepancy largely disappears (Fig. 4). Preliminary study of sections through all parts of the molecule indicates that the model requires little or no adjustment. This result is not surprising if we assume the water molecule peaks are not spurious, for unless the Fig. 5. Scale drawing of Watson-Crick base-pairs [10]. The glycosidic links all make an angle of 38 with the dyacl axis and are equally distant from it. positions of the DXA atoms were fairly accurate the synthesis would not have shown these molecules. It is clear, however, that the limited resolving power of the data so far used does not enable the positions of atoms in the base-pair to be distinguished. Therefore the question arises as to whether the atoms in the base-pair might be arranged in some other way which would also correspond with the observed data. 20 M. H. F. WILKINS The Watson-Crick base-pairing schemes and possible alternatives The Watson-Crick scheme [8, 9, 10] is shown in Fig. 5, It should be noted that the glycosidic hnks in both base-pairs are arranged symmet- rically about a line (dyad axis) in the plane of the diagram and passing Fig. 6. The Donohue base-pairs [10]. through the helix axis. As a result the molecule has the same appearance (apart from the sequence of bases) when turned upside down, i.e. when rotated 180° about the dyad axis. In both pairs the separation of the MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 21 glycosidic links is the same. Attractive features of the base-pairing are that the hydrogen bonds are reasonable lengths [ii] and almost linear, and that the positions and directions of the glycosidic links in all four 9 2A Fig. 7. The Hoogsteen base-pairing scheme. The glycosidic bonds have been placed as far apart as seems reasonable. (I am indebted to Dr. M. Spencer for this diagram.) nucleotides can be made exactly the same [lo]. This equivalence of glycosidic links enables the arrangement of the deoxyribose and phosphate atoms to be made identical in every nucleotide in the helical molecule. As alternatives to the Watson-Crick scheme, two schemes are worth considering. The first is the Donohue pairing [12, 10, 13] shown in Fig. 6. 22 M. H. F. WILKINS Although the two pairs give almost the same separation of the glycosidic bonds, the direction of the bonds cannot be made exactly the same. Some of the hydrogen bonds deviate appreciably from linearity. However, the stereochemical shortcomings are not so great that, considered from this viewpoint alone, the scheme would appear unlikely to apply to DNA. Other somewhat unfavourable features of the Donohue scheme have been discussed [lo] e.g. considerations of the directions of atomic sequence in the two phosphate-ester chains in the molecule. The main difTerence between the Donohue and Watson Crick schemes lies in the symmetrical relationship of the glycosidic links. In the Donohue scheme these bonds are not symmetrical with respect to a dyad axis perpendicular to the helix axis : as a result a double helix molecule with a structure of this kind will appear different when turned upside down, i.e. rotated i8o about a line at right angles to the helix axis. In other words a Donohue-type molecule may be specified with respect to a direction along the helix axis while Watson Crick molecules are symmetrical and are the same in both directions. The second scheme (Fig. 7) involves a hydrogen bond arrangement found between adenine and thymine [14, 15] and derives from a suggestion made by Professor Linus Pauling. We will refer to the scheme as the Hoogsteen scheme. The base-pairing is symmetrical as in the Watson- Crick scheme. The scheme requires cytosine to have a not very probable tautomeric form in which a hydrogen atom is moved from an amino group to a ring nitrogen atom. Possible ways of constructing DNA models incorporating base- pairs alternative to those of Watson and Crick In considering molecular models of DNA involving base-pairing schemes other than that of Watson and Crick, it is necessary that the position of the base, sugar, and phosphate parts of the molecule be placed in approximately the same position as in the Watson Crick type model we have described [3, 4]. I think we can safely assume that no other arrangement would be compatible with the X-ray data. The idea that our model is at least in this sense unique is confirmed by comparison of the B and C configurations of DNA. We have shown that a small change in the configuration (mainly a displacement of the nucleotide position in the helical structure) causes the B diffraction pattern to change into the C pattern [16, 17]. Let us attempt to build, with Donohue pairs, a DNA model as required with the phosphate group positions related by the dyad axis referred to above. The glycosidic links will not be related by the dyad axis. Hence the base pair and the sugar groups will both be placed asymmetrically in MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 23 DONOHUE Fig. 8. (a) Donohue base-pairs arranged asymmetrically with respect to the line joining the points of attachment of glycosidic links to the deoxyribose rings in DNA. (b) Symmetrical arrangement of "average base-pair". 24 M. H. F. WILKINS relation to the dyad. In each nucleotide pair the base-pair will be arranged lop-sided. There will be two arrangements: with base-pair extending as in Fig. 8(rt) from bottom left to top right, or from top left to bottom right. If every base-pair is arranged in the same way, a regular helical model will be built. If this model is turned upside down the lopsided arrange- ment of the base-pairs will appear to have changed — the helical system of base-pairs will have rotated relative to the phosphate groups. If the model is viewed as a simple helix, the rotation is equivalent to a displacement in the helix axis direction. In a fibre of DNA there will on the average be an equal number of molecules up one way or the other. If one molecule passes through the repeat unit in the structure, as in the A structure [i8], each repeat unit will at random contain base-pairs in one position or the other. This random arrangement will give rise to continuous diffraction along the layer lines on the diffraction pattern. The A type diffraction patterns of DNA give no trace of this continuous diffraction (Fig. 9). The possibility that the molecule contains an appreciable degree of asymmetry, as is required by the Donohue scheme, is therefore excluded. There may be a possible way out of this difficulty. If the model were not built in a regular helical fashion but if successive base-pairs in a molecule were placed at random lopsided one way or the other, the base-pairs would on the average be symmetrical. The shape of the resultant average base-pair, consisting of two lopsided base-pairs lying criss-cross (Fig. 8(6)), would be extended considerably in the plane of the base-pairs. Such a model is unattractive because of its considerable irregularity (probably it would not be possible to form the phosphate-ester chains) and because the base-pairs would be stacked on one another only to a small extent and as a result their hydrophobic surfaces would be largely exposed. The Hoogsteen base-pairs have the desirable feature, like those of Watson and Crick, of symmetrically-placed glycosidic links. The distance between the glycosidic links is smaller than in the Watson-Crick scheme by about 2 A. (This difference could be larger — we have used a minimum value estimated by Dr. M. Spencer.) The other main difference in the base-pairs is that the six-membered ring in purines is placed, in the Hoogsteen scheme, to one side of the pair of hydrogen bonds (at A' in Fig. 10), whereas in the Watson-Crick scheme this ring is at V in line with the bonds. A molecular model resembling DNA has been built consisting of adenine-thymine pairs of Hoogsteen type [19]. The diffraction pattern of the model resembles that of DNA but the agreement between calculated and observed intensities is not so good as that obtained with Watson- Crick pairing. However, the best way of comparing the agreement between calculated and observed intensities for different models is to use the Fourier MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 25 /^ ^^1^ Fig. 9. X-rav diffraction pattern of sodium salt of DNA in A configuration. Clearly defined spots are seen and there is no sign of diffraction streaks along the laver lines. 26 M. H. F. WILKINS synthesis method as described below. Stereochemical difficulty has been found in placing guanine-cytosine pairs in the model [19] but these difficul- ties may not be insurmountable. WATSON- CRICK S-S = HOOGSTEEN S-S=9'2 A MAXIMUM Fig. 10. Comparison of the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen base-pairing arrangements. The hexagonal purine ring is at A' and 1' in the two schemes. Use of the Fourier synthesis method to assess the probability that base-pairs in DNA are not of the Watson Crick type We have built complete molecular models of DNA with Watson-Crick base-pairs [3, 4]. The Fourier synthesis method enables us to assess the probability that the base pairs are of a different type without constructing MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 27 molecular models with alternative base-pairs or calculating diffraction from the models. If the base-pairs in the DXA model require modification, the nature of the modification should appear when the F'ourier synthesis is examined. Consider first the Donohue scheme. There is no indication in the syntheses in Figs. 3 and 4 that the average base-pair should be made larger, in the plane of the base-pair, than the average Watson Crick pair. Therefore it is unlikely that the Donohue scheme exists in DNA. We may note, however, that a double-helix structure with glycosidic links arranged as in the Donohue scheme has been established for the two-chain complex of polyriboadenylic acid ([2] and private communication). The structure is clearly distinguishable from that of DNA, and the sequences of atoms in the two phosphate-ester chains run in the same direction and not in the opposite direction as experimental evidence (other than that obtained from X-ray diffraction) indicates is the case for DNA [i]. Examination of the Fourier syntheses also shows that the Hoogsteen scheme almost certainly cannot exist in DNA. First, it seems most un- likely that, as required in the Hoogsteen scheme, the distance between glycosidic links could be 2 A less than in our model : if any alteration is required it is that the distance should be increased slightly. Second, there is no indication that the position of the purines in the base-pairs should be altered to that in the Hoogsteen pairs. This is shown most clearly in the Fourier difference synthesis (Fig. 4), Such a synthesis corresponds roughly to the difference between the real structure and the model used in the synthesis. If the real structure contained Hoogsteen pairs, the difference synthesis would have positive sign at AA Fig. 4, w^here the six-membered purine ring occurs in the Hoogsteen scheme, and negative at BB, where the ring occurs in the average Watson-Crick pair. The observed signs are opposite to those expected if the Hoogsteen scheme were correct. Hence, once more, the existence of the Hoogsteen scheme appears unlikely. We hope to confirm this conclusion by calculating a Fourier difference synthesis for the Langridge-Rich model containing Hoogsteen adenine- thymine pairs. If our approach is correct the synthesis will indicate that the Hoogsteen base-pair in the model should be replaced by the Watson- Crick pair. It might be thought that because the X-ray data cannot resolve spacings less than 3 A and as a result show individual atoms, the data could not be used to distinguish between two tvpes of base-pairing in which the positions of the atoms differed in the main bv less than 3 A. This, however, is not so : the data can be used to distinguish between a structure that is nearly correct and one in which the atoms are displaced by I A or even less. In the case of well-defined groups, such as the phos- phate group, the position may be determined to within 0-5 A. We are, 28 M. H. F. WILKINS however, not satisfied with the present state of the X-ray analysis. The difference synthesis should have almost zero amplitude whereas in fact appreciable amplitudes are present. These are presumably due to errors in X-ray intensity measurements and errors in estimating the position of .20^ loLtfcr hr>e. Fig. II. X-ray dillraction phcjtoKraph (with Mr. X. E. Chard) of lithium salt of DXA showing layer lines to the 20th. The diffraction corresponds to spacings extending down to i -7 A. water molecules in the structure. Use of X-ray data of higher resolution would make the errors less important and give further confirmation of the correctness of the structure. Fortunately we have recently been able to obtain data of higher resolution, all layer lines to the 20th (1-7 A) being observed (Fig. 11) and also an isolated reflection on the 30th layer line MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 29 (i • I A) (Fig. 12). We intend to use these data in future Fourier analysis. Another means of confirming the correctness of our analysis is to substitute bromide for chloride in the structure and show that the height of the sup- posed halide peak increases in the expected manner. We are at present obtaining intensity data from bromide-containing DXA. 30^ /ft/cr Zinc Fig. 12. X-ray diffraction photograph (with Mr. X. E. Chard) of lithium salt of DXA showing i ■ i A reflection on the 30th layer line. Notes on the molecular configuration of RNA Improved methods of preparing RXA and the separation of various types of RXA have helped to clarify X-ray diffraction studies of RXA. Soluble RXA (transfer RXA with amino acids attached) can be oriented in sheets and gives diffraction patterns which, though rather diffuse, are clearly similar to those of DXA [20]. It is fairly certain that these RXA 3© M. H. F. WILKINS molecules have a DNA type structure because other types of double- helix structure formed by synthetic polyribonucleotides [2] give recogniz- able and distinctly different patterns. Moreover the molar proportion of adenine and uracil and of guanine and cytosine are almost equal in this RNA. Mr. W. Fuller has modified the DNA structure and built a mole- cular model of RNA. The hydroxyl group of the ribose is accommodated in the structure by means of various slight distortions. The molecule is stabilized by a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl oxygen atom and an atom of the adjacent phosphate group. This type of structure appears to hold also for ribosomal RNA from Escherichia coli [21]. It has not been found possible to orient the double- helices in this RNA. It appears likely therefore that double helical regions of the molecule are linked together by non-helical parts to form a cluster of short helical regions. This is probably the structure within the ribosomes because the diffraction pattern of ribosomes is the same as that of the RNA mixed with protein. It is of interest that earlier preparations of RNA, e.g. from liver, yeast, tobacco mosaic virus, etc., always gave a double helical pattern which, though having a general resemblance to that of DNA, showed distinct differences [22]. It has been noted [21] that this RNA pattern resembles that of a mixture of DNA and double-helix polyriboadenylic acid [2]. Presumably some of these RNA specimens consisted largely of ribosome material. It may be that the earlier methods of preparation caused the RNA molecule to be extended into a filamentous form capable of being oriented and that parts of the molecule had approximately DNA-like base- sequences and that other parts contained more predominantly adenine and formed anti-parallel double-helix structures. This problem is being investigated further. In all cases, however, the length of regular DNA- like regions in RNA is restricted and the diffraction patterns are not well defined. The relation of structure to function in RNA is not yet clear, it has been found, for instance, that the original intact double-helix structure is not required in soluble RNA for amino acid-binding activity to be present [20]. Acknowledgments In this brief space I will not attempt to acknowledge all those who have contributed to this work but I wish to mention specially Drs. D. A. Marvin and M. Spencer, Mr. W. Fuller, and the University of London Computer Unit. References 1. Josse, J. and Kornberg, A., Fed. Proc. 19, 305 (i960). 2. Rich A., in "A Symposium on Molecular Biology", ed. R. E. Zirkle, University of Chicago Press (1959). MOLECULAR CONFIGURATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS 3 1 3. Langridge, R., Marvin, D. A., Seeds, W. E., Wilson, H. R., Hooper, C. W., Wilkins, M. H. F., and Hamilton, L. D.,jf. mol. Biol. 2, 38 (i960). 4. Langridge, R., Wilson, H. R., Hooper, C. W., Wilkins, M. H. F., and Hamilton, L. D., y. mol. Biol. 2, 19 (i960). 5. Lipson, H., and Cochran, W., "The Determination of Crystal Structures", G. Bell, London (1957). 6. Kendrew, J. C, Dickerson, R. E., Strandberg, B. E., Hart, R. G., Davies, D. R., Phillips, D. C, and Shore, V. C, Nature, Lond. 185, 422 (i960). 7. Hodgkin, D. C, Pickworth, J., Robertson, J. H., Prosen, R. J., Sparks, R. A., and Trueblood, K. N., Proc. ray. Sac. A 251, 306 (1959). 8. Crick, F. H. C, and Watson, J^ D., Proc. roy. Soc. A 223, 80 (1954)- 9. Pauling, L., and Corey, R. B. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 65, 164 (1956). 10. Spencer, M., Acta Cryst. 12, 60 (1959). 11. Fuller, W.,y. phys. Cheni. 63, 1705 (1959). 12. Donohue, J., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 42, 60 (1956). 13. Donohue, J., and Trueblood, K. N.,y. mol. Biol. 2, 363 (i960). 14. Hoogsteen, K., Acta Cryst. 12, 822 (1959). 15. Pauling, L., "The Nature of the Chemical Bond", 3rd Edn. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 504 (i960). 16. Marvin, D. A., Spencer, M., Wilkins, M. H. F., and Hamilton, L. D., Nature, Lond. 182, 387 (1958). 17. Marvin, D. A., Spencer, M., Wilkins, M. H. F., Hamilton, L. D., y. mol. Biol. in press (1961). 18. Langridge, R., Seeds, W. E., Wilson, H. R., Hooper, C. W., Wilkins, M. H. F., and Hamilton, L. D., y. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 3, 767 (1957). 19. Langridge, R., and Rich, A. Int. Ihiion of Crystallography Fifth International Congress, abstracts 78 (i960). 20. Brown, G. L., and Zubay, G.,_7. mul. Biol. 2, 287 (i960). 21. Zubay, G., and Wilkins, M. H. ¥.,y. mol. Biol. 2, 105 (i960). 22. Rich, A., and Watson, J. D., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 40, 759 (i954)- Discussion Charg.^ff: I want to ask Dr. Wilkins a question concerning the nucleoproteins. There is some evidence I believe that the nucleic acids in the cell are mostly present as complicated nucleoproteins, nucleoprotamines and nucleohistones. I believe that Dr. Wilkins has published some evidence about nucleoprotamines which seems to indicate that the structure of DNA is maintained in these protamine complexes. However, there are much more complicated nucleoproteins found, for instance, in bacteria. We have described a deoxyribonucleoprotein from tubercle bacilli which seems to contain one amino acid equivalent per two nucleotides. It is a very peculiar and stable nucleoprotein which cannot be dissociated by strong salt concentrations ; and I am wondering whether anything is known of the X-ray structure of these more highly organized nucleoproteins or, for that matter, whether anything is known about the X-ray structure of the single strand DNA as isolated from a small virus. Wilkins : I did not attempt in this talk to get on to the subject of nucleoproteins which is a big and very interesting subject. There is, as Dr. Chargaff points out, good evidence that the nucleic acids do on the whole retain their double helical 32 M. H. F. WILKINS configuration in nucleoproteins. The diffraction diagram of nucleoprotamine is very similar to that of DNA and it is clear that the DNA retains its configuration when combined with protamine. Nucleohistone in the chromosomes of somatic cells of higher organisms again gives an X-ray diffraction diagram which is charac- teristic of the double helix of DNA; it appears that the protein is rather loosely bound and fills the space between the DNA molecules. In the case of bacteria we have so far only looked at one nucleoprotein which Dr. G. Zubay in our laboratory prepared from E. coll. In that case the X-ray difTraction diagram, which we pub- lished, shows that much of the DNA is in the double-helix form. It also shows that the DNA is largely free from protein. We cannot be certain that some of this free DNA might not be an artifact of the extraction procedure. Dr. Kellenberger has evidence from electron microscope studies on E. coli that the chromosomes in these bacteria may not consist of nucleoprotein, but might consist of DNA itself. One can see the individual threads of the DNA molecules passing through the nucleus. In the case of RNA the same also appears roughly to be true and the diffraction pattern from ribosomes of E. coli is essentially the same as that from a mixture of protein and double-helix RNA. These results have been confirmed by Dr. Klug and his colleagues at Birkbeck College. In many nucleoproteins, and in vivo, both the RNA and DNA have a double helical configuration and the protein is some- how built around them and does not alter that configuration very much. There certainly are exceptions to this rule and there is no double helix, for instance, in tobacco mosaic virus ; there the RNA is a single chain molecule and does not have a configuration at all resembling that of the DNA double helix ; it may be that other exceptions will be found and that the interesting nucleoprotein from tubercle bacilli, referred to by Dr. Chargaff has a special structure. We do know, however, that the tubercle DNA after separation from the protein has the usual double-helix structure. Partition of Macromolecules in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems Per-Ake Albertsson Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Sweden Separation of substances by partition between two immiscible solvents is one of the most frequently used methods in organic chemistry; in inorganic chemistry, partition has also been widely used both for prepara- tive and anahtical purposes. I\Iany biochemical substances, such as polypeptides and even proteins, have also been studied by partition methods, for example countercurrent distribution [i, 2]. One of the advantages of partition between two liquid phases is that there is generally a greater possibility of obtaining a state of equilibrium between two liquid phases than between a solid and a liquid phase. This is particularlv so when macromolecules are involved. It would be of great value if partition methods could also be applied to very high molecular weight macromolecules of biological origin such as proteins, highly polymerized nucleic acids, viruses, and cell particles. In recent years we have studied this possibility in Uppsala and the present paper will describe some experiments and a summary of the results obtained. A monograph [3] dealing with the theoretical background and experimental details has recently been published. Polymer two-phase systems In order to partition successfully biochemical macromolecules one cannot usually use conventional two-phase systems containing an organic solvent since this may cause denaturation. Instead a number of polymer two-phase systems, obtained by mixing aqueous solution of two ditferent polymers, have been used. It is a general phenomenon [4] that when polymer solutions are mixed they give rise to two liquid phases, one phase containing one polymer and the other phase the other polymer; both phases have a high water content (85 99"o). Two aqueous phases in equilibrium are thus obtained. The ditference in composition between the phases is comparatively small; the interfacial tension, the differences between the refractive indices and the densities of the two phases are therefore much smaller for polymer phase systems than for conventional, 34 per-Ake albertsson low molecular weight phase systems. Due to the presence of the polymers in the phases, their viscosities are relatively high. The time of phase separation is comparatively long for polymer two-phase systems; varying from about 5 minutes to i day. Both non-ionic polymers and poly- electrolytes may be used for the construction of a two-phase system [3]. By varying the molecular weight, the number of non-polar groups, or the number of charged groups on the polymers, a large number of phase systems having highly diversified properties may be obtained. The phase systems may be complemented by adding low molecular weight sub- stances, such as sucrose or electrolytes, to achieve a suitable environment for biological material. Partition of proteins, nucleic acids, and viruses The partitioning of a particle in a two-phase system depends mainly on its surface properties including the area and the chemical properties of the outer layer of the particle. The partition coefficients of some proteins and viruses have been measured in a two-phase system of dextran and methylcellulose [3, 5] and TABLE I The Partition Coefficient, K, and the Surface Area of a Number of Virus Particles and Protein Molecules in a Two-Phase System of Dextran and Methylcellulose at 4'.* Data from refs. [3] and [5]. Particle K Surface area (m/x)^ Phycoerythrin 0-9S 0-3 Haemocyanin "eighth" 0-62 0-86 Haemocyanin whole 0-25 3-5 Echo virus 0 • 2-0 • 3 1-3 Polio virus 02 2-3 Phage T3 2-3 X IO~2 8-7 Tobacco mosaic virus (1-2) X 10-2 14-4 Phage T2 (6-10) X IO-* 25-5 Phage T4 (3-S)xio-'' 25-5 Vaccinia (4-12) X IO~^ 220 the results are given in Table I together with the surface areas of the partitioned particles, calculated from their form and dimensions as determined with the electron microscope. As may be seen in Table I, all particles favour the bottom phase and the partition coefficient becomes smaller the larger the particle size. In Fig. i, the log K values are plotted against the particle surface area; it can be seen that the points lie around a * {K = concentration in top phase/concentration in bottom phase.) PARTITION OF MACROMOLECULES IN AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEMS 35 straight line indicating that in this phase system it is mainly the surface area which determines the K value. An upper limit of the K value is obtained which is probably due to incomplete separation of the phases. No K value less than lO"** has been observed even for very large particles. ^O 50 220m)u^ surface area Fig. I. Relation between the partition coefficient, K, and the surface area of virus particles and protein molecules. The data of Table I are plotted in this figure. The fact that the virus concentration is looo to lo coo times higher in one phase than in the other, may be utilized for the concentration and purification of viruses [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. tablp: II Distribution of Some Nucleic Acid Preparations in a Na Dextran Sulphate- Methylcellulose System C, = concentration in top phase, C,, = concentration in bottom phase, V,,= volume of bottom phase, a — amount of nucleic acid collected at the interface (Lif et al. to be published; for experimental details see ref. [3]). Nucleic acid 5,0,,, A'.= RNA from yeast DNA from calf thymus (I) DNA from calf thymus (II) DNA from calf thymus (III; DNA from phage Tz (I) DNA from phage T2 (II) DNA from phage T2 (III) 3-5 20-4 21-8 22-5 3I-I 31-5 33-0 0-67 o- 17 014 o- 12 0012 o-o8 0-02 Partition of some nucleic acid preparations has recently been studied [11] in a dextran sulphate-methylcellulose system. Preliminary results are shown in Table II and Fig. 2. In this phase system a major part of the 36 per-Ake albertsson nucleic acids collected at the interface. This part was included in the bottom phase and thus the K^ values given in Table II are not strictly partition coefficients. As may be seen in Table II, the larger the sedimen- tation constant the smaller the tendency for the nucleic acids to partition in favour of the top phase. Most proteins in the native state partition in favour of the lower phase of the dextran methylcellulose system and the partition coefficient is T2 DMA Thi^mus DNA o o S-RNA J I 1__J I I 1 1 I L lO 20 30 ■^ 20, ^ Fig. 2. Relation between the "partition coefficient", K^, and the sedimenta- tion constant, S-.q, for a number of nucleic acid preparations. The data of Table II are plotted in this figure. little influenced by the electrolyte composition. Thus, if the partition is carried out in the presence of a o-oi m buff^er and an excess (o-i m) of NaCl, the partition coefficient is constant over a wide pH range ; see Fig. 3, where an experiment with human serum albumin is recorded [3]. Below pH 4-5, however, the K value increases and even becomes greater than unity, indicating that the protein has more affinity for the top phase at acid pH values. It is interesting to compare this result with the viscosity and optical rotation of serum albumin as a function of pH. Thus there is T I I I — I — I — I — I — I — r serum albumin PARTITION OF MACROMOLECULES IN AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEMS 2.0 f.a 1.6 /.^ 1.2 o.e 0.6 0.2 A I I \ L 37 "S (V o tT^2>0- 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 e 9 10 n 12 pH Fig. 3. Partition coefficient, A', of serum albumin as a function of pH in a dextran-methylcellulose system. From ref. [3]. 100 ao 7o 60 so 2-57 2-53 2-74 2-42 2-53 Serinet .... 13-3 134 13-3 13s 12-9 13 -fJ 12-9 133 13-6 Threoninet 9-46 952 9-50 961 943 9-74 9-Sl 9-54 9-68 Cystine (half)t . 7-24 7-51 6-86 6-31 7 -09 5-99 6-6o 7-42 6 92 Methioninef 2 49 2-77 1-42 1-87 2-39 130 1-45 2-57 I 46 Methionine Sulphoxides 0-86 0-51 1-34 I -29 086 I -45 I -22 071 127 Proline .... 3-9 41 3-8 40 4-4 3-9 4-2 3-9 4-3 Phenylalanine 2-97 2 96 2-98 2-94 3-o8 3' 00 3 -08 2 96 3 07 Tyrosinei" 5-68 5-78 5-55 S-78 5-72 5-53 5-35 5-58 5-24 Histidine .... 4-00 4-04 3 -99 3-99 4-07 3-83 3-86 3 64 3-42 Lysine .... 10- I 100 Q-86 9-35 8-85 8 -09 7-69 6 69 6-33 Arginine .... 4 00 4 00 3-95 4-04 4-00 4 00 4 00 4-00 4 00 «-DNP-lysine . — 00 0-2 0-53 I 04 I 40 I -97 2 06 2-54 Lysine +f-DNP-lysine — 100 10- I 9-88 989 9 49 9-66 8-75 8-87 Unknown from histidine — 0 0 o-o 00 00 001 008 029 042 ,, ' Histidine . — 4 04 3 -99 3 -99 4 07 384 3-94 393 3-84 ♦ Incompletely liberated after hydrolysis for 22 hours, t Correction for destruction on hydrolysis not applied. Examination of Table I reveals that the only values altering signifi- cantly with time are those for lysine, histidine, and tyrosine. Methionine recovery was poor throughout, but the values for the sum of free methio- nine and the methionine sulpho.vides remained satisfactorily constant. DINITROPHENYLATION OF RIBONUCLEASE A 47 Had there been alkylation at the thioether sulphur of this amino acid, it is hkely that the acid decomposition products of the alkyl derivative (cf. Gundlach et al. [7]), particularly homoserine lactone, would have been formed and detected. The analyses for the hydroxyamino acids are also satisfactorily constant in the series, though it is clear that for an amino acid like serine, of which there are fifteen residues in ribonuclease A, the precision attainable by difference analysis would make it impossible to detect a change of half a residue. Comparison of the values for lysine, histidine, and tyrosine in Table I shows that substitution on lysine is clearly the most rapid reaction. Sub- stitution on histidine does not become detectable before the 60-minute point, while reaction at tyrosine is not evident until the 240-minute point (analyses of the products obtained at longer time intervals are not included in Table I). A further breakdown of the results of the lysine analyses is possible. The values for e-dinitrophenyl-lysine show that this derivative appears to the extent of 1-04 equivalents in 40 minutes, at which time the sum of the equivalents of unsubstituted lysine and e- dinitrophenyl-lysine is equal (within the combined errors involved) to the total available lysine. This sum becomes significantly less than 10 at 60 minutes, with e-dinitrophenyl-lysine at 1-4 equivalents, and falls to a value of 9 at 180 minutes, at which time the value for e-dinitrophenvl-lvsine has reached 2 • i equivalents. A value of 9 equivalents for the sum of free lysine and e-dinitrophenyl-lysine is the value to be expected of a protein in which the terminal a-amino group has been completely substituted. Since determinations of a,e-bis-dinitrophenyl-lysine were not carried out, an estimate of double substitution at the terminal lysine residue in ribonu- clease A could not be made. Thus the values for e-dinitrophenvl-lvsine represent minimum estimates of the extent of substitution of the e-amino groups. Nonetheless, the results in Table I demonstrate that at least two e-amino groups in ribonuclease A may react faster with fluorodinitro- benzene than the a-amino group under these conditions. Further progress in interpreting these observations depends on the isolation and characterization of the partly substituted protein derivatives. Moreover, without further information about the initial steps, it would be impossible to investigate the kinetics of subsequent substitutions in the molecule. As will be seen some success in the direction of isolating the initial reaction products at pH 8 has been attained. Before considering the isolation work, the effect of dinitrophenylation on the activity of the enzyme will be described. Loss of enzymic activity on dinitrophenylation Ribonuclease A (acetate) is rapidly inactivated by dinitrophenvlation at pH 8. After an initial lag phase (also obvious from the results in Table I), 48 C. H. W. HIRS, M. HALMANN, J. H. KYCIA probably associated mainly with the process of saturating the solution with fluorodinitrobenzene, the inactivation follows pseudo first-order kinetics in the range from zero to about 95% inactivation. Representative kinetic runs at three temperatures are shown in Fig. i. Ribonuclease activity was measured with the aid of a pH-stat by the method of Gundlach et al. [8] using cyclic cytidylic acid as the substrate. In the initial phases of the work measurements of depolymerase activity were also effected. The spectrophotometric method of Kunitz [9] with purified yeast ribonucleic acid as substrate was employed with modifications to permit the use of a Gary recording spectrophotometer. The results obtained with this method, though less precise than those obtained with the nucleotide substrate, gave the same kinetic constants. Determinations of the pseudo first-order constant at 15° gave values ranging from o-oio to 0-020 min."^ (based on decimal logarithms). The same sample of ribonuclease A (acetate) gave values that agreed within 10%, but different samples of ribonuclease A (acetate) gave significantly different values for "k". A possible explanation for this variation became apparent subsequently when it was found that the inactivation of ribonu- clease A by dinitrophenylation was strongly inhibited by pyrophosphate ion. A quantity of pyrophosphate equivalent to that of ribonuclease A in an experiment of the type shown in Fig. i was sufficient to decrease the rate of inactivation one-fifth. It is possible that the reaction would also be inhibited by other polyvalent anions, such as phosphate and sulphate, just as the inactivation of the enzyme by carboxymethylation on histidine is inhibited by such ions [5]. Because of the methods of preparation different samples of ribonuclease A (acetate) could well be contaminated to varying extents by orthophosphate ions. The inactivation reaction at pH 8 is also inhibited by adenylate, cytidylate, and uridylate. Inhibition by the pyrimidine nucleotides, which are well known competitive inhibitors of ribonuclease, has been found to be particularly effective. Cytidylate at equal concentration to ribonuclease in an experiment of the kind shown in Fig. i caused the rate of inactivation to be slowed to approximately one-quarter of the rate in the absence of the inhibitor. At a ratio of 10 equivalents of cytidylate to i of ribonuclease A inhibition was essentially complete. Adenylate was approximately half as effective as cytidylate at the same concentration. While the inactivation of the enzyme by dinitrophenylation was in- hibited by these anions, the over-all reaction with fluorodinitrobenzene, as measured by alkali uptake in the pH-stat, was not detectably slowed down. Thus far a detailed analysis of the kinetics of the reaction as measured with the pH-stat has not been attempted, but it is likely that, with improved technique and working on a larger scale, a difference of rate in the initial stages in the presence and absence of inhibitor will be DINITROPHENYLATION OF RIBONUCLEASE A 49 detected. At present, however, it is evident that the presence of inhibitor serves to slow the reaction down at relatively few of the available functional groups on the protein molecule. Examination of the values in Table I suggested that the inactivation reaction was primarily due to substitution at an e-amino group. Ray and Koshland have recently developed a treatment for dealing with the results Fig. I. Kinetics of inactivation of ribonuclease A by dinitrophenylation. An initial lag phase in the reaction is not shown. The conditions of dinitrophenylation were the same as those described in Table I. The points represent the average of two determinations at different concentrations of the remaining ribonuclease activity. The procedure of Gundlach et ol. [8] was used with cyclic cytidylic acid as the substrate. obtained by kinetic analysis of modification reactions with proteins [lo]. With this approach, and on the assumption that during the initial stages of dinitrophenylation (up to 40 minutes in Table I) the drop in the total lysine value is due exclusively to reaction of fluorodinitrobenzene at but two e-amino groups, a pseudo first-order reaction rate constant for these two groups of o- DIG min.~^ was calculated. Determination of the remaining ribonuclease activity in the reaction products during the same experiment 50 C. H. W. HIRS, M. HALMANN, J. H. KYCIA permitted the evaluation of a pseudo first-order rate constant of o-oio min.~^ (on the basis of decimal logarithms) for the inactivation reaction. The results are represented graphically in Fig. 2, in which the difference in time scale for the lysine and activity values are occasioned by the dif- ference of 2 minutes in the lag phases observed for the dinitrophenylation and inactivation reactions. The agreement in the values is probably to some extent fortuitous in view of the usual errors that obtain in the 10 J I L J \ L 80 10 20 40 60 MINUTES Fig. 2. Kinetics of inactivation of ribonuclease A by dinitrophenylation. Conditions were the same as described in Table I. For the significance of the lysine values, see the text. determination of lysine and the problems involved in removing excess reagent before undertaking the measurement of ribonuclease activity. The values for the constant nevertheless furnish quantitative evidence that the substitution of a single e-amino group is capable of inactivating the enzyme. The powerful inhibition effected by the nucleotides and pyrophosphate ion suggest that the e-amino group in question is located at either the binding or catalytic site of the molecule. It is likely that other groups essential to the activity of the enzyme are among those that become substituted much more slowly at pH 8 through DINITROPHENYLATION OF RIBONUCLEASE A 5 1 the action of fluorodinitrobenzene. Their detection by kinetic methods would demand a greater degree of refinement in the analytical work than has been attained thus far. On the other hand, reaction of fluorodinitro- benzene at these more slowly reacting groups may not be inhibited as effectively by the agents already discussed, and their detection might therefore be facilitated by the study of the consequences of dinitrophenyl- ation in the presence of the competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. Isolation of inactivated mono-e-dinitrophenylaminoribonuclease A In an experiment similar to that described in Table I, aliquots of the reaction mixture of ribonuclease A (acetate) and fluorodinitrobenzene at pH 8 were chromatographed on an analytical scale on columns of the sodium form of IRC-50 equilibrated with 0-2 m sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6-47 [11]. The chromatograms sho\\ed that the reaction mixture rapidly becomes complex. At higher degrees of substitution, the products present could not be eluted satisfactorily from the resin. When the products formed from 100 mg. of ribonuclease A (acetate) inactivated to the extent of 20'',, were chromatographed on a larger scale the result shown in Fig. 3 was obtained. The elution diagram shows a simultaneous plot of the absorbance, determined at 360 m^i, and of the ninhydrin colour value developed by aliquots of the eflluent fractions. The values for the absorbance at 360 m^ and for the ninhydrin colour value are normalized at the maximum of the elution peak at 350 eflluent ml. As expected, the peak at 43:; eflluent ml. was found to represent unchanged ribonuclease A. The trailing shoulder of the peak at 350 ml. exhibits an esentially constant ratio of the ninhydrin colour value to absorbance at 360 m/i, suggesting the presence of material of a constant degree of sub- stitution. Aliquots of the fractions in this portion of the chromatogram when subjected to ribonuclease activity determinations were found to be devoid of activity. As little as o-2"o of the original specific activity could have been detected by the procedure used. Partly overlapping the peak at 350 ml. on the chromatogram is a smaller peak at 325 ml., exhibiting a variable ninhydrin colour value to absorbance at 360 m/x ratio. Material corresponding to the fractions in this peak was enzymically active, as was the protein in the fractions corresponding to the relatively unretarded peaks, with varying ninhydrin colour value to absorbance at 360 m^ ratios, between 250 and 300 efiluent ml. The latter evidently represent a mixture of different partly substituted proteins with ribonuclease activity. A cut was made of the yellow protein represented by the trailing shoulder of the peak at 350 ml., and the resulting solution was freed of buffer salts by gel filtration over a column of Sephadex G-25 [12]. On rechromatography under identical conditions of elution the inactive 52 C. H. W. HIRS, M. HALMANN, J. H. KYCIA dinitrophenylated ribonuclease A was eluted as a symmetrical peak at the same position. A mixture of ribonuclease A and the inactivated protein separated in the manner to be expected from Fig. 3. When the inactive protein was rechromatographed on IRC-50 in 0-2 m sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6-02 [13] a single, symmetrical peak was again obtained on EFFLUENT VOLUME ml Fig. 3. Chromatography of the reaction mixture from ribonuclease A (acetate) and dinitrofiuorobenzene at pH 8 and 15 after the attainment of 20°,, inactivation. Conditions for the reaction were the same as described in Table I. The IRC-50 column measured 37 x 330 mm. and was equilibrated with o • 2 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6 -47. The rate of elution was 15 ml. /hour and the effluent was collected in 5 ml. fractions. The absorbance of the effluent fractions was measured at 360 m/i with a Beckman DU spectrophotometer. Aliquots of the fractions were also sub- jected to ninhydrin analysis (cf. [11]), and to ribonuclease activity determinations by the procedure described in Fig. i. the elution curve with a maximum at 3 -6 times the effluent volume of the maximum observed at pH 6-47. On quantitative amino acid analysis the protein from the 350 ml. elution peak in Fig. 3 gave the results shown in Table II. For comparison, the results obtained on analysis of the ribonuclease A (acetate) used in this experiment are also included. The values for all the residues agree satisfactorily with the exception of those for lysine. The analysis makes it DINITROPHENYLATION OF RIBONUCLEASE A 53 clear that the inactive protein contains a single residue of e-dinitrophenyl- lysine. The ultra-violet absorption spectrum of the inactive derivative was typical of the spectrum to be expected of an e-dinitrophenylamino deriva- tive of ribonuclease. The analysis in Table II permitted the evaluation of a molar extinction coefficient at the 365 m/^ maximum of 1-51 x iC*, a value in the range usually observed [14] for the extinction coefficient of amino-substituted dinitrophenyl derivatives of amino acids. Degradation of inactive mono-e-dinitrophenylribonuclease A The kinetic analysis in Fig. 2, the analytical values of Table II, and the chromatographic results described in the previous section, strongly TABLE II Anhno Acid Composition of Ribonuclease A (Acetate) and of Inactive DiNITROPHENYLATED RiBONUCLEASE A For procedure of analysis, see Table I. The results are expressed in terms of molar ratios of the constituent amino acids. Amino acid Ribonuclease A DNP— derivativef Aspartic acid . . . 15 "O 14-8 Glutamic acid I2-0 12 -o Glycine 3-05 299 Alanine 12 0 II-8 Valine 8-62 8-95 Leucine 1-98 I 94 Isoleucine . 2-31* 2-24* Half cystine 6-32 7-13 iNIethionine . 3-51 3-57 Serine 133 12-7 Threonine . 935 9-33 Proline 4-4 4-0 Tyrosine 5-57 5-46 Phenylalanine 3-07 292 Histidine 3-92 3 96 Arginine 4-02 4-04 Lysine 10 -o g-i8 €-DXP-lysine 0-94 * Incompletely liberated after hydrolysis for 22 hours, t Molar extinction coefficient at 365 m/n = 1-51 x 10*. implied that a single inactive protein was responsible for the peak at 350 effluent ml. in Fig. 3. In order to shed further light on this question some 120 mg. of the inactive dinitrophenylated protein were prepared by 54 C. H. W. HIRS, M. HALMANN, J. H. KYCIA repeating an experiment of the kind illustrated in Fig. 3 a sufficient number of times. The protein was freed from contaminating chloride ion and subsequently oxidized with performic acid under conditions identical to those used in structural work with ribonuclease A [15]. The performic acid-oxidized ribonuclease A derivative was subjected to quantitative amino acid analysis, the results of which demonstrated that complete oxidation of the disulphide bonds had occurred, that methionine had been quantitatively converted to the sulphone, and that there had been no destruction or alteration [15] of tyrosine during the oxidation. The oxidized protein derivative was submitted to tryptic hydrolysis at pH 7 in the presence of catalytic quantities of trypsin prepared by the activation of chromatographically purified [16] chymotrypsinogen-free trypsinogen. The conditions were similar to those already described for the tryptic hydrolysis of performic acid-oxidized ribonuclease A [17]. The mixture of peptides formed after 24 hours of hydrolysis was fractionated on Dowex 50-X2 columns in the sodium form by procedures very similar to those described for the tryptic peptides from oxidized ribonuclease A [17]. Formate and acetate buffers were used to facilitate quantitative amino acid analysis of the peptide fractions (cf. [18]). All the peptides found in a tryptic hydrolysate of oxidized ribonuclease A [17] were present in the hydrolysate with the exception of peptides O- Tryp 9 and 0-Tryp 14. Identification of the peptide fractions was in each instance confirmed by quantitative amino acid analysis. In order to make certain that ninhydrin-negative peptides were not being overlooked, the aliquots removed from the efiluent fractions were subjected to alkaline hydrolysis [17] prior to ninhydrin analysis. Within the precision attain- able by quantitative analysis of appropriate cuts from the peptide zones on the chromatogram it was clear that the peptides in the hydrolysate of the oxidized, inactive derivative were formed in the same yields as they are from oxidized ribonuclease A. It was not possible to detect any dinitrophenyl peptides present in the tryptic hydrolysate in the effluent from the Dowex 50-X2 column. Moreover, since subsequent extraction with o • i n NaOH failed to remove any significant quantities of material absorbing at 360 m/x from the resin, it is possible that severe "tailing" was responsible for the loss of the dinitrophenyl peptides. The high affinity of dinitrophenyl derivatives of amino acids for the poly- styrene matrix of the resin has already been described. Peptides 0-Tryp 9 and 0-Tryp 14 are related [19] in the amino acid sequence of ribonuclease. Peptide O-Tryp 14 is an intermediate in the tryptic hydrolysis of oxidized ribonuclease A. On further hydrolysis it breaks down into peptides 0-Tryp 9 and 0-Tryp 7 (Asp . Arg) by cleavage at the carbonyl bond of the arginine residue of peptide 0-Tryp 7. The absence of peptides 0-Tryp 9 and 0-Tryp 14 in the Dowex 50-X2 eluate DINITROPHENYLATIOX OF RIBONUCLEASE A 55 thus reveals that modification of a lysine residue in 0-Tryp 9 must have taken place as the only consequence of dinitrophenylation. There are two lysine residues in peptide 0-Tryp 9. Since the peptide following 0-Tryp 9 in the amino acid sequence is 0-Tryp 5, had dinitrophenylation taken place at the carboxyl-terminal lysine residue of peptide 0-Tryp 9, tryptic hydrolysis at this residue would have been blocked and 0-Tryp 5 could not have formed. Since peptide 0-Tryp 5 was present in the tryptic hydrolysate, the dinitrophenylated lysine residue in 0-Tryp 9 must have been the lysine residue near the amino-terminal end of this peptide. Examination of the amino acid sequence [i] shows that this is the lysine residue at position 41 along the chain. Experiments on the further charac- terization of the inactive protein, and on the isolation of dinitrophenylated peptide derivatives are now in progress. Conclusions These preliminarv studies have revealed that amino groups are the most reactive functional groups in ribonuclease towards substitution by dinitrofluorobenzene at pH 8. Two e-amino groups react faster than the a-amino group of the lysine residue at the amino-terminal end of the pep- tide chain. The substitution of one of the rapidly reacting e-amino groups is accompanied bv the inactivation of the enzyme. This group is the e-amino group of the lysine residue at position 41. The ease of substitution of the e-amino group of the lysine residue at position 41 is of interest in relation to the primary structure of the protein. One of the relativelv few unique features of the amino acid sequence is the accumulation of basic amino acid residues in the region between residues 31 and 41. As pointed out elsewhere [i], there are five residues capable of conferring a positive charge in these 1 1 residues, and only one carboxyl group. A further structural feature of significance is that lysine residue 41 is preceded by half-cystine residue 40 and followed by proline residue 42. The combined influence of charge repulsion at pH 8 among the cationic centres and the influence of the adjoining cystine and proline residues would be factors adversely affecting the stability of an a-helix formed in this part of the molecule. An additional feature of note is that half-cystine 40 is the first half-cystine of the II-VII disulphide bond [2]. Examination of the primary structural formula will reveal that the II-VII disulphide bond is a fulcrum about which any folding of the ribonuclease molecule must hinge. The ease of substitution of lysine residue 41 may therefore indeed reflect a greater degree of accessibility of this residue because of less compact folding of the structure in this region. The inhibition of dinitrophenylation at lysine residue 41 by cytidylate and pyrophosphate is extremely effective even when only one equivalent 56 C. H. W. HIRS, M. HALMANN, J. H. KYCIA of inhibitor is present per molecule of enzyme. This makes it likely that the e-amino group of this residue is closely related to the catal}^ic function of the protein. Substitution on lysine may, because of the size of the sub- stituent, locally distort the tertiary structure, or prevent the formation of a critical hydrogen bond required to maintain the configuration of the active site during catalysis. Substitution may also, by removing a potential positive charge, cause a collapse of an electrostatically maintained con- figuration, or prevent electrostatic interaction with the substrate. Finally, the introduced dinitrophenyl group may be efi^ective in preventing bound substrate from interaction with the catalytically essential, bond-breaking amino acids. Further work will permit a narrowing down of the possible alternatives. In the meantime, it is worth recalling that in our earlier work, the speculation was made [i] that the residues between positions 31 and 41 might constitute a binding site for anions. A similar idea was recently expressed by Parks [20], who has proposed a model for the tertiary structure and the mechanism of action of ribonuclease. Inactivation of ribonuclease by modification of lysine residues has been observed previously. Gundlach et al. [8] have shown that carboxy- methylation of ribonuclease A at pH 8 is accompanied by the inactivation of the enzyme, and that, under these conditions, the reaction is limited to the lysine residues in the protein. Taborsky has phosphorylated ribonu- clease A [21] with imidazole phosphate and has isolated an inactive mono- phospho ribonuclease in which the introduced phospho group is on a lysine residue. Carboxymethylation and phosphorylation on e-amino groups results in a charge reversal, whereas introduction of a dinitrophenyl group makes the lysine residue neutral. If, as seems likely, the same lysine residue is involved in the inactivation reaction with iodoacetate, imidazole phosphate, and fluorodinitrobenzene, it is possible that the groups intro- duced effect inactivation by different mechanisms. In conclusion we may briefly list the structural features in ribonuclease A now known to be important in the catalytic action of the protein. Studies on ribonuclease S (for summary, cf. Richards [22]) have demon- strated that the binding of S-peptide (residues 1-20 in the original pro- tein) is essential to the maintenance of activity in ribonuclease S. Carboxy- methylation at pH 5 results in inactivation of ribonuclease A [8] by reaction of the histidine residue at position 119 [23]. Limited pepsin degradation has revealed that aspartic acid residue 121 is required for the maintenance of activity in ribonuclease A [24]. With the implication of the lysine residue at position 41, it is becoming increasingly clear that for the maintenance of the configuration of the catalytic and binding sites of the molecule, the co-operative interaction of many functional groups, located at widely separated points in the primary structural formula, is required. DINITROPHENYLATION OF RIBONUCLEASE A 57 Acknowledgments This research at Brookhaven National Laboratory has been performed under the auspices of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. The participation of one of us (C. H. W. H.) at the Symposium was made possible by the combined support of the National Science Foundation (grant No. NSF-G- 12926) and the United States Atomic Energy Com- mission. We wish to thank Mrs. B. M. Floyd for her assistance in the performance of the amino acid analyses. References 1. Hits, C. H. W., Moore, S., and Stein, \V. H., J. biol. CJiem. 235, 633 (i960). 2. Spackman, D. H., Stein, W. H., and Moore, S.,y. biol. Chem. 235, 648 (i960). 3. Moore, S., Spackman, D. H., and Stein, W. H., Anolyt. Chem. 30, 1 185 (1958). 4. Spackman, D. H., Stein, W. H., and Moore, S., Analyt. Chem. 30, 1 190 (1958). 5. Stein, W. H., in Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 13, "Protein Structure and Function", Upton, N.Y., 104 (i960). 6. Levy, A. L., Nature, Lond. 174, 126 (1954). 7. Gundlach, H. G., Moore, S., and Stein, W. H.,_7. biol. Chem. 234, 1761 (1959). 8. Gundlach, H. G., Stein, W. H., and Moore, S.,_7. biol. Chem. 234, 1754 (1959). 9. Kunitz, M.,J. biol. Cheyn. 164, 563 (1946). 10. Ray, W. J., Jr., and Koshland, D. E., Jr., in Brookhaven S\Tnposia in Biology 13, "Protein Structure and Function", Upton, N.Y., 135 (i960). 11. Hirs, C. H. W., Moore, S., and Stein, W. H.,y. biol. Chem. 200, 493 (1953). 12. Porath, J., and Flodin, P., Nature, Lond. 183, 1657 (1959). 13. Hirs, C. H. W., J', biol. Chem. 205, 93 (1953). 14. Fraenkel-Conrat, H., Harris, J. I., and Levy, A. L., in "Methods of Bio- chemical Analysis", ed. D. Glick. New York, 2 (1955). 15. Hirs, C. H. \\.,y. biol. Chem. 219, 611 (1956). 16. Keller, P. J., Cohen, E., and Neurath, H., J. biol. Chem. 233, 457 (1958). 17. Hirs, C. H. W., Moore, S., and Stein, W. U., J biol. Chem. 219, 623 (1956). 18. Hirs, C. H. \W.,y. biol. Chem. 235, 625 (i960). 19. Hirs, C. H. W., Stein, W. H., and Moore, S.,^. biol. Chem. 221, 151 (1956). 20. Parks, J. M., in Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 13, "Protein Structure and Function", L^pton, N.Y., 132 (i960). 21. Taborsky, G.,_7. biol. Chem. 234, 2915 (1959). 22. Richards, F. M., /// Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 13, "Protein Structure and Function", Upton, N.Y., 115 (i960). 23. Barnard, E. .\., and Stein, D. W.,^. mol. Biol. I, 339 (i960). 24. Anfinsen, C. B.,J. biol. Chem. 221, 405 (1956). The Relation of the Secondary Structure of Pepsin to Its Biological Activity Gertrude E. Perlmann The Rockefeller Institute, New York, U.S.A. Two decisive advances in the understanding of protein structure are the elucidation by Sanger of the amino acid sequence of insuhn [i] and the more recently completed investigations on pancreatic ribonuclease by Hirs, Moore, and Stein [2]. The biological activity of a protein, however, depends not only on the amino acid sequence but also on the folding of the peptide chains, their arrangement in space and how they are packed into the protein molecule. The only technique available for obtaining detailed and precise information about the folding is undoubtedly the X-ray method which has been demonstrated so clearly by the work of Kendrew and his collaborators on myoglobin [3]. In the studies on pepsin which I shall report, more indirect methods have been used. Nevertheless, such methods may help in defining the conformation of the peptide chain segment necessary for the biological activity of the enzyme, as well as the type of forces responsible for maintaining the "native" configuration. Thus far, amino acid sequence work on pepsin has not been attempted, which may partly be attributed to the size of the molecule. Pepsin is a protein with a molecular weight of 35 000 and has only one peptide chain which is cross-linked by three disulphide bonds. Examination of the amino acid distribution, as given in Table I, reveals that the protein has 71 acidic residues (44 aspartic acids and 27 glutamic acids) and only four basic ones (i histidine, i lysine, 2 arginines). Moreover, pepsin has a high content of non-polar and hydroxyamino acids and 15 prolines [4]. It is, therefore, not unlikely that such an unusual amino acid distribution influences the secondary structure of the protein. It is well established that in most globular proteins a certain fraction of the amino acid residues is in the a-helical configuration. Whenever a helical structure is present, hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atoms of the carbonyl groups and the imino group of the peptide linkages play an essential role in determining the folding of the polypeptide chain. However, hydrophobic bonds may also be important in maintaining the secondary structure. 6o GERTRUDE E. PERLMANN TABLE I Amino Acid Composition of Crystalline Pepsin [4] Nature of amino acid No. of residues per molecule Per cent of total Acidic: (Asp,Glu) . 71 20-7 Basic: (His,Lys,Arg) 4 1-2 Non-polar: (Gly.Val, Leu, lieu ,Ala,Met) 137 40-0 Hydroxy: (Ser,Thr) 72 20-9 Aromatic : (Tyr,Try,Phe) 38 II 'I Proline .... IS 4-4 1/2 Cys (-S-S-) . 6 1-7 Total 343 lOO-O That pepsin is a tightly folded molecule is indicated by its low intrinsic viscosity. The question arose, therefore, as to whether or not reagents could be found that would unfold the polypeptide chain and if unfolding 100 80 60- ^ 40 20 • Dilute HC o •■ ■• + 8m urea A ■• ■• + 3m guanidine hydrochloride 0 1-0 20 30 40 5-0 pH Fig. I. pH dependence of the activity of pepsin for the hydrolysis of haemo- globin. occurred, how certain properties, such as viscosity, optical rotation and the biological activity of the enzyme, would be affected. The first two reagents which were investigated for their effect on pepsin were urea and guanidine hydrochloride which are known to have a pro- found influence on the biological activity of enzymes, e.g. ribonuclease [5], chymotrypsin [6] and trypsin [7]. In contrast to the enzymes, which are THE RELATION OF THE SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF PEPSIN 6i readily inactivated if brought into contact with these reagents, pepsin remains active after short exposure to urea and guanidine hydrochloride. However, as illustrated with the aid of Fig. i, the pH of maximum hydroly- sis, which in aqueous solutions is at pH i • 8, is shifted to an apparent pH of 2-3 in 8-0 M urea and to pH 3-0 in 3-0 m guanidine hydrochloride. Further investigation of the effect of urea and guanidine hydrochloride on pepsin has revealed that the enzymic activity in the presence of these hydrogen-bond breaking reagents depends on a variety of factors: (i) concentration of the reagent, (2) time of exposure, (3) temperature, and (4) pH. Fig. 2. Dependence of pepsin activity on time of exposure to guanidine hydrochloride at 37". In Fig. 2, are shown the results of measurements in which the con- centration of guanidine hydrochloride was varied but the pH of the reaction mixture maintained at 3-4. In 3-0 m guanidine hydrochloride, pepsin is almost as active as in buffer, whereas in 6-o M guanidine hydro- chloride complete inactivation occurs within 30 minutes of contact with the reagent [8]. A similar behaviour of the protein is observed in experi- ments in which the urea concentration is varied from 2-0 M to 8-o M [9]. The second factor mentioned is temperature. If, at a constant concen- tration of 4-0 M guanidine hydrochloride of pH 3-4, the temperature is lowered, the rate of inactivation decreases. Thus at 37 , the first-order rate constant, k, is 1-53 x lO" k = 1-5 X 10^ X min."^ (8). at ■06 iQ-* and at 25°, 62 GERTRUDE E. PERLMANN The next point to be discussed is the effect of pH on the rate of in- activation. In Fig. 3, is given a comparison of the effect of 8-o m urea and 4-0 M guanidine hydrochloride if pepsin is exposed to the reagent for i hour at 37°. Three points become apparent: (i) The range of maximum stabihty of pepsin, which in aqueous solution extends to pH 5-5, is narrowed to pH 3-0 to 3-5 in 4-0 m guanidine hydrochloride and to pH 3-3 to 4-3 in 8-0 M urea, respectively. (2) Although denaturation of pepsin at low pH values, i.e. i -5, has been reported by Northrop [10], the loss of activity in the presence of hydrogen-bond breaking reagents proceeds rapidly below pH 3 -o, and the formation of low molecular weight _too • Aqi f^rM \^ \Z\J\JO /■ f f A 4m guanidine hydrochi oride / / / ^_^ 0 8m urea / / / § 80 - \\ / / / ' 0 > / / / ? 60 - if: 1 r / / c I/I g 40 - ', 1 1 c fc 20 - i, / /[ - -=. =T*- ^^ ^«^ , JIx 100 80 -60 -40 -20 O 0) o^ -c E - ^ % O 0 12 3 4 5 6 pH Fig. 3. Effect of various solvents on pepsin. Time of incubation: i hour at 37 • peptides, resulting from the action of intact pepsin on the denatured material, closely parallels the rate of inactivation. (3) At pH values more alkaline than 6-o, pepsin loses its activity spontaneously without the forma- tion of non-protein material. In the presence of guanidinium ions or urea, this rapid loss occurs at more acid pH values. Moreover, it is of interest to note that although the pH zone in which inactivation takes place depends on the reagent and its concentration, the maximum rate of inactivation, within a small pH interval is independent of the nature of the solvent. One may, therefore, conclude that intramolecular bonds of the same nature are sensitive to the hydroxyl ions of the medium. Thus, in the pH range of 3-5 to 5-5 the main effect of the hydrogen-bond breaking reagents consists in loosening the secondary structure of the pepsin molecule. THE RELATION OF THE SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF PEPSIN 63 Consequently, some of the bonds that are necessary for maintenance of the enzymically active configuration are broken at lower pH values than in aqueous solution. That the loosening of the configuration is a slight one and not similar to the unfolding that is observed if other proteins are brought into contact with hydrogen-bond breaking reagents is apparent from the intrinsic viscosity given in Table II. Thus the intrinsic viscosity changes only from TABLE II Intrinsic Viscosity, Specific Optical Rotation, [a], and Rotatory Dispersion Constant, A,., of Pepsin in Various Solvents at 25 Composition of solvent pH* (g/ml) ' 600 m/t 400 m/i A^ o-i M Acetate buffer . . .4-64 3-09 63-4 178 216 8 M Urea-acetate . . • S'Ss 3 "5? 64-1 179 218 3 M Guanidine hydrochloride . 3'4o 3'54 62 • i 173 217 4 M Guanidine hydrochloride . 3"4o 3'47 62-1 173 217 * Apparent pH. 3-09 to 3-54 (g/ml)^ if 8-0 M urea or 3-0 to 4-0 M guanidine hydro- chloride is present in the reaction mixture. Moreover, as also shown in Table II, the specific optical rotation, [a], and the rotatory dispersion con- stant, A^., remain completely unaltered [11]. This behaviour is in contrast to that found in the case of many proteins where the values of the specific rotation, [a],„ of the native protein decreases by 20 to 60'' upon denatura- tion [12]. Likewise, the dispersion constant. A,,, is lowered from the range of 230-270 m/Li to 210 m/Li upon contact with hydrogen-bond breaking reagents [13]. These changes usually reflect a major unfolding of the polypeptide chain or a transition from an a-helical structure to a random coil. Thus, the results obtained with pepsin further support the view that no major change is brought about after short exposure to urea or guanidine salts. If, however, as shown in Table III, the optical rotation, [7.], and the rotatory dispersion constant, A,,, are measured at 55", A^, increases from 216 to 230 m^ii. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the increase of the rotatory dis- persion constant occurs above 45", but, as indicated by the dashed lines, the loss of activity accompanies or precedes the changes of A,,. It appears, therefore, that certain amino acid residues, e.g., proline or serine, lock the peptide chain into a configuration which confers considerable stability upon the protein. At higher temperatures, however, transition to a less stable configuration takes place. It is clear that in this case the chain 64 GERTRUDE E. PERLMANN TABLE III Rotatory Dispersion Constant, A,., and Specific Activity of Pepsin in Various Solvents as Function of Temperature Relative specific Composition of solvent pH* Temperature A^ activity per unit nitrogen in per centf o • I M Acetate buffer 4-34 23 2l6 100 55 227 99 8 • o M Urea-acetate 5-35 23 2X8 95 55 229 5 5 -o M Guanidine hydrochloride 3 -So 23 217 100 55 226 4 * Apparent pH. t The relative specific activity of a freshly prepared pepsin solution in o • i M acetate buffer of pH 46 is taken as 100. 230 5*1: 225 ^^ o o u O 220 • 0-In acetate buffer - D 8-Om urea A 5'Om guanidine hydrochloride \i -g---^n 100 80 60 40 20 20 30 40 50 Temperature ( C) 60 Fig. 4. Dependence of temperature of the optical rotatory dispersion constant, A,,, and enzymic activity of pepsin in various solvents. segment necessary for the biological activity of the enzyme has been affected. From the results presented here, one can conclude : I. Although hydrogen bonds undoubtedly exist in pepsin, they are relatively unimportant in maintaining the configuration of the protein essential for its enzvmic action. THE RELATION OF THE SECONDARY STRUCTURE OF PEPSIN 65 2. Pepsin does not contain large helical regions but has essentially a "random coil" configuration. This lack of any repeating or periodically organized structure as a helical conformation represents, however, does not exclude that each amino acid residue is in a specific or unique location. 3. We should like to propose that in the case of pepsin hydrophobic bonds play a considerable role in determining the secondary structure of this enzyme. Acknowledgment This work was supported in part by Grant A2449 of the United States Public Health Service. References 1. Sanger, F., and Tuppy, H., Biochem. J. 49, 463, 481 (1951); Sanger, F., and Thompson, E. O. P., Biocheyn. J. 53, 353 (i953); Ryle> A. P., and Sanger, F., Biochem. J. 60, 535 (1955); Ryle, A. P., Sanger, F., Smith, L. F., and Kitai, R., Biochem. J. 60, 541 (i955)- 2. Hirs, C. H. \V., Moore, S., and Stein, W. H., J. biol. Chem. 235, 633 (i960). 3. Kendrew, J. C, Davies, D. R., Phillips, D. C, and Shore, V. C, Nature, Loud. 185, 422 (i960); Kendrew, J. C, Bodo, G., Dintzis, H. M., Parrish, R. G., Wyckoff, H., and Phillips, D. C, Nature, Loud. 181, 662 (1958); Bluhm, M. AI., Bodo, G., Dintzis, H. M., and Kendrew, J. C, Proc. roy. Soc. A 246, 369 (1958). 4. Blumenfeld, O. O., and Perlmann, G. E., jf. gen. Physiol. 42, 553 (i959)- 5. Sela, M., and Anfinsen, C. B., Biochim. biophys. Acta 24, 229 (i957)- 6. Neurath, H., Rupley, J. A., and Dreyer, W. J., Arch. Biocheyn. Biophys. 65, 243 (1956). 7. Harris, J. I., Nature, Lond. 177, 471 (1956) 8. Blumenfeld, O. O., Leonis, J., and Perlmann, G. E., jf. biol. Chetn. 235, 379 (i960). 9. Perlmann, G. E., ArcJi. Biochem. Biophys. 65, 210 (1956). 10. Northrop, J. H., ^. gen. Physiol. 16, 33 (1932). 11. Perlmann, G. E., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 45, 915 (i959)- 12. Simpson, R. B., and Kauzmann, W., J. Amer. chem. Soc. 75, 5139 (i953)- 13. Linderstrom-Lang, K., and Schellman, J. A. Biochim. biophys. Acta 15, 203 (1955)- The Problem of Nucleotide Sequence in Deoxyribonucleic Acids Erwin Chargaff Columbia University, New York, N. Y., U.S.A. Introduction Now that some of the most tremendous problems in biochemistry have, it is said, been solved successfully — such as the nature of the genetic material, its structure and mode of replication, and even its biosynthesis — our time, tired of so much exertion, may take a deep breath and then, perhaps, decide that it all has to be done over again. I should not dare contradict, for I have always been more impressed by the enormity of the gap between claim and achievement than by the magnitude of the former. In any event, we have set ourselves a much, more modest, but by no means easv, task, namely, the elucidation of some of the aspects of the primary structure of deoxyribonucleic acids, especially in regard to the arrangement of the nucleotide constituents. In this connection, and since this talk is given in Stockholm, I may be permitted to recall that it was here, and also in Uppsala, that I had the first opportunity to review our original observations on deoxyribonucleic acid. This is what I said in 1949 and what was printed a few months later [i]. "The desoxypentose nucleic acids extracted from different species thus appear to be different substances or mixtures of closely related substances of a composition constant for different organs of the same species and characteristic of the species. "The results serve to disprove the tetranucleotide hypothesis. It is, however, noteworthy — whether this is more than accidental, cannot yet be said — that in all desoxypentose nucleic acids examined thus far the molar ratios of total purines to total pyrimidines, and also of adenine to thymine and of guanine to cytosine, were not far from i." You will recognize here, among other things, the first statement of the well-known pairing principles. Even the earliest observations on the nucleic acids, which showed the existence of remarkable similarities and, at the same time, of outstanding differences in the distribution and, therefore, the sequence of the con- stituent monomers, the nucleotides, made it appear of great interest to 08 ERWIN CHARGAFF learn something about the structural principles that came into play. I shall first discuss some of the basic concepts that must be considered. Remarks on the conceptual basis of sequence analysis THE PROBLEM OF HOMOGENEITY What determines the composition of a given biological polymer has been much discussed in the recent past, at any rate in regard to proteins and nucleic acids. Almost no attention has been paid, as has been pointed out recently [2], to the presumably equally rigid control of the composition of other cell-specific polymers, such as the polysaccharides or even certain macromolecular lipids. The usual expedient, in which I wish I could concur with greater enthusiasm [3], has been the formulation of some sort of template which obviously makes up in versatility for what it lacks in concreteness. This Disneyland of templates and pools and feedbacks, presided over by never-smiling augurs, will make us the laughing stock of later times. What determines the size of a given biological polymer has, on the other hand, been neither determined nor even much discussed. The cell will in many instances contain, or at least it will be made to yield, com- pounds belonging to the same class, but very much dilTerent in size. Pro- teins, the best investigated group of cellular macromolecules, vary in size over a considerable range, from something like 12 000 to many millions [4]. Deoxyribonucleic acid preparations appear, in contrast, to fall into two principal groups of molecular weight: (a) of 6 to 8 million; (b) of 12 to 16 million [5].* Such distinctions are probably not of great heuristic value, since the cell, which is not simply a bag containing many chemicals of different size and quality, must impress on its components a pattern of multiple associations which it is not possible even to define at present. Dissimilarity in size is, however, less of a problem for the student of the chemistry of deoxyribonucleic acids than is the possible heterogeneity of his specimens as regards their composition and sequence characteristics. It is, in fact, possible to divide a preparation of total deoxyribonucleic acid into a series of fractions of graded composition (starting with a, some- times extreme, GC-type [7] and going to a very marked AT-type) which, however, all still exhibit the pairing regularities [8] ; but the real meaning of such a fractionation is far from clear. It could be, as was pointed out by us [9], that these fractionated preparations actually represent some form of sub-units of a large aggregate, though it is not easy to describe the nature * An interesting exception — a polydeoxyribonucleotide of mol. wt. 10 000 to 12 000 — has been described recently as a component of crystalline cytochrome 62 [6]. It is noteworthy that this small polymer of only about 40 nucleotides still exhibits the pairing principles [i] mentioned above. THE PROBLEM OF NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS 69 of the links that are disrupted repeatahly during the mild fractionation pro- cedure. In this view, in its extreme form, the nucleus of a given species could conceivably contain only one type of deoxyribonucleic acid. At the other extreme would have to be placed the view that a given nucleic acid preparation may comprise an entire spectrum of differently constituted individuals so that no two nucleic acid molecules within the same nucleus would be entirely identical [lo]. That neither of these opposite extremes can as yet be disavowed entirely demonstrates the deep cleft that still exists between metabiological assertions and scientific facts. THE PROBLEM OF MACROMOLECULAR STRUCTURE It would, of course, be good if the investigator of the structure of a deoxyribonucleic acid knew whether he was dealing with one chain or with two [11] or even more [12] complementary chains; but at the present, little advanced, state of our knowledge of the nucleic acids this is not essential. The value of anv information on the sequential characteristics of the nucleic acid is not diminished if the complementary chains are considered to be joined at one end or even at both ends, as may well be the case, so as to constitute an uninterrupted sequential progression. I am not aware of the demonstration of distinct end groups in undegraded deoxyribonucleic acid. The maintenance of sequence integrity of the preparations to be examined is, on the other hand, a problem of great importance. If — quite apart from the secondary valence forces supporting the architecture of the secondary or tertiary structures of the deoxyribonucleic acids — there really exist weak links in their primary structure [13], it may be essential to avoid the rupture of the latter, since otherwise valuable features of sequential arrangement may be lost. This applies, of course, even more to the avoidance of chemical or enzymic degradation during the isolation. It is quite likely that very few of the deoxyribonucleic acid preparations described so far, and none of the models proposed to describe their struc- ture, are representative of the native state. The actual operative entity — • though not necessarily amenable to biological testing /// vitro — possibly is an aggregate of very long polynucleotide chains linked to each other, perhaps by oligopeptide bridges, and bonded to proteins in a spatially unique configuration. If this is so, the problem of heterogeneity, men- tioned in the preceding section, is ostensible rather than actual, having been introduced as a necessary, but strictly non-biological, artifact of purification. By this token, a preferred isolation method for deoxyribonu- cleic acid would be one that avoided, as far as possible, denaturation by chemical or physical means. Nearest to these requirements is perhaps the procedure described on p. 326 of a previous survey [7] and applied yo ERWIN CHARGAFF by us to preparations from calf thymus [14] and Escherichia coli protoplasts [15]. THE PROBLEM OF STATISTICAL SEQUENCE ANALYSIS The possibility that no two nucleic acid molecules within the same nucleus are entirely identical offers ' ' a prospect that would seem to condemn us to forced statistics for life" [16]. It is this more than anything else that has made work on the nucleotide sequence in nucleic acids appear so un- attractive. Who would, after all, undertake to read a book that has been passed through a grinder ? Nevertheless, being rather modest in what I expected to gain from a perusal of the nucleic acid text, I have never been able to share these apprehensions completely. I knew that a great deal can be learned about an unknown language through a study of its phonemes, their frequency, distribution density, and allophonic relationships. If the total deoxyribonucleic acid of a given species represents a text, it is made up of "words" — the individual molecules — that are composed of a singularly meagre alphabet: four or five letters. But the words so spelled out are 10 000-letter words, each of which could occur in a fan- tastically great number of positional isomers: between lo-^oo ^nd 10^°*^*', according to how many restrictions on neighbours are admitted [3]. The situation facing us in examining a nucleic acid preparation comprising a large number of isomers or homologues would, then, be comparable to one in which all the words in a dictionary are lined up end to end in a continuous, and essentially arrhythmic and aperiodic, sequence. It is quite clear that the first attempt at unravelling such a clutter will have to be based on statistics and that it must limit itself to the description of tendencies or trends of arrangement. To give an example : running to- gether the thirteen words making up the first sentence of King Lear I obtain a monster word of fifty-seven letters of which twenty-one are vowels. On this word a number of determinations can be made : (a) the ratio of consonants to vowels ; {b) the nature of the individual consonants and vowels; (c) the relative frequency of each constituent. If I have a way of removing the vowels without disturbing the rest of the arrange- ment, I shall isolate six solitary consonants, eight pairs of consonants, three bunches of triple consonants and one cluster of five consonants in a row. Each of these units, I would conclude, was originally flanked on both sides by vowels. Other words would yield other combinations, with the unambiguity of distinction increasing with the length of the consonant clusters. In very long words composed of only two vowels and two or three consonants, unique clusters can be expected only very rarely; but the relative frequency of the various combinations of consonants (runs of I, 2, 3, etc.) will be a means of unique differentiation, even though it will not yet make it possible to reconstruct the entire text. THE PROBLEM OF NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS 7 1 This is what we have been doing with many deoxyribonucleic acid preparations. Remarks on nomenclature DEFINITION OF THE TERM " HOMOTOPE " If one monomeric constituent can take the position of another in a definable segment of a polymer, we propose to designate it as a homotope (from the Greek for occupying the same place). If in the A-chain of insulin positions 8 to lo are occupied by Ala.Ser.Val in the ox [17], but by Ala.Gly.Val in the sheep [18], I would say that serine and glycine are homotopic with respect to this sequence. The importance of this term for a consideration of nucleic acid structure will become clear presently. DEFINITIOxN OF THE TERM " PLEROMER " If in the total composition of polymers that are characterized by balances such as the well-known pairing principles in deoxyribonucleic acid [i, 7], and in a more limited way in ribonucleic acids [19], one con- stituent can ostensibly replace another in respect to these balances, we propose to designate it as a pleromer (from the Greek for filling up the measure). Thus, if in the deoxyribonucleic acid of wheat germ [20] the molar quantity of guanine equals that of the sum of cytosine and 5-methyl- cvtosine, I would sav that these two 6-amino pvrimidines are pleromeric. SOLITARY AND BUNCHED NUCLEOTIDES A pyrimidine nucleotide that, within the polynucleotide chain of a nucleic acid, is contiguous only to purine nucleotides, will be referred to as "solitary"; pyrimidine nucleotides that occur in tracts of two or more, flanked on both sides by purine nucleotides, will be designated as "bunched" [21]. In the diagram shown in Fig. i, solitary thymidylic acid, for instance, appears in positions 3, 9 and 8', bunched pyrimidine nucleo- tides are seen in positions 5 to 7. Early attempts at sequence investigation Since 1947, when in an early review on deoxyribonucleic acids (p. 32 of ref. [22]), I first discussed the possible importance of variations in the nucleotide sequence for the biological specificity of a deoxyribonucleic acid, this problem has remained among the interests of my laboratory. Our first chemical evidence on the existence of different deoxyribonucleic acids [23, 24] made it clear that whatever "code" was carried by the 72 ERWIN CHARGAFF nucleic acids must be imprinted on the sequential arrangement of the monomeric constituents and prompted us to search for ways to approach this difficult task. The general problem is similar to that of the structure of proteins, but immensely more forbidding. The very great length of the chains composed of a much smaller number of different monomers raises obstacles that render improbable an unambiguous solution by existing methods. More- over, the available procedures are not yet as refined as in the case of the proteins : few specific enzymes, no generally applicable method for marking the end groups. On the other hand, the remarkable difference in the stability V fjy, hi.,, .TV-, .0.^ ^ N )'\ ;a"!ir'%;ii-<^'i4- "..: Fig. I . Schematic representation of a fragment of a double strand of a deoxy- ribonucleic acid. The purines (A, adenine; G, guanine) are depicted in black, the pyrimidines (C, cytosine; T, thymine) in white. of the glycosidic bonds holding the purines and the pyrimidines offered a novel possibility that we have exploited fully. Our first attempts in the direction of utilizing a specific enzyme were concerned with the problem of a recognizable repeating unit. STEPWISE DEGRADATION BY DEOXYRIBONUCLEASE When crystalline pancreatic deoxyribonuclease acts on a highly poly- merized preparation of a deoxyribonucleic acid, it is possible to conduct the experiment in such a manner as to collect the products detached gradually in a dialyzable form and to separate them from the enzyme- resistant core [7, 25]. The latter is characteristically different in composition THE PROBLEM OF NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS 73 from the intact polymer; there is, moreover, a significant trend in the composition of the products produced by the stepwise enzymic digestion. No indications of any regularity in the release or the composition of fragments were observed; no sub-units of recognizably recurrent structure were seen : deoxyribonucleic acids apparently exhibit a largely arrhythmic nucleotide sequence. APURINIC ACID This has proved a very useful compound; it is, in fact, the first inter- mediate product in all procedures involving acid degradation [26]. When a deoxyribonucleic acid is exposed to mildly acidic conditions (pH i-6 at 37^') all the purines are cleaved off gradually, leaving behind a polymer representing the original polynucleotide, but composed of deoxyribo- phosphate units, at the places of the previous purine nucleotides, and of the pvrimidine nucleotides in unchanged ratio and at the same position as in the native starting material. For instance, in the segment represented in Fig. I, positions 3, 5-7, 9, i', 2', 4', 8', 10' would remain unchanged, whereas in the remaining places the purines would now have made room for the reactive aldehydo groups of the deoxy sugar. The presence of the aldehydo group [27] and, therefore, of a free hydroxyl at 4' brings about a remarkable labilization of the polymer: it is broken not only by alkali, but even by buffers (pH 8-6) containing primary amino groups [28]. It is likely that this susceptibility of the poly-sugar-phosphate backbone of apurinic acid to amines is involved in the degradation reactions employing diphenylamine under acidic conditions [29]. Studies on the arrangement of the pyrimidine nucleotides in apurinic acid [28] were, in fact, the first that made possible an approach to the problem of nucleotide sequence in deoxyribonucleic acid. The informa- tion so obtained was limited, since it was only qualitative, but it showed that a considerable portion of the pyrimidine nucleotides, and therefore also of the purine nucleotides, was arranged in the form of tracts of several nucleotides of one kind. Sequence studies through differential distribution analysis MECHANISM The important discovery that among the fragments produced by the acid degradation of deoxyribonucleic acids there are found the 3', 5'- diphosphates of deoxycytidine and thymidine is due to the work of Levene, Thannhauser and their collaborators [30-33]. A more recent re-investiga- tion [34] by improved techniques, which confirmed the occurrence of these diphosphates, prompted a discussion of the possible bearing of this 74 ERWIN CHARGAFF finding on the problem of nucleic acid structure (p. 366 of ref. [7]). It was clear that for these fragments to serve as a tool in research on nucleotide sequence the mechanism of their release had to be better understood. It was also indispensable to be able to study them under rigorously controlled conditions and on a quantitative basis. The kinetics of the liberation of the pyrimidine nucleoside diphos- phates were first studied, in collaboration with Dr. Shapiro, on a series of models, namely, the several deoxyribodinucleotides all having cytidylic acid as one of their components [35]. These investigations served as the basis of a well-controlled, difi'erential hydrolysis procedure which was usually performed in three stages [21, 36]. The diagnostically most valuable results are obtained in Stage I (o-i M H2SO4, 30 min., 100°), when the release of pyrimidine nucleoside diphosphates can be taken to reflect directly the abundance of these units as solitary pyrimidine nucleo- tides in the polynucleotide chain. In the present survey I shall limit myself to the findings based on this stage of the difi^erential hydrolysis procedure. The results yielded in Stages II and III, which involve longer periods of hydrolysis, are mainly indicative of the secondary cleavage of bunched pyrimidine sequences; they are of great value as further means of differen- tiation between analytically indistinguishable nucleic acids of different cellular origin. This will be exemplified in the following section. In its simplest form the cleavage of a polynucleotide chain and the formation of the diphosphates of the pyrimidine nucleosides (Py) may be regarded as a series of ^ elimination reactions [21]. A Py CHO CH CH, CH2 0 CH 0 OH \l P CH CHOH CH .0— CH, 0 0- -CH, -O OH \/ P o o CHO I CH, CH CHOH CH, O OH O o.. After the liberation of the purines the first elimination presumably occurs at the broken line A. Since no extraneous sugar fragment is found in ester linkage with the resulting nucleoside diphosphate, a subsequent hydrolysis or elimination must take place at the other flanking sugar (broken line C). It is likely that this cleavage follows a ^ aldehyde elimination (broken line B), which has left a double bond between the second and third carbon atom of the sugar. Similar considerations apply to the release of bunched pyrimidine sequences. A more than tentative formulation of the reaction THE PROBLEM OF NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE IN DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACIDS 75 mechanism will, however, have to await a better understanding of the fate of the free deoxyribose residues liberated in the initial stage of the removal of purines by acid. NUCLEOTIDE ARRANGEMENT IN ANALYTICALLY INDISTINGUISHABLE DEOXY- RIBONUCLEIC ACIDS OF DIFFERENT CELLULAR ORIGIN It happens quite often that deoxyribonucleic acids of taxonomically entirely different origin exhibit identity of composition as regards the TABLE I Differential Distribution Analysis OF Three Otherwise Indistinguishable Deoxyribonucleic Acid Preparations* Source: Ox Man Arbacia lixula DNA fraction: (0-75 m) (i -o m) (2-6 m) T C [TC] T C [TC] T C [TC] Total pyrimidine, as mole "„ P 299 200 29-9 19-8 30-9 196 Solitary pyrimidine, as mole "o of total constituent in DNA 15-9 92 19-9 63 160 140 Solitary or bunched pyriiTiidines, as mole % P 4-75 1-^4 I '72 5 '95 1-25. 1-71 4 '94 2-74 i-66 Total T/C, molar ratio 1-50 1-51 i"58 Solitary T/C, molar ratio 2-58 4 '76 i ■ So * The figures are taken from previous papers [21, 36]. The deoxyribonucleic acid fractions are described by the molarity of NaCl employed for the dissociation of the histone nucleate [9]. T designates thymine or thymidylic acid, C cytosine or deoxycytidylic acid, [TC] the two isomeric dinucleoside triphosphates com- prising cytidine and thymidine (reported as moles of dinucleoside triphosphate per 100 gm. atoms of nucleic acid phosphorus). distribution of the nitrogenous constituents. (Compare the example of the deoxyribonucleic acids of the sheep and the salmon cited previously [i6]). In such cases, the method of differential distribution analysis discussed in 76 ERWIN CHARGAFF a in U h u U a c/2 u 3 U h ro lO t^ lo '"' )-H M „ N vO fO N C^ ■^ '^ 1— 1 li^ vO o t^ ro h-t 't N O 00 N C> N 00 ro N HH vO r^ o 0^ N « "i- 00 IT) N '-' Oh '-0 DNA In view of these considerations it seemed an attractive hypothesis to consider the reductive step as a possible " pace maker " for DNA-synthesis, and it was hoped that the construction of an /// vitro system carrying out the synthesis of DNA from ribonucleotides might serve as a model system, in which the influence of different factors on this hypothetical pace maker might be studied. Ample evidence exists that such a first step in a reaction sequence may indeed act as a rate-limiting step [6] and that it can be influenced and regulated by the products of later reactions. In all experiments to be described here the source of enzyme was a high-speed supernatant fraction from a homogenate of 5-day-old chick embryos. Both cytidine and guanosine ribonucleotides were used as sub- strates for DNA formation. First it was necessary to establish that our enzyme preparation could synthesize DNA from labelled deoxynucleotides. It was found that in- corporation of radioactivity from labelled dCMP or dGMP into DNA required the presence of ATP, Mg + + and "primer" DNA. This in- corporation was further stimulated by the addition of a complementary set of the other deoxynucleoside triphosphates. These results demonstrate that the chick embryo extract contained enzymes which catalyze the formation of DNA from deoxyribonucleotides by a mechanism similar to that described earlier for other systems [i, 7, 8]. Next the formation of radioactive DNA from labelled ribonucleotides (CMP and GMP) was studied. It was found that this process again required the addition of ATP, Mg + + and "primer" DNA. When either ^-P-labelled or tritium( = base)-labelled CMP was used as substrate, it was found that identical amounts of isotope were incorporated into DNA (Fig. i). This experiment demonstrates that the intact nucleotide was used for DNA synthesis and that the incorporation of isotope did not occur as a result of, e.g., transglycosylation. It was then necessary to investigate in which manner the ribonucleo- tide had been used for DNA synthesis. With techniques used earlier by Adler et al. [9] it was possible to demonstrate that in our experiments the isotopic ribonucleotide was first reduced to the deoxyribonucleotide, and ENZYMK- FORMATION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID 105 that the labelled deoxyribonucleotide was subsequently used for DNA synthesis. In the experiment described in Fig. 2 DNA was synthesized Fig. I. Time curve of DX.A formation from tritium or ''-P-labelled CMP, as measured by the incorporation of isotope into DNA [7, 8]. Incubation conditions for one time point: o • i ^tmole of labelled CMP, i o /^^mole of ATP, 5 -o /^imoles of MgCl,, o-i mg. of heated DNA (10 min. at 100 ) and 4-5 mg. of "enz\Tne", final volume 0-41 ml., pH 7 -4, 37^. CMP ►DNA t ^ t ' ^ Micrococcal DNA-se | Pancreatic DNA-se + spleen diesterase ,+ venom diesterase \-® Md Total counts in CMP ' 500 dCMP 1900 7800 dAMP 3400 0 dCMP 2700 0 IMP 3900 0 Fig. 2. Enzymic degradation [9] of DNA formed from P*--CMP. 60 min. incubation with conditions as in Fig. i. from ^'-P-CMP and, after isolation, degraded enzymically in two different ways : (o) With pancreatic DNA-se + snake venom diesterase. These enzymes split DNA as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 2 and produce 5'-deoxy- ribonucleotides. Since 5 '-labelled CMP was the precursor in the synthesis io6 PETER REICHARD of DNA, the isotope stays attached to the nucleotide used as substrate for the DNA polymerase. (b) With micrococcal DNA-se + spleen diesterase. This results in the formation of 3 '-nucleotides. ^^P is no longer attached to the nucleotide used as substrate, but is transferred to the neighbour nucleotide. The results of Fig. 2 obtained by degradation according to (a) show that CMP was used for DNA synthesis after transformation to dCMP, since about 95° o of the isotope resides with this deoxyribonucleotide. After degradation according to {b) the isotope is distributed among all four deoxyribonucleotides. This in turn demonstrates that labelled dCMP (formed from CMP) in DNA was linked to all four deoxynucleotides in internucleotide linkage. Fig. 3. Stimulation of DNA formation from dCMP by an ATP-regenerating system. Conditions as in Fig. i (ooii fxmole of dCMP substituted for CMP). Where indicated 4 ■ 5 /xmoles of creatine phosphate + o • i mg. of creatine kinase were added. The results obtained so far strongly indicate that the chick embryo enzyme preparation carried out the synthesis of DNA from ribonucleo- tides according to the following general reaction sequence : Ribonucleotide- — ^Deoxyribonucleotide >DNA It was now possible to study some of the factors which might influence this overall pathway of DNA synthesis. The first question studied was how the process was influenced by the ATP-level in the system. It might be expected — and has been shown already for other similar systems — that a high level of triphosphates, as is obtained by the addition of an ATP-regenerating system, is favourable for the synthesis of DNA from a deoxyribonucleotide. Figure 3 demonstrates that the addition of creatine phosphate + kinase stimulated isotope in- corporation from labelled dCMP into DNA, and that the chick embryo system thus conformed to expectation. However, DNA formation from a ribonucleotide, such as CMP, was decreased when an ATP regenerating system was added (Fig. 4). The ENZYMIC FORMATION OF DEOXYRIBONL'CLEIC ACID 107 inhibition was located in the reductive step, as shown by the results of Fig. 5. Our interpretation of these results is the following: the addition of ATP + Mg ^ ^ to this crude enzyme system resulted in the phosphoryla- tion of CAIP to CDF and CTP. As found by paper chromatography an Fig. 4. Inhibition of DXA formation from CMP by an ATP-regenerating system. Conditions as in Fig. i. Where indicated 4-5 /tmoles of creatine phosphate + o-i mg. of creatine kinase were added. equilibrium between mono-, di- and triphosphates was rapidly established and CDP was the predominating nucleotide. However, when the ATP- regenerating system was added, this resulted in a very efficient phosphoryla- tion of CMP to CTP, and little CDP was left in the system. Since CDP is Fig. 5. Inhibition of CMP-reduction by an ATP-regenerating system. Conditions as in Figs, i and 4. The formation of dCMP + deoxycytidine was measured as described earlier [4]. the substrate for the reduction, the addition of the ATP-regenerating system greatly decreased ribotide reduction. According to this interpreta- tion our experiments indicate that in vitro the synthesis of DNA from ribonucleotides is dependent on the maintenance of a critical level of io8 PETER REICHARD diphosphates and is inhibited by an excess of ATP, which increases the level of triphosphates but decreases the diphosphate level. As mentioned earlier, the synthesis of DNA from one labelled deoxy- nucleotide was stimulated by the addition of the three other non-labelled MxlO^ Fig. 6. Influence of an equimolar mixture of TTP, dATP and dGTP on DNA formation from dCMP and CMP, respectively. lUU 1 — 1 1 M w^ t> .c c >v f X TTP < r • dGTP Q \ o dATP ^ SO A *\ h _ o o^* is s« • 20 MxIQS 30 Fig. 7. Comparison of different deoxynucleoside triphosphates as inhibitors of DNA formation from CMP. deoxynucleoside triphosphate. This is demonstrated for [^^C]-dCMP by the upper curve of Fig. 6. With P^C]-CMP, however, isotope incorporation into DNA was strongly inhibited by the addition of an equimolar mixture of the triphosphates of thymidine, deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine ENZYMIC FORMATION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID 109 (Fig. 6 lower curve). Furthermore, it was found (Fig. 7) that each single deoxvnucleoside triphosphate inhibited DXA formation from CMP to about the same extent. It seemed obvious that here again the reductive step was the point of inhibition, and we therefore studied the influence of the diflFerent deoxy- nucleoside triphosphates on the formation of dCMP from CMP, A strong inhibition bv dATP and dGTP was observed, TTP inhibited much less, while dCTP showed almost no effect (Fig. 8). Addition of the purine deoxyribonucleotides thus resulted in about a 50^0 inhibition at an initial concentration of io~^ M. The initial concentrations of ATP and CMP in these experiments were 2-5 x lO"'^ M and 0-4 x 10^ m, respectively. Similar experiments were also carried out with guanine nucleotides. It was found that DNA svnthesis from dGMP was stimulated more than MxlO^ Fig. 8. Effects of deoxvnucleoside triphosphates on the reduction of CMP. twofold by an equimolar mixture of dCTP, dATP and TTP. The effects of such a mixture on the incorporation of isotope from GMP into DXA were quite small and inconsistent. When each trip)hosphate was added alone, different types of effects were observed (Fig. 9). Thus DNA formation from GMP was strongly inhibited by the addition of dATP, but was stimulated by the two pyrimidine deoxynucleoside triphosphates. Similar divergent effects were observed when the formation of dGMP from G^MP was investigated (Fig. 10). In this case the effect of dGTP could also be investigated and it was found that this deoxyribonucleotide acted as a strong inhibitor. Thus the results for the GMP^-dGMP trans- formation showed that purine deoxyribonucleotides were inhibitors while pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides, stimulated the reaction. We believe that our results show that in an in vitro system with soluble enzvmes the reduction of both a purine and a pyrimidine ribonucleotide was regulated to a large extent by the levels of deoxynucleotides present no PETER REICHARD in the system. I should hke to stress the point that the reduction of ribo- nucleotides was controlled not only by the product-deoxynucleotide of the Fig. 9. Effects of deoxynucleoside triphosphates on DNA formation from GMP. Conditions as in Fig. i with labelled GMP in place of CMP; individual deoxynvicleoside triphosphates added as indicated on the abscissa. Mxio^ Fig. 10. Effects of deoxynucleoside triphosphates on the reduction of GMP. The conditions of incubation and of the assay were as described in an earlier paper [5]. respective reactions, but also by the other deoxynucleotides ; e.g. dATP and dGTP greatly inhibited the reduction of CMP, and the pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotides stimulated the reduction of GMP. ENZYMIC FORMATION OF DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID III Our results were obtained with soluble enzymes and it remains to be shown whether thev have any bearing on the problem of DXA synthesis in living cells. It is not vet possible to decide this point with any degree of certainty, but it seems to be relevant that recent experiments by Klenow [lo] and by Morris and Fischer [ii] have shown that effects similar to those I have discussed here can be obtained with living cells. It is thus not inconceivable that such effects are parts of an important homeostatic mechanism for DNA synthesis. References 1. Romberg, A., in "The Chemical Basis of Heredity", ed. W. D. McElroy and B. Glass, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 579 (i957)- 2. Hammarsten, E., Reichard, P., and Saluste, E.,_7. biol. Chem. 183, 105 (1950). 3. Rose, I. A., and Schweigert, B. S.,J. biol. Chem. 202, 635 (1953). 4. Reichard, P., and Rutberg, L., Biochim. biophys. Acta 37, 554 (i959)- 5. Reichard, P., Biochim. biophys. Acta 41, 368 (i960). 6. Pardee, A. B., in "The Enzymes I", ed. P. D. Boyer, H. Lardy, and K. Myrback. Academic Press Inc., New York, 681 (1959). 7. Bollum, F. ].,jf. Amer. chem. Soc. 80, 1766 (1958). 8. Mantsavinos, R., and Canellakis, E. S., j. biol. Chem. 234, 628 (1959). 9. .\dler, J., Lehman, L R., Bessman, 'SI. J., Simms, E. S., and Romberg, A., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 44, 641 (1958). 10. RIenow, H., Biochim. biophys. Acta 35, 412 (1959). 11. Morris, N. R., and Fischer, G. A., Biochim. biophys. Acta 42, 183 (i960). Discussion Chargaff : I was wondering whether Dr. Reichard has any explanation of the peculiar fact that usually analogues are incorporated only into one of the two types of nucleic acid. For instance, fluorouracil when given to E. coli will appear only as ribofluorouridylic acid in RXA and not a trace seems to go as the deoxy compound into DNA; similarly in the plant nucleic acids which I have mentioned in my talk high amounts of 5-methylcytosine are found in the DNA only. I was wondering whether you had any explanation for this. Reichard : In the case of uracil — and I think this also applies to fluorouracil, because from all the work which has been published now it appears that fluorouracil behaves with enzymes as does uracil — the explanation put forward by Romberg is that there are no kinases for deoxy-UMP; this would also be true for fluoro- deoxy-UMP. This is a reasonable explanation, but on the other hand I am a little worried about the fact that our own findings indicate that the reduction might take place at the diphosphate level. I don't know whether it is really LTDP which is reduced to deoxy-UDP although I believe so. What one might look for would be a special phosphatase like the one which has been found in T2 infected E. coli for deoxy-CTP, but in this case it would be specific for deoxy-UTP. That could be an explanation. Davidson : Is there evidence that the reduction step takes place at the diphos- phate level in other cases than deoxy-CDP ? 112 PETER REICHARD Reichard : In the case of G — yes, and in the case of U — no, and for A we have no evidence. Hess : What is the reducing system involved or have you any experience about the type of system you would expect ? I ask because a reducing system can also act as a controlling mechanism upon the synthesis of DXPP from XDP. Certainly, the reducing equivalents in growing cells are available in high concentrations, i.e. speaking for the TPNH level, which in a given control range could well be a critical metabolite. Reichard : I think you might be quite right but I do not know very much about the events during the reduction. We know that it is a complicated series of reactions and not a single reaction. We also know that we can demonstrate a stimulation of the dialysed or ion exchange-treated enzyme preparation by TPNH. Now you could draw the tentative conclusion that TPNH is the source of hydrogen during the reduction, but on the other hand it might be an indirect effect. I don't know yet but we are just starting to purify the enzymes. Studies on the Mechanism of Synthesis of Soluble Ribonucleic Acid* E, S. CANELLAKIsf AND EdWARD HERBERT Departmeni of Pharmacology, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. and Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A. Our studies have been concerned with the mechanism of synthesis of the soluble RNA (S-RNA) present in the soluble cytoplasmic fraction of rat liver. In this fraction of rat liver, enzymes concerned with the in- corporation of ribonucleotides into terminal positions of S-RNA have also been found. Within the allotted space I shall attempt to present a summary of our studies on the synthesis of soluble-RNA, rather than present in detail any one particular aspect of the problem. I. Fractionation of ribonucleotide incorporating enzyme and S-RNA By a series of fractionation techniques outlined in Table I and Figs, i and 2, we have been able to achieve an approximately roc 200 fold purification of three protein and S-RNA components from rat liver. These three fractions have been termed S-RNA-proteins a-, ^- and -y based on the order of their elution off the hydroxylapatite columns. Each of these fractions will incorporate ribonucleotides into the corresponding S-RNA in terminal positions. We have been further able to separate the protein from the S-RNA by the use of diethylaminoethylcellulose (DEAE) (Fig. 3). Thus separated, neither the RNA nor the protein by itself will incorporate ribonucleotides into an acid insoluble form; full activity is restored upon recombination of the protein and the S-RNA. * Detailed experimental evidence for the material published in this summary may be found in the following articles which have been published or are in press. Canellakis, E. S., and Herbert, E., Proc. nat. Acad. Set., Wash. 46, 170 (i960); Herbert, E., and Canellakis, E. S., Biochim. b/ophys. Acta 42, 363 (i960) ; Canellakis, E. S., and Herbert, E. (S-RNA H, IV, V), Biochim. biophys. Acta 45, 133 (iq6o), 47, 78 (1961), 47, 85 (1961). t Senior Research Scholar of the U.S.P.H.S. wishes to thank this Service for financial aid associated with this trip to Stockholm, Sweden. I 114 E. S. CANELLAKIS AND EDWARD HERBERT TABLE I Summary of Purification Procedure Specific mg. Protein activity* Yield RNA mg . RNA % of soluble cytoplasm mg Soluble cytoplasm 5-IO " 100" 135 100 Ammonium sulphate (o -55-0 -86) 30-50 80 70 60 pH 5 precipitate 100-150 60 35 15 Hydroxylapatite Ribonucleoprotein a 80-100 4 3 I /3 750-1000 15-20 15-20 I y 400-600 10-15 10-15 I DEAE-cellulose "protein " 750 50 — 100 "RNA" — — 8-10 0-05 * The specific activity unit is expressed as /x//moles of [^*C]-AMP incorporated into S-RNA in the presence of i mg. protein in 6 min. at 25°. Buffer cone Volu 280 ml. Fig. I. Stepwise procedure for elution of ribonucleoproteins from an hydroxy- apatite column. The width of the steps in the chromatogram represents the volume of eluate collected in each fraction. These volumes are as follows in the order of potassium phosphate buffer pH 7 ■ 2 concentrations listed under the chromatogram (0-05 M, o-o8 M, and 0-12 m); 20 ml., 10 ml., and 25 ml. Column dimensions 2 '5 cm. X 20 cm. STUDIES ON MECHANISM OF SYNTHESIS OF SOLUBLE RIBONUCLEIC ACID II5 Buffer Volume (ml ) Conc- Mixer 300 OOIM Reservoir 300 0-25 M • Ribonucleoproteins 2-5M buffer (HEME color) 20 30 40 50 60 70 Tube number Fig. 2. Linear gradient procedure for elution of ribonucleoproteins from an hydroxylapatite column with potassium phosphate buffer pH 7-2. The volume of eluate collected per tube is i o ml. The 2 • 5 M buffer is added directly to the column and collected in 10 ml. portions. Column dimensions 2-5 cm. x 20 cm. 2 1 1-2 06 200 100 08 3 04 0 ■^ "RNA" component "Protein" component Buffer cone Eff NaCI cone. Volume (ml ) lO 0 OIM 0 15 T" OOSM 0 10 007SM 0 15 II25M 0 15 02M 02M 10 J r 0 2M j 0 5M 12 Fig. 3. Stepwise elution and separation of protein and RNA component on a DEIAE column, with potassium phosphate buffer pH 72 and sodium chloride. Column dimensions i -5 cm. x 2 cm. We have termed these S-RNA-protein fractions "ribonucleoproteins" for the following reasons: (a) the protein and the S-RNA fractionate together during an extensive purification process, (b) the protein and the ii6 E. S. CANELLAKIS AND EDWARD HERBERT S-RNA separate into three well-defined columns and (c) each component contains its own RNA and ribonucleotide incorporating enzyme. We believe that the exact type of physical relationship that exists between these fractions will be best elucidated by detailed enzymatic studies which S-RNA/3 n = 40 60% H.J^ Nl S-RNAy n=34 237o 24% •N. N. NJ L. _in 51% 16% IS, -4 N 14%, 6 X U N. \. < 10% n = (7AMP+ 6UMP+ I3GMP+ l3CMP-t- l\//UMP) 16AMP+5UMP + II GMP+ II CMP+li|;UMP) = n Fig. 4. Schematic presentation of the variety of S-RNA molecules present in S-RNA-/S and S-RNA-y. The column of figures on the left and right correspond to the ribonucleotide content and per cent composition of S-RNA-/3 and S-RNA-y respectively. are at present under way. Because of the experimental simplicity involved in isolating the ^- and y- fractions, our work has been largely limited to a study of the properties of these two fractions. 2. Analytical data on S-RNA-^ and -7 Analytical studies on S-RNA-^ as well as S-RNA-y have shown that they can be grossly distinguished as four molecular species differentiated by their end-groups (Fig. 4). All four molecular species of both S-RNA-/S and -y start with guanylic acid, that is, upon alkaline hydrolysis guanosine STUDIES ON MECHANISM OF SYNTHESIS OF SOLUBLE RIBONUCLEIC ACID II J diphosphate is the only diphosphate which can be found. S-RXA-^ is rich in the molecular species which terminates in adenylic acid (yielding adenosine upon alkaline hydrolysis) and has no detectable S-RNA species terminating in uridylic acid. S-RXA-y is rich in the molecular species which terminates in guanylic acid and has some of the molecular species which terminates in uridyHc acid. The ribonucleotide analyses of these two families of S-RNA indicate that approximately one pseudouridylic acid molecule corresponds to one chain (Table II). In addition, the adenylic acid content of S-RNA-^S TABLE II Composition of S-RNA-^ and S-RNA-y Ribonucleosides * Component Adenosine Uridine Guanosine ^ ... Guanosine Lytidine ... , , * diphosphate* S-RNA-^ S-RNA o- o 6g 23 — 0-24 GIG 0-51 O- IG G-I4 I 02 0-95 2'(3')-Ribonucleotides* AMP UMP 0-UMP GMP CMP Total of nucleot. per chain* Wt. of chain S-RNA-^ S-RNA-y 7-2 6-G 6 5 0 i-oi 13-0 13-2 0 I-2I II-I IIG 42 36 15 000 13 8go * Molar composition calculated by assuming that one terminal ribonucleoside residue corresponds to one polynucleotide chain. Chromatographic analysis made on the alkaline hydrolysates of S-RNA-^ and of S-RNA-y. t Including one of the nucleoside end and one guanosine diphosphate. and of S-RNA-y approximates the sum of uridylic acid plus pseudouridylic acid whereas the guanylic acid content approximates that of cytidylic acid. From the end-group analysis (assuming one end-group per chain), a molecular weight of approximately 15 000 can be derived. 3. The effect of pyrophosphate Incubation of the enzyme with S-RNA-/3 plus -y, [^^C]-CTP, in- organic pyrophosphate and Mg ' ^, results in an enhanced incorporation of P^C]-CMP into the S-RNA (Table III). This effect can also be ob- served if the enzyme and the S-RNA are preincubated with inorganic pyrophosphate, the S-RNA then extracted and reincubated with a fresh enzyme preparation and [^^C]-CTP in the absence of pyrophosphate. It E. S. CANELLAKIS AND EDWARD HERBERT TABLE III The Effect of Pyrophosphate ON THE Incorporation of [1'*C]-CMP into S-RNA Treatment ['^C]-CMP incorporated (c.p.m.) 1. None 150 2. Pyrophosphate included in incubation mixture 600 3. S-RNA pretreated with pyrophosphate* 610 2 -o Eoen units of S-RNA-^ and -y were used throughout this experiment. The first tube contained [^*C]-CTP (30 m/umoles, 2 x lo^/c.p.m./jumole), S-RNA, Mg + + 2 -o /Ltatoms, and ribonucleotide incorporating enzyme in o -08 m potassium phosphate buffer. Final volume i o ml. The second tube contained in addition to above, i o fimole pyrophosphate. The S-RNA used in the third tube had been pretreated with the ribonucleotide-incorporating enzyme, Mg + + 2-0 /xatoms, I -o /xmoles pyrophosphate in 008 M potassium phosphate buffer. Final volume I -o ml. This was then isolated free of the ribonucleotide incorporating enzyme, and re-incubated in an incubation mixture identical to that in the first tube. * Inorganic pyrophosphate does not enhance the incorporation of [^■*C]-CTP into S-RNA if during the preincubation either the S-RNA or the ribonucleotide- incorporating enzyme is omitted. TABLE IV Liberation of Ribonucleoside 5'-Triphosphates into the Acid-Soluble Fraction by the Pyrophosphorolysis of S-RNA Radioactivity recovered in the ribonucleoside 5'-triphosphates (c.p.m.) ATP CTP UTP GTP Experiment i 7000 2600 1350 850 Experiment 2 11 60 310 330 180 Experiment 2A 6600 950 2070 1320 In Experiment i, S-RNA-/3 and -y was pyrophosphorylyzed in the presence of [^'-P]-inorganic pyrophosphate, the ribonucleotide-incorporating enzyme, 2-o /Liatoms Mg + + per ml. and 20 mjumoles each of non-radioactive ATP, CTP, UTP and GTP in 008 m potassium phosphate, pH 7-2. Final volume i -o ml. In Experiments 2 and 2A, [^-P]-S-RNA (prepared by isolating S-RNA from rat liver which had been labelled with ^'-P in vivo) was incubated with i -o /xmole of non-radioactive inorganic pyrophosphate, 2-0 /xatoms Mg + +, 20 m/nmoles each of non-radioactive ATP, CTP, UTP and GTP, in the absence (Experiment 2) and in the presence (Experiment 2A) of added non-radioactive ribonucleotide- incorporating enzyme. The small but definite liberation of ribonucleoside s'-tri- phosphate in Experiment 2 may be due to contamination of the S-RNA preparation with the ribonucleotide-incorporating enzyme. STUDIES ON MECHANISM OF SYNTHESIS OF SOLUBLE RIBONUCLEIC ACID II 9 may therefore be concluded that the inorganic pyrophosphate exerts its effect on the S-RXA; in order that this effect be ehcited the concomitant presence of the enzvme is required but not that of the CTP. The effect of inorganic pyrophosphate has been elucidated as being one of pvrophosphorolysis of the S-RXA (Table IV) because incubation of the enzyme with S-RNA and p-P]-pyrophosphate results in the liberation of ^-P-labelled ribonucleoside triphosphates into the medium. 800 700 X- 600 500 400 300 - 100 "C- AMP-S-RNA C-CMP-S-RNA 1.0 0.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Mg /I MOLES PER ML 6.0 3.0 7.0 3.5 8.0 4.0 .0 1.5 2.0 2.5 P- P^ MOLES PER ML Fig. 5. Pvrophosphorolysis of the terminal ribonucleotides of S-RNA. Two portions of S-RXA-/3 and -y containing 30 F.^eo units each were labelled separately with [C^*]-AMP and with [C'^]-CMP respectively. They were then extracted free of the nbonucleotide-incorporating enz\Tne, and Mg + + and pyrophosphate in the indicated amounts under standard conditions. At the end of the incubation period the residual radioactivity on each type of labelled S-RNA was determined. If the converse experiment is performed, that is if ^'-P-labelled S-RNA (obtained after in vivo labelling with ^-P), is incubated with non-radio- active pyrophosphate and enzyme, again ^-P-labelled ribonucleoside tri- phosphates are liberated into the medium. Pyrophosphorolysis seems to be directed primarily towards the end of the S-RNA molecule (Fig. 5). This can be shown by using S-RNA which has been labelled in vitro with either [^^C]-ATP or with [^^CJ-CTP which are known to be incorporated in the end of the S-RXA molecule. When I20 E. S. CANELLAKIS AND EDWARD HERBERT such a radioactive S-RNA preparation is added to an incubation medium containing the ribonucleotide-incorporating enzymes, and varying con- centrations of Mg + + and pyrophosphate, a progressive loss of radioactivity occurs, indicating the removal of the terminal ribonucleotides in the S-RNA molecule. Since pyrophosphate results in the degradation of the end of the S-RNA and in an increased incorporation of cytidylic acid, it is reasonable to expect that new sites in the S-RNA may be exposed. If these new sites accept cytidylic acid, then incubation of the pyrophosphorylyzed S-RNA with p2p]-CTP (32P-P-P) followed by alkaline hydrolysis of the CM^sp- labelled S-RNA should result in the identification of the site of attachment of the cytidylic acid. We have performed this experiment under conditions of low and maximal pyrophosphorolysis of S-RNA, and compared the results with those obtained with non-pyrophosphorylyzed S-RNA. Pyro- phosphorolysis results in the unveiling of adenylic acid as the new site of attachment of p-P]-CMP. The distribution pattern of the ^^P obtained with maximally pyrophosphorylyzed S-RNA (Table 5) shows the ^^P to be equivalently distributed between 2' (3')-cytidylic acid and 2' (3')- adenylic acid. These results make the following interpretation plausible: P-P + AMP— CMP— CMP— AMP— S-RNA -> AMP— S-RNA + ATP + 2CTP 32P.CTP + AMP— S-RNA -> 32P-CMP—32p.CMP— AMP— S-RNA + P-P In other words, pyrophosphorolysis of S-RNA has exposed a terminal adenylic acid which now accepts two cytidylic acid residues. This S-RNA upon alkaline hydrolysis would yield equivalent amounts of P^pj.cytidylic acid and adenylic acid. Ti is would therefore indicate adenylic acid to be the fourth ribonucleotide in the terminal sequence. Although this inter- pretation is in keeping with the observed facts it can in no way be con- sidered to be the only possible interpretation. We therefore wish to suggest this as a temporary explanation, reserving final judgment until a more homogeneous preparation of S-RNA is available. This interpretation of these results raises the question as to the source of the guanosine triphosphate and of the uridine triphosphate found in the acid-soluble fraction after pyrophosphorolysis of the S-RNA. We believe that since guanylic acid and uridylic acid exist as terminal ribonucleotides in our S-RNA preparations (Fig. 4), these may well be pyrophosphorylyzed in a manner similar to that in which the terminal adenylic acid and cytidylic acid are pyrophosphorylyzed. This is supported by the fact that pyro- phosphorylyzed S-RNA as compared to normal S-RNA, also shows an enhanced incorporation of uridylic acid similar to that of cytidylic acid. STUDIES ON MECHANISM OF SYNTHESIS OF SOLUBLE RIBONUCLEIC ACID 121 4. The effect of snake venom phosphodiesterase If S-RNA-^ plus -y is treated with snake venom phosphodiesterase under conditions of limited degradation, a somewhat random degradation occurs as evidenced by the fact that p-P]-CTP attaches to a variety of terminal groups (Table V), as contrasted to its attachment to cytidylic TABLE V The Site of Attachment of ['-P]-CMP on Native and Pyrophosphorvlvzed S-RNA Radioactivity in the 2' (3')-ribonucleoside mono- phosphates isolated after alkaline hvdrolysis of the 32p.S-RNA Results expressed as per cent of total c.p.m. incorporated AMP CMP UMP GMP Native S-RNA (o-o /^moles P-P, 2-0 |uatoms Mg) <5 90 S-io .1* pm ' ^ V J < ■ * / ^ : f "'' '. -^ k. ^ V, 4 Fig. 8. i\Iicrugraph of section cut in plane of surface t)f onion root tip cell. The section includes a part of the cytoplasm (bottom half) and passes out of cell obliquely through the plasma membrane (p?n) and then into region of wall (czv). The small densities with a ring around them represent cross sections of plasma- desmata (/)). The component of particular interest here is the endoplasmic reticulum and its distribution just within the plasma membrane. It obviously consists of many tubular units interconnected to form a reticular structure which is contiguous with the inner surface of the plasma membrane (see arrow). One example of this latter situation is encountered in the formation of the cell plate [47]. As is well known, this structure is characteristic of dividing plant cells and first appears in light microscopy as a row of small pectin vesicles arranged along the equator of the telophase spindle [48]. In the electron microscope image the vesicular phase of plate development is preceded by another structure which has the following developmental history. Wjf / / \ . ". r / / ? •^" / H) Vf/ ■\ erW / \ /, N Fig. 9. This shows an early stage in the development of the cell plate between two daughter cells of onion root meristem. The telophase nuclei are at A^ and a new- nuclear envelope has just reformed {ne). Long slender profiles of the ER, present in the interzone, appear noticeably shorter toward the plate region {cp), and at this level they reticulate and intermingle from the two sides to form a dense, irregular lattice of tubules. Within this structure, which has its origins in the marginal extensions of the ER, the early pectin vesicles of the plate first appear (see Fig. 10) for later stage). These grow in number and size and eventually fuse to separate the two daughter cells. (From Porter and Machado, i960.) 148 KEITH R. PORTER During anaphase of mitosis, lamellar and tubular elements of the ER, now divided between the two ends of the cell, invade the spindle from the poles and sides and approach, from opposite directions, the equator of the CW / *y J 'Or; v "A %- .^ ^' I N \ m'' I 3 -, ^cp \ ^ i ^( /• -,0 10 Fk;. 10. Micrograph showing di\ rIuil; clII in cortex ot onion root tip. Telophase nuclei are indicated at A'^, cell plate at cp, and surrounding walls at cw. Numerous slender profiles of the endoplasmic reticulum (er) are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. At the level of the plate, and especially at its margins (arrows), the ER profiles are much shorter and describe the existence here of a compact, irregular lattice of tubular elements. Within this there appear first the small pectin vesicles which by their growth and fusion achieve the separation of the daughter cells. At the centre of the plate (cp) this has already happened, but at the margins, the cells are still not divided. spindle. As they reach this level, they reticulate very much as they do at the cell surface (Fig. 9). There results from this a tri-dimensional inter- mingling of tubular elements from the two daughter protoplasts and it is THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM H9 within this lattice that the so-called pectin vesicles appear (Figs. lo and ii). These increase in number and size from the centre of the plate out- wards, and finally fuse to complete the separation of the two cells [45]. It is not possible at this time to account for the origin of the vesicles, but it would seem that small, restricted loci in the spindle matrix are lysed or otherwise changed and enclosed bv a membrane — possiblv bv virtue of this ^'W^"'"!^' W pv 1 N (^ ph ^ -^ ■ ^ er-— I cw 11 Fig. 1 1. This shows, at higher magnifications, the right-hand margin of the cell plate in Fig. 10. The region of the phragmoplast is indicated at ph. Within the lattice of tubules, which marks the phragmoplast and the advancing margin of the plate, the pectin vesicles {pv) first appear. To the left, in this image and toward the centre of the plate, these have already fused. The outer surface and wall of the cell are at cic. change. The important thing for present purposes is to note the very intimate association of this ER or ER derivative with the events of plate and new wall formation. Whether the small marginal units of the ER contribute enzyme or substrate to the biochemical events leading to pectin and /or early cellulose formation cannot be decided from evidence available. One may suggest, however, that the results of any participation which the ER may take in plate and primary wall formation should reflect any patterns or irregularities in the distribution of elements in the ER. The intimacy shown here between the ER and the cell surface is again pp i^ f- m cw '^12 Fu;. 12. This is identified as the external margin of an epidermal cell of the onion root tip. The nucleus is at A^, a nuclear envelope at ne. Organelles of the cytoplasm include mitochondria (ni), dictyosomes (d), proplastids (pp), and endoplasmic reticulum (er). The surface of the protoplast and its relation to the extracellular wall (nu) are the points of major interest. It appears that the wall has been put down in layers, reflecting, possibly, phases of wall formation. The surface of the protoplast in this instance shows no continuous plasma membrane but only short fragments. In places (arrow), the ends of ER elements project beyond the surface defined by these membrane fragments as though blending with the extra- cellular material. We interpret this image as descriptive of a process of wall formation in which a cortical layer of the cell, with fragments of the contained organelles, is externalized by the development of a new plasma membrane behind it. ■ ^5 -er THE f-XnOFI ASMIC RKTICII.UM I5I J .cw ■J %^ ^^y .:^ — er .;■ -' ■ C > " s cw \\- . - I ■^: H^ .-v- \ "^ ^^ X -er N^ I v \ xw \ -er ^^ V. FiG. 13. This micrograph shows a longitudinal section through a protoxylem cell of the onion root tip. This cell, in the final stages of its differentiation, shows secondary ring thickenings in the wall characteristic of early xylem units. Cross sections of these thickenings are marked civ. The point of interest here is that the ER is patterned with respect to these thickenings ; the evident profiles are marked er. 152 KEITH R. PORTER evident during secondary wall formation (Fig. 12). As before, the ER is represented by small profiles at the cell surface, a reflection of the smaller units comprising the system at this level. At a phase in active wall forma- tion, presumably depicted in Fig. 12, a layer of the cell cortex is externalized and the peripheral elements of the ER with it. In this process of ecdysis, as pointed out in the figure-legend, a new plasma membrane appears to form back of the margin. Again the morphological involvement of the ER is taken to suggest functional involvement and one would gather from the micrographs that parts of the ER are used up in the process [46]. If now these peripheral elements are functionally significant, let us say in cellulose polymerization, any patterns in their distribution at the surface should find some reflection perhaps in the thickness of the wall. One can therefore with profit and interest explore cells where one finds ring or spiral thickenings, as in primitive tracheids. These represent the final stage in the difl^erentiation of these cells and they contain only a small residue of cytoplasm. This and its properties make fixation diflicult. Nonetheless when, after sectioning, these cells are examined, it is found that residual elements of the ER are distributed in a pattern relative to the secondary thickenings (Fig. 13). Earlier stages in the formation of these rings have not been observed as yet, so the character of the ER which anticipates their location cannot be depicted or commented upon. The question of organization in the ER and its role, if any, in the determination of cell form and polarity and the disposition of secondary products of differentiation, is of course a large one and not to be solved with a few electron micrographs. It does seem, however, that the form the E.R adopts is determined in part at least by the molecular architecture of the system itself and more remotely by genie information. In determining through its morphology the spatial intracellular disposition of biochemical reactions, it becomes an instrument for the nuclear control of these phenomena. References 1. Porter, K. R., Claude, A., and Fullam, E.,7. exp. Med. 81, 161 (1945). 2. Hartmann, J. F.,jf. comp. Neurol. 99, 201 (1953). 3. Watson, M. L.,^. biophys. biocheni. Cytol. i, 257 (1955). 4. Porter, K. R., J. exp. Med. 97, 727 (1953). 5. Hagunau, F., Int. Rev. Cytol. 7, 426 (1958). 6. Palade, G. E.,^ biophys. biocheni. Cytol. 2 suppl., 85 (1956). 7. Porter, K. R., in "The Cell", eds. J. Brachet and A. E. Mirsky, Vol. II. Academic Press. 621 (1961). 8. Brachet, J., Arch. Biol. 53, 207 (1941). 9. Caspersson, T., " Cell Growth and Cell Function." New York, Norton (1950). 10. Garnier, Ch., Contribution a I'etude de la structure et du functionnement des cellules glandulaires sereuses. Du role de Tergastoplasm dans la secretion. Thesis, Nancy, No. 50 (1899). THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM 1 53 11. Mathews, A.,jf. 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R., and Alachado, R., European Regional Conference on Electron Microscopy, Delft, (in press) (i960). 47. Porter, K. R., and Caulfield, J. B., " Proc. 4th Internat. Conference on Electron Microscopy." Springer-\'erlag, Berlin, 503 (1958). 154 KEITH R. PORTER 48. Becker, W. A., Bot. Rev. 4, 446 (1938). 49. Godman, G. C, and Porter, K. R.,^ biophys. hiochem. Cytol. 8, 719 (i960). 50. Porter, K. R., and Bruni, C, Atiat. Rec. 136, 260 (i960). Discussion Mazia: Do you know what Dr. Palade meant when he entitled his talk "The endosplasmic reticulum; its good fortune during the last 5 years" ? Porter : I think he intended to show how well or fortunately the system had lent itself to investigation. Davis: Would the available information exclude the possibility that a major function, perhaps more important than the synthetic function, would be that of transport ? In lipid deposition, for example, I presume that at a time when the animal is fed, glucose must get from the exterior to the sites of formation and deposition, while in starvation it moves in the other direction. Is it not possible that the endoplasmic tubes furnish means of communication, the enzymes then being in the proper regions for the process but not necessarily part of the tubes? Porter : I think it very unlikely that glucose or glucose-6-phosphate finds its way into the cavities of the P3R on the uptake side of metabolism. There is, in any case, no evidence of any continuity between pinocytotic vesicles and the ER. Transport of lipid and of fully formed proteins is indicated and presumably the limiting membrane functions in the sequestration of these if not in their synthesis. Allfrey : I am no morphologist but I am brash enough to think that one can answer this question on the penetration of substances into cells by the type of experiment that we have been doing with frog ovocytes. If you take a frog ovocyte and put it into a medium containing radioactive sodium and leucine and then do an autoradiograph, you find that the substance penetrates the nucleus without an apparent prior accumulation in the cytoplasm. We have checked this at a very early time, and it suggests that there is a direct connection between the medium and the membrane system around the nucleus, I would take the argument for transport very seriously. Porter : There are others who feel as you do about this, but where the examina- tion of uptake has been studied with particulate materials which could be visualized afterwards in electron micrographs, no evidence could be found for the migration of particles from the outside into the cavities of the ER. It is conceivable that in this particular material, which Dr. Allfrey knows better than I, there are infoldings of the plasma membrane which reach to considerable depths into the cytoplasms of these cells, and function in transport. It is also possible, I suppose, that the metabolites he mentions move by unchannelled diffusion. If there is continuity between the internal phase of the endoplasmic reticulum and the cell's exterior, even intermittent continuity, and some uptake, it would mean that all manner of materials of the environment would be carried to the cell's interior and even to the surface of the nucleus. This would give the cell a substantial problem in sorting out the useful and rejecting the unuseful. Furthermore it seems to me as rather unlikely that a system obviously used for segregation and sequestration of products THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM 1 55 of synthesis would be designed to accept miscellaneous components of the environment. Jagendorf : I think there is one type of cellular synthesis which is not associated with these membranes. Dr. Beer now at Johns Hopkins has looked at steni collenchyma cells which continue to grow even after being secondarily thickened and his impression is that the new cellulose is deposited very much removed from the cell membrane. Porter: This is a possibility, of course, and I suppose there is no reason why cellulose precursors should not diffuse away from the cell surface before poly- merization. Hestrin : When you see a vesicle in the vicinity of a cellulose fibre, the possi- bility must of course be considered that the fibre arose from the vesicle. This is not however the only possible explanation. In the case of a bacterium Acetobacter xylinutn, cellulose occurs, at a distance from the cells and does not appear to be in necessary physical connection with the cells. It seems necessary to assume for this case that cellulose was excreted in the form of a diflfusible particle and that fibre formation occurred in the medium by a process akin to crystallization, one might be allowed on a basis of analogy to speculate that within plant cells cellulose can also exist in a diflfusible form. Porter: Well, in the first instance I should have emphasized, if I failed to, that this is strictly a morphological association which requires or asks for further investigation. I think you may agree, however, that the association of the ER with the cell surface is a selective one and is probably not without some significance. W'hat it really means is, of course, not evident at this time. Now, in regard to the other point, I recognize that cellulose polymerization or crystallization can take place at points removed from the cell surface, but it was my impression that the polymerization is influenced by a factor that is heat-labile and probably enzymic and produced by the cell. One might expect it to act at the cell surface where liberated. Am I wrong in this ? Hestrin: No other assumption can reasonably be made. Pinocytosis H. HOLTER Carhherg Laboratory, (j)peuluigen, Deiiinark Dr. Porter's report has shown very clearly how intimately the endo- plasmic reticulum and its morphology are related to the problems of protein synthesis. The releyance of pinocytosis in this session is much more doubt- ful ; but since my paper has been included here I shall try to make it as relay ant as I can. Perhaps I may be allowed, for the benefit of those who are not quite familiar with the process of pinocytosis, to recapitulate very briefly its main morphological features. Ths term "pinocytosis", coined by Warren Lewis in 193 1 [14], was originally intended to designate a process of active drinking by cells. In pinocytosis, fluid is taken up discontinuously, in droplets that are engulfed or sucked in by the cell, and the primary products of this acti\ity are fluid- filled vacuoles or yesicles, by which a certain amount of the surrounding medium is transferred to the interior of the cell. Pinocytosis therefore amounts to an uptake of substances, but let me say at once that the term "uptake" should be understood primarily in a spatial sense, as long as the contents of the pinocytosis vesicles remain separated from the cyto- plasm by a vacuolar membrane ; whether or not the process also amounts to an uptake in the physiological sense, depends therefore on the later fate of the vacuoles. Morphologically, pinocytosis displays quite a variety in mechanism and a very wide range of dimensions. In tissue culture cells, the classical object, pinocytosis is brought about by the activity of membranous ruftle pseudo- podia which, by undulating movements, form folds that enclose a certain amount of fluid. The second variety of pinocytosis, very beautifully dis- played by amoebae, is that of invagination (Fig. i). In this process the cell surface forms cavities, in extreme cases long narrow tubes, from which the pinocytosis vacuoles are pinched off^. Pinocytosis by invagination is fairly variable with regard to the shape of the cavities formed, and extremely variable with regard to dimensions. In amoebae the average diameter of the primary pinocytosis vacuoles is about 1-2 /t, while in many other objects it is only discernible by means of the electron microscope, the diameter of the yesicles being from 100 A upwards (Fig. 2). 158 II. HOLTER Regardless of these differences in mechanism and dimensions, the morphologically essential feature is the same ; a certain area of the surface membrane of the cell encloses a droplet of the surrounding medium, separates from the surface and migrates into the cell. Another important feature of pinocytosis is that it does not occur in all media and all the time but is induced by the presence of certain sub- stances in the medium. So far, the induction of pinocytosis has been studied most extensively in amoebae [13, 9, 5, 6] with regard to proteins, amino acids and certain salts. Typical non-inducers are, for instance, the Fig. I. Pinocytosis channels in Amoeba proteiis, induced by i ■5"() solution of bovine plasma albumin. (After Chapman-Andresen and Prescott [9].) carbohydrates. Induction depends on the size of the molecule, pH and other factors connected with electric charge. In amoebae there seems to be a certain not very dramatic molecular specificity; but for mammalian cells at least one case of highly specific induction of pinocytosis has been reported, namelv the action of insulin on HeLa cells [2^] and adipose tissue The findings regarding pinocytosis induction support a hypothesis pronounced by Bennett [3] according to which one of the essential features of pinocytosis consists in the adsorption of molecules or ions to the cell surface membrane, followed by an invagination of the surface at the loaded area, a sliding of the membrane into the invagination. The first experi- mental support of this hypothesis came from papers by Brandt [4] and PINOCYTOSIS 159 Schumaker [27]. Brandt induced pinocytosis in amoebae by means of a fluorescent protein, and could directly demonstrate that a fluorescent film is adsorbed to the surface of the amoeba and that the same film coats the inside of the pinocytosis channels and pinocytosis vacuoles. Since then, other examples for the surface adsorption of pinocytosis-inducers have been found [21, 15]. With regard to the nature of the adsorbing sites the hypothesis has been advanced by Marshall, Schumaker, and Brandt [15] and by Chapman- Andresen [6] that they are furnished by the mucous coat that is known to occur at the surface not only of amoebae but of many, perhaps all, pinocytic cells. I believe that Dr. Marshall will tell you more about this problem. Fig. 2. Electron micrograpli ot jejcnum of 3-clay-iikl mouse (original magni- fication X 6500) showing pinocytic vesicles of varying size originating from the brush border. (After Clark and Wochner [9a].) According to this well-supported hypothesis, therefore, we may assume that the adsorption of a suitable inducer brings about a surface reaction by which the adsorbed substance, together with some of the solvent, is transported into the cell. This is in good agreement with the morphological observations. The question is now: What is the physiological significance of such a process .'' Is the physiologically predominant feature of pino- cytosis the specific uptake of the absorbed substance, often high-molecular, or is it the accompanying uptake of the fluid ? This question cannot be answered in a general way on the basis of our present knowledge. Important features of the process are certainly dif- ferent after the induction, for instance, by salts and by proteins, and my personal guess is that different cells in different situations will be found to utilize the possibilities of pinocytosis for different physiological means. l6o H. HOLTER However this may be, it is certain that pinocytosis can be a means of introducing certain substances, including proteins and amino acids, into vesicles that migrate into the cell interior. The next question is then : Are such substances available for the metabolism of the cell ? This question is not only a figure of speech ; we must not forget that many of the sub- stances which have been found to enter by pinocytosis, are high-molecular compounds to which the cell membrane is assumed to be impermeable — the same membrane, in fact, which by the mechanism of invagination becomes the boundary of the pinocytosis vesicles. The properties of this membrane, therefore, and its possible changes inside the cell become the main problem in our understanding of the physiological significance of pinocytosis. During the migration of the vesicles from the periphery toward the interior there occurs a rather intense dehydration which is often plainly discernible in time-lapse movies as a shrinkage of the vacuoles. However, just as often this process of shrinkage is counteracted or even overcom- pensated by another frequent occurrence, namely, the fusion of the original small vesicles to larger vacuoles, so that the actual view in the microscope usually presents an array of vacuoles of very difl^erent sizes. In spite of this, the actual occurrence of dehydration causing a concentra- tion of the vacuolar contents was made rather probable by Marshall and myself [13] by means of centrifugation experiments in which we found that after pinocytosis the density of the pinocvtosis vacuoles, identifiable as such by the content of a fluorescent marker, was steadily increasing. Recently Roth [26] has published very interesting observations regard- ing the changes occurring in pinocytosis vacuoles after ingestion. He has shown that the vacuolar membrane displays a rather intense form of "internal micropinocytosis" by which, as he assumes, the contents of the primary vacuoles are distributed in the cytoplasm. Roth [26] also points to an important fact, which perhaps had not been sufiiciently considered by previous authors : pinocytosis, and especiallv if repeated in a second step internally, results in an enormous increase of active internal surface available for diffusion. Chapman-Andresen and Nilsson [8] in our laboratory have found that this process of secondary micropinocytosis begins during channel formation (Fig. 3). The only morphological change of the vacuolar membrane in amoebae that can be observed in the electron microscope is that the mucous coat that covers the plasmalemma and after invagination forms a lining on the inside of the pinocytosis vacuoles, disappears after some time. Miiller and Rappay [16] have reported that the periodic acid-Schiff reaction which is given both by the plasmalemma and the vacuolar lining, disappears later on in the vacuole. In our laboratory [7] we studied the permeability of pinocytic vacuoles to radioactive glucose and have obtained evidence PINOCYTOSIS l6l which we interpreted to indicate that the permeabihty of the vacuolar membrane is changed after interiorization, with the effect that at least some of the substances confined in the vacuoles can penetrate into the cytoplasm. How this penetration occurs, and whether or not it involves some sort of a breakdown, could not be decided by our experiments. Thus, while there are some indications that a change in the membrane of the pinocvtosis vacuole occurs during its migration to the interior of the Fk;. 3. Electron micrograph of pinocvtosis channel in Amoeba proteiis, showing micropinocytic vesicles and mitochondria close to the channel. (After Chapman- Andresen and Nilsson [S].) cell we can from the evidence so far discussed derive no hint as to how this change might be brought about. I believe, however, that this question may be answered in time, when we know more about another problem of pinocytosis which I should now like to discuss. It concerns the relationship between pinocytosis vesicles and certain of the cytoplasmic structures inside the cell. There are at present two main schools of thought regarding this question. One connects the pinocytosis vesicles with the lysosomes, the other with the endophisfiiic rcticith/iii, and I shall try very briefly to outline the two views. l62 H. HOLTER The first important observation that ought to be mentioned in this connection was made by Rose [25] who in a strain of HeLa cells by means of a time-lapse film demonstrated that certain granules, which he called " micro-kinetospheres ", actively make contact with newly ingested pino- cytosis vacuoles, and fuse with them. He assumes that by this process certain enzymes are injected into the vesicles, and that this is a necessary condition for the later shrinkage and change in refraction index of the vesicles which he observes. Rose himself suggests that the microkineto- spheres might be identical with the lysosomes. Alkaline Phosphata lII!'''^''^1ilBlFS'^'"'"''''''"'^ ^^/cf •.'oxidative •■/TTiVa' • ■ ■" • • • • . /77\ pM05P«OBYl.ATI0N,*vV^ '^^ . ' •..i?*^^^^*^^' <^ . V^^ Fig. 4. Diagrammatic representation of a cell in the proximal convolution of the rat kidney. (After NovikofF [18].) Micropinocytosis vacuoles (p) are shown forming at the ends of the canalicular structures (c) extending into the cell between adjacent microvilli (mv) of the brush border. These are shown fusing into larger vacuoles (v), which are transformed into lysosomes (L). Other abbreviations are: A, oxidized substrate; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; AH2, reduced substrate; Al'P, adenosine triphosphate; ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase; BM, basement membrane; E, endothelial cell of blood capillary; GA, Golgi apparatus; N, nucleus; and Pi, orthophosphate. Lysosomes were detected and named by deDuve and his coworkers [10] who have shown them to be the carriers of a whole array of hydrolytic enzymes and who assume that they are the main instruments of intracellular digestion. Rose's interpretation, that pre-existing lysosomes by fusion convey digestive enzymes to the pinocytic vesicles is certainly a very tempting one. It conflicts, however, to a certain degree with another point of view according to which the pinocytic vesicles are transformed into lysosomes. This point of view is held by Straus [29] who studied the uptake of peroxidase, a protein marked by its enzymic activity, and des- PINOCYTOSIS 163 cribed its "segregation" into granules which he called phagosomes. Recently, [17, 18] Xovikoff has devoted himself to the question of a possible connection between pinocytosis and lysosomes. His hypothesis is summarized in the diagram shown in Fig. 4, which he has kindly per- mitted me to use. According to this interpretation the lysosomes are derived from pinocytosis vacuoles and are regarded as the end products of their transformation inside the cell. The exact nature of this assumed transformation is not clear, and especially not the way in which the outfit of hydrolytic enzymes which defines the lysosomes, should be acquired. One interesting suggestion is based on the fact that at least one of the characteristic enzymes of lysosomes, namely acid phosphatase, has been found by Novikoff [18] to occur in those regions of the cell membrane of Amoeba proteiis, to which food particles attach before engulfment. This might indicate that an essential feature of the formation of lysosomes is the transport of surface enzymes into the cell interior by means of pinocytosis, and this would of course tie in verv nicely with Bennett's views on mem- brane flow from the surface into the cell. Closely connected with the problem of a relation between pinocytosis vacuoles and lysosomes is probably the similar claim of a connection between pinocytosis vacuoles and mitochondria. This claim was put forward by Gey and his coworkers [11] and has recently been revived by Robineaux and Pinet [24] on the basis of their interference-microkine- photographic investigations of protein uptake by macrophages. It seems to me that the question is in reality one of being able morphologically to differentiate between lysosomes and mitochondria, which may be difficult without the aid of the electron microscope and cytochemical technique. The other school of thought links the fate of the pinocytic vesicles to the endoplasmic reticulum. This goes back to the work of Palade [19] who claimed the continuitv of the cell surface with the membrane system of the reticulum. I should like to present to you this view by means of another schematic diagram, taken with the author's kind permission, from Siekevitz's [28] Ciba lecture (Fig. 5). The essential part of the diagram for us at the moment is that depicting the migration of pinocvtic vesicles toward, and fusion with, the intracellular spaces of the endoplasmic reticulum. This process is an important feature of Bennett's [3] and Palade's [19] \iews regarding the connection between surface membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum, but its reality was not strictly proven and it is therefore also marked off" as hypothetical in Siekevitz's diagram. Very recently, howe\"er, Palay [20] has described an example of the process. He studied fat absorption by the cells of the in- testinal wall of rats, and found that fat droplets that enter these cells by means of pinocytic vesicles could be observed again as inclusions in the perinuclear space. If this observation can be shown to be valid (and we 164 H. HOLTER have learned from Dr. Porter's review that other interpretations are possible) then it would certainly seem to indicate the existence of a spatial continuity between pinocy tic vesicles and the endoplasmic reticulum. In Siekevitz's diagram two alternatives are given for the fate of the pinocytic vesicles. One is their fusion with the channels of the endoplasmic reticulum, discussed above, the other is their disappearance into the general cytoplasmic matrix. As we have seen, a third possibility would be their transformation into granular cell organelles, perhaps of the lysosome type. At present we cannot decide if only one of these possibilities is actually realized or if several processes operate at the same time, perhaps with shifting preponderance, according to the metabolic needs of the Fig. 5. Stylized representation of a cell, showing a channel of the endo- plasmic reticulum (er) and its relation to the perinuclear space and pinocytic and secretory processes. (After Siekevitz [28].) cell. All possibilities are highly interesting, but today the situation is not ripe for too-detailed speculation. There is, however, another aspect of the matter that I should like to mention. It is well known that at least in amoeboid cells the process of pinocytosis has its counterpart in the vacuolar discharge of material. This is realized for instance in the filling up of the contractile vacuole [22] by fluid-filled vesicles that fuse with the main vacuole, and also, with certain morphological modifications, in the process of defaecation (Fig. 6). One might say that pinocytosis works both ways, and it has also been necessary to assume processes of inverted pinocytosis in several cases where pino- cytosis was considered to mediate not orily the introduction of substances into cells but also the transport of substances t/irougli cells. As depicted in PINOCYTOSIS 165 Sieke\itz's diagram (Fig. 5) and as discussed in Dr. Porter's review, a similar process is generally assumed to occur in the discharge of secretion products formed in the endoplasmic reticulum. It would seem that the endoplasmic reticulum, if it reallv can be shown to torm the link between the ingestion and secretion pathways of the cell, might provide a mechanism that could explain the selectivity of pinocytosis. With regard to this problem of selecti\ity we are still very much in the dark. It is true that the process of surface adsorption prior to pinocytosis affords a specific enrichment of the adsorbed solute in the pinocytosis vacuoles. But this can cover only part of the problem. So far no one has been able to give a satisfactory answer to the question : What happens to v-.^.. f-€5vti).' Fig. 6. Defaecation in amoebae. Two instances of defaecation. Above: food remnants; below: cluster of crystals. In both instances the vacuole is seen at the right, brought close to the surface in the tip of a short pseudopod. At the left, the objects have been expelled by rupture of the membrane and lie free in the medium. (After Andresen and Holter [i].) substances which are dissohed in the fluid ingested together with the surface membrane and which are of no use, or even toxic, to the cell .'* There must be some opportunity for a highly specific process of discrimina- tion somewhere, but it has not seemed very satisfactory to explain any high degree of discrimination on the basis of mere changes in the permea- bility of the vacuolar membrane. For this it seems necessary to assume the action of some sort of active transport mechanism in the interior of the cell, situated either at the membranes of the pinocytosis vesicles, or perhaps in the membrane system of the endoplasmic reticulum. Again the experimental evidence at the present time does not justify more than very tentative speculation on this important point. l66 H. HOLTER The trouble is that most of the experimental work on pinocytosis so far has been done with amoebae, and in these organisms very little is known about an endoplasmic reticulum, if indeed there exists a recog- nizable equivalent of this organelle in the amoeba's constantly streaming cytoplasm. What we need is an experimental study of pinocytosis in some mammalian cells of well-known submicroscopic anatomy. I should like to wind up by a short, but perhaps not wholly superfluous, discussion of terminological problems. There is no doubt that pinocytosis is a word that at present enjoys a certain popular appeal, in marked contrast to the situation only a few years ago. Once in a while one cannot help being afraid that the label "pino- cytosis" is applied without much regard to definition in many instances in which an actual evidence simply consists in the observation of vesicles of unknown origin. On the other hand many new names are being created — too many to mention here — and the revival of the Greek language has been quite considerable in an attempt to describe more or less specialized instances of phenomena that seem to be quite adequately covered by the two oldest and most widespread terms, namely phagocytosis and pinocytosis. However, the real issue is whether or not even these two terms should be maintained as separate concepts. Personally I have repeatedly expressed the view [12] that there is no sharp delimitation between phagocytosis and pinocytosis, since the main difl^erence seems not to be the mechanism of the process, but only the nature of the ingested material. The results of most investigations in the last years certainly seem to support the tendency of minimizing the difference between the various forms of surface invagina- tion. I have tried to present to you the present state of the pinocytosis problem, as it stands. It is a rapidly developing field, full of contradictions and unsolved questions. But nevertheless I feel that some progress has been made in the last years, and that some of the perspectives that have been opened up are of great interest for all branches of cell biology and therefore, in an indirect way perhaps, also relevant to the topics of this symposium. References 1. Andresen, N., and Ilolter, H., C. R. Lab. Carlsberg Ser. c/iini. 25, 107-146 (1944)- 2. Barrnett, R. J., and Ball, E. Cj., 7. biop/iys. bioc/wtii. Cytol. 8, 83-101 (i960). 3. Bennett, S.,X biophys. biochem. Cytol. 2, Part 2 Siippl. 99-103 (1956). 4. Brandt, P. W., Exp. Cell Res. 15, 300-313 (1958). 5. Chapman-Andresen, C, C. R. Lab. Carhberg. 31, 77-92 (1958). 6. Chapman-Andresen, C, "Proceedings of Symposium of Society for Cell Biology", Paris (i960). PINOCYTOSIS 167 7. Chapman-Andresen, C, and Holter, H., Exp. Cell. Res. Suppl. 3, 52-63 (1955). 8. Chapman-Andresen, C, and Xilsson, J. R., Exp. Cell Res. 19, 631-633 (i960). 9. Chapman-Andresen, C, and Prescott, D. M., C. R. Lab. Carhberg, Ser. cliirn. 30, 57-78 (1956). 9a. Clark, S. L., Jr., and Wochner, D., Anat. Rec. 130, 286 (1958). 10. deDuve, Chr., in " SubceUular Particles", ed. T. Hayashi. Ronald Press, New- York, 128-159 (1959)- 1 1. Gey, G. O., Shapras, P., and Barysko, E., Ann. X.Y. Aead. Sci. 58, 1089 (1954). 12. Holter, H., in " Internation. Review of Cytology", Vol. 8, ed. G. H. Bourne and J. F. Danielli. Academic Press, New York, 481-504 (1959). 13. Holter, H., and Marshall, J. M., Jr., C. R. Lob. Carhberg Ser chini. 29, 7-26 (1954)- 14. Lewis, W. ¥{.,yoluis Hopk. Hasp. Bull. 49, 17-28 (1931). 15. Marshall, J. M., Jr., Schumaker, V. N., and Brandt, P. W., Ann. \\Y. Acad. Sci. 78, 515-523 (1958). 16. Miiller, M., and Rappay, G., Mag. Tud. Akad. Biol. Csoport.Kozl. 3, 81-86 (1959)- 17. NovikofF, .A.. B., /// "Developing Cell Systems and Their Control", ed. D. Rudnick. Ronald Press, New York (i960). 18. Xovikoff, A. B., /;/ "Biology of Pyelonephritis", ed. K. Quinn and E. Kass. Little, Brown and Co., Boston (i960). 19. Palade, G. E.,y. biaphys. biochem. Cytal. 2, Siippl. 85 (1956). 20. Palay, S. h.,y. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 7, 391-392 (i960). 21. Pappas, G. D., 10/// Int. Congr. Cell Biol. 94-95 (i960). 22. Pappas, G. D., and Brandt, P. \V., J. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 4, 485-488 (1958). 23. Paul, ].,J. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 8, 83-101 (i960). 24. Robineau.x, R., and Pinet, J., Ciba Eoundation Symposium on Cellular Aspects of Immunity I, 5 (1959). 25. Rose, G. Cj.,y. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 3, 697-704 (1957). 26. Roth, L. E.,^. Protozoology 7, 176-185 (i960). 27. Schumaker, V. N., Exp. Cell. Res. 15, 314 (1958). 28. Siekevitz, P., Ciba Foundatioii Symposiimi on Cell Metabolism 17-49 (1959). 29. Straus, W.,y. bi(jphys. biochem. Cytol. 4, 541-550 (1958). Discussion DoRF.MAN : I would like to mention one thing that may have some connection, somewhat far fetched, relating to the biosynthesis of the membrane, and that is in the case of our study of the synthesis of polyuronic acid in bacteria. We have been able to localize the enzyme of the final polymerization in the cells of the protoplast membrane, which can be prepared pure. There is no RX.A. left in them and thus this membrane is serving a function similar to the endoplasmic reticulum in the cells that Dr. Holter suggested. I just wonder whether in this question of transport if it isn't only the final polymerization of the macromolecules that is occurring at this anatomically localized site because all the other enzymic activities required to forni the viridine nucleotides are all perfectly soluble and removed. It is only the final polymerizing reaction that is localized to these membranes. Campbell: I would like to ask about the possibility o j-'^hether the lysosomes are derived from the pinocytotic vesicles. I think it is shown from the work of 1 68 H. HOLTER Coons that proteins do certainly get inside the cell intact. Now if they go in by pinocytosis then we know also from the work of Simpson and Steinberg in the States, that the breakdown of these proteins takes place by perhaps a reversal of protein synthesis, that is to say not by proteolytic enzymes. As the lysosomes are suicide squads containing proteolytic enzymes, it seems unlikely that the intact proteins are broken down in the lysosomes. On this basis the lysosomes would not be derived from pinocytotic vesicles. HoLTER : I quite agree and I think it is one of the main objections to the whole lysosome theory, but I just wanted to present the views that have been suggested. What we really need to do is to reconcile the vacuolar membrane with the evidence for uptake of high molecular svibstances which have been claimed to enter the cytoplasm even without loss of their antigenic properties. To explain this we need to get rid of the membrane barrier somehow. There are people who just assume that the membrane of the pinocytic vesicles disappears, so that their contents are released into the cytoplasm. But clear evidence for this is lacking. In amoebae we have never been able to see the membrane disappear and I understand from Dr. Porter that also the other instances in which such a membrane has been reported to disappear are doubtful on technical grounds. So this is one of the many problems that are still open. Davis: I would like to mention an observation which may possibly throw light on this problem. At Harvard Medical School Manfred Karnovsky has been study- ing the metabolic effects of phagocytosis, and has found that the process of engulfing particles markedly stimulates the rate of incorporation of phosphate into phos- pholipid. This suggests that the material of the membrane is turning over. HoLTER : Yes, I know that work, and I would also like to mention that, if I remember correctly, the author regards the resynthesis of membrane as the limiting factor for the duration of the phagocytic activity. Furthermore, this paper is the only one I know of where the energetics of such processes have been considered. It is work of that kind that we badly need also in pinocytosis investigations. LooMis: I was wondering if the disappearance of the nuclear membrane during mitosis casts any light on how membranes can disappear and reappear. Holter: I don't know. Do you ? Porter: Well, the observations available suggest that it simply fragments into a lot of smaller vesicles without any decrease or increase in the total area of the membrane involved. The Ergastoplasm in the Mammary Gland and Its Tumours: An Electron Microscope Study with Special Reference to Caspersson's and Santesson's A and B Cells F. Haguenau and K. H. Hollmann Lahoyatoire de Mcdecine Experiniciita/e dii College de France, Paris, France To all cytologists nowadays, the ergastoplasm is a well-defined entity, the ultrastructure of which may be considered as characteristic ([i, 2], and Porter this volume). Its particular importance lies in the fact that it corresponds to the cytoplasmic nucleic acid (RNA) and is directly involved in protein synthesis. In spite of much knowledge acquired during the last few years the meaning of some ultrastructural aspects of ergastoplasm still escapes our understanding. It is our purpose, by taking the example of the mammary gland, to comment upon these aspects because though they are mentioned and acknowledged by many they ha\e not yet sufficiently been put forward. At the onset we wish very briefly to go back to the question of nomen- clature. Contrary to what might have been expected from the confused situation which reigned at the beginning, agreement has been reached between cytologists and, most of the time, the same terms are being used now to design the same constituents : Ergastoplasm: System of intracytoplasmic membranes characterized by the presence of granules attached to its outer surface. ''Organized'' Ergastoplasm: Such a system when abundant and more or less arranged in parallel array. ''Endoplasmic Reticulum'': Membrane component of this system (con- tinuous with other intracytoplasmic membranous organelles in the cell especially the Golgi apparatus). Ribonucleoprotein granules (RNP-granules, " Ribosomes ") : The granular component of ergastoplasm either membrane-attached or isolated in the ground cytoplasm. The following diagram will be helpful : 170 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN trgastoplasm (organized) Endoplasmic reticulum RNP-granules 'nbosomes' Fig. I. It is the relationship, if any, between one form and the other, in par- ticular that of "organized ergastoplasm" to RNP-granules which is not clear and that we will now consider in the mammary gland and specially in its cancers. I. Ergastoplasm in the normal mammary gland Classic cytologists long ago discovered ergastoplasm in the mammary gland and described the strongly basophilic filaments present in great amount at the basis of the secretory cell [3, 4] and Fig. 2(0). This baso- philia disappears under the action of ribonuclease and the reaction is greater during the first phase of the secretory cycle. It then decreases to appear again with reconstitution of the alveolar cells. The various changes occurring in ergastoplasm are also easily followed in the fluorescent microscope after acridine orange staining. In the electron microscope, development of the ergastoplasm during the lactation period is remarkable (Fig. 2(b)). Its order and ultrastructure are characteristic. Ribonucleoprotein particles are regularly arranged at the surface of the membrane system of the endoplasmic reticulum which itself is organized in parallel lamellae (Figs. 3 and 4). This "organization" in parallel array is one of the essential features of the ergastoplasm at that stage. Only when ergastoplasm is found in this "organized" form does elaboration of milk occur. The ultrastructural details of the secretion have been described in two recent studies in the rat [5] and in the mouse [6]. It has been shown that milk secretion in these species is made up of at least two morphologically distinct elements probably corresponding to protein secretion for the one and to lipid secretion for the other. The topo- graphical relationship between lipid secretion and definite cell organelles is still under discussion while on the contrary, formation of protein granules appears clearly related to the Golgi complex. Indeed it is exclusively in THE ERGASTOPLASlM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 17I the Golgi vacuoles that these granules are found before they break out into the granular lumen (see Fig. S). The part plaved bv the ergastoplasm in the elaboration of these protein granules is not clear [^, 6]. All our present knowledge, however, indicates that its role is fundamental. This interpretation is based on : (i) the continuity which exists between ergastoplasm and Golgi apparatus, the whole membrane system of w^hich constitutes the endoplasmic reticulum; (2) the enzymic studies of the Fig. 2(a). Lactating mammary gland. Aspect of ergastoplasm in the light microscope. .After toluidine blue staining it appears as dense basophilic masses ( -) X 1600. Rockefeller School in particular, which have shown that in the pancreas the same enzymes were present in the RNP-granules and in the final secretion granule [7a]. The first fact, the continuity of the membrane svstem is established now in a suflicient number of different tvpes of mammalian cells to be considered as valid for all types of cells ([i], and Porter in this symposium). The second fact is not yet biochemicallv demonstrated for glandular organs other than pancreas but the similarity of the ultrastructural pattern of all secretory cells studied up to now is strong indication that comparable mechanisms are invoked in all cases. On morphological grounds on the other hand, evidence is not easy to 172 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN Fig. 2(b). Electron microscope aspect of a lactating mammary gland at the peak of its activity. At right glandular lumen filled with secretion product (nunierous small protein granules and large lipid droplets). Note the typical parallel arrange- ment of the "organized" ergastoplasm in the cytoplasm of the glandular cells. In contrast, the myoepithelial cell (cm), not concerned with secretion, contains no ergastoplasm. x 7100. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 73 *, ■% -^ Fig. 3. Higher magnification of ergastoplasm in the cell of a lactating mammary gland. "Organized" ergastoplasm is typically made of RNP-granules attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum, N = nucleus, x 51 500. 174 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN s '^. p \^^ ^VTfAifl^ ^^^^ \ yC^ * /--^ Fig. 4. Another aspect of ergastoplasm in the cell of a lactating mammary gland, to demonstrate parallel array of " organizei.!" ergastoplasm. Here fixation with KMnOi has not preserved the RNP-granulei. x 34 000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 75 provide. It must be pointed out that even in the case of the pancreas, the morphological demonstration of a relation between ergastoplasm and protein granules is restricted to the one example of guinea-pig pancreas [7]. Likewise in the mammary gland, aspects showing this relationship are exceptional. It is in one pathological case only that an example could be found where protein granules had accumulated in the lamellar system of the ergastoplasm (Fig. 5). When such images are found however they lead to the belief that protein elaboration may take place in the RNP-granules bordering the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and that secreted products then proceed towards the Golgi apparatus where they will take on their final form. Siekevitz [8, 9] has elegantly developed the matter. When the mammary gland enters the involution phase which follows its active secretory phase, the reduction of the alveolar trunk is spectacular and similar to that of the virgin gland. Its ultrastructural counterpart, likewise is striking. The rare persisting ducts or buds are lined with mono- tonous-looking cells. The nuclei are shrunken, the cytoplasm clear, hardly containing under-developed organelles. The ergastoplasm in particular is now only represented by rare dispersed RNP-granules or isolated dotted membranes. Not only is this decrease quantitative but from the special ultrastructural point of view with which we are concerned, the ergasto- plasm has not retained the lamellar organization which was characteristic of active secretion and under this form it has disappeared together with the secretion granules themselves (Fig. 6). Though this remarkable arrangement of the ergastoplasm has always been noted and described, its absolute relation to actual secretory activity has not been specially emphasized. Yet it is striking. If one creates con- ditions in which the physiological secretion is modified as under the influence of hormones in the case of the mammary gland this organization typical at first (Fig. 2) does not persist in the absence of sucking and is disrupted after prolonged stimulation (Fig. 8). 2. The ergastoplasm in cancer of the mammary gland The bond between normal secretion and presence of parallel-organized ergastoplasm is further demonstrated if tumours are studied. It is most striking that in over 100 cases of liiiman breast cancer studied in the electron microscope [10, 11] none has been found where ergasto- plasm organized in parallel arrav was present in noticeable amount. There has been one exception to the rule onlv (Fig. 9), but in this case so many other features were aberrant [12] that it cannot be taken int(^ account in the present discussion. The rarity of ergastoplasm under this form is here again linked to absence of the normal physiological secretion. Other secretion products may be found in these cancerous cells such as 176 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN Fig. 5. Protein granules in the cisternae of ergastoplasni in a human cancer cell. This is a very rare finding, x 36 000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 77 V ff -■ ■'iLS--A .^ ¥iG. 6. Typical aspect of virgin gland cells in the mouse to show the absence of "organized" ergastoplasm and even the rarity of RNP-granules. In the upper part of the picture is the lumen whilst at the base of the glandular cells is a myo- epithelial cell. X 10 100. 178 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN Fig. 7. Low power view of a whole acinvis in a virgin mammary gland after 48 days oestrogen stimulation. "Organized" ergastoplasm is still present but lipidic storage is conspicuous, x 7000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 79 m^ 'fc • f' #. *t '■^ ^ • ,• f • Fig. 8. Similar experimental conditions but at a later stage. "Organized" ergastoplasm has been disrupted and only RNP-granules are present. Note the typical localization of protein granules in Golgi vacuoles, x 28 250. i8o ■*f / .»*► '••i ^ F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN * St .^•,- (% ^f ' ;^ t?« ^j .rt#^ Fig. 9. Large amount of "organized" ergastoplasm in one case of human cancer, a rare finding. The granular mass at bottom right corresponds to a tangen- tial section; only the surface RNP-granules have been concerned by it, while transverse sections show both the membrane and granular constituents of ergasto- plasm. Intermediate aspects are easily followed in this picture, x 26 000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS l8l >■■■ * *< f H. Fig. io. Human mammary carcinoma. An example of one of the most frequent aspects. The cytoplasm is almost devoid of ergastoplasm and other organelles. These cells correspond to the B type of Caspersson and Santesson. x 3950. 182 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN lipid droplets for instance but these are not accompanied by the typi- cal arrangement referred to here. On the whole, ergastoplasm in human breast cancer is not abundant and is not present in its "organized" form (Fig. lo). This description, however, would lead to an erroneous representation were it not completed by another important feature directly related to the problem of nucleic acids in cancer cells. This concerns the A and B types of cells described by Caspersson and Santesson [13] in the course of their studies with ultraviolet absorption technique. These two basic types of cells were characterized by, the A cell "a well-developed cytoplasmic protein-forming system", the B cell, "a nucleolar apparatus showing signs of intense function but practically none of protein or nucleic acid formation in the cytoplasm" (Caspersson [14], pp. 142-145) (Fig. 11). Other authors have confirmed this description though often using a different appellation for the two types of cells [15, 16, 17, 18]. Their exis- tence is important since a relation could be established between the type of cells present in tumours and sensitivity to radiation [15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22]. The consequences of this from a prognostic as well as a therapeutic point of view would justifv greater development but would lead us into the whole chapter of the relation between irradiation, growth, differentia- tion, ageing and death of the cell. What matters to us here is that in the electron microscope, two types of cells corresponding roughly to those originally described by Caspersson and Santesson may be readily observed [10, 11] (Fig. 12). Though a simultaneous spectrophotometric and electron microscopic study of the same cells has still not been achieved, parallel cytochemical studies (methyl-green-pyronin and fluorescent acridine orange stains) leave little place for doubt on the subject. Though A cells are formed in all types of cancer studied in the electron microscope so far, they are particularly noticeable in breast cancers. Not all of these contain them nor are they present in cancers only. They can be observed in hormone-stimulated glands or in benign tumours. In this case their number is always small and their localization at the periphery of a lobule. This corresponds to the typical localization noticed by Caspersson and Santesson. In breast cancers, however, not only can their number be greatly increased but the peripheral arrangement is no longer respected. In the electron microscope the morphological characteristics of A and Fig. II. A and B cells in human mammary cancers as seen in the ultraviolet microscope. The difference of absorption at 2570 A wavelength is very obvious between the two types of cells, x 770 and x 550. (By courtesy of Prof. T. O. Caspersson) THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY r.T.AXn AND IT? Tr:\IOURS 183 1 84 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN Fig. 12. Low power view of a human cancer rich in A and B cells to show their intrication. The B cells have a clear cytoplasm with almost no ergastoplasm, and a voluminous spherical-shaped nucleus with prominent nucleolus. The A cells contain a much denser nucleus with festooned limits. Ergastoplasm is abundant and totally disorganized. In the particular example here vacuolation is marked. This aspect possibly corresponds to necrosis, x 4300. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 85 B cells correspond to Caspersson and Santesson's original description, and refinement of criteria allows better detection, better study of their repar- tition and lays stress on the importance of all intermediate aspects be- tween the two A and B extreme types (Transitional T cells of Gusberg et al. [18] Towell [22] (Fig. 14). Neither the B (Fig. 10) nor the intermediate (Fig. 14) type of cell which constitute the bulk of the tumour will concern us in the following description because they have been referred to in the first part of this paper and it has been shown that their ergastoplasm is not particularly developed and not typically organized. The A type of cell, on the contrary will be described in detail because of its richness in ergastoplasm which corresponds to the high content of cvtoplasmic RNA found with the ultraviolet absorption technique. Their ultrastructural appearance is striking (Figs. 12, 13, 15, 16). Usually smaller than adjacent cells they are often sharply edged, and when not at the periphery, wedged in between the other cells. They contrast with these by the remarkable density of both their nucleus and their cytoplasm. The nucleus is characteristic, its chromatin is coarse and mottled, its limits festooned. In the cytoplasm, the ergastoplasm is densely packed and present either in its unorganized form of numerous RNP-granules or organized in a lamellar system. This latter organization, however, is distinct from that of the normal array mentioned above and related to physiological secretion. No regularity is found in the repartition of the RNP-granules along the membranes and the parallel arrangement of these is not regular either (Figs. 13, 15). Distension of the interlamellar space is often conspicuous and in many A types of cells is so marked that a lace-like pattern is outlined (Fig. 16). These cells appear vacuolated and since their nuclei are often shrunken as well, they easily evoke the picture of a degenerating necrotic cell. It is therefore impossible, on an ultra- structural basis to decide whether the typical A type of cell corresponds to a young, still undifiPerentiated element as believed by most or whether it is not simply a necrotic cell. It is not the place here to argue about the matter. The important notion is that two different types of cells at least have been detected with spectro- photometric and staining techniques and are detected again in the electron microscope. Whether thev are absolutely identical with the A and B cells of Caspersson and Santesson and whether they represent young or aged elements is fundamental only to explain their significance. If this could be imderstood, it is possible that great advances would be achieved in ultrastructural cytology of cancer because the great development of A cells in some neoplasms represents the only ultrastructural characteristic common to different types of cancer. Indeed there is no difference between some A type cells observed in adenocarcinoma of the breast and those 1 86 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN Fig. 13. Detail of an A type of cell wedged in between two "B" cells. Note the density and irregularity of ergastoplasm pattern, x 22 500. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 87 i' ''f*^ ■^ rf- Fig. 14. Two different adjacent types of cells. At bottom a "B" cell with clear cytoplasm contrasts with a dense cell, the cytoplasm of which contains many RNP-granules. This is not a typical "A" cell, because the nucleus is not festooned and the nucleolus is still conspicuous but coarseness of chromatin is incipient. This cell may be considered as intermediate between the A and B "extreme" types. X 12 250. F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN C*'' f ./ Fig. 15. "A" type of cells in human mammary cancer. Note their dense aspect, the coarseness of chromatin granules, the festooned limits of the nuclei and the abundance of peculiar ergastoplasm in the cytoplasm, x 26 000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS l8g *- . "-^if Tpgr, .,_2-»-i!K ^^^ ~' i fc'rf Fig. i6. Another aspect of A cells in a human mammary carcinoma. Ik-ie again the granularity of chromatin is evident. Ergastoplasm is restricted only to cytoplasmic remnants due to distension of its channels. This intense vacuolization leads to a lace-like pattern and probably corresponds as in F'ig. 12 to necrosis. At upper left a "B" cell with normal cytoplasm shows that preservation of the preparation cannot be responsible for the lace-like aspect, x 7200. 190 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN observed for example in hepatoma (unpublished data) or in uterine cervix cancer (Hinglais-Guillaud, pers. comm.). In experimentally induced mammary tumours cells of the mouse and of the rat ergastoplasm is again never found in its typical organized form as will be developed now. The mammary neoplasms of these rodents have been studied in the electron microscope almost uniquely from the angle of their possible viral aetiology. Most of these papers, concerned with virus detection (Bittner agent in the mouse), mention only briefly if at all the general histological aspect of the tumour or the characteristics of the constituting cells. But if one concentrates on this aspect, one observes that no " organized ergastoplasm" is to be found in these cells where no lactation occurs. Ergastoplasm is present mostly under the form of RNP-granules, abundant in some cells, sparse in others (Figs. 17, 18). Not only are these cells rapidly dividing but also they are deeply involved in virus formation as evidenced by the presence of virus particles both mature (in the acinar lumen) and in the process of formation (at the cellular membrane) (Fig. 18). In the rat, likewise, mammary tumours are devoid of "organized ergastoplasm" (Fig. 19). There also, it is possible that virus formation occurs since elements have been discovered in the electron microscope [23] which from their morphology could be virus particles. The role they play in the aetiology of the tumour has not yet been established. From all these observations on the ergastoplasm of the mammary gland cell the following conclusions may be drawn. (i) In the normal gland, typical "organized" ergastoplasm is charac- teristically related to physiological secretion. It is an attribute of the normal lactating cell. (2) In experimentally induced tumours, ergastoplasm is found mainly under a "non-organized" form, principally RNP-granules [i, 24]. These thus appear to be related to rapid cell replication or to forms of protein synthesis other than normal secretion, virus formation in particular. Such aspects of ergastoplasm are also characteristic of embryonic cells which produce protein but do not excrete it. These have been termed "retaining cells" by Birbeck and Mercer in a recent paper [25]. (3) In human mammary tumours, most cells also contain ergastoplasm in the form of RNP-granules or scattered dotted membranes and this ergastoplasm is not on the whole, particularly abundant (B and transitional types of cells). In some less numerous cells however (A cells of Caspersson and Santesson) ergastoplasm is remarkably dense and its pattern of a peculiar type not related to the specific tissue of origin. The significance of these cells is not yet known but they merit further intensive examination THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 191 ■^f^^-'"*' i Vl Fig. 17. Mammary tumour of the mouse. Lo\\" power view of a few cells to illustrate the absence of "organized" ergastoplasm. Free RNP-granulcs are widely scattered in the cytoplasm, x 21 500. 192 F. HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN ^ • >^J: '^'^x 4 # ^.f I •7":*. . Fig. 18. Another aspect of mouse mammary tumour in an area where virus formation occurs (Bittner agent). Note at this higher magnification the numerous RNP-granules and the lack of organized ergastoplasm. x 59 000. THE ERGASTOPLASM IN THE MAMMARY GLAND AND ITS TUMOURS 1 93 ^*w::A: t'i^=tJ:;:>f J5..y^^- m : : i^^ V':^.:l^i ^)i/i^, Fig. 19. General aspect of a rat mammary tumour (G.6) to show abundance of RXP-granules and absence of the membranes component of ergastoplasm. X 6400. 194 F- HAGUENAU AND K. H. HOLLMANN since they are found in human cancers of varied origin and thus correspond to a distinctive ultrastructural pattern common to all of these. Furthermore a relationship exists between the presence of A cells in a tumour and its radiosensitivity. These cells thus may be of important prognostic value. Acknowledgments Work referred to in this paper has been aided by Grant C-4602 of the U.S. Public Health Service, Figure 1 1 is due to the courtesy of Prof. T. O. Caspersson. References 1. Haguenau, F. /// " International Review of Cytology" Vol. 7, ed. G. H. Bourne and J. F. Danielli. Academic Press, New York, 425-483 (1958). 2. Carasso, N. and Favard, P., in " Traite de Microscopic P'lectronique" (Magnan C. ed.) 1961 Paris, Hermann Publ. 3. Rauber, A., Schmidt's Jb. 182, 7-8 (1879) (quoted after Dabelow Hdb. Mikr. Anat. III/3, 277-488 (1957)- 4. Limon, M., Anat. physiol. 38, 14-34 (1902). 5. Bargmann, W., and Knoop, A., Z. Zellforsch. 49, 344-388 (1959). 6. Hollmann, K. H.,^. Ultrastriict. Res. 2, 423-443. (1959). 7. Palade, G. E., and Siekevitz, P., J/', biophys. biochem. Cytol. 25, 671-690 (1956). 7a. Siekevitz, P. and Palade, G. E.,_7. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 4, 309-318 1958 8. Siekevitz, P., Ciba Sy?np. on Cell Metabolistn 17-45 (i959)- 9. Siekevitz, P., Exp. Cell. Res. siippl. 7, 90-110 (1959). 10. Haguenau, F., Bull. Cancer, 46, 177-21 1 (1959). 11. Haguenau, F., Path. Biol. 7, 989-1015 (1959). 12. Haguenau, F., C R. Acad. Sci., Paris 249, 182-184 (1959). 13. Caspersson, T. O., and Santesson, L., Acta Radiol. XLVI Siippl. 5 (1942). 14. Caspersson, T. O., "Cell Growth and Cell Function. A Cytochemical Study". (1950) New York. W. J. Norton. 15. Barigozzi, C, and Dellepiane, G., Rass. Oncologia 22, i (1948). 16. Cusmano, L., Ttimori 21, 107-121 (1947). 17. Cusmano, L., Ibid. 23, 63-85 (1949). 18. Gusberg, S. B., Tovell, H. M. M., Long, M., and Hill, J. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 63, II 47- II 57 (1956). 19. Cornil, L., and Stahl, A., C R. Soc. Biol. 144, 1075-1077 (1950). 20. Cornil, L., and Stahl, A., Pr. me'd. 59, 933-935 (1951). 21. Gricouroff, G., Pr. me'd. 64, 137-139 (1956). 22. Towell, A. M. M., Cancer. Res. 20, 297-306 (i960). 23. Hollmann, K. H., and Riviere, M. R., Bull. Caiuer, 46, 336-346 (1959). 24. Howatson, A. F., Ham, A. W., Cancer Res. 15, 62-69 (1955). 25. Birbeck, M. S. C, and Mercer, E. H., Nature, Lond. 189, 558-560 1961. The External Secretion of the Pancreas as a Whole and the Communication between the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi Bodies* GoTTWALT Christian Hirsch Zoologisches Institute Gottingen, Germany I have only a few remarks to make here : about logical basis of methods, about the external secretion of the pancreas as a whole, and about the "missing link" between the endoplasmic reticulum and the work of the Golgi bodies. I, The logical basis of methods The external secretion of the pancreas — as perhaps every kind of secretion — may be compared with the production of a factory [71, loi]: in both cases raw material comes in and products of the factory go out. Between these two events lies the synthesis of a particular product. This production flows through a cell in a way which may be compared to an "assembly line", because the synthesis of the particular product does not take place in one structure of the cell, but gradually in different places and structural parts of the cell, and in a particular order step by step. Naturally, this comparison between an " assembly line " and secretion has limitations [71] : the cell has no conveyor belts or rollers. But there is a movement of material step by step, from one cell structure to another, carrying the slowly developing product along. There are structures which, furthermore, approximately portray the workers on an assembly line : for instance the ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi field. Finally there are other cell structures which produce materials which are then moved to the place on the assembly line where they are biochemically necessary : for instance, the mitochondria and the cell nucleus. It is the task of integrated structural and biochemical studies to observe the order of occurrence in the processes of secretion. With every new technique new observations, microscopical and biochemical are made, which have to be integrated in the scheme of a "production line". This integration is often difficult because the different investigators do not * This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgenieinschaft Bad Godesberg bei Bonn, Germany. 196 GOTTWALT CHRISTIAN HIRSCH use the same species of animals or do not follow the same points of time in the cell production processes. And, indeed, the same species of animals show individual differences in time in their answer to the same stimulation ; in other words, individuals of the same species differ in their production curves. But in spite of all these difficulties it is possible to get a tentative scheme of the "production line" of every species and every gland cell under the following conditions : Secretion is a long sequence of processes in time [64, 65]. I believe it may be necessary to follow this sequence by putting every qualitative and quantitative datum on a single time co-ordinate [64]. Some investigations are ill-timed because they are made with animals, whose timing of secretion is unknown. There are, so far as I know, only two ways of timing [70, 71]. First to investigate the ontogeny of gland cells during the development of many well-known stages from the first "Anlage " of the cell to the stage in which the "professional" structure and function of the cell has been constructed [2, 11, 45, 46, 70, 121, 122, 126, 145, 179, 180]. The second way may be to investigate the secretion cycle by com- paring the biochemical and structural information [66, 10 1] first during the so-called "starvation time" in which the sequence of secretion pro- cesses is stopped or is very slow — second during the "activation time" after a certain stimulus. This "activation time" is one phase of secretion in which the extrusion of the old secretion product takes place, following the restitution and storage of the new products. This phase continues in the pancreas for about i to 5 hr. [66] ; during the 1st hour the most important processes of restitution take place [71-72]. During this phase it is, there- fore, necessary to investigate not only one point of time, but many points during the 1st hour and some points during the 2nd to 5th hours. The number of methods of these investigations are numerous. I may say that the first necessary step is to observe the living cell, either as an isolated cell in tissue culture or preferably as one cell in living relation- ship with other cells inside the tissue. It is possible to observe the living tissue of the pancreas under physiological conditions during 8-10 hr. under the light microscope [66, 67]. Only in this way can an outline of the time of production processes be obtained. The second way is the study of the life cycle of a cell [64-72] : you start your investigation with a more or less uniform stage of so-called "resting cells" during the starvation of the animal [7, 68]. Then you give the stimulus of feeding, of drugs, of nervous or of hormonal excitation always at the same time after the beginning of starvation (e.g. 1 or 2 days). Then you investigate the animals at different times after the same stimulus: e.g. 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 min. and 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 hr. after stimulus. For every point of time three animals may be used. Every animal is treated by the THE EXTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS AS A WHOLE 1 97 same technique, biochemical or structural. These techniques are numerous : vou can perhaps observe the living cell [66], or study the secretion product by fistula [68, lOO, loi], or kill many animals in the above-mentioned times after stimulus and compare the different stages of the cell cycle [185]. The main point seems to be that all the different techniques are applied at the same points of time. In this manner you will really be able to integrate the results of different techniques. Only the integration of all the different data gives a sequence of processes and only a sequence of events gives an idea of the life of a secretion cycle [70, 71] showing us the "assembly line" during restitution of the product. 2. The life cycle of the exocrine pancreas cell The life cycle may be divided into three phases : the ingestion of raw material, the synthesis, and the extrusion of products [69 72, 140]. The ingestion [66, 10 1] consists of active transport of material from the blood through the basal membrane (surrounding a whole acinus) and a cell membrane [159-161, 182]. The influx of this material in some cases seems to be changeable and higher after stimulation than during starvation of the animal. Proteins of the blood plasma are not ingested, only amino acids [100]. The synthesis of enzymes may be shown by the schematic Fig. i and may be divided into the following steps : I. The ingested amino acids [15, 27, 56, 62, 88-90, 100, 104, 105, 124, 156, 162, 191] and phosphates [19, 20, 57, 101-108, iii, 125, 154, 165, 201] in the fluid basic substance and the polynucleotides from the cell nucleus [30, 47, 62, 1 14-1 16, 128, 170, 181] arri\e at the ribosomes (ribonu- cleoprotein granules) [5, 12, 26, 58 61, 117, 120, 141 143, 188, 194-197, 200, 203, 206] and are absorbed [18, 173 177]. From the cell nucleolus ribonucleic acid reaches these granules [48 55, 73, 74, 77-80, 93, 109-113, 148]. Phosphates of high energy may be formed by mitochondria as an energy source [76, 166]. With the aid of these substances proteins are synthesized in or on the ribosomes [76, 144]. During starvation of the animal and i hr. after feeding, the ribosomes have the same size of --150 A diameter and the same optical density. Their number is considerably greater, however, during the restitution period : according to the electron-microscopic pictures of Palade I would say about ten times greater. One may deduct from this that the ribosomes multiplv during the ist hour after feeding. This multiplication has also been observed during ontogenesis [2, 46]. How these granules multiply, however, is still not clear [13, 43, 44, 178]. Forms of division have not been seen. I have now come to the following hypothesis which I put up for discussion: the fluid cell plasm contains free, dissolved ribonucleic 198 GOTTWALT CHRISTIAN HIRSCH o< O uoi;sa5u THE EXTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS AS A WHOLE 1 99 acid, free amino acids, lipoproteins and synthetically active enzymes. I can imagine that through a special enzyme mechanism these parts may be building new ribosomes step by step. This restitution de novo may be a synthesis under controlling factors of the cell nucleus by the amount of ribonucleic acid, extruded by the nucleolus [24, 25, 37]. The origin of enzymes in ribosomes of the pancreas has been proved [32, 99, 102, 103, 106, 137, 139, 156 157, 171-177, 186, 202], and in many other cells, shown at the first Symposium of the Biophysical Society [2, 3, 4]. The ribosomes have attained, in the last 2 years, a central position in the metabolism of many different cells. It has been shown that these ribosomes have a different ribonucleoprotein ratio : first in different cells, secondly — and this is most important — in the same cell at different stages of enzyme synthesis [171-175]- The ribosomes, which appear identical under the electron microscope, are different biochemically. Step by step the amount of ribonucleic acid decreases, but the amount of proteins increases. 2. What happens with these proteins synthezised in the ribosomes ? From the investigations of Siekevitz and Palade [171 -177] and the Hokins [77-87] it may be concluded that the proteins are released from the ribo- somes and penetrate the wall of the endoplasmic reticulum by active trans- port [71, 97, 129-139, 146, 149-15 1]. Inside the endoplasmic canals the proteins may be stored for a short time as intracisternal granules. 3. The intracisternal granules are found by Palade [136-139] in the endoplasmic reticulum of the guinea-pig only i to 3 hr. after feeding, but not earlier or later. They have a diameter of o • 20 • 3 ^ ; they are, therefore, to be seen in the light microscope. They appear approximately homo- genous inside the endoplasmic reticulum; they have no outer membrane, and differ from the zymogen granules in several respects : {a) The intracis- ternal granules originate inside the endoplasmic canals, while the zymogen granules come from the vacuoles of the Golgi bodies, {h) They have a diameter of at most 0-3 /t ; the zymogen granules, however, of o • 5 to 0-6 jtx. (r) They have no membrane; the zymogen granules, however, have one. Thus it seems that the intracisternal granules and the zymogen granules are not identical. But it is likely that both contain digestive enzymes. 4. Up to this stage of the secretion process I believe the sequence of events on the assembly line has been settled to a certain degree. A further series of arguments speaks in favour of a final condensation of the digestive enzymes as zymogen granules in the vesicles of the Golgi bodies [66, 81, 119, 183]. Sluiter confirmed this condensation statistically using a periodic count method by light microscope [185]. Also the experiments of Chesin [19 21], Marshall [116], Farquhar and Wellings [42] made this conclusion likely. The electron microscope showed a sequence of four different 200 GOTTWALT CHRISTIAN HIRSCH vesicles and Golgi vacuoles steadily growing larger and denser. Finally the zymogen granules are surrounded by a special membrane, containing a large amount of packed enzymes. This work of condensing seems to be the general function of the Golgi bodies [67, 69, 71]. 5. What is the bridge between the intracisternal granules on one hand and the condensation inside the Golgi bodies on the other ? There must be a connection which carries the enzymes from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi field. There are two possibilities. First, that the intracisternal granules are dissolved in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and their parts Fig. 2. A living pancreas cell of the acinus with good blood circulation. Pilocarpine stimulation 15.40 hr. First illustration at 16.40 is of entire cell, then observation of a single constellation of three granules. The mitochondrion here observed moves in a snakelike manner but was not further observed. The move- ment of the three granules between 17.00 and 20.10 as they moved to the Golgi- field, where they disappeared. It is probable that this type of granule is identical with the intracisternal granules of G. E. Palade. (From G. C. Hirsch [66].) (enzymes ?) are brought to the apex by currents in the canals. Secondly, that the intracisternal granules wander undissolved in the canals to the Golgi field. Both possibilities are probable in certain cases, but the dis- solving of these granules on the cell base has until now not been seen in the living cell. The intracisternal granules are large and can be seen also in the light microscope. The wandering of these granules has been observed many times (Fig. 2). This wandering was discovered by Hirsch. In the living pancreas after pilocarpine stimulation, small granules are produced on the cell base in the ergastoplasm. They have a diameter of approx. 0-3 to 0-4 jjl (Hirsch's specification of 0-03 [x is a printing error). The endoplasmic reticulum at that time was not to be seen, but the mitochondria embedded in the reticulum were. Because of this Hirsch made the mistake that the THE EXTERNAL SECRETION OF THE PANCREAS AS A WHOLE 201 granules were produced on the surface of the mitochondria. With the advent of the electron microscope it was discovered that these granules are not produced on the surface of the mitochondria but next to these inside the endoplasmic canals. During the ist hour after pilocarpine stimulation the number of these granules increases. When one cuts the optical field down to a small part of the basal plasm, one sees that during the first 3 hr. ~ lo to 40 granules appear in this field; then the number decreases to almost zero, owing to the fact that the particles move away. Thev show a population growth in the beginning of 100 to 150",, per hour. Hirsch could show that there is a physiological connection between these granules and the Golgi field. Figure 2 shows one of the many observa- tions in which a single group of three granules was observed during 4 hr. The "constellation" of these three granules "twinkled" for about an hour moving irregularly to the Golgi-field where it disappeared by being dissolved. The granules followed a zig-zag course, with a velocity of i /x in 7 to 13 min. ; the smaller granules move faster than the larger ones. As soon as a granule reaches the Golgi field it remains stationary and dis- appears, i.e. it dissolves. The movement of the Hirsch granules from the ergastoplasm to the cell apex was checked experimentally by three inde- pendent investigators [39]. Are these granules of Hirsch identical with the intracisternal granules } Size: Hirsch's granules have in the light microscope a diameter of 03 to 0-4 /x. The intracisternal granules have a diameter of 0-2 to 0-3 /x (Fig. 2). Both have the same size, both are visible in the light microscope. Chemical composition: Neither are lipoid drops, but contain mostly protein, as was shown by Hirsch on his granules, and also by Siekevitz and Palade for the intracisternal granules. Thus, I believe the two types of granules are identical. What happens to these intracisternal granules after their movement into the Golgi field .' There are some possibilities : either they develop within the Golgi field through growth directlv into zymogen granules, or they dissolve, and the dissolved parts are condensed in the Golgi field. In case they are directly formed into zymogen granules then the process must be visible in the light and electron microscope. Until now, however, all investigations under physiological conditions have revealed that the intracisternal granules disappeared in the Golgi field. Their "future" in the Golgi field gave birth to several hypotheses, of which only one has been upheld : the intracisternal granules dissolve, and their components, which are more or less finished enzymes, are taken up by the Golgi bodies, and in some way "packed" into the developing and enlarging zymogen granules. This condensation of the parts of the intracisternal granules thus becomes the major function of the Golgi field. 202 GOTTWALT CHRISTIAN HTRSCH Trial and error The communication between the endoplasmic reticulum and the zymogen granules and the way by which the enzymes are absorbed by the Golgi lamellae is not entirely clear. Recently I found in the micrographs of Palade between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi lamellae many round shaped X-bodies of about 370 A diameter. (Fig. i.) The internal shape of these bodies is varying. It is only theoretical to say this : 1. On the end of the ER in the Golgi field, ruptures of the ER mem- branes are to be seen in the direction to the Golgi field. Through these ruptures the protein content of the ER seems to go out to the space between ER and Golgi lamellae. 2. These proteins may form the X-bodies ( }) It is, however, only the topographical relationship that gives this idea. 3. These X-bodies may be taken up by the Golgi vacuoles and packed up to large zymogen granules. This process, however, is far from being clear. References 1. Afzelius, B. A., /// Wenner-Cirens Institute, Festschrift (1959). 2. Ashikawa, J. K., in "Microsomal Particles and Protein Synthesis, i." Sym- posium Biophysical Society, ed. R. B. Roberts. Pergamon Press, London, 76 (1958). 3. 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Morgan* The Wenner-Gren Institute for Experimental Biology, University of Stockhohn, Szveden In a number of publications it has been shown that specific antibodies can be used as tools for studying the intracellular distribution of anti- genically distinct macromolecules of rat liver [i, 15, 20]. In this paper, the immunological properties of microsomal fractions from various organs will be described, and some of our recent findings will be discussed with regard to microsomal function in protein synthesis. In the present context, the term microsomes refers to the ribonucleic acid rich fraction, sedimen- ted in the ultracentrifuge when a cell-free homogenate is subjected to differential centrifugation under certain standard conditions [14, i, 10]. This definition does not involve any particular implications as to the cyto- logical homogeneity of this fraction which consists of ribonucleoprotein particles and different types of endoplasmic membranes. It may contain a good number of subcellular elements which are functionally unrelated and of different origin [13]. The enzymic or electron microscopic criteria applied for the characterization of the microsomal fractions in this type of work are the same as those available in other biochemical studies, e.g. [i4> 28, 7]. Antigens in microsomes of liver and other organs of the rat So far, rat livers have constituted the most thoroughly studied material. The analytical reagents are antisera obtained from rabbits injected either with total microsomes or with microsomal subfractions, with the final supernatant after removal of the microsomes ("cell sap"), or with rat serum proteins. Details may be found elsewhere [i, 10]. When such antisera are reacted on agar diffusion plates according to Ouchterlony [12] one obtains complicated patterns of antigen-antibody precipitates. Most of * Parts of this work were carried out during a tenure of a Special Research Fellowship granted by the National Cancer Institute, U.S. Public Health Service. — Permanent address : Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, 14, Mass., U.S.A. 2IO PETER PERLMANN AND WINFIELD S. MORGAN the antigens are both immunologically and chemically different from the serum proteins. All subcellular fractions contain a number of these "liver" antigens in common. These antigens may either be present physiologically or their presence in a certain fraction may be an artefact of fractionation. However, in addition, there also exists a considerable number of antigens typical of various fractions. Thus, the microsomal fraction of rat liver is characterized primarily by five to six strongly antigenic proteins which can be extracted with sodium deoxycholate, non-ionic detergents such as lubrol W (cetyl alcohol polyoxyethylene condensate) [ii, 5], or with phospholipase A [i, 20]. These antigens seem to be lipoproteins. They are difficult to characterize electrophoretically. However, it has been possible to isolate two of these antigens in an immunologically pure form. A lubrol extract of microsomes w'as separated by chromatography on DEAE cellulose [23], using constant pH (o'035 m tris-buffer, pH 7*8) and a gradient of KCl for elution. The presence of 0-2% lubrol in all reagents was necessary for fractionation (unpublished results). The microsomal subfraction which remains insoluble after treatment of the microsomes with detergent (ribonucleoprotein particles) contains some additional weak antigens. These antigens can be visualized in the diffusion plates after extraction with chelating agents at pH 7-4 [i, 20]. Their chemistry is so far unknown. The microsomal antigens described above are different from the anti- gens typical of liver cell sap. Moreover, when extracts of the liver fractions are compared with microsomal extracts or cell sap from other rat organs, additional differences are found. This is illustrated in Fig. i. This shows the reactions obtained when lubrol extracts of microsomes from liver, kidney, pancreas, testis, spleen and brain were reacted with the correspon- ding anti-microsomal sera. Each line in these photographs represents the precipitate formed by one, or sometimes several antigens, with their corresponding antibodies. Fusion of precipitates from neighbouring containers suggests an immunological identity of the antigens, while the precipitates of unrelated antigens cross. The formation of spurs in certain cases indicates either cross reactions or an immunological heterogeneity of the precipitates [12]. None of the antigens appearing in Fig. i is due to serum proteins, since antibodies against these had been removed in advance by means of absorption of the antisera with rat serum. Roughly, Fig. i demonstrates that the microsomal extracts of liver, kidney, and pancreas are highly organ-specific in the sense that they give the greatest number of precipitates with their homologous antisera. The anti-liver microsomal serum contains the largest number of antibodies reacting with antigens present in extracts from other organs. In contrast, lubrol extracts of microsomes from testis contain only a few components ; in common with liver microsomes spleen Fig. I. Photograph of six agar plates showing the precipitin reactions of lubrol extracts of microsomes from different rat organs, and the corresponding antisera. The antigen solutions labelled with the same letters in the different plates were aliquots of the same extracts. The extracts were diluted to contain 350-400 /xg. protein /ml. T,B,L,K,P,S: microsomal extracts of testis, brain, liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, respectively; oltn, akm, apm, attn, astn, abm: antisera against microsomes of liver, kidney, pancreas, testis, spleen, brain, respectively. For details see [19]. 212 PETER PERLMANN AND WINFIELD S. MORGAN and brain microsomes seem to be more or less devoid of lubrol-extractable antigens specific for these organs. A somewhat different picture emerges when the cell saps from these or- gans are compared in similar experiments. In this case, the number of com- mon antigens in the different organs is greater. In general, it may be stated that the "organ specificity" of the cell sap is less than that of the micro- somes, although organ specific antigens are present in these fractions also, A full description of these results will be given elsewhere [19]. Ob- viously, no immediate conclusions can be drawn from experiments such as these, since the various homogenates are histologically heterogenous, the cytology of some of the microsomal preparations is badly known, and the chemistry of the antigens has not yet been studied. However, it appears that further studies along these lines should render important information regarding the chemistry and genetics of microsomal structures in different types of cells. The presence of transitory antigens in microsomal fractions While the aim of the above-mentioned studies is to investigate the chemical composition and relationship of subcellular structures, the immunology of the microsomes has another important aspect. Microsomes are believed to be important sites of protein synthesis. While the synthesis of protein is assumed to take place in or on the ribonucleoprotein particles, the endoplasmic membranes of the microsomal fractions are often believed to possess a regulatory function and to be involved in transportation of freshly formed protein out of the cells. (See [25] for references and dis- cussion.) During recent years, there has accumulated evidence indicating that microsomes can be characterized immunologically by the antigens which are believed to be the transitory products of their synthetic or transporting activities. Thus, in a number of animal species, serum albumin can be extracted from the microsomes of the liver, where it is synthesized [4, 21, 22]. Similarly, antibody-active proteins have been extracted from microsomes of lymph nodes or spleen of immunized animals [2, 6]. It has also been reported that ribosomes from Escherichia coli can be precipitated specifically by means of an antiserum against beta galactosidase [8]. Certain results obtained in our laboratory also point in that direction. Thus, injection of rat liver microsomes into rabbits leads to a strong pro- duction of antibodies, not only against the "liver" antigens shown above, but also against a great number of serum proteins of the rat [i, 20]. Antisera against microsomes of spleen contained antibodies against rat gamma globulin, in very high concentration. In contrast, the antisera against microsomal fractions of the other organs shown in Fig. i contained none, or only trace amounts, of such antibodies [19]. IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES OF MICROSOMAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 213 Although Other explanations cannot be excluded, the antibody- inducing potencies of the microsomes from various organs may be a reflection of their synthetic activities. More direct indications for such activities have recently been obtained in human patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. In this disease, there occur autoantibodies against a substance of the colon, and the colonic lesions found seem to be of an immunological nature [3]. In regional colonic lymph glands of these patients, antibody-active microsomes could be detected in a remarkably high concentration, whereas microsomes from lymph glands of the ileal region of the same patients were devoid of antibody activity [17]. Finally, as the last example, in the chick embryo, one can detect an organ specific lens antigen in the microsomal fraction at a very early age, just before lens formation is initiated [18]. Later during embryogenesis, when lens differentiation is going on, and in the adult, this lens antigen occurs both in the microsomal fraction and in the cell sap. Electron micro- scopy of these microsomal fractions indicates that both ribonucleoprotein particles and membranous elements are present. In conclusion, serum proteins, including antibody-active globulins, as well as the lens antigen, are most likely first synthesized in the micro- somes. Assuming these products remain attached to any one of the microsomal substructures for a measurable period of time, it can also be expected that they are available for detection with immunological tools. It has already been shown that this is true in certain cases where proteins are temporarily bound to the endoplasmic membranes before being ex- ported [22]. Definite proof for the immunological recognition of ribonu- cleoprotein particles by means of antibodies against their svnthetic products is so far lacking. It is not at all clear whether or not such transitory products already possess an immunological specificity while being attached to the particles. The fact that ribonucleoprotein particles of the pancreas may carry freshly synthesized chymotrypsin suggests that this could be possible [27]. Incorporation of isotopes into antigens of rat liver homogenates It should be emphasized once more that the mere presence of these transitory antigens in microsomal fractions only provides indirect evidence for the assumption that they are products of microsomal activity. The microsomal fractions mentioned above are all isolated from heterogenous cellular populations. Moreover, they may contain both the ribosomal and membranous machinery involved in protein synthesis, as well as sub- cellular elements of a completely different functional significance. However, questions related to the problem of microsomal activity in protein syn- thesis can be studied by combining immunological techniques with the 214 PETER PERLMANN AND WINFIELD S. MORGAN study of isotope incorporation. This has been done in several of the cases referred to above, as in the case of the serum albumin [4, 21, 22], or in the case of the beta galactosidase in E. coU [8]. In the following, this will be exemplified briefly with some experiments from this laboratory. A detailed discussion of the results will be published elsewhere [10]. The purpose of these experiments was to study, qualitatively and under various experi- mental conditions, the pattern of in vitro incorporation of isotopes into the bulk of immunologically distinct proteins of fractionated homogenates. Figure 2 shows the results of an experiment with rat liver slices, in- cubated for 30 min. with ^^C amino acids. After incubation, the slices were cA \~y a-m a-a ib) Fig. 2. (rt) Photograph, and {b) autoradiograph, of precipitin reactions of lubrol extracts of microsomes {LU) and of a cell sap {CS), from rat liver, with various antisera {a-m : antiserum against liver microsomes ; a-cs : antiserum against liver cell sap; a-a: antiserum against rat serum albumin). The antigen solutions were obtained from a fractionated homogenate of liver slices, previously incubated for 30 min. with ['*C]-L-leucine, -L-isoleucine, and -L-valine. The radioactivity of the TCA-precipitated protein of an aliquot of the total homogenate was 425 c.p.m./mg. protein and of an aliquot of the isolated cell sap 311 c.p.m./mg. protein. From Morgan et al. [10]. homogenized, and a lubrol extract of the microsomes and the cell sap was reacted with antiserum on agar plates. After completion of the immuno- logical reactions, the agar plate was dried and covered with an X-ray film for 3 weeks (cf. also [16, 20]). Figure 2{a) is a photograph of the precipitin reactions. As can be seen, the two antigen solutions were reacted with an anti-liver microsomal serum, an anti-liver cell sap serum, and an antiserum against rat serum albumin. Both anti-liver sera had been absorbed with rat serum and were free of precipitating antibodies against serum proteins. The antiserum against serum albumin contained antibodies against the albumin, and in IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES OF MICROSOMAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 21 5 small concentrations, against two alpha globulins and one beta globulin. The photograph shows that the lubrol extract of the microsomes gives four distinguishable precipitates with these antibodies. These serum protein-like antigens are immunologically different from other microsomal antigens, reacting with the anti-microsomal serum. Moreover, a con- siderable amount of serum proteins had also accumulated in the cell sap. This also contained additional antigens, some specific for cell sap, and some in common with the microsomal extract. From the autoradiograph of Fig. 2{b), it can be seen that an appreciable number of the precipitates were distinctly labelled. As described else- where [10], several lines of evidence, and control experiments such as addition of unrelated precipitin systems to the solutions before agar plating, or dilution with unlabelled amino acids after incubation with i^C amino acids, all suggest that the labelling in the autoradiograph is not due to an unspecific adsorption of radioactive material to the precipitates. Rather, we may assume that the labelling of the precipitates indicates a true incorporation of ^^C amino acids into the antigens. The autoradio- graph shows that the albumin and other serum protein-like antigens which were solubilized from the microsomes were heavily labelled, as well as some additional microsomal antigens of unknown significance. In contrast, in the cell sap, only the serum albumin carried enough of the label to be easily detected. This is in spite of the fact that the concentration of the serum proteins in this fraction probably was higher than in the microsomal extract, as indicated by the relative positions and the appearance of the precipitates. Other cell sap antigens were more or less inactive. Experiments of this type make it possible to follow the distribution, under various experimental conditions, of the radioactive label in immuno- logically identical proteins, recovered from different cellular fractions. Thus, the results of the experiment of Fig. 2 confirm other work reporting the first appearance of the radioactive label in the microsomal serum albumin followed by an increasing specific activity of this protein in the cell sap. This is taken to indicate that freshly synthesized molecules are transferred from the microsomes to this fraction [21, 22]. A great number of specific precipitates appearing in Fig. 2{a), par- ticularly those formed by the antigens of the cell sap, were hardly labelled at all. Howxver, as we do not know their chemical nature or their antibody combining ratios, we cannot use the degree of labelling of precipitates as the basis for comparison of the metabolism of immunologically different antigens. Problems of this type can be approached in a different way. Figure 3 shows a series of four autoradiographs, made from four experiments with slices of rat liver, incubated with ^^C amino acids. The four experiments were made with aliquots of the same preparation, and the only difference between them was the time of incubation with the 2l6 PETER PERLMANN AND WINFIELD S. MORGAN isotopic amino acids; for details see [lo]. The Ouchterlony reactions of all four agar plates were practically identical and very similar to those shown in Fig. 2(rt). Figure 3 demonstrates again that the radioactive label first appears in the microsomal serum proteins, reacting with an antiserum against rat serum, and in some additional microsomal antigens, reacting a-cs a-m i-cs a-m a-cs a-m! a-cs a-m EOTA* I EDTA*^^ fi-pHS a~cs, ^-PHJ («) EDT, CS' r a-rs a-m? L' a-pHs a-cs t") ■la-rs (b) 4^"i a-pH5 a-rs a-m ' a-rs EDTA* f > a-pH5 a-cs a.pH5 \ a-rs a-m |cs'^ a-rs (0 Fig. 3 id) IMMUNOLOGICAL STUDIES OF MICROSOMAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 21 7 with anti-microsomal serum. In the cell sap, the appearance of labelled serum proteins is again slower. Nevertheless, after a long period of incubation, the cell sap also contained a complete spectrum of strongly labelled serum proteins. It should be emphasized that the concentration of the serum proteins was practically the same in the cell saps of all four experiments. Moreover, Fig. 3(r 300 Serunn albumin L-lys[ne___ U 200- 100 CONTROL Thymus histone 11 rotamne Thymus histone I 0 12 3 4 Milligrams added Fig. 10. Effects of added histone I (arginine-rich histone fraction), histone II (lysine-rich histone fraction which is less basic than histone I), protamine, and polylysine on [i-^*C]-alanine uptake into the proteins of isolated calf thymus nuclei. The specific activity of the nuclear protein after 60 min. incubation at 37° is plotted against the amount of material added to the nuclear suspension. DNA or histone at different loci of the chromosome. This may prove to be a physiological mechanism for controlling the rates of synthesis of different proteins in the nucleus, and one may speculate that such control is part of the process of cell differentiation. NUCLEAR PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 277 Summary A study of isolated thymus nuclei and sub-nuclear fractions shows that the pathway of protein synthesis in the nucleus involves a sequence of reactions similar to that observed in cytoplasmic systems. The nucleus contains amino-acid-activating enzymes which act on at least fifteen L-amino acids ; D-amino acids are not activated. Following activation, the amino acid is transferred to a nuclear RNA fraction. Neither DNA nor the high molecular weight RNA of the nucleolus takes part in this process. Analysis of the nuclear leucyl-RNA complex shows that the receptor group in nuclear "carrier" RNA is a terminal adenylic acid. Ribonucleoprotein particles in the nucleus are active sites of protein synthesis. These particles (termed nuclear ribosomes) can be isolated and fractionated by differential ultracentrifugation of nuclear extracts, and are capable of independent amino acid incorporation, provided they are isolated and tested under isotonic conditions. Amino acid uptake into the isolated nuclear ribosomes requires the presence of ATP, amino-acid-activating enzymes, and GTP. The addition of DNx^ promotes amino acid uptake in ribosome sus- pensions while added histones inhibit the process. This may prove to be one of the physiological mechanisms for the direction and control of nuclear protein synthesis. The protein synthetic process in isolated nuclei responds to the addition of sodium ions because Na + is required in a specific amino acid transport mechanism. This transport of amino acids to the sites of nuclear protein synthesis is apparently an enzymic reaction that is specific for the L-form of the amino acid. References 1. Bergstrand, A., Eliasson, N. 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E., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 43, 589 (1957). 14. Allfrey, V. G., and Mirsky, A. E., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 44, 981 (1958). 278 VINCENT G. ALLFREY 15. Sachs, H.,y. biol. Chem., 233, 643 (1958). 16. AUfrey, V. G., Daly, M. M., and Mirsky, A. E.,jf. gen. Physiol. 37, 157 (1953). 17. Hoagland, M. B., Biochim. biophys. Acta 16, 288 (1955). 18. Crane, R. K., and Lipmann, ¥.,y. biol. Chem. 201, 235 (1953). 19. Hopkins, J. W., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 45, 1461 (1959). 20. Behrens, M., Hoppe-Seyl. Z. 209, 59 (1932). 21. Allfrey, V. G., Stern, H., Mirsky, A. E., and Saetren, H.,_7. gen. Physiol. 35, 529 (1952). 22. Chauveau, J., Moule, Y., and Rouiller, C, Exp. Cell Res. li, 317 (1956). 23. Webster, G. C, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Co?nmun. 2, 56 (i960). 24. Hoagland, M. B., Keller, E. B., and Zamecnik, P. C,J. biol. Chem. 2l8, 345 (1956). 25. Holley, R. W., J. Amer. chem. Soc. 79, 658 (1957). 26. Ogata, K., and Nohara, H., Biochim. biophys. Acta 25, 660 (1957). 27. 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NUCLEAR PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 279 Discussion Canellakis : Have you tried adding ribonucleic acid instead of deoxyribonu- cleic acid to your isolated ribosomes ? Allfrey: Yes. In isolated ribosomes the addition of commercially prepared yeast RNA failed to stimulate the uptake of [i-'*C]-leucine. Canellakis : Was it a high molecular weight polymer ? Allfrey: Yes. That is, it was non-dialyzable. Arnon : When you speak of ATP synthesis by the nucleus do you imply that the nucleus is self-sufficient with respect to its ATP requirement for protein syn- thesis or does it still depend on ATP formation by mitochondria ? Allfrey : I would say that for amino acid incorporation in isolated thymus nuclei it is not necessary to add mitochondria or some other ATP-generating system. Amino acid uptake into proteins by isolated nuclei is not as active as in whole cells (perhaps only one-third as active) but the process can continue actively for 8-9 hr. in the absence of mitochondria. Moreover, mitochondrial contamination is not a problem because we inhibit mitochondrial phosphorylation by adding Ca-+ ions. The nuclei are still able to carry out all of these synthetic reactions. Arnon : What is the substrate for ATP formation ? Is oxygen being consumed ? Allfrey: Yes, oxygen is consumed. The QCOg) usually lies between i and 2. Arnon : But what is the chemical substrate ? Allfrey: We don't know how the coupling of oxidation and ATP formation takes place. We are working on that, and know that glucose is metabolized in these nuclei. ScHOFFENiELS : Did you find competition between the l and the d forms of the same amino acid in the process of transfer from the solution to the nuclei ? Allfrey: There is no competition between the l and the d forms. It is only the L form of the non-radioactive amino acid which will compete with the radioactive amino acid ; the d form does not. Schoffeniels : If you add both, will not the d form be inhibitory ? Allfrey: It has no action at all at the concentrations we have tested. Herbert : I wonder if you have characterized the RNA, which I presume is much like soluble RNA, further than to establish that the amino acid complexes with adenylic acid, and whether you have characterized the activating enzymes to any extent. It has been reported that activating enzymes isolated from nuclei are different from the cytoplasmic enzymes with respect to certain amino acids. Allfrey : We have tried both specificity reactions, testing the nuclear amino acid-activating enzymes and cytoplasmic enzymes from guinea-pig liver, and ribonucleic acids from diflferent types of nuclei. Now, the answer you get depends on the amino acid you use. If you use leucine, both Dr. Webster and I agree there is no sign of specificity, i.e. the nuclear enzyme will transfer to cytoplasmic RNA or the RNA of other nuclear types, and the cytoplasmic enzyme will transfer to nuclear RNA. But in Dr. Webster's experiments with alanine-activating enzymes there is evidence of specificity between liver nuclear enzymes and cytoplasmic enzymes. We haven't checked this with thymus nuclei. We have now started to characterize the amino acid " carrier "-RNA of the thymus nucleus. We do not call it " soluble "-RN A because in our system it occurs in association with the 28o VINCENT G. ALLFREY nuclear ribosomes. This may be because we flood the system with Ca'^^ ions during the course of isolating the nuclei. Bergeron : Would it be correct to say that DNA-ase has free access by diffusion into a compartment into which alanine does not diffuse freely but has to be moved by active transport ? Allfrey : I think that is right. It is not only true for DNA-ase, which has a molecular weight of 6i coo, and for RNA-ase with a molecular weight of about 13 000, but also for some of the polyelectrolytes which we have used with molecular weights up to 200 000. However, an alternative explanation may be offered to the compartment hypothesis. Perhaps the apparent presence of alanine in a free "pool" is an instance of specific adsorption rather than membrane-limited compart- mentalization. Bergeron : Might it not be true that you have different pools in the one system you are dealing with, which you call the nucleus? Allfrey : I think it's true. Certainly the effect of sodium in stimulating amino acid entry into the "pool" differs greatly for different amino acids. Porter : Did you imply that the radioactive sodium is concentrated intra- nuclearly or in the perinuclear space ? This arrangement of channels bringing it to the perinuclear space would account for the increased density in the nuclear area in a radioautograph of a whole cell. Allfrey : The figure shown was a radioautograph of a section of the frog oocyte. The high grain density over the nuclear area indicates the presence of ^^Na within the nucleus. This result has been checked by direct isolation of these nuclei. Dr. H. Naora made a set of very small chopsticks out of wood and devised techniques for removing a single nucleus from frozen oocytes. Thus we were able to count the nuclei separately from the cytoplasm. Porter: It seemed to me that sodium ought really to be concentrated in the perinuclear space and that the migration of the sodium is through the pores in the nuclear envelope from the cytoplasm matrix. Allfrey : Well the sodium is freely diffusible in our system of isolated thymus nuclei. Mitchell: Could you tell us what evidence there is that the alanine which is accumulated is free inside the nucleus ? This is a difficult problem, and one that many people have encountered in trying to prove that a given process was active transport. How do you get the alanine out to show that it was free ? Allfrey : To put it as briefly as possible, we extract with cold trichloroacetic or preferably cold 2% perchloric acid. This leaves the proteins behind. Then we take the perchloric acid extract which is concentrated and chromatographed. We find a single spot corresponding in Rf to free alanine. Now this does not mean some other intermediate wasn't formed in the process, but we have not yet found evi- dence for any other radioactive product. Effects of 8-Azaguanine on the Specificity of Protein Synthesis in Bacillus cereus H, Chantrenne Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Brussels, Belgium If 8-azaguanine is added to a growing population of Bacillus cereus, the rate of increase of the optical density of the bacterial suspension is reduced by about 50% [i, 2, 3]. Such an observation is usually expressed in the following way: "azaguanine reduces the rate of growth of the bacteria". This statement can be misleading; it depends what is meant by "growth". A closer study of the effects of 8-azaguanine revealed the following facts [3, 4, 5]. The analogue inhibits the increase of bacterial dry weight by 40 to 50°,,- Protein synthesis is almost completelv suppressed, whereas the formation of cell wall material, including the peptides it contains, is practically untouched. The synthesis of ribonucleic acid can be stimulated, unaffected, or slightly depressed depending on experimental conditions, especially aeration. Xo effects are observed on the synthesis of DNA when low concentrations (4 /xg./ml.) of azaguanine are used; a partial inhibition slowly establishes in the presence of higher concentrations (40 /xg./ml.) of the drug. The formation of various essential cell constituents is thus very differently affected by azaguanine, with the obvious result that the gross composition of the bacteria is progressively changed. On the other hand, the number of viable bacteria, i.e. the number of bacteria which are able to form a colony when plated on a normal medium, ceases to increase within 20 min. of the addition of azaguanine; it then stays constant for about 2 hr. before dropping sharply. Therefore, the changes in chemical composition of the bacteria which are caused by 8-azaguanine are not immediately lethal. Recovery of the bacteria from the toxic effects of the analogue is a slow and progressive process. The inhibition of protein synthesis in B. cereus is fully expressed within about 10 min. of the addition of azaguanine (36 /xg./ml.). If guano- sine (135 /xg./ml.) is added together with azaguanine, it completely protects the bacteria against the analogue. If added not later than 30 min. after azaguanine, guanosine rapidly restores the synthesis of proteins. But this 282 H. CHANTRENNE restoration becomes more and more sluggish as guanosine is added later and later. Moreover, qualititative changes are observed among the protein produced during restoration. Figure i{a) shows how the synthesis of protein material — as measured by phenylalanine incorporation — is restored when guanosine is added 30, 45 and 60 min. after azaguanine. In the same experiment, the synthesis of 750 500 250 3,000 • ^ / • / 2,000 / • / . 1,000 0 1 . . 1 , , 1 30 45 180 (min) (a) 360 180 (mm) (b) 360 Fig. I. Restoration of protein and penicillinase synthesis [7]. To five growing suspensions of B. cereus (penicillinase-constitutive mutant) containing 008 ^C of L-['*C]-phenylalanine per ml., 36 /xg. of 8-azaguanine were added at time o. Guanosine (135 /xg./ml.) was added respectively o, 30, 45 and 60 min. after azaguanine. No guanosine was added to the last suspension (00). (a) : '""C in protein material (c.p.m. per ml. suspension). (6) : penicillinase (units of activity per ml. suspension). constitutive penicillinase — as measured by its enzymic activity — was determined; the results are shown in Fig. i(b). Comparison of figures i{a) and i{b) indicates that when guanosine is added 45 or 60 min. after azaguanine, penicillinase production is still completely obliterated at a time when the synthesis of protein material was already restored to a considerable extent [7]. The damage caused by 8-azaguanine to the formation of the enzyme penicillinase is therefore more severe or more difficult to repair than the damage caused to the synthesis of protein material as a whole. Moreover, it becomes worse and worse as the time of action of azaguanine increases. All the enzymes, however, do not suffer as much as penicillinase. For EFFECTS OF 8-AZAGUANINE ON THE SPECIFICITY OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 283 instance, the synthesis of catalase is restored almost at the same time as the average protein material ; for some time during restoration the rate of catalase formation per weight of newly formed protein material is even greater than in normal bacteria (Fig. 2). Clearly, besides inhibiting protein synthesis in general, the purine analogue must jam some mechanism upon which the specificity of protein synthesis depends. Cells or bacteria which are unable to incorporate azaguanine into ribonucleic acids and nucleotidic compounds are insensitive to the analogue 750 ^1 500 c V i 250 ■1,500' V 1.000 500 Fig. 2. Restoration of the synthesis of protein material, catalase and penicil- linase [7]. Two growing suspensions of B. cereiis (penicillinase-constitutive mutant) in a casein hydrolysate were shaken in a water bath at 30 . At time o, each sus- pension received o*o8 ^tC L-[^^C]-phenylalanine and 36 ^ig. 8-azaguanine per ml. Guanosine (135 /^tg./ml.) was added respectively at the same time as 8-azaguanine (control, clear points) and 45 min. later (black points). O, • : ^■'C in protein materia! per ml. suspension. A, A : Penicillinase activity (units per ml. suspension). V, ▼ : catalase activity, per ml. suspension. [8, 9]. The inhibitory action of azaguanine therefore is probably due to some harmful synthesis of nucleotidic compounds containing the analogue instead of guanine. Since guanosine triphosphate is required for the passage of the amino acids from transfer RNA to the nascent polypeptides on the ribosomes [10, 11, 12, 13], an obvious possibility is that azaguanosine triphosphate might interfere at this stage. The degree of inhibition of growth is indeed more closely correlated with the concentration of azagua- nine in acid soluble compounds than with the total amount of analogue in the nucleic acids [i]. On the other hand, in Tetrahymena geleii which requires exogenous uracil to make RNA, the degree of inhibition of growth by azaguanine depends on the level of uracil in the medium [14] 284 H. CHANTRENNE and it was observed in our laboratory (Allinckx, unpublished) that azagua- nine inhibits amino acid incorporation into the proteins of this protozoan only when uracil is provided. This suggests that the harmful synthesis in which azaguanine is involved depends on uracil. One of the lesions caused by azaguanine thus probably concerns some RNA fraction undergoing a relatively rapid metabolism. The possibility that 8-azaguanine might change the acceptor specificity of soluble transfer RNA for certain amino acids was investigated recently by Osawa (personal communication) : in soluble RNA as isolated by the phenol method from azaguanine-inhibited B. ceretis, about 25*^0 of the guanine molecules were replaced by the analogue. In spite of this, no difference was observed between this abnormal soluble RNA and the normal compound in their ability to bind P^C]-leucine or in the total amount of ^^C bound from a mixture of radioactive amino acids in the presence of a normal extract of bacteria. According to these data, azaguanine does not seem to interfere with the activation of the amino acids, at least if the classical scheme of protein synthesis involving Hoagland's activation enzymes is valid for B. cereus. The possibility that the "incorporation enzymes" of Beljanski and Ochoa [15] is involved should also be investigated, for these enzymes require the participation of the four nucleoside triphosphates [16] and azaguanine might possibly interfere at this point. If the activation steps are not disturbed by azaguanine, and if the acceptor specificity of transfer RNA is not changed, then azaguanine probably interferes with the passage of the amino acids from transfer RNA to the ribosomes or with their condensation into polypeptides in the genetically controlled structure. These are the most obscure steps of protein synthesis, and azaguanine might be a useful tool for the study of these steps. An important observation in this respect is that azaguanine, which is incorporated into both soluble and ribosomal RNA, disturbs the normal balance between these two groups of nucleic acids. The ratio of sedimentable to non-sedimentable RNA decreases considerably as azagua- nine is being incorporated (Otaka, in press). In our laboratory, current research by J. Lahou indicates that azaguanine drastically reduces uracil incorporation into ribosomal RNA, while non-sedimentable RNA accumu- lates. The addition of guanosine, which restores protein synthesis, causes an increase of sedimentable RNA, and part of this originates from non- sedimentable RNA which was formed in the presence of azaguanine. There is certainly a block at this stage. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to establish yet whether the inhibition of formation of ribosomal RNA is the cause or the consequence of the inhibition of protein synthesis. It is indeed conceivable that ribonucleic acids which would normally be bound into ribosomes remain in the non-sedimentable fraction for lack EFFECTS OF 8-AZAGUANINE ON THE SPECIFICITY OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 285 of protein with which they could combine. But this certainly does not completely explain what happens. When guanosine is added to intoxicated bacteria, a reorganization of RNA takes place : both non-sedimentable and ribosomal RNA lose the largest part of the azaguanine that they had in- corporated, whereas all the pyrimidine residues that had been taken up during azaguanine action are retained as polynucleotides; part of the pyrimidines which were incorporated into soluble RNA are now found in the ribosomal sediment. It would seem that the presence of azaguanine in the ribonucleic acids prevents some normal interaction between soluble and ribosomal RNA which is important for protein synthesis. In a discussion on the structure and function of transfer RNA [17] it was pointed out that the individual transfer ribonucleic acids must be recognized by the activation enzymes, and that in turn the transfer RNA must recognize the different sites on the template. In this perspective, it seems that transfer RNA's which have incorporated a considerable amount of azaguanine are still recognized by the activation enzymes ; on the other hand, it is possible that they cannot recognize the template any more. The differential effects of azaguanine on the synthesis of individual enzymes indicates an action of the analogue on RNA fractions which carry genetic information (messenger RNA or template RNA). To account for the differential susceptibility of various enzymes, one can imagine that certain templates are blocked, whereas others are not. This would result in the production of an abnormal assortment of proteins. It is also con- ceivable that the templates are all modified and that they produce abnormal proteins, the abnormalities being of such a nature that certain enzymes are more adversely affected than others. Incorporation of 2-thiouracil or of 5- fluorouracil into RNA of Escherichia coli indeed causes the production of proteins which differ from the normal ones in their serological properties, enzymic activity and amino acid composition [18, 19, 20]. These possibilities are presently being investigated in our laboratory in the case of catalase and penicillinase synthesis in B. cereus ; the work is not advanced enough for results to be reported at present. A few data on catalase may be quoted. The catalase which forms during restoration of protein synthesis at a time when the production of active penicillinase is not yet restored (see Fig. 2) was compared to the enzyme of normal bacteria. No difference in sensitivity to azide or hydroxylamine inhibition was detected; the concentration of inhibitor required for 50% inhibition was the same for both the normal enzyme and the enzyme made during restoration by guanosine. However, the relative activities of the two samples of enzyme at different temperatures were markedly different, as shown in Fig. 3. These activities were measured on crude bacterial extracts prepared by sonication, and indirect effects cannot be completely excluded at present. As the protein content of the extracts differed, an excess of serum albumin 286 H. CHANTRENNE was added to the bacterial extracts in certain experiments; this did not change the resuhs appreciably. These results suggest that the protein moiety of catalase made during the restoration period was abnormal, although the enzyme was active. Considerable change in the protein moiety of catalase can probably be brought about without changing much the catalytic properties of the haem; to the contrary, the active centre of penicillinase must be a region of the polypeptide, the catalytic properties of which are directly affected by Fig. 3. Changes in catalase properties. Extracts were prepared by sonication from normal bacteria (•) and from bacteria which had been incubated with azagua- nine for 45 min. before adding guanosine. These bacteria were collected i2omin. after the addition of guanosine (O)- The catalase activity of the extracts was determined according to von Euler and Josephson [21] at four different tem- peratures: o", 15", 30 and 45". In the second experiment, an excess bovine serum albumin was added to both extracts. The results are expressed as per cent of the activity measured at o". malformations of the chain. This may account for the greater sensitivity of penicillinase to the damages caused by azaguanine. Our results suggest that 8-azaguanine, like 2-thiouracil and 5- fluorouracil, can affect the structure of the proteins produced by the bacteria which have incorporated the analogue into their nucleic acids. On the other hand, azaguanine exerts a general inhibition of protein synthesis, most probably by disturbing the normal interactions between some soluble and ribosomal ribonucleic acids. References Mandel, H. G.,J. biol. Chetn. 225, 137 (1957). Chantrenne, H., Rec. Trav. chim. Pays-Bas 77, 586 (1958). Chantrenne, H., and Devreux, S., Exp. Cell Res. Suppl. 6, 152 (1958). Chantrenne, H., and Devreux, S., Nature, Lond. 181, 1737 (1958). Chantrenne, H., and Devreux, S., Biochini. biuphys. Acta 39, 486 (i960). EFFECTS OF 8-AZAGUANINE ON THE SPECIFICITY OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 287 6. Chantrenne, H., Biochetn. Pharmacol, i, 233 (1959). 7. Chantrenne, H., and Devreux, S., Biochim. biophys. Acta 31, 239 (i960). 8. Matthews, R. W., in " Ciba Foundation Symposium on the Chemistry and Biology of Purines", Churchill, London, 270 (1957). 9. Brockman, R. W., Hutchinson, D. J., and Skipper, H. E., Fed. Proc. 17, 195 (1958). 10. Hoagland, M. B., Zamecnik, P. C, and Stephenson, M. L., Biochim. biophys. Acta 24, 215 (1957)- 11. Hoagland, M. B., Stephenson, M. L., Scott, J. F., Hecht, L. I., and Zamecnik, P. C.,y. bid. Ghent. 231, 241 (1958). 12. Webster, G. C, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 85, 159 (1959). 13. Lamborg, M. R., and Zamecnik, P. C, Biochim. biophys. Acta 42, 206 (i960). 14. Heinrich, M. R., Dewey, V. C, Parks, R. E., and Kidder, G. W.J. biol. Chem. I97> 199 (1952). 15. Beljanski, M., and Ochoa, S., Proc. tiat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 44, 494, 1 157 (1958). 16. Beljanski, M., Biochim. biophys. Acta 41, 104 (i960). 17. Zamecnik, P. C. (communicated to the Symposium). 18. Hamers, R., and Hamers-Casterman, C, Biochim. biophys. Acta 33, 269 (1959). 19. Horowitz, J., and Chargaff, E., Nature, Loud. 184, 1213 (1959). 20. Gros, F., in " Dynamik des Eiweisses, 10. Colloquium Gesellschaft fiir Physiologischen Chemie ". Springer, Berlin, 82 (i960). 21. Von Euler, H., and Josephson, K., Ann. 455, i (1927). Discussion Campbell : If I understand it right the incorporation of your azaguanine into the S-RNA makes your system rather different from that of Dr. F. Gros of the Institut Pasteur in which there was very little incorporation of fluorouracil into his S-RNA ? Chantrenne: These were very short experiments, a matter of 10 or 20 sec, if I remember correctly. Campbell: But later on the label moved to 70S and not S-RNA ? Chantrenne: Yes. In the case of azaguanine, there are two effects. The first is an inhibition of protein synthesis ; it might be due to an action of the analogue on GTP or on S-RNA which prevents this from interacting normally with the ribosomes. The second effect bears on the specificity of protein synthesis, and in this respect it resembles very much that observed by Gros with fluorouracil; it might concern the genetic messenger or the ribosomes. Chargaff: Fluorouracil goes very largely into the S-RNA; it actually replaces more uracil of the S-RNA than it does of the ribosomes. Herbert: In Dr. Gros's experiments fluorouracil inhibited DNA synthesis and he had to add thymine to restore it. Chantrenne: Yes, that is right. Herbert : Does azaguanine affect DNA synthesis ? Chantrenne: With low concentrations of azaguanine, DNA synthesis is not inhibited. To get an inhibition, you must use rather large concentrations and even so the inhibition establishes only after about one or one and a half hours. The incorporation of azaguanine into DNA is very low, but it might possibly be sufficient to cause changes in specificity. Purine and Pyrimidine Analogues and the Mucopeptide Biosynthesis in Staphylococci H. J, Rogers and H. R. Perkins National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, England Both Gram positive and Gram negative micro-organisms are sur- rounded by a rigid layer or cell wall. The outer surface of this material is distinguished with some difficulty from capsular material; its inner surface is applied closely to the "membrane" which, among many other functions, controls the passage of smaller metabolites into and out of the cell. If this rigid outer layer of insoluble material, the so-called cell wall, be removed, the remainder of the cell will only remain whole, as a spherical protoplast, providing high concentrations of material which cannot readily penetrate the "membrane" are present in the external medium. If this condition is not met the cell bursts because the internal concentration of solutes in the cell produces an osmotic pressure equivalent to about twenty atmospheres for cocci and about ten atmospheres for some rod forms, too great a force for the weak membrane, unsupported by the cell wall, to withstand. A large proportion of this insoluble cell wall material, in Gram positive micro-organisms, consists of a limited number of amino acids, usually two amino sugars and in some species a few hexoses. Such com- plexes, we have suggested, should be called mucopeptides [i]. In the staphylococci, these mucopeptides contain only alanine, lysine, glycine and glutamic acid together with glucosamine and muramic acid (3-O- carboxyethylglucosamine) ; most of each of the amino sugars exists as the N-acetyl derivative ; some of the alanine and probably all the glutamic acid are in the d configuration [2, 3]. Apart from mucopeptide the wall material of staphylococci also contains 40-60",, of a teichoic acid [4, 5] consisting of a polymer of ribitolphosphate with N-acetylglucosamine and D-alanine attached. In some strains it has been suggested that this material may account for up to 70-80*^ ,j of the weight of the isolated wall material [6]. The biosynthesis of mucopeptide is inhibited by penicillin, bacitracin and oxamycin [7, 8, 9] but not by chloramphenicol [10, 8]. It seems prob- able that the inhibition of this process represents a primary site of action of the former group of antibiotics. During inhibition caused by penicillin 290 H. J. ROGERS AND H. R. PERKINS a small nucleotide-linked mucopeptide accumulates which consists of uridine diphosphate linked to N-acetylmuramic acid, alanine, glutamic acid and lysine in the molar ratios of 1:1:3:1:1 [11]. Fragments of the mucopeptide, namely uridine diphosphate-N-acetylmuramic acid and uridine diphosphate-N-acetylmuramic acid linked to one molecule of alanine, also occur. On the basis of the analytical similarity of the first of these mucopeptides (excluding the nucleotide) with the cell wall muco- peptide of their strain of staphylococcus, Strominger and Park [12] suggested that the nucleotide-mucopeptide was a precursor of cell wall. The cell wall mucopeptide from our strain of organism [8, 13] prepared by the Cummins and Harris [14] method differed in quantitative composi- tion from that examined by Park and Strominger [12] which had been prepared by the Salton and Home [14a] method. Such differences promp- ted further investigation of the relationship between uridine nucleotide linked compounds and cell wall mucopeptide synthesis. Also the com- pounds isolated by Park [11] contained neither N-acetylglucosamine nor glycine both of which are prominent components of the cell wall material in all strains of staphylococci so far examined. A possible general way of examining the role of uridine compounds in biosynthesis appeared to be to supply the cell with a pyrimidine analogue which behaved sufficiently like the natural compound to be incorporated into the small molecular weight compounds without these being able to polymerize to form the macromolecules. The uracil analogue which appeared most suitable for such a study was 5-fluorouracil. It had been shown by Heidelberger and his colleagues [15, 16] that this uracil analogue was converted by mouse tissues to the mono- di- and triphosphate nucleo- tides and probably to fluorouridine-diphosphoglucose. Also on structural grounds fluorouracil might be expected to behave more like uracil than other analogues such as 5-bromo- and 5-iodouracil or 6-azauracil. The effect of 5-fluorouracil upon the synthesis of mucopeptides was therefore studied and its action compared with that of other purine and pyrimidine analogues. A full account of most of this work has already appeared [20]. The effect of the compounds upon the biosynthesis of cell wall muco- peptide was examined by measuring the rate of incorporation of [i-^^C]- alanine, glutamic acid and glycine or [G-^*C]-lysine into washed cells of Staphylococcus aureus strain 524/SC incubated in the presence of chloram- phenicol under the conditions of Mandelstam and Rogers [8]. After incuba- tion, the measurements of biosynthesis were made using material, prepared from the cells, which was insoluble in hot trichloroacetic acid. It was shown that incorporation into such material reflected cell wall mucopep- tide synthesis by preparing the cell walls according to the method of Cummins and Harris [14]. Of the following compounds only 5-fluorouraciI PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE ANALOGUES 29 1 inhibited cell wall mucopeptide synthesis: 5-bromouracil, 5-fluorouracil, 6-azauracil, 6-azathymine, 8-azaguanine and its riboside, 2 : 6-diamino- purine, and 6-mercaptopurine. At a concentration of o-i jumole/ml. of 5-fluorouracil the biosynthesis of cell wall mucopeptide was inhibited 30-60%. The other compounds were tested in concentrations up to i /xmole/ml. without effect upon biosynthesis. A separate section will be devoted to the examination of the effect of certain substituted benzimida- zoles which have also been examined. The accumulation within the cells of compounds soluble in trichloroace- tic acid and which contain N-acetylhexosamine in a bound form, was examined by the technique previously used by Strominger [18] for penicil- lin-treated cells. It was found that a considerable accumulation of such compounds occurred. For example, in the presence of 0-4 jumole of 5- fluorouracil/ml. the cells accumulated 600 /xg. of N-acetylhexosamine/ 100 mg. of bacterial dry wt. during i hr. incubation, whilst the control cells incubated without 5-fluorouracil had accumulated only 50 60 /xg. of bound N-acetylhexosamine. The amino sugar concentration is expressed in terms of N-acetylglucosamine. The amount present in the cells increased accor- ding to the concentration of fluorouracil added to the incubation medium up to the highest concentration of inhibitor examined (o •4/zmole/ml.). This accumulation could be prevented equally by the simultaneous presence of either uridine or uracil; thymidine was about a third as effective as these two compounds on a molar basis. The nature of compounds containing N-acetylhexosamine Washed cells of Staphylococcus aureus 524/SC were incubated at 35° in the solution used previously which contained the four cell wall amino acids, glucose, phosphate, and chloramphenicol. A concentration of 0-4 /imole/ml. of [2-^^C]-5-fluorouracil was included. Incubation was con- tinued for I hr. at 35° with aeration. At the end of this time the cells were removed by centrifugation and washed with cold o • i m sodium- potassium phosphate buffer at pH 7-0. They were then extracted with cold 10% trichloroacetic acid [18] as before. The extract was freed from trichloroacetic acid by ether extraction, the residual ether removed by aeration and the extract then chromatographed on a column of Dowex-i (X2, chloride form, 50-100 mesh). The eluents used were those described by Strominger [18]. The emerging samples were examined for bound N-acetylhexosamine by the usual technique [18] and for radioactivity. Two peaks containing both N-acetylhexosamine and [2-^^C]-5-fluorouracil were found corresponding in position to the bound N-acetylhexosamine peaks obtained when extracts from penicillin-treated cells were examined in a similar manner. Both these peaks appeared likely to contain more than 292 H. J. ROGERS AND H. R. PERKINS one substance. Consequently the materials from each peak after concentra- tion by adsorption on to, and elution from charcoal [19], were re-chromato- graphed on columns of diethylaminoethyl-cellulose. The columns were developed with a gradient of ammonium acetate at pH 6-5. Material from the first peak from Dowex-i yielded only one substance containing both N-acetylhexosamine and [2-^^C]-5-fluorouracil when examined on the sub- stituted cellulose column whilst the second yielded two such peaks, one of which was still heterogeneous. This latter peak was chromatographed once more on diethylaminoethyl cellulose, the column being developed this time with an increasing concentration of ammonium acetate at pH 5-0. Table I shows the analysis of the compounds isolated. It will be seen that I A, 2C1 and 2C2 are the fluorouridine analogues of the compounds previously isolated by Park [11] from penicillin-treated staphylococci. Huorouridine-diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine (2B) was also isolated: no other compounds containing N-acetylhexosamine could be recognized. TABLE I Analysis of the Compounds Extracted from Staphylococcus aureus Strain 524 WITH Trichloroacetic Acid after the Cells had been Incubated with 04 /amole of [2-^'*C]-5-Fluorouracil (The molar proportions are related to the concentration of [2-^*C]-5-fluoro- uracil which is taken as i 00.) Molar proportions ■^-Fluoro- Phos- Glutamic ^ • ai • Muramic Glucosa- •' ., , . , Lysme Alanine . , uracil phorus acid • acid mine I A I • 00 2B I 00 2C1 I 00 2C0 I 00 099 1-05 283 I ■ 12 0 0 0 0 0 0-97 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1-3 I -o 0 * = Not estimated. It will be noted that none of the compounds contained glycine. In earlier experiments in which lower concentrations (o-i /xmole/ml.) of 5- fluorouracil had been used, traces of glycine were found in hydrolysates from the materials in both peaks which emerged from the Dowex-i columns [17]. Only very small amounts of a definite compound, however, were found containing glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, and muramic acid. This compound seemed no longer to be present when 5-fluorouracil was present at the higher concentration in the incubation medium. From the above observations it seems reasonable to suppose that at least part of the cell wall mucopeptide in our strains of staphylococcus is PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE ANALOGUES 293 synthesized via uridine diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine and a uridine diphospho-mucopeptide similar to that isolated by Park [ii]. Equally it seemed possible that glycine which did not accumulate in any form associa- ted with 5-fluorouridine might be incorporated into the wall mucopeptide via a co-enzyme other than uridine. If such a precursor also contained other amino acids besides glycine, the differences in molecular proportion between our cell wall mucopeptides and those of other strains [13] might be explained. Earlier work, already described, showed that some analogues of thymine, guanine, and adenine did not inhibit mucopeptide synthesis or lead to the accvmiulation of compounds containing bound N-acetylhexosa- mine which were soluble in trichloroacetic acid. TABLE II The Effect of Substituted Benzimidazoles on the Incorporation of [i-"C]- Glycine and [G-^*C] Lysine into Material Insoluble in Hot Trichloroacetic Acid The organisms were incubated under conditions [8, 10] for cell wall synthesis such that little or no protein synthesis took place. Compound Concentration "0 Inhibition of in< ;orporation (/tmoles/ml.) [ I -i*C] -glycine [G- -i«C]-lysine 5 : 6 dimethyl- 0-4 12 24 benzimidazole I 0 15 32 5 : 6 dichloro-1- (jS-ribofuranosyl)- 05 24 32 benzimidazole I 0 62 63 5 : 6 dichloro- 0-5 12 15 benzimidazole I 0 21 31 2 -o 64 59 Another group of analogues, the substituted benzimidazoles, have been shown to inhibit [8-^^C]-adenosine incorporation into ribonucleic acid of chorioallantoic membrane [21, 22] and to inhibit incorporation of amino acids into trichloroacetic acid insoluble material from staphy- lococci [23, 24, 25]. The effect of these substances upon cell wall formation under our conditions was examined. On the hypothesis that the small amount of material referred to above as having been isolated from cells treated with o-i /^mole/ml. of fluorouracil, which contained glutamic acid, glycine, and alanine but not lysine, might be a cell-wall precursor, the effects of the substituted benzimidazoles on the incorpora- tion of glycine and lysine were compared. It was found (see Table II) that two of the compounds inhibited incorporation of both amino acids when tested in the same system as used before, but that both amino acids were 294 H. J. ROGERS AND H. R. PERKINS equally affected. The third, 5, 6-dimethylbenzimidazole, was only weakly inhibitory but rather more active in inhibiting lysine incorporation than that of glycine. No definite accumulation of glycine-containing compounds was found. Full analysis of the mechanism of the inhibition has not yet been attempted but it does not seem to be possible to inhibit differentially the two possible pathways of synthesis in an obvious manner by means of the substituted benzimidazoles. It may be, of course, that even if two such pathways exist, it is impossible to obtain a polymer principally made from only one set of precursors. If this were so, then one would not expect to be able to inhibit the incorporation of amino acids differentially, although earlier work with penicillin [8] held out promise of such possibilities. References 1. Perkins, H. R. and Rogers, H. J., Biochem.J. 72, 647 (1959). 2. Strominger, J. L., and Threnn, R. H., Biochim. biophys. Acta 33, 280 (1959). 3. Salton, M. R. J., Nature, Loud. 180, 338 (1957). 4. Armstrong, J. J., Baddiley, J., Buchanan, J. G., Carss, B., and Greenberg, G. R.,y. chem. Soc. 4344 (1958). 5. Baddiley, J., Proc. chem. Soc. 177 (1959). 6. Hancock, R., Biochim. biophys. Acta 37, 42 (i960). 7. Park, J. T., Biochem.J. 70, 2P (1958). 8. Mandelstam, J., and Rogers, H. J., Biochem.J. 72, 654 (1959). 9. Strominger, J. L., Ito, E., and Threnn, R. H., J. Amer. chefn. Soc. 82, 998 (i960). 10. Mandelstam, J., and Rogers, H. J., Nature, Loud. l8l 956 (1958). 11. Park, J. T.,J. biol. Chem. 194, 877, 885, 897 (1952). 12. Strominger, J. L., and Park, J. T. Science 125, 99 (i957)- 13. Rogers, H. J., and Perkins, H. R., Nature, Loud. 184, 520 (i959)- 14. Cummins, C. S., and Harris, H., J', gen. Microbiol. 14, 583 (1956). 14a. Salton, M. R. J., and Home, R. W., Biochim. biophys. Acta 7, 177 (1951). 15. Chaudhuri, N. K., Montag, B. J., and Heidelberger C, Cancer Res. 18, 318 (1956). 16. Harbers, E., Chaudhuri, N. K., and Heidelberger C.,J. biol. Chem. 234, 1255 (1959)- 17. Rogers, H. J., and Perkins H. R., Biochem.J. 74, 6P (i960). 18. Strominger, J. L,.,J. biol. Chem. 224, 509 (1957). 19. Cabib, E., Leloir, L. P., and Cardini, C. E.,J. biol. Chem. 203, 1055 (i9S5)- 20. Rogers, H. J., and Perkins H. R., Biochem.J. 77, 449 (i960). 21. Tamm, I., Science 126, 1235 (1957). 22. Tamm, I. "8th Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology", ed. S. T. Cowan and E. Rowatt. Cambridge University Press, 178 (1958). 23. Gale, E. F., and Folkes, J. P., Biochem.J. 64, 4P (1956). 24. Gale, E. F., and Folkes, J. P., Biochejn.J. 67, 507 (1957). 25. Gale, E. F., "8th Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology", ed. S. T. Cowan and E. Rowatt. Cambridge University Press, 212 (1958). PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE ANALOGUES 295 Discussion Reichard : Do you believe that the fluoronucleotides are less effective as donors of the peptides, and connected with this question is the second question didn't you find any uracil in your fluorouracil nucleotides ? Rogers : In answer to the first question we have taken the cells in which we have accumulated the pyrimidine mucopeptide and have tried in all ways to obtain utilization of them. We get no utilization of the small mucopeptide even when the cells are incubated in the presence of a large excess of normal uridine. Our hypo- thesis is that the fluorine-substituted compounds inhibit the polymer formation by competitive inhibition of the final steps of condensation. We haven't any very good evidence, but one can specifically prevent the accumulation of these materials by adding uridine simultaneously with purines. The second question concerns uracil again ; in preliminary experiments we have used half as much fluorouracil as those I have shown today and under these conditions we got approximately equal amounts of the uracil compound and the fluorouracil compound accumulating. When we doubled the amount of fluorouracil, the normal uracil compounds completely disappeared. Studies on the Incorporation of Arginine into Acceptor RNA of Escherichia coli* H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMANf The Rockefeller Institute, New York, U.S.A. and W. K. Maas| New York University College of Medicine, New York, U.S.A. Introduction The activation of amino acids and their transfer to acceptor RNA (soluble RNA, sRNA) has been extensively investigated in several labora- tories (for a review see Zamecnik [i]). Although it is generally assumed that these reactions are involved in the biosynthesis of proteins, relatively little experimental evidence from whole cell studies is available on the exact nature of their participation [2]. To characterize further the role of these reactions in cellular metabolism we began a study of the incorpora- tion of arginine into acceptor RNA. It has been shown that in E. colt the intracellular concentration of this amino acid controls the formation of enzymes involved in its own biosynthesis [3]. When the concentration of arginine is high, such as in cultures growing in the presence of exo- genously provided arginine, the formation of these enzymes is repressed ; when it is low, as in an arginine-requiring mutant growing with limiting arginine in a chemostat, the level of enzymes rises to 500 times that of the repressed culture. In view of recent studies which have implicated RNA in the regulation of protein synthesis [4, 5] we felt that the arginine system, in which it is possible to vary the rate of formation of certain specific enzymes, would be suitable to elucidate a possible regulatory function of RNA. The present paper is chiefly a description of a system for the in vttro incorporation of arginine into the acceptor RNA. Certain compounds * This work was supported by grant no RG-6048 from the U.S. Public Health Service. f Present address : Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Szceden. % Senior Research Fellow, U.S. Public Health Service. 29S H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN Structurally related to arginine have been investigated and their effect on the rate of formation of arginine-RNA will be described. In addition cells obtained from different states of repression will be compared in regard to the arginine-activating enzyme and the arginine-RNA. In particular this comparison involves a mutant in which arginine no longer represses enzyme formation. Methods and Materials The strains used were E. coli Hfr 30S0 (" wild type ") and Hfr 30S0A5, a canavanine-resistant mutant [6] in which arginine can no longer repress the synthesis of some enzymes involved in its own biosynthesis (in the following this mutant is designated arg.R"). Growth of the cells was carried out aerobically in two types of minimal media, A and S-2, [7, 8] both supplemented with monosodium glutamate (1-67 g./l.) and glucose (5 g./l.). The cells were harvested near the end of the logarithmic growth phase, collected by centrifugation in a Sharpies centrifuge, and stored as a frozen paste. The preparation of the acceptor RNAcan be summarized as follows [9] : The procedure was designed to avoid large volumes and ultracentrifuga- tions and is essentially a combination of steps taken from the methods of Crestfield ei ah [10] and Kirby [11] to which a lanthanum precipitation [12] has been added. It consists of a heating step which breaks up the cells, a deproteinization with phenol, an alcohol precipitation to remove phenol and low molecular weight material, an extraction of the precipitate with I M sodium chloride to separate the acceptor RNA from the high molecular weight RNA, and a lanthanum precipitation to separate the acceptor RNA from polysaccharides. The assay of the arginine-RNA* was carried out in a volume of o • 5 ml. at pH 7-0. The concentration of the components were o-i m tris- maleate buffer, 0-002 M ATP, 0-004 ^ Mg + + (added as MgO), 0-002 m glutathione, 0-002 M fructose diphosphate, 0-28 mM L-[^^C]-arginine with 5-93 X 10*' c.p.m./|umole, 15-20 jtxg. arginine-activating enzyme in 0-5 ml., and 5-25 optical units of RNA in 0-5 ml. The reaction mixture was incubated at 37° for 15 min. Mixing of reagents and termination of the reaction by the addition of 2 ml. of o-oi m lanthanum nitrate in 0-5 M perchloric acid were done in an ice bath. After the reaction was stopped, o ■ 2 ml. of 5% commercial yeast RNA was added as carrier. The precipitate was washed twice with 2 ml. of cold 5",, trichloroacetic acid containing * The following abbreviations are used: RNA, ribonucleic acid; tris, tris- (hydroxymethyl)aminomethane ; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; c.p.m., counts per min. ; optical unit (o.u.), the amount of RNA which in i ml. gives an extinction of I at 260 m/x; U.S. P., United States Pharmacopoeia; DEAE, diethylaminoethyl. STUDIES ON THE INCORPORATION OF ARGININE 299 1% casein hydrolysate, and once with 2 ml. of cold ethanol-ether (2 :i). It was dissolved by adding o • 3 ml. of o ■ 2 m triethylamine and heating to about 60° for 2 min. transferred to planchets, dried and counted with a windowless gasflow counter. A sample in which RNA was omitted was used as a blank except if otherwise stated. Correction for self absorption and geometry was read from a standard curve. The large scale labelling of RNA with [^"^CJ-arginine was carried out with the same reaction mixture as that used for the assay. The reaction was terminated by addition of an equal volume of 88% phenol in water and shaking for 2 min. After cooling to 4°, the phases were separated by centrifugation. The water layer (at the top) was removed and alcohol was added to it to a final concentration of 20% (to increase the solubility of the remaining phenol). The arginine-RNA was then precipitated with lan- thanum nitrate [8], redissolved in a small volume of 0-2 M potassium ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, pH 7, and finally dialysed for 15 20 hr. with several changes of water. The protein and the nucleic acid contents were determined from the extinctions at 280 and 260 m/x [13]. Chemicals used: Nitroarginine was synthesized according to Kossel and Kennaway [14]. The melting-point was 248^ d. and it was found to be homogeneous by paper electrophoresis at pH 6 and by chromatography in isopropanol : ammonia : water (7:1 : 2) (R/= o • 56). The strong u.v. absorp- tion of nitroarginine makes it convenient to observe it on paper by quench- ing of fluorescence in the same way as nucleotides. Sulphaguanidine (U.S. P.) was purchased from Amend Drug and Chem. Co., New York, New York, L-canavanine sulphate from Nutritional Biochemical Corp., Cleveland 28, Ohio; streptomycin sulphate (U.S. P.) from Ely Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, Indiana; L-[^'*C]-arginine with 5*93 x 10^ c.p.m./m- jumole from Nuclear Chicago Corp., Des Plaines, Illinois; L-[^'*C]-arginine with 88-8 X 10^ c.p.m./m/Limole and [^*C]-alga protein hydrolysate with 1-4 X 10'' c.p.m./|U,g. were obtained from Volks Radiochemical Co., Chicago 40, Illinois. Results PARTIAL PURIFICATION OF THE ARGININE-ACTIVATING ENZYME The frozen bacterial paste (about 11 g.) was placed in a temperature- insulated mortar. Liquid nitrogen was poured into it until the paste was well covered. As temperature equilibrium was approached the paste became brittle and was then ground to a fine powder by gently tapping with a pestle for 5-10 min. The liquid nitrogen was allowed to evaporate and the frozen powder was spread over the bottom surface of a plastic container. It was melted by dipping the container into water at 30° for 2-3 min., and cooled to 0°. It was suspended with stirring in about 4 ml. 300 H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN of 0-02 M MgClo in 0-02 M tris-HCl, pH 7-3 until a viscous but homo- geneous mixture was obtained. This was centrifuged at 100 000 g for i hr. The pellet (about one-third of the volume) was discarded and the clear supernatant was dialyzed at 4° for 12-15 hr. against 0-04 m tris-HCl, pH 7-4. The resulting solution (Fraction I) contains about 9-9 mg. of protein and 0-9 mg. of nucleic acid per ml. It was used as a general source of all activating enzymes as well as for the further purification of the arginine-activating enzyme. For this further purification the extract was chromatographed on DEAE cellulose [15]. A column containing a 100 ml. of absorbent was equilibrated with 0-04 M tris-HCl, pH 7-4, and was then loaded with a volume of Fraction I corresponding to 30 mg. of protein. The chromatogram was developed by stepwise elution, using the following amounts of tris-HCl bufl^ers, pH 7-4: («) 65 ml. of 0-23 m; (b) 45 ml. of 0-38 M, and (r) 100 ml. of I M. Step (a) elutes a protein fraction with none or very little arginine- activating enzyme ; step (b) contains most of this activity ; step (c) elutes a fraction consisting mainly of nucleic acid. It was observed that the first use of a batch of DEAE cellulose caused a considerable loss of enzyme activity. Repeated use of the same column gave, however, satisfactory results. The fractions containing the arginine-activating enzyme were pooled and concentrated about twenty times using negative pressure dialysis with I cm. wide dialysis tubing. The concentrated solution (and also Fraction I) were stored at — 15° with 30-40% ethylene glycol as antifreeze because it was found that repeated freezing and thawing results in marked loss of activity. A typical concentrated solution of the arginine-activating enzyme, including the ethylene glycol, had a protein content of 2 -9 mg. per ml. and a nucleic acid content of 002 mg. per ml. LEVEL OF ACTIVATING ENZYMES UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF GROWTH As mentioned previously the addition of arginine to the growth medium represses the formation of enzymes in its own biosynthesis. It was therefore of interest to examine the effect of arginine on the formation of its activating enzyme. For comparison a similar test was carried out for leucine, although a corresponding repression by leucine has not yet been investigated. Two cultures of strain 3oSq were grown, one in medium A + l- arginine (200 /ig./ml.), the other in medium A + L-leucine (200 yug./ml.). In the latter, L-isoleucine (100 /xg./ml.) and L-valine (100 /xg./ml.) were added to counteract the slight inhibition of growth produced by L-leucine. Fraction I was prepared from the harvested cells as described in the preceding section and designated I^ for the arginine-grown and I^ for the leucine-grown cells. The levels of the activating enzymes were determined by following the formation of arginine- and leucine-RNA. In all tests the STUDIES ON THE INCORPORATION OF ARGININE 301 same preparation of acceptor RNA was used. The initial reaction volume was I -5 ml., and included 100 fx\. of Fraction I. Aliquots of 0-5 ml. were removed at different times and assayed as described under Methods. The results are shown in Fig. i where the formation of arginine-RNA is rep- resented by circles (open for Fraction I^ and filled for Fraction Ij) and the formation of leucine-RNA is denoted by triangles (open for Fraction 1^ and filled for Fraction I^). The figure includes an experiment with a twenty-times diluted sample of Fraction I^ (open squares) to show that this reaction like that with leucine procedes linearly with time. As Fig. i II 300 n 1 1 ■ 1 — /^^^'"^^"^""^'^'^ y^ ^xy^\ / / / y' // ^^ ^ too / / / ^ 1 / /^ / / // / ^ // / / // / '^ 11 / / I ^/^ ^^^^ 1 ^ _^— — -^ — ' iZ-'-'^ — ' ^ 30 f1 I I Time in minufes Fig. I. Rate of formation of arginine-RNA (filled and unfilled circles) and leucine-RNA (filled and unfilled triangles). The enzyme sources were Fraction I^^ obtained from cells grown in the presence of arginine (open circles and triangles), and Fraction I^ from cells grown in the presence of leucine (filled circles and triangles). The open squares represent the formation of arginine-RNA with a twenty-times diluted sample of Fraction I.^. shows, the addition of either amino acid to the growth medium is without effect on the formation of either activating enzyme. EFFECT OF GUANIDINO DERIVATIVES ON THE ARGININE-ACTIV.'VTING ENZYME Certain guanidino derivatives were tested for their effect on the rate of formation of arginine-RNA. Purified arginine-activating enzyme (about 3 /xg. per assay) was used in all experiments with arginine, and Fraction I was used in the experiments with the amino acid mixture (the alga protein hydrolysate). Table I shows that canavanine and streptomycin were found to be inhibitory whereas nitroarginine was slightly stimulatory and sul- phaguanidine without a definite effect. 302 H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN TABLE I Effect of Guanidino Derivatives on the Arginine-Activating Enzyme Incorporation of Addition Activity c.p.m. per cent All amino acids Arginine Canavanine Canavanine 6140 5090 2830 1320 100 83 100 47 All amino acids Arginine >> Streptomycin Streptomycin 1550 mo 3680 2270 100 72 100 62 Arginine Sulphaguanidine Nitroarginine 3390 3480 3860 100 103 114 The concentration of the compounds listed under "Addition" were 3 mM, and the [^*C]-arginine concentration was o • 28 mM in all experiments. The concentration of the [^*C]-alga protein hydrolysate was 3-4 /Ltg./ml. in the experiment with streptomycin and 8-4 /xg./ml. in the one with canavanine. Except for the use of an excess of RNA from 3oSq, the assay was carried out as described under Materials and Methods. The activity in c.p.m. is given without correction for self-absorption and geometry. fOO \ so \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ foO \ \ \ \ \\ \ ^v ^0 \ \^ s \. N. N. \ \. v^ \ ■^ \^ ^0 1 1 1 1 1 2 < 6 e mM Canavanine Fig. 2. Activity of the arginine-activating enzyme as a function of canavanine concentration. The concentration of [^^C]-arginine was o -28 mM. Enzyme purified from strain 30S0 represented by open circles; from strain 30S0A5 by filled circles. STUDIES ON THE INCORPORATION OF ARGININE 303 Since the arg.R~ strain 30SQA5 was originally isolated as a canavanine- resistant mutant [5], a comparison was made of the canavanine inhibition of the arginine-activating enzymes isolated from 308^ and from 30S0A5. About 3 • 3 fjig. of purified activating enzyme was used in each assay and the canavanine concentration was varied over a twentyfold range. The results from these experiments (see Fig. 2) show no difference in the sensitivity between the enzymes from the two strains. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ARGININE-RNA A comparison was made between the acceptor RNA from the wild type and the arg.R~ mutant, using 15 fig. of the same preparation of purified arginine-activating enzyme in each assay. Figure 3 shows the RNA- 10 15 20 25 Optical units s-RNA Fig. 3. RNA dependence for the formation of arginine-RNA. Acceptor RNA from strain 30S0 (wild type) represented by open circles, from strain 30S0A5 (the arg . R-mutant) denoted by filled circles. dependence for the formation of arginine-RNA. The slopes of the lines correspond to an uptake of i arginine per 1900 nucleotides for the wild type and i arginine per 1200 nucleotides for the arg.R" mutant. Figure 4 shows the enzyme dependence of the formation of arginine-RNA for a pair of RNA preparations other than those used for the experiments of Fig. 3. At all levels of enzyme, the amount of arginine-RNA formed in 1 5 min. is larger in the arg . R~ mutant than in the wild type. To test whether or not the difference observed in the two previous experiments was specific for arginine, the incorporation of arginine was compared to that of the amino acid mixture (which contains about 6% arginine). Table II shows 304 H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN TABLE II Amino Acid Incorporation into Acceptor RNA Incorporation of Type of RNA Specific activity of RNA c.p.m./o.u. per cent Arginine All amino acids Wild type (30S0) Mutant (30S0A5) Wild type (30S0) Mutant (30S0A5) 176 282 568 675 100 160 100 119 The concentration of the [^*C]-alga protein hydrolysate was 3-4 /xg./ml. ; other conditions of the assay as described under Materials and Methods. The specific activity in c.p.m./o.u. is given without correction for self adsorption and geometry. 0 10 20 30 //g Arginine activating enzyme Fig. 4. Enzyme dependence for the formation of arginine-RNA. Purified arginine-activating enzyme from strain 3oS(, (the wild type) was used with 24-0 optical units acceptor RNA from the same strain (open circles) and with 23 • 8 optical units acceptor RNA from the arg.R" mutant 3oS|,A5 (filled circles). The blanks used in this experiment were the c.p.m. obtained by extrapolation to zero jj-g. of enzyme. that the incorporation of the amino acid mixture is 19% higher into the mutant RNA than into the wild type RNx\, whereas the incorporation of arginine into the mutant RNA is 60*',, higher. However, it should be pointed out, that in all experiments in Tables I and II, the incorporation of the amino acid mixture is proportional to its concentration, while the STUDIES ON THE INCORPORATION OF ARGININE 305 formation of arginine-RNA is independent of arginine concentrations above o • i mM. As a qualitative test of the product formed, a sample of acceptor RNA from 30S0A5 was labelled with the more active of the ["C]-arginine preparations (see Methods and Materials). The labelled RNA obtained had a specific activity of 5730 c.p.m./o.u. It was subjected to mild alkaline treatment (0-05 M triethylamine for 3 min. at 60°) and analyzed by paper chromatography. Only the arginine spot could be detected, despite the fact that the arginine used for the incorporation experiment showed four spots of impurities. The hydrolysis of arginine-RNA at pH 8-o was studied at three temperatures. Samples of p^C]-arginine-RNA with 160 c.p.m./o.u. were incubated at different temperatures; aliquots were removed at various Fig. 5. 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min) Rate of hydrolysis of arginine-RNA at pH 8 -o and different temperatures. times and added to i ml. of cold o-oi M lanthanum nitrate in 0-5 M per- chloric acid. The precipitate collected after centrifugation was counted. Figure 5 shows these data as a percentage of the counts of the zero time precipitate. Discussion THE ARGININE-ACTIVATING ENZYME The chromatography of the arginine-activating enzyme described here removes nucleic acid rather well but gives on a protein basis only about a threefold increase in specific activity. However, the amount of protein required to label i mg. of RNA in 15 min. is only 15 fig. (see Fig. 4). The corresponding figure for a seven-times purified leucine-activating enzyme calculated from Fig. 3 in ref. [16] was found to be around 4-7 mg. A similar figure has been reported also for an isoleucine-activating protein 306 H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN fraction [17]. There may thus be considerable differences in turnover number between activating enzymes. The experiments in Fig. i show a comparison of the incorporation of arginine and leucine when the enzyme fractions had been obtained from cells grown in the presence either of arginine or of leucine. The results show that the addition of the amino acids to the media had no effect on the level of the corresponding activating enzyme and that the repression mechanism found for the enzymes in the biosynthesis of arginine [18] does not operate on the arginine-activating enzyme. Further support for this conclusion is provided by the results of several experiments in which no appreciable difference was found between the quantities of arginine- activating enzyme obtained from the wild type and the arg . R" mutant. /;/ vivo experiments have earlier shown that canavanine inhibits growth by interfering with the utilization of arginine in protein synthesis [19]. The present finding of the inhibition of the arginine-activating enzyme suggests this step as the site of action of canavanine. Since the enzyme from the mutant is as sensitive as that from the wild type, the mechanism of the resistance in the mutant does not involve an alteration of this enzyme (cf. ref. 20 and 21). The experiments in Table I show that streptomycin inhibits the formation of arginine-RNA and that this inhibition is greater for arginine than for a mixture of all amino acids. Streptomycin is known to complex with nucleic acids [22] and it is difficult to exclude that this presumably non-specific effect contributes to the inhibition we have recorded here, although no precipitation occurred in the presence of the buffer used in our experiments. The increased sensitivity of the arginine incorporation compared to that of the mixture of all amino acids (including arginine), though rather slight, indicates some degree of specificity for the inhibition of the formation of arginine-RNA. Some further support for a relation between the utilization of arginine and the action of streptomycin is suggested by the fact that Gorini [23] has obtained a mutant which requires either arginine or streptomycin. It has also recently been found that the genes for streptomycin resistance, the arginine repressor and some of the arginine synthesizing enzymes are closely linked [6]. Davis and his co-workers [24] have recently shown that streptomycin damages the cell membrane but they have concluded that this action though necessary, may not be sufficient to account for the bactericidal effect. It may well be that both the specific action of streptomycin in the incorpora- tion of arginine into acceptor RNA and its non-specific complex formation with nucleic acid contribute to the bactericidal action. In vivo experiments with nitroarginine showed that it neither affects growth, nor does it replace arginine for the growth of an arginine-requiring mutant. The i^/^ increase in the rate of formation of arginine-RNA STUDIES ON THE INCORPORATION OF ARGININE 307 observed in the presence of this compound is obscure, ahhough an in- hibitor normally present in the cell and antagonized by nitroarginine could account for an effect like this. When comparing the four guanidino derivatives tested in Table I it can be seen that those in which the electronegative character of the guani- dino group has been decreased (nitroarginine and sulphaguanidine), have no inhibitory action on the arginine-activating enzyme. This is in agree- ment with the observation that the enzyme is relatively acidic and eluted from the DEAE cellulose column with 038 m tris-HCl pH 7-4 whereas the threonine-activating enzyme from calf liver was eluted by 0-12 m tris-HCl pH 7-8 during otherwise similar conditions [25]. Sharon and Lipman [26] have studied the influence of analogues on the trvptophan-activating enzyme and have compared their in vitro results with in vivo studies on the growth of E. coli [27, 28]. It was found that 5-methyltryptophan and 6-methyltryptophan, inhibited both growth and the tryptophan-activating enzyme. At a concentration ratio of analogue : tryptophan of 200 :i the inhibition was 70" o for 5-methyltryptophan and 42% for 6-methyltryptophan in the in vitro experiments. In comparison we found at a concentration ratio of 10:1 (analogue: arginine) 47^0 inhibition for canavanine and 38" ^ inhibition for streptomycin. The somewhat greater effect of the arginine analogues lends additional sup- port to the suggestion that the in vivo action of these inhibitors are on the level of the activating enzymes. THE ARGININE-RNA The alkaline liability of the formed arginine-RNA as well as the other characteristics of the reaction are consistent with the general notion of an amino acid-acyl-RNA compound of the type previously described for other amino acids [29, 30]. The difference in the amount of arginine- RX A between the wild type and the arg.R~ mutant (see Figs. 3 and 4) has been observed in two independent pairs of RNA preparations. At present we do not know whether this difference is only a quantitative one or also a qualitative one. The physiological significance of the difference in relation to the mechanism of the arginine repression is also not clear. However, the observed difference supports our original notion that repression is linked with RNA metabolism and encourages us to continue studies along these lines. 308 H. G. BOMAN, I. A. BOMAN Acknowledgments We should like to express our thanks to Dr. F. Lipmann for much help and many stimulating discussions. References 1. Zamecnik, P. C, "The Harvey Lectures" Series 54 (1958-9), Academic Press, New York (i960). 2. Lacks, S., and Gros, F.,^. mol. Biol, i, 301 (1959). 3. Gorini, L., and Maas, W. K., Biochim. biophys. Acta 25, 208 (1957). 4. Maaloe, O., in "Microbial Genetics". Cambridge University Press, 272 (i960). 5. Neidhardt, F. C, and Magasanik, B., Biochim. biophys. Acta 42, 99 (i960). 6. Borgois, S., Lavallee, R., Maas, W. K., and Wiame, J., in preparation. 7. Davis, B. D., and Mingioli, E. S., J. Bact. 60, 17 (1950). 8. Hager, L. P., Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Illinois (1954). 9. Method developed in the laboratory of Dr. F. Lipmann. 10. Crestfield, A. M., Smith, K. C, and Allen, F. W., J. biol. Chem. 216, 185 (1955)- 11. Kirby, K. S., Biochem.J. 64, 405 (1956). 12. Hammarsten, E., Hammarsten, G., and Theorell, T., Acta med. scand. 68, 219 (1928). 13. Warburg, O., and Christian, W., Biochem. Z. 310, 384 (1941). 14. Kossel, A., and Kennaway, E. L., Hoppe-Seyl Z. 72, 486 (191 1). 15. Peterson, E. A., and Sober, H. E.,X Afiier. chern. Soc. 78, 751 (1956). 16. Allen, E. H., Glassman, E., Cordes, E., and Schweet, R. S.,jf. biol. Chern. 235, 1068 (i960). 17. Hele, P., and Finch, L. R., Bioclieni. jf. 75, 352 (i960). 18. Gorini, L., and Maas, W. K., in "The Chemical Basis of Development", ed. McElroy and Glass. Johns Hopkins Press 489 (1958). 19. Schwartz, J., and Maas, W. K.,^. Bact. 79, 794 (i960). 20. Davis, B. D., and Maas, W. K., Proc. nat. Acad. Set., Wash. 41, 775 (1952). 21. Hotchkiss, R. D., and Evans, A. H., Cold Spr. Harb. Symp. quant. Biol. 23, 85 (1958). 22. Cohen, S. ^.,y. biol. Chem. 168, 511 (1947). 23. Gorini, L., personal communication. 24. Anand, N., Davis, B. D., and Armitage, A. K., Nature, Lond. 185, 23 (i960). 25. Acs, G., Hartmann, G., Boman, H. G., and Lipmann, F., Fed. Proc. 18, 178 (1959)- 26. Sharon, N., and Lipmann, F., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 69, 219 (1957). 27. Halvorson, H., Spiegelman, S., and Hinman, R. L., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 55> 512 (1955)- 28. Pardee, A. B., Shore, V. C, and Prestidge, L. S., Biochim. biophys. Acta 21, 406 (1956). 29. Zachau, H. G., Acs, G., and Lipmann, F., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 44, 885 (1958). 30. Preiss, J., Berg, P., Ofengand, E. Y., Bergmann, F. H., and Dieckmann, M., Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 45, 319 (1959). I POLYSACCHARIDES Introduction GUNNAR BlIX Medicinsk-kemiska Institutionen, Uppsala, Sweden In the present symposium problems related to polysaccharides occupy a relatively modest place, being dealt with only at this afternoon's session. This is perhaps a reasonable limitation in view of the general aim of the symposium. But polysaccharides undoubtedly play a very important role in "biological structures and functions" throughout the animal and plant kingdoms down to the bacteria. Since the lectures we shall listen to during the next few hours seem to be dealing mainly with metabolic and methodo- logical aspects, it will perhaps be appropriate as an introduction to touch upon the arrangement and functions of the polysaccharides in the tissues. Because I have little personal experience of the conditions in plants I shall confine myself to some words about polysaccharides in animal tissues. In some regards they may have a wider application. Bone, cartilage, skin, tendons, blood vessels, etc., all contain con- siderable amounts of acid mucopolysaccharides. As you know it has turned out during later years that there are many kinds of these substances: hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulphuric acids of different types, kerato- sulphuric acid and others. Within each species minor modifications probably occur, at least as regards degree of polymerization. Certain general statements may be made about the arrangement of the mucopoly- saccharides in the structural pattern of the connective tissues, and also about their physiological functions. They belong to the amorphous ground substance, they are present in the form of a sol or a gel in the pores of a collagenous network and thev are loosely or more firmly associated with proteins. It also seems safe to say that they are in part responsible for the physical, and not least the mechanical properties of the connective tissues. But when we come to questions such as exact ultrastructural or molecular arrangements and precise mode of functions we are still very much in the dark. The physiological function of a biological substance is in the first instance dependent on its chemical and physical properties. But these properties may in difl^erent biological structures or environments have very different physiological significance or consequences. I should like to illustrate this point with an example. Hyaluronic acid, 312 GUNNAR BLIX wherever it occurs, is a high-molecular, poly-anionic, highly hydrated, essentially unbranched polysaccharide, the molecules of which seem to be present in living tissues as randomly kinked coils. As might be expected, aqueous solutions of this substance are highly viscous. The viscous character of the joint fluids is due to hyaluronic acid, which occurs dis- solved in the fluid together with some serum proteins. In this environment the properties of hyaluronic acid make it suitable to serve as a lubricant, protecting the cartilaginous surfaces in the joints against mechanical damage. This may be regarded as the main function of the hyaluronic acid of the joint fluid. In the skin, subcutaneous, and other connective tissues the hyaluronic acid has quite other functions. The characteristic mechanical properties of these tissues, their rigidity, degree of compressibility, resistance to injected fluids and so on are no doubt due to the particular arrangement in which a sol or gel of hyaluronic acid (and of some other mucopoly- saccharides) is included into the fine three-dimensional network of collagen fibres. Variation in pore-size, in fibre-width, fibre-length and orientation and in concentration, polymerization and ionization of the polysaccharides may of course influence and modify the mechanical and other properties of the tissues, but these fields are largely unexplored. Karl Meyer and his collaborators have made the interesting observation that the ratio between hyaluronate and chondroitin sulphate and the ratio between different chondroitin sulphates vary with age. In pig's skin the ratio between chondroitin sulphate B and hyaluronate was found to be 1 : 5 in the new-born but a good i : i in the adult. In new-born infants the rib cartilage contains a high concentration of chondroitin-4-sulphate. This concentration decreases with increasing age, whereas the concentra- tion of keratosulphate increases from the first year to adulthood and then remains constant. Furthermore chondroitin-4-sulphate is practically all replaced by the 6-sulphate. The physiological significance of these changes is unknown, but since they concern chemical substances with different properties they must undoubtedly influence the mechanical and other properties of the tissues. The mechanism by which these chemical changes are initiated may be something essential in the process of ageing. There is evidently a long way to go before arriving at a clear under- standing of the precise physiological significance of these and other structural polysaccharides. The work still to be done must comprise investigations of their primary and conformation structure, as well as studies on their interactions with fibre and globular proteins. It should also include a close inquiry into the physicochemical properties of the pure substances and of the complexes formed between them and proteins. It should of course involve direct studies on living tissues with optical and other methods. Investigation on artificial models may also be valuable. INTRODUCTION 313 The so-called structural polysaccharides should by no means be regarded as metabolically inert material. Already the relatively rapid metabolic turn-over of some of the acid mucopolysaccharides may be taken as evidence of that. It has been suggested that the architecture of the collagen bundles is determined by the type of polysaccharide formed by the cells in various types of connective tissues, and that the polysaccharide in some way or the other influences fibre formation. In embryonic develop- ment and wound healing the fibre formation is preceded by or con- comitant with the formation of mucopolysaccharides. Of these, hyaluronic acid is usually the first produced, followed by sulphated forms. Some kind of template function of the polysaccharides bearing upon secondary or tertiary structure of connective tissue proteins might perhaps be con- ceivable. In any event the problems pertaining to formation and metabolic turn-over of the polysaccharides must of course be of great interest in connection with biological structure and function. These problems have been very much to the fore during latter years and Prof. Dorfman and Prof. Hestrin have, as you all know, made outstanding contributions in these fields. We have learned that biosynthesis is not, as was earlier assumed, a simple reversal of the process of hydrolysis. The enzymic polysaccharidic syntheses work with donor substances, a common feature of which is that they consist of a sugar substituted on the anomeric carbon atom. The splitting of the bond between sugar and substituent supplies the energy required for the polymerization. The availability of suitable donors and appropriate enzymes (and perhaps other catalysts) will be the primary factors directing and guiding the formation of the polysaccharides. This field is as fascinating as it is complicated. We await with great interest what Prof. Hestrin and Prof. Dorfman have to tell us about their work. As with all other sciences progress in the polysaccharide field is very much dependent on the finding of new tools, principles, and methods of investigations. The separation of biological substances in unchanged state from the complex mixture in which they occur in living tissues, is one of the basic methodological problems of biochemistry. Dr. Flodin will give us a report of a new and promising device for the fractionation and separation of biological substances, which seems promising not least for the carbohydrate field, and I should not be surprised if it spread like an epidemic in biochemical laboratories. The Growth of Saccharide Macromolecules Shlomo Hestrin Department of Biological Chemistry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel In the context of a symposium on " Biological structure and function", it is surely appropriate to consider processes of polysaccharide synthesis which directly underlie striking morphological change in living organisms. Levan and dextran synthesis from sucrose and bacterial cellulose synthesis afford instructive examples of reactions in this class. The syntheses of these polymers proceed often to levels of product concentration at which a polymer-rich aqueous phase separates out in the surround of the cells. The ability for extracellular polymer synthesis appears to be so firmly established in the genetic make-up of widely different species, that one cannot but wonder whether some important biological function is not fulfilled by this property. Experiments reported in this symposium by P. A. Albertsson [i] are of interest in this connection. He has discovered that when phases arise in a mixed aqueous solution of appropriate species of macromolecules, particles dispersed in the system are often partitioned between the phases in a highly selective manner, and that particle size and shape affect this distribution very markedly. When phases separate out in a living system in the wake of polysaccharide synthesis, a similar specific partition pattern must occur. Thus a means may be afforded in the evolutionary process whereby potent macromolecular agents could be selectively concentrated or excluded from any separated phase. Such a phenomenon might have particular importance in the coacervate systems to which a prominent role has been assigned in a recent hypothesis concerning the nature of the primaeval milieu in which biological structure originated [2]. Size of the radical transferred from donor to the growing polymer chain in syntheses of levan and dextran Reactions catalyzed by a range of carbohydrases are now^ known to consist in the transfer of a glycosyl rather of a glvcosido group from the donor to an oxygen atom in the acceptor. If a change in substrate structure at an atom position close to that at which the bond breakage is to occur 3l6 SHLOMO HESTRIN can be expected to exert a more profound effect on the reaction rate than a similar change effected at a relatively remote atom position, it might be possible on the basis of enzyme specificity studies in a family of substrate analogues to infer the position of the bond at which the enzymic cleavage occurs [3]. However, an attempt to derive this inference from a considera- tion of the substrate range of the polymer-synthesizing carbohydrases — levansucrase and dextransucrase — encounters the difficulty that in both these systems minor changes in glycose structure at atom positions on both sides of glycosidic oxygen in sucrose result in a complete suppression of the reactivity [4]. The question therefore arose whether these poly- merizing enzymes are glycosylases, as are the common hydrolases, or whether they are glycosidases and thus perhaps different in a salient aspect of structure from the common hydrolase group. An investigation which made it possible to select between these concepts was carried out in collaboration with Dr. Frank Eisenberg during a visit to the National Institute of Health at Bethesda. Sucrose was synthesized enzymically by levansucrase-catalyzed trans- fer of fructose from raffinose (melibiosyl fructoside) to [i-^^0]-glucose. Sucrose formed was converted chemically first into its octoacetate and then, by transacetylation to methanol, was reconstituted in crystalline form. If a fructosido radical is transferred by the action of levansucrase, synthesized sucrose should have been devoid of any ^^O. If fructosyl rather than fructosido was the group transferred from raffinose to the added glucose acceptor, the atom excess of ^*^0 in the synthesized sucrose was expected, on the basis of the atom excess of ^^O in the glucose used, to be o • 65 %. Experimentally the atom excess of ^^O in the recovered crystallized sucrose was found to be o-6\%, in close agreement with the calculated value. Hence it could be concluded that levansucrase, like the common hydrolyzing /S-fructofuranosidase, is a glycosylase and not a glycosidase. P^O]-Sucrose which had been synthesized in the above manner was then incubated with dextransucrase of Leiiconostoc mesenteroides. Dextran formed in this system and isolated from aqueous solution by repeated precipitation with ethanol proved to be devoid of ^^O. Hence we are able to draw the further conclusion that dextransucrase, like levansucrase, is a glycosylase and not a glycosidase. It follows that levansucrase and dextransucrase attack sucrose each on a different side of the oxygen bridge. Should we be inclined, accordingly, to write the structure of sucrose with a Lipman wiggle ( ^ ) to indicate the site of the "high-energy-bond", we would be at a loss to decide the side of the oxygen bridge in which the symbol could properly be placed. The results with dextransucrase further afford conclusive proof that the only site in enzymically synthesized sucrose at which ^^O occurred was the glycosidic oxygen, P^O]- Sucrose synthesized as described by the THE GROWTH OF SACCHARIDE MACROMOLECULES 317 action of levansucrase is easily available and can be expected to be a useful aid for the elucidation of the intimate mechanisms of reactions in which an interglycosidic oxygen bridge is concerned. Fig. I. An early reaction time in synthesis of cellulose by Acetobacter xylimini. Cells were incubated in a droplet of glucose solution on a collodion film for 2 min. Product was freed from non-polymeric solutes in the extracellular phase by flotation on water. A typical intercellular space is shown. There is an abundance of a poly- meric material in the form of granules, rods and branched processes extending from slimelike regions. At zero time of reaction the space was optically empty. Pt shadow-cast (shadow ratio i :5). Magnification x 50 000. (Electronmicrograph prepared by Dr. D. Danon and Air. I. Ohad.) Growth of cellulose fibre in an extracellular phase Synthesis of cellulose in Acetobacter provides an example of a poly- merization system in which, as in the case of the production of levan and dextran by cells, the accumulation of polymeric product occurs in the extracellular phase. In the case of cellulose production, unfortunately, even the general nature of the reaction mechanism remains obscure. Greathouse [5] has reported that an ATP-fortified homogenate of A. xylinum cells readily synthesizes cellulose. Stacey [6] has reported, on the other hand, that attempts to duplicate this result have failed. Dr. 3l8 SHLOMO HESTRIN Z. Gromet-Elhanan in our laboratory likewise attempted to repeat the result described by Greathouse, and used for this purpose the same strain in conditions which resembled as closely as possible those used by the earlier workers. We have been unable in our laboratory to obtain any significant synthesis of cellulose in this homogenate system. Fig. 2. Cellulose fibres formed from glucose in a dilute suspension of cells of Acetobacter xyliuiim. Fine filaments (" ultrastrands "), whose thickness as estimated by measurement of shadow length is about 15 A, are seen both in solitary dis- positions and in intertwisted bundles ("composite fibre"). Along the length of some of the latter, aggregations of rods and granules ("amorphous formations") are seen. Photograph was taken at a reaction time of 20 min. Intercellular space at zero time was free from polymer. Specimen is mounted on a collodion film and was freed from non-polymeric solutes by filtration over agar (Kellenberger's technique). Pt shadow-cast (shadow ratio, i :6). Ahignification x 50000. (Elec- tronmicrograph prepared by Dr. D. Danon and Mr. I. Ohad.) The work of Glaser [7] has demonstrated that UDPG labelled in the glucose moiety incorporates ^^C into cellulose in the presence of a sub- cellular particle prepared from A. xylinmn. Mr. I. Ohad in our laboratory has successfully repeated this experiment. However, it should be noted that the cellulose-synthesizing activity manifested by this particle prepara- tion is very poor. It has, moreover, not as yet been shown that the observed THE GROWTH OF SACCHARIDE IMACROMOLECULES 319 incorporation reaction involves a polyrepetitive process rather than the transfer of one or only a few glucose residues to the acceptor site. Hence, one cannot be confident that this system is indeed one of complete cellulose synthesis by a cell-free agent. Nor can it as yet be asserted with any con- fidence that the major donor system involved in cellulose synthesis by this bacteria is indeed UDPG itself rather than an analogue thereof. Fig. 3. Morphological elements in cellulose formed from glucose in a dilute suspension of cells of Acetobacter xylhnitn. In addition to the elements listed in the legend of Fig. 2, this field reveals characteristic arrangements ("mats") of polymer in parallel rows of granules or rods apparently patterned by an enclosed framework of ultrastrands. Technique as in Fig. 2, except for the use of a longer reaction time (about 2 hr.). Magnification x 25 000. (Electronmicrograph prepared by Dr. D. Danon and Mr. I. Ohad.) A production of electron-microscopically demonstrable cellulosic fibre has been observed by Colvin [8] in A. xyliniim homogenates in- cubated with glucose in presence of adenosine triphosphate. Colvin has also reported that an ethanol extract made from a suspension of cells incubated with glucose contains a solute which on transfer to water assumes a fibrillar form, is alkali-insoluble, and affords glucose on acid hydrolysis. When such an ethanol extract was heated and then supplemented with an ultrafiltered Acetobacter preparation (aqueous extract of a dried suspension 320 SHLOMO HESTRIN of cells in a glucose solution), the yield of fibre, as judged on the basis of fibril incidence in an electron-microscope field, was significantly increased. However, in view of the complexity of design and the sparsity of quantita- tive information in these experiments, the chemical interpretation of these results remains still uncertain. In a recent note, Klungsoyr [9] revealed the existence in A. xylimim of a disproportionating enzyme system which can catalyze a transfer of glu- cosyl units from soluble cellodextrins into an insoluble cellulose fraction. This may indeed prove an important clue towards the understanding of the intermediary mechanism in cellulose synthesis. Although hexose phosphate (a- and ^-glucose- 1 -phosphate andUDPG) supplied to the cell exogenously does not yield cellulose, the assumption that hexose phosphate is an intermediary of cellulose production can be strongly supported. In this connection it may be noted that these cells readily form cellulose both from hexonic acids (gluconate, 2-ketogluconate, TABLE I Distribution of Radioactivity in Cellulose Formed from Specifically- Labelled Fructose Substrate Total radioactivity in cellulose monomer ("o of that in fructose) Distribution of radioactivity in cellulose monomer (total in monomer = 100) Ci C2 C3 C4 Cs C6 [ I -i*C] -fructose [2-^*C]-fructose [6-"C]-fructose 37 to 42 76 103 17 6 63 o 1 1 o 5-ketogluconate) and from other compounds (glucose, fructose) which could readily be converted by an Acetobacter cell into hexose phosphate. Furthermore, the view that hexose phosphate is an intermediate is also supported by the observation that radioactivity recovered in cellulose formed from specifically-labelled glucoses presents a distribution pattern quite diff^erent from that in the original substance but which is similar in unique features to the pattern which would arise if the intermediate on the pathway between exogenous hexose and formed cellulose is hexose phosphate in pentose cycle [10]. An analysis of radioactive carbon distri- bution in the cellulose afforded from specifically-labelled fructose was carried out in our laboratory by Dr. Gromet-Elhanan with results shown in Table I. These findings have given additional support to the view that the cellulose arises from hexose phosphate in a pentose cycle. It THE GROWTH OF SACCHARIDE MACROMOLECULES 321 should be noted, however, that a detailed examination of the results does reveal a quantitative deviation in some of the data from values that would be predicted on the basis of the conventional scheme of the pentose cycle. This implies, as indeed can readily be assumed, that hexose phosphate in the metabolic pools of this cell is probably involved also in additional and perhaps still undefined metabolic transformations. Fig. 4. Cellulose pellicle formed from glucose in a relatively concentrated suspension of cells of Acetobacter xylimmi. Cells are enmeshed in a cellulosic film which consists of fibres running through relatively amorphous regions of pol>Tner. Ultrastrands are resolvable in the fibre regions. Granular matter con- stitutes the amorphous phase. Specimen, which was freed from non-polymeric solutes by flotation in water, is mounted directly on a copper grid. Pt shadow-cast (shadow ratio i :5). Magnification x 25000. (Electronmicrograph prepared by Dr. D. Danon and Mr. I. Ohad.) The Acetobacter enzyme-system which converts hexose phosphate into cellulose is known to be anchored to the cell. Since the formed cellulose fibre is observed in the extracellular medium as a free entity rather than as a physical appendage of the organism, we may assume that the mor- phological precursor of the fibre is a diffusible cellulose form — probably a lone cellulose molecule — which escapes from the cell into the medium wherein it finally enters into a crystalline fibrous habitat. 322 SHLOMO HESTRIN If the diffusible entity which enters into the extracellular phase and there serves as a precursor of the cellulose fibre is indeed itself chemically identical with the cellulose in fibre, it could be anticipated that when cells are incubated with glucose the point of time at which fibre appears might be preceded by an interval during which a relatively large fraction of cellulose molecules in the extracellular phase is still in a relatively dis- organized state. Miihlethaler [ii] has shown that, when A. xylinum grows in a complex medium, cellulose fibres arise in the vicinity of the cell within an amorphous "slime". Studies recently conducted in our laboratory by Mr. I. Ohad in collaboration with Dr. D. Danon at the Weizmann Institute have indicated that when washed cells of this organism are suspended in radioactive glucose solution the synthesis of cellulose proceeds linearly in time without any observable induction phase, but that deposition of fibre becomes apparent only after an initial interval during which electron- microscopically discernible material is accumulated in the extracellular phase within relatively amorphous formations which consist of an alkali- insoluble, radioactive macromolecular compound — presumably cellulose itself. Within a few minutes after contact of the cells with glucose, almost all cellulose in the extracellular phase assumed a well-defined crystalline habitat. Ribbons and ropes of cellulose arose by side-to-side aggregation and intertwisting of an element which presented a remarkably constant morphology — the cellulose " ultrastrand " The thickness of this element was estimated by means of measurements of the length of the shadow which it casts. On this basis, the thickness was shown to be in the range 15 A. Width estimates were relatively more diflicult to arrive at in view of the distortion imposed by metal-shadowing. Allowing about 80 A for con- tribution made by metal to apparent width (cf. Hall [12]), the net width of the ultrastrand can be estimated to have been about two or three times the thickness. This would imply that the basic morphological element in bacterial cellulose fibre is a bundle which comprises about twelve glucose chains in its cross-section. Celluloses from widely different sources including preparations of bacterial origin, have been generally supposed, on the basis of electron- microscope studies, to consist of fibrils ^ 60 A in diameter [13]. However, correction was not made in any of these earlier studies for the effect of metal on the apparent fibril width, nor was the thickness estimated on the basis of measurements of length of shadow. In view of the present findings on bacterial cellulose, a re-examination of the value which has been assigned to the thickness dimension of the cellulose fibril in celluloses of different sources may be desirable. THE GROWTH OF SACCHARIDE MACROMOLECULES 323 References 1. Albertsson, P. A., these proceedings, Vol. i, p. 33. 2. Oparin, A. I., in "The Origin of Life ", First International lUBS Symposium. Pergamon Press, London, 428 (1959). 3. Koshland, D. E., Jr., in "The Enzymes", Vol. i, ed. P. Boyer et ol. Academic Press, New York, 305 (1959). 4. Hestrin, S., Feingold, D. S., and Avigad, G., Biochem.J. 64, 340 (1956). 5. Greathouse, G. A., J. Amer. chem. Soc. 79, 4503 (1957). 6. Stacey, M., in "Soc. Exp. Biol. Symposium XII". Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 185 (1958). 7. Glaser, L.,7- hioL Chem. 232, 627 (1958). 8. Colvin, J., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 7, 294 (1957); Colvin, J., Nature, Loud. 183, 1 135 (1959)- 9. Klungsoyr, S., Nature, Lotui. 185, 104 (i960) 10. Schramm, AL, Gromet, Z., and Hestrin, S., Nature, Loud. 179, 28 (1957). 11. Miihlethaler, K., Biochim. biophys. Acta 3, 527 (1949). 12. Hall, C. E., J. biophys. biochem. Cytol. 2, 625 (i960). 13. Cf. review by Frey-Wyssling, A. in "Symposium on BiocoUoids ", _7. cell, comp. Physiol. 49, (Supplement i), 63 (1957). Discussion Rogers : I wonder if Dr. Hestrin could tell us a little more about his comparison of the rate of synthesis of cellulose by the UPDG system and his system, because these comparisons are a little difficult to make especially when you are isolating particles from bacteria with rather tough cell walls. It is a little difficult to know what proportions of "particles" you have got out of the organisms, or how damaged or undamaged the preparation is. The second point I am not quite clear about, although I think you may have explained it already, is why you used fructose in these experiments, because if the UDPG system were functioning then presumably the fructose must get in, be reconstituted to the appropriate glucose-phosphate, the UDPG be made and this transferred back to the cellulose and during the process I would have thought there was an equal chance that endogenous supplies of glucose might be used in preference to fructose, in any case the penetration of cells by fructose is sometimes rather difficult. Hestrin : As in the work reported by Glaser, we were only able to recover about I °o or less of the cellulose-synthesizing activity of the cells in the equivalent amount of particle. Even on a weight per weight basis, the activity of the particle was less than that of the cell. The advantage of using fructose as a substrate in the synthesis of radioactive cellulose relates to the circumstance that fructose does not appear to be subject to a direct oxidation, whereas glucose tends to be oxidized to gluconate and thence to ketogluconate isomers each of which in turn can give rise to cellulose. The existence of many alternate pathways by which glucose can form cellulose complicates the calculation of the distribution which '^C supplied as glucose may be expected to assume in the synthesized cellulose. Using fructose, however, we have no glu- conate, we have no ketogluconate, but we still have of course, all the intermediates 324 SHLOMO HESTRIN of the pentose cycle to contend with. There existed a fairly close agreement between a pattern predicted on the basis of a schematic pentose cycle and the actual findings. DoRFMAN : The first part of your paper might be of interest in this question of specificity of the aglucone or glucone of glucosidase. Dr. Julio Ludowieg has recently studied this problem with Dr. Vennesland and myself using ^*0 with the hyaluronidases. In the case of the streptococcal hyaluronidase, as some of you know, the product is an unsaturated compound. Presumable this is an elimination reaction and, as one might have guessed, no incorporation of ^*0 from the medium occurs during this hydrolysis. The cleavage is thus of the ether rather than the glycoside link. With testicular hyaluronidase, which is a conventional glucosidase, "O incorporation apparently occurs, the cleavage is thus apparently of the glyco- side bond. Testicular hyaluronidase does not act on chondroitin sulphuric acid B which contains L-iduronic acid instead of D-glucuronic acid but it does act on both hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphuric acid A, one of which has glucos- amine and the other has galactosamine. Thus the specificity does not reside in the glycone portion of the molecule. Hestrin : Such cases encourage the consideration of the possibility that the interaction of enzyme and sugar does not exclusively involve one side of the sugar. Conceivably the substrate has to be fitted into a pit on the protein surface, or per- haps, as Wallenfels has conjectured, the protein winds itself around the substrate. Mitchell: I would like to ask Dr. Hestrin a question stemming from his last remarks. It seems as though the specificity of some of these enzymes implies that there may be a hole into which the precursor goes and out of which the polymer has to be extruded. Now, could I preface my question by saying that about five years ago. Dr. Moyle and I discovered that in certain micrococci there was an autolytic system that seemed to be capable of cutting a ribbon out of the spherical cell wall so that it would fall readily into two hemispherical parts ; and this system seemed to be mechanically attached to the wall, for it centrifuged with the cell wall fraction of disintegrated cells and could not readily be washed oflF. We made the suggestion that this system might be a synthetic system, and we visualized the synthesis as though the enzymes were like the clasps on a set of zip fasteners fixed in the plasma membrane and the zips, representing the unpolymerized cell wall precursors, we imagined as being pushed through from the inside to become zipped together, forming a wall on the outside. Now, could I ask in that context, whether you know where the particles come from in your particulate preparations ? Is it at all likely that they are originally part of the plasma membrane, and if so, do you think perhaps a precursor is being pushed out which is not actually visible yet as a fibre ? Hestrin: The particles could be fragments of the cell wall; we don't know. If they are fragments of the cell wall we could be more confident that the observed incorporation activity truly represented a polymerization process leading to fibre production. If the particles are of an endocellular origin, it is difficult to see how they could have operated in vivo to give rise to extracellular deposition of fibre. Perhaps, in that case, the observed incorporation of radioactivity was only a mani- festation of an oligorepetitive rather than of a polyrepetitive process of trans- glycosylation. If we assume that the polyrepetitive step in synthesis occurs at the cell membrane THE GROWTH OF SACCHARIDE MACROMOLECULES 325 and results in the liberation of a large cellulose molecule, we are attracted to suppose that such molecules diffuse into the medium and there crystallize to yield fibrils. Mitchell: Could I try to clarify my question a little ? In these organisms, one would presume that the cell wall, the outer stiff region, is a molecular sieve with holes in it that would be quite big enough to let through, say, sucrose molecules or an individual fibre, one sugar molecule in width, which is going to form a cellulose fibril. But, the plasma membrane, which is underneath the cell wall and is impermeable to glucose phosphates will also certainly be impermeable to glucose and fructose. We have never done permeability determinations on the organism that Dr. Hestrin has mainly been speaking about, but with many others, even when glucose is rapidly metabolized, the membrane is nevertheless quite imper- meable to free glucose in the normal sense. You therefore have the problem of how the precursor comes through the plasma membrane and why it polymerizes outside and not inside the protoplast. We would like to imagine that the trans- location and the polymerization of the precursor is controlled by a concerted cata- lytic process. Porter : As you may have guessed the other day I am fairly naive in this area of wall formation but I have been impressed by the general facility with which cells seem to shed their outer layer and then form a plasma membrane under the shed cortex. I don't suppose this happens in the micro-organisms but I did want to ask you if you thought the proposals made the other day that elements of the ER might carry the catalysts for cellulose polymerization were at all feasible ? Hestrin : There does not appear to be any protoplasmic connection between cellulose in the medium and a cell. One might speculate that the cellulose mole- cules diffuse from the cell and crystallize in the medium at a distance from the cell. As to the polymerization step leading to the cellulose molecule, we still do not know whether it occurs in the cell wall, on the outer surface, or within the cell. Mucopolysaccharides of Connective Tissue* Albert Dorfman and Sara Schiller The LaRahida-Lniversity of Chicago Institute and the Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, III., U.S.A. Polysaccharides, like other macromolecules, are generally classified on the basis of structure and composition. However, rapidly expanding research has made feasible an examination of the relationship between biological function and chemical structure. Consideration of the physio- logical role of polysaccharides suggests a distinction between energy- yielding and structural polysaccharides. In general, the former appear to be branched glucose polymers containing a glycoside linkages. Most typical of this group are starch and glycogen. In contrast, the structural polysaccharides are a more complex group of substances containing diverse monosaccharides. Many appear to be /S-linked polymers. Examples of these are cellulose, chitin, and the acid mucopolysaccharides of mammalian tissues. Other polysaccharides, such as the hemi-celluloses, pectins, and bacterial capsular polysaccharides, may be regarded as structural, but chemical correlations have not been clearly established, particularly with regard to steric configuration of the glycoside bonds. It seems likelv that with continuing investigation of chemical-biological correlations, a better understanding of the physiology of these substances may be reached. Limitation of space does not permit an extensive review of the numerous structural polysaccharides. This presentation will be confined rather to a discussion of the acid mucopolysaccharides of mammalian connective tissues. These compounds are linear polyanions which contain alternating units of N-acetylated hexosamine and uronic acid (with one exception) ; and in some cases, sulphate. They exist in the ground substance, a complex mixture in which the formed elements of connective tissues are imbedded. Figure i illustrates a portion of the chain of chondroitin sulphuric acid-A, present in high concentration in mammalian cartilage. Alternating glucuronic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine units are linked glvcosidically to form linear molecules. The galactosaminidic bond is 1^*4 while the * Original investigations reported in this communication were supported by grants from The National Heart Institute of the United States Public Health Service (No. H 311), The National Foundation, and The Chicago Heart Associa- tion, 328 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER glucuronidic bond is i— *3, a pattern which is followed in the three chon- droitin sulphuric acids and hyaluronic acid [i]. The sulphate in chondroitin sulphuric acid-A is esterified at C-4 of the acetylhexosamine residue [2, 3]. The studies of Mathews and Lozaityte [4] indicate that in cartilage i Fig. I. The structure of the disaccharide unit of chondroitin sulphuric acid-A. chondroitin sulphuric acid-A exists as coiled linear chains of molecular weight 50 000 attached to a protein core forming a macromolecule with a minimum molecular weight of 4 000 000. The state of other mucopoly- saccharides is less well known although there is evidence that hyaluronic TABLE I Mucopolysaccharides of Connective Tissues Amino sugar Uronic acid Sulphate Hyaluronic acid N-acetylglucosamine Glucuronic acid — Chondroitin sulphuric N-acetylgalactosamine Glucuronic acid + acid-A Chondroitin sulphuric N-acetylgalactosamine Iduronic acid + acid-B (/j-heparin) Chondroitin sulphuric N-acetylgalactosamine Glucuronic acid + acid-C Chondroitin N-acetylgalactosamine Glucuronic acid — Keratosulphate N-acetylglucosamine (Galactose) + Heparin Glucosamine Glucuronic acid + (N-sulphated) (?) Heparin mono- Glucosamine (?) + sulphuric acid acid may exist in chains of considerably greater molecular weight [5]. The presence of anionic groups along the chain imparts the capacity to bind small cations in a manner similar to other polyanionic macromolecules such as resins. The known acid mucopolysaccharides, together with their component sugars, are listed in Table I. Hyaluronic acid consists of alternating units of N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid and contains no sulphate. Although the extent and nature of the linkage between hyaluronic acid MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 329 and protein is not yet established, it appears unlikely that a covalent bond exists [6]. Hyaluronic acid occurs in a large number of mammalian tissues. The presence of hyaluronic acid in the capsule of Group A streptococci is unique. Polysaccharides of similar structure are found in capsules of other microorganisms, but in no other authenticated case is the capsular substance identical with a mammalian polysaccharide. The biological function of hyaluronic acid is not clearly delineated; it is neither anti- thrombic nor anticoagulant. Hyaluronic acid appears together with other mucopolysaccharides in a number of connective tissues, but seems to be characteristic of tissues with high water content. It is the principal poly- saccharide of vitreous humour, synovial fluid, Wharton's jelly of umbilical cord, cock's comb, and sex skin of certain primates. As will be demon- strated below, thyroid deficiency with its concomitant oedema is charac- terized by an increase in hyaluronic acid. While this association is highly suggestive, its significance is not entirely clear. The specific association of tissue hydration with hyaluronic acid rather than with the sulphated polysaccharides is not readily explained on the basis of osmotic considera- tions. Reinits [7], in a study of the rate of accumulation of hyaluronic acid and water in the sex skin of certain primates found that hydration precedes the peak of hyaluronic acid accumulation. He suggests that hyaluronic acid serves to induce an accumulation of protein in the extracellular space by hindering the access of protein to the lymph capillaries, with the con- sequent increase in osmotic pressure due to the proteins. Reinits 's experi- ments may be open to criticism on the basis of the inadequacy of the methods for estimation of hyaluronic acid. Fessler [8] has emphasized the role of hyaluronic acid in forming a system of relative non-compres- sibility as a result of the interaction of a viscous solution with intermingled collagen fibres. However, this study establishes no specificity for hyaluronic acid in contradistinction to other acid mucopolysaccharides. That hyaluronic acid does afford a mechanical barrier is attested by the action of hyaluroni- dase in promoting the spread of particulates. The association of hyaluronic acid with tissue hydration may be attributed to the fact that hyaluronic acid is bound less avidly with protein than are the sulphated polysaccharides. Insufficient data are available for localizing individual polysaccharides in tissues which contain mixtures. It is possible that the sulphated polysaccharides are more closely associated with structural elements while hyaluronic acid is present in higher con- centration in the amorphous gel between these elements. Mathews [9] has demonstrated a strong afiinity of the chondroitin sulphuric acid protein complex for collagen. Chondroitin sulphuric acids-A and -C are present in largest con- centration in cartilage and appear to be responsible to a considerable degree for the unique physical characteristics of this tissue. The possible 330 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER role of chondroitin sulphuric acids in calcification has been considered but no mechanism has been clarified [lo]. Chondroitin sulphuric acid-A diflFers from chondroitin sulphuric acid-C only in that the sulphate group is esterified at carbon 4 of the galactosamine rather than at position 6. The relationship of the sulphate position to the calcification process merits further consideration. It is of interest to note that chondroitin sulphuric acid-C predominates in elasmobranch cartilage which is not converted into bone [11]. The interrelationships of chondroitin sulphuric acids and collagen are not entirely clarified. Jackson [12] found that treatment of tendon with hyaluronidase increased the solubility of collagen. Chondroitin sulphuric acid-B is distinguished from chondroitin sulphuric acids-A and -C by the presence of L-iduronic acid instead of D-glucuronic acid [13, 14]. The sulphate group occupies the same position as is characteristic of chondroitin sulphuric acid-A [2]. Figure 2 shows the H y^^ \h OH H OH OH\| 1/ OH H OH D-glucuronic acid L-iduronic acid Fig. 2. The structures of D-glucuronic acid and L-iduronic acid. structure of L-iduronic acid compared with that of D-glucuronic acid. The two uronic acids are epimers difiFering only with respect to the stereiso- merism at C-5. L-idose has not been identified in natural materials, but L-iditol has been found in mountain ash berry by de Bertrand [15] in 1905. Chondroitin sulphuric acid-B (/3-heparin) was isolated by Marbet and Winterstein [16] from a commercial preparation of heparin and because of its anticoagulant properties was believed to be an isomer of heparin. It was found to be more potent as an antithrombic substance than as a whole blood anticoagulant. Grossman and Dorfman [17] found that the antithrombic activity of chondroitin sulphuric acid-B varied with the concentration of thrombin. At low thrombin concentrations it is more active than heparin, but at high thrombin concentrations it is inactive. Like heparin, chondroitin sulphuric acid-B requires for activity a plasma cofactor, the natural plasma antithrombin. In the absence of plasma it is completely inactive. On whole blood the anticoagulant activity is only 5% that of heparin. The physiological importance of the antithrombic activity of chondroitin sulphuric acid-B is obscure. The relatively high concentra- tion in certain tissues may permit a significant homeostatic role in the regulation of fibrinogen-fibrin conversion within tissues. MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 33 1 The contrast between the anticoagulant properties of chondroitin sulphuric acids-A and -B suggests that the substitution of L-iduronic acid for D-glucuronic acid alters biological properties. It is possible that anti- thrombic activity is related to some molecular characteristics which also confers an increased capacity to bind certain ions [i8]. Hoffman et al. [13] suggested that chondroitin sulphuric acid-B is associated with coarser collagen bundles. This polysaccharide has been found in a variety of sites. It was identified in gastric mucosa by Smith and Gallop [19] and has been found in rabbit skin by Schiller et al. [20]. Of particular interest is the fact that chondroitin sulphuric acid-B and heparin monosulphuric acid are excreted in the urine and found in the tissues of patients afflicted with the Hurler syndrome [21]. The enzymic defect in this heritable disorder of connective tissue is unknown. Davidson and Meyer [22] isolated from cornea a fraction composed of D-glucuronic acid and N-acetylgalactosamine and less than one mole of sulphate per disaccharide repeating unit. It was suggested that this com- pound, chondroitin, is a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of chondroitin sulphuric acids-A and -C. Suzuki and Strominger [23] have recently demonstrated the transfer of radioactive sulphate from PAPS * to a chemically desulphated chondroitin sulphate by an enzyme isolated from chicken oviducts, suggesting that sulphation of chondroitin sulphate occurs at the macromolecular stage. This pathway cannot be considered as established since the amount of sulphate incorporated was extremely low, and biosynthesis of chondroitin has not yet been achieved. The physio- logical and metabolic role of chondroitin must yet be considered uncertain. Unlike other mucopolvsaccharides, keratosulphate lacks a uronic acid component. Instead, a galactose group is substituted. Hirano et al. [24] have indicated that the galactosyl bond is 1^4 and the glucosaminidic bond is 1^3 with sulphate substituted on carbon 6 of the amino sugar. Keratosulphate has been isolated from the nucleus pulposus [25]. Shetlar and Masters [26] and Kuhn and Leppelmann [27] demonstrated an increase in the ratio of glucosamine to galaciosamine in cartilage with advancing age. This observation has found explanation in the demon- stration by Kaplan and Meyer [28], that rib cartilage of the human adult contains a large proportion of keratosulphate in contrast to the absence of this substance in rib cartilage of newborns. Even larger amounts of kerato- sulphate were reported in patients with the Marfan syndrome, although it is dubious whether the difference was significant. Hallen [29] similarly found that the relative concentration of glucosamine in nucleus pulposus increased with advancing age. This was interpreted as an increase of keratosulphate /chondroitin sulphate ratio. Davidson and Woodhall [30] * '3-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate. 332 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER made similar observations. The difference between the physical-chemical properties of keratosulphate and chondroitinsulphuric acids-A and -C may be responsible for changes in the physical properties of cartilage and nucleus pulposus observed with increased age. These facts have obvious implications with respect to the pathogenesis of collapse of intervertebral discs. Heparin monosulphuric acid was isolated by Jorpes and Gardell [31] in 1948 from a commercial preparation of heparin. Like heparin, it was found to contain glucosamine and to demonstrate a positive optical rotation. In contrast to heparin, N-acetyl groups and approximately one mole of sulphate per disaccharide were found. Subsequently, Linker et al. [32] isolated a similar compound from the liver of a patient with amyloidosis and from aorta. They named the substance heparitin sulphate. Large amounts of a similar compound have been isolated from the urine and tissues of patients with the Hurler syndrome by Brown [33], Dorfman, and Lorincz [21], and Meyer et al. [34]. Hen oviducts [35] and a mast cell tumour [36] have also been shown to contain a similar substance. Heparin monosulphuric acid is characterized by a high colour yield in the Dische carbazole reaction for uronic acid, a positive optical rotation, less than one mole of acetyl per disaccharide unit, and variable sulphate content. In a recent study, Cifonelli and Dorfman [37] have shown that a number of compounds can be separated from a crude preparation, obtained as a by-product of heparin by the Upjohn Company. These materials all exhibited a positive optical rotation and contained both N- and 0-sulphate as well as N-acetyl. The total of N-acetyl and N-sulphate was approxi- mately I. The N-acetyl content of most fractions approximated 0-7 mole per disaccharide unit. Preparations which manifested high N-acetyl values contained virtually no N-sulphate. Preliminary studies of the structure of these compounds suggest that they are not linked through the 3 position of the hexosamine as are the chondroitin sulphates and hyalu- ronic acid, but are probably linked through the 6 position of hexosamine [38]. These substances have little, if any, antithrombic or anticoagulant properties. Their origin and metabolic importance have not been clarified but chemical properties suggest a relationship to heparin. They may represent intermediates in the biosynthesis of heparin. Heparin has been studied intensively from a biological point of view but its chemistry is yet poorly understood. It contains more than 2 sulphate groups per disaccharide unit and demonstrates a positive optical rotation. Unlike other acid mucopolysaccharides it has an N-sulphate group but no N-acetyl group. In addition, one to two sulphate groups per disaccharide repeating unit are present in other parts of the molecule. The striking anticoagulant properties of heparin are well known. However, its role in the homeostasis of blood coagulation is not clear. MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 333 Heparin has not been isolated from blood but there is no doubt that it is present in mast cells. The possible physiological role of heparin assumed increased importance with the discovery that injection of heparin induced the release of a lipase responsible for " clearing" of blood [39]. The relation of these observations to fat metabolism and arteriosclerosis is obvious. The foregoing discussion reviews briefly the status of knowledge regarding chemical structure and biological function of the acid muco- polysaccharides of connective tissues. Alterations in tissue functions may be a reflection of changes in metabolism of these substances. Clarification of the metabolism of acid mucopolysaccharides required first a delineation of the pathways of biosynthesis. These have been reviewed extensively elsewhere [40]. Briefly, Alarkovitz et a/. [41] have shown that the acid mucopoly- saccharide, hyaluronic acid, is formed from uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid and uridine diphospho-N-acetylglucosamine by an enzyme isolated from a strain of Group A streptococci. Although attempts to solubilize this enzyme have not been successful, it has been possible to show that the enzyme resides on the protoplast membrane [41]. Of interest, is the recent report by Smith et al. [43] that Type III pneumococcal capsular poly- saccharide is synthesized from uridinediphosphoglucuronic acid and uridinediphosphoglucose. Early studies on the metabolism of the acid mucopolysaccharides were concerned with rates of turnover in mammalian connective tissue. Skin was used as a source of connective tissue since it contains acid mucopoly- saccharides in sufficient quantity for isolation and degradation [20]. The rate of turnover of hyaluronic acid and a chondroitin sulphuric acid fraction was determined in both rats and rabbits by utilizing [^^C]-glucose and -acetate as well as ^'SO^, as precursors [44]. Glucose is a precursor of the uronic acid and hexosamine moieties of the mucopolysaccharides ; acetate is a precursor of the acetyl groups; and ^^SOj" is incorporated as ester sulphate. These experiments showed that hyaluronic acid, with a half-life of approximately 2 • 5 days, w^as metabolized at a rate comparable to other metabolically active substances [45]. Chondroitin sulphuric acid was metabolized more slowly. The rate of turnover was found to be similar when measured with acetate, glucose, or sulphate, indicating complete turnover of the entire molecule. Sulphate has been used by many investiga- tors to label acid polysaccharides in diverse tissues. Having determined these parameters of normal metabolism it was possible to utilize similar techniques for a study of the efl^ects of hormones. Cortisone and hydrocortisone were found to decrease the rate of turnover of both the sulphated and non-sulphated mucopolysaccharides of skin [46]. This inhibition is time-dependent. Although the mechanism of action of the adrenal hormones is unknown, this metabolic effect may be responsible 334 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER for the delayed wound healings and demineralization of bone typical of Cushing's disease. Investigation of the metabolism of acid mucopolysaccharides in alloxan diabetes indicated a decreased capacity to metabolize mucopolysaccharides and a restoration of the defect toward normal by the administration of insulin [47]. The rate of turnover of polysaccharides of partly fasted animals, which served as controls for the weight loss of the diabetic rats, was not different from that found in normal rat skin. The influence of hypophysectomy [48], growth hormone, and thy- roxine have also been investigated but these studies are difficult to interpret since changes in pool size occurred during the course of the experiments. Turnover studies depend upon the maintenance of a steady state or constant pool size ; differences in rates of synthesis are difficult to define if a reasonably constant pool size does not obtain. The information derived from turnover experiments suggested that marked variations in the concentrations of mucopolysaccharides might occur. It therefore became important to devise methods for the quantita- tive determination of acid mucopolysaccharides in tissues. By the application of relatively simple procedures it is now possible to perform such analyses. The method, which is published elsewhere in detail [49], depends upon the solubilization of tissues with papain, followed by further deproteinization with trypsin and trichloroacetic acid. The partly purified polysaccharide preparation is separated on the basis of the differential solubility of complexes formed with cetyl pyridinium chloride (CPC). In the presence of 0-03 5-0 -040 m NaCl all the polysaccharides are quantitatively precipitated by CPC providing Celite is added. When the resultant precipitate is extracted with varying concentrations of NaCl sharp separation of three fractions is obtained. The CPC-hyaluronic acid complex is solubilized by 0-4 M NaCl in o- 1% CPC, while the complexes of chondroitin-sulphuric acids-A, -B, -C, and heparin monosulphuric acids are solubilized by i -2 M NaCl in o-i^',, CPC. Least soluble is the complex of heparin which is solubilized in 2 • i m NaCl. Further separation of these fractions can be achieved by subsequent chromatography on Dowex 1x2, chloride. Table II illustrates a typical separation of a preparation of rat skin. The small amount of colour found in tubes i and 2 is due to interference by protein with the carbazole reaction and does not indicate significant loss of mucopolysaccharide. In the case of rat skin the fraction obtained with 1-2 M NaCl contains chondroitin sulphuric acids, but in other tissues heparin monosulphuric acid may be obtained in this fraction. The validity of this method has now been established by a variety of prodedures. Table III indicates the recovery of polysaccharides added to rat skin in duplicate experiments. Excellent recovery and reproducibility MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE TABLE II The Separation of Acid Mucopolysaccharides from AN Extract of Rat Skin* 335 Flask No. Solvent Volume Uronic acid 1 Supernatant 2 003 M XaCl in oiO„ CPC 3 0-4 M NaCl in o-if-o CPC 4 5 6 7 8 9 I • 2 M NaCl in o • I "^'o CPC 10 II 12 13 14 2-1 M NaCl IS 16 ml. \J-g- 9-5 317 (brown) 15-0 95 (yellow) 412 30-0 1620 29-8 1 09 1 30-0 612 29-8 122 30-0 24 30-0 0 3469 30-5 885 30-0 297 30-3 127 30-0 30 30-5 0 1339 30-0 716 30-0 38 29-8 0 754 * The uronic acid content was 5 ■ 89 mg. in a volume of 9 ■ 5 ml. To this were added 0-38 ml. of i ivi NaCl and 0-32 ml. of a 10*^0 solution of CPC, bringing the total volume to 10 -2 ml. The mixture was incubated for i hr. at 37". Approximately 200 mg. of Celite were added prior to centrifugation as described in the text, o • 2 to I -o ml. aliquots were removed from each flask for uronic acid determinations. The recovery was 5-97 mg. uronic acid or ioi°o- was achieved. The procedure has now been successfully adapted to analysis of human skin, human aorta, human lung, and basement membranes of dog and human kidney. Table IV illustrates a series of analyses on rat skin [50]. A surprisingly large amount of heparin w^as found. Variation of polysaccharide content with age was noted. Particularly striking was the decrease in concentration of heparin beyond 44 days. Little or no heparin was found in hog, guinea- pig, rabbit, foetal calf, camel or human skin. The physiological significance 336 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER TABLE III Recovery of Acid Mucopolysaccharides added to Skin Recovery of total mucopolysaccharides Recovery of Amount added muco- Substance added Hyaluronic acid Chondro- itinsul- phuric acid-B Heparin o 4 M NaCl I • 2 M NaCl 2 • i M NaCl polysaccharides mg.^ 2-53 0-95 0-71 mg. uronic acid per 5 g. acetone-drv skin 2 -96 I -40 0-57 0/ /o 5-08 1-36 0-45 93 4-42 I -05 0-47 77 3-II 2-40 0-62 102 3-20 2-33 0-62 99 2-88 1-44 I • 12 87 2-72 I-I3 116 90 * As uronic acid. of this reduction in polysaccharide content, particularly with respect to hyaluronic acid and heparin, is not entirely clear. Previous claims [51] that with advancing age there is a shift from hyaluronic acid to chondroitin sulphuric acid are not substantiated by these data although a relative shift TABLE IV Effect of Age on Concentration of Mucopolysaccharides in Rat Skin Age (days) Hvaluronic acid Chondroitin sulphuric acid Heparin 21* 23* 44* 57* 74* 217* 406 473 561 893 951 fj.g. uronic acid/g. dry rat skin 979 385 894 406 1232 337 439 218 540 197 578 273 320 140 540 200 480 257 380 135 538 256 421 562 388 100 92 1 1 1 70 1 10 68 35 100 * These data were obtained from pools of eight to ten rat skins for each age group. In the older age groups, the results represent values from individual animals. MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 337 does occur. As noted, however, hyaluronic acid does appear to be correlated with the higher water content of the skin of young rats [52]. Further study is necessarv to appreciate fully the effect of this shift on physical structure of ground substance and the consequent influence on the metabolism of cells imbedded therein. This method of analysis has been used to study further the effect of insulin on the svnthesis of acid mucopolysaccharides. The turnover studies discussed previously indicated that alloxan diabetes effects a decrease in turnover rate of both hyaluronic acid and the chondroitin sulphuric acid fraction. Analysis of skin from these animals confirmed a suspected decrease in concentration of these substances. Table V indicates TABLE V Effect of Insulin on Mucopolysaccharide Content of Rat Skin Type of Age Body weight Distribution of mucopolysaccharides of skin rat HA CSA H eparin days S- H'S- U.A. per g. dry skin Normal 74 340 720 319 158 Restricted food 74 200 730 282 159 Diabetic 74 185 448 234 196 Normal 81 317 624 274 lOI Restricted food 81 189 701 260 156 Diabetic 81 182 371 190 205 Diabetic + insulin 81 273 506 22s 175 the results of these experiments. Noteworthy is the marked decrease in hyaluronic acid concentration and a less striking decrease of chondroitin sulphuric acid in contrast to heparin. The latter compound is actually increased in the diabetic animals. This may be due to a relative decrease in total ground substance. As in the turnover experiments, these effects were reversed by insulin. It seems possible that this defect of mucopolysac- charide metabolism in diabetes mav plav a role in the delayed wound healing, decreased resistance to infection and accelerated degenerative changes which occur in diabetes melitus. Of particular interest has been the study of the effects of thyroid hormone on mucopolysaccharide metabolism. For this purpose propyl- thiouracil was employed to inhibit synthesis of thyroid hormones in rats. Table VI illustrates the results of such experiments. In contrast to previous 338 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER TABLE VI Effect of Thyroid Hormone on Concentration of Mucopolysaccharides in Rat Skin Age Weight Thyroid weight Distribution of mucop olysaccharides HA CSA Heparin days av. in g. av. in g. MS- U.A. per g. dry skin Normal Normal 88 86 334 333 191 19-4 785 704 290 264 158 147 PTU PTU PTU 78 86 88 194 190 192 77-5 90-7 964 852 976 1024 182 220 204 93 115 87 PTU + T4 PTU + T4 PTU + T4 78 86 88 254 279 273 13-7 25 I i8-5 778 748 809 249 234 271 117 94 137 experiments a striking differential effect was observed. Concomitant with a decrease in the concentration of chondroitin sulphuric acid, there was marked increase in hyaluronic acid. Administration of thyroxine reversed these effects toward normal. The biochemical or endocrinological mechanisms are not clear. Nevertheless, these findings may afford an explanation for the mechanism of myxoedema. Summary The information presented in this paper indicates that the connective tissues represent not only a mechanical support for parenchymal cells, but a controlled and controlling environment. The acid mucopolysaccharides are a family of compounds with a chemical unity. Nevertheless, the chemical variations within the group are mirrored by differences in biological activity. Various tissues exhibit variations in polysaccharide composition. Furthermore, it is apparent that under physiological and pathological influences, this composition may be altered both qualitatively and quantitatively. Such variation results in a change in the milieu in immediate contact with parenchymal cells. Acknowledgment The authors are grateful to Dr. Martin B. Mathews for many valuable discussions of ideas presented in this paper. MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 339 References 1. Mever, K., "The Harvey Lectures", Series 51 (1955-56), Academic Press, New York, 88 (1957) • 2. Mathews, M. B., Nature, Loud. 181, 421 (1958). 3. Hoffman, P., Linker, A., and Meyer, K., Biochini. biophys. Acta 30, 184 (1958). 4. Mathews, M. B., and Lozaityte, L, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 74, 158 (1958). 5. Laurent, T. C, Ark. Kemi ll, 487 (1957). 6. Ogston, A. G., and Sherman, T. 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Meyer, K., Grumbach, M., Linker, A., and Hoffman, P., Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. 91, 275 (1958). 35. Schiller, S., Biochim. biophys. Acta 32, 315 (1959). 36. Roden, L., and Dorfman, A., Acta chem. scand. 13, 2121 (i960). 37. Cifonelli, J. A., and Dorfman, A.,^. biol. Chem. 235, 3283 (i960). 38. Cifonelli, J. A., and Dorfman, A., Fed. Proc. 18, 204 (1959). 39. Korn, E. D.,jf. biol. Che?n. 215, i (1955). 40. Dorfman, A., Markovitz, A., and Cifonelli, J. A., Fed. Proc. 17, 1093 (1958). 41. Markovitz, A., Cifonelli, J. A., and Dorfman, A., Jf. biol. Chem. 234, 2343 (1959). 42. Markovitz, A., and Dorfman, A., Fed. Proc. 19, 146 (i960). 34° ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER 43. Smith, E. B., Mills, G. T., Bernheimer, H. P., and Austrian, R.,.7- ^ioL Chem. 235» 1876 (i960). 44. Schiller, S., Mathews, M. B., Goldfaber, L., Ludowieg, J. and Dorfman, A., y. biol. Chem. 212, 531 (1955). 45. Schiller, S., Mathews, M. B., Cifonelli, J. A., and Dorfman, \.,jf. biol. Chem. 218, 139 (1956). 46. Schiller, S., and Dorfman, A., Endocrinology 60, 376 (1957). 47. Schiller, S., and Dorfman, A.,_7. biol. Chem. 227, 625 (1957). 48. Schiller, S., and Dorfman, A., Fed. Proc. 16, 242 (1957). 49. Schiller, S., Slover, G. A. and Dorfman, A., J. biol. Chem. 236, 983 (1961). 50. Schiller, S., and Dorfman, A., Nature, Loud. 185, 11 1 (i960). 51. Loewi, G., and Meyer, K., Biochim. biophys. Acta 27, 453 (1958). 52. Lowrey, G., Anat. Rec. 7, 143 (1913). Discussion DiscHE : I think that the findings of Dr. Mathews in your laboratory about this combination between the chrondroitin sulphate and proteins are of particular interest because there appears here a possibility to introduce the factor of specificity into the field of hexuronic acid-containing polysaccharides. The specificity cannot be related in these compounds solely to the composition of the carbohydrate but where proteins enter also into the structure and there is a multiplicity of poly- saccharide molecules on every protein, there is also a possibility of variations, which can be associated with changes in specificity ; this is a very interesting development in this respect. I should like to make one remark on changes with age. I think we must be very cautious in establishing any such correlations. Dr. Karl Meyer who found such changes in the ratio between chrondroitin sulphate and keratin sulphate told me that this finding is not valid for the rat. Rogers: Just two points, one of which might be of possible interest to Dr. Dorfman, he just touched on the question of the /3-linkage. Recently we have been examining cell wall preparations of Bacillus subtilis for a different reason altogether and we had cause to make a trichloroacetic extract of the walls and found there, rather to our surprise, a polysaccharide which we isolated in a homogeneous state. It had exactly the same composition as chondroitin but had positive rotation instead of a negative rotation and was hydrolyzed very readily with acid. We could not separate a disaccharide from it after mild acid hydrolysis as you can with chon- droitin. Finally, following very beautiful work of Barker and his colleagues, we examined the infra-red spectrum at low wave numbers and this showed the expected band at about 850 cm~^ which these authors found to be very typical of a-linkages and indeed this band was not present in chondroitin, thus it rather looks as though in this organism there is an a-linked substance which so far as we can see at the moment has the same composition as chondroitin; but we have no evidence that it behaves as a linear polyelectrolyte like chondroitin ; it may be a highly branched chain compound. We have also looked at several species of micro- organisms during the last few years for the distribution of hexosamine-containing compounds and found that over 95% of materials which contain amino sugars appear to be outside the permeability membrane. We took the soluble protein con- stituents and we could never find more than about 5% of the total hexosamine of MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 34I the cells there and we could always account for the other 95 "o either in the capsular material or in the cell wall. I wonder if you would like to speculate as to why hexosamine-containing substances seem to occur principally outside the per- meability membrane. Dorfman: With regard to Dr. Dische's comments I am glad that he did mention this point because there wasn't time to expand on it. As a matter of fact we are at present reinvestigating the question of antigenicity of these substances with the protein complexes which are quite different compounds from alkali- degraded material. We have been able to show in work that I didn't cover (Gross, J. I., Mathews, M. B., and Dorfman, A., jf. biol. Chem. 235, 2889, (i960)) that in vivo the entire protein-polysaccharide complex appears to turn over as a unit. We have measured the metabolism of protein and carbohydrate separately and simultaneously in the same animals and have shown that the rates of turnover are identical for the protein part and the carbohydrate part. This raises some important implications on carbohydrate biosynthesis. With regard to Dr. Rogers' comment, I was careful not to make an absolute correlation between a- and ^-linkages because I don't think that it would hold up. I think that there are other exceptions. ^-Link- ages arise more readily from linear compounds. As far as my speculating as to why hexosamine compounds are outside the mem- brane, I suppose I should quote a very famous Swedish teacher I had, Prof. Anton J. Carlson who, whenever asked a question of that kind, said he wasn't there when they made it. I don't know what it is about the chemical properties of hexosamine which is desirable for Nature to incorporate it into structural polysac- charides. Chitin for instance in the insects and fungi, is also a ^-linked glucosamine. Mitchell: I wonder if I might speculate a little on why these compounds appear outside, because I am afraid that my remarks earlier about the zip fastener idea were not very clear and were not really understood. Consider a piece of proto- plast membrane as shown in the diagram. It is creating a growing cell wall on the outside and one believes that the precursors are inside, in the cytoplasm and one knows that the cell wall is outside the plasma membrane. The most interesting question is why is the wall made outside and not inside the plasma membrane ? This is a directional matter: why should there be a vector component of the chemical process, seen as a whole ? The simplest way of explaining this would be to say that an enzyme {A) (Fig. i), rather like the ones which Dr. Hestrin is imagining with a sort of hole through it, is accepting the precursors on the inner surface of the plasma membrane and polymerizing them as they pass through to the outside — the polymerized chain becoming extruded as it forms. Such as enzyme, catalyzing a vectorial metabolic process would, of course, have to be specifically located to some substratum in the plasma membrane complex by means of primary or residual bonds. As the cell wall is fairly porous, the externally secreted polysaccharides, such as the capsular polysaccharides and the cellulose of Acetobacter xylinum, could be produced and positioned by a similar mechanism. An enzyme polymerizing an extracellular polymer is depicted at B, and the fine chains of the polysaccharide are supposed to be thin enough to go through the holes in the substance of the wall, so that again we would have a vector component of the metabolic process playing a morphogenetic role. This conception is of interest to those trying to relate structure 342 ALBERT DORFMAN AND SARA SCHILLER to function, I think, because it suggests a connection between morphogenesis and the unique asymmetry of protein molecules. Dorfman: I like this very much and there isn't time to expand on it. Last year we proposed a mechanism for polysaccharide synthesis which envisaged a mechan- ism of this kind. One of the difficulties is that we find no low-molecular weight intermediates. We have to think of an enzyme which somehow or other forms hyaluronic acid on the enzyme while the chain keeps getting longer until it is large enough and then is detached from the enzyme. Hestrin : In our laboratory Schramm and Zelinger have found that /3-glucose-i- phosphate can be condensed in the presence of maltose phosphorylase with glucosamine to afford in good yield the ot-glucosyl-i,4-glucosamine. They have also obtained similarly the acetylglucosamine derivative. These materials are thus Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Medium Cell wall polymerizing enzyme ""Xl-s:*^^^ ^"v aJ Cell wall precursors — ^^=*'^ Extracellular polysaccharide precursors _ ^^ NO Extracellular polysaccharide ' ^■^=t^-' polymerizing enzyme Extracellular polysaccharide Fig. I. now readily available and may be useful for studies designed to elucidate the effect of an a-linkage on the properties of glucosamine-containing polymers. A general comment concerning the interpretation of data obtained in enzyme solution on a substrate of a saccharide synthesis might perhaps be appropriate. There is a tendency to take the view that a demonstration of synthesis in an en- zyme solution suffices to demonstrate that the substrate in question is also the physiological substrate. However, especially if the reaction observed in a solution is sluggish, an observed reaction may be only an artifact. Some of the uridine diphosphoglycoses, for example, can still conceivably merely be analogues of unidentified physiological substrates. Before accepting a particular polymer syn- thesis reaction as having been demonstrated, we should insist on a realization of the reaction under conditions in which there occurs a net increase of the mass of the MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE 343 polymer, with attendant increase either in the number of the polymer molecules present and/or large increase in their molecular weight. DORFMAN : I should point out that we have shown net synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Marshall: Dr. Dorfman's work is tremendously stimulating to some of us concerned with very different problems in cell physiology. May I add to Dr. Porter's comment a remark based on experience with amoebae ? We have come to view the amoeba surface as a combined structure, with an inner membrane and an outer mucoid coat. Both components must be thought of in dynamic terms, because in amoebae we observe new formation and expansion of surface without the appearance of successive layers, such as Dr. Porter has just described in chondrocytes. Rather there appears to occur some sort of interstitial formation of new membrane and new coat material. I don't know whether the amoeba surface is unusually labile, or unusually rapid in turnover compared to that of other cells, but it suggests an even more dynamic way to conceive of the passage of substances in or out of a cell, without there being at any time a stable structure in which holes must appear. Separation of Oligosaccharides with Gel Filtration Per Flodin and KAre Aspberg Research Laboratory, AB Pharmacia and the Institute of Biochemistry, Uppsala, Sweden In a series of oligosaccharides the individual members differ very little in properties and the preparation of them requires highly selective methods. Dickey and Wolfrom [i] succeeded in separating the acetylated cellodextrins up to the cellohexaose chromatographically in magnesium and calcium silicate columns. The acetates were adsorbed from a chloro- form solution and the chromatogram was developed with a benzene- ethanol mixture. The most commonly used procedure is to adsorb the oligosaccharide mixture on charcoal from a water solution and then elute them with a gradient of increasing ethanol concentration [2]. With minor modifications the method has been applied to cellodextrins, maltodextrins and isomaltodextrins. The selectivity is large enough to give a complete separation up to the hexaoses. The higher members are generally obtained as fairly pure substances containing the neighbouring oligosaccharides as contaminants. In an ion exchange resin sucrose and glucose move at different rates when conditions are chosen so that no adsorption takes place. Similarly, in swollen starch the retardation is smaller the higher the degree of polymerization [3]. In columns packed with particular gels formed by cross-linking dextran, large molecules were observed to emerge first from the column while small molecules were retarded [4]. The same phenomenon was observed when low molecular weight dextrans were fractionated [5]. It should be mentioned that all operations were made in the same solvent. The behaviour is in contrast to what occurs in the adsorption chromato- graphic techniques, where adsorption is stronger the higher the molecular weight. It is consistent with a molecular sieve mechanism according to which a larger part of the gel particle is available the smaller the molecular size. The object of this communication is to show that the method, which has been named gel filtration, may be used to separate cellodextrins. Experimental The dextran gel used was Sephadex G-25 (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden) 200-400 mesh dry sieved. It was swollen in water and sedi- 346 PER FLODIN AND RARE ASPBERG mented, and the fines remaining in the supernate was removed by decanta- tion. It was then packed into a glass column with the dimensions 4-5 by 150 cm. The packing procedure was that described by Flodin [6]. When all the material (300 g.) had packed, a filter paper was put on top of the bed. The height of the bed was 126 cm. and its volume 2000 ml. By passing a zone of indian ink through the bed the void space was determined and found to be 515 ml. and simultaneously a check of the packing was obtained. The oligosaccharide mixture was obtained by acetolysis of cellulose followed by hydrolysis as described by Whittaker [2]. The product was extracted with water and the solution obtained contained about 10% oligosaccharides. 20 ml. were applied to the column and eluted with water 4,000 - ?, 3,000 § 2,000 1,000 600 Fig. I. Elution curve for a cellodextrin mixture. Numbers above the peak indicate the degree of polymerization. at a rate of 30 ml. per hour. The efiluent was collected in 10 ml. fractions and the concentrations were measured in a Rayleigh interferometer. The resulting curve is shown in Fig. i. The numbers above the peaks indicate the degree of polymerization. The material in each peak was identified by paper chromatography. The cellohexaose, cellopentaose, cellotetraose and cellotriose peaks from three almost identical experiments were pooled, dried by lyophilization and crystallized twice from water-ethanol solvents. The molecular weight was determined with the sodium borohydride-anthrone method of Peat et al. [7] (Table I). The specific optical rotations were difficult to measure with sufficient accuracy for the higher cellodextrines because of the limited amounts available and their low solubility. The results obtained (Table I) are of the same order of magnitude as those given in the literature. SEPARATION OF OLIGOSACCHARIDES WITH GEL FILTRATION 347 TABLE I Oligosacchan de Molecular weight [-]t Theor. Found Cellotriose Cellotetraose Cellopentaose Cellohexaose 504 667 829 991 524 704 852 920 22-4 17-0 II-4 9-5 In collaboration with Dr. Bengt Nygard an X-ray diffraction analysis of the cellodextrins was made in a Guinier camera with Cu K^ radiation, and an exposure time of i hr. The films obtained were analyzed photo- metrically and the values for sin'^^ calculated. In Table II the number of TABLE II Oligo- Number of reflections Sin^^ saccharide I II III Cellobiose Cellotriose Cellotetraose Cellopentaose Cellohexaose 38 28 21 15 10 0-0308 0-0298 0-0296 0-0296 0-0298 0-0367 0-0361 0-0363 0-0367 0-0367 0 - 1 044 0- 1065 0- 1069 0-1075 o- 1082 definitely identified reflections and the sin-^ values are given for the three strongest and most significant ones. The reflexions obtained from cello- hexaose were diffuse indicating heterogeneity. Likewise the molecular weight was lower than the theoretical value, whereas the tendency for the other oligosaccharides was towards somewhat too high values. Discussion Preliminary experiments to separate cellodextrins were made with a 50-100 mesh sieve fraction of Sephadex. A high flow rate could be used and an experiment in a 2500 ml. column was made in 7 hr. The analysis of the eflluent fractions gave a smooth curve. Paper chromatography of the material in the fractions showed, however, that the fractions contained only two and sometimes three components. The results were so encouraging that it was decided to try more efficient columns in order to obtain a complete separation of the oligosac- charides. Earlier investigations had shown that the best way to increase the efficiency was to use smaller dextran gel particles, and consequently 348 PER FLODIN AND RARE ASPBERG this approach was chosen. A sieve fraction passing through 200 mesh proved satisfactory. As seen from Fig. i the volume between the peaks is only between 50 and 100 ml. compared with a total bed volume of 2000 ml. Thus, it was necessary to pack the column very carefully, but once packed it could be used for a long time. For example, in three experiments made with the same cellodextrin material the elution patterns were practically identical. There was a slight variation in the positions of the maxima but the form of the peaks and the resolution was the same. As seen in Fig. i the zones overlapped slightly indicating that a complete separation was not obtained. The amount of contamination in the peaks was so small that it was elimina- ted in the crystallizations. This was evidently not the case for the cello- hexaose which showed inhomogeneity by some of the criteria used. The volume of the sample must not be larger than l\{Kj) — -/v^,) where F, is the volume of water inside the gel grains and Kj^ and Kj) are the distribution coefficients of the solutes to be separated. For the oligosac- charides in the column used the sample volume must be less than 80 ml. and in practice considerably less. On the other hand the process itself is insensitive to the solute concentration if the viscosity is low. Thus, an optimal amount is separated if the concentration is high and the volume about one-fourth of the calculated value. To isolate a large amount of one of the oligosaccharides a two-step procedure may be preferable in which a preliminary rapid separation is made in a short column packed with, say, the 50-100 mesh sieve fraction. A further fractionation is then made in a high-efficiency column. The outlined procedure is in principle applicable to any separation within a series of homologues in which the molecular size difference is at least as large as for the oligosaccharides. With ionized solutes, however, it is necessary to take the effect of the charges into consideration. This means that separations often have to be made in the presence of strong electrolytes. High-efficiency separations may also be made in higher molecular weight ranges. Dextrans on molecular weights up to about 40 000 have been fractionated with excellent results in dextran gels with different degrees of cross-linking. References 1. Dickey, E. E., and Wolfrom, M. h.,jf. Aniey. c/ietn. Soc. 71, 825 (1949). 2. Whittaker, D. R., Arch. Biochefti. Biophys. 53, 439 (1954). 3. Lathe, G. H., and Ruthven, C. R. J., Biochem. J. 62, 665 (1956). 4. Porath, J., and Flodin, P., Nature, Loud. 183, 1657 (1959). 5. Flodin, P., and Granath, K., /;/ "Symposium iiber Makromolekyle", Wies- baden, Oct. 1959. 6. Flodin, P.,X Chromatography 5, 103 (1961). 7. Peat, S., Whelan, W. J., and Roberts, J. G.,y. chem. Soc. 2258 (1956). SEPARATION OF OLIGOSACCHARIDES WITH GEL FILTRATION 349 Discussion Hestrin : Would it be possible with the help of this method to separate linear from branched oligosaccharides when they have the same molecular weight ? Flodin : It might be possible. There is, however, no experimental evidence as yet. Smith: Does this maximum molecular weight hold for proteins also ? Flodix : Roughly. The size is probably the determining factor in the separa- tions and therefore the molecular weight, though more convenient to use, is an inadequate measure. Smith: If you have a molecule which is the size of, say, 100 A could you do anything with that ? Flodin : Molecules larger than about 50 000 in molecular weight can be separated from smaller ones on the loosest gels. Even haemoglobin, however, is somewhat retarded in relation to gamma globulin and serum albumin. AUTHOR INDEX Numbers in brackets are reference numbers and are included to assist in locating references in which the authors' names are not mentioned in the text. Numbers in italics indicate the page on which the reference is listed. Acs, G., 265 [28], 267 [35], 27S, 298 [9], 307 [25, 29], J08 Adler, J., 104, 105, iii Afzelius, B. A., 20J Albers, M., 251 [24], 2§2 Albertsson, P. A., 33 [3], 34[3, sl. 35 [3, 6, 7,8,9, II], 36[3],37[3],38[3, 16, 18], 39[3, 16, 17, 18], 39, 315, 3-3 Allen, E. H., 305 [16], 308 Allen, F. W., 298 [10], 308 Allfrey, V. G., 197 [27], 203, 261 [2, 3, 4], 262[5, 6, 8, 9, II, 13], 263[i4, 16, 21], 264[2i], 265 [29], 266 [29, 34], 267 [29, 34], 268 [5, 13, 37, 44], 269 [44], 270 [5, 45], 271 [44, 46], 272 [29, 46], 274[4, 5, 8, 13, 44, 46], 275 [44, 49], 2yj, 2y8 Ames, B. N., 25o[2i], 252 Anand, N., 306 [24], 308 Anderegg, J. W., 95 W, 98 [4], ^01 Anderson, N. G., 250 [20], 2^2 Andreson, N., 166 Anfinsen, C. B., 56 [24], 3/, 6o[5], 65 Armitage, A. K., 306 [24], 30S Armstrong, J. J., 289 [4], 204 Arrhenius, E., 225 [12], 226[i, 12, 13], -J5 Asford, 141 [40], 133 Ashikawa, J. K., i96[2], i97[2], i99[2], 202 Askonas, B. A., I99[3], 202, 2i2[2], 218 Auerbach, V. H., loi [21], loi Austrian, R., 333 [43], 340 Avigad, G., 3 16 [4], J-'J B Baddilev, J., 289 [4, 5], 2g4 Bahr, G. F., 268 [42], 2j8 Balis, M. E., 197 [5, 143], 202, 206 Ball, E. G., i58[2], 166 Bargmann, W., i7o[5], 171 [5], rg4, 202 Barigozzi, C, 182, 194 Barnard, E. A., 56 [23], 57 Barnum, C. P., 196 [7], 202 Barrnett, R. J., 158 [2], 166 Barton, A. D., 197 [106, 107], 199 [106], 203 Bar\^sko, E., 163 [11], 16- Baud, C. A., 206 Bauer, A., 278 Becker, W. A., 146 [48], 153 Beerman, W., 268 [42], 2j8 Behrens, M., 263 [20], 278 Beljanski, M., 284, 287 Bell, D., 95[io, 14], 96[i4], 97[io], 98[i4]. 99 [14], 10 1 Belozersky, A. N., 80 [41], 92 Bennett, S., 158 [3], 163, 166 Berg, P., 265 [27], 267 [36], 278, 307 [30], 308 Bergmann, F. H., 267 [36], 278, 307 [30], 308 Bergstrand, A., 226 [14], 233, 261, 277 Bernardi, G., 69 [13], 9/ Bernhard, W., 202, 234 [2], 235, 278 Bernheimer, H. P., 333 [43], 340 Beskow, G., 197 [90], 204 Bessis, M., 199 [146], 202, 206 Bessman, M. J., i04[9], 105 [9], iii Bharadwaj, T. P., 197 [114], 205 Bingelli, M. F., 142 [42], I53 Birbeck, M. S. C, 190, 194 Blanco, G., 73 [33], 92 Block, D. P., 196 [11], 202 Bluhm, M. M., 59 [3], 65 Blumenfeld, O. O., 59 [4], 60 [4], 61 [8], 65 Bodo, G., 6[2], 9, 59 [3], 65 Bojarski, T. B., 98I19], ^01 Bollum, F. J., 95 [2, 3, 4, 16], 98 [3, 4], loi, 104M, 105 [7], m Boman, H. G., 298 [9], 307 [25], 308 Bonner, J., 222 [31], 235, 236, 247 [13], 248[i3], 251 [31], 252 Borgois, S., 298 [6], 306 [6], 308 Borsook, H., 133, 153 Boyer-Kawenoki, F., 33 [4], 39 Brachet, J., 131 [8], 152, I97[i2, 13], 202 Brandt, P. W., 158U], I59[i5], i64[22], 166, 167 Branson, H. R., 6[i], 9 Breitman, T., 262 [12], 266, 277, 278 Broberger, O., 213 [3, 17], 218, 2ig Brockman, R. W., 283 [9], 287 Broman, L., 38 [18], 39 [18], 39 Brown, D. H., 332, 339 Brown, G. L., 27(20], 29 [20], 30(20], 31 Brown, H., 71 [18], 91 Bruni, C, 139E39]. 141 [39], ^53, 206 Buchanan, J. G., 289(4], -94 Burger, M., 330(10], 339 Burton, K., 73 (29], 92 352 AUTHOR INDEX Butler, J. A. V., 2io[5], 218, 251 [33], 252 Buvat, R., 143 [44a], 153 Cabib, E., 292 [19], -'9-^ Callan, H. G., 268 [43], 278 Camara, S., 197 [154], 206 Campbell, P., i97[56], 202, 203, 2i2[4], 214U], 218, 255 [i], 258 Canellakis, E. S., 95, 98 [6, 7], loi, loi, i04[8], 105 [8], III Canellakis, Z. N., loi, loi Carasso, N., 169 [2], IQ4 Cardini, C. E., 292 [19], 2g4 Carosso, N., 143 [44a], 153 Carss, B., 289(4], 297 Caspersson, T., 131 [9], 152, 182, 194 Castelfranco, P., 197 [15], 202 Caulfield, J. B., 146 [47], 153 Cavalieri, L. P., 69 [12], 91 Ceriotti, G., 229 [3], 235 Chaberek, S., 249 [19], 250 [19], 252 Champagne, M., 69 [13], 'ji Chantrenne, H., 202, 281 [2, 3, 4, 5], 282 [7], 286, 287 Chao, F.-C, 247 [8], 252 Chapman, G. B., 204 Chapman-Andresen, C, 158 [9, 5, 6], 159, 160, i6b, 167 Chargaff, E., 67 [i], 68 [i, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9], 69[7. 10], 7o[3. 14- 15. if>i. 71 [i. 7, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24], 72[7, 25], 73 [26, 27, 28],74[7, 21, 35, 36], 75 [9, 21, 36], 75[i6], 76[2i]. 77[7. 21, 39], 78[37. 38], 79 [37], 80 [7, 24, 40]. 81 [42], 82 [42], 83 [i, 21, 35, 37, 40], 84 [1,46], 85[8,37,38,42],86[io,37],87[i9,S2], 88 [37,38, 42], 89[io, 37, 42, 50, 52], 90 [37, 42, 55], gi, ()2, 285 [19], 287 Chaudhuri, N. K., 290 [15, 16], 294 Chauveau, J., 197 [18, 120], 203, 205, 264, 278 Chesin, R. B., 197 [19, 20], 199, 203 Chevremont, M., 203 Christensen, A. K., 136 [28], 153 Christensen, H. N., 274[48], 278 Christian, W., 299 [13], 308 Chung, C. N., 251 [23], 252 CifonelH, J. A., 33o[i4], 332, 333 [40, 41, 45], 339, 340 Clark, S. L., Jr., 167 Clark, W. H., Jr., 199 [24], 203 Claude, A., i27[i], 131 [12, 13], 152, 153 Cochran, W., 15 [5], 3T Cohen, E., 54[i6], 57 Cohen, S. S., 250 [22], 232, 306 [22], 308 Cohn, P., 2io[5], 218, 222 [4], 235, 251 [33], 252 Colvm, J., 319, 323 Cordes, E., 305 [16], 308 Corey, R. B., 6, 9, 20 [9], 31 Cornil, L., i82[i9, 20], IQ4 Cotte, G., 199 [25], 203 Craig, L. C, 33 [2], 39 Crane, R. K., 263 [18], 278 Crampton, C. P., 68[8, 9], 7o[i4], 75 [9], 85 [8], gi, i97[26], 203, 251 [32], 252 Crestfield, A. M., 298, 308 Crick, F. H. C, 20 [8], jr, 69 [11], 85 [47], gi, 92 Cullis, A. P., 8 [4], 9 Cummins, C. S., 290, 294 Cusmano, L., 182 [16, 17], ig4 D Daly, M. M., i97[27], 203 261 [2, 3], 263J16], 277, 278 D'Amelio, V., 209 [i, 15, 20], 2io[i, 20], 212 [i, 20], 2i4[2o], 218, 2ig Davidson, E. A., 331, 339 Davidson, J. N., 95 [8, 10, 11, 12, 14], 96 [14], 97[8, 10], 98[ii, 14], 99[ii, 12, 14), loi, 203 Davies, D. R., 7b], 9, 15 [6], Ji, 59[3], 65 Davis, B. D., 298 [7], 306(20, 24], 308 Deane, H. W., 194 Deasy, C. L., 133 [16], 153 de Bertrand, G., 330, 339 de Duve, Chr., 162, 167 Dekker, C.A., 73[34], 9-' de la Haba, G., 265(30], 266, 278 Dellepiane, G., 182 [15], 194 Delhveg, H., 8i[43], 9-' de Paola, D., 206 Deutsch, J. P., 69(12], 91 De Vicentiis, M., 213(22], 219 Devreux, S., 281 (3, 4, 5], 282(7], 286, 287 Dewey, V. C, 283(14], 287 Dickerson, R. E., 7(3], 9, 15 ((6], 31 Dickey, E. E., 345, 348 Dickmann, S. R., 203 Dieckmann, M., 267(36], 278, 307(30], 308 Dmtzis, H., 6(2], 9, 59 [3], ^5, 251 (31], 252 Dobry, A., 33(4], 39 Doctor, P. B., 251 (25], 252 Dolley, D. H., 199(37], 203 Doniger, R., 71 (23], 91 Donohue, J., 21, 31 Dorfman, A., 330(14, 17], 331 (20, 21], 332, 333 [20, 41, 44, 45, 46], 334 [47, 48, 49], 335 [50], 339, 340 Doty, P., 197 [59], 204, 248(16], 252 Douglas, T. A., 203 Drever, W. J., 60(6], 65 Dubin, D. T., 250(21], 252 Dunn, D. B., 81(44], 87(49], 88(48], 89 [51], 92 Duthie, E. S., 201 [39], 203 Edlund, v., 203 Edsall, J.T., 68(4], 91 Edwards, R. G., 196(180], 207 Egami, P., 330(11], 339 Ekholm, R., 203 Eliasson, N. A., 261, 277 AUTHOR INDEX 353 Elson, D., 71 [19], 87[i9], 97, 212 [6], 218, 248 [15], 252 Enicore, M., 251 [23], 2^2 Entenman, C, 230, 2J5 Epstein, 137 [32]. ^53 Evans, A. H., 306 [21], 308 Everett, N. B., 197 [109], 20^ Farquhar, AI. G., 199, 203 Favard, P., 197 [43. 44]. ^94, -'03 Fawcett, D. W., 136 [28], 138 [36], 142 [43], 153 Feigelson, AI., 231, 233 Feigelson, P., 231, 255 Feingold, D. S., 316 W. 3^3 Feldman, AI., 212 [6], 21S Felsenfeld, G., 251 [30], 2^2 Ferreira, David, i96[45, 46], i97[46], 203 Ferreira, Fernandes J , 197 [47], 203 Fessler, J. H., 329, 339 Ficq, A., 197 [48], 203 Finch, L. R., 306 [17], 30S Fischer, G. A., iii, iii Fitzgerald, P. J., 204 Flodin, P., 51 [12], 57, 345 U, SJ. 346, 34S Folkes, J. P., 293 [23, 24], 2g4 Foster, J. F., 38 [13. 14. 15], 39 Fraenkel-Conrat, H., 53 [14], 57 Eraser, D., 251 [26], 252 Freed, J. J., 197 [49], ^03 Frenster, J. H., 265 [29], 266 [29], 267 [29, 37], 268[44], 269(44], 271 [29, 44], 274 [44], 275 [44], -'7-5 Frey-Wyssling, A., 322 [13], 323 Frick, G., 34[5], 35 [5, 7, 8, 10, 11], 39 Friedkin, AI., 262 [10], 277 Fullam, E., 127 [i], 152 Fuller, W., 21 [11], 31 Furuta, Y., 197 [194], 20/ G Gale, E. F., 293(23, 24, 25], 294 Gall, J. G., 268 [41], 278 Gallop, R. C, 331, 339 Garden, S., 331 [25]. 332, 339 Garfinkel, D., 197 [50], 203 Gamier, Ch., 131 [10], 152 Garzo, T., i97[i9i], 20/ Gautier, A., 203 Gey, G. O., 163, 16/ Glaser, L., 318, 323 Glassman, E., 305 [16], 308 Globerson, A., 212 [6], 218 Godman, G. C, 153, i96[ii], 202 Goldfaber, L., 333 [44], 340 Goldstein, L., 197 [52, 53, 54, 55], 203 Gorini, L., 297[3], 3o6[i8,'23], 308 Granath, K., 345 [5], 34^ Gray, E. D., 95 [10, 12, 14], 96 [14], 97 [10], 98[i4], 99[i2, 14], JOi Greathouse, G. A., 317, 323 Green, C, 71 [23], gi Greenberg, G. R., 289 [4], 294 Greengard, O., 197 [56], 202, 203, 212 [4], 2i4[4], 218, 231 [9], 235, 255[i], 258 Greenstein, J. P., 194 Griboff, G., 81 [45], 92 Gricouroff, G., 182 [21], 194 Gromet, Z., 32o[io], 323 Gropp, A., 2y8 Gros, F., 285 [20], 28j, 297 [2], 308 Gross, J., 197 [112], 205 Grossman, B. J., 330, 339 Grumbach, AI., 332 [34], 339 Gr\cki, S., 197 [57], -'03 Gundlach, H. G., 47, 48, 49, 56, ^y Gusberg, S. B., 182 [18], 185, 194 H Haagen-Smit, A. J., 133 [16], 133 Hager, L. P., 298 [8], 299 [8], 308 Haguenau, F., 128 [5], 152, 169 [i], 171 [i], i75[io, II, 12], i82[io, 11], i9o[i], ^94, 197 [58], 204 Halberg, F., 196 [7], 202 Hall, B. D., 197(59], -'04, 248 [16], 252 Hall, C. E., 247 [9], 252, 322, 3-'3 Hallen, A., 331, 339 Halvorson, H., 307 [27], 308 Ham, A. W., igo[23], 194 Hamers, R., 285 [18], 28y Hamers-Casterman, C, 28s [18], 28y Hamilton, L. D., 15 [3, 4],^i7[3, 4], i9[3, 4], 22 [3, 4, 16, 17]. 24[i8],26[3,4], J7 Hamilton, M. G., 197 [5, 60, 141-143], 202, 204, 206, 247 [14], 252 Hammarsten, E., 103 [2], iii, 261, 2J7, 298 [12], 308 Hammarsten, G., 298(12], 308 Hampton, J. C, i37[33], ^53 Hancock, R., 289 [6], 294 Hanzon, V., i97[6i, 182, 183], 204, 20/, 209 [7], -'^8, 221 [10], 233 Harbers, E., 290 [16], 294 Harris, H., 290, 294 Harris, J. I., 53 [14], 37, 60 [7], 65 Hart, R. G., 7[3], 0, i5[6], jx Hartmann, G., 307 [25], 308 Hartmann, J. F., 127(2], 132 Hecht, L. I., 197 [62, 115], 199 [186], 204, 205, 207, 283 [10, 11], 257 Heidelberger, C, 290, 294 Heinrich, AI. R., 283 [14], 287 Hele, P., 306 [17], 308 Henseleit, K., 225 [18], 233 Herbst, E. J., 251 [25, 28], 232 Herman, L., 204 Hermodsson, L. H., 197 [61], 204 233 Hestrin, S., 3i6[4], 32o[io], 323 Hiatt, H. H., 98 [19], loi Hill, J., 182 [18], 185 [18], 194 Himes, AI., 142 [41], 133 Hinman, R. L., 307 [27], 308 Hirakawa, K., 197 [196], 207 354 AUTHOR INDEX Hirano, S., I97[i96], 20-] , 331, jjg Hirs, C. H. W., 41 [i], 51 [11], 52[ii, 13], 54[i5, 17, 18, 19], 55[i], 56[i], 57, 59. 65 Hirsch, G. C, 195 [71, loi], 196 [64-72, loi], 197 [66, 68-72, 100, loi, 162], i98[72], i99[66, 71], 20o[67, 69, 71, 72], 204^ 205, 206 Hoagland, M. B., 90 [56], Q-', 197 [73, 74, lis], 204, 203, 263, 265 [24], -V/iylococciis aureus, mucopeptide syn- thesis in, 289-294 Threonine, incorporation into soluble RNA, 122-123 Thymidine, incorporation into DNA, 96-99, 262 Thymidylate kinase system in DNA syn- thesis, 96-101 Thyroid hormone, effect on mucopoly- saccharide metabolism, 334, 337-338 Tobacco mosaic virus, arrangement of structural sub-units, 8 structure of RNA from, 30 Transitional "T" cells, 185, 190 Trypsin, effect of urea and guanidine hydro- chloride on, 60 Tyrosine, dinitrophenyl derivati\es of, 44 U Uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPG), in cellulose synthesis, 318-320 Uridylic acid (UMP), incorporation into soluble RNA, 120 Valine, incorporation into liver antigens, 214-218 incorporation into protein, 225 SUBJECT INDEX 363 Viruses, and aetiology of tumours, 190, 192 effect on liver glycogen, 230-231 arrangemept of subunits of, 8 effect on liver RNA content, 23 1 partition of, 34-35 Vitamin Bj,, X-rav analvsis of, 16 Y W Yeasts, structure of RNA from, 30 Watson-Crick scheme, 19-22, 24, 26-27 X Z X-rays, effect on amino acid incorporation, Zymogen granules, in pancreatic exocrine 230-231 cell, 198-202