iill iilllll ■■■■ IHQGY 10-20-30 CURRICULUM QH 315.5 ALTA A33 ' 57A 1*83 , ^33 ar. 10-12 GrlO-12 ^ IDE- 1983 rWff///// CURRGDHT iculum I IMPORTANT NOTE The program of studies concepts statements for Biology 10 and 20 contained in this guide are mandatory, effective September 1983. Revisions to the Biology 30 course will be piloted during the 1983-84 school term and are scheduled for mandatory implementation, September 1984. A proposed concept outline for Biology 30 is included in this guide for information and pilot purposes only. Schools not involved in the Biology 30 provincial pilot are required to follow the 1975 Biology program of studies for the 1983-84 term. Content weightings, objectives and other statements describing the process skills, attitudes, psychomotor components of the 1983 revision are, in fact, a re- statement of the 1975 program of studies, phrased in more specific terms. U TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Philosophy 1 Rationale 3 Biology 10/3 Biology 20/4 Biology 30 (Pilot) / 5 Learning Resources for Biology 10 and 20 7 Program of Studies 10 Curriculum Specifications: Content Emphasis / 10 Goals and Objectives 11 General Objectives of Science Education Grades One Through Twelve / 11 General Goals of Biology 10, 20 and 30 / 12 Objectives of the Biology 10 Program / 13 Objectives of the Biology 20 Program / 14 Objectives of the Biology 30 Program / 14 Process Skills 15 Psychomotor Skills 17 Attitudinal Objectives 19 Concept Description Statements 21 Biology 10 / 22 Biology 20 / 26 Biology 30 (Pilot) / 30 Organization for Instruction 36 Core-Elective Format / 36 Student Projects / 36 Safety in School Laboratories / 36 Historical Aspect / 39 The Gifted Student / 40 Rationale for Electives / 42 Guidelines for the Handling of Sensitive Issues / 46 Appendix A: Controversial Issues 48 < ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alberta Education acknowledges with appreciation the contributions of the Biology Ad Hoc Curriculum Committee members in the preparation of this Interim Curriculum Guide for High School Biology. The committee operated under the direction of the Science Curriculum Coordinating Committee and the Curriculum Policies Board. Bruce Drysdale, Bev Facey High School, Sherwood Park Larry Ethier, Wetaskiwin Composite High School , Wetaskiwin Karen Hobbs, Sturgeon Composite High School , Namao Vic Kushner, Spruce Grove Composite High School , Spruce Grove Dawn Lindenberg, Ross Sheppard Composite High School, Edmonton Garry Popowich, Program Development, Alberta Education Bob Ritter, St. Joseph's Composite High School , Edmonton Terry Rusnack, Chairman, Lethbridge Regional Office, Alberta Education Wallie Samiroden, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta Education also acknowledges the valuable contributions of many senior high school biology teachers and regional office science consultants who assisted in the assessment and revisions of the biology program. NOTE: This publication is a service document. The advice and direction offered is suggestive except where it duplicates or paraphrases the contents of the Program of Studies. In these instances, the content is colour coded in the same distinctive manner as this notice so that the reader may readily identify all prescriptive statements or segments of the document. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Alberta Libraries http://archive.org/details/biology102030inte83albe PHILOSOPHY The biological sciences program identifies the natural laws of science and places these fundamental concepts in a socially relevant and personally meaningful context for students. The study of biology can no longer be restricted just to factual information; the open-endedness of science and the tentativeness of scientific knowledge necessitates a broader understanding of basic concepts and the development of theories and principles. The goals of biology programs in the 1960s emphasized the knowledge and skills important for understanding the structure of biology as a scientific discipline. Rapidly advancing research brought greater comprehension and more clarification to the biological sciences and, as in the 1970' s, the goals shifted slightly toward ecological problems and the role of science and technology in society. Environmental issues were also added to the biology program. However, the primary goal of biology remained knowledge, with environmental issues being presented within that extreme detail in an ever expanding curriculum. Excessive detail can cloud general principles that provide a solid foundation to understanding the natural laws of science. An important challenge to teachers will be to sort out the "relevant" from the "not so relevant" information and to present this information in a manner consistent with their students' maturity, interest and need. The traditional approach to biology has been to reveal only the knowledge that scientists have accumulated, as though science were a closed book. Rarely has instruction been devoted to what is not known, what might be the future direction for research on a problem, or what new technologies are likely to be spawned from research information at hand. Nor do most students leave science courses with the notion that the world they are going into will be different from the one they have been studying. A biology curriculum for the 1980s must use knowledge to develop fundamental concepts in a socially relevant and personally meaningful context for students. A progressive biology program must address itself to a student's personal needs through content such as proper nutrition, the effects of alcohol and drugs, and career awareness. The 1980s demand that a recognition of environmental concepts, societal issues and world problems be incorporated into the biology program. Analyzing and responding to these concerns necessitates intellectual techniques and information gathered from the natural and social sciences. This requires that the presentation of biological knowledge not be isolated from other disciplines such as economics, politics and sociology. 1 - A biology program for the 1980's and 1990 ' s must address itself to the fact that most students will not become biologists; thus, the primary goal will not be the imparting of knowledge. Rather, the student should come away with an understanding of the principles of modern biological thought, an awareness of the importance that sound biological knowledge may have to solving individual problems and those of society as a whole. It follows then that awareness of and interest in biology is a lifelong concern, if not a vocation. - 2 - RATIONALE The biological sciences program identifies the natural laws of science and places these fundamental concepts in a socially relevant and personally meaningful context for students. The biology program is designed to provide students with an appreciation of the development of biological knowledge. Concepts and theories are based on facts and are meaningless without them, but the converse is also true. Facts, as isolated fragments of information, are meaningless and are not useful to the scientist or the science student. They must be related to concepts and theories if they are to be relevant, and must be presented as a means to an end, as in problem solving. The curriculum has been designed in a manner that will provide every student in the province with a common core component. An elective component allows the teacher to identify regional environmental issues, meet specific individual needs or foster an appreciation and enthusiasm for subject matter not designated by the core component. Descriptive statements, time allocations and clarifications throughout the curriculum guide have been organized in a manner that will provide direction and guidance with regard to the information provided and the depth of detail expected. The textbook is not designed to determine content, provide order, give all of the examples or provide the applications of the content. Much of the criticism levelled at textbooks arises from expectations that far exceed the intent of any learning resource. Teachers who believe that a textbook provides curriculum often lament, "If only the right one could be found." It should be noted that the specificity prescribed by the descriptive statements encourages teachers, more than ever, to become involved with curriculum by developing examples and providing applications of that content as it relates to students, in a current and regionally significant manner. Biology 10 The structure and discussion of cellular function has been limited to those structures as seen through the light microscope. A discussion of cytoplasmic organelles that cannot be seen in the laboratory adds excessive detail and tends to be isolated from laboratory experience. The mitochondria, as organelles, are better discussed when associated with the processes of cellular respiration. Any discussion of ribosomes should be placed in the context of protein synthesis, where terms like amino acids, nucleotides and nitrogen bases can be dealt with in an organized and unified manner. The microscope and development of cell theory provides an historical perspective to the interrelationships between biology, technology and their influences on society. 3 - Biologists do not agree on a universally accepted classification system. The intent of the unit on classification is to provide students with the rationale for grouping organisms into taxonomic levels without focusing upon criteria for three, four or five kingdom systems. Any discussions of kingdoms should be consistent with the textbook used in the course. The survey of living organisms is intended to provide students entering the biology program with an introduction to the similarities and differences exemplified by various life forms. Selected representatives of lower forms, plants and animals, ensure that no group of organisms can be omitted in favor of an extensive and exhaustive study of another group. Traditionally, a teacher with training in zoology, botany or microbiology has presented a core component that has reflected his or her professional bias, thereby creating programs and presentations that varied greatly throughout the province, and often within school systems or even individual schools. The descriptive statements, suggested time allocations and clarification statements should provide some commonality of core, while the elective component encourages the teacher to become involved with curriculum development in a manner that meets the needs of his or her students. Biology 20 The ecology unit in the biology program should provide an appreciation of the position of life forms and complex interactions of these organisms within the ecosystem. The factual information provided in this section can provide a foundation to a problem solving and decision making approach to ecology. Because of its significance, a general discussion of photosynthesis has been introduced at the Biology 20 level. This brings the process of food production into perspective as the base of the food chain and makes the information a cornerstone to the evaluation of environmental problems. All too often ecology has been approached from an animal oriented avenue, thereby creating a limited view of our biosphere and the interactions that occur within it. The concepts of electron transfer, high energy bonds and enzyme reactions should not be discussed at this level since the students have yet to acquire an adequate background in biochemistry; however, many investigative studies can be pursued at this level. For example, investigations such as how light intensity affectsthe rate of photosynthesis, the function of chlorophyll in photosynthesis, the effects of light upon starch production in a leaf, and techniques for separating pigments in leaves, can be undertaken. The influences and impact that man has on the ecosystem has been placed in context with specific studies about the environment. After establishing the principles of the water cycle, for example, a discussion of acid rain has been introduced as a model of man's influences. Because the problems presented by acid rain offer no simple solutions, students are encouraged to become involved with decision making processes and the evaluation of technical data. By assimilating the principles of the hydrologic cycle and the problems presented by acid rain, the program allows the student to view the factual material from a relevant and meaningful perspective. A presentation of the knowledge derived from genetic principles, the structure of DNA and cell division lends itself to the extension of the factual information to the development of scientific theories which can be exemplified by the theories of evolution. Biology 30 (Pilot) The Biology 30 program introduces cellular function, biochemistry and physiology. Because of the nature of the materials and the depth of present- ation, the concepts are introduced using human systems. Although the focus is on human physiology, it should be noted that many of the concepts developed within the program can readily be adapted to other organisms. The study of - 5 - cytoplasmic organelles, principles of cellular respiration, operation of enzyme systems, the physical processes of a cell and controls of hormone levels provide us with just a few examples. Because the Biology 30 curriculum concentrates on human physiology, it is directed toward the individual needs of the student. Any repetition of these general principles which have been identified in the human system, be they incorporated through the study of plant physiology, invertebrate physiology or the physiology of a lower form chordate, is not included in the core, but may be handled through electives. The curriculum encourages an integrated approach be adopted to the study of human systems. The fundamental principles of kidney function, for example, may be associated with a functioning cardiovascular system, hormone system, digestion and liver function. By approaching the human body from an application and homeostatic adaptation strategy, the systems can readily be related to each other. The alternate approach, which is derived from a primary knowledge based goal, deals with systems as isolated units working independently and stresses anatomy, terminology and rote memory. To be consistent with the goals of the program, an exhaustive or extensive study of biochemistry would not be attempted. The depth of treatment of this topic should be based upon the fact that many students enter the Biology 30 program without any chemistry background. A detailed approach to difficult topics such as cellular respiration also tends to cloud the under- standing of fundamental ideas such as the basic differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration, the idea that oxidation of an organic compound releases energy which can be stored by cells, and the uses of the stored energy. Memorizing the names or chemical structures of intermediary metabolites for oxidative phosphorylation or the Krebs cycle tends to confuse students rather than promote understanding and generate interest in the topic. The curriculum is designed to initiate a movement away from a didactic dissemination of factual information towards more relevant utilizations of knowledge. The integration of open-ended questions, environmental problems and societal issues, where appropriate in the core materials and/or the elective component, should better enable our students to meet the challenges presented by the 1980s. - 6 LEARNING RESOURCES FOR BIOLOGY 10 AND 20 LEARNING RESOURCE APPROVALS In terms of provincial policy, learning resources are those print, nonprint and electronic courseware materials used by teachers or students to facilitate teaching and learning. PRESCRIBED LEARNING RESOURCES are those learning resources approved by the Minister as being most appropriate for meeting the majority of goals and objectives for courses, or substantial components of courses, outlined in provincial Programs of Study. RECOMMENDED LEARNING RESOURCES are those learning resources approved by Alberta Education because they complement Prescribed Learning Resources by making an important contribution to the attainment of one or more of the major goals of courses outlined in the provincial Programs of Study. SUPPLEMENTARY LEARNING RESOURCES are those additional learning resources identified by teachers, school boards or Alberta Education to support courses outlined in the provincial Programs of Study by reinforcing or enriching the learning experience. Prescribed: Biology - Silver Burdett (General Learning Corporation - Canada), 1983 Biology: Living Systems - Merrill (Bell and Howell - Canada), 1983 Laboratory Biology - Investigating Living Systems - Merrill (Bell and Howell - Canada), 1983 Recommended : Modern Biology - Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1981 Two textbooks and one laboratory manual have been approved for pre- scribed listing for Biology 10-20. It is the intent to have the same textbook for both Biology 10 and 20. Both textbooks contain more material than is necessary to cover the minimum core component as outlined in the program of studies. The laboratory manual approved for prescribed status is self-contained That is, it may be used with either textbook used. A third textbook is listed but is on the recommended list. This book provides good material for enrich- ment, elective work and further study and is not intended for use as a student textbook. - 7 - PROGRAM OF STUDIES PROGRAM OF STUDIES Curriculum Specifications: Content Emphasis The biology program is based on four major components: process skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes and concepts (subject matter). The percentage emphasis of each component for instruction in Biology 10, 20 and 30 is listed in the table below. Even though each component is listed separately, instruct- ion should integrate process skills, psychomotor skills and attitudes with the development of concepts. Not all these skills nor attitudes have equal emphasis at each course level. Hence development of these components should take place as the concepts are presented. ^^^^ Course Content ^^^^ Biology 10 Biology 20 Biology 30 Process Skills 30 30 20 Psychomotor Skills 10 10 5 Attitudes 10 10 15 Concepts (Subject Matter) 50 50 60 - 10 - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES General Objectives of Science Education Grades One Through Twelve 1. To develop the ability to inquire and investigate through the use of science process skills. 2. To promote assimilation of scientific knowledge. 3. To develop attitudes, interests, values, appreciations and adjustments similar to those ideally exhibited by scientists at work. 4. To develop an awareness and understanding of the environment with positive attitudes and behaviors towards its use. 5. To develop a critical understanding of those current social problems which have a significant scientific component in terms of their causes and/or their solutions. 6. To promote awareness of the humanistic implications of science. 7. To promote an understanding of the role that science has in the develop- ment of societies and the impact of society upon science. 8. To contribute to the development of vocational knowledge and skill. General Goals of Biology 10, 20 and 30 1. To develop an understanding of the interrelationships of biology, technology and their influence on society. 2. To develop those attitudes, psychomotor and process skills which are associated with scientific inquiry. 3. To develop an interest in biology as a natural science. 4. To develop an awareness of the delicate balance of nature and the appreciation that the survival of all life forms depends upon this balance. 5. To encourage further interest in biological phenomena through the use of electives. 6. To provide an historical perspective to developments in the biological sciences. 7. To prepare students to make responsible decisions regarding science re- lated social issues. 8. To develop an appreciation of how biologists carry out their work. 9. To make students aware of possible careers in the field of the biological sciences. 12 - Objectives of the Biology 10 Program 1. To identify some of the characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living things. 2. To develop an understanding of the development of the cell theory and its application. 3. To understand how organisms can be classified into various levels. 4. To initiate an understanding of the differences and similarities that exist among organisms. 5. To develop effective techniques in the use of microscopes. 6. To develop effective dissecting techniques. - 13 - Objectives of the Biology 20 Program 1. To develop understandings of the interactions and interrelationships between biotic and abiotic factors within communities, ecosystems and biomes. 2. To understand the principles of genetics. 3. To recognize some of the reasons why there is a great diversity among organisms. 4. To examine man's impact on the biosphere. Objectives of the Biology 30 Program 1. To examine selected cell structures and functions 2. To introduce a chemical basis for life. 3. To examine the following human processes: a) Alimentation and nutritional needs b) Circulation of body fluids c) Breathing and gas exchange d) Cellular respiration e) Movement and support f) Regulation of body fluids g) Nervous and hormonal control systems h) Reproduction 14 Process Skills Scientific investigation or inquiry requires the collection and processing of information from the environment. The activities which scientists exhibit while researching or protilem solving are referred to as process skills and are fundamental to the scientific method. Process skills are incorporated into the biology program through class- room work and, in particular, the laboratory experience. Activities such as observing, hypothesizing, predicting, measuring and interpreting data are stressed at all levels. The observation and recording of data is highly significant when examining cell structure and representative organisms in the Biology 10 program. The study of succession in Biology 20 involves, in particular, the prediction of changes in ecosystems over time. The investigation of biochemical reactions in Biology 30 requires an understanding of the control and manipulation of variables. 15 - The table below lists process skills covered in the biology program. Each skill is given a relative importance rating based on the specific course being taught. The letter "A" is of highest importance, "B" is medium and "C" is the lowest. Although the process skills are stressed at all grade levels, course content may determine which particular skills should be emphasized. Process Skill Grade Level Biology 10 Biology 20 Biology 30 Identifying problems B A A Controlling variables C A A Hypothesizing B A A Predicting B A A Design of methods for data C B B collection Observing A A A Measuring B B A Processing of data A A A Classifying A B C Interpreting data A A A Inferring B A A Defining operationally A A A Formulating models B A A Seeking further evidence B B B Applying discovered knowledge B A A - 16 - Psychomotor Skills Psychomotor skills can be identified as those skills which involve an integration between muscular movement and intellect. A progressive development of many of these skills throughout the high school biology program is needed to provide a meaningful scientific experience. The psychomotor skills can be developed and refined as the student progresses in the biology program. Safety must be a primary concern while the development of these skills occurs. Because many of the skills are progressive and repeated at the three levels of biology, no attempt was made to assign the skills to any one level. Because of the flexibility provided by electives and the special resources of individual schools, the examples provided for the different psychomotor skills is not to be interpreted as a prescriptive list but merely as representative of the psychomotor skills they define. The students should have the ability to: 1. Manipulate equipment, for example: a) Microscope b) Bunsen burner c) Microcomputers d) Centrifuge e) Water baths f) Hot plates g) Balance h) Stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers 2. Use tools: a) To develop proficiency in the use of various tools and instruments b) Use of dissecting instruments c) Use of common laboratory tools (beakers, tongs, graduated cylinders, etc.) d) Use of mortar and pestle - 17 - Carry out accepted procedures: a) Preparation of wet and dry mount slides b) Develop techniques for the separation of pigments c) Staining techniques d) Collecting and preserving techniques e) Dissecting procedures f) Biochemical analysis techniques g) Focusing microscopes Develop safe practices and procedures; a) Safe use of chemicals in the laboratory b) Antiseptic techniques for microbiology c) Proper handling of supplies and equipment d) Proper handling of living specimens - 1, Attitudinal Objectives General 1. To promote an appreciation of the interrelationships between biology, technology and their influence on society 2. To develop an interest in biology as a natural science 3. To develop an interest and appreciation of the attitudes demonstrated by scientists in their work 4. To develop a sense of responsibility in decision making concerning science related social issues 5. To develop an appreciation of science as an important vocational and intellectual pursuit 6. To develop an appreciation of the historical development of modern science Biology 10 1. To develop an appreciation of the diversity among living things Biology 20 1. To develop an appreciation of the role man plays in his environment and of his dependence upon that environment 2. To develop an appreciation of the interdependence of living organisms within their environment 3. To develop positive attitudes and behaviors towards the use of the environment Biology 30 1. To develop an appreciation of the interdependence of human organ systems and their functioning in a homeostatic relationship - 19 - Concept Description Statements The concept statements which follow for Biology 10 and 20 are mandatory, effective September 1983. The statements for Biology SO are tentative and subject to review through piloting during the 1983-84 school term. Schools not involved in the Biology 30 provincial pilot are required to follow the 1975 program of studies statements. The order of topics, and the concepts therein, are not prescriptive. The subject matter reflected in the concept statements should be developed and presented in a sequence that is appropriate and meaningful to the teacher and students. Comments concerning the depth and coverage of the concepts are provided where necessary for clarification purposes. Social issues and environmental concerns should extend and be related to the core concept of the program. Including pertinent and current issues at the time that key concepts are being discussed provides meaning and application to the subject matter. Because social and environmental issues are constantly changing, their presentation should be in keeping with student interest and currency of the issue, environmentally and/or socially. 21 I/I — Ol £ r IS > 0/ 1 — a 0 u 1- u o 0) 0 l/l 3 oj c - c l/l 1) to 0 £ 4-< l/l o ro ID ro E u c >~ Cn u c L 0 OJ 1/1 ■o c ~ L. Oi r 0 3 l/l l/l u .— . — c .— 3 4-» o c •— ■ - •j i/l G • — OJ £ .— 03 4-1 0 c •— Oj 4J w U *^ £ l/l -C V ro £ o> 1_ in £ •— o a •— 1) (D u OJ 01 •— rrj 3 in X) a L. 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O -3 "O 3 i/l <_> 0J c/> +-> Ol ■r- JZ i — p — -C (_) >> =3 u 3 fO T3 1/1 to +J O O) 3 O J-* J3 S_ = +J rO C ■— i— Ol o -a s- • ■>— 4-> l/l > C T3 O O t- S- (-> =3 Q- i— U 4- >>r- QJ +-> >, C to "O T3 +-> O •r inn ^ o ai s_ ai +-> Z3 ai U E u O+J .£= c c > i/i ■M o •i- S_ >> QJ s_ T3 QJ l/l C 4- -r- S- C ) O > o i — 1 c O QJ C QJ U -C c c O +J o Ol i — i — l/l E u +-> ro QJ C S- S- fD C S- QJ o QJ i — i- •,- QJ -C a. 3 QJ =J 3 cn+-> CT+-> T3 i — i QJ C QJ QJ C »— ' 33 - O — 4J 0) O E E XI O c in E o ^ 4-> — o I/I D. D (0 a; l/l c Q. -C ■ — X 0 i_ Cfl <— a l/l 4-» (D 4-» > c C •— 0) o T3 0 4-» 1 — i — c X) ro ■ — O 3: 0 E E c i — ra E o XI 01 CD , <_> -r- O (J t- 4-> ■i- C C ' -i- ■u in o s_ > 3 tsl Cn i- +J •i- Ol -Q S_ «-h cm position held by some religious groups, and is not supported by empirical or scientific facts, and therefore, cannot be presented as such. Frequently, positions based on societal, economic, moral or aesthetic values may be in- cluded during the study of an issue. Similarly, the creationist and competing viewpoints might be integrated with the analysis of accepted, scientific theory. > - 47 - ydltx^r ra CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES EDUCATION In August. 1 972, The Minister of Education announced a policy regarding controversial issues This announcement was in response to representations having been made regarding the treatment in school programs of such matters as Canadian content, family life education, sex-stereotyping and special creation, to name a few By way of interpretation the policy is to be treated as a whole: that is, no clause is to be applied in isolation of any other clause or clauses The policy is intended to accomplish the following in the handling of issues such as those mentioned above. 1 Provincially it will: (a) guide the development and revision of Programs of Study, including the acquisition of support materials (b) serve as the Department of Education position in cases in which the Department may be consulted regarding controversial issues 2 Locally, the statement is to serve as a guide for the development of policy at system, district or school levels, according to local choice. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION POLICY Re: Controversial Issues in the Classroom I. In principle, it is an objective of the Alberta educational system to develop students' capacities to think clearly, reason logically, examine all issues and reach sound judgments II The specific policy, based on this principle, is: 1 Students in Alberta classrooms should not be ridiculed or embarrassed for positions which they hold on any issue, a requirement which calls for sensitivity on the part of teachers, students and other participants in dealing with such issues 2 Students should have experiences in selecting and organizing information in order to draw intelligent conclusions from it. For sound judgments to be made, information regarding controversial issues should (a) represent alternative points of view, (b) appropriately reflect the maturity, capabilities and educational needs of the students and reflect the requirements of the course as stated in the Program of Studies, (c) reflect the neighborhood and community in which the school is located, but not to the exclusion of provincial, national and international contexts 3 School trustees should establish, in consultation with appropriate interest groups, policies regarding (a) identification of controversial issues, (b) treatment of such issues in local classrooms 4. Students, teachers and administrative staff should have a voice in determining (a) the controversial issues to be studied, (b) the texts and other materials to be used, (c) the manner in which such issues are dealt with in the classroom In response to representations regarding the treatment of the theory of evolution in school science programs, the Science Curriculum Coordinating Committee prepared and presented the following policy statement to the Curriculum Policies Board. This statement, which interprets the Department's policy regarding controversial issues in relation to science programs in the classroom, was considered by the Curriculum Policies Board in March, 1 979, and was accepted by the Minister of Education in June, 1979. (a) That where relevant, official curriculum documents published by Alberta Education for use by science teachers should contain: (i) the Department of Education policy statement on controversial issues fii) a special statement alerting teachers to the need for sensitivity in handling such issues. (Hi) a listing of available learning resources from which school boards, teachers, and/ or students may select items representing alternative points of view on such controversial issues as may be included in a Program of Studies (b) That, at the provincial level, all science curriculum committees and/ or individuals associated with selecting, recommending, listing and/or prescribing texts and/or other learning resources for use in Alberta schools be directed to (i) confine their choice to those learning resources in which the science subject matter is deemed to be satisfactory in terms of the definition of science: Natural Science is a branch of knowledge obtained by the scientific method, which deals with a body of observable and reproducible facts concerning material phenomena, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws and theories fii) select learning resouces that are satisfactory in terms of scientific accuracy, adequacy of treatment, and reading level (Hi) recommend the development of such additional materials as maybe deemed necessary (To be used only as a last resort.) (c) That, in the initial selection stage, the inclusion or exclusion of science sub/ect matter in Alberta school science curricula be determined by validating it according to the definition of 'Natural Science' in (b). (i) above QH 315-5 A33 1983 GR-10-12 BIOLOGY 10-20-30 -- /INTERIM GUIOE -- 39841057 CURR HIST -0000207355M4- OH 315 Bio 5 A33 ogy 10 1983 gr -20-30. 10- ■12 39841057 CURR HIST CURE QIDE For Reference NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THIS ROOM EXCEPT WITH LIBRARIANS Oh