BIOLOGY. UBRAPY BIOLOGY. BIOLOGY BY DR. CHARLES LETOURNEAU. TRANSLATED BY WILLIAM MACCALL. Pro Veritate" LIBRA |{ V CALIFORNIA LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. PHILADELPHIA : J. B. LIPPINCOTT AXD' CO. 1878. Lf BIOLOGY LIBRARY G LONDON I R. CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, PRINTERS, BREAD STREET HILL, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET. UNIVKKS1TY OF CALIFORNIA. PREFACE. THE word Biology, which seems to have been employed for the first time by Treviranus, is far from bearing in the scientific vocabulary a completely settled import. It may not be unprofitable to determine the sense of the word. Etymologically it signifies literally " science of life," and embraces everything relating, intimately or remotely, to the study of organised beings ; that is to say, a whole group of sciences, among which is comprehended Anthropology, for instance. It is in this encyclopaedical sense that Auguste Comte took the word " Biology," though as far as we our- selves are concerned we intend to give it a sense much more restricted. • Under the designation " Biology," we merely place the exposition and the coordination of all the great facts and great laws of life, or nearly what is usually under- stood by " General Physiology," when this denomination is applied to the two organic kingdoms. In this volume we have simply attempted to state concisely what life is, and how organised beings are nourished, grow, are reproduced, move, feel and think. vi PREFACE. Even while limiting ourselves to this comparatively re- stricted domain, we have had to consider, to group, to con- dense and to classify, an enormous mass of facts derived from all the natural sciences. Among these facts, numerous as the stars of the heaven and the sands of the sea, we have been compelled to make a choice, and to select as much as possible what was most important, most significative, most luminous. We hope that the learned men who devote themselves to special subjects may find in our modest production some new combinations, perchance some of those general views which are sometimes lacking to certain men in other respects very distinguished, but who abide too closely in this or that district of knowledge, as happens often in this age when the division of scientific labour is carried to excess. Nevertheless, we do not write for scientific men. We wish especially to be read by the mass of enlightened people, whom our very incom- plete system of public instruction has left almost unacquainted with Biology. In effect, our best establishments for secondary instruction limit their ambition to imparting sufficiently complete ideas of physics, and very incomplete ideas con- cerning chemistry ; but they stop too timidly on the threshold of Biology, the mysteries of which are accessible? only to a small number of special men. This is a defect exceedingly deplorable, exceedingly prejudicial to general progress. It is on account of this defect that so many false and even pernicious ideas continue to find acceptance and empire in public opinion ; hence it is, in a great measure, that true philosophy, or rather that philosophy which is alone solid and sound, that which flows directly and legitimately from PREFACE. rii observation and experiment, has such difficulty in diffusing itself. The object of our little book is to remedy this serious educational deficiency in those who are otherwise enlightened. It is therefore a work of vulgarisation. Certain scientific men, too strictly confined within their own circle, and whose horizon is bounded by the walls of their laboratories, pro- nounce, with disdain, though unjustly, this term vulgar- isation. To find the truth is surely a noble labour ; but what is the value of the discovered truth, if care is not taken to propagate it, to introduce it into the patrimony of general knowledge ? On the other hand, it must be granted that the work of popularising has been brought somewhat into disrepute by a crowd of pseudo-scientific publications, the authors of 'which, trusting too little to the intelligence of the reader, either administer only an infinitesimal dose of science, or think themselves obliged to dilute the main idea with a deluge of light or pleasing words, sacrificing thus at once to the most amiable and most dangerous of our national peculiarities. Science only deserves its name upon condition of preserving a somewhat austere nobleness. For our part we have taken care not to rob science of that which constitutes its strength, and for this we trust the reader will give us credit. In our opinion there is not a person of moderate intelligence who will not be able, at the cost of a slight mental effort, to read and comprehend this book ; and we think also that by such a perusal of it, sufficiently clear and complete ideas of Biology will have been imparted. This is not a polemical work, but rather an exposition viii PREFACE. of facts. Nevertheless, amongst these facts are some which are indisputable ; also, when we have met with them, we have not hesitated to formulate the conclusions or induc- tions which resulted from them. We have always done this temperately and with brevity, and without having any other motive than the love of truth. We trust that this volume may be read, and that profitably, and that it may awaken, in a large number of its readers, love of and respect for science, namely, that which alone, in these sad times, is at once a refuge and a hope. CH. LETOURNEAU. 1 TKlVKKSrVYOF US BIOLOGY. BOOK I. OF ORGANISED MATTER IN GENERAL. CHAPTER I. CONSTITUTION OP MATTER. UNITY OF SUBSTANCE IN THE ORGANIC WORLD AND IN THE INORGANIC WORLD. THE sciences of observation demand at the outset from him who wishes to cultivate them an act of faith^ Though it is per- fectly incontestable that the exterior world manifests itself to us solely by exciting in our mind an incessant series of phe- nomena of consciousness, of phenomena called subjective, we are nevertheless compelled, unless we wish to plunge into the doubt applauded by Pyrrho and Berkeley, to believe our senses as honest and sincere witnesses when they signalise to us the exist- ence, apart from our own being, of a vast material universe, the elements whereof, without pause in movement, awaken in us, by acting on our organism, impressions, sensations, and consequently ideas and desires. The exterior world exists independently of our conscious life ; it was when as yet we were not ; and it will be when we are no 2 BIOLOGY. [Boos i. more. Without stopping, as a few years ago M. Littre did, to discuss the point whether the certitude of the existence of the external world is of first or second quality, leaving aside every metaphysical refinement, we must first firmly believe in the real existence of the external world ; because all our senses cease not to cry to us in every tone that the objective, the Non-He of the psy- chologists, is not a chimera, because the contrary opinion would strike with nullity all observation, all experience, all reasoning, all knowledge. The reality of the exterior world once admitted, and man never having been led to doubt that reality, except through a species of intellectual depravation, people naturally inquired what could be the internal constitution of the substance of the universe. They suspected that behind the appearance infinitely mobile and varied of the exterior phenomena there might exist a general and related force. Our object in this work not being to pass in review the opinions or the reveries of the different philosophical schools, we make haste to expound the most pro- bable theories and systems, those which observation has confirmed, and which by slow degrees have conquered in science their right of citizenship. Leucippus seems to have been the first to have had the intuition of the most rational theory on the constitution of the universal substance. In his opinion this substance is a discontinuous mass of granules, solid, infinitely small, separated by void spaces. It is " the void mingled with solid," according to an expression of Bacon. Democritus admitted that these primordial granules were full, impenetrable, moreover insecable, and, for this last reason, he called them atoms? But the conception of atoms, full and dis- 1 For what is it that Democritus says? — "That there are substances in infinite number, which are called atoms, because they cannot be divided, which are, however, different, which have no quality whatever, are impassible, which are dispersed here and there in the infinite void, which approach each other, gather themselves together, enter into conjunction ; that from these assem- blages one result appears as water, another as fire, another as tree, another CHAP, i.] CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 3 persed through the limitless void of the universe, did not furnish a sufficiently precise account of the constitution of bodies. Epicurus appeared, whose doctrine was so magnificently sung by the great poet Lucretius. lie immensely improved the atomic theory of Leucippus and Democritus by vivifying atoms, and by supposing them endowed with spontaneous movement. From the mobility of atoms resulted their various aggregations and the dissemblances of bodies. According to Epicurus, atoms of necessity mingled together, intertwined, literally caught and clung to each other. A philosopher who had the talent to preach and to propagate in France the atomic theoiy without seeming to offend the orthodoxy of his epoch, which was still very suspicious, Gassendi, restored to honour the atomic doctrine of the ancients. He admits, according to the expression of Epicurus, that "that which is moves in that which is not," that is, that atoms are not in contact, but that they are separated by void spaces. Thus then, according to this theory, the world is composed of an innumerable quantity of atoms, mobile, infinitely small, distant from each other. These atoms are in a perpetual state of movement, rushing toward each other, repelling each other, for they have their sympathies and antipathies. It is from the diversity of their affinities that result their exceedingly diversified modes of grouping and the variety of the external world. It is by their vibrations, their oscillations that they reveal themselves to man by impressing his organs of sense. They have as essential qualities inalterability, eternity. When they gather together, new bodies are formed ; when they dis- aggregate, bodies previously existing dissolve and seem to vanish. They are unhewn stones which have passed, pass, and are as man ; that everything consists of atoms, which he also calls ideas, and that nothing else exists, forasmuch as generation cannot arise from that which is not while likewise what 'exists cannot cease to be, because atoms are so firm that they cannot change nor alter nor suffer." — PLUTARCH, Miscellaneous Works : Against the Epicurean Colotcs; Amyot's translation, Clavier's edition, vol. xx., Paris, 1803. B 2 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. destined evermore to pass from one edifice to another. Their totality constitutes the general substance of the universe, and, in reality, this general substance undergoes no other changes than modifications in the distribution of its constituent ele- ments. All the phenomena, all the varied aspects, all the revolutions of the universe can be referred essentially to simple atomic displacements. This grand theory, so admirably simple and seductive, would be nothing but a brilliant speculation, if facts, numerous and rigorously observed, did not now serve it as basis and demon- stration. We rapidly enumerate the most important of these facts, which belong for the most part to the domain of Physics and Chemistry. Wenzel, Bichter, Proust proved first of all that in chemical compositions and decompositions, bodies combine according to proportions rigorously defined. Dalton formulated the law of multiple proportions, and deduced therefrom naturally that matter is constituted by atoms extended, having a constant weight, and that those atoms are of various species. When atoms of the same species come into juxtaposition, we have what we call simple bodies, such as hydrogen, oxygen, azote. On the contrary, the bodies called compound result from the juxtaposition of atoms of diversified nature, whence come acids, salts, oxides, and also all the unstable and complex compounds which constitute organic substances. This is not all : to the law of Dalton the law of Avogadro and of Ampere is adjoined. This last law establishes that all gases, temperature and pressure being equal, have the same elastic force. But as this force is probably due to the shock of atoms or groups of atoms, molecules, on the sides of the vessels which imprison the gases, we must admit that in the conditions aforesaid all gases contain, under the same volume, the same number of molecules or of atoms. Finally, Dulong and Petit have been able to show, experi- mentally, that the atoms of simple bodies all possess the same specific heat. CHAP, i.] CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 5 All these great laws, slowly evolved by observation and ex- periment, have transformed into a solid scientific theory the brilliant but vague intuition of the thinkers of ancient Greece. With ground so firm to rest on, chemistry has been able to particularise more, to study in some sort the individual cha- racter of atoms ; in scientific language, it has arrived at the notion of atomicity. Atoms have as general characteristics extension, impenetra- bility, indestructibility, and eternal activity. But these general characteristics exclude not a number of specific differences. The progress of chemistry will no doubt show us what amount of truth there is in the hypotheses of Dumas and of Lockyer, according to which the simple bodies of chemistry as it now exists are merely indecomposed bodies. According to this as- sumption our metals and our metalloids are simple modifi- cations of a single substance, probably hydrogen, the atoms thereof forming different molecular groupings. In the present state of science, these ideas, as yet purely hypothetical, can be passed by ; and relying for the present on the great laws of Dal ton, Ampere, Dulong, and Petit, we have the right to consider the simple bodies of contemporary chemistry as repre- senting groups of atoms identical among themselves in each simple body, but specifically different from one simple body to another. Now each of these atomic species has its individual energy, its own affinities. In the group of the other atomic species it has friends, it has indifferents, it has enemies. It willingly unites itself to the first, neglects the second, refuses, on the contrary, to combine with the last. Moreover, this faculty of attracting and of being attracted attains in each atomic species a different degree of energy. Whence we may conclude that there are in the different atomic species differences of mass and of form. In aggregating themselves thus, according to their affinities, atoms arrange themselves into small systems, having in each body a special structure. These atomic systems are called molecules. The atoms of alkaline metals, such as potassium and sodium, 6 BIOLOGY. [BooK r. cannot fix each more than one atom of chlorine or of bromine ; they are monoatomic, as, for instance, hydrogen. Calcium, barium, strontium, in order that their attractive power may be saturated, need to fix two atoms of chlorine ; they are diatomic, as, for instance, oxygen. Phosphorus, which in the perchlorure of phosphorus succeeds in fixing five atoms of chlorine, is pentatomic. It is these inequalities in the mode and the power of combina- tion, in the capacity of saturation, which we call the atomicity of each atomical species, designating specially by that expression the maximum capacity of saturation. However, hereby is by no means implied that a pentatomic species, for instance azote, can- not combine with less than five atoms. Azote, which fixes five atoms in the chlorohydrate of ammonia (AzH4Cl), is not more than triatomic in ammoniac gas (AzH3), and is only diatomic in the bioxide of azote. For the sake of greater clearness, the denomination atomicity is reserved to designate the capacity of absolute saturation. The capacities of inferior saturations are called quantivalences. Thus then azote is pentatomic, but it is trivalent in gas ammoniac, and so on. This notion of atomicity has thrown a great light on the ultimate texture of bodies, and also on the march hither and thither of atoms in various combinations. In effect, free or combined, every atom tends to saturate itself by the annexion of other atoms. If, for instance, a tetratomic atom has combined with two atoms only, it ceases not to tend to saturate its attrac- tive force ; it strives to fix two atoms more. But these two atoms once found, no other simple body can combine with our tetratomic atom, unless by displacing one or two of its atoms and becoming their substitute. If, for instance, we take from a carburet of saturated hydrogen an atom of hydrogen, the molecule thus mutilated can unite itself to an atom of chlorine. But the chlorine is monoatomic ; this, however, does not hinder it from fixing the complex molecule of the carburet, impoverished to the extent of an atom of hydrogen. The reason is that certain atomic groups, certain molecules, can play in combina- tions the part of a single atom. They are what we call com- CHAP, i.] CONSTITUTION OF MATTER. 7 pound radicals. This notion of compound radicals has a pre- dominant importance in the chemistry of organic substances, so called because nearly altogether they constitute the substance of living bodies. It simplifies extremely their apparent com- plexity. It is thus that, according to Mulder, the formula of albumineis l, that of gum arabic C12H£20U, that of starch C H1005, and this formula would not vary by the isomeric transformation of starch into dextrine. Saccharine and amylaceous matters bear as chemical characteristic the inclusion of hydrogen and oxygen in such proportions that the oxygen could suffice exactly to saturate the hydrogen and to transform it into water. The general formula of these groups would therefore be Cm(H20)n.1 1 Wurtz, Chimie Nouvelle. CHAP, in.] COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 21 To complete the enumeration of the ternary vegetal compounds, we have to mention the fat vegetal bodies, the non-azotised oils, which are also compounds in complex molecules of carbon, of oxygen, and of hydrogen. After the group of ternary organic substances comes a tribe of azotised compounds, wrongly, and in virtue of questionable chemical theories, called quaternary bodies. The molecules of these last bodies are, it is true, formed for the most part by atoms of carbon, of oxygen, of hydrogen, and of azote ; but almost constantly a certain quantity of sulphur and of phosphorus must be joined to them. These quaternary compounds are the organic substances by excellence ; we seek in vain their analogues in the mineral world. They form themselves spontaneously in the texture of living beings ; whereas the ternary compounds spoken of above can be brought into relation with the carburets of hydrogen which connect them with the inorganic world. The azotised vegetal substances form two principal groups, — the group of the alkaloids, and that of the albuminoids. The alkaloids are very complex compounds, capable of combining as bases with an acid. These bodies, unimportant as to quantity, are very important as to their physiological or toxical properties; they are quinine, strychnine, morphine, and so on. But the substances which, without question, hold the first rank, the compounds essential to vegetal life as well as to animal life, are those which form the group of the albuminoids. We shall see that these substances constitute the nucleus of the vegetal cells, constitute their internal membrane, that they are also found in the liquid filling the cells, in the protoplasm. Among the most important of these substances we must name gluten or vegetal fibrine, so abundant in the seeds of the cereals. To it is given as formula, according to the theory of Mulder, 10(C40H31012Az5) -f S. In relation to gluten we have to view glut in e, an analogous albuminoidal substance ; it is the coagulable principle of the sap of plants. It is likewise called vegetal albumine. •22 BIOLOGY. [BOOK T. Finally there is extracted from the seeds of the leguminous plants a third albuminoidal substance, containing, like gluten, sulphur, and which is called vegetal caseine. The last substance which we have to mention is the green matter of plants, chlorophyll. Its physiological agency is 'ex- tremely curious and interesting ; we shall therefore describe it in detail in the course of our expositions. Here it suffices to observe that chlorophyll cannot be placed in the group of the preceding substances, called proteical. Neither phosphorus nor sulphur is found therein. It is composed only of carbon, of hydrogen, of oxygen, of azote, and, what is altogether character- istic, of iron. Its formula, still however requiring consideration, would be C18H9AzOs + Fe (in indeterminate quantity). 2. Chemical Composition of Animals. In a preceding chapter we have enumerated the fourteen simple bodies entering into the composition of the most complex of organisms, the human organism. A glance thrown at this list suffices to show that if the elementary composition is held in view, and the quality of the elements is alone considered, there is almost identity between the vegetal organisms and the animal organisms. But in both kinds of organism these, elementary bodies are aggregated in various combinations, with the exception of azote and oxygen, of which a part is in a state of liberty alike in the animal and the vegetal organisms. In every animal organism also we encounter, in a state of intense blending, immediate principles of the three classes. The immediate principles of the first class, or mineral principles, penetrate, entirely formed, into the animal economy ; and entirely formed they come forth from it : this is the case with water, azote, certain salts, and so on. The principles of the second class are in general hydrocar- bonised ternary compounds such as lactic acid and the lactates, CHAP, in.] COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 23 uric acid and the urates, fat bodies (olei'ne, margarine, stearine), animal starch or glycogenous matter of the liver, the glycose of the same gland, chitine. They comprehend quaternary azotised pro- ducts, the result of the disassimilation of the organic elements, such as urea (C2Az2H402), creatine (CsH9Az3O4), creatinine (C8H7Az307), cholesterine (C52H44O2), and so on. While the principles of the first class pass merely into the organism by coming from the exterior world, those of the second form them- selves in the animal organism, but do not sojourn there. The immediate principles of the third class are numerous neither in animals nor plants, but they play in the first a more important part than in the last. They are the albuminoidal sub- stances, all likewise colloids, and insatiable in their thirst for water. These bodies are very unstable compounds, much inclined to isomeric modifications. They are formed in the animal economy, never leave it when it is in a healthy state, are renewed therein molecule by molecule through the nutritive movement, and from their quantity and from the dominant part they play, they constitute the very essence of the living organism. Their formula, as we have already stated, is still undecided. There has been a disposition to consider them as all formed of the same radical, proteine, united to atoms of sulphur and phosphorus. In boiling the epidermic productions, the cartilages, the organic framework of the bones, the cellular tissue, the tendons, and so on, we obtain quaternary azotised substances, chondrine, gelatine, containing less carbon and more azote than the other albuminoidal substances : moreover, containing no sulphur. The most important animal albuminoidal substances are fibrine, albumine, caseine, the analogues of which we have signal- ised in plants. In the same way that in plants we have found a special quaternary substance, chlorophyll, containing a metal, iron, we find also in the superior animals a matter analogous to albumine, but coagulating much less easily when it is dissolved in water. This matter is the substance of the globules of the blood, globuline. Like chlorophyll, it contains iron in its com- 24 BIOLOGY. [BOOK L position, and, like it, also exerts a special action on one of the gases of the atmosphere. How summary soever may be the short enumeration which precedes, it suffices to establish from a thorough knowledge of the matter a parallel between the composition of animals and that of plants, and to give saliency to the analogues and the differences. 3. The Organic Substances of the two Kingdoms. A supreme fact is evolved from the preceding examination, namely, that there is in the ternary and quaternary substances a dominant element common to them all, carbon. Of all organic substance, carbon is the base. In weight it forms the principal element thereof. The albumine of the blood contains about fifty per cent, of carbon. But in organic substances carbon plays a much more important part still. It is the bond of all the various atoms, which compose the complex molecules of organised bodies. W e have already seen that carbon is a tetratomic body, that is to say, capable of fixing, of keeping wedded to one of its atoms four atoms of a monoatomic body, such as hydrogen, or two atoms of a diatomic body, such as oxygen ; and so on. We have besides remarked that the atoms of carbon could unite with each other in neutralising reciprocally one only of their affinities, the others remaining free and fit to satisfy themselves, in attracting and fixing either atoms of other elements or even aggregates more or less complex, radicals comporting themselves as a single atom. But these atoms, these radicals, are often only aggre- gated to the atom of carbon which attracts them by one of their affinities, while the others remain active, exciting the aggrega- tion of new atoms. Let us take, for instance, the iodide of methyl, that is to say, of carbonised hydrogen, an atom of iodine taking the place of an atom of hydrogen : — H H— C— I i CHAP, in.] COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 25 Heating in suitable conditions this body with potash or hydrate of potassium, we determine the displacement of the atom of iode, which combines with the potassium and is suc- ceeded by the oxygen of the potash. But this oxygen is di- atomic : 'the half only of its affinity is satisfied or neutralised by this displacement : the rest still remains free. This is why, without ceasing to form part of the carburet, the atom of oxygen unites itself on its own account with a molecule of hydrogen likewise taken from the hydrate of potassium, and we have thus wood spirit : H H— C— (OH) i We have taken as example a body in which one atom only of carbon figures. But if we represent to ourselves a poly-car- bonised compound we at once see to what a degree of complexity and mobility such a body can attain ; therefrom we gain a general idea of what the chemistry of organic bodies is ; we recognise that modern chemists have the right to call this branch of their science the chemistry of the compounds of carbon ; and we willingly subscribe to this proposition of Haeckel : "It is only in the special chemico-physical properties of carbon, and especially in the semi-fluidity and instability of the carbonised albuminoidal compounds, that we must seek the mechanical causes of the phenomena of particular movements by which organisms and inorganisms are differentiated, and which is called in a more restricted sense Life" l The general statements given above apply equally to organic vegetal substances, and to organic animal substances, forasmuch as we have seen that as regards quality, as regards general 1 E. Haeckel, Histoire de la Creati&n Naturelle. Paris, 1874. 26 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. chemical composition, the two classes of substances are manifestly identical. Consequently, there is no radical difference between the organic substances of the vegetal kingdom and those of the animal world. Nevertheless these are notable dissimilarities ; they bear on the relative quantity of the ternary compounds non-azotised, and the quaternary compounds azotised, in both the realms of Nature. In effect, the albuminoidal substances whidh constitute the chief part of any veritable animal organism are from the quantitative point of view little more than accessories. The great mass of every true plant is especially constituted by the non-azotised carburetted substances. Azote, though forming an essential element of the intracellular vegetal protaplasm and of the alkaloids, represents often in weight less than a hundredth of the dry matters : rarely the proportion rises to three hundredths. To sum up, the vegetal kingdom is, quantitatively considered, the kingdom of ternary carburetted substances, while the animal kingdom is that of carburetted substances azotised or quaternary. Consequently there is -in the animal world a greater degree of chemical complexity and instability, that is to say, a superior vital activity. Nevertheless, there is no radical difference. "We must hence- forth reject that idea of complete antagonism between the two kingdoms, which has so long prevailed in science. We must no longer consider every plant as an apparatus of reduction specially charged to form, all in a lump, at the expense of the mineral world, ternary and quaternary compounds for the nourishment of animals. We must cease to see in every animal an apparatus of combustion whose mission is to destroy those compounds with- out being able to form any. Cl. Bernard has demonstrated that the cells of the liver fabricate at the expense of the blood an amylaceous matter possessing, according to the analysis of M. Pelouze, the same composition as vegetal starch, and, like it, transforming itself into sugar. Finally, M. Kouget has found this amylaceous matter, glycogen or zooamyline, in the muscular tissue, in the lung, in the cells of the liver, in the placenta, in j CHAP, in.] COMPOSITION OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS. 27 the amniotic cells, the epithelial cells, the cartilages, &c., of the vertebrates.1 For a long time cellulose was considered a substance exclusively vegetal ; but after a while, under the name of chitine, or tunicine, it was found in the tegumentary envelope of the tunicates, in the exterior skeleton of the anthropods, and so on ; and M. Ber- thelot has succeeded in transforming into sugar this tunicine, this animal cellulose, for ebullition and acids metamorphose it into glycose.2 Even chlorophyll, that vegetal substance by excellence, has been found in certain rudimentary animals. Therefore, once more we declare that there is no radical difference, no chasm between the two living kingdoms, from the point of view of the composition and formation of the organic substances. In this respect there is no reason why the two kingdoms should not be included under the denomina- tion of Organic Empire, as Blainville proposed. NOTE. — Both as a substantive and as an adjective^ vegetal is a good old English word which is often for obvious reasons preferable to vegetable or plant. — Translator. 1 J. Gasarrat, Phenome'nes Physiques de la Vie^ p. 196. 2 J. Gasarrat, loc. cit. CHAPTER IV. OF LIFE. LIFE has long been the mystery of mysteries ; and in modern times it has been the last refuge, the citadel of supernaturalism. In fact, so long as there were no clear ideas regarding the con- stitution of bodies, or the composition of chemical aggregates, so long as so-called organic substances appeared radically different from mineral substances, it was impossible to unravel the mystery of life. We now know that organised bodies do not contain a material atom which was not first derived from, and afterwards restored to, the exterior medium. We have made an enumeration of the immediate principles which constitute living bodies; we have been able to reproduce a certain number of these in our chemical laboratories. We know in what physical state, under what blended conditions, they are found within organised and living bodies. We know, moreover, that the entire universe contains an always active matter, that what is called force cannot sever itself from what is called matter, that consequently there can no longer be any question of a vital principle, of an archeus, superadded to living beings, and regulating their phenomena. Even these simple general facts authorise us to affirm that vital phenomena are simply the result of the properties of living matter. To give a just idea of life, it remains to us then to determine what are its properties, and also what are the principal conditions of their manifestation. We prove then, first of all, that life depends strictly upon the exterior medium, that an alteration in the composition of the CHAP, iv.] OF LIFE. 29 aerian or aquatic medium determines the cessation or suspension of the vital movement. We can even at will suspend and reanimate life in certain organised beings. M. Yilmorin succeeded in reviving, by means of moisture, a dried fern sent from America. By drying and then moistening certain infusoria we may arrest and revive the course of life in them. In America and Northern Russia frozen fishes, brought, from great distances, are revivified by being plunged into water of the ordinary temperature. In Iceland, in 1828-9, Gaymard in ten minutes revivified frozen toads in tepid water. In the case of dried organisms, the organic substances jiave been deprived, by evaporation, of their water of gelatinisation, and thereby of their molecular mobility, the instability indis- pensable to the realisation of atomic changes ; in fact, they have been separated from the exterior world, yet without decompo- sition ; whence their easy revival. In congealing organisms, an analogous result is obtained. By the solidification of water substances lose their colloidal state. They are, in some degree, chemically paralysed, but can never- theless revive, if congelation has produced neither chemical decomposition of the substances, nor morphological destruction of the tissues and of their anatomical elements. These facts suffice by themselves to prove that the principal condition of life is the interchange of materials between the living body and the exterior world ; but, fortunately, we are not limited to such commonplace demonstrations. Yital activities have been minutely scrutinised, watched, and followed step by step, as we shall see further on. "We have been enabled to note the incessant amalgamation with the organism of substances derived from the exterior world, to observe the modifications and transformations which these substances undergo and promote in the midst of living matter ; the results of all these biological operations have been summed up, and establish approximately the .balance of gain and loss. In short, it is now known that 30 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. the principal vital phenomenon, that which serves as a support to all the others, is a double movement of assimilation and of dis- assimilation, of renovation and of destruction, in the midst of living matter ; that this matter may be either in a semi-solid state, and without structure, as in certain inferior organisms; or that it may be in a liquid state more or less viscous, like the blood and lymph of the superior animals ; or finally, that it may be modelled into anatomical elements, into cells and fibres bathed with liquids and gases, as in the bodies of all the superior animal and vegetal organisms. The living substance is thus a chemical laboratory in constant action. It is the physical or chemical properties of this sub- stance, diversely modified, which underlie all the vital properties, nutrition, growth, reproduction, the chlorophyllian attribute, motility, and innervation. \ Now the six properties w^ich we have just enumerated are the six principal modes of living activity, the six categories under which all biological phenomena group and class them- selves. The chlorophyllian property is almost exclusively vegetal ; but the five other fundamental properties represent, when united, the highest, the most complete expression of life. But they are far from being always united ; they are also far from having the same importance. Some of them are primordial, some secondary. The most important of all is evidently nutrition, the double and perpetual movement of molecular renovation of the living substance. Without nutrition there can be no growth, no repro- duction, no movement, no conscious sensitiveness, no thought. In truth, life can be conceived of as reduced to its most simple expression, to mere nutrition. A being capable of nourishing itself, and destitute of every other property or function, lives still ; but if it has not the faculty of reproduction, which, as we shall see, is only a simple extension of the nutritive property, its life will be only an individual life ; a moment will come when the nutritive exchanges will slacken, when the nutritive' residue, incompletely expulsed, will impregnate the living tissues CHAP, iv.] OF LIFE. 31 and liquids, obstructing them, so to speak ; then the colloidal plasmatic substances will cease to restore themselves, to regene- rate themselves. Soon the retardment will end in complete arrest ; then the organised being will have ceased to live ; the complex elements which composed it will change, will break asunder, and the groups of their molecules and of their atoms will re-enter the exterior medium, the mineral world. If, on the contrary, the nutritive property of a living being is sufficiently energetic to rise, as it were, to excess, even to growth and reproduction, the being is sure of living in its offspring ; it fills its place in the innumerable crowd of living beings, and can even, if the doctrine of evolution is as true as it is probable, become the source of a superior organised type, can ascend in the hierarchy of life. In fact, many of the inferior organisms are endowed only with the properties of nutrition, growth, and reproduction. At a greater degree of complication and perfection a new property appears, motility, subordinated likewise to nutrition, when it concerns the individual, to reproduction when it concerns the series. £so one is ignorant that large numbers of animals are endowed solely with these four properties, nutrition, growth, reproduction, and motility, which are possessed by a number of plants also, as we shall see hereafter. Nutrition, growth, and reproduction are truly fundamental properties. They belong to the entire organic world, to every- thing which lives and lasts. Above these properties must rank three others, all naturally subordinate to the primordial property, nutrition. These three are, the chlorophyllian property, motility, and innervation. The chlorophyllian property is, with rare exceptions, confined to plants. Motility is, in a measure, common to animals and vegetals. Finally, the last vital property, innervation, is limited to the superior animals. It is also the most delicate, the most subordinated to, the most closely connected with, the integrity of nutrition, the most dependent, directly or indirectly, upon the 82 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. other vital properties. Let but the nutritive liquids impregnated with oxygen cease to reach the nervous cells, to bathe them, to excite them, to renew them, immediately motility, sensibility, and thought vanish ; the animal re-descends, for a time, or for ever, to the level of unconscious organised beings. From this physico-chemical point of view we can now, without much difficulty, form an idea of the totality of the molecular movements which form the essential basis of life. Every living being is constituted, in a general manner, of colloidal substances more or less fluid, more or less solid, holding in solution salts, gases, and so on. A portion of these salts and gases has been introduced from without, and is ready to combine itself with the unstable colloidal substances ; some are the result of combina- tions already effected ; but this process of combination and separation cannot stop ; for the atoms of atmospheric oxygen mingle themselves ceaselessly with the organic molecules, separate them, disaggregate them by virtue of their powerful affinities for certain elements which form part of their complex molecules. After a time more or less short, the oxygen, by a slow oxydation, would have thus destroyed the living substance, if food had not likewise been introduced from without into the texture of the living being. These renovating substances, after having often undergone preparatory chemical changes, after having become nutriments, that is to say, after having acquired a chemical com- position and a physical state which assimilate them to the living substance, identify themselves with it. One by one their mole- cules take the place of those which have been destroyed. The living being, thus incessantly restored, lasts, continues to live, and would live indefinitely, if this molecular movement never slackened. But we now know, through the magnificent generalisations of modern chemistry and physics, that in the world there are. only atoms in some degree animated, that these atoms transmit to each other mutually the movement which impels them, or which they engender, and that this movement, without ever being annihi- CHAP, iv.] OF LIFE. 33 lated, transforms itself in a thousand ways. These transmuta- tions of movement take place also naturally in living beings, and the impulsions, so complex and varied, of the molecules transmit themselves to the different organic apparatus, producing, here the generation of new anatomical elements, there, the movements of totality of the living substance, elsewhere the nervous phenomena of consciousness, everywhere a certain elevation of temperature and, doubtless, electric phenomena. It has been said, and may be admitted as a general principle, that the animal world lives at the expense of the stores of matter and of movement accumulated by the vegetal world. We shall have to show, at a future time, what amount of truth there is in this generalisation. We content ourselves, at present, with remarking that these vegetal accumulations are formed under the influence of solar radiation, that is to say, of the vibrations radiated by the central star of our planetary system, and that, consequently, the dynamic solar source is the great reservoir of force, the great motive power, which gives the impulse to the vital movement, and sustains the impulse given. And now can we define life 1 For that purpose it will evi- dently be sufficient if we summarise the preceding facts into as clear, and at the same time as brief, a formula as possible ; for it is not our intention to pass in review the very numerous definitions which have been given of life, long before its pheno- mena were scientifically analysed. The definition now most commonly adopted in France is that given by Blainville : "Life is a twofold movement, at once general and continuous, of composition and decomposition." This defini- tion, as H. Spencer judiciously points out,1 is at the same time too comprehensive, and not comprehensive enough. It is too comprehensive, because it is applicable to that which occurs in an electric pile or in the flame of a wax taper, as well as in the primordial nutritive phenomena ; it is too restricted, because it leaves out the highest, the most delicate vital activities, the 1 Principles of Biology, voL i. D 34 BIOLOGY. [BOOK I. cerebral or psychical activities. Lewes says : " Life is a series of definite and successive changes of structure and of composition, which act upon an individual without destroying his identity." In speaking of structure, this definition excludes the activities of purely mineral chemistry, which the first does not, but it also forgets the cerebral activities, and besides it does not embrace the vital acts that take place in the plasmatic liquids, such as the blood, the lymph, which, though destitute of structure, are endowed with life, as we shall presently see. The definition of H. Spencer, " The continual agreement between interior and exterior relations," has the fault of being too abstract, and of soaring so high above facts, that it ceases to recall them. Besides, just by reason of its vague generality, it might also be applied to certain continuous chemical phenomena. It would be better to descend nearer to the earth, and to limit ourselves to giving a short summary of the principal vital facts which have been observed. Doubtless life depends upon a two- fold movement of decomposition and renovation, simultaneous and continuous ; but this movement produces itself in the midst of substances having a physical state, and most frequently a morpho- logical state quite peculiar to them. Finally, this movement brings into play diverse functions in relation with this morpho- logical state of the living tissues, habitually composed of cells and fibres endowed with special properties. Let us say then that '* life is a twofold movement of simul- taneous and continual composition and decomposition, in the midst of plasmatic substances, or of figurate anatomical elements, which, under the influence of this in-dwelling movement, perform their functions in conformity to their structure." CHAPTER V. ANATOMICAL CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. EVERYWHERE and always, as we have already expounded, the living or organised bodies are constituted by complex substances, in part albuminoidal, and in that special physical state which is called colloidal. The fundamental matter of these living bodies is uncrystallisable. " To live and to crystallise," says Ch. Robin, " are two properties which are never united " (Elements Ana- tomiques, p. 17). It is enough in effect for a body to be endowed with the humblest of vital properties, nutrition, not to be crystallisable. At the same time living substances are im- pregnated with crystalloidal solutions and with gases : this is a general attribute ; but in the form this attribute is extremely diversified. At the lowest degrees of the organic world we find beings without structure, amorphous : for instance, the genus Amoeba and the genus Monas ; they are small contractile albu- minoidal masses whose form is modified incessantly. Such are also the simplest rhizopods, living masses rather more con- siderable, but without definite form ; we see them emitting and reabsorbing tentaculifonn prolongations of varying length. But if even in a small degree we study by the help of the microscope 'the structure of beings more elevated in the living hierarchy, we instantly see that the fundamental mass has lost its homogeneous- ness, that it has fractionised itself into corpuscles generally invisible to the naked eye. These small bodies, these living bricks which by their aggregation constitute every organic edifice a little complex, have been called anatomical elements or histologicai elements. D 2 36 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. Finally, these anatomical elements float more or less directly in living liquids, which are called blastemas. For instance, the freshwater polypus, celebrated on account of the curious experi- ments of regeneration to which it has given occasion, is solely composed of corpuscles living, spherical, of cells swimming in an intercellular liquid, which is a blastema. This is also the texture of certain infusoria, for example, of the Paramsecia, and likewise of a number of plants. Besides in plants, and especially in superior animals, exist systems of canals serving for the circulation of liquids as living as the figurate anatomical elements. These liquids, which, like the blastemas, to distinguish them from which there has been a wrong attempt, are both receptacles of disassimilated products and reservoirs of assimilable products, have been called plasmatic liquids, or plasmas. We have successively to describe living substance under the two general forms which it assumes, namely, the histological form and the blastematic and plasmatic form. 1. Of the Figurate Elements in General. The science of the figurate elements of living bodies, whose real origin only remounts to the end of the last century, has long borne the name of General Anatomy. It was not till 1819 that Mayer published a treatise of General Anatomy under the title of Treatise on Histology, and a New Division of the Body of Man. The word Histology has had eager acceptance, no doubt because it is derived from the Greek, and it is now in general use. The first elementary histological form which organised matter assumes is the cellular form. "We must understand by cell a microscopical corpuscle, having a sort of independence, an indi- vidual life, assimilating and disassimilating on its own account. The cell has generally a form more or less spherical. It is consti- tuted by a substance more or less soft. When it is complete it CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 37 contains another cellular element which is smaller, a nucleus in which the living activity of the cell usually attains its maximum of power. Moreover, it often happens, especially in plants, that the exterior surface of the cellular corpuscle hardens. This hardened surface then constitutes what is called the cellular membrane. The observations and the inductions of palaeontology, of em- bryology, of the systematic natural history of organised beings, authorise us in considering the organic cell as the corner-stone of the living world, the common mother of all other histological elements. In effect the first figurate living beings have been monocellular, or composed of cells resembling each other, and simply juxtaposed. At the origin of nearly the whole of living beings, animals or plants, we find a simple cell. Finally, when we hierarchically class the innumerable organised beings which people our globe, we encounter, at the lowest, the humblest degree, beings composed of a single cell, or of a small number of identical and juxtaposed cells. The cellular theory which we have just in summary fashion sketched, is one of the grandest views of Biology. Bichat was the first to attempt the anatomical analysis of living beings, by trying to resolve each organised being into tissues anatomically and physiologically special. Schwann, carrying analysis further, decomposed the tissues themselves into microscopical elements, and was the first to formulate the cellular theory in his work entitled Microscopical Researches on the Conformity of Structure and of Growth of Animals and Plants. 1838.1 The cellular theory contested at present, or rather differently interpreted on certain points by M. Ch. Robin and his school, nevertheless keeps its ground as a whole. It is not easy to understand without it the genesis and the evolution of organised beings. Finally, this theory has led Physiology to scrutinise 1 Mikroskopische Uiitersuchungen uber die Ubereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen. — De Mirbel had already shown that the tissue of plants is composed of utricles and cells. 1831-1832. 38 BIOLOGY. [Boox i. more profoundly the mechanism of the vital acts ; it has taught it to refer them to their ultimate agents, that is, to the histo- logical elements themselves, which vary in function and in form in complex beings, and which we must consider as playing a part in the mechanism of organised beings, analogous to that of atoms in chemical aggregates. As Schwann has said, " Forasmuch as the primary elementary forms of all organisms are cells,, the fundamental force of all organisms reduces itself to the fundamental force of cells." (Mikroskopische Untersuchungen, 1838.) The cell, properly so called, of which we have given above a succinct description, is a sort of schematic type, scarcely existing in anything except rudimentary beings and tissues. If we study the cell either as a complex organism, or in the hierarchical series of organisms, we see it in effect modifying itself, putting on different forms when assuming diversified functions. Finally, another type of histological element appears : it is the fibre, a microscopical element likewise, springing evidently from the cell in certain cases, where the cells have merely been elongated by juxtaposing and cementing themselves end to end. These deri- vative fibres exist manifestly in plants, in which they often hollow a passage for themselves as canals. According to Ch. Robin, there is a different process in animals. Here the fibres, with all their essential attributes, would seem to be present at the very dawn of the embryonic life, forming themselves spon- taneously by genesis, at the expense of the blastematic liquids secreted by cells. As there are various species of cells, there are also various species of fibres ; but the true typical fibres, well specialised, are found scarcely anywhere except in the animal king- dom. We purpose speaking further on at greater length of cer- tain species of fibres, muscular fibres, nervous fibres, and so on. In sum, passing by some amorphous organised types, points of union of a sort between the living world and the non-organised world, we must consider every complex organism as being con- stituted by a great number of individuals, living, microscopic. CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 39 having each special activity and special functions. These ana- tomical elements are conformed in accordance with a small number of types, and in the superior organised beings they are grouped in tribes, and thus form, tissues, charged each to fulfil such and such great physiological function, which is the total of all the elementary activities (muscular tissue, nervous tissue, osseous tissue, chlorophyllian tissue of plants). As a matter of course the degree of differentiation in plants is . very variable. It is an organic law that this differentiation of the anatomical elements is earned the further the more the organised individual is perfect. In other words, the great law of the division of labour reigns everywhere in the organised world. Besides, the elements themselves have a more complicated structure the more their function is complex (muscular fibre, nervous fibre). Finally, the more the organisation of an animal, taken as a whole, is simple, the simpler is also the structure of each of the orders of anatomical elements. Thus the muscular fibres of the radiata, the annulata, the mollusca, the nervous tubes, the ganglionic cells of lampreys, are simpler than the same elements in the crab.1 But in every superior organism there is a differentiated blend- ing of anatomical elements, having varied functions and varied degrees of structure. We could therefore, in every individual, group the elements in series, according to their degree of perfec- tion, of complication, and we should have a complete scale going from the elements, confused and even amorphous, of the inferior beings up to the elements with complex structure of the superior beings.2 At the foot of the organic scale we find monocellular infusoria (polytoma, difnugia, enchelys, monas, amoeba) formed of a single homogeneous substance. Some of them are constituted of a sub- 1 Ch. Robin, Elements Anatomiques. 2 Ch. Bernard, Rapporteur lesprogrteet lamarchede la en France. Paris, 1867. 40 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. stance slowly contractile, which seems to be the rudiment, still undivided, of the muscular fibre ; it is a sort of non-figurate muscular matter. This matter is called sarcode. There seems to be in inferior beings, a confusion of organic materials and functions. Many of the infusoria are endowed with motility and sensibility, with a sort of instinct, and yet they are destitute of muscular elements and nervous elements. We can place in a degree immediately superior the plants and the animals simply polycellular, that is to say, constituted of a certain number of cells similar to each other and grouped. They are beings formed of a single tissue. On the other hand, at the outset of their embryological exist- ence, the beings the most complex, the superior animals, man not excepted, commence by being monocellular, then pass through the polycellular state, the most rudimentary ; finally, in a last period, their histological elements differentiate. This gradual histological differentiation, which is observed in the embryological development of superior beings, can also be demonstrated in the palseontological succession of the organised beings on our globe. In fine, it is easy to encounter it anew by grouping living beings hierarchically, from the simplest to the most complex. It is in this triple coincidence that the grand doctrine of evolution, founded by Lamarck and Darwin, finds its most, brilliant confirmation. In the animal kingdom the figurate elements can be classed in two great groups : the group of the constituent elements, which forms the basis, the framework of every organised being, and that of the produced elements, which plays a part more or less secondary, and has an existence more or less provisional. It has been ob- served that the constituent elements were generally situated in the interior of the body, and the produced elements on the surface. But this division, to which M. Charles Robin first of all, and Mr. H. Spencer afterwards, accorded a supreme importance, is only, like most classifications, a commodious arrangement for grouping the elements. If it were literally accepted— and indeed it is so CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 41 accepted by M. C. Robin — it would be necessary to class among the constituent elements the globules suspended in the blood, the kaematia, which yet are evidently elements produced, and of brief duration. From the point of view of ultimate physical constitution, of the mode of molecular collocation, we must consider every living element as being formed by a blending, molecule by molecule, of immediate principles, belonging to the three classes already indicated. All these immediate principles are dissolved in one of them, in water, which in weight is by far the most important body. In effect, living elements need a certain minimum of con- stituent water without which they can neither get nutriment nor as a result perform their functions. In the vegetal elements, as Sachs remarks,1 we can prove this intimate blending of the immediate principles, by extracting from those elements, by the aid of certain solvents, substances chemically determined, without thereby changing the form of the histological skeleton. There exists between the anatomical vegetal elements and the animal elements an important difference in the degree of chemi- cal stability. The animal elements are much more easily alter- able by physical and chemical agents. In plants there is a certain degree of mineral fixity manifestly in relation with their smaller degree of vital perfection and activity. MM. Naegeli and Schwendener, studying carefully the play of pola- rised light in the vegetal cellular membranes, the particles of starch, and also in the vegetal crystalloidal bodies, have found that in these vegetal tissues and elements there must be crystal- lised molecules birefringent and with double optical axes. These facts are perfectly in accordance with the difference of chemical composition of tissues in the two organised kingdoms. We shall see in effect that the most characteristic chemical element of organised substances, azote, enters in relatively feeble propor- tion into the composition of plants. Now the presence of azote 1 J. Sachs, Traite de E'ltanique, p. 768. Paris, 1874. 42 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. coincides always in living beings, with a more elevated degree of vitality, a greater molecular mobility. The action of certain chemical and physical agents on the anatomical elements is in manifest ' relation with their constitu- tion. In effect brought into contact with solutions of bichlorure of mercury, of perchlorure of iron, of chromate of potash, of alcohol, and of other substances eager in their thirst for water, the anatomical elements lose their form and condense ; for they then lose their constitutive water.1 It is for this reason that alcohol definitively arrests the movements of the most resistant of the animal elements, of the vibratile cells, of which we have presently to speak, and that it kills in like manner the vibrions and the spermatozoaries. Heat, on the contrary, first of all accelerates the vital pheno- mena ; under its influence the mobile cells move with more rapidity, the functions of plants are accomplished with a greater energy ; for a certain elevation of temperature facilitates the chemical reactions and renders the osmosis more rapid. In like fashion diffusion increases with temperature. For chlorohydric acid we have in effect the following gradation : — Diffusion at 15°5C= 1 „ 27° = 1-3545 „ 38° = 1-7732 75 » • • • • 49° = 2-1812 But if the temperature continues to rise, the functional exci- tation promptly reaches a maximum point, beyond which it first of all decreases and soon is annihilated. Because the heat diminishes by evaporation the constitutive water of the elements, and alters the composition of the albuminoidal substances when it does not coagulate them ; a result which is irremediable. Sub- jected to a temperature too elevated, the anatomical element soon dies ; while cold, which likewise slackens and stops the nutritive phenomena, does not always destroy them, sometimes merely 1 Ch. Robin, Elements Anatomiques, p. 20. CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 43 suspends them. The reason is that the vital activities- and pro- perties are directly and solely derived from the physico-chemical properties in the midst of the anatomical elements. Consequently we see them grow stronger, or languish, vanish, reappear, or hasten to final extinction, from the sway of the molecular move- ments and mutations of which they are the expression. 2. Histology of Plants. The vital functions are less numerous, less specialised in the plant than in the animal, it being understood of course that we except the most inferior organisms in the two kingdoms. We are therefore justified in supposing, a priori, a less sharp specialisa- tion in the form of the elements. This is what is actually the case. While in the superior animal we find varied histological types very clearly distinguished from each other ; in the plant, on the contrary, the elementary forms are less decided, less dis- similar, and sometimes they can be supplemented physiologically. It is from the microscopical anatomy of plants that has sprung the cellular theory, so contested at present in France, but gene- rally admitted in Germany, and according to which every ana- tomical element, vegetal or animal, has as direct origin a simple cell. In effect, in the vegetal world, the utricular, the cellular type greatly predominates. Every plant, from the simplest to the most complex, is formed by an aggregation of cells, or of fibres manifestly originating in cells. Every complete anatomical vegetal element is a cell formed of a double wall, of a content, and of one or more nuclei. The external cellular envelopment is constituted, chemically, by a ternary substance united to certain salts ; this is the cellu- lose, composed of carbon, of hydrogen, and of oxygen. The chemical formula of the cellulose is analogous to that of sugars. It is C12 H10O10. When the histological element is complete, this external membrane is interiorly lined with another very thin vesicle ; but the second contains azote : it is albuminoidal. This azotised membrane englobes a semi-liquid substance and one or 44 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. two small spherical or ovoidal bodies, likewise azotised. These are the nuclei, in which are often included one or two nucleoles. These azotised portions of the cell appear to be the seat of a nutritive movement more intense than the others. They appear also to be bound up with the period of development ; for when the cell has lost its fluid content or protoplasm, it becomes incapable of growth and of multiplication. The contents of the vegetal cells are normally liquid or solid. Liquid they can be formed of oil or of water, holding in sus- pension either molecular azotised granulations, or particles of fecula, or drops of oil or of resin, or finally, small green bodies, very interesting, called chlorophyllian bodies. It is to these last corpuscles that the green parts of plants owe their colour. The liquid contents, non-oleose, are generally called protoplasm by the botanists. According to certain botanists, this proto- plasm is the really important part of the cell ; it secretes the enveloping membranes, and the nuclei come forth from it by diffe rentiation. In any case, this protoplasm is assuredly albuminoidal, for it precipitates through the chemical agents which precipitate albumine, and iodine communicates to it the yellow coloration which it gives to azotised organic substances. The internal vesicle, the protoplasm, and the nuclei form an albuminoidal whole, which Dutrochet was the first to succeed in isolating, by destroying the external membrane with nitric acid or dilute caustic alkalis. To constitute the diverse vegetal tissues, the cells assume various forms. For instance, the vegetal vessels by which, espe- cially in plants, the liquids and the gases circulate, are at the outset formed of cells juxtaposed longitudinally. After taking this linear arrangement the cells are cemented, and their walls are reabsorbed at the points where there is contact. The com- munication once established, the contents of the cells in their turn disappear, and the canal is formed. If the vascular bundle is perfect, every trace of cellular cementation completely dis- CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 45 appears ; but in the case where the fusion of the elements has been less complete, the vessel remains nodose, being fashioned in the likeness of a chapelet.1 It is then called utmculous. Some- times, instead of being juxtaposed in linear series, the formative cells assume the shape of a vascular network. According to M. Ch. Robin,2 we are able in vegetal tissues to distinguish as clearly as in animal tissues a small number of histological types. These types have as origin a cell ; but from their advent they bear a distinct physiognomy, and they are never seen undergoing or accomplishing mutual transformation. The first of these types is that of cells properly so called, ottering moreover a certain number of varieties according as they are spheroidal, ovoidal, fibroidal, stellated, or cylindroidal. It would be needful to range in this class the cells of the epidermis of plants, those of the cork-tree, of cambium, and of marrow. "We might naturally add the monocellular plants, such as the red utricles which sometimes give a red tinge to the snow of the Alps (protococcus nivcdis of Saussure), and the diatomous plants. The second type is that of the filamentous cells, all more or less cylindrical, and eight or ten times longer than they are broad. We may cite as an example of filamentous tissues the cells forming the mycelium of the cryptogams, and also certain monocellular infusoria, such as the bacteria and the vibrions, if indeed we admit that botany can claim as belonging to its domain these dubiously-defined organisms. Every plant solely composed of the two histological types spoken of above, is a cellular plant. The fibrous cells represent the third type. These are they which, juxtaposed lineally, form the ligneous fibres of wood and of liber. Finally, the vascular cells form the fourth type. These are they which by their linear juxtaposition and the partial reab- sorption of their walls, constitute canalicules — vessels. To the ' In the sense of rosary or string of beads. — Translator. 8 £Uments Anatomiques. 46 BIOLOGY. type of vascular cells belong the trachean cells with spiral filament, the punctuated cells, and the laticiferous cells. Ill HI y !i :is Hi -8} »-— CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 47 We are disinclined to admit that this classification, so sharp, so decided, can be admitted in all its inflexible rigour ; but we may accept it as giving a good general view, as grouping under a small number of heads a great variety of vegetal and hisfcological elements. 3. Histology of Animals. The anatomical animal elements differ in general from the vegetal elements in the threefold point of view of chemical composition, of structure, and of form. In effect, while in plants the anatomical element is in chief part constituted by a non-azotised ternary substance, the cellulose ; the animal elements, on the contrary, are formed especially by the quaternary albuminoidal substances. No doubt we en- counter in animals ternary substances analogous to the starch and the cellulose of plants, but partially, secondarily, and in small quantity. It is thus that we find in the tegument of the arthropods, and even in all classes of the invertebrates, a matter very analogous to the vegetal cellulose, chitine, which can trans- form itself into glucose. But these points of detail do not weaken the value of the grand general fact enounced above. The general differences of structure are perhaps in proportion to the differences of chemical composition. The albuminoidal substances are in effect essentially colloidal, and consequently must tend to a more unfixed morphology. Thus, while in the vegetal cell we generally find an enveloping membrane with the exactest limits, this membrane is often lacking in the anato- mical animal elements. In the latter case the element is a small figurate glomerule, approaching more or less the type fibre or the type cell, and usually furnished with one or more nuclei and nucleoles. From the point of view of form, the difference between the histological animal elements and the histological vegetal elements is more marked still. The vegetal histological types are few, and are all related directly and visibly to the cell. But the 48 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. anatomical animal elements have forms much more varied. In those of them which merit the name of fibre*, there is often no longer any trace of the cellular form ; and the animal fibres are not even derived from original cellular elements, if we admit with M. Ch. Robin the spontaneous genesis of the anatomical elements in the blastemas. This theory of the spontaneous apparition of the anatomical elements in the living liquids has hitherto been rejected in Germany, where is adopted in all its rigour the axiom of M. Virchow — Omnis celhda e cellula. In accordance with the terms of the German cellular theory, every anatomical element, whatever it may be, has as origin a cell ; it comes forth from it by gemmation or segmentation ; and every element which departs from the cellular form is simply a metamorphosed cell. It is not easy to understand how asser- tions so directly opposed should be passionately maintained on both sides by observers equally skilful. We are compelled to admit that on each side there is a portion of truth. We shall see when treating of generation that the French school wishes to reject reproduction by division and gemmation in the vegetal kingdom, in the initial period of embryonic animal life, and in certain produced elements. According to this school, most of the elements called constituent, that is to say, forming really the framework of the animal organism, spontaneously arise, by synthesis, by genesis in the living liquids, alike in the embryon and the adult. Let this be as it may, the cellular theory is convenient for classifying the anatomical elements. In effect, while the parti- sans of spontaneous genesis admit no bond of direct kinship among most of the anatomical elements, strive especially to note dissemblances and to multiply species, the partisans of the cellular theory, preoccupied with the idea of a common origin, dwell especially on resemblances, and thus arrive at forming a very small number of elementary histological groups. According to them there are only four types of anatomical elements and of CHAP, v.] CONSTITUTION OF ORGANISED BODIES. 49 animal tissues, namely : 1. The elements of the cellular or con- nective tissue ; 2. The cells remaining autonomous, that is to say, the epitheliums and the glandular cells, to which might be added the globules of the blood ; 3. The elements of the mus- cular tissue ; 4. The elements of the nervous tissue. The first of these tissues forms the general gangue, the support of all the other tissues and elements. It is essentially composed of cells called stellated cells, having a diameter of from Om ra, 050 to Om m, 060. These cells enclose a nucleus containing a nucleole. They emit fibrillary prolongations concurring to form the fibres of the cellular tissue, and which often seem to be anastomotically connected with each other. Other fibres called laminous fibres, because they are slightly flattened, form them- selves in that same cellular tissue round elongated nuclei, called embryoplaatic nuclei. The whole resembles a long wire- drawn spindle. The laminous fibres emanating from those cells form the chief part of the cellular tissue. They are very long, grouped in bundles, and with an average breadth of Omm, 001. According to this theory, we regard as appertaining to cellular tissue the cartilaginous cells and the osseous cells. All these cells are1 nucleated. The first are round or ovoid, the second are irregular, and emit in every direction filiform prolongations, anastomotically intertwined. These last cells, which form the living mechanism of the osseous skeleton, have been called stellated osseous corpuscles. The cells called autonomous comprehend the globules of the blood, which we shall describe further on, and the epitheliums. Of these last elements, some serve to line, while protecting, the animal membranes, the skin and the mucous membranes, while the others play in the secretions an extremely important part, to which we shall have occasion to return. The epitheliums have as their first division the pavimentmis Epithelium*, large cells flattened, and usually polyhedrical, because they are subject to reciprocal compression. They contain a nucleus and a nucleole, and their whole aspect vividly E 50 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. recalls a pavement of hexagonal bricks. In animals they clothe the mucous membrane with many conduits, and play especially the part of a protecting varnish. As related to them may be regarded the epidermic cells. Other epithelial cells are cylindrical or cylindro- conical. Sometimes the free surface of these cells is furnished with fine and mobile cilia. In that case the epithe- lium is called vibratile epithelium. We have besides to mention the globulous, the spherical epithelium. We find it especially in the glands where its function is to form, at the expense of the plasmas and the blastemas, the special bodies destined to be secreted. Finally, we signalise here for the sake of remembrance the muscular elements, distinguished into fibre-cells and into fibres properly so called ; then the elements of the nervose tissue, fibres, and cells. We shall have elsewhere to describe in detail the form, the structure, the functions of these elements, which may be characterised as aristocratic. CHAPTER VI. OF LIVING LIQUIDS. FOR centuries the humourists and the solidists have filled the world, we mean the small physiological and medical world, with their discords, with their furious strifes. As in all long wars, there has been in this many a peripetia. Sometimes the triumph- ant humours submerged their adversaries ; sometimes these, offer- ing resolute front with their serried ranks, seemed to have fixed victory for ever to their banners. Observation and experience have ended by imposing on the belligerents their sovereign arbitrament. It is at present demonstrated that between the solids and the liquids of every organism there is less difference than had long been believed. The solids come forth from the liquids ; they come forth from them incessantly and return unto them. Finally, between the solids or anatomical elements and the living liquids, that is to say, the blastemas [blastemata] and the plasmas [plasmata], there is a great analogy of composition. The name of blastema is given to every living liquid, that is to say, endowed with nutritive mollecular movement and interposed between anatomical elements. The plasmas are also living liquids, but circulating in canals, the blood and the lymph of animals thus circulating. Blastemas and plasmas have a great analogy with each other if we look at them in a general manner. They both are living ; they both equally contain materials of assimi- lation destined for the anatomical elements, and materials of disassimilation which come forth therefrom, crystalloidal sub- stances in process of transforming themselves to become assimi- lable or organisable albuminoidal substances; and albuminoidal E 2 52 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. substances tending to become ciystalloidal and to be expelled from the organism. The vitality of the blastemas is naturally, greater than that of the plasmas ; they may almost be considered as elements which have lost their forms ; physically, they are viscous liquids in which, generally, granulations are interspersed. They are the organisable liquids by excellence. It is in the midst of the blastematic liquids that the anatomical elements of the embryons, or of the tissues constituted in process of development or regeneration, have their origin, for instance, after a wound. 1. — Vegetal Blastemas. The plants, even the most perfect, the dicotyledons, have no special circulatory system. In the dicotyledonous tree, the terres- trial sap mounts through the tissues of the wood, filling the intercellulary spaces, the canals, and passing by endosmosis from cell to cell, from fibre to fibre. Arriving at the leaves it undergoes an important modification, with which we shall have to occupy ourselves ; then it redescends by the more superficial tissues, and especially by the young intermediary tissues between the bark and the wood. The descending sap, that which has been elaborated in the leaves, must be considered as a living liquid, as a blastema ; also, as it goes along we see it organising itself either in a direct manner or through the agency of pre- existent anatomical elements. In truth it is a liquid holding a middle position between the plasmas and the blastemas. The blastematic liquid, whence spring the buds, is thoroughly comparable with the animal blastemas. Like these last it is in part exuded by the anatomical elements, that is to say by the vegetal cells which it drains off and dissevers. This mode of formation recalls that of the vegetal and animal embryonary blastemas. The true vegetal blastemas resemble much the semi-liquid azotised content of the vegetal cells, namely, that intracellular substance endowed with spontaneous movements, having its CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 53 special molecular affinities, refusing, for instance, as long as it is living, to let itself be imbibed by colouring matters. Now we know that this intracellular protoplasma offers all the chemical reactions of the true albuminoidal matters (albumine, fibrine, easeine). Iodine gives it a yellow colour ; alcohol, the mineral acids, and heat coagulates it. Chemically, the vegetal blastemas are constituted by water, by albuminoidal substances, and by some salts. 2. — Animal Blastemas. There has been a wish to limit the name of blastemas, in the animal economy, to the interstitial liquids alone in which new anatomical elements are formed, that is to say, to the intercellu- lar liquids of the animal embryons, before the formation of the vessels, to the organisable liquids which are produced in a wound in process of cicatrisation, finally to the liquids of the serous cavities. But in biology, as in all other natural sciences, if it is useful to divide, to classify, it is wise not to accord to divisions and classifications an absolute value. The frontiers which we are obliged here and there to mark out in the vast field of the living world to aid the feebleness of our memory have only a relative value. In effect, in the organic world, even taken generally, all is gradual modification, gradual transition. If this is true, as incontestably it is, in the classifications of natural history, properly so-called, how much more must it be so when the aim is to ascertain the constituent parts of one and the same organism 1 If we reserve the name of blastemas to the small number of liquids living, interstitial, organisable, and generative, what are we to do with the other interstitial liquids, with those which bathe the elements of the tissue called conjunctive [connective], of that tissue comparatively coarse in its morphology which serves as gangue and as support to all the others ? And in most tissues, wherever the elements do not touch each other at every point of their surface, is there not an interstitial liquid, coming 54 BIOLOGY. [BooK I, on the one hand from the tissues, and on the other from the exterior medium 1 But these tissues constantly grow larger from birth to the adult state or age, that is to say, that incessantly during this lapse of time new elements arise and gain place in the midst of the old. Evidently these elements are formed at the expense of the interstitial liquid, which consequently then becomes a true formative blastema. Let a freshwater polypus be sectionised into several frag- ments : immediately each of these fragments strives to complete itself, strives to remake a complete individual; but this new in- dividual once formed is not more voluminous than the fragment whence it took its birth. It has therefore modelled and consti- tuted itself at the expense of the interstitial liquid, bathing the cellular tissue of the hydra ; therefore this liquid is formative ; therefore it is a blastema. But blastema is likewise the inter- cellulary liquid of the grey cerebral substance, that of the umbili- cal cord, that of the marrow of the bones, and so on. The chemical composition of the animal blastemas is a little better known than that of the vegetal blastemas. Like these last, they are composed of albuminoidal substances, of salts, and of regressive crystalloidal substances ; lastly, of a great quantity of water. But besides these general characteristics it has been successfully demonstrated that the blastemas of the superior animals have a composition different from that of the blood and the lymph, from which chiefly they are derived. They possess fibriiie and alburnine in smaller quantity. Largely albumine takes iji'them its chemical, soluble, and assimilable form ; it be- comes albuminose ^ no longer coagulates from heat, and coagulates imperfectly and with difficulty through the acids. Fibrine is no longer found therein, and nothing is more natural, for we know that to become assimilable, nutritive, fibrine needs to be trans- formed isomerically into albuminose. There has been a desire to make of the chemical instability of the blastemas a distinctive characteristic. No doubt the blaste- mas are in a state of perpetual mutation ; they are never iden- CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 55 tical for two moments of duration. But we can say quite as much of the blood, of the lymph, of the histological elements them- selves, forasmuch as the movement of continuous renovation is the primordial condition of life. On the whole, between the anatomical elements, the blastemas, and the plasmas, there is from the chemical point of view, merely the difference in the proportion and the nature of constituent immediate principles, but a difference graduated from each to jeach. They are three forms of living matter, analogous to each other and engendering each other. 3. — Of tJie Plasmas. In the plant, the imperfect division of physiological labour, and the confusion of functions, are so great that we find it difficult to classify the organic liquids. We have signalised the liquids evidently blastematic of the vegetal embryon, of the buds, the liquid semi-blastematic and semi-plasmatic which is called sap. Further on we shall say some words in reference to the secretion of the vegetal glands and of their secreted products ; and thus we shall have passed in review all the vegetal organic liquids. The thing is less simple in animals, or at least in the superior animals. The division of labour is more advanced in the tissues and the liquids, and we must carefully classify both of them. In the superior animal the organic liquids can first of all be divided into two great groups corresponding to the two great divi- sions of the solid elements ; they are the group of the constituent humours, and that of the produced humours. The chemical composition of each group, and even of the humours of each group, is very various ; but in a general manner we can say, that they all contain immediate principles of the three orders : * 1 . Principles of mineral origin (water and dissolved salts) ; 2. Principles of organic origin, some crystallisable, others coagulable (urea, creatine, lactates, choleates, and so on) j 1 Ch. Robin, DCS humeurs, p. 20, 21, 8vo. 56 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. 3. Principles non-crystallisable, but coagulable, met with in all the humours, except the bile, the urine, and the sudor. These last immediate principles are the albuminoidal substances properly so called, and the saccharine substances, both of them having the property of dissolving certain mineral or mineralised compounds little or not at all soluble in water. It is thus that albumine fixes silica, phosphate of lime, urates, and so on. The humours produced or humours of secretion, are formed in the economy at the expense of the constituent humours, and generally by special organs called glands. By and by we shall have occa- sion to study their process of formation. They comprehend the extremely aqueous liquids, produced on the surface of the mem- branes, called serous, which cover certain viscera (brain, heart, lungs, intestines, and so on) ; the liquids bathing the articular surfaces or synovial liquids ; lastly the sperm, the milk, the muci, the salivae, the bile, the intestinal juice, and so on. In connection with the produced humours we may view the liquids simply excreted, that is to say, separated from the con- stituent humours without chemical modifications (sudor, urine, amniotic liquid, allantoi'dian liquid, pulmonary exhalation). All these liquids, save three, are alkaline. The three liquids habitually acid are the gastric juice, the sudor, and the urine. However, this last liquid is sometimes alkaline, sometimes acid, sometimes neutral, in man, at the different stages of digestion. In the herbivorous mammifers it is normally alkaline. But here also the alkalinity depends on the digestion. In effect the urine of the herbivora becomes acid if we feed them on animal ali- ments, or, which comes to the same thing, if dieting them, subject- ing them to inanition, we force them to live at the expense of their own substance. The alkalinity of the animal humours is usually due to salts of bibasic or tribasic soda ; but free soda we never meet with in them. In connection with secretion and excretion we shall speak in detail of the produced humours, contenting ourselves here with indicating their principal distinctive characteristics. CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 57 We have now to describe the humours of the first order, the humours constituent, living, those which may be regarded in some sort as liquefied anatomical elements. These liquids, which exist with supreme distinctness only in animals with complex structure, furnished with circulating apparatus well denned, are only two in number, the blood and the Lymph ; for we must con- sider the chyle, that is to say, that ultimate product of digestion circulating in the lymphatic vessels, a dependency of the lymph. The blood and the lymph are contained in circulatory systems, ramified and inclosed in every direction. These circulatory systems imprison the liquids which are formed in them, without, normally, permitting them to break forth in mass. But across their walls they leave an easy passage to many materials coming either from the tissues, or from the ambient medium and to many others which escape from the blood and the lymph, either to nourish the tissues, or to be expelled as unworthy from the frontiers of the organism. This double movement of coming and going, of exchange of materials, is effected simultaneously, like the nutritive assimila- tion and disassimilation in the solid elements. In truth the blood and the lymph are living liquids, in process of perpetual renovation. Incessantly they are formed in the system of the canals where they circulate without being destroyed. The vascular walls which contain the constituent liquids do not seem notably to modify the chemical composition of the sub- stances which traverse them. The part they play is especially physical, osmotic. Therefrom it results that the blood and the lymph borrow their constituent materials already formed from an ambient medium, either from the grand cosmic medium, the air for example, or from the organic medium, the tissues, the myriads of anatomical elements which compose the body of the superior animals. Considered as organised liquids, the constituent humours neces- sarily contain immediate principles of the three classes ; but those of the third class, the albuminoids of organic origin, not crystal- lisable or coagulable, predominate therein. They are albumins 5S BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. or rather serine,1 and plasmine, which severed from the living organism, evolves itself into fibrine spontaneously coagulable and into fibrine called liquid. To these albuminoidal substances we must add variable proportions of peptones and albuminose, that is to say, of albuminoidal alimentary substances liquefied and absorbable. The blood and the lymph are not homogeneous, physically simple liquids. We meet with, in them, floating bodies which are true free anatomical elements. ' These bodies have been called globules. The liquids in which these globules swim in immense numbers have received the special name of plasmas. These plasmas isolatedly considered are endowed with nutrition ; they are consequently living. They contain in proportions almost equal, immediate principles of the three orders ; nevertheless the coagulable principles predominate. If nutrition ceases in a plasma, that is to say, if this liquid dies, its composition immedi- ately changes ; the albuminoidal principles which it contains evolve into a liquid portion and another portion spontaneously coagulable. It is this which, in animals provided with a circula- tory system, produces the cadaveric rigidity. The office of the plasmas is of supreme importance ; but to obtain a complete notion thereof we must figure to ourselves what every complete organism is from the point of view of tex- ture. At the lowest degree of life and organisation, we find rnonocellular beings, free anatomical elements, simple infusoria, living habitually in the water ; for directly or indirectly, the anatomical elements are generally aquatic entities. These the monocellular organism absorbs and assimilates, disassimilates, and secretes, directly borrowing materials from the ambient me- dium, or restoring them to it. In beings a little more complex composed merely of cells identical with each other, and simply juxtaposed, the nutritive process is scarcely more complicated. In effect, the polycellular organism, with cells which resemble each other, is definitively nothing more than a collection of juxta- 1 Ch. Robin, DCS Tissus, p. 21. CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 59 posed monocellular organisms. However there is usually a gene- ral enveloping membrane and afterwards an interstitial liquid, a sort of blastema, playing, in respect to the anatomical elements of the polycellular organism, the part of an artificial medium. The cells now no longer plunge direct into the cosmic medium ; they are protected and isolated by an organic, an elaborated liquid. In the extremely complex organisms, for instance, in the superior animals, the intrication of the texture is much greater. Here the anatomical elements are not formed in one mould only ; they are differentiated according to multiple types, and each type assumes a diverse function. One, for instance the epithelial type, supplies to the living membranes a protecting varnish ; to the glands a special agent of secretion; another, for example, the tissue called cellular, serves as gangue, as bond, as support to all the tissues, apparatus and organs, while opening besides a passage to blastematic liquids. A third, exemplified in the osseous element, furnishes to the organism a solid framework. Lastly, the muscular fibre and cell impress on the pieces of the living apparatus the necessary movements, while the nervose fibre and cell endow the organism with sensibility, with will, with thought, and are the sentient soul of the entire being, of which they assume the conscious direction, and so on. But in order that these anatomical elements so diverse, so numerous, grouped into tissues, into organs, into apparatus, into special systems, may live, may perform their functions, may co-operate, it is needful for them to be almost completely withdrawn from the rough and capricious influences of the exterior world ; they must perform their functions in an artificial medium, alive like themselves, in which they find a temperature little variable, a magazine always well provisioned with substances elaborated and assimilable, suited to repair their losses ; Lastly, a place of discharge, into which they throw their used materials, that have become unfit to figure in the vital movement. These nutritive media, artificial, liquid, consequently appropriate for the aquatic life of the anatomical elements, are the plasmas, always in movement, always renewed, 60 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. yielding incessantly materials to the exterior world and to the tissues, and incessantly taking them back, having a temperature nearly equal, as long as that of the exterior medium does not suffer very great oscillations. For the anatomical elements, the plasmas are a veritable living atmosphere. 4.— Of the Blood. In the vertebrates the most important of the plasmas, the blood, is a red sap unceasingly circulating with greater or lesser activity. In the invertebrates the blood is animated by a much slower movement of translation. It is contained in apparatus not so well constructed, and is generally colourless and trans- parent like lymph. Often even the blood and the lymph of the iiwertebrates are confounded ; where there are distinct san- guineous cavities and lymphatic cavities, as happens in some annelate worms, the blood is tinted with a special colour —it is sometimes red, sometimes yellow, green, violet, or bluish. The sanguineous cells which it sometimes in that case conveys, are almost always colourless. However, there are sanguineous, coloured globules in the terebella and the cephalopods.1 The blood of the vertebrates, with which we have especially to occupy ourselves, is, according to a felicitous comparison of Cl. Bernard,2 an interior medium, in which live the anatomical elements as the fishes live in the water. These anatomical elements, moreover, retain in the blood their physiological inde- pendence, and- though drawing their nutritive materials from the sanguineous plasma, they do not allow themselves to be imbibed by it, which is an essential condition of endosmotic exchanges. Consequently we see, for example in the blood of the vertebrates, potash dominating in the globules, and soda in the plasma. The physical qualities of the blood of the superior vertebrates 1 R. Wagner, quoted by Fr. Leydig (Traite d'ffistologic de VHomme et das Animaux, p. 509, Paris, 1866.) a Cl. Bernard, Lemons sur Ics Proprieles des Tissus vivants, pp. 55-58. Paris, 18C6, Svo. CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 61 are well known. In these perfected organisms the blood is a liquid slightly viscous, of a purple red in the arteries ; that is to say, when it is freshly impregnated with aerian oxygen, but of a blackish tint, more or less deep in the veins ; that is to say, when from contact with the tissues it has exchanged its oxygen for carbonic acid. It is well known that the temperature of these two bloods differs, that of the venous blood being a little more elevated in the right ventricle of the heart and in the deeper veins — an elevation which we must evidently attribute to the chemical reactions of nutrition, the residua of which the venous blood collects. It is also known that the blood, as soon as it is drawn from the vessels, separates into two parts— a red coagulum containing the globules, and a liquid part of a lemon yellow, which is called tenon. The blood, we haye said, is a medium from which all the anatomical elements of the organism derive the materials needful to their life; and into which they pour all their nutritive residua ; its chemical composition must therefore be very complex. We find therein in effect immediate principles of the three classes, and we find therein in great number. We must content ourselves, therefore, with signalising the chief of them. The principles of the first class, wholly mineral, are first of all water, which quantitatively is the most important element, as, moreover, the figure for the density of the blood shows, which on an average is only 1,050. In quantity, water in man repre- sents from 905 to 910 thousandths of the blood. The proportion, however, notably varies ; it is more considerable in the infant, the young man, the pregnant woman ; in short, wherever the formation of new anatomical elements necessitates the fixation of many solid materials. In this liquid mass all the other immediate principles are dissolved, and the globules travel along. The immediate gaseous principles of the first class are oxygen, azote, and hydrogen. The first of these gases, which is by far the most important, comes from the exterior air from which it is 62 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. borrowed by the respiratory organs, as we shall see when speak- ing of respiration. It is oxygen which, combining with the globules or hsematia, gives them the vermilion tint which they have in the arterial blood. But the globules do not keep their oxygen long. Elaborated in the fine circulatory vessels, where they are in almost immediate contact with the anatomical ele- ments, they surrender to them their vivifying oxygen, indispensable to the chemical reactions of nutrition. In exchange they take back the gaseous residuum of the oxydation of the tissues, the carbonic acid, which gives them a blackish tinge, that of the venous blood. It must be observed that the sanguineous globules never completely despoil themselves of one of these gases to impregnate themselves completely with the other. They retain them simultaneously, oxygen predominating in the arterial blood, carbonic acid in the venous blood. It suffices, besides, for the gases to be in equal quantity in the blood for the globules to become blackish. The change in the proportion of the two gases is not effected suddenly, but by degrees— in proportion as the arterial blood goes away from the lungs and the heart to approach the tissues, the oxygen gradually yields the place to the car- bonic acid. The water of the blood is not normally free ; it is found com- bined with albuminoidal matters. This is why it cannot nitrate mechanically through the vascular walls. Almost in totality it comes from the aliments, for it is doubtful whether any notable quantity thereof is formed in the organism. The immediate saline principles of the first class which are contained in the blood are the chlorures, the chlorohydrates, the sulphates, the carbonates, the phosphates, and so on. Of all the salts, the chlorure of sodium is by far the most abundant in the blood of man. The proportion of the salts varies, besides, according to the animal species. The phosphates predominate in the blood of the carnivora, but yield the superiority to the carbonates of soda and of potash in the herbivora. This is, after all, as we have remarked in refer- CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 63 ence to urine, a pure affair of alimentation. It is to the basic phosphate of soda and to the carbonate of soda that the blood owes its alkaline reaction. M. Ch. Robin l remarks that the different salts of the blood serve as mutual solvents, and that the phosphates and carbonates of soda permit the sanguineous liquid to dissolve a great quantity of carbonic acid. In the economy, in effect, the blood is never saturated with carbonic acid. Venous blood brought into contact with carbonic acid, still suffices to dissolve thereof Omg> 48 in 100. Thus it always seeks this gas eagerly, and is ready to disengage therefrom the anatomical elements. We must cite, by way of remembrance, traces of silica, of manganese of lead, of copper, fortuitous mineral elements, little or not at all useful to nutrition, but drawn along with the others into the living organisms. It is otherwise with iron, which seems to play an important part, to form a really constituent portion of the sanguineous globules, though it exists in a very small quantity, for the total quantity of iron in the blood of an adult man is reckoned to be not more than one gramme.2 Other salts, the salts of soda, of potash, of lime, belong like the preceding to the immediate principles of the second class. They are organic salts, nutritive wastes. Let us mention the urates and inosates of soda, of potash, and so on, which probably result from the disassimilation of the muscular tissue, &c. But the disassimilation of the anatomical elements gives birth to many other principles more complex, more organical, to sorts of alkaloids. These crystallisable principles, always in a state of liberty in the blood, are urea, creatinine, creatine, inosite. There has been an attempt to determine the place of origin of these diverse products. It is said that creatine and creatinine come from the muscles, urea from the tissues, fibrous, laminous, serous.3 • 1 Ch. Robin, Des Humeurs. 2 A French gramme is nearly equivalent to nineteen grains English. — Translator. * G. See, Du Sany et dcsaiUmies. . 64 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. We may view in connection with these substances cholesterine and seroline, formed probably in the nervous tissue. All these bodies pass by osmosis through the fine capillary vessels, and sojourn in the blood till they are secreted or excreted therefrom. The other azotised substances of the blood belong to the third class of immediate principles. They are the albuminoidal sub- stances, properly so called. Urea, creatine, creatinine, and so on, are azotised regressive principles, residua of disassimilation : they form part of the material current coming forth from the organism. On the contrary, the other albuminoidal substances are the residuum of the alimentary elaboration. They are des- tined to repair the waste of the tissues, and form part of the material current entering the economy. When the blood of a mammifer is drawn from the vessels, and allowed to rest, it separates into a red clot and a yellowish liquid. The 'clot is composed of an azotised complex substance, which has been called fibrine, because it has then a fibrillary aspect, and this coagulated substance retains in its meshes the red globules. The ambient liquid contains in solution another azotised sub- stance, denominated albumine, because it has affinity with the albumen of the egg, though containing a half less sulphur. For a long time there was an erroneous belief that fibrine and albu- mine have as distinct existence in the economy as in the blood when drawn. Fibrine and albumine are, however, isomeric, albumine merely containing a little more water. From important analyses of the blood made by Denis, of Commercy,1 it results that in effect the blood contains albumine, which Denis prefers to call serine ; but instead of fibrine there is in the blood another analogous azotised substance, which he calls plasmine. This plasinine, he thinks, evolves itself in the blood when drawn, and thanks to the intervention of the globules, into a coagulable part called fibrine, and into another soluble albuminoidal substance, 1 Denis, Comptes rendus des Seances de r Academic des Sciences. Paris, 1S5G and 1858. — Memoire sur le Sang, Paris, 1859, 8vo. CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 65 which remains in the serum with the albumine or serine and can be separated therefrom. That all these determinations of contemporaneous chemistry are destined to be maintained intact in the future we do not believe. In effect, the albuminoidal substances are extremely unstable ; those of the economy are probably isomeric, or nearly so. Their chemical formula has not even yet been determined. They are not naturally absorbable, except on condition of being soluble ; the fibrine and the albumine of the aliments are transformed by digestion into isomeric substances called peptones, albuminose, whose degree of relationship with the plasmine and the serine of Denis has not yet been determined. In short, these are questions the precise solution of which must be reserved for the chemistry of the future. To conclude what we have to say on the principal organic materials of the blood, let me mention the fine guttulse of fat matter floating in the blood after digestion, in the state of emul- sion. These fat bodies are absorbed by the tissues, which yield them afterwards to the sanguineous liquid, in the state of com- bination, saline, saponaceous, and soluble (butyrates, phosphorised fat matters). Let me mention, lastly, a certain quantity of glucose or sugar of grape. The mineral substances dissolved in the blood are not all in the state of simple blending. If we inject into the blood first of all a solution of a salt of iron, then a solution of prussiate of potash, we do not obtain the characteristic reaction of the salts of iron, the formation of Prussian blue, because the albuminoidal substances of the blood have at the very outset fixed the salt of iron. On the contrary, we obtain Prussian blue if we inject first of all the prussiate of potash, because the albuminoidal substances leave this salt free (Claude Bernard). 5. — Of the Red Sanguineous Globules. If we examine in the microscope a guttula of blood, we find small floating bodies, extremely numerous, pressed against each F BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. other, and every one of which seems to be an isolated cell. A more attentive examination soon shows that these bodies are rather glomerules than real cells, for they have neither nuclei nor enveloping membranes. They are small flattened disks, depressed in the centre on their two faces, an arrangement which often simulates a nucleus. Their diameter is from Omm, 006 to Omm, 907, in the adult man. But their form varies in the series of the vertebrates, and also in man and the mammifers if we remount to the first stage of the embryological life. In effect, at the epoch when the embryon has only a length of Om, 02 to Om, 03, where the globules begin to appear, they are white, and have a veritable nucleus. According to some authors they then multiply by segmentation. They are now much longer, and their diameter attains Omm, 010, to Omm, Oil. In the animal series we also observe very notable differences in the form, the volume, and the struc- ture of the sanguineous globules. As long as we are simply considering the class of the mammifers, these differences are slight. However, the sanguineous globules of the camel and of the llama have an ovalar ellipsoidal form, and re- semble those of birds and reptiles. In the elephant and in the didactylus sloth we also find sanguineous globules much longer than in the other mammifers. In the other classes of vertebrates the differences grow more striking. In all the vertebrates the globules are, as in Frog.- a and 6 front view and' man, of a red colour by reflection, and profile of a red globule ; c, . , . , , , , , , TIT • • white globule, 500 diameters, it IS to them that the blood OW6S its Man. — d and e, front view and ,.-, ,. , T -, ,-, 111 profile of a sanguineous gio- rutilant tint. In general the red glob- of the mammifers are less volu- of the chyle, 800 diameters. minous than those Qf the other clasges Qf vertebrates. They are elliptical and nucleated in the classes of CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 67 birds, of amphibia, and of fishes : elliptical only in the class of reptiles. There is no absolute rule, however. The fact of the existence of globules in the blood of an animal is very important ; but their form is much less so. We have seen that certain mammifers have elliptical sanguineous globules like those of birds. On the other hand, the humblest of the vertebrates, fishes of an inferior order, such as the genera myxine and petromyxon, having affinity with the celebrated Amphioxus lanceolatus, have like man sanguineous globules, circular and with double depres- sion. Lastly, as a second link of the chain between the branch- iostoma without globules,1 as an invertebrate, and the fishes with globular blood, is found a fish with white, colourless globules, the leptocephalus. But, on the whole, in spite of some exceptions, the red globules, or h&matia, are found in the blood of nearly all the vertebrates ; they are the anatomical and physiological sign of a complete organisation, of a more active respiration, of a higher vitality. In the blood of man and of the mammifers, the sanguineous globules are in immense number. According to Schumann, Andral, and Gavaret, the red globules in the humid state form in volume the half of the mass of the blood.2 Furthermore, Yierordt has counted, in a cubic millimetre of blood, from 4,180,000 to 5,551,000 globules. The younger the individual the greater is the proportion of haematia. The blood of the adult man contains 302 thousandths according to Ch. Robin.3 There is much more in younger persons, and in the new-born child the proportion rises to 600, to 680, and even to 700 thousandths. A German anthropologist, Dr. Welcker, has demonstrated that from the point of view of the form and the proportions of the cranium and of the face, woman holds an intermediate position between the adult man and the infant. In regard to the hsematia, the relative propor- tion is the same, rising in women to 320 and to 400 thousandths. 1 Eetzius, J. M tiller, De Quatrefages. 2 G. See, Du Sang et des An6mies, p. 15. 3 Ch. Robin, Des Humeurs. p 2 «8 BIOLOGY. [Boos i. The hsematia are veritable histological elements floating in the sanguineous plasma. Like everything which lives, they assimilate and disassimilate incessantly. Each of them has probably only a brief duration. According to the German cellular doctrine, they spring in the embryon, from pre^existent cells, and multiply after- wards by segmentation, by cellular division : but the point is not one which direct observation has yet elucidated. It is certain, however, that the hsematia are remade in the blood, for a few weeks or a month suffice to cure the anaemia caused by too copious blood-letting or by excessive haemorrhage. In an animal sub- jected to abstinence, the globules diminish in number, lose their shape, and shrink. It is probable that incessantly the more aged of the hsematia dissolve in the blood, and are replaced by hsema- tia of new formations. These fresh growths have their birth either in the lymphatic glands, or in the special glands (thyroid body, spleen, and so on). The physiological characteristic of the hoematia is the property they possess of absorbing liquids with a great energy. This property is inherent in their very substance, independently of their form. In effect, a solution of this substance grows red in contact with oxygen, and becomes less rutilant from contact with ; carbonic acid. The affinity of the substance of the globules for oxygen is quite comparable with that of the green matter of leaves, chlorophyll, for the carbon of aerian carbonic acid. It, is by reason of this powerful affinity for oxygen that in the' sanguineous transfusion practised in men and the mammifers the injection of mere globules suffices to provoke real resurrections. The blood extracted from the vessels continues to appropriate oxygen and to exhale carbonic acid. From contact with oxygen the hsematia swell, and tend to lose their double depression. Carbonic acid, on the contrary, makes them shrink. In like fashion in the vertebrated organisms, the function of the hsematia is to imbibe many volumes of oxygen during their passage through the respiratory organs. Once impregnated with oxygen, the globules give to the blood a tint rutilant, vermilion. CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 69 The blood is then called arterial: thereupon the globules are conveyed with their provision of oxygen into the circulatory apparatus. Soon they find their way to the finest vessels of this system, where they are almost in contact with the anatomical elements of the tissues. Between the globules and the anatom- ical elements an exchange of gas is there accomplished which is one of the primordial acts of nutrition. In effect, the vital condition by excellence for every anatom- ical element is to be oxydized, more or less slowly. But this process of oxydation produces, along with other chemical com- pounds, carbonic acid gas, which, if it was not eliminated in the degree of its formation, would soon bring death to the anatomical element. The function of the red globules of the blood is pre- cisely to take back that carbonic acid, and to furnish in exchange their vivifying oxygen. The visible sign of this gaseous exchange is the change of coloration of the globule, which becomes blackish when it has parted with its oxygen to charge itself with carbonic acid. This black or venous blood contains much less oxygen than the arterial blood. According to Magnus, there is in the arterial blood 38 of oxygen to 100 of carbonic acid, and the proportion is only 22 to 100 in the venous blood. The venous blood is blood im- poverished by nutrition ; it contains fewer globules, less fibrine, and on the contrary more salts, a certain number of which are nutritive residua.1 Every anatomical element transforms oxygen into carbonic acid by the mere agency of nutrition ; but it consumes a much greater quantity when it exercises a special function, and then the absorption of oxygen is rigorously in proportion to the degree of activity of the chemical element. For instance, if we cut all the veins which are distributed to a muscle, all volun- tary contraction becoming for it now impossible, the arterial blood traverses it, losing only a small part of its oxygen, and it is red when it passes into the veins (Ch. Bernard). But if 1 Longet, TraiU de Physiologic, t. I., p. 581. 70 BIOLOGY. [BOOK r. afterwards, exciting one of its nerves by an electric current, we contract the muscle, immediately a certain consumption of oxygen responds to the contraction ; in the passage the globules are charged with carbonic acid ; they grow black ; they become venous. Analogous phenomena are observed for the same reason during the hibernal sleep, during syncope ; and the case must be the same for the blood traversing the veins during dreamless slumber. Claude Bernard has shown that we can produce at will the changes of coloration in the blood by the section and the excita- tion of certain nerves. Essentially in all these special cases of organic atony, there is a general phenomenon : the inaction or the diminished action of the tissues, and of the organs; hence the superabundance of oxygen in the blood. We see therefore that in a certain sense we only need to determine the absorption of oxygen by a tissue to measure the degree of its functional activity. The exchange of gas between the tissues and the globules is probably accomplished by osmosis and diffusion. We must nevertheless remark that in all likelihood the oxygen is in the state of combination with the substance of the globule and the hsematoglobuline. In effect, an organic acid, the pyrogallic acid, which is greedy of oxygen, and absorbs it with special ease and eagerness when it is in solution in the alkaline liquids, succeeds not however in despoiling thereof the globules of the blood. These globules indeed have for oxygen such affinity, that in the arterial blood they absorb it almost in totality, and rob thereof almost completely the plasma. Like all chemical phenomena, the combination of the globules and of the oxygen is influenced by the temperature. At a low temperature it ceases to be accom- plished : — for instance in the body grown cold of a mammifer in the state of hibernal sleep. On the contrary, when the temperature rises, the fixation of the oxygen becomes easy, proceeding as far as 40 to 45 degrees. [Centigrade scale.] Beyond that point the oxydation of the globules tends to CHAP, vi.] OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 71 taggeration : there is stable combination, something analogous to what takes place when the globules are in contact with the oxyde of carbon, their special poison : the globule then loses its precious osmotic qualities ; it is killed.1 6. — Of the White Globules of tht Blood. The white globules of the blood, or leucocytes, are pale spherical globules, sarcodic, amceboidal, having a diameter of Omm, 008 to Omm, 014. Water and acetic acid pale them and enable us to perceive from one to four granulous masses or nuclei. In the foetus the substance of the leucocyte is less dense, and not granulous ; we see therein one or two granulous nuclei. We find also in the blood free or globuline nuclei from Omm, 003, to O^ 005 in diameter, granulous, without nucleoles. In the blood of Man they are in the proportion of about 1 to 300 red globules : but- we meet with them in greater number in woman (1 to 250). They are the more numerous the younger the person is. From one to two years old . . . . 1 in 100 Newborn children 1 in 100 to 130 Human embryon 1 in 80 to 100 We thus see that in relation to the number of leucocytes the woman takes position anew between the man and the infant.2 1 The proteic matters of the globule differ completely from the surrounding fibrine. They Lave even their special inorganic compounds. The alkaline phosphates predominate in the globules, and have especially a potassic base. In the serum, soda and lime hold sway. The globule contains ten times more phosphates, two times less chlorure, ten times more potash, and three times less soda, lime, and magnesia than serum. "We likewise behold the predominance therein of fats, especially of phos- phorised fats, analogous to those of the nervose substance. Lastly, we know that the iron contained in the blood is entirely confined to the globules. Besides, the substance of the globule, though albuminoidal, is crystallisable. (G. See, Du Sang et des Anbnies.) * Ch. Robin, Des Hnmeurs. 72 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. Sometimes the leucocytes are in considerable number in the blood, to which they communicate a greyish tint or the tint of wine lees. Their number in such cases attains and even sur- passes the infantine and embryonary proportion. It is important to remark that in such instances of leucocythcemia, there is generally a swelling either of the liver, or of the spleen, or of the lymphatic glands. The leucocytes are not met with merely in the blood : they are also found in the living plasma, which we have yet to study, in the lymph, and then it is observable that they are more numerous in that liquid when it is examined beneath the lymphatic glands. Lastly the leucocytes float in variable numbers in most of the humours of the economy. We can view them in relation to the granulous corpuscles existing so numerously in pus. However, in these last globules the amoeboidal movements are less evident, and the nuclei not so easily seen. The leucocytes are met with in the blood of all the mammifers and also in that of birds, of reptiles, and of fishes. However, while the red globule is peculiar to the vertebrates, the white globules, on the contrary, exist also in the invertebrates. "We have signalised the presence of the leucocytes in pus ; but we also find them in the blastema of cicatrices, in what is called the plastic lymph. We can only make conjectures more or less plausible on the office of the white globules. Peradventure we may regard them as a transitory, primitive, state of the red globules. We know in effect that the first embryonary globules, those which we cannot help regarding as the first pattern of the red globules, are nearly colourless, like the white globules, that like them they have a nucleus, and lastly, that certain inferior verte- brates have only colourless globules. The abundance of the leucocytes in the blood of the mammiferous embryon comes also as a confirmation of this hypothesis. If this manner of regard- ing the subject had a solid foundation, then by bringing into CHAP. vi.l OF LIVING LIQUIDS. 73 fellowship with it the presence of the leucocytes in the lymph, their greater number after that this lymph has passed through the ganglions, the swelling of these ganglions, either of the liver or of the spleen in leucocythsemia, we should be tempted to consider these glands and these ganglions as the original sources, as the centres of creation of the sanguineous globules, which before taking the red tint, before growing retractile, to assume the form of hseniatia, begin by being leucocytes. In leucocythremia there would seem to be a superabundance of globular formation, while these elements are more voluminous, blended with a great number of free globulines. Hence the difficulty of their transformation into red globules. l.—Of the Lymph. It is a familiar fact that besides the grand circulatory system, composed of arteries, of veins, in which a propulsive organ, the heart, drives incessantly the blood on, there exists in the superior vertebrates a second circulatory system, without central organ of propulsion. This system, composed of an immense and fine network, which is bestrewn with special glands, called ganglions, has its origin partly in the mechanism of the tissues, and especially on the surface of the membranes, partly around the thinnest sanguineous vessels, the capillaries. In this lymphatic system circulates slowly a yellowish, transparent plasma, convey- ing white globules, and containing, like the blood, immediate principles of the three classes : it is the lymph. The materials of the lymph come, in chief part, like those of the blood, from anatomical elements, and they come from them likewise by osmotic process. The portion of the network clothing the stomachal and intestinal mucous membrane absorbs direct the nutriments, and especially the emulsionized fats, which, during digestion, give it a lacteous tint. The lymph is not borne on in an endless circuit like the blood. In effect the whole system ends, in man, in two principal trunks, 74 BIOLOGY. [BOOK i. throwing itself into two huge venous vessels, the right and the left subclavian veins. The lymphatic plasma, so analogous to the sanguineous plasma, acts exactly like it when drawn from the vessels. There is ovolvement of plasniine and the formation of a fibrinons clot. Like the blood, the lymph is alkaline. It contains nearly the same immediate principles, but in smaller quantity, and more diluted. As its course is very slow, a result is that it has not everywhere, like the blood, a composition observably uniform. On the contrary, this composition varies with every region, with the hour of digestion, and so on. In general the lymph is the more charged with substances, the nearer our examination extends to its chief trunks of communication with the sanguineous system. In the mammifers the lymph is a liquid essential, indispensable to the duration of life. If in these animals we form a fistula in the largest lymphatic trunk, the thoracic canal, the lymph being no longer able to blend with the blood in sufficient quantity, we see the patients rapidly grow lean and die, even while continuing to take food. What is the special province of the lymph and of the lymphatic circulation1? This is still a very obscure point of physiology. Evidently the lymphatic is an adjuvant of the circulatory system ; it connects the immediate principles in the digestive system and in the mechanism of the tissues, then pours them into the whole grand circulation. Its special function the most probable is to form white globules and to convey them to the great sanguineous current. The fact that a fistula of the thoracic canal is followed by death, proves conclusively that the lymphatic system is not a mere ornamental apparatus, and that it plays in the economy one of the most important parts. BOOK II. OF THE PRIMORDIAL PHENOMENA OF LIFE. CHAPTER I. OF NUTRITION. WE cannot form a precise idea of the mechanism of nutrition, unless we have thoroughly present to our mind the general laws of diffusion and those of osmosis, especially between crystalloids and colloids. We know that two solutions of different density, put separately into a diffusion vessel and consequently in contact only on a small surface, mingle by degrees intensely, to such a point indeed that after a given lapse of time, the blending has everywhere an identical composition. We also know that every substance has a degree of special diffusibility, and that generally the colloidal substances have a diffusibility infinitely inferior to that of the crystalloidal substances. A glance at the following table furnishes a complete idea of this difference : — QUANTITIES DIFFUSED IN EQUAL TIMES. Chlorure of Sodium 58,68 Sulphate of Magnesia 27,42 Nitrate of Soda , . . 51,56 7$ BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. Sulphuric Acid 69,32 Sugar Candy . 26,74 Barley Sugar 26,21 Molasses of Cane Sugar 32,55 Sugar of Starch 25,94 Gum Arabic 13,24 Albumine , 3,08 Furthermore, these colloids, so slow to blend and to be diffused, are easily penetrated by the crystalloids, while their analogues cannot traverse them except by taking, through isomeric modifica- tion, an altogether special state of solubility. For instance, we shall see when speaking of animal digestion that the albuminoidal substances of the elements, in order to pass into the circulatory system, need previously to be transformed into soluble albuminose. We must also remember that two substances, incapable of chemical combination, and possessing different degrees of diffusibility, separate to a certain point, when they are put in a blended state, in a diffusion vessel, for then the more diffusible of the two passes out more rapidly than the other. The application of the preceding data to nutrition is achieved almost of itself, so to speak. In effect, from the simply physical point of view, organised beings are merely masses of colloidal substances, holding in solution crystalloidal substances. This definition is strictly true for a number of rudimentary organisms, for instance the amoebae and most of the infusoria ; in general, for all those beings, neither vegetal nor animal, of which Haeckel has made his group of monera. It applies even to a number of zoophytes, and also to every histological element of the superior organisms, isolatedly considered. Let us take the small amorphous mass of contractile albuminoid substance which constitutes an amceba, a rhizopod, or monocellular beings such as the Protococcus nivalis, many infusoria, lastly the globules of the blood of the mammifers, and even the cells and fibres, grouped into tissues to form the body of plants and of the superior animals ; we see CHAP, i.] OF NUTRITION. 77 that in some, every element living, ultimate, isolated, or associated to other analogous elements is only a small mass of colloidal substance. But like all colloidal bodies, this substance is capable of imbibing water and aqueous solutions ; it may be said greedily to seek them ; thus there is established in the midst of its molecules an incessant aqueous current, which conveys to them soluble substances, modified crystalloids or albuminoids, and which at the same time seizes back other substances, usually crystalloidal, which have become unfitted to form a part of the living body. The phenomena of diffusion however are not by any means peculiar to the liquid state. In a gaseous medium the diffusion of liquids is simply replaced by gaseous diffusion direct or indirect. We have seen besides that analogous phenomena are produced even in the midst of living liquids, in the blood and the lymph of the superior animals. But if the physical condition of nutrition is simple diffusion in amorphous beings not yet composed of cells or of fibres, it is a little more complex in the others, if we proceed from the monocellular organisms to the superior mammif ers, constituted by fibres and cells cemented or grouped in tissues. Here the diffusion is accompanied by the passage of the liquids through a membrane, that is to say, that there is osmosis, and naturally osmosis with a double current from without to within, and from within to without, endosmosis and exosmosis. We must needs do for osmosis what we have done for diffusion, that is to say, briefly recall the principal facts appertaining thereto. Osmosis, discovered by Dutrochet,1 then studied especially by Graham, who gave it the name of dialysis, is, as is well known, the blending of two unequal densities, separated by a membrane. Definitively it is diffusion in special mechanical conditions, which permit the superposition of the liquids, whereby 1 J.-B. Dutrochet, De I'Endosmose, in Mimoires pour servir d VHistoire anatomique des Vegetaux ct des Animaux, t I. Paris, 1837. 78 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. for instance the more dense can be placed above the less dense. As essentially there is a very great analogy between diffusion and osmosis, it follows as a matter of course that the substances which osmosis finds the most sluggish must be the colloidal substances ; and that is exactly what experience confirms. In osmosis, the membranous partition, usually organic, which separates the liquids, is 'traversed simultaneously by a double current ; and commonly the stronger current goes from the less dense liquid to the more dense liquid. There are however exceptions. For instance, if water and alcohol are separated by a fragment of bladder, the water passes in greater quantity towards the alcohol. It has been supposed that in this case the direction of the current depends on the inequality of the capillary attractions between the liquids and the two faces of the membrane. The water moistening the membrane better than the alcohol, rises by capillarity in its pores, while on the contrary if we substitute for the bladder a layer of collodium, which is better moistened by the alcohol than by the water, the direction of the osmosis is reversed. All the membranes with which osmotic experiments have been made are in .effect really and thoroughly perforated (bladder, collodium, paper, parchment, and so on). But this explanation does not suit all cases, and especially the cases of osmosis through living liquids. In effect, so far as our most powerful microscopes permit us to -assure ourselves thereof, the surfaces of the animal and vegetal cells and fibres are absolutely homogeneous. We find no trace of pores. No doubt we are compelled to admit molecular and atomic intervals across which the passage of the solutions must be effected ; but in this case the osmosis is accompanied by a chemical action exercised on the dialysing membrane. The liquids, gases, or vapours, which traverse the cellular or fibrillary walls unite themselves, as they pass along, molecule by molecule, to the chemical elements constituting this wall; then, as on the other side of the membrane they find themselves in contact with a new fluid, they forsake forthwith the elements of the wall to combine with those CHAP. L] OF NUTRITION. - 79 of the fluid which they encounter. This explanation, proposed by M. Ch. Robin, would, if well founded, furnish an explanation of an extremely important fact. It would make us understand why in the organisms themselves the composition of the fluid absorbed is no longer on the hither side of the membrane or living wall what it was on the thither side ; a phenomenon peculiar to the biological osmosis, and never produced in the endosmometers and the dialysing apparatus. But, well founded or not, this explanation seems to me by no means needful to furnish a reason for the changes occasioned in the composition of the fluids by physiological absorption. It Eunices to explain this metamorphosis to take into account chemical phenomena at the same time as physical phenomena- Hitherto almost all the osmotic experiments effected in the laboratories have borne upon liquids miscible indeed, but exercising on each other no chemical action. Obviously this is not what happens in the living tissues. There the fluids which have traversed a living wall hold in solution unstable substances, which are by the very fact of the osmosis in contact with other fluids composed of substances of analogous complexity and of different composition. There are evidently at the time of this conflict, exchanges of molecules, chemical reactions; the new substances arising repair the waste of the old, and for that purpose are forced to enter into alliance and combination with them. The residuum of these functions and that of the waste of the substances previously organised are a blending of diverse crystalloidal bodies, which is promptly dragged away from the histological elements, the fibres, and the cells, to be afterwards definitively expulsed from the organism. We have seen that nothing is easier than to separate with a dialyser a crystalloidal substance from a colloidal substance. It is very evident nevertheless that the cellular wall is not inert in all this labour of molecular mutation. It is as living as that which it contains, and must consequently in like fashion participate in the phenomena of transformation. 80 BIOLOGY. [BOOK ii. We could surely in osmotic experiments draw much nearer to what comes to pass in the organised bodies by making to react on colloidal substances oxydant bodies, capable of giving birth thus to crystalloidal bodies, and so on. The curious experiments of Traube on artificial cells have taught us that it is possible to imitate in a certain measure the physical and chemical phenomena of life.1 Assuredly we hither- to are far from having imitated within the domain and the range of the possible, the phenomena of animal physics, and of vegetal physics, which form the esssnce, the support of the vital acts. ]STo doubt the lack of initiative, which, in regard to this matter, experimentalists have displayed, must in a large degree be at- tributed to the metaphysical and mystical ideas which have been conceived of life. As long as the vital phenomena were considered as of an order altogether apart, as having no relation with the physical or chemical phenomena ; as long as there was a belief that to explain what was called " the miracle of life " there had to be invoked directing entities, independent of the bodies, a kind of immaterial gods set over the physiological government of every organism, an archeus, a vital principle, and so on, it was naturally almost impossible that the idea of reproducing arti- ficially the principal physico-chemical acts of life should occur to experimentalists. In our days there is, fortunately, a complete change, and we see men of science venturing on paths which they would never have dreamed of entering half a century ago. M. Traube has based his experiments on two principal facts. The first of these facts has been established by Graham ; it is, that the colloids dissolved are incapable of penetrating by diffu- sion through the colloidal membranes. The second fact is, that the precipitates of the colloidal substances are themselves col- loidal. Starting from these facts, M. Traube has been able, artificially, to make cells, the wall of which was formed of tannate of gelatine. He takes a drop of gelatine, which, by an 1 ExpcrimenU zur Theorie der Zdlbildung und Endosmosc (ArcJiiv fur Anztomie, &e., von Reichert und Dubois-Reymond, 1867, p. 87). CHAP, i.] OF NUTRITION. 81 ebullition of thirty-six hours has lost its coagulability. He lets it dry in the air for several hours, and by the help of a rod fixed in the cork of a vessel half filled with a solution of tannin, he plunges it into this liquid. Then the small quantity of gelatine which dissolves on the surface of the drop combines with the tannin, and the result is a closed cellular membrane. But this membrane is homogeneous, unperf orated, as the organic membranes are. Also the diffusion which is established between its contents and the exterior liquid must be effected osmotically across the molecular interstices. The osmosis is produced very energetically. The membrane distends more and more ; as a consequence the constituent molecules sever from each other : at a given moment when the molecules of the two liquids brought face to face can easily be introduced into the molecular interstices and blend, they form anew molecules of tannate of gelatine. Consequently, the membrane grows by intussusception. In effect, it suffices to arrest all increase, to substitute water for the solution of tannin. M. Traube forms also, in the same manner, endosmotic mem- branes, very curious, impermeable by certain substances, very permeable by others ; in a word, exercising on the substances in contact with them an elective action, such as the living membranes exercise. According to M. Traube, every precipitate whose molecular interstices are smaller than the molecules of its components must take the form of a membrane. Lastly, the endosmosis across the membranes depends solely on the attraction of the body which is dissolved for its solvent. These experiments are infinitely interesting; nevertheless, they imitate very imperfectly what takes place in the living cells. It is something to have obtained by simple chemical processes a membrane which grows by intussusception, foras- much as, from time immemorial, this mode of growth has been considered peculiar to living bodies. But in the living cell there is something more ; the contents are as little inert as G 82 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. the enveloping membrane ; they are modified and renewed un- ceasingly, molecule by molecule, without being destroyed. In the primordial phenomena of nutrition there are, in effect, two acts, or rather two principal aspects of the same phenomenon, assimilation and disassimilation. To assimilation relate the facts of absorption and endosmosis ; with disassimilation are connected the facts of secretion and exosmosis. We must remember that disassimilation has, as result, the transformation of the colloidal substances of living bodies into crystallisable substances, occupy- ing, after a fashion, a middle position between organic substances and mineral substances. It is now invincibly demonstrated that these primordial facts of nutrition are identical in all the living universe, as well in the animal world as in the vegetal world. It is also known, moreover, that the principal agent of all these transformations, of all these exchanges, is the oxygen of the air. In the most rudimentary beings, amorphous or monocellular, oxygen is diffused direct in the midst of the molecules of the living substance ; it oxydises this substance by a sort of slow combustion, and determines the formation of diverse organic crystallisable bodies, and of a gas — carbonic acid ; the whole is afterwards expulsed. In the being whose structure is more complex, where there is an aggregation of cells, of fibres, in a word, of diverse histological elements, each having its special form and special functions, while the whole are, moreover, grouped in particular tissues, the oxygen of the air, and generally all the substances which penetrate into the organism and come forth from it, have to undergo a sort of gradatory process before being assimilated or excreted. In the simplest cases when the organism is merely constituted by histological elements of kindred nature, more or less straitly joined together, and bathing in an interstitial liquid, a circulatory system, a respiratory system, a digestive system being wholly lacking, the nutritive substances and the disassimilated substances dissociate themselves in the intercellular blastema. It is in this CHAP, i.] OF NUTRITION. 83 liquid, impregnated as moreover it is with oxgyxm and carbonic acid gas dissolved, that the histological elements choose the materials which suit them and reject those which are no longer suitable. At a more exalted degree of structure are superadded special apparatus, systems more or less ramified with canals, in which circulate the liquids and the gases. But even then the interstitial, intercellular liquid ceases not to exist ; it merely renews, revivifies, purifies itself without pause, seeking suste- nance in the circulatory fluids, and ridding itself there, in its turn, of the substances destined to elimination. In sum, the intercellular liquid acts toward the circulatory fluids as the histological elements act toward itself. We see that it is by a peculiarity of construction that almost all organised beings live in the air. In truth, all the histological elements constituting the complex organisms are aquatic ; they bathe in a special liquid, in a living medium, which is alike their essential cause and the result of their nutritive activity. Cl. Bernard has much contributed in these last years to propagate this felicitous idea of the interior media, such as the blood of animals, the sap of plants, and so on : "that ensemUe of all the interstitial liquids, that expression of all the local nutritions, that source and confluent alike of all elementary changes." 1 We may admit, with the eminent physiologist, though with restric- tions and exceptions for the living beings that are wholly rudi- mentary, that there is no direct nutrition, and that, for instance, the fragment of a fresh- water polypus, when it is reconstituted and completed to the point of re-becoming an entire polypus, avails itself principally of the nutritive interstitial fluid which impregnated at the outset the separated fragment. " Thus, for every complex organised being there are three superposed media, the cosmic medium, ae'rian, or aquatic — but in this last case holding the air in solution ; the sanguineous, or sap-filled medium ; lastly, the interstitial, intercellular medium. Naturally, the internal media need, like the external media, to 1 Revue Scientifique, 1874. G 2 84 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. maintain themselves in what we call a suitable state of purity, that is to say, in a state of composition sufficiently equilibrated for the histological elements to find therein at every instant their food. We shall see in the course of this exposition that in the complex organisms special apparatus of exhalation, of secretion, and of excretion are charged to keep up incessantly across these media renovating currents, exactly as other apparatus, for instance, the digestive apparatus and certain glands, pour in suitable nutriments. These general data accepted, we can now analyse the acts, the phases of nutrition. We know that this biological property exercises itself in all living substances, figurate or not, as well in the plasmas and the blastemas as in the figurate elements. In both it depends in part on physical conditions of endosmosis, exosmosis, and diffusion, and in part on the physical affinities of substances brought into relation. In all this there is not the smallest place for a metaphysical agent. We have simply to do with physical and chemical phenomena producing themselves in conditions of complexity and simultaneousness entirely special, yet narrowly bound to the variations of the ambient medium. We see in effect these phenomena intensified or enfeebled accord- ing as the air is more or less oxygenised, according as the temperature is higher or lower, and so on. Though the nutritive phenomena are simultaneous and unin- terupted, we can, for the convenience of exposition, divide them into phenomena of assimilation and phenomena of disassimi- lation. It is by endosmosis that the immediate principles reach the substance of the anatomical elements, reach the living liquids. The principles of the first class, that is to say, the mineral substances, often arrive without modification by simple dissolution, and it is thus, for example, that the chlorures and the alkaline sulphates arrive. Certain of these substances combine with the organic matters, as, for instance, the phosphate of lime com- bines with osse'ine in the bones ; but then, in opposition to the CHAP, i.] OF NUTRITION. 85 laws of non-living chemistry, the combination does not seem to be accomplished in definite proportions. It is a sort of alloy. In plants the power of assimilation seems more energetic. It is in the mineral medium, in effect, that the plant must seek its aliments direct ; consequently we see the green parts of plants assimilate at once the carbon of aerian carbonic acid, and incorporate it immediately with complex organic substances, ternary and quaternary. The same synthetical power is exercised in certain circumstances on the azote of the air, and, normally, on the azote of the ammoniac salts drawn by the roots of plants from the soil. In the animal, the true phenomena of assimilation are generally exercised at the expense of albuminoidal substances already elaborated. It is an important and remarkable fact that the organic assimilated substances have never, previously, the same composition as those which form the assimilative anatomical elements. The musculine. the elasticine, and the like, peculiar to every species of cell, of fibre, and so on, are, in effect, met with nowhere apart from the elements which they constitute and reconstitute incessantly ; they are formed in the animal organism at the expense of the living liquids, by isomeric catalyses.1 The anatomical elements can assimilate a great number of substances, but they have necessarily their own special affinities, entirely analogous to those of the bodies of mineral chemistry. Thence result a choice and a selection, which, for a long time, appeared intelligent, though here intelligence no more enters than in the affinity of chlore for hydrogen, of anhydrous sul- phuric acid for water, and so on. These chemical combinations formed in the substance of the anatomical elements have excessive instability, and they are the more unstable the more life rises to a superior degree, the more it is animalised. Thus chemical instability is much greater in the anatomical animal elements than in the vegetal elements.2 In these last we cannot dissever 1 Ch. Robin, Anatomic Microscojnque des J&f6ments Anafamiques. Svo. Paris, 1868. 2 Ch. Robin, loc. cit. p. 65. 86 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. the chemical combinations but by the aid of energetic chemical agents. Moreover, it is much less easy to interrupt the vital movement in the plant than in the animal. But in them both, chemical instability, in various degrees, is the very condition of life. Every combination too stable is the equivalent of death. Nutritive assimilation has naturally, as a condition, a corre- sponding disassimilation. In order that new substances may incorporate themselves with an anatomical element it is abso- lutely necessary that other substances yield their place to them. In effect, incessantly a portion of the substances which formed part of the anatomical element ceases to resemble the fundamental substances, and severs itself from them. The substances thus have not, by reason of the severance, ceased to be complex albuminoidal substances, but generally they have become more oxydised, and have passed into the state of crystallisable matters, — they have taken a step to return to the mineral world. As to the mineral substances expulsed from the anatomical element, certain of them merely pass through without undergoing any change. This is* the case with sundry salts, azote, water, and so on. Other mineral compounds, however, are formed therein by direct combination, just as they would have been formed in a retort. In this fashion are produced in animals, the alkaline carbonates, the lactates, the ammoniaco-magnesian phosphates, the phosphates of lime, the urates, carbonic acid, and so on. The nutritive exchange is not effected in all the tissues with the same energy. In general it is in the cell, properly so called, or in tissues formed by cellular aggregations, that this double current attains its maximum of power. Nutrition can often be effected without the succour of special circulatory apparatus. The exchange of nutritive materials frequently is achieved in this case from step to step with sufficient rapidity. Things take place thus in certain inferior organisms simply polycellular, in the crystalline of the eye of mammifers, and so on. CHAP, i.] OF NUTRITION. 87 If a tissue is at the same time constituted by cells and furnished with a rich vascular network, it is in conditions specially favour- able, and the nutrition thus is rapid and energetical : this is what takes place in the mammifers, in the medullary tissue of the bones, in the grey substance of the brain, and so on. After the exposition of the general facts to which we have devoted this chapter, it will be now more easy for us to present successively in the two organic kingdoms the history of nutrition, that is to say, of the vital property which is the support and the essential cause of all the others. f I I > I > \ I > '••' lj 1 1> It A n 1. UN J V K US MY <> CHAPTER II. VEGETAL NUTRITION. IN the composition of every plant we find mineral substances, ternary substances non-azotised and proteic substances. Now plants not eating each other direct, like animals, it is needful for the vegetal organic substances to be habitually created by the plant itself, at the expense of the mineral medium which environs it. Brought back to their primary mineral elements, the complex organic substances yield carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, azote, and a certain quantity of sulphur and of phosphorus. If we add to these elements chlore, calcium, silicium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, lithium, iron, often manganese, and in the marine plants, iodine and brome, we have nearly the whole elementary sources of alimentation in the vegetal kingdom. Naturally the metals which we have just enumerated form bases which combine with the acids which they encounter, to consti- tute sulphates, silicates, chlorures, often organic salts, for instance, oxalates, and so on. To form a sufficient idea of vegetal nutrition, we must follow these mineral elements, note how they enter into the plant, indicate the combinations which they form there, finally, leave them only when, having played out their part in the vegetal organism, they are finally expulsed from it. Of these chemical elements, some, for example, are derived from the air, others from the soil. The mineral elements taken direct from the ambient air by the plant are hydrogen, oxygen, carbon. Hydrogen and oxygen are absorbed and fixed by the CHAP. IL] VEGETAL NUTRITION. 89 plant, either simultaneously in the state of water, or isolatedly. It is probable, in effect, that the green parts of plants have the power of decomposing water, which they draw in a small part from the atmosphere, but in enormous quantity from the soil. The chlorophyllian parts would effect the decomposition of water, whatsoever its source, and would fix direct its elements in the complex combinations of which we have spoken. This, however, is a point which has not yet been well studied. Certain, at least, it is, that the greater part of the oxygen absorbed by the plant is taken from the atmosphere direct, and a little by all parts of the vegetal organism. As to carbon, which forms in weight the chief part of every desiccated plant, it also is derived by the green portions of the plants from the carbonic acid of the air. This is one of the most interesting, one of the best studied points of vegetal physiology. All the other mineral matters, and almost the whole of the water, are absorbed by the roots of the plant, penetrate into the vegetal tissues, there ascend, there meet with, especially in the leaves, the mineral substances derived from the air, and some of them form complex combinations. Vegetal physiology is still so confused, the division of labour in the plant is so ill-distinguished, that it is not easy to mark out therein functions thoroughly determinate, functions very dif- ferent from each other. Everything is connected, everything blends, everything forms the link of a chain. Nevertheless, for clearness of exposition, we are obliged to make divisions more or less natural ; we must, in effect, speak of phenomena mingled, entangled, proceeding sometimes simultaneously in the same tissues or organs. We have to tell how penetrate into the plant the numerous mineral substances which chemical analysis , discovers there, how those substances have infiltrated themselves into the tissues, what compounds they have formed there under the powerful action of the nutritive movement, finally how and in what proportion they were eliminated during the life of the plant after becoming unsuitable to figure in the nutritive , process. 90 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. 1. Formation and Circulation of the Sap. Let us take as type a complete plant, a dicotyledon, plung- ing its roots into the ground, displaying its branches in the air. In the spring such a plant impregnates itself incessantly with the materials which it appropriates from the exterior medium. It absorbs them by the roots, by the leaves, by the bark. It is by the osmotic process that the roots draw from the soil the first materials of the sap. It is the delicate cells of the extremities of the roots, radicellular spongioles, which are the principal agents of absorption. These cells contain a pro- toplasm dense and albuminous, coagulable by nitric acid ; they are in contact with the soil by means of their cellular membrane, by means of the hairs which garnish them ; they are thus in conditions very favourable to osmotic absorption. It is, moreover, easy to prove that is owing to the process entirely physical of endosmosis, that the roots saturate themselves with the humidity of the soil, for all that is needful to arrest their work of absorption is to plunge them in a saccharine and dense solution. In the soil, on the contrary, the water, relatively little charged with dissolved substances, moistens the extremities of the roots, penetrates by endosmosis into their anatomical ele- ments, and mingles there with their protoplasm, bringing with it ammoniac salts, phosphates, salts of potash, and so on. But to accomplish their office the hairs of the roots need, like all organised cells, nourishment, that is to say, need to be oxydised, to absorb oxygen, and to exhale carbonic acid. Con- sequently, the penetration of the air into the soil into which the roots plunge is indispensable to the maintenance of the life of plants. The exhalation of the carbonic acid by the roots has also its utility. In effect it is from the presence of this carbonic acid that certain salts become soluble in water and can thus penetrate into the radical cells. The case is the same, for example, with certain phosphates, and no doubt also for silica, and so on. Once introduced into the cells of the spongioles, of rnAp. IL] VEGETAL NUTRITION. 91 the radical hairs, the substances, borne on by the water which holds them in solution, pass from cell to cell, each borrowing from each, in proportion as the nutritive waste goes on. In plants with roots, this ascensional movement of the liquids drawn from the soil is facilitated by the presence of those vessels and vascular bundles we have previously described ; there are indeed no roots except in the plants whose cellular tissue is traversed by vessels. In the spring the flow of the sap is so abundant that it invades everything ; cells, fibres, vessels, even the interstices of the cells or intercellular meatus. This flow thus ascends from the root to the leaves, but circulates more rapidly in the vessels, where it encounters fewer obstacles, and is, in a certain measure, raised by capillarity. The grand movement of ascension is accomplished through the central part, through the ligneous body, or through its exterior zone, younger and less incrusted if the vegetal is already aged. Very certainly ; multiple causes, endosmosis, diffusion, capillarity, the nutritive fixation of the alible materials in the buds, evaporation on the surface of the leaves, co-operate in the ascension of the sap; but the | most powerful cause is assuredly the absorption exercised by the ascensional cells of the roots. In effect a plant can live and ac- tively live when its radical extremities alone are placed in water. Besides this grand general movement of the sap there are others more interesting perhaps, those, namely, of the contents of the cell, of the protoplasm. This liquid, which we know to be habitually an albuminoidal liquid, is granulous, and we see in nearly all plants its granulations execute along the walls of ; the cell or of the fibre-cell a gyratory movement. They mount t on one side and re-descend on the other. This protoplasmic i movement is a vital movement connected probably with the molecular exchanges and reactions of nutrition. It is accom- plished only within determinate thermometrical limits. The minimum limit approaches 0 degree, the maximum limit is from , 45 to 47 degrees. It is toward 35 to 37 degrees that the speed » of the protoplasmic current attains its maximum. When it is the 92 BIOLOGY. [BOOK ir. cold which arrests this gyratory movement, we can by treating the soil put the liquid again into motion.1 With respect to this manifest action of heat it is curious to see that light seemingly influences little or not at all the pro- toplasmic movement which is accomplished without apparent modification even when the plant is kept in darkness. After gyrating in the cells, travelling in the vessels and the meatus, after taking from or giving to the elements, which it has traversed or passed beside, certain of the matters which it conveys, the sap arrives at the part truly aerian of the vegetal. There it undergoes very important modifications, thanks to the special action of a substance of which we have now to speak. This substance is the green matter of the leaves, the chlorophyll. 2. — Chlorophyllian Property. Chlorophyll is the substance to which all the green parts of plants owe their colour. In the cells of certain lichens and of certain algae, the chlorophyll sometimes presents itself in the amorphous state, colouring all the protoplasm, sometimes in irre- gular masses ; but habitually in all the vascular plants it has a definite form, that of green granulations of from Omm, 001 to 0""n, 005 in diameter, of homogeneous appearance and without nuclei. We can obtain from this green matter fat crystallisable bodies, stearine, margarine and so on, and an immediate azotised principle, chlorophyll properly so called, the elementary analysis of which gives oxygen, hydrogen, azote, carbon, and iron. By an appropriate chemical treatment Fremy was able to separate chlorophyll into two substances ; the one yellow, phylloxanthine, and the other blue, phyllocyanine. Chlorophyll rises spontaneously in the cellular protoplasm. First of all are formed colourless or yellow particles, which grow green afterwards, if the cell in which they are contained is exposed to the light. The chlorophyllian particles, born in 1 Nageli, quoted by Sachs, Traite de Botanique, pp. 855, 856. CHAP. H.] VEGETAL NUTRITION. 93 the darkness, remain yellow, but under the action of even a feeble light and a somewhat elevated temperature, of from 20 to 30 degrees, they grow green. All the rays of the solar spectrum suffice to make the colourless chlorophyllian particles green, but by far the. most active are the yellow rays. Once formed, the chlorophyllian particles, if they are favoured by good conditions, increase in size, and at a given moment can multiply by binary division. The solar light does not merely influence the formation of the chlorophyllian particles ; their whole evolution is subjected thereto. The particles veridified and subjected to an intense light during a long space of time form in their very substance particles of starch, which are most manifestly the result of a nutrition too active, an aliment in reserve. This starch besides re-dissolves and re-forms according as the green cell is withdrawn from the solar light or exposed to it anew. From a long sojourn in darkness the particles of chlorophyll themselves lose their shape, suffer atrophy, and disappear, dissolving into the colourless protoplasm. We have seen that all the rays of the solar spectrum have the power to render green the chlorophyll ; but all are not capable of impressing on it enough of nutritive activity to form the starch in its particles. That is a faculty limited naturally to the rays the most stimulating, the yellow rays. Light being the determinating agent of the chlorophyllian formation, it is natural for the chlorophyllian particles to accumulate specially on the best illuminated cellular wall ; and i this, in reality, is what takes place.1 In the persistent leaves, heat appears to have a great influence on the position of the particles of chlorophyll. In effect, when the temperature lowers they quit the wall to accumulate inter- . volved in the centre of the cell. In spring, or whenever the » plant is subjected to a certain elevation of temperature, they, whether in darkness of in light, resume their parietal position. Lastly, toward the end of the vegetative period, the precious 1 Franck, Botanische Zeitung, 1872. 94 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. chlorophyllian substance in a great measure escapes destruction in the perennial plants. It re-dissolves along with the starch which it englobes, and the whole, passing through the petiole, and carrying along even the phosphoric acid and the potash, wanders toward the permanent organs of the plant.1 Before we speak of the special properties of chlorophyll, it is opportune to signalise the importance of the metallic element which it contains. The atoms of iron which enter into its com- position constitute in effect an integrant part of it ; without them it is not endowed with its special properties. Another metal, potassium, though not figuring in the complex molecule of the chlorophyll, seems to play an important part in its nutrition. When the plant does not absorb chlorure of potassium, or at least nitrate of potash, the particles of chlorophyll have less vitality and are incapable of forming starch. We have succinctly described the morphological evolution of chlorophyll. It remains for us now to speak of its function. Priestley was the first to observe that the green parts of plants exhale oxygen. He put under a receiver in confined air, where mice had died asphyxiated, some mint plants, which lived and flourished energetically there. The chlorophyllian property was thus discovered ; but it was Ingenhouz who attributed the disengagement of vital air operated by plants to its true cause, the action of light.2 The same observer demonstrated also the inverse action of the flowers and of the roots, which night and day exhale carbonic acid and vitiate the atmosphere. Every terrestrial or aquatic plant furnished with chlorophyllian cells, and exposed to the solar light, borrows from the air carbonic acid, and restores to the air an equivalent volume of oxygen. For most plants, the activity of the phenomenon is in proportion to the intensity of the light. Though the chlorophyllian function has need in almost all plants of full light, it still exercises: itself, feebly indeed, in diminished light, and there are even 1 J. Sachs, Traite de Botanique. 2 Ingenhouz, Experiences sur les Vegetaux, 1780. CHAP, ii.] VEGETAL NUTRITION. 95 plants, mosses, for example, living in the shade of the woods, which cannot, without dying, bear an intense light. But in diverse degrees, light is indispensable to the green parts of all plants. At night, or in darkness, chlorophyll ceases to act, and the plant simply exhales carbonic acid. The property of decomposing the carbonic acid of the air and of absorbing carbon specially appertains to chlorophyll, just as that of fixing a great quantity of oxygen specially appertains to the hsemoglobuline of the haematia. Chlorophyll has also, like haemoglobuline, its poisons. Thus, as Boussingault has demon- strated, mercury introduced into a receiver where a plant is destroys the chlorophyllian property. It seems to result from the experiments of Dutrochet,1 that a part of the oxygen put at liberty by the chlorophyllian action is not immediately expulsed, but penetrates previously into the mechanism of the tissues. The oxygen exhaled direct is merely air overplus. The rest is impelled into the aerian cavities, into 1 the globulous vessels, into the punctuated tubes, and especially into the tracheae. In this way it descends into the petioles of [ the leaves, into the stem, and serves there probably the real : respiratory function, the oxydation of the tissues, and the production of the carbonic acid disengaged by the plant. It is by the stomata that this expulsion and this absorption of air seem especially to be accomplished ; nevertheless, the mosses and the coniferse, which have no stomata, exhale carbonic acid. We might be astonished that the small proportion of carbonic iacid contained in the air suffices for the alimentation in carbon of the -whole vegetal kingdom, if we did not think on the great density of the atmosphere, and on the considerable restitu- tions that are made to the atmosphere by the vegetal kingdom on the one hand, and by the entire animal kingdom on the other, i This last, in effect, incessantly consumes oxygen, and exhales torrents of carbonic acid. Moreover, we must add to these principal sources of carbonic acid all the combustions, the 1 Dutrochet, De I'Endosmose, p. 357. 96 BIOLOGY. [BOOK n. J volcanic exhalations, and so on. As to the rest, in calculating in accordance with the presumed height of our atmosphere and the proportion of four ten-thousandths of carbonic acid for a given volume of air, we arrive in estimating the quantity of carbon existing in the ae'rian medium at the enormous figure of 1,500 billions of kilogrammes. It is also probable that the air is not the only source of the carbonic acid absorbed by the plant. There is assuredly some produced by the oxydation of the sap and of the anatomical elements, and there is no reason for supposing that the plant does not also undergo the decomposing action of the chlorophyll. As the carbonic acid is, when light acts, incessantly de- composed by the chlorophyll, there results a sort of carbonicj void in the portion of the air in contact with the green cells, and! consequently by degrees and by diffusion new quantities of acicB arrive. The alimentation in carbon is therefore never lacking. 1 Though the decomposition of acid is effected in all the green cells, nevertheless, the upper surface of the leaves seems to play the predominant part in the chlorophyllian act, for if we turn the: leaves so as to expose to the sun their under-surface, the carbonic; action diminishes, and in a few days ceases.1 Let this be as it may, the exhalation of carbonic acid, little perceptible during the day and relatively active during the nighty is far from compensating the absorption. M. Boussingault had calculated that in twelve hours of the night one square deci-l metre of green surface burns Og,214 of the carbon of the tissues J while in twelve hours of the day it assimilates 3*,416. If we allow the light to reach plants, only by allowing it to; pass through glass coloured with the colours of the prism, wd see that all the visible rays can put chlorophyll into activity, but that the rays capable of exciting its appearance in thcfj protoplasm are also those which stimulate chlorophyll most. These are, in effect, the yellow rays, which determine the most abundant disengagement of carbonic acid. 1 Dutrochet, De l'£ndosmose, p. 355. CHAP. IT.] VEGETAL NUTRITION. 97 If we attentively regard the undulatory amplitude of the luminous rays suitable for making the chlorophyll operate, we see that those active rays have as highest limit Om,0006886, and as lowest limit Om,00039968. They are rays feebly refrangible.1 The rays most strongly refrangible, the blue and the violet, as well as the ultra-violet invisible rays, influence especially the rapidity of growth, the movements of*the protoplasm and of the zoospores, and so on. We have recently compared, in passing, chlorophyll and the ha?matoglobuline of the blood. The parallel is so curious that we must consecrate a few lines to it. Chlorophyll and hsematoglobuline are both quaternary sub- stances. They both exercise an elective action on a mineral gas. They both are habitually moulded into globules, without nucleus. The special property, however, which characterises them seems in both to be independent of the form which they assume. We have seen that a solution of h