JV)R55- E/U2 .^|; KljX Ul V Standard Operat'ng Procedures ^%/p, **3*. % BIOMONITORING PROGRAM Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering DIVISION of WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Thomas C. McMahon, Director BIOMONITORING PROGRAM STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 1987 Technical Services Branch Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control Department of Environmental Quality Engineering Westborough Executive Office of Environmental Affairs James S. Hoyte, Secretary Department of Environmental Quality Engineering S. Russell Sylva, Commissioner Division of Water Pollution Control Thomas C. McMahon, Director April 1987 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r 4.0 BIOMONITORING PROGRAM SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 1 2.0 BIOMONITORING SURVEY PROGRAM ELEMENTS 3 2.1 Stream Classification 4 2.2 Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Rapid Bioassessment 11 2.3 Site Assessment 16 3.0 BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 21 3.1 Phytoplankton 22 3.2 Periphyton 36 3.3 Aquatic and Wetland Vegetation 45 3.4 "Aquatic Macroinvertebrates 54 3.5 Fish 67 3.6 Microtox™ Analysis 81 3.7 Chlorophyll Analysis 89 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 96 5.0 GENERAL BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY REFERENCES 101 in 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE It is the goal of the Federal Clean Water Act (PL 95-217) to restore and maintain the biological integrity of the nation's waters. Biological monitoring provides the most reliable measure of the attainment of this goal, i.e., water quality that provides for the protection and propagation of fish, shellfish and wildlife. Sampling and analyzing aquatic life provides information on water quality that can easily escape standard physico-chemical sampling. The organisms themselves are efficient in-stream monitors, for their lives reflect the cumulative impact of pollution on the waterbody. They are valuable in revealing transient pollution episodes such as oil spills and brief dissolved oxygen sags. For the same reason they are the best means of measuring long term trends in a waterbody. In addition, the presence of specific indicator organisms may infer the presence of particular chemicals not included in routine analysis or in quantities below detection limits of chemical testing. Aquatic biota are usually collected and analyzed by community. These communities include plankton, periphyton, raacrophyton, macroinvertebrates and fish. The communities are used alone or in combinations to assess specific water quality problems such as thermal pollution, toxics, and eutrophication. The analysis of the samples includes taxonomic identification for diversity indices, water quality indices, trophic level and indicator organism analysis. Plant pigments are extracted for chlorophyll analysis and animal tissues are tested for bioconcentration of chemicals. The overall health and appearance of the organisms is used to detect chronic toxicity and genotoxic effects (carcinogens, mutagens and tetratogens) . Standard laboratory organisms are also used in situ and in vitro to measure toxicity. Bacteria, algae, macroinvertebrates and fish are all commonly used for this purpose. Biological monitoring can be more cost effective than chemical screening, more reliable at measuring total pollutant loads, more sensitive to extreme conditions and more faithful to the goal of the Act, than other forms of monitoring. However, the relationship between the biota and the environment is subtle and complex and by no means completely understood. Results of biological investigations are often qualitative, and even quantitative studies are open to interpretation. Therefore biological monitoring data are used to complement physico-chemical data and not replace them. The methods of monitoring and analysis are evolving and may differ among investigators. At best, procedures used by the Division of Water Pollution Control are fully documented in this Standard Operating Procedures docu- ment, so that those attempting interpretation will be fully informed, and temper their conclusions accordingly. 2.0 BIOMONITORING SURVEY PROGRAM ELEMENTS SECTION PAGE 2.1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION 5 2.1.1 Introduction and Purpose 5 2.1.2 Objectives 5 2.1.3 Approach 5 2.1.4 Parametric Coverage 5 2.1.5 Data Record Sheets 6 2.1.6 References 10 STREAM CLASSIFICATION 2.1 STREAM CLASSIFICATION 2.1.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE This program has been developed to systematically sample and classify the Commonwealth's rivers and streams. Each survey qualitatively provides documentation of a specific watercourse's physical and chemical characteristics and predominant biological components. These data can be used - on a stream or site-specific basis - to determine water-use classifications in accordance with Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards. 2.1.2 OBJECTIVES 1. To identify, demonstrate, and standardize methods and procedures for the collection and analyses of stream habitat data; 2. to characterize rivers, streams, and related aquatic habitats (e.g., river impoundments) hydrophysically and chemically; 3. to qualitatively document the dominant floral and faunal components - or communities - of streams and stream-side habitats; 4. to segment and classify rivers and streams into major habitats for the purpose of water-use designation; 5. to provide supplementary information to other programs to aid in regulatory and enforcement actions, and evaluating special problems; and 6. to collect and reference plant and animal specimens for future study, and determine their state-wide distribution. 2.1.3 APPROACH Preliminary planning and analysis first divides the river or stream into longitudinal zones - or subsystems, i.e., tidal, lower perennial, upper perennial, intermittent, and others (e.g., canals, ditches) - according to morphometric and hydrologic characteristics derived from USGS topographic maps. Physico-chemical and biological field collections are made, in most instances, at locations - or sites - determined after initial evaluation and field reconnaissance (see: "Data Record Sheets"). Specific sampling locations are arranged to cover significant and representative lotic-water and other related macrohabitats . Field dates, particularly for biological sampling, are generally during the period April to October, in order to take advantage of plant and animal availability. All field sampling is qualitative in nature, unless special needs dictate otherwise. Data collected are recorded for each community on individual standard field sheets (see: "Biological Field and Laboratory Methods"). 2.1.4 PARAMETRIC COVERAGE Physical and chemical data are collected, including: stream reach width and depth; stream reach and floodplain substrate character; stream temperature; water transparency; and water chemistry. Sampling of phytoplankton and periphyton, aquatic vascular plants, streamside and riparian vegetation, and aquatic macroinvertebrates is performed at each 2.1.5 DATA RECORD SHEETS STREAM CLASSIFICATION Q OS o ►J CJ o w OS as H 2 <: O H a fa a! o o w j CO w 2 M O -5 fa M 2 i— t M 3C r-t Q CJ < Cd CJ CO H M H fa H (— 1 W CO CO CO D <: SC -J CJ cj «! CO CO § n as H CO • • co 2 O i-i H ►h a 1 2 O c cj o •H o 1 XJ M CJ as a* 4J 2 CO H a u o xj < 2 H ►H as 3 M as Q g CO CO w H <: as PQ w H as cd > l 2 1 r-l <—> 0) 0) i 1 cj c r-l u t-l 3 y-i i— i 0J H 3 4-1 o JC CJ as fa o o- <3 i u 32 00 XJ cj 1 as 3 1 1 o XJ XJ Vj cj 5 CO -C 0) M o J3 60 J5 CO i— ( 3 •H XJ >H fa CO hJ O 35 fa 2 O r-l H r-l CO O Q O ^ q a <: co o CO CO a 33 Cm Z H a o o CO CO H CO H CO I— t CO 4-1 cu S cu X o as Cd > O O CO cu cu o •H C CO 60 Ju as o en 3 3 •H O W Su ■U J3 CU -H Q Cu CU S CO CU Pu >. t-l o 3 3 s^e Cd H CO T3 3 CO CO S-i CO oflBiOtnuS CO CO •H -H 3 C C 3 CU CU CU t-l 1-1 cu cu Cm Cu u 3 w a O 6 Cd l-l >U M r-l OS CU CU CU CO jj as-o S3 a o -.h O M 3 hJ H h4 Cd OS H Z f-u CU O u 33 U CU r— I CO CU •3 CO 12 o z C7\ > X! a 00 o > + CNI o > 2.1.6 REFERENCES 1. Cowardin, L.M., V. Carter, F.C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classifi- cation of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS 79/31. Office of Biological Services, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. vi + 103 p. 2. Marmelstein, A. 1978. Classification, Inventory, and Analysis of Fish and Wildlife Habitat: Proceedings of a National Symposium held at Phoenix, Arizona, 24-27 January 1977. FWS/OBS-78/76. Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. vi + 604 p. 3. Platts, W.S., W.F. Megahan, and G.W. Minshall. 1983. Methods for Evaluating Stream, Riparian, and Biotic Conditions. General Technical Report INT-138. Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, United States Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. ii + 70 p. 4. Sather, J.H., (ed). 1976. Proceedings of the National Wetland Classification and Inventory Workshop held at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 20-23 July 1975. FWS/OBS-76/09 . Office of Biological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. vi + 110 p. 5. Terrell, T.T. and W.J. McConnell, (eds). 1978. Stream Classification - 1977: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Pingree Park, Colorado, 10-13 October 1977. .FWS/OBS-78/23 . Biological Services Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. iv + 45 p. 10 MACRO INVERTEBRATE RAPID BIOASSESSMENT SECTION PAGE 2.2 AQUATIC MACRO INVERTEBRATE RAPID BIOASSESSMENT 12 2.2.1 Introduction and Purpose 12 2.2.2 Objectives 12 2.2.3 Approach 12 2.2.4 Parametric Coverage 14 2.2.5 References 15 11 2.2 AQUATIC MACRO INVERTEBRATE RAPID BIOASSESSMENT 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Macroinvertebrate rapid bioassessment (MRB) surveys involve the use of qualitative and semiquantitative sampling methods designed to minimize laboratory time requirements for taxonomic identification and enumera- tion of aquatic macroinvertebrate organisms. 2.2.2 OBJECTIVES 1. To provide standardized methods and procedures for assessing the impacts of toxic and conventional organic pollution on aquatic macroinvertebrates ; 2. to obtain reliable biological water quality information to supple- ment the collection of standard physico-chemical water quality data; and 3. to provide the basis for making relative comparisons pertaining to water quality conditions between sampling stations and/or to document long-term trends at fixed sites. 2.2.3 APPROACH While rapid bioassessments make use of the qualitative analysis of periphyton, aquatic and wetland vegetation, and fish communities, specific semi-quantitative sampling and analytical methods have been developed for use in assessing the macroinvertebrate community. An upstream-downstream sampling regime is employed whereby known or suspected sources of pollution are bracketed by sampling stations. Selected aquatic communities are assessed and compared with unimpacted control (or reference) communities. Conclusions relative to water quality condition are drawn from a knowledge of the environmental requirements and pollution ecology of the individual taxa or assemblages encountered. For macroinvertebrate rapid bioassessment the components of a 100 organism subset are identified to genus or species level whenever possible. The taxonomic data are then compiled to determine the status of the various criteria used to rank water quality. These criteria include: 1. Species richness; 2. distribution "balance"; 3. the EPT value; 4. percent contribution, pollution tolerances, and feeding habits of the five numerically dominant species; 5. Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI). 1-2 MACROINVERTEBRATE RAPID BIOASSESSMENT Field observations were also considered, as they often reveal important factors contributing to the quality of the benthic community. Species richness, the number of different kinds of organisms present, will tend to decrease in response to pollution while the distribution of individuals becomes uneven, or unbalanced. That is to say, under the influence of pollution benthic macroinvertebrate communities become less diverse, with the majority of individuals falling into fewer taxa (Tarzwell and Gaufin 1953, Bartsch and Ingram 1959, Weber 1973, Hawkes 1979, and Welch 1980). By examining the relative contribution of the five numerically dominant taxa the evenness of the distribution can be judged. The pollution tolerances of the dominant community members can be revealing as to the degree of pollution impacting a stream. Likewise, the number of species present from the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera can be tabulated to formulate the "EPT value." These orders are composed of species that are regarded as intolerant or facul- tative in response to enrichment with conventional pollutants — Plecoptera are all intolerant, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera have both intolerant and facultative members (Weber 1973, Hilsenhoff 1982). Also of impor- tance are the feeding habits of the dominant taxa, as these will reflect community shifts to exploit the food source available, e.g., a filter feeding community downstream of an effluent high in suspended solids. Hilsenhoff (1982) developed an index (HBI) based on the tolerances of aquatic macroinvertebrates to pollution with conventional organics. While his sampling protocol was similar to the one used here, he restric- ted his analysis to aquatic arthropods dependent on dissolved oxygen. The MRB, on the other hand, makes use of aquatic annelids and mollusks for the information they may contribute in attempts to evaluate the impacts of various types of pollution. Consequently, if the HBI is to be used as part of the MRB it becomes necessary to assign tolerance values to organisms excluded by Hilsenhoff as well as any regionally unique aquatic arthropod taxa that otherwise would have been included by Hilsenhoff. Since Hilsenhoff 's tolerance values range from zero (intolerant) to five (tolerant) and most literature provides information on pollution tolerances as tolerant, facultative, and intolerant, assign- ing new values was difficult. Lacking any better information the assigned values then became: intolerant=l , facultative=2. 5 , and tolerant=4. These modifications surely weaken the reliability of the HBI, if not by using dubious tolerance values, then at least by virtue of eliminating the sensitivity to the extremes. Nonetheless, with these considerations in mind the HBI is retained in the MRB because if the index value falls at one of the extremes it indicates either very little DO stress (HBI<2) or very serious DO stress (HBI>4). The MRB guidelines identify the range of characteristics indicative of different levels of pollution as follows: 1. Non-Impacted - Diverse fauna, at least 30 species in riffle habi- tats. Biotic index about 2.00. Mayflies, stoneflies, and caddis- flies are well-represented, EPT value greater than 10. Dominant species are intolerant or facultative; no species comprises more 13 than 25% of Che individuals; oligochaete worms comprise less than of the individuals. 2. Slightly Impacted - Species richness usually 20-30. Biotic index 2.00-3.00. Mayflies and stoneflies may be restricted, EPT value 6-10. Dominant species are mostly facultative. Fauna often not so well balanced, often with one species comprising more than 25% of the individuals; oligochaete worms may comprise more than 20% of the individuals . 3. Moderately Impacted - Species richness 10-20. Biotic index 3.00- 4.00. Mayflies and stoneflies rare or absent, caddisflies often restricted, EPT value 2-5. Dominant species are facultative or tolerant. Oligochaetes often comprise at least 20% of the individuals . 4. Severely Impacted - Species richness less than 10. Biotic index greater than 4.00. Mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies rare or absent, EPT value 0-1. Fauna often restricted to midges and worms. Dominant species are almost all tolerant. Fauna usually greatly imbalanced, with dominant species comprising more than 35% of the individuals . These are generalizations about complex ecosystems and may not always result in complete agreement of all parameters. In such cases it is necessary to select a category based on a consensus of the majority of indicators. It is also necessary to consider the integrity of each component so that those possibly influenced by factors other than pollution can be de-emphasized, or if appropriate, eliminated from the assessment. For instance, a data set may contain 21 species, no species representing more than 25% of the community, oligochaetes comprising 21%, an EPT value of three, an HBI of 3.25, with four of the five dominant species being facultative, and the fifth being tolerant. Knowing that the data set includes significant numbers of aquatic annelids and mollusks, the HBI should not weigh heavily in the analysis. A review of the other criteria would tend toward a rating of "slightly impacted" for this hypothetical community. 2.2.4 PARAMETRIC COVERAGE Rapid assessment surveys include, at a minimum, semi-quantitative aquatic macroinvertebrate sampling and water temperature determinations. However, qualitative analyses of the algae, macrophyte, and fish communities may also be conducted. Often, flow measurements, substrate characterization, and water chemistry sampling are conducted to supplement the results of biological sampling. 14 MACRO INVERTEBRATE RAPID BIOASSESSMENT 2.2.5 REFERENCES 1. Bartsch, A.F. and W.M. Ingram. 1959. Stream Life and the Pollution Environment. Public Works. 90:104-110. 2. Beck, W.M., Jr. 1977. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Common Freshwater Chironomidae. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. EPA-600/4-77-024. vi + 261 p. 3. Bilger, M.D. 1986. A Preliminary Checklist of the Aquatic Macro- invertebrates of New England, Including New York State. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Services Division, Lexington, Massachusetts. viii + 72 p. 4. Harris, T.L. and T.M. Lawrence. 1978. U.S. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Trichoptera. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati. EPA-600/4-78-063. vi + 310 p. 5. Hart, C.W., Jr. and S.L.H. Fuller, (eds.). 1974. Pollution Ecology of Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, Inc., New York. xiv + 389 p. 6. Hawkes, H.A. 1979. Invertebrates as Indicators of River Quality. In: Biological Indicators of Water Quality (A. James and L. Evison, eds.). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. pp. 2.1-2.45. 7. Hilsenhoff, W.L. 1982. Using a Biotic Index to Evaluate Water Quality in Streams. Technical Bulletin No. 132. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison. 22 p. 8. Tarzwell, CM. and A.R. Gaufin. 1953. Some Important Biological Effects of Pollution Often Disregarded in Stream Surveys. Proc. 8th Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University Engineering Bulletin. pp. 295-316. 9. Weber, C.I.., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati. EPA-670/4-73-001. xii + 146 p. + appendices. 10. Welch, E.B. 1980. Ecological Effects of Waste Water. Cambridge University Press, New York. xii + 337 p. 15 SECTION PAGE 2.3 SITE ASSESSMENT 17 2.3.1 Introduction and Purpose 17 2.3.2 Objectives 17 2.3.3 Approach 17 2.3.4 Parametric Coverage 18 2.3.5 Quantitative Data Analyses 18 2.3.6 References 20 16 SITE ASSESSMENT 2.3 SITE ASSESSMENT 2.3.1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE While site assessments make use of a number of qualitative and semi- quantitative methods borrowed from stream classification and/or rapid assessment protocols, they may also be expanded to include quantitative sampling and analytical procedures. In fact, site assessment surveys may range in scope from a qualitative assessment of the impact of a single wastewater discharge on a single aquatic community to intensive quantitative assessments of one or more communities. The latter are labor and resource intensive and are limited to those situations where the need exists for statistically derived statements of confidence in the results. 2.3.2 OBJECTIVES 1. To provide an adequate data base for making quantitative determina- tions of standing crop, biomass, or measures of community structure such as species diversity and richness; 2. to provide sufficient data for testing for significant differences between communities using appropriate statistical methods; 3. to provide standard methods for assessing the impacts of pollution on aquatic biota and water uses; and 4. to supplement physico-chemical water quality data with biological information. 2.3.3 APPROACH Whenever possible, sampling stations are located upstream and downstream from known or suspected sources of pollution or other factors that might impact water quality conditions. The underlying assumption is made that, if all other environmental factors remain constant, a change in water chemistry will alter downstream community structure or biomass. Therefore, impact assessment is carried out by making community structural comparisons between upstream or nearby reference communities and downstream communities. Measures of community structure to be employed are selected on a case-by- case basis according to the requirements of individual site assessments. Parameters include 1) abundance; 2) taxonoraic richness; 3) evenness; and 4) diversity (e.g., Shannon Weaver H1). Comparisons of communities between sites are made using the above measures and standard significance tests such as t-tests. Less intensive site assessments involving the use of qualitative or semi- quantitative techniques are conducted according to the methods presented in previous sections for stream classification and rapid assessment surveys. 17 2.3.4 PARAMETRIC COVERAGE Site assessments may involve the use of qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative analyses of one or more of the following communities: phytoplankton; periphyton; macrophyton; macroinvertebrates ; or fish. Biological stream sampling is supplemented, as deemed appropriate, by hydrological and physico-chemical assessments such as the determination of stream width, depth, flow, water temperature, substrate charac- terization, and chemical analyses. 2.3.5 QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSES Definitions of some of the more commonly used indices of community structure are presented below. Abundance Two abundance measures are often used: (1) the sum total of individuals found in all taxonomic groups in a particular data set (termed "total numbers"); and (2) the relative proportion of individuals found in different taxonomic categories (termed "relative abundance"). If a relationship between productivity and numbers of individuals can be established, increases from control to test sites in the total number of organisms found may be a result of increased nutrient availability. Decreases in this measure may be related to changes in nutrients and/or the influence of toxic substances. Changes in the relative abundance of major taxonomic groups may be related to habitat alterations between sites. When changes in the relative abundance of major groups are accompanied by a decrease in richness (see below) they may be due to either changes in nutrient availability and/or to toxic stress. Taxonomic Richness This term refers to the number of different taxonomic groups in a par- ticular sample. Comparisons of richness are based on the assumption that physiological stress (defined as those instances under which environmental conditions such as temperature, oxygen concentration, pH, etc., exceed the tolerance limits of an individual) due to a toxic discharge can reduce the number of taxa originally inhabiting a certain area. Richness of a sample collection is positively correlated with sampling effort. As area sampled, time spent sampling, and/or number of organisms collected are increased, the number of different taxa encountered also increases. For these reasons, comparisons should only be made between data sets for which sampling efforts are similar or nearly so. Evenness This is a measure of the distribution of individual organisms over different taxonomic categories. Most evenness indices range from a value of zero to 1.0, with a completely uniform distribution yielding a value of 1.0. 18 SITE ASSESSMENT Diversity indices (see below) compress richness and evenness into a single number. However, information is lost in this process. In an attempt to regain some of this information, ecologists have used evenness or equitability ratios that are usually of the form: measured diversity/ standard diversity, where the latter term is the maximum diversity of a community given a certain richness value. A basic problem with this approach is that the value or the ratio is dependent upon the particular characteristics of the diversity index. Thus, biases inherent to the index are incorporated into, and perhaps magnified by, the evenness ratio. Diversity Indices Most diversity indices attempt to interdigitate and refine two components of community structure: richness and evenness. The Shannon Weaver H* is commonly used for two reasons: (1) it is simple in form; and (2) it has a known variance structure. Due to the latter attribute, a t-test for differences in R^ between two data sets can be run. The form of the index and its variance structure are taken from Poole (1974) and are presented below. H = - ^ pi. In pi S-l "ZF" where Var. H' = - s Pi .m2 pi - r s >» pi. In > Pi i=l i=l ) N S-l 2 21T S Pi N = number of taxa the proportion of the total number of individuals consisting of the i1-" taxon total number of individuals Another diversity index commonly used is Simpson's Index which can be defined as: D = 1 - C where C = f" i-1 ni(ni-l) N(N-l) and S = ni = N = as above the number of individuals in the i*-" species as above The term C is an approximation of the probability that two individuals drawn at random from a population of N individuals will belong to the same taxon. The higher this probability, the lower the "diversity" (as measured by this index) of the collection; hence D (equal to 1-C) is used as the index since this parameter will increase with the "diversity" of the sample. The two indices cited above differ in their sensitivity to changes in richness and evenness. Whereas the Shannon Weaver Index is more an expression of the overall evenness of the community, the Simpson's Index expresses the relative degree of dominance of a few taxa in the community. 19 2.3.6 REFERENCES 1. Bilger, M.D. 1986. A. Preliminary Checklist of the Aquatic Macro- invertebrates of New England, Including New York State. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Services Division, Lexington, Massachusetts, vii + 72 p. 2. Edmondson, W.T. and G.G. Winberg, (eds.). 1971. A Manual of Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Freshwaters. IBP Handbook No. 17. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England, xxiv + 358 p. 3. Hart, C.W., Jr. and S.L.H. Fuller, (eds.). 1974. Pollution Ecology of Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic Press, New York. xvi + 389 p. 4. Hynes, H.B.N. 1974. The Biology of Polluted Waters. University of Toronto Press, Ontario, Canada, xiv + 202 p. 5. MacKenthun, K.M. 1969. The Practice of Water Pollution Biology. United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Washington, D.C. xii + 281 p. 6. Poole, R.W. 1974. An Introduction to Quantitative Ecology. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. xii + 532 p. 7. . Simpson, E.H. 1949. Measurement of Diversity. Nature 163: 688. 8. Warren, C.E. 1971. Biology and Water Pollution Control. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. xvi + 434 p. 9. Weber, C.I., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. EPA-670/4-73-001 , United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. xii + 146 p. + appendices. 10. Welch, E.B. 1980. Ecological Effects of Wastewater. Cambridge University Press, England. xii + 337 p. 20 3.0 BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 21 SECTION PAGE 3.0 BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 3 . 1 Phytoplankton 23 3.1.1 Definition 23 3.1.2 Objectives 23 3.1.3 Field Sampling 23 3.1.4 Laboratory Analysis 24 Sample Preservation 24 Phytoplankton Examination 25 3.1.5 Field Equipment and Supply List 30 3.1.6 Data Record Sheets 31 3.1.7 References 34 22 PHYTOPLANKTON 3 . 1 PHYTOPLANKTON 3.1.1 DEFINITION: Phytoplankton are the algae of lakes and large rivers that live suspended in the water. They are chlorophyll-bearing, unicellular organisms which have no true roots, stems, or leaves. They occur in free-living, colonial, frond-like or filamentous forms and vary in size from unicells 0.5 microns in diameter to the macroscopic seaweeds. Algae are generally grouped into the Divisions (and classes) Euglenophyta (Euglenophyceae) ; Chlorophyta (Chlorophyceae, Charophyceae) ; Rhodophyta (Rhodophyceae) ; Cyanophyta (Myxophyceae) ; Pyrrophyta (Desmokantae , Dinophyceae) ; Chrysophyta (Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae , Bacillariophyceae) ; Phaeophyta (Phaeophyceae) ; and Cryptophyta (Cryptophyceae) . 3.1.2 OBJECTIVES 1. To document the existing phytoplankton community and determine long-term (yearly) and short-term (seasonal) trends; 2. to evaluate direct effects on water composition including dissolved oxygen, pH, hardness, and optical properties; 3. to assess conditions affecting the general condition of water quality including noxious and toxic conditions, offensive tastes and odors ; 4. to identify indicators of trophic status, organic enrichment and specific chemical contamination; and 5. to quantify autotrophic bioraass and make inferences concerning productivity. 3.1.3 FIELD SAMPLING Samples for phytoplankton analyses are collected in clean one-liter bottles made of plastic or glass, that have been rinsed with sample water. Approximately one-half liter of sample water is collected. In rivers that are mixed vertically and horizontally, samples are collected midstream 0.5 to 1.0 meters (m) below the surface. In lakes and impoundments, samples are collected at the "deep-hole" station. If the lake is thermally unstratified the sample is collected 0.5-1.0 m below the surface. If the lake is thermally stratified, an integrated column sample is collected by lowering a one centimeter (approximately) ID plastic tube (with a weight attached) to the thermocline zone, pinched below the miniscus and raised into the boat. The sample is then drained into a clean and rinsed collection bottle. This procedure is repeated until one-half liter of water is collected. All samples are cooled to 4°C and placed in the dark following collection. For special studies in riverine and lacustrine habitats, samples are collected from major depth zones or water masses. Sampling depths at each site are determined by specific conditions. In shallow areas (2-3 m) , subsurface sampling is generally conducted. In deeper areas samples are collected at regular intervals at depths throughout the euphotic zone. 23 Pertinent information collected and recorded in the field includes meteorological data (cloud cover, wind speed and direction, air tempera- ture); surface water conditions; water color, turbidity, odors; total depth at station; and other descriptive information. The frequency of sampling is dependent on the intent of the study as well as the range of seasonal fluctuations, the immediate meteorological conditions, adequacy of equipment, and availability of personnel. In tidally-inf luenced habitats, phytoplankton samples are collected at all tide stages, particularly at the end and the beginning of both the flood and ebb tides. 3.1.4 LABORATORY ANALYSES Sample Preservation Phytoplankton samples collected in the field are cooled to 4°C and kept in the dark in transit to the laboratory. Upon arrival at the laboratory, they are placed in a refrigerator until further processing. Samples are generally analyzed on the day of collection. Samples not analyzed on the day of collection are stored in a refrigerator overnight with the caps loosened to allow gas exchange. Samples stored for more than 48 hours are fixed by the following methods and preservatives: 1. Lugol's solution: For short-terra storage, 0.3 ml Lugol's solution is added per 100 ml of sample aliquot and. stored in the dark. For long-term storage, 0.7 ml Lugol's solution is added per 100 ml of sample. [Lugol's solution is prepared by dissolving 20 grams (g) potassium iodide (KI) and 10 g iodine crystals in 200 ml distilled water containing 20 ml glacial acetic acid], 2. Formalin: To preserve samples, 40 ml buffered formalin is added to one liter of sample. 3. M-* Fixative: For preservation, 20 ml M-* fixative is added to one liter of sample and stored in the dark. [M^ is prepared by dissolving 5 g KI , 10 g iodine, 50 ml glacial acetic acid, and 250 ml formalin in one liter of distilled water]. Color - Cupric sulfate solution is added to the sample to preserve color [Cupric solution is prepared by dissolving 21 g cupric sulfate in 100 ml distilled water] . Clumping - To prevent clumping, a detergent solution is added to the sample [20 ml liquid detergent is added to 100 ml distilled water]. 24 PHYTOPLANKTON Phytoplankton Examination Log-In Procedure - 1) Each sample is assigned a number and logged in as it is brought into the laboratory. The numbers are in consecutive order and are recorded both on the sample tag and in a notebook (log book). 2) Next to the number in the log book are also recorded the station number and location, date collected, date analyzed, initials of collector, type of samples, sample depth, and analyses requested, i.e., chlorophyll and/or algal identifications. Phytoplankton Examination Equipment List - 1) Microscope - capable of 200x power with working distance greater than 1 mm. 2) Sedgwick-Raf ter (S-R) counting cells 3) Whipple micrometer reticule 4) Stage micrometer 5) Pipettes 6) Bench sheets 7) Lens paper Procedure for Filling the Sedgwick-Raf ter Cell: 1) Place the cover glass diagonally across the cell. 2) Use large-bore 1 ml pipette to fill the S-R cell. 3) Place tip of the pipette in the corner of the S-R cell and slowly release the pressure of your finger on the end of the pipette. The cover slip will then rotate and cover the sample. 4) To reduce error: a. Do not overfill the cell which would yield a depth greater than 1 mm. b. Do not allow large air bubbles to form. To prevent the formation of these air spaces, a drop of distilled water is placed on the edge of the cover glass occasionally during the microscopic examination. 25 Procedure for Phytoplankton Examination: 1) Shake the sample bottle to mix well. 2) Rinse 1 ml pipette with distilled water (inside and out) and three times with sample water. 3) Fill counting cell with 1 ml of sample water (see: "Procedure for Filling the Sedgwick-Raf ter Cell"). 4) Allow sample to settle for 15 minutes (the settling rate for algae is 4 mm/hr; since the depth of the counting cell is 1 mm, a 15 minute settling time is used. 5) While sample is settling, prepare a microscopic slide or Palmer cell which will allow you to view the sample at a higher power. List the algal genera identified. 6) Use the keys to determine unknown organisms; particularly dominant ones. 7) Scan the Sedgwick-Raf ter counting cell at 4x and determine need for concentration or dilution. 8) At 200x find the edge of the counting cell and focus on the top of the cell. Continue turning the coarse focusing knob on the microscope until the bottom of the cell comes into focus. 9) At least two strips in the S-R counting cell must be counted. 10) Counts are done on both the bottom of the cell and the top or underside of the cover slip. 11) Identify and count all the algae that are located in the Whipple grid. Algae which are half in and half out of the top of the grid should be included in the count. Algae which are half in and half out of the bottom of the grid are not included in the count. 12) If the algal density appears to be high then fields can be counted instead of strips. A field is represented by a Whipple grid. Ten fields on two slides are counted and then averaged. 13) A strip is represented by the width of Whipple grid and the length of a Sedgwick-Raf ter cell. Explanation of the Phytoplankton Examination Sheet: (Refer to: "Phytoplankton Examination" Form) 1) Line 1 - station location, station number, date of collection 2) Line 2 - initials of analyst, milliliters of sample, which will be either 1 ml or the total concentrated, type of count, i.e., fields or strips and the date of analysis. 26 PHYTOPLANKTON 3) Lab number - the number assigned the sample by the investigating laboratory (see: "Log-In Procedures"). 4) Bottom two lines - chlorophyll in mg/m^, total live algae (cells/ml), multiplication factor (S-R) for the particular microscope and power used, microscope manufacturer and type, the microscope power used (lOx, 20x, etc.), type of preservative used, and a box for the initials of the person who does the quality control check of the multiplication and addition on the examination sheet. 5) Center of the phytoplankton examination sheet - seven algal classes and eight types are delineated. Identifications are recorded under the organism column, running counts are recorded under counts. The running counts are tallied and multiplied by the S-R factor to obtain totals in cells/ml. A total is given for each class and type as well as for the sample. Determination of the S-R Factor: When strip counts or field counts are done on a Sedgwick-Raf ter counting cell, only a portion of the 1 ml sample is examined. Therefore, a calibration of "S-R" factor must be determined. The following formula is used in this calibration: S-R factor (strip count) = 10QQ mm3 LxWxDxS where: L = length of a strip (mm) S-R cell is 500 mm long W = width of a strip which is the Whipple grid image width (deter- mined by using a stage micrometer) D = depth of chamber (1 mm) S = number of strips counted The S-R (strip count) times C, the number of organisms counted (tally) equals the number of algae per milliliter. units/ml = S-R (strip count) x C The S-R factor (field count) is calculated by using the following formula: S-R factor (field count) = 1QQQ Bm3 AxDxF where: A = area of a field, which is the Whipple grid image area D = depth of chamber (1 mm) F = number of field counts 27 The number of algae per ml equals the S-R (field count) times C, the number of organisms counted (tally). Units/ml = S-R (field count) x C Procedure for Phytoplankton Counts : In the unit (or clump) count each cell or colonial group of cells receives one unit. Examples : 1. Anacystis - one unit per clump 2. Anabaena - one unit per chain 3. "Filamentous green" - one unit per filament 4. Scenedesmus - one unit each (4, 8, 16 etc., celled organism.) 5. Fragilaria and Melosira - count each cell (may be best to average the area for a single cell and divide into total area.) 6. Asterionella - each "arm" one unit 7. Dinobryon - each colony one unit. An attempt is made to identify all organisms to generic level. If this can not be accomplished then an effort is made to assign the organism to the proper class and type. Unidentified organisms are described as "UI" on the phytoplankton examination sheet. Subscripts are assigned, i.e., "UI1", "UI2", "UI3", etc., if more than one kind of unidentified organism are present within a particular class and type. Counts below 500 cells/ml are generally unreliable. In general, an attempt is made to observe at least 20 organisms while making tallies in strip counts. Any manipulation of the sample (concentration or dilution) adds error. Therefore, on samples with high concentrations, a field count rather than concentrate is performed. On samples with low counts, more strips are counted. Precision is achieved in field counts by determining the coefficient of variation for counts in the number of fields counted and adjusting the number of fields counted to meet an + 10% error, as outlined in precision calculations (see: "Precision Data"). 28 PHYTOPLANKTON Precision Data: N n-1 Where: S = Standard deviation M = Mean (average) X = Count n = Number of fields 2. Cv = or y 2 \J l!i m n-1 Where Cv = Coefficient of variation 3. P = % standard deviation of mean = 100c v \F 4. Cv must be 0.317 or less if results in a 10-field count are to be + 10% within a 2/3 probability and a practical certainty (95%) of +_ 20% precision error. 5. Using past data it was found that if ten fields are counted: Cv = 1.0 or _+ 31.7% error was found in 90% of samples 0.7 or + 22% error was found in 75% of samples 0.45 or +_ 14% error was found in 50% of samples 0.317 or _+ 10% error was found in 33% of samples On the average, a third of random samples were within +40% error when 10 fields were counted, and half were within _+14%. 6. P = The Standard error of count (percent) and is found in the log-log plot of Cv versus n. 29 3.1.5 FIELD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY LIST Vehicles, Boats and Accessories _[ state vehicle, clipboard J roof racks J boat trailer JJ pram, oars (and locks) | canoe, paddles 3J boat, motor, gas can (and line) J anchor, rope life jackets, seat pads Field Apparel \_\ rain gear (jacket, pants, hat) __J hip boots and/or chest waders __j rubber gloves Collecting and Sampling Gear j secchi disk _J pocket thermometer [ photometer tape measure I j range finder [ plastic bucket, rope | plastic tubing with weight attached J glass and/or plastic vials J glass and/or plastic jars, bottles sample preservative, fixative Miscellaneous Items | USGS topographic maps : I clipboard field data sheets, maps _ tags and labels (with elastics or string) j pencils, pens field identification manuals, keys i J dissecting kit, hand lens i | camera, film ;_ first-aid kit field glasses fj insect repellent I I tool kit [ cooler(s) , ice 30 PHYTOPLANKTON 3.1.6 DATA RECORD SHEETS 31 ►J o as H Z o u z o a 1-1 as H O P 33 u J O w -J z as o < cu as <: 03 H ai <3 fed CO Q H Cd w fe as M o w tti CO z z O -J o M z < >-< 3- J Q O Q-, W o co H H H >H H 33 cd CU CO 3 32 U H < t-i M H aS CO CO Oh s CxJ H i— i CO 32 PHYTOPLANKTON MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH PHYTOPLANKTON EXAMINATION SHEET River/Lake Station Dole Collected Lot) No. Analysis by- Mi Count Date Analyzed Closs Type Organism Count Tolly Cells/ml Total *•• 1 a 5 • o • >■ e. a. o o 'u a CQ u c o o e o c c 2 c u at >■ «- c a a. ' o 2 c -= (J ■a o (J o o o HI 3 o c « e a c • • • o a •j O w O V o u o o - e VI 31 Q O c Q fa fa J O W W 2 >• M 33 33 a o fa w h- 1 en H fa H fa H fa fa CO D 33 O < en en en a o 33 H fa s fa s fa M fa fa fa s en w as 33 H fa fa 2 w H fa fa H < 3 a> T3 cu -u fa o O H fa O jj C o C_5 i— 1 CO cu u < cu fa >> H cu J_) CO Vj JJ CO 43 3 CO cu r— 1 fa 6 CO CO 41 MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH PERIPHYTON LAB BENCH SHEET BASIN: RIVER: STATION: BASIN NUMBER: STREAM INVENTORY NUMBER: COMMENTS TOWN: Sample #: Habitat Date Collected: Date Analyzed: Collector(s) : Analysis by: Microscope: Power: Number of Samples: Photo: Substrate Relative Abundance Identification: Code(s) : Sample #: Habitat Substrate : Relative Abundance Identification: Code(s) Sample #: Habitat Substrate: Relative Abundance Identification: Code(s) Relative Abundance: Most Abundant, Abundant, Common, Sparse Habitat: Pool, Riffle, Backwater, Impoundment, Spillway, etc Substrate: Rock, Mud, Sand, Wood, Bottle, etc. 42 PERIPHYTON 3.2.7 REFERENCES 1. Collins, F.S. 1970. The Green Algae of North America. J. Cramer Publisher. Lehre, Germany. 106 p. 2. Greenberg, A.E., R.R. Trussell, L.S. Clesceri, and M.H. Franson, (eds.). 1985. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. xlix + 1268 p. 3. Edmondson, W.T. and G.G. Winberg (eds.). 1971. A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook No. 17. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England. xxiv + 358 p. 4. Hansman, E.W. 1973. Diatoms of the Streams of Eastern Connecticut. Bulletin 106. State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Hartford, vi + 119 p. 5. Hynes, H.B.N. 1970. The Ecology of Running Waters. University of Toronto Press, Ontario, Canada. xxiv + 555 p. 6. Hynes, H.B.N. 1974. The Biology of Polluted Waters. University of Toronto Press, Ontario, Canada. xiv + 202 p. 7. Patrick, R. , and C.W.Reimer. 1966. The Diatoms of the United States. Volume I. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. xi + 688 p. 8. Patrick, R. , and C.W. Reimer. 1975. The Diatoms of the United States. Volume II. Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. ix + 213 p. 9. Prescott, G.W. 1982. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque. xiii + 977 p. 10. Prescott, G.W. 1978. How to Know the Freshwater Algae. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque. x + 293 p. 11. Smith, G.M. 1950. The Freshwater Algae of the United States. McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. vii + 719 p. 12. Shubert, L. 1984. Algae as Ecological Indicators. Academic Press, London. xii + 434 p. 13. VanLandingham, S.L. 1982. Guide to the Identification, Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta). EPA-600/3-82-073. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati. ix + 341 p. 14. Vollenweider, R.A. , (ed.). 1974. A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments. IBP Handbook No. 12. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England. xviii + 225 p. 43 15. Weber, C.I., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. EPA-670/4-73-001 United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, xii + 146 p. + appendices. 16. Vinyard, W.C. Diatoms of North America. Eureka, CA. 119 p. 1979. Mad River Press, Inc., 44 AQUATIC AND WETLAND VEGETATION SECTION PAGE 3.0 BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 3.3 Aquatic and Wetland Vegetation 46 3.3.1 Definition 46 3.3.2 Objectives 46 3.3.3 Field Sampling 46 3.3.4 Laboratory Analyses 46 3.3.5 Field Equipment and Supply List 47 3.3.6 Data Record Sheets 48 3.3.7 References 51 45 3.3 AQUATIC AND WETLAND VEGETATION 3.3.1 DEFINITION: Aquatic flora as used here pertains to several taxonomic groups including the Characeae (stoneworts and muskgrass); Musci, Hepaticae, and Ricciaceae (mosses, leafy liverworts, thallose liverworts); Osraundaceae (flowering ferns); Equisetaceae (horsetail, scouring rush); Isoetaceae (Quillwort); and the Angiospermae (the seed plants) . 3.3.2 OBJECTIVES 1. To identify and test reliable methods and procedures for the collection, identification and enumeration of aquatic and wetland vegetation; 2. to document existing aquatic plant species and communities; and 3. to determine areal coverage and dominant plant types. 3.3.3 FIELD SAMPLING For riverine habitats, aquatic and wetland vegetation are located and qualitatively mapped by visually examining the streambed, streamside, and immediate riparian areas by walking or wading. A reach of stream approximately 10-meters in length is generally investigated. Each macrohabitat is sampled and the predominant vegetation noted and recorded on standard type field data sheets. A schematic map is pre- pared for each site. Photographic documentation is sometimes made. Vegetation is generally identified on-site. The aquatic and wetland plant community in lacustrine habitats is located and mapped by examining the limnetic, shoreline, and littoral areas by boat or waders. Occasional samples are collected at regular intervals on imaginary transects run across open-water areas of the lake or impoundment. All habitats are sampled and the relative abundance of each plant type noted and mapped on prepared outline maps. Representative macrophytes are collected by hand and, in deeper water, by dragging a simple grappling hook with a weight attached to the shaft. An Ekman or Ponar dredge is sometimes used to collect deeply-submerged vegetation. Identifications of most plant specimens are made in the field. 3.3.4 LABORATORY ANALYSES Vegetation not identified in the field is collected and returned to the laboratory for further analysis using a stereoscopic microscope or hand lens and various taxonomic keys. Representative plant specimens collected from each site are pressed and dried in preparation for permanent mounting. Plant specimens are deposited in the Botanical Reference Library of the Technical Services Branch. 46 3.3.5 FIELD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY LIST AQUATIC AND WETLAND VEGETATION Vehicles, Boats and Accessories j | state vehicle, clipboard I I roof racks j~[ boat trailer f~] pram, oars (and locks) j J canoe, paddles j \ boat motor, gas can, (and line) j~~j anchor, rope j| life jackets, seat pads Collecting and Sampling Gear j [ secchi disk j [ pocket thermometer j] photometer j | tape measure j | range finder | I plastic bucket, rope j j glass and/or plastic vials j [ glass and/or plastic jars, bottles j~~| plastic bags (and ties) [ [ sample preservative, fixative I j rake 1 [ grappling hook, rope j [ Ekman, Ponar dredges |_J white enamel trays [ | trowel | plant press and vasculi Field Apparel I [ rain gear, (jacket, pants, hat) J hip boots and/or chest waders j I rubber gloves Miscellaneous Items [~~| USGS topographic maps _] clipboard | I field data sheets, maps ! | tags and labels (with elastics or string) j [ pencils, pens | | field identification manuals, keys | [ dissecting kit, hand lens [J first-aid kit | \ field glasses [_J insect repellent | [ tool kit | [ cooler(s) , ice .urn 47 3.3.6 DATA RECORD SHEETS 48 AQUATIC AND WETLAND VEGETATION hJ o fa H Z o o § O z O o W H-( as H 33 33 <3 J U H J z H fa as Z o w Z 3 hH 33 O Q U CO fa <3 CO H > H H c_> fa HH WD H 3 < b as X O w CO Z Z <: o wj i— i M < as CO u < >— 1 1— 1 fa > z 1— 1 1— 1 X as a o u Q CO H Z H > C o •H u •H CO o e o s—* 5>S ^ ^^ 03 U OJ a) M > < o CJ CO 3 O a) CD i—i 03 o CD CO co CD JQ CO CO h z Sj a) 3 J3 (0 — 1 h-l HH 2 > 2 i— l i—* :e o Q U oi Ct3 o co H Q H Cd H 2 Cd oa CO CO CO < w X < CO O O H CO H H H O ^ 06 < CQ CQ hJ Cd CO as o oi H Z o a z o I— I H O CX, 03 O Z <: OS Cd CO Cd CJ < > Cn DC O Cd CO z o J h-i <: CO CJ r-l I— t > 2 i— l X a u Ed CO H H H Cd CO X 33 CJ> < CO CO — i a o CO Cd X CO I—l fa CO X o 2 O a* Q <: 2 <: Q 2 <; td P-l < CO Cd ttS fa td 2 J-i s 5-t X X) o J-I u cu 3 CO co a) 6 H V-4 •r-l — i CO CO CO X CO > O •H t-i TJ •o XJ 3 •H 09 CU a a; CO CO 00 a| co CO CO CO CD co co o o o i— 1 1— 1 1— 1 < < < X O s~ \ 4-1 c0 3 ^ co >-i •r-l CU ^ s co CO 3 3 -3 X CJ a a 3 5^ >■. X X 1-j U O o a o c c o o •H J-I CU s-\ 3 /-> co T3 J-I 4-1 U c0 4J •r-l 1— 1 3 CO CO U 00 CO 4-1 co /-N •H X r-l CO CO 3 3 O •i-l Sn 4J CO 3 s O CO 14-1 c co CO 3 3 C 3 •r-l •t-i t— 1 i— < CU CU > > i— 1 I— 1 CO CO co CO CN CO O O o lA > CD CU 3 u u O ^ a> 4-1 e CU 00 CO CO u u 3 CD i-J 1 e CO i—i 3 4-1 co 3 O - CO CO O •r-( J CO a o CU CO M CO CU s •r-l 4J 4J u a 3 2 CJ z 3 4-1 J CJ i—i CO <4-l CJ Z CD CU o J-J 4J M o O •H Cd 4J 3 i—i •H Cd XI •H •H o 3 XI 3 3 ^J a* XI a: 1-1 a. U CO X M Cb CU 3 Ui 2 o CO 3 CO 3 o CU Cd 3 H CU >— i o i—i o (U o 3 CU CU J A .* •r-l r— 1 O o JSJ 2 •H Cd 6 u J2 4J z s J i—i r— 1 B < o O CO 4J u u CO CO CO CU Id 04 CQ < S CJ Q Cd 33 z r-l H Z o cj H CO z M Q O cj co w ac co w CO 03 CO s ftO >% a co Li 43 a =3 £ z o 09 3 3 CO •™v o 03 H 3 Ll •r-l 0) O e 3 CO i-H Ll 0) H r-H 3 X X X o o o 03 03 03 w Ci] Ixl OOOgcocoScococOQgSQQCJlxt J cocjCdeQCJcOgaSZCuZZCJ z pa pa j 03 ^-s 03 CO /--v •-^ a> 3 CJ 03 03 CO JJ /— s 3 -N /-v 03 F— ( •H 3 /— v 03 3 03 CO 3 CO 3 r— 1 03 03 3 o o 4J 03 3 i—i 3 r— 1 4-1 u CJ CO 3 3 <-^ -i-l 03 3 CO 3 •H i— 1 4-1 0) CO CO CO Ll 4_> 03 O 60 5^ •r-l C jj 3 03 CO e Li JJ E o CO 43 •H aj u Ll 4) 3 o O JJ o 4J CO O a U B a Li o 03 Li 3 03 3 /^ o Li CO cj Li Ll 3 3 U J3 <4J Li T3 t— i 03 3 O- JJ o CO i— 1 CO 03 03 JJ •H O 3 O o 03 03 CO CJ a o 3 3 CO 43 CJ x: > a) 03 03 >% >, 03 43 3 0) 03 X X 03 03 3 03 03 4-) O 03 03 03 03 03 03 rj r-l JJ JJ 3 3 •H 3 3 CO bO •H •H •H •H •iJ 3 CO CO x 43 i— i i—i 03 •H d (3 •H a. a. a a a 3 X X o O •i-l •H 03 03 •H 00 S o o o o o •H D- a •H •i-l JJ JJ CO 03 Ll o >. o o o o o o X •H •H J3 43 03 03 CJ CJ cj PC z z z z z z eu 0-. a. orf od CO CO CO CO CO J S U cj 03 •H 3 3 s O o 03 /"^ jj Ll 03 03 03 3 o e 00 JJ a 3 CO o O o CJ r— 1 43 03 03 o 3 3 s s c o O o jj JJ N 03 03 >^ O O e JJ JJ •r-l CO cO Li O CJ Cd CO CO O S o ai Q < z <3 Q Z ^ 3 •H o 03 Li i—( 5 CO Li s 3 03 i-H CO ^ Li i—l o u 03 T3 C ^ 0) 1—1 u ij Li Li 03 03 3 3 03 1 03 Js* 3 •T-) •H Li 03 0) 03 Li 03 03 Li 3 J3 3 O o 03 Js! O S e CL, a) ^ Li i > 03 3 3 03 •H Li T3 •H 3 CO CJ Id o Li 3 T3 .* •H 0) a. r- ( 3 •H •H 3 J3 03 03 a i—i T3 CO < 3 03 03 1 3 1 o a. ^ w Li •H •H J3 J3 •H 03 3 S-l •H T3 n Q 03 M JO a •H O <3 .j3 CO 03 J3 03 03 J3 •rH 03 a 03 3 M O 3 w w D- 3 •H Q r3 3 o 03 03 i—l J3 3 03 03 03 43 X. g 03 3 4= e JJ T3 Li T3 s JJ •■J JJ 3 J3 CJ GO 03 i—l O bO JJ 03 CQ 03 o -a Ll CO aj r— 1 ^S a 03 i—l 03 •H § o a Li 3 JJ CO 3 03 ■—I H 3 •H 03 S CO CO ai O J3 Sh o CO o CO O a Li O D- •H o i—i CO r— i O Li CO OHiNcnNMri^f^ooaNOHNtn^in^o NNNcNNMMNcMNcnfOfOcntncncn r>. oo crv fl CI CI 77 z o M H < r-l > as pa 03 oa 03 03 « H a. H 3>-nus H CQ 03 *ri s m m fa CO CO « w to w tfl tn tfl w S3 CO Q fa =3 Z M H Z O o H co o z r-l Q O O CO fa 3C co i— i fa 33 O 33 O as Q < Z < Q Z < as w H S CO e o CJ co •H e o co •H CO a o o u CD PL, CO 4-1 O i— i CO 4J o CD 3 /— n 4J CD •H 3 r—l C a CO o 43 S-i a CO CO 4-1 •H CD TJ 43 CO CO co CO CD 3 3 3 3 CO i— i T— 1 i—i i—l •H 3 3 3 3 c •a T3 T3 T3 CO 3 3 3 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 fa fa fa fa ►J CO 3 CJ CO 1-4 CO 3 a* CD a> 4J i—l CD a co 3 4_) CO CD 1—1 3 CJ CO CD 3 CD 4-1 CD O u CD 4-1 CD CO o CD 3 3 a CD 4-1 CO CD 3 O •H S-i 4-1 CD •H 4-1 60 CD s CO 3 e> Cu CC co 3 •fi CO i—i CJ •■-1 H 4_) l-i CO CU X S CO CO CD CD CD 3 3 O O S-i U o o S3 S3 co CO CD CD CO r~. CO CO CO CO CO •H CD J* 43 '4-1 CD 43 CJ 4-1 CD CO CO CD CO 43 •H 43 4-1 CJ o S-i M-l • i-l CD i—l CJ CO S-i T3 CD i—l J* r* CO CD CO a r-4 CJ J* CJ 43 J* a. CD i •H ■ 1-1 o CO CD CJ s 43 •u CO ^ 43 4J CO 43 r—l CO CD r-l 3 CD CO CO 43 CD rirf 43 H i—l O 4= 1 43 ^ •r-l CD i—l CJ CD 3 S-i CO 4= CD CD UW 1 r— 1 ^ •H i— 1 1 pa "O 43 H •H fa CO •H •r-l •r-l r* CJ 4-1 *L CO T3 co e U-l < •H y-i <4-l r— 1 fa O •H CD CJ W i 43 CD CO •r-l o 1 "O Q U-l •H •r-l I— 1 * cj CO a 4-1 3 i— 1 CJ e Q S-i i o •H 60 a -* U H CD 3 4J CD X S-i 43 M CO X 3 1— 1 CD Q -* o CD CO 3 •r-l o C H CD OS o 43 r— 1 CD co a fa O 43 3 T3 4-J O •H a a •H SC a tj 33 5 CD i— 1 fa i < 4-1 Z T3 O •r-l CD CO as a CO CD a a CD rJ CD o 3 3 O o 4-1 ■a o i— I CD •r-l U-l a 5 fa CO CD ^ CD M CD O* < 4-1 1—1 5 3 a a 3 »— i 43 as TJ E 4-1 •i-i 3 H S-i CD CJ CD U 4J 'r-l H •H 1—1 o CO T3 as O Q S-i fa 3 £ o S-i •H CO 3 S-l CO 3 as •H S-I u 43 CD S-i JS CO fa S-i ■ CO 3 o* 4-1 CO < O 43 i—i •H fa 43 -U M 2 >> CQ a H fa H O pa o pa S3 CO CO as O fa H 03 z fa 3 co w a o o o r-n cn m w Dfii CQ oa <3 Q Z rH H Z O o co z r-l Q O O CO as co W Z z I— I H < ►J cctfl^tflfctaoqnoo OQO<3 o OS PQ OS 2 2 3: PQ en H >" en O CO hJ /— N ^~s /■^ CD CO •H CO 3 •r-l •— \ /— S 3 co j-i u CO co CO X) CO JJ 3 /-•* 3 •r-l •H •-N r— 1 CO CO co X-S J-l S o CD 3 0) % •r-l CO 3 3 c •H j_i -u CO O 60 S r-l )-i CO c •H C3 CO CO i— i CO co CO CO CO JJ J-l CO CO a CJ •H •r-l •H •H a Ou •H •r-l o fl s e S S o O X X r— 1 co o o O o P U o O JO c a a a a o o e e e c a> ai •H •r-l o o .J r-l rj s X cu a. CO /-v e g •r-l 3 M T3 CO O a) /-N r-l 4-1 jj CO JJ •H co C •H CO 6 CO > 3 r— i o •H e e CO TJ o o i— i CO JJ JJ M-l JJ CO CO CO O O CO O CO CO o N jr J3 u •r-l jj JJ CO JJ w W Cu co co 3 JJ CO C 60 O o CO 3 jj JJ O CO :z> o X o OS Q % a otS CO U C ^J 60 r— 1 CO CO ^ r-l a. CO o CO 1— 1 >, H ^ TJ J=> 0) a CO r— 1 60 JJ CJ u e CD 1—1 r-^ H S Z o C T3 CO s 3 CO U •H CO OS CO CO r— 1 r— 1 H •H Cd o CO CO r-l 3 i-j 6 CO X r— 1 CxJ 5: CO CO c0 O r— 1 O OS aa os e> Cm aa CO rJ 3 pa CU CO H >- 2 o CO w Q O CJ oocT>o^Nfn0 vO vO vO vD M 0 Toxic Units Toxicity 0.5 200 High 1.0 100 10.0 10 100.0 1 Low Samples not toxic enough to produce a full 50% decrease in light over the time allotted for the test may still be toxic enough to produce a response in the test. The EC20 and E^10 (3ample concentrations causing a 20% and 10% reduction in light intensity respectively) are reported in order to give the regulator an idea of incipient toxicity - sample dilutions which induce a small, but measurable response in the test. 85 MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL TECHNICAL SERVICES BRANCH MICROTOX™ RESULTS REPORTING FORM SAMPLES TESTED LOG # SITE SAMPLE TYPE DATE COLLECTED DATE TESTED COLLECTOR FIELD pH LAB pH HARDNESS SPEC. COND. LOG # 5 MIN. MICROTOX™ RESULTS 15 MIN. 30 MIN. EC10 EC20 EC50 TOXIC UNITS (T.U.) NOTE: RESULTS GIVEN AS % VOLUME OF SAMPLE 86 MICROTOX' Results of the Microtox™ test are also reported for three different periods of exposure: 5-minute, 15-minute, and 30-minute. A decrease in the EC5Q over time (increase in Toxic Units) usually indicates the presence of persistent toxicants (e.g., metals) in the sample. An increase in the EC50 over time (decrease in Toxic Units) suggests that non-persistent toxics (e.g., volatile, biodegradables , photo or hydrolyzible material) are present at time of sampling, 3.6.8 MICROTOX" SEDIMENT TOXICITY TESTING The Microtox™ bioassay can also be used to determine the toxicity of the water soluble fraction (WSF) of sediment samples. Detailed sample preparation proce- dures are found in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's draft Permit Guidance Manual on Hazardous Waste Low Treatment Demonstrations (See: "References") . Laboratory Equipment and Related Supplies 1. Eberbach shaker table - small tabletop model with carrying tray 2. IEC high speed centrifuge model HN 3. Mettler balance 4. Dessicator 5. Drying oven 6. Evaporating dishes 7. Fleaker beakers 8. Centrifuge tubes 9. Graduated cylinders 10. Tongs 87 3.6.9 REFERENCES 1. Beckman, Inc. 1980. Microtox™ Model 2055 Toxicity Analyzer System. Bulletin 6984. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Carlsbad, CA. 8 p. 2. Beckman, Inc. 1982a. Microtox™ Application Notes No. M304: Toxicity Testing of Complex Effluents. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Carlsbad, CA. 2 p. 3. Beckman, Inc. 1982b. Microtox™ System Operating Manual. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Carlsbad, CA. 59 p. 4. Fitzgerald, F.X. 1985. Unpublished Microtox™ Program Notebook. Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Technical Services Branch, Westborough, MA. (Unpaginated) . 5. Peltier, W.H. and C.I. Weber. 1985. Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents to Freshwater and Marine Organisms. EPA/600/4-85- 013. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. xvi + 216 p. 6. Sheehan, K.C., K.E. Sellers, and N.M. Ram. 1984. Establishment of a Microtox™ Laboratory and Presentation of Several Case Studies Using Microtox™ Data. Env. Eng. Report No. 77-83-8. University of Massachusetts, Department of Civil Engineering, Amherst, MA. viii + 76 p 7. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1982. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater. EPA-600/4-28- 029. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. xii + 402 p. 8. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1984. Permit Guidance Manual on Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Demonstrations. Draft EPA-530- SW-84-015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, D.C. xiii + 123 p. 88 CHLOROPHYLL SECTION PAGE 3.0 BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 3.7 Chlorophyll Analysis 3.7.1 Definition 3.7.2 Equipment Needs 3.7.3 Log-In Procedure 3.7.4 Sample Preparation 3.7.5 Analytical Procedure Calculation of Chlorophyll Concentrations 3.7.6 Instrument Calibration 3.7.7 References 90 90 90 91 91 92 93 94 95 89 3.7 CHLOROPHYLL ANALYSIS 3.7.1 DEFINITION: Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plants that allows the organism to use radiant energy for converting carbon dioxide into organic compounds in a process called photosynthesis. Several types of chlorophylls exist and these and other pigments are used to characterize algae. One type, chlorophyll a, is measured for it is found in all algae. A knowledge of chlorophyll a concentrations provides qualitative and quantitative estimations of phytoplanktonic and periphytic biomasses for comparative assessments of geographical, spacial and temporal variations. 3.7.2 EQUIPMENT NEEDS 1. Fluorometer - either Turner 111 or the Turner Design 10-005-R field fluorometer is used. They must be equipped with blue lamp F4T5. Corning filter - 5-60-excitation Corning filter - 2-64-emission Photomultiplier 2. Tissue grinder and tube - Thomas Tissue Grinder 3. Side arm vacuum flask and pump 4. Millipore filter holder 5. Glass fiber filter: Reeve angel, grade 934H, 2.1 cm 6. Centrifuge (Fisher Scientific Safety Centrifuge) 7. 15 ml graduated conical end centrifuge tubes with rubber stoppers 8. 90% aqueous acetone 9. IN HCL 10. Saturated magnesium solution in distilled water 11. Test tube racks 12. Borosilicate cuvettes - Turner 111 - 3" cuvettes Turner Design - 8" cuvettes 13. Aluminum foil 14. Test tube brushes - conical end 15. Parafilm 90 CHLOROPHYLL 3.7.3 LOG-IN PROCEDURE As samples are received they are logged in and assigned a number. The samples can be frozen for further analysis, or the filter ground up for analysis the following day. 3.7.4 SAMPLE PREPARATION Samples are generally processed as soon as they come into the labora- tory, unless there are extenuating circumstances, such as faulty equipment and/or time constraints. Samples not to be analyzed within 24 hours are frozen for future analysis. The procedure for freezing samples follows: 1) Label a 2-inch Whatman petri dish with the sample number using an indelible pen. 2) Using tweezers, take a 2.1 cm Reeve Angel, grade 934AH, glass fiber filter and place it on the Millipore filtering flask screen. Do not touch the filter. Attach the glass tube to the filter flask with the metal clamp. 3) Shake the sample well. ' 4) Measure out 50 mis of sample or less. If an amount other than 50 mis is used it should be recorded in the chlorophyll data book. 5) Pour the measured sample into the filter tube and turn on the vacuum. The sample should pass quickly through the glass fiber filter; therefore more of the sample should be added. If the sample is not filtering through - either because too much sediment is present or the algal concentration is too high - then less than 50 mis can be filtered. A notation is made in the chlorophyll data book which lists the amount that was filtered. 6) Unclamp the filter holder and with tweezers transfer the filter to the previously marked petri dish. 7) Cover the petri dish and wrap it in aluminum foil to keep out the light. The petri dish with the glass fiber filter is then stored in the freezer. 8) Return the sample bottle to the refrigerator if algal counts or identifications are requested. 9) Rinse the graduated cylinder and filter holder in distilled water. 91 3.7.5 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 1) Follow steps 2-6 under "Sample Preparation." 2) Filter 50 ml (or less if necessary) of sample through a glass fiber filter under vacuum. 3) Push the filter to the bottom of tissue grinding tube. 4) Add about 3 ml of 90% acetone and 0.2 ml of the MgC03 solution. 5) Grind contents for 3 minutes. 6) The contents of the grinding tube are carefully washed into a 15 ml graduated centrifuge tube. 7) Bring the sample volume to 10 ml with 90% acetone. 8) Test tubes are wrapped with aluminum foil and stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. 9) Test tubes are taken out of the refrigerator and put into the centrifuge. 10) Test tubes are then centrifuged for 20 minutes and the supernatant decanted immediately into stoppered test tubes. 11) Tubes are allowed to come to room temperature. The temperature is recorded and the samples are poured into a cuvette (3" for Turner 111 and 8" for Turner Design). 12) The Turner 111 requires a warm-up period of at least one-half hour, while the Turner Design 10-005-R does not require a warm-up period. 13) With Turner 111, use a blank of 90% aqueous solution of acetone to zero the instrument. Open the front door of the fluorometer and put in the cuvette containing the 90% acetone and close the door. Press the start switch. The dial should move back to 0; adjust- ments can be made with the calibration knob. This process should be repeated as often as necessary, i.e., if the blank is not staying on zero; but no alteration should be made until a series of samples is completed. 14) The Turner Design must also be zeroed to an acetone blank. The sample holder is located at the top of the Turner Design field fluorometer and should be recovered with the black cap after the sample is put in it. 15) Readings for both the Turner 111 and the Turner Design should be within 20-80% of the scale. This can be achieved by either reducing or increasing the opening to the lamp by moving the knob on the right front of the Turner 111 fluorometer. The sensitivity levels are lx, 3x, lOx, and 30x. The sensitivity level must be recorded in the chlorophyll data book in addition to whether the high intensity or regular door was used. After the first reading, 2 drops of 2N HCl is added to the cuvette. A piece of parafilm is used to cover the cuvette which is then inverted four times to mix the sample thoroughly. The sample is re-read and the new value recorded. 92 CHLOROPHYLL 16) The procedure for the Turner Design field fluorometer is basically the same as for the Turner 111. The sample is put into the cuvette holder and the manual switch used to go from one sensitivity level to the next without opening the door. A reading of between 20-80% is still required for accuracy. Readings are taken before and after acid is added to the sample. The level of sensitivity (lx, 3x, 6x, lOx, 31. 6x) must be recorded in the chlorophyll data book, as well as whether the levels were set at 1 or 100. Calculation of Chlorophyll Concentrations Chlorophyll concentrations are determined by using the following formulas : chlorophyll (ug/1) = Fs ££_ (Rb-RA) rs-1 pheophytin (ug/1) = Fs ££_ (rsRa-Rb) rs-1 where, Fs = conversion factor for sensitivity level "s" rs = before and after acidification ratio of sensitivity level "s" Rb = fluorometer reading before acidification Ra = fluorometer reading after acidification A computer program is used to calculate the chlorophyll concentrations for samples run on the Turner Design fluorometer. This program requires the investigator to type in the sensitivity level and the difference between the before and after acidification values. During the summer of 1986 personnel of the Technical Services Branch (TSB) conducted a laboratory experiment with a Turner Design Fluorometer in order to determine the effect of pheophytin b on freshwater chloro- phyll a readings. Pheophytin b_ is the degradation product of chlorophyll b_ which is the primary pigment of green algae. The Turner Design instrument measures the fluorescence of chlorophyll a as well as that of pheophytin a and b. Chlorophyll b is not read at the same frequency as chlorophyll a. The emission filter used at the TSB (Corning C/S 2-64) partially rejects pheophytin b^ (See: "References'1 - Turner Designs, 1981). It was found and recorded in various unpublished memoranda (See "References") that unless a sample had ele- vated counts of green algae the readings obtained prior to acidification and 90 seconds thereafter would give a reliable estimate of the concen- tration of chlorophyll a in an algal sample. In cases with elevated counts of green algae an annotation should be made alongside the chlorophyll a concentration stating that the concentration may reflect the presence of chlorophyll b and is probably lower than as recorded. As a result of this investigation, the TSB now presents chlorophyll data as chlorophyll a in rag/m->. 93 3.7.6 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION Fluorometers are calibrated using chlorophyll samples provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Calibrations are performed at the start of every field season and redone if any changes are made to the fluorometer such as changing the light bulb. Samples for chlorophyll analysis are periodically split with another laboratory or run on two separate fluorometers. 94 CHLOROPHYLL 3.7.7 REFERENCES 1. • Beskenis, J.L. 1984. CHLA Program (Unpublished). Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated) . 2. Beskenis, J.L. 1985. CHLORA Program (Unpublished). Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated). 3. Beskenis, J.L. 1986. CHL086 Program (Unpublished). Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated). 4. Greenberg, A.E., R.R. Trussell, L.S. Clesceri, and M.H. Franson, (eds.). 1985. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. xlix + 1268 p. 5. Kimball, W.A. 1976. Procedure for Chlorophyll Analysis (Unpublished). Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated) . 6. Ryan, K.M. 1986. Preliminary Study on Chlorophyll Analysis (Unpublished memorandum dated July 7, 1986.) Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated). 7. Ryan, K.M. 1986. Study on Chlorophyll Analysis (Unpublished memorandum dated August 25, 1986). Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Westborough. (Unpaginated). 8. Turner Designs. 1976. Operating and Service Manual (Model 10 Series f luorometers) . Mountain View, CA. ii + 35 p. 9. Turner Designs. 1981. Fluorometric Facts - Chlorophyll and Pheophytin (Bulletin 101). Mountain View, CA. 12 p. 10. Vollenweider , R.A. , (ed.). 1974. A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments. IBP Handbook No. 12. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England. xviii + 225 p. 11. Weber, C.I., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. EPA-670/4-73-001 . United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. xii + 146 p. + appendices. 95 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 96 QUALITY ASSURANCE SECTION 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 Purpose and Scope 4.2 Intralaboratory Quality Assurance 4.3 Interlaboratory Quality Assurance 4.4 References PAGE 98 98 98 99 100 97 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE A quality assurance program has been put in place to validate both the reliability of field and laboratory techniques and the integrity of the biotnonitoring data. An essential element of this program is the development of standardized field and laboratory methodologies as out- lined in this manual of operating procedures. Standard methods allow for the determination of the accuracy, precision, and variability of biomonitoring data. Although details pertaining to the quality assurance program have already been presented for individual biomonitoring program elements, major components of the program that are applicable to most biomonitor- ing activities are summarized in this section. 4.2 INTRALABORATORY QUALITY ASSURANCE 1) A staff of adequately trained aquatic biologists is maintained; each with knowledge of the taxonomy and pollution ecology of one or more freshwater communities . These include bacteria, algae, macrophyton, aquatic macroinvertebrates , and fish. 2) Collecting gear such as nets, sieves, and grab samplers are inspected and maintained frequently. 3) Field and laboratory equipment such as pH and dissolved oxygen meters, microscopes, and fluorometers are maintained and calibrated on a routine basis. 4) Field studies are carefully planned in advance to insure that appropriate sites are sampled and that the proper number of samples are obtained to meet survey goals and objectives. 5) All samples are clearly labeled at the time of collection, recorded in hard-bound log books, and tracked in a step-wise fashion throughout their processing in the laboratory. 6) A reference library is maintained which includes up-to-date identi- fication manuals and keys and both benchmark and recent literature on all aspects of water pollution and its impact on aquatic life. 7) A reference specimen collection is maintained for confirming the proper identification of aquatic invertebrates. Similar collections for other communities (e.g., fish) are under develop- ment. In addition, many reference specimens and other organisms of interest are photographed and added to an extensive collection of slides to be used as taxonomic aids and for training purposes. 98 QUALITY ASSURANCE 8) Aquatic macroinvertebrate, algae, chlorophyll, and Microtox™ data are input to computerized data storage and retrieval systems insofar as is allowed by time and personnel constraints. All data sets are carefully proofread and edited during this process. A similar system is proposed for the storage of data generated by the fish sampling program. 9) All reporting elements receive peer and/or supervisory review and numerical analyses are checked for mathematical errors. 4.3 INTERLABORATORY QUALITY ASSURANCE 1) Reference samples containing known chlorophyll a concentrations, predetermined phytoplankton counts, or known invertebrate taxa are routinely provided to the biomonitoring staff by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for instrumentation calibration and evaluation of laboratory performance. 2) Occasionally biological surveys are conducted simultaneously with the USEPA or other state agencies to compare field and laboratory methods and to determine interlaboratory variability of results. 3) Specimens that present particular problems with their identifica- tion are often sent to expert taxonomists for confirmation. A separate log book is used to record -the date and • to whom specimens are sent, and, ultimately, the date and details pertaining to the taxonomists1 responses. 99 4.4 REFERENCES 1. Crim, R.L., (ed.). 1975. Model State Water Monitoring Program. EPA-440/9-74-002. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water and Hazardous Materials, Washington, D.C. viii + 58 p. 2. Greenberg, A.E., R.R. Trussell, L.S. Clesceri, and M.H. Franson, (eds). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington. xlix + 1268 p. 3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1972. Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories. Analytical Quality Control Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio, xii + 99 p. 4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1982. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater. EPA-600/4-82-029 Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati. xii + 402 p. 5. Weber, C.I., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. EPA-670/4-73-001 . U.S. EPA, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati. xii + 146 p. + appendices.. 100 5.0 GENERAL BIOLOGICAL FIELD AND LABORATORY REFERENCES ! 101 5.0 REFERENCES 1. Anderson, R.M. 1965. Methods of Collecting and Preserving Vertebrate Animals. National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 69. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, viii + 199 p. 2. Bagenal, T., (ed.). 1978. Methods for Assessment of Fish Production in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook No. 3. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England, xvi + 365 p. 3. Bordner, R. and J. Winter, (eds.). 1978. Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment. EPA-600/8-78-017. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. xvi + 338 p. 4. Cairns, J., Jr. and K.L. Dickson, (eds.). 1973. Biological Methods for the Assessment of Water Quality - A Symposium Presented at the Seventy- fifth Annual Meeting of American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM Special Technical Publication 528. ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, viii + 256 p. 5. Cairns, J., Jr., (ed.). 1982. Artificial Substrates. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. xiv + 279 p. 6. Crim, R.L., (ed.). 1975. Model State Water Monitoring Program. EPA-440/ 9-74-002. U.S. EPA, Office of Water and Hazardous Materials, Washington, D.C. viii + 58 p. 7. Edmondson, W.T. and G.G. Winberg, (eds.). 1971. A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook No. 17. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. xxiv + 358 p. 8. Forsberg, C. 1959. Quantitative Sampling of Subaquatic Vegetation. Oikos 10(2):233-240. ~ 9. Gonor, J.J. and P.F. Kemp. 1978. Procedures for Quantitative Ecological Assessments in Intertidal Environments. EPA-600/3-78-087. U.S. EPA, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon. viii + 104 p. 10. Green, R.H. 1979. Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environ- mental Biologists. John Wiley and Sons, New York. xiv + 257 p. 11. Greenberg, A.E., R.R. Trussell, L.S. Clesceri, and M.H. Franson, (eds.). 1985. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. xlix + 1268 p. 12. Holme, N.A. and A.D. Mclntyre, (eds.). 1971. Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos. IBP Handbook No. 16. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. xii + 334 p. 13. Keup, L.E., W.M. Ingram, and K.M. MacKenthun, (eds.). 1967. Biology of Water Pollution - A Collection of Selected Papers on Stream Pollution, Waste Water, and Water Treatment. United States Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Cincinnati, ii + 290 p. 102 14. Kittrell, F.W. 1969. A Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams. U.S. Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Washington, D.C. xii + 135 p. 15. Knudsen, J.W. 1966. Collecting and Preserving Plants and Animals. Harper and Row, Publishers, New York. x + 320 p. 16. Lind, O.T. 1974. Handbook of Common Methods in Limnology. C.V. Mosby Company, St. Louis, Missouri. viii + 154 p. 17. MacKenthun, K.M. 1969. The Practice of Water Pollution Biology. U.S. Department of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Washington, D.C. xii + 281 p. 18. McCauley, V.J.E. 1975. Two New Quantitative Samplers for Aquatic Phytomacrofauna. Hydrobiologia 47(l):81-89. 19. Schwoerbel, J. 1970. Methods of Hydrobiology (Freshwater Biology). Pergamon Press, Inc., Elmsford, New York. x + 200 p. 20. Slack, K.V., R.C. Averett, P.E. Greeson, and R.G. Lipscomb. 1973. Methods for Collection and Analysis of Aquatic Biological and Microbiological Samples. Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey, Chapter A4, Book 5 (Laboratory Analysis). Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. vi + 165 p. 21.. Sorokin, Y..I. and H. Kadota, (eds.). 1972. Techniques for the Assessment of Microbial Production and Decomposition in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook No. 23. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. xvi + 112 p. 22. Southwood, T.R.E. 1978. Ecological Methods - with Particular Reference to the Study of Insect Populations. Halsted Press, New York. xxiv + 524 p. 23. Swartz, R.C. 1978. Techniques for Sampling and Analyzing the Marine Macrobenthos. EPA-600/3-78-030. U.S. EPA, Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis. viii + 27 p. 24. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1978. Environmental Assessment Manual. Region I, Boston. 242 p. 25. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1980. Microscopic Analysis of Activated Sludge. EPA-430/ 1-80-007. National Training and Operational Technology Center, Cincinnati. iv + 446 p. 26. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1982. Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation of Water and Wastewater. EPA-600/4-82- 029. Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, xii + 402 p. 27. United States Geological Survey. 1972. Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition. Office of Water Data Coordination, Washington, D.C. iv + 394 p. 103 28. U.S. Geological Survey. 1977. National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water-Data Acquisition. Office of Water Data Coordination, Reston, Virginia. i + 741 p. 29. Vollenweider , R.A. , (ed.). 1974. A Manual on Methods for Measuring Primary Production in Aquatic Environments. IBP Handbook No. 12. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, England. xviii + 225 p. 30. Weber, C.I., (ed.). 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Waters and Effluents. EPA-670/4-73-001 . U.S. EPA, National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, xii + 146 p. + appendices. 31. Welch, P.S. 1948. Limnological Methods. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. xviii + 381 p. 32. Yevich, P.P. and C.A. Barszcz. 1977. Preparation of Aquatic Animals for Histopathological Examination. U.S. EPA, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati. ii + 20 p. 104