B I RD - LI F£ m mm FRANK -M: CHAPMAN \°)00 Museum Qf ,y 1869 THE LIBRARY Gift $ jp Title I1C BIRD-LIFE Edition in Colors PhMXB I. Page 156. BARN SWALLOW. CLIFF SWALLOW. TREE SWALLOW LANK SWALLOW. BIRD-LIFE A GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF OUR COMMON BIRDS By FRANK M.lCHAPMAN ASSISTANT CURATOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MAMMALOGY AND ORNITHOLOGY IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY; MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION ; AUTHOR OF HANDBOOK OF BIRDS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA, ETC. ILLUSTRATED BY ERNEST SETON THOMPSON AUTHOR OF ART ANATOMY OF ANIMALS, THE BIRDS OF MANITOBA, ETC. WITH SEVENTY-FIVE FULL-PAGE PL A TES IN COLORS NEW YORK APPLETON AND COMPANY 1900 Copyright, 1897, 1899, 1900, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. TO Dr. J. A. ALLEN THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED AS A TOKEN OF RESPECT AND AFFECTION FROM ONE WHO FOR NINE YEARS HAS WORKED AT HIS SIDE. PREFACE TO THE EDITION IN COLORS. Without question, the simplest and most certain way in which to learn to know our birds is by examination of the birds themselves. Not every one, however, has access to an ornithological collection, and failing this, the best substitute for the bird is a colored plate which will accurately represent every shade and tint of its plumage. The widespread demand for a work containing illustra- tions of this nature is undoubted, but publishers have pre- viously hesitated to expend the large sum necessary to produce satisfactorily colored plates, or have employed the cheap color processes with results far from successful. The high praise which has been accorded the illustra- tions in the uncolored edition of Bird-Life is an assur- ance that bird lovers will therefore doubly welcome a work in which our birds are truthfully portrayed, not only in natural attitudes, but in natural colors as well. Photographic bromide copies of the original drawings for Bird-Life have been carefully colored by an expert col- orist under the author's supervision, and are here repro- duced by a lithographic process which insures absolute accuracy. F. M. C. American Museum of Natural History, New York city, October 1. 1897. PKEFACE How unusual it is to meet any one who can correctly name a dozen of our birds ! One may live in the country and still know only two or three of the one hundred and fifty or more kinds of birds that may be found during the year. Nevertheless, these gay, restless creatures, both by voice and action, constantly invite our attention, and they are far "too interesting and beautiful to be ignored. No one to whom Nature appeals should be without some knowledge of these, the most attractive of her animate forms. The scientific results to be derived from the study of birds are fully realized by the naturalist. But there are other results equally important. I would have every one know of them : results that add to our pleasure in field and wood, and give fresh interest to walks that before were eventless ; that quicken both ear and eye, making us hear and see where before we were deaf and blind. Then, to our surprise, we shall discover that the forests and pastures we have known all our lives are tenanted by countless feathered inhabitants whose companionship will prove a source of endless enjoyment. I would enter a special plea for the study of birds in the schools ; for the more general introduction of ornithology in natural-history courses. Frogs and cray- fish serve an excellent purpose, but we may not en- counter either of them after leaving the laboratory ; whereas birds not only offer excellent opportunities for 2 ix x PREFACE. study, but are always about us, and even a slight famil- iarity with them will be of value long after school days are over. Popular -interest must precede the desire for purely technical knowledge. The following pages are not ad- dressed to past masters in ornithology, but to those who desire a general knowledge of bird-life and some ac- quaintance with our commoner birds. The opening chapters of this book briefly define the bird, its place in Nature and its relation to man, and outline the leading facts in its life-history. The concluding chapters pre- sent the portraits, names, and addresses of upward of one hundred familiar birds of eastern North America, with such information concerning their comings and goings as will lead, I trust, to their being found at home. After this introduction the student may be left on the threshold, with the assurance that his entrance to the innermost circles of bird-life depends entirely on his own patience and enthusiasm. Frank M. Chapman. American Museum of Natural History, New York city, January, 1897. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE I. — The bird, its place in Nature and relation to man . 1 Place in Nature — Relation to man. II.— The living bird 14 Factors of evolution — The wing, its form and uses — The tail, its form and uses — The foot, its form and uses — The bill, its form and uses. III. — Colors of birds 35 Color and age — Color and season — The molt — Color and food — Color and climate — Color and haunt and habit — Color and sex. IV. — The migration of birds 48 Extent of migration — Times of migration— Manner of migration — Origin of migration. V.— The voice of birds 62 Song — Call-notes. VI. — The nesting season 64 Time of nesting— Mating— The nest— The eggs— The young. VII.— HOW TO IDENTIFY BIRDS 71 A bird's biography. Field key to our common Land Birds . . . .75 xi xii CONTENTS. PAGE TnE Water Birds 84 Diving Birds — Long-winged Swimmers — Tube-nosed Swim- mers— Lamellirostral Swimmers — Herons, Storks, Ibises, etc. — Cranes, Rails, etc. — Shore Birds. TnE Land Birds 100 Gallinaceous Birds — Pigeons and Doves — Birds of Prey — Cuckoos, Kingfishers, etc. — Woodpeckers — Goatsuckers, Swifts, and Hummingbirds — Perching Birds. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Full-page Plates. FACING PAGE I. — Barn, Cliff, Bank, and Tree Swallows Frontispiece II.— Pied-billed Grebe 2 III.— Loon 6 IV.— Herring Gull; Petrels 10 V. — Wood Duck ; Pintails ; Mallards : Green-winged Teal ; Blue-winged Teal ; Canada Geese . . 14 VI. — Little Green Heron; Black-crowned Night Heron; Great Blue neron 18 VII. — American Bittern ; Sora 22 VIII.— American Coot; Clapper Rail 26 IX.— Wilson's Snipe 30 X. — Common Tern; Semipalmated Sandpiper; Semipnl- mated Plover 34 XI. — Spotted Sandpiper ; Killdeer 38 XII.— Ruffed Grouse 42 XIII. — Mourning Dove 46 XIV.— Red-shouldered Hawk 50 XV.— Marsh Hawk 52 XVI. — Sparrow Hawk 54 XVII.— Sharp-shinned Hawk 56 XVIII. — American Osprey 58 XIX.— Short-eared Owl 60 XX.— Screech Owl 62 XX L— Barred Owl 64 XXII.— Yellow-billed Cuckoo 66 XXIII.— Belted Kingfisher 68 XXIV.— Downy Woodpecker 70 XXV.— K.Ml-headed Woodpecker 84 XXVI.— Flicker . 86 XXVII.— Nighthawk; Whip-poor-will 88 xiii xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATION'S. FACING PLATE PAGE XXVIII.— Chimney Swift 90 XXIX.— Ruby-throated Hummingbird 92 XXX.— Kingbird 94 XXXI.— Crested Flycatcher 96 XXXII.— Pha-be * 98 XXX1IL— Wood Pewee 100 XXXIV.— Horned Lark 108 XXXV.— Baltimore Oriole 104 XXXVI.— Orchard Oriole 106 XXXVII.— Purple Grackle 108 XXXVIII.— Bobolink 110 XXXIX.— Meadowlark 112 XL. — Cowbird 114 XLL— Song Sparrow 116 XLII. — Swamp Sparrow 118 XLIII.— Field Sparrow 120 XLIV. — Vesper Sparrow 122 XLV. — Chipping Sparrow 124 XLVI. — White-throated Sparrow 126 XLVII.— Fox Sparrow 138 XLVIIL— Juneo 130 XLIX.— Tree Sparrow 132 L.— Redpoll; Snowfiake 134 LI. — American Crossbill; Pine Grosbeak . . . . 136 LIL— American Goldfinch 138 LIII.— Purple Finch 140 LIV.— Rose-breasted Grosbeak 142 LV.— Towhee 144 LVI.— Dickcissel 146 LVIL— Cedar Waxwing 148 LVIII.— Northern Shrike 150 LIX. — Red-eyed Vireo : Yellow-throated Vireo . . . 152 LX.— Black and White Warbler 154 LXI.— Myrtle Warbler; Black-throated Green Warbler . 156 LXII.— Redstart 158 LXIII.— Oven-bird 160 LXIV.— Maryland Yellow-throat 162 LXV.— Yellow-breasted Chat 164 LXVL— Mockingbird 166 LXVII.— Brown Thrasher 168 LXVIIL— House Wren 170 LXIX.— Long-billed Marsh Wren 172 LXX. — Brown Creeper ; Chickadee 174 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. LXXI.— Red-breasted Nuthatch; White-breasted Nuthatch 176 LXXII. — Golden-crowned Kinglet ; Ruby-crowned Kinglet . 178 LXXIII.— Veery 180 LXXI V.— Wood Thrush 182 LXXV.— Hermit Thrush 184 Figures in the Text. FIG. PAGE 1. Restoration of the Archasopteryx, a toothed, reptilelike bird of the Jurassic period 3 2. End of spearlike tongue of I'ileated Woodpecker . . .14 3. Tip of tail of (a) Downy Woodpecker, (b) Brown Creeper, to show the pointed shape in tails of creeping birds of different families 16 4. Young Hoatzin, showing use of hooked fingers in climbing . 17 5. Short, rounded wing and large foot of Little Black Rail, a ter- restrial bird 18 6. Long, pointed wing and small foot of Tree Swallow, an aerial bird 18 7. Frigate-bird 19 8. Great Auk, showing relatively small wing . . . .21 'J. Wing of Woodcock, showing three outer attenuate feathers . 24 10. Jacana, showing spurred wing and elongated toes . . .24 11. Tail-feathers of Motmot {Momotus subrufescens), showing newly grown feathers and results of self-inflicted mutilation . 26 12. Lobed foot of Coot (Fulica americana), a swimming bird of the Rail family 27 13. Lobed foot of a Phalarope {Crymophilus fulicarius), a swim- ming bird of the Snipe family 27 14. Flamingo, showing relative length of legs and neek in a wad- ing bird 28 15. Foot of Fish Hawk, showing large claws and spicules on under surface of toes 29 16. Naked toes of Ruffed Grouse in summer ; fringed toes of Ruffed Grouse in winter 29 17. Decurved bill of Sickle-bill Hummingbird . . . .31 18. Serrate bill of Menranser, a fish-eating bird . . . .32 19. Probelike bill of Woodcock, showing extent to which upper mandible can be moved 32 20. Recurved bill of Avocet 32 21. Bill of Spoonbill Sandpiper 33 xvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 22. Curved bill of female, straight bill of male Iluia-bird . . 33 23. Feathers from back of Snowflake, showing seasonal changes in form and color due to wearing off of tips . . . .38 24. Eggs of (a) Spotted Sandpiper and (b) Catbird, to show differ- ence in size of eggs of praecocial and altricial birds of same size 68 25. Topography of a bird . . . . . . . . .71 BIRD-LIFE CHAPTER I. THE BIRD: ITS PLACE IN NATURE AND RELATION TO MAN. The Bird's Place in Nature.- — About thirteen thousand species of birds are known to science. The structure of many of these has been carefully studied, and all have been classified, at least provisionally. Taken as a whole, the class Aves, in which all birds are placed, is more clearly defined than any other group of the higher animals. That is, the most unlike birds are more closely allied than are the extremes among mam- mals, fishes, or reptiles, and all living birds possess the distinctive characters of their class. When compared with other animals, birds are found to occnpy second place in the scale of life. They stand between mammals and reptiles, and are more closely re- lated to the latter than to the former. In fact, certain extinct birds so clearly connect living birds with rep- tiles, that these two classes are sometimes placed in one group — the Sauropsida. * On the structure of birds read Coues's Key to North American Birds, Part II (Estes & Lauriat): Headier, The Structure and Life of Bird- : Newton's Dictionary of Birds — articles, Anatomy of Birds and Birds : Martin and Moale's Handbook of Vertebrate Dissection. Part II. How to Dissect a Bird; Shufeldt's Myology of the Raven (Macmillan Co.). 3 1 2 CHARACTERS OF BIRDS. The characters that distinguish birds from mammals on the one hand, and from reptiles on the other, are more apparent than real. Thus flight, the most striking of a bird's gifts, is shared by bats among mammals. Egg-lay- ing is the habit of most reptiles and of three mammals (the Australian duckbill and the echidnas). But incuba- tion by one or both of the parents is peculiar to birds, though the python is said to coil on its eggs. Birds breathe more rapidly than either mammals or reptiles, and their pneumaticity, or power of inflating numerous air-sacs and even certain bones, is unique. The temperature of birds ranges from 100° to 112°, while in mammals it reaches 98° to 100°, and in the com- paratively cold-blooded reptiles it averages only 40°. The skull in mammals articulates with the last verte- bra (atlas) by two condyles or balls ; in birds and reptiles by only one. In mammals and birds the heart has four chambers ; in reptiles it has but three. Mammals and reptiles both have teeth, a character possessed by no existing bird ; but fossil birds appar- ently prove that early in the development of the class all birds had teeth. Thus we might continue the comparison, finding that birds have no universal peculiarities of structure which are not present in some degree in either mammals or reptiles, until we come to their external covering. The reptile is scaled, and so is the fish ; the mammal is haired, and so are some insects ; but birds alone possess feathers. They are worn by every bird — a fit clothing for a body which is a marvelous combination of beauty, lightness, and strength. There is good evidence for the belief that birds have descended from reptilian ancestors. This evidence con- sists of the remains of fossil birds, some of which show marked reptilian characters and, as just said, are toothed. Platk II. Page 84. PIED-BILLED GREBE. Length, 13-50 inches. Summer plumage, upper parts blackish brown : throat and spot on bill black; fore neck brownish, rest of under parts grayish white. Winter plumage , similar, but without black on throat or bill. ANCESTORS OF BIRDS. It is unnecessary to discuss here the relationships of the birdlike reptiles, but, as the most convincing argument in support of the theory of the reptilian descent of birds, I present a restoration of the Archa?optervx, the earliest known progenitor of the class Aves. This restoration is 1. — Restorationof the Archfooptcryx, a toothed, reptilelike bird of the Jurassic period. ( About "/s natural size.) based on an examination of previous restorations in con- nection with a study of the excellent plates which have been published of the fossils themselves.* Two speci- mens have been discovered ; one being now in the British Museum, the other in the Berlin Museum. They were both found in the lithographic slates of Solenhofen, in Bavaria, a formation of the Jurassic period, and, together, furnish the more important details of the structure of this reptilelike bird. This restoration, therefore, while doubtless inaccurate * For recent papers on the Archteopteryx see Natural Science (Macmillan Co.), vols, v-viii. 4 DISTRIBUTION OF BIRDS. in minor points, is still near enough to the truth to give a correct idea of this extraordinary bird's appearance. The Archeeopteryx was about the size of a Crow. Its long, feathered tail is supposed to have acted as an aero- plane, assisting in the support of the bird while it was in the air, but its power of flight was doubtless limited. It was arboreal and probably never descended to the earth, but climbed about the branches of trees, using its large, hooked fingers in passing from limb to limb. The wanderings of this almost quadrupedal creature must necessarily have been limited, but its winged de- scendants of to-day are more generally distributed than are any other animals.* They roam the earth from pole to pole ; they are equally at home on a wave-washed coral reef or in an arid desert, amid arctic snows or in the shades of a tropical forest. This is due not alone to their powers of flight but to their adaptability to vary- ing conditions of life. Although, as I have said, birds are more closely related among themselves than are the members of either of the other higher groups of animals, and all birds agree in possessing the more important distinguishing characters of their class, yet they show a wide range of variation in structure. This, in most instances, is closely related to habits, * On the distribution of animals read Allen, The Geographical Distribution of North American Mammals, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, New York city, iv, 1892, pp. 199-244; four maps. Allen, The Geographical Origin and Distribution of North American Birds considered in Relation to Faunal Areas of North America, The Auk (New York city), x, 1893, pp. 97-150 ; two maps. Merriam, The Geographic Distribution of Life in North America, with Special Reference to Mammalia, Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, vii, 1892, pp. 1-64 ; one map. Merriam, Laws of Tem- perature Control of the Geographic Distribution of Terrestrial Ani- mals and Plants, National Geographic Magazine (Washington), vi, 1894, pp. 229-238 ; three maps. RELATION OP BIRDS TO MAN. 5 which in birds are doubtless more varied than in any of the other higher animals. Some birds, like Penguins, are so aquatic that they are practically helpless on land. Their wings are too small to support them in the air, but they fly under water with great rapidity, and might be termed feathered porpoises. Others, like the Ostrich, are terrestrial, and can neither fly nor swim. Others still, like the Frigate Birds, are aerial. Their small feet are of use only in perching, and their home is in the air. If now we should compare specimens of Penguins, Ostriches, and Frigate-birds with each other, and with such widely different forms as Hummingbirds, Wood- peckers, Parrots, and others, we would realize still more clearly the remarkable amount of variation shown by birds. This great difference in form is accompanied by a corresponding variation in habit, making possible, as before remarked, the wide distribution of birds, which, together with their size and abundance, renders them of incalculable importance to man. Their economic value, however, may be more properly spoken of under The Relation of Birds to Man. — The relation of birds to man is threefold — the scientific, the economic, and the aesthetic. No animals form more profitable subjects for the scientist than birds. The embryologist, the morphol- ogist, and the systematist, the philosophic naturalist and the psychologist, all may find in them exhaustless mate- rial for study. It is not my purpose, however, to speak here of the science of ornithology. Let us learn some- thing of the bird in its haunts before taking it to the laboratory. The living bird can not fail to attract us ; the dead bird — voiceless, motionless — we will leave for future dissection. The economic value of birds to man lies in the service they render in preventing the undue increase of insects, 6 ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. in devouring small rodents, in destroying the seeds of harmful plants, and in acting as scavengers. Leading entomologists estimate that insects cause an annual loss of at least two hundred million dollars to the agricultural interests of the United States. The state- ment seems incredible, but is based upon reliable sta- tistics. This, of course, does not include the damage done to ornamental shrubbery, shade and forest trees. But if insects are the natural enemies of vegetation, birds are the natural enemies of insects. Consider for a mo- ment what the birds are doing for us any summer day, when insects are so abundant that the hum of their united voices becomes an almost inherent part of the atmosphere. In the air Swallows and Swifts are coursing rapidly to and fro, ever in pursuit of the insects which constitute their sole food. When they retire, the Nighthawks and Whip-poor-wills will take up the chase, catching moths and other nocturnal insects which would escape day-flying birds. The Flycatchers lie in wait, darting from ambush at passing prey, and with a suggestive click of the bill returning to their post. The "Warblers, light, active crea- tures, flutter about the terminal foliage, and with almost the skill of a Hummingbird pick insects from leaf or blossom. The Yireos patiently explore the under sides of leaves and odd nooks and corners to see that no skulker escapes. The Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, and Creepers attend to the tree trunks and limbs, examining carefully each inch of bark for insects' eggs and larvas, or exca- vating for the ants and borers they hear at work within. On the ground the hunt is continued by the Thrushes, Sparrows, and other birds, who feed upon the innumer- able forms of terrestrial insects. Few places in which insects exist are neglected ; even some species which pass their earlier stages or entire lives in the water are preyed upon by aquatic birds. Plate ILL Page 85. LOON. Length, 32-00 inches. Summer plumage, upper parts and fore neck black and white; breasl and belly white. Winter plumage, upper parts dark grayish; under parts white. ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. 7 Birds digest their food so rapidly, that it is difficult to estimate from the contents of a bird's stomach at a given time how much it eats during the day. The stomach of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, shot at six o'clock in the morning, contained the partially digested remains of forty-three tent caterpillars, but how many it would have eaten be- fore night no one can say. Mr. E. H. Forbush, Ornithologist of the Board of Agriculture of Massachusetts, states that the stomachs of four Chickadees contained one thousand and twenty- eight eggs of the cankerworm. The stomachs of four other birds of the same species contained about six hundred eggs and one hundred and five female moths of the cankerworm. The average number of eggs found in twenty of these moths was one hundred and eighty-five ; and as it is estimated that a Chickadee may eat thirty female cankerworm moths per day during the twenty -five days which these moths crawl up trees, it follows that in this period each Chickadee would de- stroy one hundred and thirty-eight thousand seven hun- dred and fifty eggs of this noxious insect. Professor Forbes, Director of the Illinois State Lab- oratory of Natural History, found one hundred and seventy-five larvae of Bibio — a fly which in the larval stage feeds on the roots of grass — in the stomach of a single Robin, and the intestine contained probably as many more. Many additional cases could be cited, showing the intimate relation of birds to insect-life, and emphasizing the necessity of protecting and encouraging these little- appreciated allies of the agriculturist. The service rendered man by birds in killing the small rodents so destructive to crops is performed by Hawks and Owls — birds the uninformed farmer con- siders his enemies. The truth is that, with two excep- 8 ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. tions, the Sharp-shinned and Cooper's Hawk, all our com- moner Hawks and Owls are beneficial. In his exhaust- ive study of the foods of these birds Dr. A. K. Fisher, Assistant Ornithologist of the United States Department of Agriculture, has found that ninety per cent of the food of the Red-shouldered Hawk, commonly called " Chicken Hawk " or " Hen Hawk," consists of injurious mammals and insects, while two hundred castings of the Barn Owl contained the skulls of four hundred and fifty- four small mammals, no less than two hundred and twenty- five of these being skulls of the destructive field or meadow mouse. Still, these birds are not only not protected, but in some States a price is actually set upon their heads ! Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Ornithologist and Mammalogist of the United States Department of Agriculture, has estimated that in offering a bounty on Hawks and Owls, which resulted in the killing of over one hundred thou- sand of these birds, the State of Pennsylvania sustained a loss of nearly four million dollars in one year and a half ! As destroyers of the seeds of harmful plants, the good done by birds can not be overestimated. From late fall to early spring, seeds form the only food of many birds, and every keeper of cage-birds can realize how many a bird may eat in a day. Thus, while the Chickadees, Nut- hatches, Woodpeckers, and some other winter birds are ridding the trees of myriads of insects' eggs and larva?, the granivorous birds are reaping a crop of seeds which, if left to germinate, would cause a heavy loss to our agri- cultural interests. As scavengers we understand that certain birds are of value to us, and therefore we protect them. Thus the Vultures or Buzzards of the South are protected both by law and public sentiment, and as a result they are not only exceedingly abundant, but remarkably tame. But ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. 9 we do not realize that Gulls and some other water birds are also beneficial as scavengers in eating refuse which, if left floating on the water, would often be cast ashore to decay. Dr. George F. Gaumer, of Yucatan, tells me that the killing of immense numbers of Herons and other littoral birds in Yucatan has been followed by an increase in human mortality among the inhabitants of the coast, which he is assured is a direct result of the destruction of birds that formerly assisted in keeping the beaches and bayous free from decaying animal matter. Lack of space forbids an adequate treatment of this subject, but reference to the works and papers mentioned below * will support the statement that, if we were de- prived of the services of birds, the earth would soon become uninhabitable. Nevertheless, the feathered protectors of our farms and gardens, plains and forests, require so little encour- agement from us — indeed, ask only tolerance — that we accept their services much as we do the air we breathe. "VVe may be in debt to them past reckoning, and still be unaware of their existence. But to appreciate the beauty of form and plumage of * Xotes on the Nature of the Food of the Birds of Nebraska, by S. Aughey ; First Annual Report of the United States Entomological Commission for the Year 1877, Appendix ii, pp. 13-62. The Food of Birds, by S. A. Forbes; Bulletin No. 3, Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, 1880, pp. 80-148. The Regulative Action of Birds upon Insect Oscillations, by S. A. Forbes, ibid., Bulletin No. 6, 1883, pp. :;-32. Economic Relations of Wisconsin Birds, by F. H. King: nsin Geological Survey, vol. i, 1882, pp. 441-610. Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania, with Special Reference to the Food Habits, based on over Four Thousand Stomach Examinations, by B. H. War- ren : Hamsburg, EL K. Meyers, State Printer, large 8vo, pp. 434, plates 100. The English Sparrow in North America, especially in its Rela- tion to Agriculture, prepared under the Direction of ('. Hnri Merriam, by Walter B. Barrows; Bulletin No. 1. Division of Economic Orni- thology and Mammalogy of the United States Department of Agricul- 4 10 iESTIIETIC RELATIONS OF BIRDS. birds, their grace of motion and musical powers, we must know them. Then, too, we will be attracted by their high mental development, or what I have elsewhere spoken of as " their human attributes. Man exhibits hardly a trait which he will not find reflected in the life of a bird. Love, hate ; courage, fear ; anger, pleasure ; vanity, modesty ; virtue, vice ; constancy, fickleness ; gen- erosity, selfishness; wit, curiosity, memory, reason — we may find them all exhibited in the lives of birds. Birds have thus become symbolic of certain human character- istics, and the more common species are so interwoven in our art and literature that by name at least they are known to all of us." The sight of a bird or the sound of its voice is at all times an event of such significance to me, a source of such unfailing pleasure, that when I go afield with those to whom birds are strangers, I am deeply impressed by the comparative barrenness of their world, for they live in ignorance of the great store of enjoyment which might be theirs for the asking. I count each day memorable that brought me a new friend among the birds. It was an event to be recorded in detail. A creature which, up to that moment, existed ture, 1889. The Hawks and Owls of the United States in their Rela- tion to Agriculture, prepared under the Direction of C. Hart Mer- riam, by A. K. Fisher; Bulletin No. 3, ibid., 1893. The Common Crow of the United States, by Walter B. Barrows and E. A. Schwarz ; Bulletin No. 6, ibid., 1895. Preliminary Report on the Food of Woodpeckers, by F. E. L. Beal ; Bulletin No. 7, ibid., 1895. (See also other papers on the food of birds in the Annual Report and Year- book of the United States Department of Agriculture.) Birds as Protectors of Orchards, by E. H. Forbush ; Bulletin No. 3, Massachu- setts State Board of Agriculture, 1895, pp. 20-32. The Crow in Mas- sachusetts, by E. H. Forbush; Bulletin No. 4, ibid., 1896. How Birds affect the Farm and Garden, by Florence A. Merriam ; re- printed from " Forest and Stream," 1896, 16mo, pp. 31. Price, 5 cents. Plate IV. Pages 86, 88. HERRING GULL. Length, 24-00 inches. Adult, back and wings pearl-gray; end of primaries marked with black; rest of plumage white. Young, dark grayish, primaries and tail brownish black. PETRELS. Length, 7-50 inches. Black, upper tail-coverts white. ESTHETIC RELATIONS OF BIRDS. 1] for me only as a name, now became an inhabitant of my woods, a part of my life. With what a new interest I got down my books again, eagerly reading every item concerning this new friend ; its travels, habits, and notes ; comparing the observations of others with what were now my own ! The study of birds is not restricted to any special sea- son. Some species are always with us. Long after the leaves have fallen and the fields are bare and brown, when insect voices are hushed, and even some mammals are sleeping their winter sleep, the cheery Juncos flit about our doorstep, the White-throats twitter cozily from the evergreens, Tree Sparrows chatter gayly over their breakfast of seeds, and Crows are calling from the woods. Birds are the only living creatures to be seen ; what a sense of companionship their presence gives ; how deso- late the earth would seem without them ! The ease with which we may become familiar with these feathered neighbors of ours robs ignorance of all excuses. Once aware of their existence, and we shall see a bird in every bush and find the heavens their pathway. One moment we may admire their beauty of plumage, the next marvel at the ease and grace with which they dash by us or circle high overhead. But birds will appeal to us most strongly through their songs. When your ears are attuned to the music of birds, your world will be transformed. Birds' songs are the most eloquent of Nature's voices : the gay carol of the Grosbeak in the morning, the dreamy, midday call of the Pewee, the vesper hymn of the Thrush, the clang- ing of Geese in the springtime, the farewell of the Blue- bird in the fall — how clearly each one expresses the senti- ment of the hour or season ! Having learned a bird's language, you experience an increased feeling of comradeship with it. You may even 12 AESTHETIC RELATIONS OF BIRDS. share its emotions as you learn the significance of its notes. No one can listen to the song of the Mockingbird without being in some way affected ; but in how many hearts does the tink of the night-flying Bobolink find a response ? I never hear it without wishing the brave little traveler Godspeed on his long journey. As time passes you will find that the songs of birds bring a constantly increasing pleasure. This is the result of association. The places and people that make our world are ever changing ; the present slips from us with growing rapidity, but the birds are ever with us. The Robin singing so cheerily outside my window sings not for himself alone, but for hundreds of Kobins I have known at other times and places. His song recalls a March evening, warm with the promise of spring ; May mornings, when all the world seemed to ring with the voices of birds ; June days, when cherries were ripening ; the winter sunlit forests of Florida, and even the snow- capped summit of glorious Popocatepetl. And so it is with other birds. We may, it is true, have known them for years, but they have not changed, and their familiar notes and appearance encourage the pleasant self-delusion that we too are the same. The slender saplings of earlier years now give wide- spreading shade, the scrubby pasture lot has become a dense woodland. Boyhood's friends are boys no longer, and, worst of all, there has appeared another generation of boys whose presence is discouraging proof that for us youth has past. Then some May morning we hear the Wood Thrush sing. Has he, too, changed ? Not one note, and as his silvery voice rings through the -woods we are young again. No fountain of youth could be more potent. A hundred incidents of the long ago be- come as real as those of yesterday. And here we have the secret of youth in age which every venerable natural- .ESTHETIC RELATIONS OF BIRDS. 13 ist I have ever met has convincingly illustrated. I could name nearly a dozen, living and dead, whom it has been my valued privilege to know. All had passed the allotted threescore ami ten, and some "were over fourscore. The friends and associates of their earlier days had passed away, and one might imagine that they had no interest in life and were simply waiting for the end. But these veterans were old in years only. Their hearts were young. The earth was fair; plants still bloomed, and birds sang for them. There was no idle waiting here ; the days were all too short. With what boyish ardor they told of some recent discovery ; what inspiration there was in their enthusiasm ! So I say to you, if you would reap the purest pleas- ures of youth, manhood, and old age, go to the birds and through them be brought within the ennobling influences of Nature. CHAPTER II. THE LIVING BIRD. Factors of Evolution. — If while in the fields we ob- serve birds with an appreciative eye, we shall soon be impressed with the great diversity shown in their struc- ture and habits. The Fish Hawk plunges from the air into the water and grasps its prey with merciless talons. The Hummingbird daintily probes a flower. The Wood- pecker climbs an upright trunk, props itself with its stiff, pointed tail-feathers, while with its chisel-shaped bill it excavates a grub and then impales it with its spearlike tongue. These birds tell us a wonderful story Fig. 2.— End of spearlike tongue of Pileated Woodpecker. (Much enlarged.) of adaptation to the conditions of life, and, knowing that they have descended from a common ancestor, we ask, " Why do they now differ so widely from one another ? " Biologists the world over are trying to satisfactorily answer this question, and it is impossible for me to even mention here all the theories which they have advanced. However, some knowledge of the most im- portant ones is essential if you would study the relation between the bird and its haunts and habits. The Dar- win-Wallace theory of Natural Selection, in more or less 14 Plate V. 1 WOOD DUCK. 2 PINTAIL. 3 MALLARD. 4 5 Page 4 GREEN-WINGED TEAL. 5 BLUE-WINGED TEAL. 6 CANADA GEESE. EVOLUTION OF BIRDS. 15 modified forms, is accepted by most naturalists. As originally presented, it assumed that the continued exist- ence of any animal depended upon its adaptation to its manner of life. Among a large number of individuals there is much variation in size, form, and color. Some of these variations might prove favorable, others unfa- vorable. Those which were favorable would give to the individual possessing them an advantage over its fellows, and, by what is termed Natural Selection, it would be preserved and its favorable characters transmitted to its descendants. But the less fortunate individuals, which lacked the favorable variation, would be handicapped in the race for life and be less likely to survive. Without necessarily opposing this theory, the follow- ers of Darwin's predecessor, Lamarck, attach more im- portance to the direct action of environment on the ani- mal— that is, the influence of climate, food, and habit. The effect of the first two I will speak of in treating of color ; the last we may use to illustrate the difference in these two theories by asking the question, " Is habit due to structure, or is structure the result of habit ? " Has Nature, acting through natural selection, preserved those variations which would best fit a bird to occupy its place in the world, and are its habits the outcome of the characters thus acquired, or have the changes which during the ages have occurred in a bird's home, forcing it to alter its habits, been followed by some consequent change in structure, the result of use or of disuse ? For my part, I answer " Yes " to both questions, and turn to our stiff-tailed, spear-tongued Woodpecker to explain my reply. I can readily understand how the shape of these tail-feathers is the result of habit, for the same or similar structure exists among many birds having no close relationship to one another, but all of which agree in their peculiar use of the tail as a prop ; the Creep- IQ EVOLUTION OF BIRDS. ers, "Woodhewers, and Swifts, even some Finches and the Bobolink, that use their tail to support them when perched on swaying reeds, have the feathers more or less pointed and stiffened. Furthermore, this is just the result we should expect from a habit of this kind. But Fig. 3.— Tip of tail of (a) Downy Woodpecker and of (b) Brown Creeper, to show the pointed shape in tails of creeping birds of different families. (Natural size.) I do not understand how the Woodpecker's spear-tipped tongue could have resulted from the habit of impaling grubs, and in this case I should be inclined to regard structure as due to a natural selection which has pre- served favorable variations in the form of this organ. I have not space to discuss this subject more fully, but trust that enough has been said to so convince you of the significance of habit, that when you see a bird in the bush it will not seem a mere automaton, but in each movement will give you evidence of a nice adjustment to its surroundings. Remember, too, that evolution is a thing of the present as well as of the past. "We may not be able to read the earlier pages in the history of a species, but the record of to-day is open to us if we can learn to interpret it. This may be made clearer, and the importance of a study of habit be emphasized, if I briefly outline the rela- tion between the wings, tail, feet, and bill of birds and the manner in which they are used. We are in the field, not in the dissecting room ; our instrument is a field glass, not a scalpel, and in learning the functions of these four FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. organs we shall direct our attention to their external form rather than their internal structure. The Wing. — Birds' wings are primarily organs of locomotion, but they are also used as weapons, as musical instruments, in expressing emotion, and they are some^ Fig. 4. -Young Iloatzin, showing use of hooked Angers in climbing. (After Lucas. ) times the seat of sexual adornment. As an organ of loco- motion the wing's most primitve use is doubtless for climbing. G-allinules, for instance, have a small spur on the wrist or "bend of the wing," and the young birds use it to assist their progress among the reeds. A more c-triking instance of this nature is shown by that singular South American bird, the Iloatzin (Opistihocom/ua oris- L8 FORM AND HABIT: TUE WING. taiu8). The young of this bird have well-developed claws on the thumb and first finger, and long before they can fly they use them as aids in clambering about the bushes, very much as we may imagine the Archreopteryx did. In the adult these claws are wanting. Some eminently aquatic birds, as Grebes and Pen- guins, when on land, may use their wings as fore legs in scrambling awkwardly along ; while some flightless birds, for example, the Ostrich, spread their wings when run- ning. But let us consider the wing in its true office, that of an organ of flight, showing its range of variation, and finally its degradation into a flightless organ. Among flying birds the spread wings measure in extent Fig. 5.-Short,roundedTin. and large from about three inches in foot of Little Black Rail, a tems- the smallest Hummingbird trial bird. (s/6 natural size.) » to twelve or fourteen feet in the Wandering Albatross. The relation between shape of wing and style of flight is so close that if you show an ornithologist a bird's wing he can generally tell you the character of its owner's flight. The ex- tremes are shown by the short-winged ground birds, Fig. 6.— Long, pointed wins and small foot of Tree Swallow, an aerial bird. 1 3/5 natural size.) such as Rail, Quail, Grouse, certain Sparrows, etc., and long-winged birds, like the Swallows and Albatrosses. There is here a close and, for the ground-inhabiting Plate VI. LITTLE GREEN HERON (Length, ij-oo inches.) Page BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON. (Young and Adult.) (Length, 24-00 inches.) GREAT BLUE HERON. (Length, 43-00 inches.) FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. 19 birds, important relation between form and habit. Many terrestrial species rely on their dull, protective covering to escape observation, taking wing only when danger is so near that it is necessary for them to get under way at once. Consequently, Quail, Partridges, and Grouse, much to the amateur sportsman's discom- fiture, spring from the ground as though thrown from a catapult, and reach their highest speed within a few yards of the starting point, while the Albatross is obliged to face the wind and run some distance over the ground or water before slowly lifting itself into the air. There, however, it can remain for hours or even days without once alighting. The Frigate Bird, or Man-o'-TVar Bird, has a body scarcely larger than that of a chicken, but its tail is one foot and a half in length, and its wings measure seven to Fig. 7.— Frigate Bird. (Expanse of wings, 7 to 8 feet.) eight feet in extent. Having this enormous spread of sail, its flight is more easy and graceful than that of any living bird. I have seen hundreds of these birds floating in the air, facing the wind, without apparent change of position or the movement of a pinion, for long intervals of time. From this extreme development of the wing as a flight-organ, let us turn to those birds who have not the power of flight. The Ostrich, Rhea, Emu, and Cassowary are familar representatives of this group. It is generally believed that these birds have lost the power 20 FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. of flight, and that as their wings, through disuse, became functionless, their running powers correspondingly in- creased. This, however, is theory, but there are birds which have become flightless through some apparently known cause. They may be found among such widely separated families as Grebes, Auks, Ducks, Rails, Galli- nules, Pigeons, and Parrots. One of the characteristic water birds of our North Atlantic coasts is the Razor-billed Auk. It is a strictly aquatic species, nearly helpless on land, which, as a rule, it visits only when nesting. Its egg is laid in the crevice of a rocky cliff, frequently at some height from the sea. During the winter it migrates southward as far as Long Island. Flight is therefore a necessary faculty, and we find the bird with well-developed wings, which it uses effectively. We can, however, imagine conditions under which it would not be necessary for the Razor-bill to fly. It might become a permanent resident of isolated islands, laying its egg on accessible beaches. Already an expert diver, obtaining its food in the water, it would not be obliged to rise into the air, and, as a result of dis- use, the wings would finally become too small to support it in aerial flight, though fully answering the purpose of oars. Apparently this is what has happened in the case of the Razor-billed Auk's relative, the flightless, extinct Great Auk. The Razor-bill is sixteen inches long and its wing measures eight inches, while the Great Auk, with a length of thirty inches, has a wing only five and three fourths inches in length. Aside from this differ- ence in measurements these birds closely resemble each other. So far as we are familiar with the Great Auk's habits, they agreed with those of the hypothetical case I have just mentioned, and we are warranted, I think, in assuming that the bird lost the power of flight through disuse of its wings. FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. 21 In antarctic seas we find the arctic Auk6 replaced by the Penguins, a group in which all the members are flightless. They are possessed of remarkable aquatic Fig. 8.— Great Auk, showing: relatively small wing. (Length of bird, 30 inches ; of wing, 5-75 inches.; powers, and can, it is said, outswim even fish. They nest only on isolated islands, where they are not exposed to the attack of predaceous mammals. Among Grebes and Ducks we have illustrations of the way in which swimming birds may become tempo- rarily flightless. With most land-inhabiting birds flight is so important a faculty that any injury to the wings is apt to result fatally. It is necessary, therefore, that the power of flight shall not be impaired. Conse- quently, when molting, the wing-feathers are shed slowly and symmetrically, from the middle of the wing both inwardly and outwardly ; the new feathers ap- pear so quickly that at no time are there more than two or three quills missing from either wing. But the 22 FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. aquatic Grebes and Ducks, protected by the nature of their haunts and habits, lose all their wing-feathers at once, and are flightless until their new plumage has grown. It might then be supposed that permanently flightless forms would be found among the Grebes and Ducks. But these birds are generally migratory, or, if resident, they usually inhabit bodies of fresh water where local conditions or droughts may so affect the food supply that change of residence would become necessary. However, on Lake Titicaca, Peru, there actually is a Grebe which has lived there long enough to have lost the use of its wings as flight-organs. Rails are such ground-lovers, and fly so little, that we should expect to find flightless forms among them when the surroundings were favorable for their development. In New Zealand, that island of so many flightless birds, the requirements are evidently fulfilled, and we have the flightless "Wood Hens. Here, too, lives the flightless Gallinule, Notornis, and in this family of Gallinules, birds not unlike Coots, there are at least four flightless species inhabiting islands — one in the Moluccas, one in Samoa, one on Tristan d'Acunha, and one on Gough Island. The last two islands are about fifteen hundred miles from Cape Good Hope, and have evidently never been connected with a continent. There seems little reason to doubt, therefore, that the ancestors of the Gallinules now inhabiting these islands reached them by the use of their wings, and that these organs have since become too small and weak to support their owners in the air. Other cases might be cited ; for instance, the Dodo of Mauritius among Pigeons, and the Kakapo (Stringqps) of New Zealand among Parrots; but if the illustrations already given have not convinced you that disuse of the wings may result in loss of flight, let Plate VII. Pages 93, 94. AMEKICAN BITTERN. Length, 28 00 inches. A black streak on neck; body brown and buff; primaries slate-color. SORA. Length, 8-50 inches. Adult, upper parts olive-brown, black, and white; throat and face black, breast slate, belly white, flanks black and white. Young, similar, but face, throat, and breast whitewashed with brownish. FORM AND IIABIT: TIIE WING. 23 me take you finally to the poultry yard, where in the waddling Duck you will see an undeniable instance of degeneration. As the seat of sexual characters the wing is some- times most singularly developed or adorned. The males of the Argus Pheasant and Pennant-winged Nightjar have certain feathers enormously lengthened ; the Stand- ard-hearer has white plumes growing from the wing ; and there are many other cases in which the wing presents sex- ual characters, not alone through display, but also by use as a musical organ. I do not refer to the whistling sound made by the wings of flying Doves or Ducks, or the humming of Hummingbirds, but to sounds volun- tarily produced by birds, and evidently designed to an- swer the purpose of song. A simple form of this kind of " music " is shown by the cock in clapping his wings before crowing, in the "drumming" of Grouse, or in the " booming " of Night- hawks, as with wings set they dive from a height earth- ward. The male Cassique (Ostmops) of South America, after giving voice to notes which sound like those pro- duced by chafing trees in a gale, leans far forward, spreads and raises his large orange and black tail, then vigorously claps his wings together over his back, mak- ing a noise which so resembles the cracking of branches that one imagines the birds learned this singular per- formance during a gale. The birds mentioned thus far have no especial wing structure beyond rather stiffened feathers ; but in the Woodcock, some Paradise-birds and Flycatchers, Q-uans, Pipras, and other tropical birds, certain wing-feathers are singularly modified as musical instruments. Some- tin tea the outer primaries are so narrowed that little but the shaft or midrib is left, as in both sexes of the Wood- cock, when the rapid wing-strokes are accompanied by a 24 FORM AND HABIT: THE WING. high, whistling sound. In other cases the shafts of the wing-feathers may be much enlarged and horny, when the bird makes a sin- gular snapping sound in flight. If you recall the supplicating manner of, a young bird as with Fk.. 9. — Wing of Woodcock, showing three , n outer attenuate feathers. 0/a natural gently fluttering wmgS MZe) it begs for food, you will recognize one of several ways in which the wings may express emotion. Birds also threaten with their wings, as any hen with chicks will testify, and from this Fig, 10, — Jaeama. showing spur on wins: (natural size) and elongated toes (Vs natural size). gesture to the actual delivery of a blow is but a step. Swans, Pigeons, and Chickens can deal forcible blows with their wings. Screamers, Lapwings, and Jacanas FOKM AND HABIT: THE TAIL. 25 have formidable spurs on their wings, which they are supposed to use in combat. The Tail. — Except when sexually developed, the shape of the tail is largely governed by the character of its owner's flight. Male Lyre-birds, Pheasants, Fowls, Hummingbirds, and many others furnish well-marked instances of the tail as a sexual character. Indeed, as the least important to the bird of the four external organs we are speaking of, the tail is more often sexually modified than any of the other three. The main office of the tail, however, is mechanical, to act as a rudder in flight and a " balancer " when perch- ing. Short-tailed birds generally fly in a straight course, and can not make sharp turns, while long-tailed birds can pursue a most erratic course, with marvelous ease and grace. The Grebes are practically tailless, and their flight is comparatively direct, but the Swallow-tailed Kite, with a tail a foot or more in length, can dash to right or left at the most abrupt angle. Among tree-creeping birds, which always climb up- ward, the tail is used as a brace or prop. This character, as has been said, is possessed by all Woodpeckers, by the quite different W oodhewers of South America, the Brown Creep- ers of temperate regions, and other birds (see Figs. 3 and 4). The two middle feathers in the tail of the Motmot, of the American tropics, end in a racket-shaped disk, the result of a unique habit. Similarly shaped feathers are found in the tails of some Hummingbirds and Old World Kingfishers, but in the Motmot this peculiar shape is due to a self-inflicted mutilation. The newly grown feathers, as shown in the accompanying figure, lack the terminal disk, but as soon as they are grown, the birds begin to pick at the barbs, and in a short time the shaft is de- nuded, in some species for the space of an inch, in others for as much as two inches. 26 FORM AND HABIT: THE TAIL. This singular habit is practiced by numerous species of Motmots, ranging from Mexico to Brazil. It is there- fore of undoubted age, and we can only speculate upon its use and origin. Young birds from the nest, reared I Fro. 11. — Central tail-feathers of Motmot (Momotus svbrufescens), showing newly grown feathers (at the left) and results of self-inflicted mutilation. in confinement where they were isolated from others of their kind, trimmed their tail-feathers soon after they were grown.* The habit, therefore, is inherited, but the mutilation, although it has doubtless been practiced for countless generations, has not become inherent, unless we consider the constriction in the vane of the feather at the place where it is to be trimmed an indication of inheritance. The Motmot gesticulates with its tail in a remarkable manner, swinging it from side to side, so that it suggests the pendulum of a clock, or sweeping it about in circles with a movement which reminds one of a bandmaster flourishing his baton. "We shall find in other species, also, that the tail, more than any other organ, is used to express emotion. Kecall its twitching and wagging ; how it is nervously spread or "jetted," showing the white * See Cherrie, The Auk (New York city), vol. ix, 18(J2, p. Plate VI IF. Pace 94. AMERICAN COOT. Length, L5-00 inches. Bead and neck blackish, body slate; under tail cov- erts, tips of secondaries, and end of bill while. CLAPPER KAIL. Length, 14-50 inches. Upper parts pale greenish olive and gray; throat white, breast pale cinnamon, flanks gray and white. FORM AND HABIT: THE FEET. 27 outer feathers, as in the Meadowlark. The tail may also be expressive of disposition. Compare the drooped tail of a pensive Flycatcher with the uptilted member of an inquisitive Wren. But it is when displaying its beauties that a bird speaks most eloquently with its tail. Can anything ex- ceed the pompous pride of a Turkey cock strutting in swollen glory, with tail stiffly spread ? The Peacock erects his tail in a similar manner, but it is entirely con- cealed by the train of gorgeous feathers which it par- tially supports. The Feet. — As the feet share with the wings the re- sponsibilities of locomotion, there is often a close rela- tion between these organs. For example, short-winged terrestrial species like Quails, Grouse, and Kails have well- developed feet, but such aerial creatures as Swifts and Swallows have exceedingly small feet (see Figs. 3 and 4). The aquatic Grebes and Divers are practically helpless on land, but the Ostrich can outrun the horse ; while in the perching birds the foot is so specialized that by the auto- Fio. 12.— Lobed foot of a Coot, a swimming bird of the Bail family. (>/3 natural size.) Fig. 13.— Lobed foot of a Phala- rope, a swimming bird of the Snipe family. (Natural size. | matic action of certain tendons the birds are locked to their perches while sleeping. A webbed foot implies abil- ity to swim, and we find this character present in all the 2S FORM AND HABIT: THE FEET. water-loving Divers, Auks, Gulls, Cormorants, and Ducks. In the wading Herons and marsh-inhabiting Rails and Gallinules the web is absent, but it reappears in the form of lobes on the toes of the aquatic Coots of the same family. Some shore-inhabiting Snipe have the bases of the toes united by webs, but the Phalaropes, of two species, have lobed toes not unlike those of the Coots, and are true swimming Snipe living on the sea for long periods. Length of foot is largely dependent upon length of neck. This is illustrated by the Herons, and is particu- larly well shown by the long-necked Flamingo, which has a foot twelve inches long. Its toes are webbed, and it can wade in deep water and search for food on the bottom by immersing its long neck and its head. In the tropical Ja- canas the toes and toe- nails are much length- ened, enabling the bird to pass over the water on aquatic plants. I have seen these birds walking on small lily leaves, which sank be- Fig. 14. — Flamingo, showing relative length , , . . , of legs and" neck in a wading bird, neath their Weight, glV- (Mueh reduced.) ing Qne the impression that they were walking on the water (see Fig. 10). Many ground-feeding birds use the feet in scratching for food ; Chickens are familiar examples. Towhees and FORM AND IIABIT: THE FEET. 29 Sparrows use both feet in searching for food, jumping quickly backward and throwing the leaves behind them. Parrots use their foot as a hand. Some Hawks carry nesting material in it, and all birds of prey strike their quarry with their strongly curved claws, which are then used to carry, or hold it while it is being torn by the bill. The foot of the Fish Hawk is a magnificent organ. The nails are strong and well curved ; the inner surface of the toes is set with sharp, horny spikes, and the outer toe is partly reversible, so that the bird grasps its slippery prey from four dif- ferent points. As a weapon the foot is especially effective, the use of spurs being too well known to require comment. Os- triches kick with their feet, and can, it is said, deliver a blow powerful enough to fell a man. But by far the best instance of modification in the structure of the feet is furnished by Grouse. It is an < Fig. 15.— Foot of Fish Hawk, showing large claws, and spicules on under surface of toes. (Va natural size.) Fig. -Naked toes of Buffed Grouse in summer; fringed toes of Ruffed Grouse in winter. (*/t natural size.) unusual case of seasonal adaptation in form. During the summer the toes of Grouse are bare and slender, but as 30 FORM AND HABIT: THE BILL. these birds are largely ground-haunters, and most of them inhabit regions where the snowfall is heavy, the toes in winter acquire a comblike fringe on either side. Practi- cally, therefore, Grouse don snowshoes in the fall, and wear them until the -following spring. The Bill. — Of the four organs we are considering, the bill is beyond question the most important. "We have seen that a bird may be wingless and practically tailless, and may almost lose the use of its feet ; but from the moment the bill breaks the eggshell and liberates the chick, the bird's life is dependent upon its services. The variety of offices performed by the bill, and the correspondingly numerous forms it assumes, are, doubtless, without parallel in the animal world. The special modification of the fore limbs as flight- organs deprives birds of their use for other important services, and consequently we have a biped which, so far as their assistance goes, is without arms or hands. As a result, the duties which would naturally fall to these members are performed by the bill, whose chief office, therefore, is that of a hand. Occasionally it is sexually adorned, as in the Puffins, several Auks, Ducks, and the "White Pelicans, which, during the nesting season, have some special plate, knob, or color on the bill. "With the "Woodpeckers it is a musical instrument — the drumstick with which they beat a tattoo on some resounding limb. Owls and some other birds, when angry or frightened, snap their mandibles together like castanets. But it is as a hand that the bill gives best evidence of adaptation to or by habit. Among families in which the wings, tail, and feet are essentially alike in form, the bill may present great vari- ation— proof apparently of its response to the demands made upon it. All birds use it as a comb and brush with which to Plate IX. Page 97. WILSON'S SNIPE. Length, 11*26 inches. Upper parts black, buff, and rusty; throat and belly white, rest of under parts black and buff. FORM AND HABIT: THE BILL. 31 perform their toilet, and, pressing a drop of oil from the gland at the root of the tail, they dress their feathers with their hill. Parrots use the bill in climbing, and its hawklike shape in these birds is an unusual instance of similarity in structure accompanying different habits. Birds which do not strike with their feet may use the bill as a weapon, but the manner in which it is em- ployed corresponds so closely with the method by which a bird secures its food, that as a weapon the bill pre- sents no special modifications. In constructing the nest the bill may be used as a trowel, an auger, a needle, a chisel, and as several other tools. But as a hand the bill's most important office is that of procuring food ; and wonderful indeed are the forms it assumes to supply the appetites of birds who may require a drop of nectar or a tiny insect from the heart of a flower, a snake from the marshes, a clam or mussel from the ocean's beach, or a fish from its waters. The bill, therefore, becomes a forceps, lever, chisel, hook, hammer, awl, probe, spoon, spear, sieve, net, and knife — in short, there is almost no limit to its shape and uses. With Hummingbirds the shape of the bill is appar- ently related to the flowers from which the bird most frequently procures its food. It ranges in length from a quarter of an inch in the Small-billed Hummer ( Miero- rhynchui) to five inches in the Siphon-bill (Docimastes), which lias a bill longer than _ & Fig. 17.— Decurved bill of Bickle- ltS body, and 18 Said tO feed bill Hummingbird. (Natural from the long-tubed trumpet flowers. The Avocet Hummer {Avocettula) has a bill curved Btightly upward, but in the Sickle-billed Hummer {Eutoxeres) it is curved downward to form half a circle, and the bird feeds on flowers having a similarly curved 32 FORM AND HABIT: THE BILL. corolla. In the Tooth-billed Hummer {Androdon) both being also hooked, and the bird feeds on insects which it captures on the surface of leaves and other places. Among the Woodhewers {Dendrocolaptida) of South America there is fully as much variability, which reflects equally variable feeding habits. Some species have short, stout, straight bills, others exceedingly long, slender, curved ones. Mergansers, Gannets, An- hingas, and other birds them under water, have Fig. IS. — Serrate bill of Merganser, a eating bird. ('/a natural size.) that catch fish by pursuing sharply serrate mandibles their slippery prey. Some shore birds (Limicolce) use the bill which aid them in holding a probe, Fig. 19.— Probelike bill of Woodcock, showing extent to which upper mandi- ble can be moved. (% natural size; when it may be six inches in length and straight, or curved downward. It has recently been learned that Fig. 20.— Eecurved bill of Avocet. (2/s natural size.) several of these probing Snipe, notably the Woodcock, have the power of moving the end of the upper mandi- FORM AND IIABIT: TIIE BILL. 33 ble, which better enables them to grasp object? while probing. In the Avocet the bill is curved upward, and the bird swings it from side to side, scraping the bottom in its search for food. The New Zealand Wrybill has its bill turned to the right for the ter- minal third, and the bird uses it as a crooked probe to push under stones in hunting for its prey. The Siberian Spoonbill Sandpiper has a most singular bill, which is much enlarged at the end, suggesting a flat -ended forceps. The Roseate Spoonbill, an entirely different bird, has a somewhat similarly shaped bill, a striking instance of the occurrence of the 6ame form in families which are not closely related. But probably the most remarkable instance of relation Fig. 21.— Bill of Spoonbill Sand- piper. (Natural size.) Fig. 22.— Curved bill of female, straight bill of male Huia-bird. (»/a natural size.) between the form of the bill and feeding habits is fur- nished by the Iluia-bird of New Zealand. The male of this species has a comparatively short, straight bill, while 7 34: FORM AND HABIT: THE BILL. that of the female is long and curved. The birds feed on larvae, which they find in dead wood. The male hammers and chisels away the wood very much as Wood- peckers do, while the female uses her bill as a probe. We have, therefore, the singular case of two forms of the bill arising in the same species as a result of or caus- ing a corresponding difference in habit. V V ~\ J > Ernest SetonViomhsofl Plate X. Pages 87, 98, 99. COMMON TERN. {Length, 15-00 inches.) SEMIPALMATEI) SANDPIPER. SEMTPALMATED PLOVER. 1 Length, 6- jo inches.) (Length, 6. 75 inches.) CHAPTEK III. COLORS OF BIRDS.* The almost endless range of variation in the colors and pattern of coloration of birds' plumage has attracted the attention of many philosophic naturalists. Why, Jor example, should birds from some regions always be darker than those from other regions ; why should ground-inhabiting birds generally wear a dull or neutral tinted costume ; and why should the male, with few ex- ceptions, be brighter than the female ? For answer I will outline some of the leading facts and theories in connection with this interesting subject. In the first place, however, it will be necessary for us to have some idea of the extent of individual change in color, that is, the various phases of color, which a bird may pass through during different periods of its life.f * Consult Poulton, Colors of Animal? (D. Applcton & Co.). Gadow. in Newton's Dictionary of Birds— articles, Color and Feathers. Bed- dard. Animal Coloration (Macmillan Co.). Keeler. Evolution of the Colors of North American Land Birds; occasional papers, California Academy of Sciences (San Francisco), iii. 1893. Also Allen, reviews of last two works, The Auk (New York city), x. 1893, pp. 189-199, 873-380. Allen, Alleged Changes of Color in the Feathers of Birds without Molting; Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York city, viii, 1896, pp, K!-44. Chadbonrne, Individual Dichromatism in the Screech Owl; The Auk, xiii, 1896, pp. 321-325, and xiv. I*!)?, pp. '.i'.i-'.)\), one plate. f The term color, as here used, means practically the plumage or dress of birds. 35 36 COLOR AND AGE. Color and Age. — All birds have a special nestling plumage. "With those that run or swim at birth, such as Grouse, Snipe, and Ducks, this is a full suit of down, which may be worn for several weeks. With those birds which are helpless when hatched — for instance, Robins, Sparrows, and Orioles — this downy covering is so scanty that they are practically naked. This birth dress is followed by a new growth, known as the " first plumage." Down-covered birds do not acquire this for some time, but with those birds that are born nearly naked it begins to grow soon after they are hatched, and is almost complete when they leave the nest. The first plumage is often unlike that of either parent ; for ex- ample, the spotted plumage of the Kobin. It is worn for several months by some species — certain Snipe and others — but with most land birds it is soon exchanged for the costume they will wear through the winter, usually termed the "immature plumage." This may resemble that of either parent respectively — that is, immature males may be like adult males and immature females like adult females, as with the Bob-white and Cardinal Gros- beak ; or the immature birds of both sexes may resemble the adult female, as with the Hummingbird and Bobolink. Again, the immature birds of both sexes may be unlike either of the adults, as with the Eagle and most Hawks ; or the immature female may resemble the adult female, while the immature male is unlike either parent, as in the case of the Eose-breasted Grosbeak and Scarlet Tanager. When both parents are alike, the young generally resem- ble them, and this happens among most of our land birds ; for example, the Flycatchers, Crows and Jays, many Sparrows, Vireos, Wrens, and Thrushes. Immature birds, differing from the adults, may ac- quire the adult plumage the next spring, as with the Bobolink, or they may then don a second or transition in LOR AND SEASON. 37 plumage, and not assume the dress of maturity until the second or even the third Bpring, which is the case with the Orchard Oriole. Color f tin- Philadelphia Academy of Natural Science, 1896, pp, liis-ii;:, two plates. 3S THE MOLT. related species molt differently, but the manner and time of molting among individuals of the same species may vary according to their sex, age, and physical condition. At the close of the nesting season all birds renew their entire plumage by molting. The following spring, before the nesting season, most birds molt their body feathers, retaining those of the wing and tail. A few, however, like the Bobolink, have a complete molt at this season also. Others molt only a few of the body feathers, while some birds are adorned at this season with special nuptial plumes. The beautiful aigrette plumes of the Heron consti- tute a nuptial dress of this kind. It is for these plumes that the birds have been slaughtered in such enormous numbers that if the demand continues they will speedily become extinct. Some birds, whose fall plumage is edged with a dif- ferently colored tip to each feather, do not molt in the spring, but acquire their wedding dress by the slow wear- ing off of the fringes to the feathers which have dis- October. January Fig. 23. — Feathers from back of Snowffake, showing seasonal changes in form and color due to wearing off of tips. (Natural size.) guised them during the winter. The Snowflake, for instance, changes from brown and brownish white to pure black and white by losing the brown tips which have concealed the black or white bases of his feathers. Plate XI. -P"TTEP SANDPIPER. _:i. 7-50 indtea. - - - and black: under part? white spotted with black: a white patch in wing similar, but without black. KILLPEER. gth, 10-50 inches. Upper parts brownish gray, upper tail-coverts rusty: under parts whit*-: - - wn and lores black, forehead and nape white. COLOR AND FOOD. 39 Much remains to be learned on this subject of the molt, and, although confinement is known to affect its manner and extent, I believe intelligent observation of caged birds will lead to really valuable results. Color -7.r> inches. Male, upper parts black and white, nape scarlet ; under parts white. Female, similar, but no scarlet on nape. CHAPTER VII. HOW TO IDENTIFY BIRDS. The preceding outline of the events which may enter into a bird's life-history has, I trust, given some idea of the possibilities attending the study of birds in the field. We come now to the practical question of identification. How are we to find birds, and, having found them, how are we to learn their names ? From April to August there is probably not a min- ute of the day when in a favorable locality one can not see or hear birds; and there is not a day in the year when at least some birds can not be found. In the be- ginning, therefore, the question of finding them is simply a matter of looking and listening. Later will come the delightful hunts for certain rarer species whose acquaint- ance we may make only through a knowledge of their haunts and habits. Having found your bird, there is one thing absolutely necessary to its identification : you must see it definitely. Do not describe a bird to an ornithologist as "brown, witli white spots on its wings," and then expect him to tell you what it is. Would you think of trying to iden- tify flowers of which you caught only a glimpse from a car window in passing ? You did not see them definitely, and at best you can only carry their image in your mind until you have opportunity to see them in detail. So it is with birds. Do not be discouraged if the books fail to show you the brown bird with white spots 71 72 HOW TO IDENTIFY BIRDS. on its wings. Probably it exists only through your hasty observation. Arm yourself with a field- or opera-glass, therefore, without which you will be badly handicapped, and look your bird over with enough care to get a general idea of its size, form — particularly the form of the bill — color, and markings. Then — and I can not emphasize this too strongly — put what you have seen into your note-book at once. For, as I have elsewhere said, "not only do our memories sometimes deceive us, but we really see nothing with exactness until we attempt to de- scribe it." It is true that all the birds will not pose before your glasses long enough for you to examine them at your leisure, but many of them will, and in following the others you will have all the excitement of the chase. Who knows what rare species the stranger may prove to be! From your description, and what added notes on voice and actions you may obtain, the field key and illustra- tions on the succeeding pages should make identification a simple matter.* You should also take into considera- tion the season of the year when a bird is present, and not call a summer bird by a winter bird's name. The dates of migration given in the following pages will be of assistance here. They refer to the vicinity of New York city, where, in the spring, birds arrive about a week later * The publishers' liberality has resulted in securing bird portraits of unusual excellence. Mr. Seton Thompson is an ornithologist as well as an artist; his subjects are personal friends. He has spared no effort to make these pictures characteristic life sketches, and I ven- ture to claim that, as a whole, they excel in truth and beauty any bird-drawings ever published in this country. A BIRD'S BIOGRAPHY. 73 than in central Illinois or at Washington, D. C, and a week earlier than at Boston. In the fall these conditions are reversed. A Bird's Biography. — As a further guide to your observation a list of the principal details which enter into 1 bird's life -history is appended : 1. Description (of size, form, color, and markings). 2. Haunts (upland, lowland, lakes, rivers, woods, fields, etc.). 3. Movements (slow or active, hops, walks, creeps, swims, tail wagged, etc.). 4. Appearance (alert, pensive, crest erect, tail drooped, etc.). 5. Disposition (social, solitary, wary, unsuspicious, etc.). 6. Flight (slow, rapid, direct, undulating, soaring, sailing, flapping, etc.). 7. Song (pleasing, unattractive, continuous, short, loud, low, sung from the ground, from a perch, in the air, etc. ; season of song). 8. Call-notes (of surprise, alarm, protest, warning, signaling, etc.). 9. Season (spring, fall, summer, winter, with times of ar- rival and departure, and variations in num- bers). 10. Food (berries, insects, seeds, etc. ; how secured). 11. Mating (habits during courrship). 12. Nesting (choice of site, material, construction, eggs, incu- bation). 13. The Young (food and care of, time in the nest, notes, actions flight). From observations of this kind, consisting of a simple statement of facts, you may philosophize according to your nature on the relation between habit and structure, colors and haunts, and intelligent adaptation to new con- ditions. Beware, however, lest you be led to draw faulty conclusions from insufficient observation. Do not make the individual stand for its species, or the species for its family, and remember that one is warranted in theorizing only when the facts in the case are facts indeed. 12 74 TOPOGRAPHY OF A BIRD. CHAPTER VIII. A FIELD KEY TO OUR COMMON LAND BIRDS. "When you have seen a bird with sufficient definite- ness to describe its color, form, and actions, reference to the following key will often prove a short cut to its identity. This key is based only on adult males, who, because of their song, often brighter colors, and greater activity, are far more frequently observed than the females. But, knowing the male, you will rarely, during the nesting season, be at loss to recognize his mate. In order to simplify the key, the water birds, Hawks, and Owls are omitted, in the belief that they will be more readily identified by reference to the plates. The use of the key may be illustrated by the follow- ing example : Let us imagine that you see a Chipping Sparrow (Plate XLV) feeding about your doorstep. You note his size, chestnut cap bordered by white, black bill, brownish, streaked back, and grayish white, un- marked under parts. Turning now to the key, you will see that by exclusion the bird belongs in " Section V " of the " Third Group," and that it should be placed in subsection " 1 " of this section, which includes birds hav- ing the " under parts white or whitish, all one color, with- out streaks or spots." You have now two subdivisions to choose from — "A. Back without streaks or spots/' and " B. Back brownish, streaked." Your bird falls under " B," where again you have two subdivisions, "a. Crown rufous or chestnut, without streaks," and " b. Crown not rufous or chestnut." Your bird should be referred to " '/," where you will at once find it described under " a1 " as the Chipping Sparrow. 75 76 FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. It should be borne in mind that living birds do not look as long as they really are. The measurement of " length " is taken with the bird's neck and tail out- stretched in a straight line. In life the tail may be raised or drooped, while the neck is drawn in or curved, making the bird look shorter than measurement shows it to be. Remember that the Robin measures ten inches, the House Sparrow six and one-fourth inches, and the Ruby-throated Humming-bird three and three-fourths inches in length, and you will have a basis for comparison. FIRST GROUP. BIRDS THAT FEED ON THE WING FOR LONG INTERVALS OF TIME WITHOUT PERCHING. (Swalloivs, Swift, Nighthawh, Whip-poor-will) I. Size large, length over 9*00 inches ; the spread wings over 15*00 inches in extent ; generally seen only late in the afternoon or at dusk. 1. A bird of the air, flying high, often over housetops in cities: a conspicu- ous white spot in each wing ; note, a loud, nasal peent ; sometimes dives earthward with a booming sound ; May to Oct. . Night-hawk, page 118. 2. Haunts, near the ground, not often observed while feeding; call, given from a rock, stump, or similar perch, whip-poor-will, vigorously repeated ; Apl. 25 to Oct Whip-poor-will, page 11!). II. Size smaller, length under 9-00 inches ; the spread wings less than 15-00 inches in extent; may be seen at any time of the day. 1. Plumage entirely black. a. Length 5-50 inches; plumage sooty black; usually nests in chimneys; Apl. 25 to Oct Chimney Swift, page 119. b. Length 8-00 inches; glossy, bluish black; nests in gourds or houses erected for its use ; Apl. 25 to Sept. . . . Purple Martin, page 161. 2. Plumage not entirely black ; Apl. to Oct. . Swallows, pages 159, 100. SECOND GROUP. CLIMBING AND CREEPING BIRDS. {Nuthatches, Creepers, Woodpeckers.) I. Birds without stiffly pointed tail-feathers, that climb either up or down. 1. Length 6-00 inches; back gray, cap black, cheeks and under parts white ; note, a nasal yank, yank; a permanent resident. White-breasted Nuthatch, page 180. FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. 77 2. Length 4-50 inches; back gray, cup black, a blackish streak through the face ; under parte reddish brown; note, high and thin, like the tone of a penny trumpet; Sept to Apl. Red-breasted Nn hatch, page 181. 3. Length 5"25 inches; upper parts atreaked black and white; note, a thin wiry M«-8ee-866-S6i ; Apl. --3 to Oct. Black and white Warbler, page 107. II. Birds with stiffly pointed tail-feathors, that always climb upward. 1. Length 5-05 inches; plumage dull brown and black; size small, bill slender; an inconspicuous bird who winds his way up the trunks search- ing lor insects1 eggs. etc. ; note, fine and squeaky ; Sept. 25 to Apl. Brown Creeper, page 178. 2. Plumage with more or less white, size larger, bill stouter, chisel-like, often used in hammering. A. Length 9-75 inches ; head red, back black ; flight showing a large white patch in the wing . . . Red- headed Woodpecker, page 110. B. Length 12-00 inches ; crown gray ; a red band on the nape ; flight showing a white patch on the lower back and yellow in the wings ; often flushed from the ground ; note, hee-yer . . Flicker, page 116. C. Length 675 inches ; crown black ; back and wings black and white ; note, a sharp peek Downy Woodpecker, page 115. THIRD GROUP. BIRDS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRECEDING GROUPS. (Blackbirds, Orioles, Sparrows, Vireos, Warblers, Thrushes, etc.) Section I. With yellow or orange in the plumage. Section II. With red in the plumage. Section III. With blue in the plumage. Section IV. Plumage conspicuously black, or black and white. Section V. Birds not included in the preceding sections. I. With yellow or orange in the plumage. 1. Throat yellow. A. Throat and breast pure yellow, without streaks or spots. a. Length 5-10 inches; cap, wings, and tail black; back yellow; song canarylike, .sometimes uttered on the wing ; flight undulating, fre- quently accompanied by the notes chlc-o-ree, per-chic-o-ree ; a per- manent resident Am. Goldfinch, page 148. b. Length 5*95 inches; lower belly and wing-bars white ; back olive- green ; frequents the upper branches, generally in woodland ; actions deliberate; song loud and musical; uttered slowly, often with pauses: "See me? I'm here; where are you 1 " ; May to Sept. Yellow-throated Vireo, page 165. c. Length 5-25 inches ; cheeks and forehead hhu-U, bordered by ashy ; upper parts olive-green ; no wing-bars; haunts thickets and under- growth: movements nervous and active; call-note pit or chack ; song, a vigorous, rapid wiU-h-i -»■ •-<•. witch-e-V>ie-0 ; May to Oct. Maryland Yellow-throat, page 171. 78 FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. d. Length 7-45 inches; upper parts olive-green; no wing-bars; a white line before the eye; haunts thickets and undergrowth; song, a strik- ing mixture of whistles, chuck*, and caws, sometimes uttered on the wing; May to Sept Yellow-breasted Chat, page 172. B. Under parts streaked with reddish brown ; length 5-00 inches ; gen- eral appearance of a yellow bird ; haunts shrubbery of lawns, orchards, second growths, and particularly willows near water ; song, rather loud, wee, chee-ckee-chle, cher-wee, or chee-chee-chie-chee, way-o ; May to Sept. Yellow Warblek, page 168. C. Breast yellow, with a conspicuous black crescent ; length 10-75 inches; haunts fields and meadows, largely terrestrial ; flight quail-like, outer tail-feathers white, showing when on the wing ; song, a loud, musical whistle ; a permanent resident Meadowlark, page 136. 2. Throat white. A. With yellow on the sides. a. Length 5-50 inches ; rump yellow ; breast streaked or spotted with black ; tail-feathers marked with white ; note, a characteristic tchip ; Sept. to May, usually rare or local in winter. Myrtle Wakbler, page 168. b. Length 5-00 inches ; no black on under parts or white in the tail ; yel- low extending along the whole sides; back olive-green, iris white; haunts thickets ; call, an emphatic" Who are you, eh ? " ; May to Oct. "White-eyed Vireo, page 165. c. Length 5-25 inches ; tail and wings banded with yellow, showing conspicuously in flight ; haunts woodland ; movements active, much in the air, tail frequently spread; May to Oct. Kedstart, page 169. B. No yellow on sides. a. Length 6-75 inches ; a yellow line from the bill to the eye ; crown black, with a white stripe through its center ; haunts in and about thickets and bushy woodlands ; song, a high, clear, musical whistle; call-note, chink White-throated Sparrow, page 143. b. Length 4-00 inches ; a yellow, or yellow and orange crown-patch, bor- dered by black ; flits restlessly about outer limbs of trees and bushes ; note, a fine ti-tl ; Oct. to Apl. Golden-crowned Kinglet, page. 181. 3. Throat neither yellow nor white. A. Length 12-00 inches; white rump and yellow in wings showing con- spicuously in flight ; a black breast-band ; note, a loud kee-yer. Flicker, page 116. B. Length 9-00 inches ; crested : breast ashy, belly yellow ; tail-feathers largely pale brownish red ; haunts upper branches in woodland ; note, a loud questioning or grating whistle ; May to Sept. Crested Flycatcher, page 123. C. Length 7-50 inches ; throat and head black ; breast, belly, and lower back deep orange ; haunts fruit and shade trees ; song, a loud, ringing whistle; May to Sept Baltimore Oriole, page 131. D. Length 7'20 inches ; crested ; grayish brown ; a black line through the eye ; tail tipped with yellow ; generally seen in small flocks ; note thin and weak Cedar Waxwino, page 101. FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. 79 II. With red in the plumage. 1. With red "ii the under parte. A. Throat red. a. Length 7"25 inches ; wings and tail black ; rest of plumage bright scarlet; call-note, chip-chirr; May to Sept. Scarlet Tanaqer, page 156. b. Length C-20 inches ; dull, pinkish red, wings and tail brownish ; fre- quently seen feeding on buds or blossoms; call-note, a sharp chnnk, often uttered during flight ; song, a sweet, flowing warble. I'uri'le Finch, page 149. c. Length 8*20 inches ; dull red or green tinged with red ; mandibles crossed ; generally seen in flocks ; feeds on pine cones. Am. Crossbill, page 147. d. Length 530 inches; a red crown-cap: back streaked black and brown ; breast rosy ; feeds on seeds or catkins ; Nov. to Mch. Redpoll, page 146. B. Throat black. a. Length 8-00 inches; breast rose-red, rest of plumage black and white ; song loud and musical ; call-note, peek ; May to Sept. Rose-isreasted Grosbeak, page 150. b. Length 800 inches; a conspicuous crest; region about the base of the bill black ; rest of the plumage and bill red ; 6ong, a elear whistle ; resident from New York city southward. Cardinal, page 153. c. Length 5-40 inches ; wings and tail banded with orange-red, showing conspicuously in flight: movements active; much in the air; tail frequently spread ; haunts woodland ; May to Oct. Redstart, page 169. 2. No red on the under parts. A. Length 9-50 inches; black ; shoulders red; haunts marshes; migrates in flocks; Mch. to Oct Red-winged Blackbird, page 182. B. Length 525 inches : crown-cap red ; chin black ; rest of under parts streaked with blackish; feeds on seeds and catkins; Nov. to Mch. Redpoll (im.), page 146. C. Length 4-00 inches; under parts whitish; back olive-green; a ruby crown-patch ; eye-ring white; movements restless, wings flitted nerv- ously ; call-note, auk; song remarkably loud and musical; Sept. and Oct.; Apl. and May Buby-obowkbd Kinglet, page 182. £H. With blue in the plumage. A. Length 11*50 inches; r conspicuous crest; upper parts dull blue; under parts whitish ; a Mack patch on the breast Blue Jay, page 130. B. Length 7*00 inches* uppeT parts bright blue; under parts cinnamon- brown Bi.i F.iiiiu), page 186. C. Length 5-50 inches; entire plumage indigo-blue ; May to Oct. [ndigo I'.i vi im,, page 152. D. Length 13-00; bluish gray; haunts Dear water; feeds on fish, which it catches by darting on them at the surface . Kingfisher, page 114. 80 FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. IV. Plumage conspicuously black, or black and white. 1. Black and white birds. A. Throat black. a. Length over 6 00 inches. a». Entire under parts black; nape huffy; rump white; a musical dweller of fields and meadows ; frequently sings on the wing ; May to Sept Bobolink, page 134. aa. Breast rose-red ; rest of the plumage black and white ; song rapid, loud and musical ; call-note, peek; a tree dweller in rather open woodland ; May to Sept. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, page 150. a*. Sides reddish hrown; rest of the plumage black and white ; call- note, chewink or towh'ee ; inhabits the undergrowth ; often seen on ground scratching among fallen leaves ; Apl. 25 to Oct. Towhee, page 151. b. Length under 6-00 inches. b1. Crown black; cheeks white; back ashy; unstreaked; call, chick- a-dee, or a musical, double-noted whistle; a permanent resident. Chickadee, page 179. B. Throat and other parts white or whitish. a. Length 8-50 inches ; upper parts blackish slate-color ; tail tipped with white; a bird of the air, catching its insect food on the wing, and occasionally sallying forth from its exposed perch in pursuit of a pass- ing Crow ; note, an unmusical, steely chatter ; May to Sept. Kingbird, page 122. b. Length 6-90 inches : upper parts washed with rusty ; generally seen in flocks; terrestrial; Nov. to Mch Snowflake, page 147. 2. No white in the plumage. A. Length 19-00 inches ; jet black Am. Crow, page 128. B. Length 12-00 inches; black with metallic reflections ; iris yellowish; migrates in flocks ; nests usually in colonies in coniferous trees ; voice cracked and reedy; tail "keeled" in short flights; a walker; Mch. to Nov Purple Grackle, page 133. C. Length 9-50 inches ; shoulders red ; haunts marshes ; call, kong-quer- ree ; Mch. to Oct Red-winged Blackbird, page 132. D. Length 7'90 inches ; head and neck cofl'ee-brown ; frequently seen on the ground near cattle ; Mch. to Nov Cowbird, page 137. V. Birds not included in the preceding sections (that is, plumage without either yellow, orange, red, or blue; not conspicuously black, or black and white). 1. Under parts white or whitish, all one color, without streaks or spots. A. Back without streaks or spots. a. Back olive-green ; gleaners, exploring the foliage for food or flitting about the outer branches. a1. Length 6-25 inches; a white line over the eye bordered by a nar- row black one ; cap gray ; iris red ; song, a rambling recitative : " You see it — you know it— do you hear me ? " etc. ; May to Oct. Red-eyed Vireo, page 1G4. FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. 81 a*. Length 5*75 inches; a white line over Che eye nol bordered by black ; prefers the upper branches of rows of elms and other shade trees; Bong, a rich, unbroken warble with an alto undertone; May to Sept Wabbling Vireo, page \,-,:K a3. Length 4-00 inches; no white line over the eye; eye-ring and wing-bars white; a tiny, unsuspicious bird; flits about the outer branches of trees and shrubs; wings twitched nervously; note, cufk; Bang, a remarkably loud, musical whistle; Sept. and Oct.; Apl. and May Ruby-crowned Kinglet, page 182. 6. Back olive-green or dusky olive; flycatchers who capture their prey on the wing by darting for it, and while perching are' quiet and erect. b1. Length 7-00 inches; frequently found nesting under bridges or about buildings; crown blackish; tail wagged nervously; notes, pee, pee, and pt wU-phabi : Mch. to Oct . . . Phojbe, page 124. b'J. Length 6-50 inches; haunts wooded growths; note, a plaintive pee-a-wee; May to Sept Wood Pe wee, page 126. b3. Length 5*40 inches; haunts orchards, lawns, and open woodlands; note, chebec, chebec Least Fltcatohkb, page 125. c. Back gray or bluish gray. c1. Length 6-50 inches ; a gray, crested bird ; forehead black ; no white in the tail; note, a whistled peto,peto, or hoarse de-dt -de-de\ resi- dent from New York city southward . . Tufted Tit, page 180. c*. Length 8-50 inches; a white band at the end of the tail; a con- cealed orange-red crest; a bird of the air, catching its insect food on the wing, and occasionally sallying forth from its exposed perch in pursuit of a passing Crow; note, an unmusical, steely chatter; May to Sept Kinqbibd, page 122. d. Back brown. d1. Length 5-00 inches; a nervous, restless, excitable bird; tail often carried erect; song sweet, rapid and rippling, delivered with aban- don ; Apl. 25 to Oct House When, page 175. ip. Length 12-25 inches; slim, brownish birds with long tails; flight short and noiseless ; perch in a tree, not in an exposed position ; note, tut-tut, cluck-cluck, and cow-cow ; May to Oct. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Blackbilled Cuckoo, pages 112, 113. B. Back brownish, streaked. a. Crown rufous or chestnut without streaks. a1. Length 5-25 inches; bill black; a whitish line over the eye; a familiar bird of lawns and door-yards; Bong, a monotonous chippy- eMppy-ohippy, Apl. to Nov. . . Chipping Sparrow, page 142. a1. Length 5*70 inches; bill reddish brown, back rufous or rufous- brown; wing-bars and eye-ring whitish ; haunts dry, bushy fields and pastures; Bong, a musical, plaintive chsr-toee, eher-wee, cher- wee,cheeo, dee-dee-dee-dee \ Apl. to Nov. Field Sparrow, page 140. a*. Length 5*90 inches; forehead black; crown and wings ch rufous; thinks pale grayish brown ; haunts marshes ; soiil.'. a rapidly repeated Wtet-Weet-Wt • t, etc.; Mch. to Nov. Swamt Bpabbow, page 139. 13 82 FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. b. Crown not rufous or chestnut. b1. Length 6-75 inches; crown blackish, with a central whitish stripe; throat white; breast gray; a yellow spot before the eye; haunts in and about thickets ami bushy woodlands; song, a high, clear, musical whistle; call-note, chink. White-throated Sparrow, page 143. b*. Length 5-20 inches; bill slender; a white line over the eye; tail carried erect; haunts reedy marshes; call-note scolding; song rippling ; May to Oct. Long-billed Marsh Wren, page 177. 2. Under parts white or whitish, streaked or jotted. A. Back streaked. a. Length 6*10 inches : outer tail-feathers white, showing conspicuously when the bird flies; haunts dry fields and roadsides; song musical; Apl. to Nov Vesper Sparrow, page 141. b. Outer tail-feathers not white. bl. Length 6-30 inches ; breast with numerous spots tending to form one large spot in its center: haunts on or near the ground, generally in the vicinity of bushes; call-note, chimp; song musical; a per- manent resident Song Sparrow, page 138. b*. Length 6-35 inches; breast grayish with one spot in its center; Oct. to Apl Tree Sparrow, page 146. B. Back not streaked ; breast spotted. a. Length 11-40 inches; tail 5-00 inches; wing-bars white: upper parts, wings, and tail bright cinnamon-brown ; haunts undergrowth ; sings from an exposed and generally elevated position; song loud, striking, and continuous ; Apl. 25 to Oct. . . Brown Thrasher, page 175. b. Length under 9-00 inches; tail under 300 inches; no wing-bars; back reddish or cinnamon-brown. b1. Length 8-25 inches; breast and sides heavily marked with large, round, black spots; head and upper back brighter than lower back and tail ; call-note, a sharp pit or liquid quirt ; May to Oct. Wood Thrush, page 184. b*. Length 7'15 inches: breast witli wedge-shaped black spots; sides unspotted, washed with brownish ashy : tail reddish brown, brighter than back; call-note, a low chuck; Apl. 10 to May 10; Oct. and Nov Hermit Thrush, page 185. b*. Length 750 inches : upper breast lightly spotted with small, wedge- shaped, brownish spots ; tail the same color as the back ; sides white ; call-note, a clearly whistled wheeu ; May to Sept. Wilson's Thrush, page 183. c. Length under 9'00 inches ; tail under 3-00 inches ; no wing-bars ; back olive-green. cK Length 6-10 inches; center of crown pale brownish bordered by black; haunts on or near the ground in woodland; a walker; song, a ringing crescendo, teacher, teacher, teacher, TEACHER, TEACHER; May to Sept Oven-bird, page 170. FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. g3 3. Under parts not white or whitish, all one color, without streaks. .1. Length 6*50 inches; Blate-oolor; oap and tail black; inhabits the lower growth; call-note, nasal ; song highly musical and varied; Apl. 25 to Oct Catbird, page 173. B. Length 7'20 inohes; grayish brown; conspicuously crested; a black line through the eye; tail tipped with yellow; generally seen in small flocks ; note thin and weak Cbdab Waxwiko, page 161. C. Length 5-50 inches; under parts cream-buff; a conspicuous whitish line over the eye ; upper parts reddish brown; movements active; tail carried erect ; haunts lower growth ; notes loud and striking; resident from New York city southward .... Carolina Wren, page 177. 4. Throat and upper breast black or slate-color, very different from the white or chestnut belly. A. Throat l>lack. a. Belly and rump chestnut ; head, wings, and tail black; length 7'30 inches; haunts orchards and shade trees; song highly musical ; May to Sept Orchard Oriole, page 132. b. Belly white; sides reddish brown: tail black and white; length S'35 inches; haunts undergrowths ; call-note, chewink or towhee; Apl. 25 to Oct Towhee, page 151. B. Throat slate-color. a. Back and wings slate-color; outer tail-feathers and belly white; Length 6'25 inches; haunts generally on or near the ground about shrubbery ; Oct. to Apl Junco, page 145. 5. Throat streaked with black and white ; rest of under parts reddish brown ; upper parts grayish slate-color; length 10-00 inches . Robin, page 186. OUR COMMON BIRDS. THE WATER BIRDS. DIVING BIRDS. (ORDER PYGOPODES.) Grebes. (Family Podicipid^e.) The study of water birds requires special advantages and equipments, among which are a suitable location, much time, and a gun. Our coasts and shores are be- coming so popular as " resorts " that many of the former haunts of waterfowl are now thickly populated, and the birds are comparatively rare. Furthermore, the larger number of our water birds nest in the far North and winter in the South, visiting the Middle States only while on their migrations. It is evident, therefore," that if we would become familiar with these birds, we must devote ourselves especially to their pursuit. There are, however, some species, notably those which frequent bodies of fresh water and nest in this latitude, Pied-billed Grebe which deserve to be ranked among our Podilymbus podiceps. commoner birds. Of these, one of the riate ii. kggf. knowEl) by name at least, is the Pied-billed Grebe, whose aquatic powers have given it the expressive title of Hell-diver. Under favorable conditions this little Grebe may breed anywhere from the Argentine Republic to British Amer- ica, but in the Middle States it occurs chiefly as a spring and fall migrant. When nesting, a quiet, reedy pond or lake is chosen for a home, the nest being made on a pile of decaying vegetation. The eggs, four to eight in num- ber, are dull white, more or less stained by the nesting material, which the parent bird rarely fails to place over 84 Plate XXV. pAGE 116. RED-HEADED WOODPECKER. Length, 9-75 inches. Adult, whole head and neck deep red, back and tail black; upper tail-coverts, greater part <>f secondaries, and belly white. Young, similar, but head, Lack, throat, and sides grayish black. LOON. 85 them when leaving the nest. The young are born covered with down and can swim at birth. The Pied-billed Grebe is one of our most aquatic birds. "When pursued, it prefers diving to night, and the marvelous rapidity with which it can disappear from the surface of the water, to reappear in a quite unexpected place, justifies its reliance on its own natatorial powers. It can swim under water with only its bill exposed, when it becomes practically invisible. When on land Grebes progress awkwardly. They can, it is said, stand erect on their toes, but, when resting, support themselves on the whole length of the foot or tarsus (see Fig. 8, the Great Auk). On the wing Grebes resemble small Ducks, but their pointed bill and their feet stretched out behind the rudi- mentary tail will serve to distinguish them. Looks. (Family Urixatorid^e.) The Loon, like its small relative the Grebe, is known to almost every one by name, but only those who have Loon visited its summer haunts among the Urinator imber, ^Northern lakes and heard its wild call Plate in. can j^ ga-cj £0 know it. Nuttall writes of its cry as "the sad and wolfish call of the solitary Loon, which, like a dismal echo, seems slowly to invade the ear, and, rising as it proceeds, dies away in the air." It " may he heard sometimes for two or three miles, when the bird itself is invisible, or reduced almost to a speck in the distance." The Loon is as aquatic in habits as the Grebe, but is much stronger on the wing. It migrates by day, and probably also by night, and we may some- times see it passing over — a large, ducklike bird — in March and October. When on land, it is nearly helpless, progressing awk- 86 HERRING GULL. wardly by the use of feet, wings, and bill. For this rea- son it nests near the water's edge, often where it can slide from the eggs directly into its true element. The nest is a slight depression in the earth, in which are laid two elliptical eggs, in color olive-brown, slightly spotted with blackish. LONG-WINGED SWIMMERS. (ORDER LONGIPENNES.) Gills and Terns. (Family Larid^e.) No birds are more widely distributed than the Gulls and Terns. Some species are pelagic, visiting the land _ , _ „ only at long intervals and when nest- Herring Gull, . J & Lotus argmtatua mg 5 others live along the coast, and amtiksonionus. several species resort to inland waters. About one hundred species are known, fifty being Gulls and fifty Terns. The former are, as a rule, larger, stouter birds than the latter, and, generally speaking, are more maritime. The commonest of the ten species found in the Eastern States is the Herring Gull. It nests from Maine northward, and is found southward along our coast from October 1 to April. This is the Gull we see in such numbers in our bays and harbors, flying gracefully and apparently aimlessly about, but in reality ever keeping its bright black eyes fixed on the water in search of some floating morsel, which it deftly picks from the surface. It frequently follows vessels, hanging over the stern day after day, and deserting its post only to feed on scraps thrown overboard from the galley. There are said to be reliable records of these birds following the same vessel from the Irish coast to New York Harbor. Gulls do excellent service in devouring much refuse that would otherwise be cast ashore to decay ; but, useful Plate XXVI. PAGE i16. FLICKER. Length, 12-00 inches. Male, crown gray, oape scarlet, back brownish and black, rump white; under surface of wings and tail yellow; sides of throat and breast-patch black ; bellyspotted with Mack. Female, simi- lar, but no black on sides of throat COMMON TERN. 87 as they are as scavengers, I feel that their place in Nature is to animate the barren wastes of the sea. How, when at sea, the presence of a single Gull changes the whole aspect of Nature ! The great expanse of water, which before was oppressive in its dreary lifelessness, is trans- formed by the white-winged Gulls into a scene of rare beauty. Every voyager, be he naturalist or not, admires their grace of form and motion. They seem born of the waves, and as much a part of the ocean as the foamy whitecaps themselves. The beautiful Terns or Sea Swallows are even more graceful than the Gulls. They are slenderer birds, lighter Common Tern an<^ more active on the wing, with long, Sterna hirundo. forked tails and pointed bills. They Plate x. arrive from the South in May and re- main until September, nesting in colonies. Terns are littoral rather than pelagic, seldom being found far from the shore. Like the Gulls, they seem so in harmon with their surroundings that no coast view is perfect from which the Terns are missing. They add the requisite touch of life, and make still more impressive the thunder of the surf dashing over rocks or curling in long, combing waves on the beach. During recent years these birds have been killed in such numbers for millinery purposes that on the middle Atlantic coast the only sun ivors exist on three or four uninhabited islets. If one protests against the merciless destruction of- these exquisite creatures the excuse is, ""Well, what good are they '."— an answer betraying such an utter la<-k of appreciation of beauty that explanation seems hopeless. But can we not learn, before it is too late, that these birds are even more deserving of protec- tion than the works of art we guard so zealously \ 88 PETRELS. TUBE-NOSED SWIMMERS. (ORDER TUBINARES.) Petrels. (Family Procellariidje.) Petrels, or " Mother Carey's Chickens," are true chil- dren of the sea. Their home is the ocean, and they come to land only when nesting. To the etre *' landsman, therefore, they are strangers, but to most people who have been to sea they are known as the little, white-rumped swallow- like birds who on tireless wing follow in the wake of the ship day after day, patiently waiting for the food which experience tells them will be thrown overboard. Two species of Petrels are found off our coasts, "Wil- son's and Leach's. The former has a yellow area in the webs of the toes and a square tail, while Leach's Petrel has the webs of the toes wholly black and a slightly forked tail. These differences, however, would not be appre- ciable at a distance. Wilson's Petrel nests in certain islands of the southern hemisphere in February, and later migrates northward, reaching our latitude in May and spending the summer, or what in fact is its winter, in the North Atlantic. It is, therefore, probably the Petrel most frequently seen by transatlantic voyagers at this season. Leach's Petrel nests on our coasts from Maine north- ward, arriving from the South in May. The nest is made in a burrow in the ground or beneath a rock, and a single white egg is laid. Generally one of the birds spends the day on the nest while its mate is at sea, but at night the incubating bird leaves the nest, its place being taken probably by the one who has been feeding during the day. Plate XXVII. Pages 118, 119. NIGHTHAWK. Length, 10-00 inches. Male, above, black, white, and rusty; below, black and white ; throat, bands in wing, and tail white. Female, similar, but throat rusty ; no tail-band. WHIP-POOR-WILL. Length, 9-75 inches. Male, body black, rusty, and buff; primaries spotted with rusty ; tips of outer tail-feathers and breast-band white. Female, similar, but breast-band and end of tail rusty. DUCKS. 89 LAMELLIROSTRAL SWIMMERS. (ORDER ANSERES.) Ducks, Geese, and Swans. (Family Anatid^e.) This family contains some two hundred species, and is represented in all parts of the world. It includes five subfamilies : the Mergansers {Mergmm), or Fish-eating Ducks; the Pond or River Ducks (AnatmcB), the Bay or Sea Ducks {FvMgvUncB) ; the Geese (Anserina) ; and the Swans {Cygnmce). Ducks, like all hunted birds, are exceedingly wild, and comparatively few species will come within reach of the student's opera-glass. The group may therefore be reviewed briefly. The Mergansers or Shelldrakes, num- bering three species, have narrow, serrate bills which enable them to hold the fish they pursue and catch under water (see Fig. 18). The River Ducks have little or no lobe or flap on the hind toe. In this group belong our Mallard, Widgeon, Pintail, Blue-winged and Green-winged Ri™a° v*8' Teals> Black Duck' Wood Duck' and others. All but the last two nest in the North and are found in our latitude only during their spring and fall migrations, or, if the weather be mild, in the winter. The Black Duck and Wood Duck nest rarely in the Middle States. All these birds feed in shallow water by "dabbling" or "tipping," terms which will be readily understood by any one who has watched domesticated Ducks feeding. The Bay and Sea Ducks,' on the contrary, are divers, and may descend to the bottom in water more than one hundred and fifty feet in depth. They are to be dis- tinguished from the River Ducks by the presence of a flap or lobe on the hind toe. The commoner members of 14 90 DUCKS AND GEESE. this subfamily are the Redhead, Canvasback, Scaup or Broadbill, Whistler, Bufflehead, Old Squaw, Eider, three species of Scoters or " Coots " and Ruddy Duck. These are all northern-breeding birds who visit the waters of our bays and coasts during their migrations or in the winter. The bill in both River and Bay Ducks has a series of gutters on either side which serve as strainers. The birds secure a large part of their food — of small mollusks, crustaceans, and seeds of aquatic plants — from the bot- tom, taking in with it a quantity of mud, which they get rid of by closing the bill and forcing it out through the strainers, the food being retained. Geese are more terrestrial than Ducks, and, though they feed under water by tipping, often visit the land to procure grass, corn, or cereals, which they readily nip off. The white-faced, black-necked Canada Goose is our only common species. Its long overland journeys, while migrating, render it familiar to many who have seen it only in the air. It migrates northward in March and April and returns in October and November, breeding from the Northern States northward and wintering from New Jersey southward. The two Swans, Whistling and Trumpeter, found in North America, are generally rare on the Atlantic coast. HERONS, STORKS, IBISES, ETC. (ORDER HERODIONES.) Herons and Bitterns. (Family Ardeid^.) Of the seventy-five known members of this family fourteen inhabit eastern North America. Most of these are Southern in distribution, only six or seven species regularly visiting the Northern States. Their large size Plate XXVIII. Page 119. CHIMNEY SWIFT. Length, 5*40 inches. Sooty black, throal grayish. GREAT BLUE HERON. 91 renders Herons conspicuous, and, though worthless as food, few so-called sportsmen can resist the temptation of shooting at them when opportunity offers. Several of the Southern species, notably the Snowy Heron and White Egret, are adorned during the nesting season with the beautiful " aigrette " plumes which are apparently so necessary a part of woman's headgear that they will go out of fashion only when the birds go out of existence. One can not blame the plume hunters, who are generally poor men, for killing birds whose plumes are worth more than their weight in gold — the blame lies in another quarter. But I have no words with which to express my condemnation of the man who kills one of these birds wantonly. The presence of a stately Great Blue Heron or " Crane " adds an element to the landscape which no Great Blue Heron, work of nmn can e(luaL Its Srace °f Ardea Jurodiaa. form and motion, emphasized by its Plate vi. large size, is a constant delight to the eye ; it is a symbol of the wild in Nature ; one never tires of watching it. "What punishment, then, is severe enough for the man who robs his fellows of so pure a source of enjoyment ? A rifle ball turns this noble creature into a useless mass of flesh and feathers ; the loss is irreparable. Still, we have no law to prevent it. Herons are said to devour large numbers of small fish. But is not the laborer worthy of his hire ? Are the fish more valuable than this, one of the grandest of birds ? The Great Blue Heron breeds throughout North America, but there are now only a few localities in the northeastern States where it may be found nesting. We usually see it, therefore, as a migrant in April and May, and from August to November. The Little Green Heron is the smallest, as the Great Blue Heron is the largest, of our Herons. Its small 92 HERONS. size, preference for wooded regions instead of marshes, and habit of nesting alone, not in flocks, like most Her- Little Green Heron, ons> accounts for its being relatively Ardea virescms. common. It arrives from the South Plate vi. about April 20, and nests early in May. The nest, as is usual in this family, is a rude platform of sticks and is placed in a bush or the lower branch of a tree, often overhanging the water. The eggs number from three to six, and in color are pale green- ish blue. The young, although born with a covering of hairlike feathers, are quite helpless and are reared in the nest. Adults have the crown and back dark, glossy green, the neck reddish brown. The notes of this little Heron are a clear whistle and a harsh squawk, uttered when it is frightened. It then seeks refuge by alighting in a distant bush or tree, and with upstretched neck and twitching tail watches the intruder. The Night Heron, or Squawk, doubtless owes its escape from the fate of most Herons to its nocturnal habits. These birds arrive from the Ni ht Heron South m April and remain until Oc- flydicorax nycticorax tober. They nest in large colonies, a namws. rookery not far from New York city being inhabited by at least one thousand pairs. It is in a low, wooded tract, and the nests are built in the trees at an average height of thirty feet. The eggs number four to six, and in color are pale bluish green. At night, while feeding, these Herons are doubtless distributed over a wide area. When flying, they often utter a loud squawk, the origin of one of their common names. It is a surprising sound when heard near by at night, and has doubtless aroused the curiosity of many persons who live near a line of flight followed by these birds in going to and from their nests. ' w ''1.1. ' mkf^JmRL' g £* Brnest oeton [hom{>SCh~ ■ Tlate XXIX. Page 120. RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Length, 3 -75 inches. AduH male, upper parte metallic green ; throat metallic ruby-red; belly grayish; Bides greenish. Adult female and young, siiuilar, but throat white. AMERICAN BITTERN. 93 The Bittern, or Stake Driver, is a summer resident of our larger marshes, arriving early in April and remaining American Bittern, until October. Though by no means Butaunts tentiginostu. common, its notes are so loud and re- riate vii. markable that even a single calling bird is more likely to attract attention than many smaller abundant species. Under favorable circumstances these notes may be heard for at least three fourths of a mile. They are of two kinds. One is described as the " pump- ing " call, and is generally written piimp-er-lunk, p ump- 6 ■r-Junl\ p!i.m [>- < i'-lu dI\ while the other is deceptively like the sound produced by driving a stake in the mud. Mr. Bradford Torrey, one of the few ornithologists who has observed the bird while it was uttering these singular cries, tells us (The Auk, vi, 1889, p. 1) that they are attended by violent, convulsive movements of the head and neck, which suggest the contortions of a seasick person, but that the bird's bill is neither immersed in water nor plunged in the mud, as has been popularly supposed. CRANES, RAILS, ETC. (ORDER PALUDICOLiE.) Rails and Coots. (Family Rallid^e.) Rails are marsh-inhabiting birds, more often heard than seen. They are very reluctant to take wing, and when pursued seek safety by running or hiding rather than by flying. When flushed, they go but a short dis- tance, and with dangling legs soon drop back into the grasses. ( )f the one hundred and eighty members of this family, fourteen inhabit North America and eight visit the northeastern United States. Only three or four of these, however, are abundant, the most numerous and 94: RAILS AND COOT. generally distributed species being our Sora or Carolina Rail, so well known to sportsmen. This bird passes Sora us in the spring in April and nests from Porzana Carolina. Massachusetts northward. It returns Plate vii. |n August and lingers in our wild-rice marshes until October. During the nesting season it has two calls — a whistled, ker-wee, and a high, rolling whinny. In the fall it utters a huh or peep when dis- turbed. There is no sexual difference in color in this species, but birds of the year lack the black about the base of the bill and on the throat, and have the breast washed with cinnamon. Our other species of Rail are the King, Yellow, and Little Black Rail, all of which are rare ; the Virginia Rail, Clapper Kail which is more common, and the Clap- Raiius crepitans. per Rail or Marsh Hen, an abundant Plate VIII. species in some of the salt marshes along our coasts from Long Island southward. It is a noisy bird with a peculiar cackling call which it utters in a way that suggests the sound produced by some auto- matic toys. Its nest is made of dried grasses, the surrounding marsh grass being slightly arched over it. Eight to twelve buffy, speckled eggs are laid, a number which, in connection with the abundance of the bird, has led to the persistent robbing of its nests by men who sell the eggs for food. As a result of this practice the birds have greatly decreased in numbers during recent years. The Coot, Mud-hen, or Crow-duck differs from the Rails in having lobed toes (see Fig. 12) and in being American Coot, more aquatic. In fact, it is more like FuHea americana. a Duck in habits than like a Rail, but Plate viii. |tg p0inted, white-tipped bill will pre- vent its being mistaken for one. Plate XXX. Page 12 KINGBIKD. Length, 8-50 Inches. Upper parts grayish black ; tip of tail and under parts white ; an orange-red crown-patch. Young, similar, but without orange-red in crown. WOODCOCK. 95 It rarely breeds on the Atlantic coast, but is some- times common on our marsh-bordered streams in the fall. shore birds. (order limicolie.) Snipes and Sandpipers. (Family Scolopacid^e.) The successful pursuit of shore birds on our coasts requires a special knowledge of their notes and habits. Thirty of the one hundred known species visit us annu- ally, but of this number only two or three nest, most of the others migrating in May to their breeding grounds in the far North. The return migration takes place during July, August, and September, but with some exceptions these birds are seen only by those who hunt them sys- tematically with decoys. Only these exceptions and our summer resident species will be mentioned here. Commonest among the latter is the Woodcock, a bird so unlike other AXToodcock PMlohela minor Snipe in his choice of haunts that he seems quite out of place in this family. Nor is he, strictly speaking, a summer resident, for there are only three months in the year when the Woodcock is not with us. He comes in March as soon as the frost- bound earth will permit him to probe for Jiis diet of \\ i wins, and he remains until some December freeze drives him southward. Low, wet woods, where skunk cabbage and hellebore thrive, or bush-grown, springy runs, are the Woodcock's early haunts. In August, while molting, he often visits cornfields in the bottom lands, and in the fall wooded hillsides are his resorts. But, wherever he is, the Wood- cock leaves his mark in the form of "borings" — little holes which dot the earth in clusters, and show where the bird 96 SPOTTED SANDPIPER. has probed for earthworms with his long, sensitive bill, the upper mandible of which, as Mr. Gordon Trumbull has discovered, the bird can use as a finger. The Woodcock's nest is made of dried leaves, and the four large, pear-shaped eggs are buff, spotted with shades of reddish brown. The young are born covered with rich chestnut and buff down, and can run as soon as dry. As a songster the Woodcock is unique among our summer birds. Ordinarily sedate and dignified, even pompous in his demeanor, in the spring he falls a victim to the passion which is accountable for so many strange customs in the bird world. If some April evening you visit the Woodcock's haunts at sunset, you may hear a loud, nasal note repeated at short intervals— -peent, pemt. It resembles the call of a Mghthawk, but is the Woodcock sounding the first notes of his love song. He is on the ground, and as you listen, the call ceases and the bird springs from the ground to mount skyward on whistling wings. He may rise three hundred feet, then, after a second's pause, one hears a twittering whistle and the bird shoots down steep inclines earthward. Unless disturbed, he will probably return to near the spot from which he started and at once resume his peenting. This, with the twittering note, is vocal ; the whistling sound, heard as the bird rises, is produced by the rapid passage of air through its stif- fened primaries. Our only other common summer resident Snipe is the Spotted Sandpiper. It frequents the shores of lakes, Spotted Sandpiper, Ponds> and ri™r8> aixd is also fmmd Aetitis mamlaria. near the sea, but wherever seen may be Plate XL known by its singular tipping, teter- ing motion, which has given it the names of Tip-up and Teter Snipe. It is also called Peet-weet, from its sharp Plate XXXI. Page 123. CHESTED FLYCATCHER. Length, 9*00 inches. Upper parts brownish olive-green ; inner vane of tail-feathers rusty; breast gray ; belly pale yellow. WILSON'S SNIPE. n: pall, rapidly repeated as it flies over the water. After gaining headway it sails for some distance, when its wide- Btretched wings show a white bar or band. The Spotted Sandpiper arrives from the South late in April and remains until Oetober. It nests in the lat- ter half of May, laying four pear-shaped eggs, in eolor white or buff, thiekly spotted and speekled with ehopo- late, ehiefly at the larger end. The young, like those of all Snipe, are born with a eovering of downy feathers, and ean run as soon as dry. The egg is, therefore, large in proportion to the size of the bird, and measures 1*25 by •95 inches. (See Fig. 24«.) Unlike the two preeeding birds, Wilson's or the English Snipe is not a summer resident in the Middle Wilson's Snipe States, but as a rule nests from north- inago delicata. ern New England northward, though Plate ix. there are reeords of its breeding as far south as Conneetieut and Pennsylvania. It migrates northward in March and April, and the return journey oepurs during September and Oetober. It is not a true shore bird, but frequents fresh-water marshes and mead- ows, and in rainy April weather, when the lowlands be- eome more or less flooded, it may be found in plaees where few persons would think of looking for Snipe. Like the Woodeopk, "Wilson's Snipe probes the mud for food, and when on the ground among the grasses its colors and pattern of coloration so elosely resemble its surroundings that it is almost invisible. When flushed, it utters a startled scaip, and darts quickly into the air, flying at first in so erratie a manner that it has become famous among sportsmen as a diffi- cult mark. Like the Nighthawk, Wilson's Snipe sometimes dives earthward from high in the air, making as he falls a sound which Minot pompares to that produped by throw- 15 98 SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER. ing a nail held crosswise in the hand, though it is louder and more full. This performance is generally restricted to late evening and early morning during the spring, but is occasionally practiced in the fall. Most of our transient visitant Snipe are true shore birds. Many of them are classed as game birds, and have semipalmatcd now become 80 uncommon that, as Sandpiper, before remarked, it requires a special Ereunetespitsiiius. knowledge of their ways in order to find them. But there are some species too small to be worthy the sportsman's attention, and they are often numerous on our beaches. They are generally known as Peeps or Ox-eyes, but in books are termed Semipalmated Sandpipers — active little fellows, with black, gray and rusty backs and white under parts, who run along the shore, feeding on the small forms of life cast up by the waves. They are sociable birds, and even when feeding the members of a flock keep together, while when flying they move almost as one bird. These Sandpipers visit us in May, when journeying to their summer homes within the Arctic Circle, and return in July, to linger on our shores until October. Their call-note is a cheery, peeping twitter, which probably suggested one of their common names. Plovers. (Family Charadriidje.) Most Plovers differ from Snipe in possessing three instead of four toes, and in having the scales on the tarsi rounded, not square or transverse. Their bill is shorter and stouter than that of Snipe, and they do not probe for food, but pick it up from the surface. Although several species visit dry fields and uplands, they are ranked as shore birds or bay birds, and, as with Snipe, the species large enough to be ranked as game Plate XXXII. Page 124. PHOEBE. Length, 7-00 inches. Back dusky olive; crown blackish; under parts while tinged with yellow; outer margin of outer tail-feathers whitish; bill black. PLOVERS. 99 have become comparatively rare. Of the one hundred known species, six visit eastern North America — the Black-breasted, Grolden, Piping, Wilson's, Semipalmated, and' Killdeer Plovers. Only the last two of these are common enough to deserve mention here. Killdeer The Killdeer, with the exception of /Effialitis vod/era. the Piping Plover, is the only bird of Plate XI. tills family that nests with us. It is irregularly distributed in the northeastern States, but its noisy call, kildee, Z/AAv, and striking markings render it a conspicuous bird even where it is uncommon. It fre- quents uplands and lowlands, fields and shores, but prefers the vicinity of water. Its nest of grasses is made on the ground, and its four eggs are whitish, spotted and scrawled with chestnut, chiefly at the larger end. The Semipalmated or Ring-necked Plover looks like a miniature of the Killdeer, but, in addition to other dif- _ . , . -, _, ferences, has onlv one band on the Semipalmated Plover, ' jtyiaMtis breast. The male has the upper parts eemipalmata. brownish gray, the under parts, nape, and forehead white, while the breast- band, crown, and cheeks are black. In the female these black areas are brownish gray. This Plover visits our shores and beaches during its northward migration in May and southward migration in August and September. Thanks to its small size, it is not hunted as game, and for this reason is almost as common as the little Peeps or ( >x-eyes, with which it often associates. Its call is a simple but exceedingly sweet and plaintive two-noted whistle. THE LAND BIRDS. GALLINACEOUS BIRDS. (ORDER GALLING.) Bob-whites, Grouse, etc. (Family Tetraonid^e.) This is the family of the game birds — the aristocrats of the bird world. They are protectively colored birds, their rich brown, buff, and black plumage harmoniz- ing with their surroundings. Relying on their incon- spicuousness, they avoid danger by hiding rather than by flight, taking wing only as a final resort. Then, with a startling whir-r-r, they spring into the air, their short, strong wings enabling them to reach their greatest speed within a short distance of the starting point. One of the best-known members of this distinguished family is our familiar Bob-white, the Quail of the North and Partridge of the South. The fact n ,. ' . . .' is, he is neither a true Quail nor Par- tridge, and those who claim that but one of these names is correct may compromise on " Bob- white." The Bob-white inhabits the eastern United States, and wherever found is resident throughout the year. The sexes are much alike in color, the only important differ- ence being in the throat and the line over the eye, which are white in the male and buff in the female. No bird better illustrates the peculiar potency of bird song, and the hopelessness of attempting to express its charm. If I should describe Bob-white's call to a person who had never heard it, as two ringing notes, do you suppose he would have the faintest conception of what 100 Plate XXXIII. Page 126. WOOD PEWEE. Length, 6*50 Inches. Upper pans dusky olive-green; under parts whitish, washed with dusky; lower mandible yellowish. RUFFED GROUSE. K)l they mean to those whc love them i The promise of Spring, its fulfillment in summer, is clearly told in Bob- white's greeting. Then, in the autumn, when the mem- bers of a scattered bevy are signaling each other, their sweet tohere are you t where are you ? is equally associated with the season. The Bob- white nests about May 20, laying from ten to eighteen white eggs in a nest on the ground. The Ruffed Grouse, or Partridge of the North and Pheasant of the South, is properly a true Grouse, and Ruffed Grouse, can not ue correctly called either Par- Bonasa umbellus. tridge or Pheasant. He is a more Plate xii. northern bird than the Bob-white, be- ing found south of Virginia only in the Alleghanies. Requiring large tracts of woodland for his haunts, he is less generally distributed and not so common as his plump relative. I always associate the Grouse with the astounding roar of wings made by the bird as he springs from the ground at my feet and sails away through the forest. I watch him at first with dazed surprise, then with a keen sense of pleasure in the meeting. One need not be a sportsman to appreciate the gaminess of the Grouse. To find a hen Grouse with young is a memorable experience. "While the parent is giving us a lesson in mother-love and bird intelligence, her downy chicks are teaching us facts in protective coloration and heredity. How the old one limps and flutters ! She can barely drag herself along the ground. But while we are watch- ing her, what has become of the ten or a dozen little yellow balls we almost stepped on ? Not a feather do we see, until, poking about in the leaves, we find one little chap hiding here and another squatting there, all perfectly still, and so like the leaves in color as to be nearly invisible. 102 MOURNING DOVE. The drumming of the Grouse, as described by Mr. Thompson, begins " with the measured thump of the big drum, then gradually changes and dies away in the rum- ble of the kettle-drum. It may be briefly represented thus: Thump — thump — thump — thump, thump; thump, thump — rup rup rup rup, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r. The sound is produced by the male bird beating the air with his wings as he stands firmly braced on some favorite low perch." The Ruffed Grouse makes its leaf-lined nest usually at the base of a tree or stump, and the eight to fourteen buff eggs are laid early in May. PIGEONS AND DOVES. (ORDER COLUMBiE.) Pigeons and Doves. (Family Columbine.) The three hundred species belonging in this order are distributed throughout most parts of the world, but only two of them are found in the northeastern States. One of these, however, the Wild Pigeon, is now so rare that its occurrence is worthy of note. Less than fifty years ago it was exceedingly abundant, but its sociable habits of nesting and flying in enormous flocks made it easy prey for the market hunter, and, with that entire disre- gard of consequences which seems to characterize man's action when his greed is aroused, the birds were pur- sued so relentlessly that they have been practically ex- terminated. The Mourning or Carolina Dove has happily been more fortunate. Nesting in isolated pairs, and not Mourning Dove, gathering in very large flocks, it has Zenaidum macro ura, escaped the market hunter. Plate xiii. Thig r>ove ig found ^,.0^0^ the greater part of North America. In the latitude of New York it is a summer resident, arriving in March and Plate XXXIV. Page 12f>. HORNED LARK. Length, 7*75 Inches. Upper parts brownish and sandy ; front and sides of crown, sides of throat, and breast-patch black ; forehead, Hue over eye, and throat pale yellow ; breast dusky, belly white, tail black, outer feath- ers margined with white. TURKEY VULTURE. L03 remaining until November. In April we may hear its soft, sweet call, coo-o-o, ah-coo-o-o — coo-o-o — 000-0-0, as sad as tlic roice of the wind in the pines. Although the bird i> as beautiful in appearance as it is graceful in flight, it is a surprisingly poor housekeeper. Ir> platform nest of a few twigs is about as flimsy as any- thing worthy the name can he, and one wonders how even two eggs are kept on it long enough to hatch. In the West the nest is placed on the ground ; in the East, on the lower branch of a tree. Like all the members of their family, Doves immerse the bill while drinking, and do not withdraw it until the draught is finished. The young are fed on softened food regurgitated from the parent's crop. BIRDS OF PREY. (ORDER RAPTORES.) American Vultures. (Family Cathartid^e.) There are but eight Vultures in the western hemi- sphere, and only two of these, the Black and the Turkey Vulture, are found in the eastern United States. The former is not often seen north of North Turkey Vulture, Caroli but t, T k Vulture, or Cataartei aura. ' J Turkey Buzzard, as it is more frequent- ly called, comes each summer as far as Princeton, N. J., and occasionally strays farther north. The Turkey Buzzard is one of Nature's scavengers, and, as such, is one of the few birds whose services to mankind are thoroughly appreciated. There art- others of equal or even greater value who daily earn their right to the good will which we Btupidly and persistently refuse to grant them ; but of the Turkey Buzzard's assist- ance we have frequent convincing proof, and the decree has gone forth that injury to this bird is punishable by fine. 104 RED-SHOULDERED HAWK. No other birds are so well protected ; and as a result Turkey Buzzards and Black Vultures walk about the streets of some of our Southern cities with the tameness of domes- tic fowls. If we should similarly encourage our insectivo- rous birds, who can predict the benefits which might accrue ? Hawks, Falcons, and Eagles. (Family Falconidje.) To this family belong the diurnal birds of prey, which number some three hundred and fifty species, and are distributed throughout the world. They are birds of strong flight, and capture their prey on the wing by striking it with their sharp, curved claws, the most dead- ly weapons to be found in any bird's armament. The bill is short, stout, and hooked, and is used to tear the prey while it is held by the feet. The voices of Hawks are in keeping with their dis- positions, and, while their lives typify all that is fierce and cruel, no birds are more often wrongly accused and falsely persecuted than our birds of prey. To kill one is regarded as an act of special merit ; to spare one seems to place a premium on crime. Still, these birds are among the best friends of the farmer. There are but two of our common species, Cooper's and the Sharp-shinned, who habitually feed on birds and poultry. Our other com- mon species are, without exception, invaluable aids to the agriculturist in preventing the undue increase of the small rodents so destructive to crops. Any one reading Dr. Fisher's reports on this subject can not fail to be impressed with the array of facts he Bed-shouldered presents in proof of the value of these Hawk, birds. For instance, the Ked-shoul- Buteo Uneatus. dered Hawk, to which the name Plate xiv. Chicken or Hen Hawk is often ap- plied, has been found to live largely on small mammals, Plate XXXV. Page 131. BALTIMORE ORIOLE. Length, 7-50 inches. Male, crown, upper back, and throat black ; lower back, outer tail-feathers, breast, and belly rich orange. Female, upper parts mixed black and yellowish, rump and tail dirty yellow; under parts dusky yellow. RED-SHOULDERED HAWK. L05 reptiles, batrachians, and insects. Indeed of 220 stomachs which were examined of this so-called " Chicken." Hawk, only 3 contained remains of poultry ! Of the rest, 12 contained birds; 1<>2, mice; 4<>, other mammals; 20, reptiles; 39, batrachians ; 92, insects; lti, spiders; 7, crawfish; 1, earthworms; 2, offal; 3, fish; and 14 were empty.* The usefulness of this Hawk is therefore obvi- ous, and in killing it we can readily see that we not only harm ourselves but render an important service to our enemies. Fortunately, this valuable ally is one of our com- monest Hawks, and is with us throughout the year. Its loud scream, kee-you, kee-you, as it sails about, high in the air, is a familiar summer sound. The " red " shoulder is in reality a rich, reddish chestnut on the lesser wing-coverts, and serves to identify the bird in both immature and adult plumage. The Red-shoulder's nest, like that of most of our Hawks, is constructed of sticks and twigs, with a lining of cedar bark, moss, or some other soft material, and is situated in a tree thirty to sixty feet from the ground. Apparently the same pair of birds re- turn to a locality year after year, sometimes using the same nest, at others building a new one. The eggs are about as large as those of a hen and in color are dull white, more or less sprinkled, spotted, or blotched with cinnamon-brown or chocolate. They are laid early in April, most of the Hawks being early breeders. The young are born covered with white down, but are help- less, and are reared in the nest. The Red-tailed Hawk is also known as the Ben Hawk or Chicken Hawk, but has almost as good a record as * See Fisher, The Hawks and Owls of the United States in their Relation to Agriculture; Bulletin No. '■'>, Division "f Ornithology and Mammalogy, United States Department of Agriculture, 1893. 10 106 HAWKS. the Red-shoulder, and is equally deserving of protec- tion. He is larger than the Red -shoulder, whom he re- sembles in habits, and has a reddish Bed-tailed Hawk, brown ^ aQ(j & hroken bkck band Jyuteo borealis. across the breast when adult. His call is a thin, long-drawn, wheezy whistle, which reminds one of the sound produced by escaping steam. The Marsh Hawk courses to and fro over field and meadow, like a Gull over the water. He Dever sails, Marsh Hawk, however, but on firm wing flies easily Circus hudsonius. and gracefully, ever on the watch for Plate xv. prey m tjie grasses below. He may sometimes mistake birds for mice, but he captures far more of the latter than of the former, and only 1 of the 124 Marsh Hawks whose stomachs were examined by Dr. Fisher had eaten chickens. The Marsh Hawk is migratory, and in winter is not often found north of southern Connecticut. He nests later than the resident Hawks, and, unlike them, builds his nest of grasses on the ground in the marshes, laying from four to six dull white or bluish white eggs early in May. The Sparrow Hawk has a perfectly clean record, as far as chickens go, not one of the 320 whose stomachs Sparrow Hawk, were examined by Dr. Fisher, having Faico sparverius. partaken of poultry, while no less than Plate xvi. 215 had eaten insects, and 89 had cap- tured mice. Grasshoppers are the Sparrow Hawk's chief food, and we may often see him hovering over the fields with rapidly moving wings. Then, dropping lightly down on some unsuspected victim below, he returns to the bare limb or stub he uses for a lookout station, uttering an exultant hilly — hilly — hilly as he flies. The Sparrow is distributed throughout the greater part of North America, but in winter is not found north Plate XXXVI. Page 132. OKCHAKD ORIOLE. Length, 7-30 inches. Adult male, crown, back, and throat black, rest of body chestnut. Youngmale, upper parts olive-green ; throat black, rest of under parte yellowish. Female, similar, but black on throat replaced by yellowish. HAWKS. In; of southern New York. It migrates northward in Feb- ruary au ■ loz. quired a taste for tender young broilers, Plate x\ 11. t]1Cy are apt f.0 make daily visits to the hen yards. They are less often observed than the Hawks previously mentioned, seeking less exposed perches and soaring comparatively little; but, when seen, their slen- der bodies and long tails should aid in distinguishing them from the stouter, slower-flying Hawks. As a rule, they are silent. It is difficult to explain the differences between these and other Hawks with sufficient clearness to prevent one's killing the wrong kind, but if the farmer will- withhold his judgment against Hawks in general, and shoot only those that visit his poultry yard, he will not go far astray. Cooper's Hawk resembles the Sharp-shinned in color, but is about four inches longer, and its outer tail-feathers are about half an inch shorter than the oopers aw , mj,i(i]0 oneg m8tead of being of equal length. With the preceding species it may be known by its slender form, long tail, compara- tively short wings, and long, thin tarsi or "legs." The Chinese and Japanese train Cormorants to fish American Osprey, f°r them> but tl,e Bervicea of these birds Fandion haliaetue would soon he at a discount if the earoUneims. < >8prey (.()nld l,e induced to work for a Plate XVIII. ' • .... . . . ...... master. \\ oat an inspiring sight it is to see one plunge from the air upon its prey ! One can 108 OWLS. sometimes hear the splash half a mile or more, and the bird is quite concealed by the spray. It is a magnifi- cent performance, and when, after shaking the water from his plumage, he rises into the air, I am always tempted to applaud. The Osprey, or Fish Hawk, as he is also called, adheres closely to a finny diet ; neither flesh nor fowl appears on his menu, and he is consequently a migratory bird, com- ing in April when the ice has melted and remaining until October. In favorable localities he nests in colonies, re- turning year after year to the same nest. One master, it is true, the Osprey has, though he makes a most unwilling servant. The Bald-headed Eagle is often an appreciative observer of the Osprey's j piscatorial powers, which so far exceed Halixetus his own that he wisely, if unjustly, leucocephalus. ^q^ hj ^^ j^^ ^ 0&Wej, he forces him to mount higher and higher until the poor bird in despair drops his prize, which the Eagle captures as it falls. Eagles are becoming so rare in the Northern States that their occurrence is sometimes commented on by the local press as a matter of general interest. Nevertheless, no opportunity to kill them is neglected, and the majestic birds who in life arouse our keenest admiration are sac- rificed to the wanton desire to kill. The Owls. (Family Bubonidje.) The Owls number about two hundred species, and are distributed throughout the world. As a rule they are nocturnal or crepuscular birds, passing the day in hollow trees or dense evergreens, and appearing only after nightfall ; but there are some diurnal species, such , ,.-<* * 4 left'JIiom ison Page 133. Plate XXXVII. PURPLE GRACKLE. Length, male, 12-50 inches; female, 11-00 inches. Male, head, neck, throat, and breast bright metallic blue, purple, or green; back with iridescent bars; belly paler; eye pale yellow. Female, much duller than male. OWLS. 109 as the Snowy Owl and Hawk Owl, northern birds that visit us rarely in winter. Because of Their nocturnal habits Owls are even more deserving of protection than the beneficial Hawks, f or they feed at a time when mice are abroad, and their food consists largely of these destructive little rodents. They capture their prey, like the Hawks, by striking it with their powerful talons, when, if small enough, it is swallowed entire. The indigestible portions, hair, bones, and feathers, are formed into pellets in the stomach and ejected at the mouth. These may always be found in numbers beneath an Owl's roosting place, and form as sure an indication of the Owl's presence as they do of the nature of his food. Thus, as before mentioned, two hundred pellets of the Barn Owl, taken from the home of a pair of these birds in the tower of the Smithsonian In- stitution, were found by Dr. A. K. Fisher to contain the skulls of 151 small mammals. ( )wls are generally inhabitants of woods, but our Short-eared Owl is an exception to this rule, and lives short-eared Owl, in largeJ 8Ta/ (■/>■«, and ends with a loud cow, cow, cow, <-<>"\ cow, cow. These notes are so unlike those of any other of our birds, except those of the Black-billed Cuckoo, that they will readily be recognized. The Black-billed Cuckoo resembles the Yellow-bill, but has the bill wholly black, the skin about the eye red, Black-billed Cuckoo, and tne tail-feathers with only small, Coeeyzw inconspicuous whitish tips. It resem- erythrophtuimus. bleg the Yellow-bill in habits, but, as Mr. Brewster tells me, its tut and cluck notes are softer, and the cow-cow notes are connected. Both our Cuckoos are migratory, wintering in Cen- tral and South America. They return to us about May 5, and remain until October. Their nests are carelessly made platforms of sticks with a few catkins added as a lining, and are usually placed in tangles of vine-covered bushes, or the lower limbs of trees. The eggs, three to five in number, are pale, greenish blue, those of the Black-bill being slightly smaller in size and darker in color than those of its yellow-billed cousin. Kingfishers. (Family Alcedinid^e.) Of the one hundred and eighty known Kingfishers, only eight are inhabitants of the New World, the head- quarters of the family being in the East Indies. The New World species are mostly tropical, and but one of the eight reaches the eastern United States. This is our common 17 1U WOODPECKEKS. Belted Kingfisher, familiar by voice and appearance to every one who lives near a river or pond. He comes Belted Kingfisher, in APril> wlien tne ice no longer cov" Ctryli aleyon. ers his hunting ground, and remains Plate xxin. until November ; or, if the season be exceptionally mild, he sometimes stays for the winter fishing. His nest is built in a hole in a bank, where, early in May, his mate lays from five to eight white The Kingfisher is generally branded a fish thief and accounted a fair mark for every man with a gun, and, were it not for his discretion in judging distances and knowing just when to fly, he would long ago have disap- peared from the haunts of man. We might now be a few fish richer, but would they repay us for the loss of this genius of wooded shores ? WOODPECKERS AND WRYNECKS. (ORDER PICI.) Woodpeckers. (Family Picidje.) The three hundred and fifty known species of Wood- peckers are represented in all the wooded parts of the world except the Australian region and Madagascar. Nearly one half this number are found in the New World, and of these twenty -five occur in North America. Few birds seem better adapted to their mode of life than Woodpeckers, the structure of their bill, tongue, tail, and feet being admirably suited to their needs. The notes of Woodpeckers can not be termed musical, and their chief contribution to the springtime chorus is a rolling tattoo which resembles the k-r-r-r-ring call of the tree frogs. The feathered drummer selects a resonant limb and pounds out his song with a series of strokes de- *wiii 1 i I Ernest 5etoh Tfioj»|tSon. Plate XL. Page 137> COWBIRD. Length, 7-90 inches. Male, head and aeck all around dark coffee-brown; rest of plumage glossy greenish black. Female, dirty brownish gray; throat whitish. WOODPECKERS. 115 livered bo quickly that his bead becomes a series of mazy heads. Watch tlie Downy Woodpecker, our commonest species, while be is engaged in tins surprising perform- Downy woodpecker, ance- How he seems to enjoy it ! His Dryobatea pubescent wbole appearance is martial and defi- medianus. ant. It is his challenge to the Wood- pecker world. After each roll be looks proudly about him and perhaps utters bis call-note, a sharp peefypeek, which suggests the sound produced by a marble cutter's chisel. More rarely this call is pro- longed into a connected series, when one can readily imagine that the quarrier has dropped his tool. The Downy is a hardy bird and is with us throughout the year. In the winter he forms a partnership with the Chickadee and Nuthatch, and if the good this trio does could be expressed in figures, these neglected friends of ours might receive some small part of the credit due them. Who can estimate the enormous numbers of in- sects' eggs and larvae which these patient explorers of trunk and twig destroy ? The Downy, as well as some other Woodpeckers, be- lieves in the comfort of a home. He will not pass cold, wintry nights clinging to the leeward side of a tree when by the use of his chisel-bill he can hollow a snug chamber in its heart. So, in the fall, we may sometimes find him preparing bis winter quarters. His nest is constructed in tlie same manner, and his eggs, like those of all Wood- peckers, are glossy white. The Hairy Woodpecker, the Downv's big cousin, is not quite so common as his smaller Hairy Woodpecker, re,atiye# Tte twQ birdg are near] a]ike Dryobates nllosus. » r i in color, and differ only in the mark- in-- of the outer tail-feathers. In the Downy these are white, barred \yith black ; in the Hairy, white without 116 WOODPECKERS. black bars. The case is interesting, and shows how nearly alike in color distinct species may be. In size, however, the difference is more noticeable, the Hairy being nearly three inches the longer. In life the Hairy is a somewhat shier bird, fonder of the forest than of the orchard. His peek note is louder and sharper than that of the Downy, and his rattling call suggests that of the Kingfisher. The gayly colored Bed-headed Woodpecker is as erratic in his goings and comings as he is striking in _. . . . . dress. In the northeastern States he is Red-headed in • -e Woodpecker. l°ca% common in summer, and if well Heianerpes supplied with beechnuts, may remain erythrocephaius. fojfag, the winter. Some years the Plate XXV. .° , , , i • i grayish headed young birds are excep- tionally abundant in the fall, but their white wing-patch- es, which show so conspicuously when they fly, and their loud, rolling call of ker-r-ruck, ker-r-ruck^ are unmistak- able marks of identity. The most interesting of our "Woodpeckers is the Flicker, or High-hole, whose popularity is attested by Flicker B^s ^st °^ n0 ^esS tnan tnirty 0<^d COm- Colaptes awatus. mon names. Surely here is an instance Plate xxvi. illustrating the necessity of one sci- entific term by which the " Piquebois jaune " of Louisi- ana may be recognized as the " Clape " of New York. He is also a Yucker^ a Flicker, and a Yellow-ham- mer ; all these names being based on his notes or plu- mage. The Flicker is less of a carpenter than are others of his family, and generally selects decayed logs and stumps as his hunting grounds. Here he hunts for his favorite food of ants, which he also procures at their holes and mounds. This is the reason we so often flush the Flicker from the ground, and, if we mark the spot from which he Page 138. Plate XLI. SONG SPARROW. Length, 6-25 inches. Upper parts chestnut, gray, and black; und< parts white, streaked with chestnut and black; outer tail-feathe shortest. GOATSUCKERS. H7 rises, the probabilities axe thai we Bhall find there a much- disturbed community of auts. Professor Beal has shown that nearly one half of the Flicker's food consists of ants. He further tells us that as ants aid in the increase of the plant lice so injurious to vegetation, the birds which feed on ants are therefore the friends of the agriculturist. The Flicker's most prominent marks, as with a low chuckle he bounds up before you, are his white rump patch and his wings, which show yellow in flight. His notes are equally characteristic. The most common is a loud, vigorous kee-yer, apparently a signal or salute. In the spring, and occasionally in the fall, he utters a pleas- ing, rather dreamy cuh-cuh-cuh-cuh, many times repeated. When two or more birds are together, and in my ex- perience only then, they address each other with a singular iceechew, iveecheto, weechew, a sound which can be imitated by the swishing of a willow wand. Much ceremony evidently prevails in the Flicker family, and on these occasions there is more bowing and scraping than one often sees outside of Spain. GOATSUCKERS, SWIFTS, AND HUMMINGBIRDS. (ORDER MACROCHIRES.) nlghthawks and whip-poor-wills. (Family Caprimulgidje.) In this family the mouth of birds reaches its greatest development, while the bill proper is correspondingly small, bearing much the same relation to the mouth that a clasp does to a purse. These birds feed at night upon insects which they catch on the wing, and their enormous gape is obviously of great assistance in this mode of feed- ing. Often the sides of the mouth are beset with long 118 NIGHTIIAWK. bristles, which doubtless act like the wings to a fish-net, steering unfortunate insects down the bird's cavernous throat. The Nighthawk, or Bull-bat, as he is called in the South, is familiar to most persons who have the gift of Niehthawk seeing birds, but — in the northeastern Chordeiles States, at least — he is usually confused virgimanw. with the Whip-poor-will, and little is Plate XXVII. , .c i • i i known ol his real character. The Night-hawk is a bird of the sky. He passes the day perched motionless on a limb in wooded regions, on the ground in treeless regions, or even on a house top, when, as sometimes happens, he makes his home in a city. Probably he will not change his perch during the day, but as night approaches and his day begins, he will spread his long wings and fly away heavenward to course far above the earth in his search for insect food. The Nighthawk, unlike most members of its family, has limited vocal powers, its only note being a loud, nasal peent uttered as it flies. But it has musical talents in another direction. Sometimes in May or June, if you happen to be where Nighthawks are found — for they are rather local in distribution when nesting — you may hear a strange booming, rushing sound ; you will vainly seek its cause until you chance to see a Nighthawk with set wings diving earthward from the sky. It is a reckless performance, and you may suppose the bird's object is suicidal, but, when within a few yards of the earth, it will turn suddenly upward. At this moment you Mill hear the loud, humming sound, doubtless made by the air passing through the bird's stiffened wing-quills. Nighthawks, being insect-catchers, are of course highly migratory. They come to us early in May, and return to their winter quarters in South America in Oc- Page 139. Plate XLII. SWAMP SPARROW. Length, 5-90 inches. Summer plumage, crown bright chestnut ; back black, brown, and buff; breast grayish; belly white; sides brownish. Winter plumage, similar, but crown streaked with chestnut-brown, black. and gray. CHIMNEY SWIFT. H<> toiier. During the fall migrations they often gather in flocks of several hundred, and as they sail about you may notice their best field -mark, a white spot in each wing. Nighthawks lay two elliptical, mottled eggs on the bare ground or a flat rock in open fields, and, rarely, on a house top in the city. We see the Nighthawk and hear the Whip-poor-will ; one reason perhaps why the birds are so often confused. Whip-poor-will, While the Nighthawk is darting through Antrostomwvoriferus. the sky, the Whip-poor-will is perched Plate xx \ ii. on a rock or fence rail below, indus- triously whipping out a succession of rapid whip-poor- wills interspersed with barely audible chucks. When the call ceases, the bird is doubtless coursing low through the wooded fields and glades in its search for insects. During the day the Whip-poor-will usually rests on the ground in the woods. Here also the eggs are laid, being deposited upon the leaves. They are two in num- ber, dull white, with delicate, obscure lilac markings and a few distinct brownish gray spots. Whip-poor-wills arrive from the south late in April, and remain with us until October. Swifts. (Family Micropodid^.) Swifts are the most aerial of all the small land birds. Our Chimney Swift, the only one of the seventy-five Chimney Swift members of this family that occurs in Ohoetura pdagica. eastern North America, is but five and Plate XXVI II. a ]m]f mclies l011gi While its Spread wings measure twelve and a half inches from tip to tip. Its feet are proportionately small, and so weak that the bird can rest only by clinging to an upright surface. The tail is then used as a prop, its spiny-tipped feathers being evidently a result of this habit. 120 HUMMINGBIRDS. Swifts naturally nest in hollow trees or eaves, and it is only in the more densely populated parts of their range that they resort to chimneys and outbuildings. The nest of our Chimney Swift is a bracketlike basket of small twigs. They are gathered by the bird while on the wing, and are fastened together and to the wall of the tree or chimney with a glutinous saliva. The Chimney Swift arrives from the south about April 20, and remains until October. Few birds are better known, and under the name of " Chimney Swal- low" he is familiar to every one who distinguishes a Crow from a Eobin. But, beyond similar feeding habits, Swifts have little in common with Swallows ; in fact, are more nearly related to Hummingbirds. Hummingbirds. (Family Trochilid^e.) Hummingbirds are peculiar to the New "World. About five hundred species are known, but only one of them is _ . .. found east of the Mississippi. This is Ruby-throated • ^r . Hummingbird, our Ruby -throat, the sexes ot which are TrocMius coiubris. sometimes thought to represent differ- piate xxix. ent Spec|es> Tne Euby -throat winters as far south as Central America, but about May 1 we may expect him to return to us, for he is as regular in his migrations as though his wings measured a foot and a half instead of an inch and a half in length. If you would have him visit you, plant honeysuckle and trum- pet flowers about your piazza, and wrhile they are bloom- ing there will be few days when you may not hear the humming of this tiny bird's rapidly vibrating wings. The Ruby-throat feeds on insects as well as on the juices of flowers, and when you see him probing a corolla he is quite as likely to be after the one as the other. The young are fed by regurgitation, the parent bird insert- \l 1 * \ \L *PUj N 35 ^s§* 77 ij 1 f Wt( ^5^ K Yr ir/f / |m y^ /^ / y ^ft^^O^vM^ Plate XLIII. Page 140. FIELD SPARROW. Length, 5-70 inches. Upper parte bright reddish brown and black; under parts grayish white; bill reddish brown. FLYCATCHERS. 121 ing its bill into the mouth of its offspring and injecting food as though from a syringe. Sui ne tropical Hummingbirds have songs worthy the name, but the notes of our Ruby-throat are a mere squeak, sometimes prolonged into a twitter. Under any circumstances a Hummingbird's nest ex- cites admiratii >n. But it' you would appreciate its fairylike beauty, lind one where the birds have placed it, probably ou the horizontal limb of a birch. Doubtless it will be occupied by the female, for it seems that the male takes little or no part in family affairs after incubation begins. As far as known, all Hummingbirds lay two white eggs — frail, pearly ellipses, that after ten days' incubation develop into a tangle of tiny dark limbs and bodies, which no one would think of calling birds, much less " winged gems." PERCHING BIRDS. (ORDER PASSERES.) Flycatchers. (Family Tyrannidje.) Doubtless, every order of birds has had its day when, if it was not a dominant type, it was at least sufficiently near it to be considered modern : and as we review what is known to us of that great series of feathered forms, from the Ardiicopteryx to the Thrushes, we can real- ize how varied has been the characteristic amfwma of each succeeding epoch from the Jurassic period to the present. Now has come tlic day of the <>v<\ry Passeres, the Perching Birds; lien; belong our Flycatchers, Orioles, Jays, Sparrows and Finches, Vireos, Swallows, Warblers, "Wrens, Thrushes, and many others. A recent authority classifies birds in thirty-four orders, but fully one half of 18 122 KINGBIRD. the thirteen thousand known species are included in the single order Passeres. The North American members of this order are so alike in more important structural details that they are placed in but two suborders, the suborder Clamatores, containing the so-called Songless Perching Birds, and the suborder Oseines, containing the Song Birds. The Flycatchers are the only members of the suborder Clamatores in Eastern North America. They differ from the Oseines, or true Song Birds, in always having ten fully developed primaries, in having the tarsus rounded behind as well as in front, and chiefly in the anatomy of the syrinx, or voice-producing organ. In the Oseines this possesses four or five distinct pairs of intrinsic muscles, while in the Clamatores it has less than four pairs of muscles, and is not so highly developed. Flycatchers are the Hawks of the insect world. Their position when resting is erect, and they are constantly on the watch for their prey, which is captured on the wing, with a dexterity Hawks may well envy. The bill is broad and flat and the gape large, as in other fly-catching birds. After darting for an insect, as a rule, they return to the same perch, a habit which betrays their family affinities, though it is occasionally practiced by some other birds. Among our Eastern Flycatchers the Kingbird un- doubtedly deserves first rank. In books he is sometimes Kingbird called the Tyrant, but the name is a Tyrannustyrannus. libel. The Kingbird is a fighter, but Plate xxx. kg jg not a bully, and gives battle only in a just cause. His particular enemy is the Crow, and during the nesting season each Kingbird evidently draws an imaginary circle about his home within which no Crow can venture unchallenged. From his lookout on the topmost branch of a neighboring tree the Kingbird darts forth at the trespasser, charging him with a spirit E'late XLIV. PAGE 141. VKSPER SPARROW. Length, 6-10 inches. Upper porta grayish, black, and brown; breast and sides Streaked With black and brown; bellj white; lesser wing- coverts chestnut ; outer tail-feathers more or less white. CEBSTBD FLYCATCHER. 123 and fearlessness which ao bird can withstand. It is a case of " right makes might," added to a very dexterous use of wings and bill. The Crow, if he be experienced, turns tail at once and. beyond protesting squawks, makes no attempt to defend himself. But the Kingbird is deaf to pleas for mercy; he too has had experience, and well kn«.\vs that only his own watchfulness has saved his eggs or young. Far in the distance he relentlessly pursues his foe, leaving him only when he has administered a lesson which will not he forgotten. Then he returns to his post and, with erest erect and quivering wings, gives voice to cries of victory. Bee-keepers accuse the Kingbird of a taste for honey- bees, but the examination, made by Prof. Beal, of two hundred and eighteen Kingbirds' stomachs shows that the charge is unfounded. Only fourteen stomachs con- tained remains of bees, most of which were drones, while sixty per cent of the Kingbirds' food was found to con- sist of injurious insects. Kingbirds winter in Central and South America, re- turning to us in the spring about May 1, and remaining until September. Their nest is a compact, symmetrical structure of weed stalks, grasses, and moss, lined with plant down, fine grasses, and rootlets, and is usually placed at the extremity of a limb about twenty feet from the ground. The eggs, three to five in number, are white, spotted with chocolate. The Crested or Great Crested Flycatcher is, as a rule, not so common as the Kingbird, and its habits prevent it Crested Flycatcher, from being so easily observed. King- Myiarehtu erinitm. birds can be seen whenever heard, but PiateXXXL V()U may hear the Greatcrest's whistle many times before you see the whistler. Generally he lives in the woods high up in the trees, but he is also found in old orchards. His call, like an exclamation, I >2± PHCEBE. rings out above all other birds' notes. What ! be seems to say, and, as though hearing something which not only surprised but amused him, follows this call with a chuck- ling whistle. The Greatcrest arrives from the south about May 7, and remains until September. Nesting is begun early in June, a hollow limb being the home usually selected. In collecting its nesting materials, the bird displays a very singular trait, and gives evidence of the stability of habit. With rare exceptions it places a bit of cast snake-skin in its nest. Various reasons have been advanced to account for this singular habit, but none of them is satisfactory. Recently Lieutenant Wirt Robinson has discovered that one of the commonest and most generally distributed spe- cies of this genus in South America places cast snake-skin in its nest, and it is well known that the Arizona Crested Flycatcher follows the same custom. The habit is there- fore widespread, and is common to birds living under greatly varying conditions. Rather than consider it of especial significance in each species, it seems more reason- able to believe that it is an inheritance from a common ancestor, and has no connection with the present sur- roundings of at least those species living so far from the center of distribution of this tropical genus as our Myi- wrchus c/'initus. The Phoebe is domestic ; he prefers the haunts, or, at least, handiwork of man, and when not nesting on a beam Phoebe m a barn, shed, or piazza, selects the Sayomis phcebe. shelter of a bridge for a home. Here Plate xxxii. ke piaces i^s nest of moss and mud ; a structure of generous proportions, for the Phoebe's family may number five or six. Flycatchers, because of the nature of their food, usu- ally make extended migrations. For the same reason they arrive late in the spring and depart early in the Plate XLV. Page 142. CHIPPJNG SPARROW. Length, 6-35 Inches. Summer plumage, forehead black; crown brighl chestnut : back black, brown, ;ui<1 gray; under parts grayish white; Mil black. Winter plumage, similar, hut crown like bach : bill brownish, LEAST FLYCATCHER. 125 fall: bnt the Phoebe ifl an exception to this rule. Not only does he winter north of the frost line, but lie comes to os as early aa March 20 and remains until October. The Phoebe owea his name to his mng oi jwwit-jphaibe, j; wit-phoabe, a humble lay uttered between vigorous wags of the tail. This tail-wagging is a characteristic motion, and also accompanies the I'lnebe's call-note, pee, pee, which it utters at intervals. The Least Flycatcher shares the Phoebe's preference for the vicinity of houses and is most often found nesting in our shade or fruit trees. The nest, Least Flycatcher, ^.^ j phoeWs is composed of tax mi in m us. ' r plant-down, filters, and rootlets, and is placed in the crutch of a tree. The eggs resemble the Phoebe's in being white. It is difficult to describe our smaller Flycatchers so that even when in the hand they may be satisfactorily identified, and it is quite impossible to describe them so that from color alone they may he recognized in the field. Fortunately, the calls of our commoner species" are so unlike that, when learned, there will be no difficulty in naming their authors. To say that the Least Flycatcher is five and a half inches long, olive-green above and grayish white below, does not aid one in distinguishing it from several of its cousins; hut when I add that its call is a snappy chebec, chebec, the bird will be known the first time it is heard. It is this call which has given the bird its common name. The Chebec comes to us in the spring, about April 25, and remains until September. You will rarely find two members of the same family with more different dispositions than those of the King- bird and Wood Pewee. Their natures might symbolize war and peace, bo combative is the Kingbird, so gentle the 126 WOOD PEWEE. Pewee. As so often happens among birds, their voices are in keeping with their temperaments. The soft, Wood Pewee dreamy pee-a-wee or pee-a-wee 2>eer of Contopus wrens. the Pewee is as well suited to its char- Plate xxxiii. acter as the harsh, chattering cries of victory are to the Kingbird's. The Pewee is the last of our more common Fly- catchers to come from the South, arriving about May 10, and, like the Chebec, remaining until October. It is less social than either the Chebec or the Phoebe. Forests are its chosen haunts, but occasionally it is found on well- shaded lawns and roadsides. The Pewee's nest rivals the Hummingbird's in beauty. It is a coarser structure, composed of fine grasses, rootlets, and moss, but externally is thickly covered with lichens. Usually it is saddled on a limb from twenty to forty feet above the ground. The eggs, three or four in number, are white, with a wreath of dark brown spots around the larger end. Larks. (Family Alaudid^e.) This family contains the true Larks, birds with long hind toe nails, and a generally brown or sandy colored plumage, the Skylark being a typical species. There are some one hundred species of Larks, but of these only the Horned Lark and its geographical varieties are found in this country. The variation in color shown by the Horned Lark throughout its range is remarkable. From the Mexican Homed Lark tableland northward to Labrador and • otocoris tdpestris. Alaska no less than eleven different riate xxxiv. geographical races are known, each one reflecting the influence of the conditions under which it lives, and all intergrading one with another. Only two of Plate XLVI. Page 143> WHITE-THROATED SPARROW. Length, 6-75 Inches. Adult, Lores and bend of wing yellow; crown Mark and white; bach chestnut-brown, black, and buff; throal white; breast and sides grayish ; belly white. Young, similar, bul crown more like back; yellow markings duller. HOENBD LARK. iL>7 these races are found in the eastern United States, the Horned Lark and the Prairie Horned Lark. The former visits us in the winter; the latter occurs at all seasons, l»ut during the summer is found only in certain regions. At this season it inhabits the upper Mississippi Valley, whence it extends eastward through northwestern Penn- sylvania and central New Fork to western Massachu- setts. From Oetoher to April it may be found with the Homed Lark as far south as South Carolina. The two birds differ in size and color. The Horned Lark's wing averages 4-:i7 inches in length, the Prairie Lark's wing- averages but 4-08 inches in length ; the formers forehead and eve-line are yellow, the tatter's white. Horned Larks are eminently terrestrial, rarely if ever choosing a higher perch than a fence. "When on the ground they do not hop, but walk or run. When flushed they take wing with a sharp, whistled note, but often return to the place from which they started. When nesting, they may be found in fields, pastures, and plains in scattered pairs, but during the winter they are asso- ciated in flocks, which resort to the vicinity of the sea- coast or large open tracts in the interior. The nest is, of course, built on the ground. The eggs, three or four in number, are pale bluish or greenish white, minutely and evenly speckled with grayish brown. The Horned Lark, like its famous relative and many other terrestrial species, sings while on the wing, soaring high above the earth, and often repeating its song many times before alighting. The effort is worthy of better results, for the bird's song is simple and unmusical. 12S CROWS AND JAYS. Crows, Jays, etc. (Family Corvid^e.) There are system atists who think that the members of this family should hold the place usually assigned the Thrushes, at the head of the class Aves. Leaving out of the case anatomical details whose value is disputed, we might object to a family of songless birds being given first rank in a group whose leading character is power of song. But while Crows and Jays may, from a musical standpoint, be considered songless, no one can deny their great vocal powers. Song, after all, does not imply high rank in bird-life, and some of the sweetest singers (among others, some Snipe, and the Tinamous and Wood Quail of South America) are not members of the suborder of Song Birds. If, however, the relative intelligence of the two fam- ilies be taken into account, there can be no doubt that Corvidce fully deserve to be considered the most highly developed of birds. How many tales are told of the human actions of the Raven, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Jay, and Crow ! Of the two hundred members of this family, six in- habit eastern North America, by far the most common being the Crow. No one of our birds American Crow, ^ better kn and gtm how ignorant Lure us americarius. ' ' ° we are of his ways ! I am not sure that he does not know more about ours. "We have not even recorded his notes, for, in spite of the current opin- ion that the Crow's calls are restricted to caw, he has an extended vocabulary. I am not aware that he ever ascends to the height of a love song, but that he can converse fluently no one who has listened to him will question. Of the variants of caw, each with its own significance, there seems no end ; but if you would be Plate XLVII. Page 144. FOX SPARROW. Length, 7-25 inches. Upper parts, wings, and tail bright reddish brown ; back and head mixed with a browner color ; under parts white and bright reddish brown. AMERICAN (ROW. 129 impressed with the Crow's eloquence you must hear him wlu'ii, in the fancied privacy of his own flock or family, he disGDflses the affairs of the day. His notes then are low, and so varied in tone that one can not doubt their conversational character. During the winter Crows assemble in large flocks containing many thousand individuals, who nightly re- turn to some roost, which perhaps has been frequented for years. In March they begin to pair and the nest is constructed early in April. It is a bulky affair of sticks, lined chiefly -with grapevine bark, and is placed in a tree, usually about thirty feet from the ground. The four to six eggs are bluish green, thickly marked with shades of brown. Crows share with Hawks the reputation of being harmful birds. That they do much damage in the corn- field is undeniable, but, after the examination of nine hundred Crows' stomachs, Dr. Merriam, of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, states that the amount of good done by the Crow in destroying grasshoppers, May beetles, cutworms, and other injurious insects, exceeds the loss caused by the destruction of corn. Moreover, if the corn be tarred before planting, the Crows will not touch either the kernel or young sprout. The corn should first be soaked in water overnight, and then placed in a vessel containing enough soft tar to coat each kernel. It should then be rolled in plaster of Paris or wood ashes, so that it can be more easily handled.* The Blue Jay, in his uniform of blue and white, is so brightly colored, so large (he is nearly twelve inches in length), and often so noisy, that every one knows him. ♦See Barrows and Schwarz, The Common Crow, Bulletin No. 6, United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy. 19 130 BLUE JAY. Like the Crow, lie is with us throughout the year. Dur- ing the summer he is not very common, and is remark- ably quiet, but in September and Octo- Blue Jay, ^er mjp-rantg arrive from the North, and Cyanocittu cristata. ■,,.-, , . the birds are then abundant in bands. These bands roam about the country like a lot of school- boys out chestnutting, pausing wherever they find acorns and chestnuts abundant, or leaving their feast to worry some poor Owl whose hiding place they have discovered. The Blue Jay's best friend could not conscientiously call him a songster, but as a conversationalist he rivals the Crow. I have yet to discover a limit to his vocab- ulary, and, although on principle one may ascribe al- most any strange call to the Blue Jay, it is well to with- hold judgment until his loud, harsh jay ! jay ! betrays the caller's identity. Not content with a language of his own, he borrows from other birds, mimicking their calls so closely that the birds themselves are deceived. The Red-shouldered, Red-tail, and Sparrow Hawks are the species whose notes he imitates most often. The Blue Jay nests in the latter part of May, build- ing a compact nest of rootlets in a tree ten to twenty feet from the ground. The eggs are pale olive-green or brownish ashy, rather thickly marked with varying shades of cinnamon-brown. Orioles, Blackbirds, etc. (Family Icteridje.) The popular names of many of our birds were given them by the early colonists because of their fancied re- semblance to some Old World species. The fact that some of these names are incorrect and misleading has been pointed out scores of times, but they are now as firmly fixed as the signs of the zodiac. Plate XLVIII. Page 145. JUNCO. Length, 6-25 inches. Male, upper parts, throat, and breast slate-color; belly and outer tail-feathers white. Female, similar, but plumage more or less washed with brownish. BALTIMORE ORIOLE. 131 Thus the Robin is not a Robin but a true Thrush, the Meadowlark ia not a Lark but a Starling, and the Orioles are not Orioles at all, but members of a distinc- tively American family having no representatives in the Old World. This family contains one hundred and fifty species, of which nearly one third belong in the genus Li, rus. The prevailing colors of the birds of this genus are orange and black, hence their resemblance to the true Orioles (genus Oriolus) of the Old World. Our Baltimore Oriole is a worthy representative of a group remarkable for its bright colors. It is to these Baltimore Oriole, same c°l°rs tnat the bird owes not only leterw galbula. its generic but its specific designation, Plate xxxv. orange and black being the livery of Lord Baltimore, after whom the bird was named. The Baltimore Oriole, or, as it is also called, Firebird, Golden Robin, or ITangnest, winters in Central America, and in the spring reaches the latitude of Xew York city about May 1. I always look for it when the cherry trees burst into blossom, and at no other time does its beauti- ful plumage appear to better advantage than when seen against a background of white flowers. To the charm of beauty it adds the attraction of song, a rich, ringing whistle, which can be more or less successfully imitated, when the bird immediately responds, challenging the supposed trespasser on his domain. The Baltimore's nest is a bag about five inches deep and three inches in diameter, woven of plant-filters, thread, etc., and suspended from the terminal portion of a limb, generally of an elm tree. The four to six eggs are white, singularly scrawled with fine black lines, and with a few spots or blotches. The Orchard Oriole is neither so common nor so gayly dressed as his brilliantly colored relative, and, being fonder of orchards than lawns and elm-shaded highways, 132 ORCHARD ORIOLE. is not so well known. The female is especially easy to overlook, her suit of plain olive-green closely harmoniz- Orchard Oriole, ing with the leaves in color- Young Icterus spurius. males at first exactly resemble her, but Plate xxxvi. ^e following spring return, wearing their father's black cravat. In this plumage they might readily be taken for another species, so little do they re- semble their parents in appearance. The adult chestnut and black plumage is not fully acquired until the sec- ond, or perhaps even the third spring. The Orchard Oriole winters in Central America, and in the summer is found throughout the eastern United States from the Gulf of Mexico to Massachusetts. It arrives from the South about May 1, and is one of the first birds to leave in the fall, rarely being seen after September 1. Nesting is begun late in May. The nest is pensile, but not so deep as that of the Baltimore Oriole, having more the proportions of a Yireo's nest. It is composed entirely of freshly dried greenish grasses, and is suspended from near the extremity of a branch at a height of fifteen to twenty feet. The three to five eggs are bluish white, spotted, blotched, and scrawled with black. The song of the Orchard Oriole resembles that of his orange-and-black cousin, but is far richer in tone and more finished in character. The male Redwing, with his black uniform and scar- let epaulets, is a familiar inhabitant of our marshes, but many who know him are not acquainted e -winge ac it , ^^ ^-g very differently attired mate. Agetaius pkoaiiiceus. -1 J She wears a costume which above is black streaked with buff and rust-color, and below is striped dingy black and white, and is much more retiring than her conspicuous husband. Her place is low in the bushes or among the reeds near the nest with its pale £tnfSt Sefun Th pink on breast. SNOWFLAKE. Length, 6*90 inches. Upper parts brown and black ; wings and tail black and white; under parts white; breasl and -ides brownish. BOBOLINK. 135 thousand miles to his winter quarters south of the Ama- zon. The start is made in July, when he joins flocks of his kind in the northern wild-rice [ZAzania aquatica) marshes, hate in August he visits the cultivated rice fields of South Carolina and Georgia, and it is at this sea- son we so often hear the metallic timk of passing migrants. The rice is now in the milk, and the Iticebirds, or Orto- lans, as they are called in the South, are so destructive to the crop that it is estimated they directly or indirectly cause an annual loss of $3,000,000. Some birds linger as far north as New York until October 1, but by this time the leaders of the south-bound host have reached Cuba, where they are called Chwrribergo. From Cuba they pass to the coast of Yucatan, and thence southward through Central America or to the island of Jamaica, where, because of their extreme fatness, they are known as Butterbirds. From Jamaica they go to the mainland, either of Central America, or by one continuous flight of four hundred miles to northern South America, thence traveling southward to their winter home. * The northward journey is begun in March or April, and about the 25th of the latter month the vanguard reaches Florida. It is composed only of males, now called Maybirds, all in full song. Let any one who knows the Bobolink's song imagine, if he can, the effect produced by three hundred birds singing together! About May 1 Bobolinks reach the vicinity of New Fork city. The females soon follow the males, and early in June the birds are nesting. This is the glad season of the Bobolink's year. For ten months he has been an exile, but at last he is at homo again, and he gives voice to his joy in the jolliest tinkling, rippling, rollicking song that ever issued from bird's throat. In the fields made merry by the mu.-ic of Bobolinks one 136 MEADOWLARK. is almost sure to find Meadowlarks. They are strong- legged walkers, and spend all their time while feeding Meadowlark on the ground. Like all terrestrial, Stumellamagna. protectively colored birds, they often Plate xxxix. ^ ^Q escape observation by hiding in the grasses rather than by flying. When perched in a tree or other exposed position, they are among the shyest of our smaller birds, rarely permitting a near approach ; but when they fancy themselves concealed on the ground they sometimes " lie as close " as Bob-whites. When flushed they fly rapidly, alternately flapping and sailing, showing as they fly the white feathers on either side of their tail. These feathers are the Meadowlark's best field character. They are very conspicuous when he is on the wing, and, when perching, if he is alarmed or excited, he exposes them by nervously flitting or twitching his tail. This movement is generally accompanied by a single nasal call-note, which changes to a rolling twitter as the bird takes wing. Neither of these notes give any indi- cation of the sweetness of the bird's song, a high musical whistle, clear as the note of a fife, sweet as the tone of a flute. It is subject to much variation both individual and local, but the song I oftenest hear in northern New Jersey may be written : i ^_r=^=_#- g==t=^:=E=g5EzF=: When singing, the birds usually perch in an exposed po- sition, generally choosing the topmost branches of a tree or a dead limb. The Meadowlark's nest is placed upon the ground, as a rule, in a tuft of grasses which is arranged to form a dome over it. The eggs, four to six in number, are laid about May 15, and in color are white, spotted or speckled with cinnamon or reddish brown. PliATE LI. AMERICAN CROSSBILL. Pages 147, 148. Length, 6-20 inches. Adult male, dull red ; back brownish ; wings and tail blackish. Adult female and young, greenish ; back more or less mottled with browniah ; the under parts grayish. PINE GROSBEAK. Length, 010 inches. Adult male, rose-pink; back brownish; lower bt'lly gray; Wing8 and tail brownish black. Adult female and young, gray ; crown, upper tail-coverts, and breast washed with doep yellow. COWBTRD. 137 Occasionally Cowbirds are seen during the winter near New Fork city J but, as a rule, they retire farther Cowbird, BOUth at tliis season, and arc first ob- Moloiknu attr. served there in the spring about March Plate xl. go. They do not come in large flocks, but singly or in small bands. The male may now be seen perched in an exposed position on a treetop, calling his long-drawn-out, glassy Muck, tee-e-e. Later, when wooing the female, he utters a curious, gurgling note, resembling the sound made by pouring water rapidly from a bottle, and accompanying it by motions which suggest extreme nausea. "We often see these birds feed- ing near cattle in the pastures, always in small flocks, for they do not pair nor even construct a nest, the female lay- ing her egg in the nest of another and generally smaller species. Few birds seem aware of the imposture, and not only do they incubate the egg but they may attend to the demands of the young Cowbird at the expense of their own offspring, who sometimes die of starvation. Even after leaving the nest the young parasite continues its call for food, and when seeing a Maryland Yellow- throat, or some other small bird feeding a clumsy fledg- ling twice its size, one wonders it does not detect the de- ception. The better Ave know birds the more strongly are we impressed with their individuality. To one who has no friends in feathers it seems pure fancy to endow some insignificant "Chippy" with human attributes; but in reality there are as clearly defined characters among birds as among men. To be convinced of the truth of this statement we have only to compare the Cowbird, a thoroughly contemptible creature, lacking in every moral and maternal instinct, with the bird who constructs a well- made nest, faithfully broods her eggs, and cares for her young with a devotion of which mother love alone is capable. 20 138 SONG SPARROW. Sparrows, Finches, etc. (Family Fringillidje.) This, the largest family of birds, contains between five hundred and fifty and six hundred species, and is repre- sented in all parts of the world except the Australian re- gion. Sparrows are the evergreens among birds. When the leaves have fallen from the chestnut, oak, and maple, the hemlock, pine, and cedar are doubly dear. So, when the Flycatchers, Warblers, and Thrushes have left us, the hardy Sparrows are more than usually welcome. Feed- ing largely on seeds, which their strong, stout bills are especially fitted to crush, they are not affected by the changes in temperature which govern the movements of strictly insectivorous birds. Some species are with us throughout the year, some come from the South in early spring and remain until snow falls, others come from the far North to pass the winter ; so that at no season of the year are we without numbers of these cheery birds. Fortunately, some of our best songsters are members of this family. Their music is less emotional than that of the Thrushes, but it has a happier ring — the music for every day: It is the Song Sparrow who in February opens the Song Sparrow, season of song, and it is the Song Melospisa/aseieOa. Sparrow who in November sings its Plate xli. closing notes ; nor, except during a part of August, has his voice once been missing from the choir. His modest chant always suggests good cheer and contentment, but heard in silent February it seems the divinest bird lay to which mortal ' ever listened. The magic of his voice bridges the cold months of early spring ; as we listen to him the brown fields seem green, flowers bloom, and the bare branches become clad with softly rustling leaves. Plate LII. Page 148. AMERICAN GOLDFINCH. Length, 5-10 inches. Adult male in summer, crown black ; rest of body yellow ; wings and tail black and white. Adult female and males in winter, upper parts grayish brown; crown yellowish; under parts soiled whitish ; throat yellow. SWAMP SPARROW. 139 You can not go far afield without meeting this singer. He is not only our commonest Sparrow, but one of our commonest birds. Generally you will find him on or near the ground at the border of some undergrowth, and if there be water near by, preferably a meadow- brook, his presence is assured. When flushed he will doubtless make for the nearest thicket, "pumping" his tail, as Thompson expressively says, in describing his somewhat jerky flight. Now he questions you with a mildly impatient chimp or trlnl; a call-note not to be mistaken for that of any other species, when once you have learned it, Equally diagnostic is the bird's spotted breast with one larger spot in its center. The Song Sparrow's nest is usually placed on the ground, but sometimes a bush may be chosen for a mat- ing site. The eggs, four or five in number, are bluish white, thickly marked with reddish brown. The Song Sparrow rears three broods each year, the nesting season lasting from May to August. The Swamp Sparrow, a well-named cousin of the Song Sparrow, resembles his relative in his fondness for Swamp Sparrow, *ne vicinity of water and habit of tak- Meloq ing refuge in low cover. lie is a true Plate xi. 11. marsh or swamp bird, and is particu- larly abundant in large marshes. His call is an insig- nificant cheep, while his song is a simple, sweet, but rather monotonous tir, will fly some distance when alarmed, and then alight on a bare twig near or at the top of some bush or sapling. Very different this from the Song Sparrow's way of div- ing into a bush. From his exposed position he watches you and gives you an equally good chance to watch him. Note the whitish, unstreaked breast, the reddish brown or sorrel crown, the gray face and whitish ring about the eye, and especially the pale brownish or flesh-colored bill. These are all good marks, and if now you can hear him sing his identity will be settled without question. His song is one of the most pleasing I know. It is very simple but very expressive, a sweet, plaintive cher-wee, cher-wee, cher-wee, cheeo dee-e-e-e-e, which goes straight to one's heart. It is sung most freely after sunset, and is in keeping with the peacefulness of the evening hour. At this time, too, the ■ bird seems inspired to more than usual effort, and its or- dinary song is often so elaborated and prolonged as to be scarcely recognizable. The song season ends in the latter part of August, and, although the birds are with us until November, I have rarely heard them sing in the fall. The Yesper Sparrow, Grass Finch, or Bay-winged Bunting — for he bears all three names — prefers more open grounds than the Field Sparrow selects. There is something free and spirited about this bird and its song which demands space for its proper development. No Plate LIIL Page 149. PUKPLE FINCH. Length, 6-20 inches. Adult male, rose-pink; back brownish; lowerbelly white ; no white in wings. Adult female and young, upper parts streaked brownish and grayish; under parte white, streaked with brownish; bill rounded on top ; a tuft of bristly feathers over the nostrils. VKSPER SPARROW. 141 swamp or thicket will do for him, but in great broad fields he is at home. If a roadway leads through his haunts, Vesper Sparrow, JoU ma.Y often see uim on the ground . ahead of you, and when he Hies the Plate XLIV. white feathers shown on either side of his tail will give you an excellent clew to his identity. Probably he will fly on ahead a little way and alight again in the road, or a longer flight may lead him to a neighboring fence or the upper branches of a more dis- tant tree. It is from positions of this kind that he most often sings. With him song is evidently a matter of im- portance. He can not, like many birds, sing between the mouthf uls of a meal, but ascending to his perch he gives perhaps half an hour entirely to music, resting motionless between the intervals of each song. It is impossible to satisfactorily describe this song. It resembles that of the Song Sparrow, but is finer and wilder. It opens with one low note, followed by two higher ones, while the Song Sparrow begins with three notes, all of the same kind. The Vesper Sparrow is migratory, coming to us with the Field Sparrow early in April and remaining until November. Its nest is placed on the ground, and the bluish or pinkish white speckled eggs are laid early in May. It is strange, La it not, that the only bird we all detest should also be the only one who insists on sharing our homes with us. The House or English ouse parrow, Sparrow, is a product of the times; a remarkably keen-witted bird, who, like a noxious weed, thrives and increases where a less hardy species could not exist. This harsh-voiced little gem/in soon detects and avoids anything like a systematic attempt to entrap him, and, being productive past all belief, seems likely to completely 142 CHIPPING SPARROW. overrun the land. He was introduced into this country in 1851, and in 1870 was found only in the cities of the Atlantic States. Now he has spread over the greater part of the United States and Canada. If he were restricted to the cities we should have only his never-ceasing, maddening chatter and our soiled walls to complain of ; but he has invaded not only the towns and villages and the neighboring houses, but visits also our grain fields and fruit orchards, our woods and marshes. No effective method for his extermination has been de- vised, and I fear we must accept the Sparrow as a penalty for the shortsightedness and ignorance which permitted us to meddle with the laws of Nature. If we except this ever-present nuisance the Chippy is the most domestic of our Sparrows. He seems thor- CMpping Sparrow, oug% at nome about our doorsteps | a Spizeiia sociaUs. contented, modest little bird who ap- riate xlv. parently tries hard to believe in the goodness of human nature, even though he meets with but little encouragement. One wonders why he has not long ago given up the attempt to make friends with us, so rarely do we show any appreciation of his advances. The house cat is Chippy's chief enemy. Crouching and crawling, waiting and watching, she misses no opportunity to pounce on an unsuspecting bird. It is surprising that any escape. But each spring, about April 10, the Chippy comes back to us after a winter in the cotton, corn, and broom-sedge fields of the South, and soon we hear his unpretentious, monotonous cKvppy-ckvppy-cM/ppy^ many times repeated, and occasionally running into a grasshop- perlike trill. About a month later we may find further evidence of his too often misplaced trust in a neat, hair-lined nest built in the vines on the veranda or a neighboring tree. The eggs are unexpectedly pretty, a bright blue or bluish Page 150. Plate LIV. ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK. Length, 8-10 inches. Adult male, crown and back black; rump white; throat black ; breast rose-red ; belly white. Adult female, upper parts dark brown and buff; a white line over eye; under parts huffy, streaked with brownish ; under wing-coverts orange. \Y 1 1 IT i: THROATED SPARROW. 143 green, spotted, chiefly at the larger end, with cinnamon- brown or blackish markings. Up to this time the ( hippy has given ns a good oppor- tunity to see hie chestnut cap and black forehead, but when tin' noting season is over he will change these for a cap to match his coat, and with others of his kind gather in old, weedy fields, remaining there until cold weather drives him southward. About the time of the first frost a new Sparrow will appear in the hedgerows and thickets and the under. WMt thr d growth of the woods. The white patch Sparrow, eason the "White-throats roost to- gether in flocks of varying size, and if you chance to be near their home at bedtime you will hear this chink note given as a "qnarriers' chorus." Finally, as the gloom deepens, it will cease, and from the dark depths of the 144 FOX SPARROW. thicket will come only the cozy, contented twitterings of the birds wishing one another good night. The interest with which one examines a flock of White- throated Sparrows is intensified by the probability of White-crowned finding their distinguished relative the Sparrow, White-crown. In the Mississippi Val- Zonotrichia ley he is often common, but in the 'ucopuys. At;iailtic States he is sufficiently rare to be a character of importance. The White-crown differs from the White-throat in having no white on the throat, which, like the breast, is gray, and in having the space before the eye black in- stead of yellow or white. In the fall his crown is brown, with a paler line through its center. Near New York city I look for the White-crown in September and October, and again about May 15. Thompson describes its song as " like the latter half of the White -thro at1 s familiar refrain, repeated a number of times with a peculiar sad cadence and in a clear, soft whistle." Some fine day about the middle of March you may hear a song so unlike any you have ever heard, that be- Fox Sparrow ^ore tne 8mger ceases you will know Passereiia iUaca. you are on the verge of a discovery. Plate xl vii. -j^ gQng -g ]ou^ exceedingly sweet, and varied. Its richness of tone seems to accentuate the bleakness of the bird's surroundings. It is a song for summer, not for leafless spring ; but heard at this sea- son it seems all the more attractive, and with pleasurable excitement you hasten toward the second growth, near the border of which the bird is perched. His large size and bright reddish brown upper parts readily distinguish him from other Sparrows, and, in connection with his spotted breast, give him a general resemblance to a Hermit Thrush, for which bird he is sometimes mistaken : but a JUNCO. L45 glance at his short, -tour bill at once shows his family rela- tionships, and von should have no difficulty in identifying him as the Fox Sparrow. A month later he will leave us for his rammer home in the far North, but in October and November his ringing notes may again be heard as he pauses a day or two on his journey southward. After the Fox Sparrows go, our bird-life is reduced to its winter elements— that is, permanent residents and win- Junco ter yisitants. Of the latter the Junco Junco hyemaUs. or Slate-colored Snowbird is the com- piateXLViii. monest and most generally distributed. Although we call this bird a winter visitant, he is with us nearly eight months in the year, arriving late in Sep- tember and remaining until early May. The Junco is one of the birds whose acquaintance can be easily made. His suit of slaty gray, with its low-cut vest of white, is not w< >rn 1 >y any other of our birds ; and while some species show white outer tail-feathers in flight, the Junco's seem to be more than usually conspicuous. Except when nesting, Juncos associate in loose flocks of from ten to fifty. Generally you will find them feed- ing on the ground near evergreens, into which, when dis- turbed, they will fly with a twittering note. If they are excited by your appearance you will hear a sharp, kissing call; but if unalarmed they will utter a rapidly repeated chew-chew-eheio, expressive of the utmost contentment. In March and April, before leaving for their summer home in northern New England or the crests of the ALLeghanies and Catskills, the Juncos sing a simple trill or low, twittering warble. Modest in manner and attire, there is nothing of especial interest in the Junco's habits, and only bird-lovers can understand what a difference his presence makes in a winter landscape. It brings a sense of companionship ; it is a link between us and Nature. 21 146 TREE SPARROW AND REDPOLL. The bird's cheery twitter is as welcome as a ray of sun- light on a cloudy day. "With the Juncos we may often find a company of Tree Sparrows or Winter Chippies. They resemble our Tree Sparrow, familiar Chipping Sparrow, but the Spizetta montkoia. blackish dot in the center of their riate xlix. breasts is a good distinguishing mark. Then, too, the true Chippies all leave for the South in November, while the Winter Chippies come in October and remain until April. Tree Sparrows are sociable birds, with apparently the best of dispositions. They are usually found in small companies, each member of which seems to have some- thing to say. Watch them feeding on an old weed stalk left uncovered by the snow. It bends beneath the weight of half a dozen birds, but, far from attempting to rob one another, they keep up a conversational chatter bespeaking the utmost good fellowship. Too-ld-it, too-ld-it, each one calls, and I have only to remember this note to bring clearly to mind a bright winter morning with the fresh snow crystals sparkling in the sunshine, and in the dis- tance a tinkling chorus of Tree Sparrows at breakfast. Another winter associate of the Junco's, and an inti- mate friend of the Tree Sparrow's, is the Redpoll, Red- Eedpoll P°H Linnet, or, as he is sometimes Acanthis linaria. called, Red-capped Chippy. The Red- PiateL. po]j negts m tjie far ;N-orth} and the extent of his southern journeys depends very much upon the supply of food he finds in his winter wanderings. When there are seeds in abundance north of the United States, we do not see many of these birds, but if the larder fails they may come into New England in great numbers, and a few may venture as far south as Virginia. One can not tell, therefore, when to expect them, but it is well to be on the lookout from November to March. Plate LVI. Page 155. DICKCISSEL. Length,6*00 inches. Adult male, back black, chestnut, and grayish ; Lesser wing-coverts brighl chestnut; ehin white; throat black; breast yellow; belly white. Adult female, upper parts streaked black and grayish; throat white; breast yellowish, with black streaks; belly white. SNOWLAKE AXD CROSSBILL. 147 With the Tree Sparrows and Jtmcos, Redpolls feed on the seeds of plants left uncovered by the snow, and they also include birch bnds in their fare. None of our winter birds better illustrate the flock- ing habit than the Snowflakes, Snow Buntings, or, as they Snowflake, are a^so called, White Snowbirds. With Pkc&rophmax nivalis, a uniformity of movement which would riate l. pUt to s]iame the evolutions of the best- drilled troops, they whirl over the snow-clad fields, wheel- ing to right or left, as though governed by a single impulse. Suddenly they swing downward into a weedy field, alighting on the snow or ground, where they run — not hop about — like little beach birds. Sometimes, it is said, they sing on the wing while with us, but their usual note is a low chirp. They are terrestrial birds, and, al- though they may often perch on fences or buildings, are rarely seen in trees. Snowflakes nest within the Arctic Circle, and, like other of our winter birds that come from the far North, are irregular in their movements. As a rule they do not wander much south of Long Island and northern Illinois, but occasionally they go as far as Virginia and Kansas, and are thus among the possibilities which add so much to the pleasure of winter days in the field. The Crossbill is a possibility at any season. None of our birds is more erratic in its migrations. As a rule, it _ . .„ is found in the Middle States only be- Amencan Crossbill, ^ Loxia vurviroetra tween November and March, but 1 minor. liave geen it in Central Park, New Plate LI. York dt.^ ag kte ag May> In the higher parts of the Alleghanies and in northern New England it is resident throughout the year. Crossbills usually wander as tar south each winter as Connecticut, but beyond this are of irregular occurrence. They feed almost entirely upon the seeds of pines, and 148 Pl^E GROSBEAK. are not often seen far from coniferous trees. Their sin- gular bill might, at first glance, be considered misshapen, but if you will watch a Crossbill push his crossed mandi- bles beneath the scale of a pine cone, and with a quick twist force it off and secure the seed at its base, you will readily admit that for the bird's purposes his bill could not be easily improved. In hunting for Crossbills it is a good plan to look through the woods for falling scales of pine cones, and when you see a shower of them whirling softly down- ward it behooves you to learn the cause of their descent. The birds often follow them to the ground, to secure the seeds which have dropped there. Crossbills fly in compact flocks, and often utter a sharp, clicking note while on the wing. Their song is sweet and varied but not loud. Pine Grosbeaks are among our rarer winter visit- ants. They come as far south as Massachusetts in vary- Pine Grosbeak, ing numbers, and occasionally reach Pinicola enucleator. Connecticut, but south of this point Plate li. are 0f very infrequent occurrence. At irregular intervals Pine Grosbeaks become abundant dur- ing the winter in New England, when, because of _ their size, they attract general attention. They usually resort to coniferous trees, upon the seeds of which they feed, but they also eat berries and buds, and are said to be espe- cially fond of the fruit of the staghorn sumach. No one seeing the Goldfinch or Yellowbird in his summer costume of gold and black would imagine that so Goldfinch dainty a creature could brave the storms Spinus tristis, of winter; but late in the season, when Plate lii. jjjg j10me ijfe }s ended, he changes the gay wedding dress for a plainer suit, and joins the ranks of winter birds. I wish that every one knew the Goldfinch. His gen- Plate LVII. Pa(Ji: 1,;1- CEDAR WAXWING. Length, 7-20 inch.-*. Grayish brown; upper tail-coverts gray; lower belly yellowish ; end of tail yellow; secondaries sometimes with red, sealing-wax-like tips ; stripe through face black. GOLDFINCH. 149 tie ways and sweet disposition are never-failing antidotes for discontent. One can not be long near a flock of these birds without being impressed by the refinement which seems to mark their every note and action. They show, too, a spirit of contentment from which we may draw more than a passing lesson. Hear me, hear me, dea/rie, they call as they feed among the weeds or on the birch buds, and, no matter how poor the fare, they seem thankful for it. The seeds of the dandelion, thistle, and sunflower are among their favorites ; and if you would attract Goldfinches as well as some other birds, devote a corner of your garden to sunflowers. The meal finished, the birds launch into the air, and to the tune of a cheery jper-cluc-o-ree, jper-cKic-o-ree, go swinging through space in long, bounding undulations. In April the males regain their bright colors, but they are evidently believers in prolonged courtship, and, al- though the nuptial dress is acquired so early, housekeep- ing is apparently not thought of until June. Then a neat home of bark and fine grasses, thickly lined with plant down, is placed in a bush or tree, five to thirty feet from the ground, and in it are laid three to six pale, bluish- white eggs. Now the song season has reached its height, Chorus singing has been abandoned. Each bird has become an inspired soloist, who, perched near his home or flying in broad circles about it, pours forth a flood of melody. It is an exceedingly attractive song, sweet and varied and suggesting a Canary's, but still is no more like it than a hothouse is like a tropical forest. Creak, creak, the notes are clear but faint, and may Purple Finch, come from any place beyond arm's reach. Oorpodacuajmrpwevt. They are the Purple Finch's flight- Plate LIU. calls; one might think his wing joints needed oiling. Alighting on the topmost twig of a 150 PURPLE FINCH. forest tree, lie utters a low, wild, questioning whistle. With crown-feathers slightly erect he seems alert and restless, and before we can fairly see him is off again to parts unknown. Purple Finches, in small companies, may often be seen feeding near the ground with Goldfinches, but if alarmed they soon return to the tree tops. The old males may be known by their pinkish red -color, which is bright- est on the head and breast, and fades to brownish on the lower back and tail and white on the belly. The young males and females are Sparrowlike in appearance, the upper parts being dark grayish brown, the under parts white, streaked with dusky. A whitish line passing over the eye is a characteristic mark. During the winter Purple Finches are irregularly dis- tributed throughout most of the Eastern States, but in summer they are not found south of northern New Jer- sey. They now become more social and may nest in our gardens. Generally a coniferous tree is selected, and the nest of twigs, grasses, and rootlets is placed at a height of about twenty feet. The eggs, four to six in number, are blue, spotted with dusky about the larger end. Count yourself fortunate if a Purple Finch makes his home near yours. He may appropriate a few buds and blossoms, but he will repay you with music and leave you his debtor. His song is a sweet, flowing warble ; music as natural as the rippling of a mountain brook. Some morning early in May you may meet the Bose- breasted Grosbeak, just returned from a winter's sojourn in South America. Perhaps his fame Bose-breasted^^ wm have preceded him, when you will Zamelodia ' in a measure be prepared for his charms ludoviciana. 0f song and plumage, and so miss the keener pleasure of surprise ; but to me he appeared as a revelation, and after fifteen years I still Plate LVIII. Page 162. NORTHERN SHRIKE. Length, 10*30 Inches. Adult, upper parts gray; tail black and white; under pints white, with blackish bars : Lores grayish ; ear-coverts black. Young, similar, but plutnage washed with brownish. TOWHEE. 151 find it difficult to believe that, unknown to me, this beau- tiful creature could long have been an inhabitant of my woods. The Grosbeak prefers young second growths, with a liberal proportion of oaks. In one of these trees he will doubtless build his nest, a structure so lightly made that one can almost see the blue, spotted eggs from below. The male is not only an ardent lover but an admirable husband, and, unlike most brightly attired birds, shares with his mate the task of incubation, and, it is said, sings while on the nest. His mate is so unlike him in color that few would suspect their relationship. She suggests an overgrown female Purple Finch, with the eye-stripe especially prominent ; but if you should chance to see the under surface of her wings, you would find that they were lined with gold. However, the call-notes of both sexes are alike — a sharp, characteristic peek, which you will have no difficulty in recognizing after you have learned it. The Grosbeak's song will remind you of a Robin's, but it is in truth a much higher type of bird music. It is a joyous carol, expressive of a happy disposition and a clear conscience. The Towhee, or Chewink, is an important member of any bird community. He comes early — April 20 may Towhee ^n^ mm W^L lls — an<^ ne staJs ^ate» Rpilo sometimes remaining until November 1. erythropUhalmus. During this period there is not an hour of the day when you can not find a Chewink if you know how to look for him. At midday you will perhaps have to summon him by a whistled to- whee from the depths of his bushy home on the border of a wood or thicket ; but he will soon respond, and with a fiuff~fluffl of his short, rounded wings, fiy jerkily up to inquire what's wanted. 152 INDIGO BUNTING. Some birds, such as the Red-eyed Vireo, can sing just as well while hunting food as at any other time ; in fact, I do not remember ever seeing a Red-eye pause long in its search for insects — song and search go on together. But with the Chewink singing is a serious matter, not to be associated with the material question of food ; so, when singing, he abandons the dead leaves he has been tossing about so vigorously, and, mounting a perch, becomes an inspired if not gifted musician. Sweet bird, sing, a friend writes it, the " sing " being higher, sustained, and vibrant. To this there is often a refrain which suggests an an- swering, tremulous I'll try. Matins or vespers over, the Chewink returns to the ground and resumes his occupation of scratching among the leaves for breakfast or supper, as the case may be. The Chewink's nest is placed on the ground, often in dried grass, beneath a tangle of running wild blackberry. The eggs, four or five in number, are white, finely and evenly speckled with reddish brown. There are three birds who sing not only through the heat of midsummer but are undaunted by the warmth of a midday sun. They are the Wood n igo un ing, pewee ^he Red-eved Yireo, and the In- I'assertina cyauea. J digo-bird or Bunting. The Pewee and Vireo, singing dreamily from the shady depths of a tree, carry the air to the hummed accompaniment of insects ; but the Bunting, mounting to an upper branch, gives voice to a tinkling warble, more in keeping with the freshness of early morning than the languor of noon. July, July, summer '-summer }s here • morning, noontide, evening, list to me, he sings so rapidly that human tongue can scarce enumerate the words fast enough to keep pace with him. The Indigo-bird is in song when he comes to us from the South early in May, but it is not until other Plate LV. pAGE 151. TOWHEE. Length, s-'!~> inches. Adult male, upper parte, throat, and breasl black; belly white ; sides reddieh brown. Adult female, Bimilar, bul black re- placed by brownish. Plate LIX- Packs 164, 165. REP-EYED VIREO. Length, 6-25 inches. Crown gray, bordered by black and white; hack, wings, and tail olive-green ; under parts white. YELLOW-THROATED VIREO. Length, 5-95 inches. Crown and hack greenish yellow; rump gray; breast bright yellow; belly white; wing-bars white. CARDINAL. [53 singers have dropped from the chorus that his voice be- comes conspicuous. Not far away his mate is doubtless sitting on her blu- ish white eggs in a nest low down in the crotch of a bush. lie in his deep indigo costume may be easily identified, but she is a dull brownish bird, about the size of a Ca- nary, sparrowlike in appearance, though with unstreaked plumage, and a difficult bird to name, even when you have a specimen in your hand, while in the bush, if silent, she is a puzzle. But she is far too good a mother not to protest if you venture too near her home, and her sharp pit <>r peet usually calls her mate, whom you will recog- nize at once. The Cardinal is about the size of a Towhee, with plumage which, except for a black throat, is almost wholly rosy red. Seeing a mounted Cardi^^dinaUB. Cardinal, one might imagine that he was a conspicuous bird in life and easy to ol >serve ; but the truth is that, in spite of his bright colors, the Cardinal is a surprisingly difficult bird to see. You may often hear his sharp, insignificant tsip without catching a glimpse of the caller, so well can he conceal himself. His olive-brown mate is, of course, even more difficult to find, and when you do see her you would hardly suspect the relationship were it not for her actions and the striking crest worn by both sexes. The Cardinal's song is a rich, sympathetic whistle. Hi- mate also sings at times, and I carry in my memory a musical courting I once observed, in which a pair of these beautiful birds were the actors. The song begins with whee-you, whee-you, long-drawn notes, which are followed by a more rapid hurry^ hurry, hurry } e< 1 returns to it year after year, arriving from the South about May 1, and remaining until late September. It is six inches long; the forehead is whitish, the crown and back steel-blue, the rump rusty ; the throat chestnut with a blackish area; the belly white. Like the Cliff Swallow, the Bank Swallow nests in colonies, and is very local during the breeding season. A Bank Swallow sandbank facing a stream or pond is ioola Hparia. often chosen for a home. Into it a (Frontispiece.) tunnel two or three feet in length is bored, and at its end a nest of grasses and feathers is built. 160 TREE SWALLOW. The Bank Swallow winters in the tropics and reaches us in the spring about April 20, remaining until late Sep- tember. It is the smallest of our Swallows, measuring only five inches in length, and is the only one, except the Rough-winged Swallow, which has no metallic coloring in its plumage, the back being plain brownish gray, the under parts white, with a clearly defined brownish gray band across the breast. The Rough-wing is a more south- ern bird, being rare north of southern Connecticut. It resembles the Bank Swallow, but differs chiefly in having the whole breast brownish gray. It nests in holes in banks, and also about stone bridges, trestles, and similar structures. Though A'ery generally distributed, there are large areas within the breeding range of the Tree Swallow Tree Swallow where it is known only as a migrant. Tactycineta bicolor. In the wilder part of its range it nests (Frontispiece.) in jj0uow trees ; in the more settled portions it uses bird-boxes. During recent years, as Mr. Brewster has remarked, the always-present House Spar- row has pre-empted the former abodes of the Tree Swal- low, so that it no longer nests about our homes ; but as a migrant its numbers are undiminished, and it is prob- ably our most abundant Swallow. Being the only Swallow to winter in the eastern United States, the Tree Swallow is the first to arrive in the spring, coming to us from Florida early in April. It is also the last of its family to leave us in the fall, often remaining near JSew York city until October 20. Immature birds have the upper parts brownish gray instead of shining steel-blue, as in the adult, but in either plumage the bird may be known by its pure white under parts, which have given to it the name of White-bellied Swallow. In the northern United States Martins are very local. Plate LXIII. Page 170. OVEN-BIRD. Length, 6-15 inches. Crown reddish brown, bordered by black; back, wings, and tail olive-green; under parts black and whit.'. CEDAB WAXWING. 161 They have long since abandoned their habit of building in hollow trees, and now nest only abont houses or in lawns where gourds or boxes are erected for ! in' their occupation. To these they return year after year, arriving in the spring about April 25 and remaining until September. The male is uniform steel-blue, and appears black in the air ; the female is grayish, tinged with steel-blue above; the breast is gray, the belly white. This is the largest of our Swallows, measuring eight inches in length. Waxwim.s. (Family Amf&ISDJE.) One of the two species of AYaxwing is a bird of the far North; the other, our Cedar Waxwing, is found through- Cedar Waxwing out North America. "Waxwings pos- Am, - in an unusual degree two charac- PlateLVlL teri>tics which are not supposed to be associated — sociability and silence. Xone of our birds is more companionable, none more quiet. In their fondness for one another's society they seem to delay the pairing season, and long after other birds have gone to house- keeping they are still roving about in flocks. Finally, late in June, they settle down and build a nest of generous proportions, often in some fruit tree, about ten feet from the ground. The three to five eggs are pale bluish gray or putty-color, spotted with black or brownish black. Waxwings fly in close rank and alight as near each other a- the nature of their perch will allow. They -it very still, like little Parrots or Doves, but often raise and lower their crests, and perhaps whisper a fine lisping note, which is prolonged into a louder call — a string of beady note. BS they take wing. Their fare varies with the season — cedar berries, ^raw- berries, cherries, both cultivated and wild, the berries 23 102 NORTHERN SHRIKE. of the woodbine, sour gum, and others being taken in turn. In August the Waxwing shows no mean gifts as a flycatcher, while as a destroyer of the cankerworm he is especially beneficial, repaying us with interest for the fruit he may have approjjriated earlier in the season. The "Waxwing's wide range and ability to withstand great extremes in temperature are doubtless due to the ease with which it adapts itself to a change in fare. It nests from Virginia to Labrador, and winters from Massa- chusetts to Costa Rica. Shrikes. (Family Laniid^e.) The marked difference in the temperament of birds is emphasized by finding among the song birds, who feed Northern Shrike on frnitj seeds, and insects, a bird who Laniw boreaUs. in his position and choice of food is Plate lviii. tni]y hawklike. Shrikes are solitary, never assembling in flocks or associating with other birds. Their days are days of waiting, varied by a pounce upon some unfortunate field mouse or dash into a flock of un- suspecting Sparrows. But, while they resemble the Hawks in these respects, their manner of capturing their prey dif- fers from that of their larger prototypes. The Shrike has a Hawk's bill but a Sparrow's foot, and, lacking the powerful talons which make so deadly a weapon, he cap- tures his prey with his strong mandibles. Possibly it may be due to his comparatively weak feet that he pursues the singular custom of impaling his prey on some thorn or hanging it from a crotch where he can better dissect it. The Shrike, or Butcher-bird, as he is also called, be- longs to a large family, but, with the exception of his smaller cousin the Loggerhead, he is the only one of the two hundred known species found in America. He nests I^H Plate LXIV. Page 171. MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT. Length, 5*30 Inches. Adult male, face black, bordered by ashy; back olive-grccn; breast yellow; belly paler. Adult female, similar, bul no black on face; under parts paler. VIKHOS. 1,;;; within the Arctic Circle, and in October journeys south- ward, rarely as far as Virginia, and remains in the United States until April or May. The Loggerhead Shrike is common in the Southern States and MiHfliflfrippi Valley, whence it has apparently extended eastward through central New York to Ver- mont and Maine. It nests in these States, but southward to Maryland is known only as a rare migrant — a unique case in distribution. It differs from the Northern Shrike in being an inch and a quarter .-mailer, in the absence of the wavy bars on the breast, which is pure white, and in hav- ing jet-black lores and a narrow black line across the fore- head at the base of the bill. Its song is creaky and un- musical, hut the song of the Northern Shrike, as de- scribed by Mr. Brewster, is " really pleasing," and " not unlike that of the Thrasher, but more disconnected and less loud and varied." Vireos. (Family Vireonid^e.) Vireos are gleaners, and are to be distinguished from other tree-inhabiting, greenish birds of the same size by their habit of carefully exploring the under surface of leaves and various nooks and corners in the bark and foliage, while the more active Warblers are Hitting about the terminal twigs and the Flycatchers are swinging out in aerial loops at passing insects. They are highly musical little birds, having songs and call -notes which may be quickly recognized once they are known. The nests and eggs of our four summer- resident species are so much alike that they are to be known only when accompanied by their owners. The White-eyed Vireo inhabits thickets and, as a rule, builds nearer the ground than the arboreal Red-eyed, Yellow- throated, and Warbling Vireos. The aests are small, 164 RED-EYED VIREO. pouchlike affairs of strips of pliable bark, bits of dead wood, plant-fibers, tendrils, fine grasses, etc., firmly inter- woven and suspended from the arms of a forked twig. The eggs are white, with a few black or brownish black spots, chiefly about the larger end. The Vireos are an exclusively American family, and number some fifty species, of which seven reach the Eed-eyed Vireo northeastern States. Of these, by far Vireo oUvcuxus. the most common is the Red-eyed Plate lix. Vireo. There are few favorable locali- ties in eastern North America where, in the summer, one may not hear the cheerful song of this bird. Still, it is so well protected by the foliage, with which its plumage agrees in color, that to those whose ear is not attuned to the music of birds it is unknown. But listen near some grove of elms or maples, and you will not fail to hear its song — a somewhat broken, rambling recitative, which no one has described so well as Wilson Flagg, who calls this bird the Preacher, and interprets its notes as " You see it — you know it — do you hear me ? — do you be- lieve it ? " The Red-eye evidently has an inquiring mind, for he never tires of asking these questions. He not only sings all day, but seems unaffected by the heat of summer, and at midday is often the only bird to be heard. One would imagine that few birds had a more even tem- perament than this calm-voiced singer, but when annoyed he utters a complaining whang — a sound which is a good indication that something is wrong in the bird world. The Red-eye winters in the tropics, and reaches us in the spring about May 1, remaining until October 15. A near relative of the Red-eye's is the Warbling Yireo — a somewhat smaller bird, with a brown, in place of red eye, and without the black margin above the white eye-line which can be so easily seen in the Red-eye. The Warbling Yireo is the less common of the two, and is Plate LXV. YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT. Length, 745 Inches. Opper parts olive-green; breasl yellow white; lores black, bordered by w hit «•. Page 172. VIKKOS. L65 more local, showing a marked fondness for rows of elms — a taste which makes it a dweller in towns and villages. It- song hears no resemblance to that War ng ireo, ^ tj Red-eye, being a continuous, Vireogilvw. . . flowing warble, with an alto under- tone, suggestive of the song of the Purple Finch. The Warbling A'ireo arrives from its winter home in the tropics ahout May 5, and remains until late in Sep- temher. Although the Yellow-throated Vireo is least like the Red-eye in color, it resemhles it the most closely in choice Y liow-throated °^ naimts an(l in song. Still, the Yellow- Vireo, throat's song is sung more deliberately Vireo flavifrona. and with longer pauses between the parts, while in tone it is deeper and richer. To my mind he says : "See me; I'm here; where are you?" repeating the question in varying forms. Rarely he utters a beautiful, mellow trill which suggests the song of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and he has also a caching, scolding note like that of the White-eye. The Yellow-throat's nest is often a more elaborate struc- ture than those of our other Vireos, being thickly cov- ered with lichens, which add greatly to its beauty. Like the two preceding species, the Yellow-throat winters in the tropics, and reaches the latitude of New York city about May 1. It does not, however, remain as long as its relatives, leaving us about September 15. The White-eyed Vireo is the genius of his family. What the Chat is among Warblers the White-eye is among Vireos — a peculiar, eccentric white-eyed vireo, bird of Bt character, who regards ( vreo novtfooraa ruts. ° .-n mankind with disapproval, and will have none of us. Excellent reasons these why we should court his acquaintance. Unlike our other Vireos, the White-eye lives in the 100 WARBLERS. lower growth ; thickets of cat-brier are his favorite haunts. Pie is therefore nearer our level, and seems to address us more directly than do the birds that call from the tree tops. If you linger near his home he will inquire your business with a vigorous " I say, who are you, eh ? " and if you do not take this hint to move on he will doubtless follow it with a scolding whose intent is unmis- takable. He has a variety of exclamatory calls, and sometimes may be heard softly singing a song composed largely of imitations of the notes of other birds. The White-eye can easily be known from the Red-eye and Warbling Yireos by the narrow white bands across the tips of its wing-coverts. In this respect it resembles the Yellow-throat, from which it is to be distinguished by its smaller size (length 5*25 inches), white iris, and white breast, only the sides of the breast being tinged with yellow. It winters from Florida southward, and reaches us in the spring about May 1, to remain until October. Warblers. (Family Mniotiltidje.) Warblers may be described as among our most abun- dant, most beautiful, and least-known birds. Of the thirty-five species regularly found in the northeastern States, only three or four are familiar to the casual ob- server. The presence of the others is unsuspected, and when some chance brings one of these exquisite little creatures into our lives, the event is attended by all the excitement of an actual discovery. We never forget our first Warbler. It is because we do not see Warblers unless we look for them that they are strangers to so many persons who go to the woods. They are, with some exceptions, small birds of limited vocal powers. They live in the tree tops, ]'i.\ 1 1 LXVI. Page 174. MOCKINGBIBD. I, agth, 10-50 inches. Upper parts ashy gray; wings and tail brownish black and white; under parts white. BLACK AND WHITE WABBLER. L67 and their lisping notes blend with other woodland voices without attracting OUT attention. May and September are the months for Warblers, Some species arrive in April, but they arc most numer- ous between May ."> and L5, when the woods are thronged with their flitting forms. Less than half of our thirty-five species remain to breed ; the others go to their summer homes in the coniferous forests of the North. These northern birds return in the latter part of August and abound in September. Many of the Warblers seen at this season are immature birds wearing plumages so different from those of the adult birds seen in the spring, that their identity is not suspected, and, in effect, they are new birds to us. To the field ornithologist Warblers are therefore the most difficult as well as the most fascinating birds to study. Long after the Sparrows, Flycatchers, and Vireos have been mastered, there will be unsolved problems among the Warblers. Some rare species wall be left to look for — it may be a member of the band flitting about actively in the branches above us — and in the hope of finding it we eagerly examine bird after bird until our enthusiasm yields to an aching neck. Acquaintance with more familiar birds will d nbtless arouse the enthusiasm necessary to a successful pursuit of Black and White Garbles, but in the meanwhile I will Warbler, mention only those species that can be Mhiotilta varia. most easily observed. Among them is plateLX- the Black and White Warbler, whose habit of creeping or climbing over trunk and limb aids in his identification. lie isa summer resident, and about April 20 we may expect to hear the thin, wiry see-see- see-see notes which form his song. A mouth later we may find bis nest, placed on the ground at the base of a stump or stone and containing four or live white 168 WARBLERS. eggs speckled with reddish brown, chiefly at the larger end. The Yellow Warbler is also a summer resident, arriv- ing in the spring about April 30 and remaining, with the Black-and-white Warbler, until late Yellow Warbler, £ g tember> It hag ^ ^ Venaroica cesfava. x or pearance of being an entirely yellow bird, and is sometimes called " Wild Canary," but it has a much more slender bill than the Canary, and its breast is spotted with reddish brown. Most Warblers are wood- inhabiting birds, but the Yellow Warbler, unlike its rela- tives, prefers lawns, parks, and orchards to woodlands. Its nest, of fine grasses, fibers, and a large amount of cot- tony plant-down, is placed in shrubbery or shade trees. Its eggs are bluish white, thickly marked with cinnamon and olive-brown. The Black-throated Green Warbler nests in pine for- ests from southern New England northward, arriving _, , .. . . from the South about May 1 and re- Black-throated . J Green Warbler maining until October. Its nest is Dendroica virens. usually placed in pine trees ; its eggs Plate lxi. are white, spotted and speckled with dark brown. The songs of many Warblers are possessed of so little character that the best description conveys no idea of them, but the quaint see-see, see-ee, see of the Black- throated Green, which Mr. Burroughs writes v — , will be readily recognized. The Myrtle or Yellow-rumped Warbler nests from northern New England northward, and in winter is the Myrtle Warbler 011bT Warbler to remain in the Korth- Dendroica coronata. em States, being often found as far Plate lxi. north as New York city, when its favorite food of bay berries can be procured. At this season there is little or no black on the breast and the Plate LXVIL BROWN THEASHEE. Length, 11-40 inches. Upper parts bright reddish b white and black ; eyea yellow. Page it.">. REDSTART. (.69 "hack is grayish brown, but this Warbler may always be known by its four patches of yellow and Ltfl characteristic call-note of tohip. The Redstart belongs to the group of fly-catching Warblers, and, as an indication of its maimer of feeding, Bedstart n^s m" *s ,nu<'n broader and flatter than \ga ruticiUa. IS usual in this family. The Redstart is Plate i.xn. llot g0 patient and methodic a flycatcher as the birds to whom this name rightly belongs. They sit quietly until some insect comes within reach, and then with unerring aim launch out at it, returning to their perch to devour it at leisure. But the Redstart darts here and there, falls and rises and spins about, catching an insect at every turn and at the same time displaying his bright colors to such advantage that he seems the most beautiful as he is the most animated bird of the woods. As he pirouettes from limb to limb, with drooped wings and spread tail, he sings ser-wee swee, swee-ee, a simple but merry little jingle. The Redstart's bright colors, like some mark of special distinction, are not acquired at once. The young male must pass through a period of probation before he is worthy to wear the orange-red and black. In the meantime he appears first in the costume of the female, and by successive changes reaches the full dignity of Redstart estate at the age of three years. He nests, however, the first year, when his plumage closely re- sembles that of his mate. The nest, of fine strips of bark, plant-down, and other materials, is built in the crotch of a sapling ten to twenty feet from the ground. The eggs are grayish white or bluish white, spotted and blotched, chiefly at the larger end, with cinnamon and olive-brown. They are laid about May 28 — four weeks after the bird's arrival from the South. All the Warblers thus far mentioned are tree-inhabit- 24 170 OVEN-BIRD. ing birds, but tbe species now to be spoken of pass most of their time in the undergrowth or on the ground. The Oven-bird Oven-bird chooses the latter locality. Seiurua aurocapillus. He has been well compared by Mr. Plato lxiii. Burroughs to a little Partridge, and if you have enough perseverance to find the author of the sharp cheep with which this somewhat suspicious bird will greet you, you will see a modestly attired little walker daintily picking his way over the leaves and fallen branches, with crest slightly erect, and head nodding at each step. Probably, however, your first acquaintance with the Oven-bird will be made through the medium of his song. There are few bits of woodland where in May and June you can not hear numbers of these birds singing. It is a loud, ringing, crescendo chant, to which Mr. Burroughs's description of " teacher, teacher, teacher, TEACHEK, TEACHER " is so applicable that no one would think of describing it in any other way. The bird seems to exert himself to the utmost, and no one hearing this far from musical performance would imagine that he could im- prove upon it. But if some evening during the height of the mating season you will visit the Oven-bird's haunts, you may hear a song whose wildness is startling. It is the flight-song of the Oven-bird, transforming the humble chanter into an inspired musician. Soaring high above the trees, he gives utterance to a rapid, ecstatic warbling so unlike his ordinary song that it is difficult to believe one bird is the author of them both. As an architect the Oven-bird is also distinguished. His unique nest is built on the ground of coarse grasses, weed stalks, leaves, and rootlets, and is roofed over, the entrance being at one side. It thus resembles an old- fashioned Dutch oven, and its shape is the origin of its builder's name. The Oven-bird arrives from the South Plate LXVIII. Page 175. HOUSE WREN. Length, 5-00 inches. Upper parts brown, marked with Mack and grayish; under parts grayish while. MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT. 171 about May 1, and its eggs are laid about the 20th of the month. They are white, speckled or Bpotted with cinna- mon and reddish brown. The Maryland Yellow-throat is an abundant inhabit- ant of thickets and bushy undergrowths, readily iden- M land titled by his black mask and yellow Yellow-throat, breast, nervous activity, and character- 'ypiatriehaa. istic notes. Some birds must be ap- ' proached with caution, but nothing save an actual attack upon his home will cause the Yellow- throat to leave its shelter. Hopping from limb to limb, he advances to the border of the thicket, then retreats to its depths, all the time uttering an impatient chock, chit, or pit, and, if forced to fly, he goes only to the next clump of bushes. The Yellow-throat's somewhat explosive song is so easily set to words and so variable that there are many versions of it. It is described as whitititee, whitititee, whitititee / rapity, rapity, rapity, rap, or witch-e-icee-o, witeh-e-wee-o, witch-e-wee-o. Mr. Burroughs says he has heard birds whose notes sounded like the words " AYhich way, sir ? " and I have heard some who seemed to say "Wait a minute." To this the Yellow-throat sometimes adds a flight song, which is a miniature of the Oven-bird's aerial sere- nade. It is generally added to his usual song, and is most often heard late in the season at evening, wheo the bird may be seen springing into the air above his bushy retreat. The Yellow-throat arrives from the South about May 1, and remains until the middle of October. Late in May a bulky nest of grasses, strips of bark, and dead leaves, lined with finer material.-, is built on or near the ground. The three to five eggs are white, rather thinly speckled with reddish brown. Often an egg of the Cow- L72 YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT. bird will be found in the nest, Yellow-throats being one of the birds most frequently chosen by the Cowbird as foster-parents. The Chat is the largest of the Warblers, and so unlike them, or any other birds, in disposition that if classifica- Yellow-breastedChat, timi were based on C^cter, the Chat Ltcria vh-ens. would surely be placed in a family by Plate lxv. itself ^lG that's peculiarities are numerous, but are most evident in his song. Many times I have sat, note-book and pencil in hand, trying to express in words the song of a Chat singing in a neigh- boring thicket, but I have never succeeded in putting on paper anything which would convey an adequate idea of the bird's remarkable vocal performances. Of others who have attempted the same task, I think Mr. Bur- roughs comes nearest to interpreting the bird's strange medley. He says : " Now he barks like a puppy, then quacks like a Duck, then rattles like a Kingfisher, then squalls like a fox, then caws like a Crow, then mews like a cat. . . . C-r-r-r-r-r — whrr — that's it — chee — quack, cluck, yit-yit-ylt — now hit it — tr-r-r-r — ivhen — caw — daw — cut, cut — tea-boy — who, who — mew, mew? You may be pardoned for doubting that a bird can produce so strange a series of noises, but if you will go to the Chat's haunts in thickety openings in the woods, or other bushy places, and let him speak for himself, you will admit that our alphabet can not do him justice. To hear the Chat is one thing, to see him quite another. But he will repay study, and if you will conceal yourself near his home you may see him deliver part of his repertoire while on the wing, with legs dangling, wings and tail flapping, and his whole appearance suggesting that of a bird who has had an unfortunate encounter with a charge of shot. But if the Chat's song is surprising when heard dur- ing the day, imagine the effect it creates at night when Plate LXIX. Pagi: 177. LONG-BILLED MARSH WREN. Length, 5-20 inches. Upper parte brown, Mark, and white, a white line over eye; under parts white, sides brownish. CATBIRD. 173 he lias tin1 stage to himself, for he is one of our few birds who sing regularly and freely during the night, moonlit nights being most often selected. The Chat is a rather southern bird in its distribution, being found north of Connecticut only locally and rarely. It winters in the tropics, coming to us about May 1 and departing early in September. Its well-made nest of grasses, leaves, and strips of bark is generally placed in the crotch of a sapling within three feet of the ground. Its three to five eggs are white, rather evenly speckled and spotted with reddish brown. Thrashers, Wrens, etc. (Family Troglodytid.e.) The Eastern representatives of this family are appar- ently too unlike to be classed in the same group, but when all the two hundred members of the family are studied, it is evident that the extremes are connected by intermedi- ate species possessing in a degree the characters of both Wrens and Thrashers. The Catbird belongs to the subfamily MimmCB, which contains also the Mockingbirds and Thrashers, number- Catbird, ing some fi% species, all being re- Gahoscojjtts stricted to North America. The Catbird is one of the most familiar feathered inhabitants of the denser shrubbery about our lawns and gardens. The sexes are alike in color, both being slaty gray, with a black cap and tail, and brick-red under tail-coverts. They arrive from the South about April 29, and remain until October. Their nest is usually placed in thickets, shrubbery, or heavily foliaged trees, and the deep greenish blue eggs are laid the fourth week in May. It is unfortunate that the Catbird's name should have originated in his call -note rather than in his song. The 1 74 MOCKINGBIRD. former is a petulant, whining, nasal tehay, to me one of the most disagreeable sounds in Nature, and so unlike the bird's song that he seems possessed of a dual person- ality. The Catbird's song, from a musical standpoint, is excelled by that of few of our birds. His voice is full and rich, his execution and phrasing are faultless ; but the effect of his song, sweet and varied as it is, is marred by the singer's too evident consciousness. The Catbird's relative, the Mockingbird, is an abun- dant inhabitant of the southern United States from Yir- Mockingbird, ginia to California, and ranges south- Mimm polyglottos. ward into Mexico. In the Eastern Plate LXVI. States it is not common north of south- ern Illinois and Virginia, but in summer it is found in small numbers as far north as Ma chusetts, where a few pairs breed each season. It is exceedingly domestic in its habits, and in the South there are few suitable gar- dens, either in the town or country, which are not inhab- ited by a pair of Mockingbirds. The power of mimicry for which this bird is cele- brated has, I think, been unduly exaggerated, and the fact that its usual song contains several notes resembling those of other species doubtless in part accounts for its much overrated ability as a mimic. It is unnecessary, however, for the Mockingbird to borrow the notes of other birds, for his own song places him in the front rank of our songsters. It is delivered with a spirit and animation which add greatly to its attractiveness. The Mocking- bird does not sing between mouthfuls, as do the Vireos, or quietly from a perch, like the Towhee or Thrasher ; he frequently changes his position, hopping from place to place, making short nights, bounding into the air, and displaying the white markings of his wings and tail, as though it were impossible for him to give expression to his emotion through the medium of voice alone. During Plate LXX. Paoes 178 179 CHICKADEE. Length, 5-25 inches. Crown and throal black; cheeks white; back gray; belly white, washed with brownish. BROWN CREEPER. Length, 5-65 inches. Upper parts brown, rusty, and while; under parts white. BROWN THRASHER. 175 moonlight nights of the nesting season, Mockingbirds sing all night. They are then less active, and, mounting to some favorite perch, often a chimney top, flood the still air with entrancing melody. Like the Catbird and Mocker, the Brown Thrasher or Brown "Thrush" inhabits thickets and undergrowth. Brown Thrasher ^e *s> however, a much less domestic Harporhynchut rufua. bird, and prefers brushy pasture lots and Plate lx\ II. wayside hedges to lawns or gardens. He arrives from the South the latter part of April, and often remains until late in October. The nest is built about May 15, and is placed on the ground or several feet above it. The eggs are bluish or grayish white, thickly, evenly, and minutely speckled with cinnamon or reddish brown. As a songster I should rank the Thrasher between the Mocker and the Catbird. His song is less varied and animated than the Mocker's, and while his technique may not excel that of the Catbird, his song, to my mind, is much more effective than the performance of that accom- plished musician. Mounting to the topmost limb of a tree, he sings uninterruptedly for several minutes. The notes can be heard for at least a third of a mile, ringing- out clear and well defined above the medley of voices that form the chorus of a May morning. The intense vitality which characterizes the life of birds finds its highest expression in the Wrens. Perpet- House Wren lia^ m°tion alone describes the activity Troglodytes aidon. of these nervous, excitable little crea- PlateLXVIII. tures. Repose seems out of the ques- tion; as well expect to catch a weasel asleep as to find a Wren at rest. In his movements, song, and nesting habits our Eouse Wren exhibits the characteristic traits of his family. Ee is ever hopping, flitting, bobbing, or bowing, pausing L76 HOUSE WREN. only long enough to give voice to his feelings in fidgetty, scolding notes, or an effervescing, musical trill, with the force of which his small body trembles. It is a wonder- ful outburst of song, and the diminutive singer's enthu- siasm and endurance are even more remarkable. The song occupies about three seconds, and I have heard a Wren, in response to a rival, sing at the rate of ten songs a minute for two hours at a time. The House Wren nests in almost any kind of suitable hole or cavity, and will frequently take possession of a bird box, if the House Sparrows have not already set up a claim to the same property. To prevent intrusion from the Sparrows, the entrance to the house should be made not larger than a quarter of a dollar. Whatever be the site the Wrens select, their surplus energy is em- ployed in completely filling it with twigs, half a bushelf ul being sometimes brought with endless pains. The nest proper is composed of dried grasses, and is placed in the center of this mass. Even in egg -laying the exhaustless vitality of Wrens is shown, as many as six or eight eggs being deposited. In color they are uniformly and mi- nutely speckled with pinkish brown. The House Wren arrives from the South late in April and remains until October. Shortly before its departure in the fall a Wren comes from the Winter Wren -^^ fchat regembles the Houge Wren Troglodyte* hit-malis. in appearance, but is smaller and has the under parts pale brown, the breast and belly being finely barred with a darker shade of the same color. This is the Winter Wren, a bird that nests from north- ern New England northward and southward along the crests of the Alleghanies to North Carolina. It remains with us in small numbers throughout the winter, return- ing to its summer home in April. Mr. Burroughs writes of the Winter Wren's song as a " wild, sweet, rhythmical Plate LXXI. RED-BEEASTED NUTHATCH. Length, 1*60 inches. .1/ le, crown ;in