FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BY GIFT OF ALBERT S. BICKMORE AND CHARLOTTE B. BICKMORE iBitt} loxt AN ILLUSTRATED BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OE BIRDS Edited bv FRANK M. CHAPMAN €)fficial iSDrgan of t^e ^utiubon ^^zizixt^ Audubon Department Edited bv MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT T'O/^L'ME 1 — 1890 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY ENGLEWOOD. N. J., ANI^ NEW YORK CITY Copyright, iSgg By frank M. chapman A <^/0l4. •fe-f. INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME I BY AUTHORS Allen, J. A., The American Ornithologists' Union, 143. Babcock, C. A., ' Suggestions for Bird-Day Prog-rams in the Schools, ' 49. Baily, William L. , 'Three Cobb's Island Pictures, 'Si. Batchelder, Annie V., Sec'y, report of , 102. Beal, F. E. L. , Reviews by, 98, 133. Beebe, C. Will, ' Two Nova Scotia Photo- graphs,' 113. Board, Nellie S., Sec'y, report of, 62. Brown, Elizabeth V., 'A Bird-Day Pro- gram,' 52. [pecker,' 60. Burnet, Dr. D. L., 'A Musical Wood- Burroughs, John, 'In Warbler Time,' 3. Butler, Amos W., Sec'y, report of, 66. Chapman, Frank M., 'Birds Through a Telescope,' 132 ; ' Gannets on Bonaven- ture,' 71 ; 'The Legend of the Salt,' 55 ; 'The Passing of the Tern,' 205; 'The Surprising Contents of a Birch Stub,' 187; editorials by, 2, 28, 63, 135, 169, 201; photographs by, 119, 149; reviews by, 26, 27, 61, 97, 98, 133, 167. Collins, H. M., 'The Peculiarities of a Caged Skylark,' 157. Cram, William Everett, 'Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire,' 180. Crolius, A. A., 'How the Central Park Chickadees Were Tamed,' 185. [78. Day, Mary F., ' Home-Life in a Chimney,' Deane, Ruthven, President, report of, 66. Dutcher, William, 'Loons at Home,' 40. Eaton, Isabel, 'Bird Studies for Child- ren,' 17. Fisher, Dr. A. K., 'Average Dates of Arrival of the Commoner Birds at Sing Sing, N. Y. , during April and May,' 54. Geery, D. R. , ' Sparrow Proof Houses, ' 60 Glover, Harriet D. C, Sec'y, report of, 31. Glover, Helen W., Sec'y, report of, 139. Grant, Annie M., Sec'y, reports of , 30, 204. Hegner, Robert W., 'Photographing a Bluebird, ' 43 ; ' The Prairie Horned Lark, ' 152. Hodge, C. F., 'A Pleasant Acquaintance With a Hummingbird,' 155; 'On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 158. Horack, Frank E., 'The Songs of Birds,' 96 ; ' A Singing Bluejay,' 197. Ives, Ella Gilbert, ' The Cardinal at the Hub, ' S3 ; ' The Cardinal in Maine, ' 132. judd, Sylvester D., Ph. D., 'Collecting a Brown Thrush's Song,' 25. Kearton, R., 'Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home,' 107. Kendall, Blanche, photographs by, 84, 85, 86. Kennard, Fred. H., 'A May Morning,' 91. Lehmann, Lilli, A Message from, 103. Lemmon, Isabella McC, 'Oliver Twist, Catbird,' 163. Lockwood, Emma H., Sec'y, report of, 32. Loring, J. Alden, 'Inquisitive Magpies,' 96. Mellick, Mary A., Sec'y, report of, 32. Menke, H. W. , 'From a Cabin Window,' 14 ; photograph by, 106. Merriam, Florence A., 'Clark's Crows and Oregon Jays on Mount Hood,' 46, 72 ; 'Our Doorstep Sparrow,' 20. Miller, Oliver Thorne, ' On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 19, 89. Mumma, Rosa Meyers, 'Matins,' 77. Nash, H. W., photograph by, 176. Newkirk, Garrett, ' Mr. Flicker Writes a Letter,' 129; * Robin Rejoice,' 95 ; 'The Little Brown Creeper,' 197. Noble, Floyd C, 'A February Walk in Central Park,' 57. Osgood, Fletcher, report of, 137. Patten, Mrs. John Dewhurst, Sec'y, reports of, 32, 173. Peabody, P. B., ' Richardson's Owl,' 190. Peckham, Mrs. Elizabeth W., Sec'y, re- ports of, loi, 205. Princehorn, A. L., photograph by, 154. Richards, Harriet E , Sec'y, report by, 30. Roberts, Dr. Thos. S., 'The Camera as an aid in the Study of Birds, ' 6, 35 ; 'A Cat- bird Study,' 87. (Ill) Index , f, /. i. I. I ; Robins, Julia Stockton, Sec'y, f^eporjt of, 66, 204. 1/(1 -^'\-^^ lightful and profitable way of spending leisure !^ !)f ' '! 'I hours than by prying into the secrets of Dame ature with an instrument capable of furnishing such complete and trutiiful information as the camera. Delightful and fascinat- ing, because it not only gives worthy purpose and charming zest to all outing trips, but yields results that tell in no uncertain way of things and incidents that it would be well nigh impossible to preserve in any other manner. There is no department of nature- study in which the camera cannot be turned to excellent account, and while records of lasting and scientific value are being made, the devotee of amateur photography has at the same time full scope for the study of his art. What may, perhaps, be considered the greatest value, albeit an unrecognized one, of the present wide- spread camera craze, is the development of a love for the beautiful and artistic which may result, and along the line of study here sug- gested may surely be found abundant material to stimulate in the highest degree these qualities. Too much time is spent and too much effort expended by the average 'kodaker' in what has been aptly termed "reminiscent photography," the results being of but momentary interest and of no particular value to anybody. In the present and subsequent articles, it is intended to illus- trate by pictures actually taken in the field by the veriest tyro in the art of photography, what may be accomplished by any properly equipped amateur in the way of securing portraits of our native birds in their wild state and amid their natural surroundings. Sup- plemental to such portraits are the more easily taken photographs of the nests, eggs, young, and natural haunts of each species ; the whole graphically depicting the most interesting epoch in the life- history of an}' bird. Words alone fail to tell the story so clearly, so beautifully, and so forcibly. And, best of all, this can be ac- complished without carrying bloodshed and destruction into the ranks of our friends the birds ; for we all love to call the birds our friends, yet some of us are not, I fear, always quite friendly in our dealings with them. To take their pictures and pictures of their homes is a peaceful and harmless sort of invasion of their domains, and the results in most cases are as satisfactory and far- (6) The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds 7 reaching as to bring home as tropliies Hfeless bodies and despoiled liabitations, to be stowed away in cabinets where dust and insects and faihng interest soon put an end to their usefuhiess. It is not intended, of course, to reflect in any way upon the estabHshment of order!}' and well-directed collections, for such are absolutely neces- sary to the very existence of the science of ornithology. To such collections the great bod\' of amateur bird students should turn CHICKADEE AT XEST-HOLE, WITH FOOD FOR YOUNG for the close examinations necessary to familiarize themselves with the principles of classification and the distinctions between closely related species. Indeed, it is impossible for anyone to be intelli- genth' informed as to the many varieties of birds, and their wonder- ful seasonal changes of plumage, without having: actually handled specimens. The growth of avian photography has been of short duration, — only a few years in this country and not much longer in England, where it seems to have had its inception. But there are already one or two good books dealing with the subject ; and a goodly num- ber of ornithological works of recent date, and especially the pages of the journal literature of the day, bear excellent testimony to the 8 Bird- Lore merit and beauty of this method of securing bird pictures. Atten- tion, however, has thus far been directed chiefly to obtaining illustrations of nests and eggs and captive birds, to the neglect of the more difficult but more interesting occupation of securing photographs of live birds in their wild state. Herein lies the chief fascination of this branch of photograph}', for good photo- graphs from life of any of our birds, even the most common, are still novelties. The successful bird photographer must possess a good camera, including a first-class lens, with at least an elementary knowledge of how to get the best results from it; some acquaintance with field and forest and their feathered inhabitants, and a fund of patience, perseverance, and determination to conquer that is abso- lutely inexhaustible. No matter how well equipped in other re- spects, this latter requisite cannot be dispensed with. As to the technique and many details of the art of photography, the writer is still too much of a novice to speak very intelligently. Suffice it to sa}', that the general principles governing other branches of photography are to be consulted here. One great difficulty to be encountered is that there is little opportunity to arrange the light- ing or background of the object to be photographed, and as the latter is apt to be either green foliage or the dull ground, with the camera very near the object, the beginner will be much per- plexed to determine the proper stop and the right time of ex- posure. With the usual appliances a wide open stop will be found necessary with the rapid exposure required, and this will detract in a disappointing manner from the beaut}' of the negative as a whole. But every determined stiident will try in his or her own way to lessen these defects, and will find in failure only increased incentive to discover better methods and better appliances. Cameras and lenses especially devised for this kind of work are promised in the near future. A rapid telephoto lens is a great desideratum, and there is reason to believe that in the near future such an one will be available. Those to be had at present increase the time of ex- posure too much to be generally useful in bird work. The writer has used a 4x5 long-focus 'Premo' with Bausch and Lomb Rapid Rectilinear lens (Zeiss-Anastigmat, Series II-A, ^j'( x6j4), the focal length of the combination being about 6}^ inches. Many kinds of plates have been used, but any good rapid plate will do. For those who are willing to take the additional care necessary to handle them successfully, rapid isochromatic or orthochromatic plates are undoubtedly to be preferred, as the}- preserve quite clearly the color values. The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds 9 A consideration of the actual tield difficulties, rather than tiie more purely photographic problems to be encountered, is more within the scope of the present paper. To this end a rather detailed ac- count is given of just how each of the following groups of photo- graphs was secured, hoping that others better equipped, with a better knowledge of photography, and with more leisure, may be encouraged to go and do likewise and present us with the results. One of the greatest of these field difficulties is that the camera is rarely focused upon the bird to be taken, but is either snapped at random or focused upon some spot to which the bird is expected to return. The latter, in the great majority of cases, is the nest; at other times a much-used perching-place or feeding-ground. Success depends, therefore, ver}- largely upon the nature, disposition, and habits, especially nesting habits, of the particular bird being dealt with. Some birds are of a confiding, unsuspicious nature, and easily reconciled to quiet intrusion ; while others are so timid and wary that hours of time have to be expended, and all sorts of devices resorted to, in order to get the coveted 'snap.' Of the risk of life and limb necessary to reach rocky cliff and lofty tree-dwelling species, the recital must come from such daring and fearless devo- tees of this art as the Kearton brothers of England, and others nearer home. The nest being the lure usually employed to bring the bird within range of the camera, it will follow that the nesting season is the time of year when most of this work must be done. Thus, spring and early summer are the harvest time of the bird photog- rapher, and as it happens that these, of all the seasons, are the most delightful in which to be afield, the bird - lover, with glass, camera, and note-book, can leave care behind and find content- ment, rest, and peaceful profit in the glorious days of June, so happily styled the rarest of all that come. Leaving general considerations, let us first study a series of photographs that well illustrates what charming and dainty little pictures can sometimes be secured with most trifling effort. Suc- cess in this instance was easily attained because the little ' sitters ' were not very unwilling and because the conditions under which they lived were more than usually favorable. The subject of these photographs, the little Black-capped Chickadee, or Titmouse, — Pants atricapillus, the scientists call him, — is familiarly known to almost every one who has given even casual attention to birds. Its gener- ally common occurrence throughout the United States, cheery, happy disposition, and lively notes as the little band, for they usually travel in companies, goes roaming through woodland and Bird -Lore copse, endears it to all. All through the long, drear}- winter, with its short da}-s and perpetual snow and ice, they are the same sprightly, contended little fellows, and refreshing it is to meet and visit with them at such times as they come ' chick-a-de-dee '-ing right into 30ur very presence in their familiar, confiding way. Springtime finds them with a mellow, long-drawn love whistle of two notes and thoughts of home and home likethings. Soon, down by the lake or brook-side, or in some moist woodland glade, where birch and willow trunks long since dead and soft with age stand sheltered among the growing trees, the little Black- cap and his chosen mate pick out a cozy retreat. This, per- haps, is some deserted Wood- pecker den. decayed knothole, or more often it is a burrow of their own making, and here they assume the delights and cares of wedded life. A snug, warm nest of rabbit's hair or fern down is quickly built, and in this soft- est of beds the five or six rosy white, finely speckled little eggs are laid. Before very many days, eight or ten at most, the old stump exhibits unmistakable signs of being animated within, and in a wonderfully short time the little nestlings are as large as their parents, and full, indeed, is this family domicile. Owing to the cleanly habits and care of the old birds, the dresses of the youngsters are cleaner and brighter than those of their hard-worked, food-carrying parents. It was just at this stage in their progress that the little family, whose portraits are here shown, was discovered one late June da\-, snugly ensconced within the crumbling trunk of a long since departed willow tree. With a bird-loving companion, Mr. Leslie O. Dart, the writer was drifting idly in a little boat through one of the man}- channels of the Mississippi river, which cut up into innumerable islands, the heavily wooded bottomland of eastern Houston county, Minnesota. Being in search of the nests of numerous Prothonotary W^arblers, wJiich were flashing hither and thither across the channel, we skirted the shore closely, tapping on all likely-looking stubs. The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds n Now the tapping brought to view a Down}' Woodpecker, then a beautiful Golden Swamp Warbler : sometimes unexpectedly a great gray mouse scrambled out and plunged boldly into the water be- neath : but this time the blow was followed b\' a subdued hum from within, and an incpiiring, anxious parent Chickadee appeared suddenly on the scene, joined in a moment by a second, and we had the family complete. It was near noon, the sun was shining brightl}', the hole was on the water side of the stub in the light, and we had no Chickadee pictures : so we camped at once and prepared to 'do' the situation. A little investigation showed the nest to be too high for setting up the camera satisfactorily, as the tripod legs sank deep in the mud and water. But our kit in- cluded a saw for just such an emergency, and sawing off the soft stub at the proper height, it was lowered gently until the hole came just on a level with the camera, placed horizontally and at a dis- tance of about three feet. Propped with a forked stick, it rested quite securely on the soft bottom. This was better than tipping the camera and employing the 'swing back,' as the sun was nearly overhead. After focusing carefully on the opening in the stub, attaching to the camera fifty feet of small rubber tubing with large bulb, in place of the usual short tube and small bulb, setting care- fully the trigger and other accessories of our harmless gun, and covering the whole camera with a hood of rough green cloth, the lens alone visible, we retreated to a convenient vantage point among the small willows close by. But a few minutes elapsed before the old birds were on the spot peering at us and the big green object from all sides. In an incredibly short space of time, considering the great liberties that had been taken with their habitation and door yard, they became resigned, and one of the birds, which we assumed to be the female, flew straight to the stub, and, with a last suspicious glance at the great glistening eye so near at hand, disappeared into the hole with a large brown worm in her bill. But that momentary delay was the looked-for opportunity, and all- sufficient ; for with a quick squeeze of the bulb, click went the shutter, and in the twent\'-fifth of a second the bird was ours ; shot without so much as knowing it. without indeed the ruffling of a feather or the drawing of a drop of blood, and preserved lifelike and true to nature for all time to come. From this time on the birds came and went without hesitation, the only serious delays in our operations being due to the drifting clouds, which now and then obscured the sun and rendered the light too weak for the rapid exposures necessar}-. One of the birds, the one we took to be the female, was a little more courageous 12 Bird -Lore than the other, and it is her picture that appears oftenest. The timid one,- — the male, — even went so far on several occasions as to himself devour the worm he had brought rather than trust himself at close quarters with the unknown enemy, although his mate was at the time coming and going industriously and keeping the little folk well supplied with the great larvae. Surely personal traits and individuality are quite as well marked in the bird world as higher YOUNG CHICKADEES. in the scale I After we had made several more exposures similar to the first, one of the best of which shows the bird, worm-laden as before, balanced on the edge of the hole and taking the usual last look at the camera, we turned our attention to catching her as she was coming out. This required quicker cooperation between eye and hand, as the exit was generally made with a dash ; but the accompan3ang picture, with head just emerging, will show that we were fairly sviccessful. Having concluded from all indications, chief among which was the immense number of huge caterpillars carried in to the young, The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds 13 that the latter must be fairly grown, we decided to expose the nest and complete our collection by securing the entire family. So care- fully sawing awa\" the front wall of the cavity with a keyhole saw carried for just such purposes, we gave the little fellows within their first view of the outside world. I fear they must have thought the manner of opening their second shell a rather rude one, and the out- look somewhat forbidding. They were pretty little 3'oungsters, fully grown, with clean, jaunt}' coats, and a grown-up ' chickadee-dee, ' just like the old folks. Though somewhat dazzled at first by the sudden flood of bright sunlight, the\' were, after a little coaxing, induced to sit out on the veranda that had been improvised for them ; but, like youth- ful sitters generally, they were hard to pose, and after many exposures, we succeeded in getting no more than two of them at once. The prettiest one of all, showing two of the little fellows as they finally settled down contentedU' in the warm sunshine, was obtained at the expense of much patient effort and a great deal of slushing back and forth in mud and water between boat aad camera, and it was gratifying to find that one at least of the negatives did fair justice to the situation. The old ones came and went after the mutilation of their home, just as before, and, indeed, apparently found the new arrangement much more convenient than the old. In one of the photographs here presented, domestic affairs that had before been entirely concealed from view are fully re- vealed, and had not the plate been light- struck by one of the many aggravat- ing accidents likely to oc- cur in the outdoor work of the beginner, the picture would have been the best of the series. The cour- ageous parent is attending to her maternal duties im- der circumstances which must appear most appal- ling. The little fellow sit- ting so contentedly by has undoubtedly had his share of the huge juicy caterpil- lars, and patiently recog- nizes that it is not his turn. ( To be concluded) CHICKADEE FEEDING YOUNG From a Cabin Window D BY H. W. MENKE With Photogravihs from Nature by the Author URING the winter of 1897-8 I prospected for Jurassic , fossils in Carbon and Albany counties, Wyoming. '"" , .. When cold weather and snow rendered field work im- ^ practicable as well as very disagreeable, I made permanent camp for the winter at Aurora. Wyoming,- — a mere station on the Union Pacific R. R., an old abandoned section- house serving as my winter quarters. This part of Wyoming, — at all times dreary and lonely, — is strikingly so during winter months. Then snow fills the ravines and lencis a level, prairie-like aspect to the landscape. I doubt if there is to be found anywhere a more desolate country HORNED LARKS AND SNOWFLAKES than this: at least such was my impression when the novelty of my surroundings had worn off. Among the various expedients to which I resorted for amusement, was photographing such birds as I could lure around the cabin. That I was not more successful in securing good negatives is due to the difficulties with which I had to contend. Chief of these were the (14* From a Cabin Window 15 fierce, wintry blasts sweeping over the plains and filling the air with snow and dust. A single experiment taught me the inadvisability of leaving the camera exposed for any length of time to these conditions. I had been trying to get a large photograph of Horned Larks. The camera was placed on the ground and a handful of oats scattered before it, ,i^ .^dllfib.. ,.*-/. * HORNED LARKS AND SNOWFLAKES while I waited within the cabin for nearly two hours for an oppor- tunity to pull the thread attached to the camera shutter. But the birds persistently avoided the pebble marking the focal plane, and clouds continually obscured the sun when I wished to make an expo- sure. x\t last the right moment came, I pulled the thread, and hurried out to get the result. That plate was never developed. Snow had clogged the shutter, and I found it had remained wide open after being sprung. By throwing oats on only one spot, and that close to the window, I soon gathered quite a fiock of Horned Larks, who came regularly every morning to feed from the constantly replenished supply. Finally, after a week of gloomy, dark weather, a cloudless sky offered especially good chances for a photograph of my feathered friends. This time I placed the camera on the window-sill. Maneuvres attendant upon focusing and inserting a plate-holder, of course, i6 Bird -Lore frightened the birds away. They were back again within a few minutes, but an unexpected source of annoyance interfered. A freight train stopped opposite the scene of my operations and belched great billows of smoke between the sun and the birds. Also the shadow of the cabin was gradually encroaching on the feeding ground. I made a trial exposure, however, and obtained a very good negative. But a shadow in the foreground and a wagon tongue in the rear, did not add to the pictorial effect of the group. After much pulling and prying, I pushed the objectionable wagon out of the drifts, and put off further photographing vmtil the next morning. The morning came as bright and sunny as I desired. My YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS feathered subjects were early in the open air studio, and required no conventional admonition to 'look pleasant.' In fact, they were almost too lively for the camera shutter. The negative obtained proved very good, and well repaid me for all trouble and annoyance. A few Yellow-headed Blackbirds were attracted by the food supply I furnished, and I made several negatives of them. The Yellow-heads were more wary than the Horned Larks, and flew away at the slightest disturbance. Only a few at a time gathered beneath the window, while the others perched on fence-posts at a safe distance and kept watch. ^ But it remained for a Northern Shrike to add 'insult to injury,' by seizing a dead mouse I had placed on a post and alighting on the camera with its capture ! JTor Ceacl)er0 anti ^tutients^ I Bird-Studies for Children BY ISABEL EATON T IS a simple matter enough, with the little folk who happily live in the country, to excite an interest and develop a familiar friendship with their bird neigh- bors. The birds can easily be coaxed to the piazza or the window-shelf by the judicious offer of free lunch, and so a speaking acquaintance, perhaps even a life-long friendship, with them may be gained. fe-^\,^'^~^ But with city children, especially those of the poorer ^^ classes, the case is very different. The question how to teach them to know and care for birds is by no means so easy. Look at their case : they have seen no birds but English Spar- rows and caged Canaries and Parrots ; few of them know the Robin ; they practically never go to the country, and many of them never even go to the parks. How shall they be taught about birds ? Observing the rule of advancing from known to unknown, would suggest Dick the Canary, as the obvious point of departure from a tenement into the w^orld of birds ; then, perhaps, the Summer Yellow-bird in the park, commonly known as the 'Wild Canary.' and then Mr. Gold- finch and his little olive-brown spouse, who would make a natural transition to the brown Sparrow^ family, and so on. The difficulty here is that it is so nearly impossible to get city children up to the park to see the Yellow-bird. So another method, involving no country walks and no live birds, has to be resorted to. We may use pictures. — drawn before the class and colored, if possible, — and, trusting to the children's powers of imagination and idealization, may connect with their experience at some other point. After studying about the carpenter, in kindergarten or primary school, for instance, it is easy to interest children in the Woodpecker by proposing to tell them about a "little carpenter bird;" after talking of the fisherman, a promise to tell them of a bird who is a fisherman is sure to stir their imaginations of the doings of the Kingfisher, and so with the weaver (Oriole), mason (Robin) and others. When several birds have been learned, the best kind of review for little people is probably some game like the following, w^iich has been (17) i8 Bird -Lore played with most tuniultuous enthusiasm and eager interest in a cer- tain New York school of poor children. The teacher says : "Let's play ' Lm thinking of a bird.' All shut your eyes tight and think. Now. I'm thinking of a bird nearly as large as a Pigeon ; he is brownish, with black barring on the back, black spots all over the breast," etc., etc., giving a description of the Yellow Hammer, or Flicker, but leaving the characteristic marks until the end of the description. Before the teacher has gone far, a dozen hands are wav- ing wildly and several vociferous whispers are heard, proclaiming in furious pianissimo: "/ know." "/ know what it is." Then the child who gets it right is allowed to describe a bird for the class to guess, and if the description fails in any point the class may offer correc- tions. This appeal to the play instinct excites great interest, which is the thing chiefly to be desired. When a number of birds have been learned in this way. a trip to the Natural History Museum would be of very great value, especially noticing the wonderful reproductions of actual scenes from bird-life there displayed. In this way city children could see in a single day more real bird-life than they could otherwise get in a year, as their few country days are generally populous picnics, from which the birds flee aghast. The children should take their kindergarten principles of observa- tion and conversational description to the Museum with them, and, on returning to school, should draw and color some bird they have seen. To observe and describe and, perhaps, draw each new bird whose picture is shown in the classroom is also a good thing. The writer passed a mounted Flicker through a class of fifty children of kindergarten age, let them look and carefully handle, and then asked for "stories" about it. One child said: "I know — Oh — I know seven stories — no, eight — ui)ic stories about Mr. Yellow Hammer," and she really did know her nine "stories." When they have gone as far as this, most bird stories will interest them, especially if the birds are humanized for them by the teller of the tale. To sum up, it may be said that the best way to begin is to teach a few birds well, — a dozen or so, — by connecting with the child's expe- rience, in some way, the information to be given, and then employing the play instinct by having bird games of various kinds, both kinder- garten bird games and others ; observation, description and drawing of birds may follow, and first and last, and all the time, all descriptions and stories given to children should be in terms of human nature. A Winter Bird Studies LTHOUGH we have fewer birds during the winter than at any other season, at no other time dur- e^ ing the year do the comparative advantages of ornithology as a field study seem so evident. The botanist and entomologist now find little out of doors to attract them, and. if we except a stray squirrel or rabbit, birds are the only living things we may see from December to March. Winter, therefore, is a good time to begin the study of birds, not only because flowers and insects do not then claim our attention, but also because the small number of birds then present is a most encouraging circumstance to the opera-glass student, who. in identi- fying birds, is at the mercy of a -key.' Indeed, the difficulty now lies not in identification, but in dis- covery ; unless one is thoroughly familiar with a given locality and its bird-life, one may walk for miles and not see a feather — a par- ticularly unfortunate state of affairs if one has a bird-class in charge. This dilemma, however, may be avoided by catering to the dominant demand of bird-life at this season, the demand for food. Given a sup- ply of the proper kind of food, and birds in the winter may nearly always be found near it. Bird seed and grain may be used, but a less expensive diet, and one which wall doubtless be more appreciated, consists of sweepings from the hay-loft containing the seeds to which our birds are accustomed. This may be scattered by the bushel or in a sufficient quantity to insure a hearty meal for all visiting Juncos and Tree Sparrows, with perhaps less common winter seed-eaters. The bark-hunting Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, and Chickadees will require different fare, and meat-bones, suet, bacon-rinds and the like have been found to be acceptable substitutes for their usual repast of insects' eggs and larva-. Winter, strange as it may seem, is an excellent season for bird- nesting. The trees and bushes now give up the secrets they guarded from us so successfully during the summer, and we examine them with as much interest as we pore over the ' Answers to Puzzles in Preceding Number' department of a favorite magazine. Immediately after a snow storm is the best time in w^hich to hunt for birds' nests in the winter. Then all tree and bush nests have a white cap, which renders them more conspicuous. W^hen walking with children, the spirit of competition may be aroused by saying "Who'll see the first nest," or '-Who'll see the next nest first." as the case may be, and the number discovered under this impetus is often surprising. (19) Boys and girls who study birds are invited to send short accounts of their observations to this department. Our Doorstep Sparrow BY FLORENCE A. MERRIAM. jjj- V "^^nk'v' -'^ ^-t^ ' ■ T XON'T think that I mean the House, or English ^■^j^^"''*?T - ^- ^'' ' Vi^l \J Sparrow, for he is quite a different bird. '-. Our little doorstep friend is the very smallest of all the brown Sparrows you know, and wears a N>f|^^'^'^^-' :*--' reddish brown cap, and a gray vest so plain it ^-i"-' --C' ^ hasn't a single button or stripe on it. He is a dear, plump little bird, who sits in the sun and throws up his head and chippers away so happily that people call him the Chipping Sparrow. He comes to the doorstep and looks up at you as if he knew you wanted to feed him, and if you scatter crumbs on the piazza he will pick them up and hop about on the floor as if it were his piazza as well as yours. One small Chippy, whom his friends called Dick, used to light on the finger of the kind man who fed him. and use his hand for dining- room, and sometimes when he had had a very nice breakfast, he would hop up on a finger, perch, and sing a happy song ! Dick was so sure his friends were kind and good, that as soon as his little birds were out of the nest, he brought them to be fed too. They did not know what a nice dining-room a hand makes, so they wouldn't fly up to it, but when the gentleman held their bread and seeds close to the ground, they would come and help themselves. chippy's nest. If you were a bird and were going to build a nest, where would you put it ? At the end of a row of your brothers' nests, as the Eave Swallows do ? Or would that be too much like living in a row of brick houses in the city ? Chipping Sparrows don't like to live too close to their next door neighbors. They don't mind if a Robin is in the same tree, on another bough, but they want their own branch all to themselves. And they want it to be a branch, too. Other birds may build their nests on the ground, or burrow in the ground, or dig holes in (20) Our Doorstep Sparrow TAMING A CHIPPY Photographed by Mr. George Wood at the home of Lieutenant Wirt Robinson, in Virginia. Lieutenant Robinson -writes that a pair of Chipping Sparrows placed their nest in the climbing rose bush at the end of the piazza. One of the pair, supposed to be the female, was easily tamed with the aid of bread crumbs, and for three successive years she returned to the piazza, always immediately resuming her habits of familiarity. 22 Bird- Lore tree trunks, or even han^' their nests clown inside dark chimneys if they like, but Chippy doesn't think much of such places. He wants plenty of daylight and fresh air. But even if you have made up your mind to build on a branch, think how many nice trees and bushes there are to choose from, and how hard it must be to decide on one. You'd have to think a long time and look in a great many places. You see you want the safest, best spot in all the world in which to hide away your pretty eggs, and the precious birdies that will hatch out of them. They must be tucked well out of sight, for weasels and cats, and many other giants like eggs and nestlings for breakfast. If you could find a kind family fond of birds, tion't you think it would be a good thing to build near them ? Perhaps they would drive aAvay the cats and help protect your brood. Then on hot summer days maybe some little girl Avould think to put out a pan of water for a drink and a cool bath. Some people, like Dick's friends, are so thoughtful they throw out crumbs to save a tired mother bird the trouble of having to hunt for every morsel she gets to give her brood. Just think what work it is to find worms enough for four children who want food from daylight to dark I The vines of a piazza make a safe, good place for a nest if you are' sure the people haven't a cat, and love birds. I once saw a Chippy's nest in the vines of a dear old lady's house, and when she would come out to see how the eggs were getting on she would talk so kindly to the old birds it was very pleasant to live there. In such a place your children are protected, they have a roof over their little heads so the rains won't beat down on them, and the vines shade them nicely from the hot sun. When you are building your house everything you want to use will be close by. On the lawni you will find the soft grasses you want for the outside, and in the barnyard you can get the long horse hairs that all Chipping Sparrows think they must have for a dry, cool nest-lining. Hair-birds, you know^ Chippies are called, they use so much hair. The question is how can they ever find it unless they do live near a barn? You go to look for it. someday, out on a country road or in a pasture. It takes sharp eyes and a great deal of patience, I guess you'll find then. But if you live on the piazza of a house, with a barn in the back yard, you can find so many nice long hairs that you can sometimes make your whole nest of them. I have seen a Chippy's nest that hadn't another thing in it — that was just a coil of black horse hair. After you have built your nest and are looking for food for your young it is most convenient to be near a house. The worms A Prize Offered 23 you want for your iiustlings are in the garden, and tlie seeds you like for a luncli for \ourself are on the weeds mixed up \\ ith the lawn grass. You needn't mind taking them, either, for the people you live with will be only too glad to get rid of them, because their flowers are killed by the worms, and their lawns look badly when weeds grow in the grass, so you will only be helping the kind friends who have already helped you. Don't you think that will be nice ? I'Hll'l'V's I AMll.V. Did you ever look into a Chippy's nest ? The eggs are a pretty blue and have black dots on the larger end. When the little birds first come out of the shell their eyes are shut tight, like those of little kittens when they are hrst born. If you are very gentle you can stroke the backs of the little ones as they sit waiting for the old birds to feed them. I remember one plum tree nest on a branch so low that a little girl could look into it. One day when the mother bird was brood- ing the eggs the little girl crept close up to the tree, so close she could look into Mother Chippy's eyes, and the trustful bird never stirred, but just sat and looked back at her. "Isn't she tame?" the child cried, she was so happy over it. There was another Chippy's nest in an evergreen by the house, and when the old birds were hunting for worms we used to feed the nestlings bread crumbs. They didn't mind the bread not being worms so long as it was something to eat. It would have made you laugh to see how wide, they opened their bills 1 It seemed as if the crumbs could drop clear down to their boots I Wouldn't you like to feed a little family like that sometime ? A Prize Offered "1117E want the boys and girls who read Bird -Dork to feel that they have a share in making the journal interesting. Young eyes are keen and eager when their owner's attention is aroused : so we ask the attention of every reader of Bird -Dork of fourteen years or under to the following offer : To the one sending us the best account of a February walk we will give a year's subscription to this journal. The account should contain 250 to 300 words, and should describe the experiences of a walk in the country or some large park, with particular reference to the birds observed. jBtote^ from Jftelti anti ^tutip An Accomplished House Sparrow In June, six or seven years ago, my daughters found in the courtyard of our home, a young House or English Spar- row who had evidently fallen from the nest, and had broken its leg in the fall. They took it in and cared for it, binding up the injured limb and feeding it as experience with other birds of the same family had taught them to do. Happily, the bird recovered, and in a short time became quite a pet of the household. At that time we had two Canary Birds, both beautiful singers, and in almost constant song. The Sparrow was in the same room with them, and very soon (making use of its imitative power, which we have observed is a strong characteristic of the Sparrow) acquired the full and complete song of the Cana- ries. We followed with much pleasure the unfolding of his musical ability, which was gradual, and found that he had surpassed his teachers, producing melodies much richer and stronger, as all who had the pleasure of listening to him freely admitted. The bird retained his song to the last, although as age came upon him, as with all other pet birds, his singing was less and less frequent till he passed away, some few months ago. Besides imitating the song of the Canary, he acquired the song of a bird in our collection known as the ' Strawberry Finch, ' which he gave perfectly. His plumage was greatly improved by his confinement and the very great care given him, so much so, that one almost doubted his being an English Sparrow till convinced upon closer examination. We have had a large experience with these birds ; they become very affection- ate with petting, and show a wonderful degree of intelligence. I would further say that our Sparrow had all the notes common to the English Sparrow, beside his acquired accomplish- ments, and there was sadness in our home when his little life went out. — John L. RovAEL, A'j-oo/;/y//, .V. )'. A Nut-hatching Nuthatch On October 14, 1898, while on a short visit to my old home, at New Baltimore, New York, I sat down near a clump of trees and shrubs to enjoy the bird-life so abundant there. ACORN WEDGED IN BARK BY WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH Photograplied from Nature, by H B. Soiithwick Here I saw the Chickadee carefully examining the fruit-heads of the smooth sumach, and twice take from them a mass of spider-web ; then, flying to a limb, dissect it and obtain from it the mass of young or eggs. It was with difficulty that the food was disentangled from the silk, and I found on examination that much of it bad been so crushed, that it was im- possible to determine whether the web contained eggs or young. While thus engaged, I saw a White- breasted Ni thatch, with something in its (24) Notes from Field and Study 25 beak, alight on the trunk of a wild cherry tree. While running about over the bark, the bird dropped what proved to be an acorn, but immediately flew down and picked it from the long grass, and re- turned to the tree. A second time it dropped it, and then, after carrying it again to the tree, thrust it into a crevice in the bark with considerable force, and began to peck at it vigorously. This it did for a few seconds, when I jumped up quickly and, with wild gesticulations, frightened it away. It proved to be the acorn of the pin Oak {Quej-cus palustris), and as no fruiting tree of this species was nearer than the Island, in the river oppo- site, I concluded that the bird had carried it across the water from that point. After photographing the acorn on the tree, I cut the section of bark oft, glued the acorn in its cavity, and the photograph shows the result. — E. B. Southwick, xVeii.' York aty. A Cover Design This interesting sketch was contributed by a prominent ornithologist as an appro- priate cover design for this magazine at a time when it was proposed to call it " The Bird World. ' ' The appearance of a book bearing this title renders it necessary for lUyJUL us to abandon its use, but we do not, for the same reason, feel justified in depriving the world of this remarkably artistic efi'ort, and therefore present it for the edification of our readers, and we trust, to the de- light of its author ! Collecting a Brown Thrasher's Song Rustler, my pet Brown Thrasher, was pouring out his loud, long, spring song. A phonograph, or rather a graphophone, had been left on a table by the cage. Every- thing seemed to favor the collection of a bird song. I placed the instrument so that the open funnel of the horn came within less than a foot of the Thrasher's swelling throat, and touching a lever, set the wax cylinder revolving below a sapphire- tipped style, w'hich cut the bird notes into* the wax. Just as the medley changed from that of a Catbird to that of a Wood Thrush, a Robin flew- past the window. Rustler stopped short, but the style con- tinued to cut and ruin the wax cylinder. When Rustler started in again he hopped to the opposite side of the cage, rudely turning his back upon the graphophone. More than a little vexed at the per- versity of dumb animals, I quickly cov- ered over the end of the cage farthest from the graphophone ; then Rustler sulked beneath the cloth in silence. Next I removed the perch from that side and then Rustler absolutely refused to sing any more. Some hours later, however, I made another attempt, but each time the graphophone was started the whir of the revolving cylinder cut short my Thrasher's rich, rippling notes, so that the only thing to do was to remove the recording style and accustom him to the noise of the cyl- inder, and when this had been accom- plished, I replaced the recording style. I found that by shutting off the graphophone the instant Rustler's notes became weak or stopped, I could catch a continuous series of notes. I succeded the follow- ing morning in getting a pretty fair song. It was not so loud as it might have been, but in pitch and timbre it was perfect. In September dear old Rustler died. For nine long years he had enlivened my northern New Jersey home with his cheery music. In November, at a meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, the notes of Rustler's love song fell sweetly upon sympathetic ears. — Sylvester D. Judd, Ph. D., ]rashi)iffio„, D. C. iloofe jBtetoe; anti 3^etoieto6 With Nature and a Camera. By Rich- ard Kearton, F. Z. S. Illustrated by i8o Pictures from Photographs by Cherry Kearton; Cassell & Co., Lon- don, Paris and Melbourne [New York, East i8th St.], 1898. 8vo. Pages xvi -f 368. Price, $5. Authors may or may not be indebted to reviewers of their works, but it is not often that reviewers are under obligations to the authors of the works they review. In the present instance, however, we feel that we must express our gratitude to the Messrs. Kearton for furnishing us with such an admirable demonstration of the kind of ornithology for which this journal stands. If, following the same lines, we can bring Bird-Lore to the high standard reached in ' With Nature and a Camera, ' we shall have nearly approached our ideal. Briefly, this book is a record of obser- vation and photography by two ornitholo- gists in Great Britain. Doubtless, no birds in the world have been more written about than the birds of this region, and still this book is filled with fresh and origi- nal matter, which is always interesting, and often of real scientific value. Asked to explain how it was that in such a well-worked field the author of this volume had succeeded in securing so much new material, w^e should reply that we believed it was because he was an ob- server rather than a collector. Appar- ently realizing that to collect specimens of British birds would add but little to the store of our knowledge concerning them, he has devoted his time to a study of their habits, and in presenting the re- sults of his labors, he has been most ably seconded b5' his brother, whose photo- graphs of birds in nature have not, so far as we know, been excelled. Perhaps the most forcible lesson taught by this book is the pleasure to be derived from photographing wild birds in nature, and the surprisingly good results which may be achieved by patient, intelligent effort. W^e do not recall a more ade- quately illustrated nature book, and its pictures not only claim our admiration because of their beauty, but also because they carry with them an assurance of fidelity to nature which no artist's pencil can inspire. Bird Gods. By Charles de Kav. With decorations by George Wharton Ed- wards. A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. i2mo. , pages xix4-249. Price, $2. So singular a combination of orni- thologist and mythologist is the author of ' Bird Gods ' that students of birds, as well as of myths, will find his pages of interest. "Why," he asks himself, "should certain birds have been allotted to certain gods and goddesses in the Greek and Roman mythology ? Why should the Eagle go with Zeus, the Peacock with Hera, the Dove with Venus, the Swan with Apollo, the Wood- pecker with Ares, the Owl with Pallas Athene ? " And his search for a reply to these questions has led him into many little-frequented by-paths of early Euro- pean literature, in which he has found much curious information concerning the influence of birds on primitive religions. Impressed by the "share birds have had in the making of myth, religion, poetry and legend" he wonders at their whole- sale destruction to-day, and ventures the hope that " recollection of what our ances- tors thought of birds and beasts, of how at one time they prized and idealized them, may induce in us, their decendants, some shame at the extermination to which we are consigning these lovable but help- less creatures, for temporary gains or sheer brutal love of slaughter. " Birds of Washington and Vicinity. By Mrs. L. W. Maynard, with Intro- duction by Florence A. Merriam. Washington, D. C. , i8g8. 12 mo, pages 204. Cuts in the text, 18. Price, 85 cents. In a prefatory note the author states that this book "has been prepared at the suggestion of the Audubon Society (26) Book News and Reviews 27 of the District of Columbia, in the belief that a local work giving untechnical descriptions of all birds likely to be seen in this vicinity, with something of the haunts and habits of those that nest here, will be useful to many who desire, an acquaintance with our own birds, but do not know just how to go about making it. " The book seems admirably adapted to achieve this end. The opening pages by Miss Merriam are a capital introduction to the study of birds in the District of Columbia. They are followed by ' A P'ield Key to Our Common Land Birds,' and attractively written biographical sketches of the breeding species. The migrants and winter residents are treated more briefl}-, and an annotated ' List of All Birds Found in the District of Colum- bia, ' by Dr. C. W. Richmond, is given. There ar6 also nominal lists of winter birds, birds that nest within the city limits, etc., and an 'Observation Out- line,' abridged from Miss Merriam's ' Birds of Village and Field. ' The book is, in fact, a complete man- ual of ornithology for the District of Columbia, and will undoubtedly prove an efficient guide to the study of the birds of that region. Bird-Life : A Guide to the Study of Our Common Birds. Teachers' Edi- tion. By Frank M. Chapman. With 75 full-page plates and numerous text- drawings by Ernest Seton Thompson. D. Appleton & Co. New York. i8gg. i2mo, pages xiv -\- 269 -{- Appendix, pages 87. This is the original edition of ' Bird- Life,' with an Appendix designed to adapt the work for use in schools. The new matter consists of questions on the introductory chapters of 'Bird-Life,' as, for instance, 'The Bird, its Place in Nature and Relation to Man,' 'Form and Habit,' 'Color,' 'Migration,' etc.; and, under the head of ' Seasonal Les- sons,' a review of the bird -life of a year based on observations made in the vicinity of New York City. This includes a statement of the chief characteristics of each month, followed by a list of the birds to be found during the month, and, for the spring and early summer months, a list of birds to be found nesting. For the use of teachers and students residing in other parts of the eastern United States there are annotated lists of birds from Washington, D. C. , by Dr. C. W. Richmond; Philadelphia, Pa., by Witmer Stone ; Portland, Conn., by J. H. Sage ; Cambridge, Mass., by William Brewster ; St. Louis, Mo. , by Otto Widmann ; Oberlin, Ohio, by Lynds Jones, and Milwaukee, Wis., by H. Nehrling. The Appletons have also issued this book in the form of a 'Teachers' Man- ual,' which contains the same text as the 'Teachers' Edition,' but lacks the sev- enty-five uncolored plates. This 'Teachers' Manual' is intended to accompany three ' Teachers' Portfolios of Plates, ' containing in all one hundred plates, of which ninety-one, including the seventy-five plates published in ' Bird- Life, ' are colored, while nine are half- tone reproductions of birds' nests photo- graphed in nature. The one hundred plates are about equally divided in port- folios under the titles of ' Permanent Residents and Winter Visitants, ' ' March and April Migrants, ' and ' May Migrants and Types of Nests and Eggs. ' Audubon Bird Chart A most practical step in Audubon edu- cational work is the publication, by the Massachusetts Audubon Society, of a chart giving life-size, colored illustrations of twenty-six of our common birds. On the whole, both in drawing and coloring, these birds are excellent, and while a severe critic might take exception to some minor inaccuracies, the chart may be commended as the best thing of the kind which has come to our attention. It is accompanied by a pamphlet con- taining well written biographies, by Mr. Ralph Hoffmann, of the species figured. The chart is published by the Prang Educational Company, of Boston, from whom, with Mr. Hoffmann's booklet, it may be purchased for one dollar. 28 Bird - Lore iSirti Eore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. 1 FEBRUARY, 1899 No. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in tlie United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Harrisburg, Pa., 66 Fifth avenue, New York City, ■or to the Editor, at Englewood, New Jersey. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and n quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., London. Manuscripts for publication, books, etc., for re- view, should be sent to the Editor at Englewood, New Jersey. Advertisements should be sent to the Pub- lishers at 66 Fifth avenue, New York City. COPYKIGHTED, 1899, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. During the past six years New York and Boston publishers have sold over 70,000 text-books on birds, and the ranks of bird students are constantly growing. With this phenomenal and steadily increasing interest in bird-studies, there has arisen a widespread demand for a popular jour- nal of ornithology which should be ad- dressed to observers rather than to col- lectors of birds, or, in short, to those who study " Ijirds through an opera-glass." The need of such a journal has also been felt by the Audubon societies, and in concluding his report for the year 1898, Mr. Witmer Stone, chairman of the American Ornithologists' Union's Com- mittee on Bird Protection, remarks on the necessity of a "magazine devoted to popular ornithology which could serve as an organ for the various societies and keep the members in touch with their work. All societies which have reached a membership of several thousand realize that it is impossible to communicate with their members more than once or twice a year, owing to the cost of postage, and the success of the societies depends largely upon keeping in communication ^vith their members." It is to supply this want of bird stu- dents and bird protectors that Bird-Lore has been established. On its behalf we promise to spare no effort to make it all that the most ardent bird student could desire, and, in the event of our success, we would appeal to all bird-lovers for such support as we may be deemed worthy to receive. We have issued a ' Prospectus, ' setting forth in part the aims of Bird-Lore, and as a matter of permanent record, we enter its substance here. It stated that Bird- Lore would attempt to fill a place in the journalistic world similar to that occupied by the works of Burroughs, Torrey, Dr. van Dyke, Mrs. Miller, and others in the domain of books. This is a high standard, but our belief that it will be reached will doubtless be shared when we announce that, with one or two exceptions, every prominent American writer on birds in nature has promised to contribute to Bird-Lore during the coming year. The list of contributors includes the authors just mentioned, Mabel Osgood Wright, Annie Trumbull Slosson, Florence A. Merriam, J. A. Allen, William Brewster, Henry Nehrling, Ernest Seton Thomp- son, Otto Widmann, and numerous other students of bird-life. The Audubon Department, under Mrs. Wright's care, will be a particularly attrac- tive feature of the magazine, one which, we trust, is destined to exert a wide influ- ence in advancing the cause of bird-pro- tection. The illustrations will consist of half- tone reproductions of birds and their nests from nature, and on the basis of material already in hand, we can assure our readers that, whether judged separately or as a whole, this volume of Bird-Lore will contain the best photographs of wild birds which have as yet been published in this country. At present Bird-Lore will contain from thirty-two to forty pages, but should our efforts to produce a magazine on the lines indicated be appreciated, we trust that the near future will witness a material in- crease in the size of each number. " }'oii cannot w//// a scalpel find the poet's soul. Nor yet the wild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of tlie Audubon Society of tlie State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relatiiiy to the work of the .Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries. New Hampshire Mrs. F. \V. Batchkldkr, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss HARRiKr E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island .Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 187 Bowen street, Providence. Connecticut Mrs. Henry S. Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey Miss Mary K. Mellick, Plainfield. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Wheeling, W^. Va. (branch of Penn Society) . .Elizabeth I. Cummins, 1314 Chapline street. Wheeling. Ohio Miss Clar.\ Russell, 903 Paradrome street, Cincinnati. Indiana .Amos W. Butlkr, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Iowa ■ Miss Nellie S. Board, Keokuk. Wisconsin Mrs. George W. Peckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. This department will be devoted espe- work, not merely statistics, but notes of cially to the interests of active Audubon anything of interest, for even the record workers, and we earnestl)' solicit their of discouragements, as well as of suc- assistance, as our success in making it a cesses, may often prove full of suggestion worthy representative of the cause for to workers in the same field, and aid which it stands largely depends upon the toward developments that will broaden heartiness of their cooperation. Others and strengthen the entire movement. A also, who are lovers and students of na- movement in complete harmony with the ture in many forms, but who have never, great desire of thinking people for a for divers reasons, engaged in any bird broader life in nature, which is one of protective work, may, through reading of the most healthful and hopeful features the systematic and effective methods of of the close of this century. the societies, become convinced of the M. O. W. necessity of personal action. We intend at once to establish the ReportS of SocictieS* more practical side of the department by printing in an early issue a bibliography r^^^ MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY of Audubon Society publications, in order ^ , . , , , The Massachusetts Audubon Society that anyone interested may know exactly ^ , •, ... , , 1 ■ •, has reissued the Audubon Calendar of what literature has appeared and is availa- , , „ , . , , last year and it is having a good sale, ble. ror this reason we ask the sec- ^ ■ . ,, . p ,, , . . , The drawings were made especially tor retanes of all the societies to send us a complete set of their publications, stating, ,. , , , , • ^ . . * The editor acknowledges the receipt from if possible, the number of each which Mr. Witmer Stone, chairman of the Committee on has been circulated, and, when for sale, Bird Protection of the American Ornithologists' ... . , ■ , , , Union, of a number of the following reports, giving the price at which they may be ^^^j^^^ before the establishment of an official obtained. organ for the Audubon Societies, had been sent We also reauest the secretaries to send ^° '^'■- ^^°"'' '"''■' '"elusion in his annual report vve aiso request tne secretaries to sena ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^\,\z\i, through lack of us all possible news of their plans and space, they were necessarily omitted. (29) 30 Bird -Lore the calendar by a member of the society ; the originals are painted in water colors on Japanese rice paper, and are very artis- tic bird portraits. The same artist is now at work on drawings of new birds for a calendar for igoo, which the directors hope will be reproduced by a more accu- rate and satisfactory process. The Bird Chart of colored drawings of twenty-six common birds, which the Direc- tors undertook last spring, is now ready. The drawings have all been especially made for the chart by E. Knobel and are reproduced by the Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Co. , on twelve stones. Some of our best ornithologists have seen the color proof and pronounce it good. The society has published a descriptive pamphlet to accompany the chart which has been prepared by Ralph Hoffman. His sketches of the birds are delightfully written, and the book is valuable in itself.* The Directors have recently sent out a new circular mainly in Boston and vicinity, which briefly describes the work under- taken and asks for further cooperation from interested persons, and states that "in addition to our first object, the sup- port of other measures of importance for the further protection of our native birds has been assumed by the Society. Among •such measures may be mentioned : 1. Circulation of literature. 2. Improved legislation in regard to the killing of birds, and the better enforce- ment of present laws. 3. Protection during the season for cer- tain breeding places of Gulls, Herons and other birds, which, without such protec- tion will soon be exterminated. 4. Educational measures. This includes the publication of colored wall charts of birds, Audubon Calendars and other helps to bird study. The response to this circular has been gratifying. The society now numbers over twenty- four hundred persons, twenty-six of these are Life Associates, having paid twenty- five dollars at one time ; four hundred and *See note on this chart and jiamphlet in Book News and Reviews. seventy-five are Associates, paying one dollar annually ; the remaining are Life Members, having paid twenty-five cents. While the rage for feather decoration is unabated, we feel that there is steadily growing a sentiment among our best peo- ple in condemnation of the custom. There is a noticeable decrease in the use of aigrettes and of our native birds, except- ing the Terns and the plumage of the Owl ; and a marked increase in the employment of the wings and feathers of the barnyard fowl. While the latter continue to feed the fashion they are harmless in themselves. Harriet E. Richards, Sec^y. ' THE RHODE ISLAND SOCIETY The Audubon Society of Rhode Island was organized in October, 1897, and has now about 350 members. The purposes of the society, according to its by-laws, are : the promotion of an interest in bird-life, the encouragement of the study of ornithology, and the pro- tection of wild birds and their eggs. Some work has been done in the schools, abstracts of the state laws relating to birds have been circulated throughout the state, lectures have been given, and a traveling library has been purchased for the use of the branch societies. Nearly five thousand circulars of vari- ous kinds have been distributed, and it is evident that the principles of the society are becoming well known and are exert- ing an influence, even in that difficult branch of Audubon work, the millinery crusade. Annie M. Grant, Sec\v. THE CONNECTICUT SOCIETY A score of ladies met in Fairfield on January 28, i8g8, and formed "The Au- dubon Society of the State of Connecti- cut." Mrs. James Osborne Wright was chosen president and an executive com- mittee provisionally elected, representing so far as possible at the beginning, the State of Connecticut. An effort was made to find every school district in the state, and a Bird-Day pro- The Audubon Societies 31 gramme was sent to 1,350 of these schools. Care was naturally used to see that the rural schools, at least, should be reached. Through the kindness of Congressman Hill of this district, one of our vice-presidents, 740 copies of Bulletin No. 54, ' Some Common Birds in their Relation to Agri- culture, ' issued by the United States De- partment of Agriculture, were received by the secretary, and 600 of these have been mailed to individuals. The Society has had two lectures pre- pared, one by Willard G. Van Name, en- titled ' Facts About Birds That Concern the Farmer, ' illustrated by sixty colored lantern slides, and one by Mrs. Mabel Os- good Wright, on ' The Birds About Home, ' illustrated by seventy colored slides. A parlor stereopticon has been purchased for use in projecting the slides. The lectures and slides are intended primarily for the use of the local secre- taries of the society, and after these for such members of the society as desire to give educational entertainments in the interest of bird protection. The only expense connected with the use of the lectures and slides will be the ex- pressage from Fairfield to place and return. Under no circumstances will the outfit be allowed to go outside of the State of Connecticut. The oil lantern accompanying the slides is suitable for a large parlor or school room, and can be worked by anyone understanding the focussing of a photo- graphic camera, but it is advised that when the audience is to be composed of more than fifty people the exhibitor should secure a regular stereopticon. Applications should be made at least two weeks before the outfit is desired. A'o adtnissiott fee is to be charged at any entertainment at ivhich the outfit is used, the intention of the Audubon So- ciety of the State of Connecticut being to furnish free information about our birds, and so win many, who may never have given the matter a thought, to a sense of the necessity and wisdom of their protection. The secretary is glad to report on January i, iSgg, that the society has had practical proof of the success of its ex- periment in sending out these free illu- strated lectures. Much interest has been awakened by them, and the State Board of Agriculture has listed both lectures for the Farmers' Institutes, held during the winter months. Much enterprise is being shown by local secretaries. An illustrated lecture by Mrs. Kate Tryon, having been given in Bridgeport, Novem- ber 19, under the auspices of Miss Grace Moody (local secretary), Mrs. Howard N. Knapp, and Mrs. C. K. Averill. While Mr. Frank M. Chapman lectured before a large audience at the Stamford High School, on December 2, under the au- spices of Mrs. Walter M. Smith, the local secretary of that city. Harriet D. C. Glover, Cor. Sec'v a fid Treas. NEW YORK SOCIETY Since November, 1897, the society has distributed 13,465 leaflets, making a total distribution of over 40,000 since its organization on February 23, 1897. In spite of this large circulation of literature, the society has only 529 mem- bers, including 9 patrons, 7 sustaining members, 356 members, 157 junior mem- bers. Financially, the society is now in a sound condition. During the year two public meetings have been held in the large lecture hall of the American Museum of Natural His- tory, at both of which the hall was well filled. Addresses were made by Dr. Henry van Dyke, Dr. Heber Newton, and others. A ' Bird Talk ' was also given by Mr. W. T. Hornaday, at the house of one of the honorary vice-presidents, which was well attended. In educational work we have secured the publication of a paper on ' The Re- lation of Birds to Trees, ' by Florence A. Merriam, in the annual Arbor Day Man- ual of New York State, and Mr. Chapman, chairman of our Executive Committee, 32 Bird - Lore reports that in connection with Professor Bickmore, of the American Museum's Department of Public Instruction, and a committee representing the science teach- ers of the fourteen normal colleges of the State, he has prepared a course in bird study for the normal colleges for the pres- ent year. Further interest in birds was shown by the science teachers of the State in their invitation to Mr. Chapman to address them on the subject of ' The Educa- tional Value of Bird Study, ' during their convention, held in New York City, De- cember 29-30, 1898. That the good work accomplished can- not be gauged by the number of mem- bers is proved by the constant reports received from local secretaries and others, telling of classes formed for bird study, of clubs that have taken up the subject, of bird exercises in schools, etc. If all these silent sympathizers would only realize how much the cause might be strengthened by open, concerted action, shown by a large membership roll of the Audubon Society, its influence would be greatly increased. Emma H. Lockwood, Scc\v. NEW JERSEY SOCIETY We have at present 124 members and have distributed over 1,000 gen- eral circulars in regard to the work, and 1,000 aigrette circulars written by Mr. Chapman. We expect to have new literature issued during the coming year, and are now having the State bird-laws printed for distribution. Mary A. Mellick, Scc\v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, secretary of the Audubon Society of the District of Columbia, reports much valuable work. A course of six lectures was given by Mrs. Olive Thorne Miller, and others by Mr. Chapman and Dr. Palmer. A successful and fashionably attended exhibit of millinery was held in April. Nine of the leading milliners contributed hats and bonnets, which, of course, were entirely free from wild bird feathers. The society has designed an Audubon pin after a drawing of the Robin, by Mr. Robert Ridgway. This has al- ready been adopted by the Pennsyl- vania and Massachusetts societies. At the suggestion of the secretary of the Pennsylvania society, efforts have been directed towards the establishment of societies in the south. In response to a great demand for a cheap book of information about local birds, this society has been instrumental in issuing ' Birds of Washington and Vicinity,'* by Mrs. L. W. Maynard — 200 pages i2mo, illustrated, which may be had for the small sum of 85 cents. The price placing the volume within the reach of teachers and pupils in the public schools. OHIO SOCIETY Miss Clara Russell, corresponding sec- retary of the Ohio society, informs us that at a meeting held in Cincinnati on December 14 an Ohio Audubon society was organized with the following officers : President, William Hubbell Fisher ; vice- president, William H. Venable ; corre- sponding secretary, Miss Clara Russell ; secretary, Mrs. T. B. Hastings ; treasurer, Mrs. W. T. Armor. On December 30 Miss Russell writes : "We have over fifty members, and feel much encouraged that we have aroused a sentiment in this locality to know more about our feathered friends, and to protect birds from being wantonly destroyed for pleasure, fashion, or the table." .^®*"Reports from the New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, W^isconsin, and Minnesota Societies, will appear in the April number. *See a review of this book in Book A>7f'j and Revimis. Vol. 1 A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societies April, 1899 No. 2 The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds BY DR. THOS. S. ROBERTS Director Department of Birds, Natural History Survey of Minnesota With photographs from Nature by the Author {Concluded from page ij) ^URNING reluctantly from the attractive little Chickadee family, described in the preceding number of this magazine, we will next seek the acquaintance of a bird of entirely different feather, and, what is of more moment to the bird photog- rapher, of entirely different disposition. The Killdeer Plover, perhaps from his close kinship to the fraternity of game birds, has come to regard man and all human devices with deep suspicion, and to get on terms of close fellowship with him is no easy matter. While not himself an usual object of the sportsman's effort, owing to his lean body and indifferent savor, he is the immediate relative of those much sought-after birds, the Golden and the Black-bellied Plover. Unlike these more aristocratic members of the Plover group, the Killdeer does not retire to semi-arctic fastnesses to rear its brood, but nests wherever found throughout the eastern United States. Its ever-restless nature and loud alarum, " killdee, killdee," as it moves from place to place, or circles round and round, always at a safe distance, together with its common occurrence throughout populated as well as wild regions, makes this plebeian well-known to every coun- try lad and the bane of every would-be stealthy Nimrod. So noisily persistent is its outcry that it has been dubbed by ornithologists vocifera — JEgialitis vocifera — and a most appropriate appellation it is. Like many loquacious people, Mr. and Mrs. Killdeer have a rather lazy vein in their makeup, and spend but little time or effort nest building. A little depression lined with a few bits of stick or 36 Bird -Lore straw, a few pebbles or other handy materials satisfies their ambition. In the bare, exposed situation usually chosen, such a nest, with its four spotted eggs, is much less conspicuous than would be a well made one. The first of our pictures showed one of these nests located in a cornfield, which is a not very uncommon site, although bare pasture knolls and gravelly banks are more usually selected. The photograph of the nest and eggs was, of course, easily secured, and is chiefly of interest because it shows so well how an open nest with its eggs may be protected by blend- ing perfectly with the general color of the immediate surroundings — protective coloration, as it is called. To secure the portrait of the wary old Killdeer, who left the nest the instant anyone but entered the large field, seemed a hopeless task. But the novice is ever ambitious, and the attempt was made in the following fashion, with what success the accompanying pictures will show. Placing the camera on the sharply tilted tripod, so that the distance from lens to nest was about four feet, the dreadful looking object was left in position' for some time on the evening preceding the day on which the photographs were taken. The next day proved light and clear, and with the sun well up in the heavens we began operations, my companion and assistant on this occasion being Rev. H. W. Gleason, a bird enthusiast undaunted by any obstacle and fertile The Camera as an Aid in the Study of Birds 37 in devices. Arranging the camera as already described, omitting the green hood in this instance, as it would have been worse than useless, we retired entirely from the field, which fortunately lay on a gently sloping hillside. From our distant retreat we watched, with field-glass in hand, the maneuvers of the mother bird. The experience of the preceding evening had evidently helped to pre- pare the way, for after only brief delay the anxious bird began run- ning in a great spiral steadih' converging to the central point. Every clod of earth or little mound in the path was mounted and, with much craning of neck and turning of head, the dreadful engine glistening in the sunshine was closely scrutinized from all sides, but as it was motionless, it probably was regarded as some new-fangled contrivance for cultivating corn, of finer build than the hoes, rakes, and other implements left by the men in the field. Once satisfied, she made a last quick run directly between the legs of the tripod, and stood erect over her treasures. A long trolling-line, procured at a neighboring farmhouse, had been attached to the lever arm releas- ing the shutter, as our seventy-five feet of tubing was not half long enough. Creeping to the end of the line, a quick pull made the ex- posure,— ./g of a second, with wide open stop and rapid plate. Pulling up the slack of the line seemed to startle the bird more than the click of the shutter, and after repeating this procedure several times we were altogether uncertain as to whether the bird had been caught at all ; and as it was impossible, there in the field, to follow the advice of an interested farmer spectator, who insisted that we "ought to look at them there plates and see what we had before going further," we cast about for some surer method. Care- fully looking over the ground, I found that some seventy-five feet from the nest there was a shallow depression just deep enough to entirely conceal a man lying prone on the soft, ploughed ground. So the rubber tube was substituted for the line and the bulb end carried up the slope to the little hollow. As it would be impossible from this position to see the bird, and as we had discovered .that a low whistle or noise caused her to leave the nest at once, some method of signaling had to be arranged. The trolling line sug- gested a way, as we found that it would reach readily from the bulb in the hollow to the edge of the field. So, attaching one end of it to my wrist, I took m}- position flat on the ground in the mid- dle of the field, with a hot noon sun pouring down over-head, and awaited the signal, — a vigorous jerk on the trolling line, to be given by Mr. Gleason, who from a distance was watching with a glass the movements of our unwilling sitter. The signal soon came, and these complicated and rather juvenile tactics proved so successful 3« Bird -Lore that very soon Mrs. Plover did not so much as change position at the click of the shutter, and when driven away to rearrange the camera between exposures, came quickly back again. In a short time we had exposed all the plates that seemed necessary, and retired from the field conquerors, though leaving the foe in peace- ful possession. Returning to the house for supplies for a new expedition, a lady member of the party, who, from a shady hammock, had been watching for several hours these rather bo3ash antics, saluted us with the withering remark, "About four years of age, I should think, instead of fort}." But we hoped that the end would i^n-^ AM) Efvr.s justify the means, and were anxious to inspect the developed results. This part of the work was accomplished a day or two later, and the pictures here presented show, I think, that our efforts were not entirely in vain. Several others were not so good. In one, the female sits quietly on her nest, back to the camera, and in coloration blends admirably with the surroundings. In another, she is crouching in a half uncertain attitude, while in still another she stands erect, re- vealing the four eggs directly beneath her, and with ruffled plumage seems a little resentful of the intrusion. In all, it will be noticed that the bill is partly open, either because it was a very warm day, because the poor bird was startled and ill at ease, or, it may be, because it was no easy matter for this always loquacious bird to keep its mouth shut even when posing for its picture. "i^^^.^A^r A Least Bittern Portrait — ^« &e;,^i*t,..,.,«--L<'. BY E. G. TABOR {See Fronlispiece) X the morning of May 27, 1897, equipped with an extra supply of patience and a 5 x 7 ' Premo B' camera fitted with rapid rectilinear lens, my plate- ; holders filled with unexposed plates, and accom- panied by my wife, who has been a partner in - all of my successful trips, I started for Otter Lake, Cayuga County. N. Y. It was a beautiful morning, with not a breath of air stirring ( by the way, this is the hardest of all things to control, and is an absolute necessity if you are to make fine, clear-cut negatives of birds and their natural surround- ings), and the lake looked like a mirror. It took but a minute to get the large, flat-bottomed row-boat ready for the start, and we were soon gliding along, an oar's-length from shore, scanning every tree, bush, and bunch of rushes, in search of nests, those of the Red-winged Blackbird being very plenty and placed both in bushes or rushes in about equal numbers. A pair of Kingbirds had selected as the place for their summer home, a large, low willow limb which projected over the water ; a peep into the nest revealed three eggs, common, yet so beautiful in their bed of wool and feathers. Our next finds were several nests of a pair of Long-billed Marsh Wrens, which looked more like mouse-nests than anything else I have in mind. As we could return to these later, if unable to find ajiything better, we had not yet exposed a single plate, reserving them for a rare or unusual find. We were in search of nests of the Least Bittern, and as we were passing that part of the shore where they always nested, we soon located a nest, but as it only contained one egg, another nest must be found. A male Least Bittern flew up a short distance ahead of us and ' dropped in ' back of the bushes. We rowed down to the place from which he flushed, and standing up in the boat looked around, and not more than a boat's-length ahead, we espied a female sitting on a nest. I pushed the boat very carefully to within a couple of feet of the nest, and prepared to make an exposure. The camera was set to focus on an object 34 inches from cap of lens, and I moved it back and forth until the focus was perfect, the diaphragm was closed to / 16, and an instantaneous exposure with speed at ^V' was made. As most of my operations, preparatory to making the exposure, were of necessity carried on within three feet of the bird on the nest, (39) 40 Bird - Lore she at several times started to leave it ; but when the bird moved I kept still, and when she kept still I worked ; in this way I finally completed my preparations. The peep I got of the eggs as she partly raised off from them, just as I finished, made me squeeze the bulb before I intended to ; but the result I obtained fully satisfied me, for in no other way could I describe the results of this trip, and what I saw and learned of the habits and home-life of the Least Bittern. Loons at Home BY WILLIAM DUTCHER SHOULD like to say a few words to the readers of Bird -Lore on the subject of making good photo- graphs of birds. Don't conclude at once, when you ^e-^ see pictures of nests, or birds in their wild state, that -i=r-"'^;- it is an easy matter to get them. A year ago, when ^^^•"~ I saw the fine exhibition of slides presented by Mr. ^^-_=: Brewster and Mr. Chapman at the American Orni- "~"^' thologists' meeting, I at once concluded that it would be an easy thing for me to get similar results. So I forthwith invested much good money in purchasing a camera, and all the accompanying outfit : but not until I had worried all my photo- graphic friends for advice of all kinds. With all the confidence of an expert I started on this unknown sea, and I must confess to you, patient reader, that my efforts were a brilliant string of fail- ures, for from the more than one hundred and twenty-five plates that I exposed, I succeeded in getting only two good negatives. But I had lots of fun and plenty of experience, and am just as proud of my two good negatives as the celebrated old hen that had but one chick. If you want to learn to be patient and persevering, try photographing in the fields and woods. If you wish to learn more of the habits of birds than you can in any other possible way, try for hours to get them familiar enough with you and your camera to go on with their nest-building, or feeding their nestlings. Besides all this, in later days, whenever you see the photograph, it will recall to you every pleasant moment that you spent in getting the negative. That you may share with me some of the pleasures that I experi- enced in getting a negative of a nest of eggs, from which the accompa- nying picture was made, let me tell you the following story about the Great Northern Diver, more commonly known as the Loon, and among the scientists as Gavia imber. Loons at Home 41 Those of you who are famihar with the Adirondack or Canada lakes can easily picture the surroundings of this nest, which I found in Higley Lake, Canada. This is a small body of water, hardly more than a very large pond. This section of Canada may be called a lake region, and is very beautiful. Most of the lakes are surrounded with forests, in which the contrasting colors of the ever- greens and white birches add greatly to the natural beauty of the scenery. This nest was built in very shallow water, about eight feet from the shore. It was. at its base, about twenty inches in diameter, and at its apex about fifteen inches wide. It was abovit nine inches above the water at its greatest height, and composed entirely of mud, so far as I could determine, of a very dark color. The water where it was placed was not over six or eight inches deep, but it was really a very hard matter to determine exactly where the water ended and the mud commenced. This I ascertained to my sorrow and discomfiture when I undertook to set up my tripod. Standing in a very round-bottomed boat and trying to plant a tripod in silt of seemingly unfathomable depth is no easy job, as I found out. Finally, however, I succeeded in getting what I now have the pleasure of showing you : but I dare not tell you of the beautiful failures I made before this picture was obtained. When I first dis- covered the nest, the Loon was upon it, but as soon as she saw me she slid off into the lake and made every effort to dive. It is true that her head was under the water, but her back was not until she had gone some feet from the nest out into the lake, where the water was deep enough to entirely cover her. She did not then appear until she was well across the pond, where she was joined by her mate. The nest contained only one egg when I first saw it : but in the water, on the lake side of the nest, I found another egg, which the mother bird had evidently rolled out of the nest, perhaps in her fright and hasty departure when she first saw me. This egg I replaced in the nest by lifting it with the broad end of the boat oar. thinking, perhaps, that hand- ling it might cause the Loon to desert the nest. The egg that was in the water was many shades lighter in color than the one found in the nest, which leads me to believe that the eggs of birds that habitually breed in damp mud nests acquire a darker color from stains. In another pond of about the same size, and within half a mile of Higley Lake, I subsequently saw a pair of Loons that had but one young, so far as I could ascertain. If there was another it was kept well hidden. I was very much interested in watching the methods by which the old birds kept the little fellow^ out of 42 Bird -Lore danger. When I first saw the family group, both parents and the little one were together ; but immediately on the appear- ance of my boat the whole group disappeared under the surface. The young bird soon came to the surface again in about the same spot, but the parents were some distance off on the other side of the boat, so that I was between them. Both parents were per- fectly quiet until I undertook to row toward their offspring, when NEST AND EGGS OF LOON Photographed from Nature, by William Dutcher one of the parents uttered what was to me a very new and peculiar cry, on hearing which the little one immediately dove ; the cry was entirely different from the usual loud, maniacal cry of the Loons. As soon as the young one appeared 1 again started toward him, when the old bird repeated the same cry, and down went the little fellow. It was very evident that he knew whenever he heard that warning cry he must disappear at once. I had so much sympathy for the lonely little chap that I left him, after I had tried the experiment a number of times. As soon as I drew away to another part of the pond the old birds uttered the visual well known cry of the species, but the little one then remained on the surface and was soon joined by the parent birds. A few weeks later the same group acted in an entirely different manner ; then they remained together, and as the boat approached, the old bird with its bill seemed to push the young one under the water before it dove itself. If this bit of the domestic life of these two Loon families has interested you as much as it did me, I shall feel amply repaid for the thirty-two miles I had to drive each time I visited them. Photographing a Bluebird By ROBERT W. HEGNER With Photographs from Nature by the Author. ^uring the severe cold of January and February, 1895, most of the Bluebirds were thought to have perished. So it is with the spirit of a genuine Audubon that we hail their return in ever in- creasing numbers each succeeding spring. How sadly we should miss these little friends may be judged by the great commotion among ornithologists caused by their supposed extinction. In order to have more than a mere remembrance of their habits, I set out one day in the summer of i8g8, at Decorah, Iowa, to obtain photographs of them in their haunts, and secured two interesting negatives of the female, as shown ,v mm ml BLUEBIRD FLYING TO NEST in the accompanying illustrations. The history of the case is as fol- lows : A pair of Bluebirds, after several previous attempts at house- keeping, and subsequent removals by 'small boys,' at last selected an old, deserted, Woodpecker's hole in a fence-post, and built, as usual, a nest of dry grass with a softer lining of horse-hair. The birds had already begun incubating the three pale blue eggs, which formed the set, when I disturbed them. I crept within five feet of the post be- (43) 44 Bird- Lore fore the female left the nest and joined her mate, who had been keep- ing guard in a neighboring plum tree. After focusing my camera to within three feet of the post, and arranging a string attachment, I concealed myself in some bushes about seventy-five feet away. I waited patiently for ten minutes before the female left the tree and flew down to the fence. The male followed close after, and they hopped about the post and wires, getting nearer and nearer the nest, until the fe- male flew straight into the hole. A snap-shot, just be- fore she reached the en- trance, was only partially successful, but shows very clearly the pose of the bird's head and neck while it was in the air. It was made in a twenty-fifth of a second with the lens stopped down to sixteen. I disturbed the female Several times before she gained the desired posi- tion at the nest-opening ; but. finally, the snap of the shutter helped bring to life one of my best bird- pictures. A knowledge of the bird's nesting habits is a prime requisite in avian photog- raphy. Much patience is needed, as failures are very numerous. A camera which may be focussed to within two or three feet is an absolute necessity in order to make the picture large enough. Most of my failures have been caused by the lack of bright sunlight, under-exposure, or movement of the bird the instant the picture was taken ; but one good photograph is sufficient reward for many trials. BLUEBIRD AT NEST A Tragic St. Valentine's Day BY ANNIE TRUMBULL SLOSSON 'HE cold wave reached us at Miami, on Biscayne Bay, Florida, in the night of February 12. i8gg. It was preceded by severe thunder storms in the evening. "^^j^g^Sj" It "^ On the 13th, Monday, it was very cold all over the '^?^^^t/. '7 state, with snow and sleet as far south as Ormond , "r ''^^-K -'' and Titusville. Our thermometers at Miami ranged 1* — ^ — - i z^; ,- '"' ~~'^ y from 36° ■ to 40° during the day. As I sat in my f /I /| '~^ ^ room at the hotel, about four in the afternoon, I saw I ~~~ ' ■ a bird outside my window, then another and another, and soon the air seemed full of wings. Opening my window to see what the visitors could be, I found they were Tree Swallows {Tachycincta bicolor). Several flew into my room, others clustered on the window ledge, huddling closely together for warmth. There were hundreds of them about the house seeking shelter and warmth. They crept in behind the window blinds, came into open windows, huddled together by dozens on cornices and sills. They were quite fearless ; once I held my hand outside and two of them lighted on its palm and sat there quietly. As it grew dark and colder their numbers increased. They flew about the halls and perched in corners, and the whole house was alive with them. Few of the guests in the hotel knew what they were; some even called them 'bats,' and were afraid they might fly into their faces or become entangled in their hair. One man informed those about him that they were Humming Birds, 'the large kind, you know.' but all were full of sympathy for the beau- tiful little creatures, out in the cold and darkness. A few were taken indoors and sheltered through the night, but ' what were these among so many ? ' The next morning the sun shone brightly though the weather was still very cold — the mercury had fallen below 30° during the night. But as I raised the shade of one of my eastern windows I saw a half-dozen of the Swallows sitting upon the ledge in the sun- shine, while the air seemed again filled with flashing wings. I was so relieved and glad. Surely the tiny creatures, with their tints of steely blue or shining green contrasting with the pure white of the under parts, were more hardy than I had feared. But alas ! it was but a remnant that escaped. Hundreds were found dead. Men were sent out with baskets to gather the limp little bodies from piazzas, window ledges, and copings. It was a pitiful sight for St. Valen- tine Day, when, as the old song has it, "The birds are all choosing their mates." (45) Clark's Crows and Oregon Jays on Mount Hood^ BY FLORENCE A. MERRIAM c LOUD CAP INN, the loghouse hotel fastened down with cables high on the north side of Mount Hood, is too near timber-line to claim a great variety of feathered guests, but Oregon Jays and Clark's Crows or Nutcrackers are regular pen- sioners of the house. The usual shooting by tourists does not menace them, for the nature-loving mountaineers, who keep the Inn and act as guides to the summit, guard most loyally both birds and beasts. They like to tell of a noble Eagle which used to fly up the canon and circle over the glacier every day, and they recall with pleasure the snowy morning when an old Blue Grouse brought her brood to the Inn, and the birds ate the wheat that was thrown them with the confidence of chickens. The Grouse were, apparently, regular neighbors of the Inn, and while there I had the pleasure of seeing a grown family. They fed on the slope close above me with the unconcern of domestic fowls, conversing in turkey-like monosyllables as they moved about, and two of them came within a few feet and looked up at me — that not fort}^ rods from the Inn ! The pleasure of the sight was doubled by the reflection that such things could be so near a hotel, even on a remote mountain. It was delightful to see how familiarly birds gathered about the house. You could sit in the front doorway and when not absorbed in look- ing oft on the three wonder- ful snow peaks — St. Helens, Rainier, and Adams — rising above the Cascade range, could watch Oregon Juncos, Steller's Jays, Oregon Jays, and Nutcrackers coming down to drink at the hydrant twenty feet away ; while the Ruby Kinglet and White- *Read before the American Ornithologist's I'nion. Nov. i6, 189S. (46) CLOUD CAP INN Clark's Crows and Oregon Jays on Mount Hood 47 crowned Sparrow, together with Townsend's Solitaire and other inter- esting westerners, moved about in the branches of the low timber-line pines ; and Lewis' Woodpeckers, with their long, powerful flights, crossed over the forested canons below. Crossbills had stayed around the house sociably for three weeks together, Mrs. Langille, the noble old mother of the mountaineers, told me. She said they would fly against the logs of the house and call till she went out to feed them. They left with the first heavy storms, though usually, she said : "That's the time when we have birds come around the house — when there are storms." And a friendly hospice the feathered way- farers find it so long as the Inn is open ! The Oregon Jays and Clark's Crows are, as I said, the regular pensioners of the house. The Jays look very much like their rela- tives the Canada Jays, but are darker, and when you are close to them the feathers of their backs show distinct whitish shaft - streaks. The Crows have the general form and bearing of Crows, but are black only on wings and tail, their general appearance be- ing gray. Speaking of the birds, Mrs. Langille said: -'If I was in the kitchen myself I'd have them come right to the porch outside ; when I'm in the kitchen I'm always throwing out crumbs for the birds and squirrels, and I've had the Jays come and sit right down on the block where I w^as cutting meat and take the fat right out of my hands." Clark's Crows, she said, would not eat from her hand, but would sit on the back porch and call for their breakfast. When I was at the Inn, the Chinese cook used to throw scraps from the table over a lava cliff, and both Crows and Jays spent most of their time carrying it off. As the foot of the cliff was one of the best places to watch them, I spent part of every day there, and when the smell of coffee grounds got too strong, consoled my- self by looking through the trees up at the grand white peak of Hood. It was interesting to see the difference in the ways of the two birds. The Nutcracker would fly down to the rocks with rattling wings, and, when not too hungry to be critical, would proceed to investigate the breakfast with the air of a judge on the bench, for CLARK S CROW 48 Bird -Lore he is a dignified character. To touch the hem of his robe to the food would have been defilement, so he went about pressing his wings tight to his sides, sometimes giving them a little nervous shake. To smile at this sober-minded person seems most disrespect- ful, but the solemnity of his gambols was surely provocative of mirth. Not content with turning his long-billed head judicially from side to side as he advanced through the scraps, if the biscuit on his left was not to his mind, with one great ungainly leap he would box half the compass and plant his big feet before a potato on his right. This he would proceed to probe with a grave air of interrogation, and if he decided the case in the negative would withdraw his beak and pass to the next case on the docket. Once when the potato was half a waffle, he pried it up tentatively with his long bill, and at last, deciding in its favor, proceeded to fly off with it, his long legs dangling ludicrously behind him. The Oregon Jays were quite unlike their Crow cousins. They would come flying in, talking together in sociable fashion, and drop down so noiselessly you could but be struck by the difference between fluffy owl-like feathers and stiff quills. Sometimes one of the Jays would touch the side of a tree a moment before dropping lightly to the ground. All their motions were quick and easy, if not actually graceful, and they worked rapidly, with none of the pro- found deliberation shown at times by the Nutcracker. The smaller pieces of food the}' ate ; the larger ones they carried off, usually in their bills, occasionally in their claws. In eating, the Jay would sometimes adopt the Blue Jay style and put his food under his foot, where he could pull it apart, throwing up his head to swallow. When the food was soft and too large to swallow at one gulp, both Crows and Jays would carry it to an evergreen, lay it down on a twig before them, and there eat comfortably, as from a plate. Both birds often flew to the ledges of the cliff for food that had lodged there in falling, and it made a busy scene when eight or ten of the big fel- lows were flying about the place at once. ( To be coticlitdrd.) >s: OREGON JAY JTor Ceacl)er0 and ^tufientfi Suggestions for Bird-Day Programs in the Schools A BY C. A. BABCOCK (Originator of Bird-Day) i3IRD-DAY exercise, in order to have much value educationally, should be largely the result of the pupils' previous work, and should not be the mere repetition of a prepared program, taken verbatim from some leaflet or paper. The program should be prepared by the pupils, under the direction of the teacher, and should contain as many original compositions or statements about birds, derived from personal observation, as possible. Bird-Day should be announced some weeks beforehand, in order to give the children time to prepare for it. In the meantime, direct them to observe the birds, and allow from five to ten minutes each morning to receive the reports. Direct that crumbs be scattered in the back yards, and cups containing seeds be put up in the trees, or on the fences, and that bones from the table be fastened where they can be seen from the windows. Then, with an opera glass, if one can be obtained, results are to be looked for. For directing the young observer, write upon the board a scheme like this : ENGLISH SPARROW Length from tip of beak to end of tail ? What is the shape, color, and size of beak ? What is the color of legs and feet ? How many toes ? Which way do they point ? Gait upon the ground, — does it walk, hop or run ? Color of head and throat ? Color of under parts ? Color and marking of back ? Difference in markings of male and female ? Describe actions which indicate its character. Is it pugnacious ? Is it brave ? Is it selfish ? Does it trouble other birds ? Describe its voice or song. Does it utter notes indicating diverse feelings, as joy, anger ? What syllables best recall some of its notes ? For the younger pupils a few of these questions, perhaps two or three, will be sufficient for one exercise. Children will vary, and often contradict one another in answering the same questions. Dwell (4Q) 50 Bird -Lore upon each (juestion till it is answered correctly, and all agree upon the answer. A similar plan may be followed for studying the Robin, Bluebird, Catbird, Oriole, or other birds as they arrive, or as they become accessible to certain of the pupils. In April, two years ago, one little girl had observed, and described accurately, seventeen different species of birds which she had seen in the little yard of her home. They had been attracted by the food she had put out for them. The nest-building of birds is also a good subject for observation, the Robin being, perhaps, the best species for a first study. QUESTIONS ON N EST-BUILDINC, AND NESTING HABITS Which bird does most building, the male, or the female ? Do both carry material ? Does the male ever seem to be acting as escort or guard to his mate ? What materials are used ? What is the appearance of the nest ? Its situa tion — sheltered, or not? After the nest is completed, watch it till the young are hatched. Which bird sits upon the eggs ? Does the male ever relieve his mate at this task ? Does he bring food to her ? Does he spend some time singing to her, as if he were trying to keep her cheerful ? Does he protect her from attack by birds or other enemies ? SOME QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED ABOUT ROBINS Learn to distinguish the voices and call notes of the male and female. Which bird wakes first in the morning and calls the other ? You may also notice, sometimes, in the night, that one bird wakes and calls the other. Which one generally wakes first at these times ? Do Robins raise more than one brood in a season ? If so, do they use the same nest twice ? If they raise two broods, what becomes of the first, while the mother is sitting upon the eggs for the second ? Watch for a Robin leading out a family of chicks. Notice the feeding after the birds are old enough to run and fly fairly well. The young birds are placed apart by the parent, who visits each one in turn, and rebukes any who tries to be piggish, sometimes nipping it with its bill when it runs up out of turn. Notice this parent teaching the young to sing, — it is a very interesting sight. The teacher will need some good manual to aid in identifying some of the species, though much of the work the first season would better be upon common, well-known birds. The following are recommended : 'Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America,' by Frank M. Chapman, published by D. Appleton & Co.: 'Bird-Craft,' by Mabel Osgood Wright, published by The Macmillan Company. Suggestions for Bird-Day Programs in the Schools FOR BIRD-DAY PROGRAMS For the first Bird-Day in every school it would be well to have some one read Senator Hoar's petition of the birds to the Legislature of Massachusetts. This remarkable paper deserves reading by all friends of birds at least once a year. Compositions. — Have also original compositions, describing some bird studied, or describing some of its habits, especially its habit of feeding, and the actions showing its disposition. Personations. — Special interest will be awakened by having ' personations ' of birds. These are descriptions of birds told in the first person, as if the bird itself were telling its own story. An accurate account of the bird's appearance, habits, feelings, and life from the bird's view-point, is given, but without telling the bird's name. At the close of the reading, the hearers vote upon the name of the bird ' personated. ' Audubon Society Literature. — The teacher should also obtain circulars from the secretaries of the New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and other Audubon Societies. These will give information concerning the rapid destruction of birds. Extracts may be read from them. Poems. — Extracts from the poets naturally form an interesting feature of Bird- Day. Poets are generally bird-lovers and bird-seers. Among the poems peculiarly adapted are the following : 'Robert O 'Lincoln,' Bryant; 'The Mocking Bird,' Sidney Lanier; 'The Sky Lark,' Shelly ; 'The O 'Lincoln Family,' Wilson Flagg ; 'The Rain Song of the Robin,' Kate Upson Clark ; ' The Titmouse, ' R. W. Emerson ; ' The Eagle, ' Tennyson ; ' To The Skylark, ' William Wordsworth. Pei'sonal Experiences. — Another pleasant part of the program will be the short statements of facts about birds, by the pupils, obtained from their own observation. Birds of the Bible may also be given in short extracts. Prose Selections. — John Burroughs' ' Birds and Poets,' and ' W'ake Robin ; ' Brad- ford Torrey's 'Birds in the Bush;' Olive Thorne Miller's 'Bird W'ays, ' and many other books, abound in suitable passages for Bird-Day. The pupils will enjoy preparing a Bird-Day program much more than learning little set speeches from one already prepared. The preliminary observation of birds will arouse an enthusiasm that will be of great value in all educational work. Summer Boarders for Girls and Boys '"I^HE Bureau of Nature Study of Cornell University offers to assist -*■ all boys and girls who want to take bird boarders this season. By addressing this Bureau, at Ithaca, N. Y. , one may receive a copy of an admirable leaflet entitled 'The Birds and I.' containing nu- merous designs for houses which may be constructed for the occupa- tion of the expected 'boarders.' A Bird-Day Program BY ELIZABETH V. BROWN Washiiigtoti Normal School j memorial days, school ? educated IRTHDAYS, red letter days, arbor days and bird days ! The two hundred days of the school cal- endar are hardly sufficient to meet the special demands made upon them in the interests of history, literature, and philanthropy. After all, is not this call for specialization something of a reproach to both home and If the child is symmetrically developed, harmoniously will not all these influences find their proper place and expression in his life in the regular course of events ? But in the meantime since 'days' are ordained, it is highly im- portant that they shall be celebrated in a manner to make lasting impressions on the minds and hearts of children. The mental hysteria resulting from the spasmodic, sentimental fervor worked up for this cause to-day, and for that to-morrow, is to be strongly condemned. As in every other subject, an interest in /v'/v/.v should be based upon the knowledge gained by the child primarily through his own observations and experiences, supplemented and enriched later by what he reads or has told him. The interest thus aroused leads to sympathy and love as enduring as life itself. Hence the Bird-Day program should mark the culminating rather than the initial point of bird study for the year. The children should be led to anticipate it. and should be prepared for it in as many ways and for as long a time as possi- ble. i\ll that nature lovers have written or poets sung will have deeper significance after the child's contact with the birds of his neighborhood, as seen in parks, woods, or fields. To see their pic- tures is not enough. Field Avork alone can give the stimulus which leads to fellowship, sympathy, love, and protection. For young children especially, interest is most readily aroused through the study of the ar//7'///fs which ally bird and child. The character and the adaptation of birds' clothing, foods and homes to their peculiar needs and environment ; glimpses of nest-life ; charac- teristic traits ; disposition ; the cleverness of the parent birds in outwitting enemies and protecting the young ; the skillful uses of tools — bills and claws — are all readily appreciated by the children. Add to these, studies in protective coloration, migration, the relation (52) A Bird-Day Program 53 of birds to insects injurious to vegetation, and kindred subjects, which form a never-failing source of delight. Through such work, the child learns almost unwittingly much of bird structure, classifica- tion, and description which would otherwise prove dry and barren of interest. The boy who thus comes into fellowship with birds will not delight in beanshooters or find his chief joy in robbing birds' nests and violating game laws ; while his sister will try to find something more ornamental for her hat than slaughtered birds. THE PROGRAM While programs must vary according to the needs and ability of the children, a few suggestions may be helpful to all. DECORATION 'Sharp Eyes, ' and '.I Spy,' by William Hamilton Gibson, 'Nature's Hallelujah,' and ' The Message of the Bluebird, ' by Irene Jerome, are full of delightfully sug- gestive and artistic bits of bird-life for black-board pictures. A pretty corner may be made by a small bush or the branch of a large tree in wh'ich the nests collected by the children are appropriately placed. Pictures of bird-lovers and writers should be in evidence. Audubon, Wilson, John Burroughs, Bradford Torrey, Olive Thorne Miller, and others. Many of these may be found in recent magazines. Anecdotes and short sketches from their books may be told or read. COMPOSITIONS Compositions prepared in advance, on various phases of bird-life, may be read by their young authors. These may be the result of work previously done in class along the lines before mentioned, or of new observations and experiences gathered for Bird-Day. The greater the variety of topics, the better. Descriptions of individual birds, comparisons of birds, individually or by classes, as to : Food. — Character; where, when, and how obtained. Home. — Location; materials; construction; appearance. YoiDig. — Number; appearance; care and education. Songs and Calls. — Emotions expressed; character, short or sustained, high or low, sweet or harsh, etc. Relations. — Names of other birds of same class. Bird Craftsmen. — Masons, miners, weavers, tailors, etc. Tree-top jVeig/ibors. — Spring, summer, fall and winter. HocV Birds Trai'cl. Hozu Birds Jlclp I he /■'armcrs. Invitations to I hi' Ih'rds. — Boxes put up for them; seed-cups, bits of suet nailed to posts or trees. 54 Bird - Lore CHALK TALKS Stories may be told by teachers or pupils with accompanying illustrations hastily sketched on the blackboard as the story progresses. The following lend themselves readily to this work : 'The Ugly Duckling,' 'The Daisy and the Lark,' Hans Christian Anderson; 'The White Heron,' Sarah Orne Jewett ; 'The White Blackbird,' Guy de Mau- passant ; ' The Crane Express, ' Child World ; ' The Crow and the Pitcher, ' ' The Fox and the Crane,' 'The Crane and the Crows,' ^sop's Fables. FOR READING OR RECITATION 'Nest Egg,' Robert Louis Stevenson; 'Anxiety,' George Macdonald ; 'The Song Sparrow, ' ' The Veery, ' Dr. van Dyke ; ' The One in the Middle, ' Margaret Eytinge ; 'The Bluebird,' Emily Huntington Miller; 'The Peter Bird,' Henry Thompson Stanton; 'The Robin,' Celia Thaxter ; 'Brother Robin,' Mrs. Anderson; 'The Birds' Orchestra,' Celia Thaxter; 'The Sandpiper,' Celia Thaxter; 'Little Birdies, ' Tenny- son ; ' The Brown Thrush, ' Lucy Larcom ; ' The Titmouse, ' Emerson ; ' The Stormy Petrel,' Barry Cornwall; 'The Sorrowful Sea Gull,' Child World; 'Robert of Lincoln,' 'The Return of the Birds,' Bryant; 'The Blackbird,' Alice Cary ; 'The Crow's Children,' 'The Chicken's Mistake,' Phoebe Cary; 'What the Birds Said,' Whittier. Migration Tables for April and May AT our request, Dr. A. K. Fisher has furnished the following notes on the spring migration. They are based on fifteen years' observation and will therefore prove valuable as a guide, and interesting for comparison, to other observers. A list of Mississippi Valley migrants, which we expected to receive, unfortunately arrived too late for publication, while a list from Philadelphia, by Mr. Wit- mer Stone, is necessaril}^ omitted for lack of space. — Ed. AVERAGE DATES OF ARRIVAL OF THE COMMONER BIRDS AT SING SING, N. v., DURING APRIL AND MAY by dr. a. k. fisher April i to io Pied-billed Grebe, Wilson's Snipe, Sparrow Hawk, Osprey, Kingfisher, Fish Crow, Cowbird, Savanna Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, White-throated Spar- row, Tree Swallow. April io to 20 Green Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, American Bittern, Pigeon Hawk, Yel- low-bellied Sapsucker, Purple Finch, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Myrtle Warbler, Yellow Palm Warbler, Large-billed Water Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush. April 20 to 30 Chimney Swift, Least Flycatcher, Towhee, Purple Martin, Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow, Blue-headed Vireo, Black and White Warbler, Catbird, Brown Thrasher, House Wren, Wood Thrush. For Young Observers 55 May I to 5 Spotted Sandpiper, Hummingbird, Kingbird, Bobolink, Baltimore Oriole, Red- eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Parula Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Ovenbird, Maryland Yel- low-throat, Yellow-breasted Chat, Redstart, Wilson's Thrush, Olive-backed Thrush. May 5 to io Solitary Sandpiper, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Black-billed Cuckoo, Whip-poor-will, Nighthawk, Crested Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole, Yellow-winged Sparrow, Rose- breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager, Cliff Swallow, Rough-winged Swallow, Warbling Vireo, Blue-winged Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Long-billed Marsh Wren. May io to 15 Least Sandpiper, Wood Pewee, Green-crested (Acadian) Flycatcher, White-crowned Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, Nashville Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Wilson's Warbler. May 15 to 20 Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Bay-breasted Warbler, Black- poll Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Small-billed Water Thrush, Canadian Warbler, Gray-cheeked Thrush. May 20 TO 25 Alder Flycatcher, Tennessee Warbler, Mourning Warbler. Boys and girls who study birds are invited to send short accounts of their observations to this Department. The Legend of the Salt BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN A GREAT many years ago a little boy, whom I knew very well, accepted the advice of an elder, and went out with a salt-cellar to make friends with the birds. But they would not have him, even with a 'grain of salt,' and it was not until he was considerably older that he learned he had begun his study of birds at the wrong end. That is, you know, the wrong end of the bird, for it is not a bird's tail, but his bill, yovt must attend to if you would win his confi- dence and friendship. So, instead of salt, use bread-crumbs, seeds, and other food, and some day you may have an experience which will surprise those people who would think it a very good joke indeed to send you out with a salt-cellar after birds. I have recently had an experience of this kind. It happened in the heart of a great city, surely the last place in the world where one would expect to find any birds, except House Spar- rows. But Central Park, New York City, the place I refer to, con- tains several retired nooks where birds are often abundant. A place 56 Bird -Lore known as the 'Ramble' is a particularly good one for birds, and dur- ing the past winter, when it was not too cold, I have often gone from my study in the nearby Museum of Natural History to eat my luncheon with the birds in the Ramble. Many other bird-lovers have also visited the Park to study and feed the birds, and, as always happens when birds learn that they will not be harmed, they have become remarkably tame. This is especially true of the Chickadees, who, under any circum- stances, seem to have less fear of man than most birds. When I A BIRD IN THE HAND Photographed from nature, by F. M. Chapman. entered the Ramble they soon responded to an imitation of their plaintive call of two high, clearly whistled notes. And in a short time we became such good friends that I had only to hold out my hand with a nut in it to have one of them at once perch on a finger, look at me for a moment with an inquiring expression in his bright little eyes, then take the nut and Hy off to a neighboring limb, where, holding it beneath his toes, he would hammer away at it with his bill, Blue Jay fashion. One day I induced one of them to pose before my camera, and, as a result, I now have the pleasure of presenting you with his portrait, as an actual proof that nuts are much more effective than salt, in catching birds. So, after this, we won't go out with salt- cellars, but with a supply of food : nor should we forget to take a "pocketful of patience," which. Mrs. Wright says, is the salt of the bird-catching legend. The February Walk Contest WE have been delighted with the interest aroused by our request for descriptions of February walks, and in imagi- nation have enjoyed outings throughout a large part of the United States with our little correspondents. We have found ourselves obliged to give two prizes, one of which goes to Mildred A. Robinson, of Waltham, Massachusetts, whose essay will appear in our next number ; the other to Floyd C. Noble, of New York City, whose description of a walk in Central Park appears in this issue of Bird-Lore. Much to his surprise, the Editor found that he was competing for the prize he himself had offered ! He had written an account of some Central Park birds for this department before Master Noble's article was received, and is obliged to confess that Master Noble men- tions several species which he had not observed. He, therefore, presents only that part of his manuscript relating to the Chickadee, and leaves Master Noble to tell of the other birds in the Park. The selection of the winning essays was made with much diffi- culty, and, in addition to the two chosen, we would especially com- mend those written by the following named boys and girls : Philip Baker, Indianapolis, Ind. ; Harriet J. Benton, New Bedford, Mass. ; Zelda Brown, Yuma, Ariz. ; Donald Bruce, East Hampton, Mass. ; Walter S. Chansler, Bicknell, Ind.; Marion Flagg, go Washington St., Hartford, Conn. ; Charles B. Floyd, Brookline, Mass. ; Kathryn Gibbs, Kalamazoo, Mich. ; Albert Linton, Moorestown, N. J. ; Clara T. Magee, Moorestown, N. J. ; George S. Mac Nider, Chapel Hill, N. C. ; Barnard Powers, Melrose, Mass. ; Elden Smith, Milville, Mass ; Lydia Sharpless, Haverford, Pa. — Ed. A February Walk in Central Park, New York v" BY FLOYD C. NOBLE (Aged 14 yearsj N February 18, i8gg, my friend and I started out 'bird-hunting,' as usual, in the 'Ramble.' Central Park. It was during the comparatively warm spell after the blizzard of the 12th, and the preceding zero weather. On the way we saw a Starling, perched high on a building, trying to sing. On entering the Park we saw a White-throated Sparrow. I have seen this species more times than any other this month — of course, except- ing the common Sparrow. On nearing our 'hunting-grounds,' we heard the familiar ' cree-e' of a Brown Creeper, and soon discovered the little fellow hard at work, as usual. A little later we came upon the beautiful Cardinal, with his two wives. It is a fact that there are one male and two (57) 58 Bird - Lore females, thouf^h probably only one is his real mate. He does not^ however, appear to be partial to either. Further on we found what we were chiefly looking for — a flock of lively little Chickadees. I found that I had only a very small supply of hazelnuts with me, but I made the best of them. There was a good deal of snow on the ground, which made the Chickadees unusually tame — being hungry. They would light on our hands, inspect the pieces of crushed nut there, knock off the ones that did not suit them, and finally fly ofl with one — usually the largest. We soon began to recognize separate birds, and gave them names ; such as 'Buffy, ' ' Pretty,' etc. Then our attention was attracted by the queer noise made by the Nuthatch, and this trunk-crawling friend of ours appeared. We think that continued close inspection of tree- trunks has made him near-sighted, because when you throw him a piece of nut he generally just gazes at it, grunts a little, and then looks at you again. My cousin suggested that when he did find what you threw him, it w^as by the sense of hearing rather than that of sight, as he can generally find a big piece that makes a noise in falling. When he succeeds in getting 'something good,' he wedges it into the bark somewhere and hits it with his bill. But, betAveen the Nuthatch, the Chickadees, and the hungry squirrels — that would sit up with their paws on their breasts, and their heads on one side, imploring for food, it is needless to say successfully, — our small supply of nuts was soon gone. So we went home as fast as we could, procured more nuts, and in twenty min- utes were again in the 'hunting-grounds.' But we found, to our dismay, that others had monopolized ovu" flock of chickadees ! How- ever, what partly compensated for this, was a good close view of a Downy Woodpecker. There is a pair of these birds around here, which you are almost sure to see,- — either together or singly. But it was soon time to go home, and on the way we heard the lively song of the European Goldfinches, and soon found four of them high up in a tree. They are shy birds, and flew as we approached. They feed on pine cones, and a flock of them will take possession of a pine tree, hide themselves in the dark tufts of pine needles, and eat the seeds at their leisure. The only way you can have knowledge of their presence is by the frequent cracking of the seeds heard. For a long time we thought they were Crossbills, but one day a flock of noisy Sparrows came into the tree and drove the quiet Goldfinches out of their tufts — much to my surprise, for I did not suppose that Goldfinches, which I had been accustomed to find singing loudly, could keep so quiet. We also saw a Song Sparrow quietly picking away at some bird-seed scattered there. The Myth of the Song Sparrow 59- The Myth of the Song Sparrow BY ERNEST SETON THOMPSON His mother was the Brook, his sisters were the Reeds, And they every one applauded when he sang about his deeds. His vest was white, his mantle brown, as clear as they could be, And his songs were fairly bubbling o'er with melody and glee. But an envious Neighbor splashed with mud our Brownie's coat and vest,. And then a final handful threw that stuck upon his breast. The Brook-bird's mother did her best to wash the stains away. But there they stuck, and, as it seems, are very like to stay. And so he wears the splashes and the mud blotch as you see. But his songs are bubbling over still with melody and glee. J^otes from JTteld and ^tudp Sparrow Proof Houses Mr. D. R. Geery, of Greenwich, Conn., sends us descriptions of the two bird- houses here figured. When designed for Bluebirds, they should be suspended from Made of rough boards. Size, 6 inches high, 5^ inches square at the bottom, 3% inches square at the top. a limb ten or twelve feet from the ground, in such a manner as to allow them to swing slightly. Mr. Geery writes: "It may happen that the Sparrows will go to these houses and even commence to build, but, as soon as they find that they swing and are not firm, they will abandon them Made from a bark-covered log, 8 inches long and 8 inches in diameter, a hole 5 inches in diameter being bored from end to end, leaving an outer wall ij^ inches thick. entirely. Wren boxes should 'be station- ary, with an opening not much larger than a twenty-five-cent piece, and placed so as to be well shaded most of the day." A Musical Woodpecker In the pursuit of my profession I had occasion for some time to travel over a certain road, along which is a telephone line, the glass insulators of which are placed on short pieces of hard wood which are nailed directly to the post. Probably half a dozen times, when on this road, I saw a male Downy Woodpecker perched directly beneath the hard wood block, pecking at it in a manner to make the wire ring, then pausing and evidently listening to the music it had produced. When the vibration ceased the per- formance was repeated and continued at intervals until I was obliged to drive by and frighten the bird away. — Dr. D. L. Burnett, South Royaltoyi, Vt. An Ornithologist at San Juan An English newspaper correspondent, who called at the American Museum of Natural History to identify certain birds which he had seen in Cuba, gave an in- teresting illustration of how, under the most adverse circumstances, an enthusias- tic naturalist may exercise his powers of observation. He said, "I noticed at San Juan a bird which seemed to be much alarmed by the firing. He hopped from the bushes to the lower branches of trees, and then, limb by limb, reached the tree tops," and continued with a readily iden- tifiable description of the singular Cuban Cuckoo, locally known as Arriero {Saiiro- Ihci-a jnoiiiii). There is one bird in Cuba, the Turkey Buzzard or Vulture, of which many of our soldiers probably retain a too vivid recol- lection, but how many of the men who were at San Juan can recall any other bird observed during the day of battle ? (60) iSoDft jBtetos; ant) 3^et)ieto0 Sketch Book of British Birds. By R. BowDLER Sharpe, L. L. D. , F. L. S. With Colored Illustrations by A. F. and C. Lydon, London : Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge, New York, E. & J. B. Young & Co. 4to. Pages XX -j- 255. Numerous, colored illus- trations. Price, $6. Although more books have been written about British birds than on the birds of any other region, and although Dr. Sharpe has written more bird books than any other living ornithologist, this we believe is the first treatise he has produced on the birds of his native land. He explains that the text is only a "running commentary " on the pictures, but claims that his "Systematic Index" is "the most com- plete record of the birds in the ' British List ' yet published." It enumerates 445 species of birds which, according to Dr. Sharpe, have been recorded from Great Britain. In his ' Introduction ' he classi- fies these according to the manner of their occurrence, as follows : Species which have probably escaped from con- finement, 14 ; Indigenous species, 138 ; Visitors from the South — regular, 70, occasional or accidental, 6g ; Visitors from the East — regular, 5, accidental or occa- sional, 38; Visitors from the North — regu- lar, 35, occasional or accidental, 29 ; Visitors from the West — regular i, occa- sional, 43. The latter are all American species, and the number recorded indicates how much more frequently our birds are found on the other side of the Atlantic than European birds are observed here. The illustrations consist of colored vignettes in the text of nearly every species. They are not above criticism, but, on the whole, are excellent and form a far more certain and convenient aid to identification than the most detailed de- scription or elaborate key. In many cases even American species of accidental occurrence are figured, and, in this con- nection, we are tempted to ask why British authors cannot use for our birds the names by which they are known in this country ? Who would recognize the Rusty Blackbird under the name of the "Rusty Black Hang-Nest," a misnomer in every sense of the word, or our Robin as the "American Thrush," to cite two among numerous examples. f. m. c. Book News. It is exceedingly gratifying to find the American Ornithologists' Union, as repre- sented by Mr. Witmer Stone, the Chair- man of its Committee on Bird Protection, taking so strong a stand on the question of egg-collecting. In his annual report to the Union (The Auk, XVI, January. 1899, p. 61), Mr. Stone says, "Egg-collecting has become a fad which is encouraged and fostered by the dealers until it is one of the most potent causes of the decrease in our birds. The vast majority of egg-col- lectors contribute nothing to the science of ornithology, and the issuing of licenses promiscuously to this class makes any law for bird protection practically useless. "Too often boys regard the formation of a large collection of eggs or birds as necessarily the first step towards be- coming an ornithologist of note ; but if those who have already won their spurs will take the trouble to point out to the beginners the lines of work which yield results of real benefit to science, they will be led to see exactly how much collecting and what sort of specimens are really needed for scientific research, and not needlessly duplicate what has already been procured. Further, they will in all probability become known as original con- tributors to ornithological science, while as mere collectors they would bid fair to remain in obscurity." Mr. Stone's report is of the utmost interest to all workers for the better pro- tection of our birds. We have not space to notice it further here, but it may be obtained by addressing him at the Acad- emy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Pa., and enclosing six cents in stamps. (61) 62 Bird - Lore Two ornithological organizations estab- lished, in January, magazines for the pub- lications of their proceedings and papers relating to the avifauna of their respec- tive states. The first, the 'Journal of the Maine Ornithological Society, ' an octavo quarterly, is edited by C. H. Morrill, at Pittsfield, Maine ; the publisher and business manager being O. W. Knight, of Bangor, Maine. The second, the 'Bul- letin of the Cooper Ornithological Club,' is edited by Chester Barlow, of Santa Clara, California, with the assistance of Henry Reed Taylor and Howard Robert- son. The business managers are Donald Cohen, of Alameda, and A. I. McCormick, of Los Angeles, California. Both jour, nals are the outgrowth of a demand on the part of the societies they represent for an official organ, and they will un- doubtedly exert a stimulating influence on the study of birds in the states in which they are published. We have also to acknowledge the receipt of the initial number of a third new peri- odical, 'Nature Study in Schools,' con- ducted by the well-known naturalist, C. J. Maynard, at West Newton, Mass. It is an illustrated monthly of 26 pages, containing papers interesting alike to teachers and students, and should prove very helpful in its chosen field. Houghton, Mifflin & Company have in press a bird-book for children by Mrs. Olive Thorne Miller, to be entitled ' The First Book of Birds. ' As its name indi- cates, it will aim to introduce its readers to the study of birds by taking them from the nest through all the ordinary phases of a bird's existence, and including chapters on structure, economics, directions for study, etc. The book will be illustrated, and its / author's experience as a student and teacher of birds is an assurance that it will be a valuable addition to ornithologi- cal literature. Few nature books not designed to assist in identification of species have met with the sale that has been accorded Ernest Seton Thompson's 'Wild Ani- mals I Have Known ' (Charles Scribner's Sons). Published late in October, it went rapidly through several editions, and by January i, or little more than two months after its appearance, 7,000 copies had been disposed of. The reason for this phenomenal suc- cess is not hard to find ; it appears on every page of the book, the text, illus- trations, and make-up of which are equally pleasing. Mr. Thompson goes a step further than most students of animals in nature. He does not present us with the biog- raphy of the species, but with its personal history, and his minute knowledge of and close sympathy with his subjects leads to his writing a singular charm. Josephine A. Clark, of 1322 Twelfth street, N. W. , Washington, D. C, pub- lishes a useful ' Bird Tablet for Field Use. ' It is abridged from the ' Outline for Field Observations ' in Miss Merriam's ' Birds of Village and Field, ' and may be obtained from the publisher for the sum of twenty-five cents. Mr. C. a. Babcock, well-known as the originator of Bird-Day, has in manuscript a book entitled ' Bird-Day and How to Pre- pare for It,' which will undoubtedly be of much assistance to teachers, and add greatly to the value of Bird-Day observances. The following books and papers relating to birds have been received and will be reviewed in future numbers : The Cam- bridge Natural History, Vol. IX, Birds, by A. H. Evans (The Macmillan Co.); The Birds of Ontario in Relation to Agricul- ture, by Charles W. Nash ; The Winter Food of the Chickadee, The Feeding Habits of the Chipping Sparrow, by Clarence M. Weed ; A Preliminary List of the Birds of Belknap and Merrimack counties, New Hampshire, with notes, by Ned Dearborn ; Check List of British Columbia Birds, by John Fannin. Editorials 63 iStrti^ilore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. 1 APRIL, 1899 No. 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in the United States. Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at ■66 Fifth avenue. New York City, or to the Editor, at Englewood, New Jersey. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., London. Manuscripts for publication, books, etc., for re- view, should be sent to the Editor at Englewood, New Jersey. Advertisements should be sent to the Pub- lishers at 66 Fifth avenue, New York City^ COPYRIGHTED, 1899, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. The establishment of Bird -Lore has brought its editor in touch with many pre- viously unknown friends, who, with the utmost kindness, have expressed their approval of the new publication and pre- dicted for it a successful career. To thank all our correspondents individually has been out of the question, and we take this means, therefore, to assure them of our appreciation of their good wishes. Doubtless they will be interested to know that within two weeks after the pub- lication of Bird-Lore, the publfshers had disposed of more copies than it was sup- posed they would sell in two months, while the demand for specimen copies was so large, that at the end of the same period our edition of 6,000 was nearly exhausted and we were obliged to issue a notice to the effect that the remaining copies would be delivered only to subscribers. The Lacey-Hoar Bird Bill has met with a greatly to be regretted fate. With earnest advocates of bird protection in both the House and Senate, and with suffi- cient support to ensure the passage of any desirable measure, the prospects of secur- ing needed legislation seemed to be ex- cellent. Doubtless both Congressman Lacey's and Senator Hoar's bills would have passed if they had been presented separately, but making the latter an amendment to the former, created a series of contradictions that apparently could not be adjusted in conference, and, as a result, measures the intent of which the majority of both houses evidently favored, failed to become laws. However, the terms of neither Mr. Hoar nor Mr. Lacey have expired, and it is to be hoped that before the next Congress convenes they will have prepared a bill in which their interests in birds will be har- moniously presented. One of the most dangerous enemies threatening our birds to-day is the man who, under the mask of ' science, ' col- lects birds and their eggs in wholly un- warranted numbers. He is dangerous not alone because of the actual destruction of life he causes, but because his excesses have brought into disrepute the work of the collector who, animated by the spirit of true science, and appreciating the value of life, takes only those specimens which he needs to assist him in his studies. For this reason we feel it to be our duty to publicly protest against such wholly inexcusable nest-robbing as Mr. L. \V. Brownell, of Nyack, N. Y. , confesses himself to be guilty of in the January issue of 'The Osprey. ' In describing a visit to Pelican Island, Florida, he states that in "about an hour he had col- lected all the eggs he could conveniently handle, about 125 sets." This is an outrageous piece of bird- slaughter. It is especially to be deplored because Brown Pelican quills and back feathers are fast becoming fashionable, and, unless the species is protected, Florida will speedily lose one of its most charac- teristic and interesting birds. But how can we expect women, unfamiliar with the bird in nature, to aid in its protection, when people who have seen it in its haunts, and know how much it adds to Florida's coast scenery, ruthlessly destroy it. " Yoii cannot -jjith a scalpel find the poet' s soul. Nor yet the wild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of tlie Audubon and* other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries. New Hampshire Mrs. F. \V. Batchklder, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss Harriet E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 187 Bowen street, Providence. Connecticut Mrs. Henrv S. Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockvvood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street. New York City. New Jersey Miss Marv A. Mellick, Plainfiekl. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Wheeling, W. Va. (branch of Peiin. Society). .Elizabeth I. Cummins, 1314 Chapline street, Wheeling. Ohio Miss Clara Russell, 903 Paradrome street, Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Iowa Miss Nellie S. Board, Keokuk. Wisconsin Mrs. George W. Pkckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. ^, ^ , . , » J . o. • .• human voice. A few spoken words are The Conducting of Audubon Societies ^ worth a score of printed ones. A com- It is one thing to organize a society or pelling personality is worth a well of ink club and quite another to set it upon a in this Bird Crusade of 1899. Let the permanent footing and keep it in step with heads of societies come in contact with the constant requirements of progression. the members as much as possible, and At a time when a great majority look gather them in local circles. Let those askance at the startling array of societies who are able to speak about birds do so, that they are asked to 'join,' it behooves and let those who lack the gift of words all Bird Protective bodies to conduct read aloud from the works of others, themselves with extreme conservatism, Whenever possible, urge local secreta- that they may not bear the stigma of being ries to hold bird classes during spring and called emotional ' fads, ' but really appeal summer in their respective towns. If no to those whom they seek to interest. one persbn knows enough to teach the Many men (and women also) have many others let them club together, buy a few minds, and a form of appeal that will books, and, going out of doors, work out attract one will repel another. It is upon the problems of identification as best they the tactful management of these appeals may, until every little village has a nature and the bringing of the subject vitally study class working its way, Chautauqua- home to different classes and ages, that the Circle fashion. Remember one point, life of the Audubon Societies depends. please. No society can succeed that is Leaflets have their influence with those content to count the quantity rather than who already care enough to take the quality of its members. One hundred trouble to read them. Special exercises intelligent members who know how to in schools have a potent influence for spread the zuhy and hozc of the cru- good. But the best method of spreading sade are worth 10,000 who have merely the gospel of humanity, is that by which 'joined ' because some one they were proud it was first spread 1900 centuries ago, by of knowing asked them to and it was personal contact and the power of the easier to say ' yes ' than ' no, ' especially as (64) The Audubon Societies 65 the say///j^'- was all it cost. Also, no so- ciety succeeds that bores people into join- ing it. Remember that no matter how near one's own heart a project may be, we have no right to force it upon others. We have no right to take people by the throat, so to speak, to make them pause and listen, but setting a high standard, holding out a helping hand and making the way attractive to those who wish to reach it is a different thing, and is the only sane policy under which Audubon Societies can be conducted. One word to you who wish to see the societies flourish, who love birds, but are shy and retiring, and do not care to commit yourselves to joining anything. You may safely join the cause in spirit by sending a nice little check to the treasurer of your local state society. Piers Plowman dis- covered long ago that he couldn't " spede " far without money, neither can the Audu- bon Societies. — M. O. W. I A Letter from Governor Roosevelt At the annual meeting of the New York State Audubon Society, held in the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History on March 23, i8gg, a letter was read from Governor Roosevelt, which is of such interest and importance .that we print it in advance of a report of the meeting, which will appear in a future issue. Governor Roosevelt regretted his in- ability to be present, and addressed the following letter to Mr. Frank M. Chap- man, Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee : My dear ]\/r. Oiapjnan : — I need hardly say how heartily I sym- pathize with the purposes of the Audubon Society. I would like to see all harmless wild things, but especially all birds, pro- tected in every way. I do not understand how any man or woman who really loves nature can fail to try to exert all influence in support of such objects as those of the Audubon Society. Spring would not be spring without bird songs, any more than it would be spring without buds and flowers, and I only wish that besides protecting the songsters, the birds of the grove, the orchard, the garden and the meadow, we could also protect the birds of the sea shore and of the wilderness. The Loon ought to be, and, under wise legislation, could be a feature of every Adirondack lake ; Ospreys, as every one knows, can be made the tamest of the tame, and Terns should be as plentiful along our shores as Swallows around our barns. A Tanager or a Cardinal makes a point of glowing beauty in the green woods, and the Cardinal among the white snows. When the Bluebirds were so nearly destroyed by the severe winter a few seasons ago, the loss was like the loss of an old friend, or at least like the burning down of a familiar and dearly loved house. How immensely it would add to our forests if only the great Logcock were still found among them ! The destruction of the Wild Pigeon and the Carolina Paroquet has meant a loss as severe as if the Catskills or the Palisades were taken away. When I hear of the destruction of a species I feel just as if all the works of some great writer had perished ; as if we had lost all instead of only part of Polybius or Livy. Very truly yours, Theodore Roosevelt. Reports of Societies PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY The Audubon Society of Pennsylvania was organized in October, 1896, and was the first society to follow the admirable example set by Massachusetts. During the first year 2,200 members were enrolled and nearly 30,000 circulars distributed. The first annual report was sent out in November, 1897, and it mentions a ' Hat Show, ' and a course of lectures to be given in Philadelphia during the spring. Both of these were carried out with marked suc- cess, the ' Hat Show ' attracting much attention to the work of the society, and 66 Bird - Lore the lectures adding materially to its income, as there are no dues of any kind connected with membership. The second annual report appeared in November, 1898, and announces an increase of 1,100 members during the year. It referred to the fact that as a direct result of the ' Hat Show ' several of the best milliners had established special Audubon departments. Lectures were given in many parts of the state with most satisfactory results, and finally, the cooperation of school teachers was solicited to observe May 5, 1899, as Bird-Day. A course of five lectures, by Mr. Stone, will be given this year at the Acorn Club, Philadelphia, beginning March 16. A number of new slides have been bought by the society to illustrate these lectures, and the course promises to be more interesting than ever. Since the second report was issued seven new local secretaries have been secured, making 42 in all. It is hoped that this number will be doubled during the coming year, for as the membership, which is now nearly 3,800, continues to increase, the need of workers throughout the state becomes more important every day. Julia Stockton Robins, Src\v. INDIANA SOCIETY. In 1889 the Indiana Academy of Sci- ence appointed a committee, of which I was chairman, to secure the passage of a satisfactory law for bird protection. The committee accomplished nothing. It was continued, and in 1891 secured the enactment of the enclosed law. The Academy of Science has, through its efforts in the way of advancing science work in the public schools of the state, encouraged and taught bird protection. In this it has had, since 1890, the co-oper- ation of the Indiana Horticultural Society. In 1897 ^t different times several bodies were interested in the movement in favor of bird protection. These appointed com- mittees. These committees united in a call for a meeting to be held at Indian- apolis. A programme was prepared, and the meeting held in the State House April 26, 1898. I send you a copy of the call and programme ; also of the con- stitution of the Indiana Audubon Society. The Governor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction have both been much interested, and as a consequence Bird Day and Arbor Day were celebrated October 28, 1898. The "Outline of Township Institute Work" has gone into the hands of every teacher and school officer in the state. . . . You will see that the work we are doing is prac- tical, even though it is not so much as some States are accomplishing. I have not the enrollment or statement of publica- tions issued, but counting the issue of the State Department of Public Instruc- tion, 20,000 copies of different articles, at least, have been distributed. Amos W. Butler, Secy. ILLINOIS SOCIETY. The past year has shown a very marked improvement as the results of bird pro- tection and the general work of our Illinois Audubon Society. While the fashion for decorating hats with feathers still con- tinues, yet there is a very noticeable decrease in the display of aigrettes and the feathers of wild birds. I have visited the establishments of several of our Chi- cago wholesale milliners and find that the larger portion of their stock, this fall, is made up of the feathers of the domestic fowl and game birds. Our Audubon Soci- ety has had two public meetings this year, which were well attended, and the interest in its \/ork has rather increased than abated. Our membership has increased to 3,426. We have liberally distributed leaflets, including 500 of our circulars, stating the purpose of the society, to the editors of local newspapers in the state, with request that they aid the society by publismng same and calling attention to it editorially. On February 7, 1898, an Interstate Con- vention was held in Chicago, represented by the game and fish wardens, and dele- gates appointed by the legislatures of the six states which responded to the call. At The Audubon Societies 67 the request of Mr. Witmer Stone, I pre- sented at this convention the text of a new law for the protection of birds and their nests and eggs, as drafted by our com- mittee on Bird Protection. The con- vention agreed to submit the proposed law to each of their respective legisla- tures. Great credit is due to the efficient work which has been done in our state by War- den H. W. Loveday and his deputies. Since the first of the year over one hun- dred prosecutions and convictions have been made, for the wanton killing and trapping of song and insectivorous birds by men and boys largely Italians and Bohe- mians. In 1897 there were 580 convictions in the state for the illegal killing and trans- portation of game birds. This year the game has been so carefully watched and such prompt action taken of reported cases of violation, that the poachers and market hunters have been less bold, and the num- ber of arrests and seizures of game have been reduced over one-half. On April 9, i8g8, as a result of the efforts of County Superintendent of Schools Mr. Orville T. Bright, a meeting was held in Chicago in the interest of the school teachers of Cook county. Over three hun- dred were present, and the meeting was devoted exclusively to birds, and addresses given by several members of the Audubon Society. A " Finding List " of sixty spe- cies of birds, compiled by Mr. Frank E. Sanford, Superintendent of the La Grange, 111., Schools, was distributed. This is a most effective method to inspire the teach- ers and in turn impart their love for birds ' to the scholars. RuTHVEN Deane, President. IOWA SOCIETY. Under the auspices of the Keokuk Wo- man's Club, the Audubon Society of Iowa was organized April 5, 1898. The first work taken up was the estab- lishment of Bird Day in the public schools. The second meetmg was held in Rand Park. Short talks were made by Hazen I. Sanger, John Huiskamp, Rabbi Faber, Doctor Ehinger, and a paper was read by Miss Read. We have bought and distributed through the schools, from kindergarten up, bird pictures and bird literature. One of our men milliners asked to be- come a member. On August 6 the officers of the society met and adopted articles of incorporation, this being the first Audubon Society to be incorporated under the laws of Iowa. The laws of Iowa give fair protection to the birds ; our work is in creating the right sentiment. Nellie S. Bo.\rd, Secy. MINNESOTA SOCIETY Mr. John W. Taylor, President of the Minnesota Audubon Society, reports the passage of a law establishing Arbor and Bird Day in Minnesota, and writes: "It is, as you can well imagine, a source of great gratification to the lover of birds in the state, and especially to the Audubon Societies. Through this law we can do more towards bird protection than we could accomplish in many years' -labor without it. It brings the subject before the teachers and children, and as you educate the child so you mould the man. We have now in this state 58 branch societies, besides many school organiza- tions and children's bird clubs. The number of members I am not able to give, as I have not all the reports in. We have sent out considerable literature, and used the press largely to interest our people. We feel that we are doing won- ders for the first active year we have had, and congratulate ourselves that the hardest work is done. We hope by April ist to have a branch in every county in Min- nesota. " Reports from the New Hampshire and Wisconsin Societies and a notice of the American Society of Bird Restorers are necessarily postponed until June. ..READY THIS MONTH Nature Study For Grammar Grades A Manual for the Guidance of Pupils below the High School in the Study of Nature BY WILBUR S. JACKMAN, A.B. Dep't of Natural Science, Chicago Normal School Author of " Nature Study for the Common Schools," " Nature Study and Related Subjects, " Nature Study Record," " Field Work in Nature Study," etc. REVISED EDITION 111 preparing this Manual, it has been the author's aim to propose, within the coni- prehension of grammar school pupils, a few of the problems which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. That pupils need some rational and definite directions in nature study, all are gen- erally agreed. But to prepare the outlines and suggestive directions necessary, and to place these within the reach of each pupil, is more than any ordinary teacher has time to do, even granting that she is fully prepared for such work. The utter futility of depending upon oral suggestions during the class hour, when the pupils are supposed to be doing individual work, is easily apparent on a moment's reflection. With a manual of directions in hand, each pupil may be made strictly responsible for a certain amount of work, either in the field or in the laboratory. This removes all occasion for that inter- ruption in his work, which is, otherwise, due to the pupil's attempt to think and at the same time hear, what the teacher says. Recent Publications on Nature Study Bailey's First Lessons With Plants ... $ .40 net Wilson's Nature Study in Elementary Schools. " Extremely original and unusually practical." ' First Nature Reader 35 cents I Second Nature Reader 35 cents IngersoU's Wild Neighbors $1.50 1 Teacher's Manual 90 cents "Instructive as well as AftW^h'iiwXy— Popular | Wright's Citizen Bird $1.50 Scteuct' Monthly. ^^ interesting story, giving to the children , , ,1 J r. , c XI c. J ff 1 much accurate information about American Lange s Hand-Book of Nature Study $1 birds "The style of the book is fresh and inspiring." "Most delightful book on the subject yet primed in the Ignited States. I wish every Murche's Science Readers. boy and girl could read it."— J. M. Green- Vol. I. 25 cents. Vol. IV. 40 cents «^/^. wood, Sup't Kansas City, Mo. Vol. II. 25 cents. Vol. V. 50 cents m^/. Wright's Four- Footed Americans $1.50 Vol. III. 40 cents. Vol. VI. 50 cents «.^ Four- Footed American Mammals treated in .Weed's Life Histories of American Insects . . $1.50 s'o''>' ""o™ '" '^e manner of Cittzen Bird. " An unusually attractive book."— i?/(z/. , Wright's Birdcraft $2.50 net PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York Vol. 1 j&irli-lore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societie! June, 1899 No. 3 Gannets on Bonaventure BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN (See Frontispiece j ANNETS {Sula lyassana) are known to nest in only three places in North America — Perroquet Island, the Bird Rocks, and Bonaventure Island, all in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. By far the largest colony is found on the last named island, where, on the ledges of the red sandstone cliffs, some three hundred feet in height, they are practically secure from molestation. Bonaventure Island itself, how- ever, is the most accessible of the three localities men- tioned, and may be easily reached in a small fishing boat from the neighboring village of Perc6, where the famous Perc^ Rock, with its colony of Herring Gulls and Double-crested Cormorants, makes the region particularly interesting to the ornithologist. The Gannet cliffs are on the east side of Bonaventure, and are exposed to the full force of the sea. To visit them satisfactorily, therefore, one should select a calm day, when one may closely approach the cliffs, and view with both safety and comfort the long, white rows, containing thousands of birds nesting on the shelves and ledges on the face of the cliff ; a remarkable spectacle ! The unusually turbulent sea which prevailed during my visit to these cliffs, on July ii, i8g8, prevented me from securing satisfactory pictures from a boat, but, landing on the west side of Bonaventure, I crossed the island (here about one and a half miles in width), and reached a position on the crest of the cliffs, from which the accom- panying picture was made. About four hundred Gannets are shown nesting on this single ledge — one of many quite as densely populated. Preparations were made to secure a picture of these birds on the wing, but my best efforts to startle them into flight did not succeed in making a single bird leave its nest ! Clark's Crows and Oregon Jays on Mount Hood CLARK S CROW AND ORK<, '\ Photographed from nature by Florence A. Mc BY FLORENCE A. MERRIAM [Coitclitdrd from pat^e /^'^'>'\^ ' family north of Connecticut until in the instance X.jC^T •■■ here recorded. Kentuckians claim him, and with some show /f (^-^ of right, since James Lane Allen built his monument in imper- ishable prose. Bnt, soon or late, all notables come to Boston, and among them may now be registered the " Kentucky Cardinal." Shy by nature, conspicuous in plumage, he shuns publicity ; and, avoiding the main lines of travel, he put up at a quiet country house in a Boston suburb — Brookline. Here, one October day in 1897, among the migrants stopping at this half-way house, appeared a distinguished guest, clad in red, with a black mask, a light red bill, and a striking crest ; with him a bird so like him that they might have been called the two Dromios. After a few days, the double passed on and left our hero the only red-coat in the field. A White-throated Sparrow now arrived from the moun- tains, and a Damon and Pythias friendship sprang up between the birds. Having decided to winter at the North, they took lodgings in a spruce tree, and came regularly to the table d'hote on the porch. My lord Cardinal, being the more distinguished guest, met with par- ticular favor, and soon became welcome at the homes of the neighbor- hood. With truly catholic taste, he refused creature comforts from none, but showed preference for his first abode. It was March 5, i8g8, when we kept our first appointment with the Cardinal. A light snow had fallen during the night, and the air was keen, without premonition of spring. It was a day for home- keeping birds, the earth larder being closed. The most delicate tact was required in presenting strangers. A loud, clear summons, — the Cardinal's own whistle echoed by human lips — soon brought a re- sponse. Into the syringa bush near the porch flew, with a whir and a sharp /si/>, a bird. How gorgeous he Jooked in the snow-laden shrub ! For an instant the syringa blossoms loaded the air with fragrance as a dream of summer floated by. Then a call to the porch was met by several sallies and quick retreats, while the wary bird studied the newcomers. Reassuring tones from his gentle hostess, accompanied by the rattle of nuts and seeds, at last prevailed, and the Cardinal flew to the railing and looked us over with keen, inquiring eye. Con- (83) 84 Bird - Lore vinced that no hostilities were intended, he gave a long, trustful look into the face of his benefactress and ilew to her feet. A gray squirrel frisking by stopped at the lunch-counter and seized an ' Educator ' cracker. The novel sensation of an uncaged bird w^ithin touch, where one might note the lovely shading of his plumage as one notes a flower, was memorable ; but a sweeter surprise was in store. As we left the house, having made obeisance to his eminence the Cardinal, the bird kr>9H P GaJHpl^ ^^ p"^ '\ ■ >^ Jj||K Ijfe ; HiS.-' m '^ "•• i i ^^1 ''■^ W^ 1 . ■ ^si4*^>--. ■'\ ^^^H H ■ k ,^^^11*^ H ^^^^K ^^H ^H ^H ^^^^t ""' ^^^1 * HH ^^H y Irn^ pmi ■ B^- , ^j^^ i 1 i 1 ^^Bf 1 i' 1 'i ■ 'i ii ' > . I 4 1^ ^^^^1 IDu vK ■1 M U:m&.i fifi CARDINAL AND GRAY SQUIRREL flew into a spruce tree and saluted us with a melodious "Mizpah." Then, as if reading the longing of our hearts, he opened his bright bill, and a song came forth such as never before enraptured the air of a New England March, — a song so copious, so free, so full of heav- enly hope, that it seemed as if forever obliterated were the "tragic memories of his race." As March advanced, several changes in the Cardinal were noted by his ever-watchful friends. He made longer trips abroad, returning tired and hungry. The restlessness of the unsatisfied heart was plainly his. His long, sweet, interpolating whistle, variously ran- The Cardinal at the Hub 85 dering "Peace , . . peace . . . peace !" "Three cheers, three cheers," etc., to these sympathetic northern ears became "Louise, Louise, Lou- ise !" Thenceforth he was Louis, the Cardinal, calling for his mate. On March 26, a kind friend took pity on the lonely bachelor, and a caged bird, " Louise," was introduced to him. In the lovely dove- colored bird, with faint washings of red and the family mask and crest, the Cardinal at once recognized his kind. His joy was unbounded ; and the accjuaintance progressed rapidly, a mutual under- standing being plainly reached during the seventeen days of cage courtship. Louis brought food to Louise, and they had all things in common except liberty. April 12, in the early morning, the cage was taken out-of-doors and Louise was set free. She was quick to embrace her chance, and flew into the neighboring shrubbery. For six days she reveled in her new- !t|- jiirfTr^- L"ir*'ni[II CARDINAL AND Hu found freedom ; Louis, meanwhile, coming and going as of old, and often carrying away seeds from the house to share with his mate. April 16, he lured her into the house, and after that they came often for food, flying fearlessly in at the window, and delighting their friends with their songs and charming ways. Louis invariably gave the choicest morsels to his mate, and the course of true love seemed to cross the adage ; but alas ! Death was already adjusting an arrow for that shining mark. April 25, Louise stayed in the house all day, going out at nightfall. Again the following day she remained indoors, Louis feeding her ; but her excellent appetite disarmed suspicion, and it was thought that she had taken refuge from the cold and rain, especially as she spent the night within. The third morning, April 27, she died. An exami- nation of her body revealed three dreadful wounds. Louis came twittering to the window, but was not let in until a day or two after, when a new bird, "Louisa," had been put in the cage. 86 Bird - Lore CARDINAL When he saw the familiar form, he evidently thought his lost love restored, for he burst into glorious song ; but, soon discovering his mistake, he stopped short in his hallelujahs, and walked around the cage inspecting the occupant. Louisa's admiration for the Cardinal was marked ; but for some days he took little notice of her, and his friends began to fear that their second attempt at match- making would prove a failure. April 30, however, some respon- sive interest was shown, and the next day Louis brought to the cage a brown bug half an inch long, and gave Louisa his first meat-offering. The second wooing progressed rapidly, and May 7, when Louisa was set free, the pair flew away together with unrestrained de- light. After three days of liberty, Louisa flew back to the house with her mate, and thenceforth was a frequent visitor. May 21, Louisa was seen carrying straws, and on June 6 her nest was discovered low down in a dense evergreen thorn ( Cratcegus pyra- caufha). Four speckled eggs lay in the nest. These were hatched June g, the parent birds, meantime and afterward, going regularly to market and keeping up social relations with their friends. In nine days after their exit from the shell, the little Cardinals left the nest and faced life's sterner realities. A black cat was their worst foe, and more than once during their youth Louis flew to his devoted commissary and made known his anxiety. Each time, on following him to the nest, she found the black prowler, or one of his kind, w^atching for prey. On June 28, the black cat outwitted the allied forces, Senor Cardinal and his friends, and a little one was slain. The other three grew up and enjoyed all the privileges of their parents, flying in at the window and frequenting the bountiful porch. July 25, Louisa disappeared from the scene, presumably on a southern trip, leaving the Cardinal sole protector, provider and peace- maker for their lively and quarrelsome triplet. A fight is apparently as needful for the development of a young Cardinal as of an English schoolboy, possibly due in both cases to a meat diet. Over-feeding was h\\\. temporary with our birds. On the 8th of August the migratory instinct prevailed over ease, indulgence, friend- A Catbird Study 87 ship, and the Cardinal with his brood left the house where he had been so well entertained, to return no more. No more ? Who shall say of any novel that it can have no sequel ? Massachusetts may yet become the permanent home of the Kentucky Cardinal, the descen- dant to the third and fourth generation of Louis and his mate. A Catbird Study BY DR. THOS. S. ROBERTS Director Department of Birds, Natural History Survey of Minnesota. With Photographs from nature by the Author. THE subjects of this sketch had located their bark- and root- lined nest of coarse sticks, four feet from the ground, in a little oak bush surrounded by brakes, sunflowers, and hazel. Instead of being, as usual, in the midst of a dense, and, therefore, dark thicket, this nest was quite in the open, shaded by only a few CATBIRD AND NEST overhanging, leafy branches of small size. Its exceptionally favor- able location and the apparent tameness of the birds suggested an attempt at avian photography, and the undertaking was entered upon at once, a very considerable fund of interest and enthusiasm having to take the place of any special previous experience in this line of work. After clearing away a little of the overhanging and intervening vegetation, the camera was placed with the lens not more than two feet 88 Bird -Lore from the nest, this being necessary in order to secure an image of the desired size with the short focus lens at hand (a B. and L. Zeiss Ana- stigmat, Series ii A, 6)4 x^){, focal length 5^ inches). Fifty feet of rubber tubing, a large bulb, and a field-glass made it possible to watch developments and carry on operations from a safe distance. But, although the camera was nearly concealed with ferns and leaves, this day's proceedings were not rewarded with much success. The birds proved exasperatingly timid, and returned only after prolonged waits, to disappear instanter on the click of the shutter (a B. and L. iris diaphragm shutter). So we left the field, not disheartened but bent upon improving our paraphernalia. A day or two later found the camera again in position, but this time with tripod green-painted [-♦ .^'-^ V tmm CATBIRD ON NEST and the whole unsightly top enveloped in a green hood with only a small aperture for the lens. This ruse succeeded fairly well, and during the three or four hours that the light was good on this day, and during a like period on a subsequent day, a number of exposures were made that resulted in an interesting series of negatives, giving good prints and still better lantern slides. Only one of several time-exposures turned out perfect. It is here presented, not only as the prize picture of some three hundred nega- tives made during the summer of 1898, but as the sole and only entirely satisfactory outcome of some twelve or fourteen hours' work. On the Ethics of Caging Birds BY OLIVE THORNE MILLER EFORE saying a few words on this subject, I should Hke to define my position. With all my heart do I disapprove of caging wild birds. I never had, and never shall have, the liberty of one bird interfered with for my pleasure or study, and if I had the power to prevent it, not one should ever be caged. Especially do I regard it as cruel in the extreme to confine an adult bird, accustomed to freedom and able to ¥ take care of himself. The question of "rights" we will not enter upon here, further than to say that our moral right to capture wild creatures for our own use or pleasure is the same in the case of birds as of other animals — horses, for example. But birds arc caged, and we must deal with circumstances as we find them. If a bird -lover should worry and fret himself to death, he could not put an end to their captivity. So it would appear to be the part of wisdom to see if there are not mitigating circum- stances, which may comfort, and perhaps, in a slight degree, even reconcile one to their imprisonment. The case of Canaries is different from that of all others. Hatched in cages, descended from caged ancestry, and accustomed to be cared for by people, they know no other life, and are utterly unfitted for freedom. So far from being a kindness to set one of these birds free, it is absolute cruelty. It is like turning a child, accustomed to a luxurious life, into the streets, to pick up a living for himself. But a young bird, taken from the nest before he has learned the use of his wings, I believe, can be made perfectly contented and happy in a house — if he is properly cared for ! It is unfortunately true that not one in a thousand is properly cared for, but we are not considering the shortcomings of people. At this moment we are considering the possibility of making a bird's life happy. For several years I kept birds in captivity, and closely studied their ways and their characters, and I say, without hesitation, that most birds can be made so contented and happy that they will prefer (89) go Bird -Lore their captivity, with its several advantages, to freedom without them. The advantages of captivity to a bird are three; viz., abundant food supply, protection from enemies, ease of life — without labor or concern about weather. The conditions, therefore, necessary to his happiness are : Never- failing care as to his physical comforts — such as a proper situation of the cage. — neither in the hot sunshine nor in a draught; fresh and perfect food, with variety ; plent}^ of fresh water ; suitable and regular bath, etc. And secondly — though perhaps it should be first, as it is most important — treatment as if he were a sentient being, instead of a piece of furniture ; talking to him, taking notice of him, making a companion and friend of him. And thirdly, the freedom of a room, at least part of every day. Under these conditions, as I know from close and sympathetic observation, our little brothers can be made so happy, that, as I said, many of them will not accept their liberty. They choose between freedom, with hard labor and many anxieties, and comfort- able captivity, with ease and security, and many decide — as do many of the human family — for the former. There is another reason why I have become partially tolerant of the caging of birds. What first influenced me was the fact that every individual rescued from the discomforts of a bird store, where they are seldom well cared for and never cherished, is greatly bene- fitted, and I felt that to be a work of charity. But there is one strong argument in favor of the custom. That is, their great value as a means of educating children. Nothing is more important than the training of our youth in humanity and respect for the rights of others. And in no way can this be so well accomplished as by giving to them the care of pets. By investiga- tion of prisons and reform schools, it has been amply proved that nothing so surely keeps a boy from falling into a criminal life as the care of and kindness to the lower orders. The daily care of a pet bird is a daily lesson in altruism which never fails to bear fruit. In those precious first years of the child's life, when the mother has the power of instilling lessons that will be a part of him, — the most indelible he will ever receive, — if she takes a little pains to do so she can implant, with the love of creatures dependent upon him, qualities that will go far to make him a true, manly man. While these considerations do not, perhaps, make it right to deprive a fellow creature of his liberty, they do furnish a little consolation to those who love humanity as well as birds. At the same time I must admit, that of all pitiful sights on earth, that of a neglected captive is one of the most heartrending. A May Morning BY FRED. H. KENNARD 'HERE is a bird pasture, as I call it, about a half hour's ride from Boston, and thither I went on May 30, 1898, to see if I could find the nest of a White-eyed Vireo that I had often hunted for in years gone by, but never yet succeeded in finding. This bird pasture, on one side of which runs the road, consists of eight or ten acres of old, wet pas- ture land on a hillside surrounded on two other sides by fields and an orchard, and immediately above a marsh in which the sedges and grasses grow which is bordered by alders, birches and other swamp-loving trees. The pasture itself is very wet in one portion, and has been overgrown with birch, alders, oak and tangles of grape- vines, wait-a-bits, poison ivy, etc. In another part it is more open, and is more sparsely covered with red cedars and white pines, while the ground is dotted with wild roses and hard-hack, interspersed with clumps of alders. This combination of hill and marsh, field and orchard, cover and open, as well as evergreen and deciduous growth, makes it an ideal place for birds and their breeding ; and one that is hard to duplicate in any locality, combining also woods and civili- zation as it does, for there are houses and barns in the immediate vicinity. You probably cannot duplicate this pasture, but those of you who love birds, and who can find any spot approximating this in conditions, would do well to appropriate it. metaphorically speak- ing, as I have this. But to return to the birds — I thought I would carefully note all those I saw or heard in the course of a short hour I had to spare, and with the following results : As I took down the bars in order to take my bicycle into the pasture, a Baltimore Oriole was singing on top of an elm close b}', and I have no doubt that its mate was sitting on the nest that hung pendent from the next tree. A Catbird slunk off into the bushes to the right of me, from a thicket in which she last year raised a brood; and, while chaining my wheel, I heard the glorious notes of a Brown Thrasher singing, a little way off, on the top of a tall white oak. Several Red-eyed Vireos were there too, their steady, rippling song forming a soft accompaniment to the more conspicuous notes of the other feathered songsters. Next, I flushed a Quail, and, while watching its flight, I almost stepped on two more, which got up from the underbrush at my feet. I started in now on my hunt for the White-eye's nest, and for (91) ■92 Bird -Lore some time was so absorbed in that, and in listening for its expected song, that there was no time to make notes of the other birds heard, except that of a Wood Thrush, whose nest contained four eggs, and was saddled on the crotch of a grape-vine, where it crossed through the crotch of an alder. To make a long story short, I did not find the Vireos, or even hear them, though for several years they had lived here throughout the summer. I finally went out into an open space, lighted a pipe as a mosquito preventive, and, seating myself on the soft side of a boulder, put down the names of the birds whose notes I could hear. Below me, in the swamp, the most prominent notes were the 'concarees' of the Red-winged Blackbirds, while between them could be heard the songs of several Swamp Sparrows. Close beside me were a Chestnut-sided and a Golden-winged Warbler, both seemingly much disturbed by my presence, while just as near was a Maryland Yellow-throat, an old friend of mine, who did not seem to care whether I was there or not. This same friend is rather a curiosity, for, although his species usually build in or about the marshes or ■swamps, he always prefers the hillside, and I last year found his nest within forty feet of where I sat, and several hundred feet away from and above the swamp. A few Cedar Birds were whispering from the tops of a couple of red cedars about fifty yards away, and I could hear a Yellow Warbler •on the other side of the open space, where he sang, apparently for the benefit of a near-by barberry bush. A Wood Pewee was uttering his plaintive note from the orchard immediately back of me ; while just back of that, in the field by the top of the hill, could be heard the rollicking notes of a Bobolink and the occasional call of a Meadow Lark. While writing my notes, some kind of a large Hawk, which flew so fast that identification was impossible, but which I guessed to be a Cooper's Llawk, went off rapidly across the marsh, pursued by a pair of vociferous King- birds ; and, as I watched them, I could see numbers of Chimney Swifts, from the neighboring chimneys, and Barn Swallows, from a barn close by, coursing about above the marsh after the insects that there abound, the Swallows low down and the Swifts above. While watching the Swallows, two Crows came out of the wood on the opposite side of the marsh, and fiew, cawing, across and off into the ■distance ; and a little Green Heron, who, like all fishermen, prefers quiet, flew off in another direction. Down towards the edge of the swamp, in the outlying thicket, a Song Sparrow was singing, while, close by, a magnificent Rose- breasted Grosbeak, which every year builds in the birches which grow A May Morning 93 in these thickets, was warbling his incomparable song. At first he had been giving vent to his ver_v unmusical call of alarm, but, becom- ing used to my presence, and concluding that I meant no harm, he joined in the concert. Off to one side, among the more scrubby deciduous growth, I could hear, and sometimes see, a Redstart, while the tsc-tse-tsc-mg of the Black-poll Warblers, which were migrating northwards, could be heard intermittently. Two Quails were now calling loudly for Bob- White, or Rob-ert-White, as their fancy dictated, and in the con- fusing medley I could make out the modest notes of a Black and White Warbler, which had for years nested somewhere in this pas- ture. Behind me, at the top of the hill, I could also hear the clear, cheery notes of a Field Sparrow, which always builds there. Being limited as to time, and having already heard twenty-eight kinds of birds in the short space of about twenty minutes, and from one place, I started to depart, but even as I did so I heard the notes of another bird coming across the marsh, that of the Black-billed Cuckoo, and just as I was again taking down the bars to get out into the street, what should I hear, loud, clear and distinct, but the song^ of that plaguey little White-eyed Vireo, a song seemingly of thanks- giving that I was really going and that he had eluded me so well. I then reluctantly mounted my bicycle, but was forced to get off, to add two more birds to my increasing list; viz., a Cowbird, which was sitting on the fence opposite, and a pair of Yellow-throated Vireos, the female of which had evidently but just left her nest for a lunch, while the male followed twittering and whispering close by, stopping his song until she should have resumed her duties of incubation. I had now seen thirty-two different species of birds in the short space of about twenty-five minutes' actual time spent in observation, after deducting the time spent in hunting the Vireo's nest, and departed for home well content, even though I knew I had seen only about three-fifths of the varieties of birds that are often to be found in the immediate vicinity. On a previous occasion, when I had been lucky enough to be able to spend a whole morning in this pasture, I had seen forty-four different species, nineteen of which I had not seen to-day, and which, added to the thirty-two noted above, make a total of fifty-one species. Of these, there were only five that were merely occasional visitors. Of the remainder, I have found direct evidence of the breeding of thirty-two species, while on various accounts I feel sure that fourteen others breed there, although I have never actually found their nests. jfor ^oung ©b^ertoers A February Walk iPdze Essay) BY MILDRED A. ROBINSON (Aged 14 years) E had planned to walk over to the pond to see if the recent thaw had spoiled the skating. As we passed the foot of the hill, the little brook splashed and tumbled down from its icy frame- work, eddying around the brown goldenrod stalks, and then rushed on at topmost speed across the opposite meadow. We were standing on the little bridge, watch- ing the ever fascinating current, when an odd bird - note called our attention to a little gray -backed, white -breasted bird who was running up and down a neighboring tree. All thoughts of skating instantly vanished from our minds; w^e climbed the fence, and in a moment more were noiselessly following our obstinate little bird, who would keep so high up in the tree- tops that it was almost impossible to see anything but his breast. Finally, he descended, head downward, along one of the lower branches of the tree, and we saw that it was a White -breasted Nut- hatch. Evidently he thought he had stayed quite long enough for •examination, so, after a few parting pecks at the rough bark, trying to secure one more hidden insect, he flew off. We were slowly following the course of the little stream, when suddenly a great rustle of the dead leaves near the water's edge •caused us to pause and listen. All was silent, with the exception of a few distant Chickadees, then, with a whir and a clatter, we saw a bushy tail disappear into the thicket ; a moment more and out came a beautiful gray squirrel. Like a flash he was up the tree, jumping from limb to limb, frisking about in the sunshine, then down onto the ground again, and away. His visit was even shorter than that of the Nuthatch, but not less enjoyable. And now, where were those noisy little Chickadees who had been calling to us from the alder bushes for the last half-hour ? It was easy enough to find these confiding little creatures ; they were feeding on the ground, and seemed quite unconcerned at our presence, al- though we approached very near to them. One little fellow seemed (94) Robin Rejoice 95 to be asleep ; he sat all puffed up on one of the alder branches, but as I came nearer to him I could see that his bright little eye was on me, and at the next step he flew away. It was now late in the afternoon, and. as we looked toward the west, the last ra}s of the sun were just tinting the distant hills with a mellow, golden hue ; the birds had flown away, leaving the woods silent, so we reluctantly turned our footsteps towards home. ROBIN ON" NEST Photographed from nature by T. S. Hankinson Robin Rejoice BY GARRETT NEWKIRK Among the first of the spring, The notes of the Robin ring ; With flute-like voice. He calls " Rejoice, For I am coming to sing ! " To any one gloomy or sad, He says, "Be glad ! be glad ! Look on the bright side, 'Tis aye the right side ; The world is good, not bad." At daybreak in June we hear His melody, strong and clear : "Cheer up, be merry, I've found a cherry; 'Tis a glorious time of the year jBtote0 from JFielti anti ^tuDp Inquisitive Magpies I was collecting specimens of natural history in the northern part of the state of Washington, a few miles from the Canadian border. At the time the inci- dent which I am about to relate occurred I was stopping at a ranch at the southern end of Okonogan lake. The owner of the building was cramped for room, so, as it was during the heat of the summer, I spent the nights rolled up in my blankets under a haystack. One morning, as the sun was rising, I was awakened by shadows crossing my face, and opening my eyes saw a flock, possibly a family, of Magpies perched on the stack and ends of poles that had been thrown over it to keep the hay from blowing away. I watched them as they peered inquisitively at me from their perches, until finally one flew to the ground, then another and another, until at last several were gathered about me, but a few feet away. I lay on my side, with my arms under the blankets, and watched their actions. At last one jumped on the blankets at my feet. I could feel him hopping slowly upward. I did not move for fear of frightening him. Finally he reached my shoulder, and, after perching there a few seconds, flew to my cheek. I closed my eyes slowly, fearing he might peck them. After testing my cheek lightly with his bill, he began to gel in some uncomfortably heavy blows, so I thought it time to stop him. Without opening my eyes, or moving, I said in a low tone. " Here ! Here ! That will do ! " He hesi- tated, as if to make sure his ears had not deceived him, and then flew to the stack. Another took his place, after working up in the same manner ; he was quietly asked to move on. When the next one hopped on the blankets, I slowly raised my hand under them, making a tempting elevation, of which he was not slow to take advan- tage. He lighted squarely in the palm of my hand, which I closed at once, and held him prisoner. With the other hand I caught him by the legs from the out- side, whereupon he flopped his wings, cried out with anger, and pecked at my wrist savagely. The remainder of the flock, which, in the meantime, had flown to the haystack, scolded and jabbered away at a great rate. Evidently they had taken me for a corpse, but I think it was the liveliest one they ever saw. — J. Alden Loring, Oiuego, N. Y. Songs of Birds The songs of birds have attracted a good deal of attention in recent years, and observation seems to confirm the theory that each generation of birds learns the song characteristics of its species by association with its own kind. This fact was brought quite clearly to my mind several years ago, when in a western town I was taken to a neighbor's to see his birds. Four cages swung in the shelter of a commodious porch. One contained a Red-winged Blackbird, that had been taken from its nest when very young, and brought up by hand. His associates were a Canary, a Blue Jay and an Oriole. The Canary had been purchased at a bird store, and had there learned its song. The Blue Jay and Oriole had been taken from neighboring nests, r.nd had, no doubt, picked up the characteristic notes of their species from the many other members of their kind that inhabited the vicinity, but it was many miles to the nearest swamp or low land where one might find a Red-winged Blackbird. This Red-wing had learned perfectly the notes of his caged com- panions, and had picked up some notes of other birds in the neighborhood, but not one note of the Red-winged Black- bird did he know. — Frank E. Horack, loica Citv, la. (96) ilooft jBteto^ ant} 38itW\s)^ Birds. By A. H. Evans, M.A. The Cambridge Natural History, Vol. IX. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited. New York : The Macmillan Company. 1899. 8vo, pages xvi -(- 635. Numer- ous woodcuts in text. Price, $3.50. The author of this compact volume has essayed what he himself recognizes as the "difficult and apparently unattempted task of including in some six hundred pages a short description of the majority of the forms in many of the families, and of the most typical or important of the innumerable species included in the large Passerine order." The book opens with a " Scheme of the Classification Adopted," based on the sys- tem proposed by Gadow, in which the Archa^ofteryx stands at the bottom of the list, followed by the Ostriches, Rheas, and other struthious birds, while the Finches are placed at the top. An intro- duction of twenty-two pages treats of feathers, color, the molt, the skeleton, digestive organs, etc., classification, term- inology, geographical variations, and migra- tion, the handling of the last two subjects being far from satisfactory. The remainder of the book is devoted to a consideration of the birds of the world. The matter is selected with excellent judgment and is admirably put together, the text having an originality and fresh- ness not often found in compilations. The author, however, is handicapped by lack of space, and, except in monotypic fami- lies, is, as a rule, obliged to generalize to such an extent that the seeker for informa- tion concerning certain species will usually find only the characteristic habits of its family given. But if the author has not achieved entire success, he has, perhaps, more nearly approached it than any of his predecessors, and in his work we have for the first time an authoritative hand- book of the birds of the world, which is sold at a low enough price to be within the reach of every student. The illustrations, with the exception of a comparatively few, which were taken from duly credited sources, are by Mr. G. E. Lodge, who, at his best, is, in our opinion, one of the foremost of bird artists.— F. M. C. The Feeding Habit of the Chipping Spar- row, AND the Winter Food of the Chickadee. By Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Agricultural Experiment Station. In the iirst of these interesting papers. Dr. Weed has introduced us directly into the domestic life of a family of Chippies. We have a view, for one day, of all their affairs, both personal and domestic ; and to many it must be a wonderful revelation. It is fortunate for the birds that their period of infancy is so short, as otherwise their parents must utterly break down with the task of filling their ever-open mouths. Beginning at about 3:57 in the morning, these devoted parents worked almost with- out cessation till 7:50 in the evening, bring- ing food to their four young on an average of twelve times an hour ; or once every five minutes. What would human parents think of such work ? The question arises : When do the old birds eat ? In the case of a nest of this species watched by the writer on July II, 1898, feeding of the young ceased at 7:25 in the evening, when both parents flew away. In twenty-five minutes, that is, at 7:50, the female parent (presumably) re- turned and settled on the nest for the night. At that time it was so dark that all other birds had disappeared. It seems probable that in this last twenty-five minutes the parent birds filled their own stomachs for the night. The second of these papers is of a more prosaic character, but not the less interest- ing or useful. We have here a record in detail of the winter food of the Chickadee, showing how largely it consists of those minute insects, or their still more minute (97) 98 Bird -Lore eggs, that injure the trees and baffle the efforts of man for their extermination. In both papers we are shown the un- poetical but useful side of bird-life. These two confiding little birds have endeared themselves to their human neighbors by their gentle ways and familiar habits ; but in these papers Dr. Weed has shown us that they should be no less dear to us when viewed entirely from an economic stand- point. We hope he will give us more of this kind of literature. — F. E. L. Beal. Check List of British Columbia Birds. By John Fannin, Curator of the Pro- vincial Museum, Victoria, B. C. This list forms a part — pages 13-55 — oi the ' Preliminary Catalogue of the Collec- tions of Natural History and Ethnology in the Provincial Museum.' It enumerates 339 species and subspecies, with notes on their distribution, and will prove exceed- ingly useful to students of the bird-life of this interesting region, for a knowledge of the fauna of which we are so greatly in- debted to Mr. Fannin.— F. M. C. A Preliminary List of the Birds of Belknap and Merrimack Counties, New Hampshire, with Notes. By Ned Dear- born, Biological Laboratories, New Hampshire College, Durham. The author here presents the more im- portant results of ten years' observation, including also such information as he has gathered from other naturalists concerning the 187 species recorded from the region of which he writes. Mr. Dearborn's notes, we are glad to say, are not restricted solely to statements concerning the rarity or abundance and manner of occurrence of a given species, but often contain valuable remarks on habits which show him to be a discriminating student of the living bird.— F. M. C. Book News The origin of the present widespread in- terest in ornithology is so largely due to the influence of Dr. Coues' classic ' Key to North American Birds,' that we are sure bird students throughout the world will welcome the news that its author is engaged in a thorough revision of his epoch-making work. The new edition, which will be expanded to fill two volumes, will be richly illustrated by Mr. Fuertes, and while the advance made in the science of ornithology in the fifteen years which have elapsed since the publication of the second edition naturally leads us to expect some improve- ment in this forthcoming edition, our credi- bility in the powers of human achievement is severely taxed when Dr. Coues asks us to believe that the new ' Key ' will be as far ahead of the second as the second was beyond the first. The Wisconsin ' Arbor and Bird Day Annual ' for 1899, issued by L. D. Harvey, State Superintendent of Public Instruction (Madison, Wis.), is a most attractive and useful pamphlet of forty-five pages, con- taining original and selected contributions well suited to interest and instruct children in both the value and beauty of trees and birds. It may well stand as a model for publications of this nature. D. C. Heath & Co. have in preparation an elementary bird book by Fannie Hardy Eckstorm. The book is designed for use as a supplementary science reader, and it is the author's object to teach children what to see and how to see it ; and, at the same time, to provide them with something to do. The May issue of ' Primary Education ' (Educational Publishing Co.) is a 'Bird Day Number, ' and contains numerous con- tributions of value to teachers and students of birds. 'Our Dumb Animals,' the vigorously edited organ of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, says of Bird-Lore : " We recommend this publication to ex-Presidents Cleveland and Harrison. /^ n-oiild have much interested President Lincoln . ' ' ' By the Way-Side ' is the name of a bright little four-page bi-weekly issued by Helen M. Boynton, 118 Michigan, street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at one cent a copy. It is devoted to "birds, butterflies, trees, flowers, insects and fishes, and deserves the support of everyone interested in popu- larizing the study of these subjects. Editorials 99 A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. 1 June, 1899 No. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price ill the United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be' sent to the Publishers, at Englevvood, New Jersey, or 66 Fifth avenue, New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quatter a year, postage paid, foreign agents, Macmillan AND COMPANY, LTD., London. Manuscripts for publication, books, etc., for re- view, should be sent to the Editor at Englewood, New Jersey. Advertisements should be sent to the Pub- lishers at Englewood, New Jersey, or 66 Fifth avenue. New York City. COPYRIGHTED, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto : A Bird in the Bush is Worth Tzvo in the Hand. It has recently been remarked that the field ornithologists of to-day are of two kinds : first, those who collect ; second, those who observe. The status of these two types of ornithologists, and the parts they play in the advancement of the science of ornithology, is a subject of the utmost importance to every one interested in the study of birds. A consideration of it leads us to review briefly the progress which has been made in our knowledge of North American birds during the past twenty-five years. At the beginning of this period the Smith- sonian Institution contained the only large collection of North American birds in the world, and our data concerning the exact distribution and relationships of even our commonest species was of the most meager character. Since that date the publication of Baird, Brewer and Ridgway's ' History of North American Birds', of Coues' 'Key' and Ridgway's 'Manual'; the organization of the American Ornitholo- gists' Union and of the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture, and the establishment of several natural his- tory museums, have given a wonderful impetus to the collecting of birds. Natur- alists have explored every corner of the eastern United States, and, with almost equal thoroughness, the western states, and the fruits of their labors are shown in the large series of birds now possessed by our leading museums. In fact, we have now reached a point where only a thor- oughly trained ornithologist or his person- ally directed assistants can make collec- tions which will be of real scientific value. Indiscriminate collecting, therefore, par- ticularly in the eastern United States, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred will only result in the duplication of material already existing. Not only has there been a great advance in the requirements of collecting, but in the study of the specimens collected, and the systematic ornithologist who would hope to add anything to our knowledge of the distribution and relationships of any group of North American birds, must possess advantages which can be afforded only by well-equipped museums. Turning, now, to the other class of orni- thologists, the collectors of facts, we find that they have been far less active than collectors of skins. Thus, while we rarely or never refer to Wilson or Audubon or Nuttall for information concerning the systematic position of a species, these early writers are still authorities on facts connected with the life histories of many of our birds. This subject has been brought very forcibly to our mind by two papers pub- lished in this number of Bird-Lore, and, without going into details, we wish collect- ors of birds and their eggs would read carefully the articles entitled ' The Cardi- nal at the Hub' and ' Home-Life in a Chim- ney,' and then tell us frankly whether they do not think that the facts therein set forth constitute a more valuable contribution to the science of ornithology than a Cardi- nal's skin and five white egg-shells. If they are both discriminating and sincere, we believe they will admit the truth of Bird-Lore's motto. Cl)e ^utiubon Societies " i'oK cannot 'with a scalpel find the poet's soul. Nor yet the wild bird's sonff." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of tlie Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIEIIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries. New Hampshire Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss Harriet E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 187 Bowen street. Providence. Connecticut Mrs. Henry S. Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey Miss Anna Haviland, 53 Sandford Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Jwenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia. Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Wheeling, W. Va. (branch of Penn. Society).. Elizabeth I. Cummins, 1314 Chapline street. Wheeling. Ohio Miss Clara Russell, 903 Paradrome street, Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Iowa Miss Nellie S. Board, Keokuk. Wisconsin Mrs. George W. Peckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. Texas Miss Cecile Sei.xas, 2008 Thirty-ninth street, Galveston. California Mrs. George S. Gay, Redlands. A Bird Class for Children One of the most frequent questions asked by those seeking to win children to an appreciation of birds is, "How, when we have awakened the interest, can we keep it alive ? " The only way to accomplish this, to my thinking, is to take the children out-of- doors and introduce them to the ' bird in the bush,' to the bird as a citizen of a social world as real in all its duties and requirements as our own. There is a group of people with ultra theoretical tendencies, who insist upon con- sidering the bird merely as a feathered vertebrate that must not be in any way humanized, or taken from its perch in the evolutionary scheme, to be brought to the plane of our daily lives. In teaching children, I believe in striving to humanize the bird as far as is consistent with abso- lute truth, that the child may, through its own love of home, parents, and its various desires, be able to appreciate the corre- sponding traits in the bird. How can this best be done ? By reading to children ? That is one way ; and good, accurate, and interesting bird books are happily plenti- ful. But when the outdoor season comes, little heads grow tired of books, and any- thing that seems like a lesson is repugnant. Then comes the chance to form a bird class, or a bird party, if the word class seems too formidable. A dozen children are quite enough to be easily handled. The ages may range from six to twelve. Arrange to have them meet outdoors once a week, in the morning, during June and July. A pleasant garden or a vineclad piazza will do for a beginning ; it is inad- visable to tire children by taking them far afield until they have learned to iden- tify a few very common birds in their natural surroundings. Children who are familiar with even the very best pictures of birds must at first be puzzled by seeing the real bird at a dis- tance, and perhaps partly screened by foliage. The value of the outdoor bird class is, that to be successful it must teach rapid and accurate personal observa- tion. "Very true," you say, "but the birds The Audubon Societies will not stay still while the children are learning to observe." Yes; yet this diffi- culty may be met in two ways. If you are so situated that you can borrow say twenty-five mounted birds from a museum or the collection of a friend, you will have a very practical outfit. Choose four or five birds, not more for one day, take them outdoors, and place them in positions that shall resemble their natural haunts as much as possible. For example, place the Song Sparrow in a little bush, the Bluebird on a post, and the Chippy on a path. Let the children look at them near by and then at a dis- tance, so that a sense of proportion and color value will be developed uncon- sciously. After this, the written description of the habits of the birds, which you must read or tell the children, will have a different meaning. This method may be varied by looking up live specimens of the birds thus closely observed. " True, " you say again, "but I cannot beg or borrow any mounted birds." Then take the alternative. Buy from the Massachusetts Audubon Society, 234 Berkeley St., Boston, for a dollar, one of its Audubon Bird Charts. This chart is printed in bright colors and is accompanied by a little pamphlet describing the twenty- six common birds that are figured. These are the (i) Downy Woodpecker, (2) Flicker, (3) Chimney Swift, (4) Ruby-throated Hummingbird, (5) Kingbird, (6) Bluejay, (7) Bobolink, (8) Red-winged Blackbird, (g) Baltimore Oriole, (10) Purple Finch, (11) American Goldfinch, (12) Chipping Sparrow, (13) Song Sparrow, (14) Scarlet Tanager, (15) Barn Swallow, (16) Cedar Bird, (17) Red-eyed Vireo, (18) Black and White Warbler, (19) Yellow Warbler, (20) Catbird, (21) House Wren, (22) Chickadee, ^23) Golden-crowned Kinglet, (24) Wood Thrush, (25) American Robin, (26) Blue- bird. Cut the birds carefully from the chart, back them with cardboard, and either mount them on little wooden blocks, like paper dolls, or arrange them with wires, so that they can be fastened to twigs or bushes. You will be surprised to find how this scheme will interest the children, who may be allowed sometimes to place the birds themselves. For those too old for the cut-out pictures, the teachers' edition of 'Bird-Life', with the colored plates in portfolios, will be found invaluable. The separate pictures may be taken outdoors and placed in turn on an easel behind a leaf-covered frame, with excellent effects — a few natural touches and the transition from indoors out often changing one's entire point of view. One thing bearing on the question of bird study. If children ask you questions that you cannot answer, as they surely will, do not hesitate to say ' ' I don 't know. ' ' Never fill their minds with fables guised as science, that they must unlearn. Now a material point. When you have entertained your class for an hour, never more, lend the affair a picnic ending and give them a trifling lunch before they go ; something very simple will do — cookies and milk, or even animal crackers ! The young animal of the human species, as well as many others, is a complexity of stomach and brain, and it is well to admin- ister food to each in just proportion. M. O. W. Reports of Societies WISCONSIN SOCIETY Mrs. Elizabeth W. Peckham, secretary of the Wisconsin Society, sends to Mr. Stone the first annual report of that body, from which we extract the following : "This society was organized April 20, 1897. The first efforts of the executive board were in the direction of securing the cooperation of the press in this city and throughout the state. The response was most generous, and it is probable that more effective work has been done through this agency than in any other way. "The next appeal was to clergymen of all denominations, who were asked to preach upon the fashion of wearing wild bird feathers. Here, again, they received valuable aid and encouragement. I02 Bird- Lore "In May, loo circulars were sent to Milwaukee milliners, asking their assist- ance in the work of reform, and announc- ing that there would be held, in the fall, an Audubon millinery opening. This opening, which took place in October, was well attended, and served its purpose in calling attention to the existence and meaning of the society. "The cooperation of the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, and also of the Board of School Directors of this city, has been secured. The response of the Milwaukee School Board was especially cordial and encouraging. Talks upon the subject of bird protection have already been given in several of the city schools, and it is intended that the main work of the society for the coming year shall be done among the teachers and school chil- dren of the state. "The society is much to be congratu- lated in that, before it came into existence, Bird Day had been established in Wis- consin. We can only apprecia,te our good fortune in this respect by noting the dif- ficulties that are thrown in the way of the Audubon societies of other states when they attempt to win the consent of their legislatures to this step. We owe this great advantage to Mr. J. E. Morgan, of Sauk county. "Although our Audubon Society is one of the largest in the United States, we are working under great disadvantages, since we have, so far as we can discover, the smallest income of them all. In order that no one may be excluded, we have made our life membership fee ex- ceedingly small, so that it brings in an amount quite insufficient to meet the ex- penses of printing, buying and distribu- ting literature. We therefore make an earnest appeal to intelligent men and women to become members of the society, or to send us contributions of money. We are especially anxious to increase the number of our associate members, who pay one dollar a year, and thus provide us with a steady income. ' ' Mrs. Peckham reports a total member- ship of 5,141, and writes that since the publication of the report from which we have just quoted, "through the coopera- tion of our State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, our society has formed 175 branches among the school children. These branch societies include over four thousand members, including teachers and children." NEW HAMPSHIRE SOCIETY On the 6th day of April, 1897, at the call of Mrs. Arthur E. Clarke, a meeting was held at her residence in Manchester, for the purpose of organizing the New Hampshire Audubon Society, which was duly accomplished. The work of the society throughout the state is carried on by means of branch societies, the presidents of which act as vice-presidents of the state society ; or, when this is not practicable, local secre- taries are appointed to carry on the work, and such secretaries have already been appointed in more than twenty places. Special pains has been taken to in- fluence the children in the public schools. A junior Audubon society was early formed, and a very interesting meeting was held in June, 1897, at which about three hundred school chil- dren were present. A similar meeting was held in June, 1898, and it is pro- posed to hold others from time to time. With the same end in view, an ' Out- line of Bird Study ' was prepared for use in the schools. At the suggestion of the society, ex- tracts from the game laws of the state, relating to penalties for the destruction of song birds and their eggs, have been posted in conspicuous places, thanks to the prompt and energetic action of the street and park commissioners. Similar action has been taken in various other cities and towns. Lectures were given by Mrs. Orinda Hornbrooke, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer, on ' The Educational Side of Bird Pro- tection, ' and by Mrs. Harriet E. Rich- ards, secretary of the Massachusetts The Aububon Societies 103 society, on the general work of the Au- dubon societies. The society has distributed nearly 7,000 leaflets and circulars, several of them hav- ing been procured of the United States government, through the kindness of our members of Congress. An additional circular has recently been issued in which prizes are offered to the school children of New Hampshire on the following conditions : Two prizes, one of ten dollars and one of five dollars to chil- dren over twelve and under seventeen years of age ; and two more, one of five dollars and one of three dollars to children under twelve years of age. These prizes are to be awarded for the best composi- tions on ' Birds, ' the compositions to be written as the result of personal observa- tion, the contest to close January i, 1900. The society has adopted the bird chart lately published by the Massachusetts Society, and is introducing it as rapidly as possible into the schools of the state. Annie V. Batchelder, Scc'v. A Message from Madame Lehmann At the second annual meeting of the New York State Audubon Society, Mad- ame Lilli Lehmann, whose love of ani- mals is perhaps even greater than her love of music, made an eloquent appeal to women to cease from feather-wearing, which she characterized as a form of bar- barism, and to aid the Audubon Societies in their efforts to protect the birds. Through the editor of Bird-Lore, she sends to the Audubon Societies the fol- lowing message, the tenor of which, it will be noticed, is in close accord with the views of the editor of this Depart- ment, as expressed in the last issue of this Journal.— F. M. C. Madame Lehmann writes: "Tell the Societies that I take the greatest interest in their work, that I do everything I can, and every minute, if the occasion offers, to protect the birds. "Tell them, also, that it is the duty of everyone to sfeak and to do something every day for the cause ; that it is not sufficient to give a dollar or two — that alone will never help us. It is the living word, the reasons given, the good ex- ample and the teaching to everyone that can bring us further in civilization." Two New Audubon Societies We announce with pleasure the forma- tion of Audubon Societies in Texas and in California. The Texas Society was organized on March 4, at Galveston, with Miss Cecile Seixas as secretary. The organization of the California Society was lately completed at Redland, with Mrs. Geo. S. Gay as secretary. The addresses of the secretaries of these societies are given in our 'Directory,' and we trust that they will receive the cooperation of all bird-lovers in their respective states. American Society of Bird Restorers A report of the work of the American Society of Bird Restorers, prepared by Mr. Fletcher Osgood, its organizer and manager, will appear in Bird -Lore for August. Birds and Farmers It is pleasing to' know that some farmers are awakening to the fact that birds are an important factor in agriculture. At the last monthly meeting of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute of New York, the subject for discussion was "Birds and Their Relation to Agriculture.'' The subject was introduced by Mr. N. Hallock, who presented a well prepared paper giv- ing much valuable iaformation regarding birds as insect destroyers. These statistics were from publications of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture and from his own observa- tions. He strongly urged the protection of all birds from the farmer's standpoint. The paper was then discussed by the members present. Mr. William Dutcher, of the Executive Committee of the New York Audubon Society, who was present, addressed the Club, elaborating some of the statements in the paper under dis- cussion and emphasizing the fact that every bird an agriculturist permitted to be killed on his farm was a direct loss to him in money value. ■ ■■ JUST READY. PRICE, $1 NET... Nature Study For Grammar Grades A Manual for the Guidance of Pupils below the High School in the Study of Nature BY WILBUR S. JACKMAN, A.B. Dep't of Natural Science, Chicago Normal School Author of "Nature Study for the Common Schools," " Nature Study and Related Subjects, " Nature Study Record," " Field Work in Nature Study," etc. REVISED EDITION In preparing this Manual, it has been the author's aim to propose, within the com- prehension of grammar school pupils, a few of the problems which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, and to offer suggestions designed to lead to their solution. That pupils need some rational and definite directions in nature studj', all are gen- erally agreed. But to prepare the outlines and suggestive directions necessary, and to place these within the reach of each pupil, is more than anj^ ordinary teacher has time to do, even granting that she is fully prepared for such work. The utter futility of depending upon oral suggestions during the class hour, when the pupils are supposed to be doing individual work, is easily apparent on a moment's reflection. With a manual of directions in hand, each pupil may be made strictly responsible for a certain amount of work, either in the field or in the laboratory. This removes all occasion for that inter- ruption in his work, which is, otherwise, due to the pupil's attempt to think and at the same time hear what the teacher says. Recent Publications on Nature Study Bailey's Lessons with Plants $1.10 Suggestions for SeeRig and Interpreting some of the Common P'orms of Vegetation. Bailey's First Lessons With Plants . . 40 cts. net " Extremely original and unusually practical." Ingersoll's Wild Neighbors $1.50 " Instructive as well as delightful." — Popular Science Muiiihly. Lange's Hand-Book of Nature Study ... $1 net "The style of the book is fresh and inspiring." Murche's Science Readers. Vol. I. 25 cents. Vol. IV. 40 cents net. Vol. II. 25 cents. Vol. V. 50 cetUs net. Vol. III. 40 cents. Vol. VI. 50 cents net. Weed's Life Histories of American Insects. . $1.50 "An unusually attractive book." — Dial. Wilson's Nature Study in Elementary Schools. First Nature Reader 35 cents Second Nature Reader 35 cents Teacher's Manual 90 cents Wright's Citizen Bird $1.50 nef An interesting story, giving to the children much accurate information about Ameri- can birds. "Most delightful book on the subject yet printed in the I'nited States. I wish every boy and girl could read it." — J. M. Green- wood, Sup't Kansas City, Mo. Wright's Four-Footed Americans .... $1.50 net Four-Footed .American Mammals treated in story form in the manner of Citizen Bird. Wright's Birdcraft $2.50 net PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York ^■^ "-./*■ ^ ..'.liii. NESTING SITE OF CLI FF OR EAVE SWALLOWS, LITTLE MEDICINE RIVER, CARBON COUNTY, WVO. Photographed from nature by H. W. Menke.July 4, 1R98 Vol. 1 jgirti = lore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societies August, 1899 No. 4 Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home BY R. KEARTON, F. Z. S. Author of "Wild Life at Home: How to Study and Photograph It;" " With Nature and a Camera," etc. Y brother and I were both delighted to see the first number of Bird-Lore, and take the oppor- tunity of congratulating our naturalist and pho- graphic chums across the Atlantic upon having such a practical and highly interesting magazine to help them in their enchanting pursuits. Such a publication would "^^^^pgj^ have been a veritable godsend to us when we started our natural history photography. As we have had a good deal of experience in circumventing the cunning and timidity of the majority of wild creatures living in the British Isles, and the same characteristics in this respect are commoa to wild animals all the world over, I propose to tell by what means we have secured some of our rarest pictures. First of all, I ought to explain that we never use anything but a strongly built, half-plate stand camera, fitted with a Dallmeyer stig- matic lens, and an adjustable miniature on the top, which is used as a sort of view-finder when making studies of fiying birds and mam- mals in motion. When fixed in position, and its focus has been set exactly like its working companion beneath it, both are racked out in the same ratio by the screw dominating the larger apparatus which, when charged with a dark slide and stopped down according to the requirements of light and speed of exposure, needs no further atten- tion. When the combination is in use, the photographer focuses with his right hand, and, holding the air ball or reservoir of his pneu- matic tube in his left, squeezes it quickly and firmly directly he has achieved a sufficiently clear and strong definition of his object upon io8 Bird -Lore the ground glass of the miniature camera. This enables the operator to focus up to the last instant, and to select the best attitude of his ''sitter." We have a silent time-shutter built in behind the lens, and for very rapid work, such as flying bird studies, use a Thornton & Pickard focal plane shutter working up to the thousandth part of a second. Good apparatus, that will work under almost any conditions with precision and certaint3% must be possessed for the achievement of successful natural history work. We use the quickest plates made in the old country for the greater part of our work, although, of course, for still objects full of color, we cannot beat Ilford chromatic plates. We soon discovered that it was abso- lutely impossible to figure many timid birds at close quarters without some natural con- trivance in which the camera and its ope- rator could be effectually hidden. For the study of wood birds at home, we built an artificial tree trunk of sufficient internal capacity to contain either of two broad- shouldered Yorkshiremen. This is how we made it. Purchasing three pieces of stout bamboo, each 7 feet in length, I split them down the center and lashed each piece to three children's bowling hoops, the topmost and center ones being 24 inches in diame- ter, and the bottom one 27, so as to repre- sent the base of a tree and give the legs of our camera a greater stride. We then covered the whole with galvanized wire and a coat of green American cloth, which my wife painted to resemble the bark of a tree. After this we stuck bits of lichen and moss on to it, and then passed a number of bits of strong grey thread from the inside to the out. With these we tied on several pieces of ivy stripped from adjoining tree trunks, so as to make our contrivance look as natural as possible. How far we suc- ceeded in deceiving the feathered folks of Britain may be judged, when I state that one day a Chaffinch alighted on the broken top of our artificial forest monster and began to rattle off its song just over the unseen photographer's head. We should much like to hear of this device being tried by some- IN THE TREE-TOPS From Kearton's ' Wild Life at Horn cupyrighted by Cassell & Co., Ltd. Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home 109 one on American wood birds. Whoever makes and gets laced up inside an artificial tree trunk will discover that a peculiarly dizzying sensation attends the first attempt or two to stand for any length of time so encased. For some birds we fix up a mock camera near their nests or feed- ing haunts a few days before we attempt to make a picture. This can be easily done with a small wooden box and tin canister with its lid or bottom blackened to represent a lens. For photographing ground builders, such as Larks, Plovers, and so on, we built an artificial rubbish heap, such as farmers rake up off their grass land before laying it down to grow for hay time, and cart off to form rick bottoms. This we made from an old umbrella, to the ribs of which we lashed pieces of bamboo four feet in length. The whole was then covered with brown holland. To the outside we tied innumerable wisps of straw and rubbish, and as some sort of testimony to its effi- cacy, I need only mention that we have succeeded in photographing a Lark at her nest bang in the middle of a bare field, and one of our very shyest British Plovers, quite recently, sitting on its nest within a few feet of the lens. We next come to a consideration of how to photograph the eyries, eggs and young of such birds of prey as Eagles. Falcons and Ravens, that breed, at any rate so far as Britain is concerned, in the most inaccessible cliffs. The first business is to secure a couple of climbing ropes. We had ours specially manufactured for us, from the best manila hemp, by a London rope-maker of good repute. They are each two hun- dred feet in length. The guide rope is an inch and a half in circum- ference, and the descending rope, which has three loops at one end for the photographer to sit in, is two inches in circumference. It will thus be seen that both ropes are pretty stout, some folks might say unnecessarily stout, but it is better to be on the safe side, as a break and a fall of three or four hundred feet onto jagged crags or into the sea would be likely to send the photographer into perpetual retirement. It is a curious thing, but nevertheless true, that fictionists have fixed one idea in the mind of the public in regard to the danger attending a man hanging over a precipice on the end of a rope; viz., that all his danger comes from a probability of one or two of the strands of his rope getting chafed in two over some sharp rock. I am frequently asked, after my lectures, the question: "Has your brother ever had a narrow escape from the rope nearly getting chafed in twain?" They seem genuinely disappointed because he has not no Bird -Lore been hauled up on the last faithful strand of a rope, with his hair standing on end, his face o'erspread with an unspeakable horror, and then fainted dead away on reaching terra finiia. I have heard a lot of terrible tales about chafing ropes, but as DESCENDING AN 0\'EH H ANGI NCr CLIFF From Kearton's ' Wild Life at Home,' copyrighted by Cassell & Co., Ltd. a matter of fact, there are dangers a thousand times greater if less picturesque ; such, for instance, as a prosaic little stone, no bigger than an orange, being dragged out of its bed by one of the ropes when the Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home m photographer is being hauled up a chff, and, after dropping a hundred feet or so, aHghting pkimp on the head of the unsuspecting camera man. My brother has had one or two narrow escapes of this kind, though never the shadow of one from a chafing rope. Upon setting forth to photograph the eyries of cliff - breeding PHOTOGRAPHING A CORMORAiNT From Kearton's ' Wild Life at Home,' copyrighted by Cassell cS: Co., Ltd. birds, we equip ourselves with (i) our ropes; (2) a stout crowbar: (3) a good, strong, level-headed assistant (nervous or careless assist- ants should be studiously avoided, as the one kind of man is as dan- gerous as the other), that can be relied upon; (4) a revolver; (5) a camera ; (6) a photographer who. in addition to being a good athlete 112 Bird -Lore and gymnast, possesses no nerves at all, and can, in consequence, stand on the very lip of a cliff a thousand feet sheer, as he would do on the gutter edge of a sidewalk, and look straight below him. I would advise all who do not possess the above qualities, more or less, to leave cliff photography severely alone, as walking back- wards into a yawning abyss, even on the end of a good, stout rope, feels uncommonly like stepping into eternity, and I would not like to have the blood of any American cousin on my head. Upon reaching the edge of any precipice wherein we suspect, say an Eagle, to be breeding, we step as close to the lip of the crag as possible. I hold the revolver over my head, fire, and watch to see where a bird flies out. Should one do so we mark the spot, drive our crowbar into the ground above it, tie one end of the guide rope securely to it and fling the rest down into the chasm below. The photographer lashes his camera to his back, dons the three loops at the end of the descending rope round his hips, the rope is then passed once round the crowbar, and the assistant pays it out from behind, whilst the photographer, steadying himself by means of the guide-rope, literally walks backwards down the cliff. Before going down, however, he takes good care to clear away all the loose stones and rubble, for if he did not do so they would be sure to be dislodged by the rope when he comes up. Upon reaching an eyrie, if it is situated on a ledge wide enough to set the tripod of the camera on, he does so and makes his studies, taking good care not to let go his ropes. If the nest should be on a ledge too narrow to set the apparatus upon, my brother passes two of the legs of his tripod through a belt round his waist and the third into any convenient crevice he can find, and with his body practically at right angles to the face of the crag and his camera almost resting on his chest, focusses and takes his picture. I feel that I have barely touched the fringe of my subject in this short article, but I have no doubt that to the man equipped with a decent camera and a genuine love of nature, the hints I have given will be sufficient to set him to work natural history picture-making, and, as an old farmer, I know enough of American ingenuity in tool-making to convince me that there is no bird or beast living in the western world that cannot be photographed, living, loving, and laboring in its free, open-air home. Any way, every reader of Bird-Lore has the best wishes of the brothers Kearton. Two Nova Scotia Photographs BY C. -WILL BEEBE With photographs from nature by the author. THE slate-colored Junco or Snowbird breeds very abundantly in the fields of Digby county, Nova 7' j'-^-'i: V ^' Scotia, and its neat nests are often so artistically placed that they are a continual temptation to the naturalist photographer. One nest, in particular, with four eggs, was especially beautiful, seen through the ground glass of the camera, the contrast be- tween the eggs and the waxy green leaves and scarlet fruit of the bunch-berries near it making one long for color photography. This nest was in a field, five feet from a road, and partly protected by a tiny bank of turf. ^o^ Five days after the photograph was taken the eggs hatched, and four balls of long, jet-black fuzz appeared. Daily twelve-hour meals of green measuring-worms, provided by the parents, wrought marvels in the appearance of the young birds, and in a surprisingly short time a second suit of streaked black and brown was assumed. In this, perhaps, the facsimile of their ancestors' plumage, they left the (113) 114 Bird -Lore nest, and apparently lost individuality among the large flocks of their species. Another abundant summer bird of this part of Nova Scotia is the Night-hawk, the name being almost a misnomer, as they are visi- ble in numbers, flying all day. But all do not depart from their usual custom of sleeping during the day, as is shown in the accom- panying photograph, taken about ir a. m. one August day, 1898. NIGHT-HAWK ASLEEP While walking along a railroad track, I noticed this bird resting in a fallen trunk about four feet from the track. I focused my camera and made the exposure without disturbing the bird in the least. A train had passed not long before, so it could hardl}' have been asleep more than an hour. The characteristic longitudinal position assumed by this bird in perching is well shown, and its protective coloring makes it appear a mere excrescence on the bark. When it awoke what a dream it might relate to its companions of being approached by a horrible one-eyed, three-legged creature, which at a glance made it immortal I The photograph of the J unco's nest and eggs was made with a 128 opening and a 4-second exposure, while that of the Night- hawk was stopped at G4. with an exposure of two seconds. J)^=- W'"-"^ ^Mll In the Spartina with the Swallows BY O. WIDMANN APLE LAKE, in St. Charles county, Mo., is one of a series of lakes situated between the bluffs and the Mississippi River. The bluffs are four to five miles from the river bank, thus leaving a wide stretch of alluvial land, lowest toward the bluffs, forming an ex- tended, nearly level marsh, mostly too wet and poor for cultivation, and covered with square miles of cord- grass (^Spar/ina cyiiostiroides). In dry summers or on higher levels it reaches only a height of three or four feet, but in wet summers, as for instance in i8g8, it attains the stately height of six to eight feet, with such a dense growth of rigid leaves that it is hard work to walk or even drive through. As a commercial article it is worth very little, though it will make good paper. When young it is liked b}' horses and cattle, and when two feet high it makes pretty good hay, which is sometimes baled and sold as prairie hay. But while man does not yet know how to make good use of it, birds do, especially some species of the families Hirundinidae and Icteridae — the Swallow and Blackbird families — who find in the spar- tina the material for a good and safe dormitory. Hundreds of acres of this grass cover the region about Maple Lake, and as they are within the confines of one of the best managed club grounds, where neither plow nor cattle, neither drainage nor fire are allowed, they serve many kinds of birds for a roosting place at all seasons of the year, but especially in fall migration. Of Swallows, the most numerous frequenters are the Eaves, the Tree or Whitebreasts, and the Roughwings, and they show their appreciation of this rare place of security and peace by coming early in the season and staying late. When the Eaves have become strangers at their breeding stations for a long time, the marsh is the place to find them in plent}'. Here is the place to look for the first Whitebreast of the year as early as the second week of March, and for the last, in the third week of October. For two months, from the middle of August to the middle of October, a cloud of Swallows may be seen every evening, just before dark, hovering over the most remote and inaccessible part of the immense spartina waste, and wherever you are in the marsh in the late afternoon, you cannot fail to notice innumerable Swal- lows skimming the grassy ocean and the adjacent lakes. If toward sunset you Avatch them closely, you will find that, though they may linger long on some favorite hunting ground, the general (115) ii6 Bird -Lore trend is toward one particular region, and if you will wait long enough, you will find that the}^ have all disappeared in that direc- tion and that, when almost dark, belated parties passing by go in a straight line direct for the same unknown destination. Certainly a most interesting sight for the naturalist to see so many of these lovely, lively, likeh' creatures passing over, about and around you. z^:/»."^ ' TREE (iR \\IIITEI5REASTE11 SWALLOWS Photographed from nature by Edward Van Altena, Alpine, N, J., September, 1898 all governed by one idea, all driven by one common impulse, all eager to reach the same aim, the common roost I Where is the roost ? Where do all these birds spend the night ? How do they retire in the evening, and what is their conduct when they leave their night-quarters in the morning ? In spite of their large numbers and generally unconcealed activity, the answer to these questions is not quite easy. Otherwise confiding creatures. Swallows are careful to keep the exact location of their roost as much as possible a secret from the outer world. Neither the persons who live in the neighborhood of the marsh, nor the hunters who desecrate its sanctity, could tell you where In the Spartina with the Swallows 117 the Swallows roost. It requires the persistent efforts and full attention of the naturalist to show you where and how his favorite bird goes to rest and how it sets out and enters upon the duties and pleasures of another day. You have to be after nightfall, alone with the mosquitos and other pests, in the wide, wet and pathless marsh, and again before the faintest glimmer announces the approach of day. But select a day in the latter part of August or the first half of September, and follow me. We are up early, to be on the grounds before 5 a. m. ; the stars are vanishing, one after the other, and the first dawn appears on the eastern horizon : the air is cool and misty, the grass loaded with heavy dew, but we have to plow our way through as best w^e can. By previous observation we have located the whereabouts of our birds, and we are now fast ap- proaching their sanctum, all alive and alert for the expected dis- closures. Before this, only the hooting of the Barred Owl in the distant woods had broken the silence, but now comes from the depth of his private retreat, the sleepy 'seewick' of the Henslow's Sparrow, and at the same time the weak but lively ' chip chip churr ' of the Short- billed Marsh Wren. ' Pink, pink, pink ' exclaims the Bobolink, whom we have startled from his slumber of repose, and, as we advance, up go some Swallows, one by one. to the right, to the left, in front of us, not in masses or bunches, but singly, every few yards one or two flying up, silent, and on wings heavy with dew. Dawn has been making fast progress the last few minutes, and we can see quite a little distance through the misty air. Now is the time when the Swallows begin of their own accord to lea,ve their perch down in the depths of the spartina and fly with heavy wing through the cool and foggy layer below into the clearer atmoshere above, where the sun's first rays will soon dispel the chilly dampness of their plumage. While we are still absorbed in the astounding spectacle, daylight is stealing quietly into the novel scene, and discloses the presence of greater and greater numbers of Swallows as far as the eye can reach. Many have gained enormous heights, and are soaring majestically in the sun-kissed zenith. Not so voiceless as the Swallows do the Bobolinks leave the roost. Their pink is continually in the air, and numerous par- ties are seen passing over, drifting into all directions of the compass. Some alight again, all in their yellow traveling suits, with the exception of one who has a little song for us and wears a somewhat mottled garb with whitish rump. Long-stretched flocks of Redwings pass in one direction, troops of Frackles in another ; but. on the whole they do not n8 Bird-Lore • present anything like the grand spectacle they will later in the year, when migration sends millions of them to this marsh. The sun is up now, and a little wind is stirring and dispels the clamni}' dampness of the air. Shortbills sing on all sides, and a few Marylands and Henslows are also heard to sing. Great Blue Herons are on the move, and the Marsh Hawk is at work. A Bittern wings its way across the marsh, attended by a committee of inquisitive young Eaves. There is a peculiar movement now among the Swal- lows. They seem to concentrate their forces. Let us follow them, and be treated to an unexpected sight. Fifty thousand Eave Swallows are seated on the protruding tops of sunflowers, which grow here among the spartina in restricted areas, cov- ering a few acres in the middle of the marsh ! They sit, several on one plant, as close together as the branches and their weight allow. We draw nearer, until we are within twenty 3'ards of the assembly. The birds must see us, but do not mind, and we have excellent opportunity to watch them. Their numbers are still swelling. The long, narrow, ridge-like stretch of sunflowers is filling up more and more. From the north comes a steady flow of Eaves, all bound for the con- vention. It is now 6 A. M. ; the influx of arrivals from the north has ceased, and all seem ready for the opening of the session ; but they do not look as if they were going to transact important business. Some fly up from time to time, draw a few circles and sit down again. Most of them look tired, as if they had already performed a most fatiguing task. The majority are young fellows, all Eaves, in pale attire, some so small as if not fully grown ; but there are also many adults in high dress among them. All are enjoying their rest, some are preening their feathers, others half close their eyes and puff up their plumage, as if going to sleep. There are still some high up in the ether enjoying their enviable wing power ; others are hunting low over the marsh, in company with Whitebreasts. Although the two species hunt, fl}' and roost together, the}' do not hold their meetings together. The Whitebreasts' assemblages are held over water. They betake themselves to a pond or lake, and find a perch on the pods, stalks and projecting leaves of the lotus {Nclumbo liitea), with which some of these shallow waters of the marsh are literally covered. There is a small pond only a quarter of a mile from the sunflower patch, and this is now just full of Whitebreasts. Now and then a little cloud of them rises from the pond, and after a few evolutions settles down again. There are only a few hundred ; the height of their autumnal wandering is several weeks behind that of the Eaves. These are most numerous in late In the Spartina with the Swallows 119 August and early September : but, as their number decreases, that of the Whitebreasts hicreases, reaching tlie height at the time the Eaves depart. In summer the roost belongs almost entirely to the Eaves, who flock here from the surrounding country. So do the Roughwings. a few hundred only, and some Barn Swallows and Whitebreasts, which two species are not numerous breeders in this region. As soon as migration begins, about the middle of August, the TREE OR WHITEBREASTED SWALLOWS Immature liirds on the ground gathering nesting material, which they drop after carrying a short distance, thus apparently giving a premature exhibition of the nest-building instinct Piicto^raphed from nature by Frank M, Chapman, Leonia, N- J,, August, 1897 Eaves are greatly reinforced, and for the next four weeks enormous numbers are present, but it is probable that they are not always the same individuals, as their numbers vary from day to day. It seems they perform their migrations b}' stages, from roost to roost, employ- ing mainly the first hour of the morning for their flights, spending the day resting and feeding in the region surrounding the roost. The substitution of arriving Whitebreasts for departing Eaves is in the beginning almost imperceptible, but at last we see that the one has taken the place of the other entirely. The Roughwings become I20 Bird -Lore more numerous in early September, and many remain, with a few Barn Swallows, into October, but the latter are never conspicuous at this roost. Martms and Bank Swallows are only accidental visitors to this roost. The Whitebreasts remain numerous to the middle of October, and small detachments linger even a week longer. Most of the Eaves that have been gathering on the sunflowers before 6 a. m. are still there at 8 a. isi., and the Whitebreasts are also on the lotus yet ; but an hour later, when the sun has heated the marsh and started the winged insects on their aerial mission, the time for activity has arrived, and the meetings are adjourned, the birds dispersed. We, too, will adjourn, with the promise to be back for another meeting in the evening. When migration is well under way, the collecting of the Eaves and Whitebreasts begins early in the evening ; in fact, large droves are met at all hours of the day, play- fully gyrating in the blue heavens above, or describing endless curves upon the glittering marsh beneath. The Roughwings are seldom seen in the marsh in daytime. As soon as they leave the roost at early dawn, they hurry away to their accustomed haunts along the water courses in the timber, where they collect on the branches of a dead tree on the bank, if possible over water. There they sit, soon after daybreak, fifty to one hundred together, silent and lost in medi- tation, patiently awaiting the dissipation of the vapory dimness, the signal for activity. They are greatly attached to these meeting- places, and resort to them often in daytime as well as in the even- ing. Indeed, these gatherings of Roughwings on certain dead trees along our woodland lakes and streams are quite a feature of the landscape from July till October. Often their ranks are considerably swelled by an admixture of other Swallows — oftenest the Bank Swal- lows, who join them on their entomologizing excursions, and find it congenial to spend some time on the same perch with their gentle cousins. In fall migration, the different kinds of Swallows like to mix, hunt and rest together, and it is nothing rare to find four or five species sitting side by side. To be sure of a full view of the whole performance, we are in the marsh as early as 5 p. m., and take a stand west of the roost to have a good light, and also to be in a position where we can overlook part of Maple Lake, over which a large number of Swallows take their way. Indeed, we find them already plentiful, and watch their actions. A few dozens are sitting on the plant stalks projecting from the water, mostly Whitebreasts. From the west comes a pretty steady stream of Eaves. When they reach the spot where the Whitebreasts are gathering now, they pause a moment, and, hovering, take a drink, several at once, after which In the Spartina with the Swallows 121 they continue their course. Is it not strange tliat they seem to think that this is the only place for Eaves to drink, though the lake is half a mile long ? Bobolinks also arrive in the marsh ; small parties pass over, and their pink is often in the air. It is now 5.30 v. .m. More Eaves come, drink, and move on. We move, too, following them through the high spartina until we see in the distance an oasis of black dots in the yellow sea of grasses. While we are still advancing, a I ^ < *^ f ^— f — ^f—^ M ^-^ — f ' BIRD NOTES TREE SWALLOWS Photographed from nature by Frank M. Chapman Pigeon Hawk darts over our heads, going straight for the oasis. In less than no time the black dots take wing and up goes the whole congregation of Eaves, up, up, scattering to all winds, and disappearing for several minutes. But the disturber is gone, and the frightened birds find courage to return and sit down again on their favorite weeds, from which they can overlook the marsh for miles around. The Bobohnks, for whose special benefit the Hawk's visit was this time meant, are still hovering in the air, but new troops arrive, and after some aimless drifting all settle down to roost amongst the grasses. The sun is down now, and perfect streams of Swallows are flow- ing from all sides toward the oasis in the center. This is the mo- ment when the Whitebreasts, who for the last hour have been con- gregating on the lotus of the neighboring lakes, mingle with the passing Eaves and accompany them to the common roost. The Roughwings, too, have left their haunts and are appearing in the marsh. The light of day is waning fast, and the smoky air gets dim and misty. The assembled Eaves are now seen to rise in clouds from their oasis, mix their forces with the invading army, and the grandest 122 Bird -Lore spectacle ensues. At first it looks as if confusion reigned, but soon the hosts of fleet-winged birds no longer whirl aimlessly through space. All mass and muster, and perform strange evolutions with amazing swiftness and precision. Now we see them scattering and spreading over the whole area on which they intend to roost, appa- rently to make sure that no danger lurks beneath the grasses. Here they come, skimming, almost touching, the spartina, pass by, and speed onward until lost to sight for a few moments, when all at once a great cloud of moving specks is visible in the distant sky. The specks are Swallows, and the cloud has life ; it moves, it rolls, it swells, it conies, it breaks and, like a torrent of wing-borne arrows, darts upon us, scattering and spreading out, as it descends for another wild dash low over the spartina. The same wonderful maneuvers repeat themselves as long as the evening twilight lasts, and, though with each descent the cloud does shrink in size, it does not cease to rise again until black night has fully settled down, and even after dark small droves of be- wildered birds rush madly by our side. Being well within the range of the now settled birds, we cannot go away without disturbing some in their repose ; although they are dispersed over a large area, every now and then one will be seen to scamper out and vanish in the darkness. VOUNG EUROPEAN MARTINS AND XEST Photographed from nature by '* C. R." Watching the Bittern ' Pump ' BY BRADFORD TORREY IXCE I printed, in 'The Auk' (Vol. vi, p. i), a descrip- tion of the Bittern's vocal performances, I have wit- nessed a repetition of them on three occasions ; and the story of my successes, such as they are, may be en- couraging to the younger readers of Bird-Lore. The remarkable sounds, sometimes likened to those of an old-fashioned wooden pump, sometimes to those made by a man driving a stake in wet soil ( and the likeness is unmistakable, not to say perfect, in both cases), must have attracted attention, we may suppose, ever since the settlement of the country. The dullest person could not hear them, it would seem, without wondering how and by what they were produced. But up to the time of my -Auk' article, there was only one authentic record, so far as I am aware, that the bird had ever been seen in the act of uttering them. For my own part, having never lived near a meadow adapted to the Bittern's purposes, I had never so much as heard his famous 'boom,' though references to it here and there, in the writ- ings of Thoreau especially, had given me a lively desire to do so. It was a strange accident, surely, that the first Bittern I had ever heard should show himself so openly and for so long a time. Be- ginners' luck, we may call it, and be thankful that such providential encouragements are not so very uncommon. As the Scripture says, "The last shall be first." On the 2d of May, i88g, a year after the observations recorded in 'The Auk' article, I was lying upon a cliff on the edge of a cat- tail swamp, listening for Rail notes or a Least Bittern's coo, when a Bittern, very much to my surprise, pumped almost at my feet. By good luck a small wooded peninsula jutted into the swamp just at that point (the swamp, I regret to sa}^, has since been converted into a town reservoir), and, keeping in the shelter of rocks and trees, I stole out to its very tip unobserved. Two or three times the notes were repeated, but I could get no sight of the performer. Then, all in a flash, he stood before me — as no doubt he had been doing all the while — in full view, just across a narrow space of open water against a patch of cat-tails. He had taken no alarm, and pumped six or eight times while I stood, opera-glass in hand, watching his slightest motion. Then he stalked away into the reeds, pumped twice, — behind the scenes, as it were, — and fell silent. Two days later I went to the Wayland meadows, where I had (123) 124 Bird -Lore seen my bird of the year previous, and there, seated upon the rail- road embankment, as before, I watched a Bittern pump at short inter- vals for more than an hour. Most of the time he was more or less hidden by the low grass, through which he was slowly traveling down the meadow ; but once, coming near the remains of a last year's haycock, he went a little out of his way, mounted it, and boomed in full sight. The Bittern is a wader and a recluse, but once in a while, it appears, he has no objection to a clear platform and dry feet. I felt myself highly favored. Twice within three days I had been admitted to "assist" at mysteries of which Thoreau, who spent his life in the best of Bittern country, had never obtained so much as a glimpse. Exactly a year afterward (May 4, i8go) I was strolling along a road near home, when from a meadow beside it came the now familiar pumping notes. I made toward the spot, and by the help of a clump of alder bushes approached within a very short distance of the bird, who stood in short grass, quite unconcealed. A migra- tory visitor only, he must have been, for I am certain that no Bittern ever summered in that place during my years of residence near it. I watched him at his work till I was tired. Then, bethinking myself of a friend and neighbor who knew nothing about birds, but had once expressed to me a curiosity about the 'Stake-driver,' I walked to the village, rang his doorbell, and invited him to go back with me to see the show. The showman was still rehearsing, and we stole upon him without difficulty, and saw as much as we wished of his doings. Though it was Sunday morning, and the bird was as serious as any parson, we took the liberty of laughing a little at his absurd contortions. Since then I have heard the Bittern's music on sundry occasions, but never have found it possible to come within sight of him in the act of making it. Once, I remember, I was sitting upon a road- side fence, reading, when a carriage stopped and an unrecognized feminine voice said: "Do you see that Heron behind you, Mr. Tor- rey ? " The "Heron" was Botaunts Icntigiuosiis, in a bit of low ground close by a house. I shut my book and gave him my attention, which he presently rewarded by catching and swallowing a snake. This was in autumn, when Bitterns, like lesser birds, are liable to turn up in unexpected quarters. The reader may take the incident, if he will, as a warning against the reading of print out of doors. As a general thing, we may safely say, Nature's page is better than a book. One season a friend and myself became much interested in the qiiestion as to the relative "carrying power' of the three notes or Hints to Young Bird Students i^5 syllables of which the Bittern's music is composed. The discussion began by our hearing a single far-away note, repeated at the proper intervals, at a time when we could not well follow it up. Later' inves- tigation, to our no small surprise, compelled us to settle down upon the conclusion that the first note was the one last to be lost as we traveled away from the bird. We were surprised, I say, for the second note is the one which bears, or seems to bear, the accent. Plum-pi(d-ir n, the creature appears to say, with an emphasis fairly to be called violent upon the middle note. ^^"hy, then, should not the middle note be heard farthest ? What is emphasis, anyhow, if not, as the dictionary says, a "special force of voice. " Could there be something peculiar, we asked ourselves, in the quality of the first syllable, which made it carry beyond the others ? We discussed the matter eagerly, trudging to and fro to make certain of the fact itself, and agreed, if I remember rightly, upon a plausible explanation. As I review the case, however, I am so much in doubt as to the correct- ness of our theory that it seems quite as well not to state it, but to leave the question to any Bird-Lore reader who may some day have nothing better to do than to investigate it for himself. Jfor Ceacl)er0 anti ^tutient0 Hints to Young Bird Students^' Birds Through a Telescope The season is approaching when the migration of birds may be studied to advantage through a telescope. A 2- inch hand glass may be used, though a higher power is preferable. It should be focused on the moon, across the surface of which the bird is seen passing. September 3, 1887, at Tenafly, N. J., Mr. John Tatlock, Jr , and myself, using a 6j4-inch equatorial, saw 262 birds cross the moon's disc between the hours of eight and eleven (The Auk, V, p. 37), and we have since repeated the observation. Studies of this nature should throw much light on the question of ' highways of migration, ' and at the same time furnish an idea of the number of birds passing through a given space during a given time ; and, more particularly, they should tell us the height at which birds perform their nocturnal journeys. Mr. Tatlock and myself solved this latter problem by a hypothetical assump- tion of the inferior and superior distances at which a bird would be visible. In this way we arrived at the conclusion that the birds seen were between one and three miles above the earth. Until recently this theory has lacked confirmation, but I now learn from Dr. William R. Brooks, Director of Smith Observatory, at Geneva, N. Y. , that during the evening of May 23, 1899, while observing the moon through his lo^-inch refracting telescope, using a power of 100 diameters, he saw some forty birds cross the field of vision. Dr. Brooks states that from the distinctness of the image and the fact that from three to five seconds were required by each bird to cross the seg- ment of the moon in the field of the telescope, he estimates the birds to have been distant about seven and a half miles, and further calculation, based on this estimate, places them about two miles above the earth. — Frank M. Chapman. The Cardinal in Maine This incident is vouched for by Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, National President of the W C. T. U. Several years ago, after the first snow- fall at Stroudwater, Maine, Mr. Stevens hurried into the house one morning to ask his wife to come and see a handsome, but cold and hungry-looking, red bird, in a shrub near the door. Mrs. Stevens saw that it was a Cardinal Grosbeak, and, placing some food in a large cage, she set it near the bush. The Cardinal soon hopped inside, and was safely convoyed indoors under cover of a blanket. A happy season began. He was given the freedom of the room, and became very tame and companionable. In the spring, as soon as the red bird grew restless and the weather mild, he was let loose, and flew away. In the fall, with the first cold snap, came the Cardinal, to spend his second winter in the old home. Again in the spring, when the restless- ness re-appeared, Mrs. Stevens wanted to let the bird fly, but yielded to the judg- ment of her husband, who advised delay, lest cold and hunger overtake the little way- farer. Nature, however, avenged the violation of instinct ; in a few days the Cardinal drooped, refused to avail him- self of liberty, and died. — Ella Gilbert Ives, Dorchester, Mass. A Useful Bird In speaking of the economic value of cer- tain of our birds, a lecturer, quoting Pro- fessor Beal, said that in Iowa the Tree Sparrow was estimated to destroy 875 tons of the seeds of no.xious weeds annually. As reported in a local paper, this state- ment read : " The Tree or Chipping Spar- row destroyed, as discovered by scientific observation, 640,000 tons of the eggs and young of harmful insects." (132) Hoofe jBteto0 anD 3^ebieta0 Wild Life at Home : How to Study and Photograph It. By Richard Kearton, F. Z. S. Fully Illustrated by Photo- graphs taken Direct from Nature by C. Kearton. Cassell & Company, Ltd., London, Paris, New York, and Mel- bourne, 1898. i2mo. , pp. xiv + 188. Numerous half-tones. Price, $1.50. In this book, Mr. Kearton and his brother show that their patience and in- genuity, as well as their field of work, are inexhaustible. It differs from ' With Nature and a Camera ' chiefly in being addressed more especially to photogra- phers, the opening chapters being devoted to a description of the outfit required, with practical suggestions as to its use. These are followed by chapters on ' Birds, ' 'Mammals', 'Insects,' and the life of ' Pond, River and Seashores. ' The illustrations are fully up to the standard of previous work by the same authors, which we have before had occasion to praise so highly, and continued experi- ence with a camera leads us to appreciate more fully than ever the truly marvellous pictures they have secured. Mr. Kearton 's paper in this number of Bird-Lore ad- mirably illustrates the practicability of his advice to naturalist-photographers, who, in ' Wild Life at Home ' will find both instruction and encouragement. The book should be in every naturalist's library, whether or not he uses a camera. F. M. C. Birds. By Annie M. Grant. Report of the R. I. Board of Agriculture, 1899. The Birds of Ontario, in Relation to Agriculture. By Chas. W. Nash, On- tario Department of Agriculture, Toronto. In Mrs. Grant's paper we have an epitome of a great amount of useful in- formation. The horticultural and agri- cultural societies are doing a good work in publishing such papers in their reports, thus ensuring to them a wide circulation among the class who most need this kind of literature. In that portion of her paper devoted to the 'Decrease in Bird-life,' Mrs. Grant puts her finger on some very sore spots. There can be no doubt that much harm has been done through egg-collecting by pseudo-naturalists, who make no use of their collections except to boast of their size and rarity, and who gather thousands of extra sets for purposes of exchange. Another element of bird destruction is seen in the South, where our common singing birds are so generally offered for sale in the market as food. A campaign of education is needed here. The time wasted in shooting these useful creatures would, if properly applied, produce more and better meat in the shape of domestic poultry, or other equally palatable food. We hope Mrs. Grant will continue her good work. In Mr. Nash's paper we have another concise statement of the facts with re- gard to the usefulness of birds from an agricultural point of view. The case of the birds of prey is very clearly and for- cibly presented. When these birds do harm — as when they pick up a stray chicken — the evil is open and apparent to everybody ; but the good work they are constantly doing is only appreciated after the most careful and systematic ob- servation. The depredations of the vast hordes of small mammals is a constant menace to the interests of husbandry, and more especially to horticulture. Without question, the Hawks and Owls are the most efficient checks upon the in- crease of these creatures, and it cannot be too often or too forcibly impressed upon the farmers that these birds should be rigorously protected. With regard to the other birds, the case is equally well put, and illustrated by many interesting and valuable obser- vations and experiments. There can be no question that this is a valuable pa- per, and that it deserves a wide circu- lation among agricultural people. As to the merits of the illustrations (133) 134 Bird -Lore with which it is embellished, there may be differences of opinion. — F. E. T.. Beal. On the Birds' Highway. By Reginald Heber Howe, Jr. With Photographic Illustrations by the Author, and a Frontispiece in color from a Painting by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. This is a contribution to the class of literature which John Burroughs and Bradford Torrey have made so deservedly ly popular. It cannot, however, be said that the author has reached the standard of his prototypes. His observations were made in the Atlantic states from Vir- ginia to Maine, and his descriptions bear evidence of sympathy with his subject. The illustrations include an admirable frontispiece of Chickadees by Louis Fuertes, thirteen full - page half-tones, for the most part illustrating the locali- ties described, and numerous half-tone ' thumb-nail pictures ' in the text, largely taken from mounted birds. Some of the latter are effective ; others are too small or too indistinct to be of value to those who would need them. An appendix gives nominal lists of the birds observed at Bristol, R. L : Wash- ington, D. C ; Chevy Chase, Md ; Hub- bardstown, Mass., and Chateaugay Lake, N. Y.— F. M. C. The Danger of Introducing Noxious Animals and Birds. By T. S. Palmer. Yearbook of the Department of Agri- culture for 1898, pp., 87-110; I half- tone plate and 6 cuts in the text. Birds as Weed Destroyers. By Syl- vester D. JuDD. Yearbook of the De- partment of Agriculture for i8g8, pp., 221-232 ; I half-tone plate and 7 cuts in the text. Economic Relations of Birds and Their Food By F. E. L. Beal. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Twenty- fourth Annual Meeting of the New Jersey State Horticultural Society, Janu- ary 4 and 5, 1899 As long as man's attitude toward nature is the standpoint of dollars and cents, bird-lovers will welcome every fact which places them in possession of a fresh argu- ment to be used where appeals to senti- ment are of no avail. It is, therefore, with great satisfaction that we receive these sound, convincing papers on economic zoology. Dr. Palmer's paper has long been needed and, fortunately or unfortunately, so unanswerable are the facts which he presents, that one would imagine universal knowledge of them would be all that was necessary to avert further danger from the introduction of exotic species. The subject, however, should receive the prompt attention of legislators, in order that it may be duly placed under the control of the proper authorities — obvi- ously the officials of the Biologic Survey of the United States Department of Agri- culture. In giving us the results of his studies of the food of certain seed-eating birds, Dr Judd at the same time places their economic importance so far beyond dis- pute that we trust every agriculturist in the land may become fj^miliar with his- facts and figures. None of the many valuable papers issued by the Biological Survey has had a more obvious value than this one. In his lecture before the New Jersey- Horticultural Society, Professor Beal dis- cusses unprejudicedly birds' power for good or evil. ,He shows that while in- sects, especially certain noxious species, have greatly increased since the settle- ment of this country, birds have decreased, and that in order to restore the balance disturbed by man, an increase in the number of our birds is greatly to be desired, — F". M. C. Book News Every lover of animals must rejoice in the phenomenal success achieved by Ernest Seton Thompson's 'Wild Animals I have Known.' Although published only last October, over 14,000 copies have been sold, and the book's popularity increases as its charm becomes more widely known. Mr. Thompson has done more to bridge the gap between human life and animal life than any writer we have known. One has only to read his work to be- come convinced of one's kinship with, the lower forms of life. Editorials 135 ilirti 3lore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN UF THE AlDlBljN SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. 1 AUGUST, 1899 No. 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in tlie United Stales, Caiiaig-7natter and more of it than do most of the other readers now available for first and second year. They have been graded with the utmost care. These books, beginning with the Second Reader, have been planned as an introduc- tion to literature. The subject-matter, therefore, is confined to material of recognized literary value. The aim of the publishers has been to produce an ai'tistic set of Readers that shall be mechanically as nearly perfect as possible. As a unique feature in binding, they would call attention to the coi'ers, ichich are zuater-froof, and can be cleansed, when soiled by constant handling, without injury to the book. Recent Publications on Nature Study BAILEY'S Lessons with Plants $1.10 Suggestions for Seeing and Interpreting some of the Common Forms of Vegetation. BAILEY'S First Lessons with Plants. . 40 cts. net " E.xtremely original and unusually practical." HARDING'S The Liquefaction of Gases. Its Rise and Development $1.50 Complete and scientific, in a poinilar style. INGERSOLL'S Wild Neighbors $1.50 " Instructive as well as delightful." — Popular Science Monthly. JACKMAN'S Nature Study for Grammar Grades %\ net Proposes a few of the problems within the comprehension of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, with suggestions for their solution. LANGE'S Hand-Book of Nature Study $1 net "The style of the book is fresh and inspiring." LANGE'S Our Native Birds. How to Protect Them and Attract Them to Our Homes. Ju%t ready. MURChE'S Science Readers. Vol. I. 25 cents. Vol. IV. 40 cents tict. Vol. II. 25 cents. Vol. V. 50 cents net. Vol. III. 40 cents. Vol. VI. 50 cents net. WEED'S Life Histories of American Insects. $1.50 " An unusually attractive book." — Dial. WILSON'S Nature Study in Elementary Schools. First N.\ture Rk.\dkr 35 cents Second N.\ture Re.ader 35 cents Teacher's M.anual 90 cents See, also, the new book by Mrs. Wright, described on another page PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York -''^sest GOLDEN EAGLE Photographed from life by H . W. Nash, Pueblo. Colorado Vol. 1 iBirti = I.ore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societies December, 1899 No. 6 A Search for the Reedy Island Crow Roost BY WITMER STONE Curator ol Birds, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. I N the Delaware river, just where it begins to widen out into the bay, and midway between the shores of Delaware and New Jersey, lie two long, low islands, known as ' The Pea-patch' and ' Reedy Island. ' Early in the century the former of these was selected b}' the gov- ernment as the site of Fort Dela- ware, and its importance advanced proportionately in the popular mind. Later on. the lower island, which, already boasted of a light-house, be- came further dignified by the estab- ishment of a quarantine station on its banks. Although of little importance be- fore the government claimed them, these islands were by no means un- inhabited, but were, in fact, well- known as a winter resort. The early inhabitants, though much less imposing than the soldiers and health officers who have super- seded them, did not fail to attract attention — even newspaper notoriety : not from their individualities, but from their countless numbers. In fact they were nothing more than ordinary despised black Crows, but Crows in such countless numbers that they could not fail to be noticed. AMERICAN CROW I'liotugraplied from life by \V. Gordon Sniitli 17^ Bird -Lore Every evening they came at dusk by thousands and tens of thousands, winging their way in long lines from all points of the compass, and settling down on the reed-covered islands in a solid black phalanx. This winter roosting habit of the Crows is well- known, and many roosts have been located, but the habit seems still to lack a satisfactory explanation. Why should these birds fly back and forth every day over miles and miles of country to roost in some definite spot which, so far as we can judge, is no better suited for roosting purposes than hundreds of other places which they pass by ? And why should they gather together every night in such numbers as to attract general attention and invite slaughter by thoughtless gunners, when, by roosting in small numbers wherever they happen to be feeding, they would escape notice ? These are questions I shall not attempt to solve. Estimates placed the number of Crows in these two island roosts at half a million, and they held possession of the islands undis- turbed until about the time of the establishment of Fort Delaware. They did not relish this intrusion, and determined to desert the ancestral Pea-patch roost ; being also influenced, no doubt, by a storm which flooded the island at night and drowned thousands of the unfortunate birds. The Reedy Island roost continued in use until the establishment of the Quarantine Station, at a much later day ; then it, too, was de- serted, and the famous island roosts were no more. I have long been interested in the winter gatherings of the Crows, and made inquiry of the light-keeper at Reedy Island to as- certain whether any Crows at all remained there at the present time. I was informed that they came across from Delaware as of old in long flights from the west, northwest and southwest, but all passed over the island into New Jersey, where he judged they had estab- lished new winter quarters. The location of this new roost at once became a matter of in- terest. By further inquiry I learned that Crows at Salem, N. J., nearly opposite the Pea-patch, flew southwards at evening, and by plotting this flight line with those given by the light-house keeper,. on a map, I found that they joined some four or five miles below Salem, and here I felt sure the roost was to be found. I had little trouble in impressing an ornithological friend, who resided at Salem, with the importance of locating this roost, and one cold afternoon in January found us driving off in the direction taken by the Salem Crow flight. When we neared the point at which we thought the roost ought to be, we noticed a scattered line of Crows coming up from the A Search for the Reedy Island Crow Roost 179 south, evidently from feeding grounds on the shores of the bay. They came along in twos and threes, and alighted in a corn-field on our left, from which the farmer had neglected to haul in all of the ears. Here was a rare feast, and about a thousand birds were already assembled, to whose numbers constant additions were being made. This, we thought, must be the beginning of the evening assemblage, but, strange to say, no Crowds were coming in from the west : these were all southern Crows, and, furthermore, they showed no signs of settling for the night, but were simply intent on the grain. Driving further on, we inquired of a man where the Crows roosted, and were assured that they made use of a long strip of woods lying between us and the river. Investigation, however, showed not a Crow in the wood, and we were inclined to believe that w^e had been purposely misled. Passing through the trees, we had an unobstructed view of the river. The sun was just setting, a round, red ball of fire in the w^est, and in the yellow light we could see the lines of Delaware Crows crossing towards us, while in the fields before us were hundreds of Crows lazily flapping about much as the others were in the corn-field to the east. Here, again, we were directed back to the same wood and as- sured that the birds would repair there when ready. It was just dusk as we hitched our horse and entered the woods ; there was still no sign of Crows, but as we emerged on the farther side we found that an immense flight was just beginning to pass overhead from the westward ; evidently the river Crows had concluded that bedtime had come. They did not, however, alight in the trees, but passed over and dropped noiselessly into the low fields just before us, seeming to select a black, burnt area on the far side. To our amazement this "burnt" patch proved to be a solid mass of Crows sitting close together, and in the gathering gloom it was difficult to see how far it extended. Four immense flights of the birds were now pouring into the fields, in one of which we estimated that 500 Crows passed overhead per minute, during the height of the flight. It was now quite dark, and we began to think that the birds had no intention of retiring to the woods, so determined to vary the monotony of the scene and at the same time warm our chilled bodies. We, therefore, ran rapidly toward the nearest birds and shouted together just as they first took wing. The effect was mar- vellous ; with a roar of wings the whole surface of the ground seemed to rise. The birds hovered about a minute, and then en- tered the woods ; we soon saw that but a small portion of the as- semblage had taken wing. Those farther off had not seen us in the darkness, and doubtless thought that this was merely the begin- i8o Bird- Lore ning of the regular nightly retirement into the trees. The move- ment, once started, became contagious, and the Crows arose steadily section by section. The bare branches of the trees which stood out clearly against the western sky but a minute before seemed to be clothed in thick foliage as the multitude of birds settled down. After all had apparently entered the roost, we shouted again and the roar of wings was simply deafening ; another shout brought the same result in undiminished force, and even then, probably not half the birds took wing. They soon settled down again, and we were glad to leave them in peace. So far as we could learn they are but little molested,- and let us hope that this may continue. Many of the large roosts farther north in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, seem to be rapidly decreasing in size, owing to thoughtless persecution, and eventually the poor birds may be driven to roost in scattered detachments, as would, indeed, seem best for their preservation ; but if this comes to pass, one of the most impressive phenomena of our bird-life will have disappeared. Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire BY WILLIAM EVERETT CRAM Illustrated by the author ANUARY I, i8g8. Northern birds have, as a rule, been decidedly rare this winter. In November, Goshawks were fjuite abundant, and a few Snowy Owls were also to be seen at that time. As I was returning from a tramp just at dusk one evening, one of the great white fellows came sailing by only a few yards from the ground. His man- ner of sailing and something in the set of his wings re- minded me strongly of an Eagle flying before the wind ; there were evident the same power and swiftness without visible effort. He came from the northeast on the wind of a rising storm, and had evi- dently but just arrived, being in much more perfect plumage than is usual in November, appearing, at the distance of only a few yards, absolutely white, with his big yellow eyes burning among his snowy feathers. Snow Buntings were also common in November, and Horned Larks during the first part of the month. I noticed a large flock of the latter one morning feeding in the stubble and, observing that they were moving towards me, crouched motionless until they came up and surrounded me, gathering seeds in the earnest, industrious Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire i«i manner of domestic Pigeons, and exhibiting but little more alarm at my presence. On the 27th a Shrike alighted in the top of the elm near the house, and, after reconnoitering for a few mo- ments, started down into the orchard, but apparently missed whatever it struck at and, turning upward, alighted in a smaller elm by the road, when it at once began tearuig to pieces an old bird's nest, be- having exactly as if in anger at its disappointment. For some time I was unable to discover what it had at first been after, but finally caught sight of a Downy Woodpecker clinging mo- tionless to the underside of a small branch in an apple tree, with every feather drawn down close to its body, just as an owl does when trying to escape notice. After a while it began turning its head from side to side, as if to make sure its enemy had disappeared. When I attempted to make it fly, it merely crept mouse-like about the branches until per- fectly certain that the Shrike had gone, when it took wing and flew to another tree, where it presently went to work as if nothing had happened. Throughout December the only birds to be found were Crows, Blue Jays, Downy Woodpeckers, Black-capped Chickadees, Nut- hatches, Golden-crowned Kinglets. Brown Creepers, and Partridges, with an occasional Bald Eagle or Rough-legged Hawk and a very few Flickers. A large flock of Wild Geese passed over on the 7th, and I saw a few Tree Sparrows and a Winter Wren about the last of the month. The Sparrows lingered about until the first week in January, when a large flock of Snow Buntings made their appear- ance. A few days later, however, neither Sparrows nor Buntings were to be found anywhere. l82 Bird -Lore January 6. Going through tlie woods I heard the small birds making quite a fuss in the young growth, and on looking for the cause, discovered a Saw-whet Owl in a little hemlock. When 1 first caught sight of him he was sitting on one of the smaller branches ten feet from the ground, apparently asleep, with his back to the trunk and his head tipped back. On being closely ap- proached, he seemed to awake suddenly with a start, at once turn- ing his great round eyes in my direction, and after that, never re- moved them from me for an instant, though I walked around his tree several times. He had a partly eaten white-footed mouse slung across the branch beside him, probably the remains of his breakfast. Most of the small birds contented themselves with chirping at him from the surrounding trees, occasionally approaching to inspect him more closely and then flying off again, but one Red-breasted Nuthatch remained from the first on a twig close to the Owl's head, and kept up a continual harsh rasping cry, as if having some especial cause of complaint against him. A Flicker and some Blue Jays alighted in the neighboring trees, but not seeing anything of im- portance, soon fiew away again. When I shook the tree the Owl merely fluttered a few yards, and lit on a maple sapling just out of my reach. The next time he tried to hide by alighting on the further side of the stem of a pine several inches in diameter, but finding this of no avail, at last took a longer flight off through the woods, where I was unable to follow him. January 28. Heard what I at first took to be the song of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet today, but it proved to be a Black-capped Chickadee, ut- tering what was to me an entirely new note ; like the Kinglet's, only fainter and shorter, with just a little of the ring of the Canary's song in it. He was sitting all alone vmder the dark ever- greens, singing to himself in a manner wholly out of keeping with the general disposition and taste of the Chickadee. When I at last disturbed him, he flew to another tree and began searching for insects, uttering the familiar note of his species. RED-TAILED HAWK Winter Bird Notes from Southern New Hampshire 1^3 Fehruakv 3. There is a little J unco hopping about the path today, in spite of the fact that the mercur}^ has been very near zero most of the time for the last fortnight, and that the snow is drifted eight or ten feet deep in places. He appears to spend a consid- erable portion of his time in the woodshed, poking about among the chips, etc., and I fancy sleeps somewhere about the building. There are also a few Flickers and at least one Meadowlark in this vicinity, and since the last heavy snowfall they have become unusually tame and familiar, coming close about the house for food. Goldfinches and Tree Sparrows are still quite abundant, and there is a flock of fifty or sixty Pine Grosbeaks, mostly in young plumage, in the woods about a mile to the west of us, the first I have seen this winter. February 6. About five o'clock this evening a large Goshawk in rather dark plumage came flying across the field only a few yards above the snow. As he neared a tall elm he rose in the air and alighted near the top of the tree, and after sitting there for a few moments, turning his head in all directions, he opened his wings and tumbled from his perch, falling several yards down among the branches before regaining his balance, when he flew rapidly off toward the west and disappeared among the pines. Just a week ago I noticed where a Goshawk, judging from the tracks in the snow, had killed a rabbit, so that it would seem that they have not been entirely absent at any time this winter. February 7. Have just seen a Goshawk, apparently in young plumage, flying west at a height of perhaps sixty or seventy yards from the ground. 184 Bird -Lore February 13. The Great Horned Owls began hooting nearly an hour before sunset this evening. It is remarkable how loud their cry sounds at a distance of half a mile or even a mile. I am convinced that they can be heard distinctly two miles away, for I have often heard them in the day time from a direction in which the nearest woods were at least as far as that. There are always several pairs dwelling in a certain dark hemlock swamp about a mile and a half away, and sometimes in the evening, or b}' moon- light, they come hunting across the meadows and pastures, hooting at intervals as ihey come. When they get within one hundred yards or so their cry is loud enough to arouse everyone in the house. February 18. Followed the track of a Hawk, apparently a Goshawk, twenty or thirty rods through the birch woods west of the cove. From the appearance of the tracks the bird must have walked much after the manner of a Crow, though dragging its claws more. Occasionally it hopped for a few feet. There was no sign of its having killed any game near there and having eaten so much as to be unable to fly at once, as is sometimes the case. At times it followed in the tracks of rabbits for some distance. I have often known them to do this, and am inclined to think that they occasionally hunt rabbits in this manner where the under-brush is too dense to allow them to fly through it easily. I have some- times followed their tracks through the brush until I came upon the remains of freshly killed rabbits which they had been eating. On coming out into an opening, I saw a beautiful male Goshawk in full blue plumage perched on the the top of a dead maple in a swamp. When I tried to approach, he took wing and flew off toward the north. ■ r How the Central Park Chickadees Were Tamed BY A. A. CROLIUS* .N the] early part of the winter of i8g8-g Chickadees were unusually abundant in Central Park, New York City, and a friend and myself saw them come down and get some of the nuts we were feeding to White-throated Sparrows. We were, of course, much interested, and determined to see if we could tame them. They would take the nuts to a limb, eat all they wished, and hide the rest in crev- ices in trees or bushes, where, I think, they seldom found them again, for the impudent and ever wide-awake English Sparrow watched and got the pieces almost as soon as they were deposited. After feeding them in this way for some time, we tried to get them to eat from our hands, and finally succeeded by first placing our hands on the ground with a nut about a foot from our fingers, then a little nearer, then on the ends of our fingers, and lastly in the palms of our hands. There was a great shout when they hopped on our hands the first time, our delight being indescribable. Finding that kneeling or bending over on the ground was rather hard work, we tried holding out our hands when standing, or while sitting on the benches, and they very soon came, no matter where we were or in what attitude. The little creatures never seemed to get tired if we remained hours at a time, and it was indeed difficult to tear oneself away. Just as I would make up my mind to be off one would fly over my head calling chick-a-dee-dcc in such a bewitching way as to make it impossible to leave. I would sa}' to myself, "Just one piece more," then throw a lot of nuts on the ground and make a 'bee line' for home, never looking back for fear the temptation would be too great, and I should find myself retracing my steps. After a time they would come to me and follow me anywhere in the park, whenever I called them, and getting better acquainted I found the birds possessed of so many different traits of character that I named each one accordingly. One I called the 'Scatterer, ' because he stood on my hand and deliberately threw piece after piece of nut on the ground, looking down as they fell with the most mischievous twinkle in his eyes, as much as to say, "see what I've done," then take a piece and fly away. This he did dozens of times in succession. I thought at first he would rather pick them up from the ground, but * In BiRD-LORK for April, pp. 55 and 58, there were given accounts of experiences with the re- markably tame Chickadees that passed the winter of 1898-9 in Central Park, New York City. The present paper solves the mystery of their surprising confidence in man. — En. (185) 1 86 Bird- Lore he came directly back and waited for nie to do it. Another I called •Little Ruffled Breast,' on account of the feathers on the breast be- ing rough and much darker than the rest. He was the most affectionate, had a sweet disposition, and. like human beings of the same character, was often imposed upon, many times being driven off by the others when he was just about taking a nut. He was ver}" tame, and had perfect confidence in anyone who would feed him. The third I named the 'Boss,' because he took the lead and carried the day. He w^as a beauty, spick and span in his dress, not a feather out of place, and plump and perfect in form. The fourth, dubbed 'Little Greedy,' was very fascinating, and I must confess to loving him more than the rest, having had a most novel experience with him. and one never to be forgotten. He came to me one morning, and, lighting on my hand, sang chick-a- dee-dcc two or three times, helped himself to a nut, and, perching on my forefinger, put the nut under his foot, as I have seen them do many a time on the trees, remaining there until he had eaten it. I was thrilled through and through with the sensation and the perfect trustfulness of the little creature, and was sorry when he had finished. But why was he called Greedy ? Because he usually took two pieces instead of one, and, strange to say, knew that he must have both the same size or one would fall out. It was very funny to see him with a good sized piece, his bill stretched to its utmost capacity, trying to fit in another. He turned his bill first on one side then on the other, thinking he could wedge it in by forcing it against my hand, and he succeeded in this wonderful feat by his perseverance and indomitable will. The Surprising Contents of a Birch Stub BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN FTER seeing Dr. Roberts' interesting Chickadee photo- graphs, published in the first number of Bird-Lore, my ambition was aroused to discover a nest of this species so situated as to afford an opportunity to secure equally charming pictures of Chickadee life. Late in May the desire was gratified by the discovery, at Englewood, N. J., of a Chickadee's nest in a white birch stub, about four feet from the ground, a height ad- mirably suited to the needs of bird photography. I will not here present the results of my study of the parent birds during their period of incubation, but will pass at once to that part of my experience which relates to their progeny. Returning to the nest on June 12th. nothing was to be seen of either parent, and I feared that they or their offspring had fallen victims to the countless dangers which beset nesting birds and their young. Looking about for some clue to their fate, I found on the ground, near the nest-stub, the worn tail-feathers of the female bird. The molting season had not yet arrived, nor would she have shed all these feathers at the same moment. There could, therefore, be only one interpretation of their presence. Some foe, probably a Sharp-shinned or Cooper's Hawk, since the predaceous mammals for the most part hunt at night when the Chickadee would be snugly sleeping in her nest, had made a dash and grasped her by the tail, which she had sacrificed in escaping. A moment later the theory was supported by the appearance of a subdued looking Chickadee, sa//s tail, and I congratulated her on her fortunate ex- change of life for a member which of late had not been very deco- rative and of which, in any event, nature would have soon deprived her. The young proved to be nearly ready to fly, and carefully remov- ing the front of their log-cabin, a sight was disclosed such as mortal probably never beheld before, and Chickadee but rarely. Six black and white heads were raised and six yellow-lined mouths opened in expressive appeal for food. But this was not all ; there was another layer of Chickadees below, how many it was impossible to say without disentangling a compact wad of birds in which the outlines of no one bird could be distinguished. So I built a piazza, as it were, at the Chickadee threshhold, in the shape of a perch of proper size, and beneath, as a life-net, spread a (187) i88 Bird -Lore piece of mosquito-bar. Then I proceeded to individualize the ball of feathers : one, two, three, to seven were counted without undue surprise, but when an eighth and ninth were added, I marvelled at the energy which had supplied so many mouths with food, and at the same time wondered how many caterpillars had been devoured by this one family of birds. Not less remarkable than the number of young — and no book I have consulted records so large a brood — was their condition. Not only did they all appear lusty, but they seemed to be about equally developed, the slight difference in strength and size which existed being easily attributable to a difference in age, some in- terval, doubtless, having elapsed between the hatching of the first and last egg. This fact would have been of interest had the birds inhabited an open nest, or a nest large enough for them all to have had an equal opportunity to receive food, but where only two-thirds of their number could be seen from above at once it seems remark- able, that, one or more failing to receive his share of food — and a very little neglect would have resulted fatally — had not been weakened in consequence and crushed to death by more fortunate members of the brood. Nor was their physical condition the only surprising thing about the members of this Chickadee family ; each individual was as clean as though he had been reared in a nest alone, and an examination of the nest showed that it would have been passed as perfect by the most scrupulous sanitary inspector. It was composed of firmly padded rabbit's fur, and except for the sheaths worn off the growing feathers of the young birds, was ab- solutely clean. Later I observed that the excreta of the young were enclosed in membranous sacs, which enabled the parents to readily remove them from the nest. The last bird having been placed in the net, I attempted to pose them in a row on the perch before their door. The task reminded me of almost forgotten efforts at building card houses which, when nearly completed, would be brought to ruin by an ill-placed card. How many times each Chickadee tumbled or fluttered from his perch I cannot say. The soft, elastic net spread beneath them preserved them from injury, and bird after bird was returned to his place so little worse for his fall that he was quite ready to try it again. On several occasions eight birds were induced to take the positions assigned them, then in assisting the ninth to his allotted place the balance of the birds on either side would be disturbed and down into the net they would go. These difficulties, however, could be overcome, but not so the The Surprising Contents of a Birch Stub 189 failure of the light at the critical time, making it necessary to expose with a wide open lens at the loss of a depth of focus. The picture presented, therefore, does not do the subject justice. Nor can it tell of the pleasure with which each fledgling for the first time stretched its wings and legs to their full extent and preened its plumage with before unknown freedom. At the same time, they uttered a satisfied little dcc-dee-dce, in A CHICKADEE FAMILY Photographed from nature by F. M. Chapman quaint imitation of their elders. When I whistled their well-known phe-be note they were at once on the alert, and evidently expected to be fed. The birds were within two or three days of leaving the nest, and the sitting over, came the problem of returning the flock to a cavity barely two inches in diameter, the bottom of which was almost filled by one bird. I at once confess a failure to restore anything like the condition in which they were found, and when the front of their dwelling was replaced Chickadees were overflowing at the door. If their health- fulness had not belied the thought, I should have supposed it im- possible for them to exist in such close quarters. A few days later I found their home deserted, and as no other pair of Chickadees was known to nest in the vicinity, I imagine them to compose a troop of birds I sometimes meet in the neighborhood. Richardson's Owl while sible. with BY P. B. PEABODY With photographs from nature by the author N the thirteenth of April last, at Hallock, Minn., while afield in the morning after Migration Re- port data, I stumbled suddenly upon a Richard- son's Owl, in a willow bush, four feet up, on a brush-land side-hill, two hundred yards above the river. A strong wind was blowing, and kept the willow stems a-swa^ing and the feathers fluttering, the dullness of an overcast sky made quick exposures impos- Nevertheless, I hurried home, a mile away, and returned camera and plates, — 'Crown' and 'Stanley.' The bird was W Richardson's owl still /// si'/u, and leaning, as before, against the upright stem near- est him, as a brace against the wind. With stop i6, or a little larger, and time i to ^ second, both according to the conditions of wind and sky, eight exposures were made, beginning at five feet distance^ (igo) Richardson's Owl 191 and with waits for lulls in the wind. The bird seemed fearless, but I dared not try to put him on the alert, nor cause him to open his eyes. The eighth exposure was made at about two feet, the camera leisurely dismounted, and the bird then quietly caught RICHARDSON S OWL about the back, with the left hand, while his attention was dis- tracted with the right. The little captive showed no fight nor did he try to escape so long as I held him by the feet, in an upright position. But when his body was clasped he would struggle vigorously. With all the handling I gave him in taking weights and measures, the only wounding he caused ni}' hands was made in his attempts to secure a better grasp of my holding hand. While not actually tame, from the first he showed ecstatic delight in my stroking of the feathers on the back of his head, — chirping delightedly during the pro- cess, with much the manner and voice of a chicken when tucked under the maternal wing. While spending his first night of captivity in my study, pend- ing careful examination, he dropped upon my book-cases several casts, which are still awaiting analysis. At noon of the second 192 Bird -Lore day he was placed in the garret, where he had a measure of dark- ness and plenty of wing room. Here he ate readily the beads of food that was left convenient, varying this occupation with the tearing to pieces of an old Cooper's Hawk skin. So far as I could judge, he ate only on alternate days. During the eight days of his sojourn with me, no increase of tameness was shown ; and he would fly when I came near, seeking the darkest cranny of the garret, scolding me often with the char- acteristic anger-note of all the smaller Hawks and Owls. Soon my captive found a permanent home in the family of the foster- father of Minnesota ornithology, where, I was soon informed, he became quickly domesticated, ^ — eating bits of steak from a chop-stick, beheading English Sparrows with neat despatch, and drinking from a teaspoon. jTor Ceactjers anti ^tutient^ An 'Advisory Council' T gives us unusual pleasure to announce a plan, the fulfilment of which, already assured, will, we believe, be of great assistance to bird students and exert an important influence on the increase in our knowl- edge of North American birds. Realizing from a most fortuiiate experience how itly the past-master in ornithology may aid the be- ler, we have felt that it would be an admirable scheme to form an 'Advisory Council,' composed of leading or- nithologists throughout the United States and Canada, who would consent to assist students by responding to their re- quests for information or advice, the student being thus brought into direct communication with an authority on the birds of his own region. The response to our appeal has been most gratifying. With- out exception the ornithologists whom we have addressed have cordially endorsed the proposed plan, and signified their willingness to cooperate with us in this effort to reach the isolated worker. Nearly every state in the Union and province in Canada has been heard from, and we expect in our next number to publish the names and addresses of the more than fifty prominent ornitholo- gists who will form Bird-Lore's 'Advisory Council.' — Ed. :'Sih0iJlA^.'^ "Humanizing" the Birds - —'='**»**='• -*^ CAROLINE G. SOULE '^^'^t^^^'&l TN the first number of Bird-Lork the author of 'Bird Studies for Children' says: "Most bird stories will interest them [children], especially if the birds are ^j^;^^ ;i_^^^i;.v- luimanized for them by the teller of the tale." '^^'^^- ^-iS^^Qjt-^'-J^, Humanizing, in this connection, means endowing f^S^"^- A^^^-^^f.'j'- with human characteristics, and is a process much ^vis, 'Z^r|'.^.■ . . . ::-;■ ^-- .. ^— ^^'^ m vogue just now among writers of nature-study books and papers for the use of children and teachers. Let us see if it is worth doing — or even is justifiable. Birds possess some characteristics or qualities which are also possessed b)'' human beings, and b}' other animals. These qualities are not merely "human" then, but are common to many species of creatures. Since birds alread}' have these qualities, there is no need of endowing them with them. To "humanize" the birds by ascribing to them human qualities which they do not and cannot possess, is only to misrepresent them, and stories which so humanize them are of no more value, as nature-study or bird-study, than so many fairy-tales. More than this — they are positively harmful because they give, as facts, statements about existing creatures which are not true. This is not bird-study; it is only telling stories which interest the children, and which have no value except in keeping them quiet. The children are not interested in the real birds, for they are not told about them. They are interested in the stories, invented for this end, about creatures which the story-teller cal/s birds but which are only human characteristics draped on bird forms. Very slight changes would be needed to make the same stories fit any humanized animal. The real nature of the bird is left out of these humanized bird stories and the loss is very great, as always when truth is left out. To tell of "Mr. and Mrs. Robin" is well enough, for the titles merely mean the male and female. To represent them as talking is well enough, for they certainly communicate with each other and their young, and putting their communications into human speech is merely translating them. But to represent them as uttering highly moral speeches is all wrong, for these are beyond the power of the birds. The moment that the story humanizes them in any such way it becomes of no value, because it is false to nature. The humanizing process is lavishly applied to all sorts of creatures, even to plants. For instance, in a very popular book occurs the following: — (193) 194 Bird -Lore "And so the witch-hazel, knowing that neither boy nor girl, nor bird nor beast nor wind, will come to the rescue of its little ones, is obliged to take matters into its own hands, and this is what it does." This is an extreme case of humanizing. The writer states that this brainless plant knows that its seeds will not be scattered by children, animals or wind. This implies that the plant is conscious of its seeds ; that it realizes the importance of their distribution ; that it knows what bo3's, girls, birds, animals and wind are : that it knows how the seeds of other plants are distri- buted ; and that it plans a method of scattering its own seed ! This is certainly more mental power than we are warranted in ascribing to a plant. But children are much interested in the story, and think the witch-hazel very clever to plan so ingenious a way of distributing its seeds. That it is not true does not trouble them, because they do not know it, and I can learn of very few teachers using this book, who have thought enough about the subjects treated to realize that they are so humanized as to be untrue to their own natures. I quote this as an instance of the lengths to which hu- manizing may be carried without discovery by the average reader. Humanizing the creatures takes them out of their own place in Nature, by endowing them with powers higher than they can really possess. It sets aside all the laws of evolution, and is not only untrue to the nature of the individual, but to the principles which underlie all Nature. Young children ai'e not ready for these general laws and principles, but it cannot be good pedagogics to give them ideas in direct contradiction to all those laws which must be taught them a little later, and which will at once prove the falseness of this earlier teaching. "Interest" is not everything in teaching children. Truth counts for more in the long run, and, especially in Nature study. may be made quite as interesting as '• humanization." 'On the Ethics of Caging Birds' To THK Editor of ' Bird-Lork: ' I thank you for offering me an opportunity to be heard in my own defense. But controversy is — if possible- — more dis- tasteful to me than injustice. Therefore, while it is painful to be misrepresented, I will answer my critics only by saying that they have entirely — I do not say wilfully — misunderstood me, and that no one who knows me could for an instant believe me guilty of "favoring" or "encouraging," the caging, the w^earing, or the eating of our little brothers, the birds. q,^,^.^, Thorne Mii.lkr. The Birds' Christmas Tree H OW man}' of the younger readers of Bird-Lore know that in Norwa}^, birds, as well as children, have Christmas trees ? Indeed, it is said that the children do not enjoy their own gifts until they know the birds have been provided for. Concerning this beautiful custom of putting out a yule sheaf for the birds. Dr. Leon- hard Stejneger, the eminent Norwegian ornithologist, writes us that the sheaves are usually of barle}' or oats, and are placed on high poles standing either in the yard or nailed to the gable end of one of the houses, preferably the store- house or "stabbur, " or on the stable, but always where they can be seen from the dwelling house. Dr. Stejneger adds that the origin of the custom is shrouded in the mystery of the mythological ages. Here, then, is a country where, as far as anyone knows, the birds have always had a Christmas tree, while in America most birds, I imagine, consider themselves lucky if they chance to find a stray crumb on Christmas morning. So let us all be good Norwegians this com- ing Christmas and see that the birds are well supplied, if not with sheaves — at least w^ith crumbs, seed, and grain for the Juncos and Sparrows, suet, ham-bones, and bacon rinds for the Woodpeckers, Chickadees, and Nuthatches. And then let us improve on the Nor- wegian usage by making every winter day Christmas for the birds, so that no matter how deep the snow, they may always be sure of a meal. Then, next March, write and tell Bird-Lore of your winter guests, wdio they were, and what you have learned of their habits. To the boy or girl of fourteen years, or under, who sends us the best account of his or her experience in feeding the birds this winter, we will give a copy of Mrs. Wright's -Citizen Bird' or 'Wabeno.' — Ed. (195) THE BIRDS CHRISTMAS TREE From the paintinp of A. Tideman, publishe 'Norwegian Pictures,' London, 1885. The Little Brown Creeper BY GARRETT NEWKIRK Although I'm a bird, I give you my word That seldom you'll know me to fly ; For 1 have a notion about locomotion, The little Brown Creeper am I, Dear little Brown Creeper am I. •'Beginning below, I search as I go The trunk and the limbs of a tree. For a fly or a slug, a beetle or bug ; They're better than candy for me, Far better than candy for me. 4 > .' 'Jm \ BROWN , CKEKI'ER Photographed from a mounted specimen When people are nigh I'm apt to be shy, And say to myself, 'I will hide,' Continue my creeping, but carefully keeping Away on the opposite side. Well around on the opposite side. Yet sometimes I peak while I play hide and seek. If you're nice I shall wish to see you: Fll make a faint sound and come quite around. And creep like a mouse in full view, "Very much like a mouse to your view."' (196) J^ote^ from JftelD auD ^tuDp An Interesting Phoebe's Nest The accompanying illustration shows an interesting Phcebe's nest. It is well-known that this bird prefers to build close to some overhead protection, but I have never NEST OF PHCEBE Photographed from nature seen, and have heard of only one other similar structure, showing such evidence of forethought by the builder ; for this bird has constructed a pedestal by means of which her nest was raised to the desired height. The location chosen was three feet or so back under the piazza roof of a lonely, unused summer cottage by the shore of Webster lake, in Franklin, N. H. The foundations were begun on a door- cap to the left of, although almost in touch with, an upright cleat. Soon the builder made a turn to the right, that the pedestal might rest firmly against this cleat. From this point the work continued perpendicu- larly full twelve inches, with the breadth of about three inches and a thickness of one and one-half inches. Upon this the enlargement was made for the nest proper, which was destined to safely cradle her brood of four. — Ellen E. Webster, Franklin Falls, iV. II. [Two years ago John Burroughs showed us a nest similar to the one here described, built beneath the eaves, on a slight pro- jection in the rough hewn rock of the rail- way station at West Park, N. Y. — Ed.] A Useful Nest-Holder After the leaves fall many deserted birds' nests will be exposed to view. The larger number will still be found serviceable for study, and in collecting them a note of the site, height from the ground, if in a tree or bush, etc., should be made to aid in their identilication. The accompanying cut shows a very use- ful holder for such specimens. It was de- signed by Mr. George B. Sennett, and is made of annealed wire, about the bottom of which is tied hair wire, as shown. At this stage, the nest is placed in the holder, the four uprights are cut off to the required height, and bent in or out, in order to bring them closely to the sides of the nest ; the wrapping with hair wire is then con- tinued until the nest is firmly bound. In this way such loosely built nests as those of the Mourning Dove or Cuckoo may be held in shape without in the least conceal- ing their structure. — Ed. A Singing Blue Jay Not long ago, when the snow covered the ground several inches deep, I heard as sweet a little song as one could expect to hear from a Warbler in May, come from a clump of small plum trees in the back yard. Creeping softly in the direction of the sound, I could see nothing but a stately Blue Jay perched upon one of the upper limbs. I waited patiently, and soon the (197) Bird -Lore song came again, sweet and mellow as be- fore ; this time I could plainly seethe Jay's open bill and the muscular movements of his throat. I could hardly believe my eyes, as I had been accustomed to hear only harsh sounds from a Jay's throat. I raised to a standing posture, the Blue Jay flew awa)-. I looked carefully all about, and no other birds were in sight. This Blue Jay remained in the neighborhood all winter, and several times I had the pleasure of hearing his sweet little song.— Frank E. HoRACK, lozva City, lozva. To Hunt Southern Birds Rockville Centre, L. I., November g. — O. H. Tuthill and Robert T. Willmarth, of this village, Benjamin Molitor, of East Rockaway, and Coles Powell, of Seaford, started yesterday on a bird skinning and stuffing expedition to the Florida coast. The men went aboard of Mr. Molitor's lit- tle 28-foot sloop, Inner Beach, which is fitted with both sails and gas engine. They take the inside route through bays, rivers and canals to Beaufort, N. C. From there on to their destination they will have to take their chances outside on the ocean. The men go to shoot all kinds of water birds, for which there is an unprecedented demand this season by millinery manufac- turers. After being killed, most of the birds will be skinned and stuffed roughly with cotton, and every week shipments will be made to New York. Mr. Tuthill is an old hand in the busi- ness. The last time there was a large de- mand for birds by the makers of women's headgear, about twelve years ago, he took an outfit to Florida and during the winter shipped 140,000 bird skins to New York. — Brooklyn Ea,£{/f. • [We met Mr. Tuthill in Key West in February, 1892, and heard him state that during a preceding winter his party had killed 130,000 birds for millinery purposes, and the information contained in the above clipping is doubtless, therefore, accurate. — Eu.] American Ornithologists' Union The seventeenth annual congress of the American Ornithologists' Union convened at the Academy of Natural Sciences, in Philadelphia, on November 13, 1899. At the business meeting held on the night of that day the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Robert Ridgway ; vice presidents, C. Hart Mer- riam and C. B. Cory ; secretary, John H. Sage ; treasurer, William Dutcher ; coun- cilors, C. F. Batchelder, F. M. Chapman, I^uthven Deane, J. Dwight, Jr., A. K. Fisher, T. S Roberts, Witmer Stone. Two corresponding and eighty-two associate members were elected. The program for the three days' public sessions, on November 14-16, included the following papers : Notes on the Flammulated Screech Owls, Harry C. Oberholser ; Three Years' Mi- gration data on City Hall Tower, Philadel- phia, Wm. L. Bailey ; A Quantitative Study of Variation in the Smaller Ameri- can Shrikes, lieuben M. Strong ; The Hab- its and Structure of Harris' Cormorant, R E. Snodgrass and F. A. Lucas ; Bering Sea Arctic Snowflake [Passcritia hyper- borea) on its breeding grounds, C. Hart Merriam ; On the Plumages of Certain Bo- real Birds, Frank M. Chapman ; On the Perfected Plumage of Somateria specta- bilis, Arthur H. Norton ; The Summer Molting Plumage of Eider Ducks, Witmer Stone ; An Oregon Fish Hawk Colony, Vernon Bailey ; Exhibition of a series of field sketches made from absolutely fresh birds, showing the true life colors of the soft parts, mostly in the breeding season, Louis Agassiz Fuertes ; The Sequence of Plumages and Molts in Certain Families of North American Birds, Jonathan Dwight, Jr.; The Ranges of Hylocichla fiiscescetis and Hylocichla f. salicicola, Reginald Heber Howe, Jr.; On the occurrence of the Egyptian Goose ( Clicnalopex (I'gyp- tiaca) in North America, Frank C. Kirk- wood ; Notes on the Habits of the Great Mexican Swift {f/emiprocnc zoua)-is), Sam'l N. Rhoads ; Further remarks on the Relationships of the Crackles of the Sub- genus Qidscalus, Frank M. Chapman ; Audubon's Letters to Baird — compiled from Copies of the originals kindly fur- nished by Miss Lucy H. Baird, Witmer Stone ; A Peculiar Sparrow Hawk, Wil- liam Palmer ; The Requirements of a Fau- nal List, W. E. Clyde Todd ; Report of Book News and Reviews 199 the A. O. U. Committee on Protection of N. A. Birds, Witmer Stone ; An account of the Nesting of Franklin's Gull [Larus franklinii) in Southern Minnesota, illus- trated by lantern slides, Thos. S. Roberts ; Bird Studies with a Camera, illustrated by lantern slides, Frank M. Chapman ; Home Life of some Birds, illustrated by lantern slides, Wm. Dutcher ; Slides — series of Kingfisher, Gulls, etc., Wm. L. Baily ; The Effects of Wear upon Feathers, illus- trated by lantern slides, Jonathan Dwight, Jr.; Exhibition of lantern slides of Birds, Birds' Nests and Nesting Haunts, from Na- ture, members ; Language of the Birds, Nelson R. Wood ; A New Wren from Alaska, Harry C. Oberholser ; The Molt of the Flight-feathers in various Orders of Birds, Witmer Stone ; Some Cuban Birds, Jno. W. Daniels, Jr.; On the Orientation of Birds, Capt. Gabriel Reynaud, French army ; On the Habits of the Hoatzin [OpislJiocomiis ci-i'sfatus) , George K. Cherrie. ilooft J^eto0 ant) 3^et)ietog A Dictionary of Birds. By Alfred Newton, assisted by Hans Gadow, and others. Cheap issue, unabridged. Lon- don, Adam and Charles Black, 1893-96. [New York, The Macmillan Co.] 8vo, pp. xii-|-i,o88, numerous line cuts. Price, $5. Bird students should be grateful to the publishers of this invaluable valuable work for issuing it in an edition which places it within the reach of all. It is not necessary for us to add our meed of praise to what is universally con- ceded to be "the best book ever written about birds." To those of Bird-Lore's readers who have not had the fortune to examine this or the preceding edition, we may say that the work is based on Pro- fessor Newton's article ' Birds' in the En- cyclopaedia Britanica which, with the co- operation of eminent specialists, has been enlarged and augmented to make an orni- thological dictionary of over 1,000 pages: an indispensable work of reference to every student of ornithology who will find in its pages an immense amount of infor- mation not elsewhere obtainable. — F. M. C. Wabeno, The .Magician. The Sequel to Tommy-Anne and the Three Hearts, by Mabel OsGood Wright. Illustrated by Joseph M. Gleeson. New York, The Macmillan Company, 1S99. Price, $1.50. This pretty green and gold covered book, with its mystical sign of three interlaced hearts, will be a treasure to the army of little folks who have so enjoyed its prede- cessor ' Tommy-Anne.' Not only will they meet in its pages the delightful Tommy- Anne herself, but several other old friends, Obi, the almost too-human Waddles, the unfortunate Horned Owl, and others. In this volume Anne — having dropped the Tommy from her name, pushes her "whys" into the several kingdoms of earth and air. She interviews the " Man in the Moon," learns the story of the red man from a talkative Indian arrow head, and the secrets of the hive from a friendly honey-bee. Through her magic spectacles life at the bottom of the sea becomes visi- ble, and the past history of the earth comes to light. It may readily be seen that the author has not forgotten her own childish "wonderments," and is therefore eminently fitted to satisfy those of children today, and although the imagination has full play in the manner of conveying it — the "how" — the information given is trustworthy. The book, with all its charm of fantasy may be put into the hands of children with the assurance that it will let them into the secrets of many interest- ing things in Nature, and leave no sting of false statements to be corrected as the years pass on. The book, as usual with the publications of the house of Macmillan, is fully illus- trated, beautifully printed and altogether a pleasure to look at and handle. — Olive Thorne Miller. Bird -Lore The Birds of Eastern North America. Key to the Families and Species. By Charles B. Cory. Part I, Water Birds, pp. i-ix, 1-130; Part II, Land Birds, pp. i-ix,i3i-387. 4to. Numerous illustra- tions. Special edition printed for the Field Columbian Museum, Chicago, 111., 1899. Mr. Cory has spared neither pains nor expense to lighten the labors of young orni- thologists in the matter of identification. Arbitrary ' Keys ' arranged on apparently the simplest plans, a careful use of dis- tinguishing type, and numberless illustra- tions characterize this work, which will doubtless rank as its talented author's most valuable and important contribu- tion to the literature of ornithology. The present volumes contain only the analytical keys to families and species, and apparently are to be followed by others giving detailed descriptions of plumage and biographical matter. A list of the birds of Eastern North America, with the ranges of the species, is appended to the second volume. — F. M. C. Dickey Downy ; the Autobiography of a Bird. By Virginia Sharpe Patterson. Introduction by Hon. John F. Lacey, M.C. Drawings by Elizabeth M. Hal- lowell. Philadelphia, A. J. Rowland, 1899. i6mo, pp. 192, full-page coloro- types, 4. In this little volume the Bobolink re- counts the history of his life with particular reference to his experiences with man. Due regard has been paid to the known habits of the bird, and the book seems well designed to arouse the interest and enlist the sympathy of children in bird-life. The colored illustration of the Scarlet Tanager facing page 64 is wrongly labeled " Sum- mer Tanager," but beyond this slip we notice no errors. Congressman Lacey's introduction shows that its writer has an adequate conception of both the economic and aesthetic value of birds, of the evils of wantonly destroying them, and of the need for their protection. — F. M. C. Book News In the October number of 'The Osprey,' the announcement is made that Dr. Gill, the editor-in-chief, will hereafter be assisted by the following associate editors : Robert Ridgway, Leonhard Stejenger, Frederic A. Lucas, Charles W. Richmond, Paul Bartsch, William Palmer, Harry C. Ober- holser, and Wilmer Stone. Surely here is " a multitude of counsellors" whose co- operation is an assurance that ' The Os- prey ' will not only return to its former high plane, but will doubtless reach a level of excellence before unknown. We note with pleasure that the somewhat too appropriate yellow cover, used during the preceding editorial administration, has been changed for one of Bird-Lore s hue. From the announcement of the Massa- chusetts Audubon Society of the Audubon Calendar, issued by them for 1900, we quote the following: "The calendar con- sists of twelve large plates of exquisite drawings of birds, one for each month, re- produced in colors with all the spirit and fidelity of the original water-color paint- ings. Descriptive text of the birds on each plate. Frank M. Chapman, Olive Thorne Miller, Florence A. Merriam, AbbottThayer, Mabel Osgood Wright, Wm. T. Davis, William Brewster, Ralph Hoffman, Brad- ford Torrey, M. A. Wilcox, Harriet E. Richards, H. E. Parkhurst, have contrib- uted original paragraphs. Size 9^ by i2]4. inches. In paper box. Price 75 cents. Address orders to Taber-Prang Art Com- pany, Springfield, Mass." That the editors of St. Nicholas realize the importance of developing childrens' interest in nature studies, is evidenced by the establishment in their magazine for 1900, of a department of ' Nature and Sci- ence.' It will be in charge of Mr. E. F. Bigelow, formerly editor of 'The Ob- server,' and now of ' Popular Science. ' Lists of the birds of the Middle Gulf States are so few in number that bird students will welcome a fully annotated catalogue of the birds of Louisiana, by Prof. Geo. E. Beyer, of Tulane Univer- sity, shortly to be published by the Society of Louisiana Naturalists. Editorials ilirti'itore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL OKC^AN OF THF. AIIDVISUX SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. 1 December, 1899 No. 6 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in thelhiited States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Englewood, New Jersey, or 65 Fifth avenue, New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents. Macmillan and CoMPAiNv, Ltd., London. Manuscripts for publication, books, etc., for re- view, should be sent to the Editor at Englewood. New Jersey. Advertisements should be sent to the Pub- lishers at Englewood, New Jersey, or 65 Fifth avenue, New York City. COPYRIGHTED. 1899, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto : A Bird in tke Bush is Worth Two in the Hand. We have thus far avoided all mention of the financial side of the conducting of Bird-Lore, nor do we now^ propose to adopt the course which circumstances, alas ! have so often forced upon popular natural history journals, of turning the editorial page into a plea for sub- scriptions. We trust, however, that in this con- cluding number of our first volume we may be permitted to make several state- ments in which we hope our subscrib- ers will have a mutual interest. In the first place, replying to the in- quiry as to whether Bird-Lore will not soon be issued at monthly instead of bi- monthly intervals, let us say that the management of Bird-Lore is with us an avocation to which we can devote only the margin of time left from fully oc- cupied days. To publish it each month would involve greatly increased labor, which, under the circumstances, we can- not assume, and we have attempted to bridge this difficulty by printing as much matter in each number as is ordinarily contained in two numbers of any popu- lar ornithological journal. In the end, therefore, the subscriber receives quite as much for his money, and in support of this statement we may be pardoned for calling attention to the fact that the present volume of Bird- Lore contains some 200 pages of text with over 70 illustrations, more, we be- lieve, than is offered by any other bird magazine for the sum of one dollar. To continue with this unpleasant sub- ject ; being perfectly familiar with the sad fate which has befallen so many of our predecessors — and of which when this journal was in contemplation our friends rarely failed to remind us! — we did not establish Bird-Lore as a money making enterprise, but as a means of popularizing a study, the advancement of which is foremost in our desires, and as an aid to the cause of the Audubon So- cieties. We believe, therefore, we may venture to say, that our relations with our sub- scribers are of a wholly different and more intimate nature than those which exist between the publishers and pur- chasers of magazines which yield an adequate money return for labor ex- pended. We have common interests to the furtherance of which we, for our part, are willing to devote no little time and thought, as we trust is shown by our announcements for 1900. To properly carry out our plans, however, it will be necessary to increase the size of Bird- Lore, a step not as yet warranted by our subscription list. We would, there- fore, ask the cooperation of every reader who has at heart the interests of bird study and bird protection. This coopera- tion may be shown in one or both of two ways : First, you may aid in increas- ing Bird-Lore's circulation by securing new subscribers, by presenting a year's subscription as a Christmas gift to some friend who is interested, or whom you want to interest in birds, or by sug- gesting this course to others. Second, you may assist us by promptly renewing 202 Bird -Lore your subscription when it expires, or in the event of your not caring to re-sub- scribe, we ask, as a means of regulating our edition, that you kindly send us a postal to that effect. Bird-Lore for 1900 Bird-Lore for igoo will, we think, reach a standard of excellence not before attained by a journal of popular orni- thology. No effort has been spared to secure authoritative articles of interest to the general reader, as well as those of practical value to the teacher and stu- dent. There will be papers by John Bur- roughs, recording the rarer birds he has observed about his home ; by Bradford Torrey, describing his methods of at- tracting winter birds ; by Robert Ridg- way, on song birds in Europe and America ; by Otto Widmann, on a visit to Audubon's birthplace ; and also con- tributions from William Brewster, E. A. Mearns, C. Hart Merriam, T. S. Roberts, and other well-known ornithologists. A VALUABLE Contribution to the study of bird migration will be a paper by Captain Reynaud, in charge of the Homing Pigeon Service of the French Army, who will write of his experiments in this branch of the service. Attention will be paid to the bird-life of countries made prominent by recent events : L. M. McCormick, who has lately returned from the Philippines, writing of the birds of Luzon; H. W. Henshaw, of the birds of Hawaii, where he has long been a resident ; Tappan Adney, who passed a year in the Klon- dike, of the birds of that region ; and F. M. Chapman, of the birds of Cuba. A. J. Campbell, the authority on Aus- tralian birds, will also contribute a paper on foreign birds, describing the remarka- ble habits of the Bovver Birds, with pho- tographs of their bowers from nature. For teachers there will be a series of suggestive articles on methods of teach- ing ornithology, by Olive Thorne Miller ; Florence A. Merriam ; Marion C. Hub- bard, of Wellesley ; Lynds Jones, of Ober- lin, and others, who have made a spe- cialty of instruction in this branch of nature study. Students will be glad to avail them- selves of the assistance offered by Bird- Lore's Advisory Council, a new idea in self-educational work, the details of which are announced on another page. Among papers designed more especially for students will be Ernest Seton-Thomp- son's ' How to Know the Hawks and Owls,' illustrated by the author, F. A. Lucas' ' Tongues of Birds,' also illustrated by the author, and Professor Pinchot's 'A Method of Recording Observations. ' A PAPER of unusual value to those who study birds with the aid of a camera will be by John Rowley, of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History, who will describe a recently invented camera which opens new fields in bird pho- tography. For ' Young Observers ' there will be articles by other young observers, and poems and jingles all designed to arouse and stimulate the child's interest in birds. The illustrations will, if possible, be of even higher quality than those for which already Bird-Lore has become distin- guished. The Audubon Department, under Mrs. Wright's care, will, as heretofore, print reports of the great work which is being done in the interests of bird study and bird protection, and the series of helpful articles by its Editor will be continued. This outline of the leading features of Bird-Lore for the coming year will, we trust, be deemed sufficient warrant for the belief expressed in our opening sentence. It will be seen that our diffi- culty is not lack of material, but lack of space, and this difficulty we hope our subscribers will help us to overcome by seconding our efiorts in their behalf. ■ i'ou cannot with a scalpel Jind the poet's soul, Nor yet the wild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. Reports, etc., designed for this depart- ment should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries. New Hampshire Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss HARKiEr E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 1S7 Bowen street. Providence. Connecticut Mrs. William Brown Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey Miss Anna Haviland, 53 Sandford Ave., Plainfield, N.J. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Wheeling, W. Va. (branch of Pa. Society) Elizabeth I. Cummins, i3i4Chapline street. Wheeling. Ohio Miss Clara Russell, 903 Paradrome street, Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Icwa Miss Nellie S. Board, Keokuk. Wisconsin Mrs. George W. Peckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. Tennessee Mrs. C. C. Conner, Ripley. Texas Miss Cecils Sei.xas, 2008 Thirty-ninth street, Galveston. California Mrs. George S. Gav, Redlands. The Law and the Bird During the past ten months Bird-Lore has printed interesting statistics concern- ing the organization of the various State Audubon Societies, as well as significant reports of the progress of their work. So far so good. There are, of course, slight differences in the platforms of these societies regarding by-laws, meth- ods, fees versus no fees, etc. Upon one point, however, they all agree — that while they deplore the use of the feathers of wild birds in millinery, the great point is the education of children to have the proper regard for bird life. It is, however, necessary to go a step behind even this. A priori the bird must be given a legal status before it can be protected with any general suc- cess, even by those most willing so to do. In appealing to the average child of the public school, it should be remembered of how many races this average child is compounded, — races with instincts con- cerning what are called the lower ani- mals, quite beyond the moral com- (203) prehension of the animal-loving Anglo- Saxon. To make this average school child respect the rights of the bird, the bird must be given a legal status to com- mand, and not to beg respect. This child may be appealed to in other ways and may readily assent to all that you say, zvhile your personal influejice is zuith him, but he goes away and forgets ; he does not feel the weight of a merely moral penalty. Game birds have this legal status, in a greater or less degree, in all states, with perhaps the single exception of Missis- sippi, and sportsmen are always on the alert for infringement of the game laws. It would seem to me wise for Audu- bonites to turn more attention to the legal status of the class of birds that they specially seek to protect. Legislation in this respect is, of course, difficult to obtain, because many sportsmen are afraid of weakening the game laws by stirring up discussion re- garding song birds, etc.; but much more can be made of the existing laws. That 204 Bird- Lore these are by no means adequately en- forced, is evident to anyone who notices the hordes of men and boys prowling, these autumn days, about woods and meadows, where legitimate game birds are unknown, and Robins, Flickers, and even the smaller migrants are the only game. It makes one feel that the song bird protectionists must often "pass by on the other side," not having the honesty of their convictions in as militant a degree as the sportsmen, even when they have the law to back the bird. It will doubtless be interesting to open these ' pages, ' during the coming year, to a presentation and discussion of this legal status. We should like to receive the condensed bird laws of every state possessing such, as well as opinions as to what birds should be excluded from protection in the best interests of the Commonwealth, to the end that there may be a federation of Audubon Socie- ties regarding the best method of ob- taining legislation for the protection of desirable birds not covered by the game laws. Be the roads many — illustrated lec- tures to arouse public sentiment, bird- less bonnets, leaflets, thousands of pledge cards signed by ready sympathizers—- the goal must be conservative, well thought out legislation, free from any taint of emotional insanity. If we are to keep the bird it must be by the aid of the law, the only voice that mitst be listened to, speaking the only language understood by all the races that go to make up the people of the United States.— M. O. W. Reports from Societies RHODE ISLAND SOCIETY An exhibition of birdless hats — 'Audu- bonnets' as they have been facetiously styled — was held in the parlors of the Narragansett Hotel, in Providence, on the gth of October. The response to the invitations, which were sent by the society to the leading milliners, was very gratifying, nearly all of them entering cordially into the scheme. About one hundred and fifty hats were exhibited, and it is safe to say that such a beauti- ful and artistic display of millinery was- never before seen in Providence. Most of the hats were especially designed for the occasion, and an endless variety of styles and trimmings was shown. The result proved conclusively that the plu- mage of wild birds can be easily discarded without violating the laws of fashion The exhibition had been well adver- tised and, in spite of unpleasant weather, the parlors were thronged with visitors- throughout the day. Many sales were made, the proceeds going to the ex- hibitors. Four ribbon prizes were awarded, but it is the opinion of the committee in charge that prizes, even of that nature, were a disadvantage. The ' Providence News ' thus comments upon the exhibition: "It was only the other day that the ' News ' was moved to remark from the evidence of the fashion plates, that bird plumage was to be more than ever the fashion this season. But there is evidence that the protest against it is a mighty one, and if the birds in other communities have sup- porters of the number and character that they find here in Rhode Island, the milliners who oppose the sentiment of the Audubons will at no early day be compelled to reform or to go out of business." Annie M. (jrant, Scc'y. PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY During the year that has followed the issuing of our second annual report the Society has spread to nearly every county in the State. The membership has grown from 3,300 to 5,000, and a steady increase of interest is shown in the letters received by the secretary. Bird-Day was most successfully ob- served in a large number of schools, and both teachers and pupils seemed well pleased with the results. We owe thanks to many of our local secretaries for their good work among children, and for the The Audubon Societies 205 classes for bird study which they formed during the summer. This is a move- ment of the utmost importance, as with increasing membership it becomes more and more difficult for the secretary to conduct individual correspondence, and everyone who will band together local members and act as local secretary, will further the interests of the Society more than can be done in any other way. We would like to call the attention of our members to the following ; 1. When this Society was organized the quills used in millinery were all taken from large domestic birds. Lately the Brown Pelican, Eagles, Owls, and Turkey Vulture have been made to pay tribute to the fashions ; and we wish most earnestly to protest against the use of these quills. A good illustration of the feathers to be avoided will be found in the October number of Bird-Lore. 2. We would also call attention to the fact that this magazine is the official organ of the Audubon Societies, and is essential to anyone desiring to keep up with what is being done for the protec- tion of birds. 3. As heretofore, we are dependent almost entirely upon voluntary subscrip- tions for carrying on the objects of the organization, and we therefore appeal again for assistance from those inter- ested in furthering the cause of the pro- tection of birds. Increased funds will, of course, enable us to reach a larger number of persons, and to issue a larger amount of literature, for which there is a constant demand. Donations should be forwarded to the treasurer, Mr. William L. Baily, 421 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. For the coming year w-e have in view the usual course of lectures, by Mr. Stone, and also the furthering of bird study in the schools, to which end we hope to issue some educational circulars. Jr;LiA Stockton Robins, Scc\v. THE WISCONSIN SOCIETY Our busy season is in the spring of the vear. At about Easter time our State Superintendent of Schools issued his 'Arbor and Bird-Day Annual,' which contained an invitation to teachers and children to join the Audubon Society. This invitation brought an almost over- whelming response, every day for sev- eral weeks bringing me ten or fifteen letters from would-be branches, and our school membership mounted rapidly to over 10,000. A prize offered to these children for the best personal observa- tion on a Bird Family was won by a little country girl, who wrote a very good composition on the Ground Sparrow. We have tried, with varying degrees of suc- cess, in different places, to institute the work of the ' Bird Restorers' among these children. We shall soon have a little library of bird books circulating among the schools, and we are trying to raise money for a set of lantern slides to ac- company a lecture — lecture and slides to be sent from place to place. I believe that the Audubon work has already made a deep impression in Wis- consin. The milliners' windows abound in Gulls and Birds of Paradise, but they are not finding a ready sale. As to wings, perhaps it is too much to expect that women will not believe their milli- ners when told that "These wings are all right, because they are made." E. G. Peckham, Sec'y. The Passing of the Tern The surprising results which may fol- low Fashion's demand for a certain kind of bird have never been more clearly shown than in the case of the Terns or Sea Swallows of our Atlantic coasts. Useless for food, the birds had escaped the demands of the hunter, and thou- sands nested in security along our beaches. The exquisite purity of their plumage and their unsurpassed graceful- ness on the wing made them a paiticu- larly grateful element of the coast scenery to every lover of the beautiful, while to the prosaic fisherman they often gave welcome evidence of the direction of the land, as with unerring flight they 2o6 The Audubon Societies returned through the densest fogs, bear- ing food to their young. Suddenly, as a result of causes too mysterious for the mind of man to com- prehend, Fashion claimed the Terns for her own. Up and down the coast word went forth, that Sea Swallows, or ' Summer Gulls,' were worth ten cents each, and the milliner's agent was there to con- firm the report. It was in June when the baymen were idle and, unrestrained by law, they hastened to the beaches in keen compe- succumbed had not bird-lovers raised a sum to pay keepers to protect them. Then Fashion, as if content with the destruction she had wrought, found fresh victims, and the Terns, for a time, es- caped persecution. Now, however, the demand for them has been revived, and again the milliners' agent is abroad plac- ing a price on the comparatively few birds remaining. Before me is a circu- lar issued by a New York feather dealer, asking for "large quantities" of "Sea Gulls, Wilson's Turns (sic). Laughing Gulls, Royal Gulls," etc., and this is y F. M. Chapman WILSON S TERN ON NEST tition to destroy the birds which were nesting there Never, in this country, at least, has there been such a slaughter of birds. A Cobb's Island, Virginia, bayman, whose conscience, even at this late date, urged him to a confession of shame for his part in the proceedings, told me recently that in a single day of that memorable season, 1,400 Terns were killed on Cobb's Island alone, and 40,000 are said to have been there shot during the summer. The destruction at other favorable places was proportionately great. Two seasons of this work were suffi- cient to sweep the Terns from all their more accessible resorts, the only sur- vivors being residents of a few uninhab- ited islands. Even here they would have only one instance among hundreds. In fact, the feather merchants themselves state that the demand for Terns and Gulls exceeds the supply.* What will be the result ? Is there no appeal from Fashion's decree ? Woman alone can answer these questions, and the case is so clear she cannot shirk the responsibility of replying. Aigrettes are decorative, quills difficult to identify, neither bespeak death, and ignorance may lead the most humane woman into wearing either. But with the Tern no such excuse exists, and the woman who places its always disgust- ingly mutilated body on her bonnet, does so in deliberate defiance of the laws of humanity and good taste. Fr.\nk M. Ch.\pman. *See also note from ' Brooklyn Eag e ' oi\ page 198. iSirli tore AN ILLUSTRATED BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS EDITED BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN jDffirial jDrgan ot i^t Audubon ^ocietiegi Audubon Department Edited by MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT VOLUME IT~iQoo THE MACMILLAN COMPANY HARRISBURG, PA., AND NEW YORK CITY Copyright, 1900 By frank M. chapman INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME II BY AUTHORS Anthony, Emilia C Hawk and Robin, 26. Bailey, Florence Merriani, H(j\v to ('onduet Field Classes, 83. Bailey, Vernon, Where the Grebe Skins Come From, 34. Baily, \V. L., The Kini^fisher's Home Life, 76; Photographs by, 76, 77, 78, 79. Beck, H. M., A Blue Jay Tragedy, 195. Beebe, C. William, A Pair of Canadian Climbers, 27 ; Photographs by, 27. Brewster, W'illiam, A Study of a Lincoln's Spar- row, 109. Britton, Elizabeth G., Blue-winged Warbler in Southern New York in January, 26. Campbell, A. J., The Bower-birds of Australia, 135. Chapman, Frank M., Obituary Notice of Elliott Coues, 3 ; A Note on the Economic Value of Gulls, 10; The Season's Flight of Crossbills, 25, 59; Bird Photography at A. O. U., 26; An Interesting Nest, 60 ; Bird Slaughter in Delaware ; The Hoar Bill, 60 ; An Interesting Record, 158; Bird-nesting in Winter, 194; Birds and Seasons ; December and January Bird-Life near New York City, 183 ; Suggestions for the Months' Study, 190 ; Suggestions for the Months" Reading, 191 ; A Christmas Bird-Cen- sus, 192 ; The Destruction of Ptarmigan for Millinery Purposes, 204; Editorials by, 30, 31, 62, 93, 127, 161 ; Photographs by, 10, 11, 122 ; Re- views by, 28, 29, 61, 91, 92, 123, 124, 125, 126, 159, 160. Cherrie, George K., The Egret Hunters of \'ene- zuela, 50. Coxa, Mrs. Clara J. See Reynaud, Gabriel. Crockett, Ingram, Sec'y, Report of, 97. Denwood, John, Two Notes from the Berkshires, 59. Dibble, Edmund B., Two Notes by " A Young Observer," 117. Dommerich, Mrs. L. F., Sec'y, Report of, 36. Drummond, Mary, Sec'y, Report of, 65. Dutcher, William, The Bird Protection Fund, 60, 90 ; Review by, 92. Dwight, Jonathan, Jr., M.D., How Ptarmigans Molt, 175. Figgins, J. D., Photograph by, 25. Ganier, Albert, Nesting of the Prothonotary War- bler, 89. Gault, Benjamin T., December and January Bird- Life at Glen Ellyn (near Chicago), Illinois, 187. Glover, Mrs. W. B., Sec'y, Report of, 165. Grant, Annie M., Sec'y, Reports of, 130, 164. Hastings, Harriet H., Report of, 132. Hathaway, H. S., A Home Loving Osprey, 89. Hegner, R. W., Photographs by, 122, 150. Hilles, Mrs. William S., Sec'y, Report of, 95. Hoffmann, Ralph, December and January Bird- Life near Boston, 182. Horton, Mrs. Wm. C, Early Breeding of the Pine Siskin, 118. Hubbard, Marion E., Bird Work at Wellesley, 52. Hutchins, John, The House Wren as a Depreda- tor, 89. Ives, Ella Gilbert, A Yonkers Robin, 119. Jones, Lynds, On Methods in Teaching Ornithol- ogy at Oberlin College, 14 ; Spring Migration at Oberlin, O., 57 ; December and January Bird- Life at Oberlin, O., 186. Keeler, Charles, December and January Bird-Life on Eastern Side of San Francisco Bay, 188. Kellogg, Chas. D., Cowbird in a Dove's Nest, 121. Lemmon, Isabella McC, Notes on the Food of the Chickadee and Screech Owl, 59. LeSouef, D., Photograph by, 136. Lucas, Frederic A., Concerning Birds' Tongues, 5. Mearns, E. A., The Newport Robin, 118. Miller, Olive Thorne,The Study of Birds— Another Way, 151. Milliners' Proposed Agreement, 98. Montgomery, Thos. H., Jr., The Bird Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, during the Summer of 1900, 153. Moore, W'illie H., Notes on the American Golden- Eye, 157. Nash, H. \\'., Photograph by, 168. Nelson, Mrs. Henry W., A Pair of Killdeer, 148. Newkirk, Garrett, The Wise Old Crow, 158. Nightingale, Nina, My Exploit With a Crossbill, 181. Noble, Floyd C, Note on the Blue-winged War- bler in New York City in Winter, 59. Page, Laura G., Swallows and Feathers, 81. Palmer, T. S., Protest Against the Collection of Plume Birds Through Postmasters, 66. Patten, J. M., Sec'y, Report of, 203. Peabody, P. B., How a Marsh Hawk Grows, 43 ; Photographs by, 43, 45, 46, 48,49, 75. Peckham, Elizabeth Gifford, Secretary's report of, 132. Peebles, Robert R., Photograph by, 116. Pennock, A. J., Photographs by, 108, 140. (iii) Index Princehorn, A. L., Photographine;- a Robin, 41 ; Photographs by, 41, 42, 182. Pynchon, W. H. C, Every-Day Study of Birds for Busy People, Including a Method of Recording Observations, 19. Reynaud, Capt. Gabriel, The (Jrientation of Birds, 101, 141. Ridgway, Robert, Song Birds in Europe and America, 69. Rogers, Charles H., The Notes of the Crow, 26. Roosevelt, Theodore, Letter from, 98. Rowley, John, A New Camera for Bird Photog- raphers, 38. Sage, John H., Spring Migration at Portland. Conn., 56. Seton-Thompson, Ernest, The Origin of Dick- Cissel,88; Verse by, 166. Shaw, J. Holbrook, M.D., An Oriole Tragedy, iiS. Soule, Caroline G., A Philanthropic Sparrow, 26 ; A Hummingbird Experiment, 158. St. John, Morgan, February Birds, 23. Stern, Louis, Postal Card sent by, 66. Stone, Witnier, The Question of Fees, 95; De- cember and January Bird-Life Near Philadel- phia, 1 84. Tabor, E. G., Photograph by, 68. Taxlor, John W., President, report of, 97. Thayer, Abbott H. (and others). An Appeal to Bird-Lovers, 33. Torrey, Bradford, Winter Pensioners, 177. Van Sant, Florence A., The Rev. Mr. Chickadee, D.D., IQ3. Warren, E. R., Photographing Ptarmigan, 170. Warren, Harry S., The Birds That Pass in the Night, 113. Webster, Ellen E., Feeding a Shrike, 195. Wetmore, Alick, My Experience With a Red- headed Woodpecker, 155. Whipple, Bishop H. B., Letter from, 97. Willislon, S. W., Photograph by, 100. Woodworth, Nelly Hart, An Albino Robin, 120. W [right], Mabel Osgood, Editorials by 32, 63, 95, 128, 163, 201. INDEX TO VOLUME II Advisory Council, 12, 182. Africa, 174. Aigrette Farming, 31. Aigrettes, 166. Alaska, 197. Allen, J. A., 33, 127, 196. American Museum Journal, 160. American Museum of Natural History, 121. American Ornithologists' Union, 94, 127, 154, 161, 162, 196, 198, 201. Arizona, 31. Ash, Charles E., 118. Attwater, H. P., 13. Audubon Bird Chart, noticed, 197. Audubon Conference, 202. Audubon, J. J., 29, 158. Audubon, Maria R., 158. Audubon Society, 94, 161, 163, 164, 166, 202. Auk, The, 126. Australia, 135. Bagg, Egbert, 13. Bailey, Florence Merriam, 151, 202. Baily, W. L., 60. Baird, Lucy H., 29. Baird, Spencer F., 29. Baldpate, 56. Barbour, E. H., 12. Barlow, C, 29. Barker, S. H., 6c. Barrows, W. B., 12. Bartsch, Paul, 12. Baskett, James Newton, 16. Batchelder and Fogg, Birds of Manchester, N. H., noticed, 126. Real's 'P'oodof the Bobolink, Blackbirds and Crack- les,' reviewed, 197. Beyer, George E., 12. Beyer's 'Avifauna of Louisiana.' reviewed, 125. Bicknell, E. P., 26. Bird-Census, 190, 191. Bird Chart, 163. Bird Club, 121. Bird Day, 90. Bird Destruction, 60. Bird Laws, 124, 128, 131. Bird-Lore, 30, 54, 200. Bird Nesting, 194. Bird Photography, 27. Bird Protection, 60, 90, 98, 126. Bird Students, 151. Bird Study, 52, 83, 87, T51, 153, 181. Birds, Attracting, 55. Birge, E. A., 129. Bishop's ' Birdsof the Yukon Region,' reviewed, 197. Bittern, American, 56. Blackbird, Crow, 19, 72; Red-winged, 56, 57, 186, 1S7 ; Rusty, 56, 57, 187. Blatchley's ' Gleanings from Nature,' reviewed, 61. Bluebird, 57, 89, 184, 186, 187, 189. Bobolink, 46, 56, 57. Bob-White, 183, 1S4, 1S5, 186. Bonnet, A Remarkable, 166. Bower-Bird, Golden, 139; Spotted, 136; bower of, figured, 134. Bower-Birds, 135. Boys, collecting, 57. Brewster, William, 12, 25, 33, 129, 196. Brimley, H. H., 25. British Islands, 69. Index British Ornithologists, 126. Brown, EHzabeth V., 203. Brown, Herbert, 12, 31. Buffle-head, 56. Bunting, Indigo, 57. Burns, ' Monograph of the Flicker ' reviewed, 125. Burroughs, John, S3. Bush Tit, California, 1S8. Butler, A. W., 12. Buzzard, Turkey, 72. California, 2S, 29, 34, 92, 162, 18.S. Camera, 37, 90 ; figured, 38, 39.- Cardinal, 72, 74, 184, 185, 186. Carroll, J. J., 13. Catbird, 57, 70, 72, 74, 75 ; figured, 108. Chaffinch, 69. Chamberlain, Montague, 13. Chapman, Frank M., 12, 13, 14, 20, 33, 131, 154, 202. Chapman's 'Bird Studies with a Camera' reviewed, 92. Chat, Yellow-breasted, 57, 72, 73, 74. Chickadee, 19, 24, 59, 177, 178, 180, 185, 186, i K RED CROSSBILL Photographed from life by J. D. Figgins, Falls Church, Va. observed at Englewood, N. J., where they rarely occur, in November and Decem- ber ; and as I write (January 8) about thirty birds are actively feeding among the cones of a Norway spruce in view of my study window. Mr. J. D. Figgins tells me that he first observed them at Falls Church, Va., on December i, where they were abundant until his departure from the locality on the 14th, and Dr. Fisher writes that Mr. James H. Gaut, of the Biological Survey, saw several hundred Crossbills in Virginia, a few miles from Washington, in December. During the last great southward flight of Red Crossbills, in the winter of 1888-89, I observed a flock of about fifty birds at Aiken, S. C, but thus far this season they have not been reported to me from south of Washington. Mr. H. H. Brimley writes from Raleigh, N. C, that none have been observed there ; and Prof. T. G. Pearson, (25) 26 Bird- Lore of Guilford College, N. C, makes the same statement. — Frank M. Chapman, Engleivood , N. J. Blue-Winged Warbler in Southern New York in January On January 6, igoo, a specimen of the Blue-winged Warbler ( Ilelmhithophila jbinjis) was found dead on the borders of the Bronx river, in the hemlock grove in Bronx Park, and was picked up by me from a bed of mosses, where it lay with its beak open, frozen stiff. My determination of the species has been verified by Mr. E. P. Bicknell and Mr. R. S. Williams, and the latter, who skinned the specimen, noted that the giz- zard and crop were entirely empty and the skeleton uninjured, so that the bird evidently starved to death. — Elizabeth G. Britton, N'eiu York City. [The specimen above recorded has been presented by Mrs. Britton to the American Museum of Natural History. It is appar- ently a female and its plumage is in fresh and unworn condition. On inquiry, Mr. Williams states that the bird had doubtless died but a short time before it was found, the eye-balls still being firm and unsunken. The Blue-winged Warbler is not only one of the first of our summer residents to leave, it being rarely observed after Sep- tember 5, but it winters south of the United States, and its occurrence here at this season is therefore especially remark- able. The fact that the bird had survived several severe frosts — on one occasion the mercury registering 8° — is also of interest. Probably the well known habit of the species of searching for food in bunches of dead leaves and similar situa- tions had enabled it to live where a fly- catching Warbler would long before have died.— F. M. C] A Philanthropic Sparrow The only kindly act I ever saw per- formed by an English Sparrow was done last year in a Vermont town at a time when tent-caterpillars were partic- ularly abundant. A Chipping Sparrow brought oif her brood and was busily trying to teach them to pick up food for themselves, but one could not, or would not, try. He fluttered up to an English Sparrow, which was picking up seeds. chirped, opened his mouth, and begged for food in an unmistakable manner. The English Sparrow, a fine cock, picked up a tent-caterpillar — a kind which he never ate himself — and thrust it into the Chippy's open beak, then flew away as if he feared that he might be asked to take it out again ! — Caroline G. Soule, Broohline, Mass. Hawk and Robin An interesting incident, illustrating the great force with which birds fly, came un- der my notice some time since. I was at my window, when suddenly the glass flew into a hundred pieces, and I saw a bird fluttering on the floor. On examination it proved to be a Sharp-shinned Hawk, in fine condition and plumage, but its dis- astrous passage through the window had injured one wing severely. In searching for the cause of its actions, we found on the ground, under the win- dow, a large male Robin, dead, but without a mark on him to show what caused his death. Did he die from fright, or could the Hawk have struck him with force enough to kill him without having external injury? Did the pursuer go with so much more force than the pursued, as to go through the window, while the other dropped dead from the force of the blow? — Emilia C. Anthony, Goui'erneu?-, N. Y. The Notes of the Crow In all the bird books I have read, I have not found any mention of the American Crow ufing a call-note other than cazu and its variations. I have now and then heard them say, krriick — krruck — krruck, or cazc — caiv — cazv — krruck — krruck, and the like. — Charles H. Rogers, Philadel- ■phia, Pa. [Our correspondent perhaps refers to notes uttered by Crows when attacking a Hawk or Owl, or possibly to the car-r-r- 7--iick, oo-oo-oo -oo-oo , ok, which is com- monly heard in the spring when the birds are mating. In either event, we are not a little surprised to find, as Mr. Rogers says, that the ornithological biographies credit the Crow with only the cdii.' call. — Ed.] Notes from Field and Study 27 A Pair of Canadian Climbers How easy it is to go into the woods al- most any day and bring back dozens of mental pictures of birds ; but lucky is the week and fortunate the fifth of a second in which we secure a really good photograph of a wild bird. How many scores of Brown Creepers have zigzagged up tree-trunks, and flown down to the bases of others, just too far away ! But in late September, 1899, deep in the woods of Digby county, Nova Scotia, a Creeper, well meriting his specific name, familiaris, found a tidbit in a crevice of bark, not three feet from me, and tarried long enough for a quick focus and success- ful exposure. Although a fairly sharp picture was secured, the difficulty of clearly distinguishing the bird within a space of a few square inches admirably illustrates the harmony in pattern of coloration which exists between it and the bark on which it is resting. Two days later, I watched for some time tiny moving specks on my ground glass — reflections of a flock of Pine Grosbeaks, uttering their exagger- ated. Goldfinch-like notes in the spruce above me. They showed no signs of de- scending, and I was about to abandon the Kl:0\\\ ( 1; HE PER Photographed from nature by C. Wi RED-BRE.\STED NUTHATCH Photographed from nature by C. William Beebe attempt to photograph them, when a Red- breasted Nuthatch peered around the corner of a stub in front of me. The sec- ond photograph shows him as I saw him. He stayed but a moment, but that short space of time was fatal to any objections he might have had to publicity. — By C. William Beebe, Assistant Curator of Birds, Xeic York Zoological Society. Increased Interest in Bird Photography At the 1889 meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union a committee was ap- pointed to solicit the loan of lantern slides showing wild birds, their nests and eggs, to be exhibited at the next Congress of the Union, when about two dozen slides were shown. At the meeting of the A. O. U., held in Philadelphia in November last, although no effort had been made to secure papers illustrated by slides, between two and three hundred were exhibited, and many others were not shown for lack of time. iSoob jBtetDS and 3^et)ietDS Results of a Biological Survey of Mount Shasta, California. By C. Hart Merriam, North American Fauna, No. i6, Washington, Government Print- ing Office, iSgg. 8vo, pages 179 ; pll. v ; text figures, 46. Dr. Merriam remarks in his intro- duction: "All high mountains, particu- larly those that stand alone, are likely to throw light on the problems of geographic distribution, and are worthy of careful study. Shasta, not only because of its great attitude, but even more because of its intermediate position between the Sierra and the Cascades, promised an instruction lesson, and was therefore chosen as a base station for part of the field work of 1899." Lack of space prohibits a detailed review of this volume, whose contents is indicated by the following section headings: 'General Features,' 'Forests of Shasta,' 'Forest Fires,' 'Slope Exposure, ' Life Zones of Shasta, ' ' The Boreal Fauna and Flora of Shasta contrasted with Corresponding Faunas and Floras of the Sierra and Cascades, ' ' Efficiency of Klamath Gap as a barrier to Boreal species compared with that of Pitt River and Feather River Gaps Collectively, ' ' Sources of the Boreal Faunas of Shasta and of the Sierra and the Cascades,' ' Mammals of Shasta, ' Birds of Shasta and Vicinity ' ( pages 109-134),' 'Notes on the distribution of Shasta Plants. ' The work is an admirable exposition of its author's thorough methods of research, and exhibits his breadth of view in considering the influences which govern the distribution of life. — F. M. C. Our Native Birds : How to Protect AND Attract Them to Our Homes. By D. Lange. New York : The Mac- millan Company, 1899. lamo, pages ix-|-i62, 10 ills, in text. Price, $1. Here is a book which should be in the hands of every one interested in bird- protection. The author is not only fully abreast, but perhaps a trifle ahead of the times. As instructor in Nature Study in the public schools of St. Paul, Minnesota, he has learned to appreciate the educational value of bird-study and to develop methods of teaching which here are clearly set forth. As a resident in the country, he has observed the evils of bird-destruction, and has devised means of making our lawns and gardens more habitable for birds by providing them with feeding, bathing and drinking places and nesting-sites, and by destroying their enemies. The author is not a theorist, but is definite and practical, and the reader desirous of attracting birds about his home will find here exactly the needed instructions, with well selected references to the literature of ornithology and horticulture. The book is a unique and valuable contribution to the subjects of bird- study and bird-protection, and we wish for it the widest possible circulation. — F. M. C. Bird-Notes Afield, a Series of Essays ON THE Birds of California. By Charles A. Keeler. D. P. Elder and Morgan Shepard, San Francisco, 1899. i2mo, pp. vii — 353. Bird-students in California are to be congratulated on the appearance of this volume, which fills the long felt want of a popular handbook of the birds of the state. Mr. Heeler's technical knowledge of ornithology, his sympathy with birds in nature, and his gift of description have especially fitted him to produce a successful book of this kind, and an ex- amination of ils pages shows that he has done justice to his powers. The first 233 pages are devoted to sketches of birds in their haunts, under such titles as, 'A Trip to the Faral- lones,' 'A Glimpse of the Birds of Berke- (28) Book News and Reviews 29 ley,' 'In a JNIission Patio,' etc., while an appendix of 117 pages contains ' A De- scriptive List of California Land Birds, with Key.'— F. M. C The Avifauna of The Pribilof Islands. By William Palmer. Extracted from ' The Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands of the North Pacific Ocean,' Part iii, PP- 355-431- Pis. 2, Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1899. This is essentially a complete mono- graph of the avifauna of the Pribilof Islands, with a description of the topog- raphy of the Islands, an account of their ornithological history, studies of the geo- graphical distribution and migration of their birds, and detailed treatment of the sixty-nine species which have been re- corded from the group. Mr. Palmer is a careful, patient obser- ver and thoughtful student ; while we may not always agree with his theories we are grateful for the facts which make this paper an exceedingly important con- tribution to the literature of ornithology. — F. M. C. Book News One of the most interesting features of the last congress of the American Ornithologists' Union was the presenta- tion of a number of letters from Audubon to Baird, which were read by Mr. Witmer Stone, through the courtesy of Miss Lucy H. Baird. They were written in 1842 or 1843, when Audubon, then some sixty years of age, was preparing for his trip to the upper Missouri to gather materials for his work on North American quadru- peds, and they exhibit in the most pleasing manner, not only their writer's enthusiasm for the task in which he was then engaged, but also his affectionate regard for Professor Baird, who, at the time was a young man of twenty, on the threshhold of his career. It is to be hoped that these letters will be published. The New York Zoological Park has issued an excellent guide to its collection by Mr. W. T. Hornaday, director of the park. It is beautifully illustrated and attractively printed, and, aside from its value as a guide, has permanent worth as a text-book of the mammals, birds and reptiles of which it treats. We note with regret the erroneous statement, on page 44, that Brown Pelicans' feathers are not used by milliners. The interesting and well edited 'Bulle- tin of the Cooper Ornithological Club of California ' begins its second volume under the title of 'The Condor.' Some time since one of our leading monthlies published a drawing of the Murre rookery of the Farallone Islands from a photograph by Mr. C. Barlow, the well known California ornithologist. As very often happens in bird-photog- raphy, the birds had left the foreground of the picture, and to remedy this defect the artist has introduced birds in his draw- ing which were not in the photograph. While the result may be considered an artistic success, we fear it will not be en- dorsed by ornithologists, the added birds not being Murres, but King Penguins, a flightless species which does not occur with- in several thousand miles of the Farallones! The Jacksonville 'Times-Union,' learn- ing from a notice published in De- cember Bird-Lore that a party of hunters was bound for Florida ' to shoot all kinds of water birds,' vigorously comments on their coming, under the caption, "Jail the Filibusters," as follows: "We invite all correspondents of this paper to keep a careful watch for such filibusters and all their kind. Moreover, we insist that the intention itself is actionable ; in case no capture is made in this state, information js here furnished from reliable sources warranting the Attorney-General in pro- ceeding against these parties within their places of hiding or business and bringing them before the Federal Courts Such wholesale massacre has become serious to the farmers of the state, as well as to those who take a less materialistic interest in the victims. The Governor has issued his instructions, and there can be no doubt as to the temper which animates his language." 30 Bird - Lore idirti'Eore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. II February, 1900 No. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Englewood, New Jersey, or 66 Fifth avenue, New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., London. COPYRIGHTED, 1900, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto: A Bird in the Bush is Worth Two in the Hand. Bird-Lore begins its second year under circumstances which encourage the be- lief that already it is in a fair way to accomplish the purposes for which it was established. These, it may be re- membered, were stated in our first issue to be a desire to aid students of birds in nature and to promote the cause of the Audubon Societies. As far as our relations with bird-stu- dents are concerned, we desire here to express our appreciation of the large number of letters we have received from subscribers who have been kind enough to say that Bird-Lore has been of as- sistance to them. Their warmly spoken thanks are very grateful to us, and one letter, like the following, goes far toward recompensing us for any labor expended in their behalf. The writer says : " I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation of Bird-Lore and of saying that it has with me accomplished the purpose for which you say it is pub- lished— namely, the development of an active interest in birds. I am a novice in ornithology, but Bird-Lore has helped to make the woods and fields mean far more to me than they ever did before, by disclosing a side of nature to which I now see I was, until recently, practically blind ; and I think that my experiences must be but an example of the experience of many of your other readers, who, like myself, are business men, and so have comparatively little time to study nature." From the Audubon Societies we have received very welcome assurances that Bird-Lore is filling a ' long felt want, ' and, in this connection, we may be per- mitted to quote from the report for iSgg of Mr. Witmer Stone, chairman of the American Ornithologists' Union Commit- tee on Bird-Protection. In his report for 1898, Mr. Stone had remarked upon the necessity of an official organ for the Audubon Societies ; he now says that the idea of such a magazine has been realized by the appearance of 'Bird-Lore,' " which has fully justified the highest expectations of its advocates. The Audubon Society department, under the direction of Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright, serves to unite these organizations and forms, as it were, a central bureau of information upon this line of work." — Auk, Jan. igoo, p. 52. The press throughout the country, has greeted ' Bird-Lore ' most cordially, and from numerous notices we select the follow- ing from the Philadelphia ' North Ameri- can:' "Bird-Lore completes its first year with the current December number, in many ways the best so far issued, which is saying a good deal. The editor and publishers of this more than attractive, beautifully illustrated magazine deserve the utmost encouragement, for not only is it full of interest for bird-lovers and students of field ornithology, but it is active in a work — that of protecting our birds — which is far more important, economically as well as aesthetically, than most can imagine. Por these reasons, we heartily commend Bird-Lore as the best popular magazine on birds." This reception of Bird-Lore is far more gratifying than mere pecuniary success could be and is a potent spur to our desire to make each issue better than the last. In the earlier numbers of the present volume, which appear at a time of the year when bird-studies form a part of Editorials 31 the nature-study courses in our schools, special attention will be paid to the pedagogics of ornithology, while the later numbers will be more largely devoted to the recountal of experiences afield. Senator Hoar has again introduced into the United States Senate a bill designed to control the traffic in feathers for millinery purposes. It differs from the bill introduced by him last year only in excepting from its provisions birds which are used for food. 'The Millinery Trade Review,' in commenting on this bill, says: "The task of crushing such a measure will be made more difficult than at the last session, but crushed it must be, and every man or woman connected with the mil- linery trade must lend his or her aid in connection with that of the Millinery Merchants' Protective Association, whether capital is invested in the business or one is a wage-earner. His or her living in the seasons to come depends upon the rise or fall of this most iniquitous and childish measure." It is this final statement on which the specious pleas of the milliners are usu- aly based, whereas, as a matter of fact, no one thing would more greatly benefit the milliners' trade, as a whole, than the total abolition of feathers — many of which are worn exactly as taken from the bird — and their consequent replace- ment by various artificial ornaments, the manufacture of which would give employment to a much larger number of persons than are at present engaged in the millinery trade. In 'Harpers' Bazaar' for November 18, 1899, there appeared an editorial para- graph to the effect that as Herons are no longer killed for their plumes, which are now gathered from the ground and plucked from captive birds there was no longer any reason why these feath- ers should not be worn by the most humane-minded woman. Inquiry developed the fact that this paragraph was written by Mrs. Isabel Strong and was based on information furnished her by Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson, who in turn had received it from a missionary to India. Requests for a correction of this er- roneous and misleading article resulted in an admission from the editor of the magazine in question that " unquestion- ably ... a comparatively small propor- tion of those egrets used are found upon the ground." Nevertheless, he has made no further reference in his pages to Mrs. Strong's paragraph, which led the reader to believe that all the plumes used were either picked up from the ground or plucked from birds captive in so-called ' Egret farms. ' Concerning these ' farms ' the editor of the ' Bazaar' is silent, and in every case where inves- tigation has been possible the 'farm' has proved to be a myth. One was described in great detail by a newspa- per correspondent, who made the mis- take of locating it in Yuma, Arizona, the home of Mr. Herbert Brown, a well-known ornithologist and member of Bird-Lore's Advisory Council. Inquiry of Mr. Brown develops the amusing fact that the ' farm ' consists of one lit- tle white Egret kept as a pet at the Southern Pacific Hotel. Admitting the possibility of picking plumes from the ground, it is absurd to suppose that the plume hunters would adopt this method to the exclusion of shooting, when one well-directed shot would yield more and better plumes than they might find in a week's search. Assemblyman Hallock has introduced a bird-protection bill in the New York leg- islature, which differs from the existing law in making the possesion of a bird's plumage as actionable an offense as pos- session of the bird itself. Under the pres- ent law it has been found impossible to convict millinery taxidermists having in stock the freshly made skins of native birds, but the amendment proposed, by making the old law active, will permit of the conviction of these, the worst offend- ers against it. We, therefore, urge our readers to use all possible influence in securing the passage of Mr. Hallock's bill. Cl)e ^utiubon ^ociette^ " i'ou cannot with a scalpel Jind the poet's soul, Nor yet the wild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. Reports, etc., designed for this depart- ment should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries New Hamphire Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss Harriet E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 187 Bowen street, Providence. Connecticut Mrs. William Brown Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey Miss Anna Haviland, 53 Sandford Ave., Plainfield, N.J. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Maryland Miss Anne Weston Whitney, 715 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. Wheeling, W. Va. (branch of Pa. Society) Elizabeth I. Cummins, 1314 Chapline street. Wheeling. Qj^JQ Miss Clara Russell, 903 Paradrome street, Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. \iyifia. Miss Nellie S. Board, Keokuk. Wisconsin ■ Mrs. George W. Pkckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. Tennessee Mrs. C. C. Conner, Ripley. r-^ *^-.?^ /?►> ">J 't-' <^'^. M RUFFED GROUSE ON NEST Photographed from nature, by E. G. Tabor Meridian, N. Y. l&irti = tore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societies Vol. II June, 1900 No. 3 Song-Birds in Europe and America* BY ROBERT RIDGWAY Curator of Birds, I'nited States National Museum T has been repeatedly stated by writers who have had the opportunity of making the comparison, that the United States is very deficient in song-birds as com- pared with Europe — the British Islands in particular. One writer f even goes as far as to say that "it may be safely asserted that in the midland counties of England the Skylark alone, even in the month of March, sings more songs within the hearing of mankind than do all the songsters of the eastern United States" — which, of course, is an exaggeration. The same writer says: "It is, no doubt, very patriotic to prove that the woods and fields of North America are as vocal with bird song as those of England. The attempt has been made, but it is only necessary to cross the Atlantic, stay a month in the British Islands, and then return, taking frequent country walks on both sides of the water, to become convinced that the other side has all the advantage in quantity of bird song. Let us grant that the quality is equal — though it is difficult to understand where in America the peer of the Nightingale can be found — let us grant that the United States possesses a list of song-birds larger than that of the British Islands — all this does not prove that the quantity of bird song is greater. In England bird voices are everywhere. The Chaffinch is more abundant than the Sparrow save in the centers of cities, and his cheery notes can be heard at all times ; the Robin Redbreast is common in suburb and village, and is not chary of his voice ; and as for the Skylark — it is hard to go anywhere in the country without * Parts of this article were published in the Audubon Magazine, Vol. I, 1SS7, page 127, but so much has been added and eliminated that in its present form it is essentially a different paper. tW. H. Lockington, in Tlie Churclinnui. 70 Bird - Lore hearing them. How is it here ? Does any one pretend that bird song is common in the suburbs of our cities ? Do Robins and Catbirds, our most plentiful singing birds, often treat us to a song as we sit on the piazza of our semi-detached cottage, or as we walk adown the tree-lined streets ? " It is not stated in the article from which the above is quoted where the writer's observations in this country were made except that a "Pennsylvania wood" is incidentally referred to. It is diffi- cult to believe, however, that he can have had much, if any, experi- ence with more favored portions of our country, for his allegation certainly will not hold good for a large number of localities both east and west of the Alleghanies, however applicable it may be to the immediate vicinity of our larger eastern cities. His comparison is also unfair in that, while questioning the existence in America of any "peer of the Nightingale," he neglected to inquire where, in England — or the rest of Europe, for that matter — can be found even an approach to our Mockingbird,* although since it is tacitly granted that in the two countries the quality of bii'd song "is equal," we can afford to pass this by. When we consider the unquestionable fact that in the eastern United States the number of species of song-birds is about twice as great as that belonging to the entire British Islands, there must, if the statement be true, be some reason why bird songs are so much more often heard there than here. The explanation seems to me very simple, three very different conditions which actually exist in the two countries being alone sufficient to produce the alleged result. These are: (i) the far more densely populated area of England, rendering it almost impossible for a bird to sing without being heard ; (2) the greater protection there afforded song-birds in thickly settled districts; and (3) the conspicuous differences of climate, the moist and cool summers of England, permitting birds to be abroad and tuneful throughout the day, while our dry and scorching summer *The special merit of tlie Mockingbird's song is popularly supposed to consist in its imitative character, but this is far from being true. The Mockingbird is not so confirmed an imitator as he is given credit (or discredit) for; and many individuals, and the very best songsters, of the species rarely, if ever, imitate. Their own notes are so infinitely varied that persons not sufficiently familiar with birds' notes erroneously suppose many of them to be imitations. A Patagonian species of Mockingbird [ATimus tritirus) may, or may not, be superior to ours as a songster. I very much doubt if its song excels that of the best performers among our species. This is what an Englishman has to say regarding it : " When I first heard this bird sing I felt convinced that no other feathered songster on the globe could compare with it ; for, besides the faculty of reproducing the songs of other species, which it possesses in common with the Virginia Mockingbird, it has a song of its own which I believed to be matchless; and in this belief I was confirmed when shortly after hearing it I visited England and found of how much less account than this Patagonian bird, which no poet has ever praised, were the sweetest of the famed melodists of the Old World." (W. H. Hudson, Argentine Ornithology, Vol. I, p. 9.) Song-Birds in Europe and America 71 days compel our songsters to seek shelter and repose soon after sun- rise, their singing being mostly done during the early morning hours, when people are sleeping most soundly ! In many thinl}^ populated sections of our country thousands of bird songs are rarely heard by human ears. In the vicinity of all our cities, as well as most if not all of the smaller towns, the laws protecting song-birds are practically a 'dead letter,' the surrounding fields and woods being almost daily raided by the professional pot- hunter, the bird snarer, or boys with guns or bean-shooters.* In England, on the other hand, birds have for many generations been rigidly protected, until, in their almost absolute immunity from the perils to which they are in this country chiefly exposed, a much larger number have become accustomed to have confidence in mankind. Laws protecting all kinds of song-birds, and their nests and eggs, are there enforced with a strictness which is absolutely unknown in any portion of the United States ; and, in numerous carefully po- liced public parks and thoroughfares and extensive private grounds, which ample wealth and long cultivation have made a veritable paradise for birds, they live in full knowledge of their security, with little to check their natural increase. The extreme scarcity of pred- atory birds and mammals, which have been for a long time nearly exterminated throughout England, has also assisted to bring about that affluence of bird-life which is so justly the pride of the English people. The same abundance of bird-life could easily, by the same means, be secured in the United States. If anyone should doubt this, let him try the experiment and he will soon be convinced. I have done so for ten years, and the result was entirely satisfactory from the beginning, although the area upon which I could experiment was necessarily limited to my own grounds (only about half an acre in extent), and the birds have had much to contend with in the abun- dance of English Sparrows which continually harass the more domes- tic species, the frequent destruction of their eggs and young by red squirrels from an adjacent pine woods, and assassination by their arch enemies, the house cat and small boy, to which many birds that my wife and I had learned to know and love have fallen victims. All suburbs are more or less a "dumping ground" for superfluous city cats ; ours is no exception to the rule, for these worse than useless creatures have at times fairly swarmed in our neighborhood. Of course we have done the best we could to protect the birds from these enemies, and with some success. We have also done all that *This is certainly true of the suburbs of Washington, where the police force is not sufficient to properly patrol the outskirts of the city. 72 Bird - Lore we could to attract them to our place : boxes and gourds (with holes too small to admit the English Sparrow) were placed here and .there — the former on the veranda and on posts, the latter hung up in trees; shrubs, trees, and vines which bear their favorite fruits have been planted freely ; and during the hot and dry season we place numerous pans and dishes in the shelter of the shrubbery, and these are kept filled with water for them to drink and bathe in. The result could scarcely have been more satisfactory, for the birds were quick to discover the preparations we had made for them, and each season they have increased in numbers and become more tame. We have House Wrens, Brown Thrashers, Catbirds, Chipping Sparrows, and Song Sparrows nesting within our grounds,* and each morning and evening dozens of Wood Thrushes, Vireos and other species from the adjacent woods and thickets visit the bathing dishes, several often disputing for the first bath. Here, in full view of the capitol dome, Washington monument, and other prominent buildings of the city, not less than thirty species of song-birds make their summer home in our immediate vicinity ; not all of them are conspicuous songsters, but several of them are of the first rank and most of them are fairly common. Each morning in May and June and part of July we are awakened by a veritable flood of bird-melody, so loud, so rich, so ecstatic, that sleep would be impossible except to those who have no ear for sweet sounds or whose slumber is so deep that nothing short of a thunder-clap or earthquake would break it. This matin chorus is made up of many voices. There are Wood Thrushes (half-a-dozen or more). Brown Thrashers (several), Cat- birds (several), a Robin or two, three or four House W^rens, a Carolina W^ren, Cardinal, Chewink, Summer Tanager, Yellow-breasted Chat, Red-eyed, White-eyed, and Yellow-throated Vireos, Maryland Yellow-throat, Goldfinches, Song Sparrow, and Field Sparrow; also songsters of lesser merit, as Prairie Warbler, Chipping Sparrow and Ovenbird, though these are scarcely to be heard at all amid the din of louder voices. Besides these songsters, several other birds are heard whose notes are conspicuous, as the tender-voiced Wood Pewee, the cooing Dove, and the querulous Great-crested Fly- catcher. In all, more than twenty species of true songsters and fully three times as many individual singers. This matin chorus begins with the break of dawn and ends after *<)u the afternoon of June 26, 1S9S, in company with two oinitholo'jical friends, I made a cen- sus of the birds seen in my yard during about .lialf an hour's observation. Exactly twenty species were counted, the list being as follows: Hummingbird, Wood Pewee, Wood Thrush, Brown Thrasher, Catbird, House Wren, Prairie Warbler, Ovenbird, Warbling, Red-eyed, White-eyed, and Yellow-throated Vireos, Summer Tanager, Goldfinch, Chipping Sparrow, Indigo Bird, Cardinal, Chewink, Crow Blackbird, and Flicker. Besides these four others (Crow, Fish Crow, Turkey Buzzard, and Chimney Swift) were seen flying overhead or near by. Song-Birds in Europe and America 73 sunrise. I have never timed its duration, and can only say that the bird songs heard by people who are astir at the ordinary morning hours can give no idea of the richness of the full orchestra. By the time the sun has risen high enough to sensibly increase the heat the concert has quite subsided, and is not renewed till dawn of the follow- ing day. Only three or four species persist in singing during our hot summer days ; the Summer Tanager is the most conspicuous, both from the vigor of his song and the richness of his coloring — I have often seen him perched, at midday, on the summit of a tall tree, his rich vermilion plumage resplendent in the full glare of the blazing sun, as he carolled his robin-like song. The Red-eyed Vireo is another, who sings cheerfully all day long as he carefully searches for worms and spiders among the leafy branches. The Yellow-breasted Chat, too, amuses himself (and others) with his odd cat-calls and whistlings, the Indigo Bird sings his sprightly ditty, and the Field Sparrow his plaintive chant. But during the day bird songs are with us intermittent or desultory, and there is nothing like the chorus of early morning. Unless the weather be showery, there is only one prominent regular evening songster. Then the Wood Thrush is at his best. As the Thrushes begin to quiet down the Ovenbird, or Golden- crowned Thrush, begins his exquisite vesper warble (often repeated through the night), so utterly different from his monotonous day- time song that one not knowing the singer would never suspect that it was the same bird. All through the night, whether moonlight or dark, clear or rainy, the Chat seems to be wide awake ; perhaps he sings in his sleep ; however this may be, no bird, not even the Night- ingale itself, can be a more regular and persistent nocturnal songster ; indeed this bird does most of his singing at night, though unfortu- nately his performance is anything but melodious. During the breed- ing season other songsters occasionall}' break the stillness of night with a brief outburst of song, as if unable to repress their happiness even during sleep : but, unlike the Chat, the}' do not go beyond one or two such ebullitions. In other parts of our country the writer has, on many occasions, heard, earl}^ on mornings in May and June, grand concerts of bird music, which probably would challenge comparison, both as to quality and quantity, with any to be heard in other portions of the world, excepting, probably, the highlands of Mexico, which are said, and probably with truth, to be without a rival in both number and quality of songsters. The following list is copied from my note-book, and was made during the progress of such a concert, the birds named singing simultaneously in my immediate vicinit\\ The localit}' was not a particularly favorable one, being two miles from a small village, and 74 Bird -Lore at least three-fourths of the surroundings either heavy forest or wooded swamp. The date, May 12, and the locality southwestern Indiana : Four Cardinals, three Indigo Buntings, numerous Ameri- can Goldfinches, one White-eyed Vireo, one Maryland Yellowthroat, one Field Sparrow, one Carolina Wren, one Tufted Titmouse, one Gray-cheeked Thrush, one Yellow-breasted Chat, one Louisiana Water Thrush, one Red-eyed Vireo, and two Mourning Doves — in all thirteen species, and at least twice that number of individuals. And here is a list of birds heard singing together one day in June, about the edge of a prairie in southern Illinois : Two Mockingbirds, one Brown Thrasher, three Yellow-breasted Chats, one Warbling Vireo, one Bal- timore Oriole, several Meadowlarks, numerous Dickcissels and Hen- slow's and Grasshopper Sparrows, one Lark Sparrow, one Robin, one Towhee, one Catbird, one Wood Thrush, one Ovenbird, one Summer Tanager, several Tufted Titmice, one Red-eyed Vireo, one Bell's Vireo, one White-eyed Vireo, one Cardinal, one Indigo Bunting, two Maryland Yellowthroats, one Field Sparrow, and one Prairie Horned- Lark — the latter a true Lark, singing while suspended in mid-air, exactly in the manner of a Skylark ; in all, twenty-five species and certainly not less than fifty individuals. Is such a rich medley of bird music often, if ever, excelled in England ? It is true that neither the Skylark nor the Nightingale nor the Song Thrush were included, but they were each represented, and well represented, too : the first, if not by the Prairie Lark, whose manner of singing is identical, but whose song is comparatively feeble, then by the Meadow^lark, of which Wilson — himself a Scotchman — says that, although it "cannot boast the />07cu'rs of song" which distinguish the Skylark, "yet in richness of plumage as zot'// as sweetness of voice * * * stands ciiiinentlx its superior'' (italics our own ) ; the second by the Mockingbird, whose song is unrivalled for its combination of richness, variety, compass, volubility and vivacity ; and the third by the Brown Thrasher, whose energetic, powerful and untiring melody is said to closely resemble in modulation that of the Song Thrush. Not less than half a dozen of the remaining species are songsters of very pronounced merit, probabh' equaling, in one quality or another of song, the best of European singers, excepting that celebrated trio, the Nightingale, Song Thrush and Skylark. What Dr. Livingstone has said of African songsters applies equally well to those of the eastern United States, where the summers are of tropical character. "The birds of the tropics," says he, "have gen- erally been described as wanting in power of song. I was decidedly of opinion that this was not applicable to many parts of Londa, though birds there are remarkably scarce. Here [on the Zambesi, Song-Birds in Europe and America 75 below the falls] the chorus, or body of song, was not smaller in volume than it is in England * * * These African birds have not been wanting in song ; they have only lacked poets to sing their praises, which ours have had from the time of Aristophanes downward. Ours have had both a classic and a modern interest to enhance their fame. In hot, dry weatJicr, or at midday w/ien the sun is fierce, all are still ; let, however, a good shower fall, and all burst forth at once into merry lays and loving courtship." In the eastern United States, however, the true period of bird song is the early morning. The outburst of melody which follows a shower at midday or evening, joyous though it be, is no more to be compared with it than the tuning up of an orchestra with the full performance.* This oratorio of our birds seems to be a serious business with them, as if the observance of a religious duty, — a matin greeting to the orb of day. *Not only do our birds sing more vigorously and ioyously in the early morning, but their songs are at that time far more perfect than those heard during full daytime. I find this entry in my note-book : " May 26, 1888. Was awakened about 4.15 a. m. by the song of a Robin, which continued with only momentary pauses, as if for breath, till 4.30 (actual time), when it suddenly ceased and the Catbirds began practicing their pieces. The morning dark and misty, with dense fog covering the lowlands and all out-of-doors thoroughly saturated by the steady drizzling rains of several days past. As heard thus early in the morning, the Robin's song is really worth listening to, being free from those interruptions and harsh interpolations which characterize it at other times." YOUNG LEAST FLYCATCHERS AND NEST Photographed roni nature, by P. H. Feabody, in Kittson Co., Minn. The Kingfishers' Home Life BY WILLIAM L. BAILY With photograplis from nature by the author HOLE in a bank seems a strange place in which to build a nest, but although one may know it to be the home of a Kingfisher, he little imagines the singular course of the passage leading to the room at the other end, and is hardly aware of the six long weeks ^•^ of faithful care bestowed by the parent birds upon their eggs and family. Early in April we may hear the Kingfisher's voice, sounding like a policeman's rattle as he patrols the stream, and we often see him leaving a favorite limb, where he has been keeping watch for some innocent minnow in the water below. Off he goes in his slaty blue coat, shaking his rattle and showing his top-heavy crest, his abnormal bill and pure white collar. The mother bird, as usual with the sex, does most of the work at home. The hole is generally located high up on the bank, is somewhat less than four inches in diameter, and varies from at least five to eight feet in length. It slightly ascends to the dark, myste- rious den at the other end, — dark because the passage generally bends YOUNG KINGFISHERS, TWO DAYS OLD once or twice, thereby entirely excluding the light. The roof of the passage is vaulted from end to end, merging into a domed ceiling almost as shapely as that of the Pantheon. Such a home is built to stav, and if undisturbed would endure for vears. Two little tracks 76) The Kingfishers' Home Life 77 are worn by the female's feet the full length of the tunnel, as she passes in and out. The Kingfisher's knowledge of construction, her ingenious manner of hiding her eggs from molestation, and her constancy to her young, arouse our interest and admiration. We must also appreciate the NINE DAYS OLD difficulty with which the digging is attended, the meeting of frequent stones to block the work, which, by the way, may be the cause of the change in direction of the hole, but which I was inclined to believe intentional until I found a perfectly straight passage, in which a brood Avas successfully raised. To get photographs of a series of the eggs and young was almost as difficult a task, I believe, as the Kingfisher had in making the hole. It was necessary to walk at least four miles and dig down to the back of the nest, through the bank above, and fill it in again four times without deranging the nest or frightening away the parent birds. But we are well repaid for the trouble, for the pictures accurately record what could not be described. A photograph of the seven eggs was taken before they had even been touched, and numerous disgorgements of fish bones and scales show about the roomy apartment. The shapely domed ceiling, as well as the arch of the passage, is constructionally necessary for the safety of the occupants, the former being even more perfect than the pictures show. What is generally called instinct in birds has long since been to me a term used to explain what in reality is in- telligence. Some writer has mentioned that as soon as the young Kingfishers 78 Bird- Lore are able, they wander about their little home until they are able to fly, but evidently his experience was limited. My four pictures of the young birds were taken by lifting them out of their nests and placing them in a proper place to be photographed in the light, but the first two pictures were taken in the positions in which they were naturally found in the nest. The first, when they were about two days old, was obtained on the 21st of May, i8gg, and the young were not only found wrapped together in the nest, but the moment they were put on the ground, one at a time, though their eyes were still sealed, they immediately covered one another with their wings and wide bills, making such a tight ball that when any one shifted a leg, the whole mass would move like a single bird. This is a most luLM. KINGFISHERS, SlXim-.S 1 m i r> wi.,, sensible method of keeping warm, since the mother bird's legs are so short that she could not stand over them, but as the}' are pro- tected from the wind and weather they have no need of her. Their appearance is comical in the extreme, and all out of proportion. This clinging to one another is apparently kept up for at least ten days, for a week later, when nine days old, they were found in exactly a similar position. When the young were first observed they were absolutely naked, without the suggestion of a feather, and, unlike most young birds, showed no plumage of any kind until the regular final feathering, which was the same as that of the adult, began to appear. The growth of the birds was remarkably slow, and even when nine days old the feathers were just beginning to push through their tiny sheaths, but so distinctly showed their markings that I was able to distinguish the sexes by the coloring of the bands on the chest. The Kingfishers' Home Life 79 They did not open their mouths in the usual manner for food, but tried to pick up small objects from the ground, and one got another by his foot, as the picture shows. I took two other photographs the same day, showmg several birds searching on the ground with their bills, as if they were already used to this manner of feeding. When the birds were sixteen days old they had begun to look like formidable Kingfishers, with more shapely bills and crests, but as yet they evidently knew no use for their wings. They showed little temper, though they appeared to be somewhat surprised at being disturbed. My next visit to the hole in the bank was when the birds were YOUNG KINGFISHER, TWENTY-THREE DAYS OLD twenty-three days old, and, to ascertain whether they were still at home, I poked into the entrance of the hole a long, thin twig, which was quickly accepted by quite a strong bite. Taking the precaution to stop the hole with a good-sized stone, I proceeded to my digging for the last time on the top of the bank. This time I found the chamber had been moved, and I had some difficulty in locating it about a foot higher up and about the same distance to one side. The old birds had evidently discovered my imperfectly closed back door, and either mistrusted its security, or else a heavy rain had soaked down into the loosened earth and caused them to make alterations. They had completely closed up the old chamber and packed it tightly with earth and disgorged fish bones. The skill with which they met this emergency was of unusual 8o Bird- Lore interest, showing, again, the ingenuity and genuine intelligence which so often surprises us in the study of birds. Their home was kept perfectly clean by its constant care-taker. One of the full-grown birds, with every feather, as far as I could see, entirely developed, sat just long enough for me to photograph him, and then flew from the branch where I had placed him, down the stream and out of sight, loudly chattering like an old bird. One more bird performed the same feat, but before I was able to get him on my plate. The rest I left in the nest, and no doubt they were all in the open air that warm, sunn}' day, before nightfall. Swallows and Feathers BY LAURA G. PAGE HEN the Swallows returned, in the spring of 1897, they found me an invalid in a New Hampshire farm house. Every pleasant morning from the sunny piazza which fronted the south and looked out upon the barn, some rods away across the dooryard, I idly watched the birds as they flew in and out the great barn door or slipped through a broken pane in the window above. One morning, soon after their arrival, a few of them flew down near the ground several times and tried to pick up a small feather. Then it occurred to me to try to help them. From a basket of feathers, in the woodshed close by, I took several and placed them on the grass a few yards from the piazza. No sooner had I resumed my seat than they were discovered. One Swallow had seen them and was flying swiftly back and forth above them, though lacking the courage to try to get one. After a moment he flew away to the barn, and soon came back with two others close behind him. He had evidently been to summon help. Thus reinforced, the three at once set about getting the feathers. First, one would dart swiftly across the yard, diving close to the ground as he went, and the others would follow in quick succession. This they repeated several times before one succeeded in seizing a feather. Then he triumphantly flew with it high into the air and headed for the barn, with both the other Swallows in hot pursuit. But he eluded them and disappeared through the door with his prize. After a few moments a company of Swallows came out of the barn and headed directly for the feathers, where the manceuvers were repeated. Swallows and Feathers 8i After this I regularly provided feathers for them, and many an hour's entertainment did they furnish me, for I never tired of watching them. They seldom failed to see a feather as soon as it was placed on the grass, and would begin to fly back and forth above it. At first they were a little shy and flew so rapidly they often missed their aim, but soon they learned to slacken speed as they dived for the feathers and would seize one nearly every time. I gradually decreased the distance from the piazza until, finally, they would come within three feet of me for them. They always took them on the wing, never alighting to pick them up. It was an interesting sight when the successful bird was chased by the rest of the crowd. They usually came in squads of from three to six, and, in trying for the feathers, would fly in rapid suc- cession, one after the other, each diving to the ground as he passed by. But as soon as one bird got a feather the others would all leave the field and give chase, and many a time they would press him so hard that in turning this way and that to evade them, the feather would slip from his beak. Then there was a whirling and scrambling for it I Sometimes the owner would catch it again, but more often another bird would snatch it and fly away, only to be pursued in his turn. I have seen a feather dropped and seized three or four times before the barn door was reached. When the wind blew it was hard for a Swallow burdened with a feather to make headway against it. Often it avouM be wrested from his grasp and go sailing away in the air, only to be caught again and borne onward. Sometimes, if the bird had a firm hold of it, he would be turned completely around and even forced to fly backward for a moment. One of the small 'shoe-shops' so common throughout some sections of New Hampshire thirty years ago, stood not far from the piazza, and to this low roof the Swallow would frequently carry his prize ; here he would stop, turn the feather about or lay it down while he took a firmer hold of it, seizing it squarely in the middle. The other birds would alight on the roof near him, watching intently but not offering to touch it, until he was again on the wing, when they would instantly give chase. Their selection of feathers was especially interesting ; every Swallow tried for the largest. When several were put out at one time the smallest ones Avere always left till the last. In regard to color they were equally particular. At first I selected for them the softest and downiest feathers, whether brown or black or white ; but the birds invariably cliose the white ones and often refused the dark colors altogether. 82 Bird -Lore After a time, instead of placing the feathers on the ground, I would toss one into the air for them as they approached. This pleased them best of all, and they seldom missed one unless the wind carried it back under the piazza, when in their frantic attempts to catch it ere it fell, the whir of wings would beat almost in my face. One day I saw a Swallow sitting on the weather vane which surmounted the barn, and tossed out a feather, wondering if he would notice it. The instant it left my hand he darted like an arrow across the dooryard, seized it before it touched the ground, and made off with it to the barn. My appearance on the piazza was the signal for their approach. They seemed to be watching for me and would start at once toward the house, making a peculiar noise. Many a morning on going out I have found them flying to and fro before the door, calling for me, and the instant a feather was tossed in the air they would all dive for it, often coming close to me. Several attempts to have them take one from my hand were never quite successful ; they would look longingly at it and fly back and forth almost near enough, but in the end their courage always failed them. They were chiefly Barn Swallows, with their chestnut throats, glossy blue backs and forked tails, that came about the door. Oc- casionally a White-bellied, or Tree Swallow, or a Bank Swallow, in his dusky coat, would joiii the procession, circling swiftly before me ; and a few times Eave Swallows were seen among the rest, the whitish crescent on the forehead making them easily conspicu- ous. A surprisingly large number of feathers were carried off. One lady remarked that if they were all used for lining the nests the young ones would certainly be smothered. The morning was the busiest time, though occasionally the birds would come for them late in the afternoon. For nearly three weeks this activity continued, but toward the end of May their visits became less frequent and with the coming of summer their time was given to feeding the young, whose heads could be seen protruding from every nest in the barn. ^^^.^ How to Conduct Field Classes BY FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY, Washington, D. C. S far back as 1886, when the Audubon movement was just beginning, the Smith College girls took to 'birding. ' Before the birding began, however, behind the scenes, the two amateur ornithologists of the student body had laid deep, wily schemes. "Go to," said they; "we will start an Audubon Society. The birds must be protected ; we must persuade the girls not to wear feathers on their hats." "We won't say too much about hats, though," these plotters went on. " We'll take the girls afield, and let them get acquainted with the birds. Then, of inborn necessity, they -will wear feathers never more." So these guileful persons, having formally organized a Smith College Audubon Society for the Protection of Birds, put on their sunhats and called, "Come on, girls ! " This they did with glee in their hearts, for it irked them to proclaim, "Behold, see, meditate upon this monster evil," while it gave them joy to say, "Come out under the sun-filled heavens and open your soul to the song of the Lark." This, then, was the inspiration of the bird work that started up and spread so surprisingly, and was carried on with such eager enthusiasm in those early days at Smith. And this must be the in- spiration of all successful field work, wherever it is done. A list of species is good to have, but without a knowledge of the birds them- selves, it is like Emerson's Sparrow brought home without the river and sky. The true naturalist, like Audubon, will ever go to nature with open heart as well as mind. Feeling this, the organizers of the Smith work persuaded John Burroughs to come to give it an impetus. When he took the girls to the woods at five o'clock in the morning, so many went that the bird had often flown before the rear guard arrived, but the fine enthusiasm of the man's spirit could not be missed. No one could come in touch with it without realizing that there was something in nature unguessed before, and worth attending to. And when the philosopher stood calmly beside a stump in the rain, naming uner- ringly each bird that crossed the sky, the lesson in observation, impressive as it was, was not merely one in keenness of vision. His attitude of stillness under the heavens made each one feel that ' by (83) §4 Bird- Lore lowly listening' she too might hear the right word — the message nature holds for each human heart. This is important to emphasize now, when bird work, undertaken at first by nature lovers in a spirit of enthusiasm, is now, from its value, coming to take rank with other nature studies and be reduced to their formal basis. In learning the Latin names, let us not forget the live bird. The advance of ornithology, as well as our own good, demands this, for while the Latin names are already set down in the books, the knowledge of the life histories of even our common birds is painfully meager. Sympathetic, trustworthy observation and record of the habits of the living bird is what is most needed now. Individual work is, of course, richest in results, but the enthu- siasm roused by field classes should lead to that. In individual work the habits of the student will prevail. In field classes the plan fol- lowed will be modified by the possibilities in each case, for the classes will not always be formal ones, connected with a university course. At Smith, for instance, where the work was wholly apart from the curriculum, it was impossible for the two leaders to take out all those who wanted to go birding, so picking out the best observers, the leaders gave them special training, so that they were able to take out classes themselves. While perilous in one way — may the birds forgive the names given them ! — this plan succeeded in giving a larger number an insight into nature work, and when at the end of the spring, the girls exclaimed with earnest gratitude that their eyes and ears had been unsealed, that a new world had been opened to them, it seemed that the work had not been in vain. And since the college days I have learned that even a single walk afield may be worth while. On one such walk in New England, taken while the dew was on, at half past six by the town clock, the class included a man on a bicycle, two women in a carriage, and a blind lady. But the songs identified for the quick-eared blind lady, and the new interest put within the reach of those who could only ride to the woods, was surely worth the effort. Regular classes are, of course, much more satisfactory in every way, for the student teacher is always haunted by the desire for results. When one can choose, field classes should begin in early spring, not too early, when the distracted leader drags her class miles over hill and dale to find one Junco, and comes home with a horrible feeling that it was all her fault the birds disregarded the calendar ! Not too early, but not too late. Just earl}' enough to find a few of the first spring birds, enough to arouse enthusiasm without giving the discouragement that comes to a beginner with the later confusion of tongues. In this event, even if the class meets but once a week, How to Conduct Field Classes 85 a good object lesson will be given in migration, and the excitement of the new arrivals discovered at each outing will often lead to individual migration work between the meetings of the class. If one must begin field work after the bulk of the birds have come, concentrate attention upon those most in evidence, or upon those which will make the most distinct impression upon the be- ginner. If you have a Scarlet Tanager and a flock of Warblers to choose from, let the class look at the Tanager. They will in spite of you, unless forcibly removed, but it is much better that they should. The wonderful color of the Tanager, his curious call, his thrilling song, the marvelously protective leaf tints of his mate, if she be near, will make an indelible impression upon them, and by rousing interest, lead eventually to the patient study of the obscure tree-top haunting Warblers. It requires no little moral effort for a class leader to stand quietly and look at even a Tanager when the trees are alive with Warblers she is eager to study, but, as in bringing up children, the training you have to give yourself is the biggest part. You must hold in abeyance all your own student instincts, and if your class is at the Chipping Sparrow stage, be content to fix your eyes on a Chipping Sparrow in the path when a bird you have never seen before is disappearing over the tree-tops. The one vital point is to keep ilie elass interested, and if the interest would be killed by half an hour's chase after a bird in the underbrush, you must not go. Simply devote yourself to supplying material, the plainest of everyday birds, if they are the ones best fitted to the stage of training reached by the observer at that time. The familiar rule, "Go to a good birdy place and sit down till the birds come," is one of the best of all field rules — with modifica- tions. You cannot expect the beginner to penetrate to the heart of the woods and sit contentedly two hours gazing up at a hole in a tree trunk while the owner is brooding her eggs out of sight inside, and her mate roaming the forest ; but by interspersing a judicious amount of tramping, even with the certain knowledge that unnoted birds are flying before you in all directions, your class will be well content to sit down and let the birds gather in the birdy places which you have chosen for them. And 3'ou need not begrudge the tramping, for to some classes whose acquaintance with afternoon teas is greater than with briar patches, jumping ditches and creeping under barbed-wire fences is valuable training. The quiz method in field work, as in the class room, is the best. Stimulate thought ; don't cram your pupils with statistics. But while teaching them to see for themselves, teach them to see the right things and, in obedience to the pedagogical rules, by constant com- 86 Bird - Lore parison and repetition, and every possible device, impress the im- portant characters of the different families and species. Compare tirelessly the red cap of the Chipping Sparrow, the spot on the breast of the Song Sparrow, the rufous back and red bill of the Field, the white throat and striped crown of the White-throat ; the trill of the Chippy, the flowing song of the Song Sparrow, the charac- teristic whistles of the Field and White-throat ; contrast the short wings, strong, conical, seed-cracking bills, and labored flight of the Sparrows with the long wings, weak, fly-catching bills, and free flight of the Swallows ; calling attention to the musical songs of the Spar- rows and the monosyllabic notes of the Flycatchers, and carrjdng out similar comparisons for each family seen in the field. Out of doors, so many birds are of necessity seen in passing, that when field classes are not connected with house classes it is a great help to carry a box of skins — as much as possible those which will probably be seen on the day's walk — and before coming home review the birds seen by sitting down in the woods to examine the skins. It is also a good plan to carry a bird book afield — the pocket edition of Chapman's Handbook admirably serves this purpose — that the observer may look up doubtful points for himself while his mind is still full of questions. Although the quiz method is the best, when the birds are flying about rapidly one cannot always wait for the untrained observer to seize upon the important characters. At such times a quick word will concentrate attention upon the salient feature, and the young observer can do his part afterwards by a note book sketch or mem- orandum. As a Brown Creeper rocks his way up a tree trunk in sight before passing on to one out of sight, quickly call attention to his protective tree trunk color, the adaptation of his curved bill and his long pointed tail, comparing him with the Sparrow seen before ■ — the other brown bird — brown for his life on the ground and among the weeds, comparing, also, the Creeper's long, curved, insect-extract- ing bill with that of the Sparrows, and his climbing tail with the steering apparatus of the Sparrow. Then, for individuality, his systematic method of hunting, with that of the Woodpeckers. A line in the note book will show the curve of the bill, a slanted arrow between two vertical lines the oblique flight from the top of one tree to the bottom of the next. A horizontal breast line and an outline tail with white outer tail feathers opposite the name Junco will suggest the marking that disguises the Snowbird's form and also his directive tail mark ; a chip-churr opposite the name Tanager and the words red and green will bring to mind the characteristic call and the sexual coloration of the pair ; a musical phrase opposite Bird Study at Wood's Holl — Marine Biological Laboratory 87 the name Chickadee will interest the musical student, while a rough outline sketch of the crest of the Waxwing, erect and flattened, will recall the bird's striking expression of emotion. Brief notes like these will serve to keep the observers' minds alert, and taken with their list of species seen, give something to distinguish and classify their birds b}', on the return home. Even with the superficial stud}' of the field class, one will get hints of individual variation in song and habit. When in the field during the nesting- season, the class leader should keep as large a calling list as possible, only taking care to guard the feelings of the timid householders. Nothing gives such a good idea of the bird's range of expression in movement, call, note, and song, and of its general intelligence and individuality, or awakens such sympathetic interest in bird life, as consecutive visits to a young family. These should be from the time of the building, when the happy pair are seen working together with rare skill upon their home, through the brooding, when the male feeds his mate and sings to her on the nest, or takes her place while she rests, to the days when the two are again working together caring for their hungry nestlings, and risking their lives, if need be, to guard them from harm. I remember the delight of a class of Miss Porter's girls at Farmington over the discovery of a Kingfisher's nest in the river bank, and their enthusiasm over the pretty Redstart who would sit calmly in her nest over our heads as we looked up admiringly at her. And I also remember the satisfaction of a class of Hull House girls in their summer vacation home, over the old stub where the Red-headed Woodpeckers were feeding their young. While study- ing nests, a good way to rouse interest in individual work is to get the students to take photographs of the birds on their nests, for a great deal must necessarily be learned of 'bird ways,' before any good photographic results can be obtained. Bird Study at Wood's Holl Marine Biological Laboratory 'T'HE Nature-Study course to be inaugurated during the coming summer at Wood's Holl includes a course on birds under the direction of Dr. Thomas H. Montgomery, Jr., assisted by Drs. Whit- man and Herrick and Messrs. Stone, Dearborn and Chapman. It will include field and laboratory work and lectures. In field work partic- ular attention will be given to the habits of birds, their songs, modes of flight, etc., and each student will be required to keep a journal of observations. JTor ^oung 0bstx)otxs e-i mm OKmm ©f oicbc osseL Sir Richard Cecil was a knight of very high degree. he came to preach some English fad in North Amerikey; But a clever Indian medicine man transformed him to a bird. With the funniest, drollest, dryest note that ever yet was heard: And now he sings the livelong day, from mul- lein top or thistle. The first of his intended speech, "Oh 1 am Dick. Dick Cissel." , ERNEST SETON-TMO;nPSON. Jr 'en ly (88) J^otes; from JftelD anti ^tudp A Home-Loving Osprey For several years the Ospreys whose nest is here figured built in a dead oak, in the pasture on the left, about a hun- dred feet from the road shown in the photograph, but when the property re- cently came into the possession of a new ospreys' nest Photographed from nature by H. S. Hathaway owner, he had the tree cut down, and in the spring of iSgg the birds started a nest on a pole nearer to the house than the one on which it is placed in the picture. On this pole, however, there was a 'converter,' which the nest so interfered with that the owner had to tear the nest down. Then the birds repaired to the pole occupied in the photograph. I have learned that they did not rear a l:>rood, but seemed very nervous, and would sit only for short periods. The nest, as may be seen, is on a highway leading from the main road to the shore, and is placed on a pole carry- ing electric light wires to the house in the photograph. It is situated at War- wick Neck, R. I. — H. S. Hathaway, Proi'idcnci\ A'. I. Nesting of the Prothonotary Warbler One of the most common birds of northeastern Louisiana is the Prothono- tary Warbler. It can always be found in considerable numbers along the nu- merous bayous and lakes in this part of the State, but particularly in the large cypress swamps. I have found it nesting in all kinds of places. The most common place, however, is in knot-holes in fallen cypress logs. I have found the nests, also, in holes and corners in a large barn, also in rail fences, deserted Wood- pecker holes, and in bird boxes. These birds are very sociable, and come around the farm houses very often to build their nests. A good nesting place is very reluctantly deserted, and the birds will build their nests in the same hole year after year, even though disturbed. Three nests in particular, I remember, were robbed year after year, two by snakes and one by a cat. The first one was under a large bridge, where there was a square hole in one of the posts, three feet above the running water ; the second was in a square hole in a large post, supporting a Pigeon house, and the third was in a hanging flower box at the end of the piazza. The nests of the Lettuce Bird, as it is commonly called here, are made from green moss, feathers, and any sort of soft material. The outside is always covered with green bark moss, and it is lined with horse hair — Albert Ganier, Vicksbiirg, Miss. The House Wren as a Depredator Ti'Offlodytcs aedon has made for him- self a bad name in my immediate vici- nage. One object in telling of his bad deeds is to find out if they are peculiar to this individual, as I trust may prove true, or whether other observers have had a like experience. My Wren is a depredator ; not a rob- ber, but a spoiler. He does not take go Bird- Lore other birds' eggs and eat them. He pierces them with his sharp little bill and throws them out of the nest. My direct knowledge of this fact comes from his treatment of the Chipping Spar- row. I have seen the Wren throw the eggs of the latter out of the nest. My Wren-box is nailed against the lattice at the west end of a back piazza, where this lattice meets the side of the house. The place is really more a covered walk than a piazza, having on its outer side a long trellis covered with the wild ampe- lopsis. The Chipping Sparrows have taken this as a favorite building place, sometimes two pairs of them having their nests there at the same time. But whether these confiding 'chippies' build nearby to the brown spit-fire or farther away — even twenty feet off — he or she will not suffer them to go unmolested. The Wrens have also taken the eggs from the nest of a Chipping Sparrow which built quite on the opposite side of the house. Besides this direct evidence, I have also other which is circumstantial, but such circumstantial evidence as the bird- lover learns to put a high value upon. It is this : My Bluebirds chase the Wren, — crying, "stop thief, stop thief!" whenever they see him in the open. So also does my Baltimore Oriole, who re- turns to his elm on my premises every year. That the Robins do not chase the Grackles without reason we know and they know, to our mutual sorrow. I fear that the inference must stand in the case of these other birds and the House Wren. It is becoming a serious issue with me just what to do. I love the rollicking song of my fidgety Wrens. But I love, also, the quiet, patient Sfizella socialis, even if she does seem to be lacking in gumption as to the locating of her nest, and even if one does feel occasionally, as he does with some une- motional people, as if he would like to stick a pin point into her and wake her up. My Bluebirds also left me last summer, the first time in four years. I have a strong suspicion that the small marauder of this paper had something to do with their failure to return, and the question is whether I shall be compelled to take down my Wren-box. — John Hutchins, Litchfield, Conti. A New Camera for Bird Photographers Bird photographers will be interested to learn that essentially the same type of camera described by Mr. Rowley, in Bird-Lore for April, has been placed on the market by the Reflex Camera Com- pany, of Yonkers, N. Y. The Bird Protection Fund Since the report of the Treasurer of this fund, in Bird-Lore for April, addi- tional subscriptions have been received, and the fund now amounts to $1,300. Every colony of Gulls and Terns that has been found from Virginia to Maine has been provided with a protector, and will receive all the protection that the laws of the various states in which they are located afford them. For one large colony of Herring Gulls and Terns in Maine, a warden has been employed who devotes his entire time to the work. At all the other colonies, only so much of the warden's time is engaged as will afford the necessary protection. There is every reason to believe that all of the Gulls and Terns that breed between Virginia and Maine will, this year, be permitted to raise their young without being disturbed. It is purposed that all of the breeding colonies shall be visited at the height of the breeding season by some member of the American Ornithologists' Union, who will inspect the work done by the pro- tectors, and note the condition of the colonies — William Dutcher, 545 Mati- hattan ai'enue, lYezv York City. Arbor and Bird Day Proclamation The Governor of the State of Wiscon- sin has issued an elaborately printed Arbor and Bird Day proclamation well calculated to attract attention to the importance of the occasion which it announces. ilooft J^etos^ antj l^etoieto^ British Birds' Nests, How, Where, and When to Find and Identify Them. By R. Kearton, F. Z. S. , with an Introduc- tion by R. BowDLER Sharpe, LL.D. Illustrated from photographs by C. Kearton. Cassell & Co Ltd. London, Paris, New York and Melbourne. 1898. 8vo, pp. XX -p 368. Numerous half- tones. Our Rarer British Breeding Birds. Their Nests, Eggs and Summer Haunts. By Richard Kearton, F. Z.S. Illustrated from photographs by C. Kearton. Cassell & Co. Ltd. London, Paris, New York and Melbourne, 1899. Bvo, pp. xvi -|- 149. Numerous half- tones. In the first of these volumes, under an alphabetical arrangement, the authors de- scribe and present photographs from na- ture of the nests of the British birds with whose breeding habits they were familiar at the time of its publication. In the sec- ond volume are included pictures of the nests, eggs or breeding haunts of nearly sixty species not pictorially represented in their earlier work, in the gathering of which the authors' journeys in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, footed up a total of about 10,000 miles. The second work is, therefore, virtually a supplement to the first, and the two to- gether constitute a practically complete guide to the subject of which they treat. The amount of labor involved in securing the material for these books can be appre- ciated only by the experienced ; but that it is justified by the results must be ad- mitted by everyone who compares these actual representations of the breeding haunts, nesting-sites, nests and eggs them- selves, with the stereotyped phraseology and often execrably colored lithographs of egg-shells of the older oologies. In their later volume the authors write from a broad experience of the need and methods of bird protection ; and in nu- merous instances do not mention the lo- calities in which they have found certain reams; liiids ' dabchick's nest uncovered rare species breeding, for fear they will be exterminated by egg collectors. What a comment on the greed of the average oologist ! — F. M. C. (91) 92 Bird -Lore California Water Birds. — No. IV. Vicinity of Monterey in Autumn. By Leverett M. Loomis. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sciences. Third Series. Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 277-322. In this paper Mr. Loomis continues his valuable studies of the movements of Water Birds off the coast of Cali- fornia, the period covered being from September 18 to November 14. A de- tailed account of the observations made is presented under dates and is followed by certain "conclusions" on various phenomena of bird migration under the headings ' Migration Northward After Breeding Season,' 'Guidance by Physical Phenomena,' 'Guidance by Old Birds,' 'Cause of Migration.' Mr. Loomis' well-deserved reputation as a careful and discerning field orni- thologist makes his observations an im- portant contribution to our knowledge of existing conditions of bird migration, but in theorizing on the origin and manner of migration, he falls into the common error of attempting to explain the origin of a habit whose root is fixed in a past geological age, and whose growth has been governed by a thousand influences we know not of, by its present day manifes- tations— the last buds on the branch A study of the origin of bird migration must begin with the origin of flight itself: a faculty which provided the bird with a means of extending its range into regions made habitable by increased solar heat during a portion of each year. From this as a starting point and with the aid of data as yet to be furnished by the paleontologist, climatologist, geologist, and psychologist, the ornitholo- gist may perhaps reason from cause to effect. In the meantime we cannot have too many studies of just the kind Mr. Loomis is making. — F. M. C. Bird Studies With a Camera. With In- troductory Chapters on the Outfit and Methods of the Bird Photog- rapher. By Frank M. Chapman. Illus- trated with over 100 photographs from nature by the Author. D. Appleton & Co. , New York City. 1900. i2mo Pages xvi-f-2i8. Numerous half-tones. $1.75. The Author of " Bird Studies With a Camera" is, without doubt, the best equipped writer in the country to handle the subject of bird photography, he holding the same place in America that the Kearton Brothers occupy in Great Britain. With a pleasing modesty in his preface, he claims for his book nothing more than ' ' a contribution to an end, ' ' yet no amateur or professional photographer who reads its pages will fail to obtain many valuable hints which will prevent hours of wasted time, and loss of material and effort. The introductory chapter treats of the scientific value and charm of bird photog- raphy, followed by an exhaustive review of "The Outfit and Methods of the Bird Photographer." An intelligent study of this chapter will not fail to direct any one who attempts nature study with a camera into a much smoother path than he could find for himself. The remaining chapters are devoted to the field experiences of the author while securing the large series of bird photo- graphs with which the volume is illus- trated. These experiences are told in such a pleasing and explicit way that the reader involuntarily wonders why hr has never seen these charms in nature, and mentally thanks the author for showing him how to get nearer to nature's heart. The volume merits a place in every home, because it advocates a love for and intimate knowledge of wild bird-life, and also because it will prove a boon to the thousands of amateur photographers of this country, by introducing them into the hitherto- unknown paradise of animate nature. — W. D. Book News The April number of ' The Mayflower,' published by John Lewis Childs at Floral Park, L. I., appears with a department devoted to bird study, in which the editor takes a strong and commendable stand on the question of the destruction of birds for millinery purposes. Editorials 93 Btrtiilore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL i>K(;AN of IHF- AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. II June, 1900 No. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Englewood, New Jersey, or 66 Fifth avenue, New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., London. COPYRIGHTED. 19OO, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto: A Bird in the Bush is IVorth Two in the Hand. On page 98 we print a communication from the Millinery Merchants' Protective Association, the importance of which is obvious. It is addressed to William Dutcher and Witmer Stone, as represen- tatives of the American Ornithologists' Union, and to the Audubon Societies, through the editor of this magazine. As the Audubon Societies, unfortu- nately, have no Federated Committee to which this matter could be referred for action, it will be necessary for each Society to consider the Milliners' prop- osition independently It is, therefore, requested that the matter receive the prompt and careful consideration which it so evidently deserves, and that the result of such consideration be communi- cated to the Editor of Bird-Lore for transmission to the Secretary of the Milliners' Association. Without attempting to weigh the mer- its of the proposed agreement, we would call the attention of the Audubon So- cieties to two points : First. No definite time is mentioned when the plumage of North American birds will not be used by milliners, but on calling the attention of the Secretary of their association to this omission, he states that two fall seasons will be re- quired to fully dispose of the stock on hand, and names January i, 1902, as the final date when North American birds will be used by the members of the Milliners' Association. Seco)id. The Audubon Societies are asked only to use their best efforts to prevent the passage of laws prohibiting the use of the feathers of the "barnyard fowl, edible birds and game birds killed in their season, and all birds which are not North American birds." Doubtless many members of the Audubon Socie- ties believe that foreign birds are fully as deserving of protection as are North American birds, and without for a mo- ment denying the justice of the claim, we would ask them whether it is pos- sible for us to make laws protecting foreign birds, and if, as we believe, it is not, should we sacrifice North Amer- ican birds to a fruitless principle ? We cannot hope to abolish the trade in feathers, but if, by a concession, we can so control it that our native birds shall be exempt from its demands, we shall have afforded them a measure of protection we had not expected to secure in this generation nor the next. We therefore bespeak for the Milli- ners' proposition such fair and unbiased treatment as will enable us to avail our- selves of its benefits AssEMBLV.MAN Hallock descrves the thanks of all bird lovers for his efforts in securing the passage of the amend- ment to the law protecting non-game birds, which makes the sale or possession for sale of any part of certain protected birds an actionable offence. The enforce- ment of this law will assure complete protection for song-birds from the de- mands of commerce. The Lacey bill passed Congress by a vote of 141 to 27. The bill (No. 6634) has been referred to the Senate Com- mittee on Interstate Commerce, and it is hoped that all bird lovers will write Hon. Shelby M. Cullom, Chairman of this Committee, urging its passage with- out amendment. " Vou cannot 7vilh a scalpel Jind the poeV s soul, Nor vet the tvild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. Reports, etc., designed for this depart- ment should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses .of their Secretaries' New Hampshire Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. Massachusetts Miss Harriet E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr., 187 Bowen street, Providence. Connecticut Mrs. William Brown Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey Miss Anna Haviland, 53 Sandford Ave., Plainfield, N.J. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Delaware Mrs. Wm. S. Hilles, Delamore. place, Wilmington. Maryland Miss Anne Weston Whitney, 715 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. South Carolina Miss S. A. Smyth, Legare street, Charleston. Florida Mrs. C. F. Dommerich, Maitland. Ohio Mrs. D. Z. McClklland, 5265 Eastern .Ave., Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Iowa ■ Mrs. T. L. Wales, Keokuk. Wisconsin Mrs. George W. Pkckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. Kentucky Ingram Crockett, Henderson. Tennessee Mrs. C. C. Conner, Ripley. Texas Miss Cecile Sei.xas, 2008 Thirty-ninth street, Galveston. California Mrs. George S. Gay, Redlands. Encouraging Items such a meeting in Boston, immediately In the last issue the question of pledges before the convention of the American and fees was touched upon, and the deci- Ornithologists' Union, which will be held sion based upon personal experience was ^^ Cambridge, Mass , in November. given in favor of fees. It gives me great ^^^ those to whom the matter has been pleasure to find that the matter at issue is broached are heartily in sympathy with likely to stir up an amicable difference of the movement, and I should be glad to opinion, and I gladly open the columns of receive general expressions of opinion on this department to a discussion of the mat- this matte.- also, as a very general interest ter, Mr. Witmer Stone leading on behalf is necessary if the conference is to fulfil of the Pennsylvania Society in defence of its purpose of bringing in personal touch the fee system. the friends of bird protection to discuss Who will follow with an equally decided the best methods of furthering its welfare. and tersely expressed plea for the other t • • j j 1 • i. j xu . . It is, indeed, cheering to record the side ? Such discussions are of infinite ■ ,• r ^ • ,.• • organization 01 two new societies in very value to Audubonites as antidotes to a . ^ ^ v- j ,. ^ -n- important bird states, fc-very one cogni- possible stagnation of ideas and methods. ^ t ^\. ^ j t ^u ^ ^ zant of the trend of the spring migration. Apropos of the interchange of ideas, it as well as the recent attempt at wholesale was suggested several months ago, in these slaughter in the interest of the millinery columns, that an Audubon conference would trade, must realize the cause for rejoicing be helpful. It is now proposed to hold that the accession of Delaware brings. (94) The Audubon Societies 95 Kentucky, also, with its memories of Audu- bon and James Lane Allen's Cardinal, has fittingly joined the ranks, beginning its work by sending out printed warnings and freely posting the Bird Laws and the penalty for breaking them. This is the season for garden classes and walking bird clubs of young people. If it is impossible to obtain the services of a professional bird student as a guide, an amateur, who knows but a score or two of birds, if he is sure of his knozvledge , may give a great deal of pleasure to his friends, whose lists of positive acquaintances in the bird world can be counted on the ten fingers. The Pennsylvania Society has had the good fortune to receive a bequest of ^i,ooo from Miss Gregg. We wish to remind our friends anywhere that it is not necessary that they should die in order to remember the Audubon Societies, and that we shall be doubly pleased to receive gifts of $i,ooo or under during the lifetime of the donors. M. O. W. The Question of Fees All Audubon Society directors, I am sure, read with much interest the article in April Bird-Lore relative to fees and pledges, and the argument in favor of fees as a means of paying expenses of the socie- ties " without begging." So far as I am aware the Pennsylvania Society is the only one that does not have regular fees, though many admit teachers and scholars free. As I was personally responsible for the free membership plan adopted by our society, I trust you will allow me a few words in explanation of our course and its results. At the time the Pennsylvania Audubon Society was organized there was but one other such society in existence, and it was much harder to obtain members than it is today, when the principles of bird pro- tection are better known. The success of the movement rested mainly upon the acquisition of a large membership, and it was felt that fees would defeat this object. It was further considered that those who could afford to pay fees would contribute voluntarily, and experiment proved the correctness of this view. The only " beg- ging" that the society has done has been to state in its general circulars that its expenses were met by voluntary subscrip- tions, just as other societies print their lists of fees. One plan, no doubt, works better in one community and another in another, but the agreement is certainly not all on the side of a fee sytem. The Pennsylvania Audubon Society has now some 5,000 members, and its annual reports speak for themselves as to its success. The graded membership whereby some members get certificates and circulars, and others (school children) get only buttons, has one disadvantage, which I do not think has been noticed in the Bird-Lore articles, viz. ; what becomes of school chil- dren members after they cease to be school children? The Pennsylvania Society has now a number of young ladies in its membership who joined as school children. Would they not have been lost to the society, in many cases, if they did not receive at least a yearly communication from headquarters ? In the Pennsylvania Society ez'ery member, from school chil- dren to patrons, gets the society's report, with a ticket to the annual meeting, and there is probably nothing that will keep alive the interest of a widely scattered membership so well as this feeling of per- sonal contact with the central office that is fostered by these yearly communica- tions. Sincerely yours, WiTMER Stone, Pres. Pennsylvania Audubon Society. Reports of Societies DELAWARE SOCIETY The Delaware Audubon Society was organized on Saturday, April 7, at the resi- dence of Mrs. William S. Hilles, Delamore place, by the election of the following offi- cers : President, Arthur R. Spaid ; Secre- tary, Mrs. William S. Hilles; Treasurer, Mrs. Job H. Jackson The Board of Direc- tors will consist of 12 members, four from 96 Bird- Lore each county, and those selected for New Castle and Kent are : For New Castle, Walter D. Bush, Edward Bringhurst, Jr., Elwood Garrett of this city, and Miss Hetty Smith, of New Castle ; for Kent, Mrs J. B. Turner, Mrs. R. L. Holliday, John H. Bateman and Mrs. Fulton. A constitution was adopted, following the lines of that of the Pennsylvania Society, the objects of the organization being the protection of birds and the dis- couraging of their use in wearing apparel and for the purposes of ornament. About thirty persons attended the meet- ing, and others may join the society. FLORIDA SOCIETY Maitland, Fla., Marcli 2, igoo. An informal meeting of persons inter- ested in the forming of a F'lorida Audubon Society was held at the residence of Mr. L. F. Dommerich, at 2:30 p. m. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Dommerich, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsmill Marrs, Mr. W. C. Comstock, Mrs S. N. Bronson, Mrs. C. H. Hall, Mrs J. Vanderpool, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Baumgarten, Mrs. Harry Beeman, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ward, Mrs. W. S. Harney and Mr. W. Wilson-Barker. At the suggestion of Mr L. F. Dom- merich, Rev. Geo. M. Ward was made temporary chairman, and on further motion Mrs. L. F Dommerich was asked to serve as secretary. Mrs. Dommerich was called upon to state the object of the meeting, A brief abstract of the case as presented is as follows : Attention was called to the destruction of song and plu- mage birds in this state, and to the work that had been done in other states in the work of protecting our feathered friends. Letters were read from parties interested in the formation of such a society in this state, and the most encouraging statements were offered regarding the promised sup- port, both financial and moral, which would be forthcoming should such a society be formed. Mrs. Dommerich further stated that liberal subscriptions had al- ready been received towards the expenses of such a society. It was decided that it was the unanimous sense of this meeting that a society be formed in our own state. On motion of Mr. Dommerich, a committee of five was appointed by ihe chair to present a con- stitution and by-laws, together with a list of officers, for a Florida Audubon Society. The committee appointed consisted of Messrs. Dommerich, Baumgarten and Wilson-Barker, and Mrs Marrs and Mrs. Bronson. After consultation, the above committee made its report, offering for the adoption of our society the by-laws of the New York State Society, suggesting such changes in the wording as were neces- sary to make said by-laws applicable to this state. On the list of officers the com- mittee reported as follows : President, Rt. Rev H. B. Whipple, D.D., LLD., Bishop of Minnesota, Maitland. Honorary vice-presidents. Governor Wm. D. Blox- ham, Tallahassee; Mr. Andrew E. Doug- lass, St. Augustine ; Mr. Kirk Munroe, Cocoanut Grove. Chairman Executive Committee, Rev. Geo. M. Ward, Winter Park. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs L. F. Dommerich. On motion of Mrs. Dommerich, it was voted to send a copy of the report of this meeting to the vice-presidents and mem- bers of the Executive Committee who were not present on March 2, and to the various editors in the state. On motion of Mr. Baumgarten, it was voted to name as date for the annual meeting the first Tuesday in March. The report of the committee on constitution and by-laws, the list of officers and the date of the annual meeting were adopted On further motion, a committee of five were appointed by the chair to draft a bill to be presented to the next Legislature. The chairman appointed Rt. Rev. H. B. Whipple, D.D , LLD., Messrs. Baum- garten and Marrs, Mrs Dommerich and Mrs Comstock. On motion, it was voted to purchase a suitable number of the pamphlets issued by the New York Society, describing the work of said Society, to be mailed with the copy of our constitution to parties desired as members. On further motion, it was voted that a The Audubon Societies 97 letter be sent to the vice-presidents and members of the Executive Committee, embodying the wishes of the Society to the following effect : namely, that they should seek to increase the membership of the Florida Society, and arouse as much inter- est as possible in the work of protecting our feathered friends, and to interest per- sons in their own town to form a local society, and to interest all children in the neighborhood, and to urge that the city or town where they reside pass necessary ordinances to protect the birds, and further that all such officers report progress to the meetings of the state society. On motion of Mr Baumgarten, the meet- ing adjourned to the call of the Executive Committee. Maitland, Fla., March jo, igoo. Mr. Frank M Chapman. My Dear Sir — I have been asked to send you a brief account of the organiza- tion of the Audubon Society of Florida. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs L. F. Dommerich for the interest which she has awakened for the protection of the birds of Florida. No state or terri- tory in our country has- been as richly endowed in plumage and song birds as this state. It has been the meeting place of tropical and northern birds. At my first visit to Florida, fifty years ago, I saw at almost every turn on the St. John's river, the Pink and White Curlews, and scores of other brilliantly plumaged birds. Within the past twenty years I saw, on one occasion, in the woods bordering on Lake Jessup, not less than two thousand Paroquets. Many of these beautiful creatures are no longer to be found, unless in the Ever- glades. The murderous work of extermi- nation has been carried on by vandals, incited by the cupidity of traders who minister to the pride of thoughtless people. Our best work will be through the teachers of the public schools, for they can reach the hearts of the children, who wantonly destroy both birds and eggs. We have been delighted at the enthusi- asm and interest exhibited by the people of Florida in this blessed work. Our Saviour taught us that these feath- ered friends and companions of men are a special object of our Heavenly Father's care. And should he not have his chil- dren's help in their protection ? With high regards. Yours faithfully, H. B. Whipple, Bishop of Minnesota. MINNESOTA SOCIETY Our work goes on with many bright and cheery incidents, which show a gradual gain for the good work of bird protection. Many new branches have been established throughout the state, and many letters received from persons interested in the work shows that the circulars sent out are doing good. Bird-Lore should be credited with much of it. Last spring we had Olive Thorne Miller with us, and her lecture course was well attended, giv- ing us valuable assistance. While there are some discouraging days caused by the want of interest shown by some good women, who still wear upon their hats the bodies of our beautiful birds, we notice that the custom is decreasing, and Bird-Day law is introducing into our schools the study of ornithology. John W. Taylor, Pres. KENTUCKY SOCIETY It is with great pleasure that I write of the formation of the Audubon Society of Kentucky. We have taken hold of the work at once, directing our efforts first toward giving our birds protection under the law as it exists in our statute, and toward the encouragement of a healthy sentiment in the schools for bird life. We have bought a large chart for use in the schools, and we propose two public meetings a year in addition to our educa- tional and social meetings from time to time. Interest is manifested already. We think we have made a happy choice in our president and vice-president, estima- ble ladies, discreet and tactful, and withal touched with the value of our work. Ingram Crockett, Sec. 98 Bird- Lore A Letter from Governor Roosevelt The following letter from Governor Roosevelt was read at the annual meet- ing of the New York State Audubon So- ciety, held June 2, 1900, at the American Museum of Natural History : Mr. Frank M. Chapman, Chairman Executive Committee. Jl/y dear Mr. Chapman : * * * It was the greatest pleasure to sign the Hallock bill. Let me take this chance of writing a word to you in behalf of the work of your Society. It would be hard to overestimate the im- portance of its educational effects. Half, and more than half, the beauty of the woods and fields is gone when they lose the harmless wild things, while if we could only ever get our people to the point of taking a universal and thor- oughly intelligent interest in the preser- vation of game birds and fish, the result would be an important addition to our food supply. Ultimately, people are sure to realize that to kill off all game birds and net out all fish streams is not much more sensible than it would be to kill off all our milch cows and brood mares. As for the birds that are the special object of the preservation of your Society, we should keep them just as we keep trees. They add immeasurably to the wholesome beauty of life. Faithfully yours, (Signed) Theodore Roosevelt. An Agreement* Entered into between the members of The Mil- linery Merchants' Protective Association and others, regarding the importation, manufac- ture and sale of North American birds. Made Saturday, April 21, 1900. The undersigned importers, manufac- turers and dealers in raw and made fancy feathers do hereby pledge themselves not to kill or buy any more North American birds from hunters or such people who make it a business to destroy North Ameri- can birds. However, we shall continue to manufacture, sell and dispose of all such North American birds and their plumage, as we now have in our stocks and ware- *See Editorial, page 93. houses, and shall so continue until Congress shall make such laws which shall protect all North American birds, and which laws shall be approved by the Audubon Society and the Ornithological Union, and also do justice to the trade. This does not refer to plumage or skins of barnyard fowl, edible birds or game birds killed in their season, nor to the birds or plumage of foreign countries 7iot of the species of North American birds. Furthermore, it shall be our solemn duty not to assist any dealer or person to dispose of any of their North American birds, if same have been killed after this date. Any member of this organization violat- ing this pledge, upon conviction shall be fined the sum of $500 for each offense. However, as there are several dealers who are not members of this organization and over whom we may not have any influence ; therefore, should we find that these dealers are selling, killing or buying North Ameri- can birds, we shall do all in our power to have them brought under the penalties of the various laws already existing. In return for this pledge, we expect the Audubon Society and the Ornithological Union to pledge themselves to do all in their power to prevent laws being enacted in Congress, or in any of the States, which shall interfere with the manufacturing or selling of plumage or skins from barn- yard fowl, edible birds and game birds killed in their season, and all birds which are not North American birds. Resolved, That the Secretary be in- structed to transmit a copy of this agree- ment to Messrs Frank M. Chapman, of the Museum of Natural History ; William Dutcher, of the New York Ornithological Union, and Witmer Stone, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ornitho- logical Union, advising them of the action of the Association and asking their co- operation in carrying out the same. Signed : Thomas H. Wood & Co., L. Henry & Co., Alfred L. Simon & Co., George Silva & Co , Wurz- burger & Hecht, A. M. Levy, Max Herman & Co., Jos Rosenthal & Son, Blumenthal & Stiner, Lowen- fels & Heilbroner, Philip Adelson & Bro. , H. Hofheimer & Co., David Spero, George Legg, Zucker & Josephy, and many others. ^ 2 I^ix^-loxt A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Socicties Vol. II August, 1900 No. 4 The Orientation of Birds'' BY CAPTAIN GABRIEL REYNAUD. French Army Translated from the French by Mrs. Clara J. Coxe HE question of the orientation of animals has given rise to many controversies, and the ideas expressed on this subject may be summed up in two theories. Some, with Spaulding, Russell, Wallace, and Croom Robertson, think that the faculty of orientation should be attributed to a particular acuteness of the live senses inherent in animals, they having ideas which only reach us through the medium of instruments of precision. Others consider that orientation brings into play a sixth sense, independent of the first five. Flaurens, Romanes, Henry Lordes, Goltz, Pfiiiger, Mach, Crum Brown, and Brand admit that this sense exists and has its seat in the semi-circular tubes of the ear. These two opposed theories are each supported by unquestionable facts, apparently giving reason for the two schools. Now, there can- not be contradiction regarding facts. If one unique law governs all the acts of orientation, these acts must all occur in the same way. If, when placed in different condi- tions, the animal has recourse to different methods of orientation, it indicates that the law which it obeys is no law. We have bent all our attention to the observation of the facts. We have verified that our predecessors are not in harmony with each other, because the observations which had served them as a point of *At the time this paper was written for Bird-Lore, Captain Reynaud was in charge of the Homing Pigeon Service of the French Army. He subsequently was called on to establish a ' Pigeon Post ' for the Compagnie Generale Tra:nsatlantique, and in the interests of this company has twice visited this country. His initial experiments in this connection are mentioned in this article. Later, we hope to receive from him a detailed account of his important attempts to increase the use- fulness of the Homing Pigeon through careful training and selection. — Ed. I02 Bird -Lore departure were incomplete. Before entering upon the theory it might be as well to inquire a little into the practical working of orientation. The act of orientation is extremely difficult to observe. When an animal goes astray we know generally where he has been lost ; but we do not know, very often, by what way he has reached that particular place. If we let loose a flock of Carrier Doves we soon lose sight of them, and we only find them again in the Dove cote. Between the point of departure and the point of arrival there is a lacune for the observer. It is this gap we think we have suc- ceeded in filling. Basing ourselves on laws purely hypothetical at the beginning, we have succeeded in reconstituting the complete itinerary of animals closely observed, to follow them, in a way, step by step. We have equally studied the fault of instinct, the error of orientation, and we have verified that the puzzled animal obeys the rules, confirming the laws which we are going to formulate. We had at our disposal a grand field for observation. M. le Ministre de la Guerre gave us the task of constructing a movable Pigeon cote, which represents the practical illustration of our theor}'. Finally, La Compagnie Transatlantique requested us to organize a Carrier Pigeon post to be utilized for the service of their steamships. To the numerous experiences on land and sea we have added very interesting observations, of which the results have been communicated to us by credible witnesses. To sum up, we bring a great number of facts, man_v of which, controlled by the ofBcial reports of the commissioners representing the Minister of War, have the character of veritable discoveries. We have grouped the acts of orientation in two categories : near orientation, attributed to the exercise of the five senses, showing observation at work and, in a certain sense, reasoning and intelli- gence ; and distant orientation, an act purely mechanical, accomplished by means of a subjective sense to which we give the name of the Sense of Direction. In each of these two cases the mechanism of orientation obeys distinct laws. In the study of mathematics we often employ a method which consists in considering as proved a proposition presented as a problem and in drawing a deduction from it. We will do the same. Let us admit as a hypothetical law that the instinct of orientation is a faculty tliat all animals possess in a greater or less degree, of resuming tlie reverse scent of a road once crossed by them, and then let us use it to explain certain facts not explicable in any other way. The Orientation of Birds 103 Let us attend in thout^ht a /-r/rasr of pigeons. Many hundi-eds of birds coming from the Pigeon cotes of the same region are set at libert}' at the same time. The)' set out together, divide for travel- ing in two or three groups, then, as soon as they reach the known horizon, scatter themselves, and each of them flies directly to his own home. A certain number of carriers do not answer to the call, others come home the folloAving days. The "pigeon-flyer" limits himself to registering the loss of some and verifying the tardy home-comers, without trying to penetrate the reason of the fault of instinct. How ri(,EON CARS OF THE FRENCH ARMY could we ask of the bird his secret that a sudden rapid flight con- ceals from us? Instinct is at fault, the bird must wander at random, counting on chance alone to find his way back again. We cannot share such an opinion for the following reasons : The bird astray through fault of instinct is not for that reason in revolt against the general law of preservation which regulates all his actions. On the contrar}', he feels very keenly the call of instinct which incites him to search for his own Pigeon cote. He sees very clearly the end in view, but the means of reaching it are momentarily at fault. He then displays all the activity of which he is capable, and tries many aerial tracks, one after another. I04 Bird -Lore The 'law of reverse scent' will permit us to follow him on his wayward course, and to re-establish his itinerary. When we sur- prise the lost Pigeon's secret, we will verify that chance does not play any part in the movements of the bird. In i8g6 we attended a ^ lac her' of Pigeons that came from the Pigeon cotes of Mons and Charleroi. The two flocks of Pigeons having been set at liberty by chance at the same time, from two different points of the freight station, reunited in the air and formed at the time of their departure one flock. The weather was extremely unfavorable, mist, rain and a con- trary wind contributing to retard the home-coming of our winged travelers. A first fault of instinct, eas}' to explain, was noticed on their arrival ; two Pigeons from Mons are captured at Charleroi, and three Pigeons from Charleroi are taken at Mons. In short, about forty Pigeons did not return to their homes the same evening they were set at liberty. The departure from Orleans had taken place with a perfect gathering of the whole number of Pigeons ; the birds taking their direction first showed the way to follow to their companions, and some of these followed their guides blindly, to the extent of entering with them their unfamiliar Pigeon cotes. However, at Orleans, an observer verified, between three o'clock in the afternoon and seven o'clock in the morning, the arrival of about thirty Pigeons, which perched themselves on the roof of the station. Night came and we succeeded in capturing nine : five from Charleroi, and four from Mons. We set them at liberty again. This verification permits us to suppose that the thirtj^-two Pigeons which came back to Orleans had all lost their way when they were released in the morning. The morning of the next day, from five to seven o'clock, they all disappeared, one after the other, in the direc- tion of the North. About thirt}' of the belated ones returned the same day to Charleroi and Mons. These comings and goings explain themselves quite naturally by the 'law of the reverse scent.' Our winged voyagers forming one flock at their departure from Orleans, were not long about dividing themselves into many groups. We have pointed out that to come back they had to struggle against the bad weather. Now, in this regard, the Carrier Pigeons are not all armed with the same ability to fight the elements. The small Pigeon, called the 'Liegeoise,' flies with great velocity during normal weather. The very stuffy-looking Pigeons called ' Auversoise, ' endowed with considerable muscular power, cannot rival the Liegeoise during fine weather, but is very superior to him when it is necessary, for The Orientation of Birds 105 example, to struggle against a violent wind. It is, then, very natural that, endowed with different degrees of ability, our Pigeons leaving together in perfect unison, should have, little by little, become separated from each other on the route. A Pigeon from Mons, finding himself in the midst of a band of companions flying toward Charleroi, followed them as far as their destination. Then seeing each one of them disperse, in order to regain his own home, he remained alone, lost on the roofs of an unknown city. Now, Mons is not far from Charleroi, and it would be sufficient for our traveler to raise himself in the air to see, perhaps, his natal roof. He does not do so ; having in the course of his preceding journeys contracted the habit of using only the sixth sense for distant orientation, he does not dream for an instant of util- izing his sight. Resuming in an inverse sense the road followed to come to Charleroi, he arrives at Orleans at the point where he had been liberated that very morning. Tired with the long trip accom- plished during the day, he rests there one night. The next day he takes his bearings and finds again the 'reverse scent' of the road practiced two days before in the railway train, and reaches Mons. The thirty-two Pigeons which reappeared at Orleans the evening of the release, only to disappear the next day, very likel}' followed the same rule of conduct. The example we have just cited is assuredly interesting. We have based our statements on real occurrences, then when facts failed on sim- ple conjecture, to explain the comings and goings of the Pigeons. We have consequently in our deductions, if not certainty, at least a great probability, which, however, does not quite satisfy us. We think, there- fore, we ought to present a few cases more conclusive than the first. A Pigeon belonging to a colombophile of Grand-Couronne alighted in the garden belonging to M. le G6n6ral M , at Evreux. We were to go that same day to Rouen. We carry away the lost Pigeon and set him at liberty in the station of Grand-Couronne near his Pigeon cote. The Pigeon takes his bearings and returns to Evreux, at M. le Gdn^ral M . Caught again, he is this time expressed in a postal package to his owner. Allowed to go free in the cote, he no longer thinks of returning to Evreux. The Pigeon stopping to eat and rest at M. le G^n^ral M 's did not consider for one instant that unknown house as a new home: it represented to him a point of journey followed before and, conse- quently, must be a point of departure for future investigation. After a few hours of rest he will set out again from there to resume the 'reverse scent' of the aeriel path that led him to Evreux. He only thinks of finding again his lost home. io6 Bird- Lore We take him in a railway car to Grand-Couronne, and we free him at a few steps from his cote. But the sense of distant orientation, the sixth sense, is alone in working order, to the exclusion of the first five. The bird takes up again his reverse scent, passes in sight of his dwelling as if hypnotized, ivithout seeing it, and reaches Evreux once more at the point through which passed that itinerary which he is trying to re-establish. His calculation is baffled; brought back to his owner's home and given his freedom, he, this time, is brought to himself. The five senses, awakened by stronger sensations, resume the upper hand and the sixth sense, becoming useless, ceases to work. There is at Orleans an enclosed Pigeon cote having no external issue for the little prisoners. The Pigeons that are shut up in it, and that come from the military Pigeon cotes at Paris and from the North, live there in semi-obscurity and in absolute ignorance of what passes outside. When, after a month or two of captivity, they are to be set at liberty, every precaution is taken to carry them away for the release many kilometers from their transient cote, to which, besides, they are not attached by any agreeable remembrance. Now, we have stated elsewhere that very often Pigeons know how to find that house without even knowing its outside appearance. They perch themselves on the roof, then, after a short stop, they take their bearings and disappear in order to go back to the cote where they were born. The laio of reverse scent allows us to explain the conduct of the Pigeon. He is carried away, set at liberty, let us say, at the station of Aubraes, takes up the reverse scent and hovers about the cote of exclusion, which represents to him the end of the itinerary by which he has been brought to Orleans. It is then from there that he will set out to take up in an inverse sense the road, the remembrance of which has remained deeply engraved on his memory. We could multiply examples of the same kind to show that the Pigeon astray always comes back to the point of his release. We may be convinced of this truth by glancing at the roofs of railway stations of Paris, Orleans, Blois, Tours, Poitiers, Bordeaux, etc., where, every Sunday during the fine weather, people set at liberty hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of Pigeons ! On Monday we would notice the return of numerous Pigeons lost the day before, that, not having succeeded in their first trial in finding their natal roof, are going to make a second attempt, and sometimes a third, in order to find the right road. When set at liberty the day before the Pigeon took his flight, he fled swiftly from that point of departure to which, apparently, The Orientation of Birds 107 no interest attached him. With one powerful sweep of his wings he has crossed four or five hundred kilometers, perhaps more, in the wrong direction. Perceiving his error, he knows how, thanks to a mysterious instinct, to take up again his reverse scent and find the point of departure, of which he has hardly caught a glimpse in the morning. The combined action of the five senses cannot explain such a return. The lost dog acts absolutely in the same manner. When taken away in the railwa}' train to a hunting ground entirely unknown to him, if he happens to go astray, he comes back to the point where he saw his master for the last time, and stations him- self there until someone comes to find him, or else, resuming his reverse scent, he reconstitutes in an inverse sense his itinerary through which he has been brought, and finds again his home. The migrations of birds have been the object of observation too well known for us to dilate upon, and we will limit ourselves to explaining, with the aid of our theory, some evident truths. The migratory bird is subject, like his species, which invariably inhabits the same region, to the law of cantonment. Only, he has two domains, one summer residence, the other for winter. We know that the same Swallows come every year to occupy the same nest and to live in the same canton. The same fact is true regarding Storks and many other birds. When the time for departure has sounded, birds of the same kind living in the same region assemble together for the journey. Those w^hich have already made the passage take the head of the flock and follow in an inverse sense the itinerary which brought them to their present quarters. The younger birds, born since the preced- ing trip, limit themselves to following their elders. And when, a few months later, it will be a question of returning, they will be in their turn capable of finding their way unaided. The migratory bird born in our climate not having yet made any journey, that for any reason whatever fails to leave with the other birds, renounces emigrating. It is this way wounded Woodcock, not in a condition to undertake a long journey, resign themselves to living in our country until the following spring. The same thing has been remarked concerning Peewits, Curlews, Storks, or Swallows held in captivity at the time of the departure of their comrades. Some of these birds endure the rigors of the climate ; others, notably the Swallows, succumb to it. Thus, then, it is a sort of tradition that migratory birds transmit to each other from generation to generation the indication of their aerial passage. These passages once traced are immutable. The itinerary of the Quail, which arrive from Africa in Provence, io8 Bird -Lore or of the Woodcock, which find their landing place in Jersey, is well known to the peasants, who capture them by the thousand. It would be sufficient for the poor birds to baffle their enemies only to change the route of their direction a few kilometers. But they cannot do so ; they are fatally bound to the aerial way followed in the preceding journey and cannot leave it without losing them- selves. It is just so with other animals. Fish are cantoned. Certain of them have, like the migratory birds, two or three domains that they occupy successively. To go from one to another they emigrate in a mass, and follow routes of which the traces are subject to the rules we have set forth for the migration of birds. The relentless war that fishermen with a knowledge of their habits make upon them has never caused them to change their itinerary. Our theory of orientation seems, therefore, applicable to animals of all kinds. It permits us to arrange and explain in a very satis- factory manner a number of facts observed and known for a long time. ( To be concluded. ) CATBIRD ON NlJsF Photographed from nature by A J. Pennock, at Lansdowne, Pa , July, A Study of a Lincoln's Sparrow BY WILLIAM BREWSTER ,T Concord, Massachusetts, in the spring of iSgg, I liad a rare opportunity of studying the habits and notes of a Lincoln's Sparrow, The bird appeared May 15th in a thicket of bushes within a few yards of the log cabin where I was living, and remained there until the 22nd, spending apparently the whole of this period within a space a few yards square. On the edge of the thicket, in a bed of ferns about fifteen feet from the cabin door, I scattered daily a quantity of millet seed. This convenient supply of a food irresistible to most of the Sparrow tribe had, no doubt, much to do with the prolonged visit of the Lincoln's Finch, although the weather, during his entire stay, was too cool and threatening to be favorable for migration. He was shy at first and at all times alert and suspicious, but he showed a nice and, on the whole, wise discrimination in his judg- ment of different sights and sounds. He soon learned to disregard noises made within the cabin, as well as the rumble and roar of trains passing along the railroad across the river ; but if our door was suddenly thrown open or if a footstep was heard approaching along the path he at once deserted the millet and retreated into the thicket, dodging from bush to bush and keeping behind anything that would serve as a screen until all became quiet again, when he would reappear at the fern bed and, after a short reconnoissance, resume his interrupted meal. However busily engaged he might be, no sight nor sound escaped him. If a Chipmunk rustled the dry leaves on the neighboring hillside he would erect his body and crane up his neck, turning his head slowly from side to side to watch and listen. There were many Chimney Swifts flying about, and when one passed low overhead, with a sound of rushing wings, the Sparrow would cower close to the ground like a frightened Partridge or Woodcock and remain motionless for a minute or more. But if nothing oc- curred to excite his apprehensions he would continue to feed busily and unconcernedly until his appetite was satisfied. Truly an alert, keen-witted little traveler, quite alive to all the possible as well as obvious dangers that surrounded him, but too experienced and cool- headed to give way to those senseless panics which so often seize upon many of our smaller birds. Some of the seed had sifted down under the leaves, and for this our bird scratched diligently like a Fox Sparrow, making first a forward hop of about two inches, then a vigorous backward jump (109) no Bird- Lore and kick which scattered behind him all the leaves on which his feet had for an instant rested. In this way he would quickly clear a considerable space, to which he would then devote his attention until he had picked up all the uncovered seeds and rolled them, one by one, between his slightly opened mandibles to remove the husks, after the manner of. most seed-eating birds. He was invari- ably silent when feeding, but within the recesses of his favorite thicket he sang more or less freely at all hours, oftenest in the early morning or when the sun had just emerged from behind a cloud, usually from some perch a yard or less above the ground, LINCOLN S SPARROW About ]-2 natural size. From a mounted specimen in the American Museum of Natural History but not infrequently on the ground itself as he rambled from place to place, hopping slowly over the dry leaves. His voice was divinely rich and sweet at times, but invariably so low as to be inaudible at a greater distance than forty or fifty yards. It is impossible to treat briefly and at the same time accurately of his song, for it included several themes, some of which differed comparatively slightly from one another, while others were widely dissimilar. After spending much time studying and comparing them, I noted and classified them as follows: I. A simple, level, woodeny trill repeated at short, regular inter- vals, usually indistinguishable from the summer song of the Junco but sometimes possessing a resonant, lyrical quality approaching that of the Yellow-rumped Warbler's song. A Study of a Lincoln's Sparrow m 2. Trills similar to those just described but connected by un- broken series of short, soft, liquid notes, among which the tsiip call common to both the Junco and Lincoln's Sparrow were frequently interpolated, the whole forming a protracted and very musical medley almost exactly like that given by the Junco in early spring. This song should perhaps be regarded as a mere variation of No. i, but as the bird never changed from one to the other I have kept them apart. 3. A rapid warble, at times flowing smoothly and evenly and ex- ceedingly like the song of the Purple Finch, at others brighter and more glancing, the notes rolling over one another, as it were, and sug- gesting those of the Ruby-crowned Kinglet ; again with a rich throaty quality and in form, as well as tone closely like the song of the House Wren ; still again guttural and somewhat broken or stuttering, like that of the Long-billed ^larsh Wren. Although the first and last of these songs were very unlike, I have put them all under one head, because the bird often used them all during a single singing period and frequently changed from one to another by insensible gradations. 4. Song in slow, measured bars separated by brief intervals, the cadences alternately swelling and dying softly, some of the notes trilled or shaken, the whole resembling in general form as well as in manner of delivery the songs of Bachman's Finch and the Hermit Thrush, and possessing not a little of the same spiritual quality. Some of these songs were fixed and uniform at all times ; others varied within the limits I have just indicated ; all resembled and two or three exactl}' reproduced the songs of other species of birds. Indeed, not one can safely be regarded as original either in form or tone. Those classified under different numbers were never inter- changed save after protracted periods of silence, the particular theme selected on each occasion being repeated with little or no variation until the bird ceased singing, while it was sometimes made to serve for a whole forenoon. I can think of no other bird which sings in this way, borrowing his songs from half a dozen other species, never intermingling them nor combining them with notes of his own, but selecting one for one hour or occasion, another for another. With such a repertoire, even though it be borrowed or stolen, Lincoln's Sparrow might easily rank as the first among North American singing birds were it not that his voice has so little power that its remarkable beauty and flexibility cannot be appreciated unless one is very near the singer. It is quite possible, too, that 112 Bird -Lore the particular bird about which I have been writing was an ex- ceptionally gifted performer, although at least two of the songs which I have attempted to describe have been heard by other observers. ij^.:-: . ,— FLICKER AT NEST-HOLE The same site had been used for two previous seasons, in one of which the was artificially enlarged by "some boy" Photographed from nature bj' A. L. Princehorn, at Glen Island, N. Y., June 16. 1899 The Birds that Pass in the Night BY HARRY S. WARREN PON the request of ]\Ir. H. A. Winkenwerder, of the University of Wisconsin, I made arrangements to take observations with the telescope at Detroit upon nocturnal bird migration, using the moon for a field of vision, during the full moon in May. The moon would be at full at eight a. m. on the 14th, INIonday, but, anticipating cloudy weather, we made our observations on Sunday evening, the 13th, which was clear and warm, with a very light southwest wind. As it was rather late in the migrating season, we expected poor results, but a glance at the tabulated figures below will show that we were pleasantl}' disap- pointed. There were four principal facts we wished to establish by these observations : the number of birds, the direction of flight, their speed, and relative size. In order to obtain this data we numbered the four cardinal points on the field of vision, and for every bird that passed we wrote down, on blanks prepared for the purpose, the point or fraction of a point at which he entered and that at which he left the field, the relative speed at which he passed, and the comparative size of the bird, as well as any further data observed for each individual. The observations covered the time from 8.15 p. m., which was the time the moon came clearly into vision, to 12 midnight, and this time we divided into fifteen-minute periods so as to ascertain the number of birds passing at any period of the evening, as shown below. To make the work easier we changed watches every fifteen minutes, one person using the telescope and the other writing down the data. The telescope used was a 6-inch refracting instrument, equatorially mounted, with an 8-foot focus ; and the eye-piece, a forty-power Clark lens. The number of birds passing during each period, their directions of flight, their speed and comparative size are shown in the following tables : Detroit, Michigan, May 13, 1900. rr ^ \ Max., 70° at 8 p. m. Temperature : -j j^j^^ 66° at 12 Midnight. Atmosphere, fair ; wind, light, southwest. . . 8 umber of birds seen from 8.15 to 8.30 " " " 8.30 to 8.45 " " " " ■ ' 8.45 to 9.00 " " " " 9.00 to 9-15 First hour 33 (113) 114 Bird- Lore Number of birds seen from 9.15 to 9.30 9.30 to 9.45 9.45 to 10.00 10.00 to 10.15 10.15 to 10.30 10.30 to 10.45 10.45 to 11.00 11.00 to II. 15 II. 15 to 11.30 11.30 to 11.45 11.45 to 12.00 9 10 8 10 6 4 7 Second hour 4^ Third hour 27 Fourth period 10 Total number seen from 8.15 to 12.00 iii DIRECTIONS OF FLIGHT Number of birds traveling northeast 74 north-northeast 13 east-northeast 11 north-northwest 5 " " " " north 4 " " " " northwest 3 " " " " southeast i SPEED Number of birds traveling very rapidly 75 moderately . . 22 slowly 12 very slowly . , 2 RELATIVE SIZES OF BIRDS Small (Goldfinch) 66 Medium (Robin) 27 Large (Crow) 15 Very large 3 COURSES OF FLIGHT One hundred and eight birds kept their direct courses while passing over the field of vision. One bird came in moving southeast and curved back to northeast, changing its course about 45°. Two birds flew in a curve ; one changing its course from northeast to east, and one from northeast to north. IDENTIFICATIONS, ETC. No. 12 (original list) had the flight of a Hawk or Owl. No. 28 had the wings spread like a Hawk soaring. No. 31 wing motions were plainly seen, but no identification could be made on account of uncertain distance. No. 34 had wavy motion of flight like a Goldfinch. No. 46 passed slowly, the wings beat rapidly and the neck was seen stretched The Birds that Pass in the Night 115 out like a Duck, Loon, or Grebe. The slow passage was ev-idently caused by distance. No. 61 had flight like a Goldfinch. No. 72, wing-motions were plainly seen. No. 94 passed very slowly; this was evidently a large bird at long range, as it occupied three seconds in passing over the field and the wing-motions were plainly seen. We probably missed about one-tenth of the birds passing over the field while changing watches and changing eyes at the telescope, for it is impossible for the eye to focus steadily upon the bright surface of the moon for more than about five minutes, without ex- hausting the receptive power of the retina, so that a change of eyes is imperative. Being novices at the work, we probably missed more birds at first than after we had had the experience of a couple of watches; still it will be noticed that more birds were recorded for the first two hours than later in the night, which is proof that more birds were moving early in the evening. The number dropped off perceptibly at about 10.30. The Cartwright observatory, where these observations were made, is located back about three-fifths of a mile from the Detroit river, which at tiiis point is about a mile in width, and the telescope was pointed out over the river at an angle of about 30°. The fact that we were looking out directly over the river undoubtedly explains the general easterly flight of the birds noted. We would naturally expect a more direct northerly course of these spring migrants, but the birds were evidently following up the broad moon-lit course of the Detroit, which here runs from east-northeast to west-southwest, and we estimated that these birds were somewhat more than half a mile above the river. There are so many unknown quantities in making estimates from these observations, that it is impossible to arrive at any positive conclusions except as to the number of birds passing over the field of vision and their direction of flight. For instance, a bird that we noted as appearing to be in rapid flight might either be actually ia rapid flight at long range or might be in comparatively slow flight at short range. In either instance he would pass the field of vision quickly. Here the unknown quantity is distance, which, given, we could readily estimate actual speed. Then a bird flying at right angles to the direction of sight would appear to be moving faster than one moving obliquely toward or from the point of observation. A bird appearing large might be either a large bird at long range or a small bird at short range. Again, if a bird flying east should move upward or downward but a few feet while crossing the field of vision it would register the same result in the telescope as though he were moving northerly or southerly,- — that is, of course, when the moon is low in its orbit, as it is in the spring elliptic. There ii6 Bird - Lore are, however, rare instances where the conditions are such that identification of a bird as to its order, or even more detailed identi- fications, are possible, and it is this chance which buoys up the en- thusiasm while keeping your patient vigil. When the small cone of atmosphere between the eye and the moon is compared with the entire dome over any point of observa- tion, the mind may grasp the extent of this movement of the birds that pass in a night in any longitude, and when this is again multiplied by the number of nights in the migrating season, and again by the width of our land from the cliffs of Newfoundland to the Golden Gate of the Pacific, some conception may possibly be had as to the vast importance in the economy of nature of this movement of the feathered army as it sweeps northward on its summer campaign. /^^ ■-SJ:^ ■ "•'' ^ "- V-^^ .■. "■-'. r ■ ^ r-v-.^^s ■4:'-- ■^ ./,\^-v:$; ^. \- ^^'^:r^ '■ - "':i NiGHTHAWK AND YOUNG Photographed from nature by Robert R. Peebles, at Stamford, Conn., June 3, 1900 Two Notes by a Young Observer EDMUND B. DIBBLE. St. Paul, Minn, (ased 13) A Word about Bluejays. — One morning when out on the lawn I saw a Bluejay fly quietly into a tree, look around, then hop up near a Robin's nest. He looked around again, then hopped up to the rim and leaned over as if to take out an egg, but a Robin which hap- pened to fly up to the nest just then saw him and, redoubling its speed, flew against the Bluejay's neck and (whether to try to hold it- self up or pull the Bluejay down I do not know) held on. Both tumbled to the ground, and for a moment the Bluejay 'didn't know what struck him.' Then the other Robin came and began pecking at the Jay's eyes, whereupon Robin No. i let go and began pecking too. The Jay seemed to think things were getting too warm for him and started for the woods near by, where I could hear the cries of both him and the Robins who had followed him. Last year a Bluejay robbed a Sparrow's nest just outside my window. I awoke one morning to hear a great outcry among the English Sparrows and, going to the window, saw a Jay just gulping down something. Then he leaned over and lifted a young bird up, but I tapped on the window and he dropped the bird and flew away. When I looked in the nest one bird was missing. The Feeding of Young Honied Larks. — One afternoon (May ii), desiring to know how many times the Horned Larks brought food to their young, I posted myself where I could watch them. Although I was too far away to distinguish what they gave the young, I could see the little fellows open their yellow mouths to receive the food. I started my watching at just four o'clock, and below are the times at which the birds brought the food for about one hour: 4.01, 4.oi>^, 4.06, 4.10, 4.ii>^, 4.14, 4.20, 4.24, 4.2914, 4.31, 4.37>4, 4.39>4, 4.41, 4.46, 4.50, 4.52, 4.553-2, 4-58, 5.00, 5.02. It will be seen that this made twenty times in about one hour or, on an average, every three minutes. At the first glance this may seem extraordinary, but as there were four young ones, each would be fed only once every twelve minutes. But think of the number of insects destroyed in a season. The parents work from twelve to sixteen hours a day, and raise three or four broods of four or five birds each in a season. Just think how soon the insects would become unbearable if it were not for our feathered friends ! Man alone could do almost nothing against them. (117) jBtotes from jftelU mh ^tulip Early Breeding of the Pine Siskin Small flocks of Pine Siskins have been frequent visitors at my home for several weeks. On April 14, 1900, I observed them as before, and while enjoying their presence I heard an unusual sound which instantly reminded me of young birds. I took my glass to find, if possible, the cause of the outcry, when, only a few feet from where I was standing, I saw a parent Siskin feeding its young and near by sat another waiting to be fed. There may have been still more young in the evergreen trees close, by but I was only sure of two. They were quite small and looked like little round balls of feathers. On the morning of April 17 Mr. Hor- ton observed them in the same location while being fed by the parent bird. — Mrs. Wm. C. Horton, President of Brattleboro Bird Club, Brattlcboro, Verinont . An Oriole Tragedy Some time ago two boys brought a nest to my office which they had found in their wanderings afield. It was the \ \ / ■%,;-.«■ :y:, AN ORIOLE TRAGEUV finely woven pendent of the Baltimore Oriole, made entirely of twine, a mate- rial which proved fatal to the little architect, for there she was hanging pa- thetically by the neck from the lintel of her own doorway, her nestlings starved within. As far as I know this accident is unique in that it occurred after the period of incubation. Let us hope that the struggle was soon ended, that the unfortunate mother was not long com- pelled to listen in impotent distress to the appealing cries of her starving young until kind death at last brought relief — -J. HoLBROOK Shaw, M.D., riymoittJi, Mass. The Newport Robin Many summer visitors to Newport, Rhode Island, are acquainted with the establishment of Mr. Charles E. Ash, of No. 3 Market Square Mr. Ash and his son are devoted to pets. Mike, an old Barbary Ape, was the recipient of much attention from visitors, and doubt- less promoted a better understanding of human character among the thoughtful ones. But the monkeys, dogs, cats and squirrels were not always the favorites. A common Crow that said "papa" and '■hello" was in high favor with the chil- dren ; and a wonderful Robin that whis- tled a march to the step of the police squad marching to and from the neigh- boring police station was certainly one of the best known and most popular individuals of the feathered tribe in America. This Robin closed a long and happy career before my arrival in Newport. He lived on a busy thoroughfare, where a tiny fountain played into a marble trough in which horses slaked their thirst in front of a police station and the Robin's cage; but he never saw a grassy lawn or a green tree, having been taken from a nest built in a post on Bellevue avenue when a very wee bird, by Mr. Charles E. Ash, Jr., who told me that the male parent of this Robin was the finest singer of any he had ever heard. (118) Notes from Field and Study 119 Mr. Ash's pets have received consider- able attention from naturalists, and biog- raphies of some of them have frequently appeared in the local press ; but none other has been so much talked of and written about as the Newport Robin — a thoroughbred patrician bird from Belle, vue avenue. This male Robin was taken from the nest when scarcely feath- ered and placed in a cage which hung in the office of the market, and there he learned, from the musically inclined cus- tomers and from his master, such airs as 'Yankee Doodle,' 'Sweet By-and-By, 'Marching Through Georgia,' 'Over The Garden Wall,' 'Johnnie, Get Your Gun,' 'Here She Goes -There She Goes,' and many others, one of his acquirements being the campaign air: 'What's the matter with Harrison; He's all Right,' and all rendered in perfect tune and with a sweetness surpassing the finest flute or piccolo. At first Mr, Ash thought of his little prisoner simply as a companion during the extreme early hours at which the market had to be opened, and was sur- prised one day at hearing him whistling one of his own favorite airs. But after that he took a little more pains and spent his leisure moments in teaching the Robin different tunes, and, finding him an apt scholar, encouraged customers to whistle in his presence until he be- came the wonder of all who have ever heard him whistle He never gave the chirping whistle peculiar to the Robin, but continually repeated notes gathered from his admiring friends. He developed an aptness for mimicry quite equal to the best-bred Mockingbird, and a talent for sweet music which quite surpassed that of the latter. The home of this feathered wonder ■was a large, handsome wire cage, pre- sented him by his honor. Mayor Powtl. The Robin preferred this cage to free- dom, and seemed to love the society of man and to be perfectly contented. In In fact, he made his escape once and returned of his own free will after an absence of about an hour. Another time he left his cage and wandered from tho market and was picked up, com- pletely exhausted, by a Judge of the probate court, who took hitn back. Once he paid a visit to a favorite officer at the police station. But cmbonpoiiit de- veloped during the latter years of the decadeof his life, and rendered him so liable to accidents abroad that he was never allowed to leave the narrow confines of his home He received about the same treatment and food as a Mockingbird, but rejected all opportunities to bathe oftener than every other day and then insisted upon having his tub of fresh water. This bird was the pride of his owner, who refused tempting pecuniary induce- ments to part with him ; but all visitors to the Robin's cage were cordially wel- comed by Mr. Ash, who delighted in hav- ing his pet seen and heard, that all might comprehend his really wonderful talent. — E. A. Mearns, Ft. Adams, Nezi'- fort, K. J. A Yonkers Robin Two years ago this summer, at Yonkers, N. Y. , the ice-man carried into a kitchen an unfledged Robin picked up in the street. Kind-hearted Bridget fed and cared for the foundling, after trying in vain to restore it to the nest. It was placed in a large cage until old enough to enjoy the freedom of the house. Once a female Robin flew to the window-sill with a worm ; and when- ever the cage was put out-of-doors Robins visited it and talked to the little one One day five of its relatives lighted on the cage, as if meditating a coup d' elal. The bird would have been released in due time, but for a catastrophe. One luck- less night, the cage having been left out, a 'self-supporting cat' clawed poor Robin, wounding him desperately, and perma- nently injuring one wing. His life was saved, but the wound never healed, and whenever the bird is excited, drops of blood exude. Robin calls for his oatmeal each morn- ing, and will not be quiet until fed from the spoon of the master of the house. He I20 Bird- Lore is fond of all of the family, even the dog, a Gordon setter, on whose head he likes to perch ; but he loves best his ' Bebe,' as he calls Bridget, and when she goes out for a day he keeps a mournful silence until overjoyed at her return. He has all the Robin vocabulary and song, besides various whistles and tunes taught him by Bridget. He modulates his calls in close imitation of his teacher, and when with her is as happy as any outdoor bird, perching on her shoul- der and responding to her in the most winsome manner. As it is a common occurrence for adven- turous young birds to fall from the nest, perhaps some readers of Bird-Lore will copy Bridget, and add their experience to the ' ' Ethics of Caging Birds. " — Ella Gil- bert Ives, Dorchester, Massachusetts. An Albino Robin When the Robins returned to St. Al- bans, Vermont, in the spring of 1897, a pure white Robin with a red breast came with them. This ' woman in white ' made its home in an orchard, where it doubtless nested, as it was seen carrying building material there. Though the nest could not be found, the bird stayed upon the farm through the summer, becoming very tame as the months passed, and coming to the door for crumbs daily. The following spring the same bird was seen upon the same farm, where it built a nest in a maple, in the dooryard. This little house, or more literally this little housekeeper, attracted so much attention that she deserted the nest, after three eggs were laid, and built another upon the opposite side of the same tree, in which four young Robins were duly hatched. A high wind soon brought both nest and young to the ground. A third nest was then made in the same maple, in which five young Robins found a secure home. Both nests and young birds were in every way normal ; not a hint in a single feather betrayed their unique motherhood. The bird did not return in the spring of 1899. In April of this year, however, it came to the same neighborhood, and has built a nest in an apple tree upon a lonely hillside, a third of a mile from its former nesting sites. It is often described as "as large as a Dove," though, after much careful observation, I am certain that its color, only, makes its size deceitful. Its red breast, contrasted with the pure white, also seems much redder than in the ordi- nary Robin. Altogether it is as handsome a bird as can well be imagined, its pink eyes being noticeable as it sits upon the nest, and its color making it easily seen as it crosses the meadows or hops about upon the opposite hillside in search of grasshoppers. — Nelly Hart Woodworth, .S",^. Albans, Vt. A Successful Bird Club [The following account of the formation of a Bird Club at Newburgh, N. Y. , has been prepared at our request, as an illus- tration of the interest in birds which may be aroused by an enthusiastic leader. There is no reason why ornithologists throughout the country could not achieve the same success which has attended Mr. Robinson's efforts to share his pleasures in bird-study. — Ed.] Wherever there have been organiza- tions studying the course laid down by the Chautauqua during the past winter, the subject of Birds has been presented through that delightful little book 'Birds through an Opera Glass.' It is doubtfu^ if there was any gathering of people who took up the study with more enthusiasm and interest than the Chautauqua Circle, in the city of Newburgh, N. Y. The work was under the direction of Francis B. Robinson, of that city, who has been a close student of Nature for many years, and he gave the preliminary talk, tracing the development of bird-life, and noting the birds that are now extinct and those that are becoming so. This talk, with a lecture on 'Expansion,' took up a long evening, and it was found necessary to devote the entire evening to Birds alone, and Friday evenings of each week during March, April and May were used for this purpose. The study was pursued syste- matically by over two hundred people, among them lawyers, doctors, ministers and teachers, and each active member was assigned a bird to report on. This Notes from Field and Study made it necessary for the student to be- come familiar with the bird he or she had been assigned, and a personal knowledge of the subject was acquired. The Free Library was besieged, and all books on birds were brought out of their seclusion and put once more into circulation Many new works were sought at the book-stores, and bird-literature is still in demand. The second evening was devoted to Crows, Robins, Bluebirds, Song Sparrows, Jays and Blackbirds — all birds that are to be found at that season of the year. Then came the Sparrow family, with the Junco, Finches, Cross-bills, Nuthatches and Wood- peckers, that are abundant in early April. Then the Flycatchers and Thrushes, and finally an evening was devoted to the Warblers, some twenty fine specimens being shown in skins. Within the ne.xt week, members had identified the Mourn- ing, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Blue. Black and White, and other spring mi- grants and resident birds that were found in the shaded streets and parks. Excur- sions were made into the highlands and country, and incidentally a love of flowers and nature was imbued. The beautiful pictures furnished the academy through the regents by the Mu- seum of Natural History were shown on the first of June, and as each bird was pic- tured, its haunts and habits were com" mented upon. On the gth a party of over sixty people took the delightful sail down the Hudson, and journeyed to the Museum of Natural History, where Mr. Chapman directed them to the case of birds which he has arranged purposely for bird-stu- dents. A beautiful case of water-birds. land-birds and two ' seasonal ' cases, all of the birds found within fifty miles of New York City, were of special interest to the class, and much time was spent in this room. Since the close of study it is a sub- ject of remark that more birds have been named and noted in the past few weeks than ever before, and it is no uncommon sight to see gray-haired students in the yards and country roads, opera glass in hand, watching for some feathered mystery to appear. Red-eyed, Warbling and Yel- low-throated Vireos are especially attrac- tive, and their strong, clear notes may be heard all day long, and many of their cup- shaped nests have been discovered. Thus a new interest in outdoor life has been unfolded and a new pleasure found. Cowbird in a Dove's Nest On May 25, 1899, at Rock Hill, Pa , I found fifteen or more Doves' nests in one orchard While looking for a suita- ble place in which to put my camera, I noticed a Cowbird flutter off a large Crackle's nest, and on examination found the nest to contain only a Cowbird's egg. Three days later I discovered that a Dove had deposited two eggs in this nest. Circumstances now prevented me from visiting the nest for three weeks, when I found a Cowbird ready to fly YOUNG COV/BIRD AN"D TWO DOVE S EGGS IN OLD crackle's NEST Although I watched the nest for some time to see how the Doves would feed the young Cowbird, they did not return, and I regret to say I did not succeed in learning the outcome of this interesting case — Chas. D. Kellogg, riiihidclphia. YOUNG W'ARBLING VIREOS AND NEST Photographed from nature by R. W. Hegiier, Decorah, la. RED-EYED \-lKEO OX NEST Photographed from nature by F. M. Chapman, at Englewood, N. J., June 6, 1900 TWO \' I R E O S' NESTS iloofe jBtetDs; anti 3^e\)ieto0 Bird Homes. The Nests, Eggs and Breeding Habits of the Land Birds Breeding in the Eastern United States , With Hints on the Rear- ing AND Photographing of Young Birds. By A. Radclyffe Dugmore Illustrated with photographs from na ture by the author. Doubleday & McClure Co. 8vo Pages xvi- 183 50 half-tone ills., and 16 colorotypes $2 net. This attractive volume is to be com. pared only with Davie's ' Nests and Eggs of North American Birds', from which it differs in arrangement, the descriptions being grouped according to nesting-site, and not systematically as in Davie, while Mr. Dugmore gives a short description of the plumages of the species treated, but generally fails to mention the authority for statements not based on his own experi- ence, and. in this respect, the book is less useful to the working ornithologist than Davie's. In its illustrations, however, it is immeasurably superior to Davie's book ; in fact, we can conceive of no better demonstration of the superiority of the camera over the pen or brush in depicting birds' nests than that furnished by a comparison of Mr. Dugmore 's beautiful plates with those contained in Davie's ' Nests and Eggs.' Mr. Dugmore will be known to orni- thologists chiefly by his illustrations in Scott's ' Bird Studies' In the present work, however, he shows a far clearer perception of the true value of the camera to the ornithologist, and his photographs as here reproduced in black and white are so eminently satisfactory that we cannot but regret the attempt to produce any of them in color. Mr. Dugmore has devoted much time to rearing young birds, and his notes on the habits of a number of our common birds in confinement contain no little amount of original and valuable informa- tion. His position in regard to egg-collect- ing is in accord with that of all true ornithologists, and we are assured that his work will exert a widespread influence in creating and fostering an interest in bird-study and a proper regard for the rights of birds. — F. M. C. Nature's Calendar. By Ernest Inger- SOLL. With 12 illustrations from original photographs by Clarence LowN. New York and London, Harper & Brothers i2mo. Pages xii -^ 270. 12 full-page half-tones. 'What to see in nature and when to see it,' is the motto of this book, and its author's skill with the pen and knowledge of the literature of natural history have served a good purpose in presenting in attractive and useful form a large amount of information concerning the seasons and their plant and animal life. The matter is arranged under months, a general description of the characteristic phenomena of each month being followed by calendars wherein are summarized the statements in relation to Mammals, Birds, Fishes, Batrachians and Reptiles, and Insects. "The dates here given," it is said, "refer to an ordinary season about New York City," and wide margins are left (the text occupying less than half of each page) for the entry of the reader's observations. Miss Helen Ingersoll, the author's daughter, is accredited with assistance "in respect to local botany." Prof. Clarence M. Weed is responsible for the parts relat- ing to insects, and for information in regard to mammals, reptiles, batrachians and fishes the author quotes from Merriam, Burroughs, W. E. Cram, De Kay, C. C. Abbott, John Bell (who is spoken of as "Thomas Bell"), Mearns, Kirtland, Allen, Hay, Goode, and others : but for the part relating to birds he gives no author- ity. This is the more to be regretted, for it is this portion of the book in which we are here especially interested and in which we find a number of records at variance with previously published data. 124 Bird -Lore Thus the White-crowned Sparrow is said to occur in March, the Blackburnian Warbler is spoken of as among the earliest of its family, and is said to arrive the second week in April, a date which is also given for the first appearance of the Magnolia Warbler, but the Yellow Palm Warbler is not to be looked tor until the fourth week of the month. The coming of the Yellow-throated Vireo is set down for the first week in April, and the Yellow- winged Sparrow, which is said to be "rarely seen" far from the seashore, is stated to reach us the second work in April. The Chebec is alluded to as possessing an exquisite voice, and is said to nest in bushes. This lack of exactness, of which other evidences could be given, detracts from the value of the book for those who desire to compare their own records with those here given ; but the general reader will find that the rise and fall of the bird-life of the year are described in an instructive and, in the main, accurate manner ; and it is to the general reader, rather than the enthusiastic specialist, that the book is addressed. — F. M. C. Bulletin No. 12 U. S Department of Agri- culture, Division of Biological Survey. Legislation for the Protection of Birds other Game Birds. By T. S. Palmer, Assistant Chief of the Bio- logical Survey. Prepared under the di- rection of Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Chief of Biological Survey, Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office. 8vo. Pages 94- Ills. Only a person who has had occasion to ascertain the non-game bird law of a given state can fully appreciate the value of the service which Dr. Palmer has rendered to every one interested in bird-protective leg- islation by presenting, in one volume, the laws ( or absence of them ) of every state and territory in the Union and of the Cana- dian provinces. This 'Bulletin, ' however, is not only of value as a reference book or 'digest, ' but it reveals the surprisingly in- adequate laws which exist in most of our states for the protection of non-game birds, and thus furnishes a definite point of de- parture in the attempt to secure for these birds as effective legal protection as is gen- erally accorded game birds. But Dr. Palmer's work is not merely a compilation, over one-half of it being de- voted to a ' General Discussion of Protec- tive Legislation,' where are authoritatively treated such moot subjects as the definition of a game bird, the value of birds of prey, etc.. with other matter relating to the needs of bird protection, destruction of birds for millinery purposes, issuance of permits for collecting, licenses, etc. Here also are presented histories of the Hoar, Teller and Lacey bird-protective bills and a slightly amended and annotated reprint of the model bird law proposed by the Am- erican Ornithologists' Union. We cannot be too grateful to Dr. Palmer for the admirable manner in which, in this Bulletin No. 12, he has evolved order out of chaos in matters relating to legislation for non-game birds. — F. M. C. "Warblers' Songs. By Lynds Jones. Wilson Bulletin No. 30. Oberlin, Ohio January, 1900. Pages 56. The philosophic student of birds' lan- guage, will find in this paper much to interest him, while bird-lovers, to whom the Warblers are a source of despair, may receive from it very effective aid in making identifications. It was a very happy idea of Mr. Jones to thus bring together between two covers, what has been written in description of Warblers' Songs, and the value of his paper has been greatly increased by the addition of his own observations and those of the members of the Wilson Ornitholo- gical Chapter, who have assisted him. An ' Introduction ' gives the reasons for presenting the paper, and the manner in which the material contained in it was secured, and is followed by an extended bibliography and discussion of the types of Warblers' songs, song-periods, kinds of song, variability, etc. He w^rites feelingly of the difficulties encountered in attempting to describe the songs of most Warblers, and then treats serially each of the fifty- seven species and sixteen subspecies of this family which have been found in North America. — F. M. C. Book News and Reviews 125 Catalogue of Canadian Birds. Part I. Water Birds, Gallinaceous Birds, and Pigeons. By John Macoun, Natura- list to the Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. 1900. Pages viii + 2i3. The author of this important work states that he "he has endeavored to bring together facts on the range and nest- ing habits of all the birds known to reside in, migrate to, or visit, the northern part of the continent. In addition to the Dominion of Canada, he has therefore included Newfoundland, Greenland and Alaska." To original information gathered during the past twenty years in explora- tions which have taken him from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and that secured by Mr. W. Spreadborough, who, since 1889, has been at work under his supervi" sion, he adds data from MS. notes of various duly accredited observers, and those which have already been recorded by the more authoritative writers on the birds of the great region embraced by his limits. In this compilation two important papers have apparently been overlooked, viz.; Blakiston's 'On the Birds of the Interior of British America' (Ibis, 1863, p. 39 et seq), a fully annotated list of 250 species, and Merriam's ' List of Birds Ascertained to Occur Within Ten Miles of Point des Monts, Province of Quebec' (Bull., N. O. C. VII, 1882, p. 233 ct scq), a list of 180 species. The annotations under each species consist of remarks on its general range and notes on the breeding of species known to nest, with, in every instance, the authority for all statements not based on personal observation, and a list of museum specimens with data. The book is. therefore, an invaluable reference manual for those in search of information in regard to the birds of northern North America, and we note with pleasure that the second and concluding part is prom- ised for an early date. — F. M. C. A Monograph of the Flicker. By Frank L. Burns. Wilson Bulletin No. 31. Oberlin, Ohio, April, 1900. Pages 82. To know that you have in your hand all the more important facts concerning the life-history of a common bird affords one a sense of satisfaction which can be appreciated only by those who, in search of information concerning the habits of some familiar species, have been obliged to wade through a library. For five years Mr. Burns has devoted his available time to securing the information presented in this monograph. Correspondence with other ornithologists, whose assistance is fully acknowledged, search in the literature of ornithology, and personal observation in the field, have resulted in making what, as far as we know, is the most complete existing biography of any North American bird. Beginning with its scientific and vernacular names (of which the astonishing number of 124 are listed) the author treats his subject under the headings : ' Geograph- ical Range,' 'Winter Range,' 'Breeding Range,' 'Migration,' 'Flight,' 'Roosting,' 'Drum Calls,' ' Voice, ' 'Mating,' ' Nidifi- cation,' 'Eggs,' 'Incubation,' 'Young,' 'Molt and Renewal,' 'Food,' 'Enemies,' 'Measurements,' 'Plumage,' 'Hybridism,' 'Atavism,' 'Conclusion.' It is not possible for us to go into details, but we cannot conclude this brief notice without congratulating Mr. Burns on the excellence of his work, and thoroughly commending his method of presentation. When our bookshelves contain a row of biographies on our birds, similar to this one, we may consider ourselves well equipped to further elucidate the prob- lems which such a close study is sure to present, and we would strongly urge every ambitious ornithologist who is undecided into what channel to turn his efforts, to concentrate them on a single species, and in due time the science he loves may be as deeply indebted to him as it is to Mr. Burns.— F. M. C. The Avifauna of Louisiana. By Geo E. Beyer. Reprint from the Proc. of the Louisiana Society of Naturalists, 1897- 1899 8vo, pp. 1-45. This is an exceedingly welcome contri- bution to the faunal literature of a state concerning the bird-life of which we possess very little published information. Professor Beyer has been obliged to rely 126 Bird -Lore largely on his own researches, and his list of 323 species and subspecies is evi- dence of his diligence afield When we note, however, that such species as the Nashville, Canadian, and Wilson's Warb- lers and Common Tern have not as yet been reported from Louisiana, it is clear that the state still offers a profitable field for the faunal ornithologist. Professor Beyer's work is well done, but we would suggest that more critical examination of his material would perhaps cause him to change his identification of several species; among them " Tynnfanuchiis arncricatnis," which, as he records it only from the south-western part of the state, is probably T. a. al tzcaleri : "Ammodramiis caudacutus, which is doubtless A. nelsoni; and '^Ammodramiis maritimus," which presumably is A. m. fisheri. These, how- ever, are minor defects, and the paper as a whole bears evidence of care in its prep- aration, which makes it a trustworthy source of reference. — F. M. C. Preliminary List of Birds, Resident, Visitant, Migrant, or Accidental, Observed in the Vicinity of Man- chester, N. H. Compiled by Fred- erick W. Batchelder, assisted by Edward H. Fogg. Proc. Manchester Institute of Arts and Sciences. Vol. I, 1899, pp. 123-138. This is a briefly annotated list of 132 species, and is designed to form a work- ing basis for further observation. It is an outgrowth of the activity of the orni- thological section of the Manchester In- stitute and the ' Reports of the Meetings' of this section which precede the 'List' (pages 117-121) should prove both sug- gestive and stimulative reading for the members of other societies devoted to the study of birds.— F. M. C. Book News Circular No. 29, of the Biological Sur- vey of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, signed by James Wilson, Secretary of Ag- riculture, places the administration of the Lacey Bill, so far as it concerns the impor- tation and preservation of animals, in charge of the Biological Survey, under the im- mediate direction of the Assistant Chief of the Survey, — an appointment which all advocates of the Lacey Bill will regard with unbounded satisfaction. This circu- lar also presents the Lacey Bill in full and explains the manner in which it is pro- posed to make its provisions effective. Circular No. 28, of the Biological Sur- vey, by Dr. T. S. Palmer, Assistant Chief of the Survey, is a ' Directory of State Officials and Organizations Concerned with the Protection of Birds and Game,' a publication which admirably supple- ments Dr. Palmer's Bulletin No. 12, no- ticed above. The increasing demand on the part of the public for information concerning local bird-life is frequently manifested now-a-days by the appearance in the press of popular articles by ornithologists, whose signature gives to their contributions a value not generally to be found in news- paper natural history. Thus we have lately received copies of the San Juan (Porto Rico) 'News,' Detroit 'Free Press, and ' Prince Edward Island Maga- zine,' containing instructive articles on local birds, by G. B. Pratt, H. S. Warren and John MacSwain, respectively. The 'Western Ornithologist' — formerly the 'Iowa Ornithologist' — is published on the fifteenth of every other month at Avo- ca, Iowa. It is edited by Chas. C. Tryon, with the assistance of Carl Fritz Henning and David L. Savage, who are to be con- gratulated on both the appearance and contents of their magazine. Mr. Reginald Heber Howe, Jr. 's quar- terly ' Notes on Rhode Island Orni- thology,'which is published by the editor at Brookline, Mass., contains interesting records from the state to a study of the avifauna of which it is devoted. We learn from the July ' Iris ' that at a recent meeting of the British Ornitholo- gists' Club a resolution was unanimously carried that any member of the " Union" who should become respopnsible for the destruction of certain birds, which the persecutions of egg-collectors threaten to exterminate in Great Britian, should be severely censured by the " Union." Editorials 127 Hirti'ilore A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUDUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. II AUGUST, 1900 No. 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, or 66 Fifth avenue, New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan AND CoMPANV, LTD., London. COPYRIGHTED, 1900, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto : A Bird in the Bush is IVorth Two in the Hand. Bird-Lore is printed at Harrisburg, Pa. and in the future it will be mailed from that city. All communications, therefore, in relation to the publication of this magazine, notices of change of address^ etc. should be addressed to The Macmillan Co., Crescent and Mulberr}- streets, Harris" burg, Pa. An accumulation of notes from the field and publications for review has compelled us to omit from this issue the Depart- ment for 'Teachers and Students.' The position taken by the Audubon Societies, thus far "heard from, in regard to the proposed agreement with the Milli- nery Merchants' Protective Association, to the effect that to sanction, even passively, the killing of birds anywhere would violate the cardinal principles of the Societies, is unanswerable, and renders impossible further negotiation with the milliners, which we are assured would have resulted in securing for our birds such protection as we cannot now expect to give them for many years. Thus, for example, when discussing with the representatives of the milliners the proposed agreement, the editor of this magazine demanded that the term ' North American bird ' must be interpreted to mean any species of North American bird without regard to the country in which it was found, and that birds whose feathers could not be distin- guished from those of North American birds be included, the demand was agreed to ; and when it was explained that such agreement meant the complete abandon- ment of aigrettes and the practical dis- continuance of the use of the feathers of Grebes, Gulh, and Terns, they still accepted this interpretation of the agree- ment. Now, in our opinion, when houses representing go per cent of the millinery trade in this country propose not to deal in the feathers of the very birds which we are at present using our best efforts to protect, the proposition is at least worth considering. We do not, however, intend to discuss the matter further, for, as we have said, the reply made by the Audubon Societies thus far heard from is unanswer- able, and as these Societies represent a majority of the more active Societies, we sincerely hope that their verdict will be accepted by those which have not as yet acted on the matter. In commenting on the milliners' pro- posed agreement in 'The Auk,' the official organ of the American Ornithologists' Union, Dr. J. A Allen writes, "This appeal is certainly entitled to respectful consid- eration, since, on the one hand, it guaran- tees on the part of a powerful association of dealers, that the killing of North American birds shall at once cease, and that all traffic in them for such use shall also cease after a certain date." We earnestly hope, however, that fhe American Ornithologists' Union will sup- port the Andubon Societies in the stand they have taken, for nothing could be more disastrous to the cause of bird protection than lack of harmony among its advocates. " Voii cannot with a scalpel find the poet's soul, Nor yet the wild bird's sons'." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed. Reports, etc., designed for this depart- ment should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES ■With names and addresses of their Secretaries -, rr „^v,;r^ Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. New Hampshire Massachusetts Miss Harriet E. Richards, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Rhode Island Mrs. H. T. Grant, Jr.. 187 Bowen street. Providence. C nnecticut Mrs. William Brown Glover, Fairfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. New Jersey..... Miss Anna Haviland, 53 Sandford Ave., Plainfield, N.J. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. District of Coiumbia ' . .^ ! Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 3033 P street, Washington. Delaware Mrs. Wm. S. Hilles, Delainore place, Wilmington. Maryland Miss Anne Weston Whitney, 715 St. Paul Street, Baltimore. South Carolina.'.'.'.'.'....'........ l^'SS S. A. Smyth, Legare street, Charleston. Florida Mrs. C. F. Dommerich, Maitland. Qjjjij Mrs. D. Z. McClelland, 5265 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati. Indiana Amos W. Butler, State House, Indianapolis. Tii!„„,v Miss Mary Drummond, Wheaton. Illinois ,, ^ „ „ ^, , , tq^^ Mrs. L. E. Felt, Keokuk. ■Wisconsin.... Mrs. George W. Peckham, 646 Marshall street, Milwaukee. Minnesota Mrs. J. P. Elmer, 314 West Third street, St. Paul. Kentucky Ingram Crockett, Henderson. Tennessee M rs. C. C. Conner, Ripley. fexas Miss Cecile Sei.xas, 2008 Thirty-ninth street, Galveston. California Mrs. George S. Gay, Redlands. Bird Protection and the Merchant Milliners This year is full of significance in matters relating to bird protection, and a nev/ impulse seems sweeping over the country regarding the entire matter. Moreover, the increased interest is trace- able to perfectly sound and reasonable thinking, brought about by the increase of nature-study and the systematic circu- lation of the accepted and indisputable facts concerning the relations between birds and agriculture, as well as the attention attracted by protective legis- lation. To bear out this latter statement, I would ask every officer of an Audubon Society to read Bulletin No. 12 of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Divi- sion of Biological Survey, entitled 'Legis- lation for the Protection of Birds Other than Game Birds.' This pamphlet of nearly one hundred pages, written by T. S Palmer under the direction of Dr. Merriam, gives all existing laws, so that it may be seen at a glance in what States, or counties of a given State, bird laws are either absent, defective, or efficient. A thorough reading of this summary is sure to bring about much State legislation as well as lead to national cohesion, for, as the introduction says, 'The pro- tection of birds is a national, not a local, question.' The history of legislative protection is briefly given, beginning in 1791, when New York enacted a law protecting Heath Hens, and ending with the text of the Lacey Bill, which became a law in May last. This bill gives wide discretionary powers to the Department of Agriculture, and is of the greatest importance. Another matter, formulated, doubtless, 12S" The Audubon Societies 129 owing to the legislative attention given bird protection, is the proposed agree- ment between the Millinery Merchants' Association and the various bird protec- tive organizations, which was published in the June issue of this magazine, the Editor requesting that opinions regarding the proposition be forwarded him for transmission to the aforesaid associa- tion. Owing to the fact of its being the vaca- tion season, it has been impossible to hear from all the Audubon Societies. The New England Societies — New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con- necticut, together with Wisconsin, stand firmly together and against the proposed agreement in toto : Connecticut and Wisconsin having expressed their objec- tions in detail through Mr. Willard G. Van Name and Prof. E. A. Birge, of the University of Wisconsin, respectively, while Mr. William Brewster, the President of the Massachusetts Society, a thorough scientist and an influential member of the American Ornithologists' Union, is also wholly opposed to the measure. He writes: "If any attempt is made to have this agreement accepted by the American Ornithologists' Union I shall use all the influence I possess to defeat it. * * * It does not seem to me to be so much a question of expediency as of absolute right and wrong. No such compromise is pos- sible. " From a political, as well as an ethical standpoint, it is difficult to believe that two opinions can be held about this matter, either by the American Orni- thologists' Union, representing the strictly scientfic, or the Audubon Societies, the more secular but equally logical side of bird protection. We should not criticise the milliners, who, having a perfectly good right as business men to protect their invested capital in any way not in I'iolation of the laze, seek to prevent the enactment of laws prejudicial to their own interests, by making an agreement to disarm those by whose influence the law is most surely, if slowly, drawing about their traffic. But should we not bring upon ourselves and our work deserved reproach if we became party to any such agree- ment? Almost all reforms must necessarily cause temporary inconvenience to some one, but that objection cannot be held against the bird-protective reform unless the suppression of the barbarous trade of the plume-hunter is objected to. The millinery trade can find ample scope for its capital and work for its employees in handling ostrich plumes and the feathers of numerous species of domesticated birds, the supply of which is as easily regulated as that of the barnyard fowl, and with the use of which no one will interfere. W'e are not seeking, as some suppose, to break up a bread-winning industry. The case may be summed up as follows : A certain number of importers, manufac- turers and dealers in raw and fancy feathers are wilhng to promise not to buy any more feathers of North American birds. They retain, however, the right to manufacture and sell all the plumage of such birds now on hand until such sale shall be stopped by a law or laws, z^'hich shall be approved by the A. O. U. and the Aitdid>o?i Societies and also do Justice to the trade ! In re- turn for this most curiously worded conces- sion, the A. O U. and the Audubon Socie- ties are asked to give a pledge to prevent the enactment of the very laws that shall terminate and fix the time when the per- mission to sell the feathers of the North American birds on hand shall end ! We are further asked to pledge ourselves not to interfere with the manufacture or selling of the plumage or skins of " edible birds, game birds killed in their season, and all birds which are not North Ameri- can. " What birds are inedible ? What is a North American bird ? Is a bird taken in Brazil during its winter sojourn an Ameri- can or a Brazilian bird ? Who is to settle this matter of citizenship, who furnish the birds with passports, who give them pro- tective papers of citizenship that the plume hunter shall respect ? It appears that there are some few peo- ple (merely enough to furnish the usual ex- I30 Bird -Lore ception that proves the rule) who, in the tirst enthusiasm at the knowledge that the milliners had offered a compromise, read this agreement to mean that if we would promise to allow the milliners to traffic un- molested in the feathers of all birds not Xoi-th Amcrudn, they would in turn re- frain from dealing in the plumage of the native birds. They hailed this as at least a sure means of saving our own birds, even though it put a premium upon the slaugh- ter of the equally valuable species of other countries, saying "Foreign countries must look after their own birds ; we cannot sacrifice ours because they cannot protect theirs. " Also arguing that, as it seems at the moment improbable that the United States will pass a law making the use of the plumage of foreign birds illegal, there can be no harm in promising not to work in favor of such a measure Considering the proposition from even this ultra practical standpoint, no such con- struction can be put upon it as it is worded We are asked plainly to pledge ourselves to refrain from pushing any legislation which the millinery trade shall consider unjust to itself. The ethical side of the question is even more plain, but of equal importance. No Audubon Society that is true in spirit, as well as in letter, to its platform and con- stituents can sign this agreement ; for to ■do so is literally saying to its members, "We will not interfere with you even if you cover your hats with birds so louff as ihey are marked 'killed in Europe ' ! " As I have always said, the law is the only path by which satisfactory protection can be given to the birds The law is the voice of public opinion, sometimes tardily heard, but sure to speak at last. Public opinion has been turned toward bird protection largely by the very societies who are now asked to pledge away their legislative power for what? A mess of pottage com- posed of inedible native birds ! The fact that international laws may be difficult of passage is no reason for ceas- ing to work for them. "Every man for himself and the devil take the hinder- most," is a poor motto for organizations such as ours. It was this spirit that op- posed bitterly the International Copy- right bill not so very long ago. Not- withstanding this. International Copy- right is now a law ! Mabel Osgood Wright. Reports of Societies RHODE ISLAND SOCIETY ( Third Annual Report, March 26, igoo) In the third annual report of the So- ciety, it cannot be said that Rhode Island women have given up wearing feathers, or that our boys have stopped collecting eggs ; but there can be no doubt that a public sentiment in favor of bird protec- tion has been aroused and is steadily growing, not only in our state, but in all parts of the country. Audubon Societies exist in at least twenty different states, and many other organizations are work- ing on the same line. During the past year five Bird Commis- sioners have been appointed by the Gov- ernor of Rhode Island, and from the character of those who have accepted the office, we have every reason to believe that the laws will be enforced. A com- mittee appointed by the Audubon Society will do what is possible to secure better legislation in regard to certain useful birds which are now unprotected, such as Hawks, Owls, Meadow - Larks, and Gulls. The Society has endeavored to keep its aims constantly before the public About fifteen hundred leaflets have been dis- tributed. Thirteen hundred pictures of birds, copied by the Massachusetts Society from their calendar, and accompanied by text, have been purchased and sent to the superintendents of our country schools and given by them to scholars interested in nature study. The present Commissioner of Public Schools, Mr. Thomas B. Stockwell, is anx- ious to promote the study of birds, and at the request of your secretary, has kindly written a letter to the school super- intendents of the state, asking them to The Audubon Societies 131 call the attention of the teachers to the purposes of the Audubon Society, and to bespeak their cooperation. The exercises appointed by Mr. Stock- well for Arbor Day will this year relate largely to birds ; an appropriate plan, since birds are of the utmost importance to forestry and agriculture. The expediency of having a special Bird Day established by law, or of com- bining Bird Day with Arbor Day, is still under consideration by the Directors of this Society. The latest report from the United States Department of Agriculture alludes to the extraordinary interest in bird study which has recently developed, and attributes it to the introduction of nature study in the schools, and to the efforts of the Audubon Societies in the cause of bird protection. The report considers the chief obstacle to the success of bird study in the schools to be the lack of requisite knowledge on the part of teachers. On the gth of last October a millinery exhibition was held by this Society at the Narragansett Hotel. The milliners en- tered cordially into the scheme, and about one hundred and fifty hats were exhibited ; the display proving conclusively that the plumage of wild birds can be discarded without violating the laws of fashion. In spite of unpleasant weather, the par- lors were thronged with visitors. Four ribbon prizes were awarded ; but it is now the opinion of the committee in charge that prizes, even of that nature, were a disadvantage. A lecture upon winter birds was given under the auspices of the Society, on Jan- uary 27, by Miss Annie L. Warner, of Salem, Massachusetts. Mr. Frank M. Chapman lectured at Sayles' Memorial Hall on the i6th in- stant upon "Bird Studies With a Ca- mera." The lecture was illustrated by fine stereopticon views. It was free to the public, and the large hall was filled to its utmost capacity. The annual meeting of the Kingston branch was well attended, and addresses were made by Dr. George W. Field, Pro- fessor Card and your secretary. Several informal talks have also been given by your secretary in various places. The traveling library is still used by the branch societies, and four new books have been purchased by the committee. Our membership at the present time numbers nearly four hundred and fifty Of this number one hundred and eight persons are so-called active members and pay an annual fee of one dollar. As it is almost entirely by means of the fees that the work of the Society is carried on, I would urge those who think the birds worth saving to assist us by bringing in new members. This is not a difficult task, for man)' are interested in the cause and need but little persuasion. The young people are not so well rep- resented in the Society as could be wished. Parents and teachers can interest them in nature study, teach them the useful- ness of birds, and direct them in correct paths of research. All members are again urged to protest against the use of wild birds and their plumage for millinery purposes, and to use their influence in every possible way to advance the work of bird protection. Annie M. Grant, Sec. OHIO SOCIETY {First Annual Report) The Audubon Society of the state of Ohio has completed its first year as an organization. Its existence as a society is due to the untiring zeal of Miss Clara Rus- sell. Humble, but strenuous efforts on her part led to the first meeting of Octo- ber 8 in the Eden Park Shelter House, at which Dr. H. T. Keckeler presided, and finally to the meeting of October 21, 1898, in the Lecture Room of the Natural His- tory Society, at which Mr. Wm. Hubbell Fisher presided, where organization was effected. Among the plans devised to illustrate the purposes of the Audubon movement was to give from tiijie to time a public lec- ture, and W. H. Venable led the series by delivering an address before the Society 132 Bird -Lore and its friends on April 19, in the Teach- ers' Club Room. Another plan acted upon was the send- ing of notices to the principals of the pub- lic schools, proposing the celebration of Bird Day in conjunction with Arbor Day. With these proposals there were compli- ances, and some of our own members took part in the exercises held in the suburbs on that day. Later, a committee called the School Committee, was appointed to personally visit school districts where interest in the purposes of the Audubon Society seemed lukewarm, and a knowl- edge of the Society and its aims was still further extended. At the September meet- ing, another step onward was taken when the members voted to consider some sub- ject of ornithological interest at each monthly meeting. It may be stated in conclusion, that while this Society has avowed one of its purposes to be the prevention of cruelty and wanton destruction of birds and their nests, eggs and haunts, it aims to do so, not by prosecuting but by educating. One of the fondest hopes of its founder, Miss Russell, was that a wide dissemina- tion of a knowledge of birds would evoke such an interest and friendliness for them, that women could not thoughtlessly wear their plumage and men and boys could not wantonly destroy them. And when we consider that the majority of the Society's members are educators in either morals or intellect, it seems possible for right efforts to lead to its achievement. Respectfully submitted, Harriet H. Hastings. WISCONSIN SOCIETY {T/iitd AmiKai Repoit) Very early in the history of the Wiscon- sin Audubon Society the executive officers decided that in no other way could they do such good work for bird protection as by arousing the interest of children in the matter, and finding that Mr. L. D. Harvey, the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, stood ready to assist them, they threw most of their energy into this chan- nel After three years they feel that re- sults have justified this policy. By April I, 1900, 380 school branches had been or- ganized, with an aggregate membership of 10,290. In this way the Society is reach- ing not only the children but their parents, and although there has been scarcely any increase in the adult membership, there can be no question that a very wide-spread sentiment of opposition to the fashion of wearing feathers has sprung up, and that many hundreds of women who have not joined the Society have resolved to act hereafter in accordance with its princi- ples. The children are controlled and directed through Miss Boynton's little nature study paper, "By the Wayside, for which every school branch must subscribe. Each issue of this paper contains the de- scription of some common bird, and prizes for observations and good reports are given to teachers and children. Through the generosity of Mrs. George Gordon, of Milwaukee, it has been possible to purchase a small library of bird books, which have been placed in charge of Miss Bossert, 719 Franklin St., Milwaukee, who will be glad to receive gifts of additional volumes These books are intended for the use of school branches. In March a series of illustrated lectures upon birds and wild animals was given un- der the auspices of the Society, in different towns of the State, by Mr. Ernest Inger- soll. All persons interested in bird protection are urged to become Associates, since it is upon thip, class of members that the So- ciety depends for its income. The different classes of membership are as follows : Patrons, paying $25. Life Associates, paying $5 Associates, paying $1 annually. Life Members, paying 25 cents, and not subject to further assessment. Teachers and children paying no fee. Elizabeth Gifford Peckham, Secretary. Milwaukee, April 20, 1900. BOVVER OF SPOTTED BOWEK-BIRD (Showing sheep's bones used as decorations) Photographed from nature by A. J. Campbell A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Organ of the Audubon Societics Vol. II October, 1900 No. 5 The Bower-birds of Australia BY A. J. CAMPBELL. Melbourne Author of "Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds" With photographs from nature HE bower-building birds, with their cultivated tastes for architecture, are amongst the most interesting and beau- tiful of Australian birds, while some of their eggs are *j;J^f/^' most remarkable in appearance. There are ten or eleven species, medium-sized birds — about twelve inches (more or less, according to the species) in length — compactly built and shapely. Their food is wild berries and fruits of various kinds. Occasionally they are not averse to the cultivated article, therefore the birds are not altogether in favor with orchardists. The Satin-bird {Ptilonorhynchiis jnolacciis') — - the male especially beautiful for his lustrous, satin-like, blue-black coat and lovely violet eyes — dwells in the forests — more particularly the coastal — of eastern Australia. The females wear a grayish-greenish mottled dress, as do the young males, but differ in having the under surface a more yellow- ish tone. The males do not don their shining blue-black coat until the third or fourth year, some observers say the seventh year. Satin-birds thrive in captivity. They are not excellent whistlers, but readily learn to articulate words and imitate familiar domestic sounds, such as the mewing of a cat, etc. It is somewhat remarkable that notwithstanding these birds are plentiful in parts, their eggs are rare in collections — the eggs of all Bower-birds are rare — in fact, the eggs of two species have not yet been discovered. The eggs (usually two, occasionally three) of the Satin-bird are of a rich cream color blotched irregularly with brown, and measure nearly 1 3/|' inches in length. The nest, which is usually situated 136 Bird- Lore about twelve feet from the ground, in a shrubby tree or bush, is loosely constructed of twigs, leaves, etc. The curious play house, or 'lover's arbor,' is built upon the ground. It has apparently no connection with the nests, which may be any distance away. One of these bowers I collected in Gippsland, Christmas-tide, 1884. It was situated amongst brackens in open forest. There was a cleared circular space about twent}-six inches across, in the ferns, floored with twigs well trodden down. In the center were erected two parallel walls of pliable twigs, tapering and arch- BOWER OF THE SATIN-BIRD Photographed from nature by D. Le S-uei ing towards the top, which was twelve inches in height. The walls were ten inches long and six inches apart. In the avenue and roundabout were placed gay feathers of Parrots. It is strange that the builders of so neat a structure should construct a slovenly made nest. It has been ascertained that more than one pair of birds frequent the same bower, which is really a 'lovers' bower' — a rendezvous for match- making. The illustration of a Satin-bird's bower /// situ is from a photo- graph by my friend Mr. D Le Souef. The Spotted Bower-bird ( Clilainxdodcra //laculata) is a fine species inhabiting the arid and dry interior provinces, being especially at home The Bower- birds of Australia 137 on sandy pine ridges or when the myall and brigalow (species of acacias) flourish. This bird derives its name from the beautiful spotted markings of its plumage, which is of various shades of brown. The male wears on the back of the neck a band, or frill, of a most exquisite shade of rose-pink — a rare color in birds and only occurring in one other species (not a Bower-bird) in Australia. The Spotted Bower-bird has a harsh, scolding note, but it is not generally known that it is an accomplished mocking bird and can mimic the vocality of many birds of the bush, barking of dogs, etc. NEST AND EGGS OF THE REGENT-BIRD A farmer friend related to me an amusing story regarding the mimicry of a Spotted Bower-bird. His neighbor had been driving cattle to a given place and on his way back discovered a nest in a prickly needle-brush (hakea). In ' threading ' the needle-like branches after the ncst he thought he heard cattle breaking through the scrub and the barking of dogs in the distance, and at once fancied his cattle had broken away, but could see no signs of anything wrong. He heard other peculiar noises, and glancing at his dog as much as to say, "What does that mean?" he saw the sagacious animal with head partly upturned, eyeing a Bower-bird perched in the next tree. The nest is somewhat loosely constructed of twigs, and is usually placed in a thick bush or amongst the forked branches of a small tree. 138 Bird -Lore The eggs (two or three) are beautifully and wonderfully marked, greatly resembling those of the Regent-bird shown in the illus- tration. During a trip towards the interior in September, 1893, I enjoyed the opportunity of examining many play-grounds of Spotted Bower- birds, and took successful photographs of some (see frontispiece). A typical bower may be described as being placed on the ground under a clump of bushes with thistles and other vegetation growing around. The floor inside and out is composed of twigs well trampled down; exterior portion of the walls made of twigs placed upright, interior sides composed of yellowish grass-stalks with the seeding parts upper- most. At either entrance of the bower is placed a number of bones — knuckles, ribs, and vertebrae — of sheep. In one instance ninety bones were counted at one entrance and ninety-two at the opposite end, while inside the bower itself were twenty-four bones, besides other ornamentation, such as seeds, small green branchlets, pieces of glass, etc. I know of one bower at which no less than 1,320 bones were counted. The average dimensions of those play-grounds were — diameter over all, 55 inches ; length of bower or avenue, 20 inches ; width between the walls, 7 inches; height of walls, 12 inches; thickness of walls near base, 6 inches. Of all the gorgeous birds that emblazon the sub-tropical scrubs of Eastern Australia, none exceeds the beauty of the male Regent-bird {Sei-icitli/s mcliniis) in his plumage of simple black and gold. The black velvety coat is strikingly relieved with the richest of bright yellow on the crown of the head, back of neck and greater part of the wings. The female wears an aesthetic brownish olive mottled dress, suited with dark brown eyes and bill. But the male has yellow-colored eyes and bill to match his glorious golden livery. During an excursion to the luxuriant scrubs of the Richmond river district, I found Regent-birds fairly plentiful. But although, well aided by a hardy companion, I prosecuted a vigorous and toil- some search through dense labyrinths of humid scrub and thorny brakes of prodigal growth, while the thick foliage of the taller trees caused a perpetual twilight underneath, yet I returned without dis- covering its nest. It was an experience akin to seeking for the proverbial needle in a hay stack. One evening I discovered a bower on the bare forest floor under- neath thick scrub, and a male bird gaily tripping through it. The structure was perfect, but not so large as those I have seen built by other bower-building birds, being only 7 or 8 inches high, with walls 7 inches broad at the base, and an average width inside of 3)^ inches. The Bower -birds of Australia 139 After much difficulty a photograph was taken of the interesting struc- ture (see illustration j. The last discovered species and one of the most beautiful of Bower-birds, is the Golden Bower-bird {Prionotii/ra 7icwtoniana), which vies in its golden splendor with the Regent-bird. Its home is the rich palm scrubs of Northern Queensland. The rare and handsome bird was discovered by the collector, Mr. K. Broadbent, and was described and dedicated by Mr. De\'is (Queensland Museum) to the venerable ornithological savant. Prof. Alfred Newton. BOWER OF THE REGENT-BIRD Photographed from nature by A.J. Campbell An authenticated nest and eggs of the Golden Bower-birds has not yet been discovered. But regarding its wonderful bowers — prob- ably the most astonishing instances of bird-architecture known — Mr. DeVis writes: ''From their [collector's] notes and sketches it would appear that the bower is usually built on the ground between two trees or between a tree and a bush. It is constructed of small sticks and twigs. These are piled up almost horizontally around one tree in the form of a pyramid, which rises to a height varying from 4 to 6 feet. A similar pile of inferior height — about 18 inches — is then built around the foot of the other tree. The intervening space is arched over with stems of climbing plants, the piles are decorated 140 Bird- Lore with white moss, and the arch with similar moss mingled with clusters of green fruit resembling wild grapes. Through and over the covered run play the birds, young and old, of both sexes. A still more inter- esting and characteristic feature in the play-ground of this bird remains. The completion of the massive bower, so laboriously attained, is not sufficient to arrest the architectural impulse. Scattered immediately around are a number of dwarf, hut-like structures — ' gunyahs,' they are called by Broadbent, who says he found five of them in a space ten feet in diameter, and observes that they give the spot exactly the appearance of a miniature black's camp. These seem to be built by bending towards each other strong stems of standing grass, and cap- ping them with a horizontal thatch of light twigs." SCREECH OWL Flash-light photograph by A. J. Penn'jck, Lansdowne, Pa. The Orientation of Birds BY CAPTAIN QABRIEL REYNAUD. French Army Translated t'rtmi the French by Mrs. Clara J. Coxe (Concluded from page loS) E have demonstrated that the combined working of the five ■^ senses is limited, and is not sufficient to explain the act of distant orientation. The latter is governed by a par- ticular organ that we have called the sense of direction. This sense has its seat in the semi-circular tubes of the ear. Numer- ous experiments have proved that an}' lesion which impairs this organ brings an immediate disturbance in the faculty of orientation of the injured bird. The semicircular tubes of vertebrated animals are made up of three little anserated membranes filled with a liquid called endolympii. These three semicircular conformations are independent of each other, except in a point where their cavity is common, or where they issue in a little sack called utriculc. They are generally situated in three perpendicular planes. Next to the wonderful experiments of Flourens in 1824, and the autopsies of Menieres, their operation has been studied by Czermak, Harless, Brown-Sequard, Vulpian Boetticher, Goltz, Cyan, Brewer, Mach, Exuer Bazinski, Munck, Steiner, Ewald, Kreidl, Pierre Bonnier. We know now that their function is directl}' in harmony with the exer- cise of equilibration and quite independent of the sense of hearing. j\Ir. P. Bonnier, after studying in all the animal series the character of the organs which precede the labyrinthic formations, and lastly these themselves, in combining the records of comparative anatomy and physiology, and verifying them by clinical surgery, has been able to demonstrate that these organs lead directly to what he calls the sense of altitudes, which supplies the figures or images of position, of distribution and, consequently, movement and displacement in space. We do not yet know in any very precise : way the physiological excitant which governs the semicircular canals. While w^aiting until new researches permit us to settle this interesting point, we will try to determine the method of the operation of the sense of direction. This way of proceeding has nothing, after all, illogical in it. In the natural sciences, as well as in others, the knowledge of effect pre- cedes that of cause. The animal entering upon unknown ground takes on his return the reverse scent of the road, more or less sinuous, followed in going ; arriving in known ground he directs himself to reach his end in a straight line. The Carrier Pigeon freed at 500 kilometers from his cote, on his {141) 142 Bird -Lore return skirts along the railway which brought him to his place of liberation ; he is there guided by the sixth sense. Having in this way reached the known horizon, at 80 kilometers from his dwelling, for example, he ceases having recourse to the sixth sense and travels by sight straight to his own roof. Other times the Pigeon does not think of making use of the five senses on arriving on unknown ground. In this case he follows his reverse scent as far as the Pigeon cote. He passes it sometimes. We have seen him, on coming back from a long journey, pass at 40 or 50 meters from the Pigeon cote, repass it, and enter at the end of an hour or two, having perhaps crossed the wrong direction in this way from 30 to 60 kilometers. If we carry away at 10 kilometers from the Pigeon cote a Common Pigeon, accustomed to use exclusively the five senses, and a Carrier Pigeon, trained to long journeys, we will make an interesting dis- covery in freeing them simultaneously. The Common Pigeon, flying by sight, will generally make up his mind much more rapidly than the Carrier, which will take his direc- tion with care by the aid of the sixth sense. From these facts we may conclude that the sixth sense does not combine with the five others. It enters into activity in the zone where the five senses are mute, and continues sometimes to operate in the known zone to the exclusion of the other senses. It seems that it is not controlled by any impressions emanating from the route followed, and that it is in some way a subjective organ. We made, with regard to this, a very curious observation. When we transport in a railway car a basket of Pigeons having already the knowledge of travel, we see them show the greatest agi- tation when we arrive at a station where they have once been released, whilst they remain indifferent to other stopping places. Now, we will admit without much trouble, that a Pigeon shut up in a basket which, in turn, is enclosed in a dark car, cannot from the uproar tell one station from another. His sight and other senses are no help to him, since he is as completely as possible isolated from what is happening outside. However, he knows in a very exact way where he is by connecting it with his point of departure. We were then right in saying that an animal brought from a distance pos- sesses an idea about his location quite subjective, independent of the medium that he crosses at the time. We have explained that the animal lives cantoned in a domain where he meets with everything that the instinct of preservation of the individual and of the species calls for. This domain, more or less extended for the wild beast, is reduced for the Pigeon, for exam- ple, to the four walls of the Pigeon cote. Does he not indeed The Orientation of Birds 143 find there, as the fabulist happily expresses it, "good supper, good lodging, and the rest of it ?" On the other hand, if it is true that local knowledge is not strictly indispensable to assure the return to the lodging, and that the sense of distant orientation is strictly sufficient to guide the animal, we will admit without question that it is possible to make a movable Pigeon cote and accustom its inmates to a nomadic life. Let us suppose that we have transplanted, with all its belongings, a Pigeon cote in the midst of new surroundings, without the least disturbance being brought to the existence of its inhabitants. The latter set at liberty from the time of its arrival will go far away, perhaps, but the Law of Reverse Scent will assure their return. We remarked before that the straying Pigeon knows how to find again the point of release hardly caught sight of in the morning, and to which no agreeable remembrance, no interest, attaches him. With still more reason the inmate of a movable Pigeon cote must try to reconstitute his itinerary. If we carry him away a distance for the release he will come back to find his home at the precise point that it occupied when he left it. The movable cote, arriving in a new lodging place, would be in a condition to render almost immediate ser- vice in that locality. This new way of employing messenger Pigeons, unattainable, according to the ideas we have held up to this time, in matter of orientation, is only the strict application of our theory. Some interesting experiments have proved in a conclusive manner that the fidelity to the natal Pigeon cote could be reconciled with a nomadic existence. A certain number of Pigeons are born and brought up in a wagon arranged as a Pigeon cote. They have no other lodg- ing than their rolling habitation. It matters little to the Pigeon whether the wagon stops today in the heart of a valley, looks for shelter tomorrow in a forest, or settles itself for some time in the maze of houses which form a great city. If we should carry him away some distance from the cote for the release, he will not be guided on his return by his local knowledge, necessarily very slight, that he may have of the surroundings of his wagon, but by his sense of direction which gives him a subjective idea of his position relating to the cote. Practice has, on all points, confirmed our theory. We have had the chance to make some very interesting observations, and we will cite some facts which have a direct reference to our argument. * *Our experience permits us to settle an interestitiff point. According to M. Dureste, eggs stirred with a certain violence for a long time do not hatch out. We have found that the rolling on the highway, on the pavement, or in a railway car when the car sets in motion, does not modify in any way the condition of the hatching It is just to add that in the movable Pigeon cote the Pigeons brood with the same regularity as their fellows in an ordinary Pigeon cote. 144 Bird -Lore A carriage Pigeon cote is stationed for twenty-four hours at Epernay. Its inmates are not set at liberty, whilst the Pigeons in the neighboring carriages are set free for two hours, then carried farther away for the release. The next da}' our carriages have all moved near Chalons, with the exception of the one whose Pigeons had not been freed at Epernay. These birds are divided among the other carriages, which are modeled exactly like the first they occupied. At Chalons the cotes are opened and Pigeons are set at liberty. Some of these, which had made the journey from Epernay to Chalons in a strange carriage, set out for Eperna\' and found their rolling habita- PIGEON CARS OF THE FRENCH ARMY Photographed from nature tion. How did they succeed in reconstituting their itinerary in the inverse sense from Epernay to Chalons and find again their carriage in a situation of which they could not know the surroundings? The law of inverse scent alone permits this fact to be explained. We have repeated this curious experiment many times. During the stationing of the cote at the chateau de Morchies two Pigeons strayed away. We found them again at Bapaume, a pre- ceding lodging place of the Pigeon cote. One was retaken ; the other escaped. People sent word to us of his passage in all the localities where his wagon had been stationed. He arrived, in this way, at Houdain. From there he set out for Evreux, resuming the reverse scent of the journey made a few days before in a railway car. At Evreux, where the Pigeon cote had been stationed for many months, we succeeded in capturing him. This itinerary verified, one The Orientation of Birds i45 may say, step by step, is it not the best proof that we can appeal to to support our theory ? Thanks to the Law of Reverse Scent, we can abiiost always determine the precise point where to find a lost Pigeon. We succeed in this way in limiting our losses, which would be without it numerous and difBcult to repair. The return of a Pigeon to a lodging which is displaced is not an exceptional fact. We could cite many examples of the same kind taken from the history of birds. We made at sea some experiments which confirm our theory. The absence of guiding points and the suppression of all local memory rendered the releases made at great distances from the coast very interesting. On the other hand, observation was easier than on land. It was always possible to note the initial direction taken by the Pigeons leaving the ship. We left for New York with a number of Pigeons taken from the colombophiles of Normandy. The 25th of March, the day of sail- ing, we set at liberty ten Pigeons, successively, at distances varying from 100 to 250 kilometers from Havre. All the Pigeons acted in the same manner ; none of them raised their wings to fly high and see afar. They descended almost to the level of the water, turning two or three times about the ship, and took without hesitating the reverse scent of the route we followed. They all reached the Pigeon cote. The next day, the 26th of March, our steamer stopped to save the crew of a shipwrecked vessel, the Bothnia. We sent off, through a howling tempest, seven Pigeons carrying dispatches announcing the event. Our messengers made useless attempts to take the route from the East, the reverse scent of the ship. Carried away by a violent storm, they fell on some vessels or even took refuge on the coast of Spain. One of them carried his dispatch in the Gulf of Gascogne to the 'Chatterton,' and our message reached its address. The 31st of August, on the banks of Newfoundland, we sent out a Pigeon which, after much hesitation, flew toward the East. He reappeared at the end of two hours to rest, and then set out again, outstripping the vessel in its course. He arrived at Noroton, in Con- necticut, one day before our entrance in the harbor of New York. This fact shows that the bird, obedient to the sense of distant orientation, has a very precise idea of a direction followed before. After having taken a good initial direction, our bird alters his mind and commits a fault of instinct, but even in this last case he does not wander to the right or the left of the followed route. Thus, 146 Bird - Lore it seems, he can only move himself on the axis of the same route, and there is for him only two solutions, the right and the wrong. In coming back to France we sent out some American Pigeons, which all took their bearings without hesitation over the wake of the vessel and took up the reverse scent of the route followed. On nearing Europe we sent out at 900, 600, and 400 kilometers some French Pigeons which had been shut up on board the vessel and kept to be released on the return trip. We noticed that all having the same idea of following the route took their initial direc- tion over the wake of the vessel, flying toward New York. The greater number changed their minds and came back, afterward out- stripping the steamer in its homeward voyage. But the losses were greater than in going, reaching the proportion of 20 per cent. These are evidently the Pigeons which, skirting closely the reverse scent of the route followed, went astray in the open sea. We assert once more that the land does not appear to exercise any attraction for our messengers. Sent out from the Scilly Islands, from the island d'Aurigny, or the peninsulas of Cotentin, they all follow the same direction — east, west — some going in advance of the vessel, others following the reverse scent of its route. The Pigeons rise a little higher than at the time of leaving France ; the weather is clearer, but they do not seem to have recourse to the sense of seeing in order to take their bearings. None of them bent his flight over the land in sight. We have verified by a late experience, very easy to reproduce, that observation through the medium of the five senses amounts to noth- ing in guiding them back to the Pigeon cote. Five Pigeons under the influence of chloroform are transported from Orleans to Evreux. They do not know this last locality, where we are taking them for the first time. They are watched with great care and when, two days after, they appear to have returned to their normal condition, we set them at liberty and they return as usual. It seems that the chloroform suppresses the exercise of the five senses, which have during the journey registered no impression, and are mute at the awakening. The sense of direction, on the contrary, whose action is based on the automatic and mechanical registration of the road followed, cou- tinued to work, in spite of the chloroform, absolutely like other me- chanical functions — the circulation of the blood, the digestive organs, and respiration- — in some way, without the knowledge of the animal. We have vainly sought for a theory in the works of naturalists which explains in any satisfactory way the acts of orientation accom- The Orientation of Birds 147 plished by the animal. Many very interesting statements have been made concerning their habits, and their manner of Hving ; but when it is a question of tracing back effect to cause the observer has generally taken a false direction. Wrongfully taking himself as a term of comparison, he asks what he would do in order to accomplish a certain instinctive act occurring among beasts. It is just in this way that some colombophiles attribute the return of the Pigeon to a wonderful local memory. In his daily recreation the animal flying above the Pigeon cote would note the salient in- equalities of the soil, would study their situation, and would use them for guiding points to his dwelling, tracing in this way a veri- table triangulation on the country he inhabits. According to others, the animal would base himself on the meteorological record, or else would acquire, in time, a thorough knowledge of the local magnetic currents. Such a hypothesis explains one mysterious fact by other facts still more mysterious. Some have even asserted that the Pigeon takes his direction according to the course of the stars. We think that this theory is fantastic, and must be rejected. The animal could not be a mathmetician, geometrician, electrician, or astronomer. The explanation we advance is more simple. We have stated that the facts of orientation group themselves under two categories : (i) near orientation and (2) distant orientation. Near orientation is based on observation, employing the five senses — objective organs. It puts in play the memory, the reason, the free will of the animal. It chooses one solution and takes the shortest road for its return. Distant orientation is based on the functional activity of a subjective organ which is situated in the semicircular canals of the ear, and which registers mechanically the road passed over ; this sense of direction given to the animal the idea of its position for returning to the points of its departure. The return is governed thus by the Law of Reverse Scent. The animal does not now choose its route ; there is but one solution at its disposal — to return by the road which it came. Orientation over familiar ground, based on observation, memory, reason and, in a certain measure, free will, is an intellectual act ; Orientation over unknown and distant land, based on the functional activity of an organ, is an impulsive and irrational act. The most gifted animals in regard to distant orientation are not, in effect, the most intelligent, but are those which possess the most powerful means of locomotion. Thus it is that birds, infinitely less intelligent that certain quadrupeds, have over the latter an incontes- table superiority for distant orientation. A Pair of Killdeer BY MRS. HENRY W. NELSON ARLY ill June, i8gg, I was driving in a park in western New York, when my attention was drawn to a pair of strange birds, who circled round the carriage, sweeping down near the ground and rising again with anxious, distressed cries. They were beautiful birds, strikingly marked, with white foreheads, and rings around the throat — about the size of a light-bodied Pigeon, and with long legs. Presently my eye caught a movement on the ground, and I saw what looked like a little chicken running along at full speed. I was out of the carriage in a moment, and gave chase ; the big birds were evidently the parents, and in great anxiety as to my intentions. I easily overtook the little runner, though I had to walk fast to do it, and then down .he dropped on the ground, seemingly quite exhausted. I was filled with remorse, for I feared he had been forced to run so fast as to kill him. I gently picked him up, noticed the long legs, the three toes, long, slender bill, and pretty gray and white coloring, and laid him down again, venturing only faintly to hope that the mother's care might revive him. As I retired she came flying up and cuddled down over him, and I left — feeling very brutal. The gardener told me that the little thing had been hatched only three hours before I He had watched the old birds, from the time they had laid their eggs on the bare gravel drive without any pretence of a nest, and had moved them — the eggs — close to the edge of the turf, to pre- vent their being crushed by passing vehicles. They were Killdeer, a species of plover uncommon in our neighborhood. He said this pair had bred in the park for three years. The park is upland meadow-land newly planted, with no water near, except a tiny brook, dry in the summer. It seemed a strange place to choose, and the utter publicity of the nest, where the eggs might be crushed by every passing wheel, seemed extraordinar}'. The next day I was out betimes to see what had been the fate of the young bird, and to my great relief he was running about so fast that I did not attempt to pursue him again, but gave all my attention to the parents, and their ruses and maneuvers were fascinating to watch. Flying so close that I could almost touch her, the mother would throw herself on the ground two or three yards in advance, raise and flutter one wing quite helplessly, crying piteously. As I drew near, away she would fly, only to repeat the performance again and again, until she had fairly lured me to a good safe distance from her offspring, when up she rose and flew far away triumphantly. A Pair of Killdeer 149- When I returned to look for the young bird it had vanished. The coachman had had his eye on him only a moment before, and "he had just sunk into the ground, ma'am ! " It required the sharp eye of the gardener, who came up at the moment, to detect the little thing. "There he is," he said, pointing downward; and at my feet, just where I should have trodden had I taken the next step, lay the bird, pressed quite flat into a hollow of the gravel. He had learned his mother's tricks and was pla3'ing dead ! He allowed us to pick him up and examine him carefully, without a sign of life. I could not go again to the park until July 3 when, to my delight, the gardener told me the birds were sitting on a second batch of eggs. I should never have found the "nest" if the man had not P^^ KILLDEER Photographed from nature marked the spot with a wisp of straw on the turf near by. There were three eggs, laid on the bare gravel, matching it in their dark and light mottlings so as to be almost indistinguishable. The birds were now much bolder than in June, quite determined that I should not come near the eggs if they could frighten me off, and it occurred to me that they certainly came close enough to be photographed. So at 7 o'clock the next morning I was on the spot, accompanied by a friend with her camera — a 4x5 "Hawkeye. " There was no adjacent tree or screen of any kind, but we easily coaxed one of the birds into coming within 'snapping' range. As we gradually approached, both birds grew quite frantic in their efforts to lure us away, drawing nearer and nearer. When we persistently stayed close, one drew off, but the other evidently made up its mind that no matter what the danger was, those eggs must not be allowed to grow cold. I felt very sorry^ 15^ Bird- Lore and apologetic as it fluttered, played wounded, cried, and yet con- stantly drew nearer to us and the nest. Finally it lighted on the ground, faced us boldly, made a little run toward the nest, and paused breathlessly — a splendid-looking creature as it stood there, head erect, eyes sparkling, every sense on the alert. The camera snapped ! Up it rose but, finding no harm resulting, tried it again and yet again, till it made a final run, posed, and we made a final 'snap,' just as the bird stood over the eggs ! We were sitting motionless on the gravel about eight feet from it. I was glad to leave the poor bird in peace after that. Meantime its more faint-hearted mate had never ventured near us. About fifty feet off it had gone on industriously and per- functorily with its 'play acting,' dragging itself on the ground and crying piteously, but not really risking itself in the least. It was curious that I never once heard the kill-deer cry which the books say they give. They uttered a one-syllabled cry only ; evidently an alarm note. YOUNG BRONZED GRACKLE Photographed rom nature by R. W. Hegner, Decorah, la. JFor Ceacl)ers^ anti ^tulientg The Study of Birds — Another Way BY OLIVE THORNE MILLER HERE are, of course, as many different ways of studying birds as there are objects to be gained by the study. The systematic ornithologist, the economic ornithologist, the sportsman, the cultivator, has each his own purpose and his own way of becoming familiar with our little The modern bird-lover, who studies neither for scientific nor economic purposes, but solely to make acquaintance with the tribes of the air, adopts the manner of none of these, but has, within the last few years, evolved a way of his own. It is most commonly by what are called Field Classes, admirably described in the June number of Bird-Lore by Florence Merriam Bailey, who is herself a successful conductor of them. The way I have evolved from my own experience in acquiring some knowledge of the birds (which I did by myself, without a guide or the help of even a color-key to identification), and later in helping others in the same delightful study, is somewhat different. To begin with, I regard it as one of the most important uses of the study to lead the student to Nature herself ; to acquaint him with the delights to be found in woods and fields, and the benefit to mind and heart, as well as to body, of close friendship with the great Mother. This can be accomplished only by each person alone. In a crowd, even with one companion, however congenial, it is im- possible to get into a state of harmony with Nature that shall enable him to feel, with Whittier, "With mine your solemn spirit blends, And life no more hath separate ends ; " or, as Aldrich puts it : "A sudden tremor goes Into my veins, and makes me kith and kin To every wild-born thing that thrills and blooms." Therefore I insist upon each person who is not satisfied with merely knowing birds by sight and song, but wants really to learn something of their natural lives, and their habits when not disturbed, making his studies in the field entirely alone. I prepare him for the work by an introductory course of instruction in house classes. My (151) 152 Bird -Lore aim is to make him acquainted with the most common birds of the vicinity, taking the familes in succession. By means of mounted specimens he makes a study of each species, as to size, form, color, and markings, at the same time receiving some account of manners and habits that shall ensure easy identification in the field. In this way a student learns to know familiarly about one hundred species of the common birds. This gives him a good start for individual work, and prevents the discouragement of facing a world of birds, without knowing one to begin with. I know from my own experience how disheartening this is, and I know, from the experience of others, how many are discouraged in the outset of this most delightful of studies by these preliminary difficulties. So much has been said about my use of mounted specimens, in the face of my opposition to the killing of birds, that I should like here to define my position. In the first place, I have never objected to the killing of a moderate number of birds for really scientific purposes. What I oppose is the destruction for mere collections, for sport, for selling, for the unnecessary multiplication of skins and, above all, for milliners' use. In the second place, no bird was ever killed for me ; nor did my purchase of those I have encourage the killing of more, because I bought them of a young man who col- lected them for himself and then, turning his attention to something else, wished to sell them. Besides this, the collection I use has had an influence from Maine to Minnesota, interesting hundreds of students in the living bird, and inducing them to discountenance the destruction going on. No person — I may say confidently — ever went out from my classes with a gun, and I have had many boys in them. In fact, it is necessary only to show how much more interesting is the live bird than the poor dead body, to arouse their attention and take away their appetite for destruction. Therefore, even had my specimens been killed for me, I should consider that they had been useful enough, in saving the lives of thousands of their fellows and con- verting hundreds of boys from bird-murderers to bird-observers, to justify their sacrifice. Having given my class this general knowledge, with the dis- tinguishing marks of each family, and some acquaintance with its more prominent members, I take them out in small parties for out- door observation, to teach them and to show them hozv to observe. Most useful, also, I regard a practical lesson in the use of the books, identification by the manuals ; and another in taking note of and properly describing the points of a bird. When a student has completed the course of ten talks which I The Bird Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory 153 give a class, he is well grounded in the study. He can readily recognize a few birds, and knows where to look for them ; he has learned how to identify and name any others without difftculty ; how to make discoveries for himself ; and, above all, he has learned the absorbing charm of the study of the individual bird, and the delight of a close acquaintance with nature. The Bird Course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass., during the Summer of 1900 BY THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, Jr.. Ph. D., Director of the Course OR the first time in its history there was started this year at the Marine Biological Laboratory a Nature-Study Course. The objects taken up during the six weeks of the course were cryptogamic and phanerogamic plants, the king crab, insects, and various marine invertebrates, the toad, and birds. It is concerning the bird-study alone that I have been asked to prepare a brief account for Bikd-Lore. The field work consisted of three mornings spent in the woods and fields near the laboratory, and of one day's trip to the breeding grounds of Terns at Penikese. In this field work, as in that of the laboratory, the director was most ably assisted by Mr. Leon J. Cole and Mr. Herbert Coggins ; and in the field the students could be separated into groups, taking slightly different routes. Further, the attempt was made to post the students of each group apart from one another and at favorable places, so that they became, to some extent, independent observers, and could see as many birds as possible with the least possible noise. The noise occasioned by a large party of students walking together through underbrush tends to frighten the birds most effectively, and this difficulty was obviated by the above mentioned method of "posting" the students, while the instructors visited in succession the various "posts." One mistake was made in placing the Bird Course at the beginning of August, when the birds sing but little and are in the low spirits of the moulting period. Another year this course will be placed at the beginning of the season. As to the laboratory work, one day was spent on the gross anat- omy of the Pigeon, and three afternoons on the study of bird-skins. On two of these afternoons the skins were studied for the purpose of identification, on the third for the correspondence of structure with habit. Two entire days were spent on the study of living Pigeons, under the direction of Professor Whitman, the head of the laboratory. 154 Bird -Lore Using as material his splendid collection of living Pigeons, of which he has some forty species, from all parts of the world, Dr. Whitman explained the mode of determining the genesis of different structural characters, illustrating both modes of reasoning and modes of obser- vation. The lectures were on "Color and Environment" and "Nests and the Influences Governing their Site and Construction," by Mr. F. M. Chapman; on "Migration." by Dr. R. H. Wolcott ; on "Moult" and "Geographical Distribution," by Mr. Witmer Stone; on "Mater- nal Instincts," by Dr. F. H. Herrick ; on the " Relation of Structure to Environment," by Mr. Dearborn; and on "Anatomy" and Influ- ences Produced by Food," by the director. Thus it is seen that this course, as outlined, was essentially dif- ferent, in being much less elementary, from probably all other bird- study courses of the year throughout the country. The students in it were, for the most part, teachers, and some of them not only experienced teachers but also good field ornithologists; and the aim of the course was to present suggestions as to lines of work, rather than to teach methods or to inculcate facts. From such a course a good student, one open to suggestion, might derive benefit, while one who simply expected to glean a series of facts would probably be disappointed. One thing needs to be strongly emphasized, namely, that nature- study in the true sense ; i. e. , accurate and appreciative observation of the behavior of organisms in their natural environment, cannot be taught. The nature-student, that is to say, the naturalist, must be to a great extent self-made and independent in his work. A course in nature-study is, or should be, mainly suggestive, showing principally what are the more important and fruitful lines of work, and how this work is to be carried on ; the remainder rests with the student. But there are many teachers who are obliged to teach these subjects, and yet have not the time nor opportunity to learn them sufficiently for themselves ; for such, of course, some teaching of facts is essential. In a course for experienced teachers, how- ever, the suggestion should have precedence over the presentation of the fact, and this has been attempted in our course of this year, with what success the students themselves can alone decide. The Seventeenth Annual Congress of the American Ornithologist's Union will convene in Cambridge, Mass., on November 12, igoo. Public sessions for the presentation and discussion of papers will be held on November 13-15 from 1 1 to i and 2 to 5, doubtless in one of the lecture halls of Harvard University, and to these sessions all per- sons interested are invited. My Experience with a Red-headed Woodpecker BY ALICK WETMORE I age. 13 years). North Freedom. Wis. HE first time that I saw the subject of this sketch was on Sunday, October 8, i8gg. As I was going along a ravine on that da}^ I heard a loud, tree -toad- like ker - r-r -ruck coming from the top of a tall dead stub. I looked up and soon saw that the owner of the voice was a young Red-headed Woodpecker. His (?) head was a dusky color. He would stick his head around the tree and, after giving the note, dodge back. I thought I would keep a sharp eye on him, and a little while afterward I was rewarded by seeing him get an acorn from a small oak. He seemed to be storing acorns up for winter in holes and crannies. Once he lit on an oak limb that would not bear him, and it swung until he hung back down, but he got his acorn. While he was flying off, a little Junco seemed to think that he was trespassing and flew at him in a rage and made him get out of the way. I went to a stump nearby and got an acorn and found that it was whole. A few marks on the shell showed where he had hammered it into the crevice. He always seemed to go to the same tree for his acorns. I laid down on the bank of the ravine close to the tree in the sun to watch him, but he was suspicious and would not come near at first. I was rather surprised to see that he could easily go down a tree backwards, lifting his tail and, after hopping down, falling back onto it. Everywhere he went, he expressed, in vigorous notes, his disgust at having me around. The stub he liked best was very tall and had a crack in it near the top, and into this crack he hammered, with his shiny white bill, all the acorns that he possibly could. Some of them he cracked in two and then put them in the crack. One fragment he dropped as he lighted. He was after it quick as a flash, and chased it so near the ground that I thought he would dash himself onto it and be killed, but he turned up just before he reached it and flew off with- out the acorn. In a cornfield a short distance away I found some nubbins for him. While I was looking for a place to put them up, I found a hole with sixteen acorns in it. He had put them there, for I could see the marks of his bill on them and around the edges of the hole (155) 156 Bird -Lore were a few small dark gra}- feathers. He had hidden the acorns by putting pieces of bark over them. I then went back to where he was and saw him drinking water, like a chicken, out of the brooklet. After returning from a short walk, I saw him carrying a large piece of bark to put over the acorns that I had uncovered. He started from the base of his stub, but as the bark was nearly as large as he was he could not carry it and was forced to drop it. As it was then nearly dark, I had to go home without learning where he stayed nights, and which, indeed, I never found out. The next Sunday, the i6th of October, I did not have much time. When I reached the ravine he was catching insects. He was in the top of a tree and would fiy out after the insects at they flew by but, growing tried of this, he went to the ground after an acorn. When I went to the hole in which I had found the sixteen acorns before, I now took out forty five. Sunday, November ig, I thought I would pay my Red-head a visit. As I did not see him for about fifteen minutes, I thought that some wandering hunter had killed him ; but while look- ing around I heard a welcome kcr-r-r-ntck. and there he was on his favorite stub. After taking a look at me, he flew down for a drink, with a loud note before he left the stub and shorter ones in between drinks to call attention, and well he might ! His somber head had turned red since I had seen him last. The color was a little dark in places, but was fine all the same. I next saw him on Sunday, November 26. I had gone to my usual place of study and was watching some Pine Siskins when he appear- ed. He was rather cross, for he chased a Tree Sparrow until it took refuge in a thick, bushy thorn-apple tree. Then he watched until it came out and took after it agan. I watched him sunning him- self— for it was quite warm — and then went over to the hole in which I had found so many acorns. It was empty, and a number of shells were scattered around the foot of the tree. From my note-book I see that the date of my next visit was Sunday, December 3. It was cold and snowing quite hard. I put on my overcoat and went down to see him. I may have wanted to see him, but he was evidently afraid of that big black thing in the fence-corner. He scolded and bobbed as though crazy till a pair of Blue Jays lighted in the tree. He was afraid of them and went around to the other side of the trunk and kept still until they left. On Monday February 12, I saw him last. He was across the river from the ravine in a tree after acorns. I know that he is still here and alive, and I intend to watch him in the spring when he sets up housekeeping. jBtote^ from jftelti mh ^tuDp Notes on the American Golden-Eye The Golden-eye, or Whistler, is one of our most hardy Ducks, living here through- out the winter, sometimes in goodly num- bers, passing most of the time feeding and swimming about the air-holes and sitting along the edges of the ice, where they preen their plumage. They resort to one place at night to roost, that is, if swimming about in the water may be called roosting. The Ducks for several miles around congregate at one air-hole The Whistlers are not alone in roosting here, as they are joined throughout the winter by the American Merganser, and, later, by the Black Duck. When coming in to roost, they fly in low over the water, and against the wind, in flocks of from two to twenty, the time of arrival being from about sundown until dark. When disturbed, they come in later. The Whistler, although capable of seeing well throughout the day, is handicapped by being unable to see well after dark. Rarely in daylight can a man boldly approach within two hundred yards, un- less he resorts to strategy, yet at night, by noiselessly approaching in a boat, one may easily get within twenty-five yards. It is interesting to watch this species during the courting season, which begins here in central New Brunswick late in March and continues throughout April. Should one flock, consisting of males, old and young, and females be swimming about, and observe others approaching on wing or on the water, the adult males, which are really beautiful birds, swim out in advance from each flock and, as they advance, will occasionally throw back the head until the crest rests on the back and the bill pointing about straight upward, utter a note sounding like z-z-z-eet. It is a very difficult sound to successfully imitate, but when once heard, and the source observed, it is not likely to be soon for- gotten. After this introduction, as it were, the members all unite in one flock and pro- ceed to enjoy themselves in Duck fash- ion. The males also perform these antics after they have chosen a mate, and one may frequently see the male, when alone with the female, throw back his head and give vent to his feelings by uttering this pleasant note, which I have only heard in spring-time. In May, or early in June, when the female is engaged in incubating her half dozen or more eggs, the male is ever on the lookout for enemies, and is very suc- cessful in alluring man from the vicinity of the nest, which is placed generally in a hollow stump, or, it may be, in an old Crow's nest. Right well does the writer remember one day about the last of May, while walking along the tree-grown shore of an island, being accosted by an adult male, which flew near, making a piteous, whining sound, and alighting just about forty yards away, and so long as I fol- lowed in a certain direction all was right, but on returning to the place where he was first seen, he would again return and repeat the performance. After fol- lowing him for some distance, he took to flight and disappeared. This species breeds quite abundantly in the northern portion of this province, and the southward flight begins about the first of October. The adults molt in July and August, and at this time are often quite unable to fly, owing to the loss of a great num- ber of the flight feathers at one time. These Ducks feed by diving and tak- ing their food, which consists chiefly of small molluscs, from the bottoms of rivers and lakes, staying under water, generally, from one-half a minute to one minute and a half. — Willie H. Moore, Scotch Lake, M. B. (157) 158 Bird- Lore A Hummingbird Experiment Our trumpet-creeper was full of blos- soms, and a Hummingbird visited them many times a day, not to their advan- tage, for when the supply of nectar ran low she would slash the tube of the flower, near the calyx, insert her bill there, and usually the flower would fall when she flew away. She would sit on a low spray for forty minutes at a time, sometimes preening her feathers, but quite as often merely enjoying life. Then she would make another dash at the flowers and feed with renewed energy. One day I painted a trumpet-flower in water-colors, on a rather stiff piece of Whatman paper. I painted it as a real flower would look if slit down on one side and spread flat, and I colored both sides. Then I cut out the flower, bent it into shape, and fastened the edges together. Inside the tube I put a small, cylindrical bottle, and tied the flower to the trumpet-creeper in an almost normal position. The little bottle I filled with sugar-and-water, not too thick. To my delight the Hummingbird visited that flower with no more hesitation than the real ones, and very soon preferred it, and I had to fill up the bottle at least twice a day. One day I tried holding the flower in my hand, at a little distance from the creeper, and the Hummingbird flew to it as fearlessly as if I were a vine. r left the painted flower on the trum- pet-creeper until a heavy rain washed off most of the color, and then I removed it. There were very small insects in the sugar-and-water, but I am sure that the Hummingbird preferred the latter, for she ate much of it. I am not sure that she ate any of the insects. The male seldom came to the trumpet- creeper, but once or twice he also fed from the painted flower. Most of his time was spent in slashing off the spurs of the nasturtiums to get at their nectar. We had hardly one perfect nasturtium flower all summer long, owing to his attacks. — Caroline G. Soule, Brooklhie, Mass. An Interesting Record While examining, recently, Audubon's manuscript journals at the home of his grand daughter, Miss Maria R. Audubon, whose volumes 'Audubon and His Journal' alone adequately present the life of the famous ornithologist, I encountered an interesting record which, through Miss Audubon's courtesy, I am permitted to publish In the latter part of March, 1837, Audubon, with his son John and friend Edward Harris, embarked from New Orleans on the revenue cutter 'Campbell' which had been placed at his service by the United States Government for a cruise along the west gulf coast to gather material for the 'Ornithological Biographies,' three volumes of which had at that time been published On April i, they anchored in the South- west Pass of the Mississippi, and in his journal recording in detail the observations of that day, measurements of specimens collected, etc., there occurs the following interesting entry; " Fidigiila histrionica. Harlequin Duck. — Saw a pair in perfect plumage. Quite a wonder." As this species had already been treated by Audubon (Orn. Biog. Ill, 1835, 612) the fact that he had observed it in Louis- iana does not appear to have been men- tioned by him in his works, and the record, therefore, is evidently not alone the only known instance of the occurrence of the Harlequin Duck in that State, but in the Southern United States. As the species was apparently more common in Audu- bon's time than it is now, and bred further South than it does at present, it is not im- probable that its distribution in winter was then more extended. — Frank M. Chapman, American Aluseum of A'atural History, A'eu' York Citv. iloDfe jBteto0 anti 3^ebietD0 A Review of Economic Ornithology in THE United States. By T. S. Palmer, Assistant Chief of Biological Survey. Reprint from Yearbook of Department of Agriculture For 1899. Pages 259- 292, 3 Pll. I Fig. After tracing, in the development of the Science of Ornithology in America, the beginnings and growth of the study of the economic value of birds, which lead to the establishment of the Division of Eco- nomic Ornithology and Mammalogy (now the Biological Survey) in the United States Department of Agriculture, Dr. Palmer reviews the work of this Division and then presents a broad general survey of the commercial value of birds to man. The use of birds and their eggs for food, the employment of their feathers for decorative purposes, and the gathering of bird-guano are here discussed in the light of numer- erous statistics of the utmost interest and importance. Having thus reviewed the strictly eco- nomic status of birds. Dr. Palmer consid- ers their destruction under bounty laws, their preservation under protective laws, and also the introduction of foreign birds. It is impossible to go into details, but we may briefly say that no general paper known to us so clearly defines the bird's economic standing. It abounds in facts and figures and should be in the possession of every bird-student and especially of these advocates of bird-protection who would base their arguments on sound, logical ground. — F. M. C. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia. No. Ill, 1898-1899 Published by the Club. The Delaware Valley Ornithological Club meets at the Academy of Natural Sciences, in Philadelphia, on the first and third Thursdays of each month from October to May, inclusive. The average attendance during the two years covered by this report is shown by it to be about 20, ( and the character of the papers and notes presented, with the discussion thereof, prove the club to be a thoroughly active organization, doubtless the most active local bird club in this country. In addition to abstracts of the reports of meetings, this publication contains the following papers presented in full : 'Birds of the Blizzard of 1899,' 'Migration Data on City Hall Tower ' by William L. Baily, wherein are given the data connected with the 527 birds of 56 species which were killed by striking the tower from August 27, 1899 to October 31, 1899, and the ' Summer Birds of the Higher Parts of Sullivan and Wyoming Counties, Pa.' compiled by Witmer Stone, an extremely interesting list of 98 species of which no less than 13 are representative of the Canadian fauna. — F. M. C. Check List of the Birds of Ontario and Catalogue of Birds in the Biological Section of the Museum, Department of Education. Toronto By C. W. Nash. 8vo , pages 58. The author lists 302 species and sub- species of which all but nine are represent- ed in the museum of the Department of Education The annotations are good as far as they go but, to our mind, seem too brief for the large area covered, and the addition of definite records of migration from several points in the Province would add greatly to the value of the list for students.— F. M. C Check List of New York Birds. By Marcus S. Farr. Bulletin of the New York State Museum, No. 33 Vol 7. April, 1900. 8vo Pages 409 25 cents. This is a nominal list of the birds which have been recorded from New York State, 380 in number, published in advance of a more detailed work, as a convenient check-list for students. For this purpose it is printed on only one side the page, blank pages being left for the entry of otes. This plan of preliminary publi- 159) i6o Bird -Lore cation is an excellent one, and should bring to Mr. Farr a large amount of additional information, making his final work pro- portionately valuable. — F. M. C Book News Houghton, Mifflin & Co. have brought out a school edition of Mrs. Miller's admirable ' The First Book of Birds ' (reviewed in Bird-Lore, Vol. i, p. 167), which is sold at the low price of 60 cents. This book, it seems to us, should exactly fill the wants of the kindergarten and primary teacher. For a surprisingly frank confession of its author's pleasure, if not in the killing at least in the hitting of birds, we refer our readers to Mr. Maurice Thompson's 'In the Woods with the Bow,' published in 'The Century' for August last. For no other reason, apparently, than that they furnished a desirable target, such species as the Blue Grosbeak, Sparrow Hawk, Raven, Least Bittern, and others became marks for his skill. At one time, however, his enthusiasm as an archer evidently carried him beyond his own wide bounds and, on the departure of a companion, he wrote " I felt free to turn myself loose and make a fine stir in Arcadia. The wildest shooting mood was upon me, and what- ever moved became a target for my shafts. I am afraid to make a full record of an hour's business." We commend Mr. Thompson to the game wardens of the state in which he 'turned himself loose.' If we may judge by a number of alleged photographs of birds "from nature," pub- lished recently in various magazines, their makers have adopted the eminently prac- tical, if scarcely praiseworthy method, of placing a mounted bird among natural surroundings, where its picture might be made at leisure. Such photographs are surely "from nature" — far from it. Readers of Mr. Richard Kearton's val- uable works ' With Nature and a Camera ' and ' Wild Life at Home ' will be inter- ested to learn that their author proposes to visit this country in October to remain several months on a lecture tour. The September number of ' The Milli- nery Trade Review ' protests against the appointment of naturalists as inspectors of animals and birds in connection with the enforcement of section 2 of the Lacey bill on the ground that as "zealots in their opposition to the wearing of bird- plumage, they are incompetent to serve in such capacity, as they are more than likely to be swerved by their prejudices. Nor are they competent to distinguish between natural and made-feather novel- ties after leaving the foreign factories." It is unfortunate that the inspectors appointed will not have an opportunity to confound the milliners with a display of ornithological knowledge but, as a mat- ter of fact, the section of the Lacey bill referred to, relates to living birds and not to their plumage. The American Museum of Natural His- tory now publishes a popular monthly magazine, entitled 'The American Mu- seum Journal,' which is designed to keep the public informed of the progress of the Museum as shown both by exhibits and publications. It may be obtained from Dr. Anthony Woodward, Librarian of the Museum, for ten cents a copy. The notices of Professor Jones' 'War- blers' Songs ' and Mr. Burns' ' Monograph on the Flicker,' published in Bird-Lore for August, have brought us numerous inquiries in regard to the Wilson bulle- tin, in which they appeared. This excel- lent publication is issued quarterly at Oberlin, Ohio, under the editorship of Prof. Lynds Jones, from whom informa- tion in regard to subscriptions, back numbers, etc., may be obtained. Houghton, Miffllin & Co , announce for early publication ' The Woodpeckers ' by Fanny Hardy Eckstorm. Doubtless the day is not distant when we shall have special monographs treating at greater length than is possible in a general work, each family of North American birds. Editorials i6i A Bi-monthly Magazine Devoted to the Study and Protection of Birds OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AI'DUBON SOCIETIES Edited by FRANK M. CHAPMAN Published by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Vol. II OCTOBER, 1900 No. 5 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Price in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, twenty cents a number, one dollar a year, post- age paid. Subscriptions may be sent to the Publishers, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, or 66 Fifth avenue. New York City. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union, twenty-five cents a number, one dollar and a quarter a year, postage paid. Foreign agents, Macmillan and Company, Ltd., London. COPYRIGHTED, 1900, BY FRANK M. CHAPMAN. Bird-Lore's Motto: A Bird in the Bush is Worth Two in the Hand. The A. O. U. and the Audubon Societies The proposal to hold a conference of representatives of the Audubon societies in Cambridge during the Seventeenth An- nual Congress of the American Ornitholo- gists' Union, which convenes in that city on November 12, 1900, is admirable, not alone through its promise of the accom- plishment of practical and desirable re- sults in matters concerning the work of the Audubon societies, but also because it will emphasize the close relation which exists between the societies and the Union. With the more isolated members of both organizations it is evident that this affilia- tion is not suspected ; indeed, the Audu- bonist whose aims are limited to regulat- ing the millinery of her neighbor finds, to put it mildly, nothing to commend in the most legitimate efforts of the ornithologist who, with equally narrow vision, is ofttimes led to make his critic stand as a type for the societies she so misrepresents. An associate member of the Union, liv- ing in California, voices this prejudice in a recent number of 'The Condor,' wherein he " registers a kick against being placed in the same class [of A. O. U. membership] with Audubonists and fad protectionists." His definition of the objectionable Audu- bonist as a woman who "declines to wear mangled bird-remains on her hat or as trimming for her clothing," very clearly exposes his ignorance of the scope of the work of the Audubon societies, an ignor- ance which we have found to prevail most widely in regions where the Audubon societies are least active. Doubtless there are " fad protectionists " in the ranks of the Audubon societies, just as there are fad collectors of birds' skins and eggs among the members of the Union; but fortunately both are of too little importance to aftect the harmony born of common interests which does exist between the Audubon societies and the A. O. U. The original Audubon society was organ- ized by the Union, and at the present time the presidents of three of the leading societies are prominent members of the A. O. U., while but few of the larger societies are without representatives of the Union on their executive boards who, be it added, are not mere figure-heads, but active workers. As further evidence of the community of interests of the two organizations, it may be said that the Union's Committee on the Protection of North American Birds is, in effect, an Audubon Society. It is not alone the necessity for bird-pro- tection which prompts these members of the A. O. U. to join forces with the Audu- bon societies, but because they recognize the enormous influence which these so- cieties can and do exert on the advance of ornithological interests in this country. Indeed, we assert without hesitation that the Audubon societies, with their 40,000 or more members, popular lecture courses, circulating libraries, school bird-charts, and many educational schemes, are a more potent force in shaping the future of American ornithology than the American Ornithologists' Union itself; and this not because their members decline "to wear mangled bird-remains," but because they l62 Bird -Lore realize the incalculable importance of edu- cation, and are making every effort to secure for the youth of this country op- portunities to learn something of the beauty and value of bird-life which the previous generation lacked. We would make no comparison be- tween the Audubon Societies and the Union which would in any way reflect on the work of either. Both have their place, and when their relations are properly understood it will be seen that they stand to each other as preparatory school to college. It is the province of the Audubon societies to arouse interest in the study of birds, in short, to make ornithologists; it is the province of the A. O. U. to enroll them in its member- ship after the school-day period has passed, and sustain their interest through the stimulation which comes from associ- ation with others having kindred tastes. The ornithologist who counts success through the number of his 'takes' and 'finds' should understand that we are reaching a stage in the study of North American birds where the field-glass is of more importance than the gun, where observations are more needed than col- lections. It is this doctrine which mem- bers of the A. O. U. themselves are try- ing to inculcate in the minds of budding ornithologists (witness their circular issued by the Pennsylvania Audubon Society and published in Bird-Lore for August, iSgg), and to close the ranks of the Union to what, in effect, are their own pupils, would be obviously too inconsistent to be worthy of a moment's consideration. Robbed of its misconception of the aims of the Audubonists, and we confess to a certain sympathy with the plea of the writer of the letter we have quoted from for an additional class of members in the A. O. U. The suggestion to in- crease the limit of active membership from fifty to sixty or seventy-five, put forth by another correspondent of ' The Condor' seems to us to be unwarranted by e.xisting conditions. The writer men- tioned thinks that California should be better represented on the active list, but we find that it already possesses four active members, or more than any other state except Massachusetts and New York and the District of Columbia. However, he admits that among the ninety mem- bers of the Cooper Ornithological Club of California there are only "two, pos- sibly three, who would fill the require- ments" demanded of candidates for active membership. To this number average current opinion would add probably four or five candidates from the East, making a total number of eight possible claim- ants for the four vacancies in the active list, certainly not a too severe competi- tion for " the highest honor to which any American Ornithologist, can aspire." The proposal to make two classes of associate members, on the contrary, has much in its favor. When the Union was organized there was far less interest in the study of birds than at present, and the list of associate members was largely composed of amateur ornitholo- gists, any one of whom might eventually become a candidate for active member- ship. But with the greatly increased popularity of ornithology there has arisen a class of students who, while they do not aspire to the rank of active member- ship, are still desirous of being connected with the Union, and between them and the associates, whose ambition it is to become active members, a distinction might, with perfect justice, be made by the creation of a class of senior associates limited to one hundred in number. But, in any event, let us regard with equal fairness the technical ornithologist absorbed in his minute study of speci- mens and his disentanglements of nom- enclatural snarls, and the ardent bird- protectionist who perhaps can not name a dozen birds correctly. Both are sin- cere, both are necessary, and a mutual understanding of each other's aims will, we are sure, lead to mutual respect. " Vou cannot with a scalpel Jind the poet's soul. Nor yet the wild bird's song." Edited by Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright (President of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut), Fairfield, Conn., to whom all communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird-Protective Societies should be addressed. Reports, etc., designed for this depart- ment should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. Notes The ever-important question of how to retain the interest of those already banded together by membership in the Audubon Societies is still before us, and seemingly as far from being settled as ever. As yet there has been no general meeting of workers in this branch of bird -pro- tection, no interchange of personally related experience. I am glad to be able to state definitely that the long-talked-of conference is to be held this fall, and I urge as large a response as possible to the hospitable invitation of the Audubon Society of the state of Massachusetts. It is quite fitting that this Society should be the first to act as host, as it has been the pioneer of all that is best in the work — at once progressive and con- servative. with a living at stake to be more moral than the woman who has sufficient means to buy her headgear ready made? One milliner writes : "I am in sympathy with the Audubon movement, and I think it is a great pity that the dear little birds should be sacrificed for millinery trimming, but as long as my patrons demand them I feel it right to use them. Stop the demand, and the milliners and dealers will soon forget about them. * * * It is my plan to have a great many hats and bonnets without the plumage of wild birds, and if I could get sufficient support from members of the society, I would do away with them altogether. " This, from a well-known Boston milli- ner, drives the nail home, and is a clear ex- pression of the sentiments of the majority of the intelligent trade. Some time ago Professor M. A. Willco.x made the suggestion that a 'White-List' of milliners be obtained, if possible, in every city and large town ; this list to be composed of the names of those who would be willing to keep on hand some tasteful hats and bonnets from which all but Ostrich plumes should be absent or, in short, to make it easy for customers to obtain 'Audubonnets' if they so desire This is a praiseworthy experiment, and I should like every secretary to endeavor to send a list of names by November i. Personally, I think it is handling the matter by the wrong end. Women should refrain from demanding feathers rather than throw the responsibility upon the milliner, who must keep well in the front with novelties in the push of trade-rivalry or go to the wall. Why should we expect the milliner I wish to call particular attention to Bird-chart No. II, issued by the Massa- chusetts Society. It is fully the equal of No. I, and the two, picturing as they do fifty-two of our common birds, with accom- panying descriptive text by Ralph Hoff- mann, are a practical answer to the daily question, "How can I instruct my children about the birds ? We do not live near a museum." The Rhode Island Society has issued a very striking poster printed on heavy card, bearing a picture of a Tern, and urging women to refrain from wearing the plum- age of both Gulls and Terns. Copies may be purchased from the secretary. The schools are again in session, and the season for teaching via the book opens as the season of observation for the many draws to a close. This is the time that 164 Bird-Lore the circulating libraries of natural history should be sent upon their journeys to the remote school-districts to bring a breath of hope and summer to those of whom winter makes 'shut-ins.' These libraries should not be wholly about birds, but comprise books on other na- tive animals and plants as well, the better to show the interdependence of all nature.— M. O. W. The Audubon Conference Following the suggestion given in Bird- Lore of a recent date that a conference of Audubon Societies be held in Cambridge, Mass., in connection with the meeting of the A. O. U. November 12-14, the Massa- chusetts Audubon Society announces that it has sent invitations to the secretaries of the various state societies asking them to send delegates to such a conference. The rapid increase in the number of Audubon Societies, and the many methods of working for bird-protection which have been in use by them, suggest that a com- parison of these methods, and a mutual interchange of opinions on this subject would be of benefit to all. There are now twenty-two of these societies and it is earnestly desired that each will send at least three delegates to this conference. The Massachusetts Audubon Society will cordially welcome the delegates, and will make arrangements for their convenience and comfort ; they also herewith extend an earnest invitation to all Audubon members and bird-lovers to attend this meeting. The committee are perfecting arrange- ments to make this first convention of Audubon Societies a pleasant and profit- able occasion, when "members may meet face to face and feel the fellowship that comes from the spoken word." For details of the conference and sug- gestions regarding the programme, address Harriet E. Richards, Secretary, care of Boston Society of Natural History. The Milliners' 'White-List' We have received the following names of milliners who are willing to make a specialty of bonnets trimmed without wild birds' feathers: BOSTON, MASS.— R. H. Sterns & Co., Cor. Temple Place and Tremont St. ; Caroline, 4S6 Boylston St ; Celeste, 415 Boylston St. WORCESTER, MASS.— Edith A. Cash- ing, I Chatham St. ; Mrs. Harriet A. Green, ig High St. ; Mrs. Ida S. Richards, 165 Pleasant St. MILLBURY, MASS.— Mrs. J. M. Cush- ing-Johnson, 271 Main St. Reports of Societies RHODE ISLAND SOCIETY The Audubon Society, in conjunction with the Game Association of this state, succeeded last year in securing the pass- age of a law creating a Bird Commission of five members, authorized to enforce the statutes relating to birds. This year, through the instrumentality of the same societies, and with the help of the Bird Commissioners, the Rhode Island bird laws have been greatly improved and now compare favorably with those of any state. The close season for game birds has been lengthened, and all other birds are protected during the entire year, with the exception of English Sparrow, Hawks, Owls, Crows, and Crow Blackbirds, which "may be killed at any time by any person upon his own land." This last clause was a necessary concession to the views of some of the rural legislators, ard we can only hope that in the near future it will be amended. One section of the law imposed a fine of f 20 for every Woodcock, Quail, or Ruffed Grouse sent out of the state The same penalty is imposed for disturbing or de- stroying the nest or eggs of any v;ild bird without a license from some scientific institution. In order to give publicity to the new laws, the Audubon Society has had ab- stracts of the same printed upon cloth and posted throughout the state. As a novel method of appealing to the public, this Society has recently made The Audubon Societies 165 use of an advertising card in the street cars. One half the cards is devoted to a beautiful half-tone picture of a Wilson's Tern, and the other half to an appeal to all "Fair-minded Women." It is hoped that other societies will make use of these cards, which are suita- ble for posting in any public place, and which may be obtained from the under- signed at cost. In order to encourage the study of birds in the school, four prizes of cameras and opera glasses were recently offered by the Audubon Society and the Humane Education Committee of the S P. C. A. for the best essay upon various subjects relating to birds. The graduating classes in the fifteen grammar schools of Prov- idence were selected by the superinten- dent of schools, Dr. H. S. Tarbell, for the competition. A month of preparation was allowed, but the subjects were not given out until the hour appointed for writing the essay. About 150 of the best papers were sent to a committee of this Society, who e.\- amined them and awarded the prizes. The work done by the pupils showed an amount of interest that was surprising and encouraging, and the Committee de- cided to make honorable mention of ten papers for which they awarded subscrip tions to a monthly magazine issued by one of the Humane Societies. The officers of the Audubon Society feel that a busy season has resulted in a distinct advance for the cause of the birds. Annie M. Grant, Secretary. CONNECTICUT SOCIETY The Annual Report of the Audubon Society of the State of Connecticut has been issued in pamphlet form, and will be sent to the officers of other societies upon application to the secretary. This society is in a flourishing condition, the special feature of the past year, in ad- dition to the free illustrated lectures, being the purchase of 10 Natural History libra- ries of 10 books each to be circulated in the public schools through the kind co- operation of Mr. C. D. Hine, secretary of the State Board of Education. The following letter is a part of that sent out with each library : Dear Madam: You will receive by express an Audubon Library. These books deal with natural history and particularly with birds, the ob- ject being to encourage the reading of all good books and especially to arouse interest in the nature and habits of common birds and the benefits which these birds render. The Audubon Society will be glad to receive reports from the teachers, giving an account of the use of the books, stating which are the most popular and enter- taining, in general the effect of such a library in school. The library may be kept until the end of the term. It comes to you free of expense, and when returned the express will be paid at this end. Yours truly, Connecticut Bc-^rd of Education. All of the libraries have been placed with the public-school teachers and several have written to show their appreciation and enjoyment of the books. We consider this work one of the most important we have accomplished, and hope to extend it considerably during the coming year, as there is already a demand for more books. To give greater identity each library bears the name of the American naturalist whose books are most prominent in it, or a title otherwise indicative of its contents. The Ernest Seton-Thompson Library, The John Burroughs Library, The Olive Thorne Miller Library, The Teachers' Library, The Gardencraft Library, etc. The Lecture Committee reports as fol- lows : "Last summer the two lectures illus- trated by slides which the Audubon Society had circulated during the previous year were re-used, and to the Farmers' Lecture a number of new slides were added. Also a new lecture was written and slides pre- pared by Mrs. Wright, the president of the society. This lecture was intended for little children, the subject being ' The 1 66 Bird-Lore Adventures of a Robin.' During the fall months there was some demand for the lectures, but with spring came more appli- cations, and from then till now they have been in almost constant use. The com- mittee has made an effort to have the Farmers' Lecture used in the granges throughout the state, and though a num- ber have had them, still not so many as the number of granges would warrant. The schools have responded largely to notices sent to them in regard to the lectures, and for Bird and Arbor Day there were twenty applications for them Lecture No. H, 'Birds about Home,' has been used fifty-two times, while the Farmer's Lecture has been used fifteen times, and Lecture No. Ill sixteen times, making in all eighty-three times. Success has been obtained by a local secretary keeping a lecture a number of weeks, and taking it to the different schools in the neighborhood. The children were much interested, and a number joined the society as a result. A number of most appreciative letters have been received, and there seems no doubt that the lec- tures have done great good in arousing interest in the cause for which the Audu- bon Society is working — the protection of birds." The Audubon Societies at the General Federation cf Women's Clubs Through the enterprise of the Wiscon- sin Society, Miss Mira Lloyd Dock was secured to speak upon Bird-Protection June 8, at the General Federation of Women's Clubs then in session in Milwaukee. Miss Dock took ' The Quality of Mercy ' as her text, and through it appealed to a represen- tative audience of women from every part of the country. She handled the subject in a way that showed a thoroughly trained and logical mind. The work of the Audu- bon Societies was presented not as an iso- lated affair, not as a fad, but in its relation to all the other movements of the age that make for righteousness, in the way of les- sening the amount of suffering among men and animals. A leaflet containing a list of the Societies for Bird-Protection at home and abroad, and various notes of interest was distri- buted at the meeting, which cannot fail of doing widespread good. The State Socie- ties contributing toward the expenses of this lecture were New Hampshire, Massa- chusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Wisconsin and Ohio. A Welcome Superstition Mr. Ernest Seton-Thompson writes us from abroad of a growing superstition in Paris against the wearing of 'aigrettes,' which, with characteristic originality, he voices in rhyme, as follows : The Dames of France no longer wear The phniies they used to prize : They find that Aigrettes in the hair Brings crows' feet in the eyes. E. S-T. A Remarkable Bonnet The observing ornithologist nowadays often make interesting discoveries in the befeathered monstrosities with which some women no doubt imagine themselves becomingly adorned ; but of the many which have claimed our attention, in none perhaps was the plumage of different birds so confusingly intermingled as in a hat seen not long since on an Eighth Avenue, New York City, car. It contained a Black-cock's tail. Dove's and Whip-poor-will's wings. Grebe's breast, Paradise Bird's plumes, a bunch of Aigrettes, and a Hummingbird ! — F. M. C. Death of Miss Seixas. We regret to announce the death of Miss Cecile Seixas, secretary of the Te.xas Au- dubon Society, who, with her mother and two sisters, perished in the Galveston hurricane. FERRUGINOUS ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK Photographed from life by H. W. Nash, Pueblo, Colo. iSirli^lore A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROTECTION OF BIRDS Official Orqan of the Audubon Societies Vol. II December, 1900 No. 6 Photographing Ptarmigan BY E. R. WARREN, Crested Butte. Colo. With photographs from nature by the author* UR White-tailed Ptarmigan, or 'Mountain Quail,' as it is commonly called in this state, is a bird of such alpine habitat that but few become acquainted with it, especially in the summer season, when it lives at timber-line and higher. In the winter it is somewhat better known, for it then descends to the valleys, driven down by the storms and deep snows, although, as far as I know, never below or out of the snow. At this time they are very noticeable, that is, if one runs across them, for they are pure white, excepting bills and eyes, which are black. At all seasons, so far as I have observed, unless much persecuted, they are fearless of man, and will allow one to approach very closely, so closely that I have actually touched them. The photographs from which the accompanying illustrations were made were taken in the vicinity of Crested Butte, Gunnison county, Colorado. The first of the birds in the summer plumage was taken in 1899 at ^^ elevation of over ii,ooo feet, nearly but not quite tim- ber-line, and in one of our high mountain basins. The birds were in the habit of coming daily, at about noon, to a mining tunnel, for the sake of drinking from a small stream of water which flowed from the tunnel, probably the nearest water they could find. As long as there is snow on the mountains the birds do not go for water. I have seen them eat snow in the summer as well as in winter. There *Mr. Warren's beautiful pictures illustrate perhaps more forcibly than any photographs Bird-Lore has published the educational value of the camera in the study of birds in nature. Few ornithologists are privileged to see Ptarmigan in their haunts, and. with the exception of the Scottish species, they are never, we believe, confined in zoological gardens. But here we have a series of photographs, which not only gives an excellent idea of the appearance of these birds in life, but graphically demonstrates the im- portance of their marked seasonal changes in plumage, which are technically described by Dr. Dwight in the succeeding article. lyo Bird-Lore were old and young birds ; on my first trip I found a hen with two young, and on my second a hen with four young, and another hen with one chicken appeared soon after. The latter, I think, were those seen the first trip, but one had been killed by something, very likely a Red-tailed Hawk I saw flying about. This Hawk was the cause of the picture called "Watching the Hawk," taken the first trip. These two young birds were very tame, and after being followed about some time had settled down among the grass and stones on the hillside. I had put the camera down about four feet away WATCHING THE HAWK from them, and had the stop at sixty-four and shutter for one-half second exposure. The old bird was about twent}' feet away. The chicks were in a nice position, the slide was out of the plate-holder, and I was just at the point of squeezing the bulb to make the exposure. The hen began clucking very excitedly as if alarmed, and those young- sters flattened themselves out among the rocks and grass so that, close as I was to them, I could, hardly distinguish them from their surroundings. As for taking their, pictures then, it would have been impossible. The camera would have shot over them. I looked to see the cause of the trouble and saw the Hawk sailing along close to the ground. After he had passed, the birds raised themselves up ■Copyright, hy E- R. Jl'ari-en PTARMIGAN IN NOVEMBER JUST AFTER COMPLETING WINTER PLUMAGE The conspicuousness of these birds in white winter plumage when seen against a dark background is an eloquent argument for the necessity of their seasonal changes in plumage, the value of which is strikingly illustrated by the photographs on the preceding page and below, where birds in summer and winter plumages respectively are shown with appro- priate seasonal surroundings. CopyrigJit, by E. R lVarre*f PTARMIGAN IN WINTER PLUMAGE 172 Bird - Lore and stretched out their necks, looking after him — then I took the picture. After quenching their thirst at the tunnel the birds would start up the hill, feeding as they went and acting much like a flock of domestic fowls. They fed on grass and weed seeds, with an occa- sional fly or other insect, which the young would often chase. The picture of the two birds in winter plumage was taken in November, 1899, near the summit of Mt. Emmons, just across from Redwell Basin, where I made my summer pictures. A heavy snow had fallen in October, but after that the weather had settled and * Psii^l^'^ ' '^^r-i-idSH^BS^"' ^" r '-fftij^ -^^ .'^0s*i'^^^MKK&f^' .. -J m>*t I ^**i5**wpyi»'^— V-*- • ^^vj^^^^^lT' iij^i"*- '<-"^< -y^ ^^Ssf^^^^^^BSP .^^I^^^^H^^^C^ 1 1 PTARMIGAN IN SPRING CHANGING TO SUMMER PLUMAGE melted the snow so that it was not bad traveling ; in fact, even to the very top of the mountain there were bare spots. Here I found these two Ptarmigan, young birds, I think, as they did not appear to be quite full grown, and possibly some of those I had photographed two months before. Like the others they were tame, and I could get as close as I wished to them, the bare ground giving a contrasting background for their white winter plumage. The picture of the bird in winter plumage, on the snow, with part of a man on skis near by, was taken in the valley of East River, about four miles east of Crested Butte, in March, 1900. Here, among the willows in the river bottom, were quite a good many Ptarmigan, some of which were quite shy. Snowshoes, ten -foot Norwegians, or skis, were a Photographing Ptarmigan 173 necessity here, for the snow was three to five feet deep and there were no roads or trails. The birds appeared to be feeding on the willow buds. Judging from the tracks we saw, they must be much harassed by coyotes, for we observed the latter's tracks running in every direction from one willow clump to another, as if beating the ground for game. In May, igoo, I was camped on the south slope of Mt. Emmons, working a mining claim. The snow still lay on the higher slopes, but in the morning would be hard so that one could easily walk on it. One morning I walked up toward the summit, near where I secured the winter plumage pictures, and found one bird, in the changing plumage. Its head and neck were thickly spotted with black and brown, while there were numerous brown feathers in the back. Below it was still white. As usual, it was tame and I could observe it closely. Where I found it the ground was partly bare and partly covered with snow\ On the bare spots it found grass and was nipping off the heads of this, and also would pick industriously at times into bunches of moss, getting the seeds from them. On July II, I had my greatest piece of luck. I had gone out to look for Ptarmigan, hoping to find a nest with eggs, and was coming back along the crest of a ridge when I saw a little chick running a few feet in front of me, and, looking down, I saw the old bird and more chicks almost beside me. There were five young altogether, apparently only a few days old, as they were downy, and the quills in the wings were only just beginning to show. With this family I had a most interesting time. It was no trouble to get pictures of the old bird, for she would stand still and allow me to put the camera down on the ground two or three feet away, use the focusing cloth and focus, then change the shutter from time to instantaneous exposures, put in the plate-holder and make the expos- ures. I secured pictures of her thus when she was covering her whole family, for whenever she stopped the chicks would nestle beneath her, Copyrigh/. by E. R. Warren ADULT FEMALE PTARMIGAN IN SUMMER PLUMAGE 174 Bird- Lore wlicii I inif^ht have (■,a])liii(