PANS) airse me “ ait Cs, EAS G Ones ae Pte < stot ita asia yevigeiny } ‘ R = Ll oe Mien Zz VS se , DP @ "Lm py L14-Z . ‘ ¥, Res Poa wae yA / é me flglr2 XO BIRDS’ NESTING “cy A CALENDAR OF THE BREEDING SEASONS, AND A POPULAR GUIDE TO THE HABITS AND HAUNTS OF BIRDS. ILLUSTRATED. aim ~~ ad e pe By Captain G. 679 bb, “MARSHALL, Re ASH AND MEMBER OF THE BRITISH & ae ORNITHOLOGICAL UNIONS. Gateutta: PUBLISHED BY THE CALCUTTA CENTRAL PRESS CO, 5) COUNCIL HOUSE STREET. —E 1877, CALCUTTA: Sh ik CALCUTTA CENTRAL PRESS COMPANY, LIMITED, 5, COUNCIL HOUSE STREET. ik ; ‘ e : vy ¥ - a SONAL INSTI 333 Wavaca x16) 404A Abn WH fe ed) i946 “Anionay muse SS 3 ”. iG 7 ‘ : i ' a a | a LG hts oe fl yale as yea Tranmere vy te ie gre a Neat a ee CONTENTS. PART, f. PREFACE ow eee eos ee Sep eae CuaptEr I.—Introductory, breeding seasons and hints on birds’ nesting Cuapter IJ.—Habits and haunts of birds, with general description of types of eggs ase ees eee PARG If, InpEx.—List of birds that are known to breed in India, with duration of breeding season for each species tabulated ... eee PART ITI. CALENDAR showing the birds of which the eggs may be looked for during each month of the year; with description of nest and the situation where usually placed ees eee JANUARY ... oe aed we hon FEBRUARY oe. ose oss vee ae MarcH eee sce des ce APRIL ve cee doe ae cas May aes aes ens ee ees JUNE se ae oes ves oe JULY eae AUGUST ove eee eee oes SEPTEMBER eee wee eee OcTOBER ... oe sue nee NovEMBER awe aa DECEMBER oti noc aac oe 41 63 64: 69 76 88 107 130 149 161 170 174 177 180 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ee eg enenreeens Page. TakING THE BroapBiL’s Nest dint BOL FRONTISPIECE. Nest or THE Kine Voutture (Ofogyps calvus) ... oon OF NEsT OF THE THICK-BILLED FLowERPECKER (Piprisoma agile) ... 69 NEST OF THE RED-HEADED Tit (LEgithaliscus erythrocephalus) 76 BREEDING PLACE OF THE TERNS ace oes Je a SO Nest OF THE WHITE-THROATED Fantain (Leucocerca fuscoventris) 107 NEsT OF THE WHITE-BROWED WARBLER (Adrornis albosuperciliaris) 130 NEst OF THE YELLOW-THROATED BroapBitL (Psarisomus dalhousie) 149 Nest or tHe Wuistiine Tran (Dendrocygna arcuata) aes un OU BREEDING PLACE OF THE LITTLE CoRMORANTS Bee ea ie) Nest OF THE YELLOW-BELLIED Fanrtatn (Chelidorhyna hypoxantha) 174 Nest oF THE BROWN Fish Own (Ketupa ceylonensis) soapy ee Nzst oF THE PURPLE HonnysucKer (Arachnechthra asiatica) ... 180 it: on tf: a rity! fs 4 Theva ote, TR sey ok ‘nla is rok Bs nh hy ig dy) v} i i ie . i= “ ih ae eaie Ht ong ae iy) is yt i oa fi ¢ PREFACE. ———_—_ >—__——_ Tew years ago when beginning to make a collection of birds’ eggs in this country, I was struck by the diversity in the breeding seasons, and the want of any guide to assist the beginner in his researches. Since then I have kept a continuous record of my observations, and, with the intention of eventually publishing them, I have endeavoured to gather together, as far as possible, the recorded experiences of others ; and this little book is the result. Many friends have kindly placed their collections at my disposal, and for a great deal of the information regarding the rarer birds, I am indebted to the courtesy of Mr. A. O. Hume, in permitting the use of extracts from a draft of his book on “ Indian Birds’ Nests and Eggs,” which has as yet only been printed for private circulation : to this source are due the valuable observations from Sikkim by Mr. Gammie; from Hansi (Punjab), the Central Provinces, and Bundelkhund by Mr. Blewitt; from the Nilgiris by Miss Cockburn and Messrs, Davidson and Wait, and by many others from various parts of India, while the information from Bengal is chiefly due to Mr. Parker. Of private collections from which notes have been taken those of Captains Cock and C. H. T. Marshall, and of Mr. W. E. Brooks, were the most important, and to all these gentlemen my thanks are due. The notes from upper India are comparatively full and complete, but as regards Eastern and Peninsular India they are as yet very meagre, more especially from the latter. A good deal of new information has been collected since the manuscript of this book was put in hand, and more is being accumulated month by month; but the knowledge already gained is valuable as far as it goes, and believing that it is better that what is known should be made at once available to the public, rather than that indefinite delay should be made for fuller detail, I offer no further apology for the incompleteness of the record. This book will not in any way supplant the carefully detailed work which Mr. Hume is compiling on the nidification of Indian birds, but it will supplement it by abstracting, in a convenient form, certain points il PREFACE. of information, and so facilitate the direction of research into the proper channels. Mr. Hume’s work, when published, and, it is to be hoped, it soon will be, should be in the hands of every lover of Natural History in this country. No details are here given as to the materials and apparatus necessary in forming a collection and in preparing and preserving specimens: those who wish to commence collections of eggs or of skins of birds, will find all information as to details in Mr. Hume’s “ Inpran OrnITHOLOGICAL Cotiecror’s Vapr-Mercvum,” a most useful little book published by the Caleutta Central Press Company (5, Council House Street, Calcutta), and priced one rupee: but with reference to collections of eggs, it is necessary to repeat here that eggs are scientifically worthless as specimens, unless the species of bird to which they belong has been accurately ascertained ; and to do this effectually it is necessary for all except the most practised observers that the skin of the parent bird should be in all cases obtained and preserved. If ege collectors, into whose hands this book may come, would kindly communicate to me any notes they may make from their own experience in correction or extension of the information now recorded, it would confer a great obligation on me, and enable me, in case a second edition may be required, to render it more complete and satisfactory than T am able to do in the present case. The list of birds in Part II serves as an index, the order of arrange- ment followed by Jerdon is adopted, and having ascertained from this list the months in which any particular bird breeds, the further details required will be found on reference to the lists for those months. ae ay) f yen tes iW i La MARSHALL DEL BROAD BILLS NEST, BalaK= TAKING BIRDS NESTING IN INDIA. CHAP TER. of. INTRODUCTORY ; BREEDING SEASONS AND HINTS ON BIRDS’ NESTING. Birps’ nesting has gained in civilised countries a very evil reputation, in many cases unfortunately only too well deserved, by the wanton eruelty with which it is attended; and it must be stated clearly to begin with, that the publication of this book is not intended in any way to encourage the idle and foolish destruction of birds, nor to countenance the wholesale robbing of young and eggs from nests, which has brought the very name of birds’ nester into discredit, and has changed what should be, and is, if properly carried on, a healthy and instructive pursuit into a deserved reproach. That the collecting of birds’? eggs may be done without cruelty is not to be doubted by any one who has devoted time and thought to the question. Few birds attach any importance to fresh eggs, it is only as the process of incubation progresses, and the maternal instincts are developed, that any grave anxiety is shown by the parent birds when the eggs are approached ; even at this stage many birds will forsake the nest at once if the eggs are touched ; and when the eggs are quite fresh, the simple fact of the nest being touched, or even the detection by the parent bird that the nest has been discovered, is sometimes enough to lead to its desertion: in such cases the taking of the eggs is clearly not followed hy any distress to the parent birds. Not many years ago I used to feel very much more strongly on this point than I do now; the pain at robbing a nest used quite to embitter the joy of discovering a prize ; but it happened on one occasion, during a march through the Bolandshahr district, that A 2 BREEDING SEASONS. I found a nest of a kind I had long sought in vain, the whistling teal (Dendrocygna arcuata). These curious little ducks perch in trees and lay their eges in nests made of sticks and twigs in trees. The nest was in a babul tree, at the edge ofa large swamp, about ten feet from the ground ; and standing on a bank close by, I could see both parent birds seated side by side on the nest, with their little heads laid lovingly together, and their soft eyes watching me with no signs of dread. A severe mental struggle followed. My desire to get the eggs turned the scale, and { determined on shooting both the parent birds so as to leave no desolate mourner. I startled them from the nest, and as they flew off, fired right and left, killed the drake, but alas missed the duck. The deed was done, and there was nothing left but to take the egg which I did with a sad- dened heart and walked on to my camp three miles distant. All that day the memory of the poor little solitary duck haunted me. I could not get it out of my mind, and the next morning I determined to return to the spot, though it took me six miles out of my way, and put an end to the misery of the unhappy survivor by shooting her. On reaching the place, there I found her, seated on her empty nest, the scene of the previous day’s calamity, seated indeed, but not alone, she was accompanied, and no doubt successfully cheered by another drake that had already aspired to the place in her affections vacated by her unfortunate partner only the day before. In this case the nest contained only a single egg which was quite fresh, the usual number laid for hatching being from seven to ten. The behaviour is, lowever, very different when the little family arrangements are further developed. I once found the nest of a golden- crested wren, with eight eggsin it. The eggs were new to me at the time, and as I was anxious to find out accurately to what bird they belonged, I set a snare by the nest, and in a few minutes caught and killed the hen bird, and tnen taking the nest I sat down to pack it, and the eggs and the little bird to convey them safely away. Whaile I was engaged on this, the cock bird appeared and soon perceived the disaster that had happened to his home, his plaintive chirping was most piteous to hear, and I hur- riedly moved away, but there was no escaping, the poor little thing followed me incessantly, keeping pace with me and flitting from tree to tree, till passing out of the pine wood I got into open treeless ground, and there, unable to trust his frail little wings to the long flight, and fearing to alight on the open common, he fell back, and to my great relief his cries of woe were soon lost to hearing. The eggs were so hard set in this case that I was unable to preserve even one BREEDING SEASONS. 3 of them, and that day’s work I have ever regretted. It cannot of course be known how long the little bird mourned his loss, or what his end was, but on the other hand no one can doubt that the sorrow for the time was real and deep. . When the eggs are hatched, and the helpless young lie in the nest dependant solely on the parent birds for food and life, the maternal instincts are of course quicker and more deep-seated, and many anec- dotes could be told of the devotion of birds to their young, and of their courage and ingenuity in defending them. I will only mention one instance which occurred to a friendof mine. A nest of the golden oriole, often known as the mango bird ( Oriolus kundoo), had been found in the garden containing young, and was taken and brought into the house with the intention of rearing the young for the cage. The nest was placed by an open window, and there was discovered by the parent birds. They took charge of itas if nothing had happened, coming fearlessly into the verandah and feeding the young all day long. After a few days the nest was removed to another house more than half a mile distant, and still the parent birds followed it, tended it in the new situation, and eventually I believe reared up the young and carried them off as soon as they were able to fly. The golden oriole is a shy retiring bird, and for it to overcome so far its dread of man shows a very high order of parental affection. One more instance, perhaps the most curious of all, I must give before passing on to resume my subject. The heroine this time being a kite (Mfidvus govinda). Kites are not attractive birds, except for the wonderful grace of their flight, and it is hard to imagine a tender heart beneath their fierce but treacherous and withal cowardly exteriors. In the month of January in lower Bengal when with the kites the breeding season is at its height, a solitary female, over whom the instincts of the season evidently had their sway, but who from some cause or other was unprovided with a nest or eggs, appropriated an empty pill-box that had been thrown on to the roof of a portico, end gathering some sticks and straws round it in the corner of the roof to serve as a nest, she commenced and earried on with admirable perseverance a forlorn attempt to hatch it. When approached and driven from her place she would return to defend the beloved treasure dashing fiercely at the intruder. How long it would have taken before her hopes of welcoming a young kite out of the pill-box would have been finally abandoned was not proved, for a heavy storm of rain reduced it to a pulp, and in its place the exe of a domestic fowl was put down, and on that the kite now joined 4 BREEDING SEASONS. by a male kite who keeps careful guard over her, is still sitting. The eggs will be hatched in a few days, and the life of the young chick, which will probably be short and adventurous, will commence.* It is not essential to the pursuit of natural historythat collections of eges or skins should be made ; but the act of collecting is the sim- plest and readiest if not the only certain way of rendering the eye suflicient- ly familiar with the appearance of birds to enable any one to recognise and distinguish at a distance the various kinds one from another, and for this reason the making of a collection is very advisable. The interest in the subject so far from ceasing would even increase when the collec- tion was formed and the knowledge gained in the act of collecting remains. Experience proves that, after the acquisition of specimens is no longer desired, there isa pleasure in intelligently watching and noting the habits of birds and animals in life, the intensity of which grows in the minds of all true lovers of nature, just in proportion as its gratification is no longer encumbered with the necessity for taking the lives of harmless and beautiful creatures. The duties of an Englishman in India frequently entail a great deal of out-of-door life, much of which is in many instances solitary. To such, the need of a pursuit to interest the mind and divert it in leisure hours from the groove of official routine is very great, and to this end the study of natural history is pre-eminently adapted. Few countries offer greater inducements or better opportunities for it than India does, and its pursuit not only affords occupation and interest both in-doors and out-of-doors, but it is also accessible to all and necessitates no more costly apparatus than is within the means of every official Englishman. The habits of close observation which it fosters are especially useful ; and the careful record of personal observations supplies the much-needed data, without which general laws cannot be discussed or deduced. As to the healthy interest it developes in life, those who have experienced it will testify. A country which to others may seem a dreary waste is often to the naturalist a very mine of wealth, a ride across it, or a march through it, becomes replete with interest and enjoyment ; and it is earnestly hoped that, on perusing these pages, some of the many Englishmen scattered over India in solitary places may be induced to take up the study of ornithology, and find in it a new and growing interest which will while away many a pleasant hour. * This curious instance of aberrant instinct was pointed out to me by Col. Tucker, R.E., on whose house the event occurred and indeed is still occurring. BREEDING SEASONS. 5 A knowledge of the habits and seasons of birds is’ especially useful to sportsmen who seldom have the time for ascertaining the breeding seasons of game birds by personal observation, and in consequence of the want of this information many of our Indian game birds are slaugh- tered while they have eggs or young chicks, even by men who would be the first to condemn the deed if it were done wittingly. In England long experience has rendered every one familiar with such things, but in this country the seasons are known only toa few. At present no means exist for others of readily ascertaining them, and sportsmen are helpless in the matter. A case in point quite recently came under my observation. A large bag of the likh florikin (Sypheotides auritus) had been made inthe very height of the breeding season, but no idea that such was the case had ever entered the head of the man (a true sports- man) who had shot them, and he was quite ignorant of the extent of the damage unconsciously inflicted. I feel sure that the publication of any facts that will aid in preventing this misdirection of sport will be welcomed by all, and if each will supplement the existing knowledge of the subject by carefully recording his own personal experiences, we should in a few years have sufficient materials accumulated for a complete record of the breeding seasons, and the way would be paved at all events for an unwritten law, known and honoured by all sportsmen for the observation of close seasons, and then, but not till then, India will become, as it ought to be, equal to the best country in the world for a day’s small game shooting. The occasional holiday with a gun, so looked forward to by many, would no longer result in a weary trudge with a nearly empty bag at the end, as is now not unfrequently the case; and partridge-shooting would then afford as good sport as snipe- shooting does at present, but which is in the latter case entirely owing to the fact that the snipe by removing themselves en masse to other countries inaccessible to sportsmen, when the breeding season comes round, are able to carry on their domestic arrangements in peace and security. But to return to the birds’ nesting, the real reason why the difficulties arise out here, is the irregularity in season of breeding in tropical climates as compared with temperate climates. In the latter, breeding among birds is almost universally confined to the spring and early summer months. On coming out to India, people naturally assume that the rule holds good out here, which is only very partially the case, and the first difficulty that besets a beginner in collecting birds’ eges in this 6 BREEDING SEASONS. country is the absence of any information on this point. At first, search for nests is only made in the spring and summer months, but in the course of time eggs are found incidentally in other months, both earlier and later, and it gradually becomes evident that hours of fruitless search and watching of birds, to trace from their movements where their nests are concealed have been thrown away, which a little experience would have saved by teaching that the breeding season were eitner already over or had not yet begun, or in some instances even never would begin in that part of the country. It is to answer at all events partially this question, when do the birds breed? that these notes are published. The question is now being answered in full detail for each bird by Mr. Hume’s book already referred to in the preface, and this little book will give a review of the year month by month, indicating the direction in which search can at any given time be profitably carried on. In dealing with a limited area, either tropical or temperate, it would be comparatively easy to furnish a complete guide on this point in a small compass; but witha large country like India, including every variety of climate from the eternal snows of the alpine Himalayas to the unvarying round of heat in the southern peninsular on the one hand, and from the arid deserts of Sind to the humid forests of Assam on the other hand, It is a task of much difficulty to afford full details in a single book. The area dealt with is bounded by the main ridge of the Himalayas on the north; the Suliman range and the Arabian sea on the west; by the Indian ocean on the south; and by the bay of Bengal and Assam on the east. Climate has by far the largest influence in determining the breeding period with birds, and thus over so large an area it is clear that great variations must occur at different points. Speaking generally, it may be assumed that the colder the climate, the more uniformly will the breeding season be confined to the warmer months; and the hotter and less variable the climate, the more irregularly will the breeding season be spread throughout the year. Among hot climates the drier the climate, the more the breeding season inclines to the summer and monsoon months ; while in damp tropical climates the winter months are more prolific in proportion ; but in India, excluding the Himalayas, there is no place where eggs of some species may not be obtained in every month of the year. The fewest number of kinds of birds known to breed in this country BREEDING SBASONS. 7/ in any one month is twenty-eight, and that month is November; and further research will probably show that this number is under the mark. In May four hundred kinds of birds are known to breed, and the number is probably little short of five hundred. Of the twelve hundred or so species found in this country, the breeding of about six hundred has already been ascertained, of the remainder many are migratory and do not breed in this country at all, but there still remains a wide field for discovery, the great bar to further progress being the deadly character of some parts of the country at certain seasons of the year. The great majority of the birds, the breeding of which is yet unknown, frequent swamps or dense forests, and probably breed at seasons of the year when exploration is not only attended with extreme discomfort, but with serious risk of life. Some few kinds, such as hawk owls (Ninor) and some of the goat suckers (Caprimulgide) and others, though they breed in accessible and healthy localities, escape observation by their shy and retiring habits. In every part of India the vultures and many of the large eagles breed during the cold season, the most notable exception is the breeding of the Indian tawny eagle (4. vindhyana), the spotted eagle (4, nevia), and the long-legged eagle (A. hastata) in the height of the hot weather in moist localities, such as Saharunpoor, the Terais, and Calcutta, but in other parts these species too conform to the general rule. Many of the owls, especially the large ones, breed in the winter, and almost all the others breed in the early spring. The water birds breed during the rainy season. In July and August, in the country affected by the south- west monsoon, and in December in those parts of the south-east coast which are under the influence of the north-east monsoon. In some places the herons are known to breed in the spring, this has been ascertained in Oudh and also at Saugor, but it is unusual, The small warblers also of all kinds breed chiefly, though not without exception, during the rainy season. For the rest the season varies with locality. In the Himalayas the chief season is April, May, and June, but many eggs may be found in February and March; and also in July. All the finches breed late, chiefly in July in the higher ranges. From August to November birds’ nesting does not repay the labor and fatigue of walking in the hills, few, if any, eggs are to be found, and only definite search after particular kinds, which there may be good reason to believe are then breeding, should be made. In December and January the big vultures and eagles have eggs, and their eyries should be sought for. 8 BREEDING SEASONS. The seasons for any particular kinds that may be spread throughout the whole range of the Himalayas are usually somewhat earlier in the eastern, and later in the western portion. In the hills of south India the season is much the same as in the Himalayas, but it begins earlier, and ends later. There too a second or autumn brood is frequently hatched, while in the Himalayas, with birds that have two broods, the first is usually in March, and the second in June. In the southern hills, the ranges being less lofty and easily accessible to and from the plains, birds’ nesting may be carried on with more or less success over a much longer period by extending the rambles to the forests at the foot of the hills from time to time. In the plains, where the tropieal extremes of temperature occur, the season never ends, every month of the year yields a fair harvest. Some individual species breed all the year round, and where some leave off, others begin, so that the birds’ nester may be always fully employed: In the dry parts of the plains, more especially towards the north and west, the autumn months are comparatively barren seasons, the end of the cold weather, and throughout the hot weather and rains being the most prolific periods. In searching for birds’ nests the great secret of success after all is patience and perseverance, and when this is backed by keen eyesight and a knowledge of the habits of birds, success is certain. When the time cf breeding is known, the way is cleared to a great extent; but when the time for any particular species is only to be found out by observation, search may be guided by noting the breeding times of closely allied kinds of birds. If the breeding of one species is known, it may generally be inferred, though it is not always the case, that other species of that genus will breed about the same time in that locality. An exception to this is found among the crows, the common erow (Corvus impudicus) breeding in the upper provinces in June, while the raven (C. corax) and the corby (C. culmenatus) both breed in those parts during the winter. Other exceptions will occur to all who have collected eggs in this country, but the rule generally offers a fair guide. When this method leads to no results, the simplest way with common species is to shoot a specimen from time to time and ascertain by dissection whether breeding is in progress or not. Of course, if the birds are rare, this method cannot be carried out; for it defeats its own object, and watching must be resorted to. With birds in which the sexes differ in plumage, the disappearance of the hen birds, while the BREEDING SEASONS: 9 cocks are still to be seen about, leads to the inference that the former are in all probability sitting on eggs somewhere close by, and if watched, the male bird may be seen to carry food to the female, and thus lead to the discovery of the nest. Some birds put on handsome plumes or tufts of feathers as the breeding season approaches, which indicates when search for the eggs should be made. If watched closely, many kinds of birds may be detected pairing ; or, in the case of such as build nests, they may be seen carrying bits of stick or straw, or wool or feathers in their bills to the tree or hole where they are prepar- ing their little home. This latter of course leads not only to the know- ledge of the breeding season, but also what is more to the point to the discovery of the nest. Some birds that are widely spread over the country breed in one locality or another nearly throughout the year. Some again breed nearly throughout the year in the same locality. Among these latter may be mentioned the striated bush babbler (Chat- tarhea caudata), the pin-tailed munia (Munia malabarica), the black- bellied finch lark (Pyrrhalauda grisea), the common sandgrouse (Péerocles exustus), and all the commonest doves in the plains. To ensure success in discovering nests to any extent, it must be repeated that close and persevering search is necessary, many nests and sometimes those of the rarest birds are found accidentally, but even in these cases the finding generally results from a habit of keeping a watch on the movements of birds, and without labor and perseverance no great results can be looked for in this or in any other pursuit. With birds that sit close the nest itself must be searched for; and likely spots must be beaten, or otherwise disturbed, to cause the bird to fly off; but in many cases this is not necessary, as birds often quit their nests on the first signs of the approach of man. In forest country if the trees are too numerous, or the underwood is too thick to allow of complete search, it is best to keep a sharp look-out some thirty yards ahead of where you are walking to catch sight of the birds as they rapidly and often silently flit from the nest and reveal its situa- tion. In this manner I found in one morning nests of the small billed mountain thrush (Oreocincla dauma), the dusky bush thrush (Geocichla unicolor), the black-throated jay (Garrulus lanceolatus), and several others in the course of a quick ride through a secluded forest. It is sometimes advantageous to sit quite still for a time and watch, but as a rule moving about gives the best chance. One morning in the hot weather I had sat down to light my pipe at the foot of a tall clump B 10 BREEDING SEASONS. of surkerry grass, when a little wren warbler (Prinia stewarti) flew up with a straw in its mouth, suddenly caught sight of me and alighting on a twig close by, looked at me in evident astonishment without moving for two or three seconds, then opening its bill and dropping the straw it gave a most melancholy chee-e-ep. Ilooked round, and just at my back, fortunately uninjured, was the nest neatly woven in among the stalks of the grass about a foot above the ground ; if was unfinished, and I left it in peace and moved away. ‘Tapping the trunks of trees with a stick in passing is a good plan, as it will generally puta bird up off a nest that would otherwise sit close and escape observation ; but even with those species that lay in deep holes in trees, a sound of approaching footsteps is often enough to rouse the bird. I once found the nest of a speckled piculet (Vivia innominata), in this way, seating myself on a bauk to rest for a few moments under a tree, and looking up among the branches, a head of a little bird protruded from atiny hole caught my eye. The bird had been roused by the sound of my approaching footsteps, and was looking out to see the cause. The hole which was pierced in the wood of an old- trunk at some distance from the ground was so small that I could only put one finger into the entrance, and was almost invisible until the eye was guided to it. To find nests of this description, such as woodpeckers and barbets, the easiest way is by listening carefully in the woods in the early part of the breeding season when the tapping noise made by the birds in dig- ging out the holes with their bills guides the eye to their position. To find nests in bushes and trees when the birds are close sitters, it is sometimes a good plan to disturb the birds by beating the foliage ; but by far the best way is to select the most likely localities where birds are most numerous and carefully search every bush. In open country, with scanty jungle and few trees, every bush and tree should be searched, especially where birds are abundant. Large isolated trees which are so marked a feature in the plains are very favorite resorts, and most of them are more or less tenanted in the season. If the country is quite open, or if the jungle is like the common “beri” thorn jungle, too low and thick to search systematically, better results will be got on horseback than on foot, and in such situations many nests may be found while cantering about on a sure-footed pony. When the country is quite bare of vegetation, as in some plains and fallow lands, or even low stubble, a look-out should be kept well ahead for plovers or sandgrouse and other birds which creep quietly away from their eggs BREEDING SEASONS. 11 long before you can get near them. If little bushes or tufts of grass are scattered about here and there, the pony should be guided to pass close by them; and if a lark or pipit or other bird of similar habits should happen to have a nest under the shelter of one of them, the bird will rise sometimes almost at the horse’s feet. For thick low jungle where the riding plan fails, the place should be beaten or dragged with a rope, which latter will make even quail, which are exceedingly close sitters, rise from their eggs. The object of the rapid approach on horseback is to startle the bird and make it rise hurriedly, as otherwise it would creep quietly away unobserved to the other side of the bush. With gregarious birds the matter is more simple, the breeding haunts may easily be found in most cases, except when the powers of flight are very great as with the spinetails and swiftlets, by noting where they tend to congregate when the proper season arrives. When once the breeding ground is known, it is easy to find the individual nests. A plan tried by Captain Cock of nailing up a sheepskin to a tree, and watching with binoculars the birds that came to take the wool, was found very successful with tits and some small birds, but experience is the best guide in all cases; and with these general remarks I must have the reader to arrange his own course of action in each case. CLAP EK owt 1. HABITS AND HAUNTS OF BIRDS, WITH GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF TYPES OF EGGS. Vultures, (Otogyns, Gyps, Percnopteron, Gypaetus).—Build a large conspicuous nest of sticks; sometimes many feet in width and depth ; generally a huge solitary tree is chosen for the purpose, and the nest is difficult to reach, indeed often nearly inaccessible. The usual number of eggs laid in each nest is one; two is the greatest number ever laid, and that only by a few species; so that a good collection of the eggs of these birds requires a great deal of difficult climbing and perseverance. Some kinds, the king vulture and the “roc,” lay pure white eggs. Of other kinds the eggs are more or less spotted, those of the “ sca- venger” and bearded vulture being often very richly coloured. The great brown vulture (Vudéur monachus) only occurs here in the cold weather, all the other vultures are permanent residents, some breeding wherever they are found, others congregating at particular spots when the time for nest building arrives. Falcons, (Falco.)—Of the eight species of true faleons which are found in India, only three are known to breed here; the rest are cold weather visitants migrating to north and west in the summer. Of the three which remain, one, the laggar falcon ( F. juggur) is found in dry plains ; the two others, the “shahin” (F. perigrinator) and the black cap falcon (F’. atriceps) affect wooded and rugged country. The nest, though large, is generally well concealed. From three to six eggs are laid, which are always well marked, sometimes very richly coloured. Hobbies, (Hypotriorchis).—Nothing is known of their breeding in this country. The European hobby ((H. sudduteo) is a rather rare winter visitant. The Indian hobby (Z. severus) is a permanent resident in the eastern Himalayas, where its nest will probably be found in high trees in forest tracts. Merlins, (Lithofaleo).—The merlin of Europe (Z. esalon) is a rare cold weather visitant. The red-headed merlin (L. chicquera) is very common, it is a permanent resident, and chiefly found in mango groves. The nests are well concealed in thick foliage, and the eggs are of the same type as those of the true falcons. TYPES OF EGGS. VS Kestrils, (Zinnunculus, Erythropus.)—The common kestril (7. alaudarius) is found all over the country in the cold weather, but retires to the mountain ranges to breed. Of the breeding of the other two kestrils (#. cenchris and E. vespertinus) very little is known. The former is said to breed in the Nilgiris, and the latter may probably breed in the Himalayas. The eggs are richly coloured. Pigmy falcons, (Hieraz).—Of these beautiful little birds very little is known. Only one kind is found in India, in the extreme north- east. They feed on insects and frequent forests. They do not appear to be migratory. Hawks, (Astur, Lophospiza, Micronisus, Accipiter).—The six species known in India are all permanent residents, though in the cold weather some of them wander far from their breeding haunts. Of the besra sparrow hawk (4. virgatus), nothing is known as to its breeding. They affect wooded localities and often fly high. The eggs of Astur and Micronisus are pale blue or grey unspotted. The sparrow hawks lay boldly blotched eggs. One only (JJ. dadius) breeds in the plains ; the others all breed in mountain ranges and temperate climates. Kagles, (Aguila, Neopus)—The golden eagle (A. chrysaetus) is said to breed in the alpine Himalayas, making its nest on cliffs; but no eggs have been taken as yet. The black eagle (NV. malazensis) also breeds on cliffs, the other resident eagles breed on trees. All the true eagles are more or less migratory. The great tawny eagle (A. /ul- vescens vera or A. nevioides) and the barred imperial eagle (A. d2fasciata) leave the country altogether in the breeding season. Eagles frequent ‘open or wooded places, perching on high trees and soaring in search of prey. The nests are conspicuous, and they lay two or sometimes one ego; white with a few spots or blotches. Hawk eagles, (Nisaetus, Limnaetus, Spizactus).—Bonelli’s eagle (N. bonelliz) frequents open plains as well as wooded hills. The other hawk eagles are confined to forest tracts, and from the unhealthiness of the woods at the breeding time, but few of their nests are taken. They perch in trees with thick foliage and keep a good deal out of sight. They have aloud rather musical call which often leads to their detection. Their eges generally two in number are sparingly spotted or streaked. They are partially migratory, but probably all breed within Indian limits. Serpent eagles, (Circaetus, Spilornis).—The short-toed eagle (C. gallicus) is a permanent resident and frequents dry open plains, perch- 14. HABITS AND HAUNTS OF BIRDS ing on isolated trees. It laysa single white egg. The crested serpent eagles (Spi/ornis) are found in forests and well-watered tracts. S. cheela breeds in the warm sub-Himalayan valleys. The nest is placed about half way up a tree near water, and the eggs two in number are slightly spotted. They migrate to the well-watered plains in the cold weather. The others are probably permanent residents were found. Fishing eagles, (Pandion, Polioetus, Halietus).—These ave always found in the neighbourhood of water. They build enormous nests of sticks on high trees. The osprey (P. halietus) probably breeds in this country, but the eggs have not as yet been taken. They are very handsomely blotched. The other fishing eagles are permanent residents where they occur, and lay unspotted white eggs. Buzzards, (Buteo, Archibuteo, Poliornis)—Of the true buz- zards (Buteo) only one, the long-legged buzzard (B. canescens) is known to breed in India. It breeds in the far north-west. The others are con- fined to the mountains of India and affect well-wooded slopes. Their eggs are boldly blotched. Of the genus capitalis Volvocivora Sykesii i. melaschistus Graucalus macei Pericrocotus speciosus ; flammeus 4) brevirostris x roseus , peregrinus Dicrurus albirictus elas awe 5) SNGeil Ss : e|s|s/B 2 2 Blais a, o|\S as 2 | 81S | 2 Slalaldial5lal4djalo -U -Hi- Nos, in Jerdon. 280 281 282 283 284. 286 287 288 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 800 301 802 304 305 306 310 314 315 316 820 321 324 SHOWING DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. English Names. Scientific Names. The long-tailed drongo Shrike | Dicrurus longicaudatus Walden’s The white-bellied The bronzed The oar-tailed The Northernracket-tailed The hair-crested The ashy swallow Shrike The paradise Flycatcher The black-naped azure The white-throated Fantail The white-browed The white-spotted The yellow-bellied The grey-headed Flycatcher The sooty The black and orange The white-browed blue Flycatcher The The verditer The Nilgiri blue The blue-throated Redbreast The southern blue Tickell’s blue The fairy McGregor’s fairy The great fairy The slaty The rufous-breasted The grey robin white-tailed robin ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”» ” # waldeni - coerulescens Chaptia cenea Bhringa remifer Edolius paradiseus Chibia hottentota Artamus fuscus Tchitrea paradisei Myiagra azurea Leucocerca fuscoventris 3 aureola Ry pectoralis Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus Cryptolopha cinereocapilla Hemichelidon fuliginosa Ochromela nigrorufa Eumyias melanops » albicaudata Cyornis rubeculoides », banyumas » tickellie Muscicapulasuperciliaris Niltava sundara a macerigorice » grandis Siphia leucomelanura of superciliaris Erythrosterna parva hyperythra Jan. Feb. M arch April. July. Augt. 49 50 LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN INDIA, Sept. Oct. Augt Nov. Dec. as no - aM a i 23 English Names, Scientific Names. : AE Z : : 2 327 The chestnut-headed Wren | Tesia castaneocoronata al 331 The tailed hill ,, | Pneopyga caudata = 333 The Nepal ,, | Troglodytes nipalensis ael> The Kashmir ,, 55 neglectus (elas 338 The white-browed Shortwing | Brachypteryx cruralis an 339 The rufous-bellied 7 Callene rufiventris oe The white-bellied - | es albiventris -— 343 | The yellow-billed whistling Thrush | Myiophonus temminckii -—|- 342 The Malabar 5 + er horsfieldii -|- 344 The Nepal ground ,, Hydrornis nipalensis as 345 The Indian ground _,, Pitta bengalensis = 346 | The green-breasted ground _;, » cucullata ay 347 The brown water Ouzel | Hydrobata asiatica -|—-|—-|—- 351 The blue rock Thrush | Petrocossyphus cyaneus =i 352 | The chestnut-bellied chat _ ,, Orocetes erythrogastra =|— 353 The blue-headed ,, 5; » einclorhynchus laa 355 The rusty-throated bush _ ,, Geocichla citrina ——|- 856 The dusky _,, x 9 unicolor —|— 8358 The variable pied Blackbird ss dissimilis l= 357 Ward’s pied ss Turdulus wardii Sa 360 The Nilgiri a Merula simillima | === |= 361 The grey-winged s » boulboul sal (ian al cc 362 The white-collared Ouzel 5 albocincta wala 363 The grey-headed _,, » castanea alles 368 The Indian missel Thrush | Turdus hodgsoni ov) eco as 871 | The small-billed Mountain AA Oreocincla dauma Peale 382 The striated Jay = Grammatoptila striata = 385 The yellow-eyed Babbler | Pyctorhis sinensis =| 388 The Nepal quaker Thrush | Alcippe nipalensis —|—|—|—|— 389 The Nilgiri ,, a Me poiocephala pis PBs rad |S eh SHOWING DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. Nos. in Jerdon. 390 391 392 393 The black-gorgetted The crimson-winged English Names. Scientific Namss, May. June Augt. Sept. July. Oct. Nov. 51 Dee. The black-headed quaker Thrush The black-headed wren Babbler The red-billed Thered-headed The yellow-breasted The red-capped The rufous-bellied The white-throated The spotted The Nepal spotted The rufous-necked scimitar The southern ” The rusty-cheeked ” The slender-billed ” ” The white-crested laughing Thrush The grey-sided ” The rufous-necked 3? The white-throated 5 The necklaced ” The white-spotted The red-headed ” The plain-coloured 55 The variegated ” The blue-winged The red-throated ” ” The Nilgiri _,, The streaked ” The bristly ” Alcippe atriceps Stachyris nigriceps » _ pyrrhops on ruficeps Mixornis rubricapillus Timalia pileata Dumetia hyperythra 6 albogularis Pellorneum ruficeps S nipalensis Pomatorhinus ruficollis horsfieldii ” rf erythrogenys Xiphoramphus superciliaris Garrulax leucolophus cerulatus ruficollis ” albogularis pectoralis moniliger occellatus [phalum Trochalopteron erythroce- subunicolor variegatum squamatum fogulare pheeniceum cacchinans lineatum setafer LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN INDIA, 8 English Names. Scientific Names. 428 The hoary Barwing | Actinodura nipalensis 429 The black-headed Sibia | Sibia capistrata The Assam _,, » gracilis 430 The magpie _,, 3 Ppicaoides 432 The Bengal Babbler | Malacocercus canorus 433 The white-headed _,, a griseus 434, The jungle _,, < malabaricus 435 The rufous-tailed —_,, = someryillii 436 The large grey _,, + malcolmi 438 The striated bush ___,, Chattarrhcea caudata a 439 The striated reed __,, + earlii 440 The striated marsh __,, Megalurus palustris 441 The grass__,, Cheetornis striatus 444 The Himalayan black Bulbul | Hypsipetes psaroides 445 The Nilgiri black __,, a nilgiriensis 447 The rufous-bellied _,, % mceOlellandi 450 The yellow-browed bush _,, Criniger ictericus 451 The white-throated _,, ., flaveolus 452 The white-browed bush __,, Txos luteolus 456 The black-crested yellow __,, Rubigula flaviventris 458 | The white-cheeked crested _,, Otocompsaleucogenys 459 The white-eared ,, ” * leucotis 460 The red-whiskered __,, 5 emeria The southern 3 + 5 fuscicaudata 461 The common Bengal _,, Pycnonotus pygceus 462 The common Madras __,, 5 pusillus 463 Jerdon’s green _,, Phyllornis jerdoni 467 The black-backed _,, Tora zeylanica 468 The white-winged green __,, », typhia 469 The fairy Blue Bird | Irena puella = Feb. SHOWING DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. 53 aE et | BE English Names. Scientific Names. dle E i : : ; $ : , ; F 470 The Indian golden Oriole | Oriolus kundoo ale |= 472 The black-headed _,, 5 melanocephalus — 475 The magpie Robin | Copsychus saularis Slate 476 The Shama | Kittacincla macroura —|— 477 The white-tailed Bluehat | Myiomela leucura — 479 |The southern brown-backed Robin | Thamnobia fulicata —|—|— 480 The brown-backed _,, cambaiensis —|—|—|—|— 481 The black Bushchat | Pratincola caprata ——|—|— 482 The southern black % atrata, —|—|— 483 The common Indian - ; indica ps (a eal 486 The iron grey 7 ferrea bast es | ee 494, The brown Rockchat Cercomela fusca fe PF 504 The blue-headed Redstart | Rutacilla ceeruleocephala pal 505 The plumbous water Robin 5 fuliginosa a 506 The white-capped Redstart |Cheemorrornis leucocephala ae 507 The blue Woodchat | Larvivora cyana —| 508 | The white-breasted blue - Tanthia rufilata ma 511 The golden 5 Tarsiger chrysceus fre 513 The white-tailed Ruby throat | Calliope pectoralis = 515 The large reed Warbler |Acrocephalus brunnescens _|- 516 The lesser ,, ; a dumetorum col 517 The paddy field 3 . agricolus = The brown-breasted hill - Dumeticola brunneipectus eles The streaked-scrub % Drymeca inquieta —|--|— 523 | The fulvous-breasted hill = Horornis fulviventer _ 526 The strong-footed _,, y 3 fortipes —|— 529 The large ,, 45 Horeites major _ The pale ,, ‘5 a pallidus sae 530 The Indian Tailor Bird | Orthotomus longicauda al ras | sali 532 | The yellow-bellied Wren Warbler | Prinia flaviventris Sa , LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN INDIA, 544 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 563 565 566 570 571 572 English Names. Adams’s Wren Warbler The ashy ,, Stewart’s. ,, The grey-capped ___,, Hodgson’s _,, The rufous Grass The Bengal _,, The common Wren The earth brown _,, The long-tailed _,, Jerdon’s ,, The great _,, The allied _,, The fuscous __,, The great rufous _,, The brown Hill The dusky ,, The black-throated ,, The streaked Wren The rufous-fronted __,, The aberrant Tree Blyth’s aberrant _,, Sykes’ Warbler Tytler’s Tree The large-crowned The crowned The Dalmatian The lesser black-browed The black-eared The grey-headed ” ” ” »” ” Scientific Names. Prinia adamsi » socialis 5, stewarti », cinereocapilla » bodgsoni Cisticola scheenicola Graminicola bengalensis Drymoipus inornatus aa terricolor + longicaudatus 35 jerdoni 5 insignis Fr neglectus S fuscus 53 rufescens Suya criniger », fuliginosa » atrogularis Burnesia lepida Franklinia buchanani Neornis flavolivacea » assimilis Hyppolais rama Phylloscopus tytleri Reguloides occipitalis ss superciliosus 33 proregulus Culicepeta cantator Abrornis schisticeps * xanthoschistus ) ——— SHOWING DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. 55 English Names. ° The grey-faced Warbler The white-browed __,, The chestnut-headed __,, The Indian golden-crested Wren The Indian Whitethroat The western-spotted Forktail The slaty-backed ,, The little ,, The eastern-spotted —_,, The Indian pied Wagtail The white-faced FA The grey andyellow ___,, The black-backed yellow-headed ,, The Indian Pipit The Tree ,, The Nilgiri _,, The Indian Tit Lark The ruddy Pipit The Nilgiri Tit Lark The brown Rock Pipit The upland _,, The purple Thrush Tit The green Tee The red-winged Shrike ,, The red-billed Hill ,‘ The silver-eared ,, ,, The stripe-throated ,, ,, The blue-winged ,, ,, The red-tailed ,, ,, The chestnut-headed ,, ,, Scientific Names. Jan’ Feb. June July. Augt Sept. Oct. Noy. Dee. Abrornis chloronotus » albosuperciliaris 3 castaneiceps Regulus himalayensis Sylvia affinis Henicurus maculatus sl schistaceus is scouleri “7 guttatus 3- Motacilla maderaspatana|— r luzionensis ay melanope Budytes calcaratus Anthus arboreus » maculatus » montanus » rufulus » rosaceus Agrodroma cinnamomea BA griseorufescens Heterura sylvana Cochoa purpurea » viridis Pteruthius erythropterus Leiothrix luteus - argentarius Siva strigula » cyanouroptera Minla ignotincta » Ccastanelceps ez] ‘ Q LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN =s English Names, Scientific Names. ‘dal Bl dl cl lel etal ah ws Slals| <3] 2/2] 41 3]8|2 621 The golden breasted Hill Tit | Proparus chrysceus — 623 The yellow naped ,, ,, | Ixulus flavicollis —|- 624 The rusty headed ,, ,, » occipitalis —|- 626 | Thestripe throatcrested ., ,, / Yuhina gularis ee 628 The black-chinned ,, ,, » nigrimentum —|- 629 The fire-tailed ,, ,, Myzornis pyrrhoura — -H| &| n -I| P|- 631 The Indian white-eyed ,, | Zosterops palpebrosus —|—|—|—|—|-—|—|- 633 The firecap ,, Cephalopyrus flammiceps -|- 634. The red-capped ,, | Egithaliscus erythrocephalus —|—|- 638 The crested-black ,, | Lophophanes melanolophus — |— 644. The mountain ,, | Parus monticolus -|-—|—|- 645 The Indian grey ,, »» cinereus = bs pile 647 The yellow-cheeked ,, | Machlolophus xanthogenys —|- 654 The rufous-breasted Accentor | Accentor strophiatus | Jerdon’s ,, » _ jerdoni -|- 657 The Raven | Corvus corax ——- — 659 The Indian earrion Crow »» corone = 660 The bow-billed Corby » culminatus -|—|— 661 The Himalayan _,, »» intermedius = 663 The common _,, 5» lnpudicus ani 665 The Jackdaw » monedula == 666 The Himalayan Nutcracker | Nucifraga hemispila -|- 668 The Himalayan Magpie | Pica bottanensis — 669 The Himalayan Jay | Garrulus bispecularis -|—|—|- 670 The black-throated ,, » lanceolatus —|—|-+ 671 The red-billed blue ,, | Urocissa occipitalis + 672 The yellow-billed blue ,, 3 flavirostris —|-+|—|- 673 The green ,, | Cissa venatoria —|- 674 The Indian Treepie | Dendrocitta rufa -|—-|+- 676 The Himalayan __,, Fe himalayanus a Nos. in Jerdon. DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. 57 English Names. Scientific Names. E é E E G a 2 Ey e 8 5 z The long-tailed Treepie | Dendrocitta leucogastra ale The bright Starling | Sturnus nitens Pagil Ta The pied Mynah | Sturnopastor contra coe aa The Burmese pied _,, is superciliaris alt The common ,, Acridotheres tristis Brot aalie The bank ,, 5 ginginianus iy Bi el -I-|P-| -|H- The jungle ,, + fuscus salar naliee | The brahminy _,, Temenuchus pagodarum a) ae] ou The grey-headed __,, 5 malabaricus ines it The spotted-winged Stare | Saraglossa spiloptera ram The southern hill Mynah | Bulabes religiosa =a The large hill 3 53 intermedia = The common Weaver Bird | Ploceus baya | Tal neal lip oyece lea The striated 3 P i manyar rapa Ny The black-throated x FS “5 bengalensis lang, The black-headed Munia | Munia malacca ir se si The chestnut-bellied __,, 3 rubroniger Talealty Ry The spotted ; . mp undulata Tie ate The rufous-bellied __,, x pectoralis 5 -lo- -|B-]| | -N/- The white-backed Munia i striata = a al Hodgson’s _,, i acuticauda aralat The pin-tailed __,, . malabarica Sse oe | ea | ar ene te The Indian Amadavat | Hstrelda amandava alin Wille here Pillay The green m ss formosa neath: na The Indian house Sparrow | Passer indicus sy lcaar el Gaeseh The cinnamon-headed + » cinnamomeus aco . The tree 4 » Mmontanus rane lieant i The yellow-throated __,, » flavicollis retro Mi The meadow Bunting | Emberiza cia The striolated _,, striolata ” or ie-°) LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN INDIA, Nos. in Jerdon. Enghsh Names. Scientific Names. J an Feb. March. ————_ The white-capped Bunting | Emberiza stewarti The grey-headed .,, 5 fucata The crested black and chestnut ,, Melophus melanicterus The black and yellow Grosbeak |Hesperiphona icterioides The orange Bullfinch | Pyrrhula aurantiaca The Circassian rose Finch | Carpodacus rubicilla The red-browed _,, Callocanthis burtoni The Indian Siskin | Chrysomitris spinoides The Bengal Bush Lark | Mirafra assamica The red-winged ,, 5, » erythroptera = The singing ,, a » cantillaus == The rufous-tailed Finch ,, |Ammomanes pheenicura -|—|— The desert ,, . 3 luscitanica The black-bellied _,, 5 Pyrrhalauda grisea —|—|—|— The Eastern Sand _,, Alaudala raytal —|—|— The Punjab _,, > . adamsi -|— The Northerncrownerest ,, | Spizalauda simillima The Himalayan Sky ,, | Alauda dulcivox The Indian ;, ,, » gulgula = The Nilgiri ,,_,, » australis —|— The Malabar crested __,, » malabarica = The common ,, + Galerita cristata = The lesser _,, at boysii =] The Bengal green Pigeon |Crocopus phcenicopterus The Southern ,, 55 65 chlorigastra S| The orange-breasted _,, ss Osmotreron bicincta = The grey-fronted _,, 5 * malabarica S| jo The Kokla __,, 55 Sphenocercus sphenurus The bronze-backed Imperial Pigeon | Carpophaga insignis The speckled wood ,, | Alsocomus hodgsoni a. DURATION OF BREEDING SEASON. Nos. in Jerdon, 784, 786 788 791. 792 793 794. 795, 796 797 798 800 802 803 804 805 806 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 English Names, Scientific Names. The Himalayan wood Pigeon | Palumbus casiotis theyNal curiae, 3 x elphinstonii The Indian blue rock Columba intermedia The bar-tailed tree Dove | Macropygia tusalia Hodgson’s turtle ,, | Turtur rupicola Sykes’ ,, ss » meena The brown ,, > » cambaiensis The spotted _,, » suratensis The Indian ring __,, 5 risorius The ruddy ,, ; » humilis The emerald ,, | Chalcophaps indicus The painted sand Grouse | Pterocles fasciatus The common ,, 3 » exustus The Peacock | Pavo cristatus The Moonal |Lophophorus impeyanus The red Argus | Ceriornis satyra The black-headed _,, 5 melanocephala The Koklas | Pucrasia macrolopha The cheer Pheasant | Phasianus wallichii The white-crested Kalij ep Gallophasis albocristatus The black-backed ,, 5 ss melanotus The red jungle Fowl | Gallus ferugineus The grey 5 The ,, Hen| Gallinula chloropus - |= Blythe’s _,, n 5 burnesii _— The white-breasted _,, » | Porzana phenicura —|— The brown Rail ne akool oe ae a Baillon’s Crake 5 pygmeea PES) ered The ruddy Rail of fusca == The Adjutant} Leptoptilus argala = The black-necked Stork | Mycteria australis § | ¢ | | | | | | |--—I-—H The white-necked ,, |Melanopelargus episcopus —|—)|—-|- oa The great Heron | Ardea sumatrana == The common ,, » cinerea ea [Poel ie sl [ed |e SE The purple ” ” purpurea —|— , —|§ —|— | = The white _,, Herodias alba |= The little ,, 55 » egrettoides —|— The little Egret » garzetta —|— The cattle ,, | Buphus coromandus —i— ' [eT ele, e]s The little pond Heron | Ardeola grayi -|—|— The little green Bittern | Butorides javanicus —|— The black op Ardetta flavicollis — The chestnut Pr » cinnamomea —|—/—|]—|- The yellow Py » sinensis _ The little A » minuta = 62 LIST OF BIRDS KNOWN TO BREED IN INDIA, &C. s English Names. Scientific Names. 4 i : ; | ol: ae 937 The Night Heron | Nycticorax griseus | | als == | | 938 The pelican Ibis |Tantalus leucocephalus -—|- 939 The Spoonbill | Platalea leucorodia —|—|= | 940 The shell Ibis | Anastomus oscitans = |= 941 The white ,, | Threskiornis melanocephalus === 942 The King Curlew | Geronticus papillosus = af ea a Be 949 The bar-headed Goose | Anser indicus = 950 The black-backed ,, Sarkidiornis melanotus —|—|- 951 The cotton Teal | Nettapus coromandelianus == 952 The Whistling ,, | Dendrocygna arcuata == 953 The large 55 = _ major _— 954 The Brahminy Duck | Casarca rutila = 958 The Mallard | Anas boschas ale 959 The spotted-billed Duck | ,, pccilorhyncha —|- 960 The pink-headed __,, 5 caryophyllacea == 969 The white-eyed ,, | Aythya nyroca == 974. The crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus Fe Ale 975 The little ,, » philippensis =|-|+1> 983 The gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon anglicus — 984, The whiskered ,, | Hydrochelidon indicus —|-|— 985 The large river ,, | Sterna seena —|- 987 The black-bellied ., 5» javanica —|- 988 The little 4, | Sternula minuta -|— 989 The large sea ,, | Thallaseus cristatus — 990 The small ,, ss is bengalensis _ 991 | The little black-naped = ,, | Onochoprion melanauchen —|—|- 995 The Scissorbill | Rhynchops albicollis —|— 1005 The common Cormorant | Graculus carbo Sl 1006 The lesser as se fuscicollis -|- 1007 The little 5) 5 javanicus -|- 1008 The Indian Snake Bird | Plotus melanogaster - — | bs BS PN ore sy bale CALENDAR. Tue columns of the accompanying calendar give the leading details for each month. The wording is necessarily brief, as the space is hmited. The first column gives the number in Jerdon’s Hand-Book for re- ference. Where no number is given in this column, the bird has been added to the Indian list since Jerdon’s book was published. The next column gives the generally accepted English name. Jerdon’s names have been adhered to in almost every case. The third column is the scientific name. In this no alteration has been made, unless clearly proved to be necessary. The next column “ shape of nest.” ? need no comment. And the one following “ site of nest,’ The column headed “ geographical range in breeding season” gives roughly the extent of country in which the bird is known to breed at one time or another, but it does not follow that it breeds throughout the whole of the range in that particular month. The last column “ particulars for the month” gives actual facts as ascertained by experience, leaving the reader to draw his own inference. Representative dates have been chosen so far as possible when more than one date was available ; for instance, if the season is beginning, the earliest date has been selected; and if the season is nearly over, the latest date has been taken. Similarly, in regard to localities, only one or two could be specified, and the same rule has been followed. Where the breeding is over a wide stretch of country, the two limits are given. Where any par- ticular climate is more favorable, the typical place has been selected ;_ of course, when only one nest has been found, the date of that is given, and there can be no selection, but the places and dates are records in every case of actual ascertained facts. JANUARY. January is in all parts of the country the month for the larger birds of prey. Of the fifty-six kinds of birds known to breed at this time, twenty-eight belong to this order (Raptores). In the Himazayas, with the exception of a solitary instance of a nest of the brown water ouzel ([ydrobata asiatica), none but the nests of raptores have been found. Vultures, eagles, falcons, and kites are either building or laying, and as these birds are comparatively few in numbers, with great powers of flight, it is necessary to explore over a large extent of country to get many eggs; both birds and nests are conspicuous. Eyries can generally be marked down in the course of the morning’s ride, and arrangements made afterwards for obtaining the eggs; a matter often of no small difficulty, as, whether the nest is on a ledge of the rock itself or ina tree, it is generally on the face of a precipice, which it requires both skill and nerve to surmount. In the Punsan, besides the birds of prey, the raven, the striated bush babbler, and the dusky sand martin have eggs. Watch should be kept on all the large birds of prey, and every large solitary tree should be scanned, as it is on such trees that nests of eagles, vultures, &c., will be found. These nests are conspicuous from a distance. I have often seen and noted them while passing along on a railway journey, returning when opportunity offered to examine the nest. In the Nortn-West Provinces the Indian hoopoe, the sand martin, the pin-tailed munia, the blue rock pigeon, the common sand grouse, and the doves have eggs, as well as the vultures and eagles, and falcons and some of the owls. In Boencat, the sand martin is the only bird now breeding in any quantities, besides the birds of prey. In Cenrrat Inpra, the dusky crag martin, the munias and amada- vats, and doves have eggs, besides the birds of prey which lay everywhere at this period. In Sours Inpt, the large birds of prey are few in number, but the egos of many other kinds may now be sought for. Some species of woodpeckers, martins, honey suckers, flower peckers, quaker thrushes, bulbuls, bluebirds, wagtails, finch larks, doves, quail, and water birds are already known to breed there at this season, and it is probable MARSHALL DEL NEST OF THE KING VULTURE, Otegyps calvus.) JANUARY. 65 that further search will lead to the discovery of many others. Our know- ledge of that part of India is comparatively very incomplete. Besides the birds noted in the list, there are many that are known to lay early in February, and which may possibly sometimes lay in the end of January; at all events they will be building in the present month, and careful watch should be kept over their movements. Among these may be noted in the Huatayas the black-capped falcon and the imperial eagle. In the Punsas, the day vulture and the imperial eagle, these are both rare birds, and few collections contain specimens of their eggs taken in India. In the Norru-Wesr Provinces, the spotted owlet begins to lay towards the end of the month, as also the Little ringed plover, for which watch should be kept on the sands in the beds of big rivers, more espe- cially on the flat sandy islands left by the receding floods. In Cenrrat Inpia, the day vulture is building, and the grey partridge commences to pair. In Sournern Inp1a, the kestril commences building in the Nilgiris, also the red spur fowl, while in Travancore the booted eagle, the grey Jronted green pigeon, and the grey jungle fowl are pairing and preparing their nests. JANUARY. 66 “spo Moses SuTpoorg “sulsoq Surppinq 489 NN *(MOTJVUL.AGW0d soamboyy) *(AyaB9 Sxoa) 8880 $ y}¢ ‘apessng ‘seco { WIC0g ‘gaduey $906 = ‘WMSITy $090 | | ugg oopooy, § UIP “ATYBssng ‘sono {eisy “ISuUCyyT ‘S899 £y6 CaM 'N) UNS yOIR ‘yquoUT oT} JNOySnoayy, (8880 $ aes ‘(Ca “O) ndrey ‘sido § pug “Bisuey ‘sutsoq SUPT 48° Nl ‘YUOUL eyY NoYsno1yy, ‘so00 § [BoUOg AOMOTT ‘s830 § yer ‘arly ‘s850 { pAgg ‘VLSUBY ‘sso ¢ uBo00q OTL, “TIUOTW oy} Loy siB[noyIeg EPL Woy =| NOYsuoAYT, ee svdveullyy OU, Hwa ivmsurmed pue usoysuny my svde[euyy OUT, “ erpuy Jnoysnoayy, ee sev[euryy oO, “eIpuy soddu jo syaed Aip oyy, sured oy} quoysnoayy, “eIpUy soddn jo surepd Aap oxy, “eIpUuy qnoysnoaiyy Ayyeoory ‘OSURI UBULLOTNG pue sviveurp, oly, eIpuy Jnoysnoayy, ‘SIPUT [B -JUOUTZTOD JnoysnoIyy, ‘eIpUy ieddu jo surtvjd oyy, HAN L [eijueo puB T199S9 A Ajao svdvyeullyy «ey, RAT -JuUgUIZUOD JynNoYysnoayy, a ‘uosteg SuIpoorg, ul esuKyy peorydvasoey “TOyeM fq sooty Ysty uC a. on & ont ss90a3 YSTY UO *s0014 ysty 410 spo UO “STITD JO Saspoy UC “soar YSTy UO "* gga} JO SyIOy UT “SHH 10 sded} YsIyY uO ond "' SyTITO JO Saspay UC "so01} osIvT IO sPI[O uO *s00.} asavy Jo sdoy avon soot} Yoty JO sdoq yW ONG ‘sIfo JO sespel UO "g00I} ysry jo sdoq oy} uO "480N JO OIG “ OnIC “od ord “ond OE oe AUG “ULLOF -yeid ofa, Vy ‘dnd oatsseut qyovdui0oo -W “oe ONty ont “ULLOF -yotd oSuvl W snydAaoone, snjovl[e yy snequinyd snyorkyyor snqovorpod ‘ stsuepediu sngeezidg oo TI[JOWOG sNn4o~VST NT “* gtsuorepeur sndoe yy “* eubvkypura epmby “+ eronboryo oopepouqy BG amssuf “ “ goyvurastiod oo[ey snyeqaeq snyovd iy WAOFIVTG | snuewmisars ao1eydouatog SS OIG oud OFT “ULLOF -yeyd osael V *‘ysony Jo odeyg ZUVONVE sisuoyvsueq “* snoipur “ suoosoy[ed “ “ stsuodepeury sdiy ae snayeo sdi50jQ ‘SOUIBNT OFIQUETOG “ “ “ec “ poeTtey-suLL OTT, “« Surysy poprey-req ogy, “ yacy pedryy omy, “ syyouog, “ yovyq oUL ojseq, AuMyy URIPUy sty, UPI] Popvay-pot ory, « MSSVl ONY, Moore WIYeYS Oy, “« popreeq ety, —- JOHUSAVOS FIT OUT, poyoeq-o7tyn OTL, “ porttq Saoy oy, parttq-Suoy ered ony, vs; 00d OTT, einj[NA SUTY oy, ‘SOUBNY YSILSUgT uvdeleUulryy oy, GP i ‘mopaser OES8ON 67 JANUARY. ‘soso § Teg ‘prqeyeiry "S609 £ IPs WMIsejoy ‘S650 f SIMIS[IN OU, ‘pooiq stopscerys Moy Ww "YUOUL oY JoYsnormy, ‘séd0 f10Sneg ‘suey "soso £ ByQnoTRD ‘sddo §TYTT ‘yeaeyg "SUIS9q UOsves Surpoorge ‘s850 § yeaeyy “YWuOUL 944 Jnoysnoryy, “OF OG ‘pootq Sslopssvrys Moy W "$.3.090 ‘M01 ‘Ca ‘O) ndnyquing "sUISeq SuTpTMg 4s0 NV ‘soda ‘erpuy Yynos puw jesuoq ‘surdeq Surpling 489 N ‘sd5@ £ WIOT ‘oo[ooy ‘sd00 £ UIgg “BIQNOTLO BIPUy JNoysnoaqy, Bs SMISTIN OUT, ‘aod -ord vipuy ynoysnoayy, *eIPUy remsutued pue jesueg Jomoq " erpuy qynos FO sy *(AqIvo -O[) BIpuy ynoysnoaryy, *(q{ynos ut O4¥]) VIPUT ynoysnoaqy, VIPUT UG NV AOE YS -JUSUTJMOD ynoysnoxyy, BIPUy Joysnoaqy, sureyd oy} qnoysnoayy, “* erIpuy ynoysnoayy, mA ov sured 04} qnoysnoary, *(AqTBo -O[) ‘BIpuy, ‘seAR] -RUTT + uUdoysom oly, RIpuy noysnoayy, sureyd oy} quoysnoay, ++ svARpRUpy U10jsoa. “you §=6opue = qufung “** sqsvoo oT} PUNOL [TV *STTBAL IO soot} UL SOTO UT oSerpoy Yor} Ut SHIM UOT SUISUR FT 011 "sotTouBaq Fo sdy wo sursuey "soady UI SopOY [BVIOYIZAV UT SYOOL 0 ssurpiing ysuresy Cop) ot (‘snomesois) yueq WAI Ul sapoy UT $001} UI SOpOY UT S901} Plo IO SYOOL JO solo UT $90.0} esIey JO Ssyoy uy syueq JO sacpoy uQ *g901] OSAvT 10 SMOT[OY LO SoTOy UT "ssurpTMq IO soed} UI SefOy UT oe oyTE i ont “"* $9014 JO SyLOF UT "107 BM Iwo SIT} YS UO “BHT 10 seal} YSty uO "$9019 YSty UC SOABOT IO SLOT} “Boy MOE VW ‘souRayue quod, WTA ‘podeys-osam g “ 04tg Befsyeqenaiaes) SUES hes ‘podeys-avog auto NT dno xepnoato -Tmes doap “099 ‘dnd esoo, y on ee oul0 NT “WLLO} -yerd osaey vy “ogg “ omta ze ouO NT ‘dno youd W100 MOTTRYG oma OTE “ONT “ULF -yeyd aepnsoaay! °° ound sruuedisiu vdndgq | sodoopy uerpuy ony, “* goTootod unaoIG | Loyood-LoMOT A LIIS[IN OUT, VOTYVISV BAT]FPIOUTOVIY < ejdand ary, Jayonssouo FT ‘ gorueyfez vutoooydary | poduma qsAyyoure ety, I}tossopop soydepoooskayH LOTOOU0N e a stsuours = “* eyeooosqns a[4409 SNOSIIs sozperqdg stsuamopéoo ednyoyy Bpueuto.od rf sIsuoTesueq erIydepwosy SISUSUIS BOOBING BOIPUL XI14g “= snaeqdourpout snue[aq oes aofsur B ent BpUIAOS SNATIPT snpuUl Myserley SuddsOUB ONG 104sBsoone] Ks “ce “ rayoodpoo AA poyorq -Udp[OS ULIyINOS IIL J, & seio Aysnp oy], uerpuy OU, uljaepy pues Aysnp oy, “ sdoos sjueuueg “ sy UMOIG OU “ pousoy-Aysnp oq, pausoy-yood oy, “ poom poayijour ety, [MO Yo0010s werpuy eu, “ posura-yorlq ou, “ UeIpuy soqyvors oy, MOULULOD oT], oyry Auremyerg on, piezzng posse]-Suo] oy, “ Bag pell[eq-oya on], PSS 6&6 T&G SEG Z91 06 68 88 6h OL 69 g9 09 6S 9g ag cv &P —— ‘9880 ssuapeyy JO YING ‘s830 { WISejOY ‘880 § qvlung Utoqsegy s889 { teaog, [PdoN ‘s880 §4sT ‘indumeg ‘sd50 fast ‘(a “A “ND UPA ‘e880 § (‘g ‘O) mdmyqung ‘s880 ¢ erpuy aoddg ‘sd30 £ (‘og) BMOOg 880 § (‘q 'O) ndiey “0.00 ¢puge ‘(dM 'N) WR @7L ‘3880 § pug ‘(‘q ‘O) andrey JANUARY. ‘9880 § Ips ‘IMYquing “9830 { SIIIS|IN ‘8880 § WIOZ ‘Sept ‘s88o £ sTTTY OoquIEssy ‘s83o § OLOOUBARIT, s88e § pag ‘(qufung) suey *s899 § 487g ‘MISBIOy ‘Ade § UIST Muse] SS ee “WMO oy} IOF sie [NOT}.LB FT 68 “* erpuy qnoysnosy T, Burmoas sooay ug |-guyd qsnot V SMISTIN OUD ‘erpuy tod -dn jo sured Axp oy, "** (BOOT qnq) OFT ~ oth survjd oy yuoysnoayy, ' HAMA UL9}SVO PUL IV[NSUIULO | “+ erpuy gnoysnoay y, surepd oy} qnoysnoaqy, “eIpUy ATpRo0'T ‘rod -oad vIpuy qnoysnoayy, ‘BIPUT U.1098Be qnoysnoiyy pus avqusurued otf], “BIpuy [eyuoUTyMOD —-_—- UL 489 AA. eIpuy JNoysno.yy, surepd oy} qnoysnoayy, ue BIPUT USNS AEA yynos sy oh jo strvpd oy} oysnoayy, “BIPUT qyynos syty, ot jo Ajuo sekvpeurpyy oy, polo Lou pimols UC goysnq Yor} MOT UT *(Sosnoy Jo SoAve UT Io) sooty [[vuIs Uy |" ‘soysng AuLoyy 10 sooty [jvuIs UT *so0ry Avy -I1[OS JO syAOF ‘satsng 10 soot} UI SSIM4 UIOL, SUNTT ‘syuRq WO 0 SsyT[eM UL sopoy UT "$90.14 [yeus Jo sytoF soysnqd poyVypost Url ‘SSVAS JO S}FN4 io soysnq MOT UT ‘sSurtdus 10 soysnq jo SYLOT uy ‘19JUM LVOU syoor fo SJFO[O Uy ur Ur ond oy *|BAO po ‘dno youd ‘dno Surps ‘dno ‘dno oat ‘ssout fo ‘uosveg Surpsertg ur osuvy peorydeasooy ‘489 NI JO O19 -jeys Auty VW -Wlop ose, VW |" -Svaqs osooy W | °°’ qvotl [[VULs VW podeys-dng -ssvu doop VW [vq osrey VW] ee ‘qson go odvyg LOYEM UL “ULF “+ ToysesouRpoUl snjoT *14ToUys “eyo qopun punors oygug | OE -ukyroaryyiatoe Bnotplog SPTOR MOTIF MH punoas uedo u@ |" euUoKT | *" ‘Smgstixe BOTPOXE Td ite ona So OV ars stpamy ier ou" gbe Cohhivay we SNLLOSLA Be ‘soysnq jo so0m Mor up)‘ O77Iqg | °° srsmorequreo ss ‘oBVILOF Yor} suoury “ULLOF qo ‘sooty Moy uz | -ged fay yy] eusoml Mya, “APoryo sour ULLOF -pymg jo sespa uo | -yeid T[euIs V |“ BIpeuatequt ~equinypoy *yoossny 10 ‘ped MoT “ gostad vpnepertd gy BALPUBLUB VPLOAST, “ BoLBqeyeut Byes VIUNTL -ml00 ose, WY |" XBIOD SNALOD ‘dno avpnsor Luy-y | snsorqodyed sdo104s07, ‘dno moppeys —-y [vavyedsvsopeur B][LOe}O TL eyjond eualy eyepneorosny vsdu10003¢ Bqepnes BOY IV}AeYO ‘++ gpeydeoorod oddity voryerse Byeqoaps *soUlUNT OFIJUOLNY purg oyeus werpuy oy, Trend ysnq peytq-pet oaL asnoispurg WOUMMLOD OUT, “ Suit Appnt oy, “ Zuid uBrpuy oy, 3 epg uMoIg OU, aso eT}4ny 8 seyhg WOIstg Yor ontq Werpuy syL, yawry youy perqjeq-yoeyq UL qeaepeury UeIpUy oy, ‘6 rep-urd ogy, BIUNTY poyowq-oyya OUT, guy, pese-oytys Werpuy OUT, peyse yy pord werpay oy paqonte trey oq, juqug PoloysTEM-pot WLIYINOS OTT, qoTqqeg Ysnq poywenys oy], ysnayy, toyenb WISN UL JezZNO toy WAMOAG OTT, To WOARY OTL, | “SOUIUN YSTSUgL Retr ear ee ee ae ee Sa 8&V 688 LYE Topse Ur "SON i Dee Miva ala ir ei 1 Se : i f = Ue Nc fet vey. i je tna Pai, : i Ae Ne rey ae . Bes A AY i if ie ‘ MARSHALL DEL. NEST OF THE THICK BILLED FLOWER (Piprisoma agile,/ PECKER. FEBRUARY. In this month the birds of prey continue to lay, while other kinds commence. The eggs of several swallows and martins may now be found. Parrots, woodpeckers, and other climbing birds are pairing, and even commence excavating the holes for their nests. Several kinds of larks have eggs, others are pairing and building. Doves, of course, are breeding in this as in every other month. The spotted doves, which are more regular than the others, are commencing to build, and the jungle bush quail are pairing in all parts of the country. In the Himazayas, the roc vulture, the lammergeyer, the black- capped falcon, the hawk eagles, buzzards, kites, and water ouzels have eggs, while the Jarge barred owlet and the common Indian bushchut are pairing and building throughout the range, and the red- capped tit and crested black tit begin to build in the eastern portions. The Himalayan magpie in all probability has eggs in this month. In the Punsgas, the vultures, falcons, eagles, Pennant’s scops owls, the hoopoe, the grey shrike, the streaked scrub warbler, and the raven have eggs throughout the month, and the rufous grass warbler, the common quail, the big bustard, and in some places the common heron are building their nests. In the NortH-west Provincss, the laying season is fairly beginning. In addition to the vultures, falcons, eagles, &c., no less than seven kinds of owls have eggs. Swallows and martins begin laying ; so do also the parrots, the purple honey-sucker, the flower-peckers, the streaked wren warbler, the bow-billed corby, the house sparrow, the finch larks and sand larks, the emerald dove, the ringed plover and the stone plover : and besides these, the following kinds should be watched as they commence building their nests, and possibly laying also during this month :—the Indian scops owl, the palm swift, the rose-headed parroquet, the chestnut-bellied nuthatch, the common woodshrike, the brown-backed robin, the black bushchat, the common quail, and the spur-winged plover. The common heron too begins building in parts of Oudh, and the river terns and scissor bills are now congregating on the islands, where in the next month they will breed. In Benaat., the eggs of the long-billed vulture and white-bellied sea eagle and changeable hawk eagle, and brahminy kite may be taken. The common sand martin is still laying. The yellow-fronted wood- 70 FEBRUARY. pecker has eggs, while the palm roof swift in the Garo hills, the red- breasted parroquet, the common woodshrike, and the red jungle fowl in the sub-Himalayan tracts are pairing off and preparing their nests. Here too the river terns and scissor bills are congregating. In Centra Inp14, the vultures and the brahminy kite, probably also the owls, and whatever species of eagles are found there, have eggs still. The cliff swallow and dusky crag martin are hatching their first brood. The pied kingfisher, the crimson-breasted barbet, the amethyst rumped honey-sucker, the Indian amadavat, and the finch-larks have eggs throughout the month, while the painted spur fowl, and probably also the flower-peckers, nuthatches, ‘woodpeckers, parrots, larks, and some plovers are pairing. The river terns and scissor bills will alse probably congregate here too in this month. In Souruern Inp1A, the breeding season is by this time further advanced than in the north. The kestril has eggs throughout the month in the Nilgiris. In the far south, eggs of the booted eagle may be taken, and also those of the common kite, the Nilgiri nightjar, the golden- backed woodpecker, the Nilgiri flower-pecker, the velvet-fronted nuthatch, the quaker thrushes, babblers, laughmg thrushes, bulbuls, and bluebirds throughout the peninsular. In the Nilgiris the eggs of the white-eyed hill tit may be found, and the Indian grey tit, the jungle mynah, the crested larks, green pigeons, doves, jungle fowl, spur fowls, grey partridges, and bush quail are also sitting. In the extreme south the eggs of the snake bird, and possibly some other water birds, may still be found, but the season for them is virtually over. The following kinds are also commencing to pair and build their nests, and should be watched particularly towards the end of the month :— The southern sirkeer, the little pied (flycatcher) shrike (Hemipus picatus), the spotted wren babbler, the black bulbul, the robins, bush chats, Nilgira tit lark, long-tailed treepie, and Nilgiri sky lark. Of these latter the eggs have not as yet been taken before the beginning of March. = ~ FEBRUARY. nnn nnn nnn LEE EEaEnnSInSEn nnn SEI SnnSSESSsSSn [inn REE *"g880 § UIST “eqqnoTeED sso { 4STZ ‘IMseyl "8850. faye “easuRy ‘sade §4sTz ‘uLe[Bg ‘sunodk {1g ‘easy §sss0 ‘yAGT ‘Isueyy ‘ss30 § pugg ‘Isueyy ‘S830 £ YIST ‘STS ‘SUISTIN “S899 Suh (Ca ANN) Gams yore ‘so30 $ TIZT ‘cumpye fae, = “yeEy oy ‘s350 $ 19 ‘OO[00Y, ‘sido { WOT ‘Vasuey ‘poodq Slo[SSR148 MOF VW SST ‘QLOTBT "s590 ‘qefumg ‘Sunok ‘140T “easy emdyeg ‘ssda ‘seco § UG “Byqno[eD ‘weuroeg ‘ooqy ‘rly ‘$0.30 ‘uagz { Sunod ‘H0g ‘Badu YT "S90 SUIOT “easy TIO “TSUBA ‘YRWOT, O44 Loz savMoyseg “se Aey -eUl}]-qus pue [esuog zoe sedepeury, ou, * eIpuy jnoysnoryqy, ats eIpuy ULoTNOG ‘erpuy sod -dn jo sured Axp oy, ‘sefuyeurp, wo -jsam pue qelung oy, site esUBI TRULOTNG pur ‘sais typ ‘sedvpeuryy “sured o4g quoysnory yg, “erpuy tod -dn jo surejd Aap oyy, ond ‘OSUBI WRULTOTNG pue sedveanpT ey, ‘ @IpUy jnorsnoayy, BIpuUy [ery -199 pUB 4soM-T ION ‘eIpuy [e -juouTyu0D Jnoysnouy, TGA saddn jo suretd ong, AAO [eaymeo «=puB TLI04Sa A, ‘ Tuo svkepeurryy oy, Te OT ke -JuoUT}MON JnoYySsnoayy, ‘uosveg Surpeoxq ur oduey [eorgdvadoeyy eS es ound ‘* -g90qy Ysry UC ‘soar qsty JO. SHIT. UO ree old aR soo1} YSIy UT *** sooay Jo sdoy UO sjjtjo Jo sospeyT uO *** g90a} JO SHIOT UT seHELO IO s0013 YSTY uO i! ond “SyITO JO sospol[ UO "S904 eBIv] 10 SpI[O UO = ohne at "90.14 asre, Jo sdoy zeoyy "So0T} ysry jo sdoy 4y oI S]I[o JO sospey uO $0019 ysty jo sdoy uo “WON JO OVS nee -yord oSavey VW ‘dvo oatsseun qoedui0o -yeyd os1e, W -quid osiel W “480 NT Jo edeyg oun ound ont 0191. ound ound *ULLOF oVt. ound “ULLOF WLOFVCL ound ond ond od one “UILOF Vv “ emgestyeo af '” sisuopedra sngeeztdg uN TOMO. sn4aest Ny sie eyeuuod Gi euvd puta & “we ylupisom epmby snigepneye snfnounuuty, " eronboryo oopefouguy amssnf ane sdoornye OTR] snjzeqaeq snjord ig ‘smu -eIUISUIS u0Loydousde g sueosoatng = sisuejesueq “4 snoipur “ a suoosey[ed =“ ' stsoAepeurry sd ii ze snajvo sdés0jQ ‘SOUR AY OBIYMOLOg 6 ye MOT eTqvesueyo ony, “ yavq pedo ug, “ sTyjomOg: “ peqooq euL “« kamey WeIpuy Iqq, alovy [etredurr oy, [REO SE OUT; UPI popwey-pot oy, ISSR ONT, woole poddeo-yovyq ous, popavoq on, it TOSUOAVOS OFT OTT, « heq our, peyouq-o7rys OTT, 73 cc euL “ porttq-Suoy eyed ony, «001 OTT, omy A Sury OTT, "SOMLBNT YSILSuy TIVO 9€ €€ Té 66 Le “‘mopi9e (? Ur *sONy “ FEBRUARY. i ‘surSeq pooarq qsatiy *sdBa ‘yes “Ca AA “N) Weaeggy ‘suIsOq SUIP[MG 48o NT ‘soso § TOR ‘peqryriTy ‘S650 f TOT IsUeyL ‘soo $ UIPS ‘Cd ‘M ‘N) «mdunaeyeg “S580 ‘UT ‘(CaM ON) Quaooqy ‘'s830 £4ILZ ‘Cd ‘M ‘N) mdunavyrs “‘so00 £m92z2 “Ca MN) Weaegep ‘sao STILT ‘Cd “MA ND) eMeg ey “poor StoT SSRs MoT -W ‘sunod £ stu “TIN £8850 £ IOS “pequyriTy ‘8850 § WI0T ‘(ad “O) indy fujTL “eynopeg ‘sSc0 § PZ ‘ooTOOFy 3a $Y “eynoTVD ‘TIYS paotq sto] SSeys Moy W (‘uoryertayMo0d saamboeyz) ‘soso £ WI9g ‘TYA9 ‘IsueyT “WMO Oy} OF suvpnoyaeg SS SS ———————s SS “SIpuy [eqqteo «puke ureqyAON * erIpuy ynoysnoaty y, “UILLOS eulogy, ‘WopLog ‘statS [tN “* erIpuy jnoysnoaqy, erpuy teddn pur pecjyuog “* erpuy jnoysnoaqy, sured oy ynoysnoary, ‘aod -oad erpuy ynoysnoaqy, a oT sured oq} qnoySnoayy, “svARy -“VUUTFT + UtoJSoM OL, “* erpuy jnoy.snoayy, sured oy} qnoysnonzy, ‘seAR[VLUIFT -jsom pure qulung oy, ""* gsvoo oy} punod ITV “RIPUT qnoysnouyy, “RIPUT iepnsurmed pur u.toysegp “erpuy aod -dn jo sureyd xp oyg, UtoT.Lou “MOSBOy SULp9org Ul esuBy [eorydeisoay *(snorres 008) sSutppmnq 10 IOJVM IBOU SPITO UC ‘doqyem Aq syoor U0 10 Sospraq opuQ “SOARO io ssurpymq uy ‘ssurprmq 10 $901} UI sofoy UT * 90d} UT Saloy UT ‘SOOT OGIVT IO SYOOL FO syfopo UT "Sa01} osavy JO sytoy uy syurq JO sospe, uO *soordy o51R, WO SMOT[OY LO sopoy UT ‘ssurprinq 10 $90I] UL SoTOY UT eee out “* go0r} JO SyLoy UT *10] BM «Bou soar} YSTY UC RETO 10 soot} YS uC " soat} YS UC o OFT “TOY AL IvIU s9dI} YS UO “S004 ysry uo ATensq "980N JO O41g podeys-4103047 "ont “roones IRMOATI-TuLaG Se OUT “0791, 3S euoN “ULLOF -qerd oSael Wy v= O39 “OWE nes Oul0 NT “ong == 000TCh “0991 urtofyerd IV[NGIAIT “ 0t “OF “ 0ft *cocoF goed ISIV] WV “480 J Jo odeyg “* epoorany opunatyy “« sdooyna ¢ "* gfoormop opunarzy ree Buredq aueyyVy see snostis soqpernpd ay * sisueuoptvo ednyoy epuvulo.od o sisuoyesueq eviydepeosy SISUOUIS BORNE, 908 BoIpUl X14 vee zofeu = ae VpUIAOS SNATITL uns SsnpUr anyserpeEy “ #P werpuy oy, i: poTley-oatM OTL, MOT[IBME OSNOY WISIN OY, IMO poeyods oxy, “ sdoos s queuuag “ Ysy UMorq Oy, “ pousoy-Aysnp oy, “ pouloy-yoor ory, * poom poTyjour ory, IMO Yeors uerpuy oy, “ URIpUy 19}BaI8 OT, “ WOUULOD OTL, oyry Auraryeaq oxy, Pe SUddSOUB) Oa4{nG |pavzzng posso]-Suoy oy, BAISVSOINIT : snydkaoone, = sngovrpeyT snjovdqyOL snqovorpog “snopes sngovoary ‘SOB NT OFIWOIOG 48 BOS POT]T[Oq-OFLU[M OILT, “ Surysy payiey-Sura oy, ti ISU P20q-JL0Ys OTL, ‘SOMBNT SIGUA 98 8 €8 94 SUIYSY poprey-aeq ony ‘mop.e pr UI "SON, 73 S101 FEBRUARY. ‘grodunaeyeg ‘ ‘sd30 fuoog BAyod ‘sudeq Surprmq 48°N ‘s8d0 496 ‘TUPC ‘soso fpugg ‘ahyquieg *sod0 ‘SIMSIN ‘W1Sv0¥ ‘sida fae, ‘pequyel[y ‘s830 £TI0g ‘punuIvde}0O ‘8850 ‘HIST ‘PEqeAPILY s880 ST6T “(A “O) Mdrey ‘so90 £(‘q ‘Q) andiey ‘s850 {pag ‘SHISTIN ‘e890 fag ‘UIMYyqueyy ‘s330 SWI0Z fyyg ‘wisy ‘sso £qI0g ‘Moog eayoq ‘sdd0 $q98 ‘(‘d ‘O) andreyy 8330 £U9ps ‘SIUISTIN ‘suIsoq SUTPTIN 4SoNy ‘oyFtp S TIOT ‘suey ‘Sunok £y90g ‘eyqnoleg ‘soso SIE, ‘andumeg seAvyeullyy oy, wd at Ba -JUoUTJUOD qnoysnoayy, ‘sureyd kup oy} ynoysnoayy, “* eIpUy ynoysnoayy, “erpuy jo suotea ATTY oyy, "* ‘BIpuy ynoysnoryy, at SUISTIN OUD saad -oid erpuy ynoysnoayy, ‘eIpuy TBpNsUTU -od pus [esueg «oMory sureld oy} Jnoysnomy, BIpuy Weekes) ST eu jo coe 01 ‘sured oy} Noy snomyT, “svAR[BUyL usoqsom pues qvfung “suretd oxy qnoysnoayy, ‘eIPUT TBiyW00 0} Surpuozxe ‘usoyynog ie oy (‘Ayo -O]) BIpuy Jnoysnoaqy, *(qynos Ut OIL) BIPUT NOYSnoay, st BIPUT ULOYIL0 NT “LOJVM IBOU syoor jo syjopo Uy ‘goTouBlg [eB -yUOZTIOY 10 sdo1} UT ‘soac} TTBUIS 10 soysnq Autoy} UT ‘ssurppINg IO Soot} UI so[oy UT “** goad} UI SoTOY UT ‘soqouBaq Ul} Wory SuLsUL_T ‘oSelpoy YOY ur SOIM4 WOU SUIS URL a ot ‘satTouRaq Jo sdiyy mo Susuey ong ‘ea 071 "S001 UT SOPOT [VIOyIyAV UT oY oy "S004 poXeoop ur sopoy ut “syueq IOATL UL sojoy UT ‘soysng Ivou moqJO puNnois 9YJUO *(SNOTIvSO.8 ) ssuIplng ysuledy "SYOOL LO SSUIPIINg 4suILsy ses om (‘snoltesers) syueq Josld UL sefoy Uy “ssSOUL JO T1eq esate, "dno sur V ‘dno oat -SSBU YOY} W ond ou0 NT “oat ‘90UB.I} LO gece sy Utes ‘podeys osm g “om ‘goundqyue DOES eS ‘pedeys-1v9g od od oma ont ound oud auto NT "IB -NqoTS - Tureg dno arepnoaro -tuzes doop W oun ‘dno osoo, SS SS eee eee——ee————E——EE BoryeIse vyeqoupA TT elOoIne BITeONNT BLOFYRE SNIUVT stuuodrisiu edudg sTpeyuoa = BpTtTdoapueqy aise vurostadig eoe IOTOOWOD WUMAIT(T BOTVISe BATITPOSUYOVIY eu0004dory “epeydao eUapoyyUe yy “14.108 soqdevpoooshuy9 eotuvlsoz RUBY -saop sIsto}JVAyeUr SNOT snjenb.104 2 *** SISUOTVAIS STULOR[V stpna op L109 TyIeepy = suS~numideg *snorutssf{qe snyosddg eee RCo) (0}9)8C0)9) f eee SISMOUIS y eyeooosqns efA40— | [22NO AjVA UMOIG OTT, [eyURT pomorq-opITA OTL, eytiyg Los uUeIpuy oy, sodooyy urrpuy oyy, yoyeyyn N poyuoary-qoapaa OTT, © perntq-yorty OWL TOyood-IOMOTT WISIN OUT, a ejdaind oy, rayonsfouoyy peduma-jshqjoure ot, qoqIeg pojsvorq-WOsuuttd OI, cs pexovq-ue -plos uteyynos oyy, Iay90d poo AA poyttoay-moypod ary], posUId OSOL OTL], qonboreg purq-esor ULOTL0U OTT, qoysysury pod oy, wVlYstN MISTIN OTL JFIMG UBIPUT UOUMULOD oJ, “ Zero L¥snp oy, «pues MOUTON OTT, uljreyy pues Aysup oy], 6&6 VES FEBRUARY. 74 ‘16L "sp50 { uvo0eq OTT, "8880 {NG ‘PequyLyy ‘soo f yas ‘(a ‘O) andrey ‘s850 ‘496 ‘pequyavITy ‘s550 £ STAISTINT OUT, ‘s8d0 £ UIST ‘pequyeiTy ‘S530 ‘wunyouL ‘sod0 fYIZLT ‘Spunutvorj09 cqulimg "8550 {SIIS[IN ‘WIseIOy “S50 WPS ‘Cd MN) Wnsyoqeq "8550 £ BLOT[SMON ‘s8Z0 fpug ‘s[[tPPooquessy ‘8630 {STILS[IN ‘sdd0 £ LoOUg “TUdBIOY ‘poarq sto[ssRays Moy W ‘oyp «—OFTP ONT ‘0991p -099TP OFG ‘8830 {sUISpIN ‘TWSejOy “YON oY} AOF SIBTMoIeT “eid Wy jo [INOS “erpuy qnoysnoaqy, “* erpuy gnoysnoamyy, "eIPuy Aywoory ‘rod -oid ‘wrpuy qnoysnoary, qnoysnoryy STI] pepoom qe uy sureid oy} ynoysnoayy, IO U9 489 AA, [eyueUTyMOD SITY popoos ye uy BIpuy ynoysnoayy, BIPU] ULOTILO NV ‘'STIy supuy-sursy oy, BIpuy ULoyynog surefd 04}, “BIPUT ymos jo sy ouy, sured oy} ynoySnoayy, SIISTIN OUT, oid “"eIpuy ymos jo sire ony, "** yoossn4 Io poyo Ivo PUNOIS 94} UC sesnoy Jnoqge pus uy SoYsnq YO} MOT UT “soaBo LO ‘sqnays ‘sooty [RUS UT ‘ssurptmq 10 $904} UI solo] UT ‘ OFT S001} ALvjzIOS JO syLoy uy *s00a} 10 S][@M UT SofOY UT ‘sqnays 10 soa.ty UT SSIM} WLOL} SUNTT ‘spUvyst 10 ssuis jo sdumyo uy “sqnays MOT Uy "S004 [[eus jo syxofy uy “soysngq JO soed} [wus UT Aus0yy “‘soysnq poyepost uy ‘ssvid jo sdumyo Io soysnq MoT ut ‘sourtdes 10 soysnq JO sytoy uy "yoossny co ysnq BUI punols oY} UG ‘ssur[des to soysnq jo syrof uy ‘moseog surpoorge Ul osuBy [eoryduasoey "SON JO 71g ‘ped aepno “M1 FY STIS V *SSvUL Iwnqois OF *[RAO po -WLOP o5IB, VW one 9aul0 NT oI ‘dno yord “M00 O5Av] W ped morpeyg ‘dno avy -nsot LU W “oni “poulop «ey -nqoLs osaury ‘dno surp3 -SVI}S OSOOT Y ey Ong; ‘dno qyeou [Rus W podeys-dng ‘dno oat -ssutu doep ‘poutop «elng -O[8 = oBUeT ‘dno oat -ssvut dvop W “4s0NT Jo edeyg Bmotuaoyd sourumouury ws SNOIpUr dosseg * BARpUBUIE BplOTIS “BOB GRlRUL BION " snosng sacotyopiioy “ sngeurupno tee XVIOI SNALO/D alee snatould sndeg snsoaqodied sdoaoysoz tee epidoy visoumg “*- ejgambur voourkag eyjond euory “ snqjisnd snyououos g eyepneorosny vsdu000}9 ““eyepnes BaoyreqyeyO “SURI -Tyo0vo uoLoydoyTeyoo.ry, a Riey -S10Y SHUTYALOyvULOg *** epeydooorod eddtopy "SOME NT OBTQUOTOg YIC'T Puy poprey-snoyna oyy, Momtedg osnoy uvrpuy oxy, YABpULY ULIpUy oy, vIUNny_ peprey-urd ayy, yeudyy opsunl oy, Aq109 poy[iq-soq oy, UeABY ITT, it fous uerpuy ey, WL peka-optq a werpuy oy, “ Ud € eoULL TOTGIBAA GNAOS poyvat4s ayy, parqonig Aarey ory, “ — selpey, UOTUULOD ETT, INqIng potoystpn -pal UtoqNOS OTT, T3TGQug Ysnq poyvisys oy, YsuayY, Surysnvy wisp ey, TOTGqvg lvyuttos uLoypNos oy T, ysnayy, toyenb w13]tN oy, 69F ‘somMBN Yssugq “uOpde fF UL "SON FEBRUARY. ‘sibo § seapeyy JO qynog ‘sd00 f(*q “AA 'N) Weaeqgy ‘gp00 § andumeg ‘sad { StMISTIN' S1de}OY ‘sS50 § Blog ‘SMISTIN, “M1SvjOS ‘s8.50 ‘sd59 f IBqR[Ry ‘sade § yIGg ‘uoog Bayo OU" “0771 ‘Ou ‘Apavnsoea oyInb poorg "poaq Siopssutys Mot VW ssao f 19Pg ‘SIL Ooquiessy “suIdeq SUTP[MG 4SON ‘sooo § andumeg ‘sha £ pugs ‘{'d “AA ’*N) Wemviy ‘sured o7} JNOTSNoATT, *(ATTR00T) eIpuy jnoydnoayy, * gripuy ynoysnoayy, a SIALOTIN OUT, erpuy jo suteyd modo oyy, oa oy ‘eIpuy Yynos puv Weber e Vte Mh Gy "SqOBAy popoom Ajosuap [Te uy "**([BOOT nq) 0F9TT a ound ‘sureid oy} Jnoysnoayy, HOI UIO}svd PUB TeNsUTUOT eIpuy ynoysnoayy, UAT ymos jo sy oy eIpuy Usoyynog pn iGenteceleaale coy ULOJSBAT ‘sureyd o49 gnoysnouyy, ‘1O4VM UT SUT -purys sooty UO ‘g901} IO soysnq IBOU PUNOLS oT} TO stoAta Apres fq punois oy} UO “LojJTOYs Lop -un punois 97} UO SSB 10 SoySNg Ul punois oY} UO ry 091 "I9A00 OSUOP Ul punois oy} UO “soypsnq i SES OW ou ‘soysnq MOT UT *OSRITO} WOT] UI $90} MOT UT ‘Aporyo ssur “PIM Jo sospay uO "S00.T} jo sySnoq 10yno0 UO “SSRs io saysnq Aury Ivo PUNOIS OY} UOC *YSTAVUIEY IO syoossny sop -un punois 944 uO IO sac} IO 0024 ve owt “UILOF -qejd ySnory “0991 “ 0Ig Be 9uto NT eG I eG *SOABOT Amp Moy “LIONS MOT[eys YW Te Ov me ONT a “ont “ULLOF qed fay y “OMI “TLLOF -yetd [[eus W ‘LIONS moyeys -¥ ont ‘ped Moy Teys 4uy Vy ** TaIsVsouvpour snyo[g suvjyidero snuloworpaD "** Snood SoqT[VISD “eyo -udyroyydata enorpaeg euerIaorjuod stutosA410 snedrpeds xrpaodorpey "* TIABIOMMOS sNITVD “ snorput sdeydoorey9 6 = Sena ae SNTLOSTL oe ‘* SISHOTeq UIBO Z: ve euootl nym, ‘“BIpoULeJUL BQUINTOD eolIVqeyeU NOLet4OWsO poleqeyem epnepy oe yeqdea eypepnely * gasLis epneequt yt Pag eyeus wsrpay ouy, “< - e078 OTL, IOAOTG posurs oy, Ten® ysnq poptq-port OL esprayeg Lows ayy, “ ands pot oty, taog opsunt Lous oT, « pletoute oq], « sutt Appus ory, “ SUI WRIpPUT oy, opty UMOIG OTT, aang op}Any seytg ee yoor onytq weIpuy eT, uoastg woods poyuory-Aoad OnLy, & poqjsoto rvqe[eyl OUT, puEBs U194sBe OTL, YTeT YOUR Poled-Felq OL 800T 6o8 678 868 668 Is €18 864 L64 964 F6L €64 884 SLL 894 GOL 094 MARCH. Tue birds of prey are still in full season, and though many of the larger kinds have ceased to lay their places are filled by others, especially among the owls. Most of the bee eaters, kingfishers, parrots, wood- peckers, barbets, nuthatches, larks, plovers, and terns are either laying or building, and several species of swifts, goatsuckers, shrikes, fly- catchers, thrushes, babblers, bulbuls, chats, warblers, titlarks, jays, mynahs, and game birds are beginning to lay. In the Himatayas, the king vulture is still laying, also the bearded vulture (Lammergeyer), the black-capped falcon, and Bonelli’s eagle. The crested serpent eagle, the long-legged buzzard and the greater Indian kite, and several of the owls are laying. The slaty- headed paroquet and the scaly-bellied green woodpecker have eggs. The white-tailed and velvet-fronted nuthatches, the hoopoe, the bronzed drongo, the ashy swallow shrike, the verditer flycatcher, the Nepal quaker thrush, the white-browed warbler, the white-eyed tit, the red-capped, crested black, and mountain tits, the nutcracker, magpie and jay, the large hill mynah, the tree sparrow, and the white-crested king pheasant all begin laying ; and the goshawk, Himalayan fishing eagle, collared pigmy owlet, common swallow, crag and Kashmir martins, Hodgson’s trogon, roseband paroquet, woodpeckers, piculets, flower-peckers, tree-creepers, raquet-tailed drongos, chestnut-bellied chat thrush, white-collared ouzels, missel thrush, red-headed wren babbler, rufous-necked and rusty-cheeked scimitar babblers, black —gorgetted laughing thrush, iron grey bushchat, blue-headed redstart, black-eared and grey-headed warblers, western spotted forktails, yellow- cheeked tits, blue magpies, green jays, and spotted-winged stares are all pairing and building. In the Punsas, the vultures, hawks, falcons, and true eagles are still laying, also the short-toed eagle. The buzzards and several owls commence laying. The dusky crag martin, the pied kingfisher, the grey shrike, the babblers, the streaked scrub warbler, the streaked wren warbler, the raven, the larks, doves, the common sandgrouse, the common quail, the big bustard, most of the plovers, the common heron, the king curlew, most of the terns, and the scissor bill have eges during the month; and the painted sandgrouse, the seesee partridge, the lesser button quail, and the guil-billed terns are pairing and making their nests. In the Norta-Wesr Provinces, the white scavenger vulture DEL MARSHALL NEST OF THE RED-HEADED TIT. N : ® % N Sg '§ a ee MARCH. 77 and a few of the king vultures are the only vultures with eggs at this season. The lagear faleon, the red-headed merlins, the changeable hawk eagles, buzzards, kites, and most of the owls, are still laying. All the swallows and martins, the blue-tailed bee eater, the roller, the parrots, woodpeckers and barbets, the flower-peckers, honey suckers, nuthatches, robins, chats, titlarks, carrion crows, larks of all kinds, green pigeons, emerald doves, grey partridges, bush quail, common quail, most of the plovers, the river terns, and the scissor bills haye all got eggs. The following birds not included in the list that follows begin building during the month, and should be watched :—The shikra hawk, the jungle owlet, the blue-rujfed bee eater, the northern grey hornbill, the large grey cuckoo shrike, Sykes» warbler, and the common cormorant. In Bene@at, the palm roof swift in the Garo hills lays throughout the month. The large Bengal nightjar, the white-breasted kingfisher, the red-breasted paroquet, the Indian loriquet, the yellow-fronted wood- pecker, Franklin’s green barbet, the koel, honey suckers, flower- peckers, the common wood shrike, the common babbler, the red- whiskered and white-winged green bulbul, the black-headed oriole, the black crow, Sykes’ turtle dove, the red jungle fowl, the kyah par- tridge, plovers, river terns, and scissor bills all have eggs. The species that commence nest-building during the month are Jerdon’s green bulbul, the shama robin, and the white-backed munia. In Centrat InptA, the cliff swallows, crag martins, blue-tailed bee eater, little kingfisher, rock chat, rufous-tailed finch lark, painted spur fowl, and plovers are the characteristic species that lay during the month, but many of the species that breed at this time in northern, and particularly southern India, breed also now in central India. The species that begin Palen in this month are the jungle aightjar and the purple heron. In Soutnern Inpra, the kestril is still laying, and probably some of the owls. The jungle nightjar, chestnut-headed bee eater, little kingfisher, lesser green woodpecker, the green barbet, the sirkeer, flower- pecker, some shrikes, flycatchers, thrushes, blackbirds, quaker thrushes, babblers, laughing thrushes, bulbuls, robins, chats, the ashy wren warbler, titlark, tits, long-tailed treepie, mynahs, larks, grey jungle fowl, red spur fowl, and red-winged bush quail are the kinds that breed throughout the month. The white-bellied short wing in the Pulneys, and the green pigeons and Nilgiri wood pigeons commence building their nests. ‘8830 $uI0g ‘anseyy ‘soso $uyeT ‘md ~“unreyes § 149% ‘Tg ‘IsuBTT “anqeyg ‘uovmny "8899 £ UIST ‘TWIG ‘ansepy ‘sod { uovuny ‘soda £ IsUR_T ‘sd30 £ qefung aoddq ‘so30 £ 487 ‘SIILSINy ‘s030 $492 ‘pequyriTy svdvleuny-qns ony, “erpuy tod -dn jo sured xp og, ‘sqsoloy uvdvy -BUIyT-qus pur [vsuog sin svdBlVUTyy op, “' erpuy jnoysno«my, “elpuy sod -dn jo suretd Arp oy, ‘svAvl Rup, Uta -jsom puv quvlung oyy, ‘ooUBA ULUITETUG pus ‘SIUSTINT — ‘svupeulryT S001} JO sytoy yoy uy “$00.14 ysty uo ATpens Jal eee ouNIC, soar} YSIy UC "$0014 ystq 10 spyro uC we Sood} YSIY UT ** soar} Jo sdoj ug “SIO JO saspal uO oun 2S CAG ond ond od ROS CAL ul OVI “ULLOF -yeid osael W ‘dno oarssvut sooo stuxopidg SNOTTBS snyovolty * snyesiyeo as stsuoyedru sngovzidg T]JOUOG sNyoVsT Ny euvdqputa se yluyisom epmby sniepneye snjnounuury, edonboryo oopeyouywy as umsanf sdoorye oope iy snjeqaeq snyord ig “snu “BIUISUIS Uo10}doudIEg sugosoatny “" sisueyesueq = “ stsue oS —_ So 101 ‘sido f visuvy ‘MoRUIN yy, ‘spta poor 4satq ‘yyuout oy} JNoysnoamyy, "S950 TI0T “epg SyIeT “ovum yy ‘suISeq Uosves £ MOBI “TTUULYSV yy “OLIN FA S830 SUNIAAIY put SMIS[IN, ‘sad0 § UIpg ‘surpoofinq ‘suIs0q uosves £ [edaNy *smIseq SUPT 4SON Rong fl APRIL. "YJWOUL oT} JNOTSNOTY J, *suIsoq SuIpTMq 489 NT "$9.00 fuvooeg {t9g ‘mduneaiwyeg ‘sddo {Weg ‘Surtpeolueg ‘sd50 £196 “BIsURy ‘si50 { pg‘vasuvy § TIQT‘oon yy ‘suIsoq SUPT Sen *YJMOUT oy} JNOoYSnoayy, ‘sad0 $ 4s, ‘WBAey ‘sutsaq woswas § [edo yy svdvVUIpT U10JSOM OTT,| **” "* ST[F] popoom T[@ Uy oy oI, svdvpeurpy OUT, seXv[eullpT Uto4soA\ OTL, eIpuy ynoysnoay y, svdv[eUlyT Ut94sv9 OILY, ‘qsom pede yy mor svtepwurp, oly, svkv[eullpy Uto4soM OTT, SIUISTIN OTL, BIpuy noysnoayy, = SHISTN OUD sureyd oy} Jnoysnocy J, ef U194SBd OTL], svAvyeultyy Udd4{soM OT seAveUAy OUT, sekn[eury, W.1a4sve oly, aoe sedv[eulpy OUT, “SOOUTAOT "M. ‘N pue [Bazueo oy, svkveuly, wdtoysve oy, | 10 soysnq [ems uz | ‘yeou ‘deog 09st eee oy a out saory IO S][VM Ul sofoy UT ‘s00.q] poqunys JO sytoy UL pospo AA sao} pofvoop ur sefoy uy soysnq 10 soot} UT SSIM} WO SUN _, soysnqd Yor yy uy one opt see oI *yoossny Io poyo JapUN punoAS 9} UO ‘sSBas JO 4Jnj B JapUN puNoLS 94} UG aoyem Aq sourplmgq io punols oy uO rhe ond "1OJVM TOU syoor 10 syuVq e@) oe out oy ‘syunq Assomt UI punots ay} uO saysng AtI0Y} MOT Uy| ‘deep ‘asoory ‘ssvis jo sdumyo me oar peda oy[eys y ‘sloyRay FO SSUU YSNOL W Pedmoyreys y ‘pounop ‘gord -moa § = ‘daaqq ‘dno yor} deop VW “AVNBAL dno 4uy VW ‘dno [eyqueysqns W oF sth oun ‘sitios -oyjuex snydoporqoryy snoreura = "* —- snpoorIyMOU snIeg ‘snyd -ojourjemt sounydoydory ‘snpeydeo SNOst[RYALoGy ‘sdao -rmuep = snafdopeydep ory dta snsorqedjed sdozoyso7 see snoyny XLIOLIT guvards BInt9j0FT *sula0 -SoJN.LOOSTAD sf BOTLOMVUUTLO BULOAPOIS “190 -NBS MOT[VYS W dno moryeys v pedmoreys ee = OE dno oatssvut y “O00 ea ee ~pourop ‘ae[Nqorp *pamop *powop eBmyns eypep£10p snuvjuoOU snyyWYy euvyedseopvul BlLovzo py Sne0B4STTOs se snyeMovmt + snanormeyyT "STIR -ylorodnsoqye snystqosoyyuex “+ sdaorjstyos stuto1qy eure stejodd Ap see stpnsoaye véng “ poyooro-mozjod omy, “ oad uerpuy og, © uUrIeyuNoU oy, ¢ yoVvyq poqyseao oy, a ‘ poddeo-pax oy, 6 a deoory oy, “ pofko-oj1M UVIPUL TJ, TRACES Eas pets eet « purydn ony, yidrg yor UMOIG OT, “ — MISTIN oud, 2 RAS AG Shea ydtg MSTIN OUT, TreyseM pord werpuy oy, peqoeq-Aqeys omy, Teryz10,7 poyjods uzojsom oy, peaorg-azTyM OUT, « peproy-Lais omy, ss petea-yovyq oy, 6c s saytg TO[QTe AN TET peony AOelg Sai, Lt9 St9 vr9 8&9 vé9 &&9 T&9 vI9 909 09 £09 009 86¢ 68S 98¢ 78g €l4g GLg T4g €g¢ 67S ‘10A0 ATIVOM Poorq 4saT iT ‘sono § pag ‘UINTqueyy ‘sd30 £ SIUIS[IN ‘TINO OWEA}XO OTT, “taA0 ATAIBOT TLOSRAg ‘sd0 $487Tz ‘aLooUBARLT, ‘sb50 { [By THIEN ‘s950 § SIUISTIN OU, “Sd0UOMIMO0 UOSBIG ‘Bunodk £ YQ ‘aLOdUVABLT, ‘sooo § YAnsyo Vy ‘suv~L APRIL. ‘sh.50 § WIOT ‘useg ‘sono § TIOg ‘uovMUN yy ‘soo £199Z £m0g ‘‘dedan FA *go90 'T16g ‘oommy § TINS’ ‘Tedayy ‘RISUB YT I9A0 ATABOTE TOSBAG ‘sUISOq MOSReS f ATUNYSe ‘I9A0 ATABIU WOSvAG ‘so fmavysog | sod -ord vrpuy noysnoxy T, ‘BIpUT ULo}sBo PUB IBTUSUTUAT *S]0B.14 popcom 4ysrout [le uy ‘rod -oid vipuy ynoysno.ayy, “sudvy -BUIIFT-qns U.tloysve oT], gis BIPUT WLay NOY “svARlRVUIFT OT, *SUOLSOL ATTY pepoom [Rw uy “BIpUy [e -JuouTyWOd Fosureyd oy, ‘quel “UNG Jsoa-[JLOoU oy, ‘BIpUy yynos Jo sysoloy oy, “*BIPUT [B -JHOUIYMOD Jnoysnoayy, SvAVTVULTFT ULOJSva OTT, ‘fopimg 09 pedo yr TOI svdvpRUIFT IL, “qsom peda yy worz svdvlRUIyy ety, svdvpRUtyy oy, 07Ft *saave 10 ‘sotsnq YOY} ‘890.14 [[BuUIs UT oy “ATTensn soysnq AuLoyy YoOryy uy ‘sysnoq jo sdy Wodf SUNY 8001} UT out oF $901} UI sofoy UT “ssurpymq, $901} UT soloy UT "sTTOM LO syuEq ur sejoy daep uz “sSuIpTMq IO S90T} UI SaTOy UT ‘ssurtpdes IO soot} ][eus UT “doy oy} «wou soaty UT ‘sdumyo ooquieq 10 sooty UT ‘somo [[BUIS AT[BVUSN sooty UT ‘ssurpdes 10 Soot} [[BUIs UT "SoaI} JO SyLOF LO sysnoq yoy} uC *s00d} ourd ur dn ystzy $001} LO svfv[Ruy, Utoysom oy |SSUTpTINg Ur sefoy UT ‘soad} sud oy} jnoysnoaqy | L1ezt]0Os Jo syroz UT “WTO W OY} OF SUBMoTAVT 102 ‘uosveg Sutpeorg UL esuRy feorgdeasooy ‘98ONT JO O}1g ov Se OT *pouiop {eao ‘ootery "4.04 -ot guopued W “oun "on ont OU opt oulo NT ound ov, on “OIG ‘dno Moy -[eYs osooy VW ‘dna gord -t109 ywou W ‘dno gord -Ul09 95IvT V “ULLOF -ye|d qpeuts W ‘dno yord -W0d OSI] WV ‘4soN Jo odevgqg eolreqvreut =“ BqRII4S ss ByeupuN vIUNyL ekeq snoo0[g eIpettojur = ‘* BSOLSITAt SaqUNA | eaoydozids essopseaeg | "* snosny sateqgoploy “snue SdLITJOPLLIP | | -TUISUIS sUopIU snTIngg | BALYSVHOONT a BNL BqIYLOOIpPUI(T VILOJWUIA VSSTC) “+ stpeqtdio90 essto0rQ Sn JelOodURT s strepnoodstq snares | Bdstmoy VABIFION NY | eB[Npeuout a see snyeurutynod SNLALOL) | *SOULB NT OTJUOTOG “ poprey-urd ogy, poyouq-o7tyM OUT, erunyy peyjods ony, Palq LoAva AA WOMMTMOD OTL], uy “ 9savy oy, qeadyy [ry waeynos oy, alvyg posuta-poyjods oxy, “ — 9sunf ony, youd yy youq oy, SUIPVIG FYSIAq ONT, « — peTrey-SuO0T OTT, ardooiy, UIPUT ony, “ we0ls OY, “ antq Pettq-pot ou, “ paqvoryy-Yoryq OUT, ep uvdvpeurzy ony, Toyovton yy uvdeeuryT oy, MBpyovp oy, Aqtop perttq-moq oy, *soTBNT YSIPSuA e04 Tos 669 769 £69 269 169 989 ¢89 289 849 PLO e19 119 049 699 999 99 099 “mOp19 ¢ UL “SON 103 ‘rod ‘sd50 § mdunavyrg j-ord erpuy qnoysnoaqy, ‘so £ LUISejOy ‘SUISOG SUTPTING 489 NT *s8.60 £ TOT ‘STITH tea], sesso ‘yeaoddiy, [TH ‘eden ‘s83a £ ISULTT “1940 ATO TOSBEg ‘sso § THIET ‘anyqureg ‘soso £ of0sATL ‘S690 § SITTIN OU, ‘YyUOU OY} JNoYsnoayy, APRIL. ‘soso $ uMpOUL ‘soso § mdumeg ‘soso § myquing § year ‘s8d0 § YISS ‘pequsunysoy ‘sido f ISU ET ‘sido £ (SooutA -OLT ISOM -YJAON) TVMVyT ‘sd50 £ ayeT ‘pedayy ‘s330 £ (SOOUTA -O1g JIM-YIAON) YBsavyoy ‘sido { UITYYIG SMISTIN OUD, He svtv[eutyy ony, “eIpUuy YyNos JO STII popoom oxy, ‘BIpuy ULd}svO JO sysot0f ystour oy, (‘qesuog ydooxa) sured oy} ynoysnoxryy, ne ont "eIpUy TeyUeUTy -u0d jo suretd Axp oy, RIpuy ULoeyNog eIpuy WINOs Jo sTpry oy, “BIpUT [eB -JUNUTYWOD Jo sureyd ory, erp -U] [BJUSUTZ WON Ute4so AA} *** 4ae -UT [VJUSUTJWO Wtoyseqy “sured oy quoysnoayy, ( BisyP JO qyNOos) BIPUY ynoysnoryy, see (Te00T nq) 0791 eIpuy Teyuoury -m0d jo sureyd Axp oy, AOL Teyweuryuod ut ATPRoorT (Hl “§ emme143xe 4doo -X9) BIPUT Jnoysnouyy, svAvVUIF] Uoysvo OTT, ‘Yquou oT} ynosnoay, j 0 Bipuy Moysnoayy, ‘APOIO ssut “PIM Jo sespey uO ‘s}sa.l0f estep UL St[SNOG Yor} uC ae ov "soary JO st[snoq 1ajn0 UCD ee ound ‘soysnq 10 soot} [[eUS UT aa oy od ont od ond 07st, ‘ysnq Aut} to sseis Aq punois oy} UOC a0¢ out *yoossny «0 poya II pUNOIS ay} UC onIG "SSVI FO s3jnJ Iw PUNOAS oy} UO *S|[BM LO syuvq Ul soejoy Uy *so0T} pofeoop ur sejoy UT ‘SSuIplNg IO saat} UI sefoy UT "sosnoy ynoqe pure uy owt Omid “0791 oun “ULLOT -yetd jyeus W “ON ound one oid OIE OuFNEG qaones Aut} W sped Moy -[eys 4uly W ‘ped avo “U10 FSIS V (‘petop sour} -outos) ped W ped moreys Wy ‘dno Moy -[eys yeou W oun on “sseuat iwngojs Vy "' BIPSULTOJUL BqUINTOD Tuoysurydya snqumyeg ‘snd -nueyds snoaeoousydg BOLIVGeyBUL ss "** BIOUIOIG WOLITJOUSE BIYSVSIAOTYO sudoso1g VYVISTIO BITLOTVH BOLIVGB[BUL sf sijeqjsne =“ Rpus_ns epnrepy wee Istuepe (79 Teves vepepuepy eostis vpnepertd F BmMoMuaNyd souvmomury SUR] [I}UBO ss etoydoarqydte eazBATTAL snaoyoruvjout snydopoyr syoorsep ong snuejuour = eee SNOIpUL Josseg « -YOI ONT UVIpUy eT, pod WISTINT OTL, “ce “cc BOY SLL “ “cc “weed poysvatq-osuBI0 OTT, poeqyuoy-f£o1s oy, Woastg woos UALayINOS OTT, Se TOSsay OUT, ss — WOTTUIOD OTT, pojsoto avquieyy, eu, © MISTIN: OU, “ Ays WeIpuy oy, «© qefang ety, «pues Utoysve Oy, i oS POre eee eur “« You peTley-snopus oy, sf “ Sursurs oy, ylVyT Ysnq posurm-poar oy, suyung ynujseyo pues youyq poqyseao Oy, « payworyy-mopped omy, “ gar} OT Modedg esnoy werpuy oy, 882 982 SLL SLL PLL €LL 694 894 L9L e9L 094 84 Lgh 9g4 POL TI OTL 904 APRIL. 104 "1040 AT.TROM POoIg 4SAT "Teco, [edo Ny “YIMOUt oy} JHoysnoayy, "S500 § TOT ‘BOYSMON *s580 { ST] IOMOT OU, "8850 £(Cq CQ) mdiey "0797p £091 ‘soda fooqgy yunoyy ‘Wisejoy ‘oyyrp $0971 sna § MOOG BAIT ‘sso f [MsYowA “Vsatg ‘ss50 § mdypor “myqureg ‘S850 § LMsRyT ‘OF “TMOUL oT} JHOYSsNorTy, ‘s830 ¢ uovumy ‘fedoyy ‘TUOM oY JNoYSnoayy, ‘soso § yoaoddry, [TH “TON OY} oF suepnoraeg * £TTBOOT “erpuy qnoysnoayy, ‘sIeioy, wedepeut -IyJ-qns Utoysva of], ‘rodoad erpuy jo sured uedo oy, ‘aSURE JTVG puB STM] supuy-suvsy oy, ‘syty qufung pues ‘snp ‘seAv[Rull Fy seb [OR eee Iemmsurted w19}sve OIL], ‘punyypepung 04 Surpus;xo vipuy [Nog ‘eIPUT YJNos pure [eqyueo «jo STI ey, ‘sBIpRy puv “q_ ‘CQ ‘svdvpeurp-qng -UJ-SUBIY ag! svdkeleunyy oy, “eIPUT [eyWoUrzUo0d jo surejd pues oy, ‘erpuy aod -dn jo sqavd Ayoor ony, "S014 "SSRIs SUOT Ul punois oy} uC = ont ‘Sst IO saTSNq ur punois oy} UO ‘ysnq 10 au0}s rap -un punois 943 UO ‘sodoys Assvas uo punois aq} UC me od be ond ae oma as 19A09 osuOp ur punois oy} uC ped moreys Y punois oreq of} UO “ysng Aury ao ssvas sq punois oy} UO ‘solfsnq eoe ont ond ont od ont ont od ond *SOAROT Lip mop WV eee ow ouoN “TOONS popoom Ajasuop T[e Up tO soar} Yor} MOT UT) MOT[VYS VW (Teooy gnq) = OTT ‘rad -oad wIpuy qnoysnoxyy, "* sqred popooa [[@ UT suv] d oy} ynoysnoayy, ARAL Udojsve puUB AVTNSUIUET ‘mosveg Surpeoig Ut oduvy [Borydeisoey ia od it: ond oF ot ‘soysnq 10 soot} MOT UT ‘9 BVI[OF YOY Ul S90d} MOT UT “WON JO OFS ont one ot oud “ULLOF -yvjd Au VW "* BOTIVISV BMOIIPIOT “* sLaeyng ae vuriaaorquod stut0s 4410 Tuwyuog xtpxodouury se IOYNYI stqvoovy snsopNUuny os snoorpeds xrpaodoT[ey '* tTyeaout0s =“ " snoutsnaez snqey ‘sng -eysttooqye stseqdoypey “ snqsnxa ee SNAVIOSF SOTOOLO} “snorput sdeydoopey9, toe STTIUAM YT cc nee snitostt * sisuoyzams “ ststiareqmieo =“ be eusotl ANJA], *‘qsoyNy Jo edeyg *soUle | OFIWETINg SSS ee 0 — SO TrenH Ysnq yoor oy, _ yedy oud ospryawg Lous oy, aaso0g oT, ale HO BEML 3 “« poqured ony, ss ads pox oy, ‘“ “ ois Oy, [Mog opsunf por oy], | guesvoy fipey poyseto-of1y A OTL, “ UOTIUMOD IIL J, asnorspurg poyured ony, «“ — pyeroute oly, « « g[qrosuryo oT, “ — yavq pede ou, pesso[-sucT oy, « — £UMBY UBIPUT OT], g[seq poyods oxy, « 9A0p OT], yaryy Moseds omy, Ae PANTS ECM TLD « Lossey OUT, TASOM OU UPLOW poproy-por oy, aINJMA AOFUOAVOS OFM OTT, *SoUlBNT YSTLoUGT 8h 68 8& 9T 9 ‘mopse UI ‘SON 111 MAY. ‘YQUOUL 94} JNoysnoayy, ‘spo WOsBag ‘YQuUOM ay} JnoySnoryy, ‘OWI ‘spulo mOsReg "85.59 § STAISTINT OUT, ‘soso £ unjour “spuo wosnos ¢ SLITSTIN ‘soso §qI08 olny, fy9g ‘uovuny sooo §1Fg ‘andunavyeg "S880 £ Loou0g "1040 ATAvOU UOSKOg ‘sS50 ‘YIOE dommpP, § IST ‘tansepy “spo Uosves f RAsUL yy ‘seAe[euIyy-qne ayy, ‘e850 $ UIET “BlUIg ‘soso § pug, ‘uovuny "sta ‘0g ‘eomnyy £ 48T “BTU (¢) mdunseyeg ‘8830 £ yyeq ‘epung ‘e300 § waSy (¢) uoog waYOcy “sT[Tq Ooqures “SY pue sMIsTIN OUT, “S[[IY weed qyou pus owy oy, “* eIpuy gnoysnoayy, = ot OE ‘sudv[eullyy Oty, “1D “UT NoYysno.1yy AT[BoorT *(qgnos ur ared) VIPUT NOYSnoay, ‘aod -ord eipuy qnoysnoayy, vee svdvlemiy, ous, SIP. “UJ noysnoaryy ATPwoorT “TLLas -svuay, ‘Wopho— ‘starS[INy O20 svAv[VUL FT OUT, SUE Steer pus sedvieunyy = eyy. svAv[eUl Fy OUT, By -UT Jnoysnoayy ATTeooTT aa svAv[eulyy OU, svhv[eullp] U104Sve OT], oe svdv[eullyy oly, ap “uy Jnoysnoayy AT[Vo0'T ses sekeyeMipy Oly, sured oy} gnoysnorqy, ‘aodoad ‘erp “UT JHoysnoayy AT[BoorTT —_—_-- xo *(snotese13) SYOOI UO IO S9ABO UT "89 -yoyeyy Jeo] ped uy *(snolmesdoaas ) ssuIpling 4sursy 3 OFC (snormese1s) soavo 10 syoOl ysuivsy "SHOOL IO ssurpiiIng ysulesy (snolese1s) syueq IMAL UL sazoy UT = owt SSUIPTMG 10 S9AVO UT “doyem Aq syoor TO 10 Sasplaq Lapu | SaAvO LO SSUIP[ING UT sasnoy ynoqe pues uy vee od ze ow ese ound a OnE ee (syoor UL SqJo[o 10) 0791 2b owt "** gad} UI sopoy UT ‘gordroaad MOT B UO Ope] B UG “‘ssuIpTINg IO S901} Ul SajOY UT “** goer} Jo SHIOF uy i cs) -nes zemMo.tto -1ULos [[VUIS -W ‘yeyood qoyea Aur Ww "ART -nqo]S-1uLeg HST a OUNE ‘dny «ey -Nda1d-TULos W dno esooy Vv OF "4100 qemqny y ound “LIONS ALT -NOATO-TULOS -W ‘dno aepno.tto -tues deep W “ onta “omg eee og see ou “song e OnTG: Cnr. as On sie ouo NT dno yoedu0o AOTBys “* LofootuN BITOIOT[OD “* snjeummjur es “*snorurssfqe snpasdfg SIsUadIUTysed UOpljeyy ae sijsodna = oa aqojoou0o Ss oy stsuouts 94409 » estdorqy dao s “* BOTLUNBp se “* sdooyna aS see e[OOLULOp “ BOT}sNA OPUNATFT "** Terporq wantproneyyy Soe SOPLO[MONO meet gg0 BIeIpBl oUyIV “* sodrumyd Li tee 1449] “ snjeqdooorpids Hs "* sngeaued soyperyd ay SISUITIVMOU BOILING ce BOIpPUL X45 ‘snaeqdouvjont snue[ iy FPGAS [YT Ureqynos eyy, « joomnyed oxy, qJIMg UeIpUy uoMU0D oy, “ qurysey oy, 4“ “ ELA i “ Serio AYsnp ey, UIJV]Y pues UOTAMOD oT, ss enbsour ey, “ enbsout eipuy yeer18 oy, ike po[8}-o1TM OTT, “ esnoy MISTIN OU, MOT[EMG WOUIULOD OTT, “« uasid pareypoo ey, ¢ padreg-es.1e] OUT, q9[MO e[sunl oy, oe gooj-atanyd oy, “ (79 jedony oq, ce “ qoojoreq OUT, “ sdoos uerpuy oy LT “ poom uMoIg UBdElBUIA, ON] [MO Yooo10s ueIpuy ony, ONY posura-Wourq eq g0L oot 9 09 MAY. 112 *si50 £ ByINOTVO ‘(uoryeutayuos socmboeyy) ‘soso § MUS yy ‘soso § WET ‘amdunavyey *(WOTZBMUAYUOD saambayy) ‘sod0 § UUUYSey ‘sido § 14T9q ‘sd0 £( gq ‘Q) andivy ‘s830 £ WOT ‘andunavyeg ‘sp50 $ Supoolang ‘s650 £ OOLINT “svdvlVUullyy-qus omy, ‘sddo § u4gT ‘andunavyrg "so50 § WOT ‘MInRjoy ‘si50 { UOVUUN ‘so90 £ SOOUTAOIg [Baya ‘soso § LMS *s850 SyQOT ‘surpeolieg ‘ssd0 { reday, Sutpoolunqg ‘seXupeutzy qns udojsvo pur [eduog “SsvART -BUITFT-Gus UWL0jSvo OU], svv[Vullp] UtoJsoM OTT. ‘aod -ord wipuy ynoysnoay y, “sv dvy -BUITFT-qus UW.L94Sv9 OT] J, svAL[BULT FY] Ula}soM OT | “eIpuy M ‘N jo sured Aap oy, Ou aod -ord ‘vrpuy ynoysnoay y, ‘svARy -BUUIFT-qns UWto}svo oy, ‘sudvpeuUrpyL U.10489M-TY}.LOU oul ‘eIpuy qno -YSNoIyy s[[Ty popoom uy uripuy deddn ut A|[eoory & SIUIS[IN OULL | “BIpUy aoddn jo syjsatoy oy, “RIpPUT [waqywoo 0} suUIpuojxo YNoG BIPUT [eJUSUy -u0d JO sjsalof OU, svAv[VLUTTy Ulasve OT, -aodoad Bipuy jo sqxsolof OU], “qqon ey} Loj savpnoysEg ‘uosreg Surpeorg Ul esuBy [LoIydeasoay ‘19qea Surauns Lq syuvq Ut sojoy UT "so0ay AyOT Ul sojoy Uy oe ound “ssuIpin IO §90A} UI soloy UT = oma Be od “(suretd 10) 0991¢, ‘syurq ur sapoy deep uy ‘sured to syuweq ur sejoy devop uy soon} pokvoop Ur sopfoy UT fe ond od ue old oo ow oun otc “Ysnq & «vou 94 -jJO punols oy} UO soyouBag YoY} UO sooty UT *s000} TLSIIT jO sysnoq prep uO i= OVC on = OME OHNE owt ies oi “oud =) Four se Sosa OS og LG anionta “ogi ond me Soar too nich ae oulo Ny ped prorq W “LIONS Freq Aun y “perms stsdosiepag sI[Byueto ~snutoyshan gy oe BlNAIesd es an BOIPUL SBIOBLOD “* TLOJLOTIT stutorgod yy ae aaysvide is ve gntqyd A508 as stsuoddipryd ot sce stptara sdodayy “ Tuosspoy sojoedavyy wee Toraun “ snjoo1juoUl sf * SnorqRise os stuuod1aye ss sn} -BjOUOG |B ss tee “cc T]LVVOY “* snorpur snspouadey “ TWOSSpoy XIAIT]}0IO "sny -eUod00 UOpIpayooitpue(y “WON FO OFS q80N Jo odeyg *SoUBNT OYIFUOIOG IOYSY-SUry PeT[q-A10}s Werpuy oy] | perltg-peorq et “« —uvedoingy oq, IOT[OY UouML09 oJ, « poynd-ontq ony, « —urvodoingy ety, “ ueydisy onyt patiey-onyq omy Jayve veg WOUItOD oJ, woso0ry s,wosspoyy «8 UTA 5 8 Ul YURI, « — ueIpuy UOMUIOD OTT, « guys Ou, yesuog os1vy OU, “ MISTIN oT aelyqsty epsunt oxy, YInousoIT WIAYIg oY, 4JIMG poeyseto UBIpUyT onL "soUIBNY YSIPSU ‘uops9 ft Ul ‘SON 113 ‘sdd0 £ pedon ‘ss50 £ vyQNoTRO ‘op * SMILSTIN, ‘Spulo WOsvas £ penygyToy ‘soda £ pedayy "sd00 110% ‘TedaN ‘8850 £49 “vaezeyy ‘sBd0 £ WIAYIG f YI9¢ ‘dL ‘IaA0 ATvaM Woseag “‘sunod $ W49T ‘yepurg § § s88a £ soln ‘op ‘ movmn yy ‘Spuo Wosves f oaLmy MAY. ‘sido £ TQ ‘vavzeyy ‘so50 § waduey QOL ‘soda § yedon “spud Woseas £ tTovun sy ‘sede[RUITF] UIoysve oY, ‘svdvlVUrzy W1948v9 pue [esueg aemory ‘VIpuUy aes -urued Jo spoom oxy, “BIpUyT [eyUoU -1JU0D JO Spoom ol], SvAU[VU 7 LOMOT OTL, st oy On® soe seXveurpy oy, ‘aodoad erpuy Jo syed papoom oxy, svfvemiyy ou, svdeeury] U10480M OU, sie svkvreuny oy, "qsom pedo yy wor sevdvreunyy ou, ‘[esueg uUdtoysva pue svdvpeunzy = oy, svdupeuntyy ut0jsvo ory, ee sedv[eunryy ou, svAvpeuryy ‘T0240 ATrvOU Tostag-|qns ux04s8ve pue [esuog "sBc0 § doLIN TY ‘sa00 U4 § Cad MN) Hndudyy “Ingqeyg “novmny ‘UMOUY o3417 Ata A THOT WIFI ‘Moog vayoq ‘S890 § 19g “WF ‘aindunaeyeg £ pug ‘eyynoyeg “BIPUT [Te}WeUTFUOD =» UL0J80 AA, sured oy} qnoySsnoayy, ‘sp Avy “BULTAY-qus u4t94svo oy, sudvRUIy, Udoysvo oy, #% oF ‘aod. -oad erpuy qnoysnoary, a ont oF 0791 ont ont on OG ou ota omg x ot ae oI oy ou OnE "s90.1} UI s9fOY [BIdgT4QAV UT ae og 3 ound "s9a.(] pofeoop ur sefoy uy ‘soaay podwoap Ayjol ur sefoy uy ‘s00ry Ayjoy wor Juopuceg "stoAta Lq waqFO syuvq Ul sojoy uy ‘S[[OM 10 syuRq IAM UL seyoy Uy aoe eee ome own omg on oI oI, oI omg ou ont ome ou om ond on ouoN ow oy ou aulo NT ‘podvys-avod Ysnor osavry out ouo0 N Troryuea "* BOTIVISB Wi “e sipnta "* sdoortvo =e TUOsSpoy S poyvoryy-Woplos omy, poqyworyy-ontq oq, “ 6c Trews ony, ¢ « suyuerg « WeaIs 8, WOsspoy, WNAOT[VYSIVUT VULATLSOPT] qoqreg s Tpeysavypy OTL * BYVUTULOUUL BIAT A, "* sipeqidro00 s- sngejorms — “" sngeurenbs snares sneousdd snoidisun x snayyAaod dy snordod AF suoaiouunaq oy Toovut snieydyyeo =“ ‘ stsuodepemrg snorg "* sqTBULaA SNNOTLOrTT “snemdand stu10xepeg ues s0c90TTO TY "* SIMLOOTg SnTBIUIOF, ewIsnoylep snmosiaesg “" sIsueTestieg opooly ** stsuoutttus woLoye yy CLOT See o"nL Ud01 podeu-yovtq ony, meas UBIPUT LOssoy OTT, i" oieie fies) porpeq-ATeos oT « sus uvdepeUtyy ony, “ pard perypoq-snopns ony, poyMOaF-UMOIG OTT, « -poyjods wetpuy oy, < -YORT-Lossoy OU, “toyood poo AA pad uvdepeunpy oqy, yonbiaory UeIpuy oy, qonboieg popvoey-osor ony, “« Loris UALOYLOU OTT, Tqutoyy werpuy yous oy, Tqprorg poyeoryy-mopad omy, e werpUy opT OUT, LOYSYSULY Pozsvorq omy ey, SS a ee a eee MAY. 114 eG | ‘so50 § TUIYSe yy ‘ssgo0 £ pedoyy ‘so00 £ UOVUINY ‘Y.mMs50}0y, ‘soso £ ByQNoTeD ‘sido £ 4sTZ aru -ysey f WYTT ‘mdunaeyrg ‘spd0 § pagg ‘UJOT “vyoTVO ‘soso § MORUN ‘so50 £ UTAAIS ‘Tedoyy ‘sda £ pedoyy ‘spa0 §yIeg ‘veuNTO ‘sso fm9Zg ‘mdume "S600 eee OTL svke[RUllp] U10}SOM OTL, svAV[VULIFT U1948Bd OTL], *eIpuy Jnoysnomyy, Spay HN pus jequoo ‘Avquiog eIpuy Jnoysnoaqy, ‘BIpUT Ae[NsUr -uod pus jesuog tomory . od STMSISetiypUe svAv[VUly] Uto4ysvo oI, SeALTVUIFT WIO4SvO OUT, pay aoddn jo sured oyy, saad -ord evrpuy ynoysnoayy, £946 ‘CaM N) WMBYoyeA! sureyd oy} gnoySnoaqy, "suIseq UOstos { ATULYSEy sedR[BUIT OUT, ‘e850 { aTUUYSeY | -svdepeunyz] w10js0M ony, ‘sido $ uoeuny ‘easuvy | seke[eupy oT, ‘spa Wosvas f vIpuy YON | sureyd oy} qnoysnoayy, I ef ee ed ee ee el ee SS ee ee at lf “yao OY} LOF suvpnoyaBg ‘uosveg Surpoorg UL oduBy [woTydeisoay aoe galt dl ‘soory YSty UO oma yteq Ul sootaoda uy | dno ySnor y ond "OPE ‘sotouratq | oouncju9 FWOAT uly} Moy Susuey |‘podeys-osmg ee ona ogg ae od “ov vi ond a ¢ & 2 i OE “OF a ow oun ‘sysnoq JO |-ooweaque opts sd moa Sursueyz | ‘podeys-avog ‘soysnq 40 | dno moyeys 800d} YOY} MOT UT ‘sooay AUALOTY IO SJOYOry} osuop UT - “sqsou SMOIO UL prey ssSqy qsou soysnayy Sut -Ysnery Ur prey sssqy "S4SOU S LOTq “IGM UL prey ssaq ‘sqsou sqtdid to sqyetpo ysnor v powop -YSNoL ‘osLwry Oud ont 0791 (-sq1q -ysnq UL prey ssony | -vy o1jtsvaeg) "S004 UI SOOT [BIOVIVAT UT "489 NT JO ontg tee OULO NT *ysoNT Jo odeyg Tuosspoq =“ euekeleury BIqy109 snyoodiust ojuezt Tl ose vurostadrg “* CMUTUTE TIMOOTCT ROIYVISe BITIIPOOUTORIY “woruepfez vutoo0ydory “* eqBanyes ) stsuoyedru sé ve goqrut wsfdoyqyAD ooyaIs VNIOIOV, ‘“stuuedyna sndoayuedg sT[BjuoLo stuvudpngy nee SN4VId48 ce snjeydooorjod = rg sn.iouro snqnony “epeydoo UR BvuUleloyyUeyY ‘SOUBN OGIQUEIOg “ 9. 8 WosspoyT todoasooory, uvdepeunryy, oy, cc poyseorg-o1y OY, “ POTTG-YOMTY OU, Toyoodao MOTT 8 T[OHOL, af eidand oxy, 6 poedum.a -yshYoue oy, - peyevorqyosld eu ce poyovg wooreut oT, Joyonsfouo py port uedepeurzy oy, IOOYUG [wsvog oxy, [eono/) WoMMOD oT], TOM SUT it] “ TH OUD peproy-A1v0y oy, ooyony Wood oy], joqreg poysvorq-uosuaTId OTT, ‘somBN YStsug EFS 104 OFZ 8&3 VES ES T&% 666 S66 066 L1G ia 406 106 661 “mopze ¢ Ur ‘SONT en _ Lo ‘sido “eIPUT JNoYs noryy foominyy fy39g ‘Moog vayaq | syserof ystout [BV Uy "so90 £ yg ‘Surpoolreg | erpuynoysnoayy A[[BoorT ‘soda S unyyrg ‘Tedon | svdvpeuttpyy usoqsve oy, ‘eIPUT Ute4sva ‘sp50 SULTyyIG | pue sevtvpeuy, oy, ‘UMOUY op}G1] Ata A | svAVTRUNTF, ULoysve OTT, “A DeL ‘soda Syeda | noysnoryy sjsoLofy UT AGTH (4) uovuny | Jo suorser ATTY oY, "‘Y}UOUL oY} JnoYysnoayy, | svdv[BVuulyy ety, *S}SO.L0J ‘s880 f reqeieyy | ystour ur sulvjd oxy, ‘s830 § YI9Z £qnteoyy § preg ‘uovuny | ‘' BIpuy Juoysnoayy, "sd50 § UIQT ‘[edayy | *** ow c ‘sido £ Tedayy ‘uoog vayoq | °*" ong ‘WyuoUL 943 Jnoysnoayy, | **' ond ‘s859 $yIZT ‘Moog BaIyEG ‘sdda $ wagZ ‘YanSIpy ‘sdd0 f YLT Uys fuagt ‘qeden ‘sido £ pagg ‘novuny 's330 { SIIISTIN ou, “Yyuou oy} Jnoysnoayy, ‘s30 4st ‘mdunavyeg ‘1240 ATAvOK WOSBag ‘40g ‘soso § UIQT ‘aIMYsey *x0A0 ATIvom Wosvag “S059 § MULYSVYy ‘spug mosves * UovUIN yy 000 ‘sefv[eutyy ety, “+ eIpuy gnoysnoayy, “eIPUyT [exyUeD 4sBe pue sevdvyeuy ey, svdv[vullyy ou, SOON jo suowsea ATTY oly, eBIpUy Foysnoxy J, ‘sured oy} «ynoysnoayy, Aap eIpuy joysnoayy, svkv[BUllp, Ute{saM OT, “EHV OEA| jo suowsea ATTY oy, svke[eully] U10qs0M OIL], svkeleullyy oy, ‘dno 99%0 “T[9p [Bus W *s001} UT soqouviq uly} UO ‘sdum4ys 10 sydnoq [ejuozoy sIq ug)’ OIG us ont [OTT oT OG: se ou Orn ness) 08 oy “NBs pRorg -V "190 nee oig “NBs 9SOOT VW vee og eee oI “100 ou og “nes yeou VW *s90.1] JO "100 SyLOJ [BJUOZTAOY UT | -nes ssoo] W 3 07 0791 ‘sysnoq Jo pua ‘dno Iwou seat} Ysry uy | doop [peus *s901} JO “90 SYLOF [VJUOZIIOY UT “Iaqpays ap “un punois oy} UC -Nvs [[VUs V dno y[vus oun dno yeou ue OG OIG os OWE =. 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OnTq 8 T9YOUL enyq WLoyyNOoS OTT, ‘“soprofmooqna stutotg | 4svorq-poy poyvoryy-onyq oyy, sdouvjout sertumngy ‘EMAIL VLOULOATIIO BSOULSI[N UOPTLOTOTULS FT etd « IOJIPAOA OT, “ gsuBto pu Yoryq ony, © Ay00s oy, -woooaouto vydopoyddtg | aoyoywodT J popvoy-Aoas oy, By -uvxoddéy xudqaoprpeyo * srpucoqood sf “ BloaINe cs SILJWOAODSNF BILIDOONETT BamMze Biseicy ‘SOUBNT OFIQUOTOG “ porpoq-morpo£ ony, poqqods-aztym OT, paMmorg-oJITTM OTL, [RUA poywoayy-oHy A OUT, ToyoyVoAT ainze podeu-yortq oy, ‘somBNT YSTLSUGT 0G 9T& ST& PIE Ole 90& c0€ POS 10€ 00€ 962 c6@ Poe £66 ‘uopier Ul ‘SON 117 MAY. ‘s8z0 £ 190z ‘T0g ‘uovun yy “$0.00 fuiswyjoy f UIST «Looudg ‘sida $ pugg ‘uormn yz (‘oaBar AiaA) ss50 $ TOT ‘uovuny HEIS ‘S350 £48TE ‘IOT ‘uovuny ftmseyy ‘tedo yr "S059 : 4STZ ‘Lown yy * W9GZ ‘ArUysey ‘so50 £ 10g ‘vaSuvy "sono f oOLINT ‘sod0 { RTUIG ‘saxo § pedoyy "8359 £ TOT “WAALS ‘si9 {pug ‘wiezezy fT0g ‘Vasuey YJWOUL oy} NoYysno.NyT, ‘spuco $si50 ‘WRjOy ‘sSd0 £ jedan TLOSBOS ‘soao § LOIYySey ‘OE ‘sp90 £ [edoyy ‘350 SATUYSR yy at ‘sosa ‘jedan svdv[VUIT FT OUT, +7 SMIFTIN OUT, OIE on OE on ONE svfu/vurpy omy, | *** "30014 jO syaoy yorqy uy ‘sourydes IO Sdat} JO SHLOF UT eee onal § eas OFT ‘sdum4s UO LO SyALOF Yor] UT ‘soo.0} yeus jo syxoy uy (‘seer} jo S}OOL 4B WO}FO) 0991C¢ ont "ST[@M LO sedupBUltyy Wtoysom oy, | syuq UL sefoy uz *10JVM TROT sao svkvpeunzy oy, | syooa Jo syzato uy ond ‘SJOYOTY] IO sooqureq UL punotd oT} UO ‘Ysnq v suduBUlly] UL04svo oY] JO JOoy ye syueq uy ‘sty Aoung oy, SEISTIN CUD svAe|BULIF] Uto4Jsvo OUT, see svfv[eulryy oy, oI svkvpeUlly, utoqysve omy, “sve “RUIFT 4SeM-YJu0U oy, | MOT ur e one ‘rayem Aq sudvyeuryy oy, | SY9OL JO sospoy uC S001} UL So[OY UT S90} IO sefoy UT OVE *s9aq} 0 Siadaedo suowlBe UMOP MOT “~sdtanys 10 syooa Twou punorts oq UO ‘sdumyo «0 seysnq yorqy Ul UMOp mory ‘solsnq SYLOT UT “* (UMOUyU A ) “qsoroj ourd ut syueq Ur sedvjeunyy oyy, | ood} Jo sqoor 1 ot out ont ond OnE. dno proiq V od dno yeou W podeys-dng “SSO JO Tleq osaeyl V “OFT *poulop ‘avy -NQoO]s 95.107 "LIONS OATSSVUL W dno asooy ‘dno yoryy osavy -V = — OpIg “pauop baz) pace(e) ea) ‘dno yyy deep y pemop ‘avy -NQO[s on.1eT ‘dno daop osael v (m@MOouyUy ) dno doop y [noqmnoqg = ** BUTTS BTL TAL TrpawaM snpnpang, =, STMarsstp 4 ‘* ropoorun & BULIYTO BTTTOOA) snyoudytopoura =“ vrpsesoryyAta $0490010 snouvso snydkssoooajog "* Boryerse ByeqorpéTT eyey[Nono vy4IIq **stsuorudim stutompA ee -ourmiutey snuoydor yl * sIymeaTqye = * SIEJWOAYNA OUOTTRO, stjemmao xAxoydAqouag sisuapedru soy{porsoay, * eqepnes es{dooug BIVUOLODODUBISBI BIST, ery Acad Ay “ + pared vutoqysorqy dag ss stivrprodedns vrydig g posutm-fors oT, Tce “ BISIIN, OU 098 “ pord spre Ay Log parqyourg pord opqereea oy, | 9ce «© sasnp oud, ‘| 9ge “ -ysnq poyroayy-Aysnt oy | egg a “ pepeey-ontq og | eg8 ysnayy, yet[o PPH[9q-JUAsoy) OUT | SSE Ysnayy, Yoor-onqq oy, Tse [OZNGC 1o}VM-UMOIG ONT, LE Us uh poysvarq -Mo0d9 OILT, 9OFE os punoas qedony ony, Pre Ysnayy, Surpysy pemq-nopes ou, | SFE perleg-e3tys OUT - peTeq-snojns oT, | 6EE LUIMJLOYY Pomorg-opYM oT | SES “« yedoxr oud eee x TC Pe eee ike T&& Wot AA poproy-jnuysoyo omy, | Loe arqoa | SEY MEN ATA ES CULT CE “ urqor Lots oqy, aayoyeodT,T po -}svolq-snoyna oy, | 12 ‘ss59 £ yIgg ‘Surpoolieq ‘sia £ pag £4sTg ‘uovuny Oy ‘soln ‘sia § Surpoofaeg ‘surseq uosvos f tedoy *sB30 £ [udayy ‘8839 £ W108 ‘Tedey ‘WAYS *‘spue WOswes £ SLUISTINT *sa30 fyedayy $ ag ‘“Surpoaleeq ‘s300 £ YIGT ‘oAUoABY, ‘sao § 149 ‘UILossvuay, MAY. ‘soso § yedon *s550 ‘ [eden § WPT ‘surpoolueg ‘soda £ StIS[INT ‘sdoo £ uyyIG ‘Tedayr “spd0 $4408 ‘uMysey § yIGZ ‘uovuny ‘s559 EU ‘WOT ‘wovuny ‘sb30 Suovuny ‘oonyy ‘spua W0s -vas $s550 § yIOg ‘uovuNy “qyaOW OY} IOJ savnoyseg 118 svke[BUl}] W1oysve oy, eee se{vreuy ou, OE svdv[BUIIT U1e4sv9 OTL, ‘Toyng JO ysvo svdureup, oy, svdv[BUlIT, Uto4sve OT], svdulVulyy oy, BIpuy FO YINOs s[Y oy, ong (eSuog pur) og ond out svkveuntyy, Ut0}svo OUT, BIPUT |MOs Jo sy OUT, svkv[Bully] U194sva oY, ont OI, OWE svdv[VUlpy, omy, ‘mosvag Surpesrg, Ul oduvy [Borqdvasoey oy i om ‘s90c} MOT IO solsngq UT ‘ssurpdes 10 soot} ][BUIS UT *s901} MOT Io soysnq Yor} uy ‘soysnq 0 ssvas Ul puNods OY} TBI NT : oT *yoossny 10 ysnq B Ur punots oy} UO ‘speoM IO ssBis UI punois 9s} UO noe ont ‘soysngq £uUL0T} ostlop UL UMOP MOT “Aporyo sdumyo ooquieq uy ‘squays JO sJoor qvou syueg Assvas UT ‘ssurpdes 10 saysnq yor} JO syxoy uy soysnqg Yory} MO] UT tes oF *S901} JO sqtoy HOryy UT ou ‘sduan4ys uo a0 syueq Ut “qSON JO OFS ‘dno daop esiel ‘dno Moy -[BYS pworq W = a GUNG ‘dno doop ofael ‘dno Moy “[BYS pvoaq V 2 otra SS SMOG even SOFT ‘pourop § Avy -NqO[5-o5.1VT Ong potop podeys -B30 © doaqy oS OHCGE ond eee OG ‘dno oats -seut doop W oma “ont enn dno proiq W ‘qsaN Jo odeyg "* JestpTMOUL as *** sLiepnsoqye ef ‘* srypooynat ss snqepnaxo us *STARITIO -rodns snydueroydry sfues0ryy Ane TppEystoy e STTLOOFMA snUry.tojzeu0 g eyeorid erjeury, snyideoriqna stutoxIyy sdooyna sf “snydopoonoy xvas cc poovlyoou oy, «“ “payeoayy oy OUT, “ ‘Heyoou-snojnd OTT, s « poprts Lous otf, YsNIyT, SuITsnvy] poqseto-ayTyM OTL, ) +) Speldtepueys en, G3 “ nayooyo-Aysna ou, 66 “cc ULI INOS OTT, “TePLUILOS YooU snofnet oy, és “ poddeo-por omy, ss “poqysvorq-moTfod oT “ “ PepEeuePSt oth “* sdeorastu stakyonyg | copqqeg wot poproy-yovytq omy, *-ereydooorod see soe Fees BIUBISBO ‘sole NT OIJUWEIOg “ce BUMP BIOUTIOIIO “ “ WISIN OUT, sisuoyedra oddrory |qsnaqy, toyenb pedeyy oxy, “ UreyUNOU paT[tq-|[VUls ou, TWOsSpoy spammy, | Ysaryy, Tessar wErpUT ou, “ popeoy-fois oy, BPULOOG]e BNA | [OZNO porte[[Oo-o}1yM oY, ‘souleN YSIpsug FOV OOP 968 cos £66 T6& 68€ 88& TL& 89€ 69€ c9& ‘mops9 PF UL "SOT SS en a nen | a Tana | fe nt i ae 119 ‘"sB80 ¢ tedon ‘*s899 § coou0g “YyuoUr oy} JNOysnoIyy, *sBa0 § WZ “eq4Qn9 fap ‘peqvounysoy Fiuy@) ‘8359 § WOT ‘UMSITy “splla MOsBes £ SIILSTINT ‘sano ¢ Aequiog “s830 {SIIIS[IN ‘sa50 { SBIPBIY “YJUOM oY} JHOYSnormqy, M AY. *suIBeq SUIPTING 4SoNT ‘ow ‘sas0 { yedoyy "yUOUL oy} Jnoysno.yy, *s8n0 § LOMO ‘e880 £ preg ‘WIP ‘Surpoolang ‘s850 § MOOG BATE "8830 $ WIOT ‘sutpoolueg ‘OFT "8830 ‘ juedoyy ‘e880 £ STE ‘WIST ‘uovuN yy *s880 { Surpoolveq “yoy APRoT sekeTemIp, Uto4sve oy], | B Worz popuodsng STATS[UN OUT, sekvleunyy ot, *SOOUTAOT [BIJUOLD pues jesueg Uso seq ne od ‘sdumyo IO goysnq osuep UT "890.1} 0 soysnq JO sy1oF UT "spoar 10 sseis jo sdumyjo uy ‘ssvaia Jo sdumnyo soysnq MOT UT ‘soysnq Ace) sured oy} ynoysnoamyqy, | 10 seeay AuL0yy UT SYVYLO M10jSoM OTT, “SIpUT YINOS FO SIT OUT, BIpul qynos jo sured oy, HOE -JuUaUT}WOD Jo sured oy, ond svkv[eultp, Ute4ysve OTT, svkveuly, = eT, a SUUBTIN, OF, ond a ound sukv[eullyy Urojsve oT, svde[eUlp] U19}SOM OTL, svdv[eulpy Ut0}sve OUT, seAv[VUF] U10}S0M OTT, spkeemipy, Uloysey OF L svdv[euipy Oy, | JO om ‘soysng Aut0yy yoy} «0 seedy uy 800.1} MOT 10 sospoy AuL0Yy UT "soar} [TBUIS Io soysng Yo} Uy ‘soYsNq 10 soary 851M} JaynoO UT "SyOOI “TOONVS MOT -[BYs ywou WV ‘dno mor -[BYys yonol VW dno yeou YW poetiop podeys -339 «= da0qy ee GT podeys-dng RAR GL “071 “09d, ‘dno Surps -SBI]S 9800] V ‘dno dosp yeou y Tpuey[opooVUr “ SISMOLITS [IU ss soproresd sojodosdA pz “* staysnyed snamypesopy Byepneo BoyIeyVyO TUrpooT eur cf ail -TIATOUIOS Wy “sno -LIBqe[ Sul so snosiia hb SN.LOUB) SNILIDOOV[ VIAL af eyerystdevs BIqtg IO syueq ut sofoy uy dno moryeys y] stsuejedra vanpoutjoy se oI, ty oyIq | Unyzeorrquit W *syURq UI sapoy Io soysng mor up| podeys-dng wan} Beuly st ae oy "Ont | SsaBaTyooRO 5 os ond “omg | wnyoruayd £ aM ouIG POT Gh aren sojnt cs oho OUI * oqgiq =| wmgeuenbs ss va OIC "ong | UMgesoreA & Hee onthvaf * 079IG~=s«| AOTOoTUNqns “soysng tanyeydao IO sooq} JO syaopuz]** oq | -oayydxa woroydopeyoorgy, ‘urey Jo sdumnyo 10 syoyory} moy uy dno catsspur py! ‘"* snyep]o000 xepNArTEyy “ peryaq-snoyna ory, Liv “ TWISTIN OTT StV [NqIng yorlq uvdvpeunpy oy, | FHF —--YSAVUL Poyelt}s OT, OFF “ Ysng poyetays OUT. S&P “ oad o8xe] OT, 9ST “ porrey-snojnat oy, S&P “gi 8unf oxy, PEP “ popeoey-o7tM OTT, €&V Tatqqeg [esueg ouy, ey BIqIg Popvot-You[q oy], 66h surmieg Arvoy yy, 86P “ “ APst1q OTT, 967 “ poyRetys OUT, CCV i - oo ouL &CP -UOSUILID OU], SEP Po ee ae “ “ paqyesomtva oy, SIP “ “pamoyzoo-urejdeyy) LTP “ “ popeey-pet og, | SIP Ysuayy, Surysney peyods-oqryas oT, | FTF MAY. 120 ‘Sp WOsvas £ sTATATINT “sono fAnqmog ‘uoog ayo “Yjuour oy} Jnoysnoauyy, ‘sbro § y9¢g ‘“aeSeupouny ‘sido SUPT ‘Burpoolaeq ‘sd80 £ IG ‘wLIossvuay, ‘TIJWOUL et} JuoYysnoay y, ‘sooo { [esuog ‘peqryeTy ‘suIdoq SuIplMg 4seyy 'sd50 fIET ‘Ypug ‘mdrjzoog ‘sdb0 $ qufung oy, ‘sno SUUyYIG fprgg ‘uovumny ‘OUNCE ‘taA0 ATABaTL UOSBag ‘so50 £ vueyndleyy ‘soso £ WIET ‘uovuny fj, ‘Banzeyy ‘sd50 § WOT ‘surpoolieg ‘S350 £SLUISTIN OTL, “quo y OY} LOF sauvpnoyaVeg s “eIpUuy [INOS Jo sy OU, “VIPUT TRyUUTGWOD sudveunyy ou, “RIpUuy woddn jo surejd oyy, pue eIpuy yNog svdulRUTF] Udtoysve oY, Teal U19}SBd PUL Le_VsUTULOg “* eIpuy qnoysno.nqy, “RIPUT [eywourjuo0. ut AT[RoOrT vIPUy Jnoysnoayy, "RIp “UT Juoysnoayy AT[Roory sured oy} qnoysnoayy, ‘[eiueg Utoysvo svdulRUp, oupy, ‘BIpUy YINOS Fo sy oy, ‘erpuz aoddn pue Jo sjavd ysiout oxy, "RIpUy [BMOUTYUOD ~—-ULO4SO. AA svte[euntzy oy, svdLTRUIF, Uloysve oy, BIpUy YYNOS Fo sy oy, ‘MOstdg Sutpoorge UL osuBy [Borydeisoay *T[BAL 0 syuvq Ul sefoy Uy ‘OJPOYS Lop -un punois oY} UO he ound ‘soTOY UI 10 pa.toy -[OYs punoss oy} UO ‘SSBd LO SoysNg Jopun syoot uC ‘sa0c4 podvoop Ut soloy UT “ST]BM «LO soo} Ul sojoy UT e ound ‘SYLOF Loo wo. Suny sooty YSty uy ‘sysnoq jo sdiq AJeoy] WVU S901} UT a: oy ‘soypsnq 10 soot} [[VUIS UT “SOSNG PoJBpOst UT ‘sto IO soysnq you} up ‘soysng Aucoy} esuop uy S001} MOT 1O soysnq uy SpYoryy LO soysng UT yLO J ApRaT B wo popuedsng ound ‘ped moyeys VW oy dno yous W dno oats -seu doap VW Bene | “100 -NUs MOT[RYS VY 2) ONE ‘dno dosp qrou v ‘dno sur W ser OFFI, ‘dno top -UO]S [[BUs VW ot 0791 OFT ‘dno Boney ‘dno MOT -[BYs []BUs VW “A8ON JO 0918 "qsoN Jo oduyy eee eyerye SS eyerdeo vpoouryea gy SISTOTRqUIBO “ * BqBor[Ny vIqouUUIeTT, "* BIMONOT BPOTUOLA TL BIMOLOVUL BlOUTOBIIDY “ stiemes snyotsdop snpeydeoouvjout oopuny snfortg ery sy Boy snqpisnd ‘s “* snosdd sngououos gy RBIVpNBoOsNy 8 “c VIIOUla “ s1jOond] sfuesooney, vsduto00j¢ “ SLIQUOATAGE, BMLSTQNY SNOMOJOL LOSTUTTC “ YOR] UAoyYNos oY, qurpysng. youyq oyy, “ poyorq-uMorg oy, Or peyouq-UMOIq UtoyINOS oy, qo popey-oryM Oy, vUVYY OT, urqoyy ordsvut ony, “ peproy-youyq OUT, g[OlIQ Wep[os uvripuyz oy, “ “ 6c “ pada ystyM-pod UtotyINOS OT], ii “ Wo9IS POSUIM-OFITM OTL, SBAIPLI, UOULULOD OTL, [estiog wourNLOD OTL T, poloysttpM-pot OY, f paiva-oJIM OTT, paqsatd payooyo-oTTM OTT, “ MOTTO poqsato-youtq Oty, 68P I8P O8P 649 Ll¥ 9LP cl oly OLY 89P COV TOV OOP 6SP 8oPV 9SP [nqmg ysnq pomorq-mozpos oT! OS ‘soe NY OFIQUIIOG *SOUUN YSTpSuG ‘mopie pr Ur "SONT 121 ‘890 f 48TE “ITUYSey ‘sano § YIOT ‘ootnyy ‘so50 § WO ‘UITAYSe yy ‘sdz0 § YIST ‘sutpoolaeq ‘sd30 § 4916 ‘Tedon *s9OTIOMIULOD LOSBAg ‘sao0 § wyHIG ‘Tedoyy ‘sA50 § [IGT ‘wovumy ‘S89 fuovuny § yICT ‘sisuey ‘0qy1p £0971 MAY. *sdd0 § SIUIS]IN ‘s890 § TOT ‘surpoolieg ‘sac0 { Weg ‘IUYsey "590 Suovuny fy99 ‘Anseyy ‘sono § MULYSe yy ‘sido § TOG ‘aTUTYSe yy “yquout oq} fgnoysnoryy uovun yz ‘sdco ftamseypy ‘easuey ‘sag0 £ 1osnes ‘0nd ‘YQuour oy} ynoysnoayy, ond i: ort svfv[euny, U10jseM OT, nb ong svkv[VULLFT U10jSvo OTT, eIpuy TeyUSUTIMOD «=—=-_—- Uo} Sa. AA. oI svdv[eUllpyy U1e4sve ot, svAB[VUL FT OUT, SECA TENT pue £ uvooaq ‘Teleay, omy, as BIpUy ULoTINOG * erpuy noysnoayy, svke[Vurp UL9}SOM OTL, sedv[VUA, OUT, Ail ond svkveUllyy Ul9}SOM OTL, svdvyeurpy, ourdie ony, uD svkv[eulryy OU, “eIpuUy [ByMoU -1yu09 jo syavd Atp oy, aes svkv[euy oyy, ‘qelung “MA ‘'N pue seitvjeur ey, ‘syueq Assour mo punois 9} UO ‘syueq «o sdumys podvoop ur sopoy UT ‘su JO sysnoq soddn jo sdy 49 : od *s00T} MOT JO soysnq UT *qn.tos IO soysnq MOT UT ‘sdunyo 10 soysnq [Bus UT EO! GOL uo soysnq MoT UT EQOGA TEAL wo soysnqg MOT UT ‘sdumyo 10 soysnq ][VuUs uy ‘soysnq SUSUR ET ‘sadoo.t0 10 soysnq MOT UT ‘poom -ysniq popsuey uy ‘soTquretq 10 soysng Yor} up "109VM UT SUT -M0I3 spool SuouLy "S001} UOT[VF Jepun to syueq uy ‘syuRq IvpMorp -uodaed ut sejoy UT TOJVM TOT syoot JO soyoru uy MOT Ut a oma one OF “sT]@a 0 syueq Ul sajoy ey, “TeNqoys Snot osaery dno 9s00] W ‘dno yoru ‘doop y Oni ‘dnd Moy -[BYs Jwou WV ‘pomop wa3jzo possea doog " 099t *pourop qeou = daaqy *powop Assur doog “‘pommop fqeou deoq *SOAROT UL umos dno yw SOABOT UT UMS dno doop Wy “powlop-LeT —Nqo[s aoaery ‘powop ea OTS ‘dno deep A10A W oI yo Oar ‘dno yews Vy ‘ped moyreys Y vee eG I ‘dno [[vus v snsorprorodns ce st[eqyidio00 sopropnseyy ** qr91944 sndoosoypAqg a sipiuisse = "** BOOBAT[OART, STUIOO NT TURURyONG VIUTTyURA slivnsoiye esoulstny =“ qosturto vAng "* — snosny sndromdrg ae SI[VIOOS VIUTAT BPNVOISUOT SNUIOZOT AC, snpry[ed sozte10 Fy umdojounp snypeydooo190y “stood -soummaq snpeqydooo10y 200 B{V[YNA BIQUeyT “epeydoo -OOnd| “" BsOUISITN] B]Ioeyny BOSN} BlOMOIIED “ BOLT BOIpUI BOOUTIg STULOILOULIBYC) ‘peu MolO oT, poUMOd 51] OTT, SG) BG « quertege 8 omyATg “ 9ad} JUBIAOGS OT, se TOT poyuoaf-snoynt oT, poyworyy-Woeyq OUT, “ vc Aysnp ou, Ty Uaorq ony, iT3 “ snoosnj oy], Tape AA orm AYSV oy, pAq-opwy, wWeIpuy oT, “ Try oped ony, «< LOssey OUT, TITGIVAA PI0d OSAVT OT, “qeqo POOM ONT poysvotq-oFttyM OTT, qrvqsporyy poddwo-oqrym ory, UIqoOY J0y¥VM snoqumyd oyy, qeyoyooy UMOIG OTT, “ AoxS woat oy, yeqoysng werpuy uoumuULos oT], PES 0&$ ‘s830 fyIZT ‘pug “eyqnoTep ‘sano § YLg ‘Team ‘s8n0 £ UIM4RATpPINT ‘sss § UovUUN ‘YINS9}0;, ‘sd.00 £ OOOO ‘snSo £ UIST ‘Armysey ‘sida fYyyeg ‘US yy ‘soo £ ATULYSVyy ‘850 § Imyquitg ‘YAnsyoqe gy ‘sino £ sutpoolieg ‘sooo f UOBUIN Y ‘sano §yyp ‘surpeolinq "$550 “earyoqy {eisuey =f WIST MAY. ‘saa0 § Aya foyyng *sn50 § tedon *spuo mosvag (ao1yetagmoo sormboyz) ‘s550 £ LIMseyl (?) S850 Sunyyg ‘rod -oid vIpuy ynoysnoanqy, svdvpeunpy ourdpy oxy, SLUISTIN, OUT, oI svdvyeurpy ourdye oy, OWI ond svkvleullpT Ule}soM OTT, sured ayy ynoysnorqy, ast onic os ow svkv[BUlyZ Usojsve OTL, as ound *sia0 § W9Lg “AtULYSe yy) svdvpeUIzT UL0jsoOM OTL, oe svkvpeurpy oy, svkv[VUllp, Udojsve oy, pas svtveuyy oy, SvAv[VUITFT Ut04SvO TJ, oe svkv[VwipT oy, svdv[BUllyy ULo}s¥o OUT, ‘sd50 $ armysey |svdvpeuMIp, uLojsom OTT, “GoW 04} IOy savpnoyseg 122 toskeg Surpooig ut oduey peorydeadoay ee ot % re *yoossny & Lop ‘un punods 943 UC, eee ond ‘sodoys Assvad uo punois ey} UO ‘SYOOL LO SoUO4S Op -un punois oy UG 560 OG ‘smoata Lq sovus qo souojs sepuyg aoyea Aq ssurpymq 10 punols oy} UO ai OU 2 ONG vee ou tayem fq syood JO syueq uC sere ONNg 10 soysnq MOT UT "sd0d} I Ul SSTMY MOL SUNTT i ot ‘soysnq 10 ssout UL punols 949 UO ‘soysnq UL SHIM] WHOA, OUTDULTT “‘syUuRq Assowul Ur sapoy UT ‘sqono0qg josdy wo sung ‘sourd 10 say jo sysnoq jo sdiy 4W “989 JO 0718 «so ONIC ar ernyna vppeps109 ce OOATCT wel ltaee snegovsor =“ PO Pomc “WLLOF SHIT JO sospay, ug | -ye[d osaey YW “qseyy Jo odeyg “WSON JO OF1g ‘aN Of 213 {dorqy 410 “ solmmep é e[OoIMIOp OpuNaT yy eeqdooojids soqyerydaq BOIPUL XI14G sniojdouvjour snuely BIVISWIO SMAI g 8890} STULOTIOT snjesiteo snjowzidg eyeyseq woe suedygpura =“ ne viaeu epmby SN4sTqosepout oe snsiu Joqtdi07 snIpeq susIMOLOIP, *** sraqoueo sndoryydagy sniivpneye snpnounuutry, *"SOUIBAT OBIZUEINg iT if] enL “ onbsow uvtpuy yeors oT | eg MOT[VAG WSNOY WISIN OY, “ gdoos yooyoreq oy, [MO Yooor0s ueIpul oy, oY posura-yowyq oy, « Souoy poyselo oy, prezzng pofo-oy1y OU, “« yavy oqvesuvyo oyy, « pesso]-SuoT OUT, «“ kumey UeIpuy oy, e[8eq poyods oxy, “ eaop oqy, yay Moseds oy, BITS OL dossey OUT, 1980 OUT, *SOUUNT YSISUG &8 09 ‘uopae fr ur “SOx JUNE. 134 -(paqowaqxo) s830 «= fyQT «= ‘uowun yy ‘sno fmuysey 86 UIPT =“a0og ‘ss50 fgg ‘IsUeH (‘uoryvutryuos satmboy) ‘e850 § TOT ‘UULYysey *"s050 § yndooy ‘ISUB FT e550 {UIST ‘ATMyse yy ‘s6S0 S1yOd ‘s550 £aLoyR'] “1040 ATLBOM TOSBAG ‘soso £ YIOT ‘eommyy Aad t ‘yyuour oy} qnoYy.snoayy, ‘sda0 § YQZ ‘own "8550 §(‘q ‘Q) andiey "s590 { 4s] ‘tearag, Surpoolaeg *spUa UWOStoS £ STATSTINT ‘s590 {[esueg ‘sso £ punyyjopung “qyaOW OY} Loj SUBpNoyAIeT svdv[VUIFT W194svo OTT, yr 0711, ‘rod -ord vIpuy jnoysno.uyy, svfv[VUlpy-qus uto4seqy svke[BUIFy Uo}SoM OY}, ‘aod ord wIpuy ynoysnoayy, svAVTBUIT FT UtoJSOM OTT, “ qelung oq} Jo sure|g ond ‘rod -ord vrpuy ynoysnoayy, ‘sue [BUL “IFT 980M oulatyxo OU, “sqjoRdy ATTITy popoom qe uy AAW -uy szoddn qnoysnoryy, ‘pIpUy roddn ut sqort} popoo A. * eIpuy «ensure g tod -o1d BIpuy UI syseaojT sT[Ty Ooqures ‘Sy pus sHIoyIN euL *(AT[v00T) survyd ayy ynoysnoryy, “(dq[¥0 -O]) BIpuy Juoysnoayy, ‘aosvog Surpooig Ul oduvy [vorydeasoop ‘so0r} WSIy Ur pod vys-rvod 851M} WOW Juopueg |‘YSnoa ‘oSaery | BISNoYTep snuLostaesg | [[Iqpvorg poyvo.y-morod ONT, | SET syurq Ul sojoy uy TOATL UT AjjoT ul sojoy ut LO S901} UL SOTO UT *10}VM IBOTL ‘S]TOM IO syURq : *s90.14 OW ‘souIpymg tee ond ae ond ur sojoy deep uy} ** ‘ omg ‘suretd to syueq vee ow ue 0#1q os oun jo punois oy} uO SYIOL MO LO SOAR UT UI Jo ssurprmq uO zs out “soTsng Boll Ud4 $001} YSIY, | JO sy[snoq prop uQ ‘uaped Ap -p0} dt} JO saavay UG “SOABO ‘JSON JO O71g sopoy Uy mean TSS euigy FONG mt ONE Kal “ont “On ont “ont a ong py ong is OnatT at ouON "1900 -nesjyey duty y “cadneVs BNI -I10-TULOS [BUT “yoyood qoqea AUT -W ‘dno aey -Nodo-10198 -Y “qsoN Jo odeyg “* sisuo[esmeq OpoolTy ' stsuouttuas uofole styeyUoTIO snuroyshamgy mse emaes a VOIPUL SVIOBIOD one qoysvide = 20 Kchatelefeey G2 “ stsuoddyryd =“ c oe De td Uk JOYSYSUTY poysvorq-ojTyA OY, « perltq-peoaq ony, « werodoing oy, IaT[OY Wournt0s oy, “ uvodomay onL “ uvydisgy ony, < porreq-onyq ogy, ee SIpmta sdoroyy | 1098e vag UOUMUIOD OT], Turn OD “BN -0013U0UL st SNOTIVISB i ‘sny -B}OUOdTB “s Tyqeepoy snsmurndep "ny -Bulo.loo WOpIpeyoorpueqy "* TOTOoTUN BITBOOT|OH ststioisseyyeq snposddo ast LOTOoM0D a{L40H *soUBN OFWEIONg “ 8 UTMU ¢ «SUITE WeL se UBIPUT UOUIMIOD OTT, s [esucg ose, oT, wwlyqstn MISTIN OUT, JJIMG pojsetd UBIPUT OY], PLFIAY TH] wtoyjnos ony, ylag wyed ony, uljaeyy Seto Aysnp eyy, *‘SOUIBNT YSt[sugy PEL 661 961 SéT €éT Tél O0@T sit AIT FIT agi 60T 80T POT s0T 6OT 06 ‘aopi0r Ul ‘SON 135 ‘sooo § WQG ‘ATUYSey *sp00 £ 49g “eyNOTRO, "90.60 famyseyy fIyZT “qanstTy oy ‘On ‘spuo uosvos £ Tedayy ‘spo { ISURTT ‘sido § vooecy “$500 fisueyy Smeg ‘andumed ‘YjuoM 943 ynoysnoayy, *sadUOTUULOD TLOSBag ‘spua wosvos £ redayy ‘spulo MOsBas STILT ‘arouse yy *spuo 0s -eos {sss0 Spug ‘aUYsey ‘spo MOSBas fwdIL ‘qansoj0y ‘spua uoseves f) edo ‘sido § plgz ‘uoruny fpugg “muysey JUNE. {sh3a ‘9530 ‘"s580 $ Wy, ‘mdunavyeg ‘soso § TOR “MUUySe yy ‘op {s88o ft pug ‘oormyy ‘0931p ‘sono ‘Tedo yy ‘spulo Wostes {side £ epg ‘ONE “daA0 AT.LBoU WOSBAG sekv[VULF] U.10480M OT, eS DON: pue jyeryueo Avquiog "* ‘eripuy ynoysnoayy, ond ‘STII viseyy pur svkv[eulp, Udo4sve OUT, eoo svkv[eumip, Utojsvo OUT, soddn jo sure,g [esueg uarojseqp ‘aod -o1d erpuy Jnoysnoaqy, sured oy} ynoysnoayy, O29 "* grpuy gnoysno.y, “STATS TINT pue seiv[euryE ous, svdveuryy omy, svkv[eul yy U10}soM OTT, sedupeunryy Oty, svkv[vupy, sano Oy, “ kTuo svkvpeunrpyy oy, sured oy} ynoysno.y, ‘ £;n0 sedvpeurpy, ou, “[RsUNg U194sBo pur svAveUIFT svdv[eUll py] Ute4ysBo OY J, qeetet “FIs 07 svkvpounpy oxy, sureyd ey} qnoySsno.ay, SefvpeUll},-qns W1904sen, "soar} YSiq WO seoraeto UT ota od ond ont ‘soqouvsq jo sd moi SUSUR AL sCOC RCE YOU IO $001} MOT UT 00 ont sjoyoryy AuL0Y} 10 sseis Jo sdumyo uy sysou smoro ur stery "s]soU Saotqqeq ur skvy me ont ‘sJsoU SoYsnATTy surysne, ut sdery *s]S0 StoTqrem ut shury ‘sjsom .sqtdid 10 syeyoysng ur sfery sme ont eee ond ee od ze ont ot ound "s90} Ub So]OY TBOg rte ay "soaT} pofroop ut sojoy UT ‘so0a} podvoep AqjoT Ur sejoy uy dno ysnor vy ond oud ow ot ‘gouRIyUa apts ‘podeys-1eag ‘dno Moy -[BYs YSnoL VY = OI “poulop ‘yonod ‘osceT ont eee oI "(¢) O91 O94. “ oqgt ‘(orts -ered sj1qv Fy) On ond ont od = “Our OnE, oI oun ELHCONE TMOSspoy VIYI10—) TaNUITUTE WIMAdTCT eoryeIse BIYJOOUTOeIY “" BqBInyes U3 sIsto[edrat ss Dy sopra vs{doqyaD doyAIS BNIODIV, “* SIpltta % stauedyna sndoayuag sI[eyuono stueudpngy snonopourjout so4sf0009 ‘sop -ro1toadeds x£0000010T FT snyeys snzeqdadorjod . “ a snaoueo snqnond TuOSspoy Y “un -O][VYSIVU BULRTeSOTL ‘snty -usme snurydtqorrg "+ stpeqrdioo0 snutoe+4) tooeut “ snieydyyeo snuvdeleury snorg SIUTOOIG SO.LOOTUA TL "* sIUMOOIq snNTBAWO FF todaaio00r7, 8, Wosspoxy Ioyood tomo] 8 TOIL, 6 6c ejdand oxy, poysvorq-yovlq OTT, € poyoeg-uooremt oy], rayonsfou0o Fy pot uedepeuny oy, IdyITG [esuag oyy, «¢ LO889T OTT, [wou WourMoD OTT, TOM PUL paysaao pord oxy, “« -YAvy osavy ony, “14 oad “ — popeoy-Avoy at], ooyony WOUUIOD st J, * Meets Ss WOSpoTyT Joga” S [T/BYsey OL “c yoeq PlOs uourut09 oT], wood poedeu-yoryq oyg, Dez -jods werpuy ony, g Yovlq Losse] oy, Taood poo AA. ped uedvpeurpy ony, « — Kor3 wasyytou oY, TEA} Werpul years oy, 8&6 TES T&G 666 G66 02% 81e 41é VIG Gl L0G F0G 106 661 G61 T61 O8T GLU 4ST 9ST PST iaas OFL JUNE. 136 ‘r9a0 ATIBOU TOSBAg ‘sd90 { ULIAAIG ‘sido £ Wg ‘Teden *SOOMOUITIOD WOSBAg ‘8330 §qI0T { pug ‘uovuny ‘Sunot ‘ uovumy fssdo f'g "MN IUIYSB ‘soso f10snug ‘Isueqe ‘sod0 SYyZT ‘ootun ‘I0A0 ATrvou TOsBeg "sB30 $ ygpy ‘SIS TIN ‘sdd0 { WILT ‘WI9 ‘Moog oN, "soda { sooUTACIg [eIqUI_D ‘sox0 Sooty ‘Tedony ‘sd50 { punyyjepung ‘yuo oY} Jnoysnoiyy, “oI "ga00 PUTAS fy ‘covuny ‘8900 {SITTIN £ ySTZ ‘Moog “yquouL oy} Jnoysnoaqy, ‘sido Seasy fyyZT ‘yansipy ‘sod9 ! 1YXg ‘aTUCYysSey “qyuoTy 0} AOJ srvjNoNIeg sn ou sefe[VUly] Us04sv9 oT, IPO qnoysnoiyy sysor0y uy ‘SIpul jo suowser ATTY oy, oe sefv[eulyy oJ, * BIpuy qnoysnoayy, ‘aod -oad wipuy Jnoysnoayy, vt oF ane sefveullyy oy, SIpuy YNos Jos ony a8 svAvTeulyy Oy, aod -oad erpuy ynoysnoay yz, se svkv[eullyy ou, “e1puy qnoysnoryy sysoxoy UT "* erIpuy ynoysnoryy, TOOT Uloysva JO sesuvt [II svde[VUly] U194svo oT, erpuy jo sqavd ATpry OUT, “* BIpuy ynoysnoayy, ‘sureyd Arp 94} = qnoysnoayy, svkv[euly u104soM oY, ‘mosveg Surpeorge Ul osuBy [vorydeisoeny es ont ree od te on ye oun i ont "s9aaq JO SHAOJ [BUOZTIOY UT sa ov oe ou +4 oma A otc ‘sysnoq jo sdiy weou sooty WUSIPT "s90m4 Ayot jo sdoy 4y ee ond ‘saad} JO SyIOJ [eyUOZIIOY UT cy ond os od ue Ot abe ONE sae OO ‘soysng Aus0yy 10 8900} [[eUs UT "S901 UL SMOT[OY [einyeu uy "BON JO og mae ¢ eS Sa "190 “nes pvoiq VW "100 “N88 BSO0T YY |" "109 qyeou VW “190 esoo] V “118s “N88 “099g og “ota "ona ‘dno doop [[vuts Wy "100 “nes peoiq W (4 "190 -Nes [[wUSs W dno yeou y we 0491 OF “ont ct O11 ‘dno oat -SSBU YOY VW ped mMor[eys y ‘480N Jo odeyg * 93097199407] BIqITO ie Joma VSULIY soue wydeyg **smooseTnI@d sf ' TWOpyeat ¢ "* snqomiqys snamso1q snulisor0d w “ gnesor STI4SOITAIIQ ef snowmuey a snsoroeds snyoo01010g tse TOOBVUL SN[BONB.LH snqstqoseour fe "** TIsoyAS BIOATOOATOA oY snyeqyia SS °* = sdeomsra is * “* snjouorqde, sie sdooimeo =f “*sngouoryydto ‘6 “ce PaTtey-xw0 OU, peztorq oq], “ “ “c “ 8,WopTe AA oY, osuorp uommMoo oy], . [emeoun sf Asoa omy, PeTTg-wOYs OT, ‘ osuBio eq], JOAIUIJL OSIB] ONT, “ “cc “ a “ — ooyono pord ony, ‘« poyoeq-heq on, «deo youlq ony, ¢ payoeq-fors ony, poyoeq-snojna oy, aint BI0FYR] EntUwy | oytayg Lord werpuy oyy, paysoo-rey Of T, PONTTOG-OFTTAK ONT, £ar8-08.18] OTT, Kaas-yaep OY, “ ered ogy, vse sisdoong] B441g | PoIVyINN poxooyo-oytys oN, | EFS "seule NT OYTWUOTOg ‘soley YSt[sagq ‘uopr9r Ul ‘SON 137 JUNE. "sia SUIOT ‘ansepy {487 Mysey ‘OuNEG ‘so50 { IUIYSey “ATUL SCY ‘ON ‘spua uosves £ jedan ‘s5.50 £ 199 “AIUYSe yy “OF ‘1040 ATIBITL WOSvAg ‘sis0 § UES ToRUNy ! UPL ‘aruysey ‘ss30 £ Ups ‘peqeusunysozT ‘$890 £ STUSTIN ‘sido SqIET ‘Tansey "$500 ‘uovuny fs “uImYysey ‘soso £ WJq ‘aMYsey ‘s850 § WES ‘WI9S ‘UovmN yy ‘jedan ‘uovUN yy *s800 { STITS[INT ‘g50 ‘TaST “qansiTy ‘sa50 $14G ‘uovuny {42% ‘aUYysey £ 9OLIN JT 8539 SuIpS “WIOL ‘SMISTIN “YQuoUL ay} Jnoysnosyy, aS ont as on. svdv[eunyy oly, svkv[Valtfyy W104S9M OTT, oun ue svfvieulrpy Ou, svdv[VUlIFT UW.L9}seM OUT, ot svkv[BUnp, UWloysvo oy, sekveullyy OUT, ADEN ULoT NOS pue j[equoy) aris eIpuy ULITYINOG 266 ond se svkv|vuny ou, svkvlvUlly, UloseM OT], * “prvud AQ pus ‘stat yy ‘svdepeul yy "+ spXvleullpy-qns oy, STRUT Oe Oeste ect OT [BJWoUTyWOS JNoYysnoayy, (‘BIpuy [eyUoUTyWOD) og a on “eIpUuy jo -YSNOIG} sysodoj YSLOPT *19}BM TBI “ra0Nes syueq Jo sodpay uC | eAisseut “VW a, OGL Ota *s001} WO sia “‘pouop -dootd UI UMOP OT | Omni ‘dno doop osiey, W “190 -11BS MOT[BYS VY wwopnel, G snyerydorys 10yu800 Sn[OOIyUOUL snAeg ‘snyd -ojourjout souvydoydory snsoaqadyed sdo104s07 TUN}UOUILALSTO Ws stivpns vuryN 1 sryeirdiaoo, — ** SI[[OOIARHE SNINXT snaoskiyo snavdorg “* sdootouejsva “* BPOUTJOUST BUTT "* erajdomourto RUSS BATS SNTIBIUI SIL as snoyny XMUTJororyT ‘snd -oydomqyhao sntyynte}q so sipma “* gamdamd voyoog “ - gupayds BainteyoH “ § UOps0 F IOJUIIOY poysvortq-snoms oyy, | FS9 “ ‘ureyunow oy], PO “ yoelq poqsoao oT, 89 “ pofo-ojTY A WEIPUT OTT, 1&9 “ & pauurya-yoeyq oy, 869 <> peisexo qvorqy odtays ey, | 929 “« popeoy-Aysna on, Po9 « « podeu- moos ou, 629 ‘« poystorq-uop|os oy, | Tz9 “« & paproy-qnuyseyo oy, | 619 « « poptey-por OUT, 819 « « poSura-onyq oy, L19 « & pazeoryy-edtys oqy, 919 « © porea-toaTIs ON], s19 “THEY Porta-pot oT v19 “ 9YYS posutam-por Oy, 609 “ “ us01d OTT, 809 UW, Ysnayy ojdand oyy, 409 ndrg purfdn oy, 909 JUNE. 114 ‘YQUOU oT} JNOYSsNoATT, ‘sido { UIIYyIG ‘8590 f cosueg {yp “Yansipy ‘soso fa, ‘uovuny § TEs ‘uruysey ‘s830 § TWIST ‘Yansipy ‘e590 £ WLS “WILT ‘andumey “‘TMOM oY} JHoysnoary, ‘spue Wosves * IIUIYSB yy ‘soo funyyIg fyI9 ‘[edayy ‘YjuOU oY} NoYsnorqy, ‘$500 SUNIYYIG '4sT ‘arumysey “1940 ATABOM WOSBAG ‘YyuoUt oY} JnoySnoayy, ‘sida § pug ‘uoruNny ‘so50 Sf UUYSe yy ‘sano § UIFL quaeeyy SYST ‘anduaeg ‘ssSa § pug “uUYysey “WAOW 04} oj sivpnoyaey “SUIpTM WMO syt JO 8380 paduys-dno ur woe Jo sMoIO JO S}89U PoJAOSep UI SOUITJOMIOY , -aod -ord ‘vIpuy noysnoaqy, svkv[VUly, UlojSve OTT, saad -oad vrpuy qnoysnoxyy, syovay ATTY popoom uy “EPL [eyuoutyuoo jo suIeg “* BIpuy Jnoysnoaqy, “* BIpUy TeyueuTyWOD qelung ysom-Y40U OTT, ne svdv[Rurpy Oty, “BIpuy [BJUIUTIMOD NoYsno.ay J, ‘seAR[RUT pL JSOM OUGIFXO PUB 4SUAT *(foyng 04 jedoyy worF) 0791 *(qso.m [edony Woaz) =O svdv[VUlyy oy, svkv[BUllfy U104SOM OIL T, saod -oid vipuy ynoysnoxy y svdv[RUllpy U1OjSAM OU, “MOSBag SuTpsar gy ul esuey [eorydessoay “sTEsn0g jo sdy wow sunz = OT "s00a4 pokvoop ur sofoyyT “sSurprng IO $9aI} UT SofOy UT *ST[OAA LO syurq ur sepoy doaq « SSUIpT Mg 10 so0d} UI so[OYy UT *STLSTLOG jo spuo 4B soot} UT ‘ssuTpTing IO S901} UI SopOY UT ‘soysnq 10 sd0t} T[VUs UT doy at} vot sda} UT ssut[des 10 soot} UT "souO [[VUIS soot} UT ‘ssurdus IO soot} [[eUs UT "Sd0L} ISAT JO sysnoq yoru} uC “sd0d} LO SHUT STOUANT TS 208 ASKERONGE UHL Ayyensn oT *s00a} jo syxoy ut dn qatyy "404 -or guopued W “OF BOWE OF = 3G uss ou NT ‘pommop ‘Ry -NQOTS ‘a51N7] ea oulo Ny -eeourd “ont ou 52 ONE ‘dno Moy -[BYS osoo] W ‘dno yord -ul00 Yeou W "TULOF ~geyd [wus y ee OGL ‘dno gord “M09 OSIB] WV “4FSON JO 941g “ysonN Jo odeyg ou efvq sna00[q snolweqeyeut a mnavposed snyonueud 7, "s snosny ae snueruisurs “s "* siqstay soreqjoploy ** waymoo 1oysedoumnyg ve sudpIU snug stsuoARyemary ve tee BNI VIJIOOApUa ' srysomaeg "+ sryeqrd1000 Bssto0a) sye[OooUr] se sluepnoedstq snpnareyy see uynpeuout sf “ gsnorpndut 9uot0d SNALOD *soUIB NT OYUOIOg PAlq IOABO AA TOTIULOD oI], “ popvay-ford ony, “ kararyeaq eyy, « gisunl oy, “ yueq ou, “ wouUTOD OTT, yeudsyy pord oxy, SupAVyY yWystaq ou, « uvdepeun yy oy, o1doory, WRIPUT yy, « & parttq-aoyes oy, “ enyq Pelliq-pet oy, “ poyeo.ryy-Yorq OUT, Avp uvdkeypeurpyy oy, Mepyove oy, « MOUUIOD OTT, MOI WOTIVO URIPUT OT, “Somme NT YSTpsugy “mOpse (* UI SON *sd.50 fIPSL ‘vaqqnyy § pug ‘eioy 145 ‘soso faygy ‘mdunieyes ‘s00 £ SIUMSTIN ‘sSido § TUIYSe yy ‘sdda § osuvg “Isuvye "YJUOUL oy} Jnoysnoxqy, ‘SpUo WOSsves F BIOYSMO NT ‘sooo S$ isuezy ‘omoyery "YJMOUL oy JnoYsno.ayy, "s00 5 ‘TOE ‘Wg ‘andunavyeg A E "S830 § arse yy "S550 199 “Moog 487g ‘“amysey ‘sido fI¢g ‘YaMBoyoyy ‘S680 f oOLMIL "sds0 ‘TOT “epurg § prg “umysey sured oy} ynoysnoay yf svdV[VUIFT-qus ulo4yseny BIPUT YIMOs Jo sTPNY OUT. svkv[VUll pT U.104S0M OTL], "erp -UT [VJUOUTIWOO T0480 AA sured oy} jnoysnoaqy, qufung ut04ysoM OTL], (Aqreooy nq) = ot eee BIPUT [eyWEUTyUOD Grp “UT [BUOUTJWOD ULOySeAT svdB[VUL] ULO}SOM OTL, “BIpUuy [eyueuryuo. ur AT[eoOOrT on¢® 079 ss U104SoM OTT, ‘suIdoq poorq puooog | svkepeunpT utoysvo ong, "S500 “THST “BTS § UIET ‘arorysey] *** “TJWOU Oy} noysnompy, | *** svkveuipyy oy, eIpuy Noysnoryy “eIp ‘soysnq 10 s90d} T[BUIS UT} ** o97IC S901} 9510 | “ULLOF JO syaoy s0yno UG | -3e[d][[vUs PW "qyjny io ysnq Aq oWIG | 0791 ‘sodoys “190 Asses uo ‘0x1 vee "4704 to pop Aq ‘0991 ‘m048 ao yoor Aq ‘0991 ost oy pon oI, ‘Sst JO syynq kq-punois oy uC ‘ssurpdes 10 soar} Jo sdoq «weayy "sT[BM 10 syuvq UL sofoy UT ‘seul LO Ysnq &q punois 043 uO "SSRI LO soysng Ul UMOp MOT “4jny LO poo Aq punois oy} uO He ont ‘sosnoy 8 IO S001} UL SOTO UT sosnoy ynoqe pue uy “TOPO ‘sdd0 { sISpIN | -UT Juoysnorgy AT[eoor]| «vou soysng ory} uy ‘e850 $ TH0g “IAT | ow “Ip ‘soysnq 10 ‘sumed ‘sooqureq ut "SS.L8 LO ‘suIdoq Uosves § [edoyy | -UT TeFUOUTZUOD UAoysUg | ‘Spoex ‘sooquieq UT “nes MOT[VYS V dno moTpeys W ‘ped Moy -[eys Aur y ped morpeys y (‘powop woqJO) 0791 ped soreys y ‘powop ‘dnd moyeys y pedeys-dng ‘dno Moy -[eys yeou v dno aoyreys Y pedeys-dng dno moyeys W “oy aa | “SSBUL qeqoys -V owt “04 ‘“peutop {Bao ‘oslvry BLISVSTLOTYO s “smd -oydoormamyd sndooorg STTBtysneB sf XOATO[Np epnely sAop epneyezidg * wostis epnepeqad gy wolUBpLOsny] SoUBTTOWULy 2S suByimuege: exoydormydta = BOUUVSSY BILITY ‘sop -Tollajor vuoyditodsezy sNAoporURjoUL snydopoy vee Bywonz “ “140048 ee BIO BzIAOquiny “~ ‘gnuejuour ~ “ ‘“snouomeuulo aus SNOIpUL LossUq “* BABpURULG BplATSsT “* epneotynoe = ‘' gastuorqna Bruny ee nn ee SES ve “ce WLOYINOS OT, Woastg WseIS [esuog oy, “© WISTIN OU, (3 Ays uvdeyeuny oy, 48040-UMOA9 TIOYLOU OL], ‘13 “ce Perleq you eu Ly YOuy Jauosop oy, (i3 “c cc SUISUIS OTT, cc ce pesulm-pot OT, ylVyT Ysng Tesuog oy, yeoqsory Moped puv youyq oy, ss qnuyseyo pues yovtq oy, “ popeoy-Aor8 oT, “ poddvo-oqry a omy, SujUNg MOpvout OTT, “ oat} OTT, * “ peprey-tomBuUl oy, MOMBdg Osnoy UBIPUy ony, qeaepeury ULIpUuy oT, “ s mOsspoyy BUM PoTpoq-Iuysoyo oy, 7 ohh JUNE. 146 “yuo oy INOTSnoayy, ‘sido § STIISTINT ‘s850 { WHIAXIG ‘sog0 £ SIALSTIN ‘yuo oT} Qnoysnoayy, ‘soso { uovIIN yy ‘sds0 f UZ, ‘amduaeg ‘ss50 £ TIOT ‘uovuny ‘sSs0 § 1g ‘UovuN yz ‘ONE ‘YyUOUA oY} JHOYSnoayy, ‘sao £ umTyyIS ‘Tedoy ‘sps0 ¢ P’T ‘andunavyeg ‘so £ punuB00j00, ‘sd50 § TIO’ ‘ATULYSe yy ‘TovuUN yy ‘ATTA Yse yy ‘sao £ pedon ‘ss50 § [WOE TLovunyy “TWIST ‘tuyseyy “YIUOTW OY} TO} SuRpNoyAVg sedvjeurzyy ourdye oy] ‘punyy “jepung 07 VIpuy Wines svkveurpy Utojsvo Oty, “* erpuy jnoysnoary, “erp -UT [BJWOUTFTOD UAIO4S9 AA "* sqsotoy osuOp T[@ UT (Teoo, NG) = ONT sureld oy} jnoysnoaqy, “+ sqivd popoom [[@ UT sureyd oy} ynoysnomyy, us sedvVutyy ot, svkveulrpy Utoysvo oT], ‘aod -ord wIpuy ynoysnoayy, SMISTIN OUT, svdvIVUllPT UtO{SOM OTL], ee svkv[emiy, oy, svAR[VUIF, ULojSvo OUT, oH svAvVUtF, oy, . ‘uosveg Surpearg UL osuey [vorydeasoay *‘Ysnq 10 yoor &q punoas oy uo “sJoyoryy osuep Ul punois oY} UD “UOYOBIG LO [ROUTE UI punots oy} UO ‘poomysnaq UL punois oT} UC punois req oT} UC “‘squ.cys 10 S90d} YO} MOT UT oC tS od a ound ‘soysnq IO $001} MOT UT SOOT] O.D.IVT jo sysnoq tomo, uO "Sd01} MOT jo syIoy aoyno UT “APoryo ssut -prmq jo sespeT ud *SOOT} JSOLOF UT StLoNOg ory} uC ‘sdaqy [TRUS Io soysnq AULOyy UT one umouyug a ot *soad} jo sysnoq 10yn0 UG “qSeNr JO O71g > SOM *SOABOT kip Moy VW ped moyleys Y *SOAVOT Arp Moy V ss -OUON, “100 “NBS MOT[VYS W “0991 “= ont = ONG we OUT “0991 *TULLOF -yeid Aut VW we 041 ws OF ee oG ws 0nTG “OWE “ULLOF “SIS -uokepeurry snqpesovayoy, | Wuesvoyg mous O17, snootpeds xrpaodozpey | [ozamndg por oxy, snjouvout sisvydorpeyg |yuvsvorg frpey peyovq-yovyq oy, as SN}VISIIO OAT | YOOoRIT OT, “* sngsnxo soporeyg | OSNOIspURg MOUTMIOD oY], ‘’snorpur sdeydooreny) “ pretoute omy, e syumy = ce Appuveay, “ snitosta « pura werpuy ony, “* gistegems « poyods ony, ' sisuorequiso a “ uMmorq oT, “* -eyearqoqnd mymy, ¢ 9[ny 8, Wosspoyxy “ erpesng viskdorovy | PAO 001} poTrez-req omy, ‘ erpoumdoqur equinfog | “ yoor onyq werpuy oxy, Truoqsurydyo Of § TWISTIN OUT, 6“ “ "* stjoIseo snqumnyeg uvdeleury ony, '* TUOSSpoy snuMooOSsTy «« poom potyoods ony, yertoduat oyy, poyouq-ezuoaq oJ, a "* srusisur eseydodaeg -qetd yews y\snmuoyds snorsooucydg) Uoestg wots BpyoY ory, ‘480Ny Jo odeyg “seuBNyT OBI}UOIOg *soMBNT GST[Sug ‘uopie ar “SON 147 JUNE. ‘s850 famdunaeyrg TsUR ET ‘8850 fWIST WOT ‘Isueye | eT ‘soda £ mdvpoyg ‘qeanyay ‘so00 § oSneg ‘sd30 fepung ‘TIULYSe yy ‘sao § Wt ‘TIULYSC "so00 ‘7Y¢ TYE ‘sod £ aTUysey “suI59q WOSsvag ‘sa00 TZ ‘andunavyeg "s8d0 § erpuy aoddgq HAM aL ‘spula uosveg ‘YJUOUL oy} Jnoysnoayy, ‘Yyuour oy} qnoysnoayy, ‘sogo § wsig ‘sd00 § UITyYIG ‘YUOU oy Jnoysnoayy, ‘soso § TST ‘Yansipy ‘Aye “OT BIpuy ynorsnoaqy, ‘aod -ord erpuy qnoysnoay, SIpUy geddn pur severeuzy OMe -uy deddn puv yeayueg fee BIPUy Jnoysnoryy, mORS “IM pur IqpEq «Avon svde[VUlyy W1ojsom oy sured oy} qnoysnoaqy, (AT[BooT nq) 0791 “* erIpuy jnoysnoarqy, oy “SORT UBIOQIYT, OUT, ‘Ajuo qulung oyy, (qefung oy qdooxe) surepd Aap Ty “STRAT, oy} pus [esteg utoyseqT —y -UT [BJUOUTJWOD WI94S0 AA. eee svXv[eulTy toqno oy, oo svvreuryy oy J, ‘aod -oad erpuy jo sureyd ory, ‘SUBULTOTNE pus "1940 ATAvoM UOSBag ‘OWE ‘Www 9y} Jnoysnoayy, ‘osued yyeg ‘seXupeuizy agg -uy aoddn qnoysnoayy, svdvpounpy, ourdye oy, Atqvqoud (‘umougug)| Asp moz (‘snores -915) S901} OSIVT UC S901} asaey Jo sdo} waxy “TOYA UL 9dIt IO spoor UT ‘oyun Lq soysnq 10 ssuis SUC, UT “OJVM TW soTsNq 10 901k §=. SuOTA. “SYIOM 4TBG UI punois oy} UO "SHUR LoATL uo punois 4} UG ‘sdueas UI spuryst A poor UC ‘9aq] LO Ysuq sq punoss oy} ug ‘sgods poste uo punois ey} uO ~ oy “ gaqem Lq 0791 aE OIE “PULT MOT[VF UI punods oy} UO “SSB YOY url punois oy} UO ‘sseas Aqueos UI punois oT} UO ‘ysnq IO ssvis UI punois oy} UC "I9A00 OSAP UI punois oy uC ‘soljsnq 10 sseas Ur punois oy} UO ‘sodoys Assvas uo punois a4} UG ‘sdoao 10 ssvad Ur punois o7} uC (-yoor Stoure od “TLLOF voLoUl BopIY ‘snd -ye{d osooy V | -oostdo snSavpodouvpepy oAISSuIa WW ~gerd [jews Vy ‘dno “ULLOF ‘spoom jo SSVUL OSA] W oI OO NT ‘otl0d poyeo -und} ‘osaery od ould od oI ot. oI oF oul0 NT o7n71, ome. ont oe ON *SOABOT 000 eoust{d jooye vuezi0g elye BOTT snprpuvo sndoqwem4rzy "* snonopoddéy sto oes ONOSTIUB SNL 'suvqidoro snutouompAp ‘' SISMOOS SNT[OUBAIGOT *' snorpoOstoun rf T][MBUTseT soqipeLeny . snory[ed a ‘snd -Tfopuvuto10d snttosmg sisudTestieq sopryoordig " Tispavapo styopodngp sodiqrunyd x1amy, *** pfoonba0y vloor1oqay euritooryuod stutosA41Q es TIOYNY siqvooeg * STIBSMA SNUTpOOURA,T ps B[OOTATU BALLOT Woda WOUIMOD OTT, YlOFG PoYOOU-ojpITTM OTL], ayeIQ § UOTE, (Ee MAO enh 4ood wWourmOd sty, WMHS UL todidpurg uomutoo ayy, OUBID SNAVS OTL, ¢ 9ulojs OTT], ¢ pop}IVaM-port OTT, Hu “8 88[[@d “ gLOYs 10yVI19 OTT, sf * padnopoo-UIBadd OIL T, IOAOTT LOLM09 UBIPUT oy, UryMop yA eUL paeysng WeIpuy ouL Trend pavjsnq uvdvypeurpy oy, & eiood ory, ds Kaas ou], M3 sroyNyo oy], S YOR PUL oSpiyteg MOUS OT, ——__—.. *S.1Bq OOT NT moto ‘QUOTE oT] JHOYsnoITY, | pus. suvutvpuy ey] ong “ oyjtq =| -neuvpout uortdoyooug | “ podvu-yortq oq ou | 166 ‘OW 3 ot = oI Pees OOTP ete wouryuvo fe YsuOY OUT, ‘Ou a ord S ound “oq | stsuepesueq =“ © yews eq, 066 ‘spuryst Ayoor ‘s830 f BJOJSY | *** UWI Jo JIMS oY, | WO punows oavq oy, euony |‘ TIStoq vuTayg | “f BAS OBIV] OT, 686 “eIpuy “LOJWVM Ul SOARIT “ULLOF ‘s880 { yIg ‘aTerysey! aoddn puv svdvpeurg | snjor azo App uC | -qed yySIYs Y) snorpur uoprfeyoorpAy | UtoT, podoysryar OT, £86 "10YVM IOAO ‘spoam jo ‘9830 ‘stmSiN fqg ‘Ywaryg” | erpuy quoysnoryy, |soot} Moy co soysna uz] sem oSxep y| stsuoddyryd sdoorpog | oqoty OTF9tT UD C16 ‘sooo § 49G ‘WIG ‘ALULYSVy | sefvpeuF, UAOJseM Oy, | *” oid se cO09TG alee gooadu viyysy | ‘ pofso-oq1y A OT, 696 [es ‘so50 £YvoudNg |-twog u1oysvo puv tamory | *** oad ogg | voovpfydokawo “=| yon popvoy-yurd oy, 096 ‘royem Lq ‘sBd0 § YIS’T ‘auysey | svkvpermrp_ ULoJsoM OT) ssvad ao soysna uy |ped moyeys y] *’ svosog SBUY | pavqpeyl oY 8c6 ‘royem Aq ssUt| “ULLOF , a ‘s850 § 10g ‘[msyoywy | *** oI -dus 10 sooty moy uz )-gvrd esooy y | vyenoae vusfoorpuacy | peoy, SuIpSTyA OTT, ZG > soon} S ‘s880 § aoe “mdunaeyesg | °° oid pofvoop Ut sofoy UT | soavel Moz PW | SNJOTRIOUM STUAOTpIyIVS | osoop poyovq-yHovlq on], 0c6 a *s00c4 ‘S850 $ IST “WIVT ‘suey | surepd oy} qnoysnoayy, |oSavp ur dn yop | * oq | snsoypided enone MOTO Bury old ZhG “snore ‘so5o fisueipe fTyIOg ‘Weaeygy| °° ountg Se ou, “oy, | -ooouRjour stutorysoryyy, | “ opty AN OUT, TG “erp *S00.1} 8889 §yIgZ ‘TPNO | -uy qnoySnoayy AT~RooT | YS fo sdoy uM] "* O7F1G | *** SUBPLOSO sNMOYSVUW | stqy [LYS OUT, OF6 ‘5.09 f UIST “uysey | «| seARTRUIIFy oT, | ot 2 ONG es || eynuimt Pe OT OTL cé6 ‘s830 § y0g ‘yeaoddry, | -*: [esueg utoyseg |‘ oun “ oyiq |[o* sisueuis =“ « sored oy, P86 “LOYBA\ UT ‘s830 fujg ‘yeroddry) *: -erpuy pequouryuog | syoyory} 10 spoot uy | *** OVI, | BoMMOUTeUUTO BIJOpLY | UtoqITE JUysotfo OY], E86 “SUISoq WOsves ‘vIpuy teddy} ‘** oud ‘ goal} JOSyLOP up|‘ oq |*" Theas vpoopty “ puod e491] oT, 086 “rod LOYAL UT Spoat “ULLOF ‘s530 fa4osneg | -o1d vrpuy qynoysnoaqy, | Jo speq yor uy |-gvjd esooy, y | *** poandand vopry | uorozy opdand oy, FG out xo}. Savitonseg ur pied et wala “GSON JO OF ‘qsoNT Jo edeyg “SOUIE NY OFIIUITIOG *somey YSIpsugq Caco 148 MARSHALL, DEL. NEST OF THE YELLOW-THROATED BROADBILL. (Psarisomus dathousice/ JULY. Tuis is in the plains the principal month for taking the eggs of the water-birds, wren warblers, and munias, while in the Himalayas the finches and buntings are the most numerous breeders. The birds of prey, parrots, hornbills, most of the woodpeckers and the barbets, the nuthatches and creepers, thrushes and blackbirds, and tits of almost all kinds, have ceased to lay. The shrikes, small minivets, the turtle doves, ringdoves are still breeding everywhere. And throughout the plains the eggs of the common drongo, tailor bird, rufous grass warbler, peafowl, bustard quail, red-wattled plovers, purple coots, common coots, and water- hens, may be taken. In the Himarayas, the eggs of the mosque swallow, the swift, the roller, the Marshall’s barbet, the common and large hawk cuckoos, paradise flycatcher, grey-headed and verditer flycatchers, the grey- winged blackbird, striated jay thrush, Nepal quaker thrush, red-billed wren babbler, several of the laughing thrushes, some of the bulbuls, bushchats, hill warblers, tree warblers and pipits, the rufous-breasted accentor, blue magpie, mynahs, munias, sparrows, bartailed tree doves, emerald doves, kalij pheasants, Hodgson’s partridges, chukor, peora partridge, bustard quail, rails, and bitterns may still be found, but the season is practically over, except in the more elevated ranges and towards the far west. Eggs of buntings and finches are found throughout the ranges, The golden woodchat begins to pair and build during this month. In the Punsas, the crested honey buzzard is still laying. The mosque and cliff swallows have their second brood. The white-breasted kingfisher and common gold back woodpecker breed throughout the month. Also the koel, coucal and sirkeer, the white-eared bulbul, the golden oriole, brown-backed robin, Stewart’s wren warbler, and all other wren warblers that occur there, the common crow, mynahs, pin-tailed munias, bushlarks and black-bellied finchlarks, the common sandgrouse, the black partridge, bustard, courier plover, red-wattled plover, white-necked stork, common heron, egrets, pond herons, cattle herons, green bitterns, night herons, and spoonbills have eggs. By the end of the month the Jdlack-winged kites, the large button quail, and Blyth’s water hen (very rare) are begin- ning to pair and build. 150 JULY. In the Norta-West Provinces, the birds of prey have al ceased to lay. Eggs of all the resident swallows may be found, and the palm swift has its second brood. The cuckoos, coucals and sirkeers are laying. The large grey cuckoo shrike, the fantail, the yellow-eyed babbler, the rufous-bellied wren babbler, all other babblers, except the reed babbler, the golden oriole, the wren warblers, white-eyed tits, tree pies, mynahs, weaver bird, pin-tailed munia, bushlarks, finch larks, stone plover, still have eggs; while those of the sarus crane, pheasant-tailed jacana, Baillon’s crane, white-necked stork, herons, and egrets of all kinds, spoonbills, Ibis’s geese, teal, and snakebirds are found throughout the month. The marsh terns also breed in this month, and the great rufous wren warbler, striated weaver birds, cinnamon bitterns, and spotted billed ducks commence to pair and build. In BenGat, the palm swift has its second brood. The broad-billed roller is believed to be breeding, but its eggs have not been taken. The coucal, tailor-bird, white-breasted kingfisher, common babbler, yellow- bellied wren warbler, white-winged green bulbul, chestnut-bellied munia and spotted munia, and the bustard quail lay in the neighbourhood of Caleutta. The Bengal grass warbler in the eastern districts, the blue- breasted quail and florikin in the Terai districts. The bronzed-winged jacana, the water cock, Baillon’s crane, the great heron, the black bittern and chestnut bittern, the pink-headed duck, and probably most of the other resident water birds lay everywhere throughout the month. Tn Centrat Innis, the swallows, dusky crag martins, nightjars, koels, coucals, cuckoo shrikes, fantails, ground thrushes, wren babblers, green bulbuls, robins, rockchats, almost all the wren warblers, titlarks, treepies, mynahs, munias, amadavats, crested buntings, bushlarks, crown crest larks, painted partridges, bustard, jacanas, rails, herons, egrets, and white ibis, are laying still, while Sykes’s warbler, the leeser button quail, and the larger whistling teal begin to pair and build. In SourHerN Inpia, the orange minivet, the black-naped azure flycatcher, the white-spotted fantail, the yellow-eyed babbler, black- headed quaker thrush, most of the wren warblers, the white-eyed tit, the jungle mynah, and most of the munias, appear to be the principal breeders during this month. Towards the end of it Jerdon’s wren warbler, the Malabar crested lark, and the rain quail commence to pair and build. al at) 7 mo *‘I9A0 ATABOLL MOSvAg "soso § WILT “Isuryy ‘sono £ TIT ‘qip ‘IsueEL £487 ‘eyqnopeg *(WolywURAyMOD sartnbeyy) ‘Op £ UMysey *spule TOsReg Mee ‘sS50 £ sooUTAOAg [RIqUeD ‘sod0 f [esuog ‘wasy Re ‘sooo £ svARlRUnT ET 4 = "s830 § o10sh Ty ‘op ferpuy Teaqueg ‘sUISoq POOL pwoodg ‘sooo § erpuy coddq ‘sUISOq POOIG puoddg ‘spo f19ET ‘mygueg img ‘ymspy ‘sd50 SWOT U9g ‘suey “GyaOTL oY} Loy suvpnoraeg svkv[VUllyy OUT, sured oy} gnoysnomy, [es Aa at q mC) ae ont *So0T} UI SoOY [eIOyyae Uy "ST[OM. IO -ord erpuy quoysnoayy, |syweq Toate Ur soTOFT sedelRUlly{-qns wW.t04seqp svkveuUrpy UtOJsOM OTL], “syoRay ATTY «pepoom [Be uy tye -uy azoddn qnoysnouy, eee BIpuUyT «vymsurueg |. “(Aq [e00T) sureyd ot} qnoysnoay, eVIpUuy JNoysnoaqy, | Ri eVIPUy ULoTINOG | *(AT[BO -O]) BIPpUuy Jnoysno.aqy, LOOT Teryueo puB ULETIO NT ‘aod -oid ‘erpuy ynoysnoayy, SvARTVUITFT OT, oI *(AT[BO -OT) VIpuy ynoysnoaqy, ‘UOsBeg SuIpsoig Ul osuRy [eorde.s0ey "sary AyjoT Ul sofoy UT “ssurprmq 10 S901} UI SATO UT out oun ‘ysnq @ Lq 04 -JO punois 97} UO ‘ured Appoy ay} JO soavoy uC ‘sasnoy Jo saave Io sespiiq «opug Bea UO LO SxOOr JSUT W “SOA GO UI JO ssuTprmq Uy “‘SSUIPTING «oO doyem AQ sHITD UO oe owt ‘SOABO Ul dO SsUIpTMq UT ‘roqem LG SOA IO sosplqd UE ‘sooty dn Avm J[ey syaoy uy "897 JO OIG oI ont on out ont ont ont 90 NT snjoorjuout yeyood qoyea Aur, W IeTNgoTS-TmM19g ery ‘dno IBTNOATI-TULg podeys-4c0jox7 og podeys-9.104 -ot ‘avpnqny, ‘TOONS IVT -NOATO-TULES W * ULLOF -yerd rep sorry “q80NT JO odeyg “TUNE -O[[VYSIVI BUAlRSoTYT "snTy -ueme snusogdéqovrg stsuourhuus uoko[e xT ST[BJWTLO snuToysAAN GL tee B[NAIVS SVIOVLoD “cc SNOTFRISE es yaevpoy snsqumdeg | avlyystyr wr Syryy oD "*' sIstterssejyeq “ ‘* snorutss{qe snposdip BoIqan WopITeyQ TOTONUOD eTL4oH ejoolange =“ viskdoayyhta vormep ‘SOMUN] OGIJUOTOG IOYSYSULYY Poysvorq-opTM omy, 6 JgT[OY uvodommy oxy, “ “ “ YIM Werpuy WouTMOD oY], 66 UljAeyT svao Aysnp ony, 13 “ 73 sdooyna opunaty | moppeag porrey-orta oun BILVISIHO STUMOg | pavzzng Aouoy oy, -plos wourutod oY, PPTTTG-pworg oyy, 8 UIPyURLT UWRIPUT UOUTUIOD OTT, wyed ony, esnoy oqy, Ho Werpuy ey, ce enh onbsout uerpuy yeoas oy, *SoUUe NT YSIPSugy a qoqieg 8 [[Vysaey, ouy, toyood poo AA Youg ‘mOprar UI ‘SOAT ee ee eee ee Nat JULY. 152 mrekaconen oy qnoysnomy, "8850 § TIISRIOS ‘WOU oy} JNoYSnoMyy, ‘soso § TIQZ ‘Spunyyppung “‘Yyuour oy Jnoysnoayy, ‘soso §4sT ‘MOovUIN IZ ‘s930 £19G VolmMy, f48s~T ‘uovunyy "1940 ATIBOTL TOSvAN “TMOW oY} JNoYySno.auyy, $10sneg fy? ‘yansipy sears ‘spe mosves { ssdo f IsuRyy EGE ‘OFT “YUU oY} JNoYSnoayy, ‘(poqovayxe ) side ‘mel ‘andumeg ‘spa uosvos § Tedayy ‘maa0 ATUBOT wosves {sis0 £ W}p ‘vLoURy “qUOW OY} LOF suvpnoyAeg ‘rod -oad vipuy jnoysnoayqy, vIpuy YNog FO sy oLL “rod -ord wetpuy ut AT[RooryT “BIPUT qnoysnoryy sysotoy uy * erpup qgnoysno«yy, “erp -UT [eJWOUTZTOD UdloysUqT Be svdvpVUlyT OUT, “eIpUyT jo suorsea ATTY ey, “ BIpuy yooysnoayy, “sured Amp oy} ynorysnoayy, ** {Tuo svdvpeurp, oy, “* BIpuy Jnoysnoiy Ty, ASOT roddn jo sured oy ‘rod -ord vripuy yUOTSNoITY, sured oy} ynoysnoayy, oo eIpuy qnoysno.uyy, (SMUSTIN pur) 0771q ze svkveurpy ony, ’ see ound ‘sotpuriq fo sdy Iwo soot} YS UT "+ (doq avo) 0991 "$90A} JO S¥LOF Tayno UL pospoAA ay OF eee oC vee og ont oe Own ‘soljsnq IO Sood} [TRUS UT ‘*syoOd JO SyyopO UT ‘soTpPoUR.g JO sdt} wodp SUISULTT ‘solpsnq FOI} LO S9at} MOT UT ‘syoyotyy AULOT] «Oo ssvis jo sdumyjo uy *sysoul SMOIO UL PIR] So07T *s]SOU (SLOT -qeq Ur privy soon ‘s]SoU SSN} SUL -YSN] UL pIey sooq ‘mosveg Surpoorg Url osuvy [worydeiso0ey "980K JO Ong ONT ‘dno doop Teus 7 “90 “nes proiq W "109 -Ns [VWs W dno yvau W “ong “ong “ong “ond ‘dno oat -SSVUG OT] VP ‘dno ysnor W ‘gouBryue Opts snutiseaod G3 it9 y(eus oY, SHOUMULEPE SNYOOOAOIIOg | JOATUITL oSUBIO OTT, ses TOOBUT SNTBONBL "+ TisayAs BIOATOOATO A one snjeqqyia e sdoorisma =“ ‘* sngouorydey eee ves ont "$0014 UI soyoURIg UY} UG “SOF. BIPUT JOYSnoM, [xyWoztLoy Ut sooay uy] nes asooy yeti PEED yytetentsl yi | See OTC jr uNyRsoraea cb ‘dno | -wmyeydao doop osxey VY | -oryy 40 uoaaqdoyepoory, <> Org sifeiojood ‘dno Moy “Teys pvoiq VY | snydopoonoey xepnarey “oft | stsueyedia umousoyjag ‘peutop IwMQops won} + -earyyLaod dy vou oI | sdoy«tdd sttXfqovyg pO OMe ||) 890 sdoomjye “dno oat -sseut doop y | + sisuepedra oddtory ‘dno qeoudoop VW} — ststiauts srytoqo4 ‘dno Moy “[eYSs odie] VY | vyeraqs vpydoyemuery dno peorq vy} +: ‘peutop Srey qos ‘esaery | + TaoqmMog voy SISUOTVSUNG eIIIG dno yorqy y | 49 -yood yoywa y “9UL0D YoyLOA scdouvpour serdun gp epi -eooaaouto vy doroydérg -ur Aury VW | + stpezoqzood es dno 40, V] + vpooane - ‘900 po -ytoaut AUT W ‘dno qoed -tu09 doop W ‘dno 04v0 SIAJUAAOOSHJ BOLODOONTT eee Bsomnze viseit yy Tisipered varqrqoy, “190 SNYOLMIG]e suAMAOIE 7 ‘“ “c poyVsorea oT, poproypes ony, poqjos.08 Bld OUT ysnayg, surmsnry Posto OFITEM OTT “ “ poqjods jedan oy, perTed “ShOyNr OTT, IO[GIVAA WOLM POT[IG-pot oT, 6 “ pepvoy Seed (i9 ‘73 ysnayy, toyenb edoyy oy, qoTqqeg pose-moTfod oy, ysnayy, Avf poyerrys omy, parqyoetg posurm-Aois ony, YsnayY, punoas werpuy oy, . TOYIPIOA OTT, rayoyeoAT Ty popvoy-Aors ony, « poqqods-opITTM OTT]; ¢ PaMOL-oFITTM OTT, TeIUe HE PeyBOryy OF OU aInzeB podeu-yovtq oy, rayoywoAT,T Ostpvred ony, aYIYS Osuorp uouMo0d oy, SIP cIv 6lV LOV L66 668 06€ 88& S8é 68& 19§ cré 10€ S66 £66 666 166 066 886 826 “erp ‘s8d0 f 108neg |-uy PeyMeUTIMOO UTE4SO AAI *** ‘sad0 foommyy | Ajuo sekvpeuny, eYy ‘qvfang “M “N ‘830 fooLmyy ‘epg | pue sevkepemip oy, ‘s890 { rqjoqg “aosuxg | erpuy azoddn jo surelg "1940 ATIVOT WOSBEG | *** ‘sp90 £6 ‘yansyqoyey §aIPL ‘suey eIpuy Jnoysnoamyy, ‘8380 § TET “VIWNo[eD | BIpuy aoddn jo surefg “eIpuy ‘ss50 fandrey ‘andezarpy | [24U00 pue UsoyNog eT ‘8880 £ (‘gq ‘9) andiey | UoTJNos pu [eayuoD oid sureyd oy ynoysnoaqy, “eIp ‘s850 f1suvp_ UL [PIWOUT}UOD U194s0 AA ‘Joao ATABOU TOSBEg fc *s880 {ooampy | °° A[Uo sekeyeurrzy oy, ; JN : ‘s830 §Surpoolaeg | svdvpeurrpy utoqsvo oy, ‘sa30 feisy ong ‘sido § WYWeg ‘YMSiTy | sureld oy} gnoysnoayqy, "S950 “BIPUT 1S BISH fyyg “VIANoTeO | [BWeUUOD Jo surE[ ‘spxo foo, {preg ‘movumny| ** oy ‘so00 ‘oednyy fy99% ‘WIEg ‘lansepy] **’ A[UO svkvjeunz, oxy, ‘fang 04 ‘sido funyyig | SvAvTeUTy, Usoysve OUT, “qQUoyT ‘uosteg Surpeolg ey) Loy savnoyaeg Ul oduvy [worydeasoay = 10 ont ped moreys y| *" ut ial eee ita *Sq[BAL LO squeq Ut sojoy up|‘ 031 ‘ssutprmq BOSNF B[OULODIOL) BOLLot 6 BOIPUL BOOUTFVI Io syueq ul sofoy uy | dno [eurs VW |stsuotequreo etqoumeyy, ‘S[TRm "190 IO 8991} Ul Sefoy UT |-nevs MoTTeYySs YW "soat} UL SyLOT ‘dno Japus[s wo Suny | doop yeou y Se “OFC ‘sysnoq jo sdiy geou sooty up| dno fuy y ‘soTpUBIg ‘dno Moy Jo sdry wou soot} UT |-peys TTeUs ‘sorsnq ‘dno zop 10 saat} ][VUIS UT | -uols [wus V ‘sotjsnq Autoyq} osuop up|‘ o7I¢ —s ond ‘soysnq “TIONS 10 s001} T[eus up| govdui0oo Vy "SSVI Io soysnq Mop, up|" o77IG¢ *(vroBoe) soory Ausoyy uz} podeys-dng ‘sooc} [[BUIS ‘dno surys IO soysnq Yor} UT |-Svrys osooy, V ‘soysnq 10 sooty “dno jo sxImy aoqno uy | deep yeouy |‘ eyerystdvo viqrg ‘syueq Assout Jo soysnq Moy uz} podeys-dno jumyvouty se ‘sors ‘dno IO soot}, [[vus uz | doop oSuey Vy |-vpnSoyna torz9ydoyeqoory, *q8ONT JO ORIG ‘480K JO odvyg staemmes snqodsdog gs oopuny snjoug aia ergdsy “ ges eorae£oz BOT “+ quopaol stasop Aq snqpisnd sngououssg *** s1q0ONeT st dno yvou y | sXteZoone] esdur00039 SNOOART LOBULE) * BIUpNe BOTIE}CYO TULTOOTBUE SNAOUBO SNOTTOOOB]LI ‘ot *soUIB NT OYTUEIOg yeroyoory WMOIG ONT, yeoysng werpuy wourMI0D oT], “cc urqoy ordsvut oy, d]OMO UIp[oOs WeIpUuyT eq, “cc “ cc iti “ ii ThqMg_ poyvoryy-oF1y a Oy, if cc 4oi8-uomt ot], poyorq-uMorq OTT, Mods POSUIM-oFIYM OT, | Peyoeq-oeld OUD Weald § Copier SvIPV]T WOUUIOD oT, porvd-oftyM OTT, poysono payooyo-oyrtas OUT, Ysng poyernys oy, Kaas oS.iv] oN, ToIQGeg [esueg ous, BIqIg pepvoy-Foulq OUT, 6c of poyvorjs oy, ysnayy, Surpsney pozyworyy “pox ou, “some NT YSIPSAy ‘mopier Ur “BON 155 ‘sdd0 { suey ‘weunTyD ‘spulo Moses £ SIASTIN ‘sso § andreyy ‘8830 § TIEg ‘TMOES ‘(aoryeurtguos sexmbeyy) ‘YqUOUL oT} JNoysnoayy, *s9OTTAUIOD LOSBIg ‘s8d0 £ wooed ‘YJUOUT oY} Joysnoayy, ‘sd30 § TWIST TSL IST “Ca 0) andiey JULY. ‘sida § pugg ‘Wood oy, “8830 § WIOS “WILT “BASY ‘8830 { sured oy} UT "asso § UIOg “BIINITeO ‘sured oy} jnoysnoayqy, "e830 § UNIYRIG OATICN “ov 8830 § Sutpoolieg ‘sda ¢ [edoyy ‘BID -UT [VJMIUIJWOI W.19489 AA “SETISTIN pue ‘uvoseg ‘Te197, ou, a ond “BIPUT [BID ASAT pue eryueg SPU [eyuouTyuCD Jo suleTg mLoTyNOS ‘ Kouoptsord Lequrog see [esuog U1eqseqy “surepd ory Jnoysnoryy, ua eIpuy Teryu9~ svvpeurpy-qns oy J, 200 erpuy todd eIpuy Wey, ooo [esuog ureqseny eIpuy ynoysnormy, od - oy sekv[eunryy U19}sv9 Ol, ‘spfepeuny OU, ‘opsunf qnaos MOT IO soysnq Uy *saysngq [[vUrs IO ssvuis SUOT UT ‘soysnq Autoy} JO syLoF UT ‘soysnq sua: UE UAOp LOT Es 071 ‘soysnq [leurs IO sseis SUOT UT ‘sqnays UI Seavey LO SSI} 0F potorzyy ‘sdtmevas UL spood W0AMJeq PexT ‘sdume Ms UL ssvas oUy JO 84yn4 UT ‘oneq.tol 10 gsoysnq MOT UT ‘soysnq MOT IO saadeaso UT "SOABOT 07 WMOS uaqjo saysng MO] UT “sorTsTq MOT Ul suLsuRy “s(UAYs UT SaAvoT IO SSIM} 0} UMOG ‘958 -qitoy 10 stedaearo UT ‘saysng Au -10Y} UL WMOp MOrT ‘gjsunf mor 10 poomysnag yoy} UL ‘syueq Assoul Ul punois oy} UO ‘spooa jo ee Oe Ee “pourop 134y;o ‘possva doog oma out ond ot ooe ont ‘pourop u9qyjo ‘avon ‘doo ‘dno yoked -tioo deap VW ‘osamd MOL -1en doop V cS On9rGT "SOAROT UT umos dno w “eyNq -o[8 Ayawayy SOABO] UT umes dnd Vv “‘pomop meqjo ‘TVAC *SOAROT UT umos dno deal ont “omg ‘dno oat -SSBUL [es VY TUBURTONG BIUITyUeI snosnz “ "* snqoojseu aoe stusisur “ snyepneoisuoy = RCo) (0)0) 6 C:) snyeutout sndromsaqy “SIs -UWoTesteg BOOTUTUTBLY) “+ BTOOTUAOTIS B[OOTISTO) oon Tmosspoy ‘“ ‘ertdvoooreuta =“ Tywemoys =“ stjeroos =“ '* SLIFUOATARA VIUII BPNVOLSUOT SNUIOJOT AO rofeur soqro10 Fy sodty.t0y ui IOP WOATATNF STUIOLOFL ‘ny sdumyo Ul UAOp MOTT |peutop ‘TeAO -oodrouunaq Blooljoumn«d pa -JUO-SNOfnI oT! Teg ie “ gnoosny oq, pele oT Avoid OUT, poTtey-suo0y oy, ‘“ UMOIG-T}1V9 OTT, UWOIM WOUTIOD OTT, « ce [esueg ony, a ssvis SNOjNa OI, “ ce 8 1108.3 pOFT “ “ poddvo-ars oy, it4 ce § JABMIIG “ cc TaTqrB AA Worm porpjoq-Morjed ory, Ayse oy, pPAQropey, Uerpuy OUT G “ gsr, OUD, ‘ paqooj-St014s 94], Wo “ poqysBorq 9PS VPS EPS GPS 6E¢S 8&S LES ces PES GES 0€s 66& 96¢ -NOATNy OUT] EBs TOTGIV AM TT poysvorq-uMorLg OTL], JULY. 156 ‘soda § LOOTOD ‘ooLMIT ‘s850 fyIg ‘MSITy ‘sd90 £ YICT ‘myqueg SqI0s “WMsIpy ‘sono § ISUBTLP "S830 yI0g ‘UNITS ‘sooo $ MsyoyeyT “tosneg ‘sido f oom ‘IOAO ATARI TOSBEg ‘sSH0 £ pedayy “$550 famdumeg §48Tg ‘euoog ‘soso § edon ‘oyp = F BTA ‘spuio wosvas { oo yY ‘s550 £ WIQT ‘tosneg "S550 £ WIYYIG OATVNT *spue wosvas § s8da § TIOT ‘ootmny] "s590 § TOT ‘Surpoolaeq. “GqUOTy 0} IOy savpnoyIreg *NOTJONAJSMOD MMO S}T JO TOAD SISOU IV[IUMIS IO S{SOM SMOIO PJO ULAQ y “sqovay ATTY pepoom qe uy * BIpUy [eyWEUTyWOG “* BIpuy jnoysnoaqy, erpuy. [eFWOUTFWOD ynoysnoayy, £JUO svdvpeurrpy oy, ‘UR aT [vJWOUTAZWOD JnoYsnoay J, ‘svAvRUITFy soar OULAI]XO PUB 4sva OTL], sured oy} ynoysnoayy, svdeleUlly] Uto4svo oy, “* ‘eIpuy jnoysnoayy, svkv[VMipy Utoysva oY, *(tedoyy 0} SUIPW9}xXe) 09417 svkv[VUIy] U10}sOM OTL, ‘* ‘wIpuy ynoysnoayy, ee UI9]SBO OTL, 17 U10}SOM OTT, svdvleUllyy Utojsvo oY, ‘uosveg Surpoorg Ul esuEYy Teorydeasoey ‘ssurprmq IO S901} UT SoTOY UT ‘STAM IO syuRq ut sejoy deep uz « SSurprmq LO SO01} UL SOPOT, UT “soTLSN0q JO spe yw soar UT ‘soysnq 10 sooty [BUS UT “doy oy} avou sooty UT ‘ssurpdus IO S991} JO SyLOy UT "soory jo syaoz ur dn ysrpy "SsBs JO SyINy4 ul punois oy} UO ‘SoYsNq IO sdec} UL SSIMy UWlOIZ Sunzt “soysnq OTS FO pace yeay ne out es omnE® "4704 LO por punors oy} UO ‘aoyem. Lq syood IO syuvq UG ‘soysnq 10 sdumys ut sopoy ut "0014 MOT JO soysnqg ut “WON JO OFG * ONIGE > -onftg uisie oulo NT ‘pomop ‘Ivy -NQO[S ‘oouery = O99 “ont ‘dno, MOT -[BYs Osooy, VW ‘dno gord -M09 OSAVT VW ‘dno avy ‘dno [eyuejysqus y -nsoa Autry y | snsorqodyed “* snosny # snueruisurs as "* STqslt} saroTJOpLOy * gaqmoo coysedouimyg *SIStLO -AvpRuuty G “ema BIQTOOIpUA CT "'* SLIJSOITAVH BSSTOOL) “* snorpndut snatog dno doop y | ‘'snyerydoays 1oyu000y sdo.o4so7 we SNoyNy XLIqIOLIT ' omtq | vuvapts vamir0joq7 "st100 “* ont, | -Sayndoostas vuoapousy “Lod “Nes MOTTRYS y| ""' ss BENFuA vppepsa0g dnooatssvmy| snooeystyos snanomeyzy dno osooy y | stpeqtdto00 soptopusoyy ‘dno mot -[vys you YW |''' BoovVAT[OARP stucoa yy ‘qsONT JO odvyg ‘SOULBNT OBTWETOg its eisunt oqy, “ —-yuvq ony, i TOULMLOD OTT, qeudyy pord oy, “ uvdeleUlyy oy, ordoory, WeIpuy oy, Avg onqq portiq-sorpos oy, MOL) TOULULOD o1L LOJWOIY poysvorq-snoyna Oy, “ pofo-o71M WEIPUy OT, WL TE Pertq-pext oy, it7 purdn ogy, qdig yoor uMoaq oT, FIV L UIpuyl eq], TPO poyouq-Ayvys oy, ‘“ POUMOID OSILT OT, TOTGAIVAA 991} JUBLIOGV OTT, *SOULBNT YSTLSuGy 989 ¢89 P89 €89 949 ¥L9 649 £99 739 Té9 P19 909 F09 009 98g 694 6gS ‘mops0 ¢ UL ‘SONT 157 ‘soso ¢pedoyy “eputg UREN ELST "S899 £112 “JOqTUT, SOAK “TTUUYSB ‘sdd9 £ WIQT ‘ooqy ‘Isuvye - ‘sa90 § TIMSOJOF ‘sido § yyp footy], ‘$850 § Brig ‘sooo § oOLMIL ‘so90 £ uypg ‘Surpoolieg "S590 SYI9L ‘seoulAorg jeayuep JULY. OVE ‘sULSaq POOIg Puodag ‘soso SUING ‘pedoyy OU ‘050 § WISeJOy ‘WQUOW oy Jnoysnoaryy, ‘soo ‘yedey ‘TOE ‘dO F 49ZS “HIG “eyNOTeD ‘sda Syieg ‘seoutaolg eayuep ‘sido $ y0g ‘mmdud py ‘soso § doSneg ‘Isueyy < ov svdv[eUllp] U10jSOM OTT, ‘svAvpeur “TAT ourdye ut0ysoM oT, SvALVUUT PT U.104S0M OTT, (A][R00]) eIpuy y[eyueurju0D uy omg ot svdvpeUrpT U10jsoM OL, TSA MNT qnoysnoayy ATTetoue45 svkv[VUIy, Uloysvo OTT, “BIPUT [e.1jUI_D “erp -UT Joysnoayy ATLeoOT ‘aod. -ord vIpuy Jnoysnoaqy, ‘sedvleurpy Uleysva pus yesuog AONB ST ULojsvo PUB IBINSUTMIT SEUISTIN: OUD, *sqJOVdy pepoom 4stour [jv Uy “erp “UT [eJWOUTMOS UAo4seay “BIpUy [etjue0 pus uUseyynog oy om ‘tod | -ord erpuy gnoysnoayy, YUNA} ot} ysurese uoyo sysnoq uO ‘sysnoq tayno wo sqseroy outd ut “Ysnq ozmy B UL punoris 04} UC (umouyU ) "STAN 10 syed UT so[oy UT ‘ssuid IO [sng UI punois oy} UO ‘SSBB IO soTsNg UI UMOP MOT "474 IO o04s Aq punoas oy uo *soaTy poAeoep ut sofoy uy *(sosnoy 10) s9aa} UI soto UT *omBO -TVSNS JO sy[VIs UCD “TOZVM. LIT soysnq yor} uy ‘soToyVyy} JO soavo LO soysng Yor} up *S901} [][VUIS .10 ‘sooquivg ‘suzed uy ‘saysnq Au.0Ty yoy, ur Aypensq ‘sotpaqyeyy Jo soave IO soysnq Ut ‘soysnq Auto} yoryy ur Aypensq "SSB.I5 LO ‘spect “sooqureq uy “TOJVM UL Spoor IO ouBoIvENs GO *s901} JO st{SnN0q jo sdy wo sunzy "sa01} Jo szred podwoop Ur safoy J ‘dno oat -SSUUI Jvou YW dno osiel y podeys-dug (anonym) ‘dno Moy -[BYs Juou W dno morreys y podeys-dng dno sorpeys y “ 099T, SSBUul Iwnqois VW ame cL Ey Osirgy ANGE oS ORT ond ond omg 0741 *pourop {Bao ‘osrery "4104 -od yuepued Wy a a es soprourds strjtmosdayC "* TUHOJIM sIWWRORTTVD, “'erroIqua snoepod.,) ' Bovrqueine epnyd 7 sncoyoruepomt snqdopoyy eee Bywony "8 TITBMOYS or BIO VZILOGUITT sIypooraeg SS Be SNUBIUOU LOSS (14 eee BSOULLOF BABPULUB BPTIIISH “* eorreqeyeut epneoynoe Byers stperoqjood “ Byejnpun * qosruorqna “ wee BOOVPUL VIUNT eXkeq snoo0[q UIYSIG WeIpuy ony, ¢ peaorq-pot oy, YUL WOI WISSBOITQ OTL, youyglng osueso oxy, ‘sulyuNg pe4ysaro qUUysoyO pus yoryq oxy, « popeoy-for3 ony, — deo-a91qM oy, SUIFUNG MOpvout oxy, < poqvortyy-aoqad oy, Modedg 901} OTL, “ We0Is OTT, JwALpeULY ULIpUy yy, “ porrey-urd oy, « s mosspoyT poyouq-oyryM oy, per][eq-snoyut ony, poyods ory, ¢ patT[eq-qnuyseyo oy, BUNT Popwoy-Powyq ony, PAIG IOAVIAA TOUTUMOD OTT, suo] |emIvposed snyonusmey, yeuudpy Aurmyeaq oxy, osd Shh LEL GEL PEL 614 8TZ &1Z ITZ OTs GOL FOL £04 60L TOL 004 669 869 469 69 489 *yJuOUL oT} JNoYsnomMy, ‘sano £ U0Og 9T} ‘Boum ‘s880 £487 “epuItg ‘so90 £1963 OOM, ‘sco fIsuUBye ‘1940 ATIBom WOSBag *sidd0 § IVT ‘(-9J000‘LZT) Suosuvg ‘sido £ Surpolieq ‘sda £ STs TIN fu9zg ‘andunavyeg ‘so £ preg ‘ysT ‘“esutg ."sss0 § pug ‘uovum yy Oy JULY. "qyuout oy} noysnoaqy, “I9A0 ATARI TOSBag ‘sono § Surpoolieg ‘YJUOUL oT} JnoYysSnoayy, ‘sido £ TI9s ‘Yeap *s830 £ IsuvyT “qyuou oy} Jnoysnoaqy, “qyaopy OY} Loy savpnonseg 158 ** sqoRI} POPOO TTR UT *svAR] -BUIIF]-qus Ute4svo oly, woe svAv[eualy, oy, ‘STR supuy-suery pue ‘oxuBt 4eg ‘seep uUaryy BUUIN OF BIPUT [BIQUED (Aq~eo07) vrpuz szeddg svkereup, ourdye oy, svdB[VUIFT U104S8v9 OTL], “eIpuy quoysnoayy, “erp -UT [BJWOUTUOD U.19480 AA 8J0vt} poepoom Ajasuep ][@ Uy Te OFT sureyd oy} Jnoysnory, "* ATao svkeyeurzyy ayy, svXe[eUlFT UL04svo OT, “erp -UT [CJWOUTIWOD U.104S0 AA sured oy qnoysnoaqy, "* (Ayrwooy) 0491, ‘sured 079 UL BIpuy peyuouT}WOD ‘mosReg Surposrg Ur osuBy [vorydeasooy omnd *qn.os pu sss Url punoid oy} uC “1900 OSAP Ur punois oy} UC ‘sodoys Assvas UL puNnotd 943 UC es om ‘sdoao a0 ssvad Ur punoid oy} UG ‘qnios pus ssvis Ul punois oy} uC ‘ULOF LO [ROUTE UI punois oy} UO “poomysnaq UI punois oy} UO punois oreq 07} UC "SO0} MOT 1O sqnays Horry} uy a ont "so -YSNq LO 89914 MOT UT S901} OSILT JO sysnoq 1MoT UG "S901 MOT jo syqoy aayno uy ee ound *4JN4 IO poo kq punois oy} uO ce oy ‘ssa Jo 4704 sq punois oy uC "980NT JO o71g wee out ow od 0771 ov oy *SOAROT Arp Moy W ped moyeys WV *SOAVOT Aap mo W eee “NBS MOTTRYS VP oul NT "190 oI od own®d WLLOF “qed Aur y dno moreys W “ped mort “Teys 40 Vy *(poutop uayjo) 091 ped moryeys Y "480 Ny Jo odeyg IOOSIvY XTUAM, "** SISUOUTS BILOJRIPVOXT *** ejoonbioy BpooLioq.ary we IOYNI stqvooxy sngord ue eee SLIEMA SNUTpOoUBA BIUOSspoy XIpsl9g snjouvjour sisvqydoTpey SnyeqysIIo OAR SNYSNX S9[00.10} "** snorput sdeydooreyg sntiostr =“ sisuorequiva =f eyearqornd myanyq, eresny vis{doroeyy BAop epneyezidg "* wostis epnepeyaad *** suelizuBo = eroqdorqydto §— BAPCATTAL “SOB NT OYIJMIOg “« pavysnq ony, [reng) poysvorq-anyq omy, s exood ory, i ToyNYS OT, ss pojyured oy, « —-yoryq ony, osSplyIVT 8 uosspoyT juvsvoyg [tex poyouq-you[qou], yoooveg oy, ssnoispuBg UOUMUTOD OTT, « pyetoure oT, “« BULL URIPUT oy, sf “ UMOIg OTT, « e134 8 Loss poyyT eAOT 991} poytey-aeq oy, ¢ 48010-UMOLO ULOTLOU OTT, YouR partleq-youyq ony, « ce SUISUIS OTT, yleyT Ysnq posurm-por oy, “SomMBN YSpsuy mopior Ur "8ONy i a S aod ‘soljsnq UL al ‘s880 { STE ‘Geary ‘toSneg j-oad vipuy PESHLL ISSN! fO speet ye, ups" otq | °c womdmd “ “ gidind oyy, £26 “ATTRO *TOYB A *s8S0 § YeMVI | -O[ VIPUL Jnoysnoryy, | wou soot osavpug | MG |" eorouto “ uoumrutod eT], €26 “se lvy “sds ‘saga § TeIoy, ‘Surpoofaeq | -vwIp-qus uUdoysva oy, | UL soot} ysiy ug] o79I@ mies eUBIyeUNS vopry | WOLOFT qeors oT, CCG ‘sdd0 § ye ‘aod SOOT} “ULLOF ‘snd ‘ndunavyeg {Ig ‘tsuvyg |-ord vrpuy jnoysnorqy, aBuet Jo sdoq avoyy | -Jed osooy y | -oostdo snsuvpodourpeyy | 1G poyoou-optyd OUT 026 “eIpuy qno *LOJVM UT OO IO ‘01. -ysno1ty ‘SJ0B1} JSIOUL UT] SeysnNt FO speq uy} oI oe BOS} ce Trey Appna ogy, T16 “eI PUT "TOI UT GOL LO “yquout oy} qnoysnorgy) toddn puv sekvpeuny | soysut Jo spoq Uy dno oarssvta py) "*' eeoursddd zs aYRID § WOTIV_ O16 “eIpuy “soysnt “ULLOF ‘g890 fisueyp | toddn pue [eaqueo up| to seed Suo, Uy -yerd yyeus y | *** jooye a [ey UAOAG OT, 806 : "spoed 10 ‘S39 “ULLOF ‘8880 §(‘q'O) mdrey |“ (ATTBO0T) OT -yoryy ‘sooqueq uy |-ye[d ysnoa y | *** vanoruoyd vuvz10g i “ poqsvoiq-o71y OT, | 406 (toJBM SUISUBY.IOAO ‘YJUOML oY} oYsno«yy) “* *VIpuy yoysnoayy, sy8noq wo 10) oy1q |" oT. |" Sudosopyo vfuUTTTeD | TOH CmOU Ty c06 ‘soysud JO spoq 10 5 ‘s880 § [wsuog damory |sjova} Lures ystour TTB UT | Spoom Suyvop ug |’ oq | °° snqeqstto xorory[eH | JOD Jozem OUT, F06 le 34 ORI. “* erpuy ynoysnoayy |“ out, nes @alhige 4] °° eaye vorng | “ woutmod oy, £06 D ‘syuny Aq soysnt ‘spoom JO ‘su re ‘yjuoU oy} oysnoamyy, | surepd oy yuoysnoaqy, | 10 seer yoy} uz | ssvut oSaey y | -eydooorod o1fydaog | 4009 afdand ony, ZO6 ‘s0.090 £ TOE “SIS ‘qunsity § 198 peer “eIpuy Jnoysnoayy, | *"* out “* oayrq | -wours snueiseydorpsy |“ porrey-juesvoyd oy, 106 ‘squeyd coqe mM ‘soysna Fo ‘qquoUL oY} Jnoysnoayy, |sjov1y Aures ystour [TB UT stoure Surqvorq | ped qjews y | "* snorpur snprdoyey | PUvowLr posura-ozu0Iq OUT, 006 ‘spaayql Moy | “eu00 pozwo "s880 § yey “YNSIPy| sureyd oy} ynoysnoayy, | -[eYs Ul spuRjst UG | -Unay ‘osaery |" oUOSTIUB sNAyH | oUBID SNABS OTT], €98 ‘s901} 10 Ysnq : ‘e930 { andunaeyeg | (ATVOO] nq) 0991 &q Pera om} up] " oC suvjideto snumeuoipaD | “ 9mo9s OUT, 6e8 ‘sjods poset ‘ou, “ erpuy qnoysnomy, | wo punoid oy} UD} oC “'sistta08 snqjemeatqory | “ pol}7e pot ONT, ceg ‘qjuom oy} Noysnomyy, |" Auo qulung oy, | *** oid |° oq |** snoryed Kt Le “ pemoyoo weed OT, ‘qefung oy} *puRl-MOT[eF *snoqy “spuo uosveg , ydooxo ‘sureyd Arp {Ty | UO puMoIs oy} UG] OMI | -epuBMOLOD snETOSun IOAOT, TOLMOd uBIpuy oyy, OFS ‘Tesueg *SSBI9 SUOT oy. U19Jseo PUB sIBAOT, OY, | UE punodws 047 UQ|** OIC stsuoyesuog sopryooydcg | ULyMoL A, OUT, ses "erp ‘ssvas AyuRoS “YIUOUL OY} JROYSNoIY], |-UT [VJWOUTIWO t19}480 AA | UT punois oq} ug|*" ouoN |‘ TIsprvape styopodng | preysng UeIpuy omy, 988 qudos 10 sseas *SOABOT “8830 § Wg ‘UOOg ONY, | svdvpwuMTFT JOyNO oY, | UT punois oy} UO frp mop yi sediqunyd xramyz, | pend parvysnq uvdepeupyy ong, | SEs JULY. 160 ‘'s8d0 § Yee ‘YqUOUL oT} Jnoysnoaqy, "S850 *y9g9¢ ‘ase STIL “TPLO ssso fisuvyp fq3¢ ‘eyqnoTVO ‘sd30 § yroumg ‘sso $ ayyz ‘md -unreyeg §wyy)Eg ‘yaMsipy ‘erpuy todd gq ‘s850 {190g ‘anduneaeyeg ‘e650 § WOg “YMsITy ‘sido S yeni” ‘sueype ‘erpuy todd g ‘ou ‘s830 £ quod oy, ‘sido § IZz ‘199 ‘eynoyeg § YITT ‘aruryse yy *s8d0 § yYeoumg ‘ss50 £ 4ST¢ ‘TUTOG ‘oI ‘OV, Oy ORE ‘erpuy seddq _ ‘TIMOT 0} OF SaBpNoysVg sured oy} gnoysnoayy, SIBQOSI\T PUL SIBUIBpPUy “VIpUyT woddn pur arurysey uy “* erpuy ynoysnoxnty, ‘TesuIg ULO}SBdI PUB IOMOT UT ot ont. oma sured oq} Jnoysnoaqy, ae ond "* (ATTwOOT) 0791 oe ow “* -erIpuy ynoysnoayy, ‘erpuy toddn pus svdvjeurpyy ou, [esuog w1oyseny "* (AqqBooy) 0791 ros old ss owt see ome Ser OFS sured oy} noysnoay, *mosveg Surpssig Ul osuvy [voryderso0ey ‘LOJVM UT Surpurys saat} uC ‘spuryst Ayoor uo punois oy} uO ‘SOA BOT SNYOT Io ATI, Suro uC LOJVM UT stySnoG MOT UO 1O soysne UT *syUvy UT SSRIs IO soysnd uy coqyuam Sq 10 UI SOot} [[VUS UT Be ond "sdad} po -Avoop UI SMOT[OY UT "soal} asavy ut dn ystyy i ound OWE "syUvy IWIN soot} YSIy UO (‘speed UT seTaty -OULOS) SEdT} Y.SIY UT “1OYVM UL soyBtq -9Uvd JO spoad UT *TOYVM. UT spoed 10 saysnqg uy “oye m Aq SJOYOIY} LO sdaa} UT *Sdal} JO SYLOF uy id ond a old RS oun seer Jo sdoy avoyy *#SONT JO Og “ULLOF -qeid ySnor yl) '* Loysesouvpaur snyorg “ULLOF ‘spoom Jo “ULLOF -ye[d osoo, V OR OHMNYAT “SOABO] MOF VY SAGE 2 ONS PONCE ond SO oI accom T(CT = od ae Our So orth Seon so _ On “ULLOT -qe{d osoo, W *4soN Jo odeyg ssvut osavy Y | stsuoddrpryd BiG) euoN | -nemepout uordoroug -yeqd yqst[s Y jsnorpur uoprtpeyoorpA TT sdoorpog ped soyeys py) ** woot Aydosavo seuy eyenore vusfoorpuogqy *snu -erpopuvuro100 snde44o NT SNYOULTOUL STUAOTPTyIVg snsopided snoru0.104 ‘sneya -Q90ULOI STULOTYSaIyT, “* SURIIOSO SHULOJsSBUY "t+ BIpPOLOON] BETLICT * snostas xeaooryo4 NT ** BOULOTUBUULO ee "* SITTOOTIART ByOpry '* snormvarl soprrojng. Or. ties Bpoopry + snpuvmosoo snydng wise 24072188 ct '"* soprojjoase ss et Vq[e SBIPOLOF] parq oyvug uerpuy our « podeu-yovtq of991] ONT, UOT, PoLoystyM OTT, aqety IIIT OUT, yong peproy-yurd oy, “ Surpsrpa omy, [#9, 10}400 oT, as004) poyouq-yovyq ony, MOEN) Sury ony, 79 OUTTA OTT, STQT T1948 SUL Inquoodg oy, UOLOFT FSU OT, « — qnuyseTyo oy y, “9081 eu ULI Woors op} OT, uotep puod op34I] ou, “ 9py980 OU, qoasy OTT OUL «OFM OTT OUT, WOLF OFA ONT, "some NT OF TWIING ‘soUIB NT YSIPSUq “mopie UL “‘SONT iV, au i CWT ee ee ee F i. Woe A f 5 Coy ee ty ws eh nied oN een ne ace ee a ‘ nat? iy i es) ie nities ho: ', : WV or 4 (vopono.o wubsaoupua i Wa ON SAN ars Or ob SaN Wad ‘TVYHSYUYAN AUGUST. In this month the water-birds and small wren warblers are the principal breeders throughout the plains. The eggs of the rufous grass warbler, the white-eyed tit, the pin-tailed munia, the jungle bush quail, the bustard quail, and the little grebe may be taken. In the Himatayas, the season is now nearly over, Eggs of the mosque swallow, the small minivet, the grey-winged blackbird, the red-headed and streaked laughing thrushes, the golden woodchat, the brown-breasted hill warbler, the red-billed hill tit, the yellow-billed blue jay, the chestnut-bellied and spotted munias, the meadow bunting, the Indian siskin, Hodgson’s turtle dove, and the black partridge may still be found, though only a few stragglers are laying. Probably at the higher elevations many of the finches breed in this month, but their nests have not as vet been found. In the Punsas, the black-winged kite is breeding, also the wire-tailed and mosque swallows; eggs of the sirkeer, the bay-backed shrike, the white-eyed bulbul, the striated reed babbler (second brood). The rufous- fronted wren warbler, the large button quail, the big bustard, Blythe’s water hen, and most of the resident water-birds may still be taken. The streaked wren warbler is building for its second brood. In the Nortu-West Provinces, the wire-tailed and mosque swal- lows, the common swifts, the pied crested cuckoos, coucals, sirkeers rufous- backed and bay-backed shrikes, large grey cuckoo shrikes, white-browed fantails, babblers, reed babblers, wren warblers, mynahs, striated and common weaver birds, black-bellied finch larks, peafowl and almost all the resident water-birds, waders and swimmers, except the terns and plovers, have eggs throughout the month; while the grass babbler, streaked wren warbler, black-throated weaver bird, painted snipe, and black-necked stork commence building towards the end of the month. In Beneat, the characteristic breeders are the yellow-bellied wren warbler, the tailor bird, the Bengal grass warbler, the chestnut-bellied munia, the peafowl, jacanas, rails and coots and bitterns, which almost all have eggs, besides, many of those which breed at this season in other parts. The grass babbler and black-throated weaver bird begin to build in this month. 162 AUGUST. In Cenrrat Inpra, eggs of the cliff swallow, Nilgiri nightjar, purple honey sucker, blackeap sbrike, pied cuckoo shrike, large grey cuckoo shrike, small minivet, white-browed fantail, ground thrush, rufous-bellied wren warbler, green bulbuls, ioras, the great and allied wren warblers, Sykes’ warbler, the chestnut-bellied and spotted munias, the Indian amadavat, the crested bunting, the painted partridge, the lesser button quail, jacanas, coots, rails, king curlew, large whistling teal, and lesser cormorant may be taken during the month. The likh flrikin and the painted snipe commence pairing and building towards the end of the month. In Soutuern Inpra, the honey suckers have eggs, also the ashy wren warbler, the common wren warbler, the brahminy mynah, the spotted white-backed and pin-tailed munias, the Indian amadavat, the crown-crest lark, the rain quail, bush quail, and bustard quail: probably the eggs of many other species also may be found. The white-browed bush bulbul and the Nilgiri skylark are building towards the end of the month for their second brood. 163 AUGUST. ‘8859 {punyyjepung| pov yyNos jo ssooy “YJWOUL aT} JNOY SNOT, “‘spue uosBag 9890 £ 4sTz ‘easy ‘g830 { vIpuy [eajued “sUISEq UOSBOg ‘sd30 { WeTeg “soso £ ISU yy ‘8839 mos ‘TIES “WNSITY ‘YyUOU oy}, ‘spud WOSsBeg *sado §(‘q ‘O) andrey ‘s830 § yy. ‘mdunavyeg ‘s580 £ Isuvye ‘s330 § erpuy aoddq ‘ZoA0 ATABou WOSBEg ssao {suey f IGT ‘ead y ‘sooo § IIPT ‘anyquieg ao eS SS SSS “BIpuy [etyWe0 “* empuy joysnoamyy, “eIpuy [exyueo puv udojsvo JO STITH ne oy eIpuy ynoysnoryy, s SIISTIN OL “eIpUy aejnsurued pue Tesueg Spay sured otf, sarod -oid erpuy Jnoysnoxyy, aoddn jo “* eIpuy Jnoysnorqy, SeSUBL [[I] popoos T[B UT. BIPUT [VAJW9 07 ULOTINOG ‘* grpuy Jnoysnoiyy, eA ULloqyIou puB [BiyueD ‘aod -oid vripuy ynoysnoxyy, ote. “surrey d ay} jnoqsnorgy AT[BoorTT svtveuly oul *s90L} JO SYLOF Hob oi dno you VW ses ond Sie pee) ‘soysnq Aus0T} dno oat IO Sod} JO SHLOF uy |-ssvur Yor} V ee ont o: OUds | re on Oa ‘sotouvag JO sdiy wosy SuIsUBET ‘soysnq YOTY} 10 sat} MOT UT ‘so0r} ALLOY] £0 ‘sya -YOIy] ‘ssvlo SUOT UT *sqsou ound ‘ysnq v Aq WoO punois oY} UO ‘sSurprmq ysuresy ‘aoyem Aq SPIO wo 10 ssuTpying UO one OF "SOABO uw fo ssurprmq Uy ‘royvm Lg syoOI 0 saspiuq UO *ga01} JO SyLOF UT “GUO oY} Loy suepnoysleg ‘mosreg Surpeorg: ut esuvy [Borgdeasoey “489N JO 0918 yeyaozizoy UTY} UT] -Nes [peUIS Y | S1oTGqeq UI prey] soa |-Qvy dI}IsBav) | "1900 dOUBI}W9 OpIs | ‘podeys-1v9g ‘dno MOT -[eys Ysnot ¥ “pomop ‘YSnos ‘ootery “(S41 te od ee auoNy AEN OT S-TULEg “pa -deys-q4090Y, “ o9gtg ‘podeys-4.104 -ol ‘aepgny, ‘toones aepno -I10-TUleS |W ‘dno youd W090 MOT[BYS Y *4s0KT Jo edeyg ae snyeqyqia “ sdeousia =“ *mqouormydia sniUery BOTPWISe VAT ITPOOUYORLY "* BULTUTUL & “-goruntfez euroo0ydary Ecc QoyIs BNI T, stuuodyna sndoasyue9 | snonojourjeur seqsf0009, | sn[oOor}uoUL a Taeepey sns~nunideD ““snormissAqe snqesdi,) ey ejoorany =“ eisfdoayyite solmep sdooygna opundty snaoydourjout SNUB] "SeMUe NT OBTUEIOG TIsoyAs BIOATIOATO A it4 ooyono pord oq, . “ poyorq-Auq om, dwo-yoryq oy, ayLIYS poyoeq-snoyna ony, se etdand ay, Aury on “ce *Tayons IOIYAG [Rsusg oy], Jeonog uourm0d oTLY, | ooyong poeyseto-pard aq, “8 wIppwel aelyyStN MISTIN OT, yy uerpuy ony, it cc oud MOT[VAG PoTTe}-o1TM OTT, ayy, posurm-yoelq oy, *"SOUBN YSIPOURL -Aouoy, poduma-qsAyyoure oT J, JJIMG UBIpUy WoUTUI0D OY, “ onbsour uevipuy yeors oy, ‘uopi9e fr Ul ‘SON, . "L$ ohoay 3 GS SS SS AUGUST. ‘spulo mOstag ‘oI "83.90 § (‘gq ‘O) andiey ‘spud mosvag ‘so50 § ISBT ‘suISEq POOIg PUODAG “‘YquoUL oY JNOYSnoayqy, ‘sd30 § yjeg ‘GaMsTy ‘S050 *TIGT “TWIG § TIT ‘oMtoossn PY ‘sb50 § JOT ‘uovuny ‘s8d0 £149 ‘peqesunysox, ‘s830 § IST “eqquoyeg ‘YJUOUL OY} JuOYSnoayy, ‘ss50 £ YQ ‘MoRUNy ‘sd30 § (q ‘O) andrey ‘sodo faodneg ' 4s] “Vaisy ‘s850 § YL ‘TMsIpy § 4s~ ‘anuysey ‘YyUOU OYy JOYSnoIyy, "WIUOPL O49 OJ savoTIT * @Ipuy ynoysnoaqy, ey [eqyue0 =pue usoYNOg SIpUT ulayNos pue TeryweD sureyd oy} ynoysnoayy, “BIp -U] [@JWUOUTIWOD UL19489 AA “erp -UT [BJWOUTZUOS W1O4sVTT own sured oy} ynoysnoayy, see sevde[RUTH, OUT, sekv[eU FL W10jsoM OTT, eipuz aoddn pur peayuog ‘RIPUT W.L94SVGT- YO NT ‘aod -oad eIpuy yuoysnoayy, ‘ee AR[VULIFT OT, ‘spAvTRUUTF, qns pues sooulaotg [eaqueg “eIpUy [eJUSUTyWOD oY Ssnoayy, ‘tod -oad wipuy ynoysnomy, todoad erpuy ut AT[BoorTy ‘uosveg Sulpaorg ur esuvy [worydeasoey “SYIOJ 109NO Ut Suny sooty YSty UT ‘sysnoq jo sdij awe soot} UT ‘sysnoq jo sdry wou seat} YS Uy “soysnq 10 so0d} ][RUIs UT ‘soysnq Autoy} osuep uy "SSBId JO sdumyo 10 spaot ut ‘ssvas Jo sdummnyjo 10 soysnq MOT UT ‘soysugq 10 soory AULOT UT ‘syueq Assout iO soysng MOT UT "soysnq 10 so0z} ][[VULs UT ‘sdunyo 00g eq JO s}OOr OY} UT “SSB LO ‘seysnq ‘sjJayorqy uy "soysuq MOT 10 sqioy JO sy[BIs UC ‘saadq JO SYsnog yoryy 10 sdumys ug . (poom Yysnaq Ut puUnoAS OY] LROM LO UC ‘soysnq 0 sooty UL sySsnoq uly} UO ‘sysnoq jo sdiy IWIN Sood} YS UT soot} L9JoT Josdoy 4W ‘dno doop yrou W dno fury VW ‘dno Moy -[eysT[eUs W ‘dno sap -U9TS [[VUUS YW dno you W “071 ie eee OCT podeys-dug ‘dno doap esiey Vy ‘powop fTBTNG OT3°4RO NT ‘pemop ‘rey -nqols ‘Ysnoy ‘dno yeau doap y dno prorq W ‘peumop ‘rey -nqo]s ‘osaery dno £ury -W ‘dno daop [[eus Vy “1990 NBS PROIG *W8ON JO 0718 ‘qsant jo odeyg oe Oopuny snjortg on orn, foz BLOT "+ qopaol sruxoy[ yg ** snipisnd snyououos gy "* stq0oneT wsdut00030) “etree “* Byepnro BoyTezeyO TUI[OO[VUL: SNOLIDOIDB[ VIL catheoan UL ‘tanpeydoo -o1yjAte u010} dopey IOLT, “ery dcod dy vga rs vywortd viper y, “* sisuouts stqpaoqos “Mog mMog BROT, “* sismoyRsueg BI4Tq “* Broome Bodteo0oney] snutisoarod snyooodo1te g * TOOBUL SNTBONBLD ‘SOMIBT OBIPUOING e[OlIQ Wopfos werpuy oyy, “ “c Weeds s mOplor “« —- sBadpRy, WourUI0D oYT, NqMg pores-ofty a omy, “ peed poqeraqs oy, “ —-Ysnq poyerys oxy, rotqqrg Lois osuey OTT, “ “ qsncy y, SUISN, poproy-pot oy, & “ poalyjeq-snojna otf, “ worm poddeo-paa ouy, qotqqeg poto-mozped oy, parqyorlg posurm-foa3 ot, Ysnaypy, punors werpuy ey, [LeJURT POMmorq-oFIM OPT, POATUTT T[eUs oT], ayltyg ooyono ors odaey oy, ‘soMBN YstLsug Moles pue youlq oxy, peyxvoi4s OTT, OLY L9¥ £97 c9V 6SP 6&0 S&P IEP SCV CTP L6€ 968 S8é 196 SVS G66 9L6 O16 WOp.lo UI "SON 165 *raA0 ATLwoM WOSvag eee VIpUT [eywaUTyWO”D ‘se Av]eull pT ‘s8d0 §UJcT ‘aol | ISOM OULOI]XO PUB 4SUqT ‘sds0 § sured oy uy | ** eIpuy ynoysnoay y, ‘s850 § UIST ‘Tedon | seXeyeurpy Ua9ysve OT, ‘sdd0 § WIZ ‘suey ‘sog0 $ ISURTT ‘soc0 f 4sTg ‘suey ‘sds0 f(g ‘Q) Tu0eg ‘s650 £ ({png) mdryoog ‘YJWOU OY} JNoYsnoayy, (‘woryeuTIyU0D sormMbeyy) AUGUST. ‘sd5o £ TN08 ‘WES “YMSITy ‘sd30 § WIQs ‘pugg ‘Aequrog ‘so30 § vooRG “YUOUL OY} JHoysno.xupy, ‘sS30 TAL TmMsyoyey § yg “Usy ‘so0 £ LOOUOD ‘550 § WYP “eyqnoyeg ‘spua wos ~wos fsdd0 § WIOT ‘eyyno[R9O ‘sage § pug ‘tedoyy ‘so90 {[edoyy ou 4890 -UT [VJWOUTIMOD 1.10489 AA a2 OUI eIpuy Teaqyueg aoe SIpUy [eyuouTyW0D “SUILS[IN' OUT, "BIPUyT UdeyJNOs puB [eRIQUaD “BIp -UT [BJUOUTZMOD 1.10489 AA os qsvoo Avqurog iy [esueg Wiojseny sureld oy} ynoysnoary, ak erpuy «odd gq a SIpUy UleyNog ges [esueg W1oyseqy eIpuy jnoysno.ayy, if surdye oy, svdv[VUly] U1o}sva oy, ‘sysnoq | ‘poutop ‘rey JO spua ye sooqy uy | -nqops ‘osrery ‘ssurpdes ‘dno MoT IO Sa0I} JO SyAoy Uy | -[eYs osooy W ‘soysng 10 sdea} UT ‘dno avy SHIM} Tod Sunz_ | -nsoa Aur W ‘solsnq ‘dno yory} Jo syxoy uz | [eyurqgsqns y ‘soysnq AuULOy} Ul UMOpP MOTT] '** 099TC ‘qnaos | pemop ueqyzo MOT «tO soysnq uz | ‘posses ‘doog “soljsnq Ausxoyy Jo sytoy up|" oI *soysnq yoy} UI UMOp MOTT | "'* 0991 “soTTsnq AULOY} Ul UAMOpP MOTT] *** 099TC we OVE He ABI oA ound © “OUNC. "SSVLS SOT IO soysnq [ems up| "** o1C ‘sqnays UL |potmtop m9qzo SOABIT 09 potporyqyy | Gvou ‘doaq ‘soontd durep ‘dno qyord Spoor ‘speoyl Aap 1a ‘osand Mout ‘spear JO spoq “s001} "LIONS Jo sjooa ye syueq Ut | yoedutoo ~W “IVT Bae ont. nqops AyT«wo yy} °° ‘sqatoq IO *SOAROT UL seysnq MOT ut suny{ | umes dno v ‘sqnays UT *pouop SOABIT 07 poyoRyzy | Waqgzo ‘Teac *SOABOT UT * paiqmoo toysedoumyg “* STIISOILARP BSSIOOT snsoiqedted sdo1oqsoz SnoqNy XTAIYAOIOT ae eure stepodd AF, TuvURyoNG vIUITyWea sy “' snqoojsou Poy) geyqbbendstade UL susosojna 8 m0 jaOvoneE snjyepneorsuoy =“ "* goyoortey ““snjeurour sndroukaq: “SIS suoury | -u00 doop VW | -Ue[edueq BjoorurmRty UI sstis Jo sqynj Uy |-teu dosp WY | ‘'* BlootuMyos BloorystO TyIemoys 6 BSN sjvtoos = * *sn4 UI punodd oy} teen | pommop “[TeAg |-dodreuunaq vpooryouNng yeudy pord oxy, Keg ontq porttq-aoqed ony, “ poko-oftM Uetpuy ony, DL 14 Pemtd-pet ogy « ssoydg “ poyuoa-snoynA 9, perprle oy, qeois oT, “ 19 SNOFHA VoL OTLJ, ue “ smop.lep poltey-Su0y OTL, UMOIG TI}AVO OTL], WadM MOUTTLOD OTT, “ “ec [esueg oq, -gseis snoyna oT, “ $418 MO49 (i (13 Ayse oy, SIUJUOATAVT BIUTTG |LoTGIB AA Worm portjeq-sorfo4 oxy, saddeoro 10 saysng Uy|uMes dno dog] epnvorsuoy snurojzoyyAC | pag IOTTeY, WeIpUy oyy, “LOTGIB AA TINY poysvoaq-waorq oy, '* sneosdayo dosisaey, | FVYpooAA uopfos oy, €89 elo T&9 vI9 &9¢ eae OFS PVE &PS Ghg 6S ges V&és GEG 0&g TIS ‘sS30 {pug ‘wasy ‘spuo wostas f sdso ‘upUTY ‘S830 £ starspiyy ‘oxosA TL ‘TJWOUL OY} MoYsno.aryT, ‘sppe £ 48TS ‘TRACI ‘sptlo Wostag ‘Bono § BTU ‘sa50 fooqy § WPT ‘TUByLe ‘s830 {pp ‘Blu ‘OWN ‘TYJWOUL oT] JNoYsnoayy, ‘sd30 £ SIIISTIN ‘TJWOUT OTT} JNoYSnoay J, ‘sooo Sq ‘OD pus yeday £4sTz “eyyNo[BQ ‘sido § Tes ‘YeMRg ‘e850 feyqnoreg STO yAUsITy ‘sds0 £ spi Loawaoyg ‘sBS0 fay ‘MsIpy SUIt[a oY} JNoysnoayy, ‘+ Tuo svudvpeunry oy, ae BIPUT UAOTINOG SPST. [BIWOUTMOD ~—- UOJ. AA, suretd or} gnoysno.ry y, "RIpuy [eyuoUTyUOD =o suIeTg “