Smithsonian Institution ibrartes Alexander Wetmore 194 6 Sixth Secretary 1 95% NY ry On ue tts te ie f ba MUCHOS Mod THE HiRDS Birds” 4 OF THE Pee lTICuT VALLEY IN MASSACHUSETTS / By WM. W. COLBURN AND ROBERT O. MORRIS. SPRINGFIELD: Libpanes 1891. CLARK W. BRYAN & CO. - PRINTERS, © . ‘ee 7 j SPRINGFIELD, MASS. © ye ‘ i s - J old : iy * F : Y i Teal i ‘ Matt =, +t : . FAS ‘ ‘" 7 h ; * 7 j yy Aa 2 a ss) a ¢ + 4 i ‘ ane: Raa * i . f od * 1s .% tint % a . - ‘ a ant: es A ah ; et 7 rs ° F . ¢ ; : mae ; : -~ t i ik .- Le PREFACE. The following list contains the names of the birds of the Connecticut-Valley in Massachusetts, so far as they are known to the authors, either by personal observation or from consult- ing the works of the ornothologists who have described the birds of New England. The works of Allen, of Baird, Brewer and Ridgway, of Coues, of Minot, of Samuels and of Stearns have been freely used. We have also availed ourselves of the experience of such collectors as E. O. Damon of Northampton, Bradley Horsford and O. B. Deane of Springfield. The nomenclature is that adopted by the American Orni- thologists’ Union, and the numbers attached to the names in this list correspond to the numbers in the ‘‘ Check-list of North American Birds,”’? published by the Union in 1889. Mr. Morris has had the supervision of that part of the list which contains the birds of prey and the waterbirds, and Mr. Colburn has had charge of the remainder of the list. We do not claim that the list is perfect. Further observa- tion will doubtless necessitate changes in the direction of addition, if not of elimination. Although we have prepared this list for our own use, and not for general publication, we shall have a few copies, which we will gladly give to any one who may desire to obtain them. W. W. CoLBuURN. R. O. MoRRIS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS., April 15, 1891. BIRDS OG THE.CONNBCTICUT VALLEY 54. £0, IN MASSACHUSETTS. Colymbus Holboellii. HOLBOELL’S GREBE. Rare fall migrant. Colymbus Auritus. HORNED GREBE. Some au- tumns, tolerably common. Podilymbus Podiceps. PIED-BILLED GREBE. Com- mon summer resident. Urinator Imber. Loon. Common migrant. Alle Alle. DovEKIE. Rare visitor, but has been taken here on several occasions; supposed to have been driven from the coast by a storm. Larus Marinus. GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL. Common in spring and fall. Larus Argentatus. HERRING GULL. Common in spring and fall. Larus Delewarensis. RING-BILLED GuLL. Tol- erably common in spring and fall. Sterna Hirundo. ComMoN TERN. Very rare; we have known of but one specimen being taken here; that, in September, 1878. 106. 120. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 135. 137. 139. 6 Oceanodroma Leucorhoa. LEACH’S PETREL. Oc- casionally found, having been driven inland during severe storms. Several have been seen here together. Phalacrocorax Dilophus. DOUBLE-CRESTED Cor- MORANT. Rather rare migrant. Merganser Americanus. AMERICAN MERGANSER. Abundant winter resident; may breed. Merganser Serrator. RED-BREASTED MERGAN- SER. Rare migrant. Lophodytes Cucullatus. HooDED MERGANSER. Tolerably common migrant. Anas Boschas. Mattarp. Although usually considered rare in New England, we have found them tolerably common upon the Connecticut River in spring and fall. Anas Obscura. Buack Duck. Common in spring and autumn; a few remain during mild winters, and regularly breed here. Anas Strepera. GADWALL. Very rare; one was taken near Springfield some years ago. Anas Americana. BALDPATE. Occasionally com- mon during migration; we have seen large flocks here. Anas Carolinensis. GREEN-WINGED TEAL. Tol- erably common in autumn. 166. 167. t Anas Discors. BLUE-WINGED TEAL. Common in autumn; may breed. Spatula Clypeata. SHOVELLER. Rare migrant. Dajila Acuta. Pintaiu. Tolerably common mi- grant. Aiz Sponsa. Wood Duck. Common summer resident. Aythya Americana. REDHEAD. A rare mi- grant; we have taken but one specimen. Aythya Marila Nearctica. AMERICAN SCAUP Duck. A common fall migrant. Aythya Affinis. LesseR Scaup Duck. Abun- dant some years in the autumn. Aythya Collaris. Rine-NEcKED Duck. Tol- erably common fall migrant. Glaucionetta Clangula Americana. AMERICAN GOLDEN-EYE. Common winter resident. Charitonetta Albeola. BUFFLE-HEAD. Tolerably common migrant. Clangula Hyemalis. Owup-sqguaw. Rather rare fall migrant. Oidemia Perspicillata. SurFScoter. Rare fall migrant; we have taken but one. Erismatura Rubida. Ruppy Duck. Some au- tumns quite common. 169A. 172. 190. 191. 192. 194. 201. 202. 211. 212. 8 Chen Hyperborea Nivalis. GREATER SNow Goose. Rare; one was wounded and. captured near Springfield some years ago, and turned loose with a flock of domestic geese, with which it remained for several years. Branta Canadensis. CANADA Goosz. Common spring and fall migrant. Botaurus Lentiginosus. AMERICAN BITTERN. Common summer resident. Botaurus Hailis. Least Brrtern. Rare; Mr. HE. O. Damon of Northampton has taken one. Ardea Occidentalis. GREAT WHITE Heron. A rare visitor from the south; one was taken in Hadley, in 1883, and about the same time one remained in Ludlow for some days. Ardea Herodias. GREAT BLUE Heron. A tol- erably common summer resident. Ardea Virescens. GREEN Heron. Abundant summer resident. Nycticorax Nycticoraxz Naevius. BuACK-CROWNED Nicgut Herron. Common summer resident. Rallus Longirostris Orepitans. CLAPPER RAIL. Rare; Mr. Damon has taken one near North- ampton. Rallus Virginianus. VIRGINIA Ratt. Common summer resident. “ATs a 214. ald, 221. 239. 240. Porzana Carolina. Sora. Abundant summer resident. Gallinula Galeata. FLORIDA GALLINULE. Rather rare summer resident; have taken five or six specimens near Springfield. Fulica Americana. AMERICAN Coot. A tolera- bly common migrant. Philohela Minor AMERICAN Woopcock. OCom- mon summer resident. Gallinago Delicata. Witson’s SNIPE. Common migrant,occasionally remain through the winter. Macrorhamphus Griseus. DowitcHEeR. Rather rare migrant. Tringa Canutus. Knot. Rare; we have taken but one. Tringa Maritima. PURPLE SANDPIPER. Rare; we captured one in November, 1883. Tringa Maculata. PECTORAL SANDPIPER. Tol- erably common during fall migration. Tringa Fuscicollis. WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER. Irregular fall migrant; occasionally in autumn large flocks will stop here. Tringa Minutilla. Least SANDPIPER. Tolera- bly common migrant Tringa Alpina Pacifica. Rep-BACKED SAND- PIPER. Tolerably common fall migrant. 263. 270. 272. 273. 274. 283. 289. 10 Calidris Arenaria. SANDERLING. Rare fall mi- grant. Totanus Melanoleucus. GREATER YELLOW-LEGS. Common spring and fall migrant. Totanus Flavipes. YELLOW-LEGS. Rure spring and fall migrant. Totanus Solitarius. SOLITARY SANDPIPER. Com- mon fall migrant Bartramia Longicauda. BRATRAMIAN SAND- PIPER. Common summer resident. Actitis Macularia. SPOTTED SANDPIPER. Abun- dant summer resident. Charadrius Squatarola, BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. Very rare migrant. Charadrius Dominicus. AMERICAN GOLDEN PLoveR. Rare fall migrant. Aegialitis Vocifera. KILLDEER. Common sum- mer resident, but only found in a few localities. Aegialitis Semipalmata. SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, Rare migrant; have taken but one specimen. Arenaria Interpres. 'TURNSTONE. Rare; have seen it here only two seasons. Colinus Virginianus. BoB-wHitE. Common resident; but sometimes nearly exterminated during severe winters. 300. 31d. 316. B27. ddl. 332. 333. dd4, 337. 339. 11 Bonasa Umbellus. Rurrep GRousE. Common resident, some years abundant. Ectopistes Migratorius. PASSENGER PIGEON. Formerly very abundant; but since 1876, very few have been seen here. \ Zenaidura Macroura. MouRNING Dove. A com- mon summer resident. Elanoides Forficatus. SWaLLOW-TAILED KITE. Very rare; Mr. Damon states that he saw one near Northampton in 1880. Circus Hudsonius. Marsh Hawk. Common summer resident. Accipiter Veloz. SHARPED-SHINNED Hawk. Common summer resident. Accipiter Oooperit. CoopEr’s Hawk. Common resident. Accipiter Atricapillus. AMERICAN GOSHAWKE. ip Tolerably common winter resident. Buteo Borealis. -Rep-TAILED Hawk. Tolerably common resident. Buteo Lineatus. RED-SHOULDERED Hawk. Com- mon resident. Buteo Latissimus. Broap-wIneED Hawk. Tol- erably common summer resident. 12 3474. Archibuteo Lagopus Sancti-Johannis. AMERICAN 349. 3d2. dd4. 356, 364, 365. 366. RoOUGH-LEGGED Hawk. A common winter resident; Mr. Damon has captured over sixty of them in one season. Aquila Chrysaétos. GOLDEN EAGLE. Rare winter visitor. Haliaeetus Leucocephalus. BALD EacuE. ‘Tol- erably common resident. Falco Rusticolus. GRAY GYRFALCON. Rare; Mr. Damon captured one in Northampton in February, 1879. Falco Peregrinus Anatum. Duck Hawk. Rare resident; a pair nested in Mt. Sugar Loaf for many years. Falco Columbarius. PIezkoN HAwk. Rare spring and fall migrant. Falco Sparverius. AMERICAN SPARROW Hawk. Common summer resident, occasionally here in winter. Pandion Haliaétus Carolinensis AMERICAN Os- PREY. Common summer resident. Striz Pratincola. AMERICAN BARN Ow... Rare visitor from the South; one was captured in Springfield the last part of May, 1868. Asio Wilsonianus. AMERICAN LONG-EARED OWL. A common resident. 367. 368. 370. 371. 372. 373. OVTA. 387, 13 Asio Accipitrinus. SHORT-EARED OwL.