i I) I r I IM f FORTHE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BIRDS OF THE PLAINS BV THE SAME AUTHOR BOMBAY DUCKS: An account of some of the Every-day Birds and Beasts found in a Naturalist's El Dorado -;:> With Numerous Illustrations from Photographs of Living- Birds by Captain F. D. S. Fayrer, I. M.S. ANIMALS OF NO IMPORTANCE THE INDIAN CROW: HIS BOOK i t^^'H^^^^f^^k --^ %^' •' *- :_-«i ' :V I'Kl.K A.\. (I'l-:i,K( AM ^ !■ BIRDS OF THE PLAINS BY DOUGLAS DEWAR, F.Z.S., I.C.S. WITH SIXTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS OF LIVING BIRDS BY CAPTAIN F. D. S. FAYRER, I.M.S. LONDON : JOHN LANE THE BODLEY HEAD NEW YORK : JOHN LANE COMPANY MCMIX yj>l- (ilc4^/^ WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD., PRINTERS, PLYMOUTH PREFACE IT is easy enough to write a book. The difficulty- is to sell the production when it is finished. That, however, is not the author's business. Nevertheless, the labours of the writer are not over when he has completed the last paragraph of his book. He has, then, in most cases, to find a title for it This, I maintain, should be a matter of little difficulty. I regard a title as a mere distinguishing mark, a brand, a label, a something by which the book may be called when spoken of — nothing more. According to this view, the value of a title lies, not in its appropriateness to the subject-matter, but in its distinctiveness. To illustrate : some years ago a lady entered a book- seller's shop and asked for " Drummond's latest book — Nux Vomica!' The bookseller without a word handed her Lux Mundi. To my way of thinking Lux Mundi is a good title inasmuch as no other popular book has one like it. So distinctive is it that even when different words were substituted the bookseller at once knew what was intended. That the view here put forward does not yj'l- (ili4f^/w- ^