SB 628 .AB R7 Copy 1 The University of Chicago BLISTER CANKER OF APPLE TREES A PHYSIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDY A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY BY DEAN HUMBOLDT ROSE Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted from THE Botanica GazeETTE, Vol. LXVII, No. 2 February 1919 The University of Chicago BLISTER CANKER OF APPLE TREES; A PHYSIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDY A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY BY DEAN HUMBOLDT ROSE Private Edition, Distributed By THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARIES CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Reprinted from THE BoTaNIcAL GAZETTE, Vol. LXVII, No. 2 February 1919 Git Aut MAR 13 1919 VOLUME LXVII NUMBER 2 6 BOTANICAL C4AZE7 FE FEBRUARY igro BLISTER CANKER OF APPLE TREES; A PHYSIOLOGE- CAL AND CHEMICAL STUDY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE HULL BOTANICAL LABORATORY 246 DEAN H. ROSE (WITH TEN FIGURES) Introduction It is now generally recognized that among the most important problems of plant pathology are those connected with the physiol- ogy of diseases whose etiology is already known. It is also recog- nized that this must be the physiology of the host, of the parasite, and of the two in relation to each other, and, further, that such a comprehensive view of all the factors involved furnishes the only rational approach to an understanding of the principles underlying immunity and disease resistance. In the present paper are given the results of a physiological study of the destructive disease known as Illinois or blister canker, the etiology of which, including the identity of the causal organism, Nummularia discreta (Schw.) Tul., was worked out by HAssEt- BRING (22) in 1902. The work reported here is a continuation of an earlier investigation by the writer (30) on the oxidase activity of healthy and diseased bark; in addition there is included an account of the catalase activity and microchemical and macro- chemical analyses of both kinds of tissues. Further work is planned on the chemistry of the disease, on the rdle of other enzymes than. oxidases, and on the physiology of the fungus itself in pure culture. 105 106 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY The work was done-in part at the Missouri State Fruit Experi- ment Station and in part in the Botany Department of the Uni- versity of Chicago. Historical The problem of oxidation by plant and animal tissues or tissue extracts has been studied by many investigators since the time of the pioneer work by SCHONBEIN, the discoverer of ozone. An immense literature has accumulated, for reviews of which the reader is referred to publications by CLARK (14), KASTLE (24), BATTELLI and STERN (5), and ATKINS (3). In this paper only those articles will be cited which bear directly on the problem in hand. That pathological conditions in plants are often accompanied by increased oxidase activity has been shown repeatedly in recent years. Woops (35) found greater oxidizing power in the chlorotic portions of tobacco leaves affected with mosaic than in the green portions; this has been confirmed by ALLARD (1) and by FREI- BERG (20). SORAUER (31, 32) and Dosy (17), working with leaf- roll of potatoes, found oxidase activity greater in diseased tubers than in healthy ones, although the former makes the point that | this greater enzyme activity is to be considered a symptom of the disease rather than the cause. BUNZELL (11), working with the curly-dwarf disease of potatoes, showed by an extensive series of tests that “‘affected plants have a greater oxidase activity than healthy ones of the same age, both in the juice of their tubers and in the juice of their foliage.” Similar results were obtained by BUNZELL (10) in work with curly-top of sugar beets. All 4 of these diseases are of the so-called physiological type, and the question is still unsettled for the last 3 whether the increased oxidase activity is the cause of the disease or merely the result of disturbances due to the real but at present unknown cause. In the case of diseases whose cause is known the oxidase situa- tion seems to be about the same as for those already mentioned. REED (29) found that the juice of apples affected with bitter rot (Glomerella cingulata) has greater oxidase activity than that of sound apples. In his previous work the writer (30) found that diseased apple bark shows greater oxidase activity than healthy bark, and is at the same time less acid. This seems to indicate 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 107 that the oxidizing power of a tissue bears some relation to its acidity, a relation which was rendered more probable by the fact that, according to titration and indicator tests, the acidity rises in the Bunzell apparatus during the course of an experiment at the same time that oxidation gradually decreases and finally ceases: The suggestion was made, therefore, that “the gradual slowing down of oxidation in the Bunzell apparatus is brought about in part by the accumulation of oxidation products, probably acetic and oxalic acids in the case of pyrogallol, and not by a using up of the oxidase through chemical combination between oxidase and oxidizable substance.” The validity of this theory in the light of later investi- gation will be discussed in the experimental part of this paper. Experimental OXIDASE ACTIVITY EXTRACTS OF FRESH BARK.—An account will first be given of that part of the work done at the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station. Extracts of fresh Ben Davis bark were used, prepared as follows: limbs were brought in from the orchard, the bark quickly ground in a meat grinder, and water and toluol added in the propor- tion of 4.25 cc. of toluol for each too cc. of water. The mixture was then allowed to extract at 28-30° C. for 1 hour, with frequent stirring, and filtered through filter paper. The proportions of water and toluol used, assuming that the fresh bark contained 50 per cent water, were such as to make the extracts very nearly equivalent to those prepared for the earlier work (30) with dried bark. All data were corrected to the basis of dry weight deter- mined by weighing and drying samples of the ground bark in triplicate to constant weight in a bath at 95—-99° C. Measurement of the amount of oxidation was made by means of the simplified Bunzell apparatus, using 1 cc. of the extract pre- pared as just described, and either 4 cc. of a 1 per cent solution of pyrogallol, o.04 gm. of benzidine, or 2 drops (0.025 gm.) of guaiacol; water was added to make the final volume 6cc. The various combinations of bark, oxidase reagent, and water were run in duplicate. 108 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY After the experiment had been set up in the incubator, 1 hour was allowed for the apparatus and solutions to come to a constant temperature. The manometers were then closed and the solutions mixed. No shaking machine was used, but the apparatus holder was tipped back and forth several times whenever a reading was taken. Allowance for temperature variations was made by run- ning with each experiment a blank containing only water and cor- recting the others by it. Table I gives the results of two representative experiments, showing the amount of oxidation of the 3 different reagents by TABLE I OXIDATION OF PYROGALLOL, BENZIDINE, AND GUAIACOL BY EXTRACTS OF HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK; MANOMETER READINGS CORRECTED AGAINST APPARATUS CONTAINING ONLY WATER; TEMPERATURE 28-31° C. EXTRACT OF DRIED : kK EXTRACT OF FRESH BAR Sane Day OF Pyrogallol Benzidine Guaiacol Pyrogallol TEST ; Sa = Healthy | Diseased | Healthy | Diseased | Healthy | Diseased | Healthy | Diseased Sample 38a|Sample 38)/Sample 41a|Sample 416|Sample 38a|Sample 386 LUN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dreyer 0.71 1.62 Onl7 0.82 0.02 0.43 0.26 0.57 Bipiio 1.38 2.46 0.22 E20 O.II TO 0.53 0.94 Ais orsciys 1 a7O 2.50 0.41 1.76 0.21 1.38 0.77 I.20 IB fave a 1.83 2.50 0.50 2.07 0.27 Si 0.86 T3230 OE ey ouch lisdumets ek earel ks Ce eaMes ence ell eae atebrad[Raboice usa odteiccy feel cure ed eco 1.07 I.50 Thee Digke 2.66 0.60 Ae Shit 0.32 P68" | os eis. seeker STAC 2.20 Deeps) 0.74 De3 73 On32 TOD. fl tke ei |eeteetetene Ojeveus 01s Dos 2.86 O.77 2.67 0.35 T3098). y) cede alent renee TO! Sire 2.44 2.096 0.88 2.03 Oey) De ites) TES I.94 Ratio..| 1.00 to 1.21 T./00 sto 3.32 T00) (tO) 1540 Too) tOpaEes extracts of both healthy and diseased bark. ‘There are included also data from the earlier paper showing the amount of oxidation of pyrogallol by extract of dried bark. The results indicate that for approximately equal amounts of dry matter the dried bark is considerably less active than the fresh (fig. 1). The decrease is probably due to the drying; this is shown more definitely by data to be presented later. It is to be noted that the oxidase activity of diseased bark is definitely greater than that of healthy bark, 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER feye) although the ratio between the two is greater where benzidine or guaiacol was used as oxidase reagent than where pyrogallol was used. The writer prefers to follow BuNzELL in using the term oxidase activity or oxidizing power rather than “oxidase.’”” Where the latter term occurs in this paper, it is used only for the sake of brevity, with no intent to imply any fixed notion as to the nature of the agent which brings about the oxidation. Titration and indicator tests on extracts of fresh bark showed the healthy bark to be more acid than the diseased, exactly as had been shown previously in the work with dried bark. No data 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fic. 1.—Oxidation of pyrogallol, guaiacol, and benzidine by extract of fresh bark, healthy and diseased, and extract of dried bark, healthy and diseased: A, pyrogallol and fresh healthy bark; B, pyrogallol and fresh diseased bark; C, ben- zidine and fresh healthy bark; D, benzidine and fresh diseased bark; E, guaiacol and fresh healthy bark; F,, guaiacol and fresh diseased bark; G, pyrogallol and dried healthy bark; H, pyrogallol and dried diseased bark; H =healthy, D=diseased. are given, since the true condition, at least for dried bark, was determined more accurately by means of a potentiometer. EXTRACTS OF DRIED BARK.—For the work at the University of Chicago bark was used which had been dried at 35—-40° C. for 2-3 hours, ground fine enough to go through a 4o-mesh sieve, and stored air dry in zinc-capped Mason jars. A few of the experiments were tun with oxidases precipitated from an extract of this bark powder, but in most of them the powder itself was used, 0.10 gm. in each apparatus. The reagents tested were pyrogallol and pyro- catechin, 4cc. of a 1 per cent solution; benzidine 0.05 gm.; IT1o BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY guaiacol 2 drops (0.025 gm.). Tests for any given set of condi- tions were always run in duplicate, sometimes in triplicate, or even quadruplicate. All experiments were shaken for 3 hours at the rate of 106 complete excursions per minute in a constant tempera- ture chamber provided with a fan driven from the outside, and then allowed to stand for ro-90 hours. Temperature variations were rarely greater than 0.5° during the shaking period, but some- times amounted to as much as 1.o° afterward, owing to less perfect control when the machinery was not in motion. Corrections for temperature variations were made as before by comparison with a blank containing only water. Potentiometer measurements were made with a hydrogen electrode like that described by Bovie (8), streaming hydrogen, 3 resistance boxes as described by MIcHAELIS (25, p. 131), a saturated calomel electrode, a normal element checked against another which had been calibrated by the United States Bureau of Standards, and a Leeds and Northrup dead-beat galvanometer. Hydrogen of high purity from a tank of the compressed gas was run through an electrically heated combustion tube containing platinized asbestos and then through the hydrogen electrode tube. The latter, together with the capillary from the calomel electrode, projected through a rubber stopper into the vessel containing the solution to be tested. Escape of hydrogen was provided for by a third opening in the stopper. An error was undoubtedly intro- duced here, due to displacement of CO, from the solution, in cases where the hydrogen ion concentration was less than 1075 (MICHAELIS, pp. 142-144), but since the only solutions showing this slight degree of acidity were mixtures of bark, water, and pyro- gallol for determination of hydrogen ion concentration before any oxidation had taken place, and since all others were found to be more acid, the error is probably negligible. It could have been avoided entirely by using a Hasselbalch shaking electrode had it and the time for using it been available. Among the first experiments run was one designed to test fully the oxidase activity of healthy and diseased bark when pyrogallol was used as the oxidizing substance. ‘The results, given in table II, are the average of 5 closely agreeing determinations. ‘These results T919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 1A agree well with those obtained without a shaking machine in show- ing considerably greater oxidation by diseased than by healthy bark. The ratio between the two, 1.00:2.19, is larger than that found previously (1.00:1.28), the difference probably being due to differences in drying or possibly to the shaking itself. TABLE II OXIDATION OF PYROGALLOL BY HEALTHY AND DISEASED APPLE BARK; SAMPLES 3 AND 4; TEMPERATURE 27 C+1.7°C. MANOMETER READINGS, EX- MANOMETER READINGS, EX- | PRESSED IN CM. OF MERCURY, PRESSED IN CM. OF MERCURY, 1p 2 : | CORRECTED AGAINST BLANK 1: z - CORRECTED AGAINST BLANK FIM OF | CONTAINING ONLY WATER DIME OF CONTAINING ONLY WATER READING | eae en =e READING | Healthy Diseased 4 . Healthy Diseased sas | a March 19_ OC | 2A Se YM. ya | 0.0 0.0 March 19 0.48 Ta BrOO wa nGke> 4 0.0 0.2 AN AIS PMs 0.53 ness ESS TES eden ue trees 0.10 0.48 SOO me ec p ee 0.61 1.45 PAO Messe) oo | 0.10 0.65 CERES ere suet: 0.64 Tesh SAG a ska aes ow23 0.80 eeiO ened ere 0.59 1.49 AT OO me iniae tee 0.31 0.92 SNS Ge fone ued ACTS dys Voce st tat | ©.41 O05 March 20 i, £0 2.41 ASS Obey «cts | 0.45 ny In table III are summarized the results of an experiment to test the oxidizing power of both diseased and healthy bark on pyrocatechin, guaiacol, and benzidine. A comparison of the figures in table III with those in tables I and II shows that diseased bark causes greater oxidation of pyro- gallol, pyrocatechin, benzidine, and guaiacol than does healthy bark, and that both tissues cause greater oxidation of the first two reagents than of the last two. It is further shown by tables I and III that the amount of oxidation increases slowly for several days; in fact table III shows that it is practically doubled for all the combinations, except those containing pyrocatechin, during the 64-hour period following the 3 hours’ shaking. This fact of an increase of oxidation on standing was observed to a greater or less degree with most of the bark material used in this work, and is in direct contradiction to BUNZELL’s explicit and repeated statement that oxidation in his apparatus comes to a definite end after 3 or 4 hours’ shaking. The only exceptions the writer has TG BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY noted were in those cases where the bark powder showed low oxidase activity to begin with, possibly due to injury of the “ oxi- dase”’ during drying. TABLE III OXIDATION OF PYROCATECHIN, GUAIACOL, AND BENZIDINE BY HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK; TEMPERATURE 29.4~-29.7° C. HEALTHY DISEASED TIME OF READING iW rifee ii se j a | Benzidine | Guaiacol Py Aaa Benzidine | Guaiacol Py. pee June 8, 1:30P.M.... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4:30 after | shaking 3 hours. . 0.08 0.33 Tene 0.65 0.75 Baily] June 9, 8:10AM... 0.25 On3y; T.45 0.80 I.00 4.35 2120 PYM» 0.38. 0.48 1.65 0.98 |e O77 4.55 SU LOM Oe sG PAW ay 0.40 Ons5 1.85 1 9) TZ 4.87 Pe eT OROvAL Min ar 0.65 0.65 Dye it) ii avis 1.47 Bate That the rate and temperature of drying have an effect on the oxidase activity as well as on the hydrogen ion concentration is clearly shown in table IV. TABLE IV EFFECT OF RATE AND TEMPERATURE OF DRYING UPON OXIDASE ACTIVITY AND HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION OF HEALTHY AND DISEASED APPLE BARK OxIDATION e INITIAL ADA OES DEGREE OF SAMPLE | ’ AND DURATION After shaking| After stand- | After stand- Py OF DRYING BESOXUBS ERSTE 3 hours ing ro hours | ing 15 hours 4 diseased . : 1.49 Bete 2.78 (oat * 40°, 2 hours ste : D2 PAT OYm Wid bane epte Ae Bray Ame? ig ee Ba eres S TOME al eee ee Hom» vier, A Much 3 healthy 0.59 0.80 gO Gy | hte 2 Very little 5 . 1.07 SAO ae lich ots, ete ee 204) || :4On. 22 Slight Gans 0.35 OMB Ste tales seas chee OOM | 50m 12 Very little I f 0.62 Gna: tallowrar nations ABO) WesiS ened. Much * This figure is the negative logarithmic exponent of 10 where the whole expression 1o=5® is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in the solution. hydrogen ion concentration it expresses. The larger it is, therefore, the smaller the In this particular case it can be written 2.454 107° (6.00— 5.61=0.39. Antilog 0.39 =2.454). In the amplified form this becomes 0.000002454 (normal). Samples 1, 2, 5, 5a, and 6 were all run in one experiment. Oxidation data for samples 3 and 4 are taken from table II and from another experiment not recorded in this paper. Samples 5 and sa were parts of the same lot of ground bark but received 1gt9] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 113 different treatments as shown. The results show that oxidase activity is much reduced by drying at 35—40° for 4 hours (sample 1, healthy; sample 2, diseased), or at 50° for 2 hours (sample 5a, healthy). HyDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION. Hydrogen ion determinations on mixtures of bark and water and of bark, water, and pyrogallol, used in the same proportions as in the oxidase apparatus, showed that pyrogallol has no effect on the reaction. It was found pos- sible to get constant initial readings on all mixtures~containing healthy bark and pyrogallol in 30-45 minutes; the same period sufficed for mixtures containing diseased bark and pyrogallol after they had been shaken in the oxidase apparatus, but not for similar mixtures freshly made up and not shaken. In these cases the potential increased slowly for an hour or two from about Py=5.60 to P,=5.40, but never reached the figure given by healthy bark. CULPEPPER, Foster, and CALDWELL (16), working with normal and diseased Red Astrachan apples, state that when titrations were made on fruit pulp suspended in water “the diffusion of acids out of the tissues continues for many hours and at slower rates in diseased than in normal fruits,’ but in the light of the following results the writer is inclined to think this increase of acidity was due to oxidation going on in the solutions, and not to diffusion of acids out from the tissues. TABLE V CORRELATION BETWEEN OXIDASE ACTIVITY AND HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION OF MIXTURES CONTAINING PYROGALLOL, WATER, AND EITHER HEALTHY OR DISEASED BARK; TEMPERATURE 29-30.5° C. | HEALTHY DISEASED STAGE OF EXPERIMENT == = ——— Oxidation be Oxidation | ' Py | | [sYtorde: Cle Nas eee aoe wee ©.00 Goi 0.00 | 5.61 After shaking 3 hours...... (OY o ordi | Pave RRM iA 2.28 {pete cpeM oy her cihs After standing 15 hours.... I.10 4.82 2.59 4.89 x ef AOwe Rtn p acne BROOM a) ||! ao tere Fi VELCly (x Rupa ‘ave cect tee Sear * ROLL iat.) 2700" \ "| 4.29 4.96 4.20 INCREASE IN HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION DURING OXIDA- TION.—Experiments designed to test more fully the theory that - oxidation causes an increase in acidity are summarized in table V. 114 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY It is clear from table V that oxidation in these mixtures is accompanied by a marked increase in hydrogen ion concentration, and the conclusion certainly seems justified that there is a causal relation between the two. It is also seen that when oxidation comes to an end, both mixtures have the same reaction, Py=4.29, a condition suggesting that at this point the hydrogen ion is the limiting factor. BUNZELL (12) and REED (28) have studied the effect of hydrogen ion concentration on oxidation, but apparently neither of them has realized that it might increase during the oxidation process (30). They apparently assume that the hydrogen ion concentration established at the beginning of an experiment remains constant until the end, whereas the results given show that in these cases it increased as long as the oxidation continued. In order to discover, if possible, what relation exists between oxidation and hydrogen ion concentration in the oxidase apparatus, further experiments were tried with mixtures of bark, dry pyro- gallol, and, instead of water, 5 cc. of buffer solutions containing various amounts of N/r1o sodium acetate and either N/1o or N/roo acetic acid. The initial reactions of these mixtures (before shaking) and of the buffers alone are given in table VI and shown graphically in fig. 2. TABLE VI REACTION, iar OF BUFFER SOLUTIONS AND MIXTURES OF BUFFER SOLUTIONS, BARK, AND PYROGALLOL = —— = = = | Solution | I 2 3 fe | 5 Oya 7 8 9 Buffer alone....... 6102 |5.73°| 5-41 | 5-07 |4.80.) 4.53) | 4025 |e Oouaeun Buffer and healthy | | | bark and pyro- | | | | Pallolicra eee 15-50 | 5.52 | 55-36.) 5.25.) 4985 | er58al aed, |Rakosi aoe Buffer and diseased | | | bark and _ pyro-| palloliemer tee | Sov | So 7 | Balto. | Goo 5.00) | A201 A 20 Anos se73 Graphs B and C in fig. 2 show that while diseased bark absorbs H* ions to about the same extent as the healthy, the latter absorbs more OH™ ions; that is, its titration acidity is greater, which is exactly the condition found by titration with N/2o0 sodium hydroxide (30). The P, values at points where B and C cross A ROSE—BLISTER CANKER Thats . Lek ACETIC ACID TOV CCL SOD. ACELA *10.24 5.12 2.56 1.28 0. 0.32 0-16 0.08 0.04 Fic. 2.—P# of mixtures of bark, pyrogallol, and various buffer solutions before and after oxidation had ceased: A, P,, of buffer solutions; B, P,, of mixtures of buffer solutions, pyrogallol, and diseased bark before oxidation; C, P,, of mixtures of buffer solutions, pyrogallol, and healthy bark before oxidation; D, P,, of mixtures of buffer solutions, pyrogallol, and diseased bark after oxidation; E, P,, of mixtures of buffer solutions, pyrogallol, and healthy bark after oxidation. *Only acetic acid used here. 1160 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY (healthy bark about 5.10, diseased about 5.65) agree well with those determined without the buffer (P, healthy = 5.15, diseased = 5.61); the latter are taken, therefore, to represent practically the actual acidity in each case. This is based on the assumption that if the acidity of a buffer solution is the same as that of a mixture of bark, pyrogallol, and water, no change in acidity will take place when the buffer is used instead of water. EFFECT OF BUFFER SOLUTIONS.—The oxidations brought about by mixtures of bark, pyrogallol, and the various buffer solutions are given in table VII, together with the initial P, of these mixtures and their P,, after oxidation had practically ceased. TABLE VII OXIDATION BY MIXTURES OF BARK AND PYROGALLOL WITH VARIOUS BUFFER SOLUTIONS; TEMPERATURE 29-30° C. HEALTHY DISEASED BUFFER = a wut = =i ees Se SOLUTION | | | | Oxidation Initial P,, Final P, | Oxidation Initial P,, Final P,, Tee ners hy Sp Pi cake, Seer SIS OWL | ect cmeaege rs dare | 4.68 5-76 4.85 Diss Semens YA | 268 Se 4.58 se 5.70 4.85 Ly tea Peers cho cal SPP Or gene RE SARC ONAN be cots os este aes Sa es Fe HOn > ||, stetecuente eres Barolo 205 isietaels 4.34 4.36 Ba att 4.75 Re ase ats de = hada ies We ep eee GR oN Se My Ween dts atts Re lesa Gutbencach Al SOO ||| hornets ORRT RES eke 18 5(0)55 4.58 3.98 4.48 Aba || — 9 (016) Fh Cee ase tee 1.80 4.2 3.65 shit) 4.39 4.25 oie oases cee os S 3.98 BESGy ulleeh eka es | 4LOS, We | aercn ert 2 ees CREA 0.53 3.61 235 1.82 BTS 3.68 Check: "22. 2:22 i595 ths 4.2 4.27 Reon il Ala) | | The principal fact shown by the results in table VII is that the P, (4.29) reached by mixtures of pyrogallol, water, and either healthy or diseased bark when oxidation comes to an end is not sufficient to inhibit oxidation when the mixture has that P, value to begin with; in fact, a greater degree of acidity does not inhibit entirely, since a healthy bark mixture with an initial Py of 3.61 gave an oxidation (a mercury rise) of 0.53 cm., and a diseased bark mixture with an initial P, of 3.78 gave an oxidation of 1.82cm. The check, bark, pyrogallol, and water gave, in the former case, 2.22 cm. mercury rise, and in the latter 4.27 cm. It might seem from this that the acidity brought about in mixtures of bark, pyrogallol, and water is not the factor which r9t9] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 117 brings oxidation to an end. It seems more reasonable to suppose, however, that the time factor is of importance here; that is, that an acidity of Py=4.29 is more effective when reached gradually than when established as a starting point. Looking at the situa- tion from another angle, we may say that inhibition is total if the initial hydrogen ion concentration is high enough, but will be only partial if the concentration is lower; but since partial inhibition means some oxidation, which in itself increases acidity, the process in time necessarily comes to an end. The hydrogen ion concen- tration at that point will depend on what it was in the beginning, but will never be equal to that which causes total inhibition. That this theory fits the facts is shown by table VII. Oxidation took place in all the mixtures, the amount depending on the initial hydrogen ion concentration, except where diseased bark was used with buffer no. 4. Acidity increased in all the mixtures but one, diseased bark with buffer no. 6 (see tables VI and VII). The increase in acidity is shown graphically in fig. 2. It is unexpectedly small for diseased bark except where the 3 most alkaline buffers were used, a condition which suggests the need of further experi- ments. In figs. 3 and 4 are shown graphically the oxidation data given in table VII, representing the final amounts of oxidation for each set of tests (healthy and diseased bark with the different buffer solu- tions). In addition there are shown graphs for several earlier stages in each experiment. These graphs show that below 1X 1074(P,=4) for healthy bark, and 2.5xX10~5 (Px=4.39) for diseased bark, oxidation drops rapidly as acidity increases. Above these points the changes are not so marked. The hydrogen ion concentration for total inhibition, estimated by extrapolation to the base line, lies between 3.55 and 3.80X10 4 for healthy and between 3.55 and 4.27107‘ for diseased bark. All these figures closely approxi- mate those found by BuUNZELL (12) for potato oxidase, 2.1— 2.8X10 4, and by REED (28) for apple oxidase, 5 .o-7.0X 1074. The results given in table VII show that hydrogen ion con- centration is not the only factor effective in controlling oxidation in the apparatus, and consequently that the lower hydrogen ion concentration of diseased bark cannot account entirely for its 118 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY greater oxidizing power. For example, when both kinds of bark were brought to approximately the same hydrogen ion concentra- tion by buffer no. 6, the final amount of oxidation (mercury rise) for healthy bark was 1.95 and for diseased 4.48, the final Pz 3.98 and 4.60 respectively. The total oxidase activity of the diseased plant is the joint oxidase activity of the host and parasite, while iS O fs i) ” de > a 3 18) < ie) = 3 4 H) 6 Frc. 3.—Oxidation of mixtures of healthy bark, pyrogallol, and various buffer solutions: A, after 3 hours; B, after 22 hours (19 hours without shaking); C, after 29 hours; D, after 48 hours; A, bark, pyrogallol, and buffer solutions as indicated by numbers; B, initial P,,; points of plotting marked by vertical broken lines. the oxidase activity of the healthy plant is that of the host alone. This may account in part for the difference both in rate of activity and in the P, concentration at the time the action ceases. NATURE OF EQUILIBRIUM REACHED.—BUNZELL (13), in experi- ments with potato peel powder, has obtained what he considers evidence that “the activity of the plant powder is not paralyzed by the products formed in the course of the reaction.” He found 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER IIg Mercury rise in cm. 3 4 5 6 Fic. 4.—Oxidation by mixtures of diseased bark, pyrogallol, and various buffer solutions: A, after 23 hours (shaken 2 hours of this time); B, after 45.5 hours; C, after 69.5 hours; A and B as in fig. 3. I20 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY that by adding a second portion of the powder to the apparatus in which oxidation by the first portion had ceased he could cause a further increase in oxidation, the amount of increase varying with the oxidase reagent used. ‘The writer has found a similar increase in oxidation when more oxidase reagent is added, after oxidation ceases. ‘The results of an experiment of this kind are summarized in table VIII. Results are given beginning with the TABLE VIII SUMMARY OF RESULTS FROM AN EXPERIMENT TO TEST EFFECT OF ADDING FRESH SUPPLY OF OXIDASE REAGENT. Increase in oxidation (cm. of Stage of experi- mercury rise) ment Experiment 8 (a) Io II Effect of adding 7 and 4 drops 1 per cent benzidine to apparatus to and 11 on ninth day, 8 and 9 as checks........ oth to 11th | 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.49 | 0.19 Effect of adding 10 drops 1 per cent ben- | zidine to apparatus 10 and 11 on | eleventh day, 8 and 9 as checks...... Trthy tomAthy or t74|,Os235 |e terol sora Total effect of 1 per cent benzidine, 8 as Check hee. cs Ley ea tana hemes oth to: 2oths)) 0-47 eee eee 1.95 | 1.34 Effect of adding 0.06 gm. of pyrogallol to 8 on twenty-sixth day........... A WO HUGE || HAGE Wb og adcilecowccloscsos Stas check eeeae cee ated reeset oe OHO 1K) AHO Nl CoAU Nhs co osallocowon|lous sos Effect of adding 0.06 gm. benzidine to 9 on fourteenth day, 8 as check ...... ARMY UOS Auese |) Coit) | Oa774 loscaculla2deox Effect of adding 1o drops absolute alcohol to 9 on twenty-first day, 8 as GHECK eee eetnsrceiiets bastete dic siete ats PATE UO AKIN || Cone || ©) osececieacoox ninth day of the experiment. Up to that time oxidation in all 4 of the tubes was practically the same, the average being 3.12 (cm. of mercury rise). Alcohol was used at the beginning of the experiment to discover whether it has an inhibiting effect on oxi- dation, and later, when solid benzidine was added, to bring the benzidine into solution more rapidly. The results show that, in the small quantities used, the alcohol had no inhibiting effect (table VIII, ninth day, apparatus 10 and 11), and probably did bring the benzidine into solution (twenty-first-forty-first day, apparatus 9). The most important fact shown by these results is that after oxidation had practically ended, the addition of more oxidase 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 121 reagent was followed by a marked increase in oxidation. For example, in table VIII it is seen that from the ninth to the twenty- sixth day oxidation in apparatus 8, containing pyrogallol and bark extract, showed an increase of only 0.47 cm., while tubes ro and 11, also containing pyrogallol and bark extract to which benzidine solution was added later, showed an increase of 1.95 and 1.34 cm. respectively. Equally marked excess over the check was obtained when solid pyrogallol or solid benzidine was added. One might infer that the oxygen admitted, when the tubes were opened to introduce reagents, increased oxidation, but this effect could hardly account for the difference observed. BUNZELL states that exhaus- tion of oxygen is not the limiting factor, and experiments by the writer have shown that, when a fresh oxygen supply is allowed to enter the apparatus, the subsequent increase in oxidation is small. The fact that after oxidation ends it can be started afresh by the addition of fresh plant material or of fresh oxidase reagent suggests that the equilibrium reached is a false one, like the third case described by HOBER (23, p. 671), in which a reaction product of the catalytic reaction brings about equilibrium by an inactiva- tion of the catalyzer. A test for this condition according to HOBER is that reaction begins again when more catalyzer is added, as in the case of the hydrolysis of amygdalin by emulsin. The similarity between the two reactions, however, does not prove that the oxida- tion catalyst is an enzyme, for it may be non-enzymic in nature and still be inactivated by the products of the catalytic reaction. An idea of the nature of the oxidase reaction was obtained by testing some of the data by the formula for unimolecular reaction, k = log. —*__ In these calculations the total, amount of oxida- a—% tion (mercury rise) at the end of the shaking period was assumed for the value of a, and the amount of oxidation at the end of each 15-minute interval for the value of «. The figures which should be used, of course, are the total amount of pyrogallol at the begin- ning of the experiment and the amount oxidized at the end of each 15-minute interval, but such figures would be difficult to obtain. The writer sees no reason why the values used for a and x do not truly represent the course of the reduction. I22 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY In most cases the values of k given in these tables are fairly constant and may be considered a strong indication that the oxidase reaction is unimolecular. In table XI,column 3, table XII, TABLE IX HEALTHY BARK AND PYROGALLOL t (min.) ® eas saat a—« k = log. ae Tatas 0.14 onze 0.00514 ZO a misters aie 0.19 0.67 0.00361 ASR. Gr afersiemeas 0.24 0.62 0.00315 OO! chante cdoeis 0.34 0.52 0.00365 HGR) in. ctener ata 0.44 0.42 %}O.OO415 QOn ioe tases 0.49 One 0.00407 TOS Gis tcaeweys woe 0.54 0.32 ©.00409 120.) Meee etc 0.63 0.23 0.00477 P35. eet, 0.68 0.18 0.00503 TCO se eaetcdene 0.74 0.12 0.00570 TO Star Ney aere 0.70 0.07 0.00660 foe Yee RTS Oc Ov8Os T Sletten ce. eee Mie an 53} al iserccecers ote Sage listers gery 0.00433 * Brackets in this and following tables indicate those values of k which were considered in calculating the mean. TABLE X DISEASED BARK AND PYROGALLOL t (min.) ASS a—x k= log. Tic tette welce Gotha tee 0.13 Tey 0.00286 BO ste ainbbisee 0.30 1.08 0.00355 ZR ore era 0.50 0.88 0.00434 COR Rrartens 0.65 0.73 0.00461 TTA a, See 0.72 0.66 0.00427 (0s) ae 0.85 0.53 0.00461 TOS is, sty aneaeie 0.99 0.39 0.00522 E20 Fyre: I.04 0.34 0.00507 T'S hy hats ras 0.23 0.00576 CEO met westctecci: 1.18 0.20 0.00559 1H Oya tes ae Te25 Ome 0.00621 TORS ert: ESS 8 Vl eedectcesiseeae Oeil eget etre Mica’, ite a| estat tay tebecalll yas nate sven 0.00478 column 1, and table XIV, column 1, the values for k show a gradual increase throughout the experiment, and can scarcely be taken to indicate a unimolecular reaction. Table XII, column 1, how- ever, is checked by tables IX and XII, column 3, the mean value 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 123 of k being nearly the same in all 3 cases, although it is doubtful whether a mean for table XII, column 1, is really significant. TABLE XI VALUES OF k CALCULATED FROM DATA OBTAINED IN EXPERI- MENTS WITH APPLE BARK, K2CO3, AND PYROGALLOL k - Healthy bark, | Diseased bark . K.CO; and K.;CO; and ?| a 5 # (min) pyrogallol pyrogallol EN parte LG aes 0.00747 0.00552 ©.O01T4 0.00525 BOLE nn 0.00776 0.00803 0.00380 0.00600 AG sree 0.00774 0.00773 ©.00431 0.00615 OOS ear es 0.00785 0.00786 0.00368 0.00604 FIG ie aoe ars 0.00808 0.00819 0.00472 0.00606 Osc asee 40.00767 0.00750 0.00492 | +40.00628 TOS Mie. 0.00765 0.00709 0.00514 0.00642 L20 ach 2 0.00786 0.00890 0.00470 0.00657 L3G rpmetaeie 0.00811 ©.00941 0.00633 0.00700 DELO) ett aE ee 0.00768 0.00947 0.00663 0.00678 EOS et he ih oie 0.00805 0.00936 0.00692 0.00862 ESC cone i en ess eh eat Ant TPN ee enue Mean 0.00781 0.00834 0.00482 0.00635 TABLE XII VALUES OF k CALCULATED FROM DATA OBTAINED IN EXPERI- MENTS WITH APPLE BARK, PYROGALLOL, AND PYROCATECHIN k ¢ (min.) F Healthy bark | Diseased bark Healthy bark | Diseased bark ud aorallol Soe tt and Bea and det ere ii ahs een One Ser | Do cnaee enee 0.00458 0.00502 0.00483 BOR ve camer 0.00246 0.00528 0.00429 0.00494 OS ERE Tans a 0.00277 0.00515 0.00357 0.00510 Okie ciccont. ©.00322 0.00515 0.00346 0.00488 TENS tiers 0.00383 ©.00510 0.00416 0.00526 QOMrs Wetescts 0.00493 0.00530 0.00433 0.00536 LOST seit 0.00460 0.00507 0.00426 0.00553 2 OLyats ea syoe ©.00501 0.00575 0.00434 0.00584 TB eters, wees 0.00584 0.00604 0.00483 0.00013 THON ered 0.00886 0.00744 0.00548 0.00690 HALOS card Eger sl [enue ches aiceseoie| (bea ete Ea ai 0.00590 0.00866 DO Or pelos ar Pllc ceat a: aPepe PNASII CAS yas PRA | Ma Rees eee cE Mean ©.00430 0.00527 0.00451 0.00521 Confirmation of the results with apple bark is found in table XIII and table XIV, column 2, based on data obtained by BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY 124 BUNZELL (9, 13) with tulip tree leaves and with potatoes, although the mean value of k in all 3 cases is much larger than that found for bark. Attention has already been called to the fact that the data in table XIV, column 1 (also from BUNZELL’s work), fail to fit the equation for a unimolecular reaction. The fact of a marked rise TABLE XIII VALUES OF k CALCULATED FROM DATA PUBLISHED BY BUNZELL (9) FOR POTATO JUICE AND PYROGALLOL ¢ (min) k* t (min) kt DOr e-nie O oeee 0.0315 TOME ae enie 0.0246 2Ocr i Sean 0.0266 BO magne Roe 0.0277 BOM o sess 0.0240 AG RR i tetorae 0.0199 TO ane Meee 0.0216 Oui Liens 0.0168 ISON Secs Chen 0.0244 7S ete 0.0174 (Yo MaInIrS Araya ace 0.0277 On eh trsgsen os 0.0233 TOs elo ee cca 0.0255 LOGE sah cill ne ae nee BOs ets eee 0.0283 Mean 0.0208 QO crycastt tole ais ae eee Mean 0.0262 © 23, p. 20, table VII, columns 1 and 4. } 23, p. 26, table II, columns 5 and 7. TABLE XIV VALUES OF k CALCULATED FROM DATA PUBLISHED BY BUNZELL (13) = k k t (min.) ; t (min.) Spinach leaves |Tulip tree leaves Spinach leaves |Tulip tree leaves and para-cresol | and phlorhizin and para-cresol | and phlorhizin TG awe = acess oe 0.00374 0.0124 QOparr rere OJOIOLS: ¥en sere BO lara inis Foie 0.00054 O.O1Ig TOS sts as endeeie (Sttas-b 4 Seatelsy | eee Ast erent ae 0.00640 0.0133 T2O's 5 citer saya lish ya's ae eevee 36 SP oem GOW sks see 0.00940 0.0137 TSG bc tlihra eos rece iets eueye tue he (eee Stas SOR SIS OLCO AMA re pee facie tek Mean? s\n eke res 0.0137 in the value of k toward the end of the experiments with bark may mean that at that point the “oxidase” oxidizes not constant frac- tions but constant weights of pyrogallol in a given time (PHILIP 27, p. 295). The data at hand, however, are insufficient for a veri- fication of this hypothesis. 1910] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 125 A unimolecular reaction is one in which the concentration of only one substance is changed. If oxidation of pyrogallol by plant material in the oxidase apparatus be such a reaction, the substance whose concentration is changed is pyrogallol. The ‘oxidase’ then appears as the catalyst, its concentration remaining unchanged during the course of the reaction. Even at that it is not neces- sarily proved to be an enzyme, since the linear relationship between time and amount of change is also shown in the oxidation of pyro- gallol by potassium carbonate. EFFECT OF ADDING PROTECTIVE COLLOIDS.—BAyLiss (6) and PERRIN (26) have suggested that the oxidizing enzyme is an active form of the colloidal hydroxide of manganese, iron, or copper, kept in this active state by an emulsion colloid such as gum or albumin, acting as a protective colloid. Tables XV and XVI show the effects of additions of gelatine and gum arabic. Table XV shows that o.2 per cent gelatine increases considerably the oxida- tion by healthy bark and only slightly that by diseased bark. Three other experiments with pyrogallol and 2 with pyrocatechin with o.2 per cent gelatine added showed similar results. The use of o.8 per cent gelatine with pyrogallol also showed a similar effect. Both o.2 and 0.8 per cent gum arabic had little or no effect on healthy bark and a slight accelerating effect on diseased bark. TABLE XV EFFECT OF 0.2 PER CENT GELATINE ON OXIDATION OF PYROGALLOL BY HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK; TEMPERATURE 22-24° C. HEALTHY DISEASED TIME OF READING Without gelatine] With gelatine |Without gelatine) With gelatine WiayetS. 7303 PIM. a... a2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10:03 P.M. after shaking 3 hours. . 0.77 0.81 2.22 2.24 SeRETOM OS TOVACMY 1. fea. cro- 0.94 Te 32 2.40 2.54 PE ZOO NG 5 ARMac aiake fo sc Tey 2.26 2.88 3.00 MEO Ter OTC OAUM oie syorsicicnes 1.65 2.74 ety BaP Since gelatine is amphoteric, one might infer that it or its splitting products act as buffers, thus reducing the rate of increase of the hydrogen ion concentration with progress of the oxidation 126 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY (fig. 5). Table XVII, however, shows that gelatine has little effect on the hydrogen ion concentration of oxidizing mixtures of either healthy or diseased bark. PRECIPITATED OXIDASES.—Experiments were run using pre- cipitated ‘‘oxidases,”’ prepared as follows: 2gm. of bark were allowed to extract with ro cc. of water and 5 drops of toluol for t hour; the extract was then squeezed through moist cheesecloth on to coarse filter paper, the beaker washed with five 1 cc. portions of water and the filter paper finally with two more; 50 cc. of 95 per han w= — Mercury risei ti 8 20 44 Fic. 5.—Effect of o.8 per cent gum arabic and o.8 per cent gelatine on oxidation of pyrogallol by healthy and diseased bark: A, healthy bark; B, healthy bark and gum arabic; C, healthy bark and gelatine; D, diseased bark; E, diseased bark and gum arabic; F, diseased bark and gelatine. cent alcohol were then added to the filtrate (concentration of alcohol about 70 per cent), the whole allowed to stand for ro minutes and the flocculent precipitate collected on a hard filter by gentle suction with a filter pump; 150 cc. more alcohol were then added to the filtrate (concentration of alcohol now about 90 per cent) and the whole allowed to stand for 1 hour, since precipitation was slow, before collecting this second fraction on the filter with the first. The precipitate from diseased bark was much browner than that from healthy bark. Whether this bears any relation to its greater oxidase activity is not known. 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 127 For tests in the oxidase apparatus the combined precipitates were dissolved in 20 cc. of water, and 2 cc. of this solution contain- ing the precipitate obtained from o.1 gm. of bark was put in each apparatus together with the usual amounts of pyrogallol and water. TABLE XVI EFFECT OF 0.2 PER CENT GUM ARABIC, 0.8 PER CENT GUM ARABIC, AND 0.8 PER CENT GELATINE ON OXIDATION OF PYROGALLOL BY HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK; TEMPERATURE 21-23° (G. HEALTHY DISEASED TIME OF READING Gelutine Gum arabic qutene Gum arabic No o.8 per No o.8 per addition cent 0.2 per | o.8 per addition cent 0.2 per | o.8 per cent cent cent cent Atberinning...-| 0,00 |; 6.00 | o.00 | ‘0.00 |. 0.00 | 0.00.| 6.00 0.00 After shaking 3 ROUES sere eee ©2709) |e" O278: 4s 0265 ||) O. 75 Wats || 2528 Atte) || fos After 18.5 hours! 1.03 1 Syl I.00 On 2.30 2.69 ey Git 2.46 Miter Ae yHOUTS..4|4 0.50 ph! 2.20 |i... .. 1.54 2729 he sek Ola Rae 2.05 Average of..... Dre Wer 8 owertel| Werte, «35 aliccte aetees Ze Men eres | So cbisa rie cio hoes In table XVIII are given results showing the oxidizing power of these solutions, with and without gelatine (fig. 6). The relation observed with bark powder still holds here, that diseased material is more active than healthy. On the other hand, gelatine increases oxidation by the precipitate from extract of TABLE XVII REACTION OF MIXTURES OF BARK AND PYROGALLOL WITH GELATINE (o. 2 PER CENT) AND WITHOUT AT VARIOUS STAGES OF OXIDATION PROCESS HEALTHY DISEASED TIME OF READING Without gelatine} With gelatine | Without gelatine] With gelatine AVA Ta ee cele fa op Sees seen: oat tits 5.61 5.60 PayAtter ns hours... 5... 2. 4.82 4.84 4.89 4.86 ¥ (After 64 hours........ 4.29 4.35 4.29 4.52 diseased bark, but is without marked effect on that from healthy bark, the reverse of the condition found when bark powder was used. There were indications in the preliminary work that the alco- holic precipitate from bark extract was easily separated into 2 128 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY fractions, hence it seemed worth while to collect these separately. This was done for both healthy and diseased tissue and gave TABLE XVIII OXIDATION OF PYROGALLOL BY AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF PRECIPITATED OXIDASE FROM HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK, WITH AND WITHOUT GELATINE; TEMPERATURE 29.3-30.3° C. HEALTHY DISEASED ‘TIME OF READING | Without gelatine} With gelatine | Without gelatine} With gelatine UNS De Resta a ob ab oc 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PDO OMA SVALM fir sy rede ed 0.31 0.33 0.68 0.72 SS) arr AC ACMaaruer | shaking 3 hours... 0.35 | 0.46 TOL T.24 Orne? O} Ones OUACMIs tans eteto« 0.42 0.46 1.08 1.56 Fic. 6.—Oxidation of pyrogallol by precipitated oxidases from healthy and diseased bark, with and without gelatine, shaken only during period from A to B: A, precipitate from healthy bark without gelatine; B, precipitate from healthy bark with gelatine; C, precipitate from diseased bark without gelatine; D, precipitate from diseased bark with gelatine. precipitates whose air dry weights, determined by the use of tared filters, were as follows: From extract of From extract of healthy bark diseased bark RraGhionyir... iy. eee ©.0099 gm. | 0.0532 gm. Bractiong2) 4..c eee: 0.0080 0.0164 Total Naatelos tee 0.0179 0.0696 The greater amount of precipitate from diseased bark may or may not be directly connected with its greater oxidase activity. 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 129 Further study is necessary to show the facts. A test of these pre- cipitates with pyrocatechin showed that while the 2 fractions from healthy bark are about equal in oxidizing power the first fraction from diseased bark is r1 times as active as the second (fig. 7). Fic. 7.—Oxidation of pyrocatechin by precipitated oxidases from healthy bark, without gelatine: A, fraction 1; B, fraction 2; C, fractions 1 and 2 tested together; D, sum of fractions 1 and 2 tested separately. Other precipitates were prepared using 25 cc. of alcohol for the first fraction and 100 cc. more for the second. The oxidase activity of these, tested separately and combined, with and without gelatine, is shown in table XIX. TABLE XIX OXIDASE ACTIVITY OF FIRST AND SECOND FRACTIONS FROM BARK EXTRACT TESTED SEPARATELY AND COMBINED; TEMPERATURE 29.5-30.0° C. WITHOUT GELATINE WITH GELATINE BARK EXTRACT Sum of fractions Sum of.fractions I and 2 tested | Sail Asean Fractions t and 2 combined Fractions rand 2 combined separately separately Healthy, after 23 hours... . 0.65 0.84 0.76 | 0.84 Disedsedey 538i. Fur Sh 1.82 2.00 2.64 3.06 The mechanism by which gelatine increases the oxidase activity is not clear. It is evidently not through buffer action, as shown by its lack of effect on the hydrogen ion concentration (table XVII, figs. 8,9, 10). Special tests showed that there was no hydrolysis of the gelatine to amino acids, in either healthy or diseased bark, which would increase its buffer effect. If gelatine is effective through its action as a protective colloid, its effect in this direction must be very complex, as shown by its difference in effect on bark mixtures and precipitated oxidases. BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY H io) Oo NCTC syISe Vere Aa) (uaa Time in hours Fic. 8.—Oxidation of pyrocatechin by first and second fractions of healthy bark, with gelatine (for explanation of lettering see legend for fig. 7). w u Pd oO. = ry) = 123 16 40 Fic. 9.—Oxidation of pyrocatechin by first and second fractions from diseased bark, without gelatine (for explanation of lettering see legend for fig. 7); points of plotting marked by vertical broken lines. G | 3 bre a i: | aah ee D a= -_ _ Be at re A p= qQ —_ =| | | | | | | | ‘ | B Era me n NOU [23 16 40 Fic. 1o.—Oxidation of pyrocatechin by first and second fractions from diseased bark, with gelatine (for explanation of lettering see legend for fig. 7); points of plotting as in fig. g. 1919} - ROSE—BLISTER CANKER Tease The difference in the effect of gelatine and of gum arabic on oxidation by healthy bark may depend on differences in the col- loidal solutions they form. An artificial oxidase prepared by Dony-HENAULT (18) from manganese formate, sodium bicarbonate, and gum arabic could be destroyed by heat; but one prepared by TRILLAT (33) from albumin and manganese could not be so destroyed. Baytiss (6, p. 585) thinks the difference here “clearly depends on the nature of the emulsion colloid in association with the metal.’ On the other hand, what little increase in oxidation gum arabic produces may be due to an oxidase naturally present in it (BoURQUELOT 7), although an experiment designed to test this question gave negative results. One per cent gum arabic plus I per cent pyrogallol, and pyrogallol alone, were placed in separate oxidase tubes and shaken twice during each 24 hours. At the end of 3 days thé mercury rise was 0.32 cm. in the first case and o.20cm. in the second, a difference almost within the limits of error in reading the manometers. The data given in table XIX show that when the precipitate © is collected in 2 fractions, these fractions have a greater oxidase activity if combined than if used separately. This condition seems to be about the same as that described by Bacu and Cuopat (4) for Lactarius vellereus. ‘They found that by the fractional pre- cipitation of an aqueous solution of the oxidase of this fungus, by alcohol, 2 fractions could be obtained possessing markedly different properties. The first of these was almost insoluble in 4o per cent alcohol and had the properties of a weak oxidase; the second was soluble in 40 per cent alcohol but insoluble in pure alcohol and had no oxidizing powers. ‘This fraction, however, was found to impart greater activity to hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent; it was also found to increase markedly the oxidizing powers of the first fraction. The chief difference between this situation and that found in the work with apple bark is that in the latter case the first fraction has more than a weak oxidase activity, while the second, possibly because of incomplete separation of the fractions, is not entirely without it. No tests have been made of the behavior of the second fraction toward hydrogen peroxide. 132 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY OXIDASE ACTIVITY OF THE FUNGUS IN PURE CULTURE.—A fungus powder was prepared according to the method employed by ReeEp (29) from mats of Nummularia mycelium grown in the potato extract medium described by DuccaR (19). A test with 3 Bunzell tubes using o.1 gm. of fungus powder, 4 cc. of 1 per cent pyrogallol, and 1 cc. of water gave after 4 days an average mercury rise of 2.35 cm. Quantitative tests on the medium in which the fungus had grown showed “oxidase” present there also. From these results it appears probable that the greater oxidase activity of diseased bark is due to a summation of the oxidase activity of normal bark and of the canker fungus itself. This may also account for the difference in behavior of the oxidases of the two. The general conclusion to be drawn from the preceding data is that diseased bark has greater oxidase activity than healthy bark, probably because of lower acidity and greater degree of dispersion of the oxidizing agent, and because of an actually greater oxidase content. The lower tannin content of diseased bark (see macro- chemical work) may also be a contributing factor, since tannins are known to cause inhibition of oxidase action. This factor is probably eliminated when precipitated oxidases are used. In reference to the Bunzell apparatus it may be said that while it gives valuable comparative measurements of oxidase activity, those using it must realize its limitations Conditions within it are artificial; with reference to hydrogen ion concentration, and probably other inhibiting factors, they are unstable and continually moving toward an equilibrium which, so far as we know, does not coincide with the equilibrium obtaining in the plant. Catalase Determinations of catalase activity (table XX) were made on 12 samples of bark, of which nos. 9 and ro form a set from one tree and nos. 13 to 20 a set from another tree. Nos. 3 and 4 each came from different trees and are the ones used for most of the oxidase work reported in this paper. ‘They were about 1 year old when tested for catalase. The other samples were freshly prepared for this work in December 1917 and January 1918. The limbs from which they came were carefully cleaned to remove lichens, 1919} ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 133 Pleurococcus, etc., since microchemical work had shown that such growths have a high catalase activity. The bark was then shaved off, ground in a meat chopper, and allowed to dry on filter paper at room temperature. In the case of samples 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, and 20, calcium carbonate was added during the grinding process at the rate of 0.5 gm. to each 10 gm. of unground bark, to prevent destruction of catalase by the acids of the bark (2) or of the hydro- gen peroxide used. The dried bark was finally ground to a powder and only that part used which passed through an 80-mesh sieve. TABLE XX CATALASE ACTIVITY OF APPLE BARK POSITIVE PRESSURE IN CM. ee DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE EE z= = a After 5 min. | After ro min. Rie. Se Healthy, from sound limb, no car- PRA LG ea cote tee eae ee Ra Bova OSLO Mn a ROnTO A Rare ate Diseased se ROLCARDONALE ». is yee Cee eee 0.55 | 0.95 Optilkien Healthy, from sound limb, plus car- DOUALES Sees Mess Sc om. 2: ted eee 21.0 Ouest |eeorE 2G TO), Se Miseaseds plus carbonate. ..f)..2.% oo. 5002. SAO ete Skee Tie it OR Healthy, from sound limb, no car- | DORACE Grane, tees ee 21.0 OnS 2 sali inOn70 117. ets 3 ee Healthy, from sound limb, plus car- IDOI ATEN SNe ay old Gea at Ne ae a ia LY am 1.83 Reo Tecra rape es Healthy (?) 5 cm. from canker, no | CARDONALE Lorrie ih erie by 7 2210 OoGh |) TGS HORM ed: Healthy (?) 5 cm. from canker, plus | carbonate. hula ee se. | eaten ora | aoe ee On 73 I.O1 Ley Secon ts Diseased,'no carbonate... ..., ii.. 20.5 0.55 o.81 TUS ere the Diseased, lis carbonates: *.0) Mie ey es es Doh HO PRs scoceerey. Dead no carbonate. 25 21 t BOR 5.00 he Sul DOs, oars | Dead, plus carbonate.............]....,..... 7.01 T2077, Tests were made at room temperature by means of the simpli- fied Bunzell apparatus, using 0.03 or 0.10 gm. of bark powder, tcc. of water, and 4 cc. of 25 per cent hydrogen peroxide. After the experiment was set up the apparatus was allowed to stand for half an hour, when the manometers were closed and the solutions mixed. The apparatus was shaken for 10 seconds at the end of each minute and readings taken after 5 and 10 minutes. All tests were made in duplicate or quadruplicate, a water blank being included for temperature corrections as in the oxidase work. e 134 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY A test for catalase was run also on the fungus powder pre- viously mentioned, using 0.03 gm. in each tube and calculating the results to the basis of o.10gm. ‘The average mercury rise (positive pressure) produced in 3 tubes was 1.65 cm. in 5 minutes and 2.57 cm. in 10 minutes, or, calculated to the basis of 0.10 gm., 5.49 cm. in 5 minutes, and 8.55 cm. in ro minutes. It is worthy of note that a powder prepared from Nummularia mycelium grown in Raulin’s solution, which is acid to litmus, showed no catalase activity. Experiments with different amounts of material showed that the positive pressure varies directly with the amount of material used. It was deemed legitimate, therefore, to calculate all results to the basis of 0.10 gm. of bark powder, and the figures for final tabulation were so calculated. The results for samples 14, 16, 18, all from the same tree, show that diseased bark (sample 18) had more than twice the catalase activity of seemingly healthy bark 5 cm. away from the canker (sample 16), but only nine-tenths of that of bark from a sound unaffected limb on the same tree (sample 14). Dead cankered bark from this tree (sample 20) had 4 times the catalase activity of healthy bark, 12 times that of seemingly healthy bark next the canker, and nearly 5 times that of diseased bark. In the case of samples 9 (healthy) and 10 (diseased), the results are reversed, since the diseased had a catalase activity nearly 7 times. greater than that of the healthy bark. The reason for the discrepancy between these two sets is not clear. The high catalase activity of sample no. ro can hardly have been due to the presence of lichens, etc., or of an admixture of really dead bark, for precautions were taken when the samples were removed to avoid these sources of error. From the present data the only conclusion that can be drawn is that diseased bark from different trees varies considerably in its catalase activity, and that in general the more completely the bark is destroyed by the fungus the greater is its catalase activity. This condition is probably to be explained by the presence in the diseased bark of considerable amounts of mycelium which, as shown, produces a catalase of its own. The seemingly healthy bark near the canker when compared with sound and with diseased bark appears to form an exception 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER I IS in the series. Its catalase activity is less than that of either of the others and seems to be less affected by tissue acids when no car- bonate is added. It is possible that near the canker the host’s catalase is injured by materials from the fungus, even in advance of actual invasion by the hyphae. The fungus catalase may not appear here at all, but only later in the diseased bark, and in increasing amounts as the amount of mycelium increases. The oxidase activity of samples 13, 15, 17, 19, together with the catalase activity of samples 14, 16, 18, 20, identical with them except for the addition of carbonate, are. given in table XXI. TABLE XXI CATALASE’ ACTIVITY OF APPLE BARK | /MANOMETER READINGS EXPRESSED | IN CM. OF MERCURY USING 0.1 DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLE EES (D8 EMSS LON SABIOS Catalase | Oxidase | Healthy tans be 8 | 3.02 ame 00) Healthy (?) 5 cm. from canker) I.O1 1.47 Wiseasedie.. = y= Kamm ee yee | 2.50 | 1.95 Dead ert See Sone |e eeeriot ca | 0.88 It will be seen that there is a gradual increase in oxidase activ- ity from healthy to diseased bark, but a marked decrease in the case of dead bark. The catalase is considerably lower in apparently healthy bark near a canker than in the bark of an unaffected limb, but very much higher in the bark killed by the fungus than in bark from a healthy limb. Microchemical analysis _ Tests for oxidase, peroxidase, and catalase were made on fresh bark, all others on bark preserved in 50 per cent alcohol. The results are given in table XXII. In making the tests for oxidase (direct action) and peroxidase (indirect action), the brownish purple color due to oxidation of benzidine was found most marked at first, in both healthy and diseased bark, in a zone 2 or 3 cells wide just inside the cork and in the pith rays. Later it came to about the same intensity over 136 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY the whole section. Catalase, judging by evolution of gas when H.O, was added, was evenly distributed in all the tissues. Tests with FeCl, on sections of bark successively farther and farther TABLE XXII RESULTS OF MICROCHEMICAL TESTS ON HEALTHY AND DISEASED BARK REACTION SUBSTANCE REAGENT ee | Healthy Diseased Gellullosesvsepe IKI and 75 per cent H,SO, ++ Ste BRECtine eee | Ruthenium red + +p TOIT eps ey seeks cPanel | Phloroglucin and We ode Kel + in bast + in bast ANG wovoth ween OAR o8 | Ferric chloride ara | ar : INUETates? eae ere Diphenylamine in lUne75 pen centiHsSO)|feracgerestantier « MR hi in Pkt o Bats ence a ee | Sudan III + Especially in | + Same as for | parenchyma next _ healthy bark | to cork Calcium (crystals)...)| 50 per cent acetic) +-+ Crystals sol- +-+ Crystals sol- acid uble : uble 50 per cent H.SO, | ++ CaSO, formed) +--+ CaSO, formed Calcium oxalate (crys- +-+ Crystals not | +-+ Crystals not Palsy ete oy cee eee Oxalic acid changed changed Direct reducing sugars Fliickigers reagent + Soe Starchiee caine | IKI SPAr se Cyanogenic gluco- | Picric acid and + RAs Pan Sea cc side, probably | © Na,CO, amyedalin. ceo .ske _ Berlin blue reaction ates AE OEE Ree Oxidase (direct action) 1 per cent benzidine| + + | tml ="50) pers cent alcohol Peroxidase (indirect ACtiONn)/ 22s sages. _ 1 per cent benzidine’ es + | and H,O, @atalase--2e7 4. ae. | IBE{O} + | + distant from the badly browned region showed steadily increasing amounts of tannin. Pectin seemed to be present in about UE amounts in both healthy and diseased tissues. Macrochemical analysis Six samples were analyzed. The analytical methods used for 4 of them are based on those employed by Kocu for the quantitative study of animal and plant tissues (21, pp. 199-207). The differ- ence in material required minor variations from these methods, but it is not thought necessary to describe them here. The other \ 1910] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 137 2 were analyzed according to a method devised by KRAYBILL (unpublished work) in a study of the chemical composition of tomato plants. Material for 4 of the samples, healthy 1 and 2 and diseased 1 and 2, was taken from 8-10 cm. apple limbs cut in January at the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station, and shipped from there by express. As soon as these samples arrived they were pre- pared as follows: bark designated as “healthy”? was removed from sound limbs with a box scraper and cut into pieces half an inch square; about 150 gm. were then weighed quickly on a torsion bal- ance to hundredths of a gram and put into enough redistilled alcohol (95 per cent) to give an alcohol concentration of approximately 85 per cent. . The bottles containing the samples were then set into a steam bath until the alcohol came to a boil, then on top for t hour longer, to inactivate the enzymes. Bark designated as ‘“‘diseased’’ was taken from 8-10 cm. limbs showing well developed but not old cankers, usually about 45cm. long. A strip of moist browned bark 2-3 cm. wide around the outside of the canker was removed with the box scraper, cut up, weighed, and preserved as described. This material usually contained small portions of the seemingly healthy bark outside of the canker, but never any part of the black dead material that often covers the central part of the cankered areas. Healthy samples 3 and 4 were taken from a 7 cm. limb cut in April when the bark peeled easily, to avoid removing small shavings of wood along with the bark, as was inadvertently done in the case of healthy samples 1 and 2 (see discussion of table XXV). Healthy samples 3 and 4 were not extracted with hot alcohol and ether as in the method described by HARvEy (21); instead the alcohol for pre- serving was filtered into a rooo cc. flask and made up to volume. One-twentieth aliquots were then pipetted off into small beakers, evaporated to a syrup, and used later for dry weight and other estimations. The partly extracted bark was dried as described for the other samples, weighed, ground, allowed to come to air dry condition, and one-twentieth aliquots weighed out as_ before. This method of handling the material is much shorter than the Kocu method and is very satisfactory if one is not interested in the distribution of substances in the various fractions. 138 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY DRY WEIGHT.—One-tenth or one-twentieth aliquots, in tared crucibles or beakers, were brought to constant weight in a vacuum desiccator after intermittent drying for various lengths of time at about too” C. NITROGEN.—Estimations were made by the Kjeldahl-Gunning method, modified to include the nitrogen of nitrates. For healthy samples 1 and 2 and diseased samples 1 and 2 estimations were made separately on fractions 2 and 3; no nitrogen was found in fraction 2. Estimations for healthy samples 3 and 4 were made on one-twentieth of the alcohol extract combined with one-twentieth of the partly extracted bark. CARBOHYDRATES.—Healthy samples 1 and 2, diseased samples 1 and 2: in the case of fraction 2, direct reducing sugars, and reducing sugars after mild hydrolysis, were estimated by the Bertrand volumetric method and calculated as dextrose by use of the MuNSON and WALKER tables (34). The more important details of manipula- tion, including precipitation of non-sugars, are given by CUuL- PEPPER, Foster, and CALDWELL (16). The polysaccharides in fraction 3 were estimated as dextrose, but after 2.5 instead of 5 hours’ hydrolysis (16). Healthy samples 3 and 4: one-twentieth of the air dry, partly extracted bark was further extracted on a filter with about 200 cc. of water at 40° C., the filtrate being collected in a beaker containing one-twentieth of the alcohol extract. Estimation of sugars and polysaccharides in the combined extracts were then made as already described. ‘The results of the analysis are given in tables XXIII and XXIV and summarized in table XXV. The most important differences shown in the tables, as between healthy samples 1 and 2 and diseased samples 1 and 2, are as fol- lows: diseased tissue contains 3.23 per cent more dry matter than healthy, although here much depends on the manner in which the sample is taken; on the basis of dry weight, fraction 1 is larger in the diseased by 4.56 per cent (nearly doubled), indicating a synthesis of lipoids by the fungus; fraction 3, the alcohol-water- insoluble residue, is larger by 1.83 per cent, while fraction 2, con- taining the alcohol-water-soluble substances, is smaller by 6.27 per cent. These results are strikingly similar to those found by 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 139 CULPEPPER, Foster, and CALDWELL (16), working with black rot of apples, caused by Sphaeropsis malorum. The increase in total TABLE XXIII RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF HEALTHY BARK Matera ee cease | er eeaiare cer eet a a Sample r Sample 2 Sample r Sample 2 Motalisolids e) 5. 0.28 lei SB. 55 (Sito): al ogee meal Hoolsors soko se cs Bava eee A | 2.56 2.59 4.97 5.04 “ - Lees ctoleseieoeete | 14.84 13.26 28.79 25.85 : Ron cic oe ee 34.14 35-45 66.21 69.08 Motalenitroeen nena )s oe 0.23 0.2 0.45 0.40 Direct reducing sugars. .... TGS 1.60 3.06 2503) Reducing sugars after mild ny.drolysist: sey... jen. 0.55 0.54 1.07 1.05 Reducing sugars after strong hydrolysis F, and F,..... TO] 0.22 2.08 stat Reducing sugars after strong My GKOlySIS iH sense ee 7.40 7.50 14.35 14.74 Reducing sugars after strong, nydrolysiswtotal.. 0... 8.47 Vaan 16.43 16.45 | Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 3 Sample 4 Motalsolidsre. 2:05, 24 825.6 2 Aon 13 ORCL se Al Oe OR ALA peas tin sicko Hotal mitrogens 4.2). 6. 4.2. OL 257 0.231 0.46 0.50 Direct reducing sugars. .... 0.915 ©.949 1.96 2.05 Reducing sugars after mild lin iOlWSe oo gpodsenoese 0.634 0.662 es 72 1.45 Reducing sugars after strong inydralysiss 12200.) see 7.524 7.189 16.20 16:55 TABLE XXIV RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF DISEASED BARK Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample r Sample 2 Material Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage wet weight wet weight dry weight dry weight ‘noi eo) Io Se gis oe aaa 54.20 GRE I Es ereta asf See win eee ere ips SO Rae ee aces AD 4.69 oui 8.64 10.47 ee SO” Renee are Tr .52 II.52 Zit Ot 20.89 Mg COS Ras her aac 38.07 37.94 70.16 68.80 Miotalenitrogents -..: 5.2... 0.45 0.45 0.83 0.81 Direct reducing sugars... .. 1.42 1.506 2.62 2.83 Reducing sugars after mild nsgelmoliysisteeera ty. a a2 0.66 ©.59 Tee 1.07 Reducing sugars after strong | hydrolysis F; and F2..... 0.13 0.38 On23 0.70 Reducing sugars after strong ny cdroliySishH =... 0: 13... 8.80 8.84 16.21 | Toros Reducing sugars after strong hydrolysis, total........ 8.93 Q. 22 16.44 16.74 I40 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY nitrogen in diseased bark may be due to fixation by the fungus or to a withdrawal of nitrogen from the surrounding tissue. Fur- ther data are necessary before a conclusion can be reached. CuL- PEPPER, Foster, and CALDWELL found protein-nitrogen content of fraction 2 for diseased apples larger than for normal ones, but the total nitrogen for the whole tissue smaller for the former than for the latter. TABLE XXV SUMMARY AVERAGE PERCENTAGE WET WEIGHT| AVERAGE PERCENTAGE DRY WEIGHT MATERIAL | Healthy 1 | Healthy 3 |Diseased 1 | Healthy 1 | Healthy 3 | Diseased 1 and2 | and4 and 2 and 2 and 4 and 2 PRotalisolids weep rise Sit iye) 46.19 SAEZ. ||. Akeartraecs |) «1 cee ae | eee os Samy Birk ania yee DAG OVEN ley: atonal Sole OO). chicane 9.56 ‘“ oe iais esceys eet TACOS, len meee Taree Dips Cove ilMele é a 6 oh 21.05 . oN CEES ee od Gc EV Morovia geears o.o%e Doh ype al Orie Oe leriacte 5.6 c 69.48 Motalinitroveny..- a: oe- +l ouee 0.24 ©.45 0.46 0.48 0.82 Direct reducing sugars....| 1.59 0.93 1.49 | 3.00 2.00 oe) Direct reducing sugars after mild hydrolysis........ ©.55 0.65 0.62 1.06 I.59 Teas Direct reducing sugars after strong hydrolysis....... 8.12 oes 9.08 16.44 16.38 16.59 Results with healthy samples 3 and 4 furnish little of additional interest. They show, however, that as far as total nitrogen and starch are concerned, the small amount of wood in the other 2 healthy samples had no effect on the results. The difference in the case of dry weight and reducing sugars before and after hy- drolysis is probably due to the fact that samples 3 and 4 were taken from a limb cut early in the growing season, while samples 1 and 2 were taken from limbs cut in the dead of winter. Estimation of tannin The method used was that of LOwENTHAL, as modified by Proctor (34, p. 150). Material for analysis was taken from 8-12 cm. Ben Davis limbs cut in November, December, and January. The bark was cut off as already described, ground in a meat grinder, and transferred to a glass moist chamber at once. About ro gm. were then weighed out and set to boil in 4oo cc. of 1910] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 141 water as required by the LOwENTHAL method; at the same time duplicate samples were taken for moisture determination. What- ever may have been the errors introduced by this method, the agreement between duplicates taken for moisture determination was very close in most cases, as is shown in table XX VI. TABLE XXVI PERCENTAGE OF DRY MATTER IN DUPLICATE SAMPLES OF VARIOUS LOTS OF BARK ANALYZED Sample Duplicate r Duplicate 2 Average Healthy t2)t6 62 ¢o5<% 47.89 47.65 AW TT ss Dee an ot 45.96 45.76 45.86 ; = BR Meets 46.95 46.86 46.91 Diseased Wess. sce 50.44 49.53 49.99 ? [sh Stele a eg oe 49.98 49.41 49.69 os Once eee 49.86 49.73 49.80 ID eadtinn teres ts ere GOA ark eee tan) ee eet pei ee oly Ae OTTO 64.85 64.74 64.79 EER Oe Ae de rae ae 76.34 75.83 76.10 The results of the analysis shown in table XXVII. of 9 different samples of bark are TABLE XXVII PERCENTAGE OF TANNIN IN HEALTHY AND DISEASED APPLE BARK Description of sample oa eS Healthy STE Etec yonttete sya pat susie op ic Weber ey st aise oes 5.16 2a O—TOWcM rom) Canker seer een ae 3.64 3. From’same tree as '6and9.......... 3.38 AV ETAL ON treba sstoc wey seeks 4.06 Diseased AEA SRAM INS cis Raber eeoh pedal sete nett 2.40 ge MHEOM, SAMMe IMD EAS) 2) ce seeder au) sheeted 3.50 Ose Mee mea astord cmeieroes karen te viene retary: 2.93 AVETAG Em caine 2 asrocuns ane taeaaabbons 2.99 Dead (from surface of canker) 7 Eromesame Litm Dias) Dyes serene = 0.25 2) en EN Dee Seer cage 28s a ae re BRN EF cr ech Coe I.14 Cie Geer PERSO apo DHE mera S ceamind Lage ACTA CE) Walh cratere hel shore earthen 0.07 The LOwENTHAL method probably determines merely the easily water-soluble tannins, but fails to reach those tied up with 142 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY the suberin. If suberin is for any reason more abundant in the diseased bark, an error would thus be introduced which might invalidate any comparisons based on the results obtained. Sub- ject to this possible correction the results shown in table XX VII confirm those obtained in the microchemical analysis; that is, they show a progressive decrease in tannin as the bark is more and more affected by the disease. Healthy bark was found to contain on the average 4.06 per cent of tannin, diseased 2.99, and dead 0.97. Ifsample 1 healthy, which gave a high figure, and sample 7 dead, which gave a low figure, be eliminated, the averages become healthy 3.51, diseased 2.99, dead 1.33. The figures for samples 3, 6, and 9, all from the same tree, are healthy 3.38, diseased 2.93, dead 1.51. There is undoubtedly a difference between bark from a sound limb and seemingly healthy bark from a limb that is badly cankered. The latter is usually slightly browned throughout when first cut off and rapidly becomes reddish brown on exposure to air. Really healthy bark under such conditions shows only a slight browning. Whatever the results with apple bark may mean, they are not in agreement with the statement made by KERR (see Cook and WILSON, 15, p. 26, footnote) that because of the greater stability of tannin and the disappearance of other constituents “‘all decayed wood and bark give higher tannin contents, no matter what causes the decay.” If confirmed by further analyses they would indicate a different relation between host and parasite with reference to tannin in the case of blister canker than obtained in any of the cases studied by Kerr. Leaching of tannin may account for the low percentage found in dead apple bark, as suggested by the chemist of the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission (15, p. 6) for old cankers of chestnut blight, but can hardly be responsible for the condition found in diseased bark. Summary 1. Measurements with the simplified Bunzell apparatus show that apple bark attacked by Nummularia discreta causes about twice as much oxidation of pyrogallol, pyrocatechin, guaiacol, and benzidine as does healthy bark. 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 143 2. The gradual slowing down of oxidation in the Bunzell apparatus is shown to be due, in part at least, to increasing hydrogen ion concentration, brought about by the oxidation process itself, The equilibrium reached in the oxidase apparatus seems to be a false one, which can be disturbed by the addition of either fresh oxidase reagent or plant material. When tested by the formula for a unimolecular reaction, the oxidase reaction gives values for k, which indicate clearly a linear relationship between time and amount of change and suggest that the oxidase is a catalytic agent. 3. The hydrogen ion concentration of diseased bark (Py = 5.61) is definitely less than that of healthy bark (Pa=5.15). Work with buffer solutions shows that this difference is not great enough to account for all of the difference in the oxidase activity of the two kinds of material. When mixtures of the two are brought to the same hydrogen ion concentration by means of buffer solutions, diseased bark still shows greater oxidase activity. 4. The temperature and duration of drying have an effect on the acidity and the oxidase activity of both healthy and diseased bark. 5. Eight-tenths per cent gelatine increases the oxidase activity of both kinds of bark. ‘This may be due to the action of gelatine as a protective colloid which prevents precipitation of the “‘ oxidase.” It is not due to buffer action. 6. The concentration of hydrogen ion necessary or complete inhibition of oxidase activity of healthy bark lies between 3.55 and 3.80 X10 *; for that of diseased bark between 3.55 and 4.27 X107*. 7. Oxidation in the apparatus comes to an end only after several days instead of after a few hours, as stated by BUNZELL. 8. When the ‘‘oxidase”’ is precipitated in 2 fractions, the first has greater oxidizing power than the second, and the 2 combined have slightly greater oxidizing power than when tested separately. g. Catalase determinations gave the following results: healthy 3.02 (cm. positive pressure), seemingly healthy 5 cm. from the canker 1.01, diseased 2.74, dead 12.17; results from oxidase determinations for the same stages were 1.16, 1.47, 1.95, 1.85 (cm. negative pressure). ‘These results show some discrepancies, but justify the general statement that the more severely the bark 144 BOTANICAL GAZETTE [FEBRUARY is attacked by the fungus the greater is its catalase activity, and that catalase activity in part is in indirect ratio to oxidase activity. to. Microchemical tests indicate, for diseased bark, a partial disintegration of cellulose, a disappearance of cyanogenic glucoside, and a lower content of starch, calcium oxalate, and tannins. 11. Macrochemical analyses show that diseased bark has a higher percentage of dry matter, lipoids, alcohol-water-insoluble residue, and total nitrogen, but a lower percentage of alcohol-water- soluble material than healthy bark. The percentage of carbo- hydrates in both tissues seems to be about thesame. Differences in tannin content are definite but not large. Sound healthy bark contains more than diseased bark and diseased bark more than dead bark from the surface of the canker. 12. The greater oxidase activity of diseased bark is probably due to the combined activity of the oxidases of fungus and host, lower acidity, and possibly to a greater degree of dispersion of the oxidizing agent. ‘The lower tannin content of diseased bark may also be a contributing factor. The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. WILLIAM CROCKER, Dr. F. C. Kocu, and Dr. Sopuia H. ECKERSON for valuable suggestions and criticism during the course of the investigation. Thanks are due to Dr. PAut Evans of the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station for bark material used in the experiments. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. LITERATURE CITED 1. ALLARD, H. A., Some properties of the virus of the mosaic disease of tobacco. Jour. Agri. Research 6:649-674. 1916. 2. APPLEMAN, CHARLES O., Some observations on catalase. Bor. Gaz. 50:182-192. IQI0. 3. ATKINS, W. R. G., Recent researches in plant physiology. London. 1916. 4. Bacu, —, and Cuopat, O. R., Untersuchungen iiber die Rolle der Peroxyde in der Chemie der lebenden Zelle: IV, Uber Peroxydase Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Gesell. 36:600-605. 1903. 5. BATTELLI, F., and STERN, L., Die Oxydationsfermente. Ergeb. Physiol. 12:96-268. 1912. 1919] ROSE—BLISTER CANKER 145 II. I2. EJ: 14. 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