N het hy Wa Bl | | | | | | | rw — j=) (om, =n) 641TH CONGRESS < DocuMENT 2d Session t SENATE | No. 701 BOLL WEEVIL. REPOR b OF THES SOUTH CAROLINA BOLL WEEVIL COMMISSION Prepared by WALTER M. RIGGS PRESIDENT CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 v Oh? s.! AY ao ; ae \ a 16 \V ~ C7 es () fi, a SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 312. By Mi. TILUMAN, In Tue Senate or tur Unrrep Srares, February 2, 1917. Resolved, That the manuscript entitled “Report of the South Carolina Boll Weevil Commission, Bulletin No. 20, of Clemson Agricultural College, of South Carolina,” be printed, with accom- panying illustrations, as a Senate document. Attest: James M. Baxen, Secretary. bo D. of D. MAR 8 1917 NF one Onc | FARMERS’ READING COURSE. [Bulletin No. 20.] CLemson AGRICULTURAL Co~LEGE oF Soutm Carornina—Tne Extren- sion Diviston, IN CooPperaTioN WITIT THE Unitep Strares DEpART- MENT oF AGRICULTURE. W. W. Lone, Director of Extension. W. D. Hunter, Bureau Entomology, Washington, D. C., and J. A. Evans, States Relations Service, W: ashington, D. C., representing the United States Department of Agriculture. A. C. Moore, professor of biology, Columbia, 8. C,. representing the South Carolina Univ ersity. Bright Williamson, Darlington, S. C., representing the South Carolina Bankers’ Association. B. F. Taylor, secretary Cotton Seed Crushers’ Association, Colum- bia, S. C., representing the South Carolina Cotton Seed Crushers’ Association. Hi. T. Morrison, president Farmers’ Union, McClellanville, S. C., representing the State Farmers’ Union. Joe Sparks, Columbia, 8. C., ; representing the South Carolina Press Association. Fie. 2.—Cotton boll weevil: @, Beetle, from above; b, same, from side. About five times natural size. (Author's illustration.) Report oF rue Sourm Caronina Bott WEEVIL CoMMISSION. Prepared by W. M. Riess. REPRESENTING CLEMSON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Trustees: Richard J. Manning, governor, Columbia, S. C. (chair- man); Alan Johnstone, president of board, Neéwberry, S. C.; B. H. Rawl, Chief Dairy Division, United States Department of Agric ul- ture, Washington, eC; Officers: W. M. Riggs, president Clemson College, South Carolina; J. N: Harper, dean agricultural department, Clemson College, Sout th Carolina; W. W. Long, director extension, Clemson College, Souths Carolina: A. F, Conradi, State entomologist, Clemson College, South Carolina. a) v o0im oa o - 7 7 iy - ql a ‘ ad . - ia : - = ; i - ‘ : ‘ P : & - ' _ me : ‘ - ‘Ti 7 . ‘ "8 —er i. _ a 2 - 7 OF Dee. Se ‘ 4 ~ = wv . : f ' me tL ‘ ) o 4 on “ ' 4 1 ‘ «fA ) \ 4 ‘ “1 ‘ . oo > - ' t - ’ ‘ yo - —— - i} os , 4 « 5 ' . ‘ on " 7 5 y ‘ “ a yt ot 1? * 1 wh is - ‘ cp att sae! we See et wey f " 7 on ’ 7 oe iio ie th ih ww ! - ‘ : : ' i ’ yA ie - ' ‘ y _ ran f oe . ' Y i ; . y BOLL WEEVIL. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT. ORGANIZATION, At a meeting of the agricultural committee of the board of trustees of Clemson College at Dr ainland in July, 1915, committee of tr ustees and college officials was organized to visit the boll-weevil section in order to give to the farmers of South Carolina first-hand impressions of conditions and to suggest methods of preparedness, Circumstances prevented this committee making its trip in the summer or fall of 1915. At a meeting of the agricultural committee at Clemson College, July, 1916, it was decided to enlarge the commission by inviting State- wide’ organizations to furnish each a representative on the com- mission. An invitation was sent to the following organizations: The University of South Carolina. The State department of agriculture. The United States Department of Agriculture. The South Carolina Bankers’ Association. The South Carolina Cotton Seed Crushers’ Association. The South Carolina State Farmers’ Union. The State Press Association. The personnel of the commission as finally constituted is shown on the preceding page, and includes in addition to the college officials the representatives of those organizations accepting the invitation of the agricultural committee. THE VISIT TO THE BOLL-WEEVIL 'TERRITORY. The commission set out on its trip of inspection on September 30. A. day was spent in New Orleans in consultation with merchants, cotton factors, bankers, and other business men. Six days were spent in traveling over the State of Louisiana. One day was spent in Mississippi “and one day in Alabama. Louisiana was selected as the principal field for investigation be- cause the boll weevil had been in that State long enough to per- manently affect its agricultural and economic conditions. Further- more, through the courtesy of Prof. W. R. Dodson, director of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, the commission was assured of exceptional advantages for its study of conditions. The itinerary of the commission included visits to typical boll- weevil sections, in some of which the raising of cotton has been prac- B) 6 BOLL WEEVIL. tically abandoned and others in which fair crops of cotton are still being produced. An inspection of the experimental laboratories of the United States Department of Agriculture at Tululah, La., and the accompanying field experiments near the same place was included in the commission’s investigations. Most of the commission’s time was spent in the open country, and many individuals of all classes and pursuits were interviewed. The commission sought by industry and ihe use of every available source of information in the territory vis- ited to arrive at conclusions at once conservative and accurate. Tur Brooxuaven Rervorr. On October 7, the cominission held a meeting at Brookhaven, Miss. After careful consideration of every word the following preliminary report was adopted : 1. That the invasion of the State of South Carolina by the boll weevil within a year, and the general infestation of the State probably within three years, is a certainty. No means have yet been discovered that promise to check or pre- vent the advance of this insect pest. When it arrives it must be regarded as a permanent factor in our agriculture, to be dealt with accordingly. 2. That wherever the boll weevil has become established the result has been agricultural and economie panie and resulting demoralization. Advances to farmers by banks and merchants on the cotton crop have been greatly curtailed, and values have been greatly depressed; the negro labor has largely left the country, and the cotton crop, the basis of credit and profit, has been, for the first few years at least, almost completely destroyed. The result has been the loss of lands and homesteads by owners, inability by tenants to pay out, and a peried of great poverty and distress among all classes of agricultural people. &. That it will be inpossible to depend entirely as heretofore on the cotton crop, although some cotton of an early maturing variety may be successfully crown on soils especially adapted to quick growth under frequent and intensive cultivation. Given ample labor and fertilizers and favorable climatic conditions, a profit- able crop on reduced acreage may be made. With unfavorable season the boll weevil may destroy practically the entire crop. 4, That to prepare for the coming of the boli weevil, merchants, bankers, and farmers should cocperate. Intelligent community action is necessary to pre- vent the disaster due to the initial panic following the first crop failure. Farmers should begin now to live at home, to cut down expenses, to get free of debt, and lay by a small capital to tide over the inevitable period of readjust- ment. Wherever practicable, the small farmer should have or obtain a milk cow and a brood sow, should plant a garden for the subsistence of the family, and practice upon a small scale the raising of substitute money crops, and should support and patronize the cooperative creameries and the packing houses at Orangeburg and Greenville, which enterprises are established to furnish the farmers of the State a ready market for dairy and meat products. The approaching problem should be explained to the negro laber, so -that designing agents may not succeed in enticing it away, Merchants, cotton-oil manufacturers, and other business men should begin now to provide easy markets for these products that must in a large measure substi- tute the raising of cotton. 5. That with the coming of the weevil the first consideration should be to retain the labor on the farm and to produce all possible food supplies at home. The people of all classes should be prepared to face with courage and faith a period of readjustment. At least one year must be lived with restricted credit, and this first year will be a very hard one unless provision has been made to meet it on some more substantial basis. In the case of owners, debt may mean a sacrifice of their holdings, for the basis of credit will be temporarily impaired by the depression of farm values, 6. That to the merchant whose business has been principally that of advancing to farmers, the coming of the boll weevil has meant one year of practically no business and the practical abandonment of the present advancing system on the BOLL WEEVIL. 7 eotton crop. Afterwards a business of reduced volume on a cash basis has been built up with satisfactory profits. It can not be too strongly emphasized that cotton production on the basis of advances to the tenant has proven uniformly disastrous to both parties, but espe- cially to the merchant. 7. That the degree of permanent disaster is dependent upon the cooperation and determination with which the people of infested territory meet the situation. Where people have recognized a common problem and met the situation firmly and with sane business conservatism; where the merchants have restricted ad- vances on the cotten crop as collateral and insisted on rigid economy; where the farmers have practiced this economy and diversified their agriculture, pro- ducing first a living from the farm, the general testimony is that the agricul- ture under such conditions promises a readjustment on a sounder basis than existed before the coming of the weevil. Those who have prepared for the weevil’s coming have suffered little of financial embarrassment. But for the man in debt, the improvident, and the unbeliever, the boll weevil has spelled a disaster almost inconceivable in its conipleteness. It is the purpose of this report to go into greater detail as to the conditions to be expected and the remedies to be apphed. Tue Bown WrEEeEvin. Since this report is concerned chiefiy with the agricultural and economic aspects of the boll weevil, no attempt will be made to give a detailed or strictly scientific statement regarding its habits or life history. Only such information as will aid in a better understand- ing of the necessary methods of control will be attempted, and this in simple and popular form. However, the facts are taken mainly from Dr. Hunter’s bulletin (Farmers’ Bulletin No. 512), and are to be relied upon. LIFE HISTORY. A full-grown Mexican boll weevil is from one-eighth inch to one- fourth inch in length. Its snout is about one-half its body length. In color it varies from light yellowish when young to a grayish brown or black when fully matured. There are so many insects resembling very closely the Mexican boll weevil that the only sure way to determine whether an insect is a boll weevil or not is to send it to the State entomologist for exam- ination. If a cotton field shows an unusual number of falling squares, the bracts of which flare out instead of closing in closely upon the bud, it is a good indication that weevils are present. The boll weevil lives through the winter only in the adult stages. With the first cold weather the weevils seek shelter under logs, in high grass and weeds, in old fences, and anywhere that will furnish pro- tection during hibernation. The moss that hangs from the trees in the low country is an ideal place of refuge. In these sheltered positions the weevils try to live out the winter, but only about 3 per cent survive. Since a conservative estimate of the possible progeny of a single pair of weevils during the season is above 3,000,000, it can readily be seen that only a small per cent of those that go into winter quarters need survive in order to give the farmer a large amount of trouble. 1 Those interested in a scientific study of the weevil should write to the United States Department of Agriculture for Bulletin No. 358, entitled ‘“ Study of the Mexiean Cotton- Boll Weevil in the Mississippi Valley.” 8 BOLL WEEVIL. With the coming of the early spring the weevils begin to emerge and seek food after their long winter nap. The young cotton just appearing above ground is likely to be attacked. Unless the plants are strong and hardy, many of them will be killed, and this killing of young plants is the first indication of the season that weevils are present. The weevils suck also the tender shoots and young leaves of the cotton plants until the first squares appear. These constitute the favorite food of the weevil, and many of the squares are killed or are badly deformed by injury to feeding punctures. ric. 1.—Cotton square showing egg puncture of boll weevil and “ flaring” of bracts. Natural size. (Author's illustration.) As soon as the young squares form, the female weevils also begin to puncture them and to lay eggs in the hole. The flaring of the leaflets of the square, which under ordinary conditions close tightly around the bud, is a symptom that there is an egg in the square. The average time for the egg to hatch out is about four days. The larva, which emerges from the egg in the form of a small white grub, feeds upon the inside of the square, and in seven or eight days is ready to change to the pupa stage. In another seven or eight days it is ready to emerge as a fully grown weevil and ready for its life’s business, which is principally that of reproduction. The entire time from the laying of the egg until the emergence of the full-grown BOLL WEEVIL. 9 weevil varies with temperature and humidity, but is usually three or four weeks or longer. During the early growing season the weevils move about from plant to Dk: int, but no ) general flight takes place until late in the sea- son, probably not earlier than the mid: Ue of August. The weevils then sometimes move as far as 40 miles in short successive flights. As soon as the weather begins to get cold all adult weevils beoin to seek shelter, so as to pass the winter in safety. Many of the eggs laid in the squares continue their dey elopment if sufliciently pro- tected from the cold. The weevils thus produced hibernate during the winter and are ready to join their parents in the campaign against the farmers the following spring. SPREAD OF WEFVIL. The bell weevil’s first invasion of the United States was in 1892 in the vicinity of Brownsville, Pex. Since that tune it has advanced from year to year in practically concentric curves. There have been some interruptions due to climatic conditions, but an annual average advance of more than 50 miles per year has been made. After 20 years of experience and study of its habits there can be no doubt but that it will include the entire State of South Carolina in its progress. As a matter fact, the weevil has practically crossed the State of Georgia, and even now may be established in the southeastern couns ties of this State. COMPARISON OF SouTH CAROLINA AND LOUISIANA. There are many people who admit that the boll weevil will reach South Carolina, but maintain that conditions in this State are dif- ferent from those in which the boll weevil has done its greatest damage. Careful study would mdicate that such is not the case. There may be less damage in the Piedmont sections on account of the elevation and the lower winter temperatures, but over against these advantages must be put the disadvantage of the heavy soil type and the large amount of hibernating shelter furnished by terraces and woodland. Except in the upper Piedmont section, the situation in South Carolina will approach very closely to that of central and northern Louisiana, where the recent investrontion of boll-weevil conditions shows the most disastrous results. CHIEF CONTROLLING FACTORS. The two most important climatic factors which affect the boll weevil are minimum winter temperature and maximiim summer rain- fall. Winter temperatures have the effect of controlling the number of weevils which pass through the winter. Summer rainfall has an important effect upon the reproduction of the weevils. A heavy summer rainfall is most favorable to a large hatch of the weevil eggs laid in the squares. A hot dry summer has the opposite effect. In Texas it is the low rainfall during spring and summer, especially in the western part of the State, which enables it to maintain its production of cotton. Such conditions do not apply in South Caro- Jina and Louisiana. 79121—S. Doc. 701, 64 10 BOLL WEEVIL. COMPARISON OF MINIMUM ‘TEMPERATURE. Tn a map prepared by the Weather Bureau a line indicating mini- mum absolute temperatures of zero_runs across South Carolina from Marlboro to Aiken County, which is practically through the center of the State. This same line passes across the State ‘of Louisiana about two-thirds the distance from the southern boundary. It is thus evident that throughout the most important cotton zone of South Carolina the winter conditions are similar to those in that portion of Louisiana where the production of cotton has been very greatly reduced. A typical parish in this section of Louisiana showed a falling off of from 21,000 bales to 6,000 bales on account of the coming of the weevil. This reduction was due in part to the destructive effects of the insect itself and partly to the reduction of acreage occasioned. On the score of winter temperature there is no other conclusion but that South Carolina will suffer practically as did northern Louisiana. COMPARISON OF RAINFALI- The important rainfall, so far as the boll weevil is concerned, is from about June 1 to July 31, this being the period of fruiting. Weather Bureau figures show an average precipitation for this period in South Carolina of 16.9 inches and Louisiana 16.2 inches. The total annual precipitation in Louisiana is about 53.4 inches as agaist 49.5 inches for South Carolina, but the excess in Louisiana occurs largely in winter, when it is of no especial importance in the matter of weevil control. The zone throughout the State of South Carolina in which the summer precipitation is 16 inches or more comprises practically 75 per cent of the important cotton-producing counties of the State. This same zone of rainfall extends over the lower third of Louisiana, passing through the neighborhood of Baton Rouge, and includes parishes in w hich there has been a reduc- tion of at least 75 per cent of the cotton crop on account of the weevil. Here again we find conditions in South Carolina and Lou- isiana similar. CONCLUSIONS. There ave several factors other than minimum winter tempera- tures and maximum summer rainfall which have a bearing on the weevil problem. Among them is the length of the growing season— that is, the number of days between the last killing frost in the spring to the first killing frost in the fall. In this respect South Carolina is similar to the northern counties of Louisiana and the southern counties of Arkansas, where the damage has been mate- rial. The obvious conclusion from the above facts is that in South Carolina there will be a condition very similar to that in Louisiana and in Mississippi, with an added difficulty, viz, that the cotton crop in South Carolina can not be made without the use of con- siderable amount of commercial fertilizers, while in Louisiana little or no fertilizers need be used. The above explanation is made in order that the people of South Carolina may not feel that there are any special conditions of soil: or climate that can be expected to make the boll-weevil problem in BOLL . WEEVIL... ig this State less serious than it has been in other States. As a matter of fact, when the fertilizer situation is considered, Georgia and South Carolina are liable to suffer greater loss than any other States thus far invaded. In South Carolina an additional danger Jies in the attraction which the cotton mills hold out to the family of the small farmer. METHODS OF CONTROL. Through heat and sunshines, ants, insect parasites, birds, and the crushing “effect of the injured square on the eggs and larva nature keeps up its warfare against the boll weevil. The only artificial means. of controlling the boll weevil are found in cultural methods. The weevils can not be exterminated. The only hope lies in reducing their number to the point where injury to the cotton crop will be a minimum. Technical investigations are still under way, but no promise can be made of methods of control more satisfactory than the cultural methods now advocated by the United States Department of Agri- culture. All attempts to kill the weevil by poisons have thus far proven impracticable or unprofitable on a commercial scale. Errects or tur Bort Wrevin.. EFFECT ON COTTON PRODUCTION. - Of the disastrous effect of the boll weevil on cotton production tare can be no question. Many have cited the fact that Texas now produces more cotton than ever before to prove that the boll weevil is not really the menace that some believe it to be. However, the explanation in the case of Texas is found in the dry, hot climate; the large area of prairie land affording little winter Shelter to the weev fe “the severe winters in the western and northwestern portions of the State; and the gradu- ally increasing acreage, most of which has been in that part ‘of the State least favorable to the multiplication of the boll weevil. In 1900 Texas was planting 7,041,000 acres and producing 3,438,386 bales of cotton. In 1914 the average had increased to 11,921,000 acres and the crop to 4,592,112 bales. An analysis of the Texas situation by counties shows that the boll weevil seriously reduced the crop in those counties which were in cotton before the weevil appeared. In Louisiana where the acreage remained practically the same dur- ing the same 14-year period the cotton production fell from 0.55 bale per acre to 0.34 bale per acre, and from a total of 705,767 bales to 449,458 bales. In East Feliciana Parish, a section which in elevat#on and summer rainfall corresponds exactly to central South Carolina, the production in 1902 was 29,549 bales; in 1915, 2,836 bales. In the adjoining parish of East Baton Rouge the production in 1908 was 27,864 bales and in 1915 was 1,844 bales. In Madison Parish the pro- duction in 1902 was 21,844 bales: in 1915, 3,892 bales. These figures prove more eloquently than can any argument the net results of the boll-weevil invasion on cotton production. However, there is a bright side of this Louisiana picture, for while the cotton crop of the State was greatly reduced, the total value of 42 BOLL WEEVIL. all crops produced in the State greatly increased. This is shown by the following figures, which areg.taken from Dr. Hunter’s compila- tions: For the four years prior to the invasion by the boll. weevil (1899 to 1902) the average value of all crops was $68,394,150 per year. For the first five years of infestation (1903 to 1907, inclusive) the average value was $88,776,272. Tor the next five years (1908 to 1912, inc lusiv e), during which the effects of the weevil were most serious, the average was 3 $78, 111,000. During 1913 and 1914 the aver- age was $94,884,472. These fioures teach the important lesson that while the boll weevil may reduce the cotton yield of a State, it does not necessarily reduce its ability to produce equal and even greater wealth. EFFECT ON OIL MILLS AND GINNERIES. No industries in the State are more seriously threatened by the coming of the weevil than are the cotton oil mills and ginneries. It will be interesting to note the effects of the boll weevil on these indus- tries in several States where the boll weevil has been present for a number of years. In 1906 there were 2,076 operating ginneries in Louisiana and 149 idle. In 1915 there were only 1,086 operating ginneries and 351 idle. During this period, therefore, 788 ginneries entirely disappeared. Putting the average value of a inner y at $2,500, the loss in ginneries alone to the State of Louisiana was $1,960,000. In 1906 there were 95 oil mills in operation. This vear there are only 14, showing 11 mills either idle or abandoned. The average value of an oil ‘mill is about $30,000, making a total loss on ginneries and oil mills of $2,290,000. In Mississippi in 1906 there My ere 3,/80 active ginneries and 372 idle. In 1915 there were only 2,204 active ginneries and 584 idle. During this same period, ee e, In Mississippi, 1,414 ginneries disappeared, entailing a loss to the State of $3,535,000. In the same State there were S4 oil mills before the ady aa of the boll weevil, and this year there are only 54 operating, showing 30 oil mills abandoned or destroyed. The total loss on ginneries and oil mills in Mississippi was approximately $4,485,000. In South Carolina there are 60 oil mills, owned by local capital. These mills erush one-fourth of the seed prod luced in the State. The other three-fourths is bought and crushed by corporations, such as the Cotton Oil Co., the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., and the Union Seed & Fertilizer Co. These corporations own large mills and can better tide over a bad situation. The small mills owned by South Carolinians do not occupy such a position. So far as the oil mills are concerned, therefore, the matter resolves itself into the proposition of raw material. The mills are worthless unless they have something to work, and if the boll weevil mater ially reduces the raw material available some other seed that it is possible to work in oil mills must be provided. Otherwise there will result the same series of failures and abandonments that have taken place in the States cited. Peanuts, and especially soy beans, offer the best solution. The soy bean can be grown successfully in all parts of South Carolina, especially in the ‘coastal plain section. Peanuts can be grown on many light soils in this State. Therefore every effort BOLL WEEVIL. 13! should be made to educate the farmer to begin now to grow in a small way peanuts and particularly soy beans. Such a beginning could be greatly stimulated if the cotton-oil mills would offer prizes for the best acres of soy beans. These premiums should be large enough to create considerable interest in the State.