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St 4 tart 2 arta a ites ¢ -* ree hates? i ya Ma be, ah Ag agin te Wipers 4 1 ML N じい いし onan faeJIYre で Se Rae er a: SE Ag: ; PEN 2H 5s, は ai な s Ne うに 1 tn 人 aD bo ery Mais! Sees My る yr SMITHSONIAN... DEPOSIT 4 a ICAL SOCIETY | レー 7olume XXXVI どう 92350RNO き 2 人 4 の CONTENTS (No.) Page Hagiwara, T. On the Cross-over and Interference in the Japa- nese Wore Glory. 02 : ea ie Honda, M. Revisio graminum Japoniz. Is は Koketsu, R. Uber die Wirkungen der electrischen Reiaung an den pflanzlichen Gebilden. Komuro, H. On the Effect of Rontgen Rate upon ae Growth of Oryza sativa. ・ (421) 15 . Preliminary Note on He Cells of Vicia apa ‘modified by Rontgen Rays and their Resembrance to Tumor Cells. (424) 41 Miyoshi, M. Untersuchungen tiber japanische Kirschen II. ron wee Nakai, T. Notulae ad plantas Japonie et Koree. XXVI. » (422) 19 fo Vities moves: |Apotie i. 008 (228 e Pe ーー 一 。 Notule ad plantas Japoniz et otek. XXVII. - (426) 61 。 Notule ad plantas Japoniz et Koree. XXVIII. 。 (481) 117 Nishimura, M. On the Germination and Polyembryony of Poa pratensis, L. (Preliminary Note). amg nek ones Sakamura, T. Uber die Selbstvergiftung der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser. . . : : . (432) 133 _Sinoto, Y. On the Nuclear sg ae Partial Sterility in Oenothera Lamarckiana, Ser. (A Preliminary Note) . » (428) 92 。 On the Extrusion of the Nuclear Substance in Iris ae Japonica, THUNB. Pate cai es weal eS hey © areca coe (400 OO Terasawa, で haere he uber eine mosaikfarbige mime: Voir Celosia eristata;, Ese oO MeO res ee > ・ (427) 75 Yasuda, A. Neue Arten von 7pex und Polyporus. . 。 . . (427) 84 eae iver neue Artem der Aparicaceen Ne いこ ・ 2 lie Pe 2280289 = ewer netie Arten von Polystictus.. SN 3%. ・ (426) 55 ・ (430) 111 。 (431) 129 ・ (432) 154 ARTICLES IN JAPANESE (No.) Page Hagiwara, T. The Inheritance of the Tube-character in the Morning Glory . . . が まま に hy dD aS . Genetic Studies of the urolatcsien in the Morning tS EOC ee Ae te で し ae go) OS Imai, Y. Genetic Studies 3 in Morning Glories. “VIL. ws ayn oe lie 2 Komuro, H. On the effect of Rontgen rays upon the growth of Oryza sativa. . . っ 420 AS 。 Preliminary Note on ae Cells of Vicia pate 1 by Rontgen Rays and their Resembrance to Tumor Cells . (495) 97 Miyake, K. and Imai, Y. Genetic Studies in Barley. I. . . . (49) 95 Sakamura, T. Uber die Selbstvergiftung der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser. . 。 ・ + © © (480) 151, (481) 187 Shibata, K., Iwata, S. und トド M. BU eine neue Flavon-Glukuronsdure-Verbindung aus der Wurzel von Scutellaria baicalensis. (Biochemische Studien tiber die Flavonderivate. 1.) . eh, Seen ae CONDE AS OO ek 1 Manabe Miyoshi. | Untersuchungea ber japanische Kirschen 19 ee . . Hideo Komuro. | On the* Effect of Rontgen し upon the Growth of Oryza sativa. Ce aa os Widder Ne SVAN eae 2 2 né of the SGtipinal Atiek Hae periese Wale Uy sae aa 1, 8. Mi S. OO ied Mt. kai Ueber ? eine neue — に Elavon-Glukuronsaure-Verbindung aus der Warzel won Scutel- _ aa baicalensis. _( Biochemische Studien tiber die Flavon- derivate. E). Deeg NSTe neg 1 . fs Soa eae as ( 1) ideo. Komuro. On the Bet’ 。 of Rontgen ‘Rays: ee the 896 ee fos Pare oy ag the RC ee zy じゃ ー AP Le 7 ee J “Notes on oe [118] (A: Vasvpa) 一 Aquati | | Sani in [2] Ce: Ikoma). —A polyembryonal - sativa (H. 67 ok sts?” a LIE) BS roceedings of the Society Hg ee Ne Oa ata : easy 0 Dae. PoKvo Borantcar Socrgry i ae uterine TOKYO — LN : 1 he Oryea sativa. SRC 42 OAM (15). 0 ヾ (18) mR. "Prope de Rotanique Ifme HEE * To, : 、 oe と a A - 【 MA ee NN Notice: The amr) Magazine is published monthly. tion price. per annum (ined. postage) 8 yen in ・ currency (nearly 4 dollars for, America). All letters ad con | 34 nications to be addressed to the- TOKYO ‘BOTAN : % SOCIETY, Botanical -Instityte, Botanical Gardens, In が ま 、 University, Zorn, 9 Remittances from foreign 6 . | ~ ) to be made by poeta money orders, payable _ in’ Tok か Le the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanieal Ga : i v Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. Baie Foreign Agent: “ 遂 い ws WM. WESLEY & SON, 27 Essex St. Strand, London. — ee rhe | ea v に ti fy as nf. ; pul ances : NOE i 年 年 x3 ドニ ニニ ニニ テニ ニラ コン RESYS 月 月 cm me ゆい = a > cee 印 Pp Rm 日 | (ne; eck eS 所 所 者 ame (tT Hil He 東 St 東 東 th teh a SS 『 a に Lace な a ee 29) 京 BA yt ai) te We gee wits oe FE Ae eg i mo Hb = + HB Dan 8 i Hau san fs i 内 一 版 A 2 文 向 - 豊 He hax ™ e eB Ce tae Le: a 九 OB ae te 2 4 c+ | デ Untersuchungen uber japanische Kirschen II. von Manabu Miyoshi. e I. Neuve Formen der Prunus mutabilis Mivos., P. sachalinensis (F. Scum.) Mivos., und P. serrulata LINDL. 32. Prunus mutabilis Miyos. f. multipetala nov. form. (Mryosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 32.) Junge Blatter rot. Blatt elliptisch ca 9: 5,3 cm, Spitze ca 8 mm. ‘Serratur einfach, grob gesagt. Nervenpaare ca 9. Driisen meistens 2, am obersten Teil des Blattstiels. Inflorescenz in 3—4-blitigen Dol- dentrauben. I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 7 mm, I. Bltutenstiel ca 2,7 cm, II. Gemeinsamer Stiel ca 4 mm, II. und III. Blitenstiel je ca 2,5 cm, IV. Blutenstiel ca 2,3 cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 3,5 cm. Bluten- schuppen rot, ca 10:6mm. Kelchrohr ca 7: 3mm, Kelchzahne ca 5:3 mm. Blite bis ca 3 cm Durchmesser, am Rande leicht rosa. Kronenblatter ca 13, mit 2-3 Fahnen, ca 1,2: 1 cm. Staub- blatter ca 40. Karpell ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Kyoto. Blitezeit. Gegen Mitte April. Japanischer Name. Yachiyosakura /\ - f(t #. Bemerkungen. Gefiillte sechone Bliiten. Unsere Kirsche unterscheidet sich von P. mutabilis Mryos. f. insignis Miyos. durch grossere Zahl der Kronenblatter. 33. P. mutabilis Mryos. f. multipetala Mryos. subf. longipes nov. subform. (Mryosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 33.) Junge Blatter rot. Inflorescenz in 2-—3-bliitigen Doldentrauben. Bei 2-blutigen, gemeinsamer Stiel 1,2 cm, I. und II. BIGtenstiel 3,3 resp. 2,4 cm. Gesamtlange ca 5,5 cm. Kelchrohr ca 6: 2 mm, Kelchzahne ca 5 : 2 mm. Blutendurchmesser ea! 3.8 ctm : Kronen-, blatter in 3 Reihen, gewohnlich 15, ca 1,5:1,1 cm, weiss. Trag-' blatter ca 4: 2mm. Staubblatter ca 50. 1) Der I. Teil ist in No. 407, Vol. XXXIV, 1920, dieser Zeitschrift erschienen. 2 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 421. Standort. Kyoto. B1Gtezeit. Gegen Ende April. Japanischer Name. Kikuzaki-yamasakura Qj mR [Ly #8. ee Bemerkungen. Von P. mutabilis Mrvos. f. multipetala Mryos. weicht unsere Kirsche durch 1ingere Bltitenstiele und gréssere Zah] der Kronenblatter ab. 34. P. mutabilis Miyos. f. kokonoye-odora nov. form. Junge Blatter tiefrot. Blatt elliptisch, ca 8:5cm. Spitze ca 1 em, Serratur einfach, fein. Nervenpaare ca 9. Drutsen 1-2, am obersten Ende des Blattstiels. Inflorescenz in 2-3, zumeist 3-blitigen, ’ kurz gestielten Scheindolden. Gemeinsamer Stiel ca 2 mm, I. Bliten- stiel ca 1,3cm, II. Blitenstiel ca 1,2 cm, III. Blitenstiel ca 1 em. Gesamtlange ca 2,2 cm. Blutenschuppen rotlich, ca 12: 7 mm. Kelchrohr ca 5:4 mm, Kelchzahne ca 5:3 mm. Blite bis ca 3 cm | Durchmesser, weiss, duftend. Kronenblatter ca 1,4:1,4cm. Trag- blatter ca 7:5 mm, grin. Staubblatter ca 42. Karpell ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. | Standort. Kyoto. Bliitezeit. Anfang April. Japanischer Name. Kokonoye-nioi 九重 4. Bemerkungen. Kurz gestielte, duftende Bliite. Die vorliegende Kirsche lasst sich von P. mutabilis Mivos. f. elegans Miyos. durch kurzere Blutenstiele unterscheiden. 35. P. mutabilis Miyos: f. formosa nov. form. (Mryossi, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 30.) Junge Blatter gelblich braun, in der Blutezeit viel auftretend. Blatt ca 8,5: 4,6 cm. Spitze ca 2,5 cm. Serratur einfach, grob. Nervenpaare ca 8. Drusen 1-2, zumeist 2, am obersten Ende des Stiels, oder an der Blattbasis. Stiel ca 2cm. Inflorescenz fast in 3-blutigen, gestielten Dolden. Gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1,3 cm, I. Bliiten- Stiel ca 1,5 cm, I]. Blutenstiel ca 1,4cm, III. Blutenstiel ca 1,3 cm. Gesamtlinge bis ca 3,5cm. Blutenschuppen rotlich, ca 10: 4 mm. Kelchrohr ca 7: 3mm, Kelchzahne ca 5:2mm. Bltte bis ca 3 cm Durchmesser, weiss. Kronenblatter ca 1,2: 1 cm. Blitenknospen konisch, rotlich. Tragblatter sehr klein, ca.3:1mm. Staubblatter ca 35. Karpell ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Kyoto. Bliitezeit. Anfang April. Japanischer Name. Sakon-no-sakura 左近 櫻 Jan., 1922.] MIYOSHI:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN 2 Bemerkungen. Unsere Kirsche steht P. mutabilis Mryos. f. profusa Mrvos. nahe, unterscheidet sich aber durch kiirzere Bliitenstiele und schmiilere Kronenblitter. Sakon-no-sakura der fruheren Zeiten weicht von der jetztigen, wie altere Ab- bildungen zeigen, haupts&chlich durch rote junge Blatter ab. 36. P. mutabilis Miyos. f. formosa plena nov. form. (Mryosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 31.) Blate teilweise gefullt. Kronenblatter ca 5-7, oft mit einigen Fahnen. Staubblatter ca 45. Sonst wie bei der obenstehenden Form. Standort. Kyoto. Bliitezeit. Anfang April. Japanischer Name. Yae-sakon-no-sakura /\ H 7¢ jt PB Bemerkungen. Die vorliegende Kirsche ist die I. filiale Generation der oben beschriebenen. Der Baum ist ca 15 Jahre alt, und bildet alljahrlich gefiillte Bliiten, wieder ein auffallendes Beispiel, dass unsere gemeinsame Bergkirsche, P. mutabilis Mryos. gegenwartig in progressiver Mutation sich befindet. 37. P. mutabilis Miyos. f. regalis nov. form. Junge Blatter rot. Blattschuppen ca 18:9 mm. InHorescenz in 2-3-blitigen, lang gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 3-blutigen, I. gemein- samer Stiel ca 2 cm, I. Blutenstiel ca 2,2 cm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 4mm, II. Blitenstiel ca 2,2 cm, III. Blutenstiel ca 2cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 5cm. Bltitenschuppen ca 21:6mm. Tragblatter ca 7: 4. Blute bis ca 4,5 cm Durchmesser, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, ca 2:16 em. Staubblatter ca 40. Standort. Kyoto. Blitezeit. Gegen Ende April. Japanischer Name. Miyaisakura ‘= 居 櫻 . Bemerkungen. Sehr grosse weisse Bltiten. 38. Prunus sachalinensis (Fr. Scum.) Miyos. f. macropetala nov. form. (Mryosui, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 53.) Grosser Baum mit dunkelbraunen glatten Zweigen. Junge Blatter rotbraun, in der Blitezeit wenig auftretend. Serratur einfach. Ner- venpaare ca 9. Blattstiel meistens 2-drusig, Drusen rotbraun, massig gross. Blattschuppen rotbraun, klebrig, ca 20:8 mm. Inflorescenz in 2—3-blutigen Scheindolden. Bei 3-blutigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 3 mm, I. Bliitenstiel ca 2,7 em, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1mm, II. und III. Blutenstiel ca 2,7 resp. 2,6 cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 4 cm. Blutenschuppen rotlich, klebrig, ca 8:6mm. Tragblatter keilformig, 4 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. 2OXCKV 1. No. 22s ca 7:5mm. Kelchrohr ca 6:3 mm, Kelchzahne zuruckgeschlagen, ca 7: 3mm. BlGte bis ca 4cm Durchmesser, schon ‘homogen rosa. Kronenblatter rundlich, ca 2,2: 2 cm, breit 1-teilig. Staubblatter ca 40. Karpell fast ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Nonaka, Prov. Echigo. BIGutezeit. Ende April. Japanischer Name. Nonaka-no-sakura §f th ® #B. Bemerkungen. Diese Kirsche, die ich Herrn G. ABE verdanke, ist die schonste Form der P. sachalinensis, die ich bisher untersuchte. Keine anderen Formen der Art hatten so grosse Bliiten wie die vorliegende. 39. Prunus serrulata LINDL. f. globosa nov. form. (Mryosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 16.) P. donarium STEB. Subsp. speciosa Korpz. var. nobilis Korpz. f. Temary Korpzvmi, Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. XXXIV. Art. 2. 1918. p. 274. Mittelgrosser Baum. Junge Blatter braungelb, in der Blutezeit noch nicht auftretend. Blatt ca 7: 5cm, mit ca 1 cm langer Spitze. Serratur fein gezahnelt, zugespitzt. Nervenpaare ca 9. Stiel ca 2,5 em dick, 2—4-drisig. Blattschuppen ca 18:6mm. Inflorescenz in 3—4-blutigen, kurz gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 4-blutigen, I. gemein- samer Stiel ca 7 mm, 1. Blutenstiel ca 2,2 cm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 4mm, II. Bhitenstiel ca 1,9 cm, III. Blutenstiel ca 1,7 cm, IV. Blitenstiel ca 1,6 cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 4cem. Etwa 5 Inflores- cenzen sitze gedrangt am Ende eines langen kahlen Zweiges und sehen wie cin Bouquet aus. Blutenschuppen ca 17:5cm. Trag- blatter ca 5:3mm. Kelchrohr ca 8:4mm, Kelchzahne ca 6:3 mm. Blute bis ca 5cm Durchmesser, homogen rosa. Kronenblatter ca 20, gross, rundlich, ca 2,2: 2cm, nunregelmassig 1-teilig. Staub- blatter ca 40. Karpell etwas langer als die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Tokyo. Bliitezeit. Ende April. Japanischer Name. Temari 手 #§. Bemerkungen. Unsere Kirsche steht P. serrulata LINpr. f. nobilis Mryos. nahe. Von der letzteren aber unterscheidet sie sich durch bouquetartige, steels Masse der Jnforescenzen. 40. P. serrulata LINDL. f. dianthipetala nov. form. (Miyosni, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 17.) Mittelgrosser Baum. Junge Blatter griin, massig auftretend in der Blutezeit. Serratur fein gezahnelt, zugespitzt, Nervenpaare ca 9. Stiel 2—3-drusig. Blitenschuppen ca 15:6mm. Inflorescenz in 3-4- Jan., 1922.] MIVYOSHI:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN 5 bliitigen, lang gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 4-blitigen, I. gemein- samer Stiel ca 1 cm, J. BIGtenstiel ca 3,2 cm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 3mm, II. Blutenstiel ca 3 cm, III. Blutenstiel ca 2,5 cm, III. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 2mm, IV. Blutenstiel ca 2,2 cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 5cm. Blutenschuppen ca 1,5: 6mm. Tragblatter ca 6:5 min. Kelch griin, Kelchrohr ca 7: 3mm, Kelchzihne ca 6: 3 mm. Bliite bis ca 4cm Durchmesser, ausserer Teil rosa, innerer Teil rot- lich. Kronenblatter ca 15-20, ca 1,8 : 1,5 cm, 1-teilig, laciniert. Staubblatter ca 35. Karpell 1, fast ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Kyoto. Bliitezeit. Ende April. Japanischer Name. Nadeshikosakura #4 2 #B. Bemerkungen. Die Figuren unserer Kirsche sind in Kirschen-Abbildungen ilterer Zeiten zu finden. Die nelkenartig lacinierten Kronenblitter sind dieser Kirsche eigen. 41. P. serrulata LINDL. f. capitata nov. form. Kleiner Baum. Junge Blatter grin. Blatt ca 2,3 : 5,5 cm, mit ca 2cm langer Spitze. Serratur doppelt gesagt, Zahnchen fein zagespitzt. Nervenpaare ca 13. Stiel ca 2.5cm. Inflorescenz in 3—4- blitigen Doldentrauben. Bei 4-blutigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1 cm, I. Blutenstiel ca 7 cm, Il. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1 cm, II. BIutenstiel ca 6 cm, III. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 5cm, III. und IV. Blutenstiel je ca 6cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 9cm. Blutenstiel dick. Kelchzahne ca 12, ca 8:4 mm, zuruckgeschlagen. Blute bis ca 4,5 cm, weiss. Kronenblatter aussert zahlreich, ca 150, lang elliptisch, in der ausser- sten Reihe ca 2,5: 1,4.cm, in der innersten ca 3:2mm. Im der Mitte der Blite ein Kranz von ca 100 kleinen, schuppenartigen, gelblichen Gebilden vorhanden. Im Zentrum des Kranzes oft 2 griine Blattchen. Staubblatter fehlend oder in geringerer Anzahl vorhanden. Rezeptakulum ca 1 cm breit. Standort. Niigata. Blutezeit. Ende Mai. Japanischer Name. Shiragikusakura 白菊 櫻 . Bemerkungen. Diese merkwiirdige Kirsche habe ich durch die Giite von Herrn G. ABE bekommen. Sie steht P. serrulaia LINDL. f. chrythanthemoides Mryos. nahe, von welcher sie aber durch viel langere Inflorescenz, grossere Anzahl der kranzbildenden Gebilde, weisse Bliitenfarbe usw sich nnterscheidet。 1) MrYosmt Japanische Bergkirschen. Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Uniy. Tokyo, SXXNV AT 1916、p。 136, 6 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Yol、 XXXVI. No. 421. Die kranzbildenden Gebilde sind von verschiedener GrOsse, die Grosse von aussen nach innen abnehmend. 42. P. serrulata Linvv. f. floribunda nov. form. (Mrvosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 23.) Mittelgrosser Baum. Junge Blatter braungrun, in der Blutezeit viel auftretend. Blatt elliptisch, ca 11: 7cm, mit ca 1 cm langer Spitze. Nervenpaare ca 9. Serratur grob, doppelt gesagt. Blatt- stiel ca 2,5 cm, behaart. Drtsen 2-3, dicht an der Blattbasis. Nebenblatter ca 20: 2 mm, federartig geteilt. Blattschuppen ca 1.6: | 1 cm. Inflorescenz in 2—3-bltitigen, lang gestielten Dolden oder Dolden- trauben. Bei 2-blutigen, gemeinsamer Stiel ca 13cm, I. und II. Blutenstiel ca 3, resp. 3,3 cm. Gesamtlange bis:ca 5 cm. Bliten- schuppen ca 1,5: 1cm. Tragblatter ca 9:5 mm, grun. Blutenstiel sparlich behaart. Kelchrohr angeschwollen, ca 5:5 mm, Kelchzahne ca 4:3mm. Bliite bis ca 3,5 cm Durchmesser, weiss mit rotem Hauche am Rande. Kronenblatter ca 50, unregelmassig elliptisch, 1- oder mehr-teilig, in den ausseren Reihen ca 1,7: 8 mm, in den inneren ca 5: 3mm. Staubblatter kurz, ca 30. Karpell lang. Kro- nenblatter stehen auf rezeptakulumartig erweitertem Ende der Bluten- achse. Standort. Echigo und Tokyo. Bliitezeit. Ende April (Tokyo). Japanischer Name. Judzukakesakura 2 # Hh RS. Bemerkungen. Vorliegende Kirsche ist eine Form der Sekt. Chrysanthemi- florae und mit P. serrulata Linpu. f. singularis Mrvos1 yerwandt, von .welcher sie durch fast weisse Bliite abweicht. ach ‘ | Im ,,Kirschen-Abbildungen“ (Handzeichnungen vor ca 80 Jahren) von HIROKATA YASHIRO (屋代 弘 賢 ) ist unsere Kirsche, welche aus Insel Sado stammte, von J OKEI MiyosHi (= # 7 42) naturgetreu abgebildet. 43. P. serrulata LiNDprL. f. planiflora nov. form. Junge Blatter gelblich. Nervenpaare ca 10. Blattstiel meistens 2-drusig. Blattschuppen ca 20:6 mm, grin. Inflorescenz in 2-4- blutigen gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 4-bliitigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1,3 cm, I. Blitenstiel ca 3 cm, II. Bliitenstiel ca 5 mm, II. Blutenstiel ca 2,6 cm, III. Blitenstiel ca 2,4cm, IV. Bliitenstiel ca 2,3 cm. Gesamtlange ca 5,2 cm. Blitenschuppen ca 13: 5 cm. Tragblatter ca 8,8cm, griin. Kelchrohr ca 6:3 mm, Kelchzahne . 1) Mryosn1, Japanische Bergkirschen. 1. c. p. 140. Jan., 1922. ] hint MIYOSHT:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN 7 ca 6:3mm. Blute bis ca 4,8 cm Durchmesser, flach, weiss mit rotem Hauche. Kronenblatter 5 bis 10, oft mit Fahnen, ca 2,3: 2,3. Staubblatter ca 50. Standort. Kyoto. Bliitezeit. Mitte April. Japanischer Name. Oshibayama % & jl. Bemerkungen. Flach ausgebreitete, zum Teil gefiillte Bliite. Unsere Kirsche ist seit alteren Zeiten bekannt. \ 44, ア . séerrutata LrNpr. f. lucifera nov. form. (MiyvosHi1, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 35.) Zweige dunkelgrau. Junge Blatter grin, mit braunen Spitzen, in der Blutezeit wenig auftretend. Blattschuppen gross, ca 2,2 : 1,2 em. Inflorscenz in 2—3-blutigen, kurz gestiellen Dolden. Bei 2-bli- tigen, gemeinsamer Stiel ca 7 cm, I. und II. Blutenstiel je ca 1,7 cm. Gesamtlange ca 3,3 cm. Kelchrohr ca 6: 4 mm, Kelchzahne ca 6:4 mm. Blite bis ca 3,5 cm, ausserer Teil leicht rosa, innerer Teil, fast weiss. Kronenblatter ca 15, zuweilen mit Fahnen, ca 1.4 : 1.5 cm. Knospen rot. Bliitenschuppen ca 15:6 mm. Trag- platter ca 12: 8 mm. Staubblatter ca 40. Karpell ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Kyoto. Blitezeit. Gegen Ende April. Japanischer Name. Akebono i. Bemerkungen. Unsere Form ist eine der ,,klassischen“ Kirschen fruherer Zeiten. Sie steht P. serrulata LINDL. f. nobilis Mtyvos. nahe, von welcher sie durch kleinere Bliite und blassere Bliitenfarbe abwejcht. 45. P. serrulata Linpu. f. longa nov. form. Junge Blatter gelblich, in der Blutezeit viel auftretend. Blattschup- ‘pen ca 2,5:1,0cm. Inflorescenz in 2—3-blutigen, lang gestielten Dolden- trauben. Bei 3-blutigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 2 cm, I. Blutenstiel ca 4,3, Il. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 5 mm, IJ. und ILI. Blitenstiel je ca 3,7 cm. -Gesamtlange bis ca 7cm. Kelchrohr ca 9: 4mm, Kelch- 2&hne ca 10:4 mm. Tragblatter ca 1,1: 9mm, grun. BIGte bis ca 4.6 cm, Durchmesser, weiss, duftend. Kronenblatter ca 13, mit einigen Fahnen, ca 2:1,3 cm. Knospen leicht rot. Staubblatter ca 50. Standort. Kyoto. Bltitezeit. Gegen Ende April. Japanischer Name. Tamaboko 玉 $f. Bemerkungen. Lang gestielte, grosse Bliiten, ) & Oe THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. 「 [Vo XXXVI. No. 421, 46. P. serrulata LINDL. var. plena pendula nov. form. (Mryosui, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 24.) Kleiner Baum mit langen hangenden mehr oder weniger steffen Asten. Junge Blatter grin, in der Blttezeit viel auftretend. Blatt elliptisch ca 8,5: 4 cm, mit ca 1cm langer Spitze. Serratur grob, unregelmdssig gesagt. Nervenpaare ca 9. Stiel ca 2 cm. Drusen 2-4, am oberen Teile des Blattstieles, bisweilen auch an der Blatt- basis. Nebenblatter geteilt, laciniert, ca 15: 1mm.- Inflorescenz in 3—4-biiitigen Scheindolden oder Doldentrauben. Bei 4-bliitigen, I. ge- — meinsamer Stiel ca 1mm, I. Blttenstiel ca 4 cm, IJ. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 4mm, II. Blitenstiel ca 4 cm, III. Blutenstiel ca 3,8 cm, IV. Bliitenstiel ca 3,5 cm. Gesamtlange bis ca 5 cm. Bluten- schuppen braun, ca 18:5cm. Tragblitter loffelformig, ca 8:3 mm. Kelchrohr angeschwollen, ca 4: 4 mm, Kelchzahne ca 4: 3 mm. Blute bis ca 3 cm Durchmesser, homogen rot. Kronenblatter ca 50, in den anusseren Reihen ca 15:8 mm, in den inneren kleiner. Staubblatter in geringerer Anzahl vorhanden. Karpell 1, langer als Staubfaden. — Standort. Aikawa, Prov. Rikuchn. BIitezeit. Mitte Mai. Japanischer Name. Kikushidare 4j 枝 垂 . Bemerkungen. Diese interessante hingende Kirsche ist nur selten zu treffen. Von P. aequinoctialis Miyos. var. pendula {Max.) f. plena rosea Miyos.) unter- scheidet sie sich durch Blattform, starker gefiillte, grossere Bliite, véllig glatte BIGten- stiele und Kelchteile, usw. | II. Neue merkwurdige Kirschenarten. \ 47. Prunus heteroflora nov. sp. (Miyosui, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 18-24.) Mittelgrosser Baum mit querlaufenden Rindenfurchen und zahl- reichen aufwarts gerichteten Asten. Junge Blatter rotbraun, in der Blutezeit viel anftretend. - Blatt elliptisch, ca 8:4 cm, zugespitzt. Spitze ca 1,5cm. Blattoberflache winzig behaart. Nervenpaare ca 12, am Rande Schlinge bildend. Serratur einfach, fein, seicht. Stiel ca 1,7 cm, meistens 2-drisig. JDrusen von der Blattbasis entfernt. Blattschuppen ca 17: 5cm. Inflorescenz in 1-2- meistens 2-blitigen, gestielten Dolden. 3 Blutenformen, einfache, gefillte und dnurch- wachsene, je auf besonderen Zweigen :— 1) Untersuchungen iiber japanische Kirschen I. 7. ‘ Jan., 1922. ] MIYOSEHTI:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN . 9 I. Zweige mit einfachen Bluten. Gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1,3 cm, I. und II. Blutenstiel je ca 1,6 cm. Gesamtlange ca 3,7 cm. Blitenschuppen ca 11:4 mm. Tragblatter l6offelformig, ca 8: 3 mm. Kelchrohr ca 6:4 mm, Kelchzahne ca 7:4 mm. Bluten bis ca 4 em Durchmesser, anfangs leicht rosa, spater rein weiss. Kronen- blatter 5, zuweilen 6 oder 7, ca 1,7 : 1.5 cm, 1-oder 2-teilig. Staub- blatter ca 50. Karpell 1, fast ebenso lang wie die langsten Staub- faden. Knospen homogen rosa. Il. Zweige mit gefillten Bliten. Bliitenstiel etwas linger als bei I. Blate bis ca 5 cm Durchmesser, dusserer Teil leicht rosa. Kronenblatter ca 28-45. III. Zweige mit durchwachsenen Bluten. Blitenstiel viel langer, bis ca 4cm. Gesamtlange ca 6cm. Blute ebenso gross wie bei I, anfangs rotlich, spater weiss. Bluten verdoppelt :— a. Aussere (untere, erste) Bliite besteht aus ca 50 weiss- en Kronenblattern, je von ca 14: 7mm Grosse und einem Kranz von rosafarbigen, schuppenartigen, ca 3: 2mm grossen Kronenblat- tern oder Gebilden. Das Ganze steht auf dem Boden des rezeptakulum- artig erweiterten Endes der Blutenachse. Staubblatter ca 40 oder viel weniger, zuweilen ganz fehlend. b. Innere (obere, zweite) Blite sitzt auf der ca 2 mm lan- gen, aus dem Zentrum der ersten Blute ausspringenden Achse. Sie besteht aus 5 Kelchblattern, einer wenigen Anzahl (ca 10 oder mehr) kleiner roter Kronenblatter, einigen Staubfaden.(ca 19 oder mehr) und 1 langem normalem Karpell. Zuweilen 2 oder 3 kleine innere Bliten nebeneinander liegend. Blutenknospen scheibenartig, rot. Frucht 1-2, rundlich, ca 10: 8 mm. [ Standort. Ibi, Prov. Mino. B1utezeit. Einfache Blitite gegen Mitte April, gefiillte Blute Mitte April, ver- doppelte Bliite Ende April. Japanischer Name. Nidosakura — Je 7. Bemerkungen. Kine einzige Stammpflanze dieser hochst Ptedtanl Kirsche existiert nur in obengenannter Ortlichkeit, ihre Geschichte und Herkunft sind véllig unbekannt. Die Form des Blattes sowie der einfachen Bliite Jassen unsere Kirsche in P. muiabilis Mryos. einschliessen, allein die Bildung der vollstandig gefiillten und auch durchwachsenen Bliiten sind so auffallend und eigenartig, dass man sie zu einer neuen Art erheben kann. Ohne Zweifel befindet sich diese Kirsche gerade im Mutations- prozess und schreitet von der urspriinglichen, einfachen Bliitenform zur hGchsten Stufe der Bliitenprolifikation fort. Die Prolifikation der Bliite findet in verschiedenem Grade statt. Zuweilen stehen an Stelle der inneren Bliite 2 umgebildete griine Blattchen, wie es bei P. serrulata LINDL. f. classica Mryos. der Fall ist. 10 | THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. Bi CNN 2 1 48. P. antiqua nov. sp. (Mryosui, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 34.) Mittelgrosser Baum mit aufwarts gerichteten schlanken Asten. | Zweig braun. Junge Blatter gelbbraun, in der Blutezeit viel auf tretend. Blatt elliptisch, ca 8,5:5,5 cm. Spitze 1,5 cm. Oberseite mit winzigen Haaren bedeckt, Haupt- und Nebennerven der Unterseite filzig behaart. Serratur einfach, grober, Zahnchen zugespitzt. Ner- — venpaare ca 10. Blattstiel ca 2 cm, dicht behaart, zumeist 2-dru- sig. ‘Inflorescenz in 2-—3-blutigen, gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 2- blutigen, gemeinsamer Stiel ca 7 mm, I. und II. Blutenstiel je ca 1,2 em. Gesamtlange ca 2,2 cm. Bliitenstiel schlank und dicht behaart. Kelchrohr und Kelchzahne je ca 4: 2 cm, Kelchzahne zuruckgeschlagen. Blute ca 2 cm Durchmesser, homogen rosa. Kronenblatter ca 30, ca 9:6mm. Staubblatter ca 40. Karpell 1-2, langer als die langsten — Staubfaden. Knospen scheibenartig ausgebreitet. Standort. Nara und Kyoto. Blitezeit. Ende April. Japanischer Name. Nara-no-yaesakura A EOD /\ Bi PB. Bemerkungen. Die vorliegende Kirsche ist mit der in ,,Ohin“ (1756) ab- gebildeten ,,Narasakura“ identisch. Dieselbe ist auch in den Handzeichnungen der Kirschenbliiten spaterer Zeiten zu finden. , Unsere Art &hnelt in gewissen Charakteren P. fruticosa Mivos. und P. aequinoctialis _ Mryos., yon welchen sie durch Wuchsform, Form des Blattrandes usw sich deutlich unterscheidet. | Ill. Immerblihende und Winterkirschen. 49. Prunus mutabilis Mivos. f. hiemalis iow. f: (MYosgr, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 43-45.) Weisse Winterkirsche. Mittelgrosser Baum. Zweige schwarzbraun. Junge Blatter braun- rot, in der Blutezeit fast nicht auftretend. Nervenpaare ca 10. Ser- ratur einfach, fein. Stiel meistens 2-dritsig. Nebenblatter lanzettformig, laciniert. Blattschuppen ca 2,2:5 mm. Inflorescenz in 2-3 bliitigen, kurzgestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 3-blitigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1mm, I. Blutenstiel ca 6mm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1 mm, II. und III. Blutenstiel je ca 7mm. Gesamtlange bis ca 1,5 cm. Blutenschuppen ca 5:8 mm. Tragblatter 4:3 mm. Kelch leicht grun, Kelchrohr ca 4:3 mm, Kelchzahne ca 5:2 mm. BIGte bis ca 3 cm Durchmesser, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, bis ca 1,5: 1 cm, schmal elliptisch. Staubblatter ca 30-40. Fon 122] MIYOSHI:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN Ree er 8 | Standort. Yamakoshi, Prov. yo. Bliitezeit. Ende Februar. i Japanischer Name. Jutrokunichisakura 十 六 日 櫻 . Bemerkungen. Diese fruhblutige Kirsche, die im Grundstuck des Rydtonji- Tempels in Yamakoshi bei Dogo steht, war schon vor ca 200 Jahren bekannt. Sie ist nichts anderes als eine Form der Winterkirschen und existiert in mehreren Exemplaren in der Umgebung von Yamakoshi und auch in anderen, entfernten Ortlichkeiten. Ich habe eine Anzahl derartiger Kirschen untersucht und fand, dass sie nur in Kleinig- keiten yon einander abweichen. ( 50. P. mutabilis Mryos. f. hiemalis Mryos. subf. rosea nov. subf. (Mivosui, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 46.) Rosafarbige Winterkirsche. Kleiner Baum mit dunkelbraunen Zweigen. In der Bliitezeit noch blattlos. Inflorescenz in 2-3-blutigen, sehr kurz gestielten Dolden. Kelch braungrin, Kelchrohr ca 5 :2 mm, Kelchzahne ca 3,2 mm. Blite bis ca 25 cm Durchmesser, homogen leicht rosa. Kronen- blatter ca 1.2 :1 cm. Staubblatter ca 33. Standort. Matsuyama, Proy. Tyo. Bltitezeit. Ende Februar. ~ Japanischer Name. Usubeni-kansakura ji #0 3 #8. Bemerkungen. Diese Winterkirsche weicht von vorher genannten, in den Hauptziigen nur durch die Bliitenfarbe ab, anderseits ist sie von nachststehender Form durch die schmileren, homogen rosafarbigen Kronenblatter usw verschieden. 51. P. mutabilis Mryos. f. praecox (Mak.) (Mrvosm1, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 42.) | Rotliche Winterkirsche. _ P. Pseudo-cerasus Linpu. a. Yamasakura (SteB.) Mak. a. glabra Max. form. praecox Makino, Botan. Magaz. XXII. p. 118. 1908. P. donariwm SIEB。 subsup. ele- gans Koipz. var. glabra Kotpz. subvar. hortensis Kotpz. f. praecox Mak. KotpzuM, Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. XXXIV. Art. 2. 1913. p. 269. Mittelgrosser Baum. Zweige dunkelbraun. Junge Blatter braun- lich grun, in der Blitezeit wenig auftretend. Nervenpaare ca 9. Serratur einfach. Stiel meistens 2-driisig. Inflorescenz in 2-3-bliiti- gen, gestielten Scheindolden. Bei 3-blutigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 6mm. I. Blutenstiel ca 1,5 cm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1 mm, II. und III. Blitenstiel 1,4 resp. 9 mm. Gesamtlange bis ca 3 cm. Btutenstiel und Kelch braunrot. Tragblatter keilformig, ca 3: 1mm. Kelchrohr ca 5: 3mm, Kelchzahne ca. 4:3mm. Blite bis ca 2,5 em Durchmesser, anfangs rosa, SDater weiss. Kronenblatter rundlich, 12 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. _ (Vol. XXXVI. No. 421. ca 1,1:1,1. Bltitenknospen tiefrot. Staubblatter ca 38. Karpell - etwas kiirzer als die langsten Staubfaden. Standort. Kohoku. Bliitezeit. Ende Marz. Japanischer Name. Usukansakura 7% 3€ #8. Bemerkungen. Diese Winterkirsche ist in und bei Tokyo nicht selten. Sie zeichnet sich durch tippige Bliitenbildung und schwach rote Bltite aus. 52. P. serrulata LINpL. f. praecox nov. form. (Mrvosgi, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 40, 41.) Immerblithende Kirsche von Hakkai. Kleiner Baum. Junge Blatter braunlich grin. Bluht im Winter, Fruhling und Herbst :— Winter (untersucht Ende Januar): Blattlos, bluht nur einzeln. Blute 1-2, fast sitzend, Stiel ca 2mm. Kelch rot, Kelchrohr und Kelchzahne je ca 4: 3mm. Blite bis ca 2cm Durchmesser. Kronen- blatter 5, ca 9: 8 mm, weiss mit rotlichem Hauche. Staubblatter ca 40. Karpell etwas knrzer als die langsten Staubfaden. Fruhling (untersucht Anfang April): Junge Blatter wenig auf- tretend. Nervenpaare ca 10. 1-2 Drttsen an der Ansatzstelle des Blattstieles. Blattschuppen ca 14: 7mm. Inflorescenz in 1—3, zumeist 2-blitigen, kurz gestielten Dolden. Blutenstiel ca 1,5 cm, sparlich behaart. Gesamtlange bis ca 2,5 cm. Kelch glatt, Kelchrohr ca 6 : 3 mm, Kelchzahne ca 5:3mm. Tragblatter ca 8:5 mm. Blite bis ca 3,5 cm, weiss mit rotlichem Hauche am Rande. Kronen- blatter 5, ca 1,7:1,6 cm. Staubblatter ca 40. Karpell glatt. Herbst: Bluht wenig. Lange des Blitenstandes und Grosse der Blute fast wie im Fruhling. . Standort. Hakkai, Prov. Owari. Bliitezeit. Anfang April und auch Herbst und Winter. Japanischer Name. Hayazakisakura 5 ee 櫻 . Bemerkungen. Dies ist auch eine Form der immerbliihenden Kirschen, ie gleich sie hauptsachlich im Frihling bliiht. Behaarter Bltitenstiel ist dieser Kirsche eigen. 【 53. Prunus serrulata LINDL. f. semperflorens nov. form. (Miyosu1, Abbildungen der japanischen Kirschen, I. 36-39.) Immerbluhende Kirsche von Shiroko. P. donarium SIEB. subsp. elegans Korpz. var. glabra Korpz. subv. hortensis Korpz. form, Fudanzakura Koizumi, Jour. Sci. Coll. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. XXXIV. Art. 2. 1913. p. 266. Jan., 1922.] MIY OSHT:—JAPANISCHE KIRSCHEN 13 Mittelgrosser Baum mit ununterbrochener Blatt-, Bluten- und Fruchtbildung. Zweige leicht braun, glatt.. Junge Blatter rotlich. Blatt lang elliptisch, ca 1,4:5cm. Spitze ca 1,5 cm, Nervenpaare ca 13, am Rande Schlinge bildend. Serratur einfach, fein, zugespitzt. Stiel ca 3,5 cm, Dritisen 2-4, zumeist getrennt sitzend. Nebenblatter schmall, lanzettformig, ca 15:3 mm. Blattschuppen ca 15:5 mm. Form und Lange der Inflorescenz je nach den Jahreszeiten verschie- det. I. Winterform (untersucht am 26. Januar 1921): Inflorescenz in 2—3-blutigen, kurz gestielten Scheindolden. Bei 3-blutigen, I. gemein- samer Stiel ca 5mm, IJ. Blutenstiel ca 3mm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 2 mm, II. und III. Blutenstiel je ca 3mm. Gesamtlange ca1,2cm. Bluten- schuppen ca 12:4mm. Tragblatter grun, ca 5:3mm. Kelchrohr ca 5:3 mm, Kelchzahne ca 8:3mm. Blute bis ca 3 cm Durch- messer, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, ca 1,5 :1,1 cm. Staubblatter ca 35. Karpell ebenso lang wie die langsten Staubfaden. Frucht konisch-rundlich, ca 10 : 8 cm. 3 3 Il. Mittelfrihlingsform (untersucht am 13. April 1921): In- florescenz in 2—3-blutigen, gestielten Doldentrauben. Bei 3-blutigen, 1. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 1,5 cm, I. Blutenstiel ca 7 mm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 4mm, II. und III. Blutenstiel 6 resp. 5mm. Gesamtlange ca 3cm. Kelchrohr ca 7:2 mm, Kelchzahne ca 3: 2mm. Bliite bis ca 3 cm ‘Durchmesser, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, ca 1,5: 1,2 cm. Staubblatter ca 30. III. Spatfrihlingsform (untersucht am 8. Mai, 1920): In- florescenz in 2—5-blutigen, lang gestielten, racemosen Doldentrauben. Zuweilen existiert gemeinsamer Stiel II. und III. Ordnung, so dass die ganze Inflorescenz ein kompliziertes Aussehen haben kann. Gesamtlange bis ca 7 cm. Tragblatter gross, lang elliptisch, am Rande gezahnelt, ca 25:8mm. Blute bis ca 3cm Durchmesser, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, ca 12:8mm. Staubblatter ca 25. Karpell langer als die lang- sten Staubfaden. : IV. Herbstform (untersucht am 17. Oktober, 1921): Inflores- cenz in 5-6-blutigen, lang gestielten Dolden mit 1 unterstandiger Blute. Bei 5-blutigen, I. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 3 cm, I. Blutenstiel ca 2 cm, II. gemeinsamer Stiel ca 5mm, II. Ill. IV. V. Blitenstiel je ca 1,5 cm, Gesamtlange ca 5,5 cm. Tragblatter gross, rundlich, ca 1,5 :1,1 cm. Kelchrohr ca 5:4 mm, Kelchzahne- ca 13 : 4 mm. Blutenschuppen gross, lang elliptisch, am Rande gewimpert, ca 2:1 em. Tragblatter gross, elliptisch-keilformig, am Rande gewimpert, 14 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 421. ca 15:1 cm. Blite bis ca 3,6 cm, weiss. Kronenblatter 5, ca 1,8:1,6 cm, Staubblatter ca 35. Karpell langer als die langsten Staubfaden. “ Standort. Shiroko, Provinz Ise. ‘ Bliitezeit. Fortwiihrend, am meisten im April, am geringsten im Juli-August, und Dezember-Januar. ~Japanischer Name. Shiroko-Fudansakura 白子 不断 櫻 . Fudansakura 不断 櫻 . Bemerkungen. Anusser dieser immerbliihenden Kirsche sind noch viele andere hnliche oder verschiedene Formen, die mehr oder weniger das ganze Jahr hindurch blithen, bekannt. Alle diese Kirschen, die wir mit ,,immerbliihenden Kirschen“ be- zeichnen, gehoren zu einer biologischen, nicht aber systematischen Gruppe. Unter dieser Gruppe ist am bekanntesten und typisch die vorliegende Form, die seit alten Zeiten als die heilige Kirsche des Kwannontempels von Shiroko berahmt ist. Der jetztige Baum sprosste aus dem alten Stamme und bildet alljahrlich immer neue Schdsslinge. Wie oben beschrieben sind die Form und Lange des Bintenstandes unserer Kirsche je nach den verschiedenen Jahreszeiten verschieden. Wahrend der Blitenstiel im Winter ausserst kurz bleibt wird er im Spiitfrithling sehr lang. Derartiger durch klimatische Einfliisse her- vorgerufener Polymorphismus tritt ausser in den Blutenstanden, noch in anderen Teilen auf. IKelchzahne und Tragblatter sind z. T. bei den Winter- und Frihlingsformen in ihrer Grosse sehr Yerschieden. Daraus folgt, dass man durch einmalige Untersuchung keinesfalls zu einer richtigen Vorstellung unserer Kirsche kommen kann. Die Blatter unserer TIKirsche in Shiroko sind winterhart!); im Winter sind die jungeren Blatter dunkelgriin und die alteren zeigen an der Oberseite und am Hautpnerve der Unterseite eine tiefrote Farbe. 1) Nach der miindlichen Mitteilung des Herrn SsrsAEU FUNATSU von Kohoku verliert die dortige immerbliihende Kirsche, welche wahrscheinlich mit der vorlie- genden Form identisch ist, ihre Blitter im Winter. Dies beruht zweifelsohne auf der niederen Temperatur der letztgenannten Ortlichkeit. On the Effect of Rontgen Rays upon the Growth of Oryza sativa”. By Hideo Komuro. YawapA?) (1917) observed the increase’ of amount of crop in “ Takenari,’’ an aquatic race of Oryza sativa, by weak irradiation (3H and 5H), and Naxamura® (1918) obtained the same result in exposing the seeds of an aquatic race, “ Sinriki,’’ to Rontgen rays for five minutes. / In 1919 and 1920, the writer made the same experiments on “Sekiyama "(開山 用 which received from Mr. I. Nacar of the Rikuu ; Experiment Station of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. Irradiation was made by Dr. Korr Fuyinamt at the Rontgen Laboratory of the Juntendo Hospital in Tokyo. The writer wishes to express his hearty thanks for his kindly help. The Rontgen ray bulb used was Grpa’s water-cool tube with a hardness of 4.5-6°. The current passing through it was 2-4, 5-8, and 10 milliamperes, and the doses given were 5H, 10H and 15H for steeped and _ air- - dried seeds, and 3H, 5H and 7H for steeped seeds. The writer’s experiments were carried on both in WAGNER’s .pots and at the watered fields of Mr. Kazutrka Oxura, which is す situated at Kamata near Tokyo. ゃ A. Results obtained from Pot Culture. 1. Steeped Seeds??.. In the plants, from the seeds irradiated when their water con- 1) It is the writer’s pleasant duty to acknowledge his indebtedness to .Prof. NaouipE YArsU for his kindness in looking over the manuscript. 2 ・ 2) YAmwApA, M:—On the effect of Rontgen rays upon the development of the seeds of Oryva sativa. “Trigaku Ry6h6 Zassi” (Journal of Physical Therapy) No. 6, 1917 (in Japanese). 3) NAkAmURA, S:—On the comparative experiments on the effect of X-rays. “K6- né-K wai Kwaihé” (Proceedings of KOn6- 氏 wai) No. 111, April, 1918 (in Japanese). 4) “Sekiyama” is one of the pure lines of an aquatic races of Oryza sativa. 5) The seeds were divided into four lots, one of which being used as control. It need hardly be mentioned that the control seeds were subjected to exactly same conditions, excepting irradiation, as other lots, both in the 1919 and 1920-experiments. 16 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 421, tent) reached 16.85 % by 12 hour steeping in water of 17.2—22.8° C., the number of tillers decreased proportional to the doses given (in 1919-experiments, sparrows ate up seeds entirely, so that the amount of crop could not be determined). The doses were 5H, 10H and 15H. In 1920-experiments the results were negative. Seeds were steep- ed in water of 16-19°C. for 12 hours (water content was 19.32 %) and exposed to the rays of 3H, 5H and 7H. The number of tillers and the amount of crop decreased proportional to the doses given. In the case of the above two experiments the results were negative. BY igeidried Sceds: In two experiments performed in 1919 and 1920 on air-dried seeds, the writer observed no conspicuous difference in the number of tillers and the amount of crop comparing with the controls from the seeds equally treated. The water content of air-dried seeds used were ca. 8 % and 12.45%. The seeds were divided into four lots (one as the control) and irradiated by 5H, 10H and 15H respectively. B. Results obtained from Watered-field Culture. The writer ‘cultivated the steeped and air-dried seeds, which had come from the batch of the pot culture of 1920, i. e., the plants from ~ the steeped seeds were irradiated by 3H, 5H and 7H and those of the air-dried by 5H, 10H and 15H. 225 plants were used for each lot. Care was taken to minimize the differrence in fertility of the soil used. Fertilizers given were calcium superphosphate, ammonium sul- phate and wood ash. No conspicuous difference in the amount of crop was found between the air-dried and the steeped seeds. The only change pro- duced by irradiation was the precocious growth; young plants reach- ed the stage at which they can be transplanted earlier than the control. They were yellowish green. The results might give an erroneous idea that in both cases a certain dose exerts a positive stimulation. Careful examination, however, will soon reveal that it is not the case, since the loss of the number of tillers due to the damage caused by rats, birds, insects, diseases and storm was not little. 1) ‘The water content of the seeds used was kindly determined by Mr. Fumi- HARU YAMAMURA, Jan., 1922,] KOMURO:--EFFECT OF RONTGEN RAYS 17 Comments. From what has been written it will be seen that the amount of crop in Oryza sativa is not at all increased by the irradiation of xe rays. The writer is rather inclined to believe the increase of the amount of crop due to irradiation as described in the paper by Yamapa and NaKaMuRA may not be a real one. (Should they take more care in cultivating the plants, their results might agree with mine.) Culture experiment were given up, because of the difficulty of avoiding the external effects and of the increased expenses to carry out the experiments. The writer takes great pleasure in acknowledging here’ his in- debtedness to Prof. Kuri Miyake who has kindly allowed him to use WAaGNER’s pots and other equipments required for the experi- ments. Through the generosity of Mr. Kazurrra Oxura the writer was able to use rice-fields. He is also obliged to Baron KatsaKu MoRrwuRA and Dr. Mararo Nacayo for the trouble they have taken for the writer. Thanks are also due to the Homei Kwai for the expenses for the present research. Last, but not least, the author ought to express his hearty thanks to Messrs Kojr Kato and KKryoo Tasuti for their kindly help rendered during both field and laboratoy works of this research. Botanical Institute, College of Agriculture, Imperial University, Tokyo. August, 1921. 18 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. Now 42, Resume of the Original Article in Japanese K. SHrpata, S. IWATA und M. NAKAMURA. Ueber eine neue Flavon-Glukuronsaure-Verbindung aus der Wurzel von Scutellaria bai- calensis. (Biochemische Studien uber die Flavonderivate. I.) Die Verfasser fanden eine neue Flavon-Glukuronsaure-Verbindung in der Wurzel von Seutellaria baicalensis GEORGI, einer vielbenutzten Droge des altchinesischen Arzneischatzes. Die neue Verbindung wurde っ Baicalin (CsiHisO1r) benannt und das daraus isolierte Flavonkorper , Baicalein‘’. Die Konstitution des letzteren wurde als 1, 2, 3-Trioxy- flavon erkannt, das neulich von BarGHELLINI synthetisch dargestellt worden ist. Die Wurzel enthalt ausserdem ein atherlosliches Bestand- teil ,,Wogonin'’ (Cy7Hi405), das die Verff. vorlaufig als Dimethoxy- baicalein auffassen. IMikrochemnisch lasst sich nachweisen, dass der Zellsaft samtlicher Rinden- und Holzparenchymzellen der frischen War- zeln hohen Gehalt an Baicalinsalz zeigt, was wohl auf die Reservestoff- natur dieses Glukuronids hinweist. Naheres wird demnachst a. a.-O. mitgeteilt. (Autorref.) No. 429 Re CONTENTS ae 4 penta Nakai. Notule ae plantas Japonie et Koved, oh 。 7 ト | Résumé of ‘the Original Article in n Japanese. OES Oe eee: しい babe) Mae ARTICLES 1 IN y Japanesi ーー (sh Sas ーー a ES ーーーーー ーー = bets Current Litbratiire, ae ec CL le eine ce CHAMBERLAIN C. IN “Growth rings” in a Mendeatyts | Sax, K. Sterility in wheat Hybrids. I. Sterility Relationships and ‘Endosperm Development. ae a 4 “Twasaxr, K Honzo-Dznf te 86 and No. BF )e om 5 ST 。 りり “Notes ‘on Pang rp (a. os 7 < Tae Toxyo BorancAr Socrmry TOKYO _XXVI-. CE oe Wie . ee ‘es ook う = ae s ロ ° Host 1 oe: ogi Ce “att J 0 本 の の / - (5) 6 RE (39) \ je (42) Riss 8) Ce i Pee.) SC gs ane ん ¢ ca 人 ; ti aot : Hi 6 が mes if | va ete Notice: The Botanical Magazine is 0 monthly. A Ke _ tion price per annum (incl. postage) 8 yen in me currency (nearly 4 dollars for America) All letters and Beet s,s | eee | nications to be addressed to the TOKYO BOTA 94 D j Fo ‘ SOCIETY, Botanical | Institute, Botanical Gardens, 2 と University, Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from foreign ・ countr 7 2 a fg . to be made by postal money orders, payable in the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical ee gs | Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. ) : 失 バツ 4 4 ° ‘ R ; se Ri Foreign Agent: | He 3 © WM. WESLEY & SON, 27 Essex St. Strand, London. Daehn 4 er =f 天 大 | 可 Ess J 4 | 金 ニ ー. 1 ++ | RF on H 0 | 3 有 Wen 。 年 & 2 ドー ニコ ミミ メ Br ics ¢ 2 月 月 = + o pers に 同 同 宮 & 印 印 表 編 日 日 % 行 ” 刷 刷 行幸 BOD 6 所 所 者 «me 7 Gil EE Ae Y 市 人 株 inet == a Mg My Bis AER A Tie “FH i 4 Ps 本 Ww ERe SeAg* wi SLB | | a H a | の S 8H 本 WHA 2 we DAMS eel ; ze 臣 eR A ee Bu aves 植 御 地 = s+ 植 御 BARRE ye eT Boe EB ze » +e ae ae ae 内 一 WK +: 内 一 | £ * FA gwex 区 « B Pin ae Be OL _Notulee ad plantas Japoniz et Korezee XXVI. auctore Takenoshin Nakai, Rigakuwhakushi. 597). Fimbristylis annua, (ALLion1) RoEMER et SCHULTES Syst. Veg. II. p. 95 (1817). Link Enum. Pl. Hort. Reg. Bot. Berol. I. p. 291 (1827) NEEs et ESENBECK in Linnea IX. p. 290 (1885). SrEupEr Syn. Pl. Glum. IT. p. 115 (1855). | 7 F. Laxa, VAHL Enum. Pl. Il. p. 292 p.p. Kuntra Enum. Pl. II. p. 232. p.p. (1837). Scirpus annuus, ALLIONI Fl. Pedemont. n. 2371 t. 88. f. 5 (1785). Fimbristylis diphylla, (non VAHL) Matsumura Ind. Pl. Jap. II. 1. p. 148 (1905). F. polymorpha, BOECKELER in Linnea XXXVII. p. 14. p.p. (1873). ( F. communis, KuntH 1.c. p. 234 p.p. Nom. Jap. Tentsuki. Hab. Hondo (Prov. Kadzusa, Musashi, Iwashiro, Harima et Inaba). _ Quelpzrt et Corea. var. tomentosa, (VAHL). Fimbristylis diphylla var. tomentosa, BENTHAM FI. Hongk. p. _392 (1861). Mrousr Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 76. FrRancHET ct SAVATIER Enum. Pl. Jap. II. p. 118. 万 。 tomentosa, VAaL Enum. Pl. Il. p. 290. Nom. Jap. Ke-tentsuki. Hab. in Kiusiu. var. depauperata, (R. Brown). Fimbristylis depauperata, R. Brown Prodr. I1. Nov. Holl. p. ; _ 227 (1810). SreupEL Syn. Il. p. 120. 3 SU ee es “ass Ohara ) “h 0 ERS)! XA 7 NN O17 we | APTS 1 $f Se aa ? a oy: . We" “i 4 や で Spa) Ath Bee 90 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 422. F. diphylla var. depauperata, C. B. CLARKE in Hooker FI. Brit. Ind. VI. p. 637 (1894). Nom. Jap. Hosoba-tentsuki. | Hab. in Hondo (prov. Musashi, Echizen), Kiusiu (prov. Hiuga) et Corea. 598) Fimbristylis diphylla, VAgr Enum. Pl. II. 289. SrEnpgr Syn. II. p. 116. Matsumura Ind. II. p. 148 p.p. “ F. communis, 人 KONTH Enum. Pl. Il. p. 234 p-p. Nom. Jap. Otentsuki. Hab. in Liukiu, Shikoku, Quelpert, Kiusiu et prov. Kii. var. floribunda, Mrougr Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 76. FRANcHEFm et Savatier Enum. Pl. Jap. Il. p. 118. Nom. Jap. Kugutentsuki. Hab. in Hondo (Suwo), insula Shodoshima, Shikoku (Tosa), Kiusiu (Chikuzen, Buzen), Quelpezrt et Liukiu. oh... 599) Eria yakushimensis, Nakai sp. nov.—Hymeneria. Hyacinth- oideee. cae Planta terrestris. Rhizoma breve repens. Pseudobulbus proximus ovatus 1-6 cm. longus 5-25 mm. latus laterali compresso-quadran- gularis facie seepe sulcatus viridis dilute erubescens v. fuscescens foltis translucentibus v. tunicatis 3 obtectus, extremis 2-10 mm longis latissime Ovatis mediis 10-30 mm. longis ovato-acutissimis, intimis ovato-lanceolatis acutissimis 10-70 mm. longis omnibus falcatis demum in fibris maceratis. Folia terminalia bina primo falcata arcuato-reflexa lineari-lanceolata v. oblanceolata apice acuminata inferius superiore minus 3-17 cm longum 5-38 mm latum, superius 3.5-31.0 em. longum 8-38 mm. latum, supra lucida venis primariis utrinque 5, venis et venulis cum costa parallelis. Scapus cum folio inferiore oppositus glaberrimus cum spathis 3 tunicatis suffultus spatho extremo 2-3 mm. longo obtuso, medio 13-15 mm. longo acutiusculo, intimo 35 一 40 mm. longo acuto supra medium plus minus inflato. Racemus 10-16 floris 5-8 cm. longus. Bractez omnes minimz obsolete v. infima hyalina lanceolata usque 9 mm. longa. Ovarium curvato- ascendens florens 6-8 mm. longum longitudine sulcaturn teres ad apicem leviter sensim incrassatum viride v. dilutissime erubescens. Sepalum dorsale erectum oblongo-lanceolatum 10-11 mm. longum 3-4 mm. latum ochroleucum ceraceum apice obtusiusculum. Sepala laterale cum processo columne adherentia secus petala dorsalia cur- vata 8-9 mm. longa sepalo dorsale concolor v. basi dilutissime erubescentia. Petala dorsalia conformia 8-9 mm. longa lineari-oblonga ht ad Nee ” Oe el ip NG Oe Pie ae Feb., 1922. NOTULHi AD PLANTAS JAPONIZ] ET KOREA XXVI. Ot neurva dilutissime viridescenti-ceracea. Labellum reflexum basi cum apice processi columne articulatum falcato-trilobum, lobis lateralibus basi dilute purpurascentibus obtusis, lobo medio crispulo-5-lamellato ad basin 3-lamellatc. Columna 3 mm. longa 2'’mm. lata apice intus stigmatosa viscida, basi processo 4 mm. longo. Anfheree decidue terminales 2-loculare, loculis 4-locellatis. Pollima 8 pyriformia flava. Nom. Jap. O-osaran. Hab. in insula Yakushima, ubi in mense Aug. anni 1918 M. Kisuipa legit et relulit, culta in nostro horto botanico et floret in mense Nov. anni 1921. 600) Polygala hondoensis, Nakai sp. nov. Radix perennis. Rami cespitosi radicantes procumbentes rarius ascendentes purpurei basi glabri apice parce minute recurvo-ciliati. Folia sub anthesin brevi-petiolata rotundata v. ovata integerrima 2-8 mm. longa 2-6 mm. lata supra glaberrima luciduscula margine purpurascentia minute ciliata infra preter costas minute parcissime pilosa glabra post, anthesin evoluta lanceolata v. lineari-lanceolata biennia. Racemi 2-10 flori minutissime parcissime ciliati. Bractez lanceolate quoque flore 1, 1 mm. longe caducissime. Bracteole bracteis conformes quoque flore 2 basi pedicelli positi. Axis racemi purpurea. Pediceli 5 mm. longi purpurascentes minutissime ciliolati. Sepala 2-2.5 mm. longa lanceolata viridia glabra margine alba. Petala lateralia ovata 5 mm. longa apice et venis viridia cetera pur- purascentia infima trilobata, lobis lateralibus spathulatis purpuras- centibus 4 mm. longis, mediis stamina et pistillo clausis viridibus apice albis et fimbriatis. Stamina 3 antheris petalo infimo adherent- ibus apice libera ubi tubo lobi medii petali inferioris inclusa. Antheree rotunde minutissime. Ovarium 2-loculare compressum. Styli albi curvato-asccndentes apice bifidi, lobis superioribus brevioribus. Fructus compressus apice incisus viridis. Semina nigra pilosa cum calunculo semine breviore. Nom. Jap. Hai-himehagi. Hab. Hondo: Uchimaki prow. Musashi (T. Naxar et M. OeArA ). 601) Trachelospermum foetidum, Naxkatr sp. nov. T. jasminoides, (non LEMarrE) Harrort in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo XXII. art. 10. p. 34 (1908). T. jasminoides subsp. foetida, Matsumura et Nakar in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXII. p. 158 (1908). 22 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 422. T. divaricatum, WiLson in Journ. Arnold Arboret. Vol. I. no. 2 p- 106 (1919). | | Alte scandens. Ramus castaneus, juvenilis adpresse pilosulus sed mox glabrescens. Petioli glabri 3-7 mm. longi. Lamina foliorum elliptica v. obovato-oblonga supra viridissima lucida infra pallida v. albescens glabra, costis supra impressis infra elevatis glaberrimis. In- florescentia glabra terminalis v. subterminalis corymboso-paniculata. Bracteole squamose minute decidue. Sepala lanceolata 2-3 mm. longa 1 mm. lata acuminata uninervia dorso viridia quincuncialia. Corolla hypocrateriformis albida tubo parte angusta 5 mm. longa apice cum staminibus inflato ubi 2 mm. longo, limbis 8 mm. longis | ellipticis margine undulatis dextro-revolutis, fauce glabra. Anthere sessiles sagittatee apice connectivo haud procucto sed acute et paulum ~ exertz. Styli glabri tubo corolla breviores apice clavati ubi antheris connati. Fructus cornutus elongatus. Coma sericea. . Nom. Jap. Munin-teikakadzura. Hab. in Bonin (Chichishima, Hahajima, Anijima et Ototojima). This is certainly near to T. jasminoides and T. asiaticum (Ma- Jouetia asiatica), but from the former by the slightly exerted anthers and inodorous smaller flowers, and to the latter resembles especially . to the variety brevisepalum, but the tube of corolla has no hair at the throat and the connectives are not so produced. The milky juice of this plant is very poisonous to the skin and the skin becomes soon brownish black when attached. When poisoned worsely, the part suppurates. This is not hardy in Tokyo. 602) Callicarpa okinawensis, Nakai sp. nov. C. mollis, (non SrEBorp et Zuccarin1) Matsumura in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XIII. p. 114 (1889) et Ind. Pl. Jap. II. 2. p. 529 p.p. (1912). HavaTa Materials Fl. Form. in Journ. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo. XXX art. 1. p. 221 (1911). WrrsoN in Journ. Arnold Arboret. I. 3. p. 183 (1920). | Differt a C. mollis foliis minoribus ovatis v. late ovatis argute serratis. Frutex ramosissimus. Cortex sordide fuscente-cinereus. Ramus juvenilis densissime stellulatus. Petioli 2-5 mm. longi densissime fuscenti-stellulati. Lamina ovata v. late ovata 6-45 mm. longa 5- 22 mm. lata apice acutissima v. subcaudato-attenuata argute serrata utrinque reginoso-punctulata supra setulosa infra secus costas et venas primarias stellato-tomentosa cetera glabra. Inflorescentia pauciflora. Drupa pallide purpurea. Feb., 1922.] NOTULA! AD PLANTAS JAPONIA ET KOREZ XXVI. 93 Nom. Jap. Kogome-murasaki (Y. TAsHrRo ita nominata). Hab. ingw 。 Liukiu: insula Okinawa (Y. TAsgrRo) ibidem (J. Matsumura). 603) Callicarpa parvifolia, (non Hooker et Arnorr) Hayara Materials p. 222 (1911) et Icon. suppl. Ind. p. 55 (1917). =Callicarpa randaiensis, Havata l.c. Nom. Jap. Randai-murasaki. Hab. Formosa: in monte Randaisan (B. HAyATA et U. Mort). Taimari (T. Kawakami et U. Mort). Callicarpa parvifolia is a young branch of C. randaiensis having still folding leaves and very young flower-buds. This species is very closely related to C. japonica, only differing by the slenderer stalks and narrower leaves. 604) Callicarpa longifolia, LA Marcx Encyclop. I. p. 562 et Illustr. t. 69. f. 2. ScHaveR in DC Prodr. XI. p. 645 p.p. Maximowicz in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 507 (1889). RewpER in Pl. Wils. II. 3. p. 369 (1916). | €. longifolia var. ° Jongissima, HEMSLEY in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXVI. p. 369 (1890). Hayvara Icon. IT p. 125, t. 36 (1912). Nom. Jap. Nagaba-murasaki. Hab. Formosa: Urai (S. Sasaki) Nankokei (G. NAKAARA). Distr. Java, China et Philippin. 605) Ixeris graminea, (FiscHER) NAKAr comb. nov. Prenanthes graminea, FISCHER in Memoires de la soc. des Natural. de Mosc. III. p. 67 (1812). Crepis graminifolia, LEDEBOUR in Mem. de PAcad. des Sci. de St. Petersb. V. p. 558 (1814). Lactuca Fischeriana, Auc. P. de CANporLE Prodr. VII. p. 135 (1838). L. versicolor var. arenicola, MaxKino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XII. p. 44 (1898). L. tamagawensis, Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. VI. Jap. p. 56 (1892) et XVII. p. 90 (1903). Nom. Jap. ; Kawara-nigana. Hab. e Sibiria usque ad Japonia. 606) Ixeris alpicola, (Maxino) NAkAr comb. nov. Lactuca dentata var. flaviflora subvar. alpicola, MaxKino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIV. p. 75 (1910). 24 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. LVol. XXXVI. No. 422, L. alpicola, Nakat in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIV. Jap. p. 267 (1910). ne L. Thunbergii lusus alpicola, TakrDA in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIV. p. 7k (1910). my Nom. Jap. Takane-nigana. Hab. in montibus Hondo. Supplementum ad 525). Folia basi amplexicaulia petiolis supra sulcatis 1—3.5 em. longis plus minus purpurascens. Costa supra leviter impressa, infra elevata purpurascens. Lamina lanceolata acuminata integerrima leviter und- ulata. Inflorescentia axillaris corymboso-paniculata, Pedunculi cum foliis parvis 2-4, basi dorsiventrali leviter compressi purpurascentes. Bracteze et bracteol minute. Pedicelli minute 2-4 bracteolati. In- volucri phylla 5, 7 mm longa dilute viridis apice purpurascens primo quincuncialis. Flores in quoque involucro 5 (4). Corolla ligulata, ligula alba dilutissime purpurascente apice 5-dentata, 4 mm. longa 3 mm. lata, tubo 3 mm. longo. Stamina exerta, antheris nigrescenti- bus. Stigma exertum bifidum recurvum. Floret in mense Octobrio in domo calido nostri horti Botanici. 538 emend.) Mycelis sororia, (Mrougr) NaKar comb. nov. Lactuca sororia, MiguEL Prolusio p. 121. FRANCHET et SAVATIER Ng Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 268. MAxrwowrcz in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 358. Matsumura Ind. Pl. Jap. Il. 2. p. 655. A Ixeris sororia, Nakat in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXIV. p. 155. (1920). Hab. in Japonia. The genera of Lactuca-allies are. distinguishable by the shape of achenes as follows. Lactucz—Achenia compressa utrinque alata facie 1 v. 3 costata, ie venis achenii 4 quarum 2 opposite in alis lateralibus et cetere in costis 1-3 variantibus. Ixeris—Achenia fere teretia zequaliter 10-alata ie venis achenii 4 quarum 2 opposite in alis 2, ceteree in alis 3 variantibus. Mycelis—Achenia fere teretia 12 costata ie venis achenii 4 omnibus in costis 3 variantibus. Paraixeris—Achenia fere teretia 14 costata ie venis achenii 4 quarum 2 opposite in costis 3, ceterze in 4 variantibus. Interdum venis reductis Mycelis-formam occupant, sed semper apice setuloso- pilosa. 607) Siphonanthus trichotomus, (TrrONBERG) NAKAr comb. nov. ア 4 Feb 1922. NOTULZA AD PLANTAS JAPONIA( ET KOREH XXVI 25 Clerodendron trichotomum, THUNBERG FI. Jap. p. 256 (1784). var. Fargesii, (Dope) Naxkat. Clerodendron Fargesii, Dope in Bull. Soc. Dendr. France (1907) p. 207. figs. PINELLE in Rev. Hort. (1911) p. 522. f. 206-207. C. trichotomum (non THUNBERG) HEMSLEY in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXVI. p. 262. pp. DiErs in Encrer Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 550 (1900). C. koshunense, Hayata Materials Fl. Form. p. 217 (1911). C. trichotomum var. Fargesii, REHDER in Pl. Wils. III. 2. p. 376 (1916). Nom. Jap. Koba-kusagi v. Koshun-kusagi. Hab. . Formosa: Koshun (T. Kawaxami n. 1646) Distr. China (Hupeh, Szechuan, Shensi, Yunnan). 608) Hydrocotyle nitidula, A. RrcHarp Monographie du genre Hydrocotyle’ p. 60. t. 63. f. 33 (1820). W.-J. Hooxer Exotic Flora I. p. 29 cum tab. color. (1823). 万 . rotundifolia, MAxrwowrcz in Mél. Biol. XII. p. 461. p.p. : 万 . rotundifolia var. pauciflora, YABE Umbellif. Jap. in Journ. Coll, Sci. Tokyo XVI. p.. 14° (1902). 万 . Yabei, Maxino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIV. p. 243 (1910). Nom. Jap. Hime-chidomegasa. リ Hab. in Japonia. HOOKER says. ‘Hydrocotyle nitidula were sent to me from seeds received from Russia under the name of H. Sibthorpioides, but from what country originally derived did not appear.’ His plant might have been transported from Japan to Russia by the intercourse between two countries. And if RicHarp’s argument of it is a native of Java is true, then, his specimens likely have been raised from the plant of Japanese origin. 609) Benninghausenia japonica, (SreBoLp) Nakai comb. nov. Ruta japonica, SYEBOLD ex J. D. Hooker FI. Brit. Ind. I. 3. p- 486 (1875). | Benninghausenia albiflora, (non RErcHENBAca) Mrougsr Prol. FI. Jap. p. 209. Francuet et SAYATIER Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 71. Marsv- mura Ind. Pl. Jap. p. 288. p.p. ( Nom. Jap. Matsukazeso. Hab. in Kiusiu, Tsushima, Shikoku et Hondo. 610) Benninghausenia albiflora, (W. J. Hooker) REICHENBACH. = 26 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No, 422. — Conspectus regni vegetabilis p. 197 (1828). J. D. Hooker Fl. Brit. — Ind. I. 3. p. 486 (1875). Francuet Pl. Dav. p. 66, HEMSLEY in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 102. Diets in EncLer Bot. Jahrb. XXIX. p. 423. Hayata Flora Mont. Form. p. 68 et Icon. Pl. Form. I. p. 117. Matsumura Ind. Pl. Jap. IT. 2. p. 288. p.p. . Ruta albiflora, W. J. Hooker Exotic Flora I. p. 79 cum, Icon. colorat. optima (1823). ai Nom. Jap. Ke-matsukazeso. Hab. in Formosa, China et Himalaya. 611) Abeliophyllum distichum, Naxar in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXII. p. 153 (1919) et Flora Sylvatica Koreana X. p. 59. tab. XXVI (1921). Flores preecoces. Racemus brevis densiflorus. Corolla 1 cm. longa alte 4-fida, lobis cire. 6 mm. longis oblongis apice rotundatis ~ v. subtruncatis integris v. emarginatis v. denticulatis. f. albiflorum, Nakai. Corolla lactea. f. lilacinum, NAKAr. Corolla in alabastro purpurea, patens lilacina. Nom. Jap. Uchiwanoki. Hab. in rupibus Ryuteiri prov. Chusei bor. Corea. 612) Ligustrum Quihoui, CARRrER in Revue Horticole (1869) p. 377. SCHNEIDER Illus. Handb. Laubholzk. II. p. 801. fig. 502 k-. Nom. Jap. Kuroige-ibota. Nom. Chin. Pai-hua-kan (4747) v. Tow-pien-cha (HEE). Hab. China: in monte Yii-tai-sham 1000 m. North Honan (J. Hess. n. 213 bis). in Huang-Tsang-Yii 200 m. Siao-Hsien, North Kiangsu (J. Hess. n. 1023), var. latifolium, Naxat. Frutex circ. 2 m. altus. Rami divaricati breves aculeati. Folia obovata v. late obovata 7-35 mm. longa 6-20 mm. lata subtus nt typicum creberrime glanduloso-punctata. Nom. Jap. Oba-kuroige-ibota. Hab. Corea: in littore Nansho peninsula Kainan prov. Zenla austr. ( n. 10062) in littore Rokushin insule Chint6 (T. Naxar n. 100 63). in littore Kinkori insula Chinto (T. Naxar n. 10061). T. Naka | 3 Feb., 1922.] NOTULH AD PLANTAS JAPONIH ET KOREZ XXVI. 27 Résum of the Article in Japanese. Krrcgt Miyake and Yosuiraka Imar:—The Genetic studies in Barley. I. | Studying the genetic behavior of Barley, the authors detected 16 pairs of allelomorphs affecting plant-habit, ear, glume, awn, grain etc. The allelomorphs responsible to the development of the awn of the lateral rows of the ear, consist probably of three factors, i. e., they form multiple allelomorphs. Linkages observed were not few, and the authors found two large linkage groups of factors. One of them consists of four or probably five factors and the other of five factors. ャ "mwsakess フ ンー と ン Gia ーー / 1 3 =i f 5 6 Poe ‘ aan ws ば 0 う アル 0 oe RE, f x wi Y 0 に ees <4 ON に て | VOL. xxV MARCH 1022 No423 BOTANICAL MAG Nee き is i te っ る こ 3 ~ ーーーーーーーー 一 ちゃ を ゴー で > 5 a * “CONTENTS| - Takenoshin Nakai, — oie nove Japonica Pee SE Miata) dare aay deh Og vi ; を | ey ; Pp > ; i a Se dita ti Sot vey, jf: の DA 1 _ Résumé of the Original Article in Japanese. . . . 。 . . 。 0 ロリ kevat f 5 al \ # ※ \ c ™, ie, Jif ti 6 "ARTICLES: IN JAPANESE : ーー Yoshitake Imai. Genetic Studies i in ‘Morning Glories Vine (45) Current Literature. 7 aa @ ee » @ ロ は 。 @ る e ° e oy e (48) 5 Srgrr, W. N. Vegetative reproduction and aposporous ; growths from = Youn 'sporophytes Of SRD : ‘ irioides. _Srgr, W. N. - The development” of prothallia and antheridia a a from the sex organs of Polypodium irioides. 3 a _DAsros。 R. H. and Saxton, W.T. A new method of vegeta- oA 3 SR tive multiplication in ‘Crotalaria burhia. Ham. oy, Eopo, Nas Classification of the useful trees in Japan. _@ e ve ゃ e -e “e ° e "Miscellaneous a) Br aoe mn Sor de) (aN ee ge Notes on Fungi [120] (A. Yasupa)—Notes on Japanese | Violets. 1 2 Naxal) —Personals. KN Proceedings ‘of the Society. SN ng oS aa AN ・(@) MT a a eae Tae Tokyo Boranicat Socrery | SA し 2 の ei at } * i MIW fe a =~ Paes 】 4 Notice : The Botanical Magarin is - iublished month. co, tion priee per ‘annum (incl. postage) 8 yen. in OR “ ma MGM (nearly 4 dollars for America). All letters and ommm RNN Ss ; oe マ こ 2 a ad gk Fates : Bic - こま を = OE へ た ーー 、 っ GS の ご いこ ye ー or ea nications to be addressed to. the TOKYO BOTANICAL Of N SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, Botanical Gardens, Imperial Le 6 4 University, Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from foreign countries i を 0 to be made by postal money orders, payable am Tokyo to ae the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Gardens, 0 Imperial University, Moko, Japan. ‘4 i Foreign Agent: : | bas ps eae WHELDON & WESLEY. LTD., 28, Essex St., Strand, London, WW 2. yevesrensTen i At 版 nH he イー イ イー っ イー ナー イー イー イー (SLL2222222 - 即 ee a 司 N58 oo | Vaal | A | 0 Yb on| ||4 | --L RIS Sm Boe Lily LN 4 “ al と ep た Ad aint Ay mf t Neasey KC ele cw n KN! Ve < D re. っ De Tals ‘ た 芋 ど _ 7 rea he i heM \ « と ず ょ FNS Ht iy i ne ne hall の Nee a jaws OES, : “i 信和 ト ま 3 (at 4 Fe し こ if い Lf M 邊 9 | ; De ‘ ah IB > he hn are A < v4 a (で Same | “I es feng He x eg lg _- t Ht— ag, a p eA N ュ 3 7 ‘ \ “a. An イ = eS Kids ae | # 3 hh. he mks ‘ ¥ hi © ia INS ap Saha IN Sat ht a HOS mm —— [| [ fa Sy 8h Shs yt & S teks Rove eel Ss — =ー — “ ーー ーー +t HRAaA+n Se Hos ye m 4s S mo wt & RC SQEN RES oo 中 に SHSa RS ey Ee SERA AOS | | SEAS RSH St als GH | SEBPEeo SX | SEER bal NE SI | Sel FORMS, (haan "i に 『 1 \ oon Tiida MeU 1 7 0 N gers * Ps. 7 LS ae に 3 デー CE の rt 4 ay Viole novee Japonice. auctore Takenoshin Nakai, Rigakuhakushi. Sect. Chamzmelanium, 1) Viola xanthopetala, Nakai sp. nov. V. uniflora, (non LiNNE) MAxrwowrcz in Mél. Biol. IX. p. 751. p-p- (1876). Fospss and HEwsrsy in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 56 (1886). PArrsrN Consp. Fl. Kor. I. p. 35 (1898). Naxar FI. Kor. I. p. 64 (1909). II. p. 445 (1911) et Veg. Isl. Quelpert p. 66 n. 918 (1914) et Veg. Diamond m’ts p. 179 n. 457 (1918). V. uniflora var. orientalis, Maximowicz Pl. Mongol. p. 81. p.p. (1889). : V. uniflora, var. glabricapsula, Maxino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. peKey. Baas 102. pp. (11912). 3 V. orientalis, W. BECKER Beihefte Bot. Centralb. XXXIV. p. 265 (1916) XXXVI. p. 50 (1918). Rnizoma breve v. elongatum repens, radices crassas emittit. Caulis glaber 4-17 cm. altus. Folia radicalia longe petiolata caule breviora cordato-ovata apice breve subito acuminata, supra viridia primo puberula sed mox glabrescentia, subtus glabra v. pilosa et vulgo purpurea, margine incurvato-serrata glabra v. pilosa. Folia caulina infimae ceteris distantia distincte petiolata, petiolis 0.5—3.0 cm. longis, divaricata cordato-ovata v. late ovata, suprema 2-3 approximata brevissime petiolata ovata v. lata ovata acuta v. acuminata, omnia subquinquenervia. Stipula parvee ovate v. late ovate integre v. dentataz. Flores omnes axillares fere semper in axillis omnibus solitarii, interdum suprema non evoluta ita caulis bifloris. Pediceli glabri v. ciliati 1-4 cm. longi. Bracteze bine anguste supra medium posite. Sepala subulata aeuminata glabra v. margine ciliolata basi rotundato- subtruncata. Petala flava snprema 2 maxima obovata 12-16 mm. 30 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 423 longa 7-10 mm. lata, lateralia minora basi circa faucem barbata. Calcar brevissimum. Stigma sphzricum utrinque barbatum. Capsula ellipsoidea maculata glabra. Semina albida spherica. 8 Nom. Jap. Ichige-kisumire v. Ki-sumire. Hab. Manchuria: Sekka (Furumr n. 18). Kanto (K. Harro). Corea : Kankyo bor: Mosan (K. MAgpA). 3 Kankyo austr: Matenrei (A. Mrsgrwa). Kakatsuyo (T. Mort). Gen- zan (T. Naxkat). Heian bor.: Kokai (R. G. Mrrrs n. 378), in monte Hakuhekizan (T. IsgrpoyA). | Kogen: Diamond mountains (T. NakAr n. 5673-4). hee: Keiki: in monte Hokkanzan (T. Ucnstyama, K. Jo, R. G. Mitts n. 845). Schin-ku-kai (Sontac). Shotokukyu (N. Okapa). Namsan (FAURIE n. 749). Keisho austr.: Choseiho (N. Oxapa). in herbidis Fusan (FAORIE n. 1173). Zenla austr.: in insula Wangto (T. NAgaAr). Quelpzrt: Hallasan (T. Nagar n. 1287, 871). in silvis 1700 m. (TAougT n. 2628, 4120). in petrosis siccis Hallasan 2000 m. (Faure n. 1750). Kiusiu: in monte Aso prov. Higo (M. Ocata). in monte Kujyuzan prov. Bungo (Z. TAsgrRo).* Nagamidzu prov. Higo (H. Kamizuma). 2) Wiola hidakana, Naxal sp. nov. : V. uniflora, (non LINNE) YATABE Nipponshokubutsuhen I. p. 185. f 192 (1900). MAxrno et Mryosgr Pocket Atlas Alp. Pl. Jap. II. Pl eX X VE £2206. (19074. Rhizoma elongatum v. breve. Caulis 13-15 cm. altas glaber. Folia radicalia caule breviora v. longiora subglabra. Folia caulina tria subverticillatim congesta, infima maxima, omnia petiolata, petiolis 3-15 mm. longis glabris, laminis late ovatis v. oblongo-ovatis apice caudato-attenuatis subquinquenerviis crenato-incurvato-serratis supra viridibus fere glabris subtus circa basin secus venas ciliatis. Stipulze fuscentes late lanceolate v. ovato-lanceolatz fusco-maculatz attenuate. Pedunculi foliis breviores 1.0—3.5 cm. longi glabri. Bractez oblonge v. late lanceolate bine supra medium posite. Sepala subulata patentia. Petala mihi ignota sed secundum YATABE et Makino flava, lateralia papillosa. Calcar brevissimum. Stigma apice inflatum utrinque barbatum. Capsula ellipsoidea. Mareh; 1922-1 - _ VIOLA NOVA JAPONICUAL. 31 Nom. Jap. Yezo-ki-sumire. Hab. Yeso: Horoidzumi prov. Hidaka (K. MiyaBe). 3) Viola conferta, (W. Becker) Naxkar sp. nov. V. uniflora v. orientalis, Maximowicz FI. Mongol. p. 81. p.p. (1889). Komarov FI. Mansh. III. p. 72 p.p. (1907). V. orientalis var. conferta, W. BECKER Beihefte Bot. Centralb. XXXVI. p. 50 (1918). Nom. Jap. Manshu-kisumire. Hab. Manshuria: prope urb. Nikolsku prov. Austro-Ussuriensis (V. Komarov. te 7 Maxrmmowicz’s descriptions for Viola uniflora var. orientalis well agree with the characteristics of this species, though W. BECKER - took this for a distinct variety. 4) Viola yubariana, NAKAI sp. nov. V. glabella var. crassifolia, Koipzum1 in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXI. Sp. 139. (1917). Rhizoma articulatum crassum curvatum 2-5 cm. longum radices emittit apice squamis membranaceis fuscis dense imbricatis obtectum. Caulis 1-2 terminalis, 4-5 cm. longus dense brevissime ciliatus. Folia radicalia caule humiliora petiolis 3-4 c.m. longis dense brevis- sime ciliatis, laminis crassis infra purpureis, ambitu rotundatis bast anguste sinuatis v. imbricatis, margine incurvato-crenatoque serratis sed non ciliatis, apice subito breve acuminato-obtusis 17-43 mm, longis 23-42 mm. latis. Caulis 3-4 foliatus. Folia caulina infima brevissime petiolata, cetera sessilia, laminis crassis infra purpureis, cum radicalibus conformibus sed suprema ovatis. Stipulz latissime rotundate v. late ovate integerrime v. rarius 1-2 glanduloso-dentatz. Flores axillares vulgo in axillis foliorum caulinorum inferiorum duorum evoluti normales, ceteri abortivi et steriles. Pedunculi purpurei floriferi 1—2 cm. longi, fructiferi 2.5—-3.7 cm. longi medio v. infra medium bibracteati minutissime ciliolati. Bractez ovate vix 1 mm. longe. Sepala 4—5 mm. longa lanceolata v. late lanceolata acuta v, obtusa. Corolla subrotundata v. late obovata 10 mm. longa venis rubris. Calcar brevissimum. Stigma barbatum. Capsula 6-7 mm. longa glabra. Semina 1.7 mm. longa fusco-maculata. Nom. Jap. Shisoba-kisumire. _ Hab. Yeso : in monte Yubarisan prov. Ishikari (H. Korpzum1). 32, THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI" No. 425. 5) Viola alliarizfolia, NAKAr sp. nov. V. glabella -var. renifolia, Korpzumi Icon. Pl. Koish. III. t. 202 (4917). | Rhizoma ignotum. Caulis 15-18 cm. altus glaberrimus. Folia radicalia 14-15 cm. alta petiolis 11-13 cm. longis glabris, laminis breve reniformibus grosse obtuse dentatis v. incisis basi sinuatis et in petiolem acutis 25-33 mm. longis 51-73 mm. latis, margine toto ciliatis. Stipule latissime 1.5-4.0 mm. longe glabree margine toto glanduloso-dentate. Folia caulina 3-4, infima longe petiolata et reniformia suprema sessilia v. subsessilia et ovata, omnia grosse dentata. Flores axillares in quoque caule 1 v. 2. Pedunculi glaberrimi. Bracteze 4% ab apice pedunculi v. fere sul) flore positz late lanceolatz v. oblongo-ovate 1 mm. longee integree. Sepala flavido-viridia obtusiuscula. Petala 8 mm. longa flava. Calcar subnullum. Capsula | ellipsoidea 8-9 mm. longa. Stigma capitato-subtrilobum breve rostratum glaberrimum. Nom. Jap. Jinyo-kisumire. - Hab. Yeso : in herbidis Ishikaridake (H. Korpzumwr). The leaves of this species somewhat resemble to those of Alliaria officinalis, whence the name was deduced. The margines are ciliated throughout like Viola brevistipullata var. laciniata. Stipules are glanduloso-dentate along the whole edge. 6) Viola lasiostipes, Nakai sp. nov, V. glabella, (non NutraLy) NAKAr in Tokyo Bot. Mag. X XXIII. p. 9. (1919). Rhizoma articulatnm repens szepe ramosum apice cum squamis albis membranaceis 1-2. Caulis in apice rhizomatis terminalis solita- rius. Folia radicalia 5-13 cm. longa petiolis preter basin hirsutis, laminis reniformibus 1.5-3.0 cm. longis 1.5-3.5 cm. latis margine erenatis basi cornatis apice subito breve acutis, utrinque sparsim pilosis margine ciliatis. Folia caulina 3-4, infima distantia, petiolis 6-24 mm. longis hirsutis, laminis late cordatis acutis incurvato- serratis, cetera in apice caulis conferta breviter petiolata v. subsessilia late ovata v. ovata acuta v. acuminata utrinque margineque pilosa. Flores in axillis foliorum secundariorum axillares. Pedunculi glaberrimi 14-26 mm. longi, bracteis late ovatis suboppositis 4%—-¥% ab apice pedunculi positis vix 1 mm. longis. Sepala lanceolata glaberrima 6 mm. longa. Petala aurea 14-17 mm. longa obovata v, subrotun- data, lateralia fauce barbata. Calcar subnullum. Stigma subcapita- “March, 1922.] _ VIOLAT NOV JAPONICE. 33 tum breve rostratum utrinque barbatum. Ovarium glabrum. Capsula ignota. » Nom. Jap. Korai-kisumire. Hab. Corea: Taichuri prov. Kankyo austr. (T. IsgrpoyA n. 2759). Sect. Distichium. 7) Viola kurilensis, Naxar sp. nov. Rhizoma ignotum apice squamis fuscis imbricatis 6-7 mm. longis coronatum. Folia radicalia petiolis 4 cm. longis glaberrimis, laminis reniformibus crenato-serratis glabris. Caulis glaberrimus 4 cm. altus. Folia caulina 2 glaberrima, petiolis 3.5-4.5 cm. longis, laminis rotundatis basi cordatis crenato-serratis. Stipulae late lanceolate 10 mm. longz virides supra medium fimbriato-serratze acuminate. Flos solitarius terminalis. Pedunculi 7.5 mm. longi glaberrimi ab apice % bibracteati, bracteis 4 mm. longis subulatis viridibus. Sepala 7 mm. longa lineari lanceolata viridia. Petala flava obovata 15 mm. longa, lateralia distincte barbata. Calcar 2 mm. longum obtusum. Stigma bilobum. Ovarium glabrum. Nom. Jap. Chishima-kisumire. Hab. Kuril: Urup. (S. Amarsv). Sect. Silvestres. 8) Viola Hideoi, Naxar sp, nov. Affnis Viola grypoceras precipue ejus forma albiflora sed caule foliis et pedunculis ciliatis, calcare angustissimo distincte curvato exqua distinguenda. Caulis rhizomatoides columnalis perennis cum reliquis foliorum et ramorum emortuorum fusco-atrorun1 vestitus radices fibrosas emittit. Rami axillares ascendentes subdivaricati. Folia caulina omnia subradicalia, petiolis 1.5—4.5 cm. longis brevissime sed patentim ciliatis purpurascentibus, laminis cordatis primo convolutis supra viridibus pilosis infra pallidis pilosis crenato-incurvato-serratis apice obtusiusculis. - Stipule subulatee fimbriato-pinnatim dissecte glabre lacinis apice glandulosis. Rami brevissime ciliati. Folia ramorum alterna petiolis 5-15 mm. longis ciliatis, cordata utrinque parce ciliata, stipulis libetis fimbriato-incisis. Pedunculi omnes axillares, ex axillis foliorum caulinorum evoluti elongati 4-9 cm. longi ciliati apice curvati bracteis binis supra medium positis linearibus basi fmbriatis, ex axillis foliorum ramorum evoluti breves 2.5 cm. longi. Sepala inferiora majora subulata v. lanceolato-subulata margine チコ 34 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No, 428 ciliata viridia 4-8 mm. longa dorso indistincte ciliolata. Petala imberbia oblongo-obovata candissima 8-15 mm. longa. Calcar angustum 1.5 mm. crassum 7-9 mm. longum apice sursum distincte curvatum flavescens. Styli clavati apice in stigma leviter incurvi. Capsula oblonga glabra. Nom. Jap. Misayama-sumitre. Hab: =>. Hondo: secus vias oppidi Misayama prov. Shinano ( HrpEo Korpzumt).. 9) Viola hichitoana, Naxai sp. nov. 7 Specimina ramorum tantum nota. Rami robusti. Stipule usque 2 cm. longe 9 mm. late laciniatee acuminate, exsiccatze varie macu- late. Folia inferiora quinquangularia v. reniformia, superiora cordata vy. ovata: obtusa, omnia grosse crenato-dentata glaberrima, maxima 6 cm. lata. Pedunculi axillares 5-13.5 cm. longi graciles circa flores: bibracteati. Bractee anguste. Sepala subulata 7-12 mm. longa basi subtruncata glaberrimn. Petala oblonga usque 2 cm. longa imberbia. Calcar 5-6 mm. longum scrotiforme. Nom. Jap. Hichito-sumire. Hab. Hondo: Insula Oshima (S. OKuso), ibidem (H. SAkoRAn) insula Kozushima (S- OKUBO). 10) Viola takesimana, Naxkal sp. nov. : V. grypoceras, (non A. Gray) Naxar Veg. Dagelet Isl. p. 22. n. 237 (1919). i Arcte affinis V. grypoceras sed bracteis szepe fimbriatis inferius. positis, sepalis longioribus, petalis angustioribus. Caulis rhizomatoides crassus brevis perennis, radices fibrosas emittit, petiolis stipulisque emortuis imbricatis vestitus. Rami axillares diffuso-ascendentes pilosi v. glabri virides. Stipule liberz imbricato- laciniate. Folia radicalia cordato-acuta v. subreniformia supra pilosula infra glabra basi cordata apice acuta v. obtusa petiolis 2.0-4.5 cm. longis glabris. Folia caulina omnia fere conformia cordato-acuta v. cordato-acuminata. Flores axillares e caule evoluti pedunculis 6-7 cm. longis, e ramis evoluti pedunculis 4-6 cm. longis. Bracteee lineares basi fmbriate. Sepala linearia v. subulata 7-10 mm. longa 1.0-1.5 mm. lata. Petala oblongo-spathulata pallide violaceo- purpurascentia imberbia. Calcar 5-8 mm. longum. Stigma clavatum antice cernuum. Capsula glabra 8 mm. longa. Nom. Jap. Takeshima-sumire. Hab. “March, 1922.] VIOLA NOVA JAPONICA. 35 Dagelet: in monte Miroppon (T. NaKat n. 4454). 11) Viola yakusimana, Naxatr sp. nov. Planta debilis glaberrima. Caulis perennis petiolis et stipulis emortuis persistentibus imbricatis vestitus. Stipulae basi adnatae 2-3 mm. longe lanceolate paucique laciniate. Folia reniformia maxima 4 mm. longa 5 mm. lata crassa utrinque crenato—4—6 dentata. Petioli 2-5 mm. longi. Rami florentes 7 mm. longi apice foliis confertibus. Pedunculi axillares 2 mm. longi bracteis infra medium positi subulati 1 mm. longi. Sepala elliptica 1.5 mm. longa. Corolla obovata 4 mm. longa. Calcar scrotiforme 1 mm. longum. Nom. Jap. Koke-sumire. Hab. Yakushima: in summo montis Yaedake (Y、Yosnrr ) 12) Viola lutchuensis, Naxar sp. nov. V. sylvestris var. grypoceras, T. Iro et J. Matsumura Tent. FI Fl. Lutch, p. 41 (1899). Caulis perennis columnalis radices fibrosas emittens. Rami divaricati glabri axillares. Stipule lineares v. subulate basi fimbriate 3-8 mm, longe mox morituz fuscentes. Lamina cordata acuta v. acuminata incurvato-crenatoque scrrata. Pedunculi axillares glaber- rimi folia superantes apice nutantes. Bractez angusta lineares bine alternee supra medium pedunculi posite 5 mm. longz basi seepe glanduloso-fimbriatz. Sepala lanceolata basi truncata 4 mm. longa. Petala oblongo-obovata 10 mm. longa. Calcar anguste tubulosum 1.0-1.5 mm, crassum. Capsula ignota, Nom. Jap. Ryukyu-tachi-tsubosumire. Hab. Liukiu : in insula Okinawa (Y. TAsgrRo). ibidem (M. Morita). IV. Group of Viola Selkirk. 13) Wiola kapsanensis, NAKAI sp. nov. Columna rhizomatis elongatum. Rosulae foliorum in apice columnis que ab apice columnis annotini evoluti terminales. Folia radicalia cum petiolis sub anthesin 4—10 cm. longa. Petioli glabri exalati. Lamina foliorum exteriorum ovata v. late ovata basi cordata margine crenato-serrata apice acuta, inferioruam ovata apice obtusa, omnia supra glabra subtus supra venas parcissime Setulosa. Pedun- culi foliis subaequilongi glaberrimi erecti apice nutantes medio bibrac- teati. Bractee lineares 3-5 mm. longe. Sepala glabra viridia lanceolata appendicibus 2-3 mm. longis apice dentatis。 Petala late 36 VHE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No.423. elliptica v. oblongo-orbicularia dilute violacea, lateralia barbata. Stigma longissime rostratum. ま Nom. Jap. Kozan-sumire. Hab. Corea: inter Hokusei et Chokudo prov. Kankyo austr. (T. IsgrpoyA n. 2764). var, albiflora, Nakar comb. nov. Viola Selkirki var. albiflora, Nakai in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXII. 9 (1919). Petala lactea. Nom. Jap. Shirobana-kozan-sumire. Hab. Corea: Hokori prov. Kankyo austr. (T. IsHipoya n. 3051). Tai- churi prov. Kankyo austr. (T. IsgrpoyA n. eee 14) Wiola nikkoensis, Nakar nom. nov. VY. Tokubuchiana, Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 129. quoad specimen e Nikko (1902). | V. Boissieuana, (non Maxino) MryosHr et Maxino Pocket Atlas Alp. Plojap. TE Ri KN 257 (1907). : Rhizoma tenue repens caule terminatum sed sub anthesin jam emarcidum nunquam manet ut in Viola Selkirki. Columna rhizomatis 0.5-1.5 cm. longa erecta v. ascendens. Folia radicalia 3—4 rosulata, stipulis albis dimidio adnatis. Petfoli sub anthesin 1-3 cm. longi glabri v. parcissime pilosi in fructu 3.5-6.5 cm. longi glaberrimi — exalati. Lamina ovata v. oblongo-ovata v. late ovata v. cordata crenato-serrata apice acuta supra secus venas albido-variegata. Pedun- culi erecti apice in flores curvati glabri folia superantes medio v. infra medio bibracteati. Bractez lineares glaberrimze 3—8 mm. long. Sepala lanceolata attenuata glabra appendicibus apice serratis. Petala orbi- cularia v. oblonga purpureo-violascentia imberbia. Calcar crassum 5ー7 mm. longum. Stigma apice crassum in rostro breve subito deflexum. Nom. Jap. Fuji-sumire. Hab. Hondo: Nikko (K. Sawapa) ibidem (S. Komartsv). Viola Tokubuchiana, Makino as the type-specimens prove, com- poses of three distinct species. The first is our Viola nikkoensis, the second Viola Takedana var. variegata and the third Viola Selkirki var. variegata. Mr. Makino seems to have overestimated the variegation of leaves. However those three variegate-leafed Violets are distinguished as follows. March, 1922.] VIOLHA NOV AE JAPONICHK. ou Rhizoma repens sub anthesin emarcidum. Folia cordata, ovata v. a ODL OME OOM ALA rach cates ee te ei ccce ss sacer kates V. Nikkoensis. Nakat. INiizomare pens, Sulb-ant heswaemianet: 520.25. gevsssoesassencseeeektacnens cose 2. Folia ovato-acuminata. Rhizoma vulgo monocephalum. Shook Soe GR 人 V. Takedana, MaKINo var. variegata, NAKal. Folia cordata v. ovata. Rhizoma szpe polycephalum. Sr SS Re a RE ate EE V. Selkirki, PORSH var. variegata, NAKAt.. V. Group of Viola Patrini. 15) Viola oblongo-sagittata, Nakal sp. nov. | V. Patrini, Iro et Matsumura Tent. Fl. Lutch, p. 39 (1889). Matcomura, Ind: Pl. Jap:-Ik- 2: DS77. p.p. (1912). Planta terrestris in herbidis incola. Radix fusca. Caulis Drevr- ssimus. Petioli 3-5 cm. longi apice leviter alati glaberrimi. Stipule- fuscee lanceolate margine pauciserrate. Lamina glaberrima hastato- Sagittata apice acuta v. obtusiuscula 2.5-7.0 cm. longa basi 1.0-3.0: em. lata, margine crenata. Pedunculi glaberrimi folia superantes 11-20 cm. longi in 4% v. % e basi bibracteati. Bractee subulate 3-5 mm. longae。 Sepala late lanceolata, appendicibus rotundatis 1.5- mm. longis. Petala alba dilatata circ. 15 mm. longa.» Calcar 3 mm. longum crassum. Styli ad apicem dilalati. Capsula trigono-ellip- soidea 10 mm. longa. Florens in mense Martio. Nom. Jap. Ryukyu-shiro-sumire. Hab. | Liukiu : in monte Katsuudake insule Okinawa (Y. TAsHrRo ). var. violascens, NAKAr. Ve-Patiia, TAvATA Icon. Pl. Koish. tl p: 24. fig. 8. f: Flores violascentes. Hab. Formosa: Hinokiyama (G. NaKaHara). 16) Viola boninensis, Naxai sp. nov. ? V. Patrini var. triangularis, FRANCHET et SAVATIER Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 41 (1875). Affinis V. mandshurica sed folia sub anthesin hastato-sagittata crassa lucida. Flores minores. Capsula breve ellipsoidea ut Viola minor. Acaulis. Folia omnia radicalia glaberrima. Stipule supra medium adnate maculate glanduloso-serrate. Petioli supra medium alati 1-8 cm. longi. Lamina hastato-sagittata v. elongato-deltoidea crassa lucida 1.3-4.0 cm. lata. Pedunculi glabri foliis breviores infra medium bibracteati basi sepe purpurei. Sepala glabra ovato-lanceo- 38 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 423, lata v. late lanceolato-acuminata breve appendiculata. - Corolla intense violacea. Stigma ad apicem incrassatum brevissime rostratum. ‘Capsula breve ellipsoidea v. oblongo-spherica Y. oblongo-trigono- spherica glabra. Nom. Jap. Atsuba-sumire. Hab. ( Hachijyo: Nakanogo (M. OeArA). Bonin: insula Hahajima et Chichijima.(S. NrsHrwrURA ). 17) Viola stenocentra, Hayara mss. sp. nov. V. japonica, (non LanesporF) Marsumura et Hayata Enun. PI. Form. p. 29 (1906) Havata Fl. Mont. Form. p. 52 (1908) et Icon. P|, Form: I. p= 61 oat p. 24. (1943): Affinis V. phalacrocarpa sed foliis longioribus, calcaribus an- gustioribus exqua distincta, et a V. japonica petalis lateralibus barbatis calcaribus angustioribus distincta. Acaulis. Radix perennis. Folia cespitosa. Stipulee dimidio adnatz subulato-attenuate. Petioli glaberrimi laminis longiores 2ー16 cm. longi apice marginati. Lamina glabra oblongo-hastata v. oblongo- sagittata v. hastato-deltoidea apice obtusa v. acutiuscula 1-5 cm. longa 1-4 cm. lata, margine depresso-crenata. Pedunculi sub anthesin folia superantes glaberrimi 3-20 cm. longi supra medium bibracteati Bracteze lineares. Sepala lanceolata. Appendix apice dentata 1-2 mm. longa. Flores. pallide violacei. Petala oblonga, lateralia barbata. Calcar angustum 4-7 mm. longum. Stigma ad apicem -incrassatum erostrum apice subdeltoideum. Capsula ellipsoidea. Nom. Jap. Taiwan-kosumire. Hab. Formosa: Sharyoto (B. Hayata). Niitakayama 2200 m. (T. Kawa- KAMI et U. Mori). Taihoku (T. Kawakami et Y. SBriNrApA). Heiryubi(K. Miyake). Pachina (Nmnami). Shinchiku (T. Maxino). Toseikaku (C. Owarari). Byoritsu (C. Owarari). Tappo (S. Nacasawa). Garanbi (T. Kawakami et G. NAKAHARA n. 838). Tapposha (T. Kawakami et U. Mort n. 1759). Usekizan (B. Hayata). 18) Viola taiwaniana, Nakai sp. nov. 3 Acaulis. Radix perennis. Columna rhizomatis incrassata. Folia ceespitosa. Stipule basi petioli adnate fusca subulato-attenuate glanduloso-serrate. Petioli 1-5 cm. longi adpresse ciliati ・apice marginati. Lamina anguste-sagittata 4-6 cm. longa basi 1.5 cm. lata basi secus venas et margine ciliata, margine basi grossius apice “March, 1922.] VIOLA NOV JAPONICH. — 39 plane crenata. Pedunculi 8-12 cm. longi toto adpresse ciliati. Sepala lanceolata appendicibus ciliatis quadrangularibus. Petala oblonga, lateralia villosa. Calcar brevissimum 2-3 mm. longum. Stigma ‘subdeltoideum erostrum. Capsula glabra 9 mm. longa. | Nom. Jap. Nangoku-sumire. Hab. - Formosa: Ryukeinaisho (B. Hayara). 19) Viola niijimensis。NAgkAr sp. nov. ie Acaulis glaberrima. Radix perennis 1-3 ceps. Petioli 1.5-5.5 em. longi apice alati 3 mm. lati. Lamina foliorum linéari-oblonga vel ovata apice obtusa basi truncata 1.2-4.2 c.m. longa 8-14 mm. lata fere integra. Stipule ad medium petiolo adnatz maculate, partibus liberis subulatis glanduloso-serratis. Pedunculi folia superan- tes 3-9 cm. longi supra basin 2-bracteati. Sepala lanceolata 6-8 mm. longa appendicibus 1.55 mm. longis obtusis. Petala alba purpureo-venosa glabra 15-17 mm. longa. Calcar 4 mm. longum 2 mm. latum. Nom. Jap. Niijima-sumire, Hab. [5 Hondo: in insula Niijima prov. Izu (H. SAKORAr). 40 -THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 425. Résumé of the Original Article in Japanese. YosHiTtaKa Imai :—Genetic Studies in Morning Glories. VI. In the 3rd report of the author’s studies in morning glories, the genetic aspect of the flower-colors of two races of Ph. purpurea, W. D. (white double flowered) and R. S. (red single flowered), were fully described. Another race denoted by W. S., bearing white single flower, was crossed with these two races cited above, and raising the progeny of the hybrids the genetic relationships of them were analized as may be represented by the following constitutions : 一 Riis see ie ee eee cl RRSSUUdd WeDo the aes Faas os RS RRssuuDD WW rrSSUUdd The allelomorphs given above are considered as having the effects as follows :— R.r—-r is responsible to white flower with green stem and the colored condition in both flower and stem is caused by R. The heterozygotic flower is intermediate in color. S.s——The factor S makes both flower-and stem-color dilute, while in the presence of S the color become more intense. The effect of both foctors can only become visible in the presence of R. Biotypes resulted by the interaction of these two allelomorphic pairs are :— Rs intense flowered series with intensely colored stem.. Rs 2 faint flowered series with dilute stem. rS--~__ ; ee nike flower with green stem. U.u——In the presence of u five colored spots are formed in the rays of corolla leaving the other parts colorless. The heterozygotic flower is intermediately colored. In the co- operation of u and s, both in double doses, apparently white fower with dilute stem is formed. D.d——D is responsible to the dilution of flower-color. CONTENTS ? i { 1 ‘Hideo Moho! ; “Peduamnary: Nate - on lhe Cells of Vicia Faba Mort GA age Pa sla “ily we _ modified 0 Rontgen Rays and their Resembrance to Tumor シン of: s0Ng Fh ee だ Celis ~ Spe ・ Re eer ae ゃ 3D ° が る eo ーー * ロ [〕 ロ ロ e . は 2 VaR yr [| Ae こ ま _ Resume of the Original Article in Japanese. . . . . ・ «4 と # fa "Annies IN JAPANESE : ーー | Tokio Hagiwara. The Inheritance of. the Tube. NSK ae _the Morning. Glory PPE nc oii eA a Ghar haha ee na aan Li, em Literature. 4 OPN ic end UCAV NSR 0). ae Ve G. Anatomical structure of the roots ee barley. | Gwynne-Vaveran,, +H ee (Ascomycetes, _Ustilaginales, " Uredinales). | “v ; Me x. ~The anatomical structure ‘of Micrydophytes: --Yamana, G. の の toinese i im Pflanzenreiche. ) / oe! (sed ‘ z ‘ exe) leap ile * e e e e =, ° e es SR its (82 _Notes_ on Fungi [120] (A. YAsopA) 一 Notes on Japanese Violets. I. (T. Naka!) —Aquatic Dryopny tee from NL SO a md) (Y. NON AND etc, | SONG: Proceatings of the Society . Wee he athe Gt 3 THE Tosyo BoranicaL Socrmry Wt ee ee が _TokYo を iy, 0 Notice: The Botanical Magazin is published monthly. ET a a ces tion price per annum (inci. postage) 8 Yen “in Japanese ae currency (nearly 4 dollars for America). All Sues sank commnr a < nications to be ed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL. ee SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, Botanical Gardens, Tap ma University, Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from 2 countries _ 57 8 “to be made by pose money orders, AM in Tokyo to a a 0 _ the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Gardens, 6 a _ Imperial University, Tokyo, Tota Cae is Wi 70 he | Foreign Agent: a | | 1 3 a oe oh WHELDON & WESLEY. LTD., Ps 28, | Essex St. Strand, . London, Wad: 2. et Soe 1 a ae i スス イイ ナイ イイ スン 大 大 [ Ae aoe al i . fi IE I | 申 用 切 金 三 一 ExEE | 人 十 十 | 師 ノ 手 ナ 條 企 夫 計 中 計 i 8 ニー| M23, Beer Lee Rig し た ジ シーー 2 Pea 月 月 | SRO ime Sen | TA) Shee meee : [ TF Fh ve FEE 同 同 & # fl. sCR)C#wms—~C—“<*@i'sC. 、 The totally colored one is a simple Mendelian dominant to the partial, and to the light respectively. Morover, I have met with ‘the fact that a coupling having the gametic ratio 4: I take places between t; and tz. I recongnized that it is owing to a highest linkage be- tween the factor (b) for some flower colour and the factor (ts) for certaine flower-tube colours that Mr. Imar considered the phenomena which some flower-colors almost always are accompanied by certain flower-tube colors as due to either linkage or multiple allelomorphs. The cross-over of the above linkage may be between 0.41% aud 2.22%. According to the Chromosome Hypothesis, the loci of these factors must be arranged linearly with the order of b, ti, ts, on the same chromosome. a ae CONTENTS. " Whkoto! Nishimura. © On a otc piination and Balyctaliepcay ‘of ve 0 pratensis, Dia ‘(Preliminary INGLE) tie PE Nae ere RTICLE IN Javanese co £ i, ‘Hideo EGO “Preliminary Note on the , Cells of Vicia Faba _ modified by pee Rays and their Resemblance to Tumor _ Cells me EL ria NH Rare nee Naan Deeg Chas eo 2 ORY 4 V7: Curent Literature ジイ の a eee aa に = リン 2 ‘Bromguisr, iH. L. 2 anatomy of oe 2 | Hirapavast, 中 Introduction to Science. : Miscellaneous . ete 9 PO ee AOS Ee es ea Notes. ‘on. 0 22] (A ‘Visuna)—Tte. Talis of Rhododendron | _obtasum (@. Naxat)—On Juniperus chinensis, L. and Viola - boninensis. NaxKal. 0 NaAgar) 一 On the. Genus Protomarattia. a. Naxkat)—On ae Japanese Roses belonging to the section 、 Systylew lye Me _ Proceeinss 。 of the Society. atl rags te OAC ues (107) je S ri : : N mae も で | | ‘sabes oe SN 、-。 Notice: “The Botanical | Maguin is “published onthe < ‘Sabserip に か tion price per annum (inél. postage) 8 yen in Japanese . se currency - (ueinly. 4 1 for America). All letters and | commu- Met y AS . = hy ae nications to be addressed . to the FOKYO BOTANICAL 8 | a | SOCIETY, Botanical Sa Botaweal Gardens, mel eo of the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Gordens, Imperial University, Toby Japan. Foreign Agent: — bie ; ae 4 WHELDON & WESLEY, LYD., 28, Essex St。 Strand | London, W. 0. 2... | 3 Be of = oe i nexzeazes? oe ca) | PEs | は 8 正 正 oo py ms 二 十 | ea 。 共 計 買 計 ft ti ーー ーー 団 ヲ キ 園 毎 4 i A OE F = s ests | eee = 5 Fees ¥ ~IET K2eBeeeeeeee™ 月 月 Seen lew san Sasa DVR ate ee bee 所 所 OSC ie i sh 内 eS as 7 了 x 束 H ER RR SR RE ACRE . BB Rasp ky Beep Ri ee eee.| Bem ee A, HAA ES 北 ele : ee en oA mA gE” ty mae ele : it ee a os RR RAE ye eT a" he SS BO x » + Van i wt CRE 上 i = es ae | i) zo 3 ee Go eo PREV gic VR Homesites.) < any WAS Vol. XERVE Ply Bot. Mag. Tokyo. eal UR TAG 第 一 第 三 On Poa Pratensis. ISHIMURA— Tee [ On the Germination and the Polyembryony of Poa pratensis, L., (Preliminary note) By : 人 = Makoto Nishimura. | With Plate I I. Germination.—A study of the comparative morphology dad development of Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense and Setalia ttalica has been undertaken by the writer. The observations were completed in 1919 at Columbia university, New York City. This preliminary report is limited to two chapters, namely, “ Characteristic Features _ Associated with | Germination ” and the “ No in Poa | pratensis.”’ The grains used in the study of Ae plants were grown in Zurich germinators. The principal points of interest relate to the viability of the grains, the character and, nature of the coleorhiza S and epiblast, and finally, to the occasional development. of poly- embryony in the case of Poa pratensis. Sie One of the interesting features associated with the eaten _ of the grains was the rather common development of absorbing hairs — on the coleorhiza (Fig. 1). Though it is. obvious that they are of prime importance in establishing. the seedling in the soil, no reference has been found which bears on the nature and development of these hairs. と They appear practically with the first emergence of the coleorhiza. _ These outgrowths correspond in-origin and structure to ordinary _ root hairs, and the nucleus shows the same range of variation with 人 : respect to its relation to the epidermal cell as the case of the root _ hairs, reported by HaBERLANDT” (1887), Roperts” (1916) and others. _ The hairs are usually developed near the tip of the coleorhiza ; but in some cases the tip cells form the hairs, as do also the upper cells of the coleorhiza, which develop into long active hairs. This appears to be a distinctive feature of the coleorhiza as contrasted with the roots where the root hairs are usually found a short distance from ase >. 48 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE [Vol. KXXKVI. No. 425. the root cap. From Fig. 1, it can be seen that the hairs are developed : in various parts of the coleorhiza, and apparently every cell of the epidermal layer of the coleorhiza is able to produce hair. . The development of both the coleorhiza and its hairs varies wits the medium in which it grows, and these variations accord with the usual root behavior. | It was observed that the coleorhiza becomes more extended in water than in air, and this is true to a slight degree of its hairs. A reversed ratio, however, exists between the root hairs developed in water and air, as observed by Snow” (1904). This difference in growth of the coleorhiza hairs and root hairs in the two ‘media, water and air, gives quite a different aspect to the seedling: in air, there is a strong growth of root hairs, and coleorhiza hairs just appear on the epiblast. The diameter of the coleorhiza hairs and root hairs grown | under these conditions shows slight variation, but as a rule the coleorhiza hairs exceed the root hairs both in diameter and length. The development of coleorhiza hairs is not influenced by light — intensities. They show no’ difference when grown in the light and in the dark, and: these reactions correspond with the results obtained by Snow***! (1904) and BarpELt! (1915) on root hairs. It is evident that these coleorhiza hairs are the analogues, physio- logically, of the root hairs, and that they serve as a unique device for putting the embryo in immediate contact with the soil water and so tide it over the period required for the development of an absorbing root surface. The coleorhiza is regarded as a protective organ of the main root in the embryonic stage, but it is manifest that it also later takes on an additional function. At first it serves as a substitute for the root and subsequently supplements the function of this organ. The coleorhiza appears not only before the root has elongated, but it continues to function for a long period thereafter. Thus, the coleorhiza hairs of Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense were found to — be normal and functioning thirty days after germination. Few organs of the embryo have received more attention or Seana more divergent views than the epiblast. The behavior of this structure would rather lead one to accept the contentions of Van TircHEm,*® ScHrLrckUM CELAKOVSKY,*” WORSDELL,” Bruns,” CouLTER®’ The results of their researches indicate that the coleoptile, scutellum and others. and epiblast are all parts of one structure, the cotyledon, and that they represent, respectively, the ligule, lamina and auricles of the vegetative leaf. The sheathing leaf base disappears, or at least is 、 May, 1922] OM THE GERMINATION AND THE POLYEMBRYONY 49 only indicated in the earliest embryonic stage of development. . The anatomical features of these organs also afford striking confirmatory evidence of the validity of this interpretation. It is especially note- © worthy, as shown by ScHLickum,” that the vascular bundles found in these organs indicate that we are dealing with structures that show the exarch types of organization rather than the normal type of epicotyledonar development. The behavior of the epiblast is quite in keeping with this interpretation, as will be seen from Fig. 1. The epiblast may develop absorbing hairs from its apical cells or from any of its cells; and in fact it responds to enviromental factors in the same manner as does the coleorhiza. In this connection, the observation of HaBERLANDT on the remarkable resemblance of the scutellar epithelial cells of Briza minor to root hairs is significant. It would seem as though the entire development from the cotyledonary | plate partook of the haustorial root nature, (See TscHircH)® save in the ease of the coleoptile. This organ, perhaps owing to its mass growth with the shoot and its consequent removal from the co- tyledonary region, would appear to have lost its haustorial function. The germination of the grains displays the usual features characte- ristic of the grasses. The coleorhiza first emerges from the grain, developing hairs at once. This growth is followed directly by the extension of the coleoptile, and shortly afterwards the primary root 。 pierces the coleorhiza. The species under consideration develop, but a single root in the embryonic stages, thus differing from many grasses, as Avena, Triticum, Andropogon, etc. The secondary roots, usually _ two in number originate from the first and second nodes of the stem, and they appear almost simultaneously, and constitute the first permanent roots of the plant. In the germination of the grains of Poa pratensis numerous examples were studied where two embryos appeared. These embryos were commonly placed side by side (Fig. 2), but in some instances one of the embryos would occupy a rather oblique position to the median plane of the grain. Each embryo was quite normal in structure and developed in the manner outlined above. As a rule, _they were also of equal vigcr and developed into normal plants. An interesting case was observed where two shoots were inclosed in a single coleoptile and there was but a single normal coleorhiza which contained two roots, each associated with one of the shoots (Fig. 3). The most striking departure from the normal type of development was found in Poa pratensis. In several instances the grains were 50 Ray THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE [Veoh RXXVI. No. 435, + found to contain three embryos. In some instances the axis of those embryos were quite parallel with one another, but in others one of 3 the embryos would be placed rather obliquely to the other embryos, ; This divergence was so pronounced in some cases that the scutellum as was nearly parallel with the coleorhiza of the adjacent embryos, but 。 4 otherwise the embryos were found to be perfectly normal in structure : and developed into plants that were quite as vigorous as those obtained from the normal grains. . It is evident that we have here an illustration of the excess sto- rage of reserve materials beyond the requirements of the seedling, for in these instances there was sufficient material to insure normal development of each embryo. The significance of the position and peculiar relations of these embryos will be considered when we come to an examination of fecundation and embryo formation. 2. Polyembryony.—The low percentage of germination of Poa pratensis as well as the occasional occurrence of polyembryony led me to investigate its reproduction aud embryology. The pollen grains showed no departures. They developed and germinated normally. The pistils more commonly were also normal, but occasionally slightly larger than normal ones were found. These were characterized by protuberances (Fig. 4). This type of pistil may be due to the deposit of eggs by an insect, a full account of which phenomenon together with detailed embryological features, is presented in a later report. Other types of protuberances from the - ovaries were also noticed leading up to three nearly normal stigmas. Three normal stigmas were also noticed in millet, and have been reported in rice and bamboo. We are indebted to FiscHEr!? (1880), NR (1881), Tron (1893), D’nusBerr’® (1896), Korrnicke!? (1896), Cannon? (1900), Guicnarp!3 (1901), Kuwapa”! (1910) and others for various con- tributions upon the embryology of the Gramineae.. I have found no reference to polyembryony in the grasses except that of the recent observation of Komuro (1922) in rice. In germinating some grains of corn in November, 1919, I observed one grain with two normal embryos, each with its coleoptile, scutellum, coleorhiza and root. This preliminary report on embryology shows that the course of development may be quite normal embryo. The embryology of Poa pratensis, however, showed frequent instances of polyembryony associated with the development of massive suspensor (Fig. 6). Two and even three buds may develop from the suspensory apparatus. - が May, 1022, ON THE GERMINATION AND THE POLYEMBRYONY 51 Similar results have also been reported by Gurenarp!? (1881), JEFFREy17 (1895), Ernst? (1901-2), ScuHarFner’’ (1901), HArr14 (1902). While I have not as yet followed through the stages in the development of these buds my preparations indicate that the develop- ment of the massive suspensor may account for the peculiar types of seedling shown in Fig. 3. In this case it would appear as though _ by means of this budding two plumules and two roots have been associated with a single coleoptile and coleorhiza. In another case observed, but not illustrated, but a single root was developed with the twin plumules. In addition to the above cases of polyembryony, numerous instances were observed where the nucellar cells in the vicinity of _ the micropyle gave rise to two or three bud-like outgrowths similar in character to those reported by STRasBurcER*! (1878) in Citrus, and by Ganone! (1898) in Opuntia. In contrast to these cases quite frequent examples of bud-like outgrowths were also observed at the antipodal region of the embryo sac, and these were often characterized by a massive growth suggestive of the suspensory development referred to above. Frequently, the nucellar cells on the sides of the embryo sac also gave rise to embryonic buds, but these outgrowths were always of a simple character as contrasted with the more vigorous growths at the antipodal and micropylar regions. In all these various types of polyembryony it was noticed that one of the embryos might be developed from the fertilized egg (Fig. 5), but on the other hand it not infrequently happened that the normal embryo was sooner or later inhibited in its growth by the development of the other embryos. In some instances the egg apparently did not function at all. In others triple fusion was much delayed so that as a result the embryos were in a multicellular stage and rather more adyariced _ than those reported by Mussgscxk23 (1902). The antipodals varied as a rule from three to six; rarely were larger numbers observed. Not infrequently these cells became much enlarged and assumed a spherical form. In all such cases these cells showed indications of early disintegration, the cell contents being strongly vacuolated and sometimes multinucleated. More frequently the chromatic material was massed into irregular lumps or scattered into irregular fragments. Apparently polyembryony and other irregularities are associated with abnormal ovaries. The abnormality arises at different periods 52 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE _TVol, SXXVI- No.2425- in the development of the ovule. In some cases it is associated with the growth of the megaspore which is seen to become greatly. enlarged. Its nucleus at first increases decidedly in size, and this is followed by a massing of the chromatic material, and then its final dissolution. Such megaspores never divide and finally appear as empty sac, often quite equalling in size that of the normal embryo sac. In other cases the abnormality is associated with the chalazal region and with the integument, In both of these regions the cells and intercellular spaces become infiltrated with some product of the degenerated protoplasm, as is often seen in pathological tissues. In other cases the abnormality arises at a later stage in the development of the ovule. In this instance tbe egg apparatus and_ polar nuclei are nearly normal, with the exception of the synergids, one- of which, it will be seen, is greatly enlarged. The five antipodals have also become much distended and are characterized by extremely delicate walls and chromatic material in various shee of degenera- tion. These manifestations of abnormality appear to be associated with the sting of insects which deposit their eggs in the ovary. At least no departure from the normal has been as yet observed in the ovaries not so affected. The insects deposit their eggs at various points on the ovary, but usually in the vicinity of the style. This sting causes a minute outgrowth that seems at first to be a rudimentary style, but this growth is not associated with any modification in the development of the cells of the ovary wall _ adjacent to the sting. It is to be noted, however, there is a dif- ference in the sizes of the ovaries. These affected ovaries are materially larger than the normal ones. It is also possible that the stimulus generated by as germina- tion of the insect’s egg may be the cause for the development of the third style and stigma noted previously. Perhaps, we have here an illustration of the reappearance of ancestral characters quite com- parable to the reversional features associated with injury (JEFFREY, 1917).18 It would also seem probable that this same stimulus affects the ovule and may account for the various types of abnormality reported above. An early deposit of the egg may entirely inhibit the development of the megaspore while a later sting would produce the abnormal antipodals as described above. In cases, where fertilization has been already effected, the stimulus may result in the various types of polyembryony reported above, (TREUB, May, 1922.] ON THE GERMINATION AND THE POLYEMBRYONY 53 1902).°? While there is no evidence as to the mode of operation of the stimulus in these cases, it is possible that “changes of osmotic pressure, suggested by Overton? (1902) in Thalictrum, (1918) in Fucus and by Losp22 and others in animals, may be the cause of the abnormalities. Literature Cited. 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TSCHIRCH, Bhcmolascune Studien tiber die Samen, insbesondere die Saugorgane derselben. Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg, IX. 1891. 36. Van TrrcHEm, P., Observations anatomiques sur le cotyledon dis Graminees. Ann. d. Sei. Nat., Bot., Sér. V. 15: 236-276. 1872. 37. WoRrspELL, W. C., The Morphology of the Monocotyledonous Embryo and of that of the grass in particular. Ann. Bot. 30: 509-524. 1916. Explanation of the Plate I. All the figures were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at table level. E. Leitz Wetzlar oculars and objectives were used, the magnification is indicated. Figure 1 is from seedling of Phleum pratense L. and Figs. 2-7 are of Poa pratensis L. Fig. 1. Abundant development of hairs on the coleorhiza and epiblast, 48 hours after grain has been sown. Root is still in the coleorhiza; co, Cotyledon; cr, Coleorhiza; e, Epiblast. x 130. Fig. 2. Two embryo type, showing two distinct coleorhiza and coleoptiles. x 106. Fig. 3. A seedling, showing one coleoptile enclosing two shoots and one coleorhiza with two roots. X 36. Fig. 4. Sectional view of protuberance due to insect sting, showing relation of larya to wall of ovary. x 200. Fig. 5. Embryo developing from nucellus and egg. X 557. Fig. 6. Polyembryony associated with budding of suspensor. XX 587. Fig. 7. Eqlyembryouy associaled in the budding from nucellus in antipodal region. X 557. The ea at ex が 2 te ae rie oak 3 a 0 タン SM し NCSA ; 7 ay, : 3 x) ) | VOL. | XXXVI JUNE 1992 - . No.496 ne ae | . | | TH why - ! ? isa ene) | に BH - の 2 mt ‘ 5. Bie ァ d * i aA SN at - 8 iii aoe oie ee 1 Pe SONTENTS 1 fi epi 0 6 GS aN Tokio Hagiwara. On the Cross-over and | Interference in the _ Japanese” Morning Glory — GPS eam ba eae tee iy ean ye - Takenoshin Nakai. Notulee aa plantas Bowe et Koreg. XXVII ry ee ロ ar の 2 ° ° 2 Fes e s 61 と で eh \ ae IN MY ee hs 0 _ Current Literature. a Pe ee ee a ae ic TELLEFSEN, M. Ale The estan WE age to size in certain BeOS. root cells and in vein- ‘islets of the leaves of Salix nigra : a a 6 | JAgscg. | | 2 seo 、Corss, ALC. Iidea microscopy. j [ _ Okamura, 1 Popular lectures on Su with jiteral | 6 ‘quotations. | Miscellaneous ・ Fa Ge ae ee ee ee “Notes. ‘oh Hang Ez (A. -Yasupa)—On the Chromosome- ane “number of the Genus Acer (M. Isurxawa)—On the distinction 8 oN of Diervilla amabilis, Ds japonica, D. Corzensis and D. » florida. ce Nakar) 一 On Seutellaria japonica (T. NaKai)— _ Notes on Japanese Violets III. (T. Naxat): as | Proceetinss of the Society. : ert ete Oa yt aS te ems Ds ; "37414 Teak ee: Tae Tokyo Boranrcar Socrsry AU プッ [ pee TOKYO Lote. ( 人 [ Nias a ー Notice: The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. Snbscrip- が 6 Rs) oe SS tion price per annum (incl. postage) 8 yen in Japanese the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. . に Foreign Agent: ee OS ae WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex St. Strand, London, We C2. an は) Z2EEEER “rn — Le ず ュ イト イッ イッ イー ダー イー 有 OME (BVSSrTVL2LE とこ ター イー イップ っ 3 L SEOY+ OR! a | Sng yb? | +R Bae S22 . 翌 2 8 & 3 re DN St ahs ae 党 Ei 5 R ヾ At: Yt Saha ERD ———| ) Ra いり © my i hte に EO i ヾ な Saf +R Sa es SRS My HM SHS Ss BSS Baht S| S8Seo Sue se was SH Sa Se + Bs ah S| SERPS x FA な x PA 2 う まで Sowa Rey We ee gee * こ CN Os x i ne eh ey oes o> ee oe Ne 2 1 … ye f ' othe Ait 1 1 ie な か tee PA Cs age ¥ ete: Nites * に ウー シー ュー だ る ee et 1 AM: で めも = ミ の US Sa she ot et ote に eS - ; os xX ‘ | ee wy We Shes くき { or sud cor aie} に < に っ ン ン ザン だ さき に っ で っ > {Es = NR | ad = eee, 人 は AD 6 i See yaa 4 Yeh biti ican CAE 5 ry Po ei 6 EN RS oe I ts - の * ) す " ar: ww! be SE Re Ne ee ES eR ay Se age ee ee と ee othe Wee ae et ンー 人 の tae 6 | EAE Se i pee rie ae ; 5 ; a ee: x Le Tee ae ana eee ; と は A (a に 1 Pee: か うか 3 本 っ = > fj で Ly が = / 過 bi 4 No っ 4 Fy batt ot vai a ae Le he aie ees en a et 7 ye Cc ai ms ee ise re eae Pa tees os $ me _ F a SEAT OOS | | SAP a Ss ast fe (ay at OS | Mok na wa =O + nani X | { A O pails =F Ay Dy ih On the Cross-over and Interference in the Japanese Morning Glory. By Scars Tokio Hagiwara. ee Outside of Drosophila, the only known case of the interference ae 。 of cross-over is that of primula sinensis reported by ALTENBURG.) In the course of my genetic studies on the Japanese Morning Glory 1 (Pharbitis Nil), I have observed the phenomena of the double crossing- — over and interference, and the results of my experiments will be ; given in the following lines. : 3 Linkage Group i I have reported in the ‘Journal of the Scientific Agricultural Society No. 273, 1921” that three factors of the leaf, variegated (v), . rolled (d) and heart-shaped (h) make a linkage group. The variegated _—~-_ fv) isa simple Mendelian recessive to the normal. The rolled (d) is > a simple Mendelian recessive to the flat. I have reported the relation between v and d in the “ Botanical Magazine No. 399, vol. XXXIV 1920.” I obtained the F, plants having the genotype VvDd from 4 the cross VVDD x vvdd. The total sum of the separation numbers. of |: F; and F; is as follows: | 識 ( Vp Va yD vd Total e F, experimental numbers 498 _。 51 48 135 733 eS . F, experimental numbers 3255 27 28 7 384 _____ Total experim. numbers 758 78 77 209 1117 Bo ‘Theoretical numbers ~ 767.325 70.3895 70.895 208.885 1117 3 = 1) American Naturalist, Vol. LV, No. 636, 1921. 3 "ae | 舞 基 Sele= y し mar. ii 56 | THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. The actual numbers nearly | coincide with the theoretical 『 — numbers, when the F, plants’ gametic ratio is calculated as 6.4:1:1:6.4. Thus, the cross- over percentage between v and d is 13.51%. The heart- shaped leaf (h) is a simple Mendelian recessive to the nor- mal (three lobed leaf). I obtained the F, plants having genotype VvHh from the cross VVHHxvvhh. From these F, plants were produced the offspring shown in the follow- Rolled and normal leaf. ing table. 3 “ied : 7 HV Hy hV hy Total 3 F, experim. numbers 00 は 214 の | 112 、 1283 Theoretical numbers 750.638 211.607 211.607 109.148 1283 When the gametic ratio of the F, plants is calculated as 1.4:1:1:1.4 the theoretical number almost agree with the experimental numbers. Thus I would recognize that this ie also a case of coupling between the factors h and v, although its intensity is low. Hence, the cross- over is 41.67%. Recognizing the linkage between v and d, and between h and v, respectively, a linkage should be found between h andd. I have also proved that there is a linkage between the factors — h and d by the experimental crosses DDHH x ddhh, the results of — of the segregation -being as in the following table: DH. Dh dH width Total F, experim. numbers 537 182 | 177 82 1028 Theoretical numbers 596.303 175.096 175.096 82.505 1028 When the gametic ratio of F, plants is calculated as 1.3:1:1:1.3 the theoretical numbers almost agree with the experimental numbers. Thus, the cross-over percentage between h and d is 43.48%. The three factors d,h, and v constituting a linkage group, may be considered to be arranged on the same chromosome. The distance between v locus and d locus is 13.51, that between .v and h 41.69, and between d and h 43.48. If the order of loci on the chromosome is as h, v, d, or h, d, v, the distance between h and d should be June, 19227 ON THE CROSS-OVER AND INTERFERENCE. 57. 55.29. (i. e., 13.51+41.69) or 28.18 (ie., 41.69-14.51), respectively. As the distance between h and d obtained by my experiments is 43.48, the order of these factors should be d, v, h. Double Crossing-over and Interference. As stated above the loci of these factors are arranged on the chromosome in the order h, v, d. The calculated distance between h and d is 55.20 while the experimental distance is only 42.19. The difference is 13.01. What is the cause of such difference? By a three point experiment, Morcean” and others recognized that the calculated distance is longer than the experimental distance, especially in the case of distance being longer and that such difference is due to the double crossing-over. In the germ cell of the F, plants produced by the conjugation of two different germ cells which have the factors D, V, H andd, v, h respectively, two kinds of chromosomes should be found as illustrated in Fig. I a, b. In the germ cell of F, plants, the cross-over take place between the homologous chromosomes. Considering the arrangement of these three factors v, d, and ie all kinds of cross-overs are illustrated in Figures II,IV and VI. Fig. II is the cross-over between V and D, and Fig. IV between V and H. These cross-overs are called the single cross-overs. From the former results two chromosomes as illustrated in Fig. III, the one having the three factors, not rolled, variegated and heart-shaped and the other one rolled, not variegated and not heart-shaped. From the latter results two chromosomes as illustrated in Fig. V, the one having respectively three factors not rolled, not variegated and heart- shaped and the other one rolled, not variegated and heart-shaped on the one hand, and rolled, variegated and not heart-shaped on the other. As illustrated in Fig. VI, -there is still a case in which the cross-over occurs at two points, i. e., between D and V, and V and H respectively. This cross-over is called the double crossing over and there is formed two chromosomes one of which has three factors, not rolled, variegated and not heart-shaped, and the other not variegated, rolled and heart-shaped as illustrated in Fig. VII. There is, of course, another case in which no cross-over occurs as illustrated in Fig. I a, b. In short, F, plants must give eight kinds of individuals having the three characters different from each other. 1) The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity. 1915. し < FTF 4a eee a." THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. __ (Vol. XXXVI.No. 425, | 2 D v 3 a り ロ 3 5 CT Ss eg py Fie. v es : Fig.J A v ; ra 3 E v 0) 2 ーー aA ママ に ia 5 A cy H a # -> Fiav Fig. 了 D a % i il tae BSE! eo a Vv A a A V th Fig. VI D R 2 Po = 8 D v 2 a Vv f, = Cs .. 9 Co el} Fig, VH 3 ivi の H Fig. I a. The diagram of a chromosome having the factors V,D,H. Fig. I b. The diagram of the homologous chromosome having the factors v. dh sf Fig. IT. Single cross-over occurring between D,V. Fig. III. One couple of chromosomes after the breaking took place in Fig. II. Fig. IV. Single cross-over occurring between V and H. Fig. V. One couple of chromosome after the breaking took place in Fig. IV. 7 Fig. VI. Double crossing-over. : Fig. VII. One couple of chromosomes after the double crossing-over. This stafement is confirmed by the following experiments. After the maturation in the germ cells Of the F, plants, we can: verify the presence of the eight kinds of chromosomes by back crosses (See TABLE I). Although my experimental numbers were small compared with others, I can see clearly the eight kinds of individuals each | having any one of the above mentioned eight kinds of chromosomes through the back cross experiments that the homogeneous races designate as the 5 having the factors v, d, h cross with the F, plants which were obtained from the cross between the 5 and the homogeneous races designate as the 9 A having the alleromorphic factors VD; H, and also having the reciprocal of: the above crosses. TABLE I non-crossovers crossovers single == Se lone ee OOOO ーーー ペ ーー へ DVH dvh Dvh dVH DVh dyvH DyH dV} total B.C. (5x 9A)X5 42 36 4 2 24 33 6 5 152 5 BC. 5x(5x9A) 4 | (キー 17 Total AG edie) b. 3 ふ . 2415 Bh MO ne eee Nee ーーー soe ューーー ーーー ジ 8 60 15 48 2% 35.5 9% 8.9 % ame 1922.1 ON THE CROSS-OVER AND INUERFERENCE: 59 _ The total amount of the cross-over between V and D is the sum of the single (4.8) and of the double (8.9) cross-over, of which the value is 13.7. Likewise the cross-over value for WV. Hi, 4s..35.5.-+ §.9—= 44.4. If the cross-overs occurred independently of each other, the double crossing-over involving both regions D-V, V-H, should take place in 6.08 percent of the cases. In other words, the expected double crossing-over without the occurring of interference should be 13.7 | 44.4/100=6.08%. Yet the experimental cross-over is 8.9 %. There- fore, the difference between the expected double crossing-over and the experimental must be due to the interference of the cross-overs. The phenomenon of interference was originaliy deduced by Srur- TEVANT) from his experiment with Drosophila melanogaster. It consists of the fact that the occurrence of a cross-over in one tegion | ef a chromosome reduces the chance for the occurrence of another | cross-over in a different region of the same chromosome. Studying : mathematically this phenomenon MULLER” said that the amount of ‘““ coincidence,’’ which is interference is expressed by an index called a the ratio of the double crossing-overs actually observed in the experi- ment as compared with that expected. It has been recognized that increasing the distance between the two regions in whch the double crossing-over occurred, the coincidence _ rises gradually to the value of 1, and that when the distance becomes so great that the coincidence reach the value of 1 the interference has entirely disappeared, or the expected double crossing-over have become equal to the experimental. According to the further studies of the phenomenon by MorrgR?2,。 Brivcrs”, and WsrNsrErN2, when the two regions are widely separated the intereference reappears. In this case there is actually found a greater number of double 、crossing-overs than the expected. 8 In his experiment concerning three factors, black, purple and curved, locating on the second chromosome of Drosophila melano- gaster, BRIDGES reported that the experimental double crossing-over “1s larger ‘than the expected. - Brwwexs said that in his case although — the difference between the experimental and the expected is small, it 1) Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. XIV, 1913. 2) American Naturalist, Vol. L, No. 598, 1916. 3) American Naturalist, Vol. L, No. 593, 1916. 4) Journal of Experimental Zoology, Vol. XIX, 1915. 5) Genetics, Vol. IIT, No. 2, 1918. — is not due to a chance お but 上 the interference ate, he gives especially the name of “ Negative interference.” ’ , en I consider that the interference which occurred in my ‘experim is to be classified as “ Negative interference.” I have found t my case sear coincidence is 1.46. aL Se a of the. Coi Materials Characters |——_—__,____ distance of Observed | Expected two regions : worsat <= 71 = エミ ‘ 9 Yermilion ese esl 028 | 128 | 93.58 と J bar e ! 3 purple : seeps. | black 107 | 097 | 23.46 ここ SMGUIEVB rahe : の low - . Drosophila oe Soe の に rubyoid 5.08 6.27 57.5 aes tiny-bristle | 。 ( の こう rubyoid - と に oked ee OST 0.24 | 412 ~~ | tiny-bristle Pago 5 ts red stigma So な 99 Styles 2.9 4.1 47.8 ン red flower variegated ; Pharbitis Nil | rolled 8.9 © 6.08 58.1 に SM 7 In concluding, I must express my hearty thanks to Prof. Tea a な ーー SA who has given me valuable helps during my experiments, | and also to Dr. Kucur Miyake and Mr. YosurraKa InrAr who w oe =o Ress very helpful in Ir this paper. ie a AGRICULTURAL Corman, | a a - Be. IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF Tokyo. : 2 上 at EY 1) Sex-linked inheritance in Drosophila. Carnegie Pub. No. 737, 1916 De 2) Genetics, Vol. VI. 1921. 4 “ i ーー Lae 。 - 2 ; Eo ¢ Notule ad plantas Japoniz et Korez. XXVIII. auctore Takenoshin Nakai, Rigakuhakushi. 613). ‘Adiantum Farleyense, Moore in Journ. Royal Hort. Soc. New series I. p. 82 et in Gard. Chron. (1860) p. 730. Hooxker et BAKER Syn. Filic. p. 124 in nota sub Adiantum tenerum. UNDERWOOD et BENEDICT in Stand. Cyclop. I. p. 219 sub A. Capillus-Veneris. Nom. Jap. Lwa-horaishida. Hab. Bonin: in rupibus Anijima (T. Nakai et H. ToyosgrwA ). in rupibus Hahajima (T. NAgAr). 614) Bromus Porteri, (Coutrer) Nas in Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. XXIT. p. 512 (1895). Brrrron and Brown Illus. Fl. I. p. 221 (1896). B. Kalmii var. Porteri, Courter Manual Bot. Rocky Reg. p. _425 (1885). | Nom. Jap. Kinu-chahiki. Hab. _ Kamtschatica: Yaino (T. Sawapa). In Flora Asiatica nova! a 615) Carex Parrayana, DEWEYy in American Journ. Science XXVII. - p. 239 (1835). Boorr Illustr. I. p. 28 t. 71 (1858). Brirron and Brown Illus. Fl. I. p. 307 (1896), KureKkenrnat Car. p. 387 (1909). — Nom. Jap. Amerika-kurosuge. | Hab. と Kamtschatica : Yaino (T. Sawapa). - In Flora Asiatica nova! 616) Carex Raynoldsii, Dewry in American Journ. Science 2 ser. . XXXII. p. 39 (1861). KosksNrgAr Car. I p. 395 (1909). C. Lyallii, Boorr Ilustr. IV. p. 150. t. 483 (1867). Nom. Jap. Tsuri-kurosuge. Hab, 62 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, (Vol. XXXVILNo.4, Kamtschatica: Yaina (T. Sawapa). Mee ws ee In Flora Asiatica nova 1 pe ae 617) Corylus hallaisanensis, Naka in FeppE Rep. XIII. p. 250 "eee (1914) et in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIX. p. 36 (1915) et Fl. Sylv. Kor, II. p. 10 t. II. (1915). Scunemer in Pl. Wils. VI. p. 451 2 ES Nom. Jap. Tsubo-hashibami. Hab. Hondo: in silvis montis Shotn prov. Kawachi (T. Naxar). . 618) Quercus Fabri, Hance in Journ. Linn. ‘Soc. X. p. 202 (1869) et in Journ. Bot. XIII. p. 362 (1875) et XX. p. 362 (1882). Francner Pl. Dav. I. p. 274, SkAN in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXVI. p. 512 (1899). RenpER et Wirsox in Pl. Wils, III. 2. p. 216 cae Nom. Jap. Hime-kashiwa. Hab. Corea: in insula Daikokuzanto (T. inion et CHUNG- “TYA-HYON n. 3408) © In Corea nova! - 619) Quercus neo-glandulifera, NaKai sp. nov. Magis affinis Q. glandulifera sed folia elongata ut QO. variabilis. Rami biennes et triennes cinereo-fusci glabri, hornotini adpresse diversipilosi. Gemmz ovatee squamis o-serialibus imbricatis. Petioli 6-12 mm. longi primo pilosi demum glabrescentes supra sulcati basi incrassati. Lamina lineari-oblonga v. oblanceolata Y. lineari-ob- lanceolata basi truncata v. rotundata rarius acuta supra glabra tantum secus costas pilosa subtus glaucina simulque - diversipilosa, 8.0 cm. longa 2.7 em. lata (11.0: 3.0, 15.4-5.0,13.0-3.2 ete.) Pedunculi fructiferi 2.5 mm crassi 7 mm. longi dense pubescentes. Cupula breve hemispherica, squamis brevissimis imbricatis.. Glans ovata apice pilosa 14 mm. longa. Nom. Jap. Nagaba-konara. Hab. ( 1 Corea: in monte Mongansan insulz Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla austr. (T. IsgrpoyA et CHUNG-TYAI-HYON n. 3405-3406). 620) Quercus stenophylla, (BLUME) MAkrNo in Tokyo Bot. Mag. KRY Ds ate): Q. glauca v. stenophylla, BLuME in Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. I. p. 308 (1850) teste Prof, M. SmrrRAr in Herb. Leidense. ar. latifolia, NaKkat var. nov. Foliorum forma Q. glauca simulat sed subtus niveis, serratuliS — acerioribus exqua distincta. ‘Tune, 1922.) NOTULA! AD PLANTAS JAPONIA ET KOREA. XXVIII. 63 a ees Nom. Jap. Hiroha-urajirogashi. _ Hab. Corea: insula Hokitsuto (T. Nakai n. 9559). insula Daikokuzanto (T. IsrrrpoyA et CHUNG-TYAI-LHYON n. 3397). 621) Dianthus superbus, LrNNE Amoenit. Acad. IV. p. 272 (1759). var. alpestris, NAKAr var. nov. Affinis var. brevicalycina, sed caule humiliore densius caespitoso - foliisque glaucinis exquo distinctus. Nom. Jap. Kumoi-nadeshiko. = Habs. «) 、 に : Hondo: in summo montis Dainichidake prov. Shinano (H. Ko1pzumi). 622) Daphniphyllum macropodum, MiguvEeL Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 293. _- var. Viridipes, Nakar var. nov. _ Petioli semper viridissimi. Folia comparative majora quam typicum. : Nom. Jap. Aojiku-yuzuriha. hee oo. Pale. Hondo: insula Hachijyo (M. Ocarta). in monte Amagisan prov. Idzu (T. Naxat). | 623) Buxus microphylla, Sresotp et Zuccarini in Abh. Akad. Muench. 3b. p. 142 (1846). var. insulavris, Nakai var. nov. AfGnis var. sinica sed exqua foliis latioribus, costa et petiolis non pubescentibus distincta. : ( 。 Frutex ramosissimus. Squamze gemmarum persistentes. Rami oe utrinque bicostati, hornotini minutissime patentim pilosi. Folia attenuata apice emargina v. obtusa supra viridia lucida infra pallida 12-22 mm. longa 4-11 mm. lata margine recurva. Nom. Jap. Shima-himetsuge. Hab. | Corea: in monte Monganzan insule Daikokuzanto rara (T. IsHipoya et CHUNG-TYAL-HYON n. 3583). 624) Spireea Vatabei, Nakai in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXIX Jap. art. p. 228 (1915)。 var. latifolia, Naxat ibidem p. 310. Nom. Jap. Kibino-shimotsuke. Corea: in monte Bungansan insula Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla-austr. | (T. IsHmoyva et CHUNG-TYAI-HYON n. 3511). Distr. Hondo occid. 625) Rosa Marretii, Liivem.é in Feppe Repert. VIII. p. 281 (1910). , or fy ™ Pa . ye OP SAP ete TERT i ees Me Me OT wae TR 64 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI, No. 426. 4 R. rubrostipullata, NaKxat in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXX. P- 242 (1916) et Fl. Sylv. Kor. VII. p. 40. tab. XTII. (1918). ~ の R. davurica, (non PArLAs) Korpzuwr Consp. Ros. Jap. 2 234 (1913). MryaBe et Miyaxe Fl. Sachal. p. (1915). Nom. Jap. Miyamabara, Karafutobara, Karafutoibara. Hab. : Yeso: Kamuikotan et Asahigawa prov. . Ishikari (H. Korpzum1). Betsukari prov. Nemuro (K. MiyaBeE). ; Sachalin: Kakannai (S. Komatsu). sine loco speciali (G. Nakawara). ~ Ae Distr. Corea. E Thanks are’ due to Prof. Kinco Mi of the Hokkaido Uni- versity who has informed me that his Rosa davurica is conspecific with Rosa -Marretii and by which I could ascertain that my Rosa 3 rubrostipullata is the synonym of the latter. : ; 526) Rosa kokusanensis, Nakai—Systylez. Inter R. trichocarpa et R. Maximowiczii intermedia, sed a primo caule prostrato, foliolis majoribus subtus non glaucis, et a secundo — caule aculeis homomorphis armatis, fructibus minoribus distinguenda. Caulis prostratus teres viridis glaberrimus. Aculei curvati sparsim dispositi. Folia 5-9 foliolata. Stipule adnate apicel iberee anguste _ margine glanduloso-imbriate glaberrimz rubescentes. Foliola ad basin foliorum decrescentia, terminalia maxima et petiolulata, cetera sessilia, omnia elliptica v. oblongo-ovata cuspidata v. acuminata mucronato-glanduloso-serrata 2-4 cm. longa 1.0-2.1 cm. lata glaber- rima supra viridia lucida infra pallida. Rachis foliorum pilosa. In- — florescentia ‘terminalis paniculata. Flores ignoti. Pedicelli stipitato- glandulosi. Fructus globosus 6-7 mm. latus. Sepala decidua. Styli clavati glabri persistentes. Nom. Jap. Kokuzan-ibara. Hab. : Corea: Chinri insule Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla austr. (T. IsHmoya et CHUNG-TYAI-HYON n. 3525). 627) Rosa tsusimensis, Nakai—Systyle. R. Wichuraiana, (non CREPIN) YABE in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVIII. p. 7 (1904). ヶ Arcte affinis R. Lucia, FRANCHE?T et ROCHEBRUNE, sed caule non prostrato, stylis glaberrimis, sepalis intus glabrioribus exqua distincta. 『 . , Multicaulis. Rami arcuati diffusi glaberrimi. Aculeee infra folia. ~ bine recurve. Stipule adnate glanduloso-serrata virides. Axis et petiolus folii glaberrima. Foliola 5-8 (vnlgo 7) orbicularia v. x に 4s = ve に メ 7 ar デメ の の ae arp Syst Se AN Sires (Nite See Ba A at mem ane Re mY eT me, June, 1922] NOLTULA AD PLANTAS JAPONITH ET KOREA. X XVII. 65 _ obovato-rotundata glaberrima supra lucida, basi obtusa v. truncata, _margine acuta v. crenato-dentata, apice acuta v. obtusiuscula. Flores corymbosi 1—4. Pedicelli glaberrimi. Calycis tubus glaberrimus, sep- alis lanceolatis caudato-attenuatis extus glaberrimis intus adpresse . pilosulis v. subglabris interdum trifidis 7-11 mm. longis 2.5-3.0 mm. latis. Corolla alba 13 mm. longa. Styli connati glaberrimi. Fructus globosus glaberrimus. de = cael a i “al a 2 で 2 GET REE を SN Oa Sa a eee ea ats, bey 3 4 iat ay ye 7 ER 6) NN 3 1) Nom, Jap. Tsushima-noibara. Hab. . Insula Tsushima: Ofanakoshi (Y. YAsg). Hitakatsu (T. Naxat). * Corea: insula Daikokuzanto (T. 1sgrpoyA n. 3525 bis). ose Japonenses in sectione Systylibus incluse sunt sequentes. Sect. Systylege, LrNprgy Monogr. Ros. p. XX XVIII. (1820). SIV PIER DOR lta See Koga ce ees ccs oss tab Ee hacbee LZenbbactnteadocesemeveves eee 2. eae Weleeoiian SHA VECIIL~ OST are Goce cs Soi da cdodanwsd bide i code tee eg eee 3. Foliola supra lucida orbicularia v. obovato- pica: Er bea Seana led heenty Sekemeee. sack AUC cae R. tsustmensis, NAKAI. : | Tsushima. Foliola supra opaca forma variabillima sed vulgo oblonga v. Clo wy atta 2 5: Fe aed oc eed eee os os es R. multiflora, THUNBERG. Yeso, Hondo, Shikoku et Kiusiu. Caulis prostratus v. repens. Foliola lucida. Flores corymbosi. BER glee alc ume cieate Seta eeo uae aoe R. Lucia, FRANCHET et ROCHEBRUNE. 3 Syn. Rk. Wichuraiana, CREPIN. Hondo, Shikoku et Kiusiu. Caulis arcuatus v. erectus nunquam prostratus. …………… 4.. _ (Foliola supra opaca. Flores rosei v. lilacini. Foliola vulgo A PBS AC Ti by UO Ca Re gare kad Cee AR eee EE A et ee Eo PEE 5: Foliola, lucida’ v. luciduscula. 5 に.…… oa ra ee Litre Aetna esees 6. Inl@ ress Conve WOSl. cele Ranger. ceive: R. Uchiyamana, Makino. me . Hondo et Kiusiu. PUOEeS APaniculatie tiudiek neal seeks R. pulcherrima, KOIDZUMT。 Hondo. Flores paniculati. Foliola subtus glaucina. Ea ORNS eae R. trichogyna, NAKAI. Syn. R. multiflora v. trichogyna, FRANCHET et SAVATIER. ' R. Lucie v. paniculata, MAKINo. : R. Luciz v. eulucie f. paniculata, KOIDZUMT. R. paniculigera, MAKINO. R. Francheti, KOIDZUMI. 66 | THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI, No. 42600 Ss R. Francheti, v. paniculigera, Ko1pzuMt. Hondo. Flores corymbosi v. coryboso-decompositi v. reducti solitarii...... 7。 Foliola acuta v. acuminata v. attenuata rarius obtusa. Pedicelli glabri y..@landulost hea aries. sc. R. fujisanensis, MaKkino. Syn. R. Lucia v. fujisanensis, Makino. R. Francheti v. corymbosa, Koizumi. | | Hondo et Kiusiu. — Foliola caudato-attenuata. .......... rs con ant been can beaks abeaeteee tea eee 8. Petiolus et folii axis glaberrimus. Foliola terminalia vulgo 5 em, Superantias, cenit 本 も R. sambucina, KOIDZUMT. Hondo, Kiusiu et Tsushima. 8 Petiolus et folii axis glaberrimus. Foliola terminalia quam 5 — cm, brewmiorainc no ee ee ee R. Onoei, MaxKino. Syn. R. sikokiana, Korpzumt. Hondo, Shikoku et Kiusiu. 628) Lespedeza latissima, (Matsumura) NAKAI sp. nov. L. juncea, PERSOON var. sericea,. (THUNBERG) HEMSLEY f. latis-- sima, Marsumura in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XVI. p. 71. p.p. (1902). L. sericea, (THUNBERG) Mrougr var. Jatifolia, Maximowicz in Act. Hort. Petrop. Il. p』.369 (1873). | Caulis prostratus diffusus patentim hirsutus striatus. Ramus ascendens hirsutus. Stipulze fuscz setaceee persistentes. Folia petiolata v. subsessilia petiolis hirsutis trifoliolata. Foliola obovata supra viridia pilosa subtus sericea apice truncata v. leviter emarginata cum apiculis terminantia. Flores 1—2 axillari-glomerati v. pedunculo breve umbellati. Pedunculi et pediceli argenteo-pilosi. Bracteze ovate minime. Calyx 5-lobis subulato-acuminatissimis sericeis seeDe uninerviis. Petala alba, dorsalia medio purpurea. Nom. Jap. Tsuru-medo-hagi. Hab. Hondo: in oppido Takamatsu prov. Bitchu (J. NTA n. 943). campis insule Sado (M. Yamamoro). Quelpzrt ; Hongno (T. Naxar). ibidem (TAougT n. 694). 629) Lespedeza prostrata, Nakai sp. nov. L. juncea var. latifolia, MAxrwowrcz in litt. Affnis L. sericea sed exqua caule prostrato, floribus violaceo- coloratis statim distinguenda. ae yee Multicaulis diffusus. Rami graciles prostrati subangulato-striati adpresse ciliati. Stipule subulate v. setulose 3-5 nervie. Folia June, 192.1 NOTULAD AD PLANTAS JAPONLA! ET KOREH, XXVIL 67 trifoliolata foliolis oblanceolatis v. late oblanceolatis, apice emarginatis v. truncatis v. acutis apiculatis, supra viridibus adpresse pilosellis, - subtus sericeis. Flores axillares 1-3 glomerati v. pedunculo brevissimo umbellati. Calyx 5-fidus subulatis 4—nerviis. Petala 7-8 mm. longa, dorsalia fere violacea, lateralia alba, carina apice violacea. Legumen orbiculatum 1—spermum. Nom. Jap. Hai-medohagi. YEFab Hondo: Nakabara prov. Kadzusa (legitor ignotus). Tokyo (T. Makino). tayama (J. Matsumura). Mitsune insule Hachijyo (M. OeArA). Tsushima ; Idzuhara (K. Hirata). 630). Rhus rishiriensis, Nakai sp. nov. R. ambigua (R. orientalis) affinis sed caulis erectus neque radices neque stolones emittit. | Caulis erectus usque 2 metralis. Ramus glaber lenticellis punc- tatus. Gemmz nude sed velutine. Folia ternata petiolis 6-8 cm. longis basi incrassatis glabris, foliolis terminalibus subrotundato-. obovatis petiolulatis lateralibus oblique ovatis v. late oblique ovatis subsessilibus integerrimis, venis lateralibus parallelis, supra glabra viridia, subtus pallida in axillis venarum primarium fusco-barbata. Flores ignoti. Infructescentia axillaris racemoso-paniculata. Fructus ‘compressus longitudine sulcato-striatus sub _ lente papilloso- verrucosus. Nom. Jap. Riishiri-tsuta-urushi. Mabie. . | Yeso : in silvis Abietis sachalinensis insule Riishiri vulgaris. (H. -Korpzum1). 631) Otherodendron liukiuense, Naxati sp. nov. Elzodendron japonicum (non Francner et Savarier) Ivo et Matsumura Tent. Fl. Lutch. p. 107 (1899). Ramis sine lenticellis, fructibus oblongis a ceteris speciebus distinctum. s : : - Rami in speciminibus exsiccatis see atrati glaberrimi sine len- ticellis. Folia biennia lucida obovata v. ovata v. oblongo-ovata obtusa v. emarginellata basi mucronata v. cuspidata. Inflorescentia -axillares 6-flores. Pedunculi brevissimi floriferi 3 mm. longi. Calycis lobi_imbricati margine eroso-fimbriati. Petala rotunda. Fructus cire. 2 cm. longns longitudine striatus. . Nom. Jap. Ryukyu-mokureiishi. Hab. : prt, cas ee ge 。 68 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. — (Vol. XXXVINo. 4, ン * デ Liukiu: insula Okinawa (Y. TAsmrso). ibidem (J. oe ibidem’ “S: 7.» (Y SrwopA). i に 632) Hypericum hachijyoense, NAKAr sp. nov. | Species affnis 万 . shikoku-montanum et H. nikkoense, a primo caule humiliore, foliis proxime positis, floribus minoribus, et a secundo caule humiliore, foliis proxime positis, floribus subsessilibus minoribus distinctum. ( 3 Radix perennis lignosa. Caulis cum inflorescentia 3-8 cm. altus teres rubescens glaberrimus. Internodi 1-5 mm. longi. Folia sessilia _ basi subamplexicaulia lineari-oblonga apice obtusa v. acutiuscula 6-15 mm. longa 1-4 mm. lata supra viridia, infra glaucina, integerrima, utrinque pellucido-punctata, simulque margine nigro-punctata. Flores solitarii v. croymbosim 3-5 sessiles. Sepala subulata 5-7 mm. longa = ctrc 1 mm. lata 5-nervia margine nigro-punctata. Petala aurea sepala superantia apice nigro-punctata. Stamina numerosa. Anthere apice atratae、 Styli 3 persistentes. Capsula ovoidea 5-7 mm. longa lucida longitudine minute striato-nervosa. Semina oblonga sordide atro-fusac. Nom. Jap. Hachijyo-otogiri. Hab. 2 Hondo: in monte Nishiyama insule Hachiiyo (M. OeArA). 633) Vitis ficifolia, Bunce Enum. Pl. Chin.、 bor. p. 12. n. 68 (1881). var. pentaloba, NaKxai var. nov. 6 Rami juveniles petiolique rufo-tomentosi. Lamina dilatata 8-9 em. longa et lata quinqueloba, lobis acutis v. obtusiusculis mucronato- 9 _ serratis. Cetera ut var. lobata. Nom. Jap. Sanatsura-budo (vern. nomen Aomori). Hab. Hondo: Aomori prov. Mutsu (R. YaraBe). Nikko (J. Marsumura). 634) Tetrastigma erubescens, PLaNcHoN in ALPHONSO et CASIMrR . DE CaNDOLLE Monogr. Phanerog. V. p. 444 (1887). Vitis umbellata, (non HgmwsrEy) Marsumura et Hayara Enum. Pl. Form. p. 93 (1906). Marsumura Ind. Pl. Jap. I. 2, p. 344 (1912). V. dentata, Hayvata Materials Fl. Form. p. 52 (1911) et Icon. Pl. Form. I. p. 146 (1911). V. bioritsensis, HAYATA Icon. Pl. Form. V. p. 31 (1915). Nom. Jap. Byoritsu-yabukarashi Hab. Formosa: Shakko et Byoritsu. 335) Tetrastigma formosana, (Hemstry) Naxkal ‘Saal nov. Ng TF a A & 7S oN es $23 Ve っ = hae NN 4 Cae a ee ON June, 1922.1 NOTULA AD PLANTAS JAPONIA ET KOREH. パル 77 69 Vitis formosana, HgwsLEy in Ann.~Bot. IX. p. 151 (1895). Tro et Matsumura Tent. FI. Lutch. p. 382 (1899). Marsumura et HAyATA Enum. Pl. Form. p- 90 (1906). Hayara Icon. Pl. Form. I. fe LIS (LOE) eee Nom. Jap. Mitsuba-binbozuru (Y. Tasurro). Hab. a の Liukiu : in insula Okinawa (Y. TAsrRo ). _ Formosa: Byoritsu, Takaw, Kashinro, Kontei et Sintik. 636) Tetrastigma‘umbellata, (HEwsLEy) Nakai comb. nov. Vitis umbellata, HEMwSLEY in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 137 (1886). . ; __V. umbellata var. arisanensis, Havata Icon. Pl. Form. Il. p. 63 (1913). V. arisanensis, Hayata Icon. Pl. Form. V. p. 30 (1915), Nom. Jap, Taiwan-yabukarashi. Haba. Formosa: in monte Niitakayama, Funkise. 637) iola Kishidai, Nakar sp. nov.—Chamezmelanium. Rhizoma repens ramosum. Caulis czspitosus minute papillosus 9-12 cm. altus. Folia radicalia 1-5 vulgo 4-5 cordata acuminata incurvato-serrata 3-9 cm. alta, petiolis et venis minute papillosis. Folia caulina 3-9, omnia late cordato-ovata glabra. Stipulle ovate v. ovato-oblonge 1.5-2.0 mm. longe. Flores in axilis foliorum superiorum. axillares. Pedunculi 3-5 cm. longi gracillimi supra medium bracteati minute sparsimque papilloso-ciliati. Sepala lanceolata 3-5 mm. longa. Petala flava 7-8 mm. longa. Stigma inflata barbata. Nom. Jap. Naeba-kisumire. | Hab. | Hondo: in monte Naebasan prov. Echigo (M. KrsgrpA) . 638) Elgagnus maritima, Korpzuwr in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXI. p- 133 (1917). Nom. Jap. Akaba-gumi Hab. ; Corea: Chinri insula Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla-austr. (T. IsHimpoya _ et CHUNG-TYALHYON n. 3624), 4 In Corea nova ! 639) Daucus littoralis, Sisraorr FI. Greec. III. t. 271 (1819) D. muricatus, LINNE f. fittoralis, Smrra FI. Gree. Prodr. I. p. 185 (1807) apud A.P. pg CANporrLEg Prodr. IV. p. 210 (1830), Nom. Jap. Hama-ninjin. 70 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. — [Vol. XXXVI. No. 436, Hab. Corea: insula Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla-austr. (T. IsgrpoyA et Conc- myArryoN n. 3639) insula Hokitsuto (T. Naat). Forsau in Asia nova! < Phyllodoce nipponica, MakINo in ae Bot. Mag. Sie . 131 (1905). var. gracilis, NAKAr var. nov. Caulis gracilis longe diffusim prostratus. Pedicelli elongati — minutissime sparsissime glandulosi. Corolla intense rosea. Nom. Jap. Hai-tsugazakura. Hab. Hondo: in arenosis denudatis montis Yarigatake prov. Etchu (Ms KKrsHIDA ). | 641) Rhododendron mucronulatum, (ZINSi in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. (1837) p. 155. var. latifolia, NaKAal var. nov. : Folia rotunda v. late elliptica utrinque acuta v. mucronata. Nom. Jap. Hiroha-genkai-tsutsuji. 3 : Hab. Corea: in insula Daikokuzanto (T. IsHipoya et CHUNG-TYAI-HYON n. 3655). in montibus insula Chinto (T Naxatr). — | 642) Rhododendron obtusum, (INDLEY ) PLancHon in Flore des Serres IX. p. 77 et 80 (1854), Azalea obtusa, LINDLEY in Bot. Regist. XXXII. t. 37 (1846). Nom. Jap. Kirishima. Hab. Kiusiu: Terabara oppidi Makizono ~pede montis Kirishima prov. Osumi, ubi spontaneum (Y. Kawanara). insula Se eh ubi spontaneum et sat vulgare (F. Kowa). [ 643) -Tripetaleia paniculata, SrgBoLp et ZUCCARiNT in Abhandl. Bayer. Akad. III. Abt. 3. p. 732. t. III. (1843). var. barbinervis, NakKAl var. nov. Folia rotundata v. Jate ovata utrinque mucronato-acuminata, subtus secus venas albo-barbata. Nom. Jap. Hiroha-hotsutsuji. Hah. Hondo: circa cascade Yudaki, Nikko prov. Shimotsuke (M. Kisuipa). 644) Melampyrum roseum, Maximowicz Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 210 (1859). y | - var. Ciliare, (Mrougr) Nakai in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIII. p. 8 an _ Jane, 1922.1 NOTULA AD PLANTAS JAPONIG ET KOREA, XXXVI. Fis: (1909). G. Beauverp Monogr. Gen. Melampyrum in Mém. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve X XXVIII. fase. 6. p. 547 (1916). _ M. ciliare, Mroogr in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. II. p. 251 (1865). Nom. Jap. Hige-mamakona. Hab. Corea: insula Daikokuzanto prov. Zenla-austr. (T. ISHrDoYA et CHUNG- TYAL-HYON n. 3702). : In Corea nova! 645). Brachyactis ciliata, LEpDEBOUR Fl. Ross. II. p. 495 (1844-6). BentHamM in Hooxer. Icon. XII. p. 6 (1876); Francner Pl. Dav. I. p. 162 (1884). Hemstey in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII. p. 417 (1888). Erigeron ciliatus, PE Ei i Ale: ENG. p:, 92 6HSSSN 3 Tripolium angustum, LINDLEY in 日 OokER Fi. Boreali-Americana Il. p. 15. (1834). Aue. P. pg CANporrs Prodr. V. p. 254 (1836). Crinitaria humilis, Hooker Fl. Bor. 一 Americ. II. p. 24 (1834). Conyza altaica, Auc. P. DE CANDOLLE 1. c. p. 320. Aster angustus, TorrEy et A. Gray Fl. North America II. p. 162 (1841) A. Gray Syn. Fl. North America ed. 2. I. 2. p. 204 (1888). Erigeron latisquamatus, Maximowicz Prim. Fl. Amur. p. 473 in | adnot. (1859). : Brachyactis angustus, Brirron Tllustr. Fl. North. United States and Canada III. p. 383 fig. 3808 > No. Jap. Arechi-shion. Hab. in Osaka, ubi recentissime es (T. Naxar). 646) Erigeron glabratus, Horprr et Hornscnucn apud Biurr et — FincernutH Compendium Flora Germanice II. p. 364 (1825). Lepr- sour FI. Ross. II. p. 490 (1844-46). Koc Syn. Fl. Germ. et Helv. ed.3. p 304 (1857). = E. alpinus, (non Lanné) LEpspous FI. Alt. IV. p. 90 excl. syn. et. var. 8. (1833). Naxar Veg. m’t. Waigalbon in Chosen-iho extra edit. p. 83. (1916). E. alpinus, 8. Auc. P. p—E CANporLE Prodr. V. p. 291. (1836). E. dubius, var. alpicola, Makino in Mrvosgr et Makino Pocket Atlas of Alpine plants of Japan I. t. 21. f. 117 (1906). Matsumura Ind. Pl. Jap. II. 2 p. 646 (1912). | EB. alpicolus, MAgrNo in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XX XIII. p. 339 (1914). Nakal Fl. mt Paiktusan p. 59 et 71 (1918). Nom. Jap. Miyama-azumagiku v. Takane-azumagiku. Hab. 7 の I ‘THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 420, Hondo: in monte Yarigatake prov. Etchu (M. Kisama). in monte Hayachine prov. Rikuchu (G. Korpzum1). | Hp Yeso: in monte Yubarisan prov. Ishikari (G. Korpzumi). in monte Ashibetsudake prov. Ishikari (H. Komzum1). | Corea: in districtu montis Paiktusan 1300-2600 m. (K. eri n. 94.104. 136. T. Morr n. 25. T. Nakai). in monte Rorinsan 2000 m. (T. Morr, U. Kajrwara n. 13). in monte Waigalbon 1800- 2200 m. (T. Naxar n. 7679). . var. albus, Nakai comb. nov. E. alpicolus v. albus. Nakai FI. Paiktusan p. 59 et 71 (1918). - Ligula alba. _ Nom. Jap. Shirobana-miyama-azumagiku. Hab. Corea: in monte Paiktusan (T. NAKAr). 647) Ligularia stenocephala。 Marsumura et Koipzumt in Tokyo | Bot. Mag. XXIV. p. 149 (1910). Korpzuwr in Tokyo Bot. Mag. KXIV p.12657( 1910); NN Senecio stenocephalus, MAxrwowricz in Mel. Biol. VIII. p. 10 (1871). FRANCHET et SavATIER Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 246 (1875). FrancHet Pl. Dav. I. p. 175 (1884). FoRBEs et HEMsrLEy in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXIII, p. 458 (1888). Nom. Jap. Metakarako. Corea: in monte Monganzan insule Daikokuzanto (T. fit et | CHUNG-TYALHYON n. 3752). Distr. China (Tschili), Kiusiu, Shikoku et Hondo. In Corea nova! '648) Paraixeris denticulato- Balad phi lla NAKAr in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXIV. p. 157 (1920): Lactuca denticulato-platyphylla, Maxino Journ, Jap. Bot. I. 4. ped (A917): ?. L. denticulata f. Tairensai, MAKINO Somokudzusetsu III. 15. p. 24. t. 26 (1912). | Nom. Jap. Yakushi-wadan. Hab. Corea: insula Baikato (T. IsHipoya et CHUNG-TYAI-HYON n. 3741). アコ In Corea nova! 649) Saussurea rorinsanensis, NAKAr sp. nov. Radix perennis atrata. Caulis 15-33 cm. altus purpureus, inferne barbatus, superne pubescens v. pilosus, scaposus v. parce ramosus. Folia 4-5, inferiora majora, petiolis 2-6 cm. longis canaliculatis = a. に Be ie 「 Br に の 人 June, 192.1 NOTULH AD PLANTAS JAPONIA] FT KOREA. XXVIL 79 barbatis basi amplexicaulibus, laminis oblongis v.*late lanceolatis v. oblongo-sagittati$ basi sinuatis v. trnncatis margine apiculato-repand- atis apice acuminatis supra viridibus setosis infra albescentibus supra venas barbatis 6-10 cm. longis 2.5-3.5 mm. latis, superiora magni- tudine sensim decrescentia et angustata. Caput saepe bracteis subu- latis 1 suffultum. Involucri squamz 4-5 seriales ovate v. late ovate apice recurve supra medium v. apice atro-purpureze simulque ciliatz margine ciliata. Flores purpurei. Nom. Jap. Arage-higotai. Hab. : と Corea : in umbrosis silvis montis Rorinsan (T. Mort). 650) Saussurea sinuatoides, Nakat in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIX. p:1197 (1915). var. serrata, NAKAI var. nov. Folia omnia non sinuata tantum argute serrata. Nom. Jap. Asama-higotai. Hab. Hondo: circa fonte calido Asama in Matsumoto prov. Shinano (H. Kortpzum1). | ee ae (VOU. XXXVT | JULY! 1929 No. 427 ER ) yy AS | ¥ , ば る Mu の を 5 vs jt 3 が IN っ bi cen s 4 yi ire ku / i My い r : 5 : 1 / / ア 8 “ 1 fa, i { っ t U < 7 f ュー if 3 oo ee es ‘Vererbungsverstche uber eine mosaik- AX Yasnfnsa Terasawa. 2 3 | e 75 _ farbige Sippe von Celosia cristata. Boece ee, * N ‘Atsushi Yasuda. Neue Arten Yon Irpex und Polyporus. Re be , D BA Rs ae ARTICLES IN JAPANESE :—_ aes ‘Current Bere WY eens ARBER, As, Studies on interfascicular cambium in Monocoty- i 、 ledons。 _LoNpge&spg, HL G -Zelle und Zytoplasma. に 2 0 N ) こ 7 oe: é ; 8 に M hie の eave fo AS e L 】 @ e e - Miscellaneous . SUM ee _ Notes on Pi [124] (A. 、 boa) Raut Bryophytes from _Sans in ff (Y. Toma) 4 \ Pincoedines of the Society oe oe エッ 1 ーーーーーー ちゃ ぐす ーーーーーーーーー 一 ye の \, 5 +h Re } ie 【 ; LOKYO ae ne eB o ; Sb 3 - と Sc N A し / Ly ャ y 0 5 - f 1 だ ご y ; a Notice: tion price Der currency (nearly 4 dollars for ey). All letters and commu- 4; eS nications to be addressed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL Re re SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, ‘University, Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from ‘foreign countries: the ・ 2 が pag Lae os Ta の i Wi? の や Poe ‘ 5 4 i Van DY The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. annum (incl. postage) 8 yen 1m Imperial Universi, ae ee Foreign Agent: WHELDON & WESLEY, London, W. Cage oe i. ® fd 3 *) fy at S 6 eae 版 NE Z222e2e2ze 22 at 上 、 す - ず イー イー イー イー ター イー イー イー イー Ke 同 同 8 A. A ee Hl 行 mil oll FB 所 所 所 者 3 所 OTR Hy Baek a Be gy hs Oe Ms Hg Bis RR KrF 本 wm BAA Ri #€ BB eet art FE RAE he poe fe Te 役 4 ee Meee BA pe 8 5 a 文 + i ey = 堂 & & 所 郎 oe SH Sai Se Sacha LTD., Snot | pode | ERY BOB m>-+ous | +> “ew —_ ーー 中 | SERED Botanical ‘Gatde ns, ON St Sa} a | KO Shivam gS to be made by postal money orders,” payable in Tokyo to a 28, Essex St., at AER 貼 用 切 金 ニー に Ee St Be : x な Japanese ee Subsorip- a Imperial oe te Strand, 。 TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Gardens, 2 Sate Vererbungsversuche uber eine mosaikfarbige Sippe von ーー Celosia cristata L. — Von Yasufusa Terasawa. (Aus der land wirtschaftlichen Versuchsstation zu KGfu.) で I. Hinleitung. Seit 1917 bin ich in den experimentellen Studien iiber die Verer- bung einer mosaikfarbigen Sippe von Celosia cristata L. begriffen, eine durch ihre bahnenkammartig Yerbanderten、 Blitenstanden ausge- zeichnete wohl bekannte Pflanze. Wenn auch sie in Japan seit alters- her als eine ZicrpHanze oft kultiviert wurde, so liegt es doch bis jetzt. - gar keine’ Vererbungsstudien dariiber vor. Bei der in Rede stehenden - Sippe sind sowohl die Stengel als die Blatter mosaikartig rot und grin und die Ahren rot und gelb gefarbt. Die Grosse des roten Teiles ist nach den Individuen hochst verschieden. Auf den ersten Blick - kOnnte man wohl schliessen, dass es dabei sich um eine chimarenartige Gebilde handelte, aber die experimentellen Studien daruber tberzeugten mich bald, dass dem keineswegs so ist. Es wurde ausserdem fest- _gestellt, dass sie in jeder Generation neben den mosaikartigen Pflanzen eine kleine Anzahl von rein roten liefern, wie man unten sehen wird. Ul. Experimenteller Teil. a. VERSUCH 1. Die Ausgangspflanze aller meinen Versuchen hatte eine Ahre, welche mosaikartig rot und gelb gefarbt ist. Im Herbst 1917 habe ich davon eine Anzahl von Samen durch Selbstbefruchtung bekommen, welche im Frithlinge des nachsten Jahres (1918) ausgesaet wurden. Die Keimung geschah nach wenigen Tagen und ich habe neben vielen she 5 た て 7 Py lh ate. be Me Ao な プア =< ee eRe ae OTe pager ゃ { か ~ » io. つ PT abe PME ASE LES ey Mae 76 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. _ (Vol. XXXVI. No. = ne gelbgriinmosaikfarbigen Keimlingen wenige rein roten bekommen, Die ee letzteren sind zu den rein roten Pflanzen mit roten Ahren und die 4 ersteren zu den rotgrinen Pflanzen mit rotgelben Ahren ausgeWwaCtaess hie wie in der Tabelle 1 angezeigt ist. 2 eS 392 5 eee = だ シン TABELLE 1]. Zahl der Nachkommen Jahr hh シー 2 rot mosaikartig < ae 189 Css cae. Von 1918 bis zu 1921 habe ich dieselbe Experimente fortgesetzt. Die Resultate davon sind in der Tabelle 2 mitgeteilt. TABELLE 2. ee RS Zahl der Zahl der Nachkommen 8 Jahr Mutter- at pe | individuen rot mosaikartig Summe 1919 BE 11 A88 499 2,2 1920 33 43 2970 30138 14 1921 49 247 4767 5014 4,9 Summe 93 ~ 3801 8225 8526 3,5 In der Tabelle 3 sind die in den T abellen 1 and 2 ange a ; -Resultate zusammengestellt. pe TABELLE 3. iy Zahl der Zahl der Nachkommen Mutter- att Se |) Ge ee ee % rot individuen 1 fe Tabelle 1 1 . 4,5... or Shae 93 3,5 ce Summe 94 8,6 - Die in der Tabelle 3 aufgenommenen Mutterindividuen sind nach der Prozentzahl der aus jedem produzierten roten Nachkommen in } Klassen gruppiert, wie man in der Tabelle 4 sehen wird.» = 1) Unter 94 Mutterindividyen im ganzen sind in der Tabelle nur 92 aufgenommen, = da zwei davon nur je einen einzigen Nachkommen produziert haben und natiirlich fiir unsere Zwecke yon keiner Bedeutung sind. 、 guly, 192.1 YERERBUNGSV. UBER EINE MOSAIKFARBIGE SIPPE USW. 77 デ ッ ンー f 2 eer TABELLE 4. 2 8 Prozent o]1/2/3/4|5]6|7/8{9/10[11/12/13I14|15]16] . Summe bo bo 92 63 Zahl \ 25| 4 12I15|61817 111815|. b [12)4/11/10.2/7/5). |3] 4). Ba _ der _|Mutterindividuen 、 ト 9 ト つ _BEMERKUNG :—Unter 92 Mutterindividuen im ganzen haben nur 63 je mehr als 50 _ Nachkommen produziert; a bezieht sich auf alle diesen 92 Mutterindividuen, w&hrend b nur auf dieselben, welche je mehr als 50 Nachkommen produziert p haben. : pb. VeErsucy 2. _ Die Vererbungsverhaltnisse der aus den mosaikartigen Eltern | _hervorgegangenen roten Pflanzen wurde auch studiert. In 1918 habe ich namlich die Ahren von finf roten Pflanzen, welche in der Tabelle 1 angedeutet sind, geselbstet und im nachsten Jahre habe ich das _ Verhalten ihrer Nachkommen verfolgt. Siehe die Tabelle 5 :— お Goes 5. ーー W ahrschein- -licher Fehler % Na Zahi Ger Nachkommen mosaikartig | Abweichung +25 +21 + 32 +41 +44 +1,3 Die Tabelle zeigt uns klar, dass das Verhalten von jeder von finf roten Pflanzen dem von einer F Pflanze rot x mosaik (oder mosaik x rot) in F, ahnelt, wobei rot tiber mosaikfarbig dominiert. _ Das weitere Verhalten solcher roten Pflanzen wurde untersucht : von 1918 bis zu 1921 habe ich namlich meine Versuche iiber die in der Tabelle 5 als Ri und R2 bezeichneten roten Pflanzen ausgefuhrt. Dabei wurde es gefunden, dass unter 86 Mutterindividuen nur 4 : ausschliesslich die roten Nachkommen gaben und die tbrigen 82 sich -— zu den roten und den mosaikfarbigen aufspalteten, d. h. wir haben oe 5% konstante und 95% spaltbare Mutterindividuen vor uns. Da wir theoretisch beide Arten von Individuen im Verhaltnis 1:2 erwarten, weicht die wirklich gefundene Zahl von der theoretisch zu erwartenden ee 4 や ac に に = wee オキ ひま | eed 18 Se = Go oD AN ca = で ら GO oe ae a a SH e a) GS x = ee = 2 AP) A 2 2 » CS ine) — = N i 3 N ai 2s 4 (| (CS | YE Ya) vs is) fe ま aS rs a ina] a y a es GS ql GO : 本 nN (| y の S “a ite) で Sy < ご ぅ いい fe = GS ロン に っ cer | ョ 3 < Ne} ies 6 Fm re r ゴ nae aa) a as. ee で CON ng co < 5 G SS re た = に 。 = W S x = ge fer) GN ーッ (ora) ェ ー 2 トー | 『 2 Jo) | Yes) | る ー ex on 12 NAN ina) oF G So sH =. テン Zahl der Mutter- individuen bedeutend ab. THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI, No. 427, 。 In der Tabelle 6 habe ich die oben genannten 86 Mutterindividuen nach der Prozentzahl der aus jedem produzierten mosaikfarbigen Nach- kommen in Klassen gruppiert : 一 Weiter habe ich die oben genannten 86 In dividuen zu zwei Klassen gruppiert, je nachdem die ~ Zahl der von jedem produzierten mosaikfarbigen Nachkommen mehr oder weniger als 12% Pesce x TABELLE 7. . oe ae Summe Zahl der ; Mutter- 57 29 86 individuen : gerechnet(%) | 66,3 | 33,7 100 erwartet(%) | €6,7 | 33,3 100 (S. die Tabelle 7, auch vgl. S. 82.) メデ Abweich- Wahrschein- ung に 04 lieher 43,4 In der Tabelle 8 habe ich die Zahl der aus den mosaikartigen _ oben genannten Individuen produzierten roten und Nachkommen angegeben. 1 - der Tabelle bedeutet A diejenige Individuen, welche mehr als 12% mosaikfarbige Nachkommen erzeugen und B diejenige, zeugen. Zahl der Mutter- individuen rot TABELLE 8. mosaikartig Zahl der Nachkommen Summe welche weniger als 12% davon er- % mosaik- artig 2,767 4434 88 1,408 2,855 5,842 3,1 24d Die experimentelle Resultate beziiglich den R41 und R2 roten Pflanzen sind genau in der Tabelle 9 und 10 zusammengestellt. Fehler ee ls Pa Beh レア な M poet ike AA 8) 7 Z 228 R 227 M%0,4 [R5| 1 人 < WT - be ee Fe att eee 3 I As や ae ke fy a bs a ae rare Mi 5 we ア A る i ee ed Bas 0 Pi Tey 1 rote > } kee = * % r y に 上 6 2 か の £ ~ ’ 上 4 “July, 9221 VERERBUNGSV. UBER EINE MOSAIKFARBIGE SIPPE USW. 79 TABELLE 9. (Rij nage Z 136 NN 96. wi Me’ 40 M%29,4 R 3 M | ae eel 3 [S| 2 (S| 2 3 Z 423 Rx AG > 8 際 明 6 Ma S105 ae M 418 M2% 20,5 R% 1,2 [Rg]. IR99| の の ーー O—_—_ M 5 M R M ues ie ! | ayo ee | ee alge age oe ee Ae Kee 1S] 16)K] 42IKI 3 |S] 3 |S8| fo 2 862 1877 Z 1308 Z 1249.7 2812 2 1578 Z be R804 R= 1180. BR So 82 ML At 897 M 1327 M ea MZ So M7252 RY 51 MZ 34 Mz 24,1 R% 68 M% 4,5 M%27.0 R24 1,1 | 188% 148 2% 485 107 B 127 R 108 Rk 2 6 M 40 M 183 71 R 1206 R 2134 R 43 M 678 M 1471 M Z = Summe der ganzen Nachkommen R = Zahl der roten Nachkommen . M = Zahl der mosaikartigen Nachkommen K = Konstante Mutterindividuen ig -S = Spaltbare Mutterindividuen TABELLE 10, ~ we Z i191 Be 141 M 50 M24 26.2 R M a Ed Ve 3K] 7 [| 10 IK] 4 の 878 Z 478 Z 844 R374 R348 WS git te か の ee \ . Bint: _80 「 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. M 4 M 130 ME 896 ee M% 1.1 MM 27.2 R% 2.1 2 た de ーー ーー ーー ーー 、 | a に 1921 R 7 M M_ ( ge 1 区 | 831 2 (KI 7 [KI グン De SA, ea Z 225 fe 2. R39 (Ro Biya eee 8 sans Digs M 2 NM SO MM 219 . M 429 WM 4.9 M2 18.4 RY 3.1 R 多 47 ee c. HAUPTERGEBNISSE VON DEN VERSUCHEN 1 UND 2. ee Die Hauptergebnisse der vorliegenden Versuchen kann man wie pos: に AA folgt zusammenfassen :— 7 | apes 1. Rot dominiert ber mosaikfarbig. ees 2. Jede mosaikfarbige Pflanze produziert neben den mosaikfarbigen Nachkommen wenige roten. | , pe 3. Jedes in solcher Weise produziertes rotes Individuum zeigt eine : MENDEL’scHE Aufspaltung, ungefahr im Verhaltnis 749 rot und , 26% mosaikfarbig, welche unten als F。 Pflanzen bezeichnet werden. es 4. Fast alle Fy roten Pflanzen spalten sich wieder auf und zwar hat Ss dabei etwa 1% der ganzen Individuen weniger als 12% mosaikfarbigen 。 Nachkommen und etwa % mehr als 12% davon geliefert. Ill. Deutung der Ergebnisse. Wie oben angedeutet, obgleich das rote Merkmal uber dem 。」 mosaikfarbigen dominiert, treten eine Anzahl von rein roten Individuen in der Nachkommenschaft der mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen auf. Bei tt we Antirrhinum (DE VRrEs))。 Mirabilis (CorrEens)”, Mais (EmMERson)”, Reis (TERAo)? Plantago (IKENO)”, Portulaca (BLAKESLEE” und 1) Ds Vrirs, H., Die Mutationstheorie Bd. 1, 1901, p. 489-511; Species and Varieties, their Urigin by Mutation, 1905, p. 309-339. 2) Correns, C., Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Bd.. 28, 1910. p. 418-434, ke 3) Emerson, R. A., American Naturalist, Vol. 48, 1914, p. 87-115; に Cadet Vol. 2, 1917, p. 1-35. a 4) TERAo, H., American Naturalist, Vol. 51, 1917, p. 690- 608. 5) Ixeno, 8.。Revue générale de Botanique, Tome 32, 1920, p. 49-56 (Botanical Abstracts, Vol. VI, No. 2, 1920.) 6) Buakersten, A. F., Genetics, Vol. 5, No. 4, 1920, p. 419-433, July, 1922] VERERBUNGSV. UBER FINE MOSAIKFARBIGE SIPPE USW. 81 IkeEno”), begegnet man oft ahnliche Phanomene, unter denen die _TERAo's Ergebnisse unserem Falle sehr ahnlich zu sein scheinen. Wenn man"rot durch A und mosaikfarbig durch a andeutet, haben wir fur die rote Pflanze die Formel AA (Homo) oder Aa (Hetero) und fir die mosaikfarbige aa. Da die letztere homozygotisch ist, muss sie sich in allen folgenden Generationen konstant verhalten und somit scheint die oben beschriebene Produktion von wenigen roten Nach- ‘kommen ausser den mosaikfarbigen sehr auffallig zu sein. Meiner Ansicht nach ist diese Tatsache darauf zuruckzufihren, dass bei ihr die Mutation der Allelomorphen a——A geschehen kann, wie bei den oben genannten Fallen von Antirrhinum usw. D.h. aa mutiert sich zu Aa, was zu der Produktion von roten Individuen aus den mosaikfarbigen fuhrt; und da die letztere heterozygotisch sind (Aa), ist es ohne weiteres klar, dass sie in der nachsten Generation zu roten und mosaikfarbigen Nachkommen spalten, wie wir oben gesehen haben. Es wurde oben erortert, dass jede rote Pflanze, welche aus den mosaikfarbigen Eltern hervorgegangen ist, durch Aa angedeutet werden kann. Da nun ihr Nachkommen ungefahr aus 75% roten und 25% mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen zusammengesetzt sind, so liegt der Schluss nahe, dass dabei eine MENDEL’sche Aufspaltung erfolgt hat. Somit in der nachsten Generation muss theoretisch unter den roten Nach- kommen 1% sich konstant verhalten und % wieder eine Aufspaltung zu den roten und den mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen erfahren. Bei unserem Falle, aber, entspricht das Verhalten solcher roten Nachkommen diesen _-Erwartungen nicht, da, wie wir schon gesehen haben, fast alle beide rote und mosaikfarbige Pflanzen produziert haben. Man konnte vor _Allem fragen, ist dieser Vorgang immer als eine Aufspaltung im MENDEL’s Sinne aufzufassen? Dazu mochte ich ganz im negativen Sinne beantworten. Es ist ohne weiteres klar, dass die in Rede stehenden roten Nachkommen teils homo 一 , teils heterozygotisch sind. Die Produktion von beiden roten und mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen durch die letzteren Art von Individuen kann natiirlich als eine MENDEL’sche ‘Aufspaltung gedeutet werden. Derselbe Vorgang durch die ersteren, aber, ist keineswegs als solcher aufzufassen : und meiner Ansicht nach ist die Produktion einer Anzahl von mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen durch die homozygotischen roten Eltern darauf zuruckzufihren, dass die _ Mutation der ーー リー A——ain den Zellen der sonst = 1) IKeno, S., Journal of the College of Agrieultare, Imperial University of = TOKYO: Vol. VIII, No. 1, 1921, p. 121-131. % * pret es Yo OE Oran eee | " IA の >» “us a | ) = oo いか ‘ea 4 ザッ \ (Vol. XXXVI, No, 427 か た Go THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. konstanten Pflanzen stattfinden kann. Wir haben oben schon gesehen, dass zeitweise die Mutation der Allelomorphen a——-A geschieht. Meine Ansicht geht deshalb dahin, dass die Allelomor- phen-Mutation, bald von A nach a, bald von a nach A er- folgen kann, oder in.anderen Worten, wir haben die Muta- tion, sowohl rezessiv 一 一 >dominant oder dominant—~> rezeSsiv. Kurz, die in Rede stehenden roten Nachkommen sind entweder hetero— oder homozygotisch; bei der ersteren (Aa) fuihrt die gewohn- liche MENDEL’sche Spaltung zu der Produktion von beiden roten und mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen, wogegen bei den letzteren (AA) die Mutation A—— a die Ursache der gleichen Phanomene ist. Die Frage ist, wie kann man dann zwischen homo— und heterozygotischen Individuen unterscheiden? Das ist eine schwierige Aufgabe und die exakte Fihrung dieser Unterscheidung wird fast unmoglich sein. Da bei der Aufspaltung im MENDEL’s Sinne wir theoretisch 25% rezessive Nach- kommen erwarten, ist ungefahr 12% = (25-30)% die statistisch zu erlaubende nnterste Grenze ihrer Minus-Abweichung, -wobei By eal o=,/ 100 a ae +43. Deshalb habe ich vorIaufig alle diejenige Individuen, wobei die Zahl der von jedem produzierten mosaikfarbigen Nachkommen mehr als 12% betragt als heterozygotisch und alle diejenige, wobei dieselbe Zahl weniger als 12% betragt als homozy- gotisch angenommen. Wenn man diese Annahme macht, so stimmt das Zahlenverhaltniss dieser beiden Arten von Individuen mit unserer theoretischen Erwartung ziemlich gut berein (vgl. Tabelle 7). Aus der Tabelle 8 sieht man auch, dass in den heterozygotischen Individuen das Zahlenverhaltnis der mosaikfarbigen Nachkommen 24,1% betragt, was ungefahr der theoretischen Zahl 25% entspricht. In solchen Fallen kann man auf einer von unten angegebenen beiden Alternativen schliessen, dass entweder die Mutationen in beiden Richt- © ungen hin erfolgen, d. h. sowohl a——A als A——>»a, oder gar keine Mutationen stattfinden. Meiner Meinung nach ist der erstere von diesen beiden Alternativen viel wahrscheinlicher, da es wohl bekannt ist, dass die Mutationen nicht nur in den Homozygoten, sondern auch in den Heterozygoten geschehen konnen. | Summa summaram: die oben beschriebene Untersuchungen tuber die Erblichkeitsverhaltnisse der mosaikfarbigen Pflanzen von Celosia cristata L. fahrt uns zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass dort die Muta- tionen von Allelomorphen nach hbeiden Richtungen hin, d. h. sowohl 。 コ erhailt, SR voit ‘etwa 2 8%. 4. He 3 03 Schluss ist es ‘meine angenehme Pflicht, hier Herrn De. EX: im Teneo far seine wertvollste Ratschlage bei der Ausfithrung dieser Arbeit eines -verbindlichsten Dank auszusprechen, Sd た ‘ MA sites w ご > age \ ーー Wwe > トコ = rs : de ve や こき Ds, J 1 . に i; i " ~ 5 a) *, Ps Meee te oa ss be een eee make, # 3 Ko の x ¥ a 2 た 。 を A: > . か x ad a 4 1 6 See ie: ”»y. We t 6 に Bt oe / N RS 7 ‘ 5 ae = に 3 』 に i 4 に = < hte mh sgh or x と Pee に en) Be ~ & ne Z N < ~ に Sa 2 ユエ mn a Ki く * J ~ 7 Bes テ 5 ー 4 が . id 3 Pa ee 23 = . “ * 2. we な a D ea ド ~ Pas 5 Fd + * し 2 4 ea + ッ ~ 人 ‘eas Ls o ba serie > ズ a i Jie Nae al > 3 i a a Cae . ー we エ sm NN Ne 3 @ RS, See 7 a é J wi に ヽ エー アン ス 』 が っ ーー Ss し い \ 2 NN 7 . by oo 0 : tee if ne te hn ン be ON いさ で oy + Neue Arten von Ipex und Polyporus. 226 で p Von Atsushi Yasuda, Rigakushi. Dozent der Botanik an der Tohoku Kaiserlichen Universitat zu Sendai; Professor der Zweiten Hochschule. 2 Mit 3 Textfiguren. Irpex parvulus Yasupa.” ば 3 Eruchtk6rper umgewendet, ausgebreitet, zuruckgebogen, oft weithin お 半生 Ueberziige bildend, 0,5-13 cm breit, dunn, lederartig, oberseits angedrickt faserig, konzentrisch gezont, schmutzig-weiss, Innere Substanz sehr diinn, 0,2-0,3 mm dick, weiss. Zahne sehr klein, — dicht stehend, flach, spitz oder eingeschnitten, oft handformig geteilt, と と 0,4-0,7 mm lang, 0,12-0,4 mm breit, braunlichh 耳 ymeniurm mit に keulenformigen, dickwandigen, kornigen, farblosen, 35-40 yp langen, wt 6-8 ん breiten Zystiden besetzt. Sporen elliptisch, glatt, farblos, 4-5 — a plang, 3-3,5 yp breit. Nom. Jap. Kogome-usuba-take. - Hab. An Stammen von Quercus glandulifera BL., Quercus crispula BL., Amelanchier asiatica ENDL., Fraxinus longicuspis SIEB. et Zucc. i und Lespedeza Buergeri Mig. Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen; 1. Okt. 1916 の (A. Yasupa). An Baumstammen. Berg Mikuma, Sumoto-machi, Tsuna-gori, Prov. Awaji; 3. Nov. 1916 (S. Marsuzawa). Berg Kasagata, Kansaki-gori, Prov. Harima; 28. Dez. 1916 (K. Marsv- sHIMA). Otomo-mura, Kesen-gori, Prov. Rikuzen; 7. Nov. 1920 (G. “ TogA). Shiogama-machi, Miyagi-gori, Prov. Rikuzen; 5. Juni 1921 。 om (S. DAreo). Berg Tsukikuma, Kita-mameda, Hita-machi, Hita-gori, i Prov. Bungo; 24. Feb. 1921 (N. Nakayama). | | 1) Vergl. A. YAsupA, Notes on Fungi (116). Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. XXXV, No. 419, p. 254. ) s j た ~ ‘NEUE ARTEN VON IRPEX UND POLYPORUS. 85 4 Fig. 1. a Fig. 1. Irpex parvulus Yasupa. Habitusbild. Nat. Gr. | _* Polyporus Kanehirae Yasupa.” “a8 Hut sitzend, facherformig, dachziegelformig ubereinander, am = に _ Hinterende verschmalert, ziemlich dunn, korkig-holzig, 4-8 cm lang, ae 4-11 cm breit, 4-9 mm dick, oberseits flach-gewolbt, flzig, dicht _konzentrisch gezont, braun, im Alter graubraun werdend. Innere a _ _ ・ Saubstanz kastanienbraun. Rohren 2-4 mm lang, braun, mit kleinen, “ae 1) Vergl. A. YAsupa, Notes on Fungi (113). Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. = ~~ XXXV, No. 416, p. 205. 86 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No, 421, a eckigen, kastanienbraunen Mindungen. Hymenium mit zugespitzten, hee geraden oder gekrimmten, dickwandigen, braunen, 20-30 p lange n, 0 3 8-15 yp breiten ystiden besetzt. Sporen fast kugelig, glatt, gelb- 人 だ braunlich, 2,5-3 im Durchmesser. ; 2 tsi p: Nom. Jap. Yura-take. - = | A ie = ee Hab. An Baumstammen. Berg Yura, Shinchiku-cho, Formosa; ees 3. April 1918 (R. Kanepyra), - , 時 Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Polyporus Kanehirae YasupA. Habitusbild. Nat. Gr. Von oben gesehen. . Dieser Pilz ist durch die kastanienbraune Hutsubstanz, die uns : an diejenige von Fomes-applanatus (PERs.) WALLR. oder Fomes 3 leucophaeus Monv. erinnert, und durch die gelbbraunlichen Sporen ; charakterisiert. Shee Ich habe diesem neuen Pilze zum Andenken an den Entdecker = = desselben seinen Namen Kaneuira gegeben. . ‘July, 12.1. NEUE ARTEN VON IRPEX UND POLYPORUS. 87 i oho | - ? 2 0 a hie. 3; : ‘Fig. 3. Polyporus Kanehirae YASUDA. Habitusbild. Nat. Gr. aes ae Von unten geschen. ce 6 Mae ( Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultat der Tohoku Kaiserlichen Univer- pe sitat zu Sendai, 11, Februar 1922: ーーー : きゃ T x ~ et = の ‘ ーー ニニ ーー テー ニー ニー EE Bin re Aion 3 ペン が 3 伯 ae こい an > Fen Sat Che » ate ・ で < eee ere ere ce マデ pete a も SSS “Current Literature 2 a oe NYC て ・ に ツー a ae HABEREANDT, Gi be ei lenechartione und ihre Bezieh- | 3 Gos sce en: aur Wundheilung, ecteacheans, Parthenogenesis und : Adventivembryonie. に 0 まい Browne, I. M. P. “Anatomy: “of. eeeties giganteum. — SCHREIBER, E. Uber. die ntikela der Se Wasser- pflanzen. NNN GErTLER, 4 Uber dic Verwendimg von Silbernitrat zur Chro- ‘matophoren-Darstellung. os | 9 "Miscellaneous . do fea een Gaal Notes on Fungi Be) (a. Ye > nee ・ > t ‘ ial / 2 te < bu ピス ae : Fis 5 WeSies a cae . mar ot en oii 4 6 M iat ae eee , ーーーー 2 LN ce * 3 i NIME oy eee THE Tokyo BotanicaL Society \ o | i, 2 9 E が Oe. : a = - My i ay eR 0 | “UT ¥soni an 9 BEOKYO, Oa ee ee Cy I OM Yer- sce ee sade aS 2 RHA AO レル 3 CD Be ; 7 ーー ’ に Wu 7 kel kei By a ie 2 aS OR HOS ot ot at 東 京 市 a B 回 元 富 = © 町 NE Ni eS Oy ate. h< Ns LAN was: ES Lee ok Vardi NN sy = Bout? ah ey eat Ne ) ae 7 ee “is ae es tion price per annum (nel. postage) 8 yen in Japanese currency (nearly 4 dollars. ne SA Alt letters and commu- 0 nications to be addressed ho the TOKYO. BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Institute, Bowtie. Gardens, Trmperal Notice: The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. 、 Subserip- し Js ms 9 ; NZ University > Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from foreign countries 2 pio to be made by postal money orders, payable in Tokyo. fo : . “4a Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. Foreign Agent: London, W. ©: 2. | eo) aE Eee の だ 2 は fy e 時 は 」 i] i rs Boyan | +R pag ¥ 旭 on FA) hia | oo | T 昌 Sse ae a 20 DN S-St ht INS Sh ah ew ーー ーー デー “ew ーー — +R RA+H RH oy ot PR Ss BS Bt ah at eA | SESEo See aS wba TS IHS aS Baa SET | | SMO RSR o} St Sop at =| SEBEL SHMeop Os Minit —— FIST EE the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, - Boinnieal Gardens, yeas WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex St., Strand, aes waa i He 共 免 仙 BSL +ORIO SED ン Zwei neue Arten der Agaricaceen. ‘ Ko Von 2 | Atsushi Yasuda, Rigakushi. _ Dozent der Botanik`an der Tohoku Kaiserlichen Universitit zu Sendai; Professor der Zweiten Hochschule. Mit 3 Textfiguren. 1. Panus japonicus YAsupA. り Syn.: Lentinus (Panus) japonicus Yasupa. Unterfam. Marasmieae. Fruchtkorper rasig, exzentrisch gestielt, fleischig-lederartig, beim! Eintrocknen erhartend. Hut im Umfange kreisrund, flach gewolbt, © を pe = Wel. 6 Fig. 1. Panus japonicus YASUDA. . > Fruchtkérper in natiirlicher Grosse. i. ~ Von oben gesehen. ve 1) Vergl. A. Yasupa, Notes on Fungi (115). Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. XXXV, No. 418, p. 239. ad s Pah te 90 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. - tigen Schuppchen bekleidet, Se nngezont, ockerfarben, mit ~ NAS こき 9 eters 7 [Vol. = XVI, No. 428, Bis =e に 0 に が "一 = Ss ee in der Mitte ing で REC diinn, 0.5 一 1 cm breit, ober- seits mit kleinen, kleienar- | ee eingerolltem Rande. Lina eens nere Substanz gleichfarbig. 2 Stiel zylindrisch, 1 一 3 cm aoe (1,5—3 mm dick), braun- angeheftet, schmal, dicht- lang, 0,7 一 1,5 mm dick, — | kleiig-schuppig, ockerfar- 。 ben, am Grunde verdickt filzig, wurzelnd. Lamellen — .. itr eer Fig. 2. oes Fig. 2. Panus japonicus YASUDA. stehend, ockerfarben, mit Fruchtkérper in natiirlicher GrGsse. ganzer, kleiig-schuppiger ey Von unten gesehen. Schneide, ohne Zystiden. Sporen elliptisch, glatt, gelblich, 5 y lang, 2,5 y breit. Nom. Jap. Ashibuto-kawaki-take. ・ Hab. An fae Holzern. Shima, Sawada-mura, Azuma-gori, Prov. Kozuke : 18. Nov. 1911 (Kk. Tsunopa). Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen ; 20. Sept. 1914 (A. Yasupa). Berg Fukoji, Kasei-gori, Prov. Harima ; _ 23. Sept. 1917 (K. Marsusuima). Dieser Pilz ist durch den am Grunde verdickten, braunfilzigen, wurzelnden Stiel und die an der Schneide mit kleienartigen Schtppchen "besetzten Lamellen charakterisiert. 2. Armillaria gigantea Yasupa.” Unterfam. Agariceae. ( Fruchtkorper gross, zentral gcestielt, fleischig, kompakt, 10—14 cm hoch. Hut anfangs gewolbt, spiter ausgebreitet, 12—18 cm breit, oberseits kahl, klebrig, trocken glanzend, ungezont, grau, mit ein- gerolltem Rande, Rand in der Jugend durch einen weiten, 5 cm breiten, weissen, hdutigen Schleier mit dem Stiele verbunden, welcher nach - Entfaltung des Hutes am Stiele als hautiger Ring zurickbleibt. In- nere Substanz weiss. Stiel zylindrisch, voll, fest, dick, 7—12 cm lang, 2,5—3,5 cm breit, glatt und kahl, weisslich. Lamellen herablaufend, ca. 8 mm breit, weisslich, Schneide ohne ystiden. Sporen elliptisch, | 1) Vergl. A. YAsupA, Notes on Fungi (77). Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. XXXII, No. 379, p. 204. う =e T oe _ Aug 1922.] “* SAE Fig. 3. Fig. 3. Armillaria gigantea YASUDA. Kin getrockneter Fruchtkérper. Verkleinert. Von unten gesehen. glatt, farblos, 8 / lang, 5 u breit. _ Nom. Jap. Sendai-samatsu. - Hab. Auf humoser Erde. Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen; 29. Sept. 1912 _ (A. Yasupa). Essbar. 1 eee Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultat der Tohoku Kaiserlichen Univer- - _sitat zu Sendai, 3. April 1922. | CG an, RE | vy DOS Fa PROS! Fo On the Nuclear Divisions and Partial Sterility in Oenothera Lamarckiana, SE.” (A Preliminary Note) (Contributions to Cytology and Genetics from the Departments of Plant-Morphology and of Genetics, Botanical Institute, Science College, Tokyo Imperial University. No. 40) \ By Yosito Sinoto - Assistant in Botany With 4 Text-Figures Thanks to the works of Davis, GaTEs, GEERTS, Lutz, RENNER, STOMPS and others, the cytology of Oenothera has been greatly advanced during last score of years, yet it will be unsound to say that our knowledge in this respect is already complete. The present research was made by the suggestion of Prof. Fuji to supplement on one hand our knowledge on the cytology of Oenothera, and to see on the other hand whether the plant grown naturalized in Japan since about 1880 and known as Oenothera Lamarckiana, SER. also threw mutants as in the classical material of DE VRIES. The materials used in this investigation were supplied from the pedigree culture of the plant, grown in the research garden of Prof. Fuyu.” For the fixation of the materials, FLEmwmwrNG's stronger solu- tion, the chrom-acetic acid solution modified by Davis(1) and Bourn’s fluid were chiefly used with good results. For the staining, Heidenhain’s iron-alum-haematoxylin was used as chromosome stains, in association with light green as cytoplasm stain. The sections of the anthers 1) A more detailed preliminary account of the present research was published in Japanese in this magazine. Vol. XXXIV, pp. (277)—(292) and (301) 一 (317), 1920. 2) This pedigree. culture was derived from the seeds collected from the plants selfed by Prof. Furrr at the bank of the River Tamagawa in the vicinity of holy: and determined by Mr. Makino. Aug., 1922.) SINOTOO—OENOTHERA LAMARCKIANA. cee were cut 5—20 in thickness for the study of mitotic figures, and _60 一 120 » for counting the pollen grains. For the germination test of the seeds the method described by Davis(2) was adopted. Abnormal behaviors of chromosomes in the meiotic divisions According to former investigators of the Oenothera cytology, the “meiotic chromosomes, especially in the heterotypic division, are loosely _ paired and the regular nuclear plates are rarely found. It seems to the writer, however, that the case is a little different as far as his material is concerned. As the result of the calculation carried on in more than one thousand pollen mother-cells in five preparations, the number of the pollen mother-cells with the homologous chromosomes ' paired in the heterotypic metaphase, or with those showing the regular nuclear plates amounted to about 50 per cent. Nevertheless the irregular phenomena in the chromosomal behaviors on the spindles were also observed. Besides the various cases of the abnormal behaviors of certain chromosomes in も he pollen mother-cells of the fate-semilata series of mutants, classified by GATEs and Miss THomas(6), a few other cases were found in the pollen mother-cells as well as in the embryosac mother-cells of the present material. Partly following the classification of GATEs(5)), following ten cases may be given: i. fourteen chromo- somes in heterotypic or homotypic divisions make the (8+6) or (9-55) distributions (Text-fgs.? 2.a5,¢ and 3.a)—eleven cases of the (8+6) distribution in hetero- typic mitosis (Figs. 13, 17, 19, 30, 33) and seven cases in homotypic (Text-figs. 2.6,c and 3.a), one case of the (9+5) distribution in heterotypic mitosis (Text-fig. 1); ii. certain chromosomes seem to divide into two on the heterotypic spindles (Figs. 11, 12, 24, 29, 30) ; iti. some of the heterotypic or homotypic chromosomes Text-fig. 1. の _An embryosac Undergo fragmentation or degeneration (Text-figs. 2.4, mother-cellin 3 gq and Figs. 29, 30); iv. some anaphasic chromosomes heterotypic metaphase. x 950. ‘somes of both divisions are left outside the two leave a trail of chromatin behind; v. certain chromo- 1) All other figures except the four text-figures in this paper are to be referred to those in the before mentioned writer’s paper in Japanese. _—_ っ し ee に ここ ーッ ei. ra ee ee | 』 が 94 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, —_—‘(Wol. XXXVI. No. 8, anaphasic chromosome groups and degenerate (Text-figs. 2.。 3, a,b and Oe Figs. 10, 18, 29); vi. some chromosomes of the heterotypic and homo- typic divisions form small extra nuclei (Fig. 14); vii. excess chromo- — somes resulting from the unequal distribution of fourteen chromosomes seem in some cases to remain outside the nuclear membrane of one of the two daughter (Text-Bg. 35) and seem to separate into fragments (Text-fig. 2.a and -both in the heterotypic divi- _ somes of certain bivalent chromo- somes move to- wards the same pole( Figs. 21, 22, la [Vay irregularities of the numerical the chromosomes | Text, fig. 2. Three Embryosac mother-cells in homotypic occur in both mitosis. a and CX 1750, 6. x 3500. mitoses of a single embryosac mother-cell (Text.-fig. 3.0); x. more than fourteen chromosomes are occasionally formed in the heterotypic division (Fig. 15). Somatic mitosis The mode of segmentation of the spireme into chromosomes in the somatic nuclei.seems not to have been determined by the previous nuclei, this is in- dicated by the ; normal “number 1 of chromosomes in the latter Fig. 30); ive sions the indivr- dual chromo- > 28,31) ieee 6 distribution of Aug. 19221 ss §INOTOO—OENOTHERA LAMARCKIANA _95 investigtors of Oenothera. In the _ nnucellar cells of this material it was not infrequently observed that the _ thickened long spireme first segment- ed into seven shorter spiremes, some _ og which were connected directly end to end as in Gares’ earlier results(4), and subsequently the diploid number of chromosomes ap- _ peared by the further segmentation of each of the seven spiremes. Ac- cordingly the chromosomes seem to be already paired on their first ap- pearance. 2 The chromomeric . structures were observed in the spiremes or : ‘chromosomes of the _ meiotic—in 。。 presynapsis, synapsis, postsynapsis (Fig. 26), interkinesis, tetrad stage of spore-cells (Fig. 25) etc.—as well ‘as somatic—in spireme (Text-fig. 4. d and Figs. 41, 42, 43), metaphase (Text-fig. 4a and Figs. 49, 53, 54) etc.—nuclei. The chromomeres in the somatic nucleus varied in size Text-fig. 3. Two embryosac mother- cells in homotypic mitosis. X 1750. and number according to the stages of the mitosis in a cell or in dif ferent cells. This fact shows that the chromomeres have no individual- | : ity as was remarked by Fuyn(3). In this plant the number of chromomeres in a _ somatic chromosome at metaphase appears to be three or four, so that the number of chromo- meres in a _ nucleus Text-fig. 4, Spiremes and chromosomes in nucellar varies from forty-two nuclei showing chromomeres. x 3500. to fifty-six. な a > ae ae Sa . Ae 6 ct の cs a tata a co OOD ie ho een = li ll ee AS imal, Raa tak iu 96 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, —_ Vol. XXXVI. No, 428, > 7. 6 Sterile gametes and zygotes, variation in seedlings Considerable irregularities in meiotic divisions will naturally cause inadequate distribution of idic(3) substances, and will result in the sterility of the pollen grains and embryosacs and of the seeds. To obtain certain numerical relations in this respect the writer counted the number of the grains in anthers and seeds in capsules as in the following table. The counting was made in each anther and cap- sule, but the total number only is given here: Fertile and sterile pollen Fertile grains. . Sterile grains. grains in 5 anthers. 47 57 5644 (48.00 %) 61183 (52.00 2%) . Seeds, seed-like structures Seeds and Abortive ovules. and abortive ovules in seed-like structures. (Sterile and some un- ~ 115 capsules. (ovules received sound pol- fertilized embry osacs) len grains and those received unsound pollen grains) j 21723 (50.55 %) 21248 (49.45 %) From this data we see that the abortive spores amount to ca. 50 per cent., which agrees with the percentage of abnormal mitosis in the pollen formation given before. The germination test was also made with each of the seventeen capsules, the result of which is as follows : Total number of seeds and Seeds germinated. Seeds not-germinated. seed-like structures in (normal seeds) (seed-like structures) 17 capsules. 3660 1291 (35.27 %) 2369 (64.73 %) The variations in the form, size, number and colour of cotyle- dones were observed in the seedlings. Among them a few O. mut. albida- and oblonga-like plantlets appeared. In one case one hundred and seven out of one hundred and nine seedlings raised-from the all healthy seeds of one and the same capsule were transplanted in the pots. When they grew to the two or three rosette leaves stage, seven O. mut. nanella-like plantlets appeared, one of which was w “ARS EA RT OTT. TS ve) て P I ere ee ee ee 5 ト NO EE ao 3 | 1 Angs1922.] SINOTOO—OENOTHERA LAMARCKIANA 97 recognized early in the shape of cotyledones. The appearance of seven mutants from one hundred and seven seeds is of a rather high _ percentage. in Summary 1. The number of the pollen mother-cells with the homologous chromosomes paired in the heterotypic metaphase, or with those showing the regular nuclear plates are found as much as ca. 50 per-cent, a result which widely differs from that of the previous investigators. 2. Ten different cases of the irregular phenomena in the behavior of chromosomes on the spindles of the pollen mother-cells and the -embryosac mother-cells were observed: 3. In the nucellar nuclei of this plant it was not infrequently observed that the thickened long spireme first segmented into seven shorter spiremes, and subsequently by the further segmentation of the latter the diploid number of chromosomes were formed. 4. The chromomeres observed in the spiremes and the chromo- somes of the meiotic and somatic nuclei have no individuality. In a somatic chromosome at metaphase three or four chromomeres are seen, so that the total number in a nucleus varies from forty-two to fifty-six, as this plant in diploid has fourteen chromosomes. 7. The counting of the pollen grains in the five anthers and seeds in one hundred and fifteen capsules was made. The abortive spores amounted to ca. 50 per cent. which agrees with the percentage of abnormal mitosis in the pollen formation. The germination ex- _ periment made with each of the seventeen capsules showed that the percentage of the normal seeds was about 35 per cent. 6. The seedlings of this plant produced some mutants; the seven O. mut. nanella-like plantlets were found in one hundred and seven seedlings raised from one and the same capsule. The writer has the pleasure of expressing his hearty thanks to Professor K. Fuji for his kindly guidance and valuable criticism. Postscripr: Unfortunately owing to the severe damage by insects in the summer 1921 none of the mutants mentioned in this paper produced seeds. 3 As the manuscript of the present paper was ready in last sum- hromosomes and chro : 5; 6 Soe at を 3 : _ Literature cited Er Proce. Nat. Acad. of Sei. Vol. I, ee a _ Furr, K. eee On eS) coneepton of id and the Bede: ifs ta 2 po. 900-980- に ‘eet R.R. eee The a in evolution. London, ie i 52357 iL; 4 の * _ yt で + 4 Me w 7? ま oe. だ * ae oa” ; i el a2 hy ny. x. i _ Current Literature 。 HANNIG, EL "Untersuchungen aber der Hy arzbildung i in Koatien: yA iF ド \, -ennadeln. \ ) メ N の a) ) M. et Mme Mornav. — ‘les. glandes a lupuline chez Te houblon cultive. ee ae Ge Ee and Norra, BB: ' The stracture of tie: ‘endodermis in relation to. its function. Youne, W. Jy Potato ovules with two embryo. sacs. 1 7 | Miscellaneous . Notes on os 1 a ‘Yasopa)—On American biological stains hee Harront). Af, hs Bude des phenomenes seerétoires dans ay. ik ARTICLES IN ‘Japanese : ーー i テ 、 CONTENTS © ot \» f ‘ot e し if 』 ie Yosto sinot6 on ‘the extrusion of the nuclear . substance in ( Tris Japonica, 2 HUNB. ee - (149) に < あ u . 1 人 2 ; q vit - } is { | 4 fy 4 “ep i が の Ae f 1 所 sg みあ / i j / I } | が に ) - ず の 1 uy 7 4 ee " ) ie ! 1 praevia. | ¢ / / B } ? 比 * ¥ / a yy j w $ 2 5 i 了 が f at \ NS j 3 0 * SG 4 が int ra に \ Drei mye 1 いな ma be A Notice: The Botanical Magazine is ‘publish monthly. “Subserip- tion price per annum (incl. postage) 8 yen i Ob ee a currency (nearly 4. dollars: for America), All, letters and commu- CAN nications to be addressed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL, ore ; ' wes ‘SOCIETY, Botanical. Institute, Botanfeal Gardens, Imperial =e eee * UN Teka, Japan, “Remittances from. foreign “counties ie | to be made by postal money orders, payable’ ‘in Tokyo oe ( ee oe ‘ TU the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIE’ TY, Botanical | Gardens, see : i : | Imperial: University, ae Japan. | DA am 2 a - oe Fa 1 ‘Foreign Agent: : | A : TS 1 WHELDON & WESLEY. LTD, 28, Essex -8ti Strand): KN London, W. C. 2. ( ae 70 as | SN : : 3 コン on RE に ダー イッ イー イー ルー イー ザー イー タ 1 所 有 でる る ai らら ら ろ らち 1 『 1 は . 1h. a a] Att 0 S a ii Seo | tA | (BEmy toes | tat | x e R BR 8 ge CR EW pi Be ly ee a ep ee ee ig Sin SD tists Arne Ta = Be eee ke ae 第 . Fit RAE yO eT a HO Ee eo + Be ae OB £ & WR ew Re : 番 B. 02 Ea ae a 地 九 ee Be So Be ae z OTE Mae LOR omed he NAT oN AMON a Nes ee oS ~ “A 5 eg haste Wa aie cae ee ; _ On the. Extrusion of the Nuclear Substance in 77*2s japonica, THUNB. (Contributions from the TokueAwA Biological Institute, No. 3) ‘ 2 cA By Yosito Sinoto ‘ae ee With 18 Text-Figures The phenomenon of extrusion of the nuclear substance in prophase of pollen mother-cells into the cytoplasm of adjacent cells in Oenothera Lamarckiana, O. odorata, Portulaca glandiflora and Iris japonica was already mentioned briefly in my previous paper(22). The present ‘results of observations regarding the same phenomenon in Iris a Japonica hhave been obtained by the study of the specimens prepared for other purposes, so that the results may be far from being conclusive in ascertaining the cause or meaning of this phenomenon. Young buds collected from the plants cultivated in a private | ~ garden were fixed either in FLEMMING’s stronger solution or in BONIN'S fluid ; the stains used were HEmeENHAIN’s iron-alum-haematoxylin with a counter-stain of light green, and the methylene blue-fuchsin combin- ation; and the sections were cut 8 micra thick. OBSERVATIONS : The fixation was generally bad for the study of meiotic phases. _ The extrusion seems to be more frequently observed in the materials fixed unsatisfactorily, not only in the case of the pollen mother-cells a. but also in that of the ovular- and ovarian cells. . It is interesting to 4 note that this phenomenon can often be found in the tapetal cells. 1) A somewhat detailed account was published in Japanese in this magazine, Vol. 35, No. 416, pp. 9 な IM 1921. ree Dy オル ba ake ゾー ン ァ THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI! No; 429. GATES, R. R. (1908). A study of reduction in Oenothera rubrinervis. Bot. Gaz. 46: 1-34, | —(1911). Pollen formation in Oenothera gigas. Ann. of Bot. 25: 909-940. HWorres, Cu. F. (1901). Ueber den. Einfluss von Druckwirkungen auf die Wurzel von Vicia Faba. Tnaugural-dissertation, Bonn. Cited after SCHRAMMEN (15). KOoRNIcrks, M. (1901). Ueber Ortsver&nderung von Zellkernen. Sitzungsber. d. niederrhein. Gesells. f. Natur-und Heilkunde z. Bonn, 1901: 14-25. ; Mirne, H. (1901). Ueber Wanderungen des pflanzlichen Zellkerns. Flora 88: 105-142. | | : : NAKAO, M, (1911). Cytological studies on the nuclea> division of the pollen mother-cells of some cereals and their hybrids. Jour. Coll. Agr. Tohoku Imp. Uniy. 4:-173-190. RosenBERG, O. (1909). Zur Kenntnes von den Tetradenteilung der kompositen. Sy. Bot. Tids. 3: 64-77. (1909). Cytologisehe und morphologische Studien an Drosera longifolia x rotundifolia. Kungl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 43: 1-64. Cited after Nakao (12). ScHRAMMEN, J. R. (1902). Ueber die Binwirleuhe von Temperaturen auf. die Zellen des Vegetationspunktes des Sprosses yon Vicia Faba. Verhandl. d. naturhist. Vereins d. preuss. Rhein]. 59: 4 -98. ScHAFFNER, J. H. (1899). Artificial production of the sickle stage of the nucl- eolus. Jour. App. Micr. 2: 321-322. = (1906). Chromosome reduction in the microsporocytes of Lalium Tigrinum. Bot. Gaz. 41 : 183-191. (1907). Synapsis and Synizesis. Ohio Nat. 7: 41-48. (1909). The reduction divisions in the microsporocytes of Agave virginica. Bot. Gaz. 47: 198-214. Scr rHorr, D. (1906). Das Verhalten des Kernes im Wundgewebe. Beih. z. bot. Centralbl. 19: 359-382. SAKAMURA, T. (1920). Experimentelie Studien tiber die zell-und Kernteilung mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Form, Grosse und Zahl der Chromosomen. Jour. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 39, Art. 11. ~Srnor6, Y. (1920). On the nuclear divisions and the partial sterility of eo Lamarckiana, SER. (Japanese). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 34: (277)-(292), (801)-(317). West, C. and Lecumerse, A. E. (1915). On chromatin extrusion in pollen mother-cells of Lilium candidum, Linn. Ann. of Bot. 29: 285-291. Yasul, K. (1921). On the behavior of chromosomes in the meiotie phase of some artificially raised Papaver hybrids. (Japanese). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: (167)-(178). CONTENTS eet 3 FE hs A - | Masaji Honda. Revisio Graminum Japonie. I. SES Te ose い “ARTICLE IN JAPANESE : a i ies lak MO に | “Tetsu es amie Uber die ‘Salbstvergittang der PIGOBWGSR | t im destillierten | Wasser. So RCE gs OL RIN a ene Cai caer ik 7 oe Current Literature i CN es ine Gee saa a 4) _Wmrsos。 MO ト . Lignification of mature phloem in herbaceous types. DR A.W. The mele - receptacle and antheridinm of Re 、 sl 、 Reboulia hemisphaerica. | AONUI R. E. The reduction divisions in the pollen mother cells of Berar franciseana. に ae ェ r SS 。 } AAT er ‘Miscellaneous . Ne yee alae ‘ aes DP JC UTA | Notes’ on Fungi [127] (A. ee ee re rae one "Proceedings of the Society ee ea . 0 _ Tuer Toxyo BoranicaL SocrETy RO ee が N otice : : The Botanical Magasin is > published monthly. Smbenp tion price annum Friel postage) 8 Yen Le in _Tapenese au ie currency (nearly 4 dollars for America). All letters and commu. 6 nications to~ be addressed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL _ SOCIETY, Botanical Leeitate, Botanical. Gardens, { “Tmperial University, Tokyo, Japan. Remittances from Gris countries 中 | to be made by postal money orders, NE し に in Tokyo to the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Bota fea Gardens, Imperial University, ee Tapa. | Foreign Agent: WHELDON & WESLEY, LED., 28, Essex St., Strand, es peut W. C. 2. [キー イー ダー チー4 cs maaex Li et 有 権 8 し イー ィ ー イ ニル - チ ィ ー ィ ナッ ルー イ ー ナ 3 ET eo +l i+ | +R ea OS Stahe Seo 3 ニーーーーー Ls os4 / if 修 Fi Stk my 東 iss 築 地 is WB # ます 所 SHEARS Oy Bats Em a ke OX お x # ss 属 地 hia me iy + isi 上 内 紀 番 地 A A 町 町 = (人 番 番 冥 a 地 地 B eee | O Ox oe = weet 【 os ‘ ' 6 1 ーー Tk : 4s . いい て So ~ ヽ IE - rw 大 メサ よさ emer ce AS5OmT We UP a eagen ees oe ' 3 に Ser Sta ee - の ae - “> 1 CY と こ Ame U7 Sia , い RA 人 8 * 4 Sy の ま - _— WS ros. ay て っ さま も た ie ae be 1 : oe pe gh ‘ ny si で Fo ? . Sif 0 . a a aN, AN 2 * , ti vs ay 9 に 7 A きぐ を 5 3 _ VOL. XXXVI NOVEMBER 1922 No.431 THE _BOTANCAL MAGAZINE _CONTENTS Takenoshin Nakai. Notule ad plantas Japonie et Korez XX VII. へ ペペ の Pals _Riichir6 Koketsu. ‘ber ne NE der elektrischen Reizung "i an den pflanzlichen Gebilden Bad Se NSMT on al Ve eat 99 "ARTICLE IN JAPANESE : ーー = _ ‘Tetsu Sakamura. Uber die selbstvergiftung der 7 Spirogyren im SUGEERPm Wasser Sait DS ee (187) - Current Literature hy gl Seeders Sg Rae es, ga ed, ce RIOD | Lyonepann, ‘He Zur Zytologié i der Gattung “Papaver. é | 本 wmrpoRm 0. Die Chroijosomenza let der_Ga: ng Carex. con E. Ww. ) Twheritanee 2 - Pepe. Ler | Miscellaneous. ees ee Notes on anes [128] (A. YAsopo) | Proceedings « of the Society ee . : “ Ne _ em Tux Tokyo BoranicaL SocieTy Pe WOkvo N otice : : ‘The Botanical Maganic is published monthly. ! 時 to ue addressed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL, Foreign Agent: ee po 8 1s Ag aces ee London, W. C. 2. | 0 5 ごと タッ で で どこ どら X 2 天 所 x 可 入 便 送 第 第 [ ae EE | 申 用 切 金 ニ ー Bg ee OR AR PR | は i いい Le ae te ee nA ORE a 年 年 | > 以 方 前 代 = ュ ァ = テニ ニッ | il au し = fee ie 7. OH Te see 達 RRS . Poe 手 ト 附 ん も BE 同 同 Re oe pp mp ae tA) Rea a Bo. CUORUOROR e a MM a ae am | BZ 、 東 8 EE gH TR ge | ARR Bi Ry Ro Be gee Ok GEE ee | Beer hi Hs Se Rhee Ame Pk ep | BIO7 Re A W HWE RB «x ka hie | prope httak Sf x Re ee in ome & 替 DK cm A Ae Rag | oe Fix RAE Gy we ve T it te B | yRORR sm + On ae RS 7 = Sie t+ & KE 番 製 番 次 人 20 町 町 店 地 造 地 - 地学 地 思 2ST ee SE ORO Oe tion price per annum (inel. postage). 8 yen in Japanee * ae currency 5907 4 dollars for America), All letters and ‘commu SOCIETY, Bees Tnstitute, Botanical Gardens, Tinperial University, Tokio, Japan. Reminances from fee countries to be. made by postal Honey orders, payable in “Tokyo: to the TOKYO ‘BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Bolawieall ee 1 0 a ば Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. Ha ect Sa ae Byer ae th a ies t い ds Faye 4 ; 5 ae WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD. ie 28, Be St, - Stran ae 2 _sebenp- 。 に RG Notulz ad Plantas Japoniz et Koreze XXVIII. auctore . Takenoshin Nakai, Aigakuhakushi. 651) Allium yesoense, NAKAi sp. nov.—Rhiziridium. Allio splendente, A. lineare et A. stricto afhne, sed ex omnibus foliis latioribus, tepalis albidis, filamentis brevioribus distinctum. | Bulbus tunicis reticulatis obtectus. Scapus inferne 5 mm. superne or 3 mm. crassus fistulosus infra medium foliatus. Folia 4-7 mm. lata Pl plana basi sulcata. Spatha albida membranacea maxima floribus paulo brevior. Pedicelli apice incrassati. Tepala ovata submembra- nacea albida dorso viridia 5 mm. longa. Stamina 6 mm. longa. Filamenta basi dilatata obtusa. Antherz albidae. Ovarium globosum trisulcatum. Styli simplices staminibus breviores. ( Nom. Jap. Yezo-rakkyo. Hab. Yeso : in araneis Zenibako prov. Ishikari (T. Naxar). 652) Polygonum neo-filiforme, Nakai sp. nov. A speciebus affinitatibus modo sequente distinguenda. P. virginianum.—Planta Americe borealis. Folia supra et margine pilis elongatis setosa. Perigonium 3.5-4.0 mm. longum. P. filitorme.—Planta Asiz orientalis. Folia supra atque margine pilis elongatis setosa v. villosula, venis supra impressis ita folia viva subrugosa. P. neo-filiforme.—Planta Coreano-Hondoensis. Folia supra atque margine pilis brevissimis sparsissime setulosa, venis non impressis ita folia viva plana. Perigonium 2.5-3.0 mm. longum. Radix perennis. Caulis circ. 50 cm. altus infra medium glaber supra medium adpresse pilosus, infra medium nodis distantibus aphyllus, ochreis tubulosis fuscis 1.5-2.0 cm. longis apice truncatis. ter cae ay of Cong Poe て ee fem へ + Ng “s N ike THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 431, Folia in media caulis conferta ita caulis medio nodis abbreviatis. Petioli circ. 1 cm. lengi. Lamina foliorum 9-12 cm. longa 3.5-5.5 cm. lata integerrima, ovata, utrinque attenuata, supra complanata viridia sparsissime pilis brevissimis setulosa, venis lateralibus incurvatis parallelis. Folia ad inflorescentiam sensim decrescentia. Spica circ. 30 cm. longa laxiflora. Pedicelli 3 mm. longi apice articulati. Peri- gonium rubrum exterius venosum 2.5-3.0 mm. longum. Styli 2, 2.5 mm. longi apice unguiculati. Nux late ovata castanea glaberrima lucida. | Nom. Jap. Shin-midzuhiki. Hab. Hondo: in collibus Naruto prov. Kadzusa, (T. Naxal). Korea: in silvis Kagen-peninsula, Zenla austr. (T. Nakai n. 9623). 653) Nuphar pumilum, Smita English Botany t. 2292. A.P. de CANDOLLE Prodr. I. p. 116 (1824). PLANcgoN in Annales Sci. nat. 3 ser. XIX. p. 61. (1853). Caspary in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. II. p. 256 (1866). MryAss et Kuno Materials V. p.73 (Loto). Nymphea pumila, HorrMann Deutschlands Flora p. 241 (1800). Nuphar japonicum var. subintegerrimum, (non Caspary) Marsv- MORA Ind. Pl. Jap. Il. 2 p. 92 (1921): N. subintegerrimum, Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXIV. p. 141 (1910). Nom. Jap. Nemuro-kohone. Hab. Korea: in torrentes Kainan, Zenla-austr. (T. Nakai n, 9642). In Corea nova! 654) Anemone japonica, (THUNBERG) SIEBOLD ct Zuccarini Fi. Jap. I. p. 15 (1841) et in Abh. Muench. Acad. I. p. 178 (1846). LINDLEY in Bot. Regist. XXX. t. 66 (1845). LEMArRE in Flore des Serres II. Pl. I. (1846). IMrougsr in Ann. Mus.. Bot. Lugd. Bat. III. p. 2. (1867). Francuer et SAvArrER Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 4. (1875). NA 挟 Ar FI. Kor. II. p. 429. Atragene japonica, THUNBERG FI. Jap. p. 239 (1784). PERSOON syn. Pl. Ti. 1 pass. (i306): Clematis polypetala, PoirET Suppl. Encycl. Meth. Bot. IJ. p. 296 (1811). SreupEL Nomencl. p. 205 (1821). A.P. de CANporLE Prodr. I. p. 10 (1824). Anemone vitifolia, HAMILTON var. japonica, FInET et GAGNEPAIN in Bull. Boc. Sot. Fran. LI. p. 68 (1904). Nov., 1922] NOTULA AD PLANTAS JAPONIH EV KOREA XXVIII. 119 Nom. Jap. Shumeigiku. Hab. Korea: in monte Toroho, Zenla-austr. (T. Nakar n. 9652). My mentioning of the existence of this species in Flora Koreana Vol. II. p. 429 was based upon an illustration from the pictures of many Korean plants drawn by Mr. TAgAaAsrr who was in Korea for a lengthWof time. The opportunity of seeing it I owe the kind- ness of Mr. T. Maxino. Henceforth the wild growth of the species I had not been able to find until a botany trip made to the Toroho Mountains—the estates of Cathedral Taikoji in Kainan County—the last year. 655) Sinomenium acutum, (THUNBERG) REHDER et WirsoN Pi. Wils. I. p. 387 (1913). S. diversifolium, (MiguEL) Diets in Pflanzenreich 1V. 94. p. 254. (1910). 「 Menispermum acutum, 1 HUNBERG FI Jap. p. 193 (1784). LamarcK peenevcle bVeip. 96) (1797). , Persoon cSyn Ply 1.2. pa 6271 (1807). A.P. de CANporLLE Prodr. 1. p. 103 (1824). M. diversifolium, (MiguEL) GAGNEPAIN in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. LY. p. 68. (1908). Naxar Veg. Isl. Quelp. p. 47. n. 638 (1914) non Prantl. Cocculus diversifolius, (non DE CaNDOLLE) Mroogr in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. III. p. 10 (1867). FRANcET et SavaTiER Enum. Pl. Jap. I. p. 20 (1875). Maximowicz in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 652 t. II. f. 21-35 (1883). C. acutus, Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXII. p. 172 (1908). C. heterophyllus, HEMSLEY et WirsoN in Kew Bull. (1906) p. 150. Cebatha Miqueliana, O. Kuntze Rev. Gen. Pl. I. p. 9 (1891). Nom. Jap. Otsuzurafuji. Hab. Korea: in silvis montis Nyokisan insulee Chinto, Zenla austr. (T. NakKal n. 96738). Quelpert: ad ripas fluminis circa Seikiko (T. Naxar n. 4942). in silvis Polmogi (TagueT n. 2599). Distr. Japonia et China (Hupeh et Szechuan). 656) Illicium religiosum, SrEBorLp et Zuccarini FI. Jap. I. p. 5. t. 1 (1835). W. J. Hooker in Bot. Mag. t. 3965 (1843). I. anisatum, Linné Sp. Pl. ed. 2. p. 664 p.p. (1762). THONBEse Fl. Jap. p. 235 (1784). PEgRsooN Syn. Pl. II. 1. p. 93 p.p. (1806). Mrougsr。 Prol. p. 145 (1867). FRANCHET et SAYVATTIER Enum. PI. 120 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 481. Jap. I. p. 15 (1875). Marsumura Ind. II. 2. p. 98. excl. pl. For- mosanas (1912). 8 Nom. Jap. Shikimi. Nom Quelpaertense. Parugack. Hab. Korea: in declivitate montis Nyokisan insula Chinto, Zenla austra. (fT. NAKAr n. 9674). ; Quelpzrt: secus torrentes Yelloi (FaurIE n. 166). in silvis Poptjyang (Taguer n. 2594). in silvis secus torrentes Yelloi (Tagurr n. 538). secus torrentes Mokatji (TaguetT n. 539). Distr. Japonia. The Chinese Jilicium differs from of the Japanese. There are Ilicium Linnzi, NaKkal nom. nov. (J. anisatum, LInNE p.p.) and | I. Henryi, Diets (7. Silvestrii, Pavoxint); the former is a shrub with leaves ovate obtuse, and the latter is too a shrub having leaves with veins prominent on the upper surface and short peduncles. In Formosa there ate 7. arborescens, Hayarta and I. leucanthum, HAYATA ; the former with leaves narrow acuminate and the latter with white flowers. There is only one species 7. Tashiroi, MaximMowiIcz existing in Yaeyama archipelago, Liukiu. This is characterized by having long slender peduncles and 12 ovaries. The Korean type just as of the JTsushima differs from the type of Japan proper by somewhat longer peduncles. Yet it would not be distinguished as a variety. 657) Machilus Thunbergii, SrEBorD et ZuccARINr in Abhand. Muench. Acad. II. p. 202 (1846). var. obovata, NaKalI var. nov. Folia obovata apice subito mucronato-obtusa basi attenuata 6-8 cm. longa 3.5-5.0 cm. lata subtus glaucescentia. Nom. Jap. Hiroha-inugusu. Hab. Korea: in declivitate montis Nyokisan insula Chinto, Zenla austr. (Nakar n. 9799). 658) Astilbe glaberrima, Nakai sp. nov. lusus saxatilis, NaKat. Perennis, pusilla, glaberrima cum inflorescentia circ. 2.5-10 cm. alta. Folia radicalia 1.0-7.0 cm. longa ternata v. biternata. Foliola ovata basi acuta apice attenuata duplicato-serrata infra pallida secus costas parcissime glandulosa. Folia caulina simplicia lanceolata. In- florescentia racemosa purpurascens. Bracteae oblonge 1.5-2.0 mm. longe. -Bracteolze lineares bine. Sepala imbricata ovata purpura- ‘3 ° i he | Nov., 1922.] NOTULA! AD PLANTAS JAPONIA ET KOREA XXVIII. qt scentia. Petala lineari-spathulata 3-4 mm. longa alba basi lilacina. Stamina 2.5 mm. longa. Filamenta rotundata. Ovarium binum divaricatum. Fructus apice divaricatus corniculatus 4 mm. longus. Nom. Jap. Yakushima-shoma. Hab. Kiusiu: in rupibus montic insule Yakushima (Y. Yosgr). ibidem (A. Kimura). lusus terrestris, NaxKat. ‘ Planta cum inflorescentia usque 47 cm. alta glabra sed inflores- centia eximie stipitato-glandulosa. Folia radicalia usque 34cm. longa triternato-pinnata. Axis petioluli barbata. Foliola lanceolata 6-10 cm. longa 1.5-3.0 em. lata duplicato-serrata basi acuminata apice caudato-attenuata supra glabra infra pallida secus venas primarias parce stipitato-glandulosa. Folia caulina 2—3 biternato-pinnata. Foliola ut in folia radicalia. Inflorescentia decomposita usque 20 cm. longa. Flores et fructus ut in lusus saxatilis. Hab. In terra ejusdem insule (A. Kimura). 659) Astilbe formosa, Nakai sp. nov. A. chinensis var. formosa, Nakai in Tokyo Bot. Mag. X XXIII. p. 54 (1919). pe Rhizoma repens incrassatum apice squamis fuscis membranaceis imbricatis obtectum. Caulis rufo-hirsutus cum inflorescentia usque 70cm. altus. Folia triternata rufo-hirsuta. Foliola terminalia stipitata oblonga attenuata duplicato-serrata, serrulis mucronato-cuspidatis, supra viridia, infra pallida, lateralia sessilia lanceolata. Inflorescentia — paniculata dense glandulosa. Flores subsessiles. Sepala 2 mm. longa. Petala 6—7 mm. longa spathulato-linearia lilacina. Stamina 4 mm. longa. Nom. Jap. Hana-chidakesashi. Hab. Hondo: circa Honzawa montis Yatsugatake (Y. YAgs), in monte Komagatake prov. Shinano (J. Marsumura). 660) Astilbe congesta, (H. DE BorssrEu) Nakai sp. nov. A. Thunbergii var. congesta, H. DE BolsstEu in Bull. Herb. Boiss. V. p. 683 (1897). Foliolis vulgo basi cordatis latioribus, inflorescentia decomposita, floribus majoribus ab Astilbe Thunbergii distincta. Planta vulgo robustior et altior. Nom. Jap. Toriashishoma. Hab. [22 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol, XXXVI. No, 431. Hondo: in monte Iwatesan (G. NAKAHARA). Fukushima prov. Iwa- shiro (G. Nakawara). Aidzu prov. Iwashiro (R. YataseE et J. Marsumura) Ominesan prov. Shinano (J. Matsumura), in monte Tateyama (J. Matsumura). Hondoji prov. Ugo (S. Oxuso)- Tokiwano prov. Mutsu (R. YATABE). : Yeso: Otaru (R. YArABE), in monte Moiwa (J. Marsumura). Hakodate (K. MryABg et Y. Tokusucnt). Zenibako (T. NAgAr). 661) Astilbe koreana, (Komarov) NAgAr Veg. Diamond Mountains p. 174 n. 304 (1918). | 7 A. chinensis var. koreana, Komarov FI. Mansh. Il. p. 409 (1904). Inflorescentia nutans v. arcuato-dependens. Petala linearia alba. Nom. Jap. Tarihono-chidakesashi. Hab. Tsushima : in silvis Tendoyama (T. NAKAr). In Korea media et septentrionali satis vulgaris. Conspectus specierum varietatumque Astilbidis Japonice. A. simplicifolia, MAKINO ヒモ エト ツ バシ ョ タマ se ee see es eooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeoeeeeoe に simplicia cordato-ovata seepe 3-5 fida duplicato-serrata. FoligddoeOfDOS も PO 2. Pedicelli elongati flores 6-10 plo superantes. Petala elongata. A. pedunculata, (H. DE BorssrEU) Nakat エナ が ショ ウマ Ce Pedicelli floribus eequilongi v. breviores, interdum 2-4 plo longi- Apetala. Folia biternata. Foliola basi sinuata, argute duplicato- serrata. Flores racemoso-decompositi. | A. platyphylla, H. DE Borssmu モミ ダバ シヨ ウマ veeo ゃ se «ba anes ung 3s Chae ee 222322 | ek latissima mucronato-grandidentata serris seeDe 1 cm. 恒夫 SDFa lucida. 2 了 全 0 へ ああ EBM Moeee0 ie Felia supra cOpaca))iccinseneiaeede ts oiiss.\.0scecerei oo eadseebias moat ones teint 9. Nov., 1922.]° NOTULZA AD PLANTAS JAPONIZE ET KORE XXVIII. 123 Folia biternata. Foliola basi seepe cordata. Caulis et folia 7 seEDe rufo-barbata. ......A. hachijoensis, NakKAI ハチ ジ ヤッ シ ョ ッ ウマ Folia 2-4 ternata. Foliola basi cuneata v. rotundata. .....。..。 8. Flores laxius dispositi. Inflorescentia glanduloso-pilosa. (Folia lanceolata v. oblonga. .........4. japonica, MIQUEL . プア プ ハ モリ シヨ ツマ Folia lineari-lanceolata....... A. japonica var. angustifoliolata, Makino ホソ ツボ アハ モリ ショ ウマ Flores densissime dispositi. Inflorescentia glanduloso-villosa. ER bared A. japonica var. densiflora, NAKAT シコ クア ハモ リ シ ョ ウマ v.seseeeeA. Chinensis, FRANCHET et SavaTIER var. Davidii, FRANCHET カフ チゲ ダケ サシ Petala spatulata v. spatulato-limearia’ ........c.6.cc.ecsecececsseesee 10. Petala spatulato-linearia 5-6 mm. longa lilacina. Folia triternata. LOCK CSECOCDDCMOCOKD CI CGCX CO . A. formosa, NAKAl ハナ チ ダ クサ ン シ Petala spatulata v. spatulato-linearia alba v. ‘lilacina. ......... lal, | Petala linearia lilacina v. pallide purpurea. [ | Rami inflorescentie erecti. Folia ternato-pinnatim decomposita...12. 11? Rami inflorescentiz divaricato-patentes seepe arcuato-reflexi. Folia 3-4. ternata eee 000600 800000 eee oooeeee 8 se ES any, eigece Mbeki A eu eet ie Caulis vulgo dense rufo-barbatus. Folia ovata v. obovata acuta. 4 SU ORE. ATAU EST od waste A. odontophylla, MiyguEL. チゲ ダケ サシ ae glaber. Foliola lanceolata caudato-attenuata. tye Se LS Rk Roget | San Re BER, 7 A. glaberrima, NAKAI ヤセ クシ マシ ョ ウマ Inflorescentia semel racemosa. Sepala 1 mm. longa. Foliola 13 basi vulgo cuneata v. obtusa..…4. Thunbergii, MiQuEL アカ シヨ リッ マ Inflorescentia ramosissima. Sepala 1.5 mm. longa. Foliola basi | vulgo cordata. ・………… A. congesta, Nakar トリ アシ ショ ッ ウマ 662) Boninia glabra, PLancHon in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 5. XIV. p. 310 (1872). f. macrophylla, NAgAr. Planta vulgo elatior quam typica. Folia magna vulgo 15-20 cm. longa. Nom. Jap. Oba-shirotetsu. Hab. Bonin : in insula Naka-iwoto ubi hec forma tantum crescit sat vulgaris. (T. NAgAr), in insula Hahajima et insula Kita-iwoto cum typica mixta sed potius rara (T. Naxkat). 124 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Yol. XXXVI. No. 431, var. crassifolia, NAKAr var. nov. Ramus robustus rubescenti-fuscus. Folia coriacea lucida apice emarginata. Nom. Jap. Anijima-shirotetsu. Hab. Bonin: in silvis Anijima ubi tantum tres inveni (T. Naxat). 663) Pyrus Uematsuana, Maxino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXII. p. 68 (1908). Korpzumr Consp. Ros. Jap. p. 56 (1913). Nom. Jap. Ainashi. Hab. Korea: in silvis montis Toroho districtus Kainan, Zenla-austr. (T. Nakai n. 9463). | The discovery of this species in Korea is an importance for the distribution, because the species has been determined by Mr. T. Makino as a hybrid between Pyrus sinensis (P. serotina of present) and P. dimorphophylla. The appearance of P. Uematsuana in a whole could be considered as a hybrid of the above two, so Mr. MaxKtno has stated. As a matter of fact, P. dimorphophylla does not grow in Korea, but P. Fauriei which resembling P. dimorphophylla very closely grows there—being shrub with leaves of ditferent shape. The specimen I found at the Toroho Mountains was only one of an immense size. Besides there are also P. Fauriei and P. serotina growing in these mountains. The situation being thus, if P. Uematsuana is a hybrid, it must be hybrid of P. Fauriei and P. serotina. Suppose P. Fauriei was a parent instead of P. dimor- phophylla, could the hybrid be similar to P. Uematsuana? It is a problem for genetic study. However, as far as I am concerned, 1 doubt that the opinion for hybrid would be entertained merely as a fancy. 。 664) Meliosma hachijoensis, Nakar sp. nov. ——Pinnate. Species inter M. rhoifolia et M. Oldhami intermedia, praesertim posteriore accedit, sed a priore petiolis rufo-pubescentibus foliolis supra surdioribus, et a posteriore petiolis pilosioribus foliolis cras- sioribus et lucidioribus, serrulatulis paucioribus margine pilosioribus distincta. Arborea 5-6 metralis. Ramus robustus. Cortex ramorum bien- nium rubescenti-fuscus lenticellis fuscis punctatus, hornotinus pallide subalbescenti-fuscus lenticellis angustis v. oblongis fuscis punctatus. Gemmz dense fusco-villose. Petioli 3-5 cm. longi cum rachibus foliorum fusco-pubescentes basi incrassati. Folia preter petiolos circ. Nov. 1922] NOTULH AD PLANTAS JAPONLE BT KORE XXVIIL 195 20 cm. longa 7-8 jugo imparipinnata. Foliola articulata brevipetiolata oblanceolata v. oblique oblanceolata v. oblonga v. ovata basi acuta v. acuminata apice cuspidata, supra viridia glabra, margine integer- rima v.. paucissime serrulata creberrime pilosa, infra secus venas pilosa et stipitato-glandulosa 2—7 cm. longa 1.7-3.0 cm. lata. In- florescentia terminalis et axillaris divaricato-paniculata ampla. Sepala 5 late ovata v. late oblonga 0.3-1.0 mm. longa glabra. Petala et stamina mihi ignota. Discus tridentatus, dentibus bidenticulatis. Ovarium depresso-globosum pilosum. Styli simplices glabri. Stigma punctatum. Fructus ignotus. Nom. Jap. Sakunoki v. Sakudamo. Hab. Insula Hachijyo: in silvis (T. Naxat). 665) Daphne Genkwa, SigBorp et Zuccarini FI. Jap. I. p. 137 t. 75 (1841), et in Abhandl. Muench. Akad. II. p. 199 (1846). Meisner in DECANDOLLE Prodr. XIV. p. 531 (1857). Mrougsr Prol. Fl. Jap. p. 297 (1867). FRANcHET et SavatTreR Enum. PI. Jap. I. p. 404 (1875). MAxrwowrcz in Mel. Biol. XI. p. 310 (1881). HEmwsrLsy .in Journ. Linn. Soc. XXVI. p. 395 (1894). Gmc et LoEsNER in Bot. Jahrb. XXXIV. Beiblatt LXXV. p. 35 (1904). ReEHDER in PI. Wils. II. 3. p. 538 (1916). YAsE Prel. Rep. Fl. Tsing-tau p. 85 (£919). D. Fortunei, LINDLEY in Journ. Hort. Soc. Lond. I. p. 147 (1846) II. p. 34 t. 1. (1847) et in Bot. Regist. new series X. adnot. sub Edgeworthia chrysantha (1847). LEMAIRE in Flore des Serres ITT. t. 208 (1847). D. Genkwa var. Fortunei, FRANCHET Pl. Dav. I. p. 259 (1884). SCHNEIDER Illus. Handb. II. p. 403 (1909). Nom. Jap. Choji-zakura. Hab. 5 Corea: in herbidis Kainan, Zenla austr. ubi sat. vulgaris (T. Nakai n. 9625), in herbidis insula Chinto, Zenla austr. (T. NA 反 Ar n. 9624 et 9626). Distr. China (Shantung, Fokien, Chekiang, Shansi et Hupeh). 666) Wikstroemia trichotoma, (THuNBERG) Makino in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXV. p. 84 (1901). Marsumura Ind. II. 2. p. 390 (1912). Queria trichotoma, THUNBERG in Trans. Linn. Soc. II. p. 329 (1794) et Icon. Pl. Jap. Dee V. t. 1 (1805). PEgRsooN Syn. Pl. I. p. 112 (1805). 1 126 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [ Vol, XXXVI. No. 431. Rubia sp. ternis, THUNBERG FI. Jap. p. 357 (1784). “ Stellera japonica, SIEBOLD Syn. Pl. Oecon. Jap. p. 22 (1830). Passerina japonica, SIEBOLD et ZUCCARINI in Abhandl. - Akad. Muench. p. 200 (1846). re Wikstroemia japonica, MiguEt Prol. p. 298 (1867). し Bi et SavaTIER Enum. Pl. Jap. I. 405 (1875)。 Maximowicz in Mel. Biol. XII. p. 541 (1886). Lecomte Not. Syst. Hl. p. 130 (1915). Nom. Jap. Kigampi. Hab. Corea: in monte Sensatsuzan insulz Chinto (T. Naxkatr n. 9627). Distr. Hondo occid., Kiusiu et Tsusima. The both types above mentioned are to be added as two new species of Thymeleacee of Korean Flora. The Daphne is the Chinese element distributed as far as Korea. The Wikstroemia on the other hand is the Japanese element distributed too as far as Korea. This interesting phenomenon would be. an importance for the distribution of plants. 667) Adenophora moiwana, NAKAr sp. nov. “Adenophore latifoliz simulans sed caule prostrato, foliis semper verticillatis, sepalis angustioribus distincta. | Radix incrassata ramosa. Canulis prostrato-ascendens glaber. Folia radicalia petiolis 0.5-2.0 cm. longis glabris, reniformia v. late ovata mucronato v. obtuse dentata supra viridia parce pilosa infra glabra pallida 10-27 mm. lata 10-23 mm. longa. Folia caulina sessilia verticillata 3-5 foliata lanceolata 15-50 mm. longa 6-14 mm. lata glaberrima margine argute serrata basi cuneata apice attenuata. Inflorescentia racemosa 4-5 flora. Bracteze nunc foliaceze nunc parva lanceolata. Pedicellinutantes. Bracteolze supra medium posite anguste 1 mm. longee bine. Calycis tubus turbinatus glaber, lobi 5 lineari- lanceolata integri 4-5 mm. longi. Corolla tubuloso-campanulata ad apicem sensim aperta basi 5-costata violacea 13-17 mm. longa, lobis 5. Stamina 5 inserta. Filamenta basi dilatata ubi barbata. Styli longe exerti apice trilobulati. Discus breve tubulosus 1 mm. altus. Nom. Jap. Moiwa-shayjin. Hab. Yeso: in rupibus montis Moiwa prov. Ishikari (T. NaKat). Emendatio ad 284) Senecio Kawakamii, Maxino in Tokyo Bot. ‘Mag. XXVI. p. 291 (1912). MrvABE et MivaKe FI. Sachal p. 268 (1915). S. phoeanthus, NAKAr in Tokyo Bot. Mag. XXXI. p. 110 (1917) Nov. 19221 NOPULAl AD PLANTAS JAPONIA] ET KOREA! YYP77 197 et Fl. Paiktusan p. 71 n 304 (1918) et Report Veg. Diamond m’ts. p. 188. Pl. Color. IV. g.. (1918). Nom. Jap. Miyama-oguruma v. Iwa-oguruma. * Hab. Korea: it summo montis Rorinsan 2200 m. (T. Mort), ibidem (M. Kajiwara n. 1), in monte Paiktusan (K. HrRAr n. 84), ibidem (T. Nakar n. 4032), ibidem (T. Mort n. 28), in summo montis Taichoho et Biroho (T. NAKAr n. 5918, 5919). Species S. Jugente sane athnis sed foliis caulinis saepe amplexi- caulibus, ovariis pilosis exqua distincta. 668) Senecio Pseudo-Arnica, LEssiNe in Linnea VI. p. 240 (1831). W. J. Hooker Fl. Bor.-Americ. I. p. 113 (1833). A. P. CANporLEg Prodr. VI p. 642 (1837). Lepesour FI. Ross. Il. p 642 (1844-6). Fr. Scumipt FI. Sachal. p 152 n 257 (1868). MAxrwowrcz in Mél. Biol. VIII. p. 15 (1871). Francner et SAYATiER Enum. PI. Jap. II. 665 (1879) BRrrroN and Brown FI. North. U.S. Canada III. p. 476 f. 4033 (1898), Komarov FI. Mansch. III. p. 704 (1907). Mivanr et MiyAkE FI. Sachal p. 267 n. 232 (1915). Arnica maritima, LINNE Sp. Pl. ed. 1. p. 884 (1737). Prrsoon Syn. Pl. Il. 2. p. 454 (1807). Purss Fl. Bor.-Americ. II. p. 529 (1814). Senecio maritimus, (non. Linné fil.) Korpzumr sic Marsumura ideale saps tie 2. p66 (1912); Nom. Jap. Ezo-oguruma. Hab. Korea: in littore Hoson prov. Kankyo bor. (T. NAgAr). Yuki (K. Jo). Distr. Ussuri, Yeso, Sachain, Kamtschatica, Alaska usque ad Labrador. 669) Carex tenuistachya, Nakai sp. nov.—Sect. Spirostachye. Radix fibrosa. Culmus nonnulus ceespitosus stolones elongatos emittens, exteriores foliis emortuis fibrosis obtectus. Folia angusta elongata usque 60 cm longa culmos superantia glaberrima 1.3 mm. lata, margine antrosum scabra, utrinque 6—7 nerviis. Culmus circiter 40 cm. altus gracillimus triqueter, angulo scabro, viridis. Bractez foliis 5-25 mm longis, vaginis 10-13 mm. longis membranaceis. Spicula terminalis 條 solitaria 14-15 mm. longa 3 mm. lata, squamis late oblongis apice retuso-mucromatis costis viridibus, fuscentibus. Spicula lateralis 2 solitaria circ. 6-antha pedunculo vaginam equante v. superante gracillimo. Bractez hyaline ovate dorso virides scabre 128 | «- [THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. ~ . (Vol. XXXVI. No. 431. aristato-attenuate 5-6 mm. longe. Utriculus ovatus apice attenuatus conspicue bidentatus laterali conspicue facie obscure nervatus. | Nom. Jap. Chazenji-suge. "Pitts Hab. : Hondo: in silvis Chuzenji, Nikko prov. Shimotsuke (T. NAKAi). 670) Peperomia pacifica, NAKAr sp. nov. Affinis P. mariannensis et P. boninzimensis sed a prima foliis trinerviis, petiolis longioribus, et a secunda caule teneriore foliis longius petiolatis distincta. Caulis herbaceus basi e nodis radices fibrosas emittit glaber 1-5 mm. latus. Folia opposita. Petioli 6-12 mm. longi glaberrimi supra sulcati. Lamina obovata vy. obovato-oblonga 20-45 mm, longa 10- 24 mm. lata, supra viridis infra pallida trinervia, apice margine scaberula. Amenta axillaris et terminalis. Pedunculus 10-20 mm. longus glaber. Bractee rotundatez peltate subsessiles. Stamina 2 exerta. Ovarium ovatum in axin amente impressum. Stigmata punctata. Nom. Jap. Ko-shimakosho. 小島 胡 概 Hab. Insulae Pacifica: in silvis insula Naka-iwo (T. NaxKat). Certe ab adjascentibus insulis emigrata sed patria adhuc ignota. Uber die Wirkungen der elektrischen Reizung an den pflanzlichen Gebilden. (Resumec- Mitteilung). von Riichiro Koketsu, Aigakuhakushi. Im Gebiet der Tierphysiologie befindet sich schon umfangreiche Literatur tber die Elektrophysiologie, was aber leider noch nicht der Fall in der Pflanzenphysiologie ist. Ich beschaftigte mich deswegen Wahrend 1914-1918 auf Anregung des Herrn Prof. Maxoro IsHiHaRa und unter seiner Leitung im physiologischen Institut der Universitat zu Fukuoka mit diesbeziuglichen Studien, um einige Beitrage zu erbringen, welche aber aus ausseren Grunden, teilweise durch meine auslandische Studienreise noch nicht verdffentlicht weden konnten. Es sei mir erlaubt hier vorlaufig die wichtigsten Versuchsergebnisse referatartig mitzuteilen. 上 1. Formanderungen durch elektrische Reizung: Die Protoplasma- stromung wird durch elektrische Reizung verzogert oder zum Stillstand gebracht (Internodalzellen der Chara, Staubblatterhaarzellen der Trades- cantia). An Schliesszellen der Stomata (Tradescantia, Rhoeo), Mark- gewebe (Tradescantia, Ricinus) und Keimwurzel (Phaseolus) kann ebenso eine Verkleinerung der Zellen durch elektrische Reizung nach- gewiesen werden, wie es an Mimosa-Gelenk u. a. der Fall ist. Diese Formanderung der Zelle sowie jene Verzogerungs- oder Stillstand- reaktion des stromenden Protoplasmas ist als Kontraktionserscheinung aufzufassen., 2. Zeitlicher Verlauf der Reaktion: Der zeitliche Verlauf der Reaktion an pflanzlichen Zellen (Chara, Tradescantia) und Zellgebilden (Mimosa-Gelenk, Mazus-Narbe, Cissus- und Cucurbita-Ranke, Mark- gewebe von. Ricinus. und Tradescantia) ist sehr trag, aber ahnlich 130 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No, 431. demjenigen bei den tierischen. Es kann manchmal nach Abklingen der eigentlichen Reaktion weiter ein oszillierender Verlauf der Reaktion in geringerem Grade auftreten (Mimosa-Gelenk, Cucurbita-Ranke). Je grosser die Stromstarke, desto kurzer ist das Latenzstadium und der aufsteigende Reaktionsschenkel, dagegen desto langer der absteigende. 3. Reizintensitat und Reaktionsgrosse: Beztglich der Reizschwelle liegt diese fiir Offnungs- tiefer, als fiir Schliessungsinduktionsschlag ( Tradescantia- und Chara-Plasma, Mimosa-Gelenk, Mazus-Narbe). Die Chara-Zelle mit dem Froschschenkel verglichen, war fir die erstere der Schwellenwert des konstanten Stromes kleiner, dagegcn derjenige des Offnungsinduktionsschlages grosser, als fir den letzteren, ent- sprechend der mehr tragen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der ersteren. Die Reaktionsgrosse an dem stromenden Plasma von Chara und Trades- cantia sowie an der Cissus- und Cucurbita-Ranke ist abhangig von der Reizintensitat. Dagegen gilt das Alles- oder Nichts-gesetz fr Mimosa-Gelenk und Mazus-Narhe. 4. Intensitatsanderung und Dauer der Reize. Um eine Er- regung zu erreichen, ist eine bestimmte Dauer des Reizstromes notig und zwar diese pflegt umso kleiner zu sein, je starker die Strom- starke ist (Chara- und Tradescantia-Plasma, Cissus-Ranke, Mazus- Narbe, Mimosa-Gelenk). Die Schliessung oder Offnung sowie relativ rasche Verstarkung oder Verminderung des konstanten Stromes wirkt an pflanzlichen Zellen (Chara, Tradescantia) und Zellgebilden (Cissus- und Cucurbita-Ranke, Mazus-Narbe, Mimosa-Gelenk) erregend, wie an tierischen. Das ‘ Ein- und Ausschleichen ” bleibt bei schwacherem Strom reaktionslos, was aber bei starkerem Strom nur schwer zu erreichen ist. 5. Summation: An pflanzlichen Zellen (Chara, Tradescantia) und Zellgebilden (Mazus-Narbe, Mimosa-Gelenk, Cissus-Ranke) ist ebenfalls die Summation unterschwelliger Reize zu konstatieren, und zwar schon bei relativ grossem Reizintervall, und sie geschieht desto leichter, je ktrzer das Reizintervall und je starker der Strom ist. Eine “ tetanus ’”’-artige Reaktion kann durch Wiederholung wirksamer Einzelreize an Chara- und Tradescantia-Zellen, wahrscheinlich auch an Cissus- und Cucurbita-Ranken, zustande kommen, aber nicht an Mazus-Narbe und Mimosa-Gelenk. 6. Erregungsleitung: Die Erregungsleitung an pflanzlichen Zell- gebilden, geschieht wahrscheinlich durch das Protoplasma. 7. Veranderung der Erregbarkeit: Werden die Schwellenwerte nacheinander bei Chara-Zelle (Stillstandreaktion des Plasmas), Mazus- Noy., . 1922.] KOKETSU—ELEKTRISCHE REIZUNG. 131 Narbe und Mimosa-Gelenk in einem bestimmten Intervall, und zwar jedesmal nach Erholung der durch vorangehenden Schwellenreiz ver- ursachten Reaktion, bestimmt, so findet man, dass jene anfanglich tiefer und dann hoher werden, d.h. die Brregbarkeit bei solcher lang- samen rhythmischen Reizung zunachst erhoht, dann herabgesetzt wird. Bei rhythmischer Reizung mit uberschwelligen Einzelreizen wird an Chara-Zellen zunachst das sogen. Treppe-phanomen sichtbar und dann folgt Ermtidungsercheinung nach, gerade wie bei Muskeln; aber an Mazus-Narbe und Mimosa-Gelenk konnte die Treppe nicht kon- statiert werden, obwohl die Ermiidung deutlich hervortrat. Durch Narkotika (Ather, Chloroformdampf) wird die Brregbarkeit her- abgesetzt (Chara, Tradescantia, Mazus-Narbe, Mimosa-Gelenk). Eine Zunahme des Wassergehaltes crniedrigt die Erregbarkeit, welche aber durch nicht zu starke Wasserentzieung erhoht wird (Mimosa-Gelenk). 8. Polare Wirkungen: An der Chara-Zelle wurde es festgestellt, dass bei Stromschliessung eine Erregung als Verzogerung oder Still- stand der Protoplasmastromung an der Kathodenseite der Zelle, dagegen bei Stromoffnung dieselbe an der Anodenseite zustande kommt, gerade wie bei der polaren Erregung der Nerven und Muskeln, wahrend an der Tradescantia-Zelle diese Formel ganz umgekehrt ist. Jene Katho- denschliessungs- und Anodenoffnungs-reaktion konnten ebenfalls an Mimosa-Gelenk, Mazus-Narbe, Cissus- und Cucurbita-Ranke bestatigt werden. An diesen kommt ausserdem die Anodenschliessungsreaktion bei sehr starkem Strom vor, welche aber als eine Schadigung an der Anode betrachtet werden muss. Elektrotonische Erscheinungen sind auch an pflanzlichen Zellen und Zellgebilden nachweisbar. 9. Richtende Wirkung des elektrischen Stromes: Es wurde der Galvanotropismus der Keimwurzeln von Raphanus, Vicia, Pisum und Phaseolus untersucht. Diese pflanzen pflegen fast immer nach der Anode zu krimmen, was durch anodische Schadigung verursacht wird. Die negative traumatropische Krimmung durch anodenseitige Schadigung der Wurzelspitze ist ein sekundarer Vorgang. Dagegen kann die nur selten konstatierbare negative Krummung bei sehr schwachem Strom wohl durch kathodische Reizwirkung verursacht aufgefasst werden. Es wurden weiter die negative Galvanotaxis bei Funaria- und Chara- und die positive bei Isoetes-Spermatozoiden konstatiert, wahrend bei Saprolegnia-Schwarmsporen die negative ausserhalb, dagegen die positive innerhalb des Sporangiums gefunden wurde. Diese sind alle aktive Reizbewegungen wenigstens bei sch- wacherem Strom. 132 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Yol. XXXVI. No. 451. 10. Elektrokinetische und elektromotoische Erscheinungen: Die innere Polarisation bei Stromdurchleitung kommt auch an pflanz- lichen Zellen zustande. Dass sic hier nicht nur von der Plasmahaut, sondern auch von der Zellhaut bedingt wird, wurde es an eigen- tiimlichen Verfarbungen der Tradescantia- und Rhoeo-Zellen gezeigt. Verletzte Stelle verhalt sich elektronegativ gegen die intakte wie bei tierischem Gewebe. Auch aus ganz intaktem Gewebe kann ein Ruhe- strom abgeleitet werden. Der gereizte Teil ist ebenso auch elek- tronegativ, wie es leicht an Mimosa-Gelenk, Cissus-Ranke. oder Stengel zu konstatieren ist. Ein doppelsinniger Strom als Zeichen der Er- regungsleitung konnte an Mimosa-Blattstiel gesehen werden. Fukuoka, Oktober, 1922. べ へ “ARTICLE IN N JAPANESE — NN | Tokio Hagiwara. — : Genetic Studies ef Corolla-Design in the ee Meme Glory” as ae, rae 上 ENP 2 Wei i ee OO) Current Literature Oe pS Ora on ee eae Hype, ke C. Anatomy ‘of a al on Populus trichocarpa. FEB 24 1923 - Proeeedings of the Society. 2 6 NN て 790MIAN OL Tur Tokyo BoranicaL Society ーー { P 1 1 6 a5 トド IN Makes J ~ A So) S に つ TOKYO | \ if Ag S 2 \ て の ‘ # \ 17 ; 1S (| 『 AN } ァ NE EN = es x ご > 3 ます ey “CONTENTS ‘Tetsu Ne Uber die Selbstvergiftung der Spares im destillierten Wasser Ue anes et a RR aay | Mae EEN VT. “Atsushi Vasuda. Zwei neue Arten von Polystictus 5 el aaa oe ~ Résumé of the Original Article in Japanese | BE RMR IR) £5 に 。 157 os GENETICA 9 Ge ag MENDEL herdenkingsnummer es a ek oes of Cor : "Miscellancons . Ay AR ee BK: 2 9 oe 2, (228) Notes on Fungi [129] (a. Vasura). jr 4143 i ee a 3 Mo a Mt 時 中 N otice: The Botanical Magazine is published monthly. “Boban” tion price per annum (incl. postage) 8 yen fin © “Tapanose re currency (nearly a folie for America). All letters and comme 6 ; . nications to be addressed to the TOKYO BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Tactitate.” Botanical Gardens, Iniperial 9 [ 6 University, nee oe ‘Remittances from foreign countries : ie to be made by postal ‘money orders, payable: in Tokyo’ to. 3 q the TOKYO) BOTANICAL SOCIETY, Botanical Gardens, ac. : _ Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. | 1 | Foreign Agent: ) 2.50 Fr, $ heen WHELDON «& WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex St., Strand, | Lendon, W. C. 2. 可 入 便 抽 第 第 前 O_O| 8 SNeoo+ | oo] + | > oboe eas we a 3 ww si i 回 FSS me Sei 325 = B50 at a hi int A+ Ss em a at ral っ SS el SE or INS Sh a} at SHO SUNN ik ——— | Svat 2 a Ne + ‘ah =ReM RED se SESS RS RY Baas Se | SEPSOSMN Sate Ses Bhs SPRATT OOS | | SHB SH HD} St apa 。 S| SERED i) eS ie tt na oH Uber die Selbstvergiftung der Spirogyren 5 im destillierten Wasser. von Tetsu Sakamura. Die Beobachtung, dass das aus einer Kupferblase destillierte Wasser auf Spirogyren giftig wirkt, ist schon von NaceLi (’93) gemacht worden. Diese von ihm ,,Oligodynamie“ genannte Erscheinung ist, wie er damals erkannte, auf den Gehalt an Kupfer im destillierten Wasser zuruckzufihren. Heutzutage kann man aber nicht mehr die im destillierten Wasser enthaltenen Kupfer- oder anderen schadiichen Schwermetallionen als die einzige Ursache der Schadigung der pflanzlichen sowie tierischen Zellen betrachten, weil seit jener Zeit die Destillationsmethoden fur biologische Zwecke viel verbessert worden sind, wodurch Wasser erhalten wird, das von Schwermetallionen frei ist.” In meinen Versuchen uber die Einwirkung verschiedener Elektrolyte auf das Protoplasma der Spirogyren stellte sich nicht selten der Umstand ein, dass die Kontrolipflanzen in dem mit grosster Sorgfalt umdestillierten Wasser nach einigen Stunden geschadigt wurden, und schon nach Verlauf einer Nacht starben. Diese unangenehme Erscheinung veranlasste mich, die Hauptur- sache dieses Absterbens der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser auf- zuklaren, weil der Kontrollversuch mit destilliertem Wasser bei meinen spatern Experimenten unbedingt notwendig ist. Destillation des Wassers. Aus den Untersuchungen von Livinecston (’07) und Hoyr ('13) geht hervor, dass die Giftstoffe im destillierten Wasser durch die Adsorptionskraft ungeloster suspendierter Substanzen, wie reiner Tier- 1) Betref der diesbeziiglichen Literatur verweise ich auf die Arbeiten von Livinesron (’07), TRUE (14) und Hreparp (15). 134 “ THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. kohle, Eisenhydroxyd u.a., beseitigt werden konnen. Ich habe selbst durch Behandlung mit Mrrxscher Tierkohle, Verbandwatte und asche- freiem Filtrierpapier eine deutliche Verbesserung des destillierten Wasssrs erreicht. Wenn auch die Spirogyren im so behandelten destillierten Wasser unbeschadigt bleiben, so sollte man dennoch solches Wasser nicht ohne weiteres als rein betrachten und zu den Versuchen brauchen. Ich habe deshalb auch diese Behandlung des Wassers nur als einen der Destillation voranzugehenden Prozess angesehen. | : Dem auf gewohulichem Wege destillierten Wasser wurde eine massige Menge Merxscher Tierkohle zugesetzt, und die Flasche wieder- holt lebhaft geschuttelt. Ungefahr nach 20 Stunden wurde das Wasser filtriert und ihm eine kleine Menge Kaliumpermanganatlosung zugesetzt, worauf dann die Umdestillation vorgenommen wurde. Der Destil- lationsapparat besteht aus einer 1000 ccm. fassenden Glasretorte und einem grossraumigen kugeligen Glaskuhler, damit moglichst wenig Dampf mit der Glasoberflache in direkte Berihrung kommt.” Die spezifische Leitfahigkeit des von mir sorgfaltig umdestillierten und CO:-frei gemachten Wassers betragt bei 22°C. 1,9 x 10 *—1,55 x 10. Um die H-Ionenkonzentration des Wassers zu bestimmen, wurde sowohl die Indikatoren- als auch die Gaskettenmethode verwendet. Er betragt pH =6,91—6,98” bei 22°C. Bei den folgenden Versuchen wurde das Wasser zum Gebrauch nicht besonders kohlensaurefrei gemacht. Dem Kohlensauregas in der Luft wurde vielmehr die Freiheit gelassen, sich entsprechend seinem Partialdruck ins Wasser zu losen. | Versuchspilanzen. Im Teiche des Botanischen Gartens der hiesigen Universitat gedei- hen wenigstens finf Arten von Spirogyren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde nur eine allerdings mir unbekannten Artnamens, als Versuchs- pHanze gebraucht. Die morphologischen Eigenschaften der vegetativen Zellen sollen hier kurz beschrieben werden. Vegetative Zellen 68 み dick, 2 mal so lang, init einfachen Scheide- wanden, 1 Chromatophor mit 3-7 (gewohnlich 6) Umgangen. Der osmotische Druck der Zellen wurde mit Hilfe der Plasmolyse bestimmt und betragt ca. 7,168 Atmospharen. 1) In den vorliegenden Versuchen wurde nur Normalglasware gebraucht, um das Auslésen der alkalischen Substanzen aus dem Glas ins Wasser zu vermeiden. 2) durch die Gaskettenmethode bestimmt. Dee,, 1922.1 SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 135 Deformation des Protoplasmas der geschadigten oder sterbenden Spirogyren. Es ist hier nicht meine Aufgabe, die morphologischen Verander- ungen des Protoplasmas bei der Schadigung ausftthrlich zu erortern. Um aber in den folgenden Zeilen den Schadigungsgrad der Spirogyren in einfacher Weise bezeichnen zu konnen, ist notig, kurz’ darauf einzugehen. Dass das Protoplasma beim Absterben Zuletzt koaguliert, ist heute eine bekannte Tatsache. Wahrend unsere Erkenntnis der leblosen Kolloide in bezug auf Koagulation (Entwdsserung, Failung) bereits bedeutende Fortschritte gemacht hat, sind wir uber das Wesen der gegenteiligen Erscheinung, namlich der Quellung, weit weniger gut unterrichtet. NaceLi hat schon darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass das Todes- phanomen der Spirogyren, wenn die Pflanzen durch konzentrierte L6sungen der Schwermetallsalze geschadigt werden, sehr verschieden ist von demjenigen, das durch die verdiinnten Losungen derselben Salze verursacht wird. Er hat jenes die chemische und dieses die oligodynamische Erscheinung genannt. Wer den nahern Verlauf der Veranderung des Protoplasmas der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser oder in der verdunnten Salzlosung verfolgt, kann ohne Schwierigkeiten erkennen, dass die Deformation mit der Quellung des Plasmas beginnt.” Zunachst wird die Plasmaviskositat durch die Quellung erniedrigt, das Cytoplasma erhebt sich stark an der Stelle, wo die Chlorophyllbander anhaften, und die letzteren zeigen das Bestreben, an diesen schwachen -Punkten sich vom ersteren zu trennen. Bald nachher losen sich die Chlorophyllbander vom Plasmaschlauch ab, was das Kennzeichen des ersten Stadiums der Schadigung bedeutet. Das Cytoplasma quillt weiter nach dem Innern des Zellraumes, bis im extremen Falle der ganze Zellraum vom gequollenen Plasma erfillt ist. Die vor kurzem von Prof. Foujr (720, ’21) beschriebenen und von ihm _ ,,Ellipsonen* genannten Korperchen treten immer mehr im Plasma auf und zeigen die Brownsche Bewegung.” Es ware nicht unmoglich anzunehmen, dass die aussere Schicht des Cytoplasmas (Hautschicht ?) urspringlich von diesen Ellipsonen durch eine Verdichtung entstanden iste und 1) Auf die Erscheinung der direkten Koagulation des Protoplasmas mochte ich hier nicht eingehen. 2) Ich habe mit Hilfe der Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung ‘zwei lichtbrechende Zentren in den Ellipsonen bestitigt, die zuerst von Prof. FUjrr entdeckt worden sind. 136 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. dass ihr Zusammenhang nun durch die Quellung des Plasmas gelockert wird, wodurch sie schwimmend im Cytoplasma sich zerstreuen. Mit der Quellung des Cytoplasmas geht in den meisten Fallen diejenige der Chlorophyllbander parallel. Obwohl die oben erwahnten abnormen Veranderungen des Cyto- plasmas je nach den Umstanden in verschiedenen Graden zum Vorschein kommen, so enden sie schliesslich gleichfalls mit der Koagulation. In den Tabellen der folgenden Versuche mochte ich der Einfach- heit halber die verschiedenen Grade der Abnormitaten des Protoplasmas mit den nachstehenden Zeichen veranschaulichen : (Se Normal. See Frihes Stadium der Schadigung. Das Cee desma, erhebt sich oder die Chlorophyllbander trennen sich davon ab. PB Das Cytoplasma sowie der Chloroplast quellen noch starker, nachdem sich der ietztere vom ersteren abgetrennt hat. THe. eee Hintritt des Todes, durch die Beschadigung bedingt. Aus einer Reihe von Orientierungsversuchen ist die folgende Tatsache mir klar geworden: Die Versuchspflanzen, die am selben Tage kurz vor dem Gebrauch aus dem Teiche genommen werden, sterben meistens im destillierten Wasser spatestens am nachsten Tage, wahrend diejenigen, die ein oder zwei Tage im Teichwasser im Zimmer stehen bleiben, im destillierten Wasser immer normal weiterleben.* Dieser Unterschied der Schadigung bei den Versuchsmaterialien ver- anlasste mich zu vermuten, dass der Tod der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser in erster Linie nicht durch toxische Einflisse des destillierten Wassers verursacht wird, sondern hauptsachlich auf die Giftwirkung der ausgeschiedenen Stoffwechselprodukte der Spirogyren zuruckzufuhren ist. Zur Bestatigung dieser Vermutung habe ich den folgenden Ver- such angestellt. Da als Stoffwechselprodukte moglicherweise Sauren oder andere saure Substanzen ausgeschieden werden und die saure Reaktion d.h. die H-Ionen auf die Spirogyren wahrscheinlich schadlich wirken konnen, so habe ich mit Hulfe der Gaskettenmethode am Anfang und am Ende des Versuchs die H-Ionenkonzentration des gebrauchten destillierten Wassers bestimmt und sie mit pH bezeichnet. VERSUCH I. Versuchsmaterial : (A), Die Versuchspflanzen wurden am Tage vor dem Versuche mit Teichwasser zusammen frisch ins Laboratorium gebracht und in einem dunkeln Raum die 1) Nach einigen Autoren’ ist reines destilliertes Wasser nicht giftig ftir die Spiro- gyren. Siehe: PFEFFER (’04, s. 334). Dec., 1922.] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 137 Zur Zeit der Untersuchung fehlen den Pflanzen Ich moechte Nacht tiber stehen gelassen. die Starkekorner, und die Chlorophyllbinder sind abgemagert. solehe Versuchspflanzen ,,Hungerpflanzen“ nennen. Die Versuchspflanzen wurden am selben Tage gesammelt und untersucht. Sie konnten eine Zeitlang unter dem direkten Sonnenlicht CO ,-Assimilation aus- Zur Zeit des Gebrauchs sind die Versuchspflanzen reich an Starke- Ich mochte solche Ver- (B), fiihren. kornern und ihre Chlorophyllbander sind verdickt. suchspflanzen ,,gesiittigte Pflanzen‘‘ nennen. Versuchsmethode: Die Spirogyren wurden mit einer gebogenen Platindse heraus- genommen. Nach Trocknung mit Filtrierpapier, wurden sie in destilliertem Wasser ausgewaschen. Nach dreimaliger Wiederholung dieser Behandlung, kamen die Versuchspflanzen mit 100 ccm. destilliertem, Versuchswasser zu- sammen in einen 200 ccm. grofen ERLENMEYERschen Glaskolben, der dann mit einem ummistopsel verschlossen wurde. Die Versuchsmaterialien wurden sogleich in einen dunkeln Raum verbracht. Am Anfang des Versuchs Am Ende des Versuchs m'kroskop. Versuchs- pH Zustand pflanzen. |(Temperatur) Stunden nach |makroskop. Datum. Zustand BE | (Temperatur)| 24/VII 2》 26/VII 22 2/VIII 3/VIII 2/IX 22 3/IX Fe ee eS. 5,69(25°) 5,57(25°) 5,55 (25°) 5.49(259) 5,72(28°) 6,06(28°) 5.47(215) 5,47(21°) 5,51(21°) 5,45( 25°) 5,62(25°) 5,71(25°) 5 ,43(25°) 5,60(25°) 5,59(25°) 24 normal 24 abnorm 24 normal abnorm normal abnorm abnorm normal abnorm normal normal normal abnorm abnorm abnorm normal gestorb., geschad. normal gestorb., geschad. normal gestorb., geschad. gestorb., geschad. normal gestorb., geschad. normal normal normal gestorb., geschid. gestorb., geschad. gestorb., geschad. 6,13(25°) 5,37(25°) 6,16(22°) 5,17(22°) 6,22(23°) 4,71(23°) 4,79(19°) 5,55(19°) 5,35(19°) 6,31(24°) 6,34(24°) 6,29(24°) 5,86(24?) 5,14(24°) 5.04(24°) Aus den obigen Versuchsresultaten kann man ersehen, dass die gesattigten Pflanzen im destillierten Wasser nach einmaligem Uber- ソ 13¢ THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. nachten immer geschadigt werden oder absterben, und dass dabei am Ende des Versuchs die H-Jonenkonzentration erhoht wird. Die Hunger- pHanzen im Gegensatz dazu bleiben ganz normal und die H-lonen- konzentration wird niedriger. Aus diesen Tatsachen geht hervor, dass diese Veranderung der Aciditat von der Natur der Versuchspflanzen d.h. von ihrem Reichtum an Reservestoffen abhangig ist. Deshalb liegt es nahe anzunehmen, dass die gestattigten Pflanzen in der Nacht order im dunklen Raum ihre Reservestoffe durch Atmung etc. ver- brauchen und als Stoffwechselprodukte die Sauren ausscheiden, wahrend bei den Hungerpflanzen wegen des Mangels an Vorratstoffen die durch deren Verbrauch bedingte Ausscheidung der Stoffwechselprodukte fehlt・ Aus dieser Uberlegung fliesst die Vermutung, dass die Erhohung der Aciditat des destillierten Wassers vermieden werden kann, wenn man die Pflanzen die ganze Nacht hindurch beleuchtet, woduch eine fort- wahrende COs-Assimilatiom ermoglicht wird. VeERsucH II. Versuchsmaterial: esattigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: ,Fast gleich derjenigen bei dem Versuch I, aber nicht simtliche Materialien werden in einen dunklen Raum gelegt. T. Die Pflanzen geniessen am Tage draussen starkes diffuses Licht. Vom Untergang der Sonne an bis zum n&chsten Morgen werden sie mit einer elektrischen Lampe von 60 Kerzenstirken beleuchtet. II. Die Pflanzen bleiben fortdauernd im dunklen Raum. Am Ende des Versuchs | Am Anfang.des Versuchs : pH nach | makroskop. mikroskop pH Datum |Belichtung (Temperatur)|Stunden| Zustand Zustand (Temperatur) beleuchtet | 6,21(24°) 20 normal normal 6,51(24° 7/VIII beleuchtet ‘s 20 normal normal 6,58(24° im Dunkeln i 20 abnorm lgestorb., geschad.| 5,28(24° im Dunkeln i. 20 abnorm lgestorb., geschad.| 5,11(24° | lbeleuchtet | 5,94(24°) 24 normal normal, + 9/VIII beleuchtet a 24 normal normal, ++ ; im Dunkeln の 24 abnorm lgestorb., geschad. im Dunkeln a 24 abnorm lgestorb., geschad. beleuchtet | 6,02(24°) 24 normal normal 10/VIII beleuchtet os 24 normal normal | ae im Dunkeln 3 2 abnorm lgestorb., gesch&d. im Dunkeln 24 abnorm lgestorb., geschad. beleuchtet | 6,09(24°) 24 normal normal h2/VTII lpeleuchtet 5 24 normal normal 人 im Dunkeln 5 24 abnorm lgestorb., geschad. | im Dunkeln の 24 abnorm lgestorb., geschad. DK で の リニュ oo Dec., 1922.] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 139 Aus der Tabelle ist klar ersichtlich, dass die oben erwahnte Annahme sehr wahrscheinlich ist. Die beleuchteten Pflanzen, auch fir den Fall, dass sie gesattigt sind, vermogen die Aciditat nicht zu erhohen, und werden vom Tod gerettet. Was die Natur der ausgeschiedenen sauren Substanzen betrifft, sokaum kann man nun gestiitzt auf die bisherigen Versuchsresultate die Entscheidung treffen. Die Kohlensaure kann doch als eine der ausgeschiedenen Substanzen genannt werden. Es fragt sich nun aber ob die Spirogyren durch die Erhohung der Aciditat geschadigt werden oder ob diese erst nach dem Absterben der Pflanzen eintritt. Es ist selbstverstandlich klar, dass die am Ende des Versuchs bestimmte H-Ionenkonzentration gar nicht die schadliche Grenzkonzentration bedeutet, weil ein Teil der ausgeschiedenen Kohlensaure moglicherweise bei der Behandlung entflieht. Dazu kommt noch der Umstand, dass wenigstens die Hungerpflanzen alkalische oder weniger saure Substanzen auszuscheiden vermogen.Y Die Reaktion des Versuchswassers wird daher durch die Spirogyren immer Yerandert. Dass die gesattigten Pflanzen die Aciditat des destillierten Wassers stark erhohen konnen, bald nachdem die Pflanzen ins Wasser eingelegt werden, ist auch aus folgendem Versuche ersichtlich. VersucH III. . Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Fast gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I. Beginn: Am 9. Sept., um 2 Uhr 40 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 21°C. nach 22 Stunden (21°) | nach 6 Stunden (20°) | nach 20 Stunden (20°) pH am Anfang des Versuchs (21°) | My mikroskop. AES mikroskop. DEL | Zustand mikroskop. Zustand Zustand Die einmal erhohte Aciditat wird nachher wieder erniedrigt. Bei pH=4,83 beginnt die schwache Schadigung. Es ist daher vielmehr 1) Diese Ausscheidung kann man best&tigen, wenn der Unterschied zwischen den Aciditaéten am Anfang und am Ende des Versuchs mit den Hungerpflanzen in Betracht gezogen wird. Ob die gesattigten Pflanzen auch solche alkalische Substanzen ausscheiden konnen, ist noch nicht entschieden. 140 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. wahrscheinlich, dass die von den Spirogyren erhohte H-lonenkonzen- tration primar die Todesursache ist, aber nicht umgekehrt. Diese Auffassung kann spater auch durch eine Reihe von andern Versuchen bejaht werden. Aus den oben erwahnten Griinden lasst sich nun aber die Bezie- hung zwischen der Aciditat und der Schadigung der Spirogyren einzig und allein durch die Messung der H-lonenkonzentration des Versuchs- wassers nicht befriedigend aufklaren. Zu diesem Zwecke ist es wichtig, die saure Losung der bestimmten Saure mit verschiedenen H-Jonen- konzentrationen herzusteilen, um sie momentan auf die Spirogyren wirken zu lassen. Als saure Losungen habe ich nun folgende Losungen der Phosphorsaure hergestellt.? os-freies dest. Wasser (c.cm.)|N/100H3Po4 (Ne York )(c-cm.) pH (bei 24°) 100 0,1. 5,62 100 0,2 5,47 100 0,3 5,05 100 0,4 4,74 100 0,5 4,62 100 0,7 4,49 100 1,0 4,15 100 1,5 3,90 100 2,0 3,80 100 2,2 3,76 100 | 2.5 3,71 100 | 3,0 3,54 SSS SS A SRE 0S SSS SR SSE RE RES ES SRE SS ES Versucna IV. Versuchsmaterial: Hungerpflanzen (A) und gesittigte Pflanzen (B). Versuchsmethode: Fast gleich derjenigen beim Versuch J, nur mit dem Unter- schied, da hierbei die Reagenzglaser ohne Stopsel gebraucht werden. Beginn: Am 3. Aug., 1 Uhr 30 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 22°C. ヽ 1) Es scheint in diesem Falle sehr zweckmifig zu sein, Pufferlosungen zu brauchen. Es aft sich aber dabei nicht leicht vermeiden, daf& andere Kationen auftreten. Dec., 1922. SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIEFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 14} mikroskopischer Zustand pH der HsPOs Versuchspflanzen Loésungen s i nach 1 Stunde (32°) | nach 3 Stunden (22°) ae e A 0 0 5,05 { B 0 0 = 0 gp qe ole { B 0 OW EEE A | 0 0 + ++ 462 1 B 0 + 0 + +4 449 if A 0+ 0 時 2 1 B 0 + se SSE 415 A 0 + 0 + ++(x) B OF seven 200 | A 0 an a B 0 +(x) a lbs os 3.80) A 0 + oP AA : B 0 +(x) 4p S55 ane f A + +40 + + , 3 B fo 0 + +4 A mat ae ae 9 { B + ++ a aime ee a # VERSUCH V. Versuchsmaterial: Gesiittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch IY. Beginn: Am 30. Aug., um 2 Uhr 16 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 24°C. mikoskopischer pH der HsPOs- Zustand Lésungen nach 1 Stunde (24°) nach 3 Stunden (22°) 4,15 ) ae 0 + -+- 3,90 0 + 0 + +L 3,80 0 + 46 + 0 44 3.76 On EE x ETO, -E EG) 3,73 + ++ ee 3,01 MgE + ++ 3,54 Se) i 1) Das Zeichen (x ) bedeutet stirkere Schidigung als bei ber vorhergehenden niederen H-Jonenkonzentration. 142 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. Aus den obigen Tabellen geht hervor, dass je grosser die H-lonen- konzentration ist, desto starker die Spirogyren geschadigt werden, und dass die giftige Grenzkonzentration der H-Ionen uugetahr pH=5 betragt. Diese Grenzkonzentration ergibt sich auch mit der Kohlen- saure im Versuch III sowie im nachsten Versuch. VeERsucH VI. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. ‘Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I. In destilliertes Wasser wurde etwas Kohlens&uregas eingeblasen und die Aciditét dadurch ein wenig erhéht. Die H-Ionenkonzentration des destillierten Wassers betragt am Anfang des Versuchs pH=5,02 bei 26°C. Beginn: Am 5. Sept., um 2 Uhr 30 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 26°C. Standen 2 jaar” の 0 計 5,29 (26°) 1 Omae 5,39 (26°) 2 Oe 5,84 (26°) 3 0+ 5,34 (26°) 4 Ome 5,29 (26°) 20 0 + 5,78 (26°) Im Laufe dieses Versuchs wurde das Wasser manchmal her- ausgenommen, um die H-Ionenkonzentration zu bestimmen, und dies hat der akkumulierenden Kohlensaure Gelegenheit gegeben von Wasser zu entflichen. Die Schadigung tritt am Anfang nur schwach auf, und zeigt selbst in einem Zeitraum von 20 Stunden keine weitere Zunahme. Von Interesse ist zu sehen, dass hierbei vier Stunden lang keine merkliche Veranderung der H-Ionenkonzentration zu konstatieren ist. Dies zeigt, dass nur die schon am Anfang vorhandenen H-lIonen in der Konzentration pH=5,02 auf die Spirogyren schwach schadlich gewirkt haben, und dass die H-Ionen in der sekundar ganz zufallig erniedrigten Konzentration keine solche Giftwirkung mehr ausiiben. Wir wollen nun unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die osmotische Bezie- hung richten. Bisher ist diese in meinen Versuchen gar nicht in Betracht gezogen worden, deshalb erhebt sich nun die Frage, ob die Hypotonie des destillierten Wassers an der schadlichen Wirkung teilnehmen kann. Dec., 1922] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 143 Wie schon von J. LogB (’99-’00, ’03), OstERHOUT ('13), TRUE (14) u.a. betont wurde, ware es auch moglich, dass das destillierte Wasser dem Protoplasma die ionisierten Proteide oder anorganischen Salze aussaugt. Dass aber die Aussaugkraft in uuserem Falle keine Hauptrolle spielt, kann man leicht daran ersehen, dass selbst die gesattigten Pflanzen durch mehrmalige Erneuerung des Wassers noch einige Tage lang frisch bleiben und normal weiter leben konnen. Ja, bei den Hungerpflanzen kommt selbst bei langerem Verbleiben in destilliertem Wasser keine bemerkenswerte Schadigung vor. Das Aussaugen ist eigentlich nicht als eine einfache osmotische Erscheinung zu betrachten, sondern muss als ein noch komplizierterer elektrosmotischer Prozess aufgefasst werden.” Unter den osmotischen Erscheinungen der Zellen mochte ich daher nur die Beziehung des Druckes zwischen dem Zellsaft im miksoskopisch sichtbaren Vakuol und der umgebenden Flussigkeit verstehen. Es ist erforderlich, zanachst den osmotischen Druck des Zellsaftes der Spirogyren mit demjenigen des Teichwassers, in dem sie vor- kommen, zu vergleichen. Osmotischer Druck des Teichwassers (durch Kryoskopie bestimmt) = 0,2408—0,4816 Atmospharen. | Osmotischer Druck des Zellsaftes (durch Plasmolyse bestimmt) = 7,168 Atmospharen. Man kann daraus sogleich klar ersehen, wie gross der Unter- schied zwischen den beiden osmotischen Driicken ist. Die meisten pflanzlichen Zellen sind immer durch die Umhiilung der Zellmembran vom Zerplatzen im hypotonischer Flissigkeit geschitzt, ja die dadurch erfolgte starke Spannung (Turgeszenz) ist, okologisch betrachtet, vielmehr eine zweckmassige Vorkehrung bei so einfach fadenformig organisierten Organismen wie die Spirogyren, um den eigenen Korper fest zu behalten. Die gesattigten Spirogyren wurden in Traubenzuckerlosungen von verschiedener Konzentration 1x107° bis 5x10 Mol gelegt, und es wurde gepruft, ob auch hierbei die Spirogyren besonders in den ver- diinnten Losungen stark beeinflusst werden. Das ist aber tatsachlich 1) Die Osmose kann nach VAN’? Horr einfach thermodynamisch, d.h. durch die Gesetze des Gases erkiart werden. Das Wasser, das im Protoplasma als Quellungs- wasser vorhanden ist, ist aber durch elektrosmotische Adsorption (kapillare Imbibition mit elektrischer Ladung) zwischen den Teilchen der dispersen Phase der Plasmakolloide festgehalten. Die Beziehungen zwischen dieser Plasmafltissigkeit und der umgebenden Fliissigkeit konnen nicht so einfach osmotisch erklart werden. 144 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 492. nicht der Fall. In allen diesen Traubenzuckerlosungen geschah die Schadigung gleichmassig ebensostark wie im destillierten Wasser. Gesttitzt auf diese Tatsache ist nicht daran zu zweifen, dass die starke Hy potonie des destillierten Wassers keine besondere schadliche osmotische Wirkung ausubt. Uberblicken wir die oben erwahnten Versuchsresultate, so halten wir uns zu dem Schluss berechtigt, dass die Schadigung der Spirogyren im sorgfaltig destillierten Wasser hauptsachlich auf die durch die Stoffwechselprodukte erhohte Aciditat, namlich die H-lonenkonzentra- tion, zurickzufuhren ist. Es wird heutzutage allgemein angenommen, dass Yerschiedene physiologische Wirkungen, besonders die Giftwirkungen der Sauren hauptsachlich von ihren H-Ionen abhangen, wahrend ihre Molekile dabei keine besondere Rolle spielen. Auch bei unseren Versuchen mit Spirogyren ist eine derartige Wirkung der H-Ionen der ausgeschiedenen Saure sehr wahrscheinlich, wenn auch das Wasen der ausgeschiedenen Substanzen noch unklar bleibt. Bei einigen Susswasseralgen sind aber von NaxKano ( 17) etwas anders geartete Verhaltnisse angegeben worden. Nach seiner Mitteilung wirken die stark dissozierbaren anorganischen Sauren, wie Salzsaure, Schwefelsaure und Salpetersaure, auf Chlorella, Stichococcus u.a. gegen unsere Erwartung schwacher als die verhaltnismassig schwach dis- sozierbaren organischen Sauren wie Ameisensaure u.a.. Chlorella und a Chlorosphaera z.B. konnen noch in 7 HCI” und HeSO, ganz frisch bleiben, wahrend die Ameisensaure schon bei SchaqHich wirkt. Aus diesem uberraschenden Versuchsresultat hat er geschlossen, dass die Giftwirkung dieser Sauren jedenfalls deren Molekulen zugeschrieben werden muss, nicht aber den dissozierten H-lIonen. Nun erhebt sich die Frage, ob dieselbe Auffassung auch bei unseren Spirogyren gultig ist, d.h. ob vorzuglich die Molekile der ausgeschie- denen Sauren als Wirkungsfaktoren betrachtet werden mussen. Um die Frage zu entscheiden, habe ich die folgenden Versuche angestellt, bei denen ich zwei Reihen von Reaktionsregulatoren anwendete2 : トー ) Die H-Ionenkonzentration dieser Losung betragt [ 耳 ]]ー0,084, pH=1,071 bei 18°C. 2) Uber die ausfiihrliche Theorie und Vorschrift der Regulatoren siehe: Michaelis (14) s. 182. Dec., 1922.]} SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 145 se (1) (2) (3) Fo CHsCOON a (cenn.) i 1 1 *CH,COOH (geen) 0,64 1,28 2.56 gee, 8.36 17,72 (7,72) 36,44 (6,44) statt statt Konzentration 6,4 6,4 (28 x) 6,4 (258 ) der Kssigsaure 1000 1000 1000 1000 「 1000 pH 4,89 4,59 4,28 i (4) (5) (6) 0 CBsCOO Na(cem.) il i 1 Alo COOH a2 T0900 Hs (cem.) 3,2 N 7097 HsCOOH (cem.) 0,64 1,28 CO。-freies dest. pele ot Ae Sa 5,8 18,36 (8,36) (87,72 (7,72) statt Statt Konzentration 3,2 N 352 ( 6,4 x) 3,2 (128 ) der Essigsiure tooo” ~=—s- 1000 N\ x00 1000 *\i000% pH 5,17 4,89 4,59 SOTO i I SS ownermmar =m に Verglichen mit MrcgAErrs'′ Vorschrift (14, s. 184) ist bei meinen Losungen (2), (5) und (3), (6) die Verdtinnung mit Wasser zweimal bzw. viermal geringer,» Dass die H-lonenkonzentration eines Regulators nicht merklich verandert wird, trotzdem die Losung mit Wasser ver- dinnt wird, kann man. mit MHulfe der Indikatorenmethode ohne Schwierigkeiten beweisen. Die H-lonenkonzentration bei unseren Acetatgemischen hangen also nur von dem Verhaltnis von freier Essigsdure zum Natriumacetat ab.” Nun haben wir also Pufferlosungen, deren H-lonenkonzentrationen voneinander verschieden sind, wahrend die Konzentrationen der gegebenen freien Saure gleich sind. VeErRsucw VII. Versuchsmaterial: Hungerpflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Fast gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I, nur mit dem Unter- _ schied, dafi Reagenzgliser statt ERLENMEYERscher Kolben gebraucht werden. Beginn: Am 8, Sept., um 2 Uhr nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 21°C. 1) Die eingeklammerten Zahlen in den Tabellen sind von MIcHAELIS gegeben. 2) MicHAELIS (’21) s. 22-23. 146 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. mikroskopischer Zustand Pufferlosung (pH) nach 1 Stunde ee 。 し SM8MUBlbnde (21°) | Munadke> SRIHSERIR2 nach 2 Stunden NHOL SU (1) 4,89 ee ++ + 0 +H (2) 4,59 0-H | +H (3) 4,28 = un +44 (4) 5,17 0 + (sehr wenig) (5) 4,89 0 + ae Lt (6) 4,59 0: 上 Aus dieser Tabelle ist es ersichtlich, dass die schadliche Wirkung auf die Spirogyren entsprechend der steigenden H-Ionenkonzentration zunimmt, obschon die Konzentration der verwendeten Essigsaure dabei gleich bleibt. 。 Wenn auch J. LoEg Cool und CzapreK (’11) bereits darauf au を merksam gemacht haben, dass die Fettsduren viel starkere physiolo- gische Wirkungen entfalten, als man nach ihrem Dissoziationsgrade erwarten sollte, so ware es nicht richtig, in unserem Falle die Gift- wirkung in erster Linie den Molekulen der Saure zuzuschreiben. Man muss dabei erkennen, dass diese verschiedenen Schadigungsgrade hauptsachlich von den Unterschieden der H-lonenkonzentrationen der dissozierten Essigsdure abhangig sind. Natirlich ist es moglich, .dieselbe Deutung auch auf andere Sauren auszudehnen, und man braucht nicht auf den schon geausserten Schluss zu verzichten. Schutz der Spirogyven vor Selbstvergiftung im destillierten Wasser. Insofern die Selbstvergiftung der Spirogyren durch die Erhohung der H-Ionenkonzentration im destillierten Wasser verursacht wird und das Vorhandensein von Kohlensdure als einem der ausgeschiedenen Stoffwechselprodukte wahrscheinlich ist, vermag .man die Spirogyren theoretisch durch Neutralisation oder durch Anwendung von Carbonaten oder Bicarbonaten zwecks Pufferwirkung zu schutzen. Zanadchst mochte ich hier das Resultat des Neutralisationsversuchs. mitteilen. SS eee ee ee Se ーー Dec., 1922.] GCAKAMURA—SELESTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 147 VersucH VIII. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pfianzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I ーー NaOH{(Merk)-Lisung wurde hergestellt. Ihr pH-Wert betragt 11,93 be 21°C, theoretisch aber 12, 13 bei 18°C. Beginn: Am 7. Sept., um 2 Uhr nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 21°C. nach enunden @emperatur) mikroskopischer Zustand. A (GS) normal 24 (21°) normal, Anordnung der Chlorophyllbinder etwas abnorm. | 48 (21°) ” ”? ” ” ” ” 2 人 (21SN) | normal, Chlorophyllbander sehr dtinn,Zellen teilweise | | gestorben. 96 (212) fast normal, Chlorophyllbander sehr diinn und etwas } verlingert. Zellen teilweise gestorben. Dieses Versuchsresultat zeigt uns, dass NaOH durch seine Neu- tralisationskraft bis zu einem gewissen Grade die Giftwirkung der ausgeschiedenen sauren Substanzen auszuschalten vermag. Die Spiro- gyren ertragen daher eine ziemlich hohe Alkalitat; denn alkalische Medien sind ihrem Gedeihen giinstiger als saure. Beirn Versuche mit NaOH lasst sich aber die Wirkung der gleichzeitig vorkommenden Na-Ionen nicht vermeiden, deren schadlichem Einfluss wohl die oben erwahnten schwachen Abnormitaten der Chlorophyllbander zur Last gelegt werden konnen. Im Gemisch einer schwachen Saure mit eimem ihrer Salze wird die Dissoziation der ersteren stark herabgesetzt, wobei die H-Ionenkonzen- tration fast ausschliesslich von dem Verhaltnis der Saure zum Salze Se ees, abhangig ist. Gestutzt auf diese Erwagung habe ich eine Reihe von Versuchen mit Na-Bicarbonat und Ca-Carbonat” angestellt, um zu prufen, ob sie eine Schutzwirkung gegen die schadliche Aciditat be- sonders der Kohlensaure austiben konnen. VeRsucH IX. a. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I. Beginn: Am 17. Aug., um 5 Uhr 30 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 27°C. 1) Ca-Carbonat verbindet sich mit Kohlens&ure und daraus erzeugt. wird Ca-Bicarbonat 148 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432, VeERsucH IX. の . Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuchs I. Beginn; Am 24. Aug., um 2 Uhr 30 nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 25°C. (a.) molare nach 24 Stunden (28°) nach 438 Stunden (27°) Konzent. der 部 人 makroskop. mikroskop. makroskop. mikroskop. ら Zustand Zustand Zustand Zustand 1x10-5 abnorm +H abnorm Sa 5x 10-5 abnorm +++ abnorm ゴー ナー Txi0+ abnorm +++ abnorm ュー 5X10# etwas abnorm |0 + +++ abnorm + 士 圭二 1 10 一 9 etwas abnorm |0 + etwas abnorm |+ 0 ++} ox 10-8 normal 0 fast normal O + +++ 1x 10- normal 0 normal 0 5x 10-2 anscheinend normal |-+ -- オト 上 ハヤ | anscheinend normal |+ 十 ト +++-A 1x10-1 anscheinend normal |+ +--+ +{}/\ | anscheinend normal |-+ +++ +}+-/A dest. Wasser.| abnorm a= abnorm +++ (b.) | NaHCO; nach 24 Stunden (23°) i | makroskop. mikroskop. =r. ips! Zustand Zustand pit ee ed 6,38 abnorm + 0 +++ HS Are 6,67 abnorm 0 + +++ 5,64 ie gl Ue 7 etwas abnorm 0 + | 6,01 1x 10-2 8,70 normal | 0 7,82 1x 10-1 8,80 anscheinend normal | + +e ++ A 8,47 dest. Wasser. 5,94 abnorm + 0 +++ 0,15 t Wie aus den Tabellen ersichtlich ist, besitzt Na-Bicarbonat nur in der Konzentration 1x10~?Mol ein Schutzvermogen fur die Spirogyren. Bei niedrigern Konzentration sind die Losungen nicht mehr imstande, die Dissoziation der Saure so stark herabzusetzen, dass die Spirogyren 1) Die Zellen sind reich an Starkekornern Dec., 1922] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN j49 nicht peschadigt werden. Anderseits bussen die konzentrierten Losungen ihre Schutzfahigkeit deshalb ein, weil die ihnen innewohnenden Na-Ionen eine schadliche Wirkung ausuben. Dieser Nachteil kann aber durch Gebrauch von Ca-Carbonat statt Na-Bicarbonat beseitigt werden. Ca-Ionen besitzen ein eigentliches Vermogen, das Protoplasma in festem Zustande zu erhalten und gegen die fur die Zellen schadlichen Kationen antagonistisch zu wirken.” Soweit meine Kenntnis der Literatur reicht, ist es aber wénig bekannt, dass sie dieselbe ant- agonistische Wirkung auch gegen die H-Ionen entfalten konnen. Es ist unbedingt erforderlich, zunachst die antagonistische Wirkung der Ca-Ionen von CaCl, gegen die H-Ionen zu bestatigen, bevor Ca-Carbonat als Schutzmittel fiir die Spirogyren gepruft wird. KCl diente als Kriterium, um zu untersuchen, ob auch die K-Ionen gegen die H-Ionen dieselbe antagonistische Wirkung besitzen konnen. VERsSUCH X. a. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I. Folgende drei Flissigkeiten wurden zum Gebrauch hergestellt : (1) Destilliertes Wasser. N 2) ュ 0 CaCls ( MER ) 3) N (3) 79 kG (MERE) Bei allen diesen Fliissigkeiten war der ungef&hre Wert von pH=5,32 bei 20°C. Beginn: Am 6. Sept., Mittag. : Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 20°C. VERSsUCH X. Db. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I. Folgende zwei Losungen wurden zum Gebrauch hergestellt : MO dest. Wasser 100 cem. (1) ete | 100HsPO, (Murk, New York) Oconto HL 1) Die Verhinderung der Keimung oder des Wachstums der Samen oder Sporen durch Ca-Ionen deute ich nicht als schidliche Wirkung. 2) In die LGsung (2) wurde etwas CO, eingeblasen, um die Acidit&t der drei \ Fliissigkeiten einheitlich zu machen. 150 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Voi. XXXVI. No. 432. | Ncacl (Merx) 100 ccm] (2) ‘s | ‘pH =4,87 bei 21°C. | 癌 mo (MrerK, New York) 0,8 com. Beginn: Am 7. Sept., um 4 Uhr nachm. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: 21°C. | -+- (sehr wenig) ご dest. Wasser = =~ ; : [ - 8 - : 5 S = | きっ に eee 5 ら の 記号 mae a ae a oe ご 〇 ご on os on) 〇 〇 OH Se al late. 3 2g ae ay; v a aN | fan aN =. 8 | pares = に = に 5 (21°) | normal | 0 normal normal 20 (21°) | abnorm 0 ++ abnorm 0 abnorm 29 (21°) | abnorm | 0 +4+ abnorm é abnorm 50 (21°) | abnorm 0 +++ abnorm abnorm (b.) nach (1) | Stunden (‘Temper.) makroskop. | mikroskop. H makroskop. | mikroskop. H Zustand Zustand Zustand Zustand P 1% (21°) normal 0 — normal 0 ーー 24 (21°) abnorm + ++ 4,87 | abnorm 0 4,92 48 (21°) abnorm +++ -| 5,47 | abnorm 01) 5,73 ; | + (sehr wenig) 72 (21°) abnorm | ーーーー — | abnorm 09) 5,85 Die Ca-Ionen sind deutlich gegen die H-Ionen antagonistisch wirksam, wahrend die K-Ionen noch additiv schadlich auf die Spiro- gyren wirken. Aus dem Versuch X b kann man ersehen, dass die Spirogyren nach 24 Stunden (21°C) in der Loésung (2) mit Ca-Ionen noch bei pH=4,92 unter dem Mikroskope ganz normal erscheinen, obschon ihr makroskopischer Zustand abnorm ist. Jn der Losung (1), der die Ca-Ionen fehlen, werden die Spirogyren ohne Schutz so stark geschadigt, wie im destillierten Wasser mit derselben H-lonen- konzentration. Si ) Die Chlorophyllbander sind diinn. Dec., 1922.] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFT UNG DER SPIROGYREN 151 Aus den bisherigen Versuchen und Erwagungen durfen wir nun - erwarten, dasz dem Ca-Carbonat zweierlei Vermogen, eine Puffer- und Der folgende die eine antagonistische Wirkung gegen die H-Ionen zukommt. Versuch mit Ca-Carbonat zeigt uns eine interessante Tatsache, zur Bestatigung unserer Erwartung dienen kann. VeRsucH XI. Versuchsmaterial: Gesittigte Pflanzen. Versuchsmethode: Fast gleich derjenigen beim Versuch I, mit dem Unterschied, da die Pflanzen in ERLENMEYERsche Kolben unter diffuses Tageslicht gesetzt werden. Beginn: Am 6. Temperatur am Anfang des Versuchs: Sept., um 2 Unr 30 nachm. 2 山 2 Makroskopischer Zustand. a ee aes 3 nach Tagen a3 8 oe Q 2 Aes =) os の | の の i Qiemper)yie ee ole ミ に dest. Wasser mit | 4st: Wassermit に に コ = = = 8 uberschussg. 1 | as aS = |gesattigt.CaCO,) 1 と 3 , 2) S っ ere "Oo © CaCO, On の = fe 〇 ぐつ © fe Ors "で = 1 (219) fast normal | fast normal| normal normal normal normal Wh (21.2) abnorm letwasabnorm| normal norma! normal normal 3 (21°) abnorm | abnorm | normal | normal normal normal 4 (21°) abnorm | abnorm {fastnormal | normal normal normal り (21°) abnorm abnornn letwasabnorml fast normal normal normal 6 (21 2) abnorm | abnorm letwas abnorml fast normal normal normal Makroskopischer Zustand. 03 oo. ae \a 3 nach Tagen PB 3B A A | age : (Temper. ) ' き = # = | ビ = | dest. Wasser mit an Se | om a. = = |gesattigt.CaCO,® eee | S145 〇 & ー CaCO; uae of SUE oe #21 e 0 + 0 0 0 0 2 (21°) 10+ ++ -H4| 0 holon 0 0 SAUD Geass Seelam || C 0 0 0 Aisa (oh Le) lls to SoS Se) dex x 0 0 0 (QS) ar Se ※ SS ax x 0 0 G (217) IX x Xx xx eo |x x 04) 1) Caleiumcarbonat im UberschuB wurde dem destillierten Wasser zugesetzt und die Lésung nachher filtriert. 2) Caleiumcarbonat im Uberschu8 wurde dem destillierten Wasser ZugesetZt. 3) Das Zeichen (x) bedeutet den Schidigunsgrad durch die Infektion mit Lageni- dium Rabenhorstit (?). 4) In der Losung konnen die Spirogyren noch ungeschadigt weiter gedeihen. 152 7 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No, 432. Man sieht aus diesen Tabellen, dass es ein charakterisches Vermogen von CaCO, ist, die Spirogyren vor der Selbstvergiftung zu schitzen, obwohl der Versuch durch die Infektion mit Lagenidium(?) etwas gestort wurde.” | In der Natur kommt Calciumcarbonat verhaltnismaszig in grosser Menge im Teich-, Quell-, und Bachwasser vor, in dem die Spirogyren gedeihen, was als sehr zweckmassig betrachtet werden muss. Diese interessante Tatsache erinnert im grossen und ganzen an die Verhalt- nisse im Blut, worin das Bicarbonat und das Phosphat die Reaktion regulieren.” Es ist daher sehr empfehlenswert bei der Kultur der Spirogyren eine iberschiissige Menge von CaCO, dem Wasser zu- zusetzen. . Man durfte wohl auch die Schadigung der Wurzel des Lupi- nuskeimlinges im destillierten Wasser gleicherweise als Selbstvergiftung auffassen, und dies ist um so wahrscheinlicher, als die Saureausscheidung eine alt bekannte Tatsache ist und die Schadigung durch Erneuerung des Wassers bis zu einem gewissen Grade vermieden werden kann.» Es kann an diesem Orte aber nicht unsere Aufgabe sein, auf diese Frage naher einzugehen. Zusammenfassung. 1. Die starkereichen Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser scheiden saure Substanzen als Stoffwechselprodukte aus, die schon in kleinen Menge gentugen, die Aciditat im destillierten Wasser derart zu erhohen, dass die Spirogyren geschadigt werden. Diese Schadigung der Spiro- gyren ist also Selbstvergiftung. 2. Deswegen ist es angezeigt, bei gewissen physiologischen Unter- suchungen moglichst zu vermeiden, starkereiche Spirogyren als Versuchs- materialien zu brauchen. 3. Calciumcarbonat dient als ein ausgezeichnetes Schutzmittel gegen diese Selbstvergiftung der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser. 1) Es ist auch von Interesse zu sehen, da8 die Spirogyren vor diesen Infektions- krankheit desto besser geschiitzt werden, je groBer die Menge von zugesetzten CaCOs ist. 2) Hzunperson (’08, 713). 3) Hrpparp (’15). Dec., 1922] SAKAMURA—SELBSTVERGIFTUNG DER SPIROGYREN 153 Sapporo, Botanisches Institute der Universitat, im October 1922. Nachschrift: Nachdem mein Manuskript ausgeschrieben wurde, habe ich aus dem Buch von CzapPeK ,,Biochemie der Pflanzen‘“‘ Bd. II. 1920 (s. 366) ersehen, dass Moxiscu auf die Vorteile ganz schwach alkalischer Reaktion der Kulturflussigkeit fur die von ihm studierten Algenformen, sowohl Cyanophyceen als hohere Algen, hingewiesen hat. Betrcffs der _ Reaktion der Kulturflissigkeit stimmt mein Resultat mit dieser schon von Mo.LiscH geausserten Meinung therein. Noch von Interesse ist zu bemerken, dass Calciumcarbonat auch von ihm als einer des geeigneten Mittel empfohlen worden ist, um die passende Aciditat der Kulturfliissigkeit zu erreichen. Literatur-verzeichnis. CzAPEK, F. (1911). Uber eine Methode zur direkten Bestimmung der Oberfliichen- spannung der Plasmahaut von Pflanzen. Jena. Fusr, K. (1920). On the conception of “id” and the question of its transmutability (Japanisch). Bot., Mag., Tokyo. vol. 34. (1921). HA Bee = BA VES Uke (Japanisch). Bot. Mag., Tokyo, vol. 35. Henperson, L. J. (1808). Das Gleichgewicht zwischen Basen und Sauren im tierischen Organismus. Ergeb. Physiol. Bd. 8. (1918). The fitness of the environment. HipBBaRp, R. P. (1915). The question of the toxicity of distilled water. Amer. Journ. Bot. vol. 2. Hoyt, W. D. (1918). Some toxic and antitoxic effects in cultures of Spirogyra. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. vol. 40. Livinesron, B. E. (1907). Further studies on the properties of unproductive soils. U. S. Dep’t. Agr., Bur. Soils Bull. No. 36. Logg, J. (1899-1900). On ion-proteid compounds and their role in the mechanics of life phenomena. I. The poisonous character of a pure NaCl solution. Amer. Journ. Physiol. vol. 38. (1903). The relative toxicity of distilled water, sugar solutions and solutions of various constituents of the sea water for marine animals. Univ. Calif. Publ. I. (1909). Bioch. Zeitschr. Bd. 15, 16 und 23. zit. nach CZAPEK (’11). MrcgAErrs, L. (1914). Die Wassersto 地 onenkonzentration. Berlin. (1921). Prakticum der physikalischen Chemie insbesondere der Kolloidchemie fiir Mediziner und Biologen. Berlin. NAesrr, C. von (1893): Uber oligodynamische Erscheinung in lebenden Zellen. Denkschr. Schweiz. Naturforsch. Gesell. 33. zit. nach Livineston (’07). NaxkAano, H. (1917). Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklungs- und Ernahrungsphysiologie einiger Chlorophyceen. Journ. of College of Science, Imper. Univ. Tokyo. vol. 40. OsteRHOUT, W. J. V. (1918). Protoplasmic contraction resembling plasmolysis which are caused by pure distilled water. Bot. Mag. vol. 55. PFEFFER, W. (1904). Pfanzenphysiologie. Bd. II. Leipzig. True, R. H* (1914). The harmful action of distilled water. Amer. Journ. Bot. Vous (iL: - Zwei neue Arten von Polystictus. Von Atsushi Yasuda, Rigakushi. Professor der Zweiten Hochschule. Mit 3 Textfiguren. 14. Polystictus gypseus Yasupa.” Sect. Stuposi. Hut klein, halbkreisformig, sitzend, oft mehrere Htite dachziegel- formig und nebeneinander verwachsend, lederartig, diinn, 0,3-1 cm lang, 0,6-2 cm breit, 1,5-6 mm dick, oberseits angedruckt filzig, andeutlich gezont, glanzlos, weiss, mit scharfem Rande. Innere Sub- Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Polystictus gypseus YASUDA. Habitusbild. Nat. Gr. 1) Vergl, A. Yasupa, Notes on Fungi (78). No. 380, p. 249. Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. XXXII, Dec., 1922] YASUDA—ZWEI NEUE ARTEN VON POLYSTICTUS. 155 stanz weiss. Poren kurz, sehr klein, 0,5-2 mm lang, 0,1-0,2 mm breit, rundlich, weiss. Hymenium ohne Zystiden. Sporen elliptisch, glatt, farblos, 4-5 yw lang, 2 wu breit. Nom. Jap. Shikkui-take. Hab. An faulenden Baumstammen. Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen; 26. Mai 1912 (A. Yasupa). Kochi, Prov. Tosa; 4. Aug. 1914 (derselbe). Berg Kasagata, Kansaki-gori, Prov. Harima; 27. Dez. 1916 (K. MaTsusHimMa). Ono-machi, Kato-gori, Prov. Harima; 2. Jan. 1917 (derselbe). Berg Mikuma, Sumoto-machi, Tsuna-gori, Prov. Awaji; 17. Marz 1918 (S. Matsuzawa). Nopporo, Sapporo-gori, Prov. Ishi- kari; 9. Nov. 1919 (T. HEmwmr ). 2. Polystictus orientalis Yasupa.” Sect. Stuposi. Hut gross, halbkreisformig, sitzend, am Rande gelappt, lederartig, dunn, 4-13,5 cm lang, 5,5-22.5 cm breit, 4-20 mm dick, oberseits Fig. 2. Fig. 2. Polystictus orientalis YASUDA. Habitusbild. 11/99 nat. Gr. Von oben gesehen. 1) Vergl. A. Yasupa, Notes on Fungi (75). Botan. Magaz. Tokyo, Vol. XXXII, No. 377, p. 135. 156 THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 432. Fig. 3. Polystictus orientalis YASUDA. LElabitusbild. 11/59 nat. Gr. Von unten gesehen. 3 fein sammethaarig, im Alter kahl werdend, schwach strahlig-runzelig, undeutlich gezont, weisslich, am hinteren Teile oft graubraunlich gefarbt, mit scharfem Rande. Innere substanz weiss. Poren ziemlich lang, von mittlerer Grosse, fast gleichgross, eckig, 2-7 mm lang, 0,2-0,5 mm breit, weiss. Hymenium ohne Zystiden. Sporen zylindrisch, beidendig abgerundet, glatt, farblos, 6-10 py lang, 2 / breit. Nom. Jap. Kujira-take. Hab. An Stammen von Pinus densiflora SrEB. et Zucc. Berg Mikuma, Tsuna-gori, Prov. Awaji; 27. Dez. 1917 (S. Matsuzawa). An Stammen von Cryptomeria japonica Don. Okami, Okada-mura, inashiki-gori, Prov. Hitachi; 20. Aug. 1918 (Y. Irtve). Hita-machi, Hita-gori, Prov. Bungo; 10. Juli 1921 (N. Nakayama). An Stammen von Quercus glauca THONB. Omori-machi, Chiba-gori, Prov. Shimosa ; 25. Aug. 1918 (Y. IrivE). Kodama-machi, Kodama-gori, Prov. Musashi; 20. Okt. 1920 (S. SAkABA). An. Baumstammen. Haga- mura, Seta-gori, Prov. Kozuke; 9. Okt. 1911 (K. Tsunopa). Yoko- suka-mura, Hazu-gori, Prov. Mikawa; 7. April 1912 (U. Marsuzax1). Sendai, Prov. Rikuzen; 12. Sept. 1912 (A. Yasupa). Otomo-mura, Dec., 1922. YASUDA—ZWHI NEUE ARTEN VON POLYSTICTUS. 97 | Kesen-gori, Prov. Rikuzen; 10. Dez. 1920 (G. Tosa). Matsuyama, Prov. Iyo; 15. Sept. 1916 (H. Yamamoto). Tanabe-machi (20. Aug. 1918), Iwata-mura (22. Aug. 1918) und Ikuma-mura (8. Okt. 1918), Nishi-muro-gori, Prov. Ki (N. Ur). Kantama-mura, Toyora-gori, Prov. Nagato; 20. Dez. 1918 (S. Tsumort). Nishi arita-mura, Hita- gori, Prov. Bungo; 4. Jan. 1920 (N. Nakayama). Kofuji-mura, Ono- gori, Prov. Bungo; 9. Aug. 1921 (A. Yasupa). Ins. Ishigaki, Riukiu ; 10. Juni 1920 (S. Sumitra). Kamodani-mura, Naka-gori, Prov. Awa ; 2. Nov. 1920 (T. Asa). Berg Minami-daibu, Akocho, Formosa ; 30. Dez. 1920 (E. Marsupa). Semdary Jr 1O22: Résumé of the Original Article in Japanese. Toxio Hacawara. Genetic Studies of the Corolla-Design in the Morning Glory. é Of ail the colored flowers of the Morning Glories, the one species having a white ring at the margin of the corolla is the most common and which are called the “ Hukurin”’ by the Japanese gardeners. That the factor referring to this white ring acts as a simple Mendelian dominant to the normal, which has already been studied respectively by TakEzaKi, Miyazawa, IMAr and the author. At the same time TAKEZAKI found that some “ Hukurin’’ are recessive to the normal, and after he had reported it I found the same case in my experiments. The ‘‘ Star” is the other corolla-design somewhat like the ‘“‘ Huku- rin’’ but the peripheral white is not quite of the same width in any part of the petals as the ‘ Hukurin,’’ and is especially wide at the joint of the petals as compared with the other part of the petals, and widely zigzag along the margin of the corolla. In a word, “Star’”’ is a design in which only the central part of the corolla is the color part forming a star-pattern and the other part is white. In 1916 I made several crossings between the various varieties for the purpose of studying the inheritance of this character and now Huethabatwe factor «referring, tow the ‘Star’ have the interactive relation to the ‘‘ Hukurin.”” The factor hypotheses resulting from my experiments are as follows: 158 . THE BOTANICAL MAGAZINE. [Vol. XXXVI. No. 482. Geet me the factor for the color flower ; CTE the factor for the white; た Ee Meee the factor for the ‘‘ Hukurin ”’ ; が eee the factor for the normal, totally colored flower ; Suche ok the factor for having activity of making the “ Star ” pattern on the corolla in the presence of homozy- gous condition of the factor C and F; Cee’ ore the factor for not having above activity. The genotypic constitution of the totally colored flower corresponds ‘to CCffss, of “‘ Hukurin’’-to G@FFss and of “ Star? to. C@RASS Hybrids between the varieties ‘‘ Hukurin’’ and “ Star’ do not ‘resemble anyone of their parents, but are intermediate in design between the "Star ” and the “‘ Hukurin,” the offspring gave “ Huku- rin、 intermediate and “Star? @in the proportion, of 7 > 25953) Bie the hybrid between the white flower variety giving the hybrid “ Hukurin”’ by crossing the totally colored variety and ‘‘ Star,” was mn Jeleiesrenouy / So, the genotypic constitution of intermediate must be CCFF%Ss. Fes Etats eee OPS 0 5 Neh RR XS EEK An = TED 1 oN \ BERR YD BEX BE SS ERO SEI KA SER 5 SRCEEN( | IEE) m Ree a ORME | ERE mE TERME A RAP RRE ARIE my BN HE KD a ( く tSRRSSN Be SPN SRE NK A PP PH | A fe ; aS eel ORS mie ミ iN, Ee ーー OakWx PP KK (EIR RE KA | s ; Of K & ORE 6 SREB eh BHR BRR KX OMBRERE SZ 4 HGURIQS NICE T A BER SE § HER ERE KY > ie Sopa R っ "< (OR RENE ESE E He 5 CE BEN EN A a a AN wijh ミ NINES ase に Knee 1} AMR BK A ee No に ) か EP tA OMIM CEBENEK An © RE - Of ME OWRD 4. ASH EE BAGH LIS BEN EK 8 fl — & Cryplomeria japonica. = ORE 4 TR 1 SSRN EEK A & PFEFFER ORS EE 1 4 EIR RRM ご SEI (ae 本 K An 豆 〇 妃 陸 府 語 4 ES = x pure = ie he ee Conclusion. @ and の I 4 UNne EE + RE < : » 1 |+-RE < く Qa m a Ke Gn > 2 ee Me っ ERIE ERR Y 7 is ORB S ue « grit yy | LK | ん だ ee 008 坦々 ae ea Ae Fm ヘー ペン ュー ュ ミン ュー ュー ュ ン ュー ヘー ンー へー ヘン ペニー、 ーー へ ヘレ ヘン ヘー レーン へ ヘン ヘー 迷 記 ? 表 財 111 RnS 志 人 ee SHE N へ x へ i. a ( し a s a RE ee - 自 証 、 時 ay i. ine : : ; A ad ce : bg gene 2 as ‘ i 2 eevee TCP PPTPPFOh SIP Emw ぎ る 隊 GRRL CERO HIT SHIR __ pean gS + MAS yi SRM OMA YES RLS Ye 2 HORE “BS ~ it 70 TE & aR = Re i$ 50 Aetna a as Bae He SER DRE RK ER Mi = | seyet iets mew | an | ake REN 11 BLES | pe ad [tia] Mee RUE |e REY ARe eS SREIVEME | MIISYR 6g Ee KE 4s ‘esvimiciaa 7 1 に ドド MRO KERN HORSE Boge Rowe dE ah eo ER BW VoR ee BRv Ip | MURR O ORE 2 0 RoR ee mm 滞 4 H NAM RES AL が Rh ee a に ーー i i RE = me ene de ee Cy, Seer tea Ka Ze Re に に ーー とこ Ee 2 る さく く ee ee の が 料 ( "けず る え ぉ 2 ん の : ae ee A aoe BLOOD OE andes: tke を か づい も つつ! ば みや 4 Rt Bd N つ 金 局 S377 OA 3 * ひ ye SBC ies ids PDE 2 By 2), の か が う 2 dF ee さき る づ aoe 2 eke ike nb DUH 2 Ress めい * es 9 \ き SN e 人 で こめ に ゅ 5 ries) mate tar | | Ger Ca eae jolie aga つた さり の Bee きり Stare ne ese i. ら あ ぇ に oy ees Ne. Ve Od ee = at! CPN Es 『 ざめ Be "な し は かま ら はち OS ce し eae AND や pos し は ょ ちる ん の cae me りか Come ae ia 3 oa Re eit きす eS antes Umno ak a RE がり し ょ きこ. ALES MRL SRS? $22 oc me tee . ON 6 る ・ あ ん ぬら 4 Daal y CF o Hoes eats も ae oe Sy pad a2 | ぎ 梨 3 ht # し tet teat tee oe の の み 上 果 り は つろ る 5 みさ し 笠寺 は 箇 は ね に ん まこ 5 司 LS : ak oes ees BL et ks "2 ue g THY, * oe ee N eS Dee A 4 {i . AH BEET, pS TP Ee ae a, ees: つい 梗 は に fe are へ ナ - tee ゃ を ょ た く さん * Las pe ぶれ ね ぁ sas は す 1 el ate ms で SS Ame ER て 72 ° eae tN was tod ae tin ぶる と いも “Oe oe SS soos, FG I | oe 1 本 ta ea 5 層 っ ば な し た め 【 邊 な - は と クー a 」 ie Hees SB yo て ofa stay ORR ce : Da nS Rig Don: emt Woe ば ひき 2 ETE? ee OES EL で は けん 0 きか DT egg ん の か 2H ie き な > ‘ 2 ee し た き に cove TE う めか が さ 所 し 全 1 . EYE Ke ュ の 7 こう 」 で: ) ま さ 3 an A ene oT: 2 まう fe Oe 2 ぶさ の 、 ae & He nie Bases (= reel s:| は * 名 た EB olny A, v Bas の き の は ん 8 = A\*| Enbe SEY ® P . ん jap hl cao 人 の の きこ poe At 周り ea さる の © PHBA 5 & es ee し ば みや きり の ま ご が 時 Ne ees big See な 生 の 3 わ え か eee 洋 ご > Ce es} w N- 2 d S46 さ 、- が * Des の 3 の か た ぅ Lar isl oi? きゃ な は いで 松 違 て そめ ょ だ ae es ha BULA $B bb3 el ie ぞ を いき eee iE jy (26 ne 、 の ヶ 周 た きち (は 2 笠 肌 2 あつ a m8 EOYs UME Se CE ! じ で り の か 必 _ の て Ne 定 z Se eC sae Ls et ee eae ae a 用 Reet ‘(ts & ひつ っ 人 な pt ie 数 ko i as a ie : 2 は を くき ょ こま の 3 un ee ot 四 CV 1 は PV EE ROgMe coin Lk ioe EAC SV ay 9: の が の コ Os iF Sonar ep び aA と se Toes ens ・ * い ざら ます ( > き に ら の ミ deere DS te N T. usa 49 は ほか が くに ば さ は Pe es ず が を ば けり + っ は 大 き は は + は が く CD OF ふき 7 け 5 A i < を は やつ ‘5 お ee 3s % ほ い と が で だ ちゃ ら ろ ら 梓 や な ye こま とら い Oo th aie Ate ee eee Bs ee eee Vg l(t ee Dae ee | ee aie ろく で で teh aR ow oy De ee ie 具 =| TK ps Dei lab te es eae 02 KA = Mates 者 = 同 as g 名 zl 2 { ii) 行 Salah S Sn SS CRM S pe SUEH®. Ne P2 ne AD @ NAPS S WS CLR SS gS | Rare CHESS ee oe L@ WY > BOVE wy yi yO ERE ESHER SREY VEY LO @ VS EMTS El DS SEE Be Pee! studies of plant constituents. Acta Phytochimica is issued in’ numbers at irregular intervals. One volume a year is planned at present. Each yolume consists of 3-5 numbers, making a total of SPEER aE is 350 pages. Contributions and other-communications should bo. addressed. to the ee Prof. K. SHIBATA, Botanical Garden, Koishikawa, Tokyo. The -papers intended for publication should be type-written in English, French or German. Authors receive 50 reprints ae additional copies may be purchased when ordered in advance. The subscription price per volume is Yen 10.00 ($ 5-00), payable i in advance. The price of single copies varies. Remittances should be made by eheck on Tokyo, or ‘by postal 。 money ig payable to Maruzen & Co., Lid, 14 Tori soa pete Nihonbashi, Tokyo. ~~ Z Ue aor . ie in eit ae りく RW Pires tag + Bog cee Ne ーー 3 の ト KDD ンド ei 3 =e ee. er で . ; 2 を Be 牧 に Av = の 補 と ape ei 3 Win 2 Bee eS ‘a eK。 】 3 1 も 1 és aie の heme 丁 Wy 化 所 同 0 本 as xe 2 aE ee Ce See 人 Te mA AL Be A * | a ee 慎 e ome TT 己 化 | pp 金 ae HE MT HP 2 ge Fe aS 本 i Wy OY 率 的 ttbtt 財 = et ee = Th ‘i 2 ae eT T We ge eB 物 a 2 eee A Dee hs 7 a 生 | He = ee Bf ww の 年 学 2 = a i eo ee ee 店 。 太 所 シ 誌 佐 成 同 | he ra = = と As Editor : KmTTA ma a Professor in the Imperial University of Tokyo Published by The Iwata Institute of Plant Biochemistry Vol. I, No. ], 0 February, 1922. (Price Yen 1. 80 ) on 90) Contents. ere Y Astrea. und Fusira, Atsusar. Zur ae: oe AN MA7rMA, Riko, and Kuropa, Miss CHIKA, On the Colouring Matter | of | - Lithospermum Erythrorhizon. ! Shee The Journal Acia Phytochimica is designed for the publication of oe investigations in Plant- Chemistry, -Microchemistry, Chemical Plant Physiology and Microbiology. The Journal aims at ensuring a closer. correlation betYes mthe chemical and に physiological As ee re ee EN そこ に JP 2 To | = (RHR SRD RNN Shee a RIK KE hn HD e+ | x dicen 0 HSER ck WII Kes BRS NMA NE HENNE AS | GU ERE IRR A QRS HEX A OS ae oe ART RA LR EE a SS 1 Bem 4 fae ~ aie WAKE X と ト さ 々 > RE sega; ee re er | REEENE RAT AKA st Poe ge! aoe damon, “ 3 = stam” Saad ~ EI Yel - x os seme EK az <> SAGER RNA ue eats Ac な ROWAO8 の © | eee Pree hoe EM Kenge < Kare 1 SMI A eee NN BRR N ARE 6 4 Gate ~ a = K Ae damdmam Se Sw TR danny S BEE th XM th SHIN A RB SRE INRS Kaden 4K Gtss i ~ HEHE SER X > EN eee LEK” KG A = KBE \ NX 2 AK Bes NEL A 々 AT > QUES RIZED > Ae ne WES CE ems | RK SLE een, GAGES 6 A a CR ofA NA Ne | HERE > 2 ASE K eo a ee ne ish oe Jie : re he he aie See rege E pa sie Sa : ee at wee i 3 aR Ee KONA KOREAN. RE RQ AREA DD AN | Sache cae et yas Rg RHP BMPR ME | We > Bk en inom Em = Noh BABE NX LRROm oh ERAN ST + oh REEL BOSCH = KEEN A car A KEEN 24 AP A 2 edb tl 1 m = Seam aR at ~ +f se He oh SSR XA NAA Se BEM KOT 4 Haye \ gyn deat ~ Ears rhe ae x REP R RA AERA HEE ANA GON HHO Sy Ae a に BEX. OR SER Lie KS RA A eee 2 BER KETHESS ~ Me 4 Cc | Gr DEER KS NSEC IDM Ks REC ED REGS NS rR IRN GRA : . &R1 | it 18 BREMEN eGh AERP m AIR A AGEN BAS ER BD RAE Rh CRN EA ER AK TER AGO SPARE 2 aah へ siete <2 _ RRS NIREEN EG WEN KON RE MAX ミ ora fet ce 9 meses nips alee AT 2 | BR Go WIE SRE RO 0S @° MRO EU EOREE WOR CHO WHRMON SRK OY SER ORDERS Y— ROR? DH AD NRE ORE WEY CHR OVE Am” ROKR 0-0 OHS BRS EE pee 11H Ss RRR OTR A SH Boo OG 6K OREN 4 10 BEER) Q) au BERE 00 de MR SUH URE OG 9046 5 1G QC sO -2° HMRC HES Ee Rr ino ICRP IR A ER ono” de ee, — ele IW REE Eo HERERO EUR os EY elem SH CTARRU RO By OMY BOB REM 1 BBO ORS Ym a? ee ty 4 ge we eR | [ Pat | | | | J BB de 1 RL gy oa tk "3 s@a aa ペー ニン Me ta $ RUNS WANE ANE) Secs ears ie Ss cea に 提 先 つ 衝 せ 恒 過 旨 もの 長く BARR Oma OKO BREE BS” BARD に Bs ミ 0 i 229) AME Ra A BRT KAR ARG RR HERR SON fo GE IN AMBRE RA mM EA} A MARR SUSE: )* SM 4 ERIE mn OD EERE OD th BEE a" We RASC SIRE] SK RO Rik) RRS Ree SeE+TReKmi|+-oW’e a GS HR SS uk)” eS eR EMD (KC | Bl ct < SIRE Moe SS a ) PE pee 6 BE KEG + | M+o’ ERS) BRA RREKS( KETER ET mm” BE Be Se tk tH SS A)” Bi SS Fe ot << Be (KE eet m° Ht KK Ef ER ERR RAEN FR uk li] see MUTE uaa tires > oh STO AZ AA yf GR oo & a Rin ie XS N Ho m He X oe (228) Be ay He RSS ie 111) 紅 田 Mee (| 112) ORCWIND Oi SER) CSE ) | Pterula subulata I rizs. CERES) HHHREC” Meee ERE eR ee el” We EH [e8” +646 wy NSFC (Clavariaceae )° Mia (RBH Bt sR HD SE RK AR NFR RARER 7 HK EAR Sy SB RS yoy See XK AK paddies KAT EY ANGER | ° RINT] BN ペー と ミ ” GEN MSR) Cmax—28n>" ig < EAS NSS ot RE Sm BE A BR de RR OR HR m ARE” KAOHRHOck a> KR LAR AD’ SEER § GRE ERR ARS HAM ARR S HO ° GX \ EE 4 SRI AN RA OA BRM) SEES ne SA ON EERE A UR REAIE HH SIRE SHE ED HC ミト ae) RiB ( CO ERS eS Hs KO K+ mpm” os Rak SEA KERRI EIS Nok 4CES” 1 ORE i ENR ARCMIN (Perula fusispora YASUDA) \| BEN # A 2c iv VD BR (Pterula)~ Shag \ SS DN NER SS RIE NK A WN RA 愉 く Tar Sa ln Seas Si es 回 く K “ OSS OND CRIG-HE) (HRRE) Pleurotus limpidus Fr. Agaricus limpidus Fr. x & ae N= Ee oh HR BE [ CRES) 重 掴 記 " RE” ee” gion’ Ds iogiat* mx’ WEG ¢ IRSS NOW ERS (RO + RAE mw NRA a BSH ORR RR ON BE SER] DIT NR 2 SEEM | RA ee VR RR LAR A HRS Gey A NESS SEI Bt SIN OWN * REN BR OR LEN HERE 6 OBS RK BERRA OWN Ee Ro eH Oe) MOH ~ RES 1 SSHUESm Ox SMS ER THSE RS m DH SSG 4 SEN SRA BE ON KESEA A? UBRHIC RS Se HIRE Sk Ae 43 4 UR ORO mes KH AON Me Hl cag tO K+] Rei |e’ FSi rae ~ SS ak 1 MS 2° MX SRR So. RSE AR Hn QON B gui i a NRE | Gm” hn Bah REA HS mas HR eR IRE KO OMNSE NS (HRS it) CREE ) Lenzites trabea (PERs.) FRrtzs. (RES) HHH kK” Eswen 1 ameyee %xeQG うつ 会 生 邊 MeO DAD Ky SS 5 EEE 1 ty GEES m 2D HES Dn MERE im BEN 7 Se | HRA Mh Ket A” BRR RH | Oe WHHL A DARL HRS KH LAK A Rie A RH AW Rin Wi sth a’ EOS. P+ Sa mm ( RE OW RSE NII < Gm BEN “BRE ~ HERE 4 (227) so SED PA RA OREM AR KO NN + SERPS A ER RA seh m7 mS eA Sunes CONG RE UHRT LOSS Re (Y. Ocura) Genetica \% Vib SHO eA G. J. MTNpmr herdenkingsnummer van GENETICA, 1922. SIN NAA Ah AK RS He (Martinus Nu- ’s-Gravenhage, Nederland \ & Fy hea J. P. Lorzy Xo M. J. Sinks Ew Wee + NN A HBP ee HS ,ITRIRE I RERARAHNELARYE (Be KN aioe u 光明 KN Pr EX ih RK oN EK AR PRES mM aay a HE RNR, 1 CR SRAN DET RA EG FSS RIM Ey RM ee” SB KA BRN. Me HOFF, | GENETICA Y REX A ERM Ma XK Ro BH OV. HAEokgR \ BRI] KA * Vibha esa’? J. L. FRArmmUR \ BQ i BRA x Nba do48ss* R. Gorpsomwrpr “uo EE. FisoamR « kx StmiXe K Xdmgee A. MmUNISSIER \ 10¢.C4us\ 4 High O. Wince へ BR i ! J. SCHAXEL So *IN |“ A.Ggrer ~ Sey RikGe . Bie REX A HA Rw M. J. SiRk8 \ nen NRA n° RMD | SE BES He? Bx’, 8 Guilders® Le RX \ SrRks, M. J. Genetische onderzoek- ingen over Linaria vulgaris Mit. en de ondersoort Linaria nova SoHOrTE. I. pp. 375-384. (thay aha 20 ON “y Ha EH BO hON? NS N\ERBPEERR) MAK AKER BDO] R | 2&0 Somorrg ‘RIN ged L. nova + WRr L. vul \ FRR SN RO ATES 6 HN TON ARE K Sano n 4 ORS AN BWBRN aM RBAmax ves RMB \ RNSURE + 4 BRR A HN INR AD BSR NRA WN RAS BRIN A A 4 RR EH AM KU RAR R 7 BR SNA 4 GO RN AR Cue m dey N+ SS SoHorrg le net Wmee” RS yj Moth 4 \° Pete ~ 0 (A SSS 7° BED? DBP ite He \ HERR RN ERR A DORKS RENE Iv GO ja RS HBS ea TIS SREB FERRE | ik ni (Masker) \$8XmMR PNK ANAM SoHOLTE 4 L. nova personificans = d2Q > SA ern, RRA Rar) ~ Ate SN # へ DL. nova incisa © REY AS MONT, | [HN OL. vulgiris \ Pein ean L. nova incisa mBIR-A ARK ARKM \ ZIRE AG 9 NE SEER NBS AER | EN A RR Be aK? LZ. vulgaris < QAR A EEE mS BK ANT 42 IY AO +4 4 BRA X MYRL NR 4 ESS RRND A SS NS WEES S OR + AGEN AN EK © ei Cth DSSS EIR SN KE ABR RE DR ERIN PD No RR S-metemie 4 © | Bl DOR ew N eM BX C7 WRLSREENE \ OHS \ BRE BEEK A SBPRRHEING BE Pom ON SEAR ATA A ERIN RINT DO A Ee cee CCffss, CCffSS pay fees) Se eee tn ee eee tic asia seeks se ni dlees CCF F'ss US 雪 tCPCCHHHCO 証 OO - OCFFSS Se Oe wesreereees OCF FSs a fe thi S Sem oki@edeg 1 eel CKRA SPUR Hn” ERebGree SRR TES CK) る Sskwih’ RG RT NMRIIRTER CKRKS) Se APE * akH BSE RUF EMR NAT PES CK & ) SPER 17 a|* し Se hie os 口 86M ms coFFss KAN +m Rd>° 居 & = = : | | と Fay と ん 。 P é loleenn bd ih は 9 < IM ee z 6) | sk Sk に \HHEVS eeffSs KAY en emi AY 中 2 A YO Sipe lee es a ee 過 くく RR Fi Ice ey . HSB on ga 2 | [ So WRN RR IRON? Bn ges A a yy a 2 ey es a = FY i Hl @ @ @ SS fa ae Se SEBSESS| : mo ob oo AGES ER 6 HH 宮中 TS =1).6 FT muy NN Sin oo ccd 1 ⑳9 9 O@⑨⑲ | ロ N\ ジイ = Rise NB Y SS. Beate. Edo a 5 tay = ee SN nm A AIRS peloca RC 6 gt m a7 fy n 2 wm | で の Be : = BE 2 eo & & | es. HE IK Ye ARN? mA Hh くつ L om © & | : < : A x X ら X ら | Bt La KO を" SRT iN ER RSE BN oS te NRE RM IER NO CR * Bee Ze 2) mR i+) | So Oo 8 8 OO 』 SES SEE] gly RITA Bian s 5x 9A RA wT 0 4 45 4B | HIE RK 9A < 38 =>) m= == LO = eS eo | 2 XXXXXX| “TE | MS BRK RNAV K BAIR sR A 45 x88 + PARAS NO ST rer Ss fF | wens [ ゴー ACREN ARES lect ered 1 SN 1 TAR ES SBR m > GEG YA BMD NEBR § a Mb bet ? 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RCIA IE} A RIK Son? nde 4 IRRN BRA AREER HAN MN Ue Reo BH’ O sa)» dag) ROUGE EER EH o mth \ IE RRM G's e+ TEER A REE NIK Sv 27 HEH Rey RATEBEER PA WN HN TRO SH Oo HEhON DRdo 4 Me de PR mee mm 16: 12: Bega aS 27 613 \ Rud? Mie (ele FH ee eee Nag ot tte ーー Ty wii CS AEE RE MA BRE YP A NANG SERA S/ S| Wrwas 16: 12: 33:3 gmat oe 1 TRS RabESE 4 BRR EN ERY A A mda NRO eee SSSR] #7 UES BERN RA YN 7 BA NR RIES Noo we 8 NKR ge > 8 ARRAN Sh ee A ER Beg KA NA ge 1 AHA 2° RVR FRIMS \ B10 bea ol? fA a REY FR “os ES — ARS RR He NO GRR IRR HX om 9) BE A ROSES RK § RSE Bh ES AO HEN” BRA 7 MEH RSE \ THREAT H 2 ORROM' 2 Bae) (2225 Q's ONS MRA ote Ee SR eee A 6 RR RA EEN? RN ee BR WHS | OA EERE ONT HERDS SS BY MESS | NS ar RRR EKO A” BRR TN Ree DS pR e938 H EROS SS 人 h eA 4 PA. ERT HORA HERB ON” BSB SS の wo Se oS や Fn) © ご) 2 GU So = eS co ne ae we (=r) I NOH Se 0 LC < ee see ee | 山 に Q つら ご デー (Ie) SS ko ES OUS SG SA に oA Q ママ eS = ihe AQ < ee トー © + Bs 9 (HR bed He ) | SS" abhi SRR BR Ne RR AP CNR < KRee oa ™ aise Y A Bidets ¢ SRN 1 IER dw” infer < om 8 tl te = da x : ap. a Re INTE A 8 BT OBES BREW 4 tN ROBES RB HE BRK YN” EN” TDS HS i ai Pee Pee ay ee ee eee he eee Se te | O =) em | 性 ml i A te HE SB Hh _ ーー ーーー mo + (219) 日 44x36 “ 36 < COFFSS 44% \7 44 < COCffss KAR* R46 COMSS HA YDS Ban’ "5 fx 1 nN CCFfSs 4 4 FfSS 1 ミッ >9 nN Be Hee sen? Kv BN RRMA Ue RAO 0 @ ©) (⑯) ⑳ 人 ER | Vr 1 at 3 SN ど Walmer 4 1 eae ition SEAR \ EL Bim Ru a Min? gTHHEH. CCFPSs + AVA Fi 性 型 OOFfSS 1 ES awe | SUN 44 \ HENS COffss KINA URN 人 9 4 me 43x41 Bn 48x72 41 sp) ex dX 8x CCFFssth 2° 43 4 PRR AES Sa 2 RRA no fy 43 < ccFTFSS an ecFFss Kno Won’? os CoFFSs 4 CcFFss KA % >° (BN "本 Se ae 1 細く 球 ” DSS OR = 43 4 ec ポポ ss } AtPmRAS ビ 43x38 43 < ceFEss′ 38 , CCFFSS’ =< CeFFSs トト 5 San’? BRN AKAN Rt RS NEN Yr RN TAT Aim = qe dky 3 PALES ERE | AN へ MARRS De ©. © ee “ik 1 BAB A ( ER DA Ao Bo LINEN SR ane a0 0 Is fu be SOK? SP NMG PR NR? EN? AN” BR OREM a Be eee aoe Ree AN ENT TRRR RO Bh NMR OIE AN § ce 1 4 CCFFSS ULM 24.50 25.16 $8.44 4.06 1 - OcFESS 2 \ 1/8804 oe mise FLY > Se ¢ me Sk SR TS 11158 SR RSE Cor NN BRR! mg OR SKERRY N° SS HRIRH CCFFSs 4 A Cr HN Gen RAB © @ @ Ait — MBI 1] QAR BNI RATA | RIT | NB RR 6 5 19 8 6 7 erie i uae h LR eR A RDO Hy EER, «CCFESs Rx HR Bre’ ab 29 2 Be toa 6 Ce tee ee eee ae S. Ciho i RK APN R AT AM KAM DGS Oo {En * cfste CcFFSs wee 8 13 8 29 生ま ws am a 7-25 14-50 7.95 eer aver o HIM ¢ th ah A S8dn i 6 EM RO” PEER AIR Qyv'R is \ WH \ RAS ~ HBR IE ER HEH (218) Qo RS APS NETRA ER HSER BR) NSS REED RRO RK 5x9A REIN 4 BREY 4 BG A i BEY A m BX in Bo mH SS S RR EER 4 Hise] \ Rusa pra 4? bl” PGR MRL IRR ORR? AMEE ON 7 EIR N + ie = \ QR CN |S RESO eo nV Ro RBH Be Be Been OR (oN SEER MYR NNR BREN 2 Ep ore ふ O oo EES Mess ) BEBE SIMD? ee ee. Boe) Mae | EK A EM’ ECS Sth vanes tee Ade yy DRY K A RM ee ae RoBDBSDOO RHR 1 BEX N AND” Td rae terete cre eee ve eee eee see TEES IN SAGE DS ~ A BLK A EM? Wd vee cee eee ese cesses eee eee eee MU Mm BSA a BIOL ae BTM? BL” ORIN § ba itp + RRR I ON SRR my RAD BRK ATA INTE KL BRIM N48 WES SAREE BK” im Awa Epa WES AM EKKO 2? Ba HERRERA #7 ORIN EM RON? Bw NAR? 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ABR | Olle SRIETe 1 IS A NIES A 0 BGR emd «TR [IEE REE Y ACER EIR TEN | | BMS ON” RRS EN OR 1 GR x SAS ER | NER RO MN RRB Ane Ra gm AOC nN Ra REE BC & REREAD Be > 4 WAN MYR BEN A EMDSS of CRIN BRK AR BEA CORA DRO Ma NCH EIR ARB IG FoF SLA OH we HH BS (215) Sy? eM ir PE ee eo NM BY 8 4 EER KT N47 PN ee PMR EDS or MORO XA HEMI LOell] | eB OrE-V> < RR | の OK・ 111 の * 1 ll] les 1 の 置 栄 選 料 9 e+ Tn & Sey ARIK Ie A eee AT ae Es ms K peri WARIS Cah Ary PA HK? By de 42 Be ee ee, ee ee : = os IES AO Hels or e)se \ 11m Ke | i © Asem | Ee \ eee 4 NR | A So Se O RAH NA tHe A ND HF wD HH © 5 8 6 NO - e@ <9 MO HH NH ON co oN SO ar Ko ge ih th” Sm 16 Ya 7 < Epes < ey NN 理 = © 3} Pe ご | mRNA SAULT EC 1Ol* 1 LINE RS RSS eS] ws ) S Ah4/ と この StS Oso See te S| ae (ie Hiei cere PA RRICH WIEN 1 lerenrd « eS mor | 3 | ョ SO 1 Of peed m dai [En en SER A eRdn* PENG ~ QBERR CER | NRE Oo (BRAG DR eat Uae 47 milk ea eee AA SY By PE SCHR m mit Aw RS HTK く ERS HS of Tee ee YA Rar hE 4 | |B MSE | Bee ma RE ip a O ORK” ey ON DSA IE ーー | MAN 4 eT NERS OBEN A 5 | | pect ane? に まう) es Pom, ; / N い see a a | oe ee ee ee 4y i aa っ < SR i?) | BER RE AWT gS で oo _ OH : Ee Ve ee ee 1 NK? 7 BRE MI Aw A? Bh | a | = | REN et” AeBeOR IY A Sma HN ON? 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BK KTR yg BREET Sa BS my shee WN BAe cin dd wt 皿 " 5x 9A cde mm HRS DK SEMEN Ht wr DO 3 | 5x9A NS gee dy s NAT | 1) BEERS Rar KN EN BEN RR ERSS IR NO KSEE WhesS* | Wye] le | fe | et Blot NMOeliitelfAds Bl | - ET tee 1 くく RT sm 人 っ く | ore [tle Oe | Rigs | 1 Ble | oe ee WA RARE (a+ Ba el nivel RAR A No BCS | Om be RARE Y A HA med? HRs fey | BY A HN HN? BAGS Io y BEX ABM Cha RAD BH \ Ho Te BK ARI RRO RW HA HN CO IIMERR BAK CAA BN 47 AC ORR ay Cera ererec (213) Sh 5x OLA Bi SIA x45 NRE Ne SIA 4 9A 4 iE] ESR BRD SR 45 +i] eR A ee De ayn? HER Na. BA PBA RRR I a RN A RN Rar BD IR YO Oo" 8 © 。 の @ 4H Pw? 5x9A SESS et a Oo de? om GS 2 OB Nn? SSSA 867-29 09 la 210 = KRG dr" 82m Sy = 51AxX45 18 12 29 9 8 59 Gh 、 9 29 9 141 0 5x5I1A \ ne? 5 aR Hit SRA CORSE BRM KAD NBER AM BP 27 N1 | REE RN? BN SIND ie A SP KOM MIR Y AMM {CorSome | ilo 1 Mot ilel ei lei iy |] OBR Bia Vine’? GHO MWe ya? Keun USNIK や SA WN 67 BR A BRA Ade FN” Tm Ree Ao LE HMA or MEY ALR SG | Ethie w ORsg aR = 4 O i 1 O ss ND hee (sian Ce) Bee ee pe aK a BS ee. Hae. oh ynrnVn Ba” ROR © 5 @⑳ Fit 9 5 Gi, aoe) 23 31 5 7 9 14 BY St Hh (O°. 0 7 37 wid Be 9 5 18.50 9.25 1 232) 108.75 | 36.25 in wh OWNS 1 Mn REY AWS 6 RE mA EEN AD OR ae \ REBAR] NER AO ce NS HMI YR \ Neo 2 ee ARS AN RN RS ie cl NYS RY A Ww SR MESEITOet 1 Te 1S NER NT ANN EDK RMON we? Re nike” Bx 1 Be. OR Re xs ESE 42 4 MYSLET BE | REST TI) § ORS SRD] > 必 本 ROMA Aw EARN RRM IER | NES EIR RO oN ERS I Malin Rey Ae \ Bey A PNA eh RA ee me WN REHM AR Let] LN EER SR ONT KS RATA | RT a] SS WARE =o fe NN” BOGE IP ANN? oes SEES I KRY AO NS EUS PAGPNIR YAS , BRe ma RA eo EN RNa RRO QW he ID RON ~ salah ae BERK _ (212) se UR SA SEE ~ MRSS ~ AER EGR HSK Wu REX ARM Rar NIRA TT NN RIM BED WSS A HN BPI? TM & SEX SE TSN oe MRE Y APE ON TIBI ERE T+ re WON TARR or NORE NTI BRN AR WR RAD PN RAS KN’ 思 Won Ts Ree” ICMR BEN ARID Chath ard | REAR ain? a mR A | SAA | XO AS tS aN Reem 31x38 \ RS ey SBR A SC IEU TIEN RRS] S HEB HEN 4° SR EN A RIPEN REY ATER A nh A RRE RO No SN RR om NT ORS BK A RIMS (BRE KAN 1 AN” BRED me REV K AS RR eo nd + Be SRmprn PvKA NH ]m Bw 7 Oo chan? LRM Ar PN Fen? OF SAN Ao PRS EE RANT REN AR’? Delile Ges AtEm ase Co nN Re RRR APN C7 Se BEN AEM R WSS DN? OOD MR BEN ARPA Cet ERK Ae AN HRa nem BBA DAL AO 選 5x9A Ox@ Ki 4 RAG Ee RAHN HOON RRN TRA 5 FRR RR Y A 45 +E | SR RX Ara WOON Me 43 2B AA MSH Ye A HERR Ro RM OA < 38 HT ME ER ASHES ny EER yy BUSS ANS AE RY NN 43x08 +R RRR NRE ONE | ABR A oo DOW RES Be NH ABE RN KR A BRR ARR? 7 = 四 4 43x58 \ py + EKER ABBE IG YAW NNT HED A BKK A REED RO 7 TA EERE IK NO O @ © @ @ Fit AME NON < BAR BR + \ EEE 4 on A me BEER 9 KR we oe’ REE 8666 55 170 19 318 ON RRR IN BERS ) EX BRA A Mh © BEER ) 9 ISN の っ 90 NR Ne MNS ge NN・ INRA MEH NRE? AS 2 K AM = ° (211) Rim 理論 数 O @ @ @ Ff free TSS \ BEST 6 NER | SN ESA AO pS Be eNO S050). els So 1h 08 E : ie 3 30 ee BN ee Bm NS TSR SE eK ROT Em lew & 27.00 81.00 RO ES WRN MIE YA RES | OME cl nw ROM MIs PAWN MINT MST el feltferss | Blot 1OeB Ie BAC \ EMR 3° con if IK シコ MISS NG Y ABR R 1 1 oP TN TN TEBWESB II | BES ¢ oP RON wy ERO NY AN RRO Em NOES I pe NN MSE N COE WRB A SERIE | RN | BRERA Nr OK” MRS 1 BRO Mm RY >o. Uh ERNIE PA WN Ce ARERR SEMI AN 2” Be NR RN BRE ee Be HR ROA KR KY A IIE で う の CO 200] (Sa COP 1D) 60 の & mr rm = で どう = = と on nN 0 Fae, ld | TTS A CR 3 9 ERR BPN py EAR BEM IY A MEST] Let ert] Qo w COR Wah e\2 | ELE. CES OB hy OK? Ge wm Ree a 4 ERY] Is = la | RUIRN” REBRER AS Se oR as 58 9 | ee Bena レ MP1 ae aE ¢ it | 避 Po pe Nee GR RK ARR BRINIG A 4 BRI TR IE N I RR dosti ctf] \ ty ida het yo RRA oe Yt WN SN 4 7 PRP o TBE Eye BH Sy Se OA PN BR GEN PR NP NORE RRB 3 RES 0 HBG \ RRS an = mes 4 BASE mM EEN HN RAR EIN RAS GN” MRR RR eS Hm RNIGS ARN 47 RNR A RA RS LE NEN | R 1]8R 1] ~ St Ree YP AO | py IM 6 HERR N EA WHEN Am ANN” £2 HWE AS ENT) 1 EN AT ~ ROT ATER EER HEB (210) aie ue? y ty Te gas i ae Qu 6 AS ~ SO mach HE Ine : BR xO FEN” Bx geN se mele \ Qs BYE | 1 IS ORRIN HON HER O° Bp BM (ERA BA 1 ee © Bel y] Aree) e Mess 5. HE ER | A A RRB m RY A HA KA +N RAO RM 43x72 SHR een 4 * ook PME m RD Bk | OR See! RE, OO” RAO REL 1D ト ^ RAMEE OS | SE) [AI IES A | : 私 っ く OS ge ee ee TO きす まで FP 43x45 OxO | KIDS [9B 45 CMW WK? nA Ae 43 AN RE ne BR OONSa Km ee? CSAC] | Bm ges Qe? BRN BE mae? A Bm io esd (| Sem mae ADI | EBA nh Si | SSE 6 | Sv eee Bee awe > 45x41 Bu 45x72 Ox® 45x41 ヽ 松 置く 本 4 限 提 AKA BP ON 4 BEE AK mT BUN RBER = Ow RSI He 1 O BGA ST~ [1m KB YAO 45x72 RN 4 6 EERE Ne RK 4 RRA RR RR IE BRO っ Oe MIR IRN REBT RA SIR NRE NO mR ee RN 1x72 16 16 49 Bl RRMA REN THR | WES KAO ホ >K 45 OK A eB] ae SE UR 2 40 5 IRAE py RE MIE EK AR GA wee 3 14 So 理論 数 = 41.75 125.25 = コ b> 43x38 Ox RE eee eee ee Te ee ee nm ト か いい 41x38 SEX So SY TN IRE EK ARM Bon Bn RA AN ha? SHR \ col § BRA ABBE I 7 eT RON § MON Py 41x38 SBS eh me AtEm Rox mo Bh’ に 慈 NO ae Se (209) i ee ee PFosmivt i. whi ] 6 di 8 10 13 14 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 26 合計 理論 敷 偏差 BRE (hit 2 PE Bi BK 現 論 SN sen AREZRM HY mw & RO を NET RT Km A ERE MIE DO ® i ees ara ve ee MN MYST? Ae | ifs | oe LTRS S BEBBRSS 4 0 0 ON PERSIE mS ® © i > PRA. 1 SR eRe Rao Kn” GRA A ERRINE NIE Y : eis 2 SWAN A? Ba pa cod a ann A Rem RY AO Bk HHA Be 1 ee : Hit BN? CN RHR 1 2:1 NERO ; . 6 か 年 coy} ON BR BR EN IG cH eae eee ei: eG ee Re ON RA OO Tee oat aes i 185 34 38 4 Mies yy BEN A EMM SCN AR? GER py Rm deN AN AN ETE OA ¢ Sw Sh RN AREE SR 5 Sd HEIN HES YD Cee Gece H 44x36 @X@ ee : 9 44 < WEIN GK BAEWEE DN? 86 4 38 +TE | BEEK RAS ONE 7 64. 62 :305 Tv oy 4 PSEA IE > PT je ee se Bee QQ es enn’ HM BYE HS NERA Ae 大 sae’ Seta 7 PHD 7 HAR TER | NRG RES NT ® © ® ® AHS | NINES RIND NA ABR 43x dd KARIN REDD A : aa HSE GY ARE AER AO RAN RM Bee eae: a 11-75 35.25 es gem ARO C* BAK A 36 WRENN A PRA N =~ 47° Gee we 2 REx DY nO =H 43x41 Hil 43x72 Ox@ 43 x 41 ie | (asia ARAN Qh I \ BRAS ~ AEE EE SR HER (298), Q's \ ON RHR RTE ER HE MS BRK? BES RSE Re SY Rm AN RRS EN = BEE Rte AN A oS S SHE m OR x XR EMD BBS) NY Ol SEK AS SARE | iS tr tb 3 HME Ra BN RA HS IER QA Aga ROR ERS SS KR IR RM AN RE 4 BENS \ RMR MER PA KO nN Rar 4° BOA Rae eS URES AER ANN” BERN GREK AP CON © Odo Ae KAR ma? Ru Bie AMGEN A RRS En? BA Be SMS ARRAS eX A RN | EE aX SHAKIN N= BEAK C4 RR nN Rr aH Em Be eR No Gen RE Em ams Ro RS SRN Rt Oe | >^ gee SRages AMA KE RNR Y N+ KA RAO me 38x41 ei 41x38 A KB. 38 4 SRE YS RN DONT ERR Rm ER SS KPa AO 1 Ame YA RN py Et SMe YS BER IN REARRANGE K PA RRO NTR BN G4 PRR ERM IR YD SW” BNE RHEE 9 BR” HE 4 ORK « BRIN 7 REN IE eT ee eo 居 N PN AIRS BRR IG YO LD 41x88 <.grn GIP DS or RRO © @ @ 合計 de? By ELK RR KDE BEM OMAN? HR. ONDARY CO 3838x41……ow 18 24 15 57 と 38x4i…・ 0 8 1410s OR A Ra BRS BR YR | Bn > BEX ERR @ NID DO 祭 RE oR (ee ae BN RHO PEM) RK RM EN BRR em > iS By = OK em ew ew A | EE 導 2 っ (207) 43x41, 43x72 \ 1A eT wee’ 43% 54 a 54K 43 Neh? A BRE BEM Ca eo 41 4 72 ょ 居 ire nMOS D ERK A PRE N IG YS REWER KAO HENS 48x41 43x72 \ REE N’ eo Bee mi dal ON 4 EN, | HESS AM OK TAA I eR RK ROR EH CE] O (EQ twee ER RRR NAR Nay BR WORK” ER SHUR A RSEHRSR 54 + 43 +N i 54x 43 hy 43x54 SERIES Wo BRIE A Beem = 38 4 BSE A TU KNX DON FARM mn Sti YA on RH mo ERA SERINE SIN 8 BRR KA amo Rede wR NE SN BREAN TIS KC ar BRR HB ar NBR YAW ROR IN IG 7 BERN RANK Oo Ee FIN” Nae SEA Bh RRA RY? 43 x 33 43X31 Be 理論 』 理 論 敷 fin 差 金色 Pita (6 25 4 103 12 128 16 15 3 117 27 eee 時 | +4.63 Se 4 合計 29 115 144 144 aki N° 3X mm Ay BRGBAVS IAD 4 IER | Na SR BRN 7 以 Dn EDS BSE m BAS) ON? BSE ae HES N SE 4” Seb 8 TSR | TEN S2y ENA RO on A BES oR HRN IG AB Beha Se 4) CER. RE My SSRs et HEC A ヽ ト トワ 4 1A Re OED RES ERM Wom AV RBERA A & Ro Goh “ ja? 行 # 月 eA Ne et i 栗 展 RE CN RRR KR ATR EEN A PNR ARS 47 BORER Con)” N74" HRSEN ESS A ERO A RRA ERKO 4 RRC = ABR PR Oo Sh” OAS (GREGORY) (t~ 、 \ Eki (Primula sinensis) | SK AX RRMS QUA wes yy Rin w AN 4R se © A Md 4 ER) om ee (人 OOS 1 BRA 45 LA BRR” Spe HEOQ BUY A BIR 33 HABER + NR 43 x 81 43x 33 NON RN 4 BRA PARENTER ERN ARN R ReR ME C&O 自 色 花 全 色 花 Bite 合計 cath” Km ORA "ide MOS 4 NER] NRE Ao Ge ma in eee Se? va ARBRE 4 me (+) ME (1) aR DEH) eo 4 seo NR MAR A KARRI NK OM MOB | KARA vO ene th ARES ARK ARENA” EN NAR AKO A” HEM aa Se MORAN” ER ERA A RE ON” ERA SI RRS im NE pa >RERRER YD +0 (203) MR HERR LIC me Ket etm 16 ru AE ~ OND ~ SR ~ STS BR Tokro Haaiwara. Genetic Studies of Corolla-Design in the Morning Glory. ド Q'S 6 (Pharbitis Nil) ~ SRS SRHE 4 Be KN ERE \ BREN ot Bae nw RE ¢ BEA =O dn $° URED RR AHR N EK ACERS RUSE 6 SA ON” BRD we RR BC oe? O° JIN” MU Spahenee~ ty 4 fe! BRAC WN EB A GBH Sp No SI. A EBESH NM REHEK RN md PANN RDO HER DN Bas RK ASEM RRA RAN A BRS dag. BA. Mel=k> URE we HEH WRASSE AR A & ABRAM Bt eS Be 1s SSS BE A) ~ 8 SR 1 Oo RRS Kee mR AER RIBS BAER ON RN REE INDY N+ ARES oN BRR = Rif ms GN) YS RS mM OR POA HN HHA HN 4+KO OQ ~ DY AS SRS \ BPS BRK A aR Ko RSE BEAN QR DSER) mM Hw NO BRE HI tosh ih PRR AY ARN” OR Se mA BR IBN BRR ON” DNR RE | BR READ Ad \ RIDA EMR ERE I MMe Ya HANKS? Pe ey dee ee RnB RA KARI A HRS BRGE SHER Dominant white >^ BaeBbB ES ey ON 6 RK SERRA or Hoe, Ryn d A RM YE) BSE ak WN +N BH CRN SR | ARBRE AK AIK AD & Ro Bw BREN ( He RO Nt Sh AR Vib REN = ONDER K A eR RA Ao DR DORE ROE (7 掌 te 年 天 酸 gy TER 2 oe ae Ge or Br 3 | 部 SD ee te a 6 Sa eG fous RR Ae Ome Ahk PWR ZR E & —H. | 0 に 2 (みろ 問い に Be a es BAEC ee 月 0 Veg Sos gt Oe a ee AR BO Ds A ERR E> Bg 生 麺 ご AR io ee D te Ran 27823 F す の の gee A 8% ~~ 拾 昌一 WOnY ew 2822 | 隆 春 京 没 te -) ee 本 Beets oe ie ee 4 の 20 SE ; pea ム 論 ン 2 My ER er Ba に . @ ys ae - Ae 50 人 0 かり 37 eg 滞り A + wf te \ y | REAL SER OWE SO AmKaH 1 Rar N EM ee eee nee ee ee 2 abo 8 (ee SL Coy | = ; \ : : : ae Fe = Rea Kk & Ise Ss eK ER AK tan Ras WARE ERE 上 し 2 NO に い ib ARHINERoR “ 剖 aga om es ma 11 RJ (Xe tue ) 3 . ーーー 一 会 ーー 人 ー ーーーーーーーー | | PIRES BSS oh ages 7 Raw 2a RU Be (204) ake wis he esi he wae Remi) KE te TOR RES a ans さこ OM06 ぜ AS (Sat) CHE) Merulius aureus Ir. (ERR) SMHRHD’ OCU RM HOD IE” a eel meQuIabhe, Os Meee (Merulieae)° | Mo iS: . SAS RD HE) RD 4 BRE Ih RS \ aX lem GRRE SRT OK RRR AT ORO TITRA T Te HS や せい \ 中 ペー エミ ご (thi) e ETE KH Jesus K— ft AKAD” See) ¢ E N SEER A Rat Bw © re OX Ma Ke 4 ER ON WA SRR A RSS \ A S\ A SRER™ OK ( SGN ARE RN RE ABE BSE ^ Spee) BBRNEE A ARN 5 BE ES > KBEOKSE RN? RISER SRE I tte roy * AOR a A Re yy WES * pe if SIR 8 SH 9B EK APTA SHPHE KS AVR A460 S HERI YK RE | See l[o* HR KS SRR REA KR SERN 4 RR? KWAK IRE K O (Notes on Fungi (128 ] 一 AA. YAsUDA. ) dog 5 UMDRT |eE i AK KE ee RES KE RE REE SEF TS ENT TR AL ET TELLS TTY I ETT SILT TT EPS L I RIT TAT TA OOOO HATES By GSS — SE mm < 。 範 AC OBE ERT ae | URE HR A CORHEITRRSEG) Re BK = BERET IGR | TEREX (KHAKARES) i oO Sf | & ho (SB8KeR4) 中 B wt Ho fe mm) 電 田 +f me AC a i “apseuent KEM (ESR K TE) EE K+ ER aly rar wA INK A = (Y. Sinord)? as WReeem (111 く ) x = 尼 OOM CAKE) (HREE) Pilocratera insititia (B. et C.) Sacc.et Trav. = Tri- | _ choseypha insititia B. et C. CERER) SER” et A nl ses | (Pegizi neae)” SS 館 必 人 生 符 (Helotiaceae)* 1 BO wv RO svEBRE (Sarcoscypheae ) | Ap RISE 4 HEKESS m GRD BRIE mm KN BAR BE ws PAS SH|Ou se *— 22° GRE H iy BRA a 9 wR RHETT OR MHEIO 8° Re LRH) ESR a” BREA RRM SH 1 R N an N RRND 4 SRR MD | Bm a Ba Ba) yd RE DS\AZBT Hens 人 N AREAS OHS BEER 6 7 HEA \ BNA ate MR PyW | SRES EE ( SEK m n> fat | oes VTE. SEEM RQ* RPE ON RRNA RS し マミ ト へ? = fr A BRA RN ao |] RS Re 1 11K NK PREK = UR RHETT [EDIE | S7I RH OPO MH TT SK 7 Pet sR AS - RIE SIREN Ke’ Ke Pit’ 到 | HOMERS RG HER OE SRR RN PD SE aR Nw ヽ < KE bem ASN A %* Sy B+] BR SX \ RRM) ARE OBE We nA REE KA Beaty BN Bh STST 1 B o RER ASR DU N . we LEB HOY «ARE 1 ES DN ARIE KN BX IS sie (uD OP RIT ON RR EA KA RR RAO NASER EI BEN” SES 4. SAA ON ED Me AMA BWA BEE RS) on? BH ok (CRE SRD Ao URRHBTO 3° RRS SA EMD 6 RS NR 4 RN BEN” AVR IH CaN IDO avn | HN Shak MS HE 4 SS ECHR IS SS Be a eK Shes RUE NK KA VE keto Kt f& — x Hi (202) 行 本 月 一 十 年 一 十 正 大 nN 2 A NPS BBX AM CAR nw SV BSE] > NAA SET Me 1 ee A mei NSA aaa 1 」 BN RRM ONG Ie RA ATEN BRA A HIM C A° * VMIRARP EMM a Eh 4 EES eee 3 W | Be. INN EM XS A RD CA RR AR Me aE dR KR ViRA RS VNR BANK DN BEER KX AC ERR INK A? AN 4 AGN BERR EREXIN ROA RE SIHE sen NtokD— 4+ BSE Min eo nA CY. SINOTO )“ NANO 1 [Rene BS Sak S RN wee a | Sinnorr, E. W. Inhritance of fruit shape in Cucurbita pepo. I.—Bot. Gaz. Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 95—103, 1922. a) REE ATES SH | BX A BPR. SAK RIA PN RR ART Sn Xo Kae RRNA ES \ BU EE \ BEM m AK 8 AR RTM BEN 8 HOS ~ SOB OG Re \ aR DEIN Ch IK A RAM BERS? SEER 4 ACN ER fea \ SA NEN BERRA RT ANAK HN IRA A? WONT A RA | RR] Cee mS | 1] ia NEE om > EMR BEM B&O AN WAN RON 4 ORO RRS NEBR KRARHK A=] WADIA PI COE 4 ARENT MIEN Ne REAR” Bie BS CZ tee NMAC | | RE HD NR NRPS BE REM Re N | BRS = ON TY RAE SN AR'D AN BEEK Am Sah? KNEE J 1) en Hy Ke? ER in RRR WAN < disc + eK EE ES sphere EEN IK Ad Bo eS ws = a dain KA? disc 4 [1] \ nBARER AR | N % Elmar 1 人 < SIENA 1D 4 ERM ABE ANS HN NRE | ODN sphere $4QB2> &\ KK A? KREBS 6 BR ERIN? OR Qin Werth § disc RARKH A THEHINE IN 4 BERRA TIN ~BIRRN |S sphere wr aS A&° AA 公選 際 < | dise ND ANGHERE AA KARIM 'R BRED NM Re GA Km で” ENR AR A BRN cm OR Ae BED & disc + sphere + RAS NER RD a AEX IN BOIN KA ~< ‘ih sphere 4 WA +E ee ee AEP mae Cd 4 eo BRA A AD NEA EM 4B \ Ep m AER RRS BBE RRB NK A PN IKK AS GBS Karo RA EM me ih MOA % disc ih7HRA A % KARE IK § sphere \ BIKA II] 4 WN RW<~ Bm ea HEN HEE ED AN RIRA BRA Sm AE AKA RX disc \ BIRRN | 4 RS RA Bem ea KIEINK SA HES KX IRS Sm ADA BAK AMEN A XO RE SN MERI Nw A 4 SHIRL EE INA HN = S\IRK A RNA 4 KA ARRIMER RBA RP BAK BH NUN SEEK (BE BRED S Db + BE NIE A KR A SN RSE K RN Ho MORRO NS me A BNRE RA RAIN BEA NH ERR NIRA RRA SINK AS ROH 4 ERS IM CD AR ON RE ORR dy \ Eo doe A KR oe HR width m’*B au eie+ K ae HR Length KEEN RP A\ IN Index =X H+ AAS DA TERR sphere ji SB OW we tt & Wy ti mm oF (201) ie Rs BEM Ran nVr i A Aw SN + BK A? sad AUNTS BRA GR 4 BRK Ao BON 4 BOSE un en Be NiESN 和 キミ" | 4 BEN BIN AK YA 4 Mendelian white + SEO wate ny 4. HASAN AHA OKA AK WH EER AS NibR ESAS + NN EMRE KAS BRIS new < Mendelian Virescent ~|K vs seitv de. ew ROoO~R Ke XKR +R RA PN IRK AS HK 4 Wetting 08 Bin Eu RA ASR ABH SN 2 1 AR RRR RARRR PN My BSN Mu KAKRDNRKRAR PN ETI A AY BREPN EER SN EMP eR YOO s\n SN RS RES RK 4 BRS RE N ASR Dd om Hd QR IN 6 HEN Boa tie NBA A PANN RA By BA Ro Se WR yx H\ HRM dy os we x RW HS WKOSEER INK SHAN WN 4 Set | ON BRERA XS LIRR BBV IN KOA & ° WONG EBA ER RA ANTE MEER ON REE Ngee OR A Ua OC] HEN KR ERM EO KERN SHA Hee) "Rok XN A* AA Proplastids + th) iNT A? nye) NSB RR IN WSN NOB BIN WER AKA BERN ih 4 TKS ete | Saw AS proplostid “RAR A NBR RK A HD RSE RE ONS RABE! KA NIK ATR Boge ih 4 Oo proplastids *R SmyB~ KA \ SACS Kon A RARD” MAMMA RRA RAR AKA we SOS HK OAKS HU A KR RD RINK AKA RS SED Dm) % An PRR BBX AHS A Lenn U\ Bae] proplastids m4C> WHOA \ INK A? SKS Bu \ proplastids OR] RAN SINK A AIK NR Ss ARR BORER PPR? Ry SE RSS ER + Sah Mem IK A BRAK DA RAMEE ] SRin wR yom a KSEE BS 固 HREM OBA NINK ART ND 1 BN BRE yA INK RAD IN TED WP AUR ACER SRA NR aS HERE ER NBs RA CN INA AR ¢ % eH Oe ON HER Re RB! A RES ER mn KOR % RE RR OR AHRIN A AR SSR RIA Yd 4 AON By wv pro- plastids, Ke A+ Os BA 0 DARA RK AM | BSE SN Ww RLRE A SREY RON SA? SAREE G BRGY NA W へ 人 トト XS RRA 4 SBS Bem NS NA + Ate 0 IY RM ERINK AY REN BN < EMER EH I) sh Balke m BREE KA ASE RR AN KNX RRS AO X Pera RA AN IWROL ARS RRA EM Beek SBIR Kw BERD INK AY RO SAREE R RICRMINA AR RE R 4 PEER ER REE INK AR ROAD INAS = K ^ % SN BH ARERR NRK REA RIN | BERK Yr > RK 4 RR Hed & HEE. He RRO NM AAI C AGRA ATR AN AP RER RAR RRR ASN IKK A i\* proplastids “RH 1) HI & AHA QA KHAN mm? + Rees + ERIN AN 4 EE RIIRIN A Ao Rs proplastids RR son MAK CRE SR AN RAR RONR AN 4 o's RIK A KOA KAN KO HD CREE R ES (200) ie ee ae ieee tT ee HHESEK CWA KA NET DBR \ ROS J % Carex riparia Guinea Riis sipieane act vise Mey ok oot gee wey 36 /4 rostrata STOKES ドド ドド ドー ドド に ドー に 38 の caespitosa Up ct eres POS ape ates Seer a 40 Ms Hudsonti A. BENN. ドド … ト ーー ドー ドド ドド に AO の / VESICATIA CPPEPPEECEPEEKCEHCEESE fee ieee etme | の gracilis (POOR つの OCG いと フナ 49 6 Goodenoughi ee GAY oe tote oe efor or ee 4 の S2dY ih OR A Ila OBIE \ ROE § MRR NRE 4 EEHPSORRSE RENE ¢ HEATHEN KORY 4 REN KN He ge ih WAS ABER A REREN BR 4 IP SRA RD RHE Dy 4 BOR? RED RERRERRE SN BOA SRO 4 Shr \As RK KS\ ROBES Be \ MERE BAS RR NIN K A RARE Y HES) ~ RERRRERE NS Kw EER BP Cin ® ator HR § polyploid KECK AIK OAS B AAO HRS SRAIEE \ BSA UNS BIR SN TER~ 6 BRAN S\ JOH =] AERA A AIR KR NRA ED 4 EAR N WEEN AWA IKK AS FRED BBY V4] HES SIRE 1 ERR Ss NBEA RN TERK 4 REE DO nd We BONA AIR Rin Dr. CY. SmNor6 ) | INN & SNK [PRS Ge Ae Ss SsndPe DS BB | | Ranpoupy, L. F. Cytology of chlcrophyll types of maize. — Bot. Gaz. Vol. 78, No. 5, pp. 387 一 875, 6 Pts, 1922. sy as Hee] OE XS aR \ BERR 4 IRE GR A BREE HES KR WER Beene Od A RKHRNE PRIN ) ASKRRRER wr A REA 4 BHT BKR AS SKE] Dyaden HN AN eT” HOA ns Dyaden 1 KPHP Wt SkeER’R BAY A RIN SOREL A RRIN KON SN AN’R fm AKIN % diploid へ Gamete mEEA REIN K A wn \ Gamete ,#E\% sterile HA AH |= MEAN M AS RHA. diploid へ Gamete mime | Vicia i NRE y HIN A&A < Re Kin & HSE dyad stage WASSER & A mM HN IN mm Ae (T. Suarura ) ・ (SS BS MK SHR ~S Kwa ‘Heirporn, O. Die Chromosomenzahlen der Gattung Carex. CVorliiufige Mitteilung)—Sy. Bot. Tidskr. Bd. 16, H. 2, 8. 271-274, 1922. HEHE ¢ | 1 Cae ORR \ Ey Be " KA TEAL RIK D a te a Carex pilulifera, C. ericetorum, C. digitata, C. caryophyllea px’ C. flava ~ IRA 2 A EER Ke 8, 16, 24 (25 2), B2 Mw 32 sey wah SO eis SER PERE EH ~ RRR 1 A BR ALE AH THO A tm BE RN INK OD MR OEE 4 IRN BR BRA XA INE DS IN eR ERK HERS 1 SKIER m ite A dir RR AR A S Bil RPS RRR QD NA \ RAK BR RT RA Mo NSBR 4 FREE WBE > EQ we RR ONE A REM DAT IN— SMBHs INRA Rm te ty BZ a mah ao SIR < Bm aA RAN —2 yt AN PDL inim Ba Bont \ Sneed? Rl] P¥BAWNN Am NOR YR KANINKAS KOK AANRSRD\ | QR A Le RES Se Be RR BN ih ay meh RN ar AS Se BS & AEBS HRN SRR A KN BER NRE ~* BH I, 15, 26,31 XK) 35 HK AK DA w BB MBER CRS? ローH ミ 人 1 ROCHE の gracilis NSAIDS IMDS RNY BIBRA BNEW A ORES. RIBAK oe BOARD NIRA + KN ERK へ % Carex pilulifera | Gg nae ROBE Henman homer ss ane 55 Sa ARS 9 // 2770G2/07777770 POJU ま ーー グー {ey " vaginata AMIN Afc’ols BORER OARa CS. of ane nner sslo。。je16 4/ panicea deena TIRE A Sree eS Lah S PRET SAAR Te 16 7/ TOT AOH UG dU pen ean We SRO SEA OR ON Oe FERRARA AES Sine8 19 // BNO EG aI LE no RR On OHO nb Cad DOR HOMO TMNT Ne JAG Anan Ana 26 es Migitata Ly --rseeeresepese sce eseessceeceeensen eee sne 26 [ae aca TRC Gime Wai aictake RR Sn Se ee ce Sea Re RO 97 44 7 の 6787 記 DIDNIN nO cee Conan CARRERA AR ORR a ea 28 7/ caryophiilea TE AUT @ UR ata) ois seule so si ne « sp nek 31 OO 39 4/ vulpina IE 34 wt flava Nat に IERSIRTER 35 (ek ARPS ORN Bah) Gs a kA VM CHER WHORE J (198) ne ee PS EK BRAKES = RARER NACAN YE fey IN b+ ep ") es P. atlanticum X dubium. ho 無人 へ 部 QR 1 RE” PRE RE RAR BX 4 SHA INK Ao Soh WRN Ri Rin SSM DE | UNE RN stage \ AKGRX SEM OBEN A m #2)“ Diakinese X82 4 SMA KA? RM | \ BREEN RHR 1A N\ SREER Plasmastrang iNMIBARA” Bs AON ON RRR RAMAN RRTEAR RIN Ro | SIR YRAWMIN AR SN HD &° RRR ERR ut Sn Gemini N64 | eK PIRSA I RON ADS BRE Se eee NR WSN で) (| Kt Rea eS CRS RRA NIB ea a RD en he mE NIG \° oe BON BN A A \ SRUEE RON | RRR YK GARR IR STE Bor SSN A A BERS ER ARR HAR K wot | \ Rkaee'R Hte~ Interkinese Membran 4 Gf A NET Be wt) MANY ROKR N 5. IN INE DP NN GEA A & RINK A® h \ Interkinese \ KAS ( BRD A Rae in Wo yom さ < om ey SR SEm RK A eK DAW Diakinese m = do BX 4 39 wane ue ha % 0 NT 人 N is » uth Ne 3 be | 、 H#-\x&—- AKT D~RM\ RSH] Sian abnormal. ticum X dubiwm ~ BERR Kon W RRS \ Sek ro dd a ~ Interkinese \ 384 Homotype Teilung mien my” PRR > A AXKRRR INE NN KIN % BRAN 4 | RN ERE 人 KYU INK A PRE Mx INA LR HEM EZ Km A? P. somnierum x orientale nN Ses Ske RS RII ANN EE | m= B&H IKK A Seigse Bini, REN. P. atlaiticum x dubium m r¥8 9 KK 中 トド Diakinese | RON WA SRe'R A KON KO ARAME 1 WSN RASH Gemini mw” WER ER ! 宜 iN ER+- | Wy Gemini mw an =~ REKA? RM bivalent Saka de ¢ faa) Xm eo) univalent ~ WA 4 WDA% IN KIN | SSE yA AWK mA univalent ~ Skea Rieu im トーw 4 BREE bivalent saalge < 85 1) SARE N BRERA RX ee Ane § Reh Amo Ko Gemini mais a skalges iS ya vik univalent ~ Seles < Hos s Wa ner > SKSERYD a Shek | MD ARE RBA A? BLD DN > We | RRR 4 REO ALKA HAN A+ | EIN Ge mini 4, 2~ Gemini + | Ki BB imei n + RAR Ae- Heterotype Teilung ~ G2ak* EE BW yy 4 + | WS bivalent ~ + univalent \ gate K ABER AW Gemini ma (em ac] 4 h + 4 Diakinese in m\ ARR KX oe : RA WA REKA Velee'R Gemini mr RRR ew? md ae \ Hieracium \ BEREAN Ba si ~ P. atlan- | Ki ERS BB Man 2A A* PBK univalent . Reger ?) (19! (20) Tron, R. H., The harmful action of distilled water. Amer. Journ. Bot. 1914. Vol. 1. aj KEK A > > B& ‘Cuarex, Biochemie der Pflanzen Bd. II. 1920. 8. 366 m= Monisch Ree SRE A ROH Re eh 1 Tend CITT} URHKAKRAS SRE RR RN HS ROE ARN UREA A OD AK ONS RO RAEN ¢ > + 4 2 rare eitn ¢ > Fis aa sone) ] at | oS a SSRN 1] SN AEE EIS trax 」 と か AA Ny = 0 he gS tb ir ESN! fa = ; クンニ ニニン ーー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ュー ュー ヘー へ ーーー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘーーー ヘ ーー _somenzahlen m Tag & © . | ee AT に ey a 7 atlanticum, lateritium, percicum, tauricolum, eee eee hbridum, nudicaule-Formen, mehrere Rhoeas-lormen \ | , Hi fl HA BATS RS SEE (TAMARA. ) TONepAHr, H. Zur Zytologie der Gattung Papuaver. CVorliufige Mit- 14 pilosum, mehrere duboweum-Formen. teilung)—Sv. Bot. Tidskr. Bd. 16, H. 1, S. 108 一 114, 1922. 21 orientale. (TAHARA ) if アコ KN を 4 」 アコ SORA RO AN MARR MBA n HIKE AMR D 35 nudicaule var. striatocarpum. SAA NER RK gE I PR GREK SH ( Variationsvermégen ) 11] somniferum. ( AHARA ) NIGN & ~\ RIN An | § RRRIN A A Ro RRM Rede mS 22 setigerum. Hes 5 Re AEN BES 4 on \ DORR aR \FTG (ARN Rr REM D&O CGREN VR INS SK A Form mW X_a>*~ Bastardierung ~ HBHRm wy | Nd & SEES HONDA BD ) BREE) EX A 1 | Rog OA + ERA WK a Ao RK RRA P. somniferum x seligerum, P. somniferum x orientale, HN BERR m a Le) Ete e yy aN & Bastardzytologie ~ tI sk oe P. somniferum x atlanticum, P. somniferum x pilosum, Hy SRK 3 HSM XK Ay BN + BINS P. Rhoeas x somniferum, P. dubium x. orientale, PRG RANG, Fe KW ER DEE A Boat P. dubium x lateriticum, P. atlanticum x dubium, oN OS SARS HR ORE RY ON RR KORRES WN 4 P. lateritium * atlanticum, P. Argemone x apulum, WONT 'R RG & ° BARE =] ih SERA N RN’ P. Somnifer- P. nudicaule x radicatum. um (BSE) RX Bet ER m RR &? MONT (HRA AQRDA® LP. allanticum x dubium | XE Kt WONG, PDD RRR 7. AOR STE (-- 九 二 O 年 う 藤井 鍵 次 郎 、 細 胞 ノ 構造 = 開 ス ル 定 式 ノ tke. AS AREER (— Iu — 4) HeEnpERSON, L. J., The fitness of the environment. 1913. New York. HrBBARD, R. P., The question of the toxicity of distilled water. Amer. Journ. Bot., 1915. 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SSM) REN SR EM RBRANM OGM Sn nevErxn em awn NX Hipparp®?’R Lupinus \ SX mie x En Yo TR — BES ARRAN Gd 200 \ Bday ABH m HeRER A NA 4 QO AusO 5 MHS 1 om A HIM RDA > ON UR A RE PR | ARAN EA IRS RIES 1 SEN AQ WO AU ERD RTH m db HA Sm BeAr WEBB TN Qa oO AucQ S eH OS BRERN FQN BR ATID oN EP AY RON A BR RK くに K 二 回 Ne Roe ERO CRB R ANT DN CHER ENR AN eK RNS Bm AERA RBA QU tO ECHR RE = NEES \ BERR LEN BEAN 4 FREE | QIN ER NK Ay wR Hit RRS ito Rd RAST Woy | Bem BPE oN REBAR HAP RA HS AN RBS RIN RN 1 MERA KOKA SD RER\ Re PN ROW 4 COREA SR om my ERS ms Bae A NR Rar AN RA TD? ACRE EA 11 SEIN QQ Au eC NBR wh Ry A ERR 4 A tHe REBAR HN BR RN AE CRE A Re RAN BE PNA, nH RRA HRN me? RA Hoppa nv’ ge yom ARES Wt Lupinus \ XR UM ee Ne ee Sie ( PW \ ER 0D ed te Yo tE RI We FBS He 11 Ry AQ Ot \ DIK HE 1) Rar KC AEMRD RR (194) tee — +E * 行 本 月 一 PEE MQ DAM SOU A RH I rh CORSEMR) RR Bis iR-is~\ | Hi ES RN 11 KERR SURO" eee \ Bada) CHRBEN 1 BE AIRE R VAT D 4 ASEQIN AKALINS A SN SRER A He TX 88 ~ a BX m KA AAQEKK = 4g ym KIER AW ee eck oc coo WweRRes 1] <0 b AQ YO tu00 \ OO HA eer KCI RE (190) ae ee ie eT IE PEE E NM DAS Ot 0d OE EH Bar A CHIBI Rie |” GREER “BS RAATD YS (H25) ZS Clo oo — 3 A {ae jm ERNE A ARN, ‘#easip 4 C ゅ きゃ う 所 SUING AA Pe i] CIRO R= SoBe R A AMO a KA RAD SRHMB R= > KARE StH ER EK <1 m= th BSH AN SEES 困 ^ WAL uN A KR Amos (1+B) 器 時 間 後 (温度 ) 2 HK Bt pov yay A Pky Vay a 外 Hi RAseeiee pH Pl 題 微 鏡 製 察 pH 題 微 鏡 観 察 pH 五 時 fe] (21°) te O = fit 〇 = fi atk ー 二 十 時 間 (29 の 不 健 Oat = AR 健 SS ー 不 fe tt ー TAURI (21 の 不 健 〇 つ 5,31 不 ft 〇 5,86 不 ft = hT-AR TE C21 ©) am! 5,83 不 健 © 5,88 不 鍵 itt = SORISS SEER om A BER EKA BREN) BROS MBs A+ BR OR n+ PRR RnR AKA タム RAR ANT OD ERE 1 4 RR RARER AA EWES 1 4 WY RRA Ags Bin AS Ane hd? BKB RAAT トコ 9 mak Ries eS RAE TD MAME ROSY ye NRE SHAM Diy SRR SS AE RAD OS RBS He OK Se RAR Re RO KKK MNO NA MRS UO” NAS iN = TEER ER SiN mA KA HON RA YD OS SRBRER ES 2/5 SHR ADT OG Z/S BBR m BANE Bnd - BH NANA MA In Seis VS Bae m iY A? | ロ ^ Bk ian LOO 8 #8 Gkw3o) 〇 ・ 財 8 ゴ | Bera At ow Cyaan) hee vee Ce 1) Zz\S BS Gkxasd KOSS om 1 < CIE 1D Se PAD — ーー ーー= am — + (189) ate mL 1D 40; |AMGEAPRRIK 4 EEAM BRABUS | BE AIMEE IB AON ABB NIED << EEA BRR H RIRBER ABBAIEN Nee BRM yom 3% PREM OAN |G PAN. ma QM COA KS AMMBAK AN EmRAYAT AdO mW IR NIRS [Sw AYN RO ww NNER KS RNR ATE NRG SY A^ Ses nasi. | Bde ’R BES Ey HST oR A I OK EK NN RB MLA R Be oe BR Hoh BBS “AUD HN BA mM BA D7 BO NARS 4 A EER de BK KS NA REND CN mM NERS HE Rie DRM SE PNA KAN RAR” RRR COMMS OSE ee AD BS SRA = CAEN HK LRRD AS waa eA AER RN (OSC HER AMS BERS RR mA’ BD ce wp Mads Sy Bee Eg LMHS IN OK SS Hoe te NS BREN m NTE CQO A000 MEN Ye BEER KN RR Wr MOM HR RC. BK A IA 4 BOIN S HOM ERS DW QDS RAR A HR Ba A Ro em AN EE NS ヘーK^ fae Rien ewes yo [Sp AAS ER NARA A MEER AON GK ERAN RRS EN feist Bsn) 4 AO a RS Bar MEY BED SER ADD AA BIA D ew RRBENAN4 ey ¢ MORE IK NNN RENE SVN HK SGS で Sn LOIN EK AN BER RAW Swi’ ESSN BARE Ke eV Re SN eA RE Hew ROPES (antagonistisch) 1 BAxn + 4 SE \ BERR om ON IRS BRET ACR PN ME NRE ASR A S wie 4 EE Be EB K A ORR A PN KARL DN \ SRR 4 REDS mn Sh SESE RN oN RH URSD NS S SR PR BN CMON KARA WIR KSEE I ARENICK RED BONS eV RA Re RD NESBA RX Hee dg Vo SRK WERE Ye Ae RN EE AS NIRA HK EMD YD” fi. 2 eR + | KREE SERS HIM ABER] 中 穴 ふ ミー 下部 か = KA Rar in RR Se ORES 1) Ze bh AQ Ot \ EHS RR A IN Cbd Rie C188) eR te - + eK EERE MAAC SOVO\ THEE Re RCRD Riz MAP NA RORRRS AR A ONAN BO RN A RR NA NEN Rs yt urKinra Kua th NE BEN 7 OCR ON RA S\BRSR RE BSS NOW ORC] SERN RIN OR A Yo ANA AR EE EK AS wie Ymahryrae pRARAY D® Si RS ESSE AS NMRA 7 QO WeO S000 'RAMBES 1 NK BRET A AAR CK RMBAA PIRER AN SHENK A | RAT = § ISBN CD a ne BRS a ON NN SROEN'R IR ES m SR KH AIR BS RE DON EEN 2 = tr 6 MHENS HE AM Re DN OWS wO m BH RADY AHMED Yr? JRERBE | Dn aR’ HR Bao mn Re ON EC A BRK A ON) YN SRR COIR ENS BS KN Rm AN NN (1 k・…… 雇 酸 ノ 解離 常 敷 ES th SR BA a ~ ah) S8 NR BRN Beem SE ON Ri BONN BRN Oe BRM RAYD TAH HHAS me e+ | ors a a ee aS uate « leanne Tome 8O | 四 十 三 時 間 後 er an <2 tent de と fe aie = fF : Seis SAE Rene Pe Ree eR SS eee ee ee ao ee g\ ie Ce) | oem | ot | pee | pH BE + O tt | 6,68 1x103 | 6.67| 不 健 | O + WH! 5,64) m | 5x10-3 健 on oe | pO [exe 7, 91 ャ ~ AE OO + 6,51 ed 1x 1072 fiat 〇 健 O 7,88 | 1x10-2 | 870| 健 O 7,82 m | 510-2 ft | へ A+ te a | * 健 Ace dem | 8 AUl 1x10 ユ | 8,80 * 鍵 | A+ + th | 8,47 1) axq04 ae | A Hn | * 健 AE el 1 mix | 5.94 不 fH) + OW | 5,15 Seek | 不 OE HH a Of | oH 5,16 =H WS St ab (187) ah HE SD RE NS Sb RTE RR tC Bet we KEE ete HERES 1 A A Osh O00 5 LOIRE He 1] BBE IK CRBS OR) Tersu Sakamura. Uber die Nelbstvergiftung der Spirogyren im destillierten Wasser. EBB AC Ey SS Quek A000 \ TRH SEIS SEHR NUM 4) HE 4 1 Qush 4u00 < ARSE ON OTIS SEN A RSS See tN om HIM BRA A HS KA MDH SRORNM\ FREER 4 RBA aK ASS yn a Oh BAHT RAD DY DAD Cn AS aR meee LAUR) Re NSPE ey KERR NR ya? me R + KBRE Swe HOPE IR HS” fede | 1 eR A + HR HO LN 2S Ca As BSH CYL 611 RII SOE ER TIT LTR Ramee ee CTE TBD 束 ee GE MX) meee [#H te G11) a (EPR C111) SEA MRE RA PARR E+ WAN | ERI? | SS 2 で 4 ER VIER AKARA SA RSH EN om Van Rm OA AT Baars thir Ban 4 8 PDE 1 A OM QOS OR EH 1 ae KOK TENRD Rie BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS Change “Of Management “As a means of Bi the cost of publication of Botanical Abstracts the Board of Control of oo Abstracts, Inc. has assumed general management of the Journal, beginning with volume — Rony A number 1. In the future, all business communications about Botanical. Abstracts should be 0 to “Donald Reddick, Collége- of Agriculture, Ithaca, New. York, U.S. A:, who has been appointed - Business Manager and who has been empowered to conduct general management of the Journal. As a further means of reducing .expenses, larger volumes will be published and fewer bills will ite: sent out. | 0 made to reduce it. : Please help us in our efforts by. sending Your remittance promptly and by soliciting other subscribers. af 2 : 8 Bh BK MOos S 清 酸 I - 5 産 記 思 年 の て 治 化 き ge Mage イー ポ fy gk BOK AF ee a wit Onl aa wee キキ て 学 の tee pote eo He OS eye ER TY ort? bah Soo sl: ee AT RO Aig ae [E A, HO Reh page To - 読 組 Hie 、 Volume 12 will contain abstracts for the months January to December, 1923. Price $ 2 Postage $ .80 Volumes 11 and 12 each will contain both author and subject indexes. _ Volumes 8 to 10 inclusive can be supplied. Price, $35. Postage, $ 2. “Address: all inquiries to the Business Manager of Botanical Abstracts, Ithaca, N ew York, U.S.A. \ ゆっ BR os i © Ce, aT) wea Nien) (mB ser ssw 4A BO 。 て ロ ョ ロン ヘッ 〇 GHy+RES) OO CsvNoH, GT ND Vs : CTIGMIT TW) Bee oaor (Ok BFE) Hoes OVazeO CEVTO -T © 〇 人 C MOTHOI $8) ree Fe Wen MR Ky OD fy 4 F OEE ~ Bigg 7 あ ANAS 3 AN Cle に = ) > Gwe erate 2] BARES 2 Z NA Se EERO NS SRM | © Aw Nab NO ざさ プ aT O C さこ で くす ささ NS sh 4 a ゃ に いい 4 sal ipl PHOT Ts > a s seuei ek * HERS) 4340 SM と 人 4 の 62 AES As til 行 MAMORR BA pees BHD 定 os ae) 所 PT a iy nse raaie | Te g PE cerid =e oe ess AO) る ト 1 0 gg REE Em 2 HICK gig RO eV 下 BRR ye ER ey May. ght 2 tebe AS 2b isn ERE ea wae pean (pe oe = m fe Bial “ BS = BL の he Tuli [ie 國 (a2 |= 282 po BE TRA eels Oui mest more Ait 2, eo oe 町 町 = 北 〇 on E i Tit. Aen thee Sito iz pk TH Tes 金 月 第 ARE oft hag a tt 次 多き gaye Tey mS hs fate te 了 a Gases LE ae. age 敏 晶 語 時 ee OME. 4 AM 鳥 〇 生 に 相 堂 堂 掌 ” 第 の baal oe ore SAGES REI A Ne NOE RY NN ee | ae Rem ei rg CBR) is aiaMe 1 Aw BER DI SE Bae CRM) ee 2 2 y a ee Ree SEH | Be : BR HREBE RS S oe ee ee He eS ms se pipe ae vee Pace é on af Teak sy 8 ron Sy ke > moet tee te J ee ee ¥ § ei - - ~ か tag . a" ee i Tae 0 旨い bk, = 5 1 し : ’ 2 ES f hee ; Pager’ it 7 aa ahs っ pe 1 ま i 9 BN af . a ah 人 ig : 4 7 “ に 0 は a os | ag M .. を 2: + Br 6 B ; | と y ; CO の re ーー HES | BEN BEINN NT RN BRR ie SHE EX $807 と So で Ss aa So ん ご ア J aN | MS RA BSNS penny ? SLOMAN) n ERE : inate Sen RHE | Bo RN BCR 6 A ey we Sa GR GMS HGH MN ES A S HN um } mas i オー U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bulletin, Farmers’ Bulletin ie Be & Circular Ce Bei ars! : Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel ys Rea Raa : ox! Kaka Rae ae BRAG aha oe, 中 AM ety Re NIH | i co aA ; ン «—-* RR RHE PIR a ast Feed ia aR eM CEO cd 8 a TE aT ee PRM Pike ee cy Soe CC a a saath 名 Hakcaee te | | “ me S1BG i fet RO Se he TEE SS BK RSS eo oo tH SO) RS Co Se He ate age gC a Seas the SSK Ae AR Ba do SHR Se He Eh ee hh ROSH ea aR ae ao SR ae FQ BE ATES IK Re Se CSRS FE Ral eo QA HE ROS es eo IK AA Oe Babe ie SMa Se ile 4K 1k Oh CaS He PRIRSS Eh Gayle senate 7 (Cm) a Gwynne-Vaughan: Fungi Linsbauer : Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie, Bde. 1—3 Smith : Lichens Willis: Age and Area BY PECRERMR RL Hi -- BRUUIEE act | Pe 玩 癌 Cx) SHSM 4 Heme S 4 KK 1m AD : Bull. du Jardin Botanique de T Etat a Bruxelles の NN Ga oO ; mee ° oh Agricultural Gazette of Canada, the Bull. du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg . ‘Amiotioant Botanist, the. Bull. du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle American Journ. of Botany’ Bull. of Miscellaneous Information, Kew American Midland Naturalist, the 7 Bull. of the Torrey Botanical Club Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina Bull. trimestriel de la Société Mycologique de France Anexos das Mem6erias do Instituto de Butantan (Secoao de Botanica ) Dansk Botanisk Arkiv alate cee: Naturlistaridchon *Niuseume-in: Wier. Det Kongerige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Aarsberetning の Annali della Regia Scuola Superiore di Agricoltura in Portici Det Kongerige NorskeVidenskabers Selskabs Skrifter mA ade AB Gtantca, Inventory of Seeds & Plants imported | i Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden International Crop Report & Agr. Statistics n Pec ancal Raper ofthe Director of the Barca of Mere ae MCA of the Science & Practice of Agr. Science, Philippin Island International Institute of Agr., Documentary Leaflet A ・ x Japanese Journ. of Botany (内 國 ) 1 x Annual Report of the Director of the Dpt. of Bot. Research 『 | gt 4 rs te Annual Report of the U. S. National Museum Journ, of the College of Agr., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. (内 國 ) eT cela X Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro - Journ of the College 9 Agr., Imp. Univ. Tokyo CA BD 6 Mt PAI Iatitutd 'BOt8i90.Gell Universtia di PAY Journ. of the College of Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo (内 國 ) か に x Beitraege zur Geobotanischen Landesaufnahme diouen “OL TRS UAHy ave 2 es as eens Moron ABDSE Kansas State Agricultural College, Bull. & Circular af ie me Bergens Museum Aarsberetning La Nuova Notarista ee War 2 Bericht der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Me uu om itor Berichte des Ohara Inst. fuer Landwirt. Forschungen (内 國 ) Mateos : ee "s By _ Boletin de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona Med del apelen. 0080GHN Reese rep Rees tale 2 | eg Botnieala bat vaets Mededeelingen van het Laboratorium voor Plantenziekten yi vel Botanikeat 18 Mededeelingen van het Proefst.tion voor de Java-Suikerindustrie : Botanisk Tidsskrift Mededeelingen van s’ Rijks Herbarium teh * Buletinul de Informatii . Memoirs of the Department of Agr. in India es pei Mey の 4 、Bull. Agricole de PTnstitut Scientifique de Saigon wie De oc aye Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona SS se Bull. de la Société Botanique de France Notizblatt des Botanischen,Gartens, und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem / MA 【 き 」 di ? < B ; re a : ky ue 1 6 4 fs ty FCS. SAP ’ の oe 1 4 be eee te 内 2 際 、 が PJ era : に seek * = 4 TN 1 2 MS と: 2 ip * る He (nm m £84 ) RIGS eK \ in Fl Ke | OE ie ie fee OR gE ia Keepeemn aL | emt SHIM JE 1 By A “te も 3 ) 1 £ _ a +s に Me 2 + la は t 7 we 5 1 ば ~ if 1 in J SIN ERS RD ee MS EK AK RAG aT BRR siete De Sat Gaia tt (180) B 屋 aT su BST LY Se de ah 、 | msso me i ee i | SE 1 {+46 oe Sie a lee HBH4RKRESE OHS BEERRR ERA MME SKS BNR pO SE HE ne Se oP yd NP Bt Wine a Rice Se Ea SHH K tei Bie 同 林 HBR A EBL K ie tbik \S Sak BER KR HESS RR Ele RK thie Rp SKE SS ics Biba a Rice SOSH Re ore RPS ae ee IE as ies PRG SELES ik re HA eK th et Hm S48 Kies Se ae aie fase | IHR EMME SEAS BicKIES se 1152 Goh i HR Hm Jy ABBE ym SKB SHUM DME MER MEME ETE < aR 0 PWS SARA Sue 4 eee ey ARERR HES BeBe ie Oman UE 1) ak を ff と Bee NPG RR Rs AME HIS. Big AKER a BOE OG ren 5 a 1 EET ER EEK GI BR a * al Gn ae に Po PPM hE HORE AK BRK BRN AR Bw SEN BERR WBC N BE oy Kar ds mn BGR Oy LY a OS Rim ER RX HEN 4 HERA RUGS + GR} + mS AN SN We ON =a) wie [7 Pedy ee A me seCare CHR RIES SS 11 EK X A REMIXES ES SBE RIS in HE) m4 Reta se Mak ~ Bikar 1? 察 BARA | 品川 十 1 oe | HAR NFR BEA RCH TRUE NEE I 4 LE KO | IN A wD PIRES KS eR 1 | OKRA oe [OK ugha] Bi 1) 1° SS Fe A | & A QR RR OReHE 1) SSHK X 1 | oeih en pt, | | assem subd eee Boke seat” STM a” deme oS LINN SOD NFR BRA” RIC Ray 57 Bai | + San | Od EEG eRe) 1° Qn BE “ Kae | | 2, le ASG Suet YS の Pa VTAM Agine ean ser と : gee yeaa mann At Be cme asex ute “RRR AT SIDER Kain BI RR Ow | 本 RB rh 人 貢 幼 4 WEBI AU eRR Re KAR RS | ae HN’ KALE + | po Briana ~ See WEARS Has MER BK I REK® (Notes on Fungi (127 ] 一 A. YAsopA) ペー ヘー ヘン 3 ‘ ; ! ペー ヘー ヘー ヘン ヘン へ ーー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー 語り PS EN AKRR GES 人 a ; side elas WRG ORME HR | By MAMI Nd wR — | 加 ow dS B> REBAR KE TI Seer | cot dun BE my = SBE) s ars : iC St £ 2 ms ig laid ala betta - 4/ ee 8 we Sab BE aS TEnRie K IRA Be eat nm 枚 mk Stel ol val de Ei agile il & Bmw BRRBRS THE KI EKE & © に we 陸生 生れ 放電 本 iy tH i ON OK UE. Pee e e = 82 t@ 1 & po | laud wigeralieat We + E BGs Ricz (179) EhWe SKM Kee Mee Seo BLS 1 BRK AK RERLGGR ~ oa SR ay Ams mee eu eee € OeRAtaALRE mmeev Kos = PAL. Km 地 地 $2 WA KO maetRA KOs Wink va Kad AmLR\ Kats EWR SS HOYOS He@w= NRE © HE Oe RIHL mix = (Hxoperidium ) lm Kt SHEEN KROCIRHOsi ma 4m LR Radar (RRO KR RRA RI MOK BS 4 (Hndoperidium) 4 #24 > ERE MN BED ati X Ad "6 OK SS m NEE HMR (Gleba) 4 BERBa) | NM RRE SN IE FE SON 4 INK * MPS) Kar ie om oe CSR AN Rm Rh SRE ES Wy SIRE “REREARIE K < SRBC m OD “hal IIR] OS KA BRM 6 RISD BO SR ON TERN 2s, EEE co Rete aie aa ere eS er ORR SS | RKO Kin ¢ BERT Stn \ ES ee RAR 8 KH eee mph Sak REA RHR wo BOR ORR ( Bovistella)4-” Shhh \ Rm BEN A D% Oe 2K {Nm RE ON RAN BRA にゃ ゃ で ORMNPNS HE Sit) RE) 3 Polyporus aurantiacus FEok. (ER) HERE IRR Eo ie se MA@QNIADR’ TeEOUCADS BE | HS BE DN SERN m DEN DNR RAR OD toh ae - ae な > ne SON Weir DEB | SHERRIE SEL LRH A + 2” 生 RH | Oc a Sih ¥—+ A BbHOcHNIH | BNR RRS ZAK Ao AN 4 BERK A ARIES) yO HRER OO IN SESESR SN BW 4 AOS Sn oN? VN A Em oh K^ TRIES SESS + HRB a) m BR y Sins {EK OHA 」 GOK SE Rm tS KM OR RH | ma ee tana’ Meee | SRE RMP 4 SERN m G2 BZ) NEP RE A” UBB SRR] SK AO : 改組 BRIBE RS A wns 0S BBR ly Hx’ KA Ro Rm [loth N BSR REA RHA OR) lath igh HH SRR Kee “RR se RE OR NS A mA 290 sO \ SE m AEE YIN A & A BREN C NIT Dt Be RSE = Bt Polyporus Shiraianus Henn. + NYA PN ERA HK RIED A SIAR AS | ORSANYUSAS RSW) RE) Lycogala flavofuscum (Eurens.) Rost. (RER) KLEEN SSEED (Myxogasteres)* @BIrhbe (Rndo- _ sporeae)* 25181 9.0.4 SF (Trichiaceae ) Moiese ¢ HK BER A AER SN HO RRR DH Ze SSH N~ URRY Nth & + RRR | ° LRH 11pNXー と ミト ム SR i) ON BAP RY Se CA Ph eae a RIS Its USN な KW a * RHE 6 RRR DW SE Ro ROSS S AM KN Stora neonate aie eee の cata FTP peo. 8 OWNS ROD ABARRERMRS REAR RRR ARB A RS TAS SREE AAO BO MRS FHNKRES \ SE DN RRR BAC BRO AHH CR RON | AP EDN Sm > NEERO PE BHARRR 4 HARE KN th” Eh § BS RASS RA RN RSE HN AR I Rn Sm NAIR SED er AK ANIN A A INS RO REIN \ NA SSR IRNS ees ee RY aa ee SS CRRA NEE es MSERS LIR NE RA HA me Pe BK NENA oe RR ee ee WA MRK | EEO A° MEHL, RRM KO QA BE MID RAC MRR ( CP fe NO ANA BRA RN OOP thes | SINK AMA 9 Litt, DOP HANSEN Wes LA LRP INKA KA SEN OHS AT CBN BA ARES N BES RETIN BIN ABA A NEA AR mC A 2 RRALL HN (aA \ BRdo’ US RES ARS SHR AC SRR AE CAB UK NOE ABEND SLUR EE 0 REE BHD in BAH KR? PP NNW nm) NT BR rer cere BSE 4 SYEHEER | LR KA RRA RGR dee Ras PC ae ray Slee i) SEEN AANA EER Ey 手 環 . RUIN ARE HER INSS AN INA IND 'R? Beh. U4. Bhs WRN AN TINA KA IER KK AA IKK A AKON aR Eh NAME HAA PAN INK A BRN? 116 RIN SRRIIN A ee eae PA TKAR + MD Cin A H* Sait h\ BRAM 6 ea) ae Mh mee NK ARH HR NRA A MARR (BES PRT AIH PAN IDK A RIN, 日 Om Vike NO ID 2 HN IRINNS\ AIR PN HER + REN @ K PN IK NG RASA +° (Y. RrNor6 ) caging よっ is aad nen Far マッ の ‘ws rere (が = ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー 区 舞 eerste vr — eS Rae 人 ( 111 や) ix (a ORDMUSNS( Rit) RE) Bovistella Yasudai Lioyp sp. nov. CERHR) RHEL I RRR” EN” ES” Lycoperdineae )* 178 .).a.2 at ( Lycoperdaceae )° ycop Hee ( 【 Motel < 常 演 懲 4 EEESS yo nN RHEE Oe KN BBR HeAORE & Nem SAAT Hi Nin ND VAKR- HA RRHZSRRRMI BY MRSC KE (176) HRA SES Neh) ARP AAI” ANDAR REA AA PRPS TSE | ER KT R m RX へ < 図 BRIN A KARI S \ BRdo SRO OA + Re | AN BRINSON RR NINA IK Nh 4 EK . 5 ae た ns a gel x jhe Lard と LA rs: Ms cre Ma 7 Rt ee i a Aen go Ren IR Gs Se a hee Sat ee te ees Ng ee ee AMOS AO RE | fm AAD 1 [EES BN RR Ka RAT ag ; io い 1 8 R ia : . ‘ ve は h | が fee i te 0 oy ae : Phe att ets hin eal 3 K : AA HK EN gee: ee hw (Bm NRA Ke RR 4 NN SRA RBBB RN EN BN RO NS PN +80 (SA へ KA ESD) & BER 0 EIR AR ARR NT RAR 4 SEA we \ 2 min A ROR | QOS Reva «AN BaN Bet WIR NED NaN em BN EER yf BRAN i eK &% JN MOA + BRYN A BRIR STR AO Bs SERIO ¢ Star) NERS AR I + AN RR RRMIM AK BN IK So OAK ¢ BRR YG A io BN KBR Rn 5 SY Son ge SA KIRIN 4 te Sa tN ERIN We Sy ER NAD WMS RA INADA Bh’ A AO LER SA Ree S A HAS BRR] WN NER 4 HRMS BMS > KEK S EL |5R Ses AC QERSBER m BY REESE | NHLA Th wD RRR NINE HIE ERNE NA Shi ihe DY REX RH? OM Vib Y Nain NE KHER | RM KNX WA IKR AO | Min \ ARIE m aN RES mS) WR RK ARH EB ee ee ee 0 LIN AS BRI ae 4 HE A? EKA SN ER | Bae SNP PWF ON MHS Rr RD AN RR Hs EK RRS KOO, 4D) SEPA | GP es oy BK ARN 4 Re IN TDA ト So Srey UNTER 7m IK HS thin ER Rm tS Bis edt 1 OR SRS S LEHR BE MTG IN ペー (SI, CRRA BSL HAH KA WS RAKES \ Beem R 4A ERIE NK ABR ATER A RA A RRNA INT A Sh BRE 4, HW SINihTh ロ ーー 2 Rt Qk) DA BRK ARE HW NINNEKR—bAEB SRS ERIK ao ARS Sm AKA IND BN HK SMI NS em RR YD BRIN KIN KR RINK SO Sade ee ¢ E45 BEES m Had + > mo > BREMNER RRR ! HX LANSKEN LER’ ido (Synapsis)” FSSkE (‘Telosynapsis ) R BS (Parasynasis) RAY | LN BERS A ON ERD & ah \ HERE oe BBS NMDA WN INA AS QWs \ BREN VR Mm AVE REI DR AS 1 \ OR Me XE HERR EK ¢ RCRA © REESE RCA AN OER pb RRS y XA KO BRUNER BN KOR 4 SERA RE BRS Seatlgt . BY 5 MHA RS AR SRR AA INSEE KOON RNN IPD INGO ARERR A AINA A {SRR RRO RIN II か で SBR (NE SEO NBRALADNIDAA RHR yee nV ZHPH AKI NOVAK R—-NARRHRZSRERBRRI (174) A, Sty Fd Tr RS DOF Eclat a e : ay Reg 、 bios SS slat, ab ie ere pe a ne ai k 7 に い = ~~. x ie Shag hie = a を の “ _ 」 SRHIRE RN - BPS OU SOM HS = ERE | NR NRE A AKIN RN DV RR AAR S SREY | N4EK ARP RAE UMA AMER KAS BH OHH や WRCR ORIN AA Garth RENEE 'R SRE ot ty ERR SRS ERAS CSN Pv UDR, BQ vy wm4H A SIN KIND Roy, ELS yy Yaa en adc nine DS — Ms BHD 4 BR BY OREM IDK SRE Bete \SEENINIE NX WA INA A OTN BH aba 4 Reboulia 4 SOS STERN A AON” BE) BRS IN KA A = OD RRIBT IN (BK SS RIBS NE RRR INK A + AO BORON Be a Ry BA - HOH 4 BSE ih HC BK HK PRA POI PRA OAS He Eos A CW RK A NSRP GXSos O80 ER IRA AER eatin 4 RAABSBINK A NMRA BRERA AE? FO TRIER A HE IRS RNR RA “IK NR HRA RADY > WANA a7 REM ER i SS fi A & NORA + dR OS RE Mm We ® ih HOA Hit RE AO PRO AS 1) BREE 'R BEM KD NAH D tH OD AN MIRA SER St HNN SI RON RERNRA NRERAD” BIS HERI BARR (ORS RE A HOE 1 BHO NRA NRO CAO BAERS ER ON fai ENA AIM RA = dos \ RERE KR HOS NR BRN BE89 Ha jkA9 MRE \ ate RA y | BX SB % 5 COPS \ BSI A IN | BE RRO NER AMV ES mares Bee RACH SEIN Re A GaN ay 4 SR eS 7 ae | a re) Cory : i ey ; = rt a 7 eal Sp ee ol See ee ‘ples るり oe の to : も i ee ag a a EY eee eae ern fen Sa Ne Mea EE EE ce Tee PSE a Be RC PN いい 52) LS NA BIRR Ao BEAN NR Bh RR | HE Se NIRS HN SA? HS BS y SHE ER NEM ARABS 6 FeO Wy RD WAS ROBO 4 AEBS See A A RS Bs WS KUNE EM HOW RR BAN hIID \ BIRR SES? AD ROE \ BEER RCA AS RHO REE SS KO A = BRE’ \iR | HERBS Ses A REA BIR 6 hon [oS BORA AT H1KNA § | BENE 1 AR | ERE BRAK AN rin (QRS NA UNOS 関 &\ Se ERS NOR A = BORN BH OD ETERS N Satie = BK AK GOA SIN” Reboulia 4 HERMES By \ ae ih ( BAH RINK AN 'RERAS NN | Reboulia \ SS Rete ~ SSquisihee sien yy BEN. [RR AR AR 1K \ KAREN RMR Ae KAN A TK RO BUNS BB A ERK 4 RIES \ SEE ? ily BIND A BERD IES RAIN 8 IRR EN RRERM AR 4X HN ih Or KBE ROI R nN GRR IR Se RH BOK AEE IRR IK KP RE AO | ae NAMEN A 1 OOH UD 4 RED eee eg Saas Bball s RNS AAR RR Mem SEK KAW TK RBEIN < RRR IN A > SUI m = Heh SHE RS A DONA BN IK N tt R SHR AO CY. SrNor6 ) ‘ QD>—1p.\ KH SIKIN NIB ANER RH . VRS RRR | W pes OO PE RENE KY om C. Li OBBRO of mature phloem in Tene: types.— 6 : on に _ Amer. Journ.. Bot., Vol. 9. No. 5, pp. 89—44, Pl. XIII, May 1922, BE Re だ た SC、 で \ (173) KON 1 KS A doo Stns (Stein SRY nA A PN Rao nd | BRE OR ABH ON? oN Bae 4 SE Son FE EKA \ SHEDS GSD 1m ABA PN HIN YO REA WATER 6 on NERC DK? BEN > \ Ge Bie . NEO DEK A EERE IN AS OCR ALAR WK AN EK He FE SI A HN TR IN Ay RO WENT 4 RRS RAER 1 NERDS Kae ie RE TN Aw NNN EIR BIN HA NBA’ OR PS KAIMINIEN 4° HIER E ERM itn A EMR VORA WA 1 DN? HI ION AER A NII * か へ 4 ERR ER + Mo LED IN? ODN BAREIS AK A | BX | PB RAISER A or NNER ABR \ REG INOR A C7 ERA RA GREY ORES 4 EN ~ Sie mr HERD VA WA KA? (Y. Ocura) QBHIN—KlOS PLDs Rae ee] DuptEeR, A. W. The male receptacle and antheridium of Reboulia hemisphaerica.—Amer. Journ. Bot. , Vol.9, No.6, pp.285—295, 1 pl, 1922, SEE NDO dro HARES He SARIS 1) oH) A HER ww HRSSIMH 4 KES SNe 9 pres seer wy 2 > 1 oA KA AR RHEE 'R at KOR of Banc ESE mien A as een a SA ee tts 4 MS VS PU pre POS 1 6 } « 4 ares ae ee (wet cneen le | Sirk \ FEE os BO in SSREND 4 Eh Sidm an min HK SO 1] SN SERENE RES 0 RS NI A RR Hey 4 1 ]SE'R AB YD NERA SRC RAS CME 4 RR a ee eee eae et ER KHER N RXR A RRR NN ACR | HIER RN BRA HZ A SAN PESSIEREE RR AS RR AMR RO DE YD か NR 知人 A RR BP 4 HOTS SB CO'N く ASS He AEE yy LN IN MEOW A dy 4 1 DD WORN BER BRR RA 9 Sone URES REN MS 4 GIS AN WRAP SRA RESID KAS [ANB RX AN RRA AEN ABRda RAD BN RIL ARERR RIT ASKS eR Dn A RW RAO Bt SSRN SEE BEN SERB 4 hn HS HC oy dtu ¢ HEN See S Hu RVR AS SHOTS BEN KP SES HE 1 RIA > ND ak SHS RO Rar a RS om AN RS MORO KR AOS RS ER A a A ON Se de® AR ih MO SERENE SN NN NMA FREER 7 財 環 る sm = NAAT BEBE AN he \ SKS JX NIE OIE R #1 KS xN\iX Ri STR AS a (RS RIAE RAE nae ORR RE HBAS Ra fa re= x =° 7 | : : Ke BS MER AR I NARA RSIEER A . “8 MS i ee lig, PSH ee) Nae AK HARA RA @ SURE 6 BRIS SRIIndi- nara Ra ae et ee ts “es 2 kator) AEE 3 hia 82% = (MICHAELIS, IOS. 182—183\82)° Nat \ ey ele Soke oS 2 85 で | ete cae; 5 AREER) mK AS RAS Ce a gers A CAAA PKAAWAD ROBBING EAB = は Tange! aus < e 5E + ie" 6 E 3 ド Bet SVE Aa OER PAE D SK AERA R KE eee Sei ee SRS 1h WEAR Se SON DEK KA KRAY O° RC し RT aera % RR 9 Sm Seo pecs sete Kgee SEES Pe Be As Be ee Te 編入 民夫 QB Se HIER] AA BRA RH KHAN als als e 5 2] gz S 8 時 | pena c anes ream KABA OND AAR | . SEE \ BESEEN | DD NHR RD Nr (6) 4.59 ca ae ttt ats 円 』J. Logmg(OzApmk4m vnpER)\ BEN AER DN | BON SRR 9 we RHA 1) Kd AON NIK HE Ra RK Rie BRERA 1 Se A Dats tU TO AMR SH EA Rie | RA | MSNA YS se A 5 AIU'R GET Ra Nm wNhNKSN AN BEA Rs KN EE Se RRMA ON PRG RI NA EET く Sie aX, NP RK ARES BX mk ste m OR 1) BEES" SS tee $ Sh Ru HMI HE HKCU hm RNA? BAERS Sk SRR RIS RC SRI HN Te as ZIS WKEAMMIR A IS PENBAKRNA MR 。 eR BR < |S KIS on eM NIRS 2B BARN ZS TNA NR Be TA we HK A Ste dV RINK © Ao RBS A BN RES Ca BRIO IN” dro > HBX yy AS NIK (4 BEY RRS ROR | Beh INK KAW AN BIS NEEL NSE NTN S A Ris fe) S BRER Gi NA if HERE re BR REIN 4 Sik ss BY S BER O-OK Ewa ! ee 1・O | | | ote SN Chlorella \ Re’ Rik NBR NKR A ea fe an a WP へ へ LT RAHIKN GY >? ae Qa here RRS BSR MAKERS AHH ERD KANGA Mh Em AN TE 0 ES _G70) AP UE 。。 。 | ee SCS in BeNOR IS RK NEE NS NEE Cm oe Vem CREN Ee SSE N Rs A PN > KR RMT AD SREP OS IE PERN Rar Bada 4 SEEM A PS a oe _ Re ee # A AS 4 Stee へ HEC Massenwirkungsgesetz) 1] m= ee dip e OL oe tee (CH,COONa) Sty Gels: + EHEC = 1”) : “a fe . 1 5) Kk ーーーー .… 酷 酸 解離 常 表 CDissoziationskonstante) | RTR N inal MON ~2m ae NE et ーーーーー ニ ーーーーー ニ ーーーー — = モー ニニ エー ニー ニー nn ーー と . ” . " 7 aii = nag a 7 4 _ ; Me cro ん Fe ae) Gal: の Ke の 0 VI — a と PP トー : spore ss, 5 0 r に PR mis | op ab ep | hc eee ge Be ey ce FS : が Se 20 em aar WE 2 | / リ 0 aK AKER 1h NRL SRA > PAA > RAAB: A {EN WihK PEA = erie Hat RT nde A ERR = | ne area Ur eleest ree | oes | Babe enka a | ee | NAS mmm 1 EEN AEA RARER NaH Rn WEE DN MAREN A SHEER QS | AGREE TG SRS MER RAM BA YD BEBO 5 BE Cody Lee RR ym 6 SUN EDT RUT Sl ANN MPAA HD BNSHER NH YD BLN AR WhO f SRD KEEN BREN sg es. WAT A CHE HIS 'R ERE HOA REBES m Sh RBS HR NE a A, EP EN ON SOIR AR Rar RD EK RN KR? BOS ROS Bd BEN A i 4 BER 4 REA S A BH Sm mo ERE A WA) KON'X, (Micoanris SR. 113, hm ゝ s Mme RRS ¢ os WSEAS TICS ERIE fe A Ee YARRA 8 SKIN 4 Hk RI BE REBERIM H i, a Ce E> NARRSA IK 6 MEMESEIS SBR SCN HE ERY or BR SP Aw. BURN Yr | mS RMN HOR? RS Site NS HOR | す 和 SGS 11 AID SS BERENS Km dG A A BS 9 ES SSE KEES He AS BOER RAR” AC HTRRR + RHw ts NS BRER © RE KEI RHR SS SIN BA BRA Site tg VS BBR RIE A aR ~ CNH RANE EK Am AW’ Se ee a A Site dso MAK A も a Ne ad | : 1 い | ERE 1A DOO \ HE la Re wera a. NRL AQ SrOLU 09 \ AR HS I Yh Ki So で \ BER Ae | dC UR et NSA K AIBA Y AIER BGA 4 AAA HHH HN EEN OQ ANG m BES SD oR BRIER D 1K A NHR AUR i+ \ BES SUMAN RAE ME rn BA Smee in? i & & や KREE BEERS REWER WES RRC HK May & Baker x dk | EUSSIR” GS eR 1] A HARK A wy) SRPMS C+ ABHOR a Mol | +EeeS61+HH\Ke (168) NS mp SVAMA WAN ORS IORIERE RS 4A BA 1d KBAR KK 6 Men oe NSR EEE \ Sat ae 11S \ Sith = ceahek Cade xB) ~ Tt 1) EH AR Kit > RSE RS SA ON A BREE X A HH A fe NSN RIE ERS e+ NE WS 3 IB H a 2 e— MAPA >In / » hatte WSEN Raiiees Imbibition (elektrosmotische Adsorption) ホ =” 4 A % #eBES AE BEARS CHM > | く ABI \ BBA ト KhAANBSR\ESS EK AMAIA ak An 9 Hin Ye > OAR ARN = A I SR 2 | GR DAS RSET IGE AGS P A 11 > mC HERR TT AOE BS or AS IK SRR NY AN AHA Ripa AtbaS HERBS 1H AMIS Ro weet A oe \ I Be mA DAGMAR RERE COAL BN {a BK > th HON HK Ae ey A IRD & KO | IRRERE S's RES 1 ERE DD % WG ? FR if QO turd \ Bar Sate A EE Ie A AN RSE ON m MODS BN SHE NRA A REE I HHS DW DN Pt HE ar Bes (Turgor, sR ’R oh 1K N SRE 1 om A SS) RRS HRN 4 ON BE A Me( OCS NET Gta] OW LER Y=) om NSE oe SAE VRE MEEK HRA YU RINK BONER SPR ABENS \ YN (MLA BSR m AR A+ MANE o RE VIN A - HOR RR A Baek stk Cacti Regard hess Set ibis eee ce BEN 4 Sa NMR RW DA ARH A (osmotishe Cytolyse, osmotische Hamolyse )° FQ A400 S Hitt K ABS \ RUE © DN \ OOO N BER. AEH mR YN AY OR 完 ® 〇 *11 過 OK RH OER | ICR PEER ERS AQ QUO EIR Aa h Re < の < の ro NY aed ir + ( 」 dr # | a ES my * a J ; 4 Y si 5 ee i& Be j i Dee or AVE i oo os Mees aes 04 606 owawier Ewral 1]7 QdusO a0 \ NK A BHHER A Name mink 4 24 SHNERS 1 SPREE Rm ERE EN KN mn BER BS BN ERS ARRAN SABER RSHEN 4 I NER NR KSA mayREK Yo EI? QMO Ar ORME | MIN MR RR A RA er Ben ARRAN A ROR (RA MARES &) RANK ED NBER CH= ON BNR QA TD’ SRS (tO NAIM RATN i? HD. | NRA REE nm ARRAN TRARY 7 NS Rt Baa m = FRR QSvG 2000 'R MBSE NHI ERS ATH ARE BRE PO i 1 mes NBs ay adeo | Ry REX INA YA ER NAR EA AEN EERE” ERPEIS SHINEE SS SO RIN A it 4 DONNA 4 SDHSSBE EB > Sj BES doh A HORE ANA RETINA HW” NAT ES RY 4 EE Nh IRN eK oe ee sm SES hoy 5 He CH BRN BE XK? Soe alu HSER SI AEH Ce BIR BAHIS 1 IEC RIED MIE 8 & 7% HIN AS Sh RBS th AC RINK” EARNS RSS 4 NA RSH Ie RRS AAR Re ERA HARA KD Ih HRB SS Im EXPER 1] SW AKA PES K ROE OR XMEE'R RA QS 1 KLE MORISS ITEMS m A Bh ee AEN ABM YS RAR RENN PANS STERN A A ah, RABEL HA)? a SON RAY + HE 6 RI EME om AIK AR IE see yom AOR A nti Bs WEI HEME IN 4 QSOS EB Hel(Vakwolen) Zi K Az 2 Be. ie PE uh ARSE ~ ~ AIRES ERE 0 RRS BES RBS n BN RSE A S EA Rn L&W own eas eS ee eres ‘RERERE BREN 3 AR ESS て 天天 re er v ~— | eae aia song "Py et "mm ery meee "rt Sh (165) ve mee me a の PP や ‘ myer 人 pen: cc om nt ER, KA ; y は Pad ; erent iP . MEER E eee bla rice REM IKA BARNA EE NE SOUTER ! KEW MAR RA Siw NS NK A CH A く RAK A? ED NEISO’H+B ME +\ 8 Wu r= feo \ BRAM RA YN HR ARES QtiG AC RR IEMA A Rw tN oR CABIN RK ff BIE) NA 5 SA ME RW WR ABN AY >° fr ss mR IC KER BRERA” MRK MI Need A AAR meine MLACEX 2° MORES IE RISER KI ONCE KD EH RAOUL 4 ORR S RYSHEN'R BALE HP AE OL KA RNR TRH = RRR &ES ふく \ Nom 4 BR ip a BRSHEN 1) 1 SB) or | im BAe py os By RR EES SN A NORA Hig 68 oo > RR Be BHM SKE Bape 時 NEY NRA NER RM BH A Bi hd a NS ERR EMER IST REIN (QA MAHAN AND? BAT RE WS A a | BAS CRE SIKN 1 THR 4 RRA PN BONER A RN NR (Ree EE] aes) = w Keys HME We KN ROM GMON RAO BEM IBN HN KAO NAHE sy A AEE KBE A HERR SACO NEE A ee BBS NOM GAN RRN ARE AT NERA RA NO © BR m BES i YN mn BOHR yp Bal ae 6 ON A ERR BREN SMR MERE 1 OKA 4 HIM BRN RR K FRIESE: 1A A A ROH 00 SN HR 1 Eh IRip ! fe 月 四 年 一 + 正 大 (164) |e @ | OH ume = ms ammo » separa | 内陸 AOISEBGE = 3 fomeirans)] BRA RREEE C2") mame 22 の | | ix(ee) (ORAZ BD) pH Ge) ip ae 0 0 100 0-1 5.62 B 0 i; 100 0-2 5.47 ーーー 100 0.3 5.05 0 = 3 も 100 0.4 4.74 100 0.5 4.62 A eet 100 0.7 4.49 B paste 100 1.0 4.15 100 1.5 3.90 A 0 0 vk ; ae 100 2.0 3.80 ee oe 100 2.2 3.76 A 0+ 0 + + 100 が 3.71 By 0+ +b 100 3.0 3.54 A 0+ Of ee TEX) B O+ Fb : I 4 人 / 供 rae? 0 A 0 + peeihe @ eae ee eee ee 以 Be : OS) = te 有三 人 。 Mee TE TA (8 | 1 上 レ Ba 法 eH 上 貰 a rm | “ OG nee に ES N = ae eit ae ee ee he ee F B 0 +(x) oer egy キツ 220 790 Bae Be ae 2 Fil っ 時 施 m= 植 第 3 A fae oe = i a ee B + 40 ale La ae い NN 0 Ba Bl a Z 1 A + +0 + + a a ee ee | BR a ee eee oes B + th + + a re Fi fe A + + tt eS ie ae 5 B t+ th > eee ae “6 a タ tt 同 ン J 1 : Se ee 会 | PERE ie | es | abi ait manera => |B x A 7 Ge まい つ | 試料 me CO mm CH) = YM 質 Jk | 415 B 0+ 0+ + Bn ae グ Pr 623.90. B 0+ 0+ + 後 回 足 第 of | 3.80 B QF eth Thies 時 i 五 能 Bl 76 B 0+ tx) +0 tx) + 様 ) が = is kB + + aes 上 を ae & 3:71 B 4 tt + + Ss ae フン fal. 8554 B 4 h(x) + 閣 (X) 7 ; a a Be 不 5 40 利 St SSE SHEN N Os re Qs Se & SRE BORG aS Ree hy Wi NMM NNN DOT EURO Me oe ee Late -H- 5 Sey WR ude INA NN KRBES SILER ym AE BER Gah} aR IBS tals BB See NR CAT RINK BRON ARORA) NAR SS ce WS BRR AED QE A RED? RN VOW Kn » BHP A SHER. Ron aRowin « a. NR e aly eR STD RR RE HN 8 OR ER AS NN” GOS BO | RRB = (163) cere re Pr PP oto PT Wo SAT tan) verte KEN 9 we “ia wey pogo tye oe 7 wn NSP WW aks Se iin fn ee YF, あん 3 a Moog ty i “yt 3 & A WEY MARIE N A MRA BAR A NI Q KD PNA ROHR SE) ANKLES REA + 4 BIN AK? eS RMR! DSTA ARR Rae 5 | RR HM Es A wR RRR Rim A Aw SNSSNNS 'R Xm ESHENR QAO K RHR KR CBR NOS RS 1 EN A BMI << & XR La Snaty Genelia ーー ROMA ? HSS \ RESERVES BIE IN RN BPR A PN Im DNige pOAR OHM. NAR OM Se REV SDAA ANN Hse (RAY RN te Bde ln eS + Sy \\ Bi A EDR apelin ailiin Ahi OWRD & ABH NAHE 1 RRR 4 BERESE 1 BE NARS. A RB th ROAR N A Bibs 6 Rod ne pas | YN RRA WH AO NK AR ARBRE SS ~ IS 4 HOMES HB \ EET om APRS Le HA KS % SORES SS ZY > Like NS ERR OME 1K AREAS 0 Blew ミ P \ + ORS NR A RAY $e) ip SHA! AY a > BRS SHEER om BSH UNA HE FR mR RI EE ESSN EN my RN Ne CA ith 4 RRR AGRA Sh EW (RCE Be \ BRAN EK ARM SAKND 1 QM SONK AD In HIN BDA Rm IY RAY RINK あの MCN SHH" HBT BEBE yom oh SK ERR RSD DI ROR mS ar SHIR OR] AR 4 RR \ RHE RD QR INRA sgh PASE 202 の (BLA BIS. Mike te VNITK ARME? aS tar ts ne CE Fee ONAN 3 人 洗い て に HEROS FE 1] SE A AQ yd OU NO \ OOK EHS 1 fear th Rie ue HERBAL 11 C4 AMOI NOUR Ba RRB ON HRA RISE A RRR INK O | | , mh CHEN = 1 RY A Sis ae) aE 4 RR KX AIR KEY AIR A CO CRIN BR ASN I Ma hRBRRY RABI AP ~ 2 PREREX ABBE Do RNS PAS REIN DAB AK le A ge KOK PRA BBD <>) i ® 見 国 KRED SEER SReWeRO WEEN” Ha | NX) A TEAR H Rime RIPE RCI+ 1 BOR K pepe ig mR TES | SMEAR EMBO 人 MM A B Spe aa in yn 7 a8 $y 要 Cea ht A B ‘ERS pBGH HE) | 5.47 (219 | 5.81 (21°) ; | ee eee ee ater a IDR MT PR NG PREM! Pe ENGI CT IR EG Re “ Wins 67 pH 温度) | 9.72 (23°) 6.06 (23°) . | CRA ok Ba OR ae lee 4 人 Ra tk De WL Ua; ‘+ ! pH (温度 ) | 5.50 (21°) | 4,83 (21°) oe 20 a nm pe FRR EC IG SON RT aS NETIC ahs OCTET 3 | 後 | PH (光度 ) 5.78 (23°) | 4.81 (23°) | Ra ok Be “ + ay ee wie 2 HA ot Be BA FE 0 Wn tbe ( pH (湿度 ) 5.55 (20°) 5.44 (20°) 8 | A) a ie pH (湿度) 6.22 (23°) £7 Ge) pe oh 9% WA HE He ¥ | | ) ) pH (温度 ) 5.55 (207) 5.85 (20?) ee JOE HEEK S16 Rim RERES WMA OES VEIN PERRET AMORA Sa. A NTS RH HERR HERE Un BES REO wR AN MURIEE Ee NER HEN > BRE OMAR HANAN NO AS RNA te Ie Nes tae ee ius. 8 alii uP sigs re ee SOR a ee i 0 。 is sid EAA mae 7 iia os ee ACB SN SRT ym A Bm HE FN ee SHE RIND BWSR 1 KH wR Re ton Sa N+ WAN RIK Re BEN {a0 eS & s ‘8 M1 eo SER Bee ee . 本 ge | REST nA RR ADs BREEN ND AERA | BS ae = Sin rye Ine ieee Rn a nla Bg Tate oa ing ee mea ee HEE < RRR A O7 ORR KER ABM me | NE ae foe eee ee TS Se SGN ON AES INN OL he NA REEKO 3 | I eee eee POE OE as ‘ iz ea es cul oes oe a Gh mee ae HN NAN ERD & Ai NEES IK A | KTN ほお LCRELTN Nips SUBSERR 6 NES NERS RABRIIEK WS NE eS eae RK) EEL cus neohma abn es tng RAISE TN 4 wee a & SE EEEE TA AN eee 3 | |e lass lassslaceslasss ah MEE A Agbn RAYA’ SREREERSS ESL AS pee 5 z = aa ann Rela an GNC =| Pee き 、、、| き 、、* | BRR ema Ce PN KA? ReRaReY yk - BARE Be |S “ s a ROC | BA or ym SII A BRSD SRR OT SER SEEE 』 呆 3 KYO a IA AIRES 4 RYE” HSM IRM ANE 1 NER EN A ge} REIT TREO RR RA] pogege. gar wagedadeda 9 nA ae oR ERRR SN に | : 5 | 日 | ARRAN EEN Am CHES ABER NERS = i, rr fe = は 時 KA て PN KAS PARAS | = OONTHERH ARN H | mapa ce 1120 » Qdrdiuse\ KH Nia th Rie Pryeenr yawns ca) SO “et ane Ke oe ma “< a poe et 9 な aca ‘ の 2 ee (160) MER ENK ASAP CVOSTK ER NRK Rie BREE

ty RCBESH 4 ARRAY THC ee A AHS OVEN AK REGS BEE 11 BEARING ERE EE He nA BR To NESTE En SPR AVS BRAS IEEE 11 = RA DIS RI 11 4 AMEN SE 1 CN GRRE SOIC A A Mil AAR BARR th Ame WEA MICHAELIS Hg> SRA ARR DS | OBA YRC NER KE 1 TASH ARIEL R REE ID 4 ARSD HS oe) Ry A KEK DD? Me ys Si 4 ies es っ 7 per SAR NAIK OT MO Rh PEE 1 VO MARAE DY MBSR OCHS NHR INRA Ba 6m Cs a PARKA =" FREE NARBER th Dh SSN RM A SR | DALARAN DW RAB RAH \ ar NE = 11 OOF let: SH ox co, SHO SH Be |e 80 rg se) NIS (5 tt 1 < : oS ON つ YA la 1 9 oe 5 ie cS PQ TESS RO SSR HK BHM 1) oP ARR Nyon wR Se i RUE = » に さき 。 N bit っ a Be el Ble ll Blea BEE Se eae CR ee oe = rhe e 9 ロ だ ° ay pal e » ト SS と っ = / noe oe ' Beet | oR く wile! 記 1 49 中 th BSR th Stal Dae CYNE ORK AERA Re ER AR | wy | wy | | ay B sar fo UR A = x i と Ee Ps ia Fa / wy wy ay ld ra の と の ; a Ke に kNS に に に に So N RISES TERR yom A, Bing aN m eRe Wr Aon BEER y he と rig’ ヽ ~~ Ts “ } 有り 本 > や R 』 / \ Y ee 1 be fe * に ie ee vis ‘ : ° mee. my ial = -+ 4 mee 。 6 共和 の ば r ae ° ge egg 2 と ‘oa . ia ; =" ieee / { Bis | 、 半 計 還 e Be に N Y ーー AR 3 Ss ie me 2) 4 1 - 4 . t 3 『 — * e っ D の , 0 ト < - { * ‘ M i 6 a 5 / * i 5 & = RA/AAISAIAIRARIRRRRSS] Nb On & AN SRB 1 Dy Res ~ BER Ni HES AH 7 oo SW Hm ERS RNA ym AKON Am TRAY NA 11D NBME ! Soy 4 in ERE \ BoB MEIOK AN BENS EA oA HiEK Amma y de SON Roe 1B Regt som A Oe we E HS Ks ASV PRES Be we \ BEER AR iE m dor 7 初 Yin 5.69 (25°) 5.57 (25°) 5.55 (25°) 5.49 (25°) 5.72 (28°) 6.06 (23°) 5.47 (21°) 5.47 (21°) 5.45 (25°) 5.71 (25°) 5.43 (25°) 5.60 (25°) 5.59 (25°) B 24/VII 3/VITH ; oat fe ( ee es ey = ae ty p reaaahts an rg Pale uous 2s eRe BON iL ae | 4 1 eRe NN pi Les で a Ken Naar a 7 ye ae aa sigs i gay は a ehh i ‘ } x ee a $y a BN? ange » EARNS NA mm ® 0 が 信 ネ vR\ Re ete ee “EN AREER ANN A BRN AKT NES WRN AR RA Re Ban) 3 RRB KA oe WOR Neo ene! RE | WNBA YA mad St 4 Sy DNB KR A = KD Nib. KES OE EEN Hin 5 SURES EER HE SEN AER Wu RNRA RAIN REN Bh Rie 1 ARK A Bh} BOSE AO | ao ee ee RR PT | Pp ee eee an CHER Ee 4 Bd GREE C2 PAH SERRE ABN Sas) % 6 7 SRR . と . < Bee eS ea a eR" NEUEN RRR hee Re IATA TEE NES SAP NRO NA ERD Oa Sm) SR ty 1] Bibl ar th RRR SAR HR = AK IN A KR ia PN Beef ah ee Fr 49 POEL KN A KS AERA RES Hoe Mago Ao EME Katy Oo 8 igs te ak CETTE ba beagle a aaa HINER NASER BIRR OR NABER HIERN B11 O08 KA Bir IN EI ha ee RBA N A Ae P38 RBS 10 SAH USS 2h tl oS KRERK A RAC Mi RIN KK RNY — RE REE 1 O08 HHA ee NA WME A AREER NK ASI 1 Ril x“ nage a GH ER ETH 1 RAS RESHMA Da RIE KB ‘ass Phy ae | ae 4 a Mn BAzee | mA REE NI ERA PNA HINER ROR ne BR me の AU HT TTR は gg ERIE IRIR ROS A RS AER IAIN QR AD aN o | o $2 Me SRR KDRA A AN AA P? Bho NARA SIX ANAM RE, B の a ee oH eRe A PA CREE RER AM LEN TEARS ARS wR っ 8 ーー ボー 時 ‘to 1° ah * BRA Re RHR Ne ds 2 Oo” RAR OA SQWOA RE o iy | oR” 画 SX MLET pe A tS) SEIT sing MED KA A QOION AAR Ae ie. | AE > SK AER me KERN HORE KIN > SHORE NE DV RR 1 DCR ~ 0 RD に mm R 11 WREKH NMDAN SOUS Reh Riz (158) AAU oe 大 行 MERE NRHA CLONE eh Rie | een RDI \ BR CA naka’ ee A Bie Kn EB A SEED” BRSPRE 4 MN BRS om NER IR in BE PN*N AN BLEMIEN” hd 4 BERN'S SESE m ABBE OAR A KK Ao RESO RES GA + RRR Ey AWN WD NSREBSR ROK (HE ACA A Rath MRA YN Ae ae 4 ETS SEIN A WN fat HN BRS) HIN" SSI ¢ BERIT yn He IS AR D MES 9) VY \ ERE Mikrosomen SS a tees < BER? yom AKER HD SERV E209 nS RA HED J VRS) へ ABRAM | QR IND NEM KO - QE A MIRA YD (fb W ASME TEN al ms BE KN mB) SERGE EE RIA A | |RAETR 4 SRI TRE ’R SEES DN ESE NN HN my BR KAM QMO ON BEES HVPE AMARA PAN KARA) NA Sadie om \ + $(Hautschicht ?) NN HTP OHS NN NVR ESTA 4. CEI SEPA HN RIND RR? BONA Be BODY RAAT (KBE BSS W A Cele. Sieh BS m AD w OsmgRgoor へ tk io SEM SEM RSS (Pseudoplasmolyse) m 4. K tay aie | : 2 0 $2)'¢ > BBV BOD ~ aa 5 ee He Ne Kae Sen HEIR WL) KNBER BAR HRS BRAS EM A RK A BHA Uy BREN y NBER GK 6 BIN SEK A EERE m Be NBA WA DN SBER ED AK A EAN UR BIR NK? PRESSE i Rn BIA QWs HH Rs 4 wee RU RIBS RF MRE SEAN 6D NE RRRE 9 Bem RAIN SHER AN Ba RR NI CRN RZ O7 BH b> oN HH HP A IN HIN ieee | a +° MON GR 4X + ER DN SRSIT 4 ERD” BROS RSE Om Awe KA RRC A MR I SDN =" RSBEE 4 ERSRGE Tm = | EXEL IND A DD Sey ORIN A ym QD NN A m Bee 4 GREG BR W\IRGQO NMR SRR | | | | REESE OMG 50 MUNIN + MER | 人 a Dat B= 2 NRHN AMIE HRSG | AWA ROME EE 0 5 me Pee eee ie 2 Ne: 6 at Rts ata: が AYA お Sr Shand cua FC ANS ARS ES eitides Se ase ee nese 4 か Siete ane ee ON es ge OO COCO Cra, Ra ah aa ee Ris ABARAT Tn ABS A BA Dm PREM ESS RENAN) RERERNdAA PS EICEIG コ | vay ars PS "PR “ a “ | ao EER INK UR Wi SNARE K ミー テキ (BX WS A + fs MIS m tH'x 4? Bada 4 YARRA Be DG them ibx PNA | | Bl WR GNON RUA BRE WAM EIRS ; . ra ep Rn SOA \ es 4] SP A) \ 1) BE A SESE A HRV He 11 OE MGW SH 11 SD ‘ASE BYR AX < ERSE RE YN A A eK = ARIE 4 lichtbrechend | Ry * RESR FS UR ARSE WER SRELN* 回! NAGELI™® 償 SAS2O で Hh SEIN BEN RMR BER A | N BBR A RR om AR CERN Rae SR om ARININN BN H A+ SYA? EX KSA | KARE \ REE WSRK (oligodynamische Erscheinung)+ «N+ HRIRRh ARS EM ee \ Dy Ee AMM SEK PN KIND Ro BOM M O00 NORE BARR (KO NAIR mA SN RINK DONAR DSI BSD BA MMA YD Eph MAYS SR HEX ( Viskosititt 8 p AN BRAD AHA ERAS 1] ob AQ MOLINO A OR eH AR Ar oh Re (156) REE BO ALUN NR EH TE Rip SCR DS HN 3 SX Se ey 1 SER DW By § ASAG2u 4 KEARNS AR A AOAC | BIKA’ BSE 5 Em RIDIN DA © WIN sO eh S00 Hite KR SCR EY SA HN 4 RRR ETE SESS BERN A DANE INA ne SRA BLD HR EER BAY A HIN A WN 5 EERE SoS BRE oe m Aun) 4 BCS 0 ale) \ fetal, 8 A Hee 1 A KO S22 (Vegetative Zellen) 4 4Cr< ss MAM ITD WH § ND Bi] HE x BEM bee (einfach)? apatabs | 44 VWI RISE K A WAC So x” BEN CX ANSE ンド A Hh AS 同和 NE EM NIST AHN NRA Y AB WOR RA BST NK SY. eR q NA Bee) > N BECKMANN 1 3 RRM Rm NN Re YS ER ym % 6 EER NEN O°1 ROR RHO cE | 4G NEN ERS RESIN C GDh RAR tS ERER) CL | PM OW C40 im ARES VER RELI A- AA SEY RINKRHAIANP eens 2 ent y に に 4 SH dD oy ene A AS BER) oy be BY a om = Beet & A ER ms Ki 1 |e PWN A HE FREER C2 ~ A やく Holes | ARERRERN SASSY A HS SIN ea SA 1 | SPEAR ( REMMER \ RBELER ym nH we REN ERNE AT N44 Sel 9 ba SA RL %\ A GRE 4 ARERR EE WIR BX mK EERE Y A mA PARRY DRO BAUR ING \ VR R— dK eee KA ta 4 CUE N HK VAN SN CRB RA A SS ERT 8s NRE ASL SV DARA RTENIEG (RRB A AT Os OUR BEEK 2 HELA PNA YAO oR emt at A» SWN へ EARSASS 4 へ NNW LNoUMNANNNk さ aS ane PRILAE Visbietan Oh Saat de ot jh aes A こら レー Se ae Ges ene 2 as Se ie sad, で 、 い UN 本 ンー “ae "eee = a — b > ey De も = Ny eee di desig Ra = CO se NTP 0 Fekete suet AL, et ig ULM AAC TECE CeeT OM ren MSA ye — rme emm aa NM (SIEM HOE “INN RISA A ARES ARRIBA Bets waehe a «3 io BLN 1 BEES NY Bj BQHRBES Eb NZ) SROKA D-H AKM ACAI NANI NB 6 | A HARRI N RIE Ho Hn RN NAAN om RARER BEE へ へ よく 本 f い : © a の ade RW A Ar KonLRauscH i MeO tage mA へ 2s am se (spezifische Leitfihigkeit) m R4y > i) BE ac, ie en wipe | (ENE REN ¢ < OME EN) | EOIN 1,9 x 10-8p 4H 1,55 x10 HK A TERE Mm Be aA? OO | PDR RM \ SER DEED ATELIER HK 2,75 X10 HRARLK A mR HAND BON 9 REMI RRR RK KA RO a #816 g-4H (Indikatorenmethode, Kolorimetrie) | m = Phenolsulfophtalain NEE Y Site de oN \ BeBe mn BBR Sy CHS RS NL eR LEA OR MA OINONK BARE Nm wR ae Ran’ HELA «BEBE © A Rife eV BEX KN | EER NB y ミ PN IK 005 の の 酸性 pH=7 ata sie: ia 中 性 oer eT, 11) 5 iy eee アル カ ! 性 | Pigs: oan A RBBMER A ONSEN) Ot BR mA NE CO AERA RAO. 中 が MromAmrrs 4% > fhiSS it te Em BE wv ER a ( Gaskettenmethode ) om INS RRERE SS S AS iim de oN \ SRN mn HB) RPO ANE (ACR RIM |] Rae” BO NR SN RNIN AB AKA & NS Bm BER a oh 4 | BR AS 4X ERs > th BURMAN DRA GREMRRER SN Rat WS 'R RERHEN HED A RRBITN AR ARRAY DO ERA Ba dD ney ARES § DRE ARE Ne RR TAT DQ = WADRERN doh A > Bhar bty 2 ag WEL SSS 5 Huss 1) REP YN A A ERB BESS KAN SOON ONE AY a ON AON XK @ OK? SBE RR SC in BAER YP A HERES (CRP AN ERB RINK RNA Nie CMAN RY D HAD HIRBIRERS RCM (NA MOR IPRA Bah A RRS BR NS 7 RUE OA AFRSIRER I AN AER PERN KO oS SWS) BRS NAR ESIRER I< m Bah 4. RR A RAO WRF NMHAM A OUONMK THR Reh Riz (154) HERE KAA DROITS AEH Ri WANN EERE A KES NER N S2 e AAY EHSS K EC ERE DC Ge iA HEN ARRAS MAI A \ Sa eiar aX Spezifische Leitfidhigkeit) &1,4x 10-6 1 HO RA PAK SD IR? | | | 中 4 人 前 195 AHIR BH 8 A WIR Bieta. る TaaieBe< 1 OO0$ 98 OBER ARRTRKER T AIIALGE 9m SAD TORBEN KAN pj RRGHIRESES 1 OOO? 11 kam BEE ORKE( | Me ARIK ご TRANHKEES11O0O% 1) 8 (SCHLEICHER und ScHULLEX No. 595 miey-p “ 1AKRO-OO 1 ERM) ER AEC | He aol x NPS RRB BD w HEBER 5 Gtioo RD lg BETA A BNR wT BED ee NaS ems dete i dor 3 DNR RAD DR RRR AAT DRO 1 in wR Bie SEN ER MERE meeeNERE Go Ee ws ih oVS Rear MoH Sy y sR sai (antagonistisch ) 時 = wae CN YD BUMCERIN | nN ARB A & A ERTS yoy 4 ae onan EE OE See ee ERK m SERED ND) SR 4 RD NFO © O 1 SmADA SIRENS) RL & HIE BNO NBR N A ERE Noa ees aks rt) apie eet fe N \ NS Mama om ny een m aageag yy A N Ae YA? Livineston® PIR \ RASH (IS ER ad ty RR th MERE AA Lorin Sm m \ SR ORES AH IK CAR te ARERR Ser REBT. ABE og MRE 'R OU CANC HED KBAR 2s BN" N RES A AARBE A 5 + ARN § BKB SED A SSK a7 Roh 4 RARE BEM | BeeX |) MEER A- Bt a RM ANS Ra WY AREEXn | O>- + AK\ CKRMN ARERR INK O28 2 (SREN IRE EX m SN NES APN) IX ANA TBP NMR NBR eM R (iam eo mic 2 RAI in ng EXER Ce dia m BE i) BRIBE me Ca * He) SHR Aol om =, Oh Dt Rem IER AN 1 OR )” RISES \ HIS | 4 BI te x AHPC ENS ACHISEER S BSE S HER A = = 1K NS AUD? Bk MM EENC' 5 oo ee SPAN BLO” RARK 度 く OR SEP NA dom a nee AGREE IN REE K 8 Wh eS ( DR os hg ecg ce, oun [BRA 6 BESS ho SAREE 11 m = = IWR A BS AN A toto’, Quy ci BS ) \ SERRE EEA | ih By NN TREES NEE 8 HR SER CFR AEIN MR BRRBES S SHE n < its dein i 55 akon gee , ee ee MER) 2 DWN EXE A HIN Ba A WAKA Dal Aiba Ralein ior tenend ah S 2 eh » Soe 2 Ne 中 ト N IG --Pravinn eee Bd. IL. Ss, 334, 1904 m い OR m ) al > REE RRR oa 上 人 oe ~2 Ky と い Bs See et % し の 2 Fee 6 Ac KK EN gz ts KS と Cx eos Z が 2 Sa tel i Nike 3 r e Pie) > é Pe で a) ve. Ry Ae ee ひさ ンー 7 £3 Bi te ehcp a, cas。 Ce 1 と CE ee ie Fae ane kas x i な YS i atin ey pee ae - a メー se 2 Pea me Se Oar AE ee Oe Aa の こく CSEC 人 SM a ‘ x ; ey Se ee eee eS Pe 3 ee Re a sae 7 さい "る の の ae Sis See ae SO os ea te Pee Ee a Re ee ees way Sud ン で で ‘ < spn MBit Dee Dy に > “asc ines ‘ POTTS NPE Peat RETA See . ーー ーー : ー ーー ok の ci 1 fect に) KA BP er 2 en iy ー : eres Mga A ak: y 3 に a 、 財 > MkSWPey aisha | rs F ‘epic ea oF る fa here a の 4 % ん あり A 1 iC な ed ee の を 1 ror. ュ と AMO 1% 』 Ne My う Movin ‘ AM f ao に ト は $ i に Be CA tf か eran hoch i rt ial し Big: ( 3 ? ; a ys eae AD 18 f ff 4 ‘ ww f : に 。f it Te 2 1 WA が 0 = - と Am) STAM aa 0 か > if ; ve 9 at 4 Em tL 。 に * Pa - 1 3 \ Lp ¥ 2 di : i x 1 Ane . \ tet | J 5 é { ‘ Sp ete 5 * Lap Sea 0 Nee Ne Nigh 4 いさ < 1 WW ン < R fe : ie ra NG : “™ ro Ten) re ペン FE 時 Reiwrt me Pai SAKAMURA, _Uber die Selbstvergiftang der Spirogpren im destillierten Wasser. 4. HBES WAKA 1 Bee 2 REE NS ERR nine 人 wy) \ gage 1 N= BBR URINE A RENE I a KAPHA (Hunperson, の Bayuiss”) & 9 好人 細々 \ HR AS INGE RR YP DN = K A | MED ERR A in BERN YY Sb EW X RRL ESR AK HAR TO BGS ABET, HSER GB RY KEE YD + REO sain SN BARE = > WEEN AA AQERK AT A% SBIR 3% RRR NER YA A RAR BRO NSEERN Ba OM RK PND ARTA MN ARNE | BR a RY RINK < Per AMY Na sad ER RD ASE para ma Bn Sy A HT D> NERA ! IK 4% SACHS, Bomm, DBRATN Sto ye despa 2 do ‘RHR 1 QO NS K {tite m RRL HE (Oligodynamie) + grey * 2 NAGELI \ 3 wena es 1) Sek A AQ OU AM Har hE oie 本 en Ke eRKK IR Saas * es se Gms et rs に mise | 半角 iW Spa wile | a | oe ok Hepms | SS a =p | $2 9 # He B (KERR Se FA A RE RBESIES | KER 1 aie 9 lm = fe By FSET ERE REE ROE RRS HERE OS OT HE - we ORE seem Rus (vite cle" ae gat |] 12S 33 = (| |) SARS RE HORT Q 2) SSS HR Me ri A salah © Dee Rn 4) 00 Wb ioe ak SS ae eae = AN) BREE A RO AMA [1 oe AO ERS — PB av aed” : 6 ik eae 4G CR LER | gate # Re 2 個 iy Eo nm KE +P eR m xx = ih da ta ba HR aK ORK BR OF S ROMA Kites NEEL CEE ete | One NECER# | Lips a pmiedces Ree A 1 UN hen N ted ! ory FH AO ine SSN Ig. 25 ie] eee ae) SS O ロ 林寺) EEN IOBRE sme Ba | EROS ye 9 feboeebaa anaes ee eee Le ae Rae CRE RORRESMS OE | RUE BiG CHER OMMREU NY AR SORE TERE Re et Se Se a eee | の Sia | OKT EL O DRAM \ MOH GeO oe: STEDO Re NO OBE UDDEBOCKO fk *\ NY XN Se aH ae Ne F sh SS cS, ie i. fe LUO ベベ DS COPE) a aPC K BRN fo ce EE Se a “BRAM Kees: mk maww oo wRing RELY | SH BORCEIM) ANN. \ERERMR AO か で KK eee eS RE OSGEORKKG EXO ERD > ECR BIR RA >) Oa : 5 。 PR 人 昌明 oo | RSS mite te ie Re 名 | RE RO eS ae 1 dy se | be Os OR i a Ck : | CR fe = & a MERMKEKS 2 om fH ee ce ee ee CS KRM Re He 2 & ot] fe RB | 。 | 6 RK RRM 8 eof RI 往還 R 導 車間 5 2 ew 8 2 MR ASR we 2 4 = i Ys he に で ee pen 内 Ww だ か Wd rae ts 2 ay = Ko こさ 5 - 1 ates BAS K J い oo mt x 。 1 ) > A 2 と ae 】 Me 人 AN tbe Fe PRES ioe ッ , 1 i っ suey : _- s rr [ is r ‘ 1 retry A | Ae ey y * い の 49 ; t ¢ ate て ec の 4 * ・ vt 4 ee aah ! 4 . : ヽ \ $3 P 3 at A. x Wee : ^ - た 3 の 1 ? > が Fy, =) wy し { AS 4 Jens を val ie aD NT Pee dy, Ai = で ok x i 4 4 eee ease | で * ror N Rok re に と ae he ; > の 6 で an i pa い vc = 1 e 1 と } ee Fz 7 9 5 Bt ran 1 り * ae \ ERE Ve wt so NEHA SHE ~ Li に ee eee ee Bite RX x mM 。 4 AQP aeES SRK KL RPP OS PLUS A\RRE + RER Sib ESL SHON NOE Rm —h, PRE BLSRER! a> 3 EE [ ama | ee #) a HAS CSN ia に 4 Sh al dan Hae & (181) ae em OR 111 ORRERHoR OX ONG OFM ら SAD + AKER TD NERS a SNR BH] 1 KT 請求 人 くら 』 SRR BN Co SPN es THT a. Rog y Soe RY IN | BREE NRRESERS Ei & RHE S&AS : a = ieee ee Soy sez des on) (je PPP ee Ee . SN daar Re) ie ree SN ait dan Si a, |” Die’ Vitae’ Bx om ne BRB aaa RK < | gv, 1 BRR iRK : | KIMI HE NTICO COMMIS) dk HH] im wy) TIS HABE ROK BH) A ms) den _| Bo WE eH | fe = Wo i . Ho AE ROR A ORE) BRIN =e tg | Co Pea oy BK Ee rs een fee 。 « BB & PTosh Bin RREXKSERLE 1 aX Be eR HE Ry rk? SK. RS BEE Sy | ZENS 1 O . BeeKE Ri 2 NR. BR BH RDG TE ADe MRE eM |] IN KN A BR BREA —] 10 hxc 5 FR | RRR BETS EMS = det) S HM eS ae = = に pat x ASR a) $B PERI RIKER EID yO = 11T ッ ペ ョ テーマ 」 0 RH Ra Sn ak dps as SH kUKS 0 111′ Sse Bae ey SOS oy WRG RR mK nq = ot SRR | deine oe te ah a Be pt oe Kk ££ & me a N BUR HRS TA BB a BRS BEN RA ae SHE | ATA ee ie A) heh Be VEN BO & AAS A AERA 0 BN 1 HI” eee TREE Rh | = iF OER eas a EI” BREP SER \ SHB aie 1 Bn | . | | | | iy Reha eS ei a Ne a i te i at の = らい 5 を purer > - eee a RE SL A ns ee ee ee ee Ri. >So a AHR AC A BakK VaR AS ee = CL a1 REA RED PNA gee DARN a oe =k Pe (149) kAUt-— Bo Os BBERINN AN” ERRRN AE Roa pod — — 1d A RROE yO FE dol OSE ~ ARM hy HRN Paond of Cleveland, Providence Chemical Co, Heller & Merz Co N Rar RRR REE IN A NT EARN BADE 4 Mall: | BS ory, Wright - \ % th 3 NAH ds tN oN SRR mn BRN A 1 BD x? MERC pee Ne Ree RS VERO? DEAK NAAR Ms PRA S ATR MBA Ro MERE < RMD Bs lar &\ A DS NAA RROE + SEX &\ A” BURRIS HERS & ABR RAK で URE HUT RX ° | Hef dein eS ycs 4 Coleman Bell, Du Pont, Geigy Chemical Co, Grasselli Chemical Co, National Aniline Co oj. RXnE Nee Md x 'Ro BAW Ch Sed sR ka) | 中 oN A HERR aks? By DEA DAARIEM Aw we RAA He of tHe A rN BY KK Ao EU ANH ARERN REDS RECN HED ° REIRCE へ SR 4 DD ABBR CQ BE’ WH AMAR” EP RER ゴリ ate A AR? SREB RD ¢ BK BRK OA? RIM as. S > CNS oe GRIN Rv’? Kona \ BRRE SRA ESN Ae RO FBS & A 1] BOE Prov- idence Chemical Co \ #04 MieHK> > #% National Aniline Co B08 4 DERURESR = FSS BADE en 4 HERR ASE teak REAR ih | ERR - gee | See A NA RR WERE toe eee eu Bi]; EM RR eR A ARMMINK AR? B Boas < K+ — ARIS eo KET ANA Re ae ee ee NE No WA ES HE BR a ee SH テト“ BOHEME a ACHE BOTS iL ER mn \ RE w | MD aR" Sent MMO BRIN Co Ry dies An Amn KR? Meee ETC ale — SRDS \ SPER OES BR NBME ONT AR” ORE | RS Bh. SS BN AR RRR INA? SoD 9 aN BRR Em * SRK ERO wy Bal, \ AQEN'R KON 2D AR (On American Biological Stains.— H. ,Harrorr) a ieee 4\ D WEN RIERA, HAD Bu eN ORR 4 定員 十 | ER f\ Nth HE ERS HESS HY NA A MARNE YD RE RR ERS RRESRS NEKRES Boy A Bl N fia X TEER 4 TERR | DON BERS RSP A RS KANN KE <> \ FRA RS RRR = HERR A DED LA RB? NK 4 RRR NAT MP NER 9 Stu | KIN A AY Bm SNR RS KSADKH P- => 1 RARE boas Ae き (148) a Ges AGE 5 Hi > = Man aca H+ 3 Ha KRAHRHRE NE BBE ESSERE A NR NUTS oe Tore em ERT + A BEN RA ma” SRT eV ib DS NEES Red of A ER SREB SRK TG har OH UN” DS qe ND SERNA REE = DN? He ded & AQUEER Aw Kn KR? ABBA Sin — KAT SNA TRCR INK AS SREBER 1 CK AAS 7 N)’R SEER ARAN Ke RHAAML AME YN RIN AS CRN BR Morin B, 2B, 3B. K* ~ RRA A? 2% th SAE 4% op LIN*HASCNAKNIPD NN CANKQKHASINKR SIS NN” CHP RHA CINA RMI DS NA ty Bea Ain ENS NBA” WAS \ RNA Hee) \ Bn eK Mr RA BN BR es \ ARO 4. BSN BNIEN PS ED SRN IE even SR CON Mae a * JE ta Po oe BRN AE. CNBR HAMRN\ MH CHP RAMA MeN VIN” BRD ERASERS SRR ER 4 BE AN EX KN KR A Re BEN 4 BAT BE A BE RN RE HED SOO K BRAM Hh SAMA? BN DV NE HOTS ae. AA md SNA RQ RIN, Ba bed (NAAR «TE | Menem aR NK A Bh ERA OMS Wh ROSH A NK ma RRR AT KA NN th NNER TA ROOK MARANA N= th aa HBR” Hel. Stem ae (HER AIRY KAS BB 7 4 ェ LO gg Seg fos ys に ik Je lin Ma McAndrews and Forbes RX e.p. figs NAR NER SRY a ad A HR BRN FR R&S IK DON” KSEE R SRE \ OSE uw BK a Ge | AR oR SREA RADY 67° MOS SR ENA A? in GRR 9 A MIAN D+ ORR (Co RAR HABE Yo \ 4 2B, MRK A BAM OBR A OE KR MARS L EEN A RRA BHM BAK AHH TARO OSE K BD Ae iy § MOSK. 42-41 4 * Du Pont Co, National Aniline Co +N 1] SERN EROER A ATR? BA wp oS iN KR A? HOD boN th oN EE Mm HES ALIN % 7% Coleman & Bell, Goldin Laboratories, H. 8. Laboratories, National Aniline & Chem- \ RoR eR AA et MEBEK AS De A— NASR ( SRL ~ Dae Lo NEDA RRA AW AOR § RBRROES 21] RS | RMHETARN 】 1 REASOR A AS HORI SRDE m ER NDI TERRI m FEO N ABE 4% SOE iN Aw A ical Co, Providence Chemical Co Lon de alist m7 NS Bide Sh ty Bia nh =m BK Kuan REI ¢ tf) 2 aod oN 4 SCAR ER OE — oy eS KD NT) 4 SARIN IN S| SRMCRDER HT 4 ¢ SE ai ty wy SLY MER A tp oT a ° EU NEES AME SSR 1 DN IE a w SB ss ake MOR. Dh BE AOR OA By be BE y Hey im in RSC aim gaia x A n= AYIA A jBRRre nisi nag ARES am へ We ROKR » UN vain less dh ia aie ip PL ARS R aN S ーー — Be + (147) ーー 、 NNWSSwaAYRRWITIyN ト ュー bare ポト | RINE REAR AH BES - eee ene! MERAH IES BRR ee [ipa ae 7 ree SERN RSENS \ 40 Ko RRM pm Vobs Be REA KH RIK HB へ Sv 44 RO 90 VAD BB (Amanitopsis) へ Hy NK ARR 7 HESS S RI SSAA S Bh Rm Oo CBA PCE NS ae umbring [PER8S.| SoHROT.) BREN 4 a aix° (Notes on Fungi (126)—A. Yasupa) KERR AYBRAKSE IN | ES Se EX BERR S 4 Bim ~ Be SO AES ~ ShECN DAB CRNA LIN PRR? BRS —DASRIEN 9 MRM ONE RMIN PY RAR” RA WK BAER A's DD & AGN” EEK NERIN En 6 EROS SPEER XK A HA Ro BWRv eo’ he SR ロー DARIEN Hi A - tenga WHA Re nee WiKK A+ \ SE RABIN ASABE RAS BURN “bi Sree CGU An A ARda © KSEER RRA KRY oe RR AS DN INSET 4 出 CRs AEN E REBEL | REBECA SER AiO DMRS DD AR \ DERM ERR RD ~ ORURROE N ENN HERR 2 OM ACE em WEEP K AN ee RD” a oN | 35 RSE = NOR BORA? 99 mS By? tu Coleman Bell 届 Be HRSA) ME KRW ew / 県 へ や ゞ HANK 浴 = BR a) D) => Ff. CR Co, Goldin Biological Laboratories, H. WAG e NS AT RAINE RC BPR KA RO 0 BORE BAN OS “MBs RMSE RRS ON A NS RE Wh DOO A—NARRS Moe- EN A ATM HRN AMY KAR? RAMA PSNI] NTE) RREN U BUDE AK AmMBRA SS MDE A DARREN Ag ok SHA RARAR? NE OSA— —niAaerrar See NO Ir ahs nea ae xn MR NOBEN BY] KON HARD RIND” SER BREE Nn | Sol wth Mis U.SP. VSS K AN RRM \\SSRPER 1 wie BX \ SA eRe Bee oy RE yh Re Be EDN RKERSDER 4 Coleman & Bell Co. National Anline & Chemical Ga. Providence Che mical Co \ [GTN K A° BREE th Mi OD OD tt ih NM GN RoE ROEM AAR MRT [IN gad (SERS ) ¢ BSP gee = Kas He AX Ee BR WARN AOR RER ER = 1 RN He NEE DX AT ON? SHER ¢ Dicks David S. Laboratories, Natio- Coleman & Bell Co, nal Aniline Chemical Co, Newport Chemical Works, Pro- | vidence Chemical Co 中 届く RoE Ay Oe Ae NnARK= HN BROE Big 1 (146) K ab ae mee mL OME ぶさ ぐさ や へ HW 4 NON EN Be Em Seth x 7 SS BK BD A MPR N RD RS & A RRM REN ER A? Pm & Ex D4 EEG BEA DN RRS RIE NRK BYR 4 EXETER 1 ON BRIN THD RHO 1 TRH Orlllae &— SRR NT RO HEN RRR + SSR ae RS RRM Fn \ BR 1 NWR OA KR EN RBA RR 4 | RRO WME ei BS” RHC SA Katte ( BES n@d |B. Seen ae Ba j Br a8 ee ae H} OR) 11.7 ees a2 4 SE QO REBS ON DK 2K 直 ie re Je ig 4 MECC a apie Kn AN HERS nes SRK KEV Reto KA | Wa Kak SA RMAC oS (Lee 71 [Rar i | SEE Ke SSR) “SER AR Rt te (KAR mm" Bede) [Ree wR)” BE p an ee oe MKS R > KERS+ | M+ oO eee Ke) | ReSISAORe Uae (KEReKmi[+im* fai TSS) NERS Rae N IN Ke BS A RENO SEP IE NK? Osh (Stat) REE) Polyporus fragilis Fr. GER) HEE’ MUSEO Rete ESE | RIBS BAAN BAD ROK Am § EE EW yh PSN Ba ND BE 1 RG [BN e+ AES | RIE 2 8 ot HOUR | Ou > %— LAR ARIE 4 HOM Nov A A, ES) \ RE 1D BERK A ROBERN OH 7 SYN A A SESS NW Se NON SRN EN 4 OO A > NER SEER CA SORES) GN 7 BRIBE Ea 1 on a 4 wh \ Sates 4 EK 1 > mn Ree HED EK * ES “sd RRS mm BRN MER TED | SHU SEE S RRM ¢ GOSS m oy > HEX Bt oN ESE 7 WR RHE IRR | ot SAA mee Hi ERAS Ose SY SaN eK aK’ KEKE RRA” ton Sek BA Ke 4 BY YK I REN AINA’ A ® Over Orehh( KS ey) (RE) 、 _ Amanitopsis sirangulata (FR.) Rozg. CERES) = FXTREC” IRAE EC TES ie be” IDO YO SORR* Oh” ns 4 EM LI em AR REN EN HEA [ACB NRRL AR A ES Hes BEM BoB HS AB'RA MMVRH | PR - LARA RB ARB) NO NSE > BESS 5 fab ar Ram SS > SEY 1 BR Som mkN 7 RES AMEN § Te ON? HIE 4 BIH Dy Ei >) NR y 6 IE HE A ADR RKIR pg bf” IS er ODOR ea, SRR RR < fA ko i By RL =k ON RAPA Ss (145) RA BSSN vA a— KKB ® Re ue eee i pd ae DB y =i ARR A” HR | [ERR 4 tet + 0 ae ce Kee Ne ey? ni, | Bn aomiBad +e? \\eRAS wy ne New RaA SABE MARA BH Nee EW PERM Bien WATS” SRR ail > EX (Suberogenic acid) \ HdeRE an NAH ty | A Rae Nt aif > &BX(Phellonic acid) mat Xk”. RIAN m dew kK ° RUEBEN 6 RM SS mIRZE SN Ba BY oh BEES yw REA PN LD © RON Sd ER eR Ml K く = さい 本 償 トペ AS o KOSS \ see) \ Re REN YO” RK こ = ニー 年 < Rare yides] Sy] (Undulation NIK K Ws KART N46 BRD Dy SRB mB t 07 RAE RBH INBRED KEEN WK WHO REY DS nN RAR A ARI N BREN PRU IE. ed hy m AK RA WA OND? CY. Ocura) PV |S UR IC SESSION EM) Younc, W. J. Potato ovules with two embryo sacs-—Amer. Journ. Bot. _ Vol. 9, No.5, pp. 218 一 214, 1922. | 組 ヽ 抵 中 中 ! | By wt} IH pel A HR ER VERN KEK AW BRR 4 SURES SLI 4 RR REN Ko BESET 4 RR BR A | RK 上 weapee FDR MPI AMT ION AMSA RID] BSE ee en ee HE | Hodes RIED \ Belen ERK ミ ! OS y ts CEE , ー ™ ‘ : _ i * ¥ - 5 ty iy tong me . a 3 に 1 Scent we EXih oon sR oo STD we SBS. RMA EE HORN BRP ORR? EY All BN Eh ~ So BRE At A = Sn RK SEG mar? ] BMS 1 BN SERN EI] SN He” EN Sm WRX A MIRA EO NEITE I ENGRY ARR 枯 a sere A SA JOE ar EN HN 8 BR Bae Rx Ga 1 Shas «oN RN EO ARENA DK EZ on ER ~\ m2! (proliferation) へ |] R+ SNARK Y ES eds ° (CY. NRrNor0 ) ュー ン a eee Tob ewan Cael, oa eke ae ONS ASPUEND( SERRE ) | Hypoxylon fusco-purpureum (SoHW. ) BERK. (HSER) BKEVIRNEED” IME” UE” aE itt (Sphaeriaceales)* ~-Q x 5S SRDE (Xylariaceae)* ~O 1) 4 Mi Bae Hy MEN 0 で きま 9 に に IHS oak is RRQ ie の OeB > x — LAK 7S BREE H AIRS Nn Be weer | 14) KE e BRAWN RA” ESR Bands ABE AY Ber CRMES NAR BR ANH mS i We NT 4 へ ENN BY SoS ON NANA RS (144) RARE Po KT RAD IN SR A DARD RN MAAR? oe. Ne OX PN INR A 7 KN HERA SEB 1 BeBe OH ONE ES SNARK Ww Ree gee SIN トミ \& EY RNS AN TIN RAT HSE HOC AER wu a ee ae テ wt FESR A ARRIN® Rw BS'h (PRC ZR MAN eR aus MIR MA KA YMA KRESS 4 atk x AN IAK A Y Noo Kket mL nN VeASf ) < 時 Sw FRU SRK A] 公 く へ 諸相 INN へ KA SRA SE ShadA KS REIN | AD \SSINIEN BN Ih oe. SARK \ NA+ Gedo REE SN Be A NAAN KD BR Wma wK . eR RAR AR BR ILA RAK A i= se =] fo UMSA BMN SEs et : Been AS MINE SN IKK AR NSS > “teeny We WI RRA OK SO RS & I Saw K AS Erle ew eR Am kd hESC 1 An URED BC SK” UREN VS BEB. RA + wR A AUS 4 Be KE” #0e. Wty RAVEN 4 BRE » HA 7 Ge YAMAHA ) NEARER NIBT EER MS ORY REZ RS A 所 | a PREISILEY, - H. and yy E. E. The. an of ue endodermis | に = に に 」 SSS \ RY ee a Ne en Olea SE RPLEYm ams aX. Beso] in relation to its function. (Physiological studies in plant anatomy, ITT )- New Phyt., Vol. 21, pp 118 一 189. June 1922. ORS BR SE es NR SN BRR A PRD | 部 NEARER A MAN BaD. Nm Bee A? LX BRLGORE (Ue satiate me NBS PAN AER Ro WD Rik SY A a BPA OW A RaSe ey ee Neh AO REA AONE 4 HCE SEN BHA SEO 26 Ok -0( Potawogeton perfoliatus) STE ee EN ee NES tn Ae = i ee Co ; TORN BSRR Lm aN” RES REA S Bh MOR A yf BTR BRK REY DO” gow ( | RS Re SEY’ (1 |) Re KY や x MINRK FS —tyZe (Casparian strip) mien ASR] R LR’ (NBER INK SRN DM RY > NE (Sube- r1n Lamella ) mix AHR) | Res (ET) 』 po n— KM SSE > on lth» 8 SRNR ES KO Ao HEN on NE Gap elisa a ae : RI ROR I Ry 4^ CMERES 1 RX tS -RE So SNR AS NBER 1 IS ° on Na age par a hee Se HHP N Ama Y Do BRE 7 Ns MOMS SER om 7 KIS ribs SEN いい AER He ie prance NN ゃ ミロ ーK 直 Ne | / で の sH ーー いま Penge eae mr We "YWP パー マー ーー で や ・ ta nl Fire PT RSS TRY Koy hah be eX MASSER HN (MERINO A SBE INK ARS St PN ARSEIN 4 RBS SERN BERD < PES \ HN KER AS Mth NIKI? 光り < NMS” MAM—Ai CR PRRSK NS”? SBA BWR Rhee chee nr inna Aes Ndi RRNA KR MA BIRA AAS BNA we mR Vanek est+ § ARES (WO OSR RSs Reh 4 oR WEEE WAN SERRE KAS BRAN H RS DEN UR INNER UD ON RAR RN Re ey BIW nK A? | | BAN CH APH H NNR ENE で PIN AS AYES RS Re UWA Bw a QR 4 MAE: MD DN MDIN” SEW NNT = BER A HEIDE Ho SS MIG A WBA? uk d BSN EIR > RNa R ee es a” Bt Shee e FRO DEN th INA LER 4 BED. Be ymin ds? Ht SRK HAR AR’ ANITA RB BSinma gay A? KKaAKRAaN—AtedOHKarY I rAGSt in KA RIN ROR) BEI 4 ERR I RRIE RA KS” iS C4 Rat BEN ED A -QEYR AS | Bar SOM eR pe") FO A ae ee HEN RRS BE 6 Ham RAR ROK RAD IN a A DAE DRUNK DA fr | } Ress AG Bu abu > le NAL NN BA NR テト A ee ae \ XB (SI MN AR RSME 1 e He em A Ka AEA SIGN AORER ERIN K A < 角 交 寺 BOT 4 a) Bah ARN EN KR A SER NR’ 枯 OTR ANAK ACR RRR AS B\ ER (Ru eRe 理由 へ | Se. BHM DROWNS GSB CMA A AS He \ dear tee eeam x A BS y m0” BWA & aR Rin 4 Pn DA xBrv fF SESS HD NDT A” BES ~ kk SSB 4 BS) so deta WK DA” : ~ aS Be « | 2 1 AGES WARN we th 2d ef Ey S FOES ITS BR ORE NRA” Goth BE BX's BRR I BEL I RRP NANCRL Sam SAW TKK S NRRL BE RRA ERE BAS b SE PRUE BOSONIC NER I BMI VR NDR へ WS | BRN HEN RAR AQ PN ee ow \ SRN WN + 4 EERIE RA SHEA mS eA ku tn Veoh (BORK PON ANIMA RK NSA 中 Xe AWE A NMA BNIPN AN NN SRN AN RROOP INAS RLM NLONRNDRA HI AW CR BMBI CoN ANH AS Kobe HANA PRR RAN N | AIKKRAIN? ANBKRARA T © 4 HOR DA BEST B\¥yje4 4, TRS e+ (SEES MRR RBA A HNN * QRERREK W Bot in ti hoe RIN MIN WER R INKY Ree R ASS Beh A.A AY RAR EN A RAEN] NAW AA See SA A 2 TREE BR eb ABAD EH PosK EAR ATR POT RE NIRIM HARBOR] RU MRSARNSA £08 BEES KE ARH > MR HRA 4 RSS ES RAS Stat l NN) Be BA n BSS R+ BE. Ra Ho BAA’ Rie NZ RANMA OWN ON VLR HRA Sina VSR i RR AA NBR Wn ETI WAN Ih KR a Oe Se ee 2° Hose. HS yom A eae IER Ay Bk bA ge N | RON REN BRA A? / Sl OED & BR LO AWK APN IRR AINA 22, eS QUEERS BAD 5 NBA Beam EXN A ThA NAS RANA RE Ba nkRSSR) NAA BHO RS SeQN Nw ey Ye an R RBA HINN SRS 1 BRL SAK) BSREIBR HEN | ATIKR AY | K| SES VARRRSENPA PN INRA, BOP RSS) STV Ee NER\N DRT e VES URN Ree RR wy] oN | BEN BBN RRR A CRS REIKI was YAMAHA) He 4 HN RI RIN KR RIND Oo SON RINE A i Po—wiW KSPR INS tS | | CAD SI よさ NG の ANU AM Mba RSH HE] Bex nsatn—-+tijrte een > infliv ve 内 M. et Mme Morzav.: Etude des phinomenes secr6toires dans les glandes SA DKES Sener KX RANA RT. RA WHAT SR & lupuline chez le houblon cnitive.—-Rev. gen. de Bot. Tome 34, No. 400, ee を 人 か le eds Wa KS PA MH ded 2 4 NO RIN 本 n° (142) KD D4 MH RB ER A A A RRA A ee 1 S|) NIK RAS BOND RHR NE NU HE RN BR AA NMA? RRS CETUS NABER PAN | か Ra 6 SINS AK CP LHASA BNO e BEN A 6 SPS TAR NBER SHEN IB RBS NR th— SSHen Ew SPREE TRA ATC TUE NA HEN Ry) BNR MA Ree EDD Bs BSR 6 eR Ree A OO Re pe, Behav (Oa, BAnake Bek es ek oak ee OS RSES NAO SREPRERS WHET AAT FRR RR VR BA SESS OMNES BIS (RA ARS aay ie DE E+ RAR URE AUR KA NEA IK A | [ES 本 て 人 03 POETS om Py LI I ee) nh = ph) Sak [ cee se NET ON の 2 GR ^ aR 6 ners SASSLR MIRIN ENE or + n Nem NNA n Ntor A いと い 2 ¥ ae sialic iii elaine Saat sia aa pind Se GRG : Hees UM Saat PNG MAGA ーー (1415 re ROP SSeee aT Ke x ey i[ sy ty (es et fies aa 1 th J ESRI eo 3 nadeln.—Zeitschrift fiir Botanik, 14 Jahrg. Heft 7- 1922, S. 385—421. “BRA SED BE ASAB1- NeelkM S^ GRIN, SSMS Pi ORA nee seo A | WKAR? BSA Bu Bn ( BERRA ARES 1 EERE \ EAE AD NDA Oe en ees RAD SPE WONER SS AN BAN er IhR AO RN RE (RAR) ESET A’ Rx EE KN EAM: SSSR «Sth Dt) \ BE ERS RE RRS RIB ANIKN A? GRBREMARE 1 NMBA AAR S FON RON ARIES ASERIAA AR |] ROOK HANA < pee eae NA umd 2 AUR 4 \22\ Re 153 Tie SARE HRA NSS 上 lonthdep od. sekretogene Rochicht) ホ & 324&pe (Rchleim- beleg) \-E ud SSB AA A AK A TER 6 BER A Se? AD WA a PREIS ae 11 de A EDEN 1 § \ 1 1 _ flannine, E. Untersuchungen Giber die 本 arzbildung in Koniferen- - eects EE EE ^ REE = BEAU ee es S84 oe 本 を 人 1 STEN SOND A TR nN ym A + Bim ’p oe “ BSI + BR) HORM Ke KA? BB Sey | AS UREN A ARS HRS SH a 時 稀 さ ネ ‘TRE WK DONNA ISR A BNW RK AR? ets ake. EPHT RSA NAM A SN MOA? REA uy HON ¢ domme y ae BR (Abies) \ AR HOT RW Hag R NRE BS WAIN” RUD \ be Ry REESEDRREE > eee yO 4 BE-BSES hE). REA SS EXAE Sa eX my aS ib ie th J BRR RIN th a ° TE \ APRS + ORM N A em OSS oy HD Bn ee ee eee A on Ay RBS \ 4X BS) (Hpithelzellen) +1 4 NT MOMS ks (GRSk SiN GER IRE 1 RD NEN SEIN Oh He SESE NAB IN A EEE y§ VOR NA — 2 hE K AP) MIEN RR RMN Ao on ROTHER NN Hone LIX EES), 45 Ses. Bo RY nied Kae R’ spMe ie MDa oho AAL S\N RR CIN N ES aN gn mn Ge ” KD te RY (EN 4" SMED\ BE Mies ae MN BR < \ KAN BSAA ROR he oe Om sn) NS Mt Se AIRNARS OARS ( KE ERKK tf steal fr] HE] に 的 dei a Seas =O xo! [Se-He “ce 4492 2 i 2 =O INE KB Ea | EYE 1) SOE NEA S 1 応 PRS -KMIR BQ -S-960 © f° ONT x6 ay ISIN Ge” ATR OA) ¢ Rag LE & ako Re wREin 2 oh に eee i ete © ce te HSER | (WO RS HOE AA 2 1 fain uA OW Bal av rete? を eo RE oo — m¥e ie fa ia rad Use 28 [oe a EERIE R S| = ae ete | } < Of wk Teh PS ON a OS’ L: | SAB | be Ee (|) KES i eh NN の 時 ご Bae % nee 7 BE 人 oP (SE MR a HS > FE LS ¢ HE ae Ln に | ri eS Sra By 局 本 fn ly 39 I) ie es te | WEBCHR+ FIR 44 ze ve 人 金 月 5 as aig (NEGE<9) IR CKeM Lie GPR eee oe NC NXNORMKU RV Reet in St #| es Fea RiGGAA mT NORE KE ON ns SR 1 se Ok ~ OMNES TRUSCIOERES Se ME S| care, | | oh さ 0 SE = bed > eee COMMONER 。 Ree Se 人 1 2 = CC EQ RAP RRA fe | ORE ARERR A RRA He SEN 0 Sh ee OO NMNSN 。 (| eo 。 Bo wee 0 1 He SD LUV SEW MWSEURO GE UR el ey ee : PORE pe ee es ee oe 上 人 oo 3 Sy are cee NM SS FR. ste ey YNS 0 & ie ee SH ae emm の | De eg Se Ne ye See MREeS x EN eo RRR ERE Se RRKEMRMHE 細 a oa) BR RKRRY RHE 2 as SAHRA 3 Bae wo ee re Saku wil ご 7 ¥ “ Pee at ees ve e Meee EAE Sr ae Fate 4 ps xs ee 5 の CR あっ ihe he ee 7 CX pam 38 epee 2 am WE と で こう — Se oe っ eee : oe MAT a i ee ( a aS 3 EE RSA Busy i] aan | Reece ee SO eS S ee ; Re と wa RAK Shae We oe DE 上 狗 門 臣 く Tol Wor Ge — — in MBMTER mM AER Y = ~ 大 ん 7 R t ee } 1 - aS f に こえ ¥ eA Sef 11S Sn ex 3 HAS BI] ne Mey Ng ps aa ae iS a | |i RB D oe | | | RERUSHERE i (GREK) ae ミ : nad : NM た Bes 2 ) 9 : = ( ; ; xj 行 A oh Se Wig es ス 氏 Sh ; / 何 By fy ir ok) ( 9 ER eee oe aT KBE 時 gp USE GRE ERE) tre oe tela att dana a ee eon een ge ロト hi A (140) WANK RSA aE Sim Ss RS Re 1 BE | SS SRMRCII) KE SH ShKRESe Ree EERE ees Claudopus variabilis Pers. =Hyporhodius variabilis PERS. HENN. (GRER) SRAREC” ISR” Tee” Wee S —) ©4098 ( Agaricaceae )* つる や 問 穴 (Agariceae )* aM SX Rhodosporae )“ 8 Primes. APRESS Mee EE \ ARAN Rr BEM SN hy Set HH 7 BN SR m E's RAR | 1d Be ee ee shes Ma » IK SS HH mr BE" fe OS s Elm Bad Few AMM 4 1M - ON “RSS HERE 4 SEED R~ 4 a ae ey RISE 1 GS A SA Sia) \ BEHTEaK A" WH | RR ARITO % ARHBIRRHAIC SANT BRM 4 SEREIS mv OEPRE Ih RARE SUN BE ’y RSS y HE DK SIN RN* ERE SRA RIC SRA Vi | B\ Blends? 性 握 ( PARSE IRS A~t Os KER’? JH «IRC SS VK SHE I RER? (Notes on Fungi [ 125 ] 一 A. YASUDA. ) as 1 ^ SS 4 OSD ER 4 Bs KAR IKK SAH RRR HUM O PE UINKE? mo 11^ ER RHR 11 Sh AKER BE OA EKSHEM H AB HS mm? : NT sme COA Q20) 密 ee に fm )° Mele SIS eee Ge 5 bia Mas ZA) 7A y 1weQMA ows eter (CR ミー ホ NAREN) I RH BOR 20 We Owe (Beggiatoa) KH») Ghee) ee Dae 用 ^ Snes ot ~ sitio Be NO <^ gwd CLeaf trace) HAE WINN R” ANTHERS Hver° 9° Loerie py ORS et | | ERE RK PARKIN % SKA IR mie me er ty SRR SNF eX AREA 1m = nD ARE A BE KAREN Z ok ERROR BO O° Rye dE A RNR 2 Oh 1 BK AMOS ER Nie YP mo 1 O^ MHZS SE M6 USANA KSINR ER AREA CRE Hn ARS 1 17 SSeS BRE 6 RBI KD BHA BUR 6 DKK AT AREA = N\BERK SZ m? ; 1117 $b \ Bhi 1 Qe AME RAL me 2 ee) HS ] 1)" Ses wd N ARBRE ENS NAIK A RED nv Kh etm さと で NA REAR HS Re , | HI’ eR SHREK SESE 1 REN MR AIS A _ Hee A ry REE Bh mo (189) ey ONVRtNS (Ree (SRE) i Trametes carnea NES. | CERBR) SHEED” KS EE” iSkin see nal” M@QIIRDE’ me QUI OCRDS HR “mee BEE > in GEES mn 2D RHEE 擬 QD SEM RN gE BM | RI Re BME QGP he SAAR Ome y—ta Ran? HRM OMB oN dota A EEN & Bor BEN” KE AN a ar SS (J m Sh oe. KER) DoW FEO $2 arm mK ONT RHR GOEL, BB oF KE; Rey nae « ats 6 SAA NEED HME MEER” AD 4 Sim Gr Be) y > Ih FE of = dim RHA ak aN? Aim. ERIE Rieke SE Ee ~ FER HK“ KEE | 1 | mm eR RS BSR RE AS KBR RSI Bers (KEKS tr |THE RRRR)’ RE PR ak eR AOS RSAC +1 | ORI] oo SSR ) eee ERGY) . TRIE wo RH EH RR SKS BH’ RX) BEL RIE KS OSS BIR (FRE ) wah MERCK ME crenata SSS ーー ディーー "ーーー ie CET OS Fe eS: し 3 * oe aes. ora Be ft Piles kat ape NAS ery fey ee NT 2 £ * = 4 a 6 で Sr で rr の っ か で Ye w * 4 ¥ - Neetria dodeinaa. (Fmms.) Fr. NO (RR). erie” go Sei rece mycetineae ) p= Seabee (Hypocreaceales )* Feit 6 Fay (Hypocreaceae )* ~ SOME (Nec- _ trieae) Moi 4 satel DH >) HO a HE SHAS Met SRM SE m SBN” BOBm Tubercularia confluens CoRpA と 1MN^ SMH NEN” RAN SA+ RRO” RP Re 4X < Heder) mm Of RSS SS A 4 SE RS ONE ES Stamm Gey ON? SMO | RMOellm a ame ミト へ EAN RRR + Hs Wh DBRS SSR +N He og RUMAH < REIHAS yD NRE OR HH | OO SIRS! COWL OSK AS Ru REN RRIPNS I 1 RIN < 富 店 4 SERS nO 1 BN BS n aBo THEIRS SKK^ HAOH A RRS AD AR Baw RE A” WR LAR HH | BE SIR SSIC RHA SR Ao 4O48 4 SEY 2 6 DIE ( Nectria cinnaba rina (TopE Fr,) § BAK Sw ORR MIR IP SHA AON SHAN 軽 ‘OX OD RRM PAO AR NAKNN~ SORER IE m PER KA ne mBR YD” SUR Oem eS Ie SV 2K Hs KEARSE TDS Ry ASH NMEA He 4 ISLC ER SRR SHEA KE ANK PLN! iS BRER BK Rete i een” ONKERSCRS ) CRE ) (138) so PARES STE SS i RMA = RYN B8do 4 SER EX A BNO (Verseifungs- kugelchen) jE K RERN PN IK A HARASS BRM WON, BNA DA AED PARK AIKEN OOD り 4 ee IRB RAS? RBA OO 4 IS NARS w NS INSET ON ST OR NINETEEN NPS Mie? RDN? 告 SR EP MR NERO D4 RR mn magix ad weet NESE RO NARS? Sars Heh AR ONIRA ~S¥4ER RA ORO, YAN D th DIN SENN Dd HEX A RRNA ED & SNE AON? SSN BR A HERR SN EEE ip SS oN INK IND (G. YAMAHA) Rv ASP WES eR Aes RN SB RIb J | CUPDpe U Uber die Verwendung von Silbernitrat zur Ghromaiopudrats Darstellung. Osterreichische botan. Zeitschr. Jahrg. 7 1, Nr. 4—6, 1922S 116—120. RE WS NAR (Ee N ER EER ERS XK mR -SR\S KA emma? Setntes br LSN\SEBSRS EF ou Hs + BIE yD nN BREN SR BEQIR 4 HRD 1 SRO A Cm Pa ER A RA SR ee KBR 1 Re AS ABs QA < Wie Skat) (Stiickfarbung) = SERA? We Ne VINK Om of — 4 NER AR PHN A AEX 3 4 XS NOR A mS Nt RRM AH wm? Bla ) 8 TESS BOSE EIN nh = 4 RABIN A A? SNR \ Be 1B BEA eA eo ey IRR BARRE CRY A RMN) RKA Se? Shia ON GE SATE BSR RA A ar 6 CIBBINA AS Sp MR Weaih 4 DN | PEN RNR RR ふく 新 SPA IIR REM eA ne REBA H APRA? | ‘Hose ABA Igtkm Spirogyra, Trentepohlia, Chantransia,. Selaginella, Xylobium, Tradescantia tS Se \ ALEC I BED NNN § ARSE RR m Bh sy TARRY m MIRE BLAS BR > 7 D\BR\EN-Ba RO asi RVR Re RUBIN AS SEEN DA REE RT BEEN \ Smt NERS KEN EAQXvr ei emg ot—~h- SR ne BRINK AS Bape. Poe Me RA KANER | BMIMIRKARAKA RIN, EA BBS Be s gliest's KA far 4 BINH SIRE DRE Rm eA NEA AQ 9 =. (G. YAMAmA) a x り J ナ a) Me Th の FL 7 6. Cot Doe) eed da 0) AN Jel の mW aN ee acd アー Pa 1 ーー (187) | TAN ER mn eRe ja) XB へ os NDA kT Hs EE DER a bet 7 si sate) ae 6 6 a th ae “Browns, I. M. P. pa of Bguisetum, 人 0 Bot. Gaz. a 1922, pp.447—498. | RBA BEB RRA EK ATR? Hote 、/ DN Ha eD Joe RNbDOW\ RM Le Ba ar \ Bate QRS) oN BRED Ben y BR RAO HAS < aR’ ON LN RRS RRS Nh O° Sb UAB SOHNE ON BAN SNH ON RN BEME I HHA ee N\G\ POH i Ko A RHKME CK SERENE Dh SREY A? \ Bs HOD ay SE SS fri” f へ 聞く へ 4 RN Re BSEM AA KSEE INR A mR K° HEH A ト S 4 MESREH YY DN? RRBRN Fee A Ain HB) NX ° ofS ot RRR ~ YS Me oN Sey | RUSE KAMRIR YD? MAW NBN SN HEN AOS WN ERA Rar Bed eR om BR か SW へ トト) RA] w oOS ee — Hoe easy. fw py ARERRRIA AR (CRORE HE NN | S| AS em ¢ に iN IRE Ahm aS TRH 4 SR ae NK (Y. Ocura) MAINS? SETRRAR S SOI feb] FRACS S WEIN A 』 Ra Mh all だ oo ie Pe ne 1 ae 1 Lv 。 ES が YK le Pe ee et NT OP yey Pee AW es Oe Cae PAE Frc, Pen a eae 4 een Mert, - ME Ac ny STE) Weg yh. 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Sitzungsber. der F ; ischen Akad. d is 8 x Za pv Ee im fio S Ke INNO Sow r に \ の Cycas oak Preussise 0 [ a er Nee ae ( hit iguee = oO tog 1914. Zur Physiologie der Zellteilung, 2. Mitteilung, ebenda. 4 EXSE S NO \& RGSS et Rs a8 fi a 1919. Zur Physiologie der Zellteilung, 3. Mitteilung, Uber Zellteilungen ° Z E ste ss ude Ue Nis aaa eas RES | SOr< KA UN JNN nach Plasmolyse, ebenda. | FEB ~ Wisin mya K Ao DAR" Ve Ey 1 MA | . 1919. Zur Physiologie der Zellteilung, 4. Mitteilung. Uber Zellteilangen グル orreya taxifolia 7N % aoe | SN TEN RE E25 ~ | & BE ih 固 in Hlodea-Blattern nach Plasmolyse, ebenda. sl i i AR xd x o sR ge 4 , so 8S RR 46 放さ 中 3 へ RE we 部 mY AM 1920. Zur Physiologie der Zellteilung, 5。 Mitteilung, Uber das Wesen pi eee a SI いま ご ん ; ey : eee ae Pa ee des plasmol tischen Reizes bei. Zellteilun en nach Plasmolyse rf | | KR AS It RNC SIRE ey es a ae ae vs の | Tyo : ‘ m; $8 (Penetrationsbahn)*? HAS SEAR EXE” URENEKAE S RR 1921. Zur Physiologie der Zellteilung, 6. Mitteilung, Uber Auslésung es Fa f\ wake Zap. mavAW ho か view: ao von Zellteilung durch Wundhormone, ebenda, a 9 ; tb BX KA patel WOK SINE Bmiech ae a = ws R f\ | 1921. Wundhormone als Erreger von Zellteilungen, Beitr. zur Allgem, - His ‘ | oe ee ご 国民 る ee oe al ah ep NOBUS を Ro herausgeg. von G. HABERLANDT, Bd. 2. a 2 SN oe oe oy aes / oe : 1921. Uber experimentelle Erzeugung von Adventiv-Embryonen bei ae 083 a 2PNnNH EX 4 KAW NRK A ee LSS See ul oe RK pe OenotheraLamarckiana, Sitzungsber. der Preuss. Akad. fay Wiss. a wa fs | WR + BERR + \ fz [\& hn S x So - 1921. Die Entwicklungserregung der eaten tea parthenogenet- の it る mei #32 w Ag HRA 0 MS RINKS Re Nem ie ischer Kompositen, ebenda. ) 4 ご as BOOK 4 2 Hae i j D&A a か to Kf 0N IN m Ste . 1921。 Die Entwicklungserregung der parthenogenetischen Hizellen von — に | 。 so Drummondit A. Br. ebenda. : ae REN ORE RD ‘ 2 a Oe Nb 人 aie Na aes Gita fo datasheet (ASS NORA.) aa ee RE marmmtwessr| に rere ee te alae en 0 ん 2 oe we PCa hee Oy SM と See PP 8 BRIBES PA AK AN th WRN ER ERA RR N OR A SR on > 4 aK SR AN AR RBEA SRB AK AEN SRC < —_ — a (135) PSN eo XE A TT A ESERIR IR A 7 we ieee Oe eens BRA PEORERK RAN dEK AWN (RR URROA KR BEAK AS o— MAGA D REEMA h-emnm» Meracium flagellare X's aurantiacum LRT RAR IR ARS L° WAH MN K ARBRE Mire meer HRA WAN IDK AS Meraciwm ~ AtEm EX K A HK h ( RS N BRN ABR ENRES ? Sly Eas FASS B® 3 id) RE NS \Eh HASAN BRR ゝ ao ] SA 4 REE NS IRR RA? | ooo is radicata \ BREE ti Bw te }\ , RAN PR NIEA NLR BV IAC RR BA SBI AD SRR > AMENIT'R A A? SEN Har SINR nD ea Pe ih SRS > 4 SURI IN RE ANAS Ea ri KY HARA A NATE Sap N GRIN A AS ENSREM W IRR SE Dy? mde Bru? Hiv % COenothera Lamar— chiang へ SSeS yy BIS KY ar NIK AK AS BLO RR Aw RN BRdo 6 BRE NK KARR A VI Gere Saar hee NS REESE NWN & NINA A? se Hane Ce he eenar hr oe ee ieee ite on ih ® oan’ 人 se (ED: や nh GEOR SERN EE INA JN IRIN 4 ARS RIN RBS OMEN CS ERS’ WMA uO 3 SE | RRA A VRS BERNER AIRS INA Anns ARR I SBA RNR PN INK A® K{1NKN2R—N\BR Marsilia Drummond in 4 R\ G1 Ki -ReSS-SeS-\Eirrah ee aR A AONE R IN Ko BBR Dh EER N EER SED IMD A° Eh RBS ~ RAN (RRO MBBS AA RSS NRK NYSED $2) BS RNR OAR BSA SR ~ SEES RNA +° RRRAW NA BA BES BoD Mo xe INK A? HRBS 1 RMN » ASA VERE BREA SAA BEI RBAA US HN? EN) REE SH TS) FERN BR RSS Oo GREE BNE S SHE oSdo HEE X A” EXHEESN RRR NER N WN AERIS SVX 1 Xr NaI ERS Aw MRR RA + BAKO KA HIK NE KAS EQNS BO RON 4 RRS IK > & HESS \ PSE, 4 We Rh REHRRRESR RK MES N Yr RRA WV ED NRA FR 12; BSS ~ HESSEM mn GOT XA RIN m RR AQ ERT ER RRR KA OV RG Re SA HAIN GINA A” {eR RRS ( ARMAS (134) 4 = 月 + 正 大 A i 一 ii RHEE 4-CAMD-HTRBRM APD Hight Maint on ais ty Bee & PA INERT ANE UE AR いこ も すま Sel. Ree A ESic IX HOSS Se 4 QABI~ KR Rm SS BRAM FO NEN’ POUR Rs HEE” ER RINK ARONA RE KOL ZA Koti wy? Hoy ve) MN? HOR ne (An po A eRe 9) 4 MESS Aa | SES INK a SEA NMA S AN Gath 4 VRAIS \ REN AA NBO RATA’ BRS aR RIN | AR SIAN BSR NAR AKREN ED | WEISS MIT KA PN H\ EAI A STR RMN A Re RR RN Dm A yh SH NTA PN 6 RES Ne NIKO WHA BMH GAM NAKRRA DS FRAT 4 BOA Sha 4 ESS 4 EREEN RB RS RAD AN SHEN IORIE RAINS 8 1 = NAR iY SERN EC aK A KABA NT RAKBASAHNINKAR™ IR I, SHEN RA KAR S A KSINR NA R=" DNHDARN—*% PHRONK~ 4 Bi) 438 SS Bo RON ETA SEER \ RENE 'RAQEXIN A A IK NN 4. BES | OWS eS KREABNE Oo RAK BEN AB RY IK woe RNIN S$ 4R\ AMD & Fleus Rowburghi: 人 ター ristis (E\ PISS \ BYNES m S848 x A oR BE A tas WA ORS Syd” n ~ Geel 4 MES -schicht) KRX < 44 (iipithel) Rip PKR AWD \ SBR “IKN° nACSNRAE "sy tH or ON TDN PER IN ig AAS RS Taraxacum officinale ae (Tapeten 4 ERIN NAS PSS KR GOG- chorieen (Lactuca perennis, Mulgediwm alpinum, Sonchus oleraceus, Hypochaeris radicata) “i 4 SAT Piast i! ¢ BSN ER BRN a 。。 IE mee a = ia ge ie) ‘4 a naan” Cr もう ~ Nee ‘RRR KS Egan cy A SERINE Ao HS =k 3 (133) BEAD AS TRAD SB, PAIRS BR ‘azar “MARR SRRARE RBA BIBRA (nile | 2 REE Rn ES BERR)? HEA = BSI 'p PISS 9 SHAR Sy Hor WMHS A HRN Se 'R Boar JM AHAB yy RAS HARA Bees IN AD BRM RONEN A HRA DNA AH RD 4 RRS Hoe st Bas ORR ER + BS 5 DRESS S Gs SHUR KAS on | H2.4 BREE A RASESINN AS BRIN SA BREN IH WARE (BR (BSA NBA NHK AC NAS RA RHR. HOW D Sty Bx Km ROA? BPS her < aoe Re AXBPRNTAMME AWN Ran een d ar? RES RnB x 甘く Sir Re (Entwicklungserreg— ung) "RI DIN” RSM 4 | BR BEBE RA dos RB TEAR ERY IN A RRA NK? RAP RR SIOR KH WA Wee | RES’ SRSAM 1 TARO RAD AH \ PRR Aw VA RN AIK A? A 4 ES Gs TEER RIN \ REABIN A A? Hosa < Oenothera Lamarckiana \ SRN Bota sa 2 PPR NaI) EE aN OR 5 SR RINK AN BS GR PRISE 4 — AND AMT SREURAK HA PD 11 BIH ee ne. 2 4 RS | BER ABHA RK BES NRE RRB er 47 ESE SE eins SDN RE UR KK AP A nS BRR) 5 | ER 6 REARS A° WA HN BE NN | RABE A > soba de z gon) oe Hs iia sn ase の RBS RA WANED KERB AS % EAD SOD 2 MIEN a’ eT SN BN. ° へ OES WHEL NN oA NER Won a Bibs tan Ba \ RE 4 RO IK OD PANDA RN \ ER dar BEA BRS KO \BSRIRN A AS om D6 ERS oS KAN RK Fr & A RRRRD INTHD A CERIN 4 88.4 BSc 1 epee my gh DK WARS NINA NIAS SRILA NK a Kea AHA &% EX m \ HD & SESS ER el (Fadenapparat) mde \\,MBSR+ Ke MARV ERS = SS SE SNE a) Bt > AERIS = HK AS SBCs Ben B BERANE KoA S | WO Km ARBRE MIE A INI AS Sh BSB ー tie imental SRR I A NHDAS BOW, BERR NAN NAC n A 4s sett. Bn ARNT AIKNN 4 HONK ABR Mr. ON BS yi Sam ANRBR NA NMA Ke R By ANTE A RININK A AIK NS ERA DW REQ SB Bs QOH KR N BQ'R ON of ER Ron s\ SSH Se eV BX An H"RMAR ATA RIN RSE EIN IND & BRINK AS He INR ER A KR Kar h BSS. KS A? | BAN SRO 4 Bh pe el MEAN oh ARR EES A SSS PEN Le San yn aes Sor? AAT. EAN HR I RS SH Disease (Wundendosperm) +e nit r° (132) a Wa OR Rely ROH _@ 4 SOT A WN 6 ESTA RRR WAL - も! RRR AAS Ne RIA +” tee RAR 4- CAM DART RBRM AA PD Neh J Crassula lactea, Bryophyllum crenatum) \FO< SINS Rib RA + \\ Sieh (Row SAAN BAAR ARN 4 R° Bako ip 4 BRR Bs NS SER yf HD KA ~ SOHO. RB KP ARERR AN RS BR RINE MS If Si Nip RA HERA BER BSR. Peas KREBS Lo BE, ee QMS A RNR & HEIN 4 RSENS A AS BERR 4 WAS NEBINA AS MERCED ~ BRN EB ~ BIR. SABES EIR BK AIS BOSE REID \ Rn SRM VK IRA +e Nin 4 BUCA KA ARENA ERA REAVER (NIN EER BIN hw ROR IRMA REE IE RK AR 1B SVE \ Sk oS Sails Hes ICR AK? WHE RB ae 1 MA NMSA RAKE OE he wha (Ma6ies Bie) . lw oN 4 BEBE K A Shon = (EKER Hh) HR ABRINA AT RaN TD SW へ K2° RR RW ONS SES Suton ABN £ ERK SEIN KAR sae 4 SA MeO BER 4 MSHI & EASE 1) autolyse 1) mA NETRA PN RIND H DITA SABES SE m HRS > QR sia ts AR ABDAR'R Bee DHEA HN RAD AIK? ere RS BSS REM 6 ceo Rina UAT RUMEN MR EN SEEK ARS PEI 4 AS SEW HIRE eo RRS NS iE) 3) BR BEES DS & ° Coleus hybridus X's Lehnelizanus~ RAED 1 SH AON A SASSI SN Hm SQN | A) ENA + EER —“SBEANANS KA RBA RKNIR SBE RAB AS Bee 2 aie veo Hu KR A ERAT AN RRA AR | BR ih BEN BES IN RRR 7 ERS 4 BREN Br ee poe ee Avie NWN ek A BS Bets RA HIKN® RR ‘RoR A WP Nm ARERR AR AINA 47 1A TR NIX BS y Ro xKn BaannrAhy BERRBOX yA nN eRABDAHARNAR AS IA VENARER 4 tts ak a Kee Aw Sn tee SX AD + RR Kr RINTIKK AS 1 1 Sainipaulia tonantha ~ BRE y KA RESIS tm Sip Bh a ets | tle BSR ORD AS ED hy BREESE 1) BRD ee ee Se BRAN RERUN KAS ONE mA ROI HX As BSI S IND 7 Bu 4 REE! 4 IB HE. MES Lolth OSES KK NGA Kone RE > pnt. NEI S Pelargonium zanale へ AOS AA) {hs EB" ) wie へ Srl Fe SE) et し YR d QED WME mA KDA KHER SH ee poe s ト マー WV Sy Benes eae ae ee ones rte a a 6 = ee eh Ee iz oR # eS 1] ae 0 Bs (1315 ae PREC EE で に く ー ツ は IN 5 arrest ease HWA eh HABRrANDT, G. Uber Zellteilungshormone und ihre | Beziehungen zur Wundheilung, Befruchtung, Parthenogenesis und Adventivembryonie (Biolog. Zentralbl. 42 Bd. Nr. 4, April 1922 8. 155—172) HOC. BERR TRS ES Be ee (1902) 』 #EMEN ROR” RHE BA A AES 鈴 9 Ba MEH ~\ BS. ER) BER BSS . (Hlementaror vanismus) © >in Emer aey a 2? PRESS | ete 2) wSES~ BICIEBME MRR KX h っ 私 ト A AS MES y SED aes SK ee BS WIR wi BE ESN ORE ROE” MANS WWrIK KS Se wR NBER RAS? nA ROR IN He S04 Se MAS NOE BRAUER RRR OKA IN HX wN RIND ERD? | 11a BR NBTIRS TN ~ MCSE yy SR 7 EN ER RA HOE AROS 2 の へ PAB A SEL in BEN & Hebd ih WRIT Ie SH ISS 3 py BO) ER Bd 6 AMA hie’R Sted Md KT ee KABA’ IS ゅ Suinitde 4 Mein Se SS th een + a. SPSS RA A KER 畠 近 本 6 4 - CAND ARTRBAM KAR URI こ PF a 5 ‘ =e Sie pO nae Tora つま RT ED! He ie he Sp wat ee eg te ee 8 Se ee っ EEE D & HOUNDS DK BES =Peperomia へ HE “w OR HAE Hide ih + AR IN VND 2s BRA NN BRaIR AX? $8 yj HON 4 PRER ORE Sly BRAT FS ERENT RR RE REA SEER KK A PN RNA TIKNR (RNR WR \ MN Bins ROM +RERIN BAnBASNAA FES SENET ND SPN NRO SER CONIA AB A AS HV URL RK BERR RBA NINA AMINA VOR > RON RHA ven - 4 BBA Bm Manes * BOR (At HSMN AAP DE RLNOS ON DM 1 Sin wTEARS AE RRA CRA yo A RAN ROM pRB EDM RBAARNAN Ce SHEA NDNA AIK 1 REIS UN RRER DS A HEIN KAY wR (Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, Crassula) へ * & Mh REIN (Sempervivum montanwm, Echeveria secunda = E a i BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS | - Published Monthly (Volume I, No. 1, was published September, 1918) SA. ig 0 i —is an index of international botanical progress. es 一 stands for accuracy, completeness, and prompt publication. cn —published the following entries: Vol. I—1681; Vol. IT 一 1871) Vol. I1I—3061; Vol. [V-—1853; ~ Vol. V—2426; Vol. VI—2082. s 一 refers to more than 2000 serial publications to secure abstracts and citations, | —accompanies non-English titles with an English translation. . Publishes all abstracts in English. © ( 、 一 uses a thorough system of cross references, allows the quickest possible reference to all ant articles, by a BPR arrange- _ment that permits prompt reference to author, title, and place of publication, Bete —furnishes to workers, having restricted library facilities, pe a concerning all articles - published i in the botanical field. 2 fo —furnish es to workers, having access to large libraries, a thorough classification Py. subjects— \ 。 an invaluable reference aid and time Saver. ( 1 ーhas been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. —offers infinitely more as an investment than any other publication issued in this field. 1 ‘Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. 3; | Orders may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Ocmpany, Ltd. (Maruzen Kabushiki- Kaisha), 11 to 15 Nihonbashi sat aaa Tokyo; Fukuoka, Osaka, Kyoto and 、 Sendai, Japan. : | Wrirrzams & Wrrkrxs Company, Mount ROYAL Axp GUILFORD Neues! BArmrwosp. Mp., U.S. A. : a Bar ert : (@) な う 3- 菌 ORT 日 朝 ZN eS i 1 + い itt LA み つ FA 題 レ 縦 , 顔 vi “i 3 a i 9 gia a = 2 PO ge me Oe KR けり 2 ae by, ORZU OCH mY HE ve Wy mente 2p fF 4 n Merce mee = 2a & Le MOE ae ae eae Fee OE Oa BS ge eee 人 る る 上 て BS ee BS eee eae SEO eA eee ee ee ee ! < Re one a eee やり O mm 見 ow ae AM: ue Leah a sl © ほ tw am 本 WS ーー ei eee Bo =m れ ぅ の z Puy ne AS aes 形 mm へ 拾 』。 20 Se See 4 Osea \ < き vy 大 第 aE ぎ 色 。 た i 2 Ks ek gz Sm ge ASwg た 1 he ee: * (pa i Spy ne hee = 別 A vA 齢 AI 大 TS fe 0 eevee ott PS グ 人 [pee eer et (ee oe cay nea, © a | Rt ih FEO — 傘 A oe, BAR 0 fc Me, et S «AS Pe MPS ae Oy & gp 8 FR Ooo as a ai i ee 保 ま nae 胞 bea! Wes aS ; 2 人 B Oy に 5 iis 。 ME HE NT Na mene ie q BRAARHFER | “Deis us SHIEH) も eae 1 | a KS we: -aNctne ! 人 (ARE) Se ee OBES 。 C—CANNARBOAREA HON IR DINDAKAPHO SPD 4 RVD 4S EE aN elit で Caw RY ES Sh Ow 5 ite Ih | R sto SP SRE S Bate EGS mE K An = 1 BIN] me dE 1 1 [ta CSMER 2) OE Uh A Bn ok ecient pt ah (gS 田 \ ア se Eee < Ru (180) Sear VESPER HES ORNS RS KES 用 ^ REBE SSN My ee XK SEEM BEN b IY ale ae 4 ASN ル IXK * , > oe ? : ES の は 5 ERB Asn — +. REM \ SEEN S SEER YS OR | ERED-K Sa Xe NSB IN BEN WEA REID NRK AS BS s TREN SH mn ARER Yom ER EEN ¢ + NNER OR HN EN Saw 2 y KIRA § SRRYSH NIK AERA fa Ron HX AREY A SEW VS HNO) XN REE RRR ny ithe’ AD SRKRRR N BEE 1X MERBD Hil ar ROBE) S QUES m Be fd om mRNA CO HARA Hay x (Hey 4 MSE NEN NRA] AIR N EHR Maden % + BY Ae) mm | i Heid SERN AEE mM AN Em I A RAT S| AMERY om i HAE | NS = UNAS \ TRY ARS A RRS \ ERP SR ae IN : WOAH \ Heat | Rd A MAIR BBS RL SS dees 4 hh om oe | m0 L—4\ EM か SE ® mh すさ た TRW Nu な PA プ な な Aug し UE Sibbald: ted i a rest Reel eg ots Be ーーーー STG RIE A — ー N ずる は) Poh , - _- xy ie nie y Te SPT EW Ase MIRER KEE KPEKEP RSA | 1 4 fe ee | RREXSEEHEEN |B SRRERE TERR | RRRRMRED 3. re Rel も 8 / や し 1 Maes I 5 BSH REBT e's RN ERE 1 fe + S:1\ Ru Bx A er Stee CR URES 1 ^ Se>OittatiesS | Bin Sas ine NEES SR K¥RESRSEA\ SR SS Eth RA ! Sn HN SERRA ES 1) eh 40° BN SEER RRES BRN 0 PREPRIMS Cometh | REREK R= WHR Te AMR Ww HEHE RS tS RS my 9) “Zo ° ESSN RRR AK IR—-hSN BEM ER SRS hn FR ORE AREA K RN RSS RN - 1 [SHRI S 4? | REN NSA HR “NS Bide ANS th OX 」 範 JN (SSRNARS) Of i a5 田 Ail Per SAA Cates: Sc BO peepee” aye BAG eth ee PY PR の EN SiR fl Bee ‘spear NG SH ios RY Ae Ty OPO es i Mis sg Te APE it ME ge ek Be ee A RARE MENT AY Reeth DE 4 24 ie eta a a (129) he ~ epee aie ee 9 fe 2 A i abr Sn ge 第 NBS WA RR HR ORE af 2 ae oy CHR | BR) 4 WER) へ ASME 1D REN AP RK tHE § SRA DN SEEK m OH TIN NORA | RS *— LA RHROOIRHOs | Rue x-ea RAT BT KA RAR SDR \ Km GR BRED er wR CHE ELT KA HESS SME sew Leen oN” SEM HE § Me m NAS STINT DRA INTO RS Ke 1・ 国 ミト ゃ ^ RE | BA Sn wa’ Bey = BRE SED NEE 7 WHT ARI SUBST | SK 4H ( BLS RRRR EM IK Kee 十 | ]m* BESS ~ ak REA HE BIEN” (Notes. on Fungij124|——-A, Yasupa) i SOx (f=) 4 SR # OLthynchostegvum spiralijolium SH. OKAMURA. 0. sp. ROHS \ BRR s YK time’ He EMER (SS (RIE Re RCs) ee) SA SER I EIN’ HEV ISO ASI 0S or RR BBR D Re REIN S| GRRE AUR” BRB RBH 4 Ey \ tig AEH G+ 1 ss CRIS" REI RSS) 9 Rn? eA tas POSNER ASN wen’ HESS ee ee (HEARS 4 A BESSY ERE NN AD + RS Ha oh し SU NK | orn Sen Ay MSA A YR 義昌 や AA BRT ENR Aone HERNAN SNK Am ESA WEIR 取 WH’ La" narra iis chk pO: MN AT TEKST IRAN BK 1 SKA ABO | SSR dH’ * BBC OA EH RS cde ae Wa TE ee RN KA] Bimitmt 夫 く BSak ) R + A° CAquatic Bryophytes from Saw’in. [4] Y. Tiko- MA.) ae y} * ee A Nl Rt dl Si oF She Mae RMS RAS ti {mo SSR AE ie SES SANSPOhe に ‘iit ita diate i? ree ー ^ BER LMR ASS SEA RK BY ON fil Yom 1]° SSAR SS ARI (Algae) \ RRB) RE INI? See RAR A ELA A Ee eR ta? BY* 2 AERA EA vulgaris, vulgare <1 {PEK AX japonica, japonicus, japonicum ~|{/#8&Ky .+\ Be IN ABER om RHR Hie Ae HER a ROUTE IE EH tai a ps [ (128) SS Angel Saabs も Meee teh we Fide j mi 4 ee a 1 ay N is Jat 4 AN a. 内 ee He tat を っ や か ‘ ‘ j My se oe = @ Haat e Sx HRC IED HE - Daedalea Dickinsii Yasupa sp. now. CERES) FRHRED” IRR ERE” Ee ee” Se ee” MOIOQIO RD” WeQrAD HR? HERE 4 SEER oN SEBRIS m GB > Bh D NBER XM m BE DN? BRR RNR Bh RLS” SRI | 1] oh *%— 2° AHR Om > %—2aKn7 ies Ce) Of > Hels wh LE ar TIRES S SSH ES NR 4 Ae RAR OP BER A BOS 5 IM ok (SEN 6 A NSA 下 HES BOR § SSRN BE’N * HBR WH SRR) oy BBD § aN x Hea 4 wh ens 6 Kok WK RINSE my GED Bani N*M Farle 誠 介護 トゥ >" FRMD 4 RERIS m @D Bia) DON ERE AS” WRC RH] HK HE) eS SS. BA HORMEL I |o-ACt SS SSSR REA RCC eee ei ~ PR oh ERSO RT + HS Cor | BR SRR SSR BEA me HE ma Rie RRS KEIRE Rm + ROE Ky) SUBRNESKE (KHKS+ | e+ THe Rew SSS) XA RRO SS (KE RE RR+eeREW ESSER) \ FBI HK ® RHA nO ~ ND (Trametes Dickinsti Burk.) ヽ Mo MESS RRERE A A REE ES \ coy RY INR a) AMMEN EPA ne UN AICH A PAN RA? Mens ARN EER PR AHA GY COLD MRDacdalea) Ne : 1) AER HED & ARQ 6 EIR NIC DD RE : fee vt ま H 1 \ ‘ > i 1 ” h x な Fh - ‘ Vy EB RT IR EIR FS EAA lye SAYS Ketel 20 が fi Phe ese Re haf) eee. PEP gt EE ee Poe rom ee noe id ei Nea a La こつ : : 5 | ee | Ee hy j 1 ES / = r 4 ‘hed と _ fk Ng j r - 4 pr 2 1 ha 7 PB ey mM 0 be it eit Ash gy ME pet ‘uh Po ie ee ! ss } we), Np ae al! ney . ion i PE NE Ah Ae WI RN Hotel Ee eh Ed Ce て ere a ae スー 9 3 い aires et tO a ks calle と Kr SE ENON HIE tN fe) YY OSAP KAU tbitt) (HEE) Hysterographium decipiens (pg Nor.) Rerum. ( 京 隈 ) MEARS” ok YAR Se ol“ ae De te et oe (Hysteriineae)* si ge42 sek (Hysteriaceae)° ROMS 4 EE > NEI BH BEN AW DAA SE IRM RRS XK HESS 6 RAR DER y SN RRR me Kr BEN >" BRS) 1) NSA ON Ey WHO e IRQ HHT Jar と さき RBSO IRA a x—-tan ne Ly sean RAID RS + FRESE = NHR RMR 4 DRESS po my m mk ¢° UHC ORM AIO SRR SRI IOaRK Ae NRE RRM IIR BON RRM 4 SERS BE | iy Ry 4 BRIA YS SPO Bey Hes JO) Een Ro KERB A 1 EQNS. Se mA NK” URS TORINO &7 RRR LP aK AN Geesge 4 ORE SON Rm QR Rem Bey & A Mb Meee (Hpithecitim ) m S894 « ° Aid 4 SU Re SI ee SN I Dy Ae nx Kt [e+e Se. Ke A HA BREN Kee UR KO ORM LD GH) CRE) Tsaria brachiata (BArscg ) Sonumr. QA HY と CRE) BIR Were Cake (Hyphomy- _ cetes) So OTE (Stilbaceae )” |RErmee トー | te oe aie が ss at し eee Tere hae 5 4 7 . hs ee 7 に ewes See "Rr 27 rr ya EMEA ey NER? HO IN A S wak| Kapwe aA Perrere FN RES KE I je An APR IN? mk’ RiE- i+ \k° | B\ BB eee ee ee 7 Susie w PBR te We” > \ BEI n PKR 44 i 1 SRSA BREE S BEL RSE NIA RE RIDIN SE ax AN EEMPR A” imp a KA ABAD Rar HES Som SED 4 tal AS CBE RS AY + 4 BRINK ARS HR CK" SIR eo RS gem IK ASS RII 5 Psst hea Of SKN Hm R Qtr EH DINK A : alga dn UMW BENS 1ERR A HS IN BONES) \ ST k-- | i < ^ FN HE BHR RAR VN RRR A 宙 て BEI 4 Nom Babe "oN BAER RRC HEI 4 UAH 12% yon Aa A SON BRK Ae? RS Bele #1) 4 SURE 4 BUS MQ HA BERR INA A RON E R \ EK | INR AS MONT 5 HASSE m FN SON) \ ESSER om 3 TAB 2 KG Si tp (H4Ans+4+) KEP BESeer (nas) ier hat Verret Nees DYE) RBINKA (KET ier meee RSS IIISORRE 1 1Cg8110 | i” ES tye} ath eae SE A, GRRE) OR HAN SH) SR ty ESR MRS ADA nH ATA tN だ いえ bei Ppa 54 Mil Divas. Go “> salar go 6 Yee ey, 7 を, ょ Pern Pes nd ha ree Ue ree ee Paths ト PR: orgy itd ha i een ee iain rs * 14 One と y > ecu: ey — すり ga oe | SRG wr ARES ARGS IRA A NEB AR? BMH NA 1 EHR A BA Ww Ee SESH HESS Bon; Hie Da BAER) NALA 5m BENG « SCRA. IS ih? HUNG REE BL BRA? RATA 4 KERSET WS KPBS a> 4 EIR 4 SEDER HR IND ATK A aN 4 ESN HED Sk mB QAR SERS BS REALE ACR | NEE re eae ee ul | 准 や PHA] PRA Be 4 RE KERR HS DOD 人 CNT Me SHEEN m HOH how in 4 SEE \ SSOP 1 RRS N A , SPS HIKNNTAS BK A ITS SEDaL MACHT DNR WISI XH へ | NN El n\ QateTN BSR MBE thd TiN NE RAKE (PHanzenkaryologie) # Y)& ARK A HAVIN A A (KEN7rRo Fustt) ESS Hier cra ae ( | | bE LX sel ue OtPethonv Ne (eee eit) RE) AME AT Re DARE ‘Aas SG Son MRBR'R BKK D NEDA? RGHEHE 4 REUSEES BL ee (126) Aone 年 正 拓 行 語 RHRES AA n-AeTHS- Bay CSRS AED s BRS PERT A WR AS ce aaa _ SR (BSI NS BENEM IRR RN | BES Sigs 1 |" BS. SERN aR Nl” BRENES RM UERSEESE EY BEN KR WR Rn iex ABER Ese VW oS. Bess \SWESXeHR SRR RE Xo BREA RSAS mR A BERANE 1O^ NEI» RK | 1° BEA SHERe* SHES RERIN SX Be) S\NN\ICH RCN AK EE] NRE HS MBSR NRA-IKNS |] SRAANES’ Ani KA+IK NN = nBO\ WR em agen”? BS 4 BEN e CNN ARK A LD ARR RIND He (A? by SHS s ORE RE es Sb ON TK DN
— \ SER RRSP IN OS” PENSE MEER 』 EE IN, Seb BEN eK BRK” NPN KHAN NER ER pom LMHS N SESS BHR DT | SSE \ Ste) | BE ARERR DOHA or thH AAR 46 > th AO A RSI Ey OO DDR Nth AO ONTO KN MOP Ey mA SDL NL eH RYE SIREN) DEN HE DD VSR I om AN ERIE HN Sa HN IRR A)? “ BAREIN AS Sy | SERA RMSE Ne Nao Dee SORE 4) SEL SN REY A INS ND EPS Em BO” で (124) ae eae ES MmeME AND -AAzTES- ES] OR | HSE SEL” SERRA HR RN 4 | AC4CA oS —1° N° ON BSR NBN Aa = | ICH) Q い = ロー (1 4 く 11) KSA AMN Sih? DAN? K— ユー NAK i fh WB BSA Ne N Seem a bh” DN VPH—RA AT ANA—HAN BREE AIS S AREER 4 ERO NERS? Ko BERN R= ON BS mee NIND NA SME | BE CUT 1 IND ine ih NC RIK) Xe dT DN (1 RR) \ BSR ma KR SC eh Blm ara nev Syn dss cg WI ps 4 URBAN a BS ~ AH PE SN RI IN FUSE ABER fe © a” Be on a ae ' pre fee eae Oe ee RET ee ea B's, ° | | WER BOW 6 1 RUN NRQHA ARE BRB IN RRR SRO Nin 4 | RVI IK LINK RR-S\ [RE\SRB-BSRR!) N\A) BRA PINS” N\A RES ANS NAAN ANR IN ENN BERR 4 RE AN AK AY | om 1. NdaNH x Spaalier (Chromatin) « <& QIK A NESE SEER RON Sanya Vin — 2% \ Nem et? Meee AIKN er \ NGSX 6 SNES (Raryosome) m§SHEK A mm > ° (NHR SOUR 1 ICSSERI TOI 110M eas | Na WT ee ee ee SEMEN |< KOM A> aR EA Ke Ra (x KES RPLA KSINR DAR— {BRAN BE NN A om A BRRRGE REN | QQ 11a RR TER Se NN TO et MOOD 時 gfe ep nee I YrArenR en Sane NG INR TO PR achat ん ici . (tens | eth... Eke aaa Perr Mk で ペペ ペ ペペ スス ニニ ズン | | | zenanatomie. Herausgegeben Y. K. Lista Allgem. Tell: Cytologic, 8 か oe) ioe e Ba: 2 ) = : . Ba. 1. Lief. pp.1 一 192, 1921.) の 000 6200 | Bas RON DKA ARS DH 拓く Ay ae Bet is tg に — "1 の Yh ea BMRA on) Al | re Dy Re 2a Nola I< io KE | wR + ARES SPANO HS SR] SRR | BN” SSE CIR | saa ie < 人 0 sy Say” eee | fils ; ーー に A 1 の ie tt . 1 1 ) RNR A CRE |= RINE NE ¢ 1 ke ‘de é H A ; = 6 ァ ケー と “saan ae , aks | REREAD) SRM HO 6 BRR Bera 4 INNW ヽ : ARBER, A. Studies on Intrafascicular Cambium in Monocotyledons. し 0 Ree た 、 ヤー Ann. Bot., Vol. 35, pp.251—256, April 1922 \° 4 ee Rees aul 4 SeH0eb in” BES PRE Eel ni iaPion . Sd ented yy MAARTEN Rr OMe | RE ANE ON RAS ARID HIRHER SARS GE ( PRIA TRIER PRI RR) RS om ARERR Yn ie \ A Ninn Ae RSS ho INS aR Dn RAEI SEER SRV NRA NBA XA? B— \ Rm MO ARH Po nS AAA HM 4 ERS ~ BRE SN > .ibH—-& C] 2] B) RNAS (Arum macu- KK Sa STS) DK AR SSO Emma en Ih A RR latwm) 1 Son SS4R MR ERE No MADEN Atm Be aR | RB HR MINOR NN BS ASK aS RE NE Mase. YREN s (Bl CA. ctalicum) 5 SL iy LEAL BE mm pK DR Seep uN eA eno maw? oho a b°OK NIDA N mT Hat Hos RE 9 DORA D ABEL A BAMERE (Sagit- | hH—DE\ SRSIN IMS % SRR EAL NEED & W | taria sagittifolia) MEN be NE (Aponogeton distach-| て INK A yum ) 32 gare (Hydrocharis Mosus-ranae, Stratiotes aloides) n \ BREESE ysedin~ Gee 4 SBde se Qhde ss m AAA? SKE 1 tin HORI Heil BS” MSBERT ~ shed ae gy | SIE ees? RL SI ER TNE EX (Potamogeton natans) 1 Sn WAC SAB Mm BE & Ao | EPSRRERPIN KA AY A NR | Hela (| BAS s RS $81 SOK BLA BRI | ay i] ee epee hg | EM CA Nib — 3) BRIERE NR (thd TN) \ Rbhro not Ae Sh ン NEN INA & RHA OOK? nN BENSON 6 SAM BRMR ee | PRISER SIR” SUR CRE) \ TIEN RY War PN SN YD 2 tetey a? (Y. Ocura) gov Vibn-22k. (22X55 Za] maar a 2 \inn—+ (22+-2aH] Si^ SHOE. SEE CERERER EL» BSG WWE) BS ン LunppeAspr,H, は .: の elle und Cytoplasma. (Handbuch der PHan- CREM 1 110°) Xe BSC REI Hm ABA PACES NR RK IN HERB RK D&O | * svaon6S \ BES ISS \ BERR Mo& |’ MRERZRMA( | KSR IRN) | + 8 S&S BH RO AZAR 4 sy Ons BSR ES S| RN] SE HO NS VN CER NORE BRN ARN Y AR AC RK SEEN PER OM > Ih oy A uk A Fedo WIRD ER ne Pu RA ERASER ARSE Ane? xR oo PAH KNEE C RAKE CBR VODA | rete nuk | AARON | S\RVT NS | AME 4A DOW A VGH XK AN AIO KSNTEE ISK ABE SHARE ieieN DOA —\E PRA RRs AY NA RR? ( AK sj HERRERA ORMIRE SR | SNORE RRS NM BO NR Y In \ > SBR WI QO BR? OR? OOS” Moe Sceen RiILK ARKA Con MEK A BEAT A PA ERIK A BBR AGRE om = Bee eB A SN SRS 2 A RE VSS NIG > 1) ih Sh BRN SOR 1 GA GER PD A uk RAC Seo Soh Reem PB HEN A QR INO A SN ea A RERRDAB EN Re BEANO ONS” A SHARE aif X ABRs m = > WR OR SAE RAN VR KA ERAS DiS” Q4r SOA SBIE NAA IBLEE YN A rT HHA CSE HOI ANOKA BASS m= RAN m SAG 1 ih BED 1 BK NK A NAS IN SO 1 OR ~\ SRR HS 4 Or SQN MARA SINSPDAOK IMAPAHA LT OABHEVMNARH° BE me | 42) Ree 1 HR ABMS AR RX ARSREEX (Tolerance) と 部 S ヾ ドー ンー NRHN WEAK A 1] RR ee > Bebe A Biol 9 eR ATE 03H + ih. BIG PN A Ah FER KDI A & mo [ Crem (Hd | Beem ASS ESM ENEA SHU ENGIN ASS BR RO . 17 RRB, BSLAR Re K SER [ N t | gyn ati ay eaten f fas EH Sy KOK EIN RR OR ARO | Re Ki | BRV\HR IRE SRE RN SB BA BH SKA AAS BSR REXNSEN SANS | be KOA BSR THAR RHA REN PAWN Bhs HRER 1 Bn so EL REK\SRA\MERAP\N ARONA PN KERIB? NR きく Sh ミト コテ A SRARGE SER NRA RAR AR EO” ROS Cees i Sk AS h Ba X A NKR SRSRM EN RATS AihinY eA HRM? H Sar” BU Nn Das Vado Ree HKSAR ERE BE K AY AANA ミ さ トミ トコ {Ren XK AWA WPA SR ABE Mh Internal or molecular ray of filter +> ih P RAAB NK ARMS nd my 82% ae th th SESE NI =o | SSR ANTE NHIDR NRO? HR HRAS RK ON ORB Ge A KS SRYNARA PT NARS NSA HR UREN RB RRA Ee aa NA ear? HED WIRTH, GE NSP 1 BREST > at UMN DN BIEN 7 Eh pee ye” See) 6 TST KD KARI EBS ee Te) 9 Meee ~ pele 4 Gechda ~~ IE m= eK RA PA Od Nese 4 PREY Ono RR RPM RH Oo OKRA Re BRAIN REAR OT KEM PERN Bar Km A BATA KO TA KSA Oh MAR \AQR AD BR ARS A BIKER NR A PD Shak O HAVIN Hl VND YR RSRWe R KAN SOM A ABARER OHKDHY oy wee nee St ee a a pas CN PR eS SW ay aR a a Bi A FPN ¥: £ 5 y に さだ ce mm し myAkm CREA RY = 2 ou が os eh ie —E. Reon es a a る aes ade 2 mo i > 84, Viola in Flora of Saghalin p- 55 一 62d915) - 76. Violarieae in Plantes Raddeane I. p. 111257. tab. VI. f. 1-26, の RSS OT. RAEAr poe | RE tab. VIL. f. 1—5(1861). | 55. Violacee in Flora Koreana I. p. 62 2—74(1904). ; | 77. Violariee in Tentamen Hlose Ussuriensis p- 23—25(1861). ‘ 2 。 56. Violaceee in Flora Koreana IL. p. 445—447(1911). (Notes on Japanese Violets III. 中 Naat) ae ee か 57. Viola dissecta) var. albida A) a EL) Nil ha Sis — AS Ss DU Aj 47(1912), 08, Viola Savatierr, V. Takedana, V. obtusa 新編 植物 賠 編 第 一 px 84 上 MO) | Pe FRE densi ete 50. Violacee $F) EAH RALIRAE HE jy 65—66(1914). 60. BAR. GAMENNI—A p. 1181271914) RIERA I es ey © gt | ae S くべ 範 i es 61. Viola albida 一 V. scabrida 発 島 植物 調査 報告 書 p. 11(1914). we 62. Viola scabrida iA EMR 8 ARE EIB] (1914). HR [Oe HE Sie AN p 3k HK ARES) i K Boke Pe 63. Viola lactiflora Yi FRY SHES A — + 7\4E p. 329(1914). 押 悦 世 狗 加 表 所 当 宰 呈 や へ 11 GREERE4) &£ BE K 11 Ki ee 64. “Viola acuminata 一 V. variegata fer SR) A ASR ae p. 4€(1915), | FRE -K HIRE Se Reta (Ee RRS) i fH OM ORR = 65. Violacere Coreance. 3 SUNK Mea Ss =A p. 276 一 289(1916)・ SR TG ARE SB ay SH Ga BS HS ae ty _66. Viola Sieboldiana Soi Ba Ma HS OO 48 9 — A (1918). \ | CAR Ke to 4 eR) A. HB hl She の Me bs, 1 67. Viola discecta, V. Sieboldiana, V. cherophylloides 東京 植物 墨 雑 誌 第 | IE Hf GIES me) 民 ap HN ae roe 225—227(1918). sp na % 68. Violacee 自 頭山 植物 調査 書 p. 67(1918). ez} 70. Violacese 金 豆 山 植物 調査 書 p. 179(1918). ; ; Fe PES Ey AS tH SSE aS 2# 2 & BK 71. Viola glabella, V. mirabilis var. brevicalcarata, V. Selkirki vy. albiflora eoten eels ate Rh we th Qt 4m Ko fea eR Sat ao = FSAS p. 9(1919). Hit SON EE fale Sip FX BP ASK 」 #2 % Ht K ihe 72. Viola arcuata, V. diamantiaca, V. polysecta Ife tL eee SS | EKER K MC KH te = COU OSE 4 p. 204—206(1919). : god RG a A aS aS | KR mw € SH 73. Violacee We Ey HENTIZA AL p. 22(1919). ( 4 z 類 IRR 74. Viola epypsila var. couminata Af ipiAii a Til it Ss VOSS — ET Fa ANWR | SAC Hb EE RN RIPE SR 中 RF BS RR (1921). へ ¥. Porsu. | Seis a, 75. Viola in Flora Americe septentrionalis I. p. 171—175(1814). prion dC mm (Hae | dit m a SMS ERE RZ AH Hat ¢ CCHRGKI) HH OREN O aR NATE RDO Ky A. platanoides NARS mE YY SON 4 ey Sm Be CRE SRSHS Aten wos ARK ASR iN NAS CRATE WRAY AAIKNS X A. saccharinum へ HE \ BEE 1 41 NR Nak N 11 SEN RRR NK ABBA NK A mM Mey a HIN? th} RIN CLAUSEN \ BERR mA % (Studies on the collective species Viola tricolor L, Seertryk of Bot. Tidsskr- rom Ay CHK 1D fk » sean | ift: XXVIT. Hoft 3.1921) Viola tricolor ・ ao, (a) 8 V. arvensis RS REIS Or RAT we 賠 上 ノ ーー 曲 種 ……………… 15 7 の 09000 PS bee Gna eye 10 at Dy Oh eee eee ets 13 a th 0 Sha cae 3 +e SR oie Gl Be a aie ee NBER AK A SN が IR Skelee 4 wal 3 tS peed tb i SHRM 4 Ay ESSN 2 Eu Ve ae “AR &® SRA R NK SERS I BN Ci Ro Be BREN NBS” HR SHES N B88" peers SIBK aK Sew REN A EEK A A FECESR aN A BERR SN | Rh > +i N%>° On the chromosome number of the Genus Acer. —M. TSHTkAWA ) | | AD IMA DV HO? ZNO Hy* NAKA Z Jen 0 tos SLES Be RSENS AA) CSMM CMER LC BWRTHES | ESE A KA WN INRHROM = Deervilla, amabilis, Carriere in Revue Horticole ser. 4. IL. p. 305(1853) = {kf xn CCarri&RE 124 fut Flore des Serres VIII PL. 855 y J. BE. PrANomos i, Van Hourrme te BRR Y Ale = Diervilla BRN ROE AEN REE RK WE NAS RE 4 RRR SRP (ODED KMD IEE WRAT RA RM | Pt ee eS ee me > ya” EWN Se BERK URE UID RAD NAIA \\ \GEIBSHG Ev PGRN Bo Ka RE a’ >>ow (Rick) ( igma Xylaria corniformis へ SH NA IN OB NS REN HEN ER A OT = m も 3 KERMA” ey VP (Pero) ^ KN oe % gy oo allantoidea Burk, 1 SX» < Beem Keen? seer dciz . Xylaria corniformis へ NKK Xylaria allantordea | ea eke Sis ae | Bhan, OR’ RES 2X? Ne RwEK ie Kee OSS SMV MASCX OH) RE) 90 Physarum cinereum (BAmsort ) Pens. す GEREN) STEERS” REP Audie aor Bok | (Physaraceae)9 SS m ae SHE Dy PENSAR 4 HEE RD MOIR C11 6) に og | ARAGORN re ee BK A eR See ee ne ee ee 0 im BE) BE KD ORE RN BHD PhO ae BEM) Me on SE -RHI AKA BRIE oe NN MOT | HARIINO ST BT PRIOR KR AY RAR Bin a oe BARN EERE > © EAREIN EEN” ‘at WW Te = ょ Sot まつ in i= まで る た と っ ee Sra ye ip と と UE Oe ae BEER ee ee が の いう ン ae ee: tO Seed = r Oak な EF の ーー phe oe) Sf, りー で て っ iE く Relies KA NAIM BAN, by amieen niet a eae ho A? PERS S 1) Ke A Rance 5 BR Hed Oo KC GR] |HHS CLSSIR BEER \ SRR RE 7 SREHEICT Set OS ee ROME SS ee a NAS | Hy \ SSaR RS A® te 4 GR RS ERE)” BRR Re SK I KR KO OHS KHER! | ASR MOS Sot A eS & S GWSNSE \ stein Hexagonia tenuis Hoon. + & 4% Kid 4 SEMEN Ro SSRN SS (SRS Ke Sk He Sa rRRo (S SH RY) Mw eH A > 8 RSE BER ESSER) oe HK CC Notes on Fungi (123 |—A YASUDA ) Ree eon = Re ee ae BN" oath : Acer eg の oO……・ +++ …18 (DAsrrNe ) NAS OM 12 + 13 (Mommrgs ) An PUbLUM seeserees Peon 36 (Morr) | A, platanoides-++++-++-+++0+. +11 (CAEDprrr ) 0 ek LD) (Nua) . き En nee iw TAYLOR \ BSRR om A % (A mor- phological and cytological study of reproduction in the genus で を : f » ; 3 Sy oi a: Bah ディ eas 7 P ts 3 1 rg Wo な EE es Gt Ce BI EL AI, Pee a a See . 3 ee) ea ree ee em OE a On eS nea aes SE Pe Set Jee Te の we a ae Ror 3 < H ae os ay Sn ee rt sf な で SN al に ee ? eres, 2 sai a eRe ee Keke uN aa fy | Acer, . 0 Contrib, Univ. Penusylvania 3 No. 2. ee : 0 Ee eee 3 ey | aes i Masa Os ete | Sisters INAS Q REA ov Eee So | Rt PROP IES Ray BL BIN O2-oIh e JP ; Rak ED INTIS BYR BWR RO BEd HDR Bm) 0 Pe MEABSNS Ans 2 <4) Ninian ao ng PRN D RBS BR AMIN INN RA & RAE A fe IN RRN DD =O BES dim Bh kK NR MEN I? OS BSE RR RA ee NR RN MARKS 4 MBN posal Et < 1 SR か へ へ MED RE No KN REL DBA Y mo A yy HEM SK Y 7 h = BER PHAN YT © UR SES HEIRS NRA DH Kop BER m ABO bn w 8 y LAA RA BARN BRIN A & AER eB 4 OO ee B& eR NN Bo pe a a tee nce KD? SESE Bl BGT eS CUK IDB RR JOS tt) Re ret ム eee (1 Il) * # OMAN (ERI) (Hee) eee Rm LD Xe eA SET REN 5205 oe ks ng > Ne os as oe f made flabelliformis Scnw. GRR) SHE RI Benes ae tes)* ~-.0N ‘oat (Stilbaceac)* |] BS BE (Amerosporeae)9 fps Phat § * RHA CBRE Ee mk (7 HE 4 SRE SIN FEMS ie x 7 SSL BE a PRN | | ee a eR? BEY] RT RR ERR A BR A HN LIN 4 SpE NEES | SD > HERI ES RR OodCRIHI Soot oe eee NEA REL A RRR NRHN ER A MBH S TES 4 PS 1 BEER RK AA We eee SE) IN OF BA ae BSR MP SS MN ENR 4 A? SRM § SEES ry GO BER) IN EPSE NV A” URAC SIRT | 1H 6 SURE RI Xb A dO av A FBR =i HO | =e Km] JmftaiW ees ES ak | SEA MBH UR SRE SIR KS A o20\ BRIS 1 Bn ee RE {Cm + Al ok RR NS BRR 1 RE a SK ee RO ORI K TOSSA NRHA AION IE WH KER Ee | TO” KRAtb | RN SS ek Wt BE AO 4-8 4 22 | SRM \ AS AS 993 前 へ wr ROA + mz ERAN ARMY N SBI A + mK 1 SX EA AN RN Ne EP ENEX (RoHWEINTTZ ) 人 Ret ESC SRS 3 hood 4 2 へ FN St NSIS EN REN n= mn SKIN DS NIN =X (HRrss) | 4 NN XMylaria cornifornis Fr. \ BAH QBILA + CH る 大 | (RRB eH aA St 07 ae BAUER VCORE C0? BIRR KES HIB, O10 Fi BIRO UR VR ORY Rl Ol", ade ata FRAEEES REI RB RS a OL J BE FV BA on Re Oe YER TRE HT Se ae SL PT AS BQ a IY IMO QO 10° BEY MIKES IN Gr QiO'R” KORE oH CO DQ" ATR ORE VARS EROS RR RC IK i EO AIT Qs NOIR” RRO AIR SRAUNYROSOLH Kelme 。? BU MESH HEE, RMU OS EMT my Gate wom Hho O VEY" HES ONO EKO HEC Lo mH? Ben vm oie BRU AD” HIBS CEU OAS WI OU BOee Gage ae Bk AY Fe sO° KSEE SS Yim 00 UR CER TREE OWA Be HK ORO Vie SRO LH ROR? HI OR UK ENE SS Stes Nan BIS a, SNA S BS 10 1/MORS HOKU oH YOR OCH NSH AYR OVE OU* SE OMRU HN Sy GER OY EO Qu a eeu so LIK SABO TH AND REAM VIE GHEY” dn ro BERN | Qa ARS IO SISA He OURED » ORB Mate so の 系 人 SS Hila A A OQ Rote) aR 07 ITO Ste) «he OEM oe Sa bbe tum dm Oso He GOGH H VY” RREGMMOGRERAO | PORK UKLON eh” oy VR RUBEN Fuso EKER MES ETL as g0 ab HR OR Bas ors OMB || OR ORES VES HE | RM IVER ORMO RHE” “Sto RSE Na ROMO SUA REP A) VHTO> ASVAS BMS. MHASH RRRONKURAHASS RTA, VER QU RM BRR BOY OI oo ee inet PIB ORSRAIROMY wll (O° KPIS SMRLIPRV DRS (RRBY IE OR 9 (RAR tun JY RBI OBR BV VER OS RES HEAL Oey nd ASK MOMR mie, Sh eR ASS ICE \ Haw N © EEERIN SD \ Bay Ee A” PROS OBBEL EVAN we BOVEY gees | ~ MV MVR 0 wWOHM LS Bee Lio ROMLO VRROR< wR Oy RAVES ae Bw ee oa aaah Ph eh 5 BMY" MR WP どっ" #1059. HED OBL RO OM Ose lH & PEMD + 1 PR Rh Bae 4 N\A +R NAR AS DHARR SR oR ORV eS BRO RD - PAB g se Mh > BeWURE BEI dN RT A ml ae | (112) pC HESAL SSM BRD REAR ASR DE RA WD NSE SEEM ERK An RRO RN Be RIERA INN BES 4) AENIN KAO | SRB SKE \ Minin eS (| RK. Be _N | XN Hpse RS of + A RAN Re BA OS \ etek HOSE = BB YOK DAO | RAR 0) SHY ok 5 REIRSON OP 3AM ARRIVE A 4) RE KA SR doin PA RBRIN A A HIK NO WADE KA & ne wR ORS ES (powgrr No. 1) | NSBR DS BEE RIN IN We BRN RR GH BESS a OX me A | BR Row ANS QS Bt BRS IN KS Sieg R BEE RG RAIN PR ERIN RIN? BRM % oR HMM RSL’ Re まさ AT ーー G5 Mets Senne EOE ete ore es CAI Ee : ee sR sO RA HE I” BATE uO 0 4 u2-° IR EO Beaks 2 1” QIOR I MOCNUA OO HANKHOHL RoW’ BS FROQ2 av? HINER 1) Re Betta” 4 8 OSV BHOM A RRO Hove 2” BBR he a SI He SS 1) 2 に BINS (RRL BOwBHE AION 0? FAN BO SESH” KES | ROR Ro” Bie e OH? ph a} AR eal eh aS Ee tum” BRU OAS VO VN BoB ORB mao $I OVE OTM SA Ome Oi" We 8 pom Nu Ly? Ly Wo Le Skane Koon we eto) nh ROQA BBE HS SR eke SiN H+ BO RAS ReUsEwowe DEAD OM Aw OUHE Adee Ooi a OV HOHE) VQ10 OHH BOR” ORR Hy wT HR 」 SH vite SHO VMERMRILO LO? BERING oe BRR BY SMR LY OH ORY 5 VRE ONT R46 EH Qty っ PvP 2M OR ERO GMO, VOU Nae eH PRONOREUY (PESORSRMEUKY Exits SAKE + || meme S Eth r ZEROSES EK LE OSU HOV BER SBIR ARUO SVE ee oP EH BE K m Oe WAR BREE X A REN BOE RR MAA IN 4 iN Reo C8 | RESIS y Soy PRADEERE E Bat (Critical work ) Sith YN A DSO 4 EK BERR N SRERS 4 FAXES ERE BS \ BXEA RES LSS 1 REED ATA nm ~~ SRR SY ‘y EP | RNA RSH A RBA BA TRIN RA BON IDK HIE HINKR? Breas Be (Ks HI BAN BRK aE SON KIS NA ERAN IRN Ce S| NHI INA nto RED -RAo Ky SE RAKE ONER PHS NES ORR NORA ER HK ESA BER 1 NRT LEmBRG > Fh BINS KBs \ ESSER ae) Zmiss, Lares ~ BERR ER 4 1 REIRSH OR ns Ee Kn = SORIAD (oy SED A > BBB RH \ EBT 4 NIK K 2 RIE 5 Bead 4 ho RRR A WN 4 vO HetG 4 Zmrss ~\ 08 1) SRE RRA On + a WES | IR Kw ne Ke AE IEE D NMDA HIB $a 5 SS eR baat m BSA He 1 DRAG EKA NKR AO. RRS NKR + 4 CoRR 4 RRA BER OINSRBER INA RN BEN aR RN RIN AD GIR Fe) ^ i \ ok RBH if NA HR if doget i Ang Chines i HO ye K か Ns? OBR RAED 4 ERG BiH EAE NOR | APRN IRR A ns NACHE Ne Bm HORE) Yak 4 っ j ae ner ee の core GE SMT RENE + BOI KD REG AINE XO SURES 4 HPN KERN PNK NEO Of — ta (BREMERO HC) HE ® NAS PERRI AK uk DN MIA? GRRE 'R oo Ke AR ROMER RHO so ERE Baker VRS BER CSE RS Be | BSR Im GREP XA BNO) 1) HIRST RAS RAE Optical index, 0. 1.) (WH) RKEBK eS 111・ や ) SER cM fe we Hu MEE NS % JCORIR INICOO EP th S EERE R Bien SRO coh wy REN S MEME oN YON ob th te V eS )N SHE | WHE)K AO SARE HRS DN BRL AREA BIE 9 ERAS SHG NS DA SAN A HESS NRE S MEU ER SR Bo ORIN HERE ME m BR Aw BB) NP EUR S FB | MD NERS RRND RERAC SHAN A NR RIN RA INN SER Working distance Rik R \ EEE NER) BA ARIA RASS HEX ~ SXRES | A 4 A 4 IE NN NE Haw L\ MERA, Beh oO Oh — Lem Bn A KOO DLN RINK AHIMA NEARS | SEES ARK R= Rt AO Be OPEN. LR eK Re GRA NARA Optical index, ZINN) \-Kar ch WS BEERS ORRIN AAO ERK R A 10 focus (aa) tn BNO | GSO EE RIK < RUNES RUE A NOLEN CN ERE 5 AREER 1 + <° ROR 4 faved Me is Bi ju jis ait he, PR At, pom Bs a aa Ne Aad aisle kg ee as ie er renee C109) - い xP ご で に ian yee eed a に 2 て fen BK 46! cid hae ト に ‘ 「 や = ee OB と seseae ent Ke “Ree eS Oe Ih 3 TBE SEER SK «M+ 5 ok] é TELLEFSEN M. A. The relaston of age to size in certain root cells and in vein-islets of the leaves of Salix nigra MarsH . Amer. Jour. Bot. Vol. 9, pp. 121-139, March 1922, ERREM (BEAK IR KX SEN Ra RN Ne 124 RETR INA Re ro BONS 4 Rh BA KA RES ima RE IIRK Vans +8 ° aR, se a BRON < URE X \ FEM Ba \ Bim adh A BER BR WBN RY RO nN MQM 6 A ar BB MN & ARR HO) EAH NK oN N Ihe 6 BREEN SRR AO RRQ \ GEBR om A BRA diy te pet th tek SR Sm tt DRA AMM HAs A maw KSLA & we Kirke RRR SREB BS 4 RM Eh Wm A SSR AO RRR SS 2 RN WK A A. RRS Bo RR PE WRK Yo NBR ON 4 AN HRS XE NBRES S BRD RR RRS A ERD HR A HDR Ae yy BK AmMMmaAS CY. Ocura) N—A NK RR | | Cours, A. C. Critical Microscopy, pp. 100 & viii, with 8 Tlustrations, BRACSES ~ “RECT Kee eke th A PA SP RSS ~ tS RR RS VK Se a ~ BB | ——— - xm pian ; (の 5 ; 3 i AM 7 Hh i ポ | レコ 1 Vy ae - に . な - 3 } Lnodon, 1921. RN CE 4 SRS NMA BRS EQ eRe MN REI KA 4 NIRA mA ERK Ane RTS SAMER DEN MHRA RHR AS BV MEA MONT SR] RS RR eS ty a RE RE o BE DSR |) 6 BERGE ERE HN BR 1) AGEN AER SN HH HEN RED EP ot EROS) S BAER A NBN HOR BS GS > ih fH AO RUMEN 11K DN RAGE 4 ESR RSS ESD 1} FR MED REAL ¢ dS SEP Am HERR IK RO aR) ESR RS + EK \ BEER DE \ SAE 4 ieee GH Bl” SSN” GRRE CHRSHHIE NS ) SRERER” BESS’ SRS EE In NDURBERRH ERE SERR \ BRR (Stops) srRiS (Colour screen )* ShEReR i Head MD \ en Ree eR BR eee ON EK (HERS Sele ERS S 1) QR yA RS Be \ BoE (Centring)” REERSRHX (Cone of Illum- mation ) $uyeuk\ Fis” RSA RAN EM’ MR SEEM A th Hb BRN SAN REENR BB Sati Ya Re ENE oO eon te RU SES T° RAS meat aah RS ae ee SN AOAC SS Teh ie aces «weet hee wel SSID N SR HC OX RES A RA ABS 1 - AK BREE | ca ea a Wi, Atel + に TESST: と だい ジッ に 1 & _ BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS | ‘Published Monthly (Volume I, No. 1, was published mica ik 1918) ‘tae —is an index of international botanical progress. 。 一 stands for accuracy, completeness, and prompt publication. 、 —published the following entries: Vol. I—1681; Vol. Hi 1; Vol. ITI—3061; Vol. IV—1853; Vol. V—2426; Vol. VI—2082. 一 refers to more than 2000 serial publications to secure abstracts and 1 ( 一 accompanies non-English titles with an DA translation. ee —publishes all abstracts in English. 3M 一 uses a thorough system of cross references. ; 、 一 allows the quickest possible reference to all botanical articles, by a typographical arrange- ‘ ment that permits prompt reference to author, title, and place of publication, —furnishes to workers, haying restricted library facilities, information concerning all articles published in the botanical field. - | ES ce の —furnishes to workers, having access to large libraries, a thorough classification by subjecta 一 - an invaluable reference aid and time saver. —has been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. 一 offers infinitely more as an investment than any other publication issued in this field. Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. Orders may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Company, Ltd. (Maruzen Kabushiki- - Kaisha), 11 to 15 Mihonbasht Pop Senchome, Tokyo; Fukuoka, Osaka, Kyoto and Sendai, Japan. - — | WILLTAMS & WILKINS ComPany, Moone ROYAL AND GUILFORD AVENUES, BALTIMORE. Mp., U.S. A. 3 Sm - 入 BHO yi MR 第 Pe fee ge mM eos fe fo eae ee Oe Oe 8 Hee 7 Fi DI 22 ORE Je A a UM ん 人 Mu 202 OE ee 年 | | 1n 化 の # ae oo % gy RR py We Rae 3 4 ES Ml ~ こと ど Ww M NMOS < ON : ye > 2 yee Le sur f Spe , ae PS pe > eae, ig aa 用 Beep = oe JF 8 ト ae J ROS Ne eS Fe ee ee = ん ほ て ご た 多 胞 | eee ンタ す fit Fy me. = ASE baa 東 ih ye Hage = ; 0 の 2 gee Ge a ae | EOE 京 さき か Be 5 = & Bee lean fh Zoo Bem Ey = ane a Poe ala a) Ay z Feo a feo RS eee ax 製 の 作 時 正四 yi 閑 人 oe fee Bee ES es a S m@ Mi 全土 保 Aas + 種 : ae bin = x & 0 町 町 町 へ 化 O: 9 Bia ea eS aE N i A AS 0 E Se AN Veg GS cigar 京 内 no 及 inet RO as ト & 4 Bae ie RAR I vw ORR 花香 nm 英 | 5 きび に RE A ae YR rs BEY VER ee Be De 3 iN GRD に と i y ode Be eras’ ses (AN PARTE SE KR ] 。。 。 = ロー ミ 2M APSE ERS | 6 に 2 で 3 2 5 ( a , 0 i = BeexeqrSeiee- ee ri ae A #24 BURR 4 RRR” eee ts peaks a RY | BIKA A KR oR ( HER SOLS SR, yh Ba EMER | K ABRAK DAS Baten Kees x ak R ARSE oy doses Sleiman テマ BRS RAY eH ROH HI RR KART =O Whe ee da Synangium 4 wR AY a RIES Wh SNS re A DN に fh}. se? SRR 4 EHR KEK GRIT TCG S SES I Ts ee sh IK Cy Mm 1G AR IN SA を wp atm 4 LRA A Oo SSRN Marattia, Angiopte- vis, Archangiopterts + 4g Rar wag RK AS " red Ma sa sth ¢ SOM gC Noe BE BRAS oe eee eee Pe de Me ni 4 回 (0 ee on fama 6 BEL RSSS HER ON KARE JERS A A” GEAR 4 | KO Me da Mana < Eet ==) SO Archangiopteris, H. Curist et GIESENHAGEN | au aie: BRA § ial NO BRCM HRA 6 BSH 本 いす leo ea が esa Angiopteris, HorrmMaNnn / RR SOM> BS BE 4 wide sow DR Bs A \ HER CN HEE = NRE HERES. A veseee HHOUb Me SMITH 3 BR A te We SRR S^ eR 4 BARES BR rel a ae 4 PRBS yD WN SRE I SB KN” BE. sei SiS | KH NUR NEHER | ee Be GP Shi re aie aM X A : TU) RAR HEda 6 Nor Rn Hee Koh SE Be NAAN? BOR aS 4 aise > ON BELESSS Ne ar Nr BREE i) HERR A teeter eee bo eeeese wegens CCCCEGCD Protomarattiia, 時 AYATA \ RI RaN* MEMS 4 SICH adi ED aE 人 NHE x & Archangiopteris tamdacensis, HAYATA — + | HEHE KK A? ArchangiopterispX’s Protomattia へ oem NK A chink fee ee fn ith 6 Ke yf elm REAR oe INR SO (On the Genus Protomarattia.—T. NAKAT ) BEACHES TH 380° REN. mA too 'S Rriieida WHEE NK WN Systylee IN $0 BRK X WN 4 CRE” HSE ™ SS ESS IKK AP. _f RE wAA Rey rg ei. As Mpa hp oie te Ue ae ies «8 nN rs WEIR oor ities Laie ee Roe Pe saat al roe on “| “SHR A RARER IN NT REM , REED. iti hie: A DA6Q 2 2609 ee AY MeN SREE HK DS wad wie he eae ait | BERS SHA IE REER NO 所 る BRAK... 2 Wnt S 46.0 MG 2 ut く BERK Bam: RD RBH oo an POOR Pr アア マー で aaa eR PR ; 1 aaa RH aaa INA STARA RGR pees ha wary maritima, esos に よら (105) AO PHN ae 5 AN A DAR AES AA NTL SS th 21K N° GRaas EH. Winsor 'z RURR. MADEN DKS RATA RAR 'y Bh ARR OK BDO hn de HES Be ER Eo y+ IK NAA IKA R )ORRRE 5 RRBLSMeDAIE RN RAI SOM y mM geo f PRED nia 'R var. maritiman 42 4 Bios oR" BIN BHR’ UREA Bt Oe RH Ai x WI" 0 Bh4aO Viola boninensis, NAKAT KORE 4 FeO St NRA Mb BE H * SO BH fd e B'R KX te ® BAGS 1) BXENSS ! JERR She REE KDR ON Ih OR へ 0 eQGhete 1 4 Sanit Lat BEE m rth MOAR A&R IN Viola boninensis Som er eR L&W so si ABER 1 oD x 3 AHR R RA RS RINNE NY ES + at yD NAC NMD AS PBR OR DP eR eS Tea) 'R BRT 1) Xe N AN TEHES FX b feO SS He RN He oy SREY Hi” KEEN ea BRO AH CONTA nh eM REIN 9 Rae RRA 4 Es IEA im Be AESED NRG Rn ‘NHR GER NRPS + HIN A Ro BA tae Viola 7 一 ndshurica, Backer 4 f& | Bae nwa ev KA NAO Bl” QwOv~ Bo | B80 -a% Daphniphyllum macropodum, Mique. 4 2R He Ee HOA REEL TINA ARMOR 4 HOEK WY BRE wy oN RA § CAB SPIR RSE HAMAR S SE AIRIN KAS RW -KBSIN Hf Em ak \ f HW ae , > eee : eg A ie ae mew a ae ye ee Re eh RY So | KAS NN 人 SO ンー で の 6 var viridipes, NAkAr い "NKK BS HEN ESE Ep mai» 9° HN SBOP R CBO Ayn Thymus Praewalskit, Nakar < @Rbe SINK AON ARS 4 FR EH NT AS REA BIO REN gta iy 4 DU OH BRE NEDA ND 4 ER DIN BRR pK RO ! ee cr” 本 [4 Aa 3) S\N の へ mo x Wes ^ KEAN ERNE SN AS BND £128 D QD + 1600 HD FD O96 S 4 RORMTHEM AK nO ATH y QB nn Wad aX Sn wm, Korune (LigustrumHisauchit 4 S{EXR0 ne? MS y RX 4 SN Ligustrum macrocarp— THR AON RA h £9 AcQ 65 49%) Rubus laudabilis, Koizumi REBS Hn ex An +o QO 5 Hydrangea opuloides, SrENDEL RS AQaR’ URE? ISB Ha a BIER = od NAGA An ein KR AO (On Jundperus chinensis, L. and Viola boninensits, NAKAT —T. Naxa1) 〔 Protomarattia く 坦 崩さ | BIRKS = RSENS RAGHEB H 4) SRE 4} RS URN RN MEE m kOR > HERD A HAN) 1) Protomaratija +X | BRAM ROK E uN HBR OSSRX 4 [11K ES \ REE 1 SER Cae + WRENBENE © mE pn gy 'R* RUREHE \ ERS BERS A (104) BF > Iw \iwee sk Mh WAL Both em a Kh 4 BERR S) S Sot m a HEN 4 ST mn BEN * AGS BRIE 4 ERE NSH? HER EE RE WSN BESS 1 RISE YN SSS HReT mn ON SRY 1 REE BAND 4 REBEES G2 RPS Dy HRA m BEN UR {CSUR RHIDSHEL SK 7 BL Tash Rech. exe HK KART NDR SMR ~ Kae Ae K 14 mS RE x 7(Notes on Fungi (122)—A. Yasupa) VO 46 ~ HH 正 示 SN 閉 ty» 4§lihododendron obtusum, PLANCHON % Reale ~\ 4 SB MoI MAAN % ARE CNS ER Ree POPS PAN 6 SK KO 46 -S 46 Rhododendron hiust- -anum, MAKINO ink A IK NEM BKK A a へ 中 | ato oH 4 REUBEN Ne KO Ste = trail oo dats \ XE DRE RHO RD A RRS Na BN aE BRS RRR S ih RETR RN Bt Ea » OB HEN A ay RIN” BR ni a ea IM Re WZ SSRN ay Bhs KEE \ O ODS BRS FREKm PX S SER BEE 1 へ Mea 46R 1] SERINE IN A nh HA O | * ita SRS Oh Pia |” Boe Se’ TR’ SX) NIM A Kae Qs TRE KD ne Ry pe NE RIRGEN A hit BRE KAS BROS HE 4 Dla ge : ate at he 796 AU se N DIK MDG Aw fh "BRIS RN IK 『 7 AR] BN ペー と エミ ト ※ KAR Se RR ACS RO BEN ¢ HW BEY \ St AR Rm SAKES AN RAMBINA A RIN? Bp A W atone rb EP NIN TEI C A Roo Baw IRS & BB I SPS eps 2S SNC Su RB So on Hn SRSA KE Oo THR AN W261 SND i BN SN = EE DRA A IN NP (The locality of Rhododendron obtusum.—T. NaKat) [CY FES Oy fa SN 2 Qe 4 ERIK m HRS tN ity \ HERE MIE Do BREE SQN ET GEN CaN RNIB “ 54m SJSuniperus chinensis, Linnt | EN (4 RRRSS LEE RO Nm RR VRAD NOMEN RAT A RAD NEDSS BR NS as OS JWA IME いき ヾ ? MILI 5 RARE SE 4 RRAPO ER NN? HPERT BM 4 BOAO sy CIN 4 SIRI gS {mm ae NEDA KLEE att) SR = DUB BR SR RST NA RE ‘SRE 4 BRS RRO NRK SAN KE RY CN So MINA PN PAANKS OS BHD KBAR nr WRN HINA A = RERR INA Ao BRS ov THE NTN oN EK KY or SERINK AO , 11% BOS4e~ 1 [AN : NH WAN conferta, PARLATONE a aR KS Oi ety ep as aac mem Ss wee MA 0 NK’ FRI BE ASR ES Mad NE ee (103) ee 店 い ・ se ee Peete WA tal SA QD NED 福 si Ra LARS" Span BRD any ees BAREGWEMES 1KO a nN ORON BE ai: SADR SE om th IR BWR BEA KERBERR SEE (KEKE TIIR | eS ReNRS Sa) HERRERRER (KSVe HH aC ( Russuleae) ex 4 26 0 2 ; *> FA ax ( Lactarieae ) hye HER EG + HE + ma Ra Bt RMMFEN” ST 4 gene agin | iD Ee us 本 dibienb ars 本 スー と ミト へ に A ao ee ee ay Pe eee ee ee ee ーー , た in is | Si ine. feu i ue の a 8) ae vies が こ 3 ’ ‘ etT ween SCn SOAR HO ar He ARRIGO? ERICH TL 1 HR he A Piatt car 2. Gln Bx £5 ~ MM 4. De no K 7 ‘Ra este yA IK CI BEN * ime: Siang Do | MVR RR LAR A? BRIS HEE 4 HIE nt itt tH ER ARS OAR RAD Da) > WB = AA BR BE WEEK Sethe 6 SESZSS mH Be) bn RR NN UN ORM RO SRR RTO SN =” FMD 4 EXER i Don RR m BE BA A WRI R SIRS SA fr 4 elm OK © Ki ( RERRISS Ss dk? KAVEVR I+ fi HER REN ~ SSS RE AR BSS RS HK" KATE tert ob ~ Bek A Ki BSR | BS IRIS NS Gera’ ONBN (ih) Paxillus atrotomentosus (Batson) Fr. CERES) FRHEEC’ IER EBEO Tek ep tig ol“ We“ ISiskt®? GY 4 LD Esa (Paxilleae)° pase HS IE + m AR ARHER H A RN BEN” Gee 5 REISS m GR > 4h 5 SRE Py | MEME “dR BV th EAR ORE A SR ON SAEZ LH AK ARSRRE SN EHD NR A SRE 4 RI EN GON” RRE ~ MOR 4 ARI ON IE. RA ON RES Ce ド 102) BRN ABE) ty REE S Be AER BK A み RRS DOVNt KABle cS S\ee) CKRRNER Seas Set HASSE HE mR CRORES ¢ MRK =) in Od FEIN TIN A Ra HC SRS 1 RRR BRM Dh SHH m HHA Yo HED on BERS CBRE | EK RA KA MW Ru | Sey AN EB’ A NS BER or RA AA HH SO SERRA RES OW OL | BEM Rm AERA AHA KARR URSA % BRSE 1 RIK NO NN DRIER S SREE of KR ER SEER mn or AS HE NR 4 ASAT SEA A SK NN RUSE EHS W へ KNK Dik BRESEH + eR KY NO (Y. Ocura) REFS RN ie SY AC al eS J ACHP \ BSR 6 HOSS aS ER RR HRV RO RO Bite \ AUF N BEN ey 6 QRS A eR A AER Afr + BRS AE vy Ee + BRS KN BID RAD REE hs 4 KR RR ld BURR 'R ROA Bt 4 RHE EM BIN ot el Gb nN ip EAS Roe ’R Raa < OR AIK \ ES oe BO ES Ih K AQ NR A ER A So BH m BK ATK AWN HO SHER nb BX NMDA O ERA BORE RHR +} 『 gt oat "| ‘ ナ = * 1 a vu :" NN 上 cal yy a Nee, ” nes | ‘ . 3 は = rm re | te を に if Te. NE ae も me 5) u ・ Nock Fo de し と 1 PRC ON REE Re Ce en May es ee BEL A a BS Nien AeA RRM BER Rw yg) IE Vins Bem HEE KK ARR A NIRA IN 己 BRON 4 FRO NRE ERIN A A ARERR AChR BRAINS TED NEN ER A RNR EEN Kin | SER BE > oN SERRE m OK 7 RA A IS SU RHR © @ DN SHERI BEN SRR Vee Nh ® BAKE [AT OD TAS HES HER + SE NER RK A NACE COON (RKC RR NR = SSB SE BRAS m HED Fa ot bE MIG A WIND AT AERA RS (RCNA ACR ND \ ete = =e ab NAS he Na al Fe Bh S SALBIDSE HORE 4 SSSR RAISING SN or) BRERA A OKA ch BER DY ALDH Ro Lats pA S | akiarain MoS G2 1 POR ERE m Ir > WHERE A me KS aE Bib RECO ER am BED NRE BR iN i or OR BES OB # BIRKS RS en 4 em BC RI ARE HIN (A ARE SD | APR ARAB a mn Bw = A° QiGED ACAI” BAS Glas mS” eA Re Fe h \ SRAM RRB + OR” Me BRB a ER” a \ BS OR RCRD Bede Bg Hi tw Settee Wy ER MD NR ER) BN Ds EE Se a Ne NBC A fee Ih So RHE ON BE eK IN THD AO Heats i aoe | See tee inti" $QEK | Hee CY. Sword) Ween (11111) NNE OSRMONV NG (ESAS itt) ARE ) _ Trametes purpurea Cooke. | CEREE) EEL? EE” EG yi“ Lee UO Or ORR mari 2 aS Pe? 4 が の に —+ SHR | 1) eth RS Ah Oc RT IR PNW RH LARD’ RIBS OBO 4 Hem oA ee ; | | RO fo eee : ae ee 3 Leu ‘ oy Foe geal NERS NY Fae eo, oe CRO "iy の 3 a hates と zy iid Sipe aga cote gt as i Slate aie 青 四 第 3 at — 2 =k NN — — a ie a €101) ~ Reser ses scavenger ト 記 ヽ —_ ge 1s SRRSUN HE ざく 野江 ES RN Re sake 1 Aa ts as a tee | : PARKS Sire nT oe ee MERAH OT RRRD Kn wate + Gen 人 NS NA+) HY AS ER erin \ EN K A 7 XD AUR EC ADU (Senescence) m sig x & ‘nae ‘iS SS NK | RAH REID AY) EK? seo Os Hh ARG RARER ER (BES ‘Seles aren aroha ees fh +4 aha A NEN KS ) 1 pa one a eee APRN ERI (ESIC KA th ERE A NERA NO OSS SEER nn an DE ERO ve eee EMMAESL uo HERA SES hie aa MSR th chk rua PRI ELK ER Se SRE 1 XK th) ( a gee i ag | PREMERA ae KN HO nN BS RRR = UD Eo il Rg & 2 | iY ARN Et BRAN RMN RK MAN ANB | NSRRRS Reda eR AIA BBR AO HOE Con SOAS ROOK HRP One e225 RR TES ™ SN BERR IN HDD SN RN GREK ARAN BREN BronroOrsr。 H. L. Vascular anatomy of Angiopteris evecta.—Bot. — ie SEX や ふり Gaz., Vol. 73, pp 181—199, March 1922. | | POS Bales yy om 3 4 ~ SR ARH Ey EN UN Ae REN SNS CRS NSEAR I NON 4 RBIS BRK 2 SN ER 4 SEK SREP KA OO 4 KERB MEE AREAS > vase ya TN Baal Ne RES CR SH 1 . 【 4 . 7 2 *} SER KIRA) Dw ON EBM AMSA BINA ANGE SiH (N) QNHSs BEBSQS\ BR+ KB | =~ BWH NBR a PN KINDS (|) EERE om AINA A | (11) BESNANR RR 1 SRDEE'R RR I Ne RRS | BN RA (1D CE)N Sado ONY OR Re RAM | WH 4 IDNR RH BY a EY K S QIN I a sca ats cr. Be MR 4 BSR Soe ‘Rhy BS RH \ KINDO OK) poBS SS i Kin 4 St BA A RNR Bim BRE i PA CARER < BE Hh * Karyolysis KK 4 Pyknosis« ato KAD & #K Ba stile - mae x Wat (KR AY DO 店 Hes ARSE RON 4 RGR 4 GRA AQ 4 EERE 1” ee Ay NaI the ne 4 Bde BR 1| ln wR INA Xs CRNA Sin— tN, Wd ARAMA W ROB RE RE RLY AMM A RN BRR Bic EN 4 RRR A denM REAM Noe mA 9 Be すい RES Sih ne AH BER VES MI eA TAN” SUR 1) WK A HRI SRR 4 ERNE ping is 100) MG へ) En 1 > neta " SEER ENTK 1! got SLEE mK Mens fi \ <5 Re if mANREY D PARKA? Be? で | Re 1 4 aN BURN BEAN RAN BIS oh WON ATR RES 1 4 NRK AS ie 0 3 の > KO OP the\ (Chromatin) Rw | | leo An BSS mR KO 1Xydimicy Dee 1 ERR KSN BN ah i tN BS DE RRR KO LRA ) | ND) BRRE EK ADD HN — PARI RRM AASB D* Ls Bin > ALEGRE) >” es MK 2 WES pao n NEN BBS 4 CU a es i ec OR ee 2 AM eas RUE EYE EEE IE NEN ae i. ‘i Hes ee PEE eae EOE Mk AA 5 SF eis ois. Misia ji a ar alae cali ania du ご だ MRP ( hes ES BBL 4 Karyolysisn 0 ミ Sar eer vknosism Ba A SSR Ran 0 ats aetna 8 SLE 1 4 Pyknosism 5) 9 HARKAO = ( Pyknosion BAK ew Su ar CHIL n By & PARAS HERONS EOE RBS RAH RN KD NADH DOR 4 Sn RS so fey m = GS HB Os 1 BS — R Bin Seo a REN RAIN NAS in— +] mn SER A Pe eee fal Se ! Dw AN WD? Sree ~ soi A BEI HH ROO ARN ARRAS IM IS) IN — AAR A WA PbS MWD RB BAK Se Wo ERS (SEER ISRO AMANO 2] BEY DA RE BRE INA DPN RA QIN RH 4 Imin Bn Bx 1 YAO 四 Bee KOK WSs ROHN BBE eR AA] PBR EK ARC HS Bet WSee x +| nA Welle Ky Bw RACE RM, dies Lig Geen ae 1| Ama AIR IRON A RRe PN RK R—-WRER RS Un RaBe” KRMHKATE Ea dR : 4 1 ERE m EQ BEER 2 ONS ERA BARRY NA NAME HA EKA IBN SNIRK A Ben Hy AHA KINA oS | に | “BMD KO 7 = | . : “ 2 BOHN AX In—+ IS | EM | | SN S\ RAN HN REAR BN AR SOHN HAN HA Ke Ns MERA KEN AY 5 Ne NN 上 o'r BRIA Ba KROME ete 6 BIN OR nM Ra BA 8 REN RMI RA ROO RR BS st “BBS He AN AND 2 BRED RRO NRA RAO BUNGE 4 BUES 1 ISSERE N BRE A OA SRE Sony REN KO CREME 4 EIB A NIB WER INK RROUEE( BB KAN RSS IY A° Gee NNN EAA ES n IRA * ee OR Hae ee fe eR PN RAO | a REM HELP A PAN WKS Cee NSA LRRD” REBUY m= BES SR RS ee DIN KE NY a RE FAAS BEERS YER TI (Chek N ad eee ESN | MORES sR ANE At 1 3 ce 4 : 2 ae Ps。 。 Ri 還 Bi ips a5 es eae tart SL da Se Sa Sas Gy ES PS ee ee eRe ORT eT es eg aie ER Te Te な に ae ae ii Wi anal See ae se isa ee eos me 3 SS ES 3 Aa dick ee iiatee ie ie cis ahi Sei SS Il me es a ee ooh eo oa ; ee ee a : Hpmo Komuno. 人 in Note on the Cells of Vicia fie Ui ih RW Bare and _ their i 2 | CHI to Tumor Cells. a ol ah ( と 4 と Bo i aa | ee KUIREE T0969 NBER ARERR SELLER) BEN A SIRO BR m Ag 7 RAN) m Sea ale ee ae Hh] ICR Boy AO Bae MAS HS ee See ee ees : Hem > Bt eons CaM KECSER Rom alm WE ¢ ARAB AREBN WN + REE AO DER CHR IN SiS m Ad ae | "CKW97 ot) Ree [Bein aD” > a hn 21,401, oR Na” va NABER ae . QE IRE AS AHN KAS Soo HRM BARBARA FEM ESP APN PRIN RA WN PED eH AO BR) RRND eA 4 BT] ARN ire ery oh eeu kay FS A RUYIRERS HRN I DO 4 RK et os NW ARSTR 9 > BERS SRE EG YA oy, FB NIRRAAR Rae p> XEN ea EO [+o emine’s fluid * NERS RAV SEEE RAN AHA AM SIN © NL RD Bald AO Bide 4 EH) ON Ra’? Bo peeadon AM” [1 {ask 1) Mayer, A.: Erstes mikroskopisches 19 3. Aufl. 1915, pp. 200—202 | FaaR~ IN yom A) BX Ch fa SN TN TERS om Ah Rel AO 人 HE ne 08 6) ea a A KALIL WRAL 1 CK ET 4 BRS AOSR {CBS CHS 1 | RE <1 GER =o SB BARK A RN SEK” LN EK BEA MRE IRIN” ANH meee HAT 9 AO ALI ARS KEE it AREA RIRE S DvD NR 1) AMS EA ACR る | ‘BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS Published Monthly (Volume I, No. 1, was pee Bote nnen, 1918) POCA gee Se an index of interaational botanical iy ee 一 stands for accuracy, completeness, and prompt publication, —published the following entries: Vol. I—1681; Vol. II—1871; Vol. III—3061; Vol. IV 一 1853: cet Vole V—2426; Vol. VI 一 2082. | _ —refers to more than 2000 serial publications to secure abstracts anid citations. —accompanies non-English titles with an English translation. 一 publishes all abstracts in English. 、 。 一 uses a thorough system of cross refefences. —allows the quickest possible : reference to all botanical articles, by a typographical arrange- $ ment that permits prompt reference to author, title, and place of publication, | —furnishes to workers, having restricted library facilities, infor: nation concerning all articles published in the botanical field. —furnishes to workers, having access to large libraries, a thorough CSS by subjects— an invaluable reference aid and time saver. 4 —has been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. _ — offers infinitely more as an investment than any other publication issued in this field. ‘Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. — es may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Company, Ltd. (Maruzen Kabushiki- : 、 Kaisha), 11 to 15 Nihonbashi Tori-Sanchome, Tokyo; Fukuoka, Osaka, Kyoto and | Sendai, Japan. WirrrAns & EG CoMPANY, MOUNT ROYAL AND eon ae NM PRALTIMORE. Mp., U. S. A. MA a 2 | の © HO. 80. ako. vO : BO Pee Pi Sec A FO ie fi BB a Ry iy Ci A ZI 6 Px a TE-= Z iv AL に) fee a aa | ee ee), ee 行 ン 了 RE vai eta a 本 6 Be Be (jaan SA ~ っ 第 > SA リン パロ Ay \ ws : , Ki > eae ase 所 Br Sion s a x Ett Zh 2 yk xi Ras att EES on Sa Ue * iB CH Ag 3) 26 理 電 of a AA a RAL. NN ee ee ae Me EAT eer eS 90 ® 2, Ge) Be < 本 Vo eg ae RG Gb — 桂 物 \ ン スガ 9 二井 DP ai Gp | OB IB» Oo a ee ee Be ie wR — ig Br Bt Sa | PRE fe Hae eee 2D 0 2 See a | ee ae ! Bale a WRT Ge ae i Eo Boom | tami eR eee 大 2 er 、 理 、 gt r= | Bee KO #x Ae OlMmum vesicatum Buscu. /. RSRVSMeA IE 1X’ KAW m+ | oN Kee oun ee CEERI SS fh ARH D&A BLP HS SET plauif ons { BREE NIY \ Mi om An ERM RA nt MBE SESH hE bitin BO i Thamnium planifrons BROTH RT Yas. n. sp. BroruErus, V. F. Musci novi Japoniei. p. 25. (Aversikt av Finska Velenskaps-Societetens Wéskandlingar. Bd. LXII. 1916— 1920. Avd. A. No. 9.) Robustiusculum, viridissimum, opacnm. Caules secundarii breviter vel longius stipitati, dense pinnatim ramosi, ramis patulis, usque ad 2cm vel paulum ultra longis, valde com- planatis, cum foliis usque ad 3mm latis, simplicibus vel parce ramulosis, attenuatis vel obtusis. Folia ramea patula, con- cava, ovato-oblonga, acutiuscula, inferne minute, apice argute dentata ; nervo crasso, viridi, infra summum apicem folii evanido, dorso superne dentibus paucis instructa : cellulis su— perioribus minutis, angulato-ovalibus, dein sensim longiori— bus, basilaribus linearibus, omnibus laevissimis, Caetera, ign— ota. Hondo. Prov. Tajima; ad saxa submersa cataractae ( YASUDA 442.) Species ramis valde complanatis ocula nudo jam dignos- cenda, habitu Rhynchostegus nonnullis sat similis. ( Aquatic Bryophytes from San’in [ う 3] 一 %. Ixoma.) 0 WRENN SKRRGSS RH FHM RUSS KK Ra CORNER AR | BE) om AON SRI BI A LWA MA Ro CHR MY CRE 1 ee SARL EIN A AS Viola taiwaniana, Naxar~& KAP | | (ATR) B9SeOe +0 Sh OfO2- Viola Watsudai, Hayara RiOND4a6 2 Viola adenothria, HAYATA = いる づつ & Viola brachycentra, 時 AYATA .— 4 pie Smee in 4 BERRA ASR AS KK AK 8 BRIN EA EER o ホソ Viola Matsudai 松居 | Ein BoE PRINKR SP AN ih 1M A RL Viola ftoyleana, WArrrom ヽ 本人 KN XO (H+) Viola acutilabella, HAYATA SER 4 くさ る h4a6 © Viola Nagasawat, Makino et Hayata \ HUN DRK~ | DEIN KA At A Viola Nagasawai’ var. acutilabella ~ Xx % & INK 2° CH 1) Sasha? BRET 4 WHET SN BE ESRI |S0 REE NTE NV KAW \ jin gedim Viola hypoleuca, Havara と MNO > HS Be oy he sO SB ie BK 1 1D 4k い ブ FRY 1 A few NORA % < Ne rl HE SSIES He i Viola Kawokamit, Hayata +B SEAM ACaCO-E\ARYeKNE | EN A° MEM Viola Kawakami var. stenopetala, Ha- VATA “IK NARA X Re UCS ¢ PSS KINDO RO fe | BN fe | BiNKAS9 Le |) Viola thrichopoda, Hayata Bel 6 HEPES SS BS RESIS [RM REE ON RAN oie 人 RO 1 [ri Ne ED 4 ERE = A INA S Viola kosan:nsis, 革 AYATA © fi | inn A? CHITIN) Si6vtesO2CRE) C100 terO2 (RE) Q76~ An 2 Viola Reini, W. Becker whe & 4-6 Sip K AS Maximow- TOZR NSN A くう NAS で へ BAT AIR AK A & RW. Becker ( MERE SA NEES TERM OWRD RS AD RA RK RED os fae 4 om A RRR RR EBIN A NIQA Store eon | OB RAM HINERA M | RAR AS HAS. wheINA 2S RM Viola (86) ws た wat OSGI BK | CCHF 24 OU COMRIRS HIKN A REPRE RAR RIOR SR HERE N Sy ERIN 4 BY A GHIER 1? BX) ¢ SR ARS ERE NAR HAR HC NMA RIN 4 (SNA KANE HR KER ARB KARE RAY NU A Ro BBN KD SS) PEER ES TS BRAN BSN BN AMP RCS RS HEIR AI © oh EB ER K A AQEK RWS BATS KN ERAN RA AO 1. Viola pinnata, Linn var. cherophylloides, REGEL (1861) 2. Viola dissecta, LepEBouR var. cheerophylloides, MaK— INO subvar. typica, Maxtno (1912) 3. Viola dissecta v. cherophylloides subvar. typica f. si- eboldiana, Makino (1912) 4. Viola Steboldiana, Makino (1905) 5. Viola Steboldiana, MLAKTNO var. cherophylloides, Na- KAI (1918) SON BRE KEE'R Viola pinnata + with. REE Ww KS TKK A ROINSRER KK AMR SRA ~°o WH eM Boa =~ Viola dissecla 4 GRRE’ RO SKA HE SRR? 4 Viola Sieboldiana, MAkrNo + hr 'R Sw & Oleh RA や / へ 6 diana +e’ &\\ —fIBR- BRA a RIN IN? SG Maximo-— Maximowicz tk'R Viola pinnata var. Siebol— WIZ \ IDR HA MA 4? SOR BERR ee ee oy ine aoe | 1 |KO y BE) HR IRR SRR’ EE sh ‘ arr y ie ! か 8 A Pile hts < ne inv aly Pee, Basie tes } ¢ ‘ mw ーー 4 “ 7 + PX WS STB i ed ahi ge OS ; paw Die few FTES ts i cial SPT Ly tea aie KRONA 4 P0450 ~CtoweO SN NHBROR SER RRC AN INR AIK AOR IN Kar? SKS in Sm nN Viola cheerophylloides + C2 #X~— i TRAD PAKOE 4 NH BRIN EER gd FUCHS 1 ER NP RN A RINNE SR AT AR Ro HY HES EEN % + EPOO'R KAKA & AON EE Viola napellifo- lia +@Q0> 4° RB ee’ Ma Re Me oe" SR Bll. + BNO” ROR’ BR’ EE) WW RRS ONELAS ih RR E RES 1 E&Y へ 4 Maxrimowicz ’R whee \ SrmBorp A WINER A & + 1K NA ®RINOP 4 1 REN ERR IK DS BRAC Si PERRI KR A HAIRS Lo 4 BS eR eS ih RS poe uciest SN | RBA KR Yr Nh Viola napellijolix var. Sieboldiana, NAKAT Q4Qs6s75 Hos G.2( aS E)=-ERId 4° | CAPAQ) Siu ctosO.e | Mae MtarG.c° nd S UCASE ON ARN MARA RAN 7 8 で 名 で 4 で NBN BARN Aw HN 4 SBBRN YIN BEER N AN 4 SBE BOND A KERR RINA ARS SENN 4 RRA 」 HK 4 KxC bu CAG SN FR 4 BBATINA A Rad S SUC GDEA 5 4 BRN ARIS DERN RAKE A RNIN KA AS 年 り 硝 守る ARI Ew A RINE | ME HE KAS eS x 4a 2 gad 4 Viola cizanensis, Makino ‘RHA |) SPSt RAED Oo RINE Viola excisaksty Viola ver— Miyabei, NAkAr int} SO Viola Miyalet, Makino 4 sXBX | ecunda var. excisa る RAs RRO oR R Hance Qin Ao : : : WS finde + RAN A $5 \ Gs i GRIER RR AO (+1) @actterPeri [nso | BRA SSNS Bde 6 le” a ao KBR QA BorSS 1 CPUS KAO ASCO] BRO (AREER RK AO …… tt SH MinGS Viola phalacrocarpa,. Maximowicz a. typica, NAKAT © Shik 押 < DES DREN? NRK 4 BPN bse 6 A 1 SDS WARK 1S た SEH yg 00 6 & Svar. Ishidoyana, NAKAI PO 拘 培 < 器 可 …… ロ ーー………… Viola excisa, HANcE —\/([DERK A? HN. Dio koe’ BR’ 2S RE Nab RON MRA +DDRiaviah S<% Viola subcequiloba = >» of” RS HR REO Si Mea RE EK | NBEER NN A \/RIBIBEINA A Nc kde wo EBA Viola ro excisa INTRIN BOK RON | ASKER + DN Viola excisa (2+11) Lralhnst 2° ar. subcequiloba, NAKAI > \h Bal &\° BAIR ROR N desO 2 EKER A | ERA AS 4 fod eee Viola dissecta, Lupzsour SO CRE 1 NMA yA WE, RRS EN RD 7 ES he ae) TIM NO KE BSR BRAMAN WR KA” BR 4 BRN RED HSIN A AO Wem | ER NMA SRS RIE KO Bn 42 で 生 AKERS | INK ARN Viola niijimensis, Naxarw Hal | CL +7 MM Pi AR YN A a RAR NEN S | ee ee ee (HEI) DSwOrytesO.e “ NM JRABaRAA nh + (EN Viola ee” KEE SinteaCe 1 Bn ik, BRAG AX | pinnata y BX > NTE 48) ^ ONE HRA SIR NRA RRR «RE = (AE Viola vorec~ | BR wets hae eas sa)" ees unda var. excisa, Maximowicz m BE +* Francuer 8% Viola | \ PEt EU eA RY NS ER in SHA A iain od IN ヽ Japonica y. subcequiloba, Francunr et SAYAmTpR + Sead m & CaaL Gon lini SS ( ぶ ? Viola japonica 4 Jt Q NEPA K A RINK | CEH) Sx Chu-ctesO.2° IN BESE WAS NR Viola verecunda 4 0 *4e C2 Bhan SOr0 C4 O + OU ford S +m BA BEER DS my + X TKR AR INDORE HAIR AK ATR | R= A 6 a8] 4 BRR SSH IK KAS る つり で る MRR RER AR #8 je OECD BE | S さ な (34) Fe 行 * OLS RD FosQ Rena CFI] ) Fae N CINARAQ) a0 BtesO.2° fe roe” Seeeoe HK Ade Cos | BihA AO BR WK 2 HteO SINR AS A aE RR OR AK ic SRN ROMER RA Ka AN BRON RO BRCM Viola boninensis, Nakar+ 44° (1 二 や ) Ass HearS.? KEE 6 sto 6 ON MTA dD SERA Mm AHMAR HIE W^ BBR WRK AC BR WS EERE m KK AR SOYB)IN KAS GNER RSE” LORCSTBN) HKD BAUM Viola lactiflora, Nakat +) n° (MP1) JathosQe S 1108 + BRR IE Iattash © Viola albida, PArrBTN < I~ Ke KNEES MeS SINK AT IIBSRA RS [8 CBRN ERA ASA rIAb4e sO © var. typica, NAKAT Ndr ] AN 4 SR tik \ Bix NK A ~~ 461) 646 © var. Takahashii Naxkariy , 4° Tee. RSE CARR IR’ BNR” HAE Seb RHE NX AR RATS KR \ ee (REENOE IRSA BIE HE ) RE (Bie? me) HREIENK AO BR YK A HOW Avie Se IRB SA wan RAR AS SHEP 4 BRN RIE RaW re © NHR U A KARINE D7 Ry ROR RR RN oR be RK Sn "RET AO ( (HIER) se の eve coed Saat ご ン fis S ; 『 ュ り / 1 ACG S < SHR HE Ror k IN BRIE = wit = 9) SSH’ Roo RMN Be | BRAK A BA dS ON GLADE EVA MD A? AK \ ghAT'R K XO 1. Véola ineisa, TurczaANtNow var. acuminata, FRANCH- ET et SAvatterR. (1879) 2. Viola Savatiert, Makino (1902) 3. Viola Patrini vav. acuminata, Makino (1905) JON ESSER NK イキ < NN BEROINK AT ER INN = Viola incisa =\K N4oOo 4 BIE IK A WERE O'R Kao abr § ERSSINAR'R ADA” SBR 6 BRAS m HD MAS SRR R URS RON EN TERE OS AN 4 REIN REO RX <\ Bad 4 WR 46 2 BIA MIA RIN AIK NN IKK OIND RIN dein % Viola mandshurica var. acuminata © 4% \ IKK IND RHR ERR NK AN BREE BRN how N NBR ot ER AR ER AO BREE 9 SEE 4 SESESTb A AS (E+) ve StoasQ s 11]08° renee S § BR [ORM BEER N ABR REA 1 4 sO08° Ree’ HES SNR IK A Viola horlopes, 8. Moore BCE ¢ RMB 6 BRS N° 1] 4 RE HAA | ESSN CK A RARE +B RAR Dok St Bs HAIN KA A OM ~~ edtonh S var. grisea, 1] 4 SQ \ ERS Hy Aw NNR OO" GS SARE 4D ES ER FIR EHR PR ANT SONA Rte S \ RHEIN TN NERA RD 3k + = A po @ sk ee SB wy ke (83) 8 4 ! ; tens (top ’ 1 ie は A i こ ) — yr | ares yee Rw (RATE | mE | WEW RE) VR K KI RRARRAS (BS B+HS--+i | MilmeaGHexKe) BRAS KES Bie (KEW e+ mpm SHER SR) BE MXM (KYL | cHSReNKe) SEAR SRoRe (KYRE+ | MUM SRK) \ win’ Khe. RS AREER PKR VEK IRE ‘KO OREMNS EH) CRE) Panus carneo-tomentosus LatscH = Panus torulosus (Pss.) Fr. = Lentinus carneo-tomentosus ( BATsoH ) SOHROT。 | (GR) HEED’ ROSH’ ESR eee DBAS RE nen る M45 Eat ( Marasmieae ) Matis 4 see * DEI AMIE em AR BER OA FRIST ON BE “SERS NS SHRI NA HR 4 REA IN EP or Mer dS in GED | HR MEN KE 4 Bl SESN 4 HES ON US NN? NR RHE AR RIS SONOS. En B+ Rs (Ran a” BHR MARA RAT ERS MR 4 Dem HN” EA RAD NEA FRAT Rar RM BE’ WA | ot Nth RMA Kp | PNHRH- LARD” RO (RR ONY mae'N* BRIN HERE 4 eh SEE EE AHN RRS ^ $2) 1) > RRA IN BEN © BRDD 6 REE mR Be Wa RAR 111) KE の at # DN REBEN "UREA PRIA 7 RRA KO AR ERR we AO avs BRIE HK? RED AER) | DR HO ~ BSR SEAR RR 4 RR SS RS KE I RAE KO OS SWRI ae ) Hygrophorus puniceus FR. | CERES) SHHEEC” IR ERA EHEC’ TES eee eel” en” SOR’ QA Sx YUM ee (Aygrophore— ae ) MRSS 4 He + LE om ARR AREY ONO HER | O ゃ い ホ ペー と ミト へ” HE Hla 4 BR DHS RAE PBIB ange ( BK” Wee h ペー と ミト ムー GRA AEE OND) ASREIINGE YD SH ASEAN OH AW DS BK RBS HR 4 AD NEY 4 MAN 4 COIN ON HIE A ER NBA RAY PANWK- LARA | et MVR RHLAR A’? HES EG Me fy SEER ok (HL RE 4 I NON * RI \ HERE 4 BR NER A EE RD) ONE OK OR Mo 4 ERE A & 6 SERS BO Ba) ANSE A” OB MA RH | O 3° IRREBI RHIC SR AO 性 舞 ? BRS RS NH KATE TRA iS Ra MEAS KH SR KYO DSH HN IRE K O (Notes on Fungi [121] 一 A. YASUDA ) (82) he Tee ge / Sy ao ae 5 PP ee 4 ; < っ JOE 1 1 の eee FP Se mG ee) なら i ST te PS S85 WRSRC 1) XE | S Compilation and discussion KA “IK N\ fed? geeks om SX OBA NA my SEER AE de 1 |) ER > SEE KL § HS \ BER RN \ Swish Karyology ( 8 R \ Bm o> a SON SOHO 'R BP IN SSR No RE IN A A NO 示 BIRR 4 WR + 1 REN RS INNA Nr in RRACRS NX AN BOAER AON HERE) SIR NS HOR KY RO RAYE FW 4 HIER NBER RRBE WIE. AD - KAR INS ~ SAS BSR + Ay N Rms me ARE D TN AG | ERRNO SAKE ROW (ERR A Bek RR 4 SHAR SR > — Se we Nm GSS) ~ MS tet ne NRT mA W\ — MESES FR RN eK ages OER MTS ER NRE Ry RA A? See \ GRRERHE SA NS Bh Bay y A w Se Mm Bb * UAT RS DHE RK oh KR at STN BR Ar BR eo + NEI | ON RRR AS ESR St ak ASR PRES GNSS om AN HR DS SECTS HN A BR do ee) \ aT MAN BRD &A HN HOOK 6 BERRI y RRB AR Shai KA HES 1 7 N+ BSE th BBR SA MIN A + BR H]BR >” FRR ot RBH TK HAR \ SE ime m SEK YY RO Ry SR\ WE’ AEK+ BHR 1 Xd MEKN se SSIs Hie VEIL AT NAINNDLHLA % 1 RN SEHR He HE 4 HEX SBR R BRS 0 eX DS SRE Xo RO SH me BVA or RA WR, DAMES BE A SEE YAO KR ER + NR BSR” & \ nM” MESO SE + ~ BEBE m gE & AO (Y. Smon6) ゞ ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘーー ペ ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ペー = Re es eee (1111) x up ORO RE Odi Se BS) Eset) (RES ) Polyporus brumalis (PzErs.) Fr. CREE) FHL” UK RH REED’ TES ES” Se BI MOEQIORDER’ weQur ane? Apaae 4 et ES + m AR AR A RE BR 演 ヘン ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー ヘー EK N CSR? KAT ORAM Nh RK RR HEE 4 HEN oy SRM EN ERE I SR | R HPP Vibe LRA” RIS Ra ON a Ne Kh A RH Be? Ry MI A eee KA’ POL. = [RE REN BO 4 ON HEE 4 SY H+ LE a IN SR EEK A Bode m Ba ARK ere KR AURA | BRIT ote PNR LA KH | RQ ROH LAR HEA BRM 4 OLA AN Ro SSH N BEN © Hen 4 LR ES 4S AA DIN AES m Ko APE HER BA RI $ 英 BES SE EE ON EERE = “UR RAL RC LIBR | oH Stk a? ( 8 SERRE MWS 1 KE AVA” Ke NN STRACHAN 1 Ym SS atime iem Sat A a NRL | (BEETS +ri |r BRSCer Ke BweA i 1 ェ ae て で は や か 久生 うい 2 gi Dee eae すい mY +o OR OS a RES (81) BO" RARE A GER) fk 4° BD NESE S SIDI 1 FR «7 HED DS fo, MMB m d's A\ MAS BD NN | Sea = HORS BH kN AR Ber 定 Rem RANE =~ K A TRA AIK NS | | Sn HYD “HH Dh PGR «DSHS ARIE BP SD” WVBR Re VHRR PINAR ARS REINS oT m MD A Let ot SHEKHAR SN NINERS)” ROK 4 SHAK BEN A RHR MED) AAS BA MR ME KO (OKADA). ) = us | AS S 9) J RENCE Ln Sie RRR OR CRE+S | m—-Bm) SHER AYRE A\ SIR ARNE > NERS Ry Ks ”sR MOKA = Sy eS ee nN ‘HE NEE 1 REA RAN ERNE KO RE aes m EK Ay de Oca] Som n ders x AMES BK tN A HOHING 4 ABC SON 4 SEND IRN 3 om Del ee 』 OW 4 HRS | Ba BS RN AER DS A ONSH HL Am MEY AO SLUR hE GRA 4 HVS IN HK \ RAR 1 SSN MORRIE m EMSS TID] A PAREN THe ES RN KBD ER SE "RA BRON U1 BR kN RRS EE NIK 4 ON RE Wee HN Bu aN BN a WN AmB ユー NESE EK / Em ABN A Ao oN, MRS LAW RHA DAN eevee aie | om \ So yx N+ Ko BRS Ru Nm BS BBRMKN IR’ EOS ee’ TRIES A POR’ HER SRN RAS BR BAN RENE TPES N Pot” RS BRN SSDS Adi ER AS AYN SES 1 BED W 4 RAR A Dod Be NAKED IRRD OM MRD-OR’ RRP OR Ww QE» BAST > ny RPA I] S SABO \ BRE “s SN TER \ RENEMm BRR 7 FERN SEHD ON 4 BREE BERN” BS THEY” STR RHR AIREY I Rr oh HR AO | ERK mn Bay EK HN 81 RRS 4 SEs SK & ahem Ye K At RN MEHR SE) A | By 4 Be mir SERN MN RE NK AWN RAIN OTIS BOD AHP A BRSRN th ERIN IIT BW SHEE ? RE NE RAK Ba KM ! BQ 3 Sela ES wh RN Je TPE SN HRP ARR m ASK A AAR SOR OR ON NER FAK aR ERR HA KARA NR LRN S24C* SBS BRD REN ARERR MED OR yj A” INA Elo \ Bee) mm Ye Rw SAS) RN RSE RP (CY. Sinoro ) SRR aS Bb SSSR! RENE < +E’ BEL <—&+ORes—<8 CKitee eee. BO ^ RRR OW 4 IRR ACHE? RRR OW 4 ACER KH mA’ MIRA ARM RAC BD? ae ada 4 Tw ERR nem BKK OO AQ SoS soe BAe ocr mV ERK PAN KO Kih 4 Sib eho BASH Hie KA WS トム 9 QUGE ER ONT NE” Bt SUES RS ARS KT EY IN? BE RA RN RARE KO pte tee hese \ ERIE | 4° Ba BS | \ a Vb—aeKO | qrak Hy \ By nS AS RA ESUY BerK S 還 中 ニン HN RARE | BRK A RMD Be BERK く Multiple allelomorphs om ii #RERK Roma we on A By RMA IR RBR SS Naty om AINSSER K Ya PA RA + RENO 0 Ho Ep (SRS KN A ED) 4 WAR REED A NEM ERK VN KT Oe easy ib y IN” [| BREE ERA ミ en Ny eae | Gs) Car) Co ) C+) Go) Co) (に ) に っ np Ge fi | WIPER 1° th ISSR find > dab ~ BUES RS 9 Sak K AERA as N BT, T, BT te bm 中 bT ito 人 へ 計 HR OR A MEHR 4 ぼ gies 1{f J cross-over 起 シル シト シテ ノ HER EY 278 0 1 92 9 Sew Ne UY. EER Rm eh 7 Mel fo SS PP 0 ee 974.17 4.08 4.08 88.67 371 偏 x 8.83 ー4.08 ー3.08 43.33 || RIM WBN RAI lel di] is if 偏 = 48.33 42.01 +2.01 エ 8.69 3 SAR AD KY? Beery me | PANS SS [RE 4 1 ]e1 11] SENN Cross-over KAY & KAO Bay” we BO NEM 6 ANS NV bm Re (Linkage group)M AKO WA QC) N Rea IR A bo S)RMP\ RPA SN RMN Bu Src (oo NRA A QA Ceue aR KK SN BK INH OK EIR’ WBN SNH KDR QA Tien dA n |p KAAS EW me S NS — tN geo RENE ( SON ER BRN DO HKG) 47 SURE REX See Se MIDS URC TRON RHE SNSP へ AA HA REN MER? Me RRB IMIR KAO KE | BRE KARR AAI’ HRA & AMER I RENO | OK © NMR 6 dre). etm NB A HEME | AR MY AE KEN RE Nr IV EIN A ED G Bi aM deen’ SVB Maer’ Boe? So Emel m te DAS DEER A? IE In? igs S SSHOY 4 Rand m = ESE # ARS BED om AW" AOR | HERD DARN KAO 0 frais | BEEK K A IND Loe . Tigi y BRE KX IND” Ba nee BMiREN TRL > 9 DTI 4th (Om SH < + — oe = min! HmACBemeow) Go) 188 A” BRP RmNR4A KN 4211 HOR | KAO Rr ABN K A+ > Wah Y A BRR ( ME OK An | KIRN RD? Biya Bi BEM) bt, mat NWH\ RAMON AHR A 6 21M 1 {ff 7 cross-over 起 レ ルト v5) RRR 278 0 1 / 92 Dilan. AQ VON 7 He Ge ee 28 0.76 0.76 91.58 369.38 BE 4 AIP Re | RORM|\R RNS —DHNKRAMEAS EAH HAMA .Cross-over NAST A * OB | QPHACHS 4 ERM IONE KAKA LAW HO? = ee CIAO RSE た ちゃ OR A M> + RK De s oie is 2 RVR) RISER ES GI BE eK AR EE] RE Rein se NK = : | ; | Bl mA’? 246) y a Ra? He BK A EM ey 1 EM Be 4 1 1 OSN Cross-over K AP RK SEM romans ce 5 ERS N= INA A RNN OBR EMS < | BREE Smt A Ya RAS EMS SEM AME HN to RIND 4 ED BI IO 0 RK RNA A? SIRI RR SDN US AR Re alpine a eaum iets 7 2 ISN eC RSIION AT RERRAS RA 7 44 IMIR +R =~ REM BERR” SIEM he | ORR (BS eo SER + ie | REEXS Linkage Intensity mESeK & yk ea he CSE RRR ANA KE RNA NO mya PISS MS =~ RIMES BE A 11 fet |i] Cross-overkK A KAS BY RON? ERIM \ BH IR OBER ARS BT SN PAIRS 2 RRS R= I HIS NAS a % 7 1 SHRI MSM Chromosome map4 yj BRK ALKANE 20S fh Set! | Me KR RN ei - oma まま Cross-over KAMAN? © e 1 RM II) Q's odie SBN a ~ ilae $I ate (76) BT,T, BT ts bT Te bTjty BN 1 be (A SIE 1 yl, ae fe lh ee fe ge PR SS) "な 。 S) Peer AN & へ S rane ^ te ) MARA MARR GAL Utama Ser ae 278 0 0 92 370 GRA + BA’ Bn Sex HK A? aBatelze hes 1 Se waelke (| Se SRY NN ENS Ia &° aia ale” Slee aes S4 SR | WI oh A NRE BREN ん ャ キャ oO 9N 限 SA RR 1D STS SIRI OR | \ EHS 1 BRODY A WE RINKS ORM He HD 4 NN BREE be? BEY RD A HON AY a HK aO (60 Hel) gon’ oe IEE UIRYR DEADK AY ORR NN Bee BS oy wel BNA Ye NR RR RNR! PT RHARINRARAS fA EHTS 02 {ERIE (ARKH RA DS OVO MEK A AN RON IN SRR Crossovers) a % tE HX\ uN b= INK A BREE RR Yo RAS Bea” rset \ Multiple allelomorphs 4 PRX > oN Ey — 3h i MEENA HIN N BBN BARN BRK ARN Cr RAO Sey Q nS 2 | Ramee ye ACT x 41 4B xX ALS 1 RR? Ro n° 724 BRM NIE A BS ta? 414 Me ON? 6 HER AS R484 DOR BEEK” DRE + ON? RRM REPNGS HN gem DAWA AAS Go BER VEREING “HREING R947 TURING RRA RENE K US 43x41 0 SOK 4 Mame AH OS 5 BT,T Byte bT,T ] bT ts 合 計 48x41 bbTTibtsx BBT,T, ToT. 86 0 0 25 111 SU Wi MM ココ 合 計 188 0 0 38 176 KAMADW? Sty A? BAW? (EUAN! ACIS + \ By (BRN SA IER AN REARS ee? Rar A drshe O R | KN Cross-over BA AH AON AERA [AD] sit | Bx Cross-over RAY A ン 5) cae ee F cf OP ; i Nps, NOGEK AHA KIND © Baar x O En へ へ Cross-over 4 1/O°OOVKR? % So GREEN 3 Bvh-466 11 BEX Arb see | SPSRIEENER (70) 4 Rar 1 SR) «Seles A SPAR NS «9S Ne nly 3 PA CIR yee 中 me WN” ERS + TEAR A A KES BK ARE NIK KO JEN? AOE” ESN NY IR] oR Aro AR REE URN” ERS STH nm I BEN A ig) BE ee Sy HENS A Kk D RAR? 4 4 Multiple allelomorphs 4 Si AWS KIND 2 BR Ro RY see ele 42 ME se-K SE) ) Dh SESE Le DN AWN Ao RR” 編 4 AUNTS RARE MBO HS mA? HD, Im MUR KN BRO ORG Na AHP O° BRA GREE SEI A A 7 NIN Shae EA SN een A RAO Ba OCT Tt, h APR BARN WN DN” EP RIMDR AK EEE I AE AY IRA Oo on ARAM MARA Dg X CaS EV BIMICES # A DN BN \ UERRRER OK SED A RRR y LA \ Kin NO BURR BU. EE geo ARS RK Se * ASTEISE \ ISN \ SERS y BS ms RK on SERRA IK NAR” ABER iN \ ——'p BIN AGES AN GNSS SIE RK AMEN EEK OR eK BRE A? BM Bm RS ae WNT BES AER Ao (<1) | | BERN PGR SOM Ss SR A A RRR IS A A Ree SSIS SNM Bm ms 2B BRINK? A NI S SEEN RESETS mK? (0 BB) A BR SN RIM \ RARER DSN eA Rn KOK 記 JERR mE NK A” DN RA RMR EIS eK AC or KS OA NN BM SRY Cross-over } maT RX Rem SRY A HA HHO | ras s RES A 4 REIREIM S AS SS)'R AN | SERRERSH Ia) | BY A ER, EM IAN N+ > WSS YS He HEL ASEH A HN KO : oS IPERS 1 RS C4

° BRT N RAR art EB A ETN A ON RAEN SRN ae Gm TRE A YO eo RM STS Abi neti OO + OO \ Bee Sar M ATI NBR" RN 6 RHR LIS N BLES BR ARE REY RO K ei #88 #789 bem 合計 HM S ANSE m 56,60 4 HR & COT,T,TT,, OOtttt KX に | se cael 6 apd ae oy SEE RR NIN AH REND % O° Mes COTA, Tt ie 3 4:1 理論 215.82 29.43 3.27 78.48 327 Wale i HE i da K re) ine h へ Rar aH eH WS i 1) RONG) Sale RH s TAIN MEN KN Re Hy A Ve pKa? 3 中 eS TE Diy TT, Te bt 。 Tittt も ti 人 T。 tuT も thant m 2 ft fi MOt #7 Aes Ih © SAME DED DS By eh ns Bar ws BS) SEK Se 6 0) ERIM EN NV NER m RIK A ERR AN Ne BHD & OXF HTD HERD EE BRN RIM ea Se) PN EERO NITK A Ya? RR < OTT, : Tt, t,T,:ntt, HNRAY RIN'XS BAW’ WS HPAI Rs BXdo m > TEBE NX A EX dOM 4 SI NP BLN AS Je Ree eee KK KA BDO | SE erga deem Be a HE eX ae 8 BE mm atatth A ER 4 aR TG f st te ce ee ee ee we oe oe PN] Poa Onan eee arr RA m \ GSS SW Bo xO ( Eye ce te ee we te oe oe oe (Jt は 2 > FS ¥ と / | a Af n(2+n) ERX eT PRIEST 456] VR On 2 ARR A RS 全 色 筒 wh 色 #78 A & 合計 ie AO R 43 3 2 8 56 we ee | Lhe N41 a me RINE 』 4 RMP RET | NRPS >ー Calin: - oF W || 26. ab EAA AMIR IEDT Gon PRA HE se a wy SKA sales IKK 7 Sims BER HER SO aOtf- A OS we MS Dh (73) 43 x 41 ood Tita, 0 Dl, ee OO SeEt PDE NITE A SERRE + NBN ET CIRCE IED STUN A RA Be OS DNS aaa AGKSHM 有色 花 微 色 筒 ARKeEH Ameena 合計 tm A io KE < | Bema kO Myc eR 敷 86 25 35 8 154 < a 理 論 BOR oe Be280873.0 0 022887 9.63 154 EM 4 ESN YA? MeN Rm ate Ce EPpy AR EK Cae KAS nAma414 COTTLTT, KAY QA? 本 < CoD T Tt, on? (egies & 7 OT Nagar RYN Ree m Rb A BY AE SS m = Giedk 9) A Bde 4 om 4 Biliary da x © 4a x 72: ee x COT, Tt, NM oo Ba wn? 1d 2432 \ A a4 rey aN SES By Mem BK? CT] OR Been Aye BA we ee 4 Ne SN PANN RA eo n Sm 80 0724 CCT, T tty A HO era AT tin \ O (2x41, COMTI tt. x COTA TL, IRE cs COTTYT i, h ABISEHERLZ ID? LRIAAENER XU TK” SS aK Oo PN 4 RASA IS hh AE ARN EERE NN AAO ato 1 IM Ss Ba Ra Y 9 50 292) sO TPT: COT M4: | eee eee ee WE | Ol” BARE ABRs Ao EN EHR N 4 NER | WINER AS By? 56 4 COT TTT, 4 A marae eg yA 40 Ee a 60x72 “OC, Lib, < COW, Tt, 4) 90 WE A See SA i \ sina RRPS (72) SEM BRK A mee A oy TP KX HIRREERATH A MOV? DS RER A 7 & 4 Qo As \ Ws ~ Wa wee PRS EN? nN Rae A EN KIRA Re MIEN て キネ 9 op) oo SH mf . gle ao 8 9 Sh) CORTE: Tee + GIVMMEn Ke Rell A\RIRK Yet ny un Su ? / . { SSS OO NASER m eth A EYES ( HE Bs ARE EK A KK DO Eo ON NAR MRA SCRE 4 REPS SE NESE SEN OSA AREER DAE DZ om の a 遺 信 構 成 式 割合 形質 割合 SS EN 下 : a) Ge BRSS es | NAR OH K © = や や PS hee Se 2S KEN Sb 3 KER 5 ee OO AOOO oe に ; coe mee EBITD ARN SN MN SEER BEE ik N° ACA ARLHEM AeA Ast 43x45 ccD/Tytyt, x cott/LT, we BR 166 50 69 == 285 理 論 ih 160.31 53.44 71.25 285 434 i) SRY AAS Teese y AW? 454 5 fe] eB KAO REA i Bl KH A eo 押 SS NEED © TIE = AE CON A A PA IKK BRR RO BO RN 4 KES Bae Remi に SE fi 日 色 fat Ri ekEnigke Sw \ 67° | Sa EBL A°o EAR AND AMES 明 ナ ル 不 分 明 決 色 el 3 51 AM WINK NASR) 4 DR RO RARE 4 Natl he TSN RHE M Rell] HK RH KGa? Mi Li [me CBr RN Ce” BI VEN BP Ane ons Bel oe PRReRPRKA PASI SHER AO Wie) PIS MARRY RSIN ESN A RN RAD AMY RA RoCn \ Bee YOM aS BRS 1 SA EAS WSR HA MRE MB AMA WEE SAN ARR WERK AO KAY O° Kiel ( ReH LT, 1 ING A Yr WN ONSEN SHEAM AON A RN DO | : | | PRIMA 4 # EN AK EENIEB\ BGK RO Be ra ee ロ 」 ナ ル モノ a ee ; WAN MAY pie 1 EH SMHSJN 必 や A BBR ER Ro RA 4 CRM Te T,TyToTs phe eee TLR) Oa a FY BD ai eo. He hi —- N 跡 四 十 三 至 四 第 @71) —APEE-H + PRE (4) 4g KACO EE+ A KA ogee \ 灯 BAG UN CO TMENS oy Kh CMe « Maoeke viz RBS ye IRA DIEMUV REM EK AMMA AS EH? OAM NRA YE Be \ 0) 4 SOs \ RE OI NRA KR A NRA HT NN GS Rin meE vA HANS RONEN ER RON? DARA A WA WA Rem Ra RRB Neo on? 2. GEER m = * CBI ¢ AX \ Ra RMN ES19 om Ah RRR A DR HK GS KAO O reer eddy yy BEY NK S 国 店 7 Ol teehee ee sees, Mwy \ eK AM Bree ee> GE | BEEK NK EP を ーーー SARIS 1] BEC NA BEIM” Kip 4 Sth 1 aR i BAT NB RISD A WER © BMD Ate S SR da ut 4” NIITORE へ LATS Rea ee rs eee ee i RRR mot RIES 1 ER gy AO REL Wh A MAR AK BN BRC VRS APN ARO REN OR) a RON” BRK AO SEERA BiNme (EKA Yr? ENT ON RN A TNR AME AKA Ene 4 QB CaN Ba Soy Me) o MMH sR | NRA KARO mA QERIY om A HE BR ER N a Ie RR A Mae AC NO BER UT eR AR I RONDE om RE 4 ERPS RMR REDD em SN BE | WHR EA ホ nO eR BR RT aS of BEA RB ARB NO 4 OS © MEE 9 Ncot,t TT {eg 4 I + NE yh COt,t tt bh A HR SPAR mde AY A RRA eT 4 Cot tT, Sh HTM ONT RRND & OP ER SE A AOR ERIN RRQ NOTRE RIM CN a RA ND MEK AR AS | Q'S \ HORE ~ ah SER HS ESS C70) 90 As \ WHE A in aoe | HR SS ae A ate ae COeTTTt KAMAN? 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SSR | SER = aon SORE BE OK REN SI Ce RAH RITA merninirnCTeascieR RGAE Esa 4X Kx 5a RITE Ws mene NM eens MOMENI YA | Vel AeA | LITIN VERS Se Nw? EMO. Ten EwniKy SO RPM oes 1h WARS > eee > SN | Fe 4 RO) OS + Se ae AO Go | Ce LT te EL e Ill Ooo BT fedeere te POs | ・ | | BIN+] a ioe eee の Epkte 4 i ire m Sey A WAN oN? ERM BROT CNR KA aK Ro [Bi Selsee Melten HER 1 て 所 WER AP Hees KECEM RY AWN 4 MK WERT OY + KR HSEMIEY AS Ellie ile 4CoRe Ree | OR 1 1 や ・1111 ARERR ROIS + EN BEY A NN RRO BN EOE CO! Es OR anna an | SS th Gy fete SOR Swe mn SY 2 Wee 4 oe Rs i ie eX K a RIM ieee w ESRD Ain se Xa" mew’ ms) an ate cS BURR Y SEEMED ABR. % > EROS - Mee. 8411] \ RH? } TESS ST ore nape mores {RON HOt ww Hm eH SD (63) すす IE KR 2 EE 4+] ee QTR MEN i WEE HE Tox1o Hagiwara. The Inheritance of the Tube-charac'er in the Morning Glory. “Quis ah Nl tos OK UG a lnk no Ki eee Me? a ee eo 4 Sy QAM ARK A = NO mRNA aes Rey RRL A eee Ban debi eee A LAO QUA ME RR AREER Cee ea ee S SEY \ HOB ER | A A RR WS BEAK AO So SPAS EL HEX A WA 5 SERB AP WAN HW DIT BC TEE o WEEE yy ORR ASE N AH RID EN MQ Bek AR’ er a en Oe pee nee ee ORR tS AR OW RENN ON AOS BEES EES 1 TN REP BED NEE RRR RO LENS. DEI BE 8 SOBRE RR x 4B 4 IER A Sw ON AE WEE OBE Be A HOEK UES BE Say PIAS | EH © 4 = REGO 。 。 一 has been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. 、 一 offers infinitely more as an investment than any other publication issued in this field. Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. _ Orders may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Company, Ltd. (Maruzen Kabushiki- Kaisha), 11 to 15 Nihonbashi Tori-Sanchome, Tokyo; Fukuoka, Osaka, Kyoto and 東 東 東 HA 2 faa Ey ee «AA nat ett: 本 部 町 町 町 化 元 加 ALR KLE 京 内 eee CAP tres SB O FO atO IRDA © SeeNHEE ie OS Re mOh SS AN TASS Sema Kooy oF Ei eat CE OB ma ee | Ce et OO り mp Re OW aT SEN aa O chp \S GET DS 8 code Sy ) TARE SO BS ORAS be we Sar yw eNO ー ざさ ー furnishes to workers, having restricted library facilities, information concerning all articles _ published in the botanical field. 一 furnishes to workers, having access to large libraries, a thorough classification by subjects— Wiiitams & Wiixkins Company, Mount Roya AND GuILFoRD AVENUES, BaLrimorE. Mp., U.S. A. 1 d NN © BES ミア マミ 2 NSS OWES 6 aS UNO x x <5) BSA ュ ン ン と y b,, けら 痢 ず Bic < デフ に oN d mn / # と " a し ーー fe : の ん ルル リル arse (BELLI | Ja | Es Ge を it AR AU Wo 4 の mop ge = ? Et i) 7h Bo Se fo Be 4 es it 2 hy AS a Sy HS, 4 RSE 1 sea in Soh に S2H 4] pas T に ales Ea f r Te okt ーー [eee we: res SS vi きゃ I if ‘ 4 4 t リ - 【 デ A tr i f 3 放 ) と ァ Ta Ss rhb ae HMR 。 r= Wy { Ss i (a や CSA fe. 5 SN CS * Sato BENS y いつ a # or op 小 4 Es fi a EE TE IIS ST zk ME OH 四 系 百 ーー ーー ate BW 61) ciliata, Nakar +)K » Bepunem BE DINK AS AersQ Ss BAS HIN Ry HH’ A Ao ats W. Broker WA Bh Ra tM KIN KO Viola chinensis ~ jane く dpe BS Be el SN tos LINK AS fe 5 RARER =f HE + EHO + BK 2 HIDE m var. var. glabra, NAKAr + )K NO MSaE Aw K 4 DO Ai itte6 © \ SEM mM mA Y DO CIN-EL) SI ~ deieneese QsM4esh & Viola yedoensix, Makino 4 Wwia.6 2 +28 ON NMEA SO dos ONCE mA HW RAAE RW RAS SRE + ONE A OKRA YR’ Be Sem” AR” Kee SSR SieS RE (D\ |) SBM>) Sine (SAR) BS (Bak fk) RS (KI ES) HS OUIMAKD ) Hs BR RA AS Sew Komanov, FArrBrN EPH MltosO C= BID NHS HOA RN BE MORIN PD Hee ERR HR SKA IN AO CFI) DShesOk \ REE BIO OSes .2 Viola minor, MAKINO 4 4as62 1 Dn Sip BR RN ES RE R AR AK AR BR ASE 4 SEN SUR) NMA ES SEIN AS Bea HRN 6 ELEN HE Dh ROS Re 4 ORCI” SR a sw HK A he RRAXKS 1 (Notes on Japanese Violets. I. — T. NAkAr. ) Rin Reese Sarit 本 | M2} sus Viola chinensis ~ jerdaky 4 Xs | dey’? Wee SSS > SS Elie KSt+ | Shimemg & | fin a SoS eRe eeR SSH 1 SOK Rat BR ar IY \ HEIR AO SaHE NT) [+ geane ERTERES | (INES SN at Kea we Roe CH ATK IN + CH) そく i a Ree | 7 sgt. .a0~ sali y BEN 3 Boas | ll gs | Re <¢ oR i Whee | 1 2S al pal Se aL 2 幅 邊 ERK MRE Rey © 2 pee pire a rine ee pat ae Be Wek 区 1 sane teen ASS pa te | [tS 1 | Be OA aA SRICHEUPEER x = XNER (60) ee ROME |) 王 未 h itech 2\ MET RD RIBAS OHS Fars BR A HARA AR ERB CRIN BS ] BRA AS Jerr COMtas6.2 Viola Takedana, Maxino var. tenuicornis, NAAT 41K N° {SEAR SRES SFE NEN ES A Eh AO (MW) ) -RwPvteasO.2° 4 ONinOS \ Ki SA AR RARE K ASEAN SHLINK AS RS 4 Mam Bin, Viola 62e6o7 の 2 Maximowicz =O InfoX RO Viola Sieboldi ~ \aeereakm oma + BR 4. Ww RAN’ Be eRe Bint nee RIN Ko RA ao Ae OA BRN ts AR) RAR RE 1A WRA 2° HPSS MM HEA KHOA A < Meola pumilio, W. Becker ‘ph ト SO Viola Siebolda < R= te See oi \ He & AIK No ThA R ARES REN WN KR 4 B40 te sO SINK A es ) Viola pyenophylla, FRANommm et Savatinr NN fe EK AHO Soi O Sh RARE ne ey RD 4ash LN HA Viola yesoensis m al 1] ety A iy 3 & SUSSEX AT = KY DO CII LT) AsOktittesQ.ee SIR IO 16 Khe HS HS DOLLE ~ BbQt'R EX ( Wie MEAS od ¢ SLUM BERETEN Ih UE IB <> BREE 4 So Ram ARS Be Viola Patrint, A. P. DE Can- INA ERR AN HA REEM AA NHOAS | See” ms & ARAN” BES UK A HNO 1 TRIEERIN A A RRM _NAkAr HIE N BRO MBER Ya WN IKK (BRO mM WHATS & uy REN 4 BED RSS BER RDG WUE AN NREL | \ THINK AS ae Viola diffusa var. ee H. pe BossrgU «|K NRT PKR AS 話 BRR in 4 | Viola diffusa + TRA IR~ dS A WHF a0“ pais SN Sx Viola diffusa 4 J. D. Hooker, THOMSON HEE ~\ fig ZRH IN RBA N A + RHE EIN A A INK uk Viola kiusiana, MAKINO m S€te x A QEXY'RA AS HEIN BEER BE 4 KN EDA INK AS HeHEM a BR HD) RA BY SHR NEKO BG BREE WRK O …… OD De6 SRR HE IR EE ) RRA) TK HN HE A RR © FR 4 i ee tH N° BN Pee TR HRD - sense bev esece soeres 96 Stash S (Hal ” thn ea” ee: CUP) O60 BhtoasO.o° MS’ #2 RS’ OHS RS’ wes Os FO SN HE doe ith RHR Ee Pe Ih BRE RON ER SK EER に / | 0.8 EIQ SBR AR AO dabge ys Shamil yp ge dete at S EK RUE. PAU SMO IMO OO HME A HK AER RIN’ BE By A nWelmk ( % RE MSO 9490S 1 Sn AR OS hogs EE Ve So 0 0 Hpi RN ERROR AN oR EBER BE TK AS Eheim Viola fibrillosa, W. Brucker +1K N° CIFED) Rv Pttoro.c OR bth SN BRERM ADT PD ARRERSIN QA DO” EI Jena n SEE WD AE Hd O'R eat ERAS REE KAS Bhatm Viola repens, Turczaninow +j\¥~ Viola epipsila, LepEBour. Viola epipsila subsp. repens, W. Becker. Viola palustris f. epipsila, KyBLLMANN $f \ BARRE RK AS K SR Hey \ int Ross | (Viola palustris, LINNRB + DINKA DR RIES th m | [HON > RHR Aa Cin | ORBEER NX AGERE AS CFE) sndoibtesGe 1 [28° rio tds 2% Bhatm Viola blanda, WILLDENOwW +{K NO By WR AD KEN CN £7 RUHR ARAN SS BES NAO TEER BHT Ib SEK OK AO SOK IRRN FF HE | RIN RA RN CRRA REARS NEHER ED WHA © SKS S SRORRR ¢ EES ogee” Bek” ee ee ee ae 赴 人 トミ 本 NNN var violascens, Nakal =|K N° wiattiag Sv EN 4 SR | Y\IKK AS Viola palustris 4 KAS 2655 0 Beth S \ERINA AR SAIN AUS 96g | BAC HH NIN” AR HE Sear Ce ee Se EA (7) WHE AS BRERA 4 7 : ORIRSS AT'S EMR) 9 RENN BRT] \ HESTIN A AO (FAQ) Siqtnteso.ce | SMe SSIES? msi? BN? Bnet Ne > IK AMO Rd 2 | Rey PKR AO ER CS AS Viola mirabilis, LINNE SERBIA SC Ao REE 6 BH Se BA SRA RR RO BR WAR RHTR aC NTEDA RRS 6 BA RK WO. 2m 4 4° Bhat Viola mirabilis, LTrNN var. sub- glabra, KOMAROV +|K s° mA ih 2 人 hh ゴー ミミ” HES’ RN PMN Be RAS RRS IHRE WAAR NS RALS BBWS | GR var. brachysepala \ Ans Rabin 4 THRE NAR URS Oo ANOLE KASS var. _brevicalcarata, Nakat +|K N° CAF) W8b DMA 1 Bb 4e sO. ~ BK DEO M2 ES a Bbto® St 4 UR TSS BREE & AR SBD REdH NMA TR RHA HN Koy BADER A ACK 4 PEO S SS) BSS Sime Mt ih BOX D&O W. Becker KR var. glabra + eR WHOA NR ORIN KR AO W. BmoksR 出 AWD M490 Bote 2m Viola Grayt + Bay 9 0 WK MOA RINER YS 4 MAO’ R RS yA Rt A 4 Viola obtusa, MAkrNo var. glabra, Nakal +84 7 + INK AS (すく ) BRIO RBs 1 28° ID'S 46 M400 Bttah 2 Viola ovato-oblonga, MAKINO 4 W ey SHS TOBA KAS SICH EHD 4 Rede BR KA fe QS eee GK 1) AR: ola Grayt ea = see a) shed Sm HS EER OSE RK N BINS | NIN AO BEATA WON 'R SOR IN BRR” K 2” Bt 3 22 時 Gh” He HEL’ BA’ we’ BR’ Be’ Simo” Bw’ el A SUSE OR” HAREM in AO A SNA SoHE 4 SMO OMe OSE RH CORIO AN KK EEE a 中 UR SS” SP ih SKOR > &° Bhedm var. pubescens, NAkAr +|K N° (AR). AQ 82900 BhtosQu.ce ~ 1 108° a8 VY 490 tH4a6 2 Viola Kusanoana, Makino 5} ps4 Se 26 No 0 Beto h Seale i dee HS 1 [OER A Ao dene var. pubescens, Naxar 4 Sek (BES)? IVC OK’ As HS? )” BA HRS Sk SK AP Siyn8 var. glabra, Nawal § WSRCS RE Shs)” IH OK)” S (OR RS)” SA GNSS)’ SR(’u% Xa) goat wm f. variegata,Nakar +|Ku* SON % Viola canina 2. Viola si/vestris へ aK un Cw HRS Viola grypoceras ‘R BEcKkER KR | へ WSR Makino Sean he sQ Soe te BK ») ftK SE\ ERM HEA KTS Sm f. obscure-dentata, NaKar IK NINE 229.0 Mhha 6 2 | BIN ® Am f grandistipullata, Naxar +|{\° 22 *er= a" KHBEESS 1 E(SEuROR HN RIE K 8 SESS Bm SKA RA AO NA Ce SHO BLIND & SOD \ BRIT AOC Hole ©. var. exilis, Nakar «+ IK N° Viola sylvestris var. exilis, ee * Viola coreana, H. pg Borssinu {% IK n BYan’R 2 RGbaeS AER = BO yf MOO ida CO ieee core ee ee : Sm 512300 B6tosO.& var. pubescens, NAkAr =| n° MOO Ptah Op Y ME ’R AK AS BE Oe KA Hy var. exilis f. albiflora, NaAKArl と QA Ba Yt INK AP ( 十 ) RDAHRIO| MhtarsG で 9 AE 4 TR FREI N Ra | MOO bind oe Day Balas & A INR A WS FQ EE NIN BRERA RRR RAR AN 47 BORER PRA > Prac RINGS AWK Viola に sd SN に = Ne ies takesimana, Nakai + K \\ Rm~+FGN° War, He _) BSORBRMHIKNSIN | AN SRR RA KR RMKS < 所 な COR HC NMDAC BSBXOR A MOO eee So HK? (+ ]) sJ¢4es6.2° Viola yakushimana, NAkAr By. § OR oo CES PN INK AO NEY MLO O Atta CS mM BE SHAD BR | BSA ORR SARE WN IKK AS BINS IRE IN WORN BIN KA iN KO (54) Hea PF OLR RK 1) BR H A ERELAIM BL 3° Viola crassifolia +\K{ Nd, SES sda. TpNzr BRED RPNTRAR DT RMD KRESS COIN Re ay hk ARNE. RE wR. ERE wo CR) R00 BotosO. s Bal + BY nEO ROO Bosh S (OR Ste COE IN | RRR HR WA へ | NK + GEE me RARSS WN TRK AS H&A Bihon’p SAVIN 7 1. Viola canina var. ? japonica, GINGINGS (1824 年 ) 2. Viola grypoceras, A. Gray (1857 年 ) 3. Viola sylvatica var. wmberbis f. micrantha, A. (1859 年 ) GRAY # \ WE Cy ALIS YK AS NA $e Se ~ SS EEK — 4, Viola sylvestris var. grypoceras, MAxrwowrcg(1876 年 ) ーー コー ジマ ーーーーーー ーー で SS er ーーー キー で で "on ms IIRC ict a AB Np ーーー ンー ニー ニニ ニン ニン ン ニニン ee 6 シン と OCS NM G2) 8 RE _ | RHR ED BER HES NBR HRA] CL) SQM interpe | TE Ene cea ee ition ta eee oes Peer certs ae eee eens ean grate Ce He Re Dey yes CH wth CHER De ESE Raine area tee 2 WHER ARE INT ERA KER KAREN KAA + INET EX PACE oe Crea acthy Peale, Means cece H.C Ii ash ©: A TEIN KA Ao had yy < Maximowtcz ran Viola g'abel-a, @ A ON SN Sin XK * BRS BSS RR BRIN Oo | NorrAarr + 1K N AIR ate SO \ MUN Bw KAS 本 DE ind ieee teeter eet set eee eae ratte cence DLA Ata S BojssrgU. $i" ieen AEE ON SR nPOAS KHER 2 V. uniflora, var. or’entalis, MAXIMowICcZ \ | SE W. BeckER RK RN OEY AY iW Viola brevistipullata + 5 V. uniflora var. glabricapsula, Maxktno w~ | &€ eR? BeNOR MON HR BR IK KR AO Sige am) fi ( BEER HS) 1 = V. orientalis, W. Becker < | && SY \ SIR SK oY GREER A AO var. pee W. Becker = |X "| GR) HEBER’ GREE Bese” REO NO AR Ay ainda Oe + HEE KO : Viola hidakana, Ne SRUots で で (1 DUS es る ご 9 ( i Bed V. uniflora, RAS mm MIE? MER UE KUR eve G2 ERR BA RY 中 5 | oo 4 ol SHS SR ey ea° sda PORK SO Hadise (tin Ny Viola glabella var. CH) 3230) mo aR crassifolia Ra Xo ARN Viola glabella + w xq x48 Viola conferta。NAkAr 2 Oinstost.e P4e OQ PRN A NEL AS BR] BRN Mb ge 4 AUS OO 9 Exe VV. uniflora v. orientalis, Maximowicz ~ | && MOOD WERK ANA Ste PRL A ARINK AO BRR NNN V. orientalis v. conferta, W.BECKER. ; BEVIN NK A Do Aha 4 WR AQAA SORR yb s * WES ae 1 (S)) ses peo | Be 6 dan BHD NDA 7 BD BERR ONDA る 中 _ Viola uniflora Loni 3 GQ aindoarOe HS ERin RAR RNA Ih KA TAT PESTER | A 9 Bal V. uniflora var. typica, MAXxiMowIcz. SIRS AD RN AERIN AK AS 84) Viola yubariana Sead fm O Seem CK 1D an (2 Tere Se ORR) BR Ngee © REVERT OK RE N SR WEA HR gue mean S Sento nk” KEG] a RSHRRER See Hes EA Oey Ph In & * mW aN RWS = =” St Ny a Hee = seh" He DAI x REE KA Ont SSNS EB Rew ) GRE) Hydnum septentrionale FE. CREE ) SER RTE HEP ERY 4 SAK A NERIRER KX” WRI RKO He > PMD & dX ae HEIN m DOR KHER A A Rm Ey * SS | OP NhR— LR’ BRU NRK LR HERA Pe BRERA ES EKA NS RCH Vth Re LRRD” IRIS RM OD RA EER W DK OS ~ Sim Ka? VW MM. Mem on * wR 固く eR ペー と ミト < Ath BK @ EES I > he sh MRICS” RIT SR m9 ie Mal ws Hx ie 7 iia ORS EE a wee ex: (Notes on Fungi (120), と し A Ye FosQ Qik (CK | ) feENA MASE IMRAN KAN OS 1 RH SRM i WO EE” ERED Gaye Ee a” faotou. & % 果 N DNR REIN ZEN ALTRI SHER A REN CORA AERA Bo HOD CSRS FRADE do SONADN[ PEK AS HRA AS KR RN EER N TRY PRESS N RAM KRENEK AS (|) eteeo WR Mie SS くう で や か で る (| VHRR HB) = WIN 2 。 Maximowicz 4 Viola uniflora var. orientalis ~& * Shik seer. Viola uniflora + >” Seok 4 Viola Wis a f. glabricapsula = NX° RH mk KA 理 に ink SPM KAR HN ATTA RAS ] 6 Sebi om He 1 HX SPATS RSX Ae) RE’ BE Es WX AWN INK 2° RAESONI-K SHR N HN 4 AG oh au te SRB SARA RD RAINE pe SOH SDM sigh. Site. = 4 ES > RHRZER HE INK AS OD ANAK A 4 BISA RE I HE C2 (EE) Viola uniflora, LINNE var. typica, Maximowicz = < SHER IE IN K AS RX Maximowicz tk’n Viola uniflora var. orventalis >» rs YX - Lope + SES HANK A HAN + ERTINA 2° SPB AA WHA IN pasa X 3 “NARA NM oe Ne aRa > BRC 4 BER $6 SOBRE | BRAK Hat 6 NR 1 RK AS (RS RHE SAREE GE” AR IS NS = 人 で = a RE AS \ BRR Ate) KAD TAR dale CBN BR 4 TESS =~ 4 OR ANE 4 Fea” mm (ol) Weer C1 110) ORR GMRIKG SS ses ) (ARE) Cordyceps Tricentri YAsupA = Cordyceps Aphro- phorae YASUDA sp. nov. CERES) SK RREED” UTAE HEI” | SNHRERR EE (Pyreno- : mycetineae)* 2 ying (Hypocreaceales)* 2 Sy tnt fa (Hypocreaceae )” x eri EY (Clavicipiteae )° 41 A JO 48 19-2 4 Au (Aphrophora intermedia UHTmER) NMEA DRY S MOEN 7 RAD yn OS SITES Be HE RRS ARE 2E'N © GERI SE 6 SR RESS m GR SSH) m MK WIR | Oma eet a” Be] ae es Na’? EC fey ON? WAR RH | Be Nha ee 0° we 2° RROHRINOi mS KH LAK A? RMR GEE SEN ARAB Ee ON RIPEN OR 4 BROAN RRM Em RS” RRM RS 6 BRA URS oo BB BSS m OH “UH | 1 JO 8” RAS RHIC SRK A? RO EBA RIE SSH RX” SRR MS 4 Bea Dn wh ar SESS m BED “FER Balm nga’ Nese” BEES) SK 1 Bit i Rn Bev ee Don RES EA ONES KA? WR RI] ON 恒 Mi] ein n° Rig 4 HRA KBE eX” wey eC 110) XE KE Sco 1 lt] we MES RS tk \ SK a MEA KS STOR (Cord- yoeps) ~$RAB TD BEEK m BES A BE 4 EHS BEE BEA Dn ® SSSR BR A SANE EN Tricentrus BR~ w NERO C7 DN A RAIN ERE AIMED & AT RA EY PEWS m7 REA TR nD SAREE A NEES GERR? HEH A EA PO SOLA MAA TS NM BK A WHA A? Wn Sees Bee 4% Cordyceps Aphro- phorae YASUDA M8)h+ X J wo FBROO 4 BS BREESE eed A 相本 へ AS t 4 MNS med By An HER A WRB 7 BRI eH SK =O A (EE EWR KIMEX 1 Ko Ag (50) FRSES HERR WP mK cK RS | WSN 4 SEY ARNE RA YOO RA NN RAINS SAN oR ESN Rm RY NO on NER Reds NS Bm BK AWN ONT BN te (Re- productive branch) 4B8am WEtHX (Normal branch) > ve | ARN \ BREE mM A EN BOOT s EK a ¢ HR AO OW A} DN edt ee ER SB A NN VIBE RR Se BS RR h See 1 KO on A ao th fe Seeettx (Accessory bundle) 4 } wn A \ dH’X AER SAR SHED N YO TREN \ -EoOtd 4 tHe \ Sid + ease MAN A we I 4 ON + SE 2X On eS 』 玩 編 KO f A Soth BEADS BUS m Be NX AERAN DN? BRIN Reh GIN NA Rw BRT SN SOB 4 NR SR m ARRAN N APRN \ DSi BEM 4 KO BN Re Am AN ER EK HB KR ER NEE 6 ER RS” RESET NN INTERN ERA NRA OK A SER 4 GME BRIE KK YO ERA Bar te RAR AS UR MMA NRA ENO (Y. Ogura) Hie SSR HHT oo 44 eR a e BR ER « HERE + m 析 \°) | RBARERE SENS RGD A RRR IRR KV wey) REM m RSS A Nh A A BREESE \ SEK An BAO HRA RRS 6 RSE mR AP A Bake Poy A + ER on HERS mo 4 REAM YK A EKO トム っ り fee ~ HRREDE ¢ HEGRE ^ REESE SERS GREERE NGKEK A PINAR NAT N AHS RH 4 ERS 6 HA HRS dE GK RON Ra ARES (RN KR Be. B+ m MPR Dh ARSE ENESCO RN Rae 4 ARMY RRR On WBBM Bey AO REE \ BES! (neck cell) RX wy OEE SI (venter cell) $s WAC i Kn ARIS RA 、 SMH K Am RAO SKSSSE 4 Hk he’s URS SHU BRR ~ TREE Bem SKY | HOH yy 4° SK SS BE HE UE KE SRN NN BRR ^? ott. BRE ES ERS) m | ue RAHI HX HREE RS’ SH 9) C11 RSE RHEE NHK AOR O° PRE 1 KS Reem A moh” REREE RB K A OK iy Bee go SEN SON HRS = RUC BO RR Sei \ HREM m = RAHN ABB dON BEM Moly HE N 4 RHEE Mo GER RE m AMR SREES SRA A EE Y BRIN GE ーー の ペン stereo titi neta ARE ro Sk wR BIH 9 HORE 0 in wR BERE m っ \ MEHESY \ PNR 'R BBE IN A RRO BHR RE OR Bem = | SKE aH ARERR © A HOE A HEME KO AR NA Sa N BR RN SERN HK AMR BA A? tee Hk E HPs wy SR sO aie ath 中 有 By) CSE Ke fi BRE A) Nea INIEK PN REN YO Kr EE Re Beet 8 W.D. x B.S.-\ $8R% 1 Rae KN NRE KD RN BDO @NaE 紅色 花 HORE see Raine 石 竹 色 花 時 色 AE BBE 合計 wexwpt 3 ee ) 3 3 16 2 MD が 8 A 1 2 7 0 Waxes {3 2 fe ? 計 f 9 29 15 28 BS 14 41 3 2 6 44 21 W.S.x W.D 0 : : a | W.D.xW.s.? M 9 = a =} 2 15 81 30 人 at ( 0 9 27 11 但 シ Ae > /\ FR HES oe >> — FIR 0 AS) BEL A BRT AORR | RES oy Meaney yy Be > Ia geen A? Seen AN eK RHPNKA RHA? Kas Sk Aue Sao. Stes gee an ele EN HI 区 WPS 6 5 Hele ti Kl = EHR aE Helene 5 fo tH J Srzizr, W. N. Vegetative reproduction and aposporous growths from the young sporophyte of Polypodiwm iricides. — Bull. Tor. bot. Club. ee AL SE ith 8 8 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー- ーーーー ニ ーー へ 0 8 14 12 = 103 0 3 f if ー- 50 0 4 8 3 2p 39 0 | 9 り ーー 98 ) 0 1 1 ーー 17 0 13 30 20 2 200 0 4 7 9 0 81 0 2 14 2) 39 129 0) 2 7 2 14 57 Org 6 7 り 29 98 0 0 3 0 7 25 0 8 21 10 60 221 0 2 10 2 21 82 oh EE SN RY) = KO MED KERR 6 HEEL MX CAR HOG HE EB -K Sh a a eS aS MH 11 Sh) Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 203—205, Text-figs. 3, 1921. 1% The development of prothallia and antheridia from the sex organs of Polypodiwm irioides. — Bull. Tor. bot. Club. Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 271—277, Text-figs. 4, Pl. TV, 1921. 6 44 SB Sh A SIM HOM OS nl A USI Wt Feo Ps aioe HI 。 Eu S Hk N Sin BSH a 4 Bes eal ie 4 x r. mr Baie o> & A? REL SS REA \ Rot BGK 1 RGM Xe e AMER Ae wp BEM dot we 1 Sen Bee \ fhe AR (47) KEEFER 4 PS + Ut'x° | ee Yee whe A 計 He) WS. \ teen) ¢ Hay el Ss ann ~ St.S。x W.D. 125 33 58 216 WP WPD ニ A 1 24 8 16 48 NN RS. He» A Hea» & StS. x RS. 、 aN o + fie as 0 BS wp RNORRN BES HERES ED + WB Rel em NN MM 1 oo SL SSS Ah Sy Soto St og DYE [1] Ve lio TS eae a eee ine Beda 0 BRS 2 AS AER EES ER CER IC ER) death init i] fe neste eine le salt ei elt te Ss ーー" か Or の my 紅 色 | | eo ee ee | | 6.25RRSSUUdd 1.00RRSSUUDD _2.0\ | | Coo 500RRSs ぴの の の 00RRSsUUDD 10.01 as |e a 思い 5.00 が が SS びび の 10.04 | '—>10.0 ー | 20.01 14.50RRSsUUDd 29.01 pe a aa eae —>12.50RrSSU Udd 12.5 —>10.00RrSsUUdd 25.0 日 10.0 20,0 lls 2.0 10.01 | teor= 3 (46) i oe AQ HR ~ daha BS BE RRR ACRE) BMPe Bn sen X #\ HR He MAYW? Now WS. x WD. ~ Tom m Biv Sea XK A RR . NO Sew RESTS SEER] We A TEER SINK A) RRRN RO° HED ER BRP ARRAS Mente QeDe 、 語 』 く 1:25:25:1 \ BEM SBRK A linkage \K AHN = EK SNM AR SHREK 4 8 。、 IMS We) KE KB XS NRK Ch OSS HA NS 4 RHEIN HWE KA HN TRON BRIA HAY HH N= IN RRR A ON 光生 GNBW ae RRS awe SEY 4 RI CM (Re KIND AD AREA INA W\ 23h ey Ao REA He Rite STR INS & RAREHSD ¢ RN BN RAL: 紅色 花 : PRA TE : BERIT: TT EI : ee : 量 花 : Ae TECRAL EL) : E16 FE HR AB, HE) 2 11.25 : 48.00 ; 271.50 : 110.25 : 1.00 : 13.25 : 96.00 : 36.75: 196.00 mae y n° IBD in MBSR S A ey RES Ren ey RON SEE A IORKRA ARS RN HE RAN EEN TES ARR? KEUEN HERE 1 EN KO BK NS mee RIM (KA Cth OH AHA KPRKAW\ MD | Bu RnR KK e\KA-HENY DS B ANn RYECTS SERN HS SAE AEE BRS RAW NKA HO BEY A NN NN as |. tra ae 色 x 淡 色 hax 色 花 |e 6 « | woe 2 «|e su 2 | Rat ee | a ft 8 «| 時 6.25RRSSUUAd 1,.00RRSSUUDD 2.00RRSSUUDD 1.00RRSSuuDD 1.00R Rex 0Udd 6.25RRssUUDD 12.50RRssUuDD ーー 4.00RrSSUuDD 2.00RrSSuuDD es | ーー 5.004738 Vu DD 5.00mnSs UUdd 5.00RRSsUUDD 10.00RRSsUuDD 5.00RRSsuuDD 5.00 Ras UU Dd 10.00 Rss UuDa ーー ゴー-| 20.00 好 Ss の zz の の 10.00R7SsuuDD — 20.00Rrss Vu Dd 5. 0RRSSUUDA 10.00RRSS の の 5.00RRSSuuDa > 2,00Rrss 0Udd /2.00R RssUudd ーー || 20.0027 SSUuDd 10.00RnSSuuDad 4.00Itrss Vudd 14.50 RSs UU Da 29.00RRSs UuDd 14.50RRSsuuDa —12.50RrssUUDD 58.0007 Ss VuDad 29.00RrSsuuDd — 10.00Rrss UU Da —12.50RrSS0Udd ー ラ 10.007 が 59 び 0 の 12.50RRSSUudd 25.00RrSSUudd | 10.00RRSs Cuda 20,00RrSs Cudd | > 2.00RrnSSUUDD | 10.00 静 Ss 0UDD —10.00RrSSU0Dd — 20.0007 Ss 0UDa 6.5RRSSuudd 12.50RrSSuuda 5.00RRSsuudd 10.00F Ssuudad 注意 Ra Fer Ve? HF UM=k) Fer Merx277— [on eee 6.25 RRsysuuDD 12.5047ssuuDD 6.007% RssuuDd 10.00 7irssuuDa 1.00% Rssuudd 2.00Rassuudd # 此 2 y= STMT Me MPR TO TE + ョ 抱 括 と とか 共 ノ PE = BR RH = 27 Bro 4 合計 へ 784。 合計 309。 271.60 4 自 色 花 * 14 22 27 17 28 6.2697 SSUCdd 6.0077"Ss UUdd 1.00o7SSUUDD 6.00rrSsUUDD 5.00r7SSUUDa 14.507Ss UUDa 2.0077SSUuDD 10.0077:S8 uD D 10.0077SSUuDd 29.00s7Ss UuDa 12.507xSS Gudd 10.0077°Ss Vudd 1.0077,8SuuDD 5.007259Sut6 5.0077.SSuuDd 14,5077 SsuuDd 6.25r7rSSuudd 5.0077 Ssuudd 1.0077sa び 0 の 7 の 6.2927g8 び 7 の の の 5.007ea び の の 12.50729a Uu DD 10.007zws UuDd 2.000738 の 47 の 6.2577ss4 カ の の 6.00r7ssuu の 196.00** 16 11 22 15 12 108 107.007 BL HHE 77, 250""* 0 SR の SN EN Fee RCRA NN, & 24 の 20 Ee i だ (46) ine oe QR HE ~ alee SEER ERICH) eH cee 2, Bape 8 ee aE Pune oad rg Sty pot) hy yy Las a i oe “at led oe いま 2 ゲ a Am 4 ee 1 こけ * we ye >. he wt Ma ey ‘Z MT une * D Te. ene: cl ot Pn LA Ph, NX Fa だ Re Raa au CfY OS be ER » Be ae BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS ake Published Monthly (Volume I, No. 1, was published September, 1918 。 2 ーー 一 一生 や eS fe i wa Sane eee A” BL aE D Ee > > i Ree. Satvu— 1. こい OBER es came Of - 目 4 AM — ey —is an index of international botanical progress. _ 一 stands for accuracy, completeness, and prompt pablcation: 5 。 一 pubiished the following entries: Vol. I—1681; Vol. TI 一 1871: Vol. I1I—3061; Vol. TV 一 1858: Vol. V—2426; Vol. VI 一 2082. cee —refers to more than 2000 serial publications to secure abstracts and citations. “a —accompanies non-English titles with an English translation. _ 一 publishes all abstracts in English. . uses a thorough system of cross references. +s —allows the quickest possible reference to all botanical articles, by a ivongriohica! arrange- ment that permits prompt reference to author, title, and place of publication. ay 、。 一 farnishes to workers, having restricted library facilities, information concerning all articles — published in the botanical field. Oy 一 fnrnishes to workers, having access to large libraries, a thorough classification by saben an inyaluable reference aid and time saver. —has been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. —offers infinitely more as an investment than any other publication issued in this field. ‘Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. | Orders may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Company, ve Kaisha), ‘Il to 15 Nihonbashi Tori-Sanchome, Tokyo; Fukuoka, Osaka, 。 Sendai, Japan. _WrrrrAns & WILKINS CoMPANY, Mount Roya AND GUILFORD AVENUES, BALTIMORE. Mp., U. S. A. Ay fh | Hedy Be ok EK PS eT EB & TPO efi 6 £1 oS Ss ie Se AS ATE GO eZ ae LAS ae DR ® EC os BERIT fet FO [a ae ae fal (Ej AFG 7 集 同 ブ 生 プ Be LAER 7 EN ) Hh vw CE SS “ATI #7 7 ae oe C its sp io eee A = HK > iy EK et = IRF me bela Ay pls CA BARA ON aH ii BEF ER D FN ア Sea ae Ltd. (Maruzen Kabushiki- Kyoto and — e 0 の 於 1 リル 候 - > 商科 . Bo 0 の my ibs Pe ee ee ar gt a ee a Ln ear en 時 学 ) NO RE ee (RINU SS が [うつ * 1 『 uv 0 ? mH ON RK) RRM RN OR REE 。 ae Ke SRP EA ON RSIS BRE EHH = ERP et RE SA eR = BRU 5 a WKH PO OK + VERT S o MIN 1S & EHS S Beet HERO) i eae Seer の ieee | || O] KER) hosG STACK | )CESRIESNS) 3 . KIRN ESS Hh seus BONS} fig > NEI yt DS (XS = mr HK Berea CER SMES) KK Te hl KJ K+] Be] me fal Ost | | ae S24 SS ne KEES ze ££ bac t RRESKERHHPeRE | <6 | OK Be eR QTM Sp HE SR a I Sime kK SK BRS RC HIREH | ho fe BM RIK SMa O 1 揮 it See RESKES SES ake ENS : : + 軍 am RR RECRKARE SSR @ WR She] zo Sp i Os 補 sett EN - =k it + Sor oe (43) PE He Noe te NO FN DN Ko ARREARS BE aleetne ca RBQINA Df SNEBN An > BR ARIE Dn fore 4 BSRRSERS MEAG RORSPESHE NS Aen Be ¢ STE INERK A AER ee) et No a RRR ( nm Se oe ahy ne SC RbEI | Sa 9 BESS (PER En RS g2ez ee NN Ge ce sn Ho No KEI ie 1 S337 VN A + ER SRE ERS Mi 上 Ya “ie ber [ei | SOAS RS SR EIR EIU ghee BG SO se 400) EY AL) Ri Sek He He ir eet SLY ペー U2 sy Bee a Se Cn E00 RY eh SB a ER SEK ae | Ma BRL Act: hitochiviea) Ru BYE An = Oo HGS RB Sir” [RES Vat SS pe BH BEN 2 WA HE Rd teat Beat . S88 oy KK る マト C AE IRN SN ESM BIE K Ye NO FC GID IIL EA HEAR AR 4 OR SC ES eS I RR 9 玖 田 TES 1 SC RP ES RRER D GER SO UR KGB TEBE BR ER Ay 3m >» TER m Pa Ea ADIN Reo RRA te iy SRK Klip | & A] SN BERS (SEC RN KN PN ~ ‘\ ER + | oN DS: ie ims $a. me r NKK > wv | Me ESS tse | ee ーー ンー ンー ンー ヘー ンー ンー ンー へ & eer2 Nite an BOT is eRe a he sie rea | BASRA Son Ram Be ae 1y te KREnGHeX ee 1 )}) {SSS eR LE (Chlorosis ) ヽ S08 ey FB Rm WK BR Qi Oo s SEIS i RK RS ll SR aR A GRADS GRIN ERS SA Te Bae CRO? BO OO OH eet ELS yy Ba WK NS HESS m MN BEDE yD PP WAIT SOB A Ines BR ASS oe eS eR " 有 mR. $e 1 s PRES : || eee ut fo Sn ano 人 FR RENAL § Gs” ue PERE 13X58 O98 SEX m Bean yin QO RSL a” SEASON fee \ PRE RS HN Rr NOR Ox 撮 3 | Saket Re eo (BEX+ERRS®) Bo om &a a pee ore CERMORR}) 3 — a apn |e 4 CARWENSURRES) i He fe 店 和 | fo SBE HS HA hd SS GRR RRR) ORE HE OR HT (42) #8 SSHRC 12) ME EPSON ZEN AN + MERI EE ON BS WaE ON A RR ‘ORM NSBR KAR BAN EISSN Rao Ee RAMANA MLAD (Leniop ora buercina (PERS. ] COOKE) § SES NK A + RN SESE SES A MIE NEY & AE Hala < BERK Nr kon XK” SRI A & A eR 4 Em KSEE Ae mn KH HA RRL OR Peniophora ) WBRXK Va RN TAIN 'K AKIN INA BR CStereum) 9 英 NR UPN RAM BRED BN AN AUN OE \ Be St m oo (SOIREE eS BERR a) m OK Aan DS 和沙 (RRS EE SENN RRA AN WAN ORs URS AMR THN KAY HRS NEED & AE !4^ BERR ADS HR EC Cs KAZ 1G ERT 1 LE Hi mM BA IKN rnin ZnO 24 eA YAO ORERD eh (Re =) Polyporus fissilis !}mrKk. et Curr. CGR) IRE IRE” ete" MRO QVIOREER MPQIIRD HR HES) HE ONSEN ROSSI SAE > NERS BBR AS BRA DN RENN BEY BIB NK DES PKK LAIR IPR OSAKA 厩 1 KSA HA HH (BRR EP Nh RMS A HN HR iS Hae OI OK A PRX A BORER] AN SEER ND I f2-OS \ SMM BN RN MA DN AK RR AKA WARE ND" SECRR aT OMS SEROCN BE'N GESSS oho BERR TBS ABS BTR oN BRASS fat 4 WR oN HP cb Se WRK A RRB S) moO BN oes NEN 4 回 SAX WAR il KM 2 RA tp SEK fDi QT nd ME) OK 7 MIT BH aS EM (ENE Am Bad a NESER A, MSR Wid SK = Okt 4, BRR RBZ Re AV C0 SI HX KC me | DRS HN Ra REA OER SR 1 Ke Ae. BRE UK KR SET om) | oat ih ee es) om ai SS ERR IS A CH A SS RX‘ SIS y Kele KO (Notes on Fungi (119 }—A.Yasupa) ice PLS eae ee BS BS Be aD S Ee daha SEATS S\ BPE BERR GTAR m BRE Sib ap ten + Ress eS | | SENS CIN MRR RPA SRR eR Ko | HERTS aE te SE SS RHR LER RON KER YON S& A BEERS ERC ONS EEK I BBS yn SQA WN ER Br 6 BEEN Ht ESN A Bim dB RX \ SQR0'R SR HE Din A A Ae (RR HONS Ww RRR SR \ Elo) i Go \ BS SE SR | NE ALR RABE WNKEAMN EN AH HERIN SA HENA'R | BOSH SWANK + BRR Sari 9 Cn RR +I ROS KRH SH = (41) Nf fil. RX 4 Vitex ovata, THUNBERG 4 3° Vitew trifolia RR STERNER KIO & 6 nS = EPS BEBE K > 9 | “ RE Koto ao tne ROBIE | IBY tc ew 97 28 oy Be eR CV nN oh OK EC GEG ag or ee Ha YC m Bh? BAA Rim BHA WA KARO Hibiscus syriaceus+ WX 2” Hibiscus syriacuss BK +. x° LE AW f. albiflora +$REM YP NAD 4 f. totus albus +> I EN A” 5 が 8 へ Bal 4 Hibiscus Hamabo, RIBBOLD et ZUCCARINE へ AQP Ro AO wnt A] \ | 4 Aibis- cus Mosa-sinensis, Linn var. Calleri, Hort. 4-9 (T. Naxat) waeReem (| | RD Oro}e % WrrQu N's ( Ht Se ht | RR EE) Stereum roseum YASUDA sp. nov. (ERR) AED’ MoKA” TEN se UP a ら 6 Nae are HERS 6 HEE oy BRN KS TN © BRI \ BBR ATR D) > © 1D DN HET SRI BRK oe | PR LP KK eR OR Cro RHO Hama‘ LARD” BR BRE & AGRI (SE Oh Sor BRAD ae RC RK “ AF pte RPP ome ci テー お ay NOH BBs NSE oe RRS RE A HED RIN ATS Pla mw ok ( SRB BEN RRR S RR § RA SS BET my oH > Sy oh AOR NEN ARIE 4 EM BERN A Haag) OHH HRS OS" Rl xO MoH OTS FE BK A BIRR REE 7 mh BI I RY AHERN HRA A B HSE 4 SEGESS mR > eet) of on WEB ook ( RUBS NUS emg Set x “WR RH ST) EQ RH ET SRE RQ | BD SK NRMP A i HSS m GE OD HERE OM 1) ON PE Be) IN EERE WKAR KH | 1 SIBERHTITRRHHT*HR AS 44d ( SSR OER EMSS A OO CK AIG Com | | - mo SSR eK SSR) RR ShhS RR SX MSY Koa CH AE Coe tf - |] oth ~ aR) 遇 EUR Oe OE Ge ROME IE-K PbRE AM SEHK RIO O AU assay CK | SREHR IP oKAt | RRR) RAO RK Rox ehon mo (KEREHRIITK ofa | Sah) Xv BARS ROR I RN AY o> CK RY m+ mes SRS) BRK” SERS [nse HE Boe (KK 1 | om i Ake | ERR) BIR ER RHBLACHES (KACHE+ | etree See RXue) MRE eRe (KX Yim | +R oes LSet Kak) SRR tt PO (KAR GY + Redo | HSK) BRR RRR REE (KALE+T | m+ Bm RSS ESR) ~ HEMI oP XO O44 MS \ SSE AX A SER NA i ht ate iene : a + (40) PES PAN NRT OR SES KH | CEPR a | と 2 SH) N poy Ror gee Sy er 4 ‘og: i KBD 6 FESR SEN Rm BSE IND 4A OR SE AER KE) LOSE Ree BX SS BRS PEN RE RIK mn RQ 4 BHD a aN PUN § BREE \ SORKIN GREE ooh SREB OA as N HERO EMD Ry HIS S ie) RN KER m KIDD Ee Rete \ THER ~ Rs + \ ERK WARES KRY AER WAXY AS ETS A RMN NK ARR IRE Bn AIMS Ep 4 GPRS lap m = wR ON it Sp BRNHK ARR RE RN Bae. So OND = OSE IN KM fet \ SEERSE & A RENE NS SHER 4 ESE” TRAY SER BI SH 6 FERRE N BSH & Am ES XK ERIE 1) 48 INK DK | BX of LA m RR ERBD Hybrid vigor mii # x Hee REM N AM RR KAR Mt 47 Bee A Be Ne Sindh 0 RB 4 ARPA WN OW ebm AMES PAR NAN A HERI SH ISS WS HERR 6 IR 、 Sim KA A Bm HSI Am RAO Sk A BEEBE SAY toy Bf m ain BE RA NERY QE AA ADA QR Bh Se Rtae Q's HEH SRK A IRE Re SONA RH [BANS HOSSAIN KR 4 ES Ee AD oe RN RD NK 4 ea SN Sm OR A RR + RRS AO IE NETRA RRS KANINS (ERAN AA maw KR AO WBN TKHADA RABE y MAES By om ay) ARERR § oN ESR Sirk A om mek od SPER AAD 6 SEKAI BCGRE-! 1) > Ngo PKAWR EMA RS CCH § m0 ANU oe io | fe * 097 II I? NO By KINO My? Ae PER Cn My” MNO Cin Mu? Den Bu? KN ANC AU" nh fon HEN OV UH RN BU AKIN HU? 361 SB QO 0" TRIER Lan Ou (YZ INO fu? DR~ MD? KO Bw FH り で わく 部 と 。 8 が 移る 。 M6 as San? 26 an 人 で めか 0 ANY AD UH” Q HO fr RE S21) BRE m ak ES fa kA & AO AY Sy 2 NON Rye A BRAN BARC HEN S ADK § RR DO BAKA RATA 1 CR RN TK ORR CON ee Ah TA IKN WN A RRR ARR NC KBE Ko My Sal \ wna 4 Acanthopanaw japo- nicwm \ ‘\ tk | TEI Acanthopanax spinosum ARR? AN Wu 4. Deutazra crenata, SIEBOLD et Zuccarini f. angus- tifolia, REGEL Ka” の eo scabra % An du & 4690 HINO ue NOM DPA EEX DAR RO INO Se 5 BB NO \ DEER AUR RDO Eine 4 Skin Deutzia crenata f. rosea eX Ye W\ 2 Oo MIND (nA My 4 Deutaia crenata f. plena, MAxrMowIoz {AP 12 2 2) 00 H4~ s Bhan 4 Vitex chi- nensis, Minter 4 Vitex incisa, LA Marck \A° Vitex Negundo, LINNE 4 SRR HSE NRA LY CO CRIS SN IN \ REID R 4 SRM va N KAtP do (Y. Sinord) | へ mA る AO ys O\ Male Vitew rotundifolia, Li (89) caena, Yucca) へ uss ie hig —a—\ MAT HS ES で マ TR uw He) CHAMBERLAIN, L. J. Growth rings in a Monocotyl.-Bot. Gaz. Vol. 72, Noy. 1921. Beal out dim ER) Sah BA Se BY ae mm NTE (し 4466, Dra- A EXMP BRR 4 BRP RHA A A Bm BKK A 4 RRR NHR AO cK RRM ASIN AA RR SEEM N\A BX 2 2 AER NT KR WN KY ASE § BPEL Be BOSNIA KS BA HOST 4 KHUN TT m AES ES YD EK (Aloe ferox, A. pleurt— dens) 5) $6 SUBSE heim BRE YO WON \ Baits wo | tet ( Aloe ferow) ~ RYN Beem ma 2 PX | ERS ARR ERE a YA SEER > (2 WR A FN RES CR oN RRR ASI SER (AN NE Re A psec canine Aaa Mm IeK AB SRA? hn . SRimagRisnrsa WA HD NARSSTEMERE m SATB COT AS RAN RR Imbel SR SHB SARE TMT ANE YN A ER aR INK & Wiener n 2° REAR SERRE S See 6 RRA NN m HER OR A II ‘ina’ | SMPEAK Stew | 4 SREB RRR RR AS EXE RES SN Am IRD” oly SAR B) RD 4 RRAR YP AOR AY 7 fA HE Bamber yt KS NK NN? RAST Sak 4 EON KEE RRS SAR Ae) SSRIS ¢ URES AO DN OS BET. BWSR BHA QA Ri Nn tt > Bag > © n\ Sem RSF N A A till 4 Seek \ FES Ay Ra と WS 嘆く Sol ey EERE IK? S\ AD a tor. KS Hw BE. SAMRAT RAY Ao nA Ss Ee -oms ROX A 8 ER mM NER Bar RG | RK AN NR SKUSE EME A KNX * Baas BN BRR Se NOR Rub RSX A WA IN NO Bat MRR | SQN ERS Re or RU SE SK Gh FS YIN A AN ERAS BENE Sy Roun. BI D ERAS fe a A = Pie & NS dX BERN RINK + IK NO SEDRI KSA SA | BAe plenridens) y 4 xn SAAR A RUNGE eK Ae wt SN Be SN Sw oo A HAA NS Km RRA oO CY. Goura) POD N HS RAE SN be dS J Sax, K. Sterility’in Wheat Hybrids. I. Sterility Relationships and Rndosperm Deve'opmetn.—Genetics, Vol.6, No.4, pp.899-416,19.1 RERRSE 4 URAUNC RS 4 Re NR ES EX A ER IN ERR SS KOR ( EEEEM A MN SEH NK ANN K SHCA MORE 1 SS A ARSED N SEO KOE SR IN DW” RX PRADGEG bh — A — DET RE BRAES 11S A RU AN KT ORR J G8) QUE Sot Sela EEK A HERRGR 1 BD WINS ea PRL n L AHL te Bets eet fea oe L TE, C= Gi,6。 N N N,L N He N N N,L ne 1B Ae: 5 ae NL ト N No i ee II a ee ee ge | うー a SN Ne e Shs ee Be a ae eros ist Nea. 無 開 係 的 分 離 PA Wr” BR BES Be Geretde Smdng Py en? Ed noes HEE (aN EEO RU NA PANE Ae eS HERBIE RSEN AN CA Seip 4 ADK IG RRS SEERIM BBS BEE m FB Et NK REA Ne NH BER AO E oem IE RIMS \ SUING © \ BEM S BEd nN AER om) PREECE | BA ob SS ee ARE NMDA Eo BRE HEAT KS へ ASR D-H 0 A> UN NEV EBA PRY HA RNA RA at HAE BENS 2 OER REN SSE YS 8 7 MSNNSN oO ee SS 0 Hi = we = (37) ee RS sl ADS SSR 1) DEK A EE EACSR | BR ith ae WR" < > tt met BER ft NN a CNRS VE BE nig Be #9 長世 AE Be ae 合計 yO GEN) PUR ERTMD \ BRBIE Mm dE KA ue ee X A Ze 142 52 105 21 23 4 347 ae i 2 ' Prt : . whe HER EN RAR KESSE RBBB ou Tae Het s 5 f ee IN RS on lp p Ee Be iy ee Ge: ee Ae Oe! Ue 合計 KN RENEE CN HR BE = Ke mx 無 pe (28 is, 170 7 5 9002 PSA AUR IN SN by = IN EEBE Mm UX A aw PR he SS WIT AG Ra NK Nm RABY VO RAK ae aaa Gras ae BS ERT ee te 8 BE es fe Pate a Aig 合 語 Noe Y AR Rain Se merneTe a Hew Z a mx 2 A fa M4 209 81 142 56 488 oy ops SRI 4. | NS Nb INgEM SER KK YN 4 BEN ーーー ペ ーーー、 の ies Dp Awe BE iy Weve «= WME PE 渦 性 合計 i tr xX 無 a ba 241 58 15 8 322 = [le ies) Y AER om See BN SN be oe O BS RR | BE. Ae dere MW RIINA ON EK & (36) Quik so-y ~ SBR 1 BE A EAN 1 BRD WIM + SE RR BEE m Rw” TR ERIMD 4 開 Iie x 自 ae 73 31 189 37 77 38 445 ax ] sg ; g-weeuny x 改 Bw 年 51 21 125 51 40 16 。 804 ER EUM + IHR A BEREAN % eo 時 Se 、 刺 124 52 314 88 117 54 749 KER Am AK, BRIM + ek 二 條 ( 側 列 無 革 ) 大 條 ( 側 列 無 ) SM も 3 iit 部 性 «= GME 章 性 . Ess 6 6 ra] as x 無 Pa ME IE 40 098 M4 3 tee | Nt) Hee rh SAW & eRe ME 0 OES eli 29. 468 N 々 AO BIA Bese. BAN HK Ex = R= R ~ 106 26 38 90 2 HE | SkelRE tl Ate eK RO Re OT oe 02800 ees ee ARE wo Sis Wah 'y fi GE Hoe Ee ee MER AN +” SHINN BRB + A MRR VIE KK A am RIG AREEM RES A PNR ORD 6 RD > Bee BEES RR KA BPN BROUR OD BERR ATER KONA NH YO BRE + SR Eps 4 QA * PRE NS Nb IN EEBE SEH KA WN Ke HOD BERK m RAR KIND 4d 4 LIDD xiidd \ QE ma > WK KS SHE HW Tidd M4 iiDd \ BRR MINK AR PNM K Ce RAS SRRRN BES A ERR ARNO’ 1 WM Hr BRUNA #4486 Tidd \ Re #\ KA HRA HA 4 IR BERR fle & 8 HERE A s 々 >9 K yo HEEIMD + TE | HER Ur PN HWY IN AR NE KA RISE OK AK NUR REE BEN YO aes . \ BESE HE A BEBO RIE NK SRN RA HERR TEA ARS ICN ABBE Cae 48" ale! |S RST ) \a ov en are inane We ee yr a \ Ro: ie BBE IEN ミ AE SW ee fe NY AS FRR 6 om SLR TADS BBE WA © DN REST AR RAR 1 Re wate Og ” : ‘ el ei 2 の て た ンプ sbi y ァ Saale ¥ ee hw 往 へ 阻 か 悪 PR DE ND 1 DNB ASAIN AN HERR AO SiR ABR RNR RAR es the Sie EMIT KA a NRA AES pi cya sate chee ieee i ハ meme Y DO el pA ¥ ; 1 la N34 ms % Bate, got NEON CXR ADS ND 2 mites 六 DUP SETE (UIA MAE UY BA SESE HS MARGE =| FP 1G ABH ee Aw? ey 8 紫 RX HOA a “L007, 206. 45 36 50 488 2 eats eeu fl B® 0 の Bo10 e 30.5 488 det VNR RINK Re gs] AS RINT NN 中 イキ 若く 7 Aaah 3 ey mK SP RR YO HD ID « aadi x AAT? +. > % Bl AAS: See) ARMS RI mA AK a. RRM SER Eee | \ = Nm IN BE ERK Y W\ +A ey yO ih . a 4K 1 SESH RIMS s mR RE ERIMD = ~ Beis SINE Ne a5 AUR Me oo + \ RR BE ERE I X RH RIE KK RS BO MED i te sit 無 世 HEAR So) SRN WY AW ERT = BSH eM aR oN 部 Meee 渦 性 wie 。 渦 性 。 前 性 渦 作 。 合計 id El 無 tx = A fi FA 0 の ao は 92 人 メ コリ 0 2 164 < \ GE) BGERERES \ EK Af tN HEA : i SRE ye x & aie 78 28 39 16 0 2 158 mm? = Ih YEU We RT AES Nod! SIN NR a | 舞 TE Xs 太 角 シェ バリ ェ - O84 166 462 . 198 0 17 18192 | a lid te ee a ioe eye 00 の oe SG 302 NHB ABE? FX Wik N BN RIK AR aa DT 4 216 669 267 2 24 1 ees ae =n 1 Ee Sas od mS RT MG CRM 108: EME 88: AEE = ae we 回 a x 無 Bp OR POT rh482 3 es et 3 695 5 に: SE ADE 18 nm SN Ree 無 dx ※ コー ル デ シ ラロ ン * 。 260 49 111 52 3 468 HE OL: APC HEE 18 mn か Ree Poe ee ee Be me BIG 8020 250。。 188 0 6 1168 NO aS ', RESURIM 4 RRR = 0 SN Rm INGERS MERIT K YN ARERR DON AY DO EEA nN D 4p HR BR BEN RWS 4 EK IGN BRERA = KO ted Hy (ula ee mae ac iui HATE § PA ort SED © 5s SRR SERERE M116 x BE es Be . 問 性 渦 性 ME ME PE 渦 性 合計 PAK ATR? HK IK N AXES apa 5 舞 wx F ~£ 34 5 60 22 23 14 158 fn ih MAS yews) = 959 76 856 BA 207 136 1819 em ED eo S| BEKO TEN ip Rr SeSRS 1 合 8 (35) a eR «(8er 81 - Rt oy ~ Hatta 1 EK A ES ARCER | BRD 916 176 260 150 1970 WSR" \ iN 1] 8 3 BM> Tii-allelomorphs ~ JD, d-allelomorphs - 'R BREN RY ¢ EREDIR MHS SON tN mee mESIEK An = 4 my A AR > HE ym HUME BA A 4 RIBS Re = EEN KO ELE m TK 0 HIE K SNF = SEE 大 條 側 列 有 世 Mia SN § HESS | NN ge 部 BE 知世 BE we fete AS 合計 \ m RA RY KY} \ \ O e : — i EN RS = A ue ex A AE 56 17-144 41 70 19 847 Bet Ne 4 AH RS AR ON Ss hes A cad 62 ue 126 41 ae 29 229 2 adele ek « SHURE a ede tie Fa Asa ee te DO ey 45 89 31 410 の 谷 = cae or et om 75 1086 KAY SAR RRNEM OR] pV 理 論 fe 203.625 67.875 407.25 185.75 203.625 67.875 1086 —NSE BRM RR A LEED YO 名 Ete ra Apts Nee = NM に 5 ーー ニー ュー ニー ーー ニー A WSN WAN HUE Ns BRK s i u BER ZY WAS — li ノ ュ ーー 尺 7) aA 邊 ae < 無 GO 00 IDG 725 0 DU の Soin HU = SSR N Bey BX heme 無 性 X ヨー ルデン メロ ン 224 78 110 OS 1 2 468 WES dh K A ne MIG K ゅ へ K ト SO B ae fe gel en Bm © 581 184 264 128 1 5 Ge Cie A URI e MII) F208 “ | SHR WE KR RRO HME mt SAR Kn ES BRAD ENON AS AT AERA ORIN RN RSE REX K AWURRID de de SH A WEA BA Rie + te KOE REM GEN WN 6 CERIN A Hh Mem Ah * deh + RSE K A Im Sex Yao Knee SRE Mp PR + ER TERE EM S BEBE MIT RAY RINKS SORRIRITIE MOREA ERR A RIDE SAREE CY» RAO 1 Ete Sie fe SS, ea \ . BE ely MAES MASE MIS MIPS 側 烈 邊 革 ME AEE MASE QU) 7) ee 合計 無 . 42 x Aff シュ バリ ェ 314 729 104 115 > 88 25 衝 = 0 0 17 1819 無 fe 2 2g 29 57 15 10 25 20 0 0 2 158 合 | ieee eae ey Hf 343 779 119 125 313 272 0 0 19 1970 oo Se rian ane ; 2 配 側 列 無 工 MAE PE AEE = SRE ME = ANS = A 衛門 x Sie flees = 89 24 40 9 の 0 164 に コ ro FH WS a に 1 ーー ぷ ee (83) RE SS Mi Se sentelibooks | SPARC RUIN Rs stm TA? a = HAN ATY AAAI く 選 所 O° MIL RY AWN 6 HUURRIM aK PRN A REY A eS REY) eK AR ma aN ae A a tire ee \ HEN A Pe Mer ues sane SIN HE A RINGER GE BN A RIK S RO 長世 fait aug HE > FXO FON 4 AU RMD 2 In] S Be | Be | 部 He Se fe ee Me | 合 計 NAEK XR ne MBAR RAMAN’? 無 ee NNN ae | 7 2 0 164 fu # x B ae 79 22 50 5 2 0 158 Rik m NaS SN NER MR KR 合 ar if BR ya 154 60 92 12 4 0 322 4 99 2 eS x Wy? AX Sith ue Ha さき とき, MNT AM ERM = O HA os OE NR SON EK A RROD § A Oo EO ERT MD = TR] SN NBS WA BIRDS IN AA HN {ORI RRO NRE EN % a GR BS A RR BET E RR OR A BASSO RON 6 WH) © re we ae sig be ISAM) + NRE KA Ne OO. BOA Hoy HW RRND & RK Be cei ae eee AT ae en fa SHU RIM + s Ey) Eero NS RN ERE HK DO + KK A wo 4 tt x 2 R= yw hO2ieus 28 49 179 < MOMBS) s} Sl A WR) = RH Ss BORE A Sy + MB >A INRA UR INO HED SHIEH) RR SD a BAY A MALIN BENQ tego \ EA R | Bm ges A ERE YT ROTI SRINIRR 4 Ses. ie ani ee A BE oy Sa SWRA RTM m Sten PANAMA? ARAN AS RN MORE : UE 4 URE PR! RE RA EEK +N Aw SR m aD NERA C2 > APE SN HERR Bey an RO NO REN BOB 6 IK A NEE Has 1s Hise xg eee EMS] SBA SN NRE TE K Vr PNA YO IB ph eS BRR XK AHURA SHA em Ei ABSA PR wo BR ORI «SEM & < ERIE RRREM AK MAL AS Nim oe RR ne (PSA A RIN A RRA Renee PAAR eS Sins Se! RN SR NERS RR NN BEER AWN HARING AY DO BRAIN RR + A eters we OS IRIS ZS RIM 4 | A SN DEN ER K 々 ふ 9 ALA ~ ABE BEN A EEE CHR | HD IT で atcha toni 9 と 7 a ANT I NI ーー ! , : と are (82) 2014 ay see 1) BE A HERR CER 1 BED 11097 desk s a a に ANAK, SmSAAn ロ SSK ーー — \ BREN m ok BR ee mL Toy WL A 1 erat - の + ai 2X ネ ポー シル 116 55 り 1 1 223 WX ASS THS SHARIN BY a? < EER. Sa a EX ヤ ヶ ケモ ェ グ が Y 86 35 48 0 169 oe x oH AK A ME ® DS BIN MONA SHO Mm 1 = se ャ ーー Bio wE x GLH A > As \ Bi min yz 理 論 197.79 96.21 96.21 1.79 392 WN RAS Goth AY IG KOR RO HN HR OY tg HEN BR ON 4 SRK IN LER Ym AK 7S SIRO SN Ny BR BIOS ON R i — "S$ =m Om A HAT | 4 SOREN A RE RIN KO RISE EK NIG YAR BS KE Son SOMESSERK 11 | KO REA Riek JRE J SRB SN RRR BO Ry SKS Boe Bee DY LR Bate 皮 導 pas Vea m ABER AS NBR EK Re MIS ンーーーー ジ プペ ーー ニーーー ベ BR iq 『 粗 穂 PEAR ALA TERS 合 計 〇 fa is A の es 5 シン ロ T= > ^ jag 理 a iy 216.75 34.50 3450 49.25 385 BENIGN Y a PA TONS 人 Nm ロロ SSK K— $—\ Ben Msn AK VII+TWIy SHA NER Re fo ins IN AOA KX A り BGS Soe HE BEN ARM 411K AZ | Re RE RNS \ OOD KR t's mM MEK A AN INBRED? BS | N= RIE AHERN eb TEN © SPHERE K 2 RIND NTN AEM KY Do MAA ILL AEM 4 | \ NINE MR HR Hine NSO SS AIURER SD NH BEBE mee NN AR TG | A SS BED RON A Ree I? BRE Eat site S'S RN NR ae OKO HRI S BRR A BE Ke ese seas et re 有 ae 種 X 自 導い 0 75 90 0 20 SUNAUGRIGH ~ IAIER SEE 5 IS & OK te 理 論 数 16469 8208 8206 019 229 —'S— MANS ERR ARBMEN KK 1 Kn WY ait #1 tt a IN AUR © ON ERITH i MAS SR BR iy ee Fe pe Ue REO Ray AR Bs hd ¢ m a Bee ie eX 無 = 80 5/7 151 26 8 0 322 1 due x B A a PF 72 41 41 8 2 0 164 PINAY AO て < 京 尽 A 醒 燃 n 起 K 日 Ze x iit 普 306 157 206 “e218 3 0 695 AHIR Mh mm Be KA Ro RSENS § ce HNN LY ENR? BOA BRK RT ug esa 1) BV MS ners Pa) ok tle SE is WN 4 RTD & AM YA RRS NO AE AMEE SN Lm ae 5 — (EE HARALD EON BI\EEK An eK ao a ERR A SER NA A WN SOT EE x A He 4 HS 2 SONS) sf NK RABI ACHR NRA Wo EP RIN RGR = ~ # BE ly ss eS 合計 aes 有 4 種 X 自 28 256 73 329 = f° AL AE Xs es ee 313 97 410 te ate a ee 569 170 739 : ae 理 ana By 004.25 184.75 739 | SGN RRS HIE BON) Glo WERE KO ESN A 1 BKK ARIMA ee 4 8 NO aa eR | Vb EE EEN 3 Ep se Pe p ィ 1 11 fol. te BE SH + BGS See ast RN ym NER mM RI An 4 BD BX Sea ON A AER KN? SOs TERR WR | NNR A WYORRO KRY A WA Kew x Mette LEBER ADS NON EEN AN Car PN I AN fA w : reat wes MIE YEN BRECK A RMR noe Ao deo A BR uy a ae ee aes foam AN SIR NINN BEEK AK A mo Et a hee 108 4 dite = OG, 145 : 8 で it foo Wo a N08 PR AB 88> lp niNK mS — REN, STINK A MRA や ay ee PT x Ay シュ バリ ェ 102 8 14 35 159 / 時 2 ょ たつ 5 SL tintn nin ヽ Ao at en ee AO a, 4B 9 809 Het ~\ Sardis HP eR (GIR SEES SR 1 | A gS) RMR A Bee = 理 論 WM 415.25 41.50 41.50 110.75 609 aes" %, の 粗 S85 : fe oH 74: OH 91: 裸 * 緒 293 ( 線 敷 1316 ) AQ SO “ty Have 11 RX FEAR CER | 嵐 WAR? ー ゃ KO BLA REN SEN 6 BR NSEMDS Ra BROS or m BBY AO RS (ERE Rae ER BSE h AGE RO INRA HM HR BR ane = Bi gs = A ta I 膝 Ke it we @ A fa M9 Fi es i) i 谷 計 理 お ほ a ~ Be |X AO KM ROKK IK IX ぞ i UI KAR Be LEE Zz Bie 131 ャ クモ グリ 184 ee ae 117 朝 fa 267 = A ff J 119 Zs 角 シ ェ バ リエ 116 ネ FF ー W 167 ュー キシ バジ リン 110 oon ee Bl i 1120.5 千穂 27 35 28 68 45 43 56 31 ioe 97 Ops 5 合計 158 169 145 335 164 159 223 141 ヽ き 1494 1494 中 sy oh 1) BN EER | RDP? rR RS SK A NOES AK) + ERS N KR WIG K RANE MEM a3: 1 NR Gah AMA Ae て Ni KK ARM mA ee XK Yo BO NBN BA BAK A SSE A NRE INA ARRAN DA + HILREN ER BK TN A IM \ BEEK NK A A KAO ARR S m ヘ テト WA e i= \ “te A NEINEIBA AH! KER IRA 4 Sak ms BR RA WN = oe RR WR HO) BRN ARENA A NEY NER N 4 RK SP CARN § RR IRN RRA SOS 1 Qo NN EK | (28) SQ oy diet BEN A HEAR CER | BED NSE era i WEY RY \ SNORE Ua REDO ROKER +e BR 8 本 CASE MAYBE MARE 合計 BS mx 2 a 136 257 95 48 an rae: : 喜 右 衛門 x 五 LB 42 80 28 \ 145 A BEX A ORS EH S EEA m Bao NR A? RE Bet Boe a ee 44 (7 Sebel SHAT A SEM RR WAN RD 6 Bie Be] Ee a a= <“.. & Bm 222 414 156- 792 za ee ie 198 396 198 792 BK INK AWN ERE YY NO SHIN A mit 4 Multiple 3 allelomorphs m #843 K A W ヘ と KO Cr IRB Ent x A” RY | ee KD jize SEI es 構成 側 列 Se Re i EME 4 Lid ~ oy RSA RENE BRD HN REN YA EISEN Eb +s BEM IE YY OR A Bl Me oe IL W = 側 列 $8 FES PP N° 側 列 4B Tis. sul: PEAR H) SORS \ 4 SRE OK A CRRA IRE 4 NEN CIRSIR ARR RAKS BBS MORK A PAK AO ERR A PSSA) 6 SCHR y Sh Smee eH A aN SK NIK Ye A Ni0i 和 MM NERS NRE NK A ANI YAS EGR RES i iy me We 合計 4 Me AS 09:7 SIV RO | i ee a) Si A TEER A RAR IE NK RRA KEE \ Rise > YA 数 100.69 78.81, ヽ 179 ie KA RMm oe Sen A 47 CREE 4 eeiee。 「 | S81] mR) < €,C,0,0, — EBX 0" RA + RMN BK ON A REBREE ETM 4 PSN RR | ER EES NIT A mM AINE RK PEE 9: BE 7 NRK ARR Y NAY DO MR BN RRA we ye A we N 4 BRNE D WERBEI R= oh % AO NAGI ARKH 』 BER A ICR - 秋 AR ARCHED RCO ST BNA 17 eh. IEK A PADBR ot NK A ee も eggs NON RESIN TIE CO ME RBS HN BRD Be ee ee” EN eee a 論 wh 1006.5 335.5 1842 K ABER 1 OKER Wma Bin Hk A We ce NSN 4 ATER TEN RRS KEES: LSU REE O REA ER RAT [BIN BRHI A AICI RE KR | EE NN || SRBIH AR mH NS Bd Wel RON BRN RAM 1: 2 NR Reem = 2 ご = Ton w # mw HS te ee 二 27 Rind) SUCHE KAN, BRU. ERR I Kath (ARAN SHIEK A CRA RENI INRA THRRN A AR Ra NK BA WAN UT AGRINRA DARN AR RON RAR ph ta HAY «2551 ce ew cE Y [MER S SRN CHE Bone ere ee Ning 人 ‘AN | BARRY A 1 SRE SAA, AALA,A, A.A, BEE A AAA cALAZALA A, Ke ~ MPT NK Y NO 和 ホ Ns で [RUHNU 2 At | 38 BE Bt Mt ee 合計 へ O SA % a Ze x 無 ht: 463 229 3 695 さこ 4k te XxX ゴー ル デ ンズ ロン シン 802 163 : 3 468 合 SC a 敷 765 392 6 1163 IA eee 1157 2 We Sh 論 4 1158. 46 4.54 1163 HEUER A oo 5 RENEE A \ Se BIE REN KYA wv BER Y VO SID ny Bh a Gear A ERE RY AO REA RA SRE Aw on 8 aH se Re EME 1 人 | ; | トム 9 RRA BREE BRR + ae 5 LUTE CUTIE UIE 合計 RR ASE RNNR 拓 国人 本 KS % Rete dit ex 第 和 39 82 7 No6 SD Em ^ HR RH RONEN PREM & ane Te xX AR シュ バリ ェ 429 1010 373 1812 3 : Sais ee 8 1092 410 1970 AO RA WER AEN) ARIS URN ARN EA KEE 理 論 a 492.5 985 492.5 1970 1:2: 1\ RAM BN A MAH? RES Sale ¢ 回 SPN AUR BA PARA Roca o BANA REMMI em eK Ko EM ERY E EX AERIEIK RS BeHBERMA RS UNS BS OREN ARKH AK PANNA RAS NINE REGUIE IME NX A pie ah Senet 3 Po SRI yn CR HE KR RA BESUSRIBH) ( RES BE - AL GU MUTE 合計 cae ee al i MEI a i Mere ete TA. 8 ee 164 。 Hy HY Ao NM ANA 4 BREW S+ SRW - 4 EY ヤケ モグ ゲ 》 x Ait fe 195 74 269 : , => “Go. st ee ee 107 433 So) | HU BKNA AB Gr N A WN SHEN YS REIN SRR - o 数 24 108.25 83 UN BRURWE NIN NERS REE“ INN” WAR (R REO KA n= MURINE < OUI CoN TEER SS Ao RIE? SN RIN RNR Se BRGY N MINE 1 Kem 己 2 > HS RR BER 4 gow 4:9:3 \Hem aT RA RRe WSN AE NING | 2:1 \BM WEN AER JQ 1 cach < deta VRS A ERRCER 1 AD Hd dea AM soy \ SSE EEN AGAR 1 BD MP” ak SSH ef NSH BES SQ ODER An eI eo KEI RON ( ARAN BARR RO NEMA EM NAR RAK RS INAR HN HRA DE MIEKS ERR ARR EN A SESHER AD m Be HN® : H)uX $n. Bs SHIM 4 Su RRB NN RA eo BER on SER A WN RIN A Nm SURED IK SEX NN 6 RH A Sha BE RR Oo AN URE ON RY A CREMP ARN WN OKT 判 WY i) \ we KS AER BR A AN Ko Rath DHE A | MARR A UR A Pl RON SR iene Re 欠 | ft Bt GE HT BRA BEM A NO HD 4 SU BREN ARID + KA (26) we ax 自 ze «O70 eu 5 4g ep Bxs a «146 69. 215 DHMH ORK APN Se ARK DE MEY OOo ER Sy N+ Kh aye mo = G a iy sl 187 488 pee : 5 8 + Ge ie Ts sks agi ee IN KANN SAR ARK W へ トト ら SO BIB +t * A ADEA A” OP fe ee 8 2 175 1780 理 a i He 1841.75 447.25 1789 4 Hote ym BORA WEA RN RR LN A BRN NSS 4 HO” RS AH | ata Ai yom A AE | RK ih BE Ey 4 ERR BN NB DH AWM YK ABER AO ERR A HN NOR 1] HUBER SE ¢ RAT BONUS KR A eR Be Bf Rn 4 BSR A UIE my RBS KO EE NEI 4 UR = | Art | HO te HS RB ME NK PO ON NR R= RRA =e ox BE ity Bt Ate ee Avail nity \O SS Hee tn : ees 4s Hm fox Nie eee et BE ° PER A A IREEGEER 11 GR rN ER SR MART K A だ aut te x 革 zis 101 55 2 158 By 8° ByrKeticy) 63: Bl Vi eM RPAH : | 舞 ex Rij シー ハリ ーー TU10 語 655 We 1612 : 7 : : Ke 0 や 00 7 8 322 RE WAY a Ww OBS RON KO use a a 4054 1212 5266 ik 3949.5 1316.5 5266 IN AOE HA SESE oy oy SORE KO ES A NN SH IK A tees AR Soy Ama 1) BE 3 ESRRCER 1 BD) IMP

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Bx he vie SB & Bk ok x ae RE ee a ge to oa ee O00 00 〇 HE Me | 7 | a ee Oe ay Wo 7 —at Be eee Pees ga a aE SS aL Ie ee Oe : Ne THR VPA = Ab = F iB 及 先 EMR Sm, aR? REY B 所 所 ce Bh QoeE 償 8 2 Bins #2 | get Be | て at Pee Be g@ ih そ 製 | モラ シン 一 定 モ と 同化 gp STOMA Fe SP BeOS ル 察 | と 生 疾 九 め ) 2° Score HEHE * Fog BERS Xe X wih 217) 元 』 Bate ae 。 8 2 27 ghia ge Be) S270 dy See SO fe Oe fee ie gl 人 ie > ARR IE 含 ば る 一 Mi oO OY Wig RE 度 子 を と ツ 度 OMT cy AE i RS Se SE Soa 東 TD b Wl 7 I Se 水色 7 RB Be Bh BRE 哀 回 化 分 ml Rta Soe a RD SE ee eC RY LOL at pet fal oH MS | RH 園子 と 法 ^ 開 RABI BAR 1B. fi 4 p= | Tolle Ae UsSi ds FHOSR IED ai get} woe WS て ラク eo Clee 0S qe 0 | ea GA etre xe エー ミ = 解 。 理 fe | ee Se 量 VAR ER \ 的 理 Soeie aS 剤 Bs a Bit ARS 5 a. Bim BL 還 博 fi 、 年 第 町 町 町 へ 化 る に 油 BEet 金 月 第 : eu “ + _ 四 元 2 FR £Qvi bt + Or, ced) eI & て の MELO BA Oo 小三 DP Bo 北 盛 東 So 外 a NOSE ee Se に = Hk £ BERR a i ge eee AE Ob 2 OR Lt s Sere eae f apes ay sue Jus ~ ie RR eek geet ae 案 て 分 雷電 が eS mr . ms ey : ES 9s の で ys am ヽ ae " = SABRE | = | mae Rees eae RE) 1 。 WW HANS 3 NRL ee BRE y SD PDO MTR Reeser eaee] MEE 1 CER) ae aE BERR dni eS) ial ERSTE NaS ice dm Rowe <@ £m SH RU Sy wr(OoRM \ cin SIKBRRENS EeRe NW SGET YY i] [ME yf BOGS em KA Nr” Re peat s Sk 4 Rey Ae RO) 2 N BRM Bes RO RA Ry RR Oy 2 GMS Ror HIN I Oo [BRS SN RRR 4 ES NNER A WH RHN HA RIE [ Reman? KEK ISS SEND m RR YOK KA PASE ae 4 > #& °(A polyembryonal plant of Oryza sativa. —H. Ko- | MURO) Hh (の > Nis BR N a io iol SHR ae Bai 1 Xm d HERR Biochemie. der Pflanzen \ KEIM AY NITAOK ANS Hem hE OP で 選曲 て SHVRI+ | SSR IBA Re nd へ ” 4 SERRE Ne RRA Bs Nm sh th USE SSN \ Ra HER SRP AR RK Hee NAS NY Do BRIN RA Hey BER ND NF 一 沿 ER ia Canta 4 EER ! NGE NBs he ho I = nae Are (a eee リー NN |? RROD BRIELS - RRP \ eae eum eee 1 oN TERS SRR TKR EE A 7 WXS2 0 Bn a 田 w Rae SMR RGN HEIR 6 B+ | mes PEW et DN a EX CSR BRACE )° BREE RON HEM MID 4. KN Br SENOS AR QR HRIER SAREE BS Rin ar Rp NTR Bay dD» & AOR ME Kin Rm A RRS Q\tH\ Euxanthinsanre + 3 Hang} Euxanthon m & ea Ree A hem EY PN NBR 4) Huxanthon SdoRm 絶 eX ASR 4 NATTA NAAITRSN Nin © NE Best m die Ah ee aya ne ae Neem > ab dN tN BE Sapse See | Re JAFFER @ Nee > WS 'R OAR > NN a n 1 Aged ASN LEP RIAS s BERK A Bap mn ap EE Dh ITER N BOS IN ABN AER RK A & RO fe. fe | mE 1 | | a £ €& tithe em AM RR seh fo mate em ete | Ss? oR me li) Re Hail Set 時 ma te Hohe (23) ~ mim. KL A EK — ih NE Fissidens adiantoides 、 Hepw. \ HX Am BRET IN Ay ORE TON RR E RS DEM INR DAO OBryum capilare 1. RMP IOA LU ee HN RK ES HST | REN RH AP OPolytrichum commune Le : MMS YK AKAD | Bd Nee MAK Hi} RS WAX AMORA RNA mM SKN HER K oS CS WORD | AP] NK) NSIS RA | BORN ROH | -K Re HE SAR NK AOR A 5 BO Ke + BER KS oo \ ERK AS . © Fontinalis hypnotdes Harr. RMR AA SH DNR WEE EK RR SO HE 4 BRIBE earch ee BE KAP MO A HE | RDI | KEAN KH ARURMN AK NORA MORE er nde \ PROSE) NSB A + RSE HY rs REO SSHOC Hime 7". glaucimm 4 LT. glancinum へ 2S 4.—° (Aquatic Bryophytes from San’in hip (2)—Y. IkowA ) Zanes くる fi se we TA KAR GRRE | VERS, RE ES TEX A IR ERICH | BA RASIBN Smy al 5 SN Sah ty TES ot far IN OAK \ Mag m IY IN A - SE) Ge ee BF TIA RMR | Oct. 4 Three developmental stages of polyembryonal plant of Orys1 sativa. June 12 May 20 (22) 7 oe Wl ae Hey SK HEARD ト 、 ふ の | 必 舞 4 EUR SM BK Se Ron eK oN aX KE Veer |p Ki | RS eS A RR SR SY 1 RENK” 2A) BBs DI Aarnmnaynans® OvitkS (i) Gomphidius viscidus (L.) HE. (RES) SRHEC’ SERRE” Ge ee ee” Se A nl” DINE OA a6 ¢ MD Hage (Aygrophore- ae)? MPnSe (e+ PIE m ARRAN REINER NN” HG 4 ACT He SSR En EE se ee AS ER eee wo My RAB R AS GR Nh RR LARD IB , SBS NOD SED NSBR BEN” EBS ke 4 aE SION? HE eR ENE A Hy OW? SE Rn RK ARN MR eK’ 中 ホホ スー と ミポ pel RP VRRH- LARD? BIN HER HE Ao’ Br > KEE SR AT SERRE IN BEN” MORRIBU 4 GHEE A =“ BE WEE § Sia) ON BESER NON ERI A Kr AO BR HESS NENT PRE A NBER BEN WHR | fC SRS KAS “ Hig 4 WEBS eH. Sh” KEVE+m 1] +1) [cose Re BIER ~S SRM RIE A SRN RR KY D7 OH 4 WSS EY" SE SK IE K O(Notes on Fungi [118]. 一 A. Yasupa) Sass HHO (11) 4 8 ® 2 OOhiloscyphus rivularis (RCHRAD ) Loxsk. BAT Hx SCARIER op oe CERT BE) ~ > er ( HARRIE Kn PAR OB | SE RC HK AN BRN RK Ria bot - SBS SEN RE m BR NR NB HIN AO mh KARE mim” RBM RK pS SFR x KSI ARR ARN eK ORS | ax ake | QUO ON” BN RAR A mK 4K? GERBBR ON) [HAO HES Gh | 4 BERRI ah ee EER bat) | HER KR ny HOE Ea ESS HK A Chialos- WRN=K YD” KEEL Chiloscyphus polyantlus CORDA. WA cyphus DBeschereller St. HN ERA AT 1 < IRE RLT Re SEEK Ib KA A SRR NAR aX? ORiccia japonica Sr. Sse BP HOE BS ROSS ae 4 BURG WK A NB WINA + KSA Piecia +> RAS EASES MERRIE Syne Kemi, Re e+ SO SREB yh Sts | AIK A Riccia canalicu/ata HorrM. 本 へ Ry BERIE VER Id HID Mesh ad EER Late A A 8 x RMI g teem s HOE H n° oe OFissidens japonicus Doz. py Mork. — | | RRS GES Si HN AKIN AER AR de 4 BRE ARR RRS KAP SH ATI REN A KER | be 2 Ht 中 = = te ee PO, (21) IT I ENE OE Sy a rr a a en Ee Fo Hepat NS Ao PERIL ee CN ーーー で ーー LO INEM 4 ミン ニニ ニニ ニ ンス tec emi . 2 = と ; pein <6 ut = RH NR | SRA BSS amt RC yt Am BY NO ARTY IRS 6 RIS ty HE SN RIN ERR Ni wm Dn He he wn KO (Hm e° RAT KL | BETS) (Y. Oauna) waeeeene (| |<) € - 田 & OSS (SKINS RES ORE) . Trametes sendaiensis YASUDA sp. nov. CERMR) SGRRED” ek eee” a ee” ane M@QIANLDE’? MeQIOADENRS Mra 4 Rr S A GENS LE BA RR 4 Ro Nw eeu A Ro SESH ORE h A BSE m OD BRA BER AT PES DN REE BR foe | RQ) | Nth Ko fA AORN | we x-tatKn’ BYE BR + FEMS BEM An SERENA” BEE 4 RA AN BBR oe HK SR ARN Baym BE RINK ~ HE OW HSE HR i 4 Sa 7% AR Be N BIR 4 RES mM OWN” poke 4 O18 > ih tn 4 RA BN * wp Oe | ARBOcl| ma H— LAK AD? RRAD h PEIN OK Hs 4 BRA SR NEN EEA Iob A tg BOrl|ma%*— LAK |” MORRIE, SEEM BN HM ( MEIER NID BA ON EPRER A WRIST RINE SR ok BK AO SHERI. KE We LO, Bele 的 N° KH RE | Rt Eth Rak EA SAO X ae BRIS eK KYLE Re + | op \ Ky AO 3 i 4. RE BRT YA ¢ 66ND (Trametes serpens — Fr.) | RE KS eo Bee MR SRA NEN AR RS^ LES MeO’ BeNOR A ne AT Lem Nm (SOON mA NAN | meey dO’? Ries BRK IN AR A BNO YN 4D BR( Trametes) . SRE A % Bhan y (TRS IRD Ss A SHNRM I D” BQ, ( SQgRS HSN BSoOKA me NnNOD ( HSCRDO+ANMAS Ree OSRSESNS Beat) RE) Hydnum rufescens Pens. ees (GRER) SHRED” RES E’ Peeees* UE ER ne” 16 a S45 FLO MRE HR I om ARE BEN” RK 4 HEN oN SEE SMH Nh RK LARK A RIC SRY SPN On Kes 1 OW Se. Sim Ba” WE. EA mA NHS ERT RE SS nN ER BE DON FEMI NBEN WR | oC PNR LA KA Dy —+2K > RIVER) BRA Ad HWA SRIR SIN BEN wT | HR HR SAR A RMD RS SX ATP MOA BR ONE RED A” RHC RK SN (20) HRHCSEG «Nig — TSB tS 1 | be (1917)\ Sm V1 [St yl REY A? Re PAR SR &° BERRBE BQ) Ki Rn 4 1 eR Be NGPA RH SEN IEA ASK AN AN BEN ADRES H&S BRR SERR IN BBS) REN Sm NK RA PN AWA \ Wee 6 BSS 4 MERE A ICSE RRR A TERRA AN RRO So ER | Ho REE RRR Ritts | SSSR + BRR NDR SRR IE KS 論語 end to end 3p side by side *R\ DER’ B RSKEES RB AD OKHE A PHAKA RSH OIA NNN FERS PS BR) HOP EMRE IE & N REN \ REREK fai AXRE SHR BX EE SS A RRGIEE SLO OD ONE No REN NE Ro" NER ESD MH Be 和紙 Hit [IBERIA BERS eR RS [x Vib> K 4 + RRS IN) 5 BRK A BBS \ hae BS 32 1) BERENS? 1 A REREAD ASH DY a" SRC Pat) SN RI SRP BR ADH = oN b — jh | Morgan \ Crossing-over >< IN Ey BES) Y RO Morgan \ kei) m & Drosophila melanogaster へ Res ee SIRS NTN HA NEE PAROS MR Ra ABE BX LDN KD VMS <\ 8] ) NHETHG! HOR RHEE | HR” ROHN RO RON 4 AQN HO TON SEI + TEGEm RC A apthers aR + BSN RA BS Nw i) SABRES SNS = BN BK YO ORK NN BER YIN + ARB N SR ms Bt Qa | 1] Oa S Rodi PREG Nh | BREE SRAM A AND! RY AO RT ONG < ER — oe A KRHA K fh of Sn EN REI SEEN BH > KA DEER SESIENE 1 Dn EDGY EK ABERS\D = 9 ee | | (T. SaAkAMURA ) Ny — Hk [4S oth I RES CHopatT, R. Principes de Botanique, III me édition. 878 pages, 921 figs. Edition Atar, Genéve ou Bailliére & Fils, Paris. 1921. Mie 'S KERR Tk ES HOHE ER ON EKA RR BC) ROVE EBC IRI 1) ann. RUBS» IN ABR ONE SRN ERIE Nr NERS YN = KO HE SIRT] ES 4 HERES WA ow IN LE PON YW Eee SS Mm iN Soo RO WN hae NO HD 4 HEN a HR ASS of [oS A ACH ON ER B+ 6° SR | Hot | SRY BVB SOW 4 HHO Sea ERR \BERIS GED” Be” A” VSR Bes EEN Bar” GR EES KS A NEA VER Ay 0 OR Som HES YO SR] [HI 4 SRS SER tN” BE) S aR SS” BSS Br ON SS Ho) Rd SRS IR ASS AO SRA Ra FR 6 Ee” Be SEE RR HART SB) © RR” at)” aR my Sa RS Bead \ BRE BD RINE S HOR EP AO SRT «EMBER PRS SWC > REBT HOUR” NB” SEDER ER OD 7 fe \ ORE ERX AO | NHS MN HED) ty SE A NAS GER ER mm RC KA Me Bk -TriA DW ® HE (19) pees ’ t \[ Sphaerocarpos \ SPREE IRE) BOT RO RUS ; NON NTRS Gi RKB AD AOR GBR 6 HS Gat 1 DSSS ROE FERN RR FERRER RD XO Xi > HIELER~ REE SRN BE BA NR RA DR BOR PREG NK? QIN K ABER RROD HO ASs | ABN By SH RRB A RIK AS 4S HE AK DE KNAA NER En Po PREN- CNG K oN m Re AEN SRN PER 1 BE IN AAS | (Y. SrNorO ) oN — Nik [SSB ah a SHarp, L. W. An introduction to cytology. 1921. published by Mc- Graw-Hill Book Company. New York and London. qe Belg | BEX A EHTS = Ko RED ew RRS 4 SRS Rin, Bey KA ey PKA NAN ee IN A&A RE RREBSNIE EO” BARS RABY INA & PENSE O'R SR HER YON A KABLER 4 BEY KR ER AO ft, SR mn aN Ye BS | RR I Y BRM SN RR IKE) AR ARE RANE A 1 WHEY RA CER | AON Vege Ra” RHINO. ANI HD | SELON ER yp BN A > RRS TNR mm BN Bt m NK Bb BEX ApS En Sema we | ON eI Ya < AWK ONT) BES Hs 8 SRBC N BOC A mM ER KR RON © SEE ST ah uy BBN A OBIS) \ phd m BeBe > N SEHR MN RT REE OS m WEMES TRH SERB RA HE EN | BK BS m wt NH Ran 6 BYERS TRINA A HT! DNR Ne $2 i od. A aS 9) Gey SHO Yoo BEN BHD Y 7 SR | Hi] Ree SS MR 1 Hm BD NERA ER MATEY A” RIBS. Shel RSs em |) MESES ES \ SHEE AN NAD oe ee Din gex At + NHR NY EAD ARMA NKAERHAT R SEI SEN de | BEX ATRL ARRIVES S Ta 4 HE SHIN TR! KARI RNE AR A RE BSA IS ASSET BIN A 2 BE AN A Ach WERK AGRA A? ER Pe Nt aA DS Nraninnkg =] RIC RINK h*’ NSO D— 4) PRA ADIN kh | ES. BSR yA ~ tN 4 HE Ey impin’x © REA % wp ERBE Cytomixis + 2 RSE DA SINS AT | SQN QAI A RENE 4 RR RRS ROPE OnE? 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BES KRIS BHARAA UMA Oo Bs epi 5 Gil Sahm = eu BR NRE HA EEN YU RINK DIN? BREEN BRK A ABE Ss SEEN BR K Aah 'R nA Beem aH aA HN RAS KOA ae | yeXeemdo pe RA | SEM MRA NA TANT nN NM へ NAS A RESETS BS. RAO ARR WIE ERR ERA NNR ERK 3 KRU I REI < HOD a BOM OWN A HHA Y Oo RA URN VeRO NS Hon iad + obs Be eS BE Heh A BSARIRIR NAN SE ERTR m SNR C0 A Eh BHR IR EN) NRE N Ser & A WN NSN 4 RAGES EER Rr RGR ER SES 11 SRR A [REMEBER N A UMHA Yo RR KARA PN SN SRT | \ Bobet Em NN IR OR A MAO He nN BREE Sin ine eS eK) ¢ Rie BRS Mae HH A ERE NEN A Bev Sak \ SEE RI SRK N AP RS HN RY Sh SRN RUN Bk BAD KRARY KRMTKAN on? Stree RR SE RARINE 1 BEER nN A BRN > NDR aa) Ks RAIN A NEN NASER RY 2 > WA REX SES A AO RL nN EXCESS 4 NS Ri HSS | BOs AWA TO NARS EAR IDK A HAIN A CA” BRD NRE BEE OR A BER ~ KN Aa Wnne ( Y. Ogura ) AT DF— 2 BK OPIS s Belge | Spowanrer, A. M. Chromosomes of Conocephalum conicum.—Bot. Gaz . Vol. 72, pp 245—249, Pls. 1V and V, 1921. KAY OR REK ES ROE RRS EN A tt, Bey Py DN NS ih | Rn BR A A 6 ES Be Bx aR IN KAS (CRGBER PE RR RK Se ES ~ o HE Sy 植 Nez 7h Alem mca = Wa 1" 7) SE AR MH Bete Sy WOE | RRS | BR By em KA RA BREN S doe NEE ARSED (SARE BHR? OH RBPN BD) NRRL m ARAN a ey TRAINER Nh AO matt | ENC SRADHE RR m MOBS Not” AIAN Sn tae mt Py Sep Sea A OER SH Bm Bh RR MNRAS SO | SHURE ¢ RR ERSLN'R GRRE m mw IRE NRRL S @ HS mo SB RAK KA or GK SBE +m )° | | : | AMIN URE A \ BRO SN SERN SR Se 6% RE ow RRR ERS Re KAD RRA A Hes BS MRS A RCo} BrOR* ORR RH IR REN ROP) om oN aR 4 A&A RRR m Hoe 4 BOS ES | BH RAR DO H-RERMS SN REN m SN > OO REE An ema SERIA BREED * PN RE 1 SMES) m WOE Yn A a KEYS HE of SN HD Sh SBA MGR KO RR REIZ ERS BRA UR EC Se BH \ BB ee SO NER RANK PRAY RON KO RRS BER aR AS AE IR a FRCS M SQL PIN A BAK S RGR BR KO oS 6 HR) SES) BK A SI SS A SR RIN EEE A RRR Dr FN y GRR YN A) Bias AR ey EES SEY ROS m A BRB HK KO : CRITE -K ae Se SSM 1) IK 1 Or 1 1)* Bre SN ee XY AM RR OM “py ieee SIAM RP AMRLE Sh SH XX TH NRC RR? BES. DD H-HS~ IRR BERS \ KM ERICA Ss EKER ARO aR BE SS Ho mk CaN 1 BBR ABAD AS BR Bis 1 3H, SH Xx TH m RGR ON FREE A ERIE A ES NN oh RHR pk et ee) へ 距 oe lee Sa th MATE RRR RE Ry § 1 BHC GH \ HERR Am a O | a 1] ey A do : KAS EH BLE YD | BS Bide « RLY RE WRU Re WRENN KHUN AE mo ERY ROMP NORTE A SER 111 eR DN aR, OH, 10H eX 15H 人 へ > ネム NN SHU HS aR er MNGs HERE | A KE REED Dh RE Mee RE (ER Meee (OH, OH x TH’ RO RMeeee : OE, 10H xX 15H mR Yon A » \)s$ | On Hee wy 0 SE EACHE 4 SREP ERIN A AHEM NR DRA BH YN A + RAR” 中 < HERS BRB HEIN eR DR A “EEKISHES Et | Ad SRR EIGERIRREMICIK” BAD WK KARR BA nb S > KAM — i ME SD A Bi h- Fon ps eam — 2 eR RS EER OE mmNN< eR AME HIS TRA" See is oe Rone SE MARS He) VES SP 2S Basen an? | | | did be og. ok ae dei ies MO fee RA MANIA %* DA WED AH 0 VR ot Kh HK A A BEBE AE An RRA RH IRR 1B KADA a BPE SRO Dk NESE = REN ORE MKS \ BRN 4. SOR yh ERA NNO ) BREE Oe aR ae See eee ロ aaa mere er ere eee re eer ee eee See SSN RSH RY AP Fes る if ROR Hipro Komuro. On the Effect of Réntgen Rays upon the Growth of Oryza sativa. ARE AC Ghee om Rt a BH HR CS) SEER ¢ RACE PR Seam HO ONERED YP A GREK BERD WN OH R 5H BRAN Ie BIER) D BE mn BBN TE) BPRS SORE tN RE FR HD くく SRI Be ERE RARE oe SANTI AU ein th VOerg com & ( WHA BRN A de ¢ eRe ) Re) SEEM EK Be | | RR En Ey dW ERY NAN KANAK Ree SW へ 4 See ATRIA THERM Is の Gorpsonwippr KK ~ a ADAH ANE U-ARP DNC HD 4 we ((C HNH-N:), O.H,0,CO,]ba | Xx? | HHoxagaNR. HOR, | Cin eK AN KA Ve NRE ES (R44 Seo ES | Inet S DAD ANR SO OSS CNN OANA HARE DANK RO HNLIDANNAS HNL — ASE I A WMS Rn 4 ae \ &° Po omni NAR SERA PAR BRAK YA HR EN DO KD? ISEB H— bam AW Ra) BeEK AHA x deal oo A RNS Hob Ss mM BE A oe 4 SOR ye Sy ee Rem BE gop AERA URSIN A RES \ ER m BERD AER m BRAS KON HSS \ SE SK RU Nm EN AN KA MABE Ke a2 OX” SNE 4 EES KER RK ObINS NM Oh A HN LE | | Soda yD Wye ¢ BASES y BD & A Bi ea NO mn iL SEH A” Sisco WBA mm RRR [AC conan MBG ALEEO MHRA” RIERA NERS | BV yy mam a NY HEN DRER NIIR YK MARS i ED MEER us See mod in WEE RE a pata A EN EN NN ょ 時 ロー nian nibae 9s ieee + 20> i OW 植 BD 第 誌 ーーー ーー ニニ x + (11) SS x ce 5 an 4A ] {REISS 4 EE ie: foe =. iz の No A i = ie ヽ ted J oN に fl + IN RIE K り = ee WW SeRONV BYR CORA SN, HHS ‘eR SN 4 Gorvscnmmpr WH, SRP AR SbINS VA HPD he at ORR I A A SEK | MIND A SSR EESE + SA) BK 1 > REPRESS m DY SERS WHR RSE NES RO CR RARER 6 Pe NRA SR LERNER A ANEKR AO - Se RN] OM ALS \ RSE RED RDAMRE DD - +S AN BER SOMERS MAM INneS ee ee Sm Qn Hs SEY AWRNAN KAM ABH «7 NIBK Se RASA I > SEINE RE 4 -° Se Re) 5 WRB Sgt HR mh BEES my ON SERS II i ACTER RA Hob a XANES MS MEK NAN Me 。 MER BaBern wr KS トド 4x Sai Hee SAIN YK 7 1S 7. SLU NBN Gud | ABI de é | MBO \ REN GK’ HeoO NDA : RIN DBM ARN 4 fo EHS SESSA NK” KNEE Barener- SCBC Onna 1 は 7 さと NSR RU ご | SR RNERHCCoFT000) ANID TNE] RRA CR ee ee ico ARIES SRY ND 1 | 前 Ko Heke ERD IND NSE Odo BEX AER CD NDR RRA HRMS ERR |) RRND Ee - (10) 90 EN HRN BRD IN DN SSeS 1] BEN A EACH NOK) ME MELA TERR |B) REE EH | 7 et R Rim LiswerMann KWH yy Ss SRn An BREN ATS GB ORK OK 111 O-ORYE 日 Odi! | OIL K =O-ORIKO Mih— 2-H | DAD a VMARN REMAN NK ACES S Emp SN) Ie ロ Bt $8 && CCopH2yO14- 20) in = SSS 4\ tent 人 @ We i Bei i Be O tl ie O40 Ras m SK Nm Em A i に SS4⑨ BIR oom Oe ie Rik 。 Ble O48 NWR Bl+ B11] | BI com nie Fo th Beek Snr’? BRA ise RASCVAANH ヽ BH HERR. B11 SN BRAN BOD eC RI IN ARES Se RENT ADAH ON UR Ree A nh eRe A WA HRINAS MIM Ry BYA NS h—- SVK, HBR My BSN An KAMA (SLi Oe) Bose SSK HK Se | LEX ON EIS OK ER 8 ERE A RN I” BR PH RVR BLAM INAR = 1) ORE K AEE HR Ex EON SR | ARI A RR STEER AN N wh K 営 RQ = | = 2Ald Ni / ー = , Oe N's yy o NS ORO. O+ [Milli] 0-010 Spe aes La ee anges Bg EUK Cor 1.011-(CoH,0)2) | | FN 4 Bee y Nw SKY A N&R ‘HRS SEL ve IKK に EGO に ES に Sit Ble O Bled] \ Bede eR m = Nim BRtQ x A m BEC RSE ae BE © GOLDSCHMIEDT WH RII PHASE RON BSN ANN PH ANKObINDA NH WEA» 4 Kir SN Phos SOK p WO Se By BES AEN. SE MRAEON y SIE A RR EA KIND 7 pba te eo A hOB ‘ROMER \ TEREM BON A nem BER & RO El seine BAS RE NA RE Se REN oo ESE RE RR ine mR SY AIR Scag ENN H —ih 2} NERD Heth? mM BED BK Ren oh’ NAn Sy’ BRR roy RsSyo RAs th? ZMNADHWAN A く SEaEm SSK NN NA MHA ma Me) OER Oe yh BRIS RD EK A IRR RHA RE AND hts VB RASS N(CH,C(N-NH-CO-NH,CH,) § S 1 + BOK A° 5 ら : HA nS RENN REAR UE) HERE NBER 4° ロー —ibham dy Sn? H — ih 3m BEA kee ee 2 Hi ~-= We We @) DE KR NN 合い SMH AMA ET cage) | AHERN ER C28 60 NEN REED IES SRS RAR SB SR Hem OK si i pu ae al eee ina in ーー — HOLT) | HR 1 Sets SR ARTS RR SEER 4 IN | 2S i kk & z ae OS 人 1 Ori Ett | 6・OK 111 a Ol pine One 1 a OrOK HH 日 O・| MK や Ovni {43 O-OK 111 万 O-OTKKE O+ONEIEI 0+ OOK II HCRAYSD i SERS fz 回 区 ロ iz iS al ie an CC) 1 13041) lag) Soh R DihinS Nm a wp | By SBA a? Nae ae ANIND NV OAH oONKRMORS Sn eB n? KAM) DAago0 NEVO KPH ICORE へ < KO ef CAC HA cS BS YSbhVnN RC RI MYA» KIS oR EHR BN Hh Sy | Em BR ARS REN m BRI A WA HK] WK 1 O oe WR IGE] Gs Lona si ee = = Qe = ===) WP RO e RV NBR AER HK aa = 144.9 Q t ^ NL 4 HSS Ble RYH AO i] SeRSE NV Ne h—ay : 6 | Se RSV | com BE 2 ag RE [eg Cy QR oy Bee ey | BPaz ot ~\ aaa RN ANGER | NWSE YA SEREM a1] come” No Sen an ea yng の Se oo K £ x H Mth m > POE my ORY RE ¢ BERN og] f--O*O708 O: | HO] O- O11 RK 日 Or liKi OxMHMMKII OOO 1 N SETESLSS IK mh > RET AOL ORR PE BR ERS EF BAB CCoH1401-(CoH; 0 一 HO) sa RH TIO CoRR に >" RRS NSREK (SIN RRO O O-A O ihe Omg ome NN oN TROLMIEN RAEN # th— REM yD HN KAO OO— J—CO—C—C—CU—0 — | . | | hae ir 1 で し レ に に oh. hi \ tte - > af 1s We oN ROBE HET [PAR SNE N 58 0) Sh SPARE NA ie 4 Sl | & a eee Mp s HBnE Sm BRICK SS RRS N SERRA BO HBTS BREN INDY) SRS (aS 1) BEN A FE ERC RN AO RO ARR | BR) YER Xe HEN aS A RES QnR 1) BE A HERR Cn an SR HRD SRR ae | a) QE He ie の 5 & x 2 RRND PH ALY) RES EI com MoM Reo BG Ox1 RI1O 、 ONVOH O-0KOK wee = O・] や KO・H 還 や O 0-O%-PE DT XE See ら と 私 | SPREE AI EN RA ARS fim $25 EA FA He aS (Co Hyg0jo°H,O) m Sip a QA HIYA さ sma Cmte Ai RM NC] OK VI O NER EGS Sa Rm 旬 吉 揚 呈 Am os EY NN SKU Be they AG ie Be ee ee ON (past ae xh + ))° = 紅 Re 回 ミ tae NE ws O・1 1 SR O-ff1OY OC-OnpR 1 Se RON RE SES yagi saree ERE C0 0M ESP Bs 8 ieee | MERC IER ATP ]| * Hy) BLE 同時 K A WAKE | BRB INK ” Mel ¢ SShemEH i yom ss +) RSE mA BPR AHN A RE NEE YH AWN NEEM Re YA ope NRN MS mr RE "x © | Het ee my SA SSeS EES AE Am DN BEM A on |] iy SEEM ARK ミ nes A oh Mahe きす | SUS CBRE RC (dae |S) or BRE 6 ROHN SRR HK” SR RIE KOS く 1| RT HOO eN MM AB ei Biepy im MRE? | fiJOw Mama] |*Om Bateoe | LS OO 4% pelea 5 SaMn Bits « «0 HES SESE (7 DG AN BS SERN YN IRI BB He] Si Re NNN GEE IEN 4 HEHE FN LE: EE MPN AWW ANAM EA IMS SEER m a Hee eg HER YAS REN 5 Bie). wm aS Seek ER | A) NEN EERE el ONS A Nh RRERE TAIRA St yg ASEDIM NOY” SP LO ite) bin Hn” HN RS Be ie rk Baicalein) \ RE ! a> HB K ? ャ as-Tetrahydroxybenzol (1,2,3,5 Buetow CNM) 6 fn | Orrmsege QRS AP \ = BRAT ABER A 球 冊 店 昧 り 震 AN 抱く で 信 らい きく 皮 豆 放 部 起 K SPN ETN DO : : | : ii 28 a | KSibiIn> \\RA | | | REE IE KRY ALO Gr Seutellaria indica L. ~\ MHBtB [+ | BPm LERSSES my Bhim Mar a MUS SB) MRO KEE DBE RC das] | SY NRO Rl EY A SRN SR RRO SARE ャ | PEMA RES NAN RAMAN BD - MAIN MR KBB ENA AREAL RRR 42| CLAUSNITZER FHI REE y EK eK ANAM KAMAN MSN A. RSE BK eon SK BRE XBR) 人 | a m-ANAN KA NN ARN Ka TINS Br Ree ARIES \ Keeton く Gorpscmmrppr WHS on] ROAR ONS RES BK? BIC H AMBEN 1 4 SBS Sg A ROI NO MRE NER a BUNK AHA RNS ADS NMS A* RX GOLDSCHMIEDT RA IQ wy DHE Teme Mm Ort 8 x He | ‘ SE RSENS SARS —-AN AN KARAM S (1 / S\BSRn Be HSK AB LIRA Meh ERS S | Gea) SEN 4 DN al Aas REMI? KAT ND RDA ANB EHR | BE RO 3 eS SOR im 4 | | Me) SK > [Ka Bd A WERE YK AIH ER RN RY ARES RR ANS re 2 — ; Sy aK 2 Rl ix Go.pscuminpr th ~ finda ¢ IS BO | See ee ye See | RM EEE 9 SM IO. CED ecg ee pe ee REIN IDLH EN ERED A ( RIRIERE BQK : S SHR BC WRK es | ehh x HEnEAS A em 1K XO Hele BS an Sve) SKI MOR 11 BEN A HEAR CON NOR) HR A ROL te MR | BR) ge ET BRT a 6) Xe SE NOS) KOS 1 BEX 2 RCN NOK) ARE RSE RR |B) RAE Be HY \ ERBE Scutellarin Nm 一 mA (Wogonin) ~ NEY a” RAS~ GERK 4 HEMEL \ Bes ARSE ASIN NP SRE CNY Oy HO, HARMAN CBA RE RHE AS RANT DANN = BK EN Bh ARSE EN Set KMS RA CARN SN AMY A ne RRS RE yo SMa ROBY HK on ee Bh, RE 2) | AK * Gite ¢ Zmmsmr K\ wy AS | BN Kf NEMA Re A Sb AR Ble pp, Wogonin PRK RSIS BE A HESS BERR Som ERR N REN HRS Hoth AIRE (le eS Baicalein mR K^ piel 4 RESERV S SR a ON Gere mh BE SP TA MBER AO NUS y ARB poe RK EME om = RY A Rado Baicalin Reese Baicalein 4 J VNU ANN J NBN W/E \ SBE RNIN Dd FARR | SRD NRE BRK AN GR\ SRS BNI QA HANES DRO ENIND * AKVERn Ke ND ONAN Ro ARB Ri So Gen > % Cc *8H | BS Add38 oo 思 Hisetin SSB) |B San a ¢ D3 Vee Kas Nib De VX SdoR(Chrysin, Apigenin, Luteolin, Galangin, Kimpferol, Quercetin, Myricetin #?) = XBMI/ES+ out oe Cp eS Baicalern. Scutellarein. (ば OLDSoHMIEDT. 1901, 1910.) Gossypetin. (A. G. PsgRkrN. 1902, 1913. eSB. Wie y te KX ) Quercetagetin. (A. G. Parkin. 1899, 1913. Tagetes patula \ Whe) te x ) — 1 OH 。 Brot Baicalein xX Scutellarein 2 Flavon 0 SS Ne Flavonol Rahs y SNE? Nowe NS ean ee . (OO R= 3 as a Rompe” Quercetagetin xX Gossypetin 4 HC 1 ego ーー CNR NN BRK ABA SBR SAK SIV RA WN KA Bh RAN SES BO A 4 eA Baicalein (Xs NES IAS K キャ Retellarein) Nw Fs = 3 3 し ‘ = = “AR yesh Ree pee ay : > ; : (5) R-boin oD es ee Sy ee NAOE MIKA AEN A alee sats ater Sen Hee Rain Hare 8 Bae sey RESIS Ce m RE < “NA Re \ Hees NIE K RES || \ RETNA BEEN SI N4rn As Hp + 2X | AN? ee - | AIBN WBBM MOAN IEEE In Sa NSE SRE HK A mm Ag Nie dL SBMHY - thy A WN HES Ve ye! ag o\EXaq 4 Baicalein \ ENDO NN SR oH poex eR YA XD Ym XO at es ape f2 | . Big RY ar Miah 4 Scutellarin WREAK A OAS n VEX a foal | on \/\ a N\ GHD PRN A
Scutellarin (GoLpscumimpr xX Morrscn HEE) pXybeety Baicalin m Mk X Xs 88) KS Ss FR SS ES) 1} SHE M9 mK RE EH MER YON A + KAA (Czarmk 8 Biochemie der Pflanzen gs ) "RA 1 SER RR SE A Oe TE tr 4 BREE INA PERK AYA” HORRY se “TNR S AHR 4 UR HEH SOR atae A Be eemrI ey Hf Ay 90 ae es ns te ce MIR > HESS SHS y nN ds WEEMS er Scutellarin. 2 [AN RAH PNA a Beh a Rey GOLDSCHMIEDT KR Monisca HEH \ Scutellarin \ Q035 1 Ba Ase y mR 4 Sin SEE MBO NRE 1 ims ^ SE HERE rN HEN NT VSS EEX A PSRCR N 生 h HEARERS SPRY BSR | 18) AHL ete (3 nee HAXr NBN IN RN SRS OES 1] BEN A EER Cm NOV OR \ RSS aoe | oe) ge ETHIC に 〇 a 〇 =. Hh | NIERENSTEIN 4% (Ber. 1912, 1. 500) ‘R-4R2A a キシュ SA es (I) ae) Pe a Es eee Ne Sager Toe ee ae OH CO Sg ae Ta Re A, PREM) SSS ooo m e #230 4°—305° KA RCE ND th — 2 ROambSY ; Me-Sandm +. dBA 214? 一 2172 ALIN? Bapstts~ Baicalein BS WN A +BY AA SA Se G, BAnRemmrrrNr (Gazz. Chim. Ital. ORE + ReoeR) (HE) < Scutellarein ~ #40 m WK AN OSE DN OR SRR Mm er NY BSN ATO INID gD & NS C03) SES ey yf RR Be Nh em SU BAER RUSE EAR ERTS SCOTS RHE | NCES ee \- RW HS ASB NB Sem RA KRY ® 1,2,3 [eed Nin ae NIL) m gee N° OCH, EES NAN TREN A & ATR ININD © ON 4 BE Shade Ge ay Yem SEHR) s BUA SEOE 1 WRIA IC LER = CH。O OCH, SO ヽ a | Sager Ho KT RA pe Baicalein 4 W=dta | Rf NN A SSR NIE KX RX BAnemgrrrmr 4 2X]1] 40 4 AN か FNn ゃ IN や ホー ミ 4 > 生生 Ilh や ホー ミ く マ 尽 さて へ ゅ 把 准 軒 謡 四 応寺 1 RIDA TIER NSA VSS NIB 7 Shy oo §) BARegRrLrNr HS OR YA a NID DEN RS Baicalein “fe |] R&A n =n Rx nH Baicalein NBR) SES ai tp aKN ra n= mK © へ $m AR ae pi ee SS eee iar hk ~ SRK) Re A tN Slee yy SRE MIN Xd Se hy ca ーー BPO TA ARN Bey A ROHN |
GRATIOT | ER | A)” CRAKK LISEEN TED Uniolin seeweN AM we 2k GOLDSCHMTEDT >, Scutellarin NASSn MER CVO oO NN [RBA ED 1 SY A Rm BRK Ag : ン _ = mm = aa a pa と と Ni) yas as ーー ee ee ee Te ete ee ee re TE Te ae ee eee Ke? 回 の > ; ~ a pas Bhan hn ae を ン ae Sor Seer ie eho i. 4 し aa ご の z # ri と 3 se 0 こ に ン + に ミー Be ト こ ¥ > i é y < x > ーー in ae eg ein ee Baicalein ae RR ‘ a i sere) J ビー ~ Rise ip 前 i aN aan zy Br NAS 6 HLA | REI ER BREN BIEN BARS SRR AS | ee ee XM SHA RA MAPK ZO BBW Reutellarein っ Baicalein ー < ik Benz6-Pyron SA $40 1 Kn < | HK A ne m Seles や 9% 3^ th eo 4, Seutellarin + Baicalin (px Baicalein) ~ 刻ま K COL2 cer ) SEC ae ee m ip? ait So eer 8 QR \ MRK COL SVR GREREETIRERN LOK) mS ARR MER ERA | BRINN IR No RK” BRR | MEMBER HRT KRESS Biel See de w Apigenin = Chrysin 2 \ tu $2x AR Re AMBK MG AT WEG HUT TCHR EERE Dm Baicalin \ RBER ee BRN m = Acetophenon map Bait y amen aes A” RA) 6GoLpscHmiepT xX 2RRNmR Hetk 4 Scutellarin m \fEMRS SEH 11 Oxyacetophenon XZ iN KR Maes Ae NA BAKA Bl VBA WS A SBA HE BR APH MR BB RNY BE PHRES Baicalin Qt eo SEH SEN RRS REx KPH ALN Re AN Phe aOR wean” Ger R ORHAN, NHLVNE S/S へ DP th — 2 a mn SU Amat x Y dX* GorpsoHwMrmpm HHP. Scutellarin m aN a 3 SRM AN Ph —ALRONM Bes 7 pte 4 AOA th — SINS BER NA KARST Ph ALR Soa RP, MMI Nar > | RRS oa MR. erm den” Bae. NB the Sie’e Baicalein WA 1 |S BW \ or SYA PN PORK OR jo NR) eNom AD PN eX? RE, ERIN ROA S ORE NARS COLA RANE SiN SED EOS YA NIND TNR RY CIN SP h—H BOSAL Mth A OT Bh) Hd 4 Flavon (2238) BREA AIR COSA AMS AKAN EOS (SHEEN REY RMME Gorosonmnor a Ho. dR BIS K ATT SNS PAR Shins Vm EK A mabe a 9 GoLpscHMiEpr RX Zernur fey, Scutcllarin \ ES GOLDSCHMIEDT trite. ee N ^ BES 4 S B\EC Np NSN > \ itty OF ARK Vem IRS dtr RN nN SD) KOR 1) BRN A ERC IND) BR REESE |) AKON Pe Ning Vda 8m Scutellarein Ox H,O0,) Me X\n7* Rs | ERE Ha MOrrsog WN Reems sscyite | Se Hm Yon \ & 2d Samet \ eat im Bea PER A RRR mm Le & » Home GoLpscHMIEDT xX ER. Zenner Et (Monatshefte. Bil] | 4) < Seutellarin \ $842k 4 SOB) \ HRB AON 'K O NIB REI ETH A DAO ANG (Glueurons&ure) & & m 8XMR > SY iy St eg mn ME DK Cy, Hyg Oy = KY 7 Morison Hp 4 SL Scutellarin ‘RBs BREN(S. hastaefolia, &. alpina, S. galericulata, S. japonica) 区 Galeopsis, Teucrium S$pi@acBkmR \ ER week « Aon + mn RL ER YAO HREHY~< Scutellarin + Moniscn GOLDSCHMIEDT Heey~ Scutellarin + 4 Ast ~ fim atx A Hes MHA GBA CRRA NH ABORA 1S NN aE | MEM ITN ARE 1 REE HE ATEN RN KOA nid | Cn We % HOCK S Ree BERR HEMEWY ~ ERE Scutellavin \ gin By Pn em Qn SKSRERIRL BUR AR 2s MOOR MAY'S A HHA AS
Wess & ER NIN DT Nad Rm BEN NS ERAS (Baiealein ) C,, i, O, 8d xan” Rpt 4 Morrscg sX Grorpsonmmrmpr fe へ 7a Hrd yf Seuledlaria indica L. (8 ee で の いい) へ We m sn Scutellarin m SHEER x A mae m esd do Baicalin _-$E8a y S2K > SRABAD—] SQ RABY SHE AER RRR 7 RADARS | < (RE) 6 BU ANAS AS fol 』 SR nie K A NINDS NOS (RY % Apigenin, Kampferol #p) , h Om AD 4 + Em AN NX ARIK I i 3 OS DENK AW BU OWNS | BV SB HORA nD OVGR (KY く Chrysin, Galangin) ¢ piagest HARMON OK Spar an gy fel 4) =~ (Jour. Biol. Chem. $81 1+ $8)* Xa m yk A SN m Be? A SKBESD | BRK 4 RS | RN Rn NN すき WARK K” Be MYrros RAN RRR Age 2 WA dt pf S nO fey Hans Morison 欠く aa XARA EBRIER Scutellaria altissima L. ~ RHR GBT | SRV Sees Ha | BN Geez m Sow) ea SV Scutellarin + at RAT] Hu SON G. Goxnpscamrept Hy aN SAM AC» (Monatshette f. Chemie. $81 1-+1 198 )aoh4g Cs, Hay Ow KX | BIA Nin tA gBESE eA ma” sok nib gt ae BxXr ~ BR IN DN ROO 1) BRN ATER NRCN IN D8) RE ROS ERR | a) ae “IRR Hip occa ben Mad が page fei ~ i eg RRR le CoE erate it “WE Renee nee Ho 団 11 BROS wE Boe ecaehe vee ql oe tN )) TEN S RG2CO \ date の shee (FINE) R Pe REGRRMERESE REED MAT し よ KOeAFYsceiM Ay NN LR NR p= oh 人 る = ‘paces anit Ki eams cee eon es ty BE Kekiga Cas dehy ーー 回)1 PR REE PREGA PC: 本 時 ERRORCHUU【o) 1 aR ine eS ham ap ae “< 人 & an 1 還 人 周 11f1) 哲 Mk BUT et gah) 1 (TAS) 1111 BETTI 本 1o
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Ble SAGA eb cele aR ee ke HSN fr OHRIER ~ SEER RAE REX AR A や 心 は ちく BRAS BLS High” RK | ZANANKeLONRSA = | OS ee ee ee eo e ee oe eo e ee e eo ee e ee @ oe a a Ss ] | 2) SO HO TOO OU CDT DOLE T horns hg eee 3 ( | 1 〇 ) か るみ wee TRUSTE wae ers 906nS 和 な 406 QR ie (HX | | tig en ee ] ] | | tors SSK | sore Salat eee cee eoc6 so COR oe eo eee eeooeeo ) winks Cele S's vielelelp ye siete 65s vide, 4.0 ) alae owls pais SM etaig Mie codidclele ey OL EE RO ee eee reser の で の e e 9 や の e eo oe e oo eo eo @ っ ea IE 田 小 英 義 第 夫 ff 田 田 = 大 se の co e oo e oo eo oe e ae 6 oe e ooe aero) va CPK タナ KK を AZ2CAOKARNG OCR Meanie dt Vena es NMA Sajoe de me bie s E(B 1) 1 983 Dea AERIS SCN afe PL au orn ove Fa T'S ES Ue Some sialeVabe a TM Pais ann vinteee RP MIE ee we wi se Ree RON Ue aoe dae ue wi (ET 11)1 2.9 LY DQ SADA BBG cece cece cece reece eee ces eee c eee e tense e erase enc eeees se a 11)11O Bintels we MONI raises iow eis, Voie gale maven eM Gennes fetes silane eats Go ee eneee aes es 11)(1O11 "EM SA ASIAN BERR ec ee eect te eee tec ee ete er tees eer ees tee eeee esse eees a )i111K に てら LO の KK だ YK えな KOKYOVY SCKOOOCKCK い ん プス を KC 人 だ SYO イミ CK て sues (ET 1111114 SPAS |] []p]) ……… Eee esis i MERITS) 1 149 BRE A REGEN ce eec cee sceeersee eee cseserens KO = HoT 146) 1 1K QL NO 7 Yn OF 26 Si 11: iu QE Y LO fous BEER BE aula) 1 1 や RYO MA ns Rih 80 BOER Ren cig teers PENSE 1K) 1 1 456 2 Se Te (ak 1) ……… DCC seen 80082 swe IM ig We | 1 名 2 b Eda coleieiWinnetee thas renters * wee )1 114 STUN AS HE HRB) ee cee see ーー……… 4B (IIB) 111 dg Manse FS | THA) … ド ドー………… "me の 前 FE ME(BTI = MR df MaKe ] 1 ]K) Ra ete PCCCCPPPPPCPPPPPPEPP iy 還 we(E1 1) 1 =e SC EX HNL SR 無人 NO で ot …… pe be wet (BT 142) 1 S19 He ihe ( 11189)… の ーー ドド ーー Sk EE @ BH10) 1p Baie | On eee eee iM EL e(EIN1 1)11Otl 2 2 Reta i=) Ldn 02 ot SECS) っ : stv ho Ls 5 : sh ie ere Sy bas ee. ~ ye ie : Sete tt POM Sc 2 ee eS N DDR KR ae に PER + £BNES bane V8 a Wok ke Beexe e 3 COR よ さい hm ロー 2 に <6 én dD NKR Rv + 2 2H CoA. we 、 四 2 【 中 ct —iKiK ; Na-K te é , を っ x =S Pies RES a yes HIN で くき 宙 WED SN へ Ape “an AEN BREE oo * Ra AY ot XN i teeth? Se : cones 人 We wo ee ee eo eo eo eo eo eo e ee e eo ee Feet e eee e eee eee eer eee cer eee eee gee j nic BEER - ee ae eoscalecatc hl ister are ek ie oN sears a robes ey ha in OM SS BREE Sr acute ERED Aa erie fa Bip ee » KK 8 ££ 判 思 2 Boat いす NN こい に ) FAN (GSR)(MR | BERS) で ( ド の Se (iw) Bs Bim y LS OOK RH SHR Re NMA NINE BH 06 ECOPPPPPCPPOCCDCCPPCCEPCCCCECCPCYYD (211144) ii ror SAH IR | Je deee-neeeeeee ree censesene ee trereenccscncretvaseceeneesansapeneren opennecsetensansetens ey: (Ba) K1 OG aweAS P< Oe) | OSE A alee. SO HE YEN ( 還 11 や ) Ba inten! M4 ER (Irpes) px" ayo Aa NI A> (Polyporus) \ Re 9) <~ Ei 249 eC <1) eE CK と いつ 20 の CRPS XY や POPKYY oat mea Ging cis Vis JulW erie e's oss geiniobelsais« YK bins siniera siglo (B11) <2 ad 6 446 C 2460 \ I KRER + KR | BB In (SORE) SU NESS TE aU 6a Ped Rede eee Wes SRE etic 28 (Blix) 321] つと る 1x WRENS wes 35 1 TB IN cee ece tee ete ee rece eee cereen teers ces eesner ees eereecseeeas ens esrsersaeseeees (11148) aoe mt HS eo eR A RE (aR | BS) Belgie OS. Sidr Sieln ees wa ERI Aa SEN ie S's CEI sas ab tidsin sae dale PUUG2PCCNK 2 (ENO Nei cahee me me eRe se i+ < ete aS TR Mees Wasa cad vaners arc yel Pr Ac astaaserebage spp ude YOGHAWLKk ps ugh Ones (Bln 1 ) 1 1 1 4 sp SRS ~ SRST op BK REE 1 SGN eee ec cece eect eee enecrene sarees oeeen sates geranes ne hes (回避 1)1 1 ee RE 3S | Sel AN QO tuo へ Mike ite | FB th cee cee cece te eee eerste cece teres eee deeeerner cree ren scene (T0111 ) 1 nit Be 605) S45 BB ( Polystictus) へ | tale esis ring ieieye eee CC Guligta Cie A erelata aire yc.'s と だ スピ TE いで パリ ( 周 1111) 1 EI -m ME を Poobpum\\ DER SE: Sd Sri, Sis Sok cee nodes さり tue ん は 0052 と 泊め £409(1 111) DR SI7D \ BRIER oes eee seen etna ee eee ne nesses eee e ee eer aan eee ences ances eneee ances aes seen 1] 1 ) FE GIBL ERAS ooeee ete tee eee eee e eens den EEEEHOOHEREHREHOEEEEEEPEEERTPPEREEHOEPOEEEHGEE 時 組 塞 中 玩 重 寺 議 ーー ーー ビジ RG Sage ts be ee £d0( E1111) SPEED 1 KA BRS foc B ha tisi lan gar ease nen まき 2 えい に GCC と SCO る 環 ( 還 1111) 142 1 1 We SRN に Sm ov we see Ob Ra OG co Si Se 050CEe240ARCZY sean 8 cai@iv eral isin arSenatee ae ne. SQdn) GST... 0. * cad babpra thal oi sei Re CR の 7 リド CK で すん verte SR EI EO | Mv A FARE. HEME shat SN た Ko Tan eee ys Eu aX | 3 : i ie Eaten と と 生ま RY 1 。 を 9 サー Bare ee fay can : ae, ee テル の ) ¢ on Gets YO で PW ee ae a Spee ata. oS ee ropes 7 ウー econ ee eae ae ae doing ne I ety Rn POM eM A a A NASER I NS NAR ERT ES A A RE at、eteaves WEA ARI N DN RHR HOMER |B) ET) 1 IE = 1H eS: 11 SN cae =] i> ( spend Os is eee ee —— = SE [— ! RM Ns MM ; 時 PSR SRR A a Bisons B VBE uw A RSS — SHE me N+ SBE (432) eseeeeeesee eee (ET LH EERE | on oe 1 iJ ee Cee ne ees by 1 (nl 1 / ~ ア Kop # 原 eee "上 HE 徹 3 ue 7 ば ュー 一 Lo Be ee Be 二 —- yy) Rae 1S Ba Sh en) [ # ( y 親 BREN TR SC 1 : Nea GaSe iS i (0 12 = i 人 EEE は 5 i “iy rt si 1 © ' し F 7 A, - 9 ." t て ・ K -» BOTANICAL ABSTRACTS By an: Ne Published Monthly (Volume I, No. 1, was published September, 1918) ~ —is an index of international botanical progress. | y —stands for accuracy, completeness, and prompt publication. : . pe | gees 一 published the following entries; Vol. I—1681; Vol. II—1871; Vol. II1J—38061; Vol. TV-= =1853; oe Vek V—2426; Vol. VI—2032." る | —refers to more than 2000 serial publications to secure abstracts ‘and citations. accompanies non-English titles with an English translation. a —publishes all abstracts in English. 5 My | : 2 —uses a thorough system of cross references. 5 pe Satay as IO the quickest possible reference to all Botanical articles, by a typographical arrange- : 1 ment that permits prompt reference-to author, title, and place of publication, _ 一 furnishes to workers, having restricted library facilities, information concerning all articles me ee published’ in the botanical field, - 2. < furnishes to workers, haying access to large libraries, a thorough chisethention by subjects— に Boy an invaluable reference aid and time saver. © ee —has been ordered by subscribers in all countries in the world. a Ss —offers infinitely more as an inyestment than any other publication issued in this? field. # aS Four Volumes are published a year. Price per Volume: $ 3.25, net postpaid. i ~ Orders may be sent to the publishers, or to Maruzen Company, Ltd. (Maruzen Kabashiki- Kaisha), 11 to 15 Mihonbashi Tori-Sanchome, Tokyo; Pures; Osaka, Kyoto and i. A ‘Sendai, Japan. i Wirrrams ° WILKINS Company, Mount 9 AND GUILFORD AVENUES, BALTIMORE. Mp., U. 8. a 8 Ni - 1 がい NN | - 雑 ey KEN pe oo O 9 O ae Tae eA ae : ABER Az 3 ae Asem きく > a sec a 3 か ル 3 a 、 ie N ra ‘ 5 RG = Y 1 ee ea NUM MM 生ん ee ee oe ce Re, ee See eo ee 、 2 計 舞 貼 0 te es | Be ie MC っ ee may Bo ae N ies a SN の Os の 新 一 覧 he 8 De. 東 東 東 tt デ ォ te a ee ) ee ee ey OU ge pe Hoe ト Bia } ae oe 8S eae 2 元 eh = 理 農 理 に 理 合 導 理 民 mk oe BER 本 部 em atl aR oe — « Bee 7% I 町 町 町 SN 化 ey aes ie a cing © = Bese 金 月 第 a HAL es AAT 6 + A OS RE hz) FESR aH — es : 2 ee en NN 、 Te KERR ee | ee) a ae a a a a ec a 44: Gh 9 NS SERS RE! SS 2 = の Pe SN SEE | ge eS ee 3 ae ce ee レー ee eee = V8 SPR SENERT IAL 2 | { meee | GK) | SR HHO | IHRE) . aS : SSN RSENS) | S “ s ECO ROR. fet RN adn ; の 3 me +s J pC > 5, : * \ 7 ; 3 ee | し * > に \ ¢ % ・ ・ * al ss “ADIN TN 3 9088 01110 0146