»^t • iEGOBiOOQS -3'n-Auvaan •^ /.TO OTHER INTERESTING INFORMATIOU. LONDON BY BALDWIK AXD CRAUOCK , PATERNOSTER BOW AND SOLD BT KRAVOOD ,VNTDC?AND SIMPKIN ASD MARS H ALX, . THE BOTANIC GARDEN; CONSISTING OF HIGHLY FINISHED REPRESENTATIONS OF HARDY ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING PLANTS, CULTIVATED IN GREAT BRITAIN; THEIR NAMES, CLASSES, ORDERS, HISTORY, QUALITIES, CULTURE, AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. B. MAUND, F.L.S. VOL. I. " Not a tree, A plant, a leaf, a blossom, but contains A folio volume. We may read and read, And read again, and still find something1 new, Something- to please, and something- to instruct." HURDIS. Uribon: PUBLISHED BY BALDWIN AND CRADOCK, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1825-6. Maund, Printer, Bromsgrove. 750 TO THE LOVERS OF BOTANY, IN PARTICULAR, AND THE ADMIRERS OF A FLOWER GARDEN, GENERALLY, THIS ATTEMPT TO INCREASE THEIR GRATIFICATIONS, MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. Man, by nature, inherits the love of flowers. The domains of the noble, and the cottage of the humble, alike proclaim to us the dominion of this passion. If the busy scenes of life, in which many are obliged to move, suppress for awhile this divine excitement, yet the chief occupant of their thoughts is no sooner relinquished, than na- tural inclinations immediately evince themselves. They sigh for rural retirement, there to enjoy the uncontaminated atmos- phere of nature, to cultivate its choicest gifts, and to linger over its vegetable beauties. The attraction of a flower garden, the health yielded by its cultivation, and the ten thousand gratifications arising out of it, are freely acknowledged by every one. Open as these manifold pleasures are, to the least individual amongst us, the author of the Botanic Garden was desirous of producing a work, at such moderate price, as none may be excluded from possessing. One that should disseminate information amongst the lovers of flowers, encourage the taste for their cultivation, and yield a stimulus to the exertions of those who duly appre- ciate the enjoyments that invariably arise from so pure a source. Whether he has effected the desired object is left to the decision of his readers. The best exertions of his humble ability have been employed; and the encouragement of the public has laid him under obligations to continue those efforts with redoubled zeal. Much of a work like the present must necessarily be de- pendant on the labours of preceding botanists; on men who have toiled, and some who still toil, to raise to perfection a delightful science, inexhaustible in extent and intricate in its ramifi- cations. In this little work it is not the province of the author to wade deep in the current of science and research. He humbly collects from the sweets and the beauties that float on the surface, and of these he has pleasure in composing a nosegay, as a periodical present to the lovers of a flower garden. Many ideas, it is presumed, will be found in the following sheets, which have arisen from the author's own experience. Others may be met with, which for the hundredth time are presented to the eye of the reader. But whether old or new, original or selected, his endeavour will be to keep in view one principal object — the production of every useful and interesting information connected with the subjects on which he treats. Regarding the correctness of the plates he can speak with confidence. Talented artists have lent their aid, and every exertion has been made to render them as perfect por- traits as the state of the arts, and pecuniary remuneration, will admit. That he owes much gratitude to several individuals of noble rank, for their condescension in forwarding his views, he is deeply sensible. He would have pleasure in a more ex- plicit acknowledgment of their favours; but that superior minds feel no gratification in whatever may assume the form of adulation. The reception of the Botanic Garden can but inspire the author with additional zeal in his favourite pursuit, and stimu- late his endeavours to secure a continuance of that patronage which in the present excess of literary productions, may be deemed no rifling distinction. INDEX. Systematic Name. Achillea speciosa, - - - Adonis vernalis, - - - - Amaryllis lutea, - Amsonia latifolia, - - - Andromeda calyculata, - Anthericum liliastrum, - - Argemone Mexicana, - Asclepias tuberosa, - - Buddlea globosa, ... Cacalia coccinea, - - - Calceolaria corymbosa, - Campanula pumila, - - - Catananche caerulea, - Centaurea suaveolens, - • Chelone barbata, - Chelone obliqua, - - - Chrysanthemum tricolor, Cochlearia Groenlandica, - Colutea frutescens, Coreopsis lanceolata, Coreopsis tenuifolia, Coreopsis tinctoria, - - Cuscuta vermcosa, - Cytisus capitatus, - - - Daphne gnidium, - Delphinium grandiflorum, Dianthus Chinensis, Digitalis lutea, - - Dodecatheon Meadia, Dracoceplialum speciosum, Epilobium Dodonaei, Erica Australis, - - - Erica herbacea, - Erica mediterranea, - - Erinus alpinus, - Fragaria Indica, - Fumaria nobilis, - Gaultheria procumbens, - Gaura biennis, - - - - Genista sagittalis, - Gentiana acaulis, - - - Globularia vulgaris, Gnaphalium arenarium, Helleborus niger, - Hesperis matronalis, alba, - Hesperis matronalis, pur. - Hibiscus Syriacus, - - • English Name. Spear-leaved Milfoil, . . Spring Adonis, .... - Yellow Amaryllis, . . . Broad-leaved Amsonia, . - Calycled Andromeda, . . Savoy Spider-wort, . Mexican Argemone, . . - Tuberous Swallow-wort, . Round-headed Buddlea, . Scarlet-flowered Cacalia, . - Chili Slipper-wort, - Dwarf Bell-flower, . '.*;;• Blue-flowered Catananche, - Yellow Sultan, .... Scarlet Chelone, . . »'•,-••> Red-flowered Chelone, Three-col. Chrysanthemum, Greenland Scurvy-grass, . - Scarlet Bladder Senna, . . Spear. leaved Coreopsis, . Slender-leaved Coreopsis, . - Arkansa Coreopsis, . . . Wart-calyxed Dodder, . . Headed Cytisus, . . - Flax-leaved Daphne, pni Lur - - Small yellow Foxglove, . . 94 - American Cowslip, .... 25 - Showy Dragon's-Head, . . 57 Dodonius's Epilobium, . . 55 Spanish Heath, .... 54 - Early dwarf Heath, ... 22 - Mediterranean Heath, ... 74 - Alpine Erinus, .... 11 - Yellow-flowered Strawberry, 7 - Great-flowered Fumatory, . 69 Trailing Gaultheria, ... 17 Biennial Gaura, .... 75 Jointed Genista, . . . . 50 Gentianella, 51 Common Globularia, ... 9 Sand Everlasting, ... 38 Christmas Rose, .... 8 Double White Rocket, ... 39 Double Purple Rocket, . . 70 Althea Frutex, .... 77 Systematic Name, Iberis sempervirens, - Iris Susiana, - Iris versicolor, - - - Jasiuinum revolutum - Kalmia glauca, - - - Kalmia latifolia, - - - Lachenalia tricolor, - - • Ledum buxifolium, - Leduin palustre, - - - - Lilium bulbiferum, - Liliuin tigrinum, - - - Linaria purpurea, - - - Liniiin alpinum, - - - Lobelia fulgens, Lobelia siphilitica, - Lonicera Tartarica, - Lychnis Chalcedonies, - Menziesia globularis, M ira bills Jalapa, ... CEnothera macrocarpa, - (Enothera pumila, - - CEnothera purpurea, Orobus vernus, - - - Passiflora caerulea, - - Pentstemon pubescens, - Phlox ovata, .... Phlox cetacea, Phlox triflora, - - - Polygala chamaebuxus, - Primula acaulis, - - - Primula farinosa, - - Primula Sinensis, - - Pyrus Japonica, ... Ramonda Pyrenaica,- Rhododendron hirsutum, Senecio elegans, - - - Sisyrinchium striatnm, - Spig-elia Marilandica, - Spiraea laevigata, - - - Statice oleaefolia, - - - Symphytuin Bohemicum, Tagetes patula, - - - Teucrium Pyrenaicum, - Tigridia Pavonia, - - . TriMium grandiflorum, - Tussilago fragrans, - - • Valeriana montana, ... Verbascum pheeniceum, - Vesicaria utriculata, - English Name. No. - Narrow-leaved Candy-tuft, 82 - Chalcedonian Iris, . ... 30 - Changeable Iris, 3 - Curled-flowered Jasmine, . 12 - Glaucous Kalmia, 43 - Broad-leaved Kalmia, . . . 33 Three-col. Lachenalia, . . .21 - Box-leaved Ledum, .... 52 Marsh Ledum, 47 - Bulb bearing Lily, . . . 31 - Tiger-spotted Lily, ... 63 - Purple Flax-weed,. . . 34 - Alpine Flax, 14 - Fulgent Lobelia, 73 - Blue Lobelia 61 - Tartarian Honeysuckle, . . 23 - Double Scarlet Lychnis, . 87 - Globe (lowered Menziesia, . 89 - Common Marvel of Peru, . 16 - Large-fruited CEnotbera, . 41 - Dwarf (Enothera, . . . 35 - Purple-flowered CEnothera, 79 - Spring Bitter- Vetch, ... 23 - Common Passion flower, . 4 - Hairy Pentstemon, . . . . 42 - Oval-leaved Phlox, . . .59 - Fine-leaved Phlox, ... 68 - Three-flowered Phlox, . . 6 - Box-leaved Milkwort, . . 24 - Double Primrose, . . . . 60 - Bird's Eye Primrose, . . 96 - Chinese Primrose, .... 1 - Japan Apple Tree, ... 49 Borage-leaved Ramonda, . 83 - Hairy-leaved Rhododendron, 63 - Purp'le Groundsel, ... 40 . Streaked Sisyrinchium, . . 66 - Indian Pii>k, .... 93 - Smooth Spiraea, ... .32 - Olive-lcared Sea Lavender, 86 - Red -flowered Comfrey, . . 74 - French Marigold, .... 56 - Pyrenean Teucrium ... 80 - Tiger Flower, 5 - Large-flowered Trillium, . 26 Sweet-scented Coltsfoot, . 19 - Mountain Valerian, . . .36 - Purple-flowered Mullein, . 45 - Smooth Vesicaria, .... 84 Prrmiila Siui-usis . Aiuarvlii* Iris versicolor . I ««-£• PRI'MULA SINEN'SIS. CHINESE PRIMROSE. Class, Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. PRIMULACEJE. Native of China. Height. 6 inches. Flowers in Mar. July. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1822. No. 1. Primula is derived from the Latin primus, first, from its early flowering; hence its English name also, prime-rose, now contracted to primrose. Si- nensis, from Sinae, the name of an ancient people, who are supposed to have inhabited that part of the Chinese empire now called Cochin China. This plant is the Primula praenitens of the Bo- tanical Register ; but as the term Sinensis has not been established for another species, upon autho- rity worth naming, we give it the preference, from its prior adoption. The attention of the Horticultural Society was first drawn to this beautiful plant in the year 1819, when a drawing of it was received from John Reeves, Esq., a corresponding member, residing at Canton. A plant, and seeds also, were subse- quently sent off by him to the society ; the former perished during its passage, and the latter did not vegetate. Since that period it has been introduced by Capt. Rawes, and as it possesses beauties so completely distinct from every other primula we know, it is likely to become a distinguished favourite in our gardens. Its mode of inflorescence is particularly beau- tiful ; for out of a simple umbel or head of flowers, rises a distinct scape or stalk, supporting a second umbel, and from this is produced a third, and some- times a fourth ; by which peculiarity, and its free increase of flowering side shoots, it remains in bloom during the greater part of the year. Our drawing was taken at an early stage of the blossom, and re- presents the first umbel only. Having been introduced so lately, its habits are but imperfectly known ; it may, however, be con- sidered hardy, as plants of it were exposed in the open air during the winter of 1823, in different parts of the kingdom, without sustaining injury. It may be propagated very readily by offsets, and flourishes exceedingly in a pot of compost, made with equal parts of peat, rich loam, and sand ; or it may be planted in a warm dry border, of light soil, and have the protection of a hand glass during severe frost. Seeds are produced very freely by the Primula Sinensis, and from them young plants may be pro- pagated in abundance, and with little trouble. They should be sown as early as March, in pots of light rich earth, placed in a hotbed; and the young plants, when large enough, should be potted singly, and be gradually inured to the open air ; but they will require occasional shade in the summer. The protection of the cold frame is necessary for them during the first winter of their growth, and in April, part may be removed to dry parts of the borders, for flowering ; and part may be retained in pots, as portable summer or winter ornaments. Lindley's Col. Bot. AMARYL'LIS LU'TEA. YELLOW AMARYLLIS. Class. . Order. HEXANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. Natural Order. AMARYLLIDE*;. Native of Spain. Height. 4 inches. Flowers in Sept. Oct. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. N 2 Amaryllis, the name of a shepherdess in Theo- critus and Virgil. Lutea, yellow, its colour. It is sometimes called Autumnal Narcissus. Known as this hardy, fast-increasing-, plant has been for two or three hundred years, it is remark- able that it should not be nearly as common as our yellow crocus, to which, at first sight, it appears so closely allied. But it is not the harbinger of spring : it does not excite the delightful sensations which every daisy, every buttercup of that joyous season, is calculated to arouse. " What lovely prospects wait each wakening- hour, When each new day some novelty displays; How sweet the sunheam melts the crocus flower, Whose borrowed pride shines dizen'd in his rays." CLARE. It grows well in almost any soil or situation, ex- cept under the dripping of trees ; for as its bulbs are reproduced but slowly, during the severity of winter, the leaves continue to increase till spring ; at which time the bulbs will become fully matured, and the leaves will die. Transplanting may then be performed with propriety, till vegetation is re- assumed in July. Alton's Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. 2. p. 223. I'RIS VER'SICOLOR. CHANGEABLE IRIS. Class. Order. TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. IRIDEjE. Native of N. America Height. 15 inches. Flowers in June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1732. No. 3. This plant has received its name from the Latin term iris, which signifies a rainbow ; and the colours of some of the species render it very appropriate. It has been termed the various-coloured, or parti- coloured ; changeable- coloured appears a more cor- rect translation, and is equally characteristic of the flower, for it may be observed daily to assume a different hue. An eastern, or even northern, border is suitable to this plant. It flourishes in any light garden soil, and the roots may be divided in autumn. It may also be raised from seeds, which should be sown in September, and the plants will come up in the fol- lowing spring ; but if the seeds are sown in the spring, they will lie a year in the ground before they vegetate. That correct observer of nature, Bradley, speak- ing of one of the bulbous Irises, says, the finest va- rieties that he ever saw, were raised from seed ; ' I would,' he further observes, ' advise every one to raise seedlings.' Orris root is the tuber of the Florentine Iris, which will hereafter be noticed. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 116. PASSIFLO'RA CjERU'LEA. COMMON PASSION FLOWER. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA.* TRIGYNIA. Natural Order. PASSIFLOREjE. Native of Brazil. Height. 30 feet. Flowers in Aug. Oct. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1699. No. 4. Passiflora is derived from the Latin patior, to suffer ; and flos, a flower ; from the fancied resem- blance of the different parts of the flower and plant to the instruments of Christ's suffering. The five stamens were compared to his five wounds; the three styles, more aptly, to the nails by which he was fixed to the cross ; the column which elevates the germen, to the cross itself; and the rays of the nectary, to his crown of thorns ; the petals to the ten apostles, Judas and Peter being rejected ; the tendrils to a cord, the leaf to a hand, &c. &c. Cse- rulea, from the Latin, blue. Parkinson, in his Paradisus Terrestris, gives what he calls * The lesuite's Figure of the Maracoc,' which is a representation of the flower, composed of the very instruments of torture themselves ; but in noticing these fancies, he is very angry at the su- perstition that suggested them ; observing that it is * All as true as the sea burnes.' It may be propagated from seeds, cuttings, or * Sir J. E. Smith, in his excellent Introduction to Physio- logical Botany, coincides with Schreber and Thunberg1, in placing this genus in the class Pentandria. layers. Cuttings may be taken early in the spring-, of the preceding year's growth ; or in June of the young shoots, and struck under a hand-glass. It sometimes ripens its seed in the open air in England ; and these may be sown in pots, placed in a hotbed, in March ; and the plants gradually exposed to the open air after Midsummer. Miller says, * I have found the plants which have been propagated two or three times, either by layers or cuttings, seldom produce fruit ; which is common to many other plants.' This observation of Miller's should not be lost sight of. It may, in many in- stances of fruit culture, prove very important, as the mode of propagation has undoubted influence on the habits of many vegetables. Parkinson, in his notice of the maracoc, which was a species of the passion flower, cultivated when he wrote in 1629, says, that it showed a remarkable particularity in rising from the ground a month sooner, if a seedling plant, than if it grew from roots brought from Virginia. It appears highly desirable to propagate from seeds, which has been done by several eminent bo- tanists, and beautiful new varieties have been pro- duced. Some of these are minutely described in the Transactions of the Horticultural Society. The Passiflora caerulea requires to be trained against a wall, with a southern aspect ; and in winter the roots should be covered with straw, as this will protect them from injury, even if the head of the plant be destroyed. In March the shoots may be very much shortened, which will encourage a vigo- rous growth. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 154. Tigridia, Pavonia Phlox triflora * Helleborus nig'er Fragaiia Indie a i-JJ.bmith.. del. TIGRI'DIA PAVO'NIA. TIGER FLOWER. Class. Order. MONANDRIA. TRIANDRIA. Natural Order. IR1DJUB. Native of Mexico. Height. Ifoot. Flowers in July, Sept. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1796. No. 5. Ferraria Pavonia, Linneus's name of the present plant, was derived from John Baptista Ferrarius, who first figured and described the Ferraria un- dulata. Linneus made choice of his specific name, Pavonia, in consequence of Mutis having sent him a drawing of the flower under this appellation, which he had given it from Pa von, the name of a favourite pupil ; and not, as is generally supposed, from the Latin pavo, a peacock, on account of the beauty of its colours. This species is now separated from Ferraria ; and its present generic name, Tigridia, comes from tigris, a tiger, by reason of its spots. Leopardia would, perhaps, on such account, have been a more appropriate appellation. The exquisite union of colours and conformation of parts in this beautiful production, abash every attempt of the pencil ; description or portraiture can but do it discredit. We regret its visit being so transient, opening in the morning and finally closing in the afternoon ; and yet it is certain that much of our pleasure depends on such circumstances. Sturm justly observes, " If flowers retained their beauty throughout the year, they would not impart to us the delight they now do : their absence makes us long for their return. The constant variation and succession of all terrestrial objects, constitute one of the chief sources of our happiness." If the bulbs be planted in the borders, or on se- parate beds, about the middle of April, the spring frosts will have ceased before the leaves appear through the soil, and no protection be required to be given them. To produce earlier flowers they may be put into pots in a common hotbed, in the beginning of March, and watered sparingly till the leaf appears. If a sufficiency of air be allowed them, they will bear exposure early in May ; and then should be turned into the borders for flower- ing, taking care to retain the balls of earth quite perfect about the roots, which will be much assisted by a copious watering supplied a few hours before their removal. They neither increase as fast, nor flower quite as freely if left in the pots. The roots should be taken up before frosts commence, and those bulbs which are attached together should re- main so ; then be gradually dried, and afterwards secured in paper bags, and kept in a cool dry place till spring. The Tigridia increases its bulbs rapidly, and also produces seeds, from which it may be raised by sowing them in pots, in a hotbed, in the spring. The seedling bulbs will, of course, require taking up as before directed ; and they will flower, some in the second, and the remainder in the third year. The root is an ovate bulb, which is eatable when roasted, tasting like a chesnut. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 137. PHLOX TRIFLO'RA. THREE-FLOWERED PHLOX. Class. Order. PENTANDBIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. POLEMONIACE*:. Native of N. America. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in August. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1815. No. 6. Linneus did not, in this genus of plants, retain the old name Lychnidea, in consequence of its near approach to Lychnis, the name of another genus ; but chose the present name Phlox, perhaps, only by reason of its analogy to the former, both being derived from Greek words signifying flame or light- ning. Triflora, from the branches of the corymbus being mostly three-flowered. Every individual of this family inherits some de- sirable quality; the greater part of them are ex- tremely showy ; several grow higher than the present plant; and a few clothe the border with a close foliage during the whole year. England now pos- sesses about thirty species of Phlox, brought prin- cipally from North America, within the last eighty or ninety years. It will grow in any common soil, but best in a mixture of peat and loam. It may be easily in- creased by cuttings, taken early in the summer, or by dividing the roots in autumn; but this latter practice should not be resorted to oftener than once in two or three years, or the roots will be much weakened. Sweet's Fl. Gar. p. 29. FRAGA'RIA IN'DICA. YELLOW-FLOWERED STRAWBERRY. Class. Order. ICOSANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. Natural Order. ROSACES. Native of E. Indies. Height. 4 inches. Flowers in May, July. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1804. No. 7. Fragaria, so named from the fragrancy of its fruit. Indica, from its native country. The English name Strawberry is, without doubt, derived from the practice of laying straw about the roots of such plants, to preserve the fruit from the soil. Straw, slates, &c. used in this way yield two advantages ; — at the same time as the fruit is kept clean, the soil is preserved in a moist and cool state. It is principally remarkable for its union of the cinquefoil blossom with the fruit of the strawberry, and certainly forms a pretty variety amongst the closer sorts of rock plants. The Fragaria Indica is frequently treated as a greenhouse plant, but is now found to bear our win- ters without injury. Its fruit is of no further value than for its ornamental appearance, not possessing the prominent characteristics of its tribe, fragrance and flavour. It propagates itself readily by its emission of roots from the joints, as the common varieties usually do; and flourishes in a sandy soil, where the situation is warm and sheltered. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 273. HELLEBO'RUS NI'GER. CHRISTMAS ROSE. Class. Order. POLYANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. Natural Order. RANUNCULACE^E. Native of Austria. Height. 9 inches. Flowers in January. Duration. Perennial . Cultivated in 1596. No. 8. Helleborus, from the Greek, expressive of its poisonous qualities ; or, according to Bergeret, from the river Eleborus. Niger, from the Latin, black, the external colour of its root. The flower, at its first opening, is white, after- wards rather pink, and finally becomes green. The tubular nectaries ranged round the germen, merit the attention of the physiologist. A tincture of the roots of black hellebore, is em- ployed in medicine ; but as its effects are somewhat uncertain and dangerous, we forbear giving its mode of preparation. It may not be amiss, however, for the information of those who use the roots, to ob- serve that others, and sometimes still more danger- ous ones, are substituted for them. The following description of the genuine is from the Edinburgh Dispensatory. " The roots consist of a black furrowed roundish head, about the size of a nutmeg, from which short articulated branches arise, sending out numerous corrugated fibres, about the thickness of a straw, from a span to a foot in length, deep brown on the outside, white or yellowish white within, and of an acrid, nauseous, and bitterish taste, exciting a sense of heat and numbness in the tongue, and of a nau- seous acrid smell. These fibres only are used in medicine, and the head and decayed parts are re- jected. For the roots of the real black hellebore, the roots of the Adonis vernalis, Trollius Europaeus, Acteea spicata, Astrantia major, Helleborus viridis fcetidus, Veratrum album, and Aconitum neomon- tanum are often substituted. The last is a most virulent poison, and may be distinguished by its roots being fusiform, or nearly globular, sending out numerous very brittle fibres, of a greyish black or brown colour, as thick as a man's finger, and re- peatedly divided." If the virtues of this plant, like those of many others, were formerly too much extolled, they are probably now undeservedly neglected ; it is indeed to be regretted that the study of medical botany has, of late years, made so little progress ; or, it may rather be said, that in the last age it should have so far declined. Modern chemists are, however, show- ing the potent effects of condensed vegetable pro- perties, which promises fair to constitute a new era in medical knowledge. In a moist situation, where a little peat has been mixed with the soil, this plant flowers abundantly ; and the flower stems will grow higher, and the blossoms be altogether improved by the assistance of a hand glass, which may be placed over them on four small pots, so as to admit a free current of air underneath. It is readily increased by dividing the roots, which is best effected in the early part of autumn. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 360. •• Glotularia vul£ans Cusnu.i v-rrurosa. Ermus alpmus. Jasminiini Yx GLOBULA'RIA VULGA'RIS. COMMON GLOBULARIA. Class. Order. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. GLOBULARIA. Native of Europe. Height. 6 inches. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1629. No. 9. This plant was named by Tournefort, from the flowers growing many together, in the form of a little globe or ball. Parkinson says 'The Italians call it Botanaria, because the heads are found like buttons.' The Globularia vulgaris, is a pretty close-grow- ing plant, which was classed by several of our old botanists with the garden daisy; and called Bellis caerulea, or blue daisy. In some situations it sel- dom blossoms so freely as may be wished ; but this defect will generally be found to arise from its situ- ation being too dry and warm: hence it is well adapted to a northern border, or the cool side of arti- ficial rock work. It may be propagated from seeds, or by parting the roots, which is best effected in September, when the plants will have an opportunity of making new roots before frosts commence. It flourishes in a shady situation, in a light rich soil or in sandy peat ; and to encourage a good bloom, should not be too frequently transplanted. It will succeed very well if kept in a pot, and placed during winter in a cold frame, with the alpine plants. 3 Hort.Jtew. 2, v. 1,222. CUSCU'TA VERRUCO'SA. WART-CALYXED DODDER. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA, Natural Order. CONVOLVULACE.fi. Native of Nepaul. Height. 6 feet. Flowers in September. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1822. No. 10. Some authors have deduced the word Cuscuta, from the modern Greek, others from a similar Asiatic word. Verrucosa, from the Latin verruca, a wart. The English appellation, Dodder, seems to have been derived from the German word Dotter, or Dutch Tauteren, signifying to shoot up. This is a plant which twines round ivy or shrubs of any description that it comes in contact with ; and though raised from seeds in the soil, as are most other vegetables, yet no sooner does it meet with support from a neighbouring branch, than, like many individuals of a superior order of creation, it quits its original friend and supporter, and clings to a new acquaintance. It twines in a direction contrary to the apparent course of the sun, and throwing out little vesicles which attach themselves to the plant that supports it, thereby draws its necessary nutri- ment, and dies off at the root, becoming completely parasitical. It flourishes most on soft succulent shrubs ; and should severe frosts destroy it, young plants may be raised from seed in the spring1 ; and they will produce their fragrant little flowers in autumn. Sweet's Fl. Gar. 6. ERI'NUS ALPI'NUS. ALPINE ERINUS. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. ANGIOSPEBMIA. Natural Order. SCROPHULARINEJE. Native of Pyrenees. Height. 3 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1759. No. 11. The Greek term BRINGS, whence comes our Erinus, was applied by the ancients to a vegetable, very different from any contained in the present genus ; it was the Wild Fig of the Greeks, and its name was, probably, derived from a verb, implying to exert or strive, because the Greek plant endea- voured to erect itself by means of walls or stones. Alpinus, from the Latin, belonging to the Alps. This interesting little subject presents us with its pretty flowers at that season, when all animated nature seems most capable of such enjoyment. *' Propitious spring1 comes forth in bright array, With Venus, goddess of the vernal day; Her mild precursor, Zephyr, wafts the breeze, With balmy wing's, o'er all the budding trees: Maternal Flora, with benignant hand, Her flowers profusely scatters o'er the land . These deck the vallies with unnumber'd hues, And far around their fragrant sweets diffuse." TIME'S TELESCOPE. The Erinus alpinus requires a dry shady situation. It may be propagated by dividing its roots, and should be planted in loam without manure. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 49. JASMI'NUM REVOLU'TUM. CURLED-FLOWER JASMINE. Class. Order. DIANDRIA. MONOOYNIA. Natural Order. JASMINE. Native of China. Height. 16 feet. Flowers in May, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1812. No. 12. Jasminum is derived from two Greek words, sig- nifying a violet, and odor, on account of the fine scent which its flowers possess. Revolution, in allusion to the curling of its petals. We are told by Capt. Hardwicke, in the Asiatic Researches, that a species of yellow Jasmine, which is supposed to be the present one, was observed by him, on the frontiers of Hindostan, and which form- ed a large a bush. We have never seen the Jasmi- num revolutum treated as a standard shrub, though it appears well calculated for that purpose, if suffi- ciently hardy. Trained against a southern wall, it puts forth vigorous shoots and produces abundance of flowers of the richest fragrance, and most brilli- ant golden hue. It may be propagated readily by cuttings, taken in the spring, and appears to grow very well in any common soil. A little straw or matting should be laid over the roots to protect them from frosts of long continuance ; and in very inclement seasons, a slight covering over the branches also will prove benefi- cial, by preserving the young and succulent shoots which the luxuriant habit of the plant will leave rather too tender to withstand the severity of our winters, though the older branches remain uninjured. The flowers of this as well as the common Jas- mine, are admirably adapted to the use of the toi- lette ; and to some of our fair readers the following- method of extracting perfumes may not be wholly unacceptable. We copy it from the .Family Receipt Book. ' Procure a quantity of the petals of any flowers which have an agreeable fragrance ; card thin lay- ers of cotton, which dip into the finest Florence or Lucca Oil ; sprinkle a small quantity of fine salt on the flowers, and lay them, a layer of cotton, and a layer of flowers, until an earthen vessel or a wide- mouthed glass bottle is full. Tie the top close with a bladder, then lay the vessel in a south aspect to the heat of the sun, and in fifteen days, when unco- vered, a fragrant oil may be squeezed away from the whole mass, little inferior, if that flower is made use of, to the dear and highly valued Otto or Odor of Roses.* When the aroma or odor is united with a rectified spirit, it is usually termed an essence ; and this may readily be obtained by mixing a portion of the oil, prepared as above directed, with an equal quantity of alcohol ; shake them together in a phial, and the spirit wiHJbecome impregnated with the perfume of the oil. They may afterwards be poured from each other, and the essence preserved for use. From the Jasminum officinale the Italians obtain an essential oil, by distillation, which is held in high estimation amongst them as a remedy for rheumatic pains, and for application to paralytic limbs. Bot. Mag. 1731. Coreopsis trnctoria I . i limn 'i I j'l mini Catanaache Cfei-nlca Mirabi]is jalapa K. D. Smith del f :-.. ' e !y- COREOPSIS TINCTO'RIA. ARKANSA COREOPSIS. Class. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAM1A FRUSTRANEA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFEREJE. Native of N.America Height. 3 feet. Flowers in Aug. Oct. Duration. Annual. Introduced in 1823. No. 13. Coreopsis, from two Greek words, signifying the appearance of a bug or tick, in allusion to the fancied resemblance of its seed to such insects. Tinctoria, from the Latin tinctura, a colour or dye, expressive of the colouring properties of its petals. The appellation Arkansa, indicates the situation, in North America, where it was discovered by Professor Nuttall, during his travels through that country. Nearly all the individuals belonging to the genus Coreopsis, are interesting hardy subjects, chiefly natives of the same inexhaustible, and com- paratively unexplored, source of the wonders of nature. The Coreopsis tinctoria is a remarkably pretty slender- growing annual, and having been lately in- troduced amongst us, is by no means common. It will flourish in any rich soil, and may be treated as are the usual annuals of our gardens, by being sown at the end of March. If early flowers are desired, the seed may be sown a fortnight sooner, in a hotbed, and the plants removed into the borders in April. In dry situations autumn-sown plants will frequently endure the winter. 4 Dot. Mag. t. 2512. LI'NUM ALPI'NUM. ALPINE FLAX. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. PENTAGVNIA. Natural Order. CARYOPHILLEJ2. Native of Austria. Height. 8 inches. Flowers in June, Aug. Duration . Perennial. Cultivated in 1739. No. 14. Linum comes from the Greek word LIN ON, sig- nifying flax or cotton ; or cloth manufactured from either of them. Alpinum, from the Latin alpinus, belonging to the Alps. Our English word flax, is of Saxon origin, from flex. This little plant resembles the Linum usitatissi- mum, or common flax, so well known ; but is shorter in the stem, and the flowers are much larger. It may be propagated by cuttings, which strike readily under a hand-glass ; or the seeds may be sown as soon as they are ripe. It is a pretty plant for rock work or the fronts of borders, and prefers a dry sandy soil. Flax appears to have been cultivated by the Egyptians, upwards of three thousand years ago, for we read of it in the book of Exodus, chap. 9, ver. 31 ; though it does not appear at what precise period it first became employed for the purposes to which we now convert it. Notwithstanding the mention of linen is found in the works of the most ancient historians, it is not quite certain that it was, in their time, manufactured either of flax or hemp. The Greeks are said, at a very early period, to have been supplied with their fine linen from Egypt ; but their term LIN ON applies indiscriminately to cloth of cotton or flax ; and it is probable, that the former was used many ages before the latter. Herodotus, the Greek historian, who lived about two thousand years ago, and who travelled in Egypt, frequently notices the use of linen, but we neither find it determined by the historian himself, nor any of his commentators, that flax was, at that period, manufactured into cloth. It may have been culti- vated for its seed only. Linseed oil, which is expressed from the seed of the common flax, is highly valuable to the arts, par- ticularly as a component part of paint. An infusion of flax seed has been found to be ex- tremely useful as a pectoral drink, in coughs, colds, and affections of the lungs. It is thus prepared : — Take an ounce of bruised flax seed, half an ounce of sliced liquorice root, and pour upon them a quart of boiling water ; let it macerate an hour near the fire, and then strain it off for use. A teacup-full may be taken five or six times in the course of twenty-four hours; when a fresh supply should be made. Equal parts of linseed oil and lime water, form a liniment that no family should be without. It is sin- gularly tfseful in the cure of burns and scalds ; and if timely applied, prevents the inflammation attendant on these cases. The flax stem, when macerated in streams or ponds, is said to communicate a poisonous quality to the water ; and an act of Henry VIII. prohibited the practice, under pain of twenty shillings. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 187. CATANAN'CHE (LERU'LEA. t BLUE-FLOWERED CATANANCHE. Clans. Order. SYNGEIfESIA. POLVGAMIA jEQUALlS. Natural Order. CICHORACEdi. Native of S. Europe. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in July, Sept. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. No. 15. Catananche is derived from two Greek words, signifying compulsion ; from its supposed power of causing1 an irresistable impulse to love ; a quality which, formerly, it was ridiculously imagined to possess. Cserulea, from the Latin, blue. The blue-flowered Catananche appears to have been an old inhabitant of our gardens, and it is said to be synonymous with the sesainoides parvum of Gerarde ; if so, the figure given of it by that author, is certainly inferior to most of those he has supplied us with. Miller observes that it may be propagated by heads taken from the mother plant. This we have never tried, finding it easily raised from seeds, and we judge with much more success than by dividing. Sow seeds of the Catananche cserulea in March or April, in rich light soil, and when the young plants come up, they should be thinned, if required, and kept clear from weeds till autumn. The seed- lings may then be planted out, one in a place, in dry situations, where they are intended to remain, and an abundance of flowers will be produced in the fol- lowing summer. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 469. MIRA'BILIS JALA'PA. COMMON MARVEL OF PERU. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. NYCTAGINEjE. Native of India. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in August. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. No. 16. This plant is said to have received its name, Mira- bilis, from the 'wonderful diversity of colours in the flowers.' We may venture an opinion that it arose from the diverse combination of them ; for the colours in a single flower are by no means numerous. One plant will produce many flowers entirely red, some of a clear yellow, and others variegated in different degrees, with red, yellow, and occasionally with cream colour. There is a purple and white variety also, which possesses the same changeful propensity in the disposition of its two colours, but we are not aware of these colours ever being mingled with the red and yellow ; and seedling plants most frequently produce plain flowers only. The specific name, Jalapa, was adopted on the supposition that the officinal Jalap was produced by the Mirabilis. This error has been corrected by Dr. Houston, who discovered, in the Spanish West Indies, that the plant from which the Jalap of the shops is prepared, is a species of convolvulus, and is now known as the Convolvulus Jalapa. Bullock, when travelling in Mexico, in 1823, observed that Jalap was chiefly produced in fhe neighbourhood of Xalapa : hence its appellation ; the J and the X, in the Spanish language, having the same sound, and being interchangeable. Our old herbalists, two centuries ago, were well acquainted with this plant, and * dwell with great marvel thereon.' Parkinson calls it the 'Meruaile of the World,' and mentions, amongst others, one that he possessed with blossoms of a pale purple or peach colour. It has obtained the appellation of the four-o'clock plant, from the flowers usually opening about that time in the afternoon. In cool or gloomy weather, however, they continue expanded during the next day ; otherwise the warmth of the sun, early in the morning, closes them to open no more : when even- ing again arrives, we find our plant with fresh em- bellishments, as gay as before. The Marvel of Peru is usually cultivated as a half-hardy annual ; but it is far better to take up the roots on the first approach of frost, and lay them in dry sand, in a cellar, till the last week in March ; when they may be replanted in the borders for flow- ering. As the roots, when thus put out into the borders, will sometimes remain in the ground a considerable time before they vegetate, it is pre- ferable to plant them in deep pots of soil, and place them in a hotbed till they have grown an inch or two : they may then be turned out, with the balls of soil unbroken, into the situations in which they are intended to flower. If seedlings are desired, raise them in a holbed, as early as is convenient, that they may blow before the sharp autumnal nights prevent it. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 382. Gaultheria prornml*1 us . Aiiisonin latifnlia , i 1 a oo fragraiis A;iuica. (Euothera pumil E.D. Smith del1: KAL'MIA LATIFO'LIA. BROAD-LEAVED KALMIA. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. RHODORACE2E. Native of N. America Height. 4 feet. Flowers in May, July. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1734. No. 33. Peter Kalm was an eminent botanist of Finland, and professor of the science at Abo. He imbibed a love of nature among the flowery rocks of Sweden; the wilds also of North America, and icy forests of Russia were alike explored by him. He published his travels through North America in 1753, which were translated into English by Mr. Forster in 1771 ; and Linneus, it may be conceived, paid no more than due respect to merit, in bestowing his name on this splendid family of plants. Latifolia, from the Latin latus, broad ; and folium, a leaf. The first sentiment excited by the presence of this beautiful North American shrub, is one of re- gret, arising out of the difficulty of keeping it in perfect health. The principal requisites towards this appear to be purity of air, moisture and shade during our summer months, and a proper imitation of its native soil. Abercombie says, 'most of the exotic shrubs brought from America, were originally found grow- ing on tracts of ground resembling our beds of peat, and the luxuriance of these vegetables may partly be ascribed to the excessive moisture which is 9 peculiar to some parts of America. One great obj ect is to imitate the American peat. This is a compo- sition of the branches, twigs, leaves, and the roots of trees; with small plants, grass, and weeds; by having lain immemorially in water, the whole is formed into a soft mass ; and when the materials are completely decayed and blended so as to be homo- geneous in appearance, the compound is the finest vegetable mould: where this description of peat cannot be obtained, recourse must be had to the best that can be procured from marshes, bogs, or heathy commons, which must be well turned and sweetened, and mixed with sand and rotten leaves.' Of this soil distinct beds should be formed, about three feet deep, for this class of American plants, with a shade of shrubby or lofty trees on the south side ; and if the beds could be so placed as to admit an occasional flow of water being turned through a stratum of pebbles, laid three or four feet beneath the surface, little doubt would exist of success. It is preferable to transplant in spring or autumn, but it may be effected at almost any period, if the earth be not too much disturbed from the fibrous roots, which are so small and numerous as to retain the soil in one compact mass. But little difficulty would exist in the cultivation of the Kalmia, Rho- dodendron, and other similar plants, if a sufficiency of moisture could be conveniently afforded them du- ring our summer months. In most situations they require copious waterings in very warm weather. Our drawing is from the pale-flowered Kalrnia latifolia, and we intend resuming the subject, with further directions, under another variety of it. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 47. LINA'RIA PURPU'REA. PURPLE FLAX-WEED. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. ANCIOSPERMIA. Natural Order . SCROPHULARIN2E. Native of S. Europe. Height. 4 feet. Flowers in June, Sep. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1648. No. 34. The term Linaria appears to have had its origin from Linum, flax; just as Flax-weed and Toad-flax are deduced from the English word, on account of the similarity of the plants. This species is frequently known as the Antir- rhinum purpureum, in which genus it was placed by Linneus: modern botanists have, however, di- vided the Antirrhinums into two genera, and this plant now stands with the appellation by which it was well known to Gerarde, Parkinson, Bauhin, and others. Purpurea, from the Latin, purple. Its erect and elegant growth renders it well suit- ed to contrast with more diffuse subjects of its own stature ; and the simplicity of its culture will qualify its deficiency of that splendour which may attach to some of its more fastidious neighbours. It produces seed freely, and from these may be readily propagated. If sown in the autumn upon a tolerably dry soil, they will not fail to come up, and produce much stronger plants than those sown in spring ; and when once established it may be ex- pected, by seed, to increase spontaneously, though in very wet soils it will sometimes fail. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 12. (ENOTHE'RA PU'MILA. DWARF (ENOTHERA. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. ONAGRARI&. Native of N. America. Height. 1 foot. Flowers in May, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1757. No. 35. From two Greek words OINOS and THERA, the first signifying wine, and the second a pursuit, in consequence of the dried roots acquiring the flavour of wine. Pumila, from the Latin, little. (Enothera has, by different authors, been accent- ed on the antepenultimate, and on the penultimate syllable : the latter agrees best with the derivation. Though this is the smallest (Enothera that we are acquainted with, it forms a pretty ornament amongst rock- work, and plants of like size; and we find it possess this advantage, that whilst blossom- ing through the hottest months, it rarely suffers by drought. It is easily increased by parting the roots in spring or autumn; but it will produce much finer plants, and flower better, when raised from seeds. Miller directs that they be sown in autumn, in pots, placed under a hotbed frame until the spring, when the plants will appear : when fit to remove, plant a few in small pots, to be sheltered under a common frame in winter; others may be set in a sheltered border, and the following summer they will produce flowers and seeds in plenty. Hort.Kew.2, v.2, 343. VALERIA'NA MONTA'NA. MOUNTAIN VALERIAN. Class. Order. TRIAICDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. DIPSACE*:. Native of Switzerland Height. Ifoot. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1739. No. 36. Of the origin of the term Valeriana we have nothing certain on record. Some persons have supposed it to have originated in the name of an eminent physician, Valerius, who is said to have first used one of the species of it in medicine; whilst others think the term may have come from the Latin valere, to be well. Montana, from the Latin mons, a mount. We are not aware that this species has been em- ployed in medicine, but the Valeriana officinalis is not only used against particular disorders; but, according to Gerarde, was in his day employed as a pot herb by the inhabitants of the north. He quotes a lame couplet in its praise, and says, 'some woman poet or other hath made these verses.* Could this venerable herbalist be introduced to some of our ' woman poetry* of the nineteenth cen- tury, we think he would not, so unceremoniously, cast a slur on the productions of the fair sex. It flourishes in a light dry soil, and is readily increased by a separation of its roots. Though increase be not wanted, it will still be desirable to divide and transplant it occasionally. Hon. Kew. 2, v.l, 74. Colutea frutesoens Gnaphalium ai»nanum Senecio elegans. .b. Smith, del' COLUTE'A FRUTES'CENS. SCARLET BLADDER SENNA. Class. Order. DIADELPHIA. DBCANDBIA. Natural Order. LEGUKINOSEJE. Native of C.G.Hope. Height. 4 feet. Flowers in June, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1683. No. 37. The term Colutea has been introduced from the Greek name of a plant in Theophrastus, bnt no fur- ther knowledge appears to exist of its origin or ap- plication. It probably comes from KOI LOS, a spa- cious cavity, in allusion to its distended seed vessel. Frutescens, from the Latin frutex, a shrub. The common term Bladder Senna, has been given to it from its bladder-like pods, and the general resem- blance of its foliage to that of the officinal Senna. It is also said to possess a portion of the cathartic qualities of that plant. Colutea is one of the unfortunate genera, among many others, that has come, perfected as it were, from the hand of the great father of our artificial system, to suffer amputation and distribution in af- ter ages. The Colutea frutescens is now found in the modern catalogues as Sutherlandia frutescens, in consequence of this name being adopted in the Hortus Kewensis, after Mr. Robert Brown. To the very eminent abilities of the author of the Prodromus Novse Angliee every one must be ready to pay the tribute of praise ; but, perhaps, that very acuteness of observation and depth of botanical science for 10 which he is celebrated, may render him more nice in his generic divisions than the plain botanist may admit to be necessary, or, indeed, than is useful to the practical man; for certain it is, that the ex- tension of our botanic vocabulary, and perplexing increase of synonyms, form a considerable draw- back on any advantage that may accrue from nicer distinctions. Both Sir J. E. Smith and Dr. Sims are of opinion, that the genera Sutherlandia and Swainsonia are too nearly allied to Colutea to admit separation. Its beautiful scarlet flowers, contrasted with its silvery foliage, render this a peculiarly ornamental little shrubby plant ; and after its brilliant blossoms are faded, its large inflated pods still excite an interest in its welfare. It is rather tender, and is frequently kept in the greenhouse, where it never blossoms so luxuriantly and fine as in the open air. It should be planted against a wall in a warm sheltered situation, in light dry soil, and in frosty weather be protected by litter and matting; or if kept in a pot, in the house, it should be placed near to the window, and will always be benefited by being fully exposed in mild weather. Treated as a hardy plant, it does not continue more than three or four years: this, however, is not important, since it is easily raised from seeds, which may be sown early in the spring, in pots, placed in a cool cucumber frame, and the plants should be hardened to the open air as early as pos- sible. If thus forwarded, they will blossom in the latter part of the summer ; or if not at that time, early in the following season. Hort.Kew.2, v.4, 327. GNAPHA'LIUM ARENA'RIUM. SAND EVERLASTING. Class . Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFEREvE. Native of Europe. Height. 9 inches. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1739. No. 38. The name comes from the Greek GNAPHALON, signifying down or wool, such as is produced by dressing or shearing cloth, in allusion to the wool- liness of the foliage. Arenarium, from the Latin arena, sand, indicative of the soil it usually prefers. The presence of the flowers of this Gnaphalium, in many parts of Europe, gives rise to feelings of melancholy and sadness, which Englishmen have never been taught to connect with them. The con- trary is rather the case, for they are introduced among us in bouquets for festivities, and embellish- ments for head dresses. They are sometimes ar- tificially tinged with a diversity of hues, and from their continued beauty, in a dry state, they have obtained the title Everlasting. Some of our readers may not be informed of the prevalent practice amongst the inhabitants of the continent, in using these flowers to decorate the monuments and graves of their departed relatives and friends. The French are particularly partial to these flowers, and designate them as we do, IM- MORTELLE. It has been observed by Mr. Phil- lips, that * since the hill of Pere la Chaise has been converted into a cemetery for the city of Paris, the demand for these flowers in the French capital has been so considerable, as not only to employ many hands in the cultivation of them, but numerous families are regularly occupied, and entirely sup- ported by forming these flowers into garlands and crosses, which are offered for sale by the cottagers near the entrance of this celebrated burial ground ; and but few persons can visit the romantic and hal- lowed spot without having some name called to their remembrance which draws from them this slight token of remembrance ; for here we find a mingled mass of monuments, recalling to our recollection the sweet lines of the poet, the ready wit of the critic, the piety of the priest, the heroic deeds of the sol- dier, the bravery of the sailor, the labours of the naturalist, the beauties of the artist, and the loves of Abelard and Heloise; here we meet fond parents with wreaths of IMMORTELLES to drop on the sod of their blighted hopes, and affectionate children placing crosses of everlasting flowers on the head of their parents* graves.' The cultivation of this plant is particularly easy where the soil is light and dry, but in damp si- tuations it frequently dies under the influence of the moisture of our climate during the three first months of the year. It should be divided in spring or au- tumn, and if the soil be stiff, mix with it an ample portion of drift sand ; this will generally preserve it in health ; but should it not do so, plant it on little hillocs of light soil, which may be raised six or eight inches high, as a further defence against damp ; and half cover the soil with small pebbles. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5, 14. HES'PERIS MATRON A'LIS. plena alba. DOUBLE WHITE ROCKET. Class. Order. TBTRADYNAMIA. SILIQUOSA. Natural Order. CRUCIFERE^E. Native of Italy. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1597. No. 39. Hesperis, from the Greek 'ESPEROS, evening; in consequence of the fragrance of some of this tribe at that time. We are told that the ladies of Ger- many cultivate these flowers in pots, to secure the evening perfume of them in their apartments, whence they have been called dames' violets; and this al- lusion has been Latinized into matronalis. The name of Rocket seems to have come to us through the Latin eruca, signifying canker-worm as well as the name of this plant, and as it frequently dies with the unskilful, without a perceptible cause, the term may be as applicable as many others in our scientific nomenclature. Many and contradictory directions have been given for the cultivation of this plant, evidently by persons not at all practically acquainted with its habits. The best information we have ever seen printed is contained in Rees's Cyclopaedia. The grand secret consists in cutting- down the flower stems of a plant or two, before they are much ex- hausted by the bloom, thus a good stock of offsets will be produced. A cool and rather moist situation for the rocket is always to be preferred. Hon. Kew. 2, v. 4, 122. SENE'CIO EL'EGANS. PURPLE GROUNDSEL. Class. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA SUPBRFLUA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFEREjE. Native of C.G.Hope. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in June, Oct. Duration. Annual. Cultivated in 1700. No. 40. Senecio, from the Latin senex, an old man; a name which has been given to it from the fancied resemblance of its seed down to the grey or silvery head of age. Elegans, elegant. The seed of this plant is usually sold under the name of Jacobaea, which term has been handed down from some old botanists, who called it Flos Sancti Jacobi, or the flower of Saint James. The Senecio elegans may be raised from seeds, sown with other hardy annuals in the spring, and requires no peculiar care. The double one, which is merely a variety of the same, is an extremely beautiful plant ; and although it does not come within our limits as a hardy one, we may be pardoned the union of it with its syno- nymous species. It is usually cultivated in pots, as an ornament for the house, yet few plants are better adapted for giving assistance to the brilliancy of the flower border, where, during the summer months, it will grow with greater luxuriance and beauty than in any other situation. It is a tender plant, and where there is not a greenhouse protection, it may be kept during the winter, in a dry airy room, protected from frost; and should be very sparingly supplied with water, or its succulent stems will be liable to decay. In the be- ginning of March, propagation may be commenced by cuttings, and if one plant only has been preserved through the winter, an abundance of others may be raised from it. Two joints are sufficient to consti- tute a cutting, and it should be taken off close be- neath the lower one. It is usual to slit it a quarter of an inch upwards from the bottom, through the joint, which certainly in some plants facilitates their rooting, and can injure none. These should be planted in pots of light rich earth, two or three in each, then watered immediately ; and bell glasses, or in the absence of these, tumblers or goblets, be turned over them. If in this state it be convenient to place the pots in a warm cucumber frame, the cuttings will strike root more quickly, but if not they may be placed before the window of a warm room having a southern aspect, where they will generally succeed very well. The glasses should, occasionally, be taken from them for a few minutes, and wiped, but not be altogether removed till the cuttings have struck root. When they begin to grow freely, they may be transplanted into separate pots, be gradually hardened to the open air, and kept in readiness to turn into the borders about the middle of May, where they will prove a conspicuous ornament all the summer. The white variety of the double Groundsel is far less common than the pur- ple ; and though not so gay an ornament, is a very desirable one either for pot culture or to beautify the parterre. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5, 42. Pentst«-mon pubencen.* (ENOTHE'RA MACROCAR'PA. LARGE-FRUITED EVENING PRIMROSE. Class. Order. OCTANDR1A. WOXOGYNIA. Natural Order. ONAGRARIjE. Native of N. America. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in June, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1811. No. 41. (Enothera, from the Greek, explained under CEnothera pumila, No. 35. Macrocarpa is also of Greek extraction, signifying large-fruited. Nearly the whole of the genus (Enothera, or Evening Primrose, a name by which some of the species are so familiar to us, arc- extremely orna- mental plants. They have obtained the latter well-known appellation from the circumstance of their flowers expanding in the evening; though this peculiarity does not equally apply to all the individuals of the genus. The species Macrocarpa has been considered synonymous with Missourensis. It is easily propagated by cuttings, which may be planted in pots, and placed in a hotbed, or un- der a hand glass, till they have struck root; they will there be convenient for removing into warm parts of the flower border, or to place in a cold frame for more effective winter protection. It should be planted in a situation that is fa- vourable to its trailing on the ground, unless con- siderable attention can be paid to the support of its succulent stems. Bot. Mag. 1. 1592. PENTSTE'MON PUBES'CENS. HAIRY PENTSTEMON. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. AITGIOSPERMIA. Natural Order. B1GNON1ACE.E. Native of N.America. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in July, Sept. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1758. No. 42. From two Greek words, signifying a fifth sta- men, which name has been chosen to distinguish this genus from others of the same class ; though the additional stamen is always more or less im- perfect. Pubescens, from the Latin, downy. It is frequently known as the Chelone pentste- mon ; and this, some of the best botanists still con- sider its legitimate title ; but the use of the new name amongst those who never even pretend to judge of its propriety, has rendered its adoption almost necessary, that the plant might be recog- nized by those who know it by no other appella- tion. It was first adopted merely on account of a trifling variation in the rudiment of the addi- tional filament already alluded to. It is of easy cultivation, and may be propagated either by seeds, cuttings, or separation at the root. Seeds should be sown in the spring ; and the plants, which require no other care than that of being kept free from weeds, will blossom in the following sum- mer. If cuttings are taken as early in the spring as the plants will admit, they will flower in the following autumn. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 8. KAL'MfA GLAU'CA. GLAUCOUS KALMIA. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA, Natural Order. m RHOUORACEyE. Native of N.America. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1767. No. 43. Kalmia, after Peter Kalm, noticed at No. 33, where a return to the same subject was antici- pated under another variety of Kalrnia latifolia. The Kalmia glauca is now given, there being but little difference in the nature of the several species. In America it is called the spoon tree, in conse- quence of the natives making use of the wood^ which is close and hard, for the purpose of form- ing various articles of household utility. Miss Edgeworth, in her tale of " To-morrow," ingeniously alludes to the poisonous properties of the leaves of this splendid plant. It forms one of her auxiliaries in the delineation of the evils of procrastination, which she has given with a force and feeling not to be surpassed. The incident is founded on the communication of Dr. Barton, in the American Transactions ; who states that in Philadelphia, in the winter of 1790, an official pro- clamation was issued, warning all persons from eating pheasants. This, the Doctor observes, was done on a well grounded opinion, that several persons had died from the use of some of these birds which had fed on the leaves of the Kalmia. Opposed to this opinion, is that of Mr. Wilson, the ornithologist, who says that he has found the crops of these birds distended almost entirely with the buds of the Kalmia, but that he has eaten freely of the flesh of such of them, without any ill conse- quence having arisen. Its noxious character has been strongly exhi- bited on the rattlesnake. A few drops of a tiuctur'e prepared from the leaves having been poured on this reptile, it died shortly afterwards. And the deleterious effects of the leaves on the human system, are such as should excite a strict guard against their being eaten by children. Kalm, himself, states that both sheep and calves had died from eating them, and that cows and horses had suffered greatly from the same cause. On the other hand, when the ground is covered with snow, stags browse them as their common food, without any ill effects having been known to arise from the use of the venison. In the cultivation of plants generally, but more particularly those of difficult growth, attention should always be given to the peculiar situation of them in their native soil. Professor Kalm has chiefly noticed the broad-leaved species, and found it succeed best on the sides of hills, especially on the north side; and says, on meeting with a steep place near a brook, or on the side of a hill to- wards a marsh, you are sure to find it. This alone speaks pages to the attentive cultivator ; particu- larly when he is told that vegetable earth or peat constitutes its native soil, in a climate no milder than our own. Hort. Kcw. 2, v. 3, 47. ACHILLE'A SPECIO'SA. SPEAR-LEAVED MILFOIL. Class. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAM1A SUPERFLUA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFERE.S. Native Co Unknown. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1804. No. 44. The name Achillea is deduced from Achilles, the famous Grecian hero, whose strength and prowess form so conspicuous a character in the Iliad. Clad in armour, impenetrable and resplen- dent, Homer compares him with the sun : — " Not brighter, Phoebus in th' ethereal way, Flames from his chariot and restores the day '* Speciosa, from the Latin, handsome. Many of the plants now coming- under the denomination of Milfoil, do not possess the character which this name seems to have been first intended to indicate; the Latin Millefolium, being compounded of Milb, a thousand, and folium, a leaf; and used to cha- racterize some of these plants, which have very numerous pinnae or leaflets. The flowers of this Achillea are, probably, not so showy and attractive as the florist may be led to expect from its appellation of Speciosa. The plant, however, is of handsome upright growth, and its serrated foliage particularly neat. In very light soils it sometimes spreads too freely ; there- fore is of easy culture, and admits a division of its roots at the usual season. (.rilusll •.MillMlllll.-l I Ulllll.l . VERBAS'CUM PHCENI'CEUM. PURPLE-FLOWERED MULLEIN. Class, Order. PENTANDEIA. MONOOYNIA. Natural Or tier. 8OLANE*. Native of S.Europe. Height. 4 feet. Flowers in May, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. No. 45. Verbascum seems to be of very uncertain deriva- tion, and the term having been used by the oldest writers, its origin is likely to remain in obscurity. A supposition has been ventured that it is a corrup- tion of barbascum, from barba, bearded, on account of the woolliness of some of the species. Phoenice- um, from the Latin, signifying purple-coloured. Of the origin or application of our English term Mullein, we find no traces, otherwise than as the name of a plant. Some of these being soft and woolly, as before observed, it probably has been ap- plied from the Latin mollis, as indicative of that quality. With our drawing of this plant we have given a representation of a section of its stem. On cutting the stem through transversely, the arrangement of its sap vessels are as perfectly exhibited as in vege- tables of a more ligneous formation ; and it is pretty certain that its functions of vegetable life are per- formed by ascending and descending fluids upon the selfsame principles. On the circulation of vegetable fluids, various theories have, at different periods, been promulgated 12 by ingenious physiologists. Their theoretical spe- culations, however, have been pursued with much abstruseness and uncertainty, and it was left for the present age to exhibit, with somewhat like precision, the laboratory of nature in the vegetable kingdom. Mr. Knight, the president of the Horticultural So- ciety, from thirty years' intense application to this subject, has determined, by ingenious and satisfac- tory experiments, many of the phenomena of vege- tation, particularly such as are connected with the circulation of the sap, the perspiration of plants, &c. These subjects, perhaps, some of our readers may not have had occasion to examine. As they cannot fail to prove of peculiar interest to many enquiring minds, we shall have pleasure, as opportunity offers, in giving the opinions of eminent botanists, and the result of various experiments connected with this department of vegetable physiology. This species of verbascum is particularly hand- some, and we have observed that the flowers of a plant which has remained in its present situation four or five years, are now produced of a darker hue than when it was first planted. This possibly may have arisen from the presence of a portion of peat soil, which, from an alkaline quality that exists in it, is sometimes found to change pinks into purples; perhaps from the neutralization of acids, which pro- duce effects directly opposite. It never has perfected seeds with us, nor does it increase very much at the root, but it may be pro- pagated by cuttings of the young flowering stems, which strike root readily under bell glasses. It does not require any peculiar soil or situation. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 385. COREOP'SIS LANCEOLATA. SPEAR-LEAVED COREOPSIS. Clans. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA 8UPERFLUA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFEREjE. Native of Carolina. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in July, Oct. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1724. No. 46. The plants of this genus are sometimes called tick-seed sun flowers, in allusion to the shape of their seed ; which circumstance is regarded in the systematic appellation coreopsis, noticed under No. 13. Lanceolata, from the form of the leaves, which approaches that of a lance or spear. There are very few plants which exhibit a more rich profusion of golden flowers, and also produce them as long in succession as the Coreopsis lance- olata. From its medium height it is well suited either to the borders allotted to the growth of herba- ceous subjects, or for introduction into the mingled plantation of low flowering shrubs, where it will form a conspicuous ornament. It may be increased by dividing the roots in soring or autumn, but preference should be given to the former season ; or cuttings may be taken at any time during the summer months, provided it be sufficiently early to admit of their making strong root before the commencement of cold weather. Not less than two months should be allowed for this purpose, even with the assistance of bell or hand glasses. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5, 135. V> fWLVWffc r> />} ,nHffff ot bi»v nuf ;^^i< rftitjkl •>•». c ?u« cii*i»uiKi irw ifcwt io tKrti ^ Ktlimoi 1o «Jfinii'^uat *ii u:iit w y|-»i Mj-.» HI 8ftV,b'}i f-itl >«i '.Wfif M/telM .»-. LE'DUM PALUSTRE. MARSH LEDUM. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. RHODORACEA:. Native of Europe. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1762. No. 47. The name of this genus has been adopted from LEDON, which the Greeks applied to a species of cistus that produced their LED ON ON, our labdanum, a resinous substance sometimes employed in plais- ters, and also in fumigations for its perfume. The term has been improperly referred to laedendo as its original. Palustre, from the Latin, marshy, in allu- sion to its native situation. This plant, when bruised, has a rather pleasant aromatic scent, similar to that of fresh gathered hops ; and Linneus tells us that the inhabitants of some parts of Sweden, make use of the leaves in their beer, which produce an agreeable flavour, but an intoxicating quality. The Laplanders are said to strew the branches amongst their grain to drive away mice. A little variety occurs in the colour of its flowers. Some are of a clear white ; whilst others are deli- cately tinged with a pale pink. The Ledums come under the denomination of peat plants ; and grow best in that soil. This spe- cies succeeds best in a shady situation, and in the summer should be supplied with copious waterings. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 48. CAMPANULA PU'MILA. DWARF BELL-FLOWER. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYIUA. Natural Order. CAMPANULACBjE. Native of Switzerland Height. 3 inches. Floweis in June, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduction not known. No. 48. Campanula, from the Latin; the diminutive of campana, a bell ; a name appropriately bestowed on this genus, from the shape of the flowers. Pumila, also from the Latin, signifying little. This very pretty campanula, has been noticed by the greater part of our botanical writers as a variety of Campanula rotundifolia. It is, however, very different in several particulars, and may well claim the distinction of a separate species. There are two varieties, the blue and the white ; and where the soil is rich and loose, it is difficult to keep their thread-like roots within proper limits ; which if not attended to may occasion inconvenience by their mingling with other plants. During a part of the summer, this plant affords a very attractive border. Its little pendent blue, or more exquisitely delicate white, blossoms, which are yielded in "lovely profusion," form an unbroken line of neatness and simplicity. This effect is best obtained by enclosing the roots between two rows of tiles or slates, placed in the ground edgeways, about two inches apart, with their upper edges even with the surface of the soil. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 345. Pyrus Japonica. Gentian a acaulis. Ledum bunfolrum. E.D. Smith (<<• S Wans sculp. PY'RUS JAPON'ICA. JAPAN APPLE-TREE. Class. Order. ICOSANDRIA. PBNTAGYIUA. Natural Order. ROSACES. Native of Japan. Height. 6 feet. Flowers in Jan. June. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1796. No. 49. With the exposition and inferences of Linneus before us respecting the word Pyrus, as given by Sir J. E. Smith, we cannot submit to the deduction of the term from the Greek PUR, fire, which is sta- ted as given in consequence of the fruit drawing to a point like a flame. De Theis says, from the Cel- tic PEREN comes the Anglo-Saxon PERE, the En- glish PEAR, and the French POIRE. Hence Py- rus may easily be formed. According to the same writer, API, the Celtic name of a fruit of the same kind, is the origin of the Greek APIOS, the German APFEL, and our APPLE. Some authors, who will have Pyrus to be of Greek extraction, deduce it from APIOS, with the addition of an R, &c. That our readers may be prepared to meet new names, they should be informed that Chaenomeles Japonica, and also Malus Japonica, are amongst those lately bestowed on this shrub. The mere mention of Pyrus opens to our view such a field of speculations as it were impossible to pass without notice. We have the Pyrus malus, under which name is arranged all the varieties of that valuable fruit the Apple ; and Pyrus communis 13 botanically including the numberless sorts of pears, so common amongst us. We can but regret that many favourite old sorts of these fruits are unavoidably falling to decay. Trees, like animals, grow old and diseased ; and it is ob- served, that every bud or graft of such old tree, when attached to another stock, still inherits the age of its original, and its consequent disease. The invigoration yielded by its new alliance is only tem- porary. Thus, concisely, we warn our readers from vain attempts to propagate healthy trees from worn- out varieties. Every man should propagate from seeds, or graft from sorts that are known to have been recently so raised; and fruitful plantations would be the consequence. The Pyrus Japonica is a great acquisition to our gardens, from the beauty, and from the long succes- sion of its flowers. Indeed it is far more easy to name the season of its flowering, than to say when none are produced. Its fruit, which never appears to ripen here, is extremely stony and ungrateful; nevertheless, after having been laid by for a time, it emits a rich fruit-like odoriferous flavour. It is well calculated for training against trellis work or a wall, and also makes a pretty standard shrub, when spreading from a single stem about two feet in height. It requires no peculiar care, either as regards soil or situation. The best method of propagation is by layers, which should be put down in the autumn, and they will strike root freely in the following year. Cuttings are sometimes taken. A part of them will grow, but they produce weak plants. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 209. GENIS'TA SAGITTA'LIS. JOINTED GENISTA. Class. Order. DIADELPHIA. DECANDRIA. Natural Order. LEGUMINOSjE. Native of Germany. Height. 1 foot. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1758. No. 50. It is pretty generally agreed that Genista has been derived from the Latin genu, the knee ; but on what account authors appear less unanimous. Some say in allusion to the bending, or singular connexion of one part of the stem to another ; whilst others con- ceive that it arose from their similar flexibility ; or its utility in relieving pain in that joint. Sagittalis, also from the Latin, signifying, of an arrow, perhaps from the leaf having the appearance of the feather- ed end of an arrow. The singular formation of this plant will always claim for it a place in the garden of the curious. The leaves are produced one from the end of ano- ther; alternately from the upper and undersides, connected by the midrib, which has a partial termi- nation at the end of each. It may be divided at the root, though a better mode of propagation is from seeds. These should be sown in the autumn, and the plants kept free of weeds during the next summer. In September they may be transplanted to the situation where they are intended to remain. It succeeds in almost any soil or aspect. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 259. GENTIA'NA ACAU'LIS. GENTIANELLA. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Natural Order. GENTIANEJJ. Native of AlpsofEur. Height. 3 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1629. No. 51. This genus of plants has received its name in ho- nor of Gentius, a king of Illyria, who is said to have discovered one of the species of it. He is also sup- posed to have experienced its virtues in his army, as a cure for the plague. Acaulis, from the Greek, signifying stemless, which it is in its native alpine situations. Gentianella is formed as the diminutive of Gentian, to characterize a small species. It cannot but be sincerely regretted by the zea- lous votaries of Flora, who happen to possess their parterres of beauty within the influence of the smoke of towns, that this interesting plant is so fastidious as to refuse yielding its exquisitely brilliant blue flowers amongst them; though in high situations whether planted in strong or light soil, it generally flowers in great splendour. Pure air has always been deemed indispensible, yet peculiar management may possibly surmount the difficulty; for in situations where it never, or very rarely, produces flowers, we have generally observed it appear healthy and increase luxuriantly. This would suggest the pro- priety of planting it in poor soil, for sometimes by checking luxuriance we obtain, from some other plants, both flowers and fruit. Upon this principle it is that various arts are successfully practised on fruit trees; such as curtailing their roots, cutting notches in the larger limbs, and also that of ringing them. The latter method may, with the greatest confidence, be recommended for practice on young free-growing apple or pear trees, which frequently increase their wood too fast to admit of fruit being produced. It may be useful to some of our readers, and shall be briefly stated. If blossoms have not been usually produced, ring- ing should be performed after the fall of the leaf. This is called procuration ringing. When trees blossom, but fail to bear fruit, it may be done whilst they are in flower . This is called maturation ring- ing; and will induce the production of much finer fruit than would ever be yielded without it. The operation merely consists in taking a ring of the bark entirely off the whole circumference of a branch or limb of the tree. The breadth of the ring, on a luxuriant apple or pear tree, may be a quarter of an inch ; but on those of slow growth, it should be rather less. This practice is not so strictly applicable to stone fruits, from the propensity of the trees to gum and canker about the wound. Yet we have successfully practised it on these, taking care to ring such parts as have free growth, making the ring but narrow, and doing it at a period when the sap is most inactive. Thus may fruit trees be rendered productive, and flowering plants ornamental, where neither was the case before art stepped in and forced the efforts of nature. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 212. LE'DUM BUXIFO'LIUM. BOX-LEAVED LEDUM. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. » Natural Order. RHODORACEJE. Native of Carolina Height. 1 foot. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1736. No. 52. The derivation of the name of this genus, from the Greek LEDON, has been noticed under No. 47. Buxifolium, from buxus, box ; and folium, a leaf; in consequence of the resemblance of the foliage of this plant to that of the common box. A retrospective glance would seem to indicate the metamorphosis of our " Botanic Garden" into an or- chard. We, however, never intend being fettered by the limits of a particular subject. The whole vegetable kingdom is before us, and to the extent of our humble capacity we shall lay hold on any part of it that may seem to develope a source of know- ledge, either useful to the hands of the practical, or gratifying to the minds of the speculative. The Ledum buxifolium is a beautiful close-grow- ing little evergreen shrub, rarely reaching the height of twelve inches, which should be planted in sandy peat, in a cool and rather shaded situation ; and, as far as is possible, where it may have the advantage of pure air. Its chief demand on our care arises in the heat of summer, when it should be very fre- quently watered, or it will be liable to be lost. It is propagated slowly by layers. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 48. Epilobiuru Dodorvaei. B.D.Smxth. del. LIL'IUM TIGRI'NUM. TIGER-SPOTTED LILY. Class. Order. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNM. Natural Order. L1LIACU. Native of China. Heig-ht. 4 feet. i Flowers in 1 July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1804. No. 53. Lily, from the Greek LEIRION. The derivation and application of its trivial name are sufficiently evident. We know of very few plants that excited more general interest than did the Tiger Lily on its introduction to this country. Every one heard of, admired, and resolved on possessing1, this Chi- nese beauty ; and in a very short time, from its facility of propagation, the cottager and nobleman boasted alike of its splendour in their borders. Happily, our nature will not admit the continued exertion of these strong feelings of delight, which are generated by novelty; or, we should be un- ceasingly carried about by ecstacies, and temperate reason could no where build her throne. In a former number the resemblance of the bulb and the bud was hinted at. Their utility, as re- gards vegetation, is precisely the same ; for they both constitute what Linneus calls the hybernacu- lum, or the winter quarters, of the young plant. Their principal difference exists in the situation which they occupy ; and in the present, and a few other plants, even this distinction is wanting. 'I consider (says T. A. Knight, Esq. in a letter to the author,) a bulb to differ from an ordinary bud, only in having a reservoir of a different form attached to it. The bud of a tree, or of the tuber- ous root of a potatoe, is attached to a mass of alburnum and bark, from which, when it germi- nates, it draws its requisite nutriment. A bulbous root, such as the common onion, has numerous thick and fleshy scales, which in their incipient state, might have extended into leaves, but which, instead of extending themselves, remain short and are distended by becoming reservoirs of the true sap of the plant, as the bark and alburnum were in the cases before- mentioned.' He observes, also> *Buds of every kind have their attached reservoirs, without which they can- not live and extend themselves. Some species of trees and herbaceous plants possess a power which others do not, of re- producing buds upon the surface of their alburnum. It is, however, the unanimous opinion of the continental naturalists, and of the English and Scotch, with the exception of myself, that all buds originate from the Medulla ; and it is true, that in all cases> almost, a bud may be traced to the Medulla ; but I have, in a great many in- stances, occasioned buds to be generated upon the smooth surface of the alburnum ; and I have often seen them thus produced naturally.' If the bulbs which are produced on the stems of this magnificent Lily, be planted in the borders as soon as they fall, or can be easily detached, they will grow, and in most cases blossom at three years old, but stronger in the fourth year. Hort.Kew. 2, v. 2, 141. ERI'CA AUSTRA'US, SPANISH HEATH, Ckus. Order. OCTANDBIA. HONOGYNIA, Natural Order, junemm. Native of Spain. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1769. No. 54. Erica, from the Greek EREICO ; see No. 22, Australia, from the Latin, southern ; a specific name given in consequence of its having been in, troduced from the southern part of Europe, This plant will always prove a peculiarly in- teresting appendage to the peat border, and should never be dispensed with. The hardy heaths form a little tribe of shrubs whose beauties we cannot class with the splendour of the Kalmias, the Aza, leas, and the Rhododendrons ; but they equally in, terest us through a far different medium. They introduce themselves to our feelings by their mo, desty and humility ; and we readily adn.it the pro. priety of Dr. Watts' s assertion— <: Humility's a plant of lovely growth." Still the humble growth of some of the tender species of Erica, whose flowers are occasionally very specious, may further remind us of him who is humble only to embellish his grandeur. The Erica australis should be planted in sandy peat ; or in a mixture of peat and fresh loam ; and like most other of the hardy heaths, though they make root but slowly, may be increased by layers, Hort.Kew. 2, v. 2, 396. EPILO'BIUM DODONjE'I. DODON^EUS'S EPILOBIUM. doss. Order. OCTANDKIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. ONAGRARIjE. Native of Switzerland Height. 9 inches. ! Flowers in 1 July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1798. No. 55. Epilobium is compounded of three Greek words, EPI LOBOU ION, a violet upon a pod ; or, more literally, upon » a pod - a violet : not that a violet resembles the blossom, but is intended to indicate a beautiful flower. Dodonaei from Dodonaeus, an eminent physician and botanist of Friesland, who lived in the sixteenth century, and published several botanical works in German, illustrated by wood cuts, similar to those of Gerarde and Parkinson. This species has been noticed, by some writers, as synonymous with Epilobium angustissimum. Ours is a plant with procumbent stems, and other- wise differing from angustissimum. It is the prettiest plant that we know of the tribe, and is never troublesome by spreading at the root, which some of the Epilobiums are found to be. After it has done blossoming, the whole of the stems may be cut off, or they will continue to grow, and thus, sometimes, lessen the vigour of the roots. It is easily increased by separating the young shoots in the spring, which will succeed, notwith- standing they may be entirely devoid of any fibrous appendage. . TAGE'TES PAT'ULA. FRENCH MARYOOLD. Class. Order. SVNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA SDPBRFLDA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFER*. Native of Mexico. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in Aug. Oct. Duration. Annual. Cultivated in 1596. No. 56. Apuleius, a celebrated platonic philosopher of the second century, is said to have used this term ; its derivation must therefore be doubtful. De Theis has derived it from Tages, an Etruscan deity, grandson of Jupiter and teacher of divination. Patula, from the Latin> spreading. Why this plant is called French Marygold is now somewhat difficult to determine ; but it is more than probable that it received this appellation in conse- quence of its seed having been first imported to this country from France* Its cultivation is so generally known, that nothing need be said respecting it ; except to warn our readers against a formidable enemy to the young plants. If they be much eaten, a single exami* nation, late at night, with the assistance of a light, will show the depredators to be young earwigs, (Forficula auricularia) . Woollen cloth, loosely folded ; hollow bean stalks ; or two small boards, placed upon each other, with one edge of the upper one raised sufficiently to admit their creeping be- tween them, will form useful traps, and the insects may be destroyed every morning. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5, SB. 1>! .!<•<)< ,• |,l l.llllll 1 -|'<«- I ••> u III Phlox ovata. Primula. ;n-anJi.s S-imth del. -snnF DRACOCEPH'ALUM SPECIO'SUM. SHOWY DRAGON'S HEAD. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. OYMNOSPEBMIA. Natural Order. LABIATE. Native of N.America Height. 3 feet. Flowers in August. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1822. No. 57. Dracocephalum is a term compounded of two Greek words, DRACON, a dragon; and CEPHALE, the head, on account of the fancied resemblance of its corolla to the head of that fabulous animal. Speci- os«ctn, from the Latin, showy. This is a handsome erect herbaceous plant, of somewhat larger growth than the Dracocephalum denticulatum, to which it bears considerable resem- blance, but from its late introduction, is not so fre- quently met with. It will grow in any common garden soil, but pre- fers a rich and rather light loam. It increases freely at the root, and may be divided in spring, or in the autumn. We ought not, perhaps, to pass by the present opportunity of making further mention of the ideal animal whose name has assisted in distinguishing this genus of plants. We say ideal, because much that we have heard and read of dragons, during childhood, must have been so. Such tales may serve the purpose of the nurse, but are highly ridiculous, and improper to be implanted in the youthful mind. No opportunity should, therefore, be lost in unde- 15 PHLOX OVA'TA. OVAL-LEAVED PHLOX. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. POLEMONIACEjE. Native of N. America. Height. 6 inches. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1790. No. 59. Though the term Lychnidea has been expelled from Botanical genera, it is sometimes, nevertheless, used as an English name for this tribe of plants ; see No. 6. Ovata, from the Latin, signifying egg- shaped, or of an oval figure. The Phlox ovata is a beautiful herbaceous plant, and however often met with will always be welcome. We believe there is not one individual in this tribe but has powerful claims to the attention of every true florist ; we may therefore presume that our readers will have pleasure in being occasionally introduced to others of the same family. This little plant, though from North America, was for many years, after its introduction, regarded as a subject for the greenhouse, and indeed in moist situations it will occasionally decay. The greater part of the Phloxes delight in peat, or a mixture of that soil with loam ; peat, however, seems rather too retentive of moisture to suit the Phlox ovata ; but if planted in sandy loam, in a warm situation, the severest frosts will not be found to injure it. It may be propagated by parting the roots, or by cuttings. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 327. PRIMULA ACAU'LIS; Flore pleno rubra, et tiore pleno alba. PRIMROSE; Double Crimson, and Double White. Class. Order. PENTANDR1A. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. PRIMULACEJE. Native of Britain. Height. 3 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1640. No. 60. This plant has received its name from the Latin primus, first, on account of its early flowering; though not quite correctly, for we have aconites, snowdrops, and crocuses, before the delicate primrose dares to unfold its beautiful petals. Acaulis, from the Greek, stemless. The beautiful varieties of primroses which inhabit our gardens, whether crimson, lilac, or white, double or single, are alike included under one species. In- deed, much difficulty has arisen respecting the origin, and consequently, the proper specific division, of several of the primula tribe. Linneus considers the primrose, the cowslip, and oxlip, originally but one distinct species, and several reasons may be ad- vanced in support of this theory ; yet still the par- tially distinct characters of the primrose and cowslip should incline us now to separate them, whatever may have been their origin. We certainly have seen flowers of the primrose supported on a scape or stalk, and thus approach the oxlip ; whilst the cow- slip, when brought into cultivation, will have its flowers enlarged, and thus also incline towards the oxlip. Hence a tendency is shown, in the two ex- tremes of distinction, to verge towards each other; indeed, a host of connecting links between these plants will present themselves to the diligent and in- quiring botanist. Be the scientific difference or connection of these British subjects whatever it may, it does not lessen the value of our attractive 'and modest primrose, that lives on banks and hides its beauties beneath the brambles' shade, — " Lorn tenant of the peaceful glade, Emblem of virtue in the shade, Rearing thy head to hrave the storm That would thy innocence deform. Of all the flowers that greet the spring, Of all the flowers the seasons bring j To me while doom'd to linger here, The lowly Primrose shall be dear." MAYITB. The two peculiarly pleasing varieties of whith we now present figures, are the most elegant little subjects that we are acquainted with in the spe- cies. They are usually planted in a loamy soil; we, however, find a sandy peat, with a little loam, more suitable to their growth. As the double white does not freely produce offsets that can be conve- niently slipped from the old plant, it will be found an advantageous practice to slit the thick part of the old root longitudinally with a knife, into as many parts as the head will admit ; observing to retain a portion of the fibrous roots to each division. These being planted in pots or the borders, should be regularly supplied with water till they have taken root; but during the winter, if in pots, they require little or no water. Hort. Kew, 2, v. 1, 307. syphilitic 4 <'«.i .•••!> •• i » t .-M UII'M li.i h 1 <-.-> i i .-i C, LOBE'LIA SIPHILIT'ICA. BLUE LOBELIA. Class. Order. PBNTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Or tier. CAMPANULACEJE. Native of Virginia. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in Aug. Sept. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1665. No. 61. Lobelia is a name instituted by Plumier, after Matthias de Lobel, a Flemish botanist of the six- teenth century; who, in youth, acquired an ardent love of plants; and, through life, cultivated the sci- ence of botany with considerable success. He was appointed botanist to King James I., and died near London, at the advanced age of seventy-eight. Woodville observes that this plant derived its ap- pellation, Siphilitica, from its efficacy in the cure of siphilis, according to the experience of the North American Indians. As its antisiphilitic powers have not, however, been confirmed by European practice, it may be needless to treat at all on its medical qualities. Several plants of the Lobelia tribe possess very active medicinal properties, particularly the Lobelia Tupa, a native of Chili. This species is poisonous in the extreme, and acts as an emetic, simply by smelling the flowers. Whether the Lobelia siphilitica be planted in the open ground, or kept in a pot, the offsets, should be be divided in the spring; and they will blossom freely without further care. 16 Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 359. COREOPSIS TENUIFO'LIA. . SLENDER-LEAVED COREOPSIS. Class. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA FRUSTBANBA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFBRJE. Native of N.America Height. 15 inches. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1784. No. 62. Coreopsis, from the Greek CORIS, a bug; and OPS is, appearance ; in allusion to the apparent similarity of the seed and the insect. From this circumstance it is, in part, that these plants are sometimes called tick-seed sunflower. Tenuifolia, from the Latin tenuis, slender ; and folium, a leaf. There were formerly between thirty and forty distinct species of Coreopsis described, and nearly the whole of them, like tenuifolia, hardy and her- baceous. The genus has, however, been somewhat curtailed, from the generic characters of some of its former species having been found such, as of neces- sity, required their removal to other families. They are generally showy plants ; and more perfect in- stances of their attraction need not be given, than in the two species already published in this work, No. 13, and No. 46. The former of these, the Coreopsis tinctoria, has spread over Great Britain more rapidly than any plant we have ever known. In the three years, since the period of its introduc- tion, its beauty has secured it a passport to almost every respectable garden in the kingdom ; where it will continue to be cultivated as one of the most desirable annuals that our transatlantic friends have ever bestowed upon us. The Coreopsis tenuifolia requires no peculiar care, but may be planted in any common garden soil. Its increase at the root will admit a division every other year, or even more frequently. It is a desirable plant, from the compactness of its growth and neatness of its slender foliage. It opens its brilliant flowers before the gay annuals of the autumn are over prominent ; a season which is usually burthened with these tints of gold. Nature, indeed, seems prodigal of this rich dress. The opening of spring exhibits her in the garden, attired in aconites, crocuses, and the gay variety of narcis- suses; whilst the meadows, in a blaze of butter- cups and cowslips, remind us of the descent of Ju- piter in a shower of gold. The pleasures of hope are multiplied as we ap- proach the object of anticipation ; and now, at the vernal equinox, the very mention of spring is exhi- larating in the extreme, when 11 All that is sweet to smell, all that can charm (it(i ,- Or eye or ear, bursts forth on every side, Arid crowds upon the senses. IiJtftJJti " By nature's swift and secret working hand, The garden glows, and fills the liberal air With lavish fragrance : while the promised fruit » unperceivcd, Within its crimson folds. . " Ye fostering breezes blow, Ye softening dews, ye tender showers, descend ! And temper all, thou world reviving sun, -In*0 *ne perfect year.1 ' THOMSOJT. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 6, 133. RHODODENDRON HIRSU'TUM. HAIRY-LEAVED RHODODENDRON. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOCYNIA. Natural Order. RHODORACEJK. Native of Switzerland. Height. 18 inches. flowers in May, July. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1739. No. 63. Rhododendron is deduced from two Greek words, RODON, a rose, and DENDRON, a tree. The name was first adopted by Dioscorides. Linneus's ap- plication of it does not, however, appear to be con- tinued to the same plants. Our Nerium is supposed to have first borne the appellation. Hirsutum, from the Latin, rough or hairy. Our present subject bears a strong affinity to the Rhododendron ferrugineum, excepting that the un- der side of its leaves are less rusty, and they are also fringed with rigid hairs, which are not found on the leaves of the Rhododendron ferrugineum. It is rather more free in growth than the last- mentioned species, and generally possesses an ad- vantage over it, in the abundance of its beautiful blossoms. These plants are propagated, in Great Britain, principally by layers ; as they rarely produce seeds or suckers, except in their natural climate. The usual time of laying them is the latter part of sum- mer, and the heads only of the young shoots should be left above the soil. Peat soil and a northerly aspect will be found most suitable. Hort. Kew. 2, v 3, 49. COCHLEA'RIA GRCENLAN'DICA. GREENLAND SCURVY-GRASS. Class. Order. TETRADYNAMIA. SILICULOS.S. Natural Order. CRUCIFERjE. Native of Greenland. Height. 2 inches. Flowers in June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated No. 64. From the Latin cochleare, a spoon ; a term ap- plied to this family of plants from the formation of their leaves being concave, and resembling an old fashioned spoon. Groenlandica, from the country where it has been found. It has, occasionally, been met with also in the Orkneys, and on the mountains of Scotland. This species is, by some authors, termed a starved variety of the officinalis, an English species, pretty well known in the north, and on the sea coast, a plant which has obtained for the genus the title of scurvy-grass. Its efficacy in scorbutic affections appears to be established on the most respectable authorities, and though various preparations of the Cochlearia officinalis are prescribed, it is generally acknowledged that the green plant taken as a salad, is by far the most efficacious mode of employing it as an antiscorbutic. The best method of keeping the Greenland scur- vy-grass, is in a small pot of light loam ; and like most other alpine plants, it succeeds best in a high and open situation, where it has the full advantage of pure air. Withering, 678. Dianthii!* < 'hiii'-n -i - DIAN'THUS CHINEN'SIS. CHINA PINK. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Natural Order. CARYOPHYLLE.fi. Native of China. Height. 9 inches. Flowers in July, Sept. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1713. No. 65. Linneus, duly appreciating- the beauty and fra- grance of this genus of plants, seems to have been desirous of distinguishing it by a name, and called it Jove's Flower; deriving Dianthus from the Greek DIGS, of Jove, and ANTHOS, a flower. Chinensis from its native country. This plant is usually mentioned as biennial. We have considered it perennial, from conviction that it most probably is perfectly so in its native climate. It may be cultivated with advantage as an annual, as it perfects its seed in the first season of its growth, but having found it continue three years in a healthy state, it would be improper to term it an- nual or biennial. The numerous combinations of colour into which this well-known little subject is prone to sport, renders it truly interesting. Each succeeding flower may be anticipated as more beautiful than its predecessor. The China Pink, or Indian Pink, as it is sometimes called, may be raised from seeds, which should be sown on the borders, or a hot-bed, at the latter end of March. A dry light soil is best suited to it. 17 Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 80. SISYRIN'CHIUM STRIA'TUM. STREAKED SISYRINCHIUM. Class. TBIANDRIA. Order. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. IBIDEM. Native of Mexico. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1788. No. 66. The word Sisyrinchium is deduced from the Greek sus, a hog, and RYGCHOS, a snout. This name has been handed down to us from classic au- thors who lived before the birth of Christ ; but it has not been precisely determined what plant then bore the appellation. There is nothing in this genus that entitles it to such a name ; nothing, at least, that we can trace. Striatum, from the Latin, in reference to its striated leaves and flowers. In the late general catalogues, this plant is called Marica striata, after Curtis ; but we follow the au- thority of the most eminent modern authors and nur- serymen, by retaining its previous appellation. The Sisyrinchium striatum is well adapted for the mingled flower border of herbaceous plants, as it continues in bloom during the whole of June and July, and exhibits a pretty variety of flowers in con- nexion with its Iris-like foliage. It is easily increased, by a division of its roots in autumn or spring, and should he planted in a strong loamy soil. As it is sometimes destroyed by severe frosts, it will be advisable to protect a plant in the cold frame. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 136. CALCEOLARIA CORYMBO'SA. CHILI SLIPPER-WORT. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. MONOGYMA. Natural Order. SCROPHULARINjE. Native of Chili. Height. 12 inches. Flowers in June, July. Duration . Annual. Introduced in 1823. No. 67. The term Calceolaria has originated from the Latin calceolus, a little shoe : and an inspection of the figure of the plant will sufficiently show the reason of its bearing the appellation. Corymbosa, from its mode of inflorescence. The shape of the corolla of Calceolaria is one of those which, from its infrequency, attracts the notice of the most careless observer. It cannot be said to present any phenomenon that does not exist in the simplest flower that we meet with. Its novelty alone surprises. Were we accustomed to see none but monopetalous flowers, similar to the present one, how excessive would be our surprise and pleasure on first beholding the brilliantly rayed daisy, with its golden engine-turned centre ; which now is pressed beneath our feet, and regarded, almost as little by the botanist of sensibility, as by the rudest hind that ever despoiled its beauties. The cultivation of the Calceolaria Corymbosa is by no means difficult. It may be planted in the open borders, or kept in a pot of loam and peat, but should have a little protection against the severe frost of our winters. Bot. Reg. 723. PHLOX SETA'CEA. FINE-LEAVED PHLOX. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. POLEMONIACEjE. Native of N.America. Height. 3 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial . Introduced in 1786. No. 68. The probable origin of the word Phlox has been noticed under the sixth subject given in this work. Setacea, from the Latin seta, a bristle, in allusion to its bristle-like foliage. The species of Phlox which we now present to our readers, is completely dissimilar from either of those already treated of, but is still a desirable one. It is a partial trailer, and any effort to lead it upright will rarely be found to improve its effect. Many plants require our care to support them against the assaults of rude winds and battering rains. Our convenience also requires the cutting back, and the confinement of plants in certain positions, otherwise nature, left to herself, generally produces a freedom of outline that must abash every advocate of antique Italian clipping and carving. We beg to warn those of our fair readers, who happen not to examine the present plant botanically, against confounding it with the Phlox subulata, which is far more common through the midland counties of England. The leaves of the Phlox se- tacea are narrower than those of subulata, and its flower also possesses greater delicacy of colouring, not having so dark a centre as the similar species. The Phlox setacea has, with us, withstood the se- verity of the last winter in an exposed situation. This circumstance may be adduced as evidence of its hardy nature. It will, however, be occasionally lost, which accounts for its not being more common. A few cuttings, therefore, should be planted in a pot in June, and covered over with a small bell glass. These should be watered whenever the soil becomes dry, and they will strike root without the assistance of artificial heat. The glass should be taken off for half an hour three or four times a week, whilst in the shade, and may be entirely removed at the end of six weeks. Plants propagated in this way may, with convenience, be placed for protection during the winter, within a cold frame. This in- dulgence will, however, render them somewhat more susceptible of cold than those which have weathered the severity of the season ; and if they be turned into the borders before flowering, the keen winds which sometimes occur in March and April will partially dry up the juices of the plant, and render it brown and unsightly. The slugs are determined enemies of this plant, and great vigilance is necessary to protect it from their depredations. They eat out the tender ends of the shoots, and disappoint our hopes of a lux- uriant blossom. Complete protection from these invaders of our pleasures is sometimes rather diffi- cult : if, however, vegetable refuse of almost any description, under which they can easily retreat, be laid near to their haunts, they may generally be captured. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 327. liobilis . Symp.hj'turu. B ob < 1 1 1 i .-i i v 1 1 1 1 i Hevperi* jna.tron*Ii». Daphne gnidii S . \v 1 1 1 FUMA'RIA NOB'ILIS. GREAT-FLOWERED FUMATORY. Class. Order. DIADELPHIA. HEXANDRIA. Natural Order. PAPAVBRACBjE. Native of Siberia. Height. 6 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1783. No. 69. The term Fumaria is allowed to have had its origin in the Latin fumus, smoke ; but on what account is not so easy to determine. It has been said, from its affecting the eyes like smoke. This, however, after examining several species, we cannot corroborate. Some of the old herbalists call it smoke of the ground ; from which it may, possibly, be inferred, that they named it from its glaucous, or smoke-like appearance, when viewed in considerable quantity, at a distance. Nobilis, from the Latin, noble or excellent. This plant is desirable for its very hardy na- ture, as well as its gaiety at that particular period of spring, when a blank is wont to pervade our bor- ders : when we have seen the crocuses, hepaticas, scillas, and earlier beauties pass away, and but few of their successors bold enough to venture forth. It will flourish in any light garden soil, though with but little increase. Its seeds are not frequently perfected in England, therefore its propagation must depend on offsets ; which may be separated at any time after the decay of its leaves. Transplanting weakens the roots. 18 Hort. KPW. 2, v. 4, 239. HES'PERIS MATRON A'LIS. ptirpurea plena. DOUBLE-PURPLE ROCKET. Class. Order. TETRADYNAMIA. SILIQOOSA. Natural Order. CRUCIFERJE. Native of Italy. Height. 30 inches. Flowers in June. Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1597. No. 70. The name of this genus has been considered un- der the white variety of the same species, No. 39. We should not, indeed, have noticed the present variety of the same flower, but on account of its very distinct habits from the double white Rocket. It grows much taller, branched, and its flowers are not so closely clustered. It is suitable for the front of the shrubbery bor- der, and may be placed in those situations where it will be succeeded by annuals of middle growth. The double varieties of the Rocket, particularly the white, require some attention, in order to the attainment of strong and luxuriant blossoming plants : for we have not only seen them continue to grow in a weakly and unthriving state, but not unfrequently die altogether. The source of the best practical instructions on this head has been previously noticed ; and the greatest service we can render our readers will be in transcribing it. " In the root method of proceeding, with the inten- tion of providing offsets more abundantly, some of the best plants should be placed in an open bed or border, and not suffered to run up fully to flower ; but as soon as the flower stems have advanced eight or ten inches in height, cut them down as close to the ground as possible ; and as they shoot again to have them also cut off; for by stopping their up- right growth in this manner, the roots are induced more readily to throw out young offsets from their sides, which will be well formed by the beginning of the autumn, when the whole root should be taken up, and the offsets separated from it, and planted out in a nursery bed at about six inches distance, in order to continue until the beginning of autumn, or the following spring ; at either of which timrs they should be carefully removed, with good bulls of earth about their roots, to the places where they are to grow for flowering. This mode of treatment will be found peculiarly advantageous. Such of the flower stems as are thus cut down oc- casionally, for the purpose of increasing the number of offsets, may be formed into cuttings of proper lengths, and planted out in a shady border, deposit- ing them two parts within the ground, and about three inches asunder, water being given at the time, and repeated as there may be occasion. In most cases, a number of the cuttings will have stricken good root, and formed shoots at the tops in the course of six or eight weeks. But in order to promote their taking root, in a more effectual man- ner, they ought to be covered closely with bell or hand-glasses as soon as they are planted, raising them occasionally as the plants begin to shoot at the tops, in order to the admission of air, to the influence of which they should be gradually hardened. Hort Kew. 2, v. 4, 122. SYM'PHYTUM BOHE'MICUM. RED-FLOWERED COMFREY. Class. Order. PENTANDRTA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Or tier. BORAGINE/E. Native of Bohemia. Height. 8 inches. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1801. ? No. 71. A Greek name corresponding with this was in use amongst the ancients, and was, by Tonrnefort, referred to this genus. Its signification was, to ce- ment, or conglutinate, which was thought applicable to these plants, either from their glutinous juices, or from their healing qualities. Bohemicum, from Bohemia, its native country. This species may probably be considered a mere variety of the Symphytum officinale. Such distinc- tive characters as it possesses appear, however, to be permanent. The very powerful virtues of the Comfrey are well recorded by Camerarius, who saith that, " The rootes being outwardly applyed, helpeth fresh wounds or cuts immediately ; being bruised and laid thereto, by glueing together their lips, and is espe- ciall good for ruptures and broken bones ; yea it is said to be so powerfull to consolidate or knit toge- ther, whatsoever needeth knitting, that if they be boyled with dissevered peeces of flesh in a pot, it will joyne them together againe." It is easily propagated by dividing the roots, or by seeds ; and will grow in any common garden soil. Schmidt Bohem. n. 211. DAPH'NE GNI'DIUM. FLAX-LJEAVED DAPHNE. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Natural Order. THYMEL^^E. Native of Spain. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1597. No. 72. As some of this genus bear a resemblance to the laurel, Linneus distinguished it by the name Daphne, in allusion to the fabled transformation of that nymph into such shrub. This species of Daphne retains the trivial name Gnidium, from the probability of its being the true GN i D I o N of the Greeks ; who named it after Gnidus, a promontory and town in Asia Minor, where Venus had her temple. Though the subjects of the genus Daphne are principally natives of Europe, yet, from their gene- ral habits, they class with that beautiful tribe, the evergreen American plants. Many of the most beautiful of these American shrubs are the under- wood of those extensive woodlands possessed by that quarter of our globe. In such situations, shaded in the summer from the mid-day sun, and in the win- ter, screened from cutting winds, and further pro- tected and manured by the fallen leaves of the forest trees, they grow with a luxuriance that we can scarcely hope to witness in our gardens. The Daphne Gnidium is chiefly propagated by being grafted on the Daphne laureola, or Spurge Laurel, and should be planted in sandy peat. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 410. Gaum biennis. LOBE'LIA FUL'GENS. FULGENT LOBELIA. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Or tier. CAMPANULACEjK. Native of Mexico. Height. 4 feet. Flowers in June, Sept. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1809. No. 73. This genus was named after Matthias de Lobel, see No. 61. Fulgens, from the Latin, bright, very conspicuous. It may be conceived that every individual who feels an interest in the beauty of flowers, and in the possession of plants, bearing evidence, by their lux- uriance, of superior cultivation, will be highly gra- tified in being informed how this magnificent herba- ceous Lobelia may be produced in the highest pos- sible perfection and splendour. Mr. Sabine observes that 'it has lately been found to bear the severity of our winter, by bekg immers- ed in water, as an aquatic ; and with this treatment has flowered well by the sides of ponds and in cis- terns ; but it was reserved for the skill of Mr. W. Hedges to discover a mode of culture under which this beautiful exotic has assumed a character of mag- nificence which will hereafter make it one of the most conspicuous decorations of our flower gardens.' Mr. Hedges, in a communication which is printed in the second volume of the Horticultural Society's Transactions, directs the offsets to be divided in Oc- tober, put into small pots, protected by a cold frame 19 till the middle of January. To be then removed to a hotbed or pine pit, and re-potted, at intervals, till May ; then to be taken into a greenhouse till they begin to flower. We recommend the same principles, but vary the application of them a little, that they may be more generally useful. The offsets need not be divided till the latter end of February ; and then they should be planted singly in pots of rich soil, rendered very light, by the addition of decayed leaves or other ve- getable mould, with a good portion of sand, and be kept in a moderate hotbed, where plenty of air can be admitted during the day time. About the end of March, remove the plants, with the roots and soil complete, into pots a little larger than those first em- ployed, filling up the space with the same compost as before. After this the transplanting should be repeated every six weeks, still using pots a little lar- ger at each removal, till through a gradation of four or five sizes, from small ones of four inches, you ar- rive at those of not less than ten inches diameter. Sink the plants nearly an inch in each fresh pot, and observe to keep them from the commencement, in pans, which should never be without water, as much of the success depends on their continual moisture. They may be taken out of the hotbed about the end of May, or even earlier, provided a temporary covering be afforded them at night. When the plants have done flowering, cut off the stems ; and during the severity of winter protect the offsets in a cold frame or airy room, where they may remain with moderate waterings till they are required to be again divided. Bot. Rep. 659. ERPCA MEDITERRA'NEA. MEDITERRANEAN HEATH. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. ER1CEM. Native of Portugal. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1648. No. 74. The name of this beautiful genus has been noticed under No. 22, as derived from the Greeks ; and it is remarked by Dr. Sibthorp that a corruption of the term EREICO is still used by them, and applied to the several species of this genus. Mediterranea has, probably, been chosen as indicative of the inland si- tuations of which this species is native. This, like most others of the beautiful tribe to which it belongs, should be planted in sandy peat, and may be increased either by cuttings or layers. All the heaths should have occasional waterings in the heat of summer, or they may fall into excessive langour, as Stillingfleet observes of singing birds after midsummer. This sultry season further re- minds us of his observations on the same subject; — No longer stimulated by the enchantments of spring, and the growing love of their mates, birds fall into supinity and the indolence of age. " The groves, the fields, the meadows, now no more With melody resound. 'Tis silence all, As if the lovely songsters, overwhelmed By bounteous nature's plenty, lay entranced In drowsy lethargy." Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 367. GAU'RA BIEN'NIS. BIENNIAL GAURA. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order, ONAGRARIJE. Native of N.America Height. 6 feet. Flowers in Aug. Oct. Duration. Biennial. Introduced in 1762. No. 75. The term Gaura has been deduced from the Greek GAUROS, signifying pompous or stately. Biennis, from its duration being of two years only. This stately herbaceous plant has very properly been name Gaura, from its free and lofty growth, its luxuriant branches, and its display of showy flowers in the evening. Though each corolla that expands in the afternoon, closes on the following morning, yet its gaity is maintained by the conti- nued extension of its flowering stems, and the pro- duction of numerous young branches, which also yield their proportion of blossoms. Seeds of the Gaura biennis may be sown in the autumn as soon as ripe, or at the latter end of Feb^ ruary. The young plants should be kept thin and free from weeds during the summer ; and in the au- tumn be carefully transplanted where they are to remain. In the following summer they will produce their lofty flowering stems, which should be pro- perly confined to strong upright supporters, in order that they may be effectually protected against the rude winds that frequently occur in September and despoil their beauty. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 344. CACA'LIA COCCI'NEA. SCARLET-FLOWERED CACALIA. Class. Order. SYNGENBSIA. POLYGAMIA /KQUALIS. Natural Order. CORYMBIFERjE. Native of Uncertain. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in Aug. Sept. Duration. 1 Annual. Introduced in 1800. No. 76. The generic name we have now to notice was in use by Dioscorides, a celebrated Greek physician and botanist, who lived soon after the Christian era. It is compounded of the two Greek words CACON, bad, and HAN, exceedingly; from the real or sup- posed mischievous properties of the plant which bore the name, to the soil on which it grew. Coc- cinea from the Latin, scarlet or crimson-coloured. According to Curtis, seeds of this plant were brought to England from Paris in 1800 ; but to what country it is indigenous we are not correctly informed. It is a brilliant appendage to the par- terre in September, and contrasts well with the pre- vailing colours of that season. This annual is of rather delicate habits, and the seed should be sown on a hotbed, in the spring. Or they may be sown in pots and put into a cucumber bed, where the young plants should not be crowded, but have as much air as can conveniently be al- lowed them. They may be planted into the open ground in the latter part of May, or at the beginning of June ; and care should be taken that the roots be disturbed as little as possible. Bot. Mag. 564. Hibiscus Syriacue. Asciepi.u tubcrosa. Teiicr iu in pyrenaicum. Sculp HIBIS'CUS SYRIA'CUS. A I. I H F. A FRUTEX. Ckui. Order. MO5ADBLPHIA. POLYA5DBIA. Natural Order. MALVACB*. Native of Syria. Height. 6 feet. Flowers in Aug. Sep. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. No. 77. Hibiscus is a name which has been handed down to us from the old Greek writers, but from what root the word originally sprung, is now unknown. As it was supposed to have been formerly applied to some of the mallow tribe, Linneus made choice of it to distinguish a splendid genus of the malvaceous order, of which our present specimen furnishes a good example. Syriacus, from Syria, its native country. Our drawing of this species was taken from a beautiful variety, known by the appellation of the Painted Lady. There are, however, others, as the purple-flowered, stripe-flowered, white-flowered, double-flowered, variegated-leaved, &c. Though varieties of the Althaea frutex have been cultivated in England during a space of 200 years, still we find this species by no means common. We have indeed been surprised to observe the scarcity of this beautiful shrub in plantations of no ordinary merit or extent; and we can attribute it only to partial failures in cultivation. It has been propagated from seeds, cuttings, and layers ; but so superior have seedling plants always proved, that we shall only endeavour to supply di- rections for that mode of increase. Thus raised, they assume a more healthy habit, grow larger, and and yield a display of much finer flowers. As the propagation of the Hibiscus Syriacus from seeds has not come fully under our immediate observation, we shall take the liberty of supplying the necessary information from what may be considered a good authority — Miller's Dictionary. The seeds should be sown in pots, filled with light earth, about the end of March, and if they are placed in a gentle hotbed, it will greatly forward the growth of the young plants. When they are come up they must be inured to the open air, and in May the pots should be plunged into the ground, in a border ex- posed to the east, where they may have the morning sun. By thus plunging the pots, the soil in them is prevented from drying so quickly as it would if they were left on the surface, and less attention is required in watering them during the summer. The plants should be kept free from weeds and tolerably moist ; and in autumn it will be proper to remove the pots into a common frame, to screen them from frost ; or into some other well-protected situation ; for although these plants, when they have obtained strength, will resist the cold of our winters, yet the young plants, whose shoots are tender, are very often injured by the early frosts of autumn. In the following spring they should be planted nine inches apart, in beds of light rich earth ; be kept free from weeds ; and in the winter again pro- tected. Here they may remain one or two years, and should then be finally transplanted. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 226. ASCLE'PIAS TUBEROSA. TUBEROUS SWALLOW-WORT. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. DIGYMIA. Natural Order. ASCLEPIADE^E. Native of N. America Height. 18 inches. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1690. No. 78. Some portion of the plants comprised in this ge- nus, must, no doubt, have been well known to the founder of our botanical system as possessing emi- nent medical qualities, or he would not have dis- tinguished it by a name derived immediately from the god of medicine — JEsculapius. Its trivial name, tuberosa, may be applicable, in its more luxuriant state in America, but with us its roots are more fusi- form than tuberous. Its flowers are both singular and interesting; and where a suitable soil occurs for the growth of the plant, it should form a portion of every collection. In America they call it the butterfly- weed, or pleurisy-root ; and its medicinal qualities are highly appreciated. The root, when dry, is brittle and easily reduced to powder ; and its taste is moder- ately bitter, but not otherwise unpleasant. Dr. Bigelow says that it is eminently entitled to the attention of physicians, as an expectorant and diaphoretic. It produces effects of this kind with great gentleness, and without the heating tendency which accompanies many vegetable sudorifics. It appears to be an expectorant peculiarly suited to the advanced stages of pulmonary inflammation, after depletion has been carried to the requisite extent. Dr. Parker, of Virginia, having been in the habit of employing this root for twenty-five years, con- siders it as possessing a peculiar and almost specific quality of acting upon the organs of respiration ; promoting suppressed expectoration, and relieving the breathing of pleuritic patients in the most ad- vanced stages of the disease. Like other vegetable bitters, if given in large quantities, especially in infusion and decoction, it operates on the alimentary canal, though its efficacy in this respect is not sufficient to entitle it to rank amongst active cathartics The best mode of administering the Asclepias root, is in decoction or substance. A teacup full of the strong decoction, or from twenty to thirty grains of the powder, may be given in pulmonary com- plaints several times a day. Success does not always attend the best efforts to preserve this plant. This generally arises from one of two causes ; — that of removing old plants, or depositing them in moist situations. In America it is found in dry sandy soils, and pine woods; and attempts to preserve it in wet or stiff earth will ge- nerally prove abortive. It should be raised from seeds, which, as they are not frequently perfected in England, must be ob- tained from America. These may be planted in spring, on a bed of light sandy earth, and it will be an advantage if they can be raised in the situations in which they are to remain. If transplanting be re- quired, perform it when the plants are one year old. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 82. (ENOTHE'RA PURPU'REA. PURPLE-FLOWERED (ENOTHERA. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. MONOOYNIA. Natural Order. ONAGRARI*. Native of N.America. Height. 18 inches. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Annual. Introduced in 1791. No. 79. The derivation of the term CEnothera, from the Greek, has been noticed under No. 35. Purpurea, purple, indicative of the colour of the flower. This herbaceous plant, forms a pretty contrast, both in flower and foliage, to the usual variety of annuals which furnish our borders and mounts at its own period of flowering. It is of moderate growth, never rising into ex- treme luxuriance, to the destruction of other subjects near to it, and generally supports itself without assistance. The greater part of this genus expand their flow- ers in the evening, and their beauty fades on being exposed to the rays of the sun next morning. The present species, however, possesses the advantage of supporting its expanded flowers through the whole of the day. Though frequently considered as a tender annual, the (Enothera purpurea usually succeeds best when sown in light rich soil where it is to flower. Or it may be sown on a seed bed in March or April, and transplanted into the flowering compartment when the plants are two or three inches high. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 344. TEU'CRIUM PYRENA'ICUM. PYRENEAN TEUCRIUM. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. GYMNO8PERMIA . Natural Order. LABIATE*. Native of Pyrenees. Height. 3 inches. Flowers in June, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1731. No. 80. It is supposed that the word Teucrium has arisen out of the name of the Trojan Prince Teucer, the father-in-law of Dardanus, king of Troy, but on what account does not appear. As the country of Troy is sometimes called Teucria the name may or- iginally have been given to some plant indigenous there. Pyrenaicum, from Pyrenees, where it is found. The English appellation, Germander, is rarely applied to any, excepting two or three British species ; which have been, by some authors, regard- ed as possessing medicinal virtues. The common Germander, or Teucrium Chamae- drys, has been esteemed as beneficial in gout and rheumatism, and is one of the vegetables that con- stitute the celebrated Portland gout powder. The Teucrium pyrenaicum, from its humble growth, is well suited to the fronts of borders, and for decorating artificial rock-work, where it will be found to grow in perfection. It may be planted in any common garden soil, and increased by a division of its roots in spring; which time is preferable to autumn, as the plants make good roots before winter. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 371. ll-.-i Ifl V«.- sir aria. utriculaUi .NV.ltt- Sculp CHELO'NE BARB ATA. SCARLET CHELONE. Class. Order. DIDYHAMIA. ANGIOSPERMIA. Natural Order. BIGNONIACE^E. Native of Mexico. Height. 4 feet. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration . Perennial. Introduced in 1794. No. 81. The term Chelone is derived from a similar word in the Greek language, signifying a tortoise. Bar- bata, bearded. This interesting herbaceous plant with its delicate slender stems, supporting a multitude of beautiful pendent scarlet flowers, is surpassed in elegance but by few subjects of similar magnitude. It is never intrusive by its foliage or stems, and simply requires the support of a thin willow shoot, as a guard against occasional winds. It is the Chelone Ruellioides of Andrews' s Repository. It should be planted in a dry warm situation and southerly aspect; and in severe frosts should be covered with a hand glass or coarse straw. It may be propagated by occasional divisions of the root, which is best effected late in the spring. A certain method to prevent disappointment, is to take cuttings of the young shoots as early as they will admit of it. These may be planted under a hand glass, and should be potted after they are well rooted. When frosts set in, give them the protec- tion of the cold frame, and in April they may be turned into the borders. 21 Hoit. Kevv. 2, v. 4, 7. IBE'RIS SEMPERVI'RENS. NARROW-LEAVED CANDY-TUFT. Class. Order. TBTRADYNAMIA. SILICDLO8A. Natural Order. CRUCIFERJE. Native of Candia. Height. 9 inches. Flowers in April, May. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1731. No. 82. The name of this genus is one retained from Di- oscorides ; and was applied by him to some plant resembling the present one. The term is supposed to have been originally deduced from Iberia, a name used by the Greeks for Spain ; where, possibly, the Iberis of the Greeks may have been first noticed. Sempervirens is an appellation compounded from the Latin, signifying always green, in allusion to its evergreen habits. It is a most desirable little shrub ; for as well as decorating the garden with its beautiful white tufts of flowers, during two months of the spring, it exhi- bits, by its delicate evergreen foliage, a lively little remembrance of the verdure that is past, and also a foretaste of that which we are happy to anticipate as again to come. Though winter may occasionally seem to conquer its tenacity for life ; yet, no sooner does the severest frost relax its icy grasp, than the Iberis sempervirens appears again in spring-like freshness, to exult in its regained liberty. It is very readily propagated, either by fastening down its branches beneath the soil, or by cuttings taken in the spring. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 83. RAMON'DA PYRENA'ICA. BORAGE-LEAVED RAMONDA. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. SOLANEJE. Native of Pyrenees. Height. 5 inches. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1731. No. 83. With the derivation of the present generic name we are not acquainted. Pyrenaica, from Pyrenees, where it is indigenous. The present beautiful alpine plant is the Verbas- cum myconi of Linneus, Curtis, and Aiton, and con- sequently is now commonly known by that name. Our aversion to unnecessary innovations on the esta- blished arrangement and nomenclature of botanical science has been fully expressed ; and it is only from conviction in our own humble judgment, of the necessity or expediency of alteration, that we ever submit to changes. As it is, in all cases, necessary on the one hand, to guard against the intrusion of empirics ; so on the other, it is expedient that we attach not ourselves, by undue prejudice, to any system of things, merely on account of a long ac- quaintance with it. Brilliant genius sometimes steps forth and strikes out a new and enlightened path for itself, but unfor- tunately, a great portion of the innovators on all re-» ceived systems, are found to pursue a road, ulti- mately deserted by all but themselves. An anony- mous author observes, that a virtuous mind has primarily a sense of justice, which teaches a regard to the rights of others, among which rights are their opinions. The Ramonda Pyrenaica is a desirable little plant to cultivate, either in pots or in the borders ; and should occupy a place amongst the various low close- growing alpine subjects. It may be increased by dividing the roots, or by seeds ; and succeeds best in a cool situation. It is also a suitable subject for pot culture, and we cannot give our readers more judicious advice, respecting its management, than is contained in the remarks of a correspondent, who says, that the va- rious trials that I have made with the Ramonda Py- renaica, have satisfied me that bog-earth is better adapted to its habits of growth than a more substan- tial and retentive soil. Indeed, I have long made it a rule to provide plants with food, rather with rrf»«- rence to the fibres of their roots, than to their ap- parent wants of strong or mild nourishment. All plants which have wiry roots, I invariably find, delight in a peat mould, with a good proportion of the decayed roots of the peat, and a little white sand mixed up with it ; and if planted in pots, well drained, first with very small broken tiles, and next with nothing but decayed roots of peat earth, they invariably thrive. This plan enables the broken tiles to answer their intended end much longer than they could possibly do, were they placed immedi- ately in contact with the finely sifted mould ; and upon examining the roots of a plant so treated, you will find the fibres spread over, and freely inter, mixed with, the drainers. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 386. VESICA'RIA UTR1CULATA. SMOOTH VESICARIA. Class. Order. TETRADYNAMIA. 8IL1QUOSA. Natural Order. CRUCIFBRjE. Native of Levant. Height. 13 inches. Flowers in April, June I Duration. 1 Perennial. Cultivated in 1739. No. 84. Vesicaria, from the Latin vesica, a bladder, in allusion to its bladder-like seed vessels. Utriculata is also from the Latin, and has nearly the same sig- nification. This plant is the Alyssum utriculatum of Curtis and others ; but from its appearance in the Hortus Kewensis, under the genus Vesicaria, it has thence been copied into the general catalogues, and is now distinguished in most respectable nurseries, by the name we have adopted. It is an extremely gay and hardy herbaceous plant, continuing in bloom a considerable time. After its blossoms have faded, its spik? of inflated silicles still form an object by no means uninterest- ing, till the seeds are ripe in July. It will flower in any common garden soil, and may be readily pro- pagated either by seeds or from cuttings. Probably the following method of increase may be pursued with advantage. Fill up the interstices of the plant in the summer with soil, so that the whole of the branches may, in reality, be laid ; they will, it is presumed, make strong plants for separation in the following year. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 97. St/vUcc olejefolia. Lyciinis chalcedonica.. Authericum ULia staruto.. T5 . 5cui.th del1 S. "Watts Sculp ARGEM'ONE MEXICA'NA. MEXICAN ARGEMONE. Class. Order. POLYANDRIA. MONOGYIUA. Natural Order. PAPAVERACE^. Native of America. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1597. No. 85. The name of this genus, Argemone, has been handed down to us from the ancient Greek botanists. They adopted it after the term ARGEMA, a disease of the eyes ; wherein white spots arise on the cor- nea, which their argemone was said to be efficacious in removing. Gerarde says, * The golden Thistle of Peru, call- ed in the West Indies, Fique del Inferno, (Infernal Fig,) a friend of mine brought it unto me from an island there, called Saint John's Island, among other seeds. What reason the inhabitants there have to call it so, is unto me unknown, unless it be because of his fruit, which doth much resemble a fig in shape and bigness, but so full of sharp and veno- mous prickles, that whosoever had one of them in his throat, doubtless it would send him packing either to heaven or hell.' Those of our readers who happen to possess Johnson's edition of Gerarde 's Herbal, should be informed, that the principal description of the above plant is contained in that work, at page 1155; but the wood-cut figure of it is at page 371, and is mis- numbered 401. 22 It is said to be common in Mexico, and all the islands of the West Indies, where it is a troublesome weed in their cultivated lands, and has been found in a wild state in some of the southern countries of Europe. The inspissated juice of the leaves and stems, forms a pigment, in colour between sap green and gamboge, but apparently not more valuable to the artist than a mixture of those substances. It is es- teemed very detersive, and is generally used in dis- eases of the eyes ; but the infusion is looked upon as a sudorific and resolutive, which may be used with success on many occasions. The seeds are said to be a much stronger narco- tic than opium. They are thought to be an excel- lent remedy, and are frequently administered by the inhabitants, in the sugar colonies, in diarrhoeas and bloody fluxes. They have a trifling degree of pungency, but it does not manifest itself for some time upon the palate. The exterior covering of the seed assumes the ap- pearance of delicate net-work, which becomes more marked and prominent, as they ripen and dry ; and the hilum, or eye, forms a fine seam on one side of it, similar to an artificial enclosure. There is no difficulty in cultivating the Argemone Mexicana, as an annual ; excepting, that like many others of the papaveraceous tribe, they are impa- tient of removal. It is better to sow them in a light soil, in the spring, where they are to remain ; and if the seed, when ripe, be scattered from the plants, they will generally vegetate in the spring without further trouble. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 290. STA'TICE OLE£1FO'LIA. OLIVE-LEAVED SEA LAVENDER. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Natural Order. PLUMBAGINEiE. Native of Italy. Height. 15 inches. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1683. No. 86. Much uncertainty exists respecting the original signification of the generic term Statice. It is sup- posed to have arisen out of the Greek STATIZO, to stop or arrest, in allusion to its astringent quality. Sir J. E. Smith observes, that what the ancient plant may have been, can scarcely be guessed with any probability. The modern application of the name to our Thrift or Sea-Gilliflower, he observes, seems to have originated with Dalechamp, whom Tournefort followed. Hence it has become appro- priated to a fine and extensive genus, whose wiry and entangled stems, so well formed to impede the progress of a foot passenger, may literally almost justify its present use. The present species is smaller than the greater portion of them, but still is an interesting and per- fectly hardy little plant. Our figure of a blossom- branch is the full size, but the radical leaves are only half the size of nature. It flourishes in a light loam, and may be increas- ed by a division of the roots. It does not increase very fast; and will always flower stronger from having remained two years without a removal. Hort. Kew. 2, v.2, 181. LYCH'NIS CHALCEDON'ICA. DOUBLE SCARLET LYCHNIS. Class. Order. DECANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Natural Order. CARYOPHYLLE.E. Native of Russia. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1596. No. 87. The origin of the name of this genus, like that of our last, is wrapped in uncertainty. The Greeks used a similar name, which word also signifies a lamp. Hence conjectures arose, and ingenuity has been exerted, to trace the connexion. The term was formerly used for more plants than it now is ; some of which may have admitted compa- risons not applicable to the present Lychnis tribe. It is said that the down of the plant may have been used to make wicks ; or that the colour of the flower was brilliant, as flame; also that the transparent membranous calyx resembled a lamp or lantern. Chalcedonica, from Chalcedon ; whence seeds have been brought. This splendid herbaceous plant, single or double, is highly ornamental, and should not be dispensed with. Parkinson, 200 years ago, notes it as a glo- rious flower, being then as rare as it is beautiful. The single variety may be raised from seeds. The double or single may be increased by dividing the roots, or by cuttings of the stems taken in June. It should be planted in a strong fresh loam, and have pure air. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 3, 132. ANTHE'RICUM LILIASTRUM. SAVOY SPIDERWORT; OR, ST. BRUNO'S LILY. Class. Order. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYMA. Natural Order. ASPHODELEjE. Native of Switzerland Height. 18 inches. Flowers in May, June. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1629. No. 88. Anthericum is deduced from two Greek words ; ANTHOS, a flower; and REKOS, a hedge. Liliastrum may signify star lily. The term has probably been transferred from some other plant to the present species. It was found wild in Savoy, and formerly called Phalangium, the name of a ve- nomous species of spider, from its being considered an antidote to the bite of that insect. Hence comes our term Spiderwort. The French, we believe, in- scribed it to St. Bruno, the celebrated founder of the Carthusians. Linneus first considered it an Hemerocallis ; but afterwards an Anthericum. Botanists are divided in opinion on this subject, and some now term it Hemerocallis liliastrum. It increases but slowly, and if too often divided, will either not flower at all, or produce a diminutive show of blossoms. Autumn is the proper season for removing it, and if planted in a rather shady situation, though not immediately under the bran- ches of shrubs or trees, it will succeed very well, and the duration of its delicate flowers, will be length- ened by shade from the direct rays of the sun. Hort. Kew.2,v. 2, 269. Jfenzie sia, globularis . Cytisufl c&pitaJtufi Chrysajithemuin. tricolor S. watte Sculp. MENZIE'SIA GLOBULA'RIS. GLOBE-FLOWERED MENZIESIA. Class. Order. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. RHODORACEJB. Native of N.America Height. 3 feet. Flowers in June. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1806. No. 89. This genus was named by Sir J. E. Smith, in ho- nour of his friend Archibald Menzies ; who made a voyage round the world with Vancouver, and col- lected many rare and unknown plants, particularly cryptogamic subjects. Globularis from its globose corolla. This deciduous little shrub cannot, for splendour, be ranked with the specious and imposing specimens of flowering subjects which generally constitute the natural order Rhodoracese, many of which have emanated from the same source as our present plant, North America, that rich fountain of vegetable beauty. It is a compact growing shrub, of rather slow growth, and frequently not exceeding twelve or eighteen inches in height. It should be planted in the foreground of the shrubbery, or American compartment, and its foliage forms a pleasing con- trast with the deep glossy verdure of the Rhododen- dron, and evergreens of taller growth, which com- monly give depth of shadow to the boundaries of cultivated grounds. It should be planted in a mixture of peat and loam ; and may be propagated by layers. 23 Hort. Kew. 2, v. 2, 360. CYTISUS CAPITATUS. HEADED CYTISUS. Class. Order. DIADELPHIA. DECANDRIA. Natural Order. LEGUMIHOS^E. Native of Austria. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1774. No. 90. A term similar to our Cytisus was in use amongst the ancient Greeks, whence ours has been derived. The particular plant which then bore the appellation was said, by Pliny, to have been found in the isle of Cythnus, one of the Cyclades, from which circum- stance the Greek name is supposed to have origina- ted. Capitatus, from the Latin, growing with a head ; in allusion to its terminal mode of inflores- cence, shown by the annexed representation. The Cytisus, of which about twenty shrubby spe- cies are cultivated in England, is a general favou- rite in the pleasure grounds. The Cytisus Labur- num is universally known, and as generally admired ; and our present subject, though far more humble, is by no means wanting in attraction. This species of Cytisus, like several others, ripens its seed in our climate ; and young plants are more conveniently raised from them than by any other means. They should be sown in a light soil in March, and in about two months the young plants will appear. At one year old they should be trans- planted to a nursery bed, and finally moved in the following spring. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 320. CHRYSANTHEMUM TRICOLOR. THREE-COLOURED CHRYSANTHEMUM. Class. Order. SVNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA SDPERFLUA. Natural Order. CORYMBIFER^:. Native of Barbary. Height. 2 feet. Flowers in July, Sep. Duration. Annual . Introduced in 1796. No. 91. Chrysanthemum is derived from two Greek words, CHRUSOS, gold, and ANTHOS, a flower; and the brilliant golden hue of some species of Chrysanthe- num fully justify the appellation. In the variety of elegant annuals, which usually adorn our gardens, the Chrysanthemum tricolor should never be wanting. It flowers rather earlier than the common annual chrysanthemum, and the stems are not so branching nor obtrusive in their growth. Having, so long, been accustomed to meet this plant under the appellation above given, we uncon- sciously wrote tricolor in directing the engraver. Chrysanthemum carinatum has of late been adopt- ed; and it must be confessed there is a plausible reason for the exchange of nomenclature, when we are told that a variety of this species produces per- fectly yellow flowers. Seeds should be collected from such plants as grow at some distance from the Chrysanthemum coronarium, or common species ; as we find them prone to mingle, to the injury of both. It may be sown with the common annuals. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5, 95. CHELO'NE OBLI'QUA. RED-FLOWERED CHELONE. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. ANGIOSPERMIA. Natural Order. BIGNONIACEJE. Native of N.America Height. 2 feet. Flowers in Aug. Sep. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1752. No. 92. This genus was named by Tournefort after the Greek CHELONE, a tortoise ; from a fancied resem- blance of the flowers to that animal ; its corolla be- ing convex above and flat beneath. Obliqua, from the Latin, in allusion to the oblique position of its foliage. This hardy herbaceous plant has long been a fa- vourite amongst us, which may arise not alone from its bold and handsome flowers, but from the little care it requires at our hands. Planted in any com- mon soil that is tolerably retentive and moist, it is sure to succeed. We have occasionally seen it in a very light and dry border increase but little, and by its creeping roots change its situation, apparently in quest of nutriment, not afforded in sufficient quantity in its former residence. It has proceeded by its creeping roots, or rather, it may be said, by its un- derground stems, to a distance of eighteen inches ; there having halted, as it were, to colonize, like a parent directing his offspring, or a husbandman his labourers, has sent out its numerous fibres, to collect food from the surrounding soil. The fair author of an interesting little work, " The Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom," has very aptly compared the roots of a tree to the labouring classes of society. * So- ciety at large,' she observes, 'may be compared to a tree. The poor may be designated by the roots ; the middle classes by the stem and branches ; the dignified and noble, as well as those who adorn and improve humanity, by the flowers, leaves, and fruit. The stem is dependant on the root ; without the stem the root would soon decay ; flowers, fruits, and leaves, are equally ornamental and important to the parent tree. One member of the vegetable body cannot say unto another, I have no need of thee. To each an allotted duty is assigned ; severed, they are of little worth ; united, they form a beautiful and per- fect whole.' The various modes of reproduction, and the ve- getable economy, exhibited in the growth and the adaption of the habits of roots, to the peculiar neces- sities of the plant, are well worthy the attention of every inquiring naturalist. Some species of grass, which in moist situations emit fibrous roots alone, will in more uncongenial and dry ones form small bulbs, whereby a reservoir of nutriment is secured against the occurrence of an irregular supply of the fluids requisite for its suste- nance. Thus is shown to us the care of the Almighty over the smallest of his works. The roots of large trees also, in unpropitious situ- ations, have been observed to vary their natural mode of growth, most materially, in conformity with their need of nourishment. Some curious instances of such circumstances we may hereafter have occa- sion to notice. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 7. S-pigelia. Majrilztndica.. Digitalis tute< Centaxirea. Suaveolens . Primula, .fetrinofa,. £X). Smith, deiv SPIGE'LIA MARILAN'DICA. PERENNIAL WORM-GRASS, OR INDIAN PINK. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGY1UA. Natural Order . GBNTIANBJE. Native of N. America Height. 2 feet. Flowers in June,Jnly. Duration. Perennial. Introduced in 1694. No. 93. This genus was distinguished by Linneus, in commemoration of Adrian Spigelius, a botanist and physician of considerable acquirements, who was born at Brussels in 1578. His " Isagoge in Rem Herbariam," published at Padua in 1606, is said to contain much interesting matter respecting the vir- tues of plants ; and it is somewhat curious, that Spi- gelius collected a great portion of this knowledge from the peasants of Italy, by making a tour amongst them, in the character of a rustic. Marilandica, from Maryland, one of the United States of America, where this plant is indigenous. This is a beautifully ornamental herbaceous sub- ject, that withstands the cold of our winters toler- ably well, but does not increase much, and is not unfrequently lost. The dried stems and leaves are known to almost every one, under the name of Indian Pink, and universally used as a vermifuge amongst children ; the living vegetable, however, is rarely met with in our gardens. It seems to have been given up by the faculty for more certain and active medicines. Small doses of the recent plant arc said, <>n:illy, to produce 24 giddiness, dimness of sight, and other alarming symptoms, whilst larger doses never produce the same effects, from its cathartic properties being brought to act on the bowels. Several eminent physicians of America, who first introduced the Spigelia to notice, have done so un- der the most favourable impressions of its anthel- mintic virtues. One of them, Dr. Gardner, how- ever, observes that he had given it in hundreds of cases, but that he never found its virtues very deci- ded, unless it proved aperient. Dr. Bigelow says the root of this, as of all other perennial plants, is the most active part; and that ten grains may be given to a child four years old. The small fibrous roots form but an inconsiderable portion of the plant ; the entire of which is usually employed in England; and that always in a dried state. These circumstances preclude any narcotic effects that may arise from the fresh gathered root. The experience of many medical practitioners has proved that the Spigelia is best administered in com- bination with some more active cathartic medicine, as two or three grains of calomel, or fifteen to twenty grains of rhubarb, for an adult, and less in propor- tion for children. The best and most popular method of giving it is in the form of infusion, and combined with senna. Haifa dram of each, infused all night in half a tea. cupful of water kept warm, may be given to a child two or three years old. It should be planted in a warm and rather moist situation, with a portion of peat in the soil ; and may occasionally be divided at the root. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 1, 317. DIGITA'LIS LU'TEA. SMALL YELLOW FOX-GLOVE. Class. Order. DIDYNAMIA. ANGIOSPBRMIA. Natural Order. SCROPHULARIN^E. Native of S. Europe. Height. 3 feet. Flowers in July, Aug. Duration. Perennial. Cultivated in 1629. No. 94. Digitalis from digitale, the finger of a glove. The name appears first to have been given by the Ger- man writer Fuchs, or Fuchsius. Hence the plant was called Digitalis Fuchsii. Sir J. E. Smith sug- gests that our English appellation, Fox-glove, may have risen from this circumstance. Most of the species of Fox-glove are extremely showy and attractive plants. The very beautiful spikes of flowers, that are produced by the Digitalis purpurea, or common Fox-glove, and which we so frequently see as a beautiful ornament of waste and high ground, cannot have escaped the notice of the most apathetical observer. Both the purple and white variety are now fre- quently met with in gardens and shrubberies, and but few plants exhibit more beauty and gaiety. The digitalis we may notice as well for its delete- rious and medical qualities as for its beauty. In the hands of the unskilful it forms an extremely danger- ous medicine ; whilst Dr. Withering and others have shown, that when administered with skill and cau- tion, it is, perhaps, one of the most valuable vege- tables that we possess. Digitalis is stated as possessing properties which are combined in no other substance. It is a direct sedative, diminishing, most powerfully, the actions of the system, without occasioning previous excite- ment. Administered with caution, a pulse of 70 beats or more in a minute, will frequently be redu- ced to 40, or even less. But when thrown into the constitution too suddenly, or if the quantity be too great, it induces vertigo, sickness, convulsions, coldness of the body, extreme debility, and death. Another powerful quality of this plant, is that of an active diuretic. But when employed as such, great care is required, lest its sudden diminution of the vascular action, should induce so great a degree of debility as to prove fatal to patients of a weakly or diseased constitution. Notwithstanding the usual influence of this plant on the human frame, still its powers are not certain ; and constitutions have been met with whereon it had no manner of effect, even in excessive doses. In a few cases its effects have not been evinced till its use has been continued for some time; when, at length, its powers have burst forth with the greatest vehe- mence, so as to endanger the lives of those to whom it was administered. We have been thus particular, in relating the effects of this plant; and advise that it never be administered but under the direction and super- intendance of a medical man. That the unskilful may be informed how small a portion of this delete- rious plant is sufficient to act injuriously on the system, we shall briefly state, that of the dried leaves, one to three grains twice a day is a full dose. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 4, 29. CENTAURE'A SUAVE'OLENS. YELLOW SULTAN. Class. Order. SYNGENESIA. POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA. Natural Order. CYNAROCEPHALEjE. Native of Levant. Height. 1 foot. Flowers in July, Sep. Duration. Annual. Cultivated in 1683. No. 95. Centaurea is derived from a Greek word of simi- lar construction, signifying a centaur. This appel- lation was given after Chiron the centaur, who is said to have used a species of the Centaurea to cure himself of a wound, occasioned by the falling of one of the arrows of Hercules on his foot. Suaveo- lens from the Latin suavis, sweet. This most elegant and attractive flower may, certainly, be ranked amongst the prettiest of Flora's gifts, bestowed in the form of an annual. It occu- pies but little room, therefore should be planted near to the edge of the flower compartment. It is not so hardy as many other annuals, but still requires no great care, provided it be not sown too early in the spring, nor planted in a cold moist situation. It is sometimes raised on a hotbed, and trans- planted, but when so propagated, it should have a quantity of soil taken up with the roots, and be carefully watered and shaded afterwards. It does not freely produce seed, unless the head of one flower be shaken over another, by which the pollen is scattered, and the parts of fructification fertilized. Hort. Kew. 2, v. 5. 144. PRIM'ULA FARINO'SA. BIRD'S-EYE PRIMROSE. Class. Order. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Natural Order. PRIMULACEJE. Native of Britain. Height. 4 inches. Flowers in June, July. Duration. Perennial. Inhabits Wet Mead. No. 96. The derivation of Primula, from primus, first, has been noticed under No. 1 and 60. Farinosa, from the Latin farina, flour ; a beautifully white powder- ing of which this primula bears on the scape or flower stalk, and on the young leaves, unless it be exposed to rains, and thereby deprived of this now unfashionable appendage. It is one amongst that beautiful tribe of alpine plants with which every one is pleased, and which every one may possess. It is found in the north of England, in various other parts of Europe, and even in Siberia. In autumn its leaves fade and the plant is comprised in what may be termed a radical bud, on the surface of the soil. Thus, inhabiting its win- ter quarters, it remains in security, till the genial warmth of spring expands its mealy foliage, and in due time presents us with a lively specimen of beauty in miniature. The Primula farinosa we find succeed very well, when planted in a small pot of light loam and peat. Severe frosts do it no injury, but it should have a temporary shelter against excessive moisture during the winter. Hort. Kew. 2, Y. 1, 308. INDEX TO VOL. I, II, III. Systematic Name. English Name. Vol. No. Achillea clavennae, Silver-leaved Milfoil, . . . .2 . . 122 Achillea speciosa, Spear-leaved Milfoil, ....!.. 44 Aconitum napellus, Monk's Hood, 3.. 210 Adonis vernalis, Spring- Adonis, 1.. 27 Alyssum saxatile, Rock Madwort, 3 . . 254 Amaryllis lutea, Yellow Amaryllis, 1.. 2 Ammobium alatum, Wing'-stalked Ammobium, . . 3 . . 219 Amsonia latifolia, Broad-leaved Amsonia, ....!.. 18 Anchusa Italica, Italian Bug-los, 2.. 173 Andromeda calyculata, .... Calycled Andromeda, ....!.. 20 Andromeda coriacea, Leather-leaved Andromeda, 2 . . 1 71 Andromeda Mariana, Maryland Andromeda, . . . . 3 . . 240 Anemone coronaria, Poppy Anemone, %^t29JL Anemone hortensis, Garden Anemone, 2 . . 191 Anemone palmata, Palmated Anemone, 2.. 145 Anemone pulsatilla, Pasque Flower, 3.. 198 Antennariadioica, Direcious Antennaria, ... .3. .247 Anthericum liliastrum, ... .Savoy Spider- wort, .1.. 88 Antirrhinum majus, Great Snap-Dragon, 3.. 279 Apocynum androsaemifolium, Tutsan-leaved Dog's-bane, 2.. 99 Argemone Mexicana, Mexican Argemone, 1 . . 85 Arnica montana, Mountain Arnica, 3. .239 Asclepias tuberosa, Tuberous Swallow-wort, . . 1 . . 78 Asphodelus luteus, Yellow King's spear, ....3.. 246 Asphodelus ramosus, Branched King's spear,.. . .3.. 251 Aster alpinus, Alpine Aster, 2 . . 124 Aster amell us, Italian Starwort, 2.. 188 Aster Novae- Angliae, ruber, Red New England Starwort, 3. .223 Aster tenellus, Slender Aster, 3.. 238 Astragalus alopecuroides, ..Fox-tail-like Milk Vetch, . .3. .265 Astrantia major, «, Greater Black Masterwort, 3 . .212 Astrantia maxima, Three-leav. Bk. Masterwort,3. .213 Atropa belladonna, Deadly Nightshade, 2 . . 105 Aubrietia purpurea, Tufted Aubrietia, 3. .230 Azalea pontica, Yellow, or Ponlic Azalia, . . 3 . . 261 Bignonia radicans, Ash-leaved Trumpet-flower,2 . . 123 Biscutella hispida, Hispid Biscutella, 3 . . 206 Buddlea globosa, Round-headed Buddlea, . . 1 . . 58 Btipthalmum grandifloruin, . .Great- flowered Ox-eye, ..2.. 155 Cacalia coccinea, Scarlet-flowered Cacalia, . . 1 . . 76 Calceolaria corymbosa, .... Chili Slipperwort, 1 . . 67 Calceolaria pinnata, Wing-leaved Slipperwort, . .2. . 166 Calendula pluvialis, Small Cape Marygold, . . . . 3 . . 280 Calluna vulg-aris, flore pi eno. Double-flowered Ling, ....3. .266 Campanula Carpatica, .... Carpathian Bell-flower, . . 2 . . 130 Campanula glomerata, .... Clustered Bell-flower, . . . .2. . 144 Campanula lactiflora, Milk -coloured Bell-flower, 3 . .200 Systematic Name. English Name. Vol. No. Campanula nitida, ........ Smooth -leaved Bell-flower, 3. .224 Campanula persicifolia, .... Peach-leaved Bell- flower, 2 . . 164 Campanula puinila, ........ Dwarf Bell-flower, ...... I Campanula speciosa, ...... Showy BnlJ -flower, ...... 3 Campanula speculum, ...... Venus's Looking-glass, . .2 t ham us tin . 48 .228 . 147 . 162 . 15 . 95 . 81 . 92 . 143 Cart ham us tinctorius, ...... Officinal Carthauius, ...... 2. Catananche ccerulea, ...... Blue flowered Catanunche, I . Centaurea suaveolens, ...... Yellow Sultan, .......... 1 . Chelone barbata, .......... Scarlet Cheloue, ........ 1. Chelone ohliqua, .......... Red-flowered Chelone, ....!. Chrysanthemum coronarium, Garden Chrysanthemum, . .2. Chrysanthemum Sinense.. . .Chinese Chrysanthemum,. .2. . 120 Chrysanthemum tricolor, . .Three-col. Chrysanthemum,! .. 91 Clarkia pulchella, ........ Fair-flowering Clarkia, ..3.. 199 Clay ton in Virginica, ...... Virginian Claytonia, ....2. .158 Clematis integrifolia, ...... Entire-leav.Virgin's-bower,2 . . 98 Cochlearia Groenlandica, . .Greenland Scurvy-grass, .. .. 64 Colutea frutescens, ........ Scarlet Bladder Senna, .. ..37 Commeiina tuberosa, ...... Tuberous-rout. Commelina,3. .257 Coreopsis lanceolata, ...... Spear-leaved Coreopsis, . . 1 . . 46 Coreopsis tenuifolia, ...... Slender-leaved Coreopsis, . . 62 Coreopsis tinctoria, ........ Arkausa Coreopsis, ........ 13 Cornus Canadensis, ........ Canadian Dogwood, ...... 2 . . 1 36 Coronilla varia, .......... Various-coloured Coronilla,3..226 Crocus Susianus, .......... Cloth of Gold Crocus, . ...2.. Ul Crocus versicolor, ........ Party-coloured Crocus, .... 2 .. 151 Cuscula verrucosa, ........ Wart-calyxed Dodder, ....!.. 10 Cyclamen coum, .......... Round-leaved Cyclamen, ..3.. 229 Cynoglossum omphalodes, . . Comfrey-lvd.Hound's-tng. 3. .243 Cytisus capitatus, ........ Headed Cytisus, ........ 1..90 Cytisus nigricans, ........ Black-rooted Cytisus, ....2.. 149 Dahlia superflua, .......... Double Purple Dahlia, ... .2 .. 1 15 Daphne cneorum, ........ Trailing Daphne, ........ 3. .256 Daphne gnidium, ........ Flax-leaved Daphne, ....!.. 72 Daphne turton-raira, ...... Silvery-leaved Daphne, ..2. .110 Delphinium grandiflorum, . . Large-flowered Larkspur, . . 1 . . 29 Dianthus caryophyllus, ____ Yellow Picotee, ........ 2. .137 Dianthus caryophyllus, .... Prince of Orange Picotee, 3. .287 Diauthus Chineusis, ...... China Pink, ............ 1 . . 65 Dianthus deltoides, ........ Maiden Pink, .......... 2 . . 142 Dianthus Hispanicus, ...... Spanish Pink, .......... 2 . . 108 Dianthus Japonicus, ...... Japanese Pink, .......... 2 . . 168 Dianthus plumarius, ...... Feathered Pink, ........ 3.. 253 Digitalis lutea, .......... Small Yellow Foxglove, .. .. 94 Dodecatheon Meadia, ...... American Cowslip, ........ 25 Drabahirta, .............. Hairy Whitlow-grass, ...... 132 Dracocephalum speciosum,. .Showy Dragon's Head, .. ..57 Epilobium Dodonoei ........ Dodonaeus's Epilobium, . . . . 55 Erica australis, .......... Spanish Heath, ............ 54 Systematic Name. English Name. Vol. No. Erica herbacea, Early Dwarf Heath, 1 . . 22 Erica mediterranea, Mediterranean Heath, ....!.. 74 Erica stricta, . .Straight- branched Heath, . .3. .217 Erin us ulpimis, Alpine Erinus, 1.. 11 Erodium hymenodes, Ternate-leaved HeronVBill,3 . . 193 Erpthronium Ainericaaum, . . Yel-flow. Dog's-tooth Violet,2. . 178 Erythronium dens canis, . . . .Common Dog's-tooth Violet,2. . 181 Eupatorium maculatum, .... Spotted -stalked Eupatormm,2 . . 107 Fragaria Indica, Yel. -flowered Strawberry, 1 . . 7 Fritillaria meleagris, Chequered Fritilhma, . . . .2 . . 183 Fumaria Halleri, Haller's Fumatory, 3. .262 Fumaria lutea, Ye How -flowered Fumatory, 2. . Ill Fumaria nobilis, Great-flowered Fumatory, . . 1 . . 69 Galardia bicolor, Two-coloured Galardia, . .2. . 100 Gaultheria procumbens, .... Trailing Gaultheria, 1 . . 17 Gaura biennis, Biennial Gaura, 1 . . 75 Genista sagittalis, '. Jointed Genista, 1 . . 50 Gentiana acaulis, GentianelJa, 1.. 51 Gentiana asclepiadea, Swallow-wort-leav. Gentian, 3 . .282 Gentiana Catesbaei, Catesby 's Gentian, 2. .113 Gentiana verna, Spring Gentian, 2. . 179 Geum Chiloense, Chile Geum, 3.. 273 Gilia capitata, Cluster-flowered Gilia, .... 3 . .202 Globularia vulgaris, Common Globularia, 1.. 9 Gnaphalium arenarium, .... Sand Everlasting, 1 . . 38 Gypsophila prostrata, Trailing Gypsophila, 2 . . 150 Helianthemum roseum, .... Rose-coloured Sun-Rose, . . 3 . . 267 Helleborus niger, Christmas Rose, 1 . . 8 Helonius bullata, Spear-leaved Helonius, . . . . 3 . . 235 Hesperis matronalis, alba, . . Double White Rocket, ....!.. 39 Hesperis matronalis, pur. . . Double Purple Rocket, ....!.. 70 Hibiscus Syriacus, Althaea Frutex, 1 . . 77 Hyoscyamus niger, Common Henbane, 2 . . 172 Hypericum Kalinianum, .. . . Kalmia-leav . St. John's-wt. 3.. 194 Iberis sempervirens, Narrow-leaved Candy-tuft, 1.. 82 Iris pumila, Dwarf Iris, 3. .263 Iris Sibirica, Siberian Iris, 3 . . 274 Iris Susiana, Chalcedonian Iris, 1 . . 30 Iris variegata, Variegated Iris, 3. .278 Iris versicolor, Changeable Iris, 1.. 3 Isotoma axillaris, Axillary- flowered Isotoma, 3.. 218 Jasini tiiiiii revolutum, Curled-flowered Jasmine, . . 1 . . 12 Kalmia glauca, Glaucous Kalmia, 1 . . 43 Kalmia latifolia, Broad-leaved Kalmia, ....!.. 33 Kaulfussia amelloides, Air ellus-like Kaulfussia, . .2 . . 169 Lachenalia tricolor, Three-coloured Lachenalia, 1 . . 21 Lathyrus tuberosus, Tuberous Lathyrus, 2. . 139 Ledum buxifolium, Box-leaved Ledum, 1 . . 52 ' Systematic Name. English Name. Vol. No. Scabiosa atropurpurea, ... .Sweet Scabious, ...2.. 119 Schizanthus porrigens, . . . .Spreading Schizanthus, . .2. .126 Scilla bifolia, Two-leaved Squill, 2.. 125 Scilla bifolia, alba, White two-leaved Squill, . .2 . . 176 Scilla Sibirica, Siberian Squill, 2 . .192 Scutellaria Columnar, Heart-leaved Scull-cap, ..2.. 141 Senecio elegans, Purple Groundsel, 1 . , 40 Sida malvaeflora, .Mallow-flowered Sida, ....3.. 237 Silene acaulis, Stemless Catchfly, 3 . . 232 Silene fimbriata, Fringe-flowered Catch-fly, 2 . . 128 Sisyrinchium striatum, ... .Streaked Siayrinchiuin, ..!.. 66 Solan uin dulcamara, Woody Nightshade, 2 . .109 Spigelia Marilandica, Indian Pink, 1.. 93 Spiraea lae vigata, Smooth Spiraea, 1 . . 32 Spiraea trifoliata, Three-leaved Spiraea, . . . .2. . 153 Statice oleaefoiia, Olive-leaved Sea Lavender,!.. 86 Stevia purpurea, Purple Stevia, 2.. 180 Symphoria, racemosa, Snowberry, 2. . 1 17 Symphytum Bohemicuin, .. Red -flowered Comfrey,.. . .1.. 71 Tagetes lucida, ,.. Lucid Tagetes, 3.. 215 Tagetes patula, French Marigold, 1.. 56 Teucrium Pyrenaicum, . . . . Pyrenean Teucrium, 1.. 80 Tiarella cordi folia, Heart-leaved Tiarella, . . . .3. .216 Tigridia Pavonia, Tiger Flower, 1 . . 5 Tliymus lanuginosus, Woolly Thyme, 2.. 184 Tolpis barbata, Yellow Hawkweed 3. .259 Trillium grandiflorum, ... .Large-flowered Trillium, . .1 .. 26 Tritoma media, Lesser Tritoma, 3.. 204 Trolling En ropaeus, European Globe-flower, ..3.. 209 Tuiipa Gesneriana, Common Tulip, 3.. 245 Tulipa suaveolens, Sweet-scented Tulip, ....2.. 175 Tussilago fragrans, Sweet-scented Coltsfoot, . . 1 . . 19 Uvularia grandiflora, Large-flowered Uvularia, ...2. . 187 Vaccinium amcenuin, Broad-leaved Wortleberry, 3.. 211 Valeriana montanu, Mountain Valerian, 1.. 36 Verbascum phoeniceum, .... Purple-flowered Mullein, . . 1 . . 36 Verbena Aubletia, Rose-flowered Vervain,. .. .3. .205 Verbena pulchella, Pretty Verbena, 3.. 277 Veronica urticaefolia, Nettle-leaved Speedwell, 2 . . 167 Vesicaria utriculata, Smooth Vesicaria, I . . 84 Vinca herbacea, Herbaceous Periwinkle, . .3. .233 Xeranthemum unnuum, .... Annual Xeranthemum, ... .2 .. 114 Xeranthemum lucidum, .. . .Shining Xeranthemum,. . . .2. . 135 Yucca gloriosa, Glorious Adam's needle, ..3.. 286 Zephyranthes Atamasco, . . Atamasco Lily, 3 . .285 Zinnia elegans, Purple-flowered Zinnia, . .2 . . 170 Zinnia mul tiflora, Red-flowered Zinnia, ....2.. 97 Zizyphus paliurus, Christ's Thorn, 2 . , 1 18 •'A*") BORROWED LOAN DEPT. MAY 71967 I % U '6-7 - JANS JAN8 74 -5 PM iiVED FEB 2~4lW$, ;'&CUL/iri->w f>£p7- ~AU67 LD 2lA-60m-2 '67 (H241slO)476B .General Library Umversuy of Califbrni-a Berkeley