a 3 ER * xs Ses ws: 2 PEN Andrews, H. C., Botanists’ Repository, efc. cf. H. Harms, Notizbl. Berl.-Dahlem 4 (1906) 243-245; J. BRITTEN, J. Bot. 54 (1916) 236—246. Vol. Plates Dates 1 1-6 Nov.—Dec. 1797 7-42 1798 43-72 Jan.-Oct. 1799 Nov.-Dec. 1799 79-128 1800 129-144 Jan.-Mar. 1801 3 145-198 Apr.-Dec. 1801 199-216 Jan.-Mar. 1802 4 217-270 Apr.-Dec. 1802 271—288 Jan.-Mar. 1803 5 289-342 Apr.—Dec. 1803 343-360 Jan.-Mar. 1804 6 361-414! Apr.-Dec. 1804 . 4157-432 Jan.-Mar. 1805 7 433-441 Dec. 1806 442-467 Jan.-?June 1807 to - IL - oo Dates of later issues, beginning with part 97 deduced by BnrrrEN from the Monthly Bot. Report in the Monthly Magazine. It is accepted here that the parts appeared at least in the month before their citation in the Monthly Mag. Vol. Part Plates Dates J 97 468-472 prob. July 1807 98 473-477 . prob. Aug. 1807 99 478-482 Oct. 1807 100 483-487 ? (not noticed) 101 488-492 Nov. 1807 8 102 493-497 Dec. 1807 103 498-502 Feb. 1808 104 503-507 ? (not noticed) 105 508-512 Mar. 1808 106 513-517 Apr. 1808 107 518-522 May 1808 | 108 523-527 June 1808 109 528-532 July 1808 . 110 533-537 Aug. 1808 111 538-542 Nov. 1808 9 112-116 543-567 before May 1809 (pl. 553 117-119 568-582 before Sept. 1809 seq.) 120 583-586 prob. Nov. 1809 10 (121-127) 587-612, before Sept. 1810 (pl. 609 seq.) 613-617 prob. Dec. 1810 | 128 618-622 June 1811 129 623-627 June 1811 130 628-632 June 1811 131 633-636 June 1811 132 637—640 Nov. 1811 | 133 641—645 Dec. 1811 | 134 646-650 Mar. 1812 135 651-654 July 1812 136 655—659 (pl. 657 dated 1812) 137 660-664 prob. 1814-1815 Note. From pl. 618 onwards the dates have been ascertained from the wrappers of vol. 10. (1) Harms erroneously includes plate 415. (2) HaARMs erroneously from plate 416. BOTANIST’S REPOSITORY, NEW, AND RARE PLANTS. COLOURED FIGURES OF SUCH PLANTS, AS HAVE NOT HITHERTO APPEARED IN ANY SIMILAR PUBLICATION, WITH ALL THEIR ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS, BOTANICALLY ARRANGED, AFTER THE SEXUAL SYSTEM OF THE CELEBRATED LINNAUS; IN ENGLISH AND LATIN. TO EACH DESCRIPTION IS ADDED, A SHORT HISTORY OF THE PLANT, TIME OF FLOWERING, CULTURE, NATIVE PLACE OF GROWTH, AS TO ITS WHEN INTRODUCED, AND BY WHOM. THE WHOLE EXECUTED BY HENRY ANDREIWS, AUTHOR OF THE COLOURED ENGRAVINGS OF HEATHS, IN FOLIO. Y | Y 2, LONDON: PRINTED BY T. BENSLEY, AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR, N°5, KNIGHTSBRIDGE. To be had of J. Wurrz, Fleet-ftreet, and all the Bookfellers. 1797. Cc an Instit, 7s Í ; c— o 2AZ AOS EN Var l'Museu : eel Mel) i we Mi. - T Es , i Rox Y c Le é % Eros Ae Vs. Ew: GUB. Sr. d B * E. Jgusuon [rd diuo n : Lr 140 £-OTRTIETH TOW SYvau pu rw ds Houa . dam LOTH: S MR X t Ad. ?4 » Le E E qise»As il x2: xixcbie sos ea RR p tl bàn DL: p "y SNEIDI shia atten: WI ke x0 MATERA keit ant auri, er. E à c3 i Mri Vei e Y soia Y. n UN | “ ! m d ju | E . E. | PY Ad aW go EI T3OHà2 7 *. ' em dirae ngo. £23.3* write, p" Lo dE CLASS ro, "is. ji 211 gS À APT 1 att oh vita b dro iT. "A , * 2 z - * die e cel E. 244 "Ico oe kt ieri Sm KA ‘ m ES asso ip AUS "A ME ES bic a S390 qg* anri on aii ae rt A "^ m - . 4 Pete: ta ena ita, "lw diee i Pett) e TE I E 11 DT TIME" «x. qu PS td = c 7 On IW E Vis “uri / M I ntu ics p 2 dora, DIS Wy Wi. Hina MUS. BNTY TM ith Mote n uin MAL d dn tenon d 77; a ax om L2, 2 Ss Nd AED POR EOF A CGC.E Tue utility of this undertaking at a crifis, when the tafte for Botanical purfuits fo univerfally prevails, will, it is prefumed, be readily admitted by all thofe engaged in them, whether as theorifts, collectors, or cultivators. Such a work, under the immediate direftion of fome principal leader in the fcience, of this country, has been a defideratum of long expectance; but either from the great expence ne- ceffarily incurred, before any adequate return could be made, or from the trouble attendant on publi- cations, where colouring forms fo confiderable a part, as yet, every fimilar attempt has proved abortive, The Bot. Mag. of Mr. Curtis, a work of fingular merit in its way, has occafionally furnifhed, it is true, a few fpecimens of new plants; but the greateft part, as its title-page indicates, confifts of thofe well known, common plants, long cultivated in our gardens; the direct reverfe of the propofals and intentions of the author, in the profecution of this. From a wifh to prevent confufion, it was a determined principle at the outfet of the work, not to give any generic or fpecific fynonims; but to follow the moft generally accepted names, of known and named plants, without a cavil, of our beft Englifh botanifts, or cultivators, if no flagrant error was perceptible, according to the Linnean fyf- tem: being fatisfied, nothing contributed fo much to reprefs the ardour of young botanifts as the difficulty of affixing the right name to thofe plants, which, (from a captious defire in every publifher, to foift in fomething of his own coinage, upon the moft trifling fuppofed difference,) have undergone feyeral changes of title. If the plant was a certain novelty, with us, to have followed the fexual fyftem, without a fchifm; upon that truly grand and comprehenfive ícale of nature; when the formation of a new genus was neceffary; if not, to refer it to fome one already made, if fuch was to be found, in any orthodox author: the {pecific name to be formed from fome oppofed, leading feature, in the habits of the different fpecies of the genus. But although fuch were the Author's intentions, when he entered on this bufinefs, yet, from a wifh to oblige many of the fupporters of the work, who have fignified a wifh that fynonims fhould be given, an alphabetical Index, with all the various Synonims collated from the beft authorities, fhall be printed feparate for the ufe of thofe who may wifh for fuch an addition. As a fair excufe for the Author, (who throws himfelf upon the candour of the Public,) in exte- nuation of the inaccuracies which have, and will neceflarily occur in the profecution of the work, itisjuft to fay, that the difficulties to be encountered, and of which none but thofe engaged in fimilar concerns can form any adequate idea, are incalculable; arifing chiefly from the nature of a monthly publication, compofed entirely of novelty, which cannot be anticipated, and of courfe, fo very little time can be allotted for revifal or correGtion. To remedy as far as poffible fuch flips, a lift of Errate will be given, with the Index, at the clofe of each volume. — KNIGHTSBRIDGE, OCt. 1799. ERRATA, VOL. I. Plate 2. Springalia, lege, Sprengelia. Bloff. one leaf, read, one petal. Peri. 4-valvis, 4-locul. l|. 5-val. z-loc. S. V. 4 val. 4 cells, r. 5 val. 5 cells. Cor. zquila, l. egualia, Emp. Sheath, r. Sheaths. © 7. Calyx, multiflorium, l. muitiflorum. 9. Calyx, diciduis, l. deciduis. Stam. acumenate, 1. acuminate. 11. Sp. Ch. poft rofeis, inf. (,). 12. Ord. Il. r. IV. Seeds, become, r. becomes. 14. Emp. cup, r./heath. Poin. put (,) after beneath. 15. Standard, cut, r. cup. 20. Sem. acumenatz, 1. acuminate. 23. Bloff. after fpreading, put (,). No. 2 of Ref. put (the) before chives. Sp. Ch. poft plenis, inf. (,). Ord. II. r. IV, 30. Line 6th of Defcr. leave out (nor). Bye Ord. LU. xr. 1V. 41. Bloff. one leaf, r. one petal; divided into fix, r. with fix divifions. 47. Stam. poft fubulata, inf. (,). 65. Emp. fruit-ftalks, r. fruit-/alk. 67. Defcr. line 2d, for makes an addition to, r. makes one of. ' T T " ins ip PLAISE wi. CORTUSA: NDATTHIOILE. Alpine Sanicle. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. ORDER I. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium quinquefidum, perfiftens ; laciniis obtufis, concavis. Conorra. Monopetala, rotata, quinquepartita, laciniis fub-rotundis, ad quarum bafin pro- minent tubercula quinque. Stamina. Filamenta quinque brevia. Antherae bipartite, oblongae erect, exteriori parte affixa. Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis. Stigma fimplex. Prericarrium. Capfula ovata-oblonga, utrinque longitudinaliter fulcata, unilocularis, apice quinquevalvi, valvularum marginibus in- volutis. Semina numerofa, oblonga, fcabra. SPECIFIC Cortuía, foliis cordatis, laciniatis, petiolatis; calycibus corolla brevioribus. EwPALEMENT. Cup with five divifions, perma- nent; the fegments blunt, and concave. Brossow. One leaf, wheel-fhaped, five divifions, fegments nearly round, having five promi- nent tubercles at their bafe. Cuives. Five fhort threads. Tips divided in two, oblong, upright, and fixed to the bloffom by their backs. || PoirNTar. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- . fhaped. Summit fimple. SEED-vEssEL, Capfule oblong egg-íhaped, channelled on each fide, of one cell, the top has five valves, which are turned in- ward at their margins. Srrps many, oblong, and rough. CHARACTER. || Sanicle, with heart-fhaped jagged leaves that have foot-ftalks; empalements fhorter than the bloffoms. — — "— ——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, and Fruit-ftalk. 2. 'The Bloffom cut, and fpread open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Pointal, magnified. —— lp — — Tuts beautiful little herbaceous plant, a native of the Germanic Alps, was known to, and defcribed by all the elder, as well as modern botanical theorifts; yet till this time, has there not been one good reprefentation of it. Having been nearly loft to us for a number of years, it may be confidered as deferving a place amongft thofe plants we deem rare; as a fpecimen of fuch it has been given. It delights much in fhade; is perfectly hardy; thrives beft in a light but pure foil; as dung, or other mixtures, are apt to rot the roots when in a ftate of inaction; flowering in May and June, and producing feeds. But the fureft mode of propagation is by the root, which may be divided with fuccefs about September. | E le "e Tf A =) ! ha ATAVUS AA AM ul «e | Le e — res IV f SEI 05 à laa veo bana agit * ruat as PT ap ranma ge a : E ul aby an | ie alas y v : j |suQ MO o seen monte ir sage ud ; Dern absit curd. ZEN TU I D :QIY — SAIL : "piste p mat iie tow pui &cdul. ow Y f rau fisume t Phe 56 ife "SQL y .»* r po ees ao UOS od han) ticle nd wn feat habra igre EN telo det .bsbo: ntl) flat a ae iM Ie aug (3 "ray J J aniehe-taaB M y beh Gas aldo venta dents = : ave VES . 205 DOR 1 FAGAN TOM ERU o apte: dw ullas Lips AN di^ i bathing irt api "E I - iyi bos giae bis fas, x Nas uda guise TANTI vH. wndaotd B J L^ LI LE Y Ki oT Ni bete T abil: 4 Abi 2 fi) wi [5 s kaw victa wad sober adi o Jortite NM Soild $i 2o: lira dc veil "pUxidesd d1- xi üt ot. Ur. vilem eh: us br - ow ] "nh in eil emit Aomcsoue Sur suem arrest jh ei cue v dimit a bets, "m Mu. or IOS ^u "eti neos, vd TE 3 ^ r vilxTart | he resa. et) X. , An vii fre! nta » iuto ; ph tied wit tinh We) inna E Ula url E pe Ee ood ft xd Xe " » n: " 1|) W 1. X1X nu RAXYAQWC Y. bi | imt "s "AMlig wosdie À. aus Mud cmtade: danwuB — S UPibii ^ 714) 02 L] atic yeti Bah? dli "yt eee KAR sat A Ublmupnisp Sr. M^ LEA - viram: YT. TUN J [TINH E wi NM ! 1 WINS SPO =" nin e e à 1 h. 3 o8 V ao WE apollzdgemoat suhltass d / onraam 'atsdifiesq anobll AdWiolko ungon abintowl ! eor sar. myesoerte tit Ys Ai al pereo ii i - o nr MEE TSOERULUTVI adusotiin soles DU) mitt th Wy yiwaTÉ ) n Liner JAM UT "TS ara’ j * üngypiq seine Atte - hen iain An. , 2 itn efile Ange DEI CN hanmigiet. T > & bis aos int nil E n Ain Mejor) om qs TV 1 ' ‘ . nee iro nee T F E a Su Eo tz iota ignia ant ^ ibn qc lebt gott dyoebiatai med seed - nU gp cit "Ms dieit. t ysbot hinh idunt oi to sten] jac fgirimoqo ff. 15) 14 ne deosituoq Ss hiv sol acti. o ool. = EN yrs PL AP Eval. SPRINGALIA INCARNATA. Star-flowered Springalia. CLASS XX ORDER. VI. SYNGENESIA MONOGAMIA. Tips united. Flowers fimple. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, cut into five fidum, perfiftens. fegments, and remaining. Conorra. Monopetala, quinquefida, rotata, Brossow. One leaf, cut into five fegments, laciniis acumenatis. wheel-fhaped, the divifions fharp pointed. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, lineares, recepta- Curves. Five threads, linear, fixed into the culo inferta. Antherz pilofz, erecte, co- receptacle. "Tips hairy, upright, united nate in cylindrum. into a cylinder. Pistittum. Germen fuperum, turbinatum. Poiwrar. Seed-bud above, turban-fhaped. Stylus filiformis. Stigma obtufum. Shaft thread-fhaped. Summit blunt ended. Pextcarrium. Capfula quadrivalvis, quadri. SEED-VEssEL. Capfule four valves, four cells. locularis. SEMINA plurima, minima, rotunda. Srrps many, {mall, and round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Springalia, foliis alternis, amplexicaulibus, mu- | Springalia, with alternate leaves, embracing the cronatis; corollis fub-folitariis, incarnatis, ftem, and fharp pointed; bloffoms moftly rigidis, micantibus. fingle, flefh-coloured, harfh, and fhining. — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement, (natural fize). . The Bloffom divided from the Empalement. . The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified). . The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (magnified). ee m OW - Tue Springalia, muft certainly rank among the moft beautiful of the various new genera which have been introduced from New Holland; the delicacy, brilliancy, and number, of its bloffoms render it particularly attractive, whilft their extreme permanency adds greatly to its merits; the flower being of fuch fingular durability, as to retain nearly the fame appearance when the feeds are perfe&ted, as at their firft opening. The figure before us, was taken from a plant in the nurfery garden of Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, who raifed it from feeds about three years fince, and where it has flowered thefe two fucceffive years. The Botany-bay plants, (as they are generally called) are beft preferved in the greenhoufe; but although this is fufficiently hardy for fuch treat- ment, yet its fituation muft be dry, being very fufceptible of damps, flourifhing beft in fandy peat earth; continues flowering through the whole fummer; and propagates eafily by cuttings. The characters, and habit of this genus, like almoft all the plants from New Holland, being perfe&ly new, there was a neceffity to form a frefh generic name for it; which has been done by the defervedly eminent Dr. J. E. Smith, botanical profeffor, and prefident of the Linnzan Society. Wy " renean 22227 72 OST = PLATE i. NEOTTIA &PECIOSA. Flefh-coloured Neottia. CLASS XX. GYNANDRIA DIANDRIZ. Chives on the Pointal. ORDER Il. Two Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Spathz vaga. Spadix fimplex. ConorLa. Petala quinque, longitudine zquila, angufte-lanceolata, erecta. Neclarium monophyllum, indivifum, acumina- tum, intra petala interiora pofitum, bafin ftyli femiample&ens, erectum, fuperne pa- tulum. Stamina. Filamenta duo, ex limbo ftyli dorfali orta, lanceolata. Anthere dus, lineares, longz, locate in loculum filamenti. PisriLLUM. Germen inferum, curvatum, ful- catum, inferne attenuatum. Stylus craffus, adnatus labio fuperiori nectarii. Stigma obfoletum. Pericarrium. Capfula unilocularis, carnofa, longiffima, trivalvis. SEMINA numerofa, minutiffima. EwrALEMENT. Sheath fcattered. Fruit-ftalk fimple. Brossow. Petals five, of equal length, of a narrow fpear-fhape, and upright. Honey-cup one leaf, undivided, fharp pointed, placed between the two inner petals, half embracing the bafe of the fhaft, upright, fpreading at the top. Cuives. Two threads, rifing out of the back of the fhaft, fpear-fhaped. Tips two, linear, long, placed in the cells of the threads. PoiNTAr. Seed-bud beneath, curved, furrowed, tapering at the bafe. Shaft thick, growing to the upper lip of the honey-cup. Summit indiftinét. Seep-vessEL, Capfule with one cell, flefhy, very long, three valves. SEEDs numerous, very {mall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Neottia, foliis radicalibus, undulatis, lato- | lanceolatis, bafi attennctis; floribus con- | fertis, fpicaGs, incarnatis, {peciociffin:’s. -— — «quu REFERENCE TO Neottia, with leaves growing from the root, wave:!, of a broad fpear-fhape, tapered at the bafe; flowers prefled together in a fpi». flefh-coloured, and moft beautiful. "HE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom, Seed-bud, and Sheath, (naiora! fiz-) 2. The Seed-bud, and three Petals of the Blof of the Honey-cup, (natural fize). 3. Seed-veffel, and Honey-cup magnified; ‘i... ing the within the Honey-cup. n; the two inner cut out, to fhew the pofition fituation, and fh»»e of the Chives, 4. The fame magnified; fhewing the fituation of the Pointal, at the back of the ; oney-cup. Proressor Jacquin of Vienna, having figured the Neottia in the third volume of bis Cu" ect. 3, with juftice has determined it a new genus, and given it the name it here bears; the whole habu of the plant being entirely diffimilar to any old genera. It certainly muft be placed fomewhere near Limodorum, or Epidendron, from either of which, however, it ftands perfectly diftinét. This is the only fpecies yet in England, and was introduced from the ifland of Jamaica, about the year 1793, by* the Hon. Mrs. Barrington. The drawing from which the prefent figure is taken, was made (by her kind permiffion) from a plant in the extenfive collection of the Hon. Lady Archer, Ham-common. Like all plants from that ifland, it requires the heat of a pine-ftove, and rich earth, to make it . flourifh; is increafed by the root, and flowers in the early part of the year. a Me iari cti Pm i tn ee ee ee ; 1 ; 26 db cud UT Sagas "1 MAT "n — 7 ~ PLAT #/4¥: RHODODENDRON DAURICUM. Dauric Rhododendron. CLASS X. ORDER I. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. TenChives. One Pointal. GENERIC Carvx quinquepartitus, perfiftens. Conorra. Monopetala, rotato-infundibulifor- mis: limbo patente; laciniis rotundatis. Sramina. Filamenta decem, filiformia, longitu- dine corollae, declinata. Antherz ovales. Pistittum. Germen pentagonum, retufum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine corolla. Stig- ma obtufum. Pericarrium. Capfula ovata, quinquelocularis. SEMINA numerofa, minima, lineares. SPECIFIC Rhododendron, foliis glabris utrinque nudis, CHARACTER. EwPALEMENT of five divifions, and remaining. Brossow. One leaf, of a roundifh funnel-fhape: the limb fpreading; and its fegments rounded. Cuives. Ten hair-like threads, the length of the bloffom, bent downward. Tips oval. Porntat. Seed-bud five-fided, and dented. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the bloffom. Summit blunt-ended. SkEp-vessEL. Capfule oval, five-celled. Sreps many, fmall, and linear. CHARACTER. Rhododendron, with ímooth leaves, naked on petiolis longiffimis; corollze violaceze, foliis both fides, and long foot-ftalks; the blof- ampliores, rotatae. foms light purple, larger than the leaves, and wheel-fhaped. ——— — D ————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Bloffom, (natural fize). 2. The Chives, and Pointal, (natural fize); one tip detached, (magnified). 3. The Seed-veffel, and Pointal, (magnified). SSS —— ArTHOUGH this fhrub has been defcribed, and is well known to botanifts, it has not, till within thefe very few years, been feen in Great Britain. It is a perfectly hardy plant, being a native of the coaft of the Black and Cafpian feas, and parts adjacent; from whence it has been conveyed to Peterfburg by Dr. P. Pallas, and figured by him in his Flora Ruffica. Mr. Buth was the perfon who brought it to England, on his return from Ruffia. The flowers begin to appear in the month of March, con- tinuing through April and May. As yet (from its fcarcity) the beft method of cultivating it can fearcely be known; but it feems to like a fheltered fituation, and light foil, like moft of the genus; and has been increafed by layers. The drawing was made from a plant, at the nurfery of Meflrs, Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith. - pf a eive UT CC WINES LDAXXEÉLT " AS IDs RR "- Writ PASS LOO &gdOTdAJdJO | Xaunt ha (aiios M Er c EI init Sond era MAAC WAC A'S ray om ied ; COT 1 à av UM BEE "yuan .gniqeg bre anmnenit 25 19e vba Soto uro] worse, iur EE ELE UE odd p up PP taxon pi PA d efi I 1 P 4 ote hoa iiis tet m Labo E Eos ach Mo PR rhe Mtr odit osaib onn d , guckt: naris NX rM p." o : ^ M Meg ris! n" AM mand bed Tod a ) 'oMaexfiti ande ACORN AL Ad rideo wit 205 a ar cue "cilia mm YID KC Eus A. uU -— EL m—- | (de poa UD sUuISERSEYESN Pirsdu qM n DUET ETT y MAT, n - ; ; = A E P B, 7" ; " d: ge hoged bie 77 way Oa fede ers j pM diti otha: uic ale, Law NS ueni fied a , ETE RE Jiu.) Süd SO BC BODIES wal ‘ol ; Jesiee aelpiom " : | | í ^» DA ieee bel s f "P : Nd) 7 E j , eti P cover D CEPR SriiST oA) 1 miei !cu e IB nz M. utmyo Too dil hof A, À ; un tul ua our itd 2 n tie fies eee ya NT A ar i | > T Bus» e sd ant ee) a ee j "e fiv : nistrinlé shiek ML. Diod h Mecbbes don wad) vou izasths DRAIN, - Rob nóni 2i tdupad IUE EE Jb Disney 05 c coe anion Cen he rh ui" «d bakoting taal Ope Ebo ub msn SERES Lon metn EAT toy Judae n M i elt ve dn pen ; c2 DE. ening anm vua hikfe wd-anpft.-u k ML of ^d t-dbdb I" Mc * j Sed rtm Bec Toda hd Pee à. ales tow ‘ue T Mao s 170 Ed S SE Deut cma a qoin cero s!) aro m i" Pain andit 2 Qutiayiorg ode YS duo 1782 ed ( seit "nq ——_—— Ph en PLATE V. GLADIOLUS LONGIFLORUS. Long-flowered Gladiolus. CLASS III. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathz bivalves. ConoLra, fexpartita, ringens. Petala oblonga, omnia unguibus in tubum conata. Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris alternis petalorum inferta. Antherz ob- longa. PisrinLuM. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma trifidum, concavum. PznrcARPIUM. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- locularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, fubrotunda. SPECIFIC Gladiolus, foliis enfiformibus, plicatis, villofis; EwxrarEwENT. Sheath two valves. Brossow, cut into fix fegments, and gaping. Petals oblong, having all their claws con- nected into a tube. Cuives. Three threads, awl-fhaped, fixed into each alternate divifion of the petals. "Tips oblong. PorwTAL. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the length of the chives. Summit divided in three, and concave. SEED-vEssEL. Capfule oblong, obtufe, three cells, three valves. Sreps many, nearly round. CHARACTER. Gladiolus, with fword-fhaped, plated, hairy corolis tubiformibus, longiffimis; petalis leaves; bloffoms trumpet-fhaped, and very undulatis, reflexis. long; petals waved, and bent back. mL m — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the fituation, and infertion of the Threads; the Threads, and Tips, remaining attached. 2. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and its Summit. —— su — ane Tuis fpecies of Gladiolus, (as are moft of the genus) is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, about Table Mountain; where the roots of Ixia, Antholyza, Gladiolus, &c. form a chief part of the food of the inhabiting monkies. It came to England amongtít many other roots and feeds of beautiful and rare plants, colle&ted by J. Pringle, Efq. of the ifland of Madeira, when on an excurfion at the Cape; and fent by him to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, of Hammerfmith. Like moft bulbs, it has its period of reft; during which, it fhould be kept without moifture, but whilft growing, requires abundance; flowering about June, or July, and producing good feeds. It fhould be treated as a greenhoufe plant, and planted in light fandy earth. Like the Crocus, the old root perifhing, a number of frefh ones are produced, which may, (if thought neceffary) be kept out of the ground two or three months. iY) STARA x: i ; aS F ak mig, s. 4E. E pm al » T MS A Ave EUN viec *ul ) rset E A E yh i (& ge scdess .s puo Tir M ] ; sabes * Ysa qu bonus Pn d" deris dl bunt &* " ] ttl mi) "io doi di inco hue ENDO nn d AT Nd PLATE VI. HEMEROCALLIS CARULEA. Blue Day Lily. CLASS YL ORDER I HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER, Caryx. Nullus. EMPALEMENT. None. Conorra, fexpartita, infundibuli-campanulata. Brossow, has fix fegments, of a funnel bell- Íhape. SrAwmiNA. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Cuives. Six awl-fhaped threads, the length of corolla, declinata; fuperiora breviora. An- the bloffom, bent downwards; the upper therze oblongz, incumbentes, affurgentes. ones the fhorteft. Tips oblong, fixed by their fides, and turned up at the ends. Pistrittum. Germen fulcatum, fuperum. Stylus PoiwTAL. Seed-bud furrowed, and above. filiformis, longitudine et fitu ftaminium. Shaft thread-fhaped, of the length and po- Stigma obtufe-trigonum, affurgens. fition of the chives. Summit bluntly three- cornered, turned up at the point. Perrcarpium. Capfula trigona, trilocularis, tri- SEED-veEssEL. Capfule three-fided, three cells, valvis. three valves. Semina plurima, fubrotunda. SEEDs many, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hemerocallis, foliis cordatis, petiolatis; corollis Day Lily, with leaves that are heart-fhaped, caeruleis. | and have foot-ftalks; the bloffoms blue. —————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Chives, and Pointal, as placed in the Bloffom. . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. . A Seed of the fhape and fize when ripe. noe [^ a ——. Tue variety of character exhibited in this new fpecies of Hemerocallis, fo different from its con- geners, in foliage, flower, and feed; would almoft induce us to think like Gertner, a generic divifion neceffary; if we were not withheld, by that ftrong rule of Linnzus, (from which, it will be a leading feature of this work, not to fwerve) not to increafe the number of genera, but where abfolutely neceffary. This fpecies, as well as a white variety, which has been figured by Kempfer; and con- tinued fince him by Welldenow, in his new Species Plantarum, under its prefent denomination; is a native of China, and introduced to our gardens from thence by G. Hibbert. Efq. of Clapham, from whofe moft extenfive and beautiful collection this fpecimen was taken. It is as yet cultivated as a hothoufe plant, where it flowers in the fpring months, perfecting its feeds: perhaps when better known, it may be found, like many Chinefe plants, to bear our climate. It is propagated as well by parting its roots, as from the feeds. IVE Vin Pn gi tl : e beu - ^ P "i PL AE Ewa. PRIMULA CORTUSOIDES. Siberian Primrofe. CLASS. V. ORDER I PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Involucrum polyphyllum, multiflori- um, minimum. Perianthium monophyllum, tubulatum, pentagonum, quinquedentatum, acutum, erectum, perfiftens. Comorra. Monopetala. Tubus cylindraceus, longitudine calycis, terminatus colo parvo hemifpharico. Limbus patens, femi-quin- quefidus; laciniis obcordatis, obtufis. Faux pervia. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, breviffima, intra collum corolla. Anthere acumenatz, erect, conniventes, inclufe. Pistrttum. Germen globofum. Stylus filifor- mis, longitudine calycis. Stigma globo- fum. PrnicARPIUM. Capfula teres, longitudine fere perianthii, unilocularis, dehifcens apice decem dentato. SEMINA numerofa, fubrotunda. Receptaculum ovato-oblongum, liberum. SPECIFIC Primula, foliis petiolatis, cordatis, fub-lobatis, crenatis; corollis leté purpureis. EwxPALEMENT. Fence of many leaves, including feveral flowers, and fmall. Cup one leaf, tubular, five-fided, five-toothed, fharp, up- right, and remaining. Brossow. One petal. Tube cylindrical, the length of the cup, terminated by a fhort hemifpherical neck. Border fpreading, half cut into five divifions; the fegments are inverfely heart-fhaped, and blunt. Mouth open. Curves. Five threads, very fhort, within the neck of the bloffom. Tips pointed, upright, approaching, within the tube. PorwTaAL. Seed-bud globular. Shaft thread. fhaped, the length of the cup. Summit globular. Seep-vesseL, Capfule cylindrical, nearly as long as the cup, of one cell, opening at the top, with ten teeth. SrEps numerous, and roundifh. Receptacle ob- long egg-fhaped, and loofe. CHARACTER. Primrofe, whofe leaves have foot-ftalks, are heart-fhaped, flightly lobed, and fcolloped; bloffoms of a bright purple. rr REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Cup, and Fruit-ftalk. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the fituation of the Chives, and its internal formation. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, (magnified). ———— " ————— Tuis fpecies of Primrofe is figured by Gmelin, in his Flora Siberica. It was in the year 1794, that the feeds of this plant were fent by Profeffor P. Pallas, from Siberia, to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, of Hammerfmith; at whofe nurfery the drawing of this moft charming plant was made: though a native of fo cold a clime, it feems with difficulty to endure the feverity of ours; thriving beft in a pot, under any flight fhelter, or a very dry fituation if planted out: it is increafed by the root, which fhould be parted in March; and flowers in June, and July. A á P227 277/28. PLATE VHL GLADIOLUS ALATUS. Wing-flowered Gladiolus. CLASS: HL TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. . Three Chives. GORD ER 1: One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathz bivalves. Coro.ta, fexpartita, ringens. Petala oblonga, omnia unguibus in tubum conata. Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris alternis petalorum inferta. Antherae ob- longa. Pistirtum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma trifidum, concavum. Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- locularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, fubrotunda. EMPALEMENT. Sheath two valves. Brossow, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals oblong, having their claws formed into a tube. Curves. Three awl-fhaped threads, fixed into the alternate divifions of the petals. Tips oblong. Pointat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the length of the chives. Summit cut into three, and concave. Sgep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, blunt ended, three cells, three valves. Sreps many, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus, foliis enfiformibus, coftatis; petalis || Gladiolus, with fword-fhape, ribbed leaves; the lateralibus latiffimis. fide petals of the bloffom the broadeft. — — f o —— — ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement, with the Chives, detached from the Petals, as they E * ftand in the Bloffom, and apparently attached to each other; with the natural pofition of the Pointal. s 2. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud; one of the divifions of the Summit magnified. a — —— Tuts fpecies of Gladiolus, although fo fcarce with us, is certainly one of the moft common found near Cape Town; and, notwithftanding its extreme beauty, has been overlooked by moft collectors; b. who, from its great frequency, have generally confidered it as forming, undoubtedly, part of every collection of exotics. It is of an extreme delicate nature, and overmuch wet eafily deftroys it; dif- fering from moft Cape bulbs, in requiring a light loamy earth, and the affiftance of a dry ftove, to make it flower well; which it will do by fuch aid, about May, or June; feldom producing feeds, and propagating but flowly by the root. From the fugitive chara&er of this plant, it is difficult to afcertain the firft cultivator; for although it does not appear among(t the Gladiolus in the Hortus Kewenfis, it muft undoubtedly have come into that immenfe collection at different periods, but never flowered; which is the reafon we do not find it there defcribed, which has been done by Linneus, in his Species Plantarum, under the name it here bears; as well as by Plukenet, in his Phyto-graphia, and others under various fynonims. This figure was taken from a plant that flowered at Meflrs. Lee and Ken- nedy's in 1790. e d E PLATE IX. ATRAGENE CAPENSIS. Cape Atragene. CLASS XIII. ORDER VII. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. - Carvx. Perianthium tetraphyllum ; foliolis ovalibus, patentibus, obtufis, diciduis. Conorra. Petala duodecim, linearia, bafi an- guftiflima, obtufa, patula. SrAMiNA. Filamenta plurima, breviffima. An- therz oblong, acumenate. Pistirtum. Germina plurima oblonga. Styli villofi. Stigmata fimplicia, longitudine antherarum. PreurcamgPIUM. Nullum. SEM1NA plurima, definentia in caudam pilofam. SPECIFIC Atragene, foliis ternatis; foliolis incifis, dentatis, EuxPaALEMENT. Cup four-leaved, which are oval, fpreading, blunt, and deciduous. Brossow. Petals twelve, linear, narroweft at bafe, blunt, and fpread open. Cuives. Threads many, very fhort. Tips ob- long, pointed. PoiwTAL. Seed-buds numerous, oblong. Shafts hairy. Summits fimple, the length of the tips. SEED-vEssEL. None. SEEDs many, terminating in a hairy tail. CHARACTER. Atragene, with three divifions; the fmaller di- vifions jagged, toothed, and harfh; the flower flefh-coloured, and femidouble. rigidis; flore incarnato, femipleno. ——— mMüps—— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal cut off clofe to the receptacle. 2. The Fruit-ftalk, Chives, and Pointals; the Chives thrown to one fide, to expofe the fituation of the Pointals; one tip magnified. 3. A Seed of the fize when ripe. — — — Álllilib — —— — Tuis plant has been confidered by Burmann, Hermann, and other Cape botanifts, as an Anemone, to which genus it certainly may as eafily be referred as Atragene: but as it has been clearly de- fcribed by Linnzeus, under that genus, we have not hardinefs enough to difpute his authority. It is (as the trivial name implies) a native of the Cape of Good Hope, but at fome confiderable diftance within land; whence it requires a dry ftove to preferve it, fuffering much from damps. It is only fince the year 1795, that this plant has been found in our greenhoufes; being then introduced by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, nurferymen, where it has flowered and perfected feeds; which feems to be the only means of propagating it: the foil it prefers is a mixture of peat and loam; flowering about March, or April. 3 PLATE X ARISTEA CYANEA. Blue-flowered Arifiea. CLASS III. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. ORDER I One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathe bivalves, lacera, perfiftentes. Conorra, hexapetala, oblonga, zqualia, ebcor- data, perfiftentia, patens. Sramina. Filamenta tria, erecta, fubulata. Antherae fub-fimplices, magne. Pisrittum. Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- mis, erectus. Stigma trifidum, concavum, reflexum. Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, triquetra, tri- locularis, loculis compreffis, trivalvis. Semina plura, compreffa, feabrida, fub-femi- EwPaLEMENT. Sheath two valves, ragged, and remaining. Bossom, of fix petals, oblong, equal, inverfely heart-fhaped, remaining, fpreading. Cnuivrs. Three threads, upright, awl-fhaped. Tips almoft fimple, and large. PoiwTrAL. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft thread- fhaped and erect. Summit cut into three, concave and reflected. Seep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, three-fided, three cells, cells compreffed, three valves. Sreps many, flat, rough, nearly femicircular. circularia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ariftea, foliis enfiformibus, radicalibus; floribus capitatis, cyaneis. the root; the flowers grow in heads, and are of a bright blue. —— — a ——— REFERENGE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Valve of the Sheath fpread open. 2. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified.) 3. A perfect Seed, (magnified.) — — -—--£———— | Ariftea with fword-fhaped leaves growing from Tue Ariftea is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and has been defcribed under various fynonyms; by Plukenett as a Gramen, by Petiver as Bermudiana Capenfis, and by Van Royen, Burmann, and Linnaeus, as an Ixia. But although differing from Linnaus is againft the fixed intention of this undertaking, where there is a poffibility of avoiding it; yet in this inftance of alteration he muft have acquiefced, having undoubtedly never feen the plant himfelf. The bloffom, feed-veffel, feeds, habit, root, and growth, of the plant, fo totally differ from the character of Ixia, &c. that we have not hefitated, in accepting the name given it in the Hortus Kewenfis; where, it is faid to have been introduced, to that collection, by Mr. F. Maffon in 1774; though no fpecific defcription is given of it; from which we may conjecture, it never flowered there. The figure here given, was taken from a plant which flowered at Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy's, in 1797. The Ariftea being rather a delicate plant, requires an airy, warm fituation in the greenhoufe, flowering readily about the month of July, or Auguft; requiring to be kept in a fmall pot, the foil a light loam. It propagates by feeds, and flips, "XEM T i 7s eo vU CEU TV» TES — —— Arista oyna. gu SEX +i MES "v X RA LOO dT "mw . ma T Vite «8 " : a | vele abi? :xiv33D dal sf Many i f t ] eoal "1 piagy) ET UV wet Acad & ofni be igi bo view) mirivad qi d } MEN uai nml = epo DLE T A : TUM. n Ae BY bonpadi-Ferx IT aan relais d thrice , EIE "d eq bise of) be enotialh mum me! mid "AD "m tegi abc en. Verde. aa Ryo, eas? eros "uU med. fi FP uit boit .—^* As. LOMA fiz Tho oe " i M de fm) aemostio Ng.) .win'tuennsd í Pini I stayiumdat amoto MEUM like - báo 51 Aynésta/doc«e One! adndesoesl sit auto bere - bogbs-bo ! sm, sos gad) saad i'rmóemdesr adhuf N ^ : LI tri bug eus | LD , llis " SPATE ull "ot 2^3 9*4 ~ fi dign ut) ts isola V eseraul T 3 Margret T 5 'u M Dothnini of eu c^. uh dy sen Se , 1 hadas e Din gni Vireodes- Don Tie. tat bet SP ug = (Sut T at mnifelotid eum Ios Bust A. tid Gtadetudl ek iub ibat ess 2 uii stellar " eat 30d 4 axidid. Axa uri uoi J e usnm) .oodtt cow pir gh odd ys. ^ — agii eid «2 osinioedi! hobrbee qport veobórn ovd ips 5 niu oe aT ng di jc» av wo dun Do? vb ei Fahy » nb hid ‘am ei hag Las OH ty cent to dtcopn PLATE XE GLADIOLUS ROSEUS. Rofe-coloured Gladiolus. CLASS - EL ODER: E TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathe bivalves. EmpaLtemMentT Sheath two valves. ConoLrra, fexpartitaringens. Petala oblonga, Brossow, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals omnia unguibus in tubum conata. oblong, having their claws formed into a tube. Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris | Curves. Three awl-fhaped threads fixed into alternis petalorum inferta. Antherae ob- | the alternate divifions of the petals. Tips long oblong. Pistirrum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, || Poinrax. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma trifidum, | the length of the chives. Summit eut into concavum. | three, and concave. Pericarrium. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, trilo- Srrep-vrssEL. Capfule oblong, blunt-ended, cularis, trivalvis. ; three cells, three valves. Semrna plura, fubrotunda. SeEeps many, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus, foliis lanceolatis, tortis, rubro margi- natis, pubefcentibus; floribus rofeis odora- tiffimis. Gladiolus, with ípear-fhaped leaves, twifted, red-edged, and downy; bloffoms rofe co- lour, and fwect.ícented. Ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Valves of the Sheath. 2. A Flower cut open, to expofe the infertion of the Threads, the Threads, and Tips remaining attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit magnified. 4. A Seed natural fize, inclofed in its Tunic. EE Ee ——. Tuts moft beautiful fpecies of Gladiolus, is but of very recent date in England; in the year 1795 it was feen firft to blow here, in the collection of J. Ord, Efq. Purfer's-crofs, Fulham ; but has fince, re- peatedly, at the nurfery, Hammerfmith, from whence this figure was taken. Profeffor Jacquin has figured this plant, in his laft Fafciculus; but, undoubtedly, from a dried fpecimen, as his figure gives no idea of the brilliancy of this delightful plant. The fragrance of its flowers, added to the fingu- larity and beauty of its leaves, muft place it in the foremoft rank of its congeners. To preferve the bulb of this delicate Gladiolus, as foon as the ftem begins to decay, it fhould be taken from the pot, and kept dry till O&ober; when it fhould be replanted, and treated as other Cape bulbs. It increafes by offsets, and flowers about the month of May, or June. MA 2 AMAT "Ew + ee” PLATE XI GERANIUM GRANDIFLORU M. Largeft flowered Crane s- bill. CLASS XVI.’ ORDER H. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Cup five leaves: leaves egg- Carvx. Perianthium pentaphyllum: foliolis EMPALEMENT. ovatis, acutis, concavis, perfiftentibus. fhaped, fharp pointed, concave, and per- | manent. Conorra4. Petala quinque, obcordata, feu Brossow. Five petals, inverfely heart-fhaped, ovata, patentia, magna. | or egg fhaped, fpreading, and large. Sramina. Filamenta decem, fubulata, corolla || Curves. Ten threads, awl-fhaped and fhorter breviora. Antherae oblongz, verfatiles. | than the bloffom. Tips oblong, eafily turn- | ed round. Pistittum. Germen quinquangulare, roftra- || PoiwTar. Seed-bud five-angled, and beaked. tum. Stylus fubulatus, ftaminibus longior, || Shaft awl-fhaped, longer than the chives perfifiens. Stigmata quinque, reflexa. | and remaining. Five reflexed fummits. Pericarrium nullum. Fructus pentacoccus, || SrEp-vrEsseL none. Fruit five dry berries, roftratus. | beaked. SEMINA folitaria, reniformia, fxpe arillata; || Szrps, folitary, kidney-fhaped, often furnifhed Arifta longiffima, demum fpirali. with a dry hutfky coat, and a very long awn, which become fpiral. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium, calycibus monophyllis, foliis quin- | Geranium, empalements of one leaf; leaves five- que-lobis, glabris, dentatis; floribus am- lobed, fmooth, and toothed; the flowers pliffimis, fub-albidis. very large, nearly white. me ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular ftru&ture. 2. The Chives, and Pointal, as placed in the flower, (natural fize.) 3. The Shaft, Summits, and Seed-bud, (magnified.) $< ————— Or all the fpecies of this numerous tribe, introduced to us, from the Cape of Good Hope, this ftands fingularly pre-eminent; whether for delicacy of foliage, or beauty of flower, of which, tlie moft finifhed drawing would convey but a faint idea. The figure before us, was taken from a plant in the valuable collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham; from whom we underftand, that it was fent in 1794 to the Royal Gardens at Kew, by Mr. F. Maffon. To keep this plant ina flourifhing condition, it fhould be kept in a window of the ftove, in winter, as the heat of a greenhoufe is fcarce fufficient at that feafon. It flowers in July, or Auguft, and requires the foil generally ufed for Geraniums, a mix- ture of rotten dung, and loam; being eafily propagated by cuttings. To diffent from moft of the late publications on the fcience of Botany, may feem prefuming; yet, when it fhall be confidered, that we take Linnzus for our fole guide, where that great mafter has inconteftibly fixed a Generic character, to a tribe of plants, which undoubtedly, came clearly under his infpetion; from his dictates, ours muft emanate, although his authority may be queftioned by others. If any good reafons had been found, to difunite a Genus, which nature has fo palpably diftin- guifhed throughout all its numerous fpecies; he certainly, who had minutely examined fo many, would not in his fatitious Syftem have allied them; though nature had apparently fo done. We muft therefore, after him, think no Generic divifion neceffary. For the fake of correétnefs, where a Genus is fo extended in its fpecies as Geranium, Erica, &c. are; the conformity of particular parts, may form a fecondary arrangement, as we find it conftantly in Linnzus; the Heaths, from the fhape of their tips, the Geraniums, from the number of fertile Chives; which a French Botanift of the name of L'Heritier, has thought of fufficient moment to create two new Genera on, Erodium and Pelargo- nium, retaining the old name Geranium for thofe only, with ten perfect Chives. Mont. L'Heritier and his followers muft, therefore, forgive us for ranking one of his Pelargoniums under the old ftandard. yl 12 = grandiflenim ; Và Mp UR 29d 2294 “> a rot. "m , "oue wAlkors 4 tj nv ; > bejsttt 4 "EMT: ET] it dtieten nile ms A |" | Te] PLATE "XIII. EPIDENDRUM COCHLEATUM. Purple flowered Epidendrum. CLASS Xx. ORDER L GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER, Carvx. Spathe vaga. Spadix fimplex. Pe- rianthium nullum. ConorLa. Petala quinque, oblonga, longiffima, patentiffima. NeGarium bafi tubulatum, turbinatum, intra petala deorfum pofitum, ore obliquo, bifido: fuperiori labio breviffimo, trifido; inferiori in acumen producto. SraMiNA. Filamenta duo, breviffima, piftillo infidentia. Antherz tectz labio fuperiore neétarii. Pistittum. Germen tenue, longum, contor- tum, inferum. Stylus breviflimus, adnatus labio fuperiori ne&tarii. Stigma obfoletum. Pericarrium. Siliqua longiffima, teres, car- nofa. SEMINA numerofa, minutiffima. SPECIFIC Epidendrum foliis oblongis, geminis, glabris, bulbo innatis; fcapo multifloro; neétario cordato, purpureo. EmpaLemenr. Sheaths fcattered. — Fruit-ftalk fimple. Cup none. Brossow. Five petals, oblong, of a great length, and fpreading much. Honcy-cup tubular at the bafe, turban- Íhaped, placed between the lower petals, mouth oblique and divided: the upper lip very fhort, cut into three divifions; the lower terminating in a point. Cuives. Two very fhort threads, fixed on the pointal Tips covered by the upper lip of the honey-cup. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud flender, long, twifted, and beneath. Shaft very fhort, fixed to the upper lip of the honey-cup. Summit blunt. Srep-vessEL. Pod very long, round, and flefhy. SeEDs numerous, extremely fmall. CHARACTER. Epidendrum with oblong leaves growing by pairs, fmooth, rifing from the bulb; ftalk many flowered; honey-cup heart-fhaped and purple. — MUT REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Bloffom, without the Honey-cup; difpofed to fhew the fituation of the Chives, and Pointal, which are covered by the Honey-cup. 2. The Honey-cup. 3. The Tips. 4. The Summits. Or all plants, none furnifh a more agreeable fpeculation to the Botanift, than thofe of this clafs; the fingular conftruétion of the whole flower, leads the obferver to form analogous comparifons from it to animal life: particularly amongft the Orchis, and Ophris, of our own country; where bees, flies, liz- zards, and butterflies are accurately fhaped in the honey-cup. The Genus Epidendrum, takes its Ge- neric title from its place of growth, being what Botanifts term parafitical, that is, growing on an- other plant; which is the cafe, with moft of the fpecies of this Genus: yet is cultivated here with fuccefs, by planting it in a mixture of rotten wood, and loam. A plant, from which this figure was taken, was a prefent to Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy from the Honourable Mrs. Barrington, who received it from Dr. Dancer's botanical garden Jamaica, of which ifland it is a native; therefore muft be kept in the ftove. It is propagated by dividing the bulbs. Ibe " pude nd'rum cocblealum Ü E Aus À uf yo 13 al E. oat 205)00 aavtar. ti e f ATLIT Mute Aron epa ite’ vri xllod rid cult walls Das anim : e wr Lact MA Mo EC E nt elio nomi zriE a1 beso 71) i Otbupe: Apolo Ux Kew T ade hmttali vs x) iie d C ee Ask | QU EY oben box " Iw nolfff" weave À | dune zi Bh diis JU rupi Cocks siet it ifte p^ prety ened, ad Vent spl fd. leuyee pif eoi tite Yeujedd- 322 Gtond terchost .weowe Othe -c(iperttal. rents meee aT wd) Spb, bjmdb tale "Doha civi Austr Pm corti amit dp 5 O)ui 3po fuwewue «vids adis pose i is ur mepikur wind. cau abe ^ Hs QUU bor sr E j quia." ,begqehi-aus -— voee hd igi SLM TI TIT hike Sunt) MET ETT N 4 ot ho fno eiat Au veliy sc T uci uefuniettes prr To T n th 1 LA ici Peers andis : E M e dM "Visi ttd EEG MET palin FI » se vh! 3h Lid ble E "m ne aia, otra ili AMI hades ah iy wei GMT BY cr XD oon yoy aie a) sunto Walls T V do conor chm» Suh wat saa ea of etiante Slaridenng i ifs Lue by rye Wis t iiy w capi Bri Liste bd. w trit ood. An D LT (^ bencal da, sperari ow emt ff ^ue wr. ed 8» chs Staats Sx vi partys cttw 36 (OGRY dd vineas be hand 4c Luci aum yt) gtetyy omo qu E tiic 4l (hpakioom sc lr eO vow endet ad) Aud" quai goftae ndi ‘ cel n bük iunii Qr auo ar ime i cedlod (gi or novi d deploy oral oui lli "t iab cub c4 bad Rhett yd lena PL ADE OXIV. » IXIA REFLEXA. Reflex flowered Ixia. CLASS III. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathe bivalves, oblong, perfiftentes, germina diftinguentes. Comorra. Petala fex, oblonga, zqualia, lan- ceolata. Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, corolla breviora, fita zequalia. Antherze fimplices. PisriLLvM. Germen inferum, ovatum, tri- quetrum. Stylus fimplex, erectus, longi- tudine ftaminum. Stigma trifidum, crafli- ufculum. Pericarpium. Capfula fubovata, triquetra, trilocularis, loculis comprefiis, trivalvis. Semina fubrotunda, plurima. SPECIFIC Ixia floribus fpicatis, reflexis; foliis enfiformi- EwxPALEMENT. Cup two valves, oblong, re- maining, and dividing the feed-buds. Brossow. Six oblong petals of an equal length, and fpear-fhaped. Cuives. Three awl-fhaped threads, fhorter than the bloffom, placed equally. Tips fimple. PorwTAL. Seed-bud beneath egg fhaped, and three-fided. Shaft fimple, upright, the length of the chives. Summit cut into three, and thickifh. Seep-vesseL. Capfule, nearly egg-fhaped, three-fided, three cells, preffed together, three valves. SgEps many, nearly round. CHARACTER. Ixia, with flowers growing in a fpike, and bent Md Ls bus, glabris. | backward; leaves fword-fhaped, and fmooth. $< REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The two Sheaths of the Empalement (magnified). . The Bloffom. . 'The Chives (magnified). . The Pointal (magnified). Ee 0t No genus exhibits greater diverfity, either in the figure, or colour of the bloffoms, of its various fpe- cies than Ixia; the extreme delicacy of their colours, rendering it abfolutely neceflary to prote& them both from wind and rain; even watering them over their heads (as is ufual with greenhoufe plants), at once deftroys their brilliancy. "The bulbs of this fpecies were gathered at the Cape, by J. Pringle, Efq.*from whom they were fent to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy in 1795, at whofe nurfery they flowered the enfuing fpring, when this figure was taken. No particular treatment is neceflary for this plant, other than what is given to Cape bulbs in general, viz, an airy fituation, and light foil. Is propa- gated by feeds, and by the roots. ae ee ee s ld! b. Ell uec s 12 AU DB : ; if” ~ / ‘4 « - Pe anie sU i edle eine eae te ] " | ott angen pvc k Du wl : 4 5 Me He Te uai o A re em AC RAS) rini» off sighted. o1 j i » W s: eit | sn ps ar ciel do * a VT defen p. 3 masa fuc? Li VP so — " «v Mild inh > pes. A i ; BA i uo í ! i od gel Darse dn fato gee : meu n "nets o 3 Pyrvad» ud: OW: siat M i L wire: uA. Ew j NOTAT Pm es) La l v. pit " ; svete de stated ] “ 7? TIT Lo, lila. li T99bs- Phor vndas 1 me a ¥ yas Tafel: ; Crue. the ot waded "tuba Jp « v -: P m CMS t ans tao da one LE 7 Yu! 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Blue Broom of Spain. — ————— — CLASS XVIB ODE, RT: DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives in two fets. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, ovato- | Emparement. Cup of one leaf, oblong egg- oblongum, parum inflatum, villofum; ore | fhaped, a little fwelled, and hairy; mouth quinquedentato, inzequali; perfiftens. cut into five unequal teeth; permanent. Conorra papilionacea : Brossow, butterfly-fhaped. Vexillum longius, lateribus reflexis, ungue || Standard longer, fides bent back, the claws longitudine calycis. as long as the cut. Ala duz, oblongz, vexillo breviores. Wings two, oblong, fhorter than the ftandard. Carina compreffa, longitudine alarum, alis Keel compreffed, as long as the wings, and fimilis. like them. Sramina. Filamenta decem, connata, affur- Cuives. Ten threads, connected, rifing up- gentia, Antherz fimplices. wards. Tips fimple. Pistittum. Germen oblongum. Stylus fim- Porntat. Seed.bud oblong. Shaft fimple, plex, adfcendens. Stigma obtufum. afcending. Summit blunt. Pericarpium. Legumen fubrotundum, tectum SEED-vEssEL. Pod roundifh, covered by the intra calycem, minimum, bivalve. cup, very fmall, of two valves. SEMEN unum, alterumve. SeEDs. One or two. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Anthyllis fruticofa, fpinofa; foliis fimplicibus ; | Broom, fhrubby, and covered with prickles; floribus ex caeruleo purpurafcentibus. Jeaves fimple; bloffoms of a purplifh blue. poc REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 'The Cup. . A Bloffom, the cup taken off to fhew the exact fituation and fhape of its various parts. - The Chives, as they inclofe the pointal (natural fize.) . The Threads magnified, and cut open, to fhew their tubular fhape. . The Pointal, magnified. Oc» ON = ———— AÁüm———— Owisc to the difficulty in propagating and preferving fome plants, although frequently introduced to us, and well known; yet are they more fcarce to be found, in our beft collections, than plants of feemingly more difficult acquifition. This fpecies of Anthyllis has been mentioned under various fynonyms by moft ‘botanical authors from Clufius downwards. Mr. T. Johníon, in his edition of Gerard of 1633, has given a defcription of this plant from Clufius, and a cut; both of which are excellent (confidering the then infant ftate of the art of engraving), under the title of Genifta Ípinofa humilis; Dwarf Furze. It is termed Erinacea by Clufius (fays he), from the Spanifh name of the hedge-hog, Erizo, of which country it is a native, in the kingdom of Valencia: from which we might infer, that, like other plants of that country, it would live through our winters; which is not the cafe. It muft be kept as a greenhoufe plant, and watered but fparingly. The foil it prefers isalight loam; is propagated by cuttings, and flowers in April, or May. ———— HL as 954 PLATE -XVI. AZAXLEA-"-.FPOUNTICA, Yellow Pontic Azalea. CLASS) Vi. Qf D Es t. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf with five divi- Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- fions, fharp pointed, upright, fmall, and partitum, acutum, erectum, parvum, per- fiftens. permanent. Conorra. Monopetala, campanulata, limbus || Brossow. One petal, bell-fhaped, margin five- quinquefidus: laciniarum lateribus in- cleft: fegments with the edges bent in- flexis. wards. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, filiformia, recep- Cuives. Threads five, thread-fhaped, fixed to taculo inferta, libera. Antherz fimplices. the receptacle, and loofe. Tips fimple. Pistirtum. Germen ovatum. Stylus filifor- PorwTAL. Seed.bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- mis, longitudine corolla, perfiftens. Stigma fhaped, the length of the bloffom, perma- nent. Summit blunt. obtufum. Pexicarpium. Capfula ovata, quinquelocularis, Segp-vessEL. Capfule egg-fhaped, with five quinquevalvis. cells, and five valves. Semina plurima, compreffa. Sreps many, and flat. Oss. Figura petali in aliis infundibuliformis, in Oss. The fhape of the petal in fome is funnel- aliis campaniformis eft; ftamina in quibuf- fhaped, in others bell-fhaped; the chives in fome are bent downward, and very long. dam declinata longiffima. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Azalea, foliis ovato-oblongis, pilofis, alternis; || Azalea, with oblong egg-fhaped leaves, hairy, floribus ampliffimis, luteis; ftaminibus lon- | and alternate; flowers very large, and yel- giflimis, declinatis. low; chives very long, and bent downward. I REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement, (natural fize.) . The Chives as they appear within the bloffom. . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. . A Capfule cut horizontally, expofing the number of its cells. — — a — — America-has furnifhed our gardens with an extenfive variety of beautiful fhrubs; amongft them, the Azaleas hold a diftinguifhed place; fome for the beauty, others for the fragrance, of their bloffoms: the prefent fpecies far furpafles all of them for both. It is a native of the coaft of the Black Sea, or Pontus Euxinus, through the whole of its extent, on the Afiatic fide, from the city of Trebifonde; from whence its trivial name. "That a plant of fuch extreme beauty, and fweetnefs, fhould fo long have been a ftranger to our European gardens, though known to, and defcribed by, fo many botanical travellers, muft feem matter of wonder; but ftill it is an uncontefted fact. Monf. Tournefort, in his Voyage to the Levant, has given an ample defcription of it, under the title of Chamzrhododendros Pontica maxima, mefpili folio, flore luteo; where he fays, it grows to the height of feven or eight feet, and that the flowers are of a moft exquifite flavour. Dr. P. Pallas, in his Flora Roffica, has like- wife figured, and defcribed it, under the name it here bears; but apparently his drawing was made from a dried fpecimen, as the brilliancy of the flower is by no means preferved; but it is to him we are indebted for this fine plant. In his voyage to the Crimea and countries adjacent, in 1792, he procured the feeds of this, amongft many other valuable and rare plants; parcels of moft of which were fent by him to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; by whom plants were raifed of it, and many other forts, the next year. It is a deciduous fhrub, extremely hardy, and blows early in the fpring; is propagated, like other Azaleas, by layers and feeds; grows beft in peat earth, with a fmall portion of loam. HB C NS i Bored ped he iati aos) Mis lesa do it th ai tqod ih aono ag ht m! LU of tha? 2: big ‘$a [| NOTA TED 4 ERU nan 1 io ta PLATE XYIL PROTEA FORMOSA. Coronet Protea. CLASS IV. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. GRPER. EL One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx. Perianthium commune, imbricatum; Íquamis inzequalibus, perfiftentibus. Proprium nullum. Conorra tetrapetala. Petala fape cohzrentia, faepius divifa, lineari-oblonga: unguibus erectis, limbo patenti. Stamina. Filamenta nulla. Antherz quatuor, lineares, vel oblongz, fub apice limbi co- rollz inferte., Pistittum. Germen fuperum, oblongum. Sty- lus filiformis, corolla longior. Stigma fim- plex, clavatum. PericarPium nullum. Calyx patens, indura- tus, vix mutatus. SEMINA folitaria, fubrotunda, vel compreffa. RrcEPTACULUM commune nudum, villofum, paleaceum, vel conus. SPECIFIC Protea, foliis lanceolatis, pubefcentibus; caule villofo; flore aurantio flavo; femine fub- rotundo, glabro, magnitudine pifi majoris. EwxPaALEMENT. Cup common, fcaled; fcales unequal, and remaining. Proper none. Brossow four-leaved. Petals frequently ad- hering, oftener divided, of a linear oblong fhape: claws upright, border fpreading. Cuives. Threads none. Tips four, linear, or oblong, fixed within the border of the bloffom. Porntat. Seed-bud above, and oblong. Shaft thread-fhaped, longer than the bloflom. Summit fimple, and club-fhaped. SEED-VEssEL none. Cup fpreading, hard, and fcarcely changing. Seeps folitary, nearly round, or flat. REcEPTACLE the common, is naked, hairy, chaffy, or a cone. CHARACTER. | | Protea, -with lance-fhape downy leaves; ftem hairy; bloffom orange yellow; feed nearly round, fmooth, the fize of a large pea. —— ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Flower complete, as it ftands on the Receptacle. 2. The Bloffom expanded, to thew the fituation of the Chives. a Or all the varied genera of plants which decorate that mine of botanical riches, the Cape of Good Hope, and the adjacent country, no one ftands more confpicuous than Protea. Few travellers who have not noticed the fingularity and beauty of their foliage; indeed they are of fuch extreme bril- liancy, that no one, however indifferent to botanical refearches, can país them unobferved; forcíis of them being fo numerous, the Protea Argentea, or Silver Tree, produces almoft the only wood ef the country; growing to the height of thirty or forty feet. But although the leaves of this numerous tribe are mofily beautiful, many of their bloffoms are but trifling, except in the eye of the botanift: the Protea Formofa, however, is one among{t many which ftand as powerful exceptions: the great beauty of this charming plant has induced us to adopt tbe trivial name it here bears. It has been introduced to the Royal Gardens at Kew by Mr. F. Matlon, botanical collector to his prefent Majefty; from whofe liberal patronage the fcience of Botany has of late been brought into fuch general efti- mation. This fpecies, from the downy cbaracter of the whole plant, is apt to damp, if not kept in an airy fituation in winter; though the warmth of a common greenhoufe is quite fufficient for its pro- tection. kingdom. It is with difficulty propagated by cuttings; and has not hitherto perfeéted its feeds in this Our drawing was made from a plant which flowered in the nurfery of Meftis. Lee and Kennedy, in the year 1796, about the month of Auguft. j — UN — rti, aet c il LM S T E Jj ar LE an Se * ig iiem grid thd jo infida wee ed T ge Ext «inf ? nisi ttouagona aavrtas ino ^a agoléo Scotfp claw a deo zo Lr | MEA | ior Ac ig fr^ aigu dq Lords od. msrnids oiii ioc Wi. ac choi arat ot mg 5 Acc A X4 n utis (wsMSsOMD C niode bine Woe etl ‘meetin hel boast 4 Y ay "v bret ig it = Wee Comite EXER ; iss i Ania nol atm iA uiri DAE NEN UN ine inate nertg hie my Toa) driven eu) eee " A vistabmefo praia din nhe cba ppup Av rna * 7 - * LI edi! ac qawol beurre JY. H E 2 - Ti " LU oA QUE T , 4 Mg dan do ey Pa mpqu 1 i Pa ILLE MET EA ol T Bt rige'g ead qnesó , b wo) vinsgaayo? bos eel T welt i: SR " or m bu mid ados dot CR vd anyuty tiw Si] eyisser dT; fuss ew gon vo aede aod id sq © ied daduegotitib que e onnmitong à et Aloette & EPR ob emi | ped jan ta. 523 bd UNMR y ita M s rout HU hri iftis, 7a Sot en wat en em dps Deb gla 1 Sri oot to 114754 88 ond) a OF pili. edL ost Np iig m blé th shit pally td vimiom a bitte bog foids sdb beens cos tors iit cbe wigmoda 23i depesdi tron or esinitoo: 1 trang: dididere Aeuln Stet vut eyolg rlnid er errand *^-. uada td 6 c apd tilt nie básgeqiiq od vim (Cu bna aeui Lg A o x wife Samy si] fud svi by. Vaud iii " Ee S TT oo ea a ee 7 re TTE ME PLATE. AVUE CORRE A ALBA. White Correa. : - | CLASS. Vill. ORDER E | : : : E. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. i Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quadriden- EMPALEMENT. Cup of one leaf, five-toothed, tatum, campanulatum, erectum, perfiftens. bell-fhaped, upright, and permanent. ConoLra. Petala quatuor, oblonga, concava, Brossow. Four petals, oblong, concave, reflexed apice reflexa, marginibus craflis. at the end, and thick at the edges. Sramina. Filamenta octo, erecta, filiformia, | Curves. Fight threads, upright, thread fhaped, receptaculo inferta. |: 9 and fixed into the receptacle. Pistittum. Germen turbinatum, fuperum. | Pointat. Seed-bud turban-fhaped, and above. 2 Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftaminium. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the Stigma obtufum. chives. Summit blunt. Pericarrium. Capfula coriacea, lanata, qua- SeEp-vesseL. Capfule leathery, and woolly, drilocularis, quadrivalvis. four cells, four valves. Semina quatuor, folitaria, fubrotunda. | Sreps four, folitary, and nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Correa, foliis fubrotundis, fupra tomentofis, fub- Correa, with leaves nearly round, downy on the tus lanigeris; floribus terminalibus, qua- upper furface, woolly on the under furface; í ternis, albidis. flowers terminate the branches by fours, and are white. $< REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . The Chives, and Pointal. . A Thread, and Tip, (magnified.) . The Shaft and Summit, (magnified.) m oC) BD = If | Tue Correa is a native of Port Jackfon, in New Holland, and commonly termed a Botany-bay plant: it was firft raifed in the year 1793, from feeds which were given by Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. to J. Vere, Efq. of Kenfington-gore, and from a plant in whofe colle&ion our figure was taken. It receives its generic title from Mr. Jofeph Correa de Serra, a native of Portugal; a gentleman of very diftinguifhed talents as a man of fcience in general, and botany in particular. Of this genus there are as yet but few fpecies difcovered; the Alba grows to a fhrub of the height of four or five feet, woody and tough; both ftem and leaves are covered with a thick flannelly fubftance, particularly the under fide of the leaves, which gives the whole plant a whitifh appearance. It continues to flower through the months of April, May, and June; may be propagated eafily by cuttings, fhould be kept as a hardy greenhoufe plant, and thrives beft in peat earth. - -- Sere ces Bow LJ PLATE XIX. GLADIOLUS VERSICOLOR. Changeable Gladiolus. ; CLASS. IL OR DEF . I, TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. | " GENERIC CHARACTER. D Caryx. Spathz bivalves. EMPALEMENT. Sheath two valves. Conorra, fexpartita, ringens. T'etala oblonga, | Brossow, of fix divifions, and gaping. Petals omnia unguibus in tubum connata. | oblong, having their claws formed into a | tube. i Stamina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, divifuris | Caives. Three awl-fhaped threads, fixed into alternis petalorum inferta. Anthere ob- | the alternate divifions of the petals. Tips longe. | oblong. PisrirLuM. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, | PoiwTAL. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the longitudine ftaminum. Stigma trifidum || length of the chives. Summit cut into 3 concavum. \| three, and concave. , PrRicAnPIUM. Capfula oblonga, obtufa, tri- ll Sgep-vesset. Capfule oblong, blunt.ended, locularis, trivalvis. | three cells, three valves. SEMINA plura, fubrotunda. || Sgeps many, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus, foliis lineari-cruciatis; floribus maxi- Gladiolus, with linear crofs-fhaped leaves; flowers mis, verficoloribus. | very large, and changeable. ————"m—— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. &* .. 2. The Pointal, and Seed-bud; one of the divifions of the Summit magnified. 3. A ripe Seed, natural fize, in its tunic. EE ——-— Tuar colour bears the character given it by Sir Ifaac Newton, our prefent fubje& (as did the prifm) adds another proof. The Gladiolus verficolor might, like the camelion, equally be a fubject of con- tention, to thofe who have feen its bloffom at different periods of the fame day; for, ftrange to tell! itis brown in the morning, and continues to change from that colour till it becomes light blue by night. During the night it regains its priftine colour; and this change is effected diurnally, whilft the flower isin its vigour; but upon the decay, the change is lefs powerful, gradually fixing in a dark brown; which, however, does not take place in lefs than nine or ten days. "This is the only $ flower, we have ever noticed, to regain the colour that has once forfook it. A drawing was began 4 v about ten o'clock in the morning, but before it was finifhed the plant was fo totally altered in colour that there was an abfolute neceflity for taking a fecond day to complete it. The bulbs of this plant [^ were fent from the Cape of Good Hope by J. Pringle, Efq. of Madeira, in 1794, amongft many others, »— to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, of Hammerfmith, where the drawing was made. It flowers about the “month of June; is increafed by the root or feed; and thrives beft in peat earth. fts, d MS N X T bj ES ~ » NS "fe. EE ll lee tali ee ae ee! ovr oS PLATE XX ECHIUM GRANDIFLORUM. Large-flowered Viper’s Buglofs. CLASS» V; ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium quinquepartitum, erectum perfiftens; laciniis fubulatis erectis. Conorra; Monopetala, campanulata. "Tubus breviffimus. Limbus erectus, fenfim ampli- atus, quinquefidus obtufus; laciniis feepius inzqualibus; fuperioribus duabus longiori- bus, infimis minoribus, acutis, reflexis. Faux pervia. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, longi- tudine corolla, declinata, inaequalia. An- there oblongz, incumbentes. Pistittum. Germina quatuor. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma obtufum, bifidum. Pericarrium nullum. Calyx rigidior, in finu femina fovens. : Sem1Nna quatuor, fubrotunda, oblique acumenata. EwPALEMENT. Cup with five divifions, upright, permanent ; fegments awl-fhaped, upright. Brossow. One petal, bell-fhaped. "Tube very fhort. Border gradually widenipg, with five clefts, blunt. Segments ofteneft unequal, the two upper ones the longeft; the lower ones fmaller, fharp, and reflexed. The móuth open. Cnivzs. Five threads, awl-fhaped, the length of the bloffom, declined, and unequal. Tips oblong, fixed fideways to the threads. PoiNTAL. Seed-buds four. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit blunt, and two-cleft. SrEp-vresseL none. The cup growing more harfh, contains the feeds. Ssrps four, roundifh, obliquely tapering. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Echium, foliis nitidis, lanceolatis, hifpidis; | Viper's Buglofs, with fhining, lance-fhaped, caule fruticofo; corollis maximis, } e €: ae ML DNVGLOMEMLII * - * Sind. ost Hiegiu ests V areerta's | dii, car perfect Ligh te tiw shel sles PAN gm Lgsti TSN i ny) di » "bos: tiw i A [pene dur ehe quoe aibriey ibtd he Sete dendo Ici 1 1 AU TPLEDE! ww wh th edited? oer IT 4 af? at 2995 IS mos ^. - fhbodrgean 212 $3 X holrrmea: dits. ud ral : o euh bb addo nac leit of? f d, Poh oT 91 gem of? Y Hee P'üxboba fo ti 0x] Vb epmagt ael ago amt hat ted. cifribal tol rath iul (MR cas, YDS Vda viksose d. bas o P ATUM. Ash cite Si iM 07 aniscontT Í : Wipes gama; ga of pelo ened? mort Ati cV togl¢ sidi 1p sais oT AS ET gea») ovatyvietr isti rag ed. Derqodosb dia Sb qrov ed ai qeu edi angir vlr ad d petowbtiny vlistsgea ono ble"yd) "teen, sd: vd vot " iub ume Apt pde bead? (well urdnder- t 3hgóditod cresmieam «do thera wel) sonitrpen uds etse soul Mo doce st uode yubtewolh ow tang hott od Byiggig od blat ad ailod squO 13400 ALI — amoRoldall bosqui. PLATE. XXXV. IXIA CRISPIFOLIA. Var. flore ceruleo. Crifbed-leaved Ixia. Blue Vi ariety. EE — —— CLASS: Eh? GRBER.L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow fix petals, fpreading equal. Summits three, nearly upright, and fpreading. See IxiA REFLEXA, Plate XIV. Conorra 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata 3, ere&ctiufculo-patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia with crifped leaves; flower-ftem branched, waved, and a fpan high; flowers grow in partial umbels, and are blue. Ixia folis crispis; fcapus ramofus, flexuofus, fpithamzeus; floribus fub-umbellatis, caeru- leis. | ——— —»——— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 3. A Chive (magnified). 4. The Pointal, one of the divifions of the Summit detached, and magnified. — — -————— Tuts fingular fpecies of Ixia, is one amongft the many given by the Dowager Lady De Clifford to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy Hammerfmith, in the year 1794; at which time, her ladyfhip had juft received the bulbs in a prefent from the Cape. It is defcribed by Thunberg, in his Differtatio de Ixia, publifhed in 1783. The root of this plant is of a moft curious fhape, having the appearance of being the half, rather than the whole; it is very delicate, is eafily deftroyed by moifture, therefore (except when in flower) fhould be kept very dry; it propagates by the root, the old one generally producing two; flowering about the month of June, or July, but requires the warmth of a moderate hothoufe to expand its bloffoms. Like other Cape bulbs, it fhould be planted in fandy peat. ^U hM va A iai VS NE | eÉ AV NOM IS iN] | Du i mibiveb ot A de = CN Vaob. ste! mn EN noiw Bed hehetory p a 1 -——— PLATE XSXYL RHODODENDRON PUNCTATU M. Dotted-leaved Rhododendron. CR NS ee. ORD ER, DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ten Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx 5-partitus. Corolla rotato-infundibu- || EwraLEMENT of five divifions. Bloflom of a liformis. Stamina declinata. Capfula 5- | rounded funnel-fhape. Chives bent down- locularis. | ward. Capfule of five cells. See RuopopENpnoN Dauricom, Plate IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Rhododendron foliis glabris, fubtus punctatis; viminibus laxis; corollis crifpis, violaceo- purpureis. Rhododendron with finooth leaves, dotted on the under part; flender loofe branches; blot- foms crifped, and of a blueifh purplc. ——— lg ——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Blotfom. 2. The Chives, and Pointal (natural fize); one tip detached (magnified). 3. The Seed-veflcl, and Pointal, (natural fize). EEE Ir is to the induftrious refearches of J. Frafier, nurferyman, of the King’s Road, Chelfea, we are indebted for this charming fpecies of Rhododendron, who introduced it in the year 1792 from the back fettlements of Carolina, North America, where it is native. This fpecies is by far the moft delicate of any yet difcovered on that continent; grows to the height of three, or four feet, and of fufficient hardinefs to refift our winters in'the open ground: a flight protection infures its flowering, as our late frofts are apt to injure the buds, which are very often without that affiftance deftroyed. The beft method of propagating this fhrub is by layers, which fhould be taken off in autumn, and protected the firft winter. It flowers about the month of July, at which feafon this year a drawing was made from a plant, in the nurfery of Lee and Kennedy, Hammerímith. It (like moft American plants) delights in fandy peat. | Sts: ME omm: /^* utet 2n PLATE XXXYIE GERANIUM FRAGILE. Brittle-ftalked Geranium. CLASS” XVG OR D E R* II. = MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. _ Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Moxocvwa. Stigmata 5. Fructus roftratus, 5-coccus. One Poinrar. Summits five. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See Geranium GranpirLtorum, Plate XII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis carnofis, pinnatis; caulis fruti- cofus, ramofus, fragilis; petalis linearibus, pedunculis erectis. Geranium with flefhy winged leaves; ftem fhrubby, branched and brittle; petals linear, fruit-ftalks upright. rr REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular fhape to its bafe. 2. The Chives, and Pointal, (natural fize). 3. The Pointal, (magnified). — — — ra —— Tur Geranium fragile has in general feven fertile tips, and thus comes under Linnzus's firft arrange- ment; and Monf. L'Heritier's Genus Pelargonium. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy in the year 1792. This plant feldom grows more than a foot high, but during the months of July, Auguft, and September, it is covered with bloffoms, which are of a pale yellow, ftriped at the bottom with red, ftanding nearly upright. Itis rather a tender plant, requiring a dry ftove, or hothoufe, to preferve it in winter, being very fubject to damp in the leaves; is eafily propagated by cuttings, and thrives beft in rich mould. Ila AvyX. 3 n m LI No WE FODMUI PUTOREAJO deis 4 SONOS HAT S3 Ae X ane sy ees Ven N IX di £4 IN dO Salt KAVITA ones ASOM IT teinin'l an) :.-7502* " * ~ €". QA TUTARAXS UÁz voro JAtr TA eGR ^ db spustoo38 $ a ! E fitim eo > 320863 (on tS BA PTO 14 biute*asuba avisa - Li T pd. pU ee , JMhToAMAR 49 o1I«fON*tSe xvii Despabiisequ iiw'ssteibéiO: 7 — hor xpdésiis p dba bee”, . [4 . * T » Ly Lega Pues bea eis thas 23: slpangaric tit d AME vero Dents iio ben deos, ak Ttitod nit amar cies secum aw ". ce d t muri ^ E M ANY OF A53 TIN / afe vil s t: 26d iod: "M tie Lee? 4812 ow) co 63 setae. ho» dh va oma gen aon? sdr 2o epo m - f Subww*à un uaa Predáeo 211 Fx has ^ fhomw eiit »ohiópet lo £d:sfo:ng 6 Vit Yo sdíod of Eager ay! dr tuis i 3 Ru? bar iM. E phy P: es » ate aie * PLATE XXXVIII. GLADIOLUS PRACOX. Var. flore rubro. Red early-flowering Gladiolus. CLASS. HI. ORDA RE TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pon. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLra 6-partita, ringens. | Brossow fix divifions, gaping. STAMINA adfcendentia. Curves afcending. | See Plate XI. GLADIOLUS ROSEUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, apicibus tortis, Gladiolus with fword-fhaped leaves, twifted at lineari-cruciatis; corollis fub-campanula- the ends, linear, and crofs-fhaped ; bloffoms tis, rubris; petalis acuminatis. nearly bell-fhaped, and red; petals fharp- pointed. [<= a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The two Sheaths of the Empalement. . A Bloffom cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. - The Pointal, one of the Summits magnified. . A Seed. Rod eK —— p ——————— Or all the fpecies of this numerous Genus, this is the firft to expand its bloffoms, feldom flowering later than April; is extremely hardy, fcarce requiring the warmth of a greenhoufe for its protection, although a native of the Cape. About the year 1791, the bulbs of this plant were purchafed of Meffis. Voorhelm, and Co. of Haarlem, in Holland, by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, at whofe nurfery it has repeatedly flowered, and where this figure was taken. It is propagated by the root, as other Gladiolus, and requires the fame earth, a light fandy peat. PLATE XXXIX. ECHIUM FEROCISSI MUM. Prickly Viper’s Buglofs. CLASS, Vo. ORDER i PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corouta irregularis, fauce nuda. | Brossow irregular, mouth naked. See Ecu1uM cnANDIFLORUM, Plate XX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Echium caule fruticofo; ramis, foliifque acu- | Viper’s Buglofs, with a fhrubby ftem; branches leatis; floribus fpicatis, violaceis; corollis and leaves covered with fharp prickles; fub-aequalibus. flowers growing in fpikes, and violet co- loured; bloffoms nearly equal. ee — — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives in the tube. 3. The Shaft and its Summit, magnified. Axruoues there are few fpecies of this genus, but are rough, or hairy; yet this by far exceeds any of them, or almoft any other plant not actually fpiny, for its extreme coarfenefs to the touch; never. thelefs it is a very handfome fhewy greenhoufe plant, growing to the height of two feet, and blowing freely. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy in 1794; at whofe nurfery it flowered for the firft time, this year, in the month of July. The only method of propagating the Cape Echiums is by cuttings, and that is done with great difficulty; of courfe, this, as well as the other fpecies, are very fcarce: they delight moft in rich light mould. ^C. 9 Ma M CPI Sty PLATE. 3k. CHELONE CAMPANULOIDES. Bell-flowered Chelone. CLASS XIV. “ORDER IL DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx 5-partitus. Rudimentum filamenti quinti EMPALEMENT of five divifions. The rudiment inter fuprema ftamina. Capfula bilocula- |* of a fifth thread is found placed between ris. the upper chives. Capfule of two cells. See Plate XXXIV. CHELoneE RUELLIOIDESs. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Chelone foliis oppofitis, feffilibus, acuminatis, profunde ferratis; corollis campanulatis, purpureis. Chelone with oppofite leaves fitting clofe to the ftem, tapering to the point, and deeply fawed; bloffoms bell-fhaped, and purple. — —— pe — — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the fituation of the four Chives, and ftation of the fifth imperfe& thread. 2. The Pointal, (natural fize). 3. The Seed-yeffel, with the Empalement and Shaft ftill remaining attached. a Tuts fpecies of Chelone is of the fame date in our gardens as the Chelone Ruellioides, and was intro. duced through the fame medium: it is a native of Mexico in South America; will make a pretty addition to our greenhoufe exotics; and is defcribed and engraved by A.J. Cavanilles, in his firft volume of Spanifh plants. It feems to thrive beft in rich, dungy earth, and is eafily propagated by cuttings, or feeds; of which latter it produces abundance; but does not appear to be long lived. The plant from which this figure was taken, flowered (as we fuppofe for the firft time in England) in the col- le&ion of B. Robertfon, Efq. of Stockwell in Surry, and kindly communicated by him to the author. S ET SS > PLATE XLI LACHENALIA PENDULA. * E - Drooping-flowered Lachenalia. CLASS Vi: ORDER T HEX ANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx, nullus. EMPALEMENT, none. Conorra4 monopetala, cylindracea, fexpartita; Brossow one leaf, cylindrical, divided into fix ; tubus: gibbus; laciniis tribus exterioribus tube gouty; the three outer divifions the , brevioribus. fhorteft. Sramina. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Cuives. Threads fix, awl-fhaped, the length of corolhe, inferta bafi laciniarum corolla. the bloffom, fixed into the bafe of the divi- Antherz oblongz, incumbentes. fions of the bloffom. Tips oblong, laying on the threads. Pistittum. Germen trigonum, trifuüleum. Sty- PoiwNTAL. Seed-bud three-fided, three-furrowed. lus fimplex, corolla paulo longior. Stigma Shaft fimple, a little longer than the blof- obtufum. fom. Summit blunt. Pericarrium. Capfula triquetra, trilocularis, Seep-vesseL. Capfule three-fided, three cells, trivalvis. | three valves. Semina plurima, globofa. * Szrps many, globular. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lachenalia foliis longiffimis, ovato-oblongis, im- | Lachenalia with very long egg-fhaped oblong maculatis; corollis fpeciociffimis, maximis, | leaves, without fpots; blotfoms very fhewy, tricoloratis, pedunculatis, cernuis. | large, three-coloured, having foot-ftalks, | and nodding. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower fpread open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 2. The fame, exhibiting the character of the outer Petals. 3. The Pointal, natural fize. — — —dálpe———— — Tue genus Lachenalia is certainly an infringement on Hyacinthus; the {mall diftin&ion on which this | new genus is founded can, at moft, be confidered but of fufficient confequence to form a fpecific cha- | racter; fo thought Linnaeus: the fon of Profeffor Jacquin has thought otherwife, having called it after a botanift of the name of De la Chenal; and under which it is now generally known; therefore we have not replaced it under its old title, though we have authority of fuch weight to corroborate our opinion. The Lachenalias are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, yet are of fo hardy a nature as to require no farther protection than fhelter from the fevere frofts. Our fpecies is the handfomeft yet known, flowering about September; was, according to the Kew catalogue, introduced there by Mr. F. Maffon in the year 1774. It was from a plant in the extenfive collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clap- ham Common (to whofe kind communications the author acknowledges himfelf much indebted), that this figure was taken, the latter end of September this year. No plant is more eafy or certain to in- creafe than this; the young offsets are produced in fuch abundance from the old bulb, which delights in a light foil; but its flowering is not fo certain. Pow PLATE Bi. ORCILPS JNLI^RXIS. Fringed Orchis. CLASSY CNN ORD ER. 4. GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathe vaga. Spadix fimplex. Peri- ExPALEMENT. Sheaths fcattered. — Fruit-ftalk anthium nullum. fimple. Cup none. Conorra. Petala quinque; tria exteriora; duo Brossow. Petals five; three outer ones; two interiora furfum conniventia in galeam. inner ones approaching upwards in form of a helmet. Neéarium monophyllum, a latere inferiore Honey-cup one leaf, fixed by the lower fide inter divifuram petalorum receptaculo af- to the receptacle betwixt the divifion of the fixum. Labio fuperiore erecto, breviflimo. petals. Upper lip upright, and very fhort. Labio inferiore magno, patente, lato. Tubo Lower lip large, fpreading, broad. Tube poftice corniformi, nutante. flanding behind, fhaped like a horn, and hanging down. SramiNA. Filamenta duo, tenuiffima, breviffi- Cuives. Two threads, very flender, and very ma, piftillo infidentia. Anthera obovate, fhort, fixed on the pointal. Tips invertely erect, te€te duplicatura biloculari labii egg-fhaped, upright, covered by a folding fuperioris nectarii. of the upper lip of the honey-cup, forming two cells. Pisrittum. Germen oblongum, contortum, in- Porntat. Seed-bud oblong, twifted, and be- ferum. Stylus adnatus labio fuperiori nec- neath. Shaft fixed to the upper lip of the tarii, brevitfimus. Stigma compreffum, ob- : honey-cup, very fhort. Summit flattened, tufum. and blunt-ended. Pertcarrium. Capfula oblonga, unilocularis, SzEp-vrssEL. Capfule oblong, of one cell, three tricarinata, trivalvis; fub carinis trifariam keels, three valves; fplitting in three places dehifcens, apice et bafi cohzrens. under the keels; faftened at the point, and | the bafe. SEMINA numerofa, minima. Sreps numerous, very {mall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Orchis radicibus fubpalmatis, expanfis; netarii Orchis with roots nearly hand-fhaped, fpread- | labio lanceolato, ciliato, cornu torto, lon- | ing; lip of the honey-cup lance-fhaped, and giffimo; floribus luteis. fringed, horn twifted, very long; flowers | yellow. EN ODE PREX TS REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. 'The Honey-cup with its Horn. 2. 'The upper Petal. 3. A fide Petal. 4. One of the inner Petals. a 5. The Chives, and Pointal attached to the horn of the Honey-cup. 6. The Chives, and Pointal, magnified; with the Chives drawn from their cells. REE Tuts handfome Orchis is a native of North America, and is found in all the ftates from Virginia as far north as Canada: it has been treated of by Ray, Morifon, Gronovius, Royen, Linneus, and others; but although fo long known by name, it was not introduced to our gardens before the year 1796; having been fent that year from Philadelphia by Mr. J. Lyons, from the gardens of J. Hamilton, Efq. to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; at whofe nurfery it flowered this year, in the month of July, when the drawing was made. It is a hardy herbaceous plant, thriving beft in a fhady border, and fhould be planted in a mixture of loam and peat earth. The propagation of this plant, like moft | of the genus, is difficult, the feeds being too fmall to be collected, and the root feldom producing more ; than one bud. Plas eg Ne 277 — 271 NS SES SS 7S Gj ar ee Meo — ee ONEENECS 77 ye OM PLATE S JD. . BIGNONIA LEBCOXYLON. Oleauder-flowered Trumpet Flower. CLASS any DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMLIA. ORDER IE Two Chives longer. Seeds covered. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, erectum, cyathi-forme, quinquefidum. Conorra4 monopetala, campanulata; tubus mi- nimus, longitudine calycis; faux longiflima, fubtus ventricofa; limbus quinque partitus; laciniis duabus fuperioribus reflexis; inferi- oribus patulis. Sramina. Filamenta quatuor, fubulata, corolla ExPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, upright, cup- fhaped, and cut into five divifions. Brossow of one bell-fhaped petal; tube fmall, the length of the cup; mouth very long, fwelled at the bottom; border of five divi- fions; the two upper fegments reflexed, the lower ones fpreading. Cuives. Threads four, awl-fhaped, fhorter than breviora, quorum duo reliquis longiora. the bloffom, two of which are longer than à Anthere reflexz, oblonga, velat dupli- the others. Tips bent back, oblong, and T cate. appear doubled. } Pisrittum. Germen oblongum. Stylus fili- PotntaL. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft thread. formis, fitu et figura ftaminum. Stigma fhaped, of the fame fituation and fhape as capitatum. the chives. Suminit headed. Pertcarrium. Siliqua bilocularis, bivalvis. Srrp-vressEL, Pod of two cells, and two valves. Semina plurima, imbricata, comprefla, utrinque SEDs many, laying one over the other, flat, and membranaceo alata. winged at each fide. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Bignonia foliis digitatis; foliolis integerrimis, ‘Trumpet Flower with fingered leaves; the fmall ovatis, acuminatis; caule erecto, arboreo; leaves entire, egg-fhaped, tapered ; ftem up- floribus nerii; alato femine. right, growing to a tree; with flowers like | the oleander; feed winged. : — E — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. d 2. A Bloffom cut open, fhewing the proportionate length of the Chives to the Bloffom, and their infertion; one of the Tips detached, and magnified. 3. The Pointal, (natural fize) ; the Summit detached, and magnified. Em or em Tuts fpecies of Bignonia is well known in moft colle&ions of hothoufe plants, and was firft introduced to the Chelfea gardens by Mr. P. Miller, the then gardener, in 1759, and may be found defcribed in his Dictionary; but, notwithftanding its frequency, few have feen its bloffoms. Owing to the naked appearance of the ftem, and its growing to fo confiderable a height before it flowers, and that but rarely, has rendered it a plant but of little confideration; though perhaps, from the great beauty of its bloffoms, it deferves more attention. Being a native of the Weft Indies, it does not flourifh without the affiftance of tan heat; but will live in any fituation of the hothoufe; thriving beft in a mixture of loam and peat, and is readily propagated by cuttings. It was from a plant in the felect and valuable collection at Paddington, belonging to the Hon. Dowager Lady De Clifford (to whom the author, as well as all the cultivators and profeffors of the fcience, ftand much indebted for the zeal and patronage which her ladyfhip has fhewn, in her endeavours to promote it), that this figure was taken in July this prefent year 1798. Li Lj Vv " Bu nomm cs yn ^ e COMMO : a — dà u—II— vim STA Mr UksWOMA Wu Wnio9- "1 Wil "A x As d pie Y y L- * = ji ATGHOX, ih Be ket 9 dini Ja .evridD cont TT AM, a TAY MY LI AAT IARARD DIJNYGUTJATT Karen ont, Len yes hin; anis e ad M vinea ! creme vell Bu pon simi NETTE Nut piped? düghwe sien tmd etur Pow 3 elven dltiatallagh ta VIX sa .axadudu aix] 593 070. © | H . HATOSARAIS e M |] adi 1s berg sexi Isredionhinb dw wel ien hae He css apio jbo abt plat Adgla 25 gui Ll vicinis évywolt: :»ogbo a anabe enctienats ertet ' JAibritanam Yo qeilists ben [2 à ku peo D] aras aur pe We oe M drstiedegen oT | | Lodiait WARS oft ist aeqo tao an sse Epa d tho tuts ‘eikiod oli paren sib o fne m edie eiu! Veste OON UB : Oortiawem? preter? bas puros vede wet E doles Vt seresites' sir Aid) nest Paints ba gal pheiom]) op ias vndas Moen AM ROME OAA babiteb £ ti vig gkunom od) tri slots boa he dine bucqxo dophe unodold an Ya eugiat bua 290m 3: bxinomó asd esso adt DEED D eiuf ^onou$8002 im Yo tia ere Don n mri Ql eos Ji actdm gi te 5stelitonx oa Ll ye ct troy sd. fs aio nod age f eot eei Ysa diodw 1& (90H boo0 Yo sip adi seo S yriirsrare M. iebos jg fun il Math Ye frau adic aw mail sidtcnestw bas lease x en itso Ji v1 NC eo tenuit odt beigirall WE “We fq fesemew ed) nd bsoslig od cada ged btocdl Vei ton sU euo ied vba) ar $58 d ot eDehea diit dos ae duros 6} opi eda ifr wok Yo dil padw wh 2o bas eoo wil | ( Ales wwldtab ion dodo s ib oto suben PLATE XLIv. IXIA' CANNAMO M EA. Cinnamon-/melling Ixia. CLASS. tf. , ORDER X TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossom fix petals, fpreading, and equal. Sum- mits three, nearly upright, fpreading. See IxiA REFLEXA, Plate XIV. Conotta 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia with fcimitar-fhaped leaves, waved at the edge; flowers alternate, blowing at night, and fmelling of cinnamon. Ixia foliis falcatis, crifpis; floribus alternis, nocti- florens, cinnamomi odore. EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Chives, attached to the tubular part of the Bloffom, the border cut off, (magnified). 4. The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified). ^ x ———— — Amoncst this moft extenfive genus no fpecies ftands more diftin& than this. The extreme fweetnefs and delicacy of its bloffoms, which expand only by night, and clofe in the morning, give it a decided fuperiority over many of its congeners. Thunberg, who faw it at the Cape, has defcribed it under the name it here bears; but till the year 1792 we had no knowledge of it, when it was firft intro- duced by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope; at whofe nurfery it lowered the following year; where it continues to blow annually, and whence this figure was taken. It is rather a tender bulb, fmall, and eafily rotted; fhould therefore be placed in the warmeft part of the greenhoufe, and kept dry when out of flower; is rather difficult to increafe, as each bulb feldom produces more than one offset, nor that always, and rarely feeds. a | CA = A ; d he 7 \ ~V~ e | | B | v | /1 MES (Hw mnemee 7A Hi, y / / / Ahi) eiiergob xi» A UEM & wW oft und 4Y oodsM ig} à ii»b AA um Mir bos yt un di ’ alt T vidi «d > vibereiib sel Next!) booy £ ^" ee eee " ae U VT CC ae T S! "nc adr" PLATE LY, IRIS LONGIFOLI ÁA. Long-leaved Iris. CLASS TH. ORDER oi TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Spathz bivalves, flores diftinguentes, EwPALEMENT. Sheaths of two valves, feparat- perfiftentes. ing the flowers, permanent. Corotra fexpartita; petala oblonga, obtufa, Brossow with fix divifions; petals oblong, blunt, tria exteriora reflexa, tria interiora erecta, the three outer ones reflexed, the three in- acutiora; omnia unguibus conata. . ner ones upright, and fharper ; all connected by the claws. os Sramina. Filamenta tria, fubulata, petalis re- | Cuuives. Threads three, awl-fhaped, laying on flexis incumbentia, Anthere oblonge, | the reflexed petals. "Tips oblong, ftraight, recta, deprefle. | deprefied. Pisrirtum. Germen inferum, oblongum. Sty- | Porntar. Seed-bud beneath, oblong. Shaft lus fimplex, breviffimus. Stigma maximum, fimple, very fhort. Summit very large, di- tripartitum, laciniis petala mentientibus, latis, reflexis, ftamina et petala alterna de- primentibus, apicibus bifidis. Pericarpium. Capfula oblonga, angulata, tri- locularis, trivalvis. vided into three fegments, refembling petals, broad, bent back, and alternately preffing down the chives and petals, cleft at the ends. Srep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, angular, of three cells, and three valves. Semina plurima, ovata, glabra. SeEDs many, egg-fhaped, and fmooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Iris folis linearibus, canaliculatis, longiflimis, Iris with linear, channelled leaves, very long, and glaucis; fcapus teres, multiflorus; radix bluifh; flower-ftem cylindrical, with many bulbofus. flowers; the root bulbous. — — —Ábe— — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. The Chives as attached to the Seed-bud. 3. The Pointal complete. a —_ Tuis Iris is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to us from the collection of Mefits. Voorhelm and Schnevoght, of Haarlem in Holland, about the year 1792. The leaves of this delicate Iris grow fometimes to the length of three feet, giving it a very fingular appearance: it fhould be treated like the Cape Ixias, and protected from the weather, whilft in bloom, as the flower is injured by the lighteft wind, and the duration of each bloffom is but a few hours; there is, however, a good fucceffion, which rife diurnally from the fame fheath, feldom more than one at a time. This figure was taken in the month of June 1797, at the Hammerfmith nurfery. It has a fingular mode of propagating itfelf; the old root dying, two young ones are formed above it, from whence the flower- ftem arifes: feldom ripe feeds are produced. s i a — iar att n An ^ as A sepe vagvest cong bas. rons dvs idus bequisd wor yai 0-4 041! 4 a0) Gli 46 PLATE XLVI. MASSONIA VIOLACEA. Purple-flowered Maffonia. CiLASS: vb ORDER; vf, E t HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx, nullus. EMFALEMENT none. Conorra fex-petala. Petala ne&ario impofita, Brossow fix-petals. Petals placed on the honey- lanceolata, patentia. | cup, are lance-fhaped and fpreading. Nectarium inferum, cylindricum, membra- | Honey-cup beneath, cylindrical and fkinny. naceum. Sramina. Filamenta fex, nectarii dentibus in- | Cuives. Six threads, fixed into the teeth of the ferta, filiformia declinata, petalis paulo lon- honey-cup, thread-fhaped, bent downward, giora. Antherz ovate. 4 and a little longer than the petals. Tips egg-fhaped. PrsrirrzuM. Germen (refpe&u nectarii) fupe- PoiwTAr. Seed-bud (with regard to the honey- rum. Stylus fubulatus, declinatus, longitu- cup) above. Shaft awl-fhaped, and bent , dine, ftaminum. Stigma fimplex, acu- downward the length of the chives. Sum- tum. « mit fimple, and pointed. Pericarrium. Capfula triquetra, glabra, tri- Serp-vesseL. Capfule three-fided, and fmooth, locularis, trivalvis, angulis dehifcens. of three cells and three valves, fplitting at the angles. SEMINA plurima, globofa, glabra, magnitudjne Seeps many, globular, fmooth, the fize of a muf- ' feminum finapios. tard feed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Maffonia, foliis fpathulatis, glabris; fcapus fili- Maffonia with fpatula-fhaped, and {mooth leaves; formis, erectus, bipollicaris; flores pedun- flower-ftalk thread-fhaped, upright, two culati, violacei, íparfi, peduficuli uni- inches high; the flowers have foot-ftalks, flori. are of a violet colour, and grow fcattered; | the foot-ftalks have each but one flower. EEE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower complete. 2. The fame cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal. = "Tuis genus of plants perpetuates the name, as a botanift, (would it could likewife the mild, unaffum- ing, and univerfally allowed amiablenefs of character) of Mr. Francis Maffon, botanical collector to his Majefty; now exploring the untrod regions of North America, to add to the extenfive collections of liis royal and munificent Mafter, which ftand fo much indebted to his indefatigable induftry for their prefent fplendour. The Maffonias are all rather tender, and require the fame fituation as Hemanthus &c; that is, a dry ftove; they are natives of the Cape of Good Hope, or, at leaft, grow within that point of Africa generally fo called, but at fome diftance from the Cape town, near a mountain (according to Thunberg) of the name of Bocklands Berg. The root of this fpecies is very fubje& to rot when the leaves are decayed, if watered at that time; therefore, like the Ixias, fhould be put afide, or taken out of the pot for two or three months, after flowering. It is very difficult to propagate, as the feeds are feldom perfeéted, and rarely makes any offsets; flowering in September; about the beginning of which month this figure was taken, from a plant in the collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham Common. It appears to thrive beft in a mixture of peat and fandy loam. Á F146 MVIN TA Js J “oT eo ao * «3 ^4 ' 1 43 0OJEO ; JHAR> 24 AED ; 2 Agli sno fio J auondDoqnb wernt -— NXOCOROAOME Y Od AOR * ARN Tease IM E EU MIT vile: * n AUS, wis "i i ; mociós Dim dau] xettsetet Q5 -o0xlo 10:dosoheig seine «haga iras "uw hot vhs 16300 «(x »thal = ;irwstn 9d pit bap MILL dgigtr bap luu pino od ond . 5 lug glnieq' 03-3 Hh ites) Asean Var ore ake aly ep i a 03. wei THD) ovo obiiisg: eub aw] tem : Pabegs! " nur Rd au E * dbeupuiso wustclind! insieme welt tin iud sid 21.25 quitsam ; " aV Limon esi rer enn afe TUN EP qiii trol sini quotl [o Mofes tcl at oun arc I Sono ede SS Ai suse Lob hus Uetoq 201 . tuacfeit iuto (enti HN saw vagos at lh Serene tessa tre. adr brett ani pm | se Pn «it adeste TR ve YIN. 1:8 ronde mt l5 od otf Meal «dis Ze Le Beast seria Pies 7 wronged tables) eiat , Jo Vr : int bod.-bhos? ric nidos oft tse? vou2 art "ud mob ver bes sve aw Sth odi EE abyss duidbtnot- NETUS fale] xP to ttyl «0 Tdzuo 3. 4D gaudia eee adm tena yrage bobo» J V Jd qe. 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"TAETAdV ARE OT q4OVRHXASA ANO uad bod md) no Siofo Do rixam pon ed eee emirold sii: to pM dT aero 2 cop events e seruus ebur ar obo o1 &aiwiflt. ont aC - s ahd offs Wy ad wwol alt xw iiw; mmo 00d wet e cem aident coereous! seat] ^to igo’ bac dr avildy bor don AST (en dr Mo solrerotia mddunià ol) Togas a oodespido 102 bodas. ff tos a NON acre: altro tien) bna elk ud-best etd vodT 2 itn asl ' oT Mil dear! Y ns dero ved TAVgusnd vTowersqit ac) Denoobotdel gaivod "tn — eat "T E nRN Ua Se eho ay tO mU EE ÉaBERLALELS1.:.: 5» Aw d cord be m Ux avidin vaga file LH Dabo zniend ox. 1i ‘lode Bl Aouba G9 qur 3L, Rapp lucie qr. Gabon one animo eni Deed ooo ia Piyer hi 2I NuYxLT ad | gf Moy notice «isan V igi b wein. Ph diae iig LESE: pa ull ufi. Pty ani Ld abe sd aul? an orta cowed) otn dee caso m apo t "TT COO COR UPCITRLNUCIES IN WW UEMIUEDTT hs dmi »d: or 4S ava Ed o NE SAN Vbi. Sam lied a caedi pedo veil cr] qal ge Gewalt 199. [evo n awed) om ed ae d ed Jy NL umi n ultuoda ami het a arm be farte sd “fs LEARN TR SNC . Fr Po ale: od qa6 "tiae say PR? f HOR eden fua 309 « hi * Ad LI itary tif Io: ‘Anes Jon ai f egli i stripes vlad al E x ^'^ * à r + PLATE XLVII. MUS A’ OCUTVIN SEA. Scarlet-flowered Plantain-tree. CLASS XXHI. ORDER I. 1 POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Various difpofitions. Upon one Plant. N GENERIC CHARACTER. Hermaphroditi feminei flores. Carvx. Spatha partialis ovato-oblonga, plano- concava, magna. Conorra inequalis, ringens; petalo conftitu- ente labium fuperius, nectario vero labium inferius. Petalum ere&um, ligulatum, quinqueden- tatum, bafi antice connivens. ANectarium monophyllum, naviculare, petalo, brevius, intra finum petali infertum. Sramina. Filamenta fex, fubulata erecta, pe- talo dimidio breviora. Anthera abortive. Pistittum. Germen infra receptaculum floris, maximum, longiffimum. Stylus erectus, longitudine petali. Stigma capitatum, fub- rotundum. Pericarpium. — Bacca carnofa, corio tecta, longiffima, pulpa trifariam, abfque diffe- pimentis. SzMiNA plurima, globofa. Hermaphroditi mafculi flores. Catyx ut in feminzo. Coro ta ut in feminzo. Sramina. Filamenta ut in feminzo, at lon- giora, ténuiora. Antherz lineares, fulcatz, ere&a, magne. Pistrrtum. Germen ut in feminzo, ut minus. Stylus, et ftigma ut in famineo, at mi- nora. d PERICARPIUM abortit. Hermaphrodite flowers. where thé female parts are perfect, Empatement. Partial ífheath oblong, egg- fhaped, fmoothly-concave, and large. Brossom unequal and gaping; the petal form- ing the upper lip, the honey-cup the under. Peta] upright, ligulate, five-toothed, and meeting at the bate in front. Honey-cup one leaf, fhip-fhaped, fhorter than the petal, and inclofed within it. Cuives. Threads fix, awl-fhaped, upright, fhort- er by half than the petal. ‘Tips abortive. Porntat. Seed-bud below the receptacle of the flower, large and very long. Shaft upright the length of the petal. Summit headed, nearly round. Srep-vesset. (défini. Tere vdd te desebum Ww sonb ST o n2 Midefiu) ri) eric’ soc) jot mentum dato odT | eodit nee ee inhobond guit vit mor Vda le dno dpa 1 boone A bae sad whee a : ] aay! Tem + aie i PLATE XLVIII. IXIA BULBIFERA. Var: flore luteo. Bulb-bearing Ixia. Var: yellow-flowered. CLASS Te ORDER... TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom fix petals, fpreading, and equal. Sum- mits three, nearly upright, and fpreading. See Ix1a REFLEXA, Plate XIV. Corotra 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis falcatis, glabris, fcapo brevioribus, Ixia with fcimitar-fhaped leaves, fmooth, and axillis bulbiferis; floribus alternis, lu- fhorter than the flower-ftem, bearing bulbs teis. at their infertion into the ftalk; flowers alternate, and yellow. OS — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified). aa Tue fingular fporting of Nature in the Ixia bulbifera is not uncommon; its viviparous charaéter (if it may be fo called) conftitutes a fpecific difference in many genera; Lilium, Lyfimachia, &c. partake of it. The bulbs produced from the ftem blow the fecond year, whereas thofe from feeds do not till the third. The flowers of this variety are the firft that open, amongft the numerous fpecies yet in- troduced, of this extenfive genus; they are of a brilliant yellow, and feldom expand more than one atatime. The ufual treatment of other Cape Ixias is fuitable for this. The drawing was made at Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy’s, in the month of March 1798, they having introduced it about the year 1784. Po ae. M ^ * pd EJ » oo ee we), UO ra " TW CETT ET TAMEN T I STE PLATE SUDEX. MALPIGHIA CRASSIFOZLIA. | Thick-leaved Malpighia. E CLASS X @ROLE NL ! DECANDRIA 'T'RIGYNIA. TenChives. Three Pointals. | ) GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, ere&um, || EwrParrewENT. Cup five leaves, upright, very minimum, perfiftens, connivens. Glandule fmall, remaining and clofing at the points. - mellifere due, ovales gibbz, foliolis caly- || 'T'wo honey-bearing glands, oval and gouty, ! cinis externe inferneque adnata. | are fixed to the outer and lower part of the |. leaves of the cup. f Corotta. Petala quinque, reniformia, magna, || Brossow. Petals five, kidney-fhaped, large, plicata, ciliata, patentia, concava; ungui- || plaited, lafhed, fpreading, and concave; ‘ bus longis, linearibus. claws long, linear. : Stamina. Filamenta decem latiufcula, erecta, Curves. Threads ten, rather broad, upright, in cylindrum pofita, parva. Antherae cor- placed cylindrically, and fmall. Tips heart- date. fhaped. Pistrttum. Germen fubrotundum, minimum. PoiwTar. Seed-bud nearly round, very ímall. Styli tres, filiformes. Stigmata obtufa. Shafts three, thread-fhaped. Summits L blunt. PrEnrcARPIUM. Bacca globofa, torulofa, magna, Pericarrium. Berry globular, knobby, large, : unilocularis. of one cell. Semrna tria, offea, oblonga, obtufa, angulata. Sreps three, bony, oblong, blunt, and angulated. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Malpighia foliis lanceolato-ovatis, fubtus to- | Malpighia with oval fpear-fhaped leaves, downy mentofis, integerrimis; floribus terminali- | beneath, and entire; flowers terminate the bus, fpicatis, pallide-luteis. | branches in fpikes, and are pale yellow. aa REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, Chives, and Pointal, (natural fizc). 2. The Empalement, (magnified). 3. The Chives fpread open, (natural fize). 4. A Thread, and its Tip, (magnified). 5. The Pointal complete, (natural fize). : CES ArTHovGH, we have given to this fpecies of Malpighia, the fpecific name under which it has been introduced; yet, there is much doubt, whether itis not the Verbafcifolium of Linnzus; or indeed if they are not both the fame plant, named from different fpecimens. Our fpecies makes a very hand- fome hothoufe plant, growing to the height of five, or fix feet, before it flowers. It is a native of Jamaica, and moft of the adjacent iflands, and was introduced by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy about the year 1792. From the extreme tendernefs of the young leaves, and fhoots, it muft be kept in a ftrong growing pine heat during the winter months; otherwife, they are fubje&t to damp off. It is raifed by cuttings, and feems to delight in a rich foil. The figure was made from a fpecimen com- municated by the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Courtenay, in whofe moft fuperb collection at Powderham Caftle, near Exeter, it flowered, for the firft time in England, in the month of September 1798. —— 1 : "TAE aa eee / A VT um CHI A 7. 7h PLATE. kL. IXIA CAPITATA. Var: flore aurantio. Bunch-flowering Ixia. Var: Bloffom gold colour. CLASS I. ORDER. I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorrA 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata BrossoM fix petals, fpreading, and equal. Sum. tria, erectiufculo-patula. mits three, nearly upright, and fpreading. See Plate XIV. Ixi4 REFLEXA. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis radicalibus, enfiformibus; floribus Ixia with leaves growing from the root, and capitatis, confertis, aurantiis, petalis bafi fword-fhaped; bloffoms grow in a clofe obícuris. bunch, gold coloured, and the petals dark at the bafe. ——— --— n A—————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. 'The Shaft, Summit, and Seed-bud, (magnified). ae ] ——— — Tus variety of Ixia capitata was introduced at the fame time as the Ixia bulbifera, flore luteo, viz. in 1784, by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope, and requires the fame treatment. It flowers the latter end of May, or beginning of June; propagating itfelf abundantly by the root, which produces annually numerous young bulbs. ~~ ——— nedt fue dc M o8 Ey M71 «ait on es vini. B ur od "v aM. uoa flos Mni Meere cobs ip Steg Otel: ceed Py ev hy oe nw lis iro: enihístiool voto); Mods ba aba pu uds ihe t- Ebert E b nl Not Tobe ew Vultise PA nds du dieit] relnedus sLr Shae ar rhpnnapE en pondquaf f! 4nd yv bé 2 nm *. 0 deae Borge eA ^ miii teh I Ualivar aet asibortguad uuo! Pint AiteydgsiosH ora | to fy CUM T TUE ETUDES ilias iiic hic bree opines = pcr t forenoon ibeligeds | ester es i Lon avuto editae iiir TITRE 43 arguet riu Jobnet voy operetta il oh ? pios, - rq sz nsu e i ‘ raga yet » qasitbartud! qaem TT Mena! and st jim si xad (v ifa. rf viia etii tudo co " Seo aet oo ib woes nes | Mw " " 2 s ELI An vi Kk À AL. Lem vddindd tty) nd mor Helen, + hw Ted esi5*63 wooded ord Wwe A y M ] nr mdr d: hot) fa nic) diim dina à wCesalygal i T aig aie arent yur ot Fr acpiliees chis y ] | conn) wsst vul ay vay ] À gees pos "4 3i Jiu TE veins ph k "m Lodi 3» bu ld d d Pha , 1 m. * * pi "E vind f] PLATE EL XERANTHEMUM SPECIOCISSIMU M. Largeft-flowering Everlafting Flower. CLASS XIX. SYNGENESL4 POLYGAMLA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals, ORDER II. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Communis imbricatus; fquamis Jan- ceolatis, quarum intima difco longiores, membranacez, nitide, radium conftituen- tes, Conorra. Compofita ifaqualis; corollule hermaphredite plurima, tubulofze in difco. Feminez pauciores, tubulatze, in ambitu. * Propria. hermaphroditis infundibuliformis, calyce longe brevior; limbo quinquefido, patulo. : Femincis tubulofa, longitudine hermaphro- diti, quinquefida, minus zqualis. Stamina. Hermaphroditis filamenta quinque, brevifima. — Antherz cylindracéa, tubu- lofa, longitudine fere corollulze. Pistittum. — Hermaphroditis germen breve. Stylus filiformis, ftaminibus longior. Stig- ma bifidum. Femineis germen ut in hermaphroditis. Stylus filiformis, longitudine hermaphrodi- torum. Stigmata duo, oblonga reflexa. Pericarrium nullum. Calyx vix mutatus, SEMINA oblonga, coronata. Recepracutum nudum, planiufculum, punéta- tum. SPECIFIC Xeranthemum fruticofum, erectum; foliis am- plexicaulibus, lanceolatis, trinerviis; ramis unifloris, fubundis. Empacrment. Common tiled; fcales fpear- | fhaped, the inner oncs longer than the difk, fkinny, fhining, and forming the ray of the | flower. Brossowx. Compound, unequal; florets with chives and pointals numerous and tubular in the diik. Female florets fewer, and tu- bular in the circumference Individuals with chives and pointals funnel- fhaped, much fhorter than the empalement; border with five clefts, fpreading. Individuals with only pointals, tubular the length of the hermaphrodites, five cleft, and rather fmaller. Cuives. The threads in the hermaphrodites are five, and very final]. Tips forming a cylin- der, tubular almoft the length of the florets. Pornrat. Seed-bud of the hermaphrodites fhort. Shaft thread-fhaped, longer than the chives. Summit cloven. Seed-bud of the female florets the fame as the hermaphrodites. Shaft thread-fhaped the length of the hermaphrodites. Sum- mits two, oblong and bent back. SEED-vEssEL none. Empalement fcarcely changing. Seeps oblong, and crowned with a feather, Recerracce naked, flatifh, and dotted. CHARACTER. r | Everlafting flower with an upright fhrubby ftem; | leaves embracing the ftem, lance-fhaped, and three-nerved; brancheswith one flower, and nearly naked. * — — —]Á;"«"--——— — REPERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An Hermaphrodite floret, (natural fize). 2. 'The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified). 3. The Pointal, and Seed-bud from a female floret, (magnified). x P a) va . Li P! - , « 3 , | b Z ber | A MC at lusus Aden. 3 i aaa” Aux. BP ATO Pu a vw IS 38d sap oq «noii T D THO SOV NR 08 r 27 c Ve ; > : qu P pde ied ho DUÉNYASO a "a : Noctu Biot onO odo i i d anuitinabe: ig Ra cu XY Te Les Me eni i $^ rain: quf ads t ai^ 3 T NT 4 [aaro E x diii 3 LL " Athe mo Mi 1x09 - f EL 2^ , « aes might nip au > Fadil bt om MICE Cry’ g pA e HIT mu .. 3 DEL ido ied p (à Uu eoi T ‘ay EX a de dno ore Ng > | vil fe 4? aac hio Whpd-t AP. T YATKIOQ 4 Un, at yee pF yt * ane V Sst ils nb yt fry. da ; Pike pu PP «uJimieuh v P ‘tHe Mos | E wt US Gh E »: : 1 énal fq a dii gti i $ n Ag tit * d Moin tonis d sedi "ti hd Mu "P eae! E ar Sye utn ted na te i LOT , AV. : ET EN lg teo d quita! b nag ire run te! "E " y ci Linsity 4! K ode omgódse L. OR ha dod ow quit + eiat " div £M mp Sr Up th Aet ee a ti je AY Xaiwerg aedis jhéha* frtul per H IT as iq imu A 5i ' Ng. ac pe qud vni abr d ] Ait; j à: big. kr 5 » ji! 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A bibizotdi .boqedi-gs» of: yr’ MAY iu Li al be dalled ni } uh 0 ocsm3AADISRNM , . Jaliao mansit to bos Asics = 5 ue ae Pluootin Adern ACER ole LEE wnbuMq pee is RE 2 N zi TN ptmsht n donde ETC jq) ni worg vwob ;25v55l ger , bagel Vedat gubouborg soot : 200802 bo fic to Anio od? «xot. 7 soveesian X WywsUs d ; omi. ) we E b s ni tog nd et $i i onawqeo «lg URN " «ur tea ed? — : bigodk mm mold ai sade Jorio wy! pant Lisl 2:2] ut alyrectlsin y Mw adi ni poivowoR Xil o of s i Jusnag edyoni es) gaibasfidi Is ra eaiein di» dak lem a cid npo: 2g nodi ovad ow oido TN h hidye ay ton 10 1»wolf ui iodisdiw ence soi a oidiDeg »n oumftinen sid | 4 pomasóo fowl 21 vvhion HT eris, ao , ze 1 nowmibised eid) goltessqoy di vat ; VETE see a mon bn Liaison: Ü di abre: xke gaiverh edT. -.alipaitiisgin: we axi dí, iow adi "lo ow? acie Rolle red sx pw tyson. jislait2odH writ 1e Groat dri emt a (doe ocn 7o 4 tdgid eii ol Wor, aif eu drei i Pot dal nail ai petits wok ^d: to iiridal vdd dnipot odo a y " 1 ! 1 | eee € E PLATE. UDIV. ALETRIS S.ABMENTOSXA Creeping-rooted Baflard loe. CLASS Vh ORDERS... HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx, nullus. | EMPALEMENT, none. Conorra, monopetala, oblonga; limbi laciniis Brossow, one leaf, oblong; the fegments of the lanceolatis, acuminatis, erectis; perfiftens. border are lance-fhaped, tapering, and up- right; remaining. Stamina. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Curves. Threads fix, awl-fhaped, the length corolle, inferta bafi laciniarum corolla. of the bloffom, and inferted into the divi- Antherae oblongae, erecta. fions of it, at the bafe. Tips oblong, up- right. Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylus fubula- PorwTrar. Seed-bud egg-íhaped. Shaft awl- tus, longitudine ftaminium. Stigma tri- fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit fidum. three-cleft. Pericarrium. Capfula ovata, triquetra, acu- SEED-VEssEL. Capfule egg-fhaped, three-fided, minata, trilocularis. tapered, and of three cells. SEMINA plurima. SEEDs many. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Aletris, acaulis; foliis enfiformibus, laxis; flori- Baftard Aloe, without a ftem; having fword- bus fpicatis, fuave rubentibus; radicibus fhaped, weak leaves; flowers grow in fpikes farmentofis. of a foft red colour; roots producing fuckers from the joints. — —— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower. 2. The Chives, and Pointal. E 3. The Pointal. ^ a Tuts fpecies of Aletris was introduced to us, from the Cape of Good Hope, about the year 1789; it is a hardy plant, requiring the fame management as Aletris Capenfis, that is, to be kept in a dry part of the greenhoufe; although the plant fhould be frequently watered. when in bloom, as fhould moftly all plants, notwithftanding (as in the prefent inftance is the cafe) their flowering in the winter months. This caution we have thought neceffary, as it is a general rule with gardeners during that feafon, to put as little moifture as poflible to their plants, whether in flower or not, to avoid damps. The little difficulty in propagating this handfome fpecies of Aletris, will render it foon common; the roots grow nearly horizontally, and from their joints numberlefs young plants are produced; which character we were defirous of exprefling in the figure, as from thence we have taken our trivial name; but from the fize of the work, it was found impracticable, The drawing was made in December 1798, from a plant then in flower, at the Hammerfmith nurfery: we are nevertheleís informed, that from being planted in a light, rich foil, it may be made to grow to the height of three feet; with a fpike of flowers, one fourth the length of the flower-ftem. T "nan hri: LAMB TUE. ] bill in | i | ~ Ty ae —— co re — PLATE WV. ZINNTLTA.WTOL AC E A: Purple Zinnia. CLASS- XIX. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMI A SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. ORDER IL. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Communis ovato-cylindricus, levis, im- bricatus; fquamis plurimis, obtufis, erectis, perfiftentibus. Conorra. Compofita radiata; corollule her- maphroditz plures in difco elevato. Femi- nex plurima in radio. Propria hermaphroditi infundibuliformis, quinquefida intus villofa. Feminea ligulata, fubrotunda, retufa, per- fiftens. Stamina. Hermaphroditis; filamenta quinque, breviffima. Anthera cylindracea, tubulofa. PrisrinLuM. Hermaphroditis; germen oblon- gum, triquetrum. Stylus filiformis, femi- bifidus. Stigmata duo, obtufa. Femineis; germen oblongum, triquetrum. Stylus capillaris, femibifidus. Stigmata duo, recurvata. Perrcarrium. Calyx immutatus. SEMINA. Hermaphroditis folitaria, oblonga, te- tragono-ancipitia. Pappus muconibus duo- bus. Femineis folitaria, mutica, coronata petalo perfiftente. Recepracutum paleaceum; paleis lingulatis, canaliculatis, longitudine calycis, deci- duis. SPECIFIC Zinnia foliis oppofitis, amplexicaulibus, lato- lanceolatis, fcabris; floribus pedunculatis, purpureis, folitariis. EwPALEMENT. Common cylindrically egg- fhaped, fmooth, and tiled; fcales many, blunt, upright, and remaining. Brossow. Compound radiate; florets with chives and pointals, are numerous in the center, which is elevated; florets with only pointals, many in the circumference. Individuals with chives and pointals funnel- fhaped, five-cleft, and hairy within. Individuals with pointals only, ligulate, roundifh, dented at the end, and remaining. Cuives. Hermaphrodites; five fhort threads. Tips forming a hollow cylinder. Pointat. Hermaphrodites; feed-bud oblong, three-fided. Shaft thread-fhaped, fplit nearly half way down. Summits two, blunt. Females; feed-bud oblong, three-fided. Shaft hair-like, fplit half way down. Summits two, bent backward. SEED-vEssEL, Cup not changing. Seeps. Hermaphrodites; folitary, oblong, three- fided, but fharp at two edges. Feather of two fharp points. Females, folitary, without points, being crowned with the perfiftent petal. Recerracte chaffy; chaff tongue-fhaped, chan- nelled, the length of the cup, and falling off. CHARACTER, Zinnia with oppofite leaves, embracing the ftem, broadly lance-fhaped, and rough; flowers have foot-ftalks, are purple, and grow folitary. ————— ÁÀit/ltÁy un —— — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. n= A Floret of the ray with the feed attached, (natural fize). 3. A Floret of the difk with the feed attached, (magnified). 4. The Chives and Pointal of an hermaphrodite floret 5. The chaffy fubftance dividing the florets. — — M — — Tris elegant new fpecies of Zinnia, is defcribed and figured by J. A. Cavanilles, in his firft volume of Spanifh plants; where he fays, it is a native of Mexico, South America, and was tranfmitted from thence to the royal gardens, where it perfe&ted its feeds. In the year 1796, the Marchionefs of Bute received it amongft many other curious feeds, from Madrid, through the medium of Profeffor Ortega. Being rather a tender annual, it fhould be fown in March, on a gentle hotbed; and tranfplanted into the open borders the beginning of May. The plant grows to the height of three feet or more, and makes in the months of Auguft and September, a very confiderable addition to the fplendor of the flower garden, The feeds ripen freely, though the flower fhould be plucked before it appears decayed. di CL i VERUS E" ae 28: * N N N SY N x N N S CS N PLATE Lyi. ANTHOLYZA BPILDATA. Spike-flowered Antholyza. : CLASS: IL ORDERS. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra tubulofa, irregularis, recurvata. Cap- Brossow tubular, irregular, and bent backward. fula infera. Capfule beneath. See Plate XXXII. ANTHOLYZA RINGENS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antholyza, floribus infundibuliformibus, fpica- tis, incarnato-pallidis; foliis falcatis, bre- Antholyza with funnel-fhaped, fpiked flowers, j viffimis. of a pale flefh colour; leaves fcimitar- fhaped, and very fhort. cooo—HR —— | REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, | 1. The Empalement. E 2. A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Chives. 3. The Pointal, (natural fize). Tuere are few fpecies of this genus but furnifh beautiful flowers; this is certainly among the moft handíome, from the foftnefs of its colour, and the regularity of the fpike: what adds confiderably to its merit, is, that the bloffoms remain a confiderable time before they fall, which unfortunately, is feldom the cafe with the flowers of this genus. It was received from the Cape of Good Hope in bulbs, fent by J. Pringle, Efq. of Madeira, in 1794, to-Mefírs. Lee and Kennedy of Hammerfmith; the drawing was made in the month of June 1797 at their nurfery. Not being eafily injured by damp, there is no neceffity for removing it from its pot, as is neceflary for moft bulbs, but to increafe it; one, or two young bulbs being annually produced, in addition from the old one. The beft foil is a fandy peat, with a {mall proportion of loam. 2a ip Da! Dae aS IRR. MAESTRI — - 7 " ot es AL PLATE. EVH. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM GLABRUM. Smooth-leaved annual Fig Marygold. CLASS XII. ORDER IV. ICOSANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Twenty Chives. Five Pointals. GENERIC Catyx. Perianthium monophyllum, femiquin- quefidum, fuperum, patens, perfiftens. Conorra. Monopetala; petala lanceolato-line- aria, numerofiffima, ferie multiplici nata, calyce longiora, unguibus leviter connatis in unum. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, longi- tudine.calycis. Antherz incumbentes. Pistirtum. Germen inferum, angulis quinque, obtufis. Styli quinque fzpius, fubulati, ereCto-reflexi. Stigmata fimplicia. Perrcarrium. Capfula carnofa, íubrotunda, loculamentis numero ftylorum refpondenti- bus. Semina plurima, fubrotunda. CHARACTER. EwPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, cut nearly half way down into five divifions, above, fpread- ing, and remaining. Brossow. One petal; petals linearly lance- fhaped, very numerous, rifing in a number of rows, longer than the cup, flightly joined together by their claws. Cuives. Threads numerous, hair-like, the length of the cup. Tips laying on the threads. PoixTar. Seed-bud beneath, with five obtufe angles. Shafts moftly five, awl-fhaped, up- right, and a little bent outwards. Summits fimple. Seep-vesseL. A flefhy capfule, nearly round, the cells arifwering to the number of the chives. | Sreps many, nearly round. UA Xu. x Ww = y h K J - SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mefembryanthemum foliis amplexicaulibus, gla. Fig Marygold with leaves embracing the ftem, A berrimis, fpathulatis; pedunculislongitudine | very fmooth, and fpatula-fhaped; the foot- E foliorum; calycibus hemifphericis; corollis | fialks the length of the leaves; cups hemi- luteis. i fpherical; bloffoms yellow. m= REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. p 1. A Seed-bud; the Bloffom, Cup and Chives, cut off, the Pointals remaining. ) « 2. 'The fame, with the Cup and Chives. EE As the extreme brilliancy of this plant cannot be done juftice to in painting, we muft reft fatisfied , with having done our beft; every perfon in the leaft acquainted with the art, muft know, that in yellow the fhining colour exifting in nature cannot be retained in a drawing. This fpecies is annual, and according to the Kew Catalogue, was introduced to the royal gardens by Mr. F. Maffon in the year 1787. The feeds fhould be fown on a hotbed in the month of February, and by the end of ien the plants will flower, and continue to bloffom till the end of October; never failing to perfect their feeds. ] || h. 1 eo ^ velada glabrum hs j — M 1 PLATE. Byvitt. BORONIA PINNATA. Hawthorn-/cented Boronia. CLASSCVIMK . ORDER T. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium quadripartitum; laciniis EwrALEMENT. Cup with four divifions; feg. acutis, perfiftentibus. | ments fharp pointed, and remaining. R Comorra. Petala quatuor, ovata, feffilia. | Brossow. Petals four, egg-fhaped, fitting clofe | to the cup. NeGarium corona forma, excavatum, glan- || Honey-cup of the fhape of a crown, hol- dulofum. . | lowed, and glandular. Stamina. Filamenta octo, plana, ciliata, incur- || Cuives. Eight threads, flat, fringed, turned vata, receptaculo inferta. Antherae infra | inwards, and fixed into the receptacle. Tips apicem filamentorum pedicillate, incum- | fixed below the ends on the infide of the | bentes. threads, on fhort foot-ftalks, and lying on them. Pisrittum. Germen fuperum, conicum, qua- | Porwrar. Seed-bud above, conical, and four- 1 drifuleatum. Stylus breviflimus, fimplex. | furrowed. Shaft very fhort, and fimple. 4 Stigma capitatum, glabrum, fulcatum. | Summit headed, fmooth, and furrowed. Pericareium. Capfule quatuor, ovato-acumi- SEED-vEssEL. Capfules four, of a pointed egg- nate, comprefiz, margine introrfum coalite, || fhape, flattened, joined by the interior edge, apicibus diftantibus, futra fuperiori dehi- | the points ftanding feparate, fplitting from fcentes, bivalves. , | the upper future, two-valved. Y Semrna folitaria fzpius, nitida, reniformia, aril- | Sreps moftly folitary, fhining, kidney-fhaped, lata. | and covered with an elaftic coat. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Boronia foliis impari-primatis, integerrimis; pe- | Boronia with leaves abruptly winged, entire; dunculis axillaribus, dichotomis; filamentis flower-ftalks growing from the bafe of the apice obtufis, glandulofis. ! leaves, forked; end of the threads blunt, | and glandular. uu —— — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, (natural fize). 2. 'The Chives, and Pointal. 3. One Chive, (magnified). 4. The Pointal, and Honey-cup, (natural fize). — — am —— Turs is the only fpecies yet in our gardens, of a moft beautiful new genus of plants, natives of New South Wales; firft named, defcribed, and with three other fpecies, figured in the Tras relating to Natural Hiftory by Dr. 3. E. Smith, F. R. S. P. L. S. &c. Thus eternizing the name of an efteemed " and faithful fervant, who by his ardour in botanical purfuits, had merited the honour; rejecting the ufual confiderations, riches, or learning, does the Dr. no lefs credit as a man, for the kindnefs of his heart, than what his diftinguifhed talents have gained him, by placing him in the firft botanical feat in this kingdom. In the fhort hiftory of the unfortunate end of Borone, the Dr. informs us, he had refigned him to Dr. Sibthorpe, as a moft fit perfon to attend him in his laft journey through Greece; where, at Athens, he met his death, by an accidental fall from a balcony: the Dr. did not long furvive him. The Boronia pinnata has much of the aromatic flavour of Diofma in its leaves and ftem; the flowers, which appear about February, and continue till May, have the fcent of the Hawthorn flower; it grows to a fhrub of the height of eighteen inches, is propagated with difficulty by cuttings, and has not hitherto perfected its feeds in this country; requiring a dry fituation in the greenhoufe, and flourifhes moft in light fandy peat. The figure was taken from a plant which flowered laft year, in 4 the nurfery of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, where it was raifed from feeds in 1794. N- ‘hw we” e Ya OMNES P oci nedum PLATE “TIX. ] 1X DAS PASTILOSA. Hollow-leaved Ixia. CLASS AL ORDER: TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-petala, patens zqualis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo-patula. three, nearly upright, and fpreading. | Brossow fix petals, fpreading, equal. Summits See Ix1A REFLEXA. Plate XIV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis linearibus, fiftulofis; floribus fecundis, || Ixia with linear, hollow leaves; flowers pointing nocu fragrantes; bulbus campanulatus, | one way, and fragrant by night; bulb bell. margine acuto-fibrofo. i fhaped, the margin edged with fharp fibres. — Án m — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The outer fpath of the Empalement. . The inner fpath of the Empalement. A Flower cut open. . The Pointal, and Chives. The Pointal. we = CO ee UO = Tuis Ixia is of a very delicate nature, the root being fubje& to rot foon after the fiower decays, if not then removed from its pot, and dried; the flowers expand about four o'clock in the afternoon, and are fo extremely fragrant that they are {melt at a confiderable diftance. For this plant, our gardens are indebted to the Dowager Lady De Clifford, who received the bulbs from the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1794. The drawing was made from a plant, which flowered laft year at Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy's, Hammer{mith, who had fome of them in a prefent from her ladyfhip. Like other Ixias, it fhould be planted in light peat, and watered but feldom; its propagation is but flow, as feldom more than one new bulb is produced, upon the decay of the old one. TES cont om EET EET cono wm cnm v e > PEATE'YX. GERANIUM PUNCTATUM. Dotted-flowered Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV,. Suppl. Syftem. Veget; 1781. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Mowocxwa. Stigmata 5. Fructus roftratus, One Porntat. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed 5-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis radicalibus; floribus umbellatis, Geranium with leaves growing from the root; diandris; petalis duobus fuperioribus punc- flowers grow in umbels, two fertile chives; tatis; ftigmata quatuor. the two upper petals being dotted; fum- mits four. LEY oe REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, with the Chives and Pointal left on, (natural fize). to . The Threads cut open, to fhew their number, and the fituation of the two fertile ones, 1 (magnified). 3. The Pointal, (magnified). EE Peruars amongit plants, there is no genus exhibits fuch varied and numerous fpecies as Geranium; no one, in which the fpecies are fo allied in natural character, or fo unfavourable to the fexual fyftem, if fome deviation from general rules was not allowed: the founder thought fuch licence neceffary, and we implicitly follow him. Thus far we have thought proper to extenuate in the prefent inftance; for fhould we follow Monf. L'Heritier, (as moft of the modern correétors of Linnzus have done,) a new genus muft inevitably be formed for this plant. Upon a clofe examination of the flowers, from a dozen different plants, invariably, only feven threads were found; two only with tips, and thofe placed immediately behind the fhaft, whofe fummits were but four. This Geranium is rather tender, and requires a dry-ftove heat to make it flower, which it will readily do with fuch afliftance, in April; about the beginning of which month, this year, a drawing was made from a plant in the collection of Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy. The roots or bulbs of this plant were firft received in England by Thomas Johnes, Efq. in the year 1794, in whofe magnificent confervatory at Havod they flowered the next year. SL by cw tiie” he. 070 9 PLATE XXL ASTER DEN Fee U S. Toothed-leaved Starwort. CLASS XIX. ORDER IL. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Canvx. Communis Íquamofo-imbricatus ; fqua- mis interioribus apice prominulis, Conorra. Compofita radiata; corollule her- maphrodite numerofe in difco; feminea ligulate, decem plures in radio. Propria hermaphroditi infundibuliformis; limbo quinquefido, patulo. Feminee ligulata, lanceolata, tridentata. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, capillaria, bre- viffima. Anthera cylindracea, tubulofa. Pistittum. Hermaphroditis; germen oblon- gum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftami- num. Stigma bifidum, patens. Femineis; germen oblongum. Stylus fili- formis, longitudine hermaphroditi. Stig- mata duo, oblonga, revoluta. Pericarrium nullum. Calyx vix mutatus. SEMINA. Hermaphroditis folitaria, oblonga, ovata. Pappus pilofus. Femineis fimilia hermaphroditis. RzcEPTACULUM nudum, planiufculum. SPECIFIC Afier caulis fruticofus; foliis dentatis, fubtus ferrugineis; floribus terminalibus; pedun- culis unifloris, brateatis. EwPALEMENT. Common, fcales tiled; the inner fcales ftanding a little out at the points. Brossow. Compound, radiate; florets with chives and pointals, many in the center; florets with only pointals, ligulate, ten or more in the circumference. Individuals with chives and pointals, funnel- fhaped; border with five-clefts, fpreading. Individuals with only pointals, ligulate, fpear-fhaped, with three teeth. Cuives. Five hair-like threads, very fhort. Tips forming a hollow cylinder. Pointat. To thofe with chives and pointals, feed-bud oblong. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit two-cleft, expanding. Seed-bud to thofe with pointals only, ob- long. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the hermaphrodites. Summits two, oblong, bent back. SEED-vEssEL none. Cup fcarcely changing. SsEps to the hermaphrodites folitary, oblong, egg-fhaped. Feather hairy. Females the fame as hermaphrodites. REcEPTACLE naked, almoft flat. CHARACTER. Starwort with a fhrubby ftem; leaves toothed, iron colour beneath; flowers terminate the branches; fruit-ftalks having but one flower, with floral leaves. OE AVIS BI T REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret of the circumference. 2. The Pointal of the preceding. 3. A Floret of the center, (magnified). A. The Chives and Pointal of the preceding, (magnified). 5. The Shaft and Summit of the fame, (magnified). —— —— ——— Tis plant cannot undoubtedly be confidered as amongft the moft beautiful of the vegetable produc- tions of New Holland; but neverthelefs, from the continuance of its flowering, is very defirable as a greenhoufe plant, as it begins to expand its bloffoms about December, and from that time till Auguft is feldom feen without flowers, It is a low-growing fhrub, feldom exceeding a foot in height, and very branching. Like moft plants from Botany Bay, it delights in a light fandy peat foil, is eafily propagated by cuttings, and feeds. The drawing was made from a plant in the nurfery of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, who raifed it firft from feeds in the year 1793. NL f s TV yn t. N ie 3 feros NE MÁS Se m. ee — — E sms d i PLATE O57: GLADIOLUS GRAMINEUS. Grafs-like Gladiolus. CLASS VoL OR DER <4, TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow with fix divifions, gaping. Cuives afcending. See GLADIOLUS LONGIFLORUs. Plate V. ConoLrLaA fexpartita, ringens. Sramina adícendentia. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus with many fpikes, upon a flexible flower ftem, fpikes hair-like, growing zig- zag; leaves fword-fhape; bloffom of fix di- vifions, without a tube, Gladiolus polyftachyus, ícapo laxo, fpicis capil- laribus, flexuofis; foliis enfiformibus; co- roll fexpartita, abfque tubo. | me REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Pointal (magnified). 3. The Pointal, (magnified). EE ————— Tuis fpecies of Gladiolus has been defcribed by Thunberg, and from him by Linnzus, in his Suppl. Plant. p. 95, under the fpecific name it here bears. It is a little ftraining on the genus to introduce this fpecies into it; as it is deficient in moft of the effential characters; having a bloffom without a tube, and the petals equal. From the Kew Catalogue we learn it was introduced in the year 1787, by Mr. F. Maflon, to the royal gardens; is there faid to flower moft part of the year: a plant of fuch character is moft defirable, but unfortunately we have never feen it in bloffom but at the ufual feafon for the flowers of this tribe; that is, from April till June. The capfules of this plant bear a ftrong refemblance to thofe of the Euonymus: generally perfecting their feeds. It is a very hardy bulb, blows early, and may be kept in a pit protected from the froft. TUN IL be, Oe PLATE LXIII. USTERIA SCANDENS. Climbing Ufteria. CVA SS - XIV. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. ORDER II. Seeds covered. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- partitum, perfiftens; laciniis ere&tis, fubu- latis. Conorra. Monopetala, ringens, tubus ventri- cofus, bafi arcta; limbus bilabiatus, labium fuperius bifidum, rotundatum, reflexum; la- bium zmferius trifidum, laciniis rotundatis, intermedia minore. Stamina. Filamenta quatuor, fub labio fu- periori recondita, quorum duo lateralia longiora, fundo corolla inferta, bafi incraf- fata, lanata, apice incurvata. Antherz erecte, verfatiles, approximate. Pisrittum. Germen fub-rotundum. Stylus fili- formis, perfiftens; longitudine ftaminum. Stigma obtufum. Pericarrium. Capfula fub-rotunda, biloeu- laris, calyce longior, obtufa. SEMINA plurima, fub-rotunda, fcabrida. SPECIFIC Ufteria caulis volubilis; foliis haftatis; floribus folitariis, purpureis; pedunculis tortis, lon- giffimis. EMPaALEMENT. Cup one leaf, five divifions, permanent; fegments upright, and awl- fhaped. Brossow. One leaf, gaping, tube {welled out in the middle, and pinched in at the bafe; border with two lips, the zpper divided into two lobes, which are rounded, and bent back; the /ower has three divifions, the fegments rounded, the middle one the fmalleft. Cntvzs. Threads four, hid under the upper lip, of which the two fide ones are the longeft, fixed into the bottom of the bloffom, thick- ened at the bafe, woolly, and turned inward at the point. Tips upright, flightly fixed by the middle, and approaching. PorwNTaAL. Seed-bud nearly round. Shaft thread- fhaped, remaining, the length of the chives. Summit blunt. SrEp-vressEL. Capfule nearly round, of two cells, longer than the cup, blunt ended. Seeps many, almoft round, and very rough. CHARACTER. Ufteria with a climbing ftem; leaves halbert- fhaped; flowers folitary, and purple; fruit- ftalks twifted, very long. — — — Er — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 2. One Chive, (magnified). 3. The Pointal, (natural fize). 4. 'The Empalement, and Seed-veffel nearly ripe, of its natural fize. — — Á'ífliÀe— —— Tuis is another of thofe plants raifed in the year 1797 by the Marchionefs of Bute, at her charming little villa, Brompton, from feeds, fent to her ladyfhip from Spain by Dr. Ortega. It is a native of Mexico, North America, and will live through our winters with the protection of a greenhoufe, to which it forms a beautiful ornament as a creeper; flowering from May till September, but does not appear to be a long-lived plant; is eafily propagated by cuttings, or from feeds, which are ripened by November, or carlier; thriving beft in light rich earth. PLATE LXIV. PHONIA ALBIFLORA. White Peony. CLASS XIII. ORDER II. POLYANDRIA DIGYNIA. Many Chives. Two Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, parvum, perfiftens; foliolis fubrotundis, concavis, reflexis, inequalibus magnitudine et fitu. Conorra. Petala quinque, fubrotunda, con- cava, bafi anguftiora, patentia, maxima. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria. An- there oblonga, quadrangule, erecte, qua- driloculares, magnae. PrsriLLUM. Germina duo, ovata, erecta, tomen- tofa. Styli nulli. Stigmata compreffa, ob- tufa, colorata. Pericarrium. Capfule oblonge, acuminatz, reflexo-patentes, tomentofz, uniloculares, univalves, longitudinaliter introrfum dehi- fcentes. Semina plura, ovalia, nitida, colorata, faturae dehifcenti affixa. SPECIFIC Peonia foliis lobatis, nitentibus; corollis albidis; germinibus ternis, vel quaternis. EwraALEMENT. Cup five-leaved, fmall, and re- maining; leaves roundifh, concave, bent back, and unequal both in fize and fituation. Brossow. Petals five, roundifh, concave, fmaller at the bafe, fpreading, and very large. Cnivzs. Threads numerous, and hair-like. Tips oblong, four-fided, upright, with four cells, and large. PoiNTAr. Seed-buds two, egg-fhaped, upright, and downy. Shaft none. Summits flattened, oblong, blunt, and coloured. Seep-vessEL. Capfules oblong, tapered, bent back, and fpreading, downy, of one cell, and one valve, fplitting lengthways from the inner part. Seeps many; oval, fhining, coloured, and fixed to the future where it fplits. CHARACTER. Peony with leaves divided into lobes, and fhin- ing; bloffoms white; feed-buds three, or four. ———— ái ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. POM A Seed. . The Empalement, Chives, and Pointals. . A Thread and its Tip (magnified). - The Seed-vefiels. Se. Turis new fpecies of Peony is a native of Mongol Tartary, and the parts adjacent; of courfe, is fuffi. ciently hardy to endure our fevereft winters. It has been defcribed by Gmelin, in his Flora Sibirica; and figured by Dr. Pallas, in his Flora Roffica, under the fpecific title it here bears. J. Bell, Efq. of Ifleworth, procured fome plants of it from St. Peterfburg, about the year 1791; where it had been introduced by Dr. Pallas fome time before, when on his travels through Tartary. It forms a hand- fome, upright growing, herbaceous plant; the flowers ftanding much above the foliage, are much handfomer before they are expanded, than when fully fo; as the under part of the petals are tinged with red, which contrafted with the purity of the white of the other parts, renders them at that period extremely beautiful. The figure was taken at the nurfery of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, this year, in the month of June, during which month it is in perfection. Like the reft of the Paeonies, it is eafily propagated by the root; requiring little attention in its cultivation, as it will live in almoft any foil or fituation. Ib PLATE LXV. OPHRYS LILIFOLI A. Lily-leaved Ophrys. CLASS XX. GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. ORDER L Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spathe vage. Spadix fimplex. Peri- anthium nullum. Conorra. Petala quinque, oblonga, furfum conniventia, zequalia; duo horum exteriora. NeGarium petalis longius, dependens; pof- tice tantum carinatum. SrAMINA. Filamenta duo, breviffima, piftillo infidentia. Antherz erecta, tectee margine interiore nectarii. Pistittum. Germen oblongum, contortum, inferum. Stylus margini interiori nectarii adnatus. Stigma obfoletum. Perrcarpium. Capfula fubovata, trigona, ob- tufa, ftriata, trivalvis, unilocularis, angulis carinatis dehifcens. SEMINA numerofa, fcobiformia. REcEPTACULUM lineare, adnatum fingulz val- vula pericarpii. SPECIFIC Ophrys bulbo fubrotundo; ícapo nudo; foliis ovato-oblongis, radicalibus; nectarii labio integro; petalis dorfalibus linearibus. ExPALEMENT. Sheaths fcattered. — Fruit-ftalks fimple. Cup none. Brossow. Five petals, oblong, approaching upwards, equal; two of them placed out- wards. Honcy-cup longer than the petals, hanging down; only keeled on the back part. Curves. Two threads, very fhort, fixed to the pointal. Tips upright, covered by the inner edge of the honey-cup. PoixTAL. Seed-bud beneath, oblong, twifted beneath. Shaft fixed to the inner edge of the honey-cup. Summit imperfe&. Srep-vessEL. Capfule nearly egg-fhaped, three- fided, blunt, channelled, three-valved, and one cell, opening at the keel-fhaped an- gles. Sreps numerous, like faw-duft. Recerracre linear, growing to each valve of the feed-veffel. CHARACTER. Ophrys with roundifh roots; ftem naked; leaves oblong, egg-fhaped, growing from the root ; the two back petals linear. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Honey-cup cut off the bloffom. 2. The Seed-bud and Pointal (natural fize) fhewn fideways. 3. The fame (magnified) fhewn in front, with the cap lifted up, to expofe the parts of fructification. |r m — Gronovivus, in his arrangement of the plants difcovered by Mr. J. Clayton in Virginia, P. i, page 185, has defcribed this plant; and Linnzus after him, in his fecond edition of the Species Plantarum, page 1341, has it likewife, but thought it only a large variety of a fpecies found in marfhy grounds in Sweden; however that may be, it is perfectly new to Britain, as a plant in our gardens. This Ípecies of Ophrys feems much more eafy to preferve than moft of its congeners, as, fince its intro- duction, tbe bulbs feem to acquire additional fize, and the fpikes of flowers to grow larger each year. Our drawing was taken from a plant in the extenfive collection of the Right Hon. the Marquis of Blandford, Bill-hill, Berkfhire, in the year 1797, about the beginning of the month of July; having been fent the preceding year from Philadelphia, by J. Lyons, gardener to William Hamilton, Eíq. of that State. It is a hardy plant, and will thrive in a fheltered border, if planted in light earth, and kept moift; is propagated but flowly by the root, which feems the only method ; as the feeds are too fmall of all this natural order to raife them by that means. IL bs. ' NS LÁ en =< Mee M ii d - PT M (0000 7W9- OY T RB X € "ed ss II TOWN CS TNR NNNM TS C UTTEEKSURNUNRNERUE PLATE LXVI. GLADIOLUS POLYSTACHIUS. Branching Gladiolus. OLAS S44 IL ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLa 6-partita, ringens. Brossow of fix divifions, and gaping. Sramina adfcendentia. Cuives afcending. | See Plate XI. Granpriorus RosEUs. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus with cymitar-fhaped leaves; ftem many branches; bloffoms nearly regular, and flefh colour. Gladiolus foliis falcatis; caule polyftachio; co- rollis fub-regularibus, carneis. —c——— dili —————— CENE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud, one fummit magnified. Ee — 'Puis fpecies of Gladiolus has been long known in herbariums, as it is very common about Table mountain, at the Cape of Good Hope; Jacquin, Thunberg, Gmelin, Welldenow, &c. have it under the tribe of Ixia, with the fpecific names of Scillaris, Fabricii, &c. but notwithftanding, we have no hefitation in placing it under its true genus Gladiolus. The upright character of the chives, their infertion into the tube of the bloffom, and not at the mouth, the difference in the fhape of the petals, the fituation of the fummits behind the chives, &c. leave no room for doubt where its ftation fhould be. Although plentiful at the Cape, it has not been long an inhabitant of this clime; having flowered for the firft time in the year 1797, at Bulftrode, the feat of his Grace the Duke of Portland. What contributes much to the value of this plant is, that it continues in flower at leaft two months, from the beginning of June till the end of July; propagates itfelf abundantly by the roots, which are not fubje& to rot, though not removed from the pots in which they have flowered, Thrives in peat earth. Seat 7" tee eS a TUUS ONT Pee oU + a ere y SPL f LE) er ] * j + TES \ * ^ i ^ , [ - I * D ^ Li d , am p. ^ ~ 1 4 ids N5.a 2 eb hd aet Nd il te CO CEWWUSS A ee ee es PMPUSUMST«gMT M, "1 T Kd D PLATE LXVII. GERANIUM INCISUM. Jagged-leaved Geranium. 7m CLASS XVL ORDER IV. MONODELPBHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. "Ten bit ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Porntat. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed. with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Plate XII. Monoeyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- tratus, 5-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis multifidis, craffis, confertis; Geranium with leaves of many clefts, thick, and floribus umbellatis, pedunculis longiffimis ; crowded together; flowers grow in bunches, caule erecto, fruticofo. on very long foot-ftalks; ftem upright, and » Íhrubby. — —— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. 'The Chives and Pointal, (natural fize). 3. 'The Chives cut open. 4. The Pointal, (magnified). "mi OO —— — "Tuis pretty fpecies of Geranium, from the Cape of Good Hope, is one of thofe having feven fertile tips; therefore a Pelargonium of Monf. L'Heritier. It is a low growing plant, feldom exceeding eight or nine inches in height, keeping very compact; but is fubject to damp in the leaves, if kept moift in winter, though otherwife pretty hardy. Mr. C. Lodiges, of Hackney, firft raifed it from feeds which he received from Vienna, about the year 1793. It is readily propagated by cuttings, or feeds, and continues to flower all the fummer months; requiring light rich earth to make it flourifh, qM ML 6 PRASAD b. ^. swe : , £^ é I " * X » . p + n - 4 * PLATE LXVIII. GOODENIA OVATA. Oval-leaved Goodenia. CLASSES. “ORDER “1. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fupra longitudinaliter fiffa, genitalia || Brossow longitudinally cloven on the upper fide, exferens, quinquefida. Stigma urceolatum, | expofing the organs of generation, and five- ciliatum. cleft. Summit cup-fhaped, and fringed, See GooDENIA CALENDULACEA. Plate XXII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Goodenia foliis ovatis, ferratis; corollis luteis, laciniis duobus exterioribus erectis. Goodenia with egg-fhaped leaves, fawed at the edges; bloffoms yellow, the two outer feg- ments grow upright. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. % 1. The Empalement and Seed-bud. 2. A Bloffom, with the parts of fru&ification attached. 3. The Chives, and Pointal (magnified). > In the fecond volume of the Linnean Traníactions, Dr. Smith enumerates ten fpecies of the genus Goodenia; this fpecies makes an addition to the number. The oval-leaved Goodenia is a half woody plant, making long willow-like branches, which moftly decay in the winter, though a great part of the plant remains; it is a hardy greenhoufe plant, requiring little trouble either to keep or propagate; the latter of which is done by cuttings. About the year 1793, a parcel of feeds was received by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, fent to them by Colonel Paterfon from Port Jackfon, New Holland; amongft them, the fceds of this plant; it neverthelefs did not flower till the year 1798, about the month of June. It is certainly a defirable plant, never failing to flower from June till September, if kept growing in vigour, which it will furely do if planted in light peat earth, hc E ra TUM e * " ^ PLATE LXIX. LAMBERTIA FORMOSA. /ar. longifolia. Red-flowered Lambertia. Long-leaved variety. CLASS IV. ORDER EL TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIZ4. Four Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium commune, imbricatum, fquamis interioribus, longioribus. ConoLnra. Univerfalis uniformis, feptem-florus. Propria monopetala, tubulofa, limbus qua- drifidus, laciniis revolutis, ftameniferis. Stamina. Filamenta quatuor, fubulata, bre- viffima, inferta limbo corolle, intra fingu- lam laciniam fingula. Anthere lineares, erectee, Pistittum. Germen fubrotundum, apice pilo- fum. Stylus fetaceus, erectus. Stigma fubulatum, fulcatum. Pericarrium. Capfula tricornuta, unilocularis, difperma. Semina bina, alata, fcabra, nigra. Lambertia foliis ternis, apice mucronato-pun- | Empatement. Common cup tiled, the inner fcales the longeft. Brossow. General regular compofed of feven flowers. Individuals of one petal, tubular, border four-cleft, the fegments rolled back, and fupporting the chives. Cuives. Threads four awl-fhaped, very fhort, fixed into the border of the bloffom, onc within each fegment. "Tips linear, and up- right. PoirwTar. Seed-bud nearly round, the upper part hairy. Shaft awn-like, upright. Sum- mit awl-fhaped, and furrowed. Srzrp-vressEL, Capfule three-horned, of one cell, and two feeds. Ssgrps two, winged, rough, and black. Lambertia with leaves growing by threes, the — a ends terminating in fharp points; blof- foms ftriped, of a light red without; tips | blue. ————Ü,,—— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . A Bloffom cut open, with the Pointal as it ftands in the bloffom. . One fegment of a Flower, with the Chive attached. - The Pointal (magnified). . A Capfule. . A Seed. gentibus; corollis ftriatis, extus fuave ru- | bentibus; antheris caruleis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. | | MÀ — ~~ » O0 LL ON, ——— — i ————— Or all the plants yet introduced from New Holland, that have hitherto flowered with us, this un- 1 queftionably takes the lead for beauty, confidering the plant altogether. It is a hardy greenhoufe plant, growing to the height of fix or eight feet before it flowers; when the bloffoms break from the ( ends of almoft every branch, The feeds of this plant were among the firft which arrived from Botany Bay, in the year 1788; when two varieties of it were raifed by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, at their nurfery, who were fortunate enough to procure all the feeds which came home that feafon. This | fine genus has received its title, (under the fanétion of Dr. Smith, /ee the Linn, Tran/. page 214, | vol. 3.) from Aylmer Bourke Lambert, Efq. fellow of the Royal and Linnean Societies; a gentleman i whofe zeal for the advancement of the fcience is unbounded, and whofe labours to that end, as well as his endeavours to render botany of univerfal benefit, by combining the ufeful with the pleafing ; j (witnefs his work on the Cinchonas, or Jefuits’ Barks) do him the greateft credit. Our drawing was : made from a plant which flowered for the firft time in this kingdom, in the collection of J, Robertfon, Efq. of Stockwell, Surry, in July 1798. It is without difficulty raifed by cuttings, and thrives in peat earth. PLATE LxXxX. 7 GMIDIA:S&SITMPLIE SX. Heath-leaved Gnidia. CLASS YVHL ORDER TL OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx infundibuliformis, quadrifidus. Petala EwParEMENT funnel.fhaped, and four-cleft. quatuor, calyci inferta. Semen unicum, Petals four, interted into the empalement. fubbaccatum. One feed, fomething like a berry. See Gnipia PINIFOLIA, Plate LII, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gnidia, foliis linearibus, acutis, levibus; flori- Gnidia, with linear, pointed, fmooth leaves; bus terminalibus, feflilibus, luteis. flowers terminating the branches, fitting clofe upon them, and yellow. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Flower, (natural fize). . The fame cut open, and magnified. . The Pointal, (natural fize). . The fame magnified. | C d EE Tur flowers of this fpecies of Gnidia, like moft plants of this natural order, are fragrant, which in- creafes much towards night. It is one of thofe delicate Cape plants requiring a dry ftove, or an airy warm fituation in the greenhoufe; where it continues to flower through the months of April and May, and frequently will bloffom a fecond time in September and October. It is eafily propagated by cuttings; delighting moft in peat earth, and feldom grows more than a foot high. Our drawing was made, (by his kind permiffion) at the beautiful and unique confervatory of R. James, Efq. Grofvenor- place, from a plant in his valuable and feleét collection, in May this year. Unfortunately the G. Simplex having been introduced to our gardens before the G. Pinifolia, (fee our figure, Pl. LII.) it was found in moft collections under that title; but we have no hefitation in placing this plant under the fpecific name given it by Linnaeus, in his Mantiffa Plantarum of 1767, page 67; where, to the ufual fpecific character, he has fuperadded an accurate defcription of it. a Ds... ps RU OO ..2 -—-CIcC-- X eS vs PLATE LXXI. CLENATAS Wy iO RA. Blue thick-petal’d Virgin's Bower. GLAS S xan, DE DI- JR. Vit: POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. PeniaNTHiUM. Calyx nullus. ExraALEMENT. Cup none. Comorra. Petala quatuor, oblonga, laxa. Brossow. Petals four, oblong, flexible. Sramina. Filamenta plurima, fubulata, corolla Cuives. Threads many, awl-fhaped, fhorter breviora. Antherz lateri filamentorum ad- than the bloffom. Tips fixed to the fides nata. of the threads. Pistrttum. Germina plurima, fubrotunda, com- PoiNTAL. Seed-buds many, nearly round, flat- pretfa, definentia in ítylos fubulatos, ftami- tened, ending in awl-fhaped fhafts, longer nibus longiores. Stigmata fimplicia. than the chives. Summits fimple. Pericarrium nullum. Receptaculum capita- | Serp-vessEL none. Receptacle forming a round tum, parvum. head, and fmall. Semina plurima, fubrotunda, compreífa, ftylo || Sreps many, roundifh, flattened, retaining the (figura varia) inftructa, fhaft, which is varioufly fhaped. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Clematis foliis compofitis decompofitifque; foli- Virgin's Bower, with compound and doubly com- olis quibufdam trifidis; floribus violaceis, pound leaves; fome of the little leaves fplit coriaceis. into three; flowers blue, and tough. — -— A —— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Chives, and Pointals; the petals being removed. . The Pointals. . A Chive, (magnified). . A Pointal, (magnified). - A Seed nearly ripe, (natural fize). CÓ &9 0 t2 —— —Á——— — Dovsrs have been entertained, among fome botanifts, whether this plant is the Clematis viorna of Linnzus, as given by him, with various fynonims, in his Sp. Plan. By collating the different fpecific characters from the fynonims adopted by him, we have no hefitation in our decifion. Being a native of Virginia and Carolina, it is not fo hardy as fome others from the northern parts of Europe or America; but, neverthelefs, is not kilied by our winters, as it is herbaceous, and not making its fhoots till late. In a warm fituation againft a wall or trellis, it will begin to bloffom in July, and continue to flower till deftroyed by the froft. As yet it is rather fcarce in our gardens, being but of a late introduction, though long known by defcription. Our figure was taken at the Hammerfinith nurfery, where it is in high perfection, being planted in a mixture of loam and peat earth: it is moft readily increafed, by parting the roots in fpring; as the feeds feldom come to maturity in this climate. 4 e] i E arent Con ttl, mmm. , eae T Tp. o n e Man — —— PLATE LXXII. ETYPHEELA TRLEFLOBX Three-flowered Styphelia. CLASS V. ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. PerianrHium. Calyx imbricatus, perfiftens; foliolis interioribus longioribus, acutis, erectis, Conorra tubulofa, quinquefida; laciniis revo- lutis, hirfutis. Nectarium membranaceum, lacerum, ger- men cingens. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, tubo inferta. Antherz apice bifida, verfatiles. Pistittum. Germen globofum, fulcatum, nec- tario cinctum. Stylus capillaris. Stigma capitatum, quinquepartitum. Perrcarpium. Drupa quinquelocularis, fub- rotunda, glabra. EwxraALEMENT. Cup tiled, and remaining; the inner leaves the longeft, fharp-pointed, and upright. Brossow tubular, five-cleft; the fegments rolled back, and hairy. Honey-cup ikinny, torn, and furrounding the feed-bud. Curves. Five threads, fixed into the tube of the bloffom. "Tips fplit at the top, and loofely fixed by the middle to the threads. PorwTrar. Seed-bud globular, furrowed, en- circled by the honey-cup. Shaft hair-like. Summit headed, and of five divifions. Seep-vesseL. A pulpy fruit with five cells, roundith, and fmooth. Semina, bina. | Srrps, two together. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. - Styphelia, foliis imbricatis, fparfis, glaucis, Styphelia, with leaves tiled, fcattered, bluith, ay ovato-mucronatis; floribus axillaribus, ter- egg-fhaped, and fharp-pointed; flowers nis. growing from the lower part of the leaves by threes. ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. S 1. The Empalement. Y. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives remaining attached, to fhew their infertion into the i tube of the Bloffom. oo . The Pointal, (natural fize,) the Summit detached, and magnified. a 4. The Honey-cup, (magnified). é . » - Ee ———— —- Tur Styphelias conftitute a very extended tribe of plants, indigenous only-to New Holland; we are indebted to the pupil of Linnaeus, the celebrated Dr. Solander, for this generic title, which, (as Dr. Smith has fairly obferved) is expreflive of the habit of this whole genus, having its origin in ezvge2ze, harfh, or hard; a chara&ter which feems invariable in every fpecies that bas come under our notice. The S. tubiflora, although fet off by Dr. Smith, in his fourth number of New Holland Botany, with fo . P» much grace, muft, (and we bave no doubt of his concurrence) give place to S. triflora, which an- Ef. doubtedly claims the palm from allits congeners hitherto difcovered. "The only fpecimen alive or E dead, and ffom which our figure was taken, of this plant, which has come to our knowledge, is to be " E found in the extenfive collection of G. Hibbert, Eíq. Clapham-common; from whofe exertions the exotic collections of this kingdom, are likely to acquire fuch confiderable additions. " The S. triflora was raifed from feed at Clapham in 1796, but did not flower till this year, in the month of June, continuing in bloffom through July, and part of Auguft. It grows to the height of near three feet, branching but little; the whole ftem being hid by the leaves. Mr. Allen the gardener, to whofe kind communications we are much indebted, informs us he has kept it in peat carth, and that he thinks it is to be raifed by cuttings. ] 1 | E Á ^ bd 4 * .- ^ ‘ , D . ia . E 5 Yu e 7 7 ALL eT BNY op LEngrar e S Dmm AN Ss ECONLY ^ qur 5 A ith mtem Deer | | om e D Zatipeud y 4 Xd ! er ^ e ES El ki — —— n i: "9 -——P n oem | iii ll PLATE LXXIII. DAPHNE. PON TT CA. Pontic Spurge-Laurel. CL Ass “Vill. QO R.D ER f. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNI A. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carx, nullus. EMPALEMENT, none. ConorLa monopetala, infundibuliformis. Tu- Brossow one petal, funnel.fhaped. Tube cy- bus cylindraceus, imperforatus, limbo lon- lindrical, clofed at the bafe, longer than the gior. Limbus quadrifidus ; laciniis ovatis, border. Border four-cleft; fegments egg- acutis, planis, patentibus. fhaped, fharp, flat, and fpreading. Sramina. Filamenta octo, brevia, tubo inferta ; Cuives. Eight fhort threads, fixed to the tube; alterna inferiora. Anthere fubrotunde, four alternately lower than the others. Tips erecta, biloculares. roundifh, upright, with two cells, PisrinLUM. Germen ovatum. Stylus brevifli- Poiwrar. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft very mus. Stigma capitatum, depreflo-planum. fhort. Summit a low, fmooth knob. PrRicAmPIUM. Bacca fubrotunda, unilocularis. Seep-vessEL. A roundifh berry, of one cell. SEMEN unicum, fubrotundum, carnofum. Seep, fingle, roundifh, and fiethy. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Spurge-laurel, the fruit ftalks growing from the bafe of the leaves, with two flowers each ; leaves inverfely egg-fhaped, and fhining. Daphne, pedunculus axillaribus, bifloris; foliis | obovatis, nitidis. | Re REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower cut open, to fhew the fituation of the Chives. 2. The Pointal, (natural fize). 3. A ripe Seed, i | LI i " à à . E x - ; P ^ -" f T7 D 2 i l S I y ! P " - . 1 - = E ty dn 4a . H PLATE LXXXV. MAHERNIA ODORAT A. Sweet Mahernia. CLASS V. ORDER V. PENTANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Five Chives. Five Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvrx. Perianthium monopetalum, quinque- fidum, campanulatum; dentibus fubulatis, longioribus; perfiftens. ConorLa. Petala quinque, cordata, oblonga, patentia, calyce duplo longiora. NeGaria quinque, obcordata, pedicellata, germen cingentia, calyce breviora. SrAwiwa. Filamenta quinque, capillaria, nec- tario infidentia, calyce breviora. Antherae oblong, acuminate, erecta. Pistittum. Germen fubpedicellatum, obova- tum, quinquangulum. Styli quinque, fe- tacei, erecti, longitudine petalorum. Stig- mata fimplicia. PruicagPIUM. Capfula ovata, quinquelocu- laris, quinquevalvis. SEMINA nonnulla, reniformia. EwPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, five-cleft, bell- fhaped; the teeth awl-fhaped, and longer; remaining. Brossow. Five petals, heart-fhaped, oblong, fpreading, twice the length of the cup. Honey-cups five, inverfely heart-fhaped, hav- ing little foot-ftalks, embracing the feed- bud, fhorter than the cup. Cuives. Five threads, hair-like, fitting on the honey-cups, fhorter than the cup. Tips oblong, tapered to a point, and upright. PorwTAr. Seed-bud fupported on a very fhort foot-ftalk, inverfely egg -fhaped, five-angled. Shafts five, like briftles, upright, the length of the petals. Summits fimple. Seep-vesseL. Capfule egg-fhaped, five cells, five valves. Seeps a few, kidney-fhaped. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mahernia foliis lanceolatis, glabris, apice den- Mahernia with Jance-fhaped leaves, fmooth and tatis; pedunculis bifloris; corollis luteis, toothed at the end; foot-ftalks bearing two odoratiffimis. | flowers; the bloffoms yellow and very fweet. ae REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The cup, (natural fize). 2. The Chives, Honey-cups, and Pointals, as they ftand in the flower. 3. The fame, with the Chives thrown back, as far as the flight junétion of the honey-cups will permit, without tearing. . A Chive with its honey-cup, (magnified). 5. The Seed-bud and Pointals, (magnified). —— ]me—— Many fpecies of this Genus have, hitherto, been arranged as Hermannias, to which they are undoubtedly very nigh affined; in nothing effentially varying, but in the character of the chives, being, in this, placed on honey cups, which are wanting in the other; the fame natural appearance however of the junction of the fupporters of the tips, being common to both. From this fmall change of the identity of character, fo neceflary in our artificial fyftem, they are thrown to a wide diftance in claflification; the one ftanding in the fifth, the other in the fixteenth clafs! -The Mahernia odorata is from the Cape of Good Hope, and was fent in feeds to England about the year 1792. It is but a fhort-lived greenhoufe plant, and muft be raifed every two years, at leaft, from cut- tings; which fhould be made about the beginning of March, and placed on a gentle hot-bed, they will by this means become good fized plants by midfummer. ‘The flavour of the bloffoms is exactly that of the Jonquil, it continues to flower through the whole year, but is as yet to be found in few colle&ions, although from its different attractions we have no doubt of feeing it foon in moft. Rich earth, of old cow dung, and loam, feems to be the foil it moft affects. Our drawing was made at the nurfery Hammerfmith, in July 1799. c= à. ———— PLATE LXXXVI. BIGNONIA PANDORANA. Norfolk Ifland Trumpet Flower. CLASS XIV. ORDER 1E | DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. Sceds covered. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx quinquefidus, cyathiformis. EMrALEMENT, five-cleft, cup-fhaped. ConorLa fauce campanulata, quinquefida, fub- Brossow bell-fhaped at the mouth, five-cleft, and tus ventricofa. Siliqua bilocularis. Se- bellied beneath. A pod of two cells. Seed mina membranaceo-alata. winged with a fkinny membrane. See Pl. XLIII. Bignonia Leucoxylon. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Bignonia foliis pinnatis; foliolis lanceolatis, || Trumpet Flower with winged leaves; the fmall dentatis; caule volubili; floribus racemo- || leaves are lance-fhaped, and toothed; a climbing ftem; the flowers growin bunches, and terminate the branches. re REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Pointal, and Seed-bud, (magnified). 4. A Seed. fis, terminalibus. — il————— ——— Tnis fpecies of Trumpet Flower, is a native of Norfolk Ifland in the Pacific Ocean, lying in 29 deg. 2 min. fouth lat.; therefore, muft be kept with us as a greenhoufe plant; and, as a creeper, may be placed to twine round the pillars, or to cover trellis work; being of quick growth (if planted in peat earth,) and flowering abundantly from the month of March, 'till June. It is eafily increafed by cut- tings, made in the fpring, or by fuckers, which it frequently produces from the root. The plant from which our drawing was made, flowered (and we believe for the firft time in England) in 1798, in the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington Gore. Naturalifts, when in detailing the hiftory of the various articles pafling under their review, fhould receive with caution, any matter which feems tending to the marvellous; but for the authenticity of the authority, from whence we are furnifhed with the account of the fingularly peftiferous character of this plant, we can with confidence pledge ourfelves. Colonel Paterfon, now commanding at Port Jackíon, New Holland, fent the feeds from Norfolk Ifland, when he was ftationed there, to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy Hammerfmith, who firft raifed it, in the year 1793. The N. I. Trumpet Flower is, in its native foil, a deciduous plant; upon the return of the feafon, in which the young tendrils begin to fhoot, and the leaves begin to appear; within fifteen, or twenty days, the whole plant is entirely covered with a white downy infect, of the genus Aphis, fomething fimilar to our blight; which, in a very fhort time from their firít appearance on this plant, become fo completely difperfed over every vegetable production, that fcarce a green leaf is to be feen through the whole extent of the ifland. So greata plague was this infect thought to be, from its effects on vegetation, by thofe who were fent to colonize the ifland, that it was confidered as one of the principal reafons for abandoning the fettlement. T € IX — date ou agit i Si^ mm , ] ] y " OUTRE CUTS S C CF€.CCRPE PLATE LXXXVII. IXIA ARISTATA. Var. atropurpurea. Ragseged-fheathed Ixia. Var. dark purple. CEASS.Ih ORDER A TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-partita, patens, equalis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo-patula. Brossow fix divifions, fpreading, and equal. Summits three, nearly upright and fpread- ing. See Pl. XIV. Vol. I. Ixia reflexa. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis falcatis, glabris, amplexicaulibus; fcapo fub-biflora; fpathis laceris. embracing the ftem; flower-ftem mofily | Ixia with fcimitar-fhaped leaves, fmooth and | with two flowers; fheaths appearing torn. EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The fheath. 2. A Flower cut open. 3. The Pointal, complete. — a —— —— Tuis truly fpecious Ixia, has at different periods long fince, been feen in our exotic colle&ions; but the delicacy of its root, and of confequence, the difficulty of preferving it, when out of flower, was, no doubt, the occafion of its having been as often loft to us for a time. To the Dutch we are in- debted for the laft introduction of it to this country, about four years fince, amongft .many others; from their immenfe collections of Cape bulbs at Haarlem. Although the root is particularly fufcep- tible of wet, yet, by timely taking up the bulb, even before the upper part of the plant is decayed ; and keeping it entirely free from moifture, till itis again planted in October, there will be little danger of its perifhing. Our figure was taken in the month of June 1799, at Clapham, from a plant in the Colle&ion of G. Hibbert, Efq. Light fandy peat, with a fmall portion of rotten old cow- dung, will give it the moft vigorous growth. morale ln j S ! | PLATE LXXXVIII. ERANTHEMUM PULCHELLU M. Blue-flowered Eranthemum. CLASS Il. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Two Chives. ORDER I. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium quinquefidum, tubulo- fum, erectum, membranaceum, perfiftens. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis ; tubus filiformis, longiffimus. Limbus quinque- partitus, planus; laciniis obovatis, zequa- libus. Sramina. Filamenta duo, ad bafin fpiralia, in fauce corolle. Antherae fubovate, com- prefiz, extra tubum. PisrithLUM. Germen ovatum, compreffum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigmata duo, inaqualia, erecta. Perrcarrium. Capfula fpathulata, compreffa, bivalvis, bilocularis, diffipimento valvulis contrario. Semina folitaria, lentiformia. SPECIFIC Eranthemum foliis lanceolato-ovatis, nervofis; floribus fpicatis; bracteis lanceolatis, imbri- i Empacement. Cup five cleft, tubular, upright, Íkinny, and remaining. Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped ; tube thread- fhaped, and very long. Border divided into five, and flat; the fegments are inverfely egg-fhaped, and equal. Cuives. Two threads, f{piral at the bafe, at the mouth of the bloffom. Tips nearly egg- fhaped, flattened, and without the tube. PoiwTrAL. Seed-bud egg-fhaped and flattened. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summits two unequal, and upright. SrED-vEssEL. Capfule fpatula fhape, flattened, two valves, two cells, the partition contrary to the valves. Seeps folitary, Jentil fhape. CHARACTER. Eranthemum with lance-fhaped, oval, and ftrongly nerved leaves; the flowers grow in fpikes; the floral leaves are lance-fhaped, and tiled. panne 2, PR. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement, with its four fmall leaflets. . The Bloffom cut open, to fhew the part of infertion of the Chives. . One of the Chives, (magnified.) . The Pointal, (natural fize.) The fame, (magnified.) . The Seed-bud. . A Seed. catis. eon uoo — ERANTHEMUM, although ftanding in our ancienteft tables, as a name to different plants; muft have been, hitherto, confidered as a dead letter in all our modern ones, as attached to the tribe of plants it~ now titles: but perhaps, to none of the former more aptly could it have been applied; (efpecially this fpecies, as the Greek word 'Hed»/suov, a compound of 'Hz the fpring, and dvJew to bloffom, fairly indicates;) fince the E. pulchellum firft begins to flower in January, and continues to blofiom till May. Linneus in treating this Genus, acknowledges to have feen but one imperfect fpecimen; and from this circumftance, left the defcription of tbe feed-veffel, and feed, to be determined by future Botanifls; as yet, that has not been accomplifhed, even by the indefatigable and accurate Schreber: indeed, had the character of the pointal been likewife omitted, it would have been as well; fince, in place of one, the two unequal fummits, (which might efcape obfervation in a dried fpecimen, from their difproportion in length, and upright fituation;) point out a ftronger Generical diftinction from Juflicia, to which it much affines, than either, the regular fhape of the limb of the bloffom, or the fituation of the chives. Our fpecies is a native of the coaft of Coromandel, in the Eaft Indies, and was firft received in feeds from Dr. Roxburg, at the Royal gardens Kew, in the year 1796. Itisa moft defirable plant, for although it has hitherto been kept in the hot-houfe, we have no doubt from its flowering and thriving there, with fo little care, in any fituation; but that it will foon be con- fidered as a proper inhabitant of the greenhoufe. It is with the greateft eafe, and certainty, increafed by cuttings. Our drawing was made this month, from a plant in flower at the Hammerfmith nurfery. TTA X5. kIdiuwo "EUM Soha» alengtilecttcufl rydih " edd pitilsosig.d , hus qn "Eve andi» adiHeou eHidt. aifidot winmoiip nee tintin? andilind SD maus ha a 0 » "olg quio A. L1 hodontes iori tds w igo ttm scii edT' -.6 (.tcfiieeerr) iInieio5 bac hudbeeff sd T e b ae L4 I - sere Nn Ie bns m rst he da COD rir nmem..sgoH Pee to 060 6 (E ribus siut ^ nA "osdgmmm aisi ian smbamdew ol un LITT feta od! at ache M yd Cae tie af 3] Camino v2? Yonub yuirstew reo yo nig fost me edt vd hoeoifhsb of ot f ps 46 barinmm oix, jo voilod ovr ees to osoblsi she) e Oe She: sew erie wt) ^ do Eelieoo wel Your's b ext 22 2] 4 “oe? io Pies mort bat wild rnin COGN lo 3e slbbigo adrquosa jaro 3L rmmidéili 2 3e ooffisfog ed} ef sandy ; s PLATE LXXXIX. GNIDIA LAVIGATA. Shining-leaved Gnidia. CLASS XHE ORDERS. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx infundibuliformis, 4-fidus. Petala qua- tuor, calyci inferta. Semen unum, fub- Cup funnel-fhaped, 4-cleft. Four petals fixed into the cup. One feed, fomething like a baccatum. berry. See Gnidia pinifolia, Pl. LII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gnidia foliis oppofitis, glabris, ovatis, quadri- Gnidia with oppofite fmooth egg-fhaped leaves, fariam imbricatis; floribus terminalibus, forming four angles and tiled; flowers ter- feffilibus, luteis. minate the branches, fitting clofe to the ftem, and yellow. 2 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom complete. 2. The fame cut open, with the Chives attached; the Pointal taken out. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, (magnified.) ———— a — 'Tuis Gnidia is from the Cape of Good Hope, from whence it was firft fent to England about the year 1783, by Mr. F. Maffon to the Royal gardens Kew. It isa tender, and delicate greenhoufe plant, very fubje& to be deftroyed by the autumnal rains, or over watering during the winter. It is with great difficulty raifed from cuttings, and its feeds feldom or ever, we believe, are perfe&ed with us; from which circumstance, it is to be found in very few collections. Our drawing was made from a plant, in the poffeffion of G. Hibbert. Efq. Clapham, about the middle of July 1799. M oui "Y tru J ds ferita fF hy trom) imde: xdw 1 lx "id! UL on, Pie. eC. SEPTAS CAPENSIS. Cape Septas. CRA 8:55 VITE. ORDER IV. HEPTANDRIA HEPTAGYNIA. Seven Chives. Seven Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Perianthium feptempartitum, patens, EwxrPALEMENT, Cup of feven divifions, fpread- acutum, perfiftens. ing, fhàrp-pointed, and remaining. Conorra. Petala feptem, oblonga, aequalia, || Brossow. Seven petals, oblong, equal, twice calyce duplo longiora. | the length of the cup. Sramina. Filamenta feptem, fubulata, longi- || Curves. Seven threads, awl-fhaped, the length tudine calycis. Antherz fubovate, erectae. of the cup. ‘Tips nearly egg. fhaped, and upright. Pistrttum. Germina feptem, oblonga, defi- Porntat. Seven feed-buds, oblong, and end- nentia in ftylos fubulatos, longitudine fta- ing in awl-fhaped fhafts, the length of the | minum. Stigmata obtufiufcula. Chives. Summits bluntifh. | Pertcarpium. Capfula feptem, oblonge,acute, SzED-vEssEL. Seven capfules, oblong, fharp- | parallele, univalves. pointed, parallel, and of one valve. Semina plurima. SEEDs many. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Septas, foliis fubrotundis, crenulatis, oppofitis ; | Septas with roundifh leaves, flightly fcolloped, glabris; radice tuberofa. oppofite and fmooth ; root tuberous. Ee —. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives, and Pointals, (maguified). 3. One of the Pointals detached, (natural fize). locu ee Wz are happy in having procured for the entertainment of our botanical friends, a fpecimen of fo fingular a plant as the Septas: which, from the conformity of its conftituent generic characters in point of numbers, has given it the title it bears and forming for itíelf an order of plants, in which it fiands alone. No plant is better known to botanifts than Septas by name; butas yet, there exifts only one miferable uncoloured figure of it; which is to be found in the Mantiffa of Plukenet, tab. 340, fig. 9. The firft plants feen of Septas in England, were purchafed in roots from Holland, under the name of Saxifraga Tuberofa, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy Hammerfmith. The beginning of Auguft this year, a drawing was taken from a plant in the collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham, he hav- ing received fome fine bulbs of it, in the fpring, from his colle&or at the Cape. "There are few plants rival Septas for beauty that are of equal fize; it is herbaceous, fhould be removed from its pot when in a ftate of inaction, and dried like the Anemonie. The bulbs may be cut, or parted at the time of removal for propagation. PLATE, XCI, CAMELLIA JAPONICA. Var. flore pleno variegato. Double-firiped Camellia. CLASS XVI: ORDER VI. of Schreber's 8th ed. of Gen. Plant. MONODELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads united. Many Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx imbricatus, polyphyllus; foliolis inte- | EmpaLement tiled, many leaved; the inner rioribus majoribus. leaves the largeft, SPECIFIC CHARACTER OF VARIETY, Camellia foliis brevioribus, latioribus; floribus | Camellia with fhorter and broader leaves; flowers plenis, variegatis. double and ftriped. 2 — — In hopes that the fubjeé will plead our excufe, in thus again, obtruding a kind of nonentity, in reference to the fexual fyftem, on our fcientific friends; and that a figure, of fo rare, and beautiful a plant, would be agreeable to all; we have, once more, put by the etiquette of ícience, for the charms of beauty; yet for this deviation, we think an apology neceffary, as it is undoubtedly not conformable to the plan of our undertaking. This variety of the Camellia Japonica, is of the fame date in our gardens, as the double white, and was introduced through the fame medium. As yet this plant is found in but very few collections, and is fold at a very high price; not being of free growth, few cuttings, or grafts can be obtained. It has hitherto, been treated as a hothoufe plant; but there is no doubt it is equally hardy with the common fort, upon which, all the plants we have as yet feen, and indeed thofe that were firft im- ported from China, were grafted; an inftance in proof, that horticulture muft have, there, attained to a confiderable degree of perfe&ion, in the operative part: as well as, that poflefling double flowering varieties, of their moft beautiful plants, which are only produced by a feries of cultivation, for ages; inconteftably proves the antiquity of the art, (if any frefh proofs were neceffary,) in that country. Our figure was made from a drawing taken partly, from a plant which flowered in Auguft laft year, in the colle&ion of J. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham; and partly from one now (April) in full bloom, in the confervatory of R. H. James, Efq. Grofvenor-Place; the only ones we have as yet feen in flower; wherefore the time of flowering cannot as yet be fixed. A * nell. ^ S} NI N 2 : NL 4 NN | -— | — á— — n ÓMG qe - ] X "4 a d x ae DA s ü Yo Ld v rH NJ Bu he Ex 7 —-"u MC M per ENTIS | : PLATE XCII. CRINUM SPIRALE. Spiral-flalked Afphodel Lily. CLASS VL’ GEE het: HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Involucrum fpatheforme, bifolium, | Emravement. Fence fheath-fhaped, two-leaved, oblongum, umbelluliferam, poft dehifcen- oblong, bearing a {mall umbel, after fplit- tiam reflexum. ting being reflexed. Brossow one leaf, funnel-fhaped. Tube ob- long, and cylindrical. Border divided into fix fegments, that are linearly lance-fhaped, Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis. Tubus oblongus, cylindraceus. Limbus fexparti- tus; laciniis lanceolato-linearibus, conca- vis, reflexis, quarum tres alterna appendi- | concave, and reflexed, of which three alter- culo uncinato diftin&ta. | nate ones are marked by a fmall claw hang- . | ing at the lower part. Sramina. Filamenta fex, fubulata, e bafi limbi, | Cnmivzs. Threads fix, awl-fhaped, growing from longitudine limbi, conniventia. Anthere | the lower part of the border, and of its oblonga, lineares, affurgentes, incumben- | length, and inclining together. "Tips ob- tes, long, linear, turned up at the ends, and ) lying on the threads. PisrirrvuM. Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- | PorwrAr. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft thread- mis, longitudine floris. Stigma trifdum, | fhaped, the length of the flower. Summit minimum. | three-cleft, and very fmall. Pericarrium. Capfula fub-ovata, trilocula- | Srep-vesseL. Capfule nearly egg-fhaped, three ris. celled. SEMINA plura. | SEEDs many. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Crinum foliis filiformibus; scapo filiformi, fpi- Afphodel Lily, with thread-fhaped leaves; flow- rali. | er-ftem thread-fhaped, and fpiral. EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - . The Empalement. . A Flower, cut open and magnified; to fhew the point of infertion of the Chives, at the bafe of the border. . The Pointal and Seed-bud (magnified). - 'The Seed-bud cut tranfverfely, and magnified; to fhew the fituation of the feeds in the cells, before the fplitting of the outer coat, when matured. . The Seeds, as they appear after the burfting of the containing coat, and of their natural fize. we [^] » a M ÁN E——— — Tats curious little plant, has been figured by profeffor Jacquin in his Ic. rar. 2. tab. 363, under the name of Crinum Tenellum; Thunberg, (who no doubt faw the living plant) in his Prodromus, p. 58, gave it firft, the fpecific title of Spiralis, which to us feems the beft potlible, we have retained it; although, we differ from him as to the Genus, and which there is no doubt every botanift will, on the examination of the figure, with its appendages. That this plant fhould ever have been placed under Hemanthus, by any botanift, is certainly matter of wonder, yet the point is too clear to be contended; ícarce one of the effential conftituent characters, of the genus, are to be found in our plant, and yet fo perfe&ly in every part anfwering to Crinum, In Hemanthus, the fence is com- pofed of many leaves; the fegments of the border, ftanding upright; the Chives longer than the blof- fom, and fixed into the tube; the Summit fimple! &c. &c. We fubmit this, neverthelefs, with deference to fuperior judgments, as a late publication of much repute, has this plant, under the Generic title we have rejected. The drawing was made in the beginning of March, this year, at Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy's, Hammerfmith; by whom, it was received from the Cape of Good Hope in 1792. It is a very hardy bulb, requiring no more protection than a pit, to fecure it from the froft. It increafes but flowly by the root, but occafionally produces ripe feeds; and fhould be kept conftantly in its pot, in a mixture of peat and loam. ——— HA" Q'— ae Ne eee ell a Ne ee ee ier Fe TU 0 PLATE XCII. ASTER BETLIEXUES. Reflexed-leaved Starwort. EEE CLA SBSXXIX, .ORDER. IL SYNGENESL4 POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. / ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Recerr. nudum. Pappus fimplex. Cor. radii Recerr. naked. Feather fimple. Florets of the plures 10. Cal. imbricati fquamae interi- circumference 10 or more. Cup tiled, the ores patula. innermoft fcales fpread outward. See After dentatus, Pl. LXI. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. After fruticofus, foliis ovatis fub-imbricatis, re- Starwort with egg-fhaped leaves, almoft tiled, curvatis, ferratis; floribus folitariis, termi- bent backward and fawed; flowers grow nalibus, feffilibus. folitary, terminal, and fit clofe to the ends of the branches. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Floret of the circumference. 3. The Pointal of the foregoing. 4. A Floret of the centre (magnified). : 5. The Chives and Pointal of a floret of the centre (magnified). 6. The Shaft and Summit of the fame (magnified). li ————— Tur fingular merit of this pretty greenhoufe plant, is, that its bloffoms are ftill to be feen through the whole year; and is kept with as little care, as is required for any. It is with eafe, and certainty, increafed by cuttings, put in about the month of May; or by feeds, which it fometimes perfeéts by being kept from the rain in autumn. It isa plant known by name, to moft botanifts; but has not been introduced to us, till the year 1794, when it was received in feeds from the Cape, at the nur- fery Hammerfmith; where it has flowered, thefe two fucceflive years, and where our figure was taken. a Lade dsl A Ln * L 4 2 1 —— MM e Rd ae "cw —— m PLATE XCIV. GALAXTA Gy A’' A: Oval-leaved Galaxia. CLASS “AVE ORDER EL MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA. _ Threads united. Three Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spatha univalvis, membranacea, con- nivens. Conorra monopetala, fupra; tubus filiformis, longus, erectus, apice paullulum amplia- tus; limbus fexpartitus; laciniis obovatis, EwPALEMENT. Sheath of one valve, fkinny, and clofing. Brossow, one leaf, above; tube thread-fhaped, long, upright, the upper part a little widen- ed; border divided into fix parts; feg- patentibus. ments inverfely egg. fhaped and fpreading. Sramina. Filamenta tria, in cylindrum co- || Curves. Three threads forming a cylinder. nata. Anthere ovate. Tips egg-fhaped. Pistittum. Germen inferum, obtufe triangu- Porntat. Seed-bud beneath, obtufely trian- gular and fmooth. Shaft thread-fhaped, a little longer than the chives. Three fum- mits, each divided into a number of {mall threads, and fpreading. PzaicARPIUM. Capfula oblongo-fubcylindrica, SrEp-vrssEL. Capfule of an oblong, and almoft trifulca, trilocularis, trivalvis. ! cylindrical fhape, with three furrows, three cells, and three valves. Seeps numerous, globular, and fmall. lare, glabrum. Stylus filiformis, ftamini- | bus paullo longior. Stigmata tria, filifor- mi-multipartita, patentia. Semin plurima, globofa, minima. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Galaxa foliis ovatis margine ciliatis; corollis Galaxia with egg-fhaped leaves, fringed at the longiffimis, arcuatis, flavis. edge; bloffoms very long, bowed, and yel- low. aS —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Sheath. 2. A Flower cut open, to fhew where the threads are fixed to the tube of the bloffom. 3. The Chives with the Pointal inclofed, the Blofíom cut away. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud. Ra n RS Any fpecies of this Genus, muft be interefting to the Englifh botanift; as, till laft year, not one was to be found, in any collection of this country. The G. ovata is figured in Cavanilles, Diff. 6. p. 340. t. 189; and defcribed by Thunberg, in his Nova Genera Plantarum, p. 50. It is a moft fingular little plant, but we much fear will prove a fugitive to us; like the Ferraria, (to which in many par- ticulars it very nearly affines,) its beauty is but of a few hours duration: indeed, fo fhort is the period, that had not Mr. Hibbert taken a {ketch of it, whilft in perfe&ion; and from which our drawing was completed, we could not have accomplifhed a figure of it. As yet, the true feafon of its flowering cannot be afcertained; but, it was in the month of October, that the plant flowered laft year 1779; the bulbs having been received, from the colle&or for the Clapham collection, fiill at the Cape, in the fpring of the fame year. The treatment for this, appears to be the fame as that necef- fary for moft Cape bulbs; light fandy peat, a little warmth when approaching to flower; and to be removed from the pot afterwards. !"-— ~ i | flee wt onm. —_— 2 d COD PLATE. XCV. AMARYLLIS RADIATA, Rayed Lily Daffodil. CLASS , VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spatha oblonga, obtufa, compreffa, emarginata, marcefcens. Conorra. Petala fex lanceolata. NeGarium íquamis fex, extra bafin fila- mentorum, breviflimis. SraAMiNA. Filamenta fex fubulata. Antherae oblongz, incumbentes, affurgentes. PistirtumM. — Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- mis, longitudine ferme et fitu ftaminum. Stigma trifidum, tenue. PERrcARPIUM. Capfula fubovata, trilocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura. EwPALEMENT. Sheath oblong, blunt, compreff- ed, notched at the end, and withering. Bossom. Six lance-fhaped petals. Honcy-cup, fix ícales from the bafe of the threads, very fhort. Cuives. Six awl-fhaped threads. Tips oblong, fixed fideways to the threads, and turned up at the end. Pointat. Seed bud beneath. Shaft thread. fhaped, almoft the length and fituation of the chives. Summit three-cleft, flender. Seep-vesseL. Capíule nearly egg-fhaped, three cells, three valves. SEEDs many. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Amaryllis fpatha multiflora; corollis revolutis, | Lily Daffodil, with many flowers in the fheath; undulatis, lanceolatis; genitalibus deflex- | bloffoms turned backward, waved and lance- is, divergentibus, corolla triplo longiori- | fhaped; the parts of fructification are bent bus. li downward, ípread from the centre, and i thrice the length of the bloffom. — — — ile — ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal, with the Chive attached. 2. The Pointal and Seed-bud, the Petals cut off. ——— uül—— Tuis fpecies of Lily, certainly not a novelty to many as a plant, is neverthelefs in its bloffom, to moft, quite fo; for, though few collections are without it, yet we are pretty well affured, in no one has it flowered, at leaft for many years within the vicinity of London; except, in that of the Right Hon. the Marchionefs of Rockingham, at Hillingdon near Uxbridge; for whofe kind communi- cation, (though perfonally unknown to her Ladyfhip,) of a moft beautiful fpecimen, of which our figure conveys but a faint idea of the brilliancy; we can only thus, exprefs our fincereft thanks. Mr. Greig, who had the goodnefs to bring the flower himfelf; informs us, the mode of his treating it is, to plant the bulbs in light fandy peat, and confine them to fmall pots, nearly half filled with broken tiles, and keep them on a fhelf of the hothoufe. It is a native of China, was introduced by the late Dr. Fothergill; and generally flowers, according to Mr. Greig, in the month of February, or March; and is increafed abundantly from the root, by offsets. [4 4, pL ran : eae | audi A = IMS a ÉEn d L a I^... E hon a elie, de —---———Y PLATS 2071. PUNICA GRANATUM. Var. flore albo. White Pomegranate. CLASS XE. ORDER I. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Twenty Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER, Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, campanu- || ExrarrwzwT. Cup one leaf, bell-fhaped, five- latum, quinquefidum, acutum, coloratum, || cleft, pointed, coloured, and remaining. perfiftens. | Conorra. Petala quinque, fubrotunda, ereCto- | Brossow. Five petals, roundifh, upright and patentia, calyci inferta. | fpreading, atttached to the cup. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, ca- Cuives. Threads numerous, hair like, fhorter lyce breviora, calyci inferta. Antherae ob- than the cup, and fixed to it. Tips nearly longiufcule. oblong. Pisrittum. Germen inferum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma capitatum. | Pointat. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft fimple, the length of the chives. Summita knob. Seep vrssEL. A large and nearly round apple, Pericarpium. Pomum fubglobofum, magnum, coronatum calyce, novemloculare, diffipi- |; crowned by the cup, five-celled, the par- mentis membranaceis. | titions fkinny. Semina plurima, angulata, succulenta. Recep- || Sezps numerous, angulated, and juicy. Recep- taculum carnofum, fingulum loculamen- || tacle flefhy, and dividing each cell of the tum pericarpii bifariam dividens. ll feed-veflel into two. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Punica foliis lanceolatis, caule arboreo. | Pomegranate with lance-íhaped leaves, and tree- like ftem. DIFFERENCE IN VAR. Punica Gra: Foliis majoribus, pallidioribus; || Pomegranate with larger and paler leaves; flow- floribus fub-albidis, ers nearly white. —— — lii ——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower cut open, to fhew the infertion of the Petals and Chives, into the cup; with the fituation of the Pointal. 2. The fame fhewn from the reverfe fide. —— — Ó»-— — Tuts handíome variety of the common Pomegranate, (for it cannot be confidered as a fpecies,) will, it is to be hoped, prove an agrecable addition to our gardens; though not as a fruit tree, yet as an ornamental plant, of the middling hardy clafs. Indeed we have little doubt of this, if we may judge by analogy, from its deciduous charaéter, or from its natural affinities; as the other forts of this {pecies, viz. fingle red, double red, yellow flowered, and another new variety with large red bloffoms and larger leaves, all endure our winters, with little, or no protection, in the fouthern, or weftern counties of the ifland; and are all natives of the fame clime: from whence, no doubt, they, like the Orange-tree, &c, &c. have been originally tranfported ; though at prefent confidered as indigenous, to all the different countries on the coafts of the Mediterranean fea, where the fingle red is cultivated for its fruit; the agreeable acidity of which, is confidered as a great luxury, in allaying the thirft occafioned by the intenfe heat, of thofe parching regions. In the month of April laft year 1799, a fine branch, in full flower, was obligingly communicated by Lady Hume, from her feleét collection at Wormley Bury, Herts; from which our figure was taken, and where it was then flowering for the firft time in England. Her Ladyíhip had received the plant, amongít a number of others, from China, in the year 1796. The fruit did not ripen, which we attribute to its being kept in the hothoufe, to which fituation, all plants coming from the Eaft, are neceflarily configned on their firft importation. The mode of increafing it is certain and eafy, by cuttings, or layers; and it grows moft luxuriant in light earth, compofed of rotten leaves or rotten dung, and light fandy loam. od hei VEM A4 4 "f ior flor’ he t S 4 vil OR a 9 Jo «cn LOL LE! vade PLATE XCVII. VACCINIUM FORMOSU M. Red-twigged Whortle-berry. CLABBeYVIH. ORDER L OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- Cur fuperior. Bloffom of one petal. "Threads menta- receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- fixed to the receptacle. A berry with four locularis, polyfperma. cells, and many feeds. See Vol. I. Pl. XXX. VacciNIUM ÁncTOSTA- PHYLLUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium racemis pedicellifque bra&eatis; foliis Whortle-berry with floral leaves on the branch integerrimis, oblongis, acutis, glabris; caly- part of the bunch, as well as on the partial cibus adpreffis; corollis fub-cylindraceis, foot-ftalks; leaves quite intire, oblong, coftatis; fügma fub-exferta; ftamina de- pointed, and fmooth; cups preffed to the cem, bloffom; bloffoms nearly cylindrical, and ribbed; fummit juft without the bloffom ; ten chives. $747 a i —— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Bloffom and Cup. . 'The Chives and Pointal, magnified. - The Seed-bud a little advanced, with the Cup upon it. . A nearly ripe Berry, cut tranfverfely, magnified. OO SE — —— oor From the number of different new and old known tpecies, of this genus, which we have been enabled to examine this fpring; and of which drawings have been made, (a figure from one of them being intended to be given in each fucceflive No. till they are finifhed;) we are more fully confirmed, in what was afferted in a former part of the work, that V. Arctoftaphyllus, with the greater part of thofe plants, now known as Vacciniums, fhould be placed in Decandria. It is true, a certain latitude has been given by Linnzus, in an obfervation on the genus, by allowing, that a fourth in addition to the ufual number is frequently found, in the different parts of the flower. But when fo effential a part of the fructification is, with a very few exceptions, conftant through a numerous genus, we cannot but think, in a fyftem, founded chiefly on that bafis, that in fuch cafe, the mere character of the fruit fhould give way to firft principles; and that thofe with ten chives fhould be placed to Andromeda. Or, if the diftin&tion of a dry, from a moift capfule, fhould be thought of fufficient weight, on which to form a new genus, thofe fpecies, with ten chives, and berries, might be fo arranged. Indeed, the difference in the general habit, of thofe with ten, from thofe with eight chives, would well warrant fuch an alteration. But fuch a change we have declined making, upon the grounds we have, and are deter- mined to purfue; not to alter any eftablifhed name, if even a little erroneous; but only to point out the error, or the apparent neceffary alteration. This fpecies of Whortle-berry was firft introduced, (according to the Kew Catalogue,) in 1770, by Mr. William Young, from N. America; and is confequently hardy enough to bear the feverity of our common winters. It fhould be planted in fandy peat earth, on a dry, fheltered border. It is propa- gated by layers, which fhould be put down in fpring, and taken off the fucceeding fummer. The leaves of this fpecies are deciduous, when planted in the open ground; but, if kept in the greenhoufe, where it will be found very ornamental, it becomes an evergreen. Our figure was made at the nurfery, Hammerfmith, in May this year. , d 1 , à * " r , " . MT —- [ 1 . ! ue i ; Z T] J " 7 ¢ : M " LI . E 1 + 5 "A . 2 ! : r Fs id ‘ v L4 > - dU 2 A i aed . ~ * L3 = - E VM JWyOX 3 Yd | &3üIOÓH*^Ad EME T ELU q PT. » | Sata, sd daft m—— cxx \ RAO X 22412 daaicT «00 “sewed? Ty m EL Io9Q*S0M. . LO ARDS G fy an... : E mw sinat b VL i E 14246 dede Mss : * a - E. CE ones el Iles imus arx ub ib o: vetus got h iivrulinmibeosy: sofafeo «asi ; SEPT la : Swrta b « 7 x B " a LJ . ; " ¢ b, " \ : : > , 7 iv ' as . 7 L Lu z - - * * 1 ^ "" " ho L. ^» ' 4 - p 4 La "9. - = ? " " ^ V * D 7 * ^ t ^ BR * $ at di, c ws oN an * e PLATE CIV. LACHN/EA ERIOCEPHALA. Woolly-headed Lachnea. CLASS "VIE. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Fight Chives. ORDER I. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, perfiftens; tubo longo, tenui; limbo quadripartito, in- zquali; lacinia fumma retrofra&ta, minima; laciniis reliquis tribus erectis; intermedia majore. Conorra nulla. Sramina. Filamenta octo capillaria, erecta, longitudine ferme floris. Anthere fim- plices. Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis, germinis lateri infertus. Stigma capitatum, hifpidum. PERICARPIUM nullum. Fru&us in fundo calycis. EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, remaining; tube long, flender; border of four divifions, un- equal; the upper fegment appearing broke back, and fmall; the three other fegments are upright; the middle one the largeft. Brossow none. Curves. Eight hair-like threads, upright, al. moft the length of the flower. Tips fimple. Porntat. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread. fhaped, fixed into the fide of the feed-bud. Summit a hairy knob. - SEED-veEssEL none. The fruit is in the bottom of the cup. SEMEN unicum, ovatum. SEED one, egg-fhaped. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lachnza capitulis folitariis, lanatis; foliis qua- Lachnza with little bunches of flowers grow- drifariam imbricatis. ing folitary and woolly; leaves are tiled on the ftem, forming four regular angles. ———BÉ€— — REFÉRENCE TO THE PLATE. . The terminating Leaves of the branches, which inclofe the fmall heads of flowers. . A Flower, magnified. - A Flower cut open, natural fize, to fhew the infertion of the Chives, . The Seed-bud and Pointal, magnified. Rob = $= 2 , Tue figure of this curious new plant was taken from a fpecimen moft obligingly communicated by the Hon. Wm. Hen. Irby, from his valuable and extenfive colle&ion at the Parfonage, Farnham Royal, near Windfor, Bucks. The genus Lachnaa has hitherto, with us, remained in obícurity; as the L. Conglomerata has not as yet flowered, and the L. Eriocephala was not in our colle&ions till within thefe five years; about which time it was introduced by Meff. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope. It differs but little in habit from Pafferina Grandiflora, and until it flowered this year, was confidered as a variety of that plant. May be propagated with eafe by cuttings, * and continues to flower from March till Auguft, A mixture of peat and loam is the foil it moft approves; but it is very fufceptible of damps. — + we | IPR a ce T2 : PRESA PST as. , 0 —— P pm, m hh HD oe ~ : 7778 A occ M ala. \ = á - eS” E i — Uc = "-. tr d ] a; PLATE (Cy. VACCINIUM.CRASSIFOLIUM. Thick-leaved Whortle-berry. CLASS VHL ORDER L OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- Cur fuperior. Bloffom of one petal. Threads menta receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- fixed to the receptacle. A berry with four locularis, polyfperma. cells, and many feeds. See Vol.I. Pl. XXX. Vaccinrum ÁRncTOSTA- PHYLLUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis ovatis, ferratis, rigidis. craffi- Whortle-berry with oval leaves fawed at the ufculis; floribus fub-umbellatis, terminali- edges, ftiff, and thickiífh; flowers grow bus; calycibus adpreffis; corollis campanu- nearly in umbels, at the end of the latis; ftamina decem. branches; cups preffed to the bloffom; bloffoms bell-fhaped; ten chives. EIER ne MÀ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Cup and Seed-bud, natural fize. 2. A Bloffom cut open. 3. 'The Chives and Seed-bud, the leaflets of the cup cut off, magnified. 4. 'The Pointal, magnified. at ETÀ Tuis fpecies of Whortle-berry was introduced from Carolina, about the year 1794, by Mr. J. Frafer, nurferyman. It is another of thofe with ten chives, five cells in the berry, and five fegments in the borders of the cup and bloffom. It is an evergreen, and will live through a mild winter, on a warm border; but cannot refift the cold of a fevere one, though a fmall degree of prote&ion is fufficient for its prefervation. As a greenhoufe plant, it is very decorative, flowering about June; in which month this year our drawing was made, at the Hammerfmith nurfery, from a plant in that colle&ion. The pabulum beft calculated to preferve it in a flourifhing ftate, is a mixture compofed of fandy peat two parts, and light loam one part. To propagate it, the younger branches fhould be laid down about the end of May, and they will be rooted by the enfuing fpring. "n PLATE. CVL HOUSTONIA COCUTN E-A Scarlet Houftonia. CLASS IV. ORDERS TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER, Caryx. Perianthium minimum, quadridenta- Empatement. Cup very {mall, with four teeth, tum, erectum, perfiftens. upright, and remaining. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus Bossom one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube cylin- cylindraceus, longus; limbus quadripartitus, drical, long; border of four divifions, fpread- patens, laciniis fubrotundis. ing, fegments roundifh. Sramina, Filamenta quatuor, in collo corollz, Cnivzs. Four threads, fixed to the neck of the minima. Antherz fimplices. bloffom, very fall. Tips fimple. PrsrinnuM. Germen fuperum, fubrotundum, PorwTaL. Seed-bud above, roundifh, and flat. compreffum. Stylus fimplex, flaminibus tened. Shaft fimple, fhorter than the brevior. Stigma bifidum, acutum. chives. Summit fplit in two and fharp. Pericarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, didyma, SgEp-vesset. Capfule roundith, double, fplit- fupra tranf{verfe dehifcens, bilocularis, bi- | ting tranfverfely from the upper part, two valvis; valvulis diffepimento oppofitis. | cells, two valves; the valves oppofite to the | partition. SEMINA pauca, parva, ovata, diffepimento adhe- Seeps a few, fmall, oval, adhering to the parti- rentia, tion. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Houftonia foliis ovatis, glabris, fubternis; caulis Houftonia with oval, fmooth leaves, growing debilis, fuffruticofus; floribus terminalibus, moftly by threes; ftem weak, rather fhrub- coccineis. by; flowers terminate the branches, and are fcarlet. EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement and Pointal, the Bloffom taken off. 2. The Bloffom cut open, to fhew its interior fracture. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, the leaflets of the cup being rerooved, magnified. rr Tue Houftonia coccinea has been placed, by fome late botanical authors, under the genus Hedyotis; but fuch authorities can have no weight with us, when oppofed to an eftablifhed name, a nearly general conformity in the effential generic chara&ters; and though laft, not the leaft in our eftimation, the cor- roborating teftimony of Sir J. Banks, Bart. P. R. S. &c. by whom it was fent to the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1793. It is a native of Mexico, South America; and like the Hememerifes,* Fuchfias, Chelones, &c. of that country, is very fubje& to damp; but being partly herbaceous, the root is moft frequently preferved, although the upper part has perifhed. Though it requires the protection of a greenhoufe in winter, it may be made an ornamental plant for the flower borders in autumn, by putting fingle cuttings, in fmall pots filled with rich earth, into the heat of a hotbed, early in March, they will be fit to tranfplant into the open ground the latter end of June, and will flower about Auguft, continuing to bloffom till deftroyed by the froft; or if taken up and put into large pots, will flower till Chriftmas. Our figure was taken from a beautiful plant, in the collection of R. H. James, Efq. Grofvenor-place, in 1799. * Thefe are the two fpecies of an old genus, introduced into the Bot. Mag. of Curtis, under the titles of Celfia liniaris and C. urticifolia. w . ‘ Nhu tiec abut CxXx " , fohrc ; ' j " NE Lm tau» Det : ga mmibde son) M d 4240297) 3 ewe Tres. row , » HET f Meses E Mi rival j' AMA TOA! S sat] : % eel reo gas ec n ditus 2 pei ; ] d Haad bot; % an thrill A toa anelli "ENT V 31 tlre ay ctr att yn tog aue ited : $i ue evel oat ] u ved yo rk ve AMO pofxol A OE 3 a Pale wi ai 1 UY ; iron : | dimos i yt 7 | OP bandodidfg vainmpi sten» ! " "i Y ! | 1 ] nb he " TUNE wep aM vv | - hy "www m oy " A t SQ n 7h + usq ow uso od "ot ] e E hii ^" 1 xlsH. od) $44 adidimoar tava Bu) | crm ow et - ] LI Mh od - M Ao. " bh of ,iottadl Adi d 4 (- E38 1123 pod echa ium sy tij Yo o9 la oct rodiby viue. Sivinttiad ¢ Yo td. ad? esrluper v) cities tle ; M fud by guest alasvoni has ipit jw ii J , 1 € NS » i 4 EN TIT wif ‘oy ne B users o tB iq iod III IO PLATE CVII. Abi TUM. GRAV IL & Sweet-/cented Garlic. CLAWS VL ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Spatha communis, fubrotunda, mar- EMPALEMENT. Spath common, roundiíh, wi- cefcens, multiflora. thering, inclofing many flowers. ConoLra. Petala fex, oblonga. Brossow. Petals fix, oblong, SrAMiNA. Filamenta fex, fubulata, longitudine Cuives. Six threads, awl-fhaped, often the fepe corollz. Anthera oblonge, erectae. length of the bloffom. Tips oblong, up- right. Pistittum. Germen fuperum, breve, fubtri- PorwTaAr. Seed-bud above, fhort, nearly three- gonum, angulis linea infculptis. Stylus fided, the angles marked by a line. Shaft fimplex. Stigma acutum. fimple. Summit pointed. Pericarpium. Capfula breviffima, lata, triloba, SgEp-vessEL. Capfule very fhort, broad, of three trilocularis, trivalvis. 1 lobes, three cells, and three valves. Semrna pauca, fubrotunda. | SEEDs a few, roundifh. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Allium fcapo nudo, tereti, longiffimo; foliis ca- Garli@ with a naked flower-ftem, cylindrical, and naliculatis, linearibus; umbella multiflora; very long; leaves channelled, and linear; corollis albidis; ftaminibus fubulatis, ad umbel many flowered; bloffoms white; bafin cum petalis definentibus in tubum. chives awl-fhaped, terminating with the petals at the bafe in a tube. - EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, . The Bloffom cut open. . One Petal of the Bloffom and its Chive, magnified. . The Pointal and Seed-bud. . A Capfule with ripe Seeds. Rowe rt From a plant in the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington Gore, our drawing was made, this year, early in the month of May; and from an accurate fcrutiny, are inclined to think it might be con- fidered as a new genus; for certainly it does not well affine to the one here afligned it, in feveral inftances; but as our profeffed principles are, as rarely as poflible, to increafe the number of genera, we have retained it under Allium. The flowers of this plant are fragrant in the extreme, at night; fo much fo, that one is fufficient to {cent a large room; the flavour fomething like the Heliotrope. Being a native of Barbadoes, from whence it was fent by Mr. J. Ellceck in 1791, to Metirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, it requires the heat of a hothoufe, where, without the affiftance of the bark bed, it will flower, and increafe from the bulb abundantly. E se PLATE: CVIII. GERANIUM RENIFORM E. Kidney-fhape-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. Or Sumer System. eget. 1781. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Monoeyrna. Stigmata quinque. One Porntat. Five Summits. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry ber- ries. || SeeGezRANIUMGRANDIFLORUM, PI. XII. Vol.L SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis reniformibus, crenato-dentatis, Geranium with kidney-fhaped leaves, between tomentofis; floribus heptandris, fubquater- fcolloped and toothed at the edges, and nis, purpureis; caule fruticofo, fub-carnofo. downy; flowers with feven fertile tips, grow moftly by fours, and are purple; ftem fhrubby, and almoft flefhy. i — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its hollow ftru&ure. 2. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. 3. The Threads cut open, to fhew their number, as well as the general number of fertile tips, magnified. 4. The Pointal and Seed-buds, magnified. 0 om———— ug —————————— From the Hort. Cantab. publifhed this year, by the accurate Mr. J. Donn, we learn that this fine fpecies of Geranium was introduced to the Royal Gardens, Kew, about nine years fince; yet, till within thefe two years, it has not been feen in any other collection. Our drawing was made in July 1799, from a plant in the Clapham colle&ion. This Geranium muft be treated rather as a dry-ftove than as a common greenhoufe plant, for it affines much to G. Fulgidum, and a few others, which are inhabitants of the fandy deferts of the more interior parts of Africa, and which require more heat than is proper for thofe from Table Mountain, or the vicinity of the Cape. It is propagated by cuttings made about the month of March, and placed under a fmall glafs, either in a hotbed, or in the bark bed of the hothoufe: it may be increafed by the root likewife, and from feed which is fometimes perfe&ed. A compoft of cow dung, at leaft two years old, one part, fea fand one part, and light loam two parts, is the moft proper for many of the tenderer forts of this genus. . à H Z x » . ~ LU , . ' DU ‘ E * . ; ‘ . E = = a E — . E J/ , i i , he i - FEX CTS Á 4 ' wor ON PLATE LI CHRYSANTHEMUM TRICOLOR. Three-coloured Corn-Marygold. CLASS XIX. ORDER Il. SYNGENESIA, POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Communis hemifphericus, imbricatus ; Íquamis ar&e incumbentibus; interioribus per gradus majoribus, margine fcariofis; in- timis terminatis fquama fcariofa. Conorra. Compofita radiata. Corullulz her- maphrodite tubulofz, numerofz, in difco; feminez duodenis plures, in radio. Propria hermaphroditis infundibuliformis, quinquefida, patula, longitudine calycis. Femineis ligulata, oblonga, tridentata. Stamina. Hermaphroditis filamenta quinque, capillaria, breviffima. Anthera cylindracea, tubulofa, corolla fere brevior. PrsrirLvuM. Hermaphroditis, germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis, ftaminibus longior. Stig- mata duo, revoluta. Femineis germen ovatum. Stylus filiformis, cum hermaphroditis zqualis. Stigmata duo, obtufa, revoluta. PERiCARPIUM nullum. Calyx immutatus. Semina. Hermaphroditis íolitaria, oblonga. Pappus nullus. Femineis fimillima hermaphroditis. RzcrEPTACULUM nudum, pun&atum, convexum. SPECIFIC Chryfanthemum crithmi foliis; fquamis exteri- oribus calycis carinatis; floribus folitariis, tricoloratis. CHARACTER. EMPALEMENT. Common, hemifpherical, tiled; fcales lying clofe upon each other; the in- ner ones becoming gradually larger, fkinny at the edge; the innermoft terminating in a Íkinny fubftance. Biossom. Compound radiate. Florets with chives and pointals, of the centre, tubular and numerous; thofe with only pointals, of the ray, twelve or more. Individuals with chives and pointals, fun- nel-fhaped, five-cleft, open, the length of the cup. Individuals with only pointals, ligulate, ob- long, with three teeth. Curves. Thofe with chives and pointals have five, hair-like, very fhort threads. Tips cy- lindrical and tubular, ícarcely fhorter than the bloffom. PorwTAL. Seed-bud, where there are chives and pointals egg-fhaped. Shaft thread-fhaped, longer than thechives. Summits two, rolled back. Seed-bud where there are only pointals egg-fhaped. Shaft thread-fhaped the length of thofe where there are chives and poin- tals Summits two, blunt and rolled back. SEED-VEssEL none. Cup unchanged. Szzps of thofe with chives and pointals folitary, oblong. Feather none. Thofe where there are only pointals like the others. RzcEPTAcrLE naked, dotted, and convex. LI Corn-Marygold with famphire-like leaves; the outer ícales of the cup keel-fhaped; the flowers grow folitary and are three-coloured. EEE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 'The above, magnified. NOG RwOHE An outer Scale of the Empalement. . An inner Scale of the Empalement. . A female Floret of the Circumference, with its Pointal. . An hermaphrodite Floret of the Center. . The Chives of an hermaphrodite Floret, magnified. . The Pointal of an hermaphrodite Floret, magnified. 8. The Receptacle, natural fize. De Mr.James Donn, Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Cambridge, through whofe medium we poffefs this new fpecies of Cryfanthemum, informs us, in his catalogue for 1800, that it is a native of the coaft of Barbary, and from whence it was firft received in 1797. The C. Tricolor is but of annual growth, fhould be raifed on gentle heat about March, and may be either kept in pots, or planted in the open borders, where it will flower from July till OGtober; but much of the brilliancy of the flowers will be loft, if treated in the laft manner, as the leaft wet, or even the dew, will affe& their colours. The feeds are perfe&ted in lefs than a week, after the decay of the flower, and are produced in abundance. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Hammerfmith nurfery, which had been raifed from feed, communicated by Mr. Donn to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy. " PLATE CX. PROTEA SPECIOSA, /atifolia. Broad-leaved fhewy Protea. $$$ $$ CLASS IW. ORDER L TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Corotta 4-fida, feu 4 petala. Antherzlineares, || Brossow 4-cleft, or of 4 petals. Tips linear, in- inferte petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- ferted into the petals below the ends. Cup, prius, nullus. Semina folitaria. proper, none. Seeds folitary. See PRorEA rormosa, Pl, XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lanceolato-ovatis; {quamz calycinz Protea with leaves between oval and lance- interiores barbate, apice incurvatz, incar- fhaped; the inner fcales of the empalement nate. are bearded, turned inward at the ends, and flefh-coloured. üt REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom complete, as it flands in the Empalement. 2. 'The fame opened, to fhew the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal. See Tue drawing of this magnificent plant was made at the nurfery of Meffrs. Grimwood and Wykes, Kenfington, this year, early in the month of Auguft; as we were informed by Mr. Wykes it was then in flower for the firft time in England. In the year 1786 it was fent, in feeds, to the royal gardens, Kew, by Mr. F. Maffon, from the Cape of Good Hope; where certainly its beauty muft be great; as, even there, amidft that world of beauties, it fhould be honoured with fuch a fpecific title; in which, confidering it as only a variety of our P. fpeciofa migra, we entirely agree with Willdenow; where the laft fynonim of that fpecies, copied by him in his Sp. Pl. from Ray's Hiftoria Plantarum of 1719, muft have been taken from a plant of this variety. The treatment, and culture of this, and P. Spe- ciofa xigra, are exact in every thing. ae UT T T TE PLATE CXI. GLADIOLUS STRIATUS. Streaked-flowered Gladiolus. CLASS: IH. ORDER I. ; TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLrLA fexpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcen- | dentia. | Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcend- ing. See GLADIOLUs nosEvus, Plate XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus with leaves between lance and fword- zequantibus; fcapo fubtrifloro, erecto; flori- | fhaped, the length of the flower-ftem; ge- bus ere&is; corolla ringente, laciniis acutis, nerally three flowers on the ftem; flowers undulatis, medio ftriatis. | grow upright; bloffom gaping,the fegments | pointed, waved, and ftreaked in the middle. Gladiolus foliis lanceolato-enfiformibus, ícapo | ae REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open with the Chives attached. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, natural fize, one Summit detached, magnified. Ee _ Tuts fpecies of Cape Gladiolus was brought to us, from Holland, about the year 1788; it is a very hardy bulb, the flowers continuing perfect more than a week, and are not eafily injured either by wind or rain. But the greateft merit of this plant is, that the bloffoms are only produced when moft of the other fpecies of Ixize, Gladioli, &c. have done flowering; which is generally about the end of July. Before the ftem decays, the bulb fhould be taken from the pot, and dried. The increafe of this plant is not great, as feldom more than two roots are produced from the old one. Our drawing É was made at the Hammerfmith nurfery, in 1799. Willdenow has a Gladiolus from Jacquin's Icon. Rar. under the fpecific title here given to this, undoubtedly not the fame plant; but as our name is that by which this fpecies is in general known, and by which it came from Holland, we have not thought fit to alter it. Va tig, 3t ba aie . " D wo /———— € ÓÓ€ m —PÁ s c ee PLATE CXII. VACCINIUM DUMOSUM. Bufhy Whortle-berry. CLASS Vill..OR DER, I. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- Cur fuperior. Bloffom of one petal. Threads menta receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- fixed to the receptacle. A Berry with four locularis, polyfperma. cells and many feeds. See Vac. ARCTOSTAPHYLLOs, Pl.XXX. Vol.I. " SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis ovatis, acutis, glabris; floribus Whortle-berry with oval, pointed, fmooth leaves ; folitariis, axillaribus; pedunculis longiffi- flowers grow folitary from the foot-ftalk of mis, bracteatis; corollis urceolatis (ub- the leaves, clofe to the ftem; foot-ftalks of albidis; ftamina decem. the flowers are very long, having floral leaves; bloffoms pitcher-fhaped, nearly | white; ten chives. -— — CÓ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Flower complete. . The Cup and its Foot-ftalk, with the floral Leaves. . The Seed-bud, Pointal, and Chives. The fame, magnified. . The Shaft and its Summit, magnified. end a EEE Tais fpecies of Whortle-berry is a neat, compact, bufhy fhrub; and like all the reft of thofe which have ten chives, and the other parts confonant, can ícarcely be confidered as a hardy plant; for although it will live through a mild winter, if planted in a warm and dry fituation, on an open bor- der; yet it will in general be deftroyed, by the fevere frofts which happen late in fpring. It fhould be planted in fandy peat earth, with a fmall portion of light loam; may be propagated by layers, which do not commonly root, fufficiently to be taken off, under two years from the time of their being put down. Asa hardy green-houfe plant it is beft preferved in a flourifhing ftate, and will flower about the month of June; in which month, this year, our drawing was made, at the nurfery of Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, by whom it was introduced from North America in the year 1783. mm) Pras | AT A 91 HHMY KÉ.IOIHTUAT Axio av? y NNNTÉ AXISERAJO HAMA ST ST M wu. un It1x SAM ^T S^ jononi ALAUm og ita» ok) i É ad^ 3 doloe heed 1 xy nip abe "m dat cà Wife en i T tah o asso OR DEL T OR y LL = ).Wedaginert web he " f re 85 À ] ame "wu x. ubiquiad wo uUidRAOTEMA a quroiop v vid | E. E ids dama sal eloidesco’ ^ ain grasoind ‘ot Re ener ; bo haben ina pe anton) ent ann n 2 - . iw 7 bu» ods HI hepp oio 1 : : | woh wir. doukw. cers A. ip dono To $4 der peor vta! i3osammeon e oat ot basil "ew Shee Sob ; Serer fe dew Lite stesiq gal orth ao ede yt? om Beasts nuc »50n V Fomes enim prt » 08?) cado eoltits wan aid al. a walvil redler) tow: had od ds of heo o sitewide suf Md ovdi oi doidw o) em@cyeto el? Jomencsvodo | sag cato nx " cup We que a di ones Bb «dii ¥ d 2E slg texy ü é toon ^s riae etal od? ltoneet s"? w* 5 Uu ! f ^ ‘ ! : dr n" wo vit SS weg m) od. qot Boch tea nere! crust etos o4 bapa resto) chem ot bore xí 0) Sow? tate shy : | . I T veg vila 2 u qua bette Sorter xii ey eA 0o alton PE vy an d IS Owl v an? or desaniuad Naher eruth fox sis s quiveiLeme Miss f nt pies well pti mw bom ni je wink tie wet fal Mino 4 Li ee ——— ee T oM M PLATE CAHL STRUTHIOLA IMBRICAT A. Tiled-leaved Struthiola. CLASS IV. ORDER L TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx, nullus; iff bradteas fub germine pro EMPALEMENT, none; wrle/s you take the floral calyce affumas. leaves at the bafe of the feed-bud for the cup. ConorrA monopetala, marcefcens; tubus fili- Brossow one petal, withering; tube thread- formis, elongatus; limbus quadripartitus, fhaped, lengthened; border of four divi- planus, tubo brevior; laciniis ovatis. fions, flat, fhorter than the tube; fegments egg -fhaped. NeGarium, glandule quatuor, feu otto, Honeycup, four or eight oval glands, placed ovate, fauci circumpofite, penicillo proprio round the mouth of the bloffom, each being cin&z. furrounded by its brufh of hairs. SraMiNa. Filamenta quatuor, breviffima, intra Curivrs. Four threads, very fhort, hid within tubum ocultata. Antherz lineares. the tube. Tips linear. Pisrirruw. Germen ovatum. Stylus filifor- PoixTar. Seed bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- mis, longitudine tubi. Stigma capitatum, fhaped, the length of the tube. Summit, a hifpidum. hairy knob. i PzRICARPIUM coriaceum, ovatum, uniloculare. SE£p-vzsszr leathery, egg-fhaped, of one cell. SEMEN unicum, acutiufculum. Seep one, a little pointed. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Struthiola foliis ovato-acuminatis, concavis, im- Struthiola with oval leaves, tapering to a point, bricatis, glabris, margine ciliatis; glandulz concave, tiled, fmooth, and hairy at the quatuor fupra faucem. edges; four glands upon the mouth of the bloffom. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower with its floral leaves, or cup. 2. 'The floral Leaves or Cup, magnified. 3. A Flower cut open, magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Pointal, magnified. age Tue Genus Struthiola, from the few fpecies yet known, has been but flightly confidered. Linnzus, at the end of his Generic Character, affines it to Paflerina; it is true, the habits of S. virgata, and S. erecta, which are undoubtedly only varieties of the fame ftock, and the only two he had feen, might lead to fuch a comment; but, from the feven fpecies of which we have drawings, all taken from liy- ing plants, and which will be brought forward in due courfe, we confider them, as perfectly diftin&, in more effential characters than merely the number of chives. The acute and diligent Willdenow, in his new edition of Sp. Plant. enumerates five fpecies from 'Thunberg, &c.; but from his notes of obfervation, prefixed to each, he had not feen either living or dried fpecimens of any, but the two above named. The chara&ers in which we obferve this genus to differ from Gnidia and Pafferina, are, firft, a cup of two leaves, conftant in every fpecies we have examined, for they cannot be con- fidered as floral leaves, being attached to the bafe of the bloffom, and joined together at the bottom; fecondly, the honeycup forming a complete cincture to the mouth of the flower, and upon which are feated, four, or eight, upright glands. "This fpecies of Struthiola was firft raifed in England, at the nurfery, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1794. It is a tender green-houfe plant, and very fubje& to be deftroyed by wet; therefore, fhould be protected from too much rain in fummer, and kept in an airy part of the houfe in winter. It is propagated by cuttings made in the month of May, or June, and fhould be planted in light, fandy peat, mixt with about one fixth part of loam. The flowers of this, as well as all the fpecies we have feen, are extremely fragrant in the evening, beginning to fmell with the fetting fun, and continuing their flavour till morning. An agreeable peculiarity attendant on moft plants of this natural order, and on every fpecies of this genus, in particular, is, that they flower twice in the year, about the month of March, and again in Sep- tember; in which month, laft year, our drawing was made, from the Hibbertian collection, Clapham Common. ( £g | d : Stedthiata cmblyrcata A^——— — h- 7T "3 "USFEENMA o oc o0 PP -S t — - rm IS-- D 4 a E PLATE CXIV. GERANIUM QUINQUEVULNERU M. Variegated flowered Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. Qf Suppl. System. Feget. 1781. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Oxz Porntat. Five fummits. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry ber- ries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium folis hifpidis, multifidis; floribus Geranium with hairy leaves many-cleft; flowers heptandris; pedunculis multifloris; petala with feven fertile chives; foot.ftalk, many atropurpurea, margine pallido; caule fuf- flowers; petals dark purple, pale at the fruticofo, fpithamao, margin; ftem half fhrubby, grows a fpan high. ———— más ore 0 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, cut open as far as to the folid part. 2. The Chives and Pointal, 3. The Chives cut and fpread open, magnified. 4, The Pointal, magnified. M Ye —À———--——— Tuis beautiful fpecies of Geranium was raifed by Mr.J. Armftrong, nurferyman of Northwarmborough, Hants, from feeds received by him, in 1796, from the Cape of Good Hope. From a branch, in fine flower, brought to us, this year, in the month of June, by Mr. Dickinfon, our drawing was made; who informs us, that the ordinary treatment of common Geraniums, is all that is required for this; that it is increafed by cuttings, or from a divifion of the root, in fpring. It has not, as yet, produced any perfe& feed; although it has flowered abundantly thefe two years, from May till October. It bas fomething the habit of G. trifte, or the Night-fmelling Geranium; but differs from that fpecies, in having a fhort fhrubby ftem, the leaves fhorter and harfher, and the flowers entirely without fmell. os L4 1 - ad > (era MALLE gt Hgecttt Liou Pp f. Wt PLATE CXY. GERANIUM TOMENTOSUM. Downy-leaved Geranium. ry VT T maa Ciara 55 XVL ODER IV. * S. SED Veg. MONODELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. See Geran. Grandiflorum, Pl. XII. Vol. I. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. One PorwTrar. Five Summits. Frucrus roftratus, penta-coccus. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis ovatis, plicatis, ereétis, ferratis, | Geranium with egg-fhaped leaves, plaited, up- tomentofis; floribus pentandris; filamentis | right, fawed, and downy; flowers with five duobus fuperioribus revolutis, ciliatis. fertile chives; the two upper threads rolled back and fringed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. 'The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. 3. The Chives cut open, magnified. 4, The Pointal, and Seed-bud SE Tue Downy-leaved Geranium, according to the Hort. Cantab. of Mr. Donn, introduced from the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1794; is a dwarf growing, and rather delicate fpecies, of this extended and very mutable tribe of plants; producing its flowers about the month of Auguft. It is to be increafed from the feeds, which fometimes ripen; or by cuttings, taken off in the month of March, and placed on a gentle hotbed; but if delayed to be made till much later, it will be found difficult to propagate by this mode. Lefs of dung and more loam, than is neceffary for moft Gera- niums, will preferve this plant beft through the winter; in which feafon, it fhould be kept in a dry and airy part of the greenhoufe, to avoid the damps, which otherwife, often prove fatal te it. That the charm of novelty, however erroneous or abfurd, has found at all times its votaries, we have daily experience; therefore cannot wonder at, though we may regret its confequent influence on the many, who with to fignalize themfelves, under its delufive banner. This obfervation naturally obtruded on our imagination, upon the perufal of the laft Number of the Bot. Mag. where the Kid- ney-leaved Crane’s-bill is mentioned as “ one of the rareft of the Geranium tribe;” are we to underftand Geranium in this place as a new title for a natural order of plants; or, as folely confined to one Genus? Poor Geranium! although thou haft been fo long excluded from thy ftation, in fcientific Englifh, yet fhalt thou not lofe thy due weight, againft all thy opponents, in pure defcriptive Eng- lifh profe; and perhaps fome day may be deemed, by the learned, worthy a place amongft Englith Genera. With Mr. Donn, we humbly conceive the old title Crane’s-bill, as ill adapted to the three’ Genera of M. L'Heritier; and that, if new Latin names are to be foifted on us, for plants already well known, and fettled, by that great mafter of the fcience, Linnzus; to whofe opinion ours fhall ever bow, Englifh ones confonant, fhould be likewife adopted ; and that Heron's-bill for Erodium, Stork's- bill for Pelargonium, and Crane's-bill for Geranium, will prove no greater puzzle to the Englifh Botanift. Unfortunately we are, and have been, fo attached to old fathions, that we ftill mean to continue the title Geranium, as it is apparently beft underftood; whether, in Englifh or Latin, defcriptive, or fcientific; as long as the public fhall continue fo honourably to patronize the Botanift’s Repofitory. 4 ere : mnt nium fomenfoott imn PLATE CXVI. GAULTHERIA PROCUMBEN S. Trailing Gaultheria. CLASS X. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ten Chives. CHARACTER. GENERIC Caryx.. Perianthium duplex, approximatum, perfiftens. = : P.exterius diphyllum, brevius; foliolis femi- ovatis, concavis, obtufis. P. interius monophyllum, quinquefidum campanulatum ; fegmentis femiovatis. Conorra monopetala, ovata, femiquinquefida; limbo parvo, revoluto. ; Nectarium corpuículis decem, fubulatis, erectis, breviffimis, cingentibus germen in- _ . tra ftamina. SrAMiNA. Filamenta decem, fubulata, incurva, corolla breviora; receptaculo inferta. An- therz bicornes; corniculis bifidis. Pistittum. Germen fubrotundum, depreffum. Stylus cylindricus, longitudine coroll. Stigma obtufum. PexicaAnPIUM. Capfula fubrotunda, obtufa, pen- tagona, depreffa, quinque locularis, quin- que valvis, undique tecta perianthio inte- riore transformato et enato in baccam fub- rotundam, coloratam, apice perviam. Semina plurima, fubovata, angulata, offea. ORDER I. One Pointal. EmraLement. Cup double, clofe together, re- maining. Outer Cup two leaved, fhorter; leaflets half egg-fhaped, concave, and blunt. Inner Cup one leaf, five-cleft, bell-fhaped ; fegments half egg-fhaped. Brossow one leaf, egg-fhaped, flightly five- cleft; border fmall, rolled back. Honey-cup ten {mall fubftances, awl-fhaped, upright, very fhort, furrounding the feed- bud within the chives. Cutves. Ten threads, awl-fhaped, turned in- wards, fhorter than the bloffom ; fixed into the receptacle. Tips two-horned; horns two cleft. PorwTar. Seed-bud roundifh and flattened ; Shaft cylindrical, the length of the bloffom. Summit obtufe. Sexzp-vessEt. Capfule roundifh obtufely five- fided, flattened, five cells, five valves; co- vered on all fides by the inner cup, tranf- formed and fwelled to a roundifh berry, coloured, open at top. juan ay nearly egg fhaped, angular and ard. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gaultheria foliis ovatis, obtufe-dentatis, apice confertis; caulis flexuofus, filiformis. Gaultheria with egg-fhaped leaves, bluntly toothed, and crowded together at the top; ftem grows zigzag and thread-fhaped. = REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Bloflom complete. . The Empalement, natural fize. . The Empalement, magnified. . The Chives as they ftand on the receptacle, magnified. . The Pointal and feed-bud, with the furrounding honey-cup, magnified. . The inner Cup of the Empalement, when the fruit is ripe, natural fize. . A feed veffel of the natural fize when ripe, detached from its cup. . A ripe capfule, cut open tranfverfely. o From the eighth Ed. of Millers Dictionary, we learn that, this plant was cultivated at the Phytic Gardens, Chelfea, in the year 1765. "That fo ornamental, and fo eafily propagated a plant as the Gaultheria, fhould have been fo little noticed, or cultivated in our gardens, is rather fingular; as, it is perfectly hardy in every expofure, an evergreen, and from the beautiful appearance of the fruit and flowers, which come in fuccetlfion nearly through the whole year; muít be confidered, as one of our prettieft creeping or dwarf flirubs, for the front of the fhrubbery borders, &c. asit never rifes higher than fix, or eight inches; forming a compact matted clump, which may be made to fpread to a confiderable extent, if planted in light fandy peat earth. The very curious conformation of the fruit, which is eatable, differing from every known Genus of plants; as well as, the peculiar property of the leaves; point out the Gauliheria, as a particular object for obfervation, and comment, to the experimental Botanift. In Canada, North America, where it is native, an infufion of the leaves is ufed as a fubftitute for tea; or a few of them, either dried, or plucked frefh from the plant, when mixt with the commoneft bohea, communicate to it a flavour, equal to fine Hyfon. ON Qukob eK , ; 3 73 1 . PLATE CXVII. GENTIANA PURPUREA. Purple flowered Gentian. CLASS X. ORDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. Five Chives. Two Pointals. GENERIC Carvx. Perianthium quinquepartitum, acu- tum, perfiftens; laciniis oblongis. Conorra. Petalum unicum, inferne tubula- tum, imperforatum, fuperne quinquefidum, planum, marcescens; figura varia. Sramrina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, corolla breviora. Anthere fimplices. Pistitta. Germen oblongum, cylindraceum, longitudine ftaminum. Styli nulli. Stig- mata duo, ovata. PzRicARPIUM. Capfula oblonga, teres acumi- nata, apice leviter bifida, unilocularis, bi- valvis. SEMINA numerofa, parva. Receptacula duo, fingula valvulz longitudinaliter adnate. SPECIFIC Gentiana corollis campanulatis, 6-7 fidis, atro- purpureis, pun&tatis, verticillatis; calycibus membranaceis, fub-fpathaceis, truncatis. CHARACTER. EwPALEMENT. Cup five divifions, fharp and permanent; fegments oblong. Brossow. Petal only one, lower part tubular, and close; upper part five-cleft, flat, wi- thering, and varioufly fhaped. Curves. Five threads, awl-fhaped, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips fimple. PoiwTALs. Seed-bud oblong, cylindrical, as long as the chives. Shafts none. Summits two, egg-fhaped. Seep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, cylindrical, ta- pering, flightly cleft at the end, one-celled, and two valves. Sreps numerous and fmall. Receptacles two, joined to each valve longitudinally. CHARACTER. Gentian with bell-fhaped bloffoms, 6-7 cleft, deep purple, dotted and whorled; empale- ment fkinny, almoft fheathed, and appear- ing cut off at the ends. oS s REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom, complete. 3. The fame cut open, to fhew the fituation of the Chives. 4. Half the Seed-bud fplit longitudinally, to fhew its interior ftru&ure. 5. A Seed-veflel, nearly ripe. As a native of the Helvetian Alps, the Purple flowered Gentian is confequently, a hardy plant with us, requiring only to be planted in alight foil; may be increafed from the feeds, which are produced in abundance, or by parting the root in autumn. The feeds are perfected, within a fortnight after the flower is decayed; and fhould be fown on light fandy peat, covering them very flightly, as foon as poflible after they have been dried. There appears a ftrange variety of opinions amongft Botanifts concerning this, and two other fpe- cies of Gentian, the Pun&ata and the Pannonica; which, as many have obferved, although denied by others, are only varieties of each other; furely, a flight variation in height, the fhape of the divi- fions of the border, or what is of lefs confequence, (as they vary, in that regard fo much, on the fame : plant) their number; are not of fufficient weight to form a fpecific diftinction. This plant is faid, in the Hort. Kew. to have been introduced in the year 1768 by Profeffor de Sauffure: from what caufe, we cannot judge, if it is fo old an inhabitant, why it fhould not be more plentiful with us; as at prefent few collections poffefs it, and it is fold at a very high price. Our drawing was made at the Nurfery, Hammerfmith. ETETUARURT 3 idaioB X3 et *a (ic park + baocitggs sed die. fal *»-— bw tod dite Sek wokd aaah ee « tax veoh bee tol Yes? « 4 eel ai acd: wer PLATE CXVIII. GLADIOLUS GRANDIFLORU S. Large flowered Gladiolus. ee ———————— CRASS. Mi ORDER -f. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fexpartita, ringens. STAMINA adfcendentia. Brossow, fix divifions, gaping. Curves afcending. See Gr ADpioLUs RosEUs, Pl. XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus nervofis; {capo Gladiolus with sword-fhape leaves, nerved; fubtrifloro, longitudine foliorum; floribus flower-ftem having mofily three flowers, ereclis, maximis; laciniis corolle emargi- | and of the length of the leaves; flowers natis, undulatis, ftriatis, fub-zequalibus. grow upright, and very large; the feg- ! ments of bloffom are notched at the ends, | waved, ftriped, and nearly of an equal length. — — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. The Bloflom cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Pointal, and Seed. bud. —————— 2 ———— —————— From the figures in the Colle&. and Ic. rar. of Jacquin, we were led to think, this muft be the fame, or a ftrong variety of his G. florabundus; but, as his trivial name and fpecific character fo ill accord with our plant, we have continued it under that, by which it was fent to England in 1788. It is a very free blowing bulb, and will live through the winter, with very little prote&ion; flowering about June or July, and does not require to be removed from the pot, to prevent its rotting, Our drawing was taken in June this year, at the Hammerfmith Nurfery. -— s had ruo an imc RUN ay =. i PLATE CXIX. STRUTHTOLA. Q'Y XP Oval-leaved Struthiola. CLASS IV.- ORDER 1. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. See Struthiola imbricata, Pl. CXII. Vol. II. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Cup two-leaved. Bloffom tubular, 4-cleft; ho- ney-cup, 8 glands placed round the mouth of the bloffom. One feed like a berry. PERIANTHIUM diphyllum. Corolla tubulofa A-fida; netarium, glandule octo fauci circumpofite. Sem. 1. fubbaccatum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Struthiola foliis ovatis, glabris; ramis glabris, | Struthiola with egg-fhaped, fmooth leaves; rugofis. branches fmooth and wrinkled. SE. ———— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom, complete. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Bloffom cut open, with the Chives attached, magnified. 4. The Pointal and feed-bud, magnified. oo ss ECT an o —ÀÀÀ — —— "I'u1s fpecies of Struthiola is defcribed by Thunberg, in his Prodromus, under the fpecific title it here bears, and was first introduced to us in the year 1794, in feeds received from the Cape of Good Hope, by Meffrs, Lee and Kennedy, Hammerímith. It isa very tender greenhoufe plant, and very fubje& to be deftroyed by damps, or too much moifture, even in fummer; the flowers, (as are moft of this natural order,) are extremely fragrant and continue in full perfection from March till June. The mode of propagation is by cuttings, made in May, which fhould be placed under a hand-glafs in a pot of light loam, and fhaded from the mid-day fun. It thrives beft in a mixture of half peat and half loam. The drawing was made in the fpring of 1798, from a plant in the Hibbertian Collection, Clapham; then in flower, for the firít time in England. | A / m 1 eura ea Sb uus PLATE (XX. FUCHSTS# LYCIOTILPESX Box Thorn-lke Fuchfia. CLASS CYIIL" ORDER I. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIZA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum. Infundi- EmpaLtement. Cup one leaf, funnel-fhaped, buliforme, coloratum, fuperum marcef- coloured, above and withering; border four cens; limbus quadripartitus. divifions. Conorra. Petala quatuor, feffilia, ore calycis Brossow. Four petals, fitting clofe on the inferta. mouth of the cup, into which they are in- ferted. Sramina, Filamenta oto, inzequalia, filiformia, Cnivzs. Eight threads, unequal, thread-fhaped, erecta, tubo calycis inferta. Anthere | upright, fixed into the tube of the cup. ovatae. | Tips egg-fhaped. PrsrirLvM. Germen inferum, ovatum. Stylus | PPorwTAr. Seed-bud beneath, egg-fhaped. filiformis, erectus, longitudine ftaminum. | Shaft thread-fhaped, upright, the length of Stigma tuberculatum. the chives. Summit compofed of {mall knobs. Perrcarpium. Bacca carnofa, ovata, quadri- Seep-vessEL. A flefhy berry, egg-fhaped, and locularis. four valves. Semrna plura, parva, receptaculo columnari SeEDs many, fmall, affixed to a pillar-fhaped affixa. receptacle. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Fuchfia foliis ovatis undulatis, fubternis; pe- || Fuchfia with egg-fhaped leaves, waved, and dunculis unifloris, axillaribus; laciniis ca- growing moftly by threes; foot-ftalks with lycis reflexis. one flower growing from the infertion of | the leaf, the fegments of the cup reflexed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower cut open, to expofe the infertion of petals and chives into the cup. 2. The Pointal, complete. 3. A ripe berry, natural fize. ae No plant perhaps ever excited fuch univerfal admiration, as the Scarlet Fuchfia; wherefore, the addition of a fecond fpecies to our collections, of fo fine a Genus, muft be confidered as a very agree- able acquifition. The Box Thorn-like Fuchfia, is a native of the North-weft coaft of America; and was firft brought to England, in the year 1796: it is certainly, much more tender than the Scarlet Fuchfia, as the plant conftantly perifhes, as low as to the earth, if not preferved in the hothoufe; but whether it is herbaceous the root furviving, we have not fufficient experience to determine. The increafe is certain and eafy, if cuttings are made, from the young fhoots, early in March, and plunged in a hotbed, or in the bark of the hothoufe, fix or eight in a pot; from which they may be removed, about June, into large pots for flowering, which will be from Auguft till November. Loam, with a fmall portion of rotten dung, is the foil it moft approves. The fpecific title we have adopted, is from the very great refemblance the plant bears to Lycium afrum, or the Box-Thorn; although we have fome doubts, whether this fpecies may not be the F. triphylla of Father Plumier. But as the F. coccinea, as well as this plant, has frequently the leaves growing by threes; we thought that, as it as yet had no fpecific title with us, the character of the plant would be beft diftinguifhed, by the name we have chofen. 0D , E —— (A A } | e lev. 5 Pate T js ee ] I . , H [ . Gm sta au d d TV Anh. Li n ! 4 we a) * o F LUNG oth: * é mot i 1D OS ^N " AIC L 3 * " ^ t i hic 4 6 ins M ; A rj x A ’ 3 ben o7 am m . (3 si dt xul C yiY ho . at. & " ! . e l ' " | E % ^" 7 "t 3 E | i * t " [ Tors t LI © j^ "i n " ! : y 9] pr egy i LJ . » PLATE CXXIII. THUNBERGIA FRAGRAN S. Twining Thunbergia. CLASS. XIV, ORDER... DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMI A4. TwoChives longer. Seeds covered. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium duplex; exzerius, diphyl- lum, foliolis ovatis, concavis, longitudine fere tubi; ivterius, monophyllum, multi- partitum, laciniis circiter duodecim, fub- ulatis, perianthio exteriori triplo breviori- bus. : ConorLA monopetala; tubus fenfim ampliatus; limbus quinquefidus; laciniis zqualibus, ovatis, obtufiffimis, tubo triplo breviori- bus. SrAMINA. Filamenta quatuor, tubo fupra ba- fin inferta, inequalia; duobus inferioribus brevioribus; duobus fuperioribus tubo bre- viora. Antherae ovate, adnatz. Pistittum. Germen fuperum. Stylus filifor- mis, tubo paullo brevior, erectus. Stigma bilobum. Pericarrium. Capfula globofa, roftrata, gla- bra, bilocularis, longitudinaliter dehifcens ; roftrum compreffum, fulcatum, lineare, ob- tufum; diffepimentum obovatum, emargi- natum, fub apice foramine perforatum, la- teribus membranaceum, perfiftens. Semina in fingulo loculamento bina, reniformia, rugofa, hinc convexa, inde concava fulco longitudinali. SPECIFIC Thunbergia foliis ovato-acuminatis, fub-denta- tis; corolla alba, hypocrateriformis, tubo compreffo; caule volubili. EMPALEMENT. Cup double; the outer one two- leaved; leaflets egg-fhaped and concave, nearly the length of the tube; the inner one-leaved, many divifions, the fegments about twelve, awl-fhaped, thrice as short as the outer cup. Brossow, one petal; tube widening gradually ; border five-cleft; fegments equal, egg. fhaped, very blunt, three times as fhort as the tube. Cuives. Four threads, fixed into the lower part of the tube, unequal; the two lower- moft the fhorteft ; the two uppermoft fhorter than the tube. Tips egg-fhape, preffed to the threads. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud above. Shaft thread-fhape, a little fhorter than the tube, and upright. Summit two lobed. SzEp-vresseL globular, beaked, fmooth, two celled, and fplits longitudinally; beak flat- tened, awl-fhaped, linear, and blunt; par- tition inverfely egg-fhaped, notched at the end, pierced with a hole at the top, fkinny at the edges, and remaining. SsEps two in each cell, kidney-fhaped, rough, convex on one fide, and concave on the other by a longitudinal furrow. CHARACTER. Thunbergia with egg-fhaped, tapering leaves, a little toothed; bloffom white, falver-fhaped, the tube flattened; ftem twining. M REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Seed-bud, magnified. . A ripe Capfule. . A ripe Seed. NOG ROD — . The outer cup of the Empalement. . The inner cup of the fame, magnified. . A Bloffom cut open, to fhew the fituation of the Chives. . The Shaft and Summit, natural fize. ——Md Tue Thunbergia, here figured, is a native of the Eaft Indies, from the Coromandel coatt; was intro- duced to Britain in the year 1796, at the fame time with the Ixora pavetta, by the Hon. Lady Dow- ager De Clifford. Itis eafily propagated, by cuttings, or from the feeds, which ripen with us: it fhould be kept in light, rich earth in the hothoufe; where it will flower from May, till September ; in which month this year our drawing was taken at Kenfington Gore from a plant in the collection of James Vere, Efq. But although Dr. Roxburgh's reafon for adopting the fpecific character he has given it, that the place where it grows is fweet fcented, though the plant is not, feems rather a little ftrained, we have not thought it right to alter it; as unqueftionably, any name would have been equally appropriate, fince neither the flowers, or any part of the plant, root or branch, has the leaft fcent. The plant from which this genus was originally formed by the younger Linnzus in his Sup. Plant, P. 46, is a native of the Cape of Good Hope; and we have our doubts, whether this plant ought to be placed with it; for although it accords in the effential character, of a double cup, the only one thought neceffary, by Linnzeus, to divide it from Barleria; yet, from the number of parts in which it differs from his generic character, fuch as the fhape of the bloffom, the length of the pointal, the fituation and fhape of the chives, the very different fhape of the feeds, &c. we are led to think, it ought to be confidered as a diftin& Genus. But in following fuch good authority as the able and learned Dr. Roxburg, it is to be hoped, we fhall ftand excufed in continuing the fame name he has afligned it, without alteration at leaft, if not without comment. Pg 2 ~ , ( Shu nbergedt fragre 2. / P _ STAMINA. PLATE CXXIV. HELICONIA PSITTACORUM. Parrot-billed Heliconia. CLASS VW. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. ORDER I. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx. Spathe communes partialefque alterne, diftin&tz, perfiftentes. Perianthium nullum. Conorra. Petala tria, oblonga, canaliculata, erecta, acuta, zequalia. Nectarium diphyllum; foliolo altero petalis fubequali; altero breviflimo, canaliculato, uncinato, oppofito. Filamenta quinque, linearia. An- therz erectze, longa. Pisrittum. Germeninferum, triquetrum. Sty- lus ftaminibus fere brevior. Stigma lon- gum, gracile, curvatum, capitulo terminali. Pericarpium. Capfula oblonga, truncata, tri- quetra, trilocularis, trivalvis. / Carvx. Sheaths common and partial alternate, diftin&t, remaining. Cup none. ; Brossow. Petals three, oblong, channelled, upright, pointed, equal. Honeycup two leaved; one leaflet nearly the length of the petals; the other very fhort, channelled, hooked and oppofite to the larger. Cuives. Five threads, linear. and long. PoiNTAL. Seed-bud beneath, three-fided. Shaft fcarcely fhorter than the chives. Summit long, flender, curved, and terminating in a {mall head. SEED-vEssEL. Capfule oblong, appearing cut off at the end, three-fided, three cells, three valves. Tips upright || Szzps folitary, oblong. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Heliconia with very fmooth, lance-fhaped leaves; the inflorefcence quite fmooth; ftem termi- flexuofo; fpathis multifloris, marginibus re- nating in a zig-zag form; fheaths contain- volutis ; ne€tario lanceolato, concavo, inte- ing many flowers and rolled back; honey- gro. cup lance-fhaped, concave, and entire. ———Ó — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Bloffom, with the three petals detached from the upper part of the Honey-cup, which is fhewn in front with the fmaller leaf inclofed within the larger. 2. The Chives, with the lower part of the Honey-cup, to fhew their infertion at its bafe, and the fmaller leaf of the Honey-cup in its place. 3. The fmaller leaf of the Honey-cup, magnified. 4. The Shaft and Summit, the Summit detached magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, natural fize. 6. The Seed-bud cut tranfverfely, magnified. Semina folitaria, oblonga. Heliconia. Foliis glaberrimis, lanceolatis; in- florefcentia glaberrima; fpadice terminali The Parrot-billed Heliconia, a native of the continent of South America, as well as moft of the Weft India Iflands, was firít received, in plants, from the ifland of St. Vincents, in the year 1797, by Thomas Evans, Efq. of Stepney; in whofe collection it firft flowered, in September 1798, when our drawing was taken. This plant requires a confiderable degree of moifture and heat, as well as much root room and rich earth, to make it flower in perfeétion ; as it-feldom opens its bloffoms freely without fuch treatment, and even with fuch affiftance, they are to be feen but for a few hours in that ftate.. It propagates from the roots, throwing up a number of fuckers from the joints, which are formed at a confiderable diftance from the plant. The younger Linnaeus in his Sup. Plant. of 1781, p. 158, has defcribed this plant under our fpecific title, but different in fome few points; which appear to arife more from his ideas of the various parts, than from any real difference in the plant itfelf. Swartz in his Obf. 98, gives fheaths to his plant, which Linnzus, we prefume, denominates flower ftem leaves, &c. yet we have no doubt, but they have both defcribed the fame plant; and perfeétly agree with Willdenow and Martyn, that the H. pfittacorum of both authors is the fame, and have as little of this being tbe plant. awe CT "Vs y OPEN " i —_—_we LI » » Wel. cona fr Ier ere PLATE CRE. VACCINIUM PARVIFLORUM. Small flosoered Whortle-berry. CLASS VEL .ORDER £ OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvxfuperus. Corolla monopetala. Cur fuperior. Bloffom one petal FirAmrENTA receptacula inferta. Bacca quadri- Tureaps fixed to the receptacle. locularis, polyfperma. four cells, and many feeds. See VaAcciNIUM ARCTOSTAPHYLLOS, Pl. XXX, Vol. I. A berry with SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis lanceolatis, undulatis, venofis; floribus racemofis; pedunculis longiffimis, bracteatis; corolla conica, ftriata. Stamina decem. Whortle-berry, with lance-fhaped, waved, and veined leaves; flowersgrow inlong bunches; foot ftalks of the flowers very long, having floral leaves; bloffom cone - fhaped, and fireaked. Ten Chives. EF REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom. » 2. 'The Chives magnified. 3. 'The Seed-bud, Cup, and Pointal, the Summit detached, magnified. Tuts fpecies of Whortle-berry was firft brought, from North America, in the year 1784. It is one of thofe with ten chives, &c. and of the fame nature with thofe we have already figured; for its treatment, and increafe, we muft therefore refer our readers to V. formofum, Pl. XCVII. Vol. II. The drawing was taken in May 1799, at the Hammerfmith nurfery. Ee a 1 LJ j . | . ’ PLATE CXXVI. HIBBERTIA VOLUBILIS. Twining Hibbertia. CLABS “Sil Seo DER} Y: POLYANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Many Chives. Five Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Perianthium pentaphyllum; foliolis EwrarEMENT. Cup five leaves; leaflets tough, coriaceis, fub-ovatis, concavis, acutis, per- nearly egg-fhaped, concave, fharp, and re- fiftentibus. maining. Corotta. Petala quinque, obcordata, calyce Brossow. Five petals, inverfely heart.fhaped, longiora. longer than the cup. Sramina. Filamenta numerofa, filiformia, re- Curves. Threads numerous, thread.fhaped, ceptaculo fructificationis inferta. Anthere fixed into the receptacle of the fruétifica- lineares, erectae, emarginata, tion. Tips linear, upright, notched at the ends. Pistizta. Germina quinque, ovato-oblonga, PoirwTars. Five feed-buds, between oblong definentia in ftylos flexuofos, longitudine and egg-fhaped, terminating in zig-zagged fere ftaminum. Stigmata fimplicia, apice fhafts, nearly the length of the chives. concava. Corpufculum fubulatum, mem- Summits, fimple, and hollowed at the top. branaceum in medio germinum, eorumque A fmall awl-fhaped, fkinny fubftance in the longitudine. middle of the feed-buds, and of their length. PericarPium, Capfulz quinque ovate, tri- Seep-vesseL. Five capfules, egg fhaped, three- gone, uniloculares, diftincte. fided, one celled, and diftinét. Semrna plurima, fubrotunda. ll. SgEgDs many, roundifh. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hibbertia foliis obtufe-ferratis, obovato-lanceo- latis, floribus folitariis, feflilibus, fceti- diffimis. Hibbertia with obtufely fawed leaves, between lance and inverfely egg-fhaped ; flowers grow folitary, fitting clofe on the ftem; very fetid. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 'The Empalement. . A leaf of the bloffom, . The Chives and Pointals. . One Chive, magnified. . Pointals apart, as they ftand in the center of Chives. . The Pointals fpread open, with the fkinny fubftance which ftands in their center. . One of the Pointals, magnified. . A Seed-bud, cut tranfverfely. . A half ripe feed, magnified. a — ——— t0 Oc wwe The Hibbertia volubilis, (as are the three fpecies of which we have feen fpecimens,) is from New Holland, near Port Jackíon; was raifed from feec$ in many different collections near London in the year 1702. It is a hardy green-houfe plant, and makes a very handfome climber, for trellis, or pillars in a confervatory. Its growth is very rapid, and its flowers which are very brilliant and fpe- cious, continue in fucceffion from May till September. "The increafe is certain and eafy from cut- tings, made in the month of May, and placed on a gentle hotbed, or plunged in the bark-bed of the hothoufe. It delights in a light fandy peat foil. Our drawing was made from a plant, in the collec- tion of the Hon. Lady Dowager De Clifford, Paddington. As hitherto this tribe of Plants has not been given to the public by any truly eftablifhed name; (the different fpecies having been erroneoufly titled Dillenias, which have many edad as we find it to differ, from any yet defcribed Genus, we have named it after G. Hibbert, Efq. of Clapham Coramon, Surry; whofe knowledge and fervor in botanical purfuits, as well as liberality in his endea- vours to enrich our collections, from every quarter of the globe, but efpecially from the Cape of Good Hope, has not been exceeded by any; and we are well affured, no name deferves a place, om botanical record, more than that of HigsgnT. mU eee CRT —— o uR———— A! ee PLATE CXXVII. JASMINUM GRACILE. Slender-fiemed Jafmine. CDASS. IL; ORDER L DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. | Carxx. Perianthium monophyllum, tubula- | EMrALEMENT. Cup one-leaved, tubular, ob- | tum, oblongum; ore quinquedentato, erec- long; five-toothed at the mouth, -and up- to; perfiftens. right; remaining. ConorraA monopetala, hypocrateriformis; tubus Brossow, one petal, falver-fhaped; tube cylin- cylindraceus, longus; limbus quinquepar- drical, long; border five divifions, flat. titus, planus. SrAMiNA. Filamenta duo, brevia. Antherz Curves. Threads two, fhort. Tips fmall, with- parva, intra tubum corolle. in the tube of the bloffom. 1 | Pistittum. | Germen fubrotundum. Stylus PoiwTraAL. Seed-bud roundifh. Shaft thread: | filiformis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit bifidum. two-cleft. Pericarpium. Bacca ovalis, glabra, bilocula- SEED-vEssEL. Berry oval, fmooth, two.celled ris feu bicapfularis. or two-capfuled. Szrps two, large, oblong egg-fhaped, each in Semina duo, magna, ovato-oblonga, arillata, its proper feed-coat, convex on one fide, | 3 hinc convexa, inde plana. and flat on the other. Obs. Figura floris acuminata et obtufa variat. Obs. The flower varies in its character of ta- Bacca in aliis fimplex, in aliis dicocca. pering to a point, or in being blunt-ended, In fome the berry is fimple, in others dou- ble-feeded. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Jafminum petiolis foliorum geniculatis; foliis Jafmine with the foot-ftalks of the leaves jointed ; ovatis, oppofitis, nitidis, fimplicibus; flori- egg-fhaped leaves, growing oppofite, fhin- bus umbellatis; laciniis corolla obtufis, ing and fimple; flowers grow in umbels; undulatis. the fegments of the bloffom are blunt and waved. ETE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. 'The Cup. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, to expofe the fituation of the Chives. 3. The Shaft and Summit. " 4. A ripe Berry. : 5. The fame cut tranfver(ely, to fhew the cells and feeds. a i Tue plant here figured, we confider as a diftin& fpecies from the J. fimplicifolium of Forfter, which he defcribes as a native of the Friendly Ifles, in the South Seas; and likewife from the J. oblongum of Burman, which is given (but with a query) as a fynonim to the J. fimplicifolium of the former Au- thor by Willdenow, in his Sp. Plant. p. 38, Part I. In the year 1792, the feeds of this plant were received by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerímith, with the Bignonia pandorana, and many others, communicated by Colonel Paterfon, then commanding a detachment ftationed for a time on Norfolk Ifland, where it is native. To the green-houfe it is a confiderable acquifition, either for a climber, or otherwife, as it is rarely without bloffoms from July, till the end of November; being rather more tender than many of its congeners, which are in general deftined to that ftation; it fhould be placed as nigh the flue, in as dry and airy a part of it as poffible. A light, fandy peat foil, without mixture, is the moft congenial to its growth ; and it is increafed by cuttings, made in the month of March, put, from 12 to 20, according to the fize of the pot, under a fmall bell-glafs, in the before-named earth, and plunged either in the bark-bed of the hot-houfe, or in the heat of a common hot-bed. M F. , fa fue pev gracile wy ; a CER OO a a TRTEEERNOT TE PLATE: CXXVIII. IXIA POLYSTACHIA. Far. carnata. Many-fpiked Ixia. Var. flefh-colour. CLASS Mt - ORDERS: TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-petala, patens, equalis. Sramina tria, erectiufculo-patula. Brossow 6-petals, fpreading, equal. Summits three, nearly upright and fpreading. See Ix1a nEFLEXA, Pl. XIV. Vol, I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis linearibus; fcapo fpicis pluribus; co- Ixia with linear leaves; flower-ftem with many rolla laciniis fubreflexis, incarnatis. {pikes of flowers; fegments of the blotfom a little bent backwards, and flefh-coloured. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom fpread open. 2 3. The Pointal natural fize, with one of the Summits detached, and magnified. Sea oa Tus fine variety of the Many-fpiked Ixia was introduced to our colle&ions from the Cape of Good Hope, about the year 1795, with the Reflex-flowered Ixia and many others, in bulbs, communicated by J. Pringle, Efq. to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; where our drawing was taken in . April 1799. No particular care is required, for the culture or increase of this, other, than what is required for the generality of Cape Ixias. Pl, 122 GMI iv Mw M I 4g LL fa chia . | Var ' í | encarnals. / Kf ^ N í .* MAMMA £i | \ bod a ge emque umet Pme cms S om — " - Zu — Em. |— m" B ———————À ee eee — i ———" PLATE CXXIX. " GLORTOSA §. UPPER BA Superb Gloriofa. CLASS ~V. > OR DEE sk HEX ANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carrx nullus. | EMPALEMENT, none. : Conorra. Petala fex, oblongo-lanceolata, un- || Brossom. Petals fix, oblong-lance-fhaped, waved, dulata, longiffima, totaliter reflexa. very long, totally bent back. . SraAwiNA. Filamenta fex, fubulata, corolla bre- Cuivgs. Six threads, awl-fhaped, fhorter than viora, re&o-patula. Anthera incumbentes. | the bloffom, fpreading out at ftraight angles from the feed-bud. Tips ER on the threads. Pistirtum. Germen globofum. Stylus fili- || PorwTar. Seed.bud globular. Shaft thread- formis, ftaminibus longior, inclinatus. Stig- I fhaped, longer than the threads, inclined. ma triplex, obtufum. : | Summit triple, blunt. Pericarrium. Capfula ovalis, triloba, trilocu- SEED-vEssEL. Capfule oval, three-lobed, three- laris, trivalvis. celled three-valved. Semina plura, globofa, baccata, duplici ferie Srgeps many, globular, like berries, difpofed in difpofita. two rows. Ols. Affinis Erythronio. | Ols. The genus has an affinity to Erythro- | nium, or Dog/'s-tooth Violet. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gloriofa foliis cirrhiferis. l| Gloriofa with tendril-bearing leaves. ——M rg E—————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A leaf of the Bloffom, with its Chive, as they are fixed together at the bafe. 2. 'The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit; the petals of the bloffom being cut off. Tue Gloriofa faperba, a native of Guinea, as well as the coaft of Malabar in the Eaft Indies, is faid to be every part poifonous. Itis berbaceous, and the roots, which are formed upon the decay of the old one, fheuld be taken from the pot in November, and kept in dry fand till the end of February, when they muft be planted in rich earth, compofed of one part old rotten dung, and two parts leaf mould or peat earth, then plunged in the bark.bed of a hot-houfe which is kept at pine heat, to . infure their flowering the enfuing Auguft. Having received a moft beautiful branch, of this magnificent plant from the colleétion of the Hon. the Marchionefs of Rockingham, at Hillingdon, near Uxbridge; the impulfe was too ftrong to be refified, of giving a figure of it in the Bot. Rep. although againft our general propofals, as this is certainly, neither a new, or rare plant; having been introduced fo early as 1690, by Mr. Bentick. We therefore beg the indulgence of our friends, in this inftance; for although the flower is common, and there are figures of it, in different works, as, Rheede's Hort. Malab. Vol. 7. frut. fcand. 107. t. 57. Pluke Ima. 249. t. 116. f. 3. Commelin’s hort. 1. p. 69. t. 35. &c. &c.; yet, as thefe may not be in the pofleffion of many of the purchafers of our work, we hope it may prove agreeable. p. f «v SU rao d PLATE CXXX. CERBER A: UND Uta es. Waved-leaved Cerbera. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. ORDER I. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, acumina- tum; foliolis ovato-lanceolatis. ConorrA monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus clavatus; limbus magnus, quinquepartitus; laciniis obliquis, obtufis, latere altero magis gibbis; os tubi quinquangulare, quinque- dentatum, ftellato-connivens. Sramrna. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, in me- dio tubi. Antherae ereétz, conniventes. PIsTILLUM. liformis, brevis. bum. Pericarpium. Drupa maxima, fubrotunda, car- nofa, a latere fulco longitudinali excavata, punctifque duobus. Semen. Nux bilocularis, quadrivalvis, retufa. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fi- Stigma capitatum, bilo- Empavement. Cup five leaved, tapering to a point; leaflets between egg and lance- fhaped. Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube club- Íbaped; border large, five divifions; feg- ments oblique, obtufe, thicker edged on one fide; mouth of the tube five-angled, five toothed, approaching together in the form of a ftar. Curves. Five threads, awl-fhaped, in the mid- dle of the tube. Tips upright, and ap- proaching. Poinrar. Seed-bud roundifh. fhaped, and fhort. lobed. Srep-vessex. A large pulpy fruit, nearly round, flefhy, hollowed on the fide by a longitudi- nal furrow, and with two punctures, Seep. Nut two cells, four valves, and bluntly Shaft thread- Summit headed, two- dented at the end. CHARACTER. Cerbera with lance-fhaped leaves tapered to both ends, and waved; tufts of flowers branch- ing into various directions, and growing | from the foot-ftalks of the leaves clofe to l the ftem. —=ae—_- REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Bloffom cut open, with the Chives as they ftand in the tube, magnified. 3. The Empalement, with the pointal after the bloffom has fallen off, magnified. 4. The Seed-bud, magnified. — P OPI Tus confpicuoufly handfome plant was introduced by W. Forfyth, Efq. to the Chelfea Gardens in the year 1782, from the ifland of Bourbon, now the Ifle de la Revolution, near the coaft of Madagafcar, in the Indian Ocean. It grows to a very confiderable height, perfectly ftraight, and polifhed in the ftem, fomething like the Bamboo Cane, from which appearance, till it flowered, it had gone by the name of the fifhing rod plant. It muft be kept in the bark-bed of the hothoufe in rich mould, and fhould be removed from its pot but feldom, the roots being extremely tender and brittle, "The pro- pagation is flow and difficult, as well from the great tendency the part has to rot, where cut, as from the unfrequency of its throwing out any fide fhoots from the ftem. Our drawing was made in July this year, at the Hammerfmith nurfery; though we underftand it flowered in the extenfive colleétion of the Right Hon. the Earl of Tankerville at Walton-upon- Thames, fome years fince. Having followed Willdenow, rather than Jacquin, in the Generic name of this plant, our reafon is, each fpecies which has hitherto been thrown to this Genus, fince its firft formation, might well make a diftin@ one; if every generic or even effential, character, was to be critically attended to. The fruit forming the principal effential character, a fpecimen of which we have feen, containing two large feeds like C. Manghas, determined us in our adoption. The defcriptions and figures of the two plants, given by Profetfor Jacquin in his Icon. rar. 2, and Collect. 4, under the genus Ochrofia, are, we conceive, only different fpecimens of our plant; and are both, as well as Dryander's critique on Gmelin (fee Linn. Tranf. Vol. IT. p. 227) defective; neither of them having feen but dried fpecimens, without the fruit; as in this natural order of plants, the flow- ers being "ite many of the principal charaéters are deftroyed in the procefs of drying; and SPECIFIC Cerbera foliis lanceolatis, utrinque attenuatis, un- | dulatis; cymis ramofis, divaricatis, axilla- | ribus. | | of courfe, in tuch cafe, muft lead to error. Jacquin’s character of maculata, quoted by Willdenow as a fpecific titl ough he has rejected the Generic, we fuppofe, muft have been taken from the fmall blotches on the lower, and which fometimes pervade the upper furface of the leaves, but found only when in the laft fiate of decay, or when artificially dried to preferve them; as by the preffure necef- farily employed to that end, the waved, and moft oftenfible character of the living plant, is done away. As to the C. parviflora of Forfter being the fame, as either, the Ochrofia borbonica or O. maculata of Jacquin, we muft beg leave to ditlent from the fevere criticifer of Gmelin; upon whofe authority, ne- yerthelefs, Willdenow has been led to exclude, even as a fynonim, the O borbonica of Prof. Jacquin, which perhaps, if it were not for the increafing of Genera, ought to be the name of the plant. "s VA 7% unde lala Cobre ——Ó — ng em 1; " - : PLATE CXXXI. GERANIUM LACINIATUM. Ragged-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORKDER,IV.W Supp. Syon. Veg. 1781. MONODELPHIA DECANDR I4. 'PVPhreads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- | One PoirwTAr. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed tratus, penta-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl.XII. Vol.I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis radicalibus, integris lacinia- | Geranium with leaves growing from the root, tifque, petiolis filiformibus; calycibus mo- | entire and jagged, foot-ftalks thread-fhaped ; nophyllis; Staminibus quinque fertilibus; | cups one leayed; five fertile chives; root radice tuberofa. tuberous. rr ———À—À— — —— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, with its tubular part laid open. 2. The Chives and Pointal, as they ftand in the bloffom, magnified. - 3. The fame cut open, and detached from the Pointal, magnified. 4, The Pointal, magnified. ————— — ul ——— — —— Tue Ragged-leaved Geranium may be confidered as an herbaceous plant, for it rarely retains its leaves longer than September; and when in a ftate of inaétion, fhould be watered but fparingly, otherwife the root will be fubje& torot. It may be increafed by parting the roots about March, which fhould be afterwards planted in rich mould, and placed on a fhelf in the hot-houfe; where they will flower in May or June. From an imported plant, in the Hibbertian collection, our drawing was made this year. j A continual harping on the fame fubje&, may perhaps appear rather tirefome; but, as almoft every real new fpecies of Geranium, which falls under our obfervation, feems to add a frefh proof of the futility of the new arrangement, we cannot forbear noticing it. This fpecies, for inftance, has every other effential generic character of Monfieur L'Heritier's Pelargonium, but unfortunately the moft effential. Upon an accurate examination of a number of flowers, before they had expanded, (the only time when it can be truly afcertained), in no one inftance, was there more than five tips to be found, Where to place it, with Erodium, or Pelargonium? S PLATE CXXXII. PROTEA LONGIFOLIA. Nigra. Long-leaved Protea. Black fower. CLASS IV. / OR DE & TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLLA 4-fidafeu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, Brossow 4-cleft or 4 petals. Tips linear, in- infertz petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- ferted into the petals below the point. Cup prius nullus. Semina folitaria. proper, none. Seeds folitary. See PRorEA Formosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis fublinearibus, anguftis, obliquis, ri- Protea with leaves nearly linear, narrow, oblique, gidis, longiflimis; fquamis interioribus, ca- harfh and very long; the inner fcales of lycis lanceolatis, erectis; florum plumis the cup are lance-fhaped and upright; the atro-purpureis. plume of flowers of a black-purple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom complete, with the feed-bud attached. 2. The Petals of the flower opened, to fhew the fituation of the Tips. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit. —$——— ———— Tuis fpecies of Protea, from the Cape of Good Hope, of which we have drawings of three varie- ties, is as yet, very fcarce in this kingdom. The variety here figured, as well as the others of tbis fpecies, have been hitherto confidered as varieties of P. fpeciofa; with which, however, they have lefs connexion, than with P. mellifera; but from both they ftand quite diftinct, Wherefore, we have given them the fpecific title of longifolia, from the extreme length of their leaves, which are confiderably longer, than could be expreíled in the figure. We believe this is the firft year it has flowered in England, or in any other collection, than the nurfery, Hammerfmith; where our drawing was made in November. It is moft difficult, or indeed almoft impracticable, to increafe it, as it puts out no fide fhoots, and certainly damps off, if laid down, where it touches the earth. From Boerhaave's having arranged this fpecies of Protea, (See his Index to the Leyden Garden, Part 2. from P. 185 to 189,) with his Lepidocarpodendrons, after fig. 187. which is our P. mellifera ; ‘Willdenow has been led into an error; fince he has given this plant, the 188 Fig. of Boerhaave, as a fynonim to P. fpeciofa, which ought not to be fo taken, unlefs we underftand, that he meant all his Lepidocarpodendrons as only varieties of each other; the principal diftinguifhing feature, in P. fpeciofa, being the incurved and fringed character, of the inner fcales of the empalement. PLATE CXXXIII. PROTEA LONGIFOLIA. — Ferruginoso-purpurea. Long-leaved Protea. Rusty-purple flower. CLASS WN SDR DERE TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLLa 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, | Brossow 4-cleft or four petals. Tips linear in- inferte petalis infra apicem. Calyx prc- ferted into the petals below the point. Cup prius nullus. Semina folitaria. proper none. Seeds folitary. See PRoTEA speciosa. Pl. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis fub-linearibus, anguftis, obliquis, || Protea with nearly linear leaves, narrow, oblique, rigidis, longiffimis; fquamis interioribus ca- harfh and very long; the inner fcales of the lycis lanceolatis erectis; florum plumis fer- cup are lance-fhaped and upright; the ruginofo-purpureis; conus fubglobofus. plume of flowers are of a rusty-purple; the cone nearly globe-fhaped. —— um ——— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom complete, with the feed-bud attached. ? 2. The Petals of the flower fpread open, to expofe the fituation of the Tips. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit. ! ——————Álüyn--—-——— Tuar the attention of the fcientific and other collectors and cultivators of exotics, in this kingdom, may be brought to a better acquaintance, with this fine, very extended, yet much negle&ed Genus; the fpecies of which, now in Britain, amount to more tban feventy, has been our chief aim, in endea- vouring to lay before them, figures of fome of the moft rare and beautiful; one of which we deem the prefent. » This variety of Long-leaved Protea, is figured in Boerhaave's Index to the Leyden garden, Part 2. p. 186, as one of his Lepidocarpodendrons, and has been given, by Willdenow in his Sp. plant. Tom. I: p. 531. as a fynonim of P. fpeciofa, quoted from Thunberg’s prod. 27. Diff. de Prot. 'The culture and treatment of this plant, is the fame as P. fpeciofa, to which we refer our readers. From a fine plant, in the Hibbertian collection, our drawing was taken in the month of July this year. It was introduced to us from the Royal Ga;dens at Schonbrun in Germany, communicated by the fuperintendant to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, the feeds having been received from the colle&or for the Emperor, at the Cape. ll —— a ae =~ . 7 ‘PLATE CXXXIV. I X I A C R O C ATA. Var. nig. maculata. | Crocus flowered Ixia. rar. tack spotted. CLASS II. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNI.A. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Coro.ta 6-petala, patens, equalis. Brossow 6-petals, fpreading, equal. Stamina tria, erectiufculo-patula. Cuives three, upright and fpreading. See Ix1a REFLEXA, Pl, XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis falcatis, flaccidis ; floribus alternis, fef- Ixia with {cimitar-fhaped limber leaves ; flowers filibus; petalis tribus exterioribus bafi gib- grow alternate and clofe to the ftem; the bis maculatifque. three outer petals are gouty and {potted at the bafe, LM ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Spaths of the Empalement. 2. The Flower cut open and expanded, with the Chives attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summits, the Summits detached and magnified. ER re — Tuis variety of Crocus-flowered Ixia was introduced, according to the Kew Catalogue, Vol. I. p. 60, in the year 1774, by Mr. F. Maffon, from the Cape of Good Hope, and there, is treated as a diftin@ fpecies, under the name of I. deufta, From the number of drawings we poffefs of this tribe of plants, having nineteen diftin& varieties of this one fpecies, and in the clofe inveftigation we have given them, ^ in their flowering, for a number of years; having found them to fport in colour, &c. from the fame root, but much more fo from feed ; enables us decifively to place this plant as a variety to I. crocata. It is one of the moft hardy of the Genus, and propagates itfelf by the root. The flowers are produced about May, in which month 1799, our drawing was taken, at the Hammerfmith nurfery; fince, we have not feen it in any collection; which leads us to think it is not a free blower, as the roots are not fcarce. L4 y roce cq Var migra maculala , PC ase Ya be vs . * VEM " + oe? PLATE CXXXV. MALM.A REP LEX A Reflex-flowered Mallow. CLASS" XVI. ORDER VI. »fSchreb. Gen. Plant. 1789. MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads united. Many Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium duplex; ezterius triphyl- lum, anguftius; foliolis cordatis, acutis, per- fiftentibus; interius monophyllum, íemi- quinquefidum, majus, latius, perfiftens. Conorra. Petala quinque, obcordata, pre- morfa, plana, tubo ftaminum bafi affixa. Sramina. Filamenta numerofa, inferné coalita in tubum, in hujus apice et fuperficie fece- dentia et libera. Antherz reniformes. Pistittum. Germen orbiculatum. Stylus cy- lindraceus, brevis. Stigmata plurima, fe- tofa, longitudine ftyli. Pertcarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, compofita e loculamentis pluribus, (tot quot ftigmata) bivalvibus, virticillatim inarticulatis circum receptaculum columnare, tandem dilaben- | tibus. Semina folitaria, rarius duo feu tria, renifor- mia. ‘SPECIFIC Malva foliis cuneiformibus, inequaliter incifo- lobatis ; petalis reflexis. ^ EMPALEMENT. Cup double; /Ae outer three leaved, narrower; leaflets heart - fhaped, fharp, and remaining; the inner one-leaf, half five-cleft, larger, broader; and remain- ing: Brossow. Five petals, inverfely heart-fhaped, appearing bit at the ends, flat, fixed to the tube of the chives at the bafe. Cuives. Threads numerous, united below into a tube, at its top and furface parted and loofe. Tips kidney-fhaped. PorNTAL. Seed-bud orbicular. Shaft cylindri- cal and fhort. Summits many, brifile- Íhaped, the length of the fhaft. SEED-VESsSEL. Capfule roundifh, compofed of many cells (as many as there are tips) two- valved, forming a whorl round a columnar receptacle not jointed, at length falling off. Sexeps folitary, feldom two or three, kidney- fhaped. : CHARACTER. Mallow with wedge-fhaped leaves, unequally gafhed into lobes; petals reflexed. —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. _ Bloffom. . & Bloffom fpread open. . The Chives and Pointal. ap Ot . The Empalement, the inner and outer Cup feparated from the . . The Chives, the connecting tube cut open. . The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, magnified. —{ — —— Some light doubts, at firft, arofe in our minds, that this plant might be M. virgata, the 15th in Profeffor Martyn's new arrangement of Miller's Dictionary, vide art. Malva. But, from the extraor- dinary length of the branches of M, virgata, there defcribed to be fix feet and a half long, and only the thicknefs of a wheat ftraw at the bafe! with dark purple flowers; we cannot but confider this, which never rifes to more than a foot and a half or two feet in the ftem, with white flowers, ex- cepting a fmall ftreak of red at the bafe of the petals, as a diftin& and new fpecies. It is a native of the Cape, and was received in feeds, from thence, in the year 1794. As a hardy green-houfe plant it is moft ornamental; the bloffoms, which are quite reflexed when full blown, being produced in fucceflion from March till November, upon every part of the plant. It is increafed by cuttings made in May, and placed under a hand-glafs on a fhady border. Light loam with a fmall mixture of peat. is the beft foil to make it flourith. Yon NY X PLATE CXXXVI. GERANIUM CRASSIFOLIUM. Thick-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. w Suppl. Suftem. Feg. 1781. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One PoiwTAr. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. , See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII, Vol. I. Monocyna. Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis acuminatis, lobato-pinnatis, fub- Geranium with leaves tapering to the point, carnofis, laciniis inequaliter dentatis; pe- winged in lobes and rather flefhy, the feg- dunculis fubquadrifloris; floribus pentan- ments unequally toothed; foot-ftalks gene- dris; petalis aequalibus, purpureis. rally four flowers; the flowers have five fer- tile tips; petals equal and purple. — Hp REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . One Petal of the Bloffom. . The Chives and Pointal. - The Chives, fpread open. . The fame, magnified. . The Pointal, magnified. O0 RoOt- ———ÁÁ d — Tue thick-leaved Geranium is a native of the ifland of Cyprus, and was introduced by Dr. Sibthorpe, on his return from vifiting the Grecian iflands, in the year 1788. It is, we think, no more thana biennial plant at beft, as it feldom furvives the fecond winter, and but rarely the firft. If the feeds are fown in the month of March, the plants will flower the enfuing autumn, and generally produce ripe feeds, if kept in a fheltered and warm fituation. This plant is unqueftionably the true Erodium of VHeritier, and thofe who admit of that innovation, being the one, apparently, upon which he formed his Generic diftin&ion; as we believe, no other fpecies, fo denominated, has every conftituent Effen- tial part neceflary to his Genus. PLATE CXXXVII. GLADIOLUS NANUS. Dwarf Gladiolus. GLASS: dil ORDER f TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLA fexpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcen- Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcend- dentia. ing. See GLAproLus moszus, Plate XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gladiolus foliis lanceolatis, plicatis, pilofis; fcapo Gladiolus with lance-fhaped leaves, plaited and toto florigero longitudine foliorum; corolla hairy ; flower-ftem quite covered with flowers ringente, laciniis longiffimis, divaricatis, un- the length of the leaves; bloffom gaping, dulatis; fpatha trivalvi. the fegments very long, fpreading different ways and waved; fheath three valved, ER 0 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The three valved Sheath. 2. A Bloffom cut open and expanded, the Chives remaining attached. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft and its Summits, one of them detached and magnified. Tue Hibbertian colle€tion has furnifhed us with this extraordinarily handfome Gladiolus. Our draw- ing was taken at Clapham, in Auguft this year, when we were informed by Mr. Hibbert that he had received the bulbs but a few months before, from his colle&or at the Cape. It has little likencís to any one of the Genus yet in England; but from the character of the leaves, we fhould incline to think, the treatment required for Ixia plicata, (of which fpecies we have drawings of more than twenty varieties, known under the names of I. villofa, I. rubro-cyanea, I, punicea, I. purpurea, &c. &c.) that is to fay, to be kept through the winter months, in more heat than is required for the generality of Ixias and Gladiolufes. Vf L , 197 74 , , (e Felt Ves tte t i ——— ——Á nal — PS oom o Nw UMORE o i a MEE PLATE CXXXVIII. VACCINIUM AMOENUM. Broad-leaved Whortle-berry. CLASS Vik. ORDER LE OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ' ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caxyx superus. Corolla monopetala. FiLAMENTA receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- locularis, polyfperma. SPECIFIC Vaccinium folis utrinque acuminatis, fubfer- rulatis, deciduis; floribus racemofis, pedun- culis braéteatis, calycibus reflexis, corollis cylindraceis. Stamina decem. Cur fuperior. Bloffom one petal. Tureaps fixed into the receptacle. A Berry with four cells and many feeds. See Vac. ARCTOSTAPHYLLOs, Pl. XXX. Vol. I. CHARACTER. Whortle-berry with leaves tapering to both ends, a little fawed at the edges and falling off; flowers grow in long bunches, foot-ftalks with floral leaves, cups reflexed, bloffoms cylinder-fhaped. Ten Chives, EE ———— — — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Flower complete. . À nearly ripe Berry. Oo Rott . The Empalement, with the floral leaves. . The Chives, magnified. . The Shaft and its Summit, magnified. . The fame, cut tranfverfely, magnified. Tuts very handfome fpecies of Whortleberry was introduced, from North America, in the year 1765, by Mr. John Cree, Nurferyman, of Addleftone, amongft many others. It is a hardy plant, in our climate. This fpecies inclines to a loamy, rather than a peat foil, and is propagated by fuckers, which it throws up from the root, or from layers; which may.be put down in May; and taken off the fucceeding year. Its time of flowering is about June or July, in which latter month our drawing was made laft year, at Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy's, Hammerfmith. PLATE CXXXIX. STRUTHI OLA CILIATA. Var. flore rubro. | Fringed-leaved Struthiola. | var. ved flowered CLASS IV. ORDER E | TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, PERrANTHIUM diphyllum. Corolla tubulofa, | Cur two-leaved. Bloffom tubular, 4-cleft; Ho- A-fida; Nectarium, glandulz oéto fauci cir- | ney-cup, 8 glands placed round the mouth cumpofite. | of the bloffom. SEMEN unum, fubbaccatum. | One Szzp, like a berry. See STRUTHIOLA IMBRICATA, Pl. CXIII. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. 1 Struthiola foliis ovato-lanceolatis, mucronatis, || Struthiola with leaves between egg and lance- : ciliatis, concavis, quadrifariam imbricatis; fhaped, pointed, fringed, concave and tiled glandule octo fupra faucem; corolla ru- in four rows; eight glands upon the mouth bra. ' of the bloffom, which is red. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A leaf, natural fize, from one of the younger branches. A Bloffom, with its Cup, or floral leaves. . The Cup, magnified. . A Bloffom cut open, and magnified. . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. CO od Tue two varieties of this fpecies of Struthiola, the other with a white flower being intended for our next number, were iutroduced at the fame time with the Struthiola imbricata, to which they ’ much affine, in general habit. But, the strong diftinction in the number and character of the glands, induced us to confider them of a diftin& fpecies; in this, they are eight, in S. imbricata there are but four; the leaves likewife not fo clofely fet upon the ftem, and they are much more fringed. For the culture and treatment of this, we muft refer our readers to the directions, for managing the above named plant. We had our fpecimen, for the figure, from the Clapham collection in May 1800. 1 C A tre th. z e " ciliata Va ; {lore ure E LJ ^ - » ] ] E 1 ' ^. * ^ - x " ' " " TT . 1 , 7 N - * ue À ? € «. RE JP - * e . " - » t I ee a n cM Se IP eee VC PLATE (CXL. VACCINIUM FRONDOSUM. Obtufe-leaved Whortle-berry. CLASS Yl: ODER E OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- | Cur fuperior. Bloffom one petal. Threads menta receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- fixed into the receptacle. A berry with locularis, polyfperma. ! four cells and many feeds. See Vac. ARCTOSTAPHYLLOS, Pl. XXX. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium racemis foliofis; pedicellis bractea- Whortle-berry with fmall leaves on the flower- tis; corolis campanulatis; foliis obtufis, ftems ; foot-ftalks of the flowers with leaf- oblongis, fubtus fub-glaucis, deciduis. Sta- lets; bloffoms bell-fhaped ; leaves, obtufe, mina decem. oblong, rather glaucous underneath and de- ciduous. ‘Ten Chives. I -———— 0 —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, natural size. 2. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 5. A nearly ripe Berry cut tranfverfely. Tue Obtufe-leaved Whortle-berry was introduced, according to the Kew Catalogue, Vol. II. p. 12, from North America, in the year 1770 by Mr. William Young ; but neverthelefs, althoügh faid to be an inhabitant of our gardens fo long as 20 years, it is, we believe, known to very few cultivators. It is a deciduous fhrub, growing to the height of about two or three feet; and will, in general, furvive the inclemency of our winters. It is increafed with difficulty by layers, and the berries feldom ripen with us; light peat earth, with a fmall mixture of loam, it thrives in moft. The drawing for our figure was taken, from the Hibbertian colleétion, in July 1800. ‘This fpecies has likewife ten Chives, five divifions of the cup, &c. ii 3» ioi dll df " -— — Qa— COT -—K—m T ee ee M cu— ^w » dee CIC 1 i cd ^n " —.-7 RUP» PLATE CXLI. CYANELLA "Cu P ENSE Cape Cyanella. CLASS VL ORDER T HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx nullus. Comorra. Petala fex, unguibus coherentia, oblonga, concava, patula; tribus interiori- bus propendentibus. Sramina. Filamenta fex, bafi contigua, bre- viffima, patentiufcula; infimo declinato. Antherarum quinque oblong, curvate, erectz, apice dehifcentes. dentibus quatuor obtufis; altera vero declinata, maxima, apice bifida. Pistittum. Germen trigonum, obtufum. Sty- lus filiformis, declinatus, longitudine infimi flaminis. Stigma acutiufculum. Pericarpium. Capfula fubrotunda trifulcata, trilocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, oblonga. SPECIFIC Cyanella caule foliofo, paniculato; racemis di- varicatis ; foliis lanceolatis, undulatis; flo- EMPALEMENT, none. Brossow. Six petals, adhering by the claws, oblong, concave, spreading; the tnree in- terior ones hanging forwards. Cuives. Threads fix, contiguous at the bafe, very fhort, fpreading a little; the lower one bent down. Five of the tips are oblong, curved, upright, fplitting at the end, with four obtufe teeth; but the other is bent down, very large, and two-cleft at the end. Porntat. Seed-bud three-fided, obtufe. Shaft thread-fhaped, bent downward, and the length of the lower chive. Summit rather fharp-pointed. Ssrp-vrssEL. Capfule roundifh, three-furrowed, three cells, three valves. SEEDs many, oblong, CHARACTER. Cyanella with a leafy ftem growing into a pani- cle; branches ftraddling; leaves lance- ribus cxruleis. Íhaped, and waved; flowers blue. ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize, the petals of the bloffom cut away. 2. The Chives and Pointal, magnified. 3. The fame thrown open, to fhew their connection at the bafe. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud, magnified. -———Á üt -—— Tue Cape Cyanella has been long known in many herbariums, and to moft botanifts by name, but we much queftion whether a living plant has, till now, been feen in our gardens. The defcription, in his dictionary, of a plant cultivated by Miller in 1768, where he fays, ** the leaves are long, narrow, * with a groove on the upper fide, the peduncle arifing immediately from the root, fupporting ome * flower, of a fine blue colour;" furely can have no connection with our plant, but in the colour of its bloffom. From every appearance of the plant, even in an abortive fpecimen, more than one flower muft be produced, if any. It is enumerated, in the Kew Catalogue, as one of the fpecies of Cyanella; but, we fuppofe, only from an accepted idea, that the plant defcribed by Miller was the C. capenfis; and, as having been cultivated in Britain, might be therefore introduced with propriety into the book, though it had never graced the garden; otherwife, if this plant, which is inconteftibly the true C. ca- enfis of Linnzus, had ever been [een in the Royal Gardens, no affinity would have been traced to that of Miller. A few {mall inaccuracies occur in the generic character of this Genus, which we have reétified; one is, that the inner, and not the outer petals, are thofe which hang forward; the others may be ob- ferved by thofe, who may confider them worthy notice. This fpecies is a bulbous-rooted plant, flow- ering freely in the green-houfe; although the roots had been received, late in the feafon, from the colle&or for the Hibbertian Collection now at the Cape; which, perhaps, is the reafon the flowers are produced at this time of the year (February). Mr. Allen informs us, that, it has had no other treat- ment, than what is given to Cape bulbs in general. From the fwelled appearance of the feed-veffels we have little doubt of ripe feeds being produced. =r = PLATE CXLII. GLADIOLUS’ CRIBSPUS €urled-leaved Gladiolus. CLASS. So] OBRJDIEHRSE TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fexpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcen- || Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcend- dentia. ing. See GLADIOLUs RosEUs. Plate XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, ad oras crifpus; Gladiolus with fword fhaped leaves, curled at floribus fecundis, palidé rubris; laciniis the edges; flowers point all one way, and corolla rotundatis; tubo gracili, longif- are of a pale red; fegments of the bloffom fimo. rounded ; tube flender, and very long. = Ep ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, the Chives remaining attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. SEE A Figure of this Gladiolus may be found in the Ic. rar. 2. of Profeffor Jacquin, t. 267, by thofe who poffefs that elegant and invaluable work. The plant from which our drawing was taken, and we believe the first that has been feen in Britain, flowered in the collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clap. ham Common, laft year in the month of July. We do not perceive that the treatment of this plant, fhould differ from the reft of its congeners. Plus / , C, (a d rd lid CM td fta A PLATE CXLIII. LIMONIA TRIFOLIATA. Three-leafletted Limonia. CLASS X. ORDER L DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ten Chives One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, tri-feu EmpaLeMENT. Cup one leaf, three or five- quinquefidum, acutüm, minimum, perfit- cleft, pointed, very fmall, and remaining. tens. Conorra. Petala tria ad quinque, oblonga, ob- Brossow. Petals from three to five, oblong, tufa, erecta, apice patentia. obtufe, upright, fpreading at the end. Stamina. Filamenta fex ad decem, fubulata, Cuives. Threads from fix to ten, awl-fhaped, erecta, corolla breviora. Antherz lineares, upright, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips erecta. linear, and upright. Pistittum. Germen oblongum, superum. Sty- PoiwTAL. Seed.bud oblong and fuperior. Shaft lus cylindraceus, longitudine ftaminum. cylindrical, the length of the Chives, Sum- Stigma capitatum, planum. mit headed, and flat. Pericarrium. Bacca ovata feu globofa, trilo- SEED-vEssEL. An oval, or globular berry with cularis; diffepimentis membranaceis. three cells; partitions fkinny. Srmina folitaria, ovata. Seeps folitary, and egg-fhaped. SPECIFIC. CHARACTER. Limonia-foliis ternatis; fpinis geminis, axilla- || Limonia with leaves compofed of three leafiets; sibs: {pines grow by pairs at the footftalks of the leaves clofe to the ftem. — iS — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, . The Empalement, magnified. . The Chives and Pointal, magnified, as they ftand in the Bloffom. The Pointal natural fize. . The fame, maguified. . A ripe berry. . A Seed. O0 RC It- ——— —— —Bü m À ——— Tuis plant, a native of China, bas fince its introduction, as are moft plants coming from thence, been cultivated with us as a hot-houfe plant; but from every natural affinity, we fhould be led to fup- pofe it would endure our winters, in the green-houfe. As yet it is in few collections, and fcarce ; therefore, till it becomes more plenty, it will, moft likely, not undergo that ordeal. Our drawing was taken from a branch in high perfection, communicated by Mr. Anderfon, from the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington Gore, laít year 1800, in the month of July; who informs us, he has been enabled to propagate it by cuttings, and that he keeps it in a mixture of loam and rotten dung. 2t. 245 PE ; , cP be MONA ore loa la » 1 q, | | PLA'TE. €XLIV. PROTEA LONGIFOLIA. Var. cono turbinato. Long-leaved Protea. Var. top-shaped cone. a a ete er C LASS 8 ae Raa d TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corotta 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherae lineares, Brossow 4-cleft or 4-petals. "lips linear, in- inferte petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- | ferted into the petals below the point. Cup prius nullus, Semina folitaria. proper none. Seeds folitary. See Protea rormosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis fublinearibus, anguftis, obliquis, Protea with nearly linear leaves, narrow, oblique, rigidis, longiffimis; fquamis interioribus harfh and very long; the inner fcales of the calycis lanceolatis, ereétis; florum plumis cup are lance-fhaped and upright; the atro purpureis; conus turbinatus. plume of flowers are of a dark purple; the cone top-fhaped, D REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom complete, with the feed-bud attached. 2. The Petals of the flower fpread open, to fhew the fituation of the Tips. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit. Tuis is the third variety of Long-leaved Protea, as mentioned p. 132, and equally fcarce with the preceding ones. It was raifed from feed at the fame time with the other two, which were received by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the superintendant of the Imperial Gardens at Schonbrun. This variety, at prefent, is in no collection, that we know of, in England, but that of G. Hibbert, Efq. where our drawing was made, in the month of January 1801. The fame unfor- tunate character attaches to this, as to the other varieties, from the great difficulty of increafing it; - although, it flourifhes in growth, if planted in a light, loamy foil. " XY We 27 Ü A Ad ~~ S E or 4 -— 1 T " » b » J * oe ho eum P "T * ' 4 ] 6 Medias Zi * 4 » ' , : " i i- ‘ " i T E v t M ~~ 4 zr Fi Ie * * n " A * = y " i í "Tue hap mee? 5 3 [ Js to " Plate 1 Lal OO OY An W bv IXN I. BO TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED IN VOL. Cortufa Matthioli. ............ eee. Sprengelia incarnata. ........+.e.-- Neottia fpeciofa. . Rhododendron Dancden ters Gladiolus longiflorus. ........ ...... Hemerocallis cerulea. ............. Primula Cortufoides. .............. Gladiolus alatos E Tere rere rnm JAtraeene Gapenfis LEES Ariftea cyanea. (Gladiolus rofens. 2. lire cia ee ne rre Geranium grandiflorum. ........... Epidendrum cochleatum. ........... IME eal. aügoewosc665re dpt Anthyllis erinacea. .........-. 0.0 Azdlra Pomticaa, cance diosa eet save JU aul) Ono dos ocu s/c arlene (Ee zwei LEONE uoto db e opto dec Gladiolus verficolor. Echium grandiflorum. ............- AMUYdE Gre AEUDPONIOJOOGOqUCGOma wo Goodenia calendulacea. ... .. .. .. .. .. EM ESSE EET Ixia capitata. Cineraria aurita. Camellia Japonica. Var. Bo. ; albo pleno. C:affula odoratiffima- ....... Gladiolus ringens. Geranium elegans, ...... Ixia fp cata. Borbonia cordata. Antholyza ringens. Diofma latifolia. Chelone Rucllioides. c6 Ixia crifpifolia. Var. flo. carruleo. - Rhododendron punctatum. ......... Geranium fragile. Gladiolus praecox. Lachenalia pendula. Orchis ciliaris. Bignonia Leucoxylon.- Ixia cinnamomea. ..... Iris longifolia. Maffonia violacea. Mufa coccinea. Ixia bulbifera. Malpighia craffifolia. Ixia capitata. Xeranthemum fpeciociffimum. Gnidia pinifolia. C XB usen. pa ies Aletris farmentofa. Dn MIDAS vk aeons cele Gis Antholyza fpicata. Mefembryanthemum glabrum, | Boronia pinnata. - Ixia fiftulofa. Geranium punéctatum. After dentatus. Gladiolus gramincus. ...... elles Witeria frandeas. 25er v ert Pzonia albiflora. Ophrys lilifolia. »onsbsd Gladiolus poly ftachius. ieradiüm bolum; 2245279 ero es Goodenia ovata. .. Lambertia formofa. Gnidia fimplex. yi hing GRINCH CHUA, fo sce oeue aces eees Styphelia trifloras .. cs 2er Var. cinereo = ails am Var. viridi nigra. " (s a Vaccinium eerie Sanansat Var. Hore. 5d cg Echium ferocifimum. ............. Chelone campanuloides. ............ Var. flo. luteo. ...... Var. flore MUSS USC folia. .. | Alpine Sanicle. .... 0.0... ese ones Star-flowered Sprengelia. ........... Flefh-coloured Neottia. ............ Dauric Rhododendron. ............ Long-flowered Gladiolus. Blue Day Lily. . Siberian Bririrofes Wing-flowered iGiadinluce: dus Cape. VUA UU ONSERCICICHY CENCIDRO S CO Blue-flowered Ariftea. ......... - Rofe-coloured Gladiolus. ........... Largeft-flowered Geranium. Purple-flowered Epidendrum. bs Reflex-flowered Ixia. .............. Blue Broom of Spain. S Yellow Pontic Azalea. .... cease. 0s RMoraneiBtoteaiy ve ER sse e bielnin ime ae Wihitenmarcednns tcicest nies. ool SPD Changeable Gladiolus. Large-flowered Viper's Bülofs,. Scolloped-leaf Vereia. at | Cape Marygold-leaved nudes Bunch-flowering Ixia. Var. Eee T wo-coloured- leayed Cineraria. : Double white Camellia. ............ Sweet-fcented Craffula. 1 b Gaping Afh-coloured fweet Gladiolus. ; Round-leaved Geranium. S Sea-eréen fpiked Ixia. ............. Madeira Whortle-berry. ........... Heart-fhape-leaved Borbonia. ...... ME Gaping Antholyza. ............. E ... | Broad-leaved Diofma. . .. | Scarlet Chelone. Crifped-leaved Ixia, blue variety. Dotted-leaved Rhododendron. 56 Brittle-ftalked Geranium. .......... Red early-flowering Gladiolus. . Prickly Viper's Buglofs. ........... Bell-flowered Chelone. Drooping-flowered Lachenalia. Fringed Orchis. an Olcander-flowercd Trumpet IT. 2s Cinnamon-fmelling Ixia. Dongeleaved!Nris-» oes - 6x0 en Centra € ws Purple-flowered Maffonia. Scarlet-Howered Plantain-tree. Bulb-bearing Ixia. Var. yellow-fowered. Thick-leaved Malpighia. Bunch-flowering Ixia. Var. gold colour, Largeft-Howering Everlafting Flower. .. Pine-leaved Gnidia. 35 EIS ded Harfh-leaved upright Mimofa. | Creeping-rooted Baitard. Aloe. | Purple Zinnia. D Spike-Howered Antholyz: za. Smocth-leaved annual Fig Marygod. Hawthorn-fcented Boronia. Hollow-leaved Ixia. n Dotted-flowered Geranium. ......... Toothed-leaved Starwort. AIT. Grafs-like Gladiolus, .......... s.s. Climbing Ufteria. ...... eere oe White Pzhny. .. Lily-leaved Ophrys. Branching Gladiolus. ........ eese Jagged-leaved Gcranium. Oval-leaved Gooden a. » Red-flowered Lambertia. Long-le: ved va ar. Heath-leaved Gnidia. Se Blue thick-petal’d Virgin's Rower, seme Three-flowered Styphelia. à | FEFELLEET G. H. E] m oeeezooopmHoozoooooEE E rmm"nmrmmmmmmmummm^mrmmmmrmm COTEVCOUROOHUEUT EPETYMTTU E "EEREEZEEETIZEZUZU ee Be - = SIE I. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Herb. Herb. Shrub Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. ” Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Herb. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Herb. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Shrub. Herb. Herb. Ann. Herb. Ann. Herb. Herb. Herb. Bien. Herb. Herb. Herb. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub, Shrub. May, June. All Summer. March, April. April, May. June, July. Dh Septem. or Feb. ! June, July. | May, June. March, April. E July, Augutt. May, June. July, Auguft. July. May, June. April, May. May, June. Augutt. April, May. I June. April, May. July. Auguft. P April. Ail Summer. O&ob. Novem. April, May. June. May. May, June. July, Auguft. July. June. Auguft. Auguft. July- July. Auguft. April. July. Auguft, Septem. September. July. July. June. June. September. Decem, Jan. May. September, May. September. Feb. March. March, April. Decem. Jan. Augult, Sept. June. July. All Summer. ‘ June. April. All Summer. May, June. All Summer, * June. July. Joly. All Summer. Augufi, Sept. July. April, Sept. All Summer. June., Ere AIT tnt av ok Ada CP v, Coe d a Mit Iph LI M z^ E he ys SY ened ledieds ap o MESA, mpra evi. ELT 9 "v 4 cp! ihe NE) - Ple. S: RY MNA ides TES. ; gii adis per ae TT ys NS na A ee ur wv ae, sade bly hove "V ptr MIT - AA Ki -! D en Soc »«4 goicterp. | E nth des! aeg diat deni} eye. 5 y et. Gila [^ a ye ABA LII veu ^ yi "» v vul erus ; [d at mL ‘ "M ^ Am AM cial « ee I= UA wert Ld m T. "AM M, qu 3," = San lly pt ima aot UM AMD dme 5 Ah vy: CNRC t MA P e po "0 meist d ‘be nete E CMS nhs se ACE rie +P wt Peter vat wont na bare a d "d Abel cu edv: vh n me wes. LT o Im TTE. T RE E dns uL. 13 lw. A * 33d: Pian: " N Oe Pie te 4 TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED IN VOL. II. 7 Plate 73 Daphne pontica............. sese Pontic Sourge Laurel. ............. Har. | Shrub. | March, April. 74 Perfoonia lanceolata.............-. Lance-fhape-leaved Perfoonia........ G.H. | Shrub. | All Summer. 75 Phyfalis proftrata. ................ | Trailing Winter cherry. ........... H.H.| Ann. | July, Auguft. 76; ‘Protea pimifoliaz-. :...0..22 m. ere Pine-leaved Protea......... ee G. H. | Shrub. | July, August 77 Perfoonia linearis................. | Linear-leaved Protea,.............. G. H. | Shrub. | Auguft, Sept. 38 Ixora,Paveltus sco. eee oh EAE Meet Dxpirasrid zu ciet a eere aiuto e So H. H. | Shrub. | Auguft, Sept. 79 Crowea faligla-u..:. J. 2.0.2 ees Willow-leaved Crowea. ............ G. H. | Shrub. | July till Nov. So' Bnchner2 frebidase s. eres terrere teas Stinking Buchnera......... GobeGCoo G.H.| Ann. | Auguft, Sept. 8x Sowerbia juncea. .......... e. 27 >... | Rufh-like Sowerbia. .............. G. H. | Herb. | All Summer. 8x Banklia ferratas. ... ox dudes eer Sawed-leaved Bankfia. ............ G. H. | Shrub. | March, April. 83. Morea tricolor -. —1.:.-.-. 220s + Three-coloured Morza. ........... G. H. | Bulb. | May, June. 84 Buchnera pedunculata. ............ Solitary-flowered Buchnera.. ........ | G. H. | Shrub. | July till Nov. $5; Mahernia odorata... .......... Ls. Sweet Mahernia. ...... lese eese G. H. | Shrub. | All the year. 86 Bignonia pandorana............... Norfolk Ifland Trumpet Flower...... G. H. | Sbrub. | March till June. $7 Ixia ariftata. Var. atro-purpurea.... | Ragged fheathed Ixia. Var.dark purple. | G. H. | Bulb. | May, June. 88 Eranthemum pulchellum........... Blue-flowered Erauthemum......... H. H. | Shrub. | Jan. till May. 89 Gnidia levigata................-- Shining-leaved Gnidia. ............ G. H. | Shrub. | July, Auguft. go Septas capenfis. ............+..--- Cape feptas......... emen G. H. | Herb. | May till Auguft. gt Camelliajaponica. Var-flo.pl.variegato. | Double-ftriped Camellia. ........... G. H. | Shrub. | Auguft till May. 92) Grnumipitalic map res Spiral-ftalked Afphodel Lily......... G. H. | Bulb. | Jan. till April. gg, AffereHexusu co. EE ten able Reflex-leaved Starwort. ............ G. H. | Shrub. | All the year. 94 Galaxia ovata.............. sss. Oval-leaved Galaxia... ............ G.H. | Bulb. | June, July. 95 Amaryllis radiata. . ; Rayed Lily Daffodil. |............. H. H. | Bulb. | Feb. March, 96 Punica granatum. xs "x hes ... | White Pomegranate. .............. G. H. | Shrub. | April, May. 97 Vaccinium formofum.............. Red-twigged Whortle-berry. ........ | Har. | Shrub. | May, June. 98 Pultenza daphnoides.............. Daphne-like Pulten@a............. G. H. | Shrub. | May, Tune. 99 Gladiolus blandus... .......... LLL. Large white.flowered Gladiolus. ..... G. H. | Bulb. | May. 100 Embothrium fericeum. ............ | Silky Embothrium................ G. H. | Shrub. | All the year. 101 Hypoxis ftellata, ............0.005 Star-flowered Hypoxis. ............ G.H. | Bulb. | June, July. 102 Epigzarepens. ....... esee ee cee Creeping Epigea.......... CIL EG Har. |Shrub. | April, May. 103 Protea fpeciofa, nigra. -............ Black-flowered Protea. ............ G. H. | Shrub. July, August. to. Lachnza Eriocephala.............. Woolly-headed Lachnza. ...... .... | G. H. | Shrub. | March till Aug. 105 Vaccinium craffifolium. ........... Thick-leaved Whortle-berry. ....... Har. Shrub. June, July. 1:06 Houftonia coccinea......... lulu. Scarlet Houflonia. :-. 71. 2.2. 1A G. H. | Shrub. Auguft till Dec, xozcAllimm pracile 2. e ann eme Sweet-fcented Garlic. ............. H. H. | Bulb. | March till June. 108 Geranium reniforme............... Kidney-fhape-leaved Geranium...... G. H. | Shrub. | July, Auguft. tog Chryfanthemum tricolor............ | Three-coloured Corn-Marygold...... G.H.| Ann, | July till October, 11o Protea fpeciofa, Jatifolia........... Broad-leaved shewy Protea.......... G. H. | Shrub. | Auguft. z1xi Gladiolus ftriatus, ............L.. Streaked-flowered Gladiolus. ....... | G. H. | Bulb. July, Auguft. i12 Vaccinium dumofum.............. Bufhy Whortle-berry. ............. Har. Shrub. June. 113 Struthiola imbricata............... Tiled-leaved Struthiola. ........... | G. H. | Shrub. | March and Sept. 114 Geranium quinquevulnerum,........ | Variegated-flowered Geranium. ..... G. H. | Shrub. | June, July. 115 Geranium tomentofum............ Downy-leaved Geranium. .......... | G. H. | Shrub. | August. 116 Gaultheria procumbens. ........... | Trailing Gaultheria............... Har. | Shrub. | March till Aug. 117 Gentiana purpurea..............4. Purple-flowered Gentian. .......... Har. | Herb. | July, August. 118 Gladiolus grandiflorus. ............ Large-flowered Gladiolus, .. .. ...... G. H. | Bulb. | fune. iig Struthiola ovatae.........+-+...0% Oval-leaved Struthiola,............ G.H. | Shrub. | March till June. 120 Fuchfia lycioides............... .+- | Box Thorn-like Fuchfia,........... G. H. | Shrub. | Auguft till'Nov. 321 Geranium cortufefolium. .......... Cortufa-leaved Geranium. ......... G. H. | Shrub. | July. 122 “Gladiolus galeatus. ............... Helmet-flowered Gladiolus.......... G. H. | Bulb. | May, June. 123 Thunbergia fragrans. ............. Twining Thunbergia. ............. H. H. | Shrub. | May till Sept. 124 Heliconia pfittacorum......,....... Parrot billed Heliconia............. H. H. | Shrub. | September. 125 Vaccinium parviflorum. ........... Small- flowered Whortle-berry. ...... Har. | Shrub. | May, June. 126 Hibbertia volubilis...............- Twining Hibbertia................ G. H. | Shrub. | May till Sept. 127 Jafminum graciles................ Slender-ftemmed Jafmine. ....,.... G. H. | Shrub. | July till Nov. R28 Akia polyftachia.. | vse 3. verdes ens Many-fpiked Ixia... .......+5+00. G.H. | Bulb. | April. i29 Gloriofa fuperba............ 0000 Superb Gloriofa.................. | H. H. | Bulb. | Auguft. 130 Cerbera undulata... .-. o Salon cient org Waved-leaved Cerbera. ............ H. H. | Shrub. | Tuly. 331 Geranium laciniatum.............. Ragged-leaved Geranium........... G. H. | Shrub. | May, June. 122 Protea longifolia. Nigra. ......... Long-leaved Protea, Black flower... | G. H. | Shrub. | Novern. Decem. 133 Protea longifolia. Ferruginoso- -purpurea. rie ir acaba Rusty purple flower. | G. H. | Shrub. | July, Auguft. 134 Ixia crocata. Var. nigra maculata.... | Crocus-flowered Ixia. Var. black spotted: Gal. Bulb. | May, June. 135 Malva reflexas ............ uersus Reflex-flowered Mallow............ G. H. | Shrub. | March till Nov, 136 Geranium craffifolium............. Thick-leaved Geranium. .......... G. H.| Ann. | August, Sept. 137 Gladiolus Danus. ...... eee es: | Dwarf Gladiolus. ves G. H. | Bulb. | May, June. 138 Vaccinium AaMENUM. ..... 6... 000s Broad-leaved Whortle berry. . OPI CET Har. | Shrub. | June, July. 139 Struthiola ciliata. Var. flore rubro. .. | Fringed-leaved Struthiola. Var. red- a SHORE LUCERE cra iem Bela visto ke G. H. | Shrub. | August. 140 Vaccinium frondofum. ............ | Obtufe-leaved Whortle-berry. ....... Har. | Shrub. nn uly. . 141 Cyanella capenfis. ................ | Cape Cyanella .......... eee ees G. H. | Bulb. ay, (Sd) 142 Gladiolus crifpus. ...........+.++++ | Curled leaved Gladiolus... ......... G. H. | Bulb. | June, July. 141 Limonia trifoliata. . ILE | Three-leafletted Limonia.. . +» | HLH.| Shruüb. ood) 144 Protea longifolia. Var. ceno turbinato,. | Long-leaved Protea. Var,cone topesbaped G.H. | Shrub. | Nov. Dec. Plate ERRATA. | ! X 73, Sp. Ch. pedunculus, lege, pedunculis. 74, Gen. Ch. Nectarig, lege, Nefaria. 76, See P. fpeciofa, read, fzrmofa., 79, Gen. Ch. Pointal, for Seed. buds, read, Secd-bud. 81, Gen. Ch. Chives, for bear two chives, each parted, read, bear tzvo tips each, parted, &c. $4, Defcr. line 7, for plotted, read, pofted. g0, Gen. Ch. Pericarp, Capfula, fere Capfule. - 91, Englifh name, for Double-ftriped, read, Double Striped. Clafs, lege, Monade'phia. 96, Seed-veffel, for five-celled, read, nine-celled. 106, Defcr. ie 5, for Hememeris, read, Hemimeris. 7 120, Gen. Ch. Calyx, monophyllum. Tüfundibuliforme, lege, monophyllum, infuhdibuliforme. Pott Jupe- rum, adde (,) 130, Defcr. line penult, for O borbonica, read, O. borbonica. 131, Clafs, Monodelphia, lege, Monadelphia. From a fingular oveffight, in tranferibing, this neum has been overlooked, and continued, with every Geranium. 133, Sp. Ch. line 3, pof /anceclatis, adde, (; ;) 137, Sp. Ch. line 5, for three valved, read, three-walved, Defcrip. line 4, after bur, put (, y^ ELLO M Vo opp s . 3 ^d d s a ai * Apis ES Ier LS "LOT ME X T 4 ; ] d P FYIT' LU MEE En P pe Po See EO nt P VE NUM