x Conan AS] I4 , Ws . x ane " ^ is e LI X " Á 4 , Y . 7^ @ Ly € ° ’ 4 , > 7 E : A did e, Wh NE "T Lm m NS Cu COE 5 Ss C — 5 CAMs LC He 2E UL AU Lj E Ne NHAU 77 ms Oz rud “ny AN Snipe OY ho tem. alba (© —— oF (c E 4 Yompand é “eS CEN e Jer. 7 ap EU CT Ko 2s AN SS P ( 24.2403 \ —--- PLATE CXLV. HITLIA*"LAXENNGIELOWLA. Long-flowered Hillia. CLASS VI^ UM PLATE CL. GERANIUM PR/JEMORSUM. Bitten-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVL | ORDER IV: d Syst. eg. 1781. MONADELPHIA DECAÁANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- One Pointal. Five summits. Fruit furnifhed tratus, penta-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. | See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis incifo-lobatis, reniformibus ; Geranium with leaves deeply cut into lobes and lobis cuneiformibus, premorfis; floribus kidney-fhaped; lobes wedge-fhaped, and fubfolitariis, heptandris; caule flexuofo, bitten at the ends; flowers generally foli- fubcarnoso. tary, with feven fertile tips; ftem grows zig-zag, rather flefhy. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular firu&ure. 2. The Chives and Pointal. 3. The Chives fpread open. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud. nr Tue Geranium premorfum offers a moft beautiful addition to this already very extenfive genus, but is without doubt a true fpecies. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to us, from thence, in the year 1798, by Captain Quarrel; brought in feed, and communicated to Mr, J. Colville of the King’s Road, Chelfea; who informs us, that it flowers from March, till November, that he keeps it in rich dungy earth, and that it is raifed, pretty freely, by cuttings; requiring the heat of a dry ftove in the winter months, Our figure was made at the nurfery, Chelfea, about the begin- ning of March this year. c V aso ^ Gq CULIMMMN A "Ceonmeeorauen L4 Pd n——— nes A , <= m E » áu * ¢ 4 . % u F- - = ul * P. ? n . - A L " uf , * » . "d ^ T * 4 3 os PLATE CLI. PITTOSPO BV MAORI ACE UN. Thick-leaved Pittofborum. C ASS) Vi. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. OR DER CT; One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, inferum, deciduum. Conorra. Petala quinque; ungues concavi, in tubum urceolatum conniventes; Jaminz ovato-oblonge, patentes. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, recep- taculo inferta. Anthere fagittatae, erecte, filamentis dorfo affixa. PrsriL.LUM. Germen ovatum, fuperum, com- preffum. Stylus breviffimus, cylindricus. Stigma capitatum, planum. Pericarrium. Bacca fubglobofa, 2-5 locularis, 2-5 valvis; loculamentis pulpa refinofa fca- EMPALEMENT. falling off. BLossow. Five petals; claws concave, clofing intoa tube pitcher-fhaped ; the borders ob- long-egg-fhaped, fpreading. Curves. Threads five, awl-fhaped, inferted into "the receptacle. Tips arrow fhaped, up- right, fixed by the back to the threads. PoiNTaL. Seed-bud egg-fhaped, above, flat- tened. Shaft very fhort, cylindrical. Sum- mit headed, flat. Seep.vesseL. A roundifh berry valves; the cells filled with a refinous pulp ; Cup five-leaved, beneath, and 2-5 cells, 2-5 * partitions contrary to the valves. Szeps, three or four, angulated, oblong, ob- tufe, and bony. tentibus; diffepimenta valvulis contraria. Semrna tria feu quatuor, angulata, oblonga, ob- tufa, offea. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pittofporum foliis ovalibus, obtufis, glaberrimis, I Pittofporum with oval leaves, blunt ended, coriaceis, integerrimis. very fmooth, leathery, and quite entire. Se 000 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Petal of the Bloffom, 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Pointal feparated from the Chives. 5. A Berry of the fize when ripe. —u€—À Anovr the year 1783, this plant was firft raifed in Britain, from feeds which had been received from the Ifland of Madeira, by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith. It forms one of the moft deco- rative and confpicuous plants, either in the Confervatory, or Green-houfe; and if encouraged in its growth, by being planted in the border of the one; or kept in rich earth, ina large pot in the other, will attain the height of from 6 to 8 feet. "The fineft fpecimen we believe, in England, of this plant is to be found in the elegant Confervatory of the Right Honourable Lord R. Spencer, Woolbedding, Suffex. The flowers, which grow in clufters from the ends of the branches in May, have the flavour of Jafmine ; but are rather tranfitory. It is propagated but flowly and with difficulty, as it does not perfe& its feeds with us, and it is not to be increafed by laying: the only method is cuttings, which Íhould be taken whilit very young and tender from the plant, about April, and put from 6 to § in a pot, fixed very tight, in ftiffifh loam; they must remain under a hand-glafs on a fhady border till Autumn, when they may be removed into the hot-houfe and plunged into the bark bed, where they will begin to grow the enfuing fpring. v PLAT PONI: GERANIUM SPATHULATUM. Spatula-lIeaved Geranium. €—— C — CLASS) XVLLX ORB ER. EI. E cus. Veg. 1781. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. — Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. | One Pointal. Five summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII. Vol, I. MowoGvNa. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- tratus, penta-coccus. > SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis integerrimis, fpathulatis, gla- Geranium with quite entire leaves, fpatula- bris, obtufis, radicalibus; calycibus mono- fhaped, fmooth, blunt, and growing from phyllis; ftaminibus quinque fertilibus; ra- | the root; cups one-leaved; five fertile dice tuberofa. chives; root tuberous. ^ ——ut im — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its hollow ftru&ure. 2. The Chives and Pointal natural fize. 3. 'The Chives fpread open, to fhew the number and fituation of the fertile ones, which are alternate. : 4. The Pointal magnified. — — f f———— —— Tue greater number of Geraniums which have been introduced of late, are of the tuberous herba- ceous kind; drawings of 14 we have, independent of thofe already figured; conftituting a diftin- guifhed, and diftin& natural branch of this extenfive family. For the moft part, they have only five fertile chives with tubular empalements, fome only two, and others feven, with the footftalk of the flower folid up to the bottom of the cup. This fpecies is as yet, we believe, only in the Hibbertian Collection, Clapham, where our drawing was taken in April this year. The roots had been received in the autumn of 1800 from the Cape. It appears to require the fame management as G, pun¢tatum, and like it, may be increafed by the root. 4 ( geraneem ypoaliulalim — HÉ—9MM PLATE CLIII. V JO A PED A T A. Bird’s-foot-leaved Violet. CLASS XIX. ORDER VI. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA MONOGAMLIA. Tips united. Flowers fimple. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium pentaphyllum, breve, per- fiftens; foliolis ovato-oblongis, erectis, apice acutioribus, bafi obtufis, fupra bafin aflixis, aequalibus, fed difpofitione variis; quorum duo fulciunt petalum «.; fingula fingulum petalum Ó.-.; unicum duo petala 2. e. fi- mül. Conorr^ pentapetala, irregularis, petalis inze- qualibus; quorum ; Petalum a. supremum re&um, deorfum {pec- tans, latius, obtufius, emarginatum, defi nens bafi in nectarium corniculatum, obtu- fum, inter calycis foliola prominens. B. y. Lateralia paria, obtufa, oppofita, recta. 9. e. Infima paria, majora, furfum reflexa. SraAMiNa. Filamenta quinque, minima, quo- rum duo petalo &. proxima appendicibus annexis intrant nectarium. Anthere fz- pius connexa, obtufze, membranis ad api- cem aucte. PrsrittLvM. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fi- liformis, extra antheras prominens. Stig- ma obliquum. Pericarrium. Capfula ovata, trigona, obtufa, unilocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, ovata, appendiculata, valvis af- fixa. Receptaculum lineare, per fingulam valvulam linez inftar excurrens. Ols. Stigma vel in hamum simplicem reflecti- tur, vel capitulum est concavum apice per- forato. SPECIFIC Viora acaulis; foliis pedatis, feptempartitis; laciniis dentatis. Cur five-leaved, fhort, permanent; leaflets ob- long-egg-fhaped, erect, tharpifh at the point, blunt at the bottom, joined together above | the bafe, equal, but varioufly difpofed; of which, two fupport petal z. one each petal DB. y. and one the two petals 2. e. together. Brossow five petals, irregular, unequal petals, of which The upper petal a. is upright, bent back, broader, and blunter than the reft, notched at the end, terminating at the bafe in a blunt horn- fhaped honey-cup, protruding between the leaflets of the cup. The lateral petals B. y. grow in pairs, obtufe, oppofite, upright. The lower petals 2. «. grow in pairs, larger, and | reflexed upwards. Cuives. . Five threads, very {mall; of which the two neareft to the petal «. have {mall appendages which enter the honey-cup. Tips generally united, blunt, enlarged by fkinny fubftances at the end. PoiwTar. Seed-bud roundifh. Shaft thread- fhaped, projecting beyond the tips. Summit oblique. Ssrp-vesseL. Capfule egg-thaped, three-fided, blunt, one cell and three valves. Sesps many, egg-fhaped, having appendages, fixed to the valves. Receptacle linear, running like a line along each valve. Ols. The summit is either reflexed into a sim- ple hook, or a concave small head perforated - at the end. . CHARACTER. ViorrT without a ftem, leaves formed like a bird's foot, with feven divifions; fegments toothed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . One of the lateral Petals. OUR Oot- o . 'The Pointal maguified, . One of the upper Petals of the Bloffom. . The lower Petal, with its Honey-cup. . The Chives and Pointal with the Appendages that fall into the Honey-cup from the two hinder threads. MM uu Eua ——— À— — — — Tue Bird's-foot-leaved Violet is a native of North America near Philadelphia; and (according to the Kew Catalogue) was cultivated by Mr. P. Miller, in 1759, at the Phyfic Gardens, Chelfea. It is a hardy herbaceous plant, but is fometimes defiroyed by the wetnefs of our autumnal months: the flowers, if kept in the open air, expand about May, or the beginning of June; but if kept in pots they, with a flight protection from the Spring frofts, will be produced in April. Peat earth is the foil it approves moft, and it fhould not be expofed to too much wet, whether planted in the borders orin pots. The roots may be parted in Marcb. | DE E i 7 d As P789. e aN) mU i J MP rans dp eS OR Ue Mot ont Une! ** e s E D er aA " N D Da AT c» i LI - gus i A NS i tf Ar 4 - 7 i * ix íi y P ye 54 Tay: A5 "a e. § MAR rind tal Nd m^ tiv p: " d ELO Bata VA aria i ETC EE OP RUE. ia pe Ws n DOR "m f. n | PLATE CLI; | ECHIUM ARGENTE U M. Silvery-leaved | Viper s- Buglofs. CLASS VV. (ORDER ol. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNLA. Five Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra irregularis, fauce nuda. | Brossow irregular, mouth naked. See EcuiuM GRANDIFLoRUM, Pl. XX. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Echium foliis lanceolatis, acutis, fericeo-villofis; Viper's-buglofs with lance-fhaped leaves, fharp- fpicis terminalibus; corolla violacea, fubae- pointed and filkily-hairy; fpikes terminate qualia. the branches; bloffom violet colour, nearly equal. ae REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives remaining attached. 3. The Seed-buds, Shaft, and Summit. —E=>"=E— Tuis fine fpecies of Echium, was raifed from feeds received from the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1780, at the nurfery, Hammer{mith; where our drawing was made, laft year, from a plant which had been planted in the open ground, for the fummer months; and where it had grown to the height of four feet. Itis a hardy green-houfe plant, and grows beft in light earth, either peat, or leaf mould; and flowers about July. It is as difficult to propagate as either, the E. grandiflorum, or E. ferociffimum; but only to be increafed, like them, by cuttings. i m alu vetr c MUR COUP = ae a , P EE ee ES au p 0 - d " Ohm a ven lean ' oem re " OCA oo qo C€-———-WE' WP ir Fea ee ye ONERE Vr wq te PLATE :GLV. US ae ee POLY S TAC HTH, Many-fpiked Ixia. $$ áÉáaÉ——————— CLASS I. - ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. - ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-partita, patens, equalis. Stigmata Brossow 6-divifions, fpreading, equal. Summits 3, ereCtiufculo-patula. three, nearly upright and fpreading. See Ixra RerLexa, Vol. I. Plate XIV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Txia foliis linearibus; fcapo fpicis pluribus; flo- Ixia with linear leaves; flower-ftem with many ribus oppofitis, fpicatis; corollis albidis. Ípikes; flowers grow oppofite and fpiked ; bloffoms white. ——— uu A ————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. A flower cut open to fhew the fituation of the Chives, 3. 'The Pointal natural fize. er Aci, Lua C Tuisis the plant which is figured by Miller, in the coloured plates which correfpond with the dictionary, 104, t. 155. fig. 2. under the fpecific title it here bears; and, fays the Kew Catalogue, was cultivated by him 1757. Since this is the firft which bore the title of Polyftachia, and being of the colour we think is moftly primitive in flowers, we have given it the preference; and fhall confider all the other 18, (of which we have drawings and decidedly of this fpecies) as varieties from this. The flowers of this fpecies are more lafting than moft of the others; and are in general, efpecially this fort, very hardy. It propagates freely by the root and by feed. Our drawing was made at the nurfery, Ham- merífmith, laft year, in the month of May. s" i ta Wer TV Mn Ix vit Jp, mes ME * SAT yan A lu a PRU ESE xo NIE "ea Se RR RS wi YS PLATE CLVI, BANKSIA ERICAFOLIA.. — A Heath-leaved Bankfia. oo ác TEE em CI ASS. XV. ORDER, 1. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Receptaculum commune elongatum, fquamofum. | Common receptacle elongated, ícaly. Bloffom Corolla tetra-petala. Stamina limbo inferta, of four petals. Chives inferted into the Capfula bivalvis, difperma, interjecto femi- | limb of the bloffom. Capfule with two nibus diffepimento mobili. Semina alata. | valves, two feeds, and a moveable partition betwen them. Seeds winged. See BANKsIA SERRATA, Pl. LXXXII. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Bankfia folis linearibus, margine revolutis, Bankfia with linear leaves, rolled back at the truncato-emarginatis, fupra glabris. edge, appearing cut off at the ends, which are notched and {mooth on the upper fide. ——— — üfs——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Bloffom complete. . The fame fpread open. . The Petals of a flower, with their chives magnified. . The Pointal natural fize, with the Summit detached, magnified. . The rudiments of a cone; cleared from the flowers. aor One pU T e r1 Tur feeds of this fpecies of Bankfia were amongft the firft which arrived from New Holland, and plants were raifed at the nurfery, Hammerfmith, in the fame year as the B. ferrata. To the direc- tions in the management and increafe of which plant, we refer our readers for the treatment of this, as it requires no other. It grows to the height of five, or fix feet, very bufhy from the bottom, and the leaves, which are harfh and numerous, are not very fubje&t to decay. Although it has flowered in many collections, where we have feen it, we have had no opportunity of making an accurate draw- ing until Jat month, March 1801, from a fine plant in the collection of G. Hibbert Efq. Clapham. a E Lag n A £ D u .* | c. FL Y My 4ox | A > pa 4 / D 42 a f ! & | , i 7 3 ' ü F H fy 1 à ! " . ‘ E Li ^ Sd MITES e f i i ; " E yw ; > E * d n" n s DL * i Pe" : » [ P 1 - M ay \ ; . ^ T pss 7 | "e $71 " à » ^" i L . I? * V 4 y - n! . B T. ‘a ' ' PLATE CLVII. GIO R DIA 53b BOE S TN A. Rough-leaved Cordia. CLASS VY. ORI ER CE PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, tubulatum, EMPaALEMENT. Cup one leaf, tubular, toothed apice dentatum, perfiftens. at the upper part, remaining. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis; tu- || Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube widen- bus patulus, longitudine calycis; limbus | ing, the length of the cup; border upright ereéto-patens, fectus in quinque (quatuor | and fpreading, cut into five (four or fix) vel fex), lacinias obtufas. | obtufe fegments. SrAMiNa. Filamenta quinque, fubulata. An- || Cuives. Five threads, awl-fhaped. Tips ob- thera oblongz, longitudine tubi. \ long, the length of the tube. Pistirtum. Germen fubrotundum, acumina- PórwrAL. Seed-bud roundifh, tapered. Shaft tum. Stylus fimplex, longitudine ftami- fimple, the length of the chives, two-cleft num, fuperne bifidus, laciniis bifidis. Stig- at the upper part, fegments two - cleft. mata obtufa. À Summits blunt. PzuicagriuM. Drupa globofa, acuminata, ca- SEED-VESSEL, pulpy, globular, tapered, growing lyce accreta. to the cup. Semen. Nux fulcata, quadrilocularis. | SrED. A furrowed, four-celled nut. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cordia foliis oblongo-ovatis, fcabris; floribus Cordia with oblong egg-fhaped rough leaves; miniatis, crifpis, hexandris. flowers deep orange colour, crumpled, and with fix chives. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Blotfom fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 6. 'The Pointal and Seed-bud. ——— —D As it fhould feem a determined principle in the in{crutable arrangement of nature's productions, to the greater humiliation of our very limited underftandings; that no effort as emanating folely from thence, fhall be perfect; fo muft we be content to purfue our Botanical travel, under the guidance of a fyftem decidedly defective; yet certainly, the beft we have to boaít. Scarce a genus, compre- hending a number of fpecies, but muft be ftrained in its clafs or order, for the introduction of one, or more fpecies, evidently of the fame family. So convinced was our great mafter of the fcience, of the impothbility of forming fuch certain data, that to prevent the confufion and difficulty, which muft have arifen, from fuch an accumulation of Genera, if every fexual character was attended to, that, where certain other characters (called by him effential, and adopted as a fubftitute for fuch occafional ' hiatus) are formed, the plant is retained under the Genus fo characterifed. This difquifition is the natural refult of our examination of the prefent plant, which, although the chives are fix, is placed in the fifth class! The Rough-leaved Cordia is a native of the Weft India Iflands, and was cultivated, fays Martyn's Dictionary, from Dillenius, in the year 1728, by Dr. Sherard. It is a tender hot-houfe plant, may be increafed by cuttings made about the month of April, if kept from too much moifture, in a pot of fandy loam, under a fmall ftriking glafs in the bark-bed. At prefent it is rather a fcarce plant in our collections, and as it is rather difficult to propagate, is likely to continue fo, at leaft for fome years. From an imported plant, received by Metirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the ifland of Bar- badoes, our figure was taken in the year 1789, about the month of July. Itis grown to the greateft perfection by keeping it in a mixture of rotten dung and loam, P Vi oe TIT HW A. ' + ve ilio MA . ‘ * * his 2 ; 1 " E . i " | CN EN | : ' ; » a 1 >a - LI i | * “ ) * VCOREMNBPT ense - £ LI 1 : NI n " » . 2 P + Lf ; ^ ) y E E * "Ed ar ' / I ' amni í . i ) Jj 4 Im re ‘ & L2 sd p rw) z - ; ‘> ' . E ^7 4 / £ uL " E > ) E , T LI P ^ , ' T ES - z Jj . "n i ^ - . unb P. - - = à 7 i -: * - , 275 LITRA d n P | * : [ . " (2 4 " s E of Á L " > " *- (We : * ; 4 | MI & : ^t / 1M 1 | » i . ACT H ‘ / : ' " E ! "TN E 1 v m * ' » 5 » v á 2 ' a i : ' à - » - "iod *. "E : i » . "x 7 21 / Lund m i E A H Que " o > SM aC of pe a 4 \ 5 " ! "m ^ii ( a y “vy ^ Y» D 2 Ww lol ni uten c7 WINS bas ^ v EN * gud ‘ - -— |" V D - LUE ae voir ALE . à 20,04 E : ! at n yu £ — SF OS -chqagdiie ol oM : P B 4 mi "i s Amity 43 3." ee gu at ] i Lee (dx ie : EA lc " -pllintaDt mu o LN I" ‘ a ee 14 "udi * p. " ] i " Y E . LI PLATE. CLVIII. G E R A N I U M E C H I N A T U M. Var. flore rulro- purpureo, Prickly-fialked Geranium. Red-purple flowered Var. GAS S AVI- ORDER: IVa 8 Suen, yt eg. 17 . MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One PorwTar, Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries.) See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM. PIl.XII. Vol. I. MowocvNa. Stigmata 5. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis fericeis, cordatis, inequaliter Geranium with filky heart-fhaped leaves, une- dentatis; caule fpinofo, fubcarnofo, fpinis qually toothed; ftem fpiny, rather flefhy, retrofraCtis; floribus hexandris, rubro-pur- Ípines turned down wards; flowers with fix pureis; calycibus pilofis. fertile tips and red-purple; cups hairy. — — — ll————— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. An upper Petal of the Bloffom. An under Petal of the Bloffom. . 'The Chives and Pointal. . The Chives fpread open. The Pointal, magnified. De pere Tuis fine variety of the Prickly-ftalked Geranium, was introduced, at the fame time with the white variety, by Mr. Francis Maffon, to the Royal Gardens, Kew, in the year 1795. It isa tender plant, and requires the heat of the hot-houfe, through the winter months to preferve it, being a native of that part of Africa near the Namaqua land, which is in moft parts a barren, arid fand, extremely hot and parched, experiencing little change through the whole year. The propagation is either pfo- duced by cuttings, or from the roots, which are tuberous, in moft inftances, if the plant is kept in light fandy peat earth. The drawing was made, in March this year, at the Nurfery of Mr, J. Colville, King’s Road, Chelfea. ie ae ee WERE T RNase me 2 . oM Ww WX Agen epe 10) me a6 AMO é itd pond T i in LATDONOW MAGNET ra4d3auo puts > A TTMASAR nisimny iegpx och eal e no : diburaq-ple sint an - di 19017 E. teputiefnowi f üd M Su cepe i Logue D SINUS widck dix ober, v7 en - c. ousiitPrain itd ulaosg Ern ne E ict : $5 E | que "ML bs OT s90*548*7352 Mosemteqeo? o 3o «fiumi md T7 rhe dg nhiat cri) slp diii i290 vn E dorfo hitaolpe aftu desit p D idi een ila 2 m haga. dt os wishes ciem porn ls —-— d SH n dll gales x o9 6 oun aO. aid d Rosita fomilbe ud! did! Yo Dao Rl. rM Ye dati alt Sangh Pes PT ILIELEL AUC PLATE CLIX. I X I jd C A P I T A Tq A^ Var. flore aibo, fundo nigro. - ; i Var. white flowered, Bunch flowering Ixia. i al cei i CLASS Hb ORDER E TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom fix petals, fpreading, equal. Summits three, nearly upright, fpreading. See Ixi^ REFLEXA, Vol. I. Plate XIV. ConorLA Ó-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo-patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia, with fword-fhaped leaves; flowers grow in clofe bunches, whitifh, the petals very dark, | marked at the bafe. Ixia, foliis enfiformibus; floribus capitatis, con- fertis, albidis, petalis bafi nigriffime no- tatis. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives remaining. 3. The Seed-bud and Pointal, one Summit detached, magnified. As no difference, either in culture or increafe, is neceffary for this plant, more than is required for the other varieties of this fpecies of Ixia; we fhall refer our readers to the directions for the treatment of them, for the management of this. Our figure is from a drawing taken at the Hammerfmith nur- fery in the year 1799, about the month of May. It is one of thofe introduced to the Royal Gardens at Kew by Mr. F. Maffon about the year 1774, although loft to us for fome years, but fince received from the colle&ions in Holland. ( I rtt capetata I À V E. 4 " li We plore alte funde mgr INI ' E / , €———mÁ "LUAAA VC oisi, " . e I E T d p ited : ey ay Me ie M Keay MM. a "orm dp "y A n- 21v M TM 1 = — b herus Hide sd ELE ioci ed hdl 9 o9 LU do hae} eet don “gether Eas dua 1! aay. x A etd ee ni wee ewalt: «rl “gaol c ine i beck sotjite tulle ubt meu. >i req e opidi. 2c ZR : ; | i 9 nui "vd iM xn? xbmrimmeo sie um In A dicti, adit "T vw Boyioun: Uie PT A " Lu IY AE dye oda Peete sh ni iso a 1 Turn aee ay: b spo a | jt alid "D wi Gio teria ps Mou eb on Mepis ¢ ltr *. "à " pet ES "i eed EOS Ae / ] ' "5 D aya ipaliootten, et cios Glare at yibgati? m fitis ülisaqato y T | NLIS cft wirkt d. paa ^ ' Austrie rei ezud* irt , mUZU cv T xat te xdi ATL LE vid Ai ~eAy [aki bee iaeuyd Sg f gi s hi ig jen a Mae HT ans n ib mo Nes; teen pss "n À dot +a) EL ; * á ts Fo vu ! tu Ther d Alo b»: ‘ivy M a T hor coo we De Re PLATE .CLX. ARISTEA «MAJOR. Spike-flowéred Ariftea. a —————_—— CLASS LIT, OR DE R11: TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, PETALA 6. Stigma concavum. Capfíula tri- PETALs 6. Summit concave. Capfule three- loba, trilocularis, Joculis compreffis. Semina lobed, three celled; cells flattened. Seeds in fingulo loculo bina, comprefia truncata. | two in each cell, flattened and appearing | cut off at the end. s | See AnisTEA Cyanea, Pl. X. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ariftea foliis enfiformibus longiffimis; floribus | Ariftea with very long leaves; flowers grow in fpicatis, caruleis. fpikes, and blue. — tiim —— ? REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The two fheaths of the Empalement. . A Bloffom with the Seed-bud, both cut open and remaining attached, the Shaft removed. . The Pointal natural fize, with the fummit detached magnified. . A ripe feed-veffel, natural fize. . The fame with the cells laid open to fhew the fituation of the feeds. C a cole ———— Áábiü u——————————— Tue Genus Ariftea, having certainly been formed from a dried fpecimen of the plant, the alterations we have made in our Generic and Effential characters, will, upon infpeéting the diffeCtions, appear abfolutely neceffary; as the fhaft is not bent, in either fpecies we have examined, whilit the flower is perfe&t; but affumes that appearance on its decay, as it becomes involved with the petals, which twift up in the manner of Morcea, Iris, &c. The Summit likewife, is not funnel-fhaped, but merely a little concave, with a border: other fmall variations have been made, in the character of the feed- veffel and feed. In the year 1794, this fine plant was raifed by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, from feeds received by them from the Cape of Good Hope, where it is native. It is one of the very hardieft inhabitants of the greenhoufe, and is propagated, either from the feed, which ripens with us; or by the offsets made from the root. The plant is perfiftent, but does not acquire a ftem; the leaves growing to the length of from two, to three feet, the flower-ftem fometimes to the height of four feet; which was nearly that of the plant in the Collection of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham, from which our drawing was taken in the month of July 1800. It fhould be planted in fandy peat. DP vc yw | 3 A ^ "222 iu d nr j a ad . "m . | B. | ‘ao A ‘ J à dd L Lo , * e NC. B LS E | a 4 M ad ^ " » j 1 % -—D 2 d " 1 . * B € m. " ^ " | ET. x " - " "E ET » Hn L q " ; " P H E á T j i : ’ ag " wm L Ei $9 - d * » -" e : 3 - f f, ‘ EUN " ‘ ) T " Fas os Á - * M » - d M " Nt. E | . La » hr ; r k LI Lad é a TA 3 : PLATE CLXI. HERMANNI®: PULVEBATA: Powdered Hermannia. CLASS UNE mst) ER IL MONADELPHIA PENTANDRIA. Threads united. Five Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- fidum, fubrotundum, inflatum; lacinulis EMPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, five-cleft, roundith and fwelled out; fegments turned inwards; inflexis; perfiftens, remaining. Coro ita pentapetala, fpiralis; ungues longitu- Brossow, five petals, fpiral ; claws the length connivente in tubum cucullatum nectari- ferum; limbus patens, latiufculus, obtufus. cowl-fhaped tube; borderfpreading,broadifh, blunt Cuives. Five threads, broadith, [lightly joined at the bafe into one body. Tips upright, tapered, and approaching each other. | | dine calycis, utrinque aucti membranula | of the cup, widened on both fides by a (mall | | Sramina. Filamenta quinque, latiufcula, in- ferne leviflime in unum corpus coalita. | Antherz erecta, acuminate, conniventes. | PisrinLtvuM. Germen fubrotundum, pentago- | PoiNTar. Seed-bud roundith, five-fided, five- num, quinquangulare. Styli quinque, fili- angled. Shafts five, thread-fhaped, clofe formes, approximati, fubulati, ftaminibus || together, aw! fhaped, longer than the Chives. longiores. Stigmata fimplicia. | Summits fimple. Pericarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, pentagona, || SzED.vzsser. Capfula roundifh, five-fided, five- quinque-locularis, apice dehifcens. | celled, fplitting at top. Semina plurima, parva. | SgEpDs, many, {mall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hermannia folis bipinnatifidis, fcabriufculis, Hermannia with doubly wing-cleft leaves, rather albicantibus; pedunculis bifloris, longif- rough and whitifh; flower-ftems two- fimis; corollis fordidé luteis. flowered, very long; bloffoms of a dirty yellow. M REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A leaf of the Blotfom, to fhew its incurved chara&ter at the bafe. 3. The Chives, magnified, with the pointals remaining, to fhew their length with regard to the Chives. A, The Seed-bud, Shafts, Summits, magnified. ——— 8 8529 —————— — Tars plant appears to ftand an intermediate character, between Mahernia and Hermannia: the general habit affines moft to the former, and indeed, the fhape of the threads, on which the effential gene- rical diftinétion refts, approaches very near to thofe in Mahernia; for, although they have not abfo- lutely foot.ftalks, they are much larger, above the middle, than is ufual in Hermannia, as may be feen on the plate; where thefe parts are fhewn, magnified. It has likewife that fingularly curious character, feen in Mahernia, of the two bloffoms which terminate the flower-ftems, each taking a contrary direction, in its fpiral twift, to the other. As a greenhoufe plant, itis rather tender in regard to damp, though not to cold; therefore, fhould be kept in the moft airy part of the houfe. It is a native of the Cape, from whence it was introduced in the year 1796, to the Royal Gardens, Kew. By cuttings made in the month of April, it may be preferved, and increafed, as it is not a long-lived plant. Loam, with a fmall portion of old rotten dung, it thrives in moft. Our drawing was taken, at the, Nurfery, Hammerfimith, in June 1800. y= -— - M a Ad a Ps p^ FX fkinny fubftance forming a honey-bearing, . T —————H ee SN, 161 y 2 i 2 Hermanna fll wrala ? X el NS = Ms DH : t E . - B - , E à P3 . Z re » ' E ms ' y * L . 1 ^ + 1 - M - : i 1 x = oo A . E * P i B 1! | Ld r Ww m - f " | P "- TX; 2 "- P * ' 4 . ; | Y «1-4 - E * b : z * . E £o - No = " v - , B " ! rib avi ; l J , ; 3 3 ] ‘ ! r r x) « tdariin * E st -EC . 3 , . / . PHATE CLXII. VERBASCUM FERRUGINEUM. Rufiy-flowered Mullein. CLASS LM. PENTANDRIA MONOGY NIA. GENERIC Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- partitum, parvum, perfiftens; laciniis erec- tis, acutis. Conorra monopetala, rotata, fub-inzqualis; tubus cylindraceus, breviffimus; limbus pa- tens, quinque-partitus; laciniis ovatis, ob- tufis. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, co- rolla breviora. Antherz fubrotundae, com- preffae, erectae. : PrsrinncM. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fi- liformis, longitudine ftaminum, inclinatus. Stigma craffiufculum, obtufum. Pericarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, bilocula- ris, bivalvis, fuperne dehifcens. Recepta- cula dimidiato-ovata, diflepimento affixa. SEMiNA numerofa, angulata. Ols. In plerifque ftamina inclinata funt, villifque coloratis inferne vetita. SPECIFIC Verbafcum foliis fubvillofis, rugofis; caulinis fubfeffilibus, zequaliter crenatis; radicah- bus oblongis, cordatis, duplicato-crenatis. QRDER. I Five Chives. One Pointal. CHARACTER. EwPALEMENT. Cup of one leaf, with five divi- fions, fmall, remaining; fegments upright, fharp pointed. Brossow one petal, wheel-fhaped, rather un- equal; tube cylindrical, very fhort; border Ípreading, five divifions; fegments egg- fhaped, blunt. Cuives. Threads five, awl-fhaped, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips roundifh, flattened, up- right. PoiNTAL. Seed-bud roundifh. Shaft thread- fhaped, the length of the chives, bent downward. Summit rather thick and blunt. SrEpD-vesseL. Capfule roundith, with two cells, ' | two valves, fplitting at the top. Recepta- | cles the form of half an egg, fixed to the partition. | Segps numerous, angular. Ols. In the greateft number of fpecies the chives are bent downward, and clothed with soft, coloured hairs on the lower part. CHARACTER. Mullein with leaves a little hairy and rough; ftem leaves almoft without foot - ftalks, equally fcolloped; leaves from the root ob- long, heart-fhaped, and doubly fcolloped. —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. One Chive magnified. Oar ObD- . A Leaf of the plant, from the lower part. A Blotiom, fhewn from the front. . The fame cut open from the fide, to fhew the infertion of the chives. - The Pointal and Seed-bud, magnified. —S Tue rufty-flowered Mullein of the Kew Catalogue, collated from Sutherland’s Hortus Medicus Edin- burghenfis, is undoubtedly our plant; but, though it ftands a name in the book, we much queftion its having graced the garden, at the time of its publication. It certainly has been loft to us above a century. and but recently introduced to the Oxford Botanic Garden by the late Dr. Sibthorpe. Being a hardy biennial, it will perfect its feeds about July, which may be fown in Auguft the fame year. It will grow in any foil, but a fandy compoft of light peat and loam {uits it moft. The flowers on the fpikes, which grow fometimes to the length of four feet, continue to expand, upwards, for above two months; that is to fay, from April, till June. Our figure was taken from a fpecimen fent by the Hon. W. H. Irby, from his garden at the Parfonage, Farnham Royal, Bucks. EE Na. om mt Eo — — r1 ai P IMS ——Á—À Pa P Ad dm wa — 8 th E E "» ^ A PLATE CLXII. AMARYLLIS FOTHERGILLI 4A. Fothergillian Lily Daffodil. : CLASS VL ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow 6-petalled, bell-fhaped. Summit three- cleft. See AMARYLLIS RADIATA, Pl. XCV. Vol. II. ConoLLA 6-petala, campanulata. Stigma tri- fidum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lily Daffodil with many flowers in the fheath; petals lance-fhaped, rolled back at the point; parts of fruétification upright; leaves linear, Amaryllis fpatha multiflora; petalis lanceolatis, apice revolutis; genetalibus erectis; foliis | a Rit | linearibus, {ub-canaliculatis, obtufis, glau- f i | | cis. rather channelled, obtufe, and of a fea-green colour. —— — —«BS-—— — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal, with its Chive attached. 2. The Seed. bud, and Pointal. 3. A ripe Seed-veflel, with the Seeds. ———— f ————— Even amidft this fplendid family, Amaryllis Fothergillia ftands confpicuoufly preeminent; the flowers have the fame vivid character of refulgence, when expofed to the fun's rays, which is perceived in A. Sarnienfis, or the Guernfey Lily, to which it is nigh affined. The late Dr. Fothergill (to whom the botanical world is fo much indebted, for the zeal and extraordinary liberality he conftantly mani- fefted, in advancing the ícience) received this plant from China at the fame time with A. aurea, A. radiata, &c. about the year 1777. It is rather a fcarce and tender bulb, as it is fubje& to rot by overmuch wet. It has hitherto been kept, as are moft plants on their firft arrival from China, in the hot-houfe; but, from every appearance, we fhould be led to fuppofe, it would not perifh if kept in the Green-houfe, as we queftion much, whether it is not equally hardy with the Guernfey Lily, and a native, originally, as well as the latter, of Japan. It fhould be planted in fandy4oam, with a {mall quantity of rough peat, above the tiles in the pot, to make it flower. The propagation is from offsets, which are produced but rarely from the old bulbs. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Hammerfmith nurfery this year, 1801, in the month of May. | : n ‘ Ama rylles Fithe VOC V Z 4 ei — xm: : netilil.din. I PLATE CLXIV. GALAXIA GRANDIFLORA. Large-flowered Galaxia. CLASS AVL ORDER IL. MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA. Threads united. Three Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. SparHa univalvis. Corolla monopetala, 6 fida, | SueaTH of one valve. Bloffom one petal, 6-cleft, tubus filiformis. Stigma multipartita. | tube thread-fhaped. Summit many divi- fions. See GarAxiA ovaTa, Pl. XCIV. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Galaxia foliis canaliculatis, acuminatis, arcuatis; corolla magna, lutea, folia equantia. Galaxia with channelled leaves, tapered to the point, and arched; bloffom large, yellow, and the length of the leaves. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The fheath of the bloffom. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, the fummit detached, magnified. Tue figure of this delicate little bulb was taken from a plant in the Hibbertian Collection, which had been imported in the laít, and flowered in February this year 1801. It is a tender plant, and the roots are very fubject to decay after flowering, for which reafon, they fhould be removed from the pot before the leaves are quite decayed. Mr. Allen informs us he has kept it, in the greenhoufe, with the other Cape bulbs, planted in light fandy peat earth. LL, ws lif tor Y 7a ES 24 a , 2 - PLATE CLXV. ECHIUM GLAUCOPHYLLUM. Sea-ereen-leaved Viper s- Buglofs. CLASS V. ORDER L PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Conorra irregularis, fauce nuda. Brossow irregular, mouth naked. | See EcHIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XX. Vol, I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Echium caule fruticofo; ramis calycibufque gla- Viper's-Buglofs with a fhrubby ftem; branches bris; foliis ovato-lanceolatis, glaucis, gla- very fmooth ; leaves between egg and lance- bris, margine ferrulatis; corollis fubaequa- fhaped, of a fea-green colour, fmooth, and libus. flightly fawed at the margin; bloffoms nearly equal. ort REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Blotfom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the chives. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. —— — n — —- > Tuts fhrubby fpecies of Echium was introduced, to the Royal Gardens at Kew, by Mr. F. Maffon, in the year 1792, from the Cape of Good Hope. It grows to the height of three feet, or more, rather bufhy at the top, flowers about the month of May, and perfects its feeds with us; by which only method, it is to be propagated. It thrives beft in a light loamy foil, with a fmall proportion of fandy peat, about one fourth. Profeffor Martyn, in his Miller's Dic. has collated two defcriptions of Echiums under the titles of ' levigatum, and glabrum; the firft, No. 9, from Lin. Sp. Plant. 199; the fecond, No. 19, from Vahl. Symb. 3. 22. Thunberg has likewife, in his Prodromus, 33. two names of plants. as E. levigatum, and E. glabrum; from whom Willdenow, in his new Edition of Sp. Plant. p. 785, has copied them under the same titles; adding, the various fynonims, from Linnzus's Sp. Plant. to the one; and to the latter, Prof. Jacqvin's fpecific of glaucophyllum, taken from his Ic. rar. 2. t. 312, and his Colle&, 2.p.325. Now, we have little hefitation in declaring our opinion, and we think, thofe who choofe to compare our figure with the different defcriptions here mentioned, will coincide with us, that this is the plant from which they muft all have originated, except the E. glabrum of Vahl, which we take to be a different plant; as, the cup is defcribed hairy, the length of the tube of the bloffom; the chives longer, and the flower fmaller. Wherefore, we have taken, for our plant, the fpecific title of Jacquin, as being, in our idea, the moft appropriate. " 7 d AS glue 2 3 ; bes d E UU EN dde. .. onm. a "FINU - , . - E : * E } . PLATE CIXVI. GLADIOLUS ABREVIATUS Shortened-petalled Gladiolus. ee CLASS ME ORDER, T. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corotxa fexpartita, ringens. Stamina adícen- Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcend- dentia. ing. See GLapIoLus RosgEus, Pl. XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis linearibus, cruciatis, fcapo lon- Gladiolus with linear leaves, crofs fhaped, longer gioribus; corolla tubulofa, ftriata, ima an- than the flower-flem; bloffom tubular, guftata, lacinia füumma magna, recla, ovata, ftreaked, and narrowed at the lower part, relique vero parva, abreviate. |. the upper petal is large, grows ftraight out, and egg-fhaped, the others are {mall, and appear as if fhortened, — A — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. » 1. The outer fheath of the Empalement. 2. The inner fheath of the Empalement. 3. A Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives attached. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits. a Tuts moft fingular Gladiolus was received,’ amongft a variety of others, in the year 1799, from the Cape of Good Hope, by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; at whofe nurfery it flowered in March, this year 1801, for the firft time. It is a hardy bulb, and propagates freely from the root; grows about two feet high, and, before flowering, has much the appearance of G. triftis. VY me PLATE CLXVII. BEUNSFELBIA DNDULATXZE. Waved-flowered Brunsfelsia. CLASS DIDYNAMIA XIV. ANGIOSPER MIA. ORDER Il. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carrx. Perianthium monophyllum, campanu- latum, quinquedentatum, obtufum, mini- mum, perfittens. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus longiflimus, fubincurvus; limbus planus, quinquefidus, obtufus. Sramina. Filamenta quatuor, brevilfima. An- there oblongae, erectz, filamentis dorfo affixa. Pistrttum. Germen fubrotundum, parvum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine tubi. Stigma craffiufculum. Perrcarrium. Capfula extus baccata, globofa, unilocularis, bivalvis. SrMiNA plurima, compreffa, hinc convexa, inde angulata, punctato-fcabra. RECEPTACULUM fundo capfule adnatum, pale- aceum; paleis coadunatis, apice fubulatis, femina diftinguentibus. SPECIFIC Brunsfelfia foliis lanceolato-obovatis, utrinque ExPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, bell-fhaped, five- toothed, blunt, very fmall, remaining. Brosscw. One petal, funnel-fhaped; tube very long, rather curved; border flat, five-cleft, obtufe. Cnives. Four threads, very fhort. Tips ob- long, upright, fixed by the back to the threads. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud roundifh, fmall. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the tube, Sum- nit rather flefhy. Seep-vesseL. Capfule on the outfide a berry, globular, one cell, two valves. Steps many, flat, convex on one fide, angular on the other, roughly punétured. ^ Recepracce fixed to the bottom of the capfule, chatfy ; chaffs joining at the bafe, aw] fhaped at the point, feparating the feeds. CHARACTER. Brunsfelfia with leaves between lance and in- | acuminatis, petiolis brevillimis; tubus pa- | | verlely egg-fhaped, tapered to both ends, rum incurvatus, laciniis limbi undulatis. | footitalks very fhort; tube a little incurved, the fegments of the border waved. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. : 2. The tube of the bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion and charaéter. of the Chives. 3. 'The Pointal and Seed-bud. UE 00 Tue Genus Brunsfelfia (by Plumier fo named, in honour of Otho Brunsfels a monk, the firft who: edited in 1530 a Botanical work with good figures, it contained 238 plates) has undergone a very neceflary revifion fince the days of Linnzus; indeed, it appears fingular that Father Plumier, from whom Linnus quotes his Generic character, fhould have committed fo great an overfight, as to defcribe it with five chives; a feature fcarcely to be expected, from a {port of nature, in plants of this Clafs. So however it is on record, and the fifth Clafs of the Gen. and Spe. Plant. and of the Syft. Nat. tom. ii. each includes this Genus; from which, we (hould be induced to think he had defigned fome other plant; if the figure, and the reft of the defcription, did not confirm it. Schreber, in his Gen. Plant. has likewife an obfervation, that the fruit fhould be named a capfule, rather than a berry; as given by Linnzus, Miller, and Swartz; his reafon, that it fplits determinately, by a future, from the top to the bafe. Our fpecies, is the third now in Britain; they are all natives of the Weft India Iflands. The 1ft B. americana has been long an inhabitant of our hothoufes; the 2d B. maculata is but little known to moft, though long cultivated here; as it has been treated as a variety of the firft fpecies, notwith- ftanding the ftrong ípecific difference, in the fhape of the leaves and bloffoms; which in the B. maculata, are beautifully marked at the bafe, and as large as the undulata; the leaves inverfely egg- fhaped and more downy. The prefent plant feldom grows more than four feet high, flowers freely about March, is very {weet fcented, and is eafily propagated by cuttings. It was finé fent to England in the year 1784, by Mr. Elcock from the Ifland of Barbadoes, to Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Ham- merfmith. Our drawing was made from a plant in the Clapham Colleétion, in March 1800. It fhould be planted in rich earth. * m p i etis ur E RI s a ——— n nd Be COMO M 7843119 WT ee a a PLATE CLXVIII. GERAN TUS PICTUS Painted-flowered Geranium. rrr R 0 (LASS. AVE OR DER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united: Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Pornrar. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See GeznAN1UM GranpirLoruM. PI, XII. Vol. I. Monocyna. Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus, I | penta-coccus. | ll SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis cordato-oblongis, obtufis, in- | equaliter incifis, tomentofis, bumi adpref- | fis; corolla alba, petalis fuperioribus pro- | fundé fupra medium rubro maculatis; fta- | minibus feptem fertilibus; radice tuberofa. | Gerapium with oblong heart-íhaped leaves, | blunt, unequally gafhed, downy, and ly- l ing clofe to the ground; bloffom white; the upper petals deeply marked with red about the middle; feven fertile chives; | root tuberous, —— d 7——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . The Chives and Pointal, magnified. . The Chives fpread open, magnified. . The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, magnified. & C oM ox Le No Genus of Plants claims our notice, for its beauty, more than Geranium, and this fpecies, cer- tainly, ranks amongft the foremoft. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and we believe only to be found in the Clapham Colle&ion; where, our figure was taken in April this year, from a plant, the bulb or root of which had been received the preceding autumn. It is nearly the only one, amongít twenty two fpecies of the tuberous kind, all having irregular petalled bloffoms and tubular cups, of which we poflefs drawings, that has feven fertile chives; the greater number have two, four, orfive. It appears to flourifh under the treatment given it by Mr. Allen, which is, by keeping it in fandy peat, on a fhelf, very dry, in the green-houfe, The propagation appears to be the fame for this, as the other tuberous kinds, that is, by the root. i | Í PLATE CLXIX. CRINUM GIG A:N T E U M. Gigantic Afbhodel- Lily. CLASS VE ORDER k HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fupra, infundibuliformis, fexpartita, Brossow above, funnel -fhaped, fix-parted, equal; zqualis; filamenta tubi fauci inferta; fe- threads inferted into the mouth of the tube; mina ad bafin corollarum, vivipara. feeds at the bafe of the bloffoms, viviparous. | See CniNUM sPIRALE, Pl. XCII. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Crinum foliis flaccidis, undulatis; floribus fetfi- libus, umbellatis; petalis concavis, fub- albidis. Afphodel-Lily with flaccid, waved leaves; flow- ers fitting clofe to the flower ftem in um- bels; petals concave, nearly white. —— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A miniature reprefentation of the whole plant. 2. A Petal with its chive. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. ———— sana i M —— — — Tue coaft of Africa bordering on our fettlement at Sierra Leone, has furnifhed us with a number of beautiful plants; but none more fo, than thofe of the natural order of Lily; witnefs our prefent figure, which was taken from a plant in the Hammerfmith collection, in the month of Auguft 1800. The bulbs of this grand fpecies of Crinum, were received by her Ladyfhip, the Right Honourable the Marchionefs of Rockingham, about the year 1792, from Sierra Leone ; they may be confidered as hardy hothoufe plants, and may be kept in any part of it; will flower, freely, about the month of Auguft, the flower-ftems rifing, fometimes, to the height of three feet. A mixture, of leaf mould, or fandy peat one half, and light loam the other, is the beft compoft to make them flourifh. It is propagated from the feed, or offsets.—— Having made a fmall alteration, in the Effential Chara&er of the Genus; and as it is likely we may figure fome other fpecies of Crinums fhortly; we think it neceffary to add a few words, to that point. The moft oftenfible difference, we have been able to trace, in comparing above 40 fpecies of Crinums and Amarylliss, and on which to reft, with certainty, for generical dif- tincion; can, unqueftionably, be taken only, from the feeds; as thefe in moft fpecies of Pancratium, Hemanthus, and all of this Genus, are viviparous or formed like flefhy bulbs, producing plants, like offsets taken from the original bulbs. From Pancratium it is diftin@, in being deftitute of the Honey- cup; and equally fo from Hemanthus, which has its fheath of many leaves, the flowers and chives upright, and the chives, twice the length of the bloffoms. Orenume qeauteuamn e . — _ A Z0» | | Crpnum- queat uteLan CC Tew q PLATE CLXX. ^ I X I A B U T B O © O D I U M. Far. flore speciosissimo. Crocus-leaved Ixia. Var. with most beautiful flower. nc À—— CLASS IH. DR DEE X TRIANDRIA MONOGYN. LA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Comorra4 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stamina tria, ereCtiufculo-patula. Brossow 6-petals, fpreading, equal. Chives three, upright, fpreading. See Ix1a nEFLEXA, Pl. XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia fcapo unifloro; foliis linearibus, canalicula- Ixia with one flower on the ftem; leaves linear, tis, fcapo zquantibus; corolla declinata, and channelled, the length of the flower- EM tubo brevi; ftigmatibus fextuplicibus. fiem; bloffom declined, with a fhort tube; fummits fextuple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two fheaths of the Empalement. . A Bloffom cut and fpread open, with the Chives, fhewn from the infide. . The fame, fhewn from the back or outfide. 4, The Pointal, with the Summits, magnified, l2 wo i Tris extremely delicate, and beautiful little Ixia, flowered, for the firft time, in March this year, 1801, in the colleétion of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham Common; the bulbs having been received the preceding autumn from the Cape of Good Hope. It appears to be one of thofe plants, which feldom furvive the fecond feafon, in this climate; and we much fear, without a frefh fupply, it will be foon loft to this country ; as it does not ripen its feeds, and the roots do not feem as if inclined to increafe by offsets. | Ns L^ / Y Y re Tz, PP CAP DNE (Jj — « ( J Weis flere Mete tyran PLATE CLXXI. HYTODXIS.LINLABRDIES Linear-leaved Hypoxis. CLASS Vi, ORDER L HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLra 6-partita, perfiftens, fupera. Capfula Brossow 6-parted, remaining, above. Capfule bafi anguflior. Spatha 2-valvis. o? narrower at the bafe. Sheath 2-valved. : See Hypoxis sTELLATA, Pl. CI. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hypoxis foliis linearibus, glabris, canaliculatis, Hypoxis with linear leaves, fmooth, channelled, longiore fcapo unifloro; corolla intus au- and longer than the flower-ftem, which rea, extus viridis. has but one flower; bloffom orange within, , green without. OO ——————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Chives and Seed-bud. 2. Pointal and Seed-bud, magnified. 3. The Seed-bud cut tranfverfely. ee € ——— Ar firft, we had fome doubts whether this plant fhould not be confidered as a variety of Hypoxis ftel- lata, to which it undoubtedly affines; but, upon due examination, find it a diftin&t and new fpecies; € as well, from the fhape and length of the leaves, as the fhape, character, and colour of the bloffom, and figure of the root. Like Hypoxis ftellata it is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced, from thence, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, in the year 1792. For its treatment, &c. we muft refer our readers to the above fpecies, Pl. 101. Vol. 2. Our drawing was taken in March 1801 from a plant in the Hib- bertian Colleétion, Clapham Common. The flower of this plant, like many of the Ixias, &c. is expanded but a few hours each day, and that only, whilft under the influence of a ftrong morning fun; as, if the weather is gloomy, it keeps clofe fhut, but does not fpeedily decay, for it will conti- nue to open, with equal brilliancy, for eight or ten days. Uf. Vai Uy br ' pem ANLANIA n. ^ PLATE CLXXI: ANEMONE PALMAT A. Cyclamen-leaved Portugal Anemone. CLASS XHE ORDER VIL POLYANDRIA POLYGY NIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx nullus. EMPALEMENT none. Conorra. Petala duorum triumve ordinum, Brossow. Petals in two or three rows, three in fingula ferie tria, oblongiufcula. | in a row, rather oblong. Sramina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, co- Cuives. Threads numerous, hair-like, half the rolla dimidio breviora. Anthere didyme, length of the bloffom. Tips doubled, erect. erecta. Pisritca. Germina numerofa, in capitulum Pornrats. Seed-buds numerous, collected into collecta. Styli acuminati. Stigmata ob- | a fmall head. Shafts tapered. Summits tufa. blunt. PericaRPium nullum. Receptaculum globo- || SrEep-vessext none. Receptacle globular or ob- fum, five oblongum, excavato-punétatum. | long, hollowed and dotted. Semina plurima, acuminata, ftylum retinentia. || Seeps many, tapered, retaining the fhaft. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Anemone with kidney-fhaped leaves, a little lobed, ícolloped; fence many-cleft; the outer petals hairy and larger. natis; involucro multifido; petalis exteri- Anemone foliis reniforinibus, fub-lobatis, cre- | oribus villofis, majoribus. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. [n . An outer Petal of the Bloffom, fhewn from the infide. . The Chives, as they ftand on the receptacle. . The fmall Head, as formed by the pointals. . A Seed-bud and its appendages, a little magnified. 93 (t »- a — ————— Tuts fpecies of Anemone, isa native of Portugal, having been brought from thence about the year-1788, » and firft cultivated at the Hammerfmith Nurfery; the fpecific title of Lufitanica obtained fora time, but little doubt refts now of its being the A. palmata of Linnzeus's Sp. Pl. p. 758, and of Vahl, Desfon- taines, &c. How the plant could firft acquire the name of palmata, is certainly a myftery; unlefs it might be, from the appearance of the fence, which neverthelefs but ill accords with that character. Bauhin's affination, as Cyclamen-leaved, is certainly the moft appropriate, as the leaves both in fhape, and the colour of the upper and under part, are exa& with C. coum. It is rather too delicate for our winters, if expofed in the open borders; but, makes a pretty appearance, in fpring, if kept in a pot, in light, rich earth. Like moft Anemonies, it propagates beft by dividing the roots, which are long and cylindrical; but, care muft be taken not to water the pots, for fome time after planting, as they are apt to rot, where they are broken. PU Vis ‘Anemone LL 1 - » d T x - L4 ^ = ' e Ex 1 " * AW uo. - M S ; 3 » a * um ' TEE E dromada4o savin oT Arsiinp &bast 1 > - : ) L E a V6 RATOARASZ SAVER EAD } debian sin} . afoot A carrot wa 4 SesPunW appatp distri SAN roowCM.. ' Abs mb avit. ista qudd dv - = à "77 Bois f. ' A. jov IU. oe opi Ara TAL ME | f > all v b i r3 P “i . ! " . 4 pu " Medo! todieg-qignh diiw ^ ui L3 Y^ bon) siifól etii LUE | 4 etm ^ Eos f Hanoi d da a rnt malia ts od e | ' a E Li i- p 7 rss awe anten. 50i. repair epa anos, m ia worse Gea en Mie bag borat wiley dobwero s 4 die" 1 kel er (bene cho apes" C 298 a mox n B En * “ZW E Aq 1" T9004 EL ^. 3 Fad trun adf indici AM B dag? mi 2o.ahbio»qt fronn MA E Wt M a non obug 5- v qur] oo) indy yew à | donem yon sooboiq © um 4 doubw ni qwogagsto c a j ro. JF ; ^ ME ab en 12001 £ da xd federr rater xin a 13 eques. Dex grel eomm ea PLATE CLXXIII. GERANIUM BO-$rfU:M. Rofy Geranium. CLASSE OR DER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One PorinTat. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM. PI, XII. Vol. I. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus: rof- tratus, penta-coccus. a SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis incifo-lobatis, tomentofis, lobis Geranium with deeply-gafhed, lobed, downy crenatis, obtufis; pedunculis multifloris ; leaves, the lobes {colloped and blunt; flower- floribus ereétis, confertis, rofeis, pentan- stems many flowered; the flowers erect, dris; calycibus monophyllis; radice tube- crowded, rofe-coloured and with five tips; rol: cups one-leaved; root tuberous. IL moche ue REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, with its hollow tube cut open. 2. 'The Chives cut open. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits. Anovr the year 1794, this fpecies of Geranium was firft introduced to the Royal Gardens, Kew, by Mr. Francis Maffon, from the Cape of Good Hope. Of all the tuberous kind, this is, certainly, the moft fpecious yet in England; it flowers generally about March, in which month, our drawing was made, from a fpecimen in the nurfery of Mr. J. Colville, King's Road, Chelfea. Mr. Colville informs us, that the propagation is very difficult, and only to be performed by the root; as the plant does not produce any branches, and that the feeds do not ripen; he keeps it in a mixture of rotten leaves, and fandy peat, in which, it has every appearance of luxuriant health. P B * 1 P [4 iy b" 1 = ^ 4 E 3 > Ü ' X z "7 t. Bx y D d d - .- 3 d L \ - - ie - e t ~ y NW - E ; aii E : 1 , " Aes 3 M r E * ‘ . ^ D E . ‘ ~ - » * . » .- 3 E ' e d » . ‘ ' - 1 Jj * * ' £ V 3 i - . , z - , - M ‘ fi , = E r * p. * * E ' Tw - . ‘ . , PLATE CLXXIV. A NT LH O LY J, A T U B UL O S X. Var. flore variegato. Tubular Antholyza. Striped fowered Var. CLASS HI. ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom tubular, irregular, and bent backward. Capfule beneath, | See ANTHOLYZA RINGENS, Pl. XXXII. Vol. I. Conorra tubulofa, irregularis, recurvata, Cap- fula infera. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antholyza with tubular, nearly cylindrical flow- Antholyza floribus tubulofis, fubcylindraceis; | | ers; flower-ftem with the bloffoms pointing feapo diflicho, foliis lanceolato-enfiformi- bus, breviore. | two oppofite ways, leaves between lance and fword-fhaped, fhorter. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom of a variety, differing in the palenefs, and fize of the flowers, and without variegation. . The Empalement. - A flower cut open, with the Chives attached. - The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits, one Summit magnified. d$» © t ——— ee Tuis fine fpecies of Antholyza was received by Meflrs. Grimwood and Wykes, Kenfington, from the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1796; they poffefs three varieties, and we fhould have been happy to have given a bloffom of the third, but, it was out of flower before our drawing was taken, which was, in the end of June, this year. It isa hardy bulb, and increafes freely, either by the feed, or from the root, and fhould be planted in fandy peat, with a fmall mixture of loam. — cein eI An Chel yx lub utes ar. gere ra. PLATE CLXXV. MELALEUCA ERIC/EFOLI A. Heath-leaved Melaleuca. — !—— M CLASS XVII. ORDER. IV. POLYADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads in many fets. Many Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Perianthium turbinatum, germini adna- tum, quinquefidum feu quinquedentetum. Congorra. Petala quinque, rotundata, calycis margini interiori inferta. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, filiformia, in fafciculos quinque connata. Anthere in- cumbentes. PisriLLUM. Germen turbinatum, fundo calycis adnatum. Stylus filiformis, erectus. Stigma fimplex. Perrcarpium. Capfula fubglobofa, calycis ven- tre corticata, fummitate nuda, trilocularis, diffepimentis contrariis. EwrarEMENT. Cup turban-fhaped, growing to the feed-bud, five-cleft or five-toothed. Brossow. Five petals rounded, inferted into the inner margin of the cup. Cuives. "Threads numerous, thread-fhaped, united in five bundles. Tips incumbent. PorxTAr. Seed-bud turban-fhaped, growing to the bottom of the cup. Shaft thread- fhaped, erect. Summit fimple. Seep-vesseL. Capfule nearly globular, coated by the belly of the cup, the upper part naked, three-celled, partitions contrary. Segps many, oblong, or rounded with angles, or SzwiNA plurima, oblonga, feu rotundato-angu- i winged. lata, feu alata. 1 SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Melaleuca foliis fparfis oppofitifve, linearibus, Melaleuca with fcattered or oppofite leaves, li- enerviis, fubrecurvis, muticis; floribus fef- near, without nerves, a little turned back filibus, apicem verfus ramulorum confertis, and beardlefs; flowers grow clofe to the fpicatis. ftem, crowded together near the end of the fmaller branches in fpikes. SE a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Prop, one which is to be found at the bafe of each flower. . A Blotfom, natural fize. . 'The fame magnified. . One of the five bundles of Chives, with its Petal, to which it is attached at the * bafe, magnified. 5. 'The Cup, Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, natural fize, the fummit detached and magnified. wm Gb ^ —— —— ue plants from New Holland, of the natural order of Myrti ; comprized under the different Genera of Metrofideros, Eucalyptus, Leptofpermum, Myrtus, and this prefent one of Melaleuca; feem, from what we yet know, to conttitute a very diftinguifhed part, of the woody vegetable productions of that country: wherefore, we can have little hopes of feeing many of them flower with us, at leaft, for many years to come. ‘The M. ericefolia was amongít the firft plants raifed in 1788, by Metlrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from feeds; but, till this year, we believe it has not been feen to flower, in any colle&tion in Great Britain ; nor perhaps would it, as yet, had not a large and old plant, been planted out in the novel and elegant confervatory of the Right Hon. the Marquis of Blandford at White Knights, near Reading, Berks, from a branch of which, obligingly communicated by his Lord- fhip, our drawing was taken, the beginning of July, this year. The Plant grows to the height of fix or feven feet, upright, very branching, the branches weep- ing, and the flowers, which grow in fpikes or branches of about fix inches in length, project, ftraight out, from about the middle of the ftem. Jt grows beft in a mixture of two thirds fandy peat, and one third loam; may be propagated by cuttings made, from the tender fhoots, in the month of March, and kept under a glafs, in the tan bed of the hothoufe, or in a melon frame until rooted. This fpecies of Melaleuca and the Metrofideros Nodofa of Gaertner, 1{t Vol. de fruct. p. 172, t. 34, f. 6, we muft confider as the fame, though made by Dr. Smith, fee Linn. Tranf. Vol. III. p. 276, diftinct fpecies; perhaps from fpecimens gathered at different times, differently dried, or from differ- «unt parts of the country. emm eei i, ai Ct en E. c 10 212. 0 220) 4 Weluc Mk CULE 1477 PLATE CLXXVI. CRATAVA CAP PA HOLD ES: Caper-like Crateva. CLASS XI. ORDER 1. DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Twelve Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quadrifi- dum, deciduum, bafi planum ; laciniis pa- tentibus, ovatis, inzequalibus. Conorra. Petala quatuor, oblonga, unguibus tenuibus, longitudine calycis, divifuris in- ferta. ,STAMiNAa. Filamenta fedecim vel plura, fetacea, corolla breviora. Antherz erectz, oblonga. Pistirtum. Germen, pedicello filiformi, lon- giflimo, ovatum. Stylus nullus. Stigma feffile, capitatum. Pericarrium. Bacca? carnofa, globofa, maxi- ma, pedicellata, unilocularis, bivalvis. ass plura, fubrotunda, emarginata, nidu- antia. SPECIFIC Crateva foliolis elipticis, glabris; floribus um- bellatis, terminalibus, luteo-viridibus, petalis Schreb. Gen. Plant. Vol. I. p. 320. EwxPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, four-cleft, falling off, flat at the bafe; fegments fpreading, egg-fhaped, unequal. Brossow. Four petals, oblong, claws flender, the length of the cup and'inferted into the divifions. Cuives. Threads fixteen or more, like briftles, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips erect, oblong. PoiwTAL.. Seed-bud on a thread-fhaped and very long foot-ftalk, egg-fhaped. Shaft none. Summit fitting on the feed-bud, beaded. Sgrp-vEssEL. A Berry? flefhy, globular, large, with a foot-ftalk, one-celled, two-valved. || Sgeps many, roundifh, notched at the end, dif- perfed in pulp. CHARACTER. Crateva with eliptical, fmooth leaflets; flowers grow in umbels, terminal and yellow green; longiffimis, apicibus crifpis. | petals very long, crifped at the ends. — MÀ —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Shews the Pointal, part of the Chives, and three Petals of the bloffom ; a few of the Chives, one of the Petals, and the leaves of the Empalement, being removed, the better to exhibit the ftructure of the bloffom. 2. 'The Pointal, complete. T EIU UT pe —À——— — To Mr. Eldred Elfzelius, a native of Sweden, we are indebted for this fpecies of Cratzva; by whom it was brought to Great Britain, on his return from Sierra Leone, in the year 1795. Asa native of that burning clime, it will not endure our winters, without the protection of the hothoufe; to which, as a climber, it is a confiderable ornament, both in foliage, and flower; the flowers coming, in fucceflion, from June, till Auguft; perhaps, much later, as we believe, this is the firft time its bloffoms have been produced in England. The propagation is extremely eafy, by cuttings; but, to give the plant fufficient vigour for flowering, it muft be planted in a border, prepared of old rotten dung, fandy peat, and loam, of cach, equal parts; feparated from the tan-bed by a partition of boards, fufficiently ftrong to fupport the earth, upon the removal of the tan. This method of treating many of the tropi- cal climbers, and even the common Caper, though a native of the fouth of Europe, has been found neceffary to their production of flowers in this country. Our figure was taken from a plant, treated in the above manner, in the Stepney collection ; from whence, through the kind indulgence of the truly urbanic, and indefatigable proprietor, T. Evans, Efq. we are in hopes of gratifying our botanical friends, with the figures of a number of plants, new to this country; and of which he is, at prefent, the fole poffeffor. - Mica Se —— E. a UU mt t ———— ———————— 1 m—— NÉ SS - = PLATE CLXXVII. IX LAY Payee AT A. Dotted flowered Ixia. CLASS, HL ORDER, 4 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Brossow 6 divifions, fpreading, equal. Summits three, nearly upright, fpreading. See Ixia reflexa, Pl. XIV. Vol I. ConoLLA 6-partita, patens, aequalis. SriGMaTA 3, erectiufculo-patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia with linear leaves fheathing the ftem; flower- ftem jointed, moftly three flowered; feg- ments of the bloffom inverfely egg-fhaped, | dotted in lines, and purple. Ixia foliis linearibus, fcapo vaginantibus; fcapus geniculatus, fubtriflorus; laciniis corollz obovatis, lineato-punctatis, purpureis. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. ]. The two valves of the fheath. 2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits; a divifion of one of the fummits magnified. Tuis curious Ixia was introduced from the Cape of Good Hope, in the year 1800, by G. Hibbert, Efq. aud is, we believe, in the pofleffion of no other in this kingdom. It is a tender bulb, flowering about April, or May, and appears, either by the bulb, or feed, to be flow of increafe, The bulb, from which our figure was taken, was planted in light, fandy peat earth. ag Gc, Man el: tcs sd cir river itd Jade | ^M diu esca gd? ba | | | | PLATE CLXXVIII. FERRARIA PAVONIA. Mexican Ferraria. ———— s f i ———— ————— — CLASS XVI. ORDER I MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA. Threads united. Three Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Schreb. Gen. Plant. V. 1I. p. 451. Carvx. Spathe binz, alterne, carinate, invo- || EwrAarEMENT. Sheaths two, alternate, keeled, lute, uniflorz. | involute, one-flowered. Conorra monopetala, fupera, fexpartita; laci- || Brossow one petal, above, fix divided; feg- niis oblongis, ere&o-patentibus, undulato- ments oblong, upright-{preading, crifp- crifpatis, maculatis; tribus alternis exteri- waved and fpotted ; the three alternate outer oribus latioribus. ones the broadefi, Stamina. Filamenta tria, in tubum cylindra- Cuives. Threads three, in a cylindrical tube fhorter than the bloffom, joined together, ceum, corolla breviorem, connata, fuperne feparate at the top. Tips nearly egg-fhaped, dittin&a, Antherz fubovate, didyme. | double. Pistittum. Germen oblongum, triquetrum, PoiNTar. Seed-bud oblong, three-fided, blunt, obtufum, inferum, Stylus filiformis, lon. beneath. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length gitudine tubi. of the tube. SriGMATA tria, profunde bifida. | Summits three, deeply two cleft. Pericarpium. Capfíulaoblonga, triquetra, tri- SEED vEssEL. Capfule oblong, three-fided, three- locularis, trivalvis ; diffepimentis contrariis. celled, three-valved; partitions contrary. SEMINA numerofa, fubrotunda, pulpa involuta. || Seeps many, roundifh, covered with a pulp. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferraria corollis fub campanulatis, fpeciofiflimis ; Ferraria with bloffoms nearly bell-fhaped and laciniis planis, tribus interioribus haftatis, very fhewy; fegments plain, the three inner ne&ariferis; foliis plicatis, bafi fpathaceis. ones are halbert-fhaped, and have honey- : cups, leaves plaited, fheathing at the bate. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. An outer Petal of the Flower. 3. An inner Petal of the Flower. 4. The Chives and Pointal. 5. 'The Chives fpread open. 6. The Pointal complete, one of the fummits magnified. i atl tte — — — — Turs is, without doubt, the Mexican plant given in the 2nd. Vol. t. 31. f. 2. of Swertius's Florilegium, publifhed in-1612; by F. Hernandez, in his Nov. Plant. &c. Mex. Hift. p. 276, in 1648; and of Mutis, under the title it here bears, in his Flo. Amer. 1. t. 15; from whom it has been copied into the Suppl. Plant. of the younger Linnzus, p. 407. and continued by Profeffor Martyn in his Mill. Dic. Art. Fer- raria 2. "This Genus, which was originally formed on the Ferraria undulata of the Cape, and placed to the clafs Gynandria by Linnaus, has been fo continued by Martyn, &c. but upon what grounds, we are unable to determine; unlefs the miftake arofe from the impraticability of dividing the tube of the chives, from the fhaft, in a dried fpecimen; which, in fuch tranfitory flowers as thofe of Ferraria, Sifyrinchium, Galaxia, &c. all of this clafs, feem, in that ftate, to form a perfe& unifon. Schreber has referred thefe Genera, in his Ed. of Linn. Gen. Plant. to where they certainly muft ftand, to Mo- nadelphia. But, although we have continued the plant under the title by which it is generally known, from an adherence to our original principle; yet do we think, it equally neceflary to ftate our opinion, why we confider its generical reference to have been as ill taken up, as the Genus had been ill claffi- fied. This plant, as may be feen from our diffeGtions, is much nigher affined to Sifyrinchium, as it wants every eílential character of Ferraria, fuch asa fheath of one leaf, undulated crifped petals, hooded and fringed fummits, &c. for we do not confider the length of the tube of the blofiom of any moment, asitis not conftant. Now, every diftinguifhing feature of Sifyrinchium are here extant, viz. a fheath of two leaves, flat or plain petals, fummits neither hooded or fringed; butour figure will better explain, than words, thefe tiroog marked differences. If indeed we were to give an opinion, it certainly would not be in coincidence with Thunberg, by placing the whole Genus to Morea; but to create a new one from this plant; whofe whole ftruéture, but efpecially from the Neétaria or honey- cups upon the margin of the inner petals, fiands eminently diflinguifhed from all others. This moft diftinguithed plant, was firft introduced to this country by Mrs. Hudfon of Manchefter, about the year 1797; but is now found in mott collections round the Metropolis. !t is increafed by the feed, which ripens in this climate, and from the root, which makes abundance of offsets. The flow- ers expand in rotation, three or four upon each flem at the interval of a few days; the ftem growing to the height of about two feet. So very rapid is the progrefs of the bloffom in its decay, from the time of its opening, which is generally about feven o' clock iu the morning ; that before twelve, the Juftre is goue, and it is quite decayed by three, or four. Our drawing was made at the Hammerfmith Nur- fery in July ; and fiill there were a number of flower ftems, which had not, as yet, made an appear- ance of flowering. It is beft grown in peat earth. E a = b n " . , B E E xc 7 i ZEE 7 7 "EE Ls E " E mM : T d uu 7 » » e » ovr 7 n UOTHR v — "Ww. M. Ma C — Ce ee eee NS "- - UT ndidsh. » coadh diti ia i e TOWCOOUNWEUN S 2 v2 | : Pc 3 | H " , - PLATE CLXXIX. AMARYLLIS RETICULAT A. Netted-flowered Lily- Daffodil. CLASS VL ORDERS. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow 6-petalled, bell-fhaped. Summit three- cleft. See AMARYLLIS RADIATA, Pl. XCV. Vol. II. ConoLLA 6-petala, campanulata. Stigma tri- fidum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Amaryllis fpatha multiflora; corollis reticulatis, . purpureis; foliis oblongis, reticulatis, bafi attenuatis. Lily Daffodil, fheath many flowered; bloffoms netted and purple; leaves oblong, netted, and tapered at the bate. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal and its Chive, attached, as it is in the flower. 2. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. — — — o ——————— Tue Amaryllis reticulata, a native of Brazil, South America, was firft cultivated in the year 1772, at the Hammerfmith nurfery ; the bulbs had been received from Portugal by Edward Whittaker Gray, M. D. of the Britifh Mufeum ; and were by him communicated to Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy. Our drawing was made this fpring, in May, from a plant in the invaluable, and extenfive collection of hothoufe plants, at Stepney, belonging to T. Evans, Efq. where it flowers annually. To enfure the flowering of this plant, it is neceffary to plunge the pot in the heat of the bark-bed of the hothoufe; and, during the winter months, to keep the earth rather dry, as the bulbs are very fubje& to rot, without that precaution. It fhould be planted in a compofition of old rotten dung, or leaf mould, and a {mall proportion of loam. pw US. OS Ds 4 » Ima ry lls relicilala Lá PORTANT EC XXX) STA Le: se" 8 a ; i ‘AO KISTeUAk XW30A zu LN m z SAN SDA AAACN, Dus di , V. 3305 * T E^ Sha uses y, - 6 A od) deecisatin " Es : idit vi odis (uae ae 1 *yMf » "TES M in iy TOME xy JA awk frit 3m gin binc re d hw jtotn LET an tfhw' 314 Cat 1b coifidogh Mo e , 2989 Us Kuh F (ael bium. ' Wn "m bi pense Jodi ody * s PLATE Ones, ATRAGENE AUSTRIAC A. Auftrian Atragene. CLASS 2k. ORDER YI. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. 1 EMPALEMENT 4-leaves. Petals 12. Seeds with tails. See ATRAGENE Capensis, Pl. IX. Vol. I. Caryx 4-phyllus. Petala. 12. Semina caudata. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Atragene foliis oppofitis, triternatis; foliolis ru- Atragene with oppofite, twice-three-divided gofis, ferratis; floribus folitariis, tomentofis, leaves; leaflets rough and fawed; flowers cernuis; calyce magno, caeruleo, marginato. || folitary, downy, nodding; empalement large, - | blue, and bordered. —ÁHÉÓM UU —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Leaf of the empalement. . A T'etal of the flower. . A Chive complete. - The Pointals as they ftand in the flower. - A ripe feed, with its feathered tail. I EN -——À—— M (Tuis is, unqueftionably, the Auftrian Atragene of Jacquin's Vind. 249; and, we think, no one who has had. an. opportunity of comparing the A. alpina with this plant, but will M. it a diftin& Ípecies. It is a hardy, climbing fhrub; growing frequently, eight or ten feet in a feafon, and covers itfelf pretty abundantly with foliage; the foot-ftalks of the old leaves becoming cirrhi or tendrils, and the wood growing to a confiderable thicknefs. 'The flowers begin to appear about May; and continue in fucceflion, till July. It may be propagated by layers; but, the fureft mode is by feed, which may be fown as foon as ripe, and which will be perfected from the firft flowers, by Auguft. It grows the moft flourifhing in light rich earth; but will live in the moft common. Our figure was made from a plant in the Hammerímith collection, to which it was firft introduced in the year 1792. SM, r : CNN ^ " Sd pum mm —ÓR "€ " " PLATE cHÉxxr Green-twigged IW hortle-berry. CLASS: VIII. ORDER IL OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- Cur fuperior. Bloffom one petal. Threads fixed menta receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- into the receptacle. A berry with four cells locularis, polyfperma. and many feeds. See VACCINIUM ARCTOSTAPHYLLOs, Pl. XXX, Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis oblongo-ovatis, ferrujatis, de- || Whortle-berry with oblong egg-fhaped leaves, ciduis, ramulis viridibus; floribus, fub-um- flightly fawed, deciduous, the {mall branches. ) bellatis, axillaribus; corollis, fub-cylin- green; flowers grow rather umbelled from b draceis; calycibus apice reflexis. Stamini- where the leaves are fixed to the ftem; blof- bus decem. I foms nearly cylindrical; cups reflexed at I the upper part. Ten chives. — ww REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A flower complete. . The Cup. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, the cup cut off, magnified. . A nearly ripe berry. bw Poo a —— ———- "Tuis fpecies of Whortle-berry was, according to the Kew Catalogue, introduced by Mr. Young in the year 1770. Itisa hardy plant; and, as a native of North America, where it is an under fhrub. of the woods, fhould be planted in a fhady fituation, in peat earth. It is rarely killed by our frofts ; grows about two feet high, and lofes its leaves in winter. Our drawing was made in June, this year, at the Nurfery, Hammerfmith, where it is propagated by layers. DPE, sxe | ay he V aco: mum vuergatum r4 1 J YT PLATE CLXXXII. MALVA DIVARICAT A. Straddling-branched Mallow. CLASSE AVIS ORDER: VI. MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads united. Many Chives. | ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Carxx duplex; exterior 3-phyllus. Arilli plu- rimi, monofpermi. Cur double; outer three-leaved. Seed-coats many, one-feeded. See Marva REFLEXA, Pl. CXXXV, Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mallow with lobed leaves, plaited, toothed, and rough; the large and fmall branches grow ftraddling, and zig-zagged. Malva foliis lobatis, plicatis, dentatis, fcabridis; ramis ramulifque divaricatis, flexuofis. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The double Cup. 2. A Flower fpread open, with the threads remaining. 3. The Chives cut open, and magnified. 4, The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits, magnified. As a lively, but little, green-houfe plant, this fpecies of Mallow has not many equals; and its pro- perty of continuing to flower from June, till December, muft confiderably enhance its value. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to us, about four years fince. Mott collections now poffefs it, from its facility of increafe, may be planted in rich earth, and is increafed by cuttings, or feeds, which ripen perfectly in this country. The drawing was made at the Nurfery, Hammer- fmith. P ODIT NER T eee Bib 4 NUGUMUNMTTTTHMSENE a “ee. ete 3 yOd 4 iA WY ae MW EDT ART ^, UE "T da Xo sn hin 7 x * " E *1 "T T "UT, rel iust ctii xd - xe Tu * : Bim foni i "m Ness "mr ie re dneul sibügib mith w^ ! 1bn BD bn o edu tora, sw iacteid ; pto oto RfAt: i tt ] AL Veo üt empME J utrtUvelo iral hos. ~, iW : : t rà Te E vevdalid cuillutdo : "CT E "K -.aRene MA Ser ut Aid tau OR D 5 vios s Asstis “Rees | IR ; ' Mu Mg alsin 309 sth ubseasu oi quom aa | € Imi ranrst des uiüssqsb aaiutg «i ue ane ni 2 } j neque idit y" ‘ ASTOAR AWD E tibet ©] mi^ "TE gerard Mika aurshssx) Ji Helabnh ole jid: T oho Toa ome eem bots! euam sua My tia tod Tag] ES Hd ae sold. od? 3 iom p^ Prigésel P LI id aen john Ad stick eus , egit. petoiowdut m bei 1» E BTA 44 aft. J y A D “a bad bgse bec Aiirom fet 0 "Lorpigwe T^ci2.J * jw. cnin igisiooRo! n E e i ; bati og luis Sestax imb Nhac 3 Mai q^ " Art fend? Wk +4: X huit. "ore Eveil soon OF! vac sho dobdg Yo 1dy ev! iot em ctw oa 5 norwepu etftenqe ager odi es i ^£ hired nibo -tonti bos ql bad act: V pi. perio aue" dott qnssntit TP und (oT a eeuosiNd ; atia vá rid y onte Louisuad xdi. uvmotderit to ociriidi b mond iier. tige as onrasm "IT yir! wi; NAA Ru mi) E & Bree ds i tags rowolisus fod que rnb dye và xx nete Án) enc A cx ia itx Tu as s ni; cout ego 4 d. en esegaiq nd. vod 2v dim; "ug thew! didt Yo spa. f Hedy lal b Sbow ied i didi: ib —— hom % pire tB io aate x prae seialiaba e 4 oe Frid »ldstenms of T-* fi atelier opa dripilsioul t 1i 6Los Sy gom tol abr am Currie gh vtiime e Gripe wall ad) vcr vhoage A bores coo) E tudbyw f, 2) bows abf Goat dpt init ew i" , x f V Typs 4 ype à ood E ^ "y jl PLATE. CLXXXIIL GARD ENPA Caen Fre oe. Tube-flowered Gardenia. — — nee CLASS V. ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- EwrALEMENT. Cup one leaf, five-cleft, above, fidum, fuperum, laciniis erectis, perfiflen- fegments upright, permanent. tibus. Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube cylin- ConorraA monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus drical, longer than the cup; border flat, cylindricus, calyce longior; limbus planus, five divifions. quinquepartitus. : Cuives. Threads none. Tips five, fixed into SrAMiNa. Filamenta nulla. Antherz quinque, the mouth of the tube, linear, firiped, half ore tubi inferte, lineares, ftriate, longitu- the length of the border. dine dimidia limbi. PoixTAL. Seed-bud beneath. Shaft thread. Pisrittum. Germen inferum. Stylus filifor- fhaped or club-fhaped. Summit ftanding mis feu clavatus. Stigma exfertum, ova- out, egg-fhaped, obtufe, two-lobed, often tum, obtufum, bilobum, fzpe fulcatum. | furrowed. Pericarpium. Bacca ficca, uni bis feu-quadri- || SrEp-vesser. A dry berry, one, two, or four- locularis. celled. Semrna plurima, depreffa, per feries imbricatim SeEps many, flattened, lying upon one another fibi impofita. in tiers. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gardenia inermis; foliis elipticis, undulatis, flo- Gardenia without thorns; with eliptical, undu- ribus ternis; corolle laciniis tortis, lineari- lated leaves; flowers grow by threes; the bus, reflexis, tubo filiformi, longiffimo. fegments of the bloffom are twifted, linear, reflexed, the tube thread fhaped, very long. rr D REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Cup and Seed-bud. 2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Chives remaining at the mouth. 3. The Shaft and its Summit, the fummit detached and maguified. o án M a — — —— — Tne Tube-flowered Gardenia was introduced to Britain, in the year 1789, from Sierra Leone, and muft, therefore, be treated as a tender hot-houfe plant. It grows, with us, to the height of about two feet before it flowers; and, from the beauty and fize of the leaves, the regular, oppofite manner in which it forms its branches, becomes a very handfome fhrub. The flowers, which are produced in July, grow generally three together, at right angles, from the infertion of the leaves, in a bunch, which lafts about fix or eight days, having but one flower open and perfe& at a time, the decaying ones becoming brown. It is propagated, with eafe, by cuttings, made in the month of March, and kept under a bell-glafs, in a pot of ftiffifh loam, in the bark-bed of the hot-houfe, or a melon frame. The agreeable character, of a delicate fragrance, attendant on the bloffoms of moft fpecies of this ge- nus, is eminently powerful in this. Our drawing was made at the Hammerfímith nurfery ; where, it was firft raifed, from feeds received in a prefent, by Mefits. Lee and Kennedy, from the Hon. Sierra Leone Company. TOW o. CC. LJ ee A) mu Ga nfenlt luby “J 7a € À TOT ausu ~~ d : [A i3 1 uud JN 8 «Pees ! ] q»liit u n dw m"mag* Tie. xw on bt " TET iu mie vault. au eptiokni (ssnsiliie bur «nocte us dot ah bain] eis ) i; Missed A "Xs MAL. aene s ras dam ASEDEMEESEBM ue "ww C WD. WWW PLATE CLXXXIV. Prt mM AI A.MINOJE Smaller Pergularia, or W efi-coafl Creeper. ei a ÀÀ À— — — — CoA SSF cx ORDER VI. o Linn. Gen. Plan. 1764. GYNANDRIA DECANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- || EwrarewENT. Cup one leaf, five-cleft, up- fidum, erectum, acutum, perfiftens. | right, pointed and remaining. Conorra monopetala, hypocrateriformis; tubus | Brossow one petal, falver-fhaped; tube cylin- cylindricus, calyce longior; limbus quin- | drical, longer than the cup; border five- quepartitus, planus; laciniis oblongis. i divided, flat, fegments oblong. Nectarium, duplex; exterium quinque- | Honey-cup, double; the outer, five-cleft, fidum, quinquedentatum, plicato-angula- | five toothed, plaited into angles, with the tum, dentibus acutis, incurvis, apice cor- | teeth pointed, incurved, approaching at the niculis nutantibus, approximatis; imferium | point by fmall nodding horns; the inner quinquefidum, exteriori bafi adnatum,fqua- | five-cleft, growing to the bafe of the outer, mule membranacee, apice denticulate, ob- | fcales fkinny, toothed at the end, blunt, tufz, fingula involvens flamina duo, alterna. | each covering two oppofite chives. Sramina. Filamenta decem, capillaria, brevia, Cuives. Threads ten, hair-like, fhort, ftrad- divaricata, per paria adnexa glandulis quin- | dling, connected by pairs to five glands que ftigmati affixis. Antherz pellucida, | fixed to the fummit. ‘Tips tranfparent, yel- lutez, fubrotunde. low, roundith. PisritLvM. Germina duo oblonga. Stylus Pointar. Seed-buds two, oblong. Shaft very breviflimus, carnofus. . Stigma corpufculum fhort, flefhy. Summit a conical, obtufe, conicuii, obtufum, carnofum. flefhy fubftance. Pericarrium. Folliculi duo, uniloculares, in- || SzeED-vzsser. Two follicles, one-valved, fplit- trorfum dehifcentes per longitudinem. ting lengthways from the infide. SEMINA numerofa, parva, fubrotunda. SEEDs numerous, fmall, roundifh. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pergularia foliis cordatis, acutis, apicibus tor. Pergularia with heart-fhaped leaves, fharp- tis; laciniis corollae ovatis, erectis, luteis. pointed and twifted at the ends; the feg- ments of the bloffom are egg-fhaped, up- right, and yellow. ——— n REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . A flower cut open. . The parts of fructification magnified. - Two Scales of tne honey-cup as they are attached together, magnified. . An outer Scale magnified. . An inner Scale magnified. - The Seed-buds, Shaft, Summit, and Chives magnified. ESSI OH HE rr Tuar a juft judgment may be formed, upon what grounds we have taken up a fpecific diftin@ion, between the only two fpecies we pollefs of this genus; fo diflimilar in our opinion, but, which have been confidered as fcarcely to be deemed varieties, by much abler botanifts than ourfelves profefs to be; we have given the figures of both in confequence. Much is it to be regretted, that the whole na- tural order of plants forming the Apocinee of Juffieu, fo charactered in themfelves, have not under- gone a proper revifion, in clatlification, upon the original Linnean sexual principles; which, we muft fuppofe, have been left in the prefent bewildered chaos, from the intricacy, fingularity and minute- nefs of the parts, being fo difficult to develope. From critical and actual obfervations, taken from the living plants, we are in hopes of being able to illuftrate, and correct where neceffary, the cha- racters of fuch as may come under our review. i Upon the changing the clafs of this genus, there needs no comment; as moft authors seem to allow. though they have not followed the hint, that it is properly Gynandrous; although they have not equally agreed as to the Order; fome taking the glands, furrounding the fummit, for the chives, and fome, for the fummits themfelves, of a columnar thaft. Dr. Smith, who has figured our other fpecies, bas jufily taken, the parts fixed to the five glands, for what they certainly are; as may be eafily traced through the whole order of Orchidez, where the chives are nearly fimilarly placed and fo hooded. The Genus is by no means new, in name, having been fo titled by Linnaus, from the names of Pergulans and Pergulanus of Burman and Rumphius; who derived them from the ufe made of the plants by the natives, of the weflern coaft of the peninfula of India; where, they are cultivated to form arbors, for the agrecable flavour of their flowers. "This fpecies was firft introduced about the year 1784, by Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. fome time before the other fpecies; wherefore, we have given it the preference. It is propagated by cuttings, and fhould be treated in the fame manner as directed for the Cratzva capparoides ot our laft Number, to have it flower in perfection. The figures of both fpecies were taken, in Auguft, from two plants in the collection of J. Vere, Eíq. Kentington Gore; where, Mr. Anderfon (to whom we muft beg our fincere acknowledgments for his frequent and ready obfervations and afliftance) informs us, they are treated in fuch mauner. eth Be o ^ E TM peo wee . | Ve ; ' ey s PLATE CLXXXV. PERGULARIA ODORATISSIMA. Sweet Pergularia, or Chinefe Creeper. ee CLASS. XX. ORDER .VI. of Linn. Gen, Plant. 1764. GYNANDRIA DECANDRLA. Chives on the Pointal. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conrorta. Neétarium duplex, genitalia in- Cowronr. Honey-cup double, concealing the volvens; fquamulz exteriores quinque, cuf. parts of fruétification; the outer fcales are pidate; quinque inferiores, membranacese, five, and fpear-fhaped; the five inner are fingula fquamula occultans ftamina duo Íkinny, each fcale covering two alternate alterna. chives. Conorra hypocrateriformis. Brossow falver-fhaped. See PERGULARIA MINOR, Pl. CLXXXIV. Vol. III. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pergularia foliis cordatis, fenioribus fubtomen- Pergularia with heart-fhaped leaves, the older tofis; laciniis corolla margine revolutis, ones rather downy; the fegments of the tortis, linearibus, reflexis, viridibus. bloffom rolled back at the margin, twifted, linear, reflexed, and green. EE REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . A Bloffom. . The fame, cut open. . The parts of fructification, as they appear when covered by the honey-cups, magnified. . The outer ícale of the Honey-cup, magnified. . The inner fcale of the Honey-cup, magnified. . The two Scales, as they are connected together at the bafe. . The Pointal, with the Chives; the Shaft, Summit, and Chives, with the bodies conne&ing the Chives, detached and magnified. eo bo an Qu ———— E — Turs fpecies of Pergularia is a native of China, from whence it was received in the year 1789, by Lady Hume; in whofe colle&ion at Wormleybury, Herts, it firft flowered in 1791. It is cultivated and increafed in the fame manner as the P. minor, and is equally fragrant. We haye little doubt that our two fpecies comprife four, of the different authors who have collated from each other; we fball take the laft, Willdenow. The P. glabra and P. Japonica as our P. minor; and the P. purpurea and tomentofa as our P. odoratiffima, The P. edulis of Thunberg is certainly Cynanchum, EM 31 " 7 Lie _— . avin A Pet wpe. eS DPIC ss t [ J Cp) "4 ) Serqulavta ¢ OV AN fi ena atl erg ae! oli eleme ndbofi. - Hs. be RA qTRÁ e «e Y^ Lions » ^» » PLATE CLXXXVI. DXLIA Su eC Oe a : Deep crimfon Ixia. * CLASS TL. ORDER, L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLra fexpetala, patens, aequalis. Stamina Bossom fix petals, fpreading, equal. Chives tria, erectiufculo-patula. three, upright fpreading. See Ix1a REFLEXA, Pl. XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis linearibus, medio coftatis, gramineis; || Ixia with linear leaves ribbed in the middle and Ícapus biflorus, filiformis; corollis fub- graily ; flower-ftem two-flowered and thread- ; campanulatis, profunde coccineis. fhaped; bloffoms rather bell-fhaped and of ] | a deep crimfon. cf e ——— " REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. * 2. A Flower cut open. "" 3. The Pointal, one of the tips magnified. * —— ArTHOUGH this fpecies is not icarce, yet, from the general method of treating it, that is, by giving it no more heat than has been found neceffary for the generality of Cape Ixias, few have feen its bloffoms, though they poffefs the roots. To enfure their flowering, as foon as the bulbs are well rooted, which will be about January, if planted in October; they may be then put into the heat of a melon or cucumber frame, or taken into the hothoufe, where they will flower about the latter end of May. This Ixia was firft introduced, from Holland, about the year 1778, under the name of Ixia Kermofina fpeciofa; and, under that title, is to be found, in moft collections; wherefore, confidering it a diftin& fpecies, having drawings of two varieties, we have continued the fpecific name of fpeciofa. Our drawing was made at the Hammerfmith nurfery, in May 1799. la 1j "Xv" cUm PL 4507 d fra afrecwsa 5 — n —mnnnss — PLATE CLXXXVII. EC HITES “6 U2 BE C'Te Oval-leaved | Echites. ——————— on M BGR a CLASS;.Y. ORDER I. . PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium quinquepartitum, acu- tum, parvum. ConorrA monopetala, infundibuliformis; lim- bus quinquefidus, planus, patentiffimus. Jectarium glandulis quinque, germen cir- cumflantibus. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, tenuia, erecta. - Antherz rigida, oblongz, acuminate, apice convergentes. Pistrttum. Germina duo. Stylus filiformis, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma oblongo- capitatum, bilobum, glutine antheris ad- nexum. Pericarpium. Folliculi duo, longiflimi, uni- loculares, univalves. Semina plurima, imbricata, coronata pappo longo. SPECIFIC Echites pedunculis racemofis; foliis ovalibus, obtufis, mucronatis; floribus luteis, am- pliffimis ; corolla tubus hirfutus. ExPALEMENT. Cup five-parted, pointed, and fmall. . Brossow one-petal, funnel-fhaped ; border five- cleft, flat and fpreading very much. Honey-cup five glands, ftanding round the bud. Cuives. Five threads, flender, erect. Tips ftiff, oblong, tapered, and clofing together at the top. PoiwTAL. Seed-buds two. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summit oblong- headed, two-lobed, attached to the tips by a glutinous fubftance. Srep-vessEL. Two follicles, very long, one celled, one valvcd. Seeps many tiled, crowned with a long feather. CHARACTER. Echites with bunched foot-fialks; leaves oval, blunt and pointed at the ends; flowers yel- low and very large; the tube of the bloffom hairy. — — —— "lime —— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Cup. 2. A Flower cut open, with the chives remaining, but detached frcm each other. 3. The Chives and Pointal as they are in the flower, the lower part of the bloffom remaining, the upper cut away, magnified. A. One of the Chives a little magnified. 5. The Pointal and Seed-buds, magnified. em E T e Tue Lady Dowager De Clifford received this plant from the ifland of St. Vincent's, in the year 1704; and we much queftion, whether it was ever feen in Britain prior to that period ; although faid to be cultivated in 1759, by Millar, in the 7th Edit. of his Dictionary, and from thence, collated into the Kew Catalogue, p. 289, Vol.I. It is a climbing plant, if fupported; but does not grow to any con- fiderable height, if kept in a pot. The beft method of treating this plant, is the fame as that propofed for the Crateva capparoides, Pl. 176. Vol. III. The fpecific name Suberecta, of Jacquin and Browne, muft undoubtedly have been taken from the plants which grow in the Savannas; where, they feldom acquire above the height of two feet. "The whole plant, from which, if any part is cut or broken, there iffues a milky fubftance, is confidered by Dr. Browne as poifonous. Our figure was taken at Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy’s, this year, in Auguft. It is propagated by cuttings, put in about the month of May. a a ae T7 a ee ae PLATE CLXXXVIII. GLADIOLUS CAMPANULATU S. Bell-flowered Gladiolus. CLASS DL GORDER-L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Coro.ta fexpartita, ringens. || Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Sramina adfcendentia. | Cnivzs afcending. : | See Pl. XI. Vol. I. GrADIOLUS ROSEUS. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis lanceolatis, nervofis, glabris; Gladiolus with lance fhaped leaves, nerved and fcapo fubtrifloro, foliis longior; corolla fub- | fmooth; tlower-ftem moftly three-flowered, cainpanulata, palidé purpurea, laciniis fub- longer than the leaves; bloffom rather bell- zqualibus; ftigmatibus bifidis. fhaped, of a pale purple, the fegments near- ly equal, with the fummits two-cleft. rr ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Sheaths of the Empalement. 2. A Flower fpread open, with the Chives attached. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits, one Summit detached and magnified. rr — —— ——— Tue Bell-flowered Gladiolus, was amongft the number of thofe imported from Holland, in the year 1794, by Meffts. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith ; when they partook of that large collection, brought to Haarlem by a Frenchman; who had been long refident at the Cape of Good Hope, where he had cultivated moft of the bulbs prior to his bringing them to Europe. Nothing particular is required for the management of this, more than the moft common of the Genus, from theCape. It flowers in May, and increafes by the root; the feeds rarely ripen. “adilts ca ftt nulalua - > SL, eas eoe eae pO —-— À — "ww Pas e by tee —_ -—" PLAIN UEXXXIX. ZINN 1 See TICILLA-T A. Double Zinnia. LI CLASSEEIX ORDER IE. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLU A. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Recerracucum paleaceum. Pappusariftis 2 erec- Recepraccechafty. Feather with 2uprightawns. tis. Calyx ovato-cylindricus, imbricatus. Empalement cylindrical-egg-fhaped, and Flofculi radii 5, perfiftentes, integri. tiled. Florets of the ray 5, remaining and entire. See Zinnia viOLACEA. Pl. LV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Zinnia with leaves growing in whorls without foot-ftalks clofe to the ftem; flowers with foot-ftalks; the florets of the ray often three rows. Zinnia foliis verticillatis, feffilibus; floribus pedunculatis ; flofculi radii fzpe tria feries. ! | | ' | i — M REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An outer female Floret of the ray, the feed attached, a little larger than nature. 2. An inner hermaphrodite Floret of the difk, with its feed and fkinny chaff, magnified. 3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed of an hermaphrodite Floret, divefted of its corolla, magnified. OO uc — — —- Tur Englifh fpecific title to this plant, fhould feem to imply, that the flowers arefuch, as fhould not come into our arrangement; but, as the character is not conftant in all the flowers, even on the fame plant, it cannot be confidered but as a fpecific character in this particular fpecies, though the name has its proper force, in contradiftinétion toits congeners, in our language. It is a native of Mexico, South America; and was introduced to our gardens about the year 1789, by Mons' Richard, from the Paris gardens, at the fame time with the Virgilia; a moft beautiful annual, of tbe habit of Arctotis, now loft in both countries from the difficulty of procuring ripened feeds. It is to be raifed in the fame manner as the other fpecies, on a gentle hot-bed, in March, and planted out the beginning of May. The flowers make their appearance about the beginning of Auguft, and continue, in facceffion, till they are deitroyed by the froft. To be certain of the feed, the heads muft be taken from the plant, whilft they appear yet frefh; as the petals are perfiflent, and have not the appearance of entire decay, though the iced is nearly ripe; for if the receptacle once begins to rot, (which it is very fubje& to,) the feeds are immediately contaminated and fpoilt. Our figure was taken, this year, at the Hammerfmith Nur- fery, where, it was grown firft in this kingdom. AHIMA N AA af. QS a - verteedtata P f 489 BI 329 L^ ; dedo avt tia Ld E E m us ALTOAIAN 2d NNNM cescda » A x ^ " r AE imuS ot ode sol?) Tae P T— n cj. Nd sel a nna ys dw hadiniw, quud : HARASS utra d reet nx gresoriam sO Mire i.d ar oud 3080 80. opmstise Wat? hs ; sia bosser ‘ithe ly its. Hoi erik abaqniq o cM RuimapsD TM ao^ (ngo! love ifiil eng. to” E. gaitheiineioar eudorwo shagetebmetar ^" Mui puted esf I9 sitibali n sileteg, abad odi te friftie | io M 1 EET APRES mM I at rc dme ^u his Ü ara ps 6T adie LI feed otif tA To oii c me. , ot ilfineq: 1n “te teohii SACR sull wrt oed? gnírtue bos vie, foci md? doin tree) vna hiis voi, uab loui td panna. Bus archi v unis reneala ioweiftib Ba PLES RC. GERANIUM ASTRAGALIFOLIUM. Ajiragalus-leaved Geranium. CLASS XT ORDER -IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIZA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MowocxNa. Stigmata quinque. | OnePoiwmTar. Five Summits. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. Fruit furnifhed with long awns; five dry berries. ||| See Gerantum GnaNDirronuy, Pl. XII Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium folis pinnatis, hirfutis, foliolis Geranium with winged, hairy leaves; leaflets rotundato-ovatis; calycibus monophyllis; of a roundifh-oval fhape; cups one-leaved; petalis undulatis ad bafin tortis; ftaminibus petals waved, twifted at the bafe; five fer- quinque fertilibus; radice tuberofa. tile chives ; root tuberous. coo m ———— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . The Chives and Pointal. . The Chives fpread open and magnified. - The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits, magnified. ee By the Kew Catalogue we are informed, that this fpecies of Geranium, was introduced to this country, in the year 1788, by Mr. F. Maffon. It is, like many of this branch of the extended family of Geranium, rather a tender Green-houfe plant; and will not flower, in perfection, without the affift- ance of the Het-houfe. It lofes its foliage after flowering, and remains in a ftate of ina&tion for at leaft three months; during which period, it fhould be watered but feldom, and that fparingly. To propagate it, the only mode is, by cutting fmall portions of the root off, and putting them into the firong heat of a hot-bed, about the month of March ; as hitherto, it has not perfected any feeds with us, and the plant produces no branch, except the flower-ftem may be fo denominated. Our drawing was made from the Clapham Collection, in July, this year. This fpecies has been confidered by Pro- feffor Martyn, (fee his edition of Mill. Di&. article Pelargonium 2.) as the fame with G. pinnatum, and G. prolificum of Linn. Sp. Plan. But, however, the fpecific characters in Linnzus, of thofe fpecies, may agree with our figure, the G. Aftragalifolium of Jacquin and Cavanilles, they are, unqueftionably, all different plants; drawings of the two former we have, and will be given in due courfe. $m» C do — Gor go 7 ff CHLTHUL astragalifolt “mM ‘ / A: 3 i an 1258 Dro y LE D à : ' ^ i * ] : 7^ "ae " r b - EA e 3 : : | , : : i ' 4 E - | | h CVEYYUU ] D + " * LJ ' i ] - - . i » ! " . ? - i hi ^ " : e $ de " ^i Ei " . | " ud AT ' - M ies ve ' " , Yy ] ) > D ] ' * » ) " : E > » » os . we: z puc » 5 " " - - a ‘ , " de» H - . r “tS -—N - ~~ : -- T : A as > ee — - " - PLATE PLATYLOBIUM CXCI. SCOLOPENDRU M. Scolopendra-like flemmed Flat- Pea. ———— um m À—— ——— CLASS XVII. DIADELPHI4 DECANDRIA. ORDER IV. Threads in two Sets. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium, campanulatum quinque- dentatum ; laciniis tribus inferioribus aca- tis, patentibus; duabus fupremis maximis, obtufis, obovatis, vexillo adpreflis. Conorra papilionacea. ; Vexillum, obcordatum, emarginatum, erec- tum, maximum. Ale vexillo breviores, obtufee, femi-obcor- date, bafi denticulata. Carina obtufa, comprefía, longitudine et figura alarum. | Stamina filamenta decem, coalita in vaginam, fupra femififfam, apice libera, qualia, allurentia. Anthere fubrotunde, verfa- tiles. Pisrintuw. Germen lineare, pilofum. Stylus incurvatus, glaber. Stigma fimplex. Pericarrium. Legumen pedicellatum, com- preffum, obtufum, mucronatum, unilocu- lare, dorfo alatum. | Semina, plurima, compreffa, reniformia. EwPALEMENT. Cup bell-fhaped, five-toothed ; the three lower fegments pointed, fpread- ing; the two upper very large, obtufe, prefied to the ftandard. Brossow butterfly-fhaped. Standard, iuverífely heart-fhaped, notched - atthe end, upright, very large. Wings fhorter than the ftandard, obtufe, half inverfely heart-fhaped, toothed at the bafe. Keel, obtufe, flattened, the length and fhape of the wings. Cutves. Ten threads, united into a fheath, half cleft on the upper fide, feparate at the top, equal and turned upwards. Tips roundifh, verfatile. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud linear, hairy. Shaft turned inwards, fmooth. Summit fimple. SeeD-vessEL. Pod with a footftalk, flattened, ob- tufe, with a {mall point, one-celled, winged along the back. Srrps many, flattened, kidney-fhape. — Án Platylobium foliis ovatis, glabris; ramis ramu- lifque compreffis, alatis, margine, cicatriía- M COLI SS SUI ORT D tis, floribus folitariis. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Flat-pea with egg-fhaped fmooth leaves, larger and fmaller branches flat, winged and hatched at the edges; flowers folitary. - REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Standard of the bloffom. The two petals of the Keel. Oo Ree . The Seed-bud magnified. The Empalement, natural fize. . One of the Wings of the bloffom. The Chives and Pointal, with part of the cup, magnified. e ICESSESEIPRECHSUP REDE — — '"Turs Genus of plants was firft named by Dr. Smith, in the Linn. Trans. Vol. II. 350, from the P. formofum, which he afterwards figured in the New-Holland fpecimens, Tab. VI. Our fpecies was introduced, to Britain, in the year 1792, by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy. It is a hardy green- houfe plant; but has not, hitherto, been increafed in this country. It muft be planted in very fandy peat carth, and not much watered, in winter, as too much wet is apt to deftroy it. The young branches, which in the old plant appear much more like leaves, (as feldom any leaves are produced from the upper part of the plant, after a certain age,) are very tender; but in time become as tough as leather, and are almoft equally pliable. Our drawing was taken in May 1799, from a plant, we believe, the firft that flowered in England, in the Hibbertian Colle&ion. 2 7 4 * Pia lylotium aceti pendra "n. Ix) 3TAJ D. MURS JT ASV FOQRITU A BI dI ite 2 a) | d rh. 1 " iy i XXL f\ 4 i€ CT Way t A9 r E 25 ? 4 4 AX wa 23.3 3% T. HM 2 e "LM 7 J 5 X y . D K. G0 ‘ Paria TT DO Sepals 8 i now e h 1 N a I 1 ^" ! Lx RE » i {3 i diuidit bue Pn sel: de TM J mort 2g 9! us uL, AR 9 iod , (^ if yip We ET 3 E iod ^ni a F P " 3 1 - 1 vbi 0o) v ere tpl ow sm E a» sores oat x : lies P ben Lagpos wH A v, ; "P , " zc m a. «^. s tu ua " ZIP , A bue » (syed A— Bw de Veille! saving. na NEUE sid} o e utu x rats bird tot: : "T PIOS E ood ilio "ET lei ql Mat Ane o Morbo 7 MH buch le age ONLUS : IIAL TL (uon ral diei. dw 4 (VIA o u tet zuens3eo)d rer iio gla MOT E vM prts. 13 rc bos solu ines domm { ES i / noi oo , toch? of bilem sae : ! a? of him n uw m: F uve » verity ou «a benest i dn cT M ms udi ned best AL , i E L^ (poling 5 deid'w ni Deni 7 " pP he omoi st EU ron or cde writ ph datori; coute Em VAM 8 0) pre ND MET (To fn^ 4 Du GEMENS Ee MN etta bun > lo e*00013 * id 6! oo 13g; "unte '* Yi) ot bedrest Apap iot 25159. acr wai istic Mio! ORG & INTE EIN S . MV of sind, OLI Oil TR PL t , , ART Teoh) Gti tik bytes bite > LA ty A1 B1 dej 1 n - : Ii a » : MET - vit ale ® SYM rnct (s ‘ & 2ehobgn!t 3 j | E . » | ‘ (Cose 100) Seder ct » bas i QUEM $0 dl UTI PLATS, UXOII. ANTHOLSYZZXA FU Uae WS. Refulgent-flowered Antholyza. ee A M — CLASS Ill’). ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow tubular, irregular and bent backward. Capfule beneath. See ANTHOLYZA RINGENS, Pl. XXXII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Conorra tubulofa, irregularis, recurvata. Cap- fula infera. Antholyza floribus tubiformibus, curvatis, cocci- | Antholyza with trumpet-fhaped flowers, curved, neis, fulgentibus; laciniis corolla: maximis, | fcarlet, and refulgent; the fegments of the patentibus; foliis longiflimis, glabris, bafi | bloffom very large, fpreading ; leaves very attenuatis. J long, fmooth, and tapered at the bate. co o ü E REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Part of a Leaf, cut from the upper part. 2. The two fheaths of the Empalement. 3. The Flower cut open, with the chives attached. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud; one of the fummits detached and magnified. et —— Tuts moft beautiful genus does not poffefs amongft its numerous fpecies, (drawings of twenty-two of which we have) a rival to A. fulgens; whether, for the fize of the plant, which grows to the height of three feet, or the extreme brilliancy of its bloffoms, which frequently make a {pike near a foot in length. The roots fhould not be taken from the pots, but fhifted into frefh earth annually, which may bea compofition of half fandy peat, and half loam, as the leaves do not decay, until frefh ones are produced. Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, in May 1800, to which it was firft brought, from the Cape of Good Hope, in 1792. It increafes by the root. In a cotemporary, and fomething fimilar publication to our own, we were forry to obferve, arifing itch to do away, what, under the conduct of its original fcientific proprietor, was allowed by all, to conftitute its chief merit and utility; efpecially to thofe, ** who wi/h to become fcientifically acquainted with the plants they cultivate.’ The late Mr. Curtis, purfuing the path he planned, with rigour, to prevent confufion, and avoid as much as poffible the greateft difficulty of the {cience; feldom altered a commonly known, or eftablifhed name; unlefs abfolutely neceffary to fyftematic arrangement. We were naturally led to the(e obvious obfervations, from the hints thrown out in the laft Number of the Bot. Mag. in which, the A. tubulofa of all the collections, which poflefs the plant, and fo named and figured by us, in the preceding Number of the Botanifts Repofitory, has a new generic and fpecific title; and in which a gentleman “with INFINITE J£ill" of the name of Gawler, the acknowledged father of the innovation, is poken of as qualified to fcrutinize and reétify the “errors, fal/e /ynonims, and blunders upon blunders, which have from carelessness, &c." crept into the, of couríe, infignificant labours of a Linnzus, a Jacquin, a Thunberg, a Willdenow, or a Curtis. It may perhaps be an acquifition to the fcience, that, fince fuch confufion prevails amongft ** the mof? learned Botani/is," from their ** acknow- ledged inability to determine thofe plants ;” which, nevertheless, they have all foolifhly attempted to do, we have one at laft, whole “ ferutinixing" eye ** has Leen able to make out all Linneus's and even TÀunberg's fpecies." This elucidation, of fo intricate a fubjeét, by a perfon whofe knowledge of living plants, we fear, does not lead him, fcarcely, to an acquaintancefhip with the difference of face in a Plane from a Poplar, mutt be matter of infinite moment, to thofe, “ who wi/h to become acquainted with the plants they cultivate;" and the fmall trouble, to moft perfons, of learning new, and oufting the old names for plants, which have been long rivetted to the memory by habitual ufe, will be amply compenfated, by the pleafure of novelty, which muft neceffarily refult, from the certain alteration in fome part of the title, of every plant which has hitherto, or is to come under, this learned judge's dictatorial fiat. Our opinions, as do our labours, run counter to thefe new fafhions, of rendering a difficult fcience eafy; and our road muft füill be in the old track of the trifler Linnzus. A; Mert rt fle ly CNS, € 4 y L4 — EORR M PPP " — CNW ORBI qA4UXVASSLO ^ al is INI SETA hy Maa. "Vy Ne. je A yi be aes RA MR: C Lp nidis a “pes "v ny T NA i ^ avita. iat dés — AaDomdv on osi ant * b a » à « 4 a“ ; 1 » é 4 " - . : ° cin aga io quad cria taht sinn al reda uio Apc d5 stous + Math? Wo wor fol fees DA E but lo erui pate vit alah kar: ral, nt ME RT hoa Nb ihe ae lat wi fr «de ono be, won) andi Ini siioto sl, fit vasis ual) tracer vsio "ona mmo pl dod. af Ages alli iotredsls ion tefl 21 Xndoer. "eda Ye senio glee "le. firi ott oti Seen ea abi sb Jo rra Sg old oF nokia pow! «ad gutend exui sci Lu (olrni ,neifalicd 2 soniye vd ndi Codi yer ania ee tay sein eae PLATE CXCIII. GERANIUM LINEARE. " Linear-petalled Geranium. CLASS XVI ORDER. IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, MowocxNa. Stigmata quinque. One PoixTar. Five Summits. Fructus roftratus, 5-coccus. Fnuir furnifhed with long awns; five dry berries. T See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, PI.XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium folis lanceolatis, obtufis, fubfinu- Geranium with leaves lance-fhaped, obtufe, atis; petalis fubzqualibus, linearibus; flo- and a little fcolloped at the edges; petals ribus pentandris; radice tuberofa. nearly equal, linear; flowers with five fer- . tile chives; root tuberous. ——— — a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. The Empalement cut open, to fhew its hollow ftructure. The Chives and Pointal natural fize. The Chives fpread open, magnified. The Pointal, magnified. PER SoMES EE ————— — — — Tuis is another of thofe curious tuberous Geraniums, which have been introducea, to this à country, by Mr. Niven; who was fent to the Cape of Good Hope by G. Hibbert, Efq. for the fole perc. ac enriching his Gardens and Herbarium, (now, we prefume, the firft in Europe) with the venetatle pro- duétions of that country. It has no apparent difference, in habit, to require any other treatment than has been mentioned in the former part of this work, as neceffary to the reft of its congeners. Our drawing was taken, from the Clapham Colleétion, in July 1801; the roots haying been received the preceding autumn. RP zem a d. - oa = . ed -— ee eee aes ee METUO ae eee lll ee 3 v MI f n 2 {} Í * 7 ^ Geranium UNCATIC = — - — ——— —. ^b -e—— » iudi z5 053 xdu1 ,UIMB ARE e nz yy LA eyrmnube s at h LEA Rhe ee w. €x UGM 0 UwXT | & mme 2 — PLATE CXCIV. HEMEROCALLIS ALBA. White Day-Lily. ————— a RE tee CLASSALVL.' OR DER: 1. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom bell-(haped; tube cylindrical. Chives declining. See HEMEROCALLIS CHRULEA, Pl. VI. Vol. I. ComorrA campanulata; tubo cylindrico. Sta- mina declinata. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Day-Lily with heart-fhaped leaves that have foot-ftalks; bloffom white, tube very long. Hemerocallis foliis cordatis, petiolatis; corolla alba, tubo longiflimo. rE T. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Chives and Pointal, as they are placed in the flower. . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. - A ripe Seed-vetlel of its natural fize. . The Seed-veffel cut tranfverfely, to fhew the fituation and number of the cells and valves. . A ripe Seed, natural fize. ee a — ——————— Tur White Day-Lily is from the fame country, and of the fame date in our gardens, as the Blue; figured in the Firft Vol. Pl. VI. aud was introduced through the fame medium. It is herbaceous, and generally flowers, if kept in the hot-houfe, about Auguft; having that true and conftant character of the genus, and from which it had its name, the producing but one folitary, perfect flower, per diem, till all the bloffoms on the fpike are exhaufted; which, in this fpecies, are much more abundant than in any of the others. It is increafed by the root or feed. This plant, we prefume, is the fame as thofe fpecified under the different titles of Lilium Longi- florum, and L. Japonicum, in Willdenow's new edition of the Species Plant.; the L. candidum, and L. Japonicum, of Thunberg’s Japan; and the L. Longiflorum of the Linn. Tranf. Vol. II. P. 333. "The Hemerocallis formerly figured by us, under the fpecific title of Czrulea, we take to be, the Hemerocallis Japonica, and Lilium Cordifolium of Willdenow; the H. Cordata of Thunberg's Japan; and the Hemerocallis Japonica, and Lilium Cordifolium of the Linn. Tranf. Vol. IT. p. 332. Willde- now, who had never feen even dried fpecimens of the plants in queftion, has hence been led to place the fame plant, under different genera; and to confider the Hemerocallis of the Botanifts Repofitory, as only a variety of H. Japonica, but ftill admitting it as an Hemerocallis. Now, as we have no doubt, (nor do we think any one can, that will take the trouble to examine the diffections given with each figure,) that if the one is an Hemerocallis, the other muft be admitted of the fame family; fo, have we made no fcruple in rejecting the generic name of Lilium, for the prefent plant; although we would gladly have adopted the fpecific one of Longiflora, had not that of Alba, already obtained fo generally in our gardens; a rule, for our direction, paramount to allothers as to fpecific de- nomination. d Bot a EZ merocallas alla ee CIREREEN S TUN PLATE.CXCV. "EIYXPOXIS OBLT Qa Oblique-leaved Hypoxis. a eB CLASS: Vi... ORDER. i HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fex-partita, perfiftens, fupera. Cap- | Biossom fix-parted, remaining, above. Capfule fula bafi anguftior. Spatha bivalvis, | narrower at the bafe. Sheath two-valved. | See Hyroxis srELLATA. PI. CI. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hypoxis fcapo fubtrifloro, pilofo, longitudine Hypoxis with moftly three flowers on the ftem, foliorum; pedunculis flore triplo longiori- which is hairy, the length of the leaves; bus; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, oblique flexis, foot-ftalks three times the length of the glabris; radice fibrofa. flower; leaves linearly lance-fhaped, ob- liquely bent downward, ímooth; root | fibrous. — — ——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal of the Bloffom, with its Chive, as attached to its bafe. 2. 'The Seed-bud, on its foot-ftalk, with a part of the tube of the bloffom, to which the Chives are fixed. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, magnified. oo Rt —— —— Tuis fpecies of Hypoxis is from the Cape of Good Hope; and, we believe, folely in the poffeffion of G. Hibbert, Efq. Clapham; from whofe collection our drawing was made, in June, this year, 1801. It appears to be a hardy green-houfe plant; but, is certainly more curious than handfome, and, from — its general character, we fhould judge the propagation would be from the root. Profeffor Jacquin has given the Hypoxis Obliqua in his Icones Plantarum Rariorum, 2. t. 271; and in his Supplement to the Colle&anea, 54; but, we muft fuppofe from a more vigorous fpecimen than ours; as, the appearance of a woolly charaéter, at the margin of the leaves, was not to be traced in our plant, although every other part is exact. Wherefore, we have retained his name, though we have rejected the latter part of his fpecific character, to introduce one, which we confider, of more confequence, as oppofed to thofe with bulbous roots, this being fibrous. Jf J Ye 195 ——— obliqua í WA / J Uu ten | 6€ Aeon anv. ! ^uipe icis VH Do iooonidi elbenqi Synge iva v vin! L doy Vik ALL exaaxsh APEEUSE EDS qui KON yy aden am ; Sedi tind rei Proms! . bah LE SHOES WE E ub inn weis. arius xnl sit "S i$ ! : niin si welt. v HI dese TM La ied i Ed NA uve in & ibd « jolted Fee oM. fex did ta Soul. what Loc gee Pe! Wr adn 2» eve vinim, ie AL Laced - RO, : ^ " initia »- prog jdm : E Br r us CAPTAS OPE OT. GOMER, doonedequl «o beesslor dy off " Sea ine $a» welts A: my apqmans fork ET us li nidtrw Tig aed. sok M oom ot e bra je o5 Jed (redo indie su n P; ID dh jab nod o geuntignl ane "x pu uie 1n qr x coreg dal crue soto [ i PLATE CXCVI. IXIA MACULAT A. Spotted-flowered Ixia. CLASSZIE- ORDER. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow 6 petals, fpreading, equal. Cuives three, upright, fpreading. See Ixi4 RzrLExa, Pl. XIV. Vol. I. Corouta 6-petala, patens, aequalis. STAMINA tria, erectiufculo-patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis enfiformibus, glabris, fcapo du- Ixia with fword-fhaped, fmooth leaves, half the plo brevioribus ; floribus alternis, fub-fpi- length of the flower-ftem ; flowers alter- catis; petalis bafi obícuris, ovatis, con- nate, rather fpiked; petals dark at the bafe, cavis; ftigmatibus bifidis. egg-fhaped and concave; íummits two- cleft. re — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the Empalement. 2. A Flower cut and fpread open, with the Chives in their natural ftation. 3. 'The Pointal complete, with one of the Summits detached and magnified. Tr Tuts Ixia has been long cultivated in Britain, fo fays Millar, &c. but, till within thefe few years, we have not feen it in our gardens; perhaps it has been (like many others) loft to us, and recently intro- duced with the multitude of other fpecies, which now decorate our green-houfes; either from the Cape of Good Hope or Holland. It is one of the moft defirable of the genus, from the length of time it continues in flower; which is, at leaft a month, from the firft flowers beginning to expand. It increafes by the bulb, and is to be cultivated as other common Ixias. Flowers in May or June. ATVOXO IUS AM ‘KE ATA. 4 AKA lf. rv we - ——— M Smee J et oF TT A.O- “PVT Vite bs fetniod 5nO0 = " 3 t ' ogikl bowel took ritengo (qu ^- riw 148 - i nsatrcsq cds belaokos. . * t nseftit - nsfio) .Kreyorope Vins ~ wma; tom ai .bod-bsst ede ‘te sb? edi.ac hedthy - "ros “oie gol . (rine) v»flo) znot9eanno ibssnudT pec aoklo eq? .nmodt id “foram cf .ebssid: sd) Yo arsit adi 01 boxt Pele /— mel bent aii hid- bose ar Bod (edness sehen Mad aon ~or be oxi Ee 3r wm at bshen e 9mm ate yp MIB Y - OA? 7 Ep "one or an EV Agar ah) geo 3o. Th Celia 1 Mibu DENDO ac Pd Audioa- Boqng ts honwor usse of I-hgord cemrerrd dise rests b*aetlejt aonn blo sif som ab defe ; bsweqer boss vit d » . enki bag ios AXE - NC iD diou voi "^H fay d4nom idoldw a ftus aimed te ctor dnd Lao 0571 UI o9 V. Ate noi) xilotitug»d Sont «12 $3239 | t fei ry kf n iri ni d ) eral ^] E ILLOS |. wax E 1 ot beosubot] 5 SY > VOM. vi ILD ATR, uy uon OMY 63a: cv] vel BAY T fs (hint of bsglido mow vw nos vl 187] ^14 af ipi rob] aul? Yud-; ed? no uw A i) Aur not det. 5: & br " Wig 8 RA: * CC LNXOS Erg Mia? |. J d gutlvdgi tiet ; (ues “cordial yy 34D Y ea Tere: aun Jic 253: slut or ozó9 Jl wine - ilgmü Amore gait wrod aspi à56220r1: f whirttly ve E I I i) BM minds ud frp idigree ei maaniaonald ibe: eis oa yed tnán biuvo etc) noon pun vib rascolgitie > Im. fuc. oh) vitals »29l M " à toa att class dMyosdotág EA fena? 24 W 3 (C2418 lou uo [Pw] raad "HoGOÓTOn d gatlu$ ee olla MALA RTT MEO ITS $b dip psi (niv) Lise cato, ee enar dius ease tot Dae : LLL mui v Tie ily bus Burtt dva Y tok hts x . Ds a6 pusspe Troe CA M Ae obs 3 ue. — aw teal ste (3 Ade" $ed w^ Ns BL o *asl e j aneeciuin VY bo atti: ols Sen essePbveds e bns bali dy LET. anat ^d has eee ‘wars WV UM diol. n "e b^dgedodt 6 biyomma: 4 uta to ^00 »goli booO bo squad SAPD arith nt at -£011 18v iM super! SM. 3 eta irt vie ore ord ur wig co cbsm ev i m: SAT vvwohi ai HID Aue na nigod of 15/»tesib aL Foot & tea bak TTE, 7 i * 1 PLATE CXCVII, NYMPH/EA CCERUL E A. Blue Water- Lily. —— "ái À—— À— — CLASS IL ORDER I. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Many Chives One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx. Perianthium inferum, tetraphyllum, magnum, fupra coloratum, perfiflens. Conorra. Petala numerofa (quindecem fepe,) germinis lateri infidentia, ferie plus quam fimplici. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa (feptuaginta feepe,) plana, curva, obtufa, brevia. An- there oblonge, filamentorum margini ad- nate. Pistittum. Germen ovatum, magnum. Stylus nullus. Stigma orbiculatum, planum, pel- tato-feffile, radiis notatum, margine crena- tum, perfiftens. Pericarrium. M Bacca dura, ovata, carnofa, ru- dis, collo anguftata apice coronata, multi- locularis (decem ad quindecem loculis,) pulpa plena. EwrPaLEMENT. Cup beneath, four leaved, large, coloured above, permanent. BLossow. Petals numerous (often fifteen,) placed on the fide of the feed-bud, in more than one row. Cuives. Threads numerous (often feventy,) flat, curved, blunt, fhort. Tips oblong, fixed to the margin of the threads. PoiwTAr. Seed-bud egg-fhaped, large. Shaft, none. Summit round, flat, central, fitting, marked in rays, fcolloped at the edge, re- maining. Seep-vesseL. Berry hard, egg-fhaped, flefhy, rough, narrowed at the neck, crowned at the top, many-celled (from ten to fifteen celJs,) full of pulp. Semrna plurima, fubrotunda. SEDs many, roundifh. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Nymphea with between heart-fhaped and round leaves, the old ones fcolloped, lobes fharp, tiled, and tapered; petals fharp, lance- fhaped, and blue. Nymphza foliis cordato-orbiculatis, fenioribus crenatis, lobis acutis imbricatis, acuminatis; petalis acutis, lanceolatis, czruleis. ——— M— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Chive. 2. The Seed-bud and Summit. 3. The Seed-bud, cut tranfverfely, to fhew the number of cells. a ———— AMoNGsT aquatic or water plants, the Nymphaas are undoubtedly the moft defirable in cultivation; although, we fhould agree to the exclufion of N. Nelumbo, &c. now forming a diftinét genus in the Sp. Plant. of Willdenow; taken from Ufteri's Ed. of Juffieu’s Gen. Plant. claffed from the natural characters, under the title of Nelumbium's. This plant may be kept in the green-houfe, or hot-houfe, in a large tub filled with water and a fmall portion of mud at the bottom. It propagates by the root, and the flowers, which are extremely fragrant, are produced in Auguft, in which month, this year, our drawing was made, from a large plant in the Hibbertian collection; but, from an omiffion in the figure, we were obliged to finifh the plate from a plant, in the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Ken- fington Gore, ftill in flower, the beginning of O&ober. The leaves of this fpecies are moft beautifully fcolloped, and near a foot in diameter ; but the indentitions are fcarcely to be perceived in the younger; one of which, as we could not introduce the larger, is fhewn on the plate of the natural fize. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to the Royal Gardens, Kew, by Mr. F. Maffon, about the year 1792. T ymphada Carita ON Bi ^ CABEWOXO eauxareorau YS CK nere eris * .berlio0) bar | oysones be 38110dt .abosiq. 501 -Aihj wcisd. ud 1 - erae aw? ,alise ow! qo) 21 PRIUS 1 * Mibanc Au uaBesi ostdi Jo .bsloqqmo»s e»: XL dips P 5 slolo gniwom . aicq 204 MOT ¢ AN T adit ‘fo sestiads js bsiim ye qme ds 720% , ( ; Tikes i di Ve Abu "T . / T1 " s. j j Yu EL "i rf 1 li wd .3unod-m»srg 5di-oi : Y" í " xb. thd Soa ,mobpui duo Ut! colam I. di ;troH ith orones! ioo 5d) «a 1l -aMioihoonur cul erri sued Gilt e o "d ilerseqqon € ei ! n "v oth yai. gis “ONT . een s Mott d» 1 ; m potet coy S Zr a wi 3 a BR: TI y. sus eoqqu. 9d fem fig Jes TUA AMO HG : Mod terme tabat 148q bos aJ bis trato wf wesc di — “wiondl : z OUR wr lo ebur» QUA M": ox , Zur f 1 > at | bodatesi ‘ Biodw «d Ime 8025531 Les 1d! a ol. m , o (aad caus « nary oh rcd ved NH a Beo or soltar ^o ving aso to soi no 9di o mE SML [ NIE l p of We Ao einn e | AU , Kon Vlog hóa OuMs "es : a kine 8 4 Pueri bau, no trio TM 14 q Med 1 11 ZU NU | PLATE CXCVIII. BAUERA RUBIOIDES. Three-leaved Bauera. CLASS XIII. ORDER II. POLYANDRIA DIGY NIA. Many Chives. Two Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium octophyllum, foliolis per- fiftentibus, acuminatis, reflexis, dentatis. ComorLA. Petala o&o, ovata, concava, paten- tia, aequalia, calyce majora. Sramina. Filamenta numerofa, capillaria, co- rolla breviora, receptaculo inferta. —An- ther latiufcule, obtufze, erectae. PrsriLLA. Germen fuboyatum,villofum. Styli duo, filiformes, long£, apice curvati. Stig- mata fimplicia. Pericarrium. — Capfula fubrotunda, pilofa, apice dehifcens, bilocularis, bivalvis. EwPALEMENT. Cup eight-leaved, remaining, leaflets tapered, reflexed, and toothed. Brossow. Eight petals, egg-fhaped, concave, fpreading, equal, larger than the cup. Cuives. Threads numerous, hair-like, fhorter than the bloffom, fixed into the receptacle. Tips broadifh, obtufe and ere&. PoiwTALs. Seed-bud nearly egg-fhaped, hairy. Shafts two, thread-fhaped, long, curved at the ends. Summits fimple. Srep-vesset. Capfule roundifh, hairy, fplit- ting at the top, two cells, two valves. Semina plurima, fubrotunda. Seeps many, roundifh. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Bauera foliis ternatis, apice dentatis, feffilibus, Bauera with leaves compofed of three Jeaflets, oppofitis. toothed at the point, growing clofe to the ftem, and oppofite. | ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, with the Chives and Pointal, 2. The Chives and Pointal magnified. . 3. The Empalement, Seed-bud, Shafts, and Summits, magnified. 1. The Seed-bud cut tranfverfely, with the feeds in the cells, magnified. Ru o 'Ynis handfome fhrub, a native of Port Jackfon, New Holland, was firft raifed at the feat of the Hon. the Marchionefs of Rockingham, Hillingdon, Middlefex, in the year 1793; and, from a plant, in the confervatory, ftill in flower, this prefent month November, our drawing was made, at the Narfery. Hammerfinith. It is hardy, although delicate in ftructure, and flourifhes in the green-houfe. The ftem of the plant from which our figure was taken, although the oldeft in the kingdom, and near fix feet high, is fcarce the thicknefs of a quill at the bafe, therefore muft be fupported. The young fhoots and leaves are covered with a flight pile; the fmaller branches fiand out at right angles, pro- ceeding from the infertion of the leaves, and the whole plant has, at firft fight, much: the appearance ofa Rubus. It is propagated by cuttings, made in the month of March, and put under a {mall bell- glas on the heat of a hot-bed; the cuttings fhould be from the extreme ends of the young íhoots. Sir J. Banks, Bart. P. R. S. &c. from whofe natural genius and love for the fcience, and by whofe foftering and liberal hand to promote it, the ftudy of Botany has become fo general a tafte; has named this genus, in honour of two moft eminent Botanical painters, of the name of Bauer, natives of Germany, and brothers. The one, now under the immediate patronage of Sir Jofeph, as Botanical Painter to his Majefty at Kew; well known for his fuperb and excellent coloured engravings of Heaths, &c. in large folio. The younger confidered no lefs able, engaged under the fame influence with the other artifis, &c. who are now upon the laft expedition for difcovery to the South Sea; but not equally known to Botanifts, as the perfon who accompanied the late Dr. Sibthorpe, on his voyages through Greece; and whofe pencil has produced all thofe drawings, defigned to decorate and illuftrate "KW js Greca, preparing for the public, under the aufpices of the intelligent Dr. Smith, . L. S. &c. &c, —— P#aucra rulrordes TITO. i ee et LL C9 T n B d ea Pea a eae TRENT ne MM wpa ae PLATE. CXOLIX CAME LLIA JAPONICA. Var. flo. rubro pleno. Double red Camellia. CLASS XVI. ORDER VI. »vfschreber's sth edit. of Gen. Plant, MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads united. Many Chives. re u— ———— — ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx imbricatus, polyphyllus; foliolis interi- | EMPALEMENT tiled, many-leaved; the inner leaf- oribus majoribus. lets the largeft. SPECIFIC CHARACTER OF VARIETY. Camellia foliis fenioribus bafi attenuatis, juni- Camellia with the older leaves tapered at the oribus rubentibus ; petalis interioribus diva- bafe, the younger ones reddifh; the inner ricato-erectis ; floribus plenis, rubris. petals ftand upright ípreading different ways; flowers double and red. rae Agatn have we to call upon the indulgence of our Botanical friends for their fufferance, in a third intrufion on the forms of our own prefcription. But, as we had given the two other varieties of this fine plant; and taking it for granted, by judging from our own feelings, that a figure of this very Ícarce variety would be agreeable to moft; that they might be (by comparifon) able to decide upon the difference which does exift, but has been denied by many, between this, and the Striped Var. ; fee our figure, Vol. II. Pl. XCI. It has been thought by moft, who have not feen this plant; that it was but the Striped Var. which had loft its variegation. This is certainly not the cafe; for, it ftands as diftin&t from the Striped, as from the White variety; which may be readily traced, either from the plants themfelves, or our figures; by comparing the fpecific, or rather differing charaéter we have affigned to each. The Double red Camellia was introduced about the year 1794 from China, by R. Prefton, Efq. Woodford, Effex. The largeft plant now in Europe, of this variety, is in the felect and moft valuable collection of the . Hon. T. Greville, Efq. Paddington, imported, laft year, from China in the higheft perfe&ion. It is propagated by cuttings, or layers; anddelights in a light, fandy loam; with about one-third of the pot, from the bottom, filled with peat earth. It flowers from November, till February, in the Hot- houfe ; or from January, till April, if kept in the Green-houfe. Our figure was taken, in November, this year, at the Hammerfmith Nurfery. M T T TA NOS — e " " " » à —— a . me a ate gl CP OP MC WR n a = ae m Sag Dus ae — — X LM T c— Ls il ati uiime de PLATE Cc. MELALEUCA HYPERICIFOLIA. St. John’ s-wort-leaved Melaleuca. en CL ASS XWH. «ORDER. TV. POLYADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads in manySets. Many Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx quinquefidus, femifuperus, Petala quin- Cur five-cleft, half above. Pétals five. Threads que. Filamenta multa, Jongiffima, connata numerous, very long, united into five bodies. in quinque corpora. Piftillum unum. Cap- Pointal one. Capfule three-celled. fula trilocularis. See MELALEUCA ERICHFOLIA, Pl. CLXXV. Vol. III. SPECIFIC CHARACT Hi. Melaleuca foliis oppofitis, cliptico-oblongis, uni- | Melaleuca with oppofite leaves, eliptic-oblong, nerviis; floribus confertis; filamentis lon- | one-nerved ; flowers cluftered; threads very giffimis, linearibus, apice radiato-multifidis. | long, linear, rayed and many-cleft at the top. RAR ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A flower, natural fize. . One of the five bundles of Chives, with its petal, to which it is attached at the bate, magnified . The cup, feed-bud, (liaft and fummit, natural fize, the fummit detached and mag- nified. T to [^ rr ABouT the year 1792 this plant was firft raifed from feeds, by the late Mr. William Malcolm, Nurferyman, at Stockwell, Surry; and was, from the very great refemblance it bears to the St. John’s- worts, fo denominated, until it flowered. It has now become one of the commoneft, of what are generally termed, Botany Bay plants; yet unqueftionably ranks with the handfomeft whether for its foliage, form of growth, or flowers, which are of a moft beautiful red-purple, fearcely to be imitated in painting. The fingular manner in which the flower-ftem is thrown out, as it were, from the old wood, in a horizontal direction, is common to many other fpecies of the Genus. Tt grows to the height of four or five feet, very erect in every part; is eafily increafed by cuttings, and thrives beft in peat earth. Although it is faid to grow in fwampy grounds in New South Wales, fee Linnzan Tranfactions, Vol. III. p. 279, neverthelefs, with us, a dry, or damp fituation in the green-houfe, appears equally congeüial to it. In the month of September 1799, our drawing was taken at the Confervatory of R. James, Efq. Grotvenor Place. pvc eae a a ee T d —— wm T "vw uw -— "w€— T€ €nÉ- t CHR TE PLATE CCI. AIZOON CANARIEN S$ E. ; : Purflane-leaved Aizoon. : - CLASS XI. OR DER. IV. ICOSANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Twenty Chives. Five Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- || EwrarEMENT. Cup one leaf, five-parted; feg- partitum ; laciniis lanceolatis, perfiftentibus. | ments lance-fhaped, remaining. Conorra nulla. | Brossow none. SraMiNA, Filamenta plurima, capillaria, finui Cuives. Threads numerous, hair-like, inferted calycis per phalanges in ferta. Antherae into the hollow part of the cup in bunches. fimplices. Tips fiinple. PrsriLLA. Germen pentagonum, fuperum. Stili Porntats. Seed-bud five-fided, above. Shafts quinque, fimplices. Stigmata fimplicia. five, fimple. Summits fimple. Pericarpium. Capfula ventricofa, retufa, pen- SEED-vessEL. Capfule bellied, dented, five-fided, tagona, quinquelocularis, quinque valvis. five-celled, five-valved. Semina plura, fubrotunda. Steps many, roundith, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Aizoon foliis cuneiformi-ovatis; floribus folita- || Aizoon with leaves between wedgeand egg-fhaped; riis, fubfeffilibus, axillaribus. | flowers folitary, growing almoft clofe to tbe | fiem from the infertion of the leaves. gc D REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement fhewn from the infide. . The fame fhewn from the outfide. A Chive magnified. . The Pointals natural fize. . The fame, magnified. Je a ok She Tus plant is herbaceous, and is found near the fea coaft, in moft parts of the world, within the tropics. It has a character common to many Genera of the natural order of fucculents, fuch as Me- fembryanthemum, Craffula, &c. that of an indeterminate number of pointals; which, in this genus, extend from three, to five, on different plants; this circumftance not having been fufficiently attended to has unfortunately occafioned fome confufion. Brown in his Natural Hiftory of Jamaica has defcribed : itas growing on that Ifland, and with five pointals, therefore placed it to its right genus. Plumier, M Sloane, &c. treated it as Portulaca, to which, as the genus now ftands, it in no way affines. Leefling in ; his Iter Hifpanicum, publifhed in 1758, having found the plant in Spain with three pointals, immedi- ately placed it to another genus, Halimum ; upon whofe authority, corroborated by Jacquin, (who ac- : knowledges a variation in the number of pointals, on different plants, found in the different Caribee ) Iflands,) Linnzus took up the plant, faid to have but three pointals, under the title Sefuvium. As to | the plant faid to be cultivated by Miller in the Hort. Kew: under the laft named genus, we have no j difficulty in referring that, to the Aizoon canarienfe of the fame work; as the time of flowering not being noticed, the diftinction of character could not be obferved, and the genus introduced, taken upon the gratis dictum of Miller. Burmann, in his Ed: of Rumphius's plants of Amboyna, has it as Ha- limus; and Plukenet as Portulaca from Eatt Indian fpecimens; with numbers of other Botanifts from | different parts; as ZEgypt, the Canary Iflands, &c. &c. under different names. | Seeds received from Spain of our plant were fown by Mr. Anderfon in 1798, at the gardens of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington (3ore; fince which time, it has annually died to the ground, about November, and re-appeared in Spring; from this circumftance, the great delicacy of the plant, and having been treated as an annual, it has been repeatedly loft to this country; though fo confiantly introduced, in j almoft every parcel of feeds which arrives from either the Eaft or Weft Indies. It may be increafed xr amem by cuttings made early in the year, and put in a hot-bed to accelerate their growth, and fhould be planted in rich loamy earth. It flowers from July till September. To preferve it more than one year, it mutt be kept in the hot-houfe. Mee amma menae € PLATE CCII. SAMYDA SERRULATA. Sawed-leaved Samyda. CLASS X ORDER *I DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ten Chives One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. | Catyx. Perianthium monophyllum, interne EmpaLemMent. Cup one leaf, coloured within; coloratum; tubuscampanulatus, decemftri- | tube bell-fhaped, ten-ftriped; border five- atus; limbus quinquefidus, laciniis ovatis | cleft, fegments egg-fhaped, fmooth, very planis, patentiflimis, obtufis, duabus acu- |, much fpread, obtufe, two lengthened by a mine auctis. | pointed end. Conorra nulla. Brossow none. Nectarium monophyllum, conicum, trun- | Honey-cup, onc leaf, conical, appearing catum, decemftriatum, longitudine fere ca- | cut off, ten-firiped, nearly the length of lycis, ejufque limbo ad bafin infertum, ore | the cup and fixed to itat the bafe of the obtufe 10 ad 18-dentato. | border, obtufely from 10 to 18-toothed at | the mouth. Sramina. Filamenta nulla. Anthere decem | Cuives. Threads none. Tips from 10 to 18, ad o&o-decem, oblong, ereéte, parve, | oblong, upright, fmall, fixed to the teeth of dentibus ne¢tarii infidentes. honeycup. Pistittum. Germen ovatum. Stylusfubulatus, | PorwTAr. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft awl- ere&us, longitudine neCtarii. Stigma ca- | fhaped, upright, the length of the honey- pitatum, obtufum. | cup. Summit headed, blunt. Sgep-vesseL. Capfule roundifh, four-furrowed, Pericarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, quadriful- leathery, thick, one-celled, four valves. cata, coriacea, craífa, unilocularis, quadri- | | SEMINA plurima, fubovata, obtufa, bafi forami- | SEEDs many, nearly egg-fhaped, blunt, marked valvis. nulo notata, valvulis affixa, obvoluta pelli- with a fmall hole at the bafe, fixed to the cula pulpofa. - valves, furrounded with a flight pulpy fkin. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Samyda with rofy coloured flowers having twelve chives; leaves between egg-fhaped and ob- long, flightly fawed. Samyda floribus rofeis, dodecandris; foliis ovato- | oblongis, ferrulatis. | | — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, with its honey-cup, and the tips, cut and fpread open. 2. The Pointal and feed-bud natural fize, the fummit detached and magnified. 3. The Seed-bud cut tran(verfely and magnified, to fhew the number of valves and fituation of the feeds. —— án TE TERES 8 Tue Sawed-leaved Samyda is an inhabitant of moft of the Weft India Iflands, but was received in England, about the year 1795, from the Ifland of St. Vincent; tranfmitted from thence, by Mr. An- derfon, curator of the Botanic garden, originally eftablifhed there, under the fanétion of our govern- ment, by Dr. Young. It is a very tender plant, grows to about three feet in height, making but few {mall branches, and rather weak in the ftem. Our drawing was taken in July this year at the gar- den of T. Evans, E(q. Stepney, who we believe firft had it to flower in this kingdom. It is propagated by cuttings; muft be kept in the bark-bed of the hot-houfe, and fhould be planted in very rich mould. OL. Ca 3» , ; Wamyda vwcrrilala é — M "P — » " "es yon d ies tee Imt PR Ped Pis p hs For 5 zeige irt i il sd a Oi RAIL oL ho PLATE CCIII. XIA COLUMNARIS. Columnar-chived Ixia. | 7 | | ^ CLASS HL ORDER. i1 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-petala, patens, aequalis. | Brossow 6 petals. fpreading, equal. Sriemata tria, erectiufculo-patula. Summits three, upright-fpreading. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia filamentis bafi coherentibus; floribus capi- | Ixia with threads united at the bafe; flowers tatis; corollis purpureis. | grow in heads; bloffoms purple. — S REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. The two Valves of the empalement. A Blotfom cut open. The Chives and Pointal, with the tube of the bloffom, the border cut off. The Chives cut and fpread open, with the tube of the bloffom, magnified. The Pointal and Seed-bud, with one of the Summits detached and magnified. [Eee A a — á mcr ND ER À — ——— Here we have a plant which prefents one of thofe obftacles, conftantly met, in all attempts to a fyfte- matic arrangement of the productions of nature. Every feature of Ixia we find pofitively expreffed, but in the unison of the Threads ; a circumftance, which Linnzus in his fyflem, always deemed of fuch fingular moment, that a number of Genera have been formed, from this natural order of plants, hinging on this only character. But, as this plant has been named, and accurately defcribed by Mr. Salisbury, in the Prodromus to his garden 36. n. 18; and continued, from him, by Profeffor Martyn, in his Edit. of Miller's Di&. article Ixia, 50; in the following therefore fuch fuperiour judgments to our own, we have thought it proper, not to make any alteration; and in eonfequence, have retained his Generic and Specific title. The extreme brilliance of the flowers of Ixia Columnaris, pervading all the varieties, (of which-we have drawings of 6,) is not exceeded by any in the whole Genus; they generally, are not longer ex- panded than for about four hours, and that only under a hot fun; from about eight,till twelve o'clock; when they clofe for the day; but neverthelefs they have a permanence not ufual in Ixias, as the forte bloffoms will open diurnally for above a week. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and came firft to England, by the way of Holland, about the year 1794. It flowers in June and July, amongtt the lateft of the tribe, aud increafes by the root in abundance. Our figure was taken at the Hammer- fmith Nurfery. [4 B COUMMMNATTS P LU PLATE.CCIV. GERANIUM LACINI ATUM. Var. flore purpureo. Ragged-leaved Geranium. Purple flowered Variety. CLASS XVE ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Monoeyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. One PorNTar. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns; five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis radicalibus, integris laciniatif- Geranium with leaves growing from the root, que, petiolis filiformibus; calycibus mono- entire and jagged, footftalks thread-fhaped; phillis; ftaminibusquinque fertilibus ; radice cups one-leaved; five fertile chives; root tuberofa; floribus purpureis. tuberous; flowers purple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement magnified. 2. The Chives fpread open. 3. The Pointal and feed-bud magnified. 'uis very handfome variety, (for we cannot confider it as a fpecies,) of the Geranium laciniatum, was imported in 1800, from the Cape of Good Hope, by G. Hibbert Efq.; in whofe collection it flowered, laft year, in the month of June, when our drawing wastaken; and we believe it is in no other at prefent in this kingdom. Mr, Allen, under whofe care that colleétion is preferved in fuch high order and perfection, and to whofe kind communications, we are much indebted; informs us, that he has not, as yet, been able to increafe it; but, from every appearance, the plant, he has no doubt, may, by the root, as are the other fpecies which have the tuberous charaéter ; and that he did not treat it differently from the reft of the Geraniums which compofe this branch of that interefting family. v4 ü E ; - Creranum CGeeenuadum i pico: a a " i Aik cM MATYXSSA X KM . APO TAA. Mk "Wi £453 LIE M : ut gta “> APTUM ON Are t c Asfpatuesa ibo uw Jobesrued! o8 IU GL VII MEL p! "RS AL Zr Y : ima M opt 4 +f " M , rs n^ «gidilsag. ipe; possim os, i A AL P [; L6 arty va idi us shy TW Fr eiesl germ aM itin d n pec vae repaso a asco git AyevA te Mut BEE Yan CELL P so vy ied eer adimi XV EX m Wists dioe aie] n bos vv ende o. todo Mr UM 4. Me eu" 4 gon mn Br fps ae ^r CMACYW. iL ras ied a dT "Los Pride ah. yey a4 3 OE a | P ^ "odi smod oy I Moe XYAaU prodit i ‘> P NT role du M ud d p P bio AH WO e x "E Heat ae 1401 AV GL EE ^n hain. - j bU Denn vt fuot T kn Bap arta t Y v. OS PE. 7 pos vitis, a pur ahaha P" 5 eds NOt inet Lope" ras aeri PLATE CUCV. PLATYLOBIUM LANCEOLATUM. Lance-fhaped-leaved Flat-pea. CLASS XVIE ORIDER .-IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives in two Sets. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx campanulatus, quinquefidus; laciniis Cur bell-(haped, five-cleft; the two upper feg- duabus fupremis maximis, obtufis. Stamina ments very large and obtufe. Chives all omnia coalita. Legumen pedicellatum,com- united. Pod on a footítalk, compreffed, preffum, dorfo alatum; polyfpermum. winged along the back; many feeded. See Plate CXCI. Vol. III. PLATYLOBIUM SCOLOPENDRUM, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Platylobium foliis glaberrimis, diftichis, lineari- Flat-Pea with very fmooth leaves pointing oppo- lanceolatis; floribus folitariis, axillaribus ; fite ways, linear-lance fhaped ; flowers grow ramis junioribus fub-compreffis, folitary from the lower part of the leaves clofe to the branches; the younger branches are rather flatith. ———— "Uu——————-—— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement of the flower. 2. The Standard, or upper petal of the bloffom. 3, One of the Wings, or fide petals of the bloffom. A. The two lower Petals, or keel of the bloffom. 5. 'The Chives, natural fize. 6. The fame, magnified. 7. The Seed-bud, natural fize. 8. The fame magnified, but rather more mature. ————— ÁÁ m ——————— — No Clafs, amongft the 24, is more diftinét in its natural character than Diadelphia; yet, fince the dif- covery of New South Wales, no one has prefented more difficulty to the botanist. From the great number of plants of that country, appertaining to this Clafs, and the ftrong differing characters which moft of them exhibit, fuch indeed, as might formerly have been thought of fufficient moment to confti- tute new Genera; many muft now benda little for the eafe of fcience; or otherwife they will in a fhort time become doubled in number; a matter of no {mall moment to weakalthough willing memories. Our having placed the P. fcolopendrum of this Volume, Pl. CXCI., and our prefent plant to the Genus Platylobium, is the occafion of the above prelude; as it may be thought by fome who have not feen the feed. veffel and feeds, the principal parts upon which the Genus is founded, that nature is a little out- raged in fo doing; but, without we had fo joined them, we muft have given them a new title. This plant was introduced at the fame time as the P. fcolopendrum, and the three other fpecies now in Bri- tain; not one of them, but has baffled all our moft experienced cultivators to increafe it, by any other mode than from the feed; (ome of which has been procured from the P. formofum, only. They all require to be kept in the dryeft part of the green-houfe, as they are impatient of damp. Our drawing was made in November 1801, at the Nurfery of Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, by whom it was firft raifed in 1792. The general height of the Platylobiums, is about three feet and a half, at moft, in this country, and they do not form bufhy fhrubs. They require a light, fandy peat foil, with rather le(s root room, than is in general neceffary for plants of equal fize. — reet ——— € Á—Má — ÓAGÁSÁ - P o~ — j j y 3 — Wee p" y e 5 oo — 4 _— , f [4 5 & 0 adapted uem lanceelalur PLATE CCVI. DRACHNA BOREALIS. Oval leaved Dracena. CLASS.'VL | ORDER L HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx nullus. EMPALEMENT none, Conorra. Petala fex, oblonga, ereétiufcula, Brossow. Petals fix, oblong, rather upright, zequalia, unguibus cohzrentia. equal, cohering by the claws. Stamina. — Filamenta fex, unguibus inferta, Cuives. Threads fix, inf+rted into the claws, fubulata, medio craíliora, bafi membra- | awl.fhaped, thicker about the middle, nacea, longitudine vix corolla. Antherae Íkinny at the bafe, almoft the length of oblonga, incumbentes. the bloffom. Tips oblong, incumbent. Pistittum. .Germen ovatum, fexftriatum, Sty- PorwTar. Seed-bud egg-fhaped, fix-ftreaked. lus filiformis, longitudine ftaminium. Stig- Shaft tbread.fhaped, the length of the ma trifidum, obtufum. chives. Summit three-cleft, obtufe. Pericarpium. Bacca ovata, fexfulcata, trilocu- Seep-vessEL. Berry egg-fhaped, fix-furrowed, laris. three-celled. Semina folitaria, ovato-oblonga, apice incurvata. Seeps folitary, oblong-egg-fhaped, turned in- ward at the end. Oss. Character fere Afparagi, habitus diverfus. Oss. The Character is very near Afparagus, the habit different. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Draceena, herbacea, fubcaulefcens, foliis elip- Dracena, herbaceous, rather afpiring to a ftem, ticis. leaves eliptic. rr REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal with its chive. 2. A Chive, magnified. 3. The Pointal, magnified. A. A ripe Berry. 5. The fame, cut tranfverfely. — ———Üpse-—— —— Axsout the year 1776, this plant was firft received in England, by Meffrs Lee and Kennedy from Montreal, Canada, N. America. It is a native of all the northern parts of that country, as far as New England; propagates itfelf by the root, and flowers in July. It will not t! rive but on a fhady border, which fhould be made of light fandy peat. Much we revere the name of Solander, and highly rate his merit as a Botanift; yet we cannot for- bear ftating our diffent from the arrangement of this plant, as a Draceua, certainly nothing can be more diffimilar, in every part; this may be eafily traced by comparing our figure and diffections, as connected with the Generic character. The whole natural habit of the plant, points out Convallaria for its genus, to which it is much nearer allied than Draczna, even in the fexual characters. How- ever, we only ftate our opinions, without even thinking of change, as the plant is known as Dracena, having been figured and defcribed in the Firft Vol. of the Kew Catalogue, page 454, under the pre- fent title. * IU: ALBION NOS YAM RR een ne | | x y t a \) | ji LI 9 / 5 J ZULCaua Coreales ites = NES u = —-—" ’ " pU ser a E A , a EASY. : í oT i. 5 ! ~ a * "i Jie ae” - 3 ee UE k E "T L-— » s PLATE CCVIE MIMOSA LONGIFOLIA. Long-leaved Mimo/fa. . CLASS XXII. ORDER IL. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Various difpofitions. Upon one Plant. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Hermaphrod. Carvx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida. Hermaph. Cup five-toothed. Blofs. 5-cleft. Stam. 5 feu plura. Pist. 1. Legumen. Chives 5 or more. Pointal one. A pod. Mafcul. Carvx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida. Stam. Male. Cur 5-toothed. Blofs. 5-cleft. Chives 5, 10, plura. 5, 10, or more. See Mimosa stricta. Pl. LIII. Vor. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mimofa foliis integris longiffimis, utrinque gla- || Mimofa with entire, very long leaves, fmooth on bris, obtufis; capituli geminati, racemofi, | both fides and blunt; flower heads grow longiffimi, oppofiti, lutei, fubcernui. li by pairs in very long bunches oppofite to | each other, yellow and rather nodding. Sa REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. I. A flower, magnified, fhewn fideways. 2. The Empalement, magnified. 3. The Bloffom, magnified. 4, A Chive, magnified. 5. The Pointal, magnified. ———— ái li ——— — — — Axout the year 1792 J. Ord, Efq. of Purfers Crofs, Fulham, received the feeds of this Mimofa from New South Wales; the plants were raifed, the enfuing year, by Mr. White, who has managed, much to his credit, the fele&t collection of that Gentleman near 20 years, and who obligingly fent us a fine fpecimen in March 1801, taken from a plant near 18 feetin height. Of the Mimofas now in Britain, we think, this fpeciesis likely to exceed them all in height ; making a very handfome plant; and moft beautiful at the feafon when covered with its long pendulous bunches of flowers. It is increafed by cuttings, but with difficulty; and, as yet, feeds have not been perfected in this country. A light fandy earth is what it thrives in moft, but it will grow in almoft any foil, "n ey ewe re MMC NT ; (enge A a Ad cd. «3 ] 7 4 ’ 1 == aper 7s, Ü y taphd 1 vio " yv " | wren "$2001 2! "€ slt md) andi iu PLATE CCVIII. LASIOPETALUM FERRUGINEUM. Rufty Woolly-bloffom. CLASS: Va SORDER T PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx, Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis fubu- | EwraLEMENT. Cup three-leaved, leaflets awl- latis, tomentofis, perfiftentibus, ferrugino- fhaped, downy, permanent, and of a rufty fis. iron colour. Brossow, one petal, wheel-fhaped, woolly, and quefida; laciniis ovatis, apicibus acutis, in- | five-cleft; fegments egg-thaped, fharp arava. | pointed and incurved at the point. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, brevia, erecta, | Cutves. Threads five, fhort, upright, fixed to germinis bafi affixa. Antherae erectze, dorfo the bafe of the feed-bud. Tips upright, two- bilobze, apice poris duobus. lobed at the back, and two pores at the Conorra monopetala, rotata, lanuginofa, quin- point. PisriLLUM. Germen ovatum, fuperum. Stylus PoiwTar. Seed-bud egg-fhaped, above. Shaft minutus, filiformis, erectus. Stigma ob- fmall, thread-thaped, upright. Summit foletum. obfolete. Perrcarrrum. Capfula fubrotunda, fupera, tri- Sgep-vesseL. Capfule roundifh, above, three- fulcata, trilocularis, trivalvis, diffepimen- furrowed, three cells, three valves, parti- tis e medio valvularum. tions from the middle of the valves. Semina numerofa, fubrotunda. SEEDs numerous, roundifh, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lafiopetalum foliis fublinearibus, obtufis, ine- qualiter finuatis, fupra glabris, fubtus lanu- ginofis; floribus racemofis, axillaribus, Woolly bloffom with nearly linear leaves, blunt, unequally indented, fmooth above, woolly beneath; flowers grow in long bunches from the infertion of the leaves into the ftem. ————E—E—E——— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1, The Empalement. 2. The Blotfom. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4. A Chive, magnified. 5. The Pointal. 6. The fame magnified. Ee Tue fingularity of this plant recommends it to our notice, rather than its beauty. It is a native of New South Wales, near Port Jackfon, and is found in marfhy grounds; where its branches are feen to extend many yards, embracing all the under fhrubs they meet; they feldom exceed the fize of {mall twine, but are exceeding tough. The whole plant, when old, has a dirty or rufty brown ap- pearance, the leaves becoming very fmall and narrow; although from culture in this country, we have feen the leaves, on {ome plants, near an inch in breadth, and three in length. For the Generic and Specific titles of this plant we are indebted to Dr.Smith, P. L. S. &c. and wedo not think more appro- priate ones could have been invented. The giving fpecific names and characters to plants, where only one has been difcovered of the Genus, although a little from Linnzan principles, we muft confefs accords with our ideas; for, although, to compare is neceflary to diftinctive difference; yet, if the moft oftenfible, and novel appearance of the parts, are taken from the firtt difcovered plant, for the fpecific character; there is no more danger of confufion, from any addition to the Genus, than if no fuch obfervations had been made; for, what muft in future be taken as fpecific diftinction muft arife from an oppofition to the firft plant on which the Genus was founded: wherefore we have adopted this manner, from the commencement of the work. This plant was firft raifed at the Ham- merfmith Nurfery, from feeds received from New South Wales in 1791. It is propagated by cuttings taken from the young fhoots, in April; fhould be planted in very fandy peat earth, and kept very dry in winter. It is in flower nearly the whole year. (7 , P4 Laune peti W ferme vedo / € | PLATE CCIX. ! GERANIUM MELANANTHUM. Black-flowered Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. | OwrPoiwmar. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed Monoeyna. Stigmata quinque. Fru@us rof- with long awns, five dry berries, tratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium with lobed, and entire leaves, hairy and obtufe; cups one leaved, fegments li- near; flowers blackifh, with the chives and pointals diftinét ; root tuberous. TG CASE mA 0 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 'The Empalement, natural fize, the tube cut open. 'The Chives of a male bloffom, natural fize. . The fame, cut open and magnified. . The abortive Pointal of a male bloffom, natural fize. . The fame, magnified. . The abortive Chives of a female bloffom, natural fize. . 'The fame, magnified. The Pointal of a female bloffom, magnified. Geranium foliis lobatis integrifque, hifpidis, ob- tufis; calycibus monophyllis, laciniis line- aribus; floribus nigricantibus, dioicis; ra- dice tuberofa. PADaArk wv = ——— ÁN m M — — — Tuts fpecies of Geranium has been given by Profeffor Jacquin in his Icon: rar. 514, and his Collec- tanea 4. 188; from him, we find it collated by Profeffor Martyn into his Edit. of Miller's Di&t. under thearticle Pelargonium, 59. But, as no notice has been taken by Jacquin of fo remarkable a circum- ftance as this fpecies being Dioecious, or with male and female flowers on different plants; we may be led to fuppofe, that it has not flowered in Germany ; or that the fpecimens he had feen, were from male plants, as he numbers the fertile chives as five, which could not have been difcovered from a female fpecimen. Of five plants we had the good fortune to examine, which were all in flower at the fame time, the roots of which had been imported from the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1793; three were male, with five fertile tips, the pointals obfolete ; and two female, without the leaft trace of a tip, in either bloffom, or bud. As the tips frequently fall upon the expanfion of the flower, in many fpe- cies, the bud is the only fure fitus whence to determine this character. It is increafed from feed, pro- cured from female plants only, which are much more unfrequent than the male; likewife from the roots, which, (like to thofe of moft of the fpecies forming this link of the Genus,) are tuberous; form- ing fmall bulbs of unequal fizes, connected to the main root by flight radicles, and at a little diftance from it: which, indeed, is the reafon we have not adopted the term rapaceous, or turnip rooted, although it is a character which has been applied to them by very able Botanifts, yet we think unad- vifedly, or from their not having had the opportunity of examining them clofely; as, we prefume, this term cannot with propriety be given to any root which is compofed of more than one body, as are the Turnip, Carrot, Parfnip, Radifh, &c. where it applies. It muft be planted in light peat earth, and kept in the dryeft part of the green-houfe, where it will flower about the month of July. Our figure was taken at Clapham in June, this year, from a male plant in the Hibbertian Collection. am cd ER — 0 CPP TTD 7 : , (7 CHCHN Gg 7g mela Wu aem d D ' » N E L f 7 à . 3 . x a 2 H = d * LI D : dd i . a : vo. | PLATE CCX. ANTHOLYZA #THIOPICA. | | Broad-leaved Antholyza. | CEA S'S JE ORDER TL TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra tubulofa, irregularis, recurvata. Cap- Brossow tubular, irregular, and bent backward. fula infera. | Capfule beneath. — * See ANTHOLYZA RINGENS, Pl. XXXII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Antholyza foliis floribufque diftichis; lacinia | Antholyza with the leaves as well as the flowers fumma corolla recta, fpathulata, bafi fer- pointing oppofite ways; the upper fegment rata; fpathis rigidis, adpreffis. | of the bloffom ftraight, fpathula-thaped, and fawed at the bafe; fheaths harfh and preffed to the bloffoms. Es VR REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The whole plant, upon a diminifhed fcale. 2. The Einpalement. 3. A Bloffom cut open, with the chives remaining. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits. ee e ——————— ——— Tnrs very handfome Antholyza, which is feen fo feldom to flower, in this kingdom, has been long an inhabitant of our gardens. So long ago as 1759, it is faid to have been cultivated by Miller; and from the firm and hardy character of the root, we fhould queftion its having been fince that period, ever, like many others of this natural order, loft to us. The unfrequency of its flowering has, per- haps, occafioned the inattention, which is in general fhewn to its cultivation ; though moft collectors poifefs the bulbs, few have feen their flowers. Our figure was taken in the month of July, this year, from a plant in the collection of T. Evans, Efq. Stepney. It is increafed from the roots, which fhould be removed from the pots in July, and replanted the end of O&ober. We have not been able to procure any certain data on which to give directions to infure its flowering; but the plant in quetlion. was planted in a very large pot, the earth was a compound of light peat one part, ftiff loam one part, and old rotten dung one part. It has been thought by fome, that the Antholyza we have figured in the Botanift’s Repofitory, Plate XXXI. was the A. /Ethiopica of Linnzus, &c; but, we have given it as a broad-leaved variety of the A. ringens of that author, as we have a drawing of the Narrow-leaved Var: taken from a living plant, to which, as well as to our prefent figure, it much affines; and, we are led to think, natural order would not be much violated, if we bad treated them. all as varieties of one fpecies. ia 24 > De d M " duel jt ( Meer irae pr Saar iS " gx PA cd E RC cma cages RE oS Tews AE | ——— PLA'RE. 208i IXIA COLUMNARIS. rc vnibiv. Columnar-leaved Ixia. ^ Changeatle-coloured var. ^ cut 7 el CLASS UL. GBDEBR Lh TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ———— o —— Conorra 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata | Brossow 6-petals, fpreading, equal. Summits tiia, erectiufculo-patula. three, upright-fpreading. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia filamentis bafi cohaerentibus; floribus fub- || Ixia with threads united at the bafe; flowers capitatis; corollis verficoloribus. | grow nearly in heads; bloffoms change- | able-coloured. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - The Empalement. . A Bloffom fpread open. 3. The Seed-bud, with the Chives, as they ftand upon the mouth of the bloffom; the petals being cut off, and the fummits as they appear through the tips, the whole magnified. 4. 'The Threads cut open, magnified. 5. The Seed. bud, Shaft, and Summits, magnified. n= rn p — > Tuts moft beautiful variety, of the Columnar-chived Ixia, was introduced to us, from Holland, in the year 1799. It flowers about the beginning of June, and continues in bloffom about three weeks. The beautiful manner in which the colours of the flowers, of this variety, are blended, and which appear to change, as regarded from different points of view, is beyond the painter's fkill; the bett that can be done is but a faint imitation. The roots of this plant are rather more delicate than the other varieties of this fpecies. VEN ^ — "eamm a all y B UU YU stam cm me en mc Mop de To 1 gne ete ll PLATE CCXII. POGONIA DEBILIÉES. Slender-fiemed Pogonia. CLASS. V (ORDERS PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum perfiftens; EmpaLement. Cup five-leaved, permanent; foliolis lanceolatis, erectis, acutis, apicibus | leaflets lance-fhaped, upright, pointed, and reflexis. | reflexed at the ends. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis, tubus Brossow one petal, funocl-fhaped, tube cylin- cylindricus, longitudine calycis, ore villis drical, the length of the cup, the mouth claufo; limbus femiquinquefidus, laciniis clofed with foft hairs; border half five- concavis, acutis. cleft; fegments concave and pointed. Stamina.* Filamenta quinque, tubo fupra me- Cuives. Threads five, inferted into the tube dium inferta, Antherae ereéte, fagittate, || above the middle. "Tips upright, arrow-- intra faucem. fhaped, within the mouth. PisriLLUM. Germem ovatum. tylus filifor- |, PorwrTar. Seed-bud egg-fhaped. Shaft thread- mis, apice parum curvatus, longitudine | fhaped, a little curved at the end, the length tubi, perütlens. Stigma concavum. of the tube, remaining. Summit concave. Pericarrium. Bacca ovata, compreffa, calyci | SzED-vEsseL. An egg-fhaped, flattened berry, accreta. - ; growing to the cup. Semen. Nux quadrilocularis, patamine duriffi- || Seep. A four-celled nut, thell very hard; -ker- mo; nuclei oblongi. | nels oblong. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pogonia foliis lanceolatis, apicibus fzpe ferrula- || Pogonia with lance-fhaped leaves, often (lightly tis, diftichis; foribus folitariis, axillaribus, | fawed at the ends, and pointing oppofite caruleis; cortice fcabroía. ways; flowers folitary, growing from the infertion of the leaves into the flem, and blue; bark rough. a — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . A Flower cut open, with the Chives as they ftand in the bloffom. A Chive, magnified. The Fointal. " . Summit, with part of the Shaft, magnified. . The Cup, with the ripe Berry, the fhaft remaining, and the cup a little enlarged, . A Berry cut tranfverfly, to fhew the Gtuation of the kernels in the cells. NSQoat eb — ort Tue Pogonia here figured, is the only one of the genus we at prefent pofléfs; it isa native of Port Jackfon, New South Wales, and was firft tranfmitted to England, by Col. Paterfon, in the year 1793. It is a climbing plant, the branches acquiring a confiderable length, the bark being covered with fmall tubercles, like glands, and the younger branches covered, their whole length, with bloffoms. Although this is not to be reckoned amongtt the handfomett of the productions of that country, yet, from the lively colour of the flowers, the profufion of them which the plant produces, and their con- tinued fucceflion, from April, till September, it muft be confidered as a valuable addition to the {mall number of fcandent plants, as yet in our green-houfes; more particularly at the prefent junéture, when, from fafhion, a trellis has become a necetlary appendage to them. It is propagated trom the feeds, which ripen in this country; as well as from cuttings, which fhould be made in May, and kept in the heat of a cucumber-frame, or hot-houfe, till they are rooted, It is grown beft in fandy peat. Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, where it was firft raifed in this kingdom. The name, Pogonia, is derived from the appearance of the mouth of the flower which is bearded ; Ilewviov, Pogonion, fignifying a little beard. PT E x E donde i TNI | ppm LO ve () 7 P “gona dta. u D : * LI 1 LÀ , » . B " 4 9 - * e. " " H " : " - .* * " ^ 5 , , a LI LJ . R u * " Ld 4 LI . , : . We — "3 * - - ^ - " u " ai. " + H B = R ** E í e B a” ^ " T B " » * . ' y ^ . .* »" : D E- : ; - 3 " " * Ss ? " 2 *s B " 1 1 . » B LI - e .- L » ^ " ° : . u . * ' * E . vt : J ad " . " = a E E . * a. , B "1 + LJ " ¢ ! : a B " " ^ . | Ss y; ' 1 " M LA a ^ . " * . = t »^ » 7 E sé 7 E » " " . LET " - , * — WU " JU — wr | fig: E "ya Jd a, m X Mud +e ote LI eis e ilt uae T < RU. Tult A sseqii » X0 ifi mI d MS be sich. uicti: : ¥ * . «+ LP & 7.9, ^ p3 LUE ww M^ oe bt aree. i nn? J - EM. 1. , "Pre ut ow OD Rives ^u i 7 : M EP uL ISP Mee ET. & theo iy a 1 £N ; vor wh vyte 4 ect ap Tni EA LN PU > son NEA em gy tater pe Yo re (Ou bi £u war. atr. ON TET] n" v MN "E wniget 3 PLATE. COXUI. IXTA:CQIUIMNARÍIS. mun Columnar-chived Ivia. Broad-léaved var. CLASS IIL \ ORDER LI. TRIANDRIA MONOGY NIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Comorra 6-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata | Brossow 6-petals, fpreading, equal. Summits _ tria, ere&tiufculo-patula. three, upright-fpreading. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia with threads cohering at the bafe; flowers grow nearly in heads; blofloms pale-blue; leaves broader, fcymitar fhaped. Ixia filamentis bafi cohzrentibus; floribus fub- | capitatis; corollis pallide ceruleis; foliis la- tioribus, falcatis. eT E PR REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. . A Bloffom cut open, with the chives remaining attached. 3. The Tube of a bloffom, with the chives, the petals cut off. 4. The fame, cut open and magnified. 5. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits; the fummits detached and magnified. to er ——— Ll Tue variety here given, was introduced to England, with the changeable-flowered variety, in 1799, from Holland. It is the firongeít marked variety of the fix we pofle[s; it flowers in May. The petals of this variety are remarkably thick at the infertion into the tube, and have a foft, beautiful brown on the outfide, when the flower is clofed, which {till is nevet fo fully fo, but a fmall margin of the blue appears; which gives them a moft beautiful appearance in that ftate. No particular regime is neceffary to this plant, more than what is neceffary to all the common fpecies. ] Pls | M 1 G , / Hy AY frut^ celumnarts / 4 far a An l/ | tA pe | à . AVIA DM. 130 REE cafe w? "ata can o Ine g^; UL EL. 7 MUI dd. ' NS o Yd am a Uem 0/0) Qh 13945059 CDM 125 PH- RV. M EIE. ^u" ; , inst 4 AXE] choke’ : ow] 34600 | Moat ts “OS aie id Sou n ev £ * a i " A ot d UTILE dion ay arie we to ee Dsonmo cem PAM T e ; ere y wi ae ATP NUM ANN 140 oe) sci T t M Aon n MEE v, : ‘ n Kein TE^ LA UD E 2 lug od pit: cond "Se | TM. vi oc GEI ova, non LM aet i^, à b uan "PME, - iip mam chem ibus del j L , fbr preter ddd a bns AT oo MAU eir orf atc got © . fue * Dyed henles e iyd) 1. oybiny’ ias E ates. reer bp vend sted ro ae | CURAR IIT M ^ E n mE i portal age BP i uw n» rris M M COE cr fiuiec) ood dt wd bu od *. TUM CONTE wards oe "c oor ndi | — ee siad wb wh idi "uen ie blireiin: bid uw doa soe: ati pi) eel "CAM PAID Roos 5n pro: Due son y tds s «fd dini, "a UPS Stu tnELT LUN cur an quodi Mir ot : , cie ir m aue 72 '"* AX Carel SRE a» ^ eigens ? : z I DETUA T TON | T t PLA'F E: CCXIV. WESTERINGIA ROSMARINACEA. Rofemary-like Wefteringia. CLASS al. ORDER I. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Two Chives. . One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, fub-cy- EwParrzwENT. Cup one-leaf, nearly cylindrical, lindricum, ere&um, perfiftens, quinqueden- upright, remaining, five-toothed, equal; tatum, aequale; bracteis binis fuffultum. | fupported by two leaflets. Conorra monopetala; petalum tubulatum ca- Brossow one petal; petal tubular, rather longer lyce paulo longius; limbus patens, quinque- | than the cup; border fpieading, five-di- partitus, fub aequalis; laciniis duabus fupe- | vided, nearly equal; the two upper feg- rioribus emarginatis. | ments notched at the end. Stamina. Filamenta quatuor, filiformia, fauci _ Curves. Four threads, thread-fhaped, inferted tubi inferta, quorum duo fuperiora lon- into the mouth of the tube, of which the giors, fertilia; duo breviora flerilia. An- | two upper ones are longer, and fertile; two therze loculis oblongis, duz fuperiores de- fhorter, and fterile. Tips with oblong cells, pendentes; duz inferiores erecto, fagittatze, the two upper ones hang down; the two fquamiformes. lower are upright, arrow-fhaped, and like thin fcales. Pistittum. Germen tetragonum. Stylusfili- | PorwTar. Seed-bud four-fided. Shaft thread- formis, parum curvatus, longitudine tubi. | fhaped, a little curved, the length of the Stigma bifidum, reflexum. | tube. Summit two-cleft, reflexed. Perrcarrium nullum. Calyx in fundo femina | Seep-vyesser none. Cup containing the feeds continens. | at the bottom. SEMINA quaiuor, ovalia. | || SgEps four, oval. - SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wefteringia with leaves growing in whorls, nearly linear, pointed and filky underneath; flowers grow from the bafe of the leaves li clofe to the ftem, in fpikes, . Welteringia foliis verticillatis, fub-linearibus, | acutis, fubtus fericeis; floribus axillaribus, fpicatis. SM SR ÀÀ— À—— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, with the two props attached to the bafe. 2. A Flower fpread open, with the chives in their place, magnified. 3. The Pointal, natural fize. 4. The fame magnified. ^ Ri. SEHEN Tue prefent plant was introduced to our gardeus, in the year 1701, from New South Wales, by Meff. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith. Jt was firft named Cunila verticillata, and, from what we can judge, it might, without much forcing of the charaéters of the genus, have been fo continued; but our opinions fhall always give way, when the decifion is paít from fuch fuperior talents as thofe of Dr. Smith; by whom it has been thought to poffels a fufficiency of diftinétive character, on which to form a new gemus, under the title it here bears. Itisa bufny fhrub, grows to the height of three feet, the branches ftanding out almoft horizontally, in whorls, and the whole plant bearing a great refemblance to the Rofemary. It is propagated by cuttings made in March from tbe end of the fmal] branches; approves moft of light fandy peat, and is in flower from March till November. The whole plant is - fcentlefs. r aN ve ,. 0.3 addo : | | Vp, eafemngea — roamareuaeed | a | - PLATE. CCXV. EMBOTHRIUM SALIGNUM. Willow-like Embothrium. CLASS IV; ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Empalement' none. Blof. four-petalled. Chives inferted into the limb of the petals. One- Carvx nullus. Cor. tetrapetala. Stamina limbo petalorum inferta. Folliculus polyfpermus. Sem. alata. celled-pod, many feeded. Seeds winged. See EMBoTHRIUM SERICEUM, Pl. C. Vol. If. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Embothrium foliis lanceolatis, uninervis, utrinque Embothrium with lance-fhaped leaves, one nerved, glaberrimis ; umbellulis axillaribus ; corollis very fmooth on both fides ; the fmall umbels fubalbidis. offlowers grow from the infertion of the leaves into the ftem ; bloffoms whitifh. EE — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A flower complete, with the fummit relieved from the petals, magnified. 2. The fame with the fummit yet reftrained by the petals. 3. One petal with the tip, magnified. A, The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. Tuts Genus, if we may judge from what we already poffefs, amounting to 6 fpecies, promifes to furnifh an ample feaft for Botanifts; for we have no doubt, but the fpecies are as numerous as of any one from New Holland. The Willow-like Embothrium makes a very handfome bufhy green-houfe plant ; the leaves are not fubje& to damp, and the ftem acquires the height of 5 or 6 feet. It flowers about ay, and from the manner in which the leaves rather fall downwards, from their infertion, leaving the bunches of flowers fully expofed, at their bafe, it has a very picturefque appearance, as the whole plant is fometimes covered with bloffoms. It thrives beft in fandy peat earth, and is increafed by cut- tings, made about March, or April, and placed in the heat of the Hot-houfe, or a cucumber frame, Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfery ; where, it was firft raifed from feeds, in the year 1791. : ON e | 4 » vM x ET Ts | il | | | | i oO 11 , i Omtothrium vut HUM £e LN PESIUE Cex yt. EPIDENDRUM SINENSE. Chinefe Epidendrum. CLASS. Rie ORDER I. GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. Chives on the Pointal. Two Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Necrarium turbinatum, obliquum, reflexum. — || Honey-cup top-fhaped, oblique and reflexed. See Plate XIII. Vol. I. EPIDENDRUM COCHLEATUM, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Epidendrum foliis enfiformibus, nervofis, radica- libus; necario revoluto, pun&ato; petalis firiatis. | Epidendrum with fword-fhaped leaves, nerved, andfgrowing from theroot; honey-cuprolled back, and dotted ; petals firiped. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1, A flower, one of the petals and the honey-cup cut off; to fhew the fituation, and place of the parts of fructification. 2. The Honey-cup. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, Summit, and Chives; the finall hood which covers the Chives, lifted up. Tl — Turs long genus of plants, fo little known hitherto, but in our books, bids fair to become one of the greateft ornaments of our hot-houfes; 20 fpecies we already enumerate, in the different colleclions in the vicinity of London; one of which, the prefent plant, has not flowered in this kingdom, till this year, although introduced, fo long ago as 1793, by the late J. Slater, E(q. of Layton-ftone; at the fame time with the two varieties of the Double Camellia, from China. Our figure was taken in September 1801, from a plant which had been placed in the fpring of the fame year, in the Confervatory built on pur- ' pofe for the protection of Chinefe plants, and where they flourifh to a degree, not feen before in this country, in the garden of G. Hibbert Efq. Clapham common. It is propagated by offsets, from the root ; is rather a hardy hot-houfe plant ; and thrives moft in a mixture of fandy loam, and peat ; about one fourth of the loam, and three fourths peat, or leaf-mould. Upon the firft obfervation of this plant, we were inclined to think it the fpecies defigned by Thun- berg in his Icon. Plant. Japon. 28, under the Genus Limodorum ; and afterwards, altered by him, in the Linnzan Tranf. Vol. ii. p. 327, to Epidendrum ftriatum. But upon clofe examination of it, asan- fwering his defcriptions, &c. we cannot but think it, if not a different fpecies, at leaft a very ftrong va- riety of his plant ; wherefore, we have retained the name it is in common known by, in the various colle&ions in which we have feen it. If we were to decide on the fubject, it fhould be to place both that and this plant again to Limodorum ; to which, they hold greater affinity than to Epidendrum ; but indeed, we have an opinion, that one title might readily ferve for the plants canftituting both genera. TECTA ld ca OV Z7 2M E» DES, e Cap dh e» 2 Jv ud J Cu Styli » a ioe GaN Lye CY —"” oW hoRotanical Dueriptionay 4 ^N ae 3b. ande C T & Cr T e 4 grec Me S CARS ee Ec - es etis iem TEN. US | , -- —— "—— Pw P à e. m. PLATE cvi. PASSIFLORA MALIFORMIS. Apple-fruited Paffion- Flower. CLAS Sane OR DEIR: IV. GYNANDRIA PENTANDRIA. Chives onthe Pointal. Five Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx, Perianthium quinquepartitum, pla- | Emparement. Cup five-parted, flat, coloured, num, coloratum, petalis conforme. like the petals. Conorra. Petala quinque, femi-lanceolata, pla- | Brossow. Petals five, half lance-fhaped, flat, na, obtufa, magnitudine et figura calycis. blunt, of the fize and fhape of the cup. Nectarium corona triplex; exterior longior, | Honey-cup, a triple crown; the outer longer, intra petala ftylum cingens, fuperne magis | encircling the fhaft within the petals, more coarctata. | contracted above. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, ad | CnmrivEs. Five threads, awl-fhaped, fixed to the bafin germinis columna annexa, patentia. | bafe of the column of the feed-bud, fpread- Antherz incumbentes, oblongz, obtufze. ! ing. Tips fixed by their backs, oblong, obtufe. PisriLLUM. Germen fubrotundum, apici co- |, PorwTar. Seed-bud roundifh, falling into the lumnz cylindracez, recte infidens. Styli | end of a cylindrical, upright column. Three tres, fuperne craffiores, patuli. Stigmata |, Íhafts, thicker above. fpreading. Summits capitata. headed. Pericarpium. Bacca carnofa, fubovata, uni- | Srep-vessec. A flethy berry, nearly egg-fhaped, locularis,. pedicellata. | one-celled, pedicelled. SEMINA plurima, ovata, arillata. | Sreps many, egg-fhaped, covered by a feed-coat. Receptaculum. feminum triplex, cortici pe- Heceptacle of the feeds triple, fixed longitu- ricarpii longitudinaliter adnatum. dinally to the rind of the berry. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Paffiflora foliis indivifis, cordato-oblongis, inte- | gerrimis; petiolis biglandulofis; involucro | tripbyllo, flore majore; fructu malitformi, | | Paflion-Flower with undivided leaves, heart- | fhape-oblong, quite entire; foot-ftalks with | two glands, fence three-leaved, larger than | the flower; fruit like an apple. —————— ÁN RR — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A ripe fruit. 2. A Flower cut perpendicularly through the middle, to fhew its inteiior firucture, with the parts of fructification complete. UE M M mS SE me Turs fpecies of Paffion-Flower is faid to be a fojourner with us fince the year 1731, and to have been then cultivated by Miller. It is likewife faid to be a native of Dominica, but it is found in all the Weft India iflands. It rarely flowers 1n this climate; and we fhould not now have been able to gra- tify our friends with this figure, but for the particular ingenuity, in the treatment of hot houfe plants, by Mr. Anderfon, fuperintendant of the rich collection of plants in the gardens of J. Vere, Efq. Ken- fington Gore, who by a long experience in cultivation, added to a panticular love for the profeffion, has placed his knowledge in the treatment of exotics, in particular, much beyond moft cultivators of thé prefent day. Our figure was taken from a plant which continued in flower from July till November; it was planted in a border of rich earth, clofe to the tan-pit, and trailed along the front rafter of the houfe; the only method, we prefume, by which it can be induced to flower, as we have never feen it elfewhere. It is propagated with eafe by cuttings. Much contention has arifen among Botanifts, fince the days of Linnaeus, where to place this tribe of plants. Swartz placed it to Monadelphia, who is lately followed by Willdenow. Schreber, Thun- berg, &c. have thrown it to Pentandria. But our antiquated notions of the capability of that great man, in claffifying to his own fyttem, thofe plants which came under his actual review, has occa- fioned our retaining it, under its old clafs, juft as he left it. ] HJ 727 fern SS LT ae gard, 2 afin — /, n My OMIM LC a ssavow MAT | 4 ( / 7 BP Áo tora om Mvormes E mia, e T PLATE - CCXVIII. EMBOTHRIUM BUXIFOLIUM. Box-leaved Embothrium. CLASS IV. ORDER L TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow four-petals. Chives inferted into the limbs. One-celled pod, many feeded. Seeds winged. See Emporurtum sERICEUM, Pl. C. Vol. If. Comorra tetrapetala. Stamina limbo inferta. Folliculus polyfpermus. Semina alata. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Embothrium with elliptical, entire leaves, roiled back at the edge, and downy; umbels ter- minal; feed.pod hairy. Embothrium foliis ellipticis, integerrimis, mar- gine revolutis, pubefcentibus ; umbellis terminalibus; folliculo villofo. ——— "un n ——À— — — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower, magnified, the petals yet attached to each other. 2. The fame, the petals difengaged. 3. The Pointal, magnified, A. A Seed-veffel, natural fize. 5. A ripe Seed, natural fize. rr Tuis we believe is amongft the moft rare of the plants, hitherto introduced, from New Holland. ]t has been figured in the third Number of New Holland Botany, publifhed by Dr. Smith in 1793: it is there faid not to have been, at that time, in England; but, as it had not then flowered, the plant was not known, although in the colle&ion of Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, three years precedent to that pub- lication; and where, it firft flowered in 1795. Our figure was taken in September 1789 from a plant (we fear the only one at prefent in this kingdom) in the Hibbertian collection. It has not yet been propagated with us, and the feeds do not mature. The plant is nearly four feet high, and forms a hand- fome, bufhy fhrub, continuing in flower nearly the whole fummer. Over the whole plant there is a brown, or rufty-like appearance, which takes much from its beauty. It flourifhes in peat earth. U* ! Qorudetírum buaapolum PLATE CCXIX. GLADIOLUS CUSPIDATUS. Var. petalis crifpis, Spear-fpotted Gladiolus. Var. with erifped petals. — CLASS If. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fex-partita, ringens. l Bossom fix divifions, gaping. Sramina adfcendentia. Curves afcending. See GLApIoLUs RosEUs, Plate XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis lineari-enfiformibus, glabris; co- Gladiolus with linear-fword-fhaped fmooth rolla ringente ; laciniis longiffimis, acumi- leaves; bloffom gaping, fegments very long, 6 natis, crifpatis, fubzqualibus, tribus inferi- tapered to the point, crifped and nearly equal, oribus in medio macula oblonga notatis ; the three lower ones in the middle have an corollis albicantibus. oblong fpot; bloffoms whitith. manc ct REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the Empalement. 2. The Bloffom cut open, with the chives. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit, one divifion of the fummit magnified. EE ——— ——— ArTHoucH this fpecies of Gladiolus is as old in our gardens as, almoft any, we have; yet, it is not much known, from the unfrequency of its flowering, of which there is no certainty. The beft method to affift it with a vigorous growth, is to place it ina confiderable degree of warmth, fuch as the heat of the hot-houfe, the pot being kept in a pan, with water. With this affiflance, it may be made to flower, fometimes, about the end of May. It is a very hardy bulb, in what regards the root, and its prefervation. Our figure was made in May, 1800, from a plant which had been treated in the above roanner, at the Hammerfmith nurfery. mde «^ . undis PLATE CCXX. MASSONIA SCABRA. Rough-leaved Maffonia. CLASS VL OR DEBE HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra infera, limbo 6-partito. Filamenta |! Brossow beneath, border 6-divided. Threads collo tubi impofita. Capfula 3-alata, 3-lo- | placed on the neck of the tube. Capfule cularis, polyfperma. | 3-winged, 3 celled, many-feeded. See MassoniA viOLACEA, Pl. 46. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. fis ; laciniis corolla reflexis. round, rough on tbe upper fide; the feg- Maflonia foliis cordato-orbiculatis, fupra fcabro- | Maffonia with leaves between heart-fhaped and | ments of the bloffom reflexed. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A fkinny fheath, one being attached to each flower, at the lower part of the foot-ftalk. A Flower complete. . The Bloffom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the chives into the mouth, juft within the honey-cups. 4. The Seed. bud, fhaft and fummit. 2 Tue rough-leaved Maffonia is, as well as all the hitherto difcovered fpecies of the genus, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and was introduced to Britain, in the year 1796, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy; at whofe nurfery, our figure was taken in the year 1800; where, it had then flowered for the firft time, in this kingdom. Itisahardy greenhoufe bulb ; propagates from the root, and perfeéts its feeds ; flowers in February and March, and lofes its leaves in June. It ftands quite diflin& from M. latifolia, both in the charaéter of the leaves and bloffoms; though, at firft fight, it has much the appearance of that fpecies. A loamy foil lightened by a fmall mixture of fandy peat is that it moft approves. The roots fhould not be taken from the pots after the decay of the leaves, but kept rather dry till the leaves begin to re-appear. Much will it contribute to the illuftration of fcience, to find our prefent figure, when copied into a certain magazine at fome future period, (and of which we have no doubt,) fpecifically denominated, fmooth-leaved; as unfortunately, the other fpecies figured by us, Pl. 46. Vol. I. with obovate, blunt- ended, or fpathula-fhaped leaves, has been, by a certain hocus-pocus conjuror, and our very good friend, converted into fword-fhaped! rifum teneatis. C hb € f FP egest et eret vt POS Ba PCM pw pt QA cr o EECONPEOS s nmn PLATE CEXXL | , WURMBEA CAPENSIS. »m. Cape Wurmbea. 2. Var. : CLASS VE ORDER IH. HEXANDRIA TRIGY NIA. Six Chives. "Three Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx nullus. || EMPALEMENT none. Conorra monopetala, fexfida, infera; laciniis || Brossow one petal, fix-cleft, beneath ; fegments lanceolatis, acutis, erectis. lance-fhaped, pointed and upright. Stamina. Filamenta fex, filiformia, erecta, fauci | Cnivzs. Threads fix, thrcad-fhaped, upright, in- corolle inferte. Anthere ere&tz, didyme. ferted into the mouth of the bloflom. Tips | upright, double. PrsriLLA. Germen triquetrum, apice triparti- PoiNTALs. Seed-bud three-fided, three-divided tum, glabrum, fuperum. Styli tres, triquetri, at the top, fmooth and above. Shafts three, fubulati, incurvi, longitudine ftaminum. Stig- three-fided, awl-fhaped, turned inwards, the mata obfoleta. length of the Chives. Summits obfolete. Pextcarpium. Capfula oblonga, triquetra, tri- Seep-vessEL. Capfule oblong, three-fided, three- fulca, trilocularis, a medio tripartita. furrowed, three-celled, three-divided from the middle. Semina plurima, rotunda, SEDs many, round. i SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Wurmbea foliis cucullatis, lanceolatis; fpica mul- Wurmbea with hooded, lance-fhaped leaves; tiflora; floribus feflilibus, atro-purpureis. {pike many-flowered ; flowers fitting clofe to the ftem and dark-purple. — — — —"|IIRR— — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloffom cut and fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 2. The Pointals, natural fize. 3. The fame, magnified. : a Tuts genus was firft formed by Thunberg as diftin& from Melanthium, in his Differtatio Nova Genera Plantarum, under the title Wurmbea, from the conftruction of the bloffom ; which in this, is formed of one petal, but in that, is compofed of fix ; a diftinction which has always been confidered as momentous, in determining the limits of the different genera of this clafs; fince which, however, it has been abandoned by him, and thrown to'Melanthium ; although Schreber, in his Genera Plantarum, G. 617. p. 239. Vol. I. made no feruple in adopting it. Willdenow has, in his Species Plantarum, G. 703. p. 265. T. 11. P. 1. we think with propriety, renewed its claims to particular diftinction, under the firft ütle; but with this difference, that out of the four varieties given by Thunberg, all under the fpecific name of capenfis, he has made three fpecies ; referving his opinion on the fourth, our prefent plant, and the fecoad Var. of Thunberg, for want, as he obferves, of proper documents. Now, as our ideas run not exactly with Willdenow, in this alteration ; but thinking with Thunberg, who mutt have feen the plants alive, and thence, of courte, the beft judge; we have the rather followed him; as we poflets drawings of two more of the varieties quoted by him, taken from living fpecimens, and whofe trifling difference of character does not warrant them to be treated as {pecificaliy different, but as mere va- yieties of each other. : The roots of this fpecies, with the others, of which we have drawings, were received by G. Hibbert, Efq.in the year 1800, from the Cape of Good Hope. The bulbs are folid like thofe of Ixia, &c. but of a molt fingular form, having an appendage at the bafe like the pat of a mole. None of the varieties we have feen produce more than three leaves, which fheath the flower-ftem one above the other, and are rather longer than it. It flourifhes in fandy peat earth, and flowers in May or June; but has, cer- tainly, more to recommend it to our notice from its fingularity, as forming a feparate genus; than from its beauty. Our figure was taken from the Clapham colle&ion. Purwben COACH SAI Var pf ———— Oe LS “wr sag PLATE CCXXII. GERANIUM RADIATUM. Rayed-leaved Geranium. CLASS “XVI. ORDER TY. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fruétus rof- One Pornrat. Five fummits, Fruit furnifhed tratus, penta-coccus. | with long awns, five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis fub-obovatis, craffiufculis, inte- | Geranium with leaves nearly obovate, thickifh, gerrimis, radiatis, humi adpreflis; calyci- quite entire, placed in a ray about the ftem, pentandris, maximis, luteis; radice tube- the fegments erect; flowers with five fertile bus monophyllis, laciniis erectis; floribus | and lying on the ground; cups of one leaf, rofa. chives, very large and yellow; root tuberous. —— ee ee eS REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Cup laid open, to fhew its hollow ftructure. 2. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. 3. The Chives fpread open, to fhew the number and fituation of the fertile ones. 4. The Pointal, magnified. i —— Tue only plants of this fpecies of Geranium are to be found in the Clapham collection; they were among the laft, received by Mr. Hibbert from the Cape, in 1801. To affix any particular period as the exact feafon of its flowering, would be premature; as, the plant from which our figure was taken, in the month of Augutt, laft year, had been kept conftantly in the green-houfe; and, we muft pre- fume, as the root arrived nearly dry, the regular feafon of its flowering muft have been materially altered. It appears to flourifh in a light fandy foil. The propagation muft be from the feeds, or from the root. Wa p trt pn0 radiatum nid PLATE CCXXIIT. UCLUSIA QEnTA Yellow -flowered Balfam-Tree. CLASS XXII ORDER-X POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Various difpofitions. Upon one plant. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Periantbium imbricatum; foliolis con- | EwPArEMENT. Cup tiled; leaflets concave, re- cavis, perfiftentibus, exterioribus gradatim | maining, the outer ones gradually fmaller. minoribus. ComoLra. Petala 4, 5, 6, fubrotunda concava, Brossow. Petals 4, 5, 6, roundith, concave, craffa, cochleata. thick and fhell-like. Stamina. Filamenta plura, fimplicia, corolla Cuives. Threads many, fimple, fhorter than breviora, Antherz fimplices, apicis lateri the bloffom. Tips fimple, growing to the adnata, | fide of the point. PrsriLLUM. Germen ovato-oblongum. Stylus | Poirwrar. Seed-bud oblong-egg-fhaped. Shaft nullus. Stigma stellatum, planum, obtu- none. Summit ftarred, flat, obtufe, re- fum, perfiftens. | maining. Pericarpium. Capfula ovata, fulcis exerata, | SEEDp-vEsset. Capfule egg-fhaped, ftrongly locularis, valvis tum radiatim dehifcentibus. furrowed, celled, the valves burfling into a | fiarred form. SEMINA numerofa, ovata, pulpa obtecta, affixa SsEps numerous, egg-fhaped, covered with pulp, receptaculo columnari, angulofo. fixed to an angular, columnar receptacle. Ols, Numerus in parte fructus differt a qua- Ols. The number in the parts of the fruit tuor ad duodecim proportione obfervata in || differs from four to twelve, according to the fügmate, valvulis, loculis, &c. Flores alii a proportion obferved in the fummit, valves, parte mafculina, alii a feminina fteriles funt. cells, &c. Some of the flowers are fterile with refpe& to the male organs, and others | with refpect to the female ones. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Clufia foliis aveniis; corollis tetrapetalis, luteis. | Balfam Tree with veinlefs leaves; bloffoms with | four petals, and yellow. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, . A Flower complete. . A petal fhewn from the infide. . A petal fhewn fideways. . The Pointal and Chives, one Chive detached, magnified. . The Pointal cleared of the Chives, the Seed-bud and Summit detached and magnified. [2 ore ad ee Ee Tue Balfam Tree is a native of all the Weft India Iflands, and has been defcribed by Plumier, Sloan, Jacquin, Browne, &c.; but no good figure of the plant, according with our ideas, has hitherto been given of it. The C. rofea, C. alba, and C. flava of Jacquin, the three various fpecies, are faid to grow to different heights, in the different Iflands; which we are led to think, are but varieties of the fame plant. Linnzus has taken them up as fpecies, upon his authority; although Jacquin himfelf allows, that the one ke denominates flava, varies in its bloffoms to red and white. "This plant does not grow to above the height of eight or nine feet, in this country, and feldom flowers. Our figure was taken laft year in September 1801, from a plant in the Stepney Collection. Miller fays it was cultivated by him in 1759; and had been introduced by Mr. Parker, of Croydon, in Surrey, from Barbadoes, It is readily propagated from cuttings, and thrives in rich, dungy earth. A flight miftake occurs, in the quotation from Browne, in Martyn's Edition of the Dictionary; where, the petals are deicribed as Ícrew-thaped; Browne has it, ** cochleata,” or fhell-fhaped, a moft expreflive term for the fhape of these petals. Se yy A eh yee Oe wm te eral semen Qu os PLATE CCXXIV. GERANIUM REFLEXUM. Reflexed-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IX, MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MowocvNa. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- | One PoiwTmar. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed tratus, 5-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis longe petiolatis, trifoliatis; foliolis || Geranium with leaves,that have long foot-flalks, lobato-incifis, recurvis; floribus umbellatis, and three leaflets; leaflets gafh-lobed, and pentandris; ftaminibus duobus fuperioribus rolled back; flowers grow in umbels, have ftigmatibufque reflexis; radice tuberofa. | five fertile chives, with the two upper chives and the fummits reflexed; root tuberous. TLLA REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, 2. The Chives and Pointal? 3, The Chives fpread open, magnified. 4. The Pointal, magnified, ———!»—— — — Tuts pretty Geranium, from the Cape of Good Hope, is another of thofe which were introduced by G. Hibbert, Efq. in the year 1800, through the medium of Mr. Niven. The root being tuberous, we judge that from a divifion of the fmaller lobes it is to be increafed. From the reflexed character, which pervades the whole plant, petals, leaves, parts of fructification, &c. we have adopted our fpecific title. The cultivation is the fame, as for the other tuberous fpecies of this genus. Our figure was made at Clapham in the month of July 1801. n———————————————PÁ——ÉERRRRP [ PLATE CCXXY. ) GNIDIA OPPOSITIFOLIX | Oppofite-leaved Gnidia. | CLASS VIII. ORDER I. | OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Carvx infundibuliformis, quadrifidus. Petala EMPALEMENT funnel-fhaped, four-cleft. Petals " quatuor, calyci inferta. Semen unicum, four inferted into the empalement. One i fubbaccatum. feed, berry-like. ) See Gnipia PiNIFOLIA, PL LII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gnidia foliis ovatis, oppofitis, concavis, tomen- | Gnidia with egg-fhaped, oppofite, concave, tofis; floribus terminalibus, tomentofis. | downy leaves; flowers terminate the branches, | and are downy. m = — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - A Flower complete. - The Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives in their place. . The fame, magnified. | . The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit. mob = Tue Oppofite-leaved Gnidia is from the Cape of Good Hope, and mutt be treated as a tender green- houfe or dry ftove plant; as, but a little excefs of wet, in the winter, is fure to deftroy it; even in fummer, much rain, if it is expofed to it for a few days. will overwhelm it. The Kew Catalogue mentions this fpecies to have been introduced in the year 1788, by Mr. F. Maffon. The plant grows to the height of three feet, with a very flender ftem, and, often, lofes moft of its leaves to a confider- able height from the earth, which gives it rather a difagreeable appearance towards the lower part. A mixture of two-thirds loam, and one of fandy peat, is a foil it mott approves. It is increafed by cut- tings, made in the month of April, from the tender fhoots. Our figure was taken in July, from a plant in the Hibbertian Collection. Pm. = "4 Ds ae 1 ynidea opontyola PLATE CCXXVI. MAGNOLIA PUMILA. Dwarf Magnolia. CLASS XII. ORDER VII. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx. Perianthium triphyllum; foliolis ovatis, EwPaLEMENT. Cup three-leaved; leaflets egg- concavis, petaliformibus, deciduis. fhaped, concave, the form of the petals, fall- ing off, Conorra. Petala novem, oblonga, concava, ob- ajos Nine petals, oblong, concave, obtufe, . tufa, bafi anguftiora. narrower at the bafe. Sramina. Filamenta numerofa, brevia, acumi- Curves. Threads numerous, fhort, tapered, flat- nata, compreffa, receptaculo communi pif- | tened, inferted below the feed-buds into the tillorum infra germina inferta. Anthere || common receptacle of the Pointals. Tips lineares, margini filamentorum utrinque linear, fixed on fide to the margin of the adnata. | threads. PrsriLLA. Germina numerofa, ovato-oblonga, Porntars. Seed-buds numerous, oblong-egg- bilocularia, receptaculum clavatum tegen- fhaped, two-celled, ccvering a club-fhaped - tia, Styli recurvi, contorti, breviffimi. Stig- receptacle. Shafts turned backward, twifted, mata longitudinalia styli, villofa. very fhort. Summits grow out of the fhafts longitudinally, hairy. PeRIcARPIUM. Strobilus ovatus, tectus capfulis SrEp-vesseL. Cone egg-fhaped covered with compreffis, fubrotundis, vix imbricatis, con- | capfules which are flattened, roundifh, fertis, acutis, unilocularibus, bivalvibus, fef- fcarcely tiled, crowded, pointed, one-celled, filibus, extrorfum dehifcentibus, perfiften- two-valved, fitting clofe to the receptacle, tibus. | fplitting from the outfide and remaining. SEMINA bina feu folitaria, fubrotunda, baccata, || SEEDs by twos or folitary, roundith, like berries, filo pendentia ex finu fingule fquame ftro- | hanging by a thread from the infide of each bili. feale of the cone. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Magnolia foliis elipticis, undulatis, acuminatis, | Magnolia with eliptic, waved leaves, tapered to ! fubglaucis; floribus nutantibus, albis; pe- a point, rather glaucous; flowers hanging talis carnofis, obovatis, concavis. | down and white; petals thick, inverfely egg-fhaped and concave. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - One of the outer petals. . An inner petal. . The Chives and Pointals, on the receptacle. . The outfide of one of the Chives. . The infide of the fame. - The fame, magnified. . The Pointals. nn a — — SMOG ROD — Tur Magnolia pumila, (as are, generally, all plants upon their firft arrival from China,) has been hitherto treated as a hothoufe plant; by which means, a continued foliage has been preferved: but, from every appearance of the plant, it is by nature deciduous, and, certainly hardy enough to be pre- ferved in the greenhoufe, if not to bear the expofure of the open ground. It grows to the height of about two feet, flowers in the hot-houfe about September or later, and is propagated by cuttings. The bloffoms are very fragrant, but of fhort duration. To the late J. Slater, Efq. of Laytonftone, we owe this plant; which was one of that rich cargo brought home in the Carnatic, for him, by Captain Connor, in the year 1793. Our figure was taken at the Hammerímith nurfery. The acceflion to this magnificent Genus has been confiderable within a very few years: to the fpecies formerly culti- vated in Britain, viz. the grandiflora with its four varieties, the g/auca and its two varieties, the acuminata and tripelala, are now added; the auriculata and maxima, from America; the pumila, fuscata and tomentosa or Yow-lang, from China; making in all, with the varieties, fifteen. The fhort acquaintance we have with the three laft from China, or the knowledge of what part of that extenfive country they are natives, does not enable us to decide, whether they wil! endure our winters; although we may on the two from America, as being hardy plants, or at least equally hardy with the grandi- flora, being from the fame part of America. So Co, Uaguelta fuera PE e. EL GS ZZ Z £22 : | PLATE .CCXXVII. GLADIOLUS RINGENS. re. nior. Gaping Gladiolus. Many-flowered Var. — —be— — CLASS HL ORDER TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLra fex-partita, ringens. | Brossow fix-divided, gaping. Stamina adfcendentia. | Curves afcending. See GrADpioLus RosEus, Plate XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis fub-linearibus, coftatis; floribus | ringentibus cineriis, odoratiflimis; {capo multifloro. Gladiolus with nearly linear-ribbed leaves; blof- foms gaping, afh-coloured, and very fweet fcented; flem many flowered. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two-valved Sheath. 2. A Bloffom, with the chives in their place, fpread open. 3. The Pointal complete. M M Tuis is a fine variety of the Gladiolus ringens, given on Plate XXVII. Vol. I. of this work; the only fpecimen we bave ever feen of it, is in the Hibbertian collection, from whence our figure was taken, laft year, 1801, in the month of May. It is a ftrong variety, but we cannot confider the dif- ference it exhibits, from our firft figure, of fufficient prominence to warrant a fpecific diftinétion. The bulbs were received at Clapham, in the autumn of 1800, from the Cape of Good Hope; they are rather delicate, and the treatment muft be fuch as directed for the former variety of this fpecies. JS) fÍ if f), jq) | - NI l / i) m) tu N bt V YWadeolis TUMQEHÓ Var mally | FI : od PLATE CCXXVIII. HIBISCUS MUTABILGS. X» Changeable-Rofe Hibifcus. Double-flowered Var. CLASS KVL) ORDER VL MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. — Threads united. Many Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium duplex. EMParEMENT. Cup double. Extertus polyphyllum, perfiftens; foliolis The outer many-leaved, permanent; leaf- linearibus, rarius monophyllum, multifi- | lets linear, more rarely one-leaved, many- dum. | cleft. Interius monophyllum, cyathiforme, femi- The inner one-leaved, cup-fhaped, half five- quinquefidum, perfifiens; feu quinqueden- cleft, permanent; or five toothed, and de- tatum, deciduum. | ciduous. ConoLrLAa. Petala quinque, fubrotundo-oblon- Brossow. Petals five, roundifh-oblong, nar- ga, bafi anguttiora, patentia, tubo ftami- rower at the bafe, fpreading, "faftened at num inferne adnata. | bottom to the tube of the chives. Stamina. Filamenta plurima, inferne coalita Cuives. Threads numerous, united at the bafe in tubum, fuperne (in hujus apice et fuper- into a tube, at top (in its apex and furface) ficie) divifa et laxa. Anthere reniformes. | divided and loofe. "Tips kidney-fhaped. Pisrittum. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fili- | PoirwTrAr. Seed-bud roundifh. Shaft thread- formis, flamipnibus longior, fuperne quin- fhaped, longer than the chives, at top five- quefidus. Stigmata capitata. cleft. Summits headed. Perrcarpium. Capfula quinquelocularis, quin- SsEDp-vEssEL. Capfule five-celled, five-valved; quevalvis; diflepimentis contrariis, dupli- partitions contrary, doubled. catis. Sgeps folitary, or many, between egg and kid- Semina folitaria feu plura, ovato-reniformia. ney-fhaped. Ols. Capfula aliis ovata, aliis longa; calyx Obs. The capfule of fome fpecies is ege- exterior 3-12-phyllus. fhaped, of fome long; the outer cup, 3- 12-leaved. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. * Hibifcus foliis cordatis, angulatis, quinquelobis, || Hibifcus with heart-fhaped leaves, angled, five- acuminatis, dentatis; calyce exteriore o€to- | lobed, pointed and toothed; outer cup phyllo; capfula viliofa; caule arboreo; flo- eight-leaved ; capfule hairy; ftem growing ribus plenis. to a tree; flowers double. — — f, ———— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The double cup with the Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits in their place. 2. 'The Threads cut and fpread open, with thofe which are perfe& and have the tips, remaining; thofe which give the plant the double-flowered character being cutaway; onetip detached and magnified, 3. The Seed-bud, cut tranífverfely to fhew the perfect feeds in their cells. ae Sees Barnarp Dickinson, Efq. of Monks-Houfe, near Devifes, Wilts, we believe to be, at prefent, the only poffeffor, in Britain, of this tine variety of Hibifcus mutabilis. The plants were produced in 1788, from fome Jamaica feeds, which were fown at Bowden, another adjoining feat of that gentleman, and where they have flowered for feveral years. Although the flowers are double; yet good feeds are pro- duced, which is common to moft plants of this natural order, fuch as Alcea Malva, &c. the fullnefs of the bloffoms being, as ufual, formed from fome of the chives becoming petals, many neverthelefs re- maining perfect; which in thefe plants ttand particularly diftinét from the pointal, being feated on the upper part of the tube, formed by the connection of the lower part of the threads, leaving the pointal as perfe& as in a fingle flower. It is alfo propagated by cutting, and thrives in rich earth. It may be confidered rather a tree, than fhrub, as even in this country, it acquires the height of from 15 to 20 feet. It is a native of Japan, China, and the Eaft Indies; where it is much eftcemed for the extreme beauty of its flowers, as well as in our Weft India iflands, where it is also cultivated. "The Single- flowered has been known in England above a century, having, fays the Kew Catalogue, been intro- duced by Mr. Bentinck in the year 1690. The fpecific title is aflumed on the fingular change of the flower, from white to flefh colour, before its decay, as fhewn in our figure; which was taken from a fine branch received in a perfe& (tate from Bowden in the month of November 1801, and obligingly communicated, to the author, by Mrs. Dickinfon. t fy "t: d ; midaltles | . [ ; 1 m a PLATE. GOXXIX. MAGNOLIA FUSCATA. Brown-fiemed Magnolia. CLASS XIII. ORDER VII. of Schreb. Gen. Plant. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx3-phyllus, Petala 6-12. Capfula 2-valves, Cur 3-leaved. Petals 6-12. Capfules 2-valved, imbricate. Semina baccata, pendula. tiled. Seeds, berries, pendulous. | See MacNoLiA PUMILA, Pl. 226, Vol. IV, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Magnolia foliis elipticis, fenioribus glabris, ju- || Magnolia with eliptical leaves, the old ones nioribus ramulifque tomentofis, fufcatis; fmooth, the younger as well as the fmall petalis interne fubalbidis, marginibus ele- branches are downy, and browned; petals gantiffime coloratis. whitifh within, the margins elegantly co- loured, ———— su ESSE — — —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - The outer fence of the flower, which falls off before the flower expands. . Àn outer petal of the bloffom. . A Chive, with the parts complete, before the pollen has been emitted, a little magnified. . The fame fhewn from the outfide. - A Chive fhewn from the infide with the tips burft, magnified. . The Chives and Pointals, natural fize. - The Pointals, as they are placed on the columnar fhaft, the Chives being removed, natural fize. NOGARO HD & Or all the Magnolias with which we are as yet acquainted, this fpecies is the moft elegant; whe- ther for the growth of the plant, the brilliancy of the foliage, or the extreme delicacy, fragrance, and beauty of the flowers. It is a native of China; from whence it was fir(t introduced to us, in the year 1796, by T. Evans, Efq. of Stepney; from a plant in whofe collection, our figure was taken, this year, 1802, in the month of February, the general feafon of its flowering in this climate if kept in the hot-houfe; to which ftation it has, as yet, been doomed, although, from the general character of the Genus, we ífhould be led to treat it more hardily. It is increafed by cuttings, and layers; but the firft is the bett method, as, in the latter mode the branches do not take root under two T years. The plant from which our drawing was made, did not exceed a foot and a half in height, which leads us to fuppofe it never becomes a large fhrub, even in China. It thrives in leaf mould, and light loam. We believe this plant has not hitherto come under the review of any botanical author. / laguelia fene PLATE CCXXX. DODONAA TRIiGQULT ES Three-fided Dodonea. CLASS VII ORDER OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER, Caryx. Perianthium tetraphyllum, planum; Emparement. Cup four-leaved, flat; leaflets foliolis ovatis, obtufis, concavis, deciduis. egg-fhaped, obtufe, concave, falling off. Conorra nulla. BrossoM, none. SrawiNa, Filamenta o&o, breviffima. Antherz Cuives. Eight threads, very fhort. Tips oblong, oblonga, arcuate, conniventes, longitudine curved, approaching, the length of the calycis. cup. Pisrittum. Germen triquetrum, longitudine Pointat. Seed-bud three-fided, the length of calycis. Stylus cylindricus, trifulcatus, erec- | the cup. Shaft cylindrical, three-furrowed, tus. Stigma fubtrifidum acutiufculum. upright. Summit nearly three-cleft ra- ther pointed. Pericarrium. Capfula trifulca, inflata, trilo- SEEp-vessEL. Capfule three-furrowed, fwelled cularis; angulis membranaceis, magnis. out, three cells, angles skinny, large. Semina bina, fubrotunda. Seeps by twos, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Dodonza foliis lanceolatis, utrinque attenuatis, | Dodonza with lance-fhaped leaves, tapered to glaberrimis; ramulis triquetris; floribus both ends, very fmooth; the fmall branches dioicis. three-fided; flowers with chives and poin- J tals diftin&. - rr — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, Male Flower. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement and Chives, before the burfting of the tips, magnified. 3. The fame, when the tips have emitted the pollen, magnified. Female Flower. 1, The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement, feed-bud, fhaft and furamit, magnified. 3. A ripe capfule, natural fize. 4, One of the divifions of the capfule. 5. A ripe feed, natural fize. —————— "n —— —— Tue fpecies here figured of Dodonza is from New Holland; where, Forfter fays he found it, as we have given it, with the chives and pointals diftinét; but, that the fame fpecies was hermaphrodite, when growing in New Zealand, which may perhaps be the fact, though we tfhould fufpeé, from fuch circumftance, they were different fpecies. Martyn in his Ed. of Millers Dict. mentions this plant, and throws it to the broad-leaved fpecies found in the tropical climates of America and Afia. Willdenow, in his Sp. Plant. Tom. 11. P. 1. p. 345, has made it a fpecies, without any obfervation on its parts of fru&tification; which leads us to fuppofe, he had not feen flowering fpecimens, It is as hardy as any greenhoufe plant we poffefs, but will not rcfi(t the feverity of our frofts; is eafily propa- gated by cuttings, and thrives in almoft any earth. It is fo very common in New Holland, that, Ícarce a parcel of feeds has arrived from thence, but has contained fome of the feeds. The two figures were taken from two plants at the nurfery Hammerfmith. <= PPP AE Oe LN SN — eee UNS , VM Os ro m TM S MSS ee EEUNENR C "AT se 2- m À — mH PLATE CCXXXI. CERBERA, ABOU ASE Oval-leaved Cerbera. CLASS V, ORDER: L PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. CowronTra. Drupa monofperma. Corolla in- fundibuliformis. Frowszms contorted. Pulpy feed-veffel, one- feeded. Bloffom funnel-fhaped. See Plate 130, Cerlera undulata, Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cerbera foliis ovatis, acutis, laciniis corollae un- dulatis; calycis foliolis reflexis. Cerbera with egg-fhaped, pointed leaves; feg- ments of the blotlom waved; leaflets of the cup reflexed. —— ái ———————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom cut open, the Chives in their place. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit; with the fummit detached, magnified. » —— oa Tue oval-leaved Cerbera is a native of the continent of South America, in Brazil and the other pro- vinces within the tropics; therefore, muft be treated as a tender hothoufe plant. It is increafed by cuttings, delights moft in a rich foil, and flowers in July, or Auguft. It is faid to acquire the height of ten feet, in its native clime, but, with us, it feldom attains to three; becoming a handfome, bufhy fhrub. The flowers have a faint fmell, as have moft of this natural order; the whole plant is replete with a whitifh juice, of a moft deleterious quality; and the wood when rubbed emits a difagreeable odour. The fruit is confidered by the indians as a deadly poifon againft which there is no antidote, Our figure was taken from a plant in the Hibbertian Colle&ion, Clapham. Introduced to England, (or rather cultivated about that period) fays the Kew Catalogue, by Mr. Miller, in the year 1739. Kin MNT IEEE CS a. 0. BARN OS DRM 2 " O5crtera Meum v T n Wm ———— € WEE aedifi 2. ae | PLATE CCXXXII. i Be. Se A CAPITATA. Var. Stellata. Bunch-flowering Ixia. _ Yar. Star-flowered. CLASS HI. ORDESRM IL TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Biossoo 6 divifions, fpreading, equal. Summits three, between upright and fpreading. See Ixia nErFLEXA, Plate XIV. Vol. I. Conorra 6 partita, patens, equalis. Stigmata tria, erectiufculo-patula. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliolis enfiformibus, erectis, fcapo brevio- Ixia with fword-fhaped leaves, upright fhorter ribus; fioribus capitatis, confertis, pallide than the ftem; flowers grow in heads, carneis; petalis bafi ftellatis. crowded, of a pale flefh-colour; petals ftarred at the bafe. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath. 2. A flower cut open, the Chives remaining. 3. The Pointal. TTS As we cannot think this plant poffeffes fufficient diftin&tive character, to entitle it to a particular fpecific title, we have placed it as above; although we muft confefs that the root, in this plant, is very diffimilar from moft of the bunch-flowering fpecies. It is a very hardy bulb, and in no ways liable to rot, increafing very abundant!ly, and flowering, without any affiftance from heat, about the end of May. Our figure was taken at the Hammertmith nurfery in 1799; to which it had been intro- duced, about four years previous. E Pl 252 a (apte ttt ar slellala y X ef, x at W 9 d 2 a ee st nd E PLATE CCXXXIII. MELANTHIUM VIRIDE. Green-flowered Melanthium. CLASS VI. ORDEN E HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carxx nullus. Conorra. Petala fex, ovato-oblonga, patentia, unguibus linearibus longioribus, perfiftentia, Stamina. Filamenta fex, filiformia, erecta, longitudine corolle, cui inferta fupra un- gues. Antherz globofz. PisriLLA. Germen conicum, ftriatum. Styli tres, diftincti, curvi. Stigmata obtufa. Pericarpium. Capfula ovata, trigona, trifulca, trilocularis, ex capfulis tribus, introrfum unitis, Semrna plurima, compreffa, femiovata, SPECIFIC Melanthium foliis ovato-lanceolatis, fcapo vagi- EMPALEMENT, none. Brossow. Six petals, oblong egg-fhaped, fpread- ing, with linear longer claws remaining. Cuives. Threads fix, thread-fhaped, upright, the length of the bloffom into which they are inferted above the claws. Tips globular. Pornrats. Seed-bud conical, fireaked. Shafts three, diftinét, curved. Summits blunt. Srep-vesseL. Capfule egg-fhaped, three-fided, three furrowed, three-celled, formed of three capfules united within. Serps numerous, flattened, half egg-fhaped. CHARACTER. Melanthium with leaves between lance and egg- fhaped, theathing the ftem and upright; nantibus, erectis; corollis viridi-purpureis, . bloffoms greenifh-purple, reflexed. reflexis. —— —— d ——— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Petal with its Chive attached, magnified. 2. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits, magnified. 3. The Seed-bud cut tranfversely, magnified. —$—_——— —__. THE Green-flowered Melanthium was introduced to the Kew collection, by Mr. F. Maffon, in the year 1788, as we are informed by the catalogue of that garden, from the Cape of Good Hope. The plant from which our figure was taken, had been fent to the Clapham collection amongft other bulbs which were received from Mr. Niven in the year 1800; it flowered the fucceeding year, when our drawing was made. We believe, at prefent, it is in no other collection than that of Mr. Hibbert; nor do we think, without a freíh fupply, it will be long feen in this country, as it has been often introduced, and as often loft; nor does it increafe with us by the root, and the feeds have not, as yet, matured in tbis country; it appears to grow luxuriantly in fandy peat earth, and flowers in July. [| e eee , » « P7 verae SPL, ess u————ÁPv»——— —( Mn, PLATE CCXXXIV. PROTES SPTCATXA. Spike-flowered Protea. CLASSY. SOR D ERT: TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLra 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, | Bossom 4-cleft or 4-petalled. Tips linear, in- inferte petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- ferted into the petals below the point. Pro- prius nullus. Semina folitaria. per cup none. Seeds folitary. See ProTEA ronMosa, Plate XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis bipinnatis, fubfiliformibus, pinnula Protea with twice-divided leaves nearly thread- canaliculatz, apice glandulofe; capitula fpi- fhaped, fmall divifions channelled and glan- cata, quadriflora. dular at the end; fmall heads in fpikes and four-flowered. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. _ . The Empalement. . One of the fmall heads of flowers, not yet expanded. . The fame, with the flowers open. 4. A flower taken from the general cup, with one of the petals detached, magnified. 5. The Pointal, the Summit detached, magnified. 9» t From a plant now in flower, May 1802, in the Hibbertian colle&ion, our figure was taken. It is one of thofe defcribed by Thunberg in his Differtatio de Protea, n. 11, and in his Prodromus 25, under the title we have given it; and which is, certainly, very appropriate; although many have the flowers growing in fpikes. We believe this is the firft time it has flowered in Britain, and that, at prefent, it is very fcarce; having been introduced by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy in the year 1790. It is a hardy greenhoufe plant, is increafed by cuttings, and thrives in a fandy loam with a fmall portion of fandy peat earth. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. PLATE CCXXXV. | MIMOSA DISCOLOR, | Two-coloured leaved Mimofa. CLASS XXIII. ORDER I. POLYGAMIA MONOECIA. Various difpofitions: Upon one plant. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. HenMarH, Calyx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida. A Sramina 5 feu plura. Pift. 1. Legumen. ! Masc. Calyx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida. Stamina 5, 10, plura. SPECIFIC Mimofa inermis; foliis bipinnatis, fexjugis, bi- coloribus; pinnis acutis, zqualibus; fpicis axillaribus; capitulis globofis; filiquis latif- fimis, planis, 2. The fame, magnified. 3. A Bloffom. 4. A Chive, magnified. 5. 6. a Ee er oT mmm Hzrnwarn. Cup 5-toothed. Bloffom 5-cleft. Cuives 5 or more. Pointal 1. A pod. Marr, Calyx 5-toothed. Bloffom 5-cleft. Cnivzs 5, 10, or more. CHARACTER. Mimofa without fpines; leaves doubly winged, in fix pairs, and two coloured; wings fharp pointed and equal; {pikes grow from the infertion of the leaves; fmall heads globu- Jar; pods very broad and flat. ee ee REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, natural fize, The Pointal natural fize, from an hermaphrodite flower. The fame, magnified. ! I In the year 1788 the feeds of this plant were received, from New South Wales, by a number of per- 1 fons; and were raifed, the fame year, by moft of thofe who fowed the feeds. "The character of the i plant from whence it derives its fpecific title is much loft in its advanced ftate; but in the firft two or ! three years of its growth, it is extremely powerful; the under part of the young leaves being of a near Windfor, Bucks. bright purple. It is extremely difficult to propagate from cuttings; and it has not, as yet, perfeéted its feeds in England. It grows to the height of fix or feven feet; is a hardy green-houfe playt; and thrives mofi in fandy peat earth. Our figure was made from a very fine fpecimen, communicated by the Hon. W. H. Irby, in September 1801, from his elegant collection at the Parfonage, Farnham Royal, 4 lomooc dioceter i NÉ. M - oe lies EN EUR P i PLATE CCXXXVI. HYPOXIS STELLATA. Far. flore allo. Star-flowered Hypoxis. white Var. CLASSZYL ORDER-I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLa fexpartita, perfiftens, fupera. Cap- || Brossow fixparted, remaining, above. Capfule fula bafi anguftior. Spatha 2-valvis. | narrower at the bafe. Sheath two valves. | See Hypozis flellata. Pl, 101. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hypoxis fcapo unifloro; foliis fublinearibus, Hypoxis with but one bloffom on the flower- laxis, ftriatis; petalis bafi maculatis; co- ftem; leaves nearly linear, flexible and fcored; rolla intus alba. the petals {potted at the bafe; bloffom white within. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. A Petal of the Bloffom, fhewn from the outfide. E: The Chives and Pointal. , AE One of the Chives. . The Pointal, cleared of the chives. Rope — — —Áp——— — Tus moft brilliant variety of Hypoxis ftellata, is as old an inhabitant of our gardens as the other Var. figured in the 2d Vol. of the Repofitory, Pl. 101; it was likewife introduced by Mr. F. Maffon. The roots of this plant are rather more tender, or delicate, than thofe of the yellow variety; which makes it fcarcer, and much lefs known. The nurfery, Hammerímith, is the only place at which we have feen it; and, we believe, they have it not in Holland. The root from which our figure was taken, had been imported, from the Cape, in 1801. It flowers in April, and increafes by the root; fhould be planted in very light fandy peat earth, and removed from the pot foon after the flowers are decayed. | SA Cy perta slellala Var flo ah " i Y OMAN NY] * Ü ur o dah Puce td. ee re TS PLATE CCXXXVII. CYTISUS TOMENTOSUS. Downy-leaved Cytifus. CLASS XVII. ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads in two fets. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, campanu- latum, breve, bafi obtufum ; ore bilabiato; labio fuperiore bifido, acuminato; inferiore tridentato. Conorra papillionacea. Fexillum ovatum, affurgens, laterioribus reflexis. Ala longitudine vexilli, re&z, obtufe. Carina ventriculofa, acuminata, SrawiNa. Filamenta diadelpha (fimplex et no- vemfidum) affurgentia, Antherz fimplices. PisriLnLuM. Germen oblongum. Stylus fim- plex, affurgens. Stigma obtufum. Perrcarrium. Legumen oblongum, obtufum, bafi attenuatum, rigidum. Semina nonnulla, reniformia, compreffa. SPECIFIC" Cytifus racemis lateralibus, ere&is; ramis tere- tibus, divaricatis; foliolis ovatis, tomen- tofis; vexillo crenulato; corollis luteis. Empatement. Cup one-leaved, bell-fhaped, fhort, blunt at the bafe; mouth two-lipped ; upper lip two-cleft, tapered; lower tip three- cleft. Bossom butterfly-fhaped. Standard egg-thaped, rifing upwards,turned back at the fides. Wings the length of the ftandard, ftraight, blunt. Keel a little bellied, tapered. Cuives. Threads in two fets (one fingle, the other nine-cleft) turned upwards. Tips fimple. PoiwrAr. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft fimple, turned upwards, Summit obtufe. SeED-vEsSEL. Pod oblong, obtufe, tapered at the bafe, (tiff. SgEps a few, kidney-fhape, flattened. HARACTER. Cytifus with the bunches of flowers growing from the fides of the branches, which are round and ftraddle; leaflets egg-fhaped and downy; ftandard a little fcolloped; blof- foms yellow. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . The ttandard. . The Keel. . A ripe Pod. [s Ook wp . One of the Wings. . The Empalement, Chives, and Pointal, a little magnified. . The Seed-bud, magnified. . The fame, fplit open, to expofe the fituation of the feeds. ES _ Tats pretty Cytifus, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, was raifed from feeds at the Hammerfmith nurfery, in the year 1798. foot and a half, and flowering about Auguft. by cuttings; it likewife perfects its feeds. It is rather a weak, and loofe growing fhrub, attaining the height of a It delights in a light foil, and is propagated with eafe The whole habit of the plant much more refembles Croto- laria than Cytifus; but the feed-veffel and empalement preclude its admiffion to that Genus. | : Ki | , , ( Ly li f noa Femnenfesnd / € dd PLATE CCXXXVIII. ROELS&T DECUBHRAEN:S. Decurrent-leaved Roella. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. ORDER? Lf One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, turbina- tum, quinquepartitum, perfiftens; laciniis lanceolatis, acutis, dentatis, magnis. Conorra monopetala, infundibuliformis, deci- dua; tubus calyce paulo brevior; limbus ereéto-patens, quinquepartitus, calyce lon- gior. Nectarium e fquamis quinque, conniven- tibus, in fundo corolla. SraAMiNA. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, nec- tario infidentia. Antherz fubulate, conni- ventes, longitudine filamentorum, altitudine calycis. Pistittum. Germen oblongum, inferum. Sty- lus filiformis, longitudine ftaminum. Stig- mata duo, oblonga, depreífa, patentia. Pericarrium. Capfula cylindracea, calyce bre- vior, coronata calyce patenti majoreque facto, bilocularis. Semina plurima, angulata. Obf. Campanule valde affinis, SPECIFIC Roélla foliis lanceolatis, ciliatis, integerrimis, decurrentibus; floribus folitariis, pedunculis longiffimis, axillaribus. ExPaArEMENT. Cup one leaf, top-fhaped, five- divided, remaining; fegments lance-fhaped, pointed, toothed, large. Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped, deciduous, tube a little fhorter than the cup; border between upright and fpreading, five-divided, longer than the cup. Honey-cup formed of five {cales, approach- ing, at the bottom of the bloffom. Cnivzs. Five threads, awl-fhaped, placed upon the honey-cup. Tips awl-fhaped, approach- ing the length of the threads, the height of the cup. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud oblong, beneath. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the chives. Summits two, oblong, flattened, {preading. Segep-vesseL. Capfule cylindrical, fhorter than the cup, crowned with the fpreading cup which has become larger, two celled. SeepDs many, angled. Obf, This Genus is very nigh affiued to campa- nula. CHARACTER. Roella with lance-fhaped leaves, fringed, quite entire, decurrent; flowers folitary, foot- fialks very long, growing from the bafe of the leaves clofe to the ftem. MM ám ———— — ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. P coto . The Empalement, Chives, and Pointal, the bloffom removed. . A Bloffom cut on one fide, and fpread open. . One of the fcales of the Honey-cup, with its Chive magnified. . The Pointal, cleared of the other parts of fructification. OPS — — As an annual, this is a moft beautiful little plant; but, although the feeds have been received feveral times, from the Cape of Good Hope, where it is native; and firft at the Royal Gardens, Kew, in 1787, fent by Mr. F. Maflon; yet, has it never been feen the fecond year; owing, we fuppofe, to the impra&ticability of procuring ripe feeds in our climate. Perhaps future trials, by different treatment, may meet with a happier iffue. The figure was taken at the Clapham Garden, in Auguft 1800; when the plant had apparently attained its greateft perfe&ion; but unfortunately, no feeds ripened; and at prefent, we believe, there is no veftige of the plant in Britain. It appears to delight in fandy peat, and to be kept under cover, even in the fummer feafon. m n NL | H ^ LY. eectt et Lecurvens We Teo rcs Ka mo nc er MER Ee : a zi: d $ PLATE CCXXXIX. GERANIUM SELINUM. Rock-Parfley-leaved Geranium. CLASS: AVL ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Pointay. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM. Vol. 1. Pl. XII. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis pinnatis, foliolis alternis, laci- Geranium with winged leaves; leaflets alternate, niatis, hirfutis; petala bina fuperiora re- ragged, and hairy; the two upper petals fracta, 3 inferiora concava, conniventia, appearing broke back, the 3 lower concave, recta; ftaminibus 5 fertilibus; radice tube- approaching and ftraight; five fertile chives; rofa. root tuberous. a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, | 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives, cut open and magnified. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud magnified. ee E a M ——ÀÀ Geranium felinum claims the priority of introduction, with us, to any of that numerous divifion, in this large family, which are tuberous rooted and ftemlefs, not including the G. trifte, G. lobatum, or G. prolificum; and of which, although we have given many figures, we ftill poffef(s drawings of 18 handfome fpecies, befides numberlefs varieties, It was introduced in 1788 by Mefits. Lee and Kennedy; is a hardy greenhoufe plant, being lefs fubjeé to rot, after the decay of the leaves, than any of its congeners; flowers freely about June, and is propagated by the root; the feed (fometimes) ripens likewife. Our figure was taken from a plant, whofe root had been received at the Clapham Garden, in 1800. As all the plants figured in the Botanift’s Repofitory, are titled with the com- monly accepted names, if any, in England; and, as many have been given under different names, in fome other publications, whence much confufion; we fhall defer all attempt at fynonim, till the end of this Volume, when a copious Index Synonimorum will be publifhed, of all the plants figured in the - work, for the ufe of thofe who wifh for fuch authorities. UE a, | A z s (ye raquaem act auum " r * ' a, P» i ke - rf ^. — ‘ B e " : , | 1 - | ) ‘ . ‘ i A m germ STRICTIS Oe án PLATE COAL GLADIOLUS CARNEUS. Flefh-coloured Gladiolus. CLASS OL ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Sramina adfícendentia. Curves afcending. Coro ta fexpartita, ringens. | Brossow fix divifions, gaping. | See GrApioLvus nosEUs, Pl. 11. Vol.I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, coftatis, glabris; Gladiolus with fword-fhaped leaves, ribbed, and floribus fecundis, cernuis, carneis; petalis fmooth ; flowers pointing one way, nodding tribus fuperioribus divergentibus, inferio- and flefh-colouréd; the three upper petals ribus fupra medium punctatis. diverge, the three lower are dotted upon the middle. = a MPa o REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath. 2. The Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, complete. tr Oor prefent plant has a nigh affinity with G. communis, and indeed might, perhaps, be confidered as a variety of it; but, as upon a clofe examination this will be found to differ, in many refpeéts, we have adopted the name, quoted by Willdenow, from Jacquin, De la Roche, Burman, &c. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and introduced, from thence, to us, in 1800. Our figure was made at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, this year, being the firft of its flowering in this country. It is avery hardy bulb, and increafes freely. Flowers in May. -—————— Bde D ! | i , , 3 | fladiolus carece y PLATE CCXLI. GLADIOLUS ORCHIDIFLORUS. Orchis-like-flowered Gladiolus. ee S À CLASS HL ORDER + TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fexpartita, ringens. Sramina adícendentia. | Brossow fix divifions, gaping. | Curves afcending. | See GrapioLus rosgus, PI. II. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis linearibus; fcapo polyftachio; Gladiolus with linear leaves; flower-ftem branch- floribus fpicatis, fecundis; laciniis binis ed; flowers grow in fpikes, all from one lateralibus corollz latiffimis, fumma erecta, fide; the two fide fegments of the bloffom tribus inferioribus dependentibus, macu- are very broad, the top one upright, the latis. three lower hang down, and are fpotted, " L4 — t ——————— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, one of the divifions of the fummit magnified. —————————áÓ e e— —— 0 As a fingularity among its fellows, this Gladiolus ftands prominently diftin&; and the uncommon and curious formation of its flowers will, undoubtedly, counterbalance, in the eye of the botanift, what they want in brilliancy of colour. It is a hardy bulb, and appears to require only the ufual treatment of the hardier fpecies of the genus. The Clapham colle&ion is, we believe, the only one in which it is to be found in England; to which it was introduced, by Mr. Niven, in the fpring of the year 1801, and where our drawing was made, this prefent year, in the month of March 1802. PE PLATE CCXLII.' XERANTHEMUM FASCICULATUM. Bundled-leaved Everlafting-flower. ee — — — — À—— CLASS XIX. ORDER IL SYNGEN ESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLU A. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Receptaculum paleaceum. Pappus fetaceus. Receptacle chaffy. Feather briftly. Cup tiled, Calyx imbricatus, radiatus; radio colorato. rayed; the ray colored. See XERANTHEMUM SPECIOCISSIMUM, Pl. LI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Xeranthemum foliis caulinis linearibus fub- Everlafting-flower, with the ftem leaves linear, teretibus, fafciculatis, longiffimis; floribus roundifh, bundled, very long; flowers foli- folitariis; fquamis calycinis lanceolatis, tary; the feales of the cup lance-fhaped, pallide-luteis. and pale yellow. — —— d m ———— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A fcale of the cup. . An hermaphrodite floret, with its feed, magnified. . A female floret, with its feed, magnified. - The Pointal of a female floret, magnified. mob = OW Amoncst the number of very beautiful plants introduced by Mr. Niven, and which now enrich that fund of botanical rarity, the Clapham collection, this fpecies of Xeranthemum does not ftand the leat confpicuous. Twelve years fince we poffeiled but four fpecies of this genus, viz. X. fulgidum, - X. retortum, X. veftitum, and X. fpeciociffimum; now they extend to fourteen. The others, as well as the foregoing, are all (but one, the X. lucidum of Port Jackfon, New South Wales) from the Cape of Good Hope, and introduced to us from thence, by various hands, in the following order; X. prolite- rum, through Holland, by Metirs. Lee and Kennedy; X. formofum and X. candicans by the fame, from Cape feeds; X. fetfamoides by Mrs. Goftling, of Hounflow; X. filiforme by Mr. Donn, of Cambridge; X. fafciculatum and X. truncatum by G. Hibbert, Efq. X. argenteum and X. fpirale by Montague Burgoyne, Efq. of Mark Hall, Effex. They are very fubje& to damp in the leaves, from a confined air; therefore, fhould be kept in the window, or moft airy part of the greenhoufe. The moft fandy peat that can be procured is the beft for their growth. "They may be all, thus, propagated by cuttings, taken off in the early part of the month of June; put thefe into a pot filled with fand, and covered by a bell-glafs the fize of the pot; plunge it in a north or eaft border, and let the whole be covered with a hand glafs, which muft be kept quite clofe till the cuttings are rooted; then the inner glafs muft be removed, and in about a weck the pot may be taken from under the outer one, when the plants may be removed into {mall pots in about a fortnight. Our prefent plant feldom grows higher than two feet, of which, at leafi, one is the foot-ftalks of the flowers; it continues in flower from March till September. PLATE CCXLIII. PROTEA LXLADUUPUS. IVoolly-leaved Protea. CLASS - IV. DRDER LL TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow 4-cleft or 4-petalled. Tips linear, in- ferted into the petals below the point. Pro- per Cup none. Seeds folitary. See PRoTE« rormosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I. Conorra 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, infertz petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- prius nullus. Semina folitaria. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis bipinnatis, filiformibus; capitulis | Protea with doubly winged leaves, thread- Ípicatis, aggregatis, quadrifloris; corollis fhaped; {mall heads grow in {pikes clofe intus purpureis, together, four flowers in each; blotloms purple within. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The fcales of the cup of one of the fmall heads. . A fmall head of flowers, one of the flowers open, the reft not yet expanded. . A floret, with the petals expanded. A petal, with its chive, magnified. . A Pointal, natural fize, with the fummit detached and magnified. akon = ee re Tus handfome Protea we owe to Mr. R. Williams, of Turnham-green, nurferyman, who raifed it by feeds received from the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1797. It is one of the handíomeft we yet poffefs of the winged-leaved kind of Proteas; of which divifion, in this large family, there are now in the Hibbertian collection eighteen difiin& fpecies. This plant grows to the height of three feet, makes a very bufhy head, and, when in flower, has a handfome appearance; as there are fometimes twenty fpikes of flowers on it at one time. It is propagated by cuttings, thrives in fandy loam, and flowers in June; in which month this year, 1802, our drawing was made at Clapham. PO aus JAN Á SS E 3 ) : Ys DA KA, — s ^ "e v. 1/9» Y IBS, aa Vm S (a | E ak EN ee ins AN N A Ale iE Lon AUS " X VG DN LU "N AO iz OO ASSN EY WR ; | SAPS MBH JaUFKRÉRK ' E fg;iibodm ode beatles Nu I d Y t TCU "vus (eens (ao ? Ses eit ds ^ 2 AS) ee oe | ^ A AST UI unnm a dci ge B t "wor * Ne ^ : c vnd 2 ES. Coe dan] ibo n enu ^. i : i£ uh LN f i! S ars Mio erfhun S dU M. us (x La LS x t Wee n ar cat . PH 1 ‘ site ve Am rari P uae " Mh / Mp or s n con ud bt NU NAR T; sort o mich diy. "ud MAL tiet ; dapat. i M lif eda io rhon cde inci 54 nbi a) tahowr beds Se cl 14 i! sd acm acil Dd dre. fl auri - thd su Prud wh Wy cento ed enidbaa Sf Sth (Diui eo gp M ne v d vesti : 3 de hen - . b Cain yet im J * : m po vw pal o l ie PEN TT fior. al editio: qe OM hs Steen eae ; PA B ; t ) «S Sb eio ahead in n CEA. tt yy. behing he) come tity y's. Catt ats WRG; ou LU ogy X OP MS NAY uU BT. A X Fan ey | LM PLATE CCXLIV. HEMEROCALLIS GRAMINE A. ; Grafs-leaved Day-Lily. CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra campanulata; tubo cylindrico. | Brossow bell-fhaped; tube cylindrical. SrAM1NA declinata. | Cnuivzs declining. : See HEMEROCALLIS CHRULEA, Pl. VI, Vol, I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. E. Hemerocallis foliis linearibus, carinatis, grami- -Hemerocallis with linear leaves, keeled and neis; petalis tribus interioribus majoribus grafly; the three inner petals larger, undulatis, exterioribus minoribus, extus waved, the outer ímaller, brown on the bruneis. outfide. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An outer leaf of the Bloffom, fhewn from the outfide. 2. The Chives and Pointal. 3. 'The Pointal and Seed-bud, cleared of the chives. LL E ——À—À — — — We have little doubt but that this is the fpecies of Day-Lily known to botanifts, fince the days of Parkinfon and Gerarde, under the character of a fmall leaved variety of the Yellow Day-Lily, although it has been many years loft to the country. It is one amongft the many plants introduced by the late Dr. Sibthorpe, to the Oxford botanic garden. As a native of the northern parts of Europe, it is as hardy as either the H. flava or H. fulva, to both which fpecies it bears ftrong affinity ; although, we conceive, . fufficiently diftin& from either, to conftitute a fpecies; which however we fhould not have done, but that the plant is now known in our gardens, under our fpecific title. The flowers of this plant laft, in general, two or three days before they decay, are very fweet {cented, and as large as thofe of the H. fulva, It is increafed as eafily as any of the genus, by parting the roots, and thrives in almoft any foil. - 2 4 CI emerocadta gorumenea [4 - " _ z E "P CNN ),S54q92A B. d» ^ne acted salt mem te diet n d , adi wa fiel cae! oA to ^ | wur subdi Led trio WS pid edi pir we ed in jp ades a Pomme oS: dice A bud dc ans PLATE CCXEV. ^* [X1A-PUSILLA Dwarf blue Ixia. CLASS II. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Buossom 6-divided, fpreading, equal. Summits three, between upright and fpreading. See Ix1A REFLEXA, Pl. XIV. Vol, I. Conorra 6 partita, patens, equalis. Stigmata | tria, ereCtiuiculo-patula. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia with nearly linear leaves, ribbed, tbick; flower-ftem two-flowered, the length of the leaves; flowers grow diftant, and are blue. Ixia foliis fublinearibus, coftatis, craffis; fcapo | bifloro, longitudine, foliorum; floribus dif- tantibus, czruleis. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath. 2. A Flower cut open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, one of the fummits detached and magnified. Tuis pretty little Ixia is quite new to our gardens, never having, as far as we can learn, been feen to flower before this year. It is the moft delicate in fhape and character of any we have as yet examined; and as we could not trace it as defcribed in any author, we have given it the trivial name it here bears, The figure exhibits a large fpecimen of the whole plant, which is too weak to fupport itfelf, although the leaves are thick and ftiff. Our drawing was made in the month of April, from a plant in the Clapham colleétion, where only it is to be found; the roots having been fent from the Cape of Good Hope in the autumn of the preceding year. It appears to flourifh with the treatment Mr. Allen has given it, a dry fituation, planted in very fandy peat. From the conftruétion of the root, which has a hard fmooth fkin, we fhould be led to think its increafe will not be very abundant. , otra pislla E 4 -—- —* T Seg th $c)? ^h < PLATE CCXLVI. GERANIUM INCRASSATU M. Flefhy-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI | ORDER IV. MONADELPAIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Pointat. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. Sce GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM. Pl, XII. Vol. I. Mowocyna. Stigmata quinque, Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis carnofis, inequaliter pinnatis feu Geranium with flefhy leaves, unequally winged lobatis, laciniis tridentatis, obtufis; corollis or lobed, fegments three-toothed, blunt; faturate rubris, ftriatis; floribus pentandris; bloffoms of a deep red, and fireaked; flowers radice tuberofa. with five fertile tips; root tuberous. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. 'The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular ftructure. 2. 'The Chives fpread open. 3. The Pointal, natural fize, with the fummits detached, magnified. ‘Our figure, which exhibits a {mall plant, of this fuperb fpecies of tuberous Geranium, was taken in the month of June, this year, 1802, at Mefirs. Colville's nurfery, King's Road, Chelfea, and where it is füll in high perfe&ion, this prefent month of July. We have every reafon to believe, from all the authorities we are matters of, that this plant has not, till now, flowered in Europe. It forms a very large tuberous root, by the dividing of which it is to be propagated; as we fufpe& the feeds will not ripen on this fpecies more than moft of its congeners. It has the fame manner with the reft of the tuberous fpecies, lofing its leaves in winter, when they are fubjeét to rot, if much watered. Appears to flourifh in fandy peat, with a fmall portion of rotten dung. "4 Ge 207^ (0 777 enerayaade VW E € t PLATE CCXLVII. GERANIUM CILIATUM. Fringed-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER TV: MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monoeyna. Stigmata quinque. Fru&us rof- One PoiwNTAr. Five fummits. Fruit furnifhed tratus, pentacoccus. with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis intigerrimis, concavis, lanceo- || Geranium withquite entire leaves, concave, lance- tis, marginibus ciliatis ; floribus pentandris ; | fhaped, and fringed at the edge;. flowers radice tuberofa. with five fertile chives; root tuberous. rer —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. 'The Chives fpread open, magnified. 3. The Pointal, magnified. ree i Tue fingular fhape and number of the leaves of this plant, which are but two, large, concave, thickifh, between lance and egg-fhaped, and fringed at the edge, conflitute the moft effential fpecific difference it potfeffes; the flowers, and other parts, much refemble many of its fellows. It is from the Cape of Good Hope, and introduced to us by Meffrs. Colvills, nurferymen, of the King's Road, Chelfea; who received it, from thence, at the fame time with the Geranium incraffatum, of our laft, For the treat- ment, and increafe, we muft refer to any other of the tuberous kind of Geranium. ái gu porem o n RL. ue, 4 X. "^u Pl au Lo men "AN taf VIZ ATA V i T ne eit x d wv «s "9m brad E go hy 1 seemed yeh qu Fh b^ di. " ' ud € ‘ , DAT ee AW iTàiYa" &3TORM. m 3 . "bw IA 4 vir feet tdv cht? iafeson filets ANM" m aig: now HAA ecu nd M i awe if boni Jo eodiignin dd ert ent Iris T cv“ We wit ay hy (tn wae oxy; II x fid für n 4 4 : "E Á is id bw "ON ie BU - donee. Alani] » wie Uum vt lay, no gel vee my T 7*7 214 "-7 3 7 Ww PLATE CCXLVIII. PROTEA UMBELLAT A. Umbellated Protea. CLASS.IV.:S0RDERSXE TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, Brossow 4 cleft or 4-petals. Tips linear, infert- infertz petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- ed into the petals below the point. Cup prius nullus, Semina folitaria, proper none. Seeds folitary. See Prorea rormosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lineari-fpathulatis, glabris; capitu- lis terminalibus; bracteis multifidis; flori- bus luteis. heads of flowers terminate the branches; | Protea with linearly-fpathulate leaves, fniooth; floral leaves many.cleft; flowers yellow. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. One of the floral leaves or fcales of the general empalement, magnified. 2. A flower, magnified. 3. One of the heads of flowers, divefted of the fcales, or floral leaves. 4. The Pointal and feed-bud, of one of the florets, magnified. EEE a Tue Protea umbellata has been cultivated in England fince the year 1777, at which time it was firft raifed from feeds; received from the Cape of Good Hope by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, at whofe nurfery our figure was taken in the month of Auguft 1800. It is a very hardy plant, and not at all fubje& to the very common fate of its congeners; that is, to damp in the leaves, or rot at the root in winter; is propagated by cuttings, to be made in the month of April or May, and treated as directed for the other Proteas. The plant feldom grows higher than three feet, and does not make many branches; but is of a lively green colour, both leaves and ftem, We have, as ufual, adopted the name this plant is generally known by, it having been fo named by the younger Linnzus in his Suppl. Plant. 118, and by Thunberg in his Differtatio de Protea, n. 34, and his Prodromus 26. But why or how a fmall, clofe head of flowers may be denominated an umbel we mutt confefs our ignorance in this application of terms, LAT PRO E *- nao PLATE CCXLIX. PITCAIRNIA SULPHURE A. Sulphur-coloured Pitcairnia. CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA,. Six Chives. nc Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, femi-fupe- rum, tubulofum, bafi ventricofum, trifidum, perfiftens; laciniis lanceolatis, ere&tis. Conorra tubulata, calyce duplo longior, mar- ceffens, trifida, demum tripetala; lacinic lineari-oblonga, fuberecta. SrAMiNA. Filamenta fex, filiformia. Antherz oblonge, erecta. Pistrrtum — Germen fuperum, ovato-trique- trum. Stylus filiformis longitudine ftami- num. Stigmata tria, contorta. PexicarPium. Capfula ovatis, obtufe trique- tra, trilocularis; loculis fub-cylindraceis, fub-diflin&is. EwrareMENT. Cup one leafed, half fuperior, tubular, fwelling at the bafe, three-cleft; fegments lance-fhaped, erect. : Brossow tubular, twice the length of the cup, withering, three-cleft, at laft three petalled; fegments linearly-oblong, nearly upright. Cuives. Threads fix, thread-fhaped. Tips oblong, erect. PoiNTAL. Seed.-bud above, three-fided-egg- fhaped. Shaft thread-fhaped the length of the chives. Summits three, twifted. SeepD-vessEL. Capfule egg-fhaped, bluntly three cornered, three valved; cells nearly cylin- drical, not very diftin&. SEMINA numerofa, alata, linearia. SEEDs numerous, winged, linear. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pitcairnia foliis non fpinofis, flaccidis, longiffi- | Pitcairnia with leaves without fpines, weak and mis; corollis fulphureis. very long; bloffoms fulphur coloured, ESSET e e REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement and floral leaf. 2. One of the Petals fhewn from the infide to expofe the Honey-cup at its bafe. 3. The Chives and Pointal. 4 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud, the three fummits detached and untwifted. 5. The Seed-veffzl cut acrofs. I ———À———— — Tuis fpecies of Pitcairnia was fent in the year 1799, from the ifland of St. Vincent, by Mr. Anderfon, to T. Evans, Efq. Stepney; at whofe gardens the plant has flowered, for the firft time, in England this year, in the month of April, and at which time our figure was taken. The Pitcairnias are all natives of Weft India Iflands, and ftand, as the link, between the Bromelia or Pine-apple plant, and the Tillandfia; to either of which Genera the firft fight of the leaves, only, would confign them. Five fpecies are now in Britain, and we do not doubt, but the fpecies are as numerous, as thofe of Tillandfia. The cultivation of all the fpecies is perfectly eafy, as they require no particular foil, or management, if kept in the hot-houfe; where they grow luxuriantly and throw out, from the roots, abundance of fuckers; which fhould be taken off, to encourage the flowering of the central fhoot, i - E x j - : i P. » Y ; “| A , jo. ; r y M 4 1 * "A ° Bi US P " à á rn Dew. P m ' J GE f a - E i i i 1 J vee. 1 n x 4 , , vs j 1 . ] 3 P. TJ - ^^. LI "I m * N » HP ee Te Bo» RBM «7 ried P £m - b- d eee eee » ; r i MS SG T : MAP LUMINE is Sac J gum ^ "odXqr————— IEEE eee Oe se PLATE CCL. IXIA COLUMNARIS. Var. grandiflora, Columnar-chived Ixia. — Large flowered Var. CLASS Il. ORDER I. "TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra fex-petala, patens, equalis. Stigmata | tria, ere&iufculo-patula. Brossow fix petals, fpreading, equal. Summits three, upright-fpreading. See IxiA REFLEXA, Pl. XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Ixia with threads united at the bafe; flowers grow nearly headed: bloíloms purple violet, very large. Ixia filamentis bafi cohzrentibus; floribus fub- capitatis corollis purpureo-violaceis, maxi- mis. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The two valves of the fheath. 2. An intire flower cut open in the tube only, which is extended nearly to the end of the threads. . The Chives cut open, magnified. . The Pointal complete, one of the Summits detached and magnified. 5. The Seed-veffel cut acrofs, - OO ————ÓÁrÜÓEELXUUTEE Gc We have nothing farther to fay upon this fine variety of the Columnar-chived Ixia than what has been faid on the other varieties of this fpecies; but, that it was introduced from Holland with the change- able coloured variety in 1799; and that it flowers the end of June; in which month our drawing was made, this year, at the Hammerfmith N urfery. 6 "4 E | rvee Cctumnarts & 77 ^i vyrfeorm PLATE CCLI. LACHENALIA PURPUREO-C/ERULEO. Sweet violet-colour d Lachenalia. CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 6-petala, infera; petalis tribus inte- Brossow 6-petals, beneath; the three inner pe- rioribus longioribus. tals the longeft. Stamina ereéta. Capfula fubovata, trialata. Curves erect. Capfule nearly egg-fhaped, three Semina globofa. winged. Seeds globular. See LACHENALIA PENDULA. Pl. XLI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lachenalia corollis campanulatis, pedunculatis; Lachenalia with the bloffoms bell-fhaped, and petalis obtufis, revolutis; ftaminibus co- with foot-ftalks; petals obtufe and rolled rolla longioribus; foliis lanceolatis; floribus ' back; chives longer than the bloffom; purpureo-ceruleis, odoratiffimis. leaves lance-fhaped; flowers of a purplith blue colour, and very fweet-fcented. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A flower fhewn from the outfide. 2. 'The fame fhewn from the infide. 3. The Pointal and feed-bud, Turs very fine fpecies of Lachenalia, with its variety, have been figured by Prof. Jacquin in his Icones, and Collectanea; but whether from dried fpecimens or not we cannot determine, As yet there is no figure, of either, in any Britifh publication. Mr. Williams, of Turnham Green, nurferyman, was the firft who had it to flower in this kingdom, and to his kindnefs in fending us a fine fpecimen, this year, in April, we are indebted for our prefent figure. It is equally hardy with the reft of the fpecies of the Genus, and propagates abundantly by the root; delights moft in a fandy peat foil. —' LN ARP / Uy // || y /] teh c nacen 2 carule j| / / An f GH & , / 7 ree arulea 9, " I Jj [ S | 4 | J A Il! y | E 1 t a LLL —m— a ee TUM MS PLATE CCLII. HEBENSTREITIA AURES Golden-flowered Hebenftreitia. i CLASS XIV. ORDER Il. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chives longer. Seeds covered. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, tubulo- EwPALEMENT. Cup one-leafed, tubular, mem- fum, membranaceum, emarginatum, fubtus branaceous, notched at the end, folitting longitudinaliter dehifcens. lengthways from beneath. Conorra monopetala, unilabiata; tubus cylin- Brossow one-petalled, one-lipped; tube cylin- dricus, calyce longior, latere inferiore ad dric, longer than the cup, fplitting from dimidium dehifcens; limbus unilabiatus, the lower fide balf way ; border one-lipped, adfcendens, planiufculus, quadrifidus, fubz- afcending, flattith, four-cleft, the clefts qualis. nearly equal. SrAMiNA. Filamenta quatuor, horum duo priora Cnivres. Threads four, of which the upper fub fauce margini corollae inferta, extan- pair is inferted into the edge of the bloffom tia; duo feriora, interiora, inferiora, re- under the throat, ftanding out; the lower flexa ad latera. Antherz lunares, com- anterior pair is bent back to the fides. Tips preflz, extrorfum truncate. crefcent-fbaped, flattifh, appearing cut off on the outfide. Pistittum. | Germen minimum. Stylus fili- PoiNTAL. Seed-bud very fmall. Shaft thread- formis, per fiffuram corollae reflexus. Stigma fhaped, bent back through the fiffure of fimplex. the bloffom. Summit fimple. Perrcarrium. Capfula oblonga, unilocularis, Srep-vesseL. Capfule oblong, one-celled, two- bivalvis, valved. Semina duo, oblonga, hinc convexa, trifulca, Seeps two, oblong, convex on one fide, three- inde plana. furrowed and flat on the other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hebenftreitia foliis linearibus, integris, fub-tere- Hebenftreitia with linear leaves entire, roundifh, tibus, obtufis, glabris; floribus congeftis, blant, fmooth; flowers grow crowed toge- racemofis, aurantiis. ther in long bunches, óf a gold colour. —— — uf ume—— —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A flower. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. A Bloffom cut open with the chives remaining attached, magnified. 4. The Pointal natural (ize. 5, The fame, magnified. ————— ám ——— ——— —— Tue Hebenftreitias may all be reckoned as rather biennial plants than perennial fhrubs; they muft be increafed every year to keep up a fucceffion, which is a matter of no difficulty; as, if cuttings of any of the fpecies are put into feparate fmall pots, and kept from the air by a hand-glafs, for aboat a month, they will become flowering plants by September, if the cuttings are made in May. Our prefent plant was introduced in 1796 by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, at whofe nurfery the drawing was made this year in the month of Marcb.. They moftly flower in fpring, and autumn; the flowers are very fragrant at night. They are natives of the Cape of Good Hope. - 7 A If rent reete aurea aon ay Em. DENM. . MS y i PLATE CCLIII. TADINUM PATENS Panicled Purflane. ——— CLASS XI. DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Twelve Chives. ORDER E One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. Perianthium diphyllum, parvum, fupe- rum, apice compreffum, perfiftens. Conorra. Petala quinque, plana, erecta, ob- tufa, calyce majora. Stamina. Filamenta multa, capillaria, corolla dimidio breviore. Antherz fimplices. PisrinLUM. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fim- plex, brevis. Stigmata quinque, oblonga, longitudine ftyli. Pericarrium. Capfula tecta, ovata, trivalvis. Receptaculum liberum, SzMiNA plurima, parva. EwPArEMENT. Cup two-leaved, ímall, above, compreffed at the tip, remaining. Brossow. Five petals, flat, fmooth, upright, blunt, larger than the empalement. Cuives. Threads many, hair-like, fhorter by half than the bloffom, Tips fimple. Porntay. Germ roundifh. Shaft fimple, fhort. Summits five, oblong, the length of the fhaft. SsEp-vrsseL. Capfule covered, egg -fhaped, three-valved. Receptacle free. SEEDs numerous, fmall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Talinum foliis lanceolato-ovatis, feflilibus, pla- Purflane with leaves between lance and egg- | fhaped, without foot-ftalks, flat; panicle branching and terminal; flowers red. nis; panicula ramofa, terminali; floribus rubris. | DL M DEEEOEUEE m 88 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. - The Empalement and Pointal. . A Chive, magnified, . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. - The Sced-veffel nearly ripe, and the cup, - A ripe Capfule, cut tranfverfely. * A Seed, magnified. Oar op = ———— — Án ee ————À— WE now exhibit a plant which may, perhaps, be known by many, under the name of Portulaca, rather than that of Talinum. But, as the adoption of this new formed genus, upon a divifion of the fpecies which have capíules of a different conftruétion, from the old generic character of Portulaca, feems ge- nerally to obtain, amongft modern botanifts; fuch as Juffieu, Cavanilles, Willdenow, &c. we fhall not diffent; although we, at the fame time, take the liberty to fay, from the particular tendency of the old genus Portulaca, to vary in moft parts of the flower, both as to number and character, we have taken up the prefent genus, but reloctantly. This plant is a native of the Weft Indies, and is, by fome, confidered as an annual; whilft by others it is treated of as a fhrub; but, indeed, it partakes of both characters, in fome meafure; for the ftem generally decays down, near to the earth, and often the whole plant dies, after flowering. It grows to the height of two feet, half of which is formed of the flower-ftem. It makes a very gay appearance about Auguft, and feeds abundantly, Our figure was taken from a plant in the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington Gore; where it flowers, annually, in ae higheft perfection, Introduced, fays the Kew Catalogue, by Chevalier Murray, in the year 1776. Y . da. ads Valiniume fate J PLATE CCLIV. GERANIUM PROCUMBENS. Procumbent Geranium. —— ám a À — — CLASSJIKWL | OG PER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monocyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- | Ose Porntar. Five fümmits. Fruit furnifhed tratus, 5-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium caule fubcarnofo, proftrato; foliis cor- - || Geranium with the ftem rather fle(hy, and prof- datis, lobatis, crenato-dentatis; calycibus trate; leaves heart-fhaped, lobed, between pentaphyllis; floribus tetrandris, corollis fcolloped and toothed; cups with five leaves; irregularibus. flowers with four fertile chives; bloffoms irregular. ET RI 0000000 REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives fpread open, and magnified. 3. The Pointal, and Seed buds, magnified. ae Tuis pretty Geranium is rather a delicate plant, and muft be kept very dry in the winter; as, from the fituation of its branches, which are pretfed to the earth, and rather flefhy, they will be very apt to rot, if too often watercd, or placed in a damp part of the green houfe. It was introduced in the the year 1781, by G. Hibbert, Efq. in whofe colle&ion, only, we bave as yet feen it. Mr. Allen in- forms us, that it is to be propagated as well by cuttings, as from the feeds, which it does not produce plentifully. It has the appearance, if we may Judge by analogy, to be but a biennial, and not an abiding plant. It flowers in April and May, and fhould be planted in light rich earth. Here we have a botanical treat for the learned, who have adopted the new arrangement of this very vagarious tribe; for in this one plant are united fome of the moft effential characters of the three L'Heritierian Genera, which, juftly, formed but divifions of Linnzus's original genus; agreeing with Geranium and Erodium in the nectariferous cup; with Pelargonium in the bloffom and feed; but dif- fering from all three, in having but four fertile chives, with fix abortive ones. A fa& afcertaincd by the examination of above fifty flowers, taken from four different plants. s 7 CCLMMLELIA L7O LM CHS PLATE CCLV. MORHA NORTHIAN A. Northian Morea. CLASS ILE ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGY NIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. BLossow fix petals; the three inner petals fpread- ing, narrower. Summit three-cleft. See Mona rricotor. Pl. LXXXIII. Vol. II, ComorLA hexapetala; petala tria interiora pa- tentia, anguftiora, Stigma trifidum. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Morea fcapo foliifque falcatis, glaberrimis, dif- Morza with the flower-ftem and leaves fcymi- tichis; floribus terminalibus; petalis tribus tar-fhaped, very fmooth, pointing different exterioribus ovatis, concavis, pendulis, tri- ways; flowers terminal ; the three outer pe- bus interioribus fub-ereétis, medio retro- tals egg fhaped, concave, hanging down, the three inner ones nearly erect, broke back about the middle, and rolled back at the ends. fra&is, apicibus revolutis. LL Ó——Ó— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The whole plant in miniature. . The outer valve of the fheath. . The inner valve of the fheath. . The Seed-bud, Chives, and Pointal, as they ftand in the flower. . The Pointal only, the Chives being removed. ak OND = ———— Asout the year 1789 this very fine fpecies of Mora was introduced to our gardeus by the late, ele- gantly tafted Mrs. North, lady to the Right Hon. the Lord Bifhop of Winchefter; to whofe fervor and liberality in botanical purfuits we owe much of the prefent prevailing tafte for the fcience. The plant was brought to England by the Hon. Mr. F. North, on his return from Portugal; the only remnant of a number, which he had procured from the gardens of the late Queen of Portugal; immediately on its arrival it was configned, in a very fickly ftate, to the care of Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfinith, who had the good fortune to recover it. It is a native of the Brazils, flowers about July or Auguft, propagates itfelf by fuckers, which it makes from the root, fhould be planted in light rich earth, and fhould be treated as a tender hot-houfe plant. The leaves grow frequently to the length of two feet, or more; forming the appearance of a large fan; the flower-item proceeding from nearly the centre. The flowers furpaís, in delicacy and beauty of pencilling, any of this very handfome tribe, and are as tranfitory as beautiful, their dura- tion being but of fix hours, at moft. It feldom happens that more than one flower is open at a time ; but the plant from which our drawing was made, in 1797, at the Right Hon. the Marquis of Bland- ford's, then refident at Bill Hill, Berks, was in the higheft perfection we have ever hitherto feen it. . ies |... PLATE CCLVI. I X I A M A [r? L LE A T^ A. Var. minor, flore purpureo. Spotted-flowered Ixia, Small Var. with a purple flower. CLASS: HL. ORDER, L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Corotta 6-partita, patens, zqualis. Stigmata tria, ere&iufculo-patula. Brossow fix divifions, fpreading, equal. Sum- | mits three, between upright and fpreading. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis enfiformibus, glabris, fcapo duplo Ixia with fword-fhaped leaves, fmooth, twice as brevioribus; floribus alternis, fub-fpicatis, fhort as the flower-ftem; flowers alternate, minoribus, purpureis; petalis bafi obfcuris, rather fpiked, fmaller, and purple; petals ovatis, concavis; ftigmatibus bifidis. dark at the bafe, egg-fhaped, concave; fummits two-cleft. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut and fpread open. 3. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Summits, one fummit magnified. Tuts variety of Ixia bloffoms about June; and, like the reft of this fpecies, continues in flower near a month. It is one of the hardieft, and certaineft blowers, amongst the whole genus, and propagates freely ; no particular treatment is neceffary for it, but what has been often repeated for the manage- ment of thefe plants. PLATE CCLVII. FALEIA REPFENS. Creeping Falkia. OD — — — — CLASS Vi. ORDER' IL PENTANDRIA DIGY NIA. Five Chives Two Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. " Caryx. Perianthium monophyllum, fub-infla- tum, corolla duplo brevius, quinquangula- tum, quinquepartitum; angulis medio di- latatis, compreffis extantibus; laciniis ova- tis, acutis, ConorrA4 monopetala, campanulata, crenato- decem-partita; limbo patente. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, filiformia, tubo corolla inferta, erecta, inzequalia, corolla breviora. Antherz ovate, compretiz. PisriLLA. Germen quatuor, fupera, glabra. Styli duo, capillares, divaricati, longitudine corolle. Stigmata orbiculata, lanata. PeRICARPIUM nullum. SEMINA quatuor, globofa, arillata, in fundo ca- lycis. EwmPALEMENT. Cup one leaf, a little inflated, fhorter by half than the bloffom, five-cor- nered, five-parted; the angles widened in the middle, flattened, ftanding out; feg- ments egg-fhaped, pointed. Bossom one-petal, bell-fhaped, ten-parted by fcollops; border fpreading. Cnivzgs. Threads five, hair like, inferted into the tube of the bloffom, erect, unequa], fhorter than the bloffom. Tips egg-fhaped, flattened. PoiwTALs. Seed-buds four, above, fmooth. Shafts two, hair-like, ftraddling, the length of the bloffom. Summits orbicular, woolly, SEED-VESSEL none. Seeps four, globular, covered by a coat, at the bottom of the cup. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Falkia foliis cordatis, petiolis longiffimis; caule repente. Falkia with heart-fhaped leaves, and very long foot-ftalks; creeping ftem. Re REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. The Cup. A Bloffom fpread open, with the chives in their place. A Chive magnified. d . The Pointals, natural fize. . The fame, magnified. oe ‘Tus pretty little plant was firft found by Maffon and Thunberg, when on their journey together in the interior of the country of the Cape of Good Hope, and was named by Thunberg after Profeflor Falk of Peterfburgh. It was introduced to the Kew gardens in the year 1774. Much as it refembles Convolvulus, it ftill has a greater affinity to Nolana in all its outward parts, but efpecially in the cup of the flower, and the fituation and character of the feeds. Although the plant is not fhrubby, the ftems, which are wiry, do not die down in winter, but take root, if laid clofe to the earth. It is encreafed by parting the roots in May; fhould be planted in fandy loam, and kept in the green-houfe, where it will bloffom in July or Auguft. Our figure is from a plant which flowered in the collection of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfington Gore. It is rather fingular that the indefatigable, and generally accurate, Willdenow, fhould have con- tinued this plant in the fixth clafs, when he had fuch authority, as may be found, page 325, Vol, I, in the Catalogue of the Kew Garden (where it unqueftionably has flowered) for the removal of it to its proper one, the fifth. It is true, he had reafon to fuppofe, that no man would be rafh enough to form a new Genus, without a due examination of the plant, on which he grounds his authority; and that, as Thunberg had discovered and named it, his authority was fufficient, and of greater weight than any other. But, unfortunately, in this inftance, for the tranícriber, the defcriber has been mif- taken, and has led his followers into error. Indeed, the whole plant in its habit and character has fo little affinity to any hexandrous genus, that, although Thunberg might have found a fingle flower, or even a whole plant, whofe flowers had fix chives (a circumftance we have not been able to difcover, upon an examination of the flowers from four different plants), in fuch a cafe, as a botanift, he ought to have looked farther, before he made fo violent a decifion; and Willdenow ought to have taken it for granted the alteration would not have been made, but upon due confideration. Oa wee ] EN N 7 $NV No is f he § = gg i 4 b. oe im J "wwe y LY - X. ^. P 77 227; TO T4 e 9 ho S o ott PLATE CCLVIII. BANKSIA PR/EMORSA. Bitten-ended-leaved Bank/fia. enna CLASS Oy: ORDER. I TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Receptaculum commune elongatum, fquamofum. Common Receptacle elongated, fcaly. Bloffom Corolla tetra-petala. Stamina limbo in- of four petals. Chives inferted into the limb ferta. Capfula bivalvis, difperma, inter- of the bloffom. Capfule two valves, two je&o feminibus ditlepimento mobili. Se- feeds, and a moveable partition between mina alata. them. Seeds winged. | See Basksia seRRATA, Pl. LXXXII. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Bankfia foliis cuneatis praemorfis, ferratis, fubtus Bankfia with wedge-fhaped leaves, appearing albo-punétatis, fupra glabris; floribus ex- bitten at the ends, fawed, dotted with white terné purpureis. on the under part, fmooth on the upper; flowers purple on the outfide. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower not yet expanded, with the germ at the bafe. 2. The fame open, the extremities of one of the petals magnified, to thew the fituation of the Chive in its place. 3. The Pointal complete, the fummit magnified, — — ÁN E — ———— Tue firft plants which were feen of this plant in England, were raifed from feeds, at the Royal Gar- dens, Kew, in 1788. It is a handfome growing fhrub, and the plant from which our figure was made had grown to the height of feven feet; it baving been planted in the confervatory of the Clapham colle&ion, where it flowered, for the firft time, this year, in July, continuing in high beauty near two months. It isa plant of moft difficult increafe, rarely that it is to be propagated by cuttings; and the wood rots, if laid into the earth. A light foil, of fandy peat, and a fmall portion of fandy loam, appears moft congenial to its growth. There are hopes, from the perfe& flate of the cones, that ripe feeds may be procured in this country. 404 y^ PUTAS A , a Ve 7 Ya Wi mea. 4 PLATE OCLIX. GERANIUM PILOSUM. Hairy Geranium. ———— ——— — CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives, ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MowocvwNa. Stigmata 5. Fruétus roftratus, One Porntar. Five fummits. Fruit furnithed 5-coccus. with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl, XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis pilofis, pinnatis; foliolis pro- Geranium with hairy winged leaves; leaflets fundé laciniatis, acutis; umbella 4-6 flora; deeply torn, and fharp pointed ; umbel from pedunculis calycibufque pilofis; floribus 4 to 6 flowers; foot-ftalks of the flowers pentandris; radice tuberofa. and cups hairy; flowers with five fertile chives; root tuberous. —————— um-—M————— ——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement cut open, to fhew its tubular character. . The Chives and Pointal. . The Chives cut open, and magnified. . The Pointal, with tbe five Glands, or Honey-cups, at the bafe. . The fame, magnified. oa ek On = a ———————— Tus very pretty Geranium was introduced to the Clapham colle&ion, in the year 1801, by Mr. Niven, from the Cape of Good Hope. It is as hardy as any of the family, which have tuberous roots; may be increafed by cutting a portion off the old root, in fpring, and giving it the heat of the hot houfe, at that feafon of the year. It rarely produces ripe feed; fo fays Mr. Allen the manager of the collection; and he recommends the planting of it in fandy peat earth. d Y » Cperanuu Ve [lovin - ah tlie iae | | PLATE CCLX. ORNITHOGALUM ODORATUM. Sweet-fcented Star of Bethlehem. a 9 CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. © GENERIC CHARACTER. Catyx nullus. Conorra. Petala fex, lanceolata, infra medium ereéta, fupra medium patentia, perfiftentia, colorem demittentia. SrAMiNA. Filamenta fex, erecta, alterna bafi dilatata, corolla breviora. Anthere fim- plices. Psstrttum. Germen angulatum. Stylus fub- ulatus, perfiftens. Stigma obtufum. Pexicarprium. Capfula fubrotunda, angulata, trilocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, fubrotunda. Oss. Filamenta in aliis plana, erecta, alterna apice trifido, media lacinia antherarum fuftinente; in aliis alterna, fimplicia. SPECIFIC Ornithogalum racemo elongato; filamentis fub- ulatis; petalis lanceolatis, obtufis, apice callofo-inflexis; foliis depreffis, linearibus, planis. EwrPALEMENT none. Brossow. Petals fix, lance-fhaped, below the middle upright, above the middle fpreading, remaining, lofing their colour. Curves. Six threads upright, each alternate one widening at the bafe, fhorter than the bloffom. Tips fimple. Porntav. Seed-bud angular. Shaft awl-fhaped, remaining. Summit blunt. SeepD-vessEL. Capfule roundifh, angular, three- celled, three-valved. SEEDs many, roundifh. Oss, The threads in fome are flat and upright, the alternate ones trifid at top, the middle fegment fupporting the tip; in others the alternate ones are fimple. CHARACTER. Star of Bethlehem with the bunch of flowers lengthened; threads awl-fhaped; petals lance-fhaped, blunt, thick, and turned in- wards at the point; leaves bent downward, linear, and fmooth, ln ————— — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . A Flower prop. . The Pointal. . The fame, magnified. mobo = . The Chives and Pointal, the petals being removed. EE ee ———————— — —— Tuts fpecies of Star of Bethlehem, from the Cape of Good Hope, is a rival in fragrance to the great- flowered, or Arabian fpecies, to which it is much affined in every part but the colour of the bloffom; which, in this, is yellowifh, and in that, it is white with a dark eye. It is rather a delicate bulb; and to make it flower, fhould be kept in the hot-houfe, where, it will bloffom about May or June, Our drawing was made from a plant which had been received, from the Cape, by Mr. Hibbert, the pre- ceding year, 1800; and we much fear, what has been faid of the great-flowered fpecies, may be con- fidered as referential alfo to this; viz. that the bulbs never flower, but the firft year after importation. We have not been able to trace the appearance of a flower, from any of the bulbs, this year, which has led us to this conjeture; indeed, many of the fpecies of this genus have this character; more particularly, thofe from Africa. It has flowered at Vienna, and has been figured by Profeffor Jacquin in his Ic, Plant. rar. vol. ii, tab. 432. € e | AL ah sacs A de ^ , - Lr ed - np ind s _™ ge i RE m E i xam — "wu. y á ARI TM j : — ; = 4 sleet Nn 25d T DES TOM eh, : eI - T É ae +. y A . - - * ss ET > x 3 4 - LI a » d - i d * E 4 < : í - *, - ; * » 2 = t * y L d - . << e * . L » d ; : : E. =< ? | } * . E 4 E ^ * , . i. / -— 3 z . d n L = - > - : "^ z yA 7 2 6 » 3 . whe 4 E à - » 1 L . = « : " L ~ L4 - » P » * j = ‘ LI 1 - : - z r | H . . , » . - : 4 « t - z ^ i " ‘ ° - <= 4 j . 7 La > 3 D " " <2 i a By ER » . t / Li v Li LI ? , y o> iF ii " " Y AY, . X ES M » > - - , Li wd - . T UP . " ~~ ae v t f "7" " 3 LEN - e " " á » sae. u v ER w^ — — — Ta, ili e AE T Serre — PLATE CCLXI. CAMERARIA LATIFOLIA. Bafiard Mangeneel. CLASS” ¥. ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium quinquefidum, acutum, connivens, minimum. ConoLra monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus cylindricus, longus, bafi apiceque ventri- cofus; limbus quinquepartitus, planus; la- ciniis lanceolatis, obliquis. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, minima, e medio tubi, Antherz conniventes, filo longo ter- minata. PisrinLUM. Germina duo, cum appendicibus adlatera. Stylus cylindricus. Stigma ca- pitatum, apice acutum, bifidum. PeERICARPIUM. Folliculi duo, horizontaliter re- flexi, oblongi, juxta latera bafeos utrinque lobum emittentes, uniloculares, univalves. SEMINA numerofa, ovata, membrane majori ovate ad bafin infertee, imbricata. SPECIFIC Cameraria foliis ovatis, nitidis, acuminatis, paral- lelo-coftatis; floribus corymbofis, termina- libus. EMPaALrEMENT. Cup five-cleft, pointed, con- verging, very fmall. Brossow one-petal, funnel-fhaped; tube cylin- drical, long, bellied out at the bafe and top, border five-parted, flat; fegments lance- fhaped, oblique. Cnivzs, Threads five, very {mall from the middle of the tube. Tips converging, terminated by a long thread. PorwTAL. Seed-buds two, with lateral appen- dages. Shaft cylindrical. Summit headed, pointed at top, and two-cleft. SEED-vESSEL. Seed-pods two, horizontally re- flexed, oblong, fending forth a lobe each way near the fide of the bafe, one-celled, one-valved. SsEps numerous, egg-fbaped, inferted on the larger egg-fhaped membrane at the bafe, tiled. CHARACTER. Baftard Mangenecl with egg-fhaped leaves, fhin- ing, tapered, and ribbed tranfverfely; flowers grow in broad-topped fpikes, terminal. rr REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower cut open, magnified, with the Chives in their place, 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Pointal and Cup, the fummit magnified. 4. One of the Seed-pods, natural fize. rr Tue genus Cameraria, feems to have been rather haftily taken up by Plumier, as a diftin& genus from Nerium; for certainly, the fmall difference in the fhape of the feed-pod, in which confifts the whole diftin&ive character of this genus, can hardly be thought of fufficient moment to that end. As we have found it, we leave it; but could not refrain from the foregoing remark, as it appears fo fin- gular, that amongft fo many who have publifhed the plant, not one fhould have difcovered the fur- rounding neclary, or honey-cup, to the mouth of the bloffom, and the long threads at the end of the tips; two fuch very powerful features, which diftinguifh Nerium, from all the reft of this natural order. It is a native of Jamaica, Cuba, and Domingo ; grows to the height of thirty feet, and is confidered as a timber tree in thofe iflands. The whole plant is full of a milky juice, fimilar to what is found in moft plants of this natural order. In England, it muft be treated as a hot-houfe plant; may be in- creafed by cuttings; flowers in Auguft, and fhould be planted in rich earth. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Stepney colle&ion, belonging to Thos. Evans, Efq. SP xs 2 UM ( AMOUR laltjolea I uw c m abt i dh. m ^O winters they fhould be Kepton an airy, dey fhelf, as near t PLATE. CCLEMMI. KERANTHEMUM SPI RARE piral-leaved Everla/ling-Flrwep. ieee "fus — RR ee & +. A CLASS XIX. ORDER IL ; SVNG RN. ASIA POLYGAMIA SUP RR FLUA. Tips urited. Superftuous Pointals: ESSENTIAL GENERIC. CHARACTER. Receptaeulum paleacem Pappas fetaceus, Ca» || [iecepracle. Chaffy. Feathep beiftly. Empale~ lyx tmbrleatus, radiates; yedla colutate,. | ment tiled, payed: the Pay coloured - ReeX ERANTREMUM sPecroc isi rM VoL T. PET. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Xeranthemum füljis fpiraliter-imbricatis, cari- Exeelafting Mower with fpirally-tiled leaves, natis, fub-obliquis; floribusfolitariis, maxi- | keeled, rather eut flowers folitavy, very inge. ^ LL ^W REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An outer feate of the Empalement. ; 2. An Herinaphvodite Floret, with the Feather of the Seed. . 3. A Female Floret, a little magnified . ^. The Pointal, magnified . SSS Tris fpecies of 2verlafting Flower is very cominon near Cape Town: yet, ‘ell the year 1800, ; never been intfeduced to Britain. Montague Burgoyne, Ef. of Mark Ha Y | it has procure feeds of it, and it has flowered-with him, thig year 18 but the flowen lafts near three months; itis the largeftof the 02. Our drawing Was made in J ene of the oft beautiful . Albthe fpecies, genus we have as yet feen, and certainly from the Cape, are very liable.to pat from dam months. They, in general, ripen feeds with us, butare with dj M uini ^" foggy Should ve mde early in fpring, planted in pots of fand, and are planted. The grown plants thrive beftin avery londy —P—U — n —« = E "T as DET. E —- ^W m b a BET. ) ] | 1 dq" = U* TUO T——nÓ e cx Qr IPM" ——— » PLATE CCLXIII. VACCINIUM STAMINIUM. Green-wooded IF, hortle-berry. oca cac OR TM RC — —— — —— CLASS VIII. ORDER I. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Carvx fuperus. Corolla monopetala. Fila- Cur fuperior. Bloffom of one petal. Threads menta receptaéulo inferta. Bacca quadri- fixed to the receptacle. A berry with four locularis, polyfperma. cells and many feeds. SeeVACCINIUM ARETOSTAPHYLLOS,Vol.I. Pl. XXX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis oblongo-ovatis, acutis, integer- Whortle.berry with oblong-oval leaves, pointed, rimis, fubtus fubglaucis; pedunculis nudis; quite entire, and rather fea-green under- antheris exfertis ; floribus folitariis ; ftamina neath ; fruit-ftalks naked; tips without the decem. bloffom ; flowers folitary; ten chives. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower complete. 2. 'The Chives ànd Pointal. 3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, magnified. Tue fpecies here figured of Whortle-berry, according to the Kew catalogue, was introduced, firft, from North America, to us, by Mr. William Young, in the year 1770. Itis a hardy, deciduous fhrub; grows to the height of three feet; very bufhy, with the flowers but thinly fcattered over it; they are white, and deeply cut in the border, which is rather inclined to fpread. It is increafed by layers; the berries feldom ripening in England. A light, fandy peat foil, with a {mall portion of loam, is the fitteft for its growth; and it acquires a higher degree of beauty, when fheltered from the fcorching rays of the fun, in fummer. - Our figure was taken in June, 1801, at the nurfery of Meffts. Lee and Ken- nedy, from a plant which had been imported in February, the fame year, from Pennfylvania, North America. y Facute HAMIL —M — nena san uh MEO — ÓÀ JUI PLATE CCLXIV. PAXOTEA GLOMLBZATA. Woolly-headed Protea. CLASS IV. ORDER I TETRANDRIA MONOGYMNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLrA 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz line- BLossow 4-cleft or 4 petals. Tips linear, in- ares, infertz/ petalis infra apicem. Calyx ferted into the petals below the point. Cup proprius nullus. Semina folitaria. proper, none. Seeds folitary. See Prorea Formosa, Vol. I. Pl. XVII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis bipinnatis, filiformibus; pedunculo Protea with doubly winged leaves, thread- communi elongato, nudo, pedicellis capi- fhaped; common foot-ftalk lengthened, tulis longioribus; corollis extus lanatis. naked, partial foot-ftalks longer than the heads of flowers; bloffoms woolly without. ——— ÁÁ' 9 ———— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret, natural fize. 2. The Bloffom, magnified. 3. The Pointal, natural fize, with the fummit detached, magnified. 4. A Cone, after the flowers have all fallen off. In the year 1789, this fpecies of Protea was firft raifed from feeds; received at the Hammerfmith nurfery from Vienna; they having been collected for the Emperor's gardens at Schonbrun, and from thence tranfmitted to Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy. Many plants have fince been raifed, in different colle&ions; and our prefent figure was made, from a fine fpecimen, in the Hibbertian collection, It is rather delicate when young, but not eafily deftroyed when grown to a foot in height. It will attain to five or fix feet, and makes a-very pretty appearance, when in full flower. It may be propagated ~ by cuttings, but with difficulty, and muft be planted in light yellow loam. — =. D —A = re er = -— ‘oe * | - - J ! | | | } 4 - « . i 4 a 3 r z — ^. EL uL TCU EE = -— ane * «Vile PLAT E* CCLXYV. CY RTANT Hts. ISL DO U US. Oblique-leaved Cyrtanthus. CLASS VL HEXANDRIA MONOGYNI A. ORDER I. Six Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Involucrum polyphyllum ; foliolis lan- ceolatis, perfiftentibus. Conorra monopetala, clavata, curva, apice fex- fida; laciniis ovato-oblongis, incurvis, con- cavis, tribus alternis apice glandulofis. Stamina. Filamenta fex, tubo corollz inferta, ereGta, fubulata, corolla dimidio breviora. Anthere fagitate, erect, inclufe. Pistittum. Germen inferum, obtufe-trigo- num. Stylus filiformis, longitudine floris. Stigma obfolete-trifidum. Perrcarrium. Capfula fubovata, trilocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, plana, oblonga, incumbentia. EwxPArEMENT. Fence many-leaved; leaflets lance-fhaped, remaining. Brossow one petal, club-fhaped, bent, fix-cleft at top ; fegments oblong egg-fhaped, turned inwards and concave, the three outer ones glandular at the end. Cuives. Six threads inferted into the tube of the bloffom, upright, awl-fhaped, half the length of the bloffom. Tips arrow-fhaped, upright, within the bloffom. PoirwTAL. Seed-bud beneath, obtufely three- cornered. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of the flower. Summit obfcurely three- cleft. SsEp-vrssEr. Capfule nearly egg-fhaped, three- celled, three-valved. SeEps many, flat, oblong, lying upon one ano- | ther. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cyrtanthus with linear, obtufe leaves, flat, and | bent obliquely; flowers hanging down and I three-coloured. Cyrtanthus foliis linearibus, obtufis planis, oblique flexis, floribus pendulis, tricolo- ratis. —— Án REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Part of the Bulb, and the leaves of the plant in miniature. 2. A Flower, cut and fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud, natural fize, Summit magnified. c ———————— Tuts moft beautiful, and rare plant, together with C. anguftifolius, (the other fpecies) were introduced, in the year 1774, to the Kew Gardens, by Mr. F. Maffon, from the Cape of Good Hope. Monf. L'Heritier, when in England, procured drawings of both fpecies, and figured them in his Sertum Anglicum, tab. 15 and 16, under the names of Amaryllis cylindracea, and A. umbrella: but, as we have had formerly occafion to mention our objections, in following that gentleman in his alterations of accepted Genera, in this country; we have, in the prefent inftance, chofe rather the authority of Martyn, Curtis, Willdenow, &c. in preference ; who all have followed the Kew Catalogue in the name of this Genus. It is true, Thunberg, in his Prodromus Plantarum Capenfium, P. 1. p. 59, has it ftill under the Genus, Crinum; and, as Crinum pendulum, our prefent fubject, was known for many years. Itisa very fcarce plant, and is to be found but in few collections; the increafe being only from the rcot, and the importation cf the bulbs has been but feldom. The feeds do not come to maturity with us, of this fpecies; although thofe of the C. anguftifolius are conftantly perfected. It muft be treated as a dry ftove plant, or kept on a fhelf in the hot-houfe; fhould be planted in fandy loam, and have plenty of room in the pot. Flowers in July and Auguft. From the choice collection of Jofeph Cowper, Efq. of Clapton, we were obligingly favoured with the plant, from which this figure was taken. —————— o DE es - «X ; 6 yrtanthies Aly itits à / PLATE CCLXVYVI. PLATYLOQBIDM OVATUAM. .Oval-leaved Flat-Pea. EE cA — CLASS Rie. OO DER IY. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives in two Sets. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx campanulatus, quinquefidus; laciniis Cv» bell-fhaped, five-cleft; the two upper feg- duabus fupremis maximis, obtufis. Stamina ments very large and obtufe. The Chives omnia coalita. Legumen pedicillatum, all united. Pod on a foot-ftalk, compreffed, compreffum, dorfo alatum, polyfpermum, winged along the back, many feeded. See PLATYLOBIUM SCOLOPENDRUM. PI. CXCI. Vol. III. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Platylobium foliis ovatis, glaberrimis, diftichis ; Flat-Pea with egg-fhaped leaves, very fmooth floribus folitariis, axillaribus; ramis tere- and pointing oppofite ways; flowers grow tibus. folitary from the infertion of the leaves; branches cylinder-fhaped. aS —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement of the Flower. . The Standard, or upper petal of the bloffom. . One of the Wings, or fide petals of the fame. The two lower Petals, or Keel of the bloffom. . The Chives, magnified. . The Seed-bud, magnified. Aakrk Od = ——— Á— IEEE SRM — Tuts fpecies of Flat-Pea was brought from New South Wales, at the fame time as P. fcolopendrum, and P. lanceolatum, to which laft it has much affinity; but, we think, poffeffes a fufficient number of differing characters to conftitute a diftin&t fpecies. It has not as yet been increafed, we believe, in Britain; any attempt, to that end, has hitherto proved abortive; from which circumftance the plants are at prefent fcarce, and are to be found in few collections. The fame treatment to preferve, and render the plant flourifhing, is required for this, as for the other fpecies. Our Drawing was made in 1801, at the Nurfery of Meffrs, Lee and Kennedy, Hammerímith, who firft introduced it. PLATE CCLXVIL JATROPHA PAND URJZEFOLIA. Fiddle-leaved Phyfic- Nut. ————— "ulia CLASS XXL ORDER. VIE. MONOECIA MONADELP HIA. Chives and Pointals feparate. Threads united. GENERIC CHARACTER. Masculi flores. Carxx. Perianthium vix manifeftum. ConorLA monopetala infundibuliformis; tubus breviflimus; limbus quinquepartitus, laci- niis fubrotundis, patentibus, convexis, fub- tus concavis. Stamina. Filamenta decem, fübulata, in medio approximata, quinque alterna breviora, erecta, bafi connexa, Antherz fubrotunde, verfatiles. t PisritLUM, Rudimentum debile in fundo floris latet. Feminei flores in eadem umbella cum Maf- culis, Carvx nullus. Corotta pentapetala, rofacea. PisrinLUM. Germen fubrotundum, trifulcatnm. Styli tres, bifidi. Stigmata fimplicia. Pericarrium. Capfula fubrotunda, tricocca, trilocularis; loculis bivalvibus. Semina folitaria, fubrotunda. SPECIFIC Jatropha calyculata; foliis panduraformibus, apice acutis, bafi inequaliter acuté-lobatis; floribus atro-coccineis. Male flowers. Empatement. Cup fcarcely perceptible. Brossom one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube very fhort ; border five-parted ; fegments roundifh, fpreading, convex, concave beneath. Cuives. Ten threads awl-fhaped, clofe toge- ther in the middle, the five alternate ones fhorter, upright, connected at the bafe. Tips roundifh, verfatile. PoixrAL. A weak rudiment lies hid in the bottom of the flower. : Female flowers in the fame umbel with the males. EMPALEMENT none. Brossow five-petalled, rofaccous. PoixTar. Seed.bud roundifh, three furrowed. Three thafts, two-cleft. Summits fimple. SrEp-vessEL. Capfule roundifh, three-feeded, three-celled; cells with two valves. Szrps folitary, roundifh. CHARACTER. Phyfic-Nut with a flower cup; fiddle-fhaped leaves, fharp-pointed at the end, and une- qually fharp-lobed at the bafe; flowers deep crimfon. ; a — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. 'The Cup and Pointal of a female flower. 2. The Cup and Chives of a male flower. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud of a female flower, without the cup. oo o————ÁáÁ/v[iiÁil;————————— ——- Tuts plant, a native of the Ifland of Cuba, was imported from thence, by Mr. J. Frafer, King's Road, Chelfea, in the year 1501. It is, unqueftionably, as handfome a plant as any at prefent culti- vated in our hot-houfes, and its continuing to produce frefh umbels of flowers, during at leaft nine months of the year, renders it, perhaps, the moft defirable. It grows to the height of near three feet, producing but few branches. ‘The leaves are extremely irregular in their form, and, when the plant is in a fickly ftate, the older ones are fubject to be flightly blotched, on the under fide. Few tropical plants that thrive with fo little heat, or care; nevertbelefs, we have not any hopes, of its ever becoming a proper fubje& for the green-houfe; but as yet our experience on that point will not permit us to decide upon it. Ií fhould be planted in a mixture of leaf mould, rotten dung, and loam; and may be propagated by cuttings. From a plant at the Hammerfmith nurfery, ripe feeds have been procured this year; they have the exact appearance of the feeds of the leffer Palma Chrifti, but rather fmaller in fize and have the fame oily character. Indeed, there is fo little difference between fome fpecies of the Genus Ricinus, and Jatropha, that botanifts have been puzzled where to place them. Our drawing he: mee from a plant in the collection of the Right Hon. the Marquis of Blandford, White Knights, erkíhire. PE 2G " Jet voe Init vetet Z v PLATE CCLXVIII. GLADIOLUS PLICATUS. Plaited-leaved Gladiolus. iol ee — — CLASS HL OBDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLa fexpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcen- Bloffom fixdivided, gaping. Chives afcending. dentia. | See Guapiotus RosEus, Pl.XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. T—— ie Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, plicatis, villofis; Gladiolus with fword-fhaped leaves, plaited and corollis regularibus; fpatha trivalvi; {capo hairy; bloffoms regular; {heath three- laterali. valved; flower-ftem lateral. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The three-valved Sheath. - 2. A Bloffom fpread open, to fhew the fituation and direction of Tips. 3. The Pointal, and Seed-bud, one of the Summits magnified. rr RR RR o Tue varieties, generally comprehended as fuch, of this fpecies of Gladiolus, are extended, in number, beyond any others with which we are, as yet, acquainted, of this extenfive genus. Already, we have drawings of 22; and many more, certainly, tbere are, even in this kingdom; but we fhall content ourfelves with figuring, in the Bot. Rep. 3 or 4, of the moft curious. One of the varieties of this plant, has been in cultivation with us fince the year 1757, when it was raifed by Mr. Miller from Cape feeds, The one reprefented in our prefent figure, was received, from Holland, in the year 1794, by Meffrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith; it is one of the hardieft, and fureft flowering varieties of the fpecies; for there are but few of them which bloffom freely. The buibs fhould:be planted in fandy peat, about October, and taken into the hot-houfe, or placed on a bot-bed, in January, to encourage a rapid and early growth; by which means, they are more frequently induced to throw out their flower ftems the beginning of April, which otherwife, often prove abortive. The roots fhould not be removed from the pots, till the leaves are fomewhat decayed. This is the Glad. plicatus of Linn. Sp. Pl. p. 53; Thunb. Diff. de Glad. n. 24; Jac. Ic. Rar. 2. t. 237; of the Kew Cat. Vol. I. p. 65; Martyn's Miller, art. Glad. 5. and of Willdenow's Spe. Plant. T. 1. p. 220; yet, we cannot refrain from joining in opinion with the late Mr. Curtis that it approaches as near Ixia, as Gladiolus; for the Ixia rubro-cyanea of the Bot. Mag. is but a variety of this fpecies. But we cannot fo readily Laboonify our fenfes, with trifling changes, as to think, with a modern reforming author, that a new genus was neceffary, in this inftance, to rectify this part of the Species Plantarum, of the incompetent! Linneus. > S lca -— 2 ^ Cp aeta ! Y ] ! ] fabro a aree ^de tie m Ju Ql pan NAA . vs rita c RR PLATE CCLXIX. GERANIUM LACINIATU M. Var. bicolor. Ragged-leaved Geranium. Two coloured-flower Var. Oe CLASS X¥ie ORDER. IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Poinrat. Five Summits. Fruit furnithed with long awns; five dry ber- ries. Monoeyna. Stigmata quinque. Fructus roftratus; pentacoccus. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis radicalibus integris laciniatifque ; Geranium with the leaves growing from the laciniis acutis; petiolis filiformibus; caly- root entire and jagged; fegments pointed ; cibus monophyllis ; ftaminibus quinque fer- foot-ftalks thread-fhaped ; cups one-leaved ; tilibus; radice tuberoía; floribus bicolo- five fertile chives; root tuberous; flowers ribus. two-coloured. MR S REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, a little magnified. 2. Chives, natural fize. 3. 'The fame, magnified and fpread open. 4. The Pointal and feed-bud, magnified. Tuis very handfome variety of the ragged-leaved geranium, is but little different from the purple- flowered Var. figured No. CCIV. of this work, Vol. III, except in the colour of the flowers, and that the leaves are rather more cut. It was introduced the fame year to the Hibbertian colleétion, flowers in the fame month and requires the fame treatment, as the above variety. wor m ee ee, MM Oe E oo * * | | à; d a gage —— Ub om PLATE CCLXX. PROTEA PULCHELLA. Waved-leaved Protea. M <2. CLASSY. ORDERS TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Bossom 4-cleft or four petalled. Tips linear, inferted into the petals-below the point, Cup proper, none. Seeds folitary. Conorra 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherz lineares, infertz petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- prius nullus. Semina folitaria. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lanceolatis, undulatis, rubro mar- Protea with lance-fhapec leaves, waved, mar- ginatis, pilofis; fquamis calycis tricolo- gined with red and hairy; fcales of the cup ratis; capitulo erecto, terminali. three-coloured; flower head upright, and terminal. 4 —— nulli m—————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret complete with the feed-bud. 2. The four Petals of the fame, with the Tips fhewn at their ends. 3. Pointal and Seed-bud. Tuis Protea, from the Cape of Good Hope, merits the attention of thofe who wiih to beautify their collections, with diftinguifhed objects; as, it flowers tbe third year from the feed, and is equally hand- fome with Protea mellifera. The cone for two months before it opens is extremely beautiful, and it “is in flower nearly one more; and this, at a time when the plant has, fcarcely, attained a foot in height. It is not inclined to branch till it has flowered, but from the lower part of the cone the ' branches begin to extend. The leaves from their hairinefs have a whitifh appearance, are finely edged with a light pink, and are flightly waved. It is propagated by cuttings, fhould be planted in light fandy loam, and flowers in September. Our drawing was made from a plant in the Hibbertian colle&ion; to which it was introduced.by Mr. Niven, in the year ! 799, amongft the firft feeds which were fent, by him, from the Cape. | | PLATE CCLXXI. ABCOT, EPIAS GIGAN TE A. Gigantic Swallow-wort, or Auricula tree. Cr CLASS V. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA, | GENERIC Carvx. Perianthium quinquefidum, acutum, parvum, perfiftens. ConorLa. Monopetala, plana vel reflexa, quin- quepartita; laciniis ovato-acuminatis, levi- ter cum fole flexis. Nectaria quinque, tubo filamentorum infra antheras adnata, carnofa feu cucullata, e fundo cornicalum acutum introrfum flexum exferentia. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, in tubum, bafi ventricofum, connata. Antherz oblongz, erecta, biloculares, membrana inflexa, ftig- mati incumbente terminate, utrinque ala reverfa deorfum latefcente. Pollen con- natus in corpuicula decem, obverfe-lan- ceolata, plana, in loculis antherz depen- dentia e filis brevibus, fzpe flexuofis; que per paria annexa funt tuberculis quin- que, cartilagineis, didymis, angulis ftigmatis, inter antheras, adharentibus. PisrILLA. Germina duo, oblonga, acuminata. Styli duo, fubulati. Stigma utrifque com- mune, magnum, craflum, pentagonum, fupra apicibus antherarum tectum, medio umbilicatum. Prricareium. Folliculiduo, magni, oblongi, acu- minati, ventricofi, uniloculares, univalves. SEMINA numerofa, imbricata, pappo coronata. Receptaculum membranaceum, liberum. SPECIFIC Asclepias foliis candidis, obovato-oblongis; pe- tiolis breviflimis; laciniis corolla reflexis. ORDER II. Five Chives. Two Pointals. CHARACTER, EwraLEMENT. Cup five-cleft, fharp, fmall, re- maining. Brossow one petal flat or reflexed, five-parted ; divifions pointedly egg-fhaped, fligbtly bending with the fun. — * Honey-cups five, growing to the tube of the threads below the tips, flefhy or hooded, protruding a fharp horn from the bottom which bends in wards. Cuives. Five threads collected into a tube {welling at the bafe. Tips oblong, upright, two-celled, terminated by an inflex mem- brane laying on the fummit, having a re- verfed wing on each fide, growing broader downwards. The pollen is collected into ten fmall bodies inverfely lance-fhaped, flat, hanging down into the cells of the tips by fhort threads, often flexible, which are fixed by pairs to five fkinny twin tuber- cules, adhering to the angles of the fummit, between ihe tips. | PoiNTaLs. Seed-buds two, oblong, tapered. | Shafts two, awl-fhaped. Summit common | to both, large, thick, five-cornered, covered at top by the ends of the tips, umbilicate | in the middle. || SEEp-vssser. Two pods, large, oblong, tapered, | bellied, one celled, one valved. | SEEps numerous, tiled, crowned with a feather. i Receptacle ikinny, free. CHARACTER. Swallow-wort with whitened leaves, between in- verfely egg-fhaped and oblong ; foot-flalks very fhort; fegments of the bloffom reflexed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. 3. The Chives and Pointal, without the five outer fcales or honey-cups, magnified. 4. One of the outer fcales, magnified. 5. One of the inner, upright fcales, which furround the feed-buds, magnified. 6. The Seed-buds, Shafts and Summit, with the chives attached to the fummit, magnified. Tux Gigantic Swallow-wort, a native of the Eaft Indies, is a very tender hot-houfe plant; is very fubject to lofe its leaves in winter, and requires the affiftance of the bark-bed to keep it in perfection. In the Kew Catalogue, it is faid to have been cultivated fo long ago as the year 1090, at the Royal Gardens, Hampton Court. To render it vigorous and flourifhing, it fhould be planted in rich earth; compofed of, one half rotten dung, and the other leaf mould and loam; and watered but fparingly in winter. It is feldom propagated but from feeds, which are frequently procured from the Eaft, and as often from the Weft Indies. In the ifland of Jamaica, it is known by the name of the Auricula tree, where it attains to the height of fix or feven feet. Our drawing was taken from a moft magni- ficent fpecimen, obligingly fent us by Mrs. Methuen, (of which our figure reprefents but a fmall fide bunch), meafuring above a foot in diameter. The plant, we believe the fineft in England, is in the colle&ion of Paul Methuen, Efq. Corfham, Wilts. ! Much as we are inclined to tread in the beaten path of our predeceffors, and, more particularly, that of the greateft luminary of this intricate fcience, Linneus, yet can we, but with regret, forbear an alteration we think fo necetfary, in the claflification of this genus. That the clafs Gynandria may, or ought to be excluded from the twenty-four, we fhall not be forward to give our fuffrage, in conjunction with fome modern reformers; and, as they term themfelves, improvers upon the Linnzan fyftem; but, whilft it is retained, this genus has ftronger claims, in our opinion, upon it, than any which has hitherto been thrown to it. Indeed we had fo claffed it, upon fuch grounds had formed its generic character; and had hopes, no one would have difputed our pofition as juft, upon an in- fpection of the diffe&tions annexed to the figure. Yet fearing, by fome, it might be confidered as a perplexing innovation; for innovation in all cafes is certainly more or Jefs fo, the genus having patfed the fcrutinifing ordeal of fo many botanifts; we have, reluétantly, for the prefent, given up what, neverthelefs, we fhall confider as neceffary for fome bolde: hand than-ourfelves to undertake. RY hi N CcN S. 8 Y S P , M a dei: E 9t »2 ^ Diac "1 PLATE CCLXXII. EMBOTHRIUM LINEARE. Narrow-leaved Embothrium. ei — CLA S'SCINVE ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx nullus. Corolla tetrapetala. Stamina | EwPArrewENT none. Bloffom four.petalled. limbo petalorum inferta. Folliculus poly- Chives inferted into the limb of the petals. fpermus, Semina alata. A one-celled pod many feeded. Seeds winged. See EMBoTHRIUM SERICEUM, Pl. C. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Embothrium folii linearibus, fubtomentofis, Embothrium with linear leaves rather downy, uninerviis; florum racemis axillaribus; co- one-nerved; the ímall heads of flowers L L . L * v» rolls albis, Semina nuda. grow from the infertion of the leaves; the bloffoms white. Seeds naked. meo --Á S ERR REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower, complete. 2. One of the petals, with the chive at the end. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. 4. A ripe Seed-pod burft and empty. 5. A ripe Seed. a Tuts fpecies of Embothrium was introduced to Britain at the fame time as the Silky Embothrium, of our fecond volume, plate 100; and has been confidered but as a third variety of it, by Dr. Smith, in his Firft Number of New Holland Botany, page 23. But the total difference in the habit of the plant, except in the fhape of the flowers, has induced us to give it a fpecific title. It grows to the height of five or fix feet, not very bushy; abounding through the whole year in a fucceflion of flowers, which proceed from the young branches; ripe feed being produced upon the plant at the fame time. It fhould be planted in light fandy peat, and kept in a dry part of the green-houfe, as the younger branches are apt to fuffer from damps in the months of December and January. Our drawing was made at the Hammerfmith nurfury, in the year 1800, about the month of July. ng E. » | ' T -— Á TOR —— m M ye tpe VE + San cme Bein -— Mibi hie aet aa & . EL sm EET. LR PLATE CCLXXIII. LOBELIA PINIFOLIA. Pine-leaved Lobelia. ee | CLASS XIX. ORDER VI. | SYNGENESIA MONOGAMIA, Tips united. GENERIC Carvx. Perianthium monophyllum, quinque- dentatum, mininum, germini circumna- tum, marcefcens; denticulis fubzequalibus. ConoLra monopetala, irregularis ; tubus cylin- draceus, calyce longior, fuperne longitudi- naliter divifus; limbus quinquepartitus; laciniis lanceolatis, quarum fuperiores duce minores, magis reflexz, profundius divife, conftituentis labium fuperius; tres reliquae inferiores magis patentes, fzepius majores. Sramina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, longi- tudine tubi petali. Anthere connate in cylindrum oblongum, bafi quinquefariam dehifcentem. : Pistrrtum. Germen acuminatum, inferum. Stylus cylindraceus, longitudine ftaminum. Stigma obtufum, hifpidum. : Pericarpium. Capfula ovata, biloculariis, apice dehifcens, cincta calyce. | Semina plurima, minima. Flowers fimple. CHARACTER. Empatement. Cup one leaf, five-toothed, very fmall, growing round the feed-bud, wither- ing; toothlets nearly equal. Brossow one petal, irregular; tube cylindric longer than the cup, divided longitudinally above; border five-parted ; fegments lance- fhaped, of which the two upper ones are fmaller, more reflexed, deeper divided and . form the upper lip; the three other lower ones fpread more, and often are larger. Cuives. Five threads, awl-fhaped, the length ofthe tube of the petal. Tips joined to- gether forming an oblong cylinder, fplitting into five divifions at the bafe. PoiwTAL. Seed-bud tapered, beneath. Shaft ! cylindrical the length of the chives, Sum- mit blunt, hairy. | SeEp-vrsser. Capfule egg-fhaped, two-celled, fplitting at top, girt by the cup. SeEpDs numerous, ímall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lobelia foliis lanceolato-linearibus, confertis, in- Lobelia with leaves between.lance and linear- tegerrimis; denticulis calycinis longiffi- fhaped, crowded together, and quite en- . E É ; 2 mis; floribus czruleis. tire; toothlets of the cup very long; flow- ers blue. Ew ur c A REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the chives in their place. 3. Ahalf ripe feed-pod. 4. The Pointal, with the fummit detached and magnified. 5. A ripe feed-veffel, cut tranfverfely. eg — ‘ Asovr the year 1786, this plant was fent by Mr. F. Maffon, to the royal gardens ne Kew; as we find : it in the catalogue of that collection, Neverthelefs a fingle plant of it was not to be found in any of our botanic gardens, for thefe few years back; until the recent introduction of it, by Mr. Niven, to the Hibbertian Collection in 1789. It isa very delicate fhrub; grows to the height of eighteen inches ; branching but little, and producing moftly two flowers at the termination of each branch. It may be increafed by cuttings, or from the feed, which ripens in this country; but, like moft of the fpecies ' of this genus, it is not a long lived plant. It approves moft of a light fandy peat, with a fmall mix- tare of loam; and to be kept in rather a fmall pot, in proportion to the general fize ufed for plants of the fame bignefs. Flowers in July. Et ads jo FERMENT COEPI Erat IU IPUMPRUD A TOU E ——— ——— : n io X MELDE S ILU UNE ae PLATE CCLXXIV. ORNITHOGALUM LACTEUM. Large White-flowered Star of Bethlehem. CLASS VI ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorLa 6-petala, erecta, perfiftens, fupra me- Buossom 6-petals, upright, remaining, fpread- dium patens. Filamenta bafi dilatata. ing above the middle. "Threads widened at Capfula 3-locularis. Semina fubrotunda, the bafe. Capfule 3-celled. Seeds round- nuda. ith, naked. See ORNITHOGALUM opoRATUM. Pl, CCLX. Vol. IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ornithogalum racemo longo; filamentis fubu- Star of Bethlehem with a long flower fpike ; latis, alternis fub-lanceolatis; bracteis mem- threads. awl-fhaped, alternate ones nearly branaceis, ovatis, pedunculo duplo bre- lance-fhaped; flower props fkinny, egg- vioribus; foliis lanceolatis, acutis, ad oras fhaped, twice as fhort as the fruit-flalk; villofis; floribus albidis. x leaves lance-fhaped, acute, finely haired at the edges; flowers white. i REFERENCE, TO THE PLATE. 1. One of the Flower-props. . 2. 'The Chives and pointal, the petals being removed. 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. SS a ( vacthogalam lacleum m n e NND ——— "(1 7^ iat ee PLATE. CUDXXV. GLADIOLUS RINGENS. Var, undulatus, Gaping flowered Gladiolus. Waved-flowered Var. CLASH AM... ORDER. L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Brossow fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcend- . ing. mi See Gr ADIOLUS RosEUs, Pl, XI. Vol. I. Conorra sexpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcen- | dentia. ; SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis Jinearibus, coftatis; floribus rin- | Gladiolus with linear leaves, ribbed; flowers gentibus, cineriis; petalis undulatis. gaping, afh coloured ; petals waved. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the Empalement. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, one of the divifions of the fummit magnified. ——— —bÉ———— — Tue Clapham collection we believe to be the only one which, at prefent, poffeffes this handfome variety of the Gaping Gladiolus. It was introduced, from the Cape, by Mr. Niven in 1800. Our drawing was made in Auguft of the above year, but its natural feafon of flowering, if we may judge by analogy, fhould be about May or June, at lateft. It increafes by the root, and fhould be treated asa tender Gladiolus. The flower is without fmell. é Cpladeelus PINGENA Far emat “ a 6 A E d L » <= i D | - ; f b * " B / t D E ^ Oe "err . "y - bee - . ~ 3, a NE a - ? a ' in: "3 . . " n D ' | : à ’ F M —_ " " yy T - Jadi 3i Ta ee eee oe) Se ee es Sa m INNN-—-———M RR = PLATE CCLXXVI. MONSONIA FILIA. Hairy-leaved Monfonia. CLASS XVIL ORDER POLYADELPHIA DODECANDRIA. Threads in many Sets. Twelve Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caryx. Perianthium pentaphyllum erectum ; ExPALEMENT. Cup five-leaved upright; leaflets foliolis lanceolatis, fub apice mucronatis, Jance-fhaped, pointed at the end, equal, and zqualibus, perfiftentibus. f | : remaining. Corotta. Petala quinque, obovata aequalia; | Brossow. Five petals, inverfely egg-fhaped, equal, flaccid, plaited, unequally toothed at the margin. : : ei : | flaccida, plicata, margine inequaliter dentata. Semrna folitaria, arillata; arifta longiffima de- Sgeps folitary, in a feed-coat with a very long mum {pirali. awn, becoming fpiral. Sramina. Filamenta quindecim, ereéta, con- | Cuives. Fifteen threads, upright, formed into nata in quinque corpora, € 3 fingula. An- | five bodies, three to cach. Tips oblong, thera oblongz, verfatiles. verfatile. PisriLLUM. Germen pentagonum, breve. Sty- PoiNTAL. Seed-bud five-fided, fhort. Shaft lus columnaris. Stigmata quinque, recurva, | columnar, Five fummits, recurved and : oblonga. , | oblong. Pericarrivum nullum. Fructus roftratus, pen- | SrED-vressEer none. Fruit furnifhed with long tacoccus. | awns, five dry berries. | i | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Monfonia folis incifo-lobatis, hirfutis; lobis | Monfonia with deeply-cut lobes, hairy; lobes inequaliter dentatis. unequally toothed, ——EEE I — M — REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement. . A Petal of the flower, fhewn from the backfide. . A Petal of the flower, fhewn from the infide. . The Chives and Pointal divefted of the petals. The Chives fpread open, to fhew the number of diftiné bodies into which they are divided. . The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits. . A Seed-bud cut tranfverfely. . One of the berries, taken from its coat, a little advanced to maturity. cuo AFRonre h———onm—— Tur Genus Monfonia was formed by Linnzus, in honour of the Right Hon. Lady Ann Monfon, whofe enthufiafm, in purfuing the ftudy of natural hiftory, knew no bounds; and whofe liberal and foftering hand contributed more, perhaps, than any of her cotemporaries, by her encouragement and example, to the then incipient, but now fo prevailing tafte for the ftudy of Botany. E The Monfonias are all natives of the Cape of Good Hope; are rather herbaceous plants than fhrubs, at leaft, thofe generally denominated fuch; for although the Geranium fpinofum has been given to this genus, we have our doubts whether it ought not to remain with Geranium. They are hardy green-houfe plants, flower in the months of July and Auguft; are propagated by the cutting fmall portions from the roots; and ihould be planted in a mixture of fandy peat and loam. This fpecies was introduced by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy in the year 1788. Our drawing was made from a plant in the Hibbertian collection. Jt is rather ftrange that Thunberg in the fecond part of his Prod. Plant. Cap. publifhed in 1800; and Wildenow in his Spec. Plant. volume the third, part 1, publifhed the fame year, fhould both, in the claffification of this genus rather with to alter its clafs, as Schreber and Cavanilles had done before them, than give it, in their works, under the claís and title where it was originally placed, by the founder of the genus; or take it up on the authority of the catalogue of the plants in the Kew gardens; where, unqueftionably, two fpecies, at leaft, had flowered antecedent to the publica- tion of that work. But indeed both of them, have fo jumbled the different fynonims which they have adapted to the three fpecies known at prefent in our gardens under the names of M. fpeciofa, M. lobata, and M. filia, that it is nearly impoflible to recognize in either publication the different plants under the charactered titles they bear with us. As for Thunberg, he has thrown them all to Geranium, under new fpecific names: and thus, has made his alteration complete. Wildenow indeed has but changed the clafs, and altered one fpecific title; but by new naming that which is our M. fpe- ciofa he has been obliged to give the name of fpeciofa to our prefent plant, and place the fpecific fi/ia, as given by Linnzus to this, as a fynonim to M. lobata, upon the authority of Cavanilles; who, we muft prefume, had never feen more than dried fpecimens of any fpecies of this genus. But however, we {hall not pretend to clear up the bewildered ftate, in which we there find this tribe of plants; or attempt to throw any farther light on a fubje& that feems to have been, fhort as it is, a complete puzzle to two fuch eminent botanifts; but merely ftate our ideas, that we think thefe plants were fufficiently well arranged under the firft affumed clafs, and equally readily to be known by their old fpecific titles. " lorem {la Z b ieee ne z i ln M re ee PLATE OCLXXVIL Pio Tek Sek eC Os A: Var. foliis glabris. Smooth-leaved Shewy Protea. —————E ee CLASS IV. ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Conorra 4-fida feu 4-petala. Anthere line- Brossow 4-cleft or 4 petals. Tips linear, in- ares, inferta petalis infra apicem. Calyx ferted into the petals below the point. Cup proprius nullus. Semina folitaria. proper none. Seeds folitary. See PRoTEA ronMosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lanceolatis, glabris; fquamz caly- cine interiores barbate, apice incurvate, fulce. Protea with lance-fhaped ímooth leaves; the inner fcales of the empalement are bearded, turned inward at the point and brown. " — — "Mim————— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Seed-bud and Pointal. 2. A Flower fpread open, with the tips in their places. Tuis fine variety of the Shewy Protea might, indeed, almoft país for a diftinét fpecies. It was intro- duced, to Britain, in the year 1794, by Mr. Williams, Nurferyman, of Turnham Green. The only living fpecimen in Britain, we believe, of this plant, is at prefent in the Hammerímith colle&tion. As yet no increafe has been produced from it, either by cuttings, or feeds ; for although the plant flowers every year, and the feeds in the cone, or rather flower-cup, feem perfect, they never vegetate. Itis a hardy, and handfome growing Protea, requiring little attention, and may be placed in any part of the green-houfe; grows about three feet high, very bufby, and flowers near the month of October. A M at —— án Cfr REOPEN peo s t ba hr be *- ear ' , , ' ' PLATE CCLXXVIII. MELALEUCA CORONATA. Flax-leaved Melaleuca. ee AS T CLASS XVIH,. ORDER IV. POLYADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads in many Sets. Many Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx quinquefidus, femifuperus. Petala quin- Cur five-cleft, half above. Petals five. Threads que. Filamenta multa longiffima, connata numerous, very long, united into five bo- in quinque corpora. Piftillum unum. Cap- dies. Pointal 1. Capfule 3.celled. fula 3-locularis. Sce MEL ALEUCA ERIC#FOLIA, Pl. 175. Vol.III, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Melaleuca foliis oppofitis, lanceolatis, enerviis, Melaleuca with oppofite, lance-fhaped leaves, glaberrimis ; floribus feffilibus, ad bafin ra- without nerves and very fmooth; flowers mulorum confertis ; filamentis pinnatis, in- grow clofe to the branches, and crowded curvatis, purpureis. together at their bafe; threads winged, | turned inward, and purple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement and Seed-bud. 2. The fame, fhewn in a front view. 3. A Petal, 4. One of the five bundles of Chives, magnified. 5. 'The Seed-bud with the fhaft remaining, the cup cut off. Turs fingularly delicate little plant, a native of Botany Bay, was firft raifed from feeds in this country by Mr. I. Fairbairne of the Phyfic Gardens, Chelfea, in the year 1792. It is rather more tender than moft of the plants we have, as yet, received from thence; requires to be kept in a dry and airy part of the green-houfe and watered but feldom, in the winter. It grows to the height of about two feet, perfeéts its feeds, and may be increafed by cuttings; fhould be planted in very fandy peat earth, and kept in a fmall pot proportionally to its fize. Our figure was taken from the branch of a plant, in the confervatory, at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, in the month of Auguft, 1800. GL yp < . LP OTCKAa 4 à vits dud | —_—_—_—~ " a a diis i in sar str tee * PLATE CCLXXIX. XERANTHEMUM FASCICULATU M. Var. flore allo. Bundle-leaved Everlafting-flower, White Var. rE MAS — — | | CLASS XIX. YOR DER IX. SYNGENESIA POLYG AMIA SUPERFLU A. Tips united. Superfluous Pointals, ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. RrcEPTACULUM paleaceum. Pappus fetaceus. Recerracte chaffy. Feather briflly. Cup- | Calyx imbricatus, radiatus; radio colo- tiled, with a ray; the ray coloured. rato. See XERANTHEMUM SPECIOSISSIMUM, Pl. LI. Vol.I. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER. | Xeranthemum foliis caulinis linezribus, fub- Everlafting-flower with the ftem-leaves linear, | teretibus, faíciculatis, longiflimis; floribus roundifh, bundled, very long; flowers fo- ) folitariis; fquamis calycis lanceolatis, litary; ícales of the cup lance-fhaped and | albis. white. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An Hermaphrodite Floret, with its feed, magnified. 2. A Female Floret, with its feed, magnified. 3. The Pointal from a Female Floret, magnified. EE — —— ———— As afine variety of the Bundle-leaved Everlafting flower, figured in this work, Pl. 242 of this Vol.; we. now prefent this plant to our friends. ‘Tis true, it may be thought by fome, at firft fight, there is too confiderable a degree of fimilitude in the plants to deferve a particular plate for each; but, upon a nigh inveftigation, it will be found there exifts a ftronger marked difference, in the growth of the plants, than, at firft, meets the eye; not certainly enough to conftitute a fpecific difference, but un- doubtedly a ftrong variety. The flower ítems, in this, grow more ftraddling ; and the long ftem-leaves are more difperfed on the upper part of the plant; at the bafe they nearly refemble each other.» We have our figure from the Clapham Colle&ion, to which the plants were introduced at the fame time, and through the fame channel as the above cited fpecies; feeds of both having been fent from the Cape of Good Hope, by Mr. Niven, in the year 1799. For all that relates to the management of this, we mufl refer our readers to the figure juft alluded to; as its habits, time of flowering, &c. in nothing differ. "d msi A We fascicilaliim Var {lore ado Ü " y atm — t ' t ' / 2 (ee a an n mm A. duhdéengne^e 5 + tim E Uu gp] —U" MRNA acus flos m. "T. T. PLAS. CULXXX. PERSOONIA LATIFEUOX IE Broad leaved Perfoonia. Gay SS. IV. ORD EEE TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx nuls. Petala 4, bafin verfus ftamini- EMrarrwENT none. Petals four, fupporting fera. Glandule 4 ad bafin germinis. Stig- the chives near the bafe. Four glands at ma obtufum. Drupa monofperma. the bafe of the feed-bud. Summit blunt. A pulpy berry with one feed. See Persoonia LANCEOLATA, Pl. LXXIV. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Perfoonia foliis fubovatis, utrinque glabris, Perfoonia with leaves approaching to inverfely- craffiufculis, uninerviis; petiolis brevibus, egg-fhaped, fmooth on both fides, thickifh, tortis. one-nerved; foot-flalks fhort and twifted. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower. 2. One of the Petals, with its Chive. . The Pointal and Seed-bud. . The fame, magnified. . The receptacle, with the four glands at the bafe of the Seed-bud, magnified. & hk & Tue very exact conformation of the flower in this, when compared with the other two fpecies of the genus, already figured in this work; is a circumftance but feldom to be found, in plants, where the whole habit is fo totally different in each fpecies, as we here find it. This plant, until it flowered, was confidered as a fpecies of Conchium, (one of the Genera made by Dr. Smith from Bankfia,) as nigheft in appearance to fome fpecies of that Genus. It has flowered, for the firft time in England, in the month of OGober, 1802. The plant being fet in the confervatory at the Hammer{mith-Nurfery, the flowers have continued to fucceed each other, progreflively, upon the young branches, without inter- miffion, as the fhoot grows, from the bafe of each leaf. It is with great difficulty raifed by cuttings; but, from every appearance, fecd will be procured in this country; as the feed-buds have already be- come pretty large, and feeds of the other fpecies have matured with us. It was firít raifed from feed, communicated by Colonel Paterson, from Port Jackfon, New South Wales, in the year 1795. Sandy loam, or a mixture of fandy peat and loam, is the foil it moft approves. LL , ‘260 c J c * PR , / lover tc lye 27 ¥ —— Cy a a - "^ = =. —_— " " | A — PLATE CCLERARL | METROSIDERA HIRSUTA. CLASS XII. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYN 14A. Hairy Metrofidera. ORDER I. Twenty Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Carvx. ae monophyllum, quinque- fidum, femifuperum. 1 Conorra. Petala quinque, concava, fubíef- filia, decidua. j | Sramina longiffima, libera, filiformia. Antherz incumbentes. | PisrinLUM. Germen turbinatum, fundo calycis adnatum. Stylus filiformis, erectus. Stig- ma fimplex. PertcarPium. Capfula campanulata, 3 feu 4 ) locularis, 3 feu 4 valvis. ExrPALEMENT. Cup one-leaved, five.cleft, half above. Brossow. Five petals, concave, nearly feffile, falling off. Cuives very long, free, thread-fhaped. Tips lying on the threads. PoixTar. Seed-bud top-fhaped, growing to the bottom of the cup. Shaft thread-fhaped, upright. Summit fimple. Seep-vesseL. Capfule bell-fhaped, 3 or 4 celled, 3 or 4 valved. | Semina plurima, rotundato-angulata. SEEDs many, roundedly-angular. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Metrofidera foliis oppofitis, bafi cordatis, am- Metrofidera with oppofite leaves, heart-fhaped plexicaulibus; ramulis, pedunculis, caly- at the bafe and embracing the ftem; {mall cibufque pilis rubro-fufcis tectis. branches, flower-ftems, and flower-cups covered with reddifh-brown hairs. cerns NE One of the fegments of the Cup, fhewn from the under fide. - A Chive magnified. A A Seed-bud cut tranfverfely. A ewe rr AttHoveu little can be faid in favour of the flowers of this plant, yet the fingularity of its foliage excites our attention, as very diftin& from allits congeners. It grows with us to the height of fix or feven feet; at which fize, it produces its bloffoms. The firft plants were raifed from feeds in the year 1787 at the garden of the late Dr. Pitcairne at Iflington. It is increafed by cuttings, after the ufual mode made ufe of for, propagating Botany Bay plants; that is to fay, by placing the cuttings in the heat of a hot-houfe, or hot-bed, early in the month of March, till they are rooted. It is a hardy green-houfe plant when old, but rather delicate when young. Our figure was began from a plant in the Hibbertian collection, which flowered in the month of Auguft, 1800; and finifhed from one at the Hammerímith Nurfery, in November, 1802. A fhort apology may be thought neceffary for our retaining the original mode of terminating the name of this Genus, rather than as it is given by moft authors at present. Our plea is that only of priority, and the name under which the plants have been known, in our gardens, thefe 30 years; fince, indeed, Sir J. Banks's return from the South Seas. A flight miftake we with likewife to notice, in the etymology of the word Metrofideros, as given by ! Dr. Martyn in his edition of Miller’s Dictionary; itis there faid to be thus derived, M»/zz, medulla, | | | : REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Seed-bud and Cup, divefted of the Petals and Chives. the heart or pith of a tree, and cidycos iron; fuppofing the heart of the trees to poffefs the hardnefs, or colour of iron. Now the true idea on which the name of the Genus was founded, is the fhape and hardnefs of the feed-veflel, thus ;; Me/gov a meafure» and cidygos iron, as the appearance of the capfule, when ripe, will fully juftify. ' ¢ etre ate CVA p : | ^as mtm i t PLATE CCLXXYII. GERANIUM SPATHULATUM. Far. curviflorum. Spatula-leaved Geranium. Curled-flowered Far. CLASS XVI. ORDER . EV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. One Pointal. Five Summits. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. See GERANIUM GRANDIFLORUM, Pl. XII. Vol. I. Monoeyrna, Stigmata quinque. Fructus rof- tratus, penta-coccus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis integerrimis, fpathulatis, fub- Geranium with quite entire leaves, fpatula- ciliatis; calycibus monophyllis; petalis re- fhaped, flightly fringed; cups one-leaved; curvatis; ftaminibus quinque fertilibus; petals recurved; five fertile chives, root radice tuberofa. tuberous. a —— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement magnified. 2. The Chives fpread open. 3. The Pointal natural fize. A, The fame magnified. or OO Tuts fine variety of the Spatula-leaved Geranium is, as yet, only to be found, in the Hibbertian col- le&ion. Its date in Britain is the fame as the G. fpathulatum, of this work, plate 152, Vol, III. We should not have confidered the curved character of the petals, alone, a fufficient groundwork to con- ftitute, even a variety; but the flight fringe which may be difcovered on the leaves of our prefent plant, and not in the {malleft degree to be traced in the other, determined this to be, in our opinion, deferving notice, at leaft as a variety. For the treatment and culture of the plant, fee G. punétatum of the Botanift's Repofitory, plate 60, Vol. I. which may well ferve for this. | PLATE CCLXXXIII. | POGONIA GLABRA. Smooth-leaved Pogonia. MM a CLASS X. OBDER. 1. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. TwoChives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConorrA4 monopetala; tubus ad faucem pilofus. Brossow one petal; tube hairy at the mouth, Stamina fupra medium corolle inferta. Chives inferted into the middle of the blof- Stigma concavum, declinatum. Nux qua- fom. Summit concave, declined. Nut drilocularis. four-celled. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pogonia foliis eliptico-lanceolatis, glabris; flori- Pogonia with leaves eliptically lance-thaped, bus pendulis, minutis, albis. fmooth; flowers hanging down, fmall and white. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. i \ 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. A Bloffom cut open, with the Chives in their place. i : 3. A Chive, magnified. | 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud, natural fize. 5. 'The fame magnified. | | Tuts plant from New Holland, is rather more delicate than moft of thofe we poffefs from that country; i as it is apt to lofe its leaves if expofed either to damps, or much cold. It was first raifed in the year a 1790, by the late Mr. Robertfon, of Stockwell; is eafily propagated by cuttings, and flowers in | January, or February. The other fpecies figured in this work, Plate 212, and our prefent plant, are a the only two yet known of this genus. They require a very light fandy loam, or peat foil, to make | them flourifh. The P. glabra does not grow more than three feet high and flowers the firft year from cuttings. Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfery. « aret : glalia [4 Ll Pec 4 » v4 E ima tes - | PLATE CCLXXXIV. CHIOCOCCA RACEMOSA. Oppofite-leaced Snowberry-tree. CLASS Ww ORDER. j PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. | Carvx. Perianthium quinquedentatum, fupe- EwrPArEMENT. Cup five-toothed, above and rum, perfiftens. | remaining. ConoLLA monopetala, infundibuliformis; tubus || Brossow one petal, funnel-fhaped; tube long, longus, patens; limbus quinquepartitus; fpreading; border five-divided; fegments laciniis equalibus, acutis, reflexis. | equal, pointed and reflexed. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, filiformia, lon- | Curves. Five threads, hair-like, the length of gitudine corolle. Antherzoblonge,erecte. | the bloffom. Tips oblong, upright. PisriLLUM. Germen inferum, fubrotundum, || Pornrar. Seed-bud beneath, roundifh, flat- compreffum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine | tened. Shaft thread-fhaped, the length of ftaminum. Stigma fimplex, obtufum. | the chives. Summit fimple, blunt. PEnicARPIUM. Bacca fubrotunda, comprefla, | Srzp-vesset. A roundifh berry, flattened, coronata calyce, bilocularis. | crowned with the permanent cup, two- } celled. SEMINA duo, fubrotunda, compreffa, diftantia. | Sezps two, roundifh, flattened, and at a dií- tance from each other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Chiococca foliis oppofitis, ovatis, acuminatis; | ramis horizontalibus; floribus racemofis, | pendulis. Snowberry-tree with oppofite leaves, egg-fhaped, tapered; branches grow horizontal; flowers grow in bunches hanging down. — Áo M——— REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Empalement, natural fize. . The fame, magnified. . A Flower. . The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. . The fame magnified: € QI Tur Snowberry-tree is a native of Jamaica, and fome of the other Weft India iflands; requiring the temperature of the hothoufe to preferve it; growing to the height of four or five feet; but the ftem being too weak to fupport itfelf, muft be affifted. It is propagated by cuttings, and delights in a rich foil. We are informed in Miller's Dictionary, treating of this plant, that it was introduced to us, in the year 1729, by Mr. Warner, of London; and that it was cultivated, in the garden of Mr. Sherard, at Eltham, about that time. "The root of this plant is ufed medicinally, and has a very bitter, acrid tafte, It is a very free blowing plant, flowering the firft year from the cuttings; but but never produces its fine white berries in this country, which conftitute its greateft beauty, and whence its generic title. Our figure was made from a plant in the Hammerfmith Colle&ion. Flowers in September. PLATE CCLXXXV. FERRARIA VIRIDIFLORA. Green-flowered Ferraria. CLASS. AVI ORDER MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA. Threads united. Three Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Monoerna. Spathz uniflore. One Pointat. Sheaths one-flowered. PrrALA fex, undulato-crifpata. Stigmata cu- PETALs fix, waved and crifped. Summits cullata. Capfula 3-locularis, infera. cowled. Capfule three-celled beneath, SeeFERRaARIA PavoniaA, Pl. CLXXVIII. Vol.ILE, SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferraria foliis diftichis, vaginantibus, coftatis ; Ferraria with leaves pointing oppofite ways petalis lanceolatis aequalibus, interioribus fheathing the ftem and ribbed ; petals lance- immaculatis, anguftioribus, virefcentibus, fhaped, equal, the inner ones without fpots, | narrower and greenifh. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Seed-bud, Chives and Pointal. 2. One of the Chives, a little magnified, as feen from the infide. 3. The fame feen from the outfide. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summits, the Chives removed. 5. One of the Summits magnified. a Our figure reprefents the Morza Ferrariola of Jacquin’s Colle&anea 4. p. 141; but, as we conceive Ferraria a good, and diftin& genus, we have not followed either him, or Thunberg, who has like- wife thrown thefe plants to Morea. At firft fight we did not think this plant poffeffed of fufficient diftin@tive character to be treated as a different fpecies from the F. undulata; but upon clofer infpe&ion found it to vary nearly in every part; in the fhape of the flower, the leaves and the root. The fingular character of this, and the other Cape Ferrarias, of making but one growth in two, and fometimes three years; is hardly to be traced in any other plants, but conftantly fo in thefe. They produce their flowers about July, the feafon of their flowering; the flowers are as tranfitory as thofe of the F. pavonia; that is to fay, the duration of about fix hours. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Hibbertian Colleétion, which flowered in the month of July 1802. The Ferrarias all propagate by the root; and fhould be planted in fandy peat mixed with a fmall portion of loam. PLATE CCLXXXVI. HIBISCUS PATERSONIUS. Norfolk Ifland Hibifcus. EE CEAS'S XYE. OR DER VI. MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA, Threads united. Many Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Caxyx duplex; exterior polyphyllus. Stigmata EMPALEMENT double; outer one many-leaved. 5. Capfula 5-locularis, polyfperma. Five Summits. Capfule five-celled, many- feeded. See Hiniscus MUTABILIS, Pl. CCXXVIIT. Vol. IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hibifcus foliis acuminato-lanceolatis, coriaceis, Hibifcus with tapering lance-fhaped leaves, fupra punctatis, fubtus tomentofis; floribus leathery, dotted above and downy under- axillaribus; calycibus monophyllis, quin- neath; flowers grow from the infertion of quedentatis. the leaves; cups one-leaved, five-toothed. =a REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . The Cup with its foot-ftalk. . The columnar part of the Chives cut open, the pointal taken away. . The Pointal. . A fkinny membrane, which furrounds the feed-bud at the bafe. . Aripe capfule, with the enlarged cup attached. The fame, cut through the middle horizontally. . A ripe feed. NQG PR WOH -—— — -.——— —— Tue Norfolk Ifland Hibifcus is a tender greenhoufe plant; was introduced to Britain, in the year 1792, having been raifed from feeds communicated by Col. Paterfon, then ftationed on that Ifland. It attains the height of 12 feet, or more, becoming a {mall tree; may be increafed readily from cut- tings, and fhould be planted in a mixture of loam and fandy peat. Our figure is from a fpecimen received from the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Courtenay, in whofe collection at Powderham, near Exeter, it flowered for the firft time in the year 1800; and where alfo the feeds ripened. We have no doubt but this plant belongs to the Genus Lagunza, of Schreber; but as he propofes himfelf, and as L'Heritier as jufily obferves, the fimplicity of the cup is not a fufficient ground, on which to found a new genus; fo we have rather given our prefent fubjeét, the name under which it isin general known, than adopt a title for it which is acknowledged by the author, as rather unwarrantable. PLATE CCLXXXVII. STYPHELIA PARVIFLORA. Small-flowered Styphelia. CLASS.WVI— ORDER X. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Carvx imbricatus, Corolla tubulofa. EwraArzwrNT tiled. Bloffom tubular. STAMINA fauciinferta, Drupa quinquelocularis. Cuives inferted into the mouth of the bloffom. Semina bina. A five celled berry. Seeds by twos. See SryPHELIA TRiFLORA, Pl. LXXII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Styphelia foliis lanceolatis, oppofitis; floribus Styphelia with lance-fhaped, oppofite leaves; capitatis terminalibus; corollis minutis, flowers terminate the branches in heads ; albis. bloffom fmall and white. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. . 'The Empalement magnified. . A Flower, natural fize. . The fame, magnified. . A Bloffom, cut open, with the Chives attached. . The Pointal, natural fize. . The fame, magnified. Qakwhd & Tuts Styphelia, as are all the known fpecies of the genus, is a native of New Holland, and was amongft the firft plants which were raifed from feeds from that country. It is a hardy greenhoufe plant; grows very bufhy, handfome in its foliage, and feldom exceeds two feet in height. It is pro- pagated by cuttings, made from the tender fhoots, about the month of April; and treated as directed for other plants natives of the fame clime. Should be planted in fandy peat earth. Our figure was taken from a fpecimen communicated by Mr. Cuff, from his felect colleétion at "Teddington, Middlefex; where it flowered, we believe, for the firft time in England, laft year, in the month of Auguft, 1802. oV. outs. oe ——ÓÀÀ bem mt PLATE CCLXXXVIIi. PROTEA CYNAROIDE S. Artichoke-like-flowered Protea. CLASS Ty. ORDER. TL TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. ConoLLA quadrifida feu quadripetala. Antherae Brossow four-cleft or four petals. Tips linear, lineares, infertz petalis infra apicem. Ca- inferted into the petals below the point. lyx proprius nullus. Empalement proper none. Semina folitaria. Seeps folitary. | See Prorea rormosa, Pl. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea with nearly orbicular leaves, and very fmooth; footftalks very long; fcales of the longiffimis; fquamulis calycinis lanceolatis, cup lance-fhaped, keeled at the point. Protea foliis fuborbiculatis, glaberrimis ; petiolis | apice carinatis. ——$——[<— ——__ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret fpread open, with the Chives in their places. 2. 'The Pointal and Seed-bud. rr — To the Right Hon. the Earl of Coventry we are indebted for the figure of this fuperb plant; it having flowered in his Lordíhip's rich, and extenfive colle&ion at Croome, Worcefterfhire, this prefent February, 1803, for the firft time, in England; his Lordfhip did us the favour to order the flower to be cut, and fent to London; where it arrived, without the leaft injury, and continued in perfe&ion many days. The magnificence of this fpecies of Protea, can be but poorly expreffed within the limited bounds of our publication; we have, neverthelefs, endeavoured to do it all the juftice within our grafp. A confiderable part of the luftre of the flower is loft, from the fmall portion of the leaves which could be introduced; as the contrafted beauty of the fine broad fhining leaves, which form, as it were, a nidus, or ground wood for the bloffom, contribute, fo much, to heighten the beauty of the whole. The Protea cynaroides is a hardy greenhoufe plant, was introduced to Britain, in 1792, by Mefirs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmith, from the Cape of Good Hope. May be increafed by cuttings, taken off the lower part of.the plant; where they fhoot out in clufters to the length of an inch or more, and muft be treated as has already been direéted for Proteas in general. The plant, even at the Cape, feldom grows higher than 18 inches, or two feet, $ z P. UN . NH " DD : m : e j ^ é ! "E t 1 3 ^ : E xd) : " - £ " 4 ' j : Me ; ES T ¢ ia “ ‘ay — 3 : 1 n S IN IGE X TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED IN VOL. III. Shrub. Plate 145 Hillia longiora ......... «eee. | Long-flowered Hillia... 4... | H. He February. 146 Pforalea aculeata.... ..... e. eee ess. Prickly Pforalea....... . eee | G. H. | Shrub. | Auguft. 147- Gladiolus cufpidatus... ......... e. Spear-fpotted Gladiolus.......+--+--.+.. | G. H. Bulb. | May. 148 Lachenalia quadricolor ..........+.. Four-coloured Lachenalia.......... «eee. | G. H. | Bulb. | December. 149 Struthiola ciliata.......... S OTICUOU DIC Fringed-leaved Struthiola...... ..... G. H. | Shrub, | Auguft. 150 Geranium premorsum ....«......-.. | Bitten-leaved Geranium. ...... eere H. H. | Shrub. | March. Isr Pittofporum coriaceum ........ . ses. Thick-leaved Pittofporum .. ....... G. H. | Shrub, | May. 152 Geranium fpathulatum............. Spathula-leaved Geranium.............. | G.H. Shrub, | April, 153 Viola insi e epp oabiecooo d Bird's-foot-leaved Violet ...... d ET Har. | Herb. | May. 154 Echium argenteum, .... eere eee Silvery-leaved Viper's Buglofs ... ........ G. H. | Shrub. | July. 155 Ixia polyftachia. ........... eese. Many-fpiked Ixia . .. .......... escecee. | G. H.| Bulb. | May 156 Bankfia ericefolia. ...... «ee eeees. Heath-leaved Bankfia. . .......... Aor at G. H. | Shrub. | March, - E 157 Cordia Sebeftena...... Sie ed sevewece Rough-leaved Cordia .. ........... 2s | HL H.| Shrub. | April. 158 Geranium echinatum...........-.5 Prickly-ftalked Geranium ..........+++. H. H. | Shrub, | March. 159 Ixiacapitata,/'ar . flo. all o, fundo nigro. Bunch-flowering Ixia. Far. white fl. tlack ? e Dottam- ..- iu» cie edis eo nna te wer rrr G. H.| Bulb. | May 160 Ariftea major.......-++.++++ee+++ | Spike-flowered Ariftca....... Econ dg -. |G. H. | Herb. | July. 16x Hermannia pulverata.........++.++ | Powdered Hermannia.......-seeeeeee .. | G. H. | Shrub. | April 162 Verbafcum ferrugineum.....- Rufty-flowered Mullein............. .+. | Har. | Herb. | April 163 Amaryllis Fothergillia. alee RR) adele ona Fothergillian Lily -Daffodil. . Lo Me aja savin eG H. H. | Bulb. May. 164 Galaxia grandiflora .......... sse Large-Howered Galaxia ............ sss. G. H. | Bulb. | February, 165 Echium glaucophyllum....... +++. | Sea-green-leayed Viper’: «-Buglol E ond . | G. H. | Shrub. | May. 166 Gladiolus abreviatus ... +++ | Shortened-petalled Gladiolus . sers | G.H.| Bulb. | March 167 Brunsfelfia undulata............ ... | Waved-flowered Brunsfelfia..... 2o. | H. H. | Shrub. | March 168 Geranium pi&tum ........ esses Painted-flowered Geranium. ............ G. H. | Shrub. | April. 169 Crinum giganteum..... Gigantic Afphodell-Lily. . H. H. | Bulb. Auguft 170 Ixia Bulbocodium Var. fl. | peciofiffimo Crocus-leaved Ixia. Var. mop beautiful flower G.H.| Bulb. | March 171 Hypoxis linearis...... senno nnns | Linear-leaved Hypoxis ........ eee eese G.H.| Bulb, | March. 172 Anemone palmata ......... eene Cyclamen-leaved Portugal Anemone . . .... Har. | Herb. | May. 173 Geranium rofeum....... een | Rofy Geranium ...... oie o ciaivislacee ..... | H.H.| Shrub. | March, 174 Antholyza tubulofa. ........ ...... Tubular Antholyza ............ ee. . | G. H. | Bulb, | June. 175 Melaleuca ericafolia. ... .. ... ...- -« | Heath-leaved Melaleuca.......... Lus G. H. | Shrub, | July. 176 Crateva Capparoides ......... eese > | Caper-like Cratzva. o. emus see mes athe ole H. H. | Shrub, | fune VUE WE IERIPISE E OCDBOOD USUS ODE » | Dotted-flowered Ixia. . .......... 1... G. H. | Bulb. | May. 178 Ferraria pavonia, ,... «seen Mexican EBHAEIa.. ere rens [re ee ee | H. H. | Bulb. | July. , 179 Amaryllis reticulata... ...... eee . | Netted-flowered Lily-Daffodil ........... | H. H. | Bulb. | May. 180 Atragene auftriaca.......... 2.3... | Auftrian Atragene .. seszrs sei «je bla Ee m. | ebd erbe [Mas 18r. Vaccinium yirgatum,....-....+--. Green-twigged Whorte-bery « oso ote ecfers ei | : TS IS STEEL Pe C 182 Malva divaricata..... ....... eee Straddling-branched Mallow ............ G. H. | Shrub. | fune 183 Gardenia tubiflora ............ s.s. Tube-flowered Gardenia. ............... H. H. | Shrub. | July. 184 Pergularia minor........... Etc Smaller Weft-Coaft Creeper.... ......... H. H, | Shrub, | Auguft. 185. Pergularia odoratiffima. ave nto Qb5 c5 Sweet Pergularia, or Chinefe- Creeper. .. . .. H. H. | Shrub, | Auguft, 186 1xiafpeciofa............. ee peat Deep. Crimipn IX13,. .25 5e ejna o [enin 2 | G. H. | Bul. | May. 187; Echites fubereéta.......... DES Oval-leaved Echites. ....... S COUSO5Ctr H, H. | Shrub, | May 188 Gladiolus campanulatus. .. .. .... ... Bell-flowered Gladiolus. ... . ........ 2. | G. H. | Bulb, | May. 18g Zinnia verticillata. . ... ........... Double Zinnia .'.... e... eee Viale sis ja d Har. | Ann. | Auguft 190 Geranium aftragalifolium......... Aftragalus-leaved Geranium. DEVE TID OPAC: H. H. | Shrub. | July. 191 Platylobium fcolopendrum. . ... ..... Scolopendra-like-ftemmed Platylobium. . G. H. | Shrub. | May. 192 Antholyza fulgens , .. ....... ees. Refulgent-flowered Antholyza...... 2. | G. H. | Bull. | May. 193 Geranium lineare. ...,..... eee eeu. Linear-petalled Geranium.......... 2. | H. HB. | Shrub. | July. 1g4 Hemerocallis alba. ........ ........ | White Day-Lily............. ees | G. H.| Heb. | Auguft 195 Hypoxis obliqua...........++....+ | Oblique-leaved Hypoxis.......... eus. | G. H. | Herb. | fune. 196 Ixia maculata............ TD Spotted-flowered Ixia... ee eens eese - | G. H. | Bulb, | May. 197 Nymphzeacerulea .,.... «se. eene Blue Water-Lilyz- «eur eee nice Oe G. H. | Aqua. | July. J 198 Bauera rubioides.. gsx 2o/«« «20 MEDIEESIEAVEH ES MUPKA Se -2 e le gpl Pix ova es | G. H. | Shrub, | Auguft. 199 Camellia japonica. ” Var, ft. rub. pleno | Double Red Camellia. ............. Les. G. H. | Shrub. | January. 200 Melaleuca hypericifolia ............ St. John's-wort-leaved Melaleuca........ . | G. H. | Shrub, | September. 201 Aizoon canarienfe ,..... e eer en Purflane-leaved Aizoon ............ «++. | HLH.| Herb. | July. 202 Samyda ferrulata.., ........ es. .. | Sawed-leaved Samyda........... "OPE. H. H. | Shrub. | July. 205 Ixia columnaris ....... eee Columnar-chived Ixia...............ees G. H. | Bulb, | fune. 204 Geranium laciniatum. Var. jr. fto. purp. Ragged-leaved Geranium. Purp, fl. Far.. | H. H. | Shrub, June. 205 Platylobium viter sive Lance-fhaped-leaved Flat-Pea..,......... G. H. | Shrub. | November. 206 Draczena borealis .. ....... eee too (Ovelcleaved DISCE. parta s wx Vu dts v Har. Herb, July. 207 Mimofa longifolia ........ PR AC Long-leaved Mimofa............ ees. ++. | G. H. | Shrub, | March 208 Lafiopetalum ferrugineum ......... | Rufty Woolly-bloffom........ 4... e. | G. H. | Shrub. | March. 20g Geranium melananthum..,......+. Black-flowered Geranium. , H. H. | Shrub, | Tune. 210 Antholyza ZEthiopica.......... e. Broad-leaved Antholyza....... G. H. | Bulb, Tuy. 211 Ixia columnaris, Var. verficolor..... Columnar-chived Ixia, Change G. H. | Bulb, | June. 212 Pogonia debilis... .......... 2 eee Twipiug PORODIR; /r.Uvg Qa reor rd o G.H. | Shrub. | September. 213 Ixiacolumnaris. Var. latifolia,.... | Columnar-chived Ixia. Broad. leaved Va G.H. | Bulb. | June. 214 Wefteringia rofmarinacea.........+. Rofemary-like Wefteringia,......... «+++ | Ge H. | Shrub. | September. 215 Embothryum falignum,.....+...-.+. | Willow-like Embothryum .,.......++.+. | G.H. | Shrub. | May. 216 Epidendrum finenfe.....+.+++.++0+ | Chinefe Epidendrum,.,..-.++++++++++e+ | H. H, | Shrub. | September, e. » . o ml PTT dia " . ERRAT A. . Plate 153, Order, dele polygamia. "M 163, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, genetalibus, lege, geritalibus. 171, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, longiore, lege, /ongior. 175, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, enerviis, lege, enervis. Ref. lin. 1, for, one which, read, one of which. | 184, Gen. Ch. Ne&. lin. r, exterium, lege, exterius. Lin, 4, interium, lege, interius. * 188, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, longior, lege, /ongiore. 189, Sp. Ch. lin. 1, for, without, read, qwitb. 191, Gen. Ch. Stam. lin. 3, affurentia, lege affurgentia. 197, Gen. Ch. Corol, lin. r, quindecem, lege, quindecim. 200, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, uninerviis, lege, uninervis. 202, Gen. Ch. Stam. lin. 2, octodecem, lege, offodecim. 206, Order, for Pointals, read, Poirtal. Gen. Cb. Pift, lin. 2, ftaminium, lege, faminum. 207, Sp. Ch. lin. 1, poft, integris, inf. (,) 110, Sp. Ch. lin. 2, corolla, lege, corc/la. d Plate 237 I TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED IN VOL. IY. Paffiflora maliformis.... .......... Embothrium buxifolium Gladioluscufpidatus, Far. petaliscrispis Mafinnia fedlra: 2.2 enn rrr Wurmbea capenfis, Var. £ Geranium radiatum Calafia aval SORORE CET TOR Geranium reflexum Gnidia oppofitifolia . . DOPPLPT Magnolia pumila............... Gladiolus ringens, Var. multiflorus . . Hibifcus mutabilis, ar. flore pleno.. Magnolia fufcata........... usus. Dodonza REIQUIERT ln oe v sess siete s vive Gerbera Ahonaliss ».—25 2. e qe nima n Ixia capitata, Var. stellata .......-. Melanthium viride . Protea fpicata Mimofa difcolor . ^C Hypoxis ftellata, Var fire a allo. ... Cytifus tomentofus . Eg Roelladecurmens 20» «<0 ne wet Geranium felinum ^ Gladiolus carneus ............. OX Gladiolus orchidiflorus ..... setae whe Xeranthemum fafciculatum..,...... Protea lagopus. .. .......... D. Hemerocallis graminea..... Besant Ixia pufilla-... 4:5, Asse so ng, ow .. Geranium incraffatum ...,........ Geranium ciliatum..............- Protea umbellata.;:4 $22 A ols Pitcaimia fulphurea .. ....... ..... Ixia columnaris, Var. grandiflora . * a^a Lachenalia purpureo-cerulea ...... . Hebenfireitia.aurea ... 14... 2... vee Talinum patens... ..... VELA Len Geranium procumbens .... ........ Morea Northiana ......... ....... Ixiamaculata, Jar. porum. .purpureo Falkia repens. e OPES, ae Bankfia preemoría - PLC PPS Geranium pilofum ............... Ornithogalum odoratum . .. .... .... Cameraria latifolia................ Xeranthemum fpirale.. ........... Vaccinium ftaminium ............ Uo D eR: ai Ee BA s elo ai e Cyrtanthus obliqua. . Wiener awe Platylobium ovatum . ——— Jatropha pandurefolia . Tene ae see Gladiolus plicatus .. ......... suse. Geranium laciniatum, Var, litolor . Protea pulchella ...... Po OCT Afclepias gigantea. ..........++.., Embothrium lineare ..... ..... .... Lobelia pinifolia ........... EA Ornithogalum lacteum. Gladiolus ringens, Var. undulatus - Mbnfonia hii. - 222v. rero Protea fpeciofa, Var. foliis glabris . . Melaleucacoronata .... ....... eese Xeranthemum fafciculatum, Var. fl. al. Feros WOME 2... oon ot ve oe, Metrofidera hirfuta ...... Geranium fpathulatum, Var. cure rviflo. Pogonia glabra... ..... 2... eee Chiococca racemofa ............ ee l'erraria viridiflora Hibifcus Paterfonius.........-.+.. Styphelia parviflora ....... 5... s. Protea cynaroides ...... .. +006: NT Eee Apple-fruited Paffion-flower . Box-leaved Embothrium ... .. Spear-fpotted Gladiolus, "with orifpedpetals Rough-leaved dS. EINE V ome E Cape Wurmbea, Va Rayed-leaved Feb dei jiu EU d : Yellow-flowered Balfam-tree Dwarf Magnolia Bunch-flowering Ixia, Star-flowered Green-flowered Melanthium ........... Spike-flowered Protea . ........ sees 'Two-coloured-leaved Mimofa .......... Star-flowered Hypoxis, White Variety ... Downy-leaved Cytifus Bundled-leavéd Everlafting-flower ....... Woolly-leaved Protea ............. se. Grafs-leaved Day-Lily... ....... lese Dwarf-blue Ixia: ,& 720. eee ou. Soe ate oe Flefhy-leaved Geranium . ... ....... Fringed-leaved Geranium .. ..... ..... Umbellated Protea Sulphur-coioure | Pitcairnia Columnar-chived Ixia, Large flowered Far. Sweet violet-coloured Lachenalia ........ Golden-flowered Hebenftreitia.......... Panicled Purflane....... AIARMDPTENS Procumbent Geranium. Wis elena ENS Northian Morea . Spotted-flowered Ixia, "Small Far. pup. fo Creeping Falkia . Bitten-ended- leaved Bankfia . ECC CDOS Hairy Geranium. Baftard Mangeneal . . AE Spiral-leaved Everlafting-flower .. Green-wooded Whortle-berry ..... Woolly-headed Protea .. ........ Oblique-leaved Cyrtanthus.. .. +--+. Oval-leaved Flat-Pea........... ee... Fiddle-leaved Phyfic-Nut..........05.. Decurrent-leaved Roella ............... Rock-parfley-leaved Geranium ...,. ..... Flefh-coloured GladiGhisis ..¢ «cision « «1 Reflexed-leaved Geranium ....-.......- Oppofite-leaved Gnidia... ........ suu. Gaping Gladiolus, many flowered Var. ... Changeable-rofe Hibifcus, Double-flow. Var. Brown-ftemed Magnolia.........+....- Three-fided Dodonza ............... oe Oval-leaved Gerbera .. 2... 0.51. ceseeee Far. Sweet-fcented Star of Bethlehem « " a Plaited-leaved Gladiolus ...... ...... Ragged-leaved Geranium, quadr Vance e eos —— Waved-leaved Protea... ** Gigantic Swallow-wort. .... ...... ees. Narrow-leaved Embothrium Pine-leaved Lobelia. Large White- flowered Star of Bethlehem . - Gaping-flowered accept HH er ee ered Var. . Hairy- -leaved Monfonia . Smooth-leaved fhewy Protea TIT Flax-leaved Melaleuca .«.........+-++. Bundle-leaved Ky eee Broad-leaved Perfoonia . Hairy Metrofidera. Spatula-leaved Geranium, n, Curled.flo. Smooth-leaved Pogonia.......+. F Green-flowered Ferraria . Norfolk: (and! Hiblfouwssisess sess sese e Two-coloured- Var. Oppofite-leaved Snowberry-tree.. 6.64. + Small-flowered Styphelia.........5+ Artichoke-like-flowered Protea. ... Shrub, . Shrub, Bulb. Bulb. Bulb. Herb. . Shrub. . Herb. Shrub. . Shrub. . Bulb. . Shrub. . Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Bulb. . Bulb. . Shrub. . Shrub. . Bulb. . Shrub. . Ann. Herb. Bulb. . Bulb. Shrub . Shrub. Herb. Bulb. Herb. Herb. . Shrub. Herb. Bulb. Bulb. Shrub. . Ann. Shrub. . Herb. Bulb. Herb. . Shrub. Herb. Bulb. + Shrub. . Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Bulb. . Shrub. Shrub. Bulb. . Herb. . Shrub. Shrub. . Shrub. + Shrub. Bulb. Bulb. Herb. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. + Shrub. Herb, Shrub. + Shrub. Bulb. Shrub. Shrub. Shrub. July. September. May. March. May. July. September. July. April. September. May. November, April. March, July, May. July. May. September. April. Auguft. Auguft. June. May. March. May. June. June. April. July. July. Auguft. April. June. April. Auguft. Auguft. May. July. June. Auguft. July. July. June. Auguft. July. June. Auguft. July. July. July. May. July. September Auguft, July. July. July. June. July. Oétober. Auguft. Auguft. November. November. July. March. July. July. Auguft. May. January. ERRATA. * Plate 217, Paffiflora maliformis. For Plate CCVII, put, CCXVII. 218, To No. 1 and 2 of the reference to the plate, add, magnified. 226, Gen. Char. Chives, line 4, for, fixed on fide, read, fired on each fide. 233, For, Order I, read, Order III, for monygynia, read, trigynia, and for One Pointa!, read, Three Pointals. Bloffom, after claws put a comma. 235, Englifh name. For, two coloured leaved, read, two-coloured-leaved. 245, Char. Spec. line 2, dele (,) poft longitudine. 257, Gen. Char. Pift, Pro Germen, lege, Germina. 270, Specific Char. line 3, for flower head, read, fower-head. 276, Gen. Char. Corolla. Poft obovata pone comma. 282, Geranium fpathulatum, for, Plate CCLXX, put, CCLXXXII. a a ponto thes hn m Flu 9 gt tan Lan S me " a6 SA OLA AE GER amete 3