Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. A fe os as RR RE PE Ate ee th = ee ee ’ cole ‘ s C neste! a 2 - : «te , : - * = ee 4 a aes * ‘ : c iy ‘ ; & ; J . \ ia . \ ‘ , r Les. oe hay Sat i fe as | Re ee UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY BOOK NUMBER P&9Le Viet 0) Oe tir Reserve Jan.d-Aug. 26.1933 319128 ero 8—7671 va - ¥, 3 e ni a Bia CURRENT LITERATURE. 1 R AR Y ie ee = SEV Se COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE: ; %3 3 3 hy Os ; } ‘iy \\ gr) ww - cay As Prin LIBRARY OF THE.UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT,OF AGRICULTURE. WASHING ie is)! ; ~— Arrests Oo Pio Ao ip mu OL Soe eae eee ga reas ee eee Vol. 15 no. 1. Ja.314, 1933, Administr. Rep. Dir. Agr. Trinidad & ‘Tovachs ’ (87732) ‘Stell, Fs - . . Mycologist!s' report, cee "Admini str. Repe Dir. Agr. Trinidad & Tobago’ 1931s 54-57. 19232, Hilt of cocomts, and witch broom of cacao. Agr. et Elev. Congo Belge. (264.284) Une plante textile pew conme au Congo. Agre et Elev. Congo Belge . 6: 1084109. D.17,1932.no.17. " Mekole (milembe), ‘a malvaceédus plant. Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. (Syndney) Asay ae Cross, De Os Aids in: e dteed ching the identity of Johnson grass and Sudan grass. Agr. Gaz. NeSWe 43: 931-934. illus. D.l, ae nowl2. ‘fiir: se “Macindoe, gL. ' Recording disease in crop plants. II. ‘Cereal rusts. Agre G&azZe XN. Sele 43% ‘895-897. a ee Ee. Heky 19S, noes ae ha 1 elite ilagee, C. Je The adaurdence of , wees of Sistas in New — South Wales. Agr. Gaz. N.SeWe 45: 886, D.l, . 1832. Ho... 7 Poggendorff, We Flowering, pollination, and Heteaton cro ssing in rice. Agre GAZ e N.S eWe 453 898-904. , Del : 1932. noedl2,. A adage Agr. Journ. Fiji (25F47Ag) © “Simmonds, H. We. ) ‘ Weeds in relation ™ agehoul tures. Agr. Jourmne Big. 5: “Gelber, “N93, foe. |. Bf Agron. Colon.. (Paris) .. eK: ‘Ledreyx, | oa re ‘ La cal bure de Bt bi — undieeae (cont. ) Agrone Colone 21 (2): Rl am22Se~ pl wie 2D 01932, No eL80-6 4.3 yeuLture 8 , \ \ \ an V.L5, Noe Ls Deke Alpe, Riv. For. Ital. (Piacenza) Negri, G & others. La macchia mediterranea in Italia. Alpe Riv. For. Ital. 19: 377-466. illus. N./D. 1932. no.l1/12. Numero speciale dedicato agli elementi della macchia mediterranea in Italia. Amer. Journ. Bot. (450Am%) Cooper, De C. The anatomy and development of the floral organs of Buginvillaea glabra. Amer. Journ, Bot. 19: 814-822. illus., plelvi-lvii. D.193¢. n0eL0. =, . Gore, Ue Be Development of the female Satie eae and embryo in cotton. Amer. Journ. Bote 19:3 795-807. pl.livelv. D.1932. no.10. : : Gustafson, F. Ge. 7+ Anaerobic respiration of cacti. Amer. Journ. Bote 193 82348 24. , De1932. noelO. Humphrey, Le Me The chromosomes of Lycopersicum pimpinelli foli~ um, Amer. Journ « ol 198s 812~813. illus. De 1932. noslO. Taubenhaus, Je Je & Ezekiel, We Ne . Sclerotinia wilt of greenhouse snapdragons. Amer, Journ. Bote 193 808-811. illus. D.1932. noelO. S. sclerotiorum. Amer, Muse Nove (NoY.) (5OON83N) : Berry, E. W. ae pete, Eocene plants from Wyoming. . Amer. Mus. Nov. nowal’s 15 ps ibluse. Myecoe ooce - Berry, E. W. et Fossil plants from Chubut teh tot collected by the Scarritt Patagonian expedition. Amer. Mus. Nove no.536. 10 pe illus. Je,6,1932. Anal. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico. (442. 9M57) , . Samano Bishop, A. Chara tehuacanensi Sy Samano ad interim, Anale Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Mexico. 3: 233.234,...illuse 1932. Noede . oi 0L2d Vel5,. noel, Ped. Anal e Inst. Biol. Unive Nace Mexico. (cont.) Samano Bishop, A. Pedi astrun acantostephahos Sainano . Anal e _Inst,. Biol « Univ. Nac. Mex cos: oe iiluse 1932. H's a ined Bote ak) (450An4) Bre yo kalry Ke a Acocanthera~arten als giftpflanzen. ‘meer. Bot. 14: 511-536 « illus. N./D.1932. no.d. See pereaiey, Ke a Ueber die ursachen der - doa exie 5 bet. den steinobstbtumen, . Angew. Bote 14: 526~551 N. [De 1932. 5 es oe ‘ Meat lage Sa Ann. Re Staz. Sper. ie: Modena. (105. aren) Draghetti, A. ~ seals? “decorse della Cai re degli olmi nel modenese. Ann. R. Staz. Sper. Agr. Modena ‘HeSeck. 300~-304', 19226 Draghetti, Ae : Ricerche sull*assimilazione dell" azoto da parte delle piantine di frumento, durante il periodo * taicrotermicé°*invernale, Ann. R. Staz. Sper.'. ms Agr. Modena: NeSees 242280. pl.xi—xiv. 1932. Arch. Pflonzenb. (‘lisse Arch. Landis Abt .A) (Berlin) (18176) PSschl, Ve Die ‘deutsche ; muccefaser. Hine war enlci ndli che studie. Arch. Pflanzenb. © (Wiss. Arch. Landw. Abt. A) 9s (573.608, illus.~ tks Ro ede Ae Weinmann, He ; ’ ; Untersuchungen ter den aingiived des kaliun ions auf entwicklung und aufbau von somier gerste (Hord. dist.mt.) _ eo cae Pflangzenb. (Tiss. Arch. Land « Abt.) 93 ‘Beb-57e6 1980. no. 46 oF Beih., Bot. Centralbl. ‘Apt.I. (Dresden) ( 450B65B), Czurda, V, ; Ueber einige ile ffe der semelitrts- theorie. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.I, 50: 196— ZALOs aaa Nel93e. Nol. : 2 Ijin, eee Fah . ..> - * Zugammensetzung der salze in der pflanze cal verschiedenen standorten kalkpflanzen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 503 95-137. W192. NOcle Vel5, nosl, pede Beih, Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I. (cont.) Jaccard, P. & Jaag, O-. Photosynthese und pho toperio dizi tat in coll ene sturereicher luft. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.I, 50: 150-195. illus. N.1932. nol. Iucksch, I. Ernshrungsphysiologische untersuchungen an chlamydomonadeen. Beihe Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 50: 64.94, illus. N.1932. noel. Malhotra, Re Ce Biochenical study of seeds during germination. I-III. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 50: 1-7, 8~14, 15-19. illus. NeLl93e. NOole I. Periodic changes of reserve materials in normal germinating seeds. II. Periodic changes of reserve materials in embryo and endosperm of gerni~ nating corn. III. The di stri bution of some chemicals and energy in the previously isolated enbryos during germination. Meyer, F. Je Beitruge zur anatomie der alisnataceen. II. Die blattanatonie von Rautanenia ‘schinzii Buchenm. Beihe Bot. Central tl « “Abt, 50: 54463. illus. N.1932. noele — Ochn, Ge Beitrag zur kennthis der blattanatormie und - behaarung von Plantago nedia L., Pl. major L. und Pl. lanceolata Le, mit besonderer berticksichti gung der uriterscheidungsmtglichkeit der blutter auch in bruchstticken.. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.I, 50: 20-43, illuse N.1982. noel. Pohl, Fe Untersuchungen zur morphologie und biologie des pollens. III. Herkunft der pollenklebstoffe und Bote Mage funtion der antherenhaare von Cucurbita pepo Le Beih. Bot,Centralbl. Abt. I, 50: ‘138-149. illus. Ne1L9326 NGole Zohary, Me Neue beitrage zur kenntnis der flora PalwNstinas. Beih. Bote. Gentrell tls Abt. Es 50: 44.53, N.1932. Noelye Tokyo (450B651) Emoto, Ye Ueber zwei noch nicht in Japan Bekamite nyxo- rmuceten. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 593.596 illus. PF S19 Re no eD49. Barbeyella minutissina, Licea ninina,. Japanese with German summary. CLs ae eee a gin V.i5, Noel, Pede Bots. Mag Tolcyo (cont. 2. “ “Honda, ie : i iii - Nuntia ok ‘flared Rabe ae. XVIII. "Bote Maz. Tokyo °46; 633-638.': 0.1932. no.550. tenors: He Ueber den einfluss: dés cites, ee ee said des wassermangels: auf: die fartung der chrysan themmbluten. Bote Mag. Tokyo 463; 551-560. S.19%. N0 2549. ¢ 5 ak ‘Maekawa; Fe - Heenan ce mae Alabastra — ‘I. - Bot. Mage Tokyo 46: 561-586. illus. 5.1932. no.o49. I. Species of Arisaena and:Asarun, mainly new; ' Epinedium serpervirens, Pena genset Tovara > gneragdina,; n.eSpd. ge T, di ‘Notulae’ad plentes eboaatdly et Koreae. XLII! A Boe ee ae = aa anrictas 0.1932, no.550. Satake, 'Y. ai Systematic and anatoni cal waned, . on the Japanese Juncaceae. (3). =:Bote Mage Tokyo 46: msicemmacind ’ Me . . Observation on the teratological flowers and’ _ ... bracts of Viola obtusa Makinos:* Bot. Mag. Tokyo "463 588-592, illus. Si1982, no 0549, ie “)\ 6 ~ Japénese,,: Takenouchi, Me. . , ‘ i On: the new. variety ‘of Viola xanthopetala Nakai. Bot. Mage Tokyo °46: 587. §.1932. no.549. Var. laciniata. " J opanese with Latin diagosis. Bot. Jahrb. Enel. (Leipzig) (450En3B) m -Diels, Le _ - ~‘Beitraige zur kennitnis der neLastonataceen’ _.,.,ostasiens. Bot.Jahrb. Engle: 653 9%—119. “Del hacia NO 12/34 3 ‘pana! Espinosa, Re ai, : aie Ocekologische studien ther Kordi2i ee ee (norphologi'sch und anatormisch dargestellt). Bot. Jahrb. Engl. 653 120-211. illus. Del, 1932.6 no.2/3. v.15, no at 9 pb. Bot. Jahrb. Engl. (cont. ) Krause, Ke Ueber die vegetationsverhaltnisse des nord~ Ustlichen Kleinasiens. Wot. Jahrb. Engl. 65: 34379. Del, 1932. 0.2/3. ae _Ktthn, F. Miguel Lilloe Bote Jahrb. Engl. 653. 380~ 381 Del, 1932. n0.2/3.6 Papp, Ceo Monographie der europSischen arten der gattung Melica Le Bot. Jahrb. Engl.. 65: 275.348, illus. Del, 1932, noe2/S6 Poellnitz, K. von Anacampseros Le Versuch einer monographie. Bot. Jahrb. Engl. 65; 382.384.° D.1, 1932. apes Schwickerath, Me Die vegetation der ealktriften (bron on-erecti— verband) des nSrdlichen Westdeutschlands. Bote Janrd. Engle 65s 21rd ee illuse tab. Del,. 1932 - Ne 2/3. = | Gevitcnoss, Ce Benerkungen tiber die shay tee Bote: Jahrb. Engle 65s. 253-274. illus. Del, 1932. nooe/S. Bot. Tidsskr. (époaitiavn) (4508654) Bécher, T elle Beitr&ige zur zytologie der See Anenoneé. Bot. Tiddskr. 42: 183-206. illus. 1932. no.2. Porsild, Me. P.: ne Lycopodium alpinum i Danmark? Bot, Tidsskr. 423 209-210. 1932. no.e. Wiinstedt, K. oe Karpl antevegetationen paa Laesd. =: Bot. Tidsskr. 42; 89-181, illus., map. -1932. noe. Bull. Inst. Agron. Stat. Rech. Gaibloux (105.16285) Vanderwalle, R. Contribution & 1l'etude des maladies ‘chicrhone neuses de ltforge. “Bull. Inst. Agron. Stat.’ * . . Rech. Geibloux 1! 2912320. 4 pl. on'2, N.19385° NO ote English summary: pedcdl~322. Bull. Soce Hist. Nat. Afre: Nord. (Al ger) (SpoyrSanes) Es Sennen, frere _ Seconde ‘campagne botanique du Maroc en 1931. Bull. Soce Hist. Nat. Afr. ge 53s 257-276. 1932, aie ih a Bull. Torr. Club. (4510633) | ia Ny ee Epling, Ce Asterohyptis: a newly proposed.” genus of ‘Trexico and Central Anerica. Buble :Torrs st 60: 17-21. illus. JAelLI33,. NO ele ; (oA stellulata (Hyptis selina s . Hem ; a F we Johansen, De. Ae - oo eT Studies on the morphology ee the" eae eresone, . MII. Gayophytum ranosissimum, Bull. Torr. Club. 808: 128, , ide, ple is Seimei Role Levine, Me Crom gall on salwaro (Carhegiea gigantea). Buil. Torre sie 603 ayo ete Ane Ta1 955. HOeLs & i Mol denied, a sae rae” ee of Nomenclatural notese Bulle Torr. “club 603 55-59. Jael935. noel. _ Vitex qpacnialese BesDe Te ve e E Rice, Me Wee. be, a re ae eae sale 2 aah eo ae Ma) esaeeion in the rusts. Bull. | = Club 603; 26-54, plod 6o( JalIS3,- Hoel. ; Butler.Unive Bot. Stud. (indkamwener “(asia97) -Esten, Me Me ux. A statistical studyof. a eee association ot Turkey Run state park,: Parke county, Indiana. Butler Univ. Bote Stud. cs oe ‘, D.1L932. nold6s Lindsey, einige ie: : havi. ale Merrillville re gine Gites strobus) bog, Lake county, Indiana. . Butler aaa Boke Stud. 2: 157-178» Del 9 Bee. nNowl4.:: Tey Lindsey, Ao Je ae _ Preliminary: foss:1 pollen. Seige 3 of the ‘Merrillville, Indiana, white pine bog. Butler Univ. Bote Stud, es 179-1826 DLO Bee NO el Be’ “i Cactus (Mont. St. Amand, Belg.) (450¢112) Backeberg, Ce Kont gijmece cactussen zanelen? Cactus (Mont St. Amand, Belg.) 2(6)3:6-9. illus., port. D.1932. Vil5; nosl, p.8. Canad. Field Nat. (Ottawa) (AO. 90%8) . Groh, H. | ‘ Some new plant records for Canada. Canad. Field Nat. 47s. 10.. JaelL955~. NOels ., Range in Canada of Oenothera cruciata. Lopseed [Phryma Leptostachya] at its western linits. Plantago ramosa in Canada : aaah Journ. (Shanghai) (475¢44) Porterfield, Wo Me . “* Lawn and roadside plants.of Shanghai. (cont.) China Journ. -173. 305=31 4. “illuse. Deb 132. NeisGe noord Rend. Acad. Agr. France. (Paris) (14P215Bc) Cadoret, As - ,290f ies trephenentis contre le mildiou en 1932. Compt. Rend,, Acad. Agr. France’ 18: 1146-1149. D.2l, 1932. nooBte Costantin, J. Les curieux cag de variétés mosti quées a cent pour cent. Compt. Rend. Acade Agr. France 18: 1149—1155. DAL, 133s " NOoHe Viennot-Bourgin, Ge. * Les effets. secondsixes ae 1a@ caries. = Donmages cousés aux pailles et a feuillage. Compt. Rende Acad. Agr. France 18: 11441146.. D. ; * -Russtau und Prunus domestica. .Gartenbauwiss. %2 282-292. illus. D5, 1932. no.2. « Denatiunm pallulans. Uphof, Je Co Th. Wi ssenschaftliche wegboenendeea und versuche an agrumnen. IV. Der polygemische zustand einiger Citrusarten, ‘Garténbauwiss. 7: 121-141. illus. Ded, 1932. nos2e Gartenw. (Berlin) (806196) Herre, He ittwas uber eine “ seltene sukkulente. Gartenwe 4: 724.725. il lus. © Deo1L6, 1932. no 251 ° Fockea capensis. Ae Pape, He ; MOsaiklcrankhei t an glieder., blatt und ‘rutenkakteen. Gartenw. 36: 731-732. illus. D.23, 1932,°'no.52. . ‘ @rtenz. (Wien) » (8011632) °° noite He 7 Brennfleckenkrankhei t “— gurken und anderer 'ktirbisgewichse (Gloéosporium lagenarium (Passe) Sacce) |, Gartenz. (Wien) 8: 179. illus. D.1932. NOeL2s Sa ES it Me alt as Genetics (442, aca 8) = os WS Tew Ge fade Ee. ... te _., Segnental intorclinge in. —_— of iy Tradescantia, Set ct (183 53.676. ee Pleie c= “Pack IBde: NO 6l,< ViL5, NO oly pelt. Hadar (Jaffa) (80HL1) Reichert, I. A new root wt of id cake trees in peste Hadar 5:3 254-256. .illus..: N.1932 e” Bowls ves “Not exactly identified, although it obviously ‘belongs to. the one of. Basidiomycetes", Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. ‘Phys.’ chen. (Berlin) (384Z 38) Suneson, S. ~ . Beitrag zur frage-von der gjodverfluchti ging bei den lahtinariaarten. : ‘Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschre ves Physe Chere. R132 2706272. Del 9g 19826 no0.5/66 hens Fore (Dehra Dun) (99.8In2) Parker, Ite Ne _, The genus Cymbopogon. in ‘aaa India. indian Fore 58s 687-689 6 Dl9B. noe1e. Tadeo, & Engin. Chen. & Easton, Pa. (3e17825) Lindgren, Re Me, Scheffer, T. C.& Chapman, A. De Tests of chemical treatments for control of ‘gap stain and mold in southern, lumber. -Industr. & Hngih. Chen. 253 T2n'75 » (Jacl 933. NOolLe Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci. (Ames, Ia). (470109) Brown, F oHe- & LeWis, Ee Re The hydrolysis of pentosans from corn cobse Iowa, State Coll. Journ. Sci. (7: 29-33, illus. o.932.° ‘GHo ale . Clark, Ne Ae Technique for the growth of wena under ‘sterile conditions with controlled temperature and light. Iowa State Coll. Journ, Sci. 7: 13-16. : illus. 0.1932, mowed a ° j Martin, J. N. Structure and content of the pollen of sone pepe sae Towa State Coll. .Journ, Sci. A356), ‘illus, 0.1932, _ 20 Zul e Peterson, CoJe, Fang, BeH.Cs..& Hixon, RiMeo 15 The partition of the constituents of the corn stalk by the action.of alkali.. : Iowa State Ogi. Journ. Sci. 73 L704, ilkuse 0-932, NOwek tadien Toutes ers Sci< : (Gaheattae (22A¢283I) Dixit, PeDe Stadies in Indian pulses. [I-II], , Indian: Journ Agre Sede 2: 385-3906. 391-408, . Pls xLi- miviil (1, cols) . Agwigtags%.*. Bixee note on, the cytology, of ‘tgebuli" and Desi gram ‘types. [II] A case: of: gigantism in grem (Cicer arietinun) © hus Rott Achim at ket 5; noel, p.l5. ; eos Indian Journ. Agre Sci. (cont ~% ’ ae McRae, We “sr @ : “8 Effect, of mo sad.c: on Tee Tamas, ‘and the juice “of sugarcane in Pusae II. indian oes Agre SCi 2: 37803844 scguabilet halle iment ” Shaw, BeJeF & Ran, K oy," Pe & Studies in Indian Sobeeaee 7- °. The types of Nicotiana tabacum L. Indian Journ. Agr. sige! 2: 345-357. PL sRXXHKXKV »" (Ag1952. NO e4e! Journ, Agr. Res. (Washington, D.C. ) (1Ag49) Kingy. 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Jasi933,, momen Sir John Hill 17167-1775; Rudolf Heiden- hain 1834-1897, Tectona (Buitenzorz) (99.8B65) Endert,' F.- He Be beteekenis van Bruinsmiavoorhet boomflora- . onderzoek in Nederlandsch Indié, Tectona 25:3 1510-1515, E ‘ple Na 1952, noell. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci, (513764) Endo, Se On Cercospora circimscissa Sacc. pathogenic on the leaves of Prunus mume S. et Z. Trans. Tot— i tori Soc, Agr, Sel, 2: 249-252, Dols LOGLe Moe te V,15, nowls p27 Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Seii (cont. ) Hirat suka 9 Ne Zweiter beitrag zur uredinéen-flora von Sud- saichalin. Trans, .TOpmOET SOty Nene Gels. 2s 233-2466 Del, I9SlLe nmo.e. Puccinia miyakeanum, A.spe Hiratsuka, N. Eine neve Pucciniastrum-art auf Stewartia pseudo-—camellia, Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. eg: 247-248, illus. Deda Loci” Boal ; P. yosninagai. Hiratsuka, N. & Uemura, Ye On Japanese species of Hyalopsora. Tran so fottors: Soc. Agr. Boe 4: ea iilus, ee LO. 1932. HO, li Japanese with Latin cepa hen ee new species Heyamadana, H. hakodatensis, He aculeata) Hiratsuka,* MN. Studies on the Uredinales of Mt.Daisen. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Scie 4: 28-49. illus., fold.tab. dees LIses, . NOs le Japanese with Latin diagnosis. of n.sp. (Puccinia ° Gaisenensis) Hiratsuka, Ne & Yoshida, We ' Two species of Milesina on some Japanese species of Polysticinm, Transe Tottori SoCs Eres ES (Ca 4; 7-18, Je.l0, 1932, nosle M. exigua (n.sp.) Ms vobestaca Syd. Japanese with Latin diagnosis of new species. Tropenpfl. (Berlin (26175) Hoyer, Fe Die auswertungsmoglichkeit pepsi chor und sub- -tropischer kultur- und wildpflanzen fur papier-— technische zwecke, Tropenprl. 35: 499-5134. D.1932. No. 12. Bhs se Trop. jog Phali ne West Indies (arinided) (260754) Cheesman, H. He Mutant types of the dwarf BEL, Trop. Agri- culture West Indies. 10; 45, illus, Ja.l1935~. now. Hardy, Fe Auximone nutrition, Do plant growth-promoting substances occur in soil organic matter and organic manures? Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10: 18- LLe Jae1935. nol. vil, ‘no firp. 28) Trop. Acriculture Vest Indies (cont.) Wardlaw, C.. We : Banana diseases, V. Fusarium top-rot of immature Cavendish fruits. Trop. Ag griculture West Indies 10: 6. illus. Ta.1933s nNowle Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Leningrad) a GOMaaee Busch, 3. we ’ . Novyi vid roda. Veronica i iz Tuzo- eacuta " (Zalzavkaz'e) (Une espece nouvelle du,genre Veronica L., provenant de 1'0ssetie meridionale (Transcaucasie). Trudy Bot. Mug. Akad. Nauk SSSR 24: 238-25, TLL oe. Russian with Latin ieee Cane schistose) Busch, NeAe & Busch, E. A. »- is ~K -botanicteskoi karte Balkarii i Pqageee (Carte botanique de la Balkarie et: de la Digorie). Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Nauk SSSR 24:1-21. illus. 1932, Russian with German summary. . . , Hine: surze skigze der Vee cbatere Basch, Ne a Srednéaziat did ‘vid - Isatis na Apscherone (ites espece mé soasiat ique du genre Isatis, trouvee sur la peninsule d'Ancheron), Trudy Bote Muze Akad. Nauk SSSR 24; 27-29, illus. Lge Russian with eee diagnosis Che apscheronica) Gorodkov, Bo Ne Listvennye. mkhi \aryinse) sesueeeeee sklona . poliarnogo Urala (Les mousses feuillacees (Bryinae) Oe oe oriental de 1'OQural polaire). Trudy Bot, Muz. Akad. Nauk SSSR 24: 42-62. illus. US iey3r f Russian with German summary. Brachythecium uralense a.sp. (Latin diagnosis) Sambuk, F. V. hae Pechorskie lesa (Les foréts de la Pétchora). Trudy Bot. -Muz. Akad.’ Nauk SSSR 24: 63-250, \ alius, (maps) 12pl. 19325 Russian with German summary. DSL. Woes Paice Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Nauk S$sR (cont. ) Shishkin, Be "i K sistematike Sredne-azgiatskikh predstavitelei sem. Caryophyllaceae (De quibdusdam plantis novis Asiae mediae e familia Caryophyllaceae). Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Nauk ‘SSSR Bee) Slag Las BS Oe = a é Russian with Latin diagnosis of new species. (Stellaria turkestanica, Arenaria ferganica, A. litwinowii, Gypsophila krascheninnikovii, G. turkestani- Cay Acanthophyllum korshinskyi, Allochrusa tadshi- | kistanica n.ospp. &. yD sep iee diffusa Fisch, et Mey. (descr.nobis) Tolmachev, A. Ie - . K poznanith evraziatskikh dota te sextsii Wahl bergella. (Contribution a la connaissance des Melandryum, sec. Wahlbergella, de 1'Eurasie). Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad, Nauk SSSR 24: 261-267. illus. -(inclwmaps) 1932, Russian with Latin diagnosis of new sp. (M. gracile; M. taimyrense, Me baicalense) & subsspe Me affine tenellum, Tolmachev, De The Materisly dlia flory raiona poliarnoi geofizi- _ cheskol observatorii Matgchkii. Shar. i sopredel'nykh Ccjastei Novoi Zemli (Materiaux pour une flore de la -Tegion de l'Observatoire polaire geophysique du Matotchkin Schar et des parties avoisinantes de la Novaia Zemlia). Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Nauk SSSR 2a 275-299, . Gling ineiemap) 19325 Russian. Tolmachev, A. th, ait Novye resteniia adm Geet flory (Plantes nou- velles de la peninsile de Taimyr)’’ Trudy Bot. Muz. Akad, Nauk. SSSR Am 2E9ae doe wetllis. 19326 Russian with Latin diagnosis (Papaver pulvinatum Draba parvisiliquosa, Draba pohlei) Vict. Nat. (Melbourne) (410V66) Audas,- Je We A botanist in the Blue Mountains. Vict. Nate 49: 200-202. DUB NOB. Coleman, He A new victorian Prasophyllum. Vict. Nate A953 1956» Phils DelIS2e NOS Bs .,Prasophyllum pyriforme. aes 7.15, nol, ps30, Vict. Nat. (cont. ) ei Mee ae Coleman, Ee. Sa Reh: -.. Pollination of Diuris Sete Be R.BYs gees alesis ‘Nats 49; 179-186, -illus., pl.xiii, (_Dst9822 HOLE eS a Eee ‘s Ps Scott,> Ee He _- Augtralian’ orchidology. - Vict. Nat. 49: - 196-199, ‘port. * D.19S2y news; wie: Account’ of RS. Rogers,’ also fneindee note on Miss Rosa Fiveash, one ee! pile oes a Rupp, H.M.R. ‘eBy Plant life in the Pilliga serune Vict. Nat. 49: 187-190, illuss- -D.1932s°no78. Great plain TEASE IE stretches 60 miles from Varrum- _bungle Range to Nemot River. “Zentralbl. Bakt.! AbteIlI. (Jena) ee 3033 ) Com, He. Je .The Cholodny technic for the microscopic study Y oe the soil microflora. Zentralbl, Bakt. Abt.II. 87: 252-229, illus. 4° Bi2;/ 1982) aoy9) 12) Meer, J.H.H. van der am A study of the “virus ‘ftom bhie apbareele healthy potate variety Green Mountain, Zentralbl, Bakt. . Abt. sme 87: ‘240-262. “Plus. Dey.4952. nos9/ie, Coc 3B ae We : Algae as additional hosts of pathogens to angio~ spérms, Zentralble Bakt, Abt. Il. 87s 229-233. D.l2, 1932, no.9/12. Der Ziichter, ae) (4 1.A2 828) a ae eerie von Zea may al Saritnelabiobat ‘Der Ztichter — 4: Fe gel illus. ~Ds1932. nol2. Herzfeld—Tuesthbtf, Fe Patenfahigkeit inadvietechatnan pees kul tur- fahren, Der Zuchter 4: 302-304, D.1932, no,12. Savelli, Re ; tudien tiber den ferrarischon han, Der Zuchtcr 4; 286-290, illus, +: TRE nts Ufer, iM, - Beitrigd zur biiiterbiclogic der fPeerans Der Zlichter 4: 281-286. D.1932. no.12. S 5, Nowl, "psSls Exper. Stat. Publ, Durrell, LW. & Glover, GH. ' Polsonous plants of Colorado. Colorado Agr, Hips Sute Bull, SU6,“reviged, Bo p,” tlluss §.1931 (Recd Ja,1933) (100C715) . 4Durrel We "De We Report of the botanist. © Ann. Rep. Colorado Aer. Exp. Stat. 45(1931/32): 27-31. 1932,(100C718) ‘Illinois agricultural experiment station ‘Horticulture. In its Amn. Rep. 45(1931/2) ise=227 7 Altus, 932" “(Podnies) Includes notes on plant diseases. Fiske, Je Ge Some poisonous plants of New Jersey. New Jerseyrazr, Exp. Stat. Circ, col. 30 ps, illus. Os 1932, (100N46s) Tiedjens, V. Ae & Blake, MeAe Factors affecting the use of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen by apple trees. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 547. 32 p. illus, 4.1932. (100N46s) Hoefle, OM. Week seeds found in vegetable. ‘seeds. New York Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull, 616, 165 De N.1932 (100N48) Horsfall, J. Ge: Red oxide of copper as a. dust fungicide for combating damping-off by seed treatment. New Yor Aer, Hxps Stat. Bulls 615... 26 Pe illus. N.1932 (100N48) State sebldes inns, New Books. Bodine, EH. 7. & ihenatls Tus Purple blotch of onions. Colorado Agr. Bxt. Servs Circ, 119-A. [4] wh OP Mile os Dy19S1 (Reed Ja.i933) (275,e9Cc71c) Barks yu As Hier Ge) PLEVSTOGLL i Mei _ The control of garden insects and diseases, Ohio Agr. Ext. Serv. Bulls 76. 48". illus. Ja 1932, (275. 290h32) : Frey, Ee Cladoniaceae (unter sind ERS der gattung Cla- donia) und Umbilicariaceae. lfz. 1. illus. Leipzig, 1932(Dr.L. Rabenhorst!s Krytpogamen-flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz IX bd. abt.eIV/1) (461212) V.15, noel, p32. New Books, ( cont.) art r Heidenhain, Me Sg ee Ce ee Die spaltungsgesetze der ‘latter. Jena, Ge Fischer, 1932, (463,4H354) Kiem, Ge Handbuch der pflanzenanalyse. 3. bd., Spezi- . elle analyse. 2 teil, Organische stoffe II, 1.- _®. hélfte, .‘Wien, J. Springer, 1932 (463,2V672) Das pflanzenreich... ursg. von A. Engler, fortge- —setzt von-L. Diels. h.98d.(1V,165). Sapin- daceaé IV, von L. Radlkofer. Leipzig, We Engelmann, .N.15,1932. (452Ea3P) Pittier, H. : Clasificacion natural dé las plantas con espe- cial mencion de las familias mas importantes de tha, flora de Venezuela v.de las especies de interes economico,. Caracas, Tipografia americana, 19352. (457. 4P68C1) Reinders, E " Plantonamatomie. handleid ing. Wageningen, Ponsen & Looijen, 1931. ° (463. 42273) > Wee Ps, The Collections s of fungi in China by foreign ex- plorers. [n.p.] 1932, (Pamphl. 462) Reprinted from Nanking Journal Vel, DeOd7— 048. 1932., pea Lie : ne 4 Notcs on Chinese funei, IH [nyipy) I9Se, (Pampl.462T), Reprintcd from } eras Journal v.2, pal7l- 179, sleet -s : : Foscer ints coe Mee Goografiia rastilteol!noso pokrova severo-zapa- da Evropelskoi Cchasti SSSR (Die Seograpnrie der vegetatignsdecke des. norwestens des Huropdischen tells der U.d.S.S.Rs)} -Leningrad, Izdatel!stvo ikademii nauk. SssR, 1932, (459.2778) Russian with German summary. Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd or not available. . itanasov, D, Sharka po slivitié, edna hova ‘virusna bolest (Flym pox, a new virus: disease). 7 Freprinted from .. Ann.: Univ. Sofia; Ve Fac.:Agron, lis 49-70. illus. wt [L982 Bas! set Resa: Ve15, nools peddq Reprints. (cont. ) or.0¢ “ty: Atanasov, D. Zagivaneto na briesta, Scemaguanelia ‘wnt (Schwarz) Buisman, Graphium ulmi Schwarz (The Dutch elm disease in Butgaria) ?Preprinted from > ‘fori. Univ, Sofia V. Fac. Agron, ll: 71-86. ids, [19Z2 | es stat MoxsIy plsal Library of. purest of Plant Teta, Agete, His Nuevas variedades de peuacates..« (New varieties of avocados in the Agricultural experiment station. Santiago de las wee Cuba.) Rev, Agre, Come y Trab., Cuba 11, ices 12(11)¥ 14-176 0° My.1931. Bates, Me | El aguacate en Guatemala (The avocado in Guatemala). Contr. Serv. Tecn. Cooperac. .Agre (00,876 Fe. Fe193L6 Dieckmann, J. Gs Seat a Contribucion al es i neeie de las solanaceas ar- gentinas (Contribution to the study of the Argen- tine Solanaceae) [1912] _ Partial transl. “Hdvards,” Noam 7 Una nueva see de seograt ia Epiemaicn chilena (A new set of the maps of the plant geography of Chile). Rev. Chil, Hist. Nat. 25/1921): 124-127. 1923, Las frutas de Guatemala( The fruits of ceueneiiey ) " Anuario Serv. Tecne Cooperace hare #OSLs Pedo-I5~6 deetste .! 3 Kempski, Kells | Die ramiekultur (Ramie culture). #Neuves-hand- buch der er a agrikultur ee Abi lie AIG pe 1931, | ; ‘ Lan, Te a i Les plantes indochinoises de grande culture. Nee LId0s Transl. of portions on abaca, agave, jute, kapok and ramie. V.15; fos, p34. Translations. (cont.) Looser, Ge La °*zarzamora (Rubus wimifolius Schott) en Juan Bérnandes (The ‘zarzamora (Rubus ulmifolius Schott en Juan Fernandez). Reve Cuil. Hist. Nat, Sl: 84-835. “1928.° fen Nadson, G. & Filippov, G. Sy ~Q voubuzhdaiushchem deistvii ul! trafioletovykh luchei na tazvitie drozhzhevylkh i plesneyvkh grib- kov [De Ll'action: excitante des rayons ultraviolets “sur l'evolution dés mycetes. Vestnik Rentgenol -i Radiol, (Ana. Jigen of & Radiol. ) 5: 425-431, areey. qo 3% 4 : Photostat of Russian with English abstract in B.P.I.e Library, ; «-Popenoe, We : Bl problema ‘de la variedad en la horticultura tropical. (The problem of variety in tropical horti- culture). Contr. Serv. Tec. Cooperac. Agr. 20.41, 1L2:-pe Jes 198i. fabier. 1 Fe Sisal und andere: agavefasern (Sisal and other fibers of agave). Berlin, 1910 (Wohltmann- bUcher bd.10. Monographien zur landwirtschaft warmer linder, begrtindet’ von dr. 7. Busse, fortgefthrt von dr. A. Zimmerman) Ri Correction, Wat’, NO.25; Dede Cashmore, A.E.* should be Cashmore, A.B. ‘under - pe . Bull. Counc. Sci. & Inds Ress Austr, New Books at GbitL ex, «3,06 oS." Cyanophyceae (blaualgen)...(schluss) lfg. 6 (p.1057-1196) Leipzig, 1932(Dr.L. Rabenhorst!'s Kryptogamen-flora von Deutschland, ‘Oesterreich und der: Schweiz XIV. bd.) (461811) : CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOG! as BUREAU OF PLANT industay) é COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED INESTREA oF i LIBRARY ‘oF THE UNITED: STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. v: + Vol. 15, noe2. Jan.16-28, 1933. ~ Acta Bot. Bohemica a - (450082) * Domin, | Kear’ ‘ Schédae ‘ad fells pt ersectea yes os exbiccatam Cent. III. Acta Bot. pohemica v.el0, 79 pe 1931. Agr. et Elev. Congo Belge. (26.8884) Ne Staner, P.- ‘. Les fruits a Congo. - Agr. et Hlev. Congo Belge 7: 4&7. illus. Ja.7, 1933. “Hol. Extrait cha. Bulletin de la h eeeeo | Agr. Notes Dept. Agr. Trinidad & obago (ev7s2a) Stell, le) A disease of Tonka bean rad Hine! Notes Dept. ‘Aer. Trinidad & Tobago Mera DelISe~0 Noel. Cones es irl eke Anais Inst. ‘Sup. Agron. Lisboa Repagersall ed _Mel'lo Geral des,’ C. de.,' Almei da, de. & Duarte, Cs tude sur quelques #raines oléagineuses foresti- éres de 1' Angola. Anais Inst. Supe Agron. Lisboa Se Wse4, "1932. no el.’ - ‘Silveira, gic die}. aha . ~~ Contribution eee que » 1 étude: chimique des -+ Scorces de palétuviers des colonies portugaises. Anais Inst. Supe Ag STON» Lisboa 5: 2o-138. illus. 1932. nocl. ‘ dbx (heer 1 i ieee yee Ann. Inst, Nat. Aerod. (Paris) (10s: 3tn8) Temoi gne, Me.’ & Monguillon, P. pA AT AE présence de 1 Pepeeyilel arial eaxtst nol et du Ced= batyltneglycol chez les plan tes superieures forma ‘tion a cours de la germination. © Ann. Inst. Nat. Agron. I1,24: 41-44. 1921. ° ie Ann. Serv. Bote et Agron. Tuni sie _(108T8324) ed Boeuf,° Pe bc ; a Le bLé en Tuni' siee: Ann, Gerve Bot. et Agron. Tunisie v.8. 454 p. plates (pt.col.), fold. maps. BAAS Ma Te + Pe by isree E TANY [te f a SBSRAR: H Rec wees } ros ; = a ; DAS Tee ' Ce Vaelds no omy Perms Ann. Rep. Bur. Sugar Exp. Stat. Queensl. (65.9Q3) Bell, As Fe Work of the Division of Pathology...for the year ending 2lst October, 1932. Ann. Rep. But. Sugar Exp. Stat. Queensl. 32(1931/32): 46. BOle! GBs th ‘ Ann, Rep. Cacao Res. Trinidad (68.39C11) Pound, Ki, del The gmetic constitution of the cacao crop, inn. Rep. Cacao Res. Trinidad 11931): 10=24, WOS2 » Pourid, F, Je . S§tudies of the fruitfulnéss in cacao I-II. "Ann. Rep. Cacad Res. Trinidad 1(1931): 24-28. Pass |. ISS6 o, | ’ I.A note on the abscission of the flower. II. Evidence for partial sterility. Pyke, HE. Hs a ae ‘The vegetative propagetion of cacao. Ann. " Rep. Cadao Res. Trinidad 1(193L)% “4-9. ple i. ISG" Ann, Repe Dept. Agr. Tanganyika Terre (24T15) Wallace, Ge Be La Report of thé ‘mycologist. Ann. Rep. Depts Agre Tongenyika Terr, 1931: 94-97 1932 .(24T15) Austral. Journ, Exp. Biole & Med. Scie (Adelaide) (442.8Au7) Phipps, lel. & Gurney, He Ca. A preliminary note on the origin of a Retype speltoid in Triticum vulgare. Austral. Journ. EXps Bil. & Med. Scie 10: 215-218. D.16, 1932. note Bartonia (Philadel via) (451P 532) Hitchcock, AeSe The grasses of the livhlenberg hérbarium. Bartonia 14: 27-52, Dee, 1932. nowl4. sie Pennell, Fe We. Suiah 4 S ras Geokee William Bassett (1871-1932). Bar toni o, 143 58. Dee, 1982." Stone, a ; ; . ; ‘ Ida Augusta Keller (1865-1922). Rartonia 14s 59260. De ey 19326 deocias, We Te Dr. William Darlington, $hysician and botanist. Bartonia 14: 1-13. port. D.2, 1932. Bartonia ( Ber. ‘Dae, Tidb) Ho.2, ped. cont. ) , pry re, Wherry, E. T. i" The eastern long-styled ohne Ede Bartonia 143 ane pl eke Daty Age NO el 4. ‘Bot. Ge. (Berlin) ° ‘(asip4s) Deoktuzowsky: W.*S.° Zum aufsatz von N.. Katz "Zur:kenntnis der moore des fernen ostens". Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 50: 437. De29, 1932. noe. - Donat, Ae Zur regionalen gliederung der vegetation Patagoni ens. Bere Deut. Bote Ges. 50: 429-436, Deed, nore cor: ti, oth, Ge Var. Hin neues botanisches messer Zum schnei den mit der hand. Ber. Deut. Bot. ‘Ges. 503 438-443. illus. De 29, (1982. NO ee Rytz, We. Beitruge zur kenntnis der gattung Synchytrium III. Infektionsversumh e mit einem Synchytrium von typus S. aureum Schrdt. Ber. Deut. Bote Ges. 503 .463-471. De29, 1932, noed. Schaffnit, E. & Ludtke, Me - Vener die bil‘dung von toxinen ae ver schi edene . pflanzenparasiten. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 50: 444-463. illus, D.29,°1932. no.9. Experiments’ with Ophiobolus Peoria s, Fusarium lycopersi Ci » F. vasinfectum and Didymel la. lycopersici. Schmidt, Ee We “Ueber eine pathologi sche fettbildung im zucker- ribenblatt. “Ber. Dait. Bote Ges» 50:. 472-474. illus. “De295, 1932. now. Bergcultures, (Batavia, Java) (eee a Gandrup, Je Phy topathologi gche probl: emen in de ‘koffie- ‘cultuur., Bergeultures 6: 1888-1594, Del 719320 Noebdle Biole Gen. 5 ma (Vienna) ( 4426 88525) .Porsch, Os ; est .Goethe und die pflanze. Biol. Gens 9: LO? 150. 19326 TOle hist. Ke munyienliens YEE. Bot. Not. Wits P"Howce pds (Lund,Sweden) (450B656) Borgstrvia, Ge Ae. -Na&gra besten nar “av: Gironsyrehal ten hos sockerbeta och aOdnete. “Bot. Not. 1932: 445. 456. 1922. N06. . 7 English sum =. be 454.455, Gustafsson, C. E. - Rubus fasciculatus P. at. och Rubus ambie farius P.dele ‘Bote Not. 1932: 457459. illus. 19 S26° Moisbe Hammarlund, C. : Zur: dioldgie Yes Mahonia-rostes (Pugcinia mira bilissima Peck). Bote Not. 1932: 401- 416. illus. 1932. Nos. pipe Lindquist, B. Ranunculus fluitans Lamarck, en f§r svenska floran ny vaxt. ~ Bote Not. 1932: 393-400. illus. 1932. no eOre Magnusson, A. H. New or interecting swedish lichens. VII. Bot. Not. 1932: 416-444, 1932. 2 10.56 Bull. Dept. Agr. Canada (Ottawa) (7C16B) Newton, Mf. & Johnson, T. Specialization and hybridization of wheat stem rust, Puccinia graminis tritici, in Canada. Bulle Dept. Agr. Canada “no.160. 60 p.- illus. 1932. Bull. Econ. Indochine Sect.B. (22. Srmep) Bull. Gard. Club. Am Léandri, Je Hote sur le ron (Garcinia nae des gutti- Hees) dsw.g Le province de Kompong-Speu. Bull « eon. : pat@enand Sect Be. 35: 633-640. S./O5. 1932. er. {81G15) Sewall, Be He ~ a Flower arrengemente . Bull. Gard. Club. Amer. Lo ie (SAelISS~ noel. Bi, Win, Bae. 4, Brit. (1067948) . da Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. Asparaguse Its Bulle no.60.. SL pe illuse, BS pleon"S. DeLIG2, nos60.. | — Diseases: pe 49-50. ° tas, 206 a) ped. Bull. Misc. Inforn, Kew. (London) (aaKeLB). i Bullock, ae ve : j ' “New species fron fines Toe Bull. Misce Infom. Kew. 19323 487-5095 no.l0O. Cocton, A.D. ' The arborescent Senecios of Mount Elgon. Bulls Misc. Inform. Kew, 1932: 465-475. no.lO0. Craw, WeeG. Contributions to the flora of Sian. Additanetun XXXVII. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 193e: 475.485, no 10 ° Hutchinson, de Notes on the flora of sete Africa. IIIe Mise cellaneous new species. Bull. Misc. Inforn. Kew. 1932s 5LO-Sle2y noelOis Colif. Citrogr. (Los Angeles) (80C125) Johnston, Je Co Zinc sulfate promising new treatment for nottle Heat, Calif. Citroger. 18s 107, 116-118. illus. F, 19332 note enade. Dent. Agr. Pargh. Greaney, Fe Je Sulphur dusting of grain plots for control of rust. Canada Dept. Agr. Parmphl. NneSe,y Noel dey Bie alise., LOSks GUssow, He Te The stem eelworm (Tylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn) Bastian) of narcissi. Canada Dept. Agr. Pamphl. eSey no-el44. 11 Pe TGS 1932, Studies in diseases of ornamental plants,II. Canad. Flor. (Peter boro, Onte) (80C16) Macowm, Wo Te The Northern Spy apple a parent in breeding. Canad, Horte 563 LOml1l. Jael935. noel. Canad. Jouvn, Res. (Ottawa) (330.9G16C) Jono dt, wey! Se & Mallach, Je Ge Nora sty" wheat coused by Ustilago utriculosa on doci-Leaved persicary. Canad. Journ. Res. 73 S7ousoces | tL ple D..19326 NO eH. Persicary (Polygonum lapathi foliun). VWel5, Hoge, peoy Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. (505pP21) Fischer-Piette, E., Heim, R. & Lani, R. Note prélininaire sun une maladie bactérienne des zosteres. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris (1953142041422. D.27, 1932... no.26. Frény, Pe Cyanophycées vivant dans le thalle des Codiun, Compte Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 195: 143-1414. D.27, 1932. noec6b. Hydrocoleun coccineun be Tierseciess waitneri, (massps)i, Me codla (nsps Pe) Brachytrichia balani, & f. purpurea, nf. Grigoraki, Le Sur un nouveau milieu de conservation des derne- tophytes (Pléomorphisme, caractere acquis, spécificité tissulaire). Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 196: 60-62. J&ed, 1933. noel. Michel-—Durant, E. Sur l'azote, le soufre, le phosphore, le potassium des fevilles de Prunus laurocerasus au moment de leur chute. Compte Rend. Acad. Sci. *Paris 195:.1419-1420.: .D.27, 1932. no.6. Vladesco, Ae Sur les premiers cloisonnements di Zygote des fougeres leptosporangiées. Compte Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 195:1415-1416. D.27, 1932. noec6. Wong, Ds Wwe . : Quel ques observati ms sur Ll'Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Fuckel. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Parise 195: 1417-1418. Dacig 1932.6 noecb. Corte Rend. Soce Biol. Paris (442.9P21) Conard, .A.. La croissance et la division chez Degagnya mhajuscula (Kutz.) Conard (= Spirogyra, najuscula Kutz.) Compt. Rend.s Soce Biol. Paris 111(40)s 1090-1093. Jace6, 19335. no.40. Egnus, Me Ltinfluence du radiun sur le développement du cresson alénois (Lepidiun sativun). Compt. Rende Soc. Biol. Paris 111(40): 1094. Jae6, 1933. noed40. Guilliernond, Ae. Sur les caracttres es des pignuents anthocyaniques des fleurs de Dianthus caryophyl lus. Compte Rend. Soce Biol. Paris 111(40): 973-976. Jae6, 1933. noe40. Vv ol: 5 One Bigs se) ae é Compt. Bend. Soc. Biol. Paris. (coats as aah Ets Malinowski ,- He : f Ae PRevoeenes de Lt acktedtectel® ae 1A vi gueur rer lesan Les hybrides de Phaseolus vil'garis (Le) Jin Saati, -- ' Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris ne ‘SMO SSATORE i Jae6, 1933. o.40. x (sensed: eh Sur le pignent et le cal.cai re ites Fuli go septica Gel. - Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris. | bg ly 96-940. illus. Jae6, 1933. no.40. Moreen, Fe é& Morus, Oo. : ‘Sur des réactions semelles inparfaites chez les ascomycttes di genre Neurospora. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 111(40): 954.957. Ja.6, 1933. no.40. Simonet, M. & Miedzyrzecki, Ch. Etude caryologiqué de quelques espéces arbores- _centés ou sarmenteuses @ornament. Compt. Rend. .S0CS Biol.» Paris 111(40):-9692973. illus. Ja6, 1933. no.40. | Contr. Arnold Arb. (451Ar6C) Johnston, I. 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G.& Evans, Me Me iby Crowm gall on a conifer. © Phytopath. 23: Ralls iijuse Was las wos le eat ‘Qn Cypressus arizonicas Bddins, Ae H. & Voorhees, RK. Physalospora zeicola on corn and. its taxonomic and host. relationshivs. Phy topa the Bae eG) om illus. else Horas Pe zeicola, perfect stage. of Diplodia frumenti. Feli 2e5 ein edo Disease resistance in Allium-? fistulosum L. ane ee Boe MOS= 1A 3a.1933, Wace ““Winternectze" or "White Welsa". Godfrey, Ge H..&. Hoshino, H.M.. Studies. on certain environmental relations “On, Une root-knot- nematode, Heterodera radicicola. Phytopath, - 23: 41-62, Ja.1933. noel. Phytopath, Veldj, ROe2y Pecls (cont. ) daezsen, We Vehs ch. Hartley, Ce. _ Pransmissibility of the’ brooming disease of blac: locust. Paytopath. 23; 83-90, ‘illus. Poet OA.’ Beds) aay a ee ke ee Decay of ore and erowth of some Aymenomycetes as atfected by temperatures Phytopath, 25; 73— 81. Ja.1933. ao.1. : Lindgren, Rif. & Chapman, A.D. Field inoculation of Pinus strobus with sporidia of Cronartium ribicola in Minnesota. Phytopata. go; WOO=GO7. . | Ja, 1955, Ogle TEC) eb See nA Knob and elevated vein formations on sweet—potato FOO0tS. Paytopata. 25: 91-96. illus. Ja.1933. NOole Knob disturoance caused by Cacoenma radicicola; ein phenomenon a soil trouble. Steiner, G. & Buarer, Bele Tae bulbous irises as hosts of Tylench hus dipsaci the bulb or stem nema. Paytopath, 23;-103-105. agAuss) Jac l9S5,. Gade Waterman, A.M. & iicKenzgie, MoA. A disease of Colorado fir. Phytopath. 23; POB—109.4.” )SaslIdac DO.ls Rewniellopsis Donemica on Abies concolor. Planta Arch, Wiss. Bot. (Berlin) (450P693) Beyer. i. Untersucnimgen zur tneorie der pflanzlichen tropismen. Planta Arch. Wis. Bote 18; 509-524. Deeds L9S2, Ade So ; Die bezienungen zwischen geotropischer krtmmung und wachstum bei dikotylen, Doring, He _ Beitraége zur fraze der hitzeresistenz pflanz— licner zellen, Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 18; 405- ASa, iiwds, Dec0, I9S26: Roses Hxperiments with Fucus. Heitz, E. ' Die herkunft dér caromocentren. Planta Arch. diss Bot. 18; o71-636. 435-478, DecO steer. NO.de Oppenheimer, H. R. ~ “Untersuctmagen zur kritik der saugkraf tmessungen. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 18:525-549. D.20, 1932. NOs 5 ' } Seyoold, A. “’"Teber die: optiscien eizendchaften der laubblitter. a Planta’ Arca. Wiss. Bot. 18: 479-508. pit oa DacO,19S25 NO es . oe Strugger, So Ueber das vernaltea des ~pflanzlicnen zellxernes -gegentber aniliafarbstoffen. Bin beitrag zur metho— ditt der bestimmme des isoelektrischen punktes der lsernpnasene Planta Arcns Tiss. Bot. 18:;561-570. DecOe lL OS25 NOede Plant. Caron. (Madras, India) (22P 893) faden, 0. re ; “Obdservations concerning the healthiness of ‘coffee trees in Costa-Rica. Plant. Chron. Efe GbG50645. 7 Del’? MOS2h" 4! Boab. | -Cercospora coffeicola, Umpnalea flavida, Rosellinia -sp.3; wilt disease. Proc.’ Virzinia State Hort. Soc. :(Wincnester) (81V81) MOCAGETs We Ge Conditions resilting in ‘increased drought - injury aad care of drougnt weakened trees. Proc. 4 “Virg sinia peat te Soce: B71205-212. 1933. : OBOE: SER ap Tae effect of aaten obeyane on functioning of fruit trees. Proce Virginia State Hort. S0c. HESS 2046 | ees aeky gee Si arity, ae Be : eg Pr a ‘uaa -- Importance ‘of bees in pollination. -. Proc. Virginia State Hort. Soce. 363150-160.,. 1932, e Vs 15 : 710 ra De a Proc, Virginia State Hort. Soc, {cont 25 n Waite, He B. af : -Peaca yellows and little peach in Tea, Proc. Virginia State Hort. Soce” 36:104-117% 1932, eared : 3 é Publ. Field tis, Nat. Hist. Bote Sere LR me: “Standley, PaCe New plants from British Honduras. publ. Field Mas. Nat. Hist. 316, Bot.-Sere © 9:129-142. D.15,1932. Rev. Agrols et-Bots Kivu (Bruxelles) (24R32). Ledoux, P. ; ay aes ‘ Un Entandrophrasma C. DC. {lHeliaceae) nouveau de 1l'Ituri (Congo Belge): Eatandrophragma thomasii Ledotx,:tissps. -- Rev. Agrol. et Bot. .Kivu “"19S2:10511. .+:0.1932.. Hocde Van Roechoudt, Te Le ae Yet f Sez con caf sier spontane au Kivu. Rev. Agrol. et ihe Kivu; :-1932240,.- 0.19326 nol. offea Van roechoudtii. ; Verolancke, Ge Sur ume rouille du froment provenant de Kabwe _ (Hivu, Congo. Belge)... Reb. Agrol.. et. Bot. Kivu 5 29S2s.29;-- 0.1932. noel. ‘ : Puccinia .glumarum. es Rev. Gea. Bote (Paris) (4503526) Belval, He , Les transformations des slucides cone le bananier, formation e+ disparition de 1'amidon. Rev.'-Gea. Bot. . 44:513-525, D.1932.. .no.528. ° Pontaldion, .Cs. Contribution a l!etude physiologique des lipides du Sterigmatocystis nigra. (cont. ) Reve Gen. Bot. 44. Sy2sS35180)- ‘-D,1932. NOe D286 Rhodesia Agr. J Urn. (Salisbury) (24834) Christian,. H.- Be: ee Seca: : on African aloes. IV. Rnodesia Agr. “Journ, . 29:955.966. D1932, no.12, Ne -, Geersaheen Ae microstigma,-A. lineata. Science (47GSci2) | Heinitke; Ay Jx.& Haffmad, we Be An apparatus for determining the absorption of carbon dioxide by leaves under natural condi- ditions. | Science URES illus. Jan.13, ae ae -no.l985. es Tt ya f Experiment with apple Leaves Vab5, 2O0eey peed ” Science (cont.) _ Jetrrey, Le Ce : P A vicious circle in extolled: Science 77:49-50. Ja0l3 ISS q* N0e1985. Cee eeios Benita eee Belling, ‘ Darlington and Sax-in-rezard to rinz:formation Have no foundation in-fact.. A new variety of barley. °-/S¢ience ‘v.77, noel968, Suppl> peve Jaex0, 1933. . Pédigree’ 38, barbless type of barley, resis- tant to striped disease and also more. productive, bred by Be D- Leith at University of Wisconsin. Seifriz, W. Twisted trees and the. spiral habit. ' Science Os SOF Jacl, 19336 noel9&5. Science News Letter (4708ci24)* Plants of teLiowstone eos like it hot. ' Science News Letter 23:53. Ja.28,1933. noe616) Mr. Joseph Js Copeland of N. Y. City College finds the blue~zreen algae growin2 in great abundance at Yellowstone hot springs, giving those formations much of their rich coloring. Scient. Agr. © (Ottawa), (7Sci2) Fraser, We Fe & Ledingham,. Ge. Ae Studies of the crown rust, Fuccinia coronata Corda. Scient. Aare -19:613-3235~ ple Jas1933~6 PRO De Shah ilead, go We Studies of methods Pain the igo eed of fungi from wheat roots and kernels. Scient.o Agre 932 304-8122" > pl..:* Jask9B3.-) | node: Scie Froce Roye Dublin Soc. (501D85) piegnee- Clark, Te Ae 'f method for eutomatically. eetedias the “oxygen: Snteke-of living tissues. — Scie Proc. : Roy’ Dublin Soce 20:281-291- illus. _ | $219320 pe shire Boonet-Olarky rT. fi shag So ne respiratory quotients: of eiediient plants. Scie D roce Royse Dublin Soce 20::293-299. § 1932-6 9602/27 Experiments with Sedum praealtume Murphy, Pe Ae & McKay, Re A comparison of some Huropean and American virus diseases of the potatos Scie Proce Roy. Dublin Soce 20:347-358.~ $1932. 2021/27 6 Vil5, 20625 pi24 Sci. Rep. Td20ku Imp. Univ., 1 Ser. (Math.,Pays.,Chem.) (Sendai) * Yamasnito, Me CAG” (bi Rworee On grayanotoxia, the poisonous coistituent of the leaves. of Leucothoe 2rayana Maxs I--- Sei. Rep- Tdn0ku Imp. Unive, 1 Ser - (Math, TAyS<, Chem, ) PAKS, 31-44 = ID) Gul 526 : no a : re = Scient. Month. (470Sci23) Conard, H. S. . ae § 2 aye iant socioloszye Scient. Montne 36:178-175. pees oie 200k. ; : Porter field, Wee te Bamboo, the universal osevider: Scieat. Montne 336:,176-183.~ . illus. PQSSe6 ~~ Howse Smithson. Misc. Colle “(Wastinzton) ~~ (500Sm6M) Hoover, We He, Jo2mston, E. Se & Brackett, Fs 5= Carbon dioxide assimilation in-a-hisher plant. Smithson. Wise. Coll.” v.07, HOstos » “19 pe 2. Dle On. ls. ~ Saelosl9age © publ .3186. Ke Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Arsbok (502S%6A) - Cleve-Eulsr, As - “Die + kieselalsen des Txkernsees in Scoweden. Ke Svenska Vetenskapsakade Arsbok III, ve2, 2002 254 pe illus. «1982. Tidsskr. Plaateavl (Zé> = (117439) Pete™sea, ie seo ov aus... Undersszelser over ofunedakterioser i sommeren oils Tidsskr. Planteavl. 11:826-856. ii ple Oe s 20056 . : Trudy Prikle Bote, Gene i Selek. Ser. II, Gen», Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Apple Bot., Gene & Plant~breed. II. Sere, Gene, Ple Br. & Cytol.) (451R92Ge) Cheknov, V. , OF a as Kario-sis stenatichesii analiz triby Trifolieas DeC. (sem Iugemin LO SEP. JUSSa). (Karyo-systematical analysis of tne tribe, Trifolieae DeC. (fam. Lesu- minosae) Trudy Srila. Bot., Gene i Seleke Sere II, Gene, Seleke i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Appl» Bote Gen. & Plant-breed. II. Sere, Gens, Ple Bre & jo Gytods) ~ 1:119-146... plei-vis ~" T9sem “a Russian with Eaglisa simlarys Vol5,)Mos2 5 psed 0, Trudy Prikl, Bot., Gen» i Selek. Ser. II, etc. (cont) ES, Ee Ke K izucheaiiu tsitolosii pentaploidaykh sibridov (Beitrag zur zytolozie det pentaploiden hafer- bastarde). Trudy prikl. Bote, Gene i Selek. Sere II, Gene, Selek. i Tsitole Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bote, Gene & Plaat- =breéeda TL, Sete, Com—,) Pile Bre CMEC «\ , UHLCIA7Ger . ri olen * 1B. Russian with German summary. ° Emme, He Ke Kariosistematicneskoe issledovanie ovsov sek- tsii. Euavena Griseb. (Karvosystematische unter- sudtung der section Euavena Grisebd. y Trudy Prikl. ‘Bote, Gene i Selek. Sere iI Sige Cee. Selek, i Tsitol. (Bull. Appl. Bot. Gene’ Plant-Breed. II. Sere, Gene, -. Ple Bre & Cytol.) 1:147-168. ° vii pl. 19326 Russian with German summary. Kakhidze, Ne , Izmenenie khromosom i obrazovanie knromosomnyki khimer pod vlifaaiem rentgenizatsiil y Cepnhalaria -syriaca Schrad. (Changes in the chromosomes and for- mation of chromosome chimaéras under the influence of x-ray treatment in Cephalaria syriaca) Trudy Prikl. Bots, Gen. i Seleke Ser, II, Gene, Selek, i Tsitols Rast. (Bulls Appl. Bot., Gens & Plant~breed. II, Ser., Gen., Pl. Bre & Cytol. ) 1:177-187. ity oleate «2982. Russian with En zZlish summary e Senjaninova-Lorczagina, Me V. Kariologicheskoe issledovanie voprosa o prois- khozndenii. bobov (Ve faba Le) (Karyological in- vestization of the question of the origin of V. faba Le) Trudy Prikl, Boies Coie Sebek. Sere, Il, Gene, Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed. Il. Sere, Gene, Pl. Bre & Cytol.) 1:91-118. plied eXes, ft LOB2s Russian with English Sumy Senjaninova-Lorezagina, Me Kario-sistematicheskoe issledovanie roda Aezi- lops Le (Karyo-systematical investigation of the - genus Aegilops Le) Trudy Prikl. Bote, Gene i -Seleke Sere II, Gene, Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Apple Bote, Gen, & Plant-breed. II. Ser., Gene, Pl. Bre & Cytole) 191-90." . pley-xvi. 1932.6 Russian with English summarye | , VeLd, , 2p 9% i pees Trudy Prikl. Bot»; Gens i Selek. Ser. il, etc. ({cont.) Vakar, Be Ae Tsitolosicnesxoe {uuchenie me znduvidovykn sibri- -dov toda Triticum (Cytolozical. study of the inter- specific hybrids of the senus Triticum) Trudy Prikle Bote, Gene i Selek. Ser. II, Gen., Selek. i -Tsitole Rasts (Bull. Appl. Bote, Gen. & Plant-bdreed. EPs Sere, Gens, Pl.» eee c& ange a) 1:189-241. xi pls wWeeewee 2 . Russian with Enzlisn summary. *‘Zaldastanisnvili, Se Ge 0 khromozomakn chai noo rastenila Camellia si- nensis (On the chromosomes of the tea plant, Cam- -ellia sinensis” (Le) O« tude) eirudgiprikl. Bote, ‘Gene i Seleks Ser. DI; Gens, Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. fannie Apol.-Bot., Gens & Plant-breed. II. Sere, Gen., Pl. Bre & Dytol«). 1:242-250. illus. 19326 Russian with English, summary. Trudy Seve Kave Inst. Spets. i Teka. Kul't. (Works No. Cauce Inst. Specs & Techn. Cult.). sagen beni (20Se8) Beketovskii, D. Ne K biolozii zhektoi péelladonay (Atropa paschkewiczi Kr»). (Zur, Diglozie, der zelben form der tollkirscns . (Atrppa pascakewiezi Kas Trudy Seve Kave Inste “Spetss i Tekan. Kul't. (Works No. Cauce Insts Spece & Techn. Cults) 225-15 . oveaike pie 1932. . Russian with German. summarye Kruzliakov, Le IT. mS OE: J ., K voorosu. 0 soderzhanii efirnogo masla u perecanoi miaty (Meatha piperita L.) vo vremia razlichnykh stadil ee razvitiia (Zur frage ther den gehalt an atheriscaen oele in der lientna piperita Le besonders Zur Zeit. der versouiedenen stadien. jinrer entwicklung) Trudy Seve Kave Inst. ,Spets. i Teknn. Kul't. (Works Noes Cauce Ias te Spece & Techn. Cult.) 2;87-108. 1932. Russian with German summary e Pallawavernl, TL. K voprosu o neplodonoshen ‘ita perechnoi miaty (Mentha piperita L.) (Zur frage des nichtfrucht- tragen der pfefferminze (ljentha piperita L.) Trudy Seve Kave Inst. Spetse i-Teknn. Kul't. (Vorks No» Cauce. Insts Specs & Techn. Cult.) 2:14-27. illus 1932-6 naseian with German summary. Wed Oy NOewd, Pec? Trudy Basaers Raste II. Ser. Fitopat. (Bull. Plaat Prot. II. “Oe. Ser. Paytopati.) “ (heniner rad) (423.92L54pP) Borgeards, Me. Ts ‘Ocnovy postroeniia sisteny meroprifati? po likvifatsii -golovai -v zeraovom proizvodstve SSSR (Principles of the system ‘of’ measures for the total destruction of smts in the corn production of the USSR) Trudy Zasnch. Rast. II Ser. Fitopat. (Bull. Plant Prot. Il. Ser. Phytopath.) NOs 78 De illus. 19826 ilies RUSSIane ° ; seal Us Se Dept. Agr. Cire. (1A284C) Brooks, Ce nam tiene: a Spoilage of stone fruits on the markets. U. Se Dept. Azr. Circ. 253. gl. ep illus. JaAe1I3S~6 Hh; Darrow, Ge Me & Waldo, Ge Fo. «.. we The Dorsett, Fairfax, and Narcissa. stram- berries.: Ue S.- Dept. Aare Circe ZO Ge, b pudOy Dia illus. aie 1933. ime Lambert, EH. B. Musaroom growing in the United States. Ue Se Dept. Are Circe cole ; 34 hone stelle D.1932(Rec!'d Ja.1933) “ae ‘U, S. Dept. Agr. Off. Rec. (1A2840r) Rust spores blow by wiad from Mexico damage our ‘Durum woeate Ue Se Dept. AST. Off. ReCe 12:56 Jarel4, 19336 Wheat in certain localities in Tesaecote, North Dakota, oa Dakota affected. Teh. Bot. Ver. peo Brandenb. (Berlin-Dahlem) (451B73V) Libbpert, 7% Die vez Stat omau’ a reiten der neumArkischen staubec: conlandschaft uater berlcksichtiguaz der angrenzenden landschaftene Verh. Bote Ver. Prove Brandenb. 74:10-93. ‘illus., 6 ple on 3. Myal, 19326 i NOele “ 3 Pilger, Re " Bromus lepidus Holmberg. Vern. Bot. Ver. Prove Brandenb. 74;94. My el, 1932.6 NOw lie Zeitschr.-Indukt. Adstamms.u. Yererbuagsle- (Leipzig) Zeitscnar. Vi15}. 0.2, p28 Baur, E. fe ee! od arbilduas in. der cattune Aatirraizun,: ssktioa. Antirrhinastrum. Zeitschre Indukt. Aostamm. u.. Vererbungsle (63:256-302.6 wise, i pie 19e28 " wors. wt Beadle, Ge We - » A gene for sticky chromosomes in Zea may Se Zeitschr. Indukt. Adstamm. u. Vererbunzsl. : 63:195-217. illus., ii ple 1932 NOede Navasnin, UM. Ss The dislocation hypothesis of evolution of chromosome numbers. Zeitscar. Indukt. Abstanme ue Vererbunssle 63:224-231. illus. 19326 NOS " ata) Navashin, M. Se On tne chromatin def ficiency in Crepis leading to partial sterility and to formation of a heteromorpnhic ohnromosome pair. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstama. u. Vererbunzsl. 63;218-223. illus. 1932. noeds Noack,. Ke die : - Ueber Hvpericun-dreummgen III. Rassen- und art- kreuzunzen mit einem buntblattrigen Hyperpéricum acu- tUMe Zeitscnre Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsle 633 232-2356 illus. 1932-2 -NOeds, Pilzk.. (Leipzig) (4502352) seidel, Re gonann Baptista von Albertini 1769-1831.’ Zeitschr. Pilzk. 16(n.sell):91. Del9S2-. nOote Zom 100 j&hrigen todestaze des bekannten YNieskyer bischofs und mykologene Szemere, Der tédlich-siftige heide-trichterling Clitocybe corde Scmulzer. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 16(n.sell):92- 98. illuse D.19326 NO edt. Szulczewski, J. We Beitrége gur missbildune der mtpilze. Zeit- -SCare Pilzk. 16(n.se11):98-100. illis. D.19326 mos4e Villinger, W. Der purour-réorling Boletus rhodoxaathus Kromone-Kbche essvdart Zeitscare Pilzk. 16(n.sel1l):101-103. D.1932. noe4. (442.8234) _ t ’ Vel5, noe, pecd Expere Stat. Publ. Yoodworta, Ce Iie , Genetics and breeding in the improvément of the soybean. Illinois Agr. Exp. Stat. Bulle 384;297-404. .. illus. N.1932~. (100116s) Brown, H. Ba, Simoag B.-G. & Smitn, Ae Ke Cotton root development in certain south Louisiana soils. Louisiana Agre Exp. Stat. Bull. 2o2< 24 pe illus. D.1932( 100L93) Michigan azricultural experimeat station Botanye In its Report, two years ended June 30, 1932. p18-20. [1932] (10011588) Mainly plant diseases. He Ae Bessey, chief.

are: . Decay ‘in buildings. § Preprint from Proc. Amer. Wood Pres. Assoc. 29th Ann. Meet... 9 pe illus. [1933] Translations Tiled in Library or Bur. of. Plant Industry. Brandenbure, Ee Eenizge zevallen van physiologische ziekten der bieten I. (Some cases of physiological diseases of beets) Meded. Inst. Suikerbiet. Bergen om Zoom 1:89-104. J1-1931.— heron. We Me & Xoningsderzger, V. J- Suikervorming en rijpingsverloop bij suiker= riet. II. Over zetmeelvorminz in-.de bladeren van suikerriet (Susar formation and-the process of ripening of sugar cane. II. On the formation of starch in the leavés of the sugar cane) Arch. Suikerind. Nederl. Indit 1932, pt.d (Hededel9): 1326-1340. 19326 Medizsnr,y ile Ne , . ; Das! Ledvan'! tie kav rarob 16nu.u BSSR, -u 1929 i chastkova 1930 2.2. (Investigstion of flax dis~ eases in BSSR, in the years, partly 1930) Bull. Gorky State Agr. Expe Stat. Phytope Dive no.42/44. 30 pe 5S pl. $1930. 42. The flax crops and seed infection, by MeN. Medizshe 43. On the true cause of "flax root rust! (red spottiness of flax), by J.-S. Raroe 44, Experiments on flax-seed disinfection, by MeN. liedizsh & J.Se Raro. Schaffnit, E. Der zez zenvartiz ze stand der forschung tber viruskranineiten (Tre present state of investiga-. tions of virus diseases) Beitr. Pflanzenzucht. 9:25-41. 1927. i. Peer ins _| CURRENT LITERATURE (Gea ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INRUSTRY. T COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE : LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, De. Mob.) 15. tio. Bis Jan.30-Feb.11, 1933. her. Gaz. Nis... (Sydney) (23N472) Birmingham, W. A. Another fungus attacking apple stocks. Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. recorded on Northern Spy in New,South Wales. Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. Apes. LP ilius. Jarl, 1953. mow Maciadoe.: (S. Ti. Leaf rust of wheat. Observations at Glen Innes. Agr. Gaz. N.S.W. 44: 35-39. dae 1933. no.l. Azron. Colon. (Paris) (26A2812) Ledreux, A. La culture des caféiers & ijadazascar. Agron. Got eo. 7-20. pl. fii. ga.d9Se. ap. 1el. Amer. Fern Journ. (450Am35) Palmer, E. J. & Steyermark, J. A. The ferns and fern allies. of Missouri. | Amer. Fern Journ. 22:105-122. illus. 0./D.1932. no.4. by eT Palmer, T. C. [Isoetes storkii]. Amer. Fern Journ. 22: isan OFF.) 1982. No.4. Substitution of name I. storkii n. sp: eens previously named a.sp., I- ger Palmer, T. C. ‘ More about Isoetes pee aes: Mett. Amer. Ferm Journ. 22: 129-132. 0O./D.1932. no.4. Schaffner, J. H. Diagnostic key to the species of aaa etimn: Amer. Fern Journ.- 22: 122-128. 0./D- 1932. no.4. Amer. Journ. Bot. (450Am36) Buchholz, J. f. The anatomy of the embryo of Cedrus in the dorm nant staze. Amer. Journ. Bot. 20; 35-44. illus. Jasteso. Do.) eee fea at ee AS OPI ce — ; V.15, no.3, p.d. Amer. Journ. Bot. (cont.) JNearare Any. 1esea he Hermite Je” Me Seasonal and diurnal variations in the osmotic values and suction tension values in the aerial por- tions of Anbrosia trifida. Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 16-24. JanlIso. 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Memoeay 4 Rhodochytrium spilanthidis on Spilanthes beccabunga. Rosenvinge, L. K. ‘ Notes sur Monstroma obscurum (Kutz.) J. Agar dh. Reve Also! 6g 20 7a S002 /SLiws Medoge.| mons Rev. Bot. Appl. (Paris) ° oe) Chevalier, A. Nouvelle contribution » 1' étude eee que des Oryza. Rev. Bot. Appl. 12: 1014-1032. pl xv xx. Dal9Sea.,. noise. Corréa, P. - Note sur la cupuassurana. Rev. Bot. Appl. 12s 1050-1051. D.1932. no.136. Costantin, J. Les cannes sauvages de l'Inde, Rev. Bot. Appl. 12: 1001-1013. D.1932. 0.136. Koeni Br IEA j Les monimiacées » anes Maurice, Rev. Bot. Appl. tes LO5e=1055, Diet O Sein no.136. Rev. Gén. Bot. (Paris) ‘ (450R326) Pontillon, C. Contribution a 1'&8tude physiologique des lipides du Sterigmatocystis nigra. Rev. Gén. Bot. 45: 20-52. Ja.1933.- no.529. TS phe gk. Rhodesia Agr. Journ. (S@lisbury) (24R34) Christan. *H. B. Notes on African aloes. V. Rhodesia Agr. Journ. 380: 28-30. 3 pl. on 2. Ja.1933. Gia eelne TimSOn, Sie Dis Witch weed control. A progress report. 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The relation between water-content, chlorophyll- content, and the rate of photosynthesis in some trovical plants at’different temperatures. Ann. Bot. 47: 69-88., illus. Ja -LISSe mono. - Byperiments with Abutilon asiaticum, Ricinus communis and Helianthus annuus. Duerden. H. On the xylem elements of certain fossil pterido- .. payta. Ramer Bot. 47: 187-1958 sole. WBE 19338, Mon Ow. : Goodwin, K. M. one A trisomic Oenothera. Ann. Bot. 47: 88-100. ea oe ea aos. no.86. . Gupta, §. N. Das Studies in the genera Cytosporina, Phomopsis, and Diaportne. III. On the pathogenicity of Cytosporina ludiounda and -its saltants. Ann. Bot.. 47: 197- Pees) lus. Ja.1933, no. 185. Haas, Pp. & Hill, T. G. Observations on the metabolism of certain sea- weeds.” an. ‘Bot. 47; 55-67. Ja.1933. 10.185. "Tyengar, M. 0, P. Ecballocystopsis indica n.gen. et sp., a new member of Chlorodendrales. Ana. Bot. 47: 21-25. illus. Seno OSa) 210) Loo. 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Des el Se. no «107. falortiea syn..of Reinnardtia seve M. tuerck— heimii waich is referred to Kinetostigma tuerck- heimii. R. graciloior a.sp. Ducke, A. Neue arten aus der Hylaea Brasiliens. (cont.) Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin .1ll: 579- 591. DLS, 1952." “mo.lOts iorms, H. Zur kenatnis der zattung Ancistrotayrsus. Notiz— bl. Bot. Gard. Berlin 11; 598-600. D.15; 1932. no.107. Knoblacuh, BE. Die standorte der samnlungen von Drege. Notiz- bl. Bot. Gart. Berlin ll: 627-628. D.15, 1932.-no.10Z. Keseaise) ui Kes Araceae novae austro-americanae (cont.) Notizbl. Bote Gard. Berlin 11: 606-622. D5, al9S2. aie t07 Malm, J.V.e ; Zwei neue arten aus Flores. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin ll: 629-630. D.15, 1942. no.107. Arcnidendron harmsii, Parinarium petiolatum. © Mansfeld, R. Die egattungs Lozania Mutis. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Borda “le 592-097. Detlb, 9se6 noshoras Melchior, H. Die scropnulariaceen-: zattunz Graderia. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 601-605. D.15, 1932. no.107. G. irengeusis n.sp. Mildoraed, J. Neue und seltene arten aus dem’ stidlichena Ostafrika (Tansanyika-Territ.) lee. H.J. Schlieben. Ets Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin .11: 646-687. De25, LIZ. Boers Oxyrhachis (nowegen.) 0. mildbraedtana.. ¥.15; 10.54 pueda Notizbl. Bot.Gart. Berlin. (cont.) Nyarady, E. J. . Die klarstellung zweier zweifelhafter Alyssum- ‘arten. (Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 631-635. mis. 5b, . L938. 20.107. “ A. sibiricum, synonym of A. lepidulum; A. fallaci- num, form of A. heldreichii. a Scnulz, Ovuk. Nuovo Draba tenerrina und Draba cacnemirica var. koelzii, zwei neue bvemerkenswerte pflaazen des westlichen Himalayazebirzes. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 639-640. DLS, WZ. Bow. Scaulz, O. E. ‘degperis peadula DC. uad foe campicarpa Boiss. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11; 636-639. Bel5,, 1952. 0.107. Schulz, O. BE. a Ueber einize bisher unzewisse Anahi und Sisym- oriuzearten. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 641- Seat Peto, Lede. 10.107. Phlebolobium (Nov.gen.) P.maclovianum. Ulbrich, 5. Malvaceae americanae, imprimis andinae aovae vel rariores. Notizbl. Bot. Gard. Berlin ll; S15- 550. D.15,1932. 20-107. . Giorn. Bot. Ital. (Firenze) (450N92) Bésuinot, A. “Sulla soptasoedone de alcune colonie steppiche nella vezetazione dell'alte e media Valle d'Aosta. Nwovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 683-686. US a Owe» Cappelletti, C. La flora fungini vivente sulle superfici Stimmatiche delle piante alpine. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 690-692. 1932. no.4. Catalano, G. Fillopodi ed antopodi nel gen. Oxalis. Neovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 692-696. 1932. no.4. Ci terrg . oR. - La decadenza ‘deli! industria del mogano in- San Domingo. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 696-700. 1932. no.4, V-15,no.5, p-260 Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. (cont.) Prancina; BH. Richerche sulla vezetazione dei dintorni di Firenze. I. La vegetazione di Monte Ceceri. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 631-644. 1932. no.4. Gioelli, F. Sa alcuni dei fattori cae possono determinare le variazioni. del coefriciente di traspirazione nelle piante. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 700- 702 « 1932. .no.4. mMesseri, A. Ricnerchne sulla vegetazione dei dintorai /di | Firenze. II.Rilievi a pozgio Pratone. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 645-658. 1932. no.4. Mago. Mi Le osservazioni fitofenolozichne della rete Italiana nel 1931 (annata X). Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 39: 659-675. 1932. no.4. Neezri, G. Ricerche sulla vegetazione dei dintorni di Firenze. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 59: 613-630. _ WS2i no.4. Verona, Ol Il Cepnalosporium subverticillatum, Scmilz. et Sacc., quale idrocarburofilo.- Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 89: 674-677. illus. USE no.4. Pharm. Weekbl. (Amsterdam) (396.8p4922) Meaijerseth.: SCs Bijdrage tot de kennis der volkszeneeskruiden vaa Nederlandsch-West-Indie. Anatomisch zedeelte uit net gelijimamige proefscarift. I-IX. Pnrarn.: Weekbl. 70: 102-116, 134-151. 32 pl. (on 16). PA 1d, | 19SBe, aero Phytopath. Zeitschr. (Berlin) (464.8P562) Bauen, Bia Die sexualitat von Ustilazo scorzonerae und Ustilazo zeae. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 5; 415- Sol. illus. UoSe~6 AOads Bredemann, G. & Radeloff, H. Rauchscndden durch schweflizsaure abgase und inre erkennune. Phytopath. Zeitscar. 5; 179- VO4, WBA. Aodwse VelGy: non Sgpae? . Phytopath. Zeitschr. (cont.) =: Bredemaan, G. & Radeloff, H. © oy . ’ Zar diagnose von fluor-ravichséanden. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 5: 195-206. illus. UB, 10.2 « Carbone, D. & Kalajev, A.: : Ricnercne sulla vaccinazione delle piante. Paytopath. Zeitschr. . 5; 91-97. ©1932. n6.1. Demmier, FF. P. Zur physiolosie vaa Cladosporium. Phytopath. Zeitsenar.s -5; 275-313: alius. 1932. ao.3. Dufrénoy, pTisa i , . Die Viruskrankneiten. Paytopath. Zeitschr. OS Gs-o0. illus. 1932.qnd.2: ae VYorzetrazen cein med ten Ta tenn een konsress fir vergleicheade pathologie. Paris, 14-18.- Oktober 1931. Uebersetz von L. Genevois Eelits, M. | Der einfluss der infektion auf die -temperatur und; dis konlenstureabszace bei kartoffeln. _Paytopath.. Zeitsenr. 5: 343-379. illus... 1933. no.4. Bacillus phytophthorus. ig Fischer, R. ae jasrlichen witterungs- Ueber dem sinfluss dés verlaures aut die Solace: von 'pflanzenkrankheiten. Pz per et ns Zeitscar Dd: 55-74. LOS Bn po RO dis @asener, G. & Hassgebrauk, K. Usoser die deeinflussung der rostanralligkeit durch eintauchen geimpfter blatter in l¥sunzen von mineralsalzen und anderen stoffen. Paytopath. Zeitschr. 68: 323-342. illus. 19435. no.4. .Puccinia triticina 6a waeat. : Hasseorauk, K. Zur bewertvng der saugkraft als merknal von brauarostoiotvoen. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 5: 173- heen £1938. NOs Liesau, FF. Zur biologie von Didymella lycopersici, dem ee reger der bone teniet pasha ae Phytopath. itsear. 5: 1-40: illus. . 1932. no.1. ilinkevitius, A. Untersuctingen ther den einfluss der narkose auf die pilzempfanglicakeit der pflanzen. Paytopath. Zeitschr. 5: 99-152. illus. 1932. no.e. Experimeats with chloroform, ether and alcohol. V.15, no.5, p.28. Paytopath. Zeitschr. (cont.) Quanjer, H.W. & Silberscnmidt, K. Ueber eine komplexe viruskrankheit der tomate. Phytopata. Zeitschr. 5: 75-83. pl. 1932.no0.1. Rochian, Hi. Zur fraze der winderstandsfahigkeit der ecruciferen gegen die kohlhernie (Plasmodioohora brassicae Wor. Phytopath. Zeitschr. 5; 381- 406. Zins, 1935. Bowts Roemer, T. & Kamlan, H. Gibt es eine selektive wirkung der wirtspflanze (weizen) auf den pilz (Ustilago)? § _ Phytopath. Leatsenr, OO: 44=5S. 19425 nowt. Savulescu, T. & Rayss, T. Der einfluss der Yusseren bedinzungen auf die entwicklung der Nigrospora oryzae (B. und Br.) Petch. Paytopatn. Zeitschr. 5S: 153-172. illus 1932. no.2. ae Scnstzel, Xk. Beitr&se zur morpnolozie und physiolozie des bakteriellen pflaazenkrebdserregers. § Phytopath. eitscnar. 5: 251-273. 1932: nods Scamalfuss, K. Untersuchunzen tiber den eiweissstoffwechsel von kalimanzelpflanzen. Hin beitragz zur kenntais der p2ysiolozi senen rolle des kaliums in der prtianze. Paytopath. Zeitscar. 5: 207-249. USBAG Bosh 3 + = +4, Plant. Caron, (Madras, India.) (22P693) Mayne, W. W. The function of spraying in coffee crop procuction. Plant. Caron. 28: 34-38: Ja.28 1933. NO. Plant Paysiolosy (450P592) Chase, W. W. ‘Henri Louis Dunamel Dumonceau. Plant Paysiolozy 8: L6s-NGo. port. dadess~ do.d- Clank oA. ; Manganese and the zrowth of Lemna. Plant Paysiolozy 8: *LDT-lGle “sasl vos. no.l. Mpa bisys 10-5, p29. iy Plant Paysolozy (cont.) pn Coloy, H. L- ; yi ; ea Seasonal absorption of nutrieat. ates by the '- French prune grown -in ‘solution cultures. - Plant Paysiokogy 8; 1-34. | Ja.1933. no.l. Crarts, A.S. '.Sieve-tube: structure and translocation in tne potato. Plant Physiolosy . 6¢) 61-104. MG. pleti-vii (6 on 4). eal 9SSemionade Dexter,S. 7. Saale Eh le . Effect of several eavironnental factors on tae aardening of plants. Plant Pay ere. 8: 123-139. illus. Ja.1933. no.l. Eyster, W. a. -Plastid studies in venetic types of maizes argzentia chlorophyll: Plant. Physiology ‘Bi: 105- lela illus. Jasl33. nol: ees H.W. & Fred, HE. B. Influeace of: various. nitrogenous compounds oe mannitol on nodule formation by clover. Plant,Paysiolosy 8: 141- 155. ilies). - Ja 95S. 20-1. Rea, Ink a. ; Field propagation of cotton. by meas of ‘grafts. Plant Physiolozy. 8: 171. Ja.1933. no.l. puatic, A. Ti. Correlation of specific, neat ao percentage of water in apple wood. Pisat: Paysiolosy 37. 16e— 170. Ja.1933. nol. Grand, H-P., Gaddum, L.W., Camo,A.F. & Staal, L. Physiolozical anatomy, type, variety, and maturity of citrus fruits as affecting quality of prepared juices.. =» Plant Physiolozy 83 35-60. illus. sa. 1L9IBR. not. Weoster, J.E. . Nitrogen chanzes in stored alcoholic extracts of plant tissues. Ple ant Physiology 8&8: 166-168. me 1933. no-l. Pros ‘Te i & v4 Wee i Gediearees (14P9+) Ravaz, M.L. wo! “Te mildiou». Progr. Asr. & Vitic. 99: 173-181. - B19 ,1933. 20.8. V.18, no.5, p.30. Protoplasma (Leipzig) (442, gpo4) Germ, H. Untersuchungen tober die systrophische inhalts- verlagerung in pflanzenzelien nach plasmolyse. II. Protoplasma 17; 5099547. illus. Ja.1933. no.4. Grate, V. Die phosoratide der eee Proto- plasma -17; 602-609: Ja.-1933. no. See Bemerkunzen zur emery seman wacnisender wurzelnaarzellen. Protoplasma 17: 598-601. Die Soe. Or ee mn er, H. e plasmo- und karyoskopie im auffallenden licnte in inrer bedeutung ftir die botanische zytologie und protoplasmaforscnune. Protoplasma 1?; 558-570. illus. Ja.1933. no.4. PLreiit i RESS5 Wo dle Studies on toxic action. VI. The toxicity of alipnatic ketones toward potato tuber. Proto- plasma 17: 429-508. Ja-1933. no.4. Rapp- Foact. Inst. Rech. Azron. France. (105.3F84) France. Ministére de l'asriculture - Institut des recnerches azroaomiques. Phytopatholozgie. In its Rapport sur 12) fonction-— _mement 1931: 342-870. 1932. Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl.(Amsterdam) (451N28R) - Heyn, A. Nid. 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Loos Wed. a see Rsv V.42i6, no.d, p-.d2. -* = = pew Bryol. Lichnendl. (cort.) Gaame, R. Notes bryoloziques sur la foréts de Fontainebleau. II. Revs Bryol. Lichénol,. N.S. 5: 67-45. Jadecls ose |) LOeMe. Gyelnik, V. Lichenes foliacei . Ages novi vel:rari. Rev. Bryol.. Licnénol. . A-S-.5: 31-33. Ja.dl, 1955." “do-l. : i Cranisticta positiva n.sp.- Lazarenko, A. 5S. Eine neue Anonodor-art aus dem esnse serie Rev Bryol. Lichénol. n.s. 5: 44-45. illus. Ale LO Soi a Ores nn. solovjovii. Richards, P. W. er Notes on the bry opartes or tae "Wat Valley" near Algeciras an out cost of ta flora. Rev. Brvol. Lichésol. Ms Sees, Oe = Jja.dl, 1933. no.l. Theriot, I. A ¢ropos du Brachymenium lusitanicuna (I luis. ) Hazen. ev. Bryol. Li chénol. meS. 53 34-36. illus. Ja.31, “T9335. ) note Enomobryam lusitacicum (Imis.) Ther. : Rev. Hort. (Paris) So 32) R Chevalier, C. Le mimétisme chez les lfesembrianthemm. (fin.) Rev. Hort. 105: 323-324. illus. WL26s VOSS Oe =m) Jafandiez, EB. P 7 Les plaates erasses autres que les cactees.Les ewotorbes cactiformes. (suite). . Rev. Hort. 105; od2-454. illus. F.16, 1933. no.14. Sabourin, L. ? : = Les newepaars at leur culture (suite). Reve Hort. 105: %27-228. F.L6, L935. Bonde v. Vitic. (Paris) (958R322) Faes, H. & Staenelin, M. Les zrands froids de l'hiver 1928-1929 et le vignotle de la suisse Romande. . Rev. Vitic. 78: 105-110. ¥F.15, 1933. no-2016. oat a iin V-15, 10.5, p.3d. Rnodora (Boston) (450R34) Cockerell, T. D. A. ee Some syvnonny. Raodora 35: 110. Mr.1933. no.4t1ll. ‘ ins ‘ Solanum elaeazaifolium f. albiflorum (f. benkei)s Eustoma cassel eae £. albiflorum (@.fisneri). Fab) Sepia Ge PwC. Standle; discoveries in tae Newfoundland flora. ra «= 35: 80-107. pl.238 (maps) Mr-1933. Feraald, M-L. : . Two segregates ia Scorodolus. Phodora os. 198-110. Mr.1933. no.411. S. vazinaeflorus,inaequalis var-.nov., S. ozarkanus Sp -20v. nema, R. BE. ’ aa iad in New Hnzland. Rhodora Gay W07, Mr.198S. no-41l. Weatnerby, C. A. ° Walter Deane. Roaodora 35; 69-80. porte Mr<1935. o-41l. Roezn. Nauk Rolnicz. i Lesn. (Polish Azr. & For: Anna.) (Poznan) (205.R59) Thomascnewski, ii, Historja lasow 2a Pomorzu W swietle aaskizy pybkovej. (Die waldzeschichte der vojevodscraft Pomorze (pownerellea) im licate der collenanaalyse. Roczn. Nauk. Rolnicz. i Lesa. (Polish Acr. & For. Anne) 29: °19-44.° illus. 1983- mo-l. Germaga sumiary: p-43-44. Science (470Sci2) BOOS Yor Cs Caenical versus morptolosical species ACES. Science 778 321-222. F.24,1933. Dr. Gerl Gorreas- Science 77; 205. F.e4, ESh~e nodigo. Notice of deata. Hendes, E. C. “yr The association of termites vita runzi- Science 77s 2le-213. F.24, 1933. no.1991. The herbarium of Y.7. Asae. Scieneé. 77: 206-207. F.24, 1935..20-1991. Acquired by the University of North Carolina. So. Africen Gar >» (Tenmasstas) (808087) Bolus, L. oe , Flants new or notevorthy. Souta African plants cultivat ed ait the National botanic aardens, Kirstendosch. So. African Gard. 233, 46-47. illus. F.1933. 2022. ri Homozlossum Rollandii, Gladiolus martleyi, G. xantherus, n.spp- Memes, Hi. His Plant names and waa rde 23: 48. 1 Sa eee n0 Ae Sovetsik. Subdtrop. (Suchum) (20Su1) Ustinov, A. As Kornevaia nenatoda (Cacorena (Seterodera) radi- cicola Cobb (Greef) v Abichazii (The root-knot nenatode in Abkhazia). Sovetsk. Sudtrop. 3: 1l2- d2o5 ,21IuS... 19a Ao ao. . - Rassian itn Buislisn summary. 3 t. Tidsxr. (450Ss¥2) Sve2six. Bot WenenS. Kes Af Zar keantais der fortprlanzunzsvernaltuisse und c2romosomenzanlen vei Nizritella nigra. _ Sveasx. Bot. Tidsxr. 26: 65-369. \1932. 20.1/2« iS) Soa-Kott t6,1. servations on tae inkeritauce of apospory and alternation of zensration. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 26: 99-106. 1932. no.1/2. Ande Asplunc, E. Ld New species from the Amazonas rezioa collected by Drs Ds Molaas FT Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 26: 191-197. illus., pl.v. 3.932. no.Ll/2. Te Zaplocethra zranditlora, Scnefilera pervviana, Sabicea calopoylla. Bereman, 5B. st}. 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LU Ollie fe 0 - Ciute, W. tT. , ied Fruit of the vagoda tree. Amer. Bot. 39; 3-4, Linas. Jide kgooe NOt. Sopnora pee ice, W. We: The meaning of plant names. Ten. Spikenards aad ginsengs. Amer. Bot. 39; 15-20. Ja.1933, ‘ao... - a . : : Persian clover in Indiana. Amer. Bot. 39: oA. Tew hsionm Ow ls trifoliua resupinatum. mer ey i ea, A ty : South Africa's Bait anbiecd gardens, Amer, Bot. “39s o-9, » Ja.1933. HO ale ‘Kirstenboscn. Wild hollyhock in Virginia. Amer. Bot. 39: een eta 1 OSs. + NOadieiy: oer eo ee Woods: Cc. W. American Brythroniuns. Amer. Bot. 39: 10-14. aed IAS, Mois . V.15, noi6, pid. Amer, Journ. Bot.- (450Am36) Chaapman, Ma Tre ovule and embryo sac of Saxifraga virginien— Sis, Amer. Journ. Boi. 20: 151-158. pl.4. Mr. 1933, HO sos Lander, C. A. Tne morphology of the developing fruiting body of Lycoperdon gemmatum. Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 204-215. pl.6-8. We-99sg5 9 moss.” LaRue, C. D. Intumescences on poplar leaves. II. Physiological considerations. 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South ‘African plants cultivated at the National botanic zardens, Kirsten- Doscwucccomrs)) ou. oe. ArriCGan, Gard. 2a. et.) o/1.. ids. | Mr.l933... no.d. Ornithozalum hermannii, 0. ranunculoides, 0. Na OTe QO. richardii n.spp. Stain neetst (442 .agt1) Graham, R- Preparation of palaeobotanical sections by the peel method. Stain Techn. 6: 65-68. Ap.198a. 10 +2<.- ies Snyder, Pala LCs Apparatus for the simultaneous handlin= of numerous histological specimens. Stain Techn. 8: 61-63. illus. Ap.1933. no.2d. Das Superphosphat. (Berlia) Eichinger, A. Kartoffelschorf und dtinsung. III. Das Super- phosphat 9;2-10. illus. F,.1933. no.1. Sverizes Pomol. Fur. Arsskr. (86Sv2) Want, OC, GC. Silverzlanssjuka hos frukttrad och Ae de oeaak. Stereum purpureum. Sverizes Pomol. Fur. Arsskr. peer: ae LOG AOL Hersielin,. Ss. he _ Aro edra jcorebarstrad anzripna ‘av bladbr&nna?. Sverizes Pomol. Fur. Arsskr. , 1933 a2-53. illus. BEGG. Ad-1. uc pe thi oaitoe ; V-15: tol7: p 30. W i : Sverizes Pomol. Fur. 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Die strukturtnderungen sprossloser blatisteck. linge und ihre ursacnen, Hin beitrag zur kausal- analyse der gewebebildung. Jahrb, Tiss. Bot. Ceedetoo, wilus. 1953. nol. Experiments with Coleus hybridus, Nerium Oleander, etc. Jour. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. (396. 9Am3 3S) (see also p.18) Lloyd, Je Te. Peyote, the divine plant of certain Indian tribes. Journ. Amer. Pharm... Assoce CEOS Osa Ap. 1933. No 4. Journ. Agr. Res. (Washington) (1Ag64J) Anderson, A. K-, Everitt, E. L. & Adams, P. De | The carbon mwtabolism of Fusarium oxysporum on glucose. Joum. Agr. Res. 46: 473-482. Mrel, 1933. (Recd ‘Ap.2l) no.5. Clark, J. A. & Quisenberry, K.S. Inheritance of bunt reaction and other characters in Hope wheat Crosses. Journ. Agr. Rese 46: 413-425, Mr.1, 1933.(Rec'd Ap.2l) no.5. ° ¥.15, 80.9; piles Journ. Agr. Res. (cont.) Culpepper,.C. W. & Moon, H. H. Composition of rhubarb at different stages of maturity in relation to its use in cooking and canning. Journ. Agr. Res. 46: 387-402. Mr.1, 1933. 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Ann. di Bot. 20: 12-23. pl. ii-iii. Mr.10, 1933. no.1.; Lusina, G. Secondo contributo alla conoscenza della flora della Dancalia e dell'Abdissinia. Ann. di Bot. 20; 136-142. Mr.10, 1933. no.l. onze .Si< Osservazioni sul ricambio purinico dei nucleo- proteidi nelle piante. Ann. di Bot. 20: 83-105. Mr.10, 1933. no.l. Hoagie, S. Sulla presenza e sul sisnificato deo composti pirimidinici nelle piante. Aan. di Bot. 20; 124- 135. Mr.10, 1933. no.l. 2 Ventura, M. Sulla origine delle radici avventizie nei rami di Salvia zranami Benth. Ann. di Bot. 20: 24-26. pl. iv. Mr.10, 1933. no-1. Ann. Bull. Dept. Agr. No. Rhodesia (24R343A) Lewin, C. J. Witchweed. (Striga lutea Lour. var. bicolor O. Kuntze). Ann. Bull. Dept. Agr. No. Raodesia 2(1932): 51-54. F.1933. Trapnell, C. G. The grassland types of the central pastoral rezion of Northern Rhodesia. Ann. Bull. Dept. Aer. No. Rhodesia 2(1932): 5-15. F.1933. Ecological survey, zeneral report no.l. V-15,°mo.11, p-5- Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Bengal (22D435) Hector, G. P. y~kjAsaualoreport of the economic botanist, Bengal, . for the year 1931-32. Ana. Rep. Dept. ‘Agr. INEGI Bengal 1931/32: 29-39. 1933. Includes Mycology (P.C. Kar mycological ass't): p-33-37. Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. (Berlin) (396.8Ar2A) Aaselmino, E. Die stammpflanzen von muira-puama.- Arch. Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 271: 296-314. illus. My. 19383. RODE Ptychopetalum uncinatun. Bertho, A. & Liang, W. §. Notiz tber ein alkaloid aus Ceanothus americanus. Arch. Pnarm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 3871: 373-276. pl. My- 1933. 20.5. Atti Congr. Naz. Microbiol. 4th, Milano, 1932. (448.39C76) B . Peyronel, B. Assenza di micorrize nelle piante insettivore ed emiparassite e probabile sisnificato della micorrizia. Atti Congr. Naz. Microbiol. 4th, Milano, 1932. »-84-87. 1932. er. Deut. Bot. Ges. (Berlin) (451D48) Hirmer, M. . Bemerkungen zur theorie der serialen spaltung der blatter. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 51; 127-148. Gildas. Ape’, IGS. e-S: _ Eine erwiderung Herrn W-Troll. Magdefrau, K. ~Versucne ther den einfluss der a aut * . den thallusbau von Marcnantia polymorpna. Ber. no.d. Poelinitz, K. v- Zur kenntnis der gattung Talinum Adans. (Portulacaceae). .©Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 51: 112- era Ap .27, 1933. MO = T. denticulatum, T. fallax, T. sediforme a.spp. Vorltufige mitteiluns. V.15, HOI, p-6- Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. (Berlin) (884845) Asahina, Y- & others. Untersucmingen ter flechtenstoffe. XIX-XXII. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 66; 641-649, 649-655, 689- 699, 700-703. My-3, 1933... no.5. XIX. Ueber alectoronsdure, eine neuen bestand- teil aus den hellfarbigen Alectoria~arten. XX. Ueber collatolsture, eine monemethyluther-alectoronsture. XXI. Ueber salazinsture. (I.). XXII. Ueber cetrar- sfure. spt ae igh 6. Orechoff, A. ile Ueber Sophora-alkaloidé. I-II. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 663 621-625, 625-630. My.3, 1933. no.5. M. Rabinowitcn & R. Konowalowa, joint authors I, S. Norkina & H. Gurewitch, II. I. Ueber die alkaloide des krautes von Sopnora pachycarpa. II. Ueber die alkaloide von Thermopsis lanceolata. Spath, E. Ueber pflanzliche fischzifte II-III. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 66; 749-754, 754-760. My.3, 1933. no.5. II. Zur konstitution von pewcedanin und oreoselon (aus Peucedanum officinale). III. Zonstitution des ostnols (aus Imperatoria ostrutaium). K. Klager joint author II, 0. Pesta, III. Better Fruit (Portlaad,Ore.) (80B46) Overholser, BE. L., Overley, F. L. & Claypool, L-L. Cork or drought spot in apples or pears. (concl.) Better Fruit 27(11): ll. My.1933. Biochem. Journ. (London) (382B52) Hulme, A. C. A note on the use of alcohol as a sugar extractant in plant tissue analysis. Biochem. Journ. 27: 116-120. 1933. xno.l. Boll.Sez. Ital. Soc. Intern. Microbiol. (Milano) (448.3So01) Carbone, D. & Canonici, 0. Coatribution & la technique de 1'agelutination des spores des Asperzillus. Boll. Sez. Ital. Soc. Intern. Microbiol. 5: 20-21. Ja.1933. no.l. A. funizatus, A. nizer. Wisk, Ord. Wheat s Bot.kezlem. (Budapest) (450N85) Aeczél, M. A Cercidot Arix és Calycocystis subgenusokba tartozo hazai Austrazalus fajok anatomiaja. (Zur anatomie der zu den untergattung Cercidothrix und Calycocystis gehtrenden ungarlundischen Astragalus arten). Bot. KOzlem. 30: 70-100. iVins: -P9SS.°° no .1/4. Germaa translation: p-88-100. > Marg gittai, A. Ladmoc és ktrnyékenek floraja. (Flora von Ladmoe und umzebung). Bot. Kozlem. 30; 47-57. 1933. o.1/4. yee German” summary p- 2O7. Pillich, F. & Winkler, ins Uj novenykonzervals eljaras. (Bin neues verfahren zur konservierung der pflanzen). Bot. Kjzlem. 30; 100-104. 1933. a2o.1/4. German suzmary: p.104. Polzar, S. A Bakonyi Tobanhesy vegetacidja- Ee vezetation des berges Toban in TON age - Bot. Kézlem. 30: 32-47. illus. 1933. no.1/4. German summary: p-.43-47. Soo, R. v. Osszehasonlits orca eee tanulmanyok. (Verzleichende pflanzensoziolozische betracatunzgen). fae Bot. Kozglem. 30: 58-69. 1933. no.1/4. German summary: p.67-69. Trautmana, R. "* A Mentha nemorosa Willd. és alakktre. (Mentha nemorosa Willd. und ihr formenkreis). | Bot. Kbzlem 80; 22-32. illus. 193%. -no-a/4- German translation: p.26-32. Bull. Counc. Sci. & Ind. Res. Austr. (Melbourne) (514Au72B) MeMivian, J. R.A. bios Varieties of wneat in fustralia- Bull. Counc. sei. & Ind. Res. Austr. Bull. 72. 28 p..- fold, chart. 1933. A catalome, with pedigree or source, ie a genealosical chart. showing the relationships of the saore important varieties. Bull. TABLILAL V.15, no.ll, p. 8. Jara. Bot. tat Bruxelles (99883) Fremy, P. : Contribution a la flore algologique du Congo Belge d'apres les récoltes du R.P.H. Vanderyst. Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Bruxelles 9: 109-138. illus. D. 1932. no.3. Ghesquiere, J. Contribution A l'étude des lésumineuses principalement du Congo Belge. I. Les Cassia africains de la section Chamaecrista Benth. Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat Bruxelles 9:139-170, incl. ii pl. D.1932. no.d. Robyns, WW. Contribution & l'étude des graminées du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi II. Panicees. Bull. Jard, Bot. Etat Bruxelles 9:171-202. incl. pl. stale a Dil9S2s mosS.. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris (410.9p213) Benoist, R. Descriptions de nouvelles espéces du geare Staurogyne (acanthacées). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. IL) Ss Leon ak eto oe Oke S. major, S. vicina, S. chapaeais, 5. amaena, S. subcordata, S. tenera, S. brachystachya. Camis, A. : : Dendrocalamis tirmanicus, bambou nouveau de Birmanie. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4;. 1044-1045. D.1932. nxo.8. Camis, A. Especes nouvelles de chénes. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 5: 88-89. Ja.19356 nowl. Quercus malacotricha, Lithocarpus burkillii. Chevalier, A. Plantes nouvelles. ou peu connues de ]lMAfrique tropicale. I. Bull. Mens. Hist. Nat. Paris IT}, DEleselGe. . AlLiusie, « PAGS. Nowe. Fleurydora zen.enov. (F.felicis) ,Zanha vailletii, Oldenlandia leclercii nespp. Chevalier, A. ; Sur quelques clématites de l!ouest et du centre Africain. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris TI, 4: 10]0-10L2. .D.1932. no.8. Clematis djalonensis, C. chariensis 1.spp. MEMS, “aaa Ul, pede Bull. Mus.Hist. Nat. Paris (cont.) Chevalier, A. Sur un Corrigiola ‘de l'afrique tonto . Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4;1008- 1002 Weegee) Woe). Corriziola russelliana. Chevalier, A. Sur une plante fossile de la période fluviale Sanarienne. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. paras ©1, 5: 83-87. JacdISSe: NO«lLs Phragmites maxima. Chouard, P. Deux ornitnogales du’ jardin des plaates: leurs anomalies florales et leur histoire - (Ornithogalum trigynum Red., 0. pyramidale L.) Bull. Mus.Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4: 1055-1043. illus. D.1932. no.8. ‘Dop, P. 4 Un nouveau genre de verbenacées. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris: II, 4: 1052-1053. 0D.1952. no.8. Karomia (K. fragrazs) - Guillaumin, A. Plantes nouvelles ou critiques des serres du Muséum. (cont.). Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris iy 4° 1OS1-1052. D.'9S2. Moe Humbert, H. Sur deux asterées nouvelles de Madagascar en voie d'extinction. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4: 1013-1019. illus. D.1932. no.8. A. andohahelensis, A. mandrarensis. Poupion, J. La Victoria regia au Muséum. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4; 1033-1034. illus. D.1932. no.8. Reznik, A. * Un Ischaemmm nouveau pour la Guinée Frangaise. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris II, 4: 1050-1051. D.1932. no.8. Ischaemm rugosum var. sezetum. Reznik, A. Graminées nouvelles ow mal conmes de la Guinée-Frangaise. Bull. Mus. Hist.Nat. Paris II, 4: 1046-1049. illus. D.1932. no.8. Monium tricnaetum. Vs15, 20a, p. 20> Bull. Pops» Inform. Arnold Arb. Henk, Anderson, HE. Shrubs attractive in late eee and early ‘sorins.- Buil.-Poo. Inform. Arnold Arb. IV, 1: ; 17-20. Ap.18, 1933. no 24. Garnegie Mag. (Pittsburga) (5000213) Jeanings, 0. EK. The Jacob Wolle nerbarium. Carnezie Mag. 7. 50-51. My.1933. no.2. Bequeatned by Dr. W. J. Holland to the Carnegie Museum. The Wolle herbarium has been supplemented largely by collections of Dr. Holland. Other herbaria acquired by tne Museum, are those of Prof. B.H. Patterson and Jonna D. Shafer. Bull. U. S. Golf Assoc. Green Sect. (Wasnington, D.C.) (60.18Ua3) Reid, M. E. é The effects of soil reactioa upoa the growth of several types of beat grasses. Bull. U. Ss Golf Assoc.Green Sect. 12: 196-212. 0.1932. no.b. Citrus Indust. (Tampa; Fla.) (80C49) Winston, J. Re Some factors influencing decay al Florida citrus fruits. Citrus Indust. 14(5): 20, 24. My .1933. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France (Paris) (14P2158c) Ribereau—Gayon Sur le mécanisme de l'action des composes cuivriques contre le mildiou. | Compt. Rend. Acad. Agr. France 19: 550-555. My-10, 1933. no.l6. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris (505p21) - Coupin, H. sur Ll! assimilation des glucides par les tuves polliniques. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 196: 1529-1530. My-15, 1933. no.20. In Narcissus pssudo-narcissus. Hasenfratz V. sur i@iees asd d'un alcaloide noa oxy zene dans Gelsemium sempervirens. Compt. Rend. Acad. Scisj Paris 196: 1530-1532. My.15, 1933. no.20. Sempervirine. Volos fo.dd, p- il. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci: Paris (cont.) . Lemesle, R. ; De I"existence de trachéides aquiferes chez le GCalligommm. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 196: “lSe7-1528. illus...” My.15, 1943. no.20. Maire, R., Fo8x, B., & Malengon, G.. Sur l'etiolozie du bayoud, maladie % au. eden dattier.° Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 196; 1349- UZ50n) Were, LIGS. no.1o' i pees albedinis. Popesco, C. T. Obtention par greffe dlun haricot vivace. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 196: 1433-1435. My.8, 1933. no.19 Phaseolus valgaris and Desmodium canadense. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris (442.9p21) : Chouard, P.& Galap, V. ~L'amidon dans le genre Budymion Gicakeeceg) . Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 11lé: 1626-0628. Miso LISa= NOt 6. Eichhorn, A. Observations vitales. sur les novaux 4 structure non réticulée. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 112: 1625-1626. My-5, 1933. no. 16. Sinapis nigra. Hurel-Py, G. Mlle. Sur certains caracteres de coloration des tanins dans la vacuole et sur l'existence supposee de complexes tanins-amcilage. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris lle: 1622-1624. My.5, 1933. no.16. Chrysanthemm frutescens. Volkoasky, Oe upaaee et simple de eee tan des cultures de champignons oomycetes. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 112: 1657-1658. My.5, 1933. no.16. Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. (451153) ; Applegate, E. 6 ; New western Erythroniums. Contr. Dudley Herb. Stantord Univ. 2 188-190. 1933. MO«eD E. helenae, E.nudopetalum, E. zizaateum leucan- drum, E. srandiflorum chrysandrun. V.15, no.ll, p.l2. Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. (cont.) Bacizgalupi, R- Two new species in Heuchera and Cuphea. Contr. ' Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. ys 191-193. 933. no-Be - H. duranii, a.sp., Cuphea (Melvilla) orecphila T.S. Brandegee in herb., mucusque ined. Wigzins, I. L. New plants from Baja California. Contr. Dudley Herb. Stanford Univ. 1; 161-178, pl. 11-17. 1933. no.d. Current Science. (Bangalore) (475S$ci23) Deut. Banerji, I. & Bnaduri, P.N. Polyembryony in Solanaceae. Current Science 1: 310-311. TUTE Ap 01933. ‘ no ca itels E Landw. Presse (Berlin) (18D482) Appel, O. : : Tomatenkrankheiten. Deut. Landw. Presse 60: 247. suppl. col. pl. My.20, 1953. no.20. Winkelmann, A. Die unkrautbek4mpfunz mit chemischen mitteln. Deut. Landw. Presse 60: 219-220. My.6, 1933. no.18. Empire Journ. Exp. Agr.(Oxford) (10Em7) Newman, L. H. ; The breeding of early-ripening varieties of spring wneat in Canada. Empire Journ.Exp. Agr. Te S16. pl. 1.: Apntsa. | aoe: Faserforsch. (Leipzig) (73.8F26 ) Reko, V. A. Altmexikanischnes papier. . Faserforsch. 10: 130-141. My.2, 1933. no-2. REE. Wind. Die mexikanische reis-wurzel. Faserforscn. 19: T10-119— “My-2,. 1945. nose. Epicampes macroura. Ross, J-H.d. Die faser-agaven von Mexiko. Faserforsch. 10: 78-90. illus., map- My.2, 1933. no-cd. Flor. Fortse Gard, Hadar Wes, 2Ontls Palas Exem. (N.¥.) .(S0n666) - Zimmerman, P. W. & Crocker, W. The injurious effect .of mercury vapor from bichloride of See in. soil of rose houses, Flor. Exch, 81(21): 13. illus. My.27, 1933, ar. Landw. (Vienna) (19877) Kricer, K. & Staar, G. Untersuchungen tiber ‘euflavfschaden. Net sommerweizen, Fortsehr.. Landw.' 10:217-220. iflus, My. 1o, Pie no.8. Chron. (London) (806162) Brown, N. HE. . How long do our ive re eae orchids live? Gard, Chron. 110, 93: 332.'. My.i6, 1935. © no,24c0. Brown, N. HE. : Urginea muirii, N.E.Br. Gard. Gumone. » ils, 93% Sof en Wands, 1933... no.e4e0. Frétend, ‘els : 4 (: k Herbs and herbalists, VI. The influence -of ‘Islam; . Gard. Chron. III, 93: 348. My. 20, 1933. no.2421, Hani Ae Ds Dae . The transmission of tulip breaking. Gard. Chron, III, 93: 320-331, illus. My.13, 1933, no.2420, Hutchinson, J. A new white-flowered Lapponicwn Rhododendron. Gard. Chron. III, 93: 333-334, My.13, 1933. no.2420. Rhododendron microleucum,. sp.nov. McDade,’ O. > - Irises in America. eer ) Cards Chron. ~ III, Os Soows Mild» 1955. nOvweteO. TESS ae POrrii. W. B. Fritillaria glaucoviridis. A new species of Fritillaria from Asia Minor. Gard. (Chron, . III, 93: 334, My.13, 1933. no.2420. | (Jaffa) (80H11) Hig, A. 4 : ' Palestinian honey-yielding plants. II. Changes. in the near future. - Hadar 6: 94-96. Ap.1933,. no. Ce a Be: eee . d bs 4 ah v.15, no.1l, p.14: Hadar (cont. ) Reichert, I. & Hellinger, KE. - Penicillium rot on oranges and the conditions affecting its appearance in Palestine. Hadar 6: 90-93, Ap.1933. no.4. Hilgardia (Berkeley, Cal.) (100C12H) Crafts, A. S. The use of arsenical compounds in the control of deep-rooted perennial weeds. Hilgardia 7; 361-372. Ap.1933. no.9. Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. (Berlin) (384238) Raab, H. A. & Renz, J. Beitrage zur kenntnis der giftstoffe der Amanitaarten, Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. 216: 224-228. My.3, 1933. no.5/6. Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. (Calcutta) (22A4¢832) Bose, RD. Studies in Indian pulses,45, Indian Journ. Aer, Sci. 2: 607-624, 625-637, col.pl. 1xix-lxx. D.1932. no.6. 4, Mung or green gram (Phascolus radiatus Linn.) 5, Urid or black gram (Phaseolus mungo Linn. var, Roxburghii prain). Mitra, S. K. & Ganguli, P. M. Studies in Surma Valley rices and their classification. Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. rs 971-606. pl.ilxciii. D.1932. no.6. Uppal, B. N..& Desai, M. K.. Physiologic specialisation in Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet. Indian Journ, Agr. Sci. 2: 667-678. gl. ixxi. D.19352. no.6, At least two physiological forms, one attacks Pennisetum typhoideum only, the other Setaria itali- ca, S. magna, S. viridis & Euchlaena mexicana. Ital. Agr. (Milan) (16It1) Carrante, V. La produzione delle patate da semente e le malattie da virus. Ital. Agr. 70: 439-463, iiius. Bp.d3SS, no... Munerati, 0. Sulla possibilita di Separare Tazze resistenti . al carbone entro le comuni varieta di grano. Ital. Agr. 70; 383-385, illus. Ap.1933. no.4. ViilS, Hoel), pate. Jardinage (Paris) (807282) Heim, R. Les maladies Oa des rameaux . des coniféres., I. Les rouilles. . ' Jardinage cor fe-eo. -« Lilusi.: My.1939. Journ, Amer. Pharm. Assoc. (Easton, Pa.) (396.9Am32z) Bukey, F. S. & Cunningham, R. W. wy A Studygot (Senieilo *riddel lia. 71s Journ, Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 20:3 399-404. My. VO BS HOw Die Journ, Amer. Soc. Agron. (Geneva, N. Y.) (4 Am34p) Batt Ds ae . The chemical composition and grades of barley ::.. and oat varieties. | Journ. Amer. Soc. a 20: 301-311. My 1933. eno O. Robinson, B. B. Some physiological factors influencing the production of flax fiber cells. sgourn. Amer. Soc. Agron.. 25: 312-328. Tus. «Niye3SS.. noo. Journ. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. (Washington, D.C.) (381As7) Harris, M. Qualitative detection.of lead in spray residues, Journ. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chem. 16: 245-246. My.15, 145s NO... Journ, Bath & West & South Co. Soc. Agr. (10B32) Ogilvie, L. & Pearson, C. E. : Downy mildew of hops in the Bristol province in £932. Journ. Bath & West & South Co. Soc. Are Vis *3 193-195, 1933. Ogilvie, L. & Mulligan, B. 0. Progress report on vegetable diseases, IV. Journ, Bath & West & South Co. Soc. Agr. VI, 7: 174-193, aa (ije.5) wile 1933. Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Australia . (sdelside) (238084) Johnston, W. C. Notes on the occurrence hak a new weed at Sevenhills. Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Australia So, 10S9=1041.. illus. Api, 1955... no. 9's ; (MPivacaxkilaris, ; Journ. Gen. Physiol. (Baltimore) (447.8J822) Navez, A. E. Growth-promoting substance and elongation of roots, Journ. Gen. Physiol. 16; 733-739, MipesOn L985. No. O- Experiments with Lupinus, Avena and Zea, Vi los fidudide, p06. Journ. Man. Aer. Gt. Brit. (W0erdss Moore, M. H. E Spraying exoecriments on the control. of pear scab at Bast Malling. Journ. Min: Agr, Gt. Brit. 40; 111-119. 2 pl. on LeegtiyetsSSee ow. Journ. Roy. Agr. Soc. Engl. (London). (10R81) BLEEeA. he Hie Anaual report. for 1932 of the botanist. Journ. Roy. Agr. Soc. Engl. 95; 378-584.. -.19%32, Leafl. West. Bot. (San Francisco) (450147) Abrams, L. Two introduced species of Atriplex | in the San Francisco Bay region. Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 44, JacdL9, 1935,. e7n0eo. A hortensis, A.. rosea. Eastwood, A. Bottle-brushes in Californiana gardens and parks. (cont. ) Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 33-34, - 45-48, Ja.19, Mr.20, 1933. no.5,6. Eastwood, A. Ledum as ee plant. Leafl. West. Boten, 13.43% a2195, 1935.) Pneios ee poisonous to cattle. Eastwood, A. A new Californian Fritillaria. Leafl. West. Bote, 1s bd, Mr: 20, 29333." noes ..F. phaeanthera. Eastwood, A. A new Mimulus. . Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 44, Ja.tOe 1955... -nosd, ai. Wolt ds Eastwood, A. -f new Yerba santa, Leafl. West. Bot.. ls 40-41, Pasko. 1965, Doaos Eriodictyon capitata. Eastwood, A. Taxus brevifolia in Marin comes California. Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 38-39, Ja.29; 19356, nos: Leatl. e15;"no.¥1, p.17. West. Bot. (cont.) Eastwood, A, : Two poub eres of western Galiun, Leafl.. West. Bot. — ‘55-56, Mr.20, 1933. no.6. G. = aaa G. clementis. Eastwood, A. , An undescribed lily from the Sierra Nevada of California, Leafl. West. ae ‘bk: 41-43, Seale AGSse... nod, ee Lilium nevadense. Howell, J. T. i ra Adventive Senecios. “Leafl. West. Bot. 1s 56, Mr.20, 1933, no.6, Howell, J. T. : New plants from old fields, Leafl. West. Bot. te 36-38. dato £93360 No.2. ' Polygonum in Sonoma Valley, Mendicono- County . & San Francisco Bay, California, Howell, J. T. Flants worthy of note, III. Leafl. Vest. Bepreet: 29-40—° Ja.19.,°19535 ono. 5.4 Howell, J. 7. Some western Euphorbias of the section Anisophyllun, Leafl. West. Bot. 1: 51-54. Mee, 1955. . no.6. f E. Guadalupensis n.sp., E. patellifera (E. pseudoserphyllifolia J. T. Howell, not Millspaugh) Bese. Ahi Sis . Western species of Oxalis. I.‘ Leafl. West. Bote 1: 49-51. Mr.20, 19 Soe no.6. Stokes, S. G. New western Eriogonums. II. lLeafl. West. Bot. is. 34-36, Ja. 19, 1933. NO. De Malayan Agr. Journ. ions Lumpur) (22. orai2) Cooke, F. C. & Jagoe, R. B. Further observations on the dwarf coconut’ palm in Malaya. Malayan Agr. Journ. 21: 164~ Letom pies # hp. 1963.) - tidni4e (o¥,15,:no.11, p.18. Malayan Agr. Journ. (cont.) sands, N. H. Notes on certain submerged aquatic weeds in padi fields. Malayan Agr. Journ. 21: 175-176, Ap. 1933. no.4. Utricularia flexuosa, Blyxa malayana, Enyy- drias angustipetala, and Chara gymnopitys. Mezégazd. Kutat. Budapest (19M57) Hauser, Je ? 2 - o o Se , 4 mindseg eldiralasa a syakorlati buzanemesi- tesnel, (Die bestimmung der qualitkt bei der prakitschen weizenztichtung). Mezogazd. Kutat. Budapest 6: 140-145. Ap.1933. no.4. Brief German summary: p.145. Mycologia (450M99) Jenkins, A. E. Additional studies of species of Elsinoe and Sphaceloma, Mycologia 25: 213-220. pl. 52-33. My. /de. 1933, nose Parker, Cm tale A taxonomic study of the genus Hypholoma in North America, Mycologia 25: 160-212. illus., pl. 26-31. My./Je.1%3. no.3. 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NO .6. , ‘Duursma, G. D. Phyllocactus hookeri § -D. Succulenta 15s 1U5-117. ills! JeetSee. “no 6. Kaay, J. Ge van der oi . Phyllocactus (Link. . Succuleata 15: 103-106. ae ae ees no. 6. ot F V.15, 20-12, p.24. Tijdschr. Plantenz. (464.8744) Buisman, C. - Verslag van de onderzoekingen over de iepenziekte, verricht in het phytopathologisch Laboratorium Willie Commelin Scholtén te Baarn, gedurende 1932. II. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 393 101-115. pi. Vii. .My.1933.,mo.b. 3 5) Tropenpfl. (Berlin) (26175) - Freise, F. W. . Die Aes ‘Tropenpfl. 36; 199-202. - My. 1933 WOsoe Lecythis spp. Trop. Agr. (267751) Murray, R. K. §. Diseases of rubber in Ceylon, 1932. Trop. Agr 80: 214-217. An.1933. no.4. Murray, R.K.S. . : - Further yield records in connection with Oidium heveas. Trope Agr. 80; 209-213. Ap. 1935... Nowe Nock, Ue aie : ; The banana passion fruits . Trop. Agr. 80: 208. pie Ap-.1933. no.4. Tacsonia mixta. Trop. ee ete West Indies (Trinidad) (261754) Hardy, F j Root distribution of sugar-cane in different soils in Trinidad. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10: 165-172. Je.1933. no.6. © Embodying some results obtained by a soil-core method. Hopkins, J. C. F. ' Plant disease and environment: in Southern Rhodesia. Trop. Azriculture West Indies 10: 172- ete JE.193S- nNO-6. Wardlaw, C. W. ‘ Panama disease. A review of the occurrence of Panama disease on the Cavendish or dwarf banana in the Canary Islands. Troo. Agriculture West Indies. 10: 151-154.. Je.193¢. -no.6. Wardlaw, C. We. & McGuire, L.P. Tomato storage. Further 1S ace eee on the storage of tropically growa tomatoes. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10: 161-163. Je.1933. no.6. FO S - a -e s e e a Cae r 7, — (os ie ee) es pe ee V.15,.n0.t2,2.051" - U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant. Diss Rep. (1.9P69P) Boyd, 0.C. & Christie, J. R. Further observations on the strawberry-dwarf : Be in Massachusetts. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cottam} CG. Disappearance of eel grass along the Atlantic coast. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. 17: 46- Bole eel. L9Sdie Woe. Deus: ucbeaentied: U.S. Dept. of pacer - Bur. of plant industry - Diveof mycology and plant disease survey. _ Diseases of plants in the United States in 1932. Its Plant Dis. Rep. Supp - 856 2 p- maps. Je.ld, 1933. Comp « by J. I. Hae, YN. BE. Stevens, & P.R. Miller. U.S. tea Agr. Tecun. Bull. (1Ag84Te) Rand, F.V. & Cash, L.C. Bacterial wilt of corn. U.S. Dept. Agr. Techn. Bull. 362, 30 p. 3 pl. My.1933. U.S. Dept. Agr. Miscellaneous mimeographed publications. Brierley, P. Sweet pea diseases. Washington, D. Ce, Mr. 1933-6 : Clark, C.F., Stuart, W.& Stevenson, F. J. The Chippewa potato: a new variety. Washington, D. C., [1933] Clark, C.F., Stuart, W..&@ Stevenson, F.J. The Katandin potato: a new variety. ee seton D. O.;, Mrdo3g= _ MeKee, R. & Schoth, Tae Sand dune cantrol in the United States. Washington, D. iets Mr .1933.- Schoth, H. A. Sand dune control in the ene Northwest. Washington, D. C., Mr. 1933. Stevens, H.E. & Fulton, H.R. . ; ‘Avocado fruit spots and their ae ir aaa olga D. oie Mr. IS Véstaik Geskosl. Akad. Zemtd. (Prague) . (19 .50332) até «L552 no -12,. 59) «263: tha Neoral, K. & Blaha, J. K otazce vlivu %ivného prostrédf na variabilitu fysiologickych vlastaosti Saccharomycet. (Contri- bution a l'étude de ‘L'influence du milieu mitritif sur la variabilité des caracteéres hysiologiques des Saccharomycetes). Véstnik Geskosl. Akad. Zeméd. Qs Sl11-314. 1933. NOD. French résumé: p-314.. Polansky, B. & ‘Vacl, Vy. Nekolik predbeznych zkousek s umélym opylovanim versuche mit ktnstlicher best#@abung von waldnadel- holzarten). Véstuik Geskosl. Akad. Zomtd. ~ 9: 283— 285. illus. 1953. no.5. German summary; p.285. Weitschs. Prlanzenernahr. oe u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil u lesnich drevin jehlitnatych. (Einige vorlsufige 4 : j : 4 (Leipzig) (38423434) Herndlhofer, E. | Ueber die wurzelatumng junger kaffeepflanzen. Zeitschr. Pflanzenern3hr. Ding. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. I Teil. 29; 290-298. 1933. no.4/6. ; ? § 5 = Stat.°Pubi.. -Massachusetts agricultural experiment station Dept. of botany. In its Am. Rep. 1931/32 (Bull. 293): 15-21. Mr. 1933. (100M38H) i HrckinsouyyS. Die systemati aos uedcatehe: des bltitennektar- jums der gattungIrise Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 5s 157-164. My.19, 1933. no.4. Vorltufige mitteilung. oe, Vis, no.1S, ped. Biochem, Zeitschr. (Berlin) (Sedeeee) Montfort, C. Ueber. vezi ehungen Te achen farbton, lichteusmt- Zung und stoffgewinn bei roten und grten florideen sowie bei anderen meeresal gen. Biochem. Zeitschr. ol: 179-201 . - dius eeeiieiecO) eo Soe modes Blumen u. Pflanzenbd. (Berlin) (803623) Schmidt, A. Pilzkrankheit an dahlien. Blumen u. Prlanzenb, 48; 503-54, Ap.l, 1933, no.4. Entyloma dahliae. Bot. Arch. (Leipzig) (45056526) Hurdtl, ,H. 3 | Beitrag guykenntnis der gitichgewichtsbewegung an dlattern unter besonderer berticksichtigung der bewegungsfomen und des wassergehaltes in den- tragorganen der spreiten. Bot. Arch. 35: 2514306, ilius. My.1933. nocd. 2 English abstract: p,d03~305. Krohn, V. Studien tlber bakteriophagen. I. Kleine beobachtungen tiber Bacillus pyocyaneus Gessard. Bot. Arch. 35s 351-396, My.1933. no.3. Resumée of the observations on cultures: p.387~388, Landfester, H. Die phylogenie des polyergideae-astes der Chlorophyceen, Bot. Arch. 35:3 307-350. My. 1933. NO ede Brief English abstract: p.d49. Bot. Gaz. (Chicago) (4508652) Aenouid sCeddie. - A sphenopterid — fractification from the Pennsylvanian of Michigan. Bot.. Gaz. .94: 821.825. illus. Je.1933. no.4 Bailey, W. M. Structural and BE after-effects of soaking seeds of Phaseolus. Bote Gaze 94; 688 713. illus, Je.1933, NO ote Brown, A. H. Effects of sulphuric~acid delinting-on.cotton seeds. Bote. 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So(12): 7,16. dJe-25, L955- In dealing here with the fact of plant devita- lization resulting from transference of roses from 3 cold to a not climate, the writer cites conerete instances tending to show the unwisdom o: the patent act. Vieion AG tos p-d0. Spec. Publ. Amer. Com. Intern. Wild Life Prot. (279 .9Am3) Razze conditions in the Wood ouffalo park of wesvern Canada... Spec. Pudl. Amer. Comm. Intern.Wild Life Prot. v.l, no.2. 52 p. map. 1933.6 Annotated list of the more important forage plants: p.34-39; Plants kmown or thought to be injurious to 2ruzing stocks p.40—-42. Suomen Maataloust. Seuran Julk. (Acta Azralia Fenn.) (Helsinki) (20Sci7) Kivinen, EH. Suokasvien ja niiden kasvualustaa kasvinravinto- ainesuhteista. (Untersuctunzen tber den genalt en prlanzenntorstoffen in moorpflanzen und an ihren standorten). Suomen Maataloust. Seuran Julk. (Acta Agralia Fenn.) no.27. 140-p. 1953. German summary: p-123-140. Svenska Linné-Spllsk. Arsskr. {502Sv2) Gertz, O- Celesisxa hervarievaxter i Lund. Svenska Linné-Salisk. Prssir. 16: 133-136. 1933. serzmancer, RH. Hortus linnaeanus och den gynasamma vegetations srioden 1932. Svenska Linne-SHllsk. Arsskr. 16: 1-40. Wddius. 1955. Brief Enzlish summary: p-141. p 3 Stenstrom, F. Enzelbert Jtrlin Snnu ett blad i Linneanerna historia. Svenska Linn&’-SaAllsk. irsskr. 16; See silos. Wee Tidsskr. Planteavl. (XK¢benhava) (117469) J@rgensen, C- A. Afprévaing af jorddesinfektionsnidler. Tidsskr. Planteavl. 39: 316-328. 1923. no-cd. Jér rsensen, C. A. & Nielsen, 0. Kartoffelsorter og kartoffelsygdomme orienter- ende unders¢gelser. Tidsskr. Planteavl. 39: 295- S15. L9SSe No«w.< V.15, 20-18, Pe SL. Tidsskr. Planteavl. cel) Ny Stapel, Chr. agers" qoukes over huamb ens ot (Bombus Latr.) deres udredelse, traekplanter og betydaing for bestdvningen af rédkidver (Trifolium pratense L.) (Investigations on the numble-bee (Bombus Latr.), its distribution, feeding-plants and importance in pollination of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) Tidsskr. Planteavl. 39; 193-294. ‘elise eee NOs. English summary? ~- eo eae Tijdschr. Plantenz. (464.9744) Hus, P. Ae Ziskten en beschadigingen van klein fruit (bessen, frambozen, aardbeien). Tijdschr. Planvenz.. 39: 121-158. pl. x-xv. Je.1933. no.6. Torreya (450763) RSM WUC ie, ie A poison ivy experiment. Torreya My./Je.1933. 0.3. ~ Did not find jewel weed an antidote. 65-66. co a Coexeres), T. D. A. A fossil golden rod. Torreyae 33: 72. illus. My./Je. 1933. no.3. peeteiago pe Coster n.Sp- Moldenke, H. N. A aew species of Vitex me South America. Torreya 32: 67-69. My./Je.1933. no.3. Vitex brittoniana. Biter forton, C.V. & Thompson, J. W. A new Silenc from Washington. Moereva 35s 70-71. My./Je. 1933. nos. Silene seelyi. Torrey, R. H. Rock tripes on Long Island 2lacial boulder. Torreya 33: 63-64. My./Je.1933. no.3. Gyrophora dillenii, Umdilicaria pustulaita. Whitehead, J.. Desert wild flowers. Torreya 33: 57-62. My./dJe. 1933. 10-d- 3 ; V.15, 20.13, ps Se. Die Umschau (Frankfurt) (474Um7) 2 Ivan Mitschurin, der russische e4rtner. Die Umschau 37: 487-439. illus... Ja.3,1933. nOcd. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cire. (14284¢) ‘Beckett, Re He Budding and grafting trials with cotton and related plants. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ.267. 14 p. illus. My-1943. U.S. Dept. Agr. Leafl. (142841) Gahn, B. We How to control ragweed the principal cause of autuma hay fever. U.S. Dept. Agr. Leafl. 95. ap» illus. Je. 193d. U.S. Dept. Agr.-Plant Dis. Rep. (1.9P69P) :Buhrer, E.M., Cooper, C. & Steiner, G. A list of plants attacked by the root imot nematode (Heterodera marioni) U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. 17: 64-96. Je.15, 1933. no.7. U.S. Dept. Asr. Yearbk. (1A284Y) Doyle, Calo Multiplicity of varieties handicaps improve- ment in the American cotton crop. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 19323 107-114. illus. 1933. Humphrey, HE. B. Woeat is attacked by rusts, smuts, and other destructive diseases. U.S. Dent. Agr. Yearbk. 1932: 161-168. illus. 1933. Magess, J.R. and others. Fruit and nut industrics show decided trend toward higher-quality production. U.S. Dept. Agr.Yearbk. 1932: 328-35. 1933. Martin, J.H. Grain sorgtwms highly drousht resistant; many varieties grown in U.S. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 1934: USSHbIS. © 1955. Neal, D. Ce Cotton diseases take two million bales of, U.S. crop annually. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 1932: Il2l-I25. albius. 1935. v-15, noel 1 poi. UeS. Dept. Aer. Yearbk. (cana = Richey, F.: D. Corn hybrids result from crossing carefully selected parent lines. . U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 1932: eet: LTRS 1933. Robinsoa,T-R. & Shamel, A. D. Citrus growers try out new varieties as Seam of standard sorts mounts. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. pee: 320-328. 1933. Salmon, S. C. Nearly. 300 varieties of whéat grown on United States farms. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 19322 147-155... 19335. Stanton, T. R. Oat varieties have rezional | Seem remain major: crop. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 19$2: 191-195. illus. 1933. \ Waite. MM. -B. - Control of fruit and aut diseases by new method making headway. U.S. Dept. Agr.Yearbk. 1932: eae ais. | PISS Westover, eis Alfalfa losses fron bacterial. wilt heavy; resistant kind sought. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbk. 1932: 212-216. 1933. Verdffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch.Wurtt. Landes. Denkmalpfl. (410.9796) Gradmann, R.- Steppenheidepflanzen in Oberscnwaben. Verdf- fentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wurtt. Landes. Denk malpfle 9: O-13. maps.. 1932. Kren, W. Das pflanzenkleid der umgebung von Stuttzart. Versffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wtrtt. Landes. Denkmalpfl. 9: 37-74. 1932. Zimmermann, W. Bemerkenswerte rassen schwabi scher pflanzen. I-IV. Verdfrentl. Staati. Stelle Nabursch. Wurtt. Landes. Denkmalpfl. 9: 20-36. illus. 19382. Veeilas no “15, p34. Visnik Kiivs. Bot. Sadu. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff)(451K54) © u Kleopov, I. G. Ogliad predstaynikiv r. Dianthus Ukratni i sume- zhaikh mistsevostei (Conspectus Dianthorum Ucrainiae). Vishnik Kiivs. Bot. Sadu. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 14; 99-140. 1932. Ukrainian with Latin diagnosis of new species (D. eugeniae, D. rogowiczii, D. pineticola). KLokov, M. & Desiatova-Shostenko, N. Chebretsi Ukratni (Conspectus Thymorum Ucrainiae Vishnik Kitvs. Bot. Sadu. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 14: 77-98. map. 1932. Ukrainian with Latin diagnosis of new species (T. joldavicus, T. kaljmijussims) Modilevsk'ki, J. Novi sposterezhennfa nad iadertsem v iadraka vishchikh roslin. (Ueber den nucleolus). Visitik Kiftvs. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 14: 143- 154.) sloae Ukrainian with German summary. Fourkraea bedinghousenii, Neottia nidus avis, Gal- tonia candicans, Allium molye Mciseeva, M. Shene pro mitogeneticme prominnia (Ueber mito- zenetiscne strahlung). Visnnik Kifvs.Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff). 14: 3-17. illus. 1932. Ukrainian with German summary. Moskovets, S. M. Gribi-shkidniki derevini skladu derevoodbrobaol fabriki im Bozhenka v Kievi (The wooddestroying fungi found in the sheds of the Bozhenko factory is Kiew). ' Vishnik Kilvs. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 14; 155-160. 1932. Ukrainian. Proshkina-Lavreako, A. Do pitannia pro al! srofl'our richok, iak element stepovogzo liandshaftu (The alzae of the steppe ri- vers as an element of the steppe landscape). Vishaik Kitvs. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) 14: 19-48. 1932. Ukrainian with Enzlish summary. , V.15, no13; p-35. Visnik Kitvs. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot. Kieff) (cont.) Zankevich, E. kh. Voliv metalevikh Yoaiv na form ta dinamilu plazmolizi (Usber den sinfluss der metallionen auf die form und dvnanik der clasmolyse). Vishaik Kitvs. Bot. Sadu (Bull. Jard. Bot.Kieff) 14; 49- Woe iad ol. 1982), | Erainian with German summary. Zeitschr. Bot. (Jena) (450232) Buttis, W. Ueber physikalische und chemische beeinfluss- ungen des zeitpunktes der chromosomenreduktion bei brandpilzen. Zeitschr. Bot. 26si—26. 193¢.no.1. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Yererobungsl. (Leipzig) (442.8234) Stubbe, H. Untersuchungen uber experimentelle ausltsung "von mitationen bei Atirrhinum majus. IV. Ueber die ~ bezithung gwischen dosis und zenmutationsrate nach rontzgenbestranlung m§nnlicher gonen. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 64; 181-204. 1933. : 0.3/4. \ Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. (Stutteart) (464.9823) Kock, G. Ueber die bedeutung der diologischen bek4mp- funzsmethoden ftir den praktischen oflanzenscmtz. Zeitschnr. Pflanzenkre. 43: 358-361. Je.1953. no.6é. meow, Ke V- Studien Uber symbdioss und disposition fur ‘parasitenbefall sowie ter vererbung patholozischer eigenschaften unserer holuzpflanzen. II. Disposi- . tioasfragen fur den befall der buume durch pilze “d ‘und kufer. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. 48: 257-357. illus. Je.1953. no.6. hy ay Zentralbl. Bakt. Abt.II. (Jena)(448.3033) at Pisraiisky, W. P. & taba Ha : Dissoziation bei einigen bakterienarten. II. Zentralbl. Bakt. Adt.I1, 88; 216-235. illus., ple My.26, 1933. no.8/12. Miethamer, A. . Nextarorzanismen von bekannten honigpflanzen. ‘Zentralbl. Bakt. Abt.IIT. 88:203-213. illus My 26, 1933. no.8/12. V-15,.No«lSy sp -36 - Der Ztuchter (Berlin) (442.828) Crebert, H. Beitrage zu einer genotypischen analyse der ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.) nach M.J. Sirks. Der 2ZUchter 5: 105-114. My.1933. no.5. Hackbarth, J., Loschakowa-Hasenbuscn, N. & Sengbusch,R.v. Die zUchtung frthreifer tomaten mittels kreuzungen zwischen Solanum lycopersicum und Solanum racemizerum. Der Zuchter 5: 97-105. illus. My.1933. no-.d- Piescu, A. Tabakbau und tabakzUchtung in Rum&4nien. Der Ztichter 5: 114-120. illus. My.1933. no.5. Exper. Stat. Publ. Joslyn, M-A- & Marsh, G. L. Cnanges occurring dwring freezing storage and thawing of fruits and vegetables. California Asr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 551. 40 p. My.1933 (100C12sS) Haltern, F.V. Spraying cantaloupes for the control of downy mildew and other diseases. Georgia Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.175. 53 p. illus. Mr.1933 (100G29s) Wildon, C. E. Lists of rock garden plants. Mich Asr Exp. Stat. Spec. Bull. 228, Suppl. 41 p- Ja.1933. ( LOOM58S ) Cummings, M.B., Jenkins, EH. W. & Dunning, R. G. Rootstock effects with cherries,seed and payton propagation. Vermont Agr. EXp. Stat. Bulli. 352. 36 p- illus., iii pl« Mr.1933(100V59) Beath, 0. A. Three species of Zyzadenus (death camas) . Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull.194. 59 p« Ji los. Ap -1933 (1009799) Z. Zramineus, Z. paniculasus, Z. elezans. New Books. Appel, 0. Atlas der krankheiten der landwirtschaftlichen kulturpflanzen. r. reine 3. li colepl. Berlin, P .Parey,1933 (£°464D81) V.15, no.1l3, ped’. New Books (cont.) Becker-Dillingen, J+ Handbuch der ernfarunz der sartnerischen kulturpflanzen eiaschliessich der hHeil- und gewirzp? lanzen. Berlin, P. Parey,1933. (463 .34B38) Britisa Gladiolus society. List of gladiolus names. Comp. for and issued by the British zladiolus society. Colchester,. The Essex telegraph, [19307] (96.43B77) Colman, Sir J. ; Hybrisization of orchids. lec sprees 2m (96.2C71) Half-title: Gatton park orchids 1889-1932. Farrer, R. “@he rock garden. London & Hdinburgh, T. Welson & sons,[1933?7] (97.1484) Grey, R. M. & Hubbard, F. T. List of plants growing in the Botanical garden of the Atkins institution of the Arnold arboretum at Soledad, Cianfuezos, Cuba. Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1933 (452.4Ar6) Hall, Sir A.D. & Crane, M. B. Tne apple. Loadon, M. Hopkinson, 1933. (93.31H14) Harding, A. (H.) Lilacs in my garden. N.Y., Macmillan,19323. (97.31H21) Jacobsen, H. Die sukkulenten... Betlin, Ps Parey, 19S. (96.3313) Kach, P. Dis praxis des samenbaues der blutenpflanzen. Berlin, P. Parey, 1933 (96K11) Kopaczewski, W. Traité ds biocollotdclozie v.4, f.1, Essais de morphozénic. Paris, Gautniers-Viilars, 1933( 386 .2K832) V2.1, 10 13, psd38. New Books. (wmat.) Lecomte, H. & Gagnepain, Ra Flore générale de 1'Indo-Chine. v.3, fasc.7. Paris, D. 1930 (460. 13149) Myrsinacées (fin) par J. Pitard; sapotacées, ébénacées, par. H. Leconte. Leupin, K. 0. Beitrage zur anatomie des laubblattes phar- mazeutisch interessanter Papilionatae. Prat- teln, Buchdruckeriei K. Schahl,1932 (463.47L57) Inaug.e-diss. - Basel. Lhjste, Le & Gény, M. Les plantes bulbeuses de nos jardias. Paris, Librarie agricole de la "Maison rustique". 1923 (96.4161) Osborn, Ae Shrubs and trees for the garden. London, Ward, Lock, & Co., 1933 (97.310s1) Pagliani, L. Le piante aromatiche e da profumo. Torino, Unione tripografico-editice torinense, 1933. (308P14) Die pflianzenareale ... 3. Yeihe,h.8. Jena, Gs. Fist er, 1933 (£°452.9H192) Murbeck, §. Verbascum, Celsia, Staurophragma - Samuelsson, G. Alisma.-- Donat, A. Hinige isoetiden II. (Littorella, Isoetes echinospora, I- savatieri) - Rikli, M. Erica arborea. Séshers, N. Les arbustes, arbrisssaux et sous-arbris- seaux d!ornement croissant sous le climat de la | Belzique. Ostende, Impr. A. Leys,1930 (97.31Se3) Smith, G. M. The fresh-water algae of the United States N.Y-, McGraw-Hill, 193%. (4614Sm5) Tanaka, T. Citrus studies... by Prof. Ty§zaburo Tanaka. Tokyo, Yokeu do,1933 (J93.33T15) Japanese. 3 BOTANY) ‘i8Fary] CURRENT LITERATURE | 4 hee ee ee lime 1). ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. ; COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE Vol.15, no.14. July 3-L£5, 1933. Acta Inst. et Horti Bot. Univ. Tartuensis. (451117) Lippmaa, T. Aper¢qu general sur la vezétation autochtone du Lautaret (Hautes-Alpes) avec-des remarques critiques sur quelqes notions phytosociologiques. Acta Inst. et Horti Bot. Univ. Tartuensis v.3, no.-3. 108 p. illus., vii pl., fold. map. 1935. Lippmaa, T. Taimethingute uurimise metoodika ja eesti taimethingute klassifikatsiooni Pohijooni. (Grund- gugze der pflanzensoziolozischen methodik nebst einer khassifikation der pflanzenassoziationen Estlands). Acta Inst. et Horti Bot. Univ. Tartuensis v.3, no.4. 169 p- illms. 1933. German summary: p.140-159. Acta Phytochim. (Tokyo) (451Ac8) Yakushiji, E. Uever die katalase und ihre rolle im reaktions- mechanismus der photosynthese. Acta Phytochim. 7: 93-115. My .1933. NOol-. Tamiya, H. & Yamagutcni, S. Beittage zur atmungsphysiologie der schimelpil- ze III. Ueber die aufbau- und die erhaltungsatmng. Acta Phrtochin. 72 46-64. My.1935. no.l. Tamiya, H. Ueber die stoff- und die ensrgiebilanz bei dem wachstumsvorgange des sciimmelpilzes. Bemerkunzen zu der arbeit von L- Algera. Acta Phytochin. 7: 27-41. My. 1933. noel. “Yamamoto, A. Uever den einfluss einiger zifte und der tem- peratur auf den ausnutzungsgrad der atmungsenergie beim wachstum des schimmelpilzes. Acta Phytochim. 7: 65-92. My. 1933. no-l. V.15, no.14, p:2. Agr. & Live-stock, India. (Calcutta) (22A¢83A) Masur, MN. G. Castor-breeding in the Bombay Presidency. Azr. & Live-stock, India 3: 125-143. Mr.1933. noed. Mohammad, A., Alam, Z. & Khanna, K.L. Studies on germination and growth in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) Agr. & Live-stock, India 3: 91-115. illus.pl.x. Mr.1933. noe. Singh, T.C.N. A labor-saving dividing-compasses for measur- ing halo-length of cottons. Agr. & Live-stock, India 3: 173-175. illus. Mrel933. nog. Agron. Colon. (Paris) (264g812) Carton, P. Importance des facteurs écologiques durée du jour et intensité de la lumitre en agronomie tropicale (concl.) Agron. Colon. 22: 182-186. Jé- 1933. no-1l86. Ledreux, A. La culture des caféiers & Madagascar. (cont. ) Agron. Colon. 22: 187-192. pl.v. _J&.1933. no.186. Alpe Riv. Fore [tale (Piacenza) (99.8A17) BOIL Ae Notizie botaniche sui pioppi e sui salici. Alpe Riv. For. Ital. 20: 161-173. illus. My./Je. 1933. no.5/6. : - Passavalli, L. P. I nemici vegetali ed animali del pioppo. Alpe Riv. For. Ital. 20: 192-201. illus. My./Je. 1933. no -5/6. Amer. Fern Journ. (4504m35) Benedict, R. 0. The hart's tongue in three continents. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 63-64. Ap./Je.1933. no.2. Biles Sis: iy A unilaterally fertile frond of Dryopteris thelypteris. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 67-68. pl .ds Aps/des 1933... no.2. Hunnewell, F. W. A further note on Ophioglossam engelmanni in Virginia. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 66. Ap./Je. 1933+ NOw. In Frederick Co. c Vou 205i, no.l4, pd. Amer. Fern Journ. (cont.) Kriebel, R. M. Asplenium ebenoides R.R. Scott in Lawrence county, Indiana. Amere Fern Journ. 23:52-59. qitis | Ap./Je.1933. now Se Lyness, A. S. Notes on the fern flora of Iowa. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 39-49. Ap./Je.1933. noe. Palmer, BE. J. & Steyermark, J.A. The family Isottaceae in Missouri. Amer. “Fern Journ. 23; 65-66. Ap./Je. 1983. no.2. Rugzs, H. G. Cystopteris montana in Glacier national park. Amer. Fern Journ. 23; 66-67. Ap./Je. 1933. no.2. Ann. Inst. Pasteur (Paris) (448.3An75) Dusi, H. Rechercnes sur la nutrition de quelques aa II. (1). Euglena stellata,klevsii, anabaena, deses, et pisciformis. Son. Inst. Pasteur 50; 840-890. JO01953. no.Gs ; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. (St. Louis) (eure) Perry, L-M.- A revision of the North American species of Verbena. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20: 239-362. pl.1Z-15. Ap.1933. no.2. Wynd, Fr. ite i A ‘ Nutrieat solutions. for orchids. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 20; 363-372. Ap.1933. no.c. Ana. Rep. Counc. Scient. & Indust. Res. Australia. (514\u72An) Wastralila. Council for scientific and iadustrial research. Plant Saal Senco s- In its Ann. Rep. 6(1931/ 32): 16-20. 1932. Beis Dickson chie®. Anan. Rep. Dept. Agr. Mauritius (24M443A) Sheperd, EH. F. S.. . | Eotanical division. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Mauritius. 1931: 12-15.. N.1932. Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. (406F66A)- Gunter, H. & Ponton, GM. Notes on the geology and the occurrence of some diatomaceous earth deposits.of Florida... Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. 33/24(1930/2): 57-64. illus. (maps) 1933. V.15, no.14, p. 4 Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. (cont.) Hanna, G. D. Diatoms of the Florida peat deposits. Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. 23/24(1930/32): 68- wy. LE Ole PO SSr Kurz, Hi. Cypress domes. Aan. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. 23/24(1930/32): 54-56. illus. 1933. Kurz, H. Northern disjuncts in northern Florida. Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. 23/24(1930/32): Ann. Rep. Tea Rese Inst. Ceylon (68.19C33) Bein. Gadd, C. H. Report of the mycologist for the year 1932. Ann. Rep. Tea Res. Inst. Ceylon 1932(Bu11.10): 17-26. 1932. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.I. (Dresden) (450B653) hove. US Ueber die embryobildung von pseudomonokotylen. (Podophyllum emodi uad Eranthis hiemalis). Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt. I, 50; 671-696. illus. My. 1933. noed. Feldhofen, E. Beitrage zur physiologischen anatomie der nuptialen aektarien aus den reinen der dikotylen Bein. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.1,50: 459-634. illus., pl. ii-xxxi. My. 1933. no.d. ; Reimers, W. Ueber den einfluss von korngrBsse und einzel- kornzewicht auf die ersten entwicklungsstadien von winterweizen unter berticksichtigunge der saugkraft. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. Abt.I. 50: 635-670. My .1933. NO .d. ; Beitr. Biol. Pflaaz. Conn (Breslau) (450066) Huneke, A. Beitrage zur kenntnis der symbiose zwischen Azolla und Anabaena. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz.Cohn 20: 315-241. illus., pl. ii. 1933. nod. GUunnewig, J- Beitr&uge zur kenntnis und bedeutung des Loliumpilzes. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz. Cohn 20: 227-254. pl. i. 1933. no.d. : V.15, no.14, pd. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz Cohn (cont.) Richter, H. Untersuchungen tlber die ine in der pflanze und ihre. abh¥ngigzeit von 4usseren und innern faktoren. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz.Cohn Bon moo-ot as 19556 NGaSe | Rischkow, VW. L. & Karats chewsky, Tact Chlorophyllmangel und enzymwirkung. I. Katalasewirkung bei panaschierung uad mosaikkrank- hneit. Beitr. Biol. Pflanz.Cohn 20: 199-220. il- PWS tooom. NOs Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. (Berlin) (3848465) Asahina, Y%& Asano, J. Untersuctngen Uber flechtenstetfe. XXIII. Ueber salazinsture. II .-XXIV. Ueber nor- barbatinsYure-methylester. Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges. 66: 893-897, 897-899. Je.7, 1933. no.6. Ber. Ohara Inst. Landw. Forsch.. (Kurashiki) (107.60h1) Kondo, M. & Okamura, T. Beziehuag zwischen der wassertemperatur uad dem wachstum der reispflanzen. JII. Sch&dliche einfluss der wassertemperatur auf das wachstum der unter wasser stehenden reispflanzen. Ber. Ohara. Inst. Landw. Forsch. 53 347-374. jl. XXv-xxxix. 1932. NO.d. Nisikado, Y. & Yamauti, K. Contributions to the knowledge of the sap stains of wood in Japan. I. Studies on Ceratostomella ips Rumoold, the cause of a blue stain of pine trees in western Japan. Ber. Ohara Inst. Landw. Forsch. 5: 501-538. pl. xlvi-lvii. 1933. no.4. Nisikado, Y. A simple device for drawing and photomicro- eraphinz small living spores of fungi. Ber. Ohara Inst. Landw. Forsch. 5: 479-480. 1933. no.4. Better Fruit (Portland, Ore.) (80B46) Coe, F. M. Chinese apricot and black oro’ cherry identified as old varieties. Better Fruit 27(12): 6. Je. 1933. Chinese apricot probadly "Montgamet" of the "large early" variety; Black orb cherry identical with Schmidt Bigarreau. ¥.15, no.14, p.6. Bidr. Ksaned. Finl. Natur. o Folk (Helsingfors) (511H36B) Huyren, ie Fororening och strandvegetation i Helsingfors hammomr&de ar 1932. Bidr. Kanned. Finl. Natur. 0 Folk v.84, no.5. 38 p. illus.(maps) 1933.6 Biochem. Zeitscnr. (Berlin) (3848522) Diol. Lundeg&rdh, H. & Burstrtm, H. Untersucmingen tber die salzaufnahme der pflanzen. III. Quantitative beziehungen zwischen atmang und anionenaufnahme. Biochem. Zeitschr. 261: 235-251. illus. My.30, 1933. no.4/6. Malkov, A.-M. Zur frage nach der rolle der phosphate bei der alkoholischen g4rung und atmung der hefe. Biochen. Zeitschr. 262: 185-195. Je.12, 1933. no.1/3. Zentralbl. (Leipzig). (442.83523) Kappert, H. Erbliche polyembryonie bei Linum usitatissimun. | _ Biol. Zentralbl. 53: 276-307. illus. 1933. no.5/6 Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist..Nat.(Madrid) (506M2633) Boll. Martinez, drei ire Una grave micosis del pino observada por primera vez en Espawa. Bol. Soc- Espan. Hist. Nat. 33: 25-30. illus. F.20, 1933. no.-l. Srunchorstia destruens. Unamano, L.M. Notas micologicas. We Ve Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 32: 495-502. illus. D.451,1962. no.10: Bos ol—45~. ple Sax eto. leas Sehasrabuddhe, Dele & Kale, N.P. ' A biochemical study of the formation of the oil in niger seed (Guizotia abyssinica). Indian Journ. cae Sci. S? 57088. -F1953. Noel. Shaw, F.J. P., Khan, AR. & esce He: Studies in Indian pulses 3. The types of Cajams indicus Spreng. Indian Journ. AgreSci. 3: 1-36. iLlusiis) Ble Beate: (2. col.) F.1933. noel,» VS, noel’, DelZe Intern. Bull. Plant Prot. (464,8In8) Bouriquet, G. 8 ; _ Réunion: Plant parasites newly recorded in the Island,. Intern. Bull. Plant PrOiUis) es 123. Je. 1938 nb 06, | Samuel ; C. E gee South eetcees Plant disease records. Intern. Bull, Rieti Prot. 73 léelewle2. Je.l935. Eee is Gia 4 1 2Ve “Acad: Nauk SSSR (ma Acad. Sci. URSS) . (Leningrad) (5118228) Imshenetsko go, A. Ae ca . 0 vliianii gormonov na drozhzhi, plesnevye eribki i bakterii (Influence of hormones on yeasts, molds and bacteria). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Hendeecer.URSS). 1932) 1559eNe7es Aline. ,- ii pl. (Rec'd J1.3, 1933) no.l0. Russian with English summary. Sukhorukov, K.T. & Borodulina, N.A.’ K azotistom ohmem. alkaloidnykh Peels (Sur le role des alcaloides dans le métabolisme azote des plantes). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1932; 151741530. (Recd J1.3, 1933) Russian. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Neuk. SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Scam URSS) (451 SacB) Albrecht U RyE., Gavrilova,L. Ge & Liubimenko, VN. p | vinseene sveta na raZvitie plodov i semian tabaka (Influence de la lumitre sur le développement des 3 fruits et des graines du Nicotiana tabacum L.) Ci Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Boll. Jard, Bot. : Acad. Sd, URSS) 30: 305325, - 1932, nos3/4. Russian with French summary. ath Eee ineras, v. Fe. & Savic2, Del. Spisok ukhov, sobrannykh A.A. Elenkinym v 1902 @du v Saianskikh gorakh i -v Mongolii (Versei hh nis von A.A. Elenkin im jahre 1902 in den Sajanen und der Mongolei gesammélten moose), Izve Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 81-96. 1932 . nowl/2. = Russian with German summary and Latin @iagnosis a of new species (Didymodon (Eudidymodon) perobtusus) Danilov, As Ne. - pe --‘Ksilindein (Kylidein, Seine j enstelmneverkeatnd sse . Und eigenschaften)..: Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nek — SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) B02 63-7916 Sidus, 1932. .oel/2. S Sita t Russian with German summary. V 215% no é14, pls. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Neule SSSR (ma. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. } URSS) (cont. he Iljin, M.M. Vv Campho ro smere tsentral !noi Azii | ( Gamghorosmene of central Asia). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jaed. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) "30: 361-367. 1932, no.d/4. Russian with very brief English summary and Latin diagnosis of new §P. (Panderia tarkestani ca) Tin, Massey ee oe, as iy Kriticheskii obzor roda Amberboa Less. (A criti- cal survey of the gems Amberboa Less.) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30s 101-116... 1932.- \nowd//ee Russian with brief English ‘summary and Latin diag noses of new species and new combinations (A. suaveo- lens, A. glauca, ° Cori De NOVe $ A. tucharica, A. turanica, A. nana,- AL - sosnovskyi n.Spp. i te Ilgin, M.M. : Si stematicheskie zametla v Nate ene triby Cyn- areae (Systematic notes within the limits of the tribe Cynareae). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad.’ Neuk SSSR Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) . _ 303 343-359, 1932, no 3/4, Russian with Latin diagnoses and’ very brief English sumary, Jurinea tapetodes, J. paczoskiana, Centaurea, korshinskyi, Plagiobasis dshungaricus, Cartham ms éypsi cola, Centaurea kopst-daghensis N,SpPp> ae ‘MB. - Ease 9 Kriticpeskii obzor’ ee ‘Thyms Vo, flore’ iugovostoka “Evxropet skoi- chasté ‘RSF SR i zapadnogo Turkestana (Revue critique des Thymshatitants le so de la partie Buropéenne™ dé°1* URSS, ainsi que du Turkestan occidental): ‘“Tazv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad, Sci < URSS) ' 30: 523.550. illus. 1932, no.d/4. L Russian with Hatin diagnoses of new speci es. Komarov,: Webs Novye vidy rastenii dal'negp. vostoka (Species novae plantarum orientis extrem URSS) Izv. Bote Sada Arad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Scie URSS) > 30: 189-223, illus. 1932. noel/2. ‘Russian with Ugtin ‘summary and Latin diagnoses ab “new SpSCi es. - Konai sser, R.A. Kmetodike izucheniia fitoplanktona (Zur methodik der phytoplankton-untersudungen). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR. (Bull. Jarde Bot. Acad. Sci. eee 30: 3874542, 1932, 1o.3/4. . Russian with Brief German surimary.. Niels). ~no.l4, pelo. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Newk- SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. S¢i. URSS) (cont.) Kongisser, R. Ob age ume eee i nakoplenii organicheskogo ve~ shchwstva, morskim fitoplanktonom i fitobentosom ma- terikovoi otmeli (Ueber die assimilation und tnhav- fung organischer substanzen durch phytoplankton und phytobenthos). Izv. Bot. Sada:Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard, Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) - 30: 139-142, 1932.no.1/2. Ee wi th German Saas Erechetovich, Veit. pe Material ty k poZnaniiu osok iz podroda Vigmea (P.B.) Ness) (Contritutiones ad cognitionem Caricum subgeneris Vignea (P.B.) Ness). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci, URSS) 30: 117-138, illus. (incl.map) Loe no 1/2. Russian with Latin descriptions. Carex transmarina, orthocaula, sajanensis, rép~ tabunda, jucunda, ‘setina, n.spp. Krechetovich, V.I. : ee O nekotorykh sitnikakh iz tsikla Juncus pyrami— datus Laharpe (De Juncis nonnullis e ‘cyélo Junci pyramidati Léharpe adnotatio). Izv. Bot. Sada. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acade Sci, URSS) 30: 97-99, 1932. no.1/2. ~ Russian with Latin diagnoses (J. webbianus, J. camptotropus, J. arianus) Lilienstern, M. F. Zatrudnennoe snabzhenie vodok. kak odin.iz faktorov polovo gp razimozheniia u Marchantia polymorpha L. (Lthumi dité insuffisante comme une des causes dela reproduction sexuelle-chez Marchantia polymorpha L.) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR. (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 520-522, illus. 1932,.no.3/4, - Russian with French sumary. hipschi tz, S. I. - Zametka o Tulipa krauseana Rgl. -Izv. Bote Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acads Sa. URSS) 30: 733-736. illus. 1932. no.5/6. ‘ Russian with wes ceesci fe s, also brief German SUMMALy « ; Feet, Vee ome senate ONE © fotoperiodicheskoi induktsii v proteesse razvi~ tiia rastenii (Sur l*induction photopériodi qe dans le processus de développement des plantes). I2V. Bot. Sada. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 1-52, diagrs. 1932, no.1/2. Russian with French summary. v.15, no.14, p.d0. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Not. Acad. Sci. acai baa: Lozina-Lozinskaja, Aa ois Novye reveni srednei Azii (Rhei species novae ex Asia media). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Neuk SSSR (Bull. Jard, Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) :.30: 377.384. 1932.no.3/4. ‘Russian with Latin diagnoses’ (Eheum lucidum, . macrocarpum, plicatum, cordatum; maximowiczi ) Monteverde, N.N., Beloveleeais TA. & Ordovskaja, MeAe ' Resulttaty raboty po udjasti fay ‘provedenii kol» lektivnogo opyta s perechnoi miatoi v 1930 g.v. Leningrade (Die resultate des anteils an den 1930 in Leningrad ausgeftthrten kollektivversuchen mit pfefferminze). ..Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot.. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 327-332. illus. 1952. . no<3/4. Russian with German summary. . Novopokrovsky, I. V. ' Rezulttaty: geo botani chesico go obslodovantip, x oe kanala Oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii i Prisulakskoi niz— mennosti (Beitrage zur kenntnis der vegetation des -hiederungsgebietes von Dagestan (Die Sulak tiefebene und das ktstengebiet sttdlich von Petrovsk bis Bujnak IZV. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Scie URSS) 30: 2254291. illus., map. 1932. no.1/2. Russian with German summary. Ovchinnikov, P.l. Neskol'ko zamechanii ob Andro sace: paras ue L. i blizkikh k nef rasakh (Eini ge bemerkungen tlber Androsace septentrionalis L. und nahestehende rassen Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. -Sci.-URSS) .30: 3694376, 1932. no.d/4. Russian with German summary and Latin diagnosis. of nesp. (A. fedtschenkoi) Pali bum, te Ve. - n Novye khvoinye rasteniia 4 neo genovikh otlo~ zhenil Urala i.Kavkaza (Les coniftres nouvelles du néogene de l'oural et du Caucase). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Hot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30s S561. illus. 1932sno.i/2. Russian with French summary.. -Piceostrobtus naistruevi, Pimus uralensis, P. vase soewiczi, P. paradoxa, , "Toe no.14, pecl. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Naud SSSE (Bull. ae Bot. Acad. Sci. - «= URSS). (cont.) Pobedi mova, Ee a. Proizvol'noe izmenenie dlitel'nosti tsiklov raz~ Utila pri elektricheskom svete (Arbitrary altera- tion of the duration of theqgcle of development in artificie@l light). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 147~ Moe wis, 1958. no. /a. Russian with Emglish summary. Savicz, Le I. Flora tor +fianykh nikhov Kamchatki (Flore des sphaignes de Kamtschatka). av. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 415-480. vii pl. on 4. 1932. nod/4. © Russian with French summary. Schipczinsky, N. V. V tsentre Kazaicstana (Im zentrum von Kasakstan) Izv. Bot, Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Scie URSS) 30g 385401. 1932. no.d/4. Russian with German summary. Shchepkina, T. V. Novyi sposob primenenifa ieolopimetri ches = pri- bora, izvestnogo pod nazvaniem "Die indixator-folien nach Wulff" dlia opredeleniia fH v razlichnykh orge- nakh i tranialch rastenii (Ein neues verfahren bei der anwendung des unter dem namen "Die indikatorfo~ lien nach Wolff" bekannten appartes zur bestimmng von pH in verschiédenen pflanzen-organen und geweben.) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Buil. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 143-146. 1932, no.1/2. Russian with German summary. GOz, 1 .>G. - 0 Ceratophyllum tanaiticum Sapjegin. Izv. Bot.: Sada Akad. New SSSR (Bull. Jard.: Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 403—413. illus. (tap) 1932, no.3/4. Russian with English sgurmary. Journ. Amer, Chem. Soc. (381Am33J) Williams, R.J., Lyman, C.M., Goodyear, G.H., Truesdail, J. H. & Holaday, D. : : x "Pantothenic acid", a growth determinant of universal biological occurrence, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soce 55: 2912~2927, Jle 1933. Noeve V.15, nopl4, p.ce. Journ. Biochem. Tokyo Bee Tanaka, XK. : Ueber die sterine des Sh, al 11a Journ. Biochem, Wes 17: 4836494, My. 1933, NO we 2 Senet Journ. Biol. Chem, (Baltimore) Se ee ‘Sands, Tre & Gary, We os The hemicelluloses of- eee wood. Journ. Biol. Chem, lO: 573=@581, Jle 1933. node Journ. Bot. (London) (450382) British Museum (Natural history) Herbarium. Notes from the British miseum herbarium. (cont.) Journ. Bot, 713 teers Je.1955. no.d46. Dandy, J. E. & Taylor, G. The names of gome South African plants. Journ. Bot. Vl: 1536158, Je.1933, no846. Rendle, ACRES vies ' John Gerard Koenig. Journ. Bot. 71: 143-153. pl. 601. de. £935. -no.846. é Thompson, A. New vice-county records for Sphagna, mostly ‘North country. Journ. Bot. 71: 158=159, Jee 1933. no.846. — Wilmott, A. J. An addition to the Brec-land floras: Veronica praecox All. Journ. Bot. 71: 159—160. Je.1933, nO. 846 «. Journ. Dept. Re So. Australia (adeleiae) - (23§084) Johnston, W. C. A review of some of the cruciferous weeds occurring in South Australia, with particular * reference to the lower north. Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Australia 36: ae illus. - My.15, "1933. no.elQ. ‘ Scott, Re Ce Rust in wheat crops in South Australia, season 1932-33, Journ. Dept. Agr. So. Henson 368 11446-1147, _My.15, 1955.5 noel. i he «Vel5, noold4, ped. Journ. Econ. Entom: (Geneva, N,Y.)- (4213822) _ PeeBeattie, Rs K. Diseases threatening ornamental and forest trees. Journ, Econ. Entom, 26: 621-624, Je.1933. Nowe -The Dutch elm diseases, larch canker, Woodgate rust, resinosis of.white and red pine, fir needle bli ght. | Beles R. His A : 1 we ae Status of potatoe wart in 1952, Journ. Econ. Entom, 26: 649-652, Je. 1933. 10.3. Carter, R.H. & Newcomer, E. J. Arsenical residues found on apples in the — Pacific northwest throughout a season of typical spraying with lead arsenate, Journ. Econ. Entom.. 263 572-580. JO,19SS. DOs eee iceea.. & Sheals, R. i The protection of forest nurseries: ‘from at white-pine blisterrust infection. Journ. Econ. Entom, 26: 641.648, dee NO .3~ hee: McCubbin, We. he ‘ The lima bean eean rae On’ Journ. Beon. Entom,... 263 625-630. a 1933.. ages Meier, F, C. The stem rust control program. Journ, Econ. Entom, 26; 6534659. illus. (map) Je. 1933, noed. Roark, Re Co The chemi cal ‘relationship between certain insece ticidal species of fabaceous plants, Journ. Econ, Entom, 26: 587-594. Je. 1933. nod. paraer, Ww Hs Progress, in phony peach disease eradication. Journ. Econ.:.Entom. 263 eae 5 illus. (incl. maps) Je.1933. now. ay . White, R. P. ; ; The insscts dnd diseases of Bee ercndon and Azalea, Journ. Econ. .Entom, . 263 631-640. pl 27-28. J 01933;: NO ede. ae * “VV15,- no. 4, pct. } Journ. FaCe Sci. Hokkaids Tag Univ. Ser. V, Bot. . (Sapporo) _> (451H68) i eas a ioe Barrer ye ee “Notes on some.:Japanese algae. V. een Fac: Sci... Hokkaido Emp..Univ. Ser. V, Bot. 2: 277n285.) Pls See XL. -My.1933. nod. Journ. Hered, (Washington) (442,84m3) McKinney, He. He & Sando, We ds Sate ee ; ~Earkimess and seasonal growth habit in wheat. Journ. Hered,- - 24316594179. ple My1983. N0sde ‘Journ, Jamaica Agr. Soc. (Kingston) (8J823) Bellamy, R. R. ‘= Does “the moon affect our crops? Journ. Still a matter of dispute in England; in the Islands, the qiestion is answered affirmatively. Journ. Linn. :Soc. Zool. (London) (410.9164) Reslie,.j.0G. . x Scientific results of the Cambridge ‘expedition to the East African Lakes, 1930-1. 3-4. Journ. Linn. Soce Zool. 383 13568155, L57ecll., illus. 0.18,‘L932. ino.2d8. 3. Observations. on the binomics of-some East African swamps. 4. The waters of some East African tase in ENE GR to their faina and flora. -~ os Rich, F.. Ee Scientific results of the comnacs expedition to the Hast African lakes, 1930-1. 7. ‘The algae. - no e 14, Pp . 30% Phytopath. Zeitschr, (Berlin) (464,.8P562) Anmet, H. Untersuchungen ther tracheomykosen. Phytopath. Zeitschr, 6; 49-101. illus. 193 35 a. ae ; a) eae : Tomato & cotton. 3 Dodov, D. Ne Die ep idemische entmiciclung ¢ der = suse in Nordbulgarien im jahre 1952,. ‘Phytopath. zeitschr., 6: 111-112, 1933. “no. 1. Hopffgarten, E. H. v. Beitrage zur kenntnis der stock ule (Trametes radiciperda). Phytopath. Zeitschr. 6: 1-48. dllus.... 19eenogdieg ata Schwarz, O. Die zweigdtirre des-oelbaumes, verursacht durch Hystcrographium ‘oleae n. sp., eine bisher unbeach- tet gebliebene pflanzenkranicheit des Ostlichen , Mittelmeergebietes. - Phytopath, Zeitschr. 6: (103-110, illus.. 1933. -no.l. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington. (500%72) Maxon, W. R. Fern miscellany. III. Proc. B02.) Soc. Washington. 46: 139-145. Jie.30, 1933, _QOrmoloma gen.nov., 0. imrayanum. Proc. Leeds Phil. & Lit. Soc. Sci. Sect. ea Grainger, J. & Heafford, 2. M. Some effects of the ordinary tobacco mosaic upon the development anatomy of the host plant. Proc. Leeds Phil. & Lit. Soc. Sci. Sect. @: 406- age), illus, ‘Ap. 19835, -noes. , Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci. (517H13) MacFarlane, C. Observations on the annual growth of Ascophyl- lum nodosum. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci. 183 27-33, illus. Mr ois, 2935. NO. os Proc. Soo. Exp. Biol. & Med. (N.Y.) (442.9801) Loehwing, W. F. Physico-chemical aspects of sex in pieates Proc, Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med. 30: 1215-1220. Proc. Tenn. State Hort. Soc. (81725) Drain, Ba, oe Root rot of apple trees. Proc. Tenn. State Hort. Soc. 28(1932): 47-48. [1933] ae re on V.15, no. 14, p.31. Proc, Tenn, State Hort. Soc. (coat. ) , ‘Sauchel li; Wien’ Flotation auutent in the. nee of fruit diseases. Proc. Tenn. State Hort. Soc. 28( 1932): 23-58. pega Rev. Path. wees” & nba ae lees) (464.9So01) Charpentier, C. 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Tule near Oaxaca, Mexico, not less than 4,000 years old, caichiiiinad to Dr. H. von Schrenk, Disease resistant banana promises to save millions. Science News Letter 24:39, J1.15, 1933, no.640, "Prof. E. BE. Cheesman believes he has created a fruit which is completely immune to Panama @isease... Knowl as 1.0.2..." Selectionneur. (Versailles) (64.9Se4) Alabouvette, L. & Titard, A. Sur la possibilite. d'utiliser dans lg culture dg la tomate des hybrides de premicre generation. Sélectionneur 2! 11-14. Mr.1933. no.l. Dieh1, Re : La selection de cereales d'hniver resistantes au froid, Sélectionneur 2° 60=40, Mr.1933. 200) 5 LF Wheat and ete Friedberg, (EN Action de ltacide phenigue et de la potasse alcoolique sur les bles (reactions colorces). Sélectionneur 2: 20~29. Mr.1933. nol. Esudineau, M. ? : , Les blés et la carie, Selectionneur <2: 1 19, Mr.1933, nays v.15, 10. 14, DR. 34, So. African Gard. (Johannesburg) _ (808087) Plan}s new or noteworthy. South African plants cultivated in our. readers! gardens. South African Gard. 23:.1394140. "illus. ~ Je.1933. ~no.6. Stapelia wilmaniae & §. -cylista, Luckhoff, Gladiolus triangulus, Lewis, Aloe framesii, L. Bolus, Aloe fosteri, Pilans, new species. So. African Sugar Jour. (Durban) (65.8808) “McLean, Ae es Ge hae 4 . Streak disease of sugar cané. ‘So. African Sugar Jour. 17: 247-259. -My.30, 1935. no,5. Stain Techn. . (442, 8st1) Blakeslee, A. F. Jom Belling, . October..7, 1866- Feb.16,° 1933, “Stain Tecnn. 8: 8386. . port. JL.1953. nO. Sver. Utsidesftr, Tidskr. (Svalof) eee) Nilsson, F. x Analyskarslampans ‘anvindning fr atskiljande av italienskt och engelskt rajeras. (Lolium multi- florum Lam. och L. perenne L.) (The use of the analytical quartz mercury vapour lamp for distin- guishing Italian and perennial ryegrass). Sver. Uts&desfSr, Tidskr, 43: 114-120, 1933, no.2. English summary: p.119=120.. Techn. Bull, Macdonald Coll. (1013143) Newton, D. BH. & Nowosad, F. S. 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Ty A survey of the filamentous ereen algae of Labette county, Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. SGig.) cos; 190-195. illus. 19326 Gates, F. C. . Kansas botanical notes, 1931. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci, 35: 63-64, 1932. Mannoni, §. A. A survey of the green algae of Crawford county Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 35: 179-189. wets. - 1952, Melchers, 1 eve Plant disease problems in Egypt. Trans. Mansas Acad, Sci... 55: SE=61. 5. aidus.. 1932. Jeb Cm, C e The flora of Sheridan county, Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci, 35: 161-178, 1932. Trans. Kentucky State Hort. Soc, (81K41) Balleau, W. D. itpple-scabd spore development and sprays. Trans. Kentucky State pepo Soc. W932: 73-79, [1933] Trans. Wisc. Acad. (50075) Kahlenberg, L. & Traxler, R. N. The osmotic permeability of living plant membranes. Trans, Wise. Acad, 28: 275-290. 1933, Se nlion sesh reports on the flora:of Wisconsin. XXI- XXIII. Trans. Wise. Acad. 28: 171-186, 187- 190, 191-196... illus. (maps) 1933. _XXI. emiasenee N.C. Fassett. XXII. Cornaceae, A. A. Drescher, XXIII. Urticaceae. D. F. Costello. v. 15, no. 14, De 36. Trans. Wise. Acad. (cont. ” Wadmond, S. C. Tne Quercus ellipsoidalis-quercus’ coccinea complex.” Trans. Wise. Acad. 28: 197-203, map. 1933, ct) Q. ellipsoidalis found in North Central states, Q. coccinia in Hastern states, ~ Tropenpfl. (BerLin). (26975) “Grieder, iene pra hy faa Mere einheimische mais zeatralbrasiliens. ' Hropenpfl. - 36:250-255. Je. 1933, “no. 6; Marcus, A. Die straucherbse, Cajanus indicus. Tropenpf1. ees 245-250, ~Jr.1933. no.6, Trop. Agr. (267751) Parsons, ‘Tosh. ae Ge Food crops of the tropics. euibsonon) (ene S02, 285-289). Map Sa weno eae | Breadiruit, jak fruit. Trop. Agriculture West Indies (Trinidad) (267754) Bugalsholaryen ia 1G Mi PS Maladies affecting arrowroot in St. Vincent. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10: 183-188. ple VaVi, JIASSC om. I, "Burning" disease of arrowroot (Caused by Rosellinia bunodes (?).). II. Cigar or long root. (Due to soil factors) ; Wardlaw, C. W. & McGuire, LP. Cultivation and diseases of the banana in Brazil. I. Cultivation. Trop. Agriculture West mnddes LO: 192-197), qouke: svete. pS oa enor Trudy Zashch, Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl. ) (Leiningrad) (423.92154¢) Bideltman, % M. & Bankul, E. A. Fiziologicheskais otsenka list!ev raznykh voz rastov 2 odnogo i togo zhe rasteniia na raznykh stadliiakh razvitiia (Physiological value of the leaves of different ages in the different stages ‘of the development of a given plant). Trudy Zasnch, Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl. ) 33; 131-146, 1933. Russian with English summary, ¥.15, no.14) p.37. Trudy ‘Zashoh, Rast. Ili. Ser, Sredstva i Opud. Bor!by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. 2 Impl.) (cont.) Hideltman, Z.M. Osnovnye rezul!taty opytov iskusstvennogo umen! shoniia listovol poverkhnosti v raznykh geograficheskikh punktakh (Principal results of experiments on artificial reduction of leaf surface in the different geographical points). Trudy Zashch. Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by eo Plant prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Imol.) 3: 65-72, ° 1933. RusSian with ee summary, Winter wheat and oats. peed Iman Z. M. & Bankul, E. A. ~ Viliianie mekhanicheskogo ungn! sheniid listo-~ voi oe i raznykh uslovii pitaniia na nakoplenie sukhogo veshchestva u zlakov (Effect . of mechanical reduction of leaf aren and of dif- ferent alimental conditions upon the accumula- tion of dry stuff in cereals). Trudy Zashch, Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Set. Contr. Meas. & Impl.) 3: aeRO. «= LOSS Russian with English summary. Eidel'man, Z. Me ee Vliianie mekhanicheskogo umen!sheniia listovoi ploshehad i na rost i razvitie kild turnykh rastenil Ss sviazi s metodikoi ucheta povrezhdeb ii ot bolez nei (Effect of mechanical roduction of loaf aroa upon the growth and development of cultivated plants in connection with the methods of counting injuries from diseases). Trudy Zashch, Rast, III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by. (Bull. Plant Prot, III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl.) 3: 15-43. 1933, re Russian with English summary. ‘sheat.: Litbimenko , Vy. Ne 0 koeffitsientakh vrednosti(On the coefficients of injury) © Trudy Zashch. Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor'by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl.) &: 344. 1953, °° Russian, V.15, a0.04, eveoen Trudy Zashch, Rast. ‘Tie Ser. _Sredstva: z -Qpud.: Bor'by : (Bull. Plant’ Prot. III. sér. contr. Meas. os Tepl:. ) €eont.) Shevchenko, V._ Opyty po izucheniiu vliianiia iaeiscnyeen oes umen! sheniia assi imilYAtsiomoi poverkhnosti lis-- t¥ev u khlobov na ‘obrazovanie urozhaia (An” eX =peri- mental study. of” ‘the influence of the artificial decreasé ‘of ‘She ‘assimilating area’ of ‘leaves’ on the amo‘in t ‘of harvest). ““"- mrudy Zashch; Rast. EIT. Ser. Sredstva i ‘Opud Bor'’by (Bull. Plant prot. iil. Ser, Contr, Meas, & Inpl. ee 3; 44-60. 1933, Russian, Szeglova, Ove tah, eo Chernysheva ss Hae Vliianie mekhanicheskogo umen'sheniia listovoi, ploshchadi na razvitie rastenii, nakoplenie sukhoi Massy x urozhai zerna u iarovol pshenitsy i iach menia (Studien uber den einfluss der mechanischen verminderung der blattflache auf dic entwicklung der pflanze, auf den zuwachs der trockenen masse und auf die kornernte bei somnerweizen und gerste). Trudy Zashch. Rast. ETD ser. Sredstva i Opud. Bor!- by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl.) 3: 7G tae ess Russian with German’ summary. Telichko, S. F.. & Siriadchenko, BE. A. Vliianie mekhanicheskogo umen' sheniia ploshch- ida listovykh plastinok na razvitie iarovoi pshe- nitzy na snhirote kicva (The influence of artificial decrease of the areca of leaves on the development of summer wheat at the latitude of Kicv). Trudy Zashch, Rast. III. Ser. Sredstva i Opud. Dort-" by (Bull. Plant Prot. III. Ser. Contr. Meas. & Impl.) 3: 61-63, 1933, Russian, U.S. Dept. Agr. Miscellaneous mimeographed publications. Coville, F. V. & Enlow, G. R. Crabgrass in lawns. Washington, De. Ces Ap.1933. (1.9P6924Cr. ) : From Div. of botany & ‘Div. of forage crops and diseases. | ; Syntherisma savguinale. Veda prirodni (Prague) (410V51) Pilat, A. Gentiana doerfleri Ronn v poloniskych Karpatech. Veda prirodni 14; 139-141. illus. My.1933. no.5. Toe Fi is = V.15, no. l4, 0.39% Zeitsehr, Pilzk, (Leipzig) (4502352) © HOner LG... Der gestreifte teverling (Cyathus striatus Mudie, ).) Gertschr., Pilzk, 125 S8-Am, War. HIS5. 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(100N27)-- G.L. Peltier chairman. Hume, A. N. & Franzko, C. J. The germination of seed corn ana its relation to the occurrence of molds during germination. South Dakota Agr. Exp. Stat. Dull. 275. 19 so. illus. Biel eRe pea v.15, noisl4, 6.40: Mew books, Mehineer, FE. } dats sos VYegetati Qesoeds der Ka reenkon Jena, G. Fischer, 1933 5 CE apesesast ones cedbdse) (459. 7Arw) Anderson, it. zn. The trees of New South Vales. Sydney, A. J. Kent, gov't printer, 1932. (460.33An2) Canada. .Dept..of agriculture - Experimental farms. branch = Div. of botany. é l2th annual report of the Canadian plant disease survey 1932. Comp. by I. L. Connors. Ottawa, 1933. (464.9C016S) .~ aie Le Dewey 9 Ue . Ele 2 - ‘ : ; Dibliografia selecta sobre plantas fibrosas. Washington, D. C., Union panamericana, 1933. (24.55D51) Mimeographed, HOLSCH, Ky Ne : Die begonien... Stuttgart, HE. Ulmer, 1933. (96, 511 F82) aia Krankheiten und sch#dlinge... von H. 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Gap, Imprimerie L. Jean, 1932, (551142) These - Univ. Clermont. The Morris arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1933, (451.1738) Nilsson, F. Studies in fertility and inbreeding in some herbage grasses. Lund, 1933, (60.1N59) Reprinted as thesis, from Hereditas, v.19 Royal horticultural society. Classified list of daffodil names ... Feb. 1933, London, 1933, (96.47R81) Rusdi, 0. ies untersuchmgen bei Antirrhinum majus. Jena, Universitséts—buchdruckerei G. Neucnhahn, 1932. (463, 69R39) Inaug. —- diss. Landw. Hochscn. Berlin. Sstuor, B. Manual of Pacific Coast drug plants... Lancaster, Pa., 1933. (455. 8St9) Reprints from Journals not yet rec'd. Clark, R. S. Stem anatomy of tomato, Lycopersicum esculentum, L. In Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Penn. v.9( Reprinted from Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 6: 31-38) 1932, (451738) Waerry, E. T. Ecological studies of serpentine—barren volants. I. Ash composition. In Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Penn. v.9 (Reprinted from Proc. Penn. Acad. Sci. 6: 31-38) 1932. (451738) Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Posthumus, 0. Over het rictvercdelingswerk in Britisch-Indié (Oa the improvement of sugar cane in British India). Arch, Suikcrind. Nederl.-Indié 1933(1): 77-97. 1923, Correction Wels. MoO.dS, p16 Vader Journ. Counce.) Sei. @ dudustr. Res.) Austral. Murname, D. should be Murnane, D. = > £6 Igts tac whe ser ry SS TA ta eed an . » Lae Dal . es a hie. Vp ae BOTAN Yosrary SURRENT ETERAIORE RE CEIV E.p ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT IN J3.9 %& COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE Vol. 15, no. 15. July 17-29, 1933. Abstr. Doctors! Diss. Ohio State Univ. (241.80h3) Anderson, A. The variability of plant characters in relation to the genetic constitution of sweet corn (Zea saccharata Sturt). Abstr. Doctors! Diss. Ohio State Univ. 10: 1-13. 1933. Blaydes, G. W. Water loss and stomatal investigations. Abstr. Doctors! Diss. Ohio State Univ. 8: 12-22. 1932. i: Camp, W. H. 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Jie 19336 NOsv« Freeland, Re 0. ‘Some morphological and physico-chemical changes accompanying proliferation of Bryophyllum leaves. | er. Journ. Bot. 20; 467-480. pl. 31-32. Jl. 1923, nosis ule eS" ae Kramer, P. J. as The intake of water through dead root systems and its relation to the problem of absorption by transpiring plants. . Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 481-492. Jive 1933... mone , Ove ark Wentzel, S/F. Meiosis in Digitalis ferruginea with special reference to the anachromatic aad catachromatic PTOCeSSeSe Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 493-501. illus. Jie 19335 Ost Midl. Nat. (Notre Dame, Ind.) (410M58) ° Sorain, R. W. A study of vein endings in leaves. Amer. Midl. Nat. 14:.367-375. illus. Jl. 1935. WOletes ; Nat. (47GAm36) Anderson, E. & Abbe, L. B. A comparative anatomical study of a mtant Aquilezia. Amer. Nat. 67: 380-384. illus. die hes 1983. nos 7idie Gates, R. R. The general bearins of recent research in Oenothera. © Amer. Nat. ‘67: 352-364. Jl./Ag. 1933. no.71ll. : Orchid Soc. Bull. ( 804m329 ) Woerry,. KH. T. Native orchids. Our eastern orchids and their caltivation. 2. The yellow and white Cyprideiums. Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 2: 14-15. JO@.19335- NOls V-15, no.15, p.3. Angew. Bot. (Berlin) (450An4) _ Bockmann, H. Die schwarzepilze des getreides unter beson~ derer bertcksichtigung ihrer pathogenitat und des vorkommens von rassen innerhalb der gattungen Cladosporium Link und Alternaria Nees. I. Angew. Bot. 153; 308-321. illus. My./Je. 1933. no.d. Braun, K. Tephrosia vogelii Hook f. als See ee tence im frttheren Deutsch-Ostafrika. Angewe Bot. 15s @os-col. illus... My./de. 198o. “np.Sr Gabajew, S. Systematische untersuchungen an gurkenarten und variet&aten. Angew. Bot. 15: 2902307. My./Je. 1933. no.3. Stapp, C. Verfahren zur prt‘fung von bomen (Phaseolus vulgaris) auf resistenz gegen Pseudomonas medi- Caginis var. phaseolicola Burkh., den erreger der fettfleckenkrankheit. Angew. Bot. 15: 241-252. signori My./ je. 19356 . now. Ann. Tecn. Agr. (Roma) (16An73) Pirovano, A. ; Sulla eredita in Vitis vinifera. Ann. Tecn. Agr. (Roma) 6: 414-436. Jl. 1933. no4. Ann. Rep. Cacao Res. Trinidad (68.39C11) Pound, F. J. The genetic coustitution of the cacao crope (concl.) Ann. Rep. Cacao Res. Trinidad 2(1932): 9-25. Av) ple (Si Colle ) _ 1933-6 Pound, F. J. Studies of fruitfulness in cacao. III- Factors af~ fecting fruit setting. Ann. Rep. Cacao Res. Trini- dad 2(1932): 29-36. 1933. Pyke, E. HK. The physiology of cacao. I. General observations of srowth, flowering and fruiting. Ann. Rep. Cacao Res. Trinidad 2(1932): 37-40. plates. 19335. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Assam (22As7Rp) Assam. Dept. of agriculture Mycology. In its Ann. Rep. 1931/32: 51-52. 1933.6 Vsidy momo, p-4. Bergculture (Batavia, Java) (22.5345) Beumee, J. , ee ’ Dr. Bernard als botanicus. Bergcultures 1: 663-661; “ports 9 Je.17, 91935. “no.2ll. Other articles concerning different phases of the work of Dr. Charles J, Bernard are con- tained in this’ number. Blankert, W. L. Sees eee De vegetatieve vermeerdering vm zaadlooze of - zaadarme .lamtoro (Leucaena ee Bergcultures (: OT5-6f0-58 se eiqert Some wo, Huitema, W. K. De zaadlooge. lamtoro. Bergcultures 7: 680- 681,- Je.17,1933.: no.2ht, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. (Berlin) (451D4e) Doring, H. Ueber zweikernige epidermiszellen bei atom cepa. Bér, Deut. Bot. Ges. 51: 166-167. il- AUS. ») J6.29 5 A955 ce New Gessner, F, Die néhrostoffaufnahme der submersen. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 51: 216-228. illus. Je.29, 1933- no.5. ae Vorlsufige mitteilung. Knapp, 3. Ueber Geosiphon pyriforme Fe Wettst.,. eine intrazellulare pilz-algen-symbiose. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 51: 210-216, pleiv. Je.29,1933. : no.5. Vorlaufise mittcilune. Schade, A. Flechtensystematik und tierfrass. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges, 5h: 168-192, de.29, 1933. no.5. ; Strugger, S. Ueber das wachstum dekapitierter keimpflanzen. Ber, Deut. Bot. Ges. -. -5l:-193-209e ie lass wes 29, 1933. no. 5. | V.15,. 20015, ps5. Ber. Deut. Chem. Gos. (Berlin) (384545). ~ Asahina, Y. and others .. Vatersuchungen uber flechtenstoffe. XXV-XXVII. Ber, Deut..Chem. Ges. 6; Te a 1031. Missal Isos NOe ls ; XXV. Ueber, stictinsture. XXVI. Ueber psoromséure. VET « Ueberftthrung der salazinsYure in ein cetr&r- sture-derivat. Biochem. Zeitschr.. (Berlin) (3843522) Falck, Re, Schoeller, W. & Michael, S. : Studien tber die sturebildung durch fadenpilze. Biochem. Zeitschr. 262: 280-295. Jee’, 1933. no.4/6. . Miller, D. Alkaholdehydrase aus hefe losgeltst. Biochem. Zeitschr. 262: 239-247. Je.27, 1933. no4/6. Biole Reve & Biol. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. (442.9014) Priestley, J. H. & Scott, L. I. Phyllotaxis in the dicotyledon from the standpoint of developmental anatomy. Biol. Rev. & Biol. Proce Cambridge Phil. Soc. 8: 241-268. illus. J1Lel19SSe NOcde Blumen u. Pflanzenb. (Berlin). (80B623) Kélbe, R. W. Allgemeines tber die anzucnt der orchideen aus samen. Blumen u. Pflanzenb. 48: 64-65. illus. My-l, 1933. N05. Boll.,Sez. Itals Soc. Intern. Microbiol. (Milano) (448.3801) Verona, O-» 4 Une observation sur l'taction pathogene du Bact. tumefaciens Smith et Townsend. Boll. Seze Ital. ie. Soce Intern. Microbiol. 5; 139-140. My.1933. op Olas On Vicia faba. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. (451B79R) 4 Caser, Ca Ss ; bi Plant forms in desig. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. % Rec. 22: 172-177. illus. J1.1933. no.3. Reprinted from Bull. Metrop. Mus. Art. v.28. Merrill, E. D. Little-used sources of plant forms for design. Brooklya Bot Ve Garde Rec. 22: 168-171 ° illus. J1+19335 NOede Bull. V-15, no.15. p.6. Aer. & Hort. Belg: (13841) — es. Js “Za.culture des oignons a fleurs en me aut “BULL. “Agr. & Hort. Belg: 1933: 66-95. 1933.: French and Flemish. ‘ Maladies. et insectes qui attaquent les tulipes: “p.90-93. Sclerotium perniciosum n.sp. ? Journee, C. Description des principales affections parasitaires du‘tabac, observees au cours de - lYannée 1932), dans la vallee de la Semois et Bull. Bull. moyeus preventifs'de lutte. Bull. Agre & Hort. Belg. 1955: 96-109. 12 pl. on 6. 1933. French and Ylemish. ‘Amer. Iris Soc. ee -MceDade, C. ; [ris that ieee in — fall. Bull. Amer. “Tris Soc... 48:. 37=42. - Ji-..1983-: Necholi sso. Ce ut oh Dh Iris cnromosomes. Buili. Amer. [ris-Soc. A7: 79-83." Ap. 1933; 48: 57-60. J1.1933.. Peckham, TH. Acese Williamson irises. Bull. Amer. Iris Soc. 48: 8-14. Jd wt 9SSe : Raised and introduced by E.B. Williamson. Cl. Sci. Acad. Roy. Belg. (Bruxelles) (5048838) Jamotte, Ave Découverte- de la flore & Glossopteris dans la cuvette charbonniers de la Iuena (Katanga). Bull. Mei Ci. Meads sae Belg. V, 19: 561-564. 1933. Bull. oe Indochine (22.5In2) Du Pasquier, R. Principales maladies parasitaires du théier et du coféier en Extréme-Orient. B. Parasite vegzetaux. Bull. Feon. Indochine 363 1-144. - illus., col-pl. XX-Kxiv.e Ja./Ap. 1933. - Includes also control measures, generalities &c. Poilane, Une légumineuse aes ‘ore a propager, le. chon tran (Bauhinia). Bull. Econ. Indochine 36; 176- , LS ‘Ja.-Ap. 1933. ee ee V¥.15,, 20.155 - pe), Zs. Bull. Misce Inform. Kew (London) (89K51B) Brooks, R. L. Notes on the Trinidad. and Tobago species of Lauraceae. - Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew. 1933; 209- poGe illus. 1933. 10.050 Ocotea arenaensis n.sp. Foggie, A. Some notes on the Troodos pine: ‘of Cyprus. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1933; 228-231. 1933. NlO.d. Generally iors as P. laricio cylashens., should be P.nigra var. caramanica. — Prain, D. & Burkill, T.H- Dioscoreae novae asiaticae. (cont.) Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1933; 240-246. 1WSS." No.5. Summerhayes, V. S. African orchids. V. Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1933: 246-254. 1933. Ole Tedd, H. Gs & Turrill, W. B. On the flora of the Nearer East. XIV. The elms of western Thrace (mostly included within the species Ulms nitens). Bulle Misce Inform. Kewe 1933: 232- 240. 1933. NlO eDe Bull. Sci. Pharm. (Paris) (39618B872) Leclerc, H. Les vieilles. panacées: le mouron rouge (Anagallis arvensis L.). Bull. Sci. Pharm. 420: 364-368. Je. 1933. no.6. Mascre, M.- & Housset, M.- Action des vapeurs de chloroforme, dtéther et de benzene sur les constituants elucidiques de la. feuille d'Aucuba japonica Thunb. Bull. Sci. Pharm. 40; 257-271. My- 1933. NO =D Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve (451G283B) Baehni, C. La septoriose (rouille) du eéleri et le a toria petroselini Desm. var. apii, Br. et Cav. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II,24; 1-57. illus.. 1933. ‘Beauverd, G. Les Alpes de Val a! Isere et les s particularités de leur flore. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II, 24: 225-259 « 1933. V+15, no.15, p. 8. Bull. Soc. Bot. Beneve ~(cont.) Beauverd, G. Un nouveau saxifrage de la flore de Provence. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II, 24: 269-270. 1933. Saxifraga lin igilata subsp. nove gallosprovin- Cialis. Friesen, C. Va. - Les caracteres essentiels de la famille des Sebestenaceae et revision du genre Varronia. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve ‘It, (Ra: 117-201. ijjus. LOSS eee Sohoetenneene replacing Cordiaceae. Varroniop- sis, Montjolya, eee new ZeNey Varronia bridg- esi n.sp. * Hoffmann-Grobéty, Une nouvelle centaurée du Dodécanese. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II, 24: 220-222. illus. 1933. Centaurea chorionensis. — Landis, J-« Etude sur la nutrition jazotée’ ‘des proto- ascomycetes en culture aerée. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II, 24: 58-103. 1933. Minod, M. Sur deux cas d'androgynie chez les liliacées. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve III 24: 104-116. illus. 1933. ; Veratrum nigrum, Lilium martagon. ice dion Hist vais La navure de la croissance. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve II, 24: 202-219. 1933. Bult. Sci. Fak. Terkult. Kjugu Imp. Univ. (J107.6K995B) Takiguti, Y. On the Davis! modified catalase-method prophe- seying the germinating power cf seeds. Bult. Sci. Fak. Terk. KjuSu Imp.Univ. Fakuoka 5; 103- 116. My. 1933. noel. Japanese with Snglish summary « Cactus (Mont. St. Amand, Belg.) (4500112) Van de Lae G. Notes sur la classification des cactées (cont.) Cactus (Mont St. Amand, Belg.) 3(3): 7-8. JQ. 1933-4 ~ eV Dayna a) oe ele Cactus (Mont. St. Amand, Belz.) (coat) Van de Weghe, G. - Pierres vivantes. Cactus Pita! St. Amand, Belg.) 3(3): 8-10. illus. Je.1933. . Lithops. : La Cellule (Lierre,Belgium) (442.8033) Martens, P. & Vandendries, R. Le cycle conidien haploide et diploide chez Pholiota aurivella. - La Cellule 41: 335-388. Se T11 pas | LISS no4. Nevans., Bs I. Cytological studies on the antheridia of Sphaerocarpos donnellii. La Cellule 41: 291- 334 e L2i.pl . 1933 e no 4 s i Citrus Indust. (Tampa, Fla.) (80049) Lord, E. L. Citrus dieback. Citrus Indust. 14(7):6-7,26. Jl. 1933. Citrus Leaves (Redlands,Calif.) Rohrbaugh, P. VW. Petroleum cil sprays and their accumlation in‘citrus trees in California. Citrus Leaves man) 6-7. ills. J1.1963. Comot. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris (505p21) Chadefaud, M. ' Les colorations vitales chez les algues. ae Rend. Acad. Sci. ‘Paris igs 90-92. Pies tIoh6 Wel. Gautheret, Re : Cultures de méristemes de racines de Zea mays. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris LOZ BO—Ols 9 Sled, 1933-6 no. 1. Lami, R. Sur la vegetation des algues marines de la région sud des cOtes du Portugal. Compt. Rend. Read. Sci. Paris 197: 85-85. J1.5, 1935. NOwl» Lefevre, Sur la structure de la théque chez les Péridinites. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris MOV =Soe “Sleds Looe MyOe Le Compt. “VES, nosL5; piame- Rend. Acad. Scis Paris (cont .) Meunier, A. sur la présence du maltose dans les tubercules frais du Lathyrus tuberosus L. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci» Paris 197: 98-100. WL sOipgl GaGie) 1) Oras Petter, H. F. M. ba réaction vucléale de Feulzen chez quelques yézétaux infériexurs. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. - Paris 197; 88-90. dime doo. MOjaidis Compt. Read. Soc. Biol. Paris (42 .9P21). Aegéry, B. Mile. _ Sur un Homostegia parasite nouveau du polypode. Compt. Read. Soc. Biol. Paris 113: 651-653. TGB4e WOweoen H. polypodii n.sp-. Frémont, T. ' Nouveile preuve de la présence d'un anticorps lysant chez les vézetaux par une méthode phy sio- lozique. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris: JS 777= 7786 1933-5 no.d3. Fremont, ts Recherches dtariticorps chez les vezétaux: présence d'une gensibilisatrice. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 113: 775-776. 1933. no.2d. Ledoux, P. Sur des caracteres histosystématoloziques de Coffea kivuensis Lebrun. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 113: 924-926. 1933. noe24. Skalinska, M. Etudes sur la cytolosie. et la fertilité d'un hydride triplotde d'!Aquilegia. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. Paris 124: 955=<955. 1933 6 no.o4. Contr. Bot. Cluj, Roumanie (4510622) Corse Nemeth, F. - Contribution a l'étude de Geranium palustre L. Une forme nouvelle. Contr. Bot. Cluj, Roumaine Vis cg iilery, Ops illus. 1933. G. palustre f. obtusatum. Agr. (1481) Un parasite du mildios. Corse Agr. 23; 130- 132-2 J1.1933. no.7. "... appartient au zenre Tricothécium'. Velo, NOledia's ?Pp- eS Ecol. Monogr. (Durham) (4108c72’) Cox, GO. Fs Nees i Alpine plant succession on James Peak, Colorado. Ecol. Monogr Se. S01- Slee illus. Jt. 1933. NOsieu 4: Empire Mark. Bd. Saou (London) (280.596 792P) . Barker, Se G. Sisal. A note on the attributes of the fibre and their industrial significance. Empire Mark. Bd. [Publ.Jno.64. 74n. S8pl. My. 1933. Ernwhr. Pfianze. (Berlin) (57.8ré6é) Kratschmer, L. ae Beorachtungen und erfanrunzea woéer patholo- gische kalimangelerscheinungen. Erndhr .Pilanze (29: 264-265. . illus. J1.15, 1933. o.14._ Flor. Exch. OT.) (808665) Cook, R. a Plant patents. The situation, its dangers and its possibilities. Flor. Exch. |81(28): 9,17. J1.15, 1933. Strons, Le A. [Plant quarantine act]. ‘Flor. Exch. 81(29): See eol,, 1956s. oh Extracts from Dr. ‘Strong's address before A.A.N. convention in which he’ considers pesstyies liberal~ ization of administration of the act. Flor. Rev. (Chicago) -"(g0w41) Craig, We N. Increasing public interest in lilies result of new varieties. Flor. Kev. 72(1859): 9-10. ius. .Jjl.l3, 1983. Pring eG ois Tropical water lilies of unusual interest produced by hybridizers. Flor. Rev. 72(1859): APITBe | iiluse < Jlsk3; 1933. Fruit World Australasia (Melbourne) (80F948) Brown rot of stone fruits. Control measures discussed. Fruit World Australasia (Melvourne) 34: 335-336. Je-l, 1933. no.6. V.15, no.15, ple. Gard. Chrone (London) - Brown, N. HE. 7 ; Ianthe pusilla, N.E.Br. Gard. Chron. III, 942 24-25. J1.8, 1933. no.2428. (80162) Brown, N « Ke Pauridia mimta, N.E. Br. Gard. Chron. III, 94-2 24. Ji.8, 1933... mo.2428. Collias, ingeols Crocus versicolor. Gard. Chron. III, 94: 29. Jl .o5 19S5~ no.2428. Friend, H. Herbs and herbalists. VIII. Some Indian herb- lore. Gard. Chron. III, 94: 27-28. illus. sMbsisis yess no .2428. Moore, P. Exochorda Irish Pearl. Gard. Chron. III, 94: oh. illus. J1.8, 1933. n1o.2428. E. wilsonii x E. racemosa. : Todd, E. E. Erica umbellata. Gard. Chron. III, 94: 6. sjal sit 1933. no ec427. Ward, F. K. Mr. F. Kingdon Ward's eleventh expedition in Asia. XXXII. Colour and Alpine plants. Gard. Caron. Lit, 94s 26=e70> > Tse: © gis sete. 10-2428. Gartenbauwiss. (Berlin) (80G195) Branscheidt, P. Weitere beitrdge zur frage der fertilitkis- verhntltnisse hei kern- und steinobstsorten. Gartendauwiss. 7: 546-566. Je.20, 1933- no.5. Niethammer, A. Die mikroflora verschiedener gentisepflanzen, unter besonderer berlUcksichtizune der samen und fruchte. Gartenbauwiss. 7: 567-589. illus. Je.c0, 1933. no.5. Richter, 0. Licht-schrift in blumen. Eine verwendungs- mglichkeit der ktinstlichen hthensonne im cSrtnereibetriebe, Gartenbauwiss. 7: 528=—545. illus. JOecOywe soos RO«de -W.15, 20,15, p» 13. Gartenw. (Berlin) (80G196) Riefenstanl, S. Wachsende verluste durch die eatenlelrenkheit der gladiolen. Gartenw. 37: 314. Teese IOS « Edo wo Ole Septoria eladioli. Sommer, H. Die immer noch ratselhafte kr#uselkrankheit der pelargonien. Gartonw. 37: 312." Je.d0, US oe no.c6. Hoppe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. (Berlin) (384238) Fink, H. & xthles, R. Beitrage zur methylenblaufurbung der hefezellen und studien ter die permeabilitat der hefe- zellmembran. II. Hine verbesserte farbefllssizkeit zur erkennung von toven hefezellen. Hoppe=Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. C hem. 18: 65-66. Je.cd, 19335. 0.1/2. Indian Journ. Aer. Sci. (Calcutta) (2242832) Afzal, M. & Trought, T. A note on a cross of Gossypium stocksii M. Mast-with Gossypium indicum Gammie. Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. 3: 334-338. pl. xxii-xxiii. Ap. 1933. N10 Ce Ayvangzar, G. N. R., Narayana, T. R- & Rao, T. N. The inheritance of characters in Setaria italica (Beanv.), the Italian millet. III. Bristles. Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. 3: 207-218. pl. Xv. Ap-1933. noe. Dastur, R. H. & Malkani, T. J. Tie intoke of nitrogen by the rice plant (Oryza sativa L.). Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. oe 157-206. Ap -1933. NO ade Deshpande, R. B. Studies in Indian chillies. 3. The inheritance of some characters in Capsicum annuum L. Indian Journ: Agr. Sci. 3: 219-300. © pl.xvi-xxi (3 col.) Ap. 19336 pied. Rhoind, De A note oa the inheritance of seed-coat colour in Phaseolus lunatus L. Indian Journ. Agr. Sci. 3: 360-364. ple xXXiv (col.) Ap. 1933-6 NO ede Ver, no ERS 2) 14. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci. (Ames, Ia.) (470109) Burns, W. E. ; The taxcnomic position of an aroma-producing molde _- Iowa State Coli. Journ. Sci. 7: 433-441. fljus., ple i-iis glsl9gse) | ae. Cylindrium suavcolens. LeCrozne, F. & Haber, E. S. Changes in the pectic constituents of tomatoes in storage. Iowa State Coll. Journ. Sci. 7: 467- 476. Jl. 1933. no4. ital. Agr. (Milan) (161I+1) Munerati, 0. Sulla possibilita di una coesistenza dei funghi del carbone e della carie su una medesima pinata di gramzo. Ital. Agr. 70: 631-635. illus. Je. 1933. no6. Izv. Akad.Nauk SSSR (Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS) (Leningrad) (5118 Lozina-~Lozinsiky, A. §. Geterokhromiia u besstebel! nykh pervotsvetov Primula acavlis (L.) Hill (Prima acavlis (L.) Hill, Systematics and culture). Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1933; 293-308. nod. Russiaa with Eazlish summary and Latin diag- noses of n-sop- (P. komarovi, P. woronovi) Zalessky, M. , Observations sur les vegétaux nouveaux du ter- rain permien inferieure de l'Qural. I. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Acad. Sci. URSS) 1933: 283- 2oG. illus., ple i. NO ee Bardia maueri (H#.g., u.sp-), Dicranophyllum bardease, Mauerites artinensis (n.g., a.sp-) M. Sracilis.. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) (Leningrad) (451Sa2B) Desiatova-Shostenxo, Ne Ae Kriticheskaia zametko o shalfee Salvia dumeto- rom Andrz.e (Une note critique sur la Salvia dumeto- rum Andrz.) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 669-671. 1932. no.5/6. Russian with French summary. §. stepposa n.sp. confused with §. dumetorunm. Vei5, noel5, ps 15. Beas Pot. Sada: Axed. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jards Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) (conts) Esyreva, V. I. - Zametko o dvukh vidakh roda Melosira iz zimego fitoplanktona reki Volgzi okolo N.-Nvogoroda (Notiz Uber zwei Melosira-arten aus dem winter-phytoplanc- ton der Wolga bei Nitni-Novgorod).* Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30; 652-658. 1932. . no.5/6... ~~ Russian with very brief summary in German (M. bindérana, Me islandica) Gtozdov, B. VY. Dinamika pokrova na splopiaykh ‘vyrubkakh v _ elovykh lesakh (Die sukzession der pflanzenbestinde ‘aut kahischi4gen in den fichtenw&ldern des nérdli- chen teils des Moskauer gebiets) Tzv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bulle. Jards-Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 589-606. ‘illus. 1932. 10.5/6.. _ Russian with German summary. ‘-Hammerman, A.F. & Semichov, Bs V. © Zametica o Tibetskikh lekarstvennykh produktalh “-mzeis Bot banichesiazo instituta Akademii nauk. Gees beschreibung der tibetischen drozgengammlung= en in museum des Botanischen zartens der Akademie der wissenschaften USSR) ~ Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: bbi=572- illus. ‘1982.~ 'no.5/6. Russian with German summary. ' Ikonnikov-Galitsky, N. Pe eas Mongol! skie predstaviteli roda Mertensia Roth (Species Mongolicae generis Mertensia Roth). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad.Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 769-770. -° 1932. no.5/6. Russian with Latin diagnosis (M. ochroleuca n. Sp +) Ispolatov, E. i: Kurstarnaia piknta Mdorskogo kraia (La forme naine d!Abies sibirica Lbd. dans la région d'Ou- dorsix) . Izv. Bot. Sada. Arad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30; 703-707. 1932. no .5/6. Russian with French summary. Vis 20, Lom, p.l6. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk §SSR (Bull, Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. ete URSS) (cont.) Komarov, V. L. : years Osmunda na Kamchatke. Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull, Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 749-750, 1932, no.5/6. Russian. O. cinnamomea, - Komarov, V. Le Rod Pugionium Girtn.i vidoobrazovanie v ekolo« gicheskoi gruppe psammofitov (De Pugionio genere et specierum formatione in serie econogico psammo= phy tarum) Iav. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard, Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 717-724, illus. 1932, no.5/6. ) . RusSian with Latin diagnoses of new species (P. calcaratum, P. cristatum, P. pterocarpun) Krasheninnikov, I. M. & Porctzky, A Novaia pol'tin Kavkaza (Hine neue art wermut des Kaukasus). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. — gard. Bot. Acad, Sci, URSS) 30: 709-710bis, 1932. no.5/6, RusSian with Latin diagnosis (Aretemisia daghes~ tanica). Lozina-Lozinskaja, A. S. K sistematike i gcografii drevovidnykh saksaulov (A contribution to the geograpny and systematics of the tree saxauls). Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30s 725=7326 illus. (map) 1932. no.5/6. Russian with English summary. Arthrophytunm. Nekrasova, V. Le Cormelina communis L., ee geografighcskoe rasprostranenie i primenenie (L'aire geographique et ltustilisation de Commelina commmis L.) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 659-668, illus. (map) 1932, no.5/6. Russian with tees French summary. Flowers yield a fine blue color (dye®) v.15, no.15, pel?. 5 Izv. Bot. Sada, Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard, Bot. Acad. Sci. 4 walt UBSS) (cont.) Nevsky, S. Ay ; Agrostologicheskie etindy (Agrostologische. etfiden) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 489-517, 637-652. illus. | (anel.. map) 1932, 0.3/4, 5/6, ° ~—. Ll. Agropyrum strigosum (u. B. oa Boiss. Nahestehende arten and ihre verbreitung.’ II. Ueber arten der gattung Agropyrum Gaertn., welche mit A. Iongiaristatum Boiss. verwechselt wurden, III. Clinelymus.. . ngen.. Brief German Saas Latin: ‘disgho'ses of new ‘species, : Nevsky, eek: roan = K sistematike roda Agropyrum Gaertn, Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 30: 607-635, illus. . 1932, no.5/6. Russian with German..summary and Latin diagnoses © of new species &c. (A. angustiglume, A, transbai- calense, A. komarovi, A.curvatum, n. spp) Pavlov, Ne. . O novom vide timofeevki (Phelum) iz Karatau (Phleum roshevitzi sp. nova e montibus Karatau) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad.’ Sci. URSS). , 30: 743-745, illus, 1932. no.5/6. Russian with Totin diagnosis. mnosnevits, R. Novye zlaki (Gramineae novae) II-III. Izve. Bot. Sada. Akad, Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. a URSS) 30: 293-304, 771-782, 1932, no. ily ey Ble ie: Russian with Latin diagnoses, ; Sent-Iv, A. Kritcheskie zametki fe) neko torykh ovsiantsakh (Festuca) (Notes critiques sur quelques especes du Festuca) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad, Sci. URSS) 30: 711-716. aig, . 1952... nob) Gy Russian with bricf French summary and Latin diagnoses, Ay Oe pe be & i Sokolova, L. A. Otchet po ekspeditsii_ Botanicheskogo. sada ‘Akade- amii nauk SSSR v Borovichskii i Cherepovetskil okruga letom 1930 g... (Bericht ‘ther die. expedition des DBo- tanischen gartens der Akadehie der wissenschaften der USSR in die bezirke von Borowitsch und Tschere= powez, im sommer 1930) Izv. Bot. Sada Akad, Nauk SSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS) 330: 67% foe, idlus,, . 1932... nomb/ 6. Russian with German summary. W215; 20.15; p.18, Izv. Bot. ‘Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Jard. Bot. Acad. Sci. © URSS) cont. of Tarakanoy, M. Ae ; v1liianie “Eespozitsia 2 nd rost Kehvoi sosny (eben * den einfluss der exposition ‘auf das wachstuh der” nadelbiatter der ketfer).° ~ Izv. Bot: Sada Akads . Nauk SSSR (Bull, Jard, Bot, Acad, “Sci, “URSS) 30s af 5786588," 1932, no.5/6, "Russian, with German summary. Tiutiunnikov, A. Te : " Thokoneedeoe er tidl'pan ‘(Tulipa culta, multiflora caespitans). Izv. Bot, Sada Akad. Nauk SSSR (Dull. Jard. Bot, Aead., Sei, URSS) | 30: 737—742, ads.» 1S euemog be oy RusSian, - Jahrb, Wiss. Bot. (Leipzig) (450p937 ) Fitting; H. “Untersuchungen tiber den plasmastrémung aus» ltsenden reizstoff in den blattextrakten von Vallisneria. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 78: 519-398, WOSSs nNO.de ee Laibach, F. & Maschmann, FE. Ueber‘den wuchsstoff der orchideenpollinion,’ Jahrb; Wiss. Bot. 78: 399-430.° illus. ~1933, NO ode . a Niklewski, BE. * Ueber den einfluss von kolloidstoffen aut die entwicklung ciniger kulturpflanzen. ~ Jahrb. Wiss. BOts 78: 433—482, * dius) "4955, “ooes. Japan. Jour. Bot. (Tokys) (450727) Fukushi, T. On some properties of the tobacco mosaic Vincents Japan. Journ, Bot. 6: 381-392, My.31, 1933, NO.de. Hiratsuka, N. : Studies on Uromyces fabae and its related ~ species. Japan, Journ. Bot. 63 329-379 « pl.xviexvii, My.31, 1933, NOe de Kagawa, F. & Nakajima, G . Genetical and cytological studies on species hybrids “in Quamoclit. " ‘Japan, Journ, Bot. 63 315 Sav. dling... pie xLinxv. MY « Sly doses. NOs Se. V.4d5,- note p.d9. Japan. Journ. Dot. (cont. ): Kihara, H., Wakakuwa, S. & Yamamoto, Y. . Weitere untersuchungen tiber ‘dié pentaploiden Triticum-bastarde, IIII. Japan. Journ. Dot. 6: 411-424, My.31, 1933, © no.3, Tglienfeld, F. A. Karyologische und genetische studien an Pragaria. I, Hine tetraploider fertiler bastard zwischen F. nipponica (n=7) und F. elatior (n=21), Japan. Journ. Bot. 6: 425-458, ilius, My.3dl, 1933. no.d, . Masamune, G. =. Pay togeographical position of cee sae indigenous genera of vascular cryptogamic plants. Japan, Journ. Dot, 6: 307-314. My.31, 1933, ~ no.3. Morinaga, T. A - Interspecific hybridization in Brassica. V. Tae cytology of F. hybrid of DB. carinata and B.: aLboglabra, Japan. Journ. Bot. 6:-467~475, © Huluses pl, xX. My.S1, 1933.-' ness ~~ Ohara; K. Mikrochemische unter suchen en tiber i. 800 janre lange aufbewahrtem holz, ein beitrag zur > ae eS) ee fn kohlenentstehunzgstheorie. Japan. Journ. Dot. 6: 393-409, illus., pl. xvili-xix.. My.31, 1933, 4 no.3. os ‘ : Togasni, K. & Uchimura, K. i A contribution to the knowledge of parasitism 4 of Valsa paulowniae, in relation to temperature. a Japan. Journ. Bot. 6: 477-487. My.31, 1933. no.3, : Yamasaki, M. ¢ Identification of the sexes in dioecious plants ie by testing the resistence to the toxic action of Ps calorate. Japan. Journ. Bot. 6:459-466, illus, ¢ My.31, 1933, no.3, Jardinage. (Paris) (803282) Davet, J. Quelques champignons parasites des plantes de serre. Jardinage 20(175): 23-25. illus. Jd, 1953, I. La graphiole (Graphidla phoenicis). II. Les Pestalozzias, III. Le Colletotrichum, IV. L'Exo- sporium, as Ti ~ a Bye bo ‘noOgES, p.20. Journ, Bacteriol. (Baltimore) (448.3782) Punkari, L. & Henrici, A. T. A study of variation in a chromogenic asporo~ genous yeast. Journ, Bacteriol. 26: 125-138, agus, J1LA9SS.. aoe. Torula pulcherrima, Journ, Arnold Arb, (Cambridge, Mass.) (451Ar6J) Anderson, E. Variation in flower color in Hamamelis vernalis. Journ, Arnold Arb. 14; 253-257, illus. (map) Jl. 1933. No.3. Bailey, I. We The cambium and its derivative tissues, VIII. Structure, distribution, and diagnostic significance of vestured pits in dicotyledons, Journ. Arnold Arb, 14: 259-273, illus., pl. 61-63. J1.1933, NO ede Dermen 2 His Origin and behavior of the nucleolus in plants. Journ, Arnold Arb, 14: 282-323, pl. 64-67, Jl. 1933, NO ede Experiments with Callisia, Paeonia & Pinus, Hatch, A. Bec) Hatceu, Cer ve Some Hymenomycetes forming mycorrhizae with Pinus strobus L. Journ. Arnold Arb. 14: 324— 434, pl. 68-71. J1.1933, no.d. Rehder, A. New species, varieties and combinations from the herbarium and the collections of the Armold Arboretum (cont.) Journ. Arnold Arb, 14: 1994 Loke illus, J1.1933. N0.de Render, Ne Notes on the ligneous plants described by Leveille from eastern Asia. (cont.) Journ. Arnold Arb. 14: 223-252, Ji. 1983. Hows Sax, K. Chromosome behavior in Calycanthus,. Journ, Arnold Arb. 14: 279.281. illus. Ji. LOSS... 5 AOySe Sax, K. Species hybrids in Platanus and Campsis, Journ, Arnold Arb. 14: 274-278, illus. Jl. 1933, no.d. : Shaw, G. Re Notes on the genus Pinus, The black cone of Pinus ponderosa, Journ. Arnold Arb. 14: 258, Ji. 1933, NO. de V.15, no.iS, p.cl. Journ, Chem. Soc. London (3821847) Clemo, G. R. & Raper, Re ns -The lupin alkaloids. VII. Journ, ..Chem. Soc. London 1933: 644.645, illus. Je.1933, Journ, Gen. Physiol. (Baltimore) ( 447 .8J822) | Hast. E. M. & White, B, Reactions of Valonia and of Halicystis to colloids, Journ. Gen. Physiol. 16: 925-935, Jlecc, 19535, noes be Journ, Min. Agr. Gt. Brit.. (10G797) Staniland, L. N. “ The treatment of narcissus bulbs with hot water... Journ, Min. Agr. Gt. Brit. .40: 343-3255, ius. pl. J eLISS. “Now a" : Journ, Mysore Agr. & Exp. Union (22M993) | Badami, V. R. K. : . ' Groundnut: soil, rainfall, cultivation, ' varieties under cultivation, pests and diseases. Journ. Mysore Agr. & Exp. Union 13:.60-81, 1932, NO eRe Subramaniam, T. V. The insecticidal properties of Pacteonede vegetable fish poisons, Journ. Mysore Agr. & Mepewnton, 1d:..57-60. 1932, . nose. Journ, N.Y. Bot. Gard. (89N487) Barnnart, J. H. . he grave of Stephen Blliott.. Journ. N. Y. ==: Bot. Gard, 34; 161-162. lus.) de ISS. 0. 403, Everétt, T. H. =. pa : } ; ‘ Gila, rubra, - - Journ. Ne VY. B0t. Gard. Merrill, BE. D. State flowers, JOUTN«, Nev wacsOte wore. 343 152-155, ay Se no.403, Bee A Small, ras Ke Asiatic immigrants in the botanical garden, leary Journ. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 3343 155-156. Ji. 1933, no.403,. Small, J, K. ere: A magnolia. as a new border plant. — Journ, Mint Bob. Card, S42 150.152, “ikius, |. Jl toss, no.403,. ag YES Magnolia ashei. V.i5, no. 15, p.22. Journ, Pharm. & Chim. (Paris) (3837825) Herissey, H. Extraction de Ltasperuloside du Coprosma bdauerigna Hook, Journ. Pharm. & Chim. VIII, .- 17, 554-556, Je.t6, 1933, “nowt. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci, (5002767) Drechsler, C. Several more fumgi that prey on nematodes. Journ, Washington Acad. Sci. _ 233; 355.357, illus. J.Lo, 1953. NOs Kartoffel, Zeitschr. Kartoffelbauges. | (Berlin) (75.8K142) Meisner, : Die krautkrankheiten der kartoffel. Kartof~ fel, Zeitschr., Kartoffelbauges. 13: 141-144, Jled6, 193360 noses Landbouwk, Tijdschr. Wageningen (105,20r3} Bos, He ae Het vegetatierhythme van de rogge. Landbouwk, Tijdschr. Wageningen 45; 387-396, LOS ile 1955, no.o47., Landw. Jahrb. (Berlin) (18123) Klapp, E., Stahlin, A. & Wagener, H. Wiesen und wiesenpflanzen in mitteldeutschland, II. Grundlagen, bedeutung und bekdampfung der wiesenverunkrautung mit doldengew&chsen ( umbelli- feren) Landw. Jahrb. 77: 621-688, illus. 1933. 2X0) 5D) London Nat. (4201843) Spooner, H. The fritillary (Fritillaria melcagris L.) London Nat. 1932: 78-80, pl. iieiii. 1933, Watson, W. Brambles of Kant and Surrey (5). London Nat. 1932: 50-66, 1933, Louisiana Conserv. Rev. (New Orleans) (279.919%) Glenck, R. Plant colors and their significance in the life of plants and animals, Louisiana .Conserv, Rev. 3(3): 367, 47, illus. J1L.1955. Mitt. Bayerisch, Bot. Ges. Erforsch, Heim. Flora (451334) Gentner, Ge Gustav Hegi. Mitt. Hayerisch. Dot. Ges. Erforsch, Heim, Flora 4: 222-225. port. F.1933. no.13. V.15, no.l5, p.23. Mitt. Bayerisch, Bot, Ges. Erforsch. Heim, Flora (cont. ) Paul, He Euphrasia cuspidata Host in den Bayerischen Alpen. . Mitt. Bayerisch, Dot. Ges. Erforsch. Heim Flora 4: 226, .1938, no.1%, | Sandt, We mate Wes Karl von Goebel. = Mitt. Bayerisch. Bot. Ges. : Erforsch. Heim. Flora 4: 217~222, port. F. 1933, i nol. Mitt. Deut..Landw. Ges, | (Berlin) (18D48m) : Riemm, E. Die bedeutung der amtilichen pflanzenschutz 2 ee ace Deut. Landw. Ges. 48; 593~ Mitt. phy topath, Versuchsstat. Univ. Tartu (464.9717) Lepik,: The: Turnpuud He ea ciinil miks meid hiivitame (Ge- setzverordnung tiber die vertilgung des kruezdornes und der berberitze in Estland), Mitt, Paytopath, , Versuchsst. Univ. Tartu no.14. ; Deu, pullluces ‘ Col. pl. 1933, “ Esthonian with German summary. Lepik, E. Ulikoolk. taimehaizuste-katsejaam 1992-1932 Phy topatholozische versuchsstation der Universi- t&t Tartu von 1922-1932, § Mitt. Phytopath. Ver- suchsst, Univ. Tartu no.j3., 2p. illus. 1933, Esthonian with German summarye M8ller's Deut Gfrtn.-Zoit. (Erfurt) (80M73). Immunitts-zitichtungs, Braunfleckenfeste tomaten- Sorten. . Hopes Deut. Girtn.-Zcit. 48; 233-235, J1.11, 1933, 220% Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. (Berlin) (464.9N11) Winkelmann, A. ; Bine methode zur prtfung von mitteln gegen Fusarium im laboratorium, Nachrichtenbl, Deut. Pflanzenschutzd. 133 49-50, J1.1933, no.7. Nat. Hort, Mag. (Washington, D.C.) (81N219) Gable, J. Be. - Unusual rhododendron ire Ele Nat. Hort. Mage ieeeat=ooe. JlalISSe TNs. ; : v.15, no.15, p.24. Nat. Hort. Mag. (cont.) McKay, ff. B. & Warner, M. F. Historical sketch of tulip mosaic or breaking the oldest knowm'plant virus disease. Nat. Hort. Mag. 12: 179-216.) didusy “fda. DOSS." “nosos s Morrill, L. L. A record planting of box. Nat. Hort. Mage 12: 246—250, illus, JeeL9SSs)" Bos Se Morrison, Seas ; Styrax obassia Sieb, et Zucc. Nat. Hort. Neilson, J. A. a The Crath Carpathian walnut. Net, Hort. Mage Le) lig. et Boe Ona. Account of the Crath and also the Broadview, the former from Toronto and the latter from Broad view, Brit. Columbia, which seem to be hardier than “the average of species grown in U. §. Russell, P. : Prunus serrulata Lindl. variety Shirotae. Oriental cherry. Nat. Hort. Mag. 12: 272-274. illus, Jake so5 no.3. Ryerson, K. A. The Keijoa. Nat. Hort. Mag. 12: 241-245, illus, Jie S35 NOwde - scruggs, M. & Scruggs, Me Acacias native to the Southwest, Nat. Hort. Maz. 123: 261-263, Jl. 19353. Sherrard, D. Two ladies from Spain. Nat. Hort. Mag. 12: 264-267, illus. dite, 19Go. NOwde Narcissus cyclamineus, N. triandrus. Siavat,y A. Ds. Forms of pine. I. Nat. Hort. Mag. 12: 217% 226, illus. Jl. 1933, 10.3. Nat. Nut News. (Chicago) (94.68N21) Rudolph, ag JAS Essentials of making Bordeaux spray for control of blight. Nat. Nut News 16(7): 10 ges Jl, 1933. V.15, no.i5, p.2d. New Flora & Silva (London) (80N422) MMcoek, N.L. Downy mildew of Meconopsis (Peronospora aborescens). New Flora & Silva 5: 279-282, plemet.e 19d5 no.4, Cahen, Be Hollebores, New Flora & Silva 5: 259-264, 2 Ole OA di. die LISS, no.4e Cooper, R. E. Japanese primulas and their cultivation. New Plora & Silva 5: 265-270, Spl. on 2, Sfabe 1933, no.4. ‘ Gresnam, C. He ; Spring flowers of northern Cyprus. New Lawrence, i. Azara. New Flora & Silva 5: 226-228. pl. Jl.- 1933. no.4. Notcutt, R. F. Hamamelis,. New Flora 2 Silva 5: 256-258, US 10S Se no.4. Regel, XK. A journey in Asia Minor. New Flora & Silva Bs 256—_244, Spl Ons. deo. no.4. Saunders, A. P. Hybrid peonies, - New Flora & Silva 5: 240-255. ppl. on 1, dla LISS. no.4. Ber, Be Os Cyclamen species.,: New Flora & Silva 53 219-225. 3 pl. ON Ce Jl. 1933, no.4. New Zeal. Journ. Agr. (Wellington) (23N48J) es) He He Fleabane and sea aster. Their identification and incidence in tidal-land reclamation. New Zeal. Journ, Agr. 46: 341-344, iAlihotae Je.c0, 19 23. NOs Oe ¥.15, 00.15, p.26. Notes R. Bot. Gard, Edinb. © (89nd4) Anthony, J. Pec On Vaccinium donianum Wight. Notes R. Bot. Gard, Edinb. 18s 1S=165.5 Apa 195G5,.0 Bowes Comber, H. F. Notes on the distribution of certain G€hinese and Himalayan species of Ilex with descriptions of new species. Notes R. Bot. Gard, Edinb. -18:37- 625 p.1933. 10.86, I. forrestii, I. georgei, I. hie os I. oblata, I. shwelicnsis n.spp. Edinburen, Royal botanic zarden. < Diagnoses specicrum nuovarum in herbario Horta regii botanici Edinburgensis cognitarum. DLI-DLXIX. Notes R, Bot. Gare. Wdinb,.. 18: 17=36.. Ap. 1933, 20.36, Nelson, .\. & Munro, J. M. The identification of various species of es wonich may be used in the manufacture of-meal.. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Hdinb. 18: 7-12. illus. S85 ISK no.86, fw Mane 5 OGue ei. Vs A new Chinese silver fir. Notes R. Bot. Gard, Hoaanibe. es; 105, LUIS ie Ol (esse. Ap. 1933. no.e86, , Noies georgei. Oma. M. Wo s Taiwania in Burma. A new record. -: Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinb, 18: 6. Ap. 1935. . no.86. Smetie, ive. We : A new Primula from §. W. China.- ‘Notes R. Bot. Gard, Edinb, 18: 635, Ap. 1933, no.86, Primula tsianzii, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin (451B45N) Burret, M. Chamaedorea, Willd. und verwandte palmengattiune en. Notisbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 724-768, Mr.31l, 1933, no.108, . Burret, M. Neve palmen aus Nev-Guinea, Notizbl. Dot. Gart. Derlin 11: 704-713, Mr.31, 1933. no.108. Nis LS Ole tet eles Notizbi. Dot. Gart. Berlin (cont.) Harms, H. Cucurbitaceae americanae novae. Notizbl. Bot, Gert. Berlin. 1]: 768-776. Mr.3l, 1935, no,1l08, Harms, H. Ueber eine neve art der gattung Distylium Sieb,. et Zucc, aus Mittel-Amerika, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin ll: 714718, illus. Mr.3l, 1933. no.108. Distylium guatemalense, Harms, He Zor kemtnis der gattung Haplorhus Engl. 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PB. The sugar aieaater eres at pete. Honolulu, 1932. (With Proc. Hawaiian Sugar Plant. Assoc. 52d (1932) 1933) « Martin, J. P. Pathology. - In Ann. Rep: Gommn Exp. “Stat. Hawaii- an Sugar Plant. Assoc. 1931/32: 23-42. 1932 (With Proc. Hawaiian Sugar Plant Assoc. 52d (1932). 1933): Repert. Spec. Nove Beih.' (Dahlem bei-Berlin) (450R29B) Beitrige zur systematik und pflaazengeographie KX. Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 71. 258 p. plates. (incl. maps) My.25, 1933. Rep. Iowa State Hort. Soce (81109) Bliss, D.E. & McNew, G. L. Five years experimental spraying. for the control of cherry yellow-leaf on nursery stock. Rep- Iowa State Hort.-Soc. 67(1932): 178-179. [1933] King, C. M. Notes on blooming time of plants, Ames, Iowa,. 1932, with a few general notes. Rep- Iowa State Hort. Soc. -67(1932): 156-162... [1933} — Rev. Agronomica (Lisboa). (15.5R32). Oliveira, B. de. Ak acg®%o da temperatura sdébre o desenvolvimento dos.Fusicladia dendriticum, pirinum'e eriobotryae. Rev..Agronomica 20(2): 36-40... 1932. Souza da Camara, M. abe cad ? Mycoflora Lusitanica. X. Rev. Agronémica 20(1): 1-33; 20(2): 1-35. illus. 1932. ) iy ey et v.15, no ALbiolA pd. Rev. Bryol. & Lichénol. (Paris) (4502325) Loeske, Le _ oi Kritik der europaeischen anomobryen: - Rev. - Bryol. & Lichénol. De 169-2015 “" Jonts, 1955e < no o4. i ; Potier de la Varde, R. “‘Novitates africanae. Rev. Bryol.e & Lichénol. 5s 202-209. illus. Jeeld, 193g 6« NO 4. Werner, R.-G. Contribution a la flore cryptogamique du Maroc.:. VII. Rev. Bryol. & Lichénol. 5: 210-228 « pl.iii. ‘Jeel5, 1933. 10.4 Rev. Géns Bot. (Paris) (450R326) Belval, H. L'amidon et les fructosides des Lycoris. Rev. Gén. Bot. 45: 213-225. Je. 1933. no.534. Ramin, A. . ; Action de ie température sur les végzétaux. I. Influence de la temperature sur la croissance de Pisum Sativum. Rev. Gén. Bot. 45:226-257. illus. Je. 1933. no.534. Guilliermond, A. Recherches cytoloziqes sur les pigments enthocyaniques | et les composes oxyflavoniques. II. Caracteres microchimiques et mode de formation des pigments anthocyaniques et des compose 35 oxytla- voniques.dans les fleurs. Reve Gén. Bot. 45: 208-276. illus. Je. 1933. — no 534. Rev. Gén. Sci. (Paris) (473R324) Devaux, E. La metamorphose du type ligneux en tgpe herbacé. Hypothese dtune transmtation de dicotylédones en monocotylédones. Rev. Gen. Sci. 44; 400-406. JleL5, 1933s > “NOS. ‘Vandel, A- La détermination du sexe chez les plantes hermaphrodites et monolques. Rev. Gén. Sci. 44: 337-339. Je.15, 1933. no.ll. = tf wD NOeL 5, Pp sO2- Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. (cont.) Proce Pringshein, EH. Ge, Jedlitschka, F. & Grlich, B.- Untersucmngen tiber samenquellung. IiI..Der | atmungsquotient quellender samen... Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. 19: 653-712. illus. Je.16, t9Sae! no.4. a ; Silberschmidt, K. Beitruge zur kemtnis der. stoffwechsel- gemife/schaft zwischen pfropfpartnern. Planta~ Arch. Wiss. Bote 193 729-780. illus. Je.16, 1933. no.4. Hawaiian Sugar ee SSE S0 sid ett Agee, H. PB. The sugar plaweer looks at Soe. Honolulu, 1932. (With Proc. Hawaiian Sagem Plant. Assoc. 52d (1932) 1933). ‘ Martin, J. Ps: - Pathology. - ‘In Ann. Rep: oir Exp. Stat. Hawaii- an Sugar Plant. Assoc. 1931/32: 23-42. 1932 (With Proc. Hawaiian Sugar Plant Assoc. 52d (1932). 1933): Repert. Spec. Nove Beih. (Dahlem bei-Berlin) (450R29B) Beitruge zur systematik und pflaazengeographie YE Repert. Spece Nov. Beih. Ville 258 Pe plates. (incl. maps) My- 2D, 1955s Rep. Iowa State Hort. Soc. (81109) _ Bliss, D.E. & McNew, G. L. Five years experimental spraying. for the control of cherry yellow-leaf on nursery stock. Rep- Iowa State Hort.:Soc. 67(1932): 178-179. [1933] King, C. M. Notes on blooming time of plants, Ames, Iowa,. 1932, with a few general notes. Rep- Iowa State Hort. Soc. -67(1932): 156-162. Eisest Rev. Agronomica (Lisboa). (15.532). Oliveira, B. de. A ace®%o da temperatura sobre o desenvolvimento dos.Fusicladia dendriticum, piriuum e eriobotryae. Rey. Agronomica 20(2): 36-40. 1932. Souza da Camara, M. de. cas , Mycoflora Lusitanica. X. Rev. Agronémica 20(1): 1-33; 20(2): 1-35. illus. 1932. o Peaks fc! se. SP Neen a, V.15, no.15, p.33. Rev. Bryol. & Lichénol. (Paris) (450R525) Loeske, Le . | - Kritik der europaeischen anomobryen: ~ Revs: Bryol. & Lichénol. 5: 169-201. Je. 15,° 19356" © noe4. ; hes Potier de la Varde, R. 4 “‘Novitates africanae. Rev. Bryole & Lichenol. 5; 202-209. illus. Je.15, 1939. No e4. Werner, R.-G. Contribution a la flore eryptogamique du Maroce:. VII. Rev. Bryol. & Lichénol. 5: 210-228. pl.iii. Wiel D, 1933. .no4s lat Rev. Gén. Bot. (Paris) (450R326) Belval, He L' amidon et les fructosides des Lycoris. Rev. Gén. Bot. 45: 213-225. Je. 1933. no.534. Famin, oe: : ; Action de le température sur tes végétaux. I. Influence de la température | sur la croissance de Pisum Sativum. Rev. Gén. Bot. 45:226-257. illus. Je. 1933. no.534. Guilliermond, A. Recherches cytologiques sur les pigments enthocyaniques | et les composés oxyflavoniques. II. Caracteres microchimiques et mode de formation des pigments anthocyanidues et des compose 3s oxytla- voniques.dans les fleurs. Reve Gén. Bot. 45: 258-276. illus. JE. 19356 — no 534. Rev. Gén. Sci. (Paris) (475R324) Devaux, Ee La metamorphose du type ligneux en ene herbacé. Hypothese dtune transmtation de | dicotylédones en monocotylédones. Rev. Gen. Sci. 44; 400-405. Jl-15, 1933. no.ld. ‘Vandel, A. La détermination du sexe chez les plantes hermaphrodites et monolques. Rev. Gen. Sci. 44. 337-339 « Je.15, 1933. noell« V.15, no.l5, p-34. Rev. Hort. (Paris) (80R32) _ Janandiez, H. Sa : : Les Plantes grasses autres que les cance Les agaves.' (cont.)*”- Rev. Hort. 105: 425-426. illus.’ yes 16, 1933+ *To 18% j - =) Jarry-Deslozes, R. . Le Datura chlorantha et sa- descandance. ° Rev. Hort.” 105: 427-428 « Je. 16, eee nowl8. Rev. Zool. et Bot. Afr. (410R326) Baker, HE. G. : New Leguminosae: sore the Belgian Congo. - Rev. Zool. et Bot. Afr BBs 177282 - - Je.25, — s NO «Se New species in Crotalaria, Vigna (v. Lebrenii) & Eriosema (E. quarrei). Kufferath, H. ; Comment récolter les” ptotistes et les. cryptozames au Congo belge? Rev- Zool. et Bot. Afr. v.23 suppl. (Bull. Cercle Bot. Congol. v.1); 57-63, 79-86. “D.26, 19323 ‘Je.25, 1933. Staner, P.- ‘ Contributions a ee de la flore du Pare National Albert et du Kivu. I. Plantes récoltés = ee ge ne par M. de Dr. Scactta. Reve Zool. et Bot. Afr. 23: 208-230. Je 25, 1933. no.2. Staner, P. ets eae Les ericacées du Congo Belge. Rev. Zool. et Bot. Afr. 23: 231-232. Je.25, 1955. NOeee ee eee eee Rhodesia Agr.Journ. (Salisbury), (24234) Caristian, H. B. Notes on African alesse Ix. Raodesia Agr. Journ. 30; 469-471. 3% pl. Josl933. nob. Hopkins, J..C. F.- A list ‘of plant diseases occurring in ‘southern Rhodesia. Supplement 3. New records for the period June, 1932, to May, 1933. Rhodesia Agr. 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Nauk Rolnicz. i Lesn. ‘(Polish Agr.& For. ‘Ann. } BOs,’ d=24—)%. pl... 1933. nol: French summary: p.24. Considers them two distinct species. ap nae PT pee Se ee — sere Zaleski, K. Wzgledna odporno Stina aereaera obwodkows odmian fasol uprawianych w Polsce. (Relative varietal susceptibility of oceans grow in Poland to halo~blight diseas e}:. Roczn. Nauk Rolnicz. i Lesn. (Polish Agr.& For. Ann. a 30: 39-116. pl.ei-iv. 1933. noel. ’ English Sorat ik 113-115. Schweiz. Feibacin. Obst- u. Weinbd. Wiesmann, R. Ueber ein knospensterben-an apfelobsumen. Schweiz. Zeitschr. Obst- u.-Weinbs 69: 235-238. illuse Jl«8, 19555 -nO-E4e Ob auch in unserm fall:das Fusarium als erreger des knospensterbens an den apfelbaumen atizusprechen ist, mss durch den infektionsversuch mit rein- kulturen entschieden werden. Vel5, 20015, p.36- Science (470Sci2) Hanson, H. C. ; Distribution‘cf leafy spurge (Euphorbia virgata) in the United States. Science 78: 35. --iilus. 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Svenska Skogsvardsftren Tidskr. (Journ. Swedish Por. Soc.) Sl: 259-241, 1933. no-ll. Studies Plant Phys. Lab. Charles Univ. Prague (4 451P 88) Némec, B. Die brandbeulen von Ustilago maydis. Studies Plant Phys. Lad. Charles Univ. Prague ¥.4, noed. LO De Lis. ~ 19320": Nemec, B. ; Ueber die gallen von Heterodera schachtii auf der zuckerrtibe. Studies Plant Phys. Lab. Charles Univ. Prague ve4, no.c. I14p-. illus. 1932. Némec, B. Die worzelbildung an den bakteriellen pflanzen- tumoren. Studies Plant Phys. Lab. Charles Univ. Prague v4, noed. 6p. illus. 19326 Experiments with Pseudomonas rhizogenes and horse chestnut. oe Tectona (Buitenzorg) (99.8B65) ¢ Coster, Cs i Wortelstuditn in de tropen. IV. Wortelcon- % currentie. Tectona 26; 450-497, illus, col-pl- 4 Jee 933i NO eGo . German summary; Pe 492-497 Vil5! noil5] p-38. Tijdschr. Plantenz. (464:9144)° Goossens, Je yeeae) ae) 2 2 Hh: 2 ' Alternaria-droogrot van aardappélknolléna: © Tijdschr. Plantenz. 39: 165-172. pl. xX-xi. Mle 1955... lose ee 0 Huisman, TS. J. fa poe: | De gewone schurft van de aardappelknol. : Tijdschr. Plantenz. 39: 173-188. jl. 1933. no.7. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. | (513164)” Hnd6, Gi. é Sakata, Sea) ae: A new Sclerotium disease of Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv, subsp. submmtica Honda var. typica Honda caused by Sclerotiium fumizatum Nakata. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. 4; 106- Use illus. D.15,1932.- NO eZ. Hiratsvka, N- Adcitional aotes on the Melampsoracese of Hokkaido, IIe Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. 4: 111-115. Dd, 1932. f onGse~. Hiratsuka, N. & Uemura, Y. On new host plants of Hyalopsora polypodii (Diet.) F. Magna. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. ae leew... Dia KO gL ooa. NO-2- Japanese with brief English summary. Matsuura, I. - Notices on the larger fungi of the San-in district. IV. Trans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. 4; 96-105. illus. D:15, 1082. ) ueecs Tribune Hort. (Bruxelles) (80173) Nicolas, E. ; iis Hats des i La multiplication des fougéres. | Trioune Hort. 18: 437-441. J1.15, 1933. ° 20-861. Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubiah. Syrtia. [Trans. Inst. New Bast Fibers] (Moskva) (73.9M85) Altukhov, M. 5 : Iz itogov rabot po izucheniiu vorsoval!nol shishki. | Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubian. Syr! fa [Trans. Inst. New Bast Fibers] 4; 99-102. illus. 1933. Russian. Teazel. Dunin, M.S- & Goldmacher, WN. S.. ; Povrezhdenifa tochki rosta kenafa [Injuries to kenaf]. Trudy Inst. Nov. Iubian. Syrtia [Trans. Inst. New Bast Fibers] 4; 54-76. illus. 1933, Insest and fungus pests. *(Fungi: p.70-76) Russian. MEE Cry 2 Sig abe Cty Oe saa y * ¥ pred yr" Te dea i Se eee > gee Oe ee ae v.15, 20.15, 0.39. Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubida.: Syrtda. (trans. Iast., New Bast Trudy Fibers | » (cont..)” Nazarov, M. I. Beir Kendyr sredi rastitel!nosti Alien r. ea Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubian, Syr'ia [Trans.’ Inst. New . Bast Fibers] 3: 104-183, illus. ..1932, Russian, havior cus a SEH SS of. Plant lists, Rusanov, F. & Delenko, G. Estestvennye mestoobitaniia eenaeas na ravitaze Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubian,Syr'ia [Trans. Inst. New Bast Figers}] 3: 75-97, illus. (incl.map) 1932. Russian, ai regen pos, Transhel, V., Gunter, L. & Khokhriakov, M. ia Spisok gribov;.-vstrechaitshchikhsia na novykh | kul! turnykh priadil'nykh rasteniiakh [List of fungi found on new cultivated fiber plants] Trudy Inst. Nov. Lubian, Syrfia.[Trans. Inst. New Bast Fibers] 4: 127-140. 1933, Russian. List arranged by hosts. Microdiplodia boehmeriae, Ascochyta hibisci- cannabini, Coniothyrium abutilonis, Microdiplo= dia abutilonis,: habeas a ee Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek ek, Ser. AS. Sotsial. ‘Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed. Ser. A, social. Plant Ind.) (451R92S). Levitsky, G. A. Tsitologicheskii metod v selektsii (The cytological method in plant breeding) Trudy Prikl. Bot. Gen.,:..:- i Selek. Ser. A, Sotsial.: Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gens - & Plant~breed; Scr. -A,. Social. Plant ind.) -5/6: i 50=47, illus. -: Bee. tes i MeaigiGsevg A. Leo f Christotel (chelidoniup ae Le at ogo primenenic Vv metallo~obrabatyvaitschei promyshlenng sti (Chel - idonium majus and its utilization in the metal in- dustry) Trudy Prikl . Bot., Gen. i Selek. Ser. A; Sotsial Rast. (Dull. Appl. wie Gen. & Plantebreed, . Ser. As Social eee! Tad. Nes 203-204, illus. fussian. ES Oa Nemilov, A. V. : Isool! zovanie Peer seta’, endokrinologii viras ten- ievodstve (Utilization of the achievements of endo- crynology in plant industry) | Trudy Prikl. BObwis @en, i ‘Selek. Ser. A, Sotsial., Rast. (Bull. Apo. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed, Ser. A, Social. Plant Ind. ) 5/6: 48=056,. 1933. RusSian. v.15, no.15, p.40. Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek.‘Ser. II,:Gen.“Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. (Dull. Appl. Dot., Gen & Plant- breed. II, Ser., Gens Pl. Breed, & Cytol. ) . (451R92¢e) Avdulov, N. P. & Titova, N. N. Sverkhkomplektaye khromozomy. u Paspalum stolo-:- nifcrum Bosco (Additional chromosomes’ in Paspalum stoloniferum Bosco) _ Trudy prikl, Bot.,; Gen.- i Selek. Ser. II, Gon., Sclek.: i Tsitol. Rast. {Duli. ‘Appl. Bot., Gen. I Plant-breed. II. Ser., Gen.; Pl. Breed: & Cytol.) 2: 165172, 1933, Russian with English summary. oo xt ames Avdulov, N. P. ‘ athe : QO sverkhkomplektaykh khromozomalch u -kukuruzy (On the additional chromosomes in maize) Trudy Prikl, Dot... Gea. 2 Setekoche fis) Cos peeer el Tsitol. Rast. (Dull. ‘Appl. Dot., Gen. & Plant—breed, i Ser.5 Ceapeeeee breed. é& Cytol.) 2: 101-130, zis bata yoy bes 1933, 3S RusSian with Eng inate ‘Summary. | Lebedeva, A. Teknnicheskie monenty v selektsii 1'na-dolgun tsa (Tecmical moments in the breeding of flax for fiber) Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek. Ser. II, oe Selek, i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot.., Gen. & Plant-brecd. II. Ser., Gen. , PLeoprecds 2 Cytol.) a 35-106, 1933, ~ Aas russian with English sunhiary. hybin, V. Rezul! taty tsitolozicuckozo issledovaniia iuzhe noamerikoanskikh ‘kul! turnykh i dikikh kartofelei.i ikh gnachnic dliA selektsii (Cytological investi- gation of the South Mcrican cultivated -and wild potatoes, and its significance for plant brecding) Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek. Ser. II, Gen., Selek. i Tsitol. Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant- breed. II, Ser., Gen. Pl. Breed. & Cytol. ) 2: .3-100. iach. ss pl.) -19ssae Russian with English summary. Tamamsnian, S. Materialy po kariosistematike kel!turnykh i - dikikh vidov sém. Umbelliferae (Materials for the. karyosystematics of the cultivated and wild growing . species of the family Umbellifcrae) Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gon. i Selek. Ser. II, Gen., Selek. i Tsitol, Rast. (Bull. Appl. Bot., Gen. & Plant-breed. II. Scr., Gon., Pl. Brecd. & Cytol.) 23 137-164. illus. 1933, Russian with English ‘summary. oe an 'V.15, n0.15, p.4l, Trudy Scevcro=Kavkas. Inst. Zashch. Rast. (Bia North Caucas, Inst. Plant Prot.) (423, 92Se8) Kapshuk, A., A. Bakteriologicheskoe oeehonis Ep nicyoes raka plodovykh derev'ev, (Battériological study of plant cancer) " trudy- Severo-Kavkaz. Inst. Zasheh, Rast. (Bull. North Caucas. Inst. Plant ‘ Prot.) 8§°69-78, 1933, qussian with Eng élish summarye “Crow. gall, Kvashnina, EB. S., Bakterial!nyi gommoz khlopchatnika na Taman- skom Poluostrove po dannym aablitdenii v 1931 2. (The bacterial disease (gummosis) of cotton. plants in the Tamain Peninsular according to SUre vey and redéarch data of 1931) Trudy Severo- Kavkaz. Inst. Zashch. Rast. (Bull. North Caucas. Inst. Plant prot.) 8: 52-68. illus. 1933. Russian with beets summary. Lobik, A. A. ~ Sovremennoe sostovanie Voprosa o volezni®ich i povrezhienifakh kukuruzy na Severnom Kavkaze (The present status of corn diseases in Northern Caucasus), Trudy Severo-Kavkas. Inst. uray Rast, (Bull. North Caucas. Inst. Plant Prot. Dee $51, - illus. 1933, Russian with English summary. ; U.S. Dept, dgr.. Miscellaneous mimeographed publications. 1CLenksats Fe The golden potato. Washington, D. C., Mpe 1933, (1.9P”72GP) From Div. Hort. as & Dis., ‘U.S. Dept. Hees Wimeographed. f Howard, N. F. & Fletcher, F. W. Nee, Toe effect of various commercial calcium ar- senates onbean foliage. [Washington, D. C., 1933?7L (1.9En83Ef) | Mimeozraphed. From Bur. ‘Batom. » Up Ss. Dept. Agr. Vict. Nat. Heme ea) . (419V66) | Coleman, E. Further notes on the eoliiwe ties Ge Cryptostylis subulata (Labill.) meichd., , Vict. Nat. 50: 41-44, pl. vi-vii.. Je. 1935.. NOe ce Les CM Np NL a Bp ahd ost NoO,los p42. Viet. Nate ~ (Ceont.) - Lindinger,. ‘Lis What is Cryptanthemis slateri iit Vite Nat. 50: 45, Je.19ss. *.. nosds Rejoinder by. H.M.R. “Tupp: p. 46-47, Morris, F.. P. 4 pce Native and Sy icaedin ed Adzoaeees, * Vict. Nat, 50s: 27=S45>.. iliuse, ply a (cal. ) ue. UG BB NO .2e la Vida Agr. -(Tima). (9. co. Correa Elias, A. La marchitez o wilt: diel Sieeacn, Teas lelGets La Vida Agr. 10: 907-920, 994-996. F., Mr. $935, nomdlale ae : Tochenschr, Brauerei. eS -( 390.8981) Krauss, Le Ueber frucht- und samenschale von gerste und weizen. Wochenschr. Brauerei 503 209—212. Wlus, §1.6,9Sss9 “none. . Zeitschr, Dot.. BOhner, P. : Ueber die ig une beeen bltitenbewegungen bei der tulpe. Zeitschr. Bot. 26: 65-107. ass 1OBSS | oe ese : Zeitschr. Indukt, Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl, (Leipzig) (442.8234) Michaelis, P. ‘ Eatwicklungsgeschichtlich-genetische unter- suchungen an Epilobium. II. Die bedeutung des plasmas ftir die pollenfertilitadt des Epilobium ~- luteumhirsutum-bastardes, zeitschr, Indukt, Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 65; 1-71, illus. DS /EeSs alo : Oppenheimer, HiewiCs Cytologentische um teeeuenaeeey an .bastarden knollentragender Solanumarten. I. Solanum chacoense Bitt. x Solanum tuberosum L. s. str. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl, 65: 72-98, illus., pl. j=2i, eee NO. el zentralbl. Bakt. Abt.II. sitter - (448, 5085) Stapp, C. & Bortels, H. , Der pflanzenkrebs und sein errezer, Pseudomonas weg tumefaciens, III. Zur frage der bekampfung. Zentralbl. Dakt. Abt.II, 88; 313-319, illus. Je,30, 1933, no.13/16. V.15, no.15, p.43. Exp. Stat. Publ. Bartholomew, R. P., Watts, V. M. & Janssen, G. The effect of variations in the nutrient media upon the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium con- tent of plants with special reference to the tomato, Arkansas a. EXp. Stat. Bull. 288, 42 Pe Jee 1933, . (100ar42) big Rosen, HH. R. Further studies on the overwintering and dissemination of the fire-blight pathogen. Arkansas Aer. Bxp. Stat. Dul. 283. 102 p. illus. May 1933, (100Ar42) Moore, H. C. & Wheeler, E. J. Spraying and dusting patotoes in Michigan, Michigan Agr. Exp. Stat. Spec. Lull. 234. 25 De illus. My. 1933. (100M58s) New Jersey agricultural experiment station —- Dept. of plant pathology. . The Dtuch elm disease. Its Nursery Dis. . Notes. MiiOig'y NO Lie 4. J1.1933 (464. 9N46) New Jersey agricultural experiment station = Dept. of plant pathology. , Elm chlorosis. Its Nursery Dis. Notes . Ve5, Mole, Sp. Jc.1933. (464,9N46) Shear, G. M. . Field and laboratory studies on frenching of tobacco. Virginia Agr. Exp. Stat. Techne Dur, 49, -.14 p.:. illus. --died98Sx, . (100V818) Cook, H. T. & Walker, H. C. Rose diseases and insects and their control. : Virginia Truck Exp. Stat. Bull. 79: 1053-1066. tidus, «hp.1,- 1932 (Rec'd: f1.. 1953) (10078135) State Publications. i: zZschokke, T. C. 5 Poisonous plants now found in the Hawai ian Islands, Agr. Notes Agr. Ext. Serv. Univ. Hawaii no.49, 4p. My.3, 19336. Mimeographed. ab Young, V. H. & Ware, Js O. Control of cotton wilt, root knot, and rust. Arkansas Agr. Ext. Serv. Circ. 303. Sia Pe illus, Mr.1933. .(275-29Ar4) v.15, no.15, p.44. New Books, (bose aan Die assimilation der kohlensSure. und.des was-— sers zu kohlenydraten in der pflanze. Munchen, Bayerische druckerei & vere. G.m. be es : 1933, (463. 34411), ‘Inaug,-diss, incon Borza, A. & others, Gaide de sixieme excursion phytogeographique internationale, Rowmanie, 1931. . Rédige par Al. Borza.,. Cluj Le Jardin botanique de 1'Uni- versite, 1933, (459,7In8): Gyhr, M. He : Beitraége sur anatomie des laubbdlattes phar—- mazeutisca gebréuchlicher rosaceendrogen. Colmar, Imprimerie et edition des derniéres. nou- velles de Colmar, 1930, (463.45¢99) . Inaug.-diss. Basel. National nae eee of po rile ui caeee bore ~ 1 EB eabe synonum comm, Varieties of potatoes with their synonyms - immune from and susceptible to wart diseases. Rev. ed., Camoridge, Engl., W. Heffer & Sons, 1933. (75N214) Tons oD. de. Bibliographia algologica universalis seu Reper-° torium totius litteraturae phycologicae hucusque ed- itae. fasc, 2-3, Fori, Typis Valbonesianus, 1932. (461. 47612) Wisconsin, University - Dept. of botany. - : Laboratory directions for ponerse botany, Madison, 1927. (463.1075) . Zeman, V.~ / Lepra anes er naranjo, ‘por el ing. agr. Victor Zeman. Corrientes, Imp. casa B. Fages 1932. (464. 06R71 ) Amylirosa pre toraa Translations filed in Library of, Bur. of Plant cae abc Munerati, 0. aoe Sul probabile meceanismo della emaadipa: nelTé, ‘odi- erna barbabietola da zucchero e6 sulle possibilita di in ulteriore perfezionamento del tipo (On the probable mechanism of heredity of the present-day sugar beet and on the possibilities of a further perfection of the type). Boll. Assoc. Ital.. Industr.-Zucch, 16 (7)e Usl6e ° Oneoee. BOTANY CURRENT LITERATURE EIVE D ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUS RYYe A its Dos . COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE : ~. 2 o 1933 * a Y low ¥ LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHING ono Se Depariment of Agriculture Vol. 15, no. 16. July Bledug. 12, 1932. Allahabad Univ. Stud. (513411) Mitra, A. K. Witter The comparative values of various fresh juice media in relation to the growth of certain Deutero~ mycetes. Allahabed Univ. Stud. 8(2):197~225. Lasers Lil ple 19525 Amer. Potato Journ. (75,8P842) faa Tord, Pe HE. Potato soraying in Ohio. Amer. Potato Journ. HOTT40-14,. Jl. 1953. no.7. Reddick, D. & Crosier, W. Biological specialization in Phytophthora infestans. Amer, Potato Journ. 10: 129-134. Jl, 1933. no... ¥ Angew. Chem. (384733) ! Koel, F. | f Ueber auxine. Angew. Chem. 46: 4694473. ; abies. J1.15, 1933. nocd. Experiments with Avena sativa. ~ <7 a a SO el a eae fnn. Bot. (London) (450An7) Bolas, B. D. & Melville, R. The influence of environment on the growth and metabolism of the tomato plants. I. Methods, technime, and preliminary results. Ann. Bot. 47: 673-683. HMC. elslJoo, NOs LS7. Bowen, H. J. The mechanism of water conduction in the Mysci ‘4 considered in relation to habitat. II. Mosses a erowing in danp situations. Amn. Bot. 47: 635.661. Tis, vJvL~1955. nols7, ap ir Browne, I.M.P. A fifth contribution to our knowledge of the anatomy of the cone and fertile stem of Eqiisetum. Ann. Bot. 47: 459-475, illus. Jl. 1933. no.187. Ved by. Hd bGy seis. Ann. Bot. (cont.) Ewart, A. J. On the preservation of fungi. Ann. Bot. 473 579-584. illus. J1.1953. no.187, Gupta, S. N. D. Formation of pycnidia in Cytosporina ludibunda by the intermingling of two infertile strains. Ann. Bot. 47: 689-690, Jl. 1933. no.187. Hall, M. PR An analysis of the factors controlling the growth form of certain funzi, with especial reference to Sclerotinia (Monilia) fructigena. Amn. Bot 473 5434578. illus., ple xxiexxii. Jl. 1933. no.187. Hawker, L. E. The effect of temperature on the geotropism of seedlings of Lathyrus odoratus. Ann. Bot. 473 503-515. illus. Jl. 1933. no.187. Jane, F. W. Teratological studies in the Tubiflorne. I. Abnormali- ties in the flowers of Antirrhinum majus L. Ann. Bot. 47: 477-502. illus. Jl. 1933. no.187. Poitlis, HE. & Mason, ‘f. G. Studies on the transport of carbohydrates in the cotton plant. III. The polar distribution of sugar in the foliage leaf. Amn. Bot. 47: 585-654. lhe Kd. dl. LISSreaceten = Sen, P. K. & Blackman, V. H. On the conditions leading to the injection of leaves submerged in water. Ann. Bot. 47: 663~ 671. gitas, dle UWeISSa Ooms Sparrow, F. J. Jr. , The Monoblepharidales. Ann. Bot. 473 517-54e. PIU .sg Phe RXe.- Sle 19S356--'NO6187 6 Warington, K. The influence of length of day on the response of plants to boron. Ann. Bot. 473 429-457, Ple xViiiexix., Jl. 1933. no. 187. ° Vsl5, nos 16, pd Ann. I,st. Pasteur (Paris) (448.3An75) Busi, H. Recherches sur la nutrition de qelqes euglé. nes. I. Buglena gracilis. Ann. Inst. Pasteur 50: 550-597, Ap. 1933. no.4. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Sierra Leone (24Si2) Deighton, F. C. | Mycological work. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr, Sierra Leone 1932: 20.23. 1933. Ann. Rep. East Malling Res. Stat. (103Ha7) Peers, Fe Ve & Grucb, N. H. The commercial control of raspberry—mosaic disease. Am. Rep. Hast Malling Res. Stat. 20th(1932): 149-151. My. 1933. Hamre RR. Vi. The infection of raspberry fruits by the cano~ spot fungus. Ann. Rep. Hast Malling Res. Stat. 20th(1932): 86489. illus., pl. My.1932. Moore, M. H. ; Some incidental effects of routine scab-sprays, ,With special reference to apple fruit sawfly- control. A sidelight on the interpretation of field spraying experiments. Ann. Rep. Bast Malling Res. Stat. 20th(1932): 90-98. My. 1933. Brown rot control: p.97. Moore, M. H. Spraying trials against pear scab (Venturia pirina). Some practical and theoretical aspects of the interpretation of the results. Ann. Rep. East Malling Res. Stat. 20th(1932): 99-108. My. 1933. Arb. Biol. Reichsanst.Land~ u. Forstw. Berlin (410.9G31) Arch, Werth, E. Weitere untersuchungen zur klimatischen beding~ heit unserer forstgehtlze. I. Die gehtlzartenverteilung in Deutschland in der zeit vor der willkttrlichen forst- wirtschaft des menschen. Arb. Biol. Reichsanst. Land- u. Forstw.e Berlin 20: 391-429. maps (1 fold.) 1933. NOs te £n Pharm. & Bers Deut. Pharm. Ges. (Berlin) (396.8Ar2A) Mohs, P. Ueber die glukoside von Digitalis lanata Ehrh. Arch. Pharm. & Ber. Deut, Pharm. Ges. 271: 393-399. JGe L956 > nO.6. Lanadigin, Lanata~glukosid, II, III, IV. Viib, noe LE; pede Arch. Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. (cont.) Orechoff, A. Ueber die alkaloide von Berberis ie eneeoda: Arch, Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 271: 323~ | S27. Je. 1933. tobe Sah gies Berberin, palmatin, phenolbaseneee ih ip. Austral. Journ. Exp. Biol. & Med. Sci. (Adelaide) (442.8417) -Gurney, H. C. ni The cytology of wheat x rye hybrids of the 5th and 6th generation. Austral. Journ. Exp. Biol. & Med. Sci. 11: 12354137. illus. Je.16, 1933. NOsde Wood, J. G. The physiology of xerophytism in Australian plants. 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Results of preliminary. experiments on the culturing of isolated stem-tips of Stellaria media.: Protoplasma 19:97-116. illus. Je.1933. no-l. red White, P. R- The .SH radical and some other sources of sulfur as affecting growth of isolated root tips of wheat SS eee Protoplasma 19:132-135. illus. SESS Noel. Rev. Bot. Apple - (Baris) (26R323) Camis, A. Chevaliérélla. Genre nouveau dé Zzraminees congolaises. Rev. Bot. Appl. 13;421-423. illus. Je.19355- noel42. Chevalierella (C. congoensis). Chevalier, A. Une plonte a fibres textiles du Soudan le Securidaca lengspedunculata. Rev. Bot. Appl. 13:427-428. J2.1933. no.142. Kervegant, D. Introduction B l'étude des variéteés de bananiers a fruits comestibles de la Martinique. (concl.). Rev. Bot. Appl. 13;415~-420. Je. 1933. no.1l4e. — rs” V-15, no.16,' p-23 Rev. Bot. Appl. (cont.) Roussopoulos, iJ. Sur les pépins du raisin de Corinthe. Rev. Bot. Appl. 13:402-409. . Je.1933. no.142. “Vitis corinthiaca. | | Tanaka, T. . 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Quelques points d'histoire relatifs a la maladie du pin marivime (Pinus pinaster Sol. ) programme d' experiences. _ Rev. Path. Vég. & Hutom. Agr. 20:168-134. Mr.1933(Rec!'d Ag.2). NO .d- Kahnholtz-Lordat, G. Les foyers permanents. Rev. Path. Vége. & Entom. Agr. 20:118-127. illus., pl.iii. Mr. 1933(Rec!'d Ag.2). NO ode V+15, no.16, p24 Reve Path. Vég. & Entom. Agr. (cont.) Siemaszko, W. ; Quelques observations sur les maladies des ‘plantes en Polome. Rev. Path. Veg. & Entom. Agr. 20:139-148. pl.v. Mr.1933(Rec''d Ag.2). NO ede Rhodesia Agr. Journ. (Salisbury) (24R34) Christian, H. B. Notes on African aloes. X. Rhodesia Agr. Journe 30:585-587. 3 pl. J1.1933. noe7. A. thraskii, A. arborescens, A. transvaalensis. Rhodora (Boston) (450R34) Eaton, R. Je Another Massacmasetts station for Calluna vulzaris. Rhodora 35:294. Azg.1933. no.416. Essex County Club, Manchester, Mass. ~ Fernald, M. Ls Glyceria arkansana in western New York. Rhodora 35:294. Ag.1933. no.416.— Fernald, M. i. The New York record of Fraxinus profunda. Rhodora 35:293. Re d9SS. no.415. Fernald, M. L. Recent discoveries in the Newfoundland flora. (cont.) Rhodora 35:266-283. illus.(maps), pl.255-260. Ag .1933. no .416. Gustafson, A. H. A teratological specimen of Cypripedium acaule. Rhodora 35:263-264. illus. Ag.1933. no-416. Norton, A. H. Notes on Triglochin palustris and Montia lamprosperma in Maine. Rhodora 35:291-292. Ag.1933. 10.416. Schuh, R. BE. A second station for Isthmoplea in North Americae Rhodora 35:293- Age1933. noe416. North Brooklin, Me. Steyermark, J. A. Notes on Missouri plants. Rhodora 35:283- 291. Ag.1933. noe416. VIS mewPey ps5 Schrift. Reichskur. Techn. Landw. (Berlin) (58.8G318) Kessler, 0. W. Die wasseraufnahme der pflanzen durch die blatter und ihre hedeutung ftir die feldberegnung. In Die feldberegnung II, Schrift. Reichskur. Techn. Landw. 38:111-118. illus. 1923. Scient. Agr. (Ottawa) (7Sci2) Ctetter, ., Derrick sha hte eraser de Gs Ce Yarovization or vernalization of cereal crops. Selent. Acr. lss726—720- illus. Sie Looo. no.ll. Groh, H. Some recently noticed mustards. Scient. Agr. 13: 723-727. SHIH 1G ales Erucastrum gallicum, Sisymbrium, Poripva austriaca, Rapistrum spp: _ Sanford, G. B. & Broadfoot, W. C. ' The relative suscéptibility of cultivated and native hosts in. Alberta to strine rust.:' Scient. Aer. 13:714-721. Ste Sie) Nicenta re ely. Scient. Month. (470Sci 23) Ha-Reubeni, E. Biblical botany and Arabic lore. Scient. Month. 387:147-148. Ag 1933. no.2. True, R. EH. Gardens of trees. Scient. Month. 347:167- 69.5 Ag.1933. MOee. veamren a) Ter ull. Poison ivy and voison sumac. Scient. Month. 37:169-173. Ag .1933. no.2. See SO). (Baltimore) (56.8803) Hagan, H. R. Hawaiian pinenpple field temmeratures in relation to the nemetode Heterodera radicicola (Greef) Muller. . Soil Sci. 46:84-95. Ag.1933. WO aie : Se. African Gard. (Johonnesburg) (805087) | Plants new or noteworthy. Sonth African vlants cultivated in the National octanic gardens Kirsten- bosch, and in our readers! gardens. (cont.). So. Afrvean. Gard: °25 ier. wa Nise USTesS.. Noa? Freesia elimensis, Morea incurva, Aloe mta-~ bilis, A. amoena n. snp. Trans. Wiis wioeaTey pees Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa’ (5410. 9N19) Goto, K. Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. in perfect stage. I. Some correlation between sporation and cultural characteristics. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formos2 25:37-43. F.1933. no.124. Hosokava, T. Florula Liukiusyoensis. II. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 23:20-36. #1933. NO stat. Simada, Y. Plants of Senkyakuseki virgin forests in Schinchiku coast strand. (cont.). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 23:24-30. We1935:. no.124. Japanese. Yamamoto, WY. & Itc, T. Studies on the white pocket rot or "renkon- kusare" of Chamaecypnaris formosensis Mats. II. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 23:44-54. F.1933. no.124. Japanese with English résumé. Yamamoto, Y. Svecies novae orchidacearum ex insula Ponape. (Micronesia). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 25320-2353. illus. F.1933. no.l24. Arundina kenehirae, Vanilla vonapensis. Tropenfl. (Berlin) (26T75) Herndlhofer, E. Menge und verteilung von protein, coffein, mono- und diaminosSuren in der kaffeenoflanze und deren monatiiche schwankungen w&hrend einer vegetations- DETIOCe. Trovenfl. 36:279-308. J1.1933. no.7. Trop. Aer. (2697751 Trop. Muaranyjeeaveikt. oS A note ¢ oreh of pudgrafts. Trop. Agr. Die no.6. Vegetative vrovagation. Troo. Agr. 80:359- 361. pl.iii-v. Je .1935\. no.6. Agriculture Vest Indies (Trinidad) (261754) Cheesman, EB. H., Wardlay, C. 7. & Spencer, G. L. The Cavendish group of banana varieties with special reference to Lacatan. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10:218-221. Ag .1933. no.8. Vals ntrkG. pict Trop. Agriculture Vest Indies (cont.) Maize stripe disease. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10:221. Ag.1933. no.8. Signed: R.E.D.B.: THorehda, C. A. Fusarium wilt disease of Sunn hemp. II. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 8:176-177. Jl. 1931. NOt. ane Wardlaw, C. W..& McGuire, L. P. Cultivation and diseases of the banana in Brazil. II. Diseases. Trop. Agriculture West Indies 10:211-217. Ag .1933. no.8. Die Umschau (Frankfurt) (474Um7) Sstoye, K. Tier und pflanze im kurzwellenfeld. Die Umschau 37:565-566. illus.. Opus ska lis eyese no.29. Includes results of experiments on veas and beans with use of variometer. Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. (500I09) Gilbert, H. C. & Martin, G. W. Myxomycetes found on the bark of living trees. In Papers on Iowa fungi IV. Univ. Iowa Stud. Nate Beet: - Lb(S"l=8. oes, Rogers, D. P. Some noteworthy fungi from Iowa. In Papers on Iowa fungi IV. . Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 15(3) :9-22. eyo) 1933. Rogers, D. FP. Taxonomic notes on the Tulasnellaceae. In Papers on Iowa fungi IV. Univ. Iowa Stud. Nat. Hist. 15(3):31-32. 1933. Véda p¥irodni (Prague) (410V51) ViniklaY, L. Dvé zajimavé rostliny cykasovité z éeského dtvarn K¥idového. Véda v¥irodni 14:193-199. Was 2 ap. USSSs no.7. .-€zech. é Wiel Se no.16, p28 Vertffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wuirtt. Landes. Denkmalpfl.. (410.9796) Gradmann, R. Stennenheidenflanzen in Oberschwaben. Veréffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. Landes. Denkmalofl.. 9:5-135. illus. (mans). 19383. Kren, W. Das nvflanzenkleid der umgebung von Stuttgart. Veréffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. Landes Denkmalnfl. 9:37-74. illus. LSE. Zimmermann, VW. Bemerkenswerte rassén schwabischer pvflanzen. I-IV. Veréffentl. Staatl. Stelle Natursch. Wirtt. Landes Denkmalpfl. 9:20-36. illus. 1933. Versl. en Meded. Plantenziektenk. Dienst Wageningen (464 .97122) Hus, P. Zeikten en teschadigingen van klein fruit (bessen, frambozen, aardbeien). Versl. en Meded. Plantenziektenk. Dienst Wageningen. no.70. 41 p. Va odie Je 1933. Verslag Proefstat. Java-Suikerindustrie (Soerabaia) (109 .533237) Java. Proefstation voor de Java-snikerindustrie Phytoapthologisch onderzoek. In its Verslag ol 1961 49-523. Véstnik Geskosl. Akad. Zem@d. (Prague) (19.5032) Kavina, K. Za zvéénélym Dr. J. Sv. Prochdzkou. (Nous commémcrons le feu Dr. Jan Sv. Prochazka). Véstnik Geskosl. Akad. Zeméd. 9:439-441. port. 1933. no.6/7. ‘' % : : Mrkos, J. & Novak, VY. Mrezovaé katastrofa sl. ovocnictvi roku 1928/29 ve ystehu k metcorolozickym pomérfm. (Die frost- ketastrophe des Sel. obstbaus im jahre 1928/29 in ihrer beziehung zu den meteorologischen verhalt- nissen.). Véstnik tleskosl. Akad. Zeméd. 9:384- 389. illus. (mans). 1933. no.6/7. German translation: p.337,389. Was HLL, Saks. _ Véstnik Geskosl. Akad. Zemed . (cont.) Ser cho rs; ang Postliznové dozravani nékterych pSenitnych _odrid, zvld8t& Geskoslovenshych. (The after- “asus of some wheat varieties esnecially Czechoslovakian) j Véstnifk Ceskosl. Akad. ““Zeméds “9:403-409.° 1933. no.6/7. English’ summary: ».408-409 . Simon, J. : Vadnuti brembor® v@sobenim abnormalniho shines he suche y roce 1932. (Telken der kartoffeln unter der wirkung der abnormaien hitze und trockenheit ‘im jshre 1932). Véstnik Geskosl. Akad. Zem&d. 9:396-402. Halbolst 1932. no.6/7. German résumé: 0.402. 2citschr. Incukt. Abstamm, us Vererbungsl. (Leinzig) (442.8234) Fischbach, C. Untersuchungen an den beiden keterostylen leinarten Linum hirsutum und Linum viscosum und ihren bestarden (L. hirsutum 7x L. viscosum.’ und L. viscosum ¥ x L. hirsutum #). Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 65:180-242. illus. eee ala) GPC Hiorth, G. Genetische versuche mit Collinsia. III. Koppelungsuntersuchungen bei Collinsia bicolor. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererdungsl. 65: 200-277. 1933. NO2- Kuckkuck, H. Untersuchungen tiber konvelung bei Antirrhinum majus. III. Zur lokalisation von drei weiteren genen im uni-chromosom. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 65:243-252. 1933. NO sa). Rudloff, C. F. Zur volarisation in der reduktionsteilung hetergamer Oenotheren. 2. Der flavisubcurva-fall. I. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 65:147-179. illus. LSS". RO. 2s J } A ‘ 4 ‘ Schick, R. Untersuchungen tiber koppelung bei Antirrhinum majus. IV. Die lokalisation von fitinf weiteren genen im aurea-chromosom. Zeitschr. Indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungsl. 65:293-313. | 1933. no.2- V.15, no.16, v.30 ei ae Pflanzenernahr. Ding. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil (Leipzig) (3842343A) Sekera, Fe Ueber die beziehungen zwischen der n&hrstoff- und wasserversorgung der pflanze. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernthr. Dting. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil 30: 26-37. illus. 1933. no.1/3. aaa: Stat. Publ. Idaho. Agricultural experiment station Plant vathology. In Work and progress of the agricultural experiment station for the year ending December 31, 1932. Idaho Agr. Exo. Stat. Bull. 197:45-48. My .1933. (100Id1). New Books Albizzati, C. M. La palta, avocado o aguacate; "Persea americana! de Miller: comosicion quimica y su valor alimenticio. La Plata, Taller de imoresiones oficiales, 1932. (95..41Agm) Bonnier, G. & Douin, R. Flore comoléte illustrée en couleur de France | -. Suisse et Belgique. Vaio, £2405. alGeo— 690. Paris, [1933]. (£°459B64). Bresadola, G. Iconographia mycologica XXV. Mediolani, 1933. (462B751). Grundell, R. Zur anatomie von Myrothamnus flabellifolia Welw. Uppsala, A. B. Iundequistska Bokhandekn, 1933 (Symbolae botanicae Upsaliensis 2). (451Up72) . Hanmer, T. The garden book of Sir Thomas Hanmer, bart. with en introduction by Eleanour Sinclair Rohde. London, G. Howe, 1933. (96H19) . Kamehner, ©). Vie Lebengeschichte der bliitennflanzen Mittel- Sibling’ Oloyeis| 5 OA Fortgefuhrt von W. Yangerin, C. Schréter ... lfg. 44 (bd.2, abt.1: Moraceae, von Hans Walter) Stuttgart, E. Ulmer, 1933. (45K633). Kunde, W. Ueber die geschwindigkeit der aufnahme von K-ionen durch die pflanze. Bremen, 19317 (463 .34K96) . . ' Wroslls)¢ no.16, p.-dl. New Books (cont.) Robbins, W. W. & Ramaley, F. an Plants useful to man. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's son & co., 1933. (452.8R53) Seott, D. i. & Brooks, F. r. An introduction to structural botany. pt. I Flowering plants. EHd.ll. London, A. & C.. Black, 1927. (463Sco2I). Zahlbruckner, A. Catalogus lichenum universalis v.9,.bog.1-10. Leivzig, Borntraeger, 1933. . (461.52Z1C). Index, A-Cornicularia (in pt.). Reprints from Journals (not areiner te) Leick, E. & Provv, G. Bodentemoeraturen und pflanzenwuchs in ihren wechselseitigen beziehungen auf der insel Hiddensee. I-III. Reprinted from Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Neuvorvom- mern u. Rigen 57/58:79-113. illus. 1931. Translations filed in Library of Bur. of Plant Industry. Rehder, A. - Zur geschichte der oenoie cieerine meen nach Nordamerika (Concerning the history of the --introduction of woody plants into North America). Mitt. Deut. Dendrol. Ges. 44:114-121. 1932. Correction. v.15, no.ll, p.36; no.14, p.13-14. Difesa Piante Torino vol. no. should be 9 instead of 27, and 10 instead of 28. Wels: Noel S.u peas Under Phytopvath. The second article should have Steiner, G. & Buhrer, E. M. as authors. v.15, no.l2, p.l2-13. Genetics (442.8628) should be Genetica (The Hague) (442.8G282), and the heading under each article Genetica. Non-current indexing. Ann. ‘Scient. Univ. Jassy (475331) Papo, C. Contribution 4 la systématique des bryophytes de la Moldavie, suivie de quelques considérations bryogéngraphiques. Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy 17:217-227. illus. Saleen? no.3/4. V9), woele, ease Non-current indexing (cont -) Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy (cont.) Papp, C. aye Sy 2 , Quelques mots sur la présence d'Opnhioglossum vulgatum L. aux environs de Jassy. Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy 17:228-230. §.1931. no.3/4. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. New Zealand (23N48) Cunningham, G. H. Mycology section. . Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. New Zealand 1930/31:43-45. 1931. Intern. Rev. Agr. (Rome) (2411n82) Gescher, N. v. Practical immunisation of plants by genetic methods. Intern. kev. Agr. 23(f):287-291. Ae 1932. no.8. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. (Helsingfors) (511H365Me ) Cedercreutz, C. Stisswasseralgen aus Petsamo. II. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31) :236-248. illus. 1932. Eklund, 0. Alliaria officinalis Andrz. und Festuca volesica Zapal. ftir Regio aboénsis neu. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):38-41. illus. (mand). 1931. Eklund, 0. Botaniska resor i &bo sk&rg@rd sommaren 1930. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flore Fenn. 7(1930/31):31-36. UGE Eklund, ©. Crampe maritima L. im Nordbaltischen gebiet. ‘“Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):41-51. illus. (incl.map). 1931. Gyelnik, V. ; Eine neve Peltigera-art aus kola-Lappland. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31) :143- 145. illus. 1931. Peltigera ponojensis. HAyrén, E. Algenfunde an den meeresufern von Brahestad. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):174-178. LIST. W.05, mo.16, pi33 Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn: (cont, ) Hayrén, B. Ny fyndort fér Us tilago spate fries. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Féemn. 7(1930/31):235. 1932, On Phragmites communis in Finland. Kotilainen, M. J.. Exkursion nach Ladoga-Karelien ee Karjalag.-14. Juni 1920. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/21):85-92. 1931. Linkola,, K. Ramalina angustissima (Anzi) Vain. in Binnen- Finnland. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):261-267. 1932. Linkola, K. Ueber die hauptzugé’ der vegetation und flora in den gegenden nérdlich vom Ladogasee. Memor. soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31) :68-85. illus. (maps) . 19S. Lynge, 5B. Rhizocarpon nitidum tapi ie Sis Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 8(1930/31):145-146. illus. Son Palmgren, A. Blechnum spicant (L) Sm. i Finland. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):178-193. illus. 1932. Pettersson, B. Notes on the first stages of flora on burnt ground. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):119-139. SHB Archivelago east of Helsingfors. Railonsale, A. Lapof jardin pitajan putkilokasvisto. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. 7(1930/31):92-119. 1931. Vascular plants of the parish of Lappf jardin. Skottsberg, C. Juan Fernandez-6arnas vaxtsamhallen. Memor. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn. —7(1930/31) :348-254. 1932. V.15, no-16, p.34 Non-current indexing (cont.) Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Javan (22.50¢88) Kosaka, H. Relations of the vresence of antocyan vigments in the vegetative organs of certain crop vlants to their assimilation. Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Japan 4:108-114. Je.1932. nO.2. In Japanese. What seems to be a German summary of this paper appears in Japan. Journ. Bot. 6:(71) My.1933, but paging is given for v.4, no.1l; however there is no such article in v.4, no.1l. Yoshida, K. Studies on the germination of pollen grains of rice. Proc. Crop Sci. Soc. Japan 4:92-99. Je. 19325 NO de Japanese. German summary in Japanese Journ. Bot. Gs(6a)e 1933. Proc. Imm. Acad. Tokyo (51317576) Emoto, Y. Ueber die chemotaxis der myxomyceten-plasmodien. Proc. Imm. Acad. Tokyo §&:460-463. illus. Ne OS NOY. Terasawa, Y. Konstante amohidiploide Brassico-raphanus bas- tarde. Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo 8:312-314. illus. J1.1932. TO eis Yamaha, G. Ueber den isoelektrischen punkt des pflanzlichen zellkernes. Proc. Imp. Akad. Tokyo 8:315-317. J1.1932. no.7. Publ. Fytopath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Ustavu Zeméd. Brné (Opera Sect. (464. 9B83P) Baudys, #. Nékolik zajimavych chorob a $k@dcf na Moravé. Publ. Fytovath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Ustavu Zeméd. Brné no.l2l. Bip. illus. 1932. Czech. Picbauer, R. Addenda ad floram techoslovakiae mycologicam pars VI. Publ. Fytopath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Ustavu Zeméd. Brné (Onera Sect. Phytopath. Inst. Agron. Brun.) no.118. 17 ps 1932. Diplodina galeopvsidis, D. ocimi, Hendersonia typhicola n. spp. Vedio NEL. Doo Non-current indexing (cont.) Publ. Fytopath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Gstavu Zeméd. Brné ... (cont.) Picbauer, R. Additamentum ad floram Jugoslaviae mycologicam III. Publ. Fytopath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Ustavu Zeméd. Brn€é (opera Sect. Phytopath. Inst. Agron. Brun.) no.122. eo TIGe. Dothidella dalmatica n. sp. ieewebarer. hi. Fungi a Doc. Dr. Fr. Nabélek in itinere turcico- persico lecti. Publ. Fytopath. Sek. Zemsk. Vyzk. Ustavu Zeméd. Brné (Opera Sect. Phytopath. Inst. Keron) Brun.) | Worslesi. Aas LOSREO Ploespora nabélekii, Sphacelotheca panici teneriffae, Ustilago aegilopsidis n. spo. Rev. Agronémica (Lisboa) (15.5R32) Carvalho e Vasconcellos, J. de Ligeiras notas sObre algumas plantas. Rev. Agronémica 19(4):19-25. Tis. 1921. Avena fatua var. intermedia, A. sativa ssp. nodipilosa, A. sterilis var. ludoviciana, Medicago coronata, M. rugosa, Melilotus sulcata, var. major Ononis geminiflora, Cuscuta epilinum, C. epithymum. Rev. de Tabocos Madrid (69.8R32) Benitez, J. & Alcaraz, E. Enfermedades fitoparasitarias del tabaco en el campo. Rev. de Tabacos Madrid 1931(3):32-34. Je.1931. Mosaico. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa J410.9N19) Kurosawa, E. [On certain experimental results concerning the over-clongation phenomenon of rice vlants due to a filtrate of the culture solution of bakanae fungi ]. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22:198-201. Je. oS. Japanese. English summary in Japan. Jour. BOt. onC/7e) a lseee Gorrection \Gccimlliswmum alavrnge! Aurion LL i of second article Powers, L. should be added as third/ author under Journ. Agr. Res. SR er ee eee, oll a R A RY RECEIVED H13 1933 & ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGUE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY! S, De scument of Agriculture COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHING au OB i es bo gf CURRENT LITERATURE we ee Vain. Li. Aug. 14.26, 1933. Agric. Colon. (Firenze) (264282) Vivoli, G. I datteri del Fezzan. (Primo contritmto alla conoscenza dei datteri del Fezzhn). (cont.) Agric. Colon. (Firenze) 27: 323-340. pl. i-iii. isntISS. . NOs’. Agron. Colon. (Paris) (26Ag812) Ledreux, A. La culture des caféiers & Madagascar. (cont.) Agron. Colon. 22(2): 13422, Jl. 1933. no.l87. Amer. Bot. (Indianapolis, Ind.) (450Am33) Baker, Me BR. Polygalas in Florida. Amer. Bot. 39: 100-104. Mle 55. nNOed« Clute, W. N. The button snake-roote Amer. Bote 392 99100. illus. SING 1933-6 NOe Die Eryngium yuccifoliun. Glute, W. N. . The meaning of plant names. LY. The spurgese The groups of food plants. Amer. Bot. 39: DL Bl So6 Jle 1933-6 no eile Jeffersonia diphylla lobata. Amer. Bot. 359: 5 Ve(O Ys Fees Jle 1933. no ale Merryman, A. J. Spanish moss. Amer. Bot. 39: 114-115. Jl. 1933. NOW. Prunella vulgaris nana. Amer. Bot. 39: 129-150. Jle 1933- NO ede Grown for some time in the garden and does not revert to type. Ae 2k a * z) arabe He He orrant - dg ae i * oe ae SSD eo) + re be ai Me ih inet SS dcop aaa a a Orla fries Pere oY 333 re ees i. aie we i ean ay me ee Pt ay T¢ ony ail V.15, no.l7, p22 Amer. Bot. (cont.) Russian violet. Amer, Bot. 39: 125-126. Die tLI6ce NOsds "Gommonly supposed to be a form of the English : Violet (Viola odorata)". Anales Soc. Cient. Arg. (Buenos Aires) (516S01) Albi zzati, C. Me Estudio sobre la accién de mejoradores qufmicos y 18 calidad de los trigos Argentinos. Anales Soc. CHenG. Ars. 16: 5-18. Ji. 2935. nose Ann. Univ. Stellenbosch (Capetown) (515S+t3) Da Plessis, S. J. Drie nuwe siektes van blomtuinplante. (Three new diseases of ornamentals.) Ann. Univ. Stellenbosch WetivksNOsc. Lop. idus. ~ Je. 1933. English summary: p.l3. Phoma gaillardiae, Epicoccum chrysanthemi and Triposporium stapeliae. Ann, Agron. (Paris) (14An75A) Bobko, E. V. & Belvoussov, M.A. Importance du bore pour la betterave a sucre. Ann. Agron. 3: 493-504. illus. J1./Ag. 1933. Ann. Appl. Biol. (London) (442.8An72) Ainsworth, G. C. An investigation of tomato virus diseases of the mosaic "stripe", streak group. Ann. Appl. Biol. 20: 421-428. pl. xxiii-xxiv. Ag. 1933. no.3. Bennett, F. T. Gibberella saubinetii (Mont.) Sacc. on British cereals. III. Occurrence under natural conditions. Ann. Appl. Biol. 20: 377=_380. Ag.1933. nod. Cairns, H. & Muskett, A. E. Pink rot of the potato. Ann. Appl. Biol. 203 381-403. ple bevalle Ag. 1933, NO ede Chippindale, H. G. The effect of some chemicals on germination in cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) Amn. Appl. Biol. 20: 369-576. Ags. 1933. now. Vild, Ned 75) Dace Ann. Appl.’ Biol. (cont.) Hansford, C. G., Hosking, H. R., Stoughton, R. H. & Yates, F. An experiment on the incidence and spread of engular leaf spot disease of cotton in Uganda. Ann. Appl. Biol. 20: 404—_420, Ag. 1933. no.d. Ann. Rep. Dept. Agr. Cyprus (21099) Nattrass, R. M. _ dAnmal report of the mycologist for the year 1932. nn. Rep. Dept. Asr. Cyprus 1932: 44 49, aS SOS. Arch, Mikrobiol. (Berlin) (442.8Ar26) Badian, J. Eine cytologische untersuchungen tber das chromatin und den entwicklungszyklus der bekterien. Arch. Mikrobiol. 4: 4094418. illus. J1.15, 1933. NOwde Gistl, R. Erdalgen und dtngang. Erdalgen und anionen. Arch. Mikrobiol. 4: 348.378, illus. J1.15, 1935. NOede Krzemieniowska, He Contribution & 1'étude genre Cytophaga (Winogradsky). Arch. Mikrobiol. 4: 394.408. illus. JleL5, 1933, NO ede Lange-de la Camp, M. 'Kulturversuche mit flechtenpilzen (Xanthoria parietina). Arch. Mikrobiol. 4: 37968393, illuse, pl. Jj i5, 1933. NO ede Arch. Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. (Berlin) (396.8Ar2A) Dreterte, He & kangen, Pia i. Ueber die inhaltsstoffe des rhizoms von’ Curcuma domestica (Temoe lawak). Tt. Anehs Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 271: dd%md42, Jee WSS ae DO's Jaretzky, Re & Ktthne, F. ' ; Zur pharmkognosie von Tanacetum vulgare L, Arch. Pharm. & Ber. Deut. Pharm. Ges. 271: 3534358. Jee 1953. TGs Gis s ; ; sees ae 13: J5 ott e354 i Ae ; Py a eursiien Bip at aes SAP tcetecaca'? oty »tronpeaaread Pi } i . a ' co gts i pairs P 4 se sa Ped aad. v.15, no.17, p.4. Arch. Protistonk. (Jena) (439 .8Ar2) Moewus, F. Untersuchungen tiber dieé variabilitat von chlamydomonaden. Arch. Protistenk. 80: 128 hae tidus. VUSSS. Oeil. Atti R. Acced. Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis., Mat. e. Nat. (Rome) (507R66) Elisei, G. Osservazioni sull'ontogenesi dell'apparato cribrolegnoso in Mesembrianthemm. Atti R. Accad. Naz. Lincei VI, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. e Nat. a7 5ove575. illus, Apec, 19655. nos/. Ber. Deut. Bote Ges. (Berlin) (451D48) Bahmam, HE, Der lagerbau von Mikroglaena butschetschensis Zschacke. Ber. Deut. Bote Ges. Sl: 268-275. SMES. Pe fps gs ii ea = Sp ey Le ee haem sO" be a oh, ia.? — " re BY > Se : ; Toure” wee 3 ; r r\ , F pa inh of aa ae ey at uae | ee ks i) | ; i i ie p . na | Wy — vege at p ie hy ¢ str a et hi 1 ‘ oe bik ore ee wae Sh AN are 4,3 4 eRe Me gi oh CN ie Ay Hag ap 7 OE eee ee : i y RS A ie ou 4 thn: niin +) . an Ree ed ook aa at ae = ty ace aa ue eae ae ~~ Segees - phat aie ve) ie aa Sy Ake. Bae aire raring ee : t- > RS See Hi a ; + [at owe nae Sede ie Obie asix rAd ate: itns? wopvet dapireterg = : Fart ray Legh ine an. yee oe eats bet co? .& wi pees ; J os Ore, REA. of b 2S - oh eee + at ee % 6 a7 4 ve cate abet ef bile ore «3, OD ; p> tag AO AES oa 200 gets <3 oc boeing aD eit a eee eared nas. ha pe ioe ES” ¢ oe OF, athe ah ers ey ‘ ad -_ : Poa ete yaa e «NEA ye y Sn MEO Raat sn a ie OUT eC ai 30 See ae i “a “3 aS a aia me oth é uy - is eyrr Vado Bowie pe ol Kartoffel, Zeitschr. Kartoffelbauges. (Berlin) (75.8K142) Jéhnssen, A. Zur blattrollkrankheit. Kartoffel, Zeitschr. Kartoffelbauges.. 13: 150. Ag.1, 1933. no.1l5. Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Wageningen (105.20r3) Bos, H. Het vegetatierhythme van de rogge. III. Landbouwk. Tijdschr. Wageningen 45: 440-449. illus. he. W9SS.) no. p4es Lingnan Sci. Journ. (Canton, China) (22.5C16) McClure, F. A. The Lingnan university third and fourth Hainan island expeditions. Lingnan Sci. Journ. ire 581-388. Sle POSS. Aes ore Malayan Agr. Journ. (Kuala Lumpur) (22.5F312) seek, H. We Note on the flowering of the Nipah palm under cultivation. Malayan Agr. Journ. 21: 414-315. diese LISS a5 SOs te Milsum, J. N.- & Marsh, T. D. Propagation of tea from etiolated shoots. Malayan Agr. Journ. 21: 310-3513, pl. J1.1933. ‘al Vaan Midwest Fruitman (Galena, Kans.) (80M583) Anderson, H. W. Control of bramble diseases. Midwest Fruitman pia)? 6, 9210. Sis VIBE Mitt. Deut. Landw. Ges. (Berlin) (18D48M) Richter, H. Das ulmensterben. Mitt. Deut. Landw. Ges. Aes 676-677. wildness) heb, 1935.) | adrhet. Méller's Deut. Gartn.-Zeit. (Erfurt) (80M73) Burchard, 0. Kanarische ginster. I. Méller's Deut. G4rtn.-Zeit. AG 25420555. AsJl, 1936. no.22. Cystisus. Gegen Ylchen an Lorraine-begonien. Méller's Deut. G&rtn.-Zeit. 48: 259-260. Ag.1, 1933. NO +226 Taya % ee bie ly bd A ' MT “& A NUE 9 ean AS aR val ad | ee ae ‘ee + Midi pee orcemnts: abies har eae A ‘ é cou ‘i nm , ) } vOBE LD whee : sei Py he om. c ¢ 4 : 6 ‘ e Fatt : | {eperere) cee) 2 Wied oui: * ine | rec" a a wh AE RO CLT. 6 dred: SRE ota orcas nana MI Des sat Rb NS ad Peni ) Kacal cureertetnak one aii fet pat) Mee i jie atin RE a 23 hehe copie i) Moat ails \ re ive "3 nike abe Fae - ; ma 1 Te: a | r oe oe ay aL y SY —* er | Vilo, Bo. pe ey Méller's Deut. G&rtn.-Zeit. (cont.) Storck, A. Braunfleckenkranke cyclamen. Méller's Deut. Gartn.-Zeit. 48: 259. Ne ao oie NO wees EASE ok. Mammillaria albescens Tieg. sp.n. Méller's Deut. Gdrtn.-Zeit. 48; 260. Ww. 20. New Zeal. Journ. Agr. (cont.) Mesile) m. C. & Brien, BR. iM. Occurrence of dry rot on rape and chou moellier in the field. New Zeal. Journ. Agr. 47: 19-20. illus. dliecO;, LISS nowl. Phoma lingam. Ohio Journ. Sci. Columbus) (4100h2) Schaffner, J. H. Additions to the Revised catalog of Ohio vascular Plants. I. Ohio Journ. Sci. 33: 268-294. Ses LOSS. no.4. Perfum. & Essent. Oil Rec. (London) (308.8P41) The fuchsia in perfumery. A novelty type odour. Perfum. & Essent. Oil Rec. 24: 225-226. illus. 2) LEC ia RoE oe Olas Philipp. Agr. (Los Banos) (25P542) Juliano, J. B. & Alcala, P. KE. Floral morphology of Musa errans (Blanco) Teodoro var. botoan Teodoro. Philipp. Agr. poe 9-116. Pldus... pls fae, ol Pe. NO. Phytopath. (464.8P56) Bergman, H.. F. & Truran, W. E. An apparent case of transmission of cranberry false blossom through a natural graft. Phytopath. 25: 670-672. Lilus. AgsiSos. no.8. Fawcett, H. S. New locations for Phytophthora citrophthora and P. hibernalis on citrus. Phytopath. 23: 667- Seo. hes, USS. no.8. P. citrophthora in Florida and Louisiana and P. hibernalis in California. Guba, EH. F. "Suspected mosaic" of the strawberry. Phyto- path. 24: 654-661. illus. Rev NOSE. no.8. Jenkins, A. E. Further studies of lima bean scab. Phytopath. £5: 662-666. iPinse) hee 19S. no.8. Neal, D. C., Wester, R. HE. & Gunn, XK. C. Fusion of large-cell hyphae of the cotton-root- rot fungus. Phytopath. 23: 676-677. illus. Ag. 1933. no.8, i Vaart - Per ash 4 ew i A P a* " S ‘ ee ; i , eS eae HDA » | = ’ ie td «BI Py j ane Da) kd Pie ae ae 1 Bs PY) eu f 4 4 ‘ » A ene ad Ra ok 0 SSW wD, eae Ts Gall a 5 ¥ Siam + diay id : cf ‘ ¥ 7 Rea Tt i 7 | \ ‘ £48 ee eet ee - est ik Peet ee bo ‘ } cre 2 Verh wee + coat | eres =. 1X5 * we ot _ i r toy . y ow * “4 a ; A ivan . , Seale Mette tty 20a oe a in ¢ Copa § ” vera bai “ ci, hwo ane ‘Wi ray here ae | citi Ga ny Petri Aah eee Jb deh or: Waa erode one hy bee Fae: ip renee k ry | . es “e MD B a 2 + } . Trey ii ‘es — er 1 = ‘ bye. ~e fete Wu tie its ao Ly es. ; 2 tA Se Ae EN os. . Cu : ane bak beh PATO oT ed eal , t et * ? GeO Ph ee - | 4s pete DMM . bes 1 Vt ‘ We f 7 7 a8 Ma st 4 ON ALG & ' ? S is } . \ € a : \ " fi : Lapte ee te 3 ponies , i he! hoe, bates : * 4 ¥ 4 a - ' me r e co} 0 ae a 4 “ ; 7 Lea aa) er een ‘ y | i nae she ; : wr ¢ hier ae | A dae’ j . “ PS 5 at wit : ' 4 ee: os De aoe o>) wee np A Vu ty f , ; ye A t ie, Ny Ot es ‘ HRA: \ aN u Wale ti ‘ i - * Bat ytd a vor - aes aie BAG RiP ae Pega id, dud a) Re a ee ae Te | in * ches ‘5 nl ip ise es a ae V.15, Bold7; B85. Rev. Gén. Bot: (cont.) Guilliermond, A. Recherches cytologiques sur les pigments anthocyaniaques et les composés oxyflavoniques. (cont.) Rev. Gén. Bot. 45: 307-325. illus. eae tIoo. | nO.555, Rev. Gén. Hort. Cult. Fruit. (Paris) LaHaye, M. L'oeillet. Ses maladies. Les insectes et leurs remédes. Rev. Gén. Eort. Cult. Fruit. ll: 98-100. SEES cen no.122. Rev. Gén. Sci. (Paris) (473R324) Morguer, R. Fougéres fossiles et pteridospermées. HemerGens Sci. 44% 499-447) adie.) al.sletese. no.14. : : Rev. Hort. Organ Soc. Hort. Romania (Bucurest) (80R328) Alexandri, Al.V. Boalele cunoscute in Romania la fasole. Rev. Hort. Organ. Soc. Hort. Ror@nia 11: 116- 20's Litas. - Agesi,.. L955. no.126. Mosaic, Bacterium phaseoli, Colletotrichum lindemuthia, Uromyces appendiculatus. Sbornik Geskoslov. Akad. Zeméd. (Praha) (19.50332C) Kotnar, K. Déditnost a zuslechtovani u stromi a k¥ovin plodonosnych a okrasnych, u kvétin okrasnych, u zeleniny av vinné révy. Souborny pYrehled za léta 1929-1932. Sbornik Geskoslov. Akad. Zeméd. v.8, Gddil B, tislo 11. 48 p. 1933. Science (470Sci2) Anderson, E. A convenient color chart for geneticists. pevence 78: 150-151. Ag.18, 1933. no.2016. Burns, Ge. BR. The long and short wave-length limits of photosynthesis. Science 7&: 130. Ae .21 U9G5. no.2015. ; Results of experiments with Norway spruce and white pine. ", “fete A Bae v.15, no.17, p.24. Science. (cont.) The Dutch elm disease in New Jersey. Sevences 78° 117-118. Meth, Wess) Reports of R. Kent Beattie after investiga- ting the outbreak jth New Jersey. & Harris, M. R. A Phytophthora disease of snapdragons. scuence 76s 152. Ae .18, 1935), no.cOl6. --. "belongs to the Phytophthora cactorum SECU! ass Heavy water prevents seeds from sprouting. SeIevee V./, NO-cOl6. Simppi. Dat wi heel on oso Experiments of Prof. G.N.Lewis, Univ. of California, made with the double-weight hydrogen isotope. Nelson, HE. M., Hurd-Karrer, A«s M. & Robinson, W. 0. Selenium as an insecticide. Serence 73° 124. ACL! BUS. MOWweO Doe Scient. Month. (4708ci23) Barrett, O.F. The origins of the food plants of Puerto Rico. Serent. Month. S37: 241-256. illus. See NO. Haylor, W. A. Research in the Bureau of plant industry. Pe gM The Morris arboretum of the University of Pennslyvania. Scient. Month. 37: 280-282. Bel as! Sede Sieere no.d. Woodward, C. H. Historical microscopes at the New York botani- cal garden. Scient. Month. 37: 285-286. illus. S» 1933. NOwde Succulenta (Leeuwarden) (459Sul) Backeberg, C. Derde brief van den cactusjager. Succulenta 15s VA5=151 . Tis. AZ 1S. HORS. 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Uebersetzung des in Sechischer sprache an 27. April 1933 vorgelegten und in "Listy cukrovarnické" 51, 1932/33, 329 veréffentlichten originalberichtes. Besorgt von Franz Haller. ae & Jonata fee P hier 2) Pa ee rot! ove pe +4. est fase sok: * rae - - Se eam tees? -, «Pies eies Dae Busted: Beret, wus morte: baieet it pee sOyey Stain Prat, ie Beas MPS. son a 7 Ar By is oy oe bah iiaiaae SORE ey mh P « a a pkg k bets = tes . E oh ws sire 4 " % eo i, DS? ve an 54 SG wed Ly Seeete nee ibe bai we & 5 Dvn) i Ba Pio ot poor! Avsesaet j Reb TR TI et) rh, - ‘tall t\> ‘ Poe} » Se EL S ig Fe Sve are dae a “Aes ids oe rat i ro | oe a | %y G 4 - P me - a ‘. ye ; ie re tor. s Boy VETS Pi, Sod Ba Soe 4h f Gigs = ‘ x aotey werd LY <§ Lae me ser ad Pie sy 4 ota le A (eee tes oigcet DEMS ne zx ‘ ie mre tou rte vires : a) Exe PE Levey, Gee eee cthee ae € wat se - y ; UEC aeew - Amu: (ieee a eas J % : . at “J ae 4s Z wwite : wii 2. fp Re Foes Wy Pes aii) iat tay PY si tOD a hehe 88). < aeele nation ‘septa é * Hi fierMN SAME RMA NNRY Jb 94 2 “e ee padailiesl id ate BEY peocses is cH OF nae | + hye ARO A oho ee Et hie \ ak ea aie ice agen prvi ee: ae = fae are yaa Gee oh in. Stee asapiete wal. AS | Ps il ipen* yp Oe oo hs La i) eth ani ea al » A ieerat if 8 8 een ; a: eh Hacks i aly SL Fimo [RRs ial eee) es ‘amt oni" 1 Fab vie Thi: y— ie ei ¥, ibs no Lt j pie? ’ Zeatraldl. Bakt. Aodt.II (Jena) (448.3¢33) Koeizs oh « Uagewbhnliche kokkenformen bei Aktinomyces. Zenw~ralol. Bakt. Avt. ITT 889 873-576. 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Mémoire sur l'anatomie et l'organozgenie du Trapa natans (Linn.) Ana.) Sei Nate Bobs IDs, 9: 222-244. 1848. Translation of portion on germination (p.223- 225) in B.p.I. files. Kofman, T. Action, sur la germination, des tubes lumineux en quartz a haute tension (The action on germination of luminous quartz wtabes at high tension) Compt. Bend. Soc» Biol. Paris lid: 895-897. Mr.10, 1933. Munerati, 0., Mezzadroli, G. & Zapparoli, T. V. I caratteri ¢ il comportamento delle barbabie- tole derivanti da un unico glomerulo (Characteristics and benavior of beets originated from one and the same seed ball) Staz. Sper. Agr. Ital. 46: Bi —-o6G. Loss Munerati, O., Mezzadroli, G. & Zapparoli, T. V. Le variazioni del contenuto in zucchero in barba- bietole singolarmente considerate, in rapporto al problema della selezione in Italia (Fluctuations in the suzar content of beets individually considered and in relation to the problem of selection in Italy) Staz. Sper. Agr. Ital. 46: 605-637. 1915. aoe rae | a “pan ere = : a ti iy Nef Vr 1P, aogiM ype Ske Meaiclations (cont.) Schleiden, M. J. Sur la formation de l'ovule et l!orizine de l'em- bryon dans les phanerogames. (The formation of the Ovule and the origin of the emoryo in the phanerogams) Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II,ll: 129-141. 1839. Takenouchi, Y. ‘ Systematisch-vergleicnende morpholozie und anatomic der vezetationsorgane der japanischen bambus-arten (Systematic-comparative morphology and anatomy of the vezetative orszans of the Japan- ese bamboo species) Mem. Fac. Scie & Agr. Taiho- OTM UNIV. Ved, 20el. 60 pe) 196). Zattler, F. Ueber eine kropfkrankheit des hopfens in : Juzgoslewien (About a crowngall disease of hops in Jugoslavia). .Prakt. B14bt. Pflanzenb. u. Prlanzensch. 28(n.s.,6): 258-245. 1929. Correction. MeloenOe’s pLes Journ. Imp. Agr. Exo. Stat. Nishigahara date in every entry should be Mr. 1932. Non-current indexing. Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (Warsaw) (4515016) Becker, W. A. Badania eksperymeatalne aad barwieniem za zycia dzielacych sie komorek. Studja mad cytokineza. (Bxperimentelle untersucmingen Uber die vitalfarbung sich teilender vellen. Studien ther die zytokinese). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9: 381-419. illus., pl. Xvi. 1932. no.3/4. German summary: p-411-419. Experiments with Tradescantia virginiana, mainly. Borowicki, 5S- ZespoLy florystyczne lasu bukowego w Katach (Wielkopolska) . (Floristische verhtiltnisse des buchenwaldes in Katy). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.):; 57-94. illus. 1932. German summary: p-90-91. Czeczott, H. Diagnoses plantarum novarum in Anatolia septrentrionali aano 1925 lectarum. Acta Soc. Bote Polon. 9: Bl-45-\ 2938. | no.1/2- : ie oa tee fc: piven AS 43 BES: thea: 4 Ts. , or ef ; ey Ot eae i VA's» y hig Prien rae fe elie cise et ; ; aye eee, Se if ee = fn Le : . * ~ rz oe we 7 ' as 7 we eet c. > Lacey es, wy (attri. . int C siti hee aa a > gov ah = var & oad iA aR ee we , Di ae 5 Sea Re" , sa 3 ¢ rel ie wT } * a ed ' i~ wal FF j ‘ha inst WG) aa . Lyph Yaa) 0 | Oa Uk wand ie Auer i , a ; ; F i Fi Ne2S, caeety ps ee. Non-curreat indexine. (cont.) Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (cont.) Dabkowska, I. Zatorfienien dolinne Bani. (Les tourbieres de la vallee de la ania). Acta Soc. Bot. Folon. Seele7-205, ilius. G09ae. mond ie. French résumé: p.202-205. Domagalski, W. Ueber bewezungs- und trennunzsgewebe im blutenstiel von Sparmannia africana L. Acta, poc= Bot. Folons 92 23i-150. .illus., pl. viii- Sete 1932. nowt) 2. Dyakowska, J. Analiza pylkowa killw torfowisk tatrzanskich. (Analyse pollinique de quelques tourbiéres dans les Tatras). Acta Soc. Bot. Tolon. 9: 473-520. 1932. no.3/4. French résumé; p-518-530. Gajewski, W. Dwa nowe gatunki dla flory Folski oraz kilka uwag o nowych stanowiskach roslin z Podola polskie- Zo. (Deux nouvelles especes de la flore Polonaise et gqualques remarques sur les stations nouvelles des plantes en Podolie polonaise). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 115-121. illus. , 1922. Centaurea ovina, Herniaria incana besseri. French résumé: p-120-121. Gajewski, W. Stosunki geobotaniczne stepu Masiok i przyleglych ma hoJd okoliczaych. (The geobotanical relations of the steppe "Mosiok" aad its environ- ment) . Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 175- POS a) Liss 1932. English summary: p.197-198. Goetz, J» : Grab (Carpinus betulus L.) w Pofnocno- Wschodniej Polsce, jegorozmieszczenie oraz udzial w tworzeniu drzewostanow. (Die hainbuche (Carpinus betulus L-) im Nordosten Polens, ihre verbreitung und ihr anteil im aufbau der waldbesttnde). Acta Soc. Bote Polon. 9: 301-351. illus. (maps) Toso, no.1/2- German summary: p-347-351. hosp oe: Ph Anh Oe t ie, Vel5, Do.1%,, poo: Net;curnent iadexias. Ceont.) Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (cont.) Gorezynski, T. Z badan nad kleistozamja III. Dymorfizm kwiatowy u fjolka wonnezo pelnolaviatowego (Viola odorata fI. pleno hort.). Acta, Soc. Bot. Polon. eee eO%- Uldtse) lice vid = 19Z2. no-l/2. French résumé: p -129-130. Hrynieiecki, B. O zasiegach niektorych rzadszych roSlia we florze Polski i Litwy. (Dispersion géographique ds quelques plantes rares en Pologne et en Lithuanie Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. Q9(suppl.) 317-346. illus. (maps) 1932. Bronch résumé: p.344-346. Kobendza, R. Jak reazguje system korzeniowy sosny (Pinus silvestris L.) na zawiewanie przez piasel. (Wie reaziert des wurzelsystem der kiefer auf die verscntittung durch den sand). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 101-113. Piliulsien . Looels German summary: p-111-113. Kobendza, R- 3 O zarastaniu scietycn pni jodLowych. (Usber das vernarben von weisstannensttmpfen) . Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. Q9(suppl.): 123-153. illus. 1932. German summary: p.150-153. Kowalewska-MaSlankiewiczowa, Z- Megaspory z pokjadu Blzbieta (warstwy Jaziskie) w Sierszy. (Mezasporen aus dem FlUtz Blizbieta in Siersza). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 155-174. Td POS eee German summary: p-172-174. Krawiec, F. 0 rozmieszczeniu sasanki (Pulsatilla Tourn.) w Wielkopolsce. (Ueber die verbreitung der kichen- schelle (Pulsatilla Tourn.) in Grosspolen). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon- 9: 531-537. 1932. no.3/4. Brief German summary: p-537. Vel, AOsk?', p-d4. Non-current indexing. ( cont.) Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (cont.) Kulczyiski, Ss. Die altdiluvialen dryasfloren der gegend von Przemysl. Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 93 237-299. pie, Zii-xv. 1932.° uo.d/2. Paczoski, J. Sur quelques plantes nouvelles pour la flore de la Bosnie et de la Bulgarie. Acta Soc. Bot. Polsm., 9: 1-6. pl. imiv. 1982. no.1/2. Paszewski, A. Die biologiscne struktur des buchenwaldes in Katy bei Oborniki. Acta Soc. Bot. 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(map) 1932. be P 14 f 2 e . r ‘ . ae ; 5 re : ' : . VWietiae MO. pe 5D Non-current indexing. (cont.) Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. (cont.) Szymkiewicz, D. Observations biométriques. Acta. Soc. Bot. Polon. 9; 353-364. 1932. no.1/2. Tolpa, S. Krasowe torfowiska kolo Rozany na Polesiu. (Karst-moore bei Rozana in Polesie). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.); 289-316. illus. (map) 1S) S re German summary: p.313-316. Tolpa, $ . Torfowisko wyzynne "Mako!" kolo Antonowki na, Polesiu. (Das hochmoor "Mak" bei Antonowka in Polesie). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 217- Bo06« 1932. German summary; p.234-235. Wilczek, R. Starodyluwjalne mchy Walawy i Baryczy. (Altdiiuviale moose von Walaw und Barycz). Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): 237-288. 1932. Brief German summary: p.<88. Wodziczko, A. Josef Paczoski. (Professor Joseph Paczoski a pioneer of phytosociology)- Acta Soc. Bot. Polon. 9(suppl.): iii-xv. port. 1932. English summary: p-v-vii. VWodziczko, A- & Thomaschewski, M. 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DOO 2S (eis fofE =6egtt oOo: boda beet Stor Sel tie (fo8).¢) gidmeiod oak cotick - - « oe ap som cal co Babempoten oftoe nag pofntctcs gol ob oftGgep fo etng cone Dkdas MOOT 1F rtuneied -t34 pols ch eos teh oe tee 29el . yao. 1943. no. 4. Lepistemon chevalieri. aie wae ed | - ry , , Ve “eo NS : | Pai %, Vole, Mos, pb: Bull. Pop. Inform. Morton Arb. (Lisle, Ill.) (99.9M84) Kammerer, H. L. Late blooming lilac species. Bull. Pop. Inform. Morton Arb. 8s gose8. Ag. 15, 1985. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc. (Rabat) (410.9So01) Gattefosse, J. & Werner, R. G. Catalogus bryophytum marocanorum adhuc cognitorun, Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc le: Peeecen ) ®. Sl, 1962, no. 7/8. Cactus & Succ. Journ. (Los Angeles) (451011) Braunton, H. Cacti of the Rio Grande valley. Cactus & suee. Journ. 5: 419-421. illus. Ag. 1933. no.2. Poindexter, R. W. What do you call this? Cactus & Succ. Journ. 3d: 4¢1-424. Ag. 1933. no. 2. 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Manchuria Railw. Co. (J1LO7So8R) Otuka, Y. The characteristics of Maachnurian apples. I- II. Res. Bull. Azr. Exp. Stat. So. Mancturia Rawyn Coe lOa tame jt pl. Apa 195i I. Studies on the form of the fruits. II. Studies on the physico-chemical characters:of the fruits. Japanese. Ricerca Scient. Progr. Tecn. Econ. Naz. (Roma) (4751 %1) Gartent, A. & Rossi, A. Analsi di aicuni alimenti vezgetali. Ricerca Scient. Progr. Tscn. Econs Naz. es 405-415. D. 1932. no.11/12. Rhodora (Boston) (450R34) Anderson, We. A. A new species of Glyceria from the Great Smoky mountains. Rnodora 35: 320-322. illus. S- 1933. no.417. Ge. mudigena. Fernald, M. L. Recent discoveries in the Newfoundland flora. (cont) “Racdora Sb: 298-315. iilus.,pil. Zol—eores SS eee no.417. Fernald, M. L. Some forms of grasses. Rhodora 335: 316- 319. §.1943. no.417. Broms, Azrostis and Aristida. Norton, A. H. A third station for Valdsteinia frazgarioides in Maine. RHodera 5: dace Sel ISS no.417. Monmoutn, Maine. Sehuh, Re We Dumontia in Maine. Rnedorsa | Ss) SS Silols Sie OSS. no eAL7. De filiforais at Hale's Beach, North Brooklin, Maine. Shimek > B e Quercus macrocarpa, var. depressus (Nutt. Enzgim. Beodors 35: 695=297 . 51933. no .417. Science (47%Sci2) MacGinitis, H. D. Redwoods and frost. Seience 78: 190. Siatli., 1934. no..ZO0L8. ‘ ‘ 4 oe eo ‘ crete. te n i \, ee . Crd. iat @ § due 4 peat) aes F A ~ fede), ” oe cy EY fa] ’ f - hae : : oe’ aya 7 ] Day Sa) re “ - =e" » Cash ‘ Dm hy . A be 4 , 3 4 vo - H * ee 4 ite * i e - ' f ‘ . . : das woe Dg They § : a . wa aed ; > Since Sse ie : 4 : > i 5 a » py 40 Ps hg ph se we sa es aa) Yaw Poc FLOvoEy ‘Tas e . - D ee’? ae r+ pega Wt As s. : : see Cel. ACU ne a. oa Val, AO-nes p- 26 Science News Letter (470S8ci24) Hern prints Mert in tava that kilied them. sciences News Letter 24: 156. §.2, 1933. 20 2547 e Hydrocyanic acid Zzensrated by mushrooms. Science News Letter 24: 152. S.c, 1933. no 647 Found in Marasmius and Clitocybe, discovery of M. Mirande. fine Shade Tree N.J. (998Sh1) May, C. The Dutch elm disease. NEES) Salaysles Wbreeys) | IN Galo Vises 20606 ‘Vali pe Weenoas. Letter from Dr. May to Mr. P.B. Alden, Sec. N.J- Shade Tree Federation, concerning tne latest developments Gealins wita the disease. Sinensia Contr. Metrop. Mus.Nat. Hist. Nanking (410.95162) 1ehohew tele iets Plantae tsiangianae. (cont.) Sinensia Contr. Metroo. Mus-llat. Hist. Nanking 3: 84-90. §.1932. NOede Hlaeocarpaceaes Betulaceae. Kens We lire A new species of Microstezium from Kwangsi, China. Sinensia Contr. Metron. Mus. Nat. Hist. Namen Se Jl-o2. “SelSe.) WO6d.« Microstezium biforme. KOkenthal, G. Oyperaceae sinenses in Provincia Kweichow A.C1L.Y. Tsiang collectas. Sinenasia Contr. Metrop. Mus. Nav. Hist. Nankinz 3: 79-83. SolVaSn BO ohic Walker, HE. i. ; Concerning Chinese botanical serials. Sinensia Contr. Metrop. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nanking 3S: 65-77. Ag.1932. 10 ede Includes 11st or Chinese serial publications, of interest to dotanists. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. (450Sv2) Slander, A. The Asutralizing action of plazts on acid autrieat solutions. Sveask Bot. Tidskr. 27; Bote (ola aglissr. 1935% 200«2— HxXperiments with barley. ltl ra e rales Sa hgh Wiicc * chel eB SBE, 38 ‘2 et : ents eED boypeshio bce ater ok. en ann e i apave as alhO mn, J ; ep els + it ‘ Tue M7 Qe Oe ay abynate? aan et a7 ¥ cure a oes tthed «evehertined My ve va : a int ay Fak a dor) “A qeteoy rS ott Bh ne koGere m5 pee Ls i if + ae yy - wie oF : Ata tants ; a" a teeta. ne rk ree e GOaee ye & " a ard at A Sah : 3 eee ae oy Ay ie? ae ree sees. a dear 2 oe rin oe sisedod en & % A A wt ee ah weet ao ant . yi a oR ] Sree) Stee aaa pooegdatttg tabiald wage 138 ty: felt ae re Ter. ae =A: ofas U7 Pe s¥S : ‘ +) Valiby Ade er ps Ot. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. (cont.) BLIGing,- Cs Ueber sexualitat und entwicklung bei der gattung Enteromorpnae Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 273 255-2566 illus. 19650 NOsee Eliasson, A. G. n Svampar fran Gotland och Oland. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 2%, IAIat60. > Wess Noe, Faezri, K. Praktische richtlinien bei dem etikettieren von botanischen sammlungen aus Norwezen. Sveask Bot. Tidskr. ats 202-210. 1983. nod. HeALborn. Ov Ueber eutelie oder zellkonstanz in pflanzlicnen gzeweben. (Methoden und probleme) Svensk Bot. Midskve rs WolaeOlke «, Tinie. HESS. Noss Lagerkranz, J« Floristiska anteckningar fran en exkursion pa Island sommaren 1928. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 27: OlS-B77e 19350 NOWe Levan, A. Cytological studies in Allium. IV. Allium fistulosum. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 27: 211-232. illus. 1933.6 Ole La Terre Maroc. (Rabat) (24744) Miege, E. Les plantes fourrageres du Maroc. La Terre Maroc 3(35): 2-7, 3(36): 4-10, 3(37): B220y 3(S8)a Sales Woes Pied 5, Be.2,15, 1935.6 Tijdschr. Plantenz. (464.8744) Botjes, J- O« Aethylene als vermoedelikje oorzaak van de grociremmende werkxing von rijpe appels. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 39: 207-211. pl. xxi. Ag.1933. xo0.8. Brief English summary: p.cll. Brandenburg, E. Onderzoekingen over ontgenningsziekte. II. Tijdschr. Plantenz. 39: 189-192. plexvi.e Ag. 1933. no.8. Spierenburg, D. Ben ziekten in het zeezras (Zostera marina L.) Tijdschr. Plantenz. 39: 193-199. pl. xvii. Ag. 1943s NOG. ps | | ak tna . — «buat doo bratzod Bert wees a ‘ _ fice SB0t Olt FE a z | 3 degen a persistetite mob ted nelctlidot= acoeléeignG | aeceve MOSOWSORN vu Kegcu lst onipvigaltet a «Be 08 «BSaL _ODS- GUD " = ; . re tet. eedeifiecelte «tf teaterotiier Sci. USSR) (Leningrad) (442 .9p44) Baur, EH. Die ausl¥sung von faktormutationen durch chemi- sche und physikalische reize bei Antirrhinun. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 921635-171. 1932. ° Delaunay, L. N- Rentgeno-mutatsii u pshenitsy (The x-mutations in wheat). Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 93. 173-180. illus. 1932. Russian with English summary. Fedorova, N. Ia. sé 0 gibridakh mezhdu zemlianikoi (Fragaria vesca Le) i klubnikoi (F.elatior Bhr.) (Hybridization of Fragaria vesca L. with Fragaria elatior Ehr.) Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 109-114. illus. 1932. Russian with English summary. Filipchenko, A. A. Turii Aleksandrovich Filipchenko. Biografi- cheskil ocherk. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 1-11. port. 1932. Russian. Publications of I.A. Filipchenko: p.7-ll. Gates, R. R. A genetic study of size inheritance. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 13-28. 1932. Karpechenko, G. D. & Ivanova, K. V. Stseplenie genov I iGu idchmenia (Linkage of genes I and G in barley) Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 97— 108. illus. 1932. Russian with English summary. Lepin, T. K. Nasledovania kolichestvennykh priznakov u tver- dykh pshenits (Inheritance of quantitative charac- ters in Durum wheats) III. The manifold effect of the principal gene of the glume length of Tr. polo- nicum) Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Navk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 29-46. illus. 1932. Russian with English summary. mdnods eis ent! edie me Mengsk, Sed eke aliens ae ane. eS zy 5352 | / Ee ae 3 Pao 38 NS ct atoiis) w= eft) peditndas @ Eietedenes : ne .F ' se a” ane Bers, CU » A, eaten » Tet as a 1s. i win ae ak. ie Oho. bere Z eS a a Bhd: «ted jek of Ae at * » = ickat a & - : : 3 as howtey i " oy ta : a “ay * “> . " * , ” ’ fj a fo “ 7 a s) We ty fe =) et Sy, Y 1" “ihe, yi a» ° I ll pelts iy Dac Bs 8 f ‘A & r ong - ’ ae ee ? “s. i7 I < : 4 A fy, ¢ ‘ ere moe 45 ep oe Le Spey ge" “ . at in *% Hy re , I Ww Mewes!) Chetek? «oe 7 eds ” De 0 yet eae ea Read ft Sy Soe NO qi CRED sod ahaa, ND aad sted as : S| aed — ¥-15, no.18, p-30. Trudy Lab. Gen. Arad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) (cont.) Levitsky, G. A., Mel'nikov, A. N. & Titova, NN. Tsitologiia potomstva 16-khromozomnol rghi (The cytolozy of the offspring of the 16-chromosome rye) Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 89-96. illus. 1922. Russian with English summary. sapesin, L. A. Geny okraski lista u tverdykh pshenits (Gene der blattfarbe bei emner-weizen) I. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. Acad. Sci. USSR) 9: 47-68. 1932. Russian with German summary. Vasillev, B. I. Pshenichno-rzhanye gibridy (Wheat-rye hybrids) I. An analysis of the first generation of various wheat-rye hybrid combinations. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen.Acad. Sci. USSR) fe 6o=8%a L962. Russian with English summary. Winge, 0. Experiments with Papaver rhoeas L., f. strigo- sum Boenn. Trudy Lab. Gen. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Bull. Lab. Gen. USSR) 9: 115-120. Timaise: | LISA Valt. Maatalouskoet. Julkais. (Helsingfors) (20F495) Laurila, V. Maamme yleisim&t perunajalosteet ohjeita niiden tuntemiseen sek% laatujen turkeimmit ominaisuudet. Valt. Maatalousxoet. Julkais. AGwots Zo ps allug.s. IBS. Versl. en Meded. Plantenziektenk. Dienst. Wageningen (464.9122) Wageningen. Plantsnziektenkundige dienst. Verslacn<= im Het jaar 1952). Its Versl. en Meded. no-72. 144 p. viii pl. Ag.1933. Zeitschr. Bot. (Jena) (450232) Bosian, G. Assimilations- und transpirationsbestimmngen an pflanzen des Zentralkaiserstuhls. Zeitschr. Bot. 26; 209-284. illus., pl. 1933. no.5/6. For Appendix see Friedmann, Christian. » | an ong ricer? > sett! S608 2. BRR kee ated aad or * a3 eae roezaiorwrrarw te es ADAOK GO + Cpl a SLO) 2E 22 tet whats. «oe sae i Sh .2e-Sh Ge ee . Pega “ < rice r Fayay 7 ‘ are | se 4 i x a phsk i oe i Spiga, ’ Ent: . 4 : Widemy 7 | ry > . me ers, ‘ ‘ - x neither cinittqil Cie deeeeiell ; . : a "i fr * =f ey ; : ; z - ad Bh ; os ss ay o* Fy hee & a AME f ‘ SVG a if f A3,i" wi} ( tie ee 76 %0e fw. by 122 sy . Sor _ fags Rag Boge Mute Por an P ; Pie oo ite oie Velo, NOnlS, pis Sil. Zeitseor. Bot. (Ceont.) Friedmann, C. Die konduktometrische titration bei der assimilationsbestimmng. Zeitschr. Bot. 26: 285-290. illus. 1933. no.5/6. "Annans to Bosian, G. Assimilations- und traaspirationsbestimmnugen... Zeitschr. Pflanzenernghr. Dtag. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil. (Leipzig) (3842343A) Wagner, H. Beitrage zum wachstumsverlauf der kartoffel- pi lanze. Zeitschr. Pflanzenernahr. Dime. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil. 30: 232-249. 1932. no.4/6. Wagner, H. Ueber wachstumsvortange des hafers bei wasser- mangel und des winterweizens bei frthjianrsein- Saat. Zeitscar. Pflanzenernthr. Dung. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil. 30; 208-232. 1932. no.4/6. ; Wagner, H. Zum wachstumverlauf verscheidener getreide- arten, insbesondere von hafer. Zeitsenhr. Pflanzenernahnr. Dime. u. Bodenk. A, Wiss. Teil. 25: 48-102. 1932. no.1/2. Peivseae. Pilzk. (eipzig) (45073552) Huber, H. Standorte seltener pilze in der umgebung Wiener-Neustadt's (NiederBsterreich und Burgenland). Beitrag zur pilzgeographie. IX. Zeitsenr. Pilzk. IMGnwSs.2)s E9a7ie i. MOS. nowd Poiteay. Hy. Beitraége zur missbildung der mitpilze. Zercschr. Palzies U/(a.Selee Zi pl-dO. Os UIs BOeds Kallenbach, F. Zur beurteilung der schaden des wald- hausschwamms (Merulius silvester Falck) in Heusern. (cont.) Zeitschr. Pilzk. 17(a-s.12): 72-766 Jie LOSSia” NOs Karber, G. Lorenel (Helvella esculenata)-vergiftung. (conta) Zeitscenr. Pilzk. 12: 77-79. Jil. US Sie Owes pensirer, J. Bestimmngstabelle fur die eurofaischen thublinge. (conel.) Zeitsear. Pilzk. 12s vel 4 hit aca! betenotel eet: aw dina ? P going 2 bastante tas = mp oes = 90% py ten ee the - paitz} prev~ledcosieses of Lov (ot = aie wat oMeL1G << Wels, wewls, p.82. Exp. Stat. Publ. Streets, R. B. Heart rot of the date palm. Caused by Theilaviopsis paradoza {DeSeynes) von Hdnn. Arizona Agr. Hxp. Stat. Techn. Bull. 48: 443-469. LTS. X Die Mimo, 1955. (COAT) Kapp, L. C. Study of rice fertilization. Arkansas Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 291. BV pe. J€-19336 (Rectd Az.) (1004r42) Pirone, P. P., Newhall, A. G., Stuart, VW. W.-, Horsfall, A. Le & Harrison, A. L. Copper seed treatments for the control of damping-off of spinach. Cornell Azr. Exp. Stat. Buil. 566. 25 pe illus. Je.i933. (Rec!d Ag.) ( L00N48C ) Thomas, H. E. & Parxer, K. G. Fire blight of pear and apple. Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 557. 24 p. illus. Ap-1933. (100N48c) Thomas, H. E. & MacDanicels, L. He Freezing injury to the roots and crows of apple trees. Cornell Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 556. 25 p- illus. Ap.1933 (Rec'd Ag.) (100N48C) Stahl, A. b. Cnanges in composition of Florida avocados in relation to maturity. Florida Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 259. 61 p. My.1933 (100p66s) Bakke, A. L. & Noecker, N. L. The relation of moisture to respiration and heating in stored oats. Iowa Agr. Exp. Stat. Rese Bull. 1553 320-336. illus. Je.1933 (100209) Heuberger, J. W. & Norton, J. B. §- Tue mosaic disease of tomatoes. Maryland Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 345: 447-466. illus. Mr .1933. (100MSZ5S ) Nerton, d= Bis ‘Sie Fusarium wilt of tomatoes. Maryland Ager. Exp. Stat. Bull. 345; 487-489. Mr. 1933. ( 100M36S) Norton, J. Bs Ss & Hunter, H. A. Tomato diseases and their control. Maryland Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 345; 490-494. Mr. 1933. (L00M36S) gums A. -sehigesiitrwmet ents ‘so soon seet gq Te say? oe inte + "eA r} <2 co «W .eagele ,.@ «A ,»lintwed , . | al -A opeel real B od +4 So fpt'ce> of) tol eteensgect heas wate er Tih f'seset Mongtee a Bs) ‘(gh Bisek) -O00L.a6 ew 6+ SE ws A sre Levee Th i t ¥ ra | is agwess 5 } == * a a r iat t =p St as ‘ &OLNSO OQ ii * oy 4 -« TA Bi tue j oA. “y , (eo p. é ° p. a SCLa bon wet ; Ru + P f iv Gc oe «Tune BPO 2etean beto AP actaein’ - é (etl) +zzeL, at, cond. ti eo8>OSh yee f ‘ om nO, a of % »fostol S ; tt . fon fptatt eCtho*gned To cansel) oins - outils .06iTeh gat AEs aig Beaty re at i V.15, 20.18, p.33. Exp. Stat. Publ. i (cont.) New Jersey.agricultural experimeat station - Dept. of plaat patnolozy. ‘Boxwood canker. Its Nursery Dis. Notes. v.6, no. Sp. Ag-1933 (464.946) Nectria rouselliana Tul. (Volutella buxi) Williams, C. F. & Poole, R. fF. The relation of types of pruning to the control of Coniothyrium cane blizht. North Carolina Agr. Exp. Stat. Bull. 291. 14p.- illus. Je. 1933(100N81) State Publications. | Hutchins, Li. M. Identification and control of the phony disease of tne peach. Bull. State Entom. Georgia 78. 55 p- illuws., iii pl. (col.) J1.1965 (423629) Chambers, HE. L. & Thompson, N. F. Pests and diseases of trees and shrubs. Wisconsin Dept. Agr. & Markets Bull. 145. 8%p. illus. My -1933 (2W752Bu) New Books. Bunschoten, G. EB. Invloed van de voeding op de virulentie van schimmels. Baarn, N. V. Hollandia-drukkerij, 1933. (464.1B88) Proefschr - Utrecht. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Rnizoctonia salani. Jager, H. de. Ziekteverschijnselen vaa enkele cultuurzgewassen als gevolz von de inwerking von keukenzout. Baarn, N.V¥. Hollandia-drukkerij, 1933. (463.3418) Proersear. - Utrecht. English summary: p-82-84. Koroleva, V. Ae Poviliki SSSR mery bor! by s nimi [Dodder in URSS and its control] Leningrad,1933. (79K842) Russian. Krenke, N. P. Wuadkompensation, transplantation und chim4ren bei pflanzen. Uebersetzt von Dr. N. Busch... re- digiert von Dr. 0. Moritz. Berlin, J. Springer 1933 (Monographie aus dem sesamtgebiet der phys- jologie der pflanzen und der tiere. 29. bd.) (463.36K8817) ‘ok veers at... « andes aii ot poicsic to & cottages oe tgA ectlomed = ies is seas curaaetge 2 % aa he ae ee) ee 7: mil ; ae Fo ena 2h yoody me ye = ews soins Hewat 8F sigtoed an mm 1a . steamy aad Bo (eaten) sere. et Boo} wdhty DEL or eegss a ae | 7 i a » ECS cede’ & habixtx? vend gh = t (Sen 48 } {o wre ME) seated: ey 4, ALLA tor omni Ress or sigev?t ad euert i? cve-~Goe sVe serettt) .coleO Ska aft “aay SECT. a i “Sh ) tds « ok ghee 58RD: i coldermml ices satonanetio of ee aroltokiertd: ct canlotetel Latrecpes tol eoowbive| - -Bitcort .3BCl 40\.8 »aRi-TO> 7 stad < ome eoreruioo] od te Onitettercné « es seticoitedet ae cqliger ot auenk 2 OND Moye “vecto eee BERL OB names OTE BO ote | vedages mwibLtT “8 te coe V-15, no. 19, p.2- Anais Inst. Sup. Agron.Lisboa (105.7L682) Bobone, A. de Le A. Contribuigao para o estudo taxonomica da especie Ficus carica, lL. Anais Inst. Sup. Aeron. Iasboa S02)» Wede242. iilus. 19626 Navarro, A. Fe Da diagnose das ampelideas hibridas do género Vitis. Anais Inst. Sup. Agron. Lisboa 5(2): 26-123. illus. 1932. Ann. Bryol. (450An73) Andrews, A. L.- What is Sphagnum americanum? Aan. Bryol. Ge 136. . Loose Bryophyta nova (6-16) Ann. Bryol. 63; 124-135. illus. 1933. Descriptions by various authors. Buch, H. Hxperimentelle-systematiscne untersuchungen tber die Lophozia ventricosa-eruppe. doa. Bryol. Carl, H. Ueber die blattbtirtigen brutsprésschen bei Plagiochila. Anas Beyols 68 Lo-19. Dlins.s 2966s Dixon, H. N. Mosses collected on Mt. Cameroon by Miss M. Steele. Ann. Bryol. 62 20-30. 1933.6 Daxon, H. N. New species of Clastobryeae from Indo-Malaya. Anne Bryol. 6s S1=37 « BUS Dowty, Cx L'involucre de l'Anthoceros. dna. Bryol. 6s 38-45. illus. 1933.6 Herzog, T. Beitrage zur kenntnis von Neurolejeunea. Ann. Bryole 63 46-58. illus. 1933.6 au a emit aren et nohbrcin cnnbltsicte na oat (KR aodele vertpZA «Qe ehint ated eee eek 5 or 5 it A ee foes: «teh tacigolrene mirza ef tae ae BOGE oe a = _ ‘ ee eae Gd). arene ii} ie eLisgTh «tech yor a, Jr? Ge R rr, ; . is fi of . ¢ .otohinn exeigey to seni gana eden eteotions (oe vr-es ods efewved . cit, seQGQOTan enero micrey Be : ewes $ ee: Pent ‘+ te fs , wl Syd pecosagu mer wee ike g eeBeteale ee 4 eg Mis fy 4 AY Pie os ed Ae be 4 nf cs, cM obi wt sogteand -. fi ge setos Eon: nee ez stgaingp-obe? wet? says eorea te io eG veanE aaedt ya © _foge® «cr, Te cad ys Vuld, Wie 19, p-d. Mens Bryol. (edat,) Horikawa, Y- Two new species of Schistochila from Formosa. Aaa. BVO s 6: 59-61. illus. 1933. S. formosana, S. rigidula. Knapp, E. Hepatikologische studien. II. Was ist Macvicaria fossombronioides Nicnols? Ann. Bryol. 6: 62> Woe. USB. Malmoore, §.v. Cryptothallus nov.gen.ein saprophytiscnes lebermnoose Ann. Bryol. 6: 122-123. 1933. C. mirabilis. 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A. 1 y O Khimicheskom sostave semian sosny i zheludei duba razlichnogo geograficheskogo prciskhozhdeniia (On the chemical composition of the seeds of the pine and the acorns of the oak of different gceogra- phical origin). Trudy Prikl. Bot., Gen. i Selek. per. It), #i2., Buokhim, 2 Anat, Rast. (Bull. fopd:. Bote, Gene & Plant—breed. III. Ser., Phys., Biochem. & Anat. Plants) 1: 183-194. 1933. Russian with English summary. Melon pO! Dieoor. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. (1.9P69P) Cottam, C. Recent observations on eel grass conditions. U.S. Dept. Agr. Plant Dis. Rep. lis 19-120; Pees Aes Sel oso.) NOLO, 1). Gravatt, G. F. & Fowler, M. E. Log interceptions at Norfolk in relation to the entry of tree diseases. Ues- Dente Aer.) Plant His, Rep. 17s G29-15S. 2 ipl., map. 5.15,1933. WO. iI. Groves, A. Be The fruit disense situation in northern Varsinietfor 1935. Uss. Dept. Aer. Plant Dis’. Rep 27s, Le4=137. | Sol5 2) 1985. mockd. Stevens, N. E. 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Se 20) De illus. Lo Meng Pp Se L952. 25 BE Correction. Melos NOD, Pees Bull. Agr. & Hort. Belg. Author of 2d entry shovld be Journée, F. | | LIBRARY || BOTANY | CURRENT LITERATURE RECEIVED % OCT 23 1933 ADDITIONS 70 THE BOTANICAL CATALOG! I=, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTR COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE Yol. 15, no. 20. Sept .25/Oct.7,1933. Acta Horti Gothoburs. (4516712) Bilom, C. Bidraz till k’mnedomen om sveriges adventiv- ELorae Li's Acta Horti Gothoburg. 8; 169-188. 1933. Borgvall, 1. ’ Vuxtzeografiska bidrag fran vastkustlandskapen. Qe Acta Horti Gothoburs. 8: 119-125. 1933. FPaAec, Hus Bidrag till kSnnedomen om floran i GBteborgs och Boms 14n. 7. Acta Horti Gothobure. 8: 103- 11054. 19S Magmasson, A. H. Gedanken tiber flechtensystematik und inre metnoden. Acta Horti Gothoours. 8: 49-75. 1933.6 Magnusson, Ae H. A monoztaph of the lichen gemus Ionaspis. Acta Horti Gotnoburg. 8: 1-47. 19336 I. reducta, I. annularis n.spp-, I.spitsbergeusis (ad int.) Plantae sinensis, a Dre. H. Smith annis 1921-22 et 1924 lectae. XXV, XXVI. Acta Horti Gothoburg. 8: 77-81, 127-146. pl.i-iil. 19335. XXV. Compositae. by Jon. Mattfeld. XXVI. OTro- banchaceas. by H. Smith. kottsberg, C. Additional notes on Pipturus. Acta Horti | Gothoburse Ss J1j-118. iitas.e L965. Pseudopipturus n.gen. eae eee Skottsberg, Ce 4 Myoporum in Rarotonga. Acta Horti Gothoburg. ' 8: 147-157. illus. 1933. | | . M. wilderi n.sp- . , ; | i Skottsberg, C: | Vaccinium cereum (L. fil.) Forst. and related species. Acta Horti Gothoburg. 8: 83-102. illus. 1923. Ve rapae 1.Sp. oo Me a la => i Ruminiens. Hedwigia 73: 71-132. Ag.26, 1933. no.3/4. Wolf, i. Zur systematischen stelliung von Polypvodium VWulegare Le. Hedwigia 73: 205-222. illus, Age26, 1933. 1003/3. poe-Seyl. Zeitschr. Phys. Chece (Berlin) (334238) Huler, H. ve & Gunther, G. Enzymwirking und enzymbildung in lebenden zellene Hoppe—Seyl.e Zeitschr. Phys. Chem. 220: Bee Saf L95se now l/2. Experiments with barley and yeast. toe wena wan \Ni tee pant i be! yd i \ Wie dr rise ia iT) 1} Meoe) Galke Neturw. Ges. (St. Gallen) (508Sa2) qeler, Os Geschichte und verbreitung des walnussbauns (Juglans regio L.) in einigen nordelpinen fdhnts- lern der Ostschweiz. Jahrb. St. Gall. Naturw. Goameicor s0-l2l, 4 pl. on 4 (inci.maps) 1932. WMahresb. Inst. Angew. Bot. Uamburg (451176) Hamburg. Institut flr angewandte botanik - Abtei- lung ftir pflanzenschutz. . a [Bericht] 1932. In its Jahresber. 50: 88-116. 4 TL WS 1933. Journe Bot. (London) (50382) STON, Ae ita Ge Nomes om selacineila. IV. A revision of Lieb-— mann's Mexican Selagincllae. JOUrN. Bote (abe Pee-e ge aitse S.1954. noS9. 22 is opal ie Ne & Sainsbury, Ge Olen Kee Wew and rare species of New Zealard mosses. (concl.) oe Journ. Bot. 71: 245-251. S. 1933. no.S9, Grove, W. B. New or neteworthy fungi XIII. JOUTMs Ouse (455 251-259. Se 1933. noeSh9. a * Nicholson, ©. . Mebyennwes dioica freok. AOU. BOs Wilks veos— 264. S. 193%. no 84a. Secomn.s Wel. Additions to the Cambridge university her- fant Journ. Dot. fli 26556 SS.» 1933. . noS8l9. Herbarium of Spencer H. Bickhan. Thompson, iH. S. Dees Juncus trifidus occur in Ireland. Journ. Bote 71: 263. 01933. no Sg. Marmot, As Je Charles Carmichael Lacaita (1853-1953). Journ. Bote 71: 259-262. 6.1933. noe&h9. me Counc. Sci. & Indusse. Res. Australia (Melvourne) See carne, W. M. (5lida7es) . Low temperature brcalkdown in Tasmanian anples. Mee dourn. Counc.. Sci. & Industr. Res. Austral. 6: 217- Meee. 42.1933. n0.3. oo Wedbys MoO, pel'G, Poets oc industre Ros. Australian (cont.) vor nible, Monee aS, Le is The inheritance in hybrids between perennial rye-grass and Vimmera rye-grasse JOmUnas Coune. Pemeer inact me Ses. Austral. 6: 170-178. Ag. Mie Oe 5s miourn. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico (Rio Piedras) (SP332T) Dbregger, 1. Me PGel ation OF anbaer Color and the DeOpotEons Of Suoren filled pollen grains in tie Sugar Canc. Journ.e. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico 159-15. Ap. 1933 (My.) no.2. Rogue, Ae Bacterial wilt of tobacco in Puerto Rico and its intertransmission to other solanaceous hosts. Mauna Dephe Kets Porto Rico 17: 145-156. plei- PN 1965) Cys) DOees Bacterium solanacearum as it occurs in Forto Rico, identical with B. solanacearum H.F.Ssmith. Shanel, A. D. & Twight, H. il. uerto Hico seedless orange selections. louie Depts Ler. Forto Rico 1/: 1jl-1él1. piace tA. 945 Gly.) no. Journ. Heol. (Cambridge, Engl.) Carter, i. A comparative study of the alga flora of Seitemersnes. Til. dourns Eccl. 21: 385-403. ee L555 NOs Conway, V. Me Further observations on the saltmarsn at wolme-next—the-Sea, Norfolk. Mewes Beto alle eee ors «ilius., pilsxiii, foldmap. Agz.1933. HGee. Tevis, ©. A We & Richards, P. W. The vegetation of Moraballi Creek, British dane: an ecological study of 2 limited area bropicai roin forcet. I. Journ. Beale 2h: 0 5EU, ee ple ROCA Le ise L9436 HO oils Godwin, &. 2 Turnor, J. S. soil ee in relotion to vegetational succession in eee Broad, Norfolk. Journ. cols 21s 235 PEM atldse., \TOlAs Cheri. Lee Bhs! NOs VielS, Noe 20 9 De Ae . » (cont.) pta, a) Dis Hesct2on Of plants to the density of soil. Momeae@eol, 2l: %5e-N7k, illus. Ag. 1933. noe2. aperiments with beans and oats. Tllichevsky, S. he river as a factor of plant distribution. Journ. Heol, 21: W36-4N1. Ag. 1933. no.2. Juby, D. Ve. & Pheasant, J. ile On intermittent germination as illustrated by q Helianthesum sguttatum Miller. JOU s Heol. ails Pe eis. , fold.erapn.e Ag.193%6 nosZe Marsden—Jones, a. M. & Turrill, W. 3B. second report on the transplant experiments of Mic nornnEso eeCOlosz cal society at Potterne, Wilts. iammeneenicole 2 268-293. plexiv-xv. Age 1933. NOece Mezison, Cs Ge. i. HASSeOmpOStuvoMm OL the Soils used in the Potterne transplant experiments and of portions of Centaurea and Silene g-own thereon. JOUIN. Beole 2; Wr-N7S. Ag. 1953. nod. 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Sem iiots 29-49. 1933. nosed.» Journ. Okitsu ilort. Soc. (J870k3) Aono, i. he occurrence of the so-called second bloom Mimetimis.s dour. Okitsu Hort. Soce 28: SYU-91. pe LOR. Japanese. Ida, G. Anatomical structure of fruit in Japanese persirmon or kaki (Diospyros kaki Lim. fil.) omiasOkiusu Mort. Soc. 26; 126-131. illus. ie 19526 Japanese. EtG. Ss tne studies on the fruit setting in cultivated species of the genus Cucurbita. Journ. Okitsu Pomme soe., 29s thls. Ap. 1933. Five variations of C. moschata, six of C.maxina and seven of C. pepo. Japanese with English summary: p.139-lle. Kadiura, Me Chinese chestnuts in Kochi prefecture. erm. Ocitsw dort. Soc. 26: 6-7l. 2 pl. Ape 19326 Japaneses Takada, Ke The suger and acid contents of different MarcreuLes OL Chirus Prats. Journ. Okitsu Hort. meoc. C6: [2-(9. Apel932. Japanese. J5 19420, De 19. Kkitsu Hort. Soc. (cont.) eranashni, I. Yrogeny tests of linb variations in the Washington navel orange. Journe Okitsu Meu aoCs co 29-49. 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L. Weeds as a factor in tne spread of plant diseases in California. Month. Bull. Dept. Agr. Pale Ss ees erseor! « Rei MUS eee nO. OB. Va, aoeeb) pean. New books. Appfel, H. Beitrage mr wassergehaltsbestimmung von cel- lulosehaltigen faserstoffen. Buckeberg, H. Puinz, Seco ) (387 .din4) Inaug.-diss. -—- Techn. Hochsch. Darmstadt. Banzer, G. L. Beitrage gur systematix der gattung Pedicula- ris unter berucksichtigung des vorkommens von saponin. Ohlau i Schl., Spezialdruckerei fur dissertationen Dr. H. fschenhagen, 1932. (463.2822) Inaug.—-diss. Berlin. Fischer, H. Beitrage zur physiologie einiger papilionaceen mit bésonderer berucksichtigung von Phaseolus multiflorus. Munchen, 1932. (463.5F526) Inaug.—diss. Techn. Hochsch. Munchen. Jones, M. EB. Extracts from Contributions to western botany. Pople) pees-o5.) Ae.25,(1933. (455,87 71C) Full no. probably to ve issued about Jan. 1934. VOW ets Taha Can Handbuch der pflanzenaralyse 4. bd. Specielle analyse, 3. teil, Organische stoffe III. ev. 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Uittien, H. & Geerling, L. C. i, Cultuurvroeven met struikheide (Calluna vwil- garis Salisb.) with summary in English. evtoin |] asi 2) (97 .31Ui7) Overgedrukt uit het Ned. Boschbouw-Ti jdschrift Dec.1942. At head of title: Korte Mededeelingen van het Rijksboschbouwproefstation. Wettstein, R. i Handbuch der systematischen botanik. 4., umgearbd. eufl. vol. Leipzig & Wien, F. Deuticke, 1933. (452953) Reprints from publications not yet rec'd or not available. Ernst. a. Ergeonisse der ... von Professor Dr. Alfred Ernst und Dr. Marthe-Ernst-Schwarzenbach ausgefuhr- ten Indo-Malayischen forschungsreise (28.Juli. 1930 bis 16. April 1931) I. Reise- und forschungs- programme und bericht. Reprinted from Arch. i Julius Kleus-Stift. 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Sauli, Jo es Kauran lentonoki [Ustilego avenae (Pers.) Jense] uusimpien tutkimuksien valossae (Der haferflugbrand [Ustilago avenae (pers.) Jens.] in der beleuchtung ven neueren untersuchungen) » Maataloustiet. Aikak. [Agric. Meg.] 5: 89-96. OS De NO ede German summary: pe9l—956 Viel MO lace Deed « - Malayan For. (99-9M292) ; Syne ton, Cs Hs The study of secondary growth on rain forest sites in Malaya. Malayan Fore. 2: 107-117. Bese LID) Nad Sere Cience Nate Acad. Cienc. Madrid (506mM26c) Unamuno, L. M. Esferopsidales conocidos de la Peninsula Tbérica, y de las Islas Baleares» Familia de los esferioidaceose Meme Sere Cienc. Nat. Acad. Giones Madrid vet. 57 pe 1933. Host index: p.429-l57. Moller's Deut. Gartn.—Zeit. (Erfurt) (80M73) Burchard, 0. Huphorbia canariensis L» Moller's Deut. PeaeZerieetS: Feo -seOs illus. Ol, 1953. nosw2S. Monatsh. Chem. (Vienna) (384M74) Koller, G. & Pfeiffer, G. : Ueber enzyme der flechten und uber die konstitution der umbilikarsduree Monatsh. Ghem. 62: 359-572. Age 1933~ no5/6. a memmad. it. & Haschek, Is Der gelbe dahlienfarbstoff. © Monatsh. Chem. Pees ile. Ae. 193%, no5/6. Nature (London) (472Ne21) Berkeley, G. H. Strawberry root rot in England. Nature l3e: 5{0-5 71. Oof, 1933» noe3336. Coniothyrium spe Moore, EH. Se Wildfire of tobacco on Nicandra physaloides. Perey here Sine Se50, 19556 noe5355e New Flora & Silva (London) (S80N422) Adam, R. M. Eriocaulon septangularee New Flora & Silva Gs 60-63. plier vexnr, Ool955s noel. Boothman, H. Se Hybrids of Kabschia Saxifragese New Flora & Silva 62 51-59. plexxii-xxiii. 0. 1933+ noel w Flora Estlvas \ (cont. Cooper, Re i. Nomocharis in the garden. New Flora & Bale) Os 51-356 0. 1933% no.l. Lawrence, W. Mountain and woodland plants of Japan. New Flora & Silva 02 3-fe plei-iie 021933. Moos plas, | (Ge Ae abe Old end new brooms of the Cytisus group. Wew Flora & Silva 6: 64-69. 0.1933. no.l. ; taylor; Gs. ; Some Meconopsis hybrids. New Flora & Silva 6: 45-50. pl SAKA. Os SS) e NOele Notes Re Bote Garde Edinb. (S9Hd4) 4 Cowan, J. Me The histroy of the Royal botanic garden, 4 Edinburgh. Notes R. Bote Gard. Hdinb. Viele b MeJi. GP peiple Ag. 1933. eramphl. So. Afr. Biol. Soce (#10.9S08P) 1 Leemann, A. C. Growth regulating substances. Pamphl. So. Meee esol. (Soc. 6:3, 10-14. 1933. Woune, Bs Gs Ne Wi An account of a botanical excursion through Northern Angola. Pamphle So. Afre Biole Soc. Beas. - 1953. _ Pharm. Journ. (London) (396.8P49) Weablis, T. He Starches of comuercee Pharm. Journ. MOE). 396-597¢ illus. Ss 30, 1933. no3blS. a Pharm. Zeit. (Berlin) (396.SP496) ; Merkenschlager, Fe a Ueber das brom in der pflanzenpathologie. a Brremeyetces forbes Alive. Pell, 19556 noelid. Pharm. Zentralh. (Dresden) (396.8P492) a Freise, F. W. Brasilianische "kotorinden" und ihre stamm-— pflanzene Pharme Zentralh. 74: 577-575. Seel, D550) HOC S.. -%y ; ¢ ek Vice iy Oe Wiel, Nese,’ pedO0s —— Appe Agr. (Los Bafos) (25P542) Juliano, J. Be Additional cyanophoric plants of the Maquiling region. IV. Phriigpe Aesr.e 222 e5ll-257. Ss. SS e mows j Mercado, T. & Juachon, P. A report on a rice aunbreeding experiment in the College of agriculture. Philipp. Agr. 22: 23 Page tilinise Sel935. noel. BY q Serianta Arch. Wisse Bote (Berlin) (450P693) F. Boresch, Ke ' aur graphischen registrierung der transpiration von blattern. Planta, Arche Wisse Bote 20; Yy4s- ote atlas: pletis Sef, 19332 noed: Cholodny, N. Beitrage zur kritik cer blaauwschen theorie ' des phototropismus. Planta Arch. Wiss. Bot. - aap oor sins. Sef, 1933. nod. Coristoff, M. & Popoff, Cytologische studien uber die gattung Hieracium. Poco uO ie alits., ple is eee hoe . NOs s a Horster, Ka Quellung und »yermeabilitat der zellwand von a Rhizocloniume Planta Arche Wisse Bot. 20: 476- Es Fepersatios. Sef, 19336 nod. y Kaufhold, F. Zur klarung von krummungen, die ohne vorher- geganene reizung auf dem klinostaten auftreten. iy Nach untersuchungen mit mehrtégig klinostatierten ; kotyledonen von Phoenix dactylifera. Planta 4 Prete ia csebOG. 20: 602-620. illus. Se/, 1933- NOeje cry Zar bildune der pateine und der alkaloide in der pilanzee. Til. Yorversuche zur bildung von nikotine Planta Arch. Wisse Bote 20: 470-756 illus. Sel > O55 ie NOede Klein, G & Lins = ; Kurssanow, A. le Ueber den einfluss der kohlenhydrate auf den tagesverlauf der photos ;nthese. Planta Arche Wiss. BOte 203 555-55. Sef, 19336 NOt Ne bigp DO mei. “Die dl. sa Arche Wiss. Bot. (cont.) Lindschau, iM. Beitrage zur zytologie der Bromeliaceae. Planta Arch. Wisse Bote 20: 506-530. illus. Seis oo j6 NOs 5. Plavvil, s. Ueber akzessoriscne harzkanale in blattern von | Picen omorica.e Pew aren, Wiss. Bote 202 531— 4 pee iiss Sicily 19536 nod» Schmidt. Me Zar entwicklungspvhysiologie von Cladosporiun fulvum und uber die widerstandsfahigkeit von Solanum racemigerum gegen diesen parasiten. Planes teen. icsls Bote 20: 407-459. illus. Dwitie) 955i. W1O..5 « Solanin in plants effects germination of q spores of fungus. Seybold, A. q Ueber die optischen eigenschafter der laubblatter. q 1 eS Pitemta rch. Wiss. Bote 20: 57/-6G0l. illus. Se Ss eater ws © Planter (Kuala Lumpur ) (75.3P69) , Beeley, HF. 4 Oidium heveae and methods of its control. Pimper (Kuala Lompur) 14: 68-69. S. 19330 node Merroc. Amsr. Phil. Soc. (Philadelphia) (500P533) x. Macdougal, D. @ a The retlation of leaf—surface to wood formation a ape trees. | Froce.Amer. Phil. Soce (2:325- a Ses USES: ° NOe de Proce California Acad. Scie (500C12F) ‘- Bertram, Ee. Be Mosses of the Templeton Crocker expedition Collected by John Thomas Howell and lists of the mosses known from the Galapagos Islands and from E, Boeoe Isliaed. | Proc. California Acad. Sci. IV, : ee p2oO. tidus. S.20,, 1955. nod. The Penpleton Crocker expedition of the California Academy of sciences,1932, nod. Fissidens howelli, Campylopus insularis, neSspe Ven5,, mowelly pte. Pemsealitormia Acad. Sci, (cont.) Howells ds Tes The Amaranthaceae of the Galapagos Islands. PeoeeOalitormnia Lcads SCiz. IV, 21: S7-116. Bier LIS hi6) nOae Fhe Templeton Crocker expedition of the California academy of science, 193e, nod. Amaranthus furcatus, Alternanthera flosculosa, NeSSpe Howell, J. To The Cactaceae of the Galapagos Islands. Pepe, California Acad. Sci. IV. el: -54. lee linet TOSS... NOs. The Templeton Crocker expedition of the California academy of sciences, 1932, nos. Opuntia saxicola, Oemegasperma, O- zacana Nessp. roe. Leeds Phil, & Lit. Soce Sci» Sect. (501151) A GOT big lw Lhe Growth and differentiation in the vascular system during leaf development in the dicotyledon. Proc. leeds Phil. & Lit. Soc. Sci. Sect, 2: “Who. U5O. illus. J1e1933» nNoelOe Acer pseudoplatanus & Castanea vulgaris. ee ae a ee ee ee a Meroe. Nat. Acad, Sci, (500N21P) at: East, He Me The effect of homozygous genes for self- sterility. Proce Wate Acade Scie 19: SHI- ease £9535 nose Setchell, We Ae A preliminary survey of the species of Zostera. Proce Nat. Nea. OCike Uwe 10-8176 $1953.60 NO ee Sprague, G. F. Pollen tube establishment and the deficiency of waxy seeds in certain maize crosses» froc. Mets Acad. Scie 19: $35-S41. illus. 8.1933. nNOeIe ) Publ. Inst. Belge Amél, Betternve (66.9In7) Bougy, Ee Chimisme de quelques hybrides de betteraves. Publ. Inst. Belge Amél. Betterave 1933: 147-226. 1S. Se WSS NOeede Vel5, noecl, pe5d. Rothamsted Exp. Stat. (103R47Ga) Rothamsted experimental station Plant pathologye In its Repe 1932:- 5-7. 19336 J» Henderson Smith, chief. Gén. Bote (Paris) (450R326) Carpentier, A. Contribution a l'étude des fcougeres des Silex permiens d'Autun. Reve Géne Bote 45: Yoo-lie. DlexVili—xixe $0195%. noe5d3/- Yamin, A. Action de la température sur les Rev. Géne Bot. U5: Wis—l54. §.1933. noed537. Gorczynski, T. La cléistoflorie chez le Viola odorata var. fle pleno hort. BevieCom. Bote 45: W117. aS. Se 19436 MO) | s Guillermond, A. Recherches cytologiques sur les pigments anthocyaniques et les composés oxyflavoniques. III. Formation et caract®res cytologiques et micro- chimiques des pigments antnocyaniques dans les Motes, Rev, Gen. Bote 5: W55-l72. illus. Se TES nNOe54/ Industr. y Agre Tucumin. (Buenos Aires) (9179) GEOSSa We He Una mutacif: de la P.0.Jd. 36 de mayor riqueza S2(Cereiaders lie tes Ondlc 36 Me Reve LNGUSbie overs Tucuman 23: 47-525 Mre/Ape 1933. noos/Y4e Waweett, Ge le Notas sobre las enfermedades de la cana de AZUCAIs Reve Industr. y AgreTucumin 23: 68-69. Mr./Ap. SRG noed/4. Path. Vége & Entome Agr. (Paris) (464.9Sol) Viennot 9 Ge Une ustilaginée nouvelle pour la France, Ustilago oxalidis Hllis et Tracy parasite d'Oxalis Siricta le Reve Path. Vég. & Hntom. Agr. 19: lf 23. Jae 19356(Rec'd Oct.1933) nol. 4 4 végéetaux. (cont.) n NT TE SET IT I TE eg ee V.15, no.2l, p.34. Raodesia Asr. Journ. (Salisbury) (24R34) Christian, H. B. Notes on African aloes. XII. Rhodesia Aer. DeeemeOwnceowte9~6 76 ple Ss 1933. no9. Rhodora (Boston) {(450R34)~ Mermaids. Ms) Ths Heterochromism in Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, var.coactilis. hodora 353 348-350. 0.1933. no e418. A. uva-ursi, var. coactilis forma heterochroma f. aov. Perales MM. 1. Recent discoveries in the Newfoundland flora. (cont.) Rnodora 35; 327-346. illus. (maps), pl .-263-268. O. 1933. no.418. Kelso, E. H. Notes on Rocky Mountain plants. Rhodora So: 347-348. 0.1933. no-418. Atragene columbiana f. albescens f.nov., Eriogonum annuum f. roseum f. nov., Leucocrinum montanum var. fibrosum var. nov. Nelson, R. A. A study of the Rocky Mountain species of tne miltiflora section of aster. Rhnodora Zomtogoseeo« Oe tod. Nos4l8. Senuh, R. HE. | On the distribution of Sorocarpus. Rhodora 35; 346. 0.1933. no.418. Science (470Sci2) Austin, §. Vegetation and reproduction in the soy-bean. Science 78: 363-364. 0.20, 1935. 2no0ZdD-~ Brown, Re We ; Pronunciation of botanical terms. Science 78: 353-355. 0.13, 1938. no.2024. Canfield, R. H. Solid and.hollow stemmed grasses of the Jornada experimental ranze. Science 78: 342. 0.13, 1933 20.2024. NWS. no.Pky v.35. (cont.) Warrow, Ge Me Tomatoes, berries and other crops under Continuous light in Alaska. HeLomee, — (St 4 (0. CeO y Shoe Owe0e. Ramaley, F. American botany, 1326-1932, as shown in the Botanical Gazette. Science 78: 365. 0.20, 1933. Noe 2025 e Seifriz, W. 4 More about tne spiral hahit. Science ene sol-oo. p2tius.) 0.20, 1953. no.2025. Science Progr. (London) (472Sci22) Higgins, Ve heracteristic features of cactie Science Proere s 2ot2ie-252. Os. 1954%~ nolld. Norman, A. Ge SOME aSpECts Of the chemistry of the plant cell—wall. Science Progr. 28: 229-25. q @. 1653. | no.tI0. Mescicnt. Asr, (Ottawa) (7Sci2) 4 Mews, Ee Me r Avwned hoods in barlere Sciente Agre 14: 4g Poss ASF 56 Now]. 4 Sanford, G. Be ‘ A preliminary note on an unreported rootrot q Nom oats. 1, Serente fer. Li: 50-51. ple 5S. ES ESSE mn naloseg ae Dre Ge. Bisby reports the sporulating fungus as Gliocladium, probably G. roseum. Hetieson, Re Se Peach canker investigationss Ie Some notes on incidence, contributing factors and control measures. Bcient. ter. 14: 32-47. S. 1933~- noel. Cankers on peach origine’2 from wounds or dead ATCaS« Proce Roye Dublin Soc. (° 51D85) Pisnch, Pa Loughnane, J. Be A study of the Grinkle disease of potatoes and of its constituent or asscciated virusese SCi. Proce Roye Dublin Soce nese,20: 567-596. pl.48-9. Set 55 O85 (/ 40. aly. Meet, paso. Mscr. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soce (cont.) Mixon, THs is 4 Bast—sape Neue EROCe TOs OUclin Soc. Mese,20:487—-UGH. pl.5. Ap. 1933. no.29/36. Hughes, We A study of Phomea lingam (Tode) Desm., and of the "dry rot" it causes, particularly in Swede turnips. SCie Proce Royse Dublin Soc. NeSe, 20: 495-529. ple6-U7e Ap. 1933. no29/36. Sinensia Contr. Metrop. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nanking (10.9Si62) Ching, R. C. The studies of Chinese ferns. VIII. Sinensia Contr. Metrop. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nanking 3: 131-156. NAD IES eCtalor a aie Tsiang, Y. Notes on Chinese Apocynaceae. I. Sinensia Contr. Metrop. Mus. Nate Hist. Nanking 3: 157-160. TIN Kes Nel932~5 Ola Pottsia pubescens, spenoVe, Sindechites henryi vare parvifolia, var.nov. Tsoong, K. K. Criticisms and corrections of the botanic terms as appeared in the third report of the general committee on scientific terminology, 1914. Sinensia Contr. Metrope Muse Nate Hist. Nanking 3: 9-5e. Diet Wie. O0ls Chinese. Psoone, KK. On the importance of Chinese names for plants with suggestions for a proper system of nomenclature Sinensia Contr. Metrope Muse Nat. Hist. Nanking ee eS" Ean elOlel lia Chinese. Se ae ee Pee ee ee 4 Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan (J&0St9) Kanayama, Ie Studies in the black spot disease of citrus PP Se Lie Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Ses eapan ony - foe 2 ple On ls N.1952. NOse. Japanese with English summary: pel 75-176. Matsubara, S. Anatomical observations on citrus rootstocks. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. State Japan Se Jills |L 9536) DOie ls Japanese with English summary: p-!7. | V.15, NOwed., Pied fe Pportrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan (cont.) Miyazawa, B. & Motoyama, M. The relation between the gize and solids-—acid Gatlo Of tne Satsuma fruits and the vigor of their bearing shoots. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus aescotedopan) 6: 1-16. -illus. 1.1933. noel: Japanese with English surmary: pél&. Tanaka, T. General remarks on the genus Fortunella I-II. Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan Pie ple On le. Nel932; 6 19-40. Jl. Weis | BO ees lie Japanese with English summary: pe3/-0. Tanaka, T. Lectures on taxonomic citrology. Citrus biblio- rapnye Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citrus Exp. Stat. Japan Deeonebe Ne 1952. Nowe. Japanese. Tanaka, Te Opinion of Dr. Kozhin on citrus classification Studia Citrol. Tanaka Citris Exp. State Japan 5: Phle265—6 We U9G2. now. 2 Japanese with English résumé: pe260-263. _ Succulenta (Leeuwarden) (450Sul) BY Hummelinck, P. Cactusfasciaties van Aruba, Curacao en Bonaire. Succulenta 15: 183-190. illus. OES) AY avon HOF, H Svensk Bot. Tidskr. (450Sv2) 3 Arwidsson, Th. Till fragan om utbredningen av syd-skandina- viska arter. Svenske Bote Tidskr. 27: 332-538. NGG ie NOede Elman, H. Contribution to the Dreba flora of Greenland. VIe Svensk Bote Tidsikr. 27: 339-346. 1933+ noe}. Erdtman, Ge & Erdtman, 1. > 5) ine improvement of noll wv svensx.e Bote Tidskre 2; an-nanalysis technique. 34 7-557e 19356 NOede iinnell, Te. Zur morphologie und systeaatik triassischer cycadophytene IIe Ueber Scytophyllum Bornem.; eine wenig bekannte cycadophytengattung aus Gem keupere Svenske Bote Tidskr. 27: 310-331. HATS ie 5 Die Li. 19336 More Sue he ey i hy by * wy em trent Wiasy, noeZl, p. 38. fick Bot, Tidskr. (cont.) Melme, Ge O. En rik lundvegetation vid Stava hamm i Odeshég (Oestergotland). Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 27: 358-360. 1933. MNOed. Naumann, He Gesicntspunkte zur. beurteilung des produktions— standards von Sphacrotilus natans Kutzing. Severs te Puasa.) 2/3 502-509. illus., pli. MOB \e) AOD « Naumann, +. Ueber die rohkultur von Sphaerotilus natans Kutzing in buschelform. prencie Mot. Mdskr. 27: Cop Oe se 19546. NO. 5. ais, ub ws Hine eisenbskterie aus Westafrika. Svensk Bote Widsere ers 400-4626 1933. no. Gallionella ferruginea. Tobacco, NeY. (6997552) ene and the blue mold suggestions. Movaceco, Neves 97 (L4): 9. 065,1933. Recommendations of subcommittee of vlant pathologists of the Southeastern tobacco research committee. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soce Formosa (JH10.9N19) Goto, Ke Sclerotium rolfsii Sacce in perfect stage. I. Some correlation between sporation and cultural Characteristics (cont.). Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Pormosa 23: (5-905. Ape1933~ noel25. Bereta: 1. Revisio ad floram Formosanam. Il. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 23: 91-97. Ape 1933~ noel25. Kedoacanthus genenove, Ke albo-nervosa. Simada, Y. Plants of Senkyakuseki virgin forests in Shinehiiu coast x» trande ( conte ) Sras ge Nat. is Hist. Soc. Formose 23: 100-115. #p.1953. no.1e), JEDANSSC « Mea Oey 06596 Mrans. Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. (513764) Nosy aigate Studies on a new dry-rot disease of the bulb of Crocus sativus L. caused by Fusarium bulbigenum Cke. et Masse var. blasticoln (Rostr.) Wr. iis TOmuerd soce jar. Sci. Ys 212-228, 2 pl. Je) TESS AR aloes Japanese with English résumé. Hnd6, S. Influence of salt on the pathogenicity of Hypochnus sasakii Shirai. Transe Tottori Soc. Agr. Sci. MeAGeAoiie Jeell, 1935. nows. Hiratsuka, N. On species of the Melampsoraceae collected in Nikko and its vicinity. Trans.s Tottori Soc. Agr. Semen MS. Tent, 1954. nowd. Japanese. Heravsuke, Ne cc Hoshioka, Ye Uredinales collected in Formosa. I. Trans. Mnerornesoce Her. Sel. 4: 156-165. Jeli, Die a OD « Matsuura, Ie Fundamental studies on the culture methods of mushroomse III. Studies on Pleurotus ostreatus inca. jorr sl. Tronse Tottori Soce Agre Sci. 4: Been gees tilus., 5 ple Je.li, 1933. nod. Miki, S. On the regeneration of leaves and roots of some water and marsh plants in Japan. Trans. Momyori SoG. Aere Scie Ue 183-194, - illus. Je-ll, 1S 45.6 NOs 46 Japanese with English résumé: p.193. Nisikado, Ye. & Matsumoto, H. Studies on the physiological specialization of Gibberella fujikuroi, the causal fungus of the rice "bakanae" disgeasee Transe Tottori Soc. Agr ete eC O eile Vashi, 1955, nOeds Japanese with English résumé. Sawada, Ke Notes on Japanese species of Colus. MTranse ot touucocs hem. Scie br 166-175. illus. vice ll, We bv. NOede Japanese. C. schellenbergiae, C. pentagonus. Veter nome! pe UO. [Mpanse Tottori Soc. Agre Scie (cont.) Uchida, S. Jitchiku (solid bamboo) in Japan. Trans. Hompanesceevler. SCie 4: 265-26. pli. ere el a5 11) 10:p 9% Nsuom@Gwones nabit torm” of rhizome of hyllostachys bambusoides. Grop. Aer. (261751) Park, Me The oil treatment of plantain diseases. Towerkere tolsse-90. As.l9543. noe. Trudy Bote lhtuze Akad. Naulc SSSR te (451Sa25 ) Andreev, V. Ie Tipy tundr zapada Bol! shoi Zemli (Vegetations— tyoe der Bolschesmelskaja tundra). Trudy Bote Muze Akad. Nauk SSSR 25: 121-268. Lids 6, 1952. Russian with German summary. Busen, Es Ae A nektorykh reliltovykh rastenifakh Balkarii (Tsentral'nyi Kavkaz) (Ueber einige reliktpflanzen Balkeariens (Zentralkaukasus). Trudy Bote Muze Wade Nauk SSSR ¢5: 17—el. 1952. 2 Russian with German summary. Boesch, NeAe O bolotakh ozernogo proiskhozhdeniia v Balkarii i Digorii (Ueber die verlandungsmoore in Balkarien und Digorien (Zentralkeuzesus). Trudy Bot. ifuze fic. tome SSSR) 25: [-16. mape 1932. Russian with German summary. Gamesnin, Se Ge A Rastitel'nost Linds} ZOO raiona Luzhskogo okruge Vv svinzi s voprosom zabolevaniia korov comaturici (Die vegetation des Ljadskoi rayon des Iuga-bezirks) Trudy Bot. Muze Akad. Nouk SSSR 25: 349-434. 1932. Russian. Korchagin, Ae il. ‘5 . Poemnye dugn reki Severnoi Dviny Vv Cherevkovskom faLone i ikh ae a sas otsenka (Alluvial- wiesen des flusses Severneja—Dwina im rayon Tschne- cewkow und ihr wirtscheftlicher wert). Trudy Bote iuze Akad. Nauk SSSR 25: 269-348. illus. (incl. mop) 1932. Russian. Welly Noes peli. Trudy Bot. Muze Akad. Nauk SSSR (cont.) Leskov, Ae Ie a ee k flore severozapadnogo Kavkaza (Materi- alien zur flora des Nordwest—Naukasus). Trudy Bote Muze cea Nouk SSSR 25: 23-45. 1932. Russiane Leskov, Ae Bie Novyi vid rode Cicerbita Wall. (Eine neve art der gsnttung Cicerbita Well.) Trudy Bot. Muze Akad. Nauk SSSR) 25: 53-556 ee 1932 Russian with Latin diagnosis (C. olgae) MESON 5 tle Le O rasprostranenii i uslovniakh proizrastaniia Secale kuprijanovi Grossh. (Ueber die verbreitung und existenzbedingungen von Secale kuprijanovi Grossh.) Trudy Bot. iuz. Akad. Nauk SSSR 25: 46-52. 1932. Russian. Tolmachev, A. Te . = mt Materialy diia flory raiona-Poliarnoi geofizi-— as observatorii, Matocikin Shar i sopredel'— ykh chastei Novo’ Zenli (Materialien zur flora des eae Ges Polaren geophysischen observatoriums, Matotschkin Schar unc der angrenzenden teile von Novaje Zemlija). Tracy Bot. Muze. Akad. Nauk poste eos, JOl120. illuss 1932. asSian with Latin diagnosis lapponicum dasycarpun) of nesspe (Papaver Morcnikhnin, Ne N. K biologii solianykh ozer Sibiri (Zur biologie der salzseen Sibiriens). rudy Bot. Muz. Akad. Name SSSR 25: 55-Wes. illus. 1932. Rissian with German summary and Latin diagnoses of new species (Chroococcus luteolus, Oscillatoria spirulinoides, 0. attenuata, O. animalis var. crassa MNeVitLe ) Zuabk« GOV 5 Ae BA Tundry Gusinoi Zeuli (lie tundren der Gussinaja Zemija (Vorl e a Hufige resuitate des jahros 1930). Goudy Bote. Maz. Akad. fouk SSSR. 25: 57-99. illuse 195c. : c YF eel be wae is < 4 A Melml5i, HOwek, pat. US. Dept. Agr. Cire. (lAgslic) Clark, C. Fe, Stuart, W. & Stevenson,-F. J. he Katahdin and Chippewa potatoes. U.S. Mee eeomee. TO. 7 os illuss Jl. 1933. Potberie Vel ne, DUrLison, We le, & Johnson, AG. Portable refrigeration chambers for studying cold resistance of plants in the field. WeSe Dept. WORCIGew Cais CO De Lilus.s Ss 193%. BOSC, Detle, Weicht, HC. & Whiteman, TMM. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables, Biieenlomtsus! sstoCzse Usess Depte Agr. Circe 2[&- DS) 1S ees aos Dip ese Dept. Aer. Techn, Bull. (lAg@tTe) Clawson, A. B. 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Arch. Suikerind. Nederl. Indié. 1932, nt.3~ (Meded. 23): 1539-1608. 1932 be aa PN eee * woOlrANY CURRENT LITERATURE ADDITIONS TO THE BOTANICAL CATALOGIIE, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTR COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE j LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, [2h . V-15, no. 226 Oct. 2a-Nov.4, 1933. Reron. Collen. (Paris) (26A2812) Ledreux,A. La culture des caféiers & Madagascar. (concl .) Agron. Colon. 22(2): 77-84. S: 1983. 20.189. Amer. Forests (Wasaington) (99.8F762) Morse, E. H. Its ancient enemy discovered. The incense : cedar reveals the secret of its destruction. oll Amer. Forests 39: 502-503. illus. N.1933. no.ll. ; Polyporus amarus. d : Wise, L. EH. ¥ The great lignin mystery. Amer. Forests 39: b 494-496, 524. TiS, ( Ms DSSS... nosis . Anselme Payen, the Freach chemist wio first ; uncovered the sreat lignin mystery. 4 ‘. Amer. Journ. Bot. (450Am36) awery, G. §., dr. ; Structure and development of the tobacco lear. 3 Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 565-592. idjus. WN. 1933. no.?. Livingston, B. EB. & Haasis, F. W. Relations of time and maintained temperature to germination percentaze for a lot of rice seed. Amer. Journ. Bot. 20; 596-615. WN. 1933. no.9. ielichers, lL. B. Freezgin= injury to arborvitae and junipers in Kansase Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 593-595. N.1933. 10-9. Sherir, E. HE. Some new or otuerwise important compositae of the Hawaiiaa Islands. Amer. Journ. Bot. 20: 616- 619. We. 1933. no.g. *. itt an AEM i i anil 4 See ih ot Pe, j aT te, ut ad ~ ey a £ peep dime ae aa ; ay ’ i vs a Ae ‘ AVS ee kee a ae ese deere Te ce er, rere eu . pa . a is fen ; oe + S “ > ee Mera oD Valoy DOwcen p.g- Angew. Chen. (384733) Lisbisch, W. Die einwirkungs verscneidener stimlatien, 4 mit besonderer berticksichtigung der zase, auf ! pflaazliche organismen. Anzew. Chem. 6: 635-558. OVS AAT: ACSECS ADD Mey ovenda Ole Ana. Inst. Pasteur (Paris) (448.3An75) Gacsoreniu, I. Le cancer des plantes et Ltimmuaité anti- cacéreuse. Ana. 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Haraszty, Ae 1 = 20 ? a + me 1 —< . li itek A gyvénzvyBsi es rozsaszentmartonl 1lenite- ; ‘ : eee 5 mikroszk6pos vizsgalata.(Mikroskopiscae unter sucmng _ ad , des limits von Gy$nzytés uad Rozsaszeatmarton)- z Bote Kézglem. 30: 185-189. illus., pl. 19332 06d6 German summary: p.187-188- V.15, no.22, p.5. Bot. KOzlem. (cont.) Krau.sz, F. Gyakoribb “eresztesvirgcu 2¥omok csirantven- yei. (Die keimpflanzen der osutigeren krevzbltitler- unkréuter). Bot. KSzlem. 30: 138-162. 2 pl. OS Ga) UOe German summary: p.152~162. Meine, I. A hortobagyi Ohat—-erdy végétacidja. (Die vege- tatioa des Ohat-waldes). Bot. KSglem. 30: 163- Were dOCS a, NO. Ss German summary: »p.183-184. Gmsci-ral, 2. NSvenynetszet festtkocsonyaval. (Mounting of sections of plants in staining Fella) c Bote Kdzlem. 30: 194-196. PS aiae =O ae Brief English summary: jones Szilady, Z. AZ Usdiofa nalunk és a Balkénon. (Der urzeit- | liche nussbaum bei uns und auf der Balkanhal b- insel). Bot. KO#¢lem. 30: 121-137. 1933. no.5. 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COMPILED FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, Vol. 15, no. 25. Hee. 2-16. 19mg see Acta Bot. Fenn. (Helsingfors) (451H36A) 4 Cedercrenutz, Cs a Vergleichende studien uber die laubwiesen im 7 westlichen und ostlichen Nyland. Acta Bot. Fenn. i HOw doen vide.) (maps) L9SL. i Collander, R. & Barlund, H. Permeabilitatsstudien an Chara ceratophylla. II. Die permeabilitat fur nichtelektrolyte. Acta Bot. Fenn. ll: 1-114. illus. 1933. Acta Phytotaxon. & Geobot. Kyoto (450Ac83) Hl Hemmi, T. & Kurata, §. Miscellaneous notes on Japanese fungi. I. i Acta Phytotaxon. & Geobot. Kyoto 2: 109-117. Gidtdse Mrel9SS. NOs Kitamura, Se Compositae novae japonicae II-VI. Acta Phyto- taxon. & Geobot. Kyoto Japan 1: 56-59, 145-155. Ap., Je. 1932; 2: 37-51, 118-129, 171-188. F., Mr.,S- Meee NOwl., oy Lyesoe Kitamura, S. An enumeration of compositae of Formosa. I. ti Acta Phytotaxon. & Geobot. 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Acta Phytotaxon. & Geobot. Kyoto Japan 1; 253-257. illus. $.19382. no.d. New species and varieties of Quercus. OS ar A ~*~ Da a — at “6 a “ : 7 é eg as - 7 ry! Stee Pe as a , Viet inge Oe >) : 4 ye di ots a wee TY CM Robe Dae Viewion meico, pt. _ Acta Phytotaxon. & Beobot. Kyoto (cont.) ie Uyeki, He On the forest zones of Korea. Acta Phytotaxon. & Beobot. Kyoto 2: 73-85. illus. (maps) Mr. USS NOees Japanese. Meron. Colon. (Paris) (26A¢812) Ammann, P. Huile d'Aleurites fordii de Madagascar. Agron. Colon. 22: 97-102. 3pl. Ow 1933. no.190. Amer. Fern Journ. (4504m35) Cova. JM Further notes on the pteridophytes of San Diego county, California. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 77~83. M/S. 1255. no.3: House, H. De Concerning Osmunda cinnamomea f. frondosa. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 95-96. J1./S. 1933. no.3. "Frondosa" form caused by injury due to road ats Rodd Bs An extreme phase of Osmunda cinnamomea, forma auriculata. Amer. Fern Journ. 23: 96-98. pl.5. pa 5.1933. no.S. hitite, HB. H., jr. 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