THE ASCENT OF PREHISTORIC MAN MANS CULTURAL STAGES AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE END OF THE OLD STONE AGE [DJAGONAL LINES INDICATE RACIAL PERIODS, DCfT SHOWS CONJECTURED DATE OF EXTINCTION] ICL ACES BC POST-OLACIAL I^LSaS ilk CLACUL 3i4 INTEHGLACIAL •irt. GLACIAL PM.-CHEU.EAN «ntlNTER.C.UACIAL ■C-IXXO 2~l. GLACIAL _ to O^^K CO ^^= CD ^— m PR.M»ALAOUTHlC OK. EOLITHIO ? PLEISTOCENE Tht Brain from Ape to Man by Frtderick Tilney Spff^ /5oA~ . '»4 Copyright igiS by Paul B. Hotter, Inc., N. Y. i PLIOCENE "> THE BRAIN FROM APE TO MAN ^91. /aft THE BRAIN FROM APE TO MAN A CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF THE EVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN BRAIN BY FREDERICK TILNEY, ph.d.,m.d. Trofesstir of NeuroloRV. Columbia University With Chapters on the Reconstruction of the Gray Matter in the Primate Brain Stem by HENRY ALSOP RILEY, a.m.,m.d. Associate Professor of Neurology, Columbia University foreword by HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, sc.d.,ll.d. Research Professor of Zoology, Columbia University 557 illustrations, many in color VOLUME TWO PAUL B • HOEBER • I^c NEW YORK ' MCMXXVIII COPYRIGHT 1928 BY PAUL B. HOEBER, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ' PUBLISHED MAY I928 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTENTS NOLLMU I Pace Preface vii Foreword xv List of Illustrations xix Introduction. The Primates: Lemurs, Monkeys, Apes and Man, Their Place in Nature i Pari I. I hi. Lower Primates Introduction 2i Chapte k I. Lemur Mongoz, Its Brain and Bcha%ior 23 II. Reconstruction of the Gray Matter in the Brain Stern of Lemur Mongoz . "3 III. Tarsius Spectrum, Its Brain and Behavior 85 IV. Reconstruction of tiic Gray Matter in the Brain Stem of 'I'arsius Spectrum 135 V. Caliitiirix .laichus, tile Marmoset, Its Brain and BeiKi\ior 153 VT Reconstruction of tiie Cra\ Matter in tlic Brain Stem of Caliitiirix .lacciius 183 VII. Mycetes Scniculus, Its Brain and Beiiavior lyi VIII. Reconstruction of the Gray Matter in the Br.iin Stem of Mycetes Senicuhis 233 IX. Comparative Summary of Structures IIa\ing E\()iutionaI Significance in tiie Brain Stems of tiie Low it Primates 243 Pari 1L Ihi. 1mi knu.diate Primates Introduction 28- Chaptfr -X. Papio C>noceijiiaius, tiie CiomiiKin Dofi-I ie.ided Bal)oon, Its Brain and I5ehavior 289 .X 1 . Reconstruction of the Gray Matter in tiie Brain Stem of Papio Cynocephaius 335 .XII. Pitliecus Rliesus, Macaeus Rhesus, Its Brain and Behavior 349 .XI 11. Riconstruction of tiie Gray Matter in tlie Brain Stem of Pillucus Rhesus 391 \i\'. I l\lolDates I looloclv, tiic Gililson, Its Brain and Behavior 405 W. Recon.struction of the Gray Matter in the Brain Stem of I lyiolxUes I Iooloci< 44- .X\ 1. Comparative Summary of Structures Having Evolutional Significance in the Brain Stems of the Intermediate Primates 457 V 3 C 3 3 6 vi CONTENTS VOLUMI II Pakt hi. The IIighi.k Amiikopoids Pace Introduction 477 CHAPTtK XVIl. Siniia Satyrus, the Orang-Outang, Its Brain and Behavior 479 Will. Reeonstruction of the Gray Matter in the Brain Stem of Siniia Satyrus. . 533 XI.X. Troglodytes Niger, the Chimpanzee, Its Brain and Behavior 545 XX. Reconstruction of the Gray Matter in tiie Brain Stem of Troglodytes Niger 609 XXI. Troglodytes Gorilla, Its Brain ;md BeJKuior 623 XXII. Reconstruction of tiic Gray Matter in tiic Brain Stem of Troglodytes Gorilla 685 .\XIII. Comparati\'e Summary of Structures lla\ing lisolutional Signilicance in the Brain Stems of the I liglu-r Anthropoids 699 Part IV. .Man Introdlction - 729 Chapter XXIV. From Primitive to Modern .Man 731 XXV. The Brain of Modern Man '. . 777 XXVI. Reconstruction of the Gra\' Matter in tin- 1 Brain Stem 837 XXVII. The Brain of Prehistoric Man 861 XW'III. Man — Past, Present and Future • 925 Part V. F\oli tional Modifications of the Primate Cerebrim Cllminating in the Human Brain Introduction 939 ClIAPTI K XXIX. The Significance of the Honiogcneitv' and Specilic Modifications in the Primate Brain. Their Relations to the Progressi\e Adaption of Behavior 941 XX.X. The Internal Structure of the Brain Stem of the Priiuates. Its E\olutionai Modification in Relation to tlie Dcxclopmeiit of Beha\ior. Essential Similarities in Internal l-.lements 993 References FOR Further Reading 1047 Index to Volumes I and 1 1 1077 LIST 01- ILLUSrRATIONS FiGUBB p^CE 1. Brains of lower vertebrates compared with the luiniaii brain 4 2. Brains of iiiammais compared with tiie human i)ra;n. 5 3. Brains of apes compared with the iuiinan brain 6 4. Comparison of skeletal structures, from iish to man 8, 9 5. Lemur group in Madagascan iiabitat 25 6. 7. Two views of Lemur mongoz 27 8-1 1. Hand and foot of Lenuir mongoz 30, 31 12-15. Hand and foot of Lemur potto 32, 33 16. Dorsal surface of brain, Lenuir mongoz 34 17. Base of brain. Lemur mongoz 35 18. Left lateral surface of brain. Lemur mongoz 36 19. Right lateral surface of brain. Lemur mongoz 37 20. Ventral surface of brain stem, Lemur mongoz 38 21. Dorsal surface of brain stem. Lemur mongoz 39 22. Lemur mongoz. Level of the pyramidal decussation 42 23. Lemur mongoz. Le\el of caudal extremit\' of inferior oli\e 46 24. 25. Lemur mongoz. Level through middle of inferior olive 48, 49 26. Lemur mongoz. Level of the vestibular complex 50 27. Lemur mongoz. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 52 28. Lemur mongoz. Le\ el of emergent fibers of sixth ner\ e 55 29. Lemur mongoz. Le\ el of caudal extremity of pons Varolii 5-^ 30. Lemur mongoz. Le\ el of tiie middle of the pons Varolii 60 31. Lemur mongoz. Le\ el of emergence of trochlear ner\e 61 32. Lemur mongoz. Level of the inferior colliculus 62 33. Lemur mongoz. Level of the superior colliculus 66 34. Lemur mongoz. Level of the optic chiasm 69 35. Lemur mongoz. Level of the anterior commissure 70 36. Ventral surface of gray matter of brain stem. Lemur mongoz (color) 75 3''. Dorsal surface of gray matter of brain stem, Lemur mongoz (color) 77 38. Lateral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Lenuir mongoz (co/or) -9 39, 40. Two views of Tarsius spectrum 86 41-44. Hand and foot of Tarsius spectrum 88, 89 45. Dorsal surface of brain of Tarsius S|)cct rum 95 46. Base of brain, Tarsius spectrum 96 47. Right lateral surface of brain, Tarsius spectrum 98 48. Ventral surface of brain stem of Tarsius sjjectrum 100 49. Dorsal surface of brain -Stem of Tarsius spectrum loi 50. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the first cervical segment 102 vii viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Pace 51. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the pyramidal decussation 104 52. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the dorsal sensory nuclei 106 53. Tarsius spectrum. Level of caudal tip of inferior olive 108 54. Tarsius spectrum. Level through middle of inferior olive 11 1 55. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the vestibular complex 114 56. Tarsius spectrum. Level of caudal extremity of trapezoid body 116 5~. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 118 58. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the trochlear emergence 121 59. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the inferior colliculus 123 60. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the superior colliculus 128 61. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the optic chiasm 131 62. Tarsius spectrum. Level of the anterior commissure 132 63. Ventral surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, tarsius spectrum (color) . . 137 64. Dorsal surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, tarsius spectrum (co/or) . .139 65. 66. Lateral surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, tarsius spectrum (co/or) 141, 143 67, 68. Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 154 69-72. Hand and foot of marmoset 156, 15" 73. Dorsal surface of brain, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 158 74. Base of brain, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 159 75. Left lateral surface of brain, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 160 76. Right lateral surface of brain, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 161 7~. Ventral surface of brain stem, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 162 78. Dorsal surface of brain stem, Callithrix jacchus (marmoset) 163 79. Marmoset. Level of the pyramidal decussation 165 80. Marmoset. Level of the dorsal sensory nuclei 166 81. Marmoset. Level of the tip of the inferior oli\e 167 82. Marmoset. Lc\el tlirough the middle of till' inl'ciior oli\-e 169 83. Marmoset. Level of the vestibular niick'I and tiiliorculum acusticum i-o 84. Marmoset. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 171 85. Marmoset. Le\el :it the middle of the j^ons Varolii 173 86. Marmoset. Level of the inferior colliculus 174 87. Marmoset. Level of the superior cerebellar peduncular decussation 176 88. Marmoset. Level of the superior colliculus 178 89. Marmoset. Level of the optic chiasm 180 90. Marmoset. Level of the anterior commissure 181 91. Ventral surface of the gray mattiT of the brain stem, Callithrix jacchus (color). . 185 92. Dorsal surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, Callithrix jacchus (color) .187 93. Liiteral surface of the gray matter of tlu- brain stem, Callithrix jacchus (color) . . 189 94. Habitat group of Mycetes senlculus, the rcti howling monkey 192 95. 96. Two views of Mycetes seniculus, showing prehensile tail I93 97,98. Two views of Mycetes seniculus, the red howling monkey 194 99. Habitat group of Ateles atcr, the spider monkey I95 100. Ateles atcr, the spider monke\, showing prehensile tail. 196 LIST Of II IIJSTRATIONS ix Figure Paci; 01-104. ll;iiul aiul loot ol Mycctcs scniculus 198, 199 05-108. Hand and loot of s]jidcr monkey 200, 201 09, no. Distal extremities of preliensilc tails, Mycetes seniculus and Ateles ater. . , 203 11. Dorsal surfaee of brain, Mycetcs senieulus 204 12. Base of brain. M\cetes senieulus 205 13. Left lateral surfaee of brain, Mycetcs senieulus 206 14. i^iglit lateral surfaee of brain, Mycetcs senieulus 20~ 15. Ventral surface of brain stem, M\cetes senieulus 208 16. Dorsal surface of brain stem, .Mycetcs senieulus 209 i~. Mycetcs senieulus. Level of the pyramidal ticcussation 211 18. Mycetcs scniculus. Le\el ol the caudal c\trcmit\ ol the inferior olive 215 19. Mycetes senieulus. Level through the middle of the inferior olive 2i~ 20. iMycctes senieulus. Level of the nucleus ambiguus 218 21. Mycetcs scniculus. Le\ el of the cerebellar nuclei 220 22. Mycetcs scniculus. Lc\cl of the vestibular nuclei 221 23. Mvcetes scniculus. Level ol emergence of sixth nerve 222 24. Mycetcs scniculus. Level through middle of pons X'arolii 224 25. Mycetcs scniculus. Level of the inferior colliculus 226 26. Mycetes scniculus. Lcxel of the superior colliculus 228 2". Mycetes scniculus. Level of the optic chiasm 229 28. Mycetes scniculus. Lcxel of the anterior commissure 230 29. Ventral surfaee of the gray matter of the brain stem, Mycetes scniculus (color) . 235 30. Dorsal surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, Mycetes senieulus (color). . 237 31. Lateral surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, .Mycetes senieulus (color) . 239 32. Habitat group. Baboon at the water hole 290 33. Papio cynoecphalus (baboon) 2yi 34-13-. Hand and loot of Papio cynoceplialus 292, 293 38. Dorsal surface of brain, Papio e\ nocephalus 296 39. Base vi brain, Papio c\noccphalus 29" 40. Right lateral surface of brain, Papio cynoecphalus 298 41. Left lateral surface of brain, Papio cynoecphalus 299 42. Ventral surfaee of brain stem, Papio cynoecphalus 300 43. Dorsal surfaee of brain stem, Papio cynoecphalus 301 44. Baboon. Level of the pyramidal decussation 306 4,-. Baboon. Le\ el of caudal extremitxof nucleus of Burdaeii 309 46. Baboon. Level of the caudal extremity of the inferior olivary nucleus 311 4-. Baboon. Level through the middle of the inferior olive 313 48. Baboon. Le\el of the Ncstibular nuclei 3'6 49. Baboon. Lc\ el of the cerebellar nuclei 3'9 50. Baboon. Level of emergent fibers of sixth nerve and caudal libers of pons. . . . 321 ii. Baboon. Level at midille of pons, showing entering trigcminaMibers 324 52. Baboon. Level of inferior colliculus showing emergence of fourth nerve 326 53. Baboon. Level of the inferior colliculus 327 X LIST Ol ILLUSl RATIONS Figure Pace 54. Baboon. Level of the superior colliculus 330 55. Baboon. Level of the optic ciiiasm 332 56. Baboon. Level of the anterior commissure 333 5-. Dorsal surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, Papio cynocephalus (color). 33- 58. Lateral surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, Papio cynocephalus (color). 339 59. Ventral surface of the gray matter of the brain stem, Papio cynocephalus (color) . 341 60. Macacus rhesus. Full-grown monkc\ aiui \oung 351 61-164. liand and foot of Macacus riiesus 352, 353 65. Dorsal surface of brain of Macacus rhesus 358 66. Base of brain of Macacus rhesus 359 6". Left lateral surface of brain, Macacus rhesus 360 68. Right lateral surface of brain, ALacacus rhesus 361 69. Ventral surface of brain stem, Macacus rhesus 362 "O. Dorsal surface of brain stem, Macacus rhesus 363 "I. Macacus. Le\el of the pyramidal decussation 366 "2. Macacus. Le\ el of caLidal limit of dorsal sensorx nuclei 36'' 73. ALacacus. Le\'el of caudal limit of inferior olivary nucleus 369 "4. ALacacus. Level through middle of inferior olivary nucleus 3-2 -§. ALacacus. Level of the vestibular nuclei - 3~3 ~6. Macacus. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 3~6 ~7. Macacus. Level of the emergence of the sixth ncr\e 3~8 78. Macacus. Level through the middle of the pons Varolii 381 79. Macacus. Level of the emergence of the trochlear nerve 382 80. Macacus. Level of the inferior colliculus 384 lobates hoolock 41:' 97. Ventral surface of brain stem, Hylobates hoolock 418 98. Dorsal surface of brain stem, Hylobates hoolock 419 99. Gibbon. Level of the pyramidal decussation 422 200. Gibbon. Level of the caudal extremity of the inferior olive 425 201,202. Gibbon. Level through the middle of the inferior olive 428,429 203. Gibbon. Level of the vestibular nuclei 431 204. Gibbon. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 433 LIST 01 II 1 L'SIKATIONS XI Figure p^^^ 205. Gibbon. Le\ci of the cnu-rgcncc of tiic sixth cranial nerve 436 206. Gibbon. Level through the middle of the pons 43- 20". Gibbon. Level of the emergence of the trochlear nerve 438 208. Gibbon. Le\el of the inferior colliculus 440 2og, 210. Gibbon. Level of the superior colliculus 442, 443 211. Gibbon. Le\el of the optic chiasm 444 212. Gibbon. Level of the anterior commissure 44^ 213. Ventral surface of gray matter of brain stem, I lylobates hoolock (co/or) 449 214. Dorsal surface of gray matter of brain stem, liylobates hoolock (co/or) 451 215. Lateral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Hylobatcs hoolock (color) .... 453 216. Habitat group, orang-outang, Sadong River, Borneo 481 217. Orang-outang, erect posture, showing disproportion of arms and legs 482 218. Orang-outang, showing anthropomorphous tendencies in head and face 483 219-222. Hand and foot of the orang-outang 484,485 223,\ and b. Dorsal surface of brain, orang-outang 488, 489 224A and B. Base of brain, orang-outang 490, 491 225.\ and b. Left lateral surface of brain, orang-outang 494, 495 22fiA and B. Right lateral surface of brain, orang-outang 496, 497 22-. Ventral surface of brain stem of orang-outang 500 228. Dorsal surface of brain stem, orang-outang 501 229. Orang-outang. Level of the pyramidal decussation 502 230. Orang-outang. Le\el of the caudal extremity of the dorsal sensory nuclei .... 505 231. Orang-outang. Level of the caudal extremity of the inferior olive 508 232. Orang-outang. Level through middle of inferior olive 511 233. Orang-outang. Level of the \estibular nuclei 514 234. Orang-outang. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 516 235. Orang-outang. Level near caudal limits of pons, emergent sixth nerve fibers. . . 518 236. Orang-outang. Level of the middle of the pons Varolii 521 23". Orang-outang. Level of emergence of trochlear ner\e 522 238. Orang-outang. Level of the inferior colliculus 524 239. Orang-outang. Level of the superior colliculus 526 240. Orang-outang. Level of the optic chiasm 530 241. Ventral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Simla satyrus (color) 535 242. Dorsal surface of gray matter of brain stem, Simla satyrus (color) 537 243. Lateral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Simla satyrus (co/or) 539 244. FKabitat group, chimpanzee 547 245. 246. Chimpanzee Susie 548, 549 24~-250. Hand and foot of chimjianzee 532, 553 25 1. \ and B. Dorsal surface of brain, chimpanzee 560, 561 252.^ and B. Base of brain, chimpanzee 562, 563 253.\ and b. Left lateral surface of brain, chimpanzee 568, 569 254. Ventral surface of the brain stem, chimpanzee. . . .' 5~2 255. Dorsal surface of brain stem, chimpanzee 5~3 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS TiGURE Pace 256. Chimpanzee. Level of the pyramidal decussation 577 2y~. Chimpanzee. Level of caudal extremity of inferior oIi\e 579' 258. Chimpanzee. Level through the middle of the inferior olive 581 259. Chimpanzee. Level of the vestibular nuclei 584 260-262. Chimpanzee. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 58-^, 588, 589 263. Chimpanzee. Level of caudal limit of pons, showing emergent sixth nerve fibers 593 264. Level through pons, showing emerging sixth nerve fibers 594 265. Chimpanzee. Level through the middle of the pons Varolii 596 266. Chimpanzee. Level of the emergence of the fourth ner\ e 597 267. Chimpanzee. Level of the inferior colliculus 598 268. Chimpanzee. Level of the superior colliculus 602 269. Chimpanzee. Level of the lateral geniculate body 604 270. Chimpanzee. Level of the optic chiasm 606 271. Chimpanzee. Level of the anterior commissure 60"" 272. Ventral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Troglodytes niger (co/or) 611 273. Dorsal surface of gray matter of brain stem. Troglodytes niger (color) 613 274. Lateral surface of gray matter of brain stem. Troglodytes niger (color) 615 275. Gorilla group 624 276. Large male gorilla killid in the African Congo 625 277. Gorilla gorilla 62" 278. Bronze statue of gorilla and woman 628 279. John Daniel in an amiable attitude ". . 629 280. Six-year-old gorilla, John Daniel 633 281. Cast of gorilla taken in last hunt of Mr. Carl Akeley 634 282. Young gorilla, John Daniel, showing breast-beating act 636 283. Adult male gorilla 639 284-287. Casts of hand and foot of the gorilla, John Daniel 640, 641 288, 289. Casts of hand and foot of an adult male gorilla 642 290, 291. Casts of the hand and foot of the gorilla, John Daniel 643 292A and B. Dorsal surface of brain, gorilla 646, 647 293A and B. Base of brain, gorilla 648, 649 294A and B. Left hemisphere of brain, gorilla 650, 651 295. Ventral surface of brain stem, gorilla 654 296. Dorsal surface of brain stem, gorilla 655 297. Gorilla. Level of the pyramidal decussation . . 658 298. Gorilla. Level of the dorsal sensory nuclei 659 299. Gorilla. Level of caudal extremity of inferior olive 661 300. Gorilla. Level of the middle of the inferior olive 664 301,302. Gorilla. Level of the vestibular nuclei 668,669 303,304. Gorilla. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 6-0,671 305. Gorilla. Level of the emergence of the sixth cranial nerve 6-3 306. Gorilla. Level through the middle of the pons Varolii 675 30". Gorilla. Level of the emergence of the trochlear ncr\e 6 — T.TST 01" III rSTRATIONS xiil Figure Page 308. Gorilla. Lc\cl ol tlic inferior colliculus 6~8 309. Gorilla. Level of the superior colliculus 680 310. Gorilla. Level of the optic chiasm 685 311. Gorilla. Lo\cl of the anterior commissure 684 312. \'entral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Troglodytes gorilla (fo/or) .... 687 313. Dorsal surface of gray matter of brain stem, Troglodytes gorilla (to/or) .... 689 314. Lateral surface of gra\niatter of brain stem. Troglodytes gorilla (co/or) .... 691 315-318. Four extinct races of prehistoric man -32 319. Prof. Osborn's estimates of man's antiquity, industries, arts and races "34 320. Restoration of Pithecanthropus compared with human and anthropoid skulls. . "36 321. Restorations of Heidelberg and Piltdown man by Professor McGregor "39 322. The Neanderthal race -41 323. The Cro-magnon race -42 324. Stone implenu'nts representing the se\eral stages of Paleolithic culture 744 325. "I-.oliths" from Piltdown, Sussex "46 326. Contrasts between implements of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages "48 32". Evolution of lance point through se\eral stages of the Old Stone Age 750 328, 329. Manufacturing Hints 752, ■'53 330. I ni|)lenK'nts and ornaments typical of Upper Paleolithic Age 755 331. Australian nati\e -68 332. African pygn:y group irom the Belgian Congo 769 333. African negro 770 334. American Lidian — 2 335. Eskimo ~3 336. Group of British scientists discussing the Piltdown skull 7-4 33-.\ and b. Dorsal surface of brain, Homo sapiens -80, -81 338.\ and b. Base of brain. Homo sapiens ■. . -84, -85 339.\ and B. Left lateral surface of brain. Homo sapiens -92, -93 340. Ventral surface of brain stem. Homo sapiens -96 341. Dorsal surface of brain stem. Homo sapiens 797 342. Man. Le\cl of the p\ ramidal decussation 801 343. .Man. Le\ el of caudal extremity of dorsal sensory nuclei 805 344. .Man. Level of caudal extremity of inferior olivary nucleus 80" 345. .Man. Le\i-1 through middle of inferior oli\ary body 809 346,34-. .Man. Lc\el of the vestibular nuclei 812,813 348. Man. Level of the cerebellar nuclei 816 349. .Man. Level of inferior portion of pons and emergence of sixth nerve 818 350. ALin. Le\el of the middle of the pons Varolii 821 351. Man. Level showing the emergence of the fourth or trochlear nerve 825 352,353. ALin. Level of the inferior colliculus 828, 829 354. Man. Level of the superior colliculus • 831 355. 35^- ^Lin. Level of the optic chiasm 833, 834 3-;-. .\L'in. Level of the anterior commissure 835 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Pace 35^. 359- Lateral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Homo sapiens (color) . . 839, 841 360. Dorsal surface of gray matter of israin stem, Homo sapiens (color) 843 361. Ventral surface of gray matter of brain stem, Homo sapiens (co/or) 845 362-365. Four views of an endocraniai cast of a modern Iiuman skull 863 366-371. Six views of the endocraniai cast of Pithccanthroi^us crcctus (Javan Ape- man) 8-0 372-374. Comparison of endocraniai casts ol gorilla. Pithecanthropus and Homo sapiens 8"3 375. Functional localization of the brain outlined upon the left hemisphere of the endocraniai cast of Pithecanthropus erectus 880 376-380. Five views of the endocraniai cast of Eoanthropus dawsoni (Dawn man of Piltdown) 885 381. Functional localization of the brain outlined upon the left hemisphere of the endocraniai cast of Eoanthropus. (Piltdown.) 890 382-387. Six views of the endocraniai cast of Homo neanderthalcnsis 894 388. Neanderthal Hint workers 896 389-393. Five views of the endocraniai cast of the La Quina skull 900 394-399. Six views of the endocraniai cast of the Gibraltar skull 00.5 400. Functional localization of the brain outlined upon the lelt hemisphere ol Homo neanderthalcnsis (La Chapelle aux Saints) 907 401-406. Six views of the endocraniai cast of Homo rhodesiensis (Rhodcsian man) . . 910 407. Functional localization outlined on left hemisphere of Homo rhodesiensis . . . 914 408-413. Six views of the endocraniai cast of Homo sapiens of the Prcdmost race 919 414. Functional localization of the brain outlined upon the left hemisphere of the Prcdmost endocraniai cast 921 415. Cro-magnon artists making fresco in cave of Font-de-Gaume 927 416. Neolithic men 931 417-422. Comparison of the endocraniai casts of Pithecanthropus, Piltdown, Rho- desian, Neanderthal and Predmost with modern Homo sapiens 934 423-426. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surtaces ol the luinian lirain compared with those of Lemur mongoz 946 427-430. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of Callithrix jacchus, the marmoset 949 431-434. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of human brain com- pared with those of Mycetes seniculus ()-;3 435-438. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with that of Papio cynocephalus, the baboon 956 439-442. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of Pithecus rhesus, the macacus 1)62 443-446. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of h\lobates hoolock, the gibbon 96- 447-450. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of Simla satyrus, the orang-outang 9~3 451-454. Size and configuration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of Troglodytes niger, the chimpanzee Q^y 455-458. Size and coniiguration of the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the human brain compared with those of Gorilla gorilla 98" 459. Principal primate horizons, showing evolutional expansion of neopallium (color) 989 LIST 01- ILLUSTRATIONS xv Figure Pace 460-470. Cross section at Icxcl ol p\ laniidal decussation in tlic comparative primate series 996, 997 4''i-4iSi. Cross section at the lc\ el ol the caudal extremity of inferior oli\e in the com- parative primate series 1000, 1001 482 4Q2. Cross section at the le\el of the middle ol the inferior oli\e in the com- parative primate series 1004, 1005 493. Graphs constructed on the basis of the planimetrie indices 1009 494-504. Cross section at the level ol the \estibular nuclei in the comparative primate series 1012, 1015 505-5 1 5. Cross section at the le\el of the emerifence of the trochlear ner\e in the com- parative primate series 10 16, 1017 516. Graph based on planimetnc indices of the pontile nuclei 1018 517-527. Cross section at the le\el of the inferior colliculus in the com|xirati\e primate series 1022, 1023 528-538. Cross section at the ie\el of tlie superior colliculus m the comparative pri- mate series 1026, 1027 539. Graph based on planimetrie indices of cerebral petluncle 1028 PARI" III THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS T INTRODUCTION TO PART 1 1 1 "^1 1 E and considerably bowed. The feet arc long and narrow. The , OKANG-OUTANG, SADOiNG HI\ ER, BORNEO. [48.1 Loiirlisw New ^'ork Zoological Conlen FIG. 217. OKANG-OL lANG, IN llli: HKIXI POSTURE, ILLUSTRATING THE DISPROPOKIION 01 HIE ARMS AND LEGS. [482] SIMIA SAT^RLS. THE ORANC-OITANG 483 "TIk' animal has a wick- distribution, inhabiting many districts along tlu' coast of the island w htrt' it appears ehielly eonhned to the low swampy forests. It partleiilaiK aileets a eountr\- which is low and lc\i'l with a few Courtesy, New York Zoological Garden FIG. 218. ORANG-OUTANG, SHOWING CERTAIN ANTHROPOMORPHOUS TENDENCIES I.N THE HEAD AND FACE. isolated nioiintains on some of which tlu' Dyaks have settled and planted many i'ruit trees w hieh are a great attraction to the orang as its most desir- able food seems to be the unripe fruit. The actual habitat of the animal is in the loftx \ irgin forest in w hich they can roam in every direction w ith as much facilit\ as the Indian on the prairie, passing from treetop to treetop w ithout being obliged to descend to the earth. The orang makes his way leisurely through the forest with remarkable ease. He walks deliberately along the larger branches in a semi-erect attitude which his great length of arm and the 484 Tllii HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS shortness of his legs causes him naturally to assume. The disproportion between his limbs is increased b\ walking on his knuckles and not on the pahn of liis hand. He chooses those branches ^vhich intermingle with those of the Courffsy, AmtTnan A/ oj Salujul History FIGS. 2iy AND 220. HA.ND A.XD FOOT OF THE ORANG-OUTANG. Lept. Palmar surface of hand showing long, prehensile ty|jc of liand and sliort, rudiment.iry lluinib. These features are special adaptations to arboreal life. RiGnr. Plantar surface of the foot showing the great toe in a position about midway bclwccn the heel and the other toes. The lesser toes are long, and especially adapted to the clinging grasp necessary to arboreal life. Attention is called to the position of the great toe and the advance toward the ball of the foot which progresses in the next higher apes, chimpanzee and gorilla (see Figs. 247, 248, 284 and 285). adjoining trees. In approaching these, he stretches out his long arms, seiz- ing the neighboring bough with both hands, and then dehijcrately swings himself across to the next branch on which he walks along as belore. He never jumps or springs nor e\cn ajjpears to liurrx hnnsell, yet he manages to get along almost as quickly as a person can viin through the lorest beneath. The long powerful arms are of the greatest use to the annnal as thc\- enable him to climb easily the highest trees, to seize fruits and young lea\es from SIMIA SAT^RLS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 485 sli'iidcT houghs which will not bear his weight, and to gather leaves and bi;uu-hes with which to lorni his nest at night. When wounded, he endeavors to make- a nest in w hieh to remain c|uiet, and siniilarl\-, at night, prepares a Courtesy, Amencan .Museum of Natural History FIGS. 221 AND 222. HAND AND FOOT OF ORANG-OUTANG. Leit^. Dorsum of hand showing hing, tapcrinf; lingers, short thumb, and specialization to arboreal life. Right. Dorsum of the foot showing many hand-like qualities, with the great toe nearer to the heel than the ball of the foot. resting place in the trees to sk'cp. He likes this j)Iace low down In the trees not oxer twent\ or hftx feet from the ground, probahlx because in this position it is warm and k'ss exposed to the wind. The orang, it is said, makes a new nest lor himself t-\ cry night, or, perhaps, remakes an old one. In rainv weather the- animal co\'ers himself with leaves or large lerns, and this ma\ ha\e led to the belief that he actually builds huts in the trees. The animal does not arise from his bed in the morning until the sun is well up and has dried the dew upon tin- lea\es. His feeding hours extend through the forenoon, and he seldom returns to the same trees two days in succession. 486 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS They have no particuhir fear of man and only retreat slowly after a con- siderable period of scrutinizing inspection. The\ do not manifest so much of the gregarious tendency as do the other large apes. Two full-grow n animals are seldom seen together, but males and females are sometimes accompanied by half-grown young ones. At other limes three or four young animals are seen together. Their food consists almost e\elusi\ely ot fruits, leaves, buds and young shoots. They seem to prefer the unrii:)e Iruit even when very sour or intensely bitter, the red lleshy arillus being a particular favorite. The orang rarel\- descends to the ground except when pressed by hunger, when it seeks the succulent shoots at the riverside-. In \ery dry weather it also comes down from the trees in quest of water of which it generally finds sufficient In the hollow of the leaves. The\' have been seen upon the ground playing together, at which times thc\ assume the erect posture and grasp each other with tluir arms." Wallace believes that it is safe to say that the orang never stands or walks erect unless when using its hands to support itseli b\ the branches overhead or when attacked; and that the representations of its walking with a stick are c[uite unaginary. The account given by \\'allace of his expt-rience with a young orang whose mother had been killed the preceding day is interesting because of the many human resemblances it records. For example, the great prehensile strength of this almost helpless orang-outang infant, in hands and feet, was quickly demonstrated 1)\- the tenaclt\- with which the t'xplorer's beard was grasped and retained. It was both a prolonged and palnlul ordeal to get away from the clinging young one. The animal had not a single tooth, but soon Its milk teeth began to appear much like a human Infant. The lack of milk on the island served as a great embarrassment In feeding the young ape, but when the linger was placed in Its mouth it sucked w Ith great \ Igor, draw uig in Its cheeks with all its mii!;ht In a \aln ellort to extract milk. Only alti'r SIM I A SATYRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 487 persevering a long time would it give uj) in disgust and set up a scream verj' like that of a baby in similar cireunistanees. \\ lien handled or nursed it was very cjuiet, and \\ hen laid down by itself, it would invariably er\'. It enjoyed being rubbed alter its morning bath and was cjuite hap|)\ while its hair was being combed and bruslu'd. b'or the lirst lew days it clung desperately by all four hands to w hate\ er it could lay hold ol, and \\ allace remarks that it was necessary for hnn to ext'rt spt'cial precautions to keep his beard out of the way. A little hart-lip monkey of the macacus variety was subsequently obtained as a com]xinion for the young orang, and it was curious to observe the ditlerent actions of these two young simians, the one the offspring of a great anthropoid and the other of a much lower form of jjrimate. The two voung animals were of about the same age, but the orang was very like a baby lying on its back cpiltc helpless, rolling lazily from side to side, stretch- ing out all four hands into the air, wishing to grasp something but hardly able to guide its fingers to an\- object. \\ hen dissatisfied, it opened w ide its almost toothless mouth, exjjrcssing its wants by a most infantile scream. The little monkey, on the other hand, was in constant motion, running and jumping about wherever it pleased, examining every thing about it, taking hold of objects w ith the greatest precision, balancing itself on the edge of the box and searching everywhere for something to eat. There could hardl\- be a greater contrast. The orang beluned in so many ways as a human infant as to gi\(.' the impression that a long ])criod of slow development was necessary to it. This appeared essential in order that the j:)otential elements ol its growth might attain their fullest expression by retarding the period of maturity to a relati\el\ late jicriod. YERKES' PSYCHOLOGIC.XL STUDIES The orang-outang has not been so extensively subjected to exact psychological study as its more capable fellow anthropoid, the chimpanzee. 488 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS It is fortunate, however, that at least one of this species has come under the critical observation of a most astute student of animal behavior. Professor RoJDcrt M. ^'erkes. In his notable contribution on "The Mental Life of IIG. -223A. DORSAL SURI'ACE Ol- BRAIN, ORANG-OUTANG. lAttiial I .CM);!!! 1)4 mm. I Monkeys and Apes, " Professor "\'erkes has described certain tests devised for estimating tiie iiitelliRECENTRALis INF., Sulcus Proccntralis Inferior; suix. retrc. inf.. Sulcus Retroccntralis Inferior; s.R.s., Sulcus Retroccntralis Superior. denlv and in all probal)ilIt\ , ideat ionallx . The eurve of learning plotted irom the daily wrong ehoicc's of the animal, had it been obtained Irom a human subject, would undoubtedl\ ha\c- been described as ideational, possibly even as rational, for its sudden drop from near the maximum to the base line strongly suggests, if it does not actually prove, the presence of insight. Never before has a cur\f of learning like this been obtained Irom an inira- 490 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS human animal. \ crkcs feels justified in concluding from the cxidcncc in liand, which he has presented in extenso in the work referred to, that the orang- outang solves problems set before him ideationallx . As a matter ol tact, for MG. 224A. BASE OF BRAIN, ()KAN(.-()l 1 A.\G. [Actual Li'[igtli 94 nirn.l the sohition he required about four times the number of trials of several of the lower primates, which, if judgi'd b\ the number of these triafs, would seem to have an intelligence greater than tlu' anthropoids. But other facts clearly indicate that Julius, the orang, is far supt'rior to the monkeys in his intelligence, and suggest that in the aniiral, ideational learning tended to replace the simpler mode of problem solution b\ trial and error. POr Julius, SIMIA SAlMaS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 491 seemingly incapable of solving ins pn)l)[enis jjy tins lower grade process, strove persistently and often vainly to gain insight. It is true, lie used ideas defectively at lirst, but later to much better purpose. Animals tar lower m FIG. 224B. DETAILED DIAGRAM OF BASE OF BRAIX, ORAXG-OUTAXG. intelligence, for exami:)le tlie pig, surpassed the orang in their ability to solve these relational ])rol)lciiis because they used the method of elimination by trial consistentl\ and ellecti\ely. Julius, in these experiments, made a poor showing because his substitute for trial and error is only slightly devel- oped, l)ut, ne\ertheiess, sufTiciently ad\anced to luring al)()ut the final solution of the |)r(iblem by ideation. 492 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS Measurements a\d Txdtces of the Oraxg-Oitang The cranial nicasLUfiiU'iits ol tlic orang-outang arc: Occipito-nasal diameter 165 mm. Intertemporal width 88 mm. Breadth of brain case 98 mm. The dimensions ol the ijram, inchidmg cercbelhim and brain stem, are: Longitudinal 96 mm. Transverse . 84 mm. The l)ram is markedly gyrencephalic \\ ith its lissural pattern eor- rcspondmg closely m detail to that ol the human brain. Total weight of the I)rain 246 gm. Total water displacement ol the brain 250 e.c. Weight ol the lorebram 213 gm. W eight ol the midbrain 4 gm. \\ i-ight ol the hmdbrain iq gm. The water displacement ol the sexeral portions ol the brain gave the following results: \\'ater displacement ol the forebrain 2 h) e.c. \\ ater dis]>lacemcnt ol the midbrain 3 e.c. \\ ater displacenu'iit of the hmdbrain 28 e.c On the basis ol these ligures, the lollowmg encephalic indices were computed: Forebrain index 83 per cent Midbrain index 5 per cent Hindbrain index 12 per cent '^IMIA SATMU'S. TUF ORANG-OUTANG 493 A lorthrain index dI 83 |)c'i" cent alln's the orang-outaiifi w itli the firoup of aiiiinals reeogmzed as ha\ iiiii \vell-ad\ aneed maiuial thllerentiation, as is the ease with all ol the primates. Surface Appeakaxce oi- riii I^kmn i\ ihe Oha\(,-Ol iang FISSURES AND LOBES In pattern the brain ot tin- orang-Dutang is riehly <:;> reneephalic, its lateral, basal and nusial surlaees presentniu many eonxohitions, tlie dis|)()si- tion 1)1 w Imh almost exaetiv emneides with that nl the human brain. The hemisplu'ie in its oeeipital portion I'ompletely eoxers the eerel)c-lhim. I he superior l()n;j;itudinal lissiirt- at tlu' oeeijjital pole ol the hemis|)lu'ri' tends to diverge slightly in order to aeeommodate t lu' ele\ation eaiisi'd in the superior vermis of the eerebellum. This di\ergenee at the eaudal e\tremit\ ol the superior longitudinal lissure is most pronounced in the lower and inti'i- mediatt' primati-s. It gradualK beeomes less conspicuous in the higher nu-ni- bers ol the [jrimate group. The lissiiral [xittern of the- lateral eon\e\it\ of the cerebral hemispiiere is grouped about three mam lissures, namel\ , i 1 ) the lissure ol S\ l\ lus, (2) the lissure of I^oiando and 1 3) the semilunar or simian hssurt-. I liese fissures determine a distinctlx human t\ pe ol lobat ion m the luiiiis|jhcres. Flic lissure of Rolando, starting about midwa\ between tht- Irontal and oeeipital poles, at or lu-ar the supt'rior longitudinal lissiiri', extends oblicniel\ downward and forward toward the S\ K ian lissure. it presents two gemillexions, both less promiiu'iit than in tlu' human brain. |-5\' means ol this Rolandie lissure, the Irontal lobe is st'parated from tlu' parietal lobe. Ihe S\l\ian li.ssure, some- what shorter than in man, presents its usual di\ isions, and up(»n the latt'ral surface extends oblic|ut-l\ backward and upward to be surrouncktl b\ the marginal conxolution at its caudal e\tremit\. It constitutes a boundary Ix'twi'en the temporal lobe and the parietal lobe. The sulcus simiarum is 404 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS prominent and extends from the superior longitudinal sulcus toward the base of the temporal lobe. It separates tlie parietal from the oeeii)ital lnl)e and forms a boundary between tlie oeci|Jital and temporal lobes. The presence FIG. 225A. LEl-r LATERAL SURFACE OF BRAIN, ORANG-OUTANG. (AcUial L^ngtli q6 nun.] of this simian sulcus, so well defined m the orang, adds a feature to the lateral cispeet ol the hemisphere usually not present in the human bram. It thus serves as one oi the distmguishmg marks bt'lween man and the anthropoids. Its developmi'ut in orang has more of the pruiiitive simian character than is the case in either cinmpan/.ee or gorilla. The convolutional pattern ol the parietal lobe, as is always the case, shows the greatest richness ot gyration, and, in accordance with the rule, tlu" ti'inporal lobe is the lU'xt most consjjic- uous in this particular. 1 he superior tem|)oral sulcus, ho\\e\er. Is not contin- uous into the parietal lobe as m the higher [)rimates; a deep annectent gyre interrupts this sulcus near the base of the temporal region so that it is diffi- cult to identify an angular g\ rus. The coiiMilutional pattern in thi' frontal SIMIA SAT^RIS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 495 \()\iv IS i\lati\c'l\' rich. The pr()ti>t\ ])r ofcacli lissurc IduiuI in tht- human brain is iJicsiiit ill orano;. This gixt's the liDiUal lohc a ch'stinctl\ hunianoid appear- ance. The proportion between the frontal and jxirieto-occipito-temporal ^tRsacv^ FIG. 22j\\. DErAILED DIA(;K\M OF LEFT LATERAL SURFACE OF BRAIN, OKANOOL TA.NG. Key to Diagram, ramus post., Ramus Posterior of Sulcus Temporalis Superior; sli.c. fr. oi>.. Sulcus Fronto-opcrcularis; s. VR. or., Sulcus Fronto-orbitalis; sllc. occip.. Sulcus Occipitalis; sulc. occip. lat.. Sulcus Occipitalis Lateralis; sui.c. precnt. inf.. Sulcus Precentralis Inferior; sulc. prec.nt. sup.. Sulcus Precentralis Superior; sulc. r. int.. Sulcus Retrocentralis Inferior; sulc. ret. sup.. Sulcus Retrocentralis Superior; sulc. temp, med.. Sulcus Temporalis Medius; si i.e. ti-mp. sup.. Sulcus Temporalis Superior. areas appears to he about the same as in man. Actual planlmetric measure- ments, h()\vc\er, show a dis|)arlty in this regard w hich hixors tlie trontal area of the human brain. The com nhitions ol the occipital lobe are lairly rich, but less marked than in an\ othtr region. Upon the mesial surface a deep annec- tent gyre comes to the surface and thus inti'rrupts the direct continuity of the sulcus simiarum with the occipital sulcus. This interruption by means of an annectent ^'\'re in the course' of this lissure is a teature lrec|uently found in the brain of the yreat anthropoids. 4^6 II IE HIGHER ANTFIROPOIDS The Basal Surface of the Bkai\ Upon tlu' basal surlacc ol tlu' hrain, the luiiiisplKTc iii the trontal region shows the two eharaeteristic orbital concavities which are lairlv well marked f3<%' FIG. 226a. KK;ni LATERAL SL RFACE OF BRAIN, ORANG-OL TANG. ■|Actii;il length q6 mm.] altliough gradiiallv losing their lateral boundaries. Mcsially these concavities are bounded by two marked projections, lorming the inti'rorl)ital keels N\ hieli ari' more prominent than m the higher anthropoids and less pronounced than in the lower and intermediate forms. The olfactory bulb and tract are detachable Ironi the orbital surlace as far back as thi' trigonum ollactorium. A small ()llact()r\- lissure separates a rudinuntar\ g\ rus rectus from the ma|or orbital eon\-olutions. The tip of the temporal lobe is sharply separated from the orbital surfact' 1)\ the horizontal limb of the S\l\ian fissure, and presents a lairl\- well-dehned uncus on its nu'sial surlace. In the occipital region the cerebellar conca\it\' is well marked. It is t'speciall\ pronounced in its median portion where it forms a w ell-de'fiiu-d postspk'iiial fossa. SIMIA SATVRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 497 Tin; CLKI£BI£LLIM Tlic crrchclluni is rntiri'l\ oNcihun^ b\ the occipital surface of tlu' lu'inispiu'ics. Its tt'iitonal siirlacc is consiclcrabI\' i;al)lt'(l and sliarplx mcliiiccl FIG. 226b. detailed di a(;k a\i oi right lateral sl rface of brain, OKANOOLTANG. Key to Diagram, ramus post., Ramus PostcriDr of Sulcu.s Ti-mporalis Superior; SULC. fr. op.. Sulcus Fronto-opcrcularis; sllc. ir. orh.. Sulcus Fronto-orbitalis; sllc. occip.. Sulcus Occipitalis; SLXC. PR. si p.. Sulcus Prcccntralis Superior; sit (\ m r. isi ., Sulcus Ritroccntralis Inlerior; siic. tumi'. med.. Sulcus Temporalis .\lcclius. toward a lairl\ dclincd median rid^c-polc wliicli forms the superior ccrclx'llar \ermis. This ce'iitral portion is more promiiu'iit at its ee[)hahc t'Xtremity wliich pro|ects into \hv postsplenial h)ssa on the undersurtace ol tlie hemi- splieres. I hi' posterior ci'ri'bi'lhir notch on the occipital surhici' is clearly di'hned but li-ss marked than m the ihmipan/.ee, gorilla or man. Thi' inliaior MMinis, w Inch is easily discerned upon this surlace, does not lie in a depres- sion so deep as the \allecula ol the human, chimpanzee or gorilla brain. Ujjon the tentorial surlace the sulcal lines are continued without interruiJtioii 498 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS from the Miniis to the lateral lobes, w hile two paraniediaii sulei interiLipt the eoiirse of the folial sulci on the occipital surface. In their hiteral expansion, the occipital surfaces of the lateral lobes are neither so broad nor so long as in the case of the still higher j^riinates. There is, however, a decided advance in all of these respects as compared with tlu' lower and intermediate [jrnnates. The petroso-ventrieular surface of the cerebellum shows no departure from the conditions obser\ed in the lower forms. A relatixely small lloeeulus occupies the cereliello-pontile angle mto relation \\ith which also enters a large middle cerebellar peduncle. THE BRAIN STEM The Medulla Oblongata. The brain stem in its oblongatal portion shows distinctive leatures along its ventral surlace. The ventromedial! sul- cus is in relation upon either sidi' with twci elevations lormmg the pyramids which taper at their caudal extremities to a le\ el where interlacing bundles ol the decussation cross the sulcus. A well-delmed pre()li\ary sulcus separates the pyramid Irom a prominent olivary eminence, which latter is in turn separated from the sj^inocerebellar eminence by tlu' postolivary sulcus. An intermediate sulcus indicates the boundary between this latter eminence and the eminentia trigemim. Upon the dorsal surlace both the cuneus and the elava are prominent and separated Irom each otlu'r by the dorsal para- median sulcus. As to relatixc Nolume, the ratio ol the cla\a to the euneus is about one to two, thus indicating Irom surlace markings at least a prej:)onder- anee ol incoming sensory impulses Irom the upper e\tremit\ antl hand. This accords with the failuri' on the part of tin- animal to develop a tail and also w ith the progress which it has made in its maiuial diilerentiation. The dorsal aspect ol the oblongata comprises its two characteristic surfaces, the jnlraventricular and the \ (.ntncular. The \entrieular surlace SIMIA SAT^■RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 499 prcscMits the lower aimlc ol' the fourth Ncntriclc whose lloor is IjouikIccI l)y the ik'xations loniud l)\ the eiiiieus aiul the cla\a. The lloor contains the usual inarkinv, Pyramid; i>vx. Pyramidal Decussation; Rsr, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spino- thalamic Tract; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract; ven, Ventral Gray Column; xpv. Crossed Pyramidal Tract. [Accession No. 199. Section jj. Actual Size 12X11 iiim.| SIMIA SATYRl'S. THE ORANG-OUTANG 503 of the decussation (Pyx) tlu- \ fiitroiiu-sial sulcus is dcdccted to the left and the \entral gray column (Ven) is almost entirely separated from the central gray matter (Ccn). The latter structure has mowd into a more caudal position m the early stages oi" that migration w hieh e\entuates m lorming the llo(ir oi the lourth \entricle. In the most ventral portion of the sectifMi some hbers of the pyramid ( Py ) still keep tluir position characteristic ol the oblongata. I'he dorsal sensory field is broad and (.'Xijan- sive. It contains the usual (.■lements: the column of Goll (CG) representing the leg, the column of Burdach (CB) representing the upper e\tremit\-, and tlu' descending trigeminal tract (Trd) representing the sensor\- terri- tories ol the lace. A small detached nuclear mass in the column of GoII represents the nucleus ol Goll. No such miclcai- structure is present in the column of Burdach. The nucleus of Rolando (NR), on the other hand, is ol considerable size, although distinctl\ less in dimensions than is true of the lower or intermediate primates. The central gray matter (Cen) extends almost transversely across the section from a small central canal outward to the nuck'Lisol Rolando. Immediately \entral to it are some of the collected bundles of the pyramid (XPy) in their course extending into the spinal cord. On the periphery of the section are the two spinocerebellar tracts (Fie, Gow), and \ eiitronu'sial to the latter is the spin()-oli\ar\- bundle of Helweg I H el ). The Deiterso-spinal tracts ( DT ) lie ventral to the \ cntral gray column (Ven), while the rubrospinal ( Rst ) and spinothalamic iS|:)t ) bundles occupy their usual positions m the intermediate mcdLillar\' substance. The mterpretation to be gi\en to this level with reference to its major tLinctional elements concerns tlu' marked increase in the Nolume of the p\ ramidal decussation, indicative of accessions in the voluntary control which the animal possesses over tlu' muscles, and the large size of the column of Burdach as com])ared with the similar sensory columns providing inllux Irom the lower extremitx and Irom tlu- head. The disparity which ,04 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS largt'h faxors the column of Biirdach clearly indicates what considerable gain the upper e.\treniit\ has made as a chscriniinati\ e and locomotor organ, and thus illustrates the reflection of that process w hich has as its ultimate goal the most complete dilVerentiation of the upjjcr extremity ada])ted to the purposes of neokinesis. The hand and ttie arm ol the orang have not attained that degree of adaptability which is seen in either ot tlie two other great anthropoids, the chimpanzee and the gorilla. On the other hand, as an organ for exploring the einironment and lor the prodiiction ol man\- more complex and learnt'd perlormances, the lorelimb ol the orang has made decisive advances over that ot the gibbon or an\ ol the inter- mediate primates. LEVEL OF JCALDAL E,\^HU.Mn^ Ol DORSAL SENSORY NUCLEI (FIG. 230) At this U'\cl the most important modilications haxe occurrt'cl m the dorsal fields where a detached nuclear mass near the dorsomedian septum has made its api)earanee. This is the nucleus of Coll ( NG) which is invested by a dense mass ol m\elini/ed ner\e libers, the column ot Goll ( CG ). The boundai'N liiu- betwi'cn this column and that ol the column of Burdach (CB) is indicated by the |:)resence ol a poorly detined dorsal paramedian sulcus, while tin latt'ral boundarx of Burdach's column is nearix li\e times that of Goll. This coincides with the spi'cializ.ation going forward in the upper extremitx of the animal, particularl\ the de\elopment of xhv hand and the long powerful forearm, while tlu' absence ol the tail and the relati\el\ low degree of dexelopment in the short legs account lor a dillerence m which the column of Goll appears to i)e the smaller of the two. No detached nuclear mass is seen as yet m the column of Burdach. Near the base ol the central gray matter (Cen) a small dorsal protrusion marks tlu' beginning of the caudal extremity of the nucleus of Burdach. Tlu'se two nuclei in the dorsal column present, throughout the entire series ol primates, a contrast- SIM I A SAT^RUS. THE ORANG-OUTANG 505 m^ li'aturi' wliieli m;i\ be nu'iitioiu'd lu-iX': The i.-;ukI;i1 r\t rtrnit \ ol the nucleus ol Goll ni\ ;iiial)l\ has no chiiTt connrrtion with the central firay matter; such connection as it does ultniiately altani is tenuous and reticular 1 IG. 230. OKAXG-OLTANG. LEVEL Ol- IHL CALUAL FXTREMIT^' OF THE DORSAL SENSORY NLCLEL CB, Coluiiin of Burdacli; ciiN, Gray Mattir; CG, Column of Goll; dt, Dcltirso-spinal Tract; 111:, Dorsal Spinocirilxllar Tract; fjow, \cntral Spin(x:crcbcllar Tract; hel, Spino-olivary Tract of Ik-lwcg; NC, Nucleus of Goll; NK, Nucleus of Rolando; I'v, Pyramid; i>v.\, Pyramidal Decussation; kst, Rubrospinal Tract; sit, Spinotlialamic Tract; tkd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; yen. Ventral Gray Column; \f\, Oosscd Pyramidal Tract. [Accession No. 199. Section 95. Actual Size 14 X 12 mm.] 5o6 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS in form. The nucleus of Burdach in its caudal c\tiemit\ , on the olliir hand, appears as a definite extension from a dorsal prolongation of tlie central gray matter, ll ])resents no detached prolongation into tiie surrounding medullary substance. Its structural connection with the central gray matter is much more decisive and appears in the iorm oi a compact, discretely cir- cumscribed dorsal projection in this region, in this sense it has much the same appearance of continuity in the gray matter as there is in the nucleus of Rolando (substantia gelatinosa trigemini) (NR). In connection with the nucleus of Goll there is no unpaired median nucleus oi Bischoll, which lact again supports the idea that this median nucleus develops in connection with the tail. The central gray matter fCen) is elongated laterally and stretches as a narrow band along the \entral border of the dorsal sensory fields. It contains at its center a small central canal, and extends laterally to become continuous with the expanding dorsal horn now presenting itself in the form of the substantia gelatinosa trigemini (NR) (the nucleus of Rolando). This nucleus is in contact by its lateral margin with a collection of libers constituting the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). Ventral to the central gray matter are the decussating fibers of the pyramid (Pyx) which \\n\v the appearance of compact bundles closely interlacing as they cross from one side to the other. Their decussation separates the \ entral gray column (Ven) from the central gray (Cen). The separation at this le\el is not Cjuite complete as there still remain a few strands or bridges of gray matter connecting the central gray w ith the \ entral gray column. Some idea of the massiveness of the pyramidal decussation may be obtained m this section. The mass of fibers affords an opportunity for estimating the xohime of impulses necessary to the volitional control of the muscles. \ entral to the substantia gelatinosa and on the ])eripherv of the axis is a dense collection of fibers which produce a surface prominence, the spinocerebellar eminence SIM! A SAT^'RIS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 507 separated troin tiu' t'lniiu'iitia lri<:c'iiiiii[ hy llu' sulcus mttTiiU'dius. The spinocerebellar eminence contains ascending fibers from the proprioceptive system destined lor the cerebellum, and comprising the dorsal spinocerebellar tract. This i-inlnence is a well-dehned IV'ature of the brain stem of the primates, but becomes especially' demarcated as a surface feature m the anthropoids and man. Its progressive distinction through the higher aiuliro- l)oids, until It reaches its most clearly delined demarcation m man, gives fur- ther evidence of tliat process which results in the sharpi'r delinilion ol all brain stem structures in ascending tlu' primate series. Lateral to the external limit ol' the pyramid on the circumterence is a small groove which indicates the caudal e\tremit\' oi the preoli\arv sulcus. Further along the periphcr\- is the caudal e\tremit\ ol the |)ost- olivary sulcus. The eminence which is thus demarcated, although ol slight prominence, occu|)ies the position at which the mierior oli\ar\ nucleus appears in higher levels, in conseciuence ol whose appearance the olivary eminence is determined. At this level the more or less detached Acntral gra\- column is contained within the limits indicated by the beginning ot the two olivary sulci. On the outer margin of the ventral gray column, \entrolateral to the central gray column, are the descending Deiterso-spinal tract ( DT), the rubrospinal (Rst) and spinothalamic (Spt) tracts. Upon the actual perlphi-r\- of the circumferi'iit iai /.one are the libers constituting the \entral sj)inocerebellar tract ( Gow). This section indicates accessions to the animal's sensor\- sphere, espe- cially in the held of discriminative sensibility. It also points to a lesser degree of sensorx inlhix from tlu' lower extremity. The extent of Nolitional control inlu'reiit in this animal is indicated b\ the \'olume ol the |)\ramidal decussation (Pyx). The tendenc\ of the central gray matter to move into a dorsal j^osition in the cross section is show n as a step preparatory to the ventriculalioii which occurs m tlu' hii;ra\ matter (Con) into the median raphe \\ lure the\ undergo decussation, and enter the mesial tillet. The central pray matter (Cen), somewhat irrei!;ularl\ (|uadrilateral in outline, IS [)artially detached Irom connection witii tlu' remaininv, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; trd. Descending Trigeminal Tract. [Accession No. 199. Section 245. Actual Size 18 X II mm.) tion. Tile mock' ol its lile does not rt(|inre so high a degree of specialization in the iortlmibs as that of the ehiinpanzee, of the gorilla or of man. ^'et because the animal does assume' a more or less upriglit position, especially when making its way along the branches of the trees, the forelimb has been 512 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS emancipated in some measure, and the hand is thus treixl lor jjurposes of exploration and prehension in functional acti\ities not chrectl\ connected with locomotion. Such specialization nnplies a greater nvvd ol mtmiate cooperation between the eye, neck and apjiendicular muscles ol the lorehmb. This section, being somewhat higher than the corresponding levels ol the forms pre\iously illustrated, shows a slightl\ dillerent arrangement of the structures bordering on the lloorol the louith \entricle. The ventricular lloor is formed by the central gra\ matter m whose most mesial |)ortion is the nucleus hvpoglossus (Nhy). The nuclcLis is somewhat niore clearl\- delimited than in tlu' lower primates, although it has by no means the sharj) demarcation seen in the higher nu'inbers ol the order. The libers ol the twelfth ner\'e (Nl2) pass forward Irom the nucleus in the direction ol the inferior olixary body. Tlu' nucleus is se])arated Irom an adiacent aggregation of gray matter by a delinite grooxe, thi' sulcus limitans. This sulcus marks the position of the dorsal nucleus ol the vagus nerve (Nvd ). At the lateral border of this \agal nucleus is an o\al collection ol m\t'linized axons forming the fasciculus solitarius which is surrounded by a special nuclear collection, the nucleus ol the lasciculus solitarius (Nts). The caudal extremity of Deiters' nucleus (ND) occupii's a lateral position beneath the lloor of the \entricle. Ventral to this nuckuis is the substantia gelatinosa (NR) whose outer margin is m contact with a large collection of libers constituting the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). On the dorsolateral aspect of the section is the compact bundle of libers lorming the corpus restiforme ( Fie) whose extension cephalad as the mleriiM- cerebellar peduncle serves to lorm the ultimate connection ol the lower segmental levels with the cerebellum. The reticular formation (Ret) is extensive but i)resents no s|X'cialized nuclear aggregations at this le\i'l. Occupying its characteristic ventromesial position, the pxiamid (Py) forms a fasciculus of considerable si/e which, however, seems mk'rior m SIMIA SATYRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 513 voluiiH' to this structure ui the still hiyluT primates. This bundle gives the nnpression that thi' orang is an animal less e\tensi\ily proNicled with voluntary control o\er the somatic musculature than its higlu'r congeners. Dorsal to the pvranucl aw the compact bundles constituting the mesial lillet I Ml) paralleling which the lihers of the twelfth ner\e pass forward, many ol them to penetiate tlu' mft-rior olisary body. LE\ EL OF THE \ES'ni5L LAR NLCLEI ( FIG. 233) At the le\el ol the \estibular nuclei, which is somewhat higher than the corresponding sections in the otlur forms, the princi]>al feature appears in the nuclear coniplcx related to the balancing mechanism, as it recei\'es libers Irom the utricle, saccule and semicircular canals. This complex is torn- posed ol the \estibular nuclei. The nucleus of Schwalbi' (NSc) lies in intimate relation with the lloor of the- fourth \entricle. It has its usLial triangular outline, but is less well delined than the structures lateral to it. The nucleus ol Deiters (ND) is t\pical in its ajjpearance, consisting of nuclear substance dispersed throughout which are numerous small bundles ol myelimzed axons. Lateral to Di'itt'rs' luicleus is tlu' corpLis restiforme (ICP) which passes cephalad as the interior cerebellar peduncle. Bordering upon its lateral surface is the mass of gray matter constituting tlu' tub(.'rculum acusticum iTub), connected with the cochli-ar di\ ision ol the eighth ner\e (N8), the libers ol which penetrate this eminence. Ventral to Deiters' nucleus is the substantia gelatinosa (NR) sur- rounded on Its outer surlace by the t'ompact bundles lorming the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). Entrant root libers ol the \estibular di\ision of the eighth nerve pass either through the substantia gelatinosa or between it and the corpus restiforme on their way to Deiters' nucleus. The prominence ol the \estibular area as it appears in ri'liel in the lloor ol the lourt h \ en t ride, as well as the dimensions of these two nuclear structures seen in cross section, 514 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS convey the impression of a balanciniz; mechanism upon which less demand is made than in liu' lower, more strictly arl:)()real |)riinates. The orang is altogether slower in its locomotion, l)oth m its arboreal pursuits and on those FIG. 233. OKANG-OUTANG. LEVEL OF THE \HST1BLLAK NUCLEI. CTT, Central Tegmental Tract; cow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; ici', Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle; 10, Inferior Olive; mf. Mesial Fillet; nar. Nucleus Arciforinis; nd, Deiters' Nucleus; nr. Nucleus of Rolando; NSC, Nucleus of Schwalbe; n8. Acoustic Nerve; pd, Predorsal Bundle; pl, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; PY, Pyramid; rep, Reticular Formation; rst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; trd. Descend- ing Trigeminal Tract; Tuu, Tuberculum Acusticum. [Accession No. 199. Section 285. Actual ,Sizc 20 X 12 mm.] rarer occasions when it (^oes u|)on the ground. I he dillert lux- in all prol)al)ility is slight, for the efficacy of the balancing mechanism set'ins to be laiily well standardized. What one s])ecies requires most m some speciali/ed dux'Ction is less essential to other loinis. An axcraging ol balancing requirements seems to equalize the development of eciuilibratory structures. In the ventrolateral portion ol the section, the ctphalic t'\trt'init\ oi the inferior olive appears (10), and mesial to it the bundles constituting SIMIA SATYRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 515 tlu' p\raiiiicl ( Py). Extcnclin^^ clircctlx' l)ack\var(l toward the lloor of the \fiitiick' is tlu' tlc-nse huiKllc of tlir nu'sial lillct (Ml). W-iitroiiU'sial to tlic ])\raiiiicl IS a larm' (.■oHfction ol gray matter constituting the arcilorni nucleus (Nar) which, in all probability, is a caudal extension of the jjontile nuclei. In any east', these two nuclear structures are definitely continuous, thus creating the impression that e.\|)ansions ol the nuclear specializations of the pons ha\e rt'sorted to a caudal extension in order to accommodate their apparently exuberant growth. LE\"EL OF THE CEREBELIAK NUCLEI (FIG. 234) At the le\el of the cerebellar nuclei the contour of the section has under- gone marked alteration chielly beeaust' of the continuitx ot the stem with the cerebellum b\ means of the middk' cerebellar ])eduncli' i M cp). The large mass of the niedullarx xcstibule of the cerebellum ap|)ears on the lateral aspect of the section and contains the somewhat conxoluted and i:)oorly defined nucleus dentatus (Ndt). Mesial to it in the roof of the ventricle is tlie nucleus globosus. Both the size and dehnition ol the dentate nucleus, as compared with tlu' lower jjrimates, indicate an animal with a greater degree of coordinati\e control over the musculature. Although the increased dimensions of the dentate nucleus as comparetl with the lower primates is evident, there is an ec|uall\ striking contrast when this nucleus is compared w ith that of the higher forms, it then appears less well defined, less i^romineiit and smaller than in t lu' other great anthropoids, implying that orang is not so well ])ro\ ided in muscular coordination as those primates standing above it in tin- scale. The central gray matter forms the lloor of the ventricle (Ven iv) without special nuclear dilferentiatioii. Mesially, the posterior longitudinal fasciculus comes closer to the ventricular lloor than is the case at lower levels. Some fibers of the cochlear division of the eighth nerve (N 8) enter the 5i6 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS dorsal cochlear nucleus, and others, either as secondary relay fibers or as fibers primarily recei\'ed from [hv cochlear di\ision itself", pass uiward and forward along the \entral portion of the tegmentuni to form the massive FIG. 234. ORANG-OUTANG. LEVEL OF THE CEREBELL.\R NUCLEI. CEEJL, Cerebellum; mci', Middle C'erebellar Peduncle; mf. Mesial Fillet; ndt, Cerebellar Nuclei, Lateral Group; NFG, Cerebellar Nuclei, Mesial Group; n8, Auditory Nerve; pn. Pontile Nuclei; i>v. Pyramid; REF, Reticular Formation; sci>, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; so, Superior Olive; \ i;n i\ , Founli \ intricle; ver. Vermis (x-rebelli. (Accession No. 199. Section 365. Actual Size 45 X 25 nini.| decussation of the corpus t rape/oidi'um. At the lateral e\tremit\ ot the corpus trapczoideum is an aggregation of gra\ matter, the caudal extremity ol the superior oli\ary nucleus i SO). This nucleus, like tlie trapezoid bod\', is related to the conduction ol auditorx impulsi's receixed by the coch- lear division of the t'ighth nei\e. \ entrolateial to the entering libiTs ol the cochlear division of tlie eighth nerxc is tlu' substantia gclatlnosa Rolaiidi surrounded u|)on its lateral as|:)fet by the desciMulmg trigeminal tract. Directly ventral to the sui)stantia gi'latmosa is a w ell-dclmed nuclear SIMIA SATMU'S, THE ORANG-OUTANG 517 mass, till' nucli'Lis facialis. From ihis lacial nucleus many myrlinizccl libers pass backward ami inward, toward the Moor of the fourth \entricle where the\ beconu' assi'inbled to lorm the second portion of the emergent course ol the stAcnth nerw. In tlu'ir usual \entral area are the libers con- stituting the p\ ramid ( Pv), now surrounded b\ a large nuclear aggrega- tion, the caudal e\trcmit\ of the pontile nuclei ( PN ). Lying in a position more trans\erse than in thv lower sections, is a bundle of libers mark- ing the boundar\ between the tegmentum and the basis, the nu-sial fillet (Ml ), through w Inch pass the di'cussating libers ol the corjius trapezoid- vum. 1 hus at this le\el it is possible to make a lairly accurate comparison ol the \()lumc ol im|)ulses passing o\er the mesial lillet and the pyramid. Both ol these fasciculi appear more ample than in the lowi-r primates, a conclusion which would |ustil\ the impression that orang is an animal inort' highly endowed in discriminatiw sensibilitx' and also m \'ohtional control of motion. LEVEL NEAR THE CAUDAL LIMIT OF THE PONS \AROLII SHOWTNC. THE EMERGENT FIBERS OF THE SL\ IH NER\ E (FIG. 235) Heri' the section presents those marked changes incident to the appear- ance ol tlu' t\pical pontile stratification. The pons consists of the stratum suiK'rficialc; the stratum coinplexum, containing the large mass of jjoiitile nuclei, trans\erse liln'rs and the scatterttl bundles of the j)\ramidal system, and thestratum prohmdum compost'd largelx ol tiansxerse libers. The general size of tht' pons Varolii, especiall\' of tlu' jjontile nuclei, implies an animal possessed of a high degree of coordinati\e control oxer tlu' more complex acquired moxemeiits. it indicates an ample communication between several areas of tin- neopallium and the lati'ral lobes ol the cerebellum. The pallio- poiito-ccrebellar system, as has alread\ been shown in |>revious discussions, is characteristic of the mammalian brain alone, its predominant de\elo])- 5.8 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS mental IVaturc is witnessed in the expansion of the eerebral hemispheres. The fact that this system, which connects the cerebral cortex with the cortex of the lateral lobes of the cerebelhim, should manifest itself onl\ m the mammal, FIG. 235. ORANG-OUTANG. LEVEL NEAR THE CAUDAL LLMITS OF THE PONS, SHOWING THE EMERGENT FIBERS OF THE SIXTH NER\E. MCi>, Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; mf, Mesial Fillet; nau, Abducens Nucleus; nr. Nucleus ol Rolando; n6, Abducens Nerve; N7, Facial Nerve; pn. Pontile Nuclei; pv. Pyramid; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; so, Superior Olive; trp. Trapezoid Body; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract; iv. Fourth Ventricle; ver, Cerebellar Vermis. [Accession No. 199. Section 410. Actual Size 40 X 25 mm.] denotes the introduction into mammalian organization of a feature, which, it not morphologicall}' new, is at least product ixc ol new attainments. As such it calls for comparison with the mtramammalian species to determiiu' what decisive physiological accession to vertebrate beha\ lor brought this imjjor- tant svstem into existence. SIMIA SAT^'RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 519 Manx tacts alrevidx exist to prow the essential ix'lation ol the lateral lobes of the eerebelhini to the arms and the legs. Similar inclieations |)oiiit to expansions in the lU'opalliuin as a res|)onse to this linil) speeiali/ation. This evidence seems to put bexond peradxeiiture tlu' C|Liestioii that api)(.'ndicular speciali/ation sup]:)lK's the (k'\ I'lopmental moti\'e which underlies such far- reachini; ditlerentiation in the central nerxous system. But limbs are ahnost as ancient as the \frtcbrate stock itself. Tlu'\ are not characteristic of the mammalian class alone. Some s])ecialized element intrinsic to the extremities, and not necessarily apparent m their morpholouical structuri-, therefore, must be sought to explain this pronounced de\elopment ol the mammalian hemispheres, cerebral as well as cerebellar. Ho\ve\'er convergent or divergent the fore- and hindlimbs of rt'ptilcs and birds, anii:)hibia and (ish may be in structural comparison with those of mammals, there is a lunctional diver- gence between them which is constant. In inlramammalian orders all mo\e- ments of the limbs tend to be s\nchronized with the movements of the body and w ith each other. Thert' appears to be little need of independent motion on the part of one or the other limb. In the mammals, on the otiier hand, there is an increasing degree of independent action in the lore- and hindlimbs and also in one loreiimb independent of the other. Similarly, oiu- hindlimb may act inde])endentl\- of all the others. Such iiuk'pendence of action strikes a new note in tlu' motor organization of the extremities. The appendicular museulalurc liber- ated itself from that dominating ck-peiuk'iic\ of interaction t'xisting between the movable parts of tht' body. It gained a freedom which (k'ti'rmined a new motor objective. Each limb, ha\ing acquired an indi\iduality ol its own, develops a specilic s{)here of action. In this sense the fore and hind extremities of mammals ditfer from those of lower xertebrates. Serving as more or k^ss highly indi\ idualized instruments, the limi)s are capable of expressing what amounts to a new physiological endowment. At the same time the\ retain 520 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS many details of their primordial subjugation in that tonimunity ol interests necessary to cooperation of the entire musculature tor the purposes ol locomo- tion. In their more recently acc[uned cajxicity, the extremities de\eli)|)ed numerous performances, ne\v both m design and range, which called lor expansions in the controlling mechanisms of the central ner\()us system. The neopallium was the brain's structural response to this demand, simul- taneously with w hich the cerebellum expanded to atlord a needed increase ot coordinative control lor these nc\\ activities. It is evident that all ol this motor adaptation belonged to what may be called ncohintiic or'^ani/.alKin, which diHers materially Irom those older, more primordial activities which arc attributed to the jHilcokinclic oriiuni/.ation of lower vertebrates. The j^on- tile structures denoting this neokmetic expansion in the pallio-ponto-cere- bellar system are e\ident in the orang; il. not so ])romiiient as m the higher anthropoids, they are still much more conspicuous than m the lower and intermediate primates. The distinction between the basis pontis and tegmentum pontis is established b\- the transverse ])osition of the nu'sial lillet (Mf) which occupies the most \entral position m the tegmental portion ol the stem at this level. The transN'erse fibers ol the basis pontis arc shown m their collected mass as they constitute the middle cerebellar peduncle (Mcp). The central gray matter h)rnis the lloor of the fourth \iiitricle (i\) and is specialized in its median portion as a nucleus giving rise to the sixth cranial ner\e ( N ab). The libers of this ner\e ( N6) pass from the nucleus in the direction ol the basis toward their point of emergence in the bulbopontile sulcus. Latt'ral to this nucleus is a denst' bundle of emergent libers constitut- ing the tourth jxirt of the intramedullary course of the facial ner\e (N~). Mesial to the bundles forming this emergent root is the caudal extremity of the nucleus facialis itself. The roof of tlu' xcntrich' is formed In the ■ - i.i.'i SIiMIA SAT^ RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 521 inferior portion ol the cerebellar \ermis (V'er). The rt'tieular rorniation nnbraei's tlu- most exteiisixt' |)ortion dI the le^mu'iitum hut shows no spt'- cialized nuclear collections at this k'X'el, nor are its boundaries well clchiu-cl. FIG. 236. ORANG-OUTANG. LEVEL OF THE MIDDLE OF THE PONS \ AKOLII. MCi>, Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; mf. Mesial Fillet; Mst, Nucleus of Bechtcrcw; nr, Nucleus of Rolando; N5, Trigeminal Nerve; \7, Facial Nerve; I'x, Pontile Nuclei; i>v. Pyramid; Kiu. Reticular Formation; scp, Superior C^erebcllar Peduncle; tki>, Descending Trigeminal Tract. [Accession No. 199. Section 460. Actual Size 28 X 19 mm.] It gives the impression of a clilfuse region of uiulilferentiated gray and white substance. LEVEL THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE PONS \ AKOLII (FIG. 236) Here the section shows all of the salient features in the stratified appear- ance of the pons Varolii. These include the stratunisuperliciale, thccomple.\uni C22 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS and the profundum. They aflord again an opportunity for estimating the relative size of the pontile nuclei ( PN ). The trans^•erse libers of the pons are collected to form the middle cerebellar peduncle (Mcp). The central FIG. 237. ORANG-OUTANG. LENEL OF EMERGENCE OF TROCHLEAR NERVE. CEN, Central Gray Matter; err, Central Tigtnental Tract; i.i , Lateral Fillet; mf. Mesial Fillet; N4, Trochlear Nerve; pd, Predorsal Bundle; PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; PN, Pontile Nuclei; pv. Pyramid; ri;f. Reticular Formation; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; SCPX, Decussation of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; sit, Spinothalamic Tract. (Accession No. i(>(). Section 560. Actual Size 19 X 16 mm.] gray matter, uliiie reduced in size, forms the floor of the \tntiicle whose general dnnensions are now consicU'rablv h'ss than in thi' lower ie\ els, SIMIA SAIMUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 523 clue to tlu' tact that llxv \ mtrifular chatnhcr is approaching the caudal orifice ol the SvKian aqut'chict. I hi' lloor ol the' \entiich' shows no particular luich'ai" s|)eciahzation. In It are the transxerse hhers constituting^ the third portion of the lacial ncr\c m its eiiiern. Pontile Nuclei; i>v. Pyramid; RiiP, Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; si>T, Spinothalamic Tract; si>x. Crossing of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; tmt, Tractus Mesencephalici Trigemini. (Accession No. 199. Section 594. Actual Size 19 X 19 mm.j I524I SIMIA SAT^RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG s^5 tion ill the margin of tlu' tt'iitial pray matter. Latcrallv, the central gray matter contains tlie mcsenceplialic root of the fifth nerve and in a more \x'ntral ])osition are the- dense l)iiiidles constituting the j^osterior longitudinal lasciculus ( PL I. The boundary line hetweeii the basis and tegmentum at this k'\-el is indicated b\ trans\-ersel\ disposed bundles forming the mesial lillel (iMlj, lateral to which arc' the hbers constituting the large fasciculus of the lateral lillet (Li ), an important intermediar\ s\sttin of fibers in the auditory ]xith\\a\-. The most important structure at this le\-el is, however, represented by the colliculus, as its s|)c'cialization forms a relay station for the auditory sense. The colliculus is less prominent than in the lower \ crte- brates and considerably less so than in the lower and intermediate' primates. It still retains many vestiges of its former histological s]:)ecialization. A number of strata may still be discerned m it, reminiscent of its stratification 111 the miramammalian \ crti-brate. LE\EL OF THE SUPERIOR COLLICULUS (FIG. 239) At this level the section shows those changes peculiar to the appearance of the cerebral pechmcles m the basal region and the t'lexation caused b\ the more cephalic i^rommenccs in the C[uadrigeminal plate. The superior colliculi (SC) a])pear as delimti-lx' specialized structures which inicidsco])i(.ally show a faint degree ot stratilication. Their cle\ation is less pronounced than is the case in certain others ot the primate series, irom their general character the inference seems iustified that the lunction w hich the\ represent, namely, vision, could at best be but iiu'lli'ctuallx carried on bv them. I heir \fstigial condition as comparid with the lower vtMtebrates is so jjronounced, both as to size and histological detail, as to suggest a decrease in tunctional acti\it\ . The process of \isiial delegation to the occipital lobe of the cerebral hc-misphere, which in these studies has become so familiar a subject of discus- sion, is exident in tlu' orang. The continuation ol this telencephahzation is 5^6 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS carried to a still fiirtluT extent in the higher anthropoids and man. Even in the |)riinate order, therefori', this sign ol e\olutional progress in the ner\ous sys- tem is elearU manifest. FIG. 239. ORANG-OUTANG. LEVEL OF THE SUPERIOR COLLICULUS. CEN, Central Gray Matter; ci>, Cerebral Peduncle; ctt, Central Tegmental Tract; mf, Mesial Fillet; mgb, Mesial Geniculate Body; Noc, Nucleus Oculomotorius; nru, Nucleus Ruber; N3, Oculomotor Nerve; pd, Predorsal Bundle; pl. Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; ruf. Reticular Formation; sbn. Substantia Nigra; SC, SupcriorColliculus;SPT, Spinothalamic Tract ;TMT, Tract us Mesencepl),! I iciTrlfiemini. [Accession No. igg. Section 636. Actual Size 26 X 13 mni.| The central gray matter fCen) surrounds tlie S\Ivian aciueduct, and in its more ventral portion becomes speciahzed to form the oculomotor nucleus (Noc). This nuclear collection is among the most important of the cranial nerve groups, not because tfie muscular territory o\ cr which it SI. MIA SAT\"RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 527 pifsidt'S is c'xtcnsnc, hut hccaust' thr imisclc-s tluiustU rs, howt'Ncr delicate and small, arc capal^lc ot produtin^ the most exactly ad|iistcd ol all move- ments 111 the body. Ocular moxements are so minutel\- ada|ited to the func- tion ot \ision, that the slightest de\iation ot the I'xi'ball olOne or both sides will disturb the process ol \isual lusion, or produce other defects in visual perce])tion sullicient to disorganize the special sense ol sight. The object of conjugating the exelxdls so that their \ isual axes shall remain in parallel, or be convergent to that degree necessary lor the prompt binocular lusion in near vision, requires the most delicate of muscular mechanisms for its achieve- ment. This acti\it\, in addition to the immediate read|ustments necessary to distant vision, exerts a lar-r(,'aching mlluence upon all neokmetic organi- zation. There can Ix' no question that \ision operates as an essential, sup- plementary aid both m the acc]uisition and m the control ol a vast number ol highly skilled motor acti\ities. So important a musculaturt' as that of the eyeballs requires a compli- cated nuclear structure for the linal distribution of its innervating impulses. The visual distance recei)tors of the two eyes are in reality one organ in the primates; at least, they are dual onl\ in the sense of their morphological organization. l-*hysiologically their object is to give their possessor a unilied impression of the world u])on which he gazes, without reduplication, without distortion, without acUentitious mobilitx. Since the two eyes, serving this purpose, act as a single organ, the two nuclei b\ which the eye muscles are moti\ated so operate in unison that they ma\ be rightlx considered a single nucleus. This unity in structural design of the oculomotor nucleus is deter- mined b\ a close internuclear communication across the midline pro\ ided by a great number of crossing libers w Inch |xiss from one side to the other, the oculomotor, commissural and decus.satmg axons. These libers conjugate the oculomotor, nuclear groups on the right and left side and so produce the desired unity. 528 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS TIk' iiitcnuic'lt'cU" c'omnuinication [x'lwccii the two s\ ninictiical cli\isioiis of tin- nuclei supplying impulses to the eye muscles depends ujjon the extent to which the commissural and deeussatmg hhers are de^•eloped. Then- exten- sive development in the orang denotes a unification ot the \ isual jjroccss calculated to produce a high degree ol hmocular \ ision. The libers of the oculomotor nerve ( N 3 ) pass forward to the oculomotor sulcus, whence they emerge at the base ol the brain in the optico-peduncular space. In their course they pass, some through and some around, a large nuclear structure which has diflerentiated in the \cntromesial portion ol the reticular lormation and constitutes the red nucleus (NRu). Not only the size biit the clear delmition of this nucleus in the midbrain shows a distinct ad\ance m its organization as compared with the lower and intermediate primates. It supplies collateral exidence which, m coniunction with the increased size of the lateral lobes of the cerebellum, with the increased com[)lexit\ of the dentatt' nucleus and with the increased size of the superior cerebellar pedun- cle, indicates that coordination has undergone considerable expansion in passing upward to this higher lorm of anthropoid. Such must necessarily be the case m \iew ol the animal's high dillerentiation ol upper extremity and hand. Com])ared with tlie gibbon, for example, the orang-outang employs the hand lor man\ pur|)oses much more humanoid in character and rctjuirmg the organization ol a wider range ol mo\-cmcnt. The greater (k'hnition and larger size ol the red nucleus in this form signillesan extension ol coordmatixc control. The reticular lormation is less extensix'c than in the lowt'r lorms and in its \-entral portion contains the libers of the nu'sial liilct iMf). The latter separates the rt'ticular lormation 1 Ret I Irom a laigt' nuclear mass extending oblitjuely across the dorsal aspect of tlu' peduncle, the substantia nigra fSbn). What the exact physiological signilicanci' ol this structinx- may be is still 111 doui)t, although the control of certain automatic associated movements has been attributed to it. SIM I A SAT\RUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 529 Till' basis of till' c-iTi'hral pcdLincli' iCP) is (.■ntiiclx nu'cliillai\ . It contains tlu' bundles of libers which make up the pxramidal tract and tlu' palllD-ponto-cerebellar liber s\ stems. Nowhere in tlu' brain is the relative importance of iiln'r systems more clearly indicated than m this instance. These two s\stems, botli arising in the cert'bral cortex, both e\pandinile interpretation, nanu'l\, that expansion has taken place in direct proportion to extensions m beha\ loral perlormance, due to the acquisi- tion of more complex, more numerous and more xaricd motor acti\itics. This phyletic history of the cerebral peduncle furnishes testimony in tavor of a progressi\'c cxolution throughout the primate order. At the lateral extremitx of tlu' ri'ticular formation is a pronounced elevation, the mesial jicniculate body l^Alf^bj, which recci\es some libers from the lateral lillet. From the functional point of \ it'w this lex el signilics certain adxances in the \isLial sense, which appear in the tendenc\- to accjiiire more capacious areas for the extension oi' \ ision w ithin its ow 11 s[)heri' as well as its associa- tion with sensorv impressions in other spheres, such as hearing and body sense. This midbrain lc\el also dcnotts the |:)rogress in the exact conjugation of ocular movements for the purpose of binocular and stereoscopic vision. 530 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS LE\'EL OF THE OPTIC CHIASM (fIG. 240) At the level of the optic chiasm the brain has passed into its (heneephah'c portion which contanis xhv thnd xcntricle (V3), hounded upon t'ither FIG. 240. ORAXG-OLTANG. LEVEL OF THE OPITC CHIASM. CIN, Internal Capsule; CPii, Corpus 1 lypothalamicuiii; i dp, Deseending Pillar of the Fornix; loK, Fornix; CLP, Globus Pallidus; nca, Caudate Nucleus; nl, Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; nli. Interna! Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; nlv, Ventrolateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; opx, Optic Chiasm; put, Putamcn; VQ, f'asciculus of Vicq d'Azyr; V3, Third Ventricle. (Accession No. 199. Section 754. Size 42 X 29 mm.] side by the optic thalami and hridiied across by the comniissura molhs. The optic chiasm (Op\) ap|)ears in the most \t'ntral position ol the st'ction as a SIMIA SATVRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG 531 dense huiulK' oi crossinij; lilx'rs fonncctt'd dorsally with the optie tracts and \entiall\ with tlu- uptic nerves. The optie thalamus is separated from the most \-entral portion ol the endbram eonstitutmii the globus pallidas ( Glp) by a dense bundle ol libers many ol which occupied positions in the cerebral peduncle. This bundle ol libers is the internal capsLile (Cm). Dorsal to the optic chiasm is a slight bundle oi decussating libers known as the supraoptic decussation ol Me\nert. Tlu' other structures ol tojjographical interest in the section are indicated by appropriate letters in the caption accompanying tlie tigure. Chapter .Will RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GRAY MAIIER IN THE BRAIN STEM OF SLMIA SATVRUS, THE ORANG-OUTANG Y' I ^1 IE gray niattcT m the hraiii slcni of llu' oranii;-outanli\ar\ nucleus in the orang-outang assumes considerable complexitx and bulk. The fundus of the nucleus is broad and disposed toward 536 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS the wntrolatcral angle of the ncuraxis. It begins just below the le\el ol the fourth ventricle, extending its two branehes mesiallx' and somewhat ciorsally toward the median raphe. Both the dorsal and the ventral branehes show marked reduplieation. The ventral accessory oli\ary nucleus begins at the level in which the main nucleus arises. It extends upward as a Hat band applied to the ventral asjX'Ct of the main nuclear mass. It approaches the cephalic limit of the main nucleus, becoming continuous with the dorsal extremity of the ventral branch near its summit. The dorsal acces- sorv olivary nucleus begins below as an mconspicuous mass at about the same level as the main olivary nucleus. It ra|)idly extends in a ventrodorsal direction, lying as a Hat band dorsal to the mesial half ol the dorsal branch of the main nucleus. At the cephalic extremity of the principal nucleus it becomes conlluent with the dorsal extremity of the dorsal branch. The entire C()mj)lex extends as far upward as the midventricular level oi the brain stem, where it disappears by merging with the reticular matrix. Its ventral surface is in contact with the pyramidal tract and the ventral portion of the mesial iillet. Its iLindus is covered onlv b\ the external arcuate libers, while its dorsal surface is in contact with the \entral suriace of the reticular lormation. The Reticular FoRMAriox At a point slightl\ above the lowest sections of the reconstruction, the ventral gra> column becomes detached from the central gray by the decussat- ing pyramidal libirs. This gray column is soon replaced by the reticular formation with which it merges and e\entually disappears. The reticular formation itself is seen in the lowest lexels of the reconstruction as a small collection of mixed gray and whitt' matti'i' on the outer suriace ol the \-entral gray column. This rapidl\ incrt'ases m size as it is lollowed upward. It extends dorsad to come into contact with the substantia gelatinosa Rolaiidi. RECONSTRUCTION OF SIMIA SATYRUS 537 \c'ntr;ill\ and latcTall\ it passes toward tlu- Nfiitrolatfral angle of the tegmentum. I lie dorsal surface of the reticular formation becomes broad and is intimately connected with the \entral surface of the central gray FIG. 242. DORSAL SURFACE OF GRAY .MATTER Or BRAl.N STE.M, SI.Ml.A SATYRUS. Kev to Di.\<,r.\m. dors, coch., Dorsal C^ocliitar Nucleus; .\ieso-gen. body. Mesial Geniculate Body; nucl oi' BURD.^cii, Nucleus of Burdaeli; N. of o., nuc. of drs. and nucl. of deiters. Nucleus of Deiters; nucl. of r.oLL, Nucleus of Goll; ret. form., Reticular Formation; subst. gel. rolando. Substantia Gelatinosa of Rolando; sup. coll., Superior Colliculus; vent, coch.. Ventral Cochlear Nucleus. matter \vhich is now IJatti-nmg out. Tiie reticular formation gradually mcreases m bulk, lorming the chiel nuclear mass ot the tegmentum in the upper oblongatal and pontile regions. It embraces in these le\els the dorsal surface ol the mlerior oli\ary complex. Dorsal to the retiiular formation lie the nucleus ol Burdach and the nuch'us ol Goll, together with the increasing mass of the \estibular com|jle\. The reticular lormation comes into contact with the \cntral surface of the central gray matter forming the lloor of the lourth ventricle. 538 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS The mesial surface of the retieuhir lormatioii throughmit its entire extent is more or less smooth and separated from its U-llow nl thi' opposite side h\ the loniritudinal liber traets near the raphe. Abo\e tlie le\el of the substantia gelatinosa trigemini, and the vestibular and cochlear complexes, the reticular formation expands and forms almost the entire' mass of the teji- mcntum ot the upper pons and mesencephalon, it reaches the surlacc and sends a mim[)er ol prolongations backward, one ol which lorms an iiuest- ment o\er the suj)erior cerebellar peduncle as this liber tract approaches the mesencephalic tegmentum. \ entrallx the reticular lormation comes into close contact with the dorsal portion ol the lateral buttress oi the pontile nucleus. Latcrall\' and mesiall\- it is in contact w ith the mesial buttress, while between teshe two points ol a])])osition the \entral surface ol the reticular lormation and the dorsal suriace ol the jjontile nucleus are separated by the trapezoid body. In tlu' mesencephalon the reticular lormation is irregular in outline. It is penetrated from behind forward by the superior cerebellar peduncle which gradually sinks deeper into the tegmentum, thus allowing more of the reticular formation to form on its lateral aspect. The diAclopment in the mesencephalon ol the nucleus ruber presents a massi\e condensation in the reticular formation. The reticular lormation of the mesencephalon, followed upward toward the [)oint ot transition into the dienci'phalon, demonstrates the continuity ol these two structures, the reticular formation of the mesen- cephalon merging with the indiflercnt zona incerta of tin- intcrbrain. The lateral surface ol the reticular lormation in the lower mesencephalic area is crossed from belore backward b\ a di'pression produced by the passage of the lateral lillet. In the mtercollicular region a continuation of the formatio reticularis passes dorsalls and mesially to separate the two colliculi. In the most cephalic j^ortion of the midbrain the retuiilai formation gives origin to a similar dorsal prolongation which separates the superior colliculus from contact w ith the nuclear masses of the epithalamus and metathalanuis. RECONSTRUCTION OF SIM I A SAT^ RUS 539 The Pontile Nuclei This nuclear mass is very nuicli more eomplieatecl tlian in any of the lower primates. Although much more mtneate, the arranuenu'nt is identical l-IG. 243. LATERAL SURFACE OF GRAY MATTER OF BRAIN STEM, SIMIA SATYRUS. Key to Diagram, dors, cochl.. Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus; gen. body, Geniculate Body; inf. coll.. Inferior Colliculus; INTERPED. GRAY MAT., Interpeduncular Gray Matter; nucl. of burdach. Nucleus of Burdach; NUCL. OF D. and nucl. of drs., Nucleus of Deitors; nucl. 01 goll, Nucleus of Goll; pontile. Pontile Nuclei; RET. FORM., Reticular Formation; subst. gel. of kolan. and si ust. gel. 01 koiando. Substantia Gclatinosa of Rolando; vent, cochl., Ventral Cochlear Nucleus. with that loiind m lower lorms. The |)resenee ol the superhcial hiyer corre- sponds to the general conhguralion and curves of the hram stem. The deep la\er is in contiguity with tlu' superhcial surlace ol the reticidar lormation as well as with the two buttresses which serve to connect the superhcial and llu' del]) layers of the nuclear substance at tliiir extremities. The arciform nuclei are relatively well dehned, beginning at aijout the mid-olivary region as strips of gray matter disposed along the mesial and ventral surfaces of the pyramid. 1 iiese strips continue upward, gradually increasing until a 540 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS complete sheath is formed around the ])\raiiiid. The pontile nuelei luse at the midhne. Passinossesses great strength and agility. In spite of its rc'lati\el\ short stature, it is more than a match e\-en for the strongest man. Its bod\ is short, usuall\ with a protuberant abdomen. Tke legs are also short, and compared w ith tin- ii|)per extremity, the\' appear even shortt-r. The foot is short with a great toe which is thick and opposable. The otiur toes ari' united b\ a wt'b near tlu'ir basi's. The arms are long, reach- ing for a considerable distance bilow the kiu't's w hen the animal stands erect. The hands are broad; the thumb is short and tlu' lingers are united by a web at their bases, as in the case of the toes. The middle linger is the longest. Callosities dcxt'lop on the dorsal surkicc' of the lingers in consequence of "knuckle" walking and running w hich the animal dues mostly upon all lours, 545 546 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS using tlu' back of the hands for support. The nose is soniew hal depressed, with nostrils opening downward. The lips are mobile and protrusive, the ears are large and extend above the skull. The lower jaw protrudes; the eanines are long and eonieal. In the upper extremities, the humerus nearly equals the length of the radius. The female is somewhat smaller than the male and bears one young at a tmie, which she carries in passing through the trees and over the ground in tlu- manner characteristic of other apes. Habits of the Chimpanzee Some nine or ten species have been more or less delinitely identified as belonging to this genus. The species here described is Pan satyrus (Trog- lodytes niger). This animal inhabits lower GLiinea, Cenaga to the Ogowe, Semikaro Desundand near the Cenaga in the Cameroon, ^ ayunch and Dilundi in the Cameroon and Mayumba. Concerning the habits of the animal in its native state, little is known of any of the species of chimpanzee. It is fortunate that man\ of these animals have been captiuxcl when \erv young and not a few have been made the subject of careful psychological and behavioral studies. iMobius was appar- ently the (irst to make systematic obser\ati()n of the behavior of the chim- panzee, in 1867. Other animals of this genus have been the subject of psychological investigation b\ W itmer in i<)io, Romanes, 1900, Hirschlall. 1905, Shej)lurd, 1915, and Hobhousc in 1915. kohi.ek's beha\ ioral research upon the chimpanzee Undoubtedlx the most carefull\ controlled l)iha\ ioral research yet made is that of Professor K()hlcr, working at rcncrlllc in tlu' Canary Islands, under the auspices of the Prussian Acadiinx of Science which had estab- lished at this place a wc'll-ec|uipped anthropoid station. Nine chimpanzees were constantly under the obser\ation in ideal conditions for study by <'nuruy\. AmiTuun Afuvcum oj .\iHurut ilislory FIG. 244. llAHriAI {;K()1 P, ( IIIMI' WZEE. 154- 548 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS Kohlcr for a long period of tinic hrtwccn i()i4 and 1916. Kohler's purpose in this work was to test the inteUigenee of tiie higher apes and tlie methods applied by him are wliat he called the "roundabout methods" (Umweg), CoxtrtfiV, New York Zoological Garden FIG. 24,". CHIMPANZEE SUSIE. which so complieated ordinar\- situations as to recjuire intelligent solutions on the part of the animal. Thus oni' of tlu' most gifted animals ot the collec- tion (it may be noted that ehinipan/A'ts, as well as more highl.x organized personalities, dilfer in their in(li\ idual abilit\ to a very considerable degree) was given tlu' following |)robli-m which was not altogether simple, and yet TROC.IOI)^ lES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 549 was more or less rraclily soKcd l)\ the aj^c w ithout iniiK'cc'ssar\ dclav. Itoiii the roof Of the animal's plax^rouncl, a basket ol bananas was suspended by means of a strmij; passed throiigli an iron ring. 1 he end ol tlie string was tied f-'ouricsA , \tw ^'orti Zoulugittit Ctirdtn FIG. 246. (HIMI'ANZEE SUSIE. m a noosi' \\ hieh, m turn, \\ as placed o\ ei' tlu' hmb ot an old \\cv at the height oi about three meters from tlu' ground. The ehimpanzee. Sultan, was then atlniittt'd into tlu' pla\ground. He was familiar with tins basket and associati'd it with feeding time. On entering the eiielosmx', Sultan saw the basket at onee and soon showed signs of eonsiderable agitation beeause he was, eontrar\ to custom, alone in the open. Manifesting his feelings in the usual ehimpanzee st\le, lu' expressed his disapproxal by making a thunder- ing noise with his feet against the wooden wall of t lu' apt'house, and at the same tinu' tried to get in touch with the other animals b\- climbing up to the windows. At length he ceased these inel]ecti\e measures, and seeing the 550 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS basket again, made lor tlie tree, climbed c|uickl\ up to the noose, paused a moment Avhilc watching the basket, pulled the string until the I)asket bumped against the ring in the roof, released tiie string, pulled it a second time e\c'n more vigorously so that the basket tujiied over and a banana (ell out. The chimpanzee then came down IVom the tree, but soon ascended once mow now to pull cjuitc violcntlx until the string broke and the whole basket lell to the ground. He then clambered down, took the basket and went off to cat the fruit. Thus Sultan, in a relatively short time, had soKcd this roundabout problem by obtaining his objective in spite of the obstacles pkiced in his way. Although many experimental tests w ere made to estimate the degree to w hich chimpanzees are capable of using implements, in the main such e\i)eri- ments are not necessary in order to induce the animal to handle objects in his immediate sm-roundings in a variety of ways. He has large and powcrtul as well as llc.xible hands which serve as the most natural and uselul link between him and the world of things outside. Besides this, he obtains the necessary amount of niuseular strength and coordination at an early age of development, much earlier than a human child. His feet, although far from being a second pair of hands, may still be used in emergencies in which the feet of the human races would bequite useless. Furthermore, the jaw sand teeth are also ser\iceable, as is the case among man>' African tribes and otiicr primi- tive people, though it ina\' be to a less extent than w ith the anthropoid apes. The casual, every-day handling of objects by the chimpanzee comes almost entirely in the nature of pla\-. In certain instances under the pressure of need, or compelled by the special circumstances of e\|)erimental tests requiring the use of objects or impleimnts, it a|)|)e;irs that tlu' new knowledge acciuired for using objects at play will be utilized to obtain some more ck'finite ol)iective. Primarily this object nia\ ha\e been einplo\ed without the slightest idea ol an immediate gain and only to increase the joy ol li\ iiig. Later, however, it becomes of great j)ractical utility lor purposes serving the needs ol the ani- TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 551 rnal. Thus, iunij)iiiro.\miit\- to the desired goal. So that in the end this improvised mode ol modilied pole \ault- ing became a regular procedure among the cliimpanzees m the business of obtaining food put out of their nach o\'er their heads. The animals also used straws and twigs m the maniu'r ol spoons, at first more or less in pla\' during nu'al time cspeciallx after their lirst thirst had i)ecn quenched, and the\ liked to amuse themscK es by dipping the water u]; with a straw and sucking the straw. On one occasion some red wine was poured into the drinking water which they shared in common. On tlu' lirst taste of the new mixture they all paused for a minute, then one of the chim- panzees began to spoon up this no\el drink w ith a straw , and all of the others immediately followed his example with twigs and similar straws. In thus acquiring the use of twigs and straws as spoons there could ha\e been no possibk' imitation, for noiu' of them had had as yet a chance ol seeing a human being use a knife, h)rk or si)oon while eating. The tw ig or stalk was also emploNcd quite deftly in other ways, combining with its usefulness as a table utt-nsil some of the propertii's ol a weapon ol the chase. In the summer time, a species of ant intests the portion ol the Canary Islands where these great ajK'S were housed. These ants passed in a wide stream, moving along over the beams around tlu' wire netting which I'licircled the pla\ground. The chimpanzee, ha\ing a special liking for acid fruit, which he prefers to all others, no doubt for this reason relished the formic acid of the insect. Usually upon seeing the ants, the chimpanzee simply rolled his tongue along the beam over which they were crawling and thus gathered them in h)r himself. If the wire netting intervened between him 55^ THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS and the covctccl delicacy, such a primitive method of capture would not sullicc. So all ot the chimpanzees soon learned to use sticks and straws which were thrust throu'di the meshes ol the wire netlmii and lu'ld in such Cour/fsv-, .Ameruan A/usfum oj Natural History FIGS. 247 AND 248. HAND AND FOOT OF CHIMPANZEE. Left. Palmar surface of hand, showing arboreal specialization. 1 lie tluniil] is short, tlic fingers arelong, thenar and hypothcnar eminences are pronounced. Right. Plantar smface of the foot showing definite humanoid tendencies, broad heel, distal advance of great toe, shortening of lesser toes, broadening of sole. The foot in chimpanzee has less of the hand-like characters observed in the lower primates. position until they were coNcred by ants. The straws were then withdrawn and tlic insects j^romptlx licked olT and devoinn-ck This method of capture proved most satisl'aetor\ and entertaining to the anthropoids. Their atten- tion was entirely ahsorh^d ni this no\tl method ol o\t'rcoming an obstacle unintentionall\ placed between them and the delicate morsels which the\ craved, but which would have been out of their reach had it not been for their recourse to this procedure. TROGLODYTES NICER. THE CHIMPANZEE 553 II a mouse' or li/.aicl di" small ciawlmij: animal (.■iUcmccI tlu' jjlaNgrouiul with the chimpan/cTS, it at oiicc Ix't'anu' tlu' obiix't of murh excited interest, yet the l)i. HAND AND FOOT OF CHIMPANZEE. Left. Dorsum of the li;ind showing di-hnitc .irborcal specializalions. Right. Dorsum ol loot showing prehensile speciahzation in the region of the great toe and shortening of the lesser toes. with the naked hantl. It was almost amusinij; to st'e the apes streteii tlieir hands out with tlu' intention ol seizing the pre\ , with tlu' hn■):> of .urrat |n\, wIumi mtx ;j:i)(kI lood was in-m^^ proNick-cl, onr ol the animals oltfii sc'i/A'd aiintluT and shonk hini out ol slu'cr pleasure. At lirst one ol the annuals would taki' a stiek uiidi.'i' sueh proxociition and llnii^ it \ehc-niently at one ol the ehnnpanzees m his or her pro\iniit\. This also freciuently hap[)ened ni pla\', part leularlv with the athlelie I em ale Chiea, w ho was in the habit ol eret'pm^ up hehnid one ol her eompanions as tlu'v sat c|uieti\- at rest and, Irom lairl\- elose cpiarters, hurhn^ a stiek, and then takmg llight. Prom throwing stieks it was hut a short step to usiiiiz; handluls ol sand m this manner, and linall\' stones ol \aried size and weijzht. At lirst the Lhimpanzecs were not e\[)ert m these ballistie aeti\ities. Bem^ dedeient in the eoordma- tion ol hand, head and eyes, the\' did not succeed in \'ery accurate aim. Soon the throwing of stones became such a rulintic<)pcdunciiIar Space; vent. med. si i.c:is, Ventrcimedian Sulcus. and separated from it by the |)reoli\ary sulcus, is a well-defined olixary eminence, which in turn is separated from the tuberculum tiigcmini b\ the postolivary sulcus. The dorsal surface ol the ()blon. cer. ped., Superior CVrcbclI:ir Pi'dunclc; r. t., Tuberculuni Trigcniini. lorearni and ami tlian in the le^. Takiii<^ into aeeount its relation both to loeoniotion and to the iiianx feats of manual de\terit\- ol whieh the chim- panzee is eupablc, the hand seems to lill a more important olliee than the foot. In the \ tntrieiilar portion of the dorsal surlaee ol the oblongata, the eharaeteristit- di\eruenet' occurs in tiie alar plates, tiius disclosing the floor ol the \-entriele. The lateral walls of this inferior angle of the fourth \entricle iiiv lormed as elsewhere b\ tlu' iiiiineiices ot the clava and eun(.'us. The ela\a does not exteiul as far cephalad as does the ciineus. Both ol these eminences 574 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS decrease in elevation as the lateral reeess is approached and at this point ha\e reached the jjhiiie ot the \entrieular lloor. It is m this region that the incom- ing libers of the acoustic ch\ ision ol the eighth ner\e enter the \entricle whose lloor thcv cross as the striae acusticae. The floor ot the \entricle con- tains the trigoinini h\poglossi beneath which is located the nucleus ol the twelfth cranial nerve and latiral to which is the fovea vagi marking the position ol the dorsal vagal nucleus. Other markings in this region are e\tremcl\ dillicult to discern. Two hunt elexations appear in the \ (.'ntricular lloor 111 the region of the lateral recess indicating the position ol the \'estil)ular nuclei. As compared w ith some of the more delinitely arboreal lorms ol pri- mates, these elevations are not so [jronounci'd, but still show a degree ol prominence which indicates a balancing mechanism m chimpanzee charged with large resjjonsibilities m the general organization ol the animal's motor activity. The cephalic angle of the fourth \entriclc, aside from the ele\ation marking the presence of the nucleus abducentis, and the gradual decrease in its diameters as the ventricle approaches the caudal oriiice of the Sylvian aqueduct, shows no particularly outstanding feature. The lateral walls are formed b\ the middle and superior cerebellar [jeduncles. in general, the mark- ings of the oblongata, lioth u])on its \cntral and dorsal surfaces and m the region of the xcntricic, are much less striking than is the case m man or even in the gorilla. The markings are somewhat more clearl\ dclined than m the intermediate primates. Tui£ Pons Varolii. At the cephalic limit of the oblongata upon its N'entral surface appears the bulbopoiitik' sulcus which sej^arates the bulb from the pons Varolii. This structure is a fairl\ pronounced leaturc ol the brain stem in chimpanzee. It does not, how c'\-er, attain the proportions which are characteristic of it in man or in gnrilla. Its latt'ral extremities arc con- tinued to form the middle cert'bellar pt'tlunclc which approaches and enters the cerebelluiii to form ultimate connections with tlu- lateral lobes ol this TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 5-5 organ. 1 he roots ot the tn^H-iiiinal iH-r\r come into relation w itli tlir pons Varolii at tlu' point ol transition bttwrcn it and t lu' micklk- ci-rchfllar |)(,-(kin- clc. Tlicsf libers pciU'tratr the |)ontiU' strata and make their wax to the teg- mentum ol tin- axis. I hv ix'phalie extremity of the pons is marked by a well deiiiu'd ponto-pediineular siikus separating the pons Varolii from the eerebral pedimele. In tlu' midline this point of si'paration is I'urther emphasized b\ till' extt'iision bi'iieath the |)ons ol the blind ending ol the- optieo-peduneular spiice, the loramen eaeeiim antieum. The MiDiiKAiN. I lu' midbrain presents upon its dorsal surface the usual specialization ol the c|uadrigi'minal plate. This consists of two sets of colliculi corresponding to tlu' structures already obserx cd in all primates in relation to the sense ol heai'ing and the si'iise of sight. The inferior colliculi are less prominent than tlu' superior colliculi, and both ha\f uiukagone an a|:)preciable decrease m their elevation abo\f the roof of the midbrain. Longitudinall\ , the intercollicular sulcus at its cephalic extrcmit\ becomes expanded to lorm tlu' pineal lossa, and it is particularl\ m this region that the superior colliculi show their greatest attenuation. Judgt'd l)\ tlu'se marks of identilication it seems clear that the chimpan/.t'c is less will i'C|uipped in tlu' mechanism by means ol whuh it cxecuti's thost' immediate rellex react ions in response to the stimuli ol hearing, and t hat the process of telenci'phalization has adxa need much lurtlu'r than in tlu' inti'rmcdiate primates. The lateral surlaci- ol tlu' midbrain presents the ele\ation of the mesial geniculate bod\ which ma\ bi' seen connected with tlu' inferior colliculus bv means ol a iairly w ill-delinev. Crossed Pyramidal Tract. [Accessicm No. i 5-. Section 50. Actu;il Size 12X0 mm.) rclerciice to the discriininatiNC capacity oi the aiiiinal is that oi a seii.sory organization in which the lorelimb and hand contribute a greater \olunu' of afTcrent inlhix than either the head or the lower e\treniit\ . This in the main 5-8 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS is tlu' loniiula tor all ol the great anthropoids incliKling man, in all ol w hich the column of Burdach is greater than the column of Goll. The tormula representing this relation in some lower prmiates shows the coUimn ot Goll to be greater than that of Burdach. The signilicance ot this in\i'rsion ot sensory rehttion arises from the growing prominence ot manual ditlerentiation seen in the greater anthropoids as well as from the decline ot the sensory representation in the caudal portion of the animal, more particularl\ tlu' tail. The circumferential zotie in the chimpanzee has a considerafjle depth and contains the two ascending spinocerebellar tracts ( Fie, Go\v ). The inter- mediate zone contains the rubrospinal and spinothalamic tracts ( Rst, Spt ) and merges insensibly with the reticular loiniation w hose appearance at this le\-el is somewhat ditfuse. Neither the central gra\ matter (Gen) nor the ventral gray column (Ven) presents any marked specialization, although tht' latter stands out conspicuouslx because of its detachment in consequence of the hca\ydecussationsof pyramidal libers [ Py x ). LEVEL OF CAUDAL EXTRE^1IT^ OF INFERIOR OLI\ E (FIG. 2,-7) I iere the appearance of tiie section has undergone some change princi- pall\ becaust- of a considerable increase in all ot its diameters. This is occa- sioned both b\ the e\[xinsion of the dorsal st'nsor\ nuclei (NG, NB) and the appearance of a new gray element, tlu' mtt'iior oli\ar\ nuck'us (10) whose caudal tip lit's immcdiatcl.x lateral to tin- p\ramid ( Py ). The central gray matter (Gen) is more conspicuous because ot its dorsal migration into the [josition which it will occup\ in the lloor ot the tourth \entncle. Gontained in its center is a small central canal. It dillers in its appt-ar- ance from all of tlu' lower le\c'ls because ot its complete detachment, due to the interposition of internal arcuate tibeis arising in the nucleus of Goll (NG). These libers also detach the central gra\- matti'r from the nucleus of Burdach (NB) and the substantia gelatinosa trigemini (NR). TROGLODYTES NIGEK, Mil; CHIMPANZEE 579 The most |)iiin(iuiuctl chan^H's occur in the dorsal held and nia\ he ascnhed to the expansion ol the dorsal st-nsor\ inieh'i. 'I'he nucleus oi' Coll (NG) has considcrabl\ increased in size and is still surroLinded by FIG. 2- eiiiMi' wziil;. lfn ul oi- cai dal i-.xiKiMin oi i\i i.kiok oi.i\ e. cii, CdIimiui of Biirclacli; CEN, Q-ntral Gray Matter; co, Column of Goll; dt, Dcitcrso-splnal Tract; fai, Internal Arcuate Fibers; i le, Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract; c;o\v, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; IIEL, Spino- olivary Tract of I leKveg; lo, Inferior Olive; \ii, Nucleus of Burdach; ng, Nucleus of Goll; Miv, I lypoglossal Nucleus; M<, Nucleus of Rolando; i-n, Predorsal Bundle; PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; i'\. Pyra- mid; REi , Reticular Formation; Hsr, Rubrospinal Tract; SPT, Spinothalamic Tract; tkd. Descending Trigeminal Tract. |Aeeession No. i^r. Section H2. Actual Size 13 X 10 mm.| 58o THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS nu-clullar\- substance constit iitinij; the eoluiiin ol doll (CG). Neither at tliis level nor at an\ lower le\tl Is there evidence of the unpaned median nucleus of" Bischoll. This fact adds substantiation to the theory already acKanced that the nut'lcus of Bischoll is a functional response to the de\elo])- nient of a tail, jxuticulailx in such forms as specialize this caudal appendage as a prehensile, support mg or locomotor organ. In general, the nucleus ol Goll presents a more disseminated and scattered appearance than is the case with the lower or intermediate primates. In tact the solidarity ol Goll's mick'us in most of these lower forms is one of its distinguishing characteristics. The nucleus of Burdach (NB) has not attained its full dimensions, it does, however, appear as a more compact nucleus than that ol Goll and is surrounded bv a dense lield of mxclinizcd libers torming the column ol Burdach (CB). Lateral to the column of Burdach is a large nuck-us of Rolando, or sul)stantia gelatinosa trigemini ( N R ), whose outer margin is in contact with a well-marked descending trigeminal tract (Trd). The substantia gelatinosa trigemini is in continuit\' whh the rc-mnant ol the Neu- tral gra\- column which now |)rcsents an indelinite outline and appears to be merging with the reticular lormation ( Re I ). Dorsal to the pxramid ( Py ), situated along the median ra[:)he, arc the collected axons arising from the internal arcuate libers ( Fai ) which torm the mesial fillet. The a])parent increase in densit\ of this lasciculus implies a certain degree of increment in this central pathway lor the coiucyance ol impulses of discriminative sensibility. LEVEL THROIGH THE MIDDLE OF THL IM-EKIOK 01,l\ E (FIG. 258) At this le\el the most ijronounced change is ck'tcrmiiuci 1)\ the appear- ance of a large convoluted structure constituting the inU'rior oli\ary nucleus (10). This structure, situated dorsolateral to the p\ramid iP\ ), has in association with it the mesial and dorsal accessory oli\es (,D0, \0). TROGLOD^TES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 581 I lu' siirtacc cK'itiarcat ions ot the ()li\c' arc well shown l)v tlu' prt'smtv of a marked prt'oli\ arv sulriis. The inlrrior oli\e itscll has nicreasccl ni j^ronu- ncncc, not only due to increments m its actual cell-eontainrng substance, but 1 IG. 258. CHIMPANZEE. LE\ EL THHOUGll MIL MIUULL Ul MIE IM EKIUK OLI\ E. CM, Column of Burclrich; 00, Dorsal Accessory Olive; fle, Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract; cow. Ventral Spino- cerebellar Tract; Hti., Spino-olivary Tract of Ilelweg; 10, Inferior Olive; mf. Mesial Fillet; N», Nucleus of Burdacli; Mil., Nucleus of Blunienau; no. Nucleus of Goll; nhv, Hypoglossal Nucleus; nr, Nucleus of Ro- lando; NVD, Dorsal Vagal Nucleus; si 2, Hypoglossal Nerve; 1>D, Predorsal Bundle; pl, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; py. Pyramid; ref, Reticular Formation; Ksr, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; 1 KD, Descending Trigeminal Tract; vo. Ventral Accessory Olive. (Accession No. 15-. Section 150. Actual Size 15 X 12 mm.] ■82 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS by expansion of its funckis which (.'ontuins a greater \-oKiiiu- ot ni\ clini/ecl (il)ers than in the low it or intermediate primates. The most cons|)ieu()us features of the olixe in the ehinifxinzee are its cleeisi\e hoLindar\ hne and definition, to. Dorsal Vagal Nucleus; pd, Predorsal Bundle; PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; py. Pyramid; mi-. Reticular F'ormation; rst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; TRD, Descending Trigeminal Tract. [Accession No. 157. Section 221. Actual Size 18 X 0 mni.l Many libers ol the \-estibiilar di\ ision ot the eiohth ner\ c entei' this nucleus. Thus, while the central fi;ray matter still presents those specializations TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIAIPANZEE 585 (.'hnractrnstic dI tlir h\ poulossal aiul \a^'al miile-i, this lf\fl of tlu' hrain stem illustrates with what ph\ktic constaiiCN the two great mitlci of the vestibular ineehanisiti niaki- tluir appearaiiee m a topographieal [iosition eorres|)o[ulnig to that oeeupit-cl hy the uuelei of Goll and Burdaeh at the lowx'r k'\ els ot the axis. It rs not possible Ironi this ligure to lucige ol the (Imiensions, and eonse- (|uentl\ till' lunetional proniiiieiiee ol tlu' ^"estihlllar eomplex in tlu- ehiin- paiizee. Tlu' appearaiKx- ol it m reeonstruet ion and its surlaee relief in the lloor ol the tourth \i-iitriele indieate that this eom|)le\, while somewhat less proiniiu'iit than in the striet l\ arboreal primates, is eonsidi'rabb moreeonsj^ic- uous than in man or gorilla. This obserxation eoineides with 1 lu' motor activities upon whieh thi' chimpanzet' dipends lor its great spc-c-d in elimbing as well as getting about, either U|)on all lours or m its somewhat awkward upright posture on the ground. Studies of the actions of the chimpanzee in capti\"it\- reveal the high degree ol balancing specialization which the animal j:)()ssesses m its man\ intricate and delicati' j^erformances. The relati\ e lightness ol its body, as compared to man and thi- gorilla, permits of a facility in climbing possessed b\ neitlu'r ol the other [jrimatcs nu'iitioncd. The adaptation oi its ieit and arms to locomotion in the trees as well as upon the ground calls lor special de\ c-lo]:)ments ol balancing, which, combined with other necessities in this respect, undoubtedly account lor the well- de\(.loped central nuchanism illustrated In the large size of the vestibular comi)le\. Ventral to Deiters' nucleus is the now much r^'duced mass ol tin- sub- stantia gelatinosa trigemini (NR) whose outt'r margin is in contact with the ckseendmg trigeminal tract (Trd). The outer surlaee ol Deiters' nucleus as well as the (k'scending trigeminal tract are co\ered by a massu'c bundle ol libers constituting the rt'stilorm body ilCP). The intermediate and postoluary sulci still bound the lateral iiiternu'diale eminence marking the 586 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS position of the more ventral ol llic two spinocerebellar tracts ( Gow ), mesial to which are the rubrospinal and spinothalamic fasciculi ( Rst, Spt). The inferior oli\e apj)ears perhaps even more conspicuous at this level than in the one pre\iously described. It shows all ol its characteristics m coiuolutions, definition of outline, size of fundus and richness oi libcr connections. Mesial to it is the dense bundle constitutin, Inlirior (Aivbillar Prdiiiiclc; mcp, Middle Peduncle; mf. Mesial Fillet; nab, Nucleus Abducentis; ndt. Nucleus Dentatus; nfg. Nucleus Fastigii; n6, Abduccns Nerve; N7, Facial Nerve; i>n. Pontile Nuclei; I'NS, Pons; i»v. Pyramidal Tract; rf.f. Reticular Formation; SCH, Supe- rior Cerebellar Peduncle; \ in i\. lourth Ventricle. [Accession No. 157. Section 249. Actual Size 38 X 26 mm.] extensive as ahiiosl to isolate portions of tlu' nut'leus li'om the mam mass ol the structure. In its most primiti\c condition the dentati' nucleus has a tar simpler outline with little or no tcndiMux to conxolution and mipt'ricct sacculation. In its hih\ar\ body. The degree ol eornohition in the wall ol the dentate nueleus \aries eonsidi'ral)l\ as the result ol the eoinplixit \ ol its organization. In all FIG. 262. CHIMP.ANZEE. LEVEL Ol IHL CEREBELLAR NUCLEL CTT, Ontral Tcijrncntal Tnict; cow. Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; ici', Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle; mf. Mesial Fillet; ndt. Cerebellar Nuclei, Lateral Group; ncl, Cerebellar Nuclei, .Mesial Group; fx. Pontile Nuclei; pv. Pyramid; kst. Rubrospinal Tract; sft. Spinothalamic Tract; yen iv. Fourth Ventricle; ver. Vermis Cerebclli. (Accession No. i ,— . Section 310. Actual Size 30 X 32 mm.) of the more highl\ diil(.rentiated species the convolution in the nucleus is pronounced. The chimpanzee stands intermediate- between the two extremes 390 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS of dentate difrcrentiation. It presents the undulating and eonNoluted appear- ance in the outer wail of its structure. It is definitely sacculated in form; and it has a well-defined fundus. But the degree of the convolution is so niarl<.ed as to encroach upon the fundus in such a way as to reduce materially its capac- ity lor myelinized fibers. What the configuration of the dentate nucleus of the chimpanzee may actually signify, and how it should be interpreted with reference to the func- tional capacity of this structure, are problems requiring further investiga- tion. It is, however, worth noting that such a difTcrence does exist in the chimi^anzee and is sufficient to distinguish it from both the lower primates and the higher forms. It is possible that too much emphasis is laid upon this dis- tinction and that this high degree of convolution in the saccular wall of the dentate nucleus really implies a far greater degree of specialization than in other species. On the other hand, the conditions as compared with those in man lead to the conclusion that specialization in chimpanzee, although along the lines of greater complexity, is not following the direction prescribed by the human mode of development which gives rise to a dentate nucleus in many characteristics quite difl'erent from that of the chimpanzee and much more in harmony with the gorilla. If any inference is justified with reference to the functional capacity of the cerebellum, it might properly be that the chimpanzee is endowed with eoordinativc control which is at least equal to that of tlu' highest jMimate. The studies of behaxior, already quoted in con- nection with tlu' animal, emjjhasize the remarkable feats of strength and dexterity of the fore- and hindlimbs. They demonstrate a capacity for acquiring jjerformaiices of a skilled nature, some of which surpass in their complexity those attainable l)y man. All of these facts signify that the chim- panzee possesses a range and variety of skilled performances which ma\ easily rival those of the highest j)rimates. That it does not apply these eoor- dinativc capacities in the execution of the many di'licate and precise acts TROGLOD^TES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 591 which charactenzc man rniu-i'rns another tli-paiinu-nt of its neural organiza- tion. That it Is ])()tc'ntiall\ ec|uippi'c[ witli and often docs df\rlo|) a surprising degree ol sueh museuhir regidatioii is a fact concerning whieli tliere ean be no possible doubt. The et'iitral gra\ matter lorining the lloor of tln' fourth \ entriele contains the triangular nucleus of Sehwalbe, lateral to which is Deiters" nucleus. Manx libi'is of tlu- \estibular di\ision of the eighth ner\e enter the latter nucleus. X'entral to Deiters" nucleus is the substantia gclatinosa trigeiiiini, in contact by its outer margin with the compact bundle forming the descend- ing trigeminal tract. Contiguous w ith tlu' outer margin of this tract and w ith Deiters' nucleus is a dense mass of mxelinated hbers forming the restiform bod\-, while u[;on the outi'r edge ol this structure ai)pears the tuln'rculum acusticum (Tub), into which man\ libers of the acoustic di\ision of the eightii nerve are entering. Upon the ventral surface of the section some ot tht' leatures constituting the pons \ arolii ha\e become apparent. These consist ol transxcrsc libers ot the stratum superliciale surrounding a small scattered mass ol nuclear substance, the pontile nuclei (PN), together with the teiuk'ncx' oi the pyramidal tract to become disst'minated l)\ the inter])osit ion ol nuclear substance and trans\erse j)ontile libers. 1 he boundary between the basis and the tegmentum is indicated, as at higher levels, by the tendenc\ of the mesial lilKt 1 Mf ) to dispose itself transversely and thus serve as the line ol demarcation belwi'cn these two portions of the stem. Passing through the basis jxmtis, peiu-trating both the pontile nuclei and the pyramid, are some of the emerging libers of the alxlucens nerve (N6). The cephalic tip ol the inferior olivary nucleus occupies a position near the center ol the reticular lormation ( Ref ). The oli\-arv nucleus is in relation to the dense bundle of fibers along its \entrolateral aspect constituting the central tegmental tract fCtt) which serves as a connection between the olive and centers in the midbrain. 592 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS The reticular lurniatiori I R c I ) is c\U'nsi\c' l)iit presents no marked specialization at this le\eL It is i^enctratecl l)\ nian\ internal aicuate libers. Some of these arcuate libers occupying a more dorsal position in the reticular formation take tht'ir origin in the Dcitersal nucleus and undergo decussation to form tht' crossed Deiterso-spinal tract. Other decussating libers in a more ventral position pass inward to iorm the caudal [jortion oi the corpus trapezoideum. This level is significant as showing the general tendency ()bser\ed in the alferent course of all sensory path\\a\s to undergo decussa- tion. L'sualK the crossing of such pathways trom one side to the other takes place in close relation to their nuclear origins. Such is the case with the pathway serving for alferent im|)ulses from the upper extremity and trunk and the lower extremity and tail. I^Or the impulses receixed trom the pro- prioct'ptixe structure of the internal ear, namely, tlu' utricle, saccule and semicircular canals, a similar decussation takers place immediately alter relay in the primary receiving stations of Deiters' and Schwalbe's nuclei- LE\EL THROUGH THE PONS SHOWING THE EMERGENT FIBERS OF THE SI.XTH NERVE, NER\US ABDUCENS (FIGS. 263, 264) At this level the contour of the section has undergone a marked change, due to the presence of the massive structures constituting the pons \ aroiii. The pons presents its characteristic three layers w hich consist ol tiie stratum superliciale, the stratum complexum containing trans\-erse pontile libers, the ponlik' nuclei and the disseminated bundles of the pxramidal tract, and the stratum profundum consisting iargel\ of trans\t'rst' pontik' libers. Passing throLigh the st'wral strata of the |)ons are scattered libers making their way forward to a point of t'lnergence at the iunction ol the pons Varolii and the oblongata. These are the emergent libers ol the abduceiis nerve which suppl\ tlu' external rt'ctus muscli's ol the t\ve (N6). The massive size of the pons, part lcularl\- tlu' large xolume ol the pontili' nuclei TROGLODYTES NIGER. 11 IF. CIIIMI^ANZEE 51)3 (PN), signifies an animal m wlucli [hvvv is a xohiminous cuniu'c'tioii bi'twcrn tlu' ccifl)ral cortex and the lati'ial lobes ol the eerebelliim. Such a eoniieetion, as alreacl\ mentioned in pre\ioiis discussions, is mdieatixc FK,. 263. CHIMPANZEE. LE\EL OF THE CAUDAL EXIKEMllV OF FHE PO.NS SHO\VIN(; IHE EMEKGFM FIBERS OF THE SIXTH \EH\E. CTT, Central TcfjiiK-ntal Trad; ux, Diiterso-spinal Tract; (;ow. Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; icp, Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle; lo, Inferior Olive; \ii-. Mesial Fillet; nab, Abdiicens Nucleus; nd, Deiters' Nucleus; nr, Nuclius (if Rolando; nsc, Nucleus of Scliwalbe; n6, Alxlucens Nerve; nH. Auditory Nerve; i>i). Predorsal Bundle; i>L, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; pn. Pontile Nuclei; I'v, Pyramid; REr, Reticular Formation; RST, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract; tuh, Tuberculum Acusticum; vr;\ iv. Fourth N'entriele. (Accession No. i-;^. Section 26,-. Actual Size 24 X 14 mm.] ol an animal in which skilled peilormanct's are de\elo|)ed to an unusually high degree. The pontile nuclei in themsi'Kcs are signilicant ol a rich pallio- ci'rebellar communieal ion. but they also denote the possi'ssion ol an intelli- genee relati\elv acKanced in its de\ flo|jmeiit. TIk' ck'gree ol this (K'\ elopnu'iit has l)een carehill\ tested b\ \arious psychological and psychometric experi- nu'iits. The general conclusion ol \arioiis observers is that tlu' standing ol 594 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS the chini])anzL'c ani()ii et sulliciently high to eonsider it capable of intelligent behaAior. FIG. 264. CHIMPANZEE. LEVEL THROUGH THE PONS SHOWING THE EMERGENT FIBERS OF SIXTH NER\E. CTT, Central Tegmental Tract; MCi', Middle Cerebellar Peduiiele; Mt, Mesial lillel; Mu;, Nucleus of Becli- tcrew; nab, Abducens Nucleus; ndt. Cerebellar Nuclei, Mesial Group; nfg. Nucleus Fastigii; nr, Nucleus of Rolando; n$. Trigeminal Nerve; n6, Abducens Nerve; n"'. Facial Nerve; i>N, Pontile Nuclei; py. Pyramid; RST, Rubrospinal Tract; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; yen iv. Fourth Ventricle. (Accession No. 15-. Section 380. Actual Size 36 X 28 mm.] TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 595 In iIk' ci'iitial iii"a\' iiiatttT winch htTc forms tin- lloor' ol tiu' louitli M.'ntrK'lc IS a collection ol niTxc cells forniinti; the nucleus abducentis (Nab). Into the \ent i'](.-le proiects the nodular portion ol the nilerior \'erinis, while the \entriCLilar walls are marked b\ the dentate nucleus and its surrounding cajjsule ol nervt' libers. \ eiitral to the teunientum, and separated Irom it by the trans\ersel\ disposed libers constitutin, Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; mf, Mesial Fillet; \m. Nucleus Maslicatorius; nbe, Nucleus dI Beclitcrcw; N5, Trigeminal Nerve; n7, Facial Nerve; pn. Pontile Nuclei; pns. Pons; I'V, Pyramid; Rsr, Rubrospinal Tract; sci', Superior Orebellar Peduncle; spt, Spino- llialamic Tract; ven iv, Fourth Ventricle; vt£U, Vermis. [Accession No. 157. Section 395. Actual Size 28 X 27 mm. I l5c/'l TROGLOD^TES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 597 tcTiiU'd tlu' fDiu iilutioiu's cjuinti. Mesial to the scnsorN root ol tlir lilth tUTNC arc the hbc-rs ol the motor cli\ ision ol the tri(:;emiiial luaxi' w huh sup|)l\ the nuiseles of mast leat loii. Tiie oriv. Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; sci', Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; SI'T, Spinothalamic Tract. [Accession No. Ij7 Section yOi. Actual Size 21 X i<) mm.) FIG. 267. CHIMPANZEE. LEVEL OF THE INFERIOR COLLICULLS. CEN, Central Gray Matter; ctt. Central Tegmental Tract; \c. Inferior (^ollicukis; u-. Lateral Fillet; mf, Mesial Fillet; ntr. Nucleus Trochlcaris; pd, Predorsal Bundle; pi., Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; p.n. Pontile Nuclei; pns, Pons; pv, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; hst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spino- thalamic Tract; spx, Crossing of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; tmt, Ascending Mesencephalic Tract ot the Fifth Nerve. [Accession No. 157. Section lyg. Actual Size kj X >') mm.) l5y«l TR0G1.0^^TES NIGER. TIIF CHIMPANZEE 599 situatrd \ cut ronusial to the coinolut lones cjuinti, constituting the nucleus niasticatonus (NM). The clillusc reticular formation occupies nearly the entire lield ol the tegmentuni and is not (hllerentiated to form any speciah'zed nuekar aggregation. This lev(.-l is signihcant as olU'ring some basis f(jr esti- mating the degree to which tlu- hith cranial nerve contributes to the inlhix of sensory impulses Irom the bod\, |3articularly as this inner\ation bears upon the (hrt'ction ol the animal's motor control. LE\EL OF THE INFERIOR COLLICl LLS (^FIG. 267) At this le\el, changes incident to the appearance of the two caudal ele- vations in the c|uadrigeminal phite ha\-e altered the contour of the section. In this region the \i'ntricular chamber has been reduced in its dimensions to those characteristic of the SyKian acjueduct w Inch is now entirel\ surroundi'd by the central gra\ matter (Cen). In the ventromesial [portion of this substance is a speciahzed region h)rming the nucleus Irochlearis 1 Ntr). A (k'nse bundle of hbers passing Irom this nucleus constituti'S the lirst portion ol the emergent course ol this motor ner\'e. At the lateral peripht-ry of the central gray matter is a band-like collection ol libias, somewhat sepa- rated into small lasciculi, lorming the ascending mest'iicephalic tract of the fifth nerve 1 Tint ). The most outstanding Icatures, howc'\er, art- tlu' two elexations abo\-e the central gray constituting the interior colliculi 1 IC) to which some fibers of the lateral fillet are making their way. This colhculus is a way- station in the pathwax ol auditorx impulses destined lor the temporal lobe ol the cerebral cortex. It still shows some ol its primiti\e histological details, especially indicated by the rudimentary stratilication of cell and liber layers. Comjxuatiw'ly speaking, however, the mierior colliculus is less prominent in the chim])an/.ee than it is in the mtt'rmediatt' and lower primates, thus indi- 6oo THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS eating that its original and jjrc-clomlnant I'linction with rt-lcTcnce to the sense of hearing has cleert'ased eoiisiderably in importance. Sueh recession is due to the fact that \hv aiichtorx activities ha\e been taken o\er !:>>• a higher [portion of tlie ner\()us system, namely, the temporal area of tlie cerebral hemisphere. .Mucii emphasis lias been laid u[)on the significance of this portion of the brain stem in its bearing upon the evolutional process w hieh has operated in tin' interest of giving to the sense of hearing a more expansible and more cooperative cerebral region for the elaboration of the auditory sense. The roof oi' the midbrain was so placed as to be delinitel\ embarrassed by its topog- rajjhy, since any expansion in the endbrain must necessarily be attended by corresponding dexelopment of the cerebellum. The mesencephalic roofplate, from which the inferior collicLdi arise, under such conditions would be caught between two slowly expanding structures, namelx, the endl^rain in front and the cerebellum behind. In any case, a delegation of midbrain function to the hemisj)heres has taken place and the dimensions of the inferior colliculus have correspondingly decreased. Considered in terms of functional signilicance, it appears that auditory sense has become less important as represented in tlu' midbrain ot the chim- panzee than it is in the lowi'r primatt-s. The inferior colliculi are connected across tlu' midline l)\ means of medullated commissural libt'rs. The tegmen- tum in this region of the midbrain is separated Iroin the basis by the inter- jjosition ol' the mesial lillet (Mf ) and t lu' central portion ol the field is occLipied b\- the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle (Spx) ])re|)arator\ to its entrance into the red nucleus at a somewhat higher le\el. In the basis of the section are man\ ol' the iharacteristic pontile leatures, while on the \entral surface a det'pening of the median sulcus is about to determine the sej)aration of the two haKt's of this region of the stem to torm the cerebral pitluncles. This section is important because of its bearing upon the function of hearing, particularly as thai function appears to be undergoing <■' i- ^- •(. V'-. ■> A A AT: !.! ;.... , ■ /."■'*. TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 60 1 delegation to hi- mxelinizcd fibers of the jjallio-ponto-ccrcbcllar and the pyramidal systems. I-rom its 6o4 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS size may be estimated the degree to wliich the animal lias developed not only its volitional control, hut that regulation of motion dependent upon the harmonious cooperation between the severallobes of the cerebral iiemi- FIG. 26(). CHIMPANZEE. LEVEL OF THE LATERAL GENICULATE BODY. c.n\, (xntral Gray ALittcr; ctt. Central Tegmental Traet; ci>. Cerebral Peduncle; lgb. Lateral Geniculate Body; MCI), Mesial Geniculate Body; mf, Mesial Fillet; noc. Oculomotor Nucleus; nru. Nucleus Ruber; pd, Predorsai Bundle; pi,, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; pul, Pulvinar; kef. Reticular Formation; sc, Superior Collieulus; siix, Substantia Nigra; spt. Spinothalamic Tract. [Accession No. 157. Section 675. Actual Size 38 X 15 mm.] spheres and llu- lateral lobes ol the eerel)elliim. lis ilinn'iisions m ehmii)anzee thus indicate a high degree ol organization in these particulars. LENEL OF THL 1_ A I FKAL GENICULATE 1U)^^ ( FIC;. 269) This section is mlroduced largel\ with the purpose ol showing the .cons])icuous dimensions and appearand' ol the nuckuis rubi'i" (NRu). Some fibers in the oculomotor decussation iwv still sct'ii in connection with the oculomotor nucleus (,Noc). Laterally, Ijoth mesial and lateral TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE 605 geniculate bodies arc shown (Mgb, Lgl)), the hitter reeei\iiiH, Corpus Ilypothalamicum; olp. Globus Pallidus; nl. Lateral Nucleus of Thalamus; mi. Internal Lateral Nucleus of Thalamus; oi'X, Optic Chiasm; PUT, Pulamcn; vy, Fasciculus of Vicq D'Azyr. [Accession No. 157. Section 813. Actual Size 45 X 25 mm.) sense. The specializations withm this poition ol the brain stem are too exten- sive to jjermit ol discussion at this timr and properly belong to a treatise in which e\clusi\e attention ina\ be ck'Noted to their structure and e\()lutional significance. The globus pallidus (Glp), a portion of the corpus stria- tum, likewise is a structure presenting a highdegreeol s|)ccializat ion. Bcinga part of the endbrain it should propeilN be considered with other constituents of this division of the encephalon rather than as related to the brain stem. TROCI.ODVTES NICER, THF. CHIMPANZEE 607 LEVEL OI-- THE ANILKlOli COMM ISSIKE ( MG. 2-1) At til is lc-\ t'l \Uv sc'ftion indicatrs the cxtrrnu' cephalic- limit of the brain stem, in it are shown the eephalie portion of the third \c-ntriele ( V e n iii) ITG. 2-1. CHLMFANZEE. LE\ EL OF THE WIEKKJK CU.NLMISSLKE. AC, Anlcrior Comniissiirc; cix, Internal Capsuk-; tdp, Dcsci-ndinfi; Pillar of Fornix; for. Fornix; clp. Globus Pallidus; nca, Caudate Nucleus; M., Lateral Nucleus of Tlialarnus; I'lr, Putanien; nm. Nucleus Masticato- rius Trigemini; vem hi. Third Ventricle. |Accession No. I57. Section goo. Actual Size 45 X 17 mm.] approachinu tlu' lamina termmahs and bounded upon either side by the eephalie portion ol the optie thalami. 0\'erl\ ing the roof of tiie third v'entricle is the eonipaet mass ol libers lormnifi the corpus callosum, depend- ent Irom which are portions ol the anterior pillars of the fornix (Eor) Beneath the lloor ol the \entricle passes the anterior commissure f AC) con- neetmg one hemisj^here with the other, the most cephalic link of communi- cation. Separating the cephalic e\tremit\- ol the oj)tic thalamus from the globus pallidus ol the corpus striatum is a dense bundle of fibers constitut- ing the anterior limb of the internal capsule (Cin). The more important structures in the section are indicated by appropriate letters intlie caption. Chapter XX RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GRAY MATTER IN THE BRAIN STEM OF TROGLODYTES NIGER IN the rfconstriution ol the high ceTNical lexcl of the spinal eorcl, the ventral gray column has ahxady het'ii .se])aratecl Irnin the ei'ntral gray matter h\ the (leeussatmn ol the p\raniiclal traet. The eentral gray mattt'r itselt is c|uadrilateral in sha])i' with a \'entroinedian prolongation. It is situated ni its usual eentral position. The \eiitral gra\ eolunin is irregularly triangular in outline with its base directed ventronH'siall> , its apex xcntrolatcrally. The dorsal horns are long, compressed laterallx and situated almost m tlu' transverse meridional line ol the cross section. Their perijihcral expansion lorming the substantia gelatinosa trigemini is bulk\, roughly o\al and presents the tendency towards the rather llame-like conliguration which has been tound to be characteristic ol this nucK-ar mass. The sensory nucleus ol Goll has already mack' its appearance, being elongated from before backward and lying as a more or less laterally compressed strand of gray matter within the libers of the column of Goll. It IS surrounded on all sides, except at the base, where it is con- llueiit with the central gray matter, by the eiu'clopiiig libers of the column of Goll. In general, the high le\el of tlu' eer\ical spinal cord is identical in arrangement with cross sections ol the human brain stem. It becomes appar- ent m the studu's ol these simian sections that the human pattern is being more closel\- approached, both in extent and in complexitxof organization. Many ol the lewis of tlu' chimpanzee and of gorilla are indistinguishable irom similar sections of the human neuraxis. 6o(j 6io THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS The Dorsal Medullary Nuclei One of thf dorsal sensory nuelei has already made its appearance. The nueleus of CjoII is present and oeeupies ahnost tlie entire \entrodorsaI extent of the eohiniii of Coll. It is narrow, compressed from side to side and con- nected at its base \\ ith the central gray matter. On all sides, except at its point of junction with the central gray matter, it is enveloped h\ hbers of the column of Goll. The sensory nucleus of Burdach first appears at a level somewhat higher than the caudal e\trcniit\ of the nucleus of Goll. It is dis- tinguishable as a thickening in the dorsal surlace of the central gray matter or the junction of the dorsal horn with the central gray matter. This sessile condensation of nuclear material gradually becomes more promment. A lateral divergence is characteristic of all of the dorsal gray structures, being produced by the opening of the fourth \entricle which tends to force all of the dorsal structures further from the median line. The dorsal extremity of the tuicleus of Goll becomes expanded laterally and overhangs tln' more ventral structure at a level below the opening of the expanding lourth ventricle. Tlu' nuclear material becomes much more extensive near the dorsal peripher\ of the axis and presents a marked tendency to accumulate laterally. This arrangement is characteristic also of the nucleus ol Burdach, the dorsal extremity of w hich becomes hea\ier and shows the same tendency towards lattwal extension. In some places it is carried so far as to oNX'rhang the substantia gt'latinosa trigemiiii. In the caudal region of the xeiitricular opening the lateral walls of tlu' fourth ventricle on each side are lorined by the nucleus of Goll. Higher up the nucleus of Goll is gradually separattcl from the lateral borders of the lourth ventricle by the interposition of the wstibular com]3lex between it and the ventricular wall. RECONSTRUCTION OV TROGLODYTES NICER 6ii Shortly afur Uk- appcarancf ol this midair mass tlu- nucleus of Col! begins to diminish. 1 lir tliminution ol this nuclear mass contimu's ra])idly until the I'ntire column with its nucleus disappears. FIG. 2-2. \ EN rKAL SURFACE OF GRAY MATTER Ol- BRAIN STEM, TROGLODYTES NIGER. Key to Diagram, int. oli\ i , InlVrinr Olive; i ai. cin. body, Lateral Geniculate Body; meso-cen. body, Mesial Geniculate Body; I'ontile, Pontile Nuclei; v. cii. and \e\t. cochi.., Ventral CochUar Nucleus; v. GR. COL. and vent, gray coi.., Ventral Gray Column. The nucleus of Burdach reaches its maximum at the le\el of disappear- ance' of the nucleus ol Coll. It then <^raduall\ diminishes and comes to an end below the mid-\ entncular \v\v\. The substantia gelatmosa trigeniini described in connection with the high cervical le\cl ol the spinal coicl yraduallx passes more Into the latero- meridianai position, which is charaett'ristic ol this structure. 1 laving reached this [)osition it continms upward almost unchanged to the upper icxel ol tlie pontile portion of the stem where it linallN becomes e.xpanded as the convolu- t lones c|uinti. 6i2 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS At a point soiiu'w hat below the niicl-vcntricular i^ortion of the sttin the substantia gelatinosa shows the attenuation which is characteristic ol this nucleus and which here had been termed the "waist" ot tlie nucleus. Passing ccphalad, however, it rapidly- expands again and appears as a [prom- inent feature.' in the cross section ol the pontile region. Its mesial surlace is in close contact w ith the reticular lormation ol the m\ eleneephalon and meten- ccphalon, which is hollowed out to receive this trigeminal nucleus. As the point of transition between the metencephalon and the mesencephalon is approached the nucleus gradually begins to disappear and it linallx merges insensibly into the reticular formation of the Lipper metencephalon. The Inferior Olivary Nucleus This ULielear mass of gray matter has attained relatively large propor- tions in the oblongatal sections. It is both extensive in size and complicated in structure. Its fundus and the two branches which compose it are made up of a complex series of plications and reduplications which thus greatly increase the cell-bearing area ol the niuleus. The lundus is deep and directed toward the ventrolateral angles of the oblongata. It reaches almost to the periphery and produces a well-marked promiiunee on the surlace ol the oblongata, the oli\ar\- eminence. It bi'gins below at a point corresponding to the caudal end of the nucleus of Burdaeh and extends upward through the metencephalon to a level corresponding with the maximum dexelopmcnt of the vestibular com]jle\. Ihe ventral accessory olivary nucleus is ijresent as a well-developed lamina of gra\' matter arising at almost the lowest \v\v\ ol tlu' duel nucleus as a small collection of nueUar material in front ol the ventral branch of the main nucleus. It continues upward closely applu'd to this \-ent ral branch, to the cephalic extremity of thi' nucleus, where it graduall\ disapi)ears by becoming conlUu'iit with the dorsal extension ol the \entral branch. RECONSTRUCTION 01- TROGl OD^ TES NKIER 613 The dorsal acccssorN nucleus presents a somewhat sjniihir arrangement consisting of a thin lamina olVraN matter ajjpliecl to the surface of the dorsal branch ol the main nucleus. It extends upward for about the same distance FIG. l-^. DORS.AL SUKIACE OF GH.W MATTER OF BRAIN STE.M, TROGLODYTES NIGER. Key TO Diagram, dorsal cochlear, Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus; inf. coll.. Inferior Colliculus; lat. genicu- i.AT. BODY, L;iteral Geniculate Body; mlso-gkmcui.ate body. Mesial Geniculate Body; nucl. of durdach. Nucleus of Burdacli; Nuc. of deitfrs and nucl. of deiters. Nucleus of Deilers; nlcl. of coll. Nucleus of Goll; ret. ior\l. Reticular Formation; subst. cel. Rolando, Substantia Gclatinosa of Rolando; vent. cocn.. Ventral Cochlear Nucleus. as the main nucleus and eephalicall\- comes to an end by becomin_t: conlTuent with the dorsal Ijranch of the nucK'us. The dorsal surface i)f tlu' main nucleus as well as the dorsal accessory nucleus arc embedded in tlu' ventral aspect of the reticular formation and are therefore hidden from view m the reconstruc- tion. The \'entromesial surface of the nucleus is in contact with the ])yramid, the hllet and other tracts of the ventral Held of the oblongata. 6i4 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS The Reticular Formation The rt'tu'iilar lorination aj^j^cars at a It've-I corrcspondinp; to the hcpiiining of the pyramidal decussation as an aeeuiiiulatiun ol white and <2;i"a\' matter lateral to the remnants of the ventral gray column. It lies in the meshes iaetween the decussating pyramidal fiix-rs. As the pyramidal tracts gradually fuse in tlu' median line, this formation assumes greater prominence. The ventral gray columns, as they ascend, are increasingly broken up by the bundles ol the pyramidal tract and therefore acquire an arrangement charac- teristic ol the ri'ticular formation, withm w Inch latter they linally disaj)pear. The reticular lormation becomes more massi\e in the metencephalon in w Inch segments are lound those \arious condensations lorming important neuraxial nuclear masses. In outline the reticular lormation is more or less rectangular, presenting lateral, mesial, ventral and dorsal i)ordcrs. The lateral border is covered oiil\ b\ white libers and extends almost to the periphery of the cord, l\ ing l)etween the inferior olixarx nucleus and the substantia gelatinosa trigcmini. its \cntral aspect is extensive and receives the dorsal surface of the inferior olivary complex. Its mesial border is located near the raphe between the dorsal extremities of the mlcrior oli\ary nucleus and the ventral gray matter, while its dorsal extent is apj^lied to the ventral surface ol the central gray matter as this structure spreads out to form the lloor ol the lourth ventricle. This disposition is continued upward, the reticular lormation forming tlu' mam mass ol the tegmentum ol the brain stt'in. It contains various fiber tracts and forms the matrix lor tlu' development ol sexeral nuclear collections. It provides the general support for the entire tegmental structure. The two mesial surfaces are |)laced opposite one another, each being separated from its fellow b\ the longitudinal bundles which make u]j the raphe. With the de\'elo|:)mciit of the pontiK' nuck'i the ventral surface of the reticular formation conu's into relationship with these structures. RECOXSTRl CTIO\ 01- TROGIOD^TES NIGER (ns The vi'iitral surlact' ol ihr reticular lorniation enters Into intimate rela- tionsliip w ith the dorsal extremity ot the lateral and mesial buttresses wliieli lorm the mam mass ol tlu' pontile nuclei. Between these two areas of con- I-IG. 274. LATERAL SURFACE OF GRAY MATTER OF BRAIN STEM, TROGLOD^ TES NIGER. Key to Diagram, dorsal cochl., Dorsal (^ochk'ar Nucleus; IM-. coll., Inferior Colliculus; inf. olive, Inferior Olive; lat. gi-.n'. body, Lateral Geniculate Body; meso-gen. body. Mesial Geniculate Body; nucl. of bukdach. Nucleus of Burdaclt; n. or D. and nucl. of deiters. Nucleus of Deiters; nccl. of goi.l, Nucleus o( Goll; RET. FORM., Reticular Formation; subs. <;fi . rol. and subst.gel. kolando. Substantia Gelatinosa oi Rolando; sibsi. nigra, Subst.intia Nigra; sir. coll., Superior (Colliculus; viniral cochlear, \' Cochlear Nucleus. tact tlie dorsal surface of the cK'cp layer of the pontile nucleus does not fuse with the xx'iitral surface of the reticular lorniation, since m tins area the trajiczoid bod\ and the other peripheral condensation ol (ihcrs develop. As the mesencephalon is approached the reticular lorniation replaces the substantia jiclatinosa tri^H'iuini and the uppt'r jjart of the vestibular complex as these structures dimmish and linally disappear. In this region the formation extends backward until it comes into contact witii the central gray matter. Its lateral |)ortion is tunnelled Irom Ix'hmd lorward and from without inward by tlu' superior cerebellar |3eduncle as this mass oi libers 6i6 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS passes deeper into the tegmentum. At the point w here the superior cerebellar pedunele leaves the superior medullary vehim and approaches the tegmen- tum a tliin extension of the reticular formation forms on its lateral aspect. This thin la\er passes further dorsad until the superior cerebellar peduncle is completely surrounded by mesencephalic reticular formation. From this point the peduncle sinks deeply into the tegmentum of the pons, tunnelling the reticular foiniation of the upper part of the metencephalon and the lower levels of the mesencephalon until it reaches the midline where it decussates. A termination lor most of its hbers is provided in the nucleus ridjcr. Just above the termination of the substantia gelatinosa tngemini the lateral extension of the reticular formation is grooved by the passage of the lateral lillet. This prolongation of the reticular formation gradually envelops the lateral lillet as the latter sinks into the tegmentum to vnd in connectioTi with the niienor colhculus. The format lo reticularis comes into such close contact with the surface of the mesencejihalon that its lateral conformation is almost ich-ntical with the surface of this segment of the neuraxis. It is separated from the lateral angle of the inferior collicuUis b\ a space in which develops the group of fibers lorming the inU'iior brachium. Abo\e this [ioint tlu' reticular formation si'cms to diminish in volume and becomes conlluent with the indilferent gra\ matter ol the e|)ithalamic and hypencephalie loiniations. I.aterall\ it merges with the reticular forma- tion of tlu' dlencephalon. Between the superior and interior colliculi the reticular formation gains the surlaci' of the mesencephalon m the mtercollieular furrow. Cephali- callyit forms the latt-ral and \entral supj^orl tortlu' deep surface of the superior colllculus. It does not tome into contact with the sujjerlieial layers ol the colliculus due to the development of the superior brachium which passes from the lateral aspect of the superior colliculus to the lateral geniculate body. RECONSTRUCTION OF TROGLODYTES NIGER 617 in the upper If\els ol the iiU'scnccphaloii the reticular formation is to a great extent rephieed m its \entral portion l)\ the nucleus ruber. Dorsal to the nucli'us ruber, ho\ve\er, a portion ol the lorniatioii remains and continues upward to merge with the reticular lormation ol the dieiicephalcMi. The PoNiiLE Nuclei The ])ontik' nuclei j^resent an exceedingly c()mj)licaled appearance. They begin below as thearcilorm nuclei which first appear at about the mid-olivary level. The arcilorm nu(.k'i lorm a relati\el\ simple la\er of gray matter sur- rounding the p\ramid. This jjyramidal iiuestment creeps further laterad until the nuclear material extends completel\' around the pyramidal tract. The amount ol nuclear material increases, i^rcsenting an extreme com|)lexity in its deveiopmeiit. It still maintains, howexer, the primitive arrangenu'iit of a \entral or superhcial layer and a deep or dorsal layer. These two are con- nected at their extremities by means ol the two buttresses at the mesial and lateral aspects ol the nuck'ar lormation. The supcrlicial la\fr corri'sponds closel\ with the surlace ol the pons, expanding into the lateral buttri'ss and coming into close contact with the ventrolateral angle of the reticular lormation. Tlu' mesial buttress is an extensive mass ol gray mattt-r lying in contact with its tellow of the opposite side and lusing dorsall\ w ith the deep la\i'r ol the pontile nuclei. The union ol the two nuclear massi's across tlu' mKllme is so extensive as to lorin a shield-like structure, o\crlapped on either sick- by the ventral prolongation of the superficial layers ol the pontile nuclei. The internal, lace-like arrange- ment ol the nuclei is prominent in the chimpan/.ct'. MassiNc strands of nuclear mattrial ])ass trans\ frsely between tlu' two buttresses and j^resent branch-like forms which pass to the lateral and mesial buttresses. These strands of gray matter serve to break up the pallio-spinal and pallio-pontile tracts into a great number of smaller bundles. The pontile nuclei are continued 6i8 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS upward into the isthmus mescncephali and hc^in to disappear in their most lateral and dorsal region. Their disappcaranee from this region results in the coalescenee of the constituent parts ot the oeeipito-parieto-temporo-j^ontile fibers. The superlieial layer gradually cHminishes. The mesial buttress then continues Lipward alone for a short distance, (inall> merging with the indif- ferent mterpeduncular gray matter. The deep layer ot the pontile nucleus extends cephalad and at length merges with the substantia nigra. The deep layer ot the jjontile nuclei is in contact with the ventral surface ot the reticu- lar tormation niesially and laterally. In the mid-pontile region a separation is brought about by the development ot tlie trapezoid body. Large spaces appear on the lateral surface of the superiicial layer ot the pontile nucknis, from which emerge the bundles of the pontocerebellar fibers. This breaks up the lateral surface of the pontile nuclei into an irregular appearing surlace, quite unlike the relativelx smooth surface presented by the superiicial layer in the lower primates in which the pallial connections with the cerebellum are relatively meager. The Vestibl lar Complex This nuclear mass makes its appearance in the caudal ventricular j)or- tion of the nu'dulla where it lirst assumes recogni/.able proportions as a small triangular mass. It is situated betwct-n the ll ■ ot the tourth ^'entriclc and the dorsomesial aspect of the nucleus of Cioll. in this region the vestibular complex is represented lj\ the nucleus of Deitcrs. Increasing steadily in lateral and xcntrodorsal extent this nucleus progressively separates the nucleus of Goll from the latt'ral wall of the touith ventricle. Above the upper limit of the nucleus of (ioli tlie lateral suifaee of Di'itt'rs' nucleus comes into relationship with the upper portion of the nuck'us ol Burdach. Laterall\ the nucleus of Deiters has a definite xxMilral piolongal ion, triangular in shape, which extends lorward and lies in contact mesialU with the lateral surtace of RECONSTRUCTION OF TROGLODVTFS NIGER 619 the descending tract ol tlu' tri<;x'ininal nci\ i-. In rccnnstriictinii tlic substantia gelatinosa trigcmini is in close relation with, l)Ut separated troin, the nucleus of Dciters l)y a cicit in which is lodgt'cl the ck-scending root ol tlie trigeminal nerve. In the niid-\entricular region Deiters' nucleus gradually begins to diminish in size and is replaced b\ the triangular nucleus ol Schwalbe situated somewhat dorsal and slightly mesial to the Deitersal nucleus. This nucleus continues upward to the mid-])ontile level where it gradually dimimshes in size and then disappears. The triangular nucleus is covered b\ the dorsal cochlear nucleus w Inch lies iinnu'diately subjacent to tlie subej)end\ inal gray matter forming the lloor of the fourth wntricle. Above the opening ol the lati-ral recess the nucleus of Bechterew appears in the extreme dorsolateral angle of the tegmentum extending into the lateral wall of the ventricular ca\ity. The entire vestibular com])K'x extends cephalically as far as the upper limit of tlu' sul)staiUia gelatinosa trigemini. Its ventral prolongation passes deepl\' into the tegnn'iituin ol the metencephaion, approaching closely to the trans\erse plane ot the neuraxis. The Cochlear Complex The cochlear complex consists of the ventral and the dorsal nuclei which are connected by strands of nuclear material. The ventral cochlear nucleus is relatl\ely massi\e but not augmented in proportion to the abso- lute increase in the amount of nuclear mali'rial ot the brain stem. By com- parison the relati\e mass of gray matter would seem to be less than that found in some of the lower forms such as the Macacus rhesus and the Cyno- ccphalus babuin. The central tochkar nucleus is arranged in the usual fashion, more or less trough-like in shape, enveloping the entering cochlear root on its caudal, lateral and cephalic surfaces. The dorsal nucleus is relativelx extensive and lies directly in contact with the subependymal gray matter 620 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS ill the lloor of the fourth xcntriclc. It is travcrst'd Ijv a nuinlxr of the (ibcrs of thesecoiichuN cochlear tracts w hich ha\ e ah-cacl\- received rehi\ in the ventral cochlear nucleus and are passing across the lloor ol the toLirth \entricle. The Colliculi These masses of gray matter in the tectum ot the mesencephalon repre- sent a relatively massive accumulation ol nuclear material. The inlerior colliculus appears as a specialization in the dorsal extension ol the meseii- ce])halie reticular lormation which supports the colliculi at their lateral extremities. Dorsally the mierior and superior colliculi are continuous with the indiilerent gray matter lying in the midline. Each colliculus is connected across the midline by the decussating libers respectively of the interior and superior collicular commissures. These decussating hirers support the dorsal gray matter and j^roduce a defmite elelt between this element and the dorsal surface of the central gray matter. Caudallx and laterall\ the t'litrance ol the lateral lillet into the area immediati'ly sub|aeeiit to tlu' mienor colliculus is elearl\ show n in the recon- struction. Tlu' inferior colliculus is separated from the superior colliculus by the intercollicular sulcus which is occupied by a dorsal extension oi the mesencephalic n-ticular formation and a similar extension serves to se]:)arate the superior colliculus from the dieiicephalon. The SlBSTANTIA Nir.i^A The substantia nigra appears in its usual situation, dexeloping Irom the dorsal layer of the pontile nucleus Irom which it seems to be (k'rnetl. It is supported b\ the dorsal la\ cr and, to a U'ss I'xtent than is the case in tlu' lower forms, by the lateral and mesial buttresses. It is marked \fiitrall\ by the longitudinal libers of the pallio-s|)inal and pallio-|)ont ilc systems. It merges mcsially with tlu' interpeduncular gra> matti'r, pierced at this point 1)\ the RECONSTRUCTION OF TROGLODYTES NIGER 621 I'liuT^mij; IiIhts oI the (Kuliim((tutU\\, AnnTUtm Museum of Natural HisloTV FIG. 2-5. GORILLA GROUP, FROM THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF N.-\TURAL HISTORY. THESE SPECIMENS WERE OBTAINED AND PREPARED RV THE LATE MR. CARL AKELEV IN HIS LAST GORILLA HUNT. TROGLODYTES GORILLA 625 so tmicli of the ajipcarancf to the animal upon which its reputation lor pug- nacity depends. It IS true tliat the hea\ v head, short thick neck and tremeii- ch)us arms create the imprt'ssion ol a |)eeiiharl\ t-lheient h. t- tltnt. FIG. 2~. GORILLA GORILLA. [62-1 dauTlesy, American Museum of .\'ulural llislory FIG. 2-8. BRONZE STATUE BY FREMIER. Based on the legendary ;iccuinu ol the {gorilla's attaeks upon man in vvliieli he is said to have captured native women and carried them off into the forest. This legend was subsequently proved by Paul l)u ("hallhj and other explorers to be wholly vmfounded. It is sueii a misrepresentation ol'llie known I'aets that the American Museum of Natural History will not permit the exhibition of tl [628J his bron/i FIG. 2-(). JOHN DANIEL IN AN AMIABLE A ITITUDE, ENTIRELY CONTROVERT- ING THE gorilla's REPUTATION I-OK FEROCITY. [629I 630 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS claimc'cl, lurk in trees by the roadside to drag up witli its great arms the unsuspecting passer-by, later to choke him to death. He discredited the statement that these animals attack the elephant and beat him to death with sticks, or that they carried oil \\ omen ol the natixe villages to de\'our them m the depths of the forest. He did not even belle\e that the gorilla built itself a house of leaves and twigs among the trees, and denied that it ever became gregarious to the extent attributed to it in many stories. It did not settle in large communities nor did it assemble in great numbers to make concerted attacks upon men who established their habitations near the confines of its forest home. Du Chaillu observed that the animal inhal:)ited the loneliest ]:)()rtions of the dense African jungles and seemed to prefer deep, wooded valleys and rugged heights. The high plains covered \)\ large boulders were also its favorite haunts. In general, a plentilul supply ol water is lound m such territories. The animal appears to have a roaming tendency which may be induced by the necessity of obtammg food. It is rarely found in the same place two days in succession. It wanders from region to region over long ranges in search of such food as pineapple leaves, berries and other vegetable matter of which the animal is a large eater. W ild sugar cane has been mentioned among the things upon which it subsists, as well as nuts whose hard shells are cracked I)y the powerlul ]aws. The animal slet'j^s sitting upon the ground N\ith its back against the trunk of the tree, and when full-grown seldom ascends high among the branches. The young slix'p in the trees and possibly the lemales may occasionally do so. In spite of tlu'ir reputation for ferocity, the gorillas are in reality shy, and the female especiallx will run to shelter at the lirst sound of alarm, carrying her young w ith her il she has one. The male is not so precipitate in his flight. I le rises upon his hmdU'gs for a moment, show ing his savage visage in the underbrush. Tlu'ii, glaring at the intruder, he begins to beat his breast with his closed lists at the same time lifting up his head and TROCIOD^TFS COR II LA 651 utUTiiifj; an awc-mspirm^^ roar. This sound begins at lirst witii scscral loud barks hkc those ot a do^j;, and then c'han ix'lations. Akclcy's rt'co^iiitioii ol the i^'onlla as a timid and rt'tiring anthropoid, with none ol the atrofions characteristics h)r which hi' has so long been hinied, is ground tor the expectation that in time this fast disap- pearing ollshoot ol the prehuman stock may lurnish its lull quota oi testi- mony coiKX'rnmg the e\olutionary j^rocess in its relations to the deri\ation of man. JOHN DANIEL 1 In adult life the animal is quite untamable, although if caj^tured young, as much ma\' be done with it as with any ol the other primates in captivity. The following account of a gorilla's lite in ci\"ilizati()n, as given by Miss Alyse Cunningham, ot London, testities to this tact. This record is based on observations made by Miss Cunningham ot the young gorilla called ".lohn Daniel." At tirst she had no fancy for this animal. She in fact was allecttxl by rather a dislike lor an\thmg m the shape ot a monkey or ape. But slie soon became interested in the Noung gorilla and took his education seriously in hand. Tlie animal was presented to her by her nephew, Maior Penny, who was much interested in ])rimates, and bought the gorilla w ith the idea of seeing how miK'h iiuntalitN could be developed in this highest ot the anthropoids. John Daniel was captured when \ery xoung, in the French Gaboon country, and came to England w hen he \vas about three years ol age. At this time he was sullering from a rachitic condition and had also contracted a severe inllueiiza through which Miss Cunningham nursed him and so succcsstullx cared lor him during the next thri'c \ cvirs that he ri-ached the w t'ight ol 112 pounds and tlu' luight of 3 feet 4' _. inclu-s. Meanwhile he acquired much of the ada]:)tation necessar\ to lit him as an interesting, it rather unusual mem- ber of the hous<,-hold. To Miss Cunningham wx' are iiuk'btt'd tor excellent observations which indicate the extent to wliK'h this anthropoid max be trained and educated. Her imprt'ssions ha\e gixen a new idea as to the dis- position and teachability of the gorilla. TROGLODYTES GORILLA 633 Tlu' \()iin,u liorilla inuiu(liatt'l\' showed marked (.'inotiDnal reactions whii'h caused some ditlicult roiiiplications in the liouseliold. If lie were left In hiinst'lfat ni!j;ht he would shriek Irom lear and lonehness. Miss Cunning- Courlcsy, AmcTiiun Museum oj Natural Hislnry fk;. 2(So. six-year-old gorilla, john damll. IScc Tf\t p. 632] ham tht-relorc- treated him as she would a eiiild, and had her nephew ]>laec his bed e\-er\ ni^lit in the room adioinin(.r/. /i>(>hi:ual Satiety FIG. 282. VOING GORILLA, JOHN DANIEL, FROM A MOTION PICTL RE TAKEN tO SHOW THE CHARACTERISTIC BREAST-BEATING ACT OF THE GORILLA. dow. When it a[)pi'arcd to him that the crowd was of suHieient numbers, lu' would often pull the shade dcliberalcl\ down in their faces, and run away shrieking with laughter, seeming to feel that lie had per[)t'trated a huge |oke upon the curious audience outside. He was espeeiall\ attached to Miss Cunningham's little three-year-old niece who often came with her motlu'r to sta\ in the house. .John Daniel and she played together l)\ the hour. He seemed to understand just what she wanted him to do. If she cried for an\ rtvison, when her mother came to pick her up, the gorilla would always lr\ to n'\p the mother and gi\-e lu'r a slap TROGLODYTES COR 1 1 LA 637 with tlu' fiili w c'i^lit of his hand, apparently thinking that she was thf cause of the child's tears. One da\ Miss Cunningham was dressed lor going out and John Daniel wished to sit on her lap. It chanced that her dress was a light one and she pushed hini away saying she feared that he might soil her gown. He at once la\ on the lloor and cried like a baby for a moment; then lu' rose, looked aroLi nd the room, lound a newspaper, spread it out on .Miss Cunning- ham's lap antl climbed up upon it. This was quite the cleverest thing that he had e\'er done, and those' who saw it said that they would not havi' bt-lievcd it had they not thi'msi'Kcs been present. The gorilla apparently could stand much cold and he often would go on the root m treezmg weather. I his he did not seem to mind so long as he could come into a warm room when he wanted to; then he would go straight to the lire, rub his chest and sit down with his teet on the fender. Exercise was essential to keep him m lualth and he got much of this by pla\ ing hide-and- seek with Ma|or Penn\ in the morning before breaklast and in tlu-e\ening before diniu'r. Tlu' ma|or would run up and down the stairs, in and out ol all the rooms. The game appeared to delight the gorilla who would giggle and laugh while being chased, lie was \'cr\ cautious, howexer, ne\er to enter a dark room without lirst turning on the light. It was his habit to retire I'ach night at eight o'clock. I le had his ow n little room ad]oming that ol Miss Cun- ningham's nephew where he had a spring bed ol his own with blankets. He would get out ol it at night b\' himself, go back to bed and jjull the blan- kets up over him cpiite neatl\ . 1 he thing he enjoyed most was to stand on the to]) rail ol his bed and jum|) on the springs, head o\er heels, just like a child. John Daniel was ne\er taught an\ tricks. IIcsinipI\ ace|uircd knowledge himsclt. He was taken in sumnu'r by tram to the family's cottage in the country, occu|j\ing his seat in the railway coach as an ordinary passenger without even a chain around his luck. He seemed to be much afraid ol the 638 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS fields and the open countrx', hut was ha|)p\ ni ihv ^^ardvn and the woods. FulI-() AND 2C)I. CAS rS OF IHE HAND AND FOOT OF THE GORILLA, JOHN DANTFL. Top. Cast of the plantar .surface of the foot of the gorilla, John Daniel, showing marked humanoid tendencies in the distal migration of the great toe, the bro.idcning of the heel and shortening of the toes. Bottom. Cast of the dorsum of the hand of the gorilla, John Daniel. 644 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS Measurements and Indices of the Gorilla Total length of the skull 230 nun. Occipito-iiasal length 135 mm. Intertemporal \\ idth g8 . i mm. Breadth of the brain ease 92 mm. The dimensions of the brain are: Longitudinal 123 mm. Transverse. ? 8~ mm. Tile average weight of the l:)rain in the lull-grow ti adult enelosed m the dura mater and pia mater is 450 gms., without the dma mater, 445 gms. Hie following weight and water displacement \-alues were obtained from the measurement ol the adult female gorilla. Number 4, ol tlu' Akeley African expedition nl 1021. Volume ol the brain : Forebram 364 c.c. Midbrain 5 c.c. Hindl)rain 60 c.c. Total water displacement 429 c.c. W eight ol the brain: Forebrain 359 g'HS- Midbrain 5 gms. Hindbrain 5() . 5 Ji'i^s. Total weight 4-3 5 g'^s. On the basis of tlii'se liguri's, enet'|)halie nidices wcmx' cornpuli'cl : lorebrain index 84 per cent Midbrain index 2 per cent Hindbrain index 14 per cent TROGLOD^TES GORILLA 645 Sl Kl ACE Al'I'EAKANCF. OF THE BrAIN OI GoRII.l.A FISSL RES AND LOBES The ap[)caraiK-c of the hraiii in (gorilla elosely rcsemljlcs that in man. Li si/e, li()\\f\cr, its diiiunsions are a little Ii'ss than one-half of the adult human male. Its general outline' and hssural ]xittt'rns are conspicuously humanoid. The deslii;n ol' tlu> hteral surface of the hemisphere is distinctly quadriloliular, with three w ell-delined fissures separatinjjc four i'quallN- well- delnucl lohes. The fissure ol S\ l\ ius sej^arates the parietal from the ti'mporal lohe; the hssureot Rolando, tlu' |)arieta! from tlu' frontal lobe; and thesidcus simiarum, tlu' occipital from the |)ari(.tal lobi'. The latter fissure may be traced to the mesial surtace ol the hemispheri' where it occupies a pf)siti()n identical with that ol tlu' paru'to-occipital fissure in tlu' human brain. The hssurc ol S\l\iiis has all ol the ajjpearance characteristic of the corresponding sulcus in man; while tiie Rolandic lissure has an e\en closer correspondence to its human counler[)art. The entire region com|)risecl within tlu' Rolandic, S\ Kian and simian sulci is richly coiuoluted and in it arc all of the landmarks ol the similar temjjoro-parietal area in man. As in most of the ]:)rimate.>, this region is highly convoluted, since it de\elops in response to specializations in somesthetic sensibility and the special sense of hearing. \n the occipital lobt' there is a marked degree of convolution, while the fissural pattern is in man\ respects laid down as though in strict accordance w ith a human |)rototype. This is true both ol the mesial and the lateral occipital surfaces. More striking are the accessions to con\ olutional pattern and riclmessoi fissural impression which occur in the frontal lobe. This feature distinguishes the gorilla's lirain from the lower and intermediate primates, and gives it, at least to superficial inspection, predominance o\ er the corresponding lobe in the orang and chimpanzee. 646 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS THE BASAL SURFACE Certain features on the basal siirfaee are equall\ important m then" elose corresponclenee to the human bram. The two eharaeterrstie eoneavities of FIG. 2()2\. DORSAL SLKFACE Ol BRAIN, GORILLA. [Actual Lcnglli 1 17 111111. | this surfaee, l)olh snpra-orbita! and ecrel)ellar, show a ni'irkecl cleerease in prominence as compared with \hv lowt-r and uilcrnu'chatt' lorms. The TROGLODYTES GORILLA 647 structure often denominated the interorbital keel of the frontal lobe has lost nuuh of its jjrominence and approaches more closely the conditions observed in man. The entire orbital surface of the frontal lobe has in fact so altered its FIG. 292B. DETAILED DIAGKA.M OF DORSAL SURFACE OF BRAIN, GORILLA. Key to Diacr.\m. inc. s. cin., Incisura Sulci Cinguli; sllc. occip.. Sulcus Occipitalis; s. fr. sup., Sulcus Frontalis Superior; sllc. prec. slp.. Sulcus Prcccntralis Superior; sllc. ret. slp.. Sulcus Rctroccntralis Superior. external configuration as, for the most part, to present a tendency toward conve.xitv and is thus nearly devoid of the marked indenture so characteristic 648 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS of lower species. The decrease in the orbital conca\ity is unquestioiialjly due to progressive expansion ol the frontal lobe. The hssural pattern ol this orbital surface of tlu' frontal lobe corresponds closely to that of man, while FIG. 293A. BASU Ol' BRAIN, (JOKILLA. lAftiiiil I cn-ith I i- mm.] the boundary betwt'cn it and tlu' lateral surface of the luniispherc is indi- cated, as in tlu' human bram, by an anterior extension of the S\ Kian fissure. TROc;i on^TES gorilla 649 Nothing ol thr human (ktail is lacking in this region ol tlic brain, save that thr Ic-atiirc's arc all U'ss nnj)rcssi\cly drawn and lia\c a greater sniiplicity ol outhne. IIG. 2()3B. DEIAILED niA(;RAM Oh BASE OF BRAIN, GOKILLA. A marked cliaracttMistic ol the primate bram is the dctachability of the olfactory bulb and tract up to the trigonum ollactoiium, m c()nsec|uence of 650 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS which these structures appear attenuated as compared with those of ungu- lates and carnivores. By retracting the olfactory bulb and tract, the gyrus rectus is brousht to view as well as the medial olfactorv fissure. FIG. 294A. LEFT HEMISPHERE OF BRAIN. GORILLA. [Actual Length 123 mm/ A second important character of the basal surface is the relation of the optic nerves and tracts to the chiasm. Their angulation, as is the casethrough- out the primate series, approaches the obtuse, the two optic nerves entering the chiasm at a little less than right angles, while the same angular relation obtains in the optic tracts. This condition is determined by the shortening of the nasal cavity and the protrusion forvvard of the frontal lobe into a position overlying the orbits. I n the occipital portion of the basal surface, the decrease in the cerebellar concavity is apparent. This is occasioned by the operation of two factors: TROGLODYTES GORILLA 651 first, the expansion of the occipital region of the hemispheres in the interest of further enriching the visual fields and thus visual association; second, by a conspicuous expansion in the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. The decrease FIG. 294B. DETAILED DIAGRAM OF LEFT HEMISPHERE OF BRAIX, GORILL.\. Key to Diagr.\m. sllc. fr. sup.. Sulcus Frontalis Superior; sllc occip. lat.. Sulcus Occipitalis Lateralis; SULC PR. INF., Sulcus Precentralis Inferior; SLXC PR. sup.. Sulcus Precentralis Superior; SULC ret. inf.. Sulcus Retrocentralis Inferior; suLC sub. post.. Sulcus Subcentralis Posterior; suLC te-MP. med.. Sulcus Temptoralis Medius. in the cerebellar concavity is shown particularly on the lateral aspect of the under surface. In but one region does this indenture bear any of its original prominence as seen in the lower primates. This is at a point near the midline just caudal to the splenium of the corpus callosum where a vestige of the former deep concavity is still apparent, the postsplenial fossa. In the main, the basal surface of the occipital lobe is assuming a tendency toward con- vexity and is rounding out its convolutions in such a manner that they pass 6^2 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS over int(j the lateral surfaee without the sharp clemareation of the limiting ridge whieh surrouiuls the eerebellar eonca\'ity in lower speeies. The fissures of this undersurfaee of the oceij^ital lobe are identical with those of the human brain. The prominence attained by the tip oi the tem- poral lobe is somewhat greater than that in the intermediate primates. It approaches more nearly to that of man. The uncus also is more pronounced both in its elevation and its demarcation. All things considered, the convolutional and lissural patterns of the human and gorilla brain coincide so closely that were it not for the great disparity in size between the organs of these two species, the hemispheres of the one might be mistaken for those of the other. THE CEREBELLUM With regard to the cerebellum, equally striking advances have occurred. The entire organ has gained particularly in the region of the lateral lobes, where expansion has produced conspicuous alterations in certain features of its configuration. The tentorial surface is broader and Hatter. The folial extension from the vermis to the lateral lobe is more pronounced for the reason that the superior vermis is less obviously delineated upon this surface. Its tendency to convexity in the \ermal region has been largely lost due to expansion of the occij)ital lobes with a corresponding expansion in the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. Upon the tentorial surface in one place only is any degree of the former prominence of the \crmis still retained; this is near its cephalic extremity in close relation to the inferior collieuli of the midbrain. Here the vermal portitjn of the cerebellum is considerably elevated and produces a corresponding depression between the occipital lobes, the post- splenial fossa. The tentorial surface is entirely overhung by the occipital lobes of the hemisphere, and the occipital notch, which in many lower forms is quite wide, is now much reduced in size. TROGLODYTES GORILLA 653 Tlir expansion ol tiic lateral lobes of the cerebellum shows itself even more conspicuously upon the occipital surface of the organ where the bulging due to increase in size has produced two elevations. These rise above the inferior \ermal j;)()rtion ol" the cerebellum and cause it to sink deeply in a mesial depression, the vallecula. Lying in this positifxi the itiferior vermis appears relati\cly insignilieant w hen comj)ared with the two massive lateral lobes upon either side of it. II the lateral lobes are separated, two para- median sulci may be discerned Interruptnig the eontnuiity of the folial fissures as they pass Irom the vermis in the direction of either lateral cerebellar expansion. This sulMiiergence ot the inlerior \ermis in the \ allecular dej)res- sion is a characteristic seen only in the higher anthrojjoids and man. It is one of the most significant indications ol the expansion m the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. Nothing demonstrates more clearly the potential expansibility of the cerebellum than these lateral extensions. Prom this it appears that the rapidly increasing functional demand lor augmented cerebellar control is made, not upon the primordial and more rigidly fixed central portion of the organ, but upon those plastic extensions of it which constitute the lateral lobes. The expansion of these cerebellar jiortions, m conjunction with simultaneous expansion of the cerebral hemispheres, indicates the funda- mental nature of the Ijond existing between these two structures. The jK'troso-ventricular surface of the cerebellum shows no great varia- tion in its adjustment to the petrosal j^ortion of the temporal bone and the roof of the fourth ventricle. At the cerebello-pontile angli' there is a fairly vvell-defincd but not conspicuous flocculus. The other markings correspond to all of the lower forms. This surface, therefore, represents a phyletically more fixed region than is the case with either the tentorial or occipital surface. THE BRAIN STE.M The Oblongata. The external appearance of the brain stem in gorilla gives the impression of an increasing definition in the outlines of all impor- 654 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS tant features. Ujjon the \-eiitral aspect of the oblongata are t\\o pronounced elevations, one on either side of the ventroinesial lissure, the long pyra- mids, in turn separated from two more laterally placed eminences, the I K;. 2l)y. \ENTRAL SURFACE OF BRAIN STEM, GORILLA. [Actual Length 42 nini.) Key to Diagram, thai-, ihjd^ , Trapezoid Body. inferior olivar\- bodies, by w (.•11-delined i^reolixary sulci. At the caudal extremity of the pyramid, large bundles of interlacing fibers interrupt the ventromesial lissure as the p\ ramidal decussation carries the fibers of this system from one side to the other across the median line. The interlacing of these crossing pyramidal libers is more conspicuous than in the lower and intermediate primates. Upon the lateral surface of the oblongata is the tuber- culum trigemini which is se|)aratcd from the interior olivary body by the deep post-olivar\ sulcus. The latter, as it extends cei^halad, becomes obscured by the dorsal shifting of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract entt'ring TROGLODYTES GORILLA 655 the restiform body. At the upper extremity of this body is another elevation upon the hiteral surface, the tubercuKim aeusticum. The dorsal surface of the oblongata presents the characteristic infra- FIG. 2()6. DORSAL SURFACE OF BRAIN STEM, GORILLA. [ Length 42 mm.| Key to Diagram, d. m. St., Dorsomcciian Septum; fovea inf.. Fovea Inferior; ink. coll.. Inferior Collicu- lus; SUP. CEREBL. PED., Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; sup. collicul., Superior Colliculus; tub. trig., Tubcrculum Trigemini. ventricuhir and \entricuhir regions. In the infraventricular region, the dorsomedian septum in tlie niidhne separates the two alar plates, each of which is further subdivided by the presence of a dorsal paramedian sulcus. These sulci demarcate the chiva which represents the column and nucleus of GoII and the cuneus representing the nucleus and column of Burdach. In this portion of the oblongata the striking features are the prominence of the pyramid, indicating a probable increase in the volitional control over 656 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS the somatic musculature; the cquall\- prominent inferior oli\c", justifying the inference that coordination of simuhaneous movements in eyes, head and hands has undergone further extension; and the more clearly marked defini- tion of the dorsal sensory Held. This augmentation involves both the column of GoII and the column of Burdach. It more particularly affects the size of the latter, thus denoting accessions to the inllux of sensory impulses from the upper extremity and hand. The inferior angle of the ventricular portion of the oblongata is bounded by the diverging clava and cuneus. In this case the cuncus extends a greater distance ccphalad than the cia\a. At the lateral recess the cuneus attains the level of the door of the ventricle, at which point fibers from the tubercuhnn acusticum enter the ventricle as the strands of the striae acusticae, while the middle peduncle of the cerebellum forms the sharp cephalic boundary of this recess. The iloor of the ventricle near the inferior angle presents the narrow trigonum hypoglossi and, lateral to this, the fovea vagi. There are also indications of an area plumiformis and an area postrema, although neither is so marked as in the average human oblon- gata. A deep median sulcus divides the floor of the ventricle longitudinally into two symmetrical halves. In the region of the lateral recess a well-defined prominence makes its appearance. Its relief is not so conspicuous as in the intermediate or e\ en in the lower primates. It marks the ])osition of the vestibular complex. The superior triangle of the fourth \entricle is bounded by the middle cerebellar peduncles and the libers constituting the superior cerebellar peduncles. Its lateral walls comerge toward the caudal orilice of the Sylvian ac]ueduct and pass beneath the inferior colliculi and the superior medullary velum in the isthmial portion of the stem. The Pons Varolii. The ventral surface of the oblongata comes to an abrupt termination at the bulbopontilc sulcus abo\c which the pons X'arolii rises in strong relief as a massive structure crossing the stem. The pons of the TROGLODYTES GORILLA 657 gorilla stands next to that ol man in proniini'iUT. \ icwcd as an index of the differentiation In t lie cerebral heinisphercs, it signiiies an cndbrain organi- zation highly advanced ni its deveiopnuiit. Othhk Structures i\ the Midbrain. A deep Ixisilar groove extends cephalad and grachiallx widens toward the cejjhahc margin of tlie pons Varohi. At this point the divergence in the basis of tlie midbrain begins, the cerebral peduncles become apparent, and a huge oi)tico-i)eduncular space is disclosed. This space contains the mammilhuv bodies, the attacliment of the mfuncbf)ular stalk and the tuber cmereum. It is bounded at its cephalic extremity by the optic chiasm and the di\erging optic tracts. Upon the dorsal surface of the midbrain appear the usual specializations of the ciuadrigeminal j)lates, lorming the su[)enor and the inferior colliculi. Of these, the superior colliculi are considerably larger but both sets of eleva- tions ha\'c lost in the prominence ol their surface relief. The sulci between them, especiallx the transverse intercollicular sulcus, are less defined than in the intermediate piimati'S, while the cephalic extremity of the longitudinal intercollicular sulcus shows a much wider separation to form the j)ineal fossa. Upon the lateral surface of the midbrain is a fairly well-outlined mesial geniculate body. Internal Structure of the Brain Stem in Gorilla As in all of the primati's, the le\els ujjon which these descriptions are based show the critical changes in the brain stem. level of the P'iRAMIDAL DECUSSATION AND THE CAUDAL EXTREMITY OF THE DORSAL NUCLEI (FIGS. 297 AND 298) At these liAcIs the sections have the characteristic aj^pearance incident to the decussation in the motor jjathway with the introduction into the dorsal field of nuclear masses for the relav of sensorv stinuih to the higher levels 6^8 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS of the ncuraxis. Tlic p3'ramidal system (Py) appears more massive than in any of the primates. The decussation (Pyx) shows the fibers passing from a ventromesial position across the median line to a dorsolateral FIG. 297. GORILLA. LE\ EL OF THE mUAMlUAL DECUSSATION. CB, Column of Burdach; CEN, Central Gray Mallir; c;g. Column of Goll; dt. Deiterso-spinal Tract; fi.e. Dorsal Spinoccrclxllar Tract; cow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; hf;i., Spino-olivary Tract of Hclweg; NR, Nucleus of Rolando; pv, Pyramid; pvx. Pyramidal Decussation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spino- thalamic Tract; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract; \ i-.\, Ventral Gniy Column; xpi. Crossed Pyramidal Tract. (Accession J. D. Section 100. Actual Size 13X9 mm.| position on tiie opposite side. Tlie decussating fibers separate the central gray matter (Cen) from the \entral >j;ra\ niattt'r ( Ven). Passing through the reticuhir formation are some of thi' emi'rgmg hhers ol the ele\i'iith oi' spinal accessory ner\e. ScatttTcd through the dorsal portion ol the reticular TROGLODYTES CORIITA 659 formation are many bundles of myelinated fibers, the descending portion of tlu' p\ rainidal tract as it is about to enter the sjjinal cord (X.Py). The central gray matter by means oi a narrow isthmus-like extension is con- FIG. 298. GORILLA. LE\EL OF TIIF- DORSAL SENSORY NUCLEI. CB, Column of Burdach; cen, (Central Gray (Jolumn; cc;. t^olumn of Goll; dt, Dt-iterso-spinal Tract; fle. Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract", cow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; hel, Spino-olivary Tract of Ilelweg; MF, Mesial Fillet; nb, Nucleus of Burdach; ng, Nucleus of Goll; nk, Nucleus of Rolando; pv. Pyramid; pvx. Pyramidal Decussation; rii \ Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; trd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; xpv, Crossed Pyramidal Tract. [Accession No. J. D. Section 145. Actual Size 14 X 1 1 ram.] nccted witli ihrtT nuclear masses appearnig ni the dorsal sensory field. The most mesial of these nuclei, and the most faintly dc\eloped, is the nucleus 66o THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS of GoII (NO) surrounded by an encapsulating mass of medullated fibers, the column of Goll (CG). Lateral to this is the proximal portion of the nucleus of Burdach (NB) which projects backward into a massive column of Burdach (CB). Occupying the most lateral portion of the dorsal sensory field, and connected bj' a very narrow strip of gray matter with the central gray, is the substantia gelatinosatrigemini (NR) surrounded on its periphery bj^ the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). A comparison of these three nuclear elements in the dorsal field, i.e., the nucleus of GoII, the nucleus of Burdach and the nucleus of Rolando (a term applied to the substantia gelatinosa trigemini), gives an accurate idea of the sensory influx from the deep proprioceptive organs of the body. The column of GoII appears to be about one-quarter the size of the column of Burdach, while the trigeminal area is about one-half the size of the latter bundle. In terms of functional capacity it appears from these relations that the influx of sensory impulses from the leg is considerably less than that from the upper extremity and hand; the influx from the head and face occupies an intermediate position between these two. \\'hen the great size of the gorilla's fore extremity, the tremendous forearm and highly developed hand, is taken into account compared with that of the leg and foot, the reason underlying the increment in the column of Burdach becomes apparent. On the other hand, the innervation of the head and face does not vary much in its relative dimensions as seen in the intermediate primates. It is, however, considerably less in size than in the lower primates. This fact seems to denote that the cephalic dermatomic areas play apart of less importance in directing the animal's locomotion than they do in such forms as depend largely upon sensory differentiation of the head and face for their guidance. LEVEL OF THE CAUDAL EXTREMITY OF THE INFERIOR OLIVE (FIG. 299) Here the lower tip of this structure appears as a circular mass in the ventrolateral region. The circumference of the section shows even more TROGLOD^TES GORILLA 66 1 clearly than the external appearance of the brain stem the definition of the sulci which form the boundary lines of the various functional territories in the axis. The ventral paramedian sulcus indicates the lower hmit of the pre- FIG. 299. GORILLA. LEVEL OF CAL DAL EXIKEMITV OF INFERIOR OLI\"E. CB, Column of Burdach; cen, Central Gray Matter; CG, Column of Goll; nr, Deiterso-spinal Tr.ict; F.\i, Internal Arcuate Fibers; fle, Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tr.ict; Gow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; H, Spino- olivary Tract of Hehveg; 10. Inferior Olive; nh. Nucleus of Burdach; nbl. Nucleus of Blumenau; ng. Nucleus of Goll; NR, Nucleus of Rolando; I'v, Pyramid; pyx, Pyramidal Decussation; kef. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; tko, Dcscendini^ Trii;eminal Tract. [Accession No. J. D. Section ig^. Actual Size i; X n mm.| 662 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS olivary fissure. A small intermediate suleus in this region demarcates the position of the bundle of libers constituting the ascending cerebellar tracts, particularly tlu' dorsal spmocerebellar tract (Fie). These delnniting sulci separate corresponding ele\ations noted on the external surface. The most ventral of these elevations is the pyramid ( Py). Lateral to it is the olivary eminence. The lirst elevation on the dorsal surlace is the tubercuhini trigemini structurally corresponding to the substantia gelatinosa trigemini (NR). In the dorsal lields are two other cininences, the cuneus (CB) and the clava (CG ). Especial attention is called to these elevations and then- demarcation upon the surface of the axis as this definition of outline appears increasingly more pronounced in the brain stem of the higher |:)riniates. It reaches its most marked prominence in man. The central gray matter (GEN) appt'ars considerably- larger and more (|uadnlateral m outline than in lower le\els. The entire mass has migrated into a more dorsal position preparatory to the opening oi the fourth ventricle. Both tlu' nucleus ol Goll (NG) and the luicleus ol Burdach (NB) have increased in size and atford an opportunity for estimating the relative sizes ol the two ma|or nuclei m the dorsal sensory Held. The inecjuality of the two columns of Cioll and Burdach is still appart-nt, thus indicating a greater sensory inllux from the arm, lorearm and hand than from the lower extremity. The substantia gelatinosa of Rolando (, N R ) occupies the most lateral position in the dorsal held and is surrounded by the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). The rtlative size and importance of the i^yramidal system may be estimated by tlu' dimensions of the pyramid (Py). Some of the crossing libers ha\e already assumed their typical descending position in the dorsolateral area. The caudal extremitx ol the hypoglossal nucleus is seen located intlu' xi'iilral portion ol the central gray matter and arising from it sonu' ol its lowermost libers make tht'ir way outward toward the inferior olivary nucleus. 1 he more caudal sections ol TROGLODYTES GORILLA 663 tlu' brain stem in gorilla aliorcl a basis for cstiinating the accessions to the N'oluntary motor control h\ tlu' pidportioiis ol the |j\raniitls. They also dis- close the relative sizes and hence the relati\e runctional significance of the three elements t'litermg into the dorsal sensory held, re|)rt'senting collectivelv the entire inllu.x of sensor\ impulses pertaining to discriminative sensibility. LEVEL OF THE MIDDLE OF IMF IXI ERIOK OLI\E (IIG. 300) At this level certain familiar changes have appeared incident to the alterations in the dorsal held cansed b\ the opening of the fourth \entricle with the gradual conversion ol the central gray mattt'r into the lloor of this chamber ol tin- brain. Important also is the a|)pearance of the now lull\' dcxelopcd inlerior olnarv body ( 10), togctlu'r with its two major accessory portions, the \eiitral accessory olive (VO) and the dorsal accessory olive (DO). The general contour ot the cross section is much altencl by the appear- ance oi tlu' lourth Ncntricle. Upon either side ol the \ cntricle, the dorsal para- median sulcus separates the cephalic extremity ol the much atttnuated nucleus of Goll (NG) from the large adjacent nucleus of Burdach ( NB). The latter iuicIclis is m turn separated by the dorsolateral sulcus Irom the tuberculum trigemmi whose prominence ui)on the surlace now has been bscured by the dorsal migration ol the libers entering into the restiform )dy. The post- and preoli\7ir\- sulci are well delined, separating on the one hand the olivary body Irom the corjjus restilorme, and on the other the pyramid and olive. The central gray matter (Cen) spreads out in a \-shape, lorming tlu' lowt-r portion ol the lloor ol the lourth \entricle. In its most mesial portion is the nucleus of the twelfth nerve ( Nhy), from which pass the liljcrs of the hypoglossal nerve. Immediatclx adjacent to the nucleus of the tweltth nerve in the central gray matter is a collection of gray matter which receives incoming libers of the pneumogastric nerve; this is the o Ik 664 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS dorsal nucleus of the vagus (Nvd). A nuich sharper dcniarcatioii exists between it and the twelfth nerve nueleus than is the case in the lower pri- mates. Here again, even in these more arehaie and fixed structures such as the FIG. 300. GORILLA. LEVEL OF THE MIDDLE OF THE INFERIOR OLIVE. AMB, Nucleus Ambif^uus; cen. Central Gray Matter; do, Dorsal Accessory Olive; fle. Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract; cow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; iiilL, Spino-olivary Tract of Helweg; 10, Inferior Olive; mf, Mesial Fillet; nb, Nucleus of Burclach; NUi., Nucleus of Blunienau; NFS, Fasciculus Solitarius; ng. Nucleus of GoII; NliY, Hypoglossal Nucleus; nr. Nucleus of Rolando; Nvo, Dorsal Vagal Nucleus; Nio, Tenth Cranial Nerve; N12, Twelfth Cranial Nerve; i>d, Predorsal Bundle; pl. Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; pv, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract; vo. Ventral Accessory Olive; iv. Fourth Ventricle. [Accession No. J. D. Section 330. Actual Size 18 X u mm.] cranial nerve nuclei, there is a greater degree of definition in the advanced species of the primate order. This increasing definition of all the structures of TROGLODYTES GORILLA 665 the hraiii stem is a characteristic of progressive clillerentiation and is espe- ciall\ well eni|)hasizecl in the hi, Nucleus of Deiters; nk, Nucleus of Rolando; nsc, Nucleus of Schwalbe; I'D, Preclorsal Bundle; I'L, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; I'v, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; RST, Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; tkd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; iv, Fourth Ventricle. (Accession No. .1. D. Section 3-6. Actual Size 20 X 13 mm.) cance from \hv tact that the central balancnif^ mechanism appears to be less highly sj^ecialized than m inan\ ol the lowei" lorms. This apparent dillereiice calls for some explanation in the heha\ lor of tfie animal. It may well be that TROGLODYTES GORILLA 669 the gorilla which, because oi" its great weight, has ceased to live so much in the trees, and especially in the uiiperniost jjortions ol them where the branches are too small to bear it, has in consequence changed its modus FIG. 302. GOKILLA. LE\ IZL OF THE \ESTIBULAK NUCLEI. CTT, Central Tcfimcntal Tract; (;o\v, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; iiel, Spino-olivary Tract of Mclwcg; icp, Inferior Cerelxliar Peduncle; 10, Inferior Olive; mf, Mesial Fillet; nar, Nucleus Arciforniis; nu, Nucleus of Deiters; Nsc, Nucleus of Schwalbe; NK, Nucleus of Rolando; n8. Auditory Nerve; pd, Predorsal Bundle; PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; py. Pyramid; rei-. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; SPT, Spinothalamic Tract; trd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; tub, Tuberculum Acusticum. [Accession No. .1. D. Section 401. Actual Size 22 X 0 mm.] \-ivendi to a terrestrio-arboreal adaptation. On the other hand, this recourse to gr()und-li\ ing does not recjuireso much in the way of balancing function as in those animals which chpend whollx upon the arboreal highways for their existence. Lidecd, the almost c|uadrupedal locomotion of gorilla would not in itself call for a highlx de\elo|)ed balancing mechanism. Even if the gorilla docs stand upright upon its hind legs at times, it is only poorly adjusted to 6-0 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS this p)o«ti!re. As a matter of fact, this p>osition is so infrequently assumed and perf':>r _ .r as to require in and of itself but small .. central axis. FIG. 303. GORILLA. LEVEL OF THE CEREBELLAR NL CLEL CBL, Cerefaeliuni; : js; icy. Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle; mcp. Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; ndt. Dentate Nucleus; s^jl., v. . ^i^; nr, Nudeus of Rolando; n8, Audrtor>- Nerve; obl. Oblongata; Fi", Pj-ramid; REF. Reticular Fomaation; tkd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; ver. Vermis; rv". Fourth \'entricle. [Accession No. J. D. Section 515- A ' "-e 45 X 25 mm.] The cerebellar nuclei and particularly the dentate nucleus (Ndt) show a most striking advance (Fig. 303). Not only has there been a great increase in the size of this nucleus which represents the efferent transmission of cerebellar impulses, but it has also manifested that outstanding feature of specialization whenever cerebral expansion is necessan,-, namely, a greater tendency toward convolution. The nucleus dentatus in gorilla is much more highly organized in this particular than in either the orang-outang or chim- panzee. TTiis differentiation furnishes another reason for the claim that in certain details of its encephalic structure the gorilla stands nearer to man TROGLODYTES GORILLA 671 than the other two great anthropxjid^. The significance of the expansion, increased definition and convolution in the dentate nucleus of gorilla, as compared with the lower members of the primate group, needs FIG. 304. GORILLA. LE\ EL OF THE CEREBELLAR NUCLEI. CBL, Cerebelluin ; icp. Inferior Cerebellar Pedunde; mcp. Middle Cerebellar Peduncie; VF, Mesal Fillet; NAB, Abducens Nucleus; nut. Dentate Nucleus: nfg. Nucleus Fastigii; n6, .\bducens Nerre; n— , Facial Ners-e; py. Pyramid; \"ER, N'ermis; iv. Fourth Ventride. [Accession No. J. D. Sectioa 571. .\ctual Size 40 X 22 mm.] scarcely more than passing mention. TTiis f>oint has been touched u|X)n so frequently with reference to cerebellar organization, that its bearing must be clear. In _ :he cerebellum shows notable exp>ansions in the region of its lateral lobcs CbL. e their efferent representation in the dentate nuclei. The vermis i \ c r , i; ' :s vested coordinating function for control of the axial and paraxial musculature of the ; ' - "' ■ ' no such progressive advance. It' - "act shown : " c variation throughout the entire vertebrate ' ccause the axiai musculature is rigidly fixed in 6-2 THE HIGHER -\NTHROPOIDS fii' cfetribution. For this reasc - .ntn.- tc reas the ities repre- sented by the prosressh-e!y ex]: _ e cerei ave eshibr ^e of functional adaptation. LEX-EL OF EMERGENCE OF SIXTH CR_\XIAI. NERVE, NER\T 5 A? - 505) .-.- rvel the first pontile elements make their a; in size of the fourth ventricle. The elements of the Dons constitute large masses of nuclear substar - 3ying a pontife nuclei > PN i. Other elements ol the ix>ns \ - is level ' the (fccussating fibers of the oallio-oonto-cerebellar svste: grav matter here fomv? a th: r ve 'ntains us (Nab grves rise to the sixth - aer^-e, the nervui .rns < N6^. 7 - n€Tve p>roceed forward and toward the basis of the axis. Tihe/ the collected bu : j\TamidaJ s>stem ' Py*. The r e jxjntile nucleus i PN^ reoresents th ladofthe nucleiisarciformis. In : ^ abducentis, is a collection of fibers : _- the sc. gent course of the seventh nerve (N- i. The first p>ort!' _-ent fiber? of the seventh nerve, arranged in their t-» api 5 the floor of the ventricle. The fo _'ent course of the se\'enth nerve extends obliquely : t'^'^'. ard its pwint of emei^ence in common with the eighth nerve :: -tile sulcus. The fibers of this part of the emerorent course of the seventh ner\-e pass between the nucleus fac _ igemini i NR) whose outer _ vrth the now densely comp>acted bundle of hea\Tly myeli: xons, ti". _ .ract of the trigeminal nerve (Trdj. Tr.e reticular formation constitutes the major f)ortk»n of the teg- mentum and is sejjarated from the basis by the mesial fillet ' Mf ). Penetrating the collected bundles of the mesial fillet are a number of trans- FIG. 305. GORILLA. LE\ EL OF THE EMERGENCE OF THE SIXTH CR.\NIAL NERX'E. MO>, MidiSe fVnApJI-.r Pedaadez v7. Meszl F3Iet: vas^ Abdacess Nocieiis:: vs. Nocieiss of Hattjaio: >4^ AbdoceES Nerre; v-. Faciil Nervt: ?v, P'Xitiie Naiciei; pns, Pcos; pt. Pyrrniid: 3c=t. Rabcospniil Tract; scp. Superior CerebelLLr Peduacie; spt. Sob^itslaniic Trsct; tsbx Desceodias T. "-»-,. emI Tract; r>, Fooitk NeimicJe. lAccesszoo No. J. D. SectJoQ ~y. .VtuaI Ssze 30 X 15 mai." verse fibers in process of decussation.These fibers belong to the secondarv cochlear p>athway and constitute the corpus trapezoideum whose collected 674 THE IIK.HER ANTHROPOIDS ascending axons subst'C|iKntl\- lorm the lateral (auditory) fillet. The out- standing feature of this level is the size of the pontile luielei. These nuelei in gorilla, as in all of the great anthropoids and man, are so exuberant in their development as to rec[uu"e an extension l)eyond tlu' pout ik' segments of the axis w hieh usually suffice to contain them. Their eaiidal continuation projects into the ventral surface of the pyramid in the oblongata. The exten- sion ol the pontile nuelei beyond the actual metencephalie hmits denotes an increment in the functions of the pons which appears striking when the gorilla is compared with the l()\\er iorms. The heavy masses of mcdullated fibers flanking the ventricular walls are composed of axons of the middle and superior cerebellar peduncles (Mcp, Sep). They furnish a good index as to the richness of connection between the cerebellum and other segments of the central nervous svstem. -e> LEVEL THROUGH THE AHDDLE OF THE PONS VAROLH (fIG. 306) Here the contour of the cross section has been materially altered by the central addition of the massive structures iorming the pons Varolii. The three characteristic pontile layers dilfer from those encountered in the lower and intermediate primates in the greater complexity ol their several strata. There is a marked increased depth in the stratum superficiale, while in the stratum complexum there are more libers and a greater nuclear mass constituting the pontile nuelei (PN). The stratum prohmdum is also of greater depth. The libers of all tlux'i' strata become conlluent to form a more extensive middle cerebellar |)edunele 1 Mcp). Scattered m the midst of tlu' stratum complexum iivv the libers of tlu' pyramidal system (Py) which, however, a|)pear in mueh more disseminated arrangement because of the greater complexity of the nuclear mass, and the decussat- ing pallio-ponto-cerebillar libers. The central gray matter (Cen) now sur- rounds the much reduced apjjroach to the Sylvian aqueduet. It eontains TRO(;i OD^TFS COR II LA 675 in its lateral cxtriiiiily tlu' mcscnccplialic root ol tlu' tri^H'niiiial lurvc. Tlu' latc'ial walls arc I'ornuti h\ a diMisi' mass of liht'rs constituting the suj)cri()r cerebellar peduncle (Sep), lati'ral to which is the tractus uncinatus FIG. 306. GORILLA. LE\ HL THKOIGH TIIL MIDDLE Ol HIE PONS \AK()Ln. CEN, Central Gray Matter; li , Lateral I'illet; lix, Lingula; mc:p, Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; mf. Mesial Fillet; N5, Trigeminal Nerve; I'l), Predorsal Hiindle; i>t , Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; pn. Pontile Nuclei; pns. Pons; py, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle. [Accession No. J. D. Section 580. Actual Size 30 X 19 mni.| of Russel, and overlying this is a thin stratum of libers, the ventral spino- cerebellar tract, makin, Prcdorsal Bundle; pl, Posterior LonKituJinal Fasciculus; px, Pontile Nuclei; py, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; spt. Spinothalamic Tract. (Accession No. J. D. Section 7^4. Actual Size 23 X 20 mm.] FIG. 308. CORILLA. LE\ EL Ol- THE INFERIOR COLLICULUS. CEN, Central Gray Matter; err. Central Tegmental Tract; ic. Inferior Colliculus; if. Lateral Fillet; mf, Mesial Fillet; ntr. Trochlear Nucleus; i>d, Predorsal Bundle; i>l. Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; I'N, Pontile Nuclei; i>Y, Pyramid; ref, Reticular Formation; kst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; si>x. Crossing of Superior Cerebellar Peduncle. [Accession No. .1. D. Section 815. Actual Size 22 X 22 mm.) [678] TROGLODYTES GORILLA 679 tlu' iiKTcast'd expansion in the tenijjoral region especially in the auditory area of tlie heniis|)liere. Thus, in gorilla, as also in the other higher anthro- poids, the funetion of hiaring has undergone a marked degree of telenee])h- alization. The tenij^oral lobe is not only larger, but also more complexly con\()luted. The central gray matter (Cen) surrounds the much reduced ventricular space lormmg tlu' Sylvian aqueduct. In the roofjjiate above the aciucduct are seen decussating libers ol the interior collicular commissure. In the ventral portion ot the central gray matter near the midline is a well- defined aggregation ol nerve cells constituting the nucleus trochlearis (Ntr) from which enurgcnt libers of the fourth nerve take origin. On the lateral boundary of the central gray matter is a thin zone of heavily myclinized axons, the tractus mesenccphalici trigemini. Lateral to this tract is the extensive mass constituting the inferior colliculus which appears to retain some of its primiti\e stratified arrangement. The stratum suj)erliciale griseum is clearix defined, but because of its deficiency in his- tological detail, has a definitely vestigeal appearance. Four other layers may be discerned. The j)rimordial tendenex' of this portion of the brain to present delinite stratification is still retained e\'en in this iiigh representative of the primate ordt'r. The boundar\ between the tegmentum and basis in this jjortion of the axis is, as in prect'ding sections, determined by the mesial fillet (Mf). The tegmentum itself contains a large and somewhat diiluse reticular ior- mation (Ref'i in the center of which, in process of complete decussation, arc the fibers of the suj)erior cerebellar ixtluncle (Spx). The basis has many of the a|)()earances typical of the j)ons \'arolii. The scattered bundles of the j)yramidal s\stem (Py) are showing a tendency to reassemble as a single fasciculus. The basilar groove along the ventral surface of the pons has become deeper as it approaches the point of divergence of the cerebral peduncles. 68o THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS LEXEL OF THE SUPERIOR COLLICULUS (PIG. 309) Here the general contour of the section has undergone marked altera- tion primarily due to the divergence of the cerebral peduncles (CP). FIG. 309. GORILLA. LEVEL OF THE SUPERIOR COLLICULUS. CEN, Central Gray Matter; cp. Cerebral Peduncle; err, Q-ntral Tegmental Tract; mf. Mesial Fillet; mgb. Mesial Geniculate Body; NOC, Nucleu? Oculomotorius; nrl. Nucleus Ruber; N3, Oculomotor Ner%e; PD, Predorsal Bundle: pl. Posterior : a! Fasciculus; ref. Reticular Formation; sen. Substantia Nigra; sc, Superior CoUiculus; spt, Spin^L.„ Tract. [Accession No. J. D. Section 885. Actual Size 30 X ij mm.] In the dorsal region are the two fairly prominent elevations forming the superior colliculi (SC). The section is further characterized by the appear- ance near the center, in the reticular formation, of a large specialized nuclear mass, the nucleus ruber (NRu). The superior colliculi contain indications of being the vestige of the once conspicuous optic lobes in the TROGLODYTES GORILLA 68 1 lower vertebrates. Their reduction is clearly shovNTi in gorilla by a demon- strable decrease in size and by the vestigeal condit " neir stratification. A few layers of cells and fibers, rather indiscr; j:ed, may still be observed up)on high magni: " ajray matter (Cen) surrounds the aqueduct of Sylvius, and in its ventron a contains one of the largest of the cranial nuclei, the nucleus oculomotorius ( Noc). This nucleus is important not only because of the extremely delicate muscu- lature which it controls, ' :e as much because of the close internuclear relation which is maintained between the two n ecussating and commissural fibers. No other structures in y are more cnt upon mutual cooperatio: - :ghtest deflection in their adjustment produces gross defects in visual percep" 't only disorganize the appreciation of objects. -o disturb many ot the reac- tions of the animal in relation to its exter ations. It is the promi- nence of these internuclear com _ - which makes the nucleus oculomotorius in go: picuous. The emergent fibers of the oculomotor ner\"e pass forward, some of them p>enetrating the inner margin - NRu), some of them skirting its margin, to reach the sulcus oculomotor: - c optic - ^""J" lar space. The nucleus ruber i N R u ) is a large and highly differentiated structure in the tegmentum, acting as a relay station in the efferent course of impulses from the cerebellum. The marki :s nucleus, combined with the increased definition in the size of the dentate nucleus and the expansion of " oerior cerebellar p>eduncle, indicates to what degree functional accessions have been made in co ve control in the animal's muscular system. Such additional coordinati' c muscular activity' of the gorilla is primarily determined by the develo; if greater adapta- bilrt\' of the upper extremity and especially ot e feet and legs have shown relatively less increase of sp>eciaIization over ver 682 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS primates. Because of the advanced diU'erentiation in the nucleus ruber, the reticular formation ( Ref) seems to be a less ditluse and more defi- nitely circumscribed structure. This tendency for the archaic constituents of the brain to gain an increasingly more precise definition is a feature which distinguishes gorilla in its evolutionary progress toward the standards attained by the highest development of the nervous system. The dense reticular formation passes laterally without a sharp line of demarcation into the protuberance forming the mesial geniculate body (Mgb). It appears to become more sharply defined in a ventral direction as a discrete nuclear mass extending from the midline to the extreme periph- ery of the section. This is the substantia nigra (Sbn) whose function in connection with c'crtain automatic associated movements has already been suggested, although much doubt still exists with regard to its exact physio- logical significance. Ventral to the substantia nigra is a very dense mass of fibers constituting the cerebral peduncle (CP) which contains the col- lected nerve fibers of the pyramidal system as well as all those axons constituting the pallio-ponto-cerebcllar system. Thus the cerebral peduncle offers an opjjortunitx to estimate at a glance the size and proportion of those systems of libers w hich convey the two great concurrent streams necessary to all skilled motor performances: first, tlu' palliospinal or pyramidal system which serves for the transmission of impulses necessary for the voluntary c(jntrol of the movement, and second, tlie pallio-|)onto-cerebellar system, for the transmission of impulses whicli call into play the simultaneous cooperation of the eoordinative regulation by the cerebellum. In the more lateral portion of the reticular formation is an irregular collection of fibers constituting the mesial fillet ( M f ) which has here departed somewhat from the jjositioii occupied b\ it throughout tlu' pons Varolii. This deflection of its course is preparatoi\ to its entrance into the optic thalamus. TROGLODYTES GORILLA 683 LE\EL OF THE OPTIC CHIASM (EIG. 3IO) At this level a marked ehan, Descending Pillars of the Fornix; lOR, Fornix; glp. Globus Pallidus; nca, Caudate Nucleus; nl, Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; nm. Middle Nucleus of the Thalamus; put, Putamen; VQ, Fasciculus of V'icci D'Azyr; \3. Third Wntricle. (Accession No. J. D. Section 1 150. Actual Size 47 X 15 mm.) LE\EL OF THE ANTERIOR COMMISSURE (fIG. 3I1) liere the cephalic c\tremit\ ol the brain stem presents itsell as the much reduced cephalic portion ol the optic thalamus. These terminal structures are separated b\ the internal capsule (Cm) troin the lenticular nucleus ("Put). The cephalic extremity of the third xcntriclc appears in the section, beneath which pass the libers of the anterior commissure (AC). The remainiiifj; ieatures in the cross section are indicated by corresponding letters in the caption. ■■-•:i*^i--'«A^:^ • s.v Xi Chapter XXII RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GRA^ MATTER IN THE BRAIN STEM OF TROGLOD\TES GORILLA The High Cer\ical Level of the Spinal Cord "^H Ii upper Ic'Nc'l ol tlu' ciTNical (.'ord presents an appearance strik- intil\ sniiilar to that totiiul ni tlie hiiih cervical le\'el ol the human spuial cord. In the le\el at which th(.' reconstruction ls l)cgun, the \entral gray columns are still in contact with the central gray matter of the cord. Lateral to the \entral gra\ column is the small lateral cell column behind w hicii is an ari'a alread\' showing indications ol reticular lormation. The ventral gra\' column is hert' roughly triangular in outline, with its apex directed ventrally. It i^resents a mesial surlact' which is more or less parallel w ith the fellow ot" the opjiosite side, a lateral sloping surface and a base w liich is in contact w ith the central gra\' matter. The cer\'i\ and base of tlu' dorsal gray column are both directed ven- trodorsally, while the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi which surmounts the dorsal horn and Hares somewhat latcrall\ presents a typical |)rimate appearanct-. As the junction ot the high eer\ical le\'el with the oblongata is ap|)roached, the \entral gra\- column diminishes in size and linally merges with the reticular lormation which has incrcasi'd in size pari passu with the decrease in the \entral gray column. The substantia gelatinosa Rolandi as it appears to merge with tlu' substantia gelatinosa trigemini graduall\ assumes the more lateral j^osition characteristic of it in the oblongata. The reticular lormation graduall\ increases m size in the oblongata and spreading laterally establishes contact w ith the ventromesial surface of the substantia gelatinosa trigemini. It eventually replaces the ventral gray 685 686 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS column and is fontinuous across the miciliiu' with its Irllow oi the opposite side. The Dorsal Medullary Nuclei The first of the dorsal sensory nuclei to appear is the nucleus of GoII which comes into view in the hii^hcst cervical sections. It develops as a narrow prolongation extending backward from the surface ol the central iirax matter close to the midline. Continuous with the dorsal surface oi the central gray matter, from which it takes its origin, it rapidly increases in a veiitrodorsal direction until it occupies almost the entire depth of the column of Coll. It is compressed from side to side and completely surrounded, e\cei:)t at its base, by the fibers of the column of Coll. As the lower extremity of the fourth ventricle is approached the nucleus begins to shorten in its ventro- dorsal diameter, at the same time showing a marked tendency toward the formation of a nuclear outgrowth which resembles the overhanging branches of a tree. As the ventricle opens the nucleus is pressed aside and separated from its fellow of the opposite side. The nucleus of Coll comes to an end shortly above the opening of the fourth ventricle. The nucleus of Burdach appears at a level only slightly above the appearance of Goll's nucleus as a dorsal prolongation from the base of the dorsal horn. This mass of nuclear material increases until it occupies a large part of the column of Burdach with a dorsolateral extension passing laterally and conforming to the surface configuration of the medulla oblongata. This lateral swing is carried so far that the nucleus of Burdach overhangs to a considerable extent the sub- stantia gelatinosa trigemini w hich is separated from it by the descending root fibers of the trigeminal nerve. The nucleus of Bmclach extends ujiward almost to the level of entrance ol' tlu' cochlear root, bt'ing separated gradually from the floor of thi' fourth \entricle by the inler\ention at this point of the vestibular complex. RECONSTRUCTION OF TROGLODYTES GORILLA 687 The nuc'lrus ol the substantia (ichitinosa trim'mini, in the lower pontile levels, presents the eonstrietion lounci m tlu' other primate forms — the so-eallecl waist ol the tri^t-niiiial nueleiis. I he nuelear mass eontimu-s upward, FIG. 312. \E.\TRAL SLKKACE OF GRA^MATTER OF BRAIN STEM, TROGI ODYTES GORILLA. Key TO Diagram, im-. oi.ive. Inferior Olive; lat. gen. body. Lateral Geniculate Body; meso-gen. body. Mesial Geniculate Body; pontile, Pontile Nuclei; ret. form.. Reticular Formation; subst. nigra.. Sub- stantia Nigra; vent, cocml.. Ventral ('oclilear Nucleus; \ i :n. (;ii:nEi' the dorsal prolongation of the mesencephalic reticular formation lying in tlie intereollicular furrow. Passing from the lateral surface of the inferior eolliculus cephahcall\ and ventrally is a groo\-e produced bv the inferior brachium which connects the inferior eolliculus with the mesial geniculate body. The superior eolliculus is supported mesially b\ the indilierent dorsal gray matter and laterally by the lateral prolongation of the reticular forma- tion. Mesially the two colliculi arc connected across the midline by the supe- rior and inicrior collicular commissures. Cephalically the superior eolliculus is continuous with a thin strip of gray matter, a dorsal reticular prolongation, which passes forward to merge with the epithalamic gray matter. The Substantia Nigr.\ The substantia nigra apjjears as a contiiniation of the dorsal laver of the pontile nuek'us. The supjiort derived from the lateral and mesial buttresses, which was so conspicuous in the lower primate species, continues in these higher forms. The substantia nigra presents a ventral surface in contact with the desctnding pallio-spinal and pallio-pontile libers. .MesialU it is in con- tinuity w ith the indilierent interpeduncular gray matter. Laterallv it is con- tinued oLitward into rather close contact with the mesial geniculate body, |)resenting a Miitral, hook-shaped prolongation. In this lateral portion is lound the specialization in the substantia nigra from which nerve fibers seem 696 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS to pass inti) llu' nic'sciUTi:)halic tcl , inchiding the tail wlu-n pri'sent, shows a progressi\-e tend- ency to decrease in passing from the lower to the higlu'r primates. The actual volume of mechillary libers serving tor the purpose ot sensory conduc- tion In the column of Coll in lemur compared with gorilla is something slightly less than one-half. This indicates a distinct falling oil in the \olume of afferent impulses from tlu' lower extremity and caudal portion ot the body in passing from the lower to the upper end ol the primate order. THE NUCLEUS OF Bl RDACH The nucleus of Burdach likewise presiMits not a few diltieulties as evo- lutional evidence in the great anthropoids. Estimated merelx u])on the basis of its size, orang has the acKantage over both gorilla and chimpanzee, thus indicating that the former possesses higher manual ditleri'iit iation. 1 he SUMMAR\ OF STRUCTURES 709 apparent mcniisistciK'irs ol such a xicw arc cnicIciU at oncx'. In maintain that the orang-outang- has a niori' highl\ ch'Hrrrntlatrd IkuuI tlian citlirr the gorilla or the ehnii|janzt'e seems untenable by the criteria of our present knowledge. Ne\ertheless, the dillerences obtauied by actual measurenu'nts are sufliciently striking to make this supposition a strong probabilit\. I-Orthc time, at least, it may be w iser to accept the conclusion forced b\ this relati\'e mensuration ol the nucleus ol Burdach and seek further light which mav uphold or disprove it. The planimetric and longitudinal coellicients ol' the nucleus ol Burdach in the great anthropoids are gi\'en in tlu' following tabukition : Coefficients OF THE Nucleus of Burdach IN THE IllGUEK A NTHKOPOIDS Species Planimetric 1 i Loii gitudinal Gorilla .081 .290 Chimpanzee ■ 073 i .270 .2-0 OraiifT-oiitnng .093 \\ hen compared with the mtcrmediatt' primates, the nucleus of Burdach in the great apes again shows a somewhat surprising ec[uality. In fact, the size of this nucleus in macacus closely approaches that ol the orang, and actually exceeds the dimensions ol the nucleus in the chim|)anzct' and the gorilla. The signillcancc to be attached to this comparati\e mensuration points to the fact that in at least one ol tlu' intermediate primates, inlhu'iices are ojjerative in the dillerentiation ol tht' upper extremity which iec|uire a high degree ol |)roprioci-pt i\ t- re|)rescntation in tlu' nucleus ol Burdach. The |)rincipal mlluence underlying this (k'\ elopmi'iit is tlu' specialization of the hand. Extreme degrees ol such specialization ma\ oct'ur along sc\eral divergent !iiu-s. The e\i(k'nct', thcrclore, allordcd by the nucleus of Burdach as bearing upon manual dillerentiation must be weighed most critically. 710 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS Such testimony as it docs produce may he particularlx fortunate il it empha- sizes the need for careful scrutiny and (^reat caution in accepting the evidence of evolutional structures concerning which there ma\' be any doubts whatsoever. When the great apes are contrasted w ith the lower primates, a striking fact comes to light. Mycetes exceeds in the size of its nucleus of Burdach not only all of the great anthropoids, but all other primates as well. This feature has been discussed in the relation of the lower to the intermediate forms. Emphasis has already been laid upon the probable bearing of the high degree of manual specialization consecpient upon tlu' animal's jwssession oi an active prehensile tail. Conclusions to Be Drawn from .\ Study of the Dorsal Sensory Field If the conclusions to be drawn trom the relative' proportions of Burdach's nucleus to the differentiation of the hand in primates are somewhat indeci- sive, if they leave the tjuestion still in need of further iiuestigation, the dorsal sensory field as a whole bears witness a\ hich is satisfactory and posi- tive. It makes clear that in passing from the lower to the higher members of the primate order there is a delinite increase m the inlliix ol sensory imjjulses received Irom the proprioceptors ol the upper extremity. In other words, whatever the size of the receiving nucleus in the column of Burdach, the impulses which reach it trom the hand and upper extremity progressnely increase in xolume. \ his progressive expansion m Burdach's column is so obvious as to leax'c no room tor doubt. A dmieiisional comparison ol the conduction columns m the dorsal sensor\- lield sutlices to establish this ])oint. I n the lowt'r prima tt's the column ot (joII is larger than the column ot Burdach. Gradually' the column ol Goll becomes less than tlu- column ol Burdach, which may be understood to indicate a lallmg oil in the relatni' importance of the sensory conduction system Irom tlu' hinder j>ortions ol the body as SUMMARY' OF STRUCTURES 711 conipai'c'cl with thr Idi (.'limhs In ilu' ^nvit antliropnicls this disparity is so marked that tin- culuniii dI (h)II is less than hall Of the si/.c of the adjacent column ol Burdach. Such disproportion in laxorol Burdach's column ma\' be accepted as \alid e\ ideiice. Its gradations ma\ he traced throu]ieais to be a real interiority in the central control of its balancing mechanism. It seems probable that because ol its great length of arm, this latter form has de\ t'lii|)rd less of the tendencies essential to terrestrial locomotion, while both of the uxhcv anthroijoids have partially adapted themselxes to locomotion upon the ground and in some degree to the upright posture. The orang's eapabilit\ as a tree-dwi'ller has none of the remarkable specialization si'eii in the gil)bon, and although it manages to make t lu' best of its aiboit'al en\ ironmt'iit, its locomotion through the trees is relatiwiy deliberati' and slow, it has none ol the showy agility which characterizes many of the lighter apes and e\ en the chimpanzee. SUMMARY OF STRUCTURES 713 Mensuration ol tlu' t-ntiic xcstilnilar area, including the nucleus of ncittrs and \hv niulcus ol Schwalln' in tho RIMATES Tht' comparison of this portion of the neural organization in the great anthro|)oids and the interniediate primates shows that they are all about on the same plane of fli\ tlopnunt. Tlu' balancing nuehanism in the gibbon has tlu' highest \alue of an\ member of these groups. This applies both to the size of Deiters' nucleus and the \estibular elements in aggregate. The reason for the gibbon's suj)eriority is ob\ ious. Its remarkable adaptation to arboreal life shows to what degree this animal must depend upon a highly organized ecpiilibratory mechanism. When the contrast is made with the lower iorms, the great anthropoids appear to be about on a par with these distantly related 714 THE HIGHER ANTHROPOIDS primates. Notable rxccptions must he taken m llie cases of tarsius and myeetes whieli exceed all ol the antliropoids m the size ot Deiters' nucleus. This high specialization results from the lU'W responsibilities imposi'd upon the Ixilancing mechanism by the addition to the animal's motor organization of the |)reheiisile tail or its llight-like leaps. Although some variations do occur in the degree of differentiation manifested by the neural elements of the balancing mechanism, this functional acti\it\- is in reality a basic and ancient one which has impressed itsell upon the entire vertebrate phylum. It has had its chief incentives to exiJansion in tlu' assumption o( those loco- motor characteristics which become neccssar\ to lift the bod\ and support it off tlie ground by means of the extremities. The motor responses determined b\- the essential receptors ol this activitx l)elong to the most ancient type of mol)ilit\ called paleokinesis. Although age alone does not necessarily impart inllexibility, it is true that those elements in the nervous system which ha\e the greatest antiquity represent functional needs whose proper satisfaction demands a maximum of structural development. This, for exampk-, applies particularly to such archaic neural control as that regulating respiration, cardiac acti\ity or the reactions of the gastrointestinal tract, flence tlu' binction inherent in the balancing mechanism ol' the body would need to de\elop its full cjuota of efficienc\- to be of any service w hatsoex'er. In this light it nia\ beclainu'd that the vestibular compkvx in the central nersous system ol \ertebrates is of little \alue as indicating the evolutional process. To a certain extent there is truth in this xiew. On tin- other hand, those pi'diliai' exceptions in which the fundamental organization manifests marked lluctuations either above the usual standard or something below it, haxc a spi'cial significance in the prob- lem of adaptation. They afford illuminating txamples of adaptive radiation in highly specialized functional departments ol the organism. Par, therelore, from being insignificant as bearing uijon the e\(ilutionai\ ]:)rocess in the SUiMMAin' 01- ^TRICTL'RFS 715 primatfs, ihc Ncslihular complrx, althouuh it indicates the gciuTal conserva- tism inlKTent in the eciuih'hratory elements of motor organization, reveals a marked susce])tibihty e\ en on x\\c jjart ol'such archaic structures to inlhienccs developed I)y the irresistible sj^ecializing factors of adapti\ e modification. V. The Cerebellar Nuclei and Red Nucleus in Relation to the Coordination of Mo\ ements, EsPECIALL^■ the More Complex jMo\ E-MENTS OF 1HE UpPER ExTHENH I V In the matter ol coordinati\e control of the musculature, dillerences in the ec[uipment of the great anthropoids are not marked. W hatever slight planimetric advantage may exist is in faxor of the orang-outang, although the gorilla is close behind it in this sjjccialization. While the basis for this contrast is allorded b\ the size partlcularix ol the dentate nucleus, it also includes the conliguratioii of the structure. The coellicients of the dentate nucleus in the three great anthropoids are given in the follow- ing tabulation : Coefficients of the Dentate Nucleus in the IIighkk Anthropoids Species Planimetrie Longitudinal Gorilla .152 .280 Cli imparl zee ..36 .230 Orang-outang . 160 1 . 190 IMI'OKIANCE Ol-^ MORPHOLOGICAL APPEARANCES Conclusions based \vholl\- upon these ligures do not give a comprehen- sive view of the actual dilferentiat ion in this part of the central nt'r\-oiis system. Quite as importantas the mensurationof the nuclei is their morpholog- ical appearance. In two features of the dentate nucleus it is possible to trace 7i6 THE HIGHER ANTPIROPOIDS a (k'diiitt' Linfolcling which gains siibstaiiliation from the fact tliat actual expansions arc taknig place in the hitcral cerebellar lobes. The dentate nucleus ni the orang-outanij; shows a relativclx low degree of dillerentiation in so far as its boundaries are concerned. It has a diffuse uncircumscribcd appearaiH'c w hieh relates it niuch more closel\- to the corresponding structure ni the niterinediate and lower pruiiatcs than it does to those forms standing abox'c It 111 the scale. The degree ot coiuolution in the dentate nucleus is consick'rablv inlenor to that oi man, chimpanzee or gorilla. In comparing the nucleus ol tlu' higher primates it appears at once that the orang is the most primitixe in morphological organization. This inlerioritx of the dentate nucleus m the orang corresponds w ith the conditions in the lateral lobes w hich have not expanded to the extent seen in the primates assigned to higher posi- tions in this order. The dentate nucleus in the chimpanzee is much more clearly delmed than in the orang and has a richer coiuolutional pattern. On the other hand, there is a primit neness about its festooning and foliation whicii easil\ distinguishes it from t lu' corresponding structure in the human and gorilla brains. If the dentate nuck'us in man be accepted as the standard towaicl which the (.■volutional process has been tending, it seems reasonable to assign to the gorilla a position immediately below the human t\ pe and distinctly above the chimpanzee. This lact in coiiiunction with the high degree o I dexelopnient m the latt'ral IoIjcs ol the ccrcbi'llum implit's that the gorilla stands lirst m the group ol the great anthropoids in so far as the coor- dmatiNH' control ot its muscles is concerned. COMl'AHISON OF THE GREAT ANTHROPOIDS AND THE INTERMEDIATE PRIMATES When compared with the intermediate primates the great anthropoids show no great adxantage demonstrated b\ mensuration of the (K'litate nucleus. On the other hand, in morphological particulars it is e\ ideiit that a SUM \1 A in 01" STRUCTURES 717 great adxaiHx' has Ih'imi madr in the {Iriitatc organization ol tlu' orang, thini- [janzec and gorilla as coniparcd w itii tlu' intiTinccliate gronp. On the basis of mcasurt'iiicnts, the baboon has a slight ad\antagc over all the great anthropoids. COMPARISON OF THE GREAT ANTHROPOIDS AND IHF LOW I£R PRIMATES \\ lu-n eomparison is mack' with the lowc'r primates, all of these larger apes show a distinet advaiux' both in nu'asiirement and in eonlignration ol the dentatt' nueleiis. The Ijaboon is distinet l\ mierior to tlu' great anthro- poids in the morphologieal details ol its dentate strLietiire. This portion ol the eerebelhim whieh ser\-es as an index ol eoordinati\e eontrol alVords a basis for estmiating the degree to which the extrt'mities haxf been dilleriMi- tiated. it s lion Id not be ox'er looked that m all |jri mates with tin' exception ol man the various species are ec|uip|)ed w ith hand-like leet. Their c|uadrumanal characteristics play an important role in hiNoring the dillerentiation of hand- like C|ualities. B\ dillusing these c|ualitit's through all four extremities, however, they rc'tard the more deeisixe specialization which eoncentrates manual dilKrent lation in the upper extremities. Upon the basis of mensura- tion the intermediate primates and the great anthropoids ap|)ear to bi' on about the .--aiiu' plaiu', so lar as manual dillerentiation is concerned. The liner structural details ol thedc'ii tat e nucK'Us, on 1 he other hand, as well as the expan- sion ot the latt'ral lobes ol the ceri'bellum, establish a gradation which places gorilla m the highest ()osition, with chimpanzee, gibbon, macaeusand baboon succeeding in the order gi\en. Such conclusions are borne out by the size and morphological delimtion ol another cerebellar index, the reward oxer the long stages of" his slow progress during the j^ast hall million xt'ars or so, this genesis might be the more rtadilx traced. It might be seen in the gradual specialization in those ])arts of his organization, his hands, w ith w Inch he has contimu'd to reach out and linallx' to lay lirm hold upon t he psx che or soul. I his surpassing endow- ment, Professor Osborn beliexcs, canu' to man at some critical |X'riod wIumi he stood up in the dawning glorx ol Ins Cro-Magnon manhood and drew u|)on tlu' walls ol Ins caxc the lirst imjjcrishable record ol his greatness. 729 Chapter XXIV FROM PRIMITI\E TO MODERN MAN Primitive Man — His Times and Personality "^1 IE length of time during which man lias inhahitrtl the earth olTcrs a subject for dispute and much (hilerence of opinion. All authorities, ho\\c\ er, are agreed that se\'eral stages ot human progress must have required the i)assagc of a reiatnely long period. None ol the modern I'stima- tions of this period is less than 500,000 years. Many calculations, such as those of Sir Arthur Keitli, far exceed this iigure and place the origin of man as hir back as a million years or more. The beginnings of the human species arc usuall}' attributed to the early part of the Pleistocene, or even the hite |)art of the Pliocene, keith, however, does not bclie\e that this permits ot siilli- eient time for the evolutionary process which so evidently has produci'd all ol the ellects evidenced in the known leatures ot modern man as well as those of certain extinct \arieties of mankind which have long since passed Irom the stage. Keith concludes his tamous work on "The Anticjuity ol Man " with the statement that " there is not a single tact know n to me w hich makes the existence of the human torm m the Miocene period an impossibility." the I AMII ^' OI- MAN Man, in all of his races, both living and extinct, constitutes the sixth family of the suborder of Anthropoidea, known as the Hominidae. This family departed from the common stock representing the orthograde stem of the primates at some time early in the Oligocene. At that critical juncture, probably twent\-li\e million years ago, two great branches ot the suborder parted company. Thenceforth they continued their further dilterentiation 731 PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS PILTDOWN" .MAN NEANDLKTHAL MAN CKC)-M ACNON MAN FIGS. 315, 316, 317, AND 318. lOLR EXTINCT RACES OF PREHISTORIC MAN. FROM RECONSTRUCTIONS MADE BV PROFESSOR MCGREGOR. IN THE HALL OF THE AGE OF MA.N, AMERICAN MUSEU.M OF NATURAL HISIORV. [732] FROM PRIMI I l\ E TO MODERN MAN 733 indcpc'iukntK ol'ratli otiur. The lirst ofthcsc branches gave rise to the great tnocleni anthroi^oltls in tlie iatiiil\ Simiidae, inchiding the orang-outang, the ehini])an/.ee and the gorilla. With them also were connected at least two extinct lornis, i.e., Dryopitheciis, a large gibbon-like ape in many ways resembling the sur\ i\ ing members of this group, and Paleopithecus which made its appearance at a much latir period. The second branch to leave the common stem ga\e rise to the human family. It is to-day represented by all of the modern races of man known collectively as the species Homo sapiens. This species comprises the African, the Australian, the .Mongolian and the European \arieties. Keith has graphically illustrated this conception concerning the deriva- tion of the human race from a common prehuman stock as shown in figure i8() in his work, "The Anti(|uit\ of Man." He has also given a like j^ri'sen- tation with reference to the deri\ation of the great anthropoid apes, showing their probable relation to the jirehuman stock. PKIMIIUE RACES WHICH HA\ E DIS.JlPPE.\RED FKOM THE E.\RTH Paleontological investigations ha\e revealed the former existence of at least four prehistoric races of men who occupied their places upon the human stage for a greater or less period and then, in const'ciuence of factors not yet altogether clear, became extinct. These extinct races appear to vary so con- siderabU from the modern representative of the species that a question has been raised concerning the w isdom of creating for each oi them a new genus within the faml[\ . One reason for this distinction is that none of thecxtinct races ma\ properly be considered the direct ancestor of living man any more perhaps than the existing genera of great apes. PiTiiECANTHKoins Erectls. Tile oldest, most primitive of these races that ha\e disappeared from the earth is known as Pithecanthropus FIG. 319. TABLLAllO.N SHOWING PKOIESSOK OSBOKN S LATEST ESTIMATES OF man's ANTIQUITY, HIS INDUSTRIES, ARTS AND RACES. The rise of man is attributed to tlic Pliocene Epoch. The beginning of the cave period is indicated at approxi- mately 300,000 years ago. [734] ^ •>;?;/. ".- •' -' . . t^ /'• ti .' J \j.^ ■ ^ \ ^^^^S^ J^' y v ^^v FROM Pl^IMITIVE TO MODERN MAN 735 crt'ctus, the Ja\a man of the Trinil race' (origin, according to Keith, over one million years ago). This ape-man, ah hough (k'linittlx human in tvjie, had so many simian (|uahties and so much eharaetenstic ot man as to justily the view that he represents a transitional stage in human eNolution. Tliat he possessed a head and a face not unlike that of an ape witii a brain consider- ably larger than that of an\ known simian, there seems to be no doubt. Concerning the detailed organization ol this earliest iorerunner ol the human raet', little can be said since his discoverer. Dr. Eugen Dubois, was fortunate enough only to recover several teeth, a portion ol the calvarium and one femur. From these fossil remains, however, Dubois has maintained, and other authorities unanimously sustain his argument, that Pithecanthro- pus erectus, by virtue of the size and shape of his femur, must have assumed the erect j)ostLire. He was thus able to ualk upon both feet much in the man- ner of his modern successors. It is also probable that m stature this primiti\'c man was not greatly inferior to the |)reseiit human races. That he employed his hands in the use of weapons and certain crude implements, that his life depended mainly u|)on recourse to primitive means for protecting him- self against the numerous enemies w hich beset his ])ath and lay in wait about his camping places, seems more than likely, hlis time was doubtless so fully preempted by the arduous tasks of gaining sustenance for himself, that little remained for the more leisurely production of ancillary industries or cul- tural pursuits. So closely was this human creature related to his contemporaries in the animal kingdom that he managed to hold his position among them only by a narrow margin of superiority. This slight ascendancy was derived Irom a dawning ingenuity w hleh t-nabled him to ecjualize the struggle by the cunning of his hand. Thus he took advantage of [)rimitive shrewdness and contrivance to outwit those natural antagonists which in strength and in speed far ' Osburn's chronological estimates arc followed in tliis text. FIG. 320. RESTOKAIION Ol I'll II HC \\ I 1 1 KOPl S EKECTLS BY PROFESSOR MCGREGOR COMPAKEH Willi III MAN AND AN 1 1 1 !■;( )!'( )1 1) SKILLS. I. Homo Sapit-ns (Modt-rn Existing Typi'). 2. Cio-Magnon (I-"ossil Man Equal to the lligiicst Existing Human Race). 3. Cast of Fossil Skull Found at Taglai, Australia. 4. Neanderthal Man (Lower than Any Existing Race). ■;. Piltdown .Man (Prehistoric .Man of Sussex, England). 6. Pithecanthropus Erectus (Javan Ape-man). 7. Skull of Javan Ape-man Restored from Cast of the Fossil by Professor McGregor. H. Skull of Young Gorilla. 9. Skull of Adult Male Gorilla. 10. Skull of Ailull \l,ile Chimpanzee. Male Orang-Outang. 12. Skull of Gibbon. [736] Skull of .Adult FROM PRIMITIN F. TO MODERN .\F'\N 737 C'xtitck'd his liniittd |)(i\\crs. lli>\\r\cT lumianoicl Pit luiaiit liropus m;i\ have ht'i-n m rc's[)t'ct tn thr postuix' nl his body and t hi' <_^'iUTal chaiactcT ol'his loco- niotiiui. It IS ccTtam that he was iiiin-h l)c'l()\\ an\ nl'thc' known races of man m the ea|)acit\ ol his l)iain easi'. It has Ih'i'ii estimated that his jjiain did not much exeerd ()4o um. in Nohime. 'I'his is eonsiderahl\ lowiTlhan thc' human stanchu'd lor the hrain, i)ut at the same tmu' it is eonsicU'iabK ai)o\A' the greatest \i>hime olanx of thi- hiuher apes. His hivid and laei' and skull were also suhhiiman, each ha\ mg a eloser resemblanee to tlu' ape than to man. It is possil)lr and cwn prol)al)le, aeeordmfj; to tlie eonhguratioii of the brain, that Pitlu'eant hropus liad aec|nired some mode of spet'eli, primitixc no doubt and yet suliieient lor purposes ol rudmu'ntar\ lommunieat ion. it is likewise probabli' that Ins lilr took lorm in tribal oruanizations, and beinti gregarious he had leariu'd some ol those social and eeonomie ad\antages accruing Irom li\ ing in eommunit\. He ma\ haw had some crude notion ol tlu- di\ ision ol labor and its compensations m sharing the results. PaLEOAN THKOI'L S Hl£IDELBERGENSIS A\I) HoMO N EA\ DEK I II Al.ENSIS. At sonu' time earl\ in tlu' Pre-Paleolithie, eertainl\ much latt'r than t he origin ol Pithecanthropus ere ct us, another race ol man math' its appearance and has come to be know n as Pa li'oant hropus heidelbergensis,or man ol the Heidelberg Race 1 Homo heidi'Ibergensis). I lis antic|uit\ is \ariously estimated at 3-,"o,o()0 to 450, ()()() years. lie too has bei'ii described as the possibk' ancestor of the human stock. Although he mamU-sted man\ t raitsdclinitt'l\ more human than Pithecanthropus, the lU'idelbcrg man still must hn\c been a most primitu'e creature. It is belie\'ed, howi-\A'r, that he made use ol crude instruments both of wood and stone Irom the \ariety ol impK'nuaits lound m the neighborhood ol his fossil rtaiiains. But he, like Pithecanthropus, was doomed to extinction, and no traces of him are lound which indicate his sur\i\al much beyond the larlier stages of the Lower Paleolithic (250,000 years ago). 738 MAN \\ hat inoiiuntous inlluciiccs, what changes in environment destroyed these two extinct races of man arc not clear. The fate which bclcll them both reveals phiinlx that, due cither to certain inherent defects or to the advent of a new and superior race, they were no longer fitted to survive. It Pithecanthropus, the Java man, was too ape-Hke in jaw and brain to be considered as the direct ancestor of man. Paleoanthropus, the Heidelberg man, also had definite simian aflinities both in jaw and teeth, which appear to exclude him from the ancestral line of modern man. Although the Heidelberg race became extinct before human progress had made any great advance, there are many facts wfuch mdicatc that these primitive men were the forebears of another race called Homo neandertha- lensis or Homo primigenius which imparted a decisive impetus to the process of human evolution. Neanderthal man has left many more traces concernnig his activities in the way of paleolithic implements. By these it is evident that ill the organization of his life he had made long strides forward m the chrcction of his more modern successors. The advances of his industry and his cultural dexclopmcnt laid the foundations for all of the stages which progressively evoKed as the human race rose in succession through the Old Stone Age to the Neolithic. Finally, l)y its mastery over the metals, the race acc[uired that great constructive genius by w hich it has gradually readjusted the surface of the earth to the greater convenience and comfort of [iian. And yet Neanderthal man was not, in all probability, the ancestor of the modern races. His skull was too ape-like to permit of such ancestral relation. The size of his brain, however, and the general structure of his body were sufficiently advanced to be in harmony with the requirements of Homo sapiens. EoANTHROPUS Daw'SOM. 1 11 ])art Contemporaneous with both Pithecan- thropus erectus and Homo heidelbergensis, and inhabiting the earth w ith them, perhaps separated by great geographical distances, perhaps from time to time in conllicl with them, a third race of man made its appearance at some Z A FIG. 321. Kl^STOHATlONS Ul HUlDIiLRERG AND PILTDOWN M.^N liV PROFESSOR MCGREGOR. ,. Homo I Icidclbergensis. . and ... Reconstructions of Piltdo« n Man. 3. Restoration of Piltdo.n Skull. [-39I 740 MAN period in tlic lower Paleolithic. In many respects it approached nt'arertothe type ol the modern race than eitherol t lie other two. This third ract'of the lower Paleolithic is known as Eoanthropiis dawsoni, the i-'iltdown or dawn man. His fossil remains w ere found in Sussex, England. By some he is regarded asthe direct ancestor ot Homo sapiens, In others he is held to be an independent branch ol the human lamily ol quite unknown relations to all other races. CHARACTERISTICS ESSENTIAL TO A COMMON PROGENITI\'E STOCK \\ ith Pithecanthropus, Heidelberg man, Eoanthropus, the Piltdow n and Neanderthal man thus eliminated as the direct ancestors of the himian race as it exists to-day, it must be admitted that e\ idcnce of a common progenitive stock is entirely missing. Such a stock must ha\'e been much more generalized in t\ [)e, resembling, lor example, some ol the more primitive extant races. Perhaps it was not unlike the primiti\e Tasmanians, whose last surxiving representatives passed away within the last hall century. Keith belie\es thatof all the races ol mankind now alix'c, the aboriginals ot Australia aloiu- could ser\e in such ancestral capacity. This common ancestor must needs produce descendants which, on the one hand, might become the typical inhabitant of central Africa and, on the other, the lair-haired native oi northwestern Europe. The Australian aborigine has those intermediate and generalized characters needed lor such an ancestral form. II it be agreed, therelore, that he or some other primiti\e race ol like kind was the common ancestor ol the \\ hite and black races, it is apparent that a long period ol exolution would be necessar\ to product' such divergent descendants as the negro and the Euro- pean. I'Or this reason, kt'ith beliexes that ihv |n'riod conct'rned in this differentiation must ha\e \)vcn at least as long as the entire Pleistocene. Indeed, this liardly seems sullicient lor the purpose. Such an estimation con- sequently places the more |jrimiti\e forms of man, as Pithecanthropus, further back than is usually conceded to be the case, it is kiith's opinion # 4- A E-IG. 32a. lUli NEANUhKI H Al KACil. I. Original Tv|X- ol' Ni'anclcrtlial Race Discovered Near Dussc-ldorf in 18,-6. 2. S|)\ Skull n (Neanderthal Race! Resembles Diisseldorf and la Cliapelle Skulls. 3. Spy Skull 1 (Neanderthal Raeei. Ironi the Collcc- tioni'of Mr. J. l.eon \\ illiams. 4 and 4A. Reconstructions ol' Neanderthal Man by Professor McGregor. 5. Cast of Neanderthal Skull iLa Chapelle-aux Saintsi Restored by Professor McGregor with Injuries Corrected and Teeth Replaced. 6. Cast of La Chapelle-aux-Saints Skull Discovered with Mousterian Flint ln\|)lenu-nls in ]i)oH. -. Restoration of La Qiiina Skull ( \\ oinan>. (741) V— '•' 3 4 A FIG. 323. THE CRO-MAGNON RACE. I and 2. Cro-Magnon (^alvaria. 3. Casi of Combe Capilk' Skull (1 lonio Sapiens Aurignaccnsis). The Original Was Found Near Monlfirrand, France. 4 and 4A. Reconstructions of Cro-Magnon Man by Professor McGregor. 5 and 6. Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnonensis Found at Les Eyzics in 1868. 7. Calvarium of Cro- Magnon Race. 8. Restoration of Cro-Magnon Skull from .1 Study of Other Skulls of This Race. (). Replica ol Cro-Magnon (Woman) Skull and Mandible. [742] FROM PRIMITI\E TO MODERN MAN 743 that the Java man maj' represent a Miocene rather than a Pliocene stage in human evolution. PKIMITIXE MAX AS REN'EALED in' IllE WORK OF HIS HANDS However difficult the prohlcms of man's anceslrx , however fragmentary the skeletal proofs of his anticiuity,one ])hase of his prehistoric existence offers a fertile iicid for research in the endeavor to discern his lineaments so greatly dimmed by the past. The use of certain extracoipoix'al agencies must have been the secret of his fust real successes in the conquest of tlu' earth. Ashedrst began to manifest the attributes of man through the arts and industries of manual contrivance, as he passed slowly from one stage to the next, what record of himself has he left in the way of tlu' implements by means of which he achieved his ultimate successes? PKiMnr\ H Man — His Cultural Pjl\ses Man's obscure beginnings are all but lost in the great geological ages which lie behind liis recorded history. To eomi^rehcnd this vast extent of time, whether it be something more or less than a million \ ears, is enough to baffle the most facile imagination. Little wonder that such insignificant traces of his remains have yet \x\-n brought to light. Doubtless when the search becomes more extensive and more thoroughly organized, fiuther signs of his prmiiti\e structure and activities will be discovered. Quite as important as the morphological remains of prehistoric man are those works of his hand, w hich have been slowly accumulating as tiie result of untiring patience and geological research. It is now possible to classify this great body of evidence in such a way as to show the existence of certain industrial and cultural stages through which man has passed prior to his actual historical period. That he began as a nomadic hunter, slowly acquired the crude essentials of manufacture, gradually developed the dexterity and JN^ / Courlisy, American Museum nf .Wilurtil History FIG. 324. STONE IMPLEMENTS REPRESENTING THE SE\'EHAL STAGES OF PALEOLITHIC CULTURE FROM TIIK CRIDEST lO 1IIF MOST REFINED PHASES OF THE OLD STONE AGE. [744] FROM PRIMITI\ F, TO MODFRN MAN 745 csthftic scnsi' ol till' artist, and liiiall\ Icanu'd the ]:)rarticc'.s ol agricultuiv, inori' or K'ss dilinitilx set tlu- indiistnal torniula accordin"; to wliicli lie dc'xi'lopc'd inipk'iiU'iits adapted to eaili ol tlu-st' pursuits. His j^ast has tluTi'- toie been subdixick'd Into periods eliaraeteri/ed b\ the prest'iiee ol imple- ments mdieatmg these spiciali/A'd aeti\ities. The seNcral periods hear the names ol f-ri'iieh stations or towns near whieh the diseo\-eries ol the imph-- meiits ha\ e bii'ii niaile. Here tlu' Ireiu'h areheologists ha\'e so sueeesstull\' dc'N'oted tlu'inseUes to the eilort ol hringinii order out ol ehaos that thev have established a ehroiiolofiy whieh is aeeepted as a workinij; basis ol the evolu- tional j:)rogress ol man's aeti\it\ in the lonp j)eriods ol his |)rehistoric existence. CL LTLKAL PlRSllTS OF THE MEN BEFORE THE OLD STONE AGE Man's lirst great ejjoeh on earth was the Paleolithic or the Old Stone Age. In this era, whieh began at some time m the Fust Interglacial Period, ins sole impK'iiients we're those (K'xised liom Hint or other kinds ol stones, wood, ear\ed ixorv and bone. Two subdivisions ol this age are recognized in the Lowi'r Paleolithic and the I ppt'r Pak'olithic. The Old Stone Age was lollowed by the ,\c(ililhic which began m postglacial tmu'S, and then eame the productiN'i' transitional eras which led rapidl\ up to tin- thresholds of history through the Bronze and Iron Ages. Pre-Paleolithic .Mi-.\. Long Ix'Tore the beginning of tlu- Old Stone Age, at sonu' t ime during the First Glacial Period (beginning 1 ,o()(),()(){) years ago), the oldest known representative ol human kind had li\ed upon the earth. It was his lossil ix'mams which Dr. Fugt'ii Dubois discoxered in Ja\'a that led to the recognition ol this I rinil race, now technically known as Pithecanthropus erectus. Little ma\ be said ol his cultural de\ elo])mcnt, although some authorities be'lie\'e that he made use ol the \ e'r\ primitu'e implements called eoliths. 746 MAN CULTURAL STAGES OF THE OLD STONE AGE The Upper and Lower Paleolitliie periods are further subdi\ided aecord- ing as the evohition of manual dexterity makes itseli apparent m the imple- l-rom QufiTl. J. Gcolog. 5c, Ixix, Plate xvii FIG. 325. "eoliths" from PILTDOWN, SUSSEX, SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THE EARLIEST STONE IMPLEMENTS, SO CRUDE IN APPEARANCE AS TO BE FREQUENTLY TERMED "ACCIDENTAL FORMS." ments employed by man. His instrununtal e(|uipnuMit was at first extremely simple and erude. Biit in tinu' there eame an inereasing eomplexity and mueh refinement in all of iiis tools. These Implements elearly indicate a slow but progressive growth in the application of extracorporeal agents which at length made him master of the inanimate' and li\ing world. 1-ROM I^IUMI ri\n TO MODERN MAN 747 Pkk-Ciifiilan Cii/iLKAL SiAGK. Tlu' carlicst period in liic Lower I-*ali'olit liK', llu- rn-(.l.)cllvan ( beginning -00,000 years ago), iseharaeterizecl hv the use ol most simple aiul primiti\e stone implements. The eliase is repre- sented m this period ahnost e\ehisi\el\- 1)\ the knife (couteau ). War, apparently, was not among man's then highly organized pastinu-s lor he appears to have possessed none ol those implements whieh later beeame sueh eonspicuous produets ol his handiwork and so essential to his existenee. Mis Hint knife was erudi', but sullieieiit with his other ec|iially erude eombinations of stone and Stick to I urnish him a slight balanee ol pow er m d<>aling w ith his inlrahuman com pt-ti tors, to gain his daily lood, ami to establish that footing from whieh he rose step by step. In this pt'riod he had also uut'iited for his industrial and domestic purposes a Hint scraper Iracloir), a planing tool igrattoir), a drill or borer ( percoir) and a stoiu' hammer ( [)t"rcuteur ). Nothing among his [jrim- iti\e implements appears to ha\e answered llu' purposes of art or artistic production, nor had he yet learned the practice ol using bone for the pre|)ara- tion ol instruments applicable eitlu'r m the- t'hase or m domestic industries. I he lile ol this Pre-Clu'llean man was that ol the \agrant hunter, li\ ing w ithout the protection ol habitation and thus expost'd to t he devastations of the great carmxores which sti'althil\ lollowcd his wanderings. There is little to show that he had acc|uired sulhcieiit construct ixc mgtnuity to protect him- self against these great i^rt'dacious marauders which stalked him in his marches by day and lay in wait on the outt'r edges ol his encampments to find him an eas\ |)i'e\ as he sh'pt b\ night. The less lortunate nu'inbers of his tribes were easily accessible to tlu' night prow lers waiting only lor the dark- ness to assist them in the capture ol tluir human c|uarr\. His slow and inelas- tic imagination recjuired ages to show him that he held within his own hands the |)owfr to re|)i-l and siibiugati' tlu' beasts ol prey which almost with impiimt\ made ra\'ages u|)on him 111 his unprotected state. I low long lie struggled upon this low le\el of intelligence, li\ing a hand-to-mouth existence, CouTtisy, .American Museum oj .\aHtrtil History FIG. 326. CONTRASTS BETWEEN IMPLEMENTS OF THE PALEOLITHIC AND NEOLITHIC AGES. Upper Row, Paleolithic, i. Hand Ax. 2. Dagger. 3. Scraper. Lower Row, Neolithic, i. Ax and Hammer with Perforation for Shaft. 2. Partially Polished Ax. 3. Saw. 4. Dagger. 5. Knife. 6. Arrow Point. [-48I FROM PRIMITIVE TO MODERN MAN 749 passing his days in a life not unlike other animals of field and forest, with little recollection of the happenings of yesterday and almost no thought for the morrow, a creature w hose mental processes shut in so closely behind him as almost to exclude the experience of the past as a teacher for his future, cannot be estimated in definite epochs of time. There was little inherent in his psychological processes that seemed to give promise of further expansive development in his adaptations. Doubtless some critical incident, like the discovery of fire and its uses, may have furnished a new incentive for his advance. A great change in climate with increasing cold may have forced him into greater physical exertions as a more assiduous hunter of animals for the warmth to be had from their protecting skins. Long winter seasons when game was scarce may have taught the wisdom of storing his supply of provisions and thus aroused in his imagination some conception of the advantages in thought for the future. Heidelberg Man iPre-Cbellean). At some time in the Second Inter- glacial Period (beginning about 700,000 years ago) a type of Paleolithic man appeared who seemed possessed perhaps of a more progressive spirit and a definitely increased capacity for adaptation to varying conditions in his environment. His cultural characteristics during the later stages of his slow- development merged into those typical of the Pre-Chellean. What relation this Heidelberg race of men bore to those early apc-Iike humans of the Pithecanthropus variety is not yet understood. It is probable that both were offshoots of the same common progenitive stock, and thus only distantly related. The Heidelberg men were the first human race to inhabit western Europe. They made their appearance in northern Germany approximately 350,000 jears ago, and lived in the midst of an imposing mammalian fauna, for the most part of northern aspect. Among these were the lion, the wolf, the bear, the deer and the w ild boar, w hile on the plains lived the Etruscan rhinoceros, the Mosbach horse and the ancient elephant. This race, known 750 MAN as Paleoanthropus hcidclbergensis, although possessed of a low psychic organization shmvccl a certain ad\ance over its earlier human predecessors. The Heidelberg man, moreover, appears to have been the precurscr, perhaps nurifittacian FIG. 32- MngcialC'Mi'U.M CUcllc EarlxlAclicuUun Azili Mou,steriat* Courtesy, American Museum of Natural History THE EVOLUTION OF THE LANCE POINT THROl GH THE SEVERAL STAGES OF THE OLD STONE AGE. the actual progenitor, ol a race which was later to show pronounced signs of progress. This was the great Neanderthal race, and because of his pos- sible ancestral relation to it, Heidelberg man is olten spoken of as Prc-Neandert haloid. The actual acKances made b\' Paleoanthr()]:)us are dillicult io trace in those relics indicating his powers in handicralt. lie j)rol)abIy was a FROM PRIMITIXE TO MODERN MAN 751 most capable hunter and lairly cIVcctLial in piotcctinji hiniscll I'loni his natural tMU'niies. 1 liat he- ncNcr rt'arhfcl a hireciated. Tills profitable step — and it may well l)e called such — has made itself felt with increasing force upon all the subsequent development of the human race. It actually led the Neanderthal man to the threshold of a new idea. The ultimate expansion of this new idea was to become one of the kexstoncs of all social organization, it not ihv fundamental pnncijjie m the upbuilding of human society. This great step forward gave the Mousterian the first real conception of jjroperty holding. It implanted in his mind that germ out of which grew the rights of possession handed down by him as an heirloom to all the remainder of his race and to other races of mankind. Development 0/ ibe Ciince])li(in 0/ Pr()])erly I loldu}!^. The jihysical basis of the conception of property holding de\eloped trom the tact that the Mousterian Neanderthal became a cave-dweller. He sought shelter from the elements in the rude dwellings fashioned by nature. W h\ he had not seen the advantages of such protection long before this late period m his progress seems c|uite remarkable, and \ ct the explanation ma\ not Ix' tar to seek. Those caves \\hich he might haxc found to his liking or suited to his con- venience were already inhal)ited by such dangerous tenants as the ca\e- lion and leopard, the hyena, the wolf, the great ea\e-bear, and pirhaps even the dread machacrodus or saber-toothed tiger. All of these were his nat lira! enemit's tor I lu' most part suecesstLiI ones — with w ho in he could only at the e\|)ensc of greatest risk dispute the right ol wax, to say nothing of the right of possession. Through all tlu' long periods of his upward progress, he had not yet learned the nutans nor had his hands lashioned tlu' implements by which he could contend w ith these beasts of j)re\ on an\ thing like an cc|ual FROM PRIMITIX E TO MODERN MAN loo footinii. Tlu'V took from him at will and his ri'taliatlon was jjotli IVcblc and ineflcctiial. They, rather than \\v, were still the masters of the situation. This condition of ailairs was destimd to eontuuie until some critical discovery, «.4 Courtesy, Amtrican Museum of Natural History FIG. 330. IMFLLMEN rS AND ORNAMENTS TYPICAL OF UPPER PALEOLITHIC AGE. I. Knife Bl;iclc or Spc.-ir-point of Flint. 2. Knife or Etching Tool of Flint. 3. Planing Tool of Flint. 4. I lar- poon Point of Bone. 5. Lance Point of Bone. 6. Pendants of Elk Teeth. 7. Beads of Shell. 8. Bone Fragment with Partially Etched I lorse. 9. Bone Fr.igment with Traces of Geometric Design. some happy chance revealed a new instrument or a new- method w hose dead- liness at leni^th plaei'd m human hands the means which ga\e man his ulti- mate supremacy owv tluse crt'atures w ho had so lon^ terrorizt'd and preyed up(jn him. That this new agent was the work, ol his hands can scarcely I)e questioned. Some modihcation ol the old Hint weapons or the shaping oi an implement eapabli' ol destro\ing the marauders provided man with such a margin ol saiet\' that he no longer came oil second best in his contact with Ins unrelenting assailants. Whether this new agency was a combination of the use' ol lire with a more elheient weapon, or some other means, the lact rt'mams that Ni-andeithal man ultimateK' dro\-e the hostile carni\'ores out ol 756 MAN the caves. These he C()\etecl for liimsclf and there in lime established his own d\venin- also stimulated the beginnings of religious beliel and ga\ e him his llrst ineenti\es for the establishment of customs which mamlested themseKes in such complex ceremonial rites as those connected witli burial and ])erhaps with sacrifice. In their remarkably e\hausti\e studies concernmg the mentality of anthropoids, both Professor riiorndikc and Pn-fessor \ erkes were struck by the great length of time which is necessary for one of these animals to grasp a new idea. Tlu' apes in their capacit\ to learn seem vastl\ inferior to men, although the learning process appears to be essentiall\ similar. There can be no possible dis|)ute concerning this contrast as between modern man and e\"en tlu' highest ajjcs. But in the retrospect, does it not seem clear that ])rimiti\(.' man, in his slow e\(>King, reciuired an astoundmgly long time to grasp a single new idea — great jjcriods of geological time, for example, to learn how to protect liimsell from the wild beasts or to sharpt'n his Hint implements? Indeed, are not his modern successors in a general way li\ing up to this rt'putation lor the slow acquisition of really new ideas? Implements nj Mnushrian Wandeiihal Man. Mousterian industry in Hint, however dillerent it may have been m its outward exjjression, still had all the aj:)pearance of a direct e\-ohition from Acheulean culture'. In some instances there is a distinct improNcment o\er the ideas of the older culture, but again a decline or even sujjpression in some of its most eflectne instru- ments. The same ideas appear to be at work upon the same materials. -Mousterian aims, howe\'er, were considerablx motlilied b\ the new mode of living, by the lessened physical resistance w hich a better sheltered life would aflord. The making of clothing undoubtedly grew out of the conditions of this more protected type of lili' w Inch jjroduced a people less inured to the -58 MAN elements than the hardy races which lived in the open. The eflccts dI this need lor elothintz; made themselves felt not only in indiistry, but also in the production of imj:)Ienu'nts necessary to such inchistry. The crowding inci- dent to the sheltered dwelling in tlie grottoes and eaves also had its deleterious inlluences upon the ph\sical w ell-l)eing of the Mousterians. Undoubtedly the ravages of infection and contagion became much more potent, and disease as well as imperfect hygiene had o]:)portunit\ to go their full length in j)roducing inroads u]:)on this race. End of the Lower Paleolithic Period. Little was added to instru- mental perfection during the Mousterian |)eriod ol culture. The anij) de poign or liand-a\, so valuable an instrument in earlier cultural ]jeriods, had fallen somewhat into decadence, although the chopi:)er, the planing tool, the drill or borer, the knife and scraper were still rt'tained. This last especially had adapted itself to the new needs of their social conditions for it appears in many forms, with a cur\ed edge, a saw edge, a double edge, a beaked edge, or having numerous edges. The hand-stone and the hammer-stone were still in theii- former Acheulcan state, all of these being adapted to industrial purposes. No distinctlx new ideas in tlu' implements of war and chase ha\c yet mack' tluir appearance, the spearlu'ad, tlu' throwing stone and the knile still being the chief weapons emplo\ ed during this period. Whatever insidious inlluences might ha\-e been at work, in course of time tlu- jMousterian culture began to show signs of a steady deterioration. The predominance which the Neanderthal had exhibited as a race in Lower Paleolithic limes was distinctl\ on the wane as this ])eriod approached its end. The Upper Paleolithic and Cro-NL\gnon Max. A profound change finally appears to have come over the character of the inhabitants of western Europe. For some reason the Neanderthal race disa])])eared to bi' leplaced by another race ol' man, the Cro-Magnon. 'I'his, without c|uestion, was the FROM PRIMITIX F. TO MODERN MAN 759 rrplacniUMit ol a Iowit rare by owv dI miK'li hi>^r|uT organization. Tlu' Ncan- cU'i'tlial was (listnu-tl\ on a low rr plane than any now rxistni^^ luinian tyjjc, w hik' tlu' Cro-i\Ian\ olutional com- plexity is likewise increased in the occipital region, and this is also true, perhaps to a less extent, in the temporal and parietal areas. These regions. THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN -8^ whirl) in the lower primates are preeminent because of theii' rich convohi- tional pattern, m man seem to ix- less strikmij; when compared with'the Irontal and occipital lobes. FIG. 338B. DETAILED DIAGRAM OF BASE OF BRAIN, HOMO SAPIENS. The Jraulal Lohc. The lateral surface of the frontal IoIh' presents a superior, middle and inferior frontal couNolution as well as a precentrai convolution sometmies spoken ol as the ascending Irontal con\ oiution. All o( these con\()lutions are exceedingly irregular in outline, and separated 786 MAN from each other by correspondingly tortuous fissures. The superior frontal gyrus is situated between the margin ot the hemisphere and the superior frontal sulcus; it corresponds to the upper part ol the hemisphere and is mucli longer than any of the other frontal convohitions upon the lateral surface. It is continued mesially to the marginal gyre on the mesial surface and joins the central convolution by means of a lateral bridge at the upper end of the precentral fissure. The middle frontal gyrus is parallel to the superior frontal eoinolution in a general way, separated from it by the superior frontal sulcus. The superior and inferior precentral sulci separate this gyre from the central con\()hition although a well-marked deep annec- tent gyrus usuallx connects them. The inferior frontal eoinolution, the smallest of the three gyres in this region, is in some respects the most impor- tant of them all. It is situated in relation with the horizontal and ascending branches of the SyKian fissure. These branches di\ide the inferior frontal convolution into three parts, the anterior frontal operculum (pars orbitalis), the intermediate frontal operculum (pars triangularis) and the posterior frontal operculum (pars basalis). The left inferior frontal eoinolution is often called Broca's convolulion and it is regarded as the motor speech center. In man it is more dcxcloped upon the left side m right-handed indniduals. This greater development i:)articularly aflects the triangufar part of the con- volution which ma\' cntirel\ separate the horizontal and ascending branches of the Sylvian fissure. The Parietal I.ohc. The |)arictal lobe presents an extensive and irregular C|uadrilateral outline. It is bounded b\ the l^olaiidic fissure in front, below by the fissure of S\l\ius, and behind by the imaginary line connecting the pre-occipital notch with the external portion of the pancto-occipital fissure. Upon Its lateral surfai'e the parietal lobe is di\ ided b\ an interruptc'd fissure, the intraparietal sulcus, into three coinolutions, the post-central, sujicrior parietal and inferior parit'tal gyres. The intraparii'tal sulcus commences at THK Bl^AlN 01 MODERN MAN 787 the cephalic angle of the IoIjc a short distance above the Sylvian fissure with w liieh it is sometimes continuous. It extends for about an inch ])arallel with the lissure of Rolando and then curves backward and slightly upward, across the parietal surface into the occipital lobe. This sulcus usually appears in three distinct parts whicii form tiie superior and inferior postcentral sulci and tile horizontal intraparietal lissure. The inferior postcentral sulcus, situated behind and parallel to the lower part of the (issurc of Rolando, is separated in about ~2 per cent of cases from the superior jiostcentrai sulcus. The superior postcentral sulcus lies behind and parallel whh the Rolandic sulcus, ch)rsal to the horizontal liml) of the intraparietal sulcus. The horizontal mtra- parietal sulcus passes backward and slightly upward. It js often continuous at its cephalic cxtremit\ w ith the postcentral sulcus. The convolutions on the lateral surface of the |xirietal lobe are thrt'c in number, the jjosteentral, the sujx'rior parietal and tlu' inferior parietal, the last being subdi\ided into certain accessory gyres. The postcentral or ascendmg parietal conxolu- tion constitutes the caudal wall of the Rolandic fissure. It is bounded cau- dall\ by the postcentral sulcus in its two subdivisions. The lower extremity of this gyre is connected with the precentral convolution in front and the inferior parietal gyre behind b\ means of annectent gyres. The superior parit'tal gyrus is situated caudal to the superior postcentral sulcus, dorsal to the horizontal limb of the intraparietal sulcus. The inferior parietal gyrus is situated between the inferior postct'iUral sulcus, the Sylvian fissure, and llu' horizontal limlj of tlu' Intraparulal fissure. I his coinolution is more complex in its configuration than either of the preceding gyres. It is sub- divided by the upturned end of the Sylvian fissure, also by the caudal ter- mination of the first and second temporal sulci. The extremities ol tht^sc fissures determine the position of the supramarginal and angular gyres. The supramarginal gyrus passes around the upturned end of the Sylxian fissure; the angular gyrus bears a similar relation to the upturned end of the superior 788 MAN temporal sulcus, and the postparictal g\rus curves about the extremity of the middle temporal sulcus. The Ociipilul Lohc. The occi[)ital lobe is situated at the occipital pole of each hemisphere. It is ii;enerall\ pxramidal in shape and presents a richly convoluted lateral surface. la apes this is separated from the parietal lobe by the sulcus simiaruni. The occipital surface is further subdixided by a trans\erse furrow, the transverse occipital sulcus, which appears most dis- tmctly m the Ictus. Subsequently it joins the occipital portion of the intra- parietal sulcus of which it ap])ears to be the bifuicated caudal extremitx. In apes it IS concealed b\' the caudal o|:)erculum, but on separatniji the conxolu- tions bordering upon the sulcus simiarum, it is seen on the anterior wall of the sulcus. A lateral occipital sulcus extends oblic|uely backward lor a short distance below the lateral end ol the transverse occipital sulcus toward the occipital pole of the hemisphere. The calcarine fissure, one of the chief land- marks on the mesial surlace, olten extends backward upon the mesial sur- face of the occipital lobe to its pole where it bilurcates to form the li.ssura extrema ol Seitz, visible when the hemisphere is \iewed from its occipital aspect. 7^/u' Tcmjxnal Lnhe. The tem|joral lobe presents a lateral surface which is bounded for two-thirds ol its length by the horizontal portion of the SyKian lissure. At the caudal extremit\- of this lissure the lobe is contiiuious with the parietal and occipital lobes. Two \ariable fissures appear on the lateral surface of tlu' tt-mporal lob(.', the superior and middle temporal sulci. An inferior t(.'mporal sulcus is seen upon the xentral surface ol the lobe extending caudally toward the occipital pok'. The coiuolutions upon the surface of the temporal lobe are three in numlji'r, the superior temporal, the middle temporal and the inferior temporal g\ res, all ol which may be easily discerned in this portion of the brain in the great anthropoids, to a less extent also m some of the still lower primati's. The disposition ol the ' ' ' V ■ I \ * < THE liRAlN 01 MODERN MAN 789 coinolut loiis in relation with the Liptiiiiu'd t'licl ot the superior and middle temporal sulci has already been cU'seribed and is important m that it gives these areas of the cortex a greater coiuolutional rKhness than is true ol any ol the great anthropoids. SIGNIFICANCE OF CONXOLUTIONAL COMPLEXITY IN THE HIMAN BRAIN If a single statement might cover the characteristic leatures ol the lateral aspect ot the human hemisphere in contrast to all other primates, it is that the com|)le\ity ol the coiuolutions and the tortuousness ol the lissures render impossible a unilorm description m man, \\ hile the relatixe simplicit>' of these leatures in all simian brains discloses the discrete territorial bound- aries almost at lirst glance. Although the human brain has made great advance in its relative weight when compared with the anthro[)oid brain, both absolutely and in relation to body weight, its chief superiority lies in its intricate compk-xity ofconvolu- tional arrangement. As applied to the frontal area this obser\ation becomes l^articularly lorcelul. The frontal lobe, olten spoken of as the silent area, is, as a matter of fact, now credited with such functions as those cinmected with the regulation of the higher laculties of the mind, the de\ flopnuMit of pt-rsonahtN , the formation ot all those associational memories which enter into and lorm personal experience and thus bespeak the degree of intellectual de\elopment. A similar coiu'olutional expansion of tlu' occipital lobe is an indication ol the extent to w hich \isual lunction has extended its associational significance and the added degree in which it contributes to the general s\ nthesis of sensory combinations entering into the ex|)erience of the indi\idual. That the tem- poral and ])arietal lobes ha\e been somewhat outrun b\ the ex])anding complexity of the frontal and occipital lobes is perhaps not surjjrising, inas- much as these two intermediate areas of tlu' brain ha\c' alwa\s presented a certain predominance because ol tlu' ixpresentation within tlu'ir cortical 790 MAN areas of somcsthctic sensibility and the sense of hearing. It must not be inferred from this observation that there are not definite advances in these types of sensory organizatieduncles is significant of expansion -P^s^ FIG. 339A. LEFT LATERAL SURFACE OF BRAIN, HOMO SAPIENS. [Actual Length 173 mm.] in those great projection systems connected with the cerebral hemispheres. The paUio-ponto-cerebellar tracts, as well as the pyramidal tract, are the constituents of the peduncle. Expansion in these tracts accounts for the increased size of the peduncle. Occipital Surface oj Basilar Portion of Hemisphere. The occipital surface of the basilar portion of the hemisphere shows certain equally striking modifications in contour. This is especially notable in that the cerebellar con- cavity, like its cephalic counterpart in the orbital region, has undergone reduc- tion in size and prominence. Only a slight remnant of this depression appears THE BR.AIN OF MODERN MAN -93 in the region immediately posterior to the corpus callosum. TTie occipital notch is much reduced in size, and the degree to which the occipital surface overhangs the cerebellum has undei^one considerable extension as compared with the FIG. 339B. DETAILED DIAGR-Jtil OF LEFT LATERAL SLRFACE OF BRAIS. HOilO SAPIENS- Ket to Diacrax. scijC tNT-. SoJicus InteipaxiEtafe; stix. ocrrp. lat.., Sakns Ocxaica&Lateia&^sirLjCcs occrPTTAUs TRA^s~ Salens Occqjttalis Tninsversas; stTLC psecnt. rsT_ Sclcos PrecectnEs Iniexior; scxjC PBECVT. si-p-. Sulcus Precentrals Superior; sixc- rft. ivf-. Sokes RiKrtjceumEs laiitiicc. higher anthropoids. All of these facts indicate a simultaneous expansion both in the occipital region of the hemispheres and in the cerebellum. The latter, however, is most aflFected in its lateral lobes. THE CERFBELLL'M The cerebellum, quite as much as the cerebral hemispheres, afforck e\Tdence of the expansK-e pHX)cesses which have made such marked advances in the human brain. Such progress is particularly well shown upon the 794 MAN tentorial surface of the cerebellum which has lost much of its transverse convexity. It manifests none of that sharp gabling so prominent in the lower and intermediate primates. Even the ridge-pole effect produced by the vermal portion of the cerebellum is almost completely lost, and while this cerebellar surface is not actually flat, it much more nearly approaches this condition than in any of the forms already described. The most cephalic portion of the superior vermis is still somewhat protrusive, extending slightly above the general plane of the tentorial surface. The interfolial sulci pass almost without demarcation from vermis to lateral lobes and the folial delineation is, if anything, slightly more pronounced than in the lower species. This cerebellar expansion, which appears to have confined itself so largely to the lateral lobes, accords with the expansion discernible in the cerebral hemi- spheres. It offers a convincing argument as to the pronounced increment in the several functional areas of the encephalon. The indications of expansion evident upon the tentorial surface of the cerebellum become more pronounced on the occipital surface. The posterior cerebellar notch has become deep and the vallecula so much depressed below the surface that it requires a separation of the lateral masses of the cerebellum to reveal the now almost concealed inferior vermis. The two apposite borders of the lateral cerebellar lobes arc in contact with the falx cercbclli. The appearance of this surface gives such outstanding prominence lo the lateral lobes as to make the vermal portion of the organ seem almost insignificant. \\ hen the lateral lobes are separated, two deep paramedian sulci are brought to view, which appar- ently interrupt the continuity of the vermal sulci as they pass into the lateral lobes. Upon the petroso-vcntricular surface of the cerebellum, all of the usual landmarks are prominent, including the cerebello-pontile angle, the great horizontal fissure and the middle peduncle. In every feature, this portion of the brain, which has its prototype in the brainsof all lower primates, reaches its greatest definition in man. THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 795 IMPRESSION GAINED FROM A SURVEY OF THE EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE BRAIN The impression gained from a survey of the external surface of the brain is that of a pronounced expansion in all those parts particularly con- cerned with the functions over which the neopallium presides. Thes' tions are all in the interest of neokinesis. Expansions in the pariet lor the increase of somesthetic sensibility enrich kinesthetic association in the control of motion. Expansions of the occipital lobe extend the realm of the visual sphere, not alone for sensory interpretation but equallv for those contributions which vision makes to the regulation of the more highly organized skilled movements. Enlargement of the temp>oraI lobe extends the sphere of auditor\" perception to bring into existence those combinations of neural impulses advantageous alike to the acquisition " nee of skilled performances; ; . the most notable expansion ot a the frontal lobes for the i: lii of neural svntheses essential to the orj^an- ization of person; ■ .e construction of judgment and of all the higher faculties of dis. iion and reason governing the conduct of the individual in adjustment to his complex environment. A similar expansion in the interest of augmented function appears in the late- of the cerebellum. SURFACE L.\NDMARKS OF THE BRAIN STEM As is the case with cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, all surface land- marks become better defined in t rain stem. The ventral surface of the oblongata presents a well-detined ventromedian sulcus which in its more caudal p>ortions is interr terlacing libers of the decussation. This decussati' l-s itself apf)arent more in man than in the lower forms. On either side of the sulcus are two prominent pyramids, their apices tap>ering toward the pyra \.-cussation. A marked 796 MAN pre-olivary sulcus separates tin- pyianiicl from a promiiicnl ()li\ai"y eminence. A distinct postolixary sulcus uiter\enes between the olixary body and the spinocerebenar t'niinence, tlie expression of which latter is delimited dorsally ?^A^ ' .J FIG. 340. \'ENTRAL SL KFACE OF B AIN STEM, HOMO SAPIENS. lActvial Length 82 mm.] Key to DiM.uwi. op. dr.. Optic Chiasm; o. N., Optic Nerve; opt. ped. sp..\ce, Opticopeduncular Space; 1". H. 1)1 (.., P\ramiclal Dcciis.sation; VENT. .MED. sll., Ventromedial Sulcus. In- a well-delined intermediate sulcus. The most strikinears to be less than in the arboreal pri- mates is quite evident even u{x>n suj>erficiaJ insp>ecrion. The floor of the ventricle is traversed by the striae acusticae. Imme- diately cephalad to the striae acusticae and adjacent to the median sulcus is a rounded elevation formed by the genu of the facial nerve encircling the nucleus abducentis. This is the eminentia facialis. The cephalic extremrtv- of the fourth ventricle becomes continuous with the Sylvian aqueduct, dorsal to which are situated the quadrigeminal plates, specialized to form the superior and inferior colliculL Both of these eminences in man apf>ear relati\"ely insignificant, and their surface relief is much less than in the lower and intermediate primates. They seem e\-en less prominent than in the great anthropoids. The sulci sep>arating the two sets of coOiciJi are broader and more shallow than in the other primates. The longitudinal intercollicular sulcus is considerably expanded to form the pineal fossa in which is lodged the epiphysis cerebri. Upwn the lateral surface of the mid- 8oo MAN brain is a wcll-clc'liiH-tl nu'sial y. Pyramid; kkk. Reticular Formation; rst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; run. Descending Trigeminal Tr.ict; ven. Ventral Gray Column; xpy. Crossed Pyramidal Tract. [Accession Man Section N 55. Actual Size 10 X ~ mm.| idea concerning the extensiveness of the pyramidal system ma\ I:)e obtained from the massi\eiiess of the decussation as the (ibers interpose tlu'iii- selvcs between the central gray and the ventral gray column. The Jatter 8o2 MAN seems to retain man\ of the cliaractcristics ol tlie \c'ntra! horn in the spinal eord, and were it not lor its detaehnient b\- tln' erossing p\ramidal libers, the general appearanee of the seetion in this respeet would eorrespond closely to that of the upper eer\ ical region of the eord. The eentral gray matter is somewhat broader and more massive than in the lower levels of the axis. It eontains near its eenter the eentral eanal. It has not manifested as yet any of its tendency toward dorsal migration in preparation for the opening of the fourth ^•entriele. Dorsolaterally it is connected bj' a slenck'r cervix with a dorsal gray column, surrounding the periphery of which is the substantia gelatinosa (NR). This substance has much increased in size and has moved into a more lateral position as compared with its con- ditions in the spinal cord. It is beginning to occupy the position \\ hich gives rise at higher levels to the eminentia trigemini. The dorsal sensory field exhibits the wide expanse lying between the two laterall\' denected masses of the substantia gelatinosa. The most strik- ing featurt' in it, however, is the proportion of the mesial column of Goli (CG) to the more lati'ral column of Burdach (CB). These two fasciculi of densely m\clini/cd libers arc separated from each other b\- a well- dclined dorsal paramedian sulcus. There is thus no diHicultx' in distin- guishing the lioundaries of the area representing the sensorx inllux Irom the leg and foot and of that serxing in a similar capacity- for tlu' arm and hand. The columnar representati\e of the lower extremity, the coKimn ol Goll, is about one-third the size of the similar represcntatixc of the upper extremity and hand, the column of Burdach. None of the primates shows with such decisiveness the delimitation between these two columns, nor is there any case in which tlu' disparit\' in size between tlu'in is more marked than in man. This dilference denotes a marked incri'ase in the lunctioiial impor- tance of those sensory allerents connected w ith the upper extremity and hand. It is by no means imjilied that the morphological dilferentiation in the hand THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 803 and upper extremity has so progressed over and above the adajjtix e ehangcs manifest in thelej; ni()ti\'e in tht- expansion w hieh oeeurs ni tlie eohinm of Burdaeh, it is jjrohable that no siieh chsparit\' wmild he exident. The greater size of the fascicuhis cuneatus must Ije attributed more to the funetional expansion arising in eonnt'etion with the wide inerease in range of mo\<-'ment now possible in the hand. 1 lie total number ol postures and museular eoml)inatioiis of myotensional states ior liiieness ol moxement 111 the human upper extremit\ has shown a pronouneed inerease as compared with any of the other primates. This large number of joint and muscle combinations incident to complex manual manipulation 111 man has called forth a corresponding increase in the sensory inllux. Although in the great anthropoids there has been a marked tendency to establish a similar diOer- ence in the size of the columns of Goll and Burdaeh, thus signifying that the forelimb was becoming progressively more emphatic in its influence as a sensory organ, the linal stage is reached in man. The contrast is most con- vincing on comparing the human conditions with such low forms as the tarsius or marmoset. The nervous system rellects 111 these particulars the modifications occurring in the upper extremity and Iiand. Another feature descrxing emphasis is the fact that the entire sensory field IS considerably larger than in the lower jarimates. The total sensory inllux from the i-xtremities, both upper and lower, appears to be of larger volume in man than m aj^cs. Lateral to the column of Burdaeh is the substantia gelatinosa trigemini (NR) on whose outer margin is the descending trigeminal tract (Trd). The reticular formation ( Ref) is well delined and lies in a j)()sition dorsal to the \entral gra\' column. In the circumferential and intermediate zones in the medullary substance are the two ascending spinocerebellar tracts (Fie, 8o4 MAN Gow), the spinothalamic (Spt), rubrospinal (Rst) and Deiterso-spinal (DT), tracts together w ith the usual juxtagriseal intersegmental association fibers. In the ventrohiteral region is the spino-oiivary tract of Helweg (Hel). LEVEL OF THE CAUDAL EXTREMITY OF THE DORSAL SENSORY NUCLEI (FIG. 343) At this level the changes are those incident to the appearance ni the dorsal sensory field of the nuclei of Goll ( NG) and of Burdach (NB). The [nramidal decussation is still in process at this level as indicated bj- the marked dellection of the ventromedian sulcus. The reticular lormation (Ref ) has increased in size as compared with the lower level, so much so that the cephalic remnant of the \entral gra\' column ( Ven ) is now connected by many griseal bridges with the central gray matter (Cen). The latter structure has migrated somewhat dorsally in the general movement which takes place in preparation tor the opening oi the fourth \ entricle. The dorsal sensory columns of Goll and Burdach still show their exact demarcation b\ means of the dorsal paramedian sulcus. The column ol Goll is about one-third the size of the column of Burdach. In both of these columns there now appears the corresponding nuclear structure. The nucleus of Burdach is a l^rotrusion of the central gra\- matter into the in\esting medullary substance of Burdach's column. The nucleus of Goll occupies a more independent position almost entiri'l\' surrouiuk'd b\ medullary substance. The substantia gelatinosa of Rolando ( N R) shows some increase in dimensions as compared with the last level, and the descendingtrigemiiial tract ( Trd) is also obviously larger. The central gra\ matter (Cen) is roughly triangular in shape with its base directed toward the dorsal aspect of the stt'in. Its triangular form is in part accounted for by tlu' decussating fibers of the pyramidal system (Py.\). The cervix of the dorsal gray column is rc|)ri-s<.'nted only by a few gray bridges connecting tlu' substantia gelatinosa trigt'inini with the central THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 805 gray nialtrr. Tlic pyrariiid ocrupics its fuslotnarx Nriitroiiu'sial position although Its outliiu' IS not clfarl\ di'liiu'cl dur to clillusioii intitli'nt to tlu' crossinu ol p\ lainidal lii>c'rs. The cart iimlcix'iitial and inttrnu-diatc zones FIG. 343. MAN. LE\EL Ol- CAUDAL EXIKIAUI^ Ol DOKSAI. SENSOIO NLCLEI. CB, Column of Burdach; cen, Central Gray Matter; CG, (Joluinn of Goll; dt, Deiterso-spinal Tract; kle. Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract; Gow, Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; hel, Spino-olivary Tract of I lelweg; NB, Nucleus of Burdach; nbl, Nucleus of Blumcnau; nhy, Hypoglossal Nucleus; NG, Nucleus of Goll; nr, Nucleus of Rolando; i>Y, Pyramid; PVX, Pyramidal Decussation; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; si>t. Spinothalamic Tract; tkij, Descending Trigeminal Tract; \ en, Ventral Gray Column. (Accession Man. Section N 175. Actual Size. 13 X 10 mm.] show tliL- sanif ^ciuaal arrangcnuait as hcTctolorc and contain on tlic periphery the two spinocerebellar tracts (^Ele.Guwj and in the inter- 8o6 MAN mediate area, the rubrospinal (Rst), spinothalamic (Spt) and Dciterso- spinal (DT) tracts. LEVEL OF THE CAUDAL EXTREMITY OF THE INFERIOR OLINARY NUCLEUS (FIG. 344) Here the general configuration of the section has changed considerably due to expansion incident to the dorsal migration of the central gray matter. In the ventral position, occupying the usual place on either side of the ventro- medial sulcus, are the dense bundles <:f the pyramids ( Py). It is possible at this le\el to obtain some estimation of the relative unportance ol the pyramidal system in the human neiu-axis. At this Ie\'el the pyramidal libers occupy at least a ciuarter of the entire cross section. This clearix nulicates to what extent the function of volitional control over somatic musculature has expanded to meet new demands Imposed b\ the human race. The.pyrami- dal system has jirogressively increased from the lowest extremity of the primate series to this point. Dorsolateral to the pyramid is a mass of gray matter heretofore not apparent in the section, the caudal e\trcmit\ ot the interior olivary nucleus (10). The central gray matter (Cen) has become more circular in outline, containing the central canal near its center. It is almost entirely surrounded by arching nu'dullated libers rising for the most part Irom the nucleus of Coll and sweeping to the ia])lu- to form the lower portion of the decussation of tlu' mesial lillet (Mfx). These arching axons are the interna! arcuatt' libers and represt'iit the decussation in thepathwa\' lor the conduction of impulses from the leg and foot. The dorsal sensory field shows in this section as in lower IcacIs the disproportion between the column oi Goll and column of Burdach. These two dorsal columns arc still clearly demarcated by the dorsal paramedian sulcus. In the most lateral position of the dorsal sensorv held is the substantia gelatinosa trigemini or nucleus FIG. 344. MAX. LE\ EL OF CAUDAL F.XTRIl.Ml lAOl I XFEKIOK OLI\ AK^ XL CLEUS. CB, Column of Biirdatli; cen. Central Gray Mattrr; C(;, Column of Goll; di, Dcitcrso-spinal Tract; ile. Dorsal Tract; cow. Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; mel, Spino-olivary Tract of 1 IcIwck; 10, Inferior Olive; mfx, Crossing of the Mesial Fillet; m>. Nucleus of Uurdach; n<;, Nucleus of Goll; nhv, I lypo- fjlossal Nucleus; nr. Nucleus of Rolando; i>D, Predorsal Bundle; I'L, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; i»Y, Pyramid; ree, Reticular Formation; rst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt. Spinothalamic Tract; rui), Descending Trigeminal Tract. (Accession Section N 2;o- Actual size 13X8 mm.] [80-1 8o8 MAN of Rolando (NR), upon \\ host' oLitcr margin is tlu- descending trigeminal tract (Trd). A few scattered collections of gray matter in the column of Burdach represent the caudal extremity of the accessory nucleus of Bhinienau, also called tin- lateral nucleus of Monakow. The circumferential and intermediate zones contain as heretofore the two ascending spinocerebellar tracts (Fie, Gow) on the periphery, and mesial to them the rubrospinal, s[jinothalamic and Deitcrso-spinal tracts (DT, Rst, Spt). LEVEL THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE INFERIOR OLI\ARV BOD'*' (FIG. 345) At this level the changes in the external conhguration arc those incident to the o[)ennig of tlu' tourth \cnlricle and the appearance of the inlerior oh\f in its full development. The dorsal aspect of the section has increased in Its diameter corresponding to the opening ol the veiitricLilar space. In a similar manner the \entral diameter has increased due to the appear- ance of the inferior oli\ary body. Occupying their usual position in the ventromesial portion ol the section are the two pyramids separated by a wide ventromedian sukus. Along the \entral margin ol the |:)yramid a nuclear mass has made its ap|jearance, the nucleus arcilormis. Dorsal to the pyramids is the collected mass of axons h)rming the mesial lilk't ( M I ), to which a number of internal arcuate hbers are still making their way from the cephalic extremitx of tht' nucleus cLineatus. The inferior (liivary nuch'us has its characteristic human ap|)earance. It is distinctl\ outlined and much convoluted in form, with its two accessor\- olixarv elemi'iits, the dorsal accessory obve ( DO) and the mesial accessory oli\e (VO), adjacent to it. This increase in t hi' xolume, in the delinitioii and in the degree ot con- volution of the inlerior oli\t' carries this structure to its highest degree of dilferentiation seen in mammals. Slowly and b\ progressive stages this structure has advanced through all intermediate lihases from the lowest ol THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 809 the primates until it reaches its euhnination at tliis jjoiiit. It seems fair to say tliat no strueture in tlie human body shows more elearl\ the expansive unfolding and progressive specialization indicative oi an cNohitionarx process MG. 345. MAN. LE\ EL IHKOLGH MIDDLE OF INFERIOR OLI\ AR^ IU)D^ . AMB, Nucleus Ambiguus; CB, Column of Burdach; ctt. Central Tegmental Tract; do, Dorsal Accessory Olive; FLE, Dorsal Spinocerebellar Tract; cow. Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract; hel, Spino-olivary Tract of Helweg; 10, Inferior Olive; mf. Mesial Fillet; nbl. Nucleus of Blumenau; nd. Nucleus of Dcitcrs; nfs. Solitary Nucleus; Niiv, Hypoglossal Nucleus; nr. Nucleus of Rolando; nvd. Dorsal Vagal Nucleus; NI2, Twelfth Cranial Nerve; po, Predorsal Bundle: PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; pv. Pyramid; REF, Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; spr. Spinothalamic Tract; \o, \entral Accessory Olive. [Accession Man. Section N 433. Actual Size 20 X 1 1 mm.) than thi' interior olivary nucleus. Starting as an ill-defined aggregation of gray matter in the ventrolateral quadrant of the oblongata of lemur, this 8 10 MAN great nucleus of the brain stem has manifested the progressive modifica- tions seen in the intermechate primates. At length in the great anthropoids it begins to disclose that outhne familiar both in conliguration and dciinitioti which finally is expressed in the richly convoluted nucleus of the human brain. Assuming the correctness of the interpretation already ascribed to the inferior olivary nucleus in its relation to the simultaneous movements of the head, eye and hand as well as the facilitating of all skilled move- ments, it will be clear that a functional expression of this expansion in the primate order has kept pace with the structural e\olution ol the nucleus. For example, the skilled performances of man in w liich sinuiltaneous move- ments of the eyeball, the hand and the head are essential, as compared with those of the lemur or marmoset, appear to be greatly in advance of such acts in these lower prnnates. The bod\ of the central gra\' matter has completed its dorsal migration and lies in a position forming the floor of the f )urth \entricle. In its \entro- mesial portion is the clearly dillerentiated hypoglossal nucleus (Nhy), separated from which b\- the funiculus separans is the dorsal vagal nucleus (N vd). The emergent fibers from the twelfth nerve (N i 2) make their way forward from the nucleus toward the inferior olivary body, while the entering libers of the vagus nerve pass through the lateral aspect of the periphery and make tluMr way to the dorsal sensory luieleus. They traverse in so doing the restiform body, the descending trigeminal faseieulus and the sub- stantia gelatinosa of Rolando (NR). Ventrolateral to the dorsal vagal nucleus is a colkx'tion of densel\' m\elini/A'd libers surrounded by a nuclear mass. This comprises the nueU'us solitarlns ( N f s ) and its accompan\ing fasciculus solitarius. In the most lateral position in the dorsal held is the cephalic extremity of the nueh'us of BlunuMUiu (NBH surrounded by a few myelinated libers arising in the column of Bnrdaeh. l-'eri[)heral to this is the dense myelinized bundle constituting the restiform body (.hie) THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 81 1 and \'(.'ntial to the nucleus ol I^Lirdach is the substantia o;cIatin<)sa trigcmini ( N l-v I ni\ rstc'd on its outer surlace h\- the descenchnoglossal Nucleus; nr. Nucleus of Rolando; NSC, Schwalbe's Nucleus; mo. Vagal Nerve; I'D, Predorsal Bundle; I'l., Posterior I ongitudinal Fasciculus; pv. Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; si'i, Spinothalamic Tr.ict; trd, Descending Trigeminal Tract: \(i. \entral Accessory Olive. (Accession Man. Section C 7. Actual Size 23 X 9 mm.| have acquired something approaching the erect posture do, nevertheless, supplement tlu'ir locomotor actixities by usin, Di-iti-rs' Nuclous; nis, Solitar\ Nucleus; nk, Nucleus of Rolando; nsc, Scliwalbo's Nucleus; i>D, Prcdorsal Bundle; i>L, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; i-v, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; kst, Rubrospinal Tract; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; trd. Descending Trigeminal Tract; TUB, Tubereuluni Acusticum. [Accession Man. Section C 189. Actual Size 22 X 12 mm.] In man the xestibular eomplex consists of a small-celled tnangtilar nucleus of Schwalbe (NSc) and a large-celled nucleus of Deiters (ND) scattered through which are many small bundles of heavily myelinized libers. Entering fibers from the Nt'stibidar di\ision ol the eighth ner\e make their way inward and pass through the ventral e\tremit\ ol the restiform 8 14 MAN body to tlu' mic'k'iis of Dcitcrs. Ventral to Dcitcrs' nucleus is the somcw hat reduced substantia gclatinosa trigcmini (NR), and latiTal to the nuek-us is a massive bundle of fil)ers constituting the restiforni hudy (ICP) about to estabhsh linal connections with the cerebellum. On the outer side of the restiforni l)ody is a mass of nuclear material penetrated b\ nian\ nerve fibers. This is the tuberculum acusticiun (Tub) which contains portions ot the ventral and dorsal cochlear nuclei together with hbers arising in the cochlear division of the eighth nerve. The body of the central gray matter spreads across the floor of the ventricle. The specializations in the central gray substance are particularly concerned with the nuclei of the \estibu- lar and cochlear divisions of the eighth nerve. The most mesial of these spe- cializations is the triangular nucleus of Schwalbe ( N Sc). At this level, the inferior olivary body appears in all its complt'x convolu- tional arrangement, showing a marked increase in volume as compared with the lower primates. It is associated w ith the dorsal and mesial accessory olives (DO, VO). Its fundus contains amass of heavily m\fllnized axons from w hicli man\ arcuate libers pass across the midline of the raphe and make their way to the restiforni body. These olivo-ccrcbellar connections are much more extensive than in anthropoids. They represent the only axons entering the mierior c(.Tel)ellar ])eduncle and ha\ ing diffuse distribution in tlu' \ermis and lateral lobes of the cerebelluni. The circumferential zone, in contact \\ ith the inferior olive, contains the central tegnu'iital tract (Ctt) which affords connection between the midbrain and the mlenoi- olixe. Whether this tract also has constituents which establish communication with still higher levels of the neuraxis, such, for exain|)le, as the interbrain, the corpus striatum and even the cerebral cortex, is a cjuestion w Inch is yet to be decided. The main portion of the central tt'gmcntal tract appears to come in dirt'cl communica- tion with the midbrain in the neighborhood ol the third lurxe nucleus. Some of its fibers appear to enter and form part of tlu' ])osterior commissure. The THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 815 reticular lurniation ( Ri'f) occupies a larpt' of cerebellar control applies chielly to complex motor actixitics. Disease or injiirx m tlu' lateral lobes ol theccrebel- THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 817 lum leads to a coiulitiDn of ataxia or (lisarrangcnu'nt in tin- |KTlorniancc' of such mo\ t'liu'iits. 1 lu' act is cmharrassccl i)\ a scries ol irrciiular oscillations. Flexion in one place is o\H'r-cni|)liasi/.e(l and must he counteracted b\ o\er- extension, which ni its turn is extri'nie. 1 hus that plastic skeleton ot posture about which the execution ol each skilk'd act is molded, loses its cohesive support and has every appearance of thorough disorganization. The most acti\e agent of skilled |)erlormances in man is the hand. Without siK'h speciali/.ation as this it would be im|)ossible to de\ flop t he range and \arii't\ of complex manual moxcmcnts ol which man is capable and for which the xastlx increased output ol coordmat i\ t' control Ijccomes necessary. Responding to this demand t he lateral cerebellar lobes ha\e show n their ex|)ansioii. It is not to be o\ crlooked, ho\w\i'r, that tlu' lower extremit\' manilests ct'rtain latent potentialities for the de\ elo|jnu'nt ol highl\ complex acts. Not a lew cases are on record m w huh indi\ iduals ha\e been deprn fd of both upper extremities b\ amputation at or near the shoulder. Some indi\ id- uals thus alllicted ha\c so educated the lower extremities and leet as to accjuirt' the control of moNcnu'iits necessary for painting and writing. These moxc'iiU'iUs belong to tlu' group ol acc|uired skilU'd perlormanccs to the usual list of which many others may be added b\ special training as, tor example, those seen in jugglers. The cerebellum thus appears to contain a certain unde- veloped jjotcntiality which, under stress of unusual circumstances, may l)e made available. LEVEL OF THE INFERIOR PORriOX OFIIIF PONS \ AROl 1 1 ANIVIIlF EMERGENCE OF THE Sl.MH CKANI Al. NEK\ E, THE NER\T S ABDl CENS (FIG. 34y) Here the configuration of the section has undergone considerable modili- cation, due to the addition of massive transverse bundles and other structures pertaining to tlu' pons \ arohi. By the addition ol the pontili' elements, the marked distinction l)etween the basis j^ontis and the tegmentum pontis 8i8 MAN is clearly established. The boLinciarv line- of these two portions is formed b\- the tiaiisvefsel\ arranged bundles of {\\v mesial hUet (Mt) through which pass nian\ crossing ner\e hl)ers constituting the trapezoid body, FIG. 349. M\\. LEX 1:1. OI- THE IMEKIOK POKriON OF THE PONS \AKOLlI AND THE EMERGENCE OF THE SlXril CKWl Al NEK\E. err. Central TcK'ncntal Tract; lin, I.ingula; MCi>, Middle Cerebellar Peduncle; mf, Mesial Fillet; nab, Abducens Nucleus; nbe, Nucleus of Bechterew; n6, Abducens Nerve; n?, Facial Nerve; pd, Predorsal Bundle; pn. Pontile Nuclei; pv, Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst, Rubrospinal Tr;ict; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; spt, Spinothalamic Tract; so, Superior Olive; tur, Tractus Uncinatusof Russel (Hook Bundle); iv, Fourth Ventricle. [Accession Man. Section C 109. Actual Size 38 X 31 "iiii.| THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 819 a portion of the sccondarx cochlrar [jatliway. Situated in the lateral extrem- ity of the trapezoid l)ocl\ is the upper pole of the superior olivary body, (SO), a relay station in the pathway of auditory conduetion Ironi whieh some hht'rs arise to take a eourse inward and haekward m the chrec- tion of the nueleus ahdueentis. These libers form the pedunc'le ol the su|KM-Ior olivary body. They serve the ])urpose of transmittinii; auditory impulses from the superior oIi\e to tlu' nueleus of" the sixth ner\e, in order that the eyes may be directed toward the souree of any sudden sound oeeurring u])on one side or the other of the indixidual. This pedunek' ol the supt-rior olix'ary bodv develops in all primatt's, haxinii in man a representation as proiiouneed as any of the lower forms. Immediate rellex cooperation Ix'tweeii ear and eyes is as much a human nvcd for ]M-ompt dettxtion ol a|j[:)roaching danger as it is essential to the protection of the upva. The body of the central D, Predorsal Bundle; PL, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; i'\. Pontile Nuclei; I'Y, Pyramid; kst. Rubrospinal Tract; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; si't. Spinothalamic Tract; tmt, Tractus Mesencephalici Tri()rtions, the lower forms showing a less highly developed superior cerebellar peduncle and a much more extensive zone corresponding to the tractus uncinatus of l^ussel. Tlu' fibers composing the \entral sjiinocerebellar tract follow their latlu'r circuitous route to the vermis, maintaining about the same proportions throughout the series, it is dillicult to estimate their actual xohinu', but if anything they ma\ have decreased in man. 1 he increasing size of the superior cerebellar pedunck' as contrasted with llu' lelatively decrt'asing size of the tractus uncinatus pro- duces the x-ariant in the arrangement of this rt'gion. Since the uncinate tract of Riissi'l is part ol'tlu- iuxtari'stilorm bod\, it represents an acti\ity connected with the intrinsically primiti\e liinetions of tlu' cerebellum, its nil- BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 823 proniiiic'iice nia\ well decrease' in comparison \\\{h the more rix'cnt lunctional accessions ol ihe ccrchelliiin represenlecl h\ the superior ceri'heMar pt'tluncle. On the one hand, the uncniate tract cK'notes organization in the cerebellum related to paleokinesis, particularix' concerned in the hahincino; mechanism, while on the other hand, the superior cia't'ljehar pi'dunck' is an index of developments in coordinativc control ol precise mo\ements expressing neokinetic specialization. The outstanding feature at this level is the great increase in the size of the pons \ arolil produced by the augmentation ol the pontile nuclei. So marked is this expansion thai pontile structures ol the basis encroach upon the tegmentum pontis to such an extent that some ol the pontile nuclei actually lie dorsal to the mesial lillet ( PN, Mf). Such pontile encroachment ma\' be looked upon as another e\'i(k'nce ol tlu' exuberant e\[3ansion of these nuclear masses seeking accommodation in all a\ ailable regions. They appear to extend caudally as a jirolongation ol the nuclear substance which forms the nucleus arcilormis, and to some exti-nt mliltrate the mesial lillet. This invasion ol the tegmentum is j)rimaril\ a human feature. Indications of it may be lound here and there in the chimpanzee and in the gorilla, but in the main no such massive extension of nuclear substance into the tegmentum is witnessed m any other species as in man. 1 he basis pontis takes its character much more Irom tliese nuclear aggregations than it docs even from the great mass of transverse pontile libers which lurther increase the actual volume of the pons N'arolii. 1 he arrangement ol the three layers m the pons is similar to that noted in other species. All of tlu' pontile layers, the stratum super- licialc pontis, the stratLim complexum pontis and the stratum prolundum pontis luu'e their characteristic appearances. The manner in which the transverse libers accumulate as they approach the lateral aspect of the section to lorm tlu' middle ci'rebellar pi-duncU' 1 M ep ) is a feature which has been noted in connection with each form of the primates discussed. In the 824 MAN ventrolateral jjortion of the section some liht-rs lonninff the dorsal roots of the trii), Pretlorsal Bundle; I'L, Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; r>\. Pontile Nuclei; I'v, Pyramid; hkf. Reticular Formation; kst. Rubrospinal Tract; scp, Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; SPT, Spinothalamic Tract; r\iT, Tractus Mesencephalic! Trigemini. (Accession Man. Section C' 458. Actual Size 24 X 24 mm.] [825I 826 MAN tant systems of conduction fibers. The mesial and more massive is the su]3erior cerebellar pechmcle (Sep) in the form of a crescent whose niferior tip is approaching the median hne. Lateral to the superior cerebellar peduncle is the lateral (lllet (Lf), the secondary pathway in the conduction of audi- tory inijiidses. These fibers are approaching a relay station in the inferior colliculus whose ele\'ations are not as yet present at this level. The relative size of the superior cerebellar peduncle is readily appreciated and again affords an opportunity for estimating the volume of efferent impulses pass- ing out of the cerebelfum in connection with the function of muscular coor- dination. The significance of its augmentation has already been discussed and is undoubtedly connected with the vastly increased capacities on the part of man for the liner adjustment in those highly skilled performances whicli require the finest eoordinative control. The boundary line between the tegmentum and basis in this section is created by the presence of the transversely disposed bundle of fibers of tlie mesiat fillet (Mf). In the basis are all of the elements characteristic of the pons Varolii, including its three major strata, the stratum superficiale pontis, the stratum complexum pontis, containing the large masses of pontile nuclei, and the stratum profundum pontis. The reticular lormation ( Rel) at tliis level apj;)ears to be reasserting itself as a more extensive structure. At the same time it appears somewhat more dill use, due to the tendency of the superior cerebellar peduncle to undergo decussation. The iormatio reticularis contains no specialized groups of cells at this level, i^ordering upon it and perhaps forming a portion of it is a small aggregation of gray matter, the caudal pole of the substantia nigra. This latter structure has been variously interpreted as to its functional signilicance. At the present time the majority of authorities ascribe to it the regulation of certain automatic associated movements. THE BRAIN 01 MODERN MAN 827 LE\EL OF THE INFERIOR COLLICL LLS (FIGS. 352, 353) At this Ic\c'I tlir midbrain is ciitiTrd and sliows ihv (.haracteristic- modifications occunmii; m xUv roolplalc. Two svmnn-trieal t-lcxations rise upon cither side fornun^' the inlerior collicuh ( IC). These structures are more conical in shape than is the case m any ot tlie lower prmiates. From surface appearances these primar\ way-stations in the |)atln\a\ ot hearing seem to have undergone considerable reduction m the human hram. The significance of such rechiction may be gauged l)y Xhv lact that hearing in man has become much more dehberati\e m its reactions. Au(htor\ stimuli need and recei\e more coiisidt'iatioii, greater association and mort' exact evahiation before courses of action are determined in response to them. The need of immediate rellex response as the rt'sult of auditory impressions is much less apparent in man than in lower animals. It is probable that such instantaneous reaction as man\ of the lower a[)es manilest in consequence of auditory stimuli might proxe in)urioiis to man. The adage, "Look before you leap," applies ec|iiall\' to the sense ol hearing. Sounds or noises arc usu- ally submitted to proj)er analysis by higher centers in the neural mechanism. Although a certain degree of the ancient stratification still is apparent in the inferior colliculus, reminiscent of its lornu'r functional |:)romineiice among various parts of the brain, this specialization is but feeble and gi\es a distinct impression of definite iiuolution. Probably no other single function has undergone more e\tcnsi\e elaboration than the sense ol hearing. The evaluation of sounds and the production ol speech and music, as well as the associations connected with the nian\ \(iiees of natiire, ha\c' formed an almost inexhaustible material out of which man has constructed his wealth of auditory perception and understanding. It is little wondi'r, therefore, that the primitive capitol of lu-aring has \n-vn transferred to a thoroughl\ modern- ized neural organization callable of meeting all ol the great variety of mocfili- cation and exiirencN' m the auditor\ realm. FIG. 352. MAN. LEVEL OF THE IM LKIOK COLLICULUS. CEN, CiTitral Gray Mattt-r; ctt, Central Tegmental Tract; ic, Inferior C^illieulus; lf, Lateral Fillet; Ml", Mesial Fillet; ntk, Trochlear Nucleus; I'D, Prcdorsal Bundle; pl. Posterior Longitudinal Fasciculus; i>\. Pontile Nuclei; i>v. Pyramid; ref. Reticular Formation; rst. Rubrospinal Tract; si>T, Spinothalamic Tract; SPX, Crossing of the Superior Ccrelnllar Peduncle. [Accession Man. Section C547. Actual Size 22 X 24 mm.) [ S28I THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 829 Tlu' ci'iitral ^n'ay niattcr (Cen) sunouiuls the Hour and lateral walls of the SvKian ac]uc'clucl, and upon its \rntral maru'in arc- the extensive bundles constituting the posterior longitudinal laseieulus ( PL 1, the predorsal FIG. ^j^. MAX. LEVEL OF THE LNFERIOR COLLICLLUS. AQ, Aqueduct of Sylvius; CEN, Central Gray Matter; err, Central Tegmental Tract; cp. Cerebral Peduncle; ic, Inferior (^olliculus; lf, Lateral Fillet; mf. Mesial Fillet; ntr, Trochlear Nucleus; PL, Posterior Longitudi- nal Fasciculus; ref. Reticular Formation; Ksr, Rubrospinal Tract; sen. Substantia Nigra; spt. Spinothala- mic Tract; spx. Crossing of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle; tmt, Tractus Mesencephalici Trigemini. [Accession Man. Section Nqi8. Actual Size 34 X i<) mm.) hundle (PD) and some scattered hundli'S of ni\elinlzed libers lorming the mesencephalic root ol the lilth ner\e (Tmt). The ter, Spinothalamic Tract; tmt, Tractus Mescncephalici Trigemini. [Accession Man. Section (.', 64-. Actual Size 30 X 14 mm.] The central gray matter (Cen), which .surrounds l[ic aqueduct of Sylvius, in its ventromesial portion contains a large nuclear aggregation, the nucleus oculomotonus iNoc). From tins nucleus the ner\e lii^ers arise which supply all ol the muscles of the t'\e with the exception of the external rectus and the superior ol)lic[ue. The nucleus is noteworthy because ol the dense oculomotor decussation and commissural connections. This con- nection itself is mdicatiNc of close internuclear relationship in the interest of 832 MAN stereoscopic vision. The reticular lorniation (Ref) is now much reduced in size. There has emerged Ironi it a large circular nuclear mass, the nucleus ruber (NRu). This nucleus shows a distinct increase in size compared with the lower and intermediate primates and is even larger than in the great anthropoids. Functionally it serves as a rela\ in the transmis- sion of impulses mainly arising in the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. It may also be the case that some fibers from the cerebellum are relayed in this nucleus to pass cephalad into the interbram or e\en the endbrain. The marked increase of the nucleus in the human brain is important as bearing upon the increment in coordinative control already indicated in the size of the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. Ventral to the reticular formation is a massive aggregation of nuclear substance, the substantia nigra (Sbn ). Whatever may be the final opinion concerning the functional significance of this large mass of gray matter in the midbrain, it unc|uestionabIy manifests a progressive increase in size and definition in the primates. Ventral to the substantia nigra is the collection of fibers constituting the cerebral peduncle 1 C P ). These peduncular fibers provide lor all those intricacies oi motor activity essential to the life of the hunter m the use and the contrivance ol his weapons and implements. They serve the expression of man's abilities as agriculturalist, home-buildi'r, artisan and artist. Without these connections none of the activities characteristic ol human society and cultural organization would be possible. It ma\ be ciuestioned, thcrclorc, \\li\ these structures, denoting such preeminent achit'\t'meiits in man, lia\e an\ representation whatsoever in aj)es and lowtT mammals. It is, ho\\c\i'r, not the mere presence of these neokinetic (ibers rejjrcsented m the cerebral pt'duiicK' w Inch gives them their significance. They have a long mammalian history. In which their linal expan- sion in the human bram displays this critical surplus over and above their primitive, fundamental de\elo|)nient. " " 'J ' J (.,.. ; THE BRAIN OF MODERN MAN 833 Lateral to t lir ix-ticular lonnation and ap|)arcntl\- c'nK'rjj;inii; Iroin it is a large pnitubiTanci', {\\v iiicsial gciiKulatc hoclx (Mgh) connfctcd with tlic pathway ol licarmg. It aj^prars to incn.'asc j)i()gi'f,ssi\t'l\' in si/f through FIG. 355. MAN. LEVEL OI- IHE OPTIC CHIASM. CIN, Internal CapsiiU-; <:i'H, Corpus 1 iypotlialaniiciini; 1 ui", Dcscrndins Pillars of the Fornix; i rs, Fields of Forel; gli>. Globus Pallidus; nlt. Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; N.\n, Mesial Nucleus of the Thalamus; NLi, Internal Lateral Nucleus of the Thalamus; oi't. Optic Tract; opx. Optic (Chiasm; in i. Putamen; V3, Third Ventricle. [Accession .Man. Section C 79<). Actual Size 64 X 2(j mm.] the pniiiatc series and in man has hirger chinensions t han m any ol the apes. Betweiai tlu' two peduneles is a wide opt ico-|)edLineiilai" spaee wiiieli eontains the mainmillarv bodies, the postinlnndihular eniinenee, the attaehnienl ol the inhindibular stalk and the tuber einereum. All of these are more jjroniineiit than thi' lorri'sponding struetures in lower primate 834 MAN brains. The intcrcoUicular sulcus between the superior colliculi is broader and deeper than in the anthropoids. It forms a larger pineal fossa for the epiphysis cerebri. The function attributed to the epiphysis in inhibiting growth and FIG. 356. MAN. LE\ EL OF THE OPTIC CHIASM. CEN, Central Gray Matter; cm, Mammillary Body; cp, Cerebral Peduncle; Cph, Corpus Hypothalamicum; CFT, Central Tegmental Tract; lcb. Lateral Geniculate Body; mgb, Mesial Geniculate Body; nru. Nucleus Ruber; op.x. Optic C^^hiasm; pul, Pulvinar; ref. Reticular Formation; sbn. Substantia Nigra; sc, Superior Colliculus; STR, Striatorubral Tract. (Accession Man. Section gSo. Actual Size 65 X 35 mm.) retarding sexual development is significant in that it delays maturity in man to a much later period than in other mammals. LEVEL OF THE OPTIC CHLASM (FIGS. 355, 356) At this level the contour of the section shows the characteristic modifi- cations of transition from the midbrain to the inlerhrain. The third ventri- cle ( V3) appears as a deej:) narrow cleft between the two nuclear structures THE RRAIX OF MODERN MAN 835 which form thr optic thalami. In the most ventral position and forming the iloor of the ventricle at this level is the optic chiasm (Opx) into which enter the optic ner\es and from which th(,' optic tracts depart on FIG. 35-. -MAN. LE\ EL OF THE ANTERIOR COMMISSURE. AC, Anterior ("ommissurc; ciN, Intirnal Capsule; fdp. Descending Pillars of the Fornix; for, Fornix; CLP, Globus Pallidus; .nm. Nucleus Masticatorius; pl"T, Putamen. [Accession Man. Section N 1052. Actual Size 63 X 29 mm.] their way to the several relay stations before they end in the occipital lobe. The third ventricle is divided into a dorsal and a ventral division by the interposition of the commissura mollis. The thalamus is contiguous with a dense bundle of fibers constituting the internal capsule (Cin) which represents the cephalic continuation of the cerebral peduncles. The capsule is placed between the ventrolateral surface of the thalamus and the mesial surface of the corpus striatum which in this section presents the two major portions of the lenticular nucleus, the globus pallidus ( Glp) and the putamen 836 MAN (Put). Other morphological features of this Ie\el are indicated by corre- sponding markings which appear in the legends accompanying the frgures. LEVEL OF THE ANTERIOR CO.\LMISSURE (fIG. 357) Here the brain stem comes to its cephahc termination. The third ven- tricle, less deep and somewhat broader than in the level of the optic chiasm, is Hanked upon either side I^y the cephalic extremity of the optic thahimus. All of the structures in this region of tlie brain in man correspond in detail with the homologous elements of the lower and intermediate primates as well as the great anthropoids. Features of Human Brain Showing Greatest Evolutional Significance In concluding the re\'iew of the human brain, it is difficult to decide which features have the greatest evolutional significance. The neopallium, pons Varolii, p\ ramid and cerebral peduncle probably should be given the place of first importance. The lateral lobes of the cerebellum, the dentate and red nuclei, the superior cerebellar peduncle and inferior olive are but little less decisive in their evidence. All of these structures are essential factors in the organization and control of mammalian motor specialization. Their progressive evolutionary development in the primates denotes to what degree behavioral capacity has been extended. The history of these structures is closely interwoven with the differentiation of the extremities and then- record reveals how that process has advanced through many phases from apes to man until the human hand made its appearance. This specialization is the final test which ma\- be employixl to explain the extensive develop- ments of the human brain. Chapter XW'I RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GRA\ MATTER IN THE HUMAN BRAIN STEM "^HE reconstruction ol the ij;ra\' matter in tlu- luinian brain stem re\eals thosi' modllications, expansions and elaborations which repri'st'nt the cuhnliiation ol the cNolutional process traced throngh the i:)rimate order. Certam kvitnres made more evident in this nu'thod ol visualization deser\e particular consideration. In this regard, attenti(ui lirst directs itsell to the [iontile nuclei, the grc-atest mass formed b\ any one s|)ecialized structure contributing to the composition of tlu' lU'uraxial gray matter. This imposing nuclear collection in man contributes a greater pro- portional amount ol gray matter to the make-up of the brain stem than it does m any ol the lower members of the primate group. Not only is this dewiopnieiit easily recognized in the actual amount of nuclear material but also in the complicated disposition ol {he lil)t'rs which arise within it, and coursing through the nuclear matrix l)reak it up into a more intricate nuclear mass than is seen in any of tht' otiur reprcsentatix es of this series. Another im])ressive mass ol gray matter is the arcilorm nucleus, w hich re|)resents a marked acKancc' o\er that seen in tiu' lowt'r forms, consisting ol a layer ol gray matter almost completel\ iiucloping the \entral surface of the inlrapontiU- portion ol the brain stem. The mlerior olivary complex also reaches a degree of complication considerabl\ in acKance of that hitherto oijst'rM'd m the ph\ lum, w hile the colliculi show tlu- hnal steps in the process which has alread\ been obst-r\'ed to be in progress, the inferior colliculus continuing to show a steady reduction in size and comple\it\, while the sujicnor colliculus barely holds its own m comparative and absolute dillerentiation. 837 838 MAN OiK' olIuT l(.';iturc' which at once attracts attt'iitioii 111 this (general sur\cy of the exposed nuclear material is the coinparatixc decrease m the size and importance of the reticuhir formation, the matrix out of which has de\ eloped the great majority of the nuclear masses belonging to the gra\ matter of the brain stem. The reconstruction m general does not give the impression of massivcncss which might be expected in this the largest brain stem of the series. The nuclear accumulations, although increased relatnely m size, dillt-r materially from those which have been observed in the lower members of the series in an increasing sharpness of definition, a greater degree of deli- cacy and clearness ol outline, w hich serves more sharplx to dillerentiate them irom those ol the lower primates than does any material increasein bulkorsize. The fundamental structures of the brain stem, the reticular formation, the nuch'i ot the cranial nerves and the specialized masses of gray matter in the region of the mesencephalon, particularly the nucleus ruber and tiresubstantia nigra, do not present any material alteration in the a|)pearance of these striic- tures as they have been observed in the lower orders in this series. The organized masses w hich ha\ e materially changed in size, complexity and in contour are those connected with the iunctions which in man have achieved a greater degree of integration and coordination than that attained by any of the lower members of the primate group. This |)articularly applies to the pontile nucleus which develops, pan jjassu, with the expansion of the cerebral hemispheres and organization of synergy, the contribution of the cerebellum to animal motion. The olixary nucleus which must be considered as a comparative newcomer 111 the organization of tlu' lirain stem, as it presents material comple\it\- only in the upper primates, shows a marked advance m man oxer that which has bt'cii observed in the other members of this group. Although its liinction is not tiill\ understootl, its de\ clopnuMit has been steady, dehnite and continued. The conclusion heri' acKanced ma\- not yet be entirely supported 1)\ delinite e\ idcnce, iu\ trtlulcss the increase in RECONSTRICTION OF HUMAN 839 compIc\it\ and si/.c of the nUw has paralleled tlu' emergence of tlu' hand as an lnd(.'|)t'ndent nuMiiIxT lor the exploration of the cmironnu'iit. 1 his ini|)rove- nu'iit in nianual de\terit\ in eon jiinet ion with the perleetmn ol hmoeular ftETlCUL* FK;. 358. LATERAL SURFACE OF CM \\ \L\TTER OF BRAIN STEM, HOMO SAPIENS. Key to Diagram, arc. nlc, Arcifoim Nuckus; (eis. gbav matter, Cintrnl Gmy Mattir; <;ociil. com. Cochlear Compli-x; inf. coll.. Interior Colliculus; inferior olivary nuc, Inferior Olivary Nucleus; ret. FORM., Reticular Formation; sub. nigra. Substantia Nigra; sup. coll., Superior (!c>lliciilus; vest, comf.. Vestibular C~ompIex; 3rd nerve M'C., Nucleus of the Oculomotor Nerve. vision mav he explained b\- the critical exercise of the visual Junction in the guidaiux' of the hand and arm. One other feature w hich deser\i's mention is the marked increase in the clearness and delmition exinced l)\ the \ari(nis channels, w hich the lon^^ w hiti' lihi'r tracts ha\x' ])roduccd throui^h tlu' reticu- lar formation and tln' otlu'r i^iortions of the gray matter ol tlu' stem. These channels presc-nt a greater sharpness and (U'linition of outline than that seen in the preceding members ol this group. The Dorsal Medlllari' Nuclei In the lowfst |)art of the rc-construction the dorsal medullary nuclei appear alrcad\ fairly wi-ll diA ciopi'd. l"lu' nucli'us ot the column ol Coll, 840 MAN situated mt'sially, jx)ssesses the large ()\erhan<2;ing lateral extension wliieli is characteristie ol the dorsal niielear aeeiinuilations. This lateral extension ol tlu' nueleus extends outward and almost hides Ironi \ie\\ the more laterally placed nuek'us ol the eolumn ol Burdach. The nueleus ol Coll eontmues upward enelosed by a dwnidlmg mantle ol libers and eontaniinle.\. Vestibular (Simplex. its latt'ral aspeet a mass of >j;ra\ matter, the nueU'us of Bliimeiiau, apparently eonneeieci with the nueleus ol Buidaeh. The substantia tielatinosa Kolancli is eontinuecl upwarti into tlu' oblongata as the reee|)ti\ f nuek'us lor the tri^enimal iu'r\c-, beni^ealletl m this region the substantia gelatinosa tngemnu. I he nueleus is somewhat more extensivi' both abo\e and below and presents a delinite eonstrietion m the region of the entr\ of the eoehlear division of the eighth nerve. This has been mentioned previously and may be ealli'd the waist of the trigeminal nueleus. It maintains a relati\tl\ uiuhanged position in its course upward through the 842 MAN brain stem, lying almost in the lateral meridian, and is inllnenced hut little by the lateral deviation w hieh is so delmitelx |)resent in the ehange oi |)osition of the dorsal medullary nuelei. The nueleus ]:)resents a few lateral extensions w hieh proeeed outward between the descending trigeminal libers particularly in the region where the nucleus of Blumenau appears, and it is diHieult to determine whether the latter belongs to the trigeminal complex or to the nucleus of the coluniii of Burdach. At the lexel of the entrance of the cochlear division of the eighth nerve, the substantia gelatinosa trigemini undergoes a definite diminution in size, recedes Irom the surface of the stem, then gradu- ally increasing in size it becomes flattened and applied to the lateral surface of the reticular formation. As the nucleus continues upward it finally pre- sents a dorsomesial inclination and disappears within the reticular forma- tion, being covered on its lateral aspect by a prolongation of this nuclear matrix which envelops it on its ventral, lateral and finally on its dorsal as])ect. The disappearance of the substantia gelatinosa trigemini from the surface of the reconstruction takes place abo\e the upj^er limit of the vesti- bular nuclei. The Inferior Oli\akv Nlcleus The inferior olivary nucleus appears in the lowest portion ol the recon- struction as a narrow, llattenetl lamina of grax' matter disjjosed m an oblique direction dorsomesially from the ventrolateral angU' of the reconstruction and |)ointing toward the central gray matter. As this lamina, which is the \entral accessory olivary luiekais, is followed upward there begin to appear masses of gray matter in connection with it, dorsal to its mesial extremity. These repre- sent the first appeaiaiui.' of the dorsal accessory oli\ar\ nucleus. As the ventral accessory nucleus is tract'd birther it presents numerous irregularities in size and shape and proceeds upward in a rc-lati\el\ constant position, con- nected at its mesial extremit\ by a discontinuous series of nuclear bridges with the dorsal accessorx nucleus, it comes to an vml at al)oiit the junction RECONSTRUCTION OF HUMAN 843 oftlK' upper and niKkllc tliircis ol tlu' ()ii\arv complex, sli;k' of the fourth ventricle. This mass of gray matter is the dorsal cochlear nucleus. It gradually increases in thickness and at the same tune extends laterally oxer the acoustic nerve root, conforming to the surlace contour ol the corjjus restilorme which lies unmc- diately subjacent to it. The nuclear material gradually extends more and more laterally and ventrally and thickening at its distal extremity it becomes a discrete ventral luicli'ar collection callixl the ventral cochlear nucleus, it occupies the \entro- lateral angle ot the oblongato-pontile junction, it;: most ventral extent lying somewhat m front ol the mid-|)oint on the lateral surlace ol the bram stem. The cochlear nerve root passes through the mesial aspect ol the ventral coch- lear nucleus, splittmg it into two [portions, a lateral mass which overlies the root as an o\al collection ot gray matter, and a mesial portion existing as a Hat lamina ol nuclear tissue aj^jjlied to the mesial aspect ot the entering root. In the more caudal portion ol the cochlear complex the ventral and dorsal nuclei arc joined together by a \\ell-delined layer of nuclear material. This la\c'r becomes thinner and thinner as the corpus restitorme moves dor- sally toward its entry into the inlt-rior cerebellar peduncle until a delinitc separation between the two cochlear masses results in the formation of two discrete nuclei, tlu' dorsal and \'entral. A small portion of the dorsal cochlear nucleus persists independent l\ in the angle of the lloor and lateral wall of the lateral \entricle, while the typical o\al-sha])cd mass of nuck'ar material, the ventral cochlear nucleus, continues cephalad and somewhat \entrad as a separated mass of gray matter. The nucleus continues upward to tlu' le\ el ot the delinitne appearanct' of the |)ontile nucleus where it rather abruptly terminates. I he cochlear complex in the human brain stem is much more extensive than that found in the lower forms, the nuclear material being scattered richlx between the libers of the ner\e as that structure aj)|)roaches the brain stem, producing a continuous and dellnite nuclear connection 854 ^lAN between the dorsal and ventral aecumulations of gray matter. At its junction with the fourth ventricle the cochlear nucleus shows its greatest dimensions, the dorsal nuclear subdivision bemg eontmued mesially under the lloor ol the fourth ventriek', separating tlie subependymal gray matter of the fourth ventricle ior a considerable distance from the dorsal surlaee of the vestil)ular complex. The CoLLicuLi These masses of gray matter appear to be relatively insignificant in the reconstruction oi the gray matter of the human brain stem. In particular the inlerior colliculus is represented by a relatively small collection ol nuclear material. It rests upon the cephalic continuation of the deep layer of the reticular formation in the mesencephalon, this nuclear matrix separating the colliculus Itself from the gray matter surrounding the aqueduct of Sy!\ ius. The colliculus itself is made up of a number of layers of gray matter, the most definite of which is the external layer which is represented in the reconstruc- tion. The interior ol the colliculus is formed very largely of white fibers and as these fibers approach each other and coalesce they form a fibrous core for the colliculus. Arising from the lateral aspect of the colliculus is a bundle of libers, the inferior brachium, which leaves the eollieulus and passes toward the mesial geniculate body, producing a deep groove and in some places a tunnel in the lateral surlaci- of the mesencephalic reticular formation. The inferior colliculus is supported laterally by the lateral extension of the reticular for- mation while mesi;ill\' it rests upon the reticular formation forming the dorsal raphe ol the mesencephalon and a group of libers which emerge from the colliculus and cross to the opposite side as the commissure of the inferior colliculus. It is separated cephalicallx from the superior eollieulus 1)\ a dorsal extension ol the reticular formation. I his dorsal prolongation arises liom the deep layer of the mesenee|ihalic rt'tieiilar lorination extending dorsally and RECONSTRICTION OF IlLMAN 855 thrn nu-siall\ to |i)ia its fellow oi the opposite side at the mid-line, thus separating the superior and nilerior eoHieuli Irom eoutaet w ith one another. The superior eollieulus is eonsideral)l\ niori- extensive eephalo-caudad than the ulterior eollieuhis and ajjpears as a nuelear specialization in the reticular formation whieh surrounds it on all sides and sejjarates it from the iiilenor eollieulus eaudally, its lellow ot the op|)()site side niesialiy and the thalamic nuclei ee])halically. Mesiall\ the superior eollieuli are separated Ironi one another by a continuation ii])\vard ol the indillerent reticular lor- mation which se|xu"ates the inlerior Irom the superior colliculi. Mesialix the superior eollieulus rests upon a mass of fibers which arise Irom the interior of the superior eollieulus, converge toward each other at the midline and cross to join the superior eollieulus ol the other side, thus lorming the commissure ol the superior eollieulus. The de\ elo])nient ot this mass ot libers in this region definitely separates the superior eollieulus Irom the gray matter surrounding the aqueduct ot Sylvius. Laterally and ventrally the superior eollieulus is supported by the gradually increa^sing bulk of the reticular formation, which appears cephalad and dorsad to the intertegmental course of the superior cerebellar peduncle. Cephalically, the superior eollieulus gradually decreases in thickness and losing its characteristic appearance, it becomes a part of a thin lamina ot indillerent gray matter which iuses with the habenular region ot the dience|)halon. The SLBsr.\.\Ti.\ Nigka The substantia nigra appears as a relatively massive collection of gray matter in the ventral portion of the mesencephalon and seems gradually to dilTercntiate itself from the fused nuclear matt'rial forming the ventral layer of the reticular lormation and the dorsal layer ot the pontile nucleus. This change occurs very gradually and it is diflicult to say at which point the fused reticuIo-])ontilc gray matter ceases and the distinctixc, characteristic 856 MAN lU'uial tissue of the substantia nigra appears. It is supported by the pontile nucleus, the formation of the two buttresses ah-eady mentioned not being nearly so delinite in man as it is in some of the lower forms. The substantia nigra rapidly increases in bulk and spreads laterally, its deep surface being separated from the tegmental reticular formation by the beginning conden- sation of libers which in the diencephalon will form the fields of Forel. Laterally the substantia nigra is continued outward into two definite pro- longations which are producc^d by the appearance of a mass of white fibers in the lateral jjortion of the substantia nigra, arising from a definite nuclear condensation. In the interpeduncular region the mesial extremity of the sub- stantia nigra is separated from its fellow of the opposite side by the indiflerent gray matter forming the interpeduncular space, w hile the reticular formation as it gradually becomes reconstituted alter the decussation of the superior cerebellar |)eduncles moves forward and then swings laterally to parallel the dorsal surface of the substantia nigra thus completely separating the sub- stantia nigra from the nucleus ruber. The Nucleus Ruber This large mass of gray matter appears in the ventromesial portion of the mesencephalic tegmentum aboxc the ca\ Ity excavated from the reticular formation by the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles. It is a dis- tinct globular nuclear mass and ra|3idi\ increases in siz.e, presenting the spherical a|>ix'arance so typical of it and becoming the most striking structure in the mesencephalic tegmentum. It is rouiuk'd m form and completely sur- rounded by a capsule or mantle of w hilt' hbtrs w Inch separates it from the reticular formation. The Central Gray Matter A ihm lannna of gra\ matter is set'ii t'xtt'iuling l)ackward from the central gray matter as a narrow tongue lining each side of the dorsomedian RECONSTRUCTION OF HUMAN 857 sulcus. This l;i\cT of tiray niattiT continues to mow dorsally and then rapidly expands as the fourth \entriclc opens. It is chsposed in an arched fashion lati'rall\ corresponding w ith thi' opening of the h)urth MMitricle and de\-el()ps into a layer of gray matter which lorms the lloor oi theh)urth \t'nt rich' and is interposed between the t'pi'nd\ nial linmg oi the \entrii-le itself and the dorsal medullarx luiclci. This thin layer of gray matter eoiUiiUH's upward, increasing considerahlx in lateral extent, fusing with the dorsal cochlear nucleus and forming a thin layer o\ t'r the triangular nucleus ot the \ estii)ular complex. In its lower portion it is in direct contact xx'iitrally with the li\ poglossal nucleus w hich a[jpears as the eminentia hypoglossi on the lloor oi the \entricle as that structure o])ens. Lateral to this emineiux- ap|)ears a de])ression which separates theem inentia hypoglossi i'rom another eleva- tion, the eminentia vagi, which is ])roduced by the underlying dorsal luick'us oi' the \agus. I^rom this jjoint uj:)ward tlu' lloor ol the lourth xcntricle is rather smooth and appears as a thin sheet of gray matter extending from the median sulcus of the x'entricle to the lateral xentricular wall. At about the mid-portion of the ventricle another emiiu'nce appears near the midline oi the lloor of the fourth \ entricle. This ele\ ation is produced b\ thede\elopment in this localitx of the abducens nucleus and is calK'd the I'lninentia abducent is. These emi- nentia' are relativelx high, the groo\e between them being c|uite deep. The area w Inch corresponds w ith the \ t'stibular and dorsal cochlear lUicU'i, know n as the acoustic area, is relati\c'l\ smooth and is continued laterallx' into the lateral recess oi the lourth \entricle at the point oi entrance of the cochlear dix'ision ot the acoustic ner\t'. \hv gray matter oi the lloor ol the fourth ventricle is continued upward, furnishing a thin covering for the triangular nucleus of Schwalbe and the nucleus ol von Bechtercw in the lateral wall of the fourth xciitricle. The central gray matter i'ormmg the lluor of the fourth ventricle above 858 MAN the mid-\cntiicular region rapidly contracts in its lateral dimension and, thickening, it I)egins to assume the characteristic appearance ol the gray matter surrounding the aqueduct oi" Sylvius. As the mesencephalon is approached the cavity of the ventricle rapidly diminishes, the walls of the ventricular system increase considerably in thickness until the region of the colliculi is approached, w here the lumen of the \entricle rapidly diminishes in size and the walls of the ventricle become enormously thickened. This thickening takes place ventral and dorsal to the aqueduct through- out the lower half of the mesencephalon, the dorsal portion forming the support for the mesial extremities of the superior and inferior colliculi. This dorsal layer of gray matter is pierced at various points by the fiber bundles which are passing across between the two inferior and the two superior colliculi as the collicular commissures. In the u])per halt ot the mesencepha- lon the ventral portion of the central gray matter rapidly extends ventrally, forming a long, tongue-shaped process which passes forward lateral to the raphe and almost in contact with its fellow of the opposite side, being sepa- rated onlv by the indifferent material of the raphe. In this ventral extension of the central gray matter there appears a large nucleus, the nucleus ot the oculomotor nerve, which is continued cephalad to the junction of the mesencephalon with the diencephalon. In the uppermost portion of the reconstruction the dorsal portion ol the central gray matter is broken up by the appearance ot the posterior commis- sure w hich passes across from one side to another and di\ ides this part ot the central gray matter into a ventral lamina lying directly around the cavity of the aqueduct of Sylvius and a dorsal la\ er w hich lit's between the posterior commissure and the commissure ol the su])erior colliculi. Laterally the central gray matter is supported almost throughout its entire extent l)y tlu' reticular •■.formation of the \arious portions of the stem. In the upper portion ot the ■ mesencephalon the for\vard prolongation of the central gray matter, which -.■'■/ .■" ' ■■ RECONSTI^l'CTlON 01 HUMAN 850 contains in its subac|iH'cIuctal rci^ion tlu' oculonintor nucleus, is continued vcntrall\ into thi' nitcrpcduncular space and tluTc becomes contniuous witii the nilerpeduncular lorniation wIik'Ii is bein^ translonni'd into the zona incerta. This interpechincular iinw matter is coiitiiuied lorward and merges with the gra\ matter tormiiiii; the h\ peiicephalon. CiiAi'TKK x.w'ir THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN A Survey of I he Psychological Faundalions nf Ihnndn Prniiress "^111: luinian laiiiilv, atx'orchiifi to most conscrxatiw authorit\, lias been m cxistfiict' more than a liall million \eais. During' all tiu' vast cvn of Plc'istoc'ciu' tinu\ w ith its rt'ciirmit glacial ions and mtciAals ol warmth, man's brain stcadii\' ) Left Lateral Surface. Ilhistrating those markings which may be looked for in an indocranial cast. Ju I FIGS. 372 TO 3-4. A COMPARISON OF THE ENDOCRAXIAL CASTS OF GOKll I A, PITIIECANTHKOPL S WD HOMO SAPIENS. THE PRINCIPAL FA OLl TION ARV EXPANSION APPEARS IN HIE FRONTAL LOBE. I8-3] 874 ^lAN Frontal Lobe oi- Pithecanthropus as Compared w rm That of Gorilla and Homo Sapiens. As compared willi the priinalc Irontal lobe nearest to that of man, i.e., the ironlhi, the brain ot pithecanthropus shows nianilcst clifFcrcnces (Fig. 372). The frontal lobe as a whole is niLich less con- spicuous in gorilla. It is actually- and rehitively sniaMer m size. The rchef of its coiu'olutions is much less pronounced, its sha[)e is more pyrilorm as it tapers towards its apex at the Irontal pole and it has no coronal constriction. The left lobe of the Ja\an man is slightly larger than the right, which is probabl\- indicative of unidexterity. AH of these dilFercnces point to a dis- tinctly inferior dexclopment in the Irontal lobe oi gorilla as compared with pithecanthropus. A comparison with the brain of Homo sapiens shows at once what decisive gains the brain of modern races has made oxer its simple prototype of primitue man (Fig. 3'"4). In size and general a])pearance the brain of pithecanthropus resembles that of a three-year-old child. Fissures in the Frontal Lobe. The fissures in the frontal lobe which may be idcntilit'd with certainty are the superior and middle frontal sulci. They are tortuous and bound corrt's|)oiKlingly complex conxolutions. These fi.ssures are most pronounced m tlu' prelrontal area and cannot be traced back as far as the frontal region. The com (ilutions determined b\ the frontal sulci are the superior, middle and inferior frontal g\res. The last of these is of greatest importance since the mlerior Irontal coiuolution, espt'cially on the left side, is almost universally regarded as the motor spia'ch center in man. In connection with this con\-olution some authoritU'S ha\'e idi'iitilied the anterior and ascending l)ranches of the S\l\ian fissure, if present m pithecanthropus, howi'xcr, tlu'\ t'xist merel\ as tlu' laintest traces which aiFord insufficient ground lor their acceptance as delinite cerebral landmarks. in Ilomo sapiens, these sulci :ivv conspicuous and im|)art nuuh prominence to the inferior frontal coiuolution. I'here is no indication oi tlu' precentral fissure and hence no actual guide to tlu' Innits ol the pi'ecentral or motor THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 875 comolLitidii. How c'\tcnsi\fly tin's region of tlir cortex in jjitlu'tantliropus is proN iciecl with an iiitcrnu'diate j^reccntral area for skilled nio\-enu-nts eannot 1)1' (Utrrniinrd. Vhv basal surlace ol tlu' Iroiital lobe as show n \n supplemen- tary reconstruction b\ Professor McGregor indicates the presi'iice of two orbital conca\ities of considerable depth and well-de\eloped interorbital keels; in other words, conditions lar more primiti\e and j)ithec()id than those m mockrn man. Physiological Dedlctions to Be Dk aw x i kom Frontal Lobe. Esti- mated from the jjlivsiological standpoint, the Irontal lobe of pithecanthropus is indicati\e of a beha\ ioral advance lar above the plane of gorilla but i'c|uall\ below that of Homo sapiens. The Ja\an man must have possessed increased powers ol adapti\e reasoning. He was capable of more advanta- geous adjustment than gorilla or other anthropoids. He constructed lor him- self a greater sphere of experience, created at least an aj>proach to human personality and dc\clo]3ed the distincti\"c characters of indi\iduality. It is probable also that in his manual dcxteritx he was right-handed; at least the greater size of his left Irontal lobe suggests that his brain had singled out one hand as the chief representati\ c tor externalizing its activities. This in itself is a distinctly human character. Around it are built many of man's most productive specializations. In all ol these respects the Javan man was much below his human successors. There is little in his brain by w hich to judge the |3i"oricieiic\' ol his manual de\c'lopmcnt, to estimate how much skill he had ac([uired with his hands. But the prominence ol his mlerior Irontal comolu- tion (Fig. 375) strongly suggests that he added one supreme advantage to the motor equipment of animal life. He had learned to speak — to communicate in \erbal language. The gradual de\elopment of skilled acts had eventually combined the elfector organs of articulation and phonation into a coordinated apparatus controlled through the bram, by which he was able to express his ideas and feelings. The means of communication thus established laid the foundations of human know ledge. 876 MAN The degree to whieh pithecanthrf)pus may have developed language can- not be implied from anything in the external appearance of Wis brain. Doubt- less his lingiiistie attaimnents were I'xtremely crude. On the other hand, the fact tliat the cerebrum manifests such pronounced advances over the anthro- poid brani \n an area so mtunatel\' idcntihed witli spi'cch m Ilomo sapiens signilics the ch-crsivc step which pithecanthropus liad made m the de\elop- meiit of Imman kind. W ith all due allowance for the reservations imposed I)y morpliological limitations, the frontal lobe of the Javan man clearly indicates that the brain had progressed in its psychic capacity, that it had expanded in those portions upon which unide.xterity, reason, language and human personality depend. THE PARIETAL LOBE OF PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS The parietal lobe of pithecanthropus also gives evidence of expansion, although the details of this development are less conspicuous than in the frontal area. It is impossible to discern the relief of any convolutions, and, with the exception of the Sjdvian fissure, no critical impressions may be detected. No discrete boundaries between the frontal and parietal or between the occipital and parietal lobes may be distinguished. The hypothetical [)osi- tion of the Rolandic lissure provides the anterior limits of the parietal area. The increased ])r()minence of the parietal eminence, together with the general widening of the cerebrum in this region, denotes a considerable extension of the neopallium. As compared with the corresponding area in gorilla, this expansion is emphatic. In contrast to the parietal lobe of Homo sapiens, it is distinctly inferior. The j^arictal lobe as a whole represents the neopallial area for the elaboration ol somesthetic sensibility. The expansion of this area must be regarded as incidental not only to the augmentc"d inllux of sensory impressions, but also to the increased complexity of their association. THE BRAIN 01- PREHISTORIC MAN 877 Three somatic tactors lia\(.' \)vvn \\v\d especially respmisihlc lor this Increase: (irst, tlic cle\ elopnieiit ol tlie huiiian or luiiiianoicl loot; second, the assump- tion ol the erect posture, and thiixl, the emancipation ol the hand Irom loco- motor lunctions. 01 tliese lactors, [Iw third has perhaps the \AMIC FACTORS 1NDLCIN(; BKAIN Di:\ ELOI'MEN I IX PI I IIECANTHROPUS ERECTUS Anv opinion m the endcaxor to estimate w hat d\ namic lactors induced the acKanced brain de\'elopment in ijitheeanthropus nuist needs be based upon conjecture. 1 he major somatic \ariants m primate organization express themselves m the mode and posturt' ol locomotion, in the diilerentiation ot the foot and the specialization oi the hand. To the reactions and interactions of these variants tlu' primati' brain has made delinite res|)onses. The cerebral area most sensitive to and most consistently allected by such modilications has been the paru'tal lobe. This region rej^rcsents those activities engaged in sensing the body both in its axial and appendicular parts. In primates the axial segments ha\X' a greater structural lixity than the limbs whose Junc- tional adaptations ha\e manilested a lar wider range ol adjustment. In 88o MAN this light the expansion of the sensory regions ni the parietal lobe partieu- larly related to the leg and foot, arm and hand becomes highly significant. It seems most probable that sensory increment in these areas must be an FIG. 375. FUNCTIONAL LOCALIZATION OF THE BRAIN OUTLINED UPON THE LEFT HEMISPHERE OF THE ENDOCRANTAL CAST OF PITHECANTHROPUS ERECTUS. RESTORATION BY PROF. J. H. MCGREGOR. A, Auditory Area; F, Hifi;her Faculties Including Personality and Reason; 1 u. Fissure of Rolando; FS, Fissure of Sylvius; o, Area of Skilled Movements; i>. Sensory Area (Touch and Muselc Joint Sense); s, Speech Area; V, Visual Area; x. Area of Voluntary Motor ("ontrol. essential antecedent to any expansion in the reahn ol mori' highly C(jm|)Iex motor performance. Kinesthetic sensibihty is a limdamental requisite to all skilled acts. W ithoul it neither the motion lormula nor tlu' motor execu- tion would be possible. For this reason the de\elopmcnt of new sensory fields must have been closelx associated with the appearance ol new motor territories, if they did not actually precede them. From the femur of i)ithecanthropus it is assumed that he stood and walked erect much as do his modern successors. The assumption ol such erect posture entailed an extensi\e sequence of adaptive modihcations, all THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 88i of which were reflected in the hrain. Standing u[)riti;ht in itself rec]uires a complex sensorN' iiieehanisni to reeei\e and adjust the inipidses from the proprioce])tors. How intricate and esst'iilial this mechanism is ma\ he seen in those diseases characterized h\ patholouical changes m the sensor\ s\ stem. Locomiitor ataxia is an oiitstandmii; examjjlc. Here the disease is confined to the sensory elements hut exprcssi's itself pret'mmeiit l\ in t he motor adjust- ments of standintj; and walking. To what extent sensory orientation ol the hody is essential to proper x'oluntary mo\c'ment is sc'cn m such pat hological condit ions as acragnosis, in which the patient loses his limh sense to the degree that iu' may not appreciate the positions ol his extrt-mitics or recognize passixe move- ments ol them. The adec|uate sensing of the dillerent parts of the hody in rest and action is essential to kinesthetic sensihility and the mdispensahlc phj'siological hasis of all xoluiitary movements. Tlu' transactions of this highlyspeciaiized sense mv thelunction ol the j^arictal lohe. As they hecomc more extensi\e and complex, the parietal area has expanded to meet the new demands mack" upon it. Throughout the long history of primate adaptation and progress, the parietal lohe lias manifested the most consistent expansion. It has espcciafly seemed to keep pace w ith the progressive tendency to assume the erect posture, to (k'\elop |)lantigrade locomotion, to acquire himanual characters. If the [)arietal expansion is a reliahle index to the e\()hition of kinesthetic seiisihilit \ , then this essential attrihute of \()luntary nioxcment became more extensive in direct proportion as the u[)per extremity was emancijjated to perform the duties of the human liand. A sim|)le exam])le may suffice to elucidate this point. The indi\idual digits m the ])aw of a cat or dog have not acquiri'd independent mo\ements similar to fingers. Their sensory representation m the hram is consec|uently much less, and requires less cortical area. The man\ indi\ idual mo\emeiits of the fingers lia\e nvcd of much more cortical surlace lor their sensor\- orientation. It would seem to 882 MAN follow that ihc sensory clcniands of a fool so sjx'cializcd as to supijort the body on the ground in the upright posture, thus freeing the hand for eon- strueti\e and aequisitive purposes, called upon the brain for its supreme de\eIopnient in the ])arietal lobe. Simultaneous with the expansion in kinesthetic sensibilitx', the motor areas of the cerebral cortex ha\e enlarged. By their extension the\ have increased their capacity for the creation of more numirous and xaried motor patterns. They have gradually dexeloped all of the motor lormulae essential to the almost innumerable skilled manipulations of human hands. Much emphasis has been laid upon the expansion of the sensory portion ol the brain, which may thus seem to pla^' the leading role in dc\clopment. But motor and sensory expansion have gone hand m hand. These two factors are inseparably connected. They appear to be but ditlercnt phases ol the same process, namely, the conversion of energy through the agenc\' of animal organization. The stream of impulses which Hows m Irom the outer world by the avenues of the senses is transformed into the specific energy characteristic of each form of animal life and finally transmitted to the ellec- lors where it appears again in specilically purposive reactions. The intricacy of the apjKiratus for the intake and that for the output \ary directl\ w ith the complexity of reaction. The\ are both, therefore, parts of the same energy- transforming mechanism. It is impossibk' to consider the sensory organiza- tion of the brain apart from the motor. This applies to all t\[)es ol sensibilitx'. The t'\|:)ansi<)n in \ isual capacity indicated by growth in the occipital lobe supports this view. For as \-oluntary acts became capable ol more etlective performances, visual functions were increasingly more necessary to their acquisition and control. Hearing, as the instigator and guide ol new motor progress, may seem to carry less responsibillt \ than the other senses except in one transcendent particular. Auditory fuiution made |jossible the recog- nition and imitation of the inaiu' xoices of nature. It linallv became the guide THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 883 of motor impulses for the tonj;y ol the outer world \\as transformed mto spoken sounds of the human \i)iee. Sounds ol this kmd e\c'ntuall\' assumed svmbohe associations with gestures and other movements of tlie body, with ()l)|ects seen or otherw ise pereeixecL The meeption of [luman speech had its structural basis m the hrst and second temporal convolutions whose expansion is at least mdieated m pithecanthropus. These gyres represent the funda- mental sensory elements ol s])eech while the inferior frontal coiiNolution, constituting Broca's area, exercises motor control over spoken language. All of these expansions in the sexeral diflerent areas of the bram are ulti- mati'ly reflected in the dewlopment of the frontal lobe. The cumulatiw efiects of many factors impress themseKes upon this region. The assumption of llie erect posture, the freer use of the hands, the fuller sensing of the world, the acquisition of speech and constructive proclivities, the incentive to ex|)lore and the ability to migrate, combined to broaden human experience and to increase the capacit\' to li'arn therefrom. The part the\' pla\ed in indi\iduahzing human personality, in expanding the powers of selection, in creating tiie foundations of ]udgment and reason is obvious. All of these higher psychic faculties are now attributed to the frontal lobe. In the cNolution of structure and beha\ior indicated by the brain of Pithecanthropus erectus, man\ factors ha^"e reacted and interacted. It is doubtless true that no single formula attempting to outline the sequence of events in this process would be w holly satisfactory or correct. Some working program of this kind, howi'\'er, is not objectionable and may be helpful if its hypothetical nature is frankly admitted. The following summary of such a sequence visualizes pithecanthropus as departing from the pronogradc stem of the primates and making decisive advances beyond the anthropoid stage by: 1. The development of more extensive kinesthetic and motor capacity 2. The assumption of tlu' erect posture 884 MAN 3. The freeing of the hand for manual perfornuinees and the ineeption of unidcxterity 4. The expansion of visual and auditory sensibility j. The development of speech 6. The establishment of human personality and the higher psychic faculties. The Bkain of the Dawn Man of Piltdown, Eoanthropus Dawsom The fossilized remnants of the Dawn man's skull are more fragmentary than m the case of the Javan ape-man. It was therefore necessary to give each fragment its proper place in reconstructing the skull of this long extinct race of men. These Piltdown cranial fragments include: 1. The left and part of the right parietal bone 2. The left temporal bone in its scjuamous, petrous and mastoid portions 3. A large part of the left half of the frontal squamosa 4. About two-thirds of the occipital bone 5. The right half of the mandible. The first reconstruction of the Piltdown skull was presented to the Geological Society in London in Decembti-, M)12, [)y Sir. A. Smith Wood- ward, of the British Museum and Mr. Charles Dawson, a lawyer, who had made the original discovery of the fossil. The annoLincement of this remark- able find deeply stirred the interest of scientific circles. An unknow n ])hase of early human existence was about to be revealed. The reconstructed skull a.s pieced together by Dr. Woodward impressed all who saw it as a strange blend of man and ape. It seemed that the missing link for \\ hich the early followers of Darwin had arduously searched was at length forthcoming. But whether this was tlu' long sought missing form or not, the Piltdown strata in the Wcald of Sussex, not many miles from the English Channel, told ol a race FIGS. 376 TO 380. 1 1\"E \IE\VS OF THE ENDOCRAMAL CAST OF EOA.NTHKOPUS DAWSONI (DAWN MAN OF PILTDOWN). C0NSEK\'ATIVE ESTIMATES GIVE THIS FOSSIL AN ANTIQUITY OF I40,0()0 YEARS. IT IS PROBABLY MLCH MORE ANCIENT. RESTORATION BY PROF. J. H. MCGREGOR. (a) Vertex, (b) Base, (c) Left Lateral Surface, (i>) Frontal Pole, li:) Occipital Pole. The smoother areas in the cast show the regions which have been restored. I885! 886 MAN of iuiniaii beings who inhabited England long before history had made its feeblest beginnings. The stratum in wliich tlie Piitdow ii i'ossil rested indicated ati antiquity, according to Dr. Woodward, dating back to the early part of the Pleistocene period. The estimates of this geological period in terms of years vary considerably. Such authorities as Professor SoIIas and Professor Pencl:, for example, believe the period comprised between 400,000 and 500,000 years. Professor Rutot is more conservative and sets the ligurc at 140,000 years. Sir Arthur Keith, who made a subsequent reconstruction ol the Piltdown skull, advocates an antiquity even more remote, dating back to some portion of the Pliocene. Even if it is impossible to be more exact in these estimations of geological time, it seems clear that a very primitive race inhabited England long before Caesar's invasions; in fact, ages before the ancient Britons chiimed the land which was destined to produce the most brilliant lights of history. Endocranial casts of the Piltdown skull have been made by Dr. Wood- ward and Su" Arthur Keith. These reproductions ^•ar^,■ in eertaui details, jiarticularly in regard to the archof the\ ertexand theestimated volume of the brain. Both ol the casts show a distmct superiority w hen com])ared w ith that of pithecanthropus (Fig. 366). Especially decisive is the gain made by the Dawn man in the \ault of his skull and the e\|)anse of his forehead. The general flatness in llu' cranial \ault of the Ja\an ape-man gi\es place to a degree of arching in the Piltdown skull. This modilication is in ri'sponse to expansions in the frontal and parietal regions. But increasing proportions are not limited to these areas. The temporal as well as the occipital lobe ol the Dawn man have enlarged. By comparison it is e\ident that the brain ol the ape-man was smaller, less well develo|3ed and less specialized. The volume ol the pithecanthro]ius brain, as originally estimated by Dubois, was 855 c.c. Subsequent measurements with corrections by McGregor place this figure at ij^o c.c. This brain volume, while considerably above the average lor the THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 887 gorilla, which is between ,■()() and ,45 c.c, is much ht'low {hv average adult human brain of modern races. Professor Elliot Smith maintams that a brain must reach the weight of ()5,- gms. (about 1000 c.c.) before it can serve the ordinary needs of human t'xistence. Woodward eveiituallx t'stimated the Nohime of tlie Piltdow n brain at i i()5 c.c, but Keith's investigation increased this figure to approximatt'lx 1400 c.c, or well up to the a\erage ol tlie modern man. The gorilla's brain xoluiiu' appears to be 5- per cent that ol jiithecan- thropus, while pithecant hro|)us is about -2 pt'r cent ol the Piltdow n brain xolume. Tliis difference denoti's more ra|)id brair. expansion in the direction of the higlu'r human standard, once thi' limits of actual anthropoid conditions are transcended. The impetus toward hLiman specializations, ex'en in their earl\' human iiicipienc\, seems to hasten the [progressive development ol the brain more than an\- of the less acKanced primate stages. Some ol the increase in the brain ^()lume of most primates might be attributed to general increase in body structure. Siich, however, can scarcely be the case, since a gorilla weighing nearly four hundred pounds, or more than tw ice as much as the axerage man, possessed a brain w hose \oIume was only 545 c.c, approx- imately one-third that of man. Dubois and ki'ith endeavored to determine how much of the brain is needed for purely animal contingencies and size of body. They concluded that these factors are represented by not more than 6 per cent to 8 per cent of the entire cerebrum. Between ()2 per cent and ()4 per cent of the volume of the human brain is therefore determined 1)\ other factors than the vital functions or the size ol body. The surfaces of the Piltdow n endocranial cast are shown in I'igures 376-380. THREE S.\LIENT LANDMARKS OX THE PILTDOWN ENDOCRANIAL CAST Three salient landmarks on the cast are, all things considered, less impressive than in pithecanthropLis. The lissure of Sylvius ma\- be discerned 888 MAN at the frontotcinporal notch where its posterior limh begins to j)ass backward beneath the parietal eminence. The termination and Liltimate disposition of this fissure cannot be determined. It presents a faintly nidicated anterior ascendino; ramus and also a horizontal ramus extending into the frontal lobe. The position of the Rolandic fissure may be estimated l:)y the general rules previously applied to this sulcus in the pithecanthropus brain. The groo\-e of the transverse sinus is well defined but seems open toconsiderablecriticism, especially concerning its obliciuity as given in the endocranial cast. As a whole, the occipito-cerebellar area is the least satisfactory region of the entire cast. Subsequent studies may correct this dcliciency and produce an ()ccij)ital symmetry more in keeping with this portion of the normal skull. THE FRONTAL LOBE OF THE DAWN ^LAN The frontal lobe of the Dawn man presents much less m the way oi frontal impressions and juga than pithecanthropus. It offers no more con- vincing indications as to the position of the Rolandic fissure. The coronal constriction is much less marked than m the Ja\an man, thus showing a real expansion in the frontal lobe. In one feature this area does stand out by comparison. The inferior frontal convolution of the Piltdown bram is much more ]3rominent than in pithecanthro[:)us. In it ari' apparent those exten- sions of the Sylvian fissure so notable in connection w ith the motor speech area of Homo sapiens (Fig. 381). The increased size of the frontal lobe, together with the augmented prominence of Broca's speech area, is no doubt indicative of a human being endowed with better linguistic abilities, broader capacities for experience and improved reasoning powers. There is little to denote expansion in the motor area or in the intermediate ])recentral area for skilled movements. One clue to the i)robable extensions in these important regions is furnished, however, by the parietal lobe which may now be considered. THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 889 THE PARIETAL LOBE OF THE DAWN \L\N The j)ariftal lobe, although it lacks any impression of lissurcs or con- \()lutions, lias c'\ickntl\ nicreased in size. This is especially noticeable in the parietal eminence and m the prommenee ol the arc of the \erte\. Both of these mcrcments siij;nily accessions to general bocl\ sense and are incident to specific expansions in the area pertaining to the uppir extremity, more especiall\ the hand. Such augmentation of the parietal lobe justiiies the interpretation of further extension in manual attainments. There is reason to lx'lie\-e that the Dawn man had accjuired increased capacitx in the use of his hand as a sensory organ. He could emplo\- it to much ad\antage in exploring the world about him, and in analyzing the objects in his cnviron- nunt b\ actual contact with them. Thus he learned the consistency, the shape and the texture of things he touched. The weight and mobilitv of objects gave him added information concerning their utility and application. The relative resistance of wood and st(jne, their respective projectile and penetrating powers, the acKantages of sharp edges as compared with blunt surlaces, the pliability ol llexible substances, the tensile strength of various tissues, all came to him as re\elations called forth by these new perceptions of the world, liut such revelation did not limit itself to inere sensing. The sensory impressions found externalization in new actions. They doubtless guided his hand to utilize the serviceable qualities of objects with which nature surrounded him. In a word, they led him to make use of stick and stone, Irom which advance it was but a step to fashion his materials into implements better suited to his purposes. W hile the increase in the parietal arc and in the parietal eminence denotes new capacities of sensation, it is quite as insistent concerning the motor powers added to the human hand. There may be a question whether the earlier ape-man of Java had learned the secret of making implements for himself, but it is becoming more clear that the crude flints found in the 890 MAN same stratum \\ 1th the Piltdown skull were the production of human skill. These eoliths liavc occasioned much debate concerning tluir "humanity." If it should at length be decided that they formed no part ol the Dawn FK;. 381. M NCTIONAL LOCALIZATION OF THE BRAIN OUTLINED UPON IHE LEFT HE.MISPHEKE OF THE ENDOCHANIAL CAST OF EOANTHROPUS ( PILTDOWN'). RESTORATION BV PROF. J. H. MCGREGOR. A, Auditory Are.i; F, Iliglicr Faculties; fr. Fissure of" Rohmclo; fs, Fissure of Sylvius; o. Area of Skilled Movements; p. Sensory Area; s. Speech Area; v. Visual Area; x, Area of Voluntary Motor Control. man's tT|uipment, the dexelopment of his brain does not gams;i\- his ability to manufacture or use such miplements. This is all the moic true since the slightly larger size of his left hemis|)hcre plainly suggests unidexterity. The chipping of flint instruments, above all other activities, would require such a modification in his manu;il organization that one hand served to hold and the other to shape the Hint. THE BRAIN 01 PREHISTORIC MAN 891 To explain the increased dimensions characteristic of the Piltdow 11 Ijiain, it seems necessary to presume that this race had made certain adaptations which called for added neural ca|jacities. In all the \aricd adapti\e radia- tions seen in otiui- mammals, there is no demand lor complex adjustments comparable to that anectinrobabl\ dictated by the bare essentials of hie, by the nvvd for food and lor protection. It is [probable that none of his mstrunu'iits ser\ed for cultivat- ing the soil or for the production ol garments or the construction of ]:)erma- ncnt duellings. I le was dependent lor his li\ tlihood ii|)on game animals w huh he followed m their migrations and thus himself became a wandenr. What powers of thought he had or w hat gifts (jf imagination are matters for conjee- THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 893 lure. Notliing ix'iiiains Irom \\ liu'h to sui'inist' his at'tual customs or to suggest his attitudes toward the woi^ld as he chd or chd not undi'istand it. Sir Arthur keith sa\s that "A sur\e\ ol the eoiuohit i()iiar\' regions ol the brain leads to the eonelusion that we are deahng here with a sini|)le and primitive arrangement oi parts; hut not so simple or so primitixe as to make us wish to place the Pilldown l)rain in a class apart Irom modern human brains." The Dawn man, as his brain attests, had come a longdistance from that parting ol the wavs at which the human and anthropoid stocks separated. But it is equally certain that then' remained a great distance yet to be traversed before such a brain coidd attain the development characteristic ol the modern human cerebrum. The Brain of Neanderthal Max, Homo Primigexius Eoanthropus, as his name implies, is i:)resumed to mark the dawn ol man- kind. But the lull day ol human existence was long m coming. Ages passed during which it seems certain that se\eral dillerent races of primitive men made their appearance, only to die out again. It is remarkable what slight traces of their actual image these earliest inhabitants of Eurojx' have left. There is, however, reliable c\ idence of at least one such race of ])rehistoric Europeans, ihc Neaiidcrlbals. I-rom t heir scattered lossil remains they appear to haw possessed man\ leatures in common. They were of relati\ely short stature, proi)abl\ not a\eraging much more than live feet three inclu's in height. Their limbs were powerful, theii' necks short and extremely muscular. What distinguished them as a race was the shape of their heads and size of their brains. The Neanderthal cranium shows a low retreating forehead and a peculiarly low dome. The head seems llattened from abo\e downward, giving the appearance know n as jjlatycephaly ( Hat head). The occipital as well as the frontal portion of the skull is afTected by this llattening, so that the FIGS. 382 TO 387. SIX VIEWS OF THE ENDOCRANIAL CAST OF HOMO NEANDER- IHALENSIS (la chapelle aux saints), estimated antiquity of fossil, ACCORDING TO PROFESSOR OSBORN, APPROXIMATELY 300,000 YEARS. (a) Vertex. (») Base Restored, (c) Pc,k>. (n) Occipital Pole. 11 1 Ri^lit lateral Surlacc. (1) Left Lateral Surface. [894] THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 895 head must have been sup]:)()i"tc'd by a thick powcrlul mxk, cjiiite similar to the gorilhi. E\'en more ennspieiiotis is thi' heavy ridge ot bone aboxe the orbits, the supraorbital torus, whieh prochiees tlie laeial aspect lamihar m l\]v "hght- iiig mask" of the great apes (cliimpanzee and gorilhi). The orbits themselves were larger than in modern man and separated by an anterior narial open- ing which indicates the presence ot a broad Hat nose. The lower jaw was heavier and broader than in 1 lomo sapiens, although the teeth as a whole were strikingly human, ha\ing none ol the taiig-hke specialization ol the great anthropoids. On the mandible in the region ol the chin there is no men- tal t'lnineiice. All of these cranial characters must have given tlie Neanderthal man a singularly gorilloid appearance. Tlu' low beetling brow, tlu' llattcncd vault of the skull, the head set close upon the shoulders, tlu' broad llat nose, the heavy jaw and rt-cedmg chin could hardly tail to produce a couiite- nanci' in many respects as brute-like as the great anthrojjoid apes. Envisaged from his fossil remains. Neanderthal man was indeed a savage-looking creature. But his brain is not altogether in keejjing with this low estimate of him. In fact, the \-olume ol' the Neanderthal brain is somewhat greater than that of modern races. This cerebrum does not denote such low psychic organization as the ape-like a[)pearancc of the head would seem to suggest. Neanderthal man had made dclimte advances in liiinian progress. He laid the foundation of many customs and tendencies which later domi- nated social organization. I Ii- was a skilled artisan and Hint worker. He had command ol lire w hich he employed both as an invaluable accessory to his life and m the upbuilding of distinctive cultural attainments. He buried his dead w ith ceremonial rites, which shows at once that he believed in a future existence and possessed some religious conceptions. Far from being a lowly ape-like creature, he had man\ oi the higher attributes of man. Although the Neanderthal had a dccick'dly pithecoid cast of countenance, he also 896 MAN displayed a human ability not to be despised. For this reason he is known as Homo priiiiigcnius. YvX his aj^e-likt' alliliations, in sj:)ite of his human intelH- gcnce, make it probal)le tliat he was not the dircet ancestor of mocU'rn man. IK,. 5JSN. IIU. M \\I)I 1; 1 HAL FLINT WORKERS. This group of Mousterian cave dwellers is taken trom a mural painting by Charles R. Knight made under the direction of Professor Osborn. It is arranged to show the physical characters of Neanderthal man. The background is the famous cavern of Le Mousticr. From The Hall of the Age of Man, American Museum of Natural History. The lossil rt'mams of the Ncanchrthal raee have been found widely scattered throuji;hout Europe, in France, in Belgium, in Germany, in Mora- via, in Croatia, and c\cn in the Fsland ol Jerst'v. The earhest disco\'ery ot this race dates back to 1848, when the (jibraltar skiill was iound b\- Lieu- tenant Mint. The si<;;nilicanee of this lind, liowe\er, was not fully appreci- ated ior more- than sixty \ears. NcaiuK'rthal lossils comprise a collection ol skulls, skeletons, mandibles and tt'cth in total, a remarkablx large number of fossilized j)arts Irom w Inch the osseous appearance ol the race has been determined beyond all doubt. 01 the skulls only lour ser\e the purposes of exact endocranial study, such others as are know n being too fragmentary or too greatly damaged to permit of more precise deductions. In the valley of the Dordogne, southwestern France, the Abbes Bouys- sonic and Bardon (Autumn, 1908) disco\cred in a ca\ ern near the little THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 897 villagf of La Chapclk' au\ Samts, the skeleton ol a prniiiti\ f man. 1 he body rested upon its back with its head toward tlie west, its leiis, thighs and lore- arms llexecL The head had l)een espcciallx protected b\ Hat stones and many skillliillx workt'd Hints ot the Mousterian period snrrouiuK'd the skehlon. Thi'ri' was e\erv e\idenee ol interment and burial ceremony about thisdiscov- ery. Prolessor Boule ol the National Museum ol Natural Historx in Paris conelutk'd that the skek-ton was that ol a man about middle age, belonging to the Neanderthal race. In its dimensions the skull exceeds those ol an a\eragc modern man, ha\ ing tlu' exceptional capacity oi 1600 c.c, which is at least 120 c.c. abo\e the- modern axt'rage. But the skull w as distinetlx low \aulted and had an apt'-hke supraorbital torus with low receding brow. The t'lido- cranial cast ol the La Chapi'lk- man scr\es especiall\ well to gi\e us an accur- ate \iew of the Neanderthal brain (,Figs. 382 to 387). I-F..\Tl'RES E\IDE\T IX THE CAST OF THE NEANDERTHAL SKILL FROM LA CHAPELLE AL'X SAINTS This cast shows those teatures which might i)e presumed from the Neaiukrthal skull. The shape ol the bram is distinctly Hat. That arching in the region ol the \'ertt'\ so promuunt m Homo sapiens and at least slightly foreshadowed in the brain ol |)it hecanthropus, as wt'll as in tiie Dawn man ol Piltdown, IS remarkably absent, in a portion ol this are which allects the prefrontal region, the eurxt- actuall\ seems to sink inward. W itli all propcT allowances lor disere|)anc\ m reconstruction, it is nevertheless certain that the vertical areas ol this bram ha\e adapted tluinselves to a flattened head. Ihis observation is j^art leularly pertiiunt from the fact that it is the brain which m tlu' mam appears to determine the shape of the skull. Doubtless there is an Interplay of factors in this growth relation, l^ut the cerebrum Is the essential organ ol the cranium and its developmental demands are of ehiel moment during the im|)ortant lormative period. It is the shape of the 8()8 MAN brain rather than the shape- ol'tht' licacl which may be consickrccl a cletcrmin- ing character in the Neanderthal race. Iti its siiape, this brain is far from ape- like. It bears all the marks and ieatnres oi the human et-rebriim. Certain intrnisie factors in cerc'bral dcNelopment may e(ineei\ably be related to the brain llatness of the Neanderthal. Thus, for exami^le, the ventral horn and body of the lateral \entriele may be less capacious, the rhinencephalon (olfactory brain) may be more expansive, the corpus cal- losum less well developed, or the centrum ovale contam less medullary substance. Such modifications in the normal process of brain ^rowtii might contribute to cert'bral llattening or broadenmg. But none ot these purely conjectural jjossibihties seems so likely to inlluence de\t'lopment as the salient i'aetor which plainly declares itself on the surface of the Neanderthal brain. Compared with tlu' ape-man ol Ja\a, as well as with the Dawn man, the Neanderthal possessed a brain which siiowed expansion in all its major divisions. The |)arietal, the occipital, the temporal lobes haxc all increased in size. So also has the Irontal lobe, but the ratio oi its expansion appears to I)e less than in the other areas. In this region the real llatness ol the brain is most pronounced. Not only have the Irontal convolutions on tiie convexity failed to gl\e the lon-bram those dominant characters which call lorth the high wide i'orehead of modern man, i)ut the representation ol the Irontal lobe on the mesial surface appears to have remained in its more primitive state. Certain secondary cllects leading to tlu' llattened as|)ect ol the brain would of necessit\- tollow in this comu'ction, and still lurtluT (.'mphasize the low vaulting of the bram. A lagging dewlopment m tlu' Irontal lobe would determine a centrum o\ale ot relati\ely small dimensions because oi smaller fiber contributions from the corpus callosum and from adjacent association areas. The rostrum and l)od\ ol the corpus callosum would in consequence be smaller, and thus fail to furnish that fractional increment which gi\es the THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 899 complftt' fullness to Xhv iiontal aif in Homo sapiens. This apparent failure of the Neanderthal Irontal li>l)e to attain its iiltnnate proportions not only charaeterizes theortian Ironi a struetural |)oint ol \ie\\, hut must ha\-e had a lar-reaehin^ mlluenee upon tlu' ethnical cultures and Imal destiny ol these prmiit i\ t' Eiiropeans. 1 111 S^'L\ lAX Fissure. The position ol the SyKian hssure is readily idenlilu'd in its posterior dl\ ision extendinu Irom the tronto-tcniporal notch beneath and caudal to the [)arietal emun'iiee. The arrangement ot its caudal e\tremit\ is not discernible but its anterior and horizontal rami are clearly deliiied. Tin: r^issL KE 01 Rolando. The lissure of Rolando may be introduced on the basis ol the usual estimations lor this sulcus. Its exact position, length, angle ol inclination, and terminations are mainly hypothetical since no actual groove on the cast indicates the presence ol the (issure. The Transverse Sinus. The groove of the transxerse sinus is visible and marks thednision l)t't\\t'en the cerebral hemisplnax's and the cerebellum. The Fronial Lobe. The frontal lobe as a whole bears i'\ Idence of much expansion as shown by the broadening ot its pole and a tendency to round out the arc, which gi\-es the identil\ing prominence to the modern lorehead. 1 he process, ho\\e\er, iiuoKcs only the polar areas ol the lobe in which the impi\-ssions ol the superior and middle Irontal comolutions are apparent. In tin- rt-mainder ol the Irontal area there is no sign of lissures or con\ olut ions. The exact allocation ol preei'iitral motor area or of the inter- mediate precentral area for skilled mo\tinents cannot be made. The coronal constriction is (|uite conspicuous. A large Pacchionian elevation is situated near the superior longitudinal hssure in the line of the coronal suture. Upon the right lu'inisphere the position ol the middle nuaiingeal arter\' is faintly visible, while upon the lelt it is less distinct. The outstanding feature of the frontal lobe is tlu' prominence ol the inferior frontal couNolution. This FIGS. 389 TO 3()3. FI\E VIEWS OF THE ENDOCRANIAL CAST OF THE LA yl INA SKULL. (NEANDERTHAL WOMAN.) (a) Right Lateral Surface, (n) l.i-lt Lateral Surface, (c) Vertex, (d) Frontal Pole. (1:) Ocei|)ital Pole. [goo] THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 901 gvrc on tlu' left sidr is nioif complex in its arraiigcnicnt than \n eitlirr the Javan or Piltdown man. In it mav he reeognized the pars orhilalis, the pars triangularis and the pars basalis, all eharacteristic features of Broea's speech area in Homo sapiens ( Mg. 400). Sueh iVontal de\elopnu'nt is indieali\e ol psyehie powers m acUaiueot the still more primitive raees of man and also ol a eaj)acit\ lor speech u hich seems to be approaching niodi-rn standards. Neanderthal man possessed a degree of reasoning ability and judgnunt which he doubtless applied with advantage to the organization of his eiiorts and the rt'gulation ol lile. His acknowledged capacitx for spec'ch shows that his was not an existence ol iso- lation but rather that the economic \ ahu' of communal li\ ing had been appre- ciated and utilized. His acKanccs in the mastery of his en\ ironnuMil may be understood from the better de\elopnu'nt ol his frontal lobe. He had conu- to recognize some of the eliineiils ol human superiority as compared with other living creatures. In his contests with the beasts of pre\ he had gained a certain degree of ascendancy, enough at li-ast, m his later cultural |jeriods, to dispossess his carnixorous enemies from their caverns. These shelters he took over for his ow n abode and thus gave the embryonic sense of ow nership a new impetus. He buried his dead in a manner showing belief in a life here- after. In such customs as these he reveak^d not onl\ a fertile imagination, but that per\asive conception which in time created an egoistic sLiperiority dei'ined wortin of |)er|:)eluat ion after death. 'Set, even with all these human acKanct's, his frontal prolieiencies kTt something to be desiicd. lie ll\(.'d and prospered for \ast jjeriods of time but Uc lailed to de\ clop those C|ualitics which guaranteed to his kind terrestrial permanency. At length another race invaded his dominions and the Neanderthal, doubtless not without a struggle, disappeared before these new people. That he was unable to cope with the iiuaders bespeaks some serious omission in his frontal develop- ment, an omission which the newcomers had already overcome. Delensive 902 MAN cooperation on a large scale, essential to successful niilitar\ puissance, may well have failed the Neanderthals in their time of need. Their eventual estabhshment of habits incident to cave dwellinp; eornmitted thi-m to a pro- gram of simjjle communal hie. They were hunters and nomads (irst ol all, and tenants only by late acqursitions. Then- clue! interest was the cjuest ot game. Nothing m then" antiquarian relics shows that they possessed an ec[uip- nient or organization suited to cflcctive wartare. Thus their dehciencies must have been m those departments of neural de\elopment upon which higher social efriciency depends. Failing in these attributes, they at length fell \ic- tim to those who had, through better brain power especiall\ m the Irontal lobe, already attanied such advantages. The Parietal Lobe. The parietal lobe yields little evidence of its intimate details. There are no signs ol hssures or convolutions. In the cast this entire lobe indicates much expansion and it seems probable that m this area the Neanderthal brain has made its greatest advances. The parietal eminence is particularly prominent and its general [position denotes a region especially involved in the receipt of sensory impressions from the upper extremity. The boundaries of the lobe with the exception of the S\ Ivian fissure are iiulelinite. No actual clue is obtainable w ith reft'reiice to the size and complexity of the postcentral and prccentral convolutions. The esti- mated dinu'iisions ol the parietal lobe together with the marki'd prominence of the parii'tai eminence are, however, significant. The Neanderthal brain possessed a somesthetic capacitx' nearly ecpial to modern man, and its prin- cipal specialization iinoKes the area pertaining to the hand. Such increment in sensibility connotes a corresponding expansion m motor capacity. Per- haps It is not giving undue stress to this sensory dcvelo[)ment to maintain that Neanderthal man had made better contacts with his surroundings and had gained greater mastery over all that his hand could inuch. New combina- tions and modifications of objects fashioned by his hands began to yield him THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 903 a ricli harvest o\ new utilitu's. \\v was bcfiinning to take a more tloininant part ill creation and not tlu' least of the factoi-s contributing to his increasing power was the parietal lohe ol the hrain. Tul; Timi^okal and Occipital Lobes. The temporal and occipital lobes both show t'xpansion. It is ob\Tous that the tenijjoi'al lobe has lost most oi that highly simian appearance occasioned b\ the Inward delleetion of its U]). it might in lact ser\'e the needs of modern races. It is (|uite as large and nearly as well developed. A long palpable groove marking the lissure of S\ l\ Ilis separates the temporal from tlu' parietal area. A lesser groo\e parallel to the lirst indicates the position ot the superior temporal hssure, while a short indenture localizes the middle temporal hssure. The greater portion ol the temporo-sphenoidal surface is retained in the rejjroduct ion ol both ti'inporal lobes. TIk' coiuolutions on the lateral and basal aspects are well marked, gi\ing the impression ol a cerebral territory ol well-de\-eloped lunc- tional capacity. More convincing is the large size ot the auditory eminence situated at the conlluence of temporal, parietal and occipital areas. This eminence is gcnerall\' accepted as part of the speech mechanism, being especially assigned to those auditory lunctions inherent in spoken language. Judged by this criterion in relation to Broca's area, the Neanderthal race possessed linguistic capabilities not lar below the standards ot i iomo sapiens. The occipital lobe also shows the efiects ot extensive additions. Visual tunction, and particularl\ \ isuo-|xs\ chic function, has been greatly expanded as compared with inoit' piimiti\c man. 1 lu' occij)ital pole, as in modern races, extends considerabl\' beyond the tentorial surface ot the cerebellum. The impression of the lambdoid suture crosses this lobe transversely near its iunction with the |)arittal area. At least one fissure, the transverse occi- pital sulcus, marks this lobe and separates two occii^ital coiuolutions. The lobt' as a structural entity has assumed much more individuality' than in the brains of lower races. It denotes a neural organization suited to more 904 MAN extensive visual perctption and appreciation. I-urtherniore, it signifies the increment possessed by Neanderthal man tor the visual guidance ol highly organized manual skill (Fig. 400). COMPARISON OF TWO OTHER ENDOCR.ANIAL CASTS WITH THE LA CHAPELLE AUX SAINTS SPECIMEN Two other endocranial easts of the Neanderthal race should be placed in comparison with the La Chapelle aux Saints specimen. Both of these skulls are smaller and attributed to Neanderthal women. The La Quina Skull. The La Quina skull was discovered by Dr. Henri iXhirtui m i()ii, together with other |:)ortions ol the skeleton. The brain capacity, estimated by Professor Anthony to be 1350 c.c., is 250 c.c. less than that of the Neanderthal man of La Chapelle, but corresponds with other females of the race found at Gibraltar and Croatia. The cast is remark- able in two respects: It duplicates all of the cranial characters of the La Chapelle s|)ecmien with a faithfulness that compels conviction. It is, in addition, a notable example of endocranial casting. The Neanderthal peculiarities of cerebral configuration are most |)ronounced, as already observed, in the frontal region (Figs. 389 to 393). Here the same sharp ele- vation (at about ()0° with the base) occurs abo\t' the supraorbital torus. It extends but a short distance and c|uickl\ falls away mto the llattened arc which adapts itself to tlu' low receding forehead. Nor is this arc consistently maintained. As in the La Chapelle east, it sinks into an actual concavity near the j;lane of the coronal constriction. The entire brain seems Hat par- tially in response to the disposition of the Irontal arc, but also because of pronounced broadening m the paru'lal region. The frontal lobe near its pole shows the superior and middle Irontal convolutions but bcNond this area there are no indications ot sulci or gyres. The inlenor Irontal convolution is prominent in l)olh hemispheres. In it may i-i(;s. 3c;4 TO 399. six \ iews of the endockamal cast oi- ihe (;ibraltar SKULL, (neanderthal WOMAN.) (a) Vertex, (b) Base, (c) Frontal Pole, (uj Occipital Pole, (e) Right Lateral Surface, (f) Left Lateral Surface. The smoother areas in the cast indicate the regions which have been restored. [905I 9o6 MAN be disccTiU'ci the asccndin, Sensory Area; s, Speeeli Area; v, \ isual Area; x. Area of Voluntary Motor O)ntrol. cranial fossa are much mort' liuman m character than tiie hrain areas related to the anterior fossa. Tins condition ol atlairs is remarkable and \\orth\" of some comment. In the Irontal region ol the Neanderthal cranium it is apparent that certain anthropoid tendencies ha\e had the up|Kr hand. The capacious orbits, tlu' heavy supraorbital torus, the low recedin<; brow, the broad an- terior narial openini:; impart a delinitel\ uorilla-like ap]3(,-arance to the head 9o8 MAN and face. But back of all this is a region of the brain whicli still retains many resemblances to the great apes. Thus the orbital concavities, the supraorbital keels and the flattened frontal arc are reminiscent of gorilla and chimpanzee. In this light it might seem that the Neanderthal brain was not yet highly human. It has made certain great strides in this direction, but mere increase in volume, pronounced though it may be, is not sufficient to produce the cerebral characters of the fully developed human species. One indispensable item must still be added to complete the stature of man. The frontal lobe should acquire all of those characters peculiar to Homo sapiens. A brain not so developed does not attain its full human measure. In such development cerebral growth is dominant. As the brain grows, the orbital plates flatten and the supraorbital torus recedes. In the end the pithecoid visage gradually fades until it loses its brute-like features. It does so because the frontal lobes of the brain, those last gifts of evolutional progression, have enlarged and thus compelled the humanity of man to appear in his face and head. Such a view seems also to reconcile the perplexing discrepancy between the ape- like head and man-like brain of the Neanderthal. It shows that these parts of the body arc actually in harmony one with the other. It may even offer the explanation of why the Neanderthal race progressed so slowly during the passage of more than 200,000 years and at length was completely replaced by a more exalted type of man possessed of well-developed frontal lobes. The cultural phases attributed to the Neanderthals include their feeble beginnings in the Chellean period, their advances in manual dexterity to the Acheulean era and their culminating refinements in design and execution during the Mousterian period. But these people began as nomadic hunters and so, with very slight and perhaps incidental modifications, they ended. Succumbing to the invasion of the more effective Cro-Magnons, they left no trace of themselves among this greater race. Such complete disappearance with no evidence of that interbreeding common between victors and van- THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 909 quished may also be due to the Neanderthal's ape-like specializations. Racial discrimination on the basis of such wide morphological difFerences would tend more toward the extermination of the inferior race than to its subjugation. The Brain of Homo Rhodesiensis Asia and Europe have both produced evidence of prehistoric man, the latter most abundantly. Until quite recently Africa has been peculiarly silent in this regard. But at length even the Dark Continent has revealed signs which show that man of most primitive type had penetrated a long way into the south during his wanderings over the earth. This important dis- covery was made in Rhodesia and first publicly reported in 1921 by Mr. \\ illiam L. Harris iSwiday Times, Johannesburg, Sept. 25). The conditions under which the discovery was made were peculiar and significant. Actual remains of two human skeletons were found at Broken Hill Mine, in northern Rhodesia. These remains differed from similar fossil discoveries in one essential detail. They were not fossilized in the ordinary sense. Connected with the Broken Hill Mine there was originally a natural cave about one hundred and twenty feet long. This was known as the "Bone Cave" because it contained a vast number of animal bones all of which were so thoroughly impregnated with salts of zinc and lead as to make smelting of them worth while. At the bottom of this cave the human remains were found. Like all of the other bones in this enormous osseous deposit, the sur- faces of the human skeletons were incrustcd by zinc and lead so that the action of the earth had failed to mineralize the deeper bony tissue. Paleontol- ogists accept such remains as "fossils," but unfortunately this surface incrustation precludes any estimation of the geological age of the bones. Unfortunate also is the fact that the osseous remains of animals found with the human skeletons were all of species still extant in Africa. The cave seems to have been an ancient feasting place for hyenas which dragged thither ^ FIGS. 401 TO 406. SIX VIEWS OF THE EXDOCRANIAL CAST OF HOMO RHODE- SIENSIS (RHODESIAN MAX). ESTIMATED ANTIQUITY ABOUT EQUAL TO THAT OF THE NEANDERTHAL RACE, PERHAPS EVEN OLDER. (a) Vertex, (b) Base, (c) Frontal Pole, (d) Occipital Pole, (t) Riglit Lateral Surface, (f) Left Lateral Surface. The smoother areas in the cast iudicate the regions which have been restored. [910I THE BRAIN Oi PREHISTORIC MAN yj i tluir |)rc'\ . There is even some remote suspicion that the human remains may have come to tlieu' last restmg place in the Bone Cave in a snnilai' manner. A elelt in the rool of tlie cave near its lar end, where a human skull was clis- eo\erecl, suggests the possibilitx that the men or women whose hones were found may ha\x' lalh'ii into the ea\'ern m relatively recent times. Three important details usuall\- liel|)lul in the chronological assignment of human lossils were wanting in connection with tlu"si' Rhodesian rt-lics: ( i) the actual iossilization ol the bones; (2) the ])resence ol t'\tinct mammals or otiier ammals; 1:;) tlu' existe'nce o( stratiligraphic identiiieations. No inh'reiK'i' may \)v draw n concerning the exact natuix' ol this human cU'posi- tory. It may ha\-e been either accidental or the result ol a buna! ceremony. I'urt lu'rmore, little exidenci', such as tlu' collateral discovery ol paleolithic impK'meiits, ma\ be adduced to shi'd light on the antic|uit\ ol tlu' Rhodesian man. ^ et, certain leatures, especiall\ ot the skull, ha\e convinced eminent authoritus ol the great age and specilicit\' ol this race. Elliot Smith, lor example, belie\es that the Rhodesian man is "a long lost and strangelx exotic cousin" ol tlu' human lamily circle. He bases his opinion on the striking peculiarities ol the Rhodesian lace w hich lie calls the most primitive in id I the genus Homo. This lace isalsomorcdjrutal than t hat ol au\ know n human being, living or extinct. Its enormous exebrow ridges are bigger e\en than those oi the most archaic human, the Ja\an a|:)e-man, and recall the condi- tions seen m gorilla. There is no indication ol a groove at the side ol the nose marking the boundary between it and the lace, such as is constant in all races ol mockan man, even m the Negro, Mongol and Australian types. The merging ol the nose with the lace to form what m other animals is called a snout and regarded as a peculiarly signilicant mark ol the beast is known only III one otht'r extinct member of the human lamilx, i.e.. Neanderthal man. But the I^hodesian's nose is e\'en more apt'-like than that ol the Neanderthal. .Another remarkal)le leature ol the facial skt'leton is the are learr Judged bv his oarieta. ztesian man had attained no very high St- -is part . xterity. He was t not an e^oent artisan. -ess so wide a range of --pt--j"Ktrrv- as the Xea^ e. The relati\-elv low the Diirietal eminence is anotr parietal lobe. The temptwai lobe ss even nK>re insistent as to the c; ity of oaebcal developfnent in the Rtating in the spe . :5m. The spokai language o{ Rhodesian man had at best but a meager stmctural substratum and was for this reason, no doubt, crude as rth Neanderthal speech. The CMnposite parieto-temporo-oc. tiDctIyabbre\^ted — indeed, appears as if oom^M'essed. \Miate\'er THE BRAIN OF _ . . _ . . . C \L\S 917 binatknis weie depiendent opcm tJiis oeopalEal zocie nuast iiarve Isatf tiuear f Irmrtatioos- Tfae occipital Joije, in tiiat portioQ of it lepteseaitiiag- vmao-psTffrir fnnsc- tioo, is ranartahfy -well deveioped. It is eroded Isy tiiie rar^e oc tiiie laiiELbdiosd suture and ^-a"=: a wefl-d^med saliciis lunatais erteotfEnis o'ver ^^if^n occapEEal poie. The coQvoiutaoos above &ad bdiow tfiis saicos itaive a diear ogrdnimf-- 0)ctrajy to tte status in all otfcia' parts of tiie Rbodiessaii braiiL tine ocf-npctal lobe denotes a marked progFesjsive advaiiioe tcward Hosaaio sapaess. Otae appearanice is tiiis regioo of tiie braia empiiasizes tiie size of tJie occipflial lobe; naiaely, tiie smallness of tie cerebellar iiesiiispfeeres. Tins fact Mtro- doces tne dBtnrb'ins oontiissTeiiics' tie cooditJiOE maT be dae ^ conniEeniital cerebellar smaHness or atrof)fey- Socit a soggestaoa of patitokiffy" im tiiK brami sboaid be naentsooed oolr wTth. the ob'Tect of iatrodnriring all poi^Eife lactorav howeva- ranote, b^bre final erahiatioE of" the cereijral co'Efegrarticgi is FurthenniorE, the occEwtal surface of the cerebeBkiLSSi presejits as. iinusual obliquitv indjcatrog an angiilariocL of the sopgaocffprtal and! bast- ocapital portio'ns of the occgjctal faoaae whiich is soaaaewitat m. e^-arer!:g case for the great aptTitjalt* of ths "stm^'geiy esatic cousin" of OCT £am5v circie. It seems wsest. for the rinme at kast. to accept 9i8 MAN his iudsment that Rhodesian man occupies a far more primitive place in an any of the Neanderthals. Brain of the Predmost Man It would be particularly illuminating were the brain of the great Cro- Magnon race available for study. These people occupied an exalted position, even as the earliest representatives of Homo sapiens, and the record of their remarkable existence should be corresp)ondingl\- complete. But in lieu of any survey of the cerebrum of this race, it is necessary- to draw analogies from certain of their human contemporaries who lived in middle Europe during Solu" mcs. These others were a remarkable people also. They are known as the great mammoth hunters of Predmost whose social affiliations ally them closely to the Briinn race. The remains of these men of the Old Stone Age were found in .Moravia. Associated with them were the fossilized bones of nearly nine hundred specimens of mammoths. In addition to these fr^sils of men and beasts there were manj- highly worked flints including spearheads of the laurel-Ieaf type, a pattern which marked this industry as that of the Solutrean era. At Predmost, where .Maika discovered a collective burial of fourteen human beings, there were also the remains of six others. In stature these f)eople must have belonged to a large and powerful race. Their prowess as trackers of great game was exceptional, judged by the fossils of the huge mammals among which the\- reposed. This fact gave them the name of "mammoth hunters." But it is the reproduction of their cere- bral characters which raises them at once to a plane higher than any of the earlier races of man, in fact, places them definitely in the category of Homo sapiens. These intrepid hunters had much in common with the Brunn race, much, indeed, that resembled their splendid contemporaries of western Europe, the Cro-.Magnons. Of these latter there is ample record, in conse- quence of which they will always rank among the noblest representatives FIG^ 408 TO 413. SLX VIEWS OF THE ENDOCRANIAL C^ST OF HOMO SAPIENS OF THE PftEDMOST RACE. . SOH.-rRE.A.N CONTEMPOR.ARIES OF THE CRO-MAG- NON'^ > ESTIMATED ANTIQUITY 20,000 YEARS. (O Vem^ ,Bt Ba«. c Frontal Pole, d OcciphJ Pole. E Rkht l^«ral Surface- f L*ft l^t«J Surface. The darker >-^ - "- trc c^. Sensory Area; s, Speech Area; v. Visual Area; x, Area of Voluntary Motor Control. experience eould in art. provide the soil for sneh \ivid and realistic beauty FEATURES OF THE PRED.MOST BRAI.N The Prcdmost brain had made all of those essential ad\anecs which place it in the class ol Homo sapiens (Figs. 408 to 413). Its volume is close to the standards for modern men. It had lost the marks of inferiority which stamp the brains of lower races of man. It had gained that refinement 922 -MAN of structural detail which proclaims the ultimate ascendency of the human brain. The fissure of Sylvius may be easily identified and the fissure of Rolando allocated according to accepted computation. \\ ith these two bound- aries in place it is obvious at once that the Pfedmost brain has expanded in all of its neopallial areas. The parietal, the occipital and the temporal lobes have all alike assumed greater proportions than in any of the earliest races of mankind. But it is in the frontal lobe that the most remarkable gains are apparent. Not only are the frontal convolutions more prominent and better defined, but that flatness so characteristic of the Neanderthal vertex has disappeared, and there is no sign of that coronal constriction which seemed to characterize the earliest efforts of the cerebrum in the acquisition of its frontal areas. Metric E\ idence of Brain E\olution' in Man The manner in which evolutional progress of the brain has gone forward is readily discerned in the accompanying tabulation. From the Javan man to Homo sapiens there has been a gradual increase in all of the major cerebral diameters. In one particular only has there been the slightest faltering in these increments. The Neanderthal brain shows the greatest transverse diameter. But its superiority in this respect is more than overcome by its marked flatness. A distinguishing metrical feature in the development of the human brain is the consistent gain in length and height from Pithe- canthropus erectus to Homo sapiens. The gain in length is to be ascribed largely to frontal increments; that in height is dependent in part upon parietal expansion but also to some extent upon frontal accessions. The bearing of such pronounced frontal evolution upon the ascent of man is evident in the progressive development of human intelligence. THE BRAIN OF PREHISTORIC MAN 923 Measurement and Indices of Hlman Endocranial Casts Race Width, I Length, I Height, Encephalic Cephalic Volume, nun. ' nun. ' mm. ',^A..^ index c.c. Predmost "9" 141 189 128 Homosapit-- F- :ioan average) ' 143 195 ] 148 "j " i-J'^" Bi unn race ... ... ... 68. 2 ij Predmost "4" 140 iS- 131 Homo neanderthalensis aux Saints) ,1 !Ie 146 181.,- ■23 80.0 -5.0 1 1626 Gibraltar 140 165 112 84.0 77.9 1296 LaQuina 132 171 120 -8.0 1367 Homo rhodesiensis .36 172 -9.0 ' 1300 Eoanthropus dawsoni (,P ItdowTi) Java 133 169 120 -90 -So 1240 Pittiecanthropus erectus 126 iJ3 um 80.0 -3-4 940 Chapti:k XW'III MAN— PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE PREHISTORIC man Is ^na(luall\ cnH'iiiinjj: from Iiis lon^s. obscurity. It is now possihir to discern certain attributes of his which still live and are as vital to further human progress as they were to iiis own day on earth. His skeletal form is known from more than 350 speemiens ol his fossil remains. These re\cal that strikiny harmony of structure which pervades all human kind. But in them also may be detected manv subhuman specializations and numerous \ariants representing, no doubt, only a small portion of the human t'xperimental types discarded by nature belore Homo sajjiens was at length deri\ed. All [phases of man's earliest existenct' are singularly pertinent to modern thought and development. ^ et the past has shut in so closely In-hind us that our racial consciousness is almost wholly restricted to an historical world. This scotomatous \ie\\ of human existence loses sight ol the pre- paratory biological episodes ujjon which our being depends. E\'OLUTioxAL Significance of the Ape-Like Characteristics of PKiMirn E Men \\ ith tlu' appearance oi' prehistoric man the curtain is lilted to reveal a hinnan |)erspectlve of almost impenetrable depth. Looking through this long vista of time it is ])ossible to sense, in some measure at least, the vast distance man has come sinti' his human iourneying began. There are mile- stones along this course which tell of critical turnings and partings ot the way. A number of these critical jjoints are indicated by human rtmains. Certain prominent features of man's skeleton denote that his course did not lead in ail directness to the standards of ad\anced human organization. 925 926 MAN Many of his osseous characters were distinctly ape-like — so much so that these appearances in his earhest known state gave him the name o^ ape-man. It may not be denied that pithecanthropus had definite pithecoid resem- blances in his skull. The Dawn man of Piltdown manifested simihir tendencies less pronounced m the form of Ins cranunn, Ijut still clear m the fang-like character of his canine teeth. The Heidelberg )a\\ denotes a race in \\ hich numerous smiian features were stiff retamed, \\ hifc the men of wefl-recognized Neanderthal type also bore signs of ape-like specializations in head and face. How otherwise may the massive supraorbital ridge be interpreted, or the broad flat nose, the receding forehead, the widely separated orbits and the large palatal process of the liea\\ simian jaw? Nor had Rhodesian man dixested himself of these marks of the beast. With the coming of Cro-Magnon times, howe\er, the long experimental period was drawing to its close. Man in near approach to his final modern form had at fength arrived. Those many detaifs of simian resemblance were gone. The heavy characters of head and face essential to the contentious life of the great ajx's hacf similar reasons for their appearance in the earliest dex'elopmenl of man. Jucfged by the formidaljle mammals which shared the earth with him, man's life must have fjeen fiereelv contested. The offensive equipment of his jaw and head was only feebly supphniented by instru- mental de\'iccs of his own making. Increasing powers of attack ri'quirecf simultaneous increments of protection. The great a[)es, gaining in size and strength as compared with the smaller anthropoids had, in this fact, an adequate incentive lor the further fortification ol their l)odies, and especially of their heads. The same incenti\e was operatixc In tlu' earl\ differentiations of man, perhaps to an even greater extent. IK' at least was more \enturc- some than the anthropoids in risking encounter with the great game animals. Some of his success in these pursuits cfe[)eiufe(:f upon eiinning, but brute force was not a negligible quality. Innumerable dangerous exposures, mollilied MAN PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE 927 in time b\ aclaptnx' progress and various eontrivances, demaiicled a resistant osseous structure in his eraniuiu to protect his brain. Conditions ol Ins lowly social orgiinization undoubtedly auuniented these traumatic eoiitini;encies. FIG. 415. CKO-.MAGNON ARTISTS MAKING THE GREAT MAMMOITl FRESCO IN THE CAVE OF FONT-DE-GAUM E. DORDOGNE, FRANCE. Mural painting by Charles R. Knight made under the direction of Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn. From the Hall of the Age of Man, American Museum of Natural History. As offensive strength must ha\e been his most ellVctive argument, so a stout frame was his [)est defense. Is it eiitirelx accurate, therefore, to speak of his bony facial mask, his heavy jaws and large teeth, his thick skull and receding forehead as ape-like specializations? Are they not the more general- ized adaptive modilications shart^I in common b\ the two branches of the orthograde primate stock, for a life demanding concentrated physical force? Certain specializing factors in these two great lines of primates clearly oper- ate in common. Such, for example, were the marked increase in body weight, the tendency to stand upright, the reduction of speed in escape, the progres- sive loss of arboreal retreat, the need of augmented offensive powers and a more capable mechanism for procuring food supply. All of tht^se appear as vital necessities in the specialization of man and the great apes. If certain 928 MAN structural features determined by these physiological demands became progressively less prominent in man, it was because his genius gradually' devised the means to obviate their need. In fact, it was the potential degree of cerebral growth and psychic development which kept the human cranium so plastic. It is cjuestioiiable, therefore, whether any advantage is gained by the continued reference to the pithecoid specializations of jjrimitixe man. II he were ape-like in many aspects of his form and being, the great apes to offset this have been called man-like on similar grounds. This convenient uiterchange in terms does no doubt signity a mutuality in dehnite charac- teristics. On the other hand, it tends to olxscure the common generic factors which imparted to man and ape alike those distinctive characters described in the human as pithecoid. The Five Essential Homimd Characters That there was a delinite prehuman stock, a stock capable of producing both anthropoid apes and man, cannot Ik- disputed. But at least five critical and closel\ interdependent specializations determine the status ot the human race: the ap])earance (i) of the human brain, (2) of the human loot, (3) of the human hand, (4) of the erect posture with bipedal locomotion, and (5) a terrestrial mode of life. Estimated by these hominid characters, the human l\pe was irrevo- cably established despite such pithecoid features as it might still retain. When this status ol man is reached, liowcNcr low and humble it may be, there is little justification lor the term ape-man. By the lact of his entrance into the human lamily, man surpassed the more narrow limitations of simian organization. At the same time he retained within himself a structural plas- ticity for further development w hich the apes had almost entirely sacrificed to their definitive specialization. MAN— PAST, PRESENT AND lUTURE 929 Some Views oi^ Man's Relai ion to the Apes The human race in this sense hears no ancestral relation to any of the known apes. cithtT h\Ing or extinct. Man is (listinrm: - ogue of homologous features. Some nine or ten of th*^ ntioned and discussed. ESSENTIAL ORDINAL SIMILARITIES OF \IN The Encephalic Indices. The encep . .dices of these brains, almost without : •=pec!f!cation, set the primates apart in an order by themselves. .-MI of thest^ < possess a forebrain ir\6ex above 80 per cent, both by weight e brain. The . anying table shows how this index ..ptive process c. .ts especially to the predominant -ce of the differentiation of the forelimb. Those animals whose i>ectL. ages are sp>ecialized as wings, fins or |>addles do not 942 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS exceed a forebrain index of 60 per cent. In the main they are all much Ix'Iow this figure. The forebrain indices in the dogfish, codlish and shark are ail less than 25 ]>er cent of the total brain \-ohime. A reptihaii form, such as the soft-shelled turtle, shows the considerable advance to 53 per cent, while the American ostrich w ith 60 per cent reaches the high level of develop- Encephalic Indices of Evolitional Significance Index: 82 and above Hands Fingers Finger nails Animal Volume index \\ eight index Forebrain Midbrain per cent per cent Hindbrain per cent Forebrain per cent Midbrain per cent Hindbrain per cent I Icmo sapiens, modern man Troglodytes gorilla, gorilla Simia satyrus, orang-outang. . Macacus rhesus, Indian monkey I lylobates hoolock, gibbon Callithrix jacchus, marmoset.. . Index: 70 to 80 iilliaris, dog icstica, cat ballus, hors js, cattle bachtr., camel. . ndicus, elephant )phaga jub., g 5 tridact., three-t Index: 20 to 60 88 83 82 83 14 15 16 87 I 12 84 84 2 14 1 2 2 14 82 2 16 83 2 '5 I liii)fs Claws Canis familiaris, dog 80 1 7 1 13 80 5 1 '^ Fclis domcstica, cat ' 6 1 1 N .S(i 4 21 Equus caballus, hois Si > 2 2 iS Bos taurus, cattle «.. 2 18 , Sn 2 18 Camelus bachtr., camel -cj 2 19 -', ^ IQ Elephas indicus, elephant -J 2 26 ~ 1 73 2 Myrmecophaga jub., giant ant- eater 75 6 19 5 22 Bradypus tridact., three-toed sloth. 70 10 20 70 10 20 Wings Fins Paddle? Rhea aiTicnciina, ostrich 58 lO 26 'n 1 1 ', 27 Aspiclonectes fcrox, soft-shellcd turtle 57 . 15 :^s 53 20 27 Rana svlvatica, frog 4'> 21 3- 42 Gadus morrhua, cod-fish 20 40 20 i" 40 Squalus acanthias, dog-fish 23 27 50 STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 943 nuiit in this type of ^ cTtchratc. Animals developing claws, hoofs and paws in the forelimf) dilVerentiation ha\e a forebrain index wliich may rise to, but does not exceed 80 per cent. For tlie most part it is much below this figure. The sloth, the anteater and e\ en the elepliant all lia\e a \ ahie below 76 per cent. The camel, thi' horse and the dog reach the upper limit of 79 or 80 per cent w hich seems characteristic of animals whose forelimbs arc conditioned by de\eIopment as specified. In that group in which manual diHerentiation reaches its final stages, the hand presenting fingers and fingernails, the fore- brain index is always above 80 per cent. It ranges throughout the primates from 81 per cent m lemur to approximately i)o per cent in man. T he signifi- cance of these comparati\ e indices takes its importance from the tact that the forebrain is the most recent accession to the central ner\()us system and attains its greatest expression m mammalian orders, particularly in the jjri- mates. It is the structure essential to the most highly organized behavioral regulation. Animals possessed of the greatest development in this respect manifest the greatest adaptability in meeting the conditions of their einiron- meiit. They are better able to adjust themselves and enjoy a greater range of acti\ity. The primates stand in contrast to all other vertebrates because they possess the most effective organ for the utilization of their environ- mental opportunities. The Diametric Indices of the Primate Brain. The diametric in- dices of the brain establish an ordinal character which also distinguishes the primates among mammals. In these animals the ratio of the iiiterj)arietal diameter to the occipito-frontal diameter varies from .81 to .88. Compared with carni\()res, ungulates and marsupials, the contrast is striking. It indicates the type of brain whose longitudinal expansion is concomitantly followed by a transverse expansion. In other words, the brain is becoming broad and losing some of that elongated appearance w hich is characteristic of lower mammalian forms. This condition of broad brainediiess, if such it 944 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS may be termed, is a characteristic of the primates. In effect it is the con- sequence of expansion taking place in the neopallium which begins to over- shadow the archipallium (rhinencephalon). The chief increments are at first evident in the parietal lobe, indicating no doubt the expansions in som- esthetic sensibility due to quadrumanal differentiation. Corresponding expansion soon makes itself apparent in the temporal and occipital lobes. It finally expresses itself, at the upper extremity of the primate series, in large increments to the frontal lobe. This dimensional modification is expres- sive of a recession in the rhinencephalon, particuhirly involving the olfactory sense which is gradually replaced in the jjrimate by an extensive develop- ment in the distance receptors for sight and hearing. In certain other groups of mammals there is a marked degree of broad brainedness, for example, that seen in seals, cetaceans or sirenians. In these instances the brains are almost as broad as they are long, and thus transcend the upper limit already prescribed by the diametric indices of the primate brain. In the case of aquatic mammals, the underlying motive in the transverse expansion of the hemispheres is different from that in the primates. It particularly affects the parietal area in relation to expanding the region of somesthetic sensibility. These animals, by their entire body surface, are in constant contact with the water. Their somatic sensory surface thus becomes a most important receptor system and because of its great extensiveness determines the corresponding expansion of the parietal lobe. Some of the acjuatic mammals also show a recession in the pruniinenee of the rhinencephalon and the olfactory sense, which may even exceed that witnessed in apes and man. They show, however, no such expansion in the frontal or occipital regions as that seen in the primates. The Fissural Pattern of the 1 Iemispiiekes in the Primate Brain. The lissural pattern of the In'misplieres is identical with or lollows a de- sign similar to the liunuin adult. Fhe eon\e\ity oi the cerebral lurui- STRUCTURAL CULMIXATIOX Q45 spheres has in general a tri-fissural design in which three chief fissures are present: first, the fissure of Sylvius, second, the fissure of Rolando and third, the simian fissure. The position and angulation of these fissures arc charac- teristic in the primate brain. The SyKian fissure in its lateral portion extends backward and upward at an angle something less than 45 degrees with the base line of the brain. The fissure of Rolando extends forward Jrom the superior longitudinal fissure at an angle varying from 6~.j to 84 degrees. The sulcus simiarum leaves the superior longitudinal fissure at an angle of about go degrees. This latter sulcus is believed to have no counterpart in the human brain. Nevertheless, distinguished authorities such as Elliot Smith maintain that the sulcus lunatus, on the lateral surface of the occipital lobe of man, is a vestige of this great simian fissure. In many instances the human parietal incisure of the occipito-parietal fissure corresponds in striking degree to the more proximal portion of the sulcus simiarum of the higher anthropoids. Nor are the similarities, which link the primates together on the basis of their fissural patterns, limited to these three major fissures alone. W ith few exceptions, the identifications may be carried to the secondary fissures. In many lower primates and also in the intermediate group, these secondary fissures have no such prominence as they attain in man. If the brains of such simians be compared with the fetal brain of man in which the secondary fissures are making their appearance, the correspondence between the anthro- poid and human brain may be recognized. Further development of the brain in man adds much complexity both to its convolutions and fissures. But an essential correspondence of fissural pattern exists in all primates. The Lobation of the Primate Brain. The lobation in apes and man is identical throughout the series. As seen upon the lateral convexity of the hemispheres, this lobation expresses itself in four distinct divisions: the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe and the occipital lobe. • FIGS. 423 AND 424. SIZE AND CONFIGURATIOX OF THE DORSAL SI RIACE OF THE HLMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF LE.Ml R MONC.OZ. Iiiiilllnliiii f ■ I • • M II If <} M 13 a I' la la to fi It II n n\ -■■ I.' ,.',.,'.. I .,l,l„,.|l.,J„llll,lll,.„lm,l I .,„Im:,I„„Li,I„,J,m1„J.:iI,.,I„„lJ„.,I..,L|„J„„I„J „„L„I„J.J„J,„,I„„I I Centiitietstr Seals 0llb FIGS. 425 AND 426. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN IJRAIN COMPARED WITH 1 HAT OF LEMUR MONGOZ. [946] STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 947 This lohation conc'spoiicls so nuich in detail throuf^lioul tin- orckr that tlirre can he no doubt as to tlu' I'sscntial siinilanty existing m tliese niorpliological leaturcs ol the central nerxous system. The CoN\OLUTio\ Ai I^A iTERN 01 Nil Pkim A IF. Bkaix. Thispattciii coincides with striking consistencx . \\ here\er convolutions de\elop, their general homologies ma\ be easil\ determined, if not b\ actual comparison with the adult human brain, at least with some earlier tetal stages. Okbital and Occipital Conca\ hies ok the Primate Brain. The two great conca\Tties on the basal surface ol the brain, known respectively as tlu' orbital and the occii:)ital concavity, ma\- be ideiitilied as corresponding leatures in all species. Ceri AiN Characi eristics OF THE Basal SiRFACE. Certain basal char- acteristics are notablx similar. Ilius the ollactory bulb and its associated structures ha\"e become much reduced in size as compared with the carni\()rcs and ungulates. This is especially the case with the ollactor\ tracts which are readily detachable trom the under surface of the bram as far back as the trigomim oifactorium. In no instance does either the tract or tiie bulb contain that ]:)r()Iongation of the xcntricular ca\'it\" common m lower mam- mals. Another characteristic on the basal surface is the relation of tiie optic ner\'es and optic tracts to tlu' chiasm m primates. The < ptic nerves approach the chiasm and the tracts lea\c it at an angle much nearer ()0 degrees than It is m an\ lower mammalian forms. When retracted the olfactory bulb and tract usually reveal the beginning of a sniaH sulcus immediately in front ol the trigonum oifactorium. 1 his is the sulcus olfactorius which more or less completel\ bounds a gyre situated mesial to it, the gyrus rectus. The sulcus olfactorius and the gyrus rectus occur in an incipient stage or fully developed in all of the primates. Relation of the Cerebellar Hemispheres in the Primate Braix. The relation of the cerebellum to the cerebral hemisphere is another identify- 948 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS iiifj; characteristic in the primate brain. In all species, with the e\cepti(jn of the lemur, often nientionecl as a transitional form, the occipital lobe of the hemisphere has so advanced in its dexelopment as entirel\ to conceal the tentorial surface ol the cerebellum. Not alone in the relation ol the cere- bellar to the cerebral hemispheres are the primates distinguished from all other mammals. There appears another identifying feature on the occipital surface of the cerebellum, i.e. the vallecula, or vermal notch, w hich is most characteristic of the order. The depression between the two lateral cerebellar lobes, w hich lodges the inferior vermis, is also a distinctive mark. The \entral surface of the bram likewise reveals prommeiit mdices connected with the de\elopment of neokinetic functions, such as the ])yramid, the inferior oli- \ary body, the pons Varolii and the cerebral peduncles. The De\'elopment of the Pineal Fossa in the Primate Brain. The development of the pineal fossa lying at the cephalic e\tremit\ of tlie intercollicular sulcus makes ]:)ro\ision lor the epiphysis cereljri. The rela- tion of this gland to the midbrain is subject to considerable variation among mammals. In some it occupies a supraeallosal position. In other forms it IS j)ostcaIIosal, lying bi'hind the splenium ol the corpus callosum l)ut not in contact with tin- midbrain. In the primates, it lies in a subcallosal position, resting upon tlu' roofplate in the ])ineal fossa of the midbrain. Such are the features on the external surface of the bram which consti- tute an array of similarities sullicieiit to establish the ordinal solidaritx of the ])nmates. Each of these distineti\-c features max not in all instances ha\e the indul)itable quality of an idi'iitifying character. But the sum total of them all serves as an entirely reliable guide for the ident ilication of any nu'inberot the primate group. INDICAIIO.NS OF ENOLLTIONAI. UL\ ELOPMEN I IN THE PKI.MAIE BKAIN In connection with such distincti\'e features the question naturall}- arises whether these charaett'rs are siibiect to such modifications as show • FIGS. 42- AND 428. SIZE AND CON IK, I RATION OF IIIF DORSAL SIRFACE OF THE HIMAN BRAIN (OMRARED Willi ITIAT OF CAMIlllRlX JACCHUS, THE MARMOSET. IL I..j..L'„.,Ll.LJ,.j,.J„.,i,„. ,,i.„l,-„i,„,l..„i„J,„.i„,I..,i„i„,i„„L.ii„,l„.i,.,L, Centunet&r- Scale .i....J.,...,„.l....lJ....I....I FIGS. 420 AND 450. SIZE AND CONIIGI RAMON Ol IMF LAIFRAL SIRIACE OF THE III M \N HK\IN (OMRARID WITH THAT OF CAIIMIIKIX JACCHIS, THE MARMOSET. [assing from the lower to the upp>er extremity" of this order. There are, however, certain notable exceptions in this regard which need explanation. Thus, marmoset and lemur occupy the lowest jx>srtions, but, departing from what might be exp>ected, mycetes representing the majority" of the Cebidae, develojjs the highest figure of all the primates with a diametric value of 92 p>er cent. This undoubtedly is due to the great expansion in the parietal lobe incident to the increment in somesthetic sensibilitA" produced by the sp>eciaIization of the prehensile tail and extreme quadrumanal differentiation. Among the intermediate primates, the gibbon stands as high as any of the great anthrop>oids. This again is accounted for by the extreme sp>eciaIization of its brachiating arms incident to its peculiar tA"pe of locomotion and exquisitely arboreal life. Ofthe three great anthropwids, the orang has the highest p>osrtion according to this index, higher even than that of man. The relatrvely low figure attributed to gorilla and man is explained by the pronounced expansions in the frontal lobe of both of these species. Thus while the diametric index may not be considered to furnish the reicord of a stead- ily progressive evolutionary." process, it indicates certain adaptrse modifications to which the cerebral axes have resp>onded. in ojnseqtience of specialized exp>ansions in particular regions of the brain. The condition of broad brained- ness as contrasted with that of long brainedness is due to the <^>eration of several factors. In the fir?t place, the general mammalian tendenc>- toward the development of a long brain depends up>on the degree to which the rhinen- cephalon dominates the process of growth. The recession in prominence of this oIfactor\" pwrtion of the brain tends to shorten the long axis and thus raise the value of the diametric index. Another influence producing the same result is the combined recession of the rhinencephalon with marked acces- sions in the pxarietal lobe. A third factor may alter the values of this axial index. This is the lensrthenini: of the loni: axis of the brain while the trans- 952 E\OLLTIONAL MODIMCATIONS verse diameter is also increased. Such modification a* thi* rewihs from the de\-eIopments in the frontal lobe which tend t/j prrxJuce v>mething inter- mediate between broad bramedness and (ong brained ncs». It is thus ev in explanation of the . ;.ncies indicated b>' the dfa- indices of the ne high degree of broad ferainedness manifested by mycetes is due to expansifwi in the parietal region of tht incident to accessions in sor .*.y. An additional el- in mycetes is the apparent - ion in the frontal lobe de^'ek^pment. In the case of the gibbon, where the axia! index rises to a xdathreiy high figure, the espFanatron is also i retardatron of the f' do'elc^ment with - -i the higher asithiopoidsr both the orang . - refatf*.-e!y hL ^ es in their diametric indices due tc - bes wrthoat concomitant development in the : reas in man and gorilla the tendency" toward increase i .;nence in the frontal reg the brain makes itself apparent in a diametric fndex which is ojnsrderabFy below that of their congeners in th- _ _ p. Exp . the frontal lobe, so important f- r of psychic specializs- tion, has made itself felt in t ndex of the gorilla and r. brain more than in any of the anthropoids. This index, which at first glance seems to be so thoroughly inconsistent in the figures which it produces, does as a matter of fact indicate a prices? f>f adaptive Sf)ecialization in the primate order which has great signific . ation to the e\-oIiitionary process. The developmental conditions which it seems to denote in the adA"ance of the brain are so well confirmed by other evidence as to leave no doubt con- cerning the substantial correctness which these values present- A tabula- tion of the diametric indices provides a most convincing demonstration to indicate the adapti\'e \-icissitudes through which the brain has pasj?ed. • FIGS. 431 AND 432. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE DORSAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF MYCETES SENICULUS, THE RED HOWLING MONKEY. ii ...u.— ,■-- -,1-^.11 ■ ■ ■.m«»;■•. STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 957 In most ol tin- lemurs the post-S\I\ian sulcus is a simjilc Inicar lurrow representing the parallel or su]:)fn()r teinjjoral sulcus m apes and man. \\ ith reference to the central (Rolandic) fissure in lemurs, there is some dilierence of opinion. The slight indentation between the frontal and parietal areas has been called by Jacobsohn and Flatau the precentral sulcus, a view which disregards the fact that such a sulcus ne\er occurs in the absence oi the more stable central hssure. The tendency in all lemuroids is toward a fusion ol this Irontal indentation with the caudal extremity of the coronal sulcus which [produces that great transverse fissure, the central (Rolandic) sulcus of apes and man. The iissural pattern ol tarsius is simple in the extreme, ])rcsenting as it does but a single indentation, the fissure of Sylvius. This is undoubtedly the suj^rarhinal fold corresponding to the mammalian pseudo-Sylvian sulcus. In this sense the neopallium of tarsius is the most generalized of all the lower primates. It thus stands closest to some subprimate lissencephalic brain which was the forerunner of the simian cerebrum. Tarsius at the same time IS more pithecoid than the lemurs in the development of its visual cortex and in the appearance ol a posterior cornu in its lateral ventricle. \\ ith this combination of generalized characters and pithecoid tendencies, the brain ol tarsius ser\'es particularl\ wi'll as the transition stage which carru'd upward from sonn' insecti\ ore-like type the basic characters of mammalian cerebral organization but also felt the decided impetus toward simian di'\elopment. It has remained dynamically more plastic than the brain ot lemurs, which latter (however primate in their procli\ ities) have experienced a specialization quite their own, due, it may be, to secondary retrogressive modifications. If, as first suggested by Huxley and subsequently insisted upon with added emphasis by Osborn, the ancestral type of placental mammal was an animal resembling the tree shrew (Tupaia), then it is probable that the 958 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS differentiation which led to the \arious orders of mammals started from some simple lissencephahc condition, showing only the most primiti\e fissures. It may, therefore, be concluded that the hssural prototype of the j)rimate order is ah'eady hiid down m the h'lnur hram. Such departures as it makes from tlu' uhimate design may be ascribed to specific specializations m tlie U'lnurs themseUes. To whatever extent they experienced the primordial incentive toward primate dillerentiation, there was that in their organization which determined characteristics strictlx sui iicncris, yet imparted to their specialization such tendencies as amply justify their inclusion in a separate suborder of the primates. The brain of the marmoset, on the other liaiid, which declares itself in so many features as inherently primate, allords that more generalized pattern in its fissural arrangement from which all of the families in the anthropoidea could take their beginning. The brain of Callithrix jacchus might easily be descendant from some primiti\e lissenccphalic type. It presents but a single well-delined sulcus, the lissure of Sylvius, with the faintest inception of a superior temporal sulcus. Except for these landmarks, the lateral surface of the hemisphere is quite without sign of fissural inscription. W ilh this as yet unprejudiced surface of the neo])allium. inlluenced alone by the correct position of its S\ Kian fissure, the marmoset brain appears to be waiting for the further Impress of those hssural markings characteristic of the more advanced ])rimates. This relatively simple condition of the neopallium in Hapalidae is in harmony w ith what has already been observed in reference to their simjjle behavioral characters. The departure of this family from tlu' primitive primate stock was doubtless a retrogressive one, less significant in what it produced of itself than in its prophetic indications of actual simian tribes to come. In the lemur brain and in the brain of marmoset two contrast- ing tendencies in the early ]jrimate differentiation are represented. In the first instance the lemur, representing the Incipient primate impulses, furnishes STRUCTURAL CULMINATION (),-() c'\ icK'iK'c ol rc'spoiisr alonu llirsc lines ami at the same tunc \ iclcls to iiillii- cnces ol specialization w hu'li (li\'ert it into a |)ath ol its own. In the case ol the marmoset, the impulse toward anthro|joKl evointion is more strongly active as a generalized inlluciiee, not \ et specilic enough to ckti'rmine those mdi'lible cerebral characters which aresullicient to distinguish all ol the other lamilies, genera and specK's in tlu' suborder anthro])oidea. 1 hat the lull lorce ol the tendencv toward simian dillen-ntiation is ultimately lelt by all ol the mon- keys ol the new world is clearly attested by tlie lissural patterns ol these primates. The Ccljidae re\t'al what was dclinitelx attempted m the diller- entiation ol the lemur's brain, subject perhaps to some Irustration b\ other inlluenccs, but again somewhat U-ebl\ aimed at in the marmoset's brain. Ail of the new world simians present a lissural pattern which marks them as nu-mbers ol tlu' suborder ant hropoidi'a. The SyKian lissure takes a more oblicpie course backward and upward, separating the parietal Iroin the temporal lobe. The central sulcus, which represents tlu' lissure ol Rolando, is now well dclincd and forms the boundary between the trontal and jjarietal lobes. The sulcus ])arallelus i superior tem])oral lissure) is distinct, as arc also the intermediate tt'inporal and the intraparietal hssures. The greatest degree of fissural specialization occurs in the temporal and parietal lobes. Only the slightest indication ol hssures is lound in the Irontal and occijjital regions of the brum. 1 n I act, neither o I these lobt's shows any marked extent ol expansive development, thus no doubt accounting lor the high degree of broad brained- ncss recorded in Mycetes seniculus. In the Irontal region there is a slight indenture indicating the superior Irontal sulcus, and one somewhat more pronounced marking the position of the inferior frontal sulcus. In the occip- ital lobe, which is but slightly developed, there is a faint indication of that remarkable sulcus which identilies all ol the simian tribe, the sulcus simia- rum. This lissure appears in mycetes as well as in other Cebidae as a small 96o EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS transverse groove, icirntilied l)\ Elliot Smith and utIuTs as the sulcus occip- italis transversus, which Rctzius nianitanis is the honiologuc ot the sulcus simiarum ("Affenspalte"). Lateral to this trans\erse occipital fissure is an equally faint groove indicatnig the position ot the sulcus occipitalis lateralis. \\ ith reference to the sulcus centralis, or fissure ol Rolando, it nia\' be said that in the brain of the Ccbidae, particularix in the brain ol niycetes, this fissure has nuicli that is reminiscent of the hssura cruciata ol the lower mammals. There is, ho\\e\er, an im]iortant difference. Its angle of inclina- tion with reference to the superior longitudinal fissure is now considerably less than ()0 degrees. In mycetes, therefore, as in most of the new-world monkeys, the lissural fundaments of the primate brain are clearly discermble. Here- alter, in the further steps of evolutional de\clopment, it is simply a matter ol increasing complexity, particularly of expansion in the frontal and occipital lobes, which brings into existence all of the lissural characters of the highest primates. In the lower di\ ision of the old-world monkexs, here described as the intermediate ])rimates, the simian characters in the lissural j)attcrn ol the brain a])j)ear in their ultimate piominciice. The pattern is now delinitely trifissural with a fissure of SyK lus, a fissure of Rolando and a simian fissure constituting easily rec(jgnizetl boundaiN lines between the lour great lobes appearing on the lateral coii\c'\it\- of the lu'inisphcrc. The hssure ol Sybius has departed from its jjrimitixe wrtical direction and is tending to approach closer to the horizontal, characteristic of it in the higher species. The fissure of Rolando also has reduced the angle ol its inclmat mn in reference to the superior longitudinal lissure and now runs a courst- of sonu'thing o\'er "j degrees with the median plane. 1 lu' sulcus simiarum extends outward Irom the superior longitudinal fissure at an angle of ()o degri'cs and reaches as far lateral as the latt'ral occipital lissure. In the baboon, \lacacus rhesus and in the gibbon, these lissural relations are all essentially similar. In none ol STRUCTURAL CULMINATION (/,i the three species does the (issure of Rolando show niorr than a siigticstion ot its two major genulleetions. In all of the tluw tlu' most proniinent and deep lissuring is seen in the parit-to-temporal area; in the frontal area onl\ the beginnings of the superior frontal lissiire are apparent. The preeentral fissure is well defined, whik' in the oeeijiital lobe two fissures are elearl\ marked. These are the hssura oeeipitalis and the lateral oeeipital hssure. All semblance ol the t\pieal eireiims\ l\ian arrangement of the sulci has now disappeared. In the great anthropoids the lissural pattiMii has increased consideral)l\- in its com])le\ity, although it retains all of the fundaments which ha\e Ix'cn traced through the seiial approach to this k'\ el of the pri- mate ortler. The latt-ral coinexity is still trilissural, tlu' hssure of SyKius, the fissure ol Rolando and the simian lissure constituting the main landmarks. As in all the Jiitcrmediate group, notable expansions are seen in the occipital and frontal lobes; indeed, it is in tlu'sc regions that the greatest degree of complcxitN has made itself apparent in the arrangement of the lis- sures. The central sulcus of Rolando now manifests a delinite tendency to display its maior genullections so characteristic of tlu- human brain. This becomes progressi\ely accentuated m passing from the orang, in which the genuflections are the least pronounced, through the chimpanzee to the gorilla, w lu're the\ stand out in great prominence. As ni all jjrimatc brains, the paricto-tem])()ral region shows a degree of lissural richness which is the most ])ronounced. It is, howe\xr, m much less striking contrast to the frontal region w ln-re the superior, middle and inlerior Irontal fissures are well outliiu'd. 'file preeentral hssure has beconu' a di'ip sulcus l\ ing parallel to the ctntral sulcus. In the occipital lobe the trans\ersc oeeijiital lissure is deeper and has an inclination to develop several collateral branches. The lateral occi])ital fissure is also pronounced. This becomes increasingly the case in passing from the orang to the gorilla, in which latter the occipital FIGS. 43() AND 440. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE DORSAL SI RFACE OF THE HIMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF PITHECUS RHESUS, THE MACACUS. I a s 4 ft • J B f 10 II It 1} u I) N If ■• ■• » II (r M •• M I..J,..L.,,Ij.,,,l,,,.l,,,J,J,,.L,ln,,L,l,,,.l,,,.|.,,l ,J,.,l,J„„l„J,.„l„„[j„J., l.„l,.J.„lnJ„„L„L„l„„l I„„I„J ,.,ll,„.ln.L, Ill.lJ Centimeter Scale FIGS. 441 AND 442. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WFI H THAT OF PITHECl S RHESUS, THE MACACUS. [962] STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 963 loht' IS rmu'li mori' piDmiiU'iit l\ lissuri'tl than in cithrr ol x\\c two uix'at ant hro- |)()i(ls assoc'uilc'd with it. The lissurt' ol S\ Kins tends to l)c' more liorizontal in Its (lirc'c't ion, while 1 he lissure ol l-\olanclo departs Ironi the superior longi- tudinal lissnre with an aiif^iilar iiulinat ion of something less than ~j degrees. I he marked ehanges in the lissiiral pattern of tlie great anthropoids therefore consists in the eonvolutional riehness seen both in the Irontal and oeei[)ital lobes, with the presence ot excry lissnre lound in the iuiman brain more prominentl\ marked than in the intermediate primates, and with marked accessions in the Innital and occipital regicjns incident to expansion in these |)ort ions of the brain. In man the lissural pattern attains its greatest complexitx, so nuieh so that It bieomes dillienh to identil\ the se\eral eharaeteristie fissures, which in the lowt'r primate brain stand out in prominence because of tlu' relati\c sim])licit\ in the siileal markings. The lissure ol Rolando now has an angle ol inclination with the superior longitudinal lissure of about ~i degrees; the lissure ol SyKius apjjroaches much nearer to the horizontal than in any olthe lower species; the sulcus simiarum has jjiactically disappeared and nothing suggestixe ol it is to be seen in the human brain unless it be the sulcus lunatus referred to by Elliot Smith as tlu' possible homologue of the sulcus simiarum. The general position ol this lissure is marked by the parietal incisure ol the occipito-parietal sulcus. The occi|.)ital lobe itself shows a richness of lissures generally arranged aljout the occipital and lati'ial occipital sulci, which far exceeds in compIe.\it\ an\ thing obser\ed in the primates Ik'Iow man. The evidence, therefore, oHered by the lissural pattern in the primate brain, especially as it alfects the lateral surface of the hemispheres, points to a progressive evolution, starting with a pattern in many respects reminis- cent of the carnivore circumsylvian type, and passing from an almost indif- lerent intermediate stage of the simplest lissenccphalic neopallium, through 964 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS all gradations to culminate in xhv intricate (issural design of tlie human brain. There seems to Ix' no single step missing in this gradual transition. EXOLUTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF rilE CeKEBKAL LoBES IN I HI PlilMATE Brain. Nor is this process of grachial expansion confined tothelissuresalone. Inasmuch as these landmarks serve to delimit the well-marked physiological areas of the biain surface and thus produce lohation, as a concomitant of the increasing richness of fissural pattern, the lolx's themselves become more complicated. In the transitional form of lemur, the identilication ol the quadrilobular condition characteristic of the primates is difficult, largely because the central sulcus of Rolando is onl\- in an incipient state and the boundaries of llu' frontal lobe must, therefore, be drawn largely by inference. So also it is dillicult to distinguish I)et\\een the parietal and frontal lobes. But the boundary between the temporal and parietal lobes is fairly well defined by the lissure of Sylvius. Upon the lati'ral coiuexity the e\ idence of an occipital lobe is almost entirely wanting and such expression as this lobe has is largely confined to the mesial surface of the hemispheix'. This observation of the occipital lobe in perhaps its most primitixe condition is borne out by the size ol the superior colliculi which maintain much of lluir original j^roportion and also not a little of their ]3rimiti\-e stratilication. In tarsius and marmoset, the brains of \vhich are so largely lissence])ha!ic, tlu' dilliculty of determining the lobes is etiuall\ pronounced. In tlu' absence of any sulcus centralis, no distinct di\iding line between the frontal and i:)arietal lobes exists, and onl>- in a general way is tlu' dixision between the temporal and parietal lobes given by the fccblx de\t'lo])ed S\ l\ ian lissure. Nothing resembling the sulcus simiarum is jjri'sent in these brains, although the dexelopment ol an occip- ital lobe is much more pronounceti than in the lemur, as show 11 b\ tlu'lact that the cerebellum is now almost eom|)lctt'l\ co\ered by tin' caudal ])ole of the hemisphere. Thus, starting in the Tarsiodea with an anthropoid STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 965 lu'iiiispluial suilacf almost liw ol lissuial insi-ri])ti()n, it hccomc's possible, at tlu' lU'xt stasia- m thr progrcssi\-c expansion ot the neopallmni, to note in nixeetes a tlehnite ciuaclrilolKilar eonclition ni the hrani. A w cll-ck'hned (issiire of Rolando separates the paiutal tioni the liontal lol)e. A ]3roniinent lissurc of Syl\ nis (h\icles the parutal Ironi the ttinporal, and thi' ineipient suleus simiarum sets the boLindan bt'tut'eii the oeeipital and the parietal regions. Of these lour lobi's, the most hi(i;hl\ de\ eloped are tlie parietal and tlu' temporal, wliile the e\|jansion in the frontal and tiie occipital reausing here to dcline too much in detail the meaning of intelligence, it may in general be stated that this attribute indi- cates the capacity presented by an\ brain to select between alternative courses of action, that is, to reason and linally form a judgment. If a number of mammals, those low in the ph\ letic scale as well as those situated in the ui^j^cr lc\els, are contrasted by means of jjlanimetric estima- tions of the areas on the lateral surface of the brain, and from such measure- ments planimetric indices are constructed, thi' following interesting facts are brought to light: The frontal lobe w Iumi compartxl in dilferent mammals shows that the ant eater has a frontal index of i) per cent, the horse ol 13 per cent, the seal of 16 per cent, the leopard of 20 per cent, the brow n bear of FIGS. 445 WD 444. SIZE AND COM KJL RATION OF THE DORSAL SURFACE OF Mil IH\1\N BRAIN C:OMPARFD W IIH IHAT OF H^ LOBATES HOOLOCK, THE CIBBON. I ■ ■ 4f« 7 m 9 » II a li t* n m It m 19 to ti It n t* n Ui.„L..,L„,.Li,,Li,„Ji,.i,.,.Li,„L.iu] ,,J„M,J.j,ij,J,j..J,,,.iMJ,.niiJ,j,,,.l.,,i,,.L,,i,,J,,.i,,,.l,.iiiil,i.J,j,,J,jiiJ,,,,i,,,,l Contuneter- Scaie FIGS. 445 AND 44C). SIZE AND CONFKil RATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF HVLOBATES HOOLOCK, THE GIBBON. I967I 968 EVOLUTIONAL MOOIFICATIONS 2 1 pvv cfiit, the cl() m tlu' orbital surlace ol tlie brain. As tlie hemispheri' in its Irontal area beconu's more expanded this conea\it\ decreases. In consequence the orbital concavity IS most i^ronoiinccd m tlu' lower primatt's. It is a feature of consicU'rable prominence m the intermediatt' primates, is conspicuous e\"en m thi' bi'ams ol the orang and the chimpan/.ee, but shows its first marked decrease in the gorilla. Although exidence ot it ma\ still be toiind in tlu' human brain, It IS hert' so inconsiderable that it might tail to attract attention. Associated with tin- orbital conea\it\' is another notal)le feature, the intcrorhilal kt'cl. 1 his mesial ridge is most prominent in those species with the deepest orbital 970 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS concavities, and becomes gradually less pronounced as this conea\ity is gradually decreased by the expansion of the frontal lobe. Through graded stages in the primates the diminution m promiiieiiee ot the mter orbital keel max be easily traced. It is still a fcatuix' in the brain of the orang, and present also in tiu' chimpanzee, although less promiiu'nt; it may be discerned. less well delined, in the gorilla, but almost entirely disappears in man due to accessions in all portions of the Irontal lobe. Conditions in the struetm-es related to the olfactory and the optic nerves denote a similar process of frontal expansion. The ollactorv l)ulb and tract in tarsius are nuich larger than in other primates. Tluar resemblance to the more ])riiniti\e rhinencephalic development of carnivores and ungulates is fairly close. The bull) and the tract appear more as an integral part of the basal surface of the endbrain. The lateral and mesial olfactory roots follow their course to their terminations in a manner characteristic ot the lower mammals. Progressively, howcAcr, in passing upward Irom lemur, the ol- iactory bulb and tract become relatively smaller. They are both more easily detached from the overlying orbital surface of the brain, while the divarication of the lateral and the mesial roots of the olfactory tract becomes less conspicuous. The entire dcAclopment ol' the rhinencephalon (olfactory portions of the brain) is less i^iominent and gixcs e\ idence ol a delloreseenee in its structural elements. Accompan\ ing this ]:)r()cess there is a diminution in the capacity of olfactory function. In the acKance from the lower to the upper end of tlu' ]Mimate series a small fissure is found beneath the olfactory tract. This is the sulcus ollactorius, which determines the existence of the gyrus rectus. Both of these features beeonu' more conspicuous as the human stage of developm lilt is approached. The\ are both indicatixe of progressive difTerenliation in the frontal lobe. These de\ elopmi'Utal changes connected with the sense of smell are of greatest evolutional moment. Their ob\ ions connotation is a diminution of olfaetor\ seiisi' which gave to the hunting STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 971 animal its kern scent and to niaiiy species a jjioteetivc accessory in proxiding warning of the appioaeli ot enemies. According Id all signs the sense of smell is on {hv wane in the primates. The archaic rhinencephalon becomes less |jrominenl, the olfactory hull) and tract grow smaller and lose tluir intimate incorporation in the orl)ital surface of the brain. Other sense capacities, such as vision, hearing and the sense of touch, the latter especially as developed in the hand and hngers, ha\e replaced the sense ol smell by substituting for it receptors both ol the distant and contact \ariety. Dependence upon these latter sensor\' organs perha[3s places the animal in more adxantageous rela- tion to Its eiuironment, in certain respects at least. The primordial dexclopment ol the olfactory sense is ])reeminentl\ con- nected with the process ol obtaining food. It is concenable that the constant influx ol Impulses by this a\enue of sensation might be deterrent, if not ])reiudicial to tlu' further de\elopment of other faculties. In the race of life, the procuring of food must aKva\s take its place among other obiects of much importance to the needs of tlu' organism. It ma\ , of course, l)e claimed in this connection that tlu' u])shot of all action is in the interest of maintaining lifi'. The olfactory sense, therefore, can no more be said to retard the de\elopment of such purposes than any other sense. But w ith the possible exct'ption of that small degree of protectixe insurance and sexual direction which the olfactory sense proNides, its mam and decisixe mllueiux' is eoniu'cted with the location and ideiitilication ol lood sup|)l\-. Llence the dellorescence in this department of sensory organization m the [jrimate max be considered as of adxantage in developing other and mori' w idel\ productiw courses of reaction. Again the decrease m the oliactorx portion ot the brain is in direct proportion to e\j)ansions in the frontal lobe. It thus appears that, howcxer much the animal max' sulfer bx decreased elliei(>ney in this spluat' of sensi- bilitx, it gams immeasurablx in tlu- combinations of experience made j:)ossible through increments to the frontal area. 972 , EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS In the case of the optic ncr\c, a similar record of expansion is to he found. This is seen in the degrees of angulation in the conAergence ol the optic nerves upon the chiasm and the dixergence ol the optic tracts Irom it. This angulation gradually increases in passing from the lennir, through the intermediate ])rimates, to the great anthropoids, and reaches its greatest prominence in man. It is due to the fact that expansions in the head have further sej^arated the eyes from each other. The expansions themselves are due in large measure to the growth of the brain areas abo\e the orbits. Similar txpaiisions in portions of the brain caudal to the optic chiasm arc in process and account for the wider angle of divergence in the optic tracts. This feature w hile far less significant than olfactory dt'xelopnu'nt possesses a value, which, however slight, should carr\ its due weight in estimating the evolution of the bram. Evolutional Significance of Cerebellar Expansion in the Brain. The inllucnces of expansion may bi' further discerned m the occipital lobe. This extension likewise affects the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. In the lowest of the primates the cerebellar conea\ it\ is a deep impression made upon the basal surface of the occipital lobe In' the cerebellum. It is less pro- nounced in lenuir than in higher species because the cerelx-llum is onl\ m part coxered by the occipital lobe. In the marmoset and Hapalidae generally this concaxity becomes more prominent, due to the lact that the cerebellum indents the under surface of the brain to a considerable degree, while the occipital loi)e entirt'ly eo\ers the tentorial surface of the cerebellum. The cerebellar conca\ity, and more [)art ieularl\ the postsplenial fossa, is a character obserxed in all primate brains. Tlu' lateral e\])ansions ol it bt'come progressively less jjronounced in the inti'rmedlate ]:)rnnates. It is well cK'Imed in the orang and ihimpanzee, but becomes less [jromment m the gnnlla and almost entirel\ disappears in man where it leaxcs but a small Acstige ol the postsplenial fossa to accommodate tlu- \Ainiis. FIGS. 44" AND 448. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THF DORSAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF SI.MIA SATVRUS, THE ORANG. L.I I'!' " " "31 1.iflli,Jli..UllNJlitillmliiilll..J.iiJ.H.I,...|.iiil„lllllll„.tfl,iiiliii.l.ii.L ,.,l„„l,„.l.„.L„!„,,l„„l„„L.,l,.„l„..l,J,..,l,.,ln.,!., CaiCuoGtcr- Scale FIGS.f449 AND 450. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF SIMIA SATVRUS, THE ORANG. (973] 9-4 E\OLLTIONAL MODIFICATIONS All of this chanee from i. .nething approaching convexiU" in t . e is the result of expansions in the rest of extending the capacit\" of visual function. In. vHum grves evidence of an expanding process. In _ martially covered by the caudal p>oIe of :.e occipital lobe is poorly developed. This con-^ iracteri; .e more primrtr^e hemispheres in the carniAores : _ :es. ^ et even in lemur the tentorial surface has a definitely gabled nee. The superior vermis is a prominent element, while the inferior vermis app>ears much more as a surface eminence than in the higher species. In the marmoset, the ultimate primate condition obtains in that the upper cerebellar surface is entirely concealed by the overlying occipital lobe. The tentorial surface also shows a marked gabling with an extremely high p :ts vermal region. A similar condition exists in mycetes, both on the tentoria. ccrpital surfaces. In all three of the lower primates, the lateral expansion of the cerebellar hemisphere is relatively slight. The movement toward development in this p>ortion of the brain first becomes evident in the intermediate primates, although even in them the vermis remains a most conspicuous feature of cerebellar organization. It is not until the great anthropoids are reviewed, that the real changes in cerebellar expan- sion become apparent. In these instances, while the gabling of the tentorial surface is still fairly prominent, there is a distinct tendency for the vermal ridge to lose its high elevation, for the vallecula to become pronounced and for the 'i.ermi': to fall off in comparison with the lateral lobes. Finally in man, t rface is almost flat, the vermal ridge inconspicuous and the vallecula so deepened that the inferior vermis is almost lost to \ iew within it. The process which has progressively advanced in the development of the cerebellum is obvious. It is characterized by expansion of the lateral lobes without proportional increase in the vermal portion of the organ. Since the STRUCTLR.\L CULMINATION 975 lateral lobes represent coordinative control of the upjjer and lower extrem- ities, the reason for this expansive srrow-th in the primate order becomes clear. In prop>ort!on as the hands an^. cct are more capable of precise and complex ^ is essential to their op>eration that they be corresp>ondingIy regulated by accessions in coordinative control over the muscles. EVOLVTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF St.H £5 IN THE BraIN StEM OF Primates. In many details, the surface of the brainstem reveals aprogressive differentiation. The features up>on its ventral surface all pertain to the acqui- sition of that new motor system which makes its first app>earance in mammals. This system is important from the fact that it introduces the controlling influences of the nc a. It brings into play a vast series of associational combinations ^" : ovide motor actr^itA' with a more extensive range of selective op; ry. The evidence of this progressr\"e expansion is seen in the presence of three prominent structures on the ventral surface of the brain stem, the pyramid, the p>ons a; .erebral peduncle. At the lower extremity- of the series, all three of these structures are feebly marked. Employed as a key to the combinations of the animal's adaptabilit\', they indicate to what extent the lemur, for example, is limited in its behavioral capacrtA". I: respects the cerebral p>eduncle, the f>ons \ arolii and the pyramid of ~ :t slight advance over the still lower mammals. Proceeding in the < : ection toward the upf>er extremhy of the primate group, it is evident almost upon casual insp>ection that these elements become increasingly more prominent. The marmoset, jjerhaps, adds but little to this developmen-. cfinite advance is clear in all of the Cebidae. In the old-worl ears in the higher anthrof>oids. In them the pyramid and pyramidal decussation begin to stand out more conspicuously". The 9-6 E\OLUTIO\AL MODIFICATIONS pons N'arolii is a more protuberant structure. The cerebral peduncles attain greater definition and size, while structural differentiation in the base of the brain stem reaches its full development in man. The increasing size of the pyramid, of the pons and of the cerebral peduncle seems to indicate the final development of new motor capabilities made possible by manual specializa- tion. Man and all his works are epitomized by these structures of the brain. ^^ ithout them there would be neither reason nor opp>ortunity to discuss the achievements of mankind. Too great importance, therefore, cannot be laid upon this specialization, which has progressed through certain preparatory- stages of quadrumanal differentiation, and finally attained its definitive manual development. But lest over-much emphasis be attributed to the hand de ipso, it must be borne in mind that no such development could have occurred had not an almost equally important specialization affected the lower extremity. The structural standard of the human upper extremity insists upon certain proportions in the length of the arm, forearm and hand in relation to the rest of the body. It also prescribes definite intrabrachial relations of the arm to the forearm, the forearm to the hand, and the hand to the fingers. This human standard seems essential to the most perfectly differentiated upper extremity. "\'et it is a fact that many of the low er apes come nearer to this standard than do the anthropoids standing nearest to man. This is notably the case in the orang, in the chimpanzee and in the gorilla. In them the upper extremity is out of all proportion with the human standard. In the three great anthropoids, the arm, forearm and even the hand are too long for the most fiexible adaptability. The limitations of adaptive range of motion imposed by this excessive length ha\e been noted in recounting the behavioral activites of the higher anthropoids. The fact that the fingers almost touch the ground when the animals stand in the erect position shows in what respect these members are limited in the accomplishment of skilled STRUCTURAL CUL.MUNATION 97" performances near to the body. These impediments are also pronounced for projectile activities, for the wielding of weapons or the manipulation of instruments. The upper extremity in the great anthropoids is preeminently specialized in the interest of arboreal life. Its enormous musculature and great length favor the exigencies of locomotion determined by tree climbing. Some other factor, therefore, over and above the actual specialization of the hand, must serve as an important incentrve for the expansion of the cerebral cortex, which led to its ultimate expression as seen in the human brain. Were this not the case, it is probable that some of the lower simians would possess brains more closely in harmony with that of man than the great anthropoids. It is probable that this primary- factor is to be found in the foot rather than in the hand. The lower extremity, which specializes a foot of preeminent hand- like character, has manifested this differentiation essentially in the interest of arboreal life. Such life definitely restricts the motor capaci- ties of the animal by consigning it to a type of locomotion for which the use of both hands and feet is indispensable. Under the circumstances, however much the proportions of the arm, forearm, hand and fmgers may correspond to human standards, complete manual differentiation is impossible. The hand, to be the freest for the purposes of manual manipula- tion, must be permitted to operate on a basis far more secure than that offered by arboreal life. In other words, the animal, to make the most perfect use of the hand, must, so to speak, stand with both feet upon the ground, and from this point of vantage, be able to traverse and utilize at will all of the habitat zones of life. The adequate structure for securing such a basis of operation is not to be found in the hand-like specialization of the foot. None of the apes, for example, could in any wise adjust itself to life upon the earth so that it might effectively take advantage of other habitat zones. It is undoubtedly the hand-like specialization of the foot in the great anthropoids and in all of the 978 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS lower priinati's that has conimittcd these animals to the relatively low level of diflerentiatlon attained b\- them, /-or this rtason (l.wy are still a})es. It seems impossible to eseape the eonelusion that the evolution of a human foot eventually freed the hand for all the complex purposes to w hieh it has been applied. The development of this foot doubtless had its inception in some pedal structure specialized for arboreal life. The main factors producing; the modidcation were eversion and elongation ot the loot, formation of a broad supportiufi; plantar surface, loss ol ]:)rehensile lunctions m the threat toe and distal migration of the hallux. It is generally belie\c'd that such develo]:>nu'nt of the foot is of primary importance in furthering the assump- tion ol the erect posture, and thus eventually leading on to all ol the exten- sne modifications necessary to the dc\"elopmcnt ol the human hand. The following stages of postural e\'()lution passing from the quadruped to human bipedal locomotion are based on tlu' critical analysis of Gregory and Morton. Those gradual changes which linally ga\e rise to the human foot had their incejjtion in the Eocene. They were lirst manifest in some terrestrial quadrupeds, which in the course of certain bclia\ioral readjustments began to live in the trees. This arboreal lilc im|)oscd upon them new necessities in locomotion, it had mcst ])ronounccd ellccts upon the lore- and hindpaws. in order to climb and mo\e along the branches, a claw ing grip was necessary for this clinging t\ pe ol transit. Long, sharp claws de\ eloped in coiisec|uence ol such ad|ustincnt. The digits of xUv manus were short. The [)alm ol the hand was well padded. The |)olk-\ was short, but not opposable. 1 here was as yet no sc|uatting or hall-sittmg p( stiire. The toes were also short and clawed, tlu' lu'cl t'le\att'd, tlu' plantai' surface of tlu' foot was padded and the great toe well dcNcloped. These arboreal t|uadrupeds had, howexer, made but imperfect adaptation to trc'c life. Tiieir moxcments were slow and tht'ir range of acti\it\' corri'spoiulinglx limited. The tree shrew is a living representati\e of such subprimate ciuadrupeds, while certain Eocene ^ FIGS. 451 AND 452. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE DORSAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE. ,■l.,.j,.^^,,,L^lm^Jt,■,^i,.l..l^l.,I■0.,InLJ,...L,J,.J,J.J,iJ,,J..,■^^^^^^ L„l. J. J„„lu,l„„l Centimetstr Scale FIGS. 453 AND 454. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BHAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF TROGLODYTES NIGER, THE CHIMPANZEE. [9-9I EN'OLLTIONAL MODIFICATIONS primates of this ave been described from fossil remains by Professors Matthews and Grecor\-. Thenex" - ^ with the advent of light lemuroid prirr.ates. v. - was stUI of the slow, cautious, climbing type, __, dutch-like grip. All of the digits of the manus _er, but the outer two were esp>ecially elongated. Similar modifi- er ffccted the foot, so that the entire adaptive change established a ?trnr_ >i:manal tendency. Pedal fulcrumation was still of the tarsal n hallux and p>ollex were well developed. Modern examples of this s: _ X found in loris and potto. A more decisive advance made its appearance when arboreal locomotion combined the advantages of climbing with leaping. Passage through the trees row became swifter and more effective. A tendency to semi-erectness S' eloped, and the squatting posture was well established. The digits, metacarpals, tarsus and metatarsals all elongated, giving the quadrumanal differentiation still greater prominence. Fulcrumation advanced to the meta: > ~, thus p>ermrtting of a greater leverage in the take-off for leaping. The hallux and p>olIex were more powerful and definitely opposable. The forms most representative of this stage are lepidolemur and notharctus; with these should be included the leaping tarsioids, and especially the Indrisinae. From leaping and climbing it was but a short step to the stage of swing- ing, cursorial locomotion through the trees. At this time brachiation was first introduced, and had its far-reaching influence ujxtn all subsequent developn ment. Swinging by the hands from branch to branch naturally lengthened and strengthened the arms. The manus developed a suspension grip which caused the digits to elongate, although the thumb underwent reduction, or even, as in the spider monkey, did not appear at all. The foot developed a grasping grip, and all of its elements elongated. Pedal fulcrumation was STRUCTURAL CULMINATION g8i metatarsal. The semi-eixtt and sitting postures were still tiirther emphasized by these ehanges and ischial callosities appeared in consequence of habitual squatting. The foot maintained digitigrade tendencies, although the heel touched the supporting surface in locomotion, but did so after the toes made their contact. The timing formula in this respect was toe-heel, as in the previ- ous phases. The lower extremity despite its increased length still presented its pelvic llexion. This stage is represented by the Cebidae and the old-world monkeys except most of the baboons, whose aberrant cynomorphous spe- cializations produced a quadrupedal reversion with shortening of the limbs, fingers and toes in adjustment to li\ing on the ground. All of these modifications possibly occurred in the earlier portion of the Oligoccne. Late in this geological era the primate stock took a great stride forward. Locomotion was still predominantly i)rachiating in type. The manus retained its suspension grip \\hich produced elongated digits, but a rudimentary- thumb. The latter, however, was opposable. The tail disap- peared and the foot developed a grasping grip. The legs became extended on the pelvis, thus reducing the primitive pelvic thigh-fiexion, and rendering the ancient type of quadrupedal locomotion impossible. This modification at once advanced the cause of the erect posture. It did far more, howe\er, by introducing the first phases of bipedal locomotion which, notwithstanding its awkward and ineffectual nature at first, created the structural pattern essential to the culminating diflerentiation of the human foot. Among living species the beginning of the Hylobate branch (gibbons) clearly marks this critical departure. The orang-outang is probably an oflshoot from this stage, while Dryopithecus carries the stage directly upward. Early in the Miocene there came a great increase in body weight which particu- larly aflected such primates as possessed this newly acquired orthograde tendency. The greater weight brought the animals nearer to the ground, and thus determined certain terrestrial specializations. Arboreal locomotion was 982 E\OLLTIOX.AL MODIFICATIONS St;.. . .. ... type. T' ' ^ame extremely long and powerful — longer ...v. ;nore f>o\ver; ...^:. ;nan the legs. Erectness was further iucr^^ii^rT because the thigh was more extended upon the pelvis. Standing and wa.fv..,^ -^r^r-fir manifested definite improvements. Under these conditions the toes a;.,^ ..^^.s touched the ground simultaneously, although the timing r,.rmii[a was still infrahuman in t\"pe. In arboreal locomotion, the foot still ,\ ;..... cd its grasping grip with shortened digits but opposable hallux. This is true of all the great apes with the exception of the orang, which developed a susj>ensr'" L'^ro in the foot due to its more strictly arboreal life. Adult gorillas, t^f^^^.ci..y the older males, have definitely ground-gripping feet with broad heels, flat arches and plantar eversion with some distal advance of the great toe. Their pedal fulcrumation is well forward in the metatarsus. Arboreal locomotion in all three of the great apes is predominantly br:' '"^^- ing. This development imparted to the upper extremities those tions which maintained the hands as part of the locomotor apparatus and thus impeded their most effectual manual differentiation. The manus retained its suspension grip well marked in the orang and chimpanzee, but showed evident decline in the gorilla whose increasing tendency was to assume a terrestrial habitat. Thus, however strong the incentr^e toward terrestrial life may have been in the great apes, that inherent arboreal commr"^""' "" set upon the primates in early Eocene times still kept them true to .111 Liicir rigid simian inheritance. To be more than apes it was neces- sars- for them to shed that stigma which tree fife stamped upon them. This the modern apes never accomplished. The experimental efforts evident in their anthropomorphous tendencies at length found a new opening. It was the foot which led the way, producing a supporting structure having a well- developed heel, a non-opp>osable hallux, and a heel-toe timing formula in walking. At some later period in the Miocene the two great branches of the orthograde primates parted company. The structural decision at this junc- STRLCTLRAL CULMINATION 983 ture was a critical one. By ■ - accepts rees as their lot, and man, because of his tAvo they supp>orted above them, acquired the earth with all it contained. Thus, with arboreal life a thing of the past, with a true ground-gripping foot ^ntigrade bip>edal locomo- tion, with longer legs and actual erectness for cdectiAe transportation, the hands were finally liberated for - . success. The specialization o: -.e been in process through great period- " . .ossible to omit all of those factors in structural organization which finally made possible the erect . setting the heac the shoulders so that the eyes might look : the hands follow the direction of the eyes. Upon the dorsal si;: rain stem, the record of progressive expansion may also be discerned. A om the conspicuous evolutional features in the cerebellum, ex-pressed especi. :he pronounced expansion of the lateral lobe, this region of the brain contains other elements equally significant, if less conspicuous. TTie progressive increments in the clava and cuneus, those structures -orsal sensor\- field representing the sensory influx from the upp>er and lower extremities, have already been discussed in their functional aspects. That both of them should enlarge in passing from the lower primates. _-h the intermediate group, to man, has its explanation in the augmented stream of afi^erent sensor].- impulses from the deep proprioceptive structures of the btxly. Fluctuations in the interrela- tions between the clava and the cuneus are of even greater moment. In the lower primates it is the clava \\ hich shows more prominence. Recerving 984 EXOLLTIONAL MODIFICATIONS impulses from the lower extremity and tail, it has an extensive sensory field to ser^e in its capacity as relay station. The cuneus is concerned with the influx from the upper extremity. In certain of the lower primates, more partic- ularly in those which possess a highly developed prehensile tail, this disparity between the clava and the cuneus is most pronounced. In such species, the column of Goll is larger than that of Burdach. This augmentation is in fact signalized by a special element, known as the nucleus of Bischoff. The Bischoff nucleus makes its appearance only in those animals possessed of a prehensile tail or one specialized for direct participation in locomotion. The subsequent disappearance of this median unpaired nucleus, and the gradual loss of the clava's preponderance over the cuneus, with the involution of the tail, is a matter of much evolutional significance. The clava actually becomes less prominent and smaller than the cuneus in the intermediate primates. The disparity is more marked in the gibbon, which has no tail, and in which the upright posture is but tentatively and occasionally assumed. The progressive emphasis of appendicular specialization, imposed by the development of the hand, completes the supremacy of the cuneus in the sensory field. This final predominance of sensory areas for the hand has a more far-reaching effect than its influence upon the sensory sphere alone. The richness of all motor specialization rests necessarily upon a substratum of sensory apperception, in order that the kinesthetic associations, built up in connection with each newly acquired motor performance, may be adequate to direct its execution and to reconstruct its formula for future repetitions. Evolutional Significance of the Development of the Special Senses. If there is much to indicate the waning of olfactory sense, as various anthropoid stages are traversed in approach to the ultimate conditions in the human brain, so also there is evidence of a vast change in two other realms of special sense. In the case of olfactory sensibility, the process is one of actual involution. With sight and hearing the matter stands otherwise. Here the STRUCTURAL CULMINATION 985 primitive centers in the midlirain recede i)ut transfer their functional ofTices to more expansive areas in the cortex of the cndbrain. This telencephalization favors further enrichment in the realms of sight and hearing. The gradual diminution in the size of the mesencephalic colliculi furnishes the structural indication of this process. The transference of functions from an area formerly prominent as the optic lobe of the midbrain entered upon its initial stages in the earliest mammals. Even in the lowest of the primates, the lemur, the marmoset and the tarsius, both sets of colliculi manifest a degree of prominence which suggests the retention of some primordial func- tion. Both collicular prominences appear to be still active to a large extent in the functions of sight and hearing respectively. This is particularly true of that range of auditory and A'isual activity which concerns itself with imme- diate rellex reaction, thus oflering the animal a greater margin of safety. However notably this may apply to the sense of hearing, it is also the case, perhaps to a less marked degree, with reference to vision. From the lower primates upward, a definite decrease in the prominence of the colliculi indi- cates a larger measure of functional participation by the higher auditory and visual centers. Evidence of their primitive importance may still be elicited from collicular eminences even in man. This is recognized in the well-known phenomenon when a sudden, unexpected noise may cause the individual to start or to come to an abrupt halt. Similarly, a flash of light before the eyes may produce all of the reactions of primitive defense. But responses such as these represent vestiges of more extensi^■e reactions formerly administered through the primordial centers for A'ision and hearing. Sounds and visual stimuli are in the main treated with deliberation, as the result of cortical elaboration. The progressive decrease in structural prominence of the mesencephalic colliculi, taken in conjunction with the expansion in the occipital portion of the cerebral cortex, supplies the evidence of an evolutional 986 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS process, than which tlicrc is no inoic decisive example in the whole realm of organized matter. E\'OLUTioNAL Significance of the Epiphysis Cerebri ix the Primates. Another side of the collieular deUoresceiice o{ the mesen- cephalon may perhaps be touched upon somewhat tentatively, l)ut not without a sense oi growing conlidence as time de\ elops more ample understanding of the important structures known as the endocrine glands. The cei^halic extremity of the longitudinal mtercollicular sulcus in the j:)rimate series tends to become broader and Hatter, forming a comparatively roomy fo.ssa at the cephalic extremity of the midbrain. In this chpression rests a specialization of the diencejjhalic roolplate, the c]>ii>hysis cen'hri. This structure has a long and complicatt'd history Irom the beginning of vertebrate sjjccialization. In its earliest representation it makes itsell apparent in a highly specialized form and gi\es rise to a pair ol eyes situated in the middle of the forehead. This is the primordial condition of the epiphysis cerebri in the CNclostomes. After man\ lluctiiations in passing through the selachians, ganoids and teleosts, in \\hicli it manifests a general retrogres- sion from its sensory specialization, it shows some tendency to develop m a glandular direction. Then it appears in the amphibians once more as a highly different iated distance rece])tor, apparentlx for the pi'rception ol light. In some of the lower rt-[)tiles it becomes even more highly specialized as, lor example, in the parietal eye ol sphenodon. In the bird it takes lorm as a complexly organized gland whose special ducts distribute its secretion directly into the cavity of the third \cntrich'. In the mammals, howe\er, its development is otherwise. Onl\ in the t'arliest stages ol ontogenesis does it show tendencies toward glandular dilierent lation, and therealter undergoes degencratixe changes. In man, in later life, it gixes exidence ol ad\anced degenerati\'e change characterized In the deposition in it ol a sand-like sub- stance, know n as aeervulus cerebralis. In early stages ol human de\ elopmeiit, "«3a52r FIGS. 455 AND 456. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE DORSAL SL KFAGE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF GORILLA (;ORILLA. "i-i-l ■...L.i-Liii...L,.im,l I.,i.Ij,,J,,„nmJ,„i,,Ji.j.,J.,,i,,,,I„ii,„L.i,.,J,,,,i.Ji,,.l,Lj,,J,,,,i,,J,,j,J CantimeCsf Seals FIGS. 457 AND 458. SIZE AND CONFIGURATION OF THE LATERAL SURFACE OF THE HUMAN BRAIN COMPARED WITH THAT OF GORILLA GORILLA. [987 ExPLANAioK-i Note to Figure 459 The several horizons of cerebral development indicated by the figures on the opposite page require some further comment with reference to their evohitional significance. I. The Lemuroid Horizon is here considered the basic primate level. It contains many brain features, still in the crude, which become dominant in later development. It also illustrates such hesitations and indecisions as might be inherent in a momentous transitional stage. Faintly, at least, it shows the first feeble impressions imparted to the brain by adaptation to arboreal life and indicates the general lines of cerebral advance consequent upon tree-living habits. (Tarsius and Lemur.) II. The Simian Horizon illustrates the dehnite crystallization in cerebral architecture of those structural features which result from the adaptations to arboreal habitat. It clearly reflects the attainment of quadru- manous specialization, at the same time disclosing the ellects ol certain restrictive influences, such as prono- grade locomotion and the as yet partial lilxTation of the forelimbs from locomotory function. (Old and New World Monkeys.) III. The Proanthropoid Horizon is epochal in its ellects. A new ty|)e ol adaptation has reorganized the proportions and postures of the entire body. Brachiation is now substituted for a pronograde locomotion in which latter the upper surfaces of the branches are grasped by the handlike fore and hind extremities. Swing- ing from the branches, as do the Gibbons, has produced a marked elongation of the hands, arms and trunk. It has further caused the body to assume a more [jcrpendicular position in passing through the trees and a real erect posture upon the ground. The Gibbon can in fact stand, walk and run upright. It has, in addition, lost its tail, due undoubtedly to its well-established habit of sitting upright in true anthropoid fashion. The animal is, nevertheless, much inferior in its cerebral organization to the higher anthropoid apes and is hence regarded as a representative of that proanthropoid stage whose arboreal readjustments laid tlie foundations for the development of the great a|)es and man. IV. The Anthropoid Horizon shows a further specialization in the direction of the ultimate erect posture of man and the final freeing of the hands for purposes other than of locomotion. Arborealization still exerts such a potent influence upon all of the three great apes, that their advances in the direction of anthro- poid specialization are definitely restrained by this factor. While all of the three great apes, Orang-Outang, Chimpanzee and Gorilla, habitually walk in .'i modified pronograde manner, using the knuckles of the extended hand for support in walking and running, these animals are capable ol standing, walking and running upright. The erect posture, under these circumstances, has little of the perlection attained by man. It is both ineffectual and ungainly. Running and walking are done with a shuffling, waddling gait, with a tendency to come down upon all fours whenever speed is necessary. The great weight of the anthropoid .apes has enforced upon them .m niixlc i>f life. This is more particularly true of the Gorilla which, although it does not resort to anything api>roaching brachiation in its arboreal locomotion, does employ its massive arms for reaching up to the branches, thus drawing itself upward from the ground. All three ol the great apes appear to Ik- olfshoots fniin the |)r(>.inthro|)oid stem; while still another ry lunctioiis ot the arboreal animal, which moxcs about upon such uncertain support as the branches ot trees, should not be greater than that ot a ground-li\ ing Inrm, such as man. ^ et there are undoubtedl\ c(|uali/.ing lactors which ser\e to ollset any tend- ency toward markctl disparity. In the larger anthropoids, lor c\am|)le, the attempt to assume the erect posture and to depart from an arboreal mode of living introduces new equilibratorv factors. This speciali/ation reaches its highest degree of differentiation in man, who, while no longer m need ot balancing functions adapted to the conditions of arboreal life, has added to his equilibratorv responsibilities by dcxclopmg a type ol locomntion in \\ Inch he must support his body on two feet instead of four. The expansion m the human balancing mechanism, although not incident to tree-climbing or tree- dwelling, is, none the less, a direct response to the lactors introduced by bipedal cc|uilibration. Thus, whiK' the archaic structures, re])resentiiig the balancing mechanism and know n collectively as tlu' \ cstibular complex, show certain limitt^d \ariations as more definite terrestrial lile is assumed, they, in general, maintain a fundamental ccpiality in their coellicient expression. 1 heir variations, howcxcr limited, all manifest the effects of aclaptni' inlluences and are signilicant in tlu- sense that tlu'y disclose the exolut lonaix |)redisposition of neural structures to adjust themselves to \ar\ing demands ol lunctional specialization. l.ennir Tarsius jMarinosLt iMycetes Baboon Nlacaciis FIGS. 4-1 TO 481. CROSS SECTION AT THE LEVEL OF THE CAIDAL Tlicsc comparisons arc intended to disclose tlie internal eonllguration of corresponding levels in the neiiraxis. each level in the several species. [1000] iimpanzee Gorilla EXTREMITY OF INFERIOR OLIVE IX THE COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SERIES. I hey disrigard tlic actual dimensions of the sections. Such measurements icnts are given in the descriptions of 1 00 1 1002 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS EVOLUTIONAL MODIUCATIONS IN THE DORSAL SENSORV FIELD Another scries of structures represents the centers for myo-articular proprioceptive impulses from the extremities and heacL These comprise the nuclei of the dorsal sensory field, inchiding the nucleus of Goll, of Burdach and of Rolando. In their coellicient expressions these sensory elements maintain a fairly constant equality throughout the primate order. There arc certain lluctuations in their total rt'presentatinn which depend upon extreme developments, such, for example, as tiie prehensile tail. It is claimed that this organ, in many instances, ser\es as a lifth hand. This is true in most of the South American monkeys whose specialization in this respect has been described in Mycetes seniculus. More important than the total volumetric representation of the dorsal sensory nuclei are those relations between them which indicate variations in the differentiation oi the extremities. The column and nucleus oi Goll repre- senting the lower extremity, foot and tail, when compared with the column of Burdach and its nucleus, the oblongatal representatives of the upper extremity and hand, show a progressive diminution in M)lume in passing from the lowest to the highest primate. This transitional disproportion from a status in w hich the clava (column and nucleus of Goll) is distinctly larger than the cuneus (column and nucleus of Burdach) to a condition comjjietcly reversing this relation in which the cuneus is at least twice the size of the clava, adxances b\- gradient stages. The two sensory elenu'iits areal)()ut (,'C|ual ui \lacacus rhesus and gorilla, but in gibbon, orang and chimpanzee, the balanet' begins to turn iii la\'or of the cuneus. This relation between the two great elements of the dorsal sensory field indicates the evolutional ])rocess which has c-wntually resulted m the production ot a bimanal type, ca])able of the t-rect posturi' and l)i]K'dal loco- motion. Such s]iecialization e\()l\ed out of a common and more generalized I\TF,K\A1, SI lUCTLRF. OI- TIIF. BK\i\ SIFM 1003 stock whosf inluTt'iU triukiu-ics wcrr not only c|n;Klnmianal but were iLirthcr conditioned by tlie addition of a tail which augmented tiie stream ot allerent impulses from the caudal portions ol the body. Ciraduall\ tiie tail became recessive, lost its prehensile or balancing function, and hiially disappeared. During this ])rocess the lower extri-mities, and particularly the feet, dilleren- tiated for the purpose of supporting the bod\ m tlu' upright position. It was, h()\ve\er. the progressive adaptixe de\clo]:)ment m the u|i|3er extremity which gave linal ]:)reeminence to the cuneus because this structure rejjre- sented tlu' i>ro])rioce])ti\e inllux arising from the most ellicieiit organ ol construction and analwsis yet de\eloped b\ the \t'rtebrate kmd, tlu' human hand. The relative proportions of the third element of lln' dorsal sensory field, the nucleus of Rolando, are significant. It is mteresting to note that this nucleus has diminished in al! of the primates as compared with the lower mammalian t\ pes, such as carnivores or ungulates. To some extent a similar diminution may be observed in contrasting the lowfr jjrimate lorms u ith those standing nearer to the uppir extremity ol the order. I he decrease, howex er, is not so impressive as to constitute one of the outstanding features in the transitional changes incident to e\'olutional adaptation. Such change as does appear depenaricl with the progres- sixely expanding cuneus, the nucleus of Rolando, together with the descend- ing trigeminal tract, stands out all the more conspicuously because it has not kept pace with the expansion w hich has so strikingly allected its imme- diate neighbor in the dorsal sensor\- held. For iust as the cuneus, which Lemur Marmoset Tarsius Mycetes mc^ Baboon Macacus FIGS. 482 TO 492. CROSS SECTION" AT THE LEVEL OF THE ^HDDLE These comparisons disclose the internal configuration of corresponding levels in the neuraxis. Tliey disregard several species. [1004] Gibbon Orang Chimpanzee GorUJa OF THE INFERIOR OLI\E IN THE COMPARATIX E PRIMATE SERIES, the actual dimensions of the section. Such measurements arc given in the descriptions of each level in the [1005] ipt ioo6 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS represents the arm and hand, has gradually gained preeedenee m size and conducting capacity (ner xhv elava which represents the leg and foot, so the dorsal representative of manual dillerentiation gamed ])reemmence ovc^r the nucleus of Rolando and its accompanying libers, the descending trigeminal tract. E\OLLTI()NAL ADVANCES IN NEOKINESIS WITHIN IHE PKIMArEOKDEK if these elements of the hram, including cranial iuicUm, reticular lorma- tion and nuclei of the dorsal sensory field, express much that is mherentl\ archaic. If tluA retain in large measure the primordial characters of neural organization iinoKed in such essential tunctions as respiration, cardiac acti\Ity and digestion, the control ot deglutition and mastication, the mechanism of balancing, the transmission of propri()cepti\-e iniijulses from the head and extremities and the regulation ol the ocular muscles, there are also elements in the brain which arc much more responsive to the inlhiences of adaptat ion. The structure of these elements possesses a plasticity cspcciall\ sensitixe to the exolutional acKances which characterize the new- sphere ol primate actnity. Were it ]:>ossible to summanzt' bnell\ the outstanding transitions through w hich these animals ha\e made their steadx acKance, these features might l)e said to com])rise those s|)ecilic relinements in motor perlormances whicli made progressixc adai)tation jjossible. Hu'\ brought to bear upon the externalizing ca])acity of the animal more complex syntheses ol sensory combinations and ga\e to the execution of muscular action a grcviter range of llexibility. Tht'v pro\ ick'd the incenti\efor the constructixc faculties of the most facile and adaptable |:)ortion of the bod\, the hand, and sublimated in this facilitx tlie powt'rs of selection betwc-eii alternati\c' courses ol action. They added the cjuality of judgnu'iit for manual guidance. 1 he\ im|)artedto deftness those factors of en-atixe imagination w host' culmination is that INTERNAL STRUCTURF OF THF I^I^MN STFM 1007 vast siipcrstriicturi' representing the ei\ilize(l world with all its rich content created by the industries and ellorts of man. Delined in a single term, this new sphere of action has been called ucoliinesis. Its motor possi- bilities were first revealed by the ad\ent of mammalian forms. They marked the beginning of that long ])eriod of" cNolutionai progress which constantly kept in the foreground the de\ elopnuntal potentiality- offering the greatest ultimate promise. Simple as is the neokinetic specialization in most of the lower mammals, it may nevertheless be discerned in its incipiency at that stage of organization w hiii llu' cerebral cortex first began to differentiate a motor zone for voluntar\ control o\er the muscles. This motor zone of the cortex acquired connections with the lower st'gnu'nts of the axis through the projection libers of the jnramidal system, which introduced all of those advantages accruing from ])rogressi\e expansions in the hemisphere. Neokinesis and Dexelopmem 01 Mil llwn. A sur\e\ of mammals clearly indicates that those orders wlmh ha\c manifested the greatest capacity in de\cl()])ing neokinesis gradually tended to acc[uire ascendancy. Certain orders among thi- mammals, not distinguished b\ their neokinetic development, have passed into habitat zones in which tlu\ rexcal no con- structive prei'mineiice. They have attained only that scant margin of suc- cess which secured to them a nominal degree of permanenc\ in their organic differentiation, flow true this is may be set'ii in the history of the carnixores and ungulates, rodents and insectivores, marsupials and monotremes. EcjuallN true is it of the pinniped mammals, which bv secondary adaptation have readjusted their somatic and \ iseeral organization to aquatic lilV-. But the branch of the mammalian stem which manifested a real tendency toward manual ditienntiation furnishes a totally diflerent record in the history of neokinetic expansion. The fust impulses toward this manual differentia- tion developed certain morphological extremes as, for example, c[uadru- manal specialization, and thus committt'd the animal to a t\pe of habitat ioo8 E\OLLTIONAL MODIFICATIONS in which both the fore and hind extremities were employed in a locomotor capacity. Yet in all primates the beginning of this manual expansion is clearly discernible. By means of this differentiation they entered upon a new Tabllation of Plaximetric Coefficients Species Pontile nuclei Pyramid Peduncle Olive .Man 550 .183 321 .226 Gorilla 480 . 161 187 .186 Chimpanzee 400 .172 223 .174 Gibbon 200 .138 no ■155 Macacus 150 .147 169 .128 Tarsius 057 .032 OI7 .042 Cat 080 .062 064 .061 Rabbit 054 .029 044 039 Giraffe 063 .030 067 .042 Horse 064 .02- 079 .036 Kangaroo 067 •043 051 •034 Emu .023 Comparative planimetric indices of four important structures in the brain stem of vertebrates. These indices show the marked evolutional expansion in all four structures, especially affecting the primates and emphatically demonstrating the effects of arborealism. Three of the structures are exclusively mammalian. The fourth, the inferior olivarj" nucleus, is rudimentary in the bird and, when present, in all other lower vertebrates. world and in the organization of their brain plainly reveal that the key to this new realm was already in their possession. The development of the paw, the hoof, the claw or the swimming paddle condemned its possessor to the restrictive conditions of a greatly limited habitat. It would actually' seem, on the other hand, as though the inception of manual differentiation were an invitation to new freedom, an inspiration for the exercise of that latent power of supremacy which awaited only the acquisition of some adequate instrument whereby to express itself. Even the low organization of the brain in lemur discloses the first signs of the new impulse to expand the neokinetic portion of the central nervous INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1009 system. The evidence of its brain indicates to what extent the pyramidal system has increased in volume oAer and above lower mammalian forms. Thus begun in lemur, the process of expansion goes steadily forward from CO.MPARATIX E PLANI.METRIC GRAPHS A. Oli\ E AND Pyramid B K G H R 1 A 1 0 A R N R R B D C A S B A F E 1 R F T 0 E 0 c A T T M G C A A 1 H R C B 1 S A B M 1 C 0 P U U N A s s N Z E E G O R I L L A A N FIG. 493. GRAPHS CONSTRUCTED ON THE BASIS OF THE PLANI.METRIC INDICES. This representation clearly indicates the hesitating advances made by subprimate vertebrates in the expan- sion of important structures connected vrith neoldnetic evolution. The effects of arborealism are plainlv showTi in the marked advances of the Primate^ o\er other mammals. Such advances are attributed to the .nous differentiation determin. real habitat. Broken line represents the inferior olr\-e, • the pj-ramid. loio EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS stage to stage through the prmiati' order until it reaches its highest expression in the human brain. The acl\ anee as indicated by increments in the pyram- idal system is clearly seen in tlie lower primates. The marmoset may express this progress somewhat leebl\ , but the new-world monkeys reassert the growing imjjortanci' ol ncokmetie organization. Passing upward to the intermediate primates, the acKanee is more apparent, with the possible exception of thi- gibbon in w hich there appears to be some hesitation. This seeming indecision is due no doubt to the lact that this animal has become largely ckpendent upon its upper extremities lor locomotion and thus has deprived its manual dillerentiation of a real opportunity to progress. In olhtM" words, the gibbon has carru'd brachiation to an extreme degree. In the higher anthropoids the upward progress is resumed with unmis- takable decisi\eness. The orang, the chimpanzee and the gorilla all show marked acKanee in the [nramidal system which hnally reaches its highest pro])ortions m the Ijrain ol man. 1 he progressi\'e expansion allecting this iieokinetic s\ stem represents a characteristic de\elo])ment in the primates. It is gra|:)lHcall\ (k'lnonstrated in tabulations ol tlu' planimetric coeflicients of the pyramid in which man occupies the highest position, while bom him the line descends through mcasurabk- gradations to the higher anthropoids, to the intermediate primates, and linall\ reaches its lowest expression in the tarsier. The tlillerence betwot'ii the latter and man is approximatelx lilteen hundre'dt hs, which leprtst'iits a remarkable mcix'nicnt in tlu' \olunu' ol the human pyramid. 1 hat the dillerenee betwoen these two contrasted lorms does not appear more pronounced is due to the lact that the pxramidal tract must accommodate itsell to a portion ol the neuraxis through which many other ec|ually im|:)oi"tanl conduction systems make their wa\. The pyramidal system, lor (.■xample, represt'iits a conduction ])athwa\ trom the motor or preeeiitral area ol the hemispheri'. Its axons arise in tlu- giant cells ol" Bctz, leave the cortex, become cou\ergenl in the internal capsule INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM dh and pass tlirouyli \hv ccic-hral pe'diHK'k- and jjdiis into the nutlulla oblongata. Each spc'C'iali/c'd aixvi ol the motor forlcx, siuli, lor iwainplc. as the I(.'ii oleorusiinnilinn liviU in the neiiiaxis.l liey disregard several speeies. llOlOl Gibbon OF THE TROCHLE.AR NERVE IN THE COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SERIES, the actual dimensions of the sections. Such measurements are gK en in the descriptions of each level of the [1017] ioi8 ENOLLTIONAL MODIFICATIONS discretely occipital or not, this contingent of the pa>ii/-|^..;\to-cerebeIIar system •■'-'-f- ■r>+..^ry exists. It arises, p>erhaps, in some common ground in which tii^ ^MastivicTS of the parietal, of the tempKjral and of the occipital COMPAR.\TI\ E PLAMMETRIC GRAPHS B. Pontile Nuclei B K c H 1? C T M G c G M 1 A 1 O A A A A 1 H O A 1? N R 9 B T R C B 1 R N D C A S B S A B M 1 A F E 1 1 C 0 P L Vt F T u U N A L 0 E s s N A 0 Z E E 100 / 90 / 80 / ' 70 A J 60 \ / V 50 h s / 40 1 V 30 -'"•"^ ^^ ,^\ 1 2 0 ^ " \ / 1 0 / V FIG. j\0. GKAPU BASED ON PLAMMETRIC INDICES OI- THE PONTILE NUCLEI. From this graphic comparison it is apparent that the pons Varolii, like other structures in the brain stem associated with neokinetic evolution, expands rapidly in passing upward through the several horizons of the primate order. Prior to this level of vertebrate organization pontile development is relatively insignifi- cant and the structure is absent in all orders below the class of mammals. The pons Varolii is essential to the finer coordination of the more highly organized .skilled acts. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1019 cortex approach each other in t>pe of specialization. " ding of corti- cal types as this, implicating as it does three discrete areas of the neopallium, might well give rise to a contingent of the pallio-ponto-cerebellar system capable of communicating to the lateral cerebellar lobes cs which represent a physiological admixture of myoarticular a; ;Iibratorj' sensibility with visuaI-«ensor\- elements. Such a combination of impressions received from the muscles and joints, from the semicircular canals and from the eyes would constitute an invaluable accession in the construction of those neural combinations necessary- for the coordinative guidance of move- ments of the extremities, and more particularly the upper extremit>\ W hatevcr function is ultimately ascribed to the occipital contingent of the pallio-ponto-cerebellar system must depend upon future investigation. In general, it may be accepted that this system is connected with the functions of neokinesis, and that its progressive augmentati< c primate series indicates a definite increment in the sphere of neokinetic organization. The frontal lobe, especially its intermediate precentral area in close relation to the origin of the pyramidal system, also establishes communica- tion with the lateral lobes of the cerebellum through the fronto-ponto- cerebellar contingent. This bundle of fibers is somewhat less in volume than cither the occipital or the parieto-temporal contingents of this system. According to present physiological interpretations of cortical localiza- tion, the intermediate precentral area has functional control over highly skilled motor performances. The fronto-ponto-cerebellar fibers in this light are not difficult to understand. Both the histogenesis and histology" in this region of the human brain furnish excellent reasons to believe that the function of this portion of the cortex is intimately associated with motor activity. Its stratigraphic representation of cells and fibers follows closely the pattern laid down in much clearer outline in the precentral motor convolution. ,o2o EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS Those who arc opposed to cliseretel\- diagrammatic and somewhat dofj- matlc allocation of specific functions to circumscribed areas ol the cerebral cortex may obicct to this interpretation. Their objections must I)e received and considered w ith respect. Nor should they be lost sight of in the further exploration of tin- cortex. There already exists, however, so much that is con\incing with reference to specific localization in the neopallium, that many authorities hnd no dillicult\ in attributing to the intermediate pre- cential area a specific function. Whether or not this function ultmiatclx proves to he the regulation of highly skilled motor perlormancis m no way affects tlu' \alidity of the large contribution of fibers which the mtt-rmediatc precentral area makes to the pallio-ponto-cerebellar system. The frontal lobe of the brain is unc|uestionably connected with the lateral lobes of the cere- bellum. Its connection represents some phase in the expression of neokinetic aeti\ ity. W ith certain reservations as to the exact significance of some of its constituents, the entire i:>aifio-])onto-cerebellar system may be accepted as an espeeiall\ reliable index of neokinetic expansion. The relation of the pon- tile nuclei to this system appears in the fact that they are the relay station for the fibers arising in the several lobes of the neopallium and seeking final distribution in the lateral lobes of the cerebellum. If these nuclei manifest augmentation in ]:)assing from tlu' lower to the upper extremity of the order, the inference seems justifiect that the system with which they are connected has been corres]:)ondingly augniented. A progressive expansion of this kind is so ])romiiU'ntl\ demonstrated in the comparison of the primates as to make the pontile nuclei the most significant indicator of the cN'olutionarv process in the brain stem. The planimetric cot'llicicnt of these nuclei in the lemur is j^ 2 hunchx'dths. At the otiu'r e\trcmit\ of the series it is 55 hun- dredths, a gain of 4()'_» hundredths in passing fronrthc lemur to man. in no other structure of the brain stem is there such marked expansion. Recon- INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF TME BRAIN STEM 1021 stnictions ol the poiililc inalci li'iw a still niorc ifalistic idea ol tlicprogrcs- sivc incTenu'iit which thry ])r(.'srnt m this series. NeOKIXESIS and DE\ELOiniI£\ I OK THE I^'oOI IN THE AsSlMPTION OF THE Erect Posit he. W hile ihi' siuniheanee ot manual dillereiitiatiOn may be easily appreciated m eiHinectioii with t he progrcssivecxtensions in the realm of neokinesis and esi)eeiall\ in relation to tlie expansions ol tin- pontile nuclei, it should not be o\erlooked that the highest degree of manual adaptability is dependent upon an ec|uall\ high specialization ol the loot. Asa matter of hict, the hand in man is less specialized structurall\ than in man\ of the apes. It is the extreme specialization of the human loot which imparts to the hand its real functional opportunit\ to establish manual d 1 11 eren tuition as the supreme achievement of ncokiiu'tic progrt'ss. The apekmd, clinging persistentlx' to its quadrumanal type of organization, resisted that decisive mlhunce which began to shape the human loot. Their conser\atism was epoch-making. It elTectuallN debarrt-d them Irom an\ connection with tlu' human lamily. It was the parting of the wa\s which witnessed the beginnings of a new race ccjuipped to stand upright upon two Icet and use two Iree hands m the strug- gles of life. What the pontile nuclei re\ cal ol this ])rocess, the cerebral peduncles still lurther illuminate. The progressive de\ elopmeiit ol tlu' i)etluncles may be seen almost without aid of mensuratioiial methods. There is, however, marked disparity in \ohimetric exi^ression between the cerebral peduncle of the marmoset, whose ]:)lanimetric cot'lllcieiit has a \alueol 10 hundredths and that of man, w here its value is a little less than 30 hundredths. Between these two extremes are all of the intermediate grades indicating progressive incre- ment. Since the cerebral peduncle comprises all of the libers arising Irom the motor area and constituting the pyramidal system, as well as all of the fibers forming the pallio-pontile system, its size accurately rellects the degree of ex'pansion in the cerebral hemisphere. Tarsius M.Hlll,,:, .Myci'Us Baboon \lac:icus FIGS. 517 TO 527. CROSS SECTION AT THE LEVEL OF THE These comparisons disclose tiic internal configuration of corresponding levels in the neuraxis. Tlicy disregard several species. [1022I Chimpanzii GoiilU IXFHKIOK COLUCULUS IN THE_COMPAKATI\ E PRIMATE SERIES. the actual dimensions of the sections. Such measurements .irc f;iven in the descriptions of each level of the 1 1 023] I024 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS A comparative survey of the Nciitral surface of the [)rain stem discloses at once progressive extension in the neopallium. The first appearance of the pyramid, the ])ons Varolii and the eerehral ])eduncles announces the acKent of the mammalian orders and mtroduces a new epoch ot bram dexelopment. Along many dillerent hues ol actixity the mammals ha\'e endeavored to make use of their new cerebral endowments. Manx' diflerent kmds ol extreniity differentiation have responded to this cerebral specialization in order to develop new means lor expressing the potentialities ol neokmesis. Hoofs, claws, paws and e\en paddles in the pinniped carnixores ha\c made their appearance as the agents tor externalizing these new caj^acities ot bi'hax lor. Each of thest' In its turn has labored under thost' inherent disad\ antagcs ])eeuliar to appendicular structures w hich are w holl\ dominated by locomotor function. Tlu' specilicitx' ol locomotor pcrlormance in such forms as the kangaroo, the rabbit, tlu' giratle, the ckphant. the horse, the whale or the seal curtailed the opportunities which these animals might possess for the upbiiifding of a highly comj:)le\ sphere ol bcha\ioial reaction. To some extent the diflerent Kit Kin of the extremities was ol st-r\K\' in utilizing (.'iiergy ni combat and in obtaining food supply, liut the motor tornuilas expressed in locomotor acti\ it\ , in acts of ollense and delense, or in ciuest ot lood, with the exception ot their distinct mereast' in the complexit\ ol motor pattern, show little ot real adxancc o\cr such lower xcrtcbrates as the birds and the reptiles, in most ot the mammalian oixK'is the imj^ression is unavoidable that all attempts toward de\ eloping the splu're ol lU'okinesis, howe\er ob\iousIy seeking adecjuatc channels through which to express themselves most etlec- tively, came lor the most part to naught, or only advanced to indecisive advantages, until the factors culminating in the primate order made them- selves felt in a crucial specialization. The fort'- and hmdlinibs, designed pri- marily as locomotor organs, now attained thosi' powers capable at length of throwing ofl the yoke which subjugated the extremities to the ser\ice of INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STFAI 1025 locdiiiotion. Tliiis, till' priniatr brain, through its i;am,s 111 nrokiiu'tif expan- sion, bt'i^an to sliow tliosi' real accessions \sliicli arc sought lor in \ain throughoLit all other orckas ol nianinials. ^ et the priniati's weri' not without tlu-ir own serious t'lnbarrassnicnts. The ([uadrunianal cle\ t'lopnient so charac- teristic ol all simian tribes giNcs neither the hand nor the loot its lull or ample opportunity lor ultimate dillerentiation. Arboreal hie im]>osed a severe haiulicap in that it demanded m upper and lowi'r t'\tremit\ alike a high degree of j^rehcnsilc s])eciali/ation lor locomotor lunction. On tlu'other hand, tlu' progressi\'e acKance in tlu' neokinetic indices ol the brain, t-speciall\' in the pyramid, tin- pons \ arolii and the cerebral |:)ed uncles, disclost's the manner in which an excpiisite arboreal speciali/ation has been slowly superseded, first by si-mi-arboreal adaptation, then In imperlectl\ organized terri'strial life, with the gradual assumption of the erect posture and the almost exclu- sive adoption of the surface of the earth for transportation. DLiring this process tlu- hand became the su|3reme agent lor externalizing the lull t'xpres- sion of these ad\ances. Othek SiKLCTiRES IN Till: Bhain Ste.m Necjkinetic Development in iiil; Phi\iait:s. TIu' insistenci' of neokinesis to iind adec|uate expression is again and etpiallx well illustrated b> structural extt'ii- sion of certain t-lemcnts functionally connected with the maintenance ot coordination. From the standpoint of \olumetric cx])ansion and progressive adx'ancc in organic delinition, thtae is no structure in the brain w Inch appears to be moresusct'ptibleto the inlluences of adaptation than thedentate nucleus. Its plan imetriccocHicient, which in marmoset is "."percent and in man i ".6 per cent, shows a progressive gain ol about 10 hundredths in \ohime. Even more proiiouiux'd is its increasing discreteness as a lUuK'ar structure. \\ ith t lu- pos- sil^Ie exct'])tion ol the inlenor oii\ai"\ nucleus, the nucleus (kaitatus is the most striking example ol ]jrogressi\e delinition m the entire brain stem. Startingas it does in a dillusi', irngular nuchar aggregation, it passes tlirough many M-rceses Tlrsc BabKKia Macaccs FIGS. 528 TO 538. CROSS SECTION AT THE I_E\-EL OF THE [1026] Wm OtftfXlB Ossjts X » Ctxrmta.r^xT GocSSs. SUPERIOR OOOJCtXL 5 IX THE COMPARATn-E PROtATE SERIES tbe actail cEsastacas oc tat secicBs. Srac* isaeass3-e J iic iiwts ::i t±>e descisiars :£ ^^-r iev^ af ife fiori 1028 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS developmental gradations until it attains its definitely convoluted stage first seen in the gibbon, but steadil\ inereasing its nuclear indi\iduality in the higher anthropoids and num. Not alone does this nucleus acquire decisive COMPARATIVE PLANIMETRIC GRAPHS c. Cerebral Peduncle B K C H R C T M c C c M 1 A 1 O A A A A 1 H o A R N R R B T R C B 1 R N D C A S B S A B M 1 A F E 1 1 C 0 P L R F T u u N A L 0 E s s N A 0 Z E E 100 / / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60 \ r 50 I 40 / ) 30 / 2 0 -^^^ J 1 0 y ^ - -^^ FIG. 539. GRAPH BASED OX PLANIMETRIC INDICES OF CEREBRAL PEDUNCLE. This structure is of particular significance in neokinetic evolution. It is a concentrated expression ot the neokinetic powers of the cerebral cortex, representing as it docs the palliospinal and palliopontile projection systems. Functionally it provides for the conduction of impulses essential to volitional and coordinated control of the muscles. It is of an exclusively mammalian character in the brain, showing its greatest expan- sion under the influence of arboreal life and the consequent development of quadrumanous specialization. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1029 specialization in the course of its own evolutionary progress; its advances in this respect gain c\en more emphasis because of their association with the simultaneous increase in size of the lateral cerebellar lobes. These lobes, as well as the dentate nucleus, expand in direct proportion as manual differ- entiation becomes more definitive. In a snnilar tnaniier, the red nucleus, serving as the intermediate relay for impulses from the cerebellum, allords an index of the coordinati\e capac- ity of the lateral cerebellar lobes. Attention has already been called to the probable dual nature of the red nucleus as a relaying station. That it serves other offices than the conduction of coordinati\e control seems likely. On the other hand, the concomitant expansion of the dentate and red nuclei in passing from the lowest to the highest of the primates speaks strongly in favor of its relation to the impulses essential to coordinativc control of the upper and lower extremities. Ilie red mieleus does not itself disclose an}' specific participation in the neokinetic ad\ances of the upper extremity. Its close incorporation in the cerebellar mechanism, however, makes it probable that it receives its chief incentive toward expansion from the acces- sion of coordinativc impulses essential to control the muscles in the upper extremity. The difference in the planimetric coeflicients of the red nucleus between the lowest of the primates and man is a little over 10 hundredths. In this respect it coincides closely with the similar difference existing between the dentate nucleus at the two extremities of the order. The volumetric comparison of the superior cerebellar peduncle which connects the dentate with the red nucleus corroborates the conclusions con- cerning the progressive increment in coordinativc control. This structure also shows a progressive augmentation in passing from the lower end of the series to its upper extremity. The significance of all of these elements related to the cerebellum bears defmitely upon tlie field of neokinesis inasmuch as they are all alike in\ol\ed in the coordinativc control of the appendicular musculature. 1030 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS In its progressive expansion, the inferior (jlivary nucleus is a distinctive feature in the brain. Concerning the actual function of this important structure, much Hght is still needed. The interpretation advanced in this discussion of the primates, assigns to the nucleus an activity related to the simultaneous coordination of the hand, liead and eye. Integration of widely separated muscles so that they act as a single mechanism needs no argument to defend its physiological necessity in the interest of highly organized motor performances. A vast range of skilled acts depends upon the harmonious action of the eye muscles in order to keep the objective m clear \ ision and focus. The hands which perform the actual execution of the movements are followed and directed by vision. The underlying motive for the simultaneous cooperation in the muscles turning the eyes, turning the head, as well as moving the hands and fingers, is thus ob\ ious. Ocular supervision is essential both in the acquisition and the direction of a large number of skilled learned performances. From the known facts concerning the mterior oli\e, this nucleus stands as an intermediary between the ocular nuclei, lying above it in the brain stem, and the nuclear centers forming the final common pathway for motor impulses to the muscles of the neck and the upper extremities. Equipped to receive proprioceptive impulses from the musculature ot the eyeball, of the neck and of the upper extremity, the inferior olive is in a position to transmit these incoming impressions to the cerebellum, not only to its lateral lobes, but to some extent also to the vermis. It supplies in this manner the afferent elements to the cerebellum necessary for the organiza- tion of outgoing syntheses of coordinati\e impLilscs for all highly skilled acts of the body. This is the control essential in the oculo-cephalo-gyric movements utilized in the visual direction of many acts, such as handwriting, painting, drawing and the employment of instruments and implements. Fundamentally the inferior oli\ e is an ancient structure. Those who have given attention to its phyletic organization recognize in it at least two parts, INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1031 i. c, the palco-olive and the nco-olivc. In the lower forms of animals not yet possessed of anything approaching manual differentiation, the need of an intimate cooperation betw een muscles of the eyes, of the neck and of the upper extremity is not pronounced. These animals in consequence depend upon the associations of a much simpler range of motion. To them the coor- dination of the neck muscles controlling the movements of the head, and of the eye muscles regulating the mo\ements of the eyeballs, may be essential in such acts as browsing or grazing, particularly to animals possessing long necks, such as the giraffes. These species arc not in need of simultaneous coordination in the ocular, cer\ical and brachial muscles. In consequence, although they have developed an inferior olnarv nucleus, this structure appears in its simplest form. It consists largely of what is properly called the palco-olive. The paleo-olivary connections with the cerebellum are for the most part w ith the central portion or vermis. In animals possessing claws, such as those of the canine and feline families, there is at least some slight demand for coordinative action between the muscles of the eye, neck and upper extremities. In such species the inferior oli^ ary nucleus shows consider- able advance notwithstanding the fact that it still remains, from a structural standpoint, in a fairly primitive condition. Canine and feline activities in which the claws are employed, as in digging holes for burying food, require a certain degree of mutual coordination in oculo-cephalo-gyric and upper extremity mo\ements. These mo\ ements unquestionably belong to the cate- gory of performances learned by imitation. In consecjuence there is some increase in these animals of the inferior olive and the olivo-ccrcbellar connections. W hh the advent of the primates, manual differentiation became a feature of progressive development. The influence of this new impulse was immediately impressed upon the inferior olivary body. Even in the lemurs, the nucleus manifests tendencies toward expansion in its neo-olivary portion I032 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS whose further progress imparts such j^roniinenee to the e\-ohition;uy process in the' primate brain. Thenceforth, throughout tlie order, this impulse toward neo-olivary expansion becomes more j^ronouneed. \\ hen, however, the demands of neokinesis called for greater functional activities in the sphere of olivary action, no distinctly new element was added to the structure. Phyletically ancient portions w ere so extended as to create, out of the old, new and needed material for amplilied functional capacity. This is the underlying ])rinciple which m the mam characterizes the modifications in tile \ertebrate brain. The structural substratum ot t^xpansion usually exists in rudimentary form awaiting only the demand and opjjortunity for further dcM'lojjment. The inferior olivary body, illustrating this principle, expands in rt^sponse to increasing demands lor lunctional control in its sphere ol action. As e\ ideiice of an cvolutionarx unlolding, it is second to no other element in the entire brain stem. The planimetric coellicients of the olivary nucleus in jjrimates indicate that in passing from its lowest organization to that representative ol man, there is a total gain ot almost 20 hundredths. In the marmoset the planimetric cocflicient oi the mlerior olive is 3.8 per cent, while In man it is 22.6 per cent. A MiluiiU'tric gain of such proportions cannot possibly be without great biological sigmlicancc. More conspicuous even than this increment in Nolunie is the increase in the olive's morpholog- ical mdi\iduality and delinition. W itli this progressive oli\arv specializa- tion, the connection of the nucleus with the lateral lobes of the cerebellum becomes more extensive. This fact strongly suggests that the biological impulse underlying this olivary diifercntiation is closely related to those causes which activated the expansion of the lateral cerebellar lobes. It is well established that the extensions in the lateral portions of the cerebellum have been induced by the ])rogressi\e s]:)ecializations in the extremities, more particularly in the upper extremity and hand. The inlerence seems lustilied, therefore, that the oli\ e itself has also responded to this same incentive. INTERXAl, STRlCTri^F OF THE BRAIN STEM 1033 Like the lateral lobes ol the eeieln'Muni, it must he lunetioiially associated with till' (le\ elopnients ol iieokinetie progress. The inferior oli\ar\ inieleus thus corroborates the exicieiice supplied by the p\ ramid, the pontile nuclei, thi' cerebral jicduneles, the dentate nucleus, the ri'd luicK'Us and the su])erior cerebellar pi'duncle. All ol these j^arts of the brain, by reason of their expan- sion, stand out as prominent signals ol e\'olutionar\ acKance. Certam constituentsw ith ec|nal I orce denote this process, not by e\])ansi()n but by progressive (hmnuition m si/e. Among these structures the most prominent are the superior and the mierior collieuli of the midbram. Their importanci- ni relation to the special senses of hearing and of sight has been emphasized, d he dellort'scence \n the inferiorcolliculus isparticularl\ striking showing, as it does, a decrease in planimetric coefhcients In'twci'ii lemur and man ot over 1 5 hundredths. W hile m the case of the superior colhculus the decrease in structural i^romineiice is not so pronounced, it is iu'\erthelcss clearly evident that a progressive decline proceeds through all of the jjrimate species from lemur to man, with a total decrease of something mori' than 4 hundredths. That thi' mesencephalic colliculi are remnants ol prominent features in lower vertebrates, and that the\ still retain in these classes a pri'dominance in encephalic organization, has been freciucntly rt'iterated. This is the condition in birds, ri-ptik's, amphibians and fish, but with the appearance of the mammals, the introduction of the neopallium concentrated the full force of development upon the hemispheres. In consequence, this part of the brain soon gained ])re(.niinence which in large measure was due to the unremitting attemjjts to capitalize still lurtlur the new endowments of neokinetie behav- ior. Each of the special senses, w it h the exception of the olfactory sense, partici- pated in these attempts. These senses sought an advantage in proximity to each other w Inch representation in the cerebral cortex afforded them together with more am])le ojiportunities for functional expansion. 1 he optic lobe of 1034 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS the midbrain, compared with the more eosmopoHtan advantages of the cerebral cortex, became an en\ir()nment too jjrovincial and hmited I'or the ultimate de\'eIopment of vision. Tlie sense of hearing was similarly alleeted in its disposition toward its original mesencephalic allocation, once tlu' neopallium had re\ealed its de\elopmtntal possibilities. Hearing iollowed tile example of \ ision and together they sought new lields for e.xpansion in the lu'misj)iieres ol the endbram. The delegation ot auditory and \ isual hmction Irom the roof of the mesencephalon to areas in the cerebral cortex is part ol that process of telencephalization which has pi'ogressed through the mammalian orders. Its obvious purpose was to procure lor these s|)ccial senses more expansi- ble areas lor their elaboration with other types ol sensibility. As in all other instances, the prime object ol such expansion was not mcrel\ the extension ol the s|)ecial sense iiuolwd, but much rather the multiplication of its cajjacities lor c\j)ression. 1 hus, increasing the spheres of vision and of hearing had lar-reaching ellects upon the expansion of neokinesis. The functional increments to the sense ol hearing, in consec|uence ol its neopallial opportunities may be clearl\- w itnessed m the expression of articulate speech. To many other human acti\'itics hearing has bt'conu' essential. The auditory development that leads to the recognition and combination ol sounds in tlu' torm ol music and the ultimate externali/.ation ol such auditory syntheses in the musical |:)rodiictions ol the \()ice or by manipulation ol musical instru- ments reveal tlu' important role which the sense ol hearing plays in the extension ol neokinelic aciiievenunls. Its instrumentalit\ m tlu' j)roccsscsof learning is obxious, for without such auditory assistance it is probable that many of the highly skilk'd performanci's of which man is capable would fail of their complete (k'\-clopmcnl and lack one of the chief stimuli which incite, create and direct them. INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1035 In similar iiianiuT, tlu- c'\])ansi<)n ol \isual luiU'tiDii wliifli has lakrii plact' in the ])r() piT cent, a total ciiiKTciice oi "4 hundredths between the two extremities of this order, j-roni sueh a ditlerence in values, it may be inferred that the lunetional importanee of stereoscopic \ision lias increased most j^artieularly in proportion to tlie degree of apphca- tion of tlie hand m the execution (j1 the most highly organized motor perlormanees. The motive running through this entire j^roeess ol dex'elopment is not dillieult to appreciate. Some parts ol the brain, essentiall\ progressive in their tendencies, ha\e reacted by what seems to be an almost enthusiastic response. They have grown m their proportions and gained preeminence in their mlluence. This is especially true ol the neopallium, ol the p\raniKl and pons, ol the cerebral peduncle, ol the lateral lobes ol the cerebellum and the structures connected with them. Some parts ol the brain ha\'e mamlested greater conserxatism in their adaptive reactions, as, for example, the centers of the balancing nu'chanism, or those lor the transmission ol other proprio- ce]3ti\c' impulses. Still other parts, like most ol the cranial iier\e nuclei, ha\e been actuallx' resisti\e in their greater ]3hyletic stability, although even the\ ha\e not escaped the progressu'e inlluences arising from such acKanced acc|uisitioiis as the development ol articulate speech, ol emotional expression and ol stereoscojjie vision. A complete tabulation of the plaiiimetric coellicieiits lor all ol the structures which ha\e been discussed in their exolutional relations is appended on page 103". The coellicieiits lia\t' been so arranged as to iiWv them their sequential order of importance whh relerence to the evolutional process wiiich they indi\ iduallx rtpresc-nt. It will lie obserxcd that the\ fall naturall\- into three groups those ]3ri'emineiitl\ concerned witli the ex]:)an- sion in the neokinetic sphere, those to some extent intimatelx connected \Mtli this expansion and those representing archaic structurt's which have ielt m a nuich more remote manner the inlluences ol neokinetic de\elopment. INTERNAL STRUCTURE 01- THE BRAIN STEM 1037 Plankmetric Coefficients of the Pkimaie Bi<\i\ Man Gorilla Cliini- panzcc Orang Gib- bon Ba- boon Maca- cus My- cctes .\ 1 a rmo- sct Lemur Tarsius .183 16. . J-2 . 160 M38 200 ■143 .14-' •37 064 1 10 .032 Pontile nuclei .550 4Sn 41 lu 5, M , . 164 1 I'l i.ij 1 H ) T 'I-;-, "■>" Cerebral peduncle .321 .18- 223 .110 . 1 10 . 190 .169 144 o-y . oH(> .017 Inferior olive 226 .186 ■ 174 172 '55 .125 .128 120 .038 060 .042 Nucleus dentatus !-<•. Ii-; , ,(, i(h, 134 ,65 1 i-i 1 ;.' 1 1 1 1 u ■oiO Nucleus globosus 023 .128 .0095 .018 OIj .020 .023 .014 .032 .U5O .032 .037 Red nucleus .og6 .086 .087 .051 .060 .057 .081 .044 .012 .034 Superior cerebellar peduncle .088 .047 .047 .064 .063 .044 .046 .036 .048 "33 .032 Inferior colliculus. .070 .III .132 .131 .130 .155 •175 .182 .2111 ^23 337 Superior colliculus .104 .140 .125 .124 .132 •173 .158 .161 .154 .140 .230 Nucleus of Goll. . . .064 .086 .050 .048 .034 .086 .076 .131 .068 .041 .026 Nucleus of Bur- dach . 100 .081 "-? .093 .068 .06,- 086 .113 .043 .049 .082 .029 Nucleus of Deiters. .065 .072 0-- .054 .085 (1^(1 075 ,114 .077 .180 Nucleus of Schwalbc 0-5 . 0-0 080 0,-5 .092 095 .087 . 090 . 060 .04,- .ofi2 SUMMARY' OF THE E\ IDEXCE OF AN E\'OLl'TIONAL PROCESS AFFORDED BY THE E.XTERNAL AND IMER.XAL APPEARANCE OF THE PRIMATE BRAIN In sum total, the evidence atlorded In the external appearance of the brain m [jrnnatcs, and l)\ its nitcrnal structure, points conclusu cly to an c\'<)lutioiial process which has run paralk-l with corresponding expansions in behaxioral de\ elopnunt. Thi.s exohitional process, both in structure and la function, has made itself apparent most particularl\ in tlu' accessions to the sphere of neokinesis, which new t\ pe ol' motor expression has been the distin- guishinriiniti\ c animals, sucli as birds, reptiles and fish, which, l)eeause of its \erv ]:)rimiti\ eness, is known as palenkiyiesis. These two types of motor organization, the new and the old, diller from each other in certain decisive characteristics, j-'erhaps the one most essential difTerence between them appears in the insertion of an appreciable ]3eriod of latency between the receipt of the allerent stimuli and the production of the corresponding motor response. This ])eriod of latency has resulted in retarding the immediacy of rellex action. In that mter\al thus created between the receipt of the allerent stimulus and the dispatch ot the efferent im])ulse, pro\"ision is made for more ellective sensory associations, more comjjlcx combinations of neural impulses acti\"ated by the approach of the afferent stimulus. It also provides for such important conditioning qualities of jnolor response as rellection, selection and the introduction of the influences of previous experience as well as the acKantages of higher intelli- gence. Such a period of latency has in it all of the possibilities of withholding action for relati^•ely long intervals of time, and thus conferring the far-reach- ing benefits of that important neural attribute known as inhihition. The real advances of beha\ lor for which this new clement of motor organization lays the foundation become obvious at once. For the direct reflex reaction, it substitutes the deliberately considered act. For the limitt'd rellex motor pattern, it substitutes the more comple\l\ orgamzt'd motor design. In general, primltixe paleokinetic acti\it\ is in its nature much mort- mimedi- ately rellex and has but little rellectixe character. It makes the most achanta- geous use of automatic and routine precisions in motion, but, on the other hand, permits of little or no \ariation in its reaction ])atterns. Neither does it allow of much reconditioning by new mlhuiux's and elements. It is exqui- sitely objecti\c in its execution which appears to be as rigidly jjrescribed as it is invariable in production. It possesses all of the characteristics necessary for generic ada|)tation and but lew of those t|ualities essential lor mcliA idual- INTERNAL STRUCTURE 01- THE BRAIN STEM 1039 iz(.'(l adiustnu'iits. In contrast to it, tlu- more recent inanimalian ac(|iiisition ol ncoknicsis, ])y adding tlic acKantaiics ol rcllcction and deliberation, makes motor reaction more llexihle aiul hehaxior more \\idel\ ada])tal)ie. Tile ])eiiod ol rellc'ction and latenc\ permits ol ht't ter uiiidanct' of mo\-ement b\' tlu' diri'ction ol \ ision, ol hearing' and ol ])ro])rioce]5ti\ f organization. It likewisi' allords all ol those opportunities essential to e\teiisi\e teachal)ilit\'. Extent to Which M \\im als Utilized Theik New Possession oe Neokinesis. Although the mammals Irom their beginnings came into pos- session of this great acKantage owr tlu' more lowly organized \ crtebrates, they tlid not m all instances utilize it to its full extt'iit. Nor did it become a sine (jua no)} guaranteeing a lull and tllectn i- di'xclopment of its potentialities in all cases. Indeed, it setans much more as though tlu' mammals were contin- ually strixing to lind that ])ath which might prolit tlu'in most in the de\elo])- ment ol their new possession. But lor all their ellorts, the\ \\ ere surj^risingly unsiiccesslul m arriving at the desired goal. I low they began to push forward along this liiu' m their early nionotreme beginnings, how far short lhe\ fell of an\ ri'al ]:)rogre.ssivc achie\ement, how ihey tried again and again, now in marsupial specialization, now as rodents, insect noiws, bats, ungulates, cetaceans or carnivores, but always without approaching nearer to the desired tnd, is revealed by their several histories. That the\ had made delimte contributions over and abo\X' the lower forms of \ crtebratt's in the organization of motion and in the development of beha\ ior is not dillicult to establish, "^'ct each ordinal specialization, with all its stri\ing in this direction, seemed clelicu'iit m some essential ecjuipment whereb\' it might fulfil the promise discernil)le in tlu- new accession to their development. 1 heir motor at 1 1 list men ts \\c'r(.; largely adaj.)ted lor trail sport at ion, for carrying the body o\er the siirlace ol the earth, under the tarth, m the water or through the air. These animals progressed but little in their constructive processes as applied to their environment. Tluy accepted the earth as 1040 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS they IouikI it aiul k-l't little Ix-hiiul to change its appearance as a result ol their own efl'orts. Their expansions in neokini'sis, Hke their cle\eIopntents in beha\ior, were strictl.x hmited b>- the handicaps of highly restrictive special- izations in their instruments of externalization. The Mosr Profitable Advance in Neokinesis Okiginating w i rii THE Prim vn;s. With the appearance of the primates, the first really ]:)ront- able acKances in neokinesis were actually made. It is probable that the quadrumanal dilferentiation may have led the early prosimia toward the realm in which the I'liII promise of this motor capacity became possible. I n any case, the long awaited instrument, the ready servant of neokinesis, had at length made its appearance. Even with its possession the primates had as yet a long distance to travel, many experimental trials to experience belore this new instrument was so adapted as to give its maximum degree ol serx'ice. The specialization in connection w ith the upper extremity was a real decisive step forward; but where it extended to the low er extremities and produced feet w ith many hand-like characters, it immediately imposed serious limita- tions and creatt'd those disadxantages which result from the possession of too man\ hands. The c|uadrumanal tendency of the primates positively prohibited the full dexelopment of manual dilferentiation lor two reasons: First, it committed the animals to an almost exclusi\el\ arl)ort-al hie. in the second place, it. created a field of psychological indecision which had a i)ro- found elfect by causing a c|uandary as to whetlu'r tlu' hand should be used as a foot or the loot as a hand. It thus left in indeterminate state an instru- ment which ri'c[uired aboxe all else the most exact discrimination lor its fullest functional dilferentiation. Pakmng Ol ruE Ways between An rnROPOiD and Hlm an. In spite ol their early embarrassment due to over-endow nunt ol hand-like characters, the primates had come upon tin- right trail. It reciuirttl but one lurther modification to set them on the track w hich would lead to the ultimate goal. INTERNA! STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1041 This was indeed a critical niodHKatioii. It established beyond cjuestlon the great ]:)artlnij; ot the \\a\ s between the antliiDpoid and the lumian, raising an efTectual barrier betwxx'n the one knul and the other. It was tlu' decisive inllueiiee w Inch turiied the course ol the a])es to then' o\\ n specilic exohitional tcrnilnl,]:)uttnig man upon his course which, through \ arlous stages of progress, has led to his ])resent estate. What the underlying nioti\e ol this critical modllication may ha\e been is still clouded in obscuritw I In' increasing weight of the body appears to ha\c jjlayed some role in this alteration. For it was unquestionabl\ the de\'elopmcnt ol ci-rtain inconx enK'iices and dis- acKantages in arboreal liti' that cxcntuallx brought someol the primate stock nearer to the ground and linall\' brought about the change in the lowx'r cxtremit\' resulting m tlu' inception ot the human loot. Probable Role of Endoc:ri\e Glands. TIu' lactors \\ ha h ma\ ha\e increased the bod\" \\eight and so necessitated this change Irom arbort'al to terrestrial lite are dithcult to estimate. It is possible that the indocrinc glands had some part in this alteration. Changes in then" acti\'it\ may have so altered the metabolism ol the body as to jjroduce that degree of maero- somia which is no longer adapted to tree-dw cllmg. From pathological evi- dence it is recognized that enlargements m the ])ituitary gland produce the condition in man termed gigantism. Many ol tlu- more or less monstrous extravagances m statural growth seen olteii-tmies in (.'\hibit ions and known the world oxer as giants are the results of h\pertro|)h\ m the glandular ])ortion of the ])itiiitar\- bod\ . That such hypertrophy may well account for an increased secretion in this gland and thus ])roduce exuberant growth m the long bones is an accepted clinical lact. So also is the disease known as acromegaly in which, alter adolescence, certain mdi\ iduals manilest a tendency toward increased growth in the hands and in the feet, in the face and other portions ol the bon\- skeleton, due to alterations in the pituitary gland. Another group of facts pointing in the same direction are those coipo- 1042 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS real changes ascribed to diseases of the pineal gland, particularly in the early years of adolescence, producing the condition known as macrogenito- somia praecox or the syndrome of Pellezzi. Under these conditions the individual grows prematurely tall with precocious sexual differentiation. It is the belief that the pineal gland normally holds in abeyance the premature development of the statural and sexual organization by exerting upon the pituitary body an inhibitory influence. Whether these potent factors in control of the metabolic mechanism entered into the causes which produced the critical change in body modification must still be a matter for further investi- gation. They offer a most enticing suggestiveness. Either they or other similar factors bore some responsibility in these epoch-making changes. In any case, it must have been the near approach to the ground and the final necessity of living upon it which determined the specialization leading to the development of the human foot. At that juncture the embarrassment of over-endowment arising from too much in the way of manual specialization began to dissipate its restrictive influence. With the critical differentiation of the lower extrem- ity in process, with the upright position guaranteed, with the final emancipation of the hand a certainty, the ultimate instrument for extending the boundaries of the neokinetic sphere was at length assured. Too niueh emphasis cannot be laid upon this decisive change in the two branches of the orthograde division of the primate stem. In consequence of it, the members of one branch retained so much of their arboreal specialization that they continued to be occupants of the forest. Quite the contrary is true of that branch which finally began to stand upright and go upon two feet. Through it, the neopallium now proceeded to externalize all of those potential resources which had so long been held in reserve awaiting the arrival of tliis ultimate manual equipment. From Pithecantluopus and the Dawn man, from Heidel- berg man and the Neanderthal, through all of the achievements of Homo sapiens, the human race has set the full imprint of man's past and contem- INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 1043 poraneous record in the vast sphere of neokinesis which has been created as the product of his hands. RELATION OF MAN TO APES These are the conclusions drawn from the accumulated evidences con- cerning an evolutionary process in the brain of the primates. They recognize the development of neokinesis in its several modifications as the keynote of mammalian difTerentiation. They envision the process of selection and evolution wherefjy this new type of motor acti\ity, seeking its fullest expres- sion, at length found in the primates those structures from which to develop the achievement of human neokinetic expansion. They take full account of all of the intermediate simian steps in this process, but in no way denote or imply a direct ancestral descent of man from any of the modern apes. In its brain each one of the primates below man has, in its turn, borne the impress of the effort to advance the cause of neokinesis. For this reason, if for no other reason, each infrahuman primate gradation is important in the evolutionary picture. It demonstrates the various attempts at progress showing in what particulars they succeeded and also by just how much they fell short of attaining the final goal. To consider any of the living apes the possible ancestor of man is an inconsequential, trilling and incomplete view of the situation which requires a much more extensive understanding of the biological process for the complete appreciation of its significance. It does not seem sufTicient to linger among the modern apes in search of our ancestors. These animals belong to families totally divergent from man. They have become most effectually arborealized, have ascended well up into the trees where doubtless they will remain quite as unconcerned in the origin of man as they are innocent of participation in it. \\ e are wise if we turn our attention not to these simians, but rather to the generalized mammalian ancestors from which both apes and man 1044 EVOLUTIONAL MODIFICATIONS took origin, to tliat stock w liicli ma\ he traced, as Huxley and others main- tain, to the organization of some lo\\l\' mammal such as thc' tree-shrew (tupaia). Nor is there reason to pause at this point in the long hue ol descent. Looking still furtlier back into the ]3ast, it is possible to recognize those premammalian reptiles from which tlu' mammals uncjuestionably descended, as well as their progenitors deri\ed Irom those low Ie\els ol xertebratc organization which gave rise to the great Mesozoic reptilian orders. It is indeed the a]i])reciation of this long ancestral line in all the \arious modifications ol its many geological phases that gives the proper \ahie to the e\'olutionarv process. Perceived in this way, it is possible to sense the lull force ol the impetus in that irresistible momentum w hich has carried the great vertebrate ph\ lum upward and onward through the ages and may still carry us onward. This is a conception that should make an urgent appeal for thoughtful consideration regarding lurther possible readiustment ot human behavior. It is a ^•Iew■ ol lite which requires lor its acceptance real powers ot vision combined with an open attitude ot mind. For now, as in the past, intolerance may resist as rude intrusion any trespass upon its ancient and cherished delusions, preiudice may reject as worthless what it has not itscll conceixed as true, conservatism may urge a wai"\ hesitation m the acce]:)tanee ol broad conclusions ol an\ kind. But these facts, corrt'lated here, perhaps tor the first time, and standing alone w ithout the aid ol eommentarv or special interpreter, speak in no uncertain terms of a structural iintoldmg in the brain ol primates whose e\'olutional signilicance may be seen in the progressne extension ol their behavioral ca])acities. In this as])ect these factors may appear merely as a conventional formulation of scieiitilic deductions. They may fail entirely to create an impression of the actual dxnamii- force which lies behind tlu'in. It is for this reason and by \ iiiiu' of ha\ ing essa\ ed to aiisw er so maii\ (|u cries, INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN STEM 104,- that the writer \vv\s pvwilv^j^vd to ask at|iu'stii)n ol his own. It touches a \'itall> iiii]j()rtant ])rohk'm, and nia\' he plirased as hillows: Is there still a possil)iht\' ol lurther e\()l\]nay.ine 0/ natural bislory. London, 184,, \vi. (M\cctus villosus lirst desc rilled.) Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs and Fruit-eating Bats in tiie Coileetion of the British Museum. London, 18-0, p. 40. Lesson, R. P. Species des Mamniifcres Bimanes et Quadrumanes. Paris, 1840, p. 1 1~. ScHLEGEL, H. Museum d'Histoire Naturellc des Pays-i)as. Lcydc, i8~6, p. 156. Spix, J. B. Simiarum et Vespertilioiiuni Bra/ilensiuni Species Novae, etc. Monachii, 1823, p. 3,-. CynocL'pbalus Haliu in Cu\'iEH, F. Memoires du Museum d'Histoire Naturellc. Paris, 181-, i\-, 41Q. (Papio cyno- cephalus descril)ed as cynocephalus babum.) Demarest, a. G. Maninialogie ou Description des Especes dc Manunifcres. Paris, 1820, p. 68. Elliot, D. G. A Rc\ icw of the Primates. N. ^ ., iyi3, ii, 13". Gray, .]. E. Catalogue of Monke\s, Lemurs and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. London, i8~o, p. 35. Major, l\. C. Observations on the brain of the Chacnia baboon. ./. Mcnl. Sc, London, \S~(>, \xi, 498. MiNGAZZiNT, G. Beitrag zum Studien des Verlaufes einiger Bahncn des Zentrahier\cnsys- tems des C\noeephalus Papias. Jabrb. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Lcipz., 1921, xii, 71-92. MiVART, St. G. .1. Prac. Zijolog. Soc, London, 1865, p. 558. Peters, \\ . II. C. Naturwissenschaftlichc Rcisc nach Mossambique. Berlin, 1852. Macacus Anderson, J. Anatomical and Zoological Researches Comprising an Account of the Zoologi- cal Results of the Two Expeditions to Western Yunnan, etc. London, iS-'S. Blanford, W. T. Proc. Zoolofi. Soc, London, 1887, p. 625. Mammalia. (The Fauna of British hidia.) London, 1888-91. Clarke, R. H., and Henderson, E. E. Atlas of photographs of the frontal sections of the cranium and brain of the rhesus monkey (macacus rhesus). Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., i?alt., 1020, spec. vol. liii. Ut Haan, J. A. B. Experiments on \ision in monkeys. 1. The color sense of the pig-tailed macaque. J. Compar. Psychol., Bait., 1925, \, 41". De.marest, a. G. Mammaiogie ou Description des Especes de Mammiferes. Paris, 1820, p. 66. Elliot, L3. (.]. .\ Re\ic\\ of the Primates. N. W, 1913, ii, 213. Forbes, H. O. A Handbook to the Primates. London, 1894, ii, 22. 1050 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER READING Gr.\y, J. E. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. London, 1870. Lesson, R. P. Species des Mammiferes Bimanes et Quadrumanes. Paris, 1840, p. 95. Mlssen, a. T. a c\toarchitecturaI atlas of the brain stem of the macacus rhesus. J./. Psxcbol. u. Neurol., Leipzig, 1922-23, xxix, 451 . Some new obser\-ations on the puKinar of the macacus rhesus. Trans. Internal. Cong. .Med. 1913, Lond., 1914, Sect, i, Anat & Embryol., Pt. 2, p. -5. S.ANT.\L, R. B. Notes on the distribution of macacus arctoides, Geoff. J. Asiat. Sac. Bengal, Gilcutta, 190", n.s. iii, 119. ScLATER, P. L. Proc. Zoolng. Soc, London, 18-1, p. 222. Vicq-d'Azyr, F. Obser\ations anatomiques sur trois singes appeles le mandrill, le callitriche et le macaque, etc. Hht. .Acad. Roy. d. sc, 1-80, Paris, 1-84, pp. 4-8-493. Gibbon Anderson, J. Anatomical and Zoological Researches Comprising an .Account of the Zoologi- cal Results of the Two Expeditions to Western ^'un^an. London, 18-8, i. Beddard, F. E. On the brain of a siamang. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1900, pp. 187-190. BiscHOFF, T. L. \\ . Beitrage zur Anatomic des Hylobates Leuciscus. Abb. math. Pbys. cl. ak. uiss., Munich, 18-0, x, 19-. Bi_\.NFORD, W. T. Mammalia. (The Fauna of British India.) London, 1888-1891. Blyth, E. Notices of various mammalia with descriptions of many new species. J.. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1841, xi, 838; 1844, xiii, 464, 476. Notes on the gibbon hoolock and lar. Ibid., 1847, xvi, 729. BoLTAN, L. Notions nouvelles sur le gibbon a barbe blanche (hylobates leucogenys Ogilbj') Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Paris, 1907, cxliv, 145-. Observations relatives aux manifestations vocales d'un anthropolde (hylobates leucogenys Ogilby). Ibid., 19 12, civ, 929. Cander, G. Notes on the habits of the hoolock. Proc. Zoo/og.5oc., London, 1903, pp. 18--190. Chapman, H. C. Observations upon the anatomy of hylobates leuciscus and chiromys madagascariensis. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1900, p. 414. Dahlbom, a. G. Studia Zoologica. Lund, 1856. Flower, W. H. On the brain of the simiang. Nat. Hist. Rev., London, 1863, p. 2-9. Forbes, H. O. A Handbook to the Primates. London, 1894, ii, 161. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, L Catalogue des Primates. 185 1, p. 9. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of .Monkeys, Lemurs and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. London, 18-0, p. 11. Harlan, R. Trans. Amer. Pbilosopb. Soc. Jor Promot. Usejul Knowledge. 1834, n.s. iv, 52. (Hylobates hoolock first described.) Kohlbrlgge, J. H. F. .Muskcln und periphere Nersen des Genus Hylobates. Leiden, 1890. Maholdeal, p. G. La marche bipede du gibbon. Rev. Antbrop., Paris, 1913, .x.xiii, 348. Les manifestations raisonnees chez les gibbons. Ibid., p. 365. -MoTT, F. \\., and Schlster, E. Motor localization in the brain of the gibbon correlated with histological examination. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1916, Ixxxiv, 67. REFERENCES FOR FURTHER READING 1051 Ogilbv, W . On a ne\\ species of gibbon (hylobates leucogenys) Proc. Zoolog., Soc, London, 1840, p. 20. PococK, R. I. Observations upon ;i female specimen ol tiie Hainan giijbon. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1905, 169-180. PoHL, L. Ein JKiiien Varietiit \nn Simianga Syndactylus. Zoolog. An/.., Leipzig, 191 1, xxwiii, P- i"- Sanyal. R. B. Color cliange in iiyiobates hoolok. Rec. Ind. Mus., Calcutta, 190", i, 2~G. ScHLEGEL, H. Museum d'Histoire Naturclle des Pays-bas; Smiiae. Le\de, 18-6, p. 14. ScLATER, P. L. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, i860, p. 86. On a white-cheeked gibbon {H. leucogeny.i). Ibid., 18 — , p. 69. Selenka, E. Ueber ein iunges Entwickelungsstadium des Hylobates RafHesii. Silz. d. Gesel- Isch. J. Morph. u. Physiol., Munich, 1900, xv, 133. W ALDE'iER, H. W . G. Das Gibbon Hirn. Virchow's festschrift, Berlin, 1891, 1-401. Ziehen, T. Die Grosshirniurchcn des Hylo'^-'tcs unci Scninopithecus Gehirns. .Anal. An?.., Jena, 1896, p. 470. Orang-Ou\ang Barnard, W. S. Observations on the membral musculation of simia satyrus (orang) and the comparati\c myolog\- of man and the apes. Proc. Amtr. Ass. Adv. Sc, Salem, 1875, P- 1 12. Bee\or, C. L., and Horslev, V. A record of the results obtained by electrical excitation of the so-called motor cortex and internal ca[)sule in an orang outang (siniia satyrus). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1890-1, xl\iii, j). i ,"9. BiscHOFF, T. L. W. Ueber das Gehirn eines Orang-outan. Sitzurig.. On the aOinities of tlic Ijrain of the orang-utang. Nat. Hist. Rci\, London, 1 86 1, p. 201. Rothschild, W. Notes on the anthropoid apes. Pruc. Zoolog. Soc, Lon(k)n, 1904. Sclater, p. L. An adult male example of what appears to be the lesser orang (simia morio). Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1891, p. 301. Selenka, F. Die Rassin unci der Zahnwechsel des Orang-utan, hijnigl. prniss ak. ad. d. U'iss., Berlin sif/ungsb., 1896, 381-392. Rassen, Schadel und Bezahnung des Orang-utan. W lesb., 1898. (Description ol orang skulls.) Shaw, G. General Zoology. London, 1880, i. 3. Tyson, L. Orang-outang, sive I lomo Silvestris, or the Anatomy of a Pygmie Compared \\ ith That of a Monkey, an Ape and a Man. London, 1699. W'Al.LAcr, A. R. The Mala\ Archipelago. London, l86(). Cbimj)an/.ee Alix and Gratiolet. Nouvclles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturellc. Paris, 1866. Benham, W. B. a description of the cerebral con\()lutions of the chimpanzee known as "Sally," etc. Quart. .J. A/uro.sco/). 5c., London, i8(;,-, xxwii, 4". CotPiN, F. L'etat du cer\eau a la naissance cluv. ie chimpanzc. Comj)t. rend. .Acad. d. sc, Paris, 192^, clxxx, 862. Dl Chaii.i I , P. B. Proc. Boston .^'«^ Hist. Soc, Boston, i860, vii, 296, 358. DwiGHT, T. Notes on the dissection of the brain of tlii' chimpanzee "Gumbo." .\/t';?i. Bost. Soc Nut. Hisl., Boston, 1895, v, 31. REFERENCES FOR I IRTIIFR READING 1053 F.I. 1. 101, D. (i. A Ri'\ic\v of the Primates. N. Y., 1913, iii. G.-VRNER, R. L. Psycliological studies oftlicciiimpanzee. N.Amer. Rev., 1905, clx.xxi, 2-2-280. Geoffrov S.\int-Hil.\ire, E. A)in. d. musewn d'bistoire naturellcs. Paris, 1812, xi.\. Gray, J. E. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1862. J.\COBv, \\ . Untersciiiedc am Schiidcl dcs Scliimpanscii, Gorilla imd Orang-utan. Stuttg., 1903. Kallils, E. Ueber die Medulla Spin.ihs und die Medulla Ohlonjiata \on Troglodj'tes niger. Inaug. Diss., Berlin, i8y2. KFrrii, A. On the eliimpanzees and their relation to the gorilla. Proc. Zoulos. Sue, London, 1899, p. 296. Knox, R. Inquiry into tlic present state of our know ledge respeeting the orang-outang and ehinipanzee. Lancet, London, 1840, ii, 289. KoHTS, N. Untersuehungen uber die Erkenntnisfiihigkciten des Sehimpansen. .Moseow, 1923. Lesson, R. P. Speeies des .\hinimileres Bimani's et Quadrumanes. Pans, 1840, p. 3-. Linnaeus, C. Systema Naturae. Stoekholm, 1-40. Marshall, J. On tiic brain of a young ehinipanzee. Nal. Hist. Rev., London, 1861, p. 296. Matschie, p. Neue ergebnisse der seiiimpansenforsehung. Ztschr. J. ElbnoL, Berlin, 1919, li, 62. Meyer, 'A. B. .Ahbandhm^en u. herichte des Koniglichen Zoologiscben u. Anthrop.-Elhnograpb- ischeti .Museums zu Dresden. i8(>4-i8(;-5, no. 14. (Pan fuseus first deseribed as anthro- popithecus fuseus.) MoNTANfe \'. Darde. Un ehinipanee eubano. El siglio, Havana, 191 5, xx, i-i". Mlller, J. Zur anatomie des ehimpanscgehirns. .Arch. J. anihroj)., Brunswiek, 1887-8, xvii, 1-3. Owen, R. Trails. Zoo/of. Soc, London, 1835, i, 343. Parker, A. J. On the brain of a chimpanzee. .Med. Rec, N. \ ., 1880, x\ii, 28. Rothschild, W. Notes on the anthropoid apes. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1904, ii, 413. S.AYERS, 1 1. K. Deseription of the habits of a chimpanzee. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, i83(), p. 28. ScHLEGEL, II. Museum d'Histoire Natureile des Pays-bas; Siniiae. Leydc, 18-6. (Pan eliimpanse recognized as Simia troglodytes.) ScHMiTT, R. Das nervensystcm von troglodytes niger. Anat. An/.., Jena, 1909, xxxiv, 286. Selenka, E. Schadel des Gorilla und Schimpanse. Entwicklung des Gibbon (Hylobatcs und Simianga). Wiesb., 1899-1900. Sonntag, C. F. The anatomy, physiology and pathology of the chimpanzee, l^roc Zoolog. Soc, London, 1923, p. 323. Spitzka, E. C. The peduiuular tracts of the anthropoid apes. J. Nerv. c" .Meul. Dis., N. Y. 18-9, vi, 461. ViRCHOW, H. Gcsichtsmuskcln des Sehimpansen \on Hans Virchow. Kun. j)reus. .Akad. d. W'issen. Abh., pbys-malh. KL, Berlin, 1915. W iLDER, B. G. Contribution to the Comparati\e Myology of the Ciiimpanzec. Camb., 1861. 1054 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER READING Gorilla Beddard, F. F. The brain of tiie gorilla. Pruc. Zoolog. Soc, London, iiSyy, p. 65. BiscHOFF, T. L. \\ . Die dritte oder untere stirnwindung iind die innere oder scheitelbogen- windung des gorilla. Morph. Jahrb., Leipzig, 1881, \ ii, 312. Ucber bracliyceplialic und braehjencephalie des gorilla und der antleren alien. Sitmngsb. d. mutb.-pbys. cl. d. k. haver akad. d. wiss., Munieh, 1881, xi, 379. Ueber das Gchirn eines Gorilla und die untere oder dritte Stirnwindung des AfTen. S. h. math.-j>hys. cl. Akad. \]'iss., Munieh, 187-, vii, yC). Das Gorilla (k'hirn und die unterere oder dritte Stirnwindung. Morjib. Jabrh., Leipz., 18-8, 59 -5. Br.\dlf.v, M. 11. On tlic Gorilla Trail. N. Y., 1922. Broca, p. I'Aude sur le eer\eau du gorille. Rev. dWnlbrup., Paris, 18-8, p. i. Chapman, 11. C. Obserxatioiis upon the brain ol the gorilla. Proc. .Acad. I\'at. Sci., Phila., 1892, p. 203. Cunningham, A. A gorilla's life in ei\ilization. Bull. Zoolog. Soc, N. \., 1921, xxiv, 118. Deniker, J. Lc developpt-nieiit (hi eraiie chcz le gorille. Bull. Soc. d'.Antbrop.. Paris, 1885, s. 3, viii, -03. Du Chailli , P. B. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Alriea. London, 1861. Forbes, H. O. A Handbook to the Primates. London, 1894, ii, 180. Gkatiolet, p. Note sur I'eneephale du gorille (gorilla gina). Compt. rend. Acad., Paris, i860, 1, 80-105. Hart.mann, R. Der Gorilla. Leipz., 1880. Hermes, O. Der Gorilla und seine nachsten Verwandtcn. Tagebl. d. Vcrsamml. deuLsch. NalurJ. u. Aerzte, Hamburg, 1876, xlix, 56. AIatschie, p. Sitzungsberiehte Gcsellschaft naturforschender Freundc. Berlin, 1904, p. 4~. Mivart, St. G. J. Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1865, p. 581. Neuville, H. a propos d'un crane di' gorille. L'Antbrop., Paris, i()i2, xxiii, 563; 586. Owen, R. On the Classifieation and Geographieal Distribution of the ^LlmnlaIia. London, 1859. Trans. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1S51, i\-, -5. (Osteology of gorilla.) Zoological significance of the brain and limb characters of the gorilla as contrasted with those of man. Med. Tune.'; c" Ga/.., London, 1862, ii, 3-3. On the gorilla (troglodytes gorilla saw). Proc. Zoolog. Soc, London, 1848, p. 27. Panscii, a. Finige Benierkungen uber den Gorilla und sein Hirn. Schrifl. d. naluru'. Ver. J. Schlesw.-llolst., Kiel, 18-8, iii, 12-. Rothschild, W . Proc Zoob>g. Soc, London, 1906. S.'Wage, T S. Notice of the external characters and habits of troglodytes, gorilla, etc. Bost. J. Nat., 1 84-, V, 417. ScLATER, P. L. I^roc Zoolog. Soc, London, 18 — , p. 303; 1905, p. 56. Slack, J. H. .\lonograi)h ol the |)rclu'nsile-t,iik-d quadrumana. I'roc Acad. .\'al. Sc, Phila., 1862, p. 159. REFERENCES FOR FURTHER READING lo ■>j So.MMEK, A. Das Muski-lsysti'iii dcs Gorilla. Ji-naisclw Zlschr. J. Natunc, Jena, lyo", xlii, 181-30S. DE ToROK, A. Sur If crane du jcunc gorillc du niuscc Biaea. Bull. Sac. d'Antbrop., Paris, 1 88 1, s. 3, i\-, 46. TuRNEK, W ., arul I^LKl'. Exiiihition (if thrt'c skulls of the jiorilla. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1865, p. 341. \'ii«;ho\\, 1^. Ueber den Scliadel des iuiifien Gorilla. Monatshcr. d. k. akad. d. inssvt}scli. ni Berlin, 1880, p. ji6. Vr.\m, U. G. I cranii di gorilla (gorilla gina) del museo di Gcne\a. Atti. soc. Rom. di antrupol., Rome, i()oi, .xiii, 5-1 1. W'aldevek, H. W. G. Das Gorilla Riiekenniark. k'on. Prcnss. ukud. d. W'iss. Berlin abb. phys. ki, 1888, iii, Berlin, i88y. W "iM.A.N, J. A description ol two additional crania of the enge-cna (troglodytes gorilla Savage) from Gaboon, Africa. Am. J. Sc. ('-' Arts, New lla\en, 18,0, ix, 34. 11. Rkfehences rc) Brain ANAr<)M\ and Pii"! sioi.ogv ALBRECirr, P. Sur la Fossette \erinienne du ("rane des Maiiiniilercs. Bruxelles, 1884. Anthony, R. La morphologic du eer'.eau cliez les singes et die/, rhonmu-. Ret. AnlbroiioL, Paris, i()i~. Anmion'^', R., and ue Santa-Makia, .\. S. i'he suprasx K i:in operculum in the brains of primates with special reference to itscondition m man. Rc]).Bril. Ass. Adv. 5c., London, 191 3, p. 600. BiA.N'CHi, L. Lc Mecanisme du CerAcau ct la Fonetion des Lobes Frontaux. Paris, \<)22. BiSCHOFF, T. L. W. Ueber die V'erschiedenheit in der Schiidelbildung des (iorilla, Chim|)anse und Ourang. Munich, iH()~. Bolton, J. S. The functions of the frontal lobes. Brain, London, 1903, xx\i, 215. Broca, p. Anatomic comparec des circon\ olutions cerebrales, le grand lobe limbicjue, et la scissure limbique dans la serie des mammiferes. Rev. d'Anlhrop.. Par. 1S-2, s. ii, 1, 385. Brod.mann, K. Die Cytoarchitcktonischc Cortexliederung der Halbailcii. J. J. Psycb. u. Neurol., Leipzig, 190-, 1908. BuRDACH, E. Beitrage zur vergleiehcnde .Anatomic den AITen. Berichl. v. d. k. .Akad. z. Koni^sberg, 1838. BiHLET, II. .\L, and Haas, J. II. Die Stellung der Maculae Acusticaein NLicaeus-Schadel. Zlscbr. J. d. ges. Anat. u. linlwickgesch., .Munich, 1924, Ixxi, 233. Clark, \\'. l\. Le G. The visual cortex of primates. J. Anal., London, 1924-25, lix, 350. Clarke, R. 1 1., and I Iorslev, V. On the intrinsic fibers of the cerebellum, its nuclei and its eflerent tracts. Brain, London, 190,, xx\iii, 13. Colllns, F. T. Changes in the visual organs correlated with the development of arboreal lilc and with the assumption of the erect posture. Trans. Opbtbal. Soc, London, 192 1, xli, 10. CoLPiN, F. Le devcloppement compare du cerveau chez I'liomme et chez les singes. Rev. Scleral., Paris, 1925, Ixiii, -43. 1056 REFERENCES FOR FURTHER READING Cunningham, D. J. The lumbar curve in man and the apes, with an account of the topo- graphical anatomj- of the chimpanzee, orang-utang and gibbon. Cunningbarn A/em., Roy. Irish Acad., bubhn, 1886, No. 2. Contributions to the Surface Anatomy of the Cerebral Hemispheres. Ibid., 1892, No. 7. The insular district of the cerebral cortex in man and in the man-like apes. J. Ariat. & Physiol., London, i8q--8, xxxiii, 11-22. Dejerine, J. Sur les connexions du noyau rouge avec la corticalite cerebrale. Compt. rend. Soc. de Biol., Paris, 1895. Deniker, J. Recherches anatomiques et embryologiques sur les singes anthropoides. Arch. Zoolog. E.xper., Paris, 1885, s. ii, vol. iii. Donaldson, H. H. The Growth of the Brain. London, 1895. Fere, C. Contribution a I'ctude de la topographic cranio-cerebrale chez quelques singes. J. Anat. et Physiol., Paris, 1882, xviii, 545. Deuxieme note sur la topographic cranio-cerebrale chez les singes. Ibid., 1885, x.xi, 298. Forsyth-Major, C. J. On some characters of the skull in lemurs and monkeys. Proc. Roy. Soc. Land., 1901, p. 129. Gr.^tiolet, P. Memoire sur les plis ccrebraux de I'homme et des primates. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Paris, 1850, xxxi, 366. Herrick, C. J. Some reflections on the origin and signilicance of the cerebral cortex. J . Animal Behavior, N. Y., 1913, iii, 222. A sketch of the origin of the cerebral hemispheres. J. Comi>ar. Neurol, Phila., 1920-21, xxxii, 429. Brains of Rats and .Men. Chicago, 1926. Herve, G. La Circon\olution de Broca. Etude de Morphologic Cerebrale. Paris, 1888. HiTZiG, E. Ueber den heutigen Stand der Frage von der Lokalisation im Grosshirn. Samml. klin. 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INDEX - -ootd tba.' page A: /CENS nerve, function oU 54, Ji2, 592 in gibboo, 435 in iemur. 54, a, jTt 84 in man, 819, Sao znarmosrc i~l mycetes. 222 in orang, 5 1 ~, 520 in taisus, 118, 119 Abdooens nudeus. in chimpanzee, 5~4, 595 in dog-beickd inaiioon, 321, jii, Ji6 function of, 3"t9, 819 in ££i>boEi, 435, 455 in gorilla. 6-2, 697 in man. -99, 819 in marmoset, i~i, 186 in m>xetes, 236, 242 in orang, 499, 520, ;J43 in Prtbecus rhesus, 3-8, 379 in tarsrus, 114-11" Accessory olri"ary nuclei, in marmoset, 1S4 in mycetes, 2!~— 220 in Prii>ecus rhesus, 3~4 Aijieokan Period, -53, 908, 931 Acoustic area in man, %jr Acquired reactioas in tardus, 87 Acrognosis. 881, 916 Adapis, 954 Adaptability in marmoset, 1-2 Adaptation, in balancing mechanian, '14, 998, 999 bearing oi, on e^-cJution, -15, 998, 999 AgricoiraTe, introduction of, "45, "66, 932 Akeic>-, 00 gorilla. 631, 632 Ala cinerea. See Inferior foirea t-asi. Aiar plates, in infraventricular ic^ioa of oiilongata in chimpanzee, 5^3 in doe-^>eaded baboon, 302 in gibbon, 431 proprioceptive rrJnmn in, 431 in aoiilla, 655 in man, "98 in orang, 509 in Ktbecns riiesas, 361 Alooatta senicalas. See Mycetes seniculus, 196 Ansencan Indian, art of, "64, -65 Amphibia, 260, 2"6 predo€ninance of coQicoli in. 1033 .Anapitomorphos, genus. 92, 93, 94 .Andaman Islanders as pre^jaleoliihic, — i .Anterior commissure in lemur, -x>. ~i in man, S36 in marmoset, i8i, 182 in m:.xe:es, 230, 231 in tarsias, 132, 133 function of, (xr in chimpanzee, fxr in dog-headed liei»>n, 333, 331 in gii>bon, 446 in gorilla, 684 in Phjjecus rhesus, 388 Anthony, 901 .Anthropokl characters in grh^op, 28- Anxhroj>5idea, 11-, 153 catarrtiine dri-isaon of, 95 end brain, basal ssartace of. 298 floor of fourth ventricle in, 100 , ~ -Ape, relation of, to man. —33 dynamic forces involved, 1044 evxiently not that of direct ancestor, 1043, IQ44 long ancestral Enc for both, 1044 .Ape-man of Java, 868; See oiso PithecantJiio|>as erectas. .Arachnoid. 862 .Arboreal habits, bearing of, on cerebeOum, 9~5 life of babocm, inireqoent, 31- fvf gtKhftn ]- IO-8 INDEX Arboreal life of gibbon, bearing of, on forclimb and hand, 424, 425, 430 of gorilla, tcrrestrio-arboreal adaptation of, 669 of lemur, 12, 27, 50, 51 of Pithecus rhesus, 377 purpose of, 14 psychic influences from, 1 5 recession in, significance of, 18 relation of, to quadrunianal characters, 14, 669 to vestibular complex, 66~, 669 significance of, 14, 15 Archaic constituents of brain, evolution in, 682, 714 Archipallium, 944 Arciform nucleus in chimpanzee, 586, 617 in gibbon, 450 in gorilla, 672, 692 in man. 808, 81 1, 823, 83-, 843, 849 in orang, 515, 539 in Pithecus rhesus, 398 Area acustica, definition of, 799 in human brain, 799 in orang, 543 Area plumiformis, in gorilla, 656 in human brain, 799 Area postrema in gorilla, 656 in human brain, 799 Asiatic pygmy as prepaleolithic, ~~l Ateles, spider monkey, tail of, 191, 203, 208, 210, 213 Auditory eminence in Neanderthal man, 903, 906 relation of, to speech, 903 Auditor^- function, relation of, to speech, 883 Auditory mechanism, in tarsius, 120, 125 Auditory nerve in chimpanzee, 574. 384. 587, jQi in dog-headed baboon, 316 in gibbon, 418, 419, 431, 432 in gorilla, 672 in Lemur mongoz, 50, 52 in man, 813, 814, 841, 842 in marmoset, 170, 171, 174 in mycetes, 220, 222 in orang, 513, 515, 516 in Pithecus rhesus, 373, 374. 3~6 Auditory sense in chimpanzee, 575> 600 as indexed by inferior colliculi, 602 less important than in lower primates. 600 in dog-headed bab3 -TrTf irf stTOCtuies in, 5r"5-9S4 -.... .: ^rsanizatioo in, 993, 9^ -.2 dennitcness in cranial oer-.-e nociei, BietJcnlar {omiatioo, 995 internal stractare oi^ stdzxKzaoBS in, m v^cstSia- ^ertittiaticici in, in cerebral cietfam- -- Pjiranoid, 5r5, 5r6 rdztJoQ of, to ne» motor gfsrrm, 9-5, 5r6 to f»'- • ' - .'/-- to - •' fmm^n Swyc, grS atrranitjes, 5r<5 pr - % ber»eai tie doi5aI r of erojatioe ia, ia pomSe in taisos. 99-101 priaiitjve rrx^^mm-str^^n 2S tO rrf-^ nxy^r ■^■■a^ lOI, IQ2 vEctral soruce c^ a ia njyoeccs, ir^ prooooQced in tarsus, i^, 9" Rardsadi, crAamn 'A. in cfaimpenzee, 5"^ 580 in ciog-tieaded belyyjo, 305-313 in gshboQ, 422-431, 4JO in ^jfSIa, 696, 66», 6^ aagmectaaioe of, 6,6 in great anTrrotxwis and trt^^n, 5*^ in Lesnnr moo^oz, 42-49, ~4 in Itower primates, 5-^ in man, -1^ ^^3, Soi, 840 in mamKftet, 164-1% in tnycetcs, 205r-2i3, 233, ^59 in caraag-owtaas, J03- jOii, 5ii» in Pfebecas rfaesas, 366-3-0, 355 proeressr^'e wpersaoci in, -to, —11 rrferirie of^ to devektpeiaesit of >'c>TiMfj 210, 21^ 2j^ ^i»,-?63 intaisES. 102, 104, i«>j, ic^ £11—113, 149 BonWf macfess of, in caiaEa&ezee, f-€^3^,6lo-6l8 coeScaesEts of, in LoHner pcisaatjes, ijS, 2^ is feB>^.>T antferooiMGs, ~-6>i in imtemecEate pricn^tes. cxteSoemt oC jfe jfit ia leijsax, .^-49, -4^-83 ia cnan, Soki. Sri, S4&, %r in mama-jset, 165-169, 183-189 in nrrcetes, 215-2x8, 233-242. 2^9, ~lO is onn^ 5014-509, 534—543, -»» m Pfefiecas rfeesus, 360-3-4, 3^^1-403 fC^atioG of. to iai&S!£FV£lieXS of ^-■<"^mnri>n sjbC TiTT-lrFj 43. j6^ loj, 1061. 255-359, .^3, -TBa, 71* to kcaasQCaoQ- 106. !<)>-, ~it»ffi^ir_ 1S15— ^fS^ ^C3^ ns dcg-frrrwfed baixniii, 340. 342, 345 BE rihtrwn 451. 4^ OS gjc^i? . 6co— 695 HE oc^us^^ 53^~>a2 in PfefeeCES rioesais. 4C) in dog-headed baboon, 299, 310 in gibbon, 28- in gorilla, 674 in mammals, comparison of, with infra-mam- malian orders, 519 differentiation in, relation of, to appendicular specialization, 519 in orang, 533 in Tarsius spectrum, low organization of, i lO-i 13 Central tegmental tract in chimpanzee, 591 in dog-headed baboon, 313, 315, 326, 327, 330 in gibbon, 431, 432 in Lemur mongoz, 50, 52, 55, 60, 61, 62, 66 in man, function of, 814 in marmoset, 170, 171, 173, 176, 178 in mycetes, 220, 224, 226 in Pithecus rhesus, 381, 382, 384, 386 relation of, to olive, 248, 249 in tarsius, 114, ii6, 121, 123, 128-133 Centrum ovale, 898 Ccphalogjric action, predominance in tarsius, 112 relation of, to ventral gray matter and spinal accessory ncr\'e, 112 Cerebellar brachium in gorilla, 690 (-erebellar commissures in man, 822 Cerebellar concavities of basal surface of brain, in chimpanzee, 570 in dog-headed baboon, 297 feature of primate brain, 9-2 in gorilla, 646, 650 two factors of decrease in, 650, 65 1 in Hylobates hoolock, 413 in lower species, 652 in man, 972 in orang, 496 in Pithecus rhesus, 3,7 Cerebellar control in gorilla augmented by rapidly increasing demand, 653 CJerebcllar nuclei. See also Nuclcusdentatus, Nucleus embolilormis. Nucleus globosus, 264. control of. over skilled acts, 377, 465-467 in dog-headed baboon, 318, 319 in gibbon, 433 in gorilla, 667, 670 in intermediate primates, 463-465 in lemur, 51, 52 in marmoset, 171, 172 in mycetes, 219 in orang, 51 5 in Pithecus rhesus, 3~5— 377 pages 475 1120 in Volume 11. INDEX 1083 Cerebellar nuclei, in tarsius, 1 17-120 Cerebellar peduncles, in gibbon, 418 in marmoset, 163, 239 middle. See Middle cerebellar peduncle, superior. See Superior cerebellar peduncle, three, as index of power of coordination, jj Cerebellum, 249-253, 265-2-0, 274, 280, 414-416, 600 in chimpanzee, 5~i, 586, 590 indications of, as to coordinative control, 590 definition of, 318 in dog-headed baboon, 297-302, 312 319, 322, 323 lateral lobes of, 298, 320, 323, 325 in gibbon, 414-416, 430, 433 in gorilla, 652, 653, 667, 671, 674 expansion of, 676 hemispheres of. See lateral lobes of. latent potentiality of, in human brain, 81- lateral lobes of. 58, 98, 118, 24-. 248, 26-, 2-5, 814 in chimpanzee, 5-1, 5~4 etfect upon, of disease or injury, 816, 817 function of, 252 in gibbon, 416 in gorilla, 651, 652 expansion of, 653, 6~i in Lemur mongoz, 51, 52 in marmoset, 161, 163 in mycctes, 206, 207, 221, 223 in orang-outang, 498, 5 1 2 in Pithecus rhesus, 358, 389 relation of, to arms and legs, 53, 320, 519, 817 to coordination, 223, 252, 265 to inferior olivarj' nucleus, 253 to nuclei dentatus and emboliformis, 265, 266 variations in, 320 in Lemur mongoz, 30, 37, 58, 83 of man, function of, 793, 814-816, 822 general superiority of, -94 inferior vermis in, 794 lateral lobes of, 794, -95 posterior cerebellar notch in, 794 progress in surface of, 793, -94 in marmoset, significance of size of, 159-161, 163, 179 in Mycetes seniculus. 204-210, 219, 220 in orang, 493, 49-, 515 in Pithecus rhesus, 35--361, 3-6, 3-9 relation of, to nucleus ruber, 270 to posture, 16 in tarsius, 92, 893, 94, 96, 1 18 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Cerebellum in tarsius, indication of lateral cerebellar lobes, 1 18 primitive character of, 98, 1 18 Cerebral cortex in chimpanzee, 593, 601 visual area of, 605 voluminous connection of, with cerebellum, bearing of, on skilled acts, 593 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 304 relation of, to auditory sense, 328 lissencephalic in Tarsius spectrum, 96 in orang, 529 relation of, to behavior, 529 to pallio-ponto-cercbellar fiber systems, 529 as origin of transverse fasciculi of pons, 57 in Pithecus rhesus, 364, 38<> relation of, to auditory sense, 328, 333 ro cerebellar hemispheres, 266 to pallio-ponto-cercbellar system, 2-4, 304 to pontile nuclei, 272 to skilled acts, 304 Cerebral fissures, in primates, evolutional signifi- cance of, 964 prototype of, in lemur brain, 954-<>58 two contrasting tendencies in early dltTerentiation of, 958, 959 in intermediate primates, 960, 961 in large anthropoids, 961-964 in new-world simians, 959 whole series of steps in evolution, (;64 Cerebral hemispheres, 267, 277 in chimpanzee, 56- connection with cerebellum, 58, 266, 274 in dog-headed babcwn, 322 evolutionary significance of, iS(), 4-0 in gibbon, 412-416 comparison of, with macaque and baboon, 414 fissures and lobation of, 414, 415 in gorilla, 684 human, --8, 793 dis;ippearance of sulcus simiarum in, --9, 783 expansion of, -94, -95 intermediate in lemur, 31 in marmoset, 161, 164 in mycetes, 204 in orang, 493, 494, 501 in Pithecus rhesus, 389 primitive nature of, in tarsius, 95, 96, 125 relation to pallio-ponto-cerebellar fibers, 266, 2-4 to volitional movements. 329 sensory supersedence by, 329 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. 1084 INDEX Cerebral lobes in primate brain, clilliculties in way of quadrilobular identification, 964, 965 evolutional significance of, 964 frontal lobe in, indices of, 966-968 Cerebral orjjanization in Tarsius spectrum, a stepping stone in evolution, I2j Cerebral peduncles, ,7, 230, 272, 274. 2-5 in chimpanzee, ^~i, 600-606 in dog-headed baboon, 300-304, 325, 330 in gibbon, 418-421, 441 in gorilla, 657, 676-684 bearing of, on skilled acts, 682 structure of, 682 in Lemur mongoz, 36, 38, 62, 63, 66, 68 \ in man, 792, 832, 850, 851 constituents of, 792, 832 function of, 797, 832 prominence of, 792, 796 , in marmoset, 162, t64, 176-179 in niycetes 208, 230 in orang, 500, 523-531 relation of, to behavior, 529, 682 size of basal portion of, to size of area in cerebral cortex, 529 in Pithecus rhesus, 364, 385, 386, 389, 399, 401 bearing of, on behavior, 364, 365 relation of, to skilled acts, 164, 272, 364, 365 in tarsius, feeble development of, 99, 100, 127-131 relation of, to skilled acts, 127 Cerebrospinal fluid, 862 Cerebrum, sensitiveness of, equally to heredity- chromatin and life environment, 12 susceptibility in, 12 tissue of, its high differentiation, 12 Cetacea, 7, 1039 Chaillu, Paul du, on gorilla, 627-631 Chellcan Period, 752, 931 culture, today, 771 Chimpanzee, 12, 22, 89, 477, 479, 487, 494, 497, 543, 908. See also Troglodytes nigcr. behavior of, 545-566 Chica, 553 general description of, 545, 546 habitat of, 546 position among primates, 545 research on, 546-566 Sally, 565 species of, 546 Sultan, 547, 548 Susie, 547 Chisel, ^53 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Chopper, 758 Circumferential fiber accumulation in Papio cyno- ccphalus, 308, 309, 315, 340, 342, 345 Clark, column of, relation of, to dorsal spinocerebellar tract, 252 to vermis, 253 Clark, Le Gros, on tarsius in captivity, 85, 86, 88 blood tests, 89 Clava, in chimpanzee, 5-2, 573 definition of, 655 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 302 in gibbon, 418, 419 in gorilla, 655, 656, 662 in human, 797, 798 in lemur, 38, 39 in marmoset, 163 in mycetes, 209 in orang, 498, 499 in Pithecus rhesus, 360-363 in tarsius, 99, 101 Cochlear complex in chimpanzee, 619, 622 dorsal nucleus of, in Pithecus rhesus, 400, 401, 403 in gibbon, 452 compared with dog-headed baboon, 452 in gorilla, 694 in man, 853 in marmoset, 188 in Mycetes seniculus, 238 in orang, 538, 541 in tarsius, 135-151 ventral nucleus of, in Pithecus rhesus, 400, 401 Cochlear nerve in lemur, 80, 81 in mycetes, 238, 239 in orang, 541 in Pithecus rhesus, 400, 401 Cochlear nuclei in dog-headed baboon, 316 in lemur, 73, 75, 77, 80 in man, 852 in marmoset, 188, 189 in tarsius, 145-146, 149 Collicular commissures in lemur, 81 in man, 858 Colliculi of midbrain. See also Inferior colliculi; Superior colliculi. in chimpanzee, 575, 605, 620 cocfTicients of, 278 delegation of function of, still in process, 277 in dog-headed baboon, 340, 344 in gibbon, 450, 454 in gorilla, 65-, 694 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. TXDFA' 1085 Colliculi of midbrain in Lemur mongoz, ~3, 81 separation of inferior from superior, 81 in man, decrease of, reason for, 799, 800 in marmoset, bearing of, on vision and hearing, 164 in mycetes. 210 in orang, joo, 501, ,38-542 relation of, to hearing, 277 to optic lobes, 279 to sight, 277 Commissura mollis in chimpanzee, 605 in man, 835 in orang, 530 Conditioned reflexes, Q30 Convolutional patterns in primate brain, evolution- ary significance of, in frontal lobe, 968 purpose of, 968 Convolutions, in brain of tarsius, 95" simplicity of, 95- complcxity of, in human brain, 963 Coordination in chimpanzee, 550, 582, 590 in dog-headed baboon, relation of, to use of fore- limbs, 466 in gorilla, 6,6, 66;?, 6-6, -16 to inferior olive, 703, 704 in Hylobates hoolock, 435 in lemur, relation of cerebellar peduncles to, j8 relation of nucleus ruber to, 68 in man, 81- in marmoset, as indicated by cerebello-rubro- spinal connections, 1-5, 1-6 by inferior olive, 168 by lobes of cerebellum, 163, 171 by restiform body, 171 in mycetes, compared with lemur, marmoset, 216, 219, 220 relation of, to cortical expansion, 223 to semi-erect posture, 224 in orang, 510, 528 relation of, to connections between lateral lobes of cerebellum and cerebral cortex, 58, 797 to dentate nucleus, 267, 465, 466, 528, 681, 717 to hand, 221, 466, 528, 681 to oculomotor decussation, 280 to olive. III, 512 to pallio-ponto-cerebcllar association, 797 to pons, 51- to red nucleus, 229, 528, 603, 681, -i- to rubrospinal tract, 228 to superior cerebellar peduncle, 322, 528,681,822 to vermis, 671 in tarsius, 9(), 1 1 1. 112, 1 18 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Cope, E. D., on tarsius, 92 Corona radiata, 272, 275 Coronal constriction in Ape man of Java, 8-2 in Dawn man, 888 in Neanderthal man, 899, 904 in Rhodesian man, 913 Coronal suture in Ape man of Java, 872 in Neanderthal man, 899, 906 in Rhodesian man, 913 Corpus callosum, 898 in chimpanzee, 607 in dog-headed baboon, 29- in man, 793 in mycetes, compared with lemur, marmosit, 204 Corpus hypothalamicum in dog-headed baboon, 332 in lemur, 69, 71 in marmoset, 180 Corpus restiforme. See Restiform body. Corpus striatum in gibbon, 446 in gorilla, 683 in human brain, 835 relation of, to nucleus ruber, 270 Corpus trapezoideum. See Trapezoid body. Cortex, 413 of cerebellum, 248, 253 of cerebral hemispheres, and motor areas in, 882 sensibility in, 63. 65, 243 in tarsius, markedly lisscncephalic. 9-, 125 expansion of, in cerebral hemispheres of Mycetes seniculus, 223, 22- Cortico-spinal connection in dog-headed baboon, 300 function of, 389 in Lemur mongoz, 3, in orang, 502 in Pithecus rhesus, 389 Coup-de-poign (hand-axi, -51, -53, 758 Cranial bones of membranous origin, 862 Cranial nerves, emergent fibers of, in tarsius, 102 Cro-Magnon art, characteristics of, 759-765 comparison of, with Neolithic, 931, 932 decadence of. 93 1 explanation of, -6i-~65 three important elements of, 763 implements, 759, ~6i, "65 manhood, activities of, -59-763 brain of, 760--65 race, -58--66, 908, 931 decline of, 761-766 "Paleolithic Greek," 86l periods of, 759, 762 victories of, -59, -60 pages 47S-II20 in Volume II. i()86 INDEX Cuneus, 797, 798. See also Coluniii and Nuckus ol Burdach. in chimpanzee, 569, 5-2, 573 definition of, 6^ in dog-headed baboon, 301, 302 in lemur, significance of, 38, 39 in gibbon, 4.18, 419 in goriMa, 655, 656, 662 in marmoset, 163 in mycetes, 209 in orang, 498. 499 in Pithecus rhesus, 3f)(i, }6i, 362. 363 relation of, to Idreliml), 38, 39, 302 in tarsius, 99, 101 Cunningham, Alyse, on gorilla, 632-642 Cynocephalous monkeys, 287 Cynoeephalus babuin. See Baboon. D ANIIiL, JOHN. Daniel. Daubentonidae, family of I cniuroidea, 21 Dawn man, 742, 884-893. See also Eoanthropus Dawsoni, 742 Dawson, Charles, 884 Decussation in allereiU course of all sensory path- ways, :;92 in impulses from i)r()pnocepU\'e struct urt- ol internal ear, 592 of oculomotor nuclei in chimpanzee, 602, 604 as index of vision, 602 in dog-headed baboon, 472, 724 function of, 1035 in gibbon, 441, 724 in gorilla, 681 prominence of, 678 in higher anthropoids, coefficients of, 724 as important index of progressive adaptations in skilled acts, 471, 472, 527 and vision, 832 in intermediate primates, coellicients of, 472 in man, 831 in mycetes, 228 in orang, 724 extension of, 528 in Pithecus rhesus, 387, 388, 724 relation of, to binocular vision, 723, 725 to ditferentiation in hand, 1036 to neokinesis, 1035 to visiim in higher anthropoids, 471-473, 52- in optic pathway in marmoset, 180 pyramidal. See Pyramidal decussation. Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle, 32-, 343 in chimpanzee, 600, 616, 724 in dog-headed baboon, 32^, 345 in gorilla, 679 in man, 848, 856 in marmoset, 175, 176 in Pithecus rhesus, 384, 385, 402 in Tarsius spectrum, 1 2 1 - 1 27 of trochlear nerve in gibbon, 420 Dcllorescence as signal of evolutionary advance in inferior and superior colliculi, 1033 Degeneration, sociogenetic explanation of, relation of, to luxury, 775 Deiters' nucleus, in chimpanzee, 584-592, 618, 6ig, "12 in dog-headed baboon, 316-318, 336, 33-, 339, 343 first appearance of, in vestibular nuclei, 80 function of, 170 in gibbon, 431, 432, 452 relation of, to bal.incing mechanism, 432 in gorilla, 667, 693 in higher primates, coefficients of, 713 in intermediate primates, coefficients of, 464 in Lemur mongoz, 50-53, 77-83 in lower primates, comparison of, 262 coefficients of, 262, 263 in man, 813, 814, 822, 852 in marmoset, 170, 171, 186-189 in mycetes, 217-221, 236-242 in orang, 512, 513, 540 in Pithecus rhesus, 373. 374, 375, 376, 392, 395, 397, 400, 403 in tarsius, 114-117, 145-149 Deitersal area in Tarsius spectrum, 1 16, 1 18 Deitersal tract in mycetes, 221 in Tarsius spectrum, 118, 119 Deitcrso-spinal tract in chimpanzee, 594 in dog-headed baboon, 306-316 ( function of, 47, 48, 50 in gibbon, 422-429 in lemur, 42, 45, 46, 47 in man, 804, 806, 808 in marmoset, 165, 166, 167, i6<), 170 in mycetes, 2!i, 215, 218, 220 in orang, 503, 507 in Pithecus rhesus, 36f)— 375 in tarsius, 102, 104, 105, 106-108, 1 14-117 Dentate nucleus. See Nucleus dcntatus. Dermatomic areas, 370, 595, 660 pages 475-1120 in Volume II. INDEX 1087 Descending trigcminil tract in clilni|)anzcc, 577— 5, iii, ii4-iii> Diencephalon, 262 in chimpanzee, 616 622 in dog-headed baboon, 345, 347 in gibbon, 450, 455, 456 in gorilla, 6g6 in lemur, 41, 82, 84 in man, 855, 856, 858 in mycetes, 240 in orang, 532, 538, 542 in Pithecus rhesus, 389 404 Differentiation, progressive, evidenced by brain- stem structures, 664, 665, 666, 667, 682 Digitationes orbitalis in floor of anterior fossa, 790 Digits in chimpanzee, 545, 552 in gibbon, 407-409 in gorilla, 623 in lemur, 258 in marmoset, 153 in mycetes, 193, 198-201, 212. 246 in orang, 479, 480 in Pithecus rhesus, 350-353 variations in, 24 Discriminative sensibility, 256 in chimpanzee, 580 comparison of, in lower primates, 283 in gorilla, 663 indicated in caudal sections of brain stem, 662, 663 in lemur, 44 in marmoset, 166 in mycetes, in hand, 212, 213, 225 in orang, 507, 517 in parietal lobe, 1015 relation of, to behavior, 283 to development in hand, 283, 374 to dorsal sensorj- nuclei, 255, 315, 367, 370, 371 to mesial fillet, 216, 225, 586 to prehensile tail, 283, 374 to volitional control, 284 in tarsius, 1 10, 1 17 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Dog, I 14 digits of, compared with those of man, 880 sensory representation of, 879 experiments on, 247 increase in, of inferior olive and olivo-ccrebellar connections, 1031 Dog-headed baboon. See Baboon. Domestication of animals, introduction of, 766 Dorsal accessory olive in chimpanzee, 580, 613 in dog-headed baboon, 310-315, 337-339 in gibbon, 427-429, 448 in gorilla, 663, 688 in lemur, 45, 48, 49, 75, ~6 in mycetes, 218, 219, 234, 256 in orang, 536 in Pithecus rhesus, 3-1, 3'"2. 505, 596 in tarsius, 108, i 10 Dorsal cochlear nucleus in chimpanzee, 619 in dog-headed baboon, 337-344 in gibbon, 453 in gorilla, 694, 697 in lemur, 77, 80, 81 in man, 814, 853-857 in mycetes, 239 in orang, 516, 541 in Pithecus rhesus, 395-401 Dors.-il field of sensory discriminatioti in lemur, .^4 relation of, to body jjosture, 44 to dilferentiation in hand, 710, 71 i to outside contact, 44 to skilled acts, 44, 255 Dorsal gray column in chimpanzee, 620 in gorilla, 685, 695 in man, 802, 804, 854 in marmoset, 183, 190 in mycetes, 233 in orang, 543 in Pithecus rhesus, 391-402 in tarsius, 102, 103, 105 Dorsal horns, cervix of, in orang, 533 in Pithecus rhesus, 366 in chimpanzee, 609 in Papio cynocephalus, 346 in tarsius, separation of, 136 Dorsal nucleus of lateral fillet in lemur, 61 Dorsal paramedian sulcus, in chimpanzee, 572, J76 in gorilla, 655, 663, 665 in man, 802-806 in orang, 498, 504, 509 Dorsal sensory field in chimpanzee, 5-6 in dog-headed baboon, 30-, 308 pages 475-1120 in Volume II. io88 INDEX Dorsal sensory field in gibbon, 424, 425 in gorilhi, 656-660 in luiman, 798-81 1 in orang, 503, 506, 507 in Pitlu'cus rhesus, 367-370 relation to discriminative sensibility, 3C7, 371 three major elements of, 370, 371 Dorsiil sensory nuclei, in chimpanzee, 578, 610 in dog-headed baboon, 302, 33-5 in giljbon, 4^0 in gorilla, 657, 686, (k)(> in intermediate primates, coellieients of, 462-464 comparison of, with lower primates, 463 in lemur, 73 in m.irinoset, 183 in mycetes, 213, 214, 233, 234 in orang, 504, 533, 534, 543 in Pithccus rhesus, 391, 392, 399 relation of, to discriminative sensibility, 2jj, 315 to tarsius, 105-107, 137-139, 149 Dorsal spinocerebellar tract, in chimpanzee, 578, 583 in dog-headed baboon, 306, 309, 31 i in gibbon, 422, 424, 425, 426, 428 in gorilla, 655, 662 in lemur, 42-46, 48, 49 in man, 803, 805, 808 in marmoset, 165-169 in mycetes, 21 1-21- in orang, 503, 507 in Pithecus rhesus, 366, 36-', 361), 3-2 relation of, to column of C'lark. 252 in tarsius, 102-T i 1 Dorsal vagal nucleus, in chimpanzee, 574, 582, 583, 585, 622 in dog-headed baboon, 313, 314 in gibbon, 427, 428, 429 in gorilla, 664, 697 in lemur, 49 in man, 810, 857 in marmoset, 169 in mycetes, 218 in orang, 512 in Pithecus rhesus, 372 in tarsius, 108, 1 1 1 Dorsolateral sulcus, in lemur, 39 Dorsoniedian fissure, in dog-headed baboon, 301 in gibbon, 419 Dorsomedullary fissure in tarsius, 101 Drill, 747, 758, 76. Dryopithecus, extinct gibbon-like ape, 732, 981 Dubois, E., on Java man, 735, 869, 886, 88- Pages I 474 are in Volume I, fiura mater, 862 Dyaks, 86, 480, 483 1_,"ARLE, on tarsius, 91 Edentates, pons Varolii in, 271 Eighth nerve. See Auditory nerve. Embryogenesis, illustrated by spinal cord, 434 portraying a plan of adaptation, i r witness to evolutionary kinship, 1 1 Eminentia abducentis, in chimpanzee, 622 in dog-headed baboon, 303 in lemur, 40 in man, 799, 857 Eminentia facialis. See Eminentia abducentis. Eminentia fasciculi tcretis, 798 Eminentia hypoglossi, in gorilla, 645 in human, 798, 857 Eminentia teres, in gorilla, 69- Eminentia trigemini, in human, "98, 802 in orang, 498, 50- Encephalon, in chimpanzee, 606 ol man, distinction from other species, 791, 794 End brain, 602 of anthropoid apes, 416 in chimpanzee, 606 effect of expansion of, 600 in dog-headed baboon, 297 in gibbon, 444 in gorilla, 657 in orang, 537 in Pithecus rhesus, 384, 387 Endocranial casts, 912 evidence from, 862 Endocranium, 862, 891 Endocrine glands, 986 possible relation of, to neokinesis, 1041, 1042 Energy, conversion of, through animal organization, 882" Engraving, art of, development of, -61 Eoanthropus Dawsoni, 738, 751, 884-893 fragmentary fossils of, 742, 884 history of, 738, 742, 75 1 , 886 position of, in human family, 892, 893 skull of, 884-893 casts of, 886 comparison with that of Pithecanthropus, 886, 887 Eocene Period, 978, 982 relatives of tarsius, 92, 93, 94, 95 Rolithie Period, 931 Eoliths, -45, 890 pages 475-ino in Volume II. INDEX 1089 Epiglottis, in gibbon, 41 i Epiphysis cerebri. See Pineal gland, 1^48 in clog-headed baboon, 303 function of, 990, 991 history of, 986 in primates, evolutionary significance of, 986-<)9i Epithalanius in lemur, 81 Equilibrium, 264 in Lemur mongoz, 4'', ■53 in mycetes, 264 relation of, to Dciterso-spinal tracts, 4" to development of hand, 22 1 to nucleus fastigii, ,3 to proprioceptive organs of vestibule, 49 to vestibular nuclei, 1-0, 262 2f)4. Jl" Etcher, 7C)i Etruscan rhinoceros, 74<) Evolution, brain the supreme witness to, 3, 529, 800 indicated by blood tests, 10 by bony system, 10 by enibryogenesis, i 1 by human brain, 3, 414, 4^0, 800 phylctic history of cerebral peduncles, ,29 progressive, as evidenced by disparity as to pyramidal development, 703 rel.ition of, to occipital region, 414 to ocular advance, 130 to superior vermis, 414 structures of salient significance in, 13 tetraplastic theory of, 12 unfolding of inferior olive, 666, 705 Evolutional process, bearing of structural clianges in, on behavior, 13 Evolutional significance of auditory mechanism, 4~o, 600 cerebellar nuclei, 269 colliculi, 2—, 4-0, 4-1, ^25, 601 dentate nucleus, 434 divergence at caudal extremity of superior longitudinal fissure, 493 midbrain, 276 occipital areas, 498, 526, 601 optic lobes, 276, 605 pallio-ponto-cerebellar fiber system. ^29 pontile nuclei, 46<;, 718, 720 prehensile tail, 264 progressive expansion in liurdach's column, 710 simian fissure, 494 spinocerebellar eminence, 50^ telencephalization, 470, 526 area, 600 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Evolutional significance of vestibular eminence, 499 Evolutional terminus, possibility of, in higher pri- mates, 476 Expansion in primate brain, evolutionary signifi- cance of, as illustrated by cerebellar concavity and postsplenial fi)ssa, 972 relation of, to coordination in upper and lower extremities, 975 to expansion of lateral lobes, 974 to vision, 974 External capsule, in Tarsius spectrum, 132 External rectus muscle, 379 function of. 8i() relation of, to riucKus .ibducentls, -54, 819 Extremities, In intermediate primates, 458 relation of, to behavior, 458 to planimetric coelliclents of pvr.imldal system, 4,-S Fycb.ill, movements of Importance ol delicacy of muscular mechanisms lor, 527, 681 bearing of, on neokinetic organization, 527 relation of, to decussation of oculomotor nuclei, 68 [ to hand, 2jo muscles of, 38" innerv.ition of, 38- FAC'IAl. innervation, relation of, to nucleus of Rolando, 368 Facial nerve, in chimpanzee, 622 in dog-headed b.iboon, 321, 322 function of. 322 in gibbon, 435 In gorilla, 672, 697 in lemur, j" In man, 819, 995 in marmoset, 171 in mycetes, 222 in orang, 517, 520, 523 in Pithecus rhesus, 3~9, 381 in t.irsius, 118, 119 Facial nucleus, 994 in dog-headed baboon, 318 In gorilla, 672 In lemur, 50, 52 as mammalian development, 994, 99j in mycetes, 218, 220 in orang, 517, 520 In Pithecus rhesus, 369, 3-2, 378, 379 In tarsius, 114, 116 Falx cerebelli, ''94 pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II. 1090 INDEX Fasciculus cuneatus. See Buidach, culiinin of. Fasciculus longitudinalis iJDstcrior. See Posterior longitudinal fasciculus. Fasciculus mcsenct'phalici trigcniini in Pitliecus, 379 Fasciculus solitarius. See also Nucleus solitarius. in gibbon, 427 in gorilla, 665 in orang, 512 Fasciculus of Vicq D'Azyr in balloon, 332 in Pithccus rhesus, 387 Felidae, 125 Fifth cranial nerve. See also Descending trigeminal tract; Trigeminal nerve, in gibbon, 436 in orang, ,25 First Glacial Period, -45 First Intexglacial Period, 74;;, 751 Fish, 260, 276 optic lobes of, 279 paleokinesis in, 1038 predominance of co!lic\ili in, [033 Fissural development, in gibbon eom|)ared with baboon and macacus, 41 5 Fissures in human brain, intricacy of, 778, 782, 78() Flatau, 957 Flint, 896 uses of, 747, 751-757 Acheulean Period in, 753 adaptive improvements in, 931 Cro-Magnon Period of, 759 implements of, in Solutrean Period. -^61, 762, 918 .Mousterian industry in, 757 used by Neanderthal man, 895, 896 Flocculus, in chimpanzee, 571 in gibbon, 417 in gorilla, 653 in mycetcs, 207, 208 in orang, 498 in Pithecus rhesus, 358 Foot, in chimpanzee, 545-553 in gorilla, 625, 706 human, development of, 877, 977, 978, 983, 1041 dilTcrcntiation of, 812, 978, 1041 significance of, 978, 983, 1041 specialization of, 802, 978, 983 in orang, 480 Foramen caecum antieurn in chimpanzee, 575 in orang, 523 Foramen caecum posticum in b.iboon, 300 in lemur, 36 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Forel, decussation of, in lemur, (n) in tarsius, 132 ventral, in dog-headed b.iboon, 332 fields of, in lemur, 71 in man, 856 in marmoset, 180 Forelimb in chimpanzee, 545, 546, 573 strength and dexterity of, 590 in dog-headed baboon, 290, 294 in gibbon, 407, 424, 458, 459 relation of, to arboreal life, 424 .sensory equipment of, 424 in gorilla, sensory influx from, ()^(>, 660. 664 in lemur, 258 innervation of, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46 in man, highest evolution of, 803 lemur, t;irsius, marmosi-t, mycetes, comparison of, 246 in marmoset, 153, 258 in mycetes, 258, 283 in orang-outang, 479, 483-498 bearing 'of, on coordinative control, 528 decisive advance in, 504 in Pithecus rhesus, 350, 360, 368, 3-0, 3-1 progressive evolution illustrated by orang, 504 relation of, to inferior olive, 253, 254 to locomotion, 254, 258 to nucleus of Blumcnau, 429 to nucleus of Burdach, 43, 46, 255, 258, 504 to posture, 254 in tarsius, 105, 258 capable only of simplest motor patterns, 119 Formatio reticularis. See Reticular formation. Fornix in chimpanzee, 6o<) in dog-headed baboon, 332, 333 in lemur, 69, 70 in marmoset, 180, 181 in mycetes, 229 in Pithecus rhesus, 387, 388 , in tarsius, 132 Forsyth-.Major on tarsius, 9: l-'ossilized skulls, features of, 866-868 Fourth cranial nerve. See Trochlear nerve. Fourth Glacial Period, 754, 759, 760 Fovea pinealis, in dog-headed baboon, 303 in lemur, 40 Fovea vagi, in chimpanzee, 574 in dog-headed baboon, 303 in gibbon, 419 in gorilla, 656 in lemur, 40 pages 47S-II20 in Volume II. [NDEX i()()i Fovea va};i, in man, 7()() in orang, 499 in Pitlu'ciis rhesus, 361 Franz on new-world monkey, 354 Frontal bone, 790 nieniI)ranoiis orij^in ol, 862 Frontal lobe, in Ape man of Java, 8-2 fissures in, 874 indications in, as to behavior and speech, 875, 876 Pacchionian enlargement in, 8-2 prominence of, 872 significance of, 872, 874 in chimpanzee, 568, 570 in Dawn man, 886, 888 in dog-lieaded baboon, 296, 298 in gibbon, 412, 413, 414, 415 in gorilla, 645-650 in imman brain, 779, 780, 783, 785, 786 expansion of, 783, 790, 791, 795 function of, 769, 791, 795 significance of, 784, 789, 791 last gift of evolutional progression, 908 in man, 783 compared with that of great anthropoids and all other primates, 783, 784, 789 complexity of convolutions in, "84 in marmoset, 1 58, 1 59 in mycetes, 202-205 in Neanderthal man, 893-904 in orang, 493-495 humanoid appearance of, 495 in Pithccus rhesus, 357, 358 potentialities in, 933-936 pre-frontal convolutions of, ellect ol disease upon future of, 966 responsive plasticity in, 935 in Rhodesian man, 913-915 in tarsius, 92, 94, 96 Fundus of dentate nucleus in chimpanzee, 590 in gibbon, 434 Fundus of olive in chimpanzee, 582, 586, 612 in dog-headed baboon, 338 in gibbon, 448, 449 in gorilla, 688 in orang, 535, 5.36 in Pithccus rhesus, 395 /^^ALAGO, habits of, similar to those of tarsius, 90 "Gallery of human experience," 791, 883. See also Frontal lobe. Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Ganglion habenulae in lemur, 69, 70 Gasserion ganglia, in chimpanzee, 595 in lemur, 75 in Pithccus rhesus, 394 Geniculate bodies, in lemur, 41, 81 relation of, to auditory and visual functions of cerebral cortex, 605 in tarsius, 1 35-1 51 Genu facialis, in chimpanzee, 595 in human, 799, 819 in orang-outang, 523, 543 in Pithccus rhesus, 379 Gibbon, 7, 12, 17, 287 arboreal life of, 17, 405, 410 relation of, to balancing mechanism, 715 behavior of, 405-412, 413 bipedal locomotion in, 981 blood relationship of, to tarsius, 89 brain of, 287, 288, 405, 412, 413 compared with baboon and macaeus, 413 cf)nvolutional pattern ol, 415 general description of, 405-412, 413 geographical distribution of, 409 habitat of, 409, 410 locomotion of, 420 measurements and indices ol, 412 olivary expansion in, 458, 705 position of, among primates, 287, 405, 416 posture in, 17 pyramidal system in, 702 Gibraltar skull, 896, 904, 906 Globus pallidus, in chimpanzee, 605-607 definition of, 71, 177 in dog-headed baboon, 333, 334 in gibbon, 445 importance of, 71, 177, 181 in lemur, 69, 70 in man, 835 in marmoset, 177 in mycetes, 229, 230 in orang, 531 in Pithccus rhesus, 38-, 389 Goll, column of, in chimpanzee, 5'"6, 580, 609, 610 definition of, 305 in dog-headed baboon, 305-311 in gibbon, 422-450 in gorilla, 656, 660, 686, 696 in great anthropoids and man, 578, 708, 71 1 in lemur, 42, 43, 45, 46 in lower primates, 578 in man, 798-806, 840 pages 475-1120 in Volume II. 1 09-: INDEX Goll in mannosi't, 162-166 in mycctes, 209-215, 233 in ornng, 503, 504, ,-33, 534 in Pithcciis rhesus, 366-369, 392 relation to prehensile t;iil. 209-213, 256, 2", 462 in tarsiiis, 102, 104, 105, 106, 149 Goli, nucleus ol, in eliini|)anzee, 576-583, 609-611, 618 eocfficients of, 7o~ comp.-irison ol", with mtiTnuxliatt' primates, 706, 707 with lower primates, 707, 708 in dog-headed baboon, 305, 306, 30H, 313, 315. 335. 33^). 337, 34^' in gibbon, 418, 424, 425, 44", 455, 460 462, -07 smaller than in other primates, 707 in gorilla, 659-667, 686, 706 in intermediate primates, 461 coellieients of, 462 comparison of, with lower primates, 462 no nucleus of Bischolf in, 461 relation of, to absence of tail, 461, 462 to discriminative sensibility, 462 to lunetional depreciations in legs, 461, 462 in lemur, 43, 46, 48, 49, 77, 80, 82, 83 relation of, to central gray matter, 73 in lower primates, comparison of, 25-7 in man, 804, 806, 840 in marmoset, 162, 164-169, 183, 18- in myeetes, 213, 215, 216, 233, 236, 237, 242, 259, 708 in orang, 503-505, 509, 535-537, 543 in Pithecus rhesus, 360, 367-374, 392, 395, 396, 307, 399. 402, 403, 461, 462 relation of, to behavior, 462 to discriminative sensibility, 255, 462 to kinesthetic organization, 255, 256 to leg and tail, 46, 164, 255 259, 460, 462, 707 to mesial fillet, 45 to skilled acts, 255 in tarsius, 111^113, 13-^, 138 relation of, to t.iil, 105 Gorilla, 12, 22, 479, 494, 497, 569, 908 behavior of, 625, 627, 630, 631, 643 brain of, 623 me.isurements and indices of, 644 resemblance to human type, 645-657, 652, 662, • 670, 682, 685, 696, 704 surface appearance of, 645 close relation of, to man as shown in central nervous system, 476 i. Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Gorilla, general description of, 623-643 habitat of, 627, 630 Gregariousness in Pithecus rhesus, 350, 352 Gregory, on primates, 929, 978, 980 portion of reticular formation in orang, 509 Groove i)f transverse sinus in ape-man of Java, 871 Guenons, 287 Gyrencephalic brain, in llylobates hooloek, 412 illustrated by cerebrum of lemur, 29, 954 in myeetes, 202, 204 in Papio cynocephalus, 295 in Pithecus rhesus, 355 Gyres, anncctent, in chimpanzee, 569 in dog-headed baboon, 298 in human, 5~o Gyrus rectus, in chimpanzee, 570 in dog-headed baboon, 297 in gibbon, 413 in gorilla, 650 in man, 791, 947, 9-0 in orang, 496 H AGGERT^ rm Pitlueus rhesus, 354 Hamilton on Macacus rhesus and irus, 354 Ilammer-stonc, 747, 751, 758, 761 Hand, in chimpanzee, 545, 550-553, 573 development of, 877 differentiation of, in man, 803, 812 in gibbon, 407, 429, 458, 459 in gorilla, 623, 656, 665, 666, 681 human, increase in sensory impressions from, 798, 803 compared with those from foot, 798 relation of, to column of Burdach, 798, 802, 803 specialization in, bearing of, on soul, -30 in marmoset, 166 relation of, to ]3ons, 223 "master key," 776 in myeetes, 194, 214 differentiation in, 212, 213 relation of, to column of Burdach, 210, 213 in orang, 479, 528 in Pithecus rhesus, complex movements ol, their relation to vision, 350, 560 sensory equipment of, 368, 3^0, 371 progressive adaptation ol, 13, 18, 214, 284, 718 ion of, to behavior, 214, 284, 718, 776 to dentate nucleus, 718 to human progress, 214, 284, 718, 730, 767, 775, 776, 836, 875, 1042 pages 47s 1 120 in Volume II. INDEX 1093 Hand, relation of, to movements of eyeball, 250 to nucleus of Burdach, 216 to posture, --6 to speech, 214, -"6 to vision, 2,0 structures essential to, 1042 relation of, to neokinesis, 1042, 1043 Hand-stone, 758 Hapalidac, family of Anthropoidea, 21, 191. 5ee also Marmoset. Harris, W'm. L., oo<) Head, innervation of, relation ol, to nucleus of Rolando, 256, 257 rotation of, in tarsius, relation to spinal accessory ncr\'e and ventral gray colutnn, 103. 104. 112 sensory equipment of, in gorilla, 660, -1 1 comparison of, with intermediate and lower primates, 660 relation of, to locomotion, ^/)o in Lemur mongoz, 43, 44 in mycetes, 214 in Pithecus rhesus, 370, 371 Hearing. Sec alsa Auditorv sense. in man, deliberative nature of, Hii). H2-, 830 in tarsius, 125 tclenccphalization of, 1034 Heel-toe timing, ((82 Heidelberg man. See Paleoanthropus I leidelbergensis. Hclweg, olivary fasciculus of, in lemur, 4" spino-olivarv tract of, in doe-headed baboon, 306- 3". 31^' in gibbon, 422, 431 in marmoset, 165-16^ in mycetes, 211, 215, 218 relation of. to olive, 249 in orang, ■503 in Pithecus rhesus, 366, 36-, 3-2 Hemal tests, bearing on theory of evolution, 710 Hemispheres, basal surface of, in chimpanzee, 570 Higher anthropoids, 22, 477--2i Hindbrain, in Lemur mongoz, 40 in Pithecus rhesus, 381 Ilind-Iimbs, in chimpanzee, 54, strength and dexterity of, 590 in dog-headed baboon, 302 in gibbon, 429, 430, 458 in gorilla, 625, 681 sensory inpulses from, (>(m in lemur, 43, 44 in orang, 480 less sensory in(lu\ from, 50- Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Hind-limbs, in Pithecus rhesus, 370. 3-71 in tarsius, low specialization of, 105 I lirschleir on chimpanzee, •546 Hobhouse on chimpanzee, 546 on macacus, 354 Hominidae, family of Anthrofjoidea, 21, -51 distinct from Simiidae, 929 evidence of brain, 929, 930 jjrehistoric races of, 733, 861 works of the hand in, -43, 745 time of, 861 Ihiino lieidelbergensis. See Paleoanthropus I leidel- bergensis. Homo Rhodesicnsis, 909 <)i8 brain of, 91 2 endocranial casts of, 912 of, 911, 912 iossils of, 909 91 2 history of, 909 place ol, in evolution, <)i-, 918 Smith on, 91 1 I lomo sapiens, 22, 732 c(minion progenitive stock ol, proof lacking, 742 Keith on, 732 v.irietics of, 732 (Jro-.\l;ignon race of, 759 Hook bundle. ^ceTracIus uncinatus ol Husscl. I lorse, 1 14. 1024 Howling monkey. South American. See Macacus. Ilubrecht, A. A. W .. on tarsius, ()i behavior, hand the master key to, — 6 blood, tests for, 7 [jrogress, psychological foundations, of, 861 Humanoid appearance of frontal lobe of orang, 495 attitude in Pithecus rhesus, 3^0 structure and ditferentiation, 259, 42-, 463, 495, ,-28, 5,-2, 645, 739 Hunter, John, on nucleus of Perlia, 281 Huxley, 957, 1044 Hylobates hoolock, 12, 405-456. 5cc also Gibbon. Ilylobatidae, family of Anthropoidea, 21, 287. See also Gibbon. Hypencephalon, in Lemur nmngoz, 82 Hypoglossal nerve in chimpanzee, 574, 582 in dog-headed baboon, 300, 311, 312, 313 in gibbon, 427, 428, 429 in gorilla, 663 in lemur, 48, 49 in man, 810 in marmoset, 169 in mycetes, if, 218 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. 1094 INDEX Hypoglossal 'nerve in orang, 512, •513 in Pitliccus rhesus, 370, 3~i, 3-2, 403 in tarsius, ()(), 108 Hypoglossal nucleus in chimpanzee, 5^4, 582-585,621 in dog-headed baboon, 303, 312, 313 in gibbon, 427-429 in gorilla, 662, 663, 664 in lemur, 40-48, 49, 84 in man, 798, 810, 857 in marmoset 169, 186 in myccles, 217-220, 236 in orang, 514 in Pitheeus rhesus, 372 in tarsius, 109 not discrete, i oS, 111-115 Hyrax, 955 TMPRESSIONKS digitutae, 863 Indrisinae, 980 Interior brachium in chimpanzee', 616 in dog-headed baboon. 540. 344 in gorilla, 692, 695 in lemur, 78 in man, 848, 854 Inferior collicular commissure, in chimpanzee, (100, 620 in dog-headed baboon, 345 in gorilla, 679, 695 in niycetes, 240 in Pitheeus rhesus, 402 Inferior colliculi, in chimpanzee, 575, 616 index of rellex response to sound, 575, 599, 620 coefTicients of, in higher anthropoids, 721 in intermediate primates, 470 comparison of, with those of lower primates, 470 relation of, to hearing, 470, 525 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 304, 325-328, 337, 339. 340, 344 significance of size in, 328 structure of, 328 function of, 174, 469, 523, 525 in gibbon, 419, 420, 439, 454, 469 superseded by .auditory area of cerebral cortex, 469 in gorilla, 652, 656, 657, 676, 677, 679, 690, 691, 694, 695 720, 721 in great apes, comparison of, with those In intermediate primates, 721 with those in lower primates, 721 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Inferior colliculi, in higher vertebrates, 328 illustrated by tarsius, 125 in lemur, 39, 62, 63, 77, 78, 79, 81, 83 in lower vertebrates, 328 in man, 800, 827, 830, 837, 847, 848, 854 as index of complete telenccphelization, 830 involution in, 827, 830, 858 in marmoset, 163, 164, 1-3, 174, i"5, 179, 187, 189, 190 in niycetes, 209, 225-22-, 23^, 240, 241 in orang, 523, 525, 541 structure of, 525 in Pitheeus rhesus, 363, 383-386, 398-402 significance of structure in, 383 relation of, to auditory sense, 63, 1-3, 1-4, 225, 227, 277, 327, 469, 523, 525, 599, -21 to balancing, 261 to temporal lobe, 599, 721 in tarsius, 100, tot, 120, 122-12-, 135-151 Inferior fovea vagi, in human, 80 Inferior frontal convolution in human brain, 786, 935 Inferior frontal sulcus, later position indicated in lemur, 30 Inferior medullary velum in lemur, 83 Inferior olivary eminences, in tarsius, size of, 99 Inferior olivary nucleus in chimpanzee, 583, 591 resemblance to human, 578-582, 586, 612-614 cocllicients of, 254 comparison of, in lemur and great apes, 70; connections of, 248, 1032 definition of, 510 description ol', 252 in dog-headed baboon, 299, 300, 310-316, 335-341 evolutional unfolding of, 705, 1032 expansion of, as index of neokinetic progress, 725. 1033 function of, 247, 24S, 249, 253, 1030, 1032 in gibbon, 418, 424-432, 447-449 comparison with baboon, macaque, 421, 460 prominence of, 448, 460, 705 in gorilla, 654-665, 687-689 significance as to coordinative control, 703, 704 size and structure of, 656, 665, 66-7 in higher anthropoids, coeHicients of, 704 in lemur, reconstruction of, 34, 38, 45, 46, 4", 48, 49. 73. 75. 79 in man, 806, 808, 814, 837, 842, 843, 844, 849 accessory elements of, 808, 814, 842 compared with lemur, 809, 810 evolution of, 252, 809, 810, 838, 839 fundus of, 814, 843, 849 pages 475 1 120 in Volume II. INDEX 1005 Inferior olivary nucleus in man, liiuli cliirerenliation of, 808, 814 in marmoset, low organization ot, 254, 162, 167- 170, 184, 185, 189 in mycetes, 215-221, 234 236, 230 in orang, 507-513. 5'4> 535 index of advance in coordinative control, 510 in Pitl\ecus rhesus, 359, 362, 368-376, 392-394, 395-400 first convolutions of, 375 relation of, to control of simultaneous movements, 312, 582, 656, 703, 1032 to coordination in skilled acts, 312, 5S2, -03, 1030, 1 03 1, 1032 in tarsius, 108-113, 13-, 139, 140, 141 Inferior vermis in chimpanzee, 5-1, 586, 595 in gorilla, 653, 948 in orang, 49- Infundibular stalk in chimpanzee, 576 in dog-headed baboon, 301 in gibbon, 421 in gorilla, 657 in lemur, 36 in man, -92, 833 in Plthccus rhesus, 364 Inhibition. 1038, 1039 most essential dilference lietween neokinesis and paleokinesis, 1038 Insectivores, 1007, 1039 Interbrain, 347, 692. See also Dienccphalon. Intcrcollicular commissure in orang, 542 Intercollicular sulcus, in chimpanzee, 575, 616, 620 in dog-headed baboon, 303, 344 in gorilla, 657, 695 in human, 834, 948 in lemur, 40 in orang, 541 in primate series, 986 relation of, to pineal gland, 986 Intermediate primates, 22, 287-473 vermal ridgepole in, 416 Internal arcuate fibers, in chimpanzee, 578, 580, 583, 592 in gibbon, 426, 428, 430 in gorilla, 665 in lemur, 46 in man, 806, 808 in orang, 509 in Pithecus rhesus, 371, 375, 392 in tarsius, 107, 109 Pages I 474^arejn Volume I, Internal capsule, in chimpanzee, 605, 607 in dog-headed baboon, 332-334 in gibbon, 445, 446 in gorilla, 683, 684 in lemur, 69, 70, 71 in man, 835, loio in marmoset, 180, 181, 182 in mycetes, 229, 230 in orang, 531 in Pithecus rhesus, 387, 389 m t;irsius, 1 32 Internuclear commissures, lacking in lemur, 68 Interorbital keel, in ape-man of Java, 875 in dog-headed baboon, 297 in gibbon, 413, 415 in Gibraltar skull, 906 in gorilla, 647 in lemur, 32 in marmoset, 159. 160, 206 in orang, 496 in Pithecus rhesus, 35", 359 in Khodesian skull, 914 in tarsius, 93, 97 Interparietal fissure, in lemur, 29 Interpeduncular gray matter, in chimpanzee, 6 18- 622 in gibbon, 454, 456 in gorilla. 6()5 in marmoset, 188 in mycetes, 240 in orang, 542 in tarsius, 135-1 5 i Interpeduncular space, in dog-headed baboon, 325, 345, 347 in lemur, 63 in man, 856, 859 in marmoset, 164 in Pithecus rhesus, 364 in tarsius, 97 Iron Age, 745, 932 Isthmus mescncephali, in chimpanzee, O18, 622 in gibbon, 439, 452 in gorilla, 656, 690 in lemur, 81 in orang, 540 Iter, in gibbon, 455 in Pithecus rhesus, 382 J •XCOBSOllN, 957 Java man of Trinil race, 735, 743, 745. See also Pithecanthropus ereetus. pages 475-1 120 in Volume 11. 1096 INDEX John Daniel 1, 632-63(), 666, 719 John Daniel 11, 639-642 Judgment, relation of, to frontal lobes, 795 Juga ccrcbralia, 863 "Julius," orang, 488-491 Juxtarestiforni Ixxly, 262 in lenuir. ■;2 in man, 822 in marmoset, 171 in mycetes, 219 in Pithecus rhesus, 376 in tarsius, 1 17 K ANGAROO, if4, 1024 Keith, Sir Arthur, 731, 732, 735, 742, 886, 887, 89 r Kinesthetie association in human brain, 795 developmeni. in i(.latii)n to t^iil, in lower primates, 258 sensibility, relation of, to skilled aets, 2>t, 258, 880,881 to oculomotor decussation, 284 to parietal lobe, 881 Kinnaman on Pithecus rhesus, 353, 3^4 Knife, use of, "4", ~-;i, "58 Kohler, research of, on chimpanzee, 546-564, 603, -oi, 723 Kubus of Sumatra as prc-palcolithic, 771 TA CHAPELLE AUX SAINTS, Neanderthal ■^ man of, 8()~ Lagothrix, woolly monkey, tail of, icji, 20H, 210 Langeurs, 287 La Quina skull, history of, 904 Larynx in hooloek gibbon, 41 1 in mycetes, 193, 217 Lasio pygidae, family of inteniiediate monkeys (Anthropoidea), 21, 287, 294 brain of, resembles gorilla, 288 Lateral lillet, in chimpanzee, 599, 616, 620 in dog-headed baboon, 326-328, 340 function of, 328 in gibbon, 439, 450 in gorilla, 674, 676, 690, 695 in lemur, 52, 60, 61, 64, 76, 77 in man, 826, 830, 846, 847 in marmoset, 173, 174, 175 in mycetes, 224-226 in orang, 52;, 529, 538 in Pithecus rhesus, 380-385 relation of, to auditory sense, 54, 62, 64 in tarsius, 120-123, 142 Pages I 474 are in Volume '. Lateral geniculate body, in chimpanzee, 604, 616 in dog-headed baboon, 339, 341, 345 in gorilla, 692 in lemur, 75, 77, 79 in macacus, 363, 393, 397 in marmoset, 185, 187 in mycetes, 235, 239 in orang, 542 in Tarsius spectrum, 151 Lateral nucleus of the thalamus in baboon, 332, 333 Lateral reticular nucleus, 68y in gibbon, 450 in gorilla, 689 I emur, 12, 15, 22, 23, 29-84, 234-238, 242, 423 beliavior of, 24, 26 blood shows no relationship with man, 7 eatta, 24 general deseri|)tion of, 15, 23, 24, 26 geographical distribution ol, 23, 26 mongoz, 12, 26 balancing in, 26 cerebral hemispheres of, 29 evolutionary significance. 31 Chironys, third digit in, 24 g<'neral description and habitat, 23, 24, 26 measurements and indices ol, 28 potto, absence of digit in, 24 pyramids and inferior olives in, 35 signiheant structural modifications of, 31 skilled ai'ts in, 55 \i)!itional control in, 35 minilx'i of genera and species of, 23 posture in, 26 represents transition from arboreal mammal, 12, 15. 23 simultaneous nn)\emenls in, 26, 35 l.emurinae, subfamily, 26 Lemiiroidea. suborder of primates, 21, 23, 85 Lentieiilar ma lens, in dog-headed baboon, 332 in gibbon, 445 in gorilla, 684 ' in man, 835 in marmoset, 181, 1H2 in mycetes, 230 in Pithecus rhesus, 388, 389 in tarsius, 102, i 32 Lepidolemur, ()8o Limbs, in inframammalian orders, synchronized moN't-nn'iits ol, 5 i() III iiiamniaK. independence ol, 519 new plusioiogieal endow niLiit ol, 519 '., pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II. INDEX 1 (){j- Limbs, in mammals, rclatii)ii of, to expansion of ccTi'licllum, ^20 to neopallium, 520 Lingula, of cerebellum, in Pitliecus rliesus, 378 in tarsius, 120 Linneus, classilication of primates by, 21 Lissencephalic cerebral liemispliercs, in marmoset, 9,-8 in tiirsius, ()i Listing on primary position of visual a\es, 280 Lobati*>n of brain, in (!!allitiiri\ jaechus, 158 limited. III lemur. 31 in mycetes, 205 in tarsius, its negligilile eharaeter, 96 Locomotion, bipedal, 264 ol chimpanzee, 17, y^i, jS-j relation of, to vestibular complex, 585 of dog-headed baboon, 290, 465, 466 of gibbon, arboreal character of, 17, 405, 410, 420, 429, 430, 432, 435, 460, 461, 464, 46-; of lemur, 24, 50, 51 of man-like apes, i~ of mycetes, relation of hand to, 104, 210. 213-215, 21" of, to coordinat i\i' control, 220, 224 of tail to, 194, 258 of orang, arboreal character ol, 17 plantigrade, 264 in gorilla, 625, 631, 66q, 670 quadrupedal, 669 relation of, to balancing mechanism, 514 to upper and lower extremities, 483, 484 to skilled acts, 276 to tail, 258, 259 to weight, 66g of tarsius, 1 1 5 directed by sensory innervation of head ,ind, 87, 105, 107, 109 Locomotor ataxia, 881 specialization, relation of, to balancing mechanism, 465, 669 Loris, 980 Lower extremity, in man, increase in functional importance of sen.sory alTerents from, 802, 803 Lower Paleolithic Period, 737, 742, 745, 746, -.jS Luciani, cerebellar triad of, 81^ Lungs and heart, witness to evolutionary kinship, I I Luys, corpus of, in macacus, 401 hypothalamic nucleus of, in lemur, 71 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, M ACACUS, 7, 89, 441, 619 nearest to great apes, in pyramidal .system, 702 nucleus of Burdach of, larger than in other inter- mediate primates, 463 playmate of orang, 482 rhesus, 12, 288, 349. See also Pithecus rhesus. .Macaques, 287, 288, 349, 430. See also Pithecus. .McGregor, 929 reconstructions of, 861, 869, 875, 879, 886 .Magdalenean Age, 761, 762 .\Lilacca, 771 AL-immaiian characters, 385, 421, 60-;, 699, 700 pallio-spinal connection, 421 pyramidal fibers in orang-outang, and gibbon, 421 dillercnliation, loi, 60-;. 1)40, ()()4 neokinesis keynote of, 1045 Mammals, age of, 940 auditory sense in, 328, 605 contribution of, in new type of motor activity (neokinesis), 1037 early deficiencies in, 1039 neopallium in, effect of, on colliciili, 1033, 1034 |)inniped, 1007 placental, 940 subprimate, 1 17, 940 Mammillary bodies, in chimpanzee, 576 in dog-headed baboon, 301 in gibbon, 421 in gorilla, 657 in man, 792, 833 in Pithecus rhesus, 364 in tarsius, 150 Mammoth hunters of Predmost, 918 Man, family of, birthplace of, 767 departure from orthognidc stem of primates, 775, 776 migration of, 767-775 primitive races of, 769 relation of, to ape, 929, 1043 ^ not that of direct descent, 929, 1043 .\Lindril, 287 color in, 289 Mangabey, 287 .M.m-like apes, 287, 477. See also Anthropoids. notoriety as assumed forbears of man, 477 preeminence as to humanoid characters an aca- demic question, 478 relation to man based on ancestral stock, 478 .Manual complex acts, in man, 8i~ pages 47.S 1 120 in Volume II. 1098 INDEX Manual development, in eliinipanzcc, 546-566 effect on sensibility, 212 in Pitliecus rhesus, 356 relation of, to column and nucleus of Burdacli, 256, 258 to olive, 219 to pontile nuclei, 276 Manual dexterity in chimpanzee, 582 in dog-headed baboon, 294, 466 in orang, 512 Manual differentiation in gibbon, 413 in intermediate primates and great anthro- poids, 717 in lemur, 258 \ in marmoset, 16 in mycctes, 212, 463 in new world monkeys, 459 in orang, 498 as indicated by cuncus, 498 Marmoset, 12, 16, 22, 96, 153-190, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 242, 803 arboreal life of, 155 brain of, measurements and indices ol, 155-157 cerebral cortex of, lisseiiecphalic condition of, ■57 three lissurcs in, 1 57 in evolution, significance of, 16 general description ol, 16, 153, 155 habitat, 153, 154, 155 position of, among primates, 16, 153, 154, 159 indicated by simplicity of brain, 159, 160, 161 surface marking on brain stem, 161 Marsupials, 128, loo:?, 1039 Martin, Henri, 904 Mathcw and Granger on tarsius, 92 Matthews, 980 Median sulcus, in lemur, 40 Medulla oblongata, 256, 261, 266 in chimpanzee, 571, 574, 592, 612, 613, 618 in dog-headed baboon, 297, 299, 300-317 in gibbon, 415-420, 430, 450, 464 in gorilla, 653-657, 667, 685, 686, 696 in lemur, 84 in man, 795-800, 841, 844 in mycetes, 205-209, 214, 236, 238 in orang, 498, 499, 503, 534. 535. 543 in Pithecus rhesus, 359-361, 364, 374, 391, 392 in tarsius, 135-151 Medullary vestibule, in dog-headed baboon, 318 in lemur, 58 Meningeal artery, middle, 906 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Mesencephalon. See also Midbrain, in lemur, 41, 65, 78, 81, 82, 84 in marmoset, 190 in mycetes, 2ro, 240, 242 roof-plate in tarsius, prominence of, 100, 1 35-151 Mesial accessory olive (mesial jjaleo-olive), in chimpanzee, 580 in dog-headed baboon, 312 in gorilla, 663, 68^ in Pithecus rhesus, 371 Mesial fillet in chimpanzee, 580, 583 relation of, to discriminative sensibility, 580 definition of, 586 in dog-headed baboon, 310-314, 316, 321, 324- 327, 330, 332, 334, 340 function of, 47 in gibbon, 425-441 in gorilla, 665, 667, 673, 676, 679, 682 in lemur, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 60, 61, 62, 66, 69, 76 in man, 818, 823, 826 decussation of, 806, 808 in marmoset, 167-180 in mycetes, 215-227 in orang, 509-536 in Pithecus rhesus, 36(>, 370, 3-2, 3-3, 375, 376, 378, 380-386, 392, 403 relation of, to basis pontis, 60 to discriminative sensibility, 216, 586 to nucleus of Goll, 45 in tarsius, 106, 110-113, 114, [iS, 1 ii), 121-124, 128-133, 142 Mesial geniculate body in chiin|)anzce, 575, 603, 605, 621 in dog-headed baboon, 304, 330, 333, 339-345 function of, 333, 338, 501 in gibbon, 443, 450 in gorilla, 657, 682, 692, 695 in lemur, 41, 64, 66, 75, 7~~79 in macacus, 363, 386, 388, 398, 401 in man, 800, 833, 848, 854 in marmoset, 177-179 in mycetes, 235, 240 in orang, 501, 529, 542 in Pithecus rhesus, 393 in tarsius, 100, 128-133 Mesozoic period, 940 Metacarpals, 980 Metatarsus, fulcrumation on, 980 effect of, on leaping, 980 Metencephalon in chimpanzee, 612, 614, 616 in dog-headed baboon, 303, 344, 346 pages 475-1120 in Volume II. INDEX 1099 jMctenceplialon in kniur, 40, ~H, 8}, H4 in man, 847, H^i in orang, 541, 542 in Pitliccus rhesus, 30", 400, 405 in tarsius, 13^-1 51 Mcynert, dorsal cjcciissation of, in balloon, 332 in lemur, 6<) in tarsius, 131 supra-optic decussation of, in chinipan/ee, 605 in dog-lieadcd baboon, 334 in gorilla, 685 in lemur, -o in orans, •)3i "Mias" of Borneo. See Orang-outang. Midbrain, 248 in chimpanzee, j",, 600, 612-624 colliculi of, function of, 277, 27 capacity indicated bv great apes over inter- mediate groups, 702 control in man, 797 indexed by superior cerebellar peduncle, 823 function, progressive expansion in, illustrated by pontile nuclei, 719 by pyr.amidal system, 703 organization in ehim|)anzee, -01 in man, 797 in mycetes, 230 in orang, joo, 504, 520, 527, 529, 719 in Pithecus rhesus, 377 in tarsius, 99, 125 Neolithic Age, 738, 745, 766 man, 766, 931 Neo-olivc, 250, 688 in gorilla, 688 Neopallial zones, loij temporoparietal, 1015 relation of, to equilibrium, 1015 Neopallium, 32, 96, 243, 2-5 of endbrain in higher anthropoids, 519, 520 expansions in, 824 in response to limb specialization. ■919 in macacus, 364 in man, interdependence of parts of, 935 relation of, to skilled acts, 272, 275 in tarsius, 127, 132 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Nervus abdueens. Scv Abducens nerve. facialis. See Facial nerve. hypoglossus. See Hypoglossal nerve. oculomotorius. See Oculomotor nerve; Third cranial nerve. Ncuraxis, 708 in chimpanzee, 609, 616, 619, 621 in gibbon, 450 in gorilla, 658 in orang, 536 in Pithecus rhesus, 377, 381 primordial portions ol, 470 vertebrate, decussation in, 421 New ideas, length of time required to grasp, from ape to man, 757 New Stone Age, 766 New World monkeys, -, 16, 22, 153, 1 54 behavior of, 459 high specialization in, 4-;9. 1010 Not ha ret us, 980 Nuclear structures, in brain stem ol Pithecus rhesus, 365 ■ clarity of definition ol, 365 effect of Bourne method of reconstruction on, -3 Nucleus abduccntis. See Abducens nucleus Nucleus ambiguus, in gibbon 429 in mycetes, 217, 218 in tarsius, 109 Nucleus .interior thalami, in Pithecus rhesus, 388 Nucleus arciformis. See Arciforni nucleus. Nucleus caudatus in dog-headed b.iboon, 333 in marmo,set, 177, 181 in mycetes, 230 in tarsius, 132 Nucleus cuneatus, relation of, to ancillary nucleus of Bliimenau, 2ii in t.irsius, 139, 141 , [45 Nucleus dentatus in ehimp.inzee, ;86, .;8-, 59^, 716 distinctive appearance of, 588 position of, among primates, 589, 590 coefficients of, 268, 269 in higher primates, 717 description of, 319 in the three primate groups, 466, 717 in intermediate primates, 465, 466 neokinetic development of, 1025-1045 in dog-headed baboon, 318, 319, 323, 717 description of, 319, 320, 465, 466 expansions of, 265, 815 function of, 2ig, 265, 267, 318, 815 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. INDEX I I 01 Nucleus dentatus in jjibboEi, 433, 454 coeflicients of, 466 in gorilla, 670, 716 high organization ol, 670 in lemur, 52, 53, 50 in man, 815 comparison of, with gorilla, 81-; in marmoset, i"!, i~2 in mycctcs, 2iy, 221 in orang, 515, 716 comparison with lower and higher forms, ^i- index of increase in coordinative control, 515 in Pithccus rhesus, 375 relation of, to arms and legs, 26^, "]- to behavior, 26- to coordination, •;2, 1-2, 2ig, 26-, 318, 435, 71,-, 8.,- to lateral cerebellar lobes, 26,. "ifi, 1024 to red nucleus, 26" in tarsius, 11^, 118 Nucleus emboliformis. 5ft' iilso ("erebellar nuclei, 264 in man, 81 ^ relation of, to lateral cerebellar lobes, 26> in tarsius, 1 18 Nucleus facialis. See Facial nucleus. Nucleus fasciculus solitarius, in gibbon, 42~-429 in lemur, 4<> in orang, 512 in tarsius, 108, 1 1 1 Nucleus fastigii. See also (Vrebeilar nuclei, 2(14 in dog-headed baboon, 320 function of, 320 in gibbon, 435 in lemur, 52, 53 in man, 815 in mycetes, 2ig-22i in Pithccus rhesus, 37^ relation of, to balancing, ■53, 210, 320 to equilibrium, 320 to floor of 4th ventricle, 320 to juxtarestiform body, 320 signilicancc of size of, 53 Nucleus funiculus lateralis in tarsius, 1 i 3 Nucleus globosus. Scea/.so Cerebellar nuclei. 2(14, 2<>-) coellicients of, 268, 2(h) comparison of, with dentate nucleus, 268 function of, 268 in lemur, coellicients of, 268 in man, 81 ^ in orang, 515 in Piihecus rhesus, i~i Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Nucleus globosus, ion of, to behavior, 2^)8 to coordination, 268 to forelimb, 268 to posture, 268 Nucleus gracilis. Sec Nucleus ol Goll. Nucleus, habcnular, in marmoset, 180 Nucleus hypoglossus. See Hypoglossal nucleus. Nucleus hypothalamicus in marmoset, 181 Nucleus intercalaris, 7(>t, 1^)2, i''2 in tarsius, 92, 94 Occipital areas, of cerebral cortex, relation of, to vision, 277, 329 Occipital bone, membranous origin of, 862 Occipital concavity in lemur, 53 in mycetes, 206, 207 in tarsius, 160. 1*^11 pages 475-1120 in Volume II. 1 I02 INDEX Occipital lobe, in ape-inan of Java, 877 bearing of, on vision, 878, 882 bearing of, on voluntary acts, 882 in cliimpanzte, 518, 569 relation of, to vision, 601 in Dawn man, 886, 8()2 in dog-licadecl baboon, 206, 298, 330, 471 in Eoanthropus Dawsoni, 891, 892 in gibbon, 412, 413, 414, 420, 470 convolutional pattern in, 415 supervision of vision by, 415, 420 in gorilla, 645, 651, 652 marked convolution of, 647 in human brain, 778, 779, 783, -84, 787, 788, 792, 793. 835, 948 comparison of, witli that of apes, 788 relation of, to association, "89, 795 to vision, 789, 795 in lemur, 30, 32 in marmoset, 158, 159 in mycetes, 202, 204-207, 22" in Neanderthal man, 893, 898, 905, 906 in orang, 494, 495, 525 relation of, to vision, 525 in Pithecanthropus crectus, .ilisiiKc of sulcus simiarum in, 877 comparison with gorilla and man, 878 in Pithecus rhesus, 357, 358 in Predmost man, 922 prominence of, in primates, 385, 386 relation of, to optic lobes, 67, 329 in Rhodesian man, 917 in tarsius, 92, 94, 98 Occipital pole, in gibbon, 413 Occipital surface, in gibbon, 416, 4-^0 bearing of, on evolution in vision, 470 in gorilla, 651 in man, 792 relation of, to cerebellum, -93 in orang, 497, 498 Occipito-parietal fissure in ehim|janze<', 568 Occipito-parietal incisure, in luunan variations in individuals, 570, 779, 945 Oculo-ceplialo-gyric movement in chinipanzee, 704 in gibbon, 460 Oculomotor commissural and decussating axons in orang-outang, 528 Oculomotor decussation, coellicients of, 283 comparison of great apes and intermediate and lower primates, 724 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Oculomotor decussation in lower primates, bearing of, on vision, 279, 280, 282, 283 relation of, to kinesthetic associations, 284 to manual dexterity, 725 to neokinetic expansion, 725 to skilled acts, 284 Oculomotor nerve. See idsi) Third cranial nerve, in chimpanzee, 575, 601, 621 in dog-headed baboon, 330, 331, 34^; function of, 227, 228 in gibbon, 421 in gorilla, 68 1 in marmoset, 176, 178 in mycetes, 228 in orang, 528, 542 in Pithecus rhesus, 386, 388 in tarsius, 128-130 Oculomotor nucleus, 248, 249, 262, 279, 280 in chimpanzee, 591, 601, 622 in dog-headed baboon, 329-332, 347 function of, 67, 280 in gibbon, 432, 441 in gorilla, 681, 697 importance of, 527 -- in lemur, 47, 66-69, 84 in man, 831, 858, 859 in marmoset, 176-179, 186 in mycetes, 227, 228, 236, 242 in orang, 526, 542, 543 in Pithecus rhesus, 386-388 relation of, to internuelear connection, 279, 280 in tarsius, 128-130 Oculomotor organization in dog-headed baboon, 329 Old Stone Age, men of, 738, 745, 759, 762, 765, 766, 773. Sec al.sii Paleolithic. Old world numkeys, 7, 12. See also Catarrhine. inlluences activating modilications in, 16, 17, 287,981 lowest the dog-headed baboon, 289 ( Olfactory bulb, in chimpanzee, 570 in dog-headed baboon, 297 in gibbon, 413 in gorilla, 649 in lemur, 32 in man, 791 in marmoset, 160 in mycetes, 206 in orang, 496 in tarsius, 92-96 Olfactory nerve in tarsius, 92, 93, 94, 97 pages 475-1120 in Volume 11. INDEX 1103 Olfactory sulcus in chimpanzee, "2 in gibbon, 413 in man, 791 Olfactory tract in chimpanzee, ,"2 in gibbon, 413 in goriihi, 649 in man, 791, 947 in mycetcs, 206 in orang, 496 Oligocene Period, 981 first bipedal locomotion in, gSi time of departure of llorninio6 in dog-headed baboon, 334 in gibbon, 445, 446 in gorilla, 682, 683, 684 in lemur, 70, 71 in man, 835, 836 in marmoset, importance of, 180, 181, 182 in orang, 530, 531 in Pithecus rhesus, 389 Optic tract in chimpanzee, 570, 575, 605 in dog-headed baboon, 332, 334 in gorilla, 650, 657 in lemur, 69 in man, 835 in marmoset, 180 in orang, joo, 531 in Pithecus rhesus, 364 in tarsius, 131 Optico-peduncular space in chimpanzee, 575, 601, 603, 604 in dog-headed baboon, 300 in gibbon, 421, 441, 443 in Gibraltar skull, 907 in gorilla, 657, 681 in lemur, 36, 38 in man, 791, 833 in marmoset, 162 in mycetes, 208 in orang, 500, 528 in Pithecus rhesus, 388 in tarsius, 99, too Orang-outang, 12, i", 22, 478-544 arboreal life of, 17, 483, 484 behavior of, 480, 483, 491 general appearance of, 479, 480 habitat of, 4-9, 483 measurement and indices of brain of, 492 Orbital concavities, in ape-man of Java, 875 in chimpanzee, 570 in dog-headed baboon, 296, 297 in gibbon, 413, 415 in Gibraltar skull, 906 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. iioa INDEX Orixtal coocavities, in gorilla. 64S in lemur, 32 in irmn 8^ ia mannoset, i^'j- . ■ in mytxtes, 205, 3o6 lis orang. 4^ in Phhecvis rfaesas, 359 in Rbodesan man, 914 !- -.^rsius, 93, 96 opexcolom. See Pars orbrtalis, -81 ...,.:_ sarface of brain, in gorSa, 64-, 648 resemblaiice ot, to that of man, 648 in "»»" "92 in marmoset, 160 in orang. 496 Qsbom. Henr>- FairfieJd, 12, -30, -59, -75. 929. 9>7 Owen, Sir Richard, on orans-ootang, 4— PACCHIONIAN etikr^mcnt, 872, 899, 9"3 Pakoanthrapos Heidelfaeiaenas, -3-, -38, -49. Tji characteristics oi, 737. "38, 751 life of, -y, -49 relation erf, to man, TST.'S** time of, -3-, -49 P-'f-.l-^TM-^a in balancing mechanism, -^14, 823, 1038 rclitioo of, to uncinate tract, 823 Paleokinetic orsanization of lower vertebrates, 520 Paleolithic Age, imiJements of, -45--46 subdivisions erf. "46 Greets, -63, 861. See also Anrignarian Period, man, art of, rrplanations of, "^ predecessors of, 4"% P-iJc^Wr-.-e. 249, 1031 F §, ertinct form, -19, -32 F •.• fiijers, bearing of, on behavior, €r6 cocuxct cerebral hemispheres with lateral lobes of cerebennm, 58, 2^2, 274 fuDctioa of, 2^4, 2-5, 389 path of, 2^2, 2-4 relation of, to cerebral cortex, 2-2, 301 to coordination, j8, 2T2, 1015 to MHetal lobe, 1015 P • system, in chimpanzee. 617, 620 ded baboon, 301, 342, 345 in gibbon, 454 in gorilla, 676, 693, 695 in lemar, 58, 64, 68, 71, 78, ?9 in mycetes, 23-, 238 inTorang, 540, 542 in' Pithecus rhesus. 389, 399 Paces 1-474 >re ia Vohune I, Pi^ 5\-stem. in tarsius. 12- P^i ,"3r s>-stem, in chirr. -3, i- _ ,n, 304,328 : 529.682 i ^ -2.6S2 :". to cerebral p)eduncle, 682 - . jl7 in marmoset, i~7 in mycetes, 22- in orang, 520, J29 p-"-' '"■-■- nt feature the ;..„_._-. r. of cerebral res, 518, 529 re;^^; --■! cortex, 529 toe tr, ^2, -^- tO Coaip.t:JL .iClS. ^"2, 2~J to coordination, 2-2, "99 to lateral lobes, 266 to z>r.:'lc nuclei, 1020 - 518, 52C1 r^i. --^..™. system, in — ...,,_r^te, 6l~, 620 in d<^-headed baboon, 342, 345 in gibbon, 421, 454 in gorilla, 695 in lemur, -8, ~g in orang, 540, 542 Pallium- Ste Oirtt Pan satyrus- See (- Papio cynocephalus. See Baboon, dog-headed. Papio, genus, 289 Parietal bone, membranous ori^ of, 862 Parietal lobe. ! nzee, 566, 568 in dc^-heac - . 2•» ^ Parietal respon, in Ezbbom. coavaltraosis oC 415 Pari«o-occiprtal fissoit, faoinan, -&2, "83, /S6 compaiisocE ci wiTli amiropoadi. "83 Paj? basalis. -Si. -86, 901 Pais ortitaEs, -81, "SS. 901 Pars trianEoIaris, "8l, ~96, OOI Pa-4-jo\-. 03Z. 933 Pesck. 886 Penny, dooor of gorSa. 632. 63— Personalrrr, dc\-eicK>n>eEl of, rf^sTJom <£, to frontal lobe. ^95 Pes peduocoE of midbrain in hshixeL, 345 Pia mater, 862 Pigment, biack. beaiing of. on ssxtsrsoOcsl &s:jz~ butioei. — 5 Pigs, iol 491 P3tdo»-n man. -42. -51. -52, S61, 8S4. Set ciso Eoantiirous Da-a-soni, "42 Pineal fossa in cjmapanzee. 5-5 m sc^ula, 65— in man. -x>9, 834, 918 Pinea] gj-ind, frmraoa of, S34 in Jesnar, 40 in miiTi -xjci. Sji. ciiS Pitiiecantliropus enscras. ti>e ape-maa, 861 brain of, -35- -3-, 8861. SS" cah-ariirm of. -35, S60 DoBoss 00, — 3>, -45 dx'naxnjc factors in. 9^ foSsSs of, -3>. ~43 rmpressJioQes ajad jn^ of frcjatral Icibes of. SS3, comparison oL ■«Tti soiSla, SS" cannrng rf kaod of. -3^ SS4 frrmtal iabes of. coimpaiied irttii Hoa>o sapaeits. -3-. 883- SS4 rmpjemeats of, "45 oUest primitivie race, -38. S6S of^in of. -35. -38. -42, -49. 868 possure of, -35. SSo. SS5 rransTDona] g-^gc of. -3^. S6S Prrieeus rfaesscs, aoqiiistiMeaess o£ 361 beiavio« of. 3i9-3-;2. 3-;3, 364. 3 — Rises i-«-i «re ia T: Rtbems litesus. ccmni&Hson of. trtjt huhntm, 364 digiti of. 3 jo. 352. 353 geaeral descrtyaca of. 349. 390 secjerspbjcal dif^iHbcitiaii of. 349 iifh^f! of. 350 locosDOtion of. 353 Btoisaitsotsns sod rndkif? of. 355 sk^ ol 364. 3 — tail of. 3-'0 PiaaiiBs tooL -4—. —58 Planti£xade iocxearnxm, 13, 364. 8S1 neiasicai of. 10 jgnfraT kJje. SSi Pfcstoceasc Period, earfr pait oC is time of besm- niiiE: of fesrm];- sjeties, -31, S61, 886, 935 Plioceae PeriacL -43. SS6^ 935 l^te part cHL as time of bcfisning of inmus species. -31 PneiimaCESCric Ben'C. 5oe Vagus. Poli^aez. devei-^pmeast oL -^1 PoQs X'aixS. in r^^T^pFfiTff 5-4, ~y, 586, 501. 592. in h£}»xi, aor. 30a. 301, 320, 321-32-, 342 in gibbia. 4 15, 4! -.4:8,43^439.451 in soir3La. sien to tfeat of maa. 65-. 6-2, 6-4, 6-5, vitri/-\ « iiareffisesice. 2-1. 364 in ksDcr, 35. 36-5S1. 56. 5--614. -8 in mam heziisa^ of. os siaiSed acts. S21 ficactioiE c£. -KT proasiueacit of. -^06. 800, Sii. 81-, 819, Sao, S23. 824. S30. S4&. S50 in marmaset 159, 162, i~2. 1-4 in inj-cete&, 2C>5. 3oS^ 2I0l 223-230 ia oranr. 409. 500. 51-. 521. 523 CTTn^j^-xjw of praamsteaice. 499-51— in PJtnecTts rhesus, 359-364. 3~. 3S0-3&2. 3&i, prosciaeaoe of. 364. 3S0 tclatioin of. to cooin£natk'> size cl. 91. 99, loa. I2i— L25 low dei-^icoanent of. 121 Poctile socieL in cbimptsiaee. 5861, ^t~593. 614-630 agsi&ciaot of. 593 conipariste! oiL in cncit aoes. •^ixk istermesfiate aad io»iK- prmtsTes. — ac - -- »T=-iia« is TbIeibs D. 1 1 06 INDEX Pontile nuclei, di'linition of, 272 in , 1-8 in mycetes, 215, 217, 218, 220-222, 224, 226, 228 in Pitlieciis rhesus, 372, 373, 3-6, 3^8, 38 r, 382, 384, 386, 403 relation of, to regulation of motion, 120 in tarsius, 120, 121, 123, 127 relation of size to automatic movements, 117, 1 K) Prefrontal area, development of, significance of, <)35 responsive plasticity in, (>3j Prehensile tail in Cebidae, 16, 230, 2^8, 303 functional capacity of. In new-world monkeys, 459 lacking in old-world m()nkeys, 17 in tarsius and baboon, loj, 106, 303 in mycetes, 191-203, 210, 212, 230, 2iH, 303 relation of, to balancing, 263, 264 to locomotion, 258, 259 to nucleus of Blscliolf, 256, 257 to nucleus of Goll, 209, 212, 256, 258 to skilled hands, 258, 2-59, 263 significance of, 12, 13, 15, 203, 2 in, 256, 258 Prehistoric man, fossil remains of, 925 why called Ape man, 926, 927, 928, 936 Pre-Ncanderthalold man, 750. See also Paleoan- thropus Heldelbergcnsls Prc-olivary sulcus, in human, 796 Pre-paleolllhlc culture, today, 771 man, types of, 737, 745, 749 Primate brain, broad brainedness of, 944, 952 concavities in, 947 convolutlonal pattern of, 94" diametric indices of, 943, 944, 9-;2 encephalic indices of, 941 significance of, 948, 991 fissural pattern In, 944, 945, 954 inferior vermis in, 948 lobation of, 94, occipital lobe of, 948 olfactory bulb and tract of, 947 optic chiasm and optic nerves of, 947 pineal fossa in, 948 specific modifications of, 992-1045 structural homogeneity of, 944-948 vallecula (vcrmal notch) in, 948 Primates, bonds of kinship between, 14, 423 classification of, 21, 22 comparative study of, 13 first structural modifications fif. In lemurs, 15 four divisions of, 22 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Primates, intermediate, comprise what, 287 nucleus of Goll in, 580 vermal ridgepole in. 416 why thus grouped, 28- lower, nucleus of Goll in, 580 vermal ridgepole in, 416 pyramidal decussation in, 423 six species of, comparative survey of, 426, 427 unity ol structural design in, 42" superior collicull in, 385 Primitive man, time of, Keith on, -31--3,-, -42, 886, 88-, 891 Primordial .auditory organization, relation of, to automatic reactions, in lemur and marmoset, 175 Proprioceptive organs, 249 of forellmb, 256 In gorilla, deep sensory inHux from, 660 of hind limb, and tail, 49, 305, 317, 318, of internal ear, 262, 431 in lemur, 49-51 Proprioceptors of body, relay of sensory impulses, 374 in tarsius, 1 13 of trunk and extremities in glblx>n, 431 of vestibule of internal ear, in chimpanzee, 583, 592 in dog-headed baboon, 317 in gibbon, 431 in man, high degree of specialization in, 81 1 Pseudo-S\l\'ian sulcus, 955 Pulvinar of optic thalamus in chimpanzee, 605 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 337-341 in gibbon, 419 in lemur, 39, 75, 77, 79 in marmoset, 163, 187, 189 in mycetes, 209, 235-239 in Pithecus rhesus, 363, 395, 397 in tarsius, loi, 139, 141, 143 Putamen, in dog-he.ided baboon, 333 in gibbon, 445 in lemur, 70 in man, 835 in mycetes, 229, 230 in Pithecus rhesus, 38", 389 Pygmies as pre-paleolithlc, "i Pyramidal decussation in chimpanzee, 572, 576,378 in dilfcrent mammals, 423 in dog-he.ided baboon, 299-J09 effect on detachment of ventral gray column from central gray matter, 423 on field occupied by decussjited fibers, 423 paf!cs 475-1120 in Volume II. iio8 INDEX Pyramidal decussation in gibbon, 418-423 in gorilla, 654-658 in human, 795, 800, 801, 804 in lemur, 35, 38, 41, 42, 44, 76, 80 as mammalian contribution, 423 in marmoset. 162, 164, 165, 166, 184, 185, 188 in mycetcs, bearing of, on voluntary' control, 208, 209, 211, 212, 235 in orang, 498, 502, 509, 536 indicates increase in volunt^iry control, 503-506, 507 in Pithecus rhesus, 359-367, 391-396 in primates, distinct nature of, 423 dynamic significance of, 423 relation of, to cortical control of behaxinr, 423 to ncopallial development, 423 in tarsius, 100, 103-105, 136, 149 Pal-W'eigert preparations of, 103 Pyramidal fasciculi in lenuir, 41, 42, 56, 59, 79 in mycetcs, 238 Pyramidal system in chimpanzee, 603, 605 in dog-headed baboon, 304, 305, 320, 325, 326 in gorilla, 658, 662, 672, 674, 679 function of, 682 massive character of, 658 in higher anthropoids, 699-703 coellicients of, 701 comparison of, with int^Tiiiediatc mid lower primates, 702, "05 index of volitional control, 212, 2 [6, 22-, 305, 310, 422, 457, 699, 701 in intermediate primates, 457 coefhcients of, 457, 458 in lemur, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 46, 56, 58, 50, 64, 68, 71. 79 mammalian acquisition, 421, 699 in man, cxtensiveness of, 801, 806 path of, loio, loi I relation of, to motor area, 101 1 significance of, 806 in marmoset, insignificance ol, 162, 16-, 172 in mycetes, 223-227 in orang, 529 in Pithecus rhesus, 365, 368, 3-^1, 377, 383, 399, 702 relation of, to cerebral cortex, 422 to cerebral peduncle, 682 to decussation, 421 in tarsius, 1 27 emphasizes low organization of pons Varolii, 124 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Pyramidal tract in chimpanzee, 591, 592, 614, 617 comparison of, in lemur, marmoset, mycetcs and tarsius, 243-246 in gibbon, 448, 450, 451 in gorilla, 659, 692, 693 in man, axons in, loii condensation of, 101 1, 1014 relation of, to cerebral peduncle, -92, 849, 850, loio, lOI I in orang, 529, 536 in Pithecus rhesus, 399 relation of, to behavior, 244 to skilled acts, 244, 245 to voluntary control, 243, 244 in tarsius, 102, 105 Pyramids in chimpanzee, 572, 578, 580, 583, 586, 591, 613, 617 in baboon, 299, 300, 306-321, 324-328, 342 in gibbon, 417-435, 455 in gorilla, 654, 655, 662-674 indications of, as to voluntary control, 655, 656 prominence of, 655 large, in man, 795, 796, 797, 805, 806, 808 in lemur, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 60, 61 in marmoset, 162, 165 -175 in mycetcs, 208-217, 218-226 in orang, 498, 517, 539, 540 in Pithecus rhesus, 359-398 relation ot, to volitional control over somatic musculature, 656, 663 in tarsius, small size of, 99, 100, 104, 106, 108, III 1 13, 1 1-, 1 18-125 relation ol, to voluntary movement, 117 QIIADRIGF.MINAL plate of midbrain, in chim- [jaiizee, 5-5, 599, 601 in dog-headed baboon, 303, 325 in gibbon, 439 in gorilla, 657 in lemur, 40, 63 in macacus, 363 in man, 799 in orang, 500, 501, 525 Quadrilobular arrangement, 945, 964, 965 Quadrumanal characters augmented by psychic influences, 15 developed from arboreal transit, 14, 15 established in Cebidae, 16, 230 in lower primates, 257 as retarding specialization in upper extremi- ties, 717 pages 475 11 20 in Volume II. IXDF.X 1 !()() Ouadrumanal characters in man-like apes, i^, i8 dillercntiation in Pitheciis rliesiis, 14, 1^, 350, 976 in prosimia. lo^o Oiiaclriiped I\pe in tioii-tu-acied I^aboon, 520 R ABBIT, 11(1. 114, 121, 1024 Haven, llarrv, on luintinfj tarsius, , 327. 3 JO, 331, 333, 336-342, 344-346 in gibbon, 425-432, 438, 443, 448-450, 451, 455 in gorilla, 658, 665, 673, 679-682, 685 688, 689- 6g6 in lemur, 42, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 57, 60, 62, 66, 69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 8r, 82 in man, 803, 804, 815, 820, 824, 826, 832, 833, 838, 842-849, 851, 852, 854, 855, 8,-6, 858 sharpness of outline in channels in, 839 in marmoset, 166, 167, 169-174, 176, 178, 183-190 in mycetes, 215, 217, 218, 220, 222, 224, 226, 228, 234, 235, 236, 23-, 238, 239, 240, 241, 256 pages 475-1120 in Volume 11. I I lO INDEX Reticular formation in orang, ji2, 521, 528, 529, 533-542 in Pithecus rhesus, 366, 36-', 369-373, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381-386, 388, 39-2-403 in tarsius, 102, 104, 106, 109-116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 128, 129, 136-151 Retzius, 960 luiiiciilus sc'parans of, 799 Kliincnci'plialon, 898, 951, 970 Rhonibenceplialon, tegmentum of, in Pithecus, 396 Rights of possession, development of, 752, 754-757, 766, 932 Rodents, 124, I2j, 128, 30-, 100-, 1039 Rolando, fissure of, 945 in .'ipe-man of Java, 871, 8-2, 8-6 in chimpanzee, 567 in Dawn man, 888 in dog-headed balloon, 295 in gibbon, 412, 414 in gorilla, 645 in human, 779, 782, -83, 786, -87 in lemur, 954 in mycetes, 959, 960 in Neanderthal man, 899 in orang, 493 in Pithecus rhesus, 355, 357 in Predmost man, 922 in Rhodcsian man, 913 Rolando, nucleus of. in chimpanzee, 576—585, 591, 595, 609-619 in dog-headed baboon, 306 324, 336, 338, 339, 346 function of, 306 in gibbon, 418-431, 432-437, 447-452 significance of small size of, 424 in gorilla, 660-667, 672, 675, 685, 686-689, 694 index of sensory influx from head and face, 256, 257> 306, 307, 368, 709, 71 1 in lemur, 42-60, 74, 77, 80 in man, 802-806, 81 1, 814, 841-846, 852 in marmoset, 165-171, 183, 184 in mycetes, 211, 214, 215-222 in orang, 503, 506, 509, 510, 512-513, 523, 534, 535. 538 in Pithecus rhesus, 366-381, 391-400 relation of, to locomotion, 307, 368 in tarsius, 104, 105, 106-109. lit, 116, 118, 119, 121, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143. 145 as evidence of facial innervation, 105 Rolando, substantia gelatinosa of, 234 Romanes on chimpanzee, 546, 565 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Rubrospinal tract, in dog-headed baboon, 306, 308, 309, 311, 313, 315, 316, 324, 326, 327, 333 in gibbon, 422, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 432 in lemur, 42, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 55, 57, 60-62, 69 in man, 804, 806, 808 in marmoset, 166, 167, 169, 170, 175 in mycetes, 211, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 224, 228 in Pithecus, 366, 367, 369, 372, 3-3, 382, 384 relation of, to coordination, 228 in tarsius, 102, 104-111, 114, 116, 118, 123, 132 Ruminants, 10 Rutot, 886 SACCULE, 49, 1 70, 261, 262, 315, 320, 513, 583, 592 Schwalbe, 862, 872 nucleus of, in chimpanzee, 584, 591, 592, 619 in dog-headed baboon, Ji6, 343, 344 function of, 170 in gibbon, 431, 432, 452. 453 relation of, to balancing mechanism, 432 in gorilla, 667, 694 in lemur, 50, 52, 53, 80, 83 in lower primates, coefhcients of, 262, 263 in man, 813, 814, 852, 858 in marmoset, 170, 171, 188 in mycetes, 217-220, 221, 236, 238 in orang, 513, 540 in Pithecus rhesus, 373, 376, 400, 403 in tarsius, 114-117, 118, 145, 149 Scraper, 758 Sculpture, art of, development of, 761 Second Interglacial Period, 749, 753 Scmangs as pre-paleolitliic, 771 Semicircular canals, 49, 170, 261, 262, 315, 320, 583, 592 Semilunar fissure. See Sulcus simiarum. Scnci as pre-palcolithic, 771 Sensory conduction in marmoset, 165 Sensory equipment, in lemur, development of, in cerebral cortex, 65-67 in man, separation of lower inllux Irom inllux from upper limb, 802 size of field of, 789, 790 in mycetes' tail, 191, 203, 213 Sensory organization, formula of, for higher anthro- poids and man, 578 for lower primates, 578 Sensory territories, major, 165 Seventh cranial nerve. See I'aeial nerve, pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II. INDEX 1 1 1 1 Shepherd on ehimpanzec, 546 on Maeaeiis rhesus, 354 Sight. See Vision. Silent area. See Frontal lobe, ~8ij Simia Satyrus. See Orang-outang. Simian characters, introduced by new world monkeys, 16 SIniian fissure in ciiiinpanzee, 76S, ^(n) in gibbon, 412 in gorilla, 645 in human brain, 5~o position of parieto-occipital, 64, in orang-outang, 493, 494, 495 Simiidac, family of, 2:, 478, 706 modern forms of, 477, 478 origin of, 731, 732 structural evolution of olive in, 703 Simultaneous movements of head, eye and h.ind, '3. 2'", 35, 112, 168, 216, 2i(). 24Q, 251, 254, 2H4 in chimpanzee, 555, 582 in gibbon, 460, 705 advance in, 430, 459, 705 in gorilla, 656, 665 relation of, to structural expansion of inferior olivary nucleus, 656, 667, 704 in orang, 512 relation of, to inferior olive, 249, 284, 300 Si\th cranial nerve. See Abducens nerve. Skilled acts, adjustment of sinuiltancous movements in, 13, 27, 36, 37, 168 automatic control of, in marmoset, 168 in tarsius, 105 illustrated bj' catching insects on wing, 112 relation of, to absence of retinal macule, 1 12 to decussation of fibers, 1 1 2 of chimpanzee, 582, 590, ^93 comparison of baboon with macacus, 4^8, 460, 466 of gibbon, 430, 460 of gorilla, 665, 666, 676 of lemur, 35, 41, 42, 47, j6, 58, 59 of marmoset, 164, 166, 168 of mycetes, 210, 283 of orang, 499, 510, 511 relation of, to cerebellar nuclei, 377 to connection between cerebral cortex and lateral lobes of cerebellum, 593 to cortex of cerebrum, 65, 272 to differentiation of hand, 210, 282, 665 to inferior olive, 35, 47, 168, 219, 249, 300, O65 to kinesthetic sensibility, 272 to locomotion, 276, 665 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Skilled acts, relation of, to ocular advance, 130, 250, 281, 282 to oculomotor decussation, 282 to pontile nuclei, 56, 59, 382, 820 to size of cerebral peduncles, 127, 129, 131 of pons Varolii in marmoset, 162 to superior cerebellar peduncle, 822 of tarsius, ro,, 1 10-112, 120, 12" tw'o simultaneous streams of innervation, 2~I Skilled manu.'il acts, 282 Skilled movement, relation of, to occipital lobe, 795 to temporal lobe, 795 Sloth, 260 Smith, G. Mlliolt, 90, ()i, 88~, ()ii, 917, 945, 954, 960, 963 Sollas, 886 Solutrean Period, 761, 762 relation of, to Hint industry, 918, 931 Somatic variants in primate organization, 879 Somesthetic sensibility, 790, 797 expansions in, in parietal lobe, relation of, to quadrunianal dillerentiation, 944, 951 Sonntag on position of tarsius, (>4 Spearhead, 753, 758 Special senses, evolutional significance of, 984-986 Specialization in human race, factors of, 883, 884 in mammals, structures essential to, 1001, 1025, 1039 in primates, common factors of, -25, 994, 1040 Speech, in ape-man of Java, 883 in Dawn man, 888 in Neanderthal man, 903 relation of, to hand, 214 to hearing, 883 to inferior frontal convolution, 883 to prefrontal area, 935 in Rhodesian man, 915, 916 Speech center, motor, position of, in luiman brain, 786, 883 Spider monkey, 203, 213, 303. See also Ateles ater. Spinal accessorj' nerve in gorilla, 658 in tarsius, 103, 109 Spinal cord, 269 high cervical level of, in chimpanzee, 6o(), 61 1 in gorilla, 685, 696 in orang, 533 in Pithecus rhesus, 391, 402 resemblances to human cord, 533, 609 Spinocerebellar eminence in human, 796 in orang, 498, 506, 507 progressive distinction of, 507 pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II, I I 12 INDEX SpinoccrilxIIar tract, fiinctiiin of, 266 in lemur, 61 in marmoset, 166, 167 in Pithccus rhesus, 381 in tarsius, 105 Spinothalamic tract, in chimpanzee, 578, 583, j86 in clog-headed baboon, 306-316, 324-330 in gibbon, 422-432 in lemur, 42-62 in man, 806-810 in marmoset, 167-178 in mycetes, 2 1 1 -228 in orang, 503, 507 in Pithecus rhesus, 366-373, 382-386 in tarsius, 102-128 Splenium of corpus callosum In l)aboon, 297 in gorilla, 6^1 in man, 048 in mycetes, compared with Icnicir niarninset, 204 Squirrel, 89 Standing on tarsius, 91 Stereognosis, 916 Stereoscopic vision. .SVe Binocular vision. Stratum complexum pontis, in chimpanzee, 592 in dog-headed baboon, 324, 326 in gibbon, 436, 439 in gorilla, 674, 676 in lemur, 56, 59 in man, 820, 823, 826, 8jo in marmoset, 172 in mycetes, 223, 224 in orang, 517, 521 in Pithecus rhesus, 380 in tarsius, 124 Stratum profundum pontis, in chimpanzee, 592 in dog-headed baboon, 324, 325 in gibbon, 436, 439 in gorilla, 674, 676 in lemur, 59 in man, 822, 825, 828, 8^2 in marmoset, 172 in mycetes, 223, 225 in orang, 517, 522 Stratum superlicialc griseum in gorilla, 679 in lemur, 65, 67 in marmoset, 172, 177 in mycetes, 223 Stratum superlici.ile pontis in chimpanzee, 591, 592 in dog-headed b.iboon, }2o, 324, 325 in gibbon, 436, 439 in gorilla, 674, 676 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Stratum superficiale pontis in lemur, 56, ^9 in man, 820, 823, 826, 850 in Pithecus rhesus, 377, 379, 380 in tarsius, 124 Striae acu.sticae in chimpanzee, 574 in dog-headed baboon, 303, 343 in gibbon, 419 in gorilla, 656 in lemur, 40 in man, 799 in orang, 499, ,-41, ,-43 in Pithecus rhesus, 362 Structural design, dclinite principle of, regulates series of nuclei in brain stem, 374 features, comparative review of values of, 725 Substantia gelatinosa Rolandi, in baboon, 337-341 in gibbon, 426, 455 in gorilla, 662, 68,-, 688 increase in size in, 43, 46, 47 in lemur, 74, 77, 79 in man, 804, 810, 824, 841 in marmo.set, 183-189 in mycetes, 216, 234-239 in orang, 516, 533-536 in Pithecus rhesus, 379, 393-397 relation o(, to substanti.i gelatinosa trigcmini, 74, 394 in tarsius, 136-149 Substantia gelatinosa trigcmini. See Rolando, nucleus of. Substantia nigra in chimpanzee, 603, 618-621 in dog-headed baboon, 328-345 function of, 64, 227, 329, 332, 528, 603, 684 in gibbon, 443, 444, 452 in gorilla, 682, 693, 695 in lemur, 62, 64, 66, 68, 75, 79 approached by reticular formation, 78 as reconstructed, 73, 81, 82 relation to pontile nuclear masses, 81 significance of size of, 64 in man, 826-856 in marmoset, 176-188 in mycetes, 227-240 in orang, 528, 540, 542 in Pithecus rhesus, 386-401 in tarsius, 128-148 Sulcus centralis, 30, 36, 37. See also Rolando, fissure of. in dog-headed baboon, 296-299 in gibbon, 414-41^ in lemur, 50, 31, 34, 36 pages 475 1 120 in Volume II. INDEX 1113 Sulcus contralis, in 111:1 rinosot, 1^8, 1 j() in mycclcs, 204-207 in Pithccus rhesus, 358-361 Sulcus llmitans in luiiii:in, -(jH, ■^()<) in orang, 5-2 Sulcus lunatus, 04^ Sulcus olfactorius in man, 1^4-, g^o Sulcus parallclus. See Superior temporal sulcus. Sulcus rectus in dog-headed baboon, 296, 298, 299 in gibbon, 414, 416, 417 in Pithecus rhesus, 358, 360, 361 Sulcus simiarum in dog-headed baboon, 296-299 in gibbon, 414-417 in human, disappearance of, --9, 783, 1)4^ in myeetes, 204-207 in Pithecus rhesus, 355, 35-, 3^8, 560, 361 Sulcus temporalis superior. ,S>f Sii|Krinr liiiipi)ral sulcus. Superior brachium in ehimpanzee, 616 in dog-headed baboon, 544 in gorilla, 692 Superior cerebellar pediiiKlis in chinip.inzee, ^"4, 595, 61 5 621 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 303, 321 32S, 540, 341 function of, 54, 56, 26-, 322 in gibbon, 419. 420, 43-, 441, 455 as index of coordination, 43-, 439, 450 in gorilla, 656, 674-676, 690-696 significant dimensions of, 676 index of neokinetic specialization, 823, 826 in lemur, 31;, 40, 52, 54, i"^, -jo, 60, 61, 6.j, 68, -8, 82, 83 in man, 798, 819. 820, 823, 826, 830, 846, 851, 855 significant size of, 820-822, 826 in marmoset, 173-175, 186 in myeetes, 209, 219-226, 241 in orang, 499, 523, 538, 542 in Pithecus rhesus, 363, 378 385, 398 relation of, to coordination, 54, 225, 322, 523, 822, 826 size of, as scale of outflow, 56 in tarsius, loi, 120-122, 127-131, T43, 149 Superior cerebellar vermis in lemur, 33, 3" Superior collieular commissure in chimpanzee, 620 in dog-headed baboon, 345 in gorilla, 695 in marmoset, 177 in myeetes, 241 in Pithecus rhesus, 402 Superior collieuli in chimpanzee, 601, 616, 620 coeflieients of, in lower prim.ites, 2"() Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Superior collieuli, delinition and function of, 601 in dog-headed baboon, 301-303, 329-344 evolutionary significance ol, 279, 470, 680, 681 in gibbon, 415, 419, 420, 441, 454, 470 in gorilla, 657, 680, 681, 691-695, 723 vestigeal condition of, 681 in higher anthropoids, 722 coeflieients of, 722 deflorescence of, -22 in intermediate primates, 470, 471 coefficients of, relation of, to sight, 4~o, 4~i in lemur, 39, 40, 65, 66, 67. 78, 79, 81, 279, 723 in man, 830, 831, 837, 848, 854, 858 in marmoset, 163, 164, I''6 1-9, 18--190, 2~9 in myeetes, 2(kj, 227-240 in orang, 525, 541 bearing of, on vision, 525 vestigeal condition of, 525 in Pithecus rhesus, 363, 385-386, 395-402 relation of, to optic lobes, 279, 385, 680 to vision, 227, 2"9, 4'70, 722 stratification of, in reptile and birds, 38- in tarsius, 100, 101, 127 129, 135-151 more conspicuous than in lemurs, monkeys apes, or man, 100, 129 Superior longitudinal fissure in dog-headed baboon, 295, 296 in gibbon, 413, 414 in man, 779, 982 in marmoset, i 58 in orang, 493, 494 Superior medull.irv velum in chimpanzee, 616 in dog-headed baboon, 321, 340 function o(, 516, 819 in gibbon. 420, 439 in gorilla. oo, 603, 616 in dog-headed baboon, 325 in gibbon, 438-444, 450, 454 in gorilla, 673, 6"5 in human, 81-, 820, 823, 826, 829, 830, 846 pages 47S-I120 in Volume II. INDEX 1115 Tegmentum pontis, in lemur, 76 nuclei of, relation of, to cochlear nuclei, 80 to substantia nigra, 82 in orang, 577-540 in Pithecus rhesus, 377-385, 3<)'" Telcncephalization, 385 in chimpanzee, 575, ~22 definition of, 63, 66 development of, 277 bearing of, on sight and hearing in intermediate primates, 277, 470 in gorilla, 679, 722 gradual process as shown by optic lobes of lemur, 65, 66, 6- of marmoset, 1-9 in man, 830 in orang, 525, -22 in vision and hearing of Pithecus rhesus, 383, 385 of vision, in tarsius, 100, loi in ape-man of Java, 878 Temporal area, relation of, to hearing, 277, 383 in tarsius, q6 Temporal bone, squamous portion of, in gorilla, 653 membranous origin of, 862 Temporal lobe in ape-man ol Java, 878 expansion in auditory function of, 879 relation of, to speech, 879 auditory eminence in, 891, 892 in chimpanzee, 568-572, 599, 600 relation of, to hearing, 600 in dog-headed baboon, 296-298 in Eoanthropus Dawsoni, 886 in gibbon, 412 415 in gorilla, 645, 652, 679 expansion of, in auditory area, 679 in human, 779, -80, 783, 784, -88 comparison with that of anthropoids, 791 function of, 789, 790, 795, 830 in lemur, 31, 32 in marmoset, 159 in mycetes, 202, 205, 206 in Neanderthal man, 898, 903-907 auditory eminence in, 903 in orang, 495-4<)8 in Pithecanthropus crectus, 878, 879 in Pithecus rhesus, 357> 359 in Predmost man, 922 relation of, to speech and thought, 892 in Rhodesian man, 916 in tarsius, 93, 94, 9-, 125 Temporo-sphenoidal incisure, in Pithecus rhesus, 35- Pages 1 474 are in Volume I, Tenth cranial ner%e in gibbon, 429. See also Vagus. Tertiary Period, 940 Tetraplastic theory, 12 Third cranial nerve. See a/so Oculomotor nerve. in dog-headed baboon, 329, 332 in gibbon, 418, 456 in Pithecus rhesus, 362 in tarsius, 100 Thorndyke, on behavior of mycetes, 197 on new world monkeys, 354, 355, -57 Toe-heel timing, 981 Tractus mesencephalicus trigemini in gibbon, 437, in gorilla, 679 in lemur, 61, 62 in Pithecus rhesus, 385 Tractus uncinatus of Russel in baboon, 321-325 in gorilla, 6-5 index of paleokinetic organization in balancing, 823 in lemur, 57, 60 in man, 822, 823 in marmoset, 1-3 in mycetes, 222, 223, 224 in Pithecus rhesus, 380, 381 in tarsius, 120, 121 Transverse sinus in Neanderthal man, 899 Trapezoid body in chimpanzee, 592, 615, 618 in dog-headed baboon, 300, 318-324, 339-342 in gibbf>n, 435, 450, 451 large size of, 453 in gorilla, 673, 690, 695 in lemur, 38, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 77 in man. 818, 846 in marmoset, 162, i"i, 1-2, 186 in mycetes, 208, 222, 223 in orang, 516, 517, 538 in Pithecus rhesus, 362, 378, 3-9. 39" relation of, to auditory sense, 54, 120 in tarsius, 99, 100, 1 16, 1 18, 1 19 Trapezoid nucleus, in lemur, 52, 53 in mycetes, 226, 237 in tarsius, 121, 122 Tree-shrew, 1044 as common stock for ape and man, 1043- 1 044 Trigeminal nerve, 249 in chimpanzee, 575, 595, 59", 599. ^"9 in dog-headed baboon, 323, 329 in gibbon, 432, 448 in gorilla, 6-2, 6-5, 686, 68-, 6<)4 pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume 11. 1 1 16 INDEX Trigeminal nerve, in lemur, 57, 50, (>$ in man, 820, S24, 829, 841 in mycetes, 224 in orang, 523, 535 in Pitliceus rhesus, 379, 380, 381 motor nucleus of, 394 in tarsius, 120 Trigones, vagal, in orang, 543 Trigonum hypoglossi in chimpanzee, 574 in gibbon, 419 in gorilla, 656 in orang, 501, 545 in Pithecus rhesus, 361 Trigonum olfaetorium, in elilnipanzee, 570 ^ in gibbon, 413 in gorilla, 649 in lemur, 33 in man, 791, 945 in marmoset, 60 in mycetes, 206 in orang, 496 Trinil race, 73; Trochlear decussation in tarsius, 124 Trochlear nerve, in gibbon, 440, 456 in lemur, 61, 62, 6, in man, 824 decussation of, 3S2 function of, 382 in marmoset, 173, i''4, i"5 in mycetes, 224, 225 in Pithecus rhesus, 362, 381 in tarsius, 120, i2t significance of course ol, 126 Trochlear nucleus, in chimpanzee, 599, 622 in dog-headed baboon, 347 in gibbon, 440 in gorilla, 679, 697 in lemur, 84 in marmoset, 186 in mycetes, 236, 242 in orang, 523, 543 in tarsius, significance of size of, 126 Troglodjtes gorilla, 1 2. See Gorilla. Troglodytes niger, 1 2, 545-622 Troglodytes niger, 1 2, 545-622. Sec (i/so Chimpanzee. appearance of, 545, 546 behavior of, 545-566, 590 of intelligent type similar to that in human beings, 564-565 coordinalive control in, 555, 566 constructional ideas in, 557, ?i^. 559-i''6 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Troglodytes niger, habitat of, 546 teachability of, 566, Tuber cinereum, in chimpanzee, 576 in dog-headed baboon, 301 in gibbon, 421 in gorilla, 657 in lemur, 36 in man, 792, 833 in Pithecus rhesus, 364 Tubcrcuknu aeusticum, in chimpanzee, 587, 591 in dog-headed baboon, 304, 316, 317 function of, 49, 374 in gibbon, 418, 431, 432 in gorilla, 655, 656 in lemur, 48, 50, 51 in man, 814 in marmoset, 169, 170 in mycetes, 220 in orang, 513 in Pithecus rhesus, 360, 373, 374 in tarsius, 1 16-1 18 Tuberculum olfaetorium in tarsius, 97 Tubcrculum trigcmini, in chimpanzee, 572, 654 in dog-headed baboon, 301, 304 in gibbon, 419 in gorilla, 662, 663 in lemur, 39 in marmoset, 163 in mycetes, 209 in Pithecus rhesus, 363 in tarsius, 99 Tupaia, 957, 1044. Sec uho Tree shrew. Twelfth nerve. See Nervus hypoglossus. T TN(;iNATE tract of Russel. See Tractus unci- ^""^ natus, Hook bundle. Uncus, in chimpanzee, 570 in Gibraltar skull, 907 in gorilla, 652 in orang, 496 Ungulates, 7, 650, 970, 1039 Upper Paleolithic, 745, 746, 758, 759, 764 Utricle, 49, 170, 261, 262, 315, 320, 513, 583, 592 Uvula ccrebclli in tarsius, 109, 115 VAGUS nerve in chimpanzee, 582 in gibbon, 419 in gorilla, 663-665 in tarsius, 108, 109 pages 475 1120 in Volume II. INDEX I I 17 Vallecula, in gorilla, 653 in man, 974 in orang, 497 Ventral accessory olive, in chimpanzee, 614 in dog-headed baboon, 313, 337 in gibbon, 427-429, 448 in lemur, 75, ~6 in mycetes, 21-, 218, 210, 220, 234 in orang, ^36 in Pithccus rhesus, 372, 394, 39, Ventral accessory palco-olivc nucleus in lemur, 76 Ventral cochlear nucleus, in chimpanzee, 619, 620 in dog-headed baboon, 337, 339, 341, 344 in gibbon, 452, 453 in gorilla, 694 in lemur, 77, 79, 80, 81 in man, 814, 853 in marmoset, 185, 187 in mycetes, 235, 239 in orang, 541 in Pithccus rhesus, 393-397 Ventral gray column, in chimpanzee, J76-580, 609- 614 in dog-headed baboon, 30J-309, 338, 341 in gibbon, 421-424 in gorilla, 658, 685, 688, 696 in lemur, 42, 44, 75, 77, 79 in man, 801, 802, 803, 804, 84 J, 854 in marmoset, 164, 165, 166, 185, 190 in mycetes, 211, 235, 236, 241 in orang, 503, 506, 507, 533-53^>. 543 in Pithccus rhesus, 365-368, 371, 391-397 in tarsius, 102, 103, 104, 107, 136-151 Ventral paramedian sulcus in gorilla, 661 Ventral spinocereliellar tract, 252, 253 in chimpanzee, 578, 583, 586 in dog-headed baboon, 306, 309, 311, 313, 315, 316, 321, 322, 324, 325 in gibbon, 422-432 in gorilla, 675 in lemur, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 57, 60 in man, 803, 805, 808, 822 in marmoset, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173 in mycetes, 211, 215. 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224 in orang, 503, 507 in Pithccus rhesus, 366-381 in tarsius, 102, 104, 106-108, ni, 114. 116, 118, 120, 121 Ventricle, fourth, in chimpanzee, 583, 595, 610, 622 in dog-headed baboon, 301-303, 321, 323, 32,, 335. 336-338. 343. 346 Pages 1 -474 are in Volume I, Ventricle, fourth, floor of, in chimpanzee, 573 -591, 614-621 in dog-headed baboon, 302, 303, 313 322, 336, 344. 346 in gibbon, 419, 427, 432-437, 4,-2, 455, 464 in gorilla, 656, 663, 667, 672, 686, 693, 694, 696 in lemur, 37, 39, 40, 61, 81, 83 in man, 798, 799, 810-814, 819-820, 844-858 in marmoset, 164, 187, 188, 189, 190 in mycetes, 219, 238, 241 in orang, 499, 503, 512, 513, 515, 517, 520-523, 537, 540. 543 in Pithccus, 361, 362, 369, 373-378, 399-404 in tarsius, 100, 107, 113, 116, 119, 135-151 in gibbon, 419, 426, 431, 435, 439, 447, 452, 455 in gorilla, 663, 672, 686, 687, 692, 697 in lemur, 77, 80, 81, 82 lumen of, 860 in man, 798, 804, 808, 840, 844, 851, 853, 854, 857, 858 in marmoset, 163, 169, 183, 189 in mycetes, 209, 218, 236, 23-, 239, 241, 242 in orang, 499, 534, 536, 541 in Pithecus rhesus, 360, 363, 372-379, 391-401 roof of, in chimpanzee, 571, 586, 621 in dog-headed baboon, 321, 337 in gibbon, 417, 435, 439 in gorilla, 653, 697 in lemur, 83 in man, 822, 846 in orang, 513, 520 in Pithecus rhesus, 358, 375, 376, 403 in tarsius, 117, 120, 149 in tarsius, 100, 10 1, 1 15-119, 135-151 Wntricle, third, in chimpanzee, 605, 607, 622 floor of, in chimpanzee, 607 in gorilla, 683 in gibbon, 445, 446, 456 in gorilla, 685, 684, 697 in man, 834 836 in marmoset, 190 in mycetes, 242 in orang, 530, 544 in Pithecus rhesus, 387, 404 roof of, in chimpanzee, 607 in tarsius, 131, 132, 150 Ventricular system of cerebral hemispheres, in tarsius, 97 Ventrolateral sulci, m lemur, 54 V'entromedian sulcus in chimpanzee, 572, 5-6 in dog-headed baboon, 300, 308 pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II. iii8 INDEX Ventroniedian sulcus in gibbon, 4!~, 418 in gorilla, 676 in human, 795, 800, 804, 806, 808, 849 in lemur, 34, 36, 38 in marmoset, 162 in orang, 498 in Pitliccus rhesus, 359, 362 in tarsius, 100 Vcntromesial accessory olive in lemur, 48, 49 Vermal ridgepole in chimpanzee, 571 in man. 974 in orang, 497 in Pithecus rhesus, 358 Vermis cerebelli, 248, 2^2, 266, 267 in chimpanzee, 595 definition of, 318 in dog-headed baboon, 298, 319-325 function of, 53, 252, 266, 268, 320, 6-1 in gibbon, 416 in gorilla, 652, 671, 677 comparison of, with lateral lobes of cerebellum, 672 no progressive advance in, 6~i, 6-5 in lemur, 51, 52, 53, 5~, 60, 64 in man, 814, 822, 9-2 in marmoset, 161, 163, 169, 170 in mycctcs, 207, 219, 221, 247 in orang, 498, 521 in Pithecus rhesus, 358, 376, 380 relation of, to cerebellar hemispheres, 265 to inferior olivary nucleus, 253 to vestibular nuclei, 262 in tarsius, 98 Vermis, superior, in chimpanzee, 570, 571 in gibbon, 413, 4r4, 435 in gorilla, 652 in man, 794 ' in orang, 493 Vertex, arch of, in Piltdoun skull. 886 absent in Neanderthal man, 897 Vestibular area in chimpanzee, 585, 610-615,618- 622, 712 comparison of, with arboreal primates, gorilla, man, relation of, to locomotion, 585 coefTicients of, in higher anthropoids, 713 comparison of, in intermediate primates, with of lower group, 465 components of, 50 definition of, 362 in dog-headed baboon, 339. 343. 344 Pages I 474 are in Volume I, Vestibular area in gibbon, 420, 464 relation of, to locomotion and balancing, 464 in gorilla, 656, 686, 693, 6tj4 in intermediate primates, 464 coefficients of, 465 in lemur, 50, 78 in mycetes, 238, 239 in orang, 534, 537, 538, 540, 541 in Pithecus rhesus, 373, 375, 393-403 large size of, 374, 375 relation of, to balancing, 362 in tarsius, 103, 1 38-1 51 Vestibular complex. See also Vestibular area, in lemur, 78 in man, 811, 813, 841, 852, 854, 857 Vestibular eminence in orang, 499 compared with chimpanzee, gorilla, man, 499 in Pithecus rhesus, 362 Vestibular mechanism, phyletic constancy in, 585, 712, 714 Vestibular nuclei in chimpanzee, 574, 583 comparison of, between great anthropoids and intermediate and lower primates, "13. -14 coefficients of, 262, 263 in dog-headed baboon, 315-317. 322, 343 function of, 219, 260, 261, 262, 316, 317, 3-3, 583 in gibbon, 431, 713 in gorilla, 667 high specialization of, in gibbon, 713 in mycetes, 264 in tarsius, 1 15 in lemur, 73, 78, 80, 81 in man, 811, 842, 851 in marmoset and mycetes, 169, 170, 186-188, 219, 261, 263, 264 in orang, 513 in Pithecus rhesus, 372, 374, 393 relation of, to internal ear, 262, 317, 373 to vermis cerebellum, 262 in tarsius, 1 13-117, 145 Vibrissae, relation of, to nucleus of Rolando, 307 V ision, adjustments in, 472 in ape-man of Java, 878 binocular, development of, 280, 527, 601-603, "23, -24 relation of, to internuclear connection, 280, 471-473. 603. 681, 723, 725 in chimpanzee, 601, 602, 722, 723 stereoscopic fusion of, 602, 603 comparison of, in lower primates, 280 and man, 282, 283 pages 475 1 1 20 in Volume II. INDEX 1119 Vision, delicacy of mechanisms for, 527 in dog-headed baboon, 294, 329 as illustrating evolutional progress, 329 only partially binocular, 330 reflex resjxinse in, 4~i relation of, to habitat, 4~i evolutionary changes in, 2-6, 2—, 385, 525, 526, 601 in gibbon, 415, 470 in gorilla, 6ji, 681, 722, 723 relation of, to decussation of oculomotor nuclei, 681 to expansion of occipital region, 65 1 human, relation of, to cerebral cortex, 277 occipital lobe to association, 789 in lemur, 6~ in marmoset, 153, 164, i; — -179 relation of, to suf>erior colliculus, 179 slightly stereoscopic only, 1-9, 282 in mycetes, 227, 228, 282, 283 in Neanderthal man, 903 in orang-outang, 501, 525, 52--529, 722 binocular and stereoscopic, function of, as revealed in midbrain level, 529 in Pithecus rhesus, 385 relation of, to coordination, 280 to differentiation in hand, 250 to occipital area, 277 to oculomotor decussation, 228, 280, 471-473, 52-, 681 to optic lobes, 385, 601 to pulvinar, 6oj to skilled acts, 250, 52- to sufK-rior colliculus, 22-, 385, 525-527, 601 in tarsius, increase in control of, 130 not stereoscopic, 1 1 2, 1 30, 282 prominence of primordial receiving centers, 2-6 relation to central gray column, 112 to inferior olive, 1 1 3 to neck muscles, 1 1 2 to skilled acts, 1 1 2 specialized for nocturnal hunting, 8~, 112 telencephalization of, 1035 Visual axes, positions of, 280 relation of, to intemuclear communication, 281 \'isuo-psychic functions, in ape-man of Java, 878 in Neanderthal man, 903 in Rhodesian man, 917 Volition, relation of, to corticospinal tract, 389 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, Volitional movements, importance of pyramidal system in regulation of, 45, 212, 216, 422, 655, 663, 699 relation of, to dentate nucleus, 220 to diff^erentiation in hand, 212, 216, 284 to discriminative sensibility, 284 Voluntary control in chimpanzee, 604 in dog-headed baboon, 305 relation of, to cerebral hemispheres, 329 in gorilla, 655 relation of, to size of pyramids, 663 to structure of inferior olive, 656, 665 in lemur, 35 in man, 797, 806 in marmoset, 163, 1-7 limited, as indicated bv cerebral 1 , 164 fay nucleus dentatus, 172 by pons, 162 by pyramidal system, 162, 166, 167 in mycetes, 209, 212, 216, 220, 225 in orang, relation of, to pyramidal decussation, pyramids and mesial fillet, 503, 506, 507, 517 in tarsius, 99, 1 10, 1 1", 120 '"\AyAIST" of nucleus of Rolando, in chimpanzee, ** 612 in dog-headed baboon, 336 in gorilla, 68" in lemur, 75 in man, 841 in mycetes, 234 in tarsius, 139 Wallace, A. R., on orang-outang, 479, 480, 990 Watson, J. B., on Macacus rhesus, 354 Weight, increase in, relation to evolution of, 669 of larger anthropoids, I", 981, 1041 Whales, -, 1024 W itraer on chimpanzee, 546 on Pithecus irus, 354 W ood-Jones, on position of tarsius, 94 Woodward, A. S., 884, 88", 891, 912 W'oollard, on tarsius, 91, 92 W ooUy monkey, 303 W risberg, pars intermedia of, in baboon, 314 -\yE} ERKES, Robert M., on orang-outang, 487—491, on Pithecus rhesus. 354, 355 pages 475 I :; ^f! n. 1I20 INDEX VEEHANDELAAR, on nucleus of Bisclioll", 213 Zona incerta of dicnccphalon in lemur, 78 ^ in man, 848, 850 Zona incerta of dicnccphalon in baboon, 345 in marmoset, 186, 189 in gibbon, 450, 454 in mycetes, 237 in gorilla, 692, 696 in orang, 538, 542 Pages 1-474 are in Volume I, pages 475-1120 in Volume U. Paul B. IIoi nFR, Inc., 76 Fifth Avenue, New \'ork Foldout Here ♦ ♦ PAL/EOLITHIC WlE-CHtLLEAN PR,E-9AL/E0UTHIC OK. EOLITKIC ? OCENE } r\^iKj\^ £NE >