Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 200. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. BY THOMAS H. KEARNEY, Physiologist in Charge of Alkali and Drought Resistant Plant Breeding Investigations. Issued December 23, 1910. WASHINGTON: government printing office 1910. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. Chief of Bureau, Beverly T. Galloway. Assistant Chief of Bureau, 6. Harold Powell. Editor, J. E. Rockwell. Chief Clerk, James E. Jones. Alkali and Drought Resistant Plant Breeding Investigations. scientific staff. Thomas H. Kearney, Physiologist in Charge. H. L. Shantz, Physiologist. A. C. Dillman, Assistant Physiologist. 200 9. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau or Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, D. C, August 18, 1910. Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 200 of the series of this Bureau the accompanying manuscript, entitled "Breeding New Types of Egyp- tian Cotton," by Mr. Thomas H. Kearney, Physiologist in Charge of Alkali and Drought Resistant Plant Breeding Investigations. As a result of experiments that have been carried on for the past seven years in acclimatizing and breeding Egyptian cotton in the southwestern United States, several distinct types have originated from the stock of imported seed of the Mit Afifi variety with which the work was begun. Two of these are as distinct in the characters of the plants, bolls, and fiber as some of the newer varieties which have originated in Egypt from the Mit Afifi. A third promising type is an improved acclimatized strain of Mit Afifi rather than a new variety. The principal object of the present publication is to describe the leading characteristics of these promising varieties and strains and the methods followed in the plant-breeding work. A brief account is also given of the general progress of the acclimatization experi- ments with Egyptian cotton during the year 1909. The United States continues to import large quantities of staple cotton. In 1909 the imports from Egypt amounted to 72.617,893 pounds, valued at $12,101,000. Spinners who have examined samples of the acclimatized Egyptian fiber grown last year in the Southwest pronounce it to be in every way as Avell adapted to their requirements as imported cotton of corresponding grades. The possibility of growing Egyptian cotton of good quality on the irrigated lands of southern Arizona and southeastern California has been demonstrated. Production on a large scale awaits the solution of certain cultural and commercial problems which are now receiving attention. Respectfully, G. H. Powell, Acting Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 200 3 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 New types developed 9 Methods of selection 10 The Yuma variety 13 History of the variety previous to 1909 13 Breeding experiments in 1909 15 Field test in 1909 16 Characters of the plants and fiber 17 Performance of nearly related types 18 Probable mutative origin of the Yuma variety 19 The Sonierton variety 20 History of the variety previous to 1909 20 Experiments in 1909 21 Characters of the plants and fiber 22 Performance of a nearly related type - 23 Probable mutative origin of the Sonierton variety 23 Strains Nos. 360, 361, and 362 24 Origin of the group - 24 Strain No. 360 24 Strain No. 361 25 History 25 Field test in 1909 26 Strain No. 362 27 General characteristics of strains Xos. 360, 361, and 362 28 Imported seed of Egyptian varieties tested in 1909 28 Miscellaneous experiments in 1909 29 Progeny of first-generation hybrids 29 Production of first-generation hybrids 29 Seed selection _ 30 Different dates of planting 30 Seed from different pickings 30 Irrigation 30 Present commercial status of Egyptian cotton in the United States 31 Conclusion 32 Summary 33 Description of plates 36 Index 37 200 5 ILLUSTRATIONS Page. Plate I. Fig. 1. — A fertile plant of acclimatized Egyptian cotton. Fig. 2. — A plant of the Yuma variety of acclimatized Egyptian cotton 36 II. Typical bolls and bracts of Mit Ann Egyptian cotton grown from imported seed 36 III. Typical bolls and bracts of the Yuma variety of acclimatized Egyp- tian cotton 36 IV. Typical bolls and bracts of the Somerton variety of acclimatized Egyptian cotton 36 200 6 B. P. I.— 611. BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON." INTRODUCTION. The work of the Bureau of Plant Industry with Egyptian cotton in the Southwestern States and Territories involves three closely related but somewhat distinct lines of investigation, as follows: (1) Plant-breeding investigations, the object of which is to secure improved, high-yielding varieties and strains by the selection of superior individuals producing fiber which represents the best com- mercial types of Egyptian cotton. The present publication deals mainly with this phase of the work. (2) Acclimatization investigations, the object of which is to study the diversity exhibited b}T imported and by more or less acclimatized stocks when planted under different environmental conditions, so as to ascertain what environments and what cultural conditions are most favorable to uniformity, fruitfulness, and the production of good lint in each stock.6 (3) The study of irrigation and other cultural methods for grow- ing the crop and of industrial methods for preparing and market- ing the product. These studies are directed by the officers of the Bureau of Plant Industry who are in charge of the cooperative 0 The general results of the experiments with Egyptian cotton in the south- western United States up to the end of the year 1908 were described in Bulle- tin 128 of the Bureau of Plant Industry, entitled " Egyptian Cotton in the Southwestern United States," and in Circular 29 of the same Bureau, entitled " Experiments with Egyptian Cotton in 1908," both publications being by Thomas H. Kearney and William A. Peterson. & Some of the results of the investigations in this field by Mr. O. F. Cook and his assistants are described in the following publications of the Bureau of Plant Industry : Bulletin 147, entitled " Suppressed and Intensified Char- acters in Cotton Hybrids," by O. F. Cook, 1909; Bulletin 156, "A Study of Diversity in Egyptian Cotton," by O. F. Cook, Argyle McLachlan, and Rowland M. Meade, 1909 ; Circular 42, " Origin of the Hindi Cotton," by O. F. Cook, 1909 ; Circular 53, "Mutative Reversions in Cotton," by O. F. Cook, 1910. 200 7 8 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. work with the Reclamation Service and with the Office of Indian Affairs, respectively. Mr. W. A. Peterson, superintendent of the cooperative experiment farm of the reclamation project at Yuma, Ariz., and Mr. E. W. Hudson, superintendent of the cooperative ex- periment farm on the Pima Indian Reservation at Sacaton, Ariz., are in immediate charge of the cultural experiments. Most of the experimental work with Egyptian cotton in the Southwest has thus far been carried on at these two stations. In 1909 the plant-breeding plats were located in the Yuma Valley a and at Sacaton, Ariz. In the Yuma Valley two fields were planted with bulk seed of the two most promising of the new types described later, four fields were each planted with imported seed of one of the Eg}7ptian \7arieties, and various smaller experimental plantings were made. At Sacaton, in addition to the plant-breeding plat and the plats grown from imported seed of Egyptian varieties, a field of 10 acres was grown from mixed seed of the " bulk selections " made at Sacaton in 1908. In the Imperial Valley, California, small field plantings of four different t}7pes of the acclimatized stock were made, each in a different locality. Another of the acclimatized types was tested at Glendale, near Los Angeles, Cal., alongside a planting of newly imported seed of the Mit Afifi variety. The results of the season's work were on the whole very encour- aging. For the first time in the course of these experiments, fields of several acres each were planted to high-bred varieties and strains, each derived from a single individual plant selected in the breeding nursery only two years previously. A gratifying degree of uni- formity in the plants and fiber was exhibited. The best three of these new types are described in detail in the present publication. Two of them, the " Yuma " and the " Somerton " varieties, are so distinct from the Mit Afifi variety, with which the breeding work was begun, as to warrant the assumption that they constitute muta- tions. The third (strain No. 361) is a typical Mit Afifi, but superior in yield, earliness, and quality of the fiber to plants growm from imported seed of that variety. This strain is apparently a product of acclimatization and selection without the aid of mutation. The great amount of diversity that manifested itself in the experi- mental fields in 1908 was largely eliminated, partly as a result of planting these selected stocks and partly through the application of methods of " roguing " at an early stage in the development of the ° The experimental plantings in the Yuma Valley in 1909 were located near the village of Somerton, about 14 miles south of the town of Yuma. In 1910 most of the experimental work near Yuma is located on the new cooperative experiment farm situated on the California side of the Colorado River, about 7 miles above the town of Yuma. 200 NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. 9 plants which Mr. Cook has worked out as a result of his studies of diversity. Samples of the fiber produced at Somerton and Sacaton in 1909 were submitted to a number of buyers and spinners, who have given uniformly favorable reports on its quality. Comparisons with cotton of the corresponding grades imported from Egypt have in- variably been favorable to the Arizona product. NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. The varieties and strains ° of Egyptian cotton described in this paper were derived from a stock of seed of the Mit Afifi variety imported from Egypt by the Office of Seed and Plant Introduction and Distribution and tested at several localities in the Southwest in 1902. 6 They are all descended from individual-plant selections made in the field at Carlsbad, N. Mex., that was planted with this seed. In 1906 the surviving progenies of these selections were transferred to Yuma, Ariz., and since then the breeding work has been continued in that locality. In 1909 a plant-breeding nursery was started at Sacaton, Ariz., with seed of a number of individual selections from the progeny rows at Yuma of the previous year, in addition to seed of a number of individual selections made in 1908 in the 10-acre field at Sacaton.0 a In this bulletin the term " variety " is applied to such of the new forms as can easily be distinguished from the original stock by their botanical charac- ters. The two new varieties described are believed to have originated as muta- tions. Where the differences are simply of degree — greater fruitfulness, earlier ripening, longer and stronger fiber, etc. — and no evidence of mutation is shown, the term " strain " is employed. 6 For an account of the earlier experiments, see Bulletin 128, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 1908. pp. 34^5. c The field planting of 1908 at Sacaton was made with mixed seed from the 1907 breeding rows at Yuma. As would be expected, considerable diversity was noted among the plants in this field. A large number of individuals which were superior to the average in fertility and in fiber qualities and which appeared to be purely Egyptian in all their characters were marked and picked separately. The mixed seed from these plants was used for planting the " gen- eral field" at Sacaton in 1909, in order to ascertain the general fertility and state of acclimatization of the stock after the removal of all hybrids and other conspicuously inferior individuals and to afford a further opportunity for the selection of desirable types of plants that might appear under the Sacaton con- ditions. The result was a marked improvement in average fruitfulness and in the quality of the fiber as compared with the 1908 field. The same method of " bulk selection " was repeated in 1909. It will be interesting to compare the performance of this second generation of bulk selections with that of carefully selected varieties and strains derived from single individuals, which will also be tested on a field scale at Sacaton in 1910. 59050°— Bui. 200—10 2 10 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. METHODS OF SELECTION. The breeding methods employed have been very simple. At the outset all the plants in the test field were examined, and those indi- viduals which were most fruitful, ripened earliest, and had the largest bolls and the best fiber were given numbered tags and were picked separately. The seed cotton from these plants was then carefully compared in the laboratory and the final selection of the most prom- ising individuals was made. The following year the seed from each of these selections was planted in a progeny row, and each row was marked with the number of the corresponding selection. When the bolls began to open in the fall the rows were carefully worked over, and the best individuals were selected. This process has been continued year after year. As the work developed, the methods were improved. Latterly more importance has been attached to the " projected efficiency " of the individual selections as shown by the greater or lesser degree of uniformity in the good qualities of their progeny. It is now the practice to begin the work of selection each year by a general survey and comparison of the progeny rows as units. As a result, many of the rows can be rejected at once, either because the plants show too much diversity or because their average fruitfulness, length of lint, and other qualities are inferior. Further consideration is given to only those rows which show a high degree of uniformity and in which at least a majority of the individuals are desirable in all essential qualities.0 The best individuals in the superior rows are then se- lected by careful comparison in the field, the branching habit and productiveness of the plants and the size of the bolls being noted and the lint from a number of bolls on different parts of the plant be- ing combed out and examined in respect to length, strength, and general quality. Evidence has accumulated to the effect that the type of branching of the plant is one of the most important characters to be considered in making selections. Plants which bear a large proportion of the bolls on the fertile branches of the main stem, with a corresponding reduction in the size of the " limbs," & are to be preferred because aAn exception should be made to this rule in the case of strikingly superior individuals which are so distinct as to warrant the belief that they are muta- tions. Such individuals should be retained even if the rows in which they occur are otherwise inferior, iD view of the generally admitted tendency of mutations to be prepotent. 6 The distinction between the fertile branches and the " limbs," or large vege- tative branches (which in Egyptian cotton are produced only at a few of the lowest nodes of the main stem), is well expressed by Mr. O. F. Cook in Bulletin 156 of the Bureau of Plant Industry, p. 29: "The branches of the cotton plant are of two definitely different forms. Fertile branches are horizontal or drooping. 200 NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. H they are much easier to pick and because the ripe bolls are held up better and escape contact with dust and mud. The ability to develop fruiting branches at low nodes of the axis — in other words, to set a " bottom crop " — is a desirable character, being an important factor in great fruitfulness. The size of the bolls must be considered, not only because large bolls make picking easier, but because this char- acter is intimately associated with length of fiber.0 It was discovered last }^ear that an examination of the breeding rows several weeks be- fore the bolls begin to ripen is exceedingly helpful, since it is much easier at that period to compare the different rows in respect to type of plant and amount of diversity. The percentage of contamination that has resulted from preA7ious crossing with other types is especially easy to determine at this early stage. The seed cotton from the preliminary selections made in the field is picked separately, and the fiber is carefully examined and com- pared on the seed in the laboratory. The seed cotton from each plant is then ginned, and the color of the resulting fiber is deter- mined by matching with imported samples of the different Egyptian varieties.6 The average amount of fuzz on the seeds is also recorded after ginning. By a careful comparison of the field notes on produc- tiveness, earliness, vegetative characters of the plants, and size of the bolls with the results of the examination of the fiber in the laboratory, the final choice is made of the selections to be retained for planting in progeny rows the following year, and the rest are discarded. The more promising types are tested on a field scale by planting in differ- Eacli joint bears a fruit bud. and tbe internodes are twisted to bring the buds to tbe upper side. Sterile branches, or ' limbs,' are upright or ascending, with long straight joints and no fruit buds. The sterile limbs are to be thought of as subdivisions of the main stalk and have the same function. Like the main stalk they can produce other branches which are fertile, but are them- selves unable to set any flowers or fruits." a Mr. O. F. Cook has called attention in Bulletin 159 of the Bureau of Plant Industry, p. 45, to the existence of this correlation between the length of the boll and the length of the fiber. The writer has observed that in Egyptian cotton, although extremely long, narrow bolls sometimes contain inferior fiber, very short, rounded bolls are never correlated with long lint. 1 Mit Afifi has the most deeply colored fiber. A comparison of the imported sample of this variety, which has been used as a standard, with the band-painted specimens of color tints given in Ridgway's " Nomenclature of Colors " (Boston, 1886) sbows tbe color of tbis sample to be very nearly intermediate between " cream-buff " and " pinkish-buff " ; Nubari is somewhat lighter colored, corre- sponding very nearly with tbe " cream color " of Ridgway ; Jannovitch fiber is much lighter colored than Nubari and may be described as of a very pale tint of cream color ; Abbasi fiber is white, tinged with cream. To conform with com- mercial usage, however, the terms "brown" (Mit Afifi), " ligbt brown" (Nubari), "cream colored" (Jannovitch), and "white" (Abbasi) will be used in this paper. 200 12 BKEEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. ent localities the mixed seed from the unselected plants in the progeny rows. The degree to which the type maintains its uniformity and desirable qualities of plant and fiber when grown in large fields, especially if at different localities affording a considerable diversity of climatic and soil conditions, is, of course, the final measure of its agricultural value. The types represented by progeny rows in the breeding nurseries at Yuma and Sacaton in 1909 were designated by the following num- bers: 300, 301, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 361, 362, 363, 370, 380, 382, 383, and 390. Each of these numbers is that of an individual selection made at Yuma in 1907 and of the corresponding progeny row grown at Yuma in 1908. All types the numbers of which belong to the same decade (as 300 and 301, 360 to 363, etc.) are closely related, having been derived from the same individual plant selected at Yuma in 1906. All types numbered from 300 to 310, inclusive, came from one individual selected in the field at Carlsbad, N. Mex., in 1902, and all those numbered from 350 to 390, inclusive, are derived from several individual selections made in the breeding nursery at the same place in 1905.° The progenies of numerous individual selections in each of the above types were grown on the " plant-to-a-row " system in the breeding nurseries at Yuma and at Sacaton in 1909. Strain No. 361 and the Yuma variety (No. 382) were tested on a field scale near Yuma, seed from the unselected plants in the respective progeny rows of 1908 having been used for these plantings. Selections from the progeny rows of the following seven types have been planted in the breeding nurseries of the present year (1910) at Yuma and Sacaton: Nos. 301, 310, 360, 362, 370 (the Somerton variety), 382 (the Yuma variety), and 390. Heretofore the various progeny rows of all the types represented have been grown side by side in the breeding nurseries, with no at- tempt to isolate one from another. Even under these conditions most of the rows in 1909 showed a definite unity of type. This indicates a strong tendency to prepotency in the characters of several of these types, for in Arizona the Egyptian cotton generally crosses very freely even with other species when grown near by, and a high percentage of hybrids results.6 Hereafter, in order to prevent, if possible, any a Owing to an accident to the stakes at the heads of most of the rows in the breeding nursery of 1905, the detailed records of the earlier ancestry of strains 350 to 390 were lost, but they are all descended from the same stock of imported Mit Afifi Egyptian seed that was grown at Carlsbad in 1902. h Owing to the fact that plats of Upland varieties were grown in the neigh- borhood of the breeding rows of Egyptian cotton at Yuma in 1907, many of the progeny rows in 1908 contained a high percentage of hybrids. In one row there were as many as 25 per cent of first-generation Egyptian-Upland hybrids. 200 NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. 13 contamination due to intercrossing of the different stocks, the progeny rows of each of the most promising types will be isolated, as far as practicable, from all cotton of different ancestry. The three most promising types that have so far been developed in the course of this breeding work are described in detail in the follow- ing pages. The remaining types either appear less promising or have not yet been sufficiently tested. THE YUMA VARIETY. Type No. 382, here designated the " Yuma " variety, is upon the whole the most promising that has so far been developed in this breed- ing work, and is the one which has been most thoroughly tested on a field scale. In 1909 a field of 4^ acres near Yuma, Ariz., was planted to this seed, and a high degree of uniformity was noted in the char- acters of the plants, which were very productive and had large bolls with lint of good quality. Seed of the Yuma variety was planted in 1910 at all localities where experiments with Egyptian types of cotton were undertaken, in order to test its power of retaining its desirable qualities under a variety of conditions of climate and soil. HISTORY OF THE VARIETY PREVIOUS TO 1909. The progenitor of the " Yuma " variety was a plant selected in the breeding nursery at Carlsbad, N. Mex., in 1905. It was derived from the stock of Mit Afifi Egyptian seed planted at Carlsbad in 1902, from which all the other types described in this paper are likewise descended. In the progeny row grown at Yuma, Ariz., in 1906 from the Carlsbad selection an individual was selected which was char- acterized by high productiveness, very large bolls, nearly smooth seeds, a high percentage of lint (32 per cent), and fiber that was very satisfactory in length, strength, and fineness. The progeny plants of this selection in 1907 were of excellent average quality. One of the selections, No. 382, from this progeny row was the immediate pro- genitor of this variety. It was a very productive plant, with large, long-pointed bolls, and its fiber was silky and lustrous, very strong, and more than 1 J inches in length.0 The lint percentage (27) was considerably lower than that of its progenitor in 1906. The amount of crossing which takes place under these conditions in Arizona seems far in excess of what has been observed by most cotton breeders in the eastern United States. It can doubtless be attributed to the unusual abun- dance of wild bees and other flower-visiting insects in the cotton fields during the summer and early fall. a Measurements of length of fiber are copied from the score cards of the year the sample was grown. It is probable that the length was somewhat too favor- ably estimated previous to 190S, the earlier practice having been to give the 200 14 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. The progeny row in 1908 from selection Xo. 382 was remarkably uniform in the characters of the plants, bolls, and fiber.0 The plants were characterized by great productiveness and by a habit of growth (PI. I, fig. 2) that distinguished this row from all the other progeny rows in the nursery. They had a tall, stout main stem, which gen- erally greatly surpassed the limbs and bore an exceptionally large proportion of the bolls. The bracts of the involucre were very large and the bolls were long and pointed. The seeds were generally nearly smooth. The average length of fiber equaled or exceeded that of any other of the 1908 progeny rows, and the length throughout the row was fairly uniform. The seed cotton from all the unselected plants in this row was picked and ginned together. As measured by Mr. John A. Walker,6 the resulting lint ranged from 1J to If inches in the first picking. If to lT7hares the vegetative characters of the Somerton variety. If it had been grown under similar conditions and had exhibited the same characteristics, ample evidence would have been afforded that the mutation must have occurred at least as early as 1906. STRAINS NOS. 360. 3 61. AND 3 6 2. ORTGIX OF THE GROVP. The group of strains Xos. 360. 361. and 362. like the Yuma and Som- erton varieties, was derived from an individual selection made at Carlsbad. X. Mex.. in 1905, in a part of the breeding nursery where the numbers of the progeny rows had been lost. The ancestry of the group previous to 1905 is therefore unrecorded except that each strain was derived from the same lot of imported Mit Afifi seed used in beginning the breeding work in 1902. from which all the varieties and strains described in this paper originated. An indi- vidual selection in the progeny row from the Carlsbad plant grown at Yuma in 1906 is the common ancestor of this group of strains. The plants representing the progeny of the individual selected in 1906. grown in a row at Yuma in 1907. were noted as being uniformly ex- cellent. Three individual selections of that year, numbered as above. are the direct progenitors of the three corresponding strains. STRAIX NO. 3 60. Selection Xo. 360 of 1907 was characterized by a satisfactory per- centage of lint (30 per cent) and by fiber that was fully 1J inches long, uniform in length, fine, and of a good brown color, but rather inferior in strength. The 190S progeny row from this plant contained about 11 per cent of hybrids. The remaining plants were a The plants grown near Los Angeles, both from the acclimatized strain and from imported Mit Afifi seed, were small, and they had few and short limbs: they were conspicuously hairy and had a great deal of red color in the stems and involucres. The bracts were broad, cordate, and deeply toothed. The calyx was distinctly toothed, a character usually peculiar to Upland as distinguished from Egyptian types. The stigmas were exceptionally short. 200 NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. 25 uniform and were typically Mit Afifi in their characters. They were productive, ripened early, and produced fiber that was distinctly brown in color. The seed cotton from the unselected plants in this row was picked and ginned together. The lint had an average length of If inches in the first picking and ranged from If to 1J inches in the second picking. The strength and color were very satisfactory in both pickings. Three individual selections were made in this row, and the seed Avas planted in progeny rows in 1909, two at Yuma and one at Sacaton. When examined July 6 one of the rows at Yuma contained two and the other four unmistakable hybrid individuals, and there was considerable diversity among the remain- ing plants. The row at Sacaton, inspected August 3, contained no obvious hybrids, but the plants were generally infertile, and the row was discarded. In September one of the rows at Yuma was decidedly inferior in the average length, strength, and fineness of the fiber, and no selections were made; only one individual selection was made in the other row at Yuma. The seed cotton from the unselected plants in progeny row Xo. 360 of 1908 was picked and ginned together and the seed was planted at Holtville, in the Imperial Valley, California, in 1909. The soil was very sandy and the seed was planted late, consequently the yield was small. ^Nevertheless, many of the plants showed a strong tendency to produce a " bottom crop," developing fruiting branches at low nodes on the stem. On a good percentage of the plants the fiber was satis- factory in length and strength. There was considerable diversity in the appearance and vegetative characters of the plants, and a large number of hybrids and otherwise aberrant plants were ^removed at the end of July. STRAIN XO. 3 61. History. — Individual selection Xo. 361 of 1907 was a much more productive plant than Xo. 360, but otherwise greatly resembled it. The seeds were abundantly furnished with lint, the percentage being 32. The fiber had all the characters of a good Mit Afifi and was very fine, strong, and of a good brown color. The length exceeded 1\ inches and was very uniform. In 1908 the progeny row from this plant contained about 6 per cent of hybrids. It was one of the most uniformly fruitful and early-ripening rows in the breeding nursery. The fiber was of typical Mit Afifi character, and was highly satisfac- tory in fineness, color, and length, although the uniformity of length was somewhat disappointing. The percentage of lint was good. All seed from the unselected plants in this row was picked and ginned together. Mr. John A. Walker reported on the lint from the first picking that it has a "distinctly brown color. even throughout, showing very little white, giving it a greater resemblance to regular Egyptian 200 26 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. (brown) than anything ginned to date; has also good lf-inch staple, extra strong and silky. Can be regarded as very satisfactory cotton." The second picking apparently contained a somewhat higher per- centage of white fiber, but was otherwise similar. A careful exam- ination of the seed cotton from eleven individual selections in this row showed that in color it was slightly lighter than imported Xubari fiber (footnote 5, p. 11) in all but two plants, in which is equaled the Nubari. The selections were more uniform in their fiber char- acters than those from most of the other progeny rows of 1908, the uniformity having been especially marked in respect to color, strength, and fineness. Five progeny rows of strain No. 361 were grown at Yuma in 1909. In all but one of the rows from one to three hybrid plants were found on July G ; otherwise the plants were very similar in all the rows. Unfortunately these five rows were planted in an unfavorable situa- tion close to a row of cottonwood trees; they were consequently so unproductive and the fiber was so short that no individual selections could be made. The fiber showed more color than was exhibited in the progeny rows of any other strain at Yuma in 1909. Field test in 1909. — The bulk seed from the unselected plants in progeny row Xo. 361 of 1908 was planted in 1909 in a field of 3 acres near Yuma. On July 27, the evident hybrids having been roguecl out early in the season, the field appeared very uniform. The plants were rather strict in habit and did not develop fruiting branches at the lower nodes,® which was doubtless chiefly owing to the rather late planting and to lack of water for irrigation at critical times during the summer. For the same reasons the yield from this field was low and the lint was inferior in length and strength to what might have been expected from the undoubted excellence of the stock. In dry j^laces in the field the strength was especially inferior. There was a marked tendency to uniformity in the characters of the plants and fiber, and the percentage of probable hybrids or otherwise aberrant individuals was small. The bolls held the ripe cotton better than was observed with the Yuma variety. The fiber had an excellent color, intermediate between that of Nubari and Mit Afifi (footnote 5, p. 11). A considerable number of typical plants in this field, dis- tinguished from the average by greater fertility and better lint, were a Mr. Argyle McLaclilan found that in fifteen representative plants from differ- ent parts of this field the average lowest node of the main stem at which a fruiting branch was developed was the fifteenth, hence not lower than in plant- ings of imported seed of Egyptian varieties. On the other hand, in thirty representative plants from different parts of the 4-acre field of the Yuma variety the first fruiting branch was developed on the average at the tenth node of the main stern. It should be observed, however, that the latter field was planted three weeks earlier than the field of strain 361. 200 NEW TYPES DEVELOPED. 27 marked and the seed from these was picked together (bulk selection) for planting a yield-test field in 1910. Ten individual selections were also made by Mr. W. A. Peterson. STRAIN NO. 3 62. Individual selection No. 362 of 1907 was an exceedingly fruitful plant, with a lint percentage of 29. The fiber was typically Mit Afifi in character, had a good brown color, and was very fine in all but the first picking.0 In length it exceeded 1J inches and showed a high degree of uniformity. There was considerable variation in the strength, the later pickings being inferior in this respect. The 1908 progeny row from this plant contained 7 per cent of hybrids. The plants were very similar to those in row 361 (see above). They were very productive and well shaped, with fruiting branches nearly to the base of the stem. The bolls, which opened very early, varied somewhat in size, but were generally medium sized for the Mit Afifi variety. The fiber was of characteristic Mit Afifi type, very fine and lustrous, strong, and well colored. There was a decided lack of uniformity in length of fiber, but the average was about If inches. The seed from the unselected plants in this row was picked and ginned together. The lint was classed by Mr. Walker as " fine " in the first picking and " strictly fine, silky " in the second picking. The length ranged from 1J to If inches in the first and from If to 1 J inches in the second picking. In both pickings the lint was " wasty." It was " extra strong," but uneven in strength. Seed cotton from eight individual selections from this row was carefully examined, and proved very similar to that of the selections in row 361. In color the fiber on four of the plants equaled imported Mit Afifi, and on the other four equaled imported Xubari. The length of the fiber on the different plants ranged from 1^ to lT9e inches, but the average was 1T76 inches. The fiber was uniformly very fine and generally strong. The lint percentage was good. The seeds varied from smooth to partly covered with fuzz. The seed of six individual selections was planted in progeny rows at Yuma in 1909. TThen inspected on July 6 there were from one to three evident hybrids in all but one of the rows, and there wa£ otherwise considerable diversity in foliage and branching habit. In September the plants in all the rows appeared very similar in type of plant and in the character of the bolls and lint. Eight individual selections were made in the six rows. a It was observed in 1908 that the fiber from the first picking in every lot of cotton grown was coarser and rougher than that from the second and later pickings. This was especially marked in early-ripening types, like No. 362, and was doubtless due to the fact that the bolls opened and exposed the seed cotton to the intense light and dry air long before the first picking was made. 200 28 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STRAINS NOS. 3 60, 3 61, AND 3 62. The plants of strains Nos. 360, 361, and 362 grown in progeny roAvs at Yuma in 1909 had an open habit (PL I, fig. 1) with a few long, upright, slender limbs nearly equaling the main stem in length ; the fruiting branches were long and slender, bearing comparatively few bolls, and generally had a very long basal internode ; a the foliage rather sparse ; the bolls short, rounded, and with a blunt tip (typical Mit Afin bolls, see PL II) ; the seeds smooth or partly covered with fuzz ; and the fiber generally short and strong, fine, and nearly as brown in color as imported Mit Afin fiber. The percentage of lint was much higher than in the Yuma and Somerton varieties, 25 pounds of seed cotton from the " bulk selections " in the 3-acre field of strain 361 having yielded 31.6 per cent of lint.& These strains constitute a uniform type which shows no marked departure from typical Mit Afifi cotton as grown in Arizona from imported seed, except that the j)lants are more productive and develop fruiting branches at lower nodes on the stem, open their bolls earlier, and produce lint of better quality. The high degree of uni- formity exhibited by the plants in the 3-acre field of strain 361 at Yuma in 1909 indicates a considerable degree of prepotency, since the progeny row which produced this seed in 1908 was situated in the breeding nursery among other rows of very different type, most of which contained numerous mybrids (footnote 6, p. 12). IMPORTED SEED OF EGYPTIAN VARIETIES TESTED IN 1909. As a check on the progress of the acclimatization and selection and in order to compare the amount and kinds of diversity shown by the plants from newly imported seed with that of the acclimatized and selected stocks, seed of the six leading Egyptian varieties (Mit Afifi, Nubari, Jannovitch, Ashmuni, Abbasi, and Sultani) was planted in alternate rows in the Yuma Valley and at Sacaton, Ariz. Larger plantings (one-half acre to 1 acre) of the first four varieties were also made in the Yuma Valley. A plat of imported Mit Afifi was a This rather undesirable branching habit does not appear to be inherent in these strains, but seems to be due mainly to the unfavorable situation of these particular rows, which suffered several times during the season from lack of moisture on account of the competition of a neighboring row of trees. In the row which had the most favorable moisture conditions the plants were much more productive, with fruiting branches developed well toward the base and usually bearing five or six bolls each. In this row the bolls were larger than in the others. 6 Mr. Argyle McLachlan found that 100 delinted seeds of strain 361 weighed 11.75 grams, while the same number of seeds from a sample of imported Mit Afifi weighed only 10 grams. If the seeds weighed no more than the imported (see p. 17), the lint percentage of strain 361 would therefore have been 35.3 instead of 31.6. 200 MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS IN 1909. 29 also grown alongside a planting of a select acclimatized stock derived from the same variety at Glendale, near Los Angeles, Cal. (See p. 23.) The imported varieties differed widely in the amount of diversity shown, this being least in the Mit Afifi and Xubari varieties and greatest in Ashmuni. The Mit Afifi and Nubari varieties showed a high degree of uniformity, indicating that the seed received from Egypt was the result of careful selection in that country. The Mit Afifi, as in all previous plantings of imported seed of that variety, at all places where the comparative plantings were made, showed itself very inferior to the acclimatized and selected stocks in yield, earliness, and quality of the fiber. On the other hand, the Nubari, although by no means equaling the* improved strains which have resulted from several years of acclimatization and selection in the Southwest, was decidedly superior in all these respects to any other planting of newly imported seed which has been made in that region. The yield from one-half acre of this variety was 514 pounds of seed cotton, which was equivalent to 290 pounds of lint per acre, the per- centage of lint being 28.1. MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS IN 1909. In addition to the plant-breeding experiments and the field tests of acclimatized and imported stocks, a number of other experimental plantings were made near Yuma, Ariz. Progeny of first- generation hybrids. — Progeny rows of several first- generation Upland-Egyptian hybrids selected in the breeding nurs- ery of 1908 (see footnote b: p. 12) were grown. It was observed in 1908 that these first-generation hybrids, when compared with the pure Egyptian plants in the rows in which they occurred, were very superior in fruitfulness, size of bolls, and in the abundance, length, and strength of the fiber. The progenies of the different individuals in 1909 showed considerable difference in the amount of diversity and m the degree in which the characters of the Egyptian or of the Upland parent predominated. Xone of the plants in any of the rows came near equaling the parent selections in productiveness or in the quality of the fiber. Some of the first-generation hybrid parents had very smooth seeds and others had completely fuzzy seeds. As a rule, the progenies in 1909 showed no uniformity in their inheritance of this character ; many fuzzy-seeded offspring were from smooth-seeded parents, and vice versa. An examination of these hybrid progeny rows gave no indication of the likelihood that a superior strain could be developed by this method, and no selections were made in the second generation. Production of first- generation hybrids. — Under the direction of Mr. O. F. Cook, Egyptian cotton was planted in rows alternating 200 30 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. with various Upland varieties in order to test the possibility of secur- ing in this manner a stock of first-generation hybrid seed for com- mercial planting." The early flowering of most of the Upland varie- ties, as compared with the Egyptian, indicated that to use this method successfully it might be necessary to select a late-flowering Upland variety for the alternate plantings or else to plant the Up- land cotton later than the Egyptian. Seed selection. — Another experiment, carried on by Mr. Argyle McLachlan, was the planting in separate rows of the different types of seed selected from various imported and acclimatized lots, in order to determine the possible advantage of sorting by hand cot- ton seed that has become mixed by hybridization, and thus to elimi- nate aberrant types before planting, thereby gaining greater uni- formity in the crop and reducing the opportunity for further crossing. Different dates of planting. — Row plantings of a single acclima- tized stock were made on successive dates throughout the spring in order to compare the effect of early with that of late planting under otherwise uniform conditions upon the fruitfulness and lint quali- ties of the plants, and to ascertain the best time for putting in the seed. For various reasons this experiment gave no conclusive results, but the matter is an important one and will be made the subject of further experimentation. All the evidence so far obtained points to the advantage of planting Egyptian cotton in the Colorado River region as early in the spring as the weather will permit. Seed from different pickings. — Seed from the different pickings of several of the acclimatized stocks was planted in rows in order to determine if possible whether the early or the late ripened seed is the most desirable for planting. Only negative results were ob- tained, none of the three pickings appearing to give generally better results than either of the others, but it is not considered that this problem has been finally solved. Irrigation. — The conditions in 1909 with regard to the supply of water for irrigation were so unfavorable that no special experiments could be carried out to determine the best method of irrigating Egyp- tian cotton. There is no question that the yield, uniformity, and quality of the fiber, especially in respect to length and strength, depend in a high degree upon the manner in which the plants are irrigated. This is considered the most important cultural problem remaining to be solved in connection with the production of this crop in the Southwest. "In a paper entitled " Suppressed and Intensified Characters in Cotton Hybrids," Bulletin 147, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, pp. 15-16, Mr. Cook calls attention to the possible commercial utilization of the superior qualities of first-generation hybrids of Egyptian with Upland cotton. 200 COMMERCIAL STATUS OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. 31 PRESENT COMMERCIAL STATUS OF EGYPTIAN COTTON IN THE UNITED STATES. During the latter part of 1909 and the early months of 1910 all types of cotton commanded unusually high prices. The condition of the long-staple cotton market was especially abnormal owing to the opera- tion of a number of independent causes. The advance of the boll weevil in the cotton belt of the South has led to a feeling of uncertainty in the localities which furnish the bulk of our supply of long-staple Upland cotton. Furthermore, the 1909 crop in Egypt was an exceptionally small one, and from all reports the quality of the fiber was unusually poor. Various explanations are offered for the disquieting state of affairs that exists in Egypt. It is widely believed that the construction of the great dam at Assuan, in upper Egypt, and of " high line " canals. with the consequent abundance of irrigating water and increased opportunity for seepage, has resulted in raising the water table throughout the cotton-growing provinces of the Delta to a point that seriously injures the deep-rooted cotton plants. Table II. — Average prices of Good Fair Egyptian and Middling Upland cottons on the Boston market for each month from January to October. W09.a Month. Average price per pound. Month. Average price per pound. Good Fair Egyptian. Middling Upland. Good Fair Egyptian. Middling Upland. Cents. 17.0 16.5 16.0 16.6 18.0 Cents. *9.9 9.9 9.9 10.5 11.3 ■ Cents. 18.5 19.9 Cents. 11.5 July 12.9 19.9 12.7 April May September > 20.2 October 13.2 14.4 " The average prices of Egyptian and Middling Upland cottons on the Boston and Liver- pool markets during the ten years from 1898 to 1907, inclusive, are stated in Bulletin 12S, Bureau of Plant Industry. P- 25, tables 4 and 5. Prices during 190S are discussed in Circular 29, Bureau of riant Industry, pp. 5 and 6. Table III. — Average prices of different grades of Egyptian and of Middling Upland cotton on the Boston market for each month from November, 1909, to July. 1910.a Average price per pound. Egyptian. * Low grades. Current. Good grades. High grades. Middling Upland. Cents. 19 -224. 22^-25i 24 -26| 22 -27 221-28i 204-27# 19l-22f 172-22! 17i-20i Cents. 20i-23f 24 -274 251-281 26 -32 274-334 23f-321 23±-26± 19J-26£ 19i-212 Cents. 21f-25| 26 -29^ 27 1-30 § 28^-33 324-34i 28i-33i 26|-30| 21J-30I 20I-22J CenU. 23 -274 27J-31 29^-32} 311-35^ 33i-36| 314-361 291-33 22|-33 212-244. Cents. 15 -15| December, 1 90y 15 -15| Januarv, 1910 Februarv, 1910 March , 1910 April, 1910 . '. 15 -16f 15^15^ loyg-loA 15i^-15& May, 1910 June, 1910 15&-15H 14| -15± Julv, 1910 15* -16 a The prices for each month are the minimum and the maximum of the weekly prices for each grade as quoted in the Commercial Bulletin, published at Boston. 200 32 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. It would be unwise to rely upon a maintenance of the recent very high level of prices. During the ten years from 1898 to 1907. in- clusive, the average price on the Boston market of all grades of Egyptian cotton imported was 15.3 cent?, as compared with 0.5 cents fur Middling Upland. During 190S the average price of Egyptian cotton on the same market was 18.07 cent-, as compared with 11.11 cents for Middling Upland. It should be noted, however, that these prices cover the total quantity of Egyptian cotton imported, much of which belongs to very inferior grades. Fiber of a quality such as experiments have demonstrated can be produced in the Southwest would be expected to command a premium of several cents over the average. The total imports of Egyptian cotton into the United States during the calendar year 1909 amounted to 72.617. 893 pounds, valued at $12,101,000, as compared with 61,511,723 pound-, valued at $11,- 560,009, in 1908. CONCLUSION. In summing up the most important results of the breeding work with Egyptian cotton in 1909. it is noted that the diversity caused largely by crossing with other types of cotton, which in 190S seemed to seriously threaten the future of the acclimatized stock, has to a great extent disappeared. This is doubtless partly due to the plant- ing of carefully selected types. The most promising of these is apparently a mutation and -hows a strong tendency to be prepotent: in other words, to maintain its uniformity even in the presence of opportunity for crossing with other stocks". The application of methods of eliminating hybrids and aberrant individuals before the plants begin to open their flowers which Mr. Cook has worked out as a result of his diversity studies has also greatly contributed to this result. The breeding work of the past -even years has developed several superior -trains and two very distinct varieties which are now ready for testing on a field scale. The two varieties — the Yuma and the Somerton — developed from an imported stock of the Mit Ann vari- ety, represent a wide departure from the characteristic parent type. In their large, pointed bolls and lighter colored fiber they more nearly approach other Egyptian varieties, which are also believed to be de- rived from Mit Afifi and probably originated in the same manner as " sports " or " mutations." One of the new strains represents typ- ical Mit Afifi in the shape of its bolls and in the deeper color and other characteristics of its fiber, but is notably superior to the average of that variety, at least as grown in the United States from imported seed. This -train, which was grown last year on a field scale, like- wise exhibited a high degree of uniformity. 200 SUMMARY. 33 Experiments in 1909 with these well-marked new varieties indicate that transfer to a new locality having somewhat different climatic and soil conditions does not induce diversity to anything like the extent that results when newly imported seed or mixed seed of dif- ferent acclimatized stocks is planted in new places. Thus the very distinct Yuma variety, which was first distinguished and very likely originated at Yuma, Ariz., maintained its superior uniformity, pro- ductiveness, and distinctive type of plants and of fiber when planted under the decidedly different conditions existing at Sacaton, Ariz., and in the Imperial Valley, California. The equally distinct Som- erton variety, which also probably originated near Yuma, maintained its superiority to newly imported seed at Sacaton and at Los Angeles, Cal., although in the latter locality, which represents an extreme de- parture from the climatic conditions existing in the Yuma Valley, the general appearance of the plants was very different. It is there- fore apparent that the difficulties of " local adjustment " or adapta- tion of an acclimatized strain to the varying climatic and soil condi- tions of different localities in the region in which the acclimatization has taken place are not likely to interfere seriously with the extensive utilization of selected types possessing a high degree of prepotency such as are described in this paper. SUMMARY. Several distinct and promising varieties and strains which have resulted from the acclimatization and breeding experiments with Egyptian cotton in the southwestern United States were tested on a field scale in the Colorado River region in 1909 and gave very favor- able results in regard to the quality and uniformity of the fiber produced. The results of the season's work showed that by planting carefully selected types and by " roguing out " the markedly aberrant indi- viduals early in the summer the degree of uniformity can be attained which is demanded by the market for this class of cotton. Diversity can be still further controlled and the fruitfulness of the plants maintained by avoiding extremely light and extremely heavy types of soil and by managing irrigation so that the plants are not exposed to alternations of severe drought and excessive moisture. Samples of the fiber produced in 1909 were submitted to a number of spinners and other experts, who were unanimous in pronouncing them equal in all respects to imported Egyptian cotton of correspond- ing grades. Two of the best types (the Yuma and Somerton varieties) are so distinct from the Mit Afifi variety from which they have been derived as to warrant the belief that they are mutations and have originated 200 34 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. in the same manner as Abbasi. Jannovitch. and other superior types which have been developed in Egypt from the Mit Afifi variety. A third type j strains B603 361, and 3'32 | resembles Mit AM in all characters of the plants, bolls, and fiber, but the plants are much more productive and produce fiber of better quality than those grown in the same region from imported seed. This type is to be regarded as an acclimatized and improved Mit Afifi rather than a new variety. The Ytima variety was tested in a field of -1 acres near Yuma. Ariz.. in 1909. and showed a very satisfactory degree of uniformity in the productiveness and habit of the plants and in the quality of the fiber. It is characterized by a strong tendency to develop a stout main stem greatly surpassing the limbs, and possesses long fruiting branches, long taper-pointed bolls, and strong, silky, cream-colored fiber, averaging about 14 inches in length. The Somerton variety resembles the preceding in the length of its bolls and in most of its fiber characters, but the bolls are more sharply pointed, the seeds generally smoother, the percentage of lint smaller. the plants more bushy, with a greater development of large vegetative branches. The group of strains Xos. 360, 361. an 1 362 nstitutes a uniform type that i- very different from the Yuma and Somerton varieties. The plants f open habit, with several large limbs nearly equaling the main stem : short, plump, abruptly pointed bolls : and strong fiber of medium length i averaging 1^ to If inches ) . In color the fiber is almost as brown as that of imported Mit Afifi. Other more or less distinct type- have been developed, but are either I tisfactory or have not yet been sufficiently tested. Import Is I of the principal Egyptian varieties was planted in 1909 in Arizona in the vicinity of Yuma and at Sacaton. The -ties differed greatly in the amount of individual diversity mani- - ed. Xone of them equaled the acclimatized stocks in fruitfulness or in quality of the lint. Progenies of a number of first-generation Egyptian-Upland hy- brids were grown near Yuma. The second-generation plants showed excessive diversity of type, but none of them could compare with the first-generation parents in yield or in excellence of the fiber. The imports of cotton from Egypt into the United States during the calendar year 1909 amounted to 72.617.^93 pounds, valued at $12,11 L, . a- compared with 61.511. 723 pounds, valued at $11,- . in 1908. ... PLATES 200 35 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Plate I. Fig. 1. — A fertile plant of acclimatized Egyptian cotton of the type characteristic of strains Nos. 360, 361, and 362, with several large ascending vegetative branches nearly as long as the main stem and bearing a con- siderable percentage of the bolls. Grown near Yuma, Ariz., in 1908. Fig. 2. — A plant of the Yuma variety of acclimatized Egyptian cotton with a tall, stout main stem bearing most of the bolls and with the vegetative branches much reduced. Grown near Yuma, Ariz., in 1908. Plate II. Typical bolls and bracts (natural size) of Mit Afifi Egyptian cotton grown from imported seed near Yuma, Ariz., in 1908. Plate III. Typical bolls and bracts (natural size) of the Yuma variety of accli- matized Egyptian cotton grown near Yuma, Ariz., in 1909. Note the larger and more pointed bolls as compared with typical Mit Afifi (PI. II). Plate IV. Typical bolls and bracts (natural size) of the Somerton variety of acclimatized Egyptian cotton grown near Yuma, Ariz., in 1909. The bolls are more sharply pointed than in the Yuma variety (PI. III). 200 36 Bui. 200, Bureau of Plant Industry, U, S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I Fig. 1 .— A Fertile Plant of Acclimatized Egyptian Cotton. Fig. 2.— A Plant of the Yuma Variety of Acclimatized Egyptian Cotton. Bui. 200, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Typical Bolls and Bracts of Mit Afifi Egyptian Cotton Grown from Imported Seed. (Natural size.) Bui. 200, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate III. Typical Bolls and Bracts of the Yuma Variety of Acclimatized Egyptian Cotton. (Natural size.) Bui. 200, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. Typical Bolls and Bracts of the Somerton Variety of Acclimatized Egyptian Cotton. (Natural size.) INDEX Abbasi cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. page Acclimatization, results of investigations. '. 7, 17, 23, 28, 29, 33 Arizona, cotton grown, quality 9, 29, 34 tendency to intercross ] 2-13 Ashmuni cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Assuan, Egypt, construction of dam, effect on cotton crop 31 Bees, activity in pollination of cotton 13 Bolls of cotton, indicative of types 11, 18, 22, 28, 34, 36 Branches of cotton, fertile and vegetative distinguished 10-11 Branching, type indicative of character 10-11, 17, 22, 28, 34, 36 Brawley, Cal., cotton experiments 22 Breeding, plant, importance of early examination of cotton rows 11 location of plats .' 8, 9 methods 10-13 summary of results 32-34 Carlsbad, N. Mex., cotton experiments 9 Climate, factor in plant breeding 12, 23, 33 Color of fiber. See Fiber. Colorado River region. See Experiments at Yuma and in the Imperial Valley. Conclusion and summary of bulletin 32-34 Cook, O. F., cotton investigations " 7, 9, 10, 11, 17, 23, 29, 30, 32 Cooperation with Office of Indian Affairs 7-8 Reclamation Service 7-8 Cotton, Egyptian, development of new types 9-28 imports, 1909 32, 34 present commercial status in the United States 31-32 prices, Boston market 31-32, 34 tests of seed in 1909 28, 29 types, No. 300 12 300 to 340, origin 12 301 12 320. : 12 330 12 340 12 350 12 350 to 390, origin 12 360 12, 22, 24-25, 28, 34, 36 361 8, 12, 24-28, 34, 36 362 12, 22, 24, 27, 28, 34, 36 363 12 370, numerical designation of Somerton variety. . 20 380 12, 18, 19 382, numerical designation of Yuma variety 13 384 18 390 12 200 37 38 BREEDING NEW TYPES OF EGYPTIAN COTTON. Page. Cotton, Egyptian, varieties, Abbasi 11, 23, 28 Ashmuni 28, 29 Jannovitch 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28, 34 Mit Ann 8, 0, 11, 17, 23, 24, 28-29, 32-34, 36 Nubari 11, 21, 28, 29 Somerton 20-24, 32-34, 36 Sultani, imported for test 28 Yuma 13-20, 32-34, 36 experiments. See Experiments. in Egypt, conditions affecting crop 31 Upland, growth at Yuma 12, 16, 30 prices, Boston market 31-32 See also, Acclimatization, Bolls, Branches, Branching, Breeding, Experi- ments, Fiber, Foliage, Fuzz, Hybrids, Irrigation, Mutations, Seed, Yield, etc. Culture, study of methods 7-8 Dewey, L. H., tests of lint 18, 22, 23 Egypt, construction of Assuan dam, effect on cotton crop 31 cotton crop in 1909 31 Egyptian cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian. El Centro, Cal., cotton experiments 19 Experiments, cotton, at Yuma, Ariz 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18-29, 33, 34, 36 in the Imperial Valley 8, 19, 22, 25, 33 methods of selection 10-13 miscellaneous 29-30 new types developed 8-28 Fiber of cotton, color determinations 11 quality determinations 13-15, 18-29, 32-34 Foliage of cotton, indicative of types 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28 Fuzz, development on seeds of American-grown cotton 11, 15, 18, 23, 27, 28, 29 Glendale, Cal., cotton experiments 8, 29 Holtville, Cal., cotton experiments 25 Hudson, E. W., cotton cultural work at Sacaton, Ariz 8 Hybridization of cotton, precautions to prevent 12-13 Hybrids among cottons under investigation 12-29, 34 first generation 12, 29, 34 Imperial Valley, Cal. See Experiments in the Imperial Valley. Insects, activity in pollination of cotton 13 Intercrossing of cotton, precautions to prevent 12-13 Introduction to bulletin 7-9 Irrigation, factor of cotton investigations 7, 30, 33 Isolation to prevent intercrossing 12-13 Jannovitch cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Kearney, T. H., and Peterson, W. A., on experiments with Egyptian cotton. . 7 Length of cotton fiber. See Fiber. Limbs, definition of term as applied to cotton plant 10-11 Lint. See Fiber. Los Angeles, Cal., cotton experiments 8, 23, 24, 29, 33 Luster of fiber of cotton, notable in Somerton variety 21 McLachlan, Argyle, observations 7, 15, 16, 17, 21, 26, 28, 30 Meade, R. M., on results of investigations 7 Mit Afifi cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Mutations, origin of new varieties of cotton.. 19-20. 23-24, 32, 33-34 200 INDEX. 39 Page. Nubari cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Office of Indian Affairs. See Cooperation. Seed and Plant Introduction, importation of cotton seed 9 Peterson, W. A., and Kearney, T. H., on experiments with Egyptian cotton. . 7 experimental cotton work at Yuma, Ariz 8, 27 Pickings of cotton, comparisons, experiments covering 30 Pima Indian Reservation. See Sacaton, Ariz. Plant-breeding investigations. See Breeding. Planting of cotton, different dates 30 Plates, descriptions ". 36 Pollination of cotton, unusual factors in Arizona 13 Prepotency, evidences of tendency in cotton 12, 16 Reclamation Service. See Cooperation. Records of cotton strains 350 to 390, loss at Yuma 12 Ridgway, Robert, on colors 11 Roguing of cotton, application of method 8-9, 32, 33 Sacaton, Ariz., cotton experiments 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20-22, 25, 28, 33, 34 Seed of cotton, comparison of different pickings 30 imported, tests in 1909 28 selection 30 Selection, use of method in cotton breeding work 9-13, 30 Soil, factor in plant breeding 12, 16, 25, 33 Somerton, Ariz., cotton experiments 8-9 variety of cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Strain of cotton, definition 9 Strength of fiber. See Fiber. Sultani cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Summary of bulletin 33-34 Tests of imported cotton seed, 1909 28 Time of planting cotton, experiments covering 30 Types of cotton, new, developed 9-28 Variety of cotton, definition 9 See also Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. Walker, J. A., on grades of cotton 14,21,25,27 Yield of cotton in 1909 16 Yuma, Ariz. See Experiments. Valley. See Experiments at Yuma, Ariz. variety of cotton. See Cotton, Egyptian, varieties. 200 o