Stem f ^e £i6rarj? of in (gtemori? of 3ubge ^antuef (gXtffer Q0recftinribge ^teeenteb 62 ^amuef Oliffer QBrecftinribge feong to t^e £i6ratg of (Princeton ZUoio$xca( ^eminarg 7772^ BRIEF RETROSPECT OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, IN THREE VOLUMES : i ^ CONTAINING ^>^„^i^iCAL ^^ll^^ A SKETCH OF THE REVOLUTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SCIENCE, ARTS, AND LITERATURE, DURING THAT PERIOD. 7^ BY SAMUEL MILLER, A.M. ONE OF THE MINISTERS OF THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES IJ* THE CITY OF NEW YORK, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILO- SOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER 01- THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. VOL. I. Printed at New York. LONDON: HEPRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PALL's CHURCHYAJtE. 1805. By S. Hamilton, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, TO JOHN DICKINSON, ESQ. LL. D. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, AND PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME EXECUTIVE COUNCIL or THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. DEAR SIR, J N finding your name prefixed to the follow- ing pages, without permission, I trust you will feel no emotion more unfavourable than that of surprise. I know not, indeed, to w^hom I could dedicate such a w^ork as this with more propriety than to an elegant scholar, a comprehensive observer of a large portion of the century attempted to be re- viewed, a master of so many of its literary and scientific improvements, a conspicuous actor in some of its most memorable and im- portant transactions, an able and eloquent defender of his country's rights, a munificent patron of American literature, and (if pei^onal or local feelings may be allowed to intrude) a uniform and affectionate friend of my ho- A 2 • ■ \ IV DEDICATION. iioured parents, and one of the most illustrious of those Avho owe their birth to my native state. Among the numerous opinions expressed in these volumes, you will, no doubt, find some Vhich totally differ from vour own ; and others which more attentive and enlarged views would have taught me considerably to modify or amend. Of the former you will not consider this public address as implying or soliciting your approbation. Of the latter I am confident you will be disposed to form a candid and even an indulgent estimate. But with respect to some of the leading opinions delivered in the following sheets, I am happy in the assurance that you perfectly coincide v/ith me. To all that is said of the perfect hai-mony between the Religion of Christ and genuine Philosophy, and of the illustration and support which the former has received at every successive step of the latter in the last age; to every unfavourable judg- ment pronounced on tliose theories, falsely called i)ljil()sophy, which pervert reason, con- Irndict Kevelation, and blaspheme its divine Aiillur; ;ni(l to e\ery expression of satisfac- tion at the progress of elegant letters and sub- DEDICATION, V stantial science, as tending to promote the dig- nity and happiness of man — to opinions and sentiments like these, 1 knoiv too much of your character to doubt of receiving your sanction. Those who, hke yourself, contemplate every department of human affairs through the me- dium of Christian principles, while they see much tb deplore, see also much to approve and admire in the history of science for the last. age. What effect the knowledge be- queathed by that age may have on the har- mony, virtue and happiness of mankind in the one on which we have entered, is known only to infmite Wisdom. Let us, however, indulge in favourable anticipations as long as we can. In all events we are assured, that this, as well as all the other fruits of human genius and activity, will be made conducive to the welfare of the good, in a more eji- lightened and a more happy world. I am, dear sir. With much respect. Your obliged and obedient servant, SAMUEL MILLER. New Tork, Nov. 25,1803. PREFACE. A SIMPLE history of this publication will be^t; unfold its design, and will form the best apology for its mimcrous imperfections. On tlie first day of January, in the year 1801, the author being called, in the course of his pastoral duty, to de- liver a sermon, instead of choosing the topics of address most usual at the commencement of a nezv yeaVy it occurred to him as more proper, in enter- ing on a new century^ to attempt a revie\v of the preceding age, and to deduce from the prominent features of that period such moral and religious reflexions as might be suited to the occasion. A discourse, formed on this plan, was accordingly delivered. Some wdio heard it were pleased to express a wish that it might be published. After determining to comply with this wish, it was at fu'st intended to publish the original discourse, with some amplification ; to add a large body of notes for the illustration of its several parts ; and to comprise the wdiole in a single volume. Pro- posals were issued for the publication in this form, and a number of subscribers gave their names for its encouragement. < Little progress had been made in pre})aring the work, on this plan, for the jiress, before the ob- jections to such a mode of arranging tiie materials appeared so many and cogent, that it Avas at leiigth thought best to lay aside the form of a viii PREFACE. sermon, and to adopt a plan that would admit of more minuteness of detail, and of greater freedom in the choice and exhibition of facts. This alte- ration in the structure of the work led to an exten- sioi> of its limits ; materials insensibly accumu- lated; and that portion which was originally in- tended to be comprised in a third or fourth part of a single volume gradually swelled into two volumes*. It is probable that one of the first reflexions made by most readers of the following pages will be, that the plan is too extensiye to be well exe- cuted by any individual ; and that it was peculiarly presumptuous, in one of comparatively small read- ing, and who could not obtain access to ample libraries, to undertake such a work. The author feels the justness and weight of this reflexion; and is sensible that to present a full and satisfactory view of any one of the departments embraced by this Retrospect, would be a task beyond his powers, would afford abundant employment, for many years, to a mind much more mature, active, and enlightened than his, Wh}^ then, it will be asked, did iie adventure on so arduous an enterprise? In answer to this question, he must ingenuously confess, that he engaged without any due considera- tion, and did not begin suitably to estimate the extent and dilhcidty of the task till he had pro- ceeded too far to retract. He is also bound in candoiir to declare, that his own instruction and im))rovoment were among his principal motives in undertaking and i)rosecuting this work. Being per- * 'J'hc (jrio-iiiLil cdrtion is in two volumes. PREFACE. 17^ suaded that writing on a subject is one of the best means of methodising and correcting one's, own views of it; and hoping that, while he informed himself, he might amuse, if not instruct, otiiers, he submitted to the toils of collecting and arranging the materials which are here presented. If none of his readers should be able to .derive either enter- tainment or information from the following sheets, he has the satisfaction of reflecting, that he himself derived both from the labour of preparing them for the press. Though the greater part of this work consists of compilations, yet the winter claims to be some- thing more than a mere compiler. He has offered, where he thought proper, opinions, reflexions, and reasonings of his own ; and though nicmy of these are adopted, perhaps too hastily, from others, there are some of which all the praise and all the blame belong to himself. He is not, however, solicitous to discriminate, even if it were possible, between these several parts of the work. If the exhibition of facts and opinions, so far as it goes, be toler- ably just, the question whence they originated is of little consequence to the reader. With respect to the division and arrangement of the subjects, it was judged advisable to adopt rather a popular than a scientijic plan. T\\\s plan is, no doubt, liable to some objections; but it ap- peared better suited to the purj)Ose in view than any other that presented itself. The reader will observe that the sciences of Theology, Morals, and PolUicSy are not noticed in this First Fart, i he reason of X PREFACE. the Oiiiission is, that it appeared most proper to leave what may be said concerning the revolutions and improvements in these t hree interesting depart- ments of science, respectively, to stand as preli- minaries to the three remaining divisions of the work, in which some account will be attempted of the great events in the Clii'istian Church, in the Moral World, and in Political Principles and Esta- blishments, during the last century. It was sup- posed that, in this connexion, the rise, progress, and influence of new systems, and modes of thinking, might be exhibited wnth greater advantage, and perused with more satisfaction. As the author aimed at nothing more than a brief retrospect of the period to which this work is devoted, it was impossible for him to do more, consistently with his plan, than to mention the principal discoveries, inventions, improvements, and WTiters, under each head ; and even these could only be noticed with great brevity, and in very general terms. To have attempted minute details, and particular explanations, would have extended the work to many volumes. With respect to the choice which has been made of facts and names, the degrees of importance ascribed to them, and the pro{)ortion of room and attention allotted to each, dintrc;nt readers will, no doubt, entertain dilTer(>nl opinions. Every one will be apt to suppose that the particular names and studies to which he is most attach' (I, are not noticed with sufficient re- spect, or dwelt upon at sufiicient length. The au- thor can oidy say, that, in general, he indulged in Xtiovf or Icos ])rolixity, according to his ideas of the PREFACE. xi importance of the several subjects, the extent of his acquaintance with them, or the degree in which they interested his own mind. That, from such a multiphcity of objects, he often selected injudiciously, and made an erroneous estimate of their compara- tive value, is altogether probable. Although the very nature of the work required that all the subjects brought into view should be treated superficially, and that nothing more than rapid outlines should be attempted, yet the intel- ligent reader will, doubtless, discern, that the mode of treating some of the subjects manifests a very small and partial acquaintance with them. For the want of more just and enlarged views, the author fears he has often written in a crude and unsatis- factory manner on topics which might, in the same compass, have been better discussed. In some in- stances, however, he has failed of giving a more satisfactory account of the additions made to science, by distinguished individuals, from another cause: where it would have been impossible to state the precise limits of what each has done to advance our knowledge of a particular subject, without going into a discussion of many pages, little more is frequently attempted than to give a list of the names of those individuals, on the pre- sumption that the inquisitive reader will seek for a more full account of their respective claims else- where. In enumerating the. principal writers on the va- rious subjects reviewed, it will be observed, that those who have written in the English language Xll PKEFACE. engage the larp:est siiare of the author's attention. The reason of this is obvious ; he is best acquaint- od with such writers; and, from his ignorance of most of the languages of the continent of li,urope, he has probably failed of mentioning many works quite as worthy of respectful notice as otiiers on which he has bestowed liigh praise. Perhaps a still more formal apology will be deemed necessary for the disposition to introduce Ameri- (Mn writers and publications, even of moderate character, which he has so frequently discovered. Eut, beside indulging a natural partiality for his o>\n country, which is at least pardonable, he was desirous of collecting and exhibiting as much information on the subject of American literature as the nature of his undertaking admitted. And as no 'attempt to give a general historical view of this subject has evcT been before made; as a considerable portion even of the humble and meagre records from wliich he has drawn his ma- terials, arc daily perishing; and as peculiar cir- cumstances sometimes give to literary characters and events a relative importance, beyond their absolute value, he thought it advisable to take notice of more obscure names, and of smaller publications, than could with propriety have been mentioned in countries of a more mature literary character. Perhaps, however, in his zeal to collect every thing he could find on this subject, he has sometimes descended too low. Should any reader be offended by the language of paiKigyric, m liich is frequently bestowed on the intillectuid and scientific endowments of some PREFACE. xHi distinguished abettors of heresy or of infidelity, he is entreated to remember that justice is due to all men. A man who is a bad Christian may be a very excellent mathematician, astronomer, or chemist ; and one who denies or blasphemes the Saviour, may write profoundly and instructively on some branches of science highly interesting to mankind. It is proper to commiserate the mistakes of such persons, to abhor their blasphemy, and to warn men against their fatal delusions ; but it is surely difficult to see either the justice or utility of withholding from them that praise of genius or of learning to which they are fairly entitled. It will probably be remarked, by the intelligent reader, that a due proportion between the parts of this work, according to the relative importance and extent of each subject, is not ahvays preser- ved. Had the manuscript been completed before any part of it was sent to the press, faults of this kind would, no doubt, have been, in some de- gree, avoided ; but the truth is, that the first })ages of the manuscript were put into the hands of the printer before a single chapter of the work had been fully written ; and each successive sheet was prepared, from the matei-ieils previously col- lected, at the call of the printer, and amidst the hurry of incessant professional labours. It is scarcely necessary to add, that this race with tiie press frequently rendered impossible that labo- rious investigatio.n, ar^d that careful correction which were highly desirable: nor coald the au- thor excuse himself for conduct so manifestly in- iliscreet, had he duly considered beibrehand the xlv PPvEFACE. nature «intl magnitude of the engagement. But it must be acknowledged, that as he entered on the work without duly appreciating the arduous- ness of his undertaking, so every s.tep in the pur- suit convinced liim more and more of its extent and difficulty ; that in the prosecution of his task he wished a hundred times he had never under- taken it; and that now it is brought to a close, few readers can l)e more sensible than he is himself of its numerous and .great defects. It will be observed, that three parts of the ori- ginal plan yet remain to be executed. Whether the execution of the whole will be attempted • de- pends, in some measure, on the reception which shall be given to this First Fart. The author is particularly desirous of completing the fourth and last division; viz. that which relates to the Lite- rature, Science, Revolutions, and principal Events of the Christian Church during the last age ; and even if he should be compelled to abandon the two intermediate divisions, he cherishes the hope of being able, if his life should be spared, to lay some- thing before the public on this favourite subject. CONTENTS THE FIRST VOLUME. Page INTRODUCTION 1 PART I. On the Revolutions and Improvements in Science, Arts, AND Literature, during the Eighteenth Century ... 9 CHAPTER L Mechanical Philosophy 14 § 1. Electricity 23 § 2. Galvanism 31 %S. Magnetism 36 § 4. Motion and Moving Forces 41 § 5. Hydraulics 46 §6. Pneumatics 51 §7. Optics.,,,^ 59 § 8. Astronomy 69 General Observations 90 CHAPTER IL Chemical Philosophy 92 CHAPTER in. Natural History 140 § 1. Zoology 143 %2. Botany 163 § 3. Mineralogy 188 § 4. Geology 203 § 5. Meteorology 242 § 6. Hydrology 254 CHAPTER IV. Medicine 258 § 1. Anatomy 261 § 2. Physiology 277 §3. Theory and Practice of Physic 311 % 4. Surgejy and Obstetrics 368 Additional Notes 379 BRIEF RETROSPECT OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. INTRODUCTION. 1 HE oldest historian in the world, and the only one in whose information and faithfulness we can place unlimited confidence, tells us, that, in the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, he said. Let t fierce be lights in the firmament of the heaven^ to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs ^ and for seasons^ and for days, and for years. Without recurring to the regular motions of these celestial orbs, time would pass unnoticed and unmeasured. Its flight, in itself, is not an object of sense ; we neither see nor hear it. But by observing t\\^ diurnal revolutions of the heavenly bodies, we acquire the conception of days ; by dividing these days, v/e form hours and minutes; and, by multiplying them, we gain the ideas of months, years, and ages. Like all the rest of the works and ways of God, these means of marking the progi'css of time, and ascertaining its portions, are adapted to promote both physical Vol. I. B ^ INTRODUCTION. and moral advantage. To the philosopher they furnish inestimable rules and principles of calcula- tion 3 to the man of business they present measures and stimulants to industry; and, above all, to the christian they offer continual memorials of the end of life, and unceasing excitements to moral ex- ertion. Hence the close of one year, and the commence-- ment of another, are generally marked by mutual congratulations, by a peculiar train of reflexions, by new plans and undertakings, and by charac- teristic changes in domestic, social, and political affairs. They form a period which interests the feel- ings, and constitutes a prominent point in the life of almost every man. But, on reaching the termination of an active and eventful century, and entering upon a new one, the emotions of the reflecting mind are still more strong,, and the impressions made more va- rious and interesting. This is a transition, which few indi\ iduals at present on earth have before wit- nessed, and which few now living will ever again behold. At such a period it is natural, and it i^ useful, to pause ; to review the extensive scene ^ to estimate what has been done ; to inquire whether we have grown wiser and better, or the reverse >. and to derive those lessons of wisdom from the ^vhole, which rational beings oUght ever to draw from experience. While the student of chronology is disputuig about tt^ time when tl^e old century terminated, and the new one began* j and v/hile '^- It wouhl be neitbcr convenient nor seasonable to attempt, in Uiis plvlce, a discussion of the question, when the nineteenth cen- tury conim(?ticecl." The autJior takes for granted, that it com- INTRODUCTION. C5 the astronomer sees nothing in this period but the completion of a certain number of planetary revo- lutions, and the commencement of another series ; the man of true wisdom is employed in attending to other objects, and in pursuing different inquiries. Rich were the stores of instruction, and great the improvement, which an ancient king received from retui^ningy after a long course of action^ and look- ing upon all the zvorks which his hands had wrought^ and the, labour zvhich he had laboitred to do. It was upon this calm retracing of his steps, that he discovered, more fully than ever before, wherein he had been profitably employed ; and in what re- spects his unwearied exertions had been but vanity and vexation of spirit. Standing, therefore, as we do, upon the threshold of a NEW CENTURY, it may prove both amusing and instructive to take a hasty retrospect of that to which we have just bidden adieu. In this retro- spect, the scene which lies before us is large and various. On w^hatever part we cast the eye, im- portant objects, and interesting lessons, present themselves to view. Out of these it will only be possible to select a few of the most conspicuous and striking, and to display each with the utmost brevity. menced on the first day of January, 1801. In this "opinion he is supported by the decision of many of those who are best qualified to judge on the subject. De Lalande, the great French astro- nomer, tells us that the same question was discussed with great warmth at the close of the seventeenth century ; and that many pamphlets were written with a view to settle it, of several of which he is possessed. He decides, witliout hesitation, that the century commenced on the day above-mentioned. — Sec Dc Lu- lande*s History of Astronomy for 1799- B2 4 INTRODUCTION. • He who attempts to take a view, even the most superficial, of human nature, and of human affairs, within any given period, will soon find that the ol)jcct w hich he undertakes to survey, is complex and multiform. Man, always variable, and never consistent, imparts this character to every thing tliat he touches. To give the history of a single mind for a single day; to mark with justice its revolutions, its progress, its acquirements, and its retrocessions ; to form an estimate of the good, or of the evil, which, within this time, it may have ]>roduced ; and to trace, in accurate lines, wherein its character on that day differed from its character on the preceding ; is a task which can appear easy only to ignorance and inexperience. And in pro- portion as the number of minds to be contemplated increases, or the length of the time in question is extended, the difficulties of the undertaking mul- tiply, and it becomes, in every respect, more ar- . duous. How numerous the difliculties, then, of I'stimating the operations and the progress of the Jiuman race for a hunclred years ! Another source of doubt and mistake also arises here, beside that which is occasioned by the com- plexness and confusion of the scene. Who can distinguish between revoluiioii and improvement in human affairs ? Who can undertake to say in what cases they are synonymous terms, and when they are directly opposite? If every change were to be considered an advantage, it would follow, of course, that the strides of civilised man, in every species of improvement, during the last century, have been j)rodigious. But, alas ! this principle cannot be admitted by the cautious inquirer, or the friend of INTRODUCTION. O human happiness. The passion for novelty and change, so universal and unceasing, has doubtless often indulged itself at the expense of real good, and substantial enjoyment. A wise man, and an inspired writer, has told us, that there is no new thing under the sun. Is there ami thing xvhereof it may be said, See, this is neza F It hath been already of old time, zvliich icas before us. This passage, like many others of a similar kind, is doubtless not to be interpreted as declaring literally, that there never have been, nor ever can be, any schemes, events, or discoveries,, entitled to the appellation of nexv ; but as teach- ing us, in a strong and figurative manner, that the projects and improvements of human genius arc frequently sinking into forgetful n ess, and rising again ; that old systems are daily revived, clothed in new dresses, decorated with new names, and palmed on the world as creatures of modern birth ; and that very few of the boasted efforts of genius,, either in Solomon's days, or at any subsequent period, could be called entirely original. The smallest acquaintance with history is sufficient to convince any one, that this is a just representation. That there are some things peculiar to certain periods and countries, will not be disputed; but that these are fewer in number, and the peculiarity much smaller in degree, than transient observers imagine, is certainly also true. Hence arises a further difficulty in deciding wherein one age dif- fers from another. History is not an instructress sufficiently minute and patient, to enable us always to judge promptly and accurately on this subject. '' It affords some astoni'shment," savs a late b INTRODUCTION. * writer, " and much curious speculation to the re- flecting mind, that, probably, not a system of phi- losophy exists among the moderns, which had not its foundation laid upon some one opinion or ano- ther of the ancient theorists, and the outlines of which may not be found in such of their writings as have come down to our time. Even the New- tonian doctrine of gravitation was not unknown to Lucretius ; for that poet, in his first book, attempts to refute the idea that the universe had a centre, to which all things tend by their natural gravity. That the central point had the strongest power of attraction, was equally an hypothesis of Sir Isaac Newton and the ancient stoics *." The ingenious writer might have extended his remark much far- ther, and have gone into a very amusing detail on this subject. Some facts, tending to confirm his position, will appear in the following pages |. Let us beware, however, of carrying the principle be- yond due bounds. A difficulty also arises, in attempting to make the proposed estimate, from the disposition of man to magnify present objects. It is an old remark, that iinportant persons and scenes acquire an addi- tional magnitude in our eyes when viewed from a distance. But it is as true, that the same error of * Drake's Literary HovrSy vol. i. p. 12^ 13. t Those who wish to see this subject farther elucidated; may consult a very amusing work of M, Dutens, entitled Origine des Decouvertes attributes aux Modernes , Sj-c . 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1/66. And although the impartial reader will frequently perceive, tliat the author carries his determination to withhold from tlie moderns the credit due to them, for many dii5coveries, to an extravagant and ridiculous length, yet the work undoubtedly contains much in- structive and valuable matter. IKtRODUCTION. 7 intellectual vision occurs daily with respect to ob- jects seen near at hand. Men have always beej) unduly disposed to consider tlieir own times ^fs dis- tinguished, above all others, by remarkable events. The virtue or the vice, the knowledge or tJie igiio- rance, the discoveries or the destructions, which we personally witness, or of which we have recently heard, are apt. to impress us more deeply, and to be estimated more highly in the history of man, than their real importance deserves. Hence no- thing is more common than to hear men express an opinion, that the country and the period in w4iich their lot is cast are more awfully degenerate, or more extensively enlightened,, accordin"g to the occurrence or the object which happens to occupy their minds, than the world ever before witnessed. No doubt, a portion of this prejudice and partiality cleaves to every mind, and must always interpose an obstacle in the way of him who would- accu- rately calculate the magnitude, and justly exhibit the features, of recent events. But, after making every allowance for errors in calculation which may arise from these several sources, it will probably be acknowledged, that the century of which we have just taken leave has produced an unusual number of revolutions, and at least some improvements, — In litj-ratuke and SCIENCE in POLITICAL PRINCIPLES ^md ESTABLISH- MENTS— in the moral world — and in the christian CHURCH. To think of surveying each of these wide fields, throughout its whole extent; and es})ecially to think of conducting the survey with the miiuit«'- ness of observation, and the profundity of research. g INTRODUCTION. which would become a philosophic inquirer ; are, at present, out of the question. Had the writer temefity enough to engage in such a plan, or the presumption to assume so high a character, the variety and immensity of the task would soon convince him of his error. The most brief and rapid sketches only will, therefore, be attempted, on each of the above heads of inquiry. PART FIRST. ON THE REVOLUTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SCIENCE, ARTS, AND LITERATURE, DURING THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. It is justly remarked, by an acute modern writer*, that the history of learning and science is much less uniform than that of civil affairs ; that the wars, negotiations, and politics of one age more resemble those of another, than the literary and scientific taste. He explains this obvious fact by observing, that, in public and polftical transactions, ambition, honour, malice, revenge, and the various turbulent passions of man, are the prime movers ; and that these passions are not only the same in every age, but are also stubborn, intractable, and by no means susceptible of the. same variety of modification, which frequently takes place in the literary taste and habits of different times. The former we can scarcely expect any thing human to control ; but the latter may be and are every day affected by education, by example, and by a thousand circum- stances which it would be difficult to enumerate. It has often been made a question, whether mankind have effected any real progress in know- ledge during the eighteenth century. There are not a few who maintain tlie negative; who con- . * Hume's Essaysy vol. i. p. 110, 10 Uevolutions and Improvements tend, that although this period has been abundantly productive of new theories, specious plans, and oppositions of science falselij so called; yet that little, if any thing, has been done toward the cul- tivation of solid learning and real science, since^ our fathers of the seventeenth century fell asleep. h\ the opinion, and in the language of such, the present ' race of men are " a generation of triflers and profligates, sciohsts in learning, hypocrites in virtue, and formalists in good breeding ; wise only "when they follow their predecessors, and visionary fools whenever they attempt to deviate from, or go beyond, them.'* Wit^h these cynical critics novelty is degeneracy ; and every thing which bears the name of invention, discovery, or im- provement, is useless, if not dangerous innovation. But this indiscriminate opposition to the claims of modern times is evidently dictated rather by pre- judice, than by enlightened views and impartial observation. Though a change of circumstances may produce dillerent degrees or kinds of excel- lence in the elforts of intellect ; yet the native powers of man are doubtless the same in all ages. It must- be admitted, indeed, that in some of the branf:hes of human knowledge the last age has added but little to the attainments of the preceding; and that many things which superficial readers consider as new, were long since familiarly known, and as well practised as at the present day. In works of genius, there seems no good ground ta represent the ])resent generation as possessing any peculiar or transcendent excellence^ Perhaps a candid in- fjuirer would even say, that in this respect we rather fall below than rise above the standards of in Scie?ice, Arts, ajid Literature. 1 1 former times ; and for this fact plausible if not sa- tisfactory reasons may be assigned. But still, amidst multiplied false theories, and much pompous jargon, which have been too prevalent in the world during the last century; though the field of enter- prise, ,in this department of human exertion, has been more remarkable for the number of labourers employed in it, than for the success of their la- bours 'y though luxuriant foliage, more than sub- stantial fruit, has abounded ; yet much, within this period, has been doile. New and important truth has been elicited : discoveries of a highly inter- esting nature have been made : systems of philoso- phy have assumed a more regular, consistent, and dignified form : and various departments of learn- ing have been purged of the dregs, and rescued from the rubbish, with which the ignorance and the inexperience of former times had encumbered them. At the close of the seventeenth century the stupendous mind of Newton, and the penetrating genius of Locke, had laid their systems of matter and of mind before the world. Like pioneers in an arduous siege, they had many formidable ob- stacles to remove — many labyrinths to explore — and the power of numberless enemies to overcome. But they accomplished the mighty enterprise. With cautious, but firm and dauntless step, they made their way to the intrenchments of fortified error ; they scaled her walls , forced her confident and blustering champions to retreiit ; and planted the standard of truth, where the banner of igno- rance and of falsehood had so long waved. It can scarcelybe supposed, indeed, that these great 12 Rcvoluticns and Impi'ovements men taught nothing hut the truth, and far le:ss that they taught the zvhole truth. They were falhble mortals. They were liable to err. They did err. But their achievements in the respective regions of knowledge which they explored and cultivated, were so splendid, as to command the admh^ation not only of their countrymen and contemporaries, but of the civilised world, and of posterity. Be- side all the light they individually threw on the departments of science which they undertook to investigate, each commencied, or rendered po- pular, a mode of philosophising in his particular sphere, equally new, grand, and interesting; and they may be said to have laid the foundation of all the ma2:nificent structures that have been since erected. To Newton no successor has hitherto appeared. The chair which he left has never since been filled. It is probable no effort of the human mind, to rear a rational and permanent system of philosophy, was ever attended with such a degree oi success as that which he made. Certainly no other system ever at- tained such extensive and undisputed empire in science. It is founded on principles so precise, connected, and hrm ; it explains, with such lumi- nous clearness, most of the phenomena of the hea- vens whicii had been observed before his time, as well as of those which the persevering industry, and the more perfect instruments, of later astronomers have made known ; and instead of being under- mined or discredited, has been so remarkably illustrated and conhrmedj by the labours of subset (juent inquirers ; that every thing like efficient oppo- i^ition seems to have been long since given up ; and ill Science^ ArtS:, and Literature. 13 the admiring world appears no longer to hesitate in placing the discoveries of this wonderful genius among the most important that were ever made by man, and among the very few which may justly lay claim to immortality. And if the intellectual system of Locke have gained a sway less general and potent, than th(? physical doctrines of his great contemporary ; still, perhaps, his genius ought to be considered as but little inferior. A\'hat though a {^w respectable me- taphysicians, since his day, have pointed out some errours in his principles, and suggested some valua- ble improvements in his philosophy of mind ? They were taught by him to think and to reason. They stood on ground which his wisdom and diligence had gained. As long as the human faculties con- tinue to be objects of study, this illustrious man must be considered one of the greatest fathers of knowledge, and his writings as forming a distin- guished a^ra in the history of science. But though no, builders in the temple of science have risen to the same rank with those master WORKMEN, whose names have been mentioned ; yet many distinguished men, within the period of which we are speaking, have contributed their labours to enlarge, to simplifv, to strengthen, and to adorn the edifice, with honourable success. Of these, time would fail us to recount even the prin- cipal names. The most general and superficial views only of their laudable achievements can be faer^ giyen. 14 CHAPTER I. MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY. U NDER this general head is included the whole of that extensive branch of science, " which ex- plains the sensible motions of the bodies of the universe, with the view to discover their causes, to account for subordinate phenomena, and to im- prove art." In this department of science, the pro- gress of the last century has been astonishingly great. New fields of inquiry have been opened 3 splendid discoveries have been made; and facts, apparently discordant, have been connected and systematised, to an extent which does signal honour to human capacity, and wdiich far surpasses what the most sanguine projectors of former times had reason to anticipate. And the paths to yet farther improvements in this science are so clearly marked out, that nothing seems requisite but honest in- dustry, patience, and persevering attention, to en- able future adventurers to penetrate into regions of knowledge, at present far removed from the sight of man. Though the Newtonian Philosophy is, perhaps, one of the noblest products of human genius ever given to llie world ; yet that great interpreter of nature was by no means free from mistake, wiiich b'jsets and characterises all human labours. — His Chap. I.] Mechanical Philosophy. \d errours, which probably, all things considered, were as few as ever mingled themselves with so extensive and important a system, were, some of them, corrected by his successors; who, wiiile they could distinguish spots in this luminary of science, yet were not backward to pay due homage to his general and splendid excellence. — But, though he had many philosophical adversaries, who called in question his right to the honour of certain discoveries, and vv'ho opposed particular doctrines, there were ^ew who ventured to declare war against the leading principles of his system. This however was done by some, respectable both for their learning and talents. Among these, perhaps none are more worthy of notice than the celebrated John Hutchinson *„ of Great Britain, and his followers, who occupy a considerable space in the scientific history of the eighteenth century. Mr. Hutchinson, dissatisfied with the prevalence of Newton's opinions, and^ perhaps, feeling some envy at his extended fame^ undertook to disprove the doctrines displayed in his Principia, as hostile to revelation, and, of con- sequence, false. To effect this, he published, m 1724, the first part of a large and learned work, which he called Moses's Principia, in which he ridiculed the doctrine of gravitation as impious and absurd; and in 1727, the second part, in which he delivered what he supposed to be the true prin- ciples of scripture philosophy. This singular phi- losopher taught; that the sacred writings are in- * Born in Yorksliire, in 1674, and died in 1/37. He was,, V;ljidoubtedly, a man of respectable talents, and great learning. 16 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. L tended to instruct ns in all physical as well as moral and spiritual truth : that the Hebrew text of the Bible is not only, in every respect, entire, as it came from God; but also that every word of it is pregnant with philosophical, as well as theo- logical, meaning. Hence his hypothesis is chiefly founded on arbitrary and fanciful interpretations of Hebrew words, from the hidden meaning of which he and his followers supposed themselves to- have drawn the richest stores of various kinds of knowledge. According to Hutchinson, " all things are con- tained in the substance of God, and his substance extends to infinite space. Heaven and earth, space and matter, are created things, and consist of solid atoms; those of the earth adhering in bodies or dense fluids — those of Heaven in orbs, darkness, fire, light, and clouds. The universe is full of these solid atoms: in other words, crea- tion is a plenum. The matter of the heavens is fluid ; it is also tniite, and has circumferential limits or extremities, though it extends through all created space, from the sun, its centre, beyond the remotest fixed stars. This matter of the hea- vens consists of sphi't, or air, light and ^fire, as three of its principal modifications. The sun is the fire-place which sets all this matter in motion, melting, expanding, and throwing it off to the most distant confines of creation, where it is cooled, consolidated, and pressed back again, to be melted anew, and sent forth a second time; and so on. The solid atoms are of different sizes and figures ; so that, when one portion of them congeals, or forms into grains, there arc pores Chap. I.] Mechanical Philosophy. 17 among them large enough to permit atoms of a smaller size to pass freely through. The condi- tion of the matter of the heavens, under the ac- tion of fire at the sun, was chamah; the stretims of light from the sun, moon, and stars, were ashteroth; and the grains of air returning fiom the circumference of the heavens to the sun, were baalim. Concrete matter, however, is often so constituted as not to be permeable \ciy easily, but to resist. The several sorts of atoms cOiU- posing the fluid matter which occupies iminea- surabJe space, are the moving powers by winch God acts upon ai>d regulates the machinery of the universe. The more compact or unyielding modifications of it constitute the great orbs, or machines, to be urged along by their impulse. Tiie latter are the chariots, and the former the drivers. When, therefore, light, impelled by the sun, strikes the side of such a body as the earth we inhabit, it excites heat in that part, and the spirit, or air, being rarefied, or made to recede thereby, motion is communicated to the whole orb. The motion thus begun, is promoted and continued by the vast and incessant pressure of the dark, cold, and dense matter on the opposite side. And thus the globe being started by the lessening of pressure on one side, and the aug- mentation of it on the other, its diurnal and an- nual revolutions were soon impressed upon it by a little variation of tlie forces. The like reason- ing he applied to the moon, and to all the other planets and their satellites. By the operation of lightj thus sent out from the sun, and acting upon the other fluid matter of the heavens, and upou Vol. I. C 18 Mechanical Philosophl/. [Chap. I, the celestial orbs, they become enlightened, waiin- cd, or inflamed: spirit, or air^ pushed in with irresistible compression ^ and motion, rotation, and progression were accounted for, without having recourse to such miserable terms as pro- jection, gravitation, or attraction*.'* These vv^ild and fanciful opinions attracted much attention in Great Britain, and were embraced by some learned and respectable men ; especially by those who entertained the groundless fear, that Newton's system of philosophy was hostile to reve- lation. Among these the celebrated Parkhurst, bishop Home, and the rev. Mr. Jones of Nay- land, were, perhaps, the most able and distinguish- ed.— But, notwitlistanding the weight of a few names, which appeared on the side of this hypo- thesis, before the close of the eighteenth century it had lost a large portion of its advocates; and both the admiration and the knowledge of Hut- * After examining, with considerable care, Hutchinson^s Works, in 12 vols Svo, printed in 1/48, I did not dare to under- take the arduous task of exliibiting the opinions scattered through his erudite but obscure pages, in a short compass, and in my own language. I have therefore taken the above abstract from the Medical Repository, vol. iv, pp. 281,282. Those who wish to- obtain a farther knowledge of the peculiar notions of this singular man, witbjut the trouble of wading through his dull and tedious volumes, will find a tolerably distinct and comprehensive account oi' ihem, in the State of the Republic of Letters, kc, vol. v, for die year l/'iO. See also Addltiomd Notes — (A). It i^ curious to observe, that while the ilutchinsoniuns so libendly censure the followers of New ton for giving too much activity to matter, they fall into the same error (as they call it) in an equal degree. But, in truth, if Xewton'j idea of uttrnctiic poncr be examined, it will be found only another mode of expression for a continual Divine vgcncy, cxrrted accordini^ to a certain law. Chap. I.] Mechanical Philosophy. 19 chitlson*s voluminous writings had nearly disap- peared*. Another opponent' of the Newtonian system was Godfred WiUiam Leibnitz, a philosopher of Lcipsic, in Germany, whose celebrated theory demands our notice. He taught that the whole universe is made up of monads, that is, simple substances with- out parts or figure, each of which is, by the Creator, in the beginning of its existence, endowed with certain active and perceptive powers, sufficient to produce all the changes which it undergoes, from the beginning to eternity ; which changes, though they ma}^ seem to us to be the effects of causes operating from without, are only the gradual and successive evolutions of the monad^s own internal powers, which would have produced the same mo- tions and changes, although there had been no other being in the universe. He supposed, farther, that the universe is completely filled with monads, without any chasm or void, and thereby every body acts upon every other body, according to its vicinity or distance, and is mutually reacted upon by every other body ; hence he considered every mo- nad as a kind of living mirror, which reCccts tlie ^vhole universe, according to its point of view, and represents the whole more or less distinctly. The adoption of this visionary system led Leibnitz to oppose, with considerable warmth, several of tne leading doctrines of Newton, and espec ally his great principle of gravitation. Tiie hostility of tlie German philosopher toward the illustrious Hntou was particularly displayed in his contiovci jy with * See Additional Notes — (B). C 2 ^6 Mechanical Philosophy. [ChaI*. I. the learned and acute Dr. Samuel Clarke. Tho papers which gave rise to this controversy, toge- ther ivith the various answers, replies, and re- joinders which took place in the course of it, were transmitted from the one party to the other, through the hands of queen Caroline, consort of George I, and the patron and correspondent of Leibnitz. They were afterwards published, and hold an important' place in the philosophical his- tory of the age. Soon after the theory of monads was published. Christian Wolfe, a philosopher of Breslau, formed, on the foundation of this theory, a new system of Cosmology, digested and demonstrated in a mathe- matical method. He was one of the most volu- minous writers in philosophy which the century afforded, and is considered as the great interpreter and advocate of the Leibnitz ian system-. Another theory of matter^ which distinguished the eighteenth century, was that of Father Bosco- vich *, a learned Jesuit of Italy. — Newton paid little attention to the individual atoms of which matter is composed. The attraction and repulsion of which he spoke, appear to refer chiefl}^ to the laws of motion of the larger bodies which we be- hold. He expressed a suspicion, indeed, that " As ihe great movements of the solar system are regu- * Roger Joseph Boscovidi was born at Ragusa in 1/11, and died at Milan in l/b/. When the order of Jesuits was sup- pressed, he was invited to Paris, and made director of the optical instruments of the marine j in which office he was led to im- prove the tlix;ory of achromalic glasses. He returned to Italy in 1/83. His philosophical works ai'c numerous, profound, and ele- gant. He published a poem, entitled, Dc Solis ac Luna Dcfec* tibiis, which is hii^hly esteemed. Chap. I.] Mechanical Philosophy, 21 lated by universal gravitation ; so the mutual ac- tions of the particles of matter are produced and regulated by tendencies of a similar kind, equally, but not more, inexplicable, and the principles of yvhxch. are to be discovered by as careful an atten- tion to the phenomena, and by the same patient thinking w^hich he had employed on the planetary motions." But he seems to have willingly yielded, to some abJe and diligent inquirer who should come after him, both the labour and the honour of ex- ploring this extensive field of speculation. Such an inquirer was the illustrious Boseovich, a man equally distinguished for the purity of his moral and religious character, the depth of his eru- dition, and the native vigour and acuteness of his .mind. A iew years after the death of the great British philosopher, he published a new theory of matter. In this theory, the whole mass of which the bodies of the universe are composed, is sup- posed to consist of an exceeding great, yet fmite, number of simple, - indivisible, inextended atoms. These atoms are endued by the Creator with re- pulsive and attractive forces, which ^ ary according to the distance. At very small distances the par- ticles of matter repel each other; and this repul- sive force increases beyond all limits, as the di- stances are diminished ; and will, consequently, for ever prevent actual contact. When the particles of matter are removed to sensible distances, the repulsive is exchanged for an attractive force, which decreases in an inverse ratio with the squares oi the distances, and extends beyond the sphere of the most remote comets. Beside these repulsive and attractive forces^ the particles of matter have that 03 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. vis inertiie which is admitted by ahuost all modern philosophers. These atoms, endued with these forces and properties, form the basis of this cele- brated system; a system unquestionably among the most remarkable that have been proposed to the world in modern times, and which leads to consequences in a very high degree interesting*. This system has been, in substance, adopted by many of the learned in various parts of Europe ; and is supposed, by those who embrace it, to af- ford a veiy satisfactory solution of many difficulties to which former theories evidently gave rise; to explain most happily the various phenomena of matter to which its principles extend ; and to re- ceive confirmation by the experiments and disco- veiies of every day. If we may rely on the doc- trines of the ingenious ItaHan, the stumbling-blocks of the infinite divisibility and impenetrahililij of matter will be taken oat of the way ; many of the most fruitful sources of perplexity and dispute re- specting extension, elasticity, &c. will be cut off; a large portion of the difficulties attending the ajjiniiies, attractions, and combinations in chemical philosophy, hereafter to be noticed, will diminish, if not disai)pear ; and the path to a just understand- ing of all the physical sciences will be simplified and smoothed in a very pleasing degree |. * See Jdditional Notes — (Cj. f The author has never yet been able to procure a copy of the 'Yhcoria Philosopftut Naturalis oi' Boscovich, published hi J 758; but a \ ery satisfactory abstract of tlie work is given in the Supplt^ mmt to the Encijclopivdla, JatcJy pubHshed by Dr. Gl^g. The system is, in some of its parts, so intricate, and throughout so in- volved in fpathcmatical calculation, that a more full account of it could not be given in the present skQtch. It is charged, by soniOj Sect. I] Electricity. S3 But, beside these new theories and ingenious .discussions, respecting the general principles and properties of matter, ahnost all the particular de- partments of mechanical philosophy have been investigated with great diligence and success, Ihroughout the whole of the period under consi- deration. SECTION I. ELECTRICITY. Concerning Electricity, that powerful and still n^vsterious agent, philosophers of the last age have made splendid discoveries. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, this branch of science could hardly be said to have a place in systems of philosophy. Its phenomena had been so little the subject of experiment, and its laws had been so little comprehended or methodised, that scarcely any thing which deserves the name of theory on the subject, was then presented to the workl. It is true, a number of facts were then known, and some experiments had been made, in order to elu- cidate this dark recess of science. But they were known, for the most part, only as insulated facts, without any correct idea of the relation siii)sistin.2: between them, or of the general principles upon which they depended. The principal of these facts had been brought to light by Dr. Gilbert, Mr. Boyle, ^^itll having an atheistical foundation and tendency. Of t]\o ground of this charge too Uttlc is know n hy the writer to attempt, a dibcussion of it. 9i Mechanical Philosophy, [Chap. L and sir Isaac Newton; but they continued to lie in uncertainty and confusion, until 1709, when Mr. Hawksbee, an English gentleman, wrote on the subject, and distinguished himself by the ex- periments and discoveries which he announced. He first took notice of the great electric powers of glass, together with a variety of phenomena relat- ing to electrical attraction and repulsion ; insomuch that his writings and experiments form a grand sera in this branch of knowledge. From the time of Mr. Hawksbee's publication, near twenty years elapsed before any farther discoveries or improve- ments were suggested. In 1729, the fundamental distinction between conductors and 7ionconduciors was first ascertained by Stephen Gray, a i3ritish philosopher, who had for some time before amused himself with electrical experiments, and who was now accidentally led to the discovery of this important principle. Soon afterwards M. du Fay, member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, in repeating Mr. Gray's ex- periments, unexpectedly perceived, for the first time, that dilference in the attractive powers of different bodies, which he supposed to arise from two different species of electric fluids, and which he denominated the vitreous and resinous electri- cities. Tlie drawing a spark from the living body was also first observed by this gentleman, and his companion, tlie abbe Nollet. The next person who distinguished himself in this part of science was Dr. Desaguliers, who, though he added but little to the knowledge before possessed, yet made some valuable experiments, and invented some iechnical lerms^ such as conductor, electric per se, (S( c.. Sect. L] ElecfrkUij. ^ which have proved highly convenient, and are still iu use. About 1742 electricity began to excite attention, and became the subject of much inquiry in Germany. Professor Bozc, of Wittemburgh, and professor Winckler, of Leipsic, invented several improvements in tiie apparatus for conducting ex^ periments. Dr. Ludolf, of Berlin, first succeeded ill setting fire to inflammable substances by the electric fluid ; and Mr. Waitz, Mr. Allamand, and others, made some new observations, though chief] V of the smaller kind. To the experiments in Germany succeeded those of Dr. William \A'at- 6on, in Great Britain. He first ascertained that the friction of an electric did not produce, but only collectedy the mysterious matter which wrought such powerful effects ; and also made a number of other interesting additions to the knowledge before existing on the subject. The year 1745 was di- stinguished by a discovery still more remarkable and important than any that preceded it — viz. the jnethod of giving a shock, by accumulating the electric fluid in ajar, and discharging it by means of a conductor. Tiiis discovery was made by Mr. von Kleist, dean of the cathedral in Camin; and the next year the experiment being repeated in a dilYerent manner, and with better success, by Mr. Cunocus, of Ley den, the jar so filled became generally known by the name of the Leydai phial^ which it has retained to the present day. Suoa afterwards, Mr. Gralalh, a German, first contrived to increase tlie shock by charging several phials at the same time, and making what is now called a 'battery. About the same time experiments began to be 26 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap.!. made of the effects produced by electricity on finimal bodies. In these inquiries the abbe Nollet greatly distinguished himself. He pursued his in- .vestigations with singular ingenuity, labour, and expense; and opened a new and noble field of electrical discoveries. The application of electri- city to gro'\\'ing vegetables was first made by Air. Maimbra;^, of Edinburgh, ^vho found that, in certain cases, it expedited the progress of vegeta- tion. In these experiments he was followed by tlie abbe Nollet, M. Jallabert of Geneva, Mr. Boze before-mcnUoiied, and a number of others on the continent of Europe, who all drew the same con* elusions*. In the midst of the general attention, and the deep interest which this subject now began to ex- cite throughout the philosophic world, Dr. Frank- lin, in 1752, after ha\ing been for some time en- gaged iu making new and interesting experiments, discovered the identity of the electric fluid and lights ning-f-y a discovery of the greatest practical utility j * See Additional Notes — (D). t There are persons who believe, but probably without suffi- cient foundation, tliat ihis fact, and several otlicrs relating to electricity, generally supposed to be modern discoveries, were known to the ancients. Those who wish to see tliis opinion in- geniously and learnedly defended, w^ill be gratified by a perusal of M. Duteub' work, bi-fore quoted ; and also, an interesting paper in the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Man- chester, vol. iii, by William Falconer, M, D. F. R. S. To which may be added a curious passage in signer Boccalini's Advertise- vtcntsfrom Parnassus (Century 1, Chap.-iO,) published more than one hundred years before the date of Franklin's discovery. For a reference to this passage, I ajii indebted to the rev. Dr. Nisbet, president of Dickinson College, Pennsylvania ; -a gentleman whose profound erudilioUj embracing the literature and science Sect. I.] Electricity. 57 and, perhaps, tlie only one, in the science nmler consideration, which was the result of preconceived opinion, and of experiments instituted witli an ex- press view to ascertain the trutli. Dr. Frankhn's ideas were soon afterwards conhrmed by Messrs. Dahbard and Dclor, of France ; who had come to a similar conclusion before they were informed of what had been done on the other side of the Atlantic. The same illustrious Amei'ican also first discovered, in conjunction with his friend Mr. Thomas Hop- kinson, the peculiar power of pointed bodies to draw olf the electrical matter more effectual ly, and at a greater distance, than others; founded on w^hich was his ingenious invention for defending houses from the destiuctive effects of lightning, by the use of metallic conductors. About the same time, Dr. Franklin's friend, Mr. Kinnersly, distin- guished himself by rediscovering the apparently contrary electricities of glass and resin, or sulphur, which M. du Fay had long before observed, but with the discovery of which he and Dr. Franklin were both unacquainted *. To solve the difficidty arising from this fact, the doctor, instead of recurring to the supposition of two d liferent kinds of electric matter, as the French philosopher had -done, pro- posed his celebrated theory of positive and negative electricity, or the pins and minus states of bodies charged with this fluid ; a theory which had been before suggested by Dr. Watson, and which was pf almost all cultivated languages, is well known to tlie public ; and with wliOhC friendship I consider it one of ihe most happy cir- cumstances of my life to be honoured. • * See Experiments and Observations on Electn'citi/, &c., b)' Ben- jamin Ffaiikhn, LL.D. F.R.S. London, 4Lo. l/oy. 558 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. afterwards generally received throughout the scien- tific \^'orld ; and, though by no means without op- position, still continues to hold a more extensive influence than any other. Electricity seems to have been first applied to medical purposes by Mr. Kratzenstein, professor of medicine at Halle, in 1744. From that period it gradually grew into notice, by means of the ex- periments of the abbe Nollet, Jallabert of Ge- neva, Sauvages of Montpellier, Bohadsch of Prague, Dr. Watson before mentioned. Dr. Frank- lin, and many others. The medical virtues of this wonderful fluid soon excited attention and inquiry throughout the scientific world. And although the repetition of experiments, which has been con- stantly going on from that period to the present, has served to correct many errors into which the enthusiastic fell in the beginning; yet electricity, ^fter undergoing many revolutions of fashion, is now well established as an important article of the Materia Medica. After the interesting discoveries of Dr. Frank- lin, the next great experimenters and discoverers in electricity were Mr. Canton of Great Britain, signor Bcccaria of Italy, and Mr. Wilcke of Ger- many, w ho considerably enlarged the sphere of our knowledge respecting the conducting powers of different substances, and threw farther light on t\\Q plus and minus states of electrics. The doc- trine of Franklin, that these two states arise from a redundancy or deficiency of the same matter, was but little opposed, until 17»59, when Mr. Sym- mer, an English philosopher, revived the ideas of du Fay, w.ith .squic new .modifications of his own» Sect. I.] Electriciti/. gg He taught the existence of two electric fluids, not independent, but always coexistent, and coun- teracting one another*. In this opinion he 1ms been followed by some gentlemen of very respect- able ciiaracter in Great Britain and on tlie con- tinent of Europe ; though by far the greater num- ber of the learned appear still to be in favour of the Franklinian theory f. The progressive improvements of electrical ma- chines, and of the various instruments for exhibit- ing the phenomena of this science, have generally kept pace with the gradual developement of its principles. Hence the honour of tliese improve- ments is, in general, due to the gentlemen already named. Beside these, several artists of respectable character have done much to forward the mecha- nical part of this branch of philosophy. Soon after the grand discoveries of Franklin, Mr. ^^pinus, a philosopher of high character in the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg, assuming his principles, offered to the world some new and interesting views on this branch of science. Struck with the .resemblance between the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, and believing that the attractions and repulsions of each might be reduced to regular and similar classes, he attempted to throw the laws of both into a perfectly systematic form, and to introduce the most precise matlienia- tical calculations into regions w hich were before * See Additional Notes — (E). f The above-stated flicts, relating to the ii?e and progress of electricity, are chietly taken from Dr. Fdestiey'a liisiory vf JHec^ trieiti/, 1/94., London^ 4to. 30 MccJianical Philosoph}/, [Chap, L supposed, from their indefinite and mysterious character, least of all susceptible of being explored in this manner *. It is believed by many, that this hypotliesis, to the uncpiestionable claim of inge- nuity adds that of being foimded in truth ; and that it will probably lead to the solution of many diificulties hitherto deemed insolvable. However this may be, it must be confessed the ingenious Russian has enabled us, by his mathematical prin- ciples, to class many of the phenomena of which he treats, with a plausible precision, and to pre- dict the result of proposed experiments with very pleasing success f. During the last thirty years of the eighteenth century, though it cannot be said that so much has been done in electricity as in the like period im- mediately preceding; yet several important disco- veries, within that time, have been announced. The inventions of the clecfropJioruSy and the con- ikniscr, by professor \^olta, and of the douhler of electricity, by the rev. JSIr. Bennet, of Great Britain ; the discovery of the effects produced by the electric matter on permanently elastic fluids, and on water, by Mr. Cavendish, and others ; and the new results of experiments, with respect to the influence of electricity on vegetables, by Dr. Ingenhousz, and Messrs. Ilouiand, d'Ormoy, Car^ moy, and others, of France, may be considered among tiie most interesting of recent improve- .* See AdiUtiomil Notes— CF). f See 'Ihcoriu Elcctricitutis ct Ma^netlsmiy 175f), Petersburg, 4to. See also a good abst' .ici of tiu- v-.uetrines ot >i:i^piuus, m the SuppUmc/it to the J'JLj/iidpiLilui, pubu.:.iied by Dr. Giei^. Sect» II.] Galvanism. 31 ments*. Mr. Cavendish and lord Mahon are the only disthiguished writers on electricity, in the English language, who have attempted, like iEpi- mis, to introduce the mathematical form of inves- tigation into this science. The publications of Dr. Priestley, Mr. Cavallo, and Mr. Adams, on the subject, are also worthy of honourable notice. The first, beside his excellent History of Elcctricitijy instituted a number of original experiments ; sug- gested many important inquiries^ improved the electrical apparatus ; and, on the whole, did much to advance our knowledge of this branch of philo- sophy. The latter gentlemen, in addition to many new experiments, have presented to the world condensed and very satisfactory views of the sub- ject, both in a philosophical and 'medical view, and have contributed much to render it popular and useful SECTION II. GALVANISM. To this chapter belongs some notice of that principle, or influence, discovered a few years ago by Dr. Galvani, a philosopher of Bologna, and since, in honour of him, denominated Galvanism. It was first called A7ii??ial Electricity, a name which had been, for a number of years before, given to * For a more full account of the above recent di^'coveries and improvements, see the last vol. of Cazallo's FlectrlcUy, 3 vols, 8vo edition 1/95, and the art, £lectnciti/ in the Encj/clopadia, and t}i& Siipplf'^icnt, S2 Mechanical PJiilosophy. [Chap. Iw a rcmarkal)Ie property observed in several fished, of conveying a shock, or a benumbing sensation, to those who touched them *. But this property was always found to be extinct or dormant in such animals immediately after their death f. In 1762, Sulzer, a German, in his Theory of agreeable and disagreeable Sensations, gave some hints of a curi- ous effect resulting from the junction of two pieces of different kinds of metal, and applying them, thus joined, to the tongue; but these hints seem to have been disrej^arded, and were soon buried in oblivion. In 1791 professor Galvani announced a discovery made by hiin, that the muscles of dead animals might be stimulated and brought into ac- tion, by means both of artificial and atmospherical dectricity. He also discovered, that, independent of any collection of the electric fluid for the pur- pose, the same action might be produced in the dead animal, or even in a detached limb, merely by making a communication between the nerves and the muscles with substances that are conductors of the electric matter J. Galvani*s first experiments were made on de^di frogs ; but the discovery, soon after being announced, was pursued ; experiments were made on different animals ; and a number of new facts, tending to show the connexion betvvcen Galvanism and electricity, and the circumstances * These are the torpedo, tlie gymnotiis clcctrkus, tlie sifunm ckctricKs, and a fourth, found near one of tJic Co7noro islands, by lieut. William Patterson, of A\hich an account is given in the 7C>lli vol. of the Philosophical Transaciiom. t See Additional Notes — (G). X Aloj/sii Galvani de Viribus Electric iiatia, Sec. 4to, BonoDiac, i7yi' Sect.II.1 Galvaiiism. 53 ill' which they differ, were brauglit to light by professor Volta, and Dr. Eusebius Valli, pf ItaJy; by Mr. von Humboldt, and Dr. Ptaff, of Germany i by Dr. Munro, Dr. Fowler, Mr. Cavallo, and Dr. Lhid, of Great Britain ; and by Coulomb, Four- croy, Sabbatier, P^lletan, and others, of France. Hitherto this influence or agent had been chiefly investigated with reference to its operation on animal substances. Flei\ce its popular name was, for a considerable time, animal electricity. But it being soon found, that its agency was more exten- sive; that it possessed pov ers not indicated by this denomination ; and that of course the reten- tion of this name would lead to error, the word Galvanism was adopted in its stead. This exten- sion of the Galvanic principle was connected with new discoveries and improvements, from various quarters ; these, however, for a considerable time, were generally small, and unimportant in their nature. But among all the recent discoveries in Galva- nism^ that made by professor Volta, in 1800, is most remarkable in its nature, and most interest- ing in its relations. His mode of constructing a pilCy for condensing, retaining, and communicating a perpetual current of the Galvanic injluencc, is generall}^ known*. The curious phenomena which * The pile of Volta is thus formed. Take a number of plates ofsUver, an equal number of zhw, and the same number of pieces of card or tvoollen cloth. ].,et tJiese last be uell soaked in v:ater, or water saturated with common salt, or, which is perhaps still better, with nitre. A. pile is then to be formed of these sub- stances, in the following manner. A piece of zinc, a piece of silver, and a piece of wet cloth or card, arc to be succes^-ively Vol, I. D :Si Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap, I. this pile exhibits; the coiinexiion which these phe- nomena indicate with the principles both of elec- tricity and of chemistry ; and the nmnerous expe- riments and siiccef^sive improvements in the ma- nagement of tliis Galvanic battery by .Me3sr$. Car- lisle, Nicholson, Crnickshank, Davy, and others,. of Great Britain ; by van Marum, of Holland ; and by Fourcroy^ \'auquelin, and Thenard, af France, have not only excited much attention in the scientific world, but may also be ranked among tlic rich additions to philosophy which modern times have produced. -It must be admitted, however, that little more has been done,, in this new branch of philosophy, tlian to ascertain a number of facts, sometimes placed. on each other ^ tlien another piece of ziiic, aiad so on in the order of the first layer. In this manner, the pieces are to be arranged, or in any other manner, provided a regular alternation l)e oliserved, until the requisite number shall be laid. The in- urnment is then lit for use. The pieces of card should be- some- ^ iiat less than the pieces of metal, and, after being well moisten- "t.!, should be gently squeezed before they are applied, that the superfluous moisture may not run down the pile, or insinuate ithclf between the pieces of metal. U he instrument constructed in this manner affiords a perpetunl cuncnt of the Galvanic influence ; and if one hand be applied t€? tlie lov.est plate, and another to tlie uppermost, a shock is felt, a? often as the contact is repeated. The shock received fronj thi^'i. pile is somewhat like that ' given by a Leyden phial ; but more nearly resembles that given by a Toi^cdo, w hich animal this appa- ratus also resembles in giving incessant shocks. The inteilsit)^ of tlui charge , is, Jio\ve\ er, too small to make its way tluougii .the dry skin. J it. is Lliereforc necessary that each hand should be well v.clted, and a piece of metal be grasped in each to make tlie LoucJi ; — and the larger the piece of meud' which is thus l^eld in the hand, the stronger ihv. shock. Garaett's Mfuils of Phihsi \u\. i, p. 10, Uc. Sect. II.] Galvanism. 55 contradictory in their aspect, and generally inex- plicable, without either forming a theory sutlici- ently fixed or luminous to satisfy the inquirer, or instructing us in what manner this principle may be applied for the benefit of mankind*. Professor Galvani, signor Volta, and several other distin- guished experimenters, have supposed the Gal- vanic phenomena to arise from. the operation of the electric fluid. They observed that this sub- stance seemed to move with rapidity ; that it pro- duced a sensation similar to the electric shock ; that it passed with facilit}^ through metals, and other conductors of electricity ; while it was stop- ped in its course by glass, sealing-wax, and other substances which we know to be nonconductors of the electric matter. Others, on the contrary, observing several phenomena, which were thought to be incompatible with the known laws of electri- city, or inexplicable by them, have rejected this opinion, and resorted to difterent means of solving the difficulty. M. Fabroni, who made a number of ingenious experiments in Galvanism, was the first who sys- tematically attempted to prove that the eft'ects which he observed arose from chemical .causes f. This opinion has led to much curious investigation; and various experiments evince that the ag^nt in question produces, most powerfully, some effects, * Since the above was written, very curious information has been received from Germany, respecting the application of (^a/- vanism to medical purposes. It appears to possess great etficacy in removing many diseases arising from nervous derangement and muscular debility. t See Nicholson's JPhilosophical Journal, vol. iii, p. 308. D2 36 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. ])artiinilarly decomposifions, which have been hr- tlierto considered as belonging to the province of chemistry alone *. At the close of the century this question was far from being satisfactorily solved. But as the subject has excited so much attention among philosophers, in every part of Europe, and as new facts will probably be brought to light every day, we may hope that the time is not very distant, when a sufficient number of facts will be arranged to form a consistent and satisfactory theory, and when Galvanism will take its place among the most dignified and useful of the sciences f. SECTION III. MAGNETISM. This branch of philosophy, during the same pe- riod, has been an object of less attention than elec- tricity, and of fewer speculations j probably on ac- count of the smaller range of its phenomena, and its being less capable of popular exhibition. Still, however, it has been considerably cultivated, and has received some important improvements, since the time of Dr. Gilbert, the great father of mag- net ical philosophy. The number of facts concern- ing this mysterious kind of attraction has been greatly augmented. U he points in which it resem- bles, and those in which it differs from electricity, ' See Atfditiunal Notts — (JI). t l''<>r further infonnation on this fiubject, see the SupploJient to tlic Encj/clf)pa;dia, art. Galvanism. See also GarneU'* AiumIs of Philosophy lor 1 bOO. Sect. III.] Mai^uc/ism. T; have been more satisfactoriiy ascertained ; and a nearer approach made than Ibrmerly to a systema- tic arrangement of the magnetic laws. The unexpected and daring introduction of ma- thematical principles and demonstration into tin; dark regions of electriciijj, by Mr. /l^pinus, was mentioned, in a former page, as one of the signal improvements of the last century, lliis ingeniouji philosopher has done the same in viagnctistn^ and with equal success^. And though this subjection of the magnetic principles to the most precise and definite of all species of investigation does not ap- pear to have led, as yet, to any extraordinary dis- coveries, or radical reforms in tbeory ; yet it has been by no means without its use, and may con- duct to invaluable acquisitions f. The Mariner's Compass, within the period in question, has been considerably imjjroved. Tliis important instrument, after its invention in ISOL^ long remained in a rude and imperfect state. But Dr. Knight's discovery of the mode of making ar- tificial magnets, about the year 1744, together with the results of some other experiments, en- abled him to render the compass much more con- venient and useful J. To his improvements may be added the further emendations of Mr. Smeaton and Mr. M'Culloch, both of Great Britain. The variation of the magnetic needle has been a subject of much attention and of much ingenious speculation, during the past century. The obser- * Tvntamcn Thcorict Magn. ct Elect r. Pclrop. 1750. t See Additional Notes — (1). 1 S(^c Additiomil Notes — f/vj. 3$ Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. vations made by Dr. Halley, and published in 1701, ill the form of a variation char^t, were of great use to navigators, and contributed not a lit- tle toward reducing the principles of this variation to something like an intelligible form. The next attempt of the same kind, worthy of notice, was tliat of Euler. This philosopher, equally remark- able for the extent of his learning, and the vigour and comprehensiveness of his mind, undertook, about the middle of the century, to account for the magnetic irregularities, and to ascertain the posi- tion of the needle in every part of the earth. He executed his task with singular ingenuity and per- severance, and with a plausible appearance of success. But his theory, and the whole structure founded upon it, were soon found liable to such objections, that they were considered of little value, excepting so far as they might furnish a guide in the further prosecution of the inquiry. Since the time of Euler, many others have exerted their ge- nius in the same investigation; but without pro- ducing more certainty or satisfaction. Among tlie Jatest explorers of this dark but important sub- ject, Mr. Churchman, a respectable citizen of America, deserves to be honourably mentioned. He has, in his own opinion, made valuable im- pro\ ements on the theories of Halley and of Eider ; corrected various errors into which those great philosophers fell ; and given an hypothesis which bids fair to be of more practical utility than theirs to the nautical adventurer. How soon this hypo- thesis may be brought to the test of a complete course of experiments, or how it may bear this test, when subjected to it, are questions yet to be SicT. in.] Magnetism. 39 solved. In the mean time, the ingenuity, zeal, and perseverance, evinced in Mr. Churchman's late publications on this subject, deserve the attention, the thanks, and tiie encouragement of the j^inloso- phic world*. Many other writers, of acknowledged scientific eminence, have distinguished themselves by new experiments, and ingenious hypotheses on mag- netic attraction, within the period of which we are speaking. Among these may be mentioned Muschenbroeck j", Whiston, Celsius J, van Swiu> den, Lambert §, Euler||, Knight ^f, Mitchel, Can- ton, and Cavallo. To detail the opinions enter- tained, and the facts successively brought to light by each, would far exceed our prescribed limits. But, after all the inquiries of these philosophers, it must be acknowledged that " clouds and dark- ness rest" upon this part of science ; that even its general principles are little understood; and that we are yet far from being furnished ^vith materials for a satisfactory system on the subject. Perhaps another century may accomplish this, which, when * See Churchman's Magnetic AtluHy 4to, 3(lt?clitlon, 1800. f Dissert. Phj/sico-Experijuenlalis de Magncte. X Tentamina Magnetica, 4to. Also Manoirs on the Analogy hc- twecn Elect, and J^Iag. 3 vols, 8vo, 1/85. § The experiments and calculations of M. Lambert, on the fiolarity and variations of the magnetic needle, deserve particu- lar attention. He was a very accurate and sagacious philusij- pher. See the Memoirs of the Academy of Ikrlin, for 1/ JU, pub- lished in 1758. II Euleri Opitscula, torn, iii, conlinens Thcoriam Magnctis, Ber- lin, 1751. % An Attempt to explain the Fhenomcna of yadirc hy Tso Prin- ciples, ^x'. 4 to, 1748. 40- Mechanical Philosophi). [Chap. L A iewecl in its various relations, must be regarded as a p\mA desideralum'm. philosophy*. In 1774 arose the idea of a certain sympathy c?(isting betwf'n the magnet and the human bod^ , by means of which the former might be ap- plied to the cure of diseases. This opinion ap- pears to have originated with father Hehl, of, Gernlany, who greatly recommended the use of the magnet in medicine. On some experiments- and suggestions of Hehl, the famous Mesmer, a (jerman physician, about the year I766 erected Iiis fanciful system oi Animal Magnetism. The noise made by the opinions and arts of this celebrated empiric, and his coadjutors, in Germany, in France, and indeed, though in a less degree, throughout every other part of Europe, is well known to all acquainted with the literary history of that period; as well as the detection, the decline, and the final disgrace of them and their principles j*. M. Prevost, of Geneva, in 1788, published a new doctrine concerning Magnetism, in an inge- nious and interesting dissertation on the subject. In this work he expresses a belief that there are tiio magnetic Jiuuls, which, by their union, com- I)ose a thinly which he calls combined fluid. These two fluids, he thinks, are both elastic like air ; the particles of each attract those of its own kind, but not so strongly as those of the opposite kind. A strong elective attraction, which the combined fluid * See Additional Notes — (L). t For an amuhing a« count of the noise and pretensions made by Me.-,mer, see Willicirs Ltcturts on Ditt and Rcgimtn, &c. Sec also Report of the Coninriishioners appointed by the French King to examine into Animal Magnetism. Sfxt. IV.] Motion and Moving Forces. 41 possesses for iron, decomposes part of tlie fluid m the iron, and each of its ingredients occupies oj)po- site ends of the bar. Bars in this state approach, if the ends nearest each other contain dilTercnt in- gredients, but recede if they contain the same*. SECTION IV. MOTION AND MOVING FORCES. This part of science also, within the century under consideration, has received no small im- provement. The laws of motion^ as laid down by sir Isaac Newton, though found, hy succeeding philosophers, to be in general correct, were yet by no means perfectly so. His princi})les of motion in resisting mediums particularly failed, when brought to the test of accurate experiment. Nu- merous have been the attempts to supply the de- fects, and to correct the errors of these principles : among which the labours of D. Bernoulli, and of M. d'Alembert, deserve to be considered as by far the most distinguished and successful. The latter in particular, in the course of his investiga- tions, discovered a general rule, adequate to the determination of many important questions in the science of motion, and applying to the most com- pound and perplexing cases f. The inaccuracy of Newton's principles, with regard to projectiles, was first ascertained and an- nounced by M. Ressons, a French artillerist, in I7I6. Nothing material, however, was. done to- * See Essai sur rOn'gine dcs Forces Magniti(^iiC6; l/SS. t Condorcct on the Mind, p. 2/5. 44 Mechanical Philosoph/. [Chap. L ward the establishment of new and more just Jaws^ till 1742, when Benjamin Robins, of Great Britain^ published his New Principles of Gunnery, a very able and interesting work. Mr, Robins certainly did more to improve the science of military projectiles than any individual, not to say than all other individuals, who had gone before him. He made a great number of well-de- vised and important experiments ; and, in the work above-mentioned, left a lasting monument both of genius and of labour. From the experiments detailed in this work, which was published in 1742, it incontestably ap- peared, that the resistance made by the air to pro- jectiles which have a rapid motion, is much greater than had been supposed by Newton and Huygens ; that it is, indeed, so great, that the path described by any shot whatever is very different from the curve of a parabola^ and, consequently, that all applications of that conic section to gunnery are false and useless. Mr. Robins's experiments were made with shot of one ounce weight only : it was, therefore, much to be wished, that such persons as had opportunity might repeat the same experi- ments with balls of a larger size. Mr. Charles Hut- ton, of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, performed this service to science. He even used in his experiments balls from twenty to jifty ounces weight. The result of these experiments confirmed Mr. Robins's principles in the most am- ple manner. Mr. Robins, however, in estimating the mecha- nical force of Giinpoxoder, fell into an error, which has been since corrected by the acute and perse- Sect. IV.] Motmi and Moving Forces. 43 vering count Rumford* of America. The former states this force, according to his experiments, to be 1000 times as great as tlie mean pressure of the atmosphere ; while the celebrated Daniel Ber- noulli determined it to be not less than 10000 times as great. Such a dilference of opinion led count Rumford to pursue a course of experiments, of which some were published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1781, and the remainder in the Transactions of the same Society for 1797; witli the view principally of determining the initial ex- pansive force of Gunpowder, hy one of these ex- periments it appeared, that, calculating even on Mr. Robins's own principles, the force of Gun- powder, instead of being 1 000 times, must at least be 1308 times as great as the mean pressure of the atmosphere. From this experiment the count thought himself warranted in concluding, that the principles assumed by Mr. Robins were erroneous, and that his mode of ascertaining the force of Gunpowder could never satisfactorily determine it. Despairing of success in that way, he resolved to make an attempt for ascertaining this force by ac- tual measurement; and, after many unsuccessful experiments, he was at length led to conclude that this force was at least .50000 times as great as the mean pressure of the atmosphere -j-. In addition to the hiquiries of these British phi- losophers, several mgeuious men on the contineiU of Europe contributed to the extension and con- firmation of Robins s theory. Jn this list M. u'An- * See Additional Notes — (M). -f Runiford's rhilosophical Jj^nsuvf', 8vo. "44 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. toni, of 'Italy, and Messrs. d'Arcy and le Roy, of France, are entitled to particular distinction*. I^cside these, many experiments have been made, and valuable ideas suggested, respecting motion in resisting mediums, by Gravesande, by J. Ber- noulli, by Euler, by Simpson, by M. Bouguer; and by AI. Condorcet, abbe Bossut, chevaliers Buat and Borda, and other members of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. And although this part of mechanical philosophy can scarcely be said yet to have received satisfactory elucidation ; still much has been done toward the attainment of this object by the mathematicians and artists of the last age ; and especially by those of France, who, in the various parts of science immediately subser- vient to the business of the Engineer, have cer- tainly, in modern times, exceeded all the rest of the world. The discoveries and improvements made, in the course of the last century, with respect to the con- struction and motion oi pendulums, are neither few nor unimportant. For the purpose of counteract- ing the effects produced in the dimensions of the pendulum by heat and cold, from which disorder and error necessarily arise, the contrivances of in- genious men have been numerous and successful. For the purpose, also, of regulating the curve m which this body shall move, various devices and calculations have been adopted. The principal of these improvements are, the Mercurial Pendulum, invented by George Graham ; the Gridiron Pen- dulum ; that formed with a rod of baked and var- * Uuiion's M(it/u-matic(d Dictionari/. Sect. IV.] Motion and Moving Forces. 4.5 iiished wood; the contrivances, by means of 2i flexi- ble rod, and other apparatus, to make the pendu- lum move in the curve of a c^jcloid; to say notliini^ of many other ingenious inventions to regulate the motions and to extend the application of this im- portant instrument. In that part of philosophy which relates to the structure and motion of machines, manv great minds have been employed, in the course of the kist age, and not without making some advances in this department of science. — M. Amontons, of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, about the beginning of the century, very successfully deve- loped some of tlie general laws of machinery. After him Mr. Emerson, of Great Britain, a dis- tinguished mathematician, investigated and svs- tematised this subject, with still more practical care and accuracy. In 1735 the celebrated Euler undertook to give a general and systematic \\e\v of machines, in order to found a complete theory, immediately conducive to the improvement of me- chanics. In 1743 he published tlie first part of his theory, containing many new dynamical theo- rems of great importance''^. He afterwards prose- cuted the subject further I, and with so nmch suc- cess, as to excite deep regret that he had not continued his useful labours. Since the experi- ments and publications of Euler, many philoso- phers of inferior name have turned their attention to the same inquiry ; but without laying the scien- tific world under the same obligations, by exhibit- * Comment. Pdropolituni. torn. i. t Conimeni. Petrop. lom. iii^ aud yiar.. Acad. Berlin, ];''i7 ai:^ 1752. 46 Meclianical PhUosophj, [Chap. I, ing original or very interesting views of the sub- ject. Among these it would be improper to pass, v/ithout respectful notice, the vakiable services rendered to practical mechanics by Mr. Smeaton and Mr. Dramah, both of Great Britain. The in- stances of the ingenious application of mechanical principles to the construction of different machines, hy which the last century is distinguished, are too numerous, and the authors of many of them too well known, to render a detailed view of them pro- per in this place. SECTION V. HYDRAULICS. In the principles and practice of this part of sci- ence great improvements have been made, by the philosophers of the last age. To calculate upon sure and accurate grounds the resistance and mo- tion of dense fluids, so as to furnish a residt which might be relied on by engineers, and other mecha- nics, was considered at the beginning of the cen- tury one of the most interesting and difficult pro- blems in mechanical philosophy. Newton first endeavoured to reduce the laws of moving fluids to the ])recise form of mathematical calculation. In this, however, thougli he displayed great inge- nuity, he was unsuccessful. His demonstrations, when brought to the test of practice, were found in- accurate and inappHcable. Guglielmini,a celebrated Italian, siiccetded Iiim, assuming his principles, and aiming to attain the object in view by the same ^EGT,V,] Ilydraulics. 47 path. He also failed ; his calcukitions turning out equally remote from the truth with those of his illustrious predecessor. After Guglielmini, j^ro- fcssor Micliclotti, ol Turin, D. Bernoulli, of Swit- zerland, and the abbe Bossut, of Paris, instituted many experiments, to ascertain the theory or me- chanism of hydraulic motion. The last gentleman, in particular, conducted his experiments with great labour, care, and perseverance, published a very important work on the subject, and opened a path of inquiry in this field of science, so new, and in a manner so judicious, that he must aUvaj^s be considered as holding a high rank in the hydraulic history of the age in which he lived. After all, how^ever, he left the subject very imperfectly ex- plored. Bossut was succeeded by his countryman, the chevalier Buat, who took up the inquiry where the abbe had left it> prosecuted it with singular skill and assiduity, and formed a system much nearer to the truth than all who had gone before him. — But distinguished as the chevalier has justly rendered himself, by his achievements in tliis branch of philosophy, he cannot be said so much to have discovered nev/ principles, as to have classed and systematised, with great skill and in- genuity, the principles flowing from IVl. d'Aiem- bert's im wearied experiments and calculations on this subject. Still the HxjdrauUque of Buat may be considered the most ingenious, comprehensive, 9nd practical work, on the department of science ©f which it treats, to be found in any language. The great excellence of this work is, that its doc- trines are deduced not so much from mathematical 48 Mechanical PhllosopJijj. [Chap. I. calculation, as from a laborious comparison of facts. It furnishes most important information to the cnc^ineer ; and enables liim now to resolve, with sufficient precision, many questions, in answer ta which little ])ut conjecture, and that too often most mischievously wide of the truth, could be offered before. In short, the gCxieral proposition, deduced from the chevalier's numerous facts and experi- ments, respecting the motion of fluids, has been pronounced one of the most valuable results of mo- dern inquiry *. Much light has been thrown, during the last century, on the doctrine of Tides. Newton was the first who gave a satisfactory explanation of this subject. He showed that the tides are caused by the attraction of the sun and moon, and laid down some of the general laws of this attraction. But it has been remarked, that the wide steps taken by this philosopher, in his investigation, left ordinary minds frequently at a loss ; and that many of his principles require very great mathematical know- ledge to satisfy us of their truth. Accordingly the Academy of Sciences at Paris, soon after the death of the illustrious Briton, wishing to have this as well as some other parts of philosophy exhibited in a satisfactory, and, as far as could be, in a popu- lar manner, published a prize question relative to the tides. This produced three excellent disserta- tions on the subject, by Mr. Maclaurin, D. Ber- noulli, and Euler. Of these the work of Bernoulli is considered the best, and is, perhaps, the most ^ See Emyclopa:dia, Art. Water-Works^ Sect. V.] Hydraulics, 49 complete extant*. And it is worthy of observar tion, that while he threw greater Jight tlian all who had gone be'Vrf^ him on the subject which he immediately undertook to illustrate, he furnished an additional and very powerful argument in sup- port of the Nemtonian system. The construction of Aqueducts has been render- ed, by the labours of modern philosophers, more simple, easy, and precise. And, in consequence of these improvements, they have, within the last century, greatly increased in number. For tlie valuable experiments and discoveries which have been made on this subject, we are principally in- debted to the great hydraulic philosophers on the continent, whose names were before men- tioned. To those names may be added the di- stinguished experimenters and observers, on the same subject, Desaguliers, Belidor, de Parcieux, and Perronet, who successively laboured to deduce a system of doctrines from the numerous facts before them; and whose very mistakes contribut- ed to elucidate this obscure branch of science, which, however, is yet far from being M\y under- stood. * The abbe Bernardin de St. Pierre, in a late work, entitled Etudes de la NaUire, rejects the Newtonian theory of Tides, and ascribes this class of phenomena to the liquefaction of the polar ice and snow. To this amiable writer the praise of ingenuity, and of possessing a happy talent of amusing and interesting his readers, cannot be denied. Neither can it be questioned that his work contains a consid- and friend of Boyle, invented a Ttltgraph, on the same gt;iicral plan as those which have been since used ; and formally arjiounced and described it, m a paper read beiurc tlie Koyal Scc:^'. May 21st, 1684. F2 ^S Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. Chappc immediately became an object of public attention. Additions and alterations in his plan were proposed, some of them highly advan- tageous; and telegraphs of different kinds came into use in various parts of the continent of Europe, and in Great Britain. How great the importance of this channel of intelligence is at present, and how much more so it may be rendered by those improvements in its construction and management which we may reasonably expect to take place, will readily occur to every mind. To say nothing of the dispatch with which information might be conveyed, by this means, in time of war, and the evils of various kinds it might prevent, it may hereafter become an instrument of commercial communication of the highest utility, and be ren- dered subservient to many valuable national pur- poses*. The late experiments and conclusions of Dr. Ilerschel, with respect to the rays of light and heat, are curious, and highly interesting^. He seems to have demonstrated that the ditTerept prismatic colours have different degrees of tempe- rature ; that radiant heat, as well as light, is not only refrangible, but also subject to the laws of dispersion, arising from its different refrangibility; that those rays of light which have the greatest illumijiating power are the yellou^ and those vvhicli ••' Mr. Jonathnn Grout, of Massachusetts, in l/pQ, invented a Telegraph on a plan which is said to be essentially ditterent froHi any now in use in Europe. It has been for some time in opera- tion between Boston and Martha's Vineyard, at which distance (90 miles) Mr. Grout has asked a question and received an an- -j»\rer in Icsi than ten minutes. Sect. VIII.] Astronomy. 69 have the greatest heating ^oweT the red; and, of course, tliat, contrary to the general belief, the ma.\imum of illiunination, and the maximum of heat, do not comcide*. SECTION VIII. ASTRONOMY. Though this subject is mentioned last, it holds a very conspicuous place among those branches of mechanical })hiIosophy which have received great accessions of discovery and improvement during the century in question, At the beginning of tliis period the Principia of the immortal Newton had given a new face to astronomical science f. Much had been done by his predecessors, and especially by the sagacious Kepler, to prepare the way for ^ See Transactions of the Rojjal Societi/^ for 1800. -}• Aniong the honour^ of the eighteenth century, it ought to be considered as none of the least, that the immortal Newton lived the last 27 years of his life, and closed his glorious career in this age. The character of this stupendous Genius is too well known to require any details on the subject in this place ; but as his name so frequently occurs in these volumes, and especially in the section on Astronomy, it may not be improper to compress into a few lines the following facts and dates concerning him. — He was born in Lincolnshire, in the year l642. He was educat- ed at the University of Cambridge ; wh^re he graduated A. B. in 1664, and A. M. in 1663.. He had made some of his greatest discoveries, and had laid the foundation of his Principia and his Optics, before he was 24 years of age. He was made Warden of the IMint in l6g6, and Master of tliai institution in 1699, which office he held till his death, which took place in 1/27, i» the 8.5 th year of his age. He received the honour of kniqhthood from queen Anne, in 1/05. ^d Mechanical Philosophy, [Chap. I. his grand discoveries ; but it was reserved for this himinary of the first magnitude to shed a degree of light on the Jaws of our planetary system, which has served to guide every exertion, and point out the way to the progress which has since been made. It was he who first applied the simple principle of gravitation to account for the movements of the celestial bodies ; who laid down the laws of this great and all pervading attraction ; and thence, by the assistance of a sublime geometry, deduced the revolutions of the planetary orbs, both primary and secondary, including the minute irregularities of each, with some errors indeed, but with a degree of conformity to nature and subsequent observa- tion, which must ever astonish and delight the in- quiring mind. The British philosopher leaving astronom.y in this improved state, no wonder that those who came after him should at once, with growing ardour, and with greater ease, pursue a course which he had so happily marked out. At the beginning of the century under review, we find Flamstead*, the first Astronomer Royal of England, devoting himself to this science with great zeal and success. He particularly directed his attention to ihe Jixed stars ; and after a series of patient and most laborious observations, pub- lished, in 1719, a catalogue of stars, more exten- sive and accurate than had ever been formed .by one man. To him, both in office, and in astrono- mical fame, succeeded Dr. Ilallcy|, who made a * The Rev. John Flnmstoad was born in l646; appointed As- tronomer Jloyal in 16/4 ; and died in 1719. t Edmund Halley was born in Londori, in the year \65Q ; suc- o^f-ded Flamhtcad as Astronomer Royal in l/ic) ; and died in 1742. Sect, VIII.] yfstrono7?ii/. 71 number of important discoveries, and useful pub- lications. Among many others which might be mentioned, he discovered the Accekration of the Moon, and gave a very ingenious method of find- ing her parallax. He composed tables of the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets. He also recom- mended the mode of ascertaining the Longitude by Lunar Observations ; a mode which has been since much improved, and generally adopted ^ and which is, at present, the most certain guide of the mariner. After him, at the head of the Royal Ob- servatory was placed Dr. Bradley, who greatly distinguished himself as a practical astronomer. He was the first who made observations with suffi- cient accuracy to detect the smaller inequalities in the motions of the planets and fixed stars. By means of this accuracy, he discovered, in 1727} the aberration of the stars^ a phenomenon produced by the compound motion of the earth, and the ra} s of light ; and furnishing new proof, both of the mate- riality and amazing velocity of light, and also of the reality of that motion which had been ascribed to the earth. The same gentleman, in 17^7? dis- covered the nutation of the earth's axis — that libra- tory motion, which is occasioned by the inclina- tion of the moon's orbit to the ecliptic, and the re- trograde revolution of her nodes ; thus, in the course of ten years, making two of the most im- portant additions to astronomical knowledge that \X\e century produced*. * The Rev. James Bratlley was born in the year l6()2, and educated at Oxford. On the death of Dr. Halley he was ap- pointed Astronomer Roynl, in which office he continued till his death, which took place in 17<)2. 72 Mechanical Philosophy, [Chap. I. AVhile these noble and successful exertions were making in Great Britain, to improve the science of astronomy, the philosophers of France were em- ploying themselves in the same field of inquiry, and with very honourable success. The real figure of the globe we inhabit had not been, before this time, satisfactorily ascertained. M. Cassini, the Astronomer Royal at Paris, believed its figure to be that of a prolate spheroid, or in other words, that the polai^' diameter was greater than the equa- torial; while Newton had been led, by his prin- ciples, to a conclusion directly opposite, and had taught that it must be an oblate spheroid^ or flattened at the poles. To determine the question, between these contending parties, the French Royal Aca- demy of Sciences, under the authority and patron- age of Lewis XV, resolved to have two degrees of the meridian measured, the one as near the Equator, and the other as near the Pole, as pos- sible. For this purpose, one company of philoso- phers, consisting of Messrs. Godin, Condamine, and Bouguer, to whom the King of Spain added don Ulloa and don Juan, was dispatched, in 173.5, to South America; and another company, consisting of Messrs. Maupertuis, Clairault, Ca- mus, Ic Monier, and Outhior, attended by pro- fessor Celsius, of Upsal, was sent to Lapland. These companies, after devoting several years to the task committed to them, and encountering nu- merous difficulties in the prosecution of it, at length completed their design. The result proved to be an ample confirmation of Newton's opinion ; for a degree near the Pole being found to measure more than one near the Enuator, they necessarily Sect. VIII.] Astronomy. 73 inferred that the polar degree must be part of a larger circle*. At the be.2^inning of the eighteenth century, our knowledge of the Moon was extremely defective. Since that period, so many discoveries have heeu made respecting this attendant on our earth, and the laws of her motion have been so ably and dili- gently investigated, that this part of astronomy may now be ranked among those which are most fully known and understood. For these investiga- tions we are mdebted to Clalrault, d'Alembert, Euler, Mayer, Simpson, AValmsly, Burg, Bouvard, de la Grange, de la Place, and others. By the labours of these great astronomers, the inequalities in the moon's motion have been detected, ascer- tained, and reduced to a system ; accurate Lunar 7\ibles have been formed; and the theory of this satellite has been carried to such a degree of per- fection, that her place in the heavens may be com- puted with a degree of precision, which would have been pronounced, a few years ago, altogetlier impossible. With respect to the condition and aspect of the moon^s siirfac€y many important dis- coveries have been made, and much valuable in- formation given to the world, by Mr. Schroeter f, a celebrated astronomer of Goettingcn, and hy •^ It is impossible to recollect the attempt by M. Bernartlin ^'e St. Pierre, in his Studies of Nature, to revive the opinion of Cns- 6uii on this subject without surprise. That so learned and inge- nious a man should oppose such distinct mathematical demonstra- tion, is one of those caprices of respectable minds not easily to be iiccounted for. f See SdenotopograpJiisch'c Fnr^viaiW, kc. by JoIiMn, H: ro- py rnus Schroctei'j 'ito, l/Oi. 74 - Mechanical Philosoplii/, [Chap. I, Dr. I lerschel, of Great Britain ; who, by the aid of very powerful and accurate instruments, and with the skill and perseverance for which they are so eminently distinguished, have made surprising pro- gress in investigating this department of the lunar phenomena. A\'hen Newton died, several of the inequalities of the planetary motions, arising from the disturb- ing forces of various bodies, were with difficidty reconciled with the astronomical principles which he had laid down. These inequalities have been successively investigated since that time, their causes ascertained, their laws fixed, their perfect consistency with the Newtonian theory demon-, strated, and thus a very formidable objection to that theory satisfactorily removed. — It is known to mathematicians, that this celebrated philosopher, calculating the effect of the sun's force in pro- ducing the precession of the equinoxes^ fell into an errour, and made it \^'i,'&, by one half, than the truth. The true quantity of this motion was first determined by M. d'Alembert, in 1749^ who also, in the course of his inquiries, more fully ex- plained the nutation of the eartKs axisy which had been discovered a few years before by Dr. Brad- ley. With no less diligence the inequalities in the revolutions of all the planets, and especially of Jupiter and Saturn, have been examined, ascer- tained, and reduced to regular principles. lu these difficult investigations, many astronomers have employed themselves, in the course of the last century, and by their labours rendered important services to this science , but, perhaps, none of the number deserve more honourable distinction than Sect. VIII.] A^ojiomy. 75 Euler, de la Place, and de la Grange, whose ac curate observations, and rigid and delicate ana- lyses, with a view to explore the anomalies in question, display great penetration, diligence, and perseverance. The year 1781 was rendered remarkable by the discovery of a nexv primary Planet. This disco- very was made by the celebrated Herschel, an astronomer of Hanover, residing in Great Britain. He had, for a number of years, distinguished him- self by his successful exertions in augmenting the powers of optical instruments, and particularly in improving the reflecting telescope. With an instrument of this kind, of great excellence, he first determined the existence of the Planet, which he denominated Georgium Sidus, in honour of the British King ; but which is now generally called, by the consent of astronomers, after his own name. From his observations, and those of others, it has been since found that this planet is attended by six secondaries, and much progress has been made in ascertaining the respective times and laws of their revolutions*. But this discovery is not the only one which will transmit the name of Dr. Herschel to poste- . rity with distinguished honour. In 1787, he dis- covered a sixth satelHte of Saturn, and the year after a seventh, attending the same planet. He ascertained the rotation of Saturn's Ring, which may be regarded as one of the most important additions made to astronomical science since those of Dr. Bradley. He discovered a second ring be- ♦ Additional Sotcs—CP)- 7(J Mechanical Philosophi/. [Chap. L loni^-ing to that planet, and actually observed fixed ^tars between this and the one before known* } Je discovered also around the same planet a qicin^ tuple belt of spots, by which he ascertained the re- ality and the time of its diurnal motion. He has published new and valuable observations on the gun, the moon, and indeed on almost all the bo- dies belonging to the solar system. He has greatly enlarged our acquaintance with the fixed stars; and, in a word, so much extended our knowledge of astronomy, that his life may be considered as forming one of the most important asras ii,i the his- tory of this branch of philosophy. This celebrated Astronomer has given a very sublime and curious account of the Construction of the HeavenSy with his discovery of some thousands of nebuLzy or clouds of stars ; many of which are much larger collections of stars, than all those together which are visible to our naked eyes, added to those which form the galaxy, or milky zone tliat surrounds us*. He observes, that in the vicinity of those clusters of stars there are proper-. tionally fewer stars than in other parts of the hea-r vens ; and hence he concludes that they have at- tracted each other, on the supposition that inlhiite space Avas at first equally sprinkled with them. Dr. Ilcrschel thinks he has further shown, that the whole sidereal system is gradually moving round * Democritus, many ac:e.s ago, affirmed that the MilLy JVa^ was produced b} the united splendour of many small stars, as wc arc told by Plutarch. A-'j/iOx.rfrvj tohKujY aoii k7a c'J\cyjJov arr'Ttp-Zv trviKt^o r;^ca5v:^v cc/.atjXo;^ (ruvavycf.7y.r/ Oicc rv;y TTUKyi^criv. Plutarch. De Placit. Lib. iii. Cap. 1 . SEcr.VIII.] Astronomy. 77 some centre, which may be an opaque mass of matter*. At the close of the seventeenth century, the re- spective distances of the several planets from the sun were far from being accurately determined. These, by successive observations, have been since ascertained, with a great degree of precision ; and the various astronomical uses which this knowledge is calculated to subserve, have been displayed in the most satisfactory manner. Particularly the observations made by many philosophers on the transits of Venus and Mercury, which the eigh- teenth century exhibited, have thrown much liglit on this subject, and on several questions of great importance in astronomy. It is but a few years since our knovvlcdgc of Cornets Vvas in its infancy. Dr. Halley, at the be- ginning of the period under consideration, made the first attempt to give a systematic view of this part of the science in his Synopsis Astronomic Cometicce, published in 1705. But his inquiries concerning these excentric bodies, though inge- nious and highly valuable, were far from being adequate or satisfactory. By the labours of mo- dern astronomers, our acquaintance with the co- mets has been wonderfully extended. Sixty-eight new ones have been observed ; the return of many of them has been ascertained and demonstrated f, * See Philosophical Transactions, vol. Ixxix. t M. de la Lande, in his Histoiy of jUtronoiij, for the year 1801, intimates, that the observations which took place in the course of that year have made it questionable whether the doc- trine long entertained, and con^iidered by him and other astrono- mers as settled, that comets revohe, be not erroneous. This doubt 7S Mechartical Philosophy, [Chap. I, and many curious facts respecting them discovered, and received ample illustration. The learned and indcflitiffable labours of father Boscovich, and of M. de la Place, for determining the orbits of comets, have been long known and praised by astronomers. The great works of M. Pingre, and of sir Henry Engiefield, in this branch of astro- nomical philosophy, are entitled to a place among the most full and useful of those which have ap- peared on the subject*. But beside what has been effected by the useful inquiries of these gen- tlemen, the observations of many others, and par- ticularly of de Lalande, and his countrymen. Messier and Mechain, and also of Burckhardt, an illustrious German astronomer, have contributed much to extend our knowledge of comets. It is further worthy of remark, that the difficulty of making observations on comets has been, w^ithin a iQw years, greatly diminished. The methods of calculating their elements are now short and easy, in comparison with what they were half a century ago. Operations which then occupied many days, may now be dispatched with accuracy, in a few hours. The importance of accurate observations on the Jixed stars, in order to ascertain their motion, places, and relative circumstances, is known to V. Ill probably soon receive a solution, if the spirit of zeal and in- dustry should continue \vhich at present animates many European philosophers. * Treatise on Comets, by M. Pingre, 2 vols, 4to, Paris, 1783. The Detenu inntion of the Orbits of Comets, accordivg to the Methods, of father i)o^Qo\n:\\y and M. de la Place, "with new and complete Tables, by sir Henry Englefield, 4to, 1799. Sect. VIIL] Aslronom^, 79 every astronomer. It is to the stars we arc obJiged to refer all the motions of the sun, the planets, and the comets. In this part of the science under consideration much has been done during the last century. The catalogue of stars formed by Flam- stead, was before mentioned as one of the most complete ever derived from the labours of an indi- vidual. To this succeeded the observations and catalogues of de la Caille, Bradley, and Mayer, which it is scarcely necessary to say were highly valuable. After these, Mr. Bode, of Berlin, pub- lished, in 1782, a very extensive and im})roved catalogue, which is greatly esteemed among astro- nomers. He was followed by the celebrated baron von Zach, of Gotha, whose catalogues and tables, in many respects, excelled all that had preceded them. Beside these, the public has been favoured with interesting accounts of new stars, by Hers- chel, Maskelyne, the elder Lalande, and many others*. The number discovered by the power- ful instruments of Herschel, in particular, is almost incredibly great. But the last, and the most complete series of observations ever made in this department of astronomy, is that lately announced by de Lalande the elder, and his nephew, le Francais Lalande, who, with the assistance of the ingenious and enterprising wife of the latter, have determined the places o{ fifty thousand stars, from the Pole to two or three degrees below the Tropic of Capricorn f. We may also reckon among the great astrono- * See Additional Notes — (Q). t See Lalande's History of Astronomy for 1800, 80 Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. 1. mical improvements of the last age, the formation of many Tables^ exhibiting the places and motions of the heavenly bodies. Among these are the Cometarial Tables of Dr. Halley, since enlarged and corrected by many hands, and particularly by a number of eminent French astronomers. To the same list also belong Tables of the Sun and Moo7iy by le Monier, and de la Hire; the Sola?' Tables of de la Caille, Dawes, de Lambre, and von Zach -, and the successively improved Lima?' Tables of Clairault, Euler, Mayer, Mason, and fmally, of Burckhardt, founded on the observations of Burg and Bouvard. Tables of all the primary PlanetSy and their Secondaries, have been completed during the period in question; among the most valuable of which are those of Bradley, Cassini, de Lambre, Wargentin, Vidal, Oriani, Schubert, Burckhardt, and de Lalande. Tables of Parallax and Refrac- tion have been formed by Bradley, Dimthorne, and Shepherd, particularly the last, whose work is a wonderful miOnmnent of industry and perseve- rance. To these might be added a multitude of others, published by individuals, and learned socie- ties, various sets of which may be found in modem books of astronomy. Those printed in de La- lande's great systematic work, are probably ex- ceeded by none extant in fulness and accuracy. By means of these Tables, many complex calcula- tions, which, without their aid, would cost the labour of several hours, or even days, may now be performed in an eighth or tenth part of the time M'hich thoy formerly employed, and with much greater assurance of a true result. Previous to the eighteenth century, though Sect. VIII.] Astronomy^ 81 Eclipses, of various kinds, had been observed and calculated, yet these operations had rarely been made subservient to any important practical pur- pose. Y\ ithin a few years past, philosophers have paid more attention to this part of astronomy. Methods have been devised of calculating eclipses with more ease and expedition than before. Large collections of these calculations have been made, for a long series of years, with the view of de- ducing from them the longitude of cities, and determining other astronomical and geographical questions. Among those who have distinguished themselves in this branch of astronomy, Mr. Tries- necker, of Gemiany, and M. Goudin, of France, are entitled to peculiar honour*. To discover an easy and certain method of fmd- ing the lorigitiide, has long been a grand dcsuk- * The attempt made by certain infidels, during the eighteenth century, to derive an argument against the chronology of the sa- cred writings from some astronomical records, said to be found in Asia, is well known j as are also the ample refutation cf tlieir reasoning, and the total disappointment of their hopes from this quarter. We have been recently informed, that some of tho, learned men of France, connected witli the late military expedi- tion to Egypt, assert, that in the course of their inquiries in that country, they discovered astronomical records, which prove the age of the world to be many thousands of years greater tlian the gacred history represents it. It is not the part of a wise man to answer a 7natter before he heareth it; and therefore until more shall be known concerning the facts stated, and the reasonings employ- ed by these men, it would be improper to attempt a discussion of the subject. But the extreme fallacy to which arguments derived from sources of this kind are liable, must be obvious to ewery astronomer} and he must have liule acquaintance with the his- tory of hvjfnan knowledge who does not know, that as'^ertion^ a3 bold as those in question have more tlian once been demonstrated Vol. I. - G S2 Mechankat Philosophy. [Chap. L ratiim among astronomers and navigators. la 1714, an association was fonned in Great Britain, under the denomination of the Board of Longitude, aided by the authority and patronage of the go- vernment. The exertions and the Hberahty of this body have done honour to their age and country, and in a very considerable degree "attained their im- portant object. The most approved mode of as- certaining the longitude now in use, viz. by ob- serving the distance of the momi from the sun, or from certain stars, though repeated!}^ suggested, was never reduced to practice till the eighteenth century. In promoting this object Dr. Halley early distinguished himself. To him succeeded several others, who formed Lunar Tables , with a view to facilitate the necessary calculations; but among these, none laboured with so much success as professor Mayer*, of Gottingen, whose tables were brought to such a degree of accuracy -as to be thought worthy of a large premium from the Board of Longitude before mentioned. Mayer's tables were afterwards improved by Mr. Charles Mason, of England, who reached a still greater degree of precision in his calculations. And finally, to the lev. Dr. Maskelyne, the present Astronomer Royal^ to be false ; that expectations as sanguine have been often blast- ed J and that modern discoveries in science, and tlie observations of trax'cllers, instead of discrediting the sacred history, have uni- formly tended to illustrate and confirm it. See Additional Notes— (R). * Tobias Mayer, the celebrated astronomer, v/as born in Ger- many in the year 1723, and died in 1762. For his Astronomical tables and Precepts, the English Board of Longitude gave his widow 3000/. sterhng. Sgct.VIII.] Astronomy. 83 is due the honour of contributing much toward the perfection of the plan, and of introducing it into general practice. Another method of finding the Longitude, by observations on the Eclipses of Jupiter's moons, though practised as early as 1688, has yet been much improved during the period under discussion. For these improvements, which are chiefly found- ed on the superior extent and accuracy of modern tables, -we are indebted principally to Drs. Bradley and Pound, M. Cassini the younger, Mr. Wargen- tin, and Tvl. Delambre, the tables of the last of whom have been generally adopted in man}' of the late nautical almanacks. A third mode of deter- mining the Longitude, by well regulated Time- keepers, is almost wholly a production of the last age. For although some attempts of the kind were made in the preceding century, nothing elfec- tual was done until 1714, when Henry Sully, an Englishman, published a small tract at Vienna, on the subject of watch-making, and annouAced some improvements in the art, with a view to the Lon- gitude, which were said to be valuable, and attend- ed wath success. This plan, however, was after- wards bro'ught much nearer to perfection, by the ingenious and persevering labours of John Harri- son, also of England, w4io, in 1726, produced a time-keeper of such uncommon accuracy as not to err above one second in a month, for ten years together. Watches of a similar kind, which have proved of great utility to navigators, were also formed soon after Harrison*s^ by Kendal, Arnold, and others of Great Britain, and by Ic Roy, Ber- thoud, and several other distingnislied French G2 84 Mechanical Philosophy, [Chap. L artists. The happy efTects of these discoveries and improvements in aiding navigation, and, of course, their favourable influence on commerce and the interests of humanity, are so obvious as not to re- quire formal explanation. But no age, assuredly, can vie with the last, in the accuracy and astonishing powers of the astro- nomical instruments which it produced. The prin- cipal ones, among those of an optical kind, were mentioned in a former part of this chapter, and need not be again recounted. In addition to these, many curious instruments and machineSy serving to ilhistrate and exemplify the principles of astro- nomy, have been devised by several ingenious men. The first deserving of notice is the Orrery y invent- ed by Mr. George Graham, an English mathemati- cal-instrument-maker, and presented to George I*. The next is a machine, under the same name, con- trived by Mr. James Ferguson, also of England, and inckiding some improvements on the fonmer. To tJiese succeeded a Plaiietainum, of very curious structure, by Mr. William Jones, of London, and the celebrated astronomical Sphere^ by Dr. Long, professor in the university of Cambridge; to say nothing of a multitude of other inventions of a similar kind, by diflerent artists and astronomers. * Thf origin of the name given to this machine is as follows. Mr. llov.lcy^ a iiiatliematical-instrarnent-maker, having obtained one from Graham, the inventor, to be sent abroad, with some of his own instruments, he copied it, and made one for the Eari of Orrtry. Sir Richard Steele, who l^ncw nothing of Mr. Graham's right to the invention, thinking to compliment the noble encou* ragcr, called it an Orrcr>/, and .gave Rowley the praise due t^ Graiiam. Sect. VIII.] Astronomy. 85 But among all the contrivances of this nature which have been executed by modern artists, the machine invented by the illustrious American, Dr. David Rittenhoase, and modestly called by him an Orrery^ after the production ol" (riaham, is by far the most curious and valual)le, whether we consider its beautiful and ingenious structure, or the extent and accuracy with v/hich it displays the celestial phenomena*. Among the instruments for making astronomical observations, invented during the last century, there is none more important than the celebrated Quadrant, invented by Mr. Godfrey, of Philadel- phia, though afterwards claimed as a production of Mr. Hadley, whose name it still bears |. The inestimable value of this instrument, for various purposes, and especially for the direction of the mariner, is. well known. Since the original plan of constructing it was announced, improvements of much value have been suggested by the rev. Dr. Ewing*|, provost of the university of Pennsylvania, by professor Patterson §, of the same institution, and by Mr. Magellan, of London. AVe may next mention the Astronomical or Equatorial Sector, an instrument of great utility, invented by the ingeni- * For a fiirther account of this celebrated Onny, see the Transactions of the American Philosophical Societi/, vol. i. Those who wish to see a brief and comprehensive view of the genius, character, and works of Dr. Rittenhoase, will find a good sketch of them in an Euloi^iiim, pronounced in honour of his memory, before the American Philosopliiad Society, by Dr. Rusii. f See Additional Notes — (S). X Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, vul i. § Ibid. vol. iv. SQ Mechanical Philosophy. [Chaf. L ous Mr. GraPiam, before mentioned ; the Transit and Equal Altitude Instrument, first made for le Monnier, the French astronomer, by Mr. Sisson, of London 3 and the Grand Astronomical Circle, by the chevalier de Borda and others, the most complete and comprehensive instrmnent in use among astronomers, being in fact a kind of port- able observatory, and probably carrying the deli- cate accuracy of its indications to nearly as great a length as human art will admit. Nor ought it to be omitted here, that the method of graduating astronomical instruments has, within the last age, received the most astonishing improvements. Mr. Bird, of London, was long distinguished in this line ; but more recently his countryman, Mr. Ramsden, has invented a method incomparably more easy, expeditious, and accurate than any before known. The abridgement of labour by this new method is scarcely credible. An opera- tion which cost Mr. Bird several days, we are told, can now be performed much better upon Mr. Ramsden's plan, and nearly in as many mi- nutes. Beside the invention of new astronomical in- struments, the last age is also remarkable for the great improvement of almost all that were before known, and in use. The services, by these means, rendered to astronomy by the artists mentioned in the hjGt paragraph, and also by Short, Graham, Ilerschel, Troughton, M. Lenoir, and others, ai-e too numerous and important to be adequately ac- knowledged in this place. These improvements have, no doubt, served great Iv to abridge the labour Sect. VIII.] Astronomy. 8? of astronomical calculations, and to confer new ac- curacy upon every part of the science. At the concUision of the seventeenth century, the number of regularly established and endowed public Observatories was small. It is believed that only tivo^ or at most three, of any distinction existed at that time. Within the last century, the number of these institutions has greatly increased. They are now established in almost every part of Europe ; richly furnished with the best apparatus for making observations; and continually sending forth dis- coveries and improvements, as the best evidence of their utilit}^. But astronomy has not only been enriched by the augmentation of its own immediate stores; it has been also improved, during the period in question, by the collateral aid of other sciences and arts. The improvements in the viechanic artSy hy furnishing the astronomer with more perfect instruments, have materially furthered him in his course. The discoveries in dynamics and optics, and the refinements which have taken place in ina- thematical science, though apparently of small mo- ment when considered in themsehes, yet, when applied to astronomical investigations, have proved highly important and useful. Formerly astronomy could only be improved through the mediuni of acaial observation; but when the great Newtonian theory of the solar system was once established, a new path of inquiry, and new grounds of calcula- tion, were laid down. Data, from that period, werc!^ afforded for ascertaining, with great ])ret^ision, the orbits, the revolutions, and the inequalllie.^ of "8S Mechanical Philosophy. [Chap. I. the several planetary bodies; and new light and aid poured in on every side, from the geometrician and the artist, as well as from the immediate in- quirer in this sublime science. Under this head it is proper to mention the in- troduction of the New or Gregorian Style of chro- nology into Great Britain in 1752. In 1.582 pope Gregory XIII, finding perplexity to arise in the computation of time, from some errors in the Julian Calendar, which, antecedently to that pe- riod, had been used throughout Christendom, thought proper to order the formation and adop- tion of a new style of reckoning. The astronomers and mathematicians whom he summoned to Rome for this purpose, after spending several years in investigating the subject, and adjusting the prin- ciples of another system, produced what has been since called the Gregorian Calendar. In form- ing this method of computation ten days were an- ticipated or taken away from the old Calendar, and a plan attempted for maintaining a greater degree of accuracy, by a proper distribution of Epacts through the year. The Gregorian Style, thus formed, was soon adopted by all the catholic states, and in most of the protestant countries, be- fore the commencement of the eighteenth century. In Britain, however, and her dependencies, and in a few other protestant states, the Julian or Old Style was not given up for a number of years after- wards. In 1 752, however, by an act of the British parliament, the Gregorian Calendar was adopted ; and, at the same time, the Ecclesiastical Year, which had before commenced on the 25th of March, Sect. VIII.] Astronomy, 89 was made to coincide with the Civil Tear, and ordered, like that, to be computed from the first of January"^. Beside the gi'eat names, and the important dis- coveries and improvements above detailed, it would be easy to add to the list many others wor- thy of notice. The numerous observations and writings of Ferguson, Lax, \^ince, and others of Great Britain ; of Bailly, de Parceval, Beniier, Se- jour, and Duvaucel, of France ; of Lambert, Gri&- chow. Gibers, von Wahl, Wurm, and Klugcl, of Germany; of Bianchini, Frisi, Manfredi, Zanotti, Gddi, Cagnoli, and Oriani, in Italy; of Klingensti- erna. Mallet, Prosperin, and Melanderhielni, in Sweden; of Roemer, Loowenoern, Bugge, and Wurbierg, in Denmark; and of many others, in almost every part of Europe, who have all contri- buted something to the astronomical improvements of the age, and facilitated the acquisition of astro- nomical knowledge. Nor has America been destitute of zealous stu- dents, and successful observers in astronomy. Be- side the illustrious Rittenhouse, before mentioned, whose name alone would rescue his country from the charge of deficiency in astronomical genius, we can boast of Golden |, Winthrop, Evving, Bow- •* It is scarcely necessary to inform the intelligent reader that ■fhe delay of adopting this Calendar in Britain till 17.52, rendered it necessary to drop eleven days, instead of te^i. f See Principles of Action in Matter , and the Motion of the Pla- cets explained from those Principles, &c. by Cadwallader Colden, Esq. 4to, London, Dodsley, 1753. And also a siib;,equent pub- lication by the same author, in the form of a Letter to the Earl of Macclesfield, explaining tlie doctrines contained in tlie former work. Mr. Colden \\ as, for some years prior to the American PO Mechanical PhilosopJuj. [Chap. I, doi]i, Madison, Page, Patterson, Ellicott, Willard, and several others*, who, if they have not made splendid discoveries, or great additions to astro- nomical science, have yet published useful obser- vations, and contributed to promote that degree of taste for this branch of philosophy which exists in our country. From the foregoing review, it appears, that aK. most every i>art of mechanical philosophy, during the eighteenth century, has undergone great and radical improvements ; and that the path is evi- dently marked out to still greater and mare in- teresting attainments. In Electricity^ GalvanisWy Pneiunatics, Optics, and Astronomy, the additions to our knowledge," during this period, are pre- eminently conspicuous. For much of this pro- gress we are indebted to accident ; but our obliga- tions are also great to the genius and industry of individuals, and the labours and publications of many learned societies, who have with honourable zeal and perseverance encouraged experiments and enterprises of discovery, and collected and made known a multitude of important focts. It is also revolution, lieutenant-governor of the province of New- York. Whatever may be thought of some of the opinions exhibited in these publications, they display genius, learning, andj, for the country in which they v/ere written, an unusual taste for mathe- mntical and astronomical incjuiries. •* I'he specimens which have been given to the public of th© astronomical learning and skill of most of tlie gentlemen men» tioned above, and of some other Americans, may be found in the volumes of Transact icnis which have been published by the AmerU can Philoscphkal Society, and in the Memoirs of the American Acadtnvj of Arts and Sciences. Chap. I.] Mechanical Philosophy. 91 a remarkable characteristic of the age, that every branch of natural philosophy has been investigated in modern times, in a more practical manner than it ever had been before, and more extensively and generally applied to purposco of economy and the arts. While the explorers of science have gratified liberal curiosity, and gained reputation for them- selves, their inquiries have been rendered subservient to the abridgement of labour; the increase both of expedition and elegance of workmanship, in manu- factures ; and the promotion of human comfort, to a degree beyond all former precedent. In short, the number of heads and of hands at work, in the various departments of mechanical philosophy, at the close of the century under consideration, was imquestionably much greater than it ever had been since science was an object of human study. That much further, and more satisfactory light, therefore, may be expected to break in upon us, at no great distance of time, on many points at present in- volved in darkness, can hardly be doubted. " But the subject," says an eloquent writer, " is still greater than our exertions, and must for ever mock the efforts of the human race to exhaust it. ^^'ell did lord Bacon compare natural philosophy to a pyramid ; its basis is indeed the history of nature, of which we know a little, and conjecture much ; but its top is, without doubt, hid high among the clouds. It is the ivork xvhich God xcorkclh from the beginning to the end, infinite and inscrutable*." * Bishop Watson's Chemical Essai/s, vol, i.- p. 15. §2 CHAPTER IL CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. As Mechanical Philosophy has respect to those motions of the larger bodies of the universe which fall under the inspection of our senses, so Chemi- cal Philosophy is the science which explains tlK)se motions that take place among the minute com- ponent parts of bodies, and that are known chiefly hy the effects which they produce ; in other words, its object is, " to ascertain the ingredients that en- ter into the composition of bodies — to examine the nature of these ingredients, the manner in which, and the iav^'s by which, they combine, and the pro- perties resulting from their combination.*' It may safely be asserted, that there is no branch of sci- ence in which the discoveries and improvements, daring the last century, have been more numerous, or more important, than in this. Indeed, such has been their number, and their ititeresting nature, that to exhibit them in detail would be to fill many volumes. Though some of the facts and principles which enter into all the systems of modern chemistry have been known for many centuries, and indeed as far back as history reaches ; yet, as a regular science, it could scarcely be said to have had an existence prior to the middle of the seventeenth century. It Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy, 93 was about that time that the learned societies in Europe began to be formed, and the reign of Al- chemy to decline. In the imjuiries then instituted in chemical philosophy, the celei^rated Mr. Boyle led the way. His speculations and experiments on light, heat, air, water, and other subjects allied to those, were in several respects useful, and pre- pared the way for subsequent improvements. To his learned labours succeeded those of Dr. jMayow, who not only prosecuted the inquiries commenced by Boyle, but had also the honour of devising others, equally new and important. He went far in discovering some of the properties of that por- tion of the atmosphere which has been since called vital air and oxygen^ and ascertained the necessity of its presence for the purposes of combustion and respiration*. The discoveries and the works of this experimental philosopher, however, notwith- standing their curious and valuable nature, had fallen into oblivion, and a century after their publication were scarcely at all known among the learned of Europe. In the list of luminaries in chemical science, the immortal Newton next appears. Though his mind was chiefly occunied in exploring other regions of philosophy, he was by no means regardless of this; and about the beginning of the eighteenth cen- tury he first suggested the idea of arranging the phenomena of chemistry under the head of a pe- culiar species of attraction. The chemists who lived before this great philosopher supposed that all solvents, or substances capable of dissol nng * Tractatu3 Quinque Mcdko-Phpid, p. 12 and 10(5. 94 Chemical Pldlosopliy. [Chap. IL others, were composed of particles which had the fomi of wedges or hooks ; that solution consisted in the insinuation of these wedges or hooks, be- tween the particles of the bodies to be dissolved ; and that chemical combination was merely the linking of the different particles together, by means of holes in one set of them, into which the hooks or the wedges of the other set were thrust. Such explanations, absurd as tJiey may appear, were generally fashionable, until Newton ftrst ascribed the chemical union of bodies to an attraction be- tween the particles themselves : a doctrine which was soon unanimously received, and has continued ever since to prevail. The nature and laws of this attraction were afterwards better explained and systematised by Mr. Geoffroy, a philosopher of France, who invented a method of representing the different chemical affmities by figures and diagrams, and arranging them in tables ; a method which has since been generally received into practice, and greatly contributed to the facility and advancement of this science. ■ Contemporary with Geoffrey was Boerhaave, who, among the various objects to which he direct- ed his great and excellent mind, gendered himself conspicuous by his attention to chemistry. He made many new experiments, and improved almost ^very part of chemical philosophy which was then known. He was particidarly distinguished by maintaining, in opposition to Boyle and Newton, that heat was a real specific substance, a fluid uni- versally diffused, and one of the most important agents in nature. In supporting this doctrine he triumphed over his illustrious opponents, and esta- Chap. IL] Chemical Philosophy. 9o blished a principle which has been in substance generally adopted by the piiiiosophical world since that time. At an early period of the eighteenth century Stahl, an eminent German chemist, published his theory of Phlogistoii, wliich produced one of the most remarkable revolutions in chemical philosoj)hy that ever occurred*. This theory had been in- vented and published, in the preceding century, by Becher, a philosopher of Germany ; but he died before it obtained that character and currency which it afterwards acquired. It was reserved for Stahi to adopt and systematise his doctrines in a manner so plausible and consistent as to secure for them a general reception. According to this cele- brated theorist there is only one substance in na- ture capable of combustion, which, therefore, he called Phlogiston ; and all those bodies which can be made to burn contain more or less of it. Com- bustion is merely the separation of this substance, which, during the process, flies off, leaving behind the incombustible body with which it was connect- ed. He supposed the conversion of sulphur into an acid, by the action of heat, most completely to illustrate and confirm his doctrine; and, indeed, * George Ernest Stahl was born in Franconia, in J660, auJ died in 1/34^ in the 75th year of his age. He was undoubteJIy a man of great talents and learning, and the author of many valuable works ; the most important of which relate to hi.s sys- tems of Medicine and of Chemistrj/. He publislied an edition of the Phj/sica Subterranea of Becher, after tlie death of that great chemist, and adopted the theory which tliis work displayed ; but he simplified and improved it so much, that he made it entirely his own 5 and accordingly it has been ever since known by tixc nzme of the StaJdian theoi-v. g6 CheJiiical Philosophy, [Chap. IL so ingeniously devised, and so extremely plausible were his experiments on this subject, that he was considered as having satisfactorily established, both in the analytic and synthetic methods, the principle for which he contended. Objections, it is true, were made to this theory, for it was soon found that sulphur would not burn, if air were completely excluded, and that the sulphuric acid was heavier than the supposed compound from which it was produced. But still the phlogistic doctrine prevail- ed. The simple, luminous, and satisfactory man- ner in which it appeared to account for various phenomena, and the numerous facts which seemed to give it support, aided by the ingenious refme- ments of its partisans, for a considerable time bore down all opposition. The theory of Stahl maintained its ground for more than half a century. It commanded the general assent of chemical philosophers, and was especially adopted and defended by some of the most eminent men which the age produced. And although it is now rejected by a great majority of those who cultivate the science of chemistry, yet neither the ingenuity of the system, nor the talents of its author, can for a moment be questioned. Indeed, the doctrine of this great man, though at present generally considered as erroneous, was by no means a useless effort. Before the publica- tion of his theory, the different branches of this science had been studied in a manner too de- tached and unsystematic; experiments had been made with too little accuracy ; and scarcely any luminous and generalising views had yet been given of the subject. In the fair and ingenious fabric of Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy), 97 Stahl, the scattered fragments produced by preced- ing inquirers were arranged and combined ; expe- riments began to be conducted with a spirit of more acute and precise observation ; and the \vlioIe aspect of this department of philosophy became more regular and scientific. , Assuming his theory, as in general the only true one, and proceeding on its fundamental principles, the philosophers who followed him devised consi- derable improvements, and made many important discoveries. The rev. Dr. Hales revived the pur- suit of pneumatic chemistry, which had been gene- rally neglected since the time of Mayow ; and, in- deed, the honour of being the father of this branch of the science belongs more eminently to him than to any other individual*. He found that many substances were readily convertible from the fixed to the gaseous state, and vice versa ; he carried his inquiries into the effects of fermentation, dissolu- tion, combination, combustion, and respiration, further than any who had gone before him ; he made great improvements in the necessary machi- nery and apparatus for pneumatic experiments ; and, on the whole, w^as the author of many valua- ble additions to the science. The doctrine of Latent Heat was first taught by Dr. Black, of the university of Edinburgh, in the year 1757- His discovery, and the doctrine which he founded on this discovery, may be considered * The rev. Stephen Hales, D. D., was born in 1677. He was a great chemist and vegetable physiologist. Beside many Gommunications to the Royal Society, he published two vo- lumes of Statical Essays^, which are highly esteemed. He died in 1761. Vol. I. H gs Chemical Philosophy, [Chap. II. as comprised in the following propositions. When- ever a solid is converted into a fluid, it combines with a certain portion of caloric, without any aug- mentation of its temperature, and it is this portion of caloric which occasions the change. When this fluid is reconverted into a solid, the caloric which produced the fluidity leaves it without any dimi- nution of its temperature ; and it is this abstraction which occasions the change. Thus the combina- tion of a certain portion of caloric with ice causes it to become water , and the abstraction of a cer- tain portion of caloric from water causes it to be- come ice. Water, then, is a compound of ice and caloric ; and, in general, all fluids are combinations of the solid to which they may be converted by cold, and a certain portion of caloric. The same principle, according to this philosopher, applies to the conversion of liquids into elastic fluids^ or the reverse ; this conversion and reconversion depend- ing on the addition or abstraction of caloric. To this caloric Dr. Black gave the name of latent heaty because its presence is not indicated by the ther- mometer. The great importance of this discovery, and the extensive application which has been since made of it, in explaining fluidity, congelation, eva- poration, animal heat, and many other phenomena, render the period of its annunciation to the world one of the most interesting ceras in the history of chemical science. In the mean time, sir Torbern Bergman, an illustrious Swede, was busily engaged in exploring the same de])artment of philosophy *. In the •* Sir Torbern Bergman was born in tht; year 1/35, ami ♦lied in 1/84. lie i.s beyond all doubt, entitled to a place Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophi/, 99 course of liis inquiries, he threw great light on the subject of elective at fractions; enlarged and ex- plained more satisfactorily the tables of affinities ; gave much new and valuable information relative to the constitution of volcanic and other mineral substances ; made a considerable reform in the nomenclature of the science, and accomplished so large an amount of improvement, that he may be justly styled one of the great fathers of che- mistry. Contemponiry with Bergman was his celebrated countryman Scheele, one of the most extraordinary men and distinguished philosophers of the age in which he lived*. He has been justly among the greatest men of his age. He was highly distin- guished as a chemist, mineralogist, geometrician, and astronomer. In the two first-mentioned branches of science he was particularly eminent. In the history of chemistry, fev/ names occur more frequently, or are associated Mi th more important services, than his. * Chai-les William Scheele was born Dec. 19, 1/42. He was bound an apprentice, when very young, to an apothecary at Got- tenburg, where he first felt the impulse of tliat genius which afterwards made him so conspicuous. He durst not, indeed, de- vote himself openly to chemical experiments ; but he contrived to make himself master of the science by devoting those hours to study which were assigned to him for sleep. He afterwards went to Sweden, and settled as an apothecary at Koping. Here Bergman first found him, saw his merit, and encouraged itj adopted his opinions, defended him with zeal, and took upon himself the charge of publishing his treatises. Encouraged and excited by this magnanimous patronage, the genius of Scheele, though unassisted by education or wealth, burst forth with asto- nishing lustre. To wonderful acuteness, ardour, and persevering diligence in his philosophical investigations, he addcxl singular purity and amiableness of moral and social character. His out- ward appearance, however, was by no means expressive of that great mind which lay concealed, as it were, under a veil. He died in ]786, in the 44tii year of his age. II 2 100 Chemical Philofophy, [Ohat. II. called the Newton of chemistry. Without the aid of education or of wealth, his genius burst forth, and slione with astonishing histre ; insomuch that at the age of forty-four, when he died — an age at which most other great men have but begun to at- tract pubHc attention — he had finished a career of discoveries whicli have no equal in the annals of chemistry. He made new and ingenious analyses of many bodies, the composition of which had never before been accurately investigated. He discovered vital or oxygenous air, about the same time with Dr. Priestley, and without any know- ledge of what had been done by that celebrated philosopher. He discovered a number of new acids, and exceedingly enlarged the lists of chemi- cal substances. He made known a number of new paints and dyes, and in various ways contributed to the progress of arts and manufactures. In short, he instituted such a variety of original and inter- esting experiments, and threw so much light on almost every branch of chemical science, that a vplume might be filled with their history, and with the praises of his ingenuity, diligence, enterprise^ and success. Next in this honourable catalogue stands Dr. Priestley, whose fame as the author of numberless valuable experiments, and many important disco- veries, is known in every part of the world where philosophy is cultivated. His labours, particularly in pneumatic chemistry, have been extensive, various, and persevering, to a wonderful degree. Among many other services rendered to this branch of science, he discovered the 7iilroiis and oxygenous airs; he lu'st exhibited acids iiud alkalies in the Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophi/, lui gaseous form ; he discovered the power of vegeta- tion to restore vitiated air*; he ascertained the influence of light in enabling vegetables to yield pure air ; and elucidated both the principles of respiration, and the influence of oxygenous air on the blood. But the great extent and value of his inquiries, respecting the analyses of tlie at- mosphere, and the production of various factitious airs, can be fully understood only by the perusal of his instructive volumes on these subjects. To the list of successive luminaries in chemistry, now under review, it would be improper not to add the name of M. Macquer, who contributed in an eminent degree to the advancement of che- mical knowledge by his excellent works, long held in the highest esteem in every part of Europe. His ingenious experiments and numerous discove- ries, particularly respecting arsenic^ dyes, and earths^ will ever entitle him to honour and gratitude from philosophers. By the labours of these great men, and of many others — whose names might vvith pro- priety be mentioned, did not our limits forbid such an enlargement of the list — the boundaries of che- mical philosophy had been more extended, and its stores of experiment and discovery more enriched, within the twenty years immediately preceding the introduction of the theory of the French academi- cians, than in any whole century before. But some of the discoveries made bj' these aud other chemists must be more particularly detailed, in order to present the reader with a tolerable * See Additional Notes — (T), 102 Chemical Philosophy. [Cuap. II. view of the progress made in chemical science at this eventful period. Not long after Dr. Black had published his doc- trine of Latent Heat, his discovery of Carbonic Acid gave additional lustre to his character, and formed a new sera in the history of chemistry. Paracelsus and Van Helmont were acquainted with the fact, that air is extricated from solid bodies during certain processes ; and the latter gave to air thus produced the name of gas, by which word he meant to express every thing which is driven oft from bodies in the state of vapour by heat. Boyle called these kinds of air artificial airs, and suspected that they might be different from the air of the atmosphere. Hales ascertained the quantity of air that could be extricated from a gi'cat variety of bodies, and showed that it formed an essential part of their composition. Dr. Black proved that the substances called //w^, magnesia, and alkalies, are compounds, consisting of a pecu- liar species of air, and pure lime, magnesia, and alkali. To this species of air he gave the name of fixed air, because it existed in these bodies in a fixed state, though he knew not the materials of which it is composed. The air or gas was after- wards investigated by Dr. Priestley, and a great number of its properties ascertained. From these properties Mr. Keir first concluded that it was acid; and tliis opinion was soon confirmed by the experiments of Bergman, Fontana, and others. Dr. Priestley at first suspected that this acid en- tered as an ckment into the composition of atmo- spherical air ; and Bergman, adopting the same Chap. II.] Chanical Piiilosophy. 105 opinion, gave it the name of aerial acid. Mr. Bewly called it mephitic acid, because it could not be respired without occasioning death. Mr. Keir called it calcareous acid; and, at last, M. Lavoi- sier, after discovering that it is formed by the com- bination of carbon and oxygen^ gave it the name of carbonic acid gas, which it now generally bears *. The discovery oi inflammable hydrogenous air, in 1766, deserves also to be recorded as a remarkable event. This air was obtained by Dr. Mayow, and afterwards by Dr. Hales, from various substances, and had been known, long before, in mines, under the name of ih^ Jire damp. But Mr. Henry Caven- dish ought to be considered as its real discoverer ; since it was he who, in the year above-mentioned, first examined it, pointed out the difference be- tween it and atmospheric air, and ascertained the greatest number of its properties f. It was found by M. Lavoisier to be twelve times as light as common air. Its nonrespirable character was more fully determined by Scheele, Fontana, and Davy. The products resulting from the combina- tion of hydrogen with the sulphuric, phosplwric, and ca?'bonic acids, were discovered and investigat- ed principally by Scheele, Bergman, Fourcro}-, Vauquelin, Gengembre, Kirwan, and Volta. It was first called Hydrogen by the French academi- cians, because it enters into the composition of wafer. A short time after the discovery of Mr. Caven- * Thomson's Chemistry. In some sentences the autlior hnf borrowed not only the facts, but also the language of thi'^ respect- able writer. ' f Pidlosophioul Transactions for I'^QQ. 104 Chemical Philosophi/. [Chap. II. dish, pneumatic chemistry was enriched by the adr dition o{ Azotic gas to the list of substances before known. — This gas was discovered in 1772 by Dr, Rutherford, noAV professor of botany in the univer- sity of Edinburgh, and an account of it published in his thesis De Acre^ in the same year, M. Lavoisier, in 1115, made known this gas as ^ component part of atmospheric air. About the same time it was procured by Scheele, and proved to be a distinct fluid. Its specific gravity has been investigated and determined by Kirwan and La- voisier, the latter of whom makes it 0.00 11 o, or to common air as 942.6 to 1000. The combustibility of azotic gas, and the production of nitric acid by this process, were first discovered by Mr. Caven- dish, and communicated to the Royal Society in 1785. The name Azote was given to this gas by the French academicians, and is derived from its incapacity to support life. The discovery of Oxygen was another very im- portant step in the course of chemical improve- ment. The gas, the base of which is commonly known by this denomination, was discovered by Dr. Priestley, on the 1st of August, 17/4, and called by him dephlogisticated air. Mr. Scheele, of Sweden, as was before observed, discovered it in 1775, without any previous knowledge of what Dr. Priestley had done ^ and gave it the name of empyreal air. Condorcet gave it first the name of vital airy and M. Lavoisier afterwards gave it the name of oxygen gas, which is now generally adopted. The discovery of this substance, and the inves- tigation of its properties, deserve to be ranked Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy. 105 among the most importaut e\ ents recorded in the history of chemistry. The explanation which they have afforded to the principles of coinbustioiiy re^ spiration, aciditij, &c. places their value in a very interesting point of light. To this discovery, and these investigations, we may trace the commence- ment of that grand revolution in chemical science, which was soon afterwards established. Paracelsus believed that there was only one acid principle in nature, which communicated taste and solubility to the bodies with which it was combined. Becher embraced the same opinion, and added to it, that this acid principle was a compound of earth and zvater, which he considered as two elements. Stahl, as we have seen, adopted the theory of Be- cher, and endeavoured to prove that the acid prin- ciple is sulphuric acid, of which, according to him, .all the other acids are mere compounds; but his proofs were only conjectures or vague experiments, from which nothing could be deduced. Neverthe- less, his opinion, like every other wiiich he advanced in chemistry, continued to have supporters for a long time, and was even sanctioned by Macquer. At last its defects began to be perceived. Kcrg- man and Scheele declared openly against it ; and their discoveries, together with those of Lavoisier, demonstrated the falsehood of both parts of the theory, by showing that sul})huric acid does not exist in the other acids, and that it is not com- posed of water and earth, but ol sulphur aiici oxygen. The opinion, however, that acidity is owing to some principle common to all the salts, w^as not abandoned, YV^allerius, Meyer, and Sage, had ad- 106 Chemical Philosophy . [Chap. II. vanced different theories in succession about the nature of this principle ; but as they were formed rather on conjecture and analogy than direct proof, they obtained but few advocates. At last M. I^voisier, in 1778, by a number of ingenious and accurate experiments proved that several com- bustible substances, when united with oxygen, form acids ; that a great number of acids contain oxygen ; and that, when this principle is separated from them, they lose their acid properties. He concluded, therefore, that oxygen is the acidifying principle, as the wond imports, and that acids are nothing more than combustible substances com- bined Vv'ith oxygen, and differing from one another according to the nature of the combustible basis. This doctrine has been since confirmed by experi- ment, and is now generally received among che*- mists*. For our knowledge of the composition of atmo- spheric air, we are indebted to the chemical philo- sophers of this period. The first step in this in- quiry was taken by that unwearied experimenter. Dr. Priestley, in 1774, by the discovery of oxygen gas. This gas, according to the prevailing theory of tl>c time, he considered as air totally deprived of phlogiston. Azotic gas, on the other hand, was air saturated with phlogiston. Hence he con- sidered common air as oxygen gas combined with an indefinite portion of phlogiston, and varying in purity according to that portion, being always pure in an inverse proportion to the quantity of phlo- giston it contained. * TJionjson's Chemistri/. Chap . II .] Chem leal Pit ilosophy, 1 07 While Dr. Priestley was making experiments on oxygen gas, Scheele, of Sweden, proceeded to the analysis of air in a different manner. Froni iirs experiments he concluded that common air is com- pounded of two diilerent elastic fluids, viz. foul mvy which constitutes more than two thirds of the whole, and another air, which is alone capable of -supporting flame and animal life, and to which he gave the name of empyreal air. The foul air of Scheele was the same with the phlogisticated air of Priestley ; and the empyreal air of the former ^\ as the same with the depJdogisticated air of the latter, or with what is at present called oxygen gas. While Scheele was occupied with these experi- ments, Lavoisier was assiduously employed on the same subject, and was led, by a different road, to precisely the same conclusions. He found that common air is composed of azotic and oxygen gases ; and, from a variety of experiments, he de- termined the proportions to be 73 parts of azotic gas, and '21 parts of oxygen gas. These experi- ments were made in the year 177(>. The discovery of the composition of zcater, before alluded to, next follows in the list of those bril- liant acquisitions which distiuguish the annals of chemical science during this period. — ^\'ater believed, by the ancients, to be one of the fcuir elements of which every other body is composed. The opinion of its being a simple substance seems generally to liave prevailed until the year 17^ 1 , when Mr. Henry Cavendish, of Great Britain, discovered, by several experiments, that it is a compound, and formed by the union of oxygen and hydrogen. In iifew mx)nths afterwards, the conclusion of Mr. Ca- 108 Cheynical PJiilosophy. [Chap. II. vendish was confirmed by the experiments of M. Lavoisier and others: insomuch, that, during the last fifteen or twenty years, the composition of water has been generally considered as one of the best estabhshed facts in chemistry. It has been decomposed and recomposedy and found to consist of ^5 parts, by weight, of oxygen, and 15 of hydrogen. This discovery soon began to change the princi- ples of chemical science. By furnishing a satisfac- tory explanation of many phenomena which were formerly difficult of explanation, if not wholly in- explicable, it has perhaps contributed more than any other single discovery to promote the progress of this branch of philosophy. All the great chemists, Avhose names have been mentioned, were at this time votaries of the phlo- gistic theory of Stahl. Their experiments and dis- coveries, indeed, were sometimes found to militate strongly against this popular doctrine, and some of them ventured occasionally to call in question its leading principles. Still, however, discerning no preferable ground on which to rest, and fmding some ingenious devices to reconcile discordant ap- pearances, they adhered, in general, to the opi- nions of the illustrious German. But the fair structure of this great philosopher was doomed, like most human labours, to be soon overturned by the restless hand of innovation. The experiments on jnetals ; the discovery of various facts and prin- ciples with respect to the matter of heat; and especially the discovery of oxygeiiy and of the com- position of ivateVy began to produce a conviction in the minds of some leading chemists in France, that liie doctrine of phlogiston was utterly insulh- Chap, IL] Chemical Philosophy. 109 cient to account for the phenomena which they witnessed. Macquer and Bay en seem to have beea among the first who deciared llieir dissatisfaction with Stahl's theory. Their objections were adopted by a number of contemporary hiquirers; but they contented themselves with an ingenious mo(hfica- tion of the system, instead of an entire ahanddii- ment of it. To these objections succeeded a num- ber of papers, in tlie Annates (k Chiniie, and the Journal de Physique, hy Lavoisier arid others, which indicated a growing dissatisfaction with the fx^j)u- lar opinions, gradually introduced new modes of reasoning, and promised the approach of a grand ■epoch in the history of this science. But it was not only the doctrines of chemistry that called for reform. Complaints had been long made, that the nomenclature of the science was in- accurate, perplexed, and inadequate*. To remove these complaints, many attempts been made hj chemical philosophers. It has been already ob- served, that Bergman laboured much to forward this branch of improvement, Scheele contributed to the correction of several old names, and added many new ones to the list; and Macquer discarded a number of the ancient terms, and substituted others less exceptionable in their place. Still, how- * Sorae of the most femiliar preparations were distiaguished, b/ tlie old chemists, by the most ridiculous and unmeaning names. They loaded their nomenclature with such jargon as the tollow- ing : Liver of sulphur — merciLry of life — hiiitci of (miifnotiy — horned mooji-^he double secret — the coialirfic secret — the Milt of mnvy zir- iiies — the foliated earth of tartar, &ic. To the.^e, some still more capricious and inconvenient might be iidded. I'he dillicultie.s ^d the mischief of retaining such a language must be apparent to every chemist. 110 Chemical Philosophy, [Chap. IL ever, the evil, notwithstanding these partial re- forms, continued and increased, until it became a serious impediment in the course of the student. Hitherto the number of objects which had engaged the attention of chemists, had been comparatively small. The acids amounted only to^five ; the earths to four ; the metals to tzcelve or fourteen ; and the neutral salts hardly exceeded twenty. To remember the names of so small a number of bodies, how- ever inaccurate, or injudiciously selected, was no difficult task ; but Avhen the discoveries of Hales, Black, and Cavendish, had laid the foundation of pneumatic chemistry, the boundaries of the science began to enlarge with inconceivable rapidity, and the number of objects became, in themselves, and in their combinations, little short of immense. To have borne the names of all these objects in the memory, without any catenation between them upon philosophic principles, without establishing a system of mutual dependance and relation more simple and intelligible than had hitherto been done, would have been a task beyond ordinary powers. Such was the state of things, when a va- riety of concurring circumstances led to another and a greater revolution than had before occurred. As early as 178^2 M. de Morveau (now M. Guy- ton) proposed a general reform in the language of chemistry. At that time he had undertaken the management of the chemical part of the Ency- eloped ie J\Ic'thodiguc^\ Before entering on the ex- ecution of this great task, he thought it proper to * Sec the ^lemoirs of JMorveau, Lavoisier, and Fourcroy, read before the Royal Academy on this subject, in St. John's Method vf Chcmxat Nomenclature, tjc. 8vo. London. I/bS. Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophi/: 1 1 1 lay the outlines of his plan before the most eminent chemists of France, that his labours, w hen com- pleted, might have the stamp and authority of a national system. To this end, he published a memoir, after reducing to a regular form the va- rious doctrines which had been, for a number of years, maturing in the minds of several of them, explaining his ideas on the subject of the proposed reform, exhibiting the principles on which he was about to proceed, and giving, at the same time, a new nomenclature, to which lie invited tlie atten- tion and the criticism of the philosophical world. After this publication by Guyton, several years -elapsed before any thing decisive was done. He continued to labour in the improvement of his nomenclature ; but at length, sensible of the mag- nitude and difficulty of the undertaking, he deter- mined to avail himself of the advice and assistance of the members of the Hoyal Academy. For this purpose, he particularly associated with himself Messrs. Lavoisier*, Berthollet, and de Fourcroy. These four gentlemen, after spending much time on the subject; after combining their Icivrning and wisdom in many patient consultations f; at length, in the month of April, 1787, presented to the aca- demy their new antiphlogistic theory, accompanied with a new nomenclature, made out on the prin- ciples before laid down by Guyton, and wXiidi were both, in a few weeks afterwards, published to the world J. About the same time was pub- * See Additional Sates — (U). f See the Journal de Physique for the month of May In that year. X Tliis body of chemical doctrines is sometimes <:alled the Lu- ■joisicrian system. Coii;;iderlijg the agency i?e had hi its foir^a- 110| Chemical Philosophy, [Chap. II. lished a new table of symbols and chemical cha- racters, by Messrs. Hassenfratz and Adet, formed upon the principles of the proposed system, and fitted to illustrate the learned labours of their countrymen, which it accompanied. This table is generally supposed to contain many improvements on those of GeoiiVoy, Bergman, and Culien. To give in detail a distinct account of all the changes included in this new plan, would far ex- ceed the limits prescribed to the present sketch. The following brief statement may suffice. Stahl and his followers had ahvays supposed the metals to be compound substances, made up of a certain calx or earth, and phlogiston; but the new theo- rists, believing that there was no proof of such composition, set them down in their tables as simple bodies. The advocates for the former hypo- thesis had long contended that sulphur, pjhosphoriis„ azotic air, and various other substances of a like kind, were also compounds ; whereas the believers in the new system took for granted that such conv- position could not be proved. In the old doc- trine, zvatej' was placed among the simple bodies; but by the experiments of Cavendish and others,, it was thought sufficient evidence had been given, that it is a compound substance. According to the former theory, the acid principle was consi- dered as a compound of earth and water; the only radical acid in nature was supposed to be the tlon, this is scarcely ascribing too much to Lavoisier ; for though- many of the leading experiments on which the theory is founded were made by others, yet the task of digesting, arranj^ing, and com- bining the whole into a consistent and regular system, was prin- cipal ]y performed by hixn. Chap. II.J Chemical Philosophy. 115 sulphuric, and all others ditVerent combinations ol' this primitive one: while, according to th(.' latter doctrine, the acids are many in number, and rc- sidt from the union of oxygen to dilTerent acicUfia- ble bases. In short, while the disciples of Staid undertook to account for almost all the phenomena of chemistry by the aid of phlogiston, the associ- ated academicians considered it as a creature of ^. the fancy, which had no real existence; and taught that all the facts and appearances in this science may be more satisfactorily explained without the aid of this imaginary substance. To these parti- culars it may be added, that, in this new tlieory, the number of chemical objects is greatly increased, and that articles which had occupied an inferior place in the old tables, are here made to hold a more conspicuous and important station. The nomenclature in which this new theory was clothed, also deserves our notice. It was formed on the five following principles, laid doivn ]>y Gu3^ton in the memoir above mentioned — viz. 1. That every substance should be denominated by a naine, and not by a phrase. 2. That the nanoes should be, as much as possible, expressive of the nature of the things intended to be signified by them. 3. That when the character of the sub- stance to be named was not sufficiently known to determine on a denomination expressive of its nature, a name without meaning should be pre- ferred to one which might give an erroneous idea. 4. That, in the choice of new denominations, those wdiich had their root in the most generally know n dead languages, should be prefeireJ, in order that the word might be suggested by the sense, and Vol. I. I 114 Chemical Philosophy. ' [Chap. II. the sense by the word. And, 5. That the denomi- nations should be arranged with care, to suit the genius of the language for which they were pro- posed. In conformity with these principles, the new terms introduced were taken, for the most part, from the Greek language; some from the Latin ; and a few are formed by a mixture of syl- lables from each : and, that the change might not be carried to an unnecessary extent, as many of the old names were retained as could be made to incorporate with the new system. These deno- minations were arranged in systematic order, and the whole plan so constructed that the substances brought to light by succeeding discoveries miglit be placed under their proper heads, without de- rangement or disadvantage. For some time after its publication, this new system of doctrines and of nomenclature was re- ceived by French chemists only, and indeed was by no means without opposition, even among them. Some members of the academy entered their protest against it, in moderate and respectful, but firm, language*. While they acknowledged that the phhgistic theory was attended with diffi- culties, they expressed a fear that the antiphlogistic plan was attended with as many, and of not less magnitude. Instead of moving to reject it, how- ever, they proposed that it should be submitted to the trial of time, to the test of experiments, and to the elucidating influence of contending inquiries and opinions. This was accordingly done. The academy gave it to the world, without pronouncing ■* See their representation, in the Mc?noirs of the Royal Academy for June, 1787. Chip. II.] Chemical Philosophij. 1 15 on its merits, and it soon became the popular sy- stem of France. The next year after tlie publication of the new- theory and nomenclature by the Royal Academy, they were exhibited in an English dress, and began to be more generally studied than before by Bri- tish chemists. Among these, the number of con- verts to the improved doctrines and language soon became considerable. But this favourable recep- tion was by no means universal : Dr. Black, Dr. Priestley, Mr. Kirwan, and Mr. Keir, with a few other conspicuous characters, took their stand among the opposing party ; and se^ eral of them wrote largely and ably against the new opinions and terms. It is obvious that any system opposed by such men must have serious obstacles to en- counter. But the system in question made its way ^vith wonderful success, amidst all opposition. Early in the year 1791? ^^i"- Kirwan, after com- bating in defence of phlogiston for a long time, and with admirable prowess, laid down his arms, and declared himself a convert to the new doc- trine. In tlRe same month Dr. Black gave up his objections, and went over to the antiphlogistian ranks. And, among all the distinguished British chemical philosophers. Dr. Priestley and Mr. Keir alone adhered to the opposition with which they set out. The former, especially, it must be ac- knowledged, defended the phlogistic citadel with a degree of skill, firmness, and force; and dis- played an extent of resources, and a dignified zeal in the warfare, which must do him immortal honour among all who respect talents, and to \vhom science is dear. I 2 116. Ch em ical Ph ilosophy. [Chap. II . Dr. Priestley uniformly continued to object that the fundamental principles of the new theory are erroneous, and that, of course, much of its language is altogether improper. He contended, with unabating confidence, that the metals are compound bodies^ that xoaier is a simple sub- stance ; that fixed air is formed by the union of in- flammable and dephlogisticated airs ^ that phlogis- ticated air, or azote, is not a simple but a com- pound substance; that the antiphlogistic doctrine rests upon a foundation narrow and precarious, and professes to derive its support from experi- ments ie\N in number, ambiguous in their nature, and explicable on either hypothesis with nearly equal ease; and, on the whole, that discarding phlogiston is so far from diminishing the difficulties of the chemical inquirer, that it multiplies and ex- tends them*. In defending each of these positions, this illustrious veteran in science has undoubtedly exliibited astonishing industry, as well as great erudition and acuteness. How far the result of the controversy will justify his perseverance, it is diffi- cult, and would certainly be presumptuous in one comparatively little acquainted with the subject, to predict. But when so great a majority of the philosophical world agree in supporting the doc- trines which he opposed, it is, perhaps, rather more probable that the phlogistic theory will be ultimately pronounced the weaker. At all events, however, he is a])undantly entitled to the honour of having made the best of his cause. \i\ Germany, and the neighbouring countries on * See his late work. The Doctrine of Phloglstoji Eslablinhcd, &c.^ Chap. II.] Chemical Pliilosop/ij/, [ \ 7 the contiuciif, the French doctrines and nomen- clature made their way rather more slowly than in Great Britain. Nearly two years after they had met with a general reception amoni^ the British chemists, they were introducec^ to those of Ger- many, chiefly by van Mens and Girtanner. They were received, on this introduction, in a favour- able manner; and, after surmounting the first pre- judices which a change so radical and extensive is always apt to excite, soon became generally po- /pular. Since that time tlie prevalence of the new system has become almost universal. Indeed, there is no example, since the revival of learning, of a theory being more promptly and generally receiv- ed, of defended with more ability and zeal, by the great body of philosophers, in all parts of the w^orld, than this. If we except Dr. Priestley, Mr. Keir, and the Lunar Society of Birmingham, in Great Britain; M. Sage, and a few others, in France ; and Crell, Mayer, Gmelin, and Westrumb, in Germany, we now hear of no distinguished ad- vocates for the old opinions. Beside the signal revolution in chemical theory A\'hich has been stated, every part of the century under consideration, and es])ecially the latter half of it, has abounded in experiments and discoveries of great importance, particularly \\hen consi- dered with reference to their systematic rcla- tioilS. Few questions in science have given rise to mor(^ discussion than that which relates ta the nature of Heat. Whether it be a distinct sul)stance, or a mere quality of substance, lias long been the suh- ject of disputation. 15y the ancient philosophers 118 Chemical Philosophif, [Chap. II. heat seems to have been considered as a pecuhar subtile fluid or element; and this opinion appears to have prevailed until the time of lord Bacon. That philosopher was the first, it is believed, who advanced the hypothesis that heat is a quality of matter, and depends on a peculiar vibration of its particles. This opinion was afterwards adopted by Boyle and Newton, whose authority rendered it considerably popular : the ancient opinion, how- ever, w^as still held by many. Boerhaave, at an early period of the eighteenth century, entered the lists against Newton on this subject, and main- tained, w ith great force of argument, that heat is a distinct substance. From the time of Boerhaave till towards the close of the century ujider review, this doctrine Avas almost universally received. Stahl, Macquer, Black, Priestley, Scheele, Bergman, Lavoisier, Crawford, Irvine, Kirwan, Pictet, de la Place, and most other distinguished chemists, t^iough differing as to som^e details of opinion on this sub- ject, all agree in considering heat as a distinct positive substance. But, towards the close of the century, the doc- trine of Bacon was revived by count Rumford and Mr. Davy. These philosophers, observing that caloric continues to be extricated from a body subjected to friction, so long as the friction is kept up, and the t(^xture or form of the body is not de- stroyed; and that this heat-yielding process goes on to an indefiulle extent ; concluded that this plieno- menon is inexpUcable on the supposition of heat being matter; and that those effects which have been referred to tlie operation of a peculiar calorific matter, depend entirely on a i-ibratory motion of the Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy. 119 particles of bodies; and that, from the generation, communication, or abstraction, of this motion, all the phenomena ascribed to caloric are to be ex- plained*. This doctrine, however, has but few advocates. The sultrages of modern philosophers are almost unanimous in favour of the opinion that caloric, or heat, is a distinct fluid. The latter opinion, in- deed, seems to be confirmed, to a degree little short of demonstration, by the late experiments of Dr. Herschel on this subject ; who has shown, that the rays o{ light, and the rays of heat, emitted from the sun, are distinct and separable ; that the latter, as w^ell as the former, are refracted by transparent bodies, and r^ec^ec? by polished surfaces ; and that both consist of particles which mutually repel each other, and which produce no sensible eflect upon the weight of other bodies f. It cannot be denied, indeed, that some difficulties attend the doctrine of heat being a distinct and positive substance. Nor is the following, which count Rumford suggests, by any means one of the small- est; viz. " that any thing which any insulated body, or system of bodies, can continue to furnish, with- (Hit limitation, cannot be a material substance." Yet the electric fluid is granted, on all hands, to be a distinct substance; and we know that this fluid \?>cox\sX?int\yivivmshe{i,ivithout limitation, by means of friction. On the whole, the old opinion scvms still, with all its difiiculties, to stand on firmer * See numforcVs Essays; and Coniributions to Mcdiail uvd PJit/sical Knoivltdgt. ■\ riiilosoj^hical Transactions lor 1800. \0Q Chemical Ph'dosophii. [Chap. II. ground than any Other, and to have b}; far the great- est number of advocates. The doctrine of radiant heat, or that heat resem- bles light in being propagated in rays, or right lines, was, in some measure, knov/n to Mariotte, Lambert, and Scheele ; \mt Vvas more clearly esta- blished afterwards by the experiments of Saussure, Pictet, and count liumford; and, fmally, the laws of this propagation were more fully developed and laid down by Dr. Herschel, in his celebrated ex- periments on light and he- :.t before mentioned. Count Rumford concluded, from his experiments, that fluids do not conduct heat ; but he ascribes to them what he denominates a carrying power: in other words, he supposes, that, in heating fluids, each particle must come in succession to the source of heat, and receive its portion ; but that, among the particles themsehes, all interchange and com- munication of heat is impossible. The experi- ments by which he considers himself as having established this point are certainly striking, and their results highlj^ curioirs; but the justness of his conclusions has been called in question, and philo- sophers do not seem to view his decision as abso- lute and fmal. Further experiments must decide the controversy. The first person who made experiments oxi freez- ing mixtures, was Mr. Fahrenheit, of Amsterdam, at an early period of the' eighteenth century. J3ut the subject was mucli more com])Ietely investigated by Mr. Walker, in a paper published in the PJii- losophical Transactions for 179'5. Since that time several curious additional experiments have been ma'le by professor Lowitz, of Petersburg ; parti- CiiA?. II.] Chemical PhilosopJnj. 121 cularly the introduction of muriate of lime, m liicii produces a very .2:reat degree of cold \\\\e\\ mixed with snow. The e::periments of Lowitz have been lately repe-ited and extended by Mr. Walker. By means of tiie above-mentioned mixture, Mr. W. H. Pep3^s, junior, of the London Philosophical So- ciety, with the assistance of some friends, froze, on the eighth of February, 1799, fifty-six ^:)onnds avoirdupois of mercury into a solid mass. In this process, the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer sunk 6^i deg. below 0 — a degree of cold ne\ er be- fore produced in Great Britain. The inquiries of modern chemists into the nature and properties of Ligiil have been scarcely less numerous and interesting. Those discoveoes re- specting this substance which fall under the science of optics, have been mentioned in another place. The capacity of other bodies to receive light, to retain it in a fixed state, and after^vards• to part with it, without alteration, was discovered by the experiments of father Beccaria, Mr. Canton, Mr. Wilson, and M. de Grosser. The affinity between light and heat, and the similarity of their eiTects, in certain cases, have been diligently investigated by Dr. Franklin, Mr. Wedgewood, Messrs. Pictet, Chaptal, and Dorthes, and especially by count Kumford ami Di\ Herschel. The rt searches of M. Berthollet and of Dr. Bancroft, in the philosophy oi permanent colours, upon chemical principles^ wxrc mentioned in the preceding chapter. The (ex- periments of Dr. Priestley, the abbe Tcssier, Dr. Ingenhouz, and others, on the effects of light upon growing vegetables, and the curious inquiries of TJerschel, into the ditferent heating and illuminating 122 Chemical P kilo s'ophy. [Chap. II. power of the different prismatic colours, are alsa ■worthy of notice in the list of modern discoveries*. The importance of these inquiries, whether con si* dered as insulated facts, or with reference to syste- matic chemistry, will readily occur te every scien- tific reader. In 1769 Mr. Gahn, of Sweden, discovered that phosphorus was contained in bones ; and his country- man, Scheele, very soon afterwards invented a me- thod of obtaining this substance from them. The pvoperUes of phosphorus have been also more success- fully investigated, during this period, than ever be- fore, by Margraaf, Guyton, Lavoisier, and Pelletier. The properties and combinations oi carbon have been very ably examined, within a iew years past, by many eminent philosophers. The power of this substance, to correct impurities and to remove dis- agreeable odours, has been shown by the experi- ments of Mr. Lowitz, of Petersburg, and several others. The discovery, by Mr. Tennant, that the diamond is pure carbofi in a state of crystalliza- iion'\, is by no means a small or uninteresting step in the progress of chemical science. As the diamond is not affected bv a considerable heat, it was for many ages considered as incombus- tible. Sir Isaac Newton, observing that combusti- bles refract light more powerfully than other bodies^ and that the diamond possesses this property in great perfection, suspected it, from that circum- stance, to be capable of combustion. This singular conjecture was verified in 1694, by the Florentine Academicians, in the presence of Cosmo III, grand * See Additional Notes — (V). ■j" Philosophical Trumactionsy 17^7- Chap. II.] Ciicmical Philosophij. 123 duke of Tuscany. By means of a burning glass they consumed several diamonds. Francis I, em peror of Germany, afterwards witnessed tlie de- struction of several more in the heat of a furnace. These experiments were repeated by Ruueile, Macquer, and Darcet, who proved that tlie dia- mond was not merely evaporated, but actually burnt, and that if air was excluded it underwent no change. No attempt, however, was made to ascertain the product till 1772. Lavoisier, in a memoir pub- lished that year, showed, that, when the diamond is \y\xn\t, carbonic acid gas is obtained; and that there is a striking analogy between it and charcoal. In 1785 Guyton-Morveau found that the diamond is combustible when dropped into melted nitre ; that it burns v/ithout leaving any residuum, and in a manner analogous to charcoal. This experiment was repeated with more precision by Mr. Tennant, in 1797. The conclusion which he drew from it was, that, when diamond is burnt, the whole of the product is carbonic acid gas; tiiat a given weight of diamond yields just as much carbonic aoid gas as the same weight of charcoal ; and that diamond and charcoal are both comi)Osod of the very same substance — or rather, to speak more precisely, diamond is pure carbon, whih^ chan^oal is a compound of carbon, or diamond, and oxygen, or it is what the French call an o.rijd of diamond. Hence the dilFerence of colour, hardness, specific gravity, and electrical properties, between com- mon charcoal and the precioiLS stone called dla- mond. Since the commencement of the eighteenth cen- 124 Chemical Philosophy, [Chap. II. tiiry, a number of new Metals have been discover- ed, and the affinities and other properties of me- tallip substances in general have been better un- derstood than before. Those who most eminently distinguished themselves in this department of chemistry, were Margraaf, Cronstedt, Klaproth, Scheele, Bergman, Vanquelin, Kirvvan, Proust, Sage, and Lavoisier; to which might be added many other names. New Earths have been disco- vered, and their chemical properties ascertained, by several of the able chemists last mentioned, and also by Black, Gahn, Hope, Crawford, and Wedge- wood. That class of chemical substances denomi- nated AlJialies, has been better understood, of late years, than in the preceding century. For our knowledge of this department of the science in question, we are particularly indebted to the inves- tigations of du Hamel, Black, Meyer, Priestley, Dieman, van Troostwyck, Bondt, Berthollet, and Austin. Modern chemists have also discovered many new Acids. The acids known at the close of the eighteenth century amount to about thirty^ the greater number of which have been discovered vvithin the last/^);(?/ years. Of these, nearly one third Vvcre disco\'ored by the celebrated Scheele, and the remainder clii'etly by Margraaf, Priestley, Lavoisier, Vauquelin, Ber- thollet, and Keir. It was not till the century under review that chemical analysis was applied to investigate the composition of animal bodies. This has been at- tempted by a number of modern chemists, and witli very honourable success. Among these, the inquiries of ScUeele, Grcii, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, CiiAP. II.] Chemical P/iilosopIn;. ri.'> and Girt^nncr, are eiilitlcd to very respectful no- tice. But the elaborate researclies of Mr. ll;il- ehet, in this interesting field of in(]uirv, arc ImUiI- cularly well known, and do ecpial honour to his iu- dustry and aeuteness*. I'he same depai'linrnt of chemistry has also been explored, with great suc- cess, by M. Alerat Guillott and otliers. 'Ihesc investigations have led to important discoveries, have thrown much light on the animal economy, and furnished many indications for the iinpro\c- ment of medicine and surgery. Though vegetable pliijsiologj/ had been studied with some degree of success, by several persons, in the seventeenth century; yet, p\irsuing this species of inquiry through the medium of cliemis- try was scarcely thought of, and far less realised, till the eighteenth. Within a few years past che- mists have directed much attention to the struc- ture, composition, and food of plants ; have greatly extended, by this means, the limits of tiie science; and have contributed much to the improvement of botany, agriculture, the materia medica, and vari- ous arts of life. Among those who have dis])Iay- ed the greatest acuteness, zeal, and success, in tins department of chemical inquiry, we may reckon Dr. Hales and Dr. Priestley, of Great Britain ; Dr. Ingenhouz and Mr. von Humbold, of Ciermany : Mr. Sennebier and Mr. Saussure, of (jeneva ; and several others. The employment of chemistry by the miner alo- gist, as a means of analysing the various substances ■^ Phliosophicul Transactions for IT^P ^"^ ^^^''^■ f Anjialcs de. Chymie, torn, xxxiv, p. ()«• l<26 Chemical Phibsophy, [Chap, II. "which come before him, was first undertaken in the century under reviews Margraaf and Pott, of Berhn, were among the earliest adventurers in this new field of inquiry. They were succeeded by .Neumann, Bergman, and Scheele, who displayed great industry, address, and perseverance, in the same course of investigation, and went much fur- tlier than their predecessors. To these may be added Klaproth, Sage, Vauquehn, Hatchett, and many more; to whom we are indebted for many new facts, and refined experiments, on the chemi- cal properties of mineral bodies. Since the grand revolution in chemical doctrines and language, effected by the labours of the French academicians, as above detailed, the new opinions, and the proposals of further reform in this science, have been numerous. Indeed, during the last fif- teen or twenty years of the century, the number of students and experimenters in chemistry has been so prodigiously great, and the new plans an- nounced for explaining and expressing its princi- ples so multiplied and various, that a simple cata- logue of them would fill many pages. All that can be attempted in this brief sketch, is to men- tion a few of those who have rendered themselves conspicuous by their inquiries or publications on chemical subjects. A new nomenclature of chemistry was proposed, in 1796, by professor Dickson, of Trinity college, Dublin, and approved by his illustrious country- man, Mr. Kirwan. In this plan of chemical de- nominations there is an attempt to unite the ad- vantages of both the principal systems, between vyhich the philosophical w^orld was then called tq Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy. I'i7 choose. Many of the old names, discarded by tin? French academicians, are restored by Dr. Dickson ; while many substances, to which names are i^ivcii by them, he has left out, as not sufficiently un(l(;r- stood. He derives his new terms chielly from the Latin, instead of the Qrcek lancjuage ; and he prefers that mode of arrangement and classifica- tion which assigns the generic rank to alkalies', earths, and met ah:, and reserves the acids for tlic distinction of species. He retains, however, oxy- gen, and a few^ other words of Greek derivation. The advantages which, in the o})inion of tlic Irish professor, would arise from the adoption of this iiomenclature, are, that tlie old books on chemistj-y would thereby be more readily understood and more valuable, and that the acquisition of the science would be more simple and easy. l)r Dickson's plan, though it undoubtedly does n(» small honour to his learning and taste, has not, it is believed, been adopted by any distinguished teacher of this branch of philosol)h3^ It is proper also to take notice of a plan, by Dr. Lubbock, of Great Britain, for removing the> difficulties and terminating tlu coritroversy rt- specting plilogiston. His idea of dividing all mat- ter into two kinds— the principiuni proprium, and the principium sorbite— Sind of accounting for all chemical phenomena by the combinations of these, is very ingeniously defended in his work on the subject*. "No less worthy of respectful notice is Mrs. Fulhame's attempt to correct the antiphlo- gistic theory, by referring to water as the source * JOissertatio Ph^'sico-Chenica, de Princlpio Soi •hU:. 128 . Chemical PJiilosophy. [Chap. II. of (^xygen in all oxydations ; a very honourable monument of female enterprise and talents*. The plan of a new nomenclature, by Mr. Vv'eiglib, a German chemist, also indicates considerable learn- ing and ability f. To these may be added some proposed alterations in tjie French nomenclature, b}' Dr. Pearson J, before mentioned, and by several other ingenious writers. Though none of these authors can be said to have produced revolutions in the science of chemistry, or perhaps to have suggested very important improvements, yet they are entitled to a respectful notice in the chemical history of the age. In the course of the last six years. Dr. Mitchill, the ingenious and learned professor of chemistry in Columbia College, has proposed some new terms in this science, and announced some new opinions, of which it will be proper to take notice. His doctrine oi pestilential fluids ^ which has been laid before the public in various forms since r790> holds the first place, both with respect to time and importance. He supposes that the union of azote and , oxygen, either in the form of oxyd or acid, and moi;e especially in the latter, constitutes the mischievous substance which, in its operation on the human body, produces pestilence. In cor- respondence with this opinion, he teaches that alkaline and calcareous remedies are the most ef- fectual means of disarming the force and obviat- ing the destructive effects of this poison. At the * Essay on Combust ion. t Encyclopa'dia. Art. Chemistry. X See his View of the French Nomenclature, 4to, 1/99. London. " . ChaP; II.] Chemical IVu'hsophf/, } 29 same time the professor proposed an alteration in the nomenclature, agreeing with his new doctrine, and illustrative of its princij)les. Considering azafe as having an important ag(^ii(^y in the ])rocess of putrefactlony he proposed to introduce the word septan'^ instead of azot.e^ and hence denominated the deleterious compounds above mentioned the oxyd of septan, and septic acid. The various facts and reasonings adduced by the professor in support of these opinions, and the extensive application of which he considers them as susceptible, ha\e been so generally made known and discussed, both in Europe and America, as to preclude the necessity of giving further details. In 1797 Di'. Mitchill, with a view to terminate the controversy between the pldogistians and their opponents, proposed to expunge hydrogen from the nomenclature, and to introduce phlogiston ■\ in its place. He suggested, that giving this old and popular name to a known and defmite substance, instead of using it in its former vague manner, and ascribing to this substance those qualities which had been formerly ascribed to a nonentity, would go far toward reconciling many points of ditferencc between the advocates of the old and the new sys- tems, and would throw much light on many che- mical phenomena. The same gentleman soon afterwards proposed to discard the term caloriijiie, * This word is derived from (rY^Tr:'}, puircfuc^o: hence o-r^rro;, piitrcdus, and to crrprrov, ixhat peculiarly disposes bodies to rot. Medical Repository, vol. ii> p. 50. t Derived from j>\oyi^cu,.injlammo: hence to i^^Xoyisrov, the principle of inflammabilitj/, or tliat which, in any subbtancc, burns txith blaze, Vol, I. K. 130 Chemical Philosophy, [Chap. II. adopted by the French academicians, and to sub- stitute the word anticrouon* in its stead. He sup- posed, that denominating the matter of heat the great principle of repulsion^ would lead to more correct philosophical views with respect to this substance, as well as render the language of che- mistry more accurate. These several opinions and proposals have been some time before the public ; and, whatever may be the ultimate judgement of chemists with regard to their adoption, the praise of great learning, ingenuity, and industry, must •undoubtedly be given to their author f. Beside the revolutions and improvements in the doctrines and in the language of chemistry which have been detailed, various instruments and ma^ chines, of great value for measuring chemical sub- stances, or facilitating chemical processes, have been invented in the course of the last century. Of some of the most important of these it will be pro- per to give a short account. At an early period of the century, while specu- lations on the nature and properties of heat en- gaged the attention of the philosophical -world, various contrivances for measuring this fluid were * Derived from the verb OLvriy-crju:, repdlo: hence rl «vr;- yipouov, the principle of repulsion. t Those who wish to see a more detailed account of Dr. Mit- chill's new chemical opinions and terms, will find it "in his Expla^ nation of the Synopsis of Chemical Nomenclature and Arrangement, &:c., lately published. Much information on this subject may •ilso be found in the volumes of tlie Medical Repository y and in several of tlie European journals. In these publications the reader will see the respectful manner in which the inquiries of the learned professor have been noticed in different parts of tiirope. CiiAP. II.] Chemical Philosophij. 1 .3 1 invented and adopted*. Tlir Thcnnomcfcr, wliicli had been first used about the l)egliniing of the preceding century, was constructed on a new aiul improved plan, by sir Isaac Newton, in I70I. Me chose, as fixed pohits of graduation, those at which water freezes and boils; a clioice which the expe- riments of succeeding philosophers have proved to be the most wise and convenient. He also iutro- duced the use of oil to fill the tube, instead of alcohol, under an idea that the former was liable to fewer disadvantages than the latter. 13iit, after all the labours of sir Isaac, this important instru- ment was imperfect, and could by no means be considered as an exact standard for pointing out the various degrees of temperature. Accordingly, about the year 1724, Mr, Fahrenheit, of Amster- dam, suggested the use of thermometers made \\ ith mercurijy and presented one of this kind to the Royal Society of London. It was soon found tiiat this fluid was preferable to all others, being more homogeneous, more easilj" freed from air, more regularly expansible by diflerent degrees of heat, and more difficult to congeal. Mr. Fahrenheit also proposed a new mode of graduating the in- strument. His thermometer has since come into general use in Great Britain, America, and in tlut various parts of the world in which British habits prevail. In 1750 M. Reaumur, a French philosoi^Iicr, constructed a thermometer on a new plan. He adopted a mode of graduation diflerent both from Kewton and Fahrenheit, and resumed the u:>e ol ^- See Additional Notes — (W). K2 13i2 Chemical Pkilosopky, [Chap. II. alcohol. His plan was, of course, still far from being perfect. The thermometer now in use in France, and through a great part of the continent of Europe, under the name of Reaumur's, ought strictly to be called Mr. de Luc*s, who made a very important alteration in M. Reaumur's mode of graduating the instrument, and again exchanged alcohol iov mercunj. In 173.'i M. de I'lsle, of Pe- tersburg, constructed a mercurial thermometer, which is generally used in Russia. Another, gra- duated in a different manner, by Celsius, and also filled with mercury, is most popular iu Sweden *. Beside these leading inventions and involutions which the history of thermometers presents, the plans which have been suggested in modern times, for improving this instrument, are many and in- genious. These have been successively proposed by lord Cavendish in 1151 , by Mr. Six in. 1782 j hy Dr. Rutherford m 1790; and still more recently by Mr. Keith, whose new self-registering thermo- meter is said to be the most ingenious, simple, and perfect, of all that have hitherto appeared. It was still, however, an important desideratum, to fmd some easy and exact method of measuring very high degrees of heat. Such a method was not long since invented by Mr. Wedgwood, of Staffordshire, a gentleman well known for his great improvements in the art of pottery. After - See Dr. Martliie's Essay on the Construction and Graduation of Thermometers; one of the best works extant on this subject. Mr. de Luc, of Geneva, and professor van Swindcn, of Francker, have also written ably and instructively concerning Tiierxno- meters. Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy. 133 many experiments'*', lie produced an instrument which he called a Pyrometer^ and which, by means of the contraction oi day, marks, witli much pre- cision, the different degrees of heat, from 947° of Fahrenheit's scale, to the greatest heat of a wind- furnace. It was first observed by Dr. Black, that dilTerent bodies have different capacities for imbibing and retaining heat. The fact was aftervvarfls noticed, and the subject further investigated, by Drs. Irvine and Crawford, and by professor Wilcke, of Stock- holm. The last named gentleman called tlie quan- tity of caloric necessary to raise the temperature of substances a given number of degrees, their specific heat. For measuring this heat an instrument was contrived by Messrs. de la Place and Lavoisier, and called by the latter a Calorimeter; the nature and value of ^vhich may be seen in various books of chemistry. Another instrument, invented in modern times, and which has engaged much of the attention of chemists, is the Eudiometer \. This instrument was invented by Dr. Priestley, and is used for ascer- taining the purity of the atmospherical air, or the quantity of oxygen contained in it, which is indi- cated by tlie diminution of its volume on being mixed with nitrous air. Tiie discovery of this pro- perty of nitrous gas, and the invention founded upon it, soon gave rise to many attempts to \m- prove on the principle, a!Y• chemistry, during the eighteenth century, has become eminently and extensively a practical one ; from an obscure, humble, and uninteresting place among the objects of study, it has risen to a high and dignified station ; and instead of merely gratifying c: riosity, or furnishing amusement, it promises a degree of utility, of which no one can calculate the consequences, or see the end. But wiiile the great im})rovemcnts which have been made in chemical philosophy during the last century are readily admitted, it may not be impro- per, before closing this chapter, to take notice of the gross abuses, which have been adopted by some of the most celebrated cultivators of the science in question, and which have contributed to lessen i.'iS Chanlcal Philosophy. [Chap. II, ifs value ill the view of many serious inquirers. A few extravagant and enthusiastic votaries of elK^mistry have undertaken, on chemical princi- ples, to account for all the phenomena of 7notion, lift, and mind^ and on those very facts which clearly prove wise design, and the superintending care of an infinite Intelligence, have attempted to build a fabric of atheistical philosophy. This is a striking instance of those opposiiions of sd-^ ence falsely so called, of which an inspired writer speaks, and for which the past age has been re- markably distinguished. How far the present fashionable system of che- mical doctrine and language may stand the test of future experiments, and command the assent of future generations, is far from being certain. He who has attended to the course of things in the short space of time since it was published, will see little reason to expect for it that undisturbed and permanent reign which its advocates have fondly hoped. It is somewhere remarked by lord Bacon» that the sciences are apt to suffer by being too- soon reduced to a system. There are probably few sciences to which this remark applies with such peculiar force as to chemistry. The struc- ture at present most popular is fair and beautiful. An engaging simplicity reigns in ahiiost every part. But many believe that this simplicity is de- ceptive. Some of the doctrines which hold an im- portant place in the fabric are too vague and con- jectural to be admitted with full confidence, and others are daily undergoing modifications, which thrraten still further and more essential changes. Notwithstanding the mathematical precision with Chap. II.] Chemical Philosophy. 139 which the sanguine chenist affects to speak of his axiomS;, .yQi how discCi daut are the resiiUs of dif- ferent experiments ! These facts, it must be ac- knowledged, " betray the huncuess of some re-, ceived prmciples, and excite suspicions with re- spect to the legitimacy of some capital analyses.'* But tiie enlightened and enterprising philosopher will not be discouraged by such proofs of the im- perfection of human knowledge. The builders of erroneous systems become indirectly the promoterj; of truth, by contributing to the examination and rejection of falsehood. The course of improve- ment has always been found to make its way through successive defiles of illusion, empiricism, and false theory. In this course honesty, atten- tion, and patient perseverance, are the great requi- sites for obtaining success. With these, though we cannot expect to develop all the mysteries of na- ture, which is the prerogative of its Author alone; yet we niay hope, in time, to detect analogies, to ascertain laws, to systematise scattered fact?, and to unlock treasures of science, which appear at present far removed from human scrutiny, and against the knowledge of which the feebleness of our powers segms to raise an everlasting barrier. uo CIIAPTKR III. NATURAL HISTORY, 1 HIS department of science scarcel}^ yields to either of the preceding in the extent and vakie of the improvements which it has received within the period under consideration. Many of the ob- jects, indeed, to which natural history relates, have been, in some degree, known and studied by man, from the earliest ages, as means of supplying the Vvants, and obtaining the luxuries of life. Solo- mon, the king of Israel, we are told, spake of frees, from the cedar tree that is hi Lehano7i, even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the tvall ; — he spake y also, of beasts, and of birds, and of creeping thingSy and of fishes^ , And, if we may judge from the respectful terms in wliich such studies are men- tioned, in this and in various other passages of sacred scripture, we may conclude they were held in high estimation in very early times. It was not, however, until long after the revival of letters and science in Europe, that natural history began to receive the attention due to its importance. Toward the close of the seventeenth century, after several learned societies in Great Britain, and on the continent, had been formed, the taste for thi:^ * 1 Kings iv, 33. Chap. III.] Natural II istori/. \\\ branch of study commenced, and lins boon ovrr since gradiiaJJy extending itself over the civilised world. At an early period of the eighteenth century, many persons were busily employed in collecting and publishing facts in Natural History, especially in Zoology and Botany. Among these the nam*^ of the learned and indefatigable Albert Seba de- serves particular notice. He resided in liollaiid, was intimate with Boerhaave, and compiled hi.s large work on Natural History under the patronage of that eminent naturalist and pliysician. 'Hiis w^ork, under the title of Thesaurus Rcruvi Natiira liuw,y w^as published in 1754, in four vols, folio. But though these inquirers rendered important service to this department of philosophy, it was rather by communicating a knowledge of details, than by enlightened and correct philosophising on the subjects which came before them. Scarcely any thing had been effected, on a great .scale, pre- vious to the appearance of Linuccus, an illustrious Swede, who, by his first publications, in 17^^, giive a new aspect to the whole science, and commenced what has been with much justice styled the " golden age" of Natural History. — Almost every thing that had been done in the great business of Classifica' tion, before his time, was confused, and exceedingly defective; and, in some of the kingdoms of nature, few attempts of the kind had been made. It is not necessary to remind the intelligent reader how much this deficiency must have perplexed and re- tarded the inquirer, at every step of his course. It was reserved for Linnaeus, a man equally distin- guished for the benevolence and piety of liis heart, 142 Natural Jlistory, [Chap. III. the extent of his learnmg, and the greatness of his views, to remed}^ tlie defect. To his himinous and expanded mind, the arduous task of generalising and arranging seemed to be an easy and familiar process. He introduced new methods of classifica- tion into all the more important branches of natu- ral Jiistory ; made large additions to its known facts and principles; excited a thirst, before un- equalled, for this kind of knowledge ; and pre- pared the way for a great portion of the improve- ments which have been made by succeeding na- turalists. While the last age produced much new light in the philosophy of natural history, and added immense riches to its former stores, it also gave to this science new distinction as an object of study in seminaries of learning. — At the close of the seventeenth century, it is believed, only a few professorships had been instituted, even in tlie most distinguished universities, for instructing youth in this interesting department of knowledge. Since that time few^ important colleges or universities have failed to add such professorships to their former plans of instruction, and to place natural history among the indispensable objects of atten- tion in an academic course. By these and other means new honours have been bestowed on this branch of science, new encouragement given to the 7A"A and exertions of inquirers, new roads to improvement opened, and new opportunities af- forded, at once, of diffusing a taste for investi- gations of this nature, and of extending the infor- mation which genius and industry had gained. But it will be more satisfactory to take a brief Sect. I.] Zoblogij, 143 view of the several kingdoms of nature, and to state some leading facts concerning the progress which has been made in each *. SECTION I. ZOOLOGY. At the beginning of the eighteenth century con- siderable progress had been made in this branch of Natural History, by the inquiries and discoveries of Harvey, Redi, Malpighi, Willoughby, and Raj'. These illustrious men discarded several erroneous doctrines which had long been received, particu- larly the doctrine of equivocal generation, and threw much light on the principles of physiology. Ray, being dissatisfied with Aristotle's classifica- tion of animals, invented a new one, founded on the structure of the heart. To this he was ])arti- cularly led by the discoveries of Harvey, relating to the circulation of the blood, which had been a little before announced, and excited much atten- tion in the philosophical V\'orld. From the time of Ray till that of Linnocus f , Zoology was culti- * The coiitenls of tliis chapter have been principally collected from Smith's Tracts on Natural History, and many other ^vork^. on detached parts of tlie subject 3 some of whieli will be found quoted, or referred to, in the following pages. For a knowled«;e of some of the facts and names here detailed, 1 am indebted to professor Barton, of Philadelphia, who, in a conversation on ilie subject, furnished me with much valuable information, and with profitable hints for directing my inquiries. t This '•' Prince of Naturalists" is so well known, that a for- mal account of him in this place is altogetlicr unnecessary. He 144 Natural Historr/. [Chap. III. vated with considerable success, and received some important accessions, as will appear from the names of several naturalists hereafter to be men- tioned. But the service rendered to this depart- ment of science by the illustrious Swede was still more in}i)ortant, and cannot be contemplated with- out admiration. He described many new animals^ and formed a new arrangement and nomenclature, in man}' respects original, and in general greatly superior to any that had gone before him. From this period writers on the various departments of the animal kingdom began rapidly to increase in number, in the extent of their information, and ift the accurate and philosophical aspect of their de- scriptions. Soon after Linnaeus appeared M. Klein, of Dant- zic, who strenuously combated a number of the alterations proposed by that illustrious naturalist, and signalised himself as his adversary. . Klein gave to the w^orld'a new method of classification,, founded on the toes, hoofs, &c. ; and by his multi- farious works, on almost every department of zoology, which he treated both systematically and physiologically, rendered very important service to the science. About the same time flourished M. Brisson, a French naturalist of very high character, and whose publications, particularly on Q^uadru- peds and Birds, rank in the first class on their re- spective subjects. Indeed, in the accuracy of his was born at Roeshult, a village of Sweden, May 27, 1707. His first great vork was published in 1732. Among the numerous public lu^nours with which he was crowned, he was created kniglit of the Polar Star in 1753, and ennobled in 1757. He died in January, 1778, in the 7 1st year of his age. Sect. L] Zoology. 145 descriptions, and the excellency of his plates, he may even be pronounced superior to Linnaeus himself. After Brisson may be mentioned his countrjman the count de BufTon*, who, thoui;h more sprightly and interesting as a writer, i^i whicli he excels all other natural historians, is far less ac- curate and philosophical. His neglect of regular systematic arrangement is a great defect, and must ever lessen the value of his works. He Mas a zealous cultivator of zoology, and by his splendid publications and captivating style made himself admired throughout the scientific world. And though many of his hypotheses are whimsical, ex- travagant, and delusive, it must yet be allowed that he did much to encourage and forward the study of nature; that he made many observations of great value ; that he collected a multitude of in- teresting facts; and that his works hold a very important place in the zoological history of the age. Contemporary with Buffon was Mr. Pennant, of Great Britain, who is unquestionably entitled to a place among the greatest zoologists of the eighteenth century f. By his writings, as valua- ble as they are voluminous, he contributed greatly to the advancement of this branch of natural history. He was the author of a new arrangement * George le Clerc, count de Buffon, was l^-n in the year 1707, and died in l/SS. f Thomas Pennant, LL. D. F.R.S., was born in Flintshire, in North Wales, in the year 1/26, .ind died in 17j_)8. He cultivated Zoology with great ardour, ability, and success ; and w as one of the most voluminous writers of the age. Vol. L L 146' Natural History. [Chap. 111. of Quadrupeds, more nearly resembling Ray's, of the former century, than any other. On this sub- ject his work may be pronounced equal to any, if not the best that has yet been presented to the student of nature. Within the same period, pro- fessor Blumenbach, of Goettingen, distinguished himself by his zoological and ^^bysical inquiries, and particularly by a new method of arranging Q,uadi^peds. To these great names may be added that of professor Pallas, of Petersburg, who, in zoolo2:v, as well as in several other branches of science, has done much, and is to be considered as ranking with the very first, if not as standing at the head of all the naturalists now living. Beside these distinguished systematic writers on the subject of zoology in general, particular departments of the science have been cultivated, and greatly improved, by men scarcely less emi- nent, or less worthy of praise. Of some of these inquiries and publications a brief notice w ill be attempted. It is proper to begin with the natural history of the ^first Linnaean class, the Mammalia. On this class, almost all the great writers whose names w^ere just mentioned have made large and instructive publications. In addition to what has been accom- plished by them, especially by Linnaeus, Kleiny Pennant, and Buffon, the labours of professor E. Zimmerman^, of Brunswic, to throw light on this class of animals, do him great honour. His con- ception and execution of a %Gologlcal Chart, ac- companying his work on the Mammalia, may be considered as one of the most philosophical pro- Sect. I.] Zoology, I47 ductions of the age. Tliis ingenious invention hai: been extended and improved by M. JaulTret, a distinguished naturahst of France. Beside these, many others deserve notice for their successful la- bours in illustrating particular parts of tlii,s exten- sive field of inquiry. Much has been done during the last century toward completing the natural history of Ma?i, In the list of experimenters and authors on this subject, Albinus, a Dutch naturalist, holds the first place, with respect to time*. He was a very great anatomist; and was one of the first who attended, in a scientific manner, to the seat of colour in human beings. Among the writers on this sub- ject it is also proper to take notice of Dr. John Mitchell, an English physician, who resided a number of years in Virginia. His Essai/ on the Causes of the different Colours of People is con- sidered as a very honourable monument o^ his learning and talents f. The next important pub- lication on the same branch of natural history wa^' by the celebrated John Reinhold ForsterJ, who threw considerable light upon it. He was follow- ed by the rev. Dr. Smith, president of the college of New Jerse}^ who, in his ingenious and learned Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion * To Marcellus Malpighi, in the seventeenth century, we crwe the discovery of the fact that the colour of negi-oes resides in tJie corpus miicosum. This fact was also known to J. N. Pechlin, as appears by his work De Hahitu et Colore Ethiopum, b:c., published in 1677. f Philosophical Transactions, vol. xliii. X See Forster's Observations, ^c. 4to, 1779' L 2 148 Natural History. [Chap. III. and Fissure in the Human Species^, gave a very instructive and interesting view of the subject* The natural liistory of man has also been treated, in a more general way, by Buffon and Vereyf, of France^ by BlumenbachJ, Zimmermann§, Lud- wig||,and Soemmering f, of Geniiany; and by pro- fessor Pallas, of Russia. To which may be added the great anatomical discoveries and improvem.ents by the Monroes, Camper, the Hunters, Daubenton, Bourgelat, and many others. The attempts which were made during the eighteenth century to throw light on the natural history of man, through the medium of inquiries concerning language, habits, religion, &c., are wor- thy of particular notice. — In this department of inquiry Mr. Jacob Bryant greatly distinguished himself, by his Observations on Ancient History, and his Analysis of Ancient Mythology. Next appeared the Mo7ide Frimitif of M. Court de Gebelin-, a vo- luminous work, which displaj's great learning, and is by no means destitute of valuable information. The Vocahidaria Comparativa of professor Pallas is a wonderful monument of learned labour, and * Dr. Smitli's Essay was favourably received^ not only in his own country, but also in Great Britain, and on the continent of Europe, where several editions of it were circulated^ in the En- glish, French, and German languages. f Natural History of Man, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. % De Generis Hinnani Varietate Nativa, kc. Goettingen, 1 ^g5. § Geographical History of Man, &c. 8vo, 3 vols. Leipsic, J 7/8. II Plan of a Natural History of the Human Species delineated^ kc. 1796. % Essay on the Difference between the Conformation of the Euro* pean and the Negro, &c. S£CT, I.] Zoology. . 149 M^ill be highly interesting to ever}' enlightened student of this part of natural history. — Still more recently, new and important light has been thrown on this subject by professor Barton, of Philadel- phia, who, in his New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America^ has published Vo- cahulai'ies of a number of Indian languages that were never before committed to the press ; has compared these with languages more generally known, both on the eastern and western conti- nents; and has thence deduced new evidence in support of the opinion, that the nations of America and those of Asia have a common origin. The philosophy of man has been considered, during this period, in a different view, in the cele- brated publications of Hartley and Helvetius. Pro- fessor Meiners, of Germany, has also written on the Physical History of Man ; and M. Herder, of the same country, has pubhshed Outlines of the History of Man *. And, finally, the numerous voyagers and travellers, with whom modern times have abounded, have contributed greatly to enlarge our knowledge of the human character and powers, and have brought to light many facts toward the formation of a satisfactory system on this subject. In the naturayiistory of Quadrupeds, the amount of improvement during the last century was very great. All the distinguished systematic writers before mentioned have rendered extensive and important services to this branch of zoology; and the names of many other respectable naturalists mio-ht be enumerated, who have devoted their ♦ An En- lished in 172o, and by his work on the Danube^ published in 1726, gave much new and valuable in- formation on this subject. The PJiilosophia Ich- thyologica of Artedi*, first given to the public in 1738, may be considered as one of the most im- portant works on fishes, which the age produced. Next to Artedi came Linnaeus, who greatly distin- guished himself by a new arrangement of this class of animals, and by improving, in various respects, their natural history. He was followed by Gouan, of Montpellier, who, in his Historia Piscium, pul> lishedin 1770, adopted the Linna^an arrangement, and rendered important service to this part of zoo- logy. About the year 1786, M. Broussonet, of France, made a very instructive' present to natu- ralists, in his work on the rare fishes, and those which had been before badly described. But, of * Artedi was a Swede, the contemporary and friend of Linnars. He Avas born in 1705, two yejrs beibrehis illustrious coumr)-man ; and died in 1/35, being accidentally drowned in a canal at Am- steidani. 156 Natural Historii, [Chap. III. all the \\Titers on this branch of zoological inquiry, Mark Eleazer Bloch, a Jew physician of Berlin, is said to be the most able and complete. To which may be added, that La Cepede, before mentioned, has commenced the publication of an extensive work on fishes, of which great expectations are fomied*. In addition to the great ichthyologists already mentioned, several other names are entitled to re- spectful notice.— Professor Monro's celebrated work on the physiology of fishes has been long and highly commended. Gronovius, Scopoli, and Klein have also written instructively on this class of the animal kingdom. The inquiries and discoveries with respect to the Insect a, the ^fifth class in the Linnsean arrange- ment, have also been numerous and highly impor- tant during tlie period in question. Swammerdam was one of the first who paid particular attention to insects. He was followed by madame Merian, a celebrated German lady-j-, v/ho, by her work on the Insects of Surinam, rendered very important services to Entomology. This illustrious female naturalist was followed by Linnaeus, who first pro- duced a systematic arrangement of insects, at once * This great ichthyologist has already given four quarto vo- lumes of his work to the public, containing a description of 309 fishes, of which 54 were before unknown to naturalists. When finished, it will probably be the most complete and splendid work, on ihis branch of natural history, in existence. — Garnet's Annuls ef Vhilosopliy for ISOO. t Moiia Sibylla Merian was born in 164/, and died in 1717, Her great work, entitled Surinaamsche Insecten (folio 1705), was, at the time of its publication, one of the most magnificent that Lad ever been produced in Europe. Sect. I.] Zoology, 157 sufficiently comprehensive, and, in a due degree, mi- nute in its distinctions. He distributed all insects into seven orders, i^ik'mg the distinctive marks from variations in the structure of the wings, or the en- tire absence of these organs. While the great Swede vi^as engaged in these inquiries, Reaumur \ of France ; Lyonet, of Holland j and Bonnettf, of Geneva, also distinguished themselves by their ro spective publicacions in entomology; and, though with different relative merits, decidedly improved upon all who had gone before them. In this department of zoology also, within the period which we are considering, Drury and Do- novan of England; Geoffi'ey of France; FabriciusJ, of Denmark; De Geer, of Sweden; and, latest of all, Olivier §, of France; have laboured with great diligence and success. With respect to the dific- rent degrees of honour due to these celebrated na- turalists, it is not easy, within small limits, to state them with precise justice. The best judges seem to * Rene Antoine Fcrckault de Reaumur was born at Rochelle in l683, and died in 175/. Kis History of Injects, in 6 vols 4to, is certainly one of the greatest works of the age in which he lived. t Charles Bonnett was born in 1/20, at Geneva, where he died in 1793. He was one of the most distinguished men of the eighteenth century. His*inquiries and publications on Insects and the Vermes are greatly esteemed, and have been much celebrated anaong naturalists. X Fabricius formed a new system essentially different from that of Linnaeus. He efhiploys, for the foundation of his arrangement, the diversities in those parts of the organisation witli which in- sects take their /oof/. — ^The arrangement of Linn«us is commonlf preferred, especially in Great Britain j but that of Fabricius hss many admirers on the continent of Europe. § Of Olivier' s work it is not easy to speak decidedly, as it ii yet in an unfinished state. 158 Natural History. [Chap. III. agree in assis^iiing to Reaumur and Fabricius the first rank*. Beside these, Frisch, Rosenhof, Klee- nian, Roesel, Sulzer, Schafer, and several other German entomologists, have written on this class of animals. In the present list, professor Pallas is also entitled to -a distinguished place. His Icones Insectarum is a very valuable work. The insects without loings liave been very ably described by J, Herlet, of Germany. To these names may be added that of Dr. Smith, the Linnceus of Great Britain, whose account of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia, is entitled to a place among the most splen- did, accurate, arid valuable zoological works of the agef. In the investigation of the Vermes, the sixth and last class of Linnaeus, the advances made in mo- dern times have been no less eminent. The first writer to be mentioned under this head is Donati, whose work on the vermes of the Adriatic -is con- sidered as highly instructive and important. After him, professor Bohadsch, of Prague, laboured much to improve the history of this class of animals, and with great success. Bohadsch was followed by M. Cuvier, of France, who proposed a new arrange- ment, and rendered considerable service to this * When Pv.eaumur and Fabricius are mentioned together, and a place assigned them in the first rank of entomologists, it is to be remembered that each has a different kind of excellence. Fabricius is a great technical or systematic entomologist 3 but he has done^ comparatively speaking, little in regard to the physiology or phi- losophy of the subject. In this point of view nothing has ap- peared tliat will bear a comparison with the great work of Reaumur. t The NaUcral History of the Rarer Lfpidopterous Insects of Georgia, &c. 2 vols, folio^ 1798. Sect. I.] Zoology. 1.59. branch of zoology. The vermes have also been treated, either generally or n\ part, by Job. A. Murray, Jac. Tbeod. Klein, N. G. Le.o>kn, and Ze- der, all of Germany. The human vermes Jiave been \^y ably treated by BIocli, before mentioned. Tlu* vermes infesting the intestines of animals, general! v, have been examined and described in a verv sa- tisfactory^ manner, by Goeze and Scbranck, of Ger- many. The discoveries of Peysonnel, of France, with respect to Corals and Corallines, form one of the most interesting parts in the modern annals of natural historj^ Corals, at the beginning of the eighteenth century, were reckoned among t J io num- ber of marine plants. In this rank they continued to stand, until M. Peysonnel, by a series of ob- servations and experiments, from about the year 1720 to 17'50, ascertained their animal nature. His doctrine was confirmed by the successive inquiries of Trembly, Donati, B. de Jussieu, and, finally, of the ingenious and accurate Mr. Ellis, whose work on this genus of animal substances is cer- tainly among the best extant*. The celebrated Spallanzani, of Italy, also paid particular atten- tion to the corallines, and wrote ably on the suh- ject. On the fourth order of vermes, Zoop/njla, professor Pallas, of Russia, has given to the pub- lic a very valuable work, of which the systema- tic arrangement, and' philosophical accuracy, must ever recommend it to the discerning inquirer. The iifth order^ or Infusoria, has been treated with great successive improvements, by Bennett, of Ge- * Essay toi\:ard the Natural History of the Corallines, and other Marim Productions of the like Kind. 4 to. 1/75. 160 jSlatural History. [Chap. Ill neva; Keedliaim, of Great Britain; Adanson, of France; Spallanzani, of Italy; and, above all, by Muller, of Denmark: the last of whom has inves- tigated and exhibited this department of zoology in a manner more extensive, complete, and satisfac- tory, than any of his predecessors. Most of the naturalists above mentioned not only' VtTOte v^ith great ability on the several subjects connected with their names, but also made large additions to the facts and specimens made known by preceding inquirers. Few of them failed to con- nect with the ingenuity of system a large mass of new and useful information. A considerable num- ber of new Quadrupeds have been brought to light during the period of which we are speaking, and added to the old lists. The species of Birds ar- ranged and described by Linnasus amounted to near a thousand : since that time the nmnber has been more than doubled, by the inquiries of the great ornithologists already mentioned; and also by the discoveries of sir Joseph Banks, Mauduit, Desfontaines, Dombey, Vaillant, and many others*. The class Amphibia^ though not so much extended, by the discovery of new genera and species, as some of the other classes, has yet received consi- derable augmentation in this way. Of Fishes, Lin- naeus described shout four hundred species-, but, since he wrote, the catalogue has been so mucii en- larged by circumnavigators and travellers, that they now amount to considerably more than o?ie thou- * According tq the latest accounts given by M. la Cepede, who has introduced, as was before observed, a new arrange- ment of birds, there are now known tivo thousand Jive hundred find thirty-six species. Sect. I.} Zoology. IGl sand. The number of new species of Insects dis- covered at different periods of the century is pro- digiously great. Before the time of Lin uncus, scarcely more than two hundred species were known. In the last editions of his works he described about three thousand. There are now known more than twenti) thousand species. The same augnientatiun has taken pluce with respect to the Venues, a class which, in the hands of Ellis, Pallas, Muller, and others before mentioned, has wonderfully enlarged its bounds. Though America, during the period under review, has not produced many distinguished inquirers in zoology, it can boast of some who have rendered themselves conspicuous by pursuits of this nature. Mr. Catesby, and Dr. Garden, be- fore mentioned, though not native Americans, re- sided long in that country, and threw much light on the animal kingdom, as it appears beyond the Atlantic. Mr. Glover, a planter of Virgi- nia, also communicated to the public some valu- able information respecting American zoology*. Mr. William Bartram, of Pennsylvania, an indefa- tigable and well informed student of nature, added considerably to the number of facts before known concerning the animals of the southern and western parts of the United States, and the adjacent terri- tory f. Still more recently Dr. Barton, professor of Natural History in the University of Pennsyiva- * The principal part of Mr. Glover's comrauiiications respect- ing American zoology appeared in the Phibsoplucjl Transactions, about the year 1/40. - t Trarels through North and South Carolina, Gcoi-'^la, East and mst Florida, &c., from J 773 to 1778. Vob. I, M 1 52 Natural History. [Chap. IIL nia, has made very respectable additions to the zoological science of that country ; and displayed a degree of genius, diligence, learning, and zeal, in this pursuit, which do honour to the rising re- public, and bid fair to place him among the most accomplished and useful naturalists of his time^. Beside the labours of these and other scientific inquirers of Americaf, a large amount of information respecting the animals of that continent have been derived from intelligent foreigners, who have either visited and explored the interior of the country at different periods of the century under review, or devoted themselves to the acquisition of knoAvledge, from various sources, respecting the new world. Among these, Gronovius, Sarragin J, * See Fragments of the Natural History of Pennsylvania, Essay on the fascinating Foivcr ascribed to ScrpeiUs, &c., and several me- moirs on particular articles in zoology in the American Philoso- phical Transactions. t It would be easy to mention tlie names of many respectable American gentlemen, who have done honour to themselves by giving new and valuable descriptions of particular animals M'hich came under their observation. In such a list, Mr. Jefferson, Dr. Mitchill, the rev. Mr.Heckewelder, and a number of others, would be entitled to distinction. To these might be added the names of the rev. Drs. Belknap and Williams, who, in their respective histories of Ncw-I lump shire and Vermont y after the example of Mr. Jefferson in his JSotes on Virginia, have given valuable catalogues of tlie native animals of tliose States. But it is impos- sible for the author, consistently with the hmits which he has prescribed to himself, to indulge the disposition which he feels to enter into such details. X M. Sarragin, a French physician, \\ ho resided for some time in Cannula, well deserves to be added to the list of those who Imvc considerably extended our accjuaintance with the animal and \ e.i':etai;le productions of the higher parts of North America. Hi!< J'iil-rcnt mcm^u-s were pubii^hcJ b'jJ.vvccn the years l/OG and Sect. II.] Botany. 163 Kalm, Schoepf, Buffon, and several others, deserve to be mentioned with honour. SECTION II. BOTANY. In this branch of natural history tlie succession of discoveries and improvements, which the period before us has displayed, is in the highest degree honourable to modern science. At the opening of the eighteenth century. Botanical Philosophy, though it had been long cultivated, was still in a very confused and imperfect state. Numerous had been the attempts to arrange the vegetable tril)cs into an intelligible system, but great disorder and deficiency appeared in every plan. Among these attempts the most respectable and successful were those of Ray and Rivinus. The former, an English clergyman, before mentioned, had proposed his method to the world in 1682; but afterwards pre- sented it in a new and improved form in 1703. He arranged all known vegetables under thirty-three classes, deriving the distinguishing character of each chiefly from the fruit. His system, though un- doubtedly much superior to any which had been devised by his predecessors, was still very defective; and the characters of his plants were so many and 172B. His anatomical histories of the Bearer, Musk-rat and Por-^ cupine, are vahiable. M. Sarragin hkewise distinguished himsch by a publication on the Sugar Maple (Acer Snccharinum) of that country. The remarkable family of plants denominated Sarace- nia was so named in honour of this writer, by tlie illustrious Tournefort. :m 2 164 Natural History. [Chap. III^ various, as to create an intricacy in a high degree perplexing and painful to the student. To the method of Ray, succeeded that of Rivinus, a professor of Bo- tany in the university of Leipsic. This learned man was the first who laid aside the distinction be- tween herbs and trees, which had been universally adopted by those who went before him. Relin- quishing also the pursuit of natural affinities, and convinced of the insufficiency of characteristic marks drawn principally from the fruit, he attached him- self to the Jloxvery as furnishing characters abun* dantly numerous, distinguishing, and permanent. He reduced the number of the classes to eighteen, which were distinguished from each other by the perfection and distribution of the Jlozvers, and par- ticularly by the regularity and number of x\\e petals. Rivinus did not live to complete the publication of his system j the whole of which was finally laid be- fore the w^orld in 171 1, by one of his disciples. After the system of Rivinus, the next worthy of attention is that of Tournefort. This great bo- tanist set out with reviving the distinction of plants into herbs and trees, which had been exploded by Rivinus. In his method there are twenty-two classes, and one hundred and twenty-two orders, denominated sections: the former founded on the regularity and figure of the petals, together with the situation of the receptacle of the flowers; the latter on the pistillum and calyx. Botanical writers generally speak of Tournefort's as the first re- gular and complete arrangement. He was cer- tainly the first vvlio ascertained and exhibited the genera oi ^\'ca\\.s in a scientific manner ; and, indeed, in general merit as a systematic writer, he went Sect. II.] Botany. 165 far beyond all his predecessors. About the same time. Dr. Paul Hermann, professor of Botany at Leyden, proposed a new system*. He augmented the number of classes to twenty-five, founding their characters chiefly on the circumstances of the seed. He divided his classes into eighty-two sections or orders, having for their basis the number of petals, seeds, capsules , and cells; the figure of the seeds mid petals J and the disposition of the Jlozvej^s. This system appears to have gained but little popularity. To the method of Hermann succeeded tliat of Dr. Boerhaave, first published in 1710, and afterwards, with great additions, in 1720. He made a sort of combination of the systems of Ray, Tournefort, and Henri ann, with additions and improvements from his own great mind. He increased the number of classes still further, to thirty-four, which were sub- divided into one hundred and four sections or or- ders; the characters of which were derived from the habit or general appearance of the plants, com- bined with all the parts of fructification. He was the first who employed the stamina and style in determining the genus. To this luminary of science botany is much indebted. He introduced many new genera into his system; and w^as universally considered as one of the most successful inquirers and instructive writers of his time on this subject. Next to the system of Boerhaave, the records ot' botany present us with the method of Christian * Paul Hermann was a native of Saxony, and died in 1O95. This learned man not only presented to the world botanical wri- tings of great value, but also engravings of plants, which are ex- ecuted with much delicacy, considering the period in which he lived. 1(56 Natural History. [Chap. III. Kiiaiit, a German, who proposed what was after- wards styled " the system of Rivinus inverted." This plan was published, in 1716, under the title of Methodus Plantarmn Genuina. It embraced seven- teen classes, founded on the number of the petals alone ; and one hundred and twenty-one orders, distincfuished by the fruit. Knaut was followed by Dr. Hales, before mentioned, whose celebrated work on " Vegetable Statics'* threw much light upon the physiology of plants, and indeed entitles him to the honour of being considered the great flither of this branch of botanical science. To Hales succeeded Micheli, an Italian, whose Nova Genera Planfarum must be ranked among the fundamental works of the age, as it doubtless formed an impor- tant step in the course of reformation and improve- ment. Contemporary with Knaut, was Magnol, a celebrated professor of botany at Montpellier, whose system was published in \ V'^O. He divided the vegetable kingdom into fifteen classes, which deriv- t/d their characters entirely from ihe calyx; and these, according to him, embraced fifty-five orders, whose distinguishing characters were taken from ihe^figiire of the calijx, petals, and seeds ; from the disposition oi i\\e flowers ; from Xheniunher o^ petals ; and from the substance of the fruit. In 1720, the same year in which Magnol published his system, there w^as another offered to the world by Julius Pontedera, a nobleman of Pisa. He attempted to combine the systems of Tournefort and liivinus. Such was' the state of botanical philosophy until the year 1735; confused, intricate, unsettled, and exhibiting little but successive revolutions. And, if all the systems of classification were "\ague5- un- Sect. II.] Bota?i}/. io7 satisfactory, and perplexing, the language in use among the different instructors in this science was at least equally so. Almost every part of the dif- ferent nomenclatures, at this time, was loaded with uncouth, erroneous, or supernumerary words, and even barbarous sentences of description, which ex- ceedingly increased the difficulties of the learner. Besides, numerous voyagers and travellers were now constantly enriching botany with new trea- sures, brought from every quarter of the earth ; and while the names of those before known already loaded the memory, it became necessary to pro\ide new ones, for the successive discoveries which were daily demanding attention. In a word, so great was the number of new species presenting them- selves from every direction, and such the perplexity arising from defective arrangement, that botany became in danger of relapsing again into anarchy and total disorder*. In this stage of the science Linnceus appeared. Endued with genius and learning; having a taste for researches in natural history rising to a sublime enthusiasm, and a disposition for persevering indus- try ; he cultivated, with particular diligence, the science of botany. In 1735 he published a new system as the result of his labours, which produced a memorable tera in this branch of philosophy. This is usually called the Sexual Siistcm, from its foun- dation being laid in the doctrine, that plants are mdlc ^ndfemaky and propagate their species in a inaniu r somewhat analogous to tiiat of animiils. Linnieus * See Tracts on K^tural History, by James E. Smitii^ M. I"). F.R.S. 168 Natural History, [Chap. III. divided the whole vegetable kingdom into twenty- four classes; the distinguishing characters of which he founded on the number, the place of insertion, the projwrtion, the co7inection, and the disposition, of the stamina. These classes he subdivided into one hundred and twenty- eight orders. In the first thir- teen classes, the orders are taken from the number and circumstances of the pistilla. In the fourteenth and fifteenth from the pericarpium ; and in all the remaining classes from the number and circum- stances of the stamina, excepting the twenty-fourth, which, from the parts of fructification being invi- sible, cannot be subjected to the grand principle of arrangement on which the system proceeds. With respect to the fundamental doctrine of the sexes of plants, on which this method of classifica- tion rests, the honour of giving birth to it is said not to be due to the great Swedish naturalist. The ancients had some ideas of the doctrine, hut they were vague and imperfect. We are informed by Aristotle, that Empedocles particularly taught that the sexes icere united in plants; and also that the use of the farina fmcundans of the male palm, in impregnating the female, was very well known in his day. It appears, also, from several passages in Pliny, that he, as well as other naturalists of that time, extended the distinction of sexes, and the use of tlie male dust, to plants in general. Accord- ingly, it is certain that the ancient cultivators per- ceived the necessity, and were in the constant ha- bit, with respect to several species of vegetables, of promoting the operation of the male flower on the female, in order to the production of fruit ; still, being inattentive to the structure of flowers, and Sect. II.] Botany. 169 ignorant of tlio offices belonging to the several parts, they remained unacquainted with the true process of nature, tliough it was daily open to their observation *. Thus this celebrated doctrine rested in apparent forgetfuhiess, until I676, when Dr. Grew, a dis- tinguished botanist of England, who had been long employed in microscopical observations and expe- riments on plants, mentioned the fact, and sug- gested its importance, in a paper read before the Royal Society in the month of November of that year. lie expressed an opinion that the stamina and styli of vegetables are analogous to the organs of generation in animals, and adapted by nature to answer the same purpose ; and that the potlen pro- bably emits certain mmfic effluvia^ which may pro- duce impregnation. The sexual doctrine was fur- ther confirmed by the observations and experiments of Camerarius, in 169-5. In 1702, a small publi- cation, by John Henry Burkhard, a German phy- sician, appeared in the form of an " Epislle to Leib- nitz ;" in which the author not only adopted the idea of the sexes of plants, but also suggested tlie possibility of forming an arrangement of vegetables according to the difference of the parts of genera- tion!. A few years afterward, two botanists of * SeeDatens's Origine, &c. and Piilteney's Historical and Bio. graphical Sketches of Botany in England, 2 vols. 8vo. l/()0. t About die year 1738, when the growing fame of Linnaeus made him an object of envy among some of his contemporaries, professor Hcister, of Helmstadt, one of his antagonists, charged him with having taken liis system, without acknowledgement, from the abovementioned work of Burkhard. Linn.Tus, how- ever, it appears, proved that he never saw this obscure pcrfonh- 170 Natural History. [Chap. IIL France, GeolTroy in 1711, and Vaillant in 1718, declared themselves in favour of Grew's opinion; while Tournefort and his friends opposed it vv^ith equal v/cirmth*. In Great Britain, Blair, Bradley, Fairchild, and Miller, also appeared on the side of Grew's doctrine; but Alston, and some others, long retained their hostility against it with una- bating zeal. Such was the state of opinion with regard to this doctrine, when Linna3us adopted, unfolded, and made a splendid application of it to botanical sci- ence. And although we cannot ascribe to him the ance; and even if he had, his friends contended, that it would have detracted httle from his merit, that another had dighthj sug- gested a plan which he so abli/ executed, — See Stoever's Life of Linmvus, translated by Trapp, 4to, 1794. — Professor Barton lately informed me, that he had seen a copy of Burkhard's publication, in the Loganian Library, at Philadelphia, and tliat he considered the sexual doctrine, to have been very distinctly suggested by the author as the foundation of botanical arrangement. * It is remarkable that the beautiful Latin Poem of M. de la Croix, entitled Connubia Florum, of which the sexual doctrine fi^rms the foundation, was published as early as 1/27. Some no- tice will be taken of this performance hereafter. It is also worthy of notice, that James Logan, esq., a learned and ingenious gentleman of Philadelphia, who was afterwards president of the council, and chief justice of Pennsylvania, in- stituted a set of experiments on maize, with a particular view to the investigation of the sexual doctrine. An account of these ex- periments was first communicated in a letter to Peter Collinson, F.Il.S,, in 1735, and printed in the Philosophical Transactions, vol. .^cxxvi. This r.ccount was afterwards enlarged, and published in Latin, at Leydcn, in 173(), under the title oi Experimenta ct Me- htcmata de Pluntarum Generatione ; and republished with an EugliMi translation, by Dr. Fothergill, in 8vb, 1747.- These ex- jjcriments were considered and appealed to as among the most de- cisive in establishing the doctrine they were intended lo illustrate and ccnfirm. — Vultcncfs Sketches, kc. vol. ii, p. '27S. Sect. II.] Botany. I7I original discovery, yet he confirmed, extended, and improved it, and made it the basis of a system, which has commanded greater admiration and been more generally received than any before oiTered to the world. It will appear evident, on the slightest con- sideration of the subject, that the task of arrange- ment, in the vegetable kingdom, is a very per- plexing and (liflicult one; and that every artificial classification must involve sacrifices of family re- semblance, and natural connexion. But the phi- losophers of every country seem to have yielded to Linnaeus the praise of having formed a system, on the w^hole, superior to all hitherto proposed. But it was not only in the doctrines and arrani^e- vient of botany, but also in the nomenclature of the science, that this distinguished natural historian excelled all his predecessors. He created a new language, so simple, methodical, and convenient, that it has been pronounced likely to stand the test of ages, even if his sexual opinions should be dis- carded. In forming this language, he retained all the old names, which were consistent with his new- principles ; he adopted such others from the Greek and Latin, as were short, expressive, and sono- rous; he dismissed the periphrastic and tedious de- scriptions of the former schools; he introduced tri- vial names, by which one, or at most two adjec- tives, distinguish a plant from all its other relative species*; in a word, he formed a language so sim- * The following will serve as a specimen oi the convenience and utility of the trivial names invented and applied by Linn.xus. A kind of Grass, before his time, was called Gravun Xcrampcli' num, Miliacca, prdtcnuis ramusaque sparsa panicida; sive Xerampc- lino congener, nrvcnsc, astivum ; irravien minutissimo scmine. I Ic gave it a name consisting of two words, Poabulbosuj which designated 175 Natural History. [Chap. III. pie and luminous, and so adjusted its several parts to his improved doctrines, that the acquisition of tlie science of botany became a far more easy task than before. In fact, this was so much the case, that, instead of remaining an abstruse study, con- Ihied to the schools, as formerly, it was converted into an agreeable amusement to persons of leisure in all ranks and situations. The new classification and nomenclature of Lin- naeus soon attracted general attention. At first, as might have been expected, they met with pow- erful opposition. When they first made their ap- pearance in Great Britain, Sloane, Dillenius, and other English naturalists, opposed them with warmth. Alston, of Scotland, retaining his old prejudices, did the same; insomuch that the influ- ence of the doctrines taught by Ray threatened, for some time, to triumph over those delivered by Linnasus. This opposition, however, soon, began to decline. As the works of the illustrious philo- sopher of Upsal increased in number and circula- tion, the weight and superiority of his opinions were gradually manifested, until, at length, the pub- he adoption of the Linnaean system by professor Martyn of Cambridge, and professor Hope of Edinburgh; the adaptation of Ray's Flora Angli- cana to this arrangement, by Hudson, about the year 1760; and, fnially, the favourable reception given to the Swedish doctrines by the College of Physicians of London ; completed the establishment of the Sexual System in Great Britain. the plant more distinctly and intelligibly than the long and per- plexing description before used. — Stoever's Life ofLinnaus, p. 201 . Sect. II.] Bolajiy. 173 The opposition to this system was no where stronger or more persevering than in France, where the authority of Touniefort had long been so liigU and imposing ; and where so many great botanisu resided, each jealous for the honour of his country, and for the reputation of iiis own opinions. It is true, several of tiie naturalists of that country em- braced the system of the illustrious Swede. Among these, Sauvages, Gouan, Gerard, and le Monnier, deserve to be particularly named. But by far the greater number became his adversaries, and those most distinguished by their learning and talents. The system which they opposed, however, gradu- ally rose into importance, and extended its empire. Personal prejudices, and national jealousies, w^ere slowly yielded. And although it can by no means be said, even now, to be universally adopted, yet it is incomparably more popular than any other; and even those who reject some of the opinions wliich it involves, generally adopt its language as the most convenient and philosophical any where to be found *- But the immediate achievements of Liim' -2. 180 Natural History. [Chap. III. successfully investigated by professor Dillenius% of Oxford, by Bridel, of Gotha, by Zoega, of Den- mark, and otiiers. The Lichens -have been exa- mined and described with great care, by Acharius, of Sweden f, and by Hagen and Hoffman, of Ger- many : the Ferns by Phimier J, of France, by Ma- ratti, of Italy, by Bolton, of England, and by those above named, who have treated generally of the^ class to which they belong. The Grasses have been investigated and described by Scheuchzer,. Schreber, Curtis, and many more : the Oaks of North America, by du Roi, of Germany, and with unusual elegance by M, Michaux, of France : the Ferula^ or AssafiCtida-planty by professor Hope, of Edinburgh : the Geranium, by professor Bunnann, M. I'Heretier, and the abbe Cavanilles § : the Cot- ton-plant, by van Rohr, of Denmark: the Coffce- tree^ by Ellis, of Great Britain : the Tea-tree^ by denominate the enthusiastic rage for inquiries after them^ Crj/pto- jnania. * John Jacob Dillenlus was born in Germany in l687; came to England in lyil; and was appointed professor of botany in tlie university of Ox.tord about the year iT'ipj which oftice he held till his death, in lyAy. Dillenlus wrote a number of botanical pub- lications ; but that which has more than any other immortalised his name is the Historia Musconim, Sec, 4to, 1/41. Indeed, his discoveries in the natural history of the Mosses were so numerous and briUiant, that he deserves more than any otlier individual to be called the father of this branch of botany. f See his Lichcnographia: Suecice Prodromus, 8vo, 1798' X Father Plumier was one of the first good writers on the I'trn^, His Traice dcs Foiigcrcs de VAm^riqve, published in 1705, holds a high rank among the works on this part of botany. § The work of this latter gentleman on the Ceranimn is very elegant. He has enumerated and described one hundred and tii-enti/-eight ifecies. Sect. II.] Botanij, 18 1 Dr. Lettsom : and the Tobacco-plant, by Mr. Ta- tham: not to particularise a number of valuable descriptions, almost countless, of new and curious plants to be found in the memoirs of the Lin- lucan Socic/j/ of Great Britain, and other asso- ciations of a similar kind in dificrent parts of Europe. To these may be added, not as publica- tions of the fnst class, but as doing honour to the Infancy of botanical science in America, the na- tural history of the Pcrsimmon-trec, by Dr. Wood- house ; of the Tobacco-plant, by Dr. Brailsford ; of the Phytolacca, or Poke, by Dr. Schultz -, of the Slramoniiun, or James-Tow fi-need, by Dr. Cooper; and of the Sumach, by Dr. liorsefield, all of the United States*. But beside these botanical writers, who have published useful accounts of particular classes, or- most valuable additions made to ])otauical science since the tinrie of Linnaeus. Tho FLornla of tlioso islands by his son. Dr. George Forstcr, has also contributed to enlarge the sphere of our knowledge on this subject. The catalogue of plants enumerated by thc^' great botanist of Sweden last mentioned amounted to about ten thousand. Of these he actually described about eight thousand The number suice disco- vered and added to the list is very great. Beside the numerous discoveries of new plants by some of the celebrated systematic writers before mentioned, M. Commerson, of France, in the course of his cir- cumnavigation with Bougainville, found n^ar Jif- teen hundred new species. M. Dombey, of the same country, and don Mutis, of Spain, discovered a still greater number in South America. M. Des- fontaines brought to light near four hundred non- descripts, found in Africa. Dr. Sibthorp brought tU'O hundred new species from the Archipelago ; professor Thunberg six hundred from Japan ; M. Swartz more than eiglit hundred from the M'cst- India Islands; and M. Michaux more than four hundred from the Levant, Persia, and Xorth \\\\c- rica. To these may be added the several thousands brpught from almost every quarter of the globe by sir IlansSloane*, Messrs. Lagerstroem, Osbeck, * Sir Hans Sloane was born in I^cl^^d, April l5, \iy60. He studied medicine in London, \\liere he long practised phytic with great dignity and reputation. In l687 he went to the island of Jamaica, in the character of physician to the dnkc of Albemarle, and touched at Madeira^ IJurUadoc.t, \r,i$, and St. Kuts. He remained in Jamaica about fifteen months ; returned to London iin \QSij; was chosen secretary of the lV>yal Society in \0i)2 ; 1S6 Natural Jlistoy. [Chap. Ill, Toren, and Dahlber.j^, Dr. Solander, Dr. Sparman, sir Joseph Banks, Dr. Forster, and a long cata- logue of modern circumnavigators ^nd travellers, insomuch that the species now known and de- scribed considerably exceed ticenty thousand"^. To the details above stated, it is proper to sub- join, that the eighteenth century has been pro- duptive, beyond all former precedent, of great ele- gance ii^ the execution of drawings and dcscrip- tiom of plants. These are too numerous and too well known to render any particular account of them necessary here. It is sufficient to say, that all the means of communicating a knowledge of botany, whether we refer to the convenient no- menclatiu-ef now in use, to the modern concise created a baronet on the accession of George I to the throne of Great Britain, being the ^rst English physician on whom an here- ditary title of honour had been conferred 3 was advanc^ed to the presidency of the lloyal Society in 1727 -, and died in 1^52. To sir Hans Sloane the science of botany is greatly indebted. His discoveries in the West-India islands were very numprpus and valuable. These discoveries, though actually made in the seven* tecnth century, were not fully laid before the public till the be- ginning of the eighteenth. In 1707 he published the first vo- lume of his great work, entitled A Voi/age to the Islands Madeira, Barbadocs, kc. ; and in 1/25 he completed it, by the publication of the second volume. This work may be considered as one of the most valuable presents made to botanical science in the course of tlic agr. — Pulteney's Skcic/ies. * See Berkenhout's Sj/nopsis cf Xatirral Jliaioiy, 2 vols, 12mo^ 1/89. t Condorcct, in his Pane gyric on Linna:us, expresses himself thus : — '' Linnaus has been reproached with having rendered too ef/^y tiie nomenclature of botany, and occasioned thereby the ap- pearance of a great number of small works. This objection seems only TO prove what progress botany has made under him. No- thir.g, p<.TLap.^j. (^ iiicci better hov; far a L-ciencc b advauee-Jj tli.ia Sect. II.] Botany. I87 aiid intelligible style o^ description, to the spiotulid representations of niiture, by means of accurate ^figures "^ and coloured -plates whicli every where assist the stndent, or to the nmltiplication of Bota- nic Gar dens f, and of Her bar la, as appendages to seats of science, may be said to have reached a stage of improvement, within a few years, whicli the human mind never before contemplated, 'riuj recent exhibition of the Linniean system bv Dr. Thornton, of London, is not only highly honuiir- Jible to himself and his country, but probably, also. the facility of writing books of mediocrity on such a science, and fhe difficulty of composing works which contain novelty of mat- ter."— Stoever's Life of Linmeus. * Sh himsell" J'ur this branch of iustruclion, in a foreign country, anil his zeal in i^brming the best private botanical library in the United Slates, cannot be expected to devote all his resources to an object w hich ought to be fostered by public munihcence, and cherished as one ol the honours of tlie atate. See Jdditioiud 2^'o:r^ — (D D.J ISS Natural I J is tort/, [Chap. UI. in suj-jcrb maj^nificence and accuracy^ >vithout an equal on earth*. SECTION IlL IVIINERALOGY. This department of natural history has also, ^s ithin the period under review, passed through va rious revolutions, and received numerous improve- ments equallv fundamental and important. From the time of Aristotle, the first distinguished mine- ralogist, to that of Becher, a learned German, little had been done in this science, except bringing together, and gradually increasing, a wilderness of facts, without system or order. Becher, toward the latter end of the seventeenth century, turning his attention with zeal toward this subject, be- came the father of regular mineralogy. After him. a number of adventurers in this field of inquiry ap- peared, but they did little more than make large collections of mineral substances, and class them according to the old rules. Among the principal of tliese were Hierne, a Swede, who gave an ample and very valuable account of the fossils of his own country; Woodward f and Charleton, English na- turalists, who made curious collections and enu- * This is tho opinion of Dr. Darwin, whose taste or informa- tion on this subject will not be questioned. — Pht/tohu^ia. f Woodward instituted a professorship of mineralogy about the year 1/20, in the university of Cambridge, to which he left his culkction -of minerals lis a lejiiH-y^ " , Sect. III.] MbwiUibi^ij, 1S9 meratioiis of iniiieral specimens ; and Brachmcl, of Sweden, who threw much new light <*n this kiiig- \hoIly accordint^ to their external appearances, such as .figure, co- lour, hardness, and other sensible qualities, and, of course, threw together the most heterogeneous and opposite kinds. He devised sjjecific names, how- ever, of great excellence ; and he is entitled to much honour for his concise and elegant sketch of the Saxa, which had been little noticed before. Linnajiis was followed by his countryman M'al- ierius, -who, in 1747, published an important mine- ralogical work, in which he adopted the Linna^an system, with considerable alterations and improve- ments, by himself and the learned Brov/al, bishop of Abo"^. About the same time V'augel, a re- spectable philosopher of Germany, presented to the public a new system of mineralogy, of consi- derable value. In 1748 appeared the voluminous work of Dr. Hill, under the title oi System a Mine- ralogi'cu?n, which v/as important, as it gave a gene- ral account of the fossils of England ; but his per- plexed and barbarous nomenclature rendered it much less useful than it might otherwise have * See the Preface to Cronstedf:i Minerdoiy, by MagcU.UJ. The above-mentioned work of Wallertus was published about twenty-tive years nftonvardj, widi great and spli-nd:d ijnpro\c- nient5. 190 . Natural Ilislori/. [Chap. Ilf^ been*. Soon afterwards the inquirers and publics^- tions in inineralogy began greatly to multiply, especially in Germany and Sweden, which, from the abundance of their mineral riches, have long presented peculiar encouragements to the study of this kingdom of nature. Hitherto little or nothing had been done in the invest israt ion of minerals throufjh the medium of chemical analysis^. External characters continued to form almost the sole ground of distinction and arrangement. Hierne and Brachmel had, indeed^ some time before, suggested the plan of forming a mineralogical system on chemical principles ; but they did nothing more than suggest it. Mar- graaf and Pott, two illustrious mineralogists of Berlin, seem to have been the first who instituted, >vith any remai-kable success, this kind of inquiry. Their numerous and well-directed experiments were generally made by means of heat^ and, ac- cording to the language of chemistry, in the dry cLhiij. About the same tiitie, Neumann^ a philoso- pher of Germany^ distinguished himself by investi^ gating the nature of mineral substances by means of acid incnstrua^y or in the moist zvay, These in- qui lies opened a new and interesting field iu this; science, led to many important discoveries, and may be considered as one of the grand a^ras iu na- tural history. It was in this stage of mineralogical improve- ment that Frederic Cronstedt, a nobleman of Sw c- * AVylleriiis cliaracteiises this work, ns " Mirificis nominibus potius- ontisLam (fuivn ornaUim."' See his Brcvis ItUroductia in Hh' tunam Literal ium Mincraloi^icajU;, 8vOj Upsa]> 1779' Sect. III.] Miner alogij, 1^1 den, and superintendant of the mines of that coim- try, published an incomparable work, exliibiting the elements of this science in a manner ^\nv^\u larly clear, determinate, and jierspicuons*. Ihis distinguished mineralogist assumed Mr. Pott's facts, but improved much upon his labours, liu adopt- ed a method of arrangement chiefly chemical ; and has the honour of being the first w ho introducer. Such was the condition of the earth before the period described by Moses as the time of creation. Tiic first day of the creation every material in this riich; mass began to be arranged according to its speci- fic gravity. The heavy fluids sank down, and left to the earth}^ watery, and aerial substances, the superior regions. Round the solid nucleus is placed the heavy fluid, which descended first, and formed the great abyss upon which the earth floats, as u cork upon quicksilver. The great al)yss is formed of two concentric circles ; the interior being the heavy fliiid; and the superior, water ; upon which last, the earth, or the crust we inhabit, is immedi- ately formed. So that, according to this theorist, the globe is composed of a number of coats or shells, one within the other, of dilTercnt materials, and of different densities. The air, the lightest substance of all, surrounds the outer coat, and the rays of the sun, making their way through the at- mosphere, produced the light which Moses tells us first obeyed the divine command. I'he hills and valleys are formed by the mass of which they con- sist pressing with greater or less weight upon the inner coat of the earth ; those parts which are hea- viest sinking lowest into the subjacent fluid, and making valleys^ and those which are lightest rising higher and forming mountains. Such Mr. Whiston supposed to be the state of the globe we inhabit before the Delude, Owing to the superior heat, at that time, of the central parts, which have been ever since cooling, tlxi 208 Natural History, [Ch;ip. III. earth was more fruitful and populous anterior to that event than, since. The greater vigour of the genial principle was more friendly to animal and vegetable life. But as all tJie advantages of plenty and longevity which this circumstance pro- duced, were productive only of moral evil, it pleased God to testify his displeasure against sin, by bring- ing a flood upon a guilty world. The flood vv:as produced, as this theorist supposed, in the follow- ing manner. A Cornet^ descending in the plane of the ecliptic to its perihelion, made a near ap- proach to the earth. The approximation of so large a body raised such a strong tide, and pro- duced such powerful commotion in the. abyss con- cealed under the external crust, ♦that the latter was broken, and the waters which had been before pent up, burst forth with great violence, and, were the principal means of producing the deluge. In aid of this, he had recourse to another supposition,, which ^vas, that the comet, while it passed so near the earth as to produce these efl'ects by the force of attraction, also involved our globe in its atmo- sphere and tail for a considerable time, and depo- sited vast quantities of vapours on its surface,, 'vvhich produced violent and long-continued rains j and, fmally, that this vast body of waters was re- moved by a mighty wind, whicli dried up a large portion, and forced the rest into the abyss from which it had been drawn, leaving only enough to form the ocean and rivers which we now be- liold. The fanciful and untenable theories wliich have been briefly stated, served little other purpose than to amuse the curious, and excite to new, and, for SeGt. IV.] Geology, 209 the most part, unsuccessful modes of speculation on this interesting branch of natural history. Ac- cordingly, the eighteenth century has teemed with plans almost numberless, for sohing the pheno- mena, and elucidating the internal structure and history of the earth. These plans, to say nothing of the impious nature and tendency of some of them, have, generally, rather resembled pliiloso- phical dreams, than the conceptions of waking and sober reason. Their authors, in forming tliem, have been too often guided by imagination more tlian judgement; and have laboured rather to support a favourite hypothesis, than to consult the voice of authentic history^ or patiently to examine the ma- terials and structure of the fabric which they un- dertook to describe. It may not be improper to take a brief review of some of the more conspicu- ous, among the great number, which, at dilferent periods of the century under consideration, and in different parts of the world, have been received by philosophers. At an early period of the century, the celebrated John Hutchinson, whose principles of philosophy were mentioned in a preceding chapter, formed a the- ory of the earth, which he professed to derive from Scripture*. He supposed, that, when the earth was first created, the terrestrial matter was entirely dissolved in the aqueous, forming a thick, muddy, chaotic mass -, that the figure of this mass was sphe- rical, and on the outside of this sphere lay a body * This theory was enlarged and commented upon by Mr. Cat- cot, a follower of Hutchinson^ who, in ir0"8, publiahgd a voUimo on the subject. Vol. I. P 210 Natural HisLorij. [C^ap. III. of f^-ross dark air; that within the sphere of earth and water M^as an immense cavity, called by Moses the deep ; that this internal cavity was filled with air of a kind similar to that on the outside; that on the creation of light the internal air received elasticity sufficient to force its way through the ex- ternal covering; that immediately on this, the wa- ter descended, filled up the void, and left the earth in a form similar to that which it bears at present; that when it pleased God to destroy mankind by a flood, he caused, by his own miraculous agency, such a pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the earth, that a large portion of it was forced into the internal cavity which it had formerly occu- pied, and expelled the waters from it with great violence, spreading them over the surface; that the shell of the earth was by this means utterly dissolved, and reduced to its original state of flu- idity ; and that, after the divine purposes were an- swered b}^ the deluge, the globe^ by a process si- milar to that which at first took place, was restored io the form >\ hich it now bears. In the year 1740 the abbe Moro, of Italy, pub- lished a theory of the earth, whicli he chiefly de- riv(^d from the works of Ray, of the preceding ceutnry. He supposed that the surface of the earth, as we now behold it, and especially the mountain- ous parts, arose originally from the bottom of th« ocean. At first, according to him, ^hese mountains contained neither strata of shells, nor any orga- . nised fossils; but by means of subterranean con- flagrations, earthquakes, and volcanoes, these sub- stances were thrown up in confused heaps, after which they successively subsided according tQ their Sect. IV.] Gcologi/. on Hifferent specific gra> ities, and thereby necessarily disjposed themselves in dillrrent strata, lie also maintained that these submarine eruptions, while they threw up huge and irregular masses of matter, also ingulfed marine plants and animals of every kind, which subsided in like manner, and thus formed new mountains, and new beds of stones, sand, metals, and other minerals, intermingled uitli tlie remains of vegetable and animal bodies, all which remained under the sea till some new agi- tation threw them above its surflice. He supposed that the waters by which the earth was originally overflown subsided by degrees, the dry land first appearing in places adjacent to that where the first man and animals were placed at the creation; that the land extended itself gradually, a considerable time elapsing before the waters had returned into their proper bed, during which time the shell-fish, multiplying in great abundance, were uni\ersa[iy distributed by the w^aters of the sea; and that when the bottom of the ocean was raised up by the earth- quakes that accompanied the deluge, and formed the mountains, wiiole beds of such shells were thrown up, and distributed as we now behold them. About the year 1744 M. le Cat, a philosopher of France, proposed a theory of the earth diiTcring from all which had preceded it. According to liim, in the beginning, the substance whence metals, stones, earths, and other mineral bodies were to be formed, was a soft mass, consisting of a kind of mud. The earth was a globe, or regular spheroid, and its surface was uniform and free from hills and valleys. The sun and moon Were after wai^cfs created. 212 Natural History. [Chap. III. The fluid which covered the mud became agitated by the flux and reflux to which it was subjected by attraction, and the mud was variously and vio* lently moved- This agitation increasing, part of the mud became exposed, and dried. Continents were thus formed. The materials of the earth being compact and solid, the sea continually excavated its bed; and from the continual retreat of the sea> and the excavation of the earth, this globe is doomed to be at last so perfectly undermined as to produce a confluence of the sea from hemisphere to hemisphere. The earth becoming thus hollow, and its shell being gradually extenuated, will at length fall to pieces; a new chaos will be formed, the fa- bric will be again revived, as at first; and a pe- riodical dissolution and renovation will take place. ■ — Le Cat professed to believe the sacred scriptures, and discovered an anxious desire to show that his theory was consistent with them; but the best judges among his contemporaries, and since that period, have pronounced it equally inconsistent with the structure and phenomena of our globe, and with the Mosaic history. About the year 17^0 appeared the Telliavied of M. Maillet, a French writer of some note. He taught, that the earth was once wholly covered witli water, which, by means of strong currents, raised in its bosom all those mountains which dif- ferent countries bear on their surface ; that this water has been ever since gradually diminishing^ and will continue to diminish until it shall be quite absorbed ; that our globe, being then set on fire, will become a sun, and have various planets re- volving in its vortex, till its igneous particles bemg Sect. IV.] (^ to Ibnu iolauds and (hy mountains. At sonir times, as lie supposed, tiic presence of so large a hody of water caused it to break throuiih the cavities made bv previous eruptions, and at otlier times the \ iiiienco of the subterraneous explosions was so great as to remove mountains from one place to anothcM*; while the heat of the internal hres causing tliesc e.\j)lo- sions w^as so intense as to molt, calcine, or vitrify, all adjacent substances. In 177^j t)r. William AVorthingfon, of (»rcal Britain, published a theory*, in which great Icaru* ing and piety, and a considerable share of inge- nuity, are combined. He maintained that the earth, in its primitive state, Avas plain and nniform; and that all mountains, and every thing irregular and rugged in the surface of it, are the result of tJie curse pronounced on the ground alter the fall ; that the melancholy lapse of our fu'st parents \\iw immediately followed by earthquakes, and e\XMy species of convulsion, which produced these dread- lul eflects in the surface of our earth; that the antediluvian earth greatly abounded \\\x\\ water, much more than at present, and that the greatest quantity of it was collected about the poles; that at first the poles of the earth Avere erect, and at right angles with the plane of the equator; tiiat the centre of the earth was then tlie centre of gravity; that the deluge was produced by the centre of gra- vity being removed twenty-three degrees and a half nearer to one of the poles^ uhii h led to a cone- * Scripture Theory of the Earth, bvn, 1773. '21S Xalural His lor ij. [Cii ap. III. sponding deviation of the poles fi'om their former position, and thus threw the great body of water accumulated round tliem on those parts of the earth where little had existed before, and by these means drowned them. This event, he supposed, increased the irregularity of the earth's surface, and produced many of those phenomena, which so plainly establish the reality of the general deluge. Another British theorist, of still more celebrated name, published a new system of geology in 1778. This Mr. Whitehurst, a gentleman of rcspecr tabic talents and information, and Vvhose theory has attracted considerable attention*. ISIr. White- hurst supposes, that not only this globe but the v.hole of the planetary system was once in a state of fluidity, and that the earth acquired its oblate spheroidical form by revolving round its axis in that state. In this fluid state, the component parts of the earth were suspended in one general undi-r videdmass, " without form and void." These parts were endued with a variety of principles or laws of elective attraction, though equally and univer- sally governed by the same law of gravitation. They were heterogeneous; and by their attraction progressively formed a habitable world. As the component parts of the chaos successively sepa- rated, the sea universally prevailed over the earth; and this would have continued to be the case had it not been for the sun and moon, which were co- eval with the earth, and l>y their attractive influ- ence interfered with the regular subsiding of the solid matter, which was going on. As the sepa- * Ail Iixp/ir)/ vh'o the X)rigiiml State and Formation of the Eurih, kc, by John Whiichurst, F.R.S. )77S. Sect. IV.] Ceologj/. 019 ration of the solids and fluids increased, the former were moved from i)laee to place, ^vill^()u( r(\:^nlH- rity; and hence the sea hccame unequally ilccp. These inequalities dail}^ becominp: greater, in ])ro- cess of time dry land was formed, and divifh'd the sea^ islands gradually apjjeared, like sand-hanks above the water, and at length became firm, dr}-, and fit for the reception of the animal and vege- table kingdoms. He supposed that mountains and continents were not primary productions of nature, but of a very distant })eriod from the creation ; that they are the eilects of subterranean fires and com- motions, and were produced when the strata of the oarth had acquired their greatest degree of firmness and cohesion, and when the testaceous matter had assumed a ston}^ hardness. And, finally, that the marine shells found in various places, on and below the surface of the earth, were for the most part \ generated, lived and died in the places in which they are found; that they were not brought from distant regions as some have supposed 3 and, consecjuently, that the'se beds of shells, &c. were! originally the bottom of the ocean. Two or three years after the appearance of Mr. Whitehurst's publication, M. de Luc, of Geneva, dissatisfied with all the numerous theories which had been proposed, oilered another, which has occupied considerable attention in the scientific world*. He supposes that the ocean once covered •" L'Jitres Physiqites ct Morales stir VJJlsloire dc la Tcrre et de PHumiuCf &c., by J. A. de Luc, 8vt), 5 torn. l/SO. This theory, as to its principal outlines^ \ve forced up to supply their place. The length of time to be allowed for this successive destruction and re production. Dr. Ilutton su})poses to be far greater than is generally imagined. His system, therefore, is to be arranged, of course, among those which are hostile to the scicrcd histor}'; and the best judges have pronounced it equally hostile to the principles of probability, to the rrigin and history of our planet. By means of the useful discoveries which these inquirers have made, we are furnished with weapons for beating down false theories, and with information enabling us to pursue our investigations further, and with mare advantage. " In this magnificent display of the internal arrangement of the globe,'* says Mr. Kir- wan, "many philosophical observers acquired distin- guished eminence from tedious^ laborious, painful, but successful exertions. Tilas^ Gmelin, Cronstedt, Terber, Pallas, Charpentier, Born, Werner, Arduin,o^ Sect. IV.] Gsdlogjj, 237 de Luc, Saussure, and Dolomieu, arc names consc crated to immortality *.'* " So numerous, indeed," sajs the same respect- able writer> " have been the more modern geolo- gical researches, that, since the ol)scuration or ob- literation of the primitive traditions, strano^e as it may appear, no period has occurred so favourable to the illustration of the original state of the globe, as the present, though so far removed from it. At no period has its surface been traversed in so many different directions, or its shape and extent, under its ditTerent modifications of earth and water, been so nearly ascertained, and the relative density of the whole so accurately determined ; its solid con- stituent parts so exactly distinguished ; their mutual relation, both as to position and composition, so clearly traced, or pursued to such considerable depths ', as within these last twentj^-five years. Neither have the testimonies that relate to it been ever so critically examined and carefully weighed, nor, consequently, so well understood, as within the latter half of the past century j." DiiTiculties have been lately removed \vjiich VI' ere once supposed, by some, to militate strongly against the possibility/ of a general Ddluge. Eai'jy geologists, for want of accurate information, sujj- posed that all the w^aters of the globe were not sufficient to cover the whole earth to sucli a depth * Geological Easays. rnft-ice. Jt is j curious fact, that, while some of these celebrated inquirers embraced geological principle* unfriendly to reveiation, they have all brought to liglit liicts, and given viev/s of the subject, whicli remarkably coiifuiti the sacred history. t Geological Jissay^, pp. 3, 4. '238 Natural History. [Cha?. IIL as the sacred historian describes. It was asserted that tiie mean depth of the ocean did not exceed a quarter of a mile, and that only half of the surface of the globe was covered by it. On these data Dr. KeiJ computed, that twenty-eight oceans would be requisite to cover the whole earth to the height o^ four on lies, which he judged to be that of the higliest mountains 3 a quantity, which, at that time, was utterly denied to exists But further progress in mathematical and physical knowledge has since shown^ that the different seas and oceans contain at least forty-eight times as much water as they were supposed to do, and much more than enough for the extent ascribed to the deluge in the sacred history*. While difficulties which were supposed to ren- der the deluge impossible have been removed by the investigations of modern philosophers, many facts haA e been, at the same time, brought to. light, showing t\iQ probahilUy, and even certainty, of that mighty inundation. In every valley and mountain, - M. de la Place (whose mathcinatlcal and astronomical skill "will not be questioned, and whom none will suspect of a disposi- tion to press lacts unduly into the support of revelation) has de- monstrated, by a strict application of the theory of tides, to the iieight to which they are known to rise in the main ocean, that a depth of water reaching only to half a league, or even to ti\)o or three leagues, is utterly incompatible v»ith the Newtonian theory, and that no depth less ihan/o/.-r leagues can possibly be reconciled with the phenomena. It m ill be readily perceived tliat this is much more than the Mosaic history requires. The extent of that part of our globe w hich is covered by water is now known to be far greater than JCeil supposed it 3 it being ascertained that nearly two thirds of the surface of thei earth arc in tliis situation.—- Kir- \wiu s Geological Es.sai/s, pp, 66. 0/. Sect. IV.] <^^ology. 239 support for revelation has been found. Marine shells have been discovered in situations so ele- vated, and under circumstances so reniarkaljle, as to prove that they were left there by a ilood ex- tending over the whole globe ;. and what confirms this conclusion is, that shells pecniiar to dillcrent shores and climates very distant from each other have been found in promiscuous heaps, plainly showing that they could have been brought toge- ther only by an extensive inundation. The bones of elephants and of rhinoceroses have been found, in a multitude of instances, far distant from the re- gions in which they are found to live, and where, from the nature of the climate, they could never exist in the living state : and between the climates wdiich they might have ii)liabited, and the places in which they are now found, too many mountains intervene to suppose them carried thither by any other means than a general deluge*. Tiie most patient and accurate examinations of detached mineral substances, and of the strata of the globe, which late inquirers have made, allbrd evcr\^ rea- son to believe that the earth was for a conside- rable time wiiolly overflowed with water. And, to crown all, as voyagers and travellers have explored new regions of the earth, they have found, Q\e.Yy where^ the indications of geological phenome-ua confirmed and supported by the notices of tradi- tion. Accordingly, it is verv remarkablr \\vd\ a great majority of modern theorists haxc cinlkniccd the Neptunian doctrines; and even suchof thrn^ as rejected the Mosaic account of the d< luLiC iiuve * Kirwan's Gcoloqica! Essays, p. 54, et st.q. 540 Natural Jlisfory, [Chap. III. been compelled to seek for other means of immerg^ ing the present continents in the ocean*. Finally, the researches of modern geologists have given abundant confirmation to the sacred history, not only with respect to the general de- luge, but also with regard to the age of the earth f. * M. Bailly of France at fkst embraced the theory of the earth proposed by Buftbn ; but finding the evidence arising from the investigations of natural history, and from universal tradition, so strongly to attest the reality of the ger)eral deluge, he abandon- ed tliat delnsive theoiy, and took refuge ,in another system, in which he recognises the deluge, and only contends for placing it as far back as three thousand five hundred years before Christ. f Sir William Hamilton and Mr. Ferber particularly applied themselves to the study of volcanoes, without giving general systems. They affirmed that the indications furnished by sub- terraneous and volcanic phenomena, and particularly by the beds of lava, announce the antiquity of tlie earth to be far greater than the sacred histor}' represents it. But the}' did not advert to the fact, that all lavas are not composed of the same substance. AH have not undergone the same degree of vitrification, and of course are more or less susceptible of decomposition. And even when their composition is the ?.ame, much depends on tlie state m \\ Inch they are emitted. When pom*ed from the crater in the fermentation of boiliiu^" li(iuefaction, a .scoria (or dross) rises, like broken waves, on the surface, and is easily pulverised by the air and wcatlier. When the heat is less violent, or when the torrent ii cooled in its course, an even and almost impenetrable surface defies th.e influence of the atmosphere. These philosophers do not recollect \.\vd\. I Icvcidaneum, the date of the destruction of which is w ell known, is covered by nearly scrcnii/. feet of lava, interspersed with ficzcn distinct seams of friable earth j and the whole covered with good soil ; yet all tliis has been the midoubted production of I'.-^sS tiian ci^luccii huxJrcd ycui;>. — Howard's Thoughts on the. (Jhjhe. In hke manner, count Ijorch, in his Letters on Sicilj/ and Malta, professes to believe that ul^tna is at least eight thousand years old, w hich lie infers from the beds of vegetable earth which he disco vered betv/ecn different beds of lava. Yet M. Dolomieu, who SjECT. IV.] Geology. llif Early in the century, and indeed until \\itlii]i a few years, several geologieal phenomena were con- sidered, by superficial inquirers, as indicating that the creation of the globe we inhabit was an event much more remote than the sacred history repre- sents it; and some theorists even went so fu' as to profess a belief that it existed from eternity, 'i'liese opinions were kept in countenance only as loni^ a^ geology was in its infancy. Every successive step which has been lately taken in the improvement of this science has served to show their fallacy. 1 he investigations of the latest and most accurate phi- losophers have afforded proof little sliort of demon- stration, that the earth, at least in its present form; cannot have existed longer than appears from the Mosaic account ; the absolute falsehood of manv positive assertions, and specious inferences, hostile to the scripture chronology, has been evinced ; and thence has arisen a new presumptive argument in support of the aiitlienticity of that volume, whicli contains the most ancient and the most precious of all records. has greatly distinguished himself by the acuteness and succtss ot his geological inquiries, expressly tells us that such earth dots not exist between the beds of lava of which the count speaks, and thus destroys the foundation of his whole argument. But even if vegetable earth were found in the circumstances supposed, no conclusion relative to its age could faifly be deduced from this fact_, as some lavas become fertile much sooner than oilier.-. The chevalier Gioanni, in 17^7 > found lavas projected in l/Oo in a state of vegetation ; while other lavas, known to be ujuch more ancient, still remained barren. — Kirwan's Geological F.imys, pp. J 04, 105, Vol. I, ^4^i Natural History. [Chap. III> SECTION V. METEOROLOGY. The natural history of the atmosphere began to be cultivated as a science in the seventeenth cen- tury. The ancients, for want of the necessary in- .struments, Avere almost wholly unacquainted with it ; but soon after the invention of the thermome- ter and the barometer, the learned men of Europe began to avail themselves of the manifest advan- tages which these instruments gave them, in stu- dying the origin, nature, and effects, of those changes which take place in the atmosphere , espe- cially with respect to heat and cold, motion and rest, moisture and gravity. Still, however, from the small number of the meteorological observa- tions made by accurate philosophers -, from the want of an extensive comparison of the results of different observations; and especially from the low state of those sciences most intimately con- nected Vv'ith meteorology: little progress had been made in this department of knowledge prior to the commencement of the century under review. yVnd though it must be acknowledged that this subject is one of those which are still far from ])eing satisfactorily developed, yet so much has been done, during the period under consideration, to throw light upon it, and so many observations and discoveries have been made either directly or remotely relating to it, that it has, vvdthin a few years, assumed an aspect more interesting, prac- Sect. V.] Meteorology. 243 tical, and approaching to the form of a system, than ever before. The eighteenth century is distinguished by the numerous and enhghtened experiments which were made during this period to ascertain the ii)cight of the atmosphere in different latitudes and situations. For these we are principally indebted to M. Bou- guer, M. Cassan, and M. Cotte, of France; and to sir George Shuckburgh, lord Mulgrave, and Mr. Kirwan, of Great Bi-itain and Ireland. Though the experiments on the eudiometer were mentioned undei' the head of Chemistry, and in some respects belong to that department of science, yet they also belong to Meteorology, and have contributed to throw some light on this ob- scure subject. These experiments, and the in- quiries connected with them, belong exclusively to the eighteenth century. At the commencement of the eighteenth cen- tury, the ascent of water in the atmosphere, in the form of vapour, had been but little investigated, and was very imperfectly understood. Nieuentyt and others had taught that the particles of lire, by adhering to those of water, made up vwleciiLe, or small bodies specifically lighter than air. Dr. Hal- ley supposed that by the action of heat the parti- cles of water are formed into hollow spherules, filled with a finer air, highly rarefied, of less specific gra- vity than the atmosphere, and, of course, disposed to rise in it. While Dr. Desagnliers thought that the ascent of aqueous particles was owing to their being converted into an elastic steam. Such was the state of opinions with regard to this fact, when Dr. Mauniton undertook the R 2 244 Natural History. [Chap, III, investigation of the subject, and proposed a new theory. He held that evaporation is the gracUial solution of zoater in air, and that the former is suspended in the Jatter in the same manner as salts, or other soluble substances, are suspended in aqueous fluids*. The same doc- trine, in substance, had been suggested before by several philosophers; particularly by M. le Roy, in 1751; by Dr. Franklin, in 1756; and by Muschenbroeck, in 1769 f- ^^^^ though these, and some others, had spoken of the solubility of water in air, before Dr. Hamilton, yet he was the llrst who treated the subject v.ith precision, or "who applied it systematically to the explanation of meteorological phenomena. This opinion was afterwards adopted by Dr. Hut ton, and exhibit- ed in his ingenious Theory of Rain J, and con- tinued for a number of years to be the popular doctrine. In 1786, M. de Luc, of Geneva, published a new theory on this subject §, which has been since general!}^ considered as superseding the doctrine of Hamilton and liutton. Observing that evapora- tion takes place in vacuo, as well as in the open air, M. de Luc rejected the opinion that vapour is * Essaj/ on the Ascent of Vapours^ Sec This essay was first read l)efore the Royal Society in 170\5, and was afterwards pub- lished, w ith others, under the title of r/iilosophical Assays, by Hugh Hamiltrm. D.D. IvU.S. f Bishop Watson's Chemical Esstn/s, \o],\, p. 31/. X Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. i. § See Rechtrches sur les Modifications de I* Atmosphere, par J, A. de Luc, 8vo, 2 vols, Gene\a, 1/72 ; and also Jdees sur la AJctco" roLy^ie, a more full and bali.-fiicLory ^^ ork, by the same author^ irso. Sect. V.] Meteorologi}. 245 the solution of water in air, aiul taught that this effect is produced by tlie chemical combination, or union, of the particles of heat with those of water. Hence he accounted for the great loss of sensible heat in every process of evaporation, according to the celebrated doctrine of lattiit heat taught by professor Black. He made a number of curi- ous observations and experiments on this subject ; by which he ascertained tiiat water, after its ascent into the atmosphere, does not exist in a sen- sibly hinnicl form; whence he concluded that it passes into a form entirely dilTerent from itself, and probably becomes air. This doctrine is evidently founded on the mutual convertibility of water into air, and the reverse, discovered by Cavendish and some later chemists. The same theory, of the combination of water with heat, was also embraced by M. Lavoisier, and appears to be now the most popular mode of interpreting the phenomenon in question. Beside forming and giving to the world this ingenious theory of evaporation, INI. de Luc has also rendered essential service to the science of meteorology by his patient* and persevering ob- servations on the comparative degrees of moisture in the atmosphere in ddferent situations. On this subject he has brought to light a nund)er of facts equally new and interesting. His countryman, M. de Saussure, has also laboured very successfully in the same field of inquiry*; and though not al- ways with an entire coincidence of opinion and result, yet with sufficient agreement on most im- * Essai sur rilj/Sf'^ffictrie, 4io. 1/83. 246 Natural History. [Chap. III. portant points. There are, probably, no two indi- viduals to whom the scientific world is more in- debted for the minuteness, the accuracy, and the success, of their meteorological investigations, than to tliese philosophers of Geneva. * All our knowledge of Atmospherical Electricity is the product of the eighteenth century. To this subject the attention of philosophers has been par- ticularly drawn since the time of Dr. Franklin's discovery that lightning and thunder are occasion- ed by the agency of electricity. The most complete set of experiments on this part of meteorology were made by professor Bec- caria, of Turin. lie found that the air is almost always positively electrical, especially in the day- time, and in dry weather ; that when dark or wet weather clears up, the electricity is always nega- tive ; and that low thick fogs, rising into dry air, parry up a great deal of electric matter. He as- certained that the mid-day electricity of days equally dry is always proportional to the heat ; that winds lessen the electricity of a clear day, especially if damp; and that, for the most part, when there is a clear sky, and little wind, a consi- derable quantity of electricity arises after sun-set, at dew-falling. Considerable light has been thrown on the sources of atmospherical electricity, by the experiments of M. de Saussure and other minera- logists. Air is not only electrified by friction, like other electric bodies, but the state of its electricity is changed by various chemical operations which often go on in the atmosphere. Evaporation seems* in all cases to convey electric matter into the atmo- .sphere ^ and de Saussure has ascertained, that the Sect. V.] Meteorology, t47 quantity of electricity is as much increased when water is decomposed as when water is dropped on red-hot iron. On the other hand, when steam is condensed into vesicular vapour, or into water, the air becomes negatively electric. Mr. Canton has ascertained that dry air, when heated, becomes ne- gatively electric, and positively when cooled, even when it is not permitted to expand or contract ; and the contraction and expansion of air also oc- casion changes in its electric state. It is discover- ed, therefore, by these experiments, that there are four sources of atmospheric electricity known ; vix. 1. Friction; 2. Evaporation; 3. Heat and Cold; 4. Expansion and Contraction ; not to mention the electricity evolved by the melting, freezing, solu- tion, &c., of various bodies in contact with the air*. Closely connected with the doctrines which have been taught on the subject of evaporation, are the several theories of Bain to which modern times have given birth. The phenomenon of vapour becoming condensed, or of air in any manner pro- ducing water, and falling in the form of rain, hall, and snoiv, has long been considered a point of dif- ficult solution among meteorologists. All the sup- positions to account for this fact were for a con- siderable time insufficient and unsatisfactory ; and even now the subject is far from being fully unfold- ed. At one time, the condensation and fall of va- pour in different forms has been accounted for by referring to the influence of electricity ; at another, by considering water as held in solution in air, ^nd precipitated by streams of air of different tem- * Thomson's Chemistn/, 548 Natural History, [Ghap. III. )i(n'af iires being brought into contact or a state of mixture; and, at a third, by supposing this event to be produced by the conversion of oxygen and hydrogen gases into water, according to the ex- periments of Cavendish, Lavoisier, and others. TJiese several opinions have been successively po- pular in the course of the century, and will be fouiid amply detailed in the writings of Hamilton, Ilutton, dc Saussure, and de Luc, on this sub- ject. But, after all, it must be acknowledged that great difficulties attend every theory hitherto formed with a view to solve this question: inso- much that the greatest meteorologist of the age, ]\L de Luc, after making a more patient, accu- rate, and thorough inquiry into the subject than. V, as ever accomplished by any other man, seems to be at a loss to furnish a satisfactory account of the matter. He therefore contents himself with concluding, that the air formed by the decompo- sition and ascent of water becomes reconverted into that fluid by some unknown cause, or by a combination of causes, and falls in the form of niin, hail, or snow, according to the circumstances in which the reconversion takes place, or the state of the regions through which it passes in its de- scent. Much light has been thrown, in the course of the last century, on the varieties of temperature in difierent seasons and latitudes. On this subject Dr. Halley made some instructive observations. _\ few years afterwards, M. de ISIairan, an in- genious French meteorologist, by a series of ob- servations and experiments, discovered that the rigour of tlic winter's cold is tempered by the heat Sect. V.] AIe/eoro!ogi/. 049 imparted to the atmospliere by the earth itself; and thus explained by what means tlie winter's cold is rendered so moderate as to make the colder climates inhabitable. On the ground of this dis- covery be calculated, with great sagacity, the rnaximum and minimum of heat, in every latitude, for the summer and winter solstices 3 and though his calculations are not always found to coincide with facts, yet they have proved highly instructive and useful to subsequent inquirers. De Mairan was followed by Mayer, the celebrated astro- nomer of Goettingen, who, in a few pages, did more to solve the difficulties that occurred on this subject than any of his predecessors. Me first pointed out to meteorologists the necessity of fol- lowing the method long used by astronomers; namely, of first finding the mean of certain large periods, as years and months (gradually correcting the errours that may be discovered), and afterwards finding an equation whereby to' correct aberra- tions arising from height and situation. He even proceeded so far as to give an equation to correct the effects of height, which in many cases approxi- mates very nearly to the truth : but the equation hy wiiich (knowing the mean annual temperature of two latitudes) the mean annual temperature of every other latitude, and even of the pole itself, may be found, has been pronounced his most ini- portant discovery *. Mr. Kir\^•an has carried the discoveries and im- provements of Mayer considerably further. By * See An Estimate of the Temperature of diferent Latitudes, hr BW.hard Kirwan, esq. F.R.S., ^'c. 250 Natural History, [Chap. III. means of the equation formed by the philosopher of Goettingen, but rendered much plainer and more simple, he has calculated the mean annual temperature of every degree of latitude between the equator and the pole. He has also calculated the mean monthly temperature of that part of the ocean which lies between the eightieth degree of northern and the forty-fifth of southern latitude, extending westward as far as the Gulf Streamy and to within a few leagues of the coast of Ame- rica ; and for all that part of the Pacific Ocean reaching from 45'^ north to 40° south latitude, and from 20 '^ to %15^ east longitude. This immense tract of ocean he calls the standard. From these calculations he has deduced a number of important principles of great practical utility, and which place him among the most distinguished meteoro- logists of the eighteenth century. The origin, qualities, and laws of Winds have been diligently studied during the period under consideration, but not with the same success that has attended inquiries into other branches of me- teorology. No satisfactory theory has yet been formed on this subject ; owing to the want of ob- servations, sufficiently numerous, of the exact times and places where they begin and cease to blow, but chiefly to our imperfect knowledge of the means by which great regions of air are either suddenly produced or destroyed. The discoveries of modern chemists evince that air is perpetually subject to increase and diminution, from its com- bination with other bodies or its evolution frorn th'^m : and, therefore, that a just theory of winds, whenever it shall be formed, will be found to rest Sect, v.] Meteorology, 251 upon chemical principles, there is much reason to believe. But though little has been done in ane- mology, in the way of scientific reasoninof, much has been accomplished, during the period under review, in the way of patient observation, and the establishment of numerous important facts. For these we are chiefly indebted to Dr. llalley, M. de la Caille, M. Prevost*, M. de la Cotte, Mr. Daltonf, and several of the distinguished mcteoro- legists before mentioned, — especially M. de Luc and Mr. Kir wan. To these may be added Dr. Franklin, Dr. Madison, Dr. Cutler, and several other American gentlemen, who have made and recorded valuable observations on the winds in America f; and a long catalogue of modern navi- gators and travellers, who have contributed rich materials, brought from the most distant parts of the globe, toward forming a systematic view of anemology §. Beside the great meteorologists whose names have been already mentioned, very important ser- vices have been rendered to this branch of natural history by Bouguer, du Carla, Hales, Wargentin, Mario tte, Reyer, Toaldo, Priestley, and many * Siir les Limites des VoUs-AUzes. f Meteorological Observations, 8vo, 1/93. X For the observations of the above-named Amcricnn gen- tlemen, and several others, see Franklin's Philosophical liters, and the volumes of Transaction which have been pubJisiied by die American Philosophical Society and the American Acadany of Arts and Sciences. § For some ingenious remarks on anemology, see Botanic Gar^ den, Additional Notes. QS2 Natural History, [Chap. IH, others, to whom due honour is given by various writers on the subject. The vohimes of viemolrs published by the scientific academies, indifferent parts of Europe, during the century under review, contain rich treasures of meteorological informa- tion, contributed by numerous hands. Modern times have given birth to various in- ventions for measuring the force and velocity of winds. Among these, the most remarkable are the Wind-gage, the Anemoscope, and the Ane7nometer ; m the construction and improvement of which Dr. Linn, Mr. Pickering, and others, have rendered important service to meteorology. Numerous at- tempts have also been made, during the period imder review, to construct liygrometers, or instru- ments for indicating the comparative states of the atmosphere with respect to moisture and chnjness. And though mucli imperfection is found to attend every instrument hitherto devised for this pin-pose, }ct gradual approximations have been made to- ward those of a more perfect and useful kind. Among these, Mr. Smeaton's hygrometer, ioxvciQ([ of a hempen cord boiled in salt water ; M. de Saus- sure's, made of human hair prepared by macera- tion in alkaline ley; Mr. Coventry^'s, consisting of dried paper ; and M. de Luc's, of ivory and zvhalcbone ; deserve to be distinguished : especially that formed of zohalehone by M. de Luc, which is genera! {y considered as the most accurate and con- venient hygrometer now in use. That remarkable meteorological phenomenon usually called tlic Aurora Borealis appeared Avith pevuliar frequency in the course of the eightecntl^ Sect, V.] Melcorology* 253 century. Dr. Hallev tells us* that it was seen but once in the seventeenth century, — rv:. in \Ch\ — when it attracted considerable atlention, particu- larly in France, where the celebrated (Jassendi observed it, and gave it the name which it now bears. After this there is no record of auy such appearance until 1707, when a small one \\as seen. But in 1716 an uncommonly brilliant one appciared, which commanded universal attention, and was con- sidered by the vulgar as a very portentous circum- stance. Since that time these meteoric phenomena have been so frequent and familiar, that they have in a great measure ceased to attract attention or to be recorded as remarkable events. Modern philosophers have ascertained many facts, with respect to the Aurora Bor calls ^ ^vhich were of course unknown .to who h\ed in the seventeenth century, and probably to all who lived before them. It seems now to be generally considered either as an electrical phenomenon, or as produced by the combustion of injiammablc air either wuth or without the intervention of the elec- tric spark. For the observations which ha\ e been made upon this kind of meteor, and the principles with respect to it which appear to be established, we are under particular obligations to Dr. Halley, M. Mairan, signor Beccaria, Dr. Franklin, Dj\ F'orster, M. Gmelin, M. /Epinus, Dr. Hamilton of Dublin, Mr. Canton, Dr. Blagden, Mr. Dalton, and others. Ilie last-named gentleman is sup- posed to have given the most satisfactory account of the subject. ■^ Philosophical TranaacLions, X^.J-IT- 254 Natural History. [Chap. IIL SECTION VI. HYDROLOGY. The natural history of Waters holds so important a place among the objects of human knowledge, that it has, in almost every age, attracted the at- tention of those who loved to study nature : but it is only within the century under review that any thing on this subject deserving the name of science, or a correct acquaintance with principles, covdd be said to exist. The accessions to Hy- drology in modern times have been very great. The improvements in Chemistry, in Mineralogy, and in many other sciences, have contributed much to enlarge our knowledge in this department of philosophy. The comparative qualities of common -waters^ whether falling in rain^ or found in springs^ wells^ or lakes^ were observed and ascertained, during the eighteenth century, with a degree of intel- ligence and accuracy never before known. For the experiments and inquiries which have led to our knowledge on this subject, we are chiefly in- debted to Bergman, Scheele, Carradori, Hassen- fratz, and Guyton-Morveau. The taste, specific gravity, and other properties of sea water^ were also examined with new ac- curac3% and with new results. For many en- lightened experiments in tliis branch of hydro- logy, we owe much to Sparrnian, Bergman, lord Mulgrave, M. Pages, Mr. Biadh^ Dr. Watson, and Mr. Kirwan. Sect. VI.] Hydrology, t55 But among the discoveries and improvements of thtj last age, which belong to this head, the most important are the numerous and very useful inves- tigations of Mineral WaUrs^ which were pursued with great success during that period. It is evident that our knowledge of the properties and effects of mineral waters must in general keep pace with the progress of chemical science; for whicJi reason the early writers on thus subject were in a great measure destitute of the best means of pursuing their inquiries. Mr. Boyle may be considered as tlie first person wdio pointed out the method of examining mineral w^aters. He first ascertained the existence of air in water, and directed to a number of tests by- means of which conjectures might be made con- cerning the saline bodies which the water examin- ed held in solution. He was soon followed hy du Clos of France, by Hierne of Sweden, and by seve- ral other philosophers in different parts of Europe, who made considerable additions to the tests em- ployed and the facts ascertained by Bo\'ie. In 1726 Boulduc pointed out a method of precipitat- . ing sevei^l of the saline contents of water by means of alcohol. But it was not till after the discovery of carbonic acid by Dr. Black, that any great pro- gress w^as made in ascertaining the composition of mineral waters. That subtile acid, \Vhich is so often contained in them, and which serves as a ve\y powerful solvent to many of the eartiis, and even of metallic bodies, had thwarted all the at- tempts of former chemists to detect the composi- tion of these liquids. Since the discovery of that acid, the analysis of minerar waters has advanced $.'>6 Natural History. [Chap. III. with great rapidity; so that, at the present period, this may be considered as one of the parts of che- mical philosophy best understood. The Dissertation on the Analysis of Mineral Waters published by Bergman, in 1778, was con- sidered as the first great work on this subject. No general mode of analysing mineral waters was known prior to this publication. The author, in this admirable work, not only shed much new light on the subject, but he also carried the investiga- tion of it at once to a very high and honourable degree of perfection. His method, with many ad- ditions and improvements, has been generally adopted by succeeding hydrologists. About the same time with the publication of Bergman's work, Messrs. Monnet and Cornette of France, and Gioannetti of Italy, displayed in their respective works considerable talents as hydro-analysts, and gave much valuable informa- tion to the world. These were followed by the excellent treatises of Fourcroy on the waters of E/igiu'c/i, of Klaprolh on the waters of Carlsbad^ and of Black on those of Iceland. In the experi- ments of these distinguished philosophers new and more accurate tests are exhibited, several im- provements in the application of those before known are comnuinicated, and methods unfolded of determining with precision the separate quan-* tities of inseparable substances. Next appeared the publications of Dr. Pearson on the waters ol' Buxton, of Dr. Garnett on the ^\ aters of Harroivgatc, of Mr. Lambe on those of Lcniington Priors, of M. Breze on those of Fu, and of M. Hasscnfratz on those of Pougucs. — ^To SicT. VL] Hydrology. 2.57 these may be added the hydrological Inquiries of Gren, Westrumb, and Kirwan, ^vhich are highly valuable, — especially those of the last named gentle- man, who, in a tract singularly comprehensive, and abounding with instruction, has given a rich amount of principle, experiment, and authority, on this interesting subject*. By the labours of these and many other philosophers, discoveries have been made concerning the composition and medi- cal powers of mineral waters, in almost every part of the world, extremeiy useful to the interests both of science and humanity. * Essay on the Analysis of Mineral Waters, by Richard Kir- wan, es^. F.R.S. &c. 8vo. I/99. Vol. I. 25& CHAPTER IV. MEDICINE. 1 HE profession, whose department of knowledge now comes mider consideration, occupies an immense field of science, and by its number constitutes a larcje class of the learned world. In addition to the incentives of philanthropy and fame, which equally actuate the exertions of others, physicians are com- bined into a corps of observers and practical inqui- rers by the nature of the employment and duties they assume, and by the connexion which the usages of society establish between their duties and emo- lument. In discharging their professional labours, they incessantly fmd observations and facts obtruded on their attention; and by combining these into hypotheses, theories, and systems, they only indulge a favourite and almost irresistible propensity of the human mind. Hence arises the vast mass of writings which fill medical libraries, constantly accumulating, and too numerous, extensive, and diversified, to come within the comprehension of an individual inquirer. Whoever duly considers these things will perceive the necessity of resting satisfied on this occasion with a transient retrospect. To attempt any minuteness of detail would be to travel far beyond the limits assigned to this work, and to engross the pages which are destined to the examination of other subjects. All that can be aimed at is briefly to no- tice some of the more important revolutions and improvements which distinguish the last age and Chap. IV.] Medicine. 259 to commemorate a few of the illustrious names to whom the praise of them is chiefly due*. Within the period assigned for tliis review, the state of medicine has been essentially cliangetl, and has acquired a degree of extent, popular dissemina- tion, and practical usefulness, unknown to precedino- ages. The improvements in natural history and chemistry, mentioned in the preceding chapters, liave greatly contributed to this extension, and miiy be considered as inexhaustible sources of materials cal- culated for a similar extension in future times. The more enlarged intercourse of mankind, the greater facility of communicating opinions and discove- ries fi'om one region to another, and the progress of commercial arrangements, by which the choicest productions of one country become the property of every other^ may also be enumerated among tlie causes of this advancement. In no period so much as in the last century, and in no science more than that which now engages the reader's attention, have the advantages been exhibited which arise from lord Bacon's plan of pur- suing knowledge by observation, experiment, analy- sis, and induction. Every department of medicine bears witness of the efficacy of this process to remove the rubbish of prejudice and errour, to present truth in a simple form^ and to establish it upon a legiti- mate foundation. A more precise, rigid, and logical mode of philosophising has been generally substi- tuted for the wild and visionary hypotheses which disgraced the science of the preceding centuries. * For many of the names, facts, and details, included in tlxis chapter, the author is indebted to a medic?] friend. S 2 260 Medicine, [Chap. IV. To understand the history of medicine at any pe- riod, it is necessary to trace the progress and mark the affinities of all the sciences which are contempo- rarily cultivated. Not only the reign of fashion, but the peculiar acquirements and taste of individuals are often to be considered in an estimate of their medical principles. " La Philosophic," says M. d'Alembert, " La Philosophic prend, pour ainsi dire, *• la teinture des esprits ou elle se trouve, Chez un '' metaphysicien, elle est ordinairement toute syst6- " matique; chez un geometre, elle est souvent toute "decalcul.'* The application of this remark, if possible, is more eminently verified in respect to medicine than to philosophy in general. This pro* pensity of the human mind is productive both of good and ill elfects. If it be easy to show example* of injury sustained by the precipitancy of mathe- maticians, chemists, and metaphysicians, in apply- ing their doctrines to medical science, which can- not indeed be reasonably doubted 5 it is equally easy to prove that great benefit has arisen from iiuch applications. But notwithstanding the advantages and improve- ments which the eighteenth century has bestowed upon medicine, it must still be admitted that its pro- gress has never equalled the sanguine expectations formed by many. Although nearly coeval with the existence of mankind, and demanding attention in every stage and condition of human life, the art of healing maintains a struggle with difficulties at every step. Like all other knowledge derived from observation and experience, that of medicine, though continually progressive, is subject to perpetual re- volution. This tardiness, therefore, in the career of Sect. I.] Anatomy, 261 improvement, which all must admit aud deplore, will excite no surprise in such as consider the mystery which still envelopes the principle of life, the labour of watching the operations of natnre, the number- less fallacies which attend the endeavour to discri- minate truth from falsehood, and the smallness of the stock of genuine and undisputed facts which all the observation and wisdom of ages have been able -hitherto to collect. There is no species of knowledge, relating to affairs merely human, which more indispensably recpiires steadiness of principles and harmony of opinion than that now under consideration. There is none in which speculation and action are more intimate- ly related, where errour is of more immediate and fatal consequence, or where a fluctuation of the mind between opposite decisions is attended with more embarrassment and distress. Yet medicine abounds with schisms and controversies; and, in the present imperfect state of knowledge, to hold doctrines and adopt practices beset with the fewest errours, consti- tutes the highest attainment within the reach of the human mind. % SECTION I. ANATOMY. This subject was pursued with so mucii diligence soon after the restoration of learning in the fifteenth and through the two succeeding centuries, as to leave less than might be expected for the investigation of modern anatomists. Leonardo da \'\\\c\ made great progress in anatomical studies towards the close of 262 Medicijie. [Chap. IV. the fifteenth century*. In the sixteenth century flourished the immortal Vesalius, the founder of ra- tional and systematic anatomy, whose works afford surprising proofs of laborious and successful dissec- tion. After him appeared Sylvius in France; Co- lumbus, Fallopius, and Eustachius, in Italy j whose discoveries and improvements were so numerous as to give a deep impression of the zeal and enthusiasm with which the knovrledge of the structure of the human body was cultivated at that early period. Soon after the time of the last mentioned writers, the study of anatomy was gradually diffused over all Europe. The principal impediment to its progress, in that age, was the difficulty of obtaining human subjects for dissection; the want of which frequent- ly made it necessary to dissect the bodies of brutes. With the dawn of the seventeenth century new lights were shed upon anatomical inquiries from every quarter. At this time Fabricius ab Aquapen- dente, an eminent Italian teacher, published his account of the valves in the veins ; which evidently affected the established doctrine of all fonner ages, tliat the veins carried the blood from the liver for nourishment to all parts of the body. The detec- tion of these valves may also justly be supposed to have laid the foundation of the discovery of the cir- culation of the blood. For Dr. Harvey, the pupil of Fabricius, was re- served the noble discovery of the circulation of the blood soon afterwards. This was by far a more * This was the first man who introduced the practice of making anatomical drcmrngs. These drawings, preserved in a British collection, excite astonishment at the depth and accuracy of his kno\vledt2;e. Sect. I.] Anatomy, 363 important step in the knowledge of animal bodies than had ever been made before, and gave a new spring to anatomical inquiries. In a few years after Harvey's discovery, Asellius, an Italian physician, found out the lacteals, or vessels which carry the chyle from the intestines. And about the middle of the seventeenth century, Pecquet, in France, was so fortunate as to discover the thoracic duct, or com- hion trunk of all the lacteals, which conveys the chyle into the subclavian vein. At nearly the same period, the practice of dissecting living animals furnished the occasion of discovering the lymphatic vessels. Rudbec, a young Swedish anatomist, was the first to detect them; and, after him, Thomas Bartholine, an anatomist of Denmark, who first ap- peared as a writer on the subject. Malpighi, an eminent Italian, made great progress in anatomy soon after the period last mentioned. He was the first who used magnifying glasses with address to trace the early appearances in the forma- tion of animals. He likewise improved anatomy by many other observations on minute parts of the body, by his microscopical labours, and by the dis- section of animals. Between the middle and end of the seventeenth century, anatomy was much impro- ved by the diligence of Swammerdam, Van I lorn, Steno, and de Graaf Professor Diemerbroeck, of Utrecht, without much originality, compiled a work which for many years was regarded among students as a standard authority. Towai'ds the close of the same century, Lewen- hoeck obtained great celebrity by his im})rovement on Malpighi's use of microscopes. Though many of the supposed discoveries of this anatomist (parti 264 Medicine, [Chap. IV. cularly his account of the composition of the red globules of the blood, and of animalcula observed in the semen) are now discredited, it must still be ad» mitted that he advanced many steps in bringing to light the more minute parts of the animal structure. Nuck likewise soon afterwards added to the stock of knowledge by his injections of the lymphatic glands. I'he anatomical plates of Bidloo and Cowper, pub- lished about this time, are also entitled to respectful notice. li\ the latter part of the seventeenth century anatomy was greatly advanced by the invention of injections, and the method of making what are commonly called preparations. These two modern artg have been. of great advantage in this science: they have introduced not only an unexpected degree of correctness, but an elegance in demonstrations which formerly could not have been supposed to be possible. Tliey began in Holland under Swammer- dam and Ruysch, and were afterwards employed in England by Cowper, St. Andre, and others. Ruysch possessed a singular excellence in injections, which has been supposed by many not to have been equal- ed since, and which certainly has not been surpass- ed. The anatomists of former ages had no other knowledge of the blood-vessels than such as they were able to obtain by laborious dissections, and by pursuing the smaller branches of them, upon favourable occasions, when they happened to be more than commonly loaded with red blood : but filling the vascular system with a bright-coloured wax presents a distinct view of the large vessels, ren- ders tlie smaller much more conspicuous, and makes thousands of the very minute ones visible, which. Sect. I.] Anatomij. 265 from their capillary size, their delicacy, and the transparency of their contents, would be otherwise imperceptible. In this high state of advancement, anatomy stood at the beginning of the century the progress and im- provements of which it is the object of this work more particularly to explore. -At that period, the Italian and Dutch schools held an undoubted sui)eriority. This superiority, however, has been since much more equally divided among the British, French, and German anatomists. Early in the eighteenth century, anatomy was improved by the writings of Ruysch in Holland, and of Cowper, Keil, Douglas, Cheselden, and others, in Great Britain. The works of Albinus, Winslow, and the first Monro*, greatly contributed to the same end, and are familiarly known to all the cultivators of this science. But the most memorable discovery that anatomy can boast in the eighteenth century, is that of the ab- sorbent system. It has been mentioned that Rudbec and Bartholine became acquainted with the lympha- tic vessels about the middle of the preceding century. When they were first seen, and traced into the tho- racic duct, it might have been supposed natural for anatomists to suspect, that, as the lacteals absorbed from the cavity of the intestines, the lymphatics, si- milar in figure and structure, might possibly perform * The family of Monro, in Edinburgh, has been long and eminently distinguished in the annals of anaton;iy. Tiiree persons, cf the name of Alexander Monro, have in succession adorned the iijedical school of that city since the year 1720 ; of these, the hst is yet alive, and ably supports tlie reputation of his illustriou* predecessors. ^66 Medicine. [Chap. IV. the same office with respect to other parts of the body. Notwithstanding this, anatomists in general, from repeated experiments, particularly such as ■were made by injections, were persuaded that these lymphatic vessels did not arise from cavities, and did not absorb, but were merely continuations of the small arteries. It had indeed been supposed by Dr. Glisson, who wrote in 1654, that they arose from cavities, and that their use was to absorb. Dr. Fredei'ick Hoflman had also very explicitly laid down the doctrine of the lymphatic vessels being a system of absorbents. These suggestions, however^ produced little effect. And it was reserved for Dr. Hunter * of London, and Dr. Monro, the present professor at Edinburgh, to prove that the lympha- tics are absorbing vessels throughout tJie whole body; that they are similar to the lacteals; that all these, collectively taken, together with the thoracic duct, constitute one great ajid general system, di^ spersed through the whole body for the purpose of absorption; that their sole office is absorption; and, finally, that they serve to take up and convey what- ever is to enter the composition of the bloody or to be again mixed with the blood, from the intestinal canal, from the skin, and from all the internal cavities and surfaces -f. * William and John Hunter, also natives of North Britain, and aften^'ards residents in London, hold a high place in the anatomi- cal history of the eighteenth century. The former was born in 1/18, and died in l/b3 j the latter was born in 1728, and died in 1793. t A warm controversy, concerning the discovery of the true use of the lymphatics, was carried on between Dr. Hunter and Dr. Monro. The former asserts that he taught it in his lectures so early as 17-16, and appeals tj3 his pupils for the truth of the asser- Sect. I.] Anatovii/. 20? The discovery of the absorbent system is justly considered as the greatest that anatomy has sug<;cst- ed since that of the circulation of the blood. The advantages which arise from the knowledge of the structure and office of this system of vessels, in esta- bhshing physiological principles, and in ascertaining the nature and treatment of diseases, are universally admitted. Before the discovery of the lym])hatics being a system of absorbents, it was impossible to give a clear and consistent account of a great number of phenomena which are now satisfactorily unfolded. From this source much knowledge has been obtained concerning the introduction and ef- fects of poisons; and, aided by this light, physicians are enabled to trace many diseases directly to their causes, to explain the assemblage and succession of symptoms, and to apply remedies with more prompt and appropriate efficacy. On this account physicians of learning and judgement have not been wanting, who pronounce the solid and practical usefulness of this discovery even to exceed that of the circulation of the blood. But whatever may be the comparative estimate of the two discoveries in relation to one another, it is plain that they arc both the most memorable tion. The latter seems to have made the discoveiy in 1753 j and in 1755 published an account of it in a thesis De Ttstibus in Variis Animal ibus. Before the publication of this tJicsis, Dr. Black is said to have informed the author that the same opinions concerning the valvular lymphatics had been long entertained by Dr. Hunter. In 1756 Dr. Monro attended Dr. Hunter's lectures in Lon- don J heard the whole doctrine of the lymphatics very amply explained J and in 1/57 reprinted his opinion at Berlin, witlv nit taking notice of Di. Hunter's, who, in consequence, charges him with plagiarism j and Uie charge is retorted by Dr. Monro. 0,6s Medicine. [Chap. IV; that tlie annals of anatomy can boast. Under the influence of this impression. Dr. Hunter declared, in one of his lectures, that " in looking over the whole progress of anatomy, from the time of Ari- stotle to the present day, there have been only txvo grand discoveries vi^ith regard to the physiology of our bodies, — to wit, the vascular system^ or cirxvla- Hon of the blood, and the absorbent system; — the brain and nervous system having been knov/n long before." Notwithstanding, however, the weight of the arguments adduced by Dr. Hunter, Dr. Monro, and others, in support of this doctrine of the absor- bent system, it has been opposed by writers of great authority. The old opinion^ that the veins perform the office of absorbents, was held by Haller * and Meckel. Within a few years, Mr. Humpage, in a work entitled " Physiological Re- searches into the most important Parts - of the Animal Economy, &c.," undertook to controvert the prevailing doctrine on this subject. He en- deavours to prove, conformably to the opinion of the old anatomists, that the lacteals and the lym- phatics constitute systems of vessels entirely separate and distinct. He admits that the lacteals arise from the internal surface of the alimentary canal, terminate in the thoracic duct, and convey the chyle into the blood : but he denies that the lymphatics arise from cavities and surfaces, or that they termi- nate in the thoracic duct ; and maintains, on the contrary, that they originate from the heart and arteries, that they serve to convey lymph from the * Element. Physiolog. Corp. Human. I. 24, § 2, 3. Sect. I.] Anatomij, 269 blood, pnd that they terminate on all surfaces and cavities. He contends that the use of the lympha- tic glands is for the separation of the lymph I'rum the blood j and that the lymphatic vessels are ex- cretory ducts to the lymphatic glands. For the im- portant function of absorption he provides in tlie following manner : he supposes that, aUhough the lymphatic vessels convey fluids from the blood, they also occasionally possess the power of absorption. This office, he imagines, they perform after accom- plishing their first purpose— that is to say, after conveying the lymph to the various parts of the body, they become mere empty tubes, and absorb whatever is applied to any surface. According, therefore, to the degree of inanition or repletion of the lymphatic vessels, in his opinion, will the body be more or less susceptible of the absorption of any fluid applied to the skin or any other surface or cavity. These, however, and many other objections to the generally received doctrine of the absorbent system, have gained little credit among tlie most respectable anatomists. The arguments by wliich they are attempted to be supported have been shown to be founded on injections unskilfully made, on observations inaccurate, and conclusions altoge- ther illogical. In the oarly part of the controversy on this sub- ject, it was urged, that, before the doctrine of the lymphatics being a system of absorbents could be established, it was necessary first to determine whether this system is to be found in other animals beside man and quadrupeds. Mr. Ilewson claimed the merit of having proved the alTinnative of tliis 270 Medicine, [Chap. IV. question, by discoveriag the lymphatic system in birds, fishes, and amphibious animals *. Since the time of Mr. Hewson, the anatomy of the absorbent system has been greatly extended and improved. The ramifications of it, in almost every part of the body, have been traced by Mr. Cruikshank, with great accuracy; and from his dissections, figures have been made and published which are deservedly held in high estimation. To Mr. Sheldon, also, anatomists are much indebted^ for his illustration of this system. And Mascagni, of Italy, has likewise bestowed great pains on this subject f. As a general system of anatomy^ the "Anatomi- cal Exposition of the Structure of the Human Body," by professor Winslow, of the university of Paris, though compiled and published early in the eigh- teenth century, was, till near the close of it, regard- ed as a standard work. This has, of late^ given place to a more comprehensive and accurate com- pilation, in three volumes, executed by Mr. Fyfe of Edinburgh, under the direction of professor Monro. Ileister's compendium, during a great portion of the century, was held in high esteem. Dr. Simmons, of London, has also lately obliged the world with an excellent system of anatomy, in which the sub- ject is treated with uncommon perspicuity and elegance. Among treatises on anatomy in general, * Philos. Trans, vols. Ixviii and Ixix. •[ The work of Mascagni on the Lymphatics is considered bf good judges, as by far the greatest work that has been published on this subject, as one of the most valuable anatomical productions of the age, and as a work thnt must immortalise the reputation. of tiic author. Sect. I.] Anatomy. 27 1 those presented to the world by Sabatler and Plenck, within a few years, deserve to be particu- larly mentioned. Mr. John Ikll, of Edinburgh, has pubhshed two volumes of a system of anatomy, which is considered as a very able work, so far as it goes, and will probably be completed in a short time. Mr. Charles Bell, of the same city, in u work entitled "A System of Dissections," has done much towards facilitating and familiarising the study of anatomy, and displaying the appearances of morbid parts of the body. And a very recent *^ Compendium of Anatomy," by Mr. Fyfe above- mentioned, illustrated by a large number of en- gravings, is supposed to contain improvements, of more or less value, on every preceding work of that kind. To the above may be added a variety of valuable publications by professor Scarpa, of Pavia, wlio lias well supported the reputation of the former Italian schools of anatomy. In particular departments of anatomy, much has been done within the century to enrich the science, \yhich ought not to be passed without special notice. The gravid iita-us is a subject which has attracted much attention, and received considerable improve- ment within this period. The works of Albinus, Roejderer, and Jenty, have greatly enlarged tlie knowledge of former anatomists on this point. But Dr. Hunter's publication on the gravid uterus, to which he had devoted a long time and unconnnpn pains, far excelled every preceding work. Meckel, and the second Monro, liave treated on the nerves to considerable extent i Weitbi-ccht and Lebrron jn^ Medicine. [Chap. IV. the joints and fresh bones ; Soemmering and Monro on the brain*; Porterfield, Haller, Zinn, andWris- berg, on then/e; Cotiinnius, Meckel, jun.. Camper, Scarpa f, and many others, on the ear. Walter is celebrated for his description of the veins of the head and neck, as well as very elegant plates of the 7ierves of the thorax and abdomen. Trew has ably treated of the differences between the feet at and adult vessels: Dr. Monro, jun., on the Bursa Mu- cosa, &c. The anatomists of the eighteenth century have effected great improvements in the science, and facilitated the communication of it to students, by the number and correctness of their engravings. Figures of the bones, in folio, have been published by Cheselden, Albinus, Sue, and Trew, The muscks * Mr. Soemmering thinks it probable that tlie soul is seated in the fluid of the ventricles of the brain. He infers this from the fact of tlie nerves of vision, hearing, taste, and smell, being all at their origin in contact with and exposed to the action of tlie fluid in the ^ entricles ; from the same taking place \^'ith regard to the nerv-es of touch, originating from the fifth pair, the glosso-pharyn- geal, those belonging to the organ of voice and the motions of the eyes ; from tlie impossibility of finding a solid part of the brain into which the terminations of all tlie nerves can be traced j from the nerves of the finest senses~-v22. hearing and seeing — being most extensively expanded and most directly in contact with this fluid ; irom the preternatural increase of tliis fluid in the ven Uncles ot ricketty children, which perhaps may be the cause of their micom- Fnon acuteness of mind ; and, finally, from the fact, that no animal possesses so capacious and so perfectly organised ventricles as man, — they being in the other mammalia much smaller than in man, still less in birds, least of all in fishes, and abiolutelj wanting in insects. t This great anatomist wrote ably, not only on the car, but also on the nerves of the heart. His work oil tliis subject is said to bt highly meritorious. Sect. I.] Anatomi). 273 are exhibited by Cowper and Albinus with great accuracy; by tlie latter particularly, in a style of elegance which cannot easily be surpassed. 1 Jailer's Iconcs, especially of the arteries, are much admired. Anatomical figures of particular and smaller parts of the body are without number, and many of them possess great excellence. It will be suflicient to mention a few ; such as those by Morgagni, Ruysch, Valsalva, Sanctorini, Hcister, Vater, Cant, Zimmer- mann, Walter, &c. The vast work projected by Vicq-d'-Azyr, of France, was soon terminated by his premature death. He conceived the idea of representing ana- tomically the whole animal kingdom, from man down to the simplest hydra, of giving exact figures of every form of living matter, and of consolidating the immense plan into one great whole. Upon the brain alone nineteen folio plates are employed, of which several are coloured; these are executed with admirable elegance. This universal system of anatomy and physiology, both human and compa- rative, was i>roposed to be executed in the same splendid style. But he lived only to finish five numbers. The design is apparently too extensive to be accomplished within the period of a single life. In Great Britain, likev/ise, an extensive anatomi- cal work has been undertaken by Mr. Andrew BqW, entitled Anatomia Brifanuica, under the inspection of Mr. Fyfe and Dr. Monro. It is designed to compose a complete illustration, both general and particular, of the human body, by a selection from the best plates of all the greatest anatomists, a^ well foreign as British, exhibiting the latest discoveries, Vol. I. T J274 Medicine. [Chap. IV. and accompanied with copious explanations. The ■whole number of plates is to be upwards of three hundred, in royal folio 3 of which a large proportion is already published. The art of injection and of making preparations^ which was before stated to have reached such a point of excellence towards the close of the seven- teenth century, has been very extensively and suc- cessfully exercised during the eighteenth. The modern practice of corroding the fleshy parts and leaving the moulded wax entire, is so useful as well as ornamental, that it reflects great credit on Dr. NichoUs, the ingenious inventor. In the injection of the lacteals and lymphatics, the late centiuy may justly claim the credit of having made very conside- rable progress. Alorbid dissections form a new and interesting aera in anatomy and medicine. Bonetus, near the end of the seventeenth century, had published his Sepulchre turn Anatonicum. Morgagni, in his in- estimable work, " De Causis et Sedibus Morborujny' has enriched morbid dissections with many valuable additions, and has rendered them highly instructive to the medical practitioner. Lieutaud and Haller also greatly increased the stock of knowledge on this point. ^lost of the distinguished anatomists, indeed, liave contributed their exertions to im- prove the principles of medicine, by directing their dissections to this object. Lately Dr. Baillie^s pub- lications.on morbid anatomy, illustrated by corre- spondent engravings, do the highest honour to his diligence, learniiig, and judgement. Beside the discoveries and improvements ob- tained from the dissection of human bodies, Compa- Sect. I.] Anafomij. $75 rative Aiiatoniy or Zobtoim) has made great pro<^rcss in the course of the eighteenth century. Many advantages have arisen, and may be expected here- after to arise, from this source. In addition to the benefits resulting from a more enlarged acquaint- ance with the properties and functions of animated nature, vvliich often reflect hght on the human economy, and are founded on the knowledge of comparative anatomy, the veterinary art has lately become so extensive and respectable as to require, on its own account, a more minute examination of the structure of many animals. The most illustrious names among such as have distinguished themselves in human anatomy are in general precisely those who have done the most to extend the limits of comparative anatomy in the eighteenth century. To prove this, it will be sufli- cient to recall the reader's attention to the writings of Haller, Dr. and Mr. Hunter, the first and second Monro, &c. The Essay on Comparative Anatomy by the first Monro affords proof of the diligence lie exercised on the subject. The thesis of the se- cond Monro, " De Testibus in variis Animalibus^'* abounds with evidence of deep, laborious, and suc- cessful researches. And his work on Fishes, men- tioned in the preceding chapter, has greatly con- tributed to enlarge our acquaintance with the structure and functions of that large class of animals. Every anatomist is informed of the discoveries and improvements made by Dr. and Mr. Hunter in their numerous dissections of animals, and of the principles and doctrines which these dissections enabled them to establish. They were followed by J»Ir. Hewson, Mr. Cruikshank, and many T 2 576 Medicine, [Chap. IV* others of distinguislied reputation, who were em- ployed in the investigation of the absoi'bent sys- tem. Daubenton and Vicq-d'-Az} r, the dissections made mider the orders of the lloyal Academy of Sciences of Paris, Spalhmzani of Italy, Camper of Holland, the late extensive and systematic work of Mons. Cuvier, w^hich exhibits the dawn of an improved arrangement, and a great number of the most eminent zoologists of the age, have strong claims to be commemorated in a review of the com- parative anatomists of the eighteenth century*. In concluding this brief survey of the subject, it may not be improper to remark, that far less re- mained to be done in anatomy, at the commence- ment of the late century, than in any of the other branches of medicine. The leading principles of the science had been chiefly ascertained and settled by the industry and perseverance of preceding ages. And the greater part of what was left to be accom- plished consisted in a superior lulness, accuracy, and minuteness of description, more elegance of d«-hneation, more neatness and variety of prepa- rations, and a progressive hnpro\ement in the arts of dissection and demonstration. It is evident, that, in all these respects, a considerable progress has been made w ithin the period under review. •* In adilltiun to tlie above-mentioned works and names, it may not be improper to subjoin the following comparative anatomists, selected from a great number. Fragments of the Curieux de la Nafure; the collections of Blasius and Valentinij da Verney, Collins, Stnbbs, Cijkinan, and Home, on quadniptds and birds ; Charas, Roesel, and Fontana, on reptiles; Artedi, tlie Gouans, and r.rou8.sonet, unjishes ; Reaumur, the Geoffroys, Bonnet, and Ly(j!K't, on insects; and Kllis;, Donati, Trembley, Baker, Baster, Bohadich, Forskal, Adanson, Mueller, Fallas, and Dicquemar(?, on vjorm'^i zoophytes ^ dud polype.^ . Sect. II.] Physiology. ^17 SECTION II. niYSIOLOGY. That department of physical science which treats of the various properties and functions of living bodies nuist be allowed to possess great import- ance; and the review of its progress during a hundred years of more industry and enterprise in the pursuit of natural knowledge than the world ever witnessed before, will be supposed to pre- sent difficulties proportioned to the extent and complexity of the subject. To such as feel a genuine attachment to the science of nature, few subjects present inquiries of a more interesting and instructive kind. AVhen im- pro\ ed as far as the state of the other contemporary sciences will admit, it will be found to exhibit a systematic result of all the experiments and obser- vations, facts and principles, which serve to explain and illustrate the ]3henomena of animated nature. And when it shall reach that point of advancement to which a cautious estimate of the powers of tlic human mind may suppose it to proceed, it will probably be enabled to diffuse lights and suggest improvements far beyond the most sanguine ex- pectations of the naturalists of the present day. In zoology, botany, anatomy, and the theory and practice of physic, these good ellects may be con- fidently anticipated. . , . , As all li\ ing bodies are subjects of physiological inquiry, and as by living bodies are here meant all 278 Medicine, . [Chap. IV". those which are enabled, by a certain organised structure, to grow and to propagate their kind, it is plain that physiology must extend to the whole of that organical economy in animals and plants which the Author of Nature has contrived for the preservation of the individual, and the continuance and propagation of the species. But although it is not intended, in this brief retrospect, wholly to overlook the history of the doctrines of general physiology for the late century, it may be proper to apprise the reader that the objects of human physiology will chiefly claim attention, This re- stricted view of the subject is preferred on the present occasion, not only on account of the re- quisite brevity, but because the chief design of in- troducing this sketch of the progress of physiology is to consider it in subserviency to medical science, and as preparatory to the remarks which are to follow concerning the theory and practice of physic. At the close of the seventeenth century, phy-» siology presented a chaos of the wildest and most discordant principles. The extravagant notions of the Galenists and chemists had indeed ceased to be generally defended; but they were succeeded by those of the mathematicians, which were nearly as far removed from truth and nature. The dis- covery of the circulation of the blood, in the be- ginning of the seventeenth century, had given rise to the introduction of mechanics into medical doc- trines. And as that system of philosophy was founded upon the general laws of nature, the ablest physiologists of the day were easily induced to ap- ply it to the human body; which was supposed to Sect. II.] Phjslology, 979 difler only from the rest of the universe hi the variety and complexness of ils machinery. Bellini, of Florence, was the first who attracted much attention by the introduction of matlieniatics into physiology. Professor Horelli pursued the same course of reasoning, and soon became one of its most enthusiastic admirers. He employed it so well in showing how the muscles act as cords, and the bones as levers, that he thence undertook to explain, with happy effect, the phenomena of stand- ing, walking, leaping, flying, and swimming, in ditferent animals*. Emboldened l)y the success of his hrst attempt, he afterwards ventured to ex- plain on the principles of mechanism all the in- ternal motions and their proximate causes. On the same ground he gave a minute account of the pulsation of the heart, of the circulation of the blood, of the office of the lungs, the kidneys and the hver, of the nervous fluid and the semen, of ve- getation, generation, nutrition, hunger, thirst, pain, lassitude, and febrile heat. Y^y this ardent specu- latist all nature was interpreted on mathematical principles; for, except the mechanical, he \\as wd- ling to admit no other secondary powers in nature. He thought, with Plato, that the Deity nimself was 'dhvixys geovielrishig ; and was fully persuaded that physical knowledge could only be acquired through the medium of geometrical demonstrations and forms. With what eagerness and zeal Dr. Pitcairn adopted mechanical physiology, and to what un- reasonable extremes he was disposed to carry it, is * See his ^vork, De Moiii AnimaUum. 580 Medicine. [Giiap. IV sufficiently known. So attached was he to the geo- metrical mode of demonstration, that he appeared to consider it as the only species of evidence, ex- cepting the senses, that deserved any reliance. These opinions were warmly adopted and sup- ported by the illustrious Boerhaave, who first ap- peared as a public teacher about the beginning of the eighteenth century. He exhibited the first suc-t cessful example of combining physiology with ana- tomy, reduced the former from a rude and chaotic into a regular state, and conferred upon it that systematic and elegant form which so greatly re- commended it to the notice and admiration of the world. But a more particular account of the opi- nions of this distinguished physician will be given under a succeeding head. Baron Haller, the disciple of Boerhaave, pur- sued the steps of his master, and far surpassed him in his physiological career. He made a universal collection of preceding discoveries in anatomy and physiology, and digested them into order and me- thod. He surveyed every part of the human body, explained the various functions according to the best lights which the state of science at that time afforded, corrected the errours of preceding vyriters, and, by a series of indefatigable labours, was ena- Ijled to make very important additions to the ex- isting stock of knowledge. In his great work, en- titled Elcmenta Physiologice Corporis Hinnani, he examined the opinions whicli had been recom- mended, or at least advanced, by all tlie most ce- lebrated authors. Nothing of importance, that had been previously published, escaped his notice. The most rapid sketch of the errours in physiology which Sect. II.] Fhj/siologij, 281 he detected, of the new facts wliicli he added, of the ingenious and profound views which he opened, of the doubts he removed, and of the theories he reformed and improved, would exceed the hmits as- signed to this work*. But the greatest of Ilaller's discoveries, and tliat which forms an lera in tlie progress of physiology, is the irritabilUij of tlie animal fibre. This irritable or contractile power is tliat property hy which muscles recede from stimuli, and become shorter on being touched by them. It is a power inherent in the muscular fibre, and essential to life. It is so far independent of nerves, and so little con- nected with feeling, which is the leading property of nerves, that, upon stimulating any muscle by touching it with caustic, or irritating it m ith a sliarp point, or directing the electric spark through it, * Baron Albert von Haller \vas boin at Berne, October 1 8, 17O8, and died in J//"/. He was unqnestionnbly one of the greatest men of tJie age in which he Hved j being equally distin- guished for the extent and variety of his learnin^-, the vigour and comprehensiveness of his mind, the purity of his taste, and the excellence of his moral and religious character. His great attain- ments, and the uncommon powers which he dlspla) cd in almost every kind of knowledge, and particularly in anatomy, physio- logy, medicine, botany, and various branches of Natural History, and also in classical and polite literature, are generally known. He was not less distinguished as a friend to ihe religion of Christ. He not only professed to believe in revelation, and to cherish a warm attachment to theGospel, but, amidst his multiplied a\oca- tions, he spent much time in studying the Scriptures, and the evidences of tlicir divine origin 5 and entered the lists as their avowed advocate and defender. His excellent letters to his Daughter will long remain a monument at once of his regard to religion, and of his paternal tidclily. See Henry's Memoirs of Uallcr, ogO| Medicine. [Chap. IV. tlie muscle instantly contracts ; although the nerve of that muscle be tied; although the nerve be cut so as to separate the muscle entirely from all con- nexion with the nervous svstem ; although the muscle itself be separated from the body; and al- though the animal upon v.hich it is performed have lost all sense of feeling, and have been long to all appearance dead. It is b^^ this irritable principle that an incised muscle contracts so powerfully, aiid that a divided artery shrinks and retires into the flesh. This important principle of irrifahilify, which Ilallcr denominated Vis Ins it a, from its being an inherent, independent, and permanent property of the living fibre, was in a great measure unknown to preceding physiologists. Boerhaave acknow- ledged an active power in the heart, and a latent principle of motion in the parts of it when divided; but, nevertheless, he attributed this to the nerves, though the communication with the brain had been entirely cut off. The celebrated Dr. Whytt, of Edinburgli, followed nearly the same path, with only some difference in point of expression. About the middle of the century now under consideration, this physician was engaged in a controversy with Ilaller on this subject. Whytt coiitended that all the phenomena of irritability might be referred to nervous influence, and rejected his antagonist's prin- ciple of muscular action, as founded in errour, and Tumecessary to explain the phenomena. On the con- trary, to this Vis Nervosa of Whytt, though main- tained with all the aid of ingenuity and learning, I lal- ler, with much greater force and conclusiveness of reasoning, persisted in opposing his doctrine of Vis Sect. II.] Physiology. 283 Insita, as a primary, essential, and inherent quality of the hving fibre, dependent on its original struc- ture and organisation, and entirely independent of the nerves. Not many years ago, professor Monro, of Edinburgh, in his Observations on the Sh'iic- ture and Functions of the Nervous System , renewed the attempt, though it is conceived without suc- cess, to invalidate the doctrine of Haller. In pursuance of this interesting doctrine, Mailer contemplates the living body under a fourfold di- vision, into parts, 1. Irritable; 2. Inirritablc; 3. Sensible; 4. Insensible. Among irritable parts he ranks the heart, the muscles generally, the dia- phragm, the oesophagus, the stomach, the intestines, the gall-duct, the arteries, the absorbents, and the bladder. Among inirritable parts he reckons the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, and the nerves. Among sensible parts he enumerates the brain, the spinal marrow, the nerves, the skin, the internal membranes of the stomach, intestines, and bladder, the ureters, the muscular flesli, and the breasts. Among insensible parts he considers the dura mater, the pia mater, the periosteum, the peritongeum, the pleura, the pericardium, the omen- tum, the cellular texture, the cuticle, the rete mu- cosum, the fat, the tendons, the capsules and liga- ments of the joints, the bones, the marrow, the teeth, and the gums. From this account, given by Haller, of the va- rious parts which are united to form an animal system, it results that the irritable and sensible por- tions are comparatively iew and small ; that the great mass of the body consists of inirritable and insensible parts, which serve to combine, envelope. 584 Medicine. [Chap. YV. and defend the former, and tlicreby to constitute a moving perfect whole, adapted to assmne the ac- tions of life, and to sustain the impression of sur- rounding objects. In this arduous inquirj'jVvhicli so long engaged the mind of Haller, and w hich led to so many in- teresting results, he was not condemned to the ne- cessity bi labouring alone. The example of the preceptor inspired many of his pupils with the same spirit of exertion and enterprise. Zinn, Zim.mer- man, Caldani, and several others, animated by a liberal emulation, laboured with indefatigable di- ligence to extend and improve the discoveries of their illustrious master. Thus, by the combined exertions of the teacher and his students, was the philosophy of animal life more deeply investigated than ever before, and eventually placed on a basis almost entirely new. The effects of Haller^s doctrine of irritahiliti) in improving physiological and medical principles must be obvious to the most superficial observer. It will not be thought extravagant to say that he seems to have laid the true foundation of the sci^ ence of medicine, if indeed such a foundation can be said to be yet laid. From Haller, more than from any single writer. Dr. Brown, and other mo- dern sj^stematic reformers, who have done most to improve medical principles, seem to have borrowed the torch b}- which they were enabled to direct their progress, and to explore the obscurities of their route. But notwithstanding Ilaller's felicity in accom- phshing so much to aid the |)rogress of physiology, he did not live to witness two of the most signal Sect. II.] Plwsiologi). 585 improvements in tliat science which the eighteentfi oentnry can boast. lie died in the year 1777, .just about the time when a new and unexpected light began to l)e shed upon the functions of respiration and digestion. The oflicc of the Luugs^'\\\\\c\\ is now of all the animal functions tlie best understood and the most susceptible of scientific illustration, was unknown to Haller. lie supposed that the principal ob- ject of respiration was to form the voice. That such a man, possessed of all the knowledge of pre- ceding and contemporary physiologists on this sub- ject, should have acquiesced in this conchision, is indeed matter of surprise ; but at the same time it serves to fix tlie source, and to enhance the value of this great discovery. To modern cliemistry the praise of unfolding the mystery of respiration is certainly due. The esta- blishment of this truth alone is almost sufficient to subvert the old and to erect a new system of phy- siology. And if no other benefit than this had arisen from all the brilliant discoveries which che- mistry offers to the world, it would have sufficed to rescue that science from neglect, and to assign it an elevated rank among the objects of human knowledge. It is offen asserted, that much of the true office of the lungs was known to the physiologists of tlie seventeenth century. Even from much more an- cient writers expressions sometimes escape which show a tendency to just views of the sul)jt^ct; as, for example, when air received in respiration is sup- posed to 7)SiQX(ii\\Q pabulum 'dUy spiritus alimejitum, 28^ Medicine. [Cha?. IV. &:c. But in the century just mentioned a much nearer approximation to the truth was undoubtedly made. Verheyen observed that those animals which respire most have the warmest blood*. Lower de- monstrated that the blood receives a new and a brighter colour in passing through the lungs f, Verheyen and Borelli both proved that the air lost something by coming into contact with that organ J. And the former remarked that this something is ab- sorbed by the lungs; and is probably that which maintams combustion, which qualifies the air to sup- port animal life, and imparts to the blood the ver- milion colour §. Towards the latter part of the same century Dr. Hook and Dr. Mayow published opinions concerning respiration, which approach more nearly to the doctrine now generally received than could be readily believed, if their writings themselves did not bear witness. The former seems to have been obscurely acquainted with oxygen and its absorption in breathing. The latter, according to the opinion of Dr. Beddocs||, '^ was acquainted with the composition of tlie atmosphere, and per- ceived the action of vital air in almost all the wide extent of its influence. He carried on his investi- gation of respiration from the diminution of the air by the breathing of animals, to tho change it produces in the blood during its passage through the lungs. The office of the lungs, says Dr.Mayow, is to separate from the air, and convey to tl\e blood one of its constituent parts." * Tract. Be Rapiralionis. f Jh'nJ. X Ibid. § Ibid, jj See i)r. Beddoes's Anali/sis of Dr. Aiuyow's Work, Sect. II.] Physiulogy. 287 It is astonishing tliat sucli suggestions should have been so littlo known and so little attended to hy succeeding physiologists, Tliey seem to have attracted but sHght regard at the time of their pu]>- lication, and very soon afterwards to have been completely forgotten. But after all it must be admitted, that the superior light of modern disco- veries, reflected on organs of eager discernment, is alone sufficient to enable the reader of these anti- quated writings to perceive, in the few truths they contain, blended and buried under so much obscu- rity, mistake, and errour, the true principles of re- spiration. There cannot be stronger proof of the fact, that these obscure hints of the real use of respiration were unknown or forgotten by succeeding physio- logists, than may be found in the works of Ilal- ler and Dr. AViiliam Hunter. The opinion of the former of those great physiologists, concerning the subserviency of respiration chiefly to the formation of the voice has been already mentioned. Tlie latter, in his introductory lecture, published in 1784, expresses himself as follows: — " licspiration we cannot explain; VvC only know that it is in fact essential and necessary to life.' Notwith- standing this, wdien vrc see all the other parts of the body, and their functions so well accounted fur, we cannot doubt but that respiration will be so likewise. And if ei'cr we should be iiappy enough to fnid out clearly the object of this function, we sliall, doubtless, as clearly see, that this organ is as wisely contrived for an important oflice, as we now see the purpose and importance of tlie heart and vascular system; which, till the circulation of iSS Medicine, [Chap. IV. th.e blood was discovered, was wholly concealed from us." It will scarcely be necessary to add to what is ah'cady stated concerning Hook and Mayow, that Mr. Boyle and Dr. Hales were much engaged on the same subject, and that the latter particularly w^as greatly useful by his experiments and re searches in pneumatic philosophy, which paved the way for the brilliant uuprovements of his successors in that inquiry. The splendid progress of pneumatic chemistry which ennobles the last twenty-six years of the eighteenth century, has been detailed in another place. The discovery of oxygen, and the analysis of the atmosphere, are prominent points in that progress ; and they likewise constitute the basis of the principles which were afterwards so successfully applied to explain the nature and objects of the function of respiration. It is universally known, that the merit of taking the lead in the application of the principles of pneumatic chemistry to explain the function of the lungs is due to Dr. Priestley*. h\ the year 1774 he discovered the existence, and many of the pro- perties, of oxiigen. JMr. Scheele made the same discovery nearly at tlie same time. Not long after- wards these two pliilosophers demonstrated that the quant itj^ of oxygenous gas is diminished in respiration. ]n 177^) Lavoisier proved that atmo- spheric air is compounded of oxygen and azote, * For a considerable portion of the fads detailed in several of the following paragraphs on the subject at' respiration, the author is indebted to a very respectable work, entitled A Si/.stem of Che- m^iiry, by 'i'honias Thonj^un, M. D. 4 vols, i5\o, 1802. Sect. II.] Physiology. 289 brought by means of caloric to the state of elastic fluids. In the following year that eminent philo- sopher discovered that a quantity of carbonic acid gas is found in air after it has been respired for some time, which did not previously exist in it. Some time afterwards he found, by a variety of ex- periments, that no animal can live in air totally deprived of oxygen. This fact was soon confirmed and extended by the experiments of many other philosophers, who proved that even fishes, which do not perceptibly respire, and frogs, which can suspend their respiration at pleasure, speedily die if the water in which they are placed become destitute of oxygenous gas*. By a further prosecution of observations and experiments on this subject, it was not long after- ivards satisfactorily establislicd, that certain re- markable changes are produced by respiration not only upon the air respired, but likewise upon the blood exposed to this air. The most noted changes observed to take place, in the air itself subjected to respiration, are the following :— a part of the air respired entirely disappears ; the rest becomes im- pregnated with carbonic acid, and is loaded with Water in the state of vapour. For the knowledge of these changes effected in the air respired, and for the numerous and laborious experiments from which these conclusions were inferred, the world is chiclly indebted to Priestley, Cigna, Lavoisier, MenzitSj Seguin, and Davy. Changes no less remarkable are found to be produced in the blood exposed to the air in the * Carradori^ Ann. dc Chim. xxi\, i;i. Vol. I. U 1290 Medicine. [Chap, IV. lungs. The principal of these are as follow : the blood absorbs air ; it acquires a florid red colour, and the chyle mixed with it undergoes such altera- tion as to lose its colour and disappear; it emits carbonic acid, and perhaps carbon itself; ar^d it emits water, and perhaps hydrogen. The writers who have principally signalised themselves in tra- cing and making known these changes in the blood, are Priestley, Cigna^ Fourcroy, Hassenfratz, Bed- does, Watt, and, very lately, Mr. Davy. The tiieories of this function, as deduced from facts successively discovered^ have varied according to the number of such facts, and the impressions which they made on different minds. Dr. Priest- ley, the first of the modern chemical philosophers, as was before remarked, who attempted to investt- gate the use of respiration, seems to have consider- ed it, from some of his earliest experiments, chiefly as an excretory process. He believed that the blood, in passing through the lungs, gives out phlogislon to the air, which, when expired, he' sup- posed to be loaded with that substance, and, con- sequently, that the main purpose of respiration is to discharge phlogiston from the blood. Soon after these conclusions had been formed by Dr. Priestley, M. Lavoisier directed his efforts to ascertain, with as much precision as possible, the changes which the air undergoes in the process of respiration. In order to explain this function he framed a theory, which assumed, as its basis, that all the changes produced on the air inspired are produced in the lungs; and, of consequence, that all the new compounds and substances detect- <='d in the air expired, are formed in the lungs. It Sect. II.] Physiology. 291 was a principle of this theory, that the blood ab- ^sorbs no air in the lungs; but that it di.sciiarges hydrogen and carbon, which, combining with the oxygen of the air inspired, form water and carl)onic acid. This theory was adopted by la Place, Craw- ford, Gren, and Girtanner, with some small modi- fications, which it is unnecessary here to particu- larise. Upon close inspection, it appears that this theory of Lavoisier does not materially dilfer from the original hypothesis of Dr. Priestley, viz. that the object of respiration is to free the blood of phlogiston. The diilerence consists chiefly in terms and in detail. For if carbon and hydrogen be sub- stituted for phlogiston, which is often necessary in reconciling the statement of facts delivered by the phlogistians and antiphlogistians, the two theories will be found entirely to agree. M. Lavoisier did little to establish his theory by proof. He only attempted to prove that the amount of oxygen absorbed in respiration exactly corresponds with the quantity of it contained in the carbonic acid and the w^ater emitted. But as this coincidence of quantities cannot be proved, his theory is unsup- ported, so far as the establishment of it depends upon such coincidence. Afterwards, when a greater number of facts and illustrations of this sulject had been collected, a different theory was offered by la Grange. Ac- cording to him, the oxygen which disappears in respiration combines with the blood in its passage through the lungs, and at the moment of this com- bination there is set loose from the blood a quan- tity of carbonic acid gas and water in the form of vapour, which are thrown out with the air es- U2 ggl^ Medicine. [Chap. IV, pired. This theory was adopted and illustrated by M. Hasserifratz, who succeeded in proving its superiority to that of Lavoisier and his associ- ates. Tlie establishment of this theory depended upon proving that the oxygenous portion of the atmosphere alone is absorbed from the inspired air. This was indeed the generally received opinion of chemical philosophers for some time ; but as it has lately been brought into question, and the contrary asserted, it is proper to notice the variation of theory which has thence been attempted to be made. Mr. Davy h^s endeavoured to prove that azote, as well as oxygen, is partly absorbed by the lungs in respiration. As the azote which disappears in breathing is not to be found in the products of respiration, it has been thence concluded that it is absorbed by the blood. The experiments of Mr. Davy led him to believe that atmospheric air is absorbed by the blood in an undecomposed and unaltered state ; that it is afterwards decomposed in that fluid by the afhnity of the red particles for its oxygen ; tliat the greater part of the aaote is liberated without undergoing any change, and again given out and mixed with the air in expira- tion; but that a minute portion of it remains con- densed in tlje serum and coagulable lymph, and passes with them to the left ventricle of the heart. A miimte examination and decision as to the cor- rectness of these facts> will not be attempted in this place. But admitting the facts to be justly stated, the following changes will appear to be produced by respiration. The blood in passing througli the lungs absorbs a portion of air, and carries it along Sect. II.] Physiology, 293 with it through the hlood vessels. In tlie course of the circulation, this air is gradiinlly decomposed by the blood, the oxygen and part of the azote entering into new combinations, while at the same time a portion of azote, of ear])onie acid and water, 15 evolved. On returning to the lungs, the blood receives a fresh quantity of air, and at the same time discharges the azotic gas, carbon ie acid gas, and watery vapour which had been formed during the circulation. This theory of respiration by Mr. Davy is believed to be the latest of those deserving especial notice which belong to the eighteenth century*. Beside the general theories of respiration wliich have been just stated, it will be proper to mention a few of the leading discoveries on this suljjeet, and the authors to whom they respectively belong. It was not till Dr. Priestley had discovered that venous blood acquires a scarlet colour when brought into contact with oxygen gas, and arterial blood a purplish red colour when put in contaet \\\i\\ hy- drogen gas ; or, in other words, that oxygen gas instantly gives venous blood the colour of arterial, and that hydrogen, on the contrary, gives arterial blood the colour of venous 3 — it was not till the accomplishment of this discovery that philosophers began to attempt any explanation of the pheno- mena of respiration. To Dr. Priestley likewise belongs the merit of that instructive experiment of enclosing blood in a bladder, and exhibiting the passage of oxygen * Researches Chcmk'al and Thilosophiail by Miiirpliry Davy, 6vo^ 1800^ p. 477^ c\-c. 294 Medicine. [Chap. IV. through its moistened coats, by the florid colour thence imparted to the blood, in order to demon- ^ strate the mode m which oxygen fmds its way through the coats of the blood-vessels in the lungs. Dr. Goodwin was the author of the celebrated experiment, in which the action of the lungs is ex- hibited by opening the chest of a living dog, and exposing to view the motion of the lungs and heart* In this experiment, the blood driven from the right ventricle of the heart into the pulmonary artery appears of a dark venous complexion ; but on its return from the lungs, by the pulmonary veins, it is changed to a bright vemiilion colour. He also de- monstrated that the bright florid appearance of the blood, derived from oxygen received in the lungs, is absolutely necessary to enable it to stimulate the left ventricle of the heart, in order to produce the contraction which propels the blood into the aorta. For whenever an intermission in the mo- tion of the lungs denied the access of air, the blood in the pulmonary veins returning to the heart was of a dark purple colour, and was no longer sufli- cient to excite the due contraction of that organ. That respiration is the source of the temperature of animals, or of what is commonly called animal heat, is one of the results of the light recently thrown on that function. Physiologists long ago observed that animals which do not breathe have a temperature little higher than the medium in which they live. This is the case with flshes and many insects. Man, quadrupeds, and birds, on the contrary, have a temperature considerably higher than the ordinary states of the atmosphere. It may hv i)rovcd f hat the heat of all animals is pro- .": ^cT. 11. J Ph/ysioLogy. 295 portional to the quantity of air tliey breathe in a given time. These circumstances are suliicient to establish the flicl, that the heat of animals rlcpunds upon respiration. On tliis subject the phiJosophi- cal world are under strong obligations to Dr. Black, whose doctrine of latait heat offered the first hints towards an explanation of the cause of tempera- ture in breathing animals. It was observed, in a preceding chapter, that the discoveries of this emi- nent chemist place him in a liigh rank, and consti- tute much of the foundation of that chemical phi- losophy which is the boast of modern times, and the source of numberless improvements in the arts and sciences. He early perceived the light which his doctrine of latent heat was calculated to shed on the temperature of animals, and with great sagacity availed himself of the advantage. Dr. Black formed the following theory of animal heat. He supposed part of the latent heat of the air received into the lungs to become sensible ; that the temperature of that organ and of the blood passing through it is consequently raised ; and that the blood thus heated communicates its tempera- ture to the whole body. This opinion was plausi- ble, but by no means free from objections; for, ad- mitting the truth of it, the heat of the body ought to be highest in the lungs, and thence gradually to abate in proceeding to the extremities ; which is not the fact. The author's attempts to support this theory were so feeble as to induce the belief that he himself considered it as untenable. Lavoisier first announced, in 1777> that animal heat was owing to tlie caloric disengaged from oxygen gas during its decomposition and conden- 296 Medicine. [CfiAP. IV. sation in the lungs. Dr. Crawford, in 1779^ adopted this opinion, and supported it by experi- ments. They both believed that all the changes produced by respiration are performed in the lungs j and their theory differs but little in reality from that of Dr. Black. They supposed the oxygen gas of the atmosphere to combine in the lungs with the hydrogen and carbon emitted by the blood ; that, during this combination, the oxygen gas sets free; a great quantity of caloric; and that this caloric is not only sufficient to maintain the temperature of the body, but also to carry off the new formed water in the state of vapour, as well as the carbonic^^cid, and to raise considerably the temperature of the air expired. According to the opinion, therefore, of these philosophers, the whole of the caloric which supports the heat of the body is extricated in the lungs. But on this hypothesis the question will arise, how it happens that the heat of each individual is maintained nearly the same in every part of his body.^ To explain this. Dr. Crawford endeavoured to prove, by well de- vised experiments, that the capacities for contain- ing caloric in arterial and venous blood are nearly as 11.5 to 10; that is to say, if it require a quan- tity of caloric, represented by 1 1 .5, to heat a pound of arterial blood from zero to 30'', it will only re- quire a quantity as 10 to heat a pound of venous blood from zero to 30 ^ On these experiments the following conclusions were formed. Oxj^gen gas is decomposed in the hings in consequence of the affmity of the carbon and hydrogen of the blood for oxygen being greater than that of oxygen for caloric, or of the ^ECT. II.] Physiologjj. 297 carbon and hydrogen for tlie blood. In proportion as the oxygen unites with tlie hydrogen and car- bon, water and carbonic acid are formed; the ca- loric combines with the venous blood, which, in losing its carbon and hydrogen, becomi^s arterial, and has its capacity for containing caloric immedi- ately augmented. The blood, now become arterial, in its circulation through the body, gradually ab- sorbs carbon and hydrogen, repasses to the venous state, and sets ivQQ a portion of caloric in ])ro- portion as its capacity for containing it is dimi- nished. According to this doctrine, therefore, the almost uniform temperature in all parts of the body is owing to the gradual and successive changes of arterial blood to venous throughout the body, and of venous to arterial in the lungs. It is also agree- able to this doctrine to suppose that the higher temperature of some parts of the body may be caused by arterial blood absorbing more carbon and hydrogen, or, in other words, becoming more rapidly venous. However ingenious this explanation deserves to be regarded, it has not been deemed satisfactory. The difference in specific caloric, admitting the calculation to be accurate, is justly thought too small to account for the great quantity of heat which must be evolved. And if the opinion of some be true, that the carbonic acid gas and water emitted in expiration are not formed in the lungs, but during the circulation, this doctrine nuist be altogether untenable. This defect in Dr. Crawford's hypothesis might perhaps be remedied, if Mr. Davy's supposition of air enterimr the blood and combining with it in 298 Medicine. [Chap. i.v\ the state of gas should be admitted. In this case it is evident that the air at first would only set free part of its caloric, and that the remainder must gradually escape in the successive stages of the cir- culation. In another mode, likewise, that defect has been attempted to be remedied. It has been alleged, that the evolution of caloric attends almost all chemical combinations; that all animal fluids which pass through capillary vessels and glands, for the purposes of secretion, are subjected to such new chemical combinations, as must incessantly give out heat ; and that this glandular action thu,s ac- counts for the more general and copious source of animal temperature. From the view of respiration now given, it re- sults that the final causes of that function are these : 1. To complete the assimilation of the blood: 2. To produce and support animal heat : 3. To impart a quality to the circulating fluid which enables it to stimulate the left side of the heart. After this account of respiration, vvliich, from its great importance in the animal economy, has been treated of more at large than was at first in- tended, it is proper to proceed to the consideration of Digeslion. This function in its full extent in- cludes all the changes which aliment undergoes for the formation of chyle, whether such changes are elFected in the mouth, stomach, or small intes- tines. But as it is the knowledge of the oflice of the stomach which has received the most impor- tant improvement within the period assigned for this retrospect, and as the other parts of the pro- cess, such as mastication, deglutition, the admix- ture of saliva, &c., were tolerably well understood' Sect. II.] Physiology, 299 before, it is obviously expedient to direct the chief attention to the former branch of the subject. Galen supposed heat to be the principal cause of digestion, and this opinion so generally prevail- ed for a long time that the term coction was used by the greater part of physiologists instead of digestion. But, though the effect of heat in assist- ing and expediting digestion is universally admit- ted, no person will now contend that it is the sole cause. During the eighteenth century, the theorists of digestion have ascribed it either, sijigly, to fcr- mentation^ mechanical action, or the operation of a solvent in the stomach j or to the combined efl'ects of two or all of these agents. Dr. Boerhaave, dissatisfied with the opinions of all who had gone before him on this subject, and leaning "strongly to mechanical theory, admitted fermentation as one cause of digestion, but princi- pally ascribed to it trituration, pressure, and power- ful quassation. The analogy of digestion, as per- formed in certain birds, seems to have led him into this doctrine. He had observed the ostrich to swallow pieces of iron and glass, evidently for the purpose of trituration, because the sound of grind- ing was perceptible to those who listened. In tiie ^ranivorous birds he had noticed, in addition to the crop furnished with salivary glands to macerate and soften their food, a gizzard, or second sto- mach, provided with strong muscles to triturate the grain, and the eagerness with which they swal- low gravel to assist the operation. Considering the predominance of mathematical doctrines at thai period, it is not wonderful that this great mechanic 300 Medicine, [Chap. IV, ill medical science was desirous to explain diges- tion on mechanical principles. Early in the eighteenth century Mr. Cheselden appears to have imbibed some correct notions on this subject. He remarked, that in serpents, some birds, and several kinds of fishes, digestion seemed to l"3 performed by some unknown menstruum ; as he frequently found in their stomachs animals so totally digested, before their form was destroi/ed, that their very bo7ies were rendered soft. About the same time M. Reaumur instituted a set of experiments concerning this function ; and, by a number of clear and decisive facts, ex- hibited in his excellent memoirs on this subject, proved the existence and agency of a solvent in the stomach. About the year 1777> the abbe Spallanzani, professor of natural history in the university of Pavia*, began, by his numerous experiments and diversified inquiries, to throw new light upon the function of digestion. Having directed his inqui- ries to a great number of animals, man, quadru- peds, birds, fishes, and amphibia, he was led to divide an extensive variety of stomachs, differing from one another in many important points of structure and functions, into three classes, the muscular, inter mediate y and membraiious f. * The abbe Lazarus Spallanzani,of Italy, was bom in the year 1729, and died in 1800. His researches and publications in seve- ral branches of natural history, especially in animal and vegetable physiology, place him among the most distinguished men of his age. On the subject of Bigcslion, he is, perhaps, the highest authority. t Dissertations relative to the Natural JJiitojy of Ammah and Vtgetabk's, vol. i. Sect. II.] Physiologj/, 301 Among such as have muscular stomachs, he par- ticularly examined common fowls, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, &c. In these, that organ is pro- vided with very large and powerful muscles, ca})a- ble of grinding down to powder the grains and other aliment which they receive. 1 ie proved by his experiments, that such muscular stomachs can pulverise pieces of glass, and abrade and smooth the rugged edges of the hardest su])stanees, even of granite, without any injury to the animal. He resorted to experiments to illustrate the force of trituration in these stomachs, which a person of less ardour in this kind of investigation, and more ten- derness for the animal creation, would certainly have spared. He caused a leaden ball, beset with needles fixed in it, with the points outwards, to be forced do\^Ti the throat of a turkey. He con- trived to make another swallow a ball of a still more formidable construction 5 for it was aniied with small lancets, sharp at the points and edges, instead of needles : both balls were covered with paper to prevent the throat of the animal from being hurt as they descended, but fixed so loosely as to fall off in the stomach. The consequences proved the force and ruggedness of these muscular stomachs ; the needles and lancets were broken to pieces and voided without wounding or injuring the animal. But notwithstanding such proofs of the strength and activity of this kind of stomach, he ascer- tained that the solvent po\^ ers of a gastric lupior are combined even in these animals with the ope- ration of gastric muscles to etVect the process of 302 ' Medicine, [Chap. IV. digestion, and that they mutually assist each other. Spallanzani's next experiments were directed to animals possessing what he called intermediate stomachs ; such as are endowed with muscles less thick and strong than the former, but more so than the membranous stomachs. Among these he examined and made experiments upon the raven, the crow, the heron, and many other birds, which have this intermediate structure of the organ in question. It was found in these birds, as might be expected, that digestion is performed by a more equal combination, than in the former cases, of the forces of muscular action and a gastric menstruum secreted for the purpose. These interesting experiments on digestion were finished with those animals which have thin mem^ braneus stomachs. This class comprehends an im*- mense number of species, as man, quadrupeds,^ fishes, reptiles, &p. No triturating power is pos- sessed by the stomachs of this description ; for their muscular fibres seem to exert little other effect than that of propelling their contents through the pylorus. In proof of this is alleged the well known fact, that cherries and grapes are often received and voided entire from the human alimentary canal. The solvent power of the gastric liquor in these animals was found almost solely to effect the dis- solution of food, after the preparatory treatment of mastication, and the admixture of saliva. To prove the efficacy of this powerful agent in the process of digestion, Spallanzani enclosed different kindii of animal and vegetable food in linen bags. Sect. II.] Physiology. 305 and in wooden tubes, perforated in such a manner as to admit the entrance of the gastric juice ; these he swallowed ]iimself,and, after a short interval, the contents of them were found to he dissolved and discharged. He satisfied himself that no tritura- tion could take place by employing tubes so thin and weak that the slightest pressure would have crushed them to pieces; yet not one was ever broken, nor could he ever perceive the snuillest de- pression or fissure. Of the active solvent ]>o\vers of this gastric fluid he gives many remarkable proofs. In a dog it not only dissolved bones, but was found to corrode the enamel of two dcntcs in- cisor es taken from the jaw of a sheep. And, from some experiments on himself, he observed it to be sufficiently powerful to digest not only muscular fibres and meml>ranes, but tendon, cartilage, and even bone itself, when not of the hardest kind. The conclusions arising from these experiments of the professor of Pavia were, about the same time, confirmed aiKl illustrated by others equally inge- nious and interesting, undertaken by Dr. Edward Stevens*. He prevailed on a person to swallow little hollow spheres of silver, filled with food of different kinds ; the sides of the spheres being per- forated in various places, the gastric juice had ac- cess to, and, of course, could act upon their con- tents; and when voided, the food within them was found to be dissolved, either partially or entirely, according to the nature of it, and the time allowed for its remaining in the stomach. *-See his Inmigural Dissertation.^'d at Kdiiiburgh, m the yeai' 1777- 504 Medicine. [Chap. IV^. 1 he celebrated Mr. John Hunter is to be always enumerated among those who have improved our knowledge on the subject of digestion. In addi- tion to many other improvements, he endeavoured to solve the question, how the stomach itself can remain unhurt, while it encloses so penetrating and active a solvent as the gastric juice, seeing that it consists of materials similar to a large pro- portion of our food ? He ascribes to the living principle in animals the power which the stomach possesses to resist that action of its gastric fluid which penetrates and dissolves the aliment. In confirmation of this, he observes that intestinal worms can remain a considerable time unhurt in the stomach, while they retain the principle of life ; but as soon as they lose this, they are dissolved and digested, like other substances. In like manner he asserts, that while the stomach itself retains this living principle, the gastric fluid cannot exert its solvent powers on it; but when the person dies, particularly in cases of violent and s]adden death, that fluid immediately begins to corrode it, and sometimes is found to have made its way entirely througli the coats of the stomach into the cavity of the abdomen*. It seems therefore to result, from all the most successful inquiries concerning digestion made during the eighteenth century, that this function is variously perlbrmed by mechanical action, or chemical solution in different animals, according to the structure of the stomach, and the nature of the gastric secretion; and that in man, and many * riiil. Trans, vol. Ixii, p. 44;. Sect. II.] Physhlogi/. 305 other tribes of animals which possess asimiiar orga- nization of this viscus, it is cilbcted by the solvent operation of the gastric fhiid independently of tri- turation. Beside the points in physiology already noticed, many others might be mentioned which have un- doubtedly received much elucidation and improve- Jiient in tlie course of tiie late century. The senses of Vision and Hearing, which had previously de- rived a great deal of light from the endeavours used to investigate them, have been examined with still more minuteness and success within the last hun- dred years, and many new facts and princii>Ies con- cerning them have been satisfactorily ascertained. But the doctrines of Secretion and Nutrition, thouirh so fundamental in a thorough acquaintance with the animal economy, notwitlistanding all the dili- gence and ingenuity bestowed on them by a mul- titude of physiologists, have not been cultivated with equal success, and indeed can scarcely be said to be better understood at ' this time than they were at the close of the seventeenth cen- tury. The celebrated doctrine of the vitalitj/ of the blood, which Avas first distinctly taught in modern times by Harvey, found a new and able advocate in Mr. John Hunter, who maintained, in his lec- tures, that the fluids as well as the solids were pos- sessed of the principle of life. The arguments by which he endeavoured to support this doctrine are not only ingenious and forcible in themselves, but they derive additional strength from the theory of respiration, and the principles ol' pncunuitic che- mistry, which are now generally received. Vol. I. X " 306 Med feme. [CuatAV. Within the period assigned to this retrospect, the functions and laws of the Nervous System have been investigated with the greatest zeal. Wilhs, in tlie seventeenth century, had laid the foundation of this improvement, by his accurate description of the brain and nen^s. Vieussens, in his Neuro- graphiay pursued the subject with much discern- ment. Early in the eighteenth century Hoffmann still further prosecuted this inquiry; and, at a more advanced period of it. Dr. Cullen exerted all his powers in the same course. The use made by the two latter of the knowledge gained on this subject, in constructing their medical theories, will be mentioned more particularly uhder the succeed- ing head. Coinparative physiology has been cultivated with j^reat ardour and success in the course of the cen- tury now under contemplation. Haller, though chiefly devoted to human physiology, did. not neg- lect the instruction which may be derived from a comparative view of the functions of man and other animals. The Hunters, the Monroes, and most of the other distinguished anatomists of thfe late century^ laboured in this field with the utmost zeal and assiduity. The great anatomical work planned by Vicq-d'-Azyr, that was mentioned \mder the preceding head, was principally designed to deduce a body of physiological principles, which, by comparison, might illustrate the functions of the whole animal kingdom. The numerous com- parative inquiries concerning animals of warm and cold blood, and those which, in respect of the fuiK'tion of generation, are distinguished into vi- Tiparous and oviparous, liave already thrown much Sect. II.] Physiologi), . ' S07 new and important light on this branch of knowledge, and opened a train of investigation which here- after will probably lead to still more interesting re- sults. Mr. Blunienbach of Goettingen, whose phy- siological labours deserve very high praise, has greatly distinguished himself by his Specunen Phy- siologitf t'oviparattc inter Animantia calidi Sangui- nis Fivipara el Ovipa7'a*. The recent work of M Cnvier, on comparative anatomy, furnishes an abun- dance of the materials requisite for the extension and the improvement of this part of science. Within a few years the irritability of vegetable;? has attracted much of the attention of physiologists; and the interesting facts which it offers have been naturally cojnbined with the great body of corre- sponding facts presented b}^ the animal kingdom. Such general views penetrate deeply into the eco- nomy of nature; and the light they afford may be clearly discerned in an estimate of the progress and present state of medical opinions. To the account before given of the labours of Haller, in the former part of the century, to ascertain the fundamental laws of the animal economy, it would be improper not to add those lately undertaken for the same pur- pose by the abbe Fontana. By a series of experi- ments, in v/hicli accuracy and industry are eminently conspicuous, the abbe has proved, beyond the pos- sibihty of doubt, the existence of a principle in the animal fibre, independent of nervous i:nergy, from which result, on the application of certain exciting powers, the various actions suited to the support of animal life. This principle, which with Haller hj(x.'t, in modern times, liave made more apparent the absurdity of atheism, and furnished ne^v demonstration of tlic 43xistence and wisdom of the Great First Cause. SECTION III. THEORY AXD PKACTICE OF PHYSIC. At the period of the revival of learning in tlie fitleenth century the medical system of Galen was restored, and began generally to prevail. Early in the sixteenth century the famous Paracelsus laid the foundation of a chemical system, which attract- ed much notice, and excited a violent contest with the followers of Galen. The efficacy of the remedies employed by Paracelsus and his disciples, and the bold and confident terms in which their virtues were extolled, procured, with many, the reception of his system, and for a long time supported its popularity and fame. But the regular and syste- matic physicians still generally maintained the doctrines of Galen, and, by their superior learning, were enabled to keep possession of the schools of physic till the middle of the seventeenth centur}'. About this time the discovery of the circulation of the blood began to be generally recei\eti, which, together with that of the receptacle of the chyle, and tl|e thoracic dad, gave a heavy blow to the Galenic 3b2 Medicine. [Chap. IV. theory. In the destruction of this theory, the operation of the revohition in philosophy, effected by lord Bacon, deserves hkewise to be particularly mentioned. His m(,Hhod of philosophising exhibited the futility of the numberless hypotheses which are found in the system of Galen, and excited a dispo- sition to observe facts and make experiments. At the beginning of the seventeenth century the contest bet^\ een the Galenical and chemical physi- cians was carried on with the utmost animosity and indecorum. The influence of the writings of Gali- leo, aided by the discovery of the circulation of the blood, introduced mathematical reasoning into the doctrines of medicine. The progress made about this time in the knoM ledge of the organic structure of animals, which was greatly facilitated bj an ac- quaintance with the circulation of the blood, had extended the application of mechanical philosophy in order to explain the phenomena of the "animal economy. The agency of the nerves or moving ])Owers of animals was at that time so little under- stood, that physicians universally, whether Galenists, chemists, or mathematicians, considered the state and condition of the fluids as the cause of diseases, and the medium of the operation of remedies. Hence arose the Humoral Pathology^ which then predominated in every system of opinions, however diversified in other respects. While the followers of Galen were daily losing ground from the circum- stances which have just been stated, the chemists gained some accession of strength from the doc- trines of the humoral ])athology. Chemical reason- ing was readily ado{)ted to explain the various acrimonies which v, ere supposed to infest the cir- Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of PJiyslc. 313 dilating mass, and thereby to irive orli^iu to diseases. On this ground the use of stimulating, eordial, and sudorific remedies became fasliionable through* uit Europe in the latter half of the seventeenth centJi- ly. This doctrine, which exhibits the last glinnncM- ing of the chemical sect, attained its utmost heiglit, and was taught and practised with the greatest ap- plause, hv the celebrated Francis du Bois, more known by his Latin name of Sylvius, professor of medicine in the university of Leyden, who conti- nued for many years the medical oracle of Europe, and gave an eminent degree of eclat to the semi- nary to which he belonged. With this physician acidify formed the principal source of morbid afVee- tions; and he extended and supported his doctrine by every analogy that the learning of that period and the utmost ingenuity could devise. Agents adapt- ed to correct or expel this acrimony were exalted into universal remedies, and supplied every inten- tion of cure. To .oppose the cardiac and alcxipharmic doc- trines of the Sylvian school, which often consisted in doing violence to nature, and could not fail, when carried to extremes, of increasing the mischiefs it was intended to remove, required the powers of a great and original mind. For this purpose the illustrious Sydenham was eminently suited. The sagacity of this physician led him, hy an almost seeming intuition, to discern and obey the dictates of nature, and to atlbrd every proper assistance without urging her to useless and liazardous ellbrts. The effects of this revolution were innnediately seen in the improved treatment of acute diseasc^s of every class, when, instead of the fashionable ah^xipharmic 514 Medic inc. [Chap. IV. remedies, intended to promote imaginary depura- tions, by additional heat and increased stimulus, a 5"afer antiphlogisiic or cooling plan was adopted, with a view to unload the oppressed habit, to reduce excessive action, and to preservp the strength of the system for the subsequent conflict. Towards the close of the seventeenth century, the application of mathematical reasoning to medi- cal theory had attained its greatest height. Tlie mathematicians were alike hostile to the Galenists and chemists. With equal aversion they discarded the qualities^ elements^ temper aments, concoctionSy and crises of the Galenist ; and the Arclueus of Van llelmont, the salts^ the sulphur, the mercury, the acids, alkalies, effervescences, fermentations, ebulli-* tionSy and deflagrations of the chemist. Instead of such objects as these, the mathematical pathologists endeavoured to direct the public attention to me- chanical tensioji and relaxation, to true and spurious plethora, to obstruction and error loci, to excessive or deficient motion of the fluids, and to their lentor, tenuity, or dissolution. Flushed with their success in astronomical inquiries, and with their dominion over the globe ^^'e inhabit, the mathematicians confidently imagined they should fmd no difficul- ty in subjecting the province of medicine to their extensive empire. The chemists of that day had little to urge against the claims of these invaders. Their loose, visionary, and capricious doctrines (for such was undoubtedly much of the chemistry of that })eriod) could make no successful opposition to the axioms, postulates, propositions, lemmas, pro^ blems, theorc/ns, demonstrations, corollaries, and calculations, Avith which the mathematicians were Sect. III.] Theory andPradkc of Phi/sic. 315 constantly armed when they entered inio contro- versy. J3elliiii, of* Florence, as was formerly observ- ed, was among thfc first medical writers who intro- duced mechanical reasoning; and soon afterwards the application of it was extended still liuiher by profes.sor Borelli, wiio j^rosecnted the subject with great learning and zeal. The laborious calculations piade by these mathematicians of th(^ force exerted by the heart in propelling the blood^, and by the stomach in the digestion of food, are signal exam- ples of the delusion which then occupied the respectable minds. But no person at this period seems to have proceeded farther in this course than the celebrated Dr. Pitcairn, who, during some of the last years of the seventeenth ceutiuy, held a medical professorship in the university of Ley den. He flattered himself that medical principles might be supported by a clear train of mathematical reasoning, which would defy the attacks of the so- phist, and which would be exempt from the fluctu- ations of opinion and prejudice. His works are full of postulates, data, and demonstrations. And, after a long parade of geometrical forms, he supposes himself to have arrived at the nc plus uLlra of the science of medicine f. * BorelU believed that he made it clearly to appear, that the force of the heart is equal to 180000 pounds weight; while Dr. Keil's calculation reduces the pofwer of the left ventricle to/r« ounces. t Pictairn concludes his chrpler, De divUionc Morborum, thus triumphantly : " Quapmptcrnon dubito mc .sohisse nohik probkma, quod est, daU) morbo, invcnrc remvdinm, Jumquc opvs exi'Zi" Vide Ekmtnta Mcdkimr Physko-Mnt/umntka, p. 177. The annaU of science can scarcely furnish a more striking example of the delu- tiion of enthusia'i-m, or the blindness of prejudice. 516 Medicine. [Chap. IV. ^J he mechauic theory of medicine is now so ob- solete that even the most illiterate aftect to smil^ at the al)siirdities of that kind, which were often nttered by learned men. But it should be remem- bered, that, amidst all its extravagance, it was an important step towards improvement ; and it will certainly be rescued from contempt by the recol- lection that it was once honoured with the crreat o names of Eorelli, Boerhaave, and Newton. The Italian and Dutch schools, though hurried into wild extremes by the rage of mathematical reasoning which then prevailed, possessed an unrivalled cele- brity at the end of the seventeenth century. The history of medicine at that period particularly dwells on the merits and services of many of their physi- cians, and abundantly justifies their claim to di- stinction. Thus stood the theory of medicine at the be- ginning of the eighteenth century. At that: auspi- cious period, every part of science began to assume a more correct and improved aspect ; and, from the vasl^ and diversified labours of the preceding age, it hi^d become more practicable to select and combine the materials necessary to construct the theories of medicine which were speedily to ap})ear. Accord- ingly, xii-vy early in the century three new and consirlerably different systems were presented to the ^vorld in the writings of Stahl, Hoffmann, and lioerliaave. And they are the more worthy of ex- amination at the present time, as they not only engrossed the attention of physicians during a great part of the century, but as even now they are not T^ithout induence upon principles and practice. Notuiihstandine^ the seniority of Stahl and llofll Sect. III. J Theory and Practice of Physic. S 1 7 maim by a few years, they were, as theorists of nie- ilicine, strictly the contemporaries of Buerhaave. It is judged expedient to begin with the latter in this place, not only on account of the great impor- tance and celebrity of his system, but because lii^ doctrines held a closer -.dliance with the predomi- nant philosoi)hy of that period, and those of the two Others with the succeeding theories. Hermann Boerliaave began his career as a teacher and a writer about the commencement of the eigh- teenth century, in all respects he deserves to be considered as one of the greatest men that ever adorned the medical profession. He possessed a vast range of erudition, and had cultivated the aux- iliary branches ofmedicme with such assiduity, that be particularly excelled in anatomy, chemistry, and botany. No physician, since Galen, has so autho- ritatively swayed the empire of opinion, nor been more universally obeyed in the schools of ph\ sic. Endowed by nature with a powerful, logical, and s^'stematic mind, he seemed to be designed to clear away the rubbish of errour and prejudice, with which he foun^ medical learning overgrown ; to collect knowledge from every source; and to present it to the world embodied in that clear, consistent, elegant, and luminous state of arrangement, which consti- tutes him the parent of medical theory *. * This great man was bom at a vilhigo n^ar lA^ydcn, in the year i06S, juid died in 1/38. The sparu whicii hu- tilled in the seieiititic world, for upwards of forty years, vas so great, that nu one acqnainted with the history of the period in w liich he lived 'a jgnorant of his immense learning, his singular talents, or liis nu- merous and inestimable woik^. His moral and religious character is as worthv of commenioration as his iuteilettuul endowuwiKs, 318 Medicine.: [Chap. IV. In framing his system of physic, Boerhaave seems: diligently to liave studied the writings of both an- cient and modern physicians, from Hippocrates down to Sydenham. Though extremely partial to the mechanical principles of Bellini and Pictairn, he appears to have endeavoured, as much as possible, to divest himself of prejudice in favour of former systems, and to make a candid and genuine selec- tion of truth from every source. Beside availing^ himself of the experience of Hippocrates, and other observers of nature in every age, he drew many of his doctrines fi*om the chemical as Avell as mathe- matical philosophy of the period in which he lived. Boerhaave's Institutes, which is his theoretical work, contain all the discoveries in anatoni}- and physiology known at that time; and that system likewise of pathology and therapeutics which he thought proper to adopt. His Aphorisms, or prac- ** Some, ihoiigl: few," (says his great disciple Haller) ^*'\vill rival him in erudition 3 his divine temper, kind to all, beneficent to foes and adversaries, detracting from no man's merits, and binding by favours his daily opponents, may perhaps never be paralleled." He was at once a practical philosopher and an eminent Christian. No one was ever less moved by the attacks of envy and malice j no one ever bore with more firmness and resignation the evils of life. Simplicity was the characteristic, of his manners. He was easy and familiar in his converse ; perfectly free from parade of every kind; grave imd xu])er in dc meanour, and yet di>.p().sed to pleasantry, and occasionally indulging in good-humoured raillery. lie was almost adored by his pupils, whose interests he regarded v/ith the kind- ness of a parent, and wliom, when sick, he attended preferably tvj> any other patients. Piety of the most amiable cast was wrought In tlie very habit of his soul ; the perusal of the scriptures was one of his habitkial and stated employments 3 and the business of every day wiis precededby the devotiorial exercises of the closet. — General Biograpftj/ by John Aikin, J\I. D. -and others, vol, ii. Sect. III.] Theonj and Practice of Phijsic. 3 1 9 ticdl work, with all their imperfections, contain perhaps more medical learning than any book ex- tant of the same size. The most prominent feature in the Boerhaaviun system is the attempt to explain the phenomena of the animal economy, whether in healtli or disease, upon mechanical principles. Under the impres- sion of such opinions he considered the body ehirfly as an hydraulic machine, composed of a conic, elas- tic, inflected canal, divided into similar less canals, all proceeding fron the same trunk; which, beinpr at last collected into a retiform contexture, nuitually open into each other, and send olV two orders of vessels, lymphatics and veins, the former terminat- ing in different cavities, the latter in the heart; that these tubes are destined for the conveyance of the animal fluids, in the circulation of which he uii\. Sect. III.] llicorij and Practice of Fhj/sic. 3Q3 many occasions he iina«i:incs the soul to act inde- pendemly of the state of the ]>ody; and that, with- out any physical necessity arising from a particular state, the soul, merely in consequence of its intelli- gence, perceiving the aj)plication of noxious powers, or the ap])r6ach of disease from any cause, imme- diately excites such motions in the hody as are suited to ob\ iate the hurtful or pernicious effects which might otherwise take place. He sometimes mentions two opposite princi})les or propensities in the human frame; one constantly and unifonnly tending to corruption and decay, the other to life and health; the former founded on the elementarv composition of the body, the latter depending im- mediately on the energy of the mind or soul. B\ means of the nerves, the influence of the soul is ex- tended to every part of the system ; and if their action be impeded or deranged, disease is tlje un- avoidable consequence. A plethora and lentor of tlu' blood are therefore the proximate causes of disease, as the energy of the mind i5 thereby diminished, and its action on the body obstructed. Hence, to lessen the quantit}', and to break down the Iciitor of the blood, the soul exerts all its powers, and ex- cites haemorrhages, sweats, diarrhoeas, fevers, and tlie like. These efforts are sometimes hap])y and suc- cessful; at otlier times they tail to answer tiie pur- pose, and may oceasionall\' even do mischief, espe- cially w^hen opposed by the imj^roper interference of physicians, or by some internal, acGidental, or organic, impediment. only the vlfal principle of :\u organi'ed boJv.'* Zirtimermann on Experience, vol. i, p. U"^ 3i24 Medicine. [Chap. IV. Such is tlie theory of health and disease which Stahl dehvered to his pupils and readers, and which he endeavoured to recommend and support by all his great powers of learning and ingenuity. But, in his ponderous volume on this subject, entitled The- oria Medic a Vera, we look in vain for the logical arrangement, the elegance and perspicuity, which are constantly displayed in the writings of Boer- haave. There were not wanting, however, in various parts of Europe, especially in Germany, many fol- lowers of Stahl, who thoroughly imbibed his princi- ples, and pursued his practice in the treatment of diseases. Among these, Juncker and Carl, particu- larly the fonner, in his work entitled Conspectus TlierapeicC Specialise have given a much better ac- count of the doctrines and opinions of their pre- ceptor than himself. To many the Stahlian theory appears so fanci- ful and absurd, that they can scarcely think it de- serving of a serious refutation. But still, it has been often thought there are such appearances of intelligence and design in the operations of the animal economy, that many eminent physicians have been induced to countenance similar opinions. Among these may be mentioned Nichols and Mead, in England; Porterfield and Simson, in Scotland; Gaubius *, in Holland; and perhaps Wliytt, of the university of Edinburgh f . ■'^ Doiibts ha\ e bi'cn suggested whether Gaubius was really a follower of Stahl. Dr. Haller represents hinj as cautus vir, et in rtclpicndis opinionihus dijficills. He is said, at any rate, never to Iiavc openly avowed his adhercnee to the Stahlian system. I Among those wlio embraced either the whole or a part of the l^tahlijn doct/inc, Pual Joseph Barthex is entitled to respectful no- Sect, in.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 3i2.'3 Of the writers who adopt the opinions of Stahl, 111 a greater or less de^^ree, Nichols and Gaubius may be considered as two of those who deserve tlie highest consideration *. Tlie consequences result- ticc. His work De Principio Vitali Jloi/iinis, published in 1773, and his Nova Doctrine dc rivutiontbu.s NuturiT JIumanw, j)ubhsht'J ki 1774, both deserve to be commended as indications ot'acutcness and ingenuity. * In an elegant prelection by Dr. Nichols, which he published under the title of Oratio dc Anhnu Mtdica, we find the following visionary excesses ot Staltlianism. According to him, the '^oul at first forms the body, and governs it ever afterwards. He ascribes it to the prudence of the soul, that the stinai is not jKTfc»eted in males, till tlie strength and vigour of the system are prepared for generation, and he sees her sagacity in the slow and gradual eruption of the small-pox, thereby dividing the force of the disease and greatly lessening the danger. After violent pain or exhaustion by fatigue, tiie soul hides herself in sleep, in order to recruit the body or to r-ectify any disorder ; hence the inclination to sleep after child-birth ; hence also the frequent sleeping of infants, whose anima is so cn- "•rossed with attention to the vital motions as to mind little else. When too much distracted and perplexed with external things, she cTften neglects her internal duties ; and hence health is so much impaired by fear, grief, love, and other violent passions. He also accuses the soul of occasional fits of caprice and ill-humour, by w hich she is led to disregard her office, and indulge herself in freaks of petulance and perverseness. In fevers, the sudden failing of the strength and pulse ought to be regarded, he tells us, us signs of the soul's abandoniug the body in despair, and intending soon to relinquish it. Nay, he sometimes imputes to her cow- ardice and folly in sufiering the body to sink under diseases by no means deadly in their own nature; in falling into undue akirui and trepidation, thereby becoming unfit to discharge her office, and being often precipitated into mischief and injury; and in deserting her post in a moment of peril, when, were she always wiiie enough to neglect things of inferior moment, and to attend solely to the preservation of the body, she might not only prevent diseases, >r, tar at leask as they proceed from internal causes, but might protract the life of man to an indefinite period, it may be to a thousand ■^.ears l^Vide Oratio de Anima Mcdicn, pa-^sim. 3^6 Medicine. [Chap, IV, ing from such doctrines may be discovered from what appears in their writings. If it be thought proper to admit such a capricious government of the animal economy as these writers in some in^ stances maintain, it will follow that a rejection of all the physical and mechanical reasoning which is employed concerning the human body must fake place. Nor are the consequences of such doctrines coh- fmed to reasoning and speculation. It appears that Stahl and his followers, in the whole of their practice, whatever may haye been asserted to the contrar}^, were very much governed by their ge- neral principles. Trusting to the wisdom and con- stant attention of nature, they proposed the art of curing diseases by expectation. As practitioners, therefore, they seem to have been cautious, inde- cisive, and timid, in the extreme; they adopted, for the most part, only very feeble, inert, and frivolous remedies; and they strenuously opposed the use of some of those which are most eincaciou"^ and the most deserving of confidence. It would be doing injustice, however, to the Stahlian practitioners not to acknowledge that they greatly enriched medical science by their incessant and unwearied observation of the history and phe- nomena of diseases, and were instrumental in di- recting the attention of physicians to those salu- tary efforts of nature, which cannot be too accu- j ately understood, or too dihgently })ursucd in the treatment of diseases. Frederick Hoffmann is tlie last of the three illus- trious systematists whose different theories of me- dicine were disclosed to the world in the beginning Sect. 111.] Thconj and Practice of Physic. 32? of the eighteenth eeutury*. lie was the eollea.i^ie and ri\al of Stahl in the university of Ilallc, and a most learned and voluminous writer. For more tljan fifty years he llonrished as a practitioner and author, enjoyed a splendid reputation, and added greatly to tlie mass of medical science. lIofTmann had the discernment early to perceive the errour of those who sufferetl themselves to he led away by the hyi)0thetical doctrines of the hu- moral pathologij, and the otiicr wild opinions then prevailing among the chemical and mechanical theo- rists. He set himself to cultivate and improve what Boerhaave had neglectt^l. He diligently un- dertook to explore the functions and diseases of the oieri'ous system, and wisely concluded that noxious causes much more generally affect the solid moiiug poivcrs than the fluids of tiie animal body. He ad- mitted indeed into his system some portion of the mechanical,Cartesian,and chemical doctrines which had previously prevailed; but these did not blind him to the light which he derived from the patho- logy of the nervous system. According to him, atom) and spasm are the great sources of disease ; and he proceeded so far as to maintain that all m- - Frederick Hoffmann ^vas born at Magdeburg in the year xmo. The principal circumstances much known in the lite ot rhisiHustrious physician are, that he travelled mto England and Holland, where he became acquainted witli Robert Boyle and Paul Hermann ; that he never received any professional tees bemg supported by his annual stipend j Uiat he cured tiic emperor ClKU-lcsVI, and Frederick \ kin- of Prussia, of inveterate!^-s j and that he had a very accurate and extensive knowledge, tor that day, of rtie nature and virtues of mineral waters. Hotlmann sur- vived his setli yeari and his works were printed at (nueva. in /ix volumes folio, iu 1 740. 3'2S Medicine. [Chap. IV, ternal disorders are to be ascribed to some preter- natural affection of the living solid*. Hoffmann's pathology of fever deservedly excited great attention. Though he undertook, like many of his predecessors, to inquire into the intentions of nature, he certainly contemplated her process in fever with more sagacity; and, rejecting chemical and mechanical analogies on this subject, endea- voured to discover the cause of fever in the pecu- liar nature and affections of the vital motions. He supposed the noxious cause producing fever (in the language of the schools, the remote cause) to operate first on the living solids, producing a ge- neral spasm of the nervous and fibrous system, be- ginning in the external parts, and proceeding to- wards the centre. In consequence of this, a con- traction of the vessels of the extremities must of course take place, impelling the circulating fluids in an increased ratio on the heart and lungs; which stimulating these organs to increased action, the fluids are thereby repelled towards the extre- mities, and thus the phenomena of fever are pro- duced. There are, therefore, according to Hoff- mann, two distinct sets of motions in fever 5 the first, from the extremities towards the centre, arising im- mediately from the spasm, and accompanied by a small pulse, anxiety, and oppression; the second, from the centre towards the surface, which is the effort of nature to resolve the spasm, and indicated by a full strong pulse and increased heat. The lirst of these sets of motions is baneful, and som^T * Vide Fred. Hoffmann. Opera Omnia Phi/sico-Medicit, vol, i, M(d. Rat. Syntaii. toin. iiJ, § I, cap. iv^ p. J08. Geneva edition. Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. ^l\\ times fatal; the second is medicinal and salntarv. By thtsc views of the nature of fever, he sujj|)osfs, the physician ought to be directed in counteracting the morbid actions, and in assisting tiie sanative process of nature*. The general pathological doctrines of lIofTmann undoubtedly contain a great deal of truth, and form a distinguished aera in the history of medical the- ory. Tiiough his opinions on the sul)ject of fever, however impro\'ed by a succeeding theorist, must be supposed to be rapidly falling into disrepute; still they evince deep and Just views of the animal economy, and much observation of the nature ^nd phenomena of diseases. The originality of HolTmann's scheme of patJKj- iogy has been brought into question; and nobody can doubt that he received many important hints from preceding writers. Van Helmont seems to have been the first who turned his attention to the nervous system with any discernment. Some, indeed, have gone so far as to pronounce him the author of the spasmodic theory of f ever ; but whatever intimations he may be supposed to have given of febrile spasm in different parts of his huge indigested \vork, they are surely too crude and indistinct to be considered in the light of a theory of fever. Dr. Willis, in the latter part of the seventeenth centuiy, had also laid some foundation for this doctrine, in his Palhologia Cerebri ct Nervorum; and Baglivi, in tlie begin- ning of the eighteenth, had improved it still further in his Specimen dc Fibra Motrici el Morl)osaf. •^- IIofTmann. Oft Omn. vol. i, torn, ii, p. 10. j Dr. I'cniai- ot >r;inrlu'strr, in thcprefacto hi> .Mtuficul Ilis- rc'/ii's ami R»jhxliom: iiuikcs the following rcinaik : " Tijc avsci- 550 Medicine, {Chap, IV. The theory of diseases last stated formed tlie ground-work of a system which was adopted and taught for many years, with great celebrity, by the learned Dr. Culien of Edinburgh *. He assumed the genera] principle of Hollmann, that the phenomena of health and disease can only be explained by re- ferring them to the state and affections of the pri- mary moving powers of the animal economy. He endeavoured to extend the application and uses of this principle as far as possible, and for this pur- pose he- expunged certain hypothetical doctrines of the humoral pathology which Hoffmann had suf- fered to remain j and to depreciate the Mtlue of his system. According to the hypothesis embraced by Dr. Cullen, the bra hi, with all its ramifications and de- pendencies combined to form the nervous system, is the primary organ of the human body, the different conditions of which constitute the various states of health and disease. In pursuance of this hypo- thesis, the circulation of the blood, instead of being the principal of the vital functions, as in the Boer- tion of a spasfnodic state of the extreme vessels in the cold stage offerers, commonly ascribed to Dr. Iloffmann, was first naade by Dr. Pien>, in his comprehensive treatise De Febrt." * Dr. William Cullen was born in Lanarkshire, in the west of Scotland, December 11, 1/12. He was chosen one of the me- dical protessors in tlie university of Edinburgh in 1756^ and died in that city in l/.qo, in the 77th year of his age. The various publications of this distinguished physician are so well known, that it is nn!iccessary to dwell on their merits. Of these, his Noxologia Mt'thodica, his First Lines of the Practice of Pli^s/c, and his Materia Medica, arc the most valuable. — See an elo- quent and interesting luulogiuia upon Dr. Callcn, pronounced liefore the College jof Physicians of Philadelphia^ by Dr. llui,h, bvo, 1790. Sect. III.] Thcorj/ and Praciinf of Pin/sic. 331 haaviaii doctrine, occupies only a s<'con(lary cle- grce of importance in tiie anini;il economy. Dr. Cullen supposed it to be evident that tlie nervous power, in the whole as well as in the several parts of tlie nervous system, and particularly in the brain, which unites tiie several parts, and forms them into a whole, is at dillerent times in ditlerent degrees of mobility and force. To these dilferent states he applies the terms of cxcUcmtnt and col- lapse. To that state in which the mobility and force are suilicient for the ordinary exercise of the functions, or ^vhere these states are any way ]-)re- ternaturally increased, he gives the name of crcite- ment; and to that state in which the mobility and ibrce are not sufficient for the ordinary exercise of the functions, or when they are diminished from tlie state in which they had been before, he gives the name of collapse*. Dr. Cullen's opinions concerning the nature of fever have excited much attention and controversy in the medical world. lie delivers an account of them in the following ivords : "Upon the whole, our doctrine of fever is explicitly this. The remote causes are certain sedative powers appUed to the nervous system, which, diminishing the energy of the brain, thereby produce a dc-bility in the whole of the functions, and pnrticularly in the action of the extreme vessels. Such, however, is, at the same time, the nature of the animal economy, that this debility i)roves an indircct stimulus to the san- guiferous system ; whence, by the intervention of ^he cold stage, and spasm connected with it, the * See his histitutes of Midkinc, § 12u to 13:';. 332 Medicine. [Chap. IV. action of tlie heart and larger arteries is increased, and continues so till it has had the effect of restor- ing the energy of the brain, of extending this energy to the extreme vessels, of restoring therefore their action, and thereby especially overcoming the spasm affecting them ; upon the removing of which, the excretion of sweat, and other marks of the re- laxation of excretories, take place*." As Hoffmann's theory of fever evidently produced that of Cullen, it is proper to ascertain the points of variance between them. According to Hoffmann, the first effect of the remote cause of fever is the spasm, producing a reaction, as has already been stated in the account given of his doctrine. Cullen introduced a previous link into the chain of effects: he contended that the first effect of the noxious power (the remote cause) was a general debility, consisting in a diminution of the energy of the brain. To this debility he attributes the spasm, and to the spasm the reaction of the heart and ar- teries; which reaction continuing till the spasm is n^solved, removes the debility and the disease. Ac- cording to Hoffmann, the spasm belongs to the class of motions MJiicli he pronomices to be baneful; \\\i\ Cullen presumes it to be salutary, and there- iore ascribes it, in the language of the schools, to the vis medico I rix natuvcv. Dr. Cullen's theory of fever was received with great applause, and, for a considerable time, main- tained its ascendancy, especially in the British do- minions and in the I'nited States. Few, however, at the present da}', seem to consider it as tenable. * Vh'i^t Lines of ihc Practice of Th^sic, vol. \, p. 55. Sect. III.] Theory and Praclkc of Physic. 33.^ The author has not iDidertaken to explain in what manner the debihty in the w hoU^ of tlie hnietions proves an indirect stimulus to the sanguiferous sy- stem 3 nor how this stimulus operates in exciting the cold stage and spasm, I'he coexistence of atony and spasm in the same vessels is regarded by many as an insuperable diihcult}\ No explana- tion is offered of the mode in which the action of the heart and larger arteries is augmented by the intervention of the cold stage and spasm. The pro- cess by which this augmentation restores the energy of the brain, and extends such energy to the ex- treme vessels, is also left entirely in the dark. His introduction of the vis medicatrix naturu: is liable to almost all the objections of the aniina mtdicu of Stahl, and must be considered as no better than a confession of ignorance. In all these respects, and many others, this celebrated doctrine rests on hypothetical ground. This will appear the more surprising, as the learned author professed to disclaim all those hypothetical opinions which go to the formation of theories ; and seems to have been persuaded that his doctrine of fever was only an induction from a generalisation of facts. It would be injustice, how^ever, to Dr. Cullen, not to subjoin that his merits are extensive and universally acknowledged. He was a diligent and faithful collector of facts. His works often contain* admirable descriptions and sagacious discrinnna- tions of diseases. His great excellence seems to have consisted in methodical arrangement. But it is commonly remarked, and apjiarently with truth, that he was much more successful in d m*>- 354 Medicine. [Chap. IV. lishing the systems of others than in erecting his own. l>;e next system which demands attention, in the order of time, is that of Dr. John Brown of Edinburgh*. This original, eccentric, nnfortnnate man framed a physiological and pathological theory, which, amidst great erronrs, inconsistencies, and contradictions, contains many vigorous conceptions, of truth and nature, and some which it is probable the improvements of future times will serve much further to elucidate and confirm. Brown assumed, as the foundation of his system, the existence of an unknown principle, on which, when acted upon by stimuli, all the phenomena of life, health, and disease, depend, and which he de~ nominated excitability. This excitability he be- lieved to vary in different animals, and in the same at ditferent times. As it is more intense,- the animal is more susceptible of the action of ex~ citing powers. Exciting powers, or stimuli, may be referred to two classes ; either external, as heat, food, wine, poisons, contagions, the blood, secreted fluids, and air; or interna], such as the functions of the body itself, muscular motion, thought, emotion, and passion. Excitability produces no effect, or * Dr. John Brown was born in the village of Dunse, in Scot- land, in ihe year I7«'5. His parents were in very Immble life:. and through his whole career he maintained a struggle with po- verty. He began to teach medicine by public lectures in Edin- burgh, about the year 1777 •' he removed to London in l78Ci, where he died in 1783, in the 53d year of his age. Pie v. as un- doubtedly a man of great and original genius, and ^of considerable ac(|uiremeht,s, but tlie unfortunate victim of folly and intempe- rance. His Ehmenta MediciiKV were first pubhshed by him id Latin, and afterwards trani>lated 1 y the author into English. S^cT, IIL] Theory mid Practice of Physic. 3S^ rather docs not exist, unless exeiting powers arc applied; for, if tlioy be entirely witlidrawii, deatli as certainly ensues as when excitability is coiismned hy the excessive application of ihein ; life is there- fore a forced slate. Excitement may be in just measnre, or too great, or too small. St imuH ap|)ned in due proportion produce that just (le,i;ree of ex- citement wliich constitutes the «tate of health. If the stimuli be diiiiinished below the healthy pro-, portion, he supposed the excitability to a/:eumu- late; if increcLsed beyond this proportion, to be expended; and on these opposite states he at- tempted to found a theory of diseases, denominat- hig the ibrmer direct, the latter indirect debilitv. Diseases he divided into tv.o classes, slJttnic and astJienic, or such as arise from increased and from diminished excitement. He believed no aq-ent on the living body could properly receive the title of scdatiie; and insisted that every ])o\ver tiiat acts on such a body is stimulant, or produces excite- ment by expending excitabilit\\ Whatever powers therefore may be employed, and however they may vary from sucii as are habitually applied to produce due excitement, they can onlv' weaken the system, by urging it into too much motion, or saiVering it to sink into languor. He is supposed to have in- cluded both the nervous and muscular powers un- der tlie term of excitability ; yet he did not con- sider the excitability as a pro}>erty residing in and depending upon the mechanism of particular parts, but as a iniiform undivided property, pcrvatling the whole system, which cannot be affected in any one part without being atfected in a siuiilar nianuer in every other. 336 Medicine. [Chap. IV, Dr. Brown supposes the proximate cause of fever to consist in debility, which may be either direct or indirect, according to the nature of the noxious powers previously applied to the system. Hence he makes two divisions of fevers : 1st. Those which depend on direct debihty, such as intermit- tent fevers, typhus, &c. 2d. Those ^^'hich depend on indirect debility, such as mahgnant fever, con- fluent small-pox, plague, &c. Having therefore assigned to fever its place in his series of descend- ing excitement, he neglected particularly to in- quire into its symptoms, or to enlarge on its treat- ment. Thus debility, which was the first link in the chain of Dr. Cullen, formed, according to the theory of Dr. Brown, the essence of fever. He altogether denied the existence of spasm ; he ridi- culed reaction and the vis medicatrix natura; ; and he wholly overlooked the phenomena of morbid association and morbid heat. In a word, the basis of Dr. Brown's system seems to be this ; in every state of the body, ex- cept that of perfect health, there always exists either too strong or too weak an excitement. Hence there can be only two species of disease, two methods of treatment, and two kinds of medi- cinal agents. In framing his system. Brown seems to have combined the irritability and sensibility of Haller to form his excitability ; and to that eminent phy- siologist he w^as probably more indebted for the first hints of his doctrine, and especially for the facts on which it is founded, than to any preceding writer. His general principles are supposed more correctlv to suit the condition of the animal eco- Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 337 nomy in health than in disease. The fundamental position, that excitabihty is accumulated and ex- pended in the inverse ratio of the stimulation, ap- pears to be confirmed by many i\ic[^ conct-rning the application of heat and the taking m of food, during the healthy states of the body, or when it is only affected by cold or hunger. Whether it equally hold good in the state of disease is more liable to doubt. He was acquainted with only one mode of action of the living principle, that which has been described by a succeeding theorist under the name of irritation ; while he was wliolly regardless of the influence of sensation, volition, and association. He neglected, or was ignorant of most of the important relations which the doc- trines of modern chemistry bear to the animal economy, and to the composition of animal mat- ter. These, however, comprise only a small por- tion of the criticisms to which this system is ex- posed. But with all these, and many more faults, it cannot be denied that the praise of genius and ori- ginality in an eminent degree belongs to Dr. Brown. The simplicity^ comprehensiveness, and consistency, as well as novelty, of his system, gave it a very seducing appearance, and contributed greatly to its prevalence. One of the greatest ex- cellences of it, as applied not only to the practice of physic, but to the general conduct and preserva- tion of health, is, that it impresses on the mind a sense of the impropriety and danger of suddenly going from one extreme of excitement to ano- ther*. * See Brown's Elements, passim. Vol. I. ^ 338 Medicine, [Cha?. IV. Near the close of the eighteenth century, a new medical theory was presented to the world by Dr. Erasmus Darwin, in his celebrated work which he entitled Zobnomia^, According to this theory, there is, in every part of the animal system, a living principle, which is termed Sensorial Fowei\ which is considered as the immediate cause of all its motions, and is sup- posed to be secreted in the brain and spinal mar- row. This sensorial power is capable of being acted upon in four different ways, or it possesses, in other words, four different faculties or modes of action, which, in their passive state, are deno- minated irritability, sensibility, voluntarity, and associability ; and in their active state, or during exertion, they are termed irritation, sensation, voli- tion, and association. The faculty termed irrita- tion is exerted, and produces fibrous motions, in consequence of the stimulus of external bodies acting on any part of the system where sensorial power resides. That of sensation is exerted in consequence of the stimulus of pleasure or pain, occasioned by fibrous motions originally produced by the sensorial power of irritation. That of vo- lition is exerted in consequence of the stimulus of '^ Dr. Erasmus Darwin was a native of Nottinghamshire, where he was born, December 12, 1/31. He was educated at the university of Cambridge, and graduated Bachelor of MedU cine in that institution in 1755, and soon afterwards commenced the practice of physic at Litchfield, where he long resided in the honourable, useful, and profitable practice of his profession. His first great work, tlie Botanic Garden, was published in 1/89^ the Zomomia in I794j hh Phytologia in 1799? ^^^^ ^^is Temple of Nature a short time after his death, which took place on the 18th of April, 1802. Sect. III.] Theor}/ aiid Practice of Phijsic. S3C; desire or aversion, occasioned by fibrous motions, which liad been previously i)rodu(( d by tbe senso- rial power of sensation. That of association is at first eixerted in consequence of tlie stinuihis of fibrous motions, previously occasioned by irrita- tion, sensation, or volition. Having thus stated the various modes of action of the sensorial power. Dr. Darwin proceeds to de- liver the other fundamental principles of his theory. During the application of any of the above-men- tioned stimuli, the sensorial power becomes ex- hausted; on the contraiy, while any of them an* withdrawn, it becomes accumulated. In order to illustrate and establisli his important doctrine of association. Dr. Darwin asserts that there are various circles of associate motions in the animal system, which may take their names Ironi that faculty of the sensorial power by which they are introduced. Those circles, for example, which are introduced by an irritative motion, may be termed irritative associate motions ; and, in like manner, the sensitive and voluntary associate mo- tions are produced and denominated. All these several circles of motions act upon one another by means of the sensorial power of association.; they may be affected by other sensorial motions, such as those of irritation, sensation, and volition ; and they may be considered as compounded, each one* of smaller circles ; as, for instance, tiie great circle of irritative associate motions may be sup|)ose(l to be made up of smaller circles of the same kind. Conformably to this scheme of association, tin introductory link of any circle of associate motions may have its action increased, diniiiiislied, or ^u^- Z 2 S 40 Medicine, [Chap. IV. tained in the natural degree. The first may take place either in consequence of excess of sensorial power, the stimuli being in their accustomed de- gree ; or in consequence of excess of stimuli, the sensorial power being in its natural degree ; or in consequence of excess of both. The second may arise either from want of sensorial power, the stimulus being in its usual degree -, or, from sub- duction of stimuli, the sensorial power being in its natural quantity ; or from want of sensorial power and subduction of stimuli. The third takes place, when both the sensorial power and the stimuli are in proper degree. In some cases, the .morbidly in- creased, as well as the morbidly diminished, actions of the mtroductory link of a circle of associate mo- tions are followed by similar actions of the other links ; at other times, by contrary actions : in the former case there is direct, in the latter reverse, sympathy. The morbidly diminished actions aris- ing from subduction of stimuli are sooner relieved than such as are occasioned by want of sensorial power. The morbidly increased actions which arise from excess of sensorial power are more vio- lent than those which are produced by excess of stimuli. Hence inilammatory diseases are com- monly preceded by subduction of stimuli, and con- «3quent accumulation of sensorial power. But when excess of sensorial ])ower is acted upon by excess o^ stimuli, the exertion which follows is far greater and more destructive. Hence the mor- tiiicatiou of frozen limbs Vvhen brought near the fire. According to Dr. Darwin, all those parts which arc subjected, during health, to perpetual action, as Sect. III.] llieory and Practice of Pin/sic. 341 the heart arid arteries, aceumulate sensorial power faster, when impeded, than those which are sub- jected only to intermitted action. M'hen stimuli which are usually applied to any particular j^art of the system, are withdrawn, an accimiulation of sen- sorial power takes place there, proportioned to tli(; subduction of those stimuli and to tlic state of that part. The exertion of any part of the system, Dr. Darwin believes, may be proper, or greater, or smaller than it ought to be. All diseases, there- fore, originate in the exuberance, deficiency, or retrograde action, of the faculties of the sensorium, as their proximate cause ; and consist in the dis- ordered motions of the fibres of the body, as the proximate effect of the exertions of those disorder- ed faculties. Hence, in conformity vv itii the prin- ciples before mentioned, health, inflannnation, and the various degrees of exhaustion of sensorial power, or torpor from accumulation of sensorial power, will be found to ensue. After premising these general principles, and deducing from them many important doctrines concerning the sound and diseased states of the animal system. Dr. Darwin proceeds to offer his theory of fever, which, whatever may have been the remote cause of it, he supposes to consist in the increase or diminution of direct or reverse associated viotions. It commences in a particular organ, oc- cupies one or more disordered tribes or trains ot associate motions, and is more or less compli- cated according to the number of such disordered tribes. Dr. Darwin's doctrine of fever may thcrelbre be 342 Medicine, [Chap. IV. considered as follows. When the torpor of any part of the • system (owing to deficient irritation, occasioned either by the subdiiction of the natural stimuli, and consequent accumulation of sensorial power, or by the application of powerful stimuli, and consequent exhaustion of the same living prin- ciple) is such as to occasix)n diminished action of that part, the following effects will take place : the next link of the tribe of associate motions fails also into a torpor, from defect of excitement of the sensorial power of association; and so the sub- sequent one, till a general torpor affects the system. This constitutes the cold paroxysm of fever. This general torpor remains till the accumulation of the sensorial power of association is formed, which overbalances that defect of excitement of associa- tion ; and then tlie torpor ceases, and the hot fit of fever is produced. When the torpor of the part first affected is occasioned by the subduction of the natural stimuli, this is likewise thrown into in- creased action during the hot fit. But if it arise from exhaustion of sensorial power, the part re- mains in a torpid state during the hot fit. The torpor induced by the subduction of natu;'al sti- muli, as it is overcome at the end of the cold fit, always gives rise to fevers of strong pulse ; since, in such case, all the parts of the system have their actions increased during the hot fit. The torpor arising from the exhaustion of sensorial power pro- duces various ctfects, according to the part in which it takes place. AVhen seated in the stomach, it always produces continued fever, with weak pulse. In this case, in consequence of the torpid state of the stomach, the arterial system likewise falls into Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 343 torpor, from defect of the excitement of associii- tion; therefore an accumuUitiou of the sensorial power of association takes place in the arterial system. But this accumulation is so great, owing to the interrupted actions of the stomach, cate- nated with those of the arterial system, that it affects the next link of the associate train, that is, the capillaries of the skin, with increased energy. Hence these last, in this kind of fever, are per- petually exerted with great increase of action. When torpor affects the secerning vessels of the brain, it produces fever with arterial dehility. In this case, the secretion of sensorial power being more or less impaired, languid actions of every part of the system must be the consequence. In fevers from this cause, the action of th« capillaries is diminished with that of all the rest of the system. Hence the heat of the body does not rise above the natural standard, and sometimes it is even lower throughout the course of the disease j a phe- nomenon which serves to direct the attention to this cause. When torpor, from exhaustion of sen- sorial power, affects other parts of the system sym- pathetically associated with the stomach, such as the liver, spleen, &;c., the stomach falls into torpor, from defect of the power of association ; and, in like manner, the arterial system ; till a general torj)or is formed, which constitutes the cold fit. During this cold fit, an accumulation of the associative sensorial power takes place in the stomacii, ai'terial system, &c., which more than compensates this de- fect of excitement in the sensorial power of asso- ciation ; consequently all these parts are thrown into increased action. This constitutes the but ht; 544 Medicine, [Chap. IV. which, according to the degree of accumulation of the sensorial power of association, and the force of stimuli applied to it, will produce various effects. Hence various kinds of intermittent fevers. Or these increased actions may be in such degree as to pro- duce sensation, and thereby occasion inflammatory fevers: or, lastly, such increased actions may, in consequence of their violence, produce a smaller, 4Dr greater, or complete exhaustion of sensorial power in some part essential to life. Hence various kinds of continued fevers with arterial debility, or even death. On this extensive scale of sympathy and associa- tion, Dr. Darwin endeavours to account for a great number of the phenomena of diseases, and espe- cially for those of fever. From the same doctrine he deduces the indications of cure, and explains the operations of the remedies by which these indi- cations are fulfilled*. The extensive and accurate observations of the laws of organic life, the sagacious conjectures and profound reflexions, which abound in the Zoonomia, must be greatly admired. The most competent judges seem to concur in pronouncing it the ablest medical work of the eighteenth century. In col- lecting and arranging the facts belonging to animal * The number of compartments which belong to the system of medical philosophy delivered in Zoonomia, the cycles and epi' cycles, and the variety and intricacy of the relations they bear to each other, render it difficult to comprise, within a short compass, such an abstract as can do justice to the ingenuity and learning of the celebrated r.uthor. If this attempt should be found unsuc- cessful, tlie difficulty of con>bining clearness and brevity in sketches of such a kind ought not to. be forgotten. Sect. III.] Theorxj and Practice of Physic. 345 life, and unfolding the inflncncc of morbid associa- tion, which involves the essence of diseases, the author undoubtedly excels all preceding \Miters. Still, however, his work must be allowed to lalx)ur under great faults and radical deficiencies*. In many instances he gives the rein to his imagina- tion, and suffers fanciful speculations to usurj) tli(> place of facts and legitimate reasoning. I lis doc- trine of the retrograde action of the absorbents, of which he makes such frequent and important use, in a great many various states of disease, may l)e mentioned as one of those which seem to want confirmation. And there is reason, indeed, to ap- prehend that errours still more fundamental and essential have crept into this vast plan for binding together the scattered facts of medical knowledge, and converging into one point of view tlie laws of animated nature. That interesting doctrine, com- mon to Dr. Brown and Dr. Darwin, that all the phenomena of life are to be explained on tlie prin- ciple of the excitability or sensorial power being accumulated and expanded in the inverse ratio of stimulation f, however elegantly it may admit of * The atheistical tendency of his speculations can scarcely be doubted j and his crude and visionary philosophy of mind w'lW not stand the test of sober inquiry. This, however, is not the place to enter into a discussion of these errours. t The originality of some of the leading doctrines delivered by Dr. Darwin has been called in question. He himself recognises the coincidence of some of his opinions with those of Dr. Brown ; but contends that he arrived at his conclusions on those .-ubjecij by a different train of reasoning from that of the Scottish theorist. He also declares, and asserts tliat his friends arc able to attest the fact, that the greater part of his work had lain by him twenty yr,irt before its pubhcation. These iacls evidently preclude Uic pro« 546 Medicine. [Chap. IV, illnstration by the use of heat, light, and food, after coldness, darkness, and hunger, seems to fail in its application to many morbid states of the system. It a})pears, on the contrary, often to happen that excitement and excitability are increased at the 5ame time, and perhaps still oftener that they are diminished and wasted together*. The radical defect in every inquiry of this kind is our unao quaintance with the nature of the vital principle, a defect which \\\(t scantiness and imperfection of all human knowledge does not seem likely speedily to supph^ In a review of the systematic arrangements of medical knowledge which have been undertaken in the course of the eighteenth century, it would be improper to pass w^ithout notice the learned and laborious work of M. Lieutaud, first physician to the monarch of France, published nearly fifty years ago, under the title of Synopsis Universce Medicina, This singular work was attempted on the plan of collecting all the facts that experience has taught, without any reasoning concerning their causes. But the total want of method, perhaps the unavoidable result of the plan, continually in- troduced such confusion as to render this perform- bability of his being muchj if at all, indebted to Dr. Brown. Dr. Hnrtley seems to have been the first who, clearly and with effect, employed the principle of associutlori to account for the pheno- mena of the animal economy. (See Observations on Man). It is iVbt improbable that Dr. Darwin was indebted to him for some hints in forming his great work. * The author is aware that Dr. Darwin's theory makes provi- sion to meet tliis difficulty and to explain it > but v/hether tlie- explanation be sufficiently satisfactory, remains to be decided. Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 347 aiice much less uistructivc and useful than might have been expected. It may also appear improper to omit some no- tice of a theory of fevers, formed by the late sir John Pringle, which, from its i)eculiar charaeter, has been denominated the putrid theory. Having been long conversant with the malignant diseases of camps and military hospitals, that respeetaljle physician adopted the notion of miasmata and con- tagions operating like a ferment on the animal fluids, and thereby producing putrid fevers. This doctrine of fevers, however, is regarded as so vague and improbable that few have been induced to adopt it. Among living authors, many have been so justly distinguished for their efforts to improve the theory and treatment of diseases, that it would be inex- cusable to omit their names in this retrospect. The learned and excellent Dr. Rush stands in the first rank of medical theorists in the United States. His doctrine of the proximate cause of fiver is the result of a long, vigilant, and enlight^ ened attention to the phenomena of febrile dis- eases, and to the various plans of cure which his extensive learning enabled him to survey. The pathology of the blood-vessels, which had been too much neglected by preceding theorists, seems to have employed a principal share of his atten- tion in framing his doctrine of fevers ; which makes their proximate cause consist of a convuisiou in the sanguiferous, but more particularly in the arterial, system. In conformity to this opinion, his deci- sive and energetic treatment of febrile diseases is chieflv directed to the reduction of excessive and 348 Medicine. [Cha?. IV.. the liberation of oppressed action, by depletion, and other analogous means; or to the support of feeble action by appropriate stimulants; and afterwards to the transfer of remaining morbid action, of whatever kind, from the vascular system to parts less essential to life*. The inquiries concerning the nature and consti- tution of pestilential fluids, which have been pro- secuted with great learning and ingenuity by Dr. Mitchill, so radically concern many of the lead- ing doctrines of diseases, that they may justly be said to embrace a new theory. His doctrine, as was before mentioned, is this, that the acid oiTspring of putrefaction, composed of oxygen and azote (which latter he denominates septon) chemically united, forms the febrile poison the ravages of which' are often so fatally experienced ; and that alkaline and calcareous substances aiford the best means of extinguishing its virulence. The evidence he ad- duces to maintain this doctrine, drawn from an- cient as well as modern authorities, and from facts observed in all parts of the globe, does equal honour to his diligence and erudition. In Germany there are several eminent physi- cians who lately have published systems of medi- cal doctrines, which are said considerably to differ from all preceding ones, and which attract much ntt^ntion in that enlightened part of Europe. Among these, the names of Reil, Roschlaub, and Hufeland deserve particularly to be mentioned ; but the confmement of their opinions to the Ger- man language prevents them from being sufti- * Medical Inquiries (jliuI Obsch-ations, vol. iv. Sect. III.] Theori) a?id Practice ofPlnjsic. 349 ciently known to give any account of them in tla:> review. Within a few years, Dr. lleich, of that country, has presented to the pubhc a new theory of fcvtrs, which seems, however, to have attracted l)ut little attention, and it is believed is now failing into neglect. His fundamental doctrine is, that fevers are produced by destruction of the equilibrium bo tween oxygen and the other principles which eutcr into the composition of the animal body; and that fevers may be most speedily cured by introducing and restoring equally, to all parts of the body, such a quantity of oxygen as is necessary to re- establish the equilibrium between the ditferent con- stituent parts. And hence he infers that aci(L«, especially the mineral acids, and particularly tlie muriatic acid, are better adapted than any other remedies to the cure of fevers. Among the improvements which occurred to- wards the close of the eighteenth century, Pneu- matic MedicLJW holds a distinguished rank. I'he knowledge of the gases in the last quarter of the century assumed a regular and scientific form; and the analysis of the atmosphere by Scheele and Lavoisier, at that period, gave a new aspect to many doctrines of the animal economy, both in its healthy and diseased state. When the comi)osition of the atmosphere, its intluence in the function of . respiration, and the constitution of animal matter, were ascertained, it was natural to suppose that many of the gases received into the hini^s in breath- ing might become powerful remediLis. M. Four« croy took the lead in this incpiiry, and was soon assisted by the exertions of Lr. Girtanncr. Dr. 350 Medicine, [Chap. W. Beddoes was the first who introduced the pneu- matic practice into Great Brttain, where it appears to have been more assiduously cultivated, and ap- ])lied to a greater variety of medical purposes, thai> in any other country. The names of Davy, Thorn- ton, and Townshend, are also to be mentioned among the most enterprising cultivators and im provers of this practice. The sanguine expecta- tions of those who first proposed this mode of ap- plying remedies seem hitherto scarcely to have been answered ; but how far industry and ingenuity may hereafter vary and improve the practice must be left to the decision of time. The methodical arrangement of diseases, called Nosology, had its birth in the eighteenth century. This consists in a systematic distribution of dis- eases into classes, orders, genera, and species, on the plan of natural history. This scheme of ar- rangement was first conceived by Sydenham, and afterwards by Baglivi, towards the close of the seventeenth century. For the first actual attempt the world is indebted to Francois Boissier de Sau- vages, an eminent professor of medicine at Mont- pellier, who published his laborious work in the early part of the eighteenth century. After Sau- vages, this subject was cidtivated by Linnaeus, to whose genius for arrangement every branch of natural history is so greatly indebted ; by Rodoi- l)hMS Augustus Vogel, of Goettingen; by John Baptist Sagar, of Iglaw, in Moravia; by Dr. Cul- leii, of Edinburgh; by Dr. Macbride, of Dublin; and by Dr. Darwin, in his Zoonomia; beside some others of inferior" note. For some time past, tlie iniluence of Nosology has been evidently on Sect. III.] Tlieory and Practice of Physic. 3 J 1 the decline. The ever-varying furnis of diseases are so dissimilar to the steady and lixod character of the objects belonging to the tliree kingdoms of natm-e, that it is diflicuit to accoinit for \\\v. con- fidence and zeal v^ith uhich tiiis subject lias Wcw cultivated by some disthiguislied naim s. It can- not, however, be denied, that nosological in<|uiriu{s have produced many good elfccts : tlicy doubtless promote the discrimination of diseases ; and many of the questions they involve are extremely in- teresting to the practical physician. An undue reliance upon nosology, and allowing it to substi- tute names for realities, seem to have produced tlio mischief which has thrown it into discredit. , The cool regimen in fevers constitutes one of the most universally acknowledged improvements in the practice of physic of the eigliteenth centurv. A revolution on this point was begun by the new and interesting doctrines, which the sagacity of Sydenham had enabled him to develop towards the latter part of the preceding age. Every day's additional experience gave some new confirmation of this important practice. A further acquaint- ance with the diseases of hot climates, where thti pleasantness as well as the efficacy of coolness in fevers had overcome the opposition both of theory and prejudice, gave a deep blow to the alexiphar- mic and heating system. The good effects of coolness in the small-pox, and more especially in the improved stages of the inoculation of that dl>- ease, seem to have settled the detenni nation of physicians to extend the same remedy to the treat- ment of fevers. And the conviction since wrought by experience and observation, both on the public 352 Medicine. [Chap. IV. and medical mind, may now be said to have esta- blished this improvement on the firmest basis. It is remarkable, that, aUhough the use of cold air and cold water had been recommended in ar- dent fevers by Hippocrates, Galen, Celsus, and most of the celebrated physicians of antiquity, as well as by many eminent moderns, it was discountenanced by Boerhaave and all the disciples of his school. In his commentator Van Swieten, and in the writ- ings of Pringle, Cleghorn, Lind, and even Cullen, little is to be found in commendation of this sa- lutary practice. It remained for the learned and judicious Dr. Currie, of Liverpool, to extend the cool regimen in fevers, by adding to the use of cool air and cool drinks, the affusion of cold water over the surface of the body, when in a very dry and heated state. This remedy, the application of which by long experience, he has been enabled precisely to regulate and determine, may be confi- dently pronounced to be one of the greatest of modern improvements in the practice of physic*. In the course of the century under review, some particular diseases have been treated with more success than in former periods. It may not be improper to direct the attention of the reader to a few of the most remarkable of these. The triumph of medicine over the Small-pox has* ' been completed in the eighteenth century. This\| scourge of the human race has exceeded all other diseases in the number of its victims, and in the frequency of deforaiity, blindness, and other dread- * See Dr. Currie's Medical Reports on the Effects of Water, cold QTid iiai-m, as a Remedy in Fever, and other Diseases. %) III.] Theo?y and Practice cf Physic. ^ 353 ful consequences inflicted on sucli as escaped witli their Jives. The practice of ijiocnlation has reduced this frigiitful malady to sucli a degree of mildness and S2iiety that it no longer excites the terrour of the community*. The date of this interesting disco- very is lost in the obscurity of tradition and imme- morial usage. Traces of it may be found among the traditions of many former ages in Great Britain, particularly in Wales and the Ilighhmds of Scot- land ; in Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and some other parts of Europe; in Alrica and Asia, particularly in Hindostan and China f , * See Additional Notes. (E E.) f It is a remarkable fact, that, in all tlie countries above men- tioned, there is satisfactory evidence of inoculati(jn for the small- pox having been practised by the common people, for many years before its introduction by the physicians of Great Britain ; and, in «ome of themj as far back as tradition can be tiaced. It is also a still more remarkable fact, that in JVaks/m the Highlands of ScvN land, among the ignorant peasantry of Gennauj/, in the interior of Africa, and in severai parts of tlie Asiatic continent, distant a3 they are from each other, differing widely as they do, in manners, customs, laws, and religion, the art of communicating tliis dis- ease by inoculation was designated by the singular phrase of buying the small-pox ; because it was superbtitiously imagined, uiocu- lation would not produce the proper effect, unless the person from whom the variolous matter was taken received a piece of money, or some article in exchange for it.— See Dr. Woodville's History Cf Inoculation. ^'Rovf shall we account for so many different and distant nations agreeing in so remarkable a phrase to ecipress ino- culation, and agreeing also to connect with it such as'ii>eri>titiouj ceremony ? How shall we account, fnrtlier, for this art being con- fined chiefly to the common people, or the less civilised pjrt of mankind, while tlie learned were ignorant of it ? May it not be admitted as one proof of tlie ^reat antiquity of the practice, that precisely that portion of the community, whose habits, in every Vol. I. 2 ^ Sol Medicine, [Chap. IV, But the eighteenth century may boast of the first regular and satisfactory notices of this noble im- proveftient, and of making it to be understood and practised in an intelligent manner among all the enlightened part of mankind. It is generally said that the Circassians first inoculated their children in order to rear them as slaves for the Turkish se- raglio; and it was certainly first introduced into Constantinople from Georgia, towards the end of the preceding age. From Constantinople the Bri-. tish nation received an account of the practice of it by the celebrated lady M. W. Montague, who caused the disease to be thus communicated to her own children. In IT^l, inoculation was first regu- larly adopted in England; and in the succeeding year, the operation being performed upon some of the children of the royal family, it soon began to be in vogue. Objections both of a physical, moral, and religious kind were urged against this new practice, with great zeal and intemperance, by many respectable persons of the medical and cle- rical professions, as well as by others of inferioP' character. These objections for some time excited scruples in the minds of many well-disposed people, and greatly retarded the progress of inoculation. Having at length, however, surmounted these dif- ficulties, tlie value of the discovery became every day more highly rated, and before the middle of the century might be considered as established upon the firmest basis. In the year 1721, and in the same month in wiiich the daughter of lady Montague' was inocu- i-ouiitry, are in general most simple, uniform, and stationary, were f jun;l to reUiin a practice which the more polished had lost? Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 353 lated in England, this mode of communicating the small-pox was introduced at Boston, in Massachu- setts. Dr. Cotton Mather, one of the minister; of that town, having observed, in a volume of the Philosophical Transactions, printed in Ix>ndon, some communications from Constantinople and Smyrna, giving a favourable account of tiie practice, and the small-pox beginning, about the same time, to spread in the town, he recommended to the physicians of his acquaintance to make trial of inoculation. They all declined it except Dr. Boylston. He began with his own children and servants. But the degree of odium which he drew u})on himself by this measure is scarcely credible. The i)hysicians in general highly disapproved his conduct. Dr. Douglas*, one of their number, who had received a regular me- dical education in Scotland, his native country, stood foremost in the ranks of opposition. He wrote, declaimed, and employed all his inlluence against the intrepid innovator. The medical gen- tlemen were joined by the populace, who were so much inflamed against what they esteemed a spe- cies of murder, that Dr. Boylston was in danger of his lifef, and Dr. Mather was scarcely less an ob- * Dr. William Douglas is said to have been a man of learning and talents. He published some small medical pieces, and ct»r- responded with Dr. Colden of New York, who, in one ot'hxs medical communications, speaks of him in terms of high respect. He was also the author of the work entitled, A Su/iimarj/ of ihc British Settlements in America, 2 vols, 8vo, London, 1/55. — He was, however, conceited and arrogant, and behaved w ith great disingenuousness in his opposition to Boylston. t Dr. Boylston's house was attacked with so much \ iolence, tliat he and his family did not consider themseh es sale in it. He was assaulted in the streets, loaded with e\ery spwcics of abuse, 'J A i 35i5 Medicine. [Chap. IV,. ject of popular indignation. But the ;;^reater pro- .portion of tlie clergy of Boston embarked in sup^ port of the measure; they preached and wrote* in favour of it, until, at length, their influence, greatly confirmed by the success attending Dr. Boylston*s practice, gradually overcame the opposition; and near three hundred persons were soon after inocu- lated in Boston and the neighbouring towns f. A degree of the same prejudice and opposition, which raged with so much violence in Boston, con- tinued to be manifested not only there, but also in many other places, for a considerable time after- wards. But the practice gradually gained ground, and became general in New-England; in a few years it was adopted in New- York and Philadel- phia; and in the year 1738 had reached Charleston, in South-Carolina. Till near the close of the century now under con- sideration, the inoculation of the small-pox con- and execrated as n murderer. Indeed, many sober pious people were deliberately of opinion, when he commenced the practice of inoculation, that, if any of his patients should die, he ought to b« capitally punished. A bill was brought into the legislature for prohibiting the practice, under severe penalties, and actually passed the house of representatives 3 but ^some doubts existing in the council, its progress was arrested, and it never became a law. — • See Wwwh'm^ou ?, History nf Massachusetts, vol. ii, p. 247, &^c. * The Nticspapers teemed with pieces on both sides of -this interesting controversy ; and especially with some of a xery viru- lent character, from the opponents of inoculation. The Courant, a newspaper edited at tliat time by a brother of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, took a decided part with Douglas and his coadjutors^ The young philosopher was tben an apprentice in tlie office, and employed his opening talents in favour of the same deluded party. JV/kS'. Letter of the Rev. Dr. Eliot to the Author. t Hutchinson's Histvri/ of Muasckchusctts, vol, ii« Sfxt» III.] Tliconj and Practice of Phi^sic. So7 tinned more and niorc^ to pre\'ail, and to become the settled iiabit of all that ])oiiion of society who were placed in easy circnmstanees, and possessed the better degrees of intelligence. The advantages, however, of this practice, notuithstaiuling all its benefits to the individuals who employed it, were supposed by many, on a general calculation of human life, to be extremely problematical. Bv' carrying the disease more fre(|uenlly and univer- sally through cities and countries, it was i'ound that the poorer classes of people, which constitute the great mass of every nation, were much oftener exr posed to casual infection; and that, on the whole, the mortality of mankind from this disease was thereby much augmented. But such doubts and difficulties as these arising in the mind of the philanthropist, and much of the importance of the inoculation of the small-pox, even to those who employed it, were removed by the discovery of the inocidation of the Vaccine Dis- ease, in the year 1798. This may perhaps l)e justly considered as the most memorable imi)rovemenl ever made in the practice of physic. By substi- tuting a disease so much milder that it cannot fail of being universally preferred, and one w liich at the same time affords eifectual security against the small-pox, the prospect is presented of speedily exterminating the latter disease, and thereby closing a great outlet of human life. To Dr. Jenner, of Great Britain, the worl.i i^ indebted for this incomparable discovery, lor al- though there has existed, perhajis from time im- memorial, some popular knowledge of the vaccine disease, and of the fact of its rendering the hunum 358 Medicine, [ChAp. IV. system unsusceptible of the small-pox*, yet the practice of inoculating it successively from one 'person to another as a substitute for the small-pox, and the investigation of the principal circumstances which ought to regulate that inoculation, in order to confer upon it the greatest certainty and suc- cess, seem undoubtedly to have originated with that physician. Further investigations and disco- veries have since been made, concerning the nature and the inoculation of this disease, by other phy- sicians, particularly by Drs. Pearson and Wood- villc, and Mr. Ring, of London f. ' * For a number of years before Dr. Jenncr's discovery, it was kno^vn to many, physicians as well as others, that a disease exist- ed among the cattle in Great Britain, particularly in Gloucester- shire, which it xnas said, among the common people, when com- municated to the human subject, formed a defence against Small' Pox. Dr. Barry tells us that this disease has been long known in Ireland, under the name of Shinach : he gives instances of per- sons who had passed through it Jifty years ago ; and mentions that one woman, eight 1/ years of age, declares, tliat as long as she can remember, the opinion prevailed, that people who had the Shi- nach, or Cow-Pox, could not take tlie S)?iall-Pox; and that many, at tliat early period, purposely exposed themselves to tlie former, to avoid taking the latter. Traces have also been found of some knowledge of this disease existing in other parts of Europe, among the lower classes of people, a number of years before tlie publica- tion of Dr. Jenner. — See Barry on Coiv-Pox. t An institution for the purpose of preserving and communi- cating the vaccine infection, and particularly for inoculating the poor, has been formed in London since the publication of Dr. Jenner's discovery. For this the public are principally indebted to the enlightened and benevolent exertions of Dr. Pearson. A similar institution has been more recently formed in the city of New York. The first person who inoculated with the vaccine virus, in the United States, was Dr. Waterhouse, professor of the theory and practice of physic in the university of Cambridge, Massachusetts, Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. 3o9 All preceding ages, and a considerable jiortioii of the eighteenth century, abound in accounts of* the destructiveness of the Scurvy in ships on long voyages, in armies, particularly in garrisons, as well as in some regions of the high latitudes. Towards the close of the period under examina- tion, that dreadful disease has been disarmed of all its violence, and seems now to be completely reduced under the dominion of the healing art. This revolution has been effected by procuring for persons in the situations above mentioned more comfortable shelter, clothing, and food. Fresh meats substituted for salted, and vegetables plen- tifully supplied, especially the vegetable acids, may be considered among the principal means of prevention and cure. The citric acid, in particu- lar, has accomplished wonders in this disease ; and the late discovery of crystallising it renders the remedy conveniently portable to any distance, and capable of preservation in all climates and seasons, and for any length of time. 1 he eminent services of Dr. Lind in improving our knowledge of this disease can never be forgotten. The philosophic and enterprising captain Cook was the first who reduced the improvements in nautical medicine to practice, in all their extent, and with complete success*. * In the first voyage for the establishment oi the East-India company, out of four hundred and eighty men one hundred and five died of scurv)/ before they reached the Cape of Good Hope. Lord Anson, in his voyage round the world, lost, from ihe same disorder, four-fifths of his original number. Those who have read the narrative of his expedition, by Robins, will recollect the dreadful picture w hich is diawn of tlie ravages of this disease ii* 560 Medicine. [Chap. IV, Pestilential diseases are supposed to have greatly abated in frequency and malignity in the course of the eighteenth century. Tiiis observation, how- ever, must be understood to be chiefly restricted to those parts of the world which, during that period, have been making progress in civilisation, intelligence, and refinement. In many parts of Asia and Africa, and in European Turkey, it is probable that little abatement of the ravages of such diseases has actually taken place. The de- graded state of man in most of the Mohammedan countries; the poverty, filth, and wretchedness, which oppress the lower classes of people in their crowded cities, and the inattention to cleanliness and ventilation, even in the houses of the most opulent, aided by the influence of their doctrine of fatalism, seem to leave them little prospect of emerging from their present condition into one more respectable, and exempt from malignant dis- eases. The contrast of health and disease, in the Christian and Mohammedan world, while it aflbrds to the pious mind a satisfactory confirmation of his faith, furnishes also to the philosopher and phy- sician an instructive lesson, with regard to the com- parative influence of the respective principles and institutions of Christianity and Mohammedanism. the vessels under his command. Captain Cook, thirty years alter Anson, with a company of one hundred and eighteen men, performed a voyage of tliree years and eighteen days, tliroughout all die climates, from 52 deg. north, to 72 deg. south, witli the loss of only one man, who had been previously indisposed. — See Dr. Ramsay's learned and interesting Revieio of the Improvements^ Proj^n-exs, and Slate of Medicine in, the Eightcciuh Century, &c. pp. 29 and 30. Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of PJnjsic. 5G I The comparative mildness and infrequency of pestilential diseases in Christian Europe, durin^i^ the late century, are probably owing to a combina- tion of many causes. Much may ])e srifely ascribed to improvements in the cleanliness and vcntiiation of houses, in diet, in apparel, in habits, customs, and all the modes of life. Cities, which are usually the great nurseries of pestilence, are now less crowded than in former ages. The comforts, de- <:encie% and elegancies of life, from a variety of causes, are now enjoyed by a greater portion of the .community, and in a much higher degree than in preceding times. To the same causes, also, may be ascribed the almost entire banishment of that loathsome disease the Leprosy, from tlie civilised world, which has been in a great measure etfected in the course of the last a^e. The frequent and mortal prevalence of the pesti- lential disease called Yellow Fever, in the cities, and in some parts of the country, in the United States, for the last ten years, forms a memorable €vent in the medical history of this country, during the century which is the subject of this retrospect. The malignity and ravages of this epidemic impress^ .ed the public mind with the deepest apprehensions, and undoubtedly gave a new impulse and vigour to medical investigation. The origin of this disease has been warmly contested in the United States, in the West-Indies, and in Europe. AVliile many maintain that it is produced by the exhalations of putrefaction, whether such putrefaction be found in the fdth of cities, of marshy grounds, or of vessels f)i\ the water ; others, on the contrary, assert, that it is always produced by contagion emitted from S6'2 Medicine, [Chax*. IV. tlie sick labouring under the disease, and successively j)ropagated from one person to another. The lat- ter opinion seems to be fast losing ground among the better informed part of the medical profession^ and of the public; while the evidence in support of tlie former is accumulated, and rendered more lu- minous and irresistible, by the occurrences of every epidemic season. Much light has been thrown on the origin, course, precursors, and concomitant circumstances of this, and of other pestilential dis- eases, by Mr. Noah Webster, in his History of Epidemics i an ingenious and learned work, in which a rich and curious amount of information On this subject is brought together and exhibited in a very impressive manner. Though the author is no pfiy- .sician, he has made a very valuable present to the medical world, and has entered and pursued with much ability a path of inquiry, which will proba- bly conduct to very interesting and instructive con- clusions. In the mean time, the modes of treating yellow iii\QY have received great improvement dur- ing the period under consideration. Those who liave written on this disease with most reputation, arc Dr. Rush of the United States, who has had ample experience in the treatment of it*, and Drs, Jackson and Chisholm, of Great Britain. * The intrepidity and benevolence displayed by Dr. Rush, dur- ing the several seasons in which pestilence has prevailed in Phila- delphia, deserve the highest eulogium. This remark applies with peculiar force to the season of 1793, when tlie yellow fever ap- peared in that city, arra}x^d in greater terrour than ever before or since in any part of the United States ; when the metliods of treat- ment were comparatively little understood; when it was univer- sally considered as a highly contagious disease; and when the. fortitude and services of this distinguished physician, through the Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of Physic. Vf^':^ The diseases of Camps^ Armies, and Military Hospitals^ have attracted much attention, and the treatment of them received great improvements in tlie course of the late century. The means of pre- venting diseases, in such situations, are much more attended to than formerly; particularly ail circum- stances which respect the sites of encampments, the shelter, clothing, food, cleanliness, &c. of troops, and the ventilation of tlic places in which they are stationed. For many of these improvements the public are indebted to sir John Pringle, Drs. Donald Monro, Brocklesby, Hunter, and others, who have written on the diseases of armies. The means of preventing and curing the diseases incident to Seamen have also been more diligently and successfldly studied in the course of the last age than ever before. For very enlightened inquiries and useful publications on this subject we owe much to Drs. Lind, Macbride, Clarke, Blane, and Trotter. Modern times have also given rise to improved modes of preserving the health, and promoting the comfort, of persons conhned in Prisons, and other close apartments. The honour due to the rev. Dr. •Hales, and sir John Pringle, for their philosophic inquiries and enterprising exertions to foruard this branch of improvement, are generally known. But to no individual that ever lived is the cause of hu- manity more indebted for services of this kind than whole course of the epidemic, were preeminently conspicuous. If the admirers of moral heroism celebrate, as they justly do, the conduct of the good bhliop of MarseiUcSy and of the benevolent lord mayo'r of London, it is conceived that the lirmness and useful exertions of Dr. Rush, in similar circumstances, arc in uo resj[X?ct less worthy of their commemoration and praise. S6i Medicine. [Chap. IV. to the immortal Howard, whose long and painful journeys, persevering labours, and successful plans tor meliorating the condition of Prisoners, in every part of the world, to which he could obtain access, will ever form one of the most honourable pages in the annals of human nature *. The diseases of JVarni Climates are become better understood, by the efforts of modern times to ex- tend the range of geographical and commercial en- terprise; and, from their bold and definite features* much light has been thrown on the theory and treat- ment of such as prevail in more temperate regions. In fact, the whole of that important and interesting field of inquiry which relates to the comparative frequency and force of particular diseases, as they appear in different regions of the earth, and in dif^ icrent states of society, had been but little explored prior to the period Vvhich we are now considering, Hie exertions rec'ently made to investigate the nature and causes, and to lessen the fatality of Pz^/- monary Consumptiony deserve a transient notice. If such exertions have not yet produced all the beneficial consequences which humanity could wish, there is yet groimd to believe they have effected some good ; and that no effort in such a cause will be finally ''^ In John Ho\\-ard the eighteenth century may boast of having produced an unif^ne in the history of man. It would be unjust to compare Jiim with any hero of benevolence, merely human, Ix-fOi-e or since li;s time, for such a one never existed. It has Ueen truly taid, that his plan for promoting the happiness of his icilow creatures was oriy Holder, Dalgarno, and Bulwer, each of whom devised a plan, and made some progress in its execution. There was, however, little done to any vahial)I(,^ purpose till the year 1764, when Mr. Thomas Braid- wood, of Edinburgh, undertook thc' diliicult ta>k. 366 Medicine. [Chap. IV. In that year he began with a single pupil, when^ his exertions being attended with complete success, he was encouraged to extend his views, and after- wards taught a considerable number to speak di- stinctl}^ to read and write, and to understand arith- metic, and the principles of morality and religion. The same curious and highly interesting art has also been practised on different plans, but with great success, by Mr. Baker of London, by M. Hei- necke of Leipsic; and by father Vanier, M. Per- riere, and the abbe de I'Epee of Paris. The last named gentleman has been more successful than any other. He had instructed upwards of ojie thon^ sand deaf and dumb persons, before he was suc- ceeded by his pupil M. Sicard*. A regular insti- tution for this kind of instruction was established in London, in 1792, under the care of Mr. Watson, a pupil of Mr. Braid wood. The late century has likewise made great pro- gress in ascertaining the means of restormg the suspended actions of life. Humane Societies for the recovery of drowned persons, which began to be instituted soon after the middle of the century, have since been multiplied to such extent, that they are to be found in most large sea-port towns. Great exertions have been made to improve the knowledge formerly possessed on this subject; and the means now employed are much more rational and successful than the rude and often pernicious ones which used to be resorted to. Many efforts have likewise been made to prevent the premature interment of such as are only apparently dead; by * Sec The Method of Educating the Deaf and Dumb, by the abbe dc TEpee, translated from the French, Svo, ISOl. Sect. III.] Theory and Practice of PliysJc. 36? ivhich some valuable lives have been saved, and more caution relative to this point impressed on the community. The service rendered by many physicians to the cause of humanity, by promoting objects of this kind, deserves honourable connne- moration. Of these perhaps i(i\Y are entitled to a larger tribute of acknowledgement than Drs. Ilaues and Lettsom, of London. It vt^ould be easy to descend to a great variety of particulars, in which the means of curing or mi- tigating diseases have been radically improved during the period under consideration; but the li- mits of this retrospect forbid such details. It is sufficient to remark, that a large portion of diseases, however faithfully observed by preceding, and even by the most ancient physicians, have, within this period, been better understood, arranged, and dis- criminated, than ever before ; and that remedies of superior efficacy have been selected, their qualities, virtues, and uses, more fully ascertained, and the best mode of their application rendered more dc- fmite and precise. The number of incurable dis- eases, also, has been diminished, and the treatment of many hazardous and violent ones so far improved, as greatly to diminish their force and danger. The recent doctrines of Association and SijmpatJnj in morbid action, and the interesting practical doc- trine which results from them, of the transfer of morbid action from vital parts to such as are less, essential to life, have unfolded a vast extent of me- dical exertion and usefulness, which was nearly un- known to the physicians of former centuries. The practical writers on medicine, durin;,- thi» i^ighteenth century, were very nuni'^rous ajid ns ^ 6$ Medicine. [Chap. IV, spectable. From so large a catalogue it is difficult to select the few names of which the brevity of this? review will allovv' the insertion. Beside a conside- rable number of those mentioned in the foregoing pages, Wintringham and Huxham, on epidemicaF diseases, deserve a high place ^ Cleghorn, on the diseases of Minorca; Hillary, Why tt, FothergilP, Heberden, Lind, Jackson, Fordyce, and Chishalm, do honour to the British nation. Among the French Senac and Lieutaud, and among the Germans Storck and von Haen hold the first rank; to say nothing of many others, in almost every cultivated part of Europe, who have obtained much distinction by their practical writings on medicine. SECTION IV. SURGERY AND OBSTETRICS. Tliat department of medicine which treats of dis- eases to be cured or alleviated by the hand, by in- struments, or by external applications, is denomi- * Dr. Fothergill died in 1/80, in the (58th year of his age. Distinguished as he was f6r his learning, the soUdity of his talents, and the extent and success of his medical practice, he was ren- dered still more conspicuous by the purity of his moral and reli- gious character, and the ardour of liis philantliropy. His great in- fluence was continually exerted for the increase of human hap- piness. Of every institution within his reach, which had for its object the advancement of useful knowledge, or the iilterest of liumanity, he was a zealous and active promoter. Of public and pri\ate charity he was an illustrious example j and we are informed that a large number of those improvements, which have so much contributed to the health of the city of London, either originated from his counsels, or were effected, in a great measure, by his influence. Sect. IV.] Surge?y and Obstetrics. 3G9 ^nated Surgery. At the close of the seventeenth century this art had considerably emerged from the low state in which all preceding ages had left it. Many respectable writers had appeared in the course of that century, whose exertions to improve the practice of surgery, and to diifuse the knowledge of such improvements, were attended with so much success as to ren(]er the ])rogress of it compara- tively rapid at the commencement of tlie eighteenth century. It will be easy to perceive that the nmnerous improvements in other branches of medicine, which are detailed in the preceding parts of this chapter, must have greatly . advanced the progress of sur- gery. Every step in the cultivation of anatomy and the theory and practice of physic confers some advantage on medical or operative surger}'. Tlie improved state of the m.echanic arts has likewise served to divest it of much of that useless machinery with which it was formerly encumbered, to retain only what appears to rest on the basis of experi- ence, and to aid ingenuity in supplying many im- portant deficiencies. Menee, the surgery of the eighteenth century may not only boast a more in- timate acquaintance with the structure and func- tions of the human body, and with the fundamental principles of diseases, but likewise a superior sim- plicity, neat ness, ease, and expedition, in the per- formance of operations. Early in the century whicii forms the sul^ject of this retrospect, Laurence Heister, professor of sur- gery in the university of Helmstadt, published his System of Surgery, m Inch continued till about fif- teen years ago to be the onlv tohTublv inpf(4«'' Vv^L. I. '•' li 3;0 Medicine. [Chap. IV. system in possession of the public. This work com- prised whatever the experience of former times had approved as useful, and such observations and precepts as the knowledge and experience of the learned author himself enabled him to add. Some other systematic arrangements of chirurgical know- ledge were, indeed, attempted about the middle of the century. Platner, professor of surgery at Leipsic, published his Institutes of Surgery in the year 1745; and Ludwig, of the same university, favoured the world with a similar publication in 1767. But both these works, though possessed of great merit, are too compendious to give a clear and distinct ac- count of the numerous topics of which they treat. In Great Britain, Mr. Cheselden was much di- stinguished by his chirurgical eminence in the early part of the century. He improved the lateral ope- ration of Lithotomy y and devoted much attention to the diseases of the Eyes. His pupil, Mr. Samuel Sharpe, obtained soon afterwards a high reputation. His Treatise on the Operations of Surgery, and his Critical Inquiry, were deservedly considered as performances of great value at that period. The elder Monro, of the university of Edinburgh, de- serves also to be mentioned among those who did much to improve the practice of surgery about that time. Towards the middle of the centu- ry Dr. William Hunter began to acquire great celebrity as an anatomist and surgeon, and was joined not long afterwards by his brother, Mr. John Hunter, who, as an operator, was still more di- stinguished. To the exertions of these eminent men the art is indebted for many valuable irnprovementSj Sect. IV.] Surgery and Obstetrics. 37 1 both in theory and practice. After the middle of tlie century Mr. Percival Pott began to take a high station among British surgeons, added greatly to the progress of the art, and published many excel- lent writings, which are still in the highest esteem. The present professor Monro, of Edinburgh, ha.s enriched surgery by many important additions to the preceding stock of knowledge, which greatly increase the lustre of his reputation. Late in the century, about the year 1788, Mr. Benjamin Bell, of Edinburgh, completed his Sxjslem of Surgery, which vv^as compiled with much learning and dili- gence, and exhibited an advantageous view of the progress and improvements in surgery up to that period. The particular improvements in surgery during the late century are extremely important, and re- flect great credit on the ingenuity and labours of those by whom they were made; but they are like- wise so numerous that only a iew of them can be mentioned consistently with the necessary brevity of this retrospect. The means of putting a stop to Hcemorrhages from the division of the larger blood-vessels have- been much improved during the i)eriod under con- sideration. The hrst notices of the instrument for this purpose,- called the Tourniquet, originated in the seventeenth century. It is amazing that so simple an instrument, and so obvious a mean of compressing arteries, should have remained unknown till that period. Surgery must have been in a >eeii treated with great ability and discernment by Mr. John Bell, of Edinburgh, who deservedly sus- tains a liigli rank among the surgeons of the Scot- tish iuolropolis. But \.\\L' greattr-st of all luiprovemcnts in surgery Sect. IV.] Surgerij and Obstetrics. 315 which the eighteenth ceutitry can boast, consists in the maxim o^ Saving Skin in all operations, and in the universal doctrine and practice of Jdhesiony as now received. This improvement is so simple and so important that it is wonderful to find it re- served for the surgeons of so late a period. Tlic merit of this discovery does not seem to belong exclusively to any individual. A share of it doubt- less attaches to Mr. Alanson of Liverpool, and several others who directed their inquiries to this object about the same time. But to !Mr. John Hunter more is certainly due than to any other person. This improvement was first applied to amputation^ then to the operation of the trepan^ next to the extirpation of scirrhous breasts, after- wards to all the great operations, and, lastly, to all recent wounds. In short, it would not be too much to assert, that this doctrine and practice of adhesion have done more to promote the progress of surgery, within a lew years, than any discovery of modern times, not excepting, perhaps, even that of the circulation of the blood. It remains to offer a few remarks concerning the progress of Obstetrics in the late century. By this term it is usual now to understand not only the art of facilitating the birth of children, but that of managing pregnant and puerperal women. During the period of our retrospect, the improvements which this art has received may justly ])e considered as numerous and important, and fully equal to those which are claimed in the other departments of me- dicine. Both the theory and practice of obstetrics have assumed a much more regular and scientific form 37t) Medicine. [Chap. IV. Avitliln the period in question. The anatomical structure of the l)ocly, so far as it concerns this art, was well understood in former ages. But the in- tricate and interesting relations of one part to another, their distances and their inclinations, both with respect to each otlier, and to different parts of the bod}^, as well as with regard to the foetus, form a branch of inquiry on this subject which has been prosecuted to advantage only in modern times. Dr.Smellie, is supposed to deserve the praise of be- ginning this improvement and pursuing it to con- siderable extent*. By the light of the eighteenth century, not only many new truths have been brought into view, but a multitude of errours, prejudices, and superstitious opinions, which formerly misled the obstetrical art, have been in a great measure banished f. Nature has resumed it.s dominion, and is now followed as the safest guide. Much of the officious and violent interposition of former practitioners, to hasten or control tlie natural process of parturition, has been * Dr. Smellie is said to have been the first writer who consi- dered the shape and size of tlie female pelvis as adapted to the head of the I'oetusj to have abolished many superstitious no-" tions, and erroneous customs, that prevailed in the management of women in labour and of children; and to have had the satisfaction of seeing most of iiis maxims adopted in the greater part of Europe. — Ramsay's Kcvic-j:, p. l.'}. ■\ Van Swieten quotes several authors of reputation, who had advised lying in women to keep their beds till the tenth or twelfth day after parturition j and this was frequently done without chang- ing their bed-linen. The children were also incased from head to foot, so as to be totally deprived of the use of their limbs. ThesG absurd and unnatural practices have, witluu the last half cenairy, ?^!i ;idd'CkA\\y ey.ploded. — Ihid. Sect. IV.] S'urgciy and Obstetrics, .^377 found to be injaiious, and is now generally relin- quislied. The modern instriunents, in comparison of those employed by the ancients, arc few in lunn- ber, simple in construction, and seldom resorted to. The diseases of the pnerperal state have been much better understood, discriminated, and treated, within a few years, than in preceding times. The late publications of Dr. Smellie, Dr. Manning, Dr, llulme. Dr. Leak, Mr. White, Mr. Moss, Dr. Ha- milton. Dr. Denman, Dr.Osborn, M. Baudelocque, and many others, whose names are only excluded by the brevity of our plan, have thrown much hght on the subject of obstetrics, and do great credit to their profession. The elegant plates of doctor William Hunter, before mentioned, may also be considered as a great acquisition to the theory and practiceof this art. ADDITIONAL NOTES. Noie (A), page 18.— THE following compendious view of the system of J. Hutchinson, esq., as it respects Natural Philo- sophy, is extracted from a Letter to a Bishop, concerning some ini' portant Discoveries in Philosophy and Theology, by the right ho- nourable Duncan Forbes, president of the court of session in Scot- land. As this gentleman appears to have been favourable to tlie Hutch insonian philosophy, and had doubtless devoted much atten- tion to it, he may be supposed by som(^ to give a more satisfac- tory account of it than that whidi is exhibited in the page above referred to. '' The first thing that is met with in the books o{ Moses is ?.n assertion tliat God created the heavens and the earth, which is followed by a particular account of the order and manner of the tbrmation of all that was created, till the work was perfected. After wliich, God is said to have rested ; and our author asserts, that it is also said, the perfect machine, then left to itself, carried on all the operations in tliis system, by certain known laws of me- chanism, explained by Moses, and tliroughout the Scriptures by the other inspired penmen. *' The sum of what our author avers to be the doctrine of the Scriptures, on tliis head, is, that, beside the difl'erently formed particles, of which this earth, and tlie several metals, minerals, and other solid substances in it, and in the other solid orbs, are composed, God at first created all that subtile fluid which now is, and from tlie creation has been, in tlie condition of fire, light, or air, and goes under the name of the heavens. "The particles of this fluid (which our author calls atoms), when they are single and uncompounded, are inconveivably mi- nute, and su subtiic as to pervade the poix-s of all substances what- 380 Additional Kofef* ever, whether sohd or fluid, without any great difficulty or re- sistance ; when tiiey are pushed fon^'ard in straight lines by the action of fire, or are reflected or refracted in straight lines, they produce light, and are so called ; but when the interposition of any opaque body hinders their progress in stiaight lines, they pass, but cease to produce light. '* These particles or atoms, which, when moving in straight lines, produce light, and, if collected and put into another sort of motion, would produce heat and fire, are, as our author insists, when the force impelling them ceases to act with vigour, and when their motion is retarded, so made, tliat they are apt to ad- here in small masses or grains, which the author calls spirit or air, and is of the same kind and texture witii that air which we daily breathe, and wdiich we feel in wind when it blow^s. " The sun, which our author places at the centre of this sy- stem, is an orb included in a vast collection of this subtile matter in the action of fire, which continually melts down all the air that is brought into it by the powerful action of the firmament or ex- pansion, hereafter to be explained, into the subtile matter just mentioned j and with an immense force sends forth, in perpetual streams of light, this same subtile matter, so melted doA^-n, to the circumference of this system, which the author says is bounded, as he avers the space comprehended within it is absolutely full. *' The matter thus melted down at the orb ©f the sun into light must, as every thing is full, either stand still or make its way outwards to the circumference ; being forced by the particles which are concreted into air at the utmost extremities, and return towards the sun, where, the fluid, being most subtile, gives least resistance, and take up the place that the light left. " And therefore this endless uninterrupted flux of matter from tlie sun in light, in place of being an expense that should destroy that orb (which our author takes to be an insupportable objection to sir Isaac Newton's scheme) is the very means of preserving it» and every thing else in this system, in its action and vigour, by pressing back perpetual supplies of air to be melted down into light, and thercb}- producing a continual circulation. These per- petual fluxes or tides of matter outv.ards and inwards, in every point, from the centre to the circumference, mechanically, and necessarily, as our author insists, produce that constant gyration in the eartii and the planets rn\ind their own centres, and round thu sun • and he avers, though he has not yd thought fit to explain it^ Additional Notes. 381 <:hat the same prliicipl(>, with 'sonic circumstances arising from *he situation and fluxes of light coming from the other orbs, will account also for the motions of the moon. '' Beside the rotation of the orbs, the autlior affirms that the adverse motions of the light pushing towards the circumference, and the air pushing towards the centre with immense force, form a general expansion (as he translates the word rendered firma- ment) which brings that stress or compressure on all bodies it meets with, that binds together solids, keeps fluids as they were, causes the variation of times and seasons, the raising of water, the production of vegetables and animals, and, in short, produces all the effects falsely ascribed to gravity or attraction j continues mo- tion without the assistance of the unmechanical principle of projection; produces, supplies, and supports vegetables, fruits, and animals 3 in short, produces almost all the effects and phaeno- mena in nature," Note (B),p, 10. — I have scarcely done justice to Parkhurst, Home, and Jones, those truly learned, pious, and excellent di- vines of the church of England, in representing them, without . qualilication, as having adopted the philosophy of Hutchinson. Though they all went a considerable length in embracing the opi- nions of that singular man, yet they were none of them thorough Ilittchinsoniam. Perhaps the most satisfactor}' information on tliis subject may be obtained from the perusal of Mr. Jones's Memoirs of ike Life, Studies, and Writings, of bishop Home. The philosophical works of the rev. Mr. Jones desen-e to l)C mentioned with great respect, in this class of writings which belong to the eighteenth century. On a variety of subjects I am far from agreeing with him in opinion ; but his learning, his in- genuity, his love of tmth, and particularly the zeal and success with which he shows the consistency between tme philosophy ;and revelation, entitle him to the veneration and gratitude of all good men. In representing both the knowledge and the admiration of Hutchinson's voluminous writings, as having nearly disappeared before the end of tlie century, it is possible that the flict is stated rather too strongly. It is believed, however, that very few gentle- men now living' in Great-Britain, who hold a respectable rank in the scieutUic world, either embrace die opinions of Hutchinson, or study his works. It i;: not ea«y to account for the prejudice^ puteitjin'.d t>y 582 Additional Notes. Hutchinson and his followers against the philosophy of Xewtofi, as if it were hostile to revelation -, and, above all^ for the suspicion indulged by him, that sir Isaac and Dr. Clarke had formed a de- sign, " by introducing certain speculations, founded on their new mode of philosophising, to undermine and overthrow the theology of Scripture, and to bring in the heathen Jupiter, or the stoical Anima Mimdi into the place of the true God/' 1 believe that notliing was further from the minds of those great men, than to represent matter 36 possessing inherent activit^j. If any who pro- fess to be their followers be chargeable with fallhig into this errour, none can be too severe upon the atheistical tenet. In the New- tonian system, the attraction ascribed to all matter is not an in- dependent principle or agent, but simply a fact, referred for its first and continued existence to the immediate power of God. If either class of philosophers be chargeable with going too far in at- tempting to ascertain causes, and in ascribing agencies to material objects^ it appears to me to be the Hutchinsonians. Note (C), p. 22. — The learning and talents of father Bosca- vich are universally acknowledged ^ and he is represented as '** unstained in his morals, sincerely attached to the Christian re- ligion, and exact in the performance of all Christian duties, as be- came a catholic priest."- His publications on Mathematicsy Optics, Astronomy i Hydrodynamics, &c., render him one of the most distin- guished men of the age. The friends of the 'Theory of Natural Philosophy laid be- fore the public by this celebrated Italian speak of it in the higliest term's and consider it as one of the noblest etforts of mo- dern genius. It has been substantially adopted by Mr. Mitchel, by Dr. Priestley, and by some other distinguished writers on the physical sciences, who all regard it as relieving philosophy from many pressing difficulties, and opening the way to much new and important light. One groat objection to this system immediately presents itself to the mmd, and has been forcibly urged against It, viz. — If every particle of matter be strictly inextended, wherein does it differ from that eiv; rationis, a mathematical point, xvithout parts or magnitude ? or rather, wherein does it differ from a mere point of space ? "Will not the adoption of this system conduct its advocate a step further, and lay him under the necessity of denying the Ttal existence of a material world, and of supposing that what we call by that name is a mere system of attractions and repulsions^ without any substunct in which they can inhere ? It is proper to Jddiilonal Koles: 383 observe, that Boscovich was aware of tliis obj^-ction, and answered it by denying that extension is a necessary attribute of matter. But is not this a pctitio pr/ncipii ? And if it be adniittcd, we may well ask, wherein does matter, acconling to tliis philosoplun", differ from spirit F Leibnitz had taught before Boscovich, that the first principles of matter are incxtcnded points. The princij^al dirtijrence between the monads of the former, and the incxtcnded atoms of the latter, lies in the qualities or forces witli which they are represented as endowed. The attractive and repulsive powers of Boscovich differ materially from the active and perceptive powers of Leibnitz, which he considered as sufficient not only to actuate the monad at a particular point of time, but also to produce all the changes which it undergoes from the beginning to eternity. Boscovich seems to have been the fii-st who rejected all im- mediate contact between bodies, and their constituent parti- cles. In this way he got rid of the diiBculty of supposing an and Adams's Lectures. There are others who explain the phenomena of electricity upon cheinical principles. They also belie\e in the existence of two distinct and positive fluids J but instead of a mechanical o^q- ration, they consider all their sensible elfects as arising from che- mical affinity and union. The following tlieory of Dr. Darwin may serve as a specimen of chemical electricity. — See Temple of Nature, Additional Notes, p. 40\ 4to. Lond. 1803. 1. There are two kinds of electric ether, whieh exist either separately or in combination. That wdiich is accumulated on the surface of smooth glass, when rubbed with a cushion, is here termed vitreous ether ; and that which is accumulated on the sur- face of resin, or sealing-wax, w-hen rubbed in like manner, is here termed resinous ether : and a combination of them, as in their iisusl state, may be ternied neutral electric ethers. 2. Atmospheres of vitreous, or of reshious, or of neutral elec- tricity, surround all separate bodies, are attracted by them, and permeate those which are called conductors, as metallic, aqueous, ^nd carbonic substances ; but will not permeate those which are called nonconductors, as air, glass, silk, resin, sulphur. 3. The particles of vitreous ether stiongly repel each other, but attract the particles of resinous ether, and via: lersd. When the two electric ethers unite, a chemical explosion occurs, in some respects like that of gunpowder, light and hc^at are lil)erated, and rend or fu-e the bodies which they occupy. 4. Glass holds within It, in combination, much resinous elec- VoL. I. 2 C 3S6 Additional Notes. trie ether, ■tt-Lich constitutes a part of it, and which more forclbijr attracts vitreous electric ether from surrounding bodies, which stands on it, mixed with a less proportion of resinous ether, like an atmosphere, but cannot unite with the resinous ether com- bTned v ith the glass. And resin, on the contrary', holds within it, in combination, much vitreous electric ether, which constimtes a part of it, and which more forcibly attracts resinous electric ethei n-om surrounding bodies, which stands on it, mixed with a les3 proportion of vitreous ether, like an atmosphere, but cannot unite with the vitreous ether which is combined with the resin. 5. Hence the nonconductors of electricity are of two kinds, and opposite to each other j the one class the vitreous, the other ,the resinous. But the most perfect conductors, such as metal, w'ater, and charcoal, having neither kind of electric ether cofubined xvith them, though surroimdtd with both, suffer both kinds to pass through tliem easily. 6. Great accumulation or condensation of the separate electric ethers attract each other so strongly, that they will break a passage throu'jch nonconducting; bodies. Hence trees and stone walls are rent by lightning. 7. When artiricial or natural accumulations of these separate ethers are in very small quantity or intensity, they pass slowly, and with ditficulty, from one body to another, and require the best conductors for this purpose. Whence many of the pheno- mena of the Toi'pcdo, or Gyytmotus, and of Galvanism. 8. The electric ethers may be separately accumulated by the contact of conductors with nonconductors — by vicinity of the two ethers — ^by heat — and by decomposition. 9. When these two etJiers unite suddenly, and with explosion, a liberation of light and heat takes place, as in all chemical explo- sions. Accordingly it is said that a smdl is perceptible from elec- tric sparks, and even a tnate, which must be supposed to arise from new combinations or decompositions. The theory founded on the principles above stated is supposed, by those who adopt it, to solve many difficulties which can scarcely be accounted for on the theory of Franklin. To say that the former inode of accounting for the electrical phenomena will prcjbably be found the true one, would be, in the present state of oar kno\^ ledge, to pronounce rashly ; but if this subject should ever be developed, it will probably be found that Electricity ought to be considered as a branch of Chemistry ; that its phenomena re- tail from the union of two substances, by the cJieiuical combina- Additional N'oles. 387 lion ©f which explosion is produced, ntid light and heat are liberated. Dr. Gibbes also adopts a chc-inicil theory of electricity. He supposes that oxygen gas is pn^duced by the union of positive electricity with water; and hydrogen gas by the union of negntiic electricity with water ; and that water, uniting in dift'ercnt pro- portions with the two electricities, is the ponderable part of all the elastic fluids. He asserts that, by the positive electricity, metals are oxydated, and blue vegetable colours reddened ; and also that the acidifying effect of electric commotions in the atmosphere, on weak fermented liquors, is unquestionable. On the otlicr hand, according to this writer^ by negative electricity the vegetable blue is restored, and the oxydated metal revived. These circumstances, among others, lead Dr. Gibbes to con- clude, that when hydrogen gas is produced by the affusion of water on red-hot metal, and the metal is at the same time oxy- dated, a decomposition of j?re ratlier than ofii:ater has taken place -, that the hot nietal has parted with negative electricity, which, uniting with a small proportion of the water, has formed hydrogen gas ; (hat a greater proportion of the water has united with ihe positiv'e electricity, and entered, as oxygen gas, into combination with the metal. When the two gasses are inflamed together the spark attracts to itself, in due proportions, the two electrici- ties contained in the two gasses, which unite with explosion, and produce fire. The water with which they were before com- bined is of course deposited. The reason why inflammable substances bum in oxygen gas, and not in hydrogen. Dr. Gibbes supposes to be that negative elec- tricity greatly prevails in all inflammable substances. Neither of the gasses can be inflamed separately, because fire depends on the union of the two electricities ; and such union cannot be eflected unless both are present in due proportion. Dr. Gibbes supposes that the further illustration of the effects of the two electricities as chemical agents will set aside some of the leading doctrines of the Lavoisierian theory, and aftbrd an easy solution of certain phenomena which that theory cannot explain. It is a curious fact tliat Dr. Gibbes, in supposing that oxyi^cn ga« is produced by the union of positive electricity with water, and that hydrogen gas is produced by the union of negative electricity with water, was anticipated by Dr. Priesiley.— Scu his Letter to 1): Woodhouse, Sept. iG, 1901, in the Medical Rcp-^iitory, New York, vol. v, p. loS. :>. C 2 388 Additional Notes. Note (F), p. 30. — Mr. ^pinus, of the imperial academy of St. Petersburg, has attempted to class the phenomena of JS/t^cm- citj/ and Magnetism in a mathematical method. In the course of his work he gives some views of the subject which *are new, and highly ingenious, and, as some good judges suppose, calculated to surmount many difficulties, and to answer many questions which occur in considering the Franklinian theory. — ^The leading princi- ples of his plan are comprehended in the following propositions. The phenomena of electricity ai'e produced by a fluid of pecu- liar nature, and therefore called the Electric jiuid, having the fol- lowing properties. 1,. Its particles repel each other with a force decreasing as tlie distances increase. 2. Its particles attract the particles of some ingredients in all other bodies, with a force decreasing, according to the same law, witli an increase of distance J and this attraction is mutual. 3. The electric fluid is dispersed in the pores of other bodies, and moves with various degrees of facility through the pores of dilTcrent kinds of matter. In those bodies which we call Tzon- electrics, such as water or metals, it moves without any perceiva- ble obstruction j but in glass, resins, and all bodies called electrics, it moves with very great difficulty, or is altogether immovable. 5. The phenomena of electricity are of two kinds: — 1. Such as arise from tlie actual motion of the fluid from a body contain- ing more, into one containing less of it. 2. Such as do not im- mediately arise from this transference, but are instances of its at- traction and repulsion. These principles are applied at great length, and with a pleasing degree of precision, by the ingenious theorist, to the Leydcn Phiul, and to the various phenomena of electric attraction and repulsion. It will be readily seen that iEpinus adopts, in substance, the theor)-^ of Franklin ; of which, in some particulars, he presents new and more satisfactory \iews than the American philosopher. In the sixty-first volume of tlie Philosophical Transactions there is a Dissertation, by the honourable Mr. Cavendish, on this subject, wliich he considers as an extension and more accurate application of T^pinus's thcor}'. Xott' (G)yp. 33. — ^The Gymnotns Electricus is a native of thoi river of Surinam, in South America. Those which were carried to England about eight years ago were about three or lour feet long, and gave an electric shock, by putting one linger on the Additional Nofa^ ?m bacV, nenr its hcad^ nnd another of tlu* opposite Imnd into iLf water near its tail. In their native country they are said to ex- ceed twenty feet in length, and kill any man who approaclies iheni in a hostile manner. It is not only to escape its enemies that this surprising power of the iish is useil, but iilso to take its prev ; which it does by benumbing them, and then devourhig them \m' ■ fore they have time to recover, or by perfectly killing them at once J for the quantity of the power seems to be determined by tlie will of the animal j as it sometimes strikes a tibh twice before it is sufficiently benumbed to be easily swallowed. The organs productive of this wonderful accumuhlion of elec- tric matter have been accurately dissected and described by Mr. .T. Hunter, Fhilos. Trans, vol. Ixv. They are so di\ ided by nKinbranc* as to compose a veiy extensive surface, and are supplied witli many pairs of nerves, larger than any other nerves of the body : but how so large a quantity is so qpiekly accunu\lated as to pro- duce such amazing effects in a fluid ill adapted for the purpose, is not yet satisfactorily explained. The Tcw7jtfr/t> possesses a simi- lar power in a less degree, as was shown by Mr. Walbh : so does another fish lately described by Mr. Paterson. — Phil. Tram, vol. ixxxvi. Botanic Garden, part I, canto i, p. 12, note. Note (H), page 36. — Four epochas may be observed in the. history of Galvanism, each of them distinguished by the develop- ment of important facts. The first M'as formed by the publica- tion of the fundamental Galvanic fact, viz. the production of muscular contraction by the application of metals to the nenes and muscles of animals, and which was entirely limited to orga- nised bodies. The second may be derived from the discovery of the Galvanic influence in inorganic matter. The researches of Fabroni, Dr. Ash, and Creve, exhibiting the i)eculiar action ot metals in contact with each other upon water, demonstrated the production of the Galvanic influence in combinations wholly com- posed of inorganic matter, and thereby connected it witli the general principles of ph}'sics. The third epocha in the history of Galvanism is founded on the discovery of the means of accumu lating this influence by the battcrj/ or pile of \o\tii, which paved the way for a distinct exhibition of the analogy between C-rl- vanism and conmion electricity. The fuurth arises from the dis- covery of the chcmiccd agencies of Galvanism. In the pro.-ecutiori of this last train of inquiry, the principal degree of praise is due to the British experimenters ^ and, among the^e, chiefly to Messrs 390 Additional Notes, Carlisle, Nicholson, Cruickshank, Haldane, Henrys aiid.mDre par- ticularly to Mr. Dav}' and Dr. Wollaston. Me&srs. Carlisle and Nicholson did much towards establishing the electricity of the pile, by ascertaining that it is minus in the silver end, and plus in the zinc end. They also demonstrated its chemical action^ especially in the decomposition of water j a highly interesting experiment, which has led to many very im^ portjnt results. Mr. Cruickshank was the first discoverer of the Galvanic pro- duction of alkali. In his experiments he supposed ammoniac to be generated j while, according to those of some others, the alkali produced was thought to be fixed. He likewise invented the mode of placing the metals horizontally in a kind of trough, which, in several respects, is much more convenient than the ap- paratus of Volta. And he was the first who succeeded in charg- ing the Leyden phial by means of the Galvanic pile. jVIr. William Henry ascertained, by his experiments, that tlie sulphuric and nitric acids may be decomposed by the operation of the Galvanic influence ; but, in his attempts on the muriatic acid, he only succeeded in decomposing the water adhering to it. He also demonstrated that ap^imoniac may be decomposed in a similar manner. Colonel Haldane found that the effects of the apparatus of Volta were suspended when it was immersed in water -, and that this likewise was tlip case when it was confined in azotic gas, or . placed under the vacuum of an air-pump. He observed that the pile acted more powerfully when immersed in a given quantity of oxygen gas, than in the same bulk of atmospherical air. Dr. Wolla.ston has greatly contributed to enlarge our knowledge of the nature and principles of Galvanism. He read an excellent paper on this subject to the Royal Society, which appeared in their Transactions iox i\\t year 1801. After stating a variety of experiments most ingeniously devised, and cautiously as well as accurately conducted, he advances his induction, from a great number of distinct and luminous proofs, tliat the phenomena of electricity and Galvanism are all results of the same principle. But scarcely to any one in Great Britain is Galvanism more in- debted for its extension and improvement than to Mr. Davy, of the Royal Institution, Aniong many piher discoveries of less im- portaiice^ which die rapidity of this sketch dues not allow to be mentioned, he first ascertained the fitness oi charcoal, when used with silver, as a conductor of tlie Gidvanic infiuence. He dis- Additional Xotes. 591 co\ierecl tliat a pile may be construct«.>d with oiu* ni<*tal only, pro- vided proper fluids of tlitleront kintls be appliod to its ditVerent surfaces. And he found tliat a sinillar result takes place with respect to charcoal alone, if a like diversity in tlie fluids applicl to its different surt'aces be duly oteerved. Mr. Davy also disco- vered that the energy of the pile is nearly in p-roportion to the rapidity with which the zinc becomes oxydated ; and, consequently, that the effects will be found to be most powerful when nitric add is interposed between the metals. I'his seems to be one of the first steps towards the true thecjry of the action of Voltas pile. Most of the improvements by the British philosophers above- mentioned were communicated to the public In the course of the year 1601 j a year very memorable for the number, variety, and itnportance of tlie additions made to the stock of knowledge in ihis science. Roused by the success aini eclat of the British discoveries w hich have been just detailed, the votaries of this science on the conti- nent of Europe soon began to furnish their additional contribu- tions. Tromsdorff* found that gold leaf, and other metallic leaves, may readily be subjected to combustion by being lixed to the zinc end of the w ire of Volta's pile. Fourcroy made the remarkable discovery, that the shock is greater in proportion to the accumulation of the nnnthcr of plates in the pile, and the combustion in proportion to the extent of their surface. Dr. van Marum, of Holland, and professor Piaft', of Kiel, suc- ceeded in charging electrical batteries of 140 feet square, by a sin- gle contact witli the pile of Volta, and proved that this pile is a true excitatory apparatus of electricity. I'hey melted, by the electri- city of this apparatus, a large portion of iron w ire, and evou wire of platina. The communication of Dr. van Maium on this subject to signor Volta (see Annates de Chijnie, torn. 40} is highly intc- restin"-. He charged both single jars and large batteries by means of the pile, and always found that they were charged to the same degree of intensity with that which the pile itself indicated to the electrometer. He found, also, that the shocks given by the battery, when charged from powerful electrical machines, were not per- ceptibly different from those given by batteries charged from tlie pile. He found, further, that piles which consist of the same number of plates, but of different diumetirrr, ^avc equal intensities. ^9^ Additional Notes, and equal shocks -, but tliat those made of larger plates are con- siderably more powerful in fusing metals. Dr. Bostock's TJieory of Galvanism. John Bostork, M. D, of Liverpool, has offered the follow^ iug Gahanic theory : — He thinks that the phenomena of the pile of Volta may be all easiJy explained by admitting the truth of the following po&iulatts. 1 . I' the electric fluid is always generated or liberated when a metal, or any oxydable substance, is united to oxygen. 2. Ihat the electric fluid has a strong attraction for hydro- gen. 3. That when the electric fluid, in passing along a chain of conductors, leaves an oxydable substance to be conveyed through water, it unites itself to hydrogen, from which it is again disen- gaged, when it returns to the oxydable conductor. -^ The first of these propositions Dr. Bostock considers as almost proved by the experiments of Fabroni, Davy, and Wollaston. The second and third have not been directly established by experiment, but are viewed by Dr. Bostock as highly probable. Dr. Bostock accounts for the operations carried on at the end of the \\irc, in tlie interrupted circuit, as discovered by Nicholson, in the fi)llowing manner. As the current of the electric fluid appears to pass from the zinc, or plus end of the apparatus, to tlie silver end, it is flrst pro- per to ascertain the action which takes place at the zinc end of the wire. This appears to be the disengagement of oxygen in a con- centrated state, by which the wire itself, Miien oxydable, is cor- roded 5 but which, when the wire is formed of a perfect metal, is disengaged in the form of oxygen gas. This oxygen appears to be derived from the derompositicm of the water in which the wire terminates, in consequence of the attraction which the electric fluid possesses for hydrogen, and its incapacity of passing through M'ater without being united to this substance, according to the second and third postulates. The electric fluid, thus united to hy- drogen, is carried to the other point of the wire, where, upon en- tering the oxydable conductor, it is disengaged in the form of hy- drogen gas, if water be the medium of communication. If a so- lution of metallic oxyd be employed, it unites with the oxyd, and reduces it. The decern [position of water is, therefore, elTccted at the zinc point ajone, though the different gases which com])ose it are discng.;j^vd at each of the points : and the process will continue AdiUthnal Notes. 393 even when the points tenninnte in two diflcMont portions of water, as was discovered by Mr. Davy, provided that the glasses are united by a conductor which is not oxydable. To exphiin the operation ciirried on in tlie body of the pile itself. Dr. Bostock says — In the construction of the pile there arc two points which are essential to its action; viz. 1. That the electric fluid be disen- gaged ; and, 2. That it be confined and carried forw nrd in one direction, so as to be concentrated in the end of the apparatus. Tlie first object is evidently attained by the oxydation of the zinc, or otlicr oxydable body employed. If both sides of the zinc were oxydated, the electric fluid would, indeed, be liberated, but it would be immediately dispersed, and its e/lects could not be ob- served. As soon, however, as the electric matter is CAulved, it is immediately atti'acted by the hydrogen ; v.hich is, at the same time, necessarily generated in the fluid vshich oxydate.s the metal j and it is by tliis means conveyed across the water to the silver plate, when two metals are used, or, in other cases, simply to the opposite surface of the oxydating substance. The electric fluid then enters the silver plate, and, instantly passing on to the con- tiguous zinc plate, arrives at a second oxydating surface. I'he same series of e^'eTlts that have been described is here repeated, ex- cept tliat the electric fluid being in some degree accumulated in the metallic plate, is disengaged by the second oxydating surface in larger quantit}', and in a more concentrated state than before. By pursuing the same train of operations, it is easy to see how the dectric matter will continue to be aceumulated in each successive pair of plates, until, by sufficient repetition, it may be made to exists in the zinc end of the pile, in auy assigned degree oi force. The analogy Ijetween Galvanic phenomena and mnny circum- stances connected with muscular action, and other processes of vitality, began, several }'ears ago, to make an impression on tlic minds of many who engaged in tlie pursuit of tliis science. TJie appearance of Galvanic action in living animals, such as the 7ar- pedo, kc, was found strongly to corfirm tliis inipression. Or- ganised beings contain all the substances necessary for the formation of Galvanic arrangements ; and chetuical changes are conlinually going on in different parts of the living body, which are probably connected w itli variations in their states of electricity. I'licse cir- ,> de- composed 5 and that this action is intimately connected witli tJio excitation of tlie electric energy-, is established by numeroas ex- periments. The power of the apparatus ceasing when it is placed in tlic exhausted receiver of tlie air-pump, or in a vessel lilJt-d ■with azotic or hydrogen gas, strongly illustrates tiiis point. When it is considered, also, that the apparatus is more powerful in oxygen gas than in the atmospheric air, and that in eitlier the oxygen is consumed ; and that its powers are much increased when the water in contact with the metal, holds in solution oxygen, ni- trous gas, diluted nitric or muriatic acid, or any substance which either affords oxygen with fiicillty, or promotes the oxydation of the metal, the evidence of strong chemical action will be viewed as still more unquestionable. The power of the Galvanic series or column seems, indeed, to be proportioned to the oxydation of tlie metal which composes it; and hencfe it may, with much pro- bability, be concluded, that it is to this chemical action tliat the excitation. of the Galvanic influence is owing." Those who wish to see a more detailed account of tJie history of Galvanism, especially of the numerous and verv^ interesting ex- periments and discoveries made in this branch of phihKophy, in ,tlie years 1801 and 1802, will do well tc^ consult tlie Philns. Trans, for 1801, Tilloch's Philos. Mag., and Nichol,>,on's Jountal of Natural Philosuphy. Note (I)y p. 37.— The theory of this celebrated pliilosopher of St. Petersburg may be comprised in the following propo- sitions. 1. There exists a substance in all magnetic bodies, which may be called the magnetic iluid ; the particles of which repd each other with a force decreasing as tlie distances increase. 2. The particles of mngnetic fluid attract and are attracted by the particles of iron, with a force that varies according to the same law. 3. The piirticles of iron repel each othar acoiJing to tlie i>aine law. 396 Additional Notes. 4. The magnetic fluid moves, without any considerable ob- struction, through the pores of iron and soft steel : but it is more and more obstructed in its motion as the steel is* tempered harder j and in hard tempered steel, and in the ores of iron, it is moved with tJie greatest difficulty. . 5. When tlie quantity of tlfis fluid contained in iron is such that the accumulated attraction of a particle for all the iron ba- Iriuces, or is equal to, the repulsion of all the fluid which the iron contains, the quantity may be said to be the natural quantity of the iron, which may then be said to be in its natural state. 6. The magnetic fluid may be abstracted from one end of a magnetic bar, and constipated in the other, and on this depends the exertion of its force. In other words, the condensation and motion of the magnetic fluid are subject to the same laws (mu- tatis piutandis), in the opinion of this philosopher, as the electric fluid on the Franklinian theory, the motion and sensible signs of which depend on thep/'j/s and minus states, or the deficiency cUid redundancy of the same fluid in different bodies. J^ote (K), p. 37- — '' As every piece of iron which was made magnetical by the touch of a magnet became itself a magnet, many attempts \\-ere made to improve these artificial magnets, but with- out much success, till Servdngdon Savary, esq. made thenioi hardened steel bars, which were so powerful, tlrat one of. them, weighing three pounds avoirdupois, would lift another of the same weight. " After this Dr. Gowin Knight made very successful experi- ments on this subject, which, though he kept his method secret, seems to have excited others to turn their attention to magnetism. About this time the rev. Mr. Michel invented an equally efficaci- ous and more expeditious way of making strong artificial magnets, which he published in the end of the year 17^0, in which he ex- ])lained his method of what he called the Double Touch, and whicli, since Dr. Knight's metliod has been known, appears to be somewhat different from it. " This method of rendering bars of hardened steel magnetical consists in holding vertically two or more magnetic bars nearly parallel to each other, with their opposite poles very near each other (but, ne^•ertheless, separated to a small distance) : these are to be slided over a line of bars, laid horizontally, a few times back-i ward and forward. '• \\hat Mr. Michel proposed by this method was, to include a Additional Notes. 397 very small portion of the horizontal bars intcndi-d to be made nuig- netical, between the joint forces of two or more bars already raagnetical, and, by sliding tliem from end to end, every part ot the line of bars became successively included ; and tlius bar>, possessed of a very small degree of magnetism to begin \\ith, would, in a very few times sliding backwards and forwards, make the other ones much more magnetical than themselves, which are then to be taken up and used to touch the former, which are in succession to be laid down horizontally in a \mcr— Botanic Garden, Tart I, Canto ii, 1. IQS, note. Dr. Knight's method of making artificial magnets, referred to by Dr. Darwin in the abvove-mentioned note, was as follows: He reduced iron to a very subtle powder, made it into a paste with oil, moulded the composition into pieces of a convenient form, dried them before a moderate lire, and then imparted to them the magnetic virtue, by placing them between the extreme ends of his large magazine of artificial magnets, for a few seconds or more, as he thought requisite. After Michel, the manufactory of artificial magnets received further improvements by JNlr. Canton, in I75(i, and by M. An- theaume, in 1 7QO. Note (L), p. 40.— Among other attempts to extend the bounds of chemistry, it has been lately proposed to place the magnetic fluid in the list of its subjects. Accordingly, several writers have considered this fluid as a chemical agent, and explained its pheno- mena on corresponding principles. Among these, ])r. Darwin, in the Additional Notes to his Temple of Nature, proposes tlic follow- ing hypothesis. I. Magnetism coincides with electricity in so many important points, that ihe existence of tico ma<^netic ethers, as well as of two electric ones, becomes highly probable. 3. In a common bar of iron or steel, the two magnetic ethers (which, for the greater ease of speaking, may be called arctic ether and antarctic ether), exist intermixed, or in their mutral .tale : in tliis state, like the two electric fluids, tliey are not cognizable by the senses. 3 When these two magnetic ethers are separated from each other, and the arctic ether is accumulated in one end of an iron or steel bar, which is then called the north pole oi the magnei; and the antarctic ether is accumulated in the other end of die bar, which h then termed the south pole of tbo magnet, they becou^e S9S Additional Notes, tapable of atti-actin^ other pieces of iron or steely and are tlins cognisable by experiments. 4. It seems probable that it is not the magnetic ether itself which attracts or repels particles of iron j but that an attractive and repulsive ether attends the magnetic ethers, as in the case of the electric. 5. "While the two electric ethers, v/hen separated by nature or art, combine, by chemical affinity, with explosion, emit light and heat, and leave a residuum ,• the two magnetic ethers, after being; separated in like manner, combine by chemical affinity, but without explosion, and produce, by their union, a neutralised fiuid. Note (M), p. 43. — This great practical philosopher was bom, about the year 1/53, at Woburn, a small town in Massachusetts,- ten miles north of Boston. His parents were in humble life, and his advantages, with resj>ect to education, were small. But he was early distinguished as a lad of spirit and enterprise, and discovered a fondness for knoN^ledge. After spending some time Jn a retail store in Boston, where he was more fond of amusing himself with a violin than of attending on customers, and preferred making experiments with an electrical machine to either, he re- turned to Woburn : here, however, he did not remain long. Ir> 1772 he attended professor Winthrop's lectures on experimental philosophy, in Harvard college. He was not a matriculated stu- dent; but, being regarded as an ingenious and promising young man, was permitted to attend this part of tlie usual course of in- fitmction, for which he manifested a particular predilection. In 1772 or 177^) young Thompson went to New Hampshire, and settled in a town called Rumford, at that time under the juris- diction of Massachusetts, but afterwards, by a new territorial ar- rangement, assigned to New Hampshire, and riow called Concord. Here he married a widow, of the name of Rolfe, with whom he received a large fortune. In 1775 he went to England; and, soon after his arrival, was introduced to lord George Germaine, then secretary of state, to whom he so far recommended himself as ta be appointed one of the first clerks in his office. When his lord- ship went put of office, he still exerted his influence in favour of Mr. I'hcjmpson, and obtained for hihi a colonel's commission. V. !th this commission, towards the close of the American war, he came to New York, with the view of raising a regiment of loya- lists 3 but the regiment was never completed 3 he was, however^ Additional Notes, 399 ■still^ctive in the service of the king, and, soon after die peace of 1/83, he returried to EnMand. D Here tlie proofs of his activity, enterprise, and philosophic Qcuteness, and particularly of his taste for improvements in mili- tary attairs, were so numerous, tiiat he began to attract more public attention than before, and oflers v. ere made to him of pre- ferment in foreign senice. He at length accepted a flattering in- vitation given to him by the reigning duke of Hnvaria^ and went into his ser\ice in 17S4. By this prince he was made lieutenant- general of horse, and soon rendered himself conspicuous by intro- ducing a new system of order, discipline, and economy among the troops mider his command. He remained a number of years in Bavaria, where he was much distinguished by his successful exer- tions to destroy mendicity, and to meliorate the condition of the poor ; and by a variety of improvements highly favourable to ma- nufactures, economy, and humanity. On leaving the scr\-ice of the elector he was created a count ; his title being taken, by his own choice, from the name of the town in America in which he iiad for some time resided. Count Rumford has chiefly resided, for a number of years past, in Great Britain, where he has been so much celebrated for his experiments, discoveries, and improvements in militar}', economi- cal, and chemical science, that it is unnecessary to dwell on his merits. Beside the new light which he threw on the subject of gunnery J before mentioned, the friends of science and humanity are indebted to him for improved methods of constructing chimnicx and stoves; for important discoveries and improvements relative to cookery and aliment; for curious and highly interesting experi- ments on heat ; &c. In short, it seems to be generally agreed, that he stands in the first class, if not at the head, of all the practical, and particularly the economical philosc^ihers, now living. He was knighted by the king of Great Britain in 1/S4, and has received many honourable tcstimoiiies of public and private re- spect in that country. His only child, a daughter, now resides in tlie town of Boston. Note (N), p. 57. — " The expansive force of steam was known, in some degree, to the ancients. Hero, of Alexandria, describe? an application of it to produce a rotatory motion by the reaction of oieam issuing from a sphere mounted upon an axis, through two imall tubes bent into tangents, and issuing from tlic opposite sides 400 Addllioiial Note$, of the equatorial diameter of the sphere ; the sphere was supplfetl \vith steam by a pipe communicating with a pan of boiling water, and entering tlie sphere at One of its poles. " A French writer, about the year l(i30, describes a method of raising water to the upper part ot" a house, by filling a chamber with steam, and suffering it to condense of itself) but it seems to have been mere theorj^, as his method was scarcely practicable as he describes it. In 1655^ the marquis of Worcester mentions a me- thod of raising water by lire, in his Century of Inventions ; but he seems only to have availed himself of the expansive force, and not to have known the advantages arising from condensing the steana by an injection of cold water. This latter and most important im- provement seems to have been made by capt. Savary^ some time prior to the year lOQS, for in that year his patent, for the use of that invention, was conhrmed by act of parliament. This gentle- man appears to have been the first who reduced the machine to practice, and exhibited it in a useful form. His metliod con- sisted only in expelling the air from a vessel by steam ; condens- ing the ste-am by an injection of cold water, which making a vr- cuum, tlie pressure of the atmosphere forced the water to ascend hito the steam- vessel through a pipe of 24 or 26 feet high; and, by the admission of dense steam from the boiler, forcing the water in the stcam-vesscl to ascend to the height desired. This construc- tion was defective, because it required very strong vessels to resist the force of the steam, and because an enormous quantity of steam was condensed by coming into contact with the cold water in tlie steam- vessel. " About, or soon after that time, M. Papin attempted a steam- engine on similar principles, but rather more defective in its construction. *' The ru'xt improvement was made ver)' soon afterwards by Messrs. Xewcomcn and Cawley, of Dartmouth : it consisted in employing for the steam- vessel a hollow cylinder, shut at bottom and open at top, furnished with a piston sliding easily up and down in it, and made tight by oakum or hemp, and covered with water. This piston is suspended by chains from one end of a beam, moveable upon an axis in the middle of its length : to the other end of this beam are suspended the pump-rods. "The danger of bursting the vessels was avoided in tliis ma- chine ; as^ however high the water was to be raised, it was not necessary to increase the density of the steam, but only to enlarge the diameter of the cylinder. Additional NolC^\ 401 . ^' Aiiotlier advaiUnge was, that the cylinder, not being nuule so cold as in Savary's method, much le.s steam was lost in lillin;^ it after each condensation. . **The machine, however, still remained imperfect^ for the cold water thrown into tlie cylinder accjuircd heat tVom the steam it condensed, and being in a Vessel exhausted of air, it produccil steam itself, which, in part, resisted the action of the atmosphere on the piston } were this remedied by throwing in more cold water, the destruction of stea n in the iicx.t filling of the cylinder would be proportionably increased. It has, therefore, in practice, been found advisable not to load these engines witli culumns of water weighing more than seven pounds for each square inch cf the area of the piston. The bulk of water, when converted int,o steam, remained unknown, until Mr. J. Watt, then of Glasgow, in 17G4, determined it to be about 1800 times more rare than water. It soon occurred to Mr. Watt, that a perfect engine w culd be that in which no steam should be condensed in filling the cyhnder, and in which the ^eam should be so perfectly cooled as to produce neaily a perfect vacuum. *' Mr. Watt having ascertained the degree of heat in which water boiled in vacuo, and under progressive degrees of pressure, and instructed by Dr. Black's discovery of latent heat, having cai- culated the quantity of cold water necessary to condense certain quantities of steam so far as to produce the exhaustion required, he made a communication from tlie cylinder to a cold vessel pre- viously exhausted of air and water, into which the steam rushed, by its elasticity, and became immediately condensed. He tJien adapted a cover to the cylinder, and admitted steam above tlie piston to press it down instead of "air, and^^tead of applying wa- ter, he used oil or grease to fill the pores of tho oakum. :.nd Lo lubricate the cylinder. " He next applied a pump to extract the injection water, il:e condensed steam, and the air, from the condensing- vessel, eveiy stroke of the enoine. o " To prevent the cooling of the cylinder by the contact of the external air, he surrounded it with a case containing steam, which he again protected by a covering of matters which conduct heat slow ly. " This construction presented an ea-y means of regulating the power of the engine, for tlie steam being the acting po\\ er, as the pipe which admits it from the boiler is more or le:,3 opened, a greater or smaller qumtitv c:in enter du)!ng the time ui a if.oke. Vol. I ' •l-^y 405 Additional Nofe^. and, consequenUy, the engine can act with exactly the necessatr/ degree of energy. " Ivlr. "Watt gained a patent for his engine in 1 7^8 j but the further prosecution of his designs \^'as delayed by other avocations till 1775, \vhen, hi conjunction with Mr. Boulton, of Soho, near Birmingham^ numerous experiments were made, on a large scale^ by their united ingenuity, and great improvements added to the machinery, and an act of parliament obtained for the prolongation -of their patent for twenty-five years : they have, since that time, drained many of the deep mines in Cornwall, v.hich, but for the happy union of such genius, must immediately have ceased to ^^ ork. One of, these engines works a pump of eighteen inches diameter, and upwards of a hundred fathom, or 6OO feet high, at the rate of ten or t^^-clve strokes, of seven feet long each, in a minute, and that with one fiftli part of the coals which a common engine would have taken to do the same work. The power of this engine may be easier comprehended, by saying, that it raised a weight equal to 81000 pounds, eighty feet high, in a minute, which is equal to the combined action of two hundred good horses. In Newcomen's engine this would have requued a cylin- der of ihe enormdus diameter of 120 inches, or ten feet; but as rn this cno i«e of Mr. Watt and Mr. Boulton the steam acts, and a vacuum is made, alternately abo\'e and below the piston, the •power exerted is double to what the same cylinder "Vvould other- ways produce, and is further augmented by an inequality in th« length of the two ends of the lever. ** These gentlemen have also, by other contrivances, applied their engines to the turning oi\mills for almost every purpose, of \^hich that great pile of machinery, the Albion Mill, is a well- known instance. Forges, slitting-mill^, and other great works, are cri'cted where nature has furnished no mnning water, and fu- lul-e times may boast that this grand ajid useful engine was in- vented and perfected in our own countr}'." — Botanic Garden, Part i. Additional JS'o/c XI. jN'o/r CO)y p. 64. — It appears that Bollond was not the first per- son who invented Jlchrmnatic glasses. As early as 1729, Chestei* More ILill, esq., of Mort-HuU, m the county of Essex, as appears by his papers, considering the different humours of the eye, imagined they M-ere placed so as to correct the different refrangibility of liglit. He tlien conceived, that if he could find ^ubsiiuices having such properties; as he supposed these huniDun Additional Notes, 403 might possess, he should be enabled to construct nn ohjcct glass that Mould show objects culourk'ss. After many experiments, ho ImJ the good fortune to tind these properties in two ditferent kinds of glass ; and by forming lenses made of such glass, and making them disperse the rays of light in contrary directions, he succeeded. About 1733 he completed several achromatic objLtt glasses (though he did not give them this name), that bore an aperture of more than two inches and a half, thou'^h tiie focal length did not exceed twenty inches. One of tliesc glasses, which, in 179O, was in possession of the rev. Mr. Smith, of Charlotte-street, Rathbone Place, London, has been examined by several gentlemen of eaiinence in tlie scientilic world, and found to possess the properties of the present achromatic glasses. •In the trial at Westminster-Hall, about the patent for making achromatic telescopes, Mr. Hall was allowed to be the inventor ; but lord Mansfield observed, *' that it was not the person who locked up his invention in his scrutoire that ought to profit by a patent for such invention, but he who brought it fortli for th« benefit of the public." That Mr. Ayscough, optician, on Ludgate-Hill, was in pos- session of one of Mr. Hall's achromatic telescopes in 17•'5-^, is a fact indisputable. — Gcnthman's Magazine, vol. Ix, part ii, for 1790, p. 890, 8:c. Note (P), p. 75. — Since the close of the eightcentli century tu:o neiv planets have been discovered. The first was discovered January 1, 1801, by Mr. Piazzi, of Palermo, in Sicily. It is called by the discoverer Ceres, but by his brother astronomers Viazzi. The second was discovered on the 28th of March, 1802, by Dr. Olbers, of Bremen, and is called by him Pallas, but others give it the name of Others. The planet Piazzi {or Ceres) revohes bet\\'een Mars and Ju- piter. It is not, apparently, larger than a fixed star of the eighth magnitude. The inclination of its orbit to the plane of the eclip- tic is about 10 deg. 3t? min. 57 sec, and the time of its periodical revolution is four years, seven months, and ten days. The planet Olbtrs (or Pallas) also revolves in tiie wide space between Mars and Jupiter. It differs very little in ai)pearance ^fi-om stars of the eighth magnitude. The inclination of its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic is 35 deg., n \ery extraordinary' degree of obliquity, which shows that the ZoJiac must be cons-iderably enlarged, if we continue to distin^uiih by that name the /one tu 2 D i 404 Additional Notes. the heavens in which all die planets perform their revolutions, I'iie period of its revolution is four years, eight months, and three days. The orbits of these two planets are nearer together tlian those of any others in our system. In its distance from the sun Piazxi varies from 21 to -25, and Gibers from 2/ to 28, taking tlie distance of the earth as the standard, and estimating it at 10. Beside the discoverers, Herschell, de la Lande, Delambre, and Burckhardt, have particularly distinguished tliemselves in observing the phenomena, and in calculating tlie elements, of these planets. — Mr. Herschell proposes to designate these celestial bodies, for the present, by the term " Asteroids." Note C'2), p. 79. — Catalogues of stars are of two kinds, either aft collected into certain figures called Constellatiom, or according to their rirrht ascensions, or, in other words, according to their order in passing over the meridian. The fust specimen of this latter kind of catalogue, that is, ac- cording to the order of the right ascensipns, was tliat published by de la Caille, in 1755. It contains the right ascensions and decli- nations of 307 stars, adapted to the beginning of tlie year 175O. In 1757 the same gre?t astronomer published his Astronomict Fun^ daintnta, containing a catalogue of the right ascensions and decli~ nations of 398 stars. And in 17^3, the year after his death, was published the Cahim Australe Stellifcnim, also by the same autlior, containing a catalogue of the places of 1942 stars. In the yautical Ahnanack for 17/3 is given a catalogue of 38/ stars, in right ascension, declination, longitude, and latitude, derived from the observations of the celebrated Dr. Bradley, astro- nomer royal of Great Britain, and adapted to the beginning of the year 176'0. In J 775 was published a catalogue among the papers of the late Tobias Mayer, containing the right ascensions and declinations of C)i)S stars, which may be occulted by the moon and planets, adjusted to the year \75(5. At the end of the first volume of " Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich," published in 177<>, Dr. Maskelyne, the present astronomer royal, has given a catnlo'jjue ol the places of 34 principal stars, in right ascension, and north polar distance, adapted to the beginning of the }far 1770. In 1782, prof. Bode, of Berlin, published a very extensive cata- Additional Notes. 40.0 logueof 5058 stars, collected from the observations of Fiainstead, Bradley, Hevelius, Mayer, de la Caiilc, Messier, Moiinier, d'Ar- quier> and other astronomers ; all adapted to the beginning of die year 1780, and accompanied with a celestial atlas, or set of maps of the constellations, engraved in a very delicate and beautiful manner. lb these may be added Dr. Herscheirs catrdogue of double «tars, printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1782 and 1/83 ; Messier's nebula: and clusters of stars, publi.-;hed in the Connoissunce dcs Temps for 1784 ; and Herschell's catalogue of the same kin*.l-, given in tlie Philosophical Transactions for lysO. Jn 1792, Dr. von Zach, of Gotha, annexed to his Tahula Moluinn Solis a new catalogue of the principal fixed stars, from his own observations, made in the years 178/, 1788, 1/8^, 171JO. This catalogue contains the right ascensions and declinations of 381 principal stars, adapted to the beginning of the year 1 800. But all these catalogues yield, both in extent and value, to thaf of dc la Lande, whose diligence, skill, and pcr.-.everancc, in this department of astronomical observation, do him the highe»i honour. — Suppltmcnt to the Encyclopcedia. : Na'e (R), p. 82. — Professor Testa, of Rome, has read to the Academy of Religion there, a memoir written by him, in which he proves, in the most evident manner, that the Zodiacs lately dis- covered in Egypt have not that antiquity w hicli some pretend to give them j and, consequently, that they pro\e nothing against tlio chronology of uVIoses. He asserts that the Eg}'ptians were not acquainted with the motion of the fixed stars in longitude, an(] that Hipparchus was the first who discovered it. Ilipparchus, the astronomer here alluded to, was a native of Xicea, and flourished about the year I29 before Jesus C^hrist. Professor Testa remarks also, that the Zodiac of Dendera is found in a temple of Grecian architecture, which bears the name of Tiberius 3 that this temple not being two tiiousand }c'ars okl, the Zodiac discovered in it cannot have existed abo\e four thousand j that in these Zodiacs is seen the sign of Libra, a constellation absolutely unknown to the ancient Egyptians. It appears, therefore, that a certain class of" philosophers will not deri\c from the discovery of these Zodiacs that advantage which they expected. iNVe (S), p. 85. — It is asFcrted in the page hero quoted, tiiat the celebrated instrument called tlie (juadrunt, which bear* 406 Additional Notes. the name of JMr. Hadley, and which is generally ascribed to him as the inventor, was really invented by Mr. Thomas Godfrey, of rhiladelphin. It will be proper, in this place, to give the reader some account of Mr. Godfrey, and of the evidence on which the above, assertion was made. llie fullest and most satisfactor)'- information on both these points, which the author has been able to obtain, is presented in the fol- lowing letters, extracted from the American MagazinCj for the months of July and August, 1758. Two of tliese letters are wTitten by James Logan, esq., the distinguished classic scholar and botanist whose name has been mentioned in several parts of this work. For furnishing him with accurate copies of these do- cuments, the author is indebted to his friend Ebenezer Hazard, esq., of Philadelphia, a gentleman who has been long distinguished for his researches in various departments of American history, and who has probably amassed a larger store of curious relics and facts relating to tiiis extensive subject, than any other individual in the United States. From the American Magazine for July, 1758, p. 475. * To the Proprietors, ^c. Gentlemen, All civilised states have thought it their honour to have men of great ingenuity born or bred among tliem. Many cities of ancient Greece had long and sharp contentions for the honour of Homer's Jjirth-place. And in latter times volumes have been written in Enrope, in disputing which city had tlie true claim to the inven- tion of the art of printing. Nor is it to be wondered that man- kind should be so generally eager in this respect, since nothing re^ dound.s more to the honour of any state than to have it said that fnme science of general utility to mankind v/as invented or im- proved by them. Nevertheless it often happens that the true au- thor of many a useful invention, either by accident or fraud, Icses the credit thereof, and from age to age it passes in the name of another. 'I'hus it happened, heretofore, to Columbus and many others 3 and thus also it happened to a native of Pliila- ddplud. Mr. Thomas Godfiey, it is well known to many of us here, wiLs the real inventor of that ^ cry useful instrument called Had- Jey's quadrant or octant. To him the merit is due, and to his j)osterity the profit ought to belong. This will fully appear from tlie three following genuine letters, which, I persuade myself, you w'i'X tliink v. orthy of being recorded in your magazine, in Additional Notc^. 407 order to restore, as far as possible, the credit of lliat iiiveiuion to our city, and to the posterity of Mr. Godtiey. How he came to be deprived of it may be made a question by some. I answer that Mr. Godfrey sent tiie instrument to he tried at sea by an accjuaint- ance of his, an ingenious navigator, in a voyage to Jamaica, who showed it to a captain of a ship there just goiii;,' tor Ew^lntid, by which means it came to tlie knuw ledge of IMr. Hadk-y, though, perhaps, without his being told the nnme of the real inventor. This fact is sutiiciently knov/n to many seamen and others yet alive in thi^ city ; and established beyond doubt by the followhig letters, written about that time. It is, therefore, submitted to the world whether, after perusing the letters, they ought not, in justice, to call that instrument, for tlie future, Godfrey's, and no; Hadley's, quadrant. To Dr. Edmuxd Halley *. Esteemed Friend, The discovery of the longitude having, of late years, employed the thoughts of many, and the world now expecting, from tliy great sagacity and industry, some advances towards it, far exceed- ing all former attempts, from the motion of the moon, to the ascertaining of which thy labours have so long and happily been directed ; the following notice, I hope, will neitlier be tirought unseasonable nor prove unacceptable. That the success of this method depends on linding the moon's true phice for cnie meri- dian by calculation, and for another by observation, I think is generally allowed 3 the first of which being depended on from tliy great genius, what remains is some certain method for observa- tion, practicable on that uncertain element the sea. In order to tliis, thy predecessor at Grcemoich, if I mistake not, for some years published his calculations for the UK.on's future appulse to the fixed stars, which would save all observation but tliat of a glass J but these not often happening, and the moon often ha\ing a considerable parallax, when they did, that project dropped. For finding her place by taking her greater distances from stirs, the fore-statf or cross-staff cannot be exact enough : and quadrants, sextants, &c., with two telescopes, afe impracticable at sea. Dr. Biester's late proposal for taking the ditference of riglit * An Introductory paper winch I !»ave net transcribed, not tliinkJ;:g it im- portant, mentions this letter as N° 435 in the >PWoj<>//j/.j/ 7'r^'/Ti..v//&//i, ard f ntitlod an " Account of Mr. Thomas Godfrey 't Improvement of Davis's Quadrant transfcirt-d to the Mariner's Bcnv. ' 40S Addiiional Notes, ascension between the moon and a star, if that should prove prac- ticable with sufficient exactness, would undoubtedly answer the intention of all that is to be expected from the moon, if her place were taken on or near the meridian. But to keep the arch of this instrument in the plane of the equator, and at the same time view two objects of unetjual altitudes, and considerable distance from each other, by the edges of two sights, with the necessary accuracy, will not perhaps be so easy in practice as he would have it believed. I shall, therefore, here presume, from thy favour shown me in England, in 1/24, to comnmnicate an invention that, whether it answer the end or not, will be allowed, I believe, to deserve thy regard. I have it thus : A young man, born in this country, Thomas Godfrey by name, by trade a glazier, who had no otlier education than to learn to read and write, with a little common arithmetic, having, in his apprenticeship with a very poor man of that trade, accidentally met ;viih a mathematical book, took such a fancy to the study, that, by the natural strengtli of his genius, without any instructor, Jie soon made himself master of that, and of every other of the kind he could bnrrov/ or procure m English; and finding there was more to be had in Liiiin books, under all imaginable dis- couragements, a})plied himself to the study of that language, till he could pretty well understand an author on these subjects ; after wliich, the 'first time I ever saw or heard of him to my knowledge, he came to borrow sir Isaac Newton's Principia of me. Inquiring of him hereupon who he was, I was indeed asto- nished at his re(jue.';t ; but after a little discourse he soon became v/clcome to that or any other book I had. This young man, about eighteen months since, told me he had for soitie time been riiinking of an instrument for taking the distances of stars by re- iiecting speculums, which he believed might be of service at sea j and not long after he showed me a common sea quadrant, to which he had fitted two jjicces of looking-glass in such a manner as brought two stars, at almost any distance, to coincide j tlie one b)' a direct, the other by a reflecting ray, so that the e3'e could t^ikt^ them both tc/^cther as joined in one, while a moving label or index on the graduated ar(.'li marked exactly half their distance : for 1 need not say that the variations of the angles of reflexion irom two speculums are double to the angle of the inclination of. their planes, and therefore give but half the angle or arch of the;-4;t.«^*, v.hich is the only inconveniency that appears to me to Aildilional No/e^. 409 attend this. But as it m:iy be made so simple, cnsy, and light. Hi not to be much more unwieldy or uuniaiuiijeable, tiioiigli of considerable length, tlian a single telescope ul" the same, that in- conveniency will be abundantly compensated. The description of it, as he proposes it, and has got one made, is nearly thus, which he is v illing I should communicate to thee, if possibly it may be of service. To a straight ruler or piece of wood, AB, of about three mchea m breadth, and from forty to forty-five in length (or of any other that may be thought convenient), with a suitable thickness; an arch or limb, AC, of about 30 degrees to the radius, KL, is to be fixed. To the upper end of the piece AB, a piece, DD, is to b© morticed, and in it the centre K taken, so that OP may be about six inches, and the angle KOP about 40 degrees. On this centre K, the ruler or ii.'dex KL is to move, having a liducial edge below answerable to the central point, to cut the graduations on the limb. On the upj^er end of this index a speculum of silvered glass, or rather metal, exactly plain, EF, of about three inches in length and two in height, is erected perpendicular to the plane of tlie index, and also nearly at right angles with its sides, the plane of the retlectiug surface standing exactly over tlie central point. At the end B, of the piece AB, an- other speculum of glass is to be in the same manner erected, which maybe some- what less than the other, with a square or oblong spot in it unsilvered, tliat a star, by a direct ray, may be seen through it J and the back of til is speculum should be guarded witli a tlilu brass y J.. 410 Additional Notes. plate, \vith an aperture in it equal to the unsilvered part of the glass 3 llie edge of the aperture toward H to be exactly- straight, dividing between the silvered and unsilvered part of the speculum, and standing in the line of the axis of the tele- scope. This speculum is to be set at an angle of about 20 degrees, with the square of the piece AB, or at 110 degrees, with the sides of it. Upon the piece AB, the telescope PQ is fixed, of a good aperture and held, with the axis placed as above. The limb is to be graduated by diagonals, or parallel circles, to half degrees and half minutes, beginning from C, which are to be numbered as whole ones. And if it be practicable to face wood with brass without warping, the whole face should be so covered; if not, then along tlie outward edge of the limb a narrow strip of brass plate ma}- be let into the face of it, finely and equally in- dented on the edge, to take a screw fitted to tliat tootliing to be fixed on the moving index at L, as your instruments are made that count by revolutions* and then, before this is used, it woiild be proper to take the distance of the two objects first nearly by a fore-staft^", and from thence accordingly to set the index. This screw, at land, would be highly useful, but at sea it cannot be wrought, while the instrument is directed by the same person ; though, as the motion of the moon and variation of the angle is but slow, it may be brought to exactness by several trials in the intervals of direction. The instrument, as above described, will not take an angle of much above 50 degrees, which, for the pur- pose intended, may be fully sufficient. But if the speculum EF be made to take oif and put on, and the end of the index at K be so notched as to turn that speculum from its first perpendicu* larity, to make an angle of about 25 degrees, it will then take any distance to 100 degrees. By this description it may be thought that tlie utmost ac- curacy will be required in making the instrument : yet, of all that ever liave been invented of so curious a kind, it will probably be found to demand the least ^ for, provided the speculums are good, on which the whole depends, if the first EF be set truly over the centre, the limb well graduated, and the other speculum be also set perpendicular, there can, I think, be no other errour but what the instrument itself will easily rectify: for if it be di- rected to one jitar, and that be taken, at tlie same time, botli by a direct ray through the glass GH, and by a refiexion from EF, both exactly coinciding at O, it is evident that then the specu- hims are tx.ictly parallel. And if this falls not precisely wbcfw Jddit tonal Notes. 411 the index cuts 0 degrees, if the variation be noted, this constantly added or subti-acted, according as it tails, will fully rectify all other errours. So in fixing the speculum £F to another angle, at has been proposed, tlie like method may or must be taken, viz, to observe two stars at the distance of about 45 or 50 degrees, by the speculum, in its first situation, and thon tlie same stars by it again in its second, and the diflerence of the intervention of the index on the Hmb being noted, and constantly added to the arches tiiken in the second situation, will give the true distance. This method of observing one and the same star, in the first manner, or two stars in the second, as has been mentioned, will nljo rectify jerrours even in the speculums : for the line of the ray KO is in all cases constantly tlie same , and, upon the whole, I may safely say the instrument will be found much more certain in practice than at first it may appear in theory, even to some good judges. But I am now sensible 1 have trespassed in being so particular •U'hen writing to Dr. Halleyj for I well know, that to a gentle- man noted for his excellent talent of reading, apprehending, and greatly improvmg, less wotild have been sufficient ; but as this possibly may* be communicated by thee, 1 shall crave leave further to add, that the use of the instrument is very easy, for if the index be set so near the distance of the moon and htars, and the limb so held as to cut the body of the moon, upon directing the telescope to the star her image will, of course, be reflected on some part of the speculum GH. There is no absolute necessity tlie etar and moon should coincide exactly at the line limiting tlie silvered and unsilvered part of the latter speculum ; for the trans- parent part of that glass will often reflect on the moon's image sufliciently for the telescope to take it, and if her limb in that and the star exactly coincide near it, it may be sufficient, though the nearer to that line the better. Now tlieir distance being found, the tables that give the moon's place may be depended on for her diameter and her latitude 3 Mhich last being known, there are three sides of a triangle given to find the angle at tlie pole of tJie ecliptic, which, compared with the star's longitude, determines her place for that instant : for, in respect to her latitude when she is sv/iftest in motion, when nearest her nodes, and w hen the in- clination of the orbs is greatest (if these eould all happen toge- ther), yet the vai-iation of her latitude, in the space ot one hour, equal to 15 degrees of longitude on tiie earth, if a star be Uiken fe^)me\\hat near the ecliptic, and not very near tlie moon, will not alter the angle at the pole but a very few seconds. The neaniess 412 Additional Notes, of the speculum GH is no disadvantage, because the rays comd reflected in the same manner as they come direct. It may be needless to add that, when practicable, the moon should be taken ■when near the meridian — or that the instrument will equally take the distance of the sun from the moon, when visible, as she often is, in the day-time; for which purpose there must be a place made at M for a d^ikening glass, to be fixed there when neces- sary, and the lele cope directed to tlie moon. Nor need 1 add, that the same instrument will very well serve for taking the di- stance of any two stars, a comet, &c., always taking the brightest by reflection ; " all which is obvious. But I must further ob- serve, with pleasure, that if we do not quite mistake in all that has been said here, there is now a method found by it to obtain what is equivalent to a bodily appulse of the moon to a fixed star, or to the sun at any moment when visible, which, indeed, might be wished 3 but if the longitude could ever be expected to be de- termined by the motions of the moon (to which end J. Flam- stead's, and thy more assiduous labours in observing her, have, I suppose, been principally levelled), and this instmment be duly made to answer what is proposed, as it may be framed light and easily manageable, diou wilt then, with thy accurate tables, have obtained the great desideratum, and all that can in this way be had from our satellite. And if this method of discovering the longitude by the moon is to meet with a reward, and this instru- ment, which, for all that I have ever read or head of, is an inven- tion altogether new, be made use of, in Uiat case 1 would recom- mend the inventor to thy justice and notice. He now gets his own and family's bread (for he is married) by the labour of his own hands oaly, by that mean trade. He had begun to make tables of the moon, on the very san:e principles with thine, till I lately put a copy of those that have lain so many years printed, but not published, wath W. Innys, into his hands, and tlien, highly approving them, he desisted. We both wish \ery much to see thy tables com- pleted, and ushered into the world by thy own hand. On the receipt of this 1 shall hope for a line, with thy thoughts on it; wliich, however they prove, will afl^brd a pleasure to Thy frienil, Pcwiti/hunla, May 25, 11?>2. , J. LOGAN. From the American Mai^azine fcr An^vst, 1758, p. 528. To the Jioj/al Sociefj/. Gkntlemkn-, As none are better able than the Royal Sociciij to i)rovc and AcliUtional Xutes. 41, judge whelher such inventions as are proposed for the advancing useful knowledge will answer the pretensions of the imcnlors or not J and as 1 have been made acquainted, though at so great a distance, of the candour of your learned society in giving encou- ragement to such as merit approbation, 1 iuive tl)crefore pre- sumed to lay before the society the following, craving pardon for my boldness. Finding with what difficulty a tolerable observation of die sun it taken by Davis's quadrant, and that in using it, unless the spot or shade be brought truly in the line of tlie horizon-vane, the obser- vation, when made, is good for nothing; to do which requires much practice, and at best is but catching au observatiouj and considering further the smallness of the ()0 deg. arch, and the aptness of wood to cast, which makes often little better than guess- work ^ J therefore applied my thoughts, upwards of two years, to find a more certain instrument, and contrived the following im- provementj as I think, in the make and use of the bow; r/x. The quadrant is to be numbered from each end to 90 at the ether, as in the figure. The sight and glass vanes are the same with the common, excepting that the glass should be larger, and 1 think it would be better if ground to the segment of tJie cylin- der. The horizon-vane should be like that of the figure tliereot ; having three holes, IKL; one hole, I, to tit on the centre of tlie quadrant. A; the otlier two, KL, to see the horizon through, whose length across the vane may be one-eighth of the radius AB, or more ; the horizon-vane should be a little hollowed, an- swerable to the curvature of the circle DAK, or cylinder, wliose semidiameter, AJT, is about seven-elevenths of AB, the radiu:, of the quadrant. In observing with thifj quadrant at sen, let the sight and glaM vanes be kept nearly on the same numbers, or at equal distances 41-4 Addilionat Notes. from the ends of the arch, and then k will be sufficiently exact to bring the spot and horizon in a right line, on any part of the horizon-rane, by moving the vanes nearer together or flirther apart, 4he middle of the horizon-vane being parallel to the hori- zon, then the zenith distance will be the sum of the distances of the vanes from the end of the quadrant arch. ' For, putting r = the radius of the quadrant, a — the distance of the spot from the middle of the horizon-vane, 5= the sine, and c = the cosine of half the suns altitude, unity being radius, the sine of the errour 2 sua will be nearly equal to c 4-4; x "rr" j ?-nd, tlierefore, when greatest (which is when the zenith distance is 0000, or 47 degrees 45 minutes), of the distance of ^ of the radius of the quadrant from tlie middle of the horizon-Vaue, it is but 1 '30^ I would advise to bring the upper or lower edge of the spot, and not the middle and horizon, on a right line, and then subtract or add sixteen minutes for the sun's semidiameter from or to the zenith distance given by the vane. N. B. There should be an allowance for the obser\-er s height above the surface of the sea, by subtracting four, five, or six mi- nutes. A table of this kind would not be amiss on the back of the quadrant. There may be some graduations put on the staff, near the centre,, to be cut by a plumb-line hung on a pin put into a small hole for land observations. One of these quadrant-., being eighteen inches and two feet radius, if well graduated, will be sufficient to take tlie sun's zenith distance within two or three minutes. Succeeding so well witli the sun, encouraged mc to take what appeared a more difficult task, the finding some way to take the altitude of the stars at sea (\\hen the horizon may be seen) belter than by the fore-staff, which I concluded must be by bringing the two objects, horizon and star, together. I first considered one re- flexion ; but the faults of Davis's quadrant were here enlargc^d, which is chiefly tlie flying of the objects from each other, by the least motion of the instrument. I then examined what two re- flexions would do, which perfectly answered my desire, being equally useful in taking the distance of stars from each other, and also from the moon, and I believe practicable at sea ; for I found that when one star was made to coincide" by two reflex- ions with another, the distance of these stars would be double the inclination of the reflecting planes, as may be easily demon- strated. Additional Notes. 415 I see but one fault in this instmment, nnd that is, tliat lhre« feet radius in this has a graduation no larger than a qij^drant ijf eighteen inches radius. I hope Dr. Halley has received a more fall account of this from J. Logan, esq., therefore I shall add no more than that I am, gentlemtn. Yours, iVc. T. GODFREY. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1734. Page 529. Extracts from "A further Account of Thomas God- frey's Improvcmait of Davis's Quadrant transferred to the Mari- ners Boiv.'* Being informed that this improvement, proposed by Thomas Godfrey, of this place, for observing the sun's altitude at sea with more ease and expedition than is practicable by the common in- strument in use for that purpose, was last winter laid before tha Koyal Scx:iety, in his own description of it, and that some gentle- men wished to see the benefit intended by it more fully and clearly explained, I, who have here the opportunity of knowing the author's thoughts on such subjects, being persuaded, in my judgement, that if the instrument, as he proposes it, be brought into practice, it will in many cases be of great service to naviga- tion, have therefore thouglit it proper to draw up a more full ac- count of it than the author himself has given, with the advan- tages attending it, which if approved of by better judgements, to whom what 1 otfer is entirely submitted, it is hoped the use of it will be recommended and further encouraged, as well as the au- thor. The use of the improvement, witli its conveniences, a also a description of it, are as follows. [Then follows a repetition of the account of Godfrey's having studied — what occurred to him about tlie importance of knowing the latitude and longitude of a ship's place, &:c., which I do nut transcribe, as it is long, and not to your purpose. E. II.] Pa^e 532.~Some masters of vessels who sail from hcnco ta the West Indies liave got some of them* made, as well a.s they can be done here, and have found so great an advantage in the facility and in the ready use of them in those southerly latitudes, that they reject all others. And it can scarce be doubted, but when the in^iruraciit becon^es generally knu%vn, it may, uixm * Goduey'j in«trument-w 416 Additional Notes, the Royal Society's approbation, if the thing appears worthy o^ it, more universally obtain in practice. It is now four years bince Thomas Godfrey hit on this improvement : for his account of it, laid before the Society last winter, in which he mentioned two years, was wrote- in 1/32] and in the same year, 1730^ after he was satisfied in this*, he applied himself to think of the other, t'/z. the reflecting instrument by speculums for a h-lp in tlie case of longitude, though it is also useful in taking alti- tudes 3 and one of tlrese, as has been abundantly proved by the maker, and those who had it with them, was taken to sea, and there used in observing the latitude the winter of that year, and brought back again to Philadelphia before the end of February 1731, and was in my keeping some months immediately after. It was indeed unhappy, that, having it in my power, seeing he had no acquaintance nor knowledge of persons in England, 1 transmitted not an account of it sooner f. But I had other aifairs of more importance to me j and it was owing to an acci- dent which gave me some uneasiness, viz. his attempting to pub- lish some account.of it in print here, that I transmitted it at last, in May 1732, to Dr. Halley, to M'hom I made no doubt but the invention would appear entirely new^ ) and I must own I could not but wonder tliat our good-will at least was never acknow- ledged. This, on my part, was all the merit I had'to claim, nor did I then, or now, assume any other in either of these instru- ments. I only wished that the ingenious inventor himself might, by some means, be taken notice of, in a manner that might be 0/ real advantage to him. There needs not, I suppose, much more of a description of the instrument than has been given. I shall only say that the bow had best be an arch of about 100 deg. well graduated and numbered both ways ; the radius 20 or 24 inches ; the cuiTe at the centre to be one-tvvcntieth of the radius on each side, that is, one-tenth of it in the whole ;' the radius of that curve -jV? P^rts? * 'I'hat U, I suppose, being " saLisficd," that he had made a real 'impro'vi' vient in the quadrant. ii. H» f All these circumstances of Mr, Logan's complaint, and almost every thing that follows to tlie enU, except the directions for making the instru- ment, arc left out of the account J)ublishcd in the PhHosolih'ual Transactions^ •which strengthens the conjecture tliat justice has not been done to the ori- ginal inventor. Additional Notes, 41 7 of the radius of the instrument ; tlmt the glass for tlie solar vane should not be less, but rather larger, than a silver shilling, vith \\% vertex very exactly set ;^ and that the utmost care be Liken to place the middle of the curve exactly perpendicular to the line or radius of 45 deg., as the observer must also uikc care that the two vanes on tlie limb be kept nearly equidistant from that dcgre?. To which I shall only add, that it may be best to give the horizon- tal vane only one aperture, not two. The rest, I suppose, may be left to tlie workman. Thus, doubting I have already been too prolix on the subject, to which nothing hut a sincere inclination to promote any thing that might contribute to a public bencht, and to do some justice to merit, could induce me, J shall only request that what 1 have here offered may be construed by that intention. J. LOGAN. Philadelphia, June 28, 1734. P. S. [By the Editors of the AIae seen." Godfrey had a son, Thomas Godfrey, junior, who, in l/dj, published a volume of Juvenile Poems. The young man is Vol. I. 2 E 4 IS Additional Notes. spoken of, by the writer of the preface, as possessing great natu- ral endowments, with but little cultivation j and as deserving to be ranl:ed, as well as his father, among the curiosities of Penn- s}l\ania. — MS. Letter of the Rev. Dr. Elliot, qf BostoUj to the Author. It is worthy of notice, that the use of the quadrant in que- stion was confined to the English nation until the year 1736, when M. d'Apres de Mannevillette, the great maritime geo- grapher, employed it on board a French ship 5 and on his return to France, one of the earliest objects of his attention was to state, in a public print, his high estimation of this curious in- stmment. He thus had the honour of introducing to his coun- trymen one of the most valuable inventions of the age. Note (T), p. 101. — Dr. Priestley concluded from his experi- ments, and it has been since generally believed by Ingenhousz, Sennebier, and other vegetable physiologists, that vegetables, in the course of their germination and growth, when exposed to solar light, absorb azote and emit oxygen, and thus purify the surrounding air. But, by a series of ingenious experiments lately published, professor Woodhouse, of Philadelphia, has drawn into question tlie truth of these conclusions. From the result of these experiments, he contends that the germination of seeds and the growth of plants do not purify atmospherical air 3 but that, whenever they appear to afford oxygen gas, it is by devouring the coal of carbonic acid gas for food, and leaving its oxygen in the form of pure air. He has also made experiments on the effects produced by the leaves of plants in common air, impregnated with carbonic acid gas, and exposed to solar light , in which cases the carbonic acid disappeared, and the oxygenous gas increased. And from trials made with the fresh leaves of many different plants, exposed to sunshine in pump-water, river- water, and this latter charged with carbonic acid, he is confirmed in the same conclusion. Dr. Woodhouse, therefore, denies that vegetables either decompose water, emit oxygen, or absorb azote, as has been some time commonly believed. — Nicholson? Philos. Journal, 8vo. series, vol. ii. for July 1$02, Note CU)y p. 1 II. — ^The important services of M. Lavoisier, in forming tlie theory of the French academicians, and the intrinsic Addllional Nolcs. 41 9 worth of his character, render it proper that some account .should be given of him in this place. Antony Laurenee Lavoisier was born al Paris, in the vcar 1743. He early discovered a taste for the study of the physical sciences, and, for a considerable time, directed his attention to most of them in succession, without discovering a preponderating inclination for anyone in particular. This continued to be tiie case till about tJie year 1770» when the important discoveries in chemistry, by Black, Priestley, Scheele, and Cavendish, tired his ambition, and directed his attention more particularly to < he- mical philosophy, to which he almost exclusively attached him- self during the remainder of his life. It IS generally known that his experiments and discoveries were among tlie principal means of establishing tliat revolution in the theory and nomenclature of chemical science, \Nhich has been, \\'ith great propriety, denominated tlie Lavoisieriun theory. After numerous publications on different departments of che- mistry, in the Memoirs of the Academy of Scieucc.t, and other sclentilic journals, in which he successi^•ely treated of combus- tion, the analysis of atmospheric air, the formation and fixation of elastic fluids, the properties of heat, the composition of acids, the decomposition and recomposition of uatcr, the dis- .solution of metals, vegetation, &c., he at length combined his philosophical views into a consistent body, which he publMied in 1789, under the title of Elements of Chemistry ; a work u hich has been pronounced one of the most elegant models of philoso- phical arrangement, and of clear logical composition, that was ever presented to the world. He continued after this to pursue his favourite study with un- abated diligence : his wealth enabled him to make experiments on a great scale j his ardour, acuteness, and extended views, enabled him to avail himself of every advantage ; and he conti- nued to instruct his countrymen and the world, by tlic develope- ment of new truths, or the recommendation of useful econo- mical improvements, until the month of IMay l/p-i, when he became an object of the malignant phrensy of Robespierre, and suffered under the guillotine, in tlie fifty-first year <.f Ips age. Note (V)y p. 122.— Modern philosophers have discovered that the influence of light on growing vegetablts is great and impor- 2 E 2 420 Additional Notes, tant. Plants may be made to vegetate tolerably well in the dark j but in this case their colour is always white, they have scarcely any taste, and contain but a very small portion of combustible matter. In a very short time, however, after their exposure to light, their colour becomes green, their taste is rendered much more intense, and the quantity of combustible matter is consi- derably increased. — ^Thompson's Chemistry. '' It has been found by Dr. Herschell (see Vhilos, Trans, for 1 800) that the rays of light differ in their power of illuminating objects : for if an equal portion of each of these rays, one after another, be made to illuminate a minute object, a printed pago for instance, it will not be seen distinctly at the same distance •when illuminated by each. We must stand nearest the object when it is illuminated by the viokt. We see distinctly, at a somewhat greater distance, when the object is illuminated by the indigo ray; at a greater when by the bhw ; at a still greater when by the deep green; and at the greatest distance of all when by the lightest green or deepest yellow. We must stand nearer when tlie object is illuminated by the orange ray ; and still nearer when by the red. Thus it appears that the rays to- wards the middle of the spectrum possess the greatest illumi- nating power, andtliose at tlie extremity the least j and that the illuminating power of tlie rays gradually :. diminishes from the middle of the spectrum towards its extremities." — Ihid. Note (W), p. 131. — In Fahrenheit's thermometer the freezing point is fixed at 32 deg. and the boiling point at 212 deg. In Reaumur's, or rather de Luc's, the freezing point is O, and the boiling point 80 deg. In Delisle's, the usual order of gradua- tion is inverted, tlie freezing point being 150 deg. and the boil- ing point 0. And, finally, in the thermometer of Celsius, tlie point of freezing is marked 0, and that of boiling 100 deg. To reduce the degrees of Reaumur to those of Fahrenheit, tlie fol- lowing formula may be employed :-^^ — i--f-32=F. To reduce the 4 degrees of Celsius to those of Fahrenheit, the following is suffi- cient : -1?_? -f 32=F. To reduce the degrees of Delisle, 5 \inder the boiling point, to those of Fahrenheit, say, 212 ~ «=F, To reduce those above the boiling point to Fahrenheit, 5 say, 2!2 + ^j^=:;F. 5 Additional Notes. 421 Note (X), p, 133. — The numerous eudiometers proposed by different chemists may be reduced to five. 1. The first is that invented by Dr. Priestley, in wluJi /«i- trous gas is mixed, over water, with the air tlie purity of whicJi it is wished to ascertain. The diminution of the volume of this mixture is proportioned to the quantity of oxygen contained in the air, which is rapidly absorbed by the nitrous gas, and tlie nitric acid thus formed is also rapidly absorbed by the water. This eudiometer has received various modifications and improve- ments by Falconer, Cavendish, and von Humboldt, but is still liable to considerable anomaly and inaccuracy in its indi- cations. 2. The second kind of eudiometer was proposed by Volta. His method was to mix given proportions of the air to be exa- mined, and hydrogen gas, in a graduated glass tubej to tire the mixture by an electric spark 3 and to judge of the purity of the air by the bulk of the residuum. But this furnishes a measure eren less to be depended on than the preceding. 3. Scheele was the inventor of tlie third kind of eudiometer. It is merely a graduated glass vessel, containing a given quan- tity of air, exposed to a newly-prepared liquid alkaline or earthy sulphuret, or to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur, formed Into a paste with water. These substances absorb the whole of the oxygen of the air, which converts a portion of the sulphur into an acid. The oxygen contained in the air thus examined is judged of by tlie diminution of bulk which tlie air has under- gone. This method is simple, and as accurate as any otlier. The only objection to which it is liable is the slowness. of the process. But this objection has been removed by M. de Marti, who has brought the eudiometer of Scheele to a great degree of accuracy, by improving the apparatus, and, instead of iron filings and sulphur, using the hj/droi^niated sulpliiircts only. Guyton-Morveau employs sulphuret of poUii,h, and measures the proportion of oxygen present by the quantity absorbed by the sulphuret. 4. In the fourth kind of eudiometer, the abstraction of tl.e oxygen of air is accomplished by means of phosphorus. This eudiometer was first proposed by Achard. It was considerably improved by Reboul, Seguin, Lavoisier, and, above all, by Berthollel, who has rendered it equal in simplicity with the eudiometer of de Marti, and scarcely inferior to it i.'i pre- cision. 42^2 Additional Notes, 5. The fifth eudiometer has been lately proposed by Mr, Davy. In this the substance used to absorb the oxygen from the air is a solution of sulphat or muriat of iron in water, and im- pregnated with nitrous gas. This eudiometer is simple, and its indications nearly, if not quite, as accurate as those of the two last mentioned. — Thompson's Chemistry. Note (Y), p. 151. — M. Cuvier, of France, a member of the National Institute, and a celebrated zoologist, has been for some time engaged in a very extensive work upon the species of quadru- peds, the bones of which have been found in the interior parts of tlie earth. He has undertaken to settle the controversy concerning tliese animal relics. He says, that the strata of every country upon earth contain bones different from those of the animals which now inhabit their surface : that, with the single exception of ruminant animals, all the complete fossil bones which he has seen, are different from those of quadrupeds now alive : that of these he has been able to ascertain twenty-three species, all cer- tainly unknown at this day j and which appear to have been en- tirely destroyed, though their bones evince their existence in former ages. These species of creatures, the races of which are now extinct, M. Cuvier divides into two classes — 1 . Those which have, been de- termined by others j and, 2. Such as have been settled by him- self. In the first he enumerates the following : 1 . The Siberian unimul, which affords fossil ivory. 2. The mammoth, differing from the former chiefly in the size and points of its grinders. 3. The long-headed rhinoceros. 4. That animal of the tardi- grade family called megatherium and megalonyx. 5. An extinct species of large bear. 6. Another species of the bear. 7. A carnivorous anirnal, intermediate between tlie wolf and hysena. 8. A creature akin to the ?noose, the horns of which measure fourteen feet from tip to tip. g. The great fossil tortoise. 10. The Maestricht crocodile. 11. A sort of dragon. 12. An unknown kind of reptile or cetaceous animal. — In the second class, the chief of which have been discovered in France, M. Cuvier places the following species: l.That animal the fce^A of which, ivhcn impregnated iiith copper, form the occidental turquoise. 2. A tapir, dlfl'ering from that of South America only in the form of its grinders. 3. Another tapir, of a gigantic or elephantine size. 4. A species of hippopotamos, about the size of a hog. ^y 6. 7f 8, i), 10. Six fossil skeletons of an unknown species. Additional Notes, 423 between the rhinoceros and the tapir, from the planter quarries in the neighbourhood of Paris, n. A species of crocodile, con- siderably like that of the Ganges. But these are not all which the earth contains : there arc parts of skeletons of which M. Cuvier cannot speak with equal as- surance ; but of which, however, enough is known to encou- rage a hope that the list of zo6k)gical anticjuitics will be soon lengthened. Of these, some resemble the bones— -1. Of the tiger. 2. Of an hyaena, or sea-calf. 3. Of the fallow-deer. And others of uncertain characters j as the petrified bones, 1 . Near Verona. 2 and 3. Two sorts in the Rock of Gibraltar. 4. In tlie vicinity of Dax. 5. Near Orleans, G. Near Aix and Cette. 7. In the islands of Dalmatia, &:c. And, 8. All other uncertain bones found in the peat mosses of all ])arts of Europe and Asia. In tlie course of a short time M Cuvier hoiKs to determine the exact place in the system to which tlicse doubtful species are to be referred. M. Cuvier solicits information on these subjects from all parts of the world. He wishes to procure the bones themselves, or figures of them, or correct descriptions in words. — Medical Repository. The naturalists of France derived great advantages when Hol- land fell into the power of their countrymen, from the opportu- nities which were afforded them of inspecting the rich museum of the stadtholder. M. Cuvier's attention was more particu- larly directed to tw^o elephants' heads, which having examined with some nicety, he found to exhibit characters that warrant their being considered as belonging to two distir.ct species. One of them from Ceylon, he remarked, differed from the other (which came from the Cape) in respect not only to the general contour of the forehead, but to the shape of tlie teeth, which last he was at length induced, like Blumenbach and others, to constitute the distinguishing characteristics of elephants in ge- neral: and extending his inquiries to such as we know only by their fossil exuvicc, he has furnished us with the following spe- cific descriptions : viz. *'yJElephas Capensis, f route convexa, lamcllis molarium Thorn- hoidalihus. E, Indicm, frontc plano-concaia, lamtUis violariim arcuatis tindatis. E. Mammontcus, maxilla ohtusiore, lamellis molar ii m tenuihus rcctis. 424 Additional Note^. E. Americanus, molarihus multi-cuspidihus, lamdlis post dc- tritionem quadrilohatis .** C. Cuvier, since the publication of his Memoir, has disco- vered several new species of elephants, differing not only from the fossil ones hitherto described, but from all living animah with which we are acquainted. One of them is found in Peru, and other countries, and comes nearest to the elephant of the Ohio : another has been discovered in the strata of the Black Mountain, in the department of IHerault : a third is found at Comminges ; and fragments of the fourth abound in the vicinity of Paris. — Mem. de V List. torn, ii, p. 22, The origin of these fossil hones, especially of some, found in peculiar circumstances, has employed the ingenuity of many emi- nent naturalists, and been made the subject of much specula- tion in later years. On the supposition, which has been adopted by a considerable number of these inquirers^ that the account of the general deluge given in the sacred writings is false, the question is, indeed, of difficult solution. But, ad- mitting the trutli of that account (and every mountain and val- ley lifts up its voice to confirm it), the difficulty, in a- great mea- sure, if not entirely, vanishes. Ix?t us suppose that the animals the fossil exuvice of which are now found were inhabirtants of th« antediluvian world, is it not evident that many of the facts ob- served are precisely such as must necessarily have arisen from this state of the case ? The fossil remains of elephants have been discovered in va- rious parts of the North-A7nerican continent, where none of this genus of animals are now to be found in the living state. This has been made a wonder. But how could it have been other- wise ? If the flood destroyed all the inhabitants of the earth, except those \^hich were preseiTcd in the ark ; and if tlie ark rested, after the subsiding of the waters, on the eastern conti- nent, as is generally supposed by biblical commentators j then no animals, excepting those capable of making occasional and con- siderable expeditions by iiater, or of living in frozen regions, and by this means passing from the eastern to the western conti- nent on the ice, could be expected to be found in the latter, ii> any other than the fossil state. It is true, we find animals in South America which appear, at present, only capable of inha- biting warm regions ; but it is well known, that both animals and vegetables have the faculty of accommodating themselves to the climate in which tliey are placed, and of gradually chang- Additional Notes. 4^25 ing their character. It is by no means improbable, tlierefore, that the ancestors of the animals now living in South America had once a northern constitution; that, after crossing the strait between Asia and America, they gradually strayed further s