Pea to eee, Saree at aa AR tao, ree a rant ote atte cae a sa STR RT Ee SP eC a Sn: Po rer ree ta BP. + TNE tee anne ya we re: PRS e BR nS: oR IR NE! OE Buy vig ¥ Ip 7 Bakes feo BRITISH [A ra$ BIRDS’ EGGS AND NESTS. “POPULARLY DESCRIBED. _2° BY “ore REV. J. ‘ATKINSON, AUTHOR OF oo AND TALKS,” “PLAY HOURS AND HALF HOLIDAYS,” “SKETCHES IN NATURAL HISTORY.” wil RED ILLUSTRATIONS BY W. S. COLEMAN. BNITHSON AG MEARNS | COLLECTION NEW EDITION. a AAS TTS LONDON: GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, BROADWAY, LUDGATE HILL. NEW YORK: 416 BROOME STREET. 1870. PREFACE. THE object proposed in this volume is, in the first place, to present ' our young readers with a complete and systematic list of our British Birds :—the word British being taken to mean such as, being truly wild birds, either inhabit Britain throughout the year, visit Britain statedly for longer or shorter periods of each year, or have been proved to reach the shores of Britain two or three times or oftener, under the pressure of any incidental cireumstances whatever. In the next place, the attempt has been made to distinguish at once between the rare or casual visitors, and such as are really pflenizergh the Land, whether for a few weeks or months annually, or ‘by unbroken habitation. ae But the principal object and intention of the book is to present mY st ; ; 4” t i . a oe vl PREFACE. accurate and trustworthy accounts of the Nests and Nesting-sites the Eggs, and any ascertained nesting or breeding-season pecu- liarities of every undoubtedly British-breeding species. And the author’s difficulty has often been out of the large mass of available materials at hic command, acquired by personal observation o1 from the reading and notes of many years, to select what might be instructive, interesting or amusing, without burdening the book with unnecessary details, or encroaching too much on the allotted space. The principle adopted in the illustrations has been to omit all representations of eggs either white or nearly white in colour, in order to husband space for the admission of a greater number of . those characterised by varied colours and markings. On the same ground, although it was earnestly desired by the artist io give more than one representation of some of the very marked variations - occurring in the eggs of several species, he has been pom tied to content himself with selecting and figuring the most typical or normal forms in all such cases. All the illustrations given have been carefully drawn from unquestionable specimens, and Mr. Coleman desires to acknowledge in this place the assistance, which in this matter, has been afforded him by that excellent and accurate practical naturalist, Mr, F. Bond. PLATE TI. 1, Golden Eagle, 2. Osprey. 3. Peregrine Falcon. 4, Hobby. 5. Merlin, 6. Kestrel. 7. Sparrow Hawk. PREFACE. vil _ An Appendix 1s subjoined, in which a notice will be found of the habits of nidification, the nests and eggs of several birds, ; which though regular inhabitants of Britain or some part of it, for a given portion of cach year, still retire to foreign and distant localities for the purposes of nest-making and rearing their young. Finally, an attempt has been made to exhibit at one glance, and in avery condensed and systematic form, as much information as possible touching the nest, its customary site and materials, and also the eggs, their number, colour, and markings, and any noteworthy breediag peculiarities of each separate British-breed- ing species. It is hoped this attempt, somewhat novel as it is, and almost mevitably imperfect as it must be in some respects, will not be regarded as altogether unacceptable by the youthful nest-hunter and egg-collector. The author has only to observe, in conclusion, that he has scarcely thought it necessary in the majority of instances to notice the common and well recognised fact that the particular species under notice, in common with many or most of our common British Birds, rears two broods, or even more, in the course of the summer. Neither has he thought it requisite to attempt to | A PREFACE. 3 define the average season for the commencement of nidification in the case of this or that species, as they came successively ; %. under review. . +" % INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. a. ® i ¢ ban % . sh a > — PRO DARA LD - ss a) CHAPTER I. ie? Tux object with which this book is written is that it may be interesting and useful to young egg-collectors. It is not easy to make a book, which is to be devoted to such details as the length and breadth and shades and markings of some two or three hundred different eggs, either interesting, or even barely read- able. But there is no necessity that a book of British birds’ eges and nests should be devoted to merely such details as those. For my own part, I do not find it easy altogetner to dissociate the eggs laid from the bird which lays them; and when I see a beautiful nest, I can hardly help being led to think something about the builder, its means, objects, powers, instincts and intelligence. And I don’t see why a book about eggs and nests should not follow the direction given by those same objects to my thoughts, and the thoughts of hundreds and thousands of other men besides me, and I am sure too of hundreds and thousands of boys and girls as well. Iam as sure — as if I could see into the minds of many and many a young nest-hunter, that when he finds one day the wonderfully neat and beautiful Chaffinch’s or Goldfinch’s or Crested Wren’s nest, and the next, lights upon some littering Jackdaw’s nest, or B 2° BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. inartistic, careless-seeming Jay’s or Ring-dove’s, that the wide, wonderful contrast and difference sets him thinking—What is the reason of this strange dissimilarity? Is one of these birds really less clever than the other? Did God make one of them a careless, disorderly, unthrifty bird, while the other He made such a wonderfully neat and dexterous and contriving one ? And I am equally sure that a little measure of observation and thought will be enough to show the young inquirer not only that the Great Maker of Birds and Giver of their instincts and understandings and capacities has not left some of His creatures imperfect in some of their qualifications and endow- ments, but that the very contrasts and unlikenesses which first set him on questioning at all, all teach one great lesson and illustrate one great truth,—namely this, “O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all.” Perhaps an Egg-book might be so written as to help such thought and observation as is here supposed, and now and then besides to suggest explanations or lead to investigation or communicate a knowledge of facts such as to illustrate and make clear, and even entertainig or amusing, the every day incidents and facts which fall commonly enough beneath the notice of the moderately sharp-eyed and observant nest-hunter. The difficulty of making such a book useful to the systematic collector of eggs, however young, is not nearly as great as that of making it interesting to the many, who, though not inspired with the ambition of owning a real grand cabinet, and of arranging its manifold drawers with neatly ordered and ticketed ege-cards, are yet sensible of a real pleasure and enjoyment in noticing the nests and eggs of their numerous “feathered friends,” and identifying such as may chance to be less familiarly known than the majority of those met with under ordinary INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. OV circumstances. Faithful description and accurate representation are clearly within our reach, and such description and representa- tion are sufficient in nineteen cases out of twenty for the purposes of identification in all instances of usual occurrence. The cases in which identification is difficult are of two or three kinds. Sometimes the difficulty arises from the near resemblance of the eggs laid by different allied species, sometimes from the wide discrepancies in the markings and especially in the shadings or tints of eggs laid by the same species ; but much more frequently from the doubtful eges being met with apart from the containing nests, or from want of proper or sufficiently accurate observation of the nests at the moment of discovery. The young egg-fancier should always recollect that the fashion and materials and site of the nest taken in connection with the eggs will almost always, with the aid of a tolerably accurate and well illtstrated Book of Eggs, enable him to decide without hesitation as to the real owner of the nests and eggs in question; while there are very many eggs, such as the Common Wren’s, those of one or more of the Tom-tits, the Lesser Willow-Wren &c., of which specimens may be found so nearly resembling one another in shade and size and spots, that it requires a very nice and experienced eye to allot the several eggs to their certain origin. In such a case as this, recourse must be had to some kind and experienced Oologist. A few words on another subject. The author has been gravely taken to task by some of his conscientious friends, for delineat- ing in one or two of his former books the pleasures and excite- ments of egg-hunting, or the satisfaction of trying to form a methodical collection. He has been more than once asked—Do you really mean to encourage boys in robbing birds’ nests? Can you defend such a practice from the charge of cruelty ? B 2 4 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. If I thought there was any real or necessary connection between a love of egg-hunting—yes, and egg-collecting, too,— and cruelty, I would not say another word for it or about it. But I am sure that the real lover of birds and their nests and egos is not the boy who is chargeable with those torn and ruined - nests—‘“ destroyed” as they may well be styled—which grieve one as he walks along the lanes and hedge sides. If the nest is taken, or rudely and roughly handled, or the eggs all plundered, there is cruelty: for in the one case, the poor parent-birds are warned by their instinct, if not their intelligence, to forsake their treasured charge; in the other, they suffer from pitiless robbery of what they most love. But if the parent bird be not rudely and repeatedly driven from her nest,—if the nest be not pulled out of shape, or the containing bushes or environing shelter be not wilfully or carelessly disturbed—if two or three eggs are still left for her to incubate, there is, so far as human ‘observation can reach; no pain, or concern, or uneasiness, to the little owners from the abstraction of one egg or more, and, therefore, of course, no cruelty in the abstraction. The legitimate pursuit of sport in the stubbles and turnip fields, or on the open moor, does not differ more widely from the crue! proceedings of the cold-blooded, hard-hearted slaughterer of his dozensof Rock-birds (many of which are always left to die lingeringly and miserably), than the object or manner of action of the true lover of birds and their ways and nests cnd eggs, from the ruthless destruction of every nest and its contents which may happen to be met with hy some young loutish country savage. Again, a few words more, and this time about classification. I should like, if such a course were profitable, or even practi- cable, to make just such a classification as an active, sharp-eyed, observant, persevering nest-hunter would, as it were, find ready- PLATE II. 1, Kite, 2, Common Buzzard. 3. Honey Buzzard. 4-5, Butcher-bird. 6. Spotred Flycatcher. Pied Flycatcher, 8. Dipper. 9. Missel Thrush. 10. Song Thrush. 11. Blickbird. 12. Ring Ouzel 13. Hedge Sparrow. 14. Robin. 15. Redstart. 16. Stonechat 17. Whinchat. PS INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. 5 made for him, by the results of his rambles and investigations and discoveries ; that is to say, to group the birds and their eggs according to their frequent occurrence, their comparative, but still not positive, infrequency, or their downright rarity. By this means, and the subdivisions which would be suggested by an enumeration of the most usual sites of the several nests, an interesting, and at least partially instructive as well as good, system of classification would be devised. But I am afraid such asystem would not have much to recommend it, besides its novelty and interest and practical hints “where to look for’this bird’s nest or the other’s; and how to look so as to find.” One oreat disadvantage would be that such classification, so called, would have the effect of breaking up groups which nature has put together. There is, generally speaking, what may be called a great family-likeness between the eggs of the various species of any given genus, or kind of birds. ‘Take the Buntings, for instance: any one who is familiar with the common Yellow-Ham- mer’s egg would at once guess at the eggs of either of the other species as belonging to a Bunting; and the same of the Titmice, Linnets, Thrushes, Crows, and so on without end. So that although it may seem at first sight that scientific classification is hard and troublesome and half unnecessary, and may often prompt the question in the boy-collector’s mind, Why wouldn’t it do just as well to write down the English names on the cards and in my catalogue, and arrange them all my own way ? still it should be remembered that such classification after all is far from arbitrary, and on the contrary, and as far as it is really good, only follows out the teachings or guidings of nature. And this quite independently of the trouble which is saved by it to any one who wishes to consult books of reference, and still more to examine large and well-arranged collections of eggs, whether >» * 6 ‘BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. for his own direct instruction, or merely in search of interesting pastime. If a boy only knows that a Reed-Sparrow is called a Reed-Sparrow or a Black-headed Bunting, and he wanted to find the Reed-sparrow’s eggs in a well-stocked collection, he might be half-an-hour before he lit upon what he wanted; but if he knew that the generic name of the Bunting was Hmberiza, and the specific name of the Reed-Sparrow, Scheniclus, he would be able to pitch upon his quarry in half-a-minute. Besides all which, no one was ever the worse for learning habits of orderly and systematic arrangement, even though he had to pay the price of doing a little puzzling head-achy work, and had to bother himself with a good many ugly-looking, ill-sounding, jaw-cracking words, such as Coccothraustes, Troglodytes, Platyrhynca, Phalacrocorax, and the like. It is proposed in this little book to adopt a classification which ° seems to meet with very general acceptance or acquiescence, and principally for that reason;—that, namely, which was employed by the late Mr. Yarrell. This classification depends on the system which divides all birds whatever into five great classes, viz:— - I. Raptores. . . . . Prey-catchers. ED) Teesessores.. ss goa Perehers. IML. Masores . .. «ss Seratchers: IV. Grallatores . . . . Waders. V. Natatores . . . . Swimmers. Hach of these classes, or “Orders,” as they are technically called, is again divided either into distinct Families, or (at least in some cases) into Sub-classes, or Groups; these Groups being then further subdivided into Families. Again, these Families are made up of more or fewer gexera, and each en or ia Fe INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. v fewer species. These species, so many of them as compose any particular genus, all differ from one another more or less, but yet have a strong general resemblance, or (what may familiarly be called) strong family likeness to each other. The general scheme or, as I may almost call it, the skeleton of our classification will therefore stand thus :— ORDER I.—RAPTORES. Faminy I. Vaulturide* . . . Vulture-kina Il. Faleonide . . . . Falcon-kind. . IDL. Strigide . . . . Owl-kind. IL.—INSESSORES. GROUP ].—DENTIROSTRES (TOOTH-BILLED). FaMIty I. Laniade . . . . Butcher-bird-kind. Il. Muscicapide . . . Flycatcher-kind. Ill. Merulide . . . . Throsh-kind. IV. Sylviadet+ . . . Wood-bird-kind. * Vulturide, Falconide, and the other similar names of Families are most of them, Latin words, with Greek forms or terminations. The true or real meaning of any one of them would be, that the birds in the Family so named are the children, or descendants, of the bird or birds whose name is used—thus, Valturidc, sous of a Vulture or Vultures—which, of course, is nonsense, as the words are applied. What is meant by the use of the words in question is that the birds grouped together in any one Family, ali parti- cipate in some likeness of kind—are, so to speak, “ connections” of each other or that there is a sort of kin-ship among them. This I have tried to convey in the annexed translation. It ought to be observed also that the Bird whose name is given to the entire Family is selected for such purpose as possessing the characteristic qualities or peculiarities of the family in ques- tion, or, at least, most of them, in the strongest and most marked degree. t+ Sylwiade I have translated Wood-bird-kind, because Sylvia means something connected with wood, if it means anything. Sylvia is taken, in Bird-nomenclature, to denote a Warbler; and it may be said, that most of those birds which come under this division are Warblers in some sense, and are, in some degree or other, of sylvan habits; at least if we give to the word og ae latitude of meaning. “aay Ap : as BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. GROUP 1.—DENTIROSTRES (TOOTH-BILLED), continued. Famity V. Paride . . . . Titmouse-kind. VI. Ampelide. . . . Waxwing-kind. VIL. Motaciilide . . . Wagtail-kind. VIII. Anthide . . . . Anthus-kind. GROUP 2.—CONIROSTRES (CONE-BILLED). Famity I. dAlaudide. . . . Wark-kind. II. Emberizide . . . Bunting-kind. IIL. Fringillide . . . Finch-kind. IV. Sturnide . . . . Starling-kind. V.-Cornde . . . . Crow-kind. GROUP 3.—SCANSORES (CLIMBERS). Famity I. Picide . . . . Woodpecker-kind, Il. Certhiade . . . Creeper-kind. Ill. Cuculide . . . Cuckoo-kind, GROUP 4,—FISSIROSTRES (CLEFT-BILLED), Famity J. Meropide . . . Bee-eater-kind. Il. Halcyonide . . Kingfisher-kind. IIL. Hirundinide . . Swallow-kind. IV. Caprimulgide . . Goatsucker-kind. IiI. RASORES. I. Columbide . . . Dove-kind. Il. Phasianide . . Pheasant-kind. I. Yetraonide . . Grouse-kind. IV. Struthionide . . Ostrich-kind, ‘ FAMILY INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. G IV. GRALLATORES. Famity I. Charadritde . . Plover-kind. Il. Gruide . . . Crane-kind. ITI. Ardeide . . . Heron-kind. IV. Scolopacide . ~. Woodcock-kind. V. Rallide . . . Rail-kind, VI. Lobipedide . . Lobed-foot-kind. V. NATATORES. FaMIiy I. Anatide . . . Duck-kind. Il. Colymbide . . Diver-kind. Tit. Aleads’ ». . Aukekind: IV. Pelecanide . . Pelican-kind. WV: Laridz... .. «« ~» Gullkkind: Such being the skeleton of our classification, the details neces- sary for the completion of the entire system or frame will be most conveniently given as we proceed to notice in detail the various Orders, their component Families and subordinate mem- bers. a CHAPTER II. Any one who is conversant with Yarrell’s admirable ‘ British Birds,” will most likely have noticed that that author gives in almost every case very precise measurements of the eggs of each particular species of Bird described. And it might, at first sight, seem to be so necessary to give such measurements that one would very likely feel half inclined to pronounce a Book of Birds’ Eggs very imperfect, which omitted all notice of dimensions. But the fact is, such measurements are, in so very many different instances, altogether fallacious and likely to mislead. Thus Mr. Yarrell’s measurements of the Blackbird’s ege are, “the length one inch, two lines; the breadth ten lines.” That is no doubt a good average or approximate measurement, but I have Blackbirds’ eggs before me which vary between half a line, or 3, of an inch, less, and a line, or py of an inch, more in length, and between half a line, more or less, in breadth. Again, I have two Starlings’ egos on my table, both taken from the same Pigeon-cote, in Essex; one of which is 1,2, inch long by 48 inch broad; the other 1,8; inch long, and 38 inch broad; while to the eye the latter is not much more than half as large as the former. Moreover, Mr. Yarrell’s measurements for this bird’s eggs are precisely the same as for those of the Blackbird, and not only not tallying with those of either of my eggs, but not even presenting a near approach to the medium dimensions. Great numbers of similar instances might be adduced, and 12 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. in connection with the very commonest birds. Even eggs from the same nest may continually be met with, presenting great disparity in bulk; one in the number being frequently so small in comparison with the others as to set one invariably thinking it must have been the last laid, and that a partial failure of ége-producing power in the mother-bird must be the explanation of the phenomenon. It seems scarcely open to question that the physical condition of the parent-bird must exercise a great influence over its egg- producing capacity. Its powers may be impaired by age, by the past effects of injury or sickness, by a partial failure of some necessary element of food, by undue pressure on the egg-pro- ducing organs, such as must occur by the loss of one or more early layings. Indeed all these causes are well-known to interfere with the reproductive energies of animals at large, and it is a thoroughly ascertained fact that both the first and the last act most strongly in the case of many Birds. The comparative size of Birds’ eggs, therefore, seems to me a matter to which it is unnecessary, if not inexpedient, to direct the young collector’s attention; in any other way, at least, than as to a matter of curious observation and contrast. As ameans of identification it fails completely, and is only adverted to here for the purpose of obviating a portion of the perplexity which may often occur in practice to the youthful egg-fancier from the difference in size between different specimens of what are in reality eggs of the same species of birds, but seem to him, from their discrepancy of dimensions, not possibly so. Again, the colour and markings of many different species of egos are found to admit of great variation. The most familiar and striking instance is in the case of the Guillemot: but one more within the reach of every nest-hunter is presented by the 7h, INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. 13 eves of the Blackbird. Sometimes the spots on them are very minute and multitudinous ; almost confluent from their number and minuteness ; sometimes large and well defined and permitting the ground-shade of the shell to be very apparent; sometimes reddish in colour, closely approaching the shade of those on the Ring-Ousel’s egg, and sometimes brown in hue, with no reddish tinge at all; and sometimes they disappear altogether, or very nearly, and leave the egg with a strong resemblance to the little- spotted Thrush’s egg.* ‘l'o such an extent is this the case, that a year or two since I was misled into assuming that four eggs which I found in a nest with all the characters of a Blackbird’s nest, must most certainly from their colour and markings, be as- signed toa Thrush original and not to a Blackbird. Other familiar instances of the same kind may be noticed as met with in the eggs of the House-Sparrow, the Tree-Pipit, the Sky-Lark, the Yellow-Hammer, one or more of the Hawks, &c. In the fabric and materials of nests, again, as constructed by birds of the same speciés, much dissimilarity, under peculiar circumstances, will be found to prevail. But really not more than might have been looked for beforehand, if it were not that, in our usual way of thinking about birds and other animals, we lay so much stress upon Instinct, and do not so much as admit to our notice the possibility that many of their actions may be prompted by a measure of intelligence, and not simply an unconsidering, unreasoning influence, which we term their Instinctive endowment. No doubt Instinct teaches them both to build and how to build their nests, and what materials are the most suitable, and the sites that are most eligible. But it is scarcely Instinct which sets the Eagle and the Crow, when their abode is in a place that does not furnish the sticks they commonly * Yarrell, i. 204. Hewitson, i, 63. 14 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. or instinctively use for building their nests, to adopt instead of sticks the sea-weed stems which their home does produce. And so too of the House-Sparrow, which builds a huge domed or well covered-in nest, if it selects a tree or ivy for its site, but only lines the bottom of the hole in thatch, or a wall, with abundant feathers or hair or straw. The Wren, again, which usually builds its nest so that it may easily be removed entire and com- pact, may be found to avail itself of such a site for its nest, that it may be built on the principle of application—like the Martin’s to the wall beneath the eaves—so that, when taken from its site, it shall appear to have had a segment completely cut out or sliced off from it. The adaptation of materials to site also, so as to secure a greater degree of concealment by making the intrusive structure assimilate in external fabric and hue to the surrounding objects, is well worthy of ‘noticing attention, as supplying not only fresh sources of seeming unlikeness in nests of the same species of birds, but also fresh instances of the lMttle feathered architect’s wonderful adaptive intelligence. : The question,—Why are Birds’ Eggs, in so many cases, so varl- ously and beautifully ornamented? Why are their hues and markings made so attractive to look at? has often been asked, and two or three different answers or modes of answer have been suggested. I have seen the idea started that the design of such various colouring and marking is intended to facilitate conceal- ment, by the adaptation of the general hue of the egg to that of the recipient or supporting substances. The theory is at least otginal and amusing; but unfortunately less happy than when applied to the plumage of the birds themselves which lay the egos. It is no easy thing to detect a Partridge as she sits, lifeless-seeming, amid other objects not more still than herself, INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. 15 and presenting no great contrast in colour to her feathers: but there is no difficulty in seeing her eggs as they lie in the nest. And so well aware is she of the fact, that she always covers her eggs with some convenient and suitable material—last year’s oak leaves, for example—when leaving her nest deliberately, or not under the impulses of alarm. The Hedge-Sparrow’s eggs again, or any other blue egg, how can they be supposed to become less conspicuous by their colour when reposing in some earth-brown or hay-coloured nest-cup ? Tf it had been said that the Golden Plover’s eggs, the Peewit’s, the Snipe’s, the Norfolk Plover’s—not to name many others of which the same might be alleged—were of such general hue, so shaded and so marked as to be anything but conspicuous, as to be indeed well calculated to escape any but a most scrutinising notice, in the apologies for nests which usually contain them, the entire truth of the remark would have appealed to every nest-finder’s experience and assent: but it will not do so in any other form. It is impossible to lay down any rule for the colours of eggs in connection with the places, or nature of the places, in which they are laid. White eggs are not laid in nests built in dark holes as a rule—indeed, very much the contrary; witness the Dove’s eggs, and so many of those of the Duck tribe; nor are dark-coloured eggs invariably found to be. laid where exposed to the greatest amount of broad daylight. There seems to be no rule in the matter. Again, another answer to the question just noticed is, Eggs were made so beautiful, and so various in their beauty, to gratify and gladden man’s eye. Idon’t dispute the fact that the beautiful shape, and the beautiful tints, and the beautiful markings do gratify and gladden the human eye and human heart too. I 16 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. know they do, and in thousands of cases, and with a great, pure pleasure. But that is a very different thing from saying that God made them so for no other reason, or even for that purpose as a principal reason. How many thousands of eggs, for ten that are seen by man, escape all human notice whatever! How many millions upon millions in the old-world times before there were men to see them, must have had their fair colours, and delicate symmetry, and harmonious intermingling of hues, for no purpose whatever according to this view! No, no. Nature should not be read so. God made the Beasts of the Field, and the Birds of the Air, and the Fishes of the Sea, and the Insects, and the Shells, and the Trees, and Herbs, and Flowers, all, as a rule, wonderfully, gloriously, harmoniously beautiful, because He is a God of order, and beauty, and harmony; because it would have been inconsistent with His own Being, with the necessary purposes of such a Being, with the declared objects of such a Being in Creation, not to have made all “very good;” and the same reason which accounts for the beauty of the myriad flowers * born to blush unseen,” for that of the innumerable shells and insects of past days and the present day, for that of the glorious birds of Tropic lands, is all that we want in the way of expla- nation of the symmetry and beauty of the Bird’s Egg—God made ‘it as well as all other things “very good.” Something more to the point for the practical egg-hunter, and even although he may be not very juvenile, is to recommend the practice of jotting down notes of any peculiarity of either nes or eggs or behaviour of parent birds, in any supposable case alittle unusual. Such notes are always interesting and very often useful at some Jong subsequent period; useful in themselves, and useful too as commenting on or else illustrated by, the similar memoranda of other observers. Besides, what is put down upon INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. iy paper while the incident is still fresh, and the memory of it not interfered with by other and newer matters of strong interest, the record is sure to be accurate; while mere recollection at a later date is about sure to be insufficient or untrustworthy. Perhaps the boy-collector too may not think a few sentences about blowing and drying and mounting his egg-treasures either tiresome or unnecessary. As arule, let the egg intended to be kept be blown and dried as soca as possible. There are several reasons for this piece of advice. The light shells travel more safely than the full ego; the egg-shells do not suffer detriment from lying overlooked with their contents rotting within, as often happens with the collector of un-careful and un-precise habits ; they are put into a state of comparative readiness for prompt and complete preparation and arrangement; and though last not least, a good, useful, methodical habit is encouraged in the col- lector himself. There are several ways of blowing an egg and going through the preparatory stages of fitting it to take its place in a collection. There are also instruments for extracting the contents of the shell so as to obviate the necessity of making more than one hole. I don’t think they are likely to be of much use toa mere boy. I am sure they would be a great deal of trouble, and I don’t think that the end gained would repay the trouble and care expended. Thave always found a small hole, only just large enough to admit the passage of sufficient air to expel the contents, made very care- fully and neatly at the small end, and a larger one about half-way between the great end and the line of greatest diameter, which need not be more than a line in breadth for the very largest eggs (if not “hard-sat,””) quite sufficient for my purpose, and not objectionable on the score of disfiguring the shell; for by mounting the egg with the larger or vent hole, downwards—the smaller hole being C 18 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR FGGS AND NESTS. practically invisible in a great number of instances, at least until looked for—it appears to be altogether entire and perfect. Any tolerably strong pin will do for the purpose with small eges. For the larger and harder shells something more efficient will be required. A hard steel instrument fashioned like a “ glo- ~ ver’s needle”—that is with the penetrating end furnished with three edges all lost in the point—is as good as any thing that could be devised, and by having two or three of different sizes, every case of necessity would be provided for. The sharp-pointed pen-blade may be employed, but great care is necessary lest, when the perforation is just effected, the instrument slip a little further in than was intended, and an ugly fragment of shell be wrenched out. When the egg is thoroughly blown, it is advisable to draw up a little clean water into it by the process of immersing the vent hole and sucking or drawing in the air from the shell with the mouth through the other—just reversing the late process of in short. The shell, when half-full, should be well shaken, and the water then expelled as the legitimate contents “blowing” had been: a very gentle puff will suffice for this. Repeat the process two or three times, or until the water comes out as clear _as it went in; then dry the egg as well as you can by blowing through it at intervals, after it has been so held that the moisture on the inside may all trickle down towards the vent-hole; after which it may be set up for some hours in an airy, but not sunny, place to dry thoroughly. Some collectors varnish their eggs. A little of the white of the egg itself is all-sufficient, and that should not be applied unless the egg is perfectly clean, which is by no means the case with the eggs of many ground- buildmg birds when taken from the nest. I have taken Dab- chicks’ eggs also so completely muddied all over, that it was INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS. 9 almost impossible to get them clean. One, met with on one of the Essex marshes a year or two since, which was the only one yet laid and apparently not a day old, was so engrained with dirt or mud that it defied all efforts to restore it to its pristine whiteness. In the case of an originally white egg, such efforts will not do much harm; in the case of an egg strongly marked with deep colours, it is a different matter. The eftorts to remove’ the clay or dirt imparted by the feet of the parent bird may succeed in removing the stains in question, but may also very likely remove some of the tints or stronger colouring too. It must be remembered that the deeper colours of many eggs are not “fast,” -at all events when they have not been long laid, and that attempts at cleansing, more vigorous than judicious, may easily produce an undesired result. If the vent-hole is necessarily made large, there is no objection to placing a piece of thin or gauze paper, wetted with the varnish or white of the egg, so as to cover the entire orifice, and so exclude dust or other intrusive substances. As to mounting the eges, and labelling for insertion in the collection, much depends on taste. An ordinary “ printer’s” card is as good for the _ purpose as anything, and a little very strong gum-water is the only other requisite. A little attention to placing the eggs sym- metrically and neatly, and the use of a few gun-wads or half- pence or small wooden wedges, to retain the eggs, when accu- rately set in their true position, until the gum has had time to harden, are matters which will almost surely suggest themselves to any youthful egg-fancier who is only tolerably given to admire the “simplex munditiis.” As for labels, they inay either be neatly written, or procured, at a very light cost, printed on purpose for such application. o> > wit ees ee ee f 4 Wi be ay ie 1. Wheatear. 2. Grasshopper Warbler. 3. Sedge Warbler. 4. Reed Warbler. 5. Nightingale. 6 Black Cap. 7, Garden Warbler. 8, Whitethroat, 9. Lesser Whitethroat. 10. Wood Wren. 11. Willow Wren. 12. Chiff Chaff. 3, Dartford Warbler. 14. Gold-Crest. 15. Great Tit. 16. Blue Tit. 17. Long-tail Tit. 18. Bearded Tit. 9, Pied Wagtail, 20. Grey Wagtail. 21. Meadow Pipit. 22-23. Tree Pipit. 24. Skylark. 25. Wood Lark BRITISH BIRDS THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. In the following pages I shail endeavour, as far as my subject will permit, to avoid mere dry and uninteresting detail. It is, of course, quite inconsistent with the nature of the book to omit matter-of-fact descriptions altogether, or even in any very great degree; but an effort will be made to relieve the whole from wearing the appearance of a catalogue in disguise, and to give it as much of a life-like practical character as possible. How many meidents in a school-boy’s life are connected, in his memory, with some nesting expedition, some recollection of, perhaps, an accidental discovery of a nest and eggs he had never seen before, or possibly wished and tried to find, but always wished and tried in vain. Such experiences are always pleasant and interesting in their detail to the real lover of birds and thcir belongings ; and often almost as much so when detailed by others as when reproduced in his own recollections of former days, and thew nopes, and plans, and successes, and disappointments, each often renewed, or often repeated under some varying from. Why, then, should not such matters stand here and there in these pages P Our plan, therefore, will be to omit all special notice of the 4 22 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. nests and eggs of so-called “ British Birds,” whose only claim te the designation lies in their having been met with once or twice or even some half-dozen times in the British Isles: to omit it, that is, in the body of the book, and to give such reference or description of at least the more interesting species and their eggs, "as space may allow, in an Appendix. 1 ote > te WHIN-CHAT. 55 not till I hid myself most carefully and patiently behind the door, that I made myself master of the vigilant little sentinel’s secret. It lays four or five, and, occasionally, six eggs, of a pale. uniform blue colour, perhaps tinged with a faint green shade. They are almost as pretty as the Hedge-Sparrow’s.—fig. 15, plate II. 51. BLACK REDSTART—(Phenicura Tithys), Tithys, Redstart, Black Red-tail.—It has been met with in Britain perhaps half-a-dozen times, or rather more. 51. STONE-CHAT—(Sazicola rubicola). Stone-chatter, Stone-clink, Stone-smick, Stone-chack, Stone- smith, Moor-titlmg, Chickstone, Black-cap—A very eommon bird in many districts, and from his habits much more familiarly and commonly known and noticed than other birds equally or even more abundant, but of less obtrusive, or quieter habits. Flitting about from bush to bush, and seating himself pertly on the top spray, there he sits and “chats” or “clinks” till the pas- senger comes too near, and then off he flies again, to perch again a few yards further and repeat the same performance. The nest, sometimes very neat and well-constructed, of moss and benty grass, and lined with hair, feathers, fine grass-stalks, &c., is often quite on the ground and with no bush near; sometimes at the foot of alow bush, or in the bush itself, but very near the ground. The eggs are five or six, of a pale blue ground, very sparingly freckled with dull reddish brown, and chiefly near the large end. The nest is often hard to find, and especially when built among tongish herbage, or in or near a whin-bush—Jiv. 16, plate IT. 53. WHIN-CHAT.—(Sazicola rubctra). Grass-chat, Furze-chat—Many of the birds last-named pass the winter in England; but only a few of the Whin-chats. This is never so abundant a species as the last, and though with some a. 56 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS, similar habits it has no urgent inclination to force us to notice it by the incessant repetition of its note. The nest strongly resembles that of the Stone-chat. It is also usually placed on the ground, and is fully as hard to find as that bird’s. The eggs, five or six of them, are of a uniform blueish green, very slightly speckled or marked with dull-red—Fiy. 17, plate IT, 54. WHEAT-EAR—(Sazicola cenanthe). Fallow-chat, White-rump, White-tail, Fallow-smick, Fallow- finch, Chacker, Chackbird, Clodhopper, with some other quainter names still, which I have noted down, and yet another or two common to the Wheat-ear and Stone-chat, such as Stone-chacker. A common bird enough here, and with some of the more obvious habits of the Stone-chat. It perches on the stone walls as one approaches it, and flirts its tail and chacks, and then diving below the wall on the far side, re-appears again ten or twelve yards lower, and acts as before; and so on for a hundred yards or more. The stone wallsin our district and the large heaps of stones, removed in reclaiming parts of the moor and flung promiscuously together any where to be out of the way, afford them capital breeding places. In other countries old walls, or holes in the sides of pits or excavations, serve their purpose. The nest is not very artistic or well-finished, and formed of many different materials—bents, feathers, dry roots, fur, in short any waste matters which may have come in the way of the builders. The Eggs are five or six in number, and of a pale-blue colour not so dark as those of the Hedge-Sparrow. It is said that people accustomed to the habits of the Wheat-ear are able to find its nest without difficulty, * from the occurrence of certain noticeable signs in its neigh- bourhood.—/%ig. 1, plate LIT. é REED WARBLER. 57 55. GRASSHOPPER WARBLER—(Salicaria locusteila). A summer visitor, of shy and retired habits, and very vigilant. Its note, very shrill and constantly repeated, reminding one of the Cricket or Grasshopper’s note, gains it its name. The nest is hard to find, and unless the bird be very closely watched, it may baffle a good observer. It is placed in spots matted and overhung with growth of grass or other herbage and bushes; is cup-shaped, made of coarse dry grass, with finer within; and contains sometimes as many as seven eggs, of a pale pinky-white colour, freckled with spots of a darker shade of red.— Fig. 2, plate III, 56. SEDGE WARBLER—(Salicaria phragmitis). This everlasting little songster is more common than the bird last named, and almost every boy knows its peculiar chiding note. Many a lad, too, knows that by shying a stone in near its haunt, its notes may be elicited almost any hour in the night or day. I think I have neard it singing on all through the night, and notwithstanding the absence of any pretence at daylight. Its nest is usually placed near the ground, in the vicinity of more or less water, and is supported, as well as concealed, by the coarse herbage. Made of coarse grass stalks externally, and lined with finer ones and hair, sometimes with a foundation of moss, five or sIx eggs are deposited in its cup-shaped hollow, of a pale brown colour, a little mottled with darker brown.—/Vg. 3, plate III. 57. SAV’YS WARBLER—(Salicaria luscinoides). Not of sufficiently common occurrence to demand notice here. 58. REED WARBLER—(Salicaria arundinacea). Reed Wren, Night Warbler. Almost as zealous a songster as the Sedge Warbler. There are few hours in the twenty-four 5S BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. when its voice may not be heard about its accustomed haunts namely, willow and reed beds, and particularly the latter. The nest is, perhaps, the deepest made by any English bird, and quite a long inverted cone in shape. It is affixed to, or rather builf so as to include three or four reeds, or more. So that, ‘however the wind blows, it is quite fast, while its great depth prevents the eggs falling out, even if the reeds be blown almost level. The bird has been seen still sitting when the violent gusts forced the nest down almost to the water level. The nest is made of long grass and the seed-stalks of the reed, and lined with wool or the like. Four or five eggs of a greenish-white colour, marked in spots and dashes of green and pale brown, are usually laid —Fig. 4, plate III. 59. NIGHTINGALE.—(Piilomela luscinia). This sweetest of the English warblers has but a limited range In Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, I used to hear it abun- dantly ; but of late years, as a resident in Yorkshire, its note has become strange in my ears. Shy and vigilant in its habits, it does not willingly expose itself to observation, and its haunts are so thick that discovery of its nest is not always easy. It seems often an untidy structure, but according to my observation not usually built on the ground, as Mr. Yarrell states. I have found it in a thick thorn hedge or bush, and in shrubs in the garden; made of twigs, straw, grass, and especially old oak leaves, and with only a jagged margin. The eggs, four and sometimes five of them, are of “an uniform olive-brown colour,” and from the time they are laid, the bird only sings occasionally. After they are hatched, never.—F%g. 5, plate III. 60. BLACKCAP.—(Curruca atricapilla). Blackcap Warbler.—This bird, with several others, has a loca GARDEN WABRLER. 59 or country name in common, derivable, I believe, from the structure of the nest. I mean Hay-jack or Hay-chat; but it is I think, much less frequently distinguished by that name than the three birds next tobe mentioned. The country-boy’s name . for one of these must always be distrusted, as is the case also with his designation of other common, but much more dissimilar birds. Thus, not to mention other instances, the Blackeap proper, the Greater Tom-tit and the Stone-chat are all called Blackcap.—The Blackcap Warbler comes to us in spring and builds in our gardens and shrubberies as frequently as in wilder resorts, but always in places where there is thick foliage and plentiful means of concealment. It is a very shy bird and very unwilling to be gazed at. If it sees you watching it, you soon lose sight of it as it hops and twists from spray to spray into the inner and shadiest recesses of its haunt. Its nest, too, is studiously concealed, and Mr. Yarrell says it will leave two or three just-commenced nests in succession, on light grounds of suspicion that it has been noticed in its labours. ‘The nest is a benty, and saving for the ties of wool or cobweb, a slightly compacted edifice, lmed with hair and fine fibres, and contains four or five eggs of varying colour and mottlings—white, greenish or tinged with a peculiar shade of faint red, being the ground- colour, with markings of a reddish brown.—Fig. 6, plate LIT. 61. GARDEN WARBLER—(Curruca hortensis). Pettychaps, Greater Pettychaps.—Inferior to the Blackcap in song, as the Blackcap is inferior to the Nightingale, only not at. so great a distance. Still it is a sweet songster. It comes to us to breed, and frequents thick hedges and the covert afforded by our shrubberies and pleasure-plantings in gardens. The nest, hke the Blackcap’s in materials and detail, of dry grass-stalks or 60 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. bents loosely twined but bound together with wool, &c., and lined with hair and fibrous roots, may be found among rank growth of various herbage, or in a bush, or in a row of rodded peas. The usual four or five eggs are of muddled-white, stained and spotted with greenish brown, lighter or darker.—/¥g. 7, plate ITI. 62. WHITE-TH ROAT—(Curruca cinerea). Nettle-creeper—Another pleasant singer, but with occasional harsher notes, anda chiding one, not unlike the Sedgebird’s, when uneasy or irritated. This is the usual Haychat of the country — lads, and fully as often called the Nettle-creeper; the former name being due to the fabric of its nest, the latter to its habits of twining in and out of the leaves and coarse herbage which abound among its haunts. Little description of the nest is needed, except that it seems slighter, and is thinner at the sides than those last named, but still it is not Jess compact. The eggs vary a good deal in appearance, but there is still such a family likeness among them that they are easily recognizable by most egg- fanciers. Green, in different shades, is the predominating colour. —Fig. 8, plate III. 63. LESSER WHITE-THROAT—(Curruca sylvielia). Not so common a bird nearly, as the last, and rising higher in the bushes and shrubberies it frequents than it. It sings low and pleasantly when you are near enough to hear it, and very inces- santly, but its more frequently heard notes are rather harsh. The nest, found among low bushes and brambles, is like the White- throat’s, and the fcur or five eggs laid in it are white, speckled, most at the large end, with ash or light brown.— Fig. 9, plate IIT. 64. WOOD WARBLER—(Sylvia sibilatriz). Wood Wren, Yellow Wren.—This bird was long confounded with the Willow Wren to be named next. It comes to us for CHIFFCHAFF. 61 the summer, the males (as is the case with so many of the Warblers), coming first by several days. It is abundant enough in some well-wooded parts of the kingdom, and its song is only called such by courtesy. It builds a domed nest; that is one covered in above, and with a side entrance; on the ground amid grass or weeds. It is made of grass, dead leaves, moss, and lined with hair and soft grass. The eggs are six in number, white, and very much speckled and spotted with dark red- purple.—/%vg. 10, plate ILL. 65. WILLOW WREN—(Sylvia trochilus). Willow Warbler, Yellow Wren, Scotch Wren, Hay-bird, Huck- muck, Ground Wren.—A well known little bird to the observant. It sings “a soft and pleasing” song, and is a lively little fellow, in incessant motion. Very restless and uneasy too, when you are near its nest, and particularly if the young are hatched. The nest is domed, externally like the one last named, but always lined with feathers, which the last neveris. It is built on a bank or bankside, among grass or other herbage, and contains five to seven eggs, white, with many small speckles of red not very dark. There is an instance on record, in which this bird did not leave its nest though it had been bodily removed from its site on the ground, and even before any eggs were laid or the nest itself completed—one of the most remarkable cases of the kind known.— ig. 11, plate ILL. 66. CHIFFCHAFEF—(Sylvia hippolais). Lesser Pettychaps, Least Willow Wren.—An “early bird” -his isin coming to us in spring time, and able and willing enough to take its substitute for the “worm.” ‘The two syllables of its name, differently accented, form its song. Its nest is like that of the Willow Wren, with the addition of a few dead leaves outside 62 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS, and abundance of feathers inside, and is also placed on (or very near) the ground on a hedgebank. The Chiffchaff lays six eggs, white, with specks of dark purplish-red— vg. 12, plate IIT. 67. DARTFORD WARBLER—(Welizophilus provincialis). A bird which is scarcely known except on some of the furze- growing commons of the South, especially Kent and Surrey. The nest is of dry grass-stalks, loosely put together and tied with wool, and sparingly lined with other fine and dry vegetable substances. ‘The eggs,” we read in Yarrell, “are somewhat similar to those of the Whitethroat, but rather less; and like them, are tinged with green. They are speckled all over with . olive-brown and cinereous on a greenish white ground; the markings becoming more dense and forming a zone at the large end.”—fig. 13, plate ILL. 68. GOLD-CRESTED REGULUS—(Regulus cristatus). Gold-crest, Gold-crested Wren, Golden-crested Warbler, Gcld- crowned Kinglet.—One of the smallest of our native birds and possessing a “soft and pleasing song.” Its nest—one of the very most beautiful of all our English nests—is built below the branch of a spruce fir-tree and near the end of the bough, being sus- pended to two or more of the spreading side-boughs. ‘These are often woven in with the moss and wool of the nest, and then there is a lining of feathers; spiders’ webs too are used to compact the structure. Seven or eight eggs are laid, which vary remarkably, in different nests, m both ground-shade and mark- igs. Some remind one of the usual Robin’s egg in both, though the spots are much finer. Others are pale white, with yellowish- brown (rather than red) speckles.—Fig. 14, plate IIL. de, BLUE TITMOUSE. 63 69. FIRE-CRESTED REGULUS—(Regulus egnicapillus ). Much less common than the last, though very likely often con- founded with it from its great general resemblance. Its nest is like its gold-crowned relation’s, and the eggs seem to resemble the variety first described in the above notice of that bird. V. PARIDA. 70. GREAT TITMOUSE.—(Parus major). Great Tit, Oxeye, Blackcap, Great Blackheaded Tomtit, Pick- cheese.—It might also be called, and I believe is in one district, the Saw-sharpener, for its note certainly puts onein mind of that agreeable musical operation. The Tomtits are familiar to all of us, and “impudent” is one of the epithets we most usually apply to the whole tribe. Most of them breed in some hollow place or hole. The nest of the Great Tit is formed of moss, with a feather hning, and is sometimes placed in a hole in a wall; sometimes in some appropriate recess in a hollow tree. Like the other Tits, it lays many eggs, occasionally from six to nine. They are white, of fair size, and well spotted as well as speckled with a decided shade of red. There is an easily recognised resemblance between the eggs of all the Tomtit family. — iy. 15, plate III. 71. BLUE TITMOUSH—(Parus ceruleus).-. Tomtit, Blue Tomtit, Nun, Blue-cap, Blue-bonnet, Billy-biter, Hickwall, Blue Mope.—One of the most impudent of an impu- dent lot. A pair had built their nest in a crevice between the lintel and stonework of my coach-house, and my children from their nursery window observed it. For their amusement I got a ladder and looked in. The bold little matron could not be induced to leave the hole, but spit and hissed like a regular 64 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTs. vixen, and tried to make herself as-big as two by ruflling up her feathers, so as to frighten the owners of the ugly faces, as she would think, she saw at her door. Often, too, have I been bitten sharply by one I had laid hold of. Almost any hole in any object will do for the nest-site. ven a bottle, a wooden box, a - pump-barrel, a queer-shaped cavity in an old tree only big enough to admit such a small creature, all are made available. The nest is voluminous, of moss, hair, and feathers; and the eggs are almost endless. From six up to twelve or thirteen is of common occur- rence. Mr. Hewitson mentions one case of eighteen eggs! They are white, and spotted with pale red. The journeys of the old birds to and from the nest when supplying their large family with food are literally innumerable; and the number of small caterpillars, grubs, plant-lice, and the like, destroyed by these indefatigable caterers, must be simply astonishing. I think the pair just now referred 1o made at least one visit to the nest every two minutes throughout the day. The climbing, clinging habits of this and other Tomtits are very amusing; and in former days I made them dance on the slack-rope for my amusement and my friends’. I strung a nut or two on a piece of strong thread, and tied the two extremities to a tree and a nail ina wall near the window, respectively. This plan gave me many lengthened opportunities for watching their ways. I have also seen them strip- ping off the loose bark from pine-planks and picking out the fine fat. grubs which eat their way between the wood and the bark.— Fig. 16, plate ILI. 72. CRESTED TITMOUSE—(Parus cristatus), As rare with us as the last two Tits are common. 73. COLE TITMOUSE—(Parus ater). Colemouse, Coal-head.—A hardy little bird, of no rare occur- LONG-TAILED TITMOUSE. 65 rence in any part of the kingdom. Incessantly active and fre- quently associating with other small birds it prosecutes a restless search for the small insects and seeds which form its food. Its nest, of moss and wool and hair, is placed ina hole in a tree, sometimes very near the ground; sometimes even in a hole in the ground which has been made by some small quadruped. Like the other Tits, if necessary it will enlarge a hole in a tree which it finds already such as nearly to suit its requirements. Six to eight eggs are laid, white, and spotted with faint red. 74. MARSH TITMOUSH.—(Parus palustris). Coal-head, Black-cap, Willow-biter—A plentiful species im places; but as its name intimates, with a preference for districts with the peculiar low growth of bush and willow found in low fenny countries. It makes its nest in old willows and the low stunted trunks of pollard trees, and will labour hard to make a nearly suitable hole quite serviceable. It is said to carry the chips it makes quite away to some distance. The nest is better built than those of the ‘Tits hitherto named, of moss and wool; and the number of eggs varies from five or six to eight or even ten. They are of the usual Tom-tit type, white, spotted with red. 75. LONG-TAILED TITMOUSE.—(Parus candatus.) Long-tailed Mag, Mum-ruffin, Bottle-tit, Bottle-tom, Long- tailed Capon, Long-tail Pie, Caper Long-tail, Oven-builder, Poke-pudding, Mufflin, &c., &e.—The beautiful, even wonderful nest of this little bird must be well-known to almost all nest- fanciers—oval, of great size compared with the tiny architect; built, too, entirely by the female, wondrously compacted with moss and wool, and “sparkling with lichens” affixed to the Sutside, it affords access by one hole only, on the upper part of one side, to the inside most warmly lined with feathers. So F 66 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. thoroughly is it secured to the sticks whieh support it, that it is scarcely possible to obtain an entire one without cutting the sticks for removal also. The eggs are often ten in number, and sometimes one or two more, white, and very slightly specked with red, if at all. What the little bird does with her long tail when sitting, is a marvel. The young, when able to fly, keep much together and with their parents; and often, when at rest, sit very close together on one branch, so as to present a doubtful- looking feathery lump to the observer’s eye—J%ig. 17, plate III. 76. BEARDED TITMOUSE.—(Paras biarmicus), The male of this species is, indeed, a beautiful bird. They are met with in sufficient abundance in many districts in England, e.g., about the Norfolk Broads, the Meres in adjacent counties, as well as in Surrey and Middlesex.. Until lately, from the fenny nature of the soil of their habitat, they have been less observed than any other birds; bui now their habits are much better known. Their nest is often made of various finer sedges and the dead flag-like leaves of the reed with a little grass, and lmed with the seed-down of the reed. Sometimes almost on the sround, sometimes raised a little above it in a tuft of grass or - reeds, on the margin of a ditch or other water, it contains four to six eggs, not so large as those of the Greater Titmouse, and of usual Titmouse colour and markings.—/%7. 18, plate IIT. VI. AMPELIDA. 77. BOHEMIAN WAXWING.—(Bombycilla garrula). Waxen Chatterer, Chatterer, Bohemian Chatterer.—Less rare as a visitor, than some other British Birds ; but still only a visitor. GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL. 67 Vit. MOTACILIIDA. 78. PIED WAGTAIL.—(Motacilla alba). White Wagtail, Black and White Wagtail, Dishwasher, Wash- tail, Nanny Washtail—I think we, all of us, know this familiar and very graceful bird, and like to see its active run and short flight taken for the purpose of capturing an insect. We have often been amused, too, at seeing perhaps a whole family of young ones running among the legs of the cows near the water, and taking a fly now from the belly or flank of the great animal, and then from its leg or the ground. The nest is made of grass, bents, dead roots, moss, and is sometimes found in a hole in the rude wall of an old shed or the side of a haulm wall or pile of furze, or ina hole in a bank; sometimes on the outside of a heap of sticks, or in thatch, or upon the end of a haystack, and other analogous places. Four or five eggs are customarily found in it, white, and speckled with cinereous spots and lines, being often such as to resemble one variety of the varying eggs of the House- Sparrow.—/v7. 19, plate III. 79. GREY WAGTAIL.—(Motacilla boarula). Less plentiful than the Pied Wagtail, equally elegant and more beautiful, this little bird resembles the other in its ways and habits. Its nest is placed on the ground at no great distance from water, which has many attractions for it, as well as for the common “ Nanny Washtail.” The materials and general structure are, in the main, the same as in the last case; feathers and wool being introduced as a lining. There are often five or six eggs in it, of a faint white ground-colour, mottled and streaked with very light brown, a few streaks being sometimes of a darker tint.—ig. 20, plate III. 80. GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL.—(Motacilla neglecta). Met with less than half-a-dozen times in all in Britain. FQ 68 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. 8L. RAYS WAGTAIL.—(Wotacilla flava). Yellow Wagtail, Cow-bird—aA summer visitor, and, of course, making its nest with us. It builds on the ground, in cornfields or fallows; sometimes on a stump of a tree level with the ~ ground, or on a bank of earth overhanging water, or ina hole in a wall in the same vicinity. The said nest is made of moss, roots, dry grass, and lined with the same, only finer, and a little hair. Four to six eggs are laid, which Mr. Yarrell says, “are not un like those of the Sedge-Warbler, only rather larger; whitish in colour, mottled nearly all over with yellow-brown and ash- brown.” VITI.—ANTHID A. 82. TREE PIPIT.—(Axthus arboreus). Pipit Lark, Field Titling, Field Lark, Tree Lark, Grasshopper Lark.—No long time elapses after the spring arrival of the Tree Pipit before he makes his presence observable by indulging in his peculiar mode of recommending his song, not unpleasant in itself, to our notice. Seated on the topmost twig of a tree or high bush he sings awhile, and then up he goes with fluttering Wing, singing all the while, and also while descending from his greatest height on outstretched wing to the twig he started from. The nest is always on the ground, and not far froma hedge, or under a low bush, and is found also in woods or nurseries not far from the edge of a drive or glade, It is made of moss and fibres and grass, lined with finer grass and a little nair. The eggs vary inconceivably in tint and marks, and atirely baffle description, Some are purple-red, others yellowish- rhite in ground, clouded and spotted almost all over with different hades of greyish brown.—/7g. 22, 23, plate ITI, PLATE VI. L. Night-jar, 2. Pheasant. 3, Capercaillie. 4. Black Grouse, 5. Red Grouse, 6. Partridge. 7. Red-legged Partridge. 8. Quail. ROCK PIPIT. 69 83. MEADOW PIPIT.—(Anthus pratensis). Titlark, Pipit Lark, Meadow Titling, Moor Tit or Titling, Heather-Lintie, Moss-Cheeper, Ling bird, Meadow Lark.—A very common bird here, both in the enclosed lands and especially on the moors. It is amusing to observe how they sometimes wind their way among the ling, instead of flymg from the place at which they have alighted. Its nest is always on the ground, sometimes in the middle of a grass or corn-field, sometimes nearer the hedge, but always so placed as to be very well if not very closely concealed. One I found accidentally on the moor was in the side of a cavity left by the extraction of a huge surface block of stone, in a kind of small hollow or recess, and completely covered in by earth and ling. In addition to its five. proper eggs, this nest contained a Cuckoo’s egg. The nest is made of bents, lined with the same and some hairs. The eggs are from four to six, and vary in colour. Mr. Yarrell’s descrip- tion is, “of areddish brown colour, mottled over with darker brown.” The red is hardly discoverable, if at all, in some Thave, and I should have said “dusky brown.” —Fig. 21, plate IT]. 84. ROCK PIPIT.—(Anthus petrosus). Dusky Lark, Rock Lark, Field Lark, Sea Titling, Sea Lintie. This bird, it seems, was long confounded with the two last. It is seldom met with far inland, and is not always found near rocks, notwithstanding its name. It is a ground-builder, and where there are rocks handy, the nest is very likely to be on their tedges, if only a little grass or the like grows there. It is composed of various dry grasses, and contains four or five eggs of a greenish cast, and mottled with dusky brown or dark cinereous markings. 85. RICHARD’S PIPIT.—(Anthus Ricardi). Only an occasional visitor to our shores. ~ 70 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. 2. CONIROSTRES. FAMILY I.—ALAUDIDA. 86. SHORE LARK.—(Alauda alpestris). | Only avery few of these birds have been met with in Britain 87. SKY LARK—(Alauda arvensis). Lark, Field Lark, Lavrock—Very few words of description are requisite in the case of this everywhere familiar and favourite songster. Up in the sky, and soaring still, he pours out his joyous strains, suggesting to us much more forcibly than any other bird does in its song the thought that it is offering praise and thanks to Him who made and preserves the fowl that fly in the air, as well as all other creatures. So that the thought in the old German Hymn,— “Hark! Hark! the Lark at Heayen s gate sings,” seems not fanciful to us, but solemn truth. Once last summer 1 was speaking the solemn words, “dust to dust, ashes to ashes,” over a dead parishioner, followed as they so soon are by the telling of our “sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection,” when a Sky Lark, right over our heads, broke out into his sweet, simple, thankful, hopeful, joyous melody, and by it spoke to more sad hearts than one in that silent company. Up, up, to the sky was his pathway, and the song and the soaring both said that a “joyful resurrection” was no “ cunningly devised fable.” The Sky Lark’s nest is always.on the ground, often near the edge of a furrow, sometimes neara little grassy unevenness of the surface, sometimes even, cunningly concealed in a dry grassy erip by the side of a field at the foot of a low hedge-bank. It is but a slight and imartificial structure, of bents lined with finer grasses and a few fibrous roots. The eggs, which I never knew WOOD LARK. 7 to exceed five in number, vary as much in general colour and markings as the Tree Pipit’s and quite baffle verbal description. I found three in a nest two years ago, altogether dusky in general hue and so dark that I can hardly use the word brown in describ- ing the shade; while generally “dark grey” and “ash brown” will succeed in conveying an idea of the mottlings characterising the egg. Besides which, by no means a small proportion of a large collection of Sky Lark’s eggs will always be found to show a prevailing tinge of green in the surface colourmg. The Lark is a very faithful mother, and will not easily be induced to leave her nest; and even when the nest has become quite untenable longer, from any cause, the parent birds have been known to -move both eggs and young to a safer place, by grasping them with the long prehensile claws of their feet.—J%g. 24, plate ILI. 88. WOOD LARK—(4lauda arborea). The Sky Lark is seen everywhere; on the moors here in small parties, on the Saltings in Essex and other southern counties, in our meadows and corn-fields all over the kingdom. The Wood Lark, on the other hand, is strictly local, though sufficiently abundant where it does occur. I knew, in one case, where a shot was fired at a lot. of Larks in the snow, that out of five or six which were killed all but one proved to be Wood Larks. So local is it, that though I have been a resident in Hssex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Herefordshire, Berwickshire, and Yorkshire, as well asa visitor in other counties, I have never lived among or near its haunts, saving only in the western-most county named. The nest is formed on the ground, usually well concealed by grass or a neighbouring scrubby bush, is composed of dry grass and moss, and lined with fibres and a few hairs. The eggs are four or five in number, of a lighter ground-colour (but oe BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. scarcely less in size) than those of the Sky Lark, vary very littie comparatively in their general appearance, and often in addition to the ash brown or greenish hue of the superficial frecklings and mottlings, are marked by the presence of a few wine-red blotches. The young are much sought for to keep in cages, as - they scon begin to sing very freely. The song of the Wood Lark in a state of nature is one of the sweetest, in some respects, with which I am acquainted.—/%g. 25, plate IT. 89. SHORT-TOED LARK—(Alauda brachydactyla). A bird much resembling the Wood Lark in appearance, but of very casual occurrence. Ii.—EMBERIZID 2. 90. LAPLAND BUNTING—(Plectrophanes Lapponica). Has been met with in Britain, but on a very few occasions. 91. SNOW BUNTING—(Plectrophanes niv. lis). Tawny Bunting, Mountain Bunting, Snow-flake or-fleck.—Only a winter visitor in this country, though often coming in not very scanty numbers. I have frequently seen them on our North Yorkshire moors, and have heard of them as seen in flocks of large dimensions. One informant told me he had seen as many as two hundred together. It breeds in countries very far to the North, and, like other ¢xdigéxes of the North, is subject to con- siderable variations in colour according to season. So much so, that the bird which used to be called Tawny Bunting in its summer plumage, was re-christened by the name of Snow Bunting, to suit its winter dress, while the young bird was called by the name of Mountain Bunting. 92. COMMON BUNTING—(Emberiza miliaria). Bunting, Corn Bunting, Ebb.—The name of this bird shows BLACK-HEADED BUNTING. Va that it is not by any means rare in perhaps most of our country districts. It often utters its not very musical cry seated on a tall spray in a hedge, and sometimes while flying along. The nest is always made very near the ground, if not actually on it, usually among stunted bushes or coarse herbage. It is made of roots, bents or coarser materials yet, and lined with hair. The Bunting lays four or five eggs, of a kind of stained-white ground, suggesting the idea that a vinous-red stain has been imperfectly washed off, and blotched and streaked and speckled, in the characteristic Bunting style, with shades of purplish brown, some of them rather dark. Though called Corn Bunting, it may be found where corn-fields are not abundant. I once met with a nest at the foot of St. Abb’s Head —Fig. 1, plate LV. 93. BLACK-HEADED BUNTING—(2uberiza scheniclus). Reed Sparrow, Reed Bunting, Water Sparrow, Mountain Spar- row, Black-bonnet.—Not a rare bird anywhere in England, I believe, where water is not rare ; and very conspicuous from the dark head and bright plumage of the male. On the Essex marshes it is common enough, and so it is in the marshy or ill- drained meadows of other counties. Mr. Yarrell says the “nest is generally placed on the ground, among coarse long grass or rushes, at the foot of a thorn, or on the side of a canal bank.” The last I found was among, and supported by, the sedges growing at the side of a marsh-ditch in Hssex, and not less than ten or twelve inches from the hank—a site which I believe is not an unusual one. It is made of grasses, fragments of rushes, stalks of different plants, and lined sometimes with reed-down, or finer grasses and a little moss. I dislodged the male bird from the nest just named, and the eggs were perfectly warm to the touch. They would have been hatched ina few days. It was 74 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. thus proved that the male Reed Bunting takes his share in sitting, and the position of the nest among green and growing sedges adds one more fact to what is known of its nidification. The eggs are four or five in number, of a pale reddish-brown colour, streaked and spotted with dark brown of a rich purple shade.—Lig. 2, plate IV. 94. YELLOW HAMMER—(Lnberiza citrinella). Yellow Bunting, Yellow Yowley, Gold-spink, Yellow Yeldring, Yellow Yoldring, or Yedrling, Yeldrock, Yellow Yite, Yoit, &e.— I used to hear in Berwickshire, that “The Brock, the Toad, and the Yellow Yeérling, Get a drap o’ the Deil’s bluid ilka May morning.” I wonder what they all do with it, and how the plentiful bleeding. affects the patient. For there is certainly no lack of Yellow Hammers all over the country; and if one looks at the long strings of blown birds’ eggs festooned at cottage doors, or hung over the cottage or farm-house mantel-piece, the trophies of some young nest-taking hopeful dwelling there, after the Blackbirds’ and Thrushes’ eggs, the most abundant are almost always those of the Yellow Hammer. We all know his rich plumage and somewhat plaintive song, which, in my school-boy days, used to be Englished into “Avery, very little bit of bread and n-0-o c-h-e-e-e-s-e!” It does not spare materials when engaged in building its nest. Dead grass, small sticks and moss, a few feathers and plentiful hair to form the lining, are ready enough in our fields for its use, and: the structure compacted with them is placed usually in a low, thick bush on a hedge-bank, well con- cealed, and but little raised above the soil. Sometimes I have found it in a rough erass-field, amid tufts of rushes and other such-like growth. Sometimes even in a wall-tree, as in my own garden last year ; or in an’evergreen shrub, also in my garden a CHAFFINCH. 75 year or two since. But the hedge side is the rule. The eggs, three to five in number, and often very round in shape, vary considerably in individual cases, but never so much as to leave the accustomed eye in a moment’s doubt as to what bird the egg belongs to. Of a white ground-colour, scarcely tinged at all with vinous red, or perhaps much suffused, all of them are streaked and veined and spotted with dark brown with a shade ofred in it. They are beautiful eggs to my eye.—Iig. 3, plate IV. . 95. CIRL BUNTING—(Eatberiza cirlus). French Yellow Hammer, Black-throated. Yellow Hammer.— A bird long overlooked by our native ornithologists, and perhaps more frequently eccurring than is even yet suspected. Still it is by no means a very common bird,—though identified as oc- curring in, perhaps, most of the southern counties. The Rev. Orpen Morris, from whose work on British Birds and Eggs 1 have taken the two provincial names given above, says, “ the nest is placed in furze or low bushes, and is usually made of dry stalks of grass and a little moss, lined with hair and small roots. Some are wholly without moss or Wales.) oes be small roots constituting the lining. The eggs are four or five in number, of a dull, bluish white, streaked and speckled with dark brown. They vary much in colour and markings.’— Fug. 4, plate IV. 96. ORTOLAN BUNTING—(Hnberiza hortulana). Ortolan, Green-headed Bunting.—Merely an occasional visitor nesting in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Lapland. TII—FRINGILLID. 97, CHAFFINCH—(Fringilla celebs). Spink, Pink, Twink, Skelly, Shelly, Shell-apple, Scobby, Shilia, 76 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. Buckfinch, Horsefinch, Copperfinch, Whitefinch, Beechfinch, Wet- bird.—One of our most beautiful birds is the male of this species— one of quite the most beautiful of our English nests is its nest. It would be a shame if he, with his gay dress and handsome _appearance, were the bachelor he is called in his Latin name. It is, however, only at one period of the year that the sexes in the Chaffinch tribe (as in many other kinds of birds) separate. The song of the Chaffinch, though not of great compass or variety, is very cheery and sweet, and very different from his melancholy sound of “‘ Weet, weet,” which many country people take as a prognostication of rain ;—whence his local name of Wet-bird. The nest, always in a tree-fork or bush or hedge, always firmly and securely built in, always contrived and fashioned with a wonderful compactness, neatness and beauty, is formed of mosses, with various-shaded lichens on the surface, and lined with wool and hair and feathers, the last two being the finishing substances. I never knew more than five eggs to be laid, oftener four, of a peculiar winy-red dun, spotted and streaked—and most near the large end—with a rich, dark Sienna brown. The eggs in their comeliness befit the nest, and the nest is worthy of the bird. The female is, however, the principal, if not the sole, architect and builder.—Fig. 5, plate IV. 98. MOUNTAIN FINCH—(Fringilla montifringilia). Brambling, Mountain Finch, Bramble Finch, Lulean Finch.— Only a winter visitor to our shores, but still pretty generally diffused throughout the kingdom at that season, though never perhaps, strictly speaking, any thing like a common bird any where. 99. TREE SPARROW—(Passer montauus). Mountain Sparrow.—This species has undoubtedly been long HOUSE SPAKROW. ie and continually confounded with the Common or House Sparrow. And even yet it has not been satisfactorily proved to have occurred in much more than half a dozen counties in England. Further observation may do more yet in identifying the Tree Sparrow and defining its localities. It nests in holes in pollard or other trees, or in thatch, m company with other Sparrows of the common species, but in this case always in holes entered from the outside, not from the inside of the roof of the building. Sometimes it has been ascertained to breed in nests made within deserted nests of a Magpie, or some such bird. The nest, like that of the Common Sparrow, is formed of dry grass or hay, or fine straw, and abun- dantly lined with feathers of all sorts. The eggs, four or five in general, are distinctly less than those of the House Sparrow, and with more decided brown in the markings on the ground-colour of soiled white.—Fvg. 6, plate IV. 100. HOUSE SPARROW—(Passer domesticus). Sparrow, Common Sparrow.—He may well be called the Common Sparrow, for we find him alike in the town and the country, in the field and in the garden, by the road-side hovel or in the neighbourhood of the great mansion. And whether he be sooty and black with the smoke of mid-London, or with his colours pure and unsmirched and bright as in the clear breezy village, he is still always the same pert, impudent creature, whose name has passed almost into a proverb for bold familiarity. Ubiquitous as he is by habit and system, his nest is found in sites almost as various and as numerous as the places of his residence. Under the tiles or eaves of buildings, in the thatch-edges of a barn, in holes in the interior of a thatch-roof, in water-pipes and receivers for eaves-gutters, in holes in walls or old buildings, in ivy clothing either a wall or a tree, in fir trees, in wall-trees, especially if large and high, below Rooks’ nests, in deserted nests of large 78 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. birds,—frequent in all these sites, it seem dificult to say where it may not be found. Often, too, it becomes a mass of straw and dry grass and lavish feather-lining, big enough to fill a man’s hat of large size. The eggs are very various in the intensity of their ‘surface markings. They are white, speckled and spotted and. streaked with ash colour and dusky brown, some so slighty as to be pale grey, others so profusely as to be very dark “ pepper and salt.” They vary in number from four to six. Whenever the nest is built in a situation naturally open at top, it is domed over by the little constructor.—f77. 7, plate IV. 101. GREENFINCH—(Coccothraustes chloris). Green Grosbeak, Green Linnet, Green Bird.—A sufficiently common species, and often seen in winter, in stubbles which afford a sufficiency of the seed-constituents of its food, in large flocks. Neither does it yield an insignificant portion of the egg spoils of the country-boy. The nest is usually built in a hedge, and it dearly loves a thick massive thorn hedge for the purpose. In one such, bordering an orchard in Essex, of perhaps seventy or eighty yards long, I found one day a dozen or more of Greenfinches’ nests, almost all with eggs in. It is, however, not seldom to be met with in an evergreen or other bush in tne garden; sometimes in a fir tree, and again in a fruit or ornamental tree. The materials employed are roots, moss, grass, with a lining of the same, only finer, and plentiful hair. I have often noticed the presence of a kind of scrubby scales about the interior of one of their nests. The eggs are four, five, or six in number, and vary much in size and but little in general appearance. They are white, suffused with a bluish tinge, and with reddish or purple spots and streaks, intermingled with some of a darker shade.—Fig. 8, plate IP, SS GOLDFINCH. 79 102. HAWFINCH—(Coccothraustes vulgaris). Common Grosbeak, Haw Grosbeak.—A bird which seems to occur but sparingly in our island, and for long, supposed to be merely a winter visitor. It is not uncommon about Epping Forest, and has been found nearer London, and in many of the Southern counties. Mr. Doubleday has given the best account of its habits generally, as well as of its nest and eggs. It seems to have no peculiar situation for its nest preferred to all others, but builds indiscriminately int trees or bushes, and at various heights from the ground. ‘The nest is said to be made of twigs, “with fibrous roots and grey lichens laid flat on them ;” the whole structure being such as to remind one of the Ring-dove’s flat platform of a nest. The eggs “vary from four to six, and are of a pale olive- green, spotted with black, and streaked with dusky grey.” Mr. Doubleday adds, that some are much less marked than others. A few, indeed, with no marks at all on the green ground-colour. —Fig. 9, plate IV. 103. GOLDFINCH—(Carduelis elegans). Thistle-Finch, Gold-spink, Grey Kate, or Pate (the young), Proud Tailor, Goldie, King Harry Red-cap.—This beautiful little bird is, I fear, one of those which are much less common in many districts than used to be the case inmy younger days. It is much sought after for keeping in cages, and is caught for that purpose in numbers by the professional bird-catchers. It builds a beautifully neat and pretty nest ; sometimes in a bush or ever- green, often in the fork of an apple or other fruit-tree, and more rarely ina hedge. It is formed of moss, fir-needles, green bents, wool, thistle-down, willow-down, feathers, hairs, &c., according to the choice afforded by the locality of the nest. The eggs are four or five in number, are bluish white or pale grey, spotted > os 80 BRITISH BIRDS, THER EGGS AND NESTS. with greyish purple and red brown, and sometimes a little streaked with the same.—Fig. 10, plate IV. 104. SISKIN—(Carduelis spinus). Aberdevine.—Only a winter visitor; and though not very un- - common at that season in many parts of Britain, yet it has been known to nest with us so very rarely that it seems scarcely requisite to give any account of either nest or eggs in this place. 105. COMMON LINNET—(Linota cannabina). Linnet, Grey Linnet, Red Linnet, Brown Linnet, Whin Linnet, Linnet Finch, Red-headed Finch, Greater Redpole, Rose Linnet, Lint-white, Lintie—No wonder school-boys and country boys had, and have, three or four different names for this one bird (according to the differences of plumage due to age, sex, or season), when even naturalists made two species of it. The male in his full plumage, with red poll and rose breast and bright brown plumage, is a handsome bird, and, compared with the female or the young, a very “ fine bird” indeed. It is com- mon enough in most districts, and pretty sure to be met with where there is much furze. The nest is frequently to be found in the midst of thick furze covers; but like Mr. Hewitson, I have found it commonly in thickish thorn-hedges, and very often in small and single furze bushes. It is made of small twigs and bents and moss, and often lined with a copious cushion of wool merely; at other times, with some hair and vegetable down, The eggs vary greatly in size, as well as in colour and markings, but usually they are of a pale bluish-white ground, speckled with red of different shades, brown to purple. They are four, five, and sometimes six in number.—L%g. 11, plate IV. 106. MEALY REDPOLE—(Zinota canescens). Only a winter visitor to this country, and in varying numbers in BULLFINCH, S1 different years. Many were obtained in one or two of the counties adjoining the Metropolis some years since; but no instance, I believe, is known of its remaining with us to breed. 107. LESSER REDPOLE—(Linota linaria). Common Redpole, Lesser Red-headed Finch, Rose Linnet. —This is a winter visitor to the southern counties of Hngland; but remains all the year round in Scotland and some parts of north England. The nest seems to be built in some situation not too high above the ground; for instance, ina bush or stunted tree; and is made of moss and bents, and like some of those of the Common Linnet, with willow-down and the like. There are usually four or five eggs deposited in it, their colour “ pale bluish green, spotted with orange-brown, and principally at the larger end.” The ground -colour seems to vary to greenish-grey, and the spots to become more of a reddish tinge.—Fig. 12, plate IV. 108. MOUNTAIN LINNET—(Linota montium). Twite, Twite Finch, Heather Lintie.—A bird seldom, if ever, seen much south of the Humber. It is known to breed in York- shire and the northern English counties as well as in Scotland, the Hebrides, &c. As its name leads one to infer, it is usually found in the neighbourhood of hill or fell. The nest is built on the ground, among the short benty grass of the hill-side or the dwarf ling of similar localities, or even among longer heather, and is made of the materials afforded by such herbage, and moss, and lined with fibrous roots, wool and hair. The eggs vary from four to six in number, are almost white with the faintest blue or green tinge, spotted with red, brown or dark purple, with some- times a few streaks of a lighter red tinge.—%vg 18, plate IV. 109. BULLFINCH.—(Pyrrhula vulgaris). Olph, Alp, Hoop, Red Hoop, Nope.—One of our really hand G 7 82 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. some birds, and as familiar to many of us as other and even com- -moner birds, by his frequent occupancy of a cage. “ Piping Bullfinches” are not very unusual even in this country. The Bull- finch is also one of those birds who have long been laid under pro- _ scription, for the mischief he is assumed to do to the buds of fruit trees. Like as rewards used to be customarily paid in hosts of places out of the Parish funds for the heads of Sparrows, Tomtits, &c., so has it been on a lesser scale with our present birds, and I cannot help thinking equally unjustly. No doubt the “ Olph” commits sad apparent havock on the blossom-buds; but I sus- pect the blossom-buds damaged by him (as it seems) would uever have come to anything if no Bullfinch had ever been near them. There was a grub in each of them, and that grub would have destroyed the bud quite as effectually, if not quite as summarily, as the bird which extracted it from what was alike its hiding-place and scene of active ravage and con- sumption. Unlike the Ring Dove and Missel Thrush, and a few other birds, which are usually very wild and shy, but at breeding time lay aside their wildness and distrust, and come to the close neighbourhood of human habitations to nest, the Bullfinch, in spring, leaves our gardens and orchards and resorts to the woods - and wilds. The nest is made of twigs and roots and moss, rather loosely constructed, and lined with wool and hair, and is most commonly placed ina good thick bush of considerable height and size; sometimes on a fir or other tree. The hen-bird lays four or five eggs of a pale greenish blue, streaked and spotted with purple-red, chiefly at the larger end.— Fig. 14, plate IV. * 410. PINE GROSBEAK—(Pyrrhula enucleator). Pine Bullfinch, Common Hawfinch.—Only a very rare visitor in our islands. f CROSSBILL. ‘ 83 111. COMMON CROSSBILL—(Lovzia curvirostra). This is a bird which deserves a little notice at our hands on two or three grounds. In its plumage it varies more, according to sex or age, than perhaps any other English bird in a state of nature. It is indeed subject to almost startling dissimilarity. The peculiar shape and action of the bill is also noteworthy, and the strength of the muscles which move the mandibles may be judged of by the powerful effect produced in starting the scales of the strongest fir-cones. Again, it has been repeatedly met with in this country in large numbers; and not only so, put at such seasons as to render it almost positive, that it must have nested, or be nesting here: nay even females which were ob- tained showed, by the state of their plumage, that they must have been so engaged: and yet until recently, no authentic observation has been recorded of the actual occurrence of its nest and eggs. It is now believed to breed in the very earliest spring or indeed in winter, which may account for the obscurity hitherto attending its nesting habits. The nest is made of twigs below, with grassy bents upon’ such foundation, bound together with wool and lined with hair. The eggs seem to vary much in colour, showing a sensible degree of resemblance to those of the Greenfinch, but with a generally warmer tint, and spots of a much more decided or dark red shade.—Fig. 15, plate IV. 112. PARROT CROSSBILL—(Lozia pityopsittacus). It has occurred in a few instances, but is much too rare to be noticed by us at length ; and indeed the same may be said of the bird next named. 112. WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL—(Lozia faicirostra). G 2 84. BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. IV.—_STURNIDZ. 113. STARLING—(Sturnus vulgaris). Common Starling, Stare, Sheep-stare, Solitary Thrush, Brown Starling.—The two last of these names used to be applied to the young of the Starling. Few cases of more brilliant plumage are met with in our English birds than in the instance of the male of the Common Starling. The metallic glow and play of colours in the feathers of his head, neck and back is very beautiful. It is a very abundant bird, and itis supposed by some that there are some peculiarities in its breeding habits. I mean that I have heard it asserted that the male is a polygamist, or rather perhaps a bigamist. I never saw any thing within my own scope of observation which led me to suspect it, but rather to hold the received belief that the Starling pairs exactly as most other birds do. They are exceedingly pertinacious in adhering to their choice of a place for nesting in. I knew one case in which from the inconvenient nature of the nest-site selected, one of the birds was shot. In a very short space the survivor had paired again, and the gun again dissolved the union. The whole process was repeated five or six times, and the Starlings bred at last in the | place chosen by the original pair. The nest is found in a great variety of situations,—in the bowl of a water pipe from the eaves of a house, in a dove-cot, in holes in trees, below the nests in a rookery, in holes in old buildings or more recent masonry, between the slates and underdrawing of a roof, in holes in steep high rocks, in chimneys of houses, and the like. It is made, without stint of ’ materials, of straw, roots, grass, and a plentiful lining of feathers, The eggs, four to six in number, vary strangely in size but not in colour. which is ofa uniform pale blue. In some districts where the Starling abounds, they collect in huge flocks, the young A RAVEN. . 85 with the parents, and may be seen when on the wing like a cloud from a great distance.—L7. 1, plate V. 115. ROSE-COLOURED PASTOR—(Pastor roseus). Rose-coloured Ouzel or Starling.—Merely an accidental visitor to our shores. V.—CORVID. 116, CHOUGH—(Fregilus graculus). Cornish Chough, Red-legzed Crow, Cornish Daw, Cornwall Kae, Market-jew Crow, Chauk Daw, Hermit Crow, Cliff Daw, &ce.—A bird which occurs more sparingly than it used to do. Its abiding and building place is among the steep rocks which line so many parts of the British coasts. In the Isle of Wight, in Man, onthe Cornish shores, at Flamborough, in Berwickshire near St. Abb’s Head, it is still (or was till lately) known to breed. «This bird,” says Mr. Yarrell, “makes a nest of sticks lined with wool and hair, in the cavities of high cliffs, or in old castles, or church towers near the sea; laying four or five eggs of a yellowish white colour, spotted with ash-grey and light brown.”—J%g. 2, plate V. 117. RAVEN—(Corvus coraz). Corbie, Corbie Crow, Great Corbie Crow.—I dare say the acquaintance of many of us with this fine bird is limited to an introduction to some tame or pet Raven. In this district, where, I believe, these birds abounded half a century since—the rocky cliffs of our moorland solitudes bemg so well suited to their nabits,—I do not know that I have seen or heard one for the last two or three years. Persecuted by the gamekeeper, sought after for domestication, or their eggs taken for sale to the collector, they are becoming very rare in many a part of the country where not long since they were frequently seeu. They build sometimes on old ruins 86 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NEST». or craggy precipices, but oftener in a tree, piling nest after nest in successive years upon the same bough, whence the chosen tree soon comes to be called the “ Raven-tree.” One such accumulation of nests I knew, as a boy, in Hssex, and after a stiff climb succeeded _ inreaching it. I did it in jeopardy however, for the Ravens were very bold, and every moment I expected they would assail me, in spite of the short bludgeon I had suspended to my wrist. The appearance below the nest of the farmer in whose fields the Raven tree grew, decided the question—perhaps he frightened the Ravens as well as threatened me; perhaps they knew he came as their protector—anyhow I did not get my egg, although I had actually had itin my hand. The nest isa great pile of sticks, lmed with wool and roots and felts of hair, and often has four or five eggs laid in it, of a light green ground-shade, blotched and spotted with browns of varying depth of colour, but some of them very dark.—Fig. 3, plate V. . 118. CROW—(Corvus corone). Carrion Crow, Corbie Crow, Flesh Crow, Gor Crow, Midden Crow, Black Crow, Black-neb, Hoody.—Another bird not nearly so common as it used to be, even within my own recollection— -and no wonder; for he is a strong, fierce bird (Mr. Waterton calls him his * Warrior bird’), and a young and weakly lamb, a young Hare or Rabbit, a wounded or frightened Partridge has little or no chance with him. I knew a case a year or two since of a Crow attacking a Partridge and driving it to cover in a hedge, where it lay so terrified and exhausted as to suffer itself to be picked up by a spectator. I knew another instance years ago in which the Crow attacked a young Rabbit. The old doe came to the assistance of her young one, and the »attle was well con- tested, but the Crow was the victor, and carried off the spoil. ROOK. of | 87 Paired once, these birds, as in the case of the Raven, are paired for good. “The nest is placed in a main fork of a large tree, and is made of sticks and twigs with abundant cushioning of wool and hair. It is believed not to build a new nest every year. It lays four or five eggs, varymg much in the depth of the tint of the greenish ground-colour, and generally well mottled and blotched and spotted with greenish ash colour and bright brown. The parents seem to expel their young from the immediate precincts of their own abode very soon after they are able to provide for themselves ; as is the case with the Raven also.—Fig. 4, plate V. 119. HOODED CROW—(Corvus corniz). Royston Crow, Dun Crow, Norway Crow, Kentish Crow, Grey Crow, Grey-backed Crow, Bunting Crow, Scare Crow, Hoodie.—Even a fiercer and more mischievous bird than the Carrion Crow. It has been very seldom known to breed in England, though coming in great abundance from its more northern haunts before the access of winter. In north and west Scotland, the Hebrides and Orkneys it breeds in large numbers, and rewards for its destruction have been customarily paid to within a recent period, if indeed they have altogether ceased yet. They place their nests among rocks, in the rifts or on ledges. These are built of ling, sticks, roots, stalks of plants, seaweed ; and lined with wool and kair. There are usually four or five eggs, not differing very materially in colouring from those of the Common Crow.—Fig. 5, plate V. 120. ROOK—(Corvus frugilegus). Crow.—LEveryone must be acquainted with the Rok, and its nesting manners and habits. Even the dwellers in great cities have sometimes had this bird domiciled among them for the breeding season, and many places in London are signalized by the 88 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. presence of a Rook’s nest, or several, in very unlikely situations. In the country some of the most familiar sights and sounds are those afforded by the Rookery, or by the huge assemblages of Rooks about the fields or winging their morning or evening flight in quest of food, or in return to their domiciles. Most of us too have heard of Rook courts of justice, and the sentences awarded against the wrongful spoilers of a neighbour’s nest, as well as the battles to resist such an invasion. It is certainly a remark- able instinct, which, to so great a degree, forbids birds building in communities to plunder the building materials placed on the adjoining bough or ledge, and no wonder that Instinct has provided a remedy for what must be looked upon, when it occurs to any extent, as a somewhat unnatural offence. The Rook resorts to the same nest year after year, merely making such repairs as a year’s wear and tear from wind and rain and accident have rendered necessary. When the nest is ready, four or five eges are deposited, of a greenish ground-colour more or less intense in shade, plentifully mottled and blotched with darker and varying shades of brownish green. Many of the eggs strongly resemble those of the Crow, while others are much more like those of the Jackdaw. As in the case of the Bullfinch the Rock is often blamed for doing mischief which was really done by the creature which formed the real object of search to the supposed offender. The wireworm and the grub of the cockchafer do infinite damage in grass or cornfields by eating off the roots of the plants in question. The Rook pulls up these ruined plants and eats the offending larva. The farmer or superficial “observer only sees the dead grass or corn plant, and loolishly accuses the Rook, and persecutes him, though in reality a friend and benefactor, tothe death. Not but what the Rook does mischief at times; for I have often seen newly sown corn-fields MAGPIE. 89 black with them, and have been continually a witness to the very extensive damage done to the potato crop just when the young tubers were in most active growth and most susceptible of harm. Still, a few precautions will suffice to protect both corn- field and potato-crop during the brief space while protection is necessary, and the balance of good done is so greatly on the predominating side, that the Rook may well continue to be protected. Rook shooting has charms for many. For myself I seem to see cruelty so conspicuous about the whole process, that I cannot conceive in what the pleasure consists.— fig. 6, plate V. 121. JACKDAW—(Corvus monedula). Daw, Kae, Jack.—The chattering Jackdaw is as familiar as a “Household word” to us, and when one visits an extensive colony of Jackdaws in the nesting season, he is apt to be enabled to forma good estimate of the amount of chatter a few’ score Jackdaws can contribute. They breed in many places in the immediate neigh- bourhood of my residence in very considerable numbers, in the holes and crevices which abound among craggy rocks and precipices that rise high above steep wooded banks. Besides, they build in ruinous buildings, in church towers or pigeon-houses, in little used chimneys, in holes in modern masonry, even in deserted chambers. The pile of materials amassed is simply wonderful, and really they are sometimes so laid together as if intended to serve no other purpose but to lengthen out the nest-pile for a builder’s amusement. Sticks and wool are the substances asually employed, and the eggs laid vary, as to number, between three and six. They are of a pale biuish-white, well spotted with ash colour light brown and dark brown.—Fig. 7, plate V. 122. MAGPIE—(Pica caudata). Pyet, Pianet, Madge, Mag.—A very wary, crafty, shy bird the _ 90 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. wild Magpie is. A very bold, impudent, thievish rascal the domesticated Mag as certainly proves himself. Shy and wary as these birds are in a state of nature, no bird whatever seems to affect concealment Jess in the fashion and structure and position of its nest. Placed high up among the smaller branches of a tallish tree, or perhaps in the upper part of a strong, thick, high bush in a hedge or standing lonely in a field or park, nothing can well be more conspicuous than the massy Magpie’s nest, with its large though light dome of thorny sticks and twigs. I used to be assured as a schoolboy that there were two sorts or varieties of Magpies, distinguished by the comparative length of their tails and the site of their nests :—the alleged short-tailed one was called the Bush Magpie; the other the Tree Magpie. It is almost idle to say no such variety or distinction really exists. The materials of the nest are chiefly sticks, plastered with earth inside, and lined with roots and hair. There are often as many as six or seven eggs laid in it, pale bluish-white in colour, spotted all over, and abundantly so in general, with grey and greenish brown of more than one shade.—Fig. 8, plate V. 123. JAY—(Garrulus glandarius). Jay-pie, Jay-piet—The Jay’s peculiar screeching note is perhaps more familiar to many ears than the bird itself to the eyes corresponding to the said ears. It is a shy bird, seldom seen far from its haunts in woods and copses, though when seen, it is noticeable enough from a certain peculiarity in its flight, due toa sort of fluttering use or motion of its wings. It is easily domesticated, and becomes a tame and amusing pet. The nest is very often extremely rude and inartificial, almost as much so as the Ring Dove’s. It is placed in the upper part of a lofty bush ina wood, or on some one of the lateral branches of a tree where the height from the ground is considerable; is made of sticks and GREEN WOODPECKER. 91 lined with roots; the cavity containing the eggs often seeming to be not very considerable. Now and then a nest is met with carefully and strongly compacted, and sufficiently cup-shaped. The Jay lays five or six eggs of a faint shade of dusky green for eround-colour, closely and thickly freckled all over with light brown.—fig 9, plate V. 124. NUT-CRACKER—(Nucifraga caryocatactes). A bird which has probably been met with less than half-a-score times in all in this country. * GROUP III.—SCANSORKES. FAMILY I.—PICIDA. 125. GREAT BLACK WOODPECKER—(Picus martius). Too rare a visitant to demand special notice in our pages. 126. GREEN WOODPECKER—(Picus viridis). Wood-spite, Rain-fowl, Rain-bird, Hew-hole, Yaffle, Whet-ile, Woodwall, Witwall, Popinjay, Awl-bird, Haqual, Pick-a-tree, Yappingale, &c.—I observe Mr. Morris spells the name I have written Eaqual in the form Ecle. I have no idea of the origin or etymology of either form, but I have given these names gene- rally in the thought that they may be helpful to some, and interesting to other young egg-collectors. The Green Wood- pecker is the most common, and much the best known of all our English Woodpeckers. Besides being a very handsome bird, its organization (as is indeed the case with all the tribe) is so beau- tifully adapted to its mode of life, as to merit a brief notice at our hands. Its strong prehensile feet and claws, two toes being directed forward and two backwards, fit it not only for moving in all directions, and with wonderful readiness and ease in any direction whatever, about the trunk or limbs of a tree, but also for grasping the surface with great tenacity when necessity arises 92 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. for applyingits strong bill to penetrating or disloding either bark or portions of the wood itself. When thus occupied, the tail comes mto use, and the bones at the lower extremity of the skeleton are so formed as to enable the stiff, pomted tail-feathers to be applied to the tree in such a way as to strengthen the pur- chase already obtained by the firm foot-hold. Add to all this the length of the tongue, its great extensibility, specially provided for by a peculiar arrangement of muscles, together with the structure of the tongue itself—remarkable for its sharp, horny tip and barb-like bristles on either side near the pomt—and we have one of Nature’s most beautiful accommodations of means to the intended end which can well be offered to our admiring notice. The undulating flight and laugh-like cry of the Green Wood- pecker used to be more common than they seem to be now, and the great multiplicity of provincial names seems to show that once it must have been an exceedingly common bird. I have rarely seen or heard it here: and no wonder. For where once there were miles of forest, now we have scarcely 100 acres of wood in the whole district. ‘This Woodpecker’s cry is loudly and frequently uttered before impending rain; whence one of its common or by-names. It breeds in holes in trees, which it often excavates in part or enlarges to suit its wants. It makes no nest, but deposits its eggs, four to seven in number, and per- fectly white, ona bed of the soft decayed wood of the tree. The eges average rather over 13-inch in length, by about. £-inch broad. No illustration being possible in our space of purely white eggs I think it better to append their measurements, 127. GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER—(Picus maior). Pied Woodpecker, French-pie, Wood-pie, Whitwall, Great Black and White Woodpecker, Wood-nacker—A not very WRYNECK. . 93 uncommon bird in some localities, and very rare in others now- a-days. It is less likely, too, to betray its presence by its note than the Green Woodpecker, and is so shy and so capable of, concealing itself or keeping the trunk of a tree always between itself and any prying observer, that doubtless it is deemed to be more rare than it really is. It seems to prefer the vicinity of woods, but may be seen occasionally where woods do not abound, and sometimes even it resorts to places where abundance of old posts or decaying tree-trunks lead it to expect a plentiful repast. [t breeds in holes in trees, making no nest, and laying its four or five eggs on just such a bed as its green namesake. The female is very averse to leaving her eggs, and shows almost as ° much pertinacity as a Tomtit in abiding by them. They are 1 inch long by 2-inch broad. 128. LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER—(Picus minor). Barred Woodpecker, Hick-wall, Little Black and White Wood- pecker, Crank-bird.—A pretty little bird, very shy, very active, very able to keep itself out of sight, and so, hardly noticed by one in a hundred of those whom Miss Edgeworth would class as more or less nearly connected with the widely-spread family of No-eyes. Itis said to prefer large woods of Beech; and like the other Woodpeckers, makes no nest, but places its eggs in a hollow tree, accessible by only a small hole, the means of access being often at a considerable distance from the eggs laid below. The eggs of this little bird are four or five in number, purely white, though seeming to be suffused with a delicate pink hue before they are blown, which arises from the transparency of the shell. They are about 32-inch long by rather more than 3-inch broad. 129. WRYNECK—(Yune torquilla). Cuckoo’s-mate, Emmet-hunter, Snake-bird, Long-tongue.—A 94 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS, dear little bird is the Wryneck, with his cheery spring-announcmg cry. We willingly pardon its want of melody for its associations. The marvellous rapidity with which its tongue is darted out and retracted, enabling it by the aid of the glutinous secretion with which its end is furnished to secure an Ant at every action, is highly interesting as illustrating another of the wonderful and beautiful adaptations provided by the Divine Artificer of all. The Wryneck makes scarcely any nest (if any), but lays its eggs on the fragments of decayed wood which line a hole in a tree. They are from six to ten in number, and white and glossy, and about the same size as those of the Barred Wood-pecker. The ‘ old bird is singularly unwilling to leave her eggs under any intrusion, and tries by such means as hissing sharply, elevating her crest and contorting her neck, to intimidate or deter the intruder. IT.—CERTHIAD &. 130. CREEPER—(Certhia familiaris). Tree-creeper, Tree-climber.—A_ shy, gentle-seeming little bird, shunning observation, and, with the rest of its neighbours in our catalogue, possessing a singular facility of quietly and rapidly shifting its place on the trunk or limb of a tree, so as always to interpose an efficient screen between its own minute body and the eye of any passer-by. Its claws, sharp and long and curved, aided by its long and pointed tail-feathers, are its chief machinery in these facile motions. It builds its nest, generally speaking, in a hole in a tree, with only a very minute aperture. Sometimes, though I think rarely, the nest is outside the tree, but screened from observation by some casual dislodgement of the bark, or in some similar way. It is made of dry grass, small twigs, shreds of moss, with a lining of feathers. It is very hard to distinguish WREN. 95 between the eggs of the Creeper, which number from six to nine, and those of the Blue Tit-mouse and the Willow-wren, not to mention one or two other small birds. The illustration will give a better idea of the egg than many lines of description.—Fig. 16, plate IV. 131. WREN—(Zroglodytes vulgaris). Jenny Wren, Kitty Wren, Titty Wren, Cutty Wren —A kind of natural pet with every one. I scarcely ever remember to have spoken of the Wren, or heard others speak of it, without some gentle, loving epithet applied to its name. The provincial names quoted are instances of what I mean, and how often the words “poor,” “little,” “tiny,” and even “dear,” are jomed to the prefixes of Jenny, or Kitty, or Titty. Its little song, its seeming incapacity to bear the rude buffets of storm and cold, its quiet peculiar movements, all tend to commend it to our kindly notice. And then the beautiful nest it makes—such a great pile for such a tiny builder—and so compact and warm and wonderfully concealed by the use of the nicest adaptations of materials and design to the site selected,—this makes us almost respectfully admire, in addition to our love. I have found it on the moss- covered bank, on the moss-covered trunk of a tree, in thatch, in a haulm wall; but wherever it is found, the adjacent substances are made to help the concealment. One would think that when strength and ability, seemingly so inadequate, had been so heavily tasked as is implied in the construction of such a nest, the little birds would not be likely to leave it, especially with the building of another in immediate prospect. But I have not found it so in practice. A very trifling enlargement of the single orifice, or straining of the fabric, in the effort to send the finger to the bottom of the nest, is quite sufficient to cause the nest to be deserted; especially if the Wrens owning it have 96 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. once or more been disturbed when in it, or very nearit. When the young ones are hatched, the case is altered. The eggs are often from six to nine or ten in number, and I have heard of even more. They are white, with almost always a few pale red spots about them. The male is said to feed the female during the period of closest incubation. Many other birds certainly have *he same habit, even when the mate has left the nest just to stretch her wings, as it were. I have seen the Common Linnet do this.—Fvg. 17, plate IV. 132. HOOPOE—(Upupa epops.) A casual visitor only, but still not so rare that specimens are not obtained almost every year. In fact, the whole appearance of the bird is so very striking, that it is scarcely possible such a visitor shouJd pass without notice. It breeds in several Huropean countries. 133, NUT-HATCH—(Sitéa Europea). Nut-jobber, Wood-cracker.—A very beautiful bird to my eye, with his bright slate-coloured back, and orange breast, and black bill; and a very great pet in former days. I hada pair which had never known a day of constraint, but which, by patient feeding and care to make them fearless of me, became so tame as almost to take food from my hand; to take it readily when I jerked it a foot or two into the air. And they would always come to my signal for them—a few blows on the tree at which I fed them. But they never suffered their young to come to the feast I provided, and always absented themselves for about a month at the breeding time. The nest is, I believe, always made in the hole of a tree, and if the aperture to the hollow is too large, the bird is apt to lessen it by the application of a sort of mud-plaster to some portions of the edge. The nest is CUCKOO. 97 rather a contrast to that of the little Wren just named, being little more than a loose heap of moss, small twigs, and chips of bark and wood. The eggs are five or six and sometimes, it is said, seven in number, white, with some pale-red spots. Many of them are very like the Larger Titmouse’s.—f7g. 18, plate IV. TIT.—CUCULID. 184. CUCKOO—(Cuculus canorus.) Gowk.—Have you heard the Cuckoo yet? How often that question is asked by one’s friends or neighbours in the country. Hearing the first Cuckoo and seeing the first Swallow are always events to true lovers of country scenes and objects and sounds. But what a strange instinct it is which forbids our Cuckoo to build a nest, and instructs it to lay its egg—at least to place it—in some other bird’s nest, and that bird usually not one-fifth its own size! A Blackbird’s nest is sometimes selected to receive the deposit, but very rarely compared with the Hedge Sparrow’s, the Lark’s, the Meadow Pipit’s, the Water Wagtail’s, or the Chaffinch’s. How many eggs are laid by a single Cuckoo in a season, is, L think, not ascertained. It is, however, a very rare circumstance to find more than one Cuckoo’s egg in any given nest, and then open to great doubtif both were placed there by the same Cuckoo. It is a matter of dispute how the ege is actually deposited in the nest selected; whether “laid” in, or placed in—after being dropped on the ground suppose— by the bill or claws. I found one in the Meadow Pipit’s nest mentioned above (p. 69), where the position and site of the nest were such as to leave no doubt whatever in my mind that the egg could not possibly have been “laid” in the nest; and almost certainly inserted by aid of the beak. How the Cuckoo H 98 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS.. found such a nest at all, was a marvel tome. The eggs are very small for the size of the bird which produces them, and strongly resemble some of the darker and more closely freckled specimens of the House Sparrow’s egg, but are rather larger -in size; while Mr. Doubleday says some of them resemble those of the Pied Wagtail—ig. 19, plate 1V. 135. YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO—(Coccyzus Americanus). A rare visitor only. GROUP IV. FISSIROSYRES. FAMILY l—MEROPIDA. 136. ROLLER—(Coracius garrula). Garrulous Roller.—Very rarely met with in England. 137. BEE-EATER—(Werops apiaster). An African bird, which strays occasionally so far to the north as to reach Britain, and be claimed as a British Bird. IT.—_HALCYONID 2. 188. KINGFISHER—(Alcedo ispida). Beyond doubt, as far as exceeding brilliancy of plumage goes, ‘the most beautiful of our indigenous birds. I have never seen it in any part of the kingdom a numerous bird, though in my fish- ing and other excursions in Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk, and Here- fordshire, I used to see many pairs ; each, however, domiciled at some distance from its nearest neighbours. In the district of North Yorkshire I am best acquainted with I have never seen it. Its straight, arrow-like, speeding flight is sure to be remembered, when once seen, and so is the odour inseparable from its nest- hole or other stated haunt. A hole, sloping upwards, in the bank of the water it most frequents, whether pond, stream, SWALLOW. 99 marsh, ditch, or large river, is usually chosen to receive the nest, which is often a foot and a half, or two feet from the entrance; but sometimes the bird has been known to resort to a hole at some distance from any water. The nest, so called, seems to be constituted of small fish-bones, ejected from the King-fisher’s stomach, and the dry soil of the hole, while the eggs deposited in it are five or six in number, very round in form, beautifully white when blown, and though, from the thinness of the shell, seeming to have a pink hue before the removal of the yolk. IIT.—HIRUNDINID A. 139. SWALLOW—(Hirundo rustica). Common Swallow, House Swallow, Chimney Swallow, Barn Swallow.—One of the most welcome of all our spring visitors; and so frequently coming back, the self-same pair of birds appa- rently, to the self-same nest, that they seem to be almost like members of the family returning from a temporary absence. The common name, Chimney Swallow, is, however, rather a misno- mer. No doubt they build in chimneys freely and frequently, but in many districts the chimney is quite untenanted by any Swallows, while the open roofs of sheds and barns, the under side of bridges sufficiently flat and uneven to afford the necessary support, disused shafts of mines, and the like, and even parts of unused rooms, or articles of furniture in such rooms, are resorted to. These nests are very considerably different from those of the Martin (to be noticed next), inasmuch as they are always com- pletely open above, being so built that there is a sensible space between the greater portion of the edge of the plaster-work of the nest, and the roof or other surface above; while in the case of the Martin’s nest, it is always built so as to be closed above by the eaves or other ledge to which it is affixed, requiring a gap or H 2 LOU BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. lip—so to speak—to be left in the wall to afford ingress and ° egress to the owners. The nest, in either case, is built with many pellets of soft tenacious earth, wrought into form with bits of straw or grass, and afterwards lined with feathers. It is observable that no more work at the nest is done ina day than will readily harden enough to bear the requisite additions of materials above, when the time comes for making them. There are usually four, five, or six eggs laid; white, speckled and spotted with deep red, and a lighter duller shade.—/%y. 20, plate IV. 140. MARTIN—(Hirundo urbica). Martlet, Martin Swallow, House Martin, Window Martin Eaves Swallow, Window Swallow.—This familiar little bird. whose cheeping note in the nests above our chamber windows is one of the sounds we should sorely miss, frequents the dwellings of men quite as much as, I think more than, the Swallow. Every one knows where to look for the Martin’s nest, and many a house can we all call to mind which seems, from some peculiarity in its site or external fashion, to be particularly affected by these birds —and certainly, in most cases, the inmates of the house take rouch care to save their confiding feathered friends from disturb- ance. In many places, however, the Martin forms large nesting colonies, which take possession of a series of overhanging ledges on some steep rocky face, and there build their nests in great numbers. In Berwickshire, on the banks of the Whiteadder, I knew of such a colony, and others elsewhere: the principal ones, however, being on the rock-bound coast between St. Abb’s Head and Burnmouth. Hundreds of these birds nested in several different places upon those lofty precipices. No description of the nest itself—beyond what was said in the notice of the Swal- low—seems requisite. The number of eggs, which are perfectly white, seems seldom to exceed six. PLATE VIII 1 Heron wo Bittern, 3. Curlew, 4. Redshauk, 5. Commen Sandpiper. 6, Rulf f Py + | ‘ - SWIFT. : 101 141. SAND MARTIN—(Hirundo riparia). Bank Martin, Pit Martin, Sand Swallow, Bank Swallow, River Swallow.—This delicate little visitor comes to us in the spring, often very early, from Africa, as do also the two others of the genus just named. Where it does occur—and it is generally diffused—it is often seen in very large numbers. A Ballast Pit at * Fingrinchoe, in Essex, is occupied by the most numerous colony I am acquainted with; and a site afforded by the surface beds of sand and soil above a steep scarp of rock on Tweed-bank, nearly opposite Norham Castle, used to accommodate another colony. Some of the holes are bored toa very great depth. I haveenlarged » the orifice of many till it would admit my whole shoulder, and have then been unable to reach the termination of the gallery. Others are much shorter, and admitting of more easy access to the nest. The female will, notwithstanding the noise and violence attending the enlargement of the aperture of her nest-hole, sit resolutely on, and allow herself to be taken in the hand with scarcely a struggle or sign of resistance—even of life, sometimes. One I took thus a year or two since lay in my open hand for a minute or more, and then at last flew only leisurely away. A little loose, soft straw, with some feathers, serves to receive the eggs, which are four to six in number, often much elongated in shape, of the most delicate white, and beautifully pink, from the thinness of the shell, before they are blown. 142. PURPLE MARTIN—(Hirundo purpurea). American Purple Martin.—Only a very casual visitor. 143. SWIFT—(Cypselus apus). Deviling, Black Martin, Screech, Screech Martin, Shriek Owl Screamer, Squeaker, Skeer or Skir-devil, Cran.—I should think no one who has once seen this bird on the wing, and noticed its rapid, . 3102. BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. peculiar, powerful, long-winged, whirling flight, or heard itsremark- able scream, would ever be likely to mistake when hesawit again. It is most frequently seen at no great distance from some old tower of castle or church, or such like building, although at times it ‘seems to range far in search of food. It makes its nest of pieces of soft straw, bents or grass or hay and feathers, and usually in holes in the buildings aforesaid, or between the tiles and under- * roof of houses; and the nest once made is supposed to be used for many years in succession by the same pair of birds. It some- times seems as if it had been cemented together in some way. The Swift often lays only two eggs, but has been known to pro- duce three, and even four. They are quite white, and rather large for the size of the bird. 144, ALPINE SWIFT—(Cypselus Alpinus). White-bellied Swift.—A bird which is known to have visited us on some half dozen occasions or so. TV.—CAPRIMULGIDZ. 145. NIGHT-JAR—(Caprimulgus Europeus). Night Hawk, Goat-sucker, Dor Hawk, Fern Owl, Night Crow, Jar Owl, Churn Owl, Wheel-bird, Eve-churr, Night-churr, Puck- eridge.—Far more familiar to many of the comparatively few among country-dwellers who notice such matters, is the Night- jar by sound than by sight. Coming from its retirement but very little and very reluctantly by day, and only pursuing its prey towards and during twilight, it is not by any means an obtrusive bird; as little so, indeed, as any one of the Owls. But its loud churring or jarring note, as it wheels round a tree or clump of trees, is often enough heard by many a one to whom its form and size and plumage are nearly or utterly strange. It is, perhaps, most frequently met with where patches of furze and RING DOVE. ~— 103 fern on open commons, not too far from the neighbourhood of plantations, occur. The Night-jar can hardly be said to make a nest; but lays two eggs in any slight natural depression of the ground which she can find sufficiently near a bush or clump of whins to be at least partly concealed by it. The eggs are very oval in shape, and very beautifully mottled and clouded and ’ veined with varying tints of blueish lead-colour and brown, on a whitish ground.—fig. J, plate VT. a III.—RASORHES. FAMILY I—COLUMBIDA. 146. RING DOVE—(Columba paluimbus). Wood Pigeon, Ring Pigeon, Cushat, Cushie Doo, Queest.— This, the first bird in the new Order of Rasores, is tolerably well known to every one the least acquainted with ordinary country scenes and objects. A fine, handsome bird, met with every- where throughout the country, and, in many parts of it, seen in very large flocks in the winter time; sure to attract attention, also, as we walk through the wood, by the loud ringing clap of his wings as he takes flight; and all this independently of his plaintive murmur in the breeding season, sounding very sweet and mellow as heard from a little distance—the Wood Pigeon, or Queest, or Cushat, as he is named in different districts, is as prominent among wild birds as the parson of the parish among his parishioners. The young birds are frequently taken from the nest and reared by hand; and the bold, fearless, confiding fami- liarity of such pets, considering their extreme native shyness and wildness, is remarkable. The Ring Dove makes its rude plat- form nest of sticks, with a cushion of roots to receive the eggs. in bushes standing singly or in hedges or woods, in pollard trees, in holly or other thick trees, in evergreens in gardens, and the 104 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. like; and nothing is more common than to see the parent birds frequenting the garden and close vicinity of a country-house, aumost as tamely as if they were a pair of common or house Pigeons. The eggs seem to be invariably very oval in shape, and purely white. They are 14 inch long, by 2 inch broad. 147. STOCK DOVE—(Columba enas). Stock Pigeon, Wood Pigeon, Wood Dove.—This Dove is not only, generally speaking, much less abundant throughout the coun- try than the Ring Dove, but very often, it would seem, confounded with it by casual observers, who only notice the several birds from a distance, or on the wing. They frequent the same roost- ing-places, and often feed in the same field, though probably on different species of food. I have shot birds of both species at the same discharge of the gun, and have noticed the different matters which had supplied their meals of the day,—Holly- berries, in the case of the Ring Dove; wild mustard-seed, in the other. The Stock Dove is, however, immediately and easily dis- tinguishable from the Ring Dove, by its lesser size, a slight diffe- rence in colour, and the entire absence of the “ring” of white feathers on the neck. Its nest is placed sometimes on pollard trees, sometimes in open holes or hollows in old trees; and very commonly, in some districts, either on the ground below thick furze-bushes, or in deserted rabbit-burrows, two or three feet distant from the entrance. The nest is very slight, consisting merely of a few twigs or roots. The eggs are two in numbers pure white, about or rather exceeding 14 inch in length, by 12 inch in breadth. ROCK-DOVE—(Columba livia). Wild Pigeon, Rock Pigeon, Wild Dove, Doo, Rockier.—This Pigeon has usually, until not long since, been confused with the TURTLE DOVE. . 105 Stock Dove. But their plumage is unlike, their voice unlike, ard especially their habits and living and breeding haunts unlike. It is believed with some certainty, that the Rock Dove is the real origin of the Domestic Pigeon, and certainly any one who has seen the large flight of Domestic Pigeons turned wild, which frequent the caverns in the rock-bound coast near St. Abb’s Head and similar localities, living with, flying with, feeding with, and nesting with the undoubted wild Rockier, can entertam but very small doubts on the subject. The Rock Dove makes a loose nest of twigs and plant-stems and dry grass; very often far back in holes and crevices of the rock; and lays two-white eggs, with a much better defined “ hig end” and “little end’ than in the case of the two Pigeons last named. 149. TURTLE DOVE—(Columba turtur.) Turtle, Common Turtle, Ring-necked Turtle, Wrekin Dove.— Only a summer visitor and not a regular inhabitant, like its three predecessors. It is long since, living where I do, I have heard its sweet, plaintive note. No one but one who loves birds and then ways can tell how real a deprivation it is to live for years out of sound of the sweet and familiar voices of such as are only local, the Nightingale for instance, the Turtle, and many others. The male Turtle Dove is a very handsome bird, but much shier and more retiring at breeding-time than the Ring Dove. The nest is a light platform of sticks, easily permitting the sky to be seen through it from below, and usually placed high up in a holly, a thick bush in a wood, in the branches of a fir, or the lesser fork of some limb of an oak or other forest tree. As with the other Doves, the eggs are two in number, quite white, about 12 inch long, by £ broad. 150. PASSENGER PIGHEON—(Lefopistes magratorius). Every bird-loving boy, beyond doubt, has heard of this Pigeon 106 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. and the inconceivable vastness of the flocks in which they pass from one distant district to another in America. Here it is only a casual visitor, and can lawfully lay claim to none of our limited space. IT.— PHASTIANID&. 151. PHEASANT—(Phasianus Colchicus). I dare say ‘“‘a good few” of our readers if they were asked “Do you know the Pheasant ?” might answer, “ Yes, very well. We had some for dinner, such and such a day.” And I have no doubt the acquaintance was satisfactory enough—at least to one of the parties. The Pheasant does not pair, and on the preserved estates in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire I have frequently seen in the spring large groups of Cock Pheasants collected and con- sorting together without the intermixture of a single hen. Ina vast many places now an artificial system of Pheasant-breeding is adopted, three or four hens with one male being turned into a large paled ‘ apartment,” well netted in, the whole establishment comprising many such apartments. Hach hen lays double or treble the number of eggs she would if suffered to run wild, and these are collected daily and placed under hens ready to sit as soon as a sufficient number is got together. In this way twice or three times the number of young ones is secured from one hen as compared with her own greatest success in bringing off a brood in the woods. In her wild state, the Pheasant makes scarcely any nest, on the ground, and lays ten or twelve eggs, of a uniform pale olive-brown shade. Not only are cases in which two Pheasants lay in the same nest of by no means unfrequent occurrence, but others even, in which Pheasants’ eggs have been found in Par- tridges’ nests. Many instances are on record of the Pheasant mter-breeding with other birds, such as the Guinea Fowl, the BLACK GROUSE. 107 Black Grouse, and the Common Fowl. The cross last named is by no means uncommon, and a remarkably fine male specimen of the produce of a Cock Pheasant and Speckled Hamburg Hen oceurred here (one of four birds which were hatched) a few years since. The Pheasant’s tail and head and general shape as well as fashion of feathers (with access of size) were united to the shades and markings of the plumage of the mother. The bird in question was so inveterate in his visits to the neighbouring farm-yard in order to challenge the Cocks who dwelt there, and so sure to kill them outright, or maim or maul them so severely that they had to be killed, that it became necessary to put him out of the way himself, and his present memorial is his remarkably well-stuffed skin.—Fig. 2, plate VI. TII.—TETRAONID &. 152. CAPERCAILLIE—(Zeétrao urogallus). Cock of the Woods, Wood Grouse, Cock of the Mountain, Great Grouse, Capercailzie, Capercally—An indigenous inhabi- tant of this country, but one which had become, or was becoming, extinct, a few years ago. Now it is becoming comparatively abundant again on the estates of several large and noble owners, principally in Scotland. It is indeed a very noble bird, and well worthy the care and attention and expense which have been devoted to the attempt to re-establish it. The female makes her nest on the ground, and lays from six to ten or twelve eggs. These are of a pale reddish-yellow brown, spotted all over with two shades of darker crange brown.—Jig. 3, plate VI. 153. BLACK GROUSE—(Zetrao tetriz). Black Cock, Black Game, Heath Cock, Heath Poult, and the female, Grey Hen; sometimes Brown Hen.—Still found in some districts out of the north of England, where wild and hilly forest 108 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. still remains, but of much more frequent occurrence in more northerly localities. In fact, the gradual and very complete demolition of the last remains of what were once very extensive forests has completely banished the Black Grouse from places where it used to be common within the memory of living men. It is a very handsome bird, and like the Capercailly and the Pheasant, does not pair. The hen makes a very slight nest on the ground, and lays in it seven to nine or ten eggs, of a some- what less warm ground-shade than those last named, but with larger and brighter-coloured spots and blotches.—/g. 4, plate VI. 154. RED GROUSE—(Lagopus Scoticus.) Red Ptarmigan, Red Game, Moor Game, Muir-fowl, Moor- bird.—A beautiful bird indeed, and peculiar to the British Islands. The Grouse moors, however, are mainly confined to the northern counties of England and Scotland. In the district in which this is written the Grouse may be truly said to abound, and I hear them continually from my garden or open window.* These birds do pair, and pair very early indeed moreover, I have frequently seen them in pairs before the season for killing them, which expires on December 10, is fully out. Ifthe weather becomes severe this union often seems to be annulled; but I don’t think it is in reality. In the earlier spring, when the pairing is becoming general, many fierce battles among the males may be seen going on, and very resolute and lengthened and circuitous flights of one in pursuit of another occur. The nest is very slight, of ling and bents chiefly, and usually well concealed in a tuft of heather. From six or seven up to twelve or fifteen eges are said to be laid, but I should say that the highest average, judging from the number of young birds in a brood, very rarely * For a detailed series of observations on the habits, &¢., of the Grouse, see “Sketches in Natural History,” Routledge & Co. COMMON PARTRIDGE. 109 much exceeds eight or nine. The eggs are very beautiful and richly coloured, but vary exceedingly in both ground-colour and markings, even those found in the same nest, Some are of a yellowish shade, and others of a blood-stain red, mottled and blotched with rich umber brown, and the paler ones with shades of light-brown.— Fig. 5, plate VT. 155. PTARMIGAN—(Lagopus vulgaris). White Grouse, Rock Grouse, White Game—Only found now among the rocky tops of the highest hills and mountains in the centre and north of Scotland. It is the smallest species o Grouse in Britain, andits plumage varies greatly with the season, becoming nearly pure white in winter. It lays seven to ten eggs frequently on the bare stones. They are of a yellowish ground- colour, blotched and spotted (slightly so as compared with the eges of the Red Grouse) with rich dark brown. 156. COMMON PARTRIDGE—(Perdiz cinerea). Much too familiar a bird by appearance, voice and flavour to require any very lengthened notice from us. The Partridge pairs pretty early—by the end of January, often—and once paired they never separate again throughout the season. At pairing time the cocks fight fiercely, and I have sometimes seen, and even in my garden here, three or four engaged in the conflict, with another, probably the female “apple of discord,’ sitting quietly by the while. I have seen the male, too, in the evening, when summoning his newly-married wife, stand on the top of one of our stone walls and call repeatedly. The nest is made on the ground in afield of grass or corn, or on a dry hedge bank, or at the foot of a wall among the long grass, and consists of little but a slight depression in the ground, with a few dead leaves and bents. The number of eggs varies between eight or ten and 110 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. twenty. But it is no uncommon thing for two Partridges to lay in the same nest, and an instance came to my knowledge two or three years since, in which a Red-legged Partridge had laid several eggs in a Common Partridge’s nest. When two birds ' lay together thus, the covey sometimes amounts to thirty or thirty-five birds. I knew one instance of forty, about three years since. The male Partridge is known to help his mate, when the hatch is drawing on, by sitting at her side and covering some of the eggs. When there are two layings in the same nest, it is an interesting question whether the two hens sit together, or the criginal owner of the nest is simply assisted by her mate. The young birds are able to run and “ fend for themselves” almost as soon as they are hatched. The eggs are of a uniform pale olive- brown hue.—f7g. 6, plate VT. 157. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE—(Perdiz rufa). French Partridge, Guernsey Partridge.—A much more striking bird in appearance than the Common Partridge, and said also to be a powerful enemy to it. Certainly, in districts where it has been encouraged and preserved, it seems to have prevailed to the comparative exclusion of the indigenous species. It is sup- posed to have been first introduced about the time of Charles II. For long it seems to have increased and spread but very slowly, but now there are many districts of the south where it is exceed- ingly abundant. These birds form a slight nest of dry bents and leaves upon the ground, amid some growing crop of grass or corn. Instances, however, have been asserted in which the nest was a good deal elevated above the ground, as on the top of a stack. The eggs, very hard-shelled, are from ten to fifteen or sixteen’ in number, of a cream colour, well spotted with small speckles of reddish or cinnamon brown.—Lvg. 7, plate VI. 4 GREAT BUSTARD. - lil 158. QUAIL—(Coturniz vulgaris). The quail is believed, in some rare instances, to stay with us all the year, but is usually only a summer visitant, not coming in any great numbers. In some countries its migratory hosts are so great that one hundred thousand are said to have been taken inaday. In its appearance, the quail strongly reminds one of the Partridge, and suggests the idea that itself is only a diminu- tive bird of that species. They do not, however, pair, and their nests are met with in many parts of the kingdom. Two years since it was believed that at least two broods were reared on certain lands in Moorsholm, in North Yorkshire. A _ small depression in the ground is made, or found, and loosely lined with bits of grass and dry stalks. Seven to ten, or possibly yet more eggs, are laid, presenting much variety of appearance, but usually of a faint cream-coloured ground, mottled and clouded in some cases with red brown, and in others spotted with dark hrown spots, some of considerable size.—Fig. 8, plate VI. TV.—STRUTHIONID &. 159. GREAT BUSTARD—(0Ofis tarda). This noble bird, once abundant enough on our wide plains and wolds in England, is now, I fear, almost extinct among us, as so far as I am aware no very recent* capture of it has been an- nounced. It used, before the gun became so common and*so fatal to birds of much interest to the ornithologist or others, to be customarily pursued with greyhounds. These birds do not pair, and their nest is said to be a mere natural saucer-shaped hole in the bare ground. The eggs are seldom more than two, or at most three, in number, and are of an olive-green ground, * Since this was written, one mstance has occurred, 112 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS, blotched and spotted with two or three shades of brown, lighter and darker. 160. LITTLE BUSTARD—(Otis tetraz). Only a casual, and not a summer visitor. TV.—GRALLATORES. FAMILY I—CHARADRITD A. 161. CREAM-COLOURED COURSER—(Cursorius Isabellinus). A very rare bird indeed. 162. GREAT PLOVER—(@dicnemus crepitans). Stone Curlew, Norfolk Plover, Whistling Plover, Stane Plover, Thick-knee.—The Stone Curlew is a summer visitor, and strictly a local one. The Nightingale, for instance, is very much more extensively diffused than the bird just named. It is found abundantly enough on the wide sandy plains of Norfolk, and I used to hear it very commonly in the fields a few miles to the north-west of Bury St. Edmunds. Besides the counties just named, it is met with in parts of Hssex and Kent, in Hampshire, and Cambridgeshire, and two or three others. Its peculiar shrill ery or whistle, once heard, is not likely to be forgotten. The female lays two eggs on the bare ground, among white-coated flints and stones. -An idea of their ground-colour may be given by the mention of what the painters call stone-colour, in pale shades, and this is streaked and spotted, or marbled, with dark brown.—fiig. 1, plate VII. 162.* PRATINCOLE—(Glareola torquata). Collared Pratincole, Austrian Pratincole.—A bird of sufficiently rare occurrence in this country, and remarkable as having caused some degree of perplexity and dispute among naturalists as to the position it should occupy in the general system or classifica- ate GOLDEN PLOVER. = 113; « “ s w tion of the Bird-family. Mr. Yarrell (in whose first edition 1t appears at the head of the Rail-family) says—“ The Pratincole has been arranged by some authors with the Swallows, by ethers near the Rails; but I believe, with Mr. Selby, that it ouglit to be included in the family of the Plovers; and had I known its Plover-like habits and eggs sooner, I should have arranged it between Cursorius and Charadrius.” To this Mr. Hewitson adds—“ Besides the similarity of their habits, the fact of this species laying four eggs is a further link to connect it with the Charadriide.” It is, however, much too rare—besides being known not to breed in Britain—to have any claim on our limited space for description of its nest or eggs. 163. GOLDEN PLOVER—(Charadrius pluvialis). Yellow Plover, Green Plover, Whistling Plover.—It has some- times been an object to me to obtain specimens of this bird in its breeding-plumage, and it is scarcely possible to imagine a stronger contrast than that presented by the male in his May dress and six or eight months later. All the glossy black of neck and breast has entirely disappeared long before the latter period. I have occasionally seen a single pair or two, very early in the year, separating themselves from the great flock of some scores ; and in the female of one such pair which I shot some few years since (the next shot: killing five out of a very large flock at no great distance), I found an egg quite ready for extrusion, and which from the depth of its colouring, would probably have been laid in the-course of a few hours at most. The hen-bird makes a very slight nest, and lays just four eggs in it, seldom either more or less. They are of a large size for the bird, of a fair stone-colour, well blotched and spotted with very dark or blackish brown. After sitting eight or ten days the bird becomes very reluctant to leave her nest, and will suffer herself to be almost I i 14 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. trodden on rather. The young ones, awkward-looking mottled yellow and brown puff-balls on stilts, run fast and well soon after they are hatched, and do not speedily acquire the use of those wings which, after a time, are to be so strong and swift. Very jealous too, are the parents as long as their young are only runners, and very plaintive is their incessant piping if you or your dog approach too near their place of concealment.—%y. 2, plate VII, 164. DOTTEREL—(Charadrius morinellus) . Dottrel or Dotterel Plover, Foolish Dottrel.—This is a sum- mer visitor to our country, and in many localities where it used to be abundant, or at least common, it is now rare or almost unknown. ‘This is the case on parts at least of the York- shire Wolds, as well as in the Lake district. They are sought after by the Fly-fisher and by the Ornithologist and by the . Epicure, and from their exceedingly simple and unsuspicious habits they fall easy victims before the fowling-piece of modern days. The female makes no nest, but lays her customary three egos ina slight cavity on the ground near high mountain tops, where some tall-growing moss or other mountain herbage facili- tates concealment. The eggs are of an olivaceous hue, spotted plentifully with very dark brown or brownish-black. __ 165. RINGED PLOVER—(Charadrius hiaticula). Ringed or Ring Dottrel—A very pretty shore-bird, of inter- esting habits, and not infrequent, especially in winter, on many parts of the British coast. In quiet parts, where large expanses of sand or shingle, or even mud, are left by the receding tide, it may be seen in numbers. It seems to make no nest :—the eggs are laid on the sand, and often at avery considerable distance from the sea; as, for instance, on the warrens in Norfolk and Suffolk. They are four in number, very large in proportion to LAPWING. 115 the size of the bird, possessing the peculiar pointed shape of the eggs of the entire class of birds we are now among, and of a watm cream-colour, spotted and streaked with black. The parent birds try hard to lead the casual intruder away from the vicinity of their young.— fg. 3, plate VII. 166. KENTISH PLOVER—(Charadrius Cantianus). Seldom obtained very far from the southern coasts of England, and not appearing to be a very plentiful bird even there. In habits, it strongly resembles the Ring Plover just named. The female makes no nest, but lays her four eggs in a slight hollow on sand or shingle, which strongly resemble some of the lighter- coloured examples of the eggs of the last-named species.—Lig. 4, plate VII. 167. LITTLE RINGED PLOVER—(Charadrius minor). A very rare British Bird. 168. GREY PLOVER—(Sqwatarola cinerea). A bird which has never been ascertained to breed in England, although specimens in the dark-breasted May plumage have been seen in the London Markets, and observed by Mr. Selby in the © Farne {slands, in June. It is not uncommon as a winter visitor, though even then nothing like so numerous as the Golden Plover in its winter visits to districts in which it does not breed. The eggs are said to be in colour “oil green, spotted with different shades of umber brown; the spots, crowded and confluent round the obtuse end.” : 169. LAPWING—(Vanellus cristatus). Pewit or Peewit, Te-wit, Teu-fit, Green Plover, Bastard Plover, Green Lapwing, Crested Lapwing—Another of those birds which are familiar to almost everyone who is not a mere casual visitor to the country, or quite deaf and blind to its commonest sounds and sights. It is a very universally diffused 12 116 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIK EGGS AND NESTS. bird, even in those districts where it does not statedly breed. It nests not only on commons and heaths aud the wide moor, but in the fields and inclosures; and round my present residence I have many yearly evidences that there are half-a-dozen nests within the limits of a short half-mile which intervenes between me and the moors. The female constructs scarcely :any nest, properly so called, but makes or more likely avails herself of a ready-made slight cavity on the surface of the ground, with a sufficiency of some kind of herbage to serve as covert. ‘The female’s habits in connection with the nest and eggs are different from the male’s. She slips off on the approach of a visitor, and runs very silently and quietly away to some distance before taking wing ; 4e hastens up on rapid, sounding, whirling wing, and cries and dashes and _ wheels above and around the cause of alarm in a very remarkable manner. The Peewit lays four eggs, of large size and acutely pointed at the lesser end, and like so many others of the class, often arranged-so as to occupy the least possible space, by having their points all turned inward. They are of a darkish olive-dun ground, abundantly blotched and spotted with brown and black. These eggs are much sought after as delicacies for the table. They are boiled hard and served cold, and when the shell is removed they have quite a jelly-like appearance. But very few of the eggs, however, sold in the market as “ Plovers’- eggs,” are sometimes recognised by the oologist as having been laid by the Lapwing.—f%g. 5, plate VII. 170. TURNSTONE—(Strepsilas tnterpres). Hebridal Sandpiper.—Found on many parts of our coast either in small parties, or one or two together, from September all through the winter. In the spring it leaves us to go to the north for breeding objects, but has never been recognised as me Ps ee 4 forsee + ial “hit he ae Cate £4 oe + PLATE hy if bai ] Rh 1. Woodcock. 2. Common Snipe. 3. Dunlin. 4, Land-rail. 5. Spotted Crake. 6. Water-rail 7%. Moorhen. 8. Coot. * OYSTER-CATCHER. ~ 1 nesting within the limits of the British Islands. We cannot therefore notice its nest and eggs in this place. 171. SANDERLING—(Calidris arenaria). Common Sanderling, Sanderling Plover—Like the bird last named, a by no means unusual visitant to most parts of our coasts, and sometimes met with also at the edge of large pieces of fresh water, but never known hitherto to have bred with us. It is found associating most commonly, though in small parties for the most part, with the Dunlin, and other similar shore- haunting birds. 172. OYSTER-CATCHER—(Hematopus ostralegus). Pied Oyster-catcher, Shelder, Sea-Pie, Olive-—A very beautiful and well-known dweller on our sea-coasts, and wonderfully pro- vided by nature, too, with a suitable instrument for purveying its destined food. The bill of the Oyster-catcher is one of those natural objects which form each a study in themselves. Woe be to the oyster or mussel, however powerful its mechanism for closing its valves, if once the Oyster-catcher has found means to insert that natural weapon of his. Flattened sideways, and hard and strong as so much bone, its efficacy is so great that there can be scarcely a struggle for life on the part of the shell-fish. It runs well, and is even said to dive and swim with facility. I never saw this, though I have had them under my observation for hours together in former days. ButI know their shrill, rattling whistle, and their short uneasy flights, and restless paddlings up and down upon the ooze, when I have been among their haunts, well—and many a nest it used to be my lot to discover on some parts of some of the Essex Saltings. The eggs, usually three or four in number, are laid on the bare ground, sometimes in slight holes amid the Saltimg herbage above high-water mark; or 118 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. where there is shingle, in some cavity among its higher and coarser layers. They are cream-coloured, of varying shades of warmth, and blotched and spotted, or spotted and strongly streaked with very dark brown and some few touches of a lighter hue.—Fig. 6, plate VII. Il.—GRUIDZ. 173. CRANE—(Grus cinerea). A couple of centuries since it is not improbable the Crane may have—at least, occasionally—bred in this country; but now it is become a very rare and casual visitor. IIl.—ARDEID ZA. 174. COMMON HERON—(drdea cinerea). Hern, Heronshaw, Heronseugh.—It would have been no light matter once to have molested a Heron. Those birds were “ pre- served” with a strictness we scarcely can imagine even in these days of game-preserves. ‘They were the peculiar game of royal and noble personages. Now, however, the case is widely different, and probably not one Heron in a hundred can now be met with as compared with the days of falconry. It is a strange odd sight to see a Heron balancing himself on the topmost twig of some fir-tree, and succeeding after a few uneasy motions of body and wings in poising himself. The Heron sometimes breeds on precipitous rocks, but much more commonly on trees,-- generally trees of large size, and commonly oaks or firs. It is not a solitary builder, but like the Rook forms a community, and frequents the same tree or clump of trees through successive years for many generations. ach nest is of large size, and com- posed of sticks with a lining of wool. Four or five eggs are usually deposited, of an uniform pale green colour. A few nests are said to have been met with on the ground.—fvg. 1, plate VIII. LITTLE BITTERN. 119 175. PURPLE HERON—(4rdea purpurea). A few instances only of the occurrence of this bird in Britain have been recorded. 176. GREAT WHITE HERON—(érdea alba). White Heron, Great Egret——A rarer and more accidental visitor than even the bird last named. 177. LITTLE EGRET—(Ardea garzetta) Egret, Egret Heron, Little Egret Heron—There is good reason to believe that this bird may once, at a remote period, have been sufficiently common, or even abundant in England. Now, however, it is of exceedingly rare occurrence anywhere within the British seas. 179. BUFF-BACKED HERON—(4rdea russata). Red-billed Heron, Rufous-backed Egret, Little White Heron (the young).—An exceedingly rare bird, with perhaps scanty claim to be considered British at all. 180. SQUACCO HERON—(Ardea ralloides). Buff-coloured Egret.—A bird which has been met with in several of the counties in the southern half of England, and 1 believe more or less frequently in some of them. Still it is but a visitor, and, comparatively with many other not very common birds, a rare one; and, as certainly not breeding in our island possessing no claim upon us for lengthened notice here. 181. LITTLE BITTERN—(Botaurus minutus). It would seem that this bird is to be looked upon rather as a summer visitor to us; and Mr. Yarrell says of it, “Some, if not prevented, would probably have bred in this country.” Still, although the grounds for this opinion seem valid and conclusive, no actual instance of nidification here has ever been ascertained. 120 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. 182. COMMON BITTERN—(Botaurus stellaris). Mire Drum, Butter-bump, Bog-bumper, Bittour, Bumpy-coss, Bull-of-the-Bog, Bog-blutter, Bog-jumper.—Clearances and drain- age, and the onward strides of agriculture, and the gun, and the ‘pursuit of specimen-hunters and collectors have made this a rare species almost everywhere. It was common enough a century or two since; and many a fertile cornfield, which then was a seem- ingly hopeless marsh and bog, has resounded far and wide with the deep, booming, bellowing ery of the Bittern. Recorded instances even of its nesting here are becoming more and more rare and unusual, and ere long itis to be feared this beautifully plumaged bird will be among the things that “have been.” Its nest is composed of sticks, reeds and like matters, built on the ground, at no great distance from the water it frequents, and hid among the plentiful water-growth found at the edges of shallow standing waters. The eggs are three to five in number, of an uniform olive-brown colour.—Fig. 2, plate VIII. 183. AMERICAN BITTERN—(Botarus lentiginosus). A bird of rare and most accidental occurrence in England. "184. NIGHT HERON—(Wycticorax Gardeni.) Gardenian Heron, Spotted Heron, Night Raven—This bird claims to be a British Bird, masmuch as upwards of a dozen specimens have been met with here. But it does not breed with us, if indeed commonly at all in Europe. 185. WHITE STORK—(Ciconia alba). A much too conspicuous object not be noticed whenever its — visits have been paid to our shores. Accordingly, we find it had long been known as a visitor, though the instances of its occur- rence in the last generation or two are noticeably less frequent than in former days. As breeding abundantly in Holland, it would be strange if the Stork did not come to us sometimes. ¢ CURLEW. 12] 186. BLACK STORK—(Ciconia nigra). The Black Stork has occurred much more rarely than its white congener. 187. SPOON-BILL—(Platalea leucorodia). A bird which is said to have bred ia former days in our country, but which has certainly become, for a long time past, a mere visitor, and not a frequent one. ---: 188. GLOSSY IBIS—(Ldis fuleinellus). This visitor has been met with in late years, even in some small numbers. There was one about the moors in this district four or five years since, which I saw myself and heard of as seen in the same neighbourhood by others; and about the same time I noticed that birds of the same species had been observed in several other parts of Yorkshire, and elsewhere. Stillit is only a visitor, and a casual one. IV.—SCOLOPACID A. 189. CURLEW—(Numenius arquata). Whaup.—As commona bird as almost any along the whole of the British coasts. Sometimes singly and sometimes in groups of eight or ten, it may be seen along the line of oozy shores or the sandy flats which are laid bare by the receding tide. When the water is sufficiently high to cover all its feeding grounds, it betakes itself to some higher ground in the vicinity, to rest durmg those hours of inactivity in food-search. When removing from one place, or part of the coast, to another, it usually flies in long lines, which however scarcely maintain the same degree of accuracy as in the case of Wild Geese or other line-flying wild fowl. On the arrival of spring the Curlews leave the coast and retire to their breeding haunts in the hills of the extreme north of England. the highest {an Naw 122 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. moorlands of Scotland, and other similar places in more northerly latitudes yet. Its note once heard is sufficiently noticeable to be easily recognised on any future occasion. It makes a very care- less or rude nest, and lays four eggs which vary a good deal in > the depth of the ground-colour and the amount of their spots. It is pale greenish dun, varying to olive-green, and spotted with darker shades of green and dark-brown.—J%g. 3, plate VILL, 190. WHIMBREL—(Numenius pheopus). Whimbrel-Curlew, Curlew-Jack, Curlew-Knot, Half-Curlew, Jack-Curlew, Stone Curlew, Tang-Whaap.—No wonder it has the name of Half-Curlew, for it does most strongly resemble a diminutive Curlew in its plumage, shape, fashion of bill, haunts, and many of its habits. It is seen, in no great numbers, on many of our coasts in winter; but I have met with it on the Essex Saltings only in the early spring and previous to its retirement to the north to breed. It is difficult to assert positively that it frequents any part of the main British Island for that purpose ; but it is known to nest in both Orkney and Shetland. The nest is said by Dr. Fleming to be placed in exposed parts of a moor. ‘The eggs are four in number, and, though very much less in size very much like the darker varieties of the Curlew’s eggs. The | Whimbrel is probably a fast decreasing species. 191. SPOTTED RED-SHANK—(Totanus fuscus). Spotted Snipe, Dusky Sand-piper, Black-headed Snipe, Cour- and Snipe.—A bird which varies mnch in plumage according to season, being almost black in the summer,—but only an occa- sional visitor, and scarcely anything known certainly of its nest or breeding habits. 192. COMMON RED-SHANK—(Totanus calidris). Redshank Sandpiper, Teuke, Pool Snipe, Sand Cock, Red- legged Horseman, Red-legged Sandpiper.—One of the most GREEN SAND-PIPER. 123 familiar of all our birds to me in my youth. Many long days have I spent amid the haunts on the Essex Saltings. Their nests are very slightly constructed of a few bits of grass amidst a tuft of herbage, or in a small hole or cavity which is sheltered by some of the taller-growing marine plants. The eggs are usually four in number, occasionally but two or three, of a cream-colour (sometimes dashed with a somewhat warmer hue) spotted and ‘speckled with dark brown. The spots are less and more nume- rous than in the case of the Peewit’s egg. In the case of the last nest I found, about two years since, the old bird suffered me to walk within a yard of her before taking flight. When the young are newly hatched the parent birds betray excessive jea- lousy and anxiety at the approach of either man or dog to their resort. They have sometimes come and settled on the ground within two or three paces of me, and, at others, flown so directly towards me, as to suggest the possible intention of attacking me, piping most plaintively and incessantly the while. This conduct is designated by the term “mobbing,” on the Essex marshes. Fig. 4, plate VIII. 193. GREEN SAND-PIPER—(Totanus ochropus). It is supposed that a few of these birds may remain with us to breed; but far the greater part of those which are customa- rily seen about the sides of our smaller streams and ditches and canals, are known to return far to the north to produce their eges and young. I believe no authenticated instances of its nesting with us are known, but a few very young birds have been met with under circumstances which seemed to leave no doubt that they must have been hatched in the neighbourhood. The nest is said to be placed ‘on a bank, or among grass, on the side of a stream,” and the eggs, four in number, to be of a greenish 124 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. ground-colour, spotted with different shades of brown, light and dark, and with gray. 194. WOOD SAND-PIPER—(Totanus glareolz). - This Sand-Piper resembles the last in some degree, and the two have been sometimes looked upon as varieties of the same species. It is not by any means a frequently occurring visitor, though it seems to be admitted that it is more than probable it sometimes breeds in this country. Mr. Hoy’s account of its habits and nesting peculiarities, as observed by himself in Dutch Brabant, is quoted at length by both Mr. Yarrell and Mr. Hew- itson. He says, “ The nest is generally placed at a short distance from the water, among stunted heath, or scrubby plants of the Bog Myrtle, or among coarse grass and rushes. It is placed in a hollow, and formed of dry grass and other plants. The eggs are four in number.” “They are poimted in shape, of a pale greenish white, spotted and speckled, particularly over the broad end, with dark reddish brown.” 195. COMMON SAND-PIPER—(TZotanus hypoleuca). Summer Snipe, Willy Wicket, Sand Lark—A pretty little bird enough, and seeming to be pretty extensively diffused, though not a numerous species any where. It iscommonly see running briskly along by the water edge of streams or lakes, or perhaps flitting along as disturbed by your sudden invasion of its haunt. Unlike the Dipper, which may constantly be seen sitting quite still near the edge of the stream, the Summer Snipe is always in motion. It makes a very rude nest of dry grass in some hole in a bank not far from water, where the shelter and concealment of sufficient herbage is available, and lays in it four eges, which vary often in colour and spots but are usually of a yellowish-white, with blotches and spots of deep brown or ordinary brown. The eggs are sometimes laid on the bare AVOCET. 135 ground among shingle or collections of small pebbles.—Fig. 5, plate VIII. 196. SPOTTED SAND-PIPER—(Totanus macularius). A visitor, but one of the rarest and most casual of all our feathered visitors. 197. GREEN-SHANK—(Zotanus glottis). Cinerous Godwit, Green-legged Horseman.—I used to meet with it occasionally in the early autumn on the Essex Saltings, and remember thinking I had got a prize the first time I shot one, and noticed its slightly upturned bill. It is only rare as a species, and not known positively to breed any where much south of the Hebrides. The nest is said to be like that of the Golden Plover or Lapwing, consisting only of a few blades of grass or sprigs of ling, placed in a hollow in the soil. The eggs—like so very many of those characterised by the pyriform shape peculiar to the Grallatores—are placed with their pointed ends together in the middle, and are of a pale yellowish-green colour, spotted all over irregularly with dark brown with intermingled blotches of light purplish-grey ; the spots and blotches being more nume- rous at the larger end. 198. AVOCET—(Recurvirostra avocetta). Butterflip, Scooper, Yelper, Cobbler’s Awl, Crooked-bill, Cob- bler’s-Awl Duck.—Fast verging on extinction. In Sir Thomas Browne’s time it was not at all uncommon; but of late years but seldom recorded as having been “ obtained,” or met with. If only people weren’t so fond of “obtaining” our rare birds. But now-a-days, when every third person has a gun, the appear- ance of a “rare bird” is enough to set half a village off in pursuit, and the great object of hundreds throughout the country seems just to be to destroy the casual feathered visitor, however interesting it may be or whatever claims it might seem to possess 126 SKLTISH BIKDS, THELK EGGS AND NESTS. onour hospitality. The Avocet’s bill and plumage are enough to point it out for slaughter, and so, slaughtered it has beer. It used to breed in Sussex and Norfolk. “The nest is said to be a small hole in the drier parts of extensive marshes. The eges ate said to be only two in number, of a clay-coloured brown, spotted and speckled with black.” 199. BLACK-WINGED STILT—(Himantopus melanopterus). Long-legged Plover, Long-Legs, Long-Shanks, Stilt Plover.— Not so very uncommon as a visitor ; but still, strictly speaking, only accidental in its appearance here. 200. BLACK-TATLED GODWIT—(Limosa melanura). Red-Godwit Snipe, Jadreka Snipe, Red Godwit, Yarwhelp, Yarwhip, Shrieker.—Another of those birds which two or three generations back were exceedingly more abundant than now: proportionately esteemed, too, as an article of delicate fare in the days of its frequency, now little heard of, or perhaps thought of. But our forefathers thought many. things of the eatable sort good, which their descendants of 1861 had rather not sit down to. I rather think my young readers might not eat Porpoise or Heron either, with any great relish, not to speak of other matters about equally, or more questionably, “ good eating.” Both this species of Godwit and the one to be mentioned next are subject, like the Golden Plover, the Gray Plover, the Spotted Redshank, and many others yet to be named, to very great and striking changes of plumage in the breeding season. At all times they are handsome birds. The Black-Tailed Godwit is believed still to breed, however rarely, in England—in Norfolk and Cambridge- shire, in fact. The nest is found in marshy places, made of dry grass and the like, and more or less concealed by the coarse growths peculiar to such places. The eggs vary in both size and colours, but are usually of a greenish olive-brown, marbled and RUFF. , 127 blotched with darker brown ; and, as usual in this class of birds, are generally four in number. 201. BAR-TAILED GODWIT—(Limosa rufa). Common Godwit, Grey Godwit, Red Godwit, Godwit Snipe, Red-breasted Snipe.—Of much the same habits as the last, only not remaining in this country to breed, and consequently occur ring much more frequently in winter than in spring, and not at ali in summer. As not nesting with us, no space can be conceded here for a notice of its eggs and nest. 202. RUEFE—(Machetes puguac). Female, Reeve.—Time was, and not so very long ago either, when one fenman could take six dozen of these birds in a single day. Now, I fear, he would scarcely get that number in an entire season. The Ruff is, however, still known to breed annually in some of the fens of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire. The variety of plumage, no less than the very remarkable ruff or feathery appendage about the neck of the male in the breeding season, is quite sufficient to make this a very conspicuous bird among our truly native birds. Scarcely any two males in an assemblage of some dozeus can, in some cases, be picked out as possessing exactly the same plumage. The breeding habits, or some of them, observed in this bird are also very characteristic. His Latin name, as given above, simply mears “ pugnacious warrior,” and verily he is as thorough a lover of battle as any knight-errant of the middle ages, or fierce Northern sea-rover of four or five centuries earlier. They do not pair, and therefore fight for the possession of the females, and they have spots, known to the fenmen by the name of Hi//s, which are as much the scenes of universal challenge and battle as ever the stated “lists” of the old days of tournament or playing at battle. This habit of theirs facilitates the process of capture very 128 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. materially, and by means of a peculiar kind of net, duly arranged before the day begins to dawn, the fowler is enabled to capture all, or almost all, who have been attracted by their peculiar instincts to the vicinity of any given hill. The Reeves lay each her four eggs, which vary in colour from olive-green to a yellow- ish stone colour, and are spotted and blotched with “liver colour” and rich brown. 203. WOOD-COCK—(Scolopax rusticola). One of our most universally recognised “birds of passage,” coming to us sometimes in the autumn (always, at least, begin- ning to arrive in October), and leaving us again in thie spring ; still no season passes, there is reason to believe, in which many pairs do not remain to breed, and that too in many different parts of the kingdom. It was an object to me some twenty years ago to obtain eggs of the Woodcock, and I applied to a person in Norfolk, who had not any difficulty in procuring for me egos from the gamekeeper of a neighbouring estate out of two different nests which had been deserted by their owners. My friend added the information, that scarcely a year passed in which one nest or more of Woodcocks was not known of on the estate in question. The nest, a very loose one, is made of deaa leaves and the like, Bracken leaves appearing to be commonly used for the purpose. The eggs are usually about four in number, and want the peculiar pointed shape common to almost all the other birds of the Order. They are of a dirty yellowish- white, a good deal blotched and spotted with two or three shades of pale brown and purplish-grey. The old bird is known to transport her young, if occasion demands, from one place to another. She has been seen doing so repeatedly, and by good observers, generally making use of both feet for the purpose, sometimes one only ; and, it is said, using her beak sometimes for the same purpose.—Lg. 1, plate LX. COMMON SNIPE. 129 204. GREAT SNIPE—(Scolopar major). Solitary Snipe, Double Snipe—Often taken, no doubt, by many a sportsman in former days to be a very large specimen of the Common Snipe, than which no bird with which I am well acquainted seems to vary more in size. On the wing it does not look much larger than the Common Snipe, and is seldom seen except alone, or at most two in company. It breeds in high northern localities, and never with us, and no notice, therefore, of its nesting habits is permissible in this place. 905. COMMON SNIPE—(Scolopaz gallinago). Whole Snipe, Snite, Heather-bleater.—Although this Snipe, like the Woodcock, retires to northern latitudes to breed, yet there are few districts in Britain suitable to its habits in which it is not known to breed in greater or less numbers. And it is a bird, moreover, which is quite sure to make it very distinctly known that it has a nest and eggs somewhere near, if only any 2 human visitor appears on the scene. I refer to the very peculiar note or sound emitted by the male, always while he is on the wing high in the air, and always accompanied with a very remark- able action of his wings and curving descent in his flight. This sound or note—for it is not absolutely certain, I think, how it is produced—is variously called humming, bleating, drumming, buzzing. To me, the first time I heard it, and before I knew to what origin to assign it, the impression produced was precisely that of a large Bee, entangled in some particular place and unable to extricate itself; and I remember spending some minutes in trying to discover the supposed insect. The eggs are usually four, placed in a very slight and inartificial nest on the ground near some tuft of rushes or other water-herbage, They are of a greenish-olive hue, blotched and spotted with two or three shades af brown, the deepest being very dark. The old ones are said to K 130 —s« BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. be very jealous and careful of their young. Many couple are often killed on the moors in this district on or just after the 12th of August.—Tig. 2, plate IX. 206. JACK SNIPE—(Scolopaz gallinula). Judcock, Half Snipe.—A little bird, very often seen quite late in the spring, but no specimen of whose egg undoubtedly laid in Britain has, as far as I know, ever yet been produced. It may breed here, in some few instances, but none such are yet ascer- tained. No notice of its eggs can consequently be inserted here. 207. SABINE’S SNIPE—(Scolopar Sabini). A very few instances indeed have been recorded of the oceur- rence of this bird in England. 208. BROWN SNIPE—(Macroramphus griseus). As rare a bird as that last named, or nearly so. 209. CURLEW SAND-PIPER—(Tringa subarquata). This little bird, which serves to connect the true Snipes with the sea-frequenting Snipes, or Sandpipers, was till lately con- sidered to be a very rare and occasional visitor. But it is very likely to have been confused with the Dunlin, or other small shore-birds, and is now supposed even to breed occasionally in our country. During autumn it is sometimes seen in small groups or flocks. ‘“‘M. Temminck says this bird breeds ocea- sionally in Holland, and that the eggs are yellowish-white, spotted with dark brown.” 210. KNOT.—(TZringa Canutus). Camden says this bird derived its name from the Danish King Knut or Cnut, (generally written Canute, but not properly pronounced so;) probably because he was very fond of eating them. A very poor piece of etymology I should almost think. it is not uncommonly met with in autumn on several parts of our coasts, and as far as I have seen is by no means difficult to DUNLIN, 131] approach. But its breeding-place is very much more to the north than any portion of the British Islands extends. The male in his nuptial dress is a very much gayer gentleman than after his annual honeymoon is over. 211. BUFF-BREASTED SAND-PIPER—(Zringa rufescens). Only of very casual occurrence here. 212. BROAD-BILLED SAND-PIPER—(Zringa platyrhynca). Fully as rare as the last. , 132. LITTLE STINT—(Tringa minuta Not to be described altogether as a rare little bird, for it seems to be met with sometimes in autumn on the Southern and Eastern coasts in some numbers, and even in flocks of twenty or thirty together. They are often seen in company with the Dunlin or other small shore-birds. Very little is known about their breeding places or habits. 914. TEMMINCK’S STINT—(Zringa Temmonckit). Less even than the last named small bird, and much more rare; besides which it frequents fresh waters rather than the seashore. No very great number of them, however, has been met with m England. | 914*, SCHINZ’S SAND-PIPER—(Tringa Schinzit). A very rare bird. 915. PECTORAL SAND-PIPER—(Zringa pectoralis). Another rare Sandpiper ; and, like the last, a native of America. 916. DUNLIN—(Zringa variabilis). Dunlin Sandpiper, Purre, Churr, Stint, Oxbird, Sea Snipe, Least Snipe, Sea Lark.—Perhaps the very commonest and best known, as well as incomparably the most abundant of all our small shore birds, and yet the one about which heaps of scientific mistakes have been made. The male has a conspicuous wedding- dress, which he duly puts on in the Spring, and once it was on K 2 ' 55 4 “iio 132 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. he was christened Zirenga Alpina, the Dunlin. Then in the eutumn and winter, having divested himself alike of his summer dress and all property or concern in wife and children, he was -named anew Z'ringa Cinclus, the Purre. On its being satisfactorily ascertained that the only real difference between Dunlin and Purre was that of a few feathers, and those chiefly on the breast, and dependent simply on Season, the new name at the head of this notice was suggested and willingly adopted as altogether a fit one. The Dunlun, always called Oxbird where my boyhood was spent, and often seen there in flocks of not simply hundreds, but thousands, and many thousands, in the autumn and winter, goes to the far north to breed, though some of their hosts stay in the north of Scotland, the Hebrides, Orkneys and other Islands near. Their nests are placed on the ground, among long grass and ling, and always contain four eges. Mr. Hewitson says :—“ In beauty of colouring and ele- eance of form the eggs of the Dunlin are unrivalled. The ground- colour is sometimes of a clear light green, richly spotted with, light brown ; sometimes the ground-colour is of a bluish-white.” The hen will suffer herself to be removed from her nest by the hand rather than leave her eggs.—Jg. 3, plate IX. 217. PURPLE SAND-PIPER—(Zringa maritima). Selninger Sand-piper, Black Sand-piper.—Not a very numerous species, but by no means infrequent on the British coasts. Very few, however, are seen except in winter and early spring, the far greater part resorting to some place far in the north to nest. Still it seems almost certain that a few breed wish us in North England and Scotland. It lays four eggs of ‘“‘a yellowish-grey colour, varied with small irregular spots of pale brown, thick at the obtuse end, rarer at the other.” PLATE X. LAND-RALL. 133 V.—RALLIDA. 218. LAND-RAIL—(Grer pratensis). Corn Crake, Meadow Crake, Dakerhen.—This bird is found in most parts of the kingdom, though for the most part in no great abundance any where, in the earlier months of the autumn, In most of the northern parts it breeds annually, but I do not remember ever hearing its breeding note while I was a dweller in the district embracing what are usually called the Eastern Counties. Nor yet in Herefordshire. But the note in question has been sufficiently familiar to me for the last twenty years, and here in North Yorkshire I hear it on all sides of me, at all hours, I may say, of day and night. For two or three years in succes- sion a pair took possession of a small plantation of young fir trees bordering my garden lawn on the north, and only separated from it by a deep ditch with a run of water at the bottom. Long after the union seemed to have been formed the peculiar note was kept up, and I used to see both birds within a few feet of each other during its continuance, Scarcely a day passed during their sojourn of eight or ten days in and about the plantation, but excursions were taken into the garden, frequently extending to the terrace beneath my dining-room window, where sundry very inquirmg and interested glances—not to Say stares—were ex- changed between the visitors and myself and divers members of my family. The visitors seemed very little disturbed at our notice as long as we remained quite still and silent, but any movement on our part led to immediate retreat on the Corn Crake’s. Its movements were desultory or m jerks, so to speak. The bird would run ten or twelve paces in an attitude and with a speed which left one in doubt for a moment whether it were not some small quadruped. Then it would 134 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS, skulk amid taller herbage, or under the shrubs of a raised bed, or beneath a rhododendron bush. A minute after it would be seen with its head and whole body erect, and the neck so out-stretched that if the bird had been hung up by its head it could: not have been much more elongated. This was the invariable position or attitude assumed when interchanging looks with the occupants of the window. My own impression was that these journeys or excursions (which I knew extended into the grass-field beyond the garden, and into a field over the road at the back of the plantation) were simply made for the purpose of inspection, and with a view to the selection of a place for nesting—and that, pending this in- teresting investigation, the fir trees and herbage beneath afforded an ample covert. As far as I could ascertain, the place actually selected by them for the purpose was in the field—a corn-field— just beyond that which lay adjacent to the garden. The Corn Crake makes a loose nest of dry herbage and stalks and grass; and I think almost always among growing herbage—gyrass, clover, or corn. The hen lays seven or eight eggs, some- times even ten, and sits very close upon them. They are whitish in ground, suffused with a reddish tinge, and spotted and speckled with brownish-red and purplish-grey.—Fig. 4, plate IX. 219. SPOTTED CRAKE—(Crez porzana). A summer visitor, as the Land Rail is, to our shores. It is rare, however, compared with the Land Rail, and with more predilection for the vicinity of water. Like all the other Rails it _ conceals itself very closely, and from the form of its body and power of leg runs with great speed and equal facility, even among what seems to be and is very thick covert. It is known to breed in Norfolk and in Cambridgeshire, and is believed to do so in other localities as well. The nest, made on the ground in WATER-RAIL. 135 wet marshes, is “formed on the outside,” says Mr. Yarrell, “ with coarse aquatic plants, lined with finer materials within.” From seven to ten eggs appears to be the number laid, and they vary very much in their grouna-colour, between a pale brownish- dun and a slightly yellow-white, the spots or blotches being of a reddish brown of some intensity.— Fig. 5, plate IX. . 220. LITTLE CRAKE—(Crez pusilia). -Olivaceous Gallinule, Little Gallimule.—Strictly speaking, still a rare bird in this country. 221. BAILLON’S CRAKE—(Crer Baillonii). More rare than the last, and, perhaps, occasionally confused with it. 222. WATER RAIL—(Rallus aquaticus). Bilecock, Skiddycock, Runner, Brook-runner, Velvet-runner. —One of the very sluest of our British birds, and thus seeming to be much more rare than it really is. J have seen it at al seasons of the year, though it is, I am well aware, less tolerant of cold than many other of our winter-staying birds. Its motions on the bank of a stream, when suddenly disturbed, are much more like those ofa Water Rat than a bird. It breeds with some degree of commonness in several of the Southern counties. I obtained two nests from the estate in Norfolk, already mentioned in these pages, at the same time with the Woodcock’s eggs, and was informed that it bred regularly there. I had reason also to know that it bred at Tolleshunt D’Arcy, in Essex. The nest is made often in an osier ground or among thick water plants, and composed of different kinds of aquatic herbage. The eggs are from six to nine or ten in number, and seldom quite white in hue; usually they are much more like pale or faded specimens of the Land Rail’s eggs, the spots being both fewer and fainter.—Fig. 6, plate IX. 136 BITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESS. 223. MOOR HEN—(Gallinula chloropus). Water Hen, Gallinule, Moat Hen, Marsh Hen.—Few nest- hunters, however young, but know the nest and eggs of this very common bird. I have in many cases seen it almost domesticated, and constantly taking its food among domestic fowls, and some- times even almost from the hands of human creatures. Its nest is made in somewhat various places. I have seen it amid the sedges growing in the water near the edge of a marsh-ditch or the like, on dry tussocky tumps near a sheet of water, among the herbage and willow stubs not far from the same Mere, built upon masses of fallen but not decayed bulrushes and flags, at the edge of a pond, on a bough projecting several feet horizon- tally from the bank over and resting upon (or partly in) the water of a running stream, nay, even in a branch or top of a thick tree, or among the ivy which mantled its trunk and wreathed its branches. In it are laid six, seven, or eight eggs, of a reddish-white colour, sparingly speckled and spotted with reddish-brown. The eggs have been known to be removed by the parent birds under circumstances of peril awaiting them— from a flood for instance—and hatched in some new locality. Instances also have been recorded in which a supplementary nest has been constructed by the female parent to receive a part of her brood, when they were too numerous and had grown too large to be accommodated by their original nest-home at night.— Fig. 7, plate IX. VI.—LOBIPEDID A. 224.—COOT—(Fulica atra). Bald Coot.—A common bird enough in many parts of tae king- dom, and, in former days, I have sometimes seen them in strag- gling flocks of several hundreds or thousands along the tide-way GREY-LEGGED GOOSE. 17 on the Essex coasts. With its white oval spot on the foreheaa, and perfectly black plumage, it is a sufficiently noticeable bird. It seems to be much more at home on the water than on land; but, like the Moor-Hen, can and does move with very considerable ease and speed on the latter. The Coot makes a large and very strong and compact nest, making or finding a firm foundation for it below the surface of the water, and heaping up and twisting in dry flags and bulrushes and pieces of reed, until some of the nests are sufficiently firm and stable to support a considerable weight. The eggs laid are usually seven or eight, and up to ten; though even twelve or fourteen have been mentioned as some- times found. They are of a dingy stone-colour, speckled and spotted with dark brown.—fig. 8, plate IX. 225. GREY PHALAROPE—(Pihalaropus lobatus). Red Phalarope.—Supposed, some half-century since, to be ex- ceedingly rare in this country, but now known to visit our shores in small numbers, perhaps annually, on their way to their winter place of sojourning. Like the Coot, they are lobe-footed, and very capable swimmers. 926. RED-NECKED PHALAROPE.—(Phalaropus hyperboreus). Red Phalarope—More rare than the last-named in England, though occurring, occasionally, somewhat more abundantly mm some of the northern Scotch Islands. V.—NATATORKES. FAMILY I.—ANATID/Z, 227. GREY-LEGGED GOOSE—(Axzser ferus). Grey-lag Goose, Grey Goose, Wild Goose.—It is not pro- posed to give any illustrations whatever of the eggs of the Wild- fowl—the Geese, Swans, Ducks, ard Diving Ducks—imasmuch as they are not only of large size, and would usurp much space 138 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. to the absolute exclusion of many others of much interest and urgently demanding pictorial illustration, but, also, are charac- terised by so much sameness or general uniformity of colour ;— for they vary only, in that respect, about as much as the eggs of the common Fowl and common Duck do. A very large propor- tion of them, moreover, never by any chance breed in any por- tion of the British Islands, but resort to distant and very northerly localities for that purpose. The first on our list, the Common Grey, or Wild Goose, is an instance in point. It is believed once to have been a regular inhabitant, and to have bred abundantly in the fenny districts which then prevailed over many parts of the kingdom, not at all near or connected with what is yet called “the fen country.” But now it is comparatively a rare bird at any season of the year, and nests no nearer to us than some of the isles and coasts of Scandinavia. 228. BEAN GOOSE—(Anser segetum). Like the last, and in common with the Geese next to be men- tioned, indiscriminately known by the name of Wild Goose. _ Unlike the last, however, it is ascertained to breed in small num- bers on some ‘of the large lakes in the north of Scotland, and in the islands of Lewis and Harris. Besides which, a nesting loca- lity of this species in Westmoreland is named. The nests, in some instances, are hid in very tall ling, and the eggs are from five to seven in number. In size they are a little under 34 inches long by 24 broad. 929. PINK-FOOTED GOOSE—(Anser brachyrhyncus). A smaller bird than the last, but otherwise bearing a very strong resemblance to it; so much so, that it appears more than probable it has often been assumed to be a young or small speci- men of the former species. It is, however, of comparatively rare occurrence notwithstanding. BRENT GOOSE. 139 230. WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE—(Azser albifrons). Laughing Goose.—A regular winter visitor, and not in any very scanty numbers. One of my very worst discomfitures in my early sporting-days took place in connection with a flock of these birds. There were seven or eight of them which flew deliberately right on towards my father and myself till they were within twenty- five yards of us, and then they doubled up into a confused clump, and I was already counting the slam when my gun missed fire. My father’s did not, and gave us the opportunity of identi- fying the species. It breeds in Scotland and other countries far to the north. 231. BERNICLE GOOSE—(Axser leucopsis). Another winter visitor; often appearing in great flocks, but always retiring to the north again to breed. It is supposed to frequent the shores of the White Sea especially for such purpose. 232. BRENT GOOSE—(dzser brenta). _ Black Goose, Ware Goose.—By far the most numerous of all the geese which visit our shores in winter, as it is also the least. I have seen it in inconceivable numbers on the Essex coast in hard winters, and the numbers reported to have been killed at one discharge of a heavy punt-gun, seem simply incredible. In the very hard and long-continued winter of 1837-38, I saw the ice which, in broken fragments of four or five feet square by three or four inches thick, covered the whole estuary of the Blackwater at Tollesbury (a space of very considerable width), black with them during highwater. The expression made use of by one of the sea-faring men of the neighbourhood was, “There are acres of ’em.” Still of all their vast numbers none remain to breed, and no great proportion of them are known to breed in Europe. 140 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. 233, RED-BREASTED GOOSE—(duser rujicollis). A very rare species, and one of which but little is known as to history or habits. 234. HGYPTIAN GOOSE—(Auser Eyyptiacus). Equally rare and more exceptional than the last; as the few that have occurred may have escaped from confinement. 235. SPUR-WINGED GOOSE—(Auser Gambensis). Gambo Goose.—An accidental visitor indeed. 236. CANADA GOOSE—(duser Canadensis). Cravat Goose.—Many of these remarkably fine birds are kept on ornamental waters in many different parts of the kingdom; and these have been known sometimes (aided by a storm, perhaps, or some unusual occurrence) to make their escape. Many of the supposed wild birds shot, or otherwise taken, have been accounted for on the supposition that they are such escaped birds. How- ever, it would seem most probable that considerable flights of really wild Cravat Geese do occasionally visit this country, and even that some pair or twoof them may occasionally stay‘ to breed. The eggs are six to nine in number, of very large size and white. 937. HOOPER—(Cyguus ferus). Wild Swan, Whistling Swan, Elk.—Of sufficiently common oc- currence on the British coasts, and particularly in hard winters. Few birds vary much more in size and weight than do these. A young bird of the year may weigh only twelve or thirteen pounds ; the older and more full-grown specimens, twenty or twenty-one. They breed very far to the north. 938. BEWICK’S SWAN—(Cyguus Bewickit). A smaller bird than the Hooper, and of very much rarer occur- rence. Still it is an ascertained species, and visits us frequently, not annually, in some numbers. COMMON SHIELDRAKE, 239. MUTE SWAN—(Cygnus olor.) The Common tame Swan of our ornamental waters.—They are found wild in many, if not all, the northern countries of Europe. It is too well known by everyone to require detailed notice here. 240. POLISH SWAN—(Cyguus immutabilis). A bird of very rare occurrence in a wild state, and deriving its Latin name from the circumstance that its plumage undergoes no change in colour at any period of its age. It is always white. The cygnets of the other swans are, on the contrary, grey or dusky-coloured for a lengthened period, and only become white on their reaching maturity. 941. RUDDY SHIELDRAKE—(Zadorna rutiia). A bird of exceedingly rare occurrence. 242. COMMON SHIELDRAKE—(TZuadorna vulpanser). Burrow Duck, Skel Goose, Bar Goose.—One of the very most beautiful of all our wild fowl, or even of those which for their beauty are selected to be ornamental accessions to the waters of the park or pleasure-ground. Its plumage is so beautiful and clear and brilliant, and its attitude in repose so graceful, one cannot but admire it greatly. It breeds not uncommonly on many sandy parts of our coasts, occupying the deep rabbit-bur- rows, which are found in what are called the “sand-hills,” to place its nest in. The nest is one really, made of bents and dry stalks, and lined or cushioned with down liberally plucked from the builder’s own breast. The number of eggs laid varies between eight or nine and twelve or fourteen. They are nearly or quite white, about 23 inches long by nearly 2 in breadth. I have known instances in which the eggs obtained from one of their nests have been hatched under a common Hen. ‘The young seemed to accustom themselves to their life of restraint tolerably 142 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. well, but never showed any disposition to pair or breed. Pro- | bably it might be because no suitable hole for a nest was withm their reach. The male of this species is known to assist the | female in the labours and constraint of incubation. 943. SHOVELLER—(Auas clypeata). Blue-winged Shoveller, Broad-bill.—The first in the list of the true Ducks, and a very beautifully plumaged bird indeed. But gaily feathered as he is, and brilliant as is a part, at least, of the plumage of all the male Ducks during a certain portion of the year, yet it is remarkable that they all undergo a change in this respect about the breeding time, just the reverse of that which takes place in the males of so many other birds at the same season. hey become more brilliant, or their colours deeper or richer then:—the male ducks duskier, plainer coloured, more like the female in her more unobtrusive hues. The Shoveller’s bill is very remarkable, and, as I said of the Oyster-catcher’s, a study for all who admire the works of God. It merits our notice for its adaptation to its purposes in a direction just opposite to that which characterizes the bill of the bird just named, Dilated at the sides so as almost to look awkward, it is furnished with a large series of very sensitive lamine or plates, such that the minute objects which form a considerable portion of the bird’s food may be instantly detected by the sense of touch, and retained. It used to breed very commonly in many parts of the kingdom, Norfolk and the Fen districts for instance, as wellas in Romney Marsh and other places more in the south of the Island. At present it has become comparatively rare. The nest is made of fine grass, and the eggs are eventually enveloped in down pro- cured from the bird’s own breast. The eggs may be from eight to twelve in number, white, tinged with a greenish-dun shade, and about 2 inches long by 12 broad. WILD DUCK. 143 (244, GADWALL—(Anas strepera). -Rodge, Grey Duck.—A Duck which occurs in no very great numbers at any time; mostly about the end of the winter, or in spring; and is not known to breed commonly in any part of Europe. 245. PINTAIL DUCK—(duas acuta) * Cracker, Winter Duck.—An early visitor to our shores when winter has once urged the wild fowl hosts to leave their northern nesting-places. It is not, however, a numerous bird with us, but abounds in many of the northernmost countries of Europe. 246, BIMACULATED DUCK—(dnas glocitans). Rather a handsome bird in plumage and markings, but one of rare occurrence, and of which or its habits very little is known. 247. WILD DUCK—(Anas boschas). Mallard.—By far the most common of all our wild fowl among the Ducks, but lessening, year by year, in the numbers which visit us. Within my own recollection many Decoys on the Hssex coast were wrought constantly and successfully, which for many years now have been dismantled and unused. I well remember, when I was a lad of ten or twelve, being at a house in Tolles- hunt D’Arcy, on the farm belonging to which was an active Decoy, and seeing the birds which had been taken in the course of one morning. The numbers were so great that many of the undermost Ducks, where the great accumulation had taken place at the end of the “ pipe,” had died of pressure and suffocation, and some even were sensibly flattened by the superincumbent weight of their fellows. The multiplication of shooters on shore and afloat has sensibly tended to lessen the numbers of the Wild Duck; while drainage ona large scale in many a district the country through, has materially lessened the number of their haunts. Still a very considerable number remain to breed, and 144 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. a Wild Duck’s nest in many parts of the kingdom is no rarity. The nest is made of grass, lined and interwoven with down. It is customarily placed on dry ground on the margin of water, among reeds and bulrushes, or the like; but may often be found at some distance from water, and in places so unlikely for the purpose as on the open moor, or in a tree top, or in thie lofty deserted nest of a crow. The eggs are from nine to twelve in number, sometimes however exceeding the latter limit, of a zreenisn-white colour, and about 22 inches long by 13 broad. It is long before the young Wild Ducks fly well enough to leave their native reed beds, or similar shelter, and, in the state pre- ceding that of actual power to fly away, they are called Flappers; and many a Flapper hunt have I taken part in in my younger days. 248. GARGANEY—(Aunas querquedula). Summer Duck, Summer Teal, Pied Wiggon.—This is a some- what rare bird, and is seen sometimes in late autumn, but more usually in the spring. It has been known to breed in this country, though by no means commonly or frequently. It is said to make a nest among reeds of dry grass, rushes and down, and the number of eggs deposited to run from eight or nine to twelve, or even more. They are of a distinct but pale buff colour, 12 inch long by 14 broad. 249. THAL—(Azas crecca). A very pretty little Duck, and the least of all our winter visitors of that species. It is of common occurrence, but not met with in any great numbers. It breeds abundantly in Nor- way and Sweden, and especially in Lapland, whither the great oulk of our winter friends retire on the approach of the northern summer ; still, pairs often remain throughout the summer im various parts of owr country to nest and rear their young. EIDER DUCK.. 145 When I was a boy I heard of nests, almost annually, on some of the marshes 1 knew most familiarly. The Teal builds a nest of abundance of different vegetable substances, varying according to the locality and its productions, and lines it with down and feathers, the concealment afforded by the neighbouring herbage being carefully adopted. ight to ten or twelve eggs are laid, of a buffy-white, 13 inch long by rather over 12 broad. 250. WIGEON—(Axas Penelope). Whewer, Whim.—Mr. Waterton has recorded an observation on the habits of this Duck, which is of great interest. Whereas, all the birds of the Duck-kind which we have hitherto named are night-feeders, the Wigeon obtains its food by day, “and that food is grass.” The great body of our winter visitors of this - species retire to the north to breed about the end of March, or April; but a few have been ascertained to remain for that pur- pose in north Scotland. A nest, found on Loch Laighal in Sutherlandshire, was ‘‘ placed in the midst of a clump of grass, and was made of decayed rushes and reeds, with a lining of its own down. The eges were smaller than those of the Wild Duck, and of a rich cream-white colour.” The number of eggs laid varies between five and eight or nine; the length, 2} inches by 14 in breadth. 251. AMERICAN WIGEON—(dnzas Americana). Of entirely rare and accidental occurrence. 252. EIDER DUCK—(Somateria mollissima). St. Cuthbert’s Duck.—We have now arrived at another section of the Duck family. Those hitherto named all frequent the fresh waters, and chiefly affect those that are of no great extent or depth. These, the first of which we have just named, fre- quent the sea or, in a few instances, the deepest parts of large freshwater Jakes. The Hider Duck, well-known to most of us by L 146 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESIS. name, to some of us by sight, breeds in some marshes on the Farne islands, and in many of the islands on the coast of Scotland. The nests are principally composed, on a foundation of sea-weed or grass, of the beautiful light elastic down, commonly known as Eider-down; and if the first is plundered, a second, and even a third are formed ; but the down decreases in quality and quantity in each successive instance. The first accumulation is so large and springy as quite to conceal the eggs contained, which are usually five in number, and are of a light-green colour, about three inches long by two wide. The lining of one nest, admitting of easy compression by the hand, is described py Mr. Hewitson as capable, when fully expanded, of filling a man’s hat. 253. KING DUCK—(Somateria spectadiiis). A much rarer bird than the last; indeed occurring only very casually. It has been known to breed in one of the Orkney Islands, while Iceland, Nova Zembla, Spitzergen, and like locali- ties, are the great breeding haunts of the species. The nests are made on the ground, and contain five eggs, very closely resem- bling the Hider-duck’s, except in size. They are rather less. 254, STELLER’S WESTERN DUCK—(Polysticta Stelleri). Exceedingly rare in Britain, and not much less so, it seems, in Europe generally. 255. VELVET SCOTER—(Oidemia fusca). Velvet Duck.—A winter visitor, and rare on our south coasts. More common in the far north of Britain. 256. COMMON SCOTER—(O:demia nigra). Scoter, Black Scoter, Black Duck, Black Diver—This dusky- coloured Duck is seen in»considerable numbers on various parts of our coasts in winter, and always swimming and diving in what may be called “ loose order,” like the Coots rather than any : TUFTED DUCK. 147 cf the true Ducks. It does now however, ever stay to breed with us, and can have no further notice here. 257. SURF SCOTER—(O:demia perspiciliata). _ A bird of very rare, and, perhaps also it may be added, very local occurrence. 258. RED-CRESTED WHISTLING DUCK—(fuliguia rujina), Again another occasional vistor. 259. POCHARD—(Fuligula ferina). Dunbird, Red-headed Wigeon, Red-headed Poker, Duncur.—A winter visitor, and in very considerable numbers in districts where the presence of inland waters to a sufficient extent enables ‘ them to follow out their natural habits. It is almost impossible, from their great quickness and skill in diving, to take them with the other ‘‘ Fowl” in the Decoy, and they are therefore captured by a peculiar arrangement of nets affixed to poles so heavily weighted at one end as on being liberated to elevate the net in such a way as to intercept the flight of the birds, as soon as they are fairly on wing. The Dunbird does not now breed in this country. 260. FERRUGINOUS DUCK—(fuligula nyroca). Somewhat resembling the Pochard in general hue, but smaller, and in respect of the numbers in which it has been met with in this country, comparatively a very rare visitor. 261. SCAUP DUCK—(Fuligula marila). Spoon-bill Duck.—A winter visitor, and not an unusual one, although its numbers are never such as to commend it to notice in the same way as the Wild Duck, the Dunbird, the Wigeon, and some others. It breeds commonly in Iceland, but never in Britain. 262. TUFTED DUCK—(fuligula cristata). Another constant winter visitor, and as well or better known than the Scaup. Like the Scaup Duck it usually prefers oozy or muddy estuaries and their customary accompaniments. But L 2 +.) 148 BRITISH BIRDS, THKIR EGGS AND Nuts, have met with it here in the marrow, rapid trout-stream which runs through this part of the country, and at a distance of not less than nine or ten miles from the sea. It breeds sparingly in - Holland and in more northerly countries. ) 263. LONG-TAILED DUCK—(Fuligula glacialis). Another bird which, like the two last, is sufficiently well- known without being exceedingly or indeed in the least degree, numerous. It is in facta rather rare and very beautiful Duck, and is remarkable for the great variations of plumage to which it is liable, according to differences of age, sex, and season. It breeds abundantly in Norway and Denmark, and much more so in purely Arctic regions. 264, HARLEQUIN DUCK—(Pfuligula histrionica). Another very beautiful bird, and most peculiarly marked. So much so as to remind its sponsors, as it appears, of the artistic effects produced by the customary pictorial adornment of our facetious friend Harlequin’s face. A rarer bird, however, than even the Long-tailed Duck last named. 265. GOLDEN EYE—(fuligula clangula). Brown-headed Duck, Grey-headed Duck, Pied Wigeon, Golden- eyed Wigeon, Duck or Teal, Morillon, Rattlewings——As well known and as common as perhaps either the Scaup or the Tufted Duck, but known by different names according to the state of plumage depending on sex and age, females and young birds being much more common than adult males. As not known to breed in England no notice of nest or eggs can be inserted here. Inthe Appendix, however, avery interesting notice of one of its habits connected with its breeding time will be inserted. 266. BUFFEL-HEADED DUCK—(fuliguia albeola). A visitor, but a very rare one, to our shores in winter, PLATE XI 1, 2 Sandwich Tern. 3. Common Tern. 4. Arctic Tern. 5. Lesser T:rn. 6. Black Tern 7. Black-headed Gull. GOOSANDER, 49 267. SMEW—(Mergus albellus), White Nun, Red-headed Smew (for young), Smee, Lough Diver, White-headed Goosander, White Merganser.—This bird helps us from the group of sea-loving Ducks just noticed to that of the Mergansers, whose diving habits and powers may be in- terred from their names. The Smew is perhaps quite the most common of the entire family; but they are very wary and difficult to approach. They are not known to breed in any part of the United Kingdom. 268. HOODED MERGANSER—(Mergus cucullutus), A rare and accidental visitor to this country, and indeed to the European continent. 169. RED-BREASTED MERGANSER—(Mergus serrator). Red-breasted Goosander.—This handsome bird is an undoubted denizen of our country during the breeding season, but in no great numbers in any year or district. It breeds in Ireland, on islands in several of the Loughs; also in the Hebrides and other Scottish islands. The nest is made of long grass or moss, small roots, dry water-herbage, mixed and lined with the bird’s own down, doubtless added to as incubation proceeds. It is often placed at the foot of a tree, if there be one on the islet selected. The eggs are six to nine in number, of a pale buff or fawn- colour. They are 22 inches long by 12 broad. 270. GOOSANDER.—(Mergus merganser). | Dun Diver, Sparling Fowl, J acksaw, Saw-bill—A few of these birds also remain to breed in Britain, though by far the most retire to the north of Europe for that purpose. Tts nests aré common in both the Orkney Islands and the Hebrides. They are large, made of dry grass and roots, and lined with the down of the female, and placed amid bushes or stones, or in some cavity afforded by an old tree. The eggs rarely exceed six or seven, 150 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. not varying much in shade from those last deseribed, and are 23 inches in length, by nearly 12 in’ breadth. I1.—_COLYMBIDZ. 271. GREAT CRESTED GREBE.—(Podiceps cristatus). Cargoose, Loon, Greater Loon, Tippet Grebe.-—We have come now to the Divers properly so called, and the family of Grebes to be noticed first are to be looked upon as principally, but not exclusively, frequenting the fresh water. The bird now under notice remains almost all the year on the large sheets of water which it inhabits in Wales, Shropshire, Norfolk, and Lincolnshire. Like the rest of the Grebes, it is little able to walk and not much disposed to fly, but possessing marvellous capacity and power of diving. Its nest is made of a large heap of half rotten water- weeds, but little raised above the surface of the water, and always soaked with wet. On this likely-seeming place for duly addling every egg deposited, three, four or five eggs are laid, which are almost white when newly dropped, but soon become so stained from constant contact with wet and decaying vegetable substances as to be any colour rather than white. They are about 22 inches long, by 13 broad. The eggs, im the absence of the parent bird, are usually found covered with portions of some water vegetable ; and the owner, on being disturbed on her nest, always dives away fromit.' The first lessons of the young Loon in diving are taken beneath the literal “ shelter of their mother’s wing.” 972. RED-CRESTED GREBE.—(Podiceps rubricollis), Not so common as the Grebe last named, and more frequently met with on salt water, though not usually far from some estuary or inland arm of the sea. It is not known to have bred in this country. LITTLE GREBE. 151 ' 273. SCLAVONIAN GREBE—(Podiceps cornutus). Dusky Grebe, Horned Grebe.—Rather a rare bird in the summer, and not common at any period of the year; nor has it ever been known to breed with us. 274. HEARED GREBE—(Podiceps auritus). The rarest of all the Grebes. It occurs however from time to time, and J knew of one instance in Essex some thirty years ago in which one of these birds was taken from a Water-Rat’s hole into which it had been seen to creep for shelter. 275. LITTLE GREBE—(Podiceps minor). Dabchick or Dobchick, Didapper, Small Ducker, Blackchin Grebe.—A very common and very interesting little bird, and yet, in spite of its frequency and familiarity, blessed with a couple of scientific names, originating (as in the case of the Dunlin), in differences of plumage, depending on age or season. It is difficult to say where it is zo¢ to be met with in spring, provided only there be what the Americans call a suflicient ‘“ water- privilege,” neither too shallow nor too rapid, for its requirements. As expert a diver as any of those hitherto named, it seldom resorts to the use of its wings, except just at the time when birds’ love- making goes on. Then the male (at least) may be seen working his short wings most vigorously and rapidly, uttering his rattling ery as he circles over and about the Mere on which he has “squatted” for the season. The nest is a heap of water weeds only just flush with the surface, and always steeping wet. The eggs are four, five or six in number, perfectly white when laid, but soon ceasing to be clean-looking, for they grow more dingy day by day, until on some waters they become completely mud- coloured, on others, assume a hue which I can compare to nothing but old blood stains on some dirty surface. I am quite convinced that in some cases at least this discolouration is intentional on the 152 BRITISH BIKDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. part of the parent bird, though in others it may be simply due to the action of the juices of fresh or decaying vegetable substances I never yet, though I have seen some dozens of nests, found the eggs left uncovered by the owner, save only in one instance, in which only one egg had been laid. The weeds used asa covering were, moreover, in the majority of instances, fresh, and evidently procured by the Dabchick in virtue of her skill in diving. The young birds swim and dive almost immediately they are hatched, and are very persevering little skulkers if disturbed on their breeding waters. 276. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER—(Colymbus gilacialis). Greatest Speckled Diver, Great Doucker, hnmer, immer Diver.— This magnificent bird—I shot one, in full plumage, several years since, which weighed nearly thirteen pounds—is usually found at some distance from the coast, except during that part of the year whicn is devoted to the work of propagation. There seems gcod reason to think some of them may breed in some of the most northerly British Islands, but no authentic history of its ever having been known to do so, is, I believe, extant. 977. BLACK-THROATED DIVER—(Colymbus arcticus). Lumme, Northern Doucker, Speckled Loon.—The rarest of the three Divers known in our seas. Ji is, however, described as breeding in several ot the lakes of Sutherlandshire. It makes no nest, but lays its two eggs on the bare ground, at no great distance from the water-edge. These aie in some instances of a light shade of chocolate-brown, others having more of an olive-brown tinge about them, and sparingly spotted with black. 278. RED-THROATED DIVER—(Colymbus septentrionalis). Rain Goose, Cobble, Sprat-borer, Spratoon, Speckled Diver. COMMON GUILLEMOT. 153 —The commonest and the smallest of the Divers, and varying greatly in their plumage, according to age andseason. It breeds on the Scottish mainland, in Shetland, in the Hebrides, and until lately in the Orkneys. The eggs are said to be always deposited very near the water’s edge. They are two in number, of a greenish brown colour, spotted with very dark brown, but, as Mr. Yarrell states, when the egg has been long sat upon the brown ground- colour is apt to assume a chestnut, or dark reddish-brown tint. IiT.—ALCAD A, 279. COMMON GUILLEMOT—(Uria troiie). Foolish Guillemot, Willock, Tinkershere, Tarrock, Scout, Sea- Hen, Murre, Lavy.—The first on the list of our Rockbirds, as they are often called. It is remarkable in several particulars connected with its breeding peculiarities. It makes no nest and lays but one egg, but that an egg of huge dimensions as con- trasted with the size of the bird itself; besides which, it is almost impossible out of a collection of many scores to pick out half a “dozen that are precisely alike, either in ground-colour or general markings. The eggs are laid on the ledges of rocky precipices overhanging the sea, on various parts of the British coasts. I have frequently seen the Willocks under the impulse of a sudden ‘alarm—for instance, the firmg of a gun in the close vicinity of their egg-bestrown ledges—fly off in very large numbers and with every symptom of precipitation. But no egg is ever dis- lodged ; a circumstance which some have sought to account for on the supposition that they must be cemented to the rock! The explanation really is, it would seem, that the shape of the eges is such that, instead of rolling off in any direction, as a ball would do on being sufficiently moved, they simply turn round and round within the length of their own axis. It would serve 154 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. but little purpose to attempt a description of the Guillemot’s egg. They are of all shades, from nearly or quite white to a dark green, some profusely spotted and blotched and streaked with dark colours, others very slightly so or scarcely at all. Unfortunately the egg is so large that but two illustrations can be given in the limited space available to us.— 7%. 1, 2, plate X. 280. BRUNNICH’S GUILLEMOT—(Uria Brunnichit), Thick-billed Guillemot.—Hasily distinguished by an expe- rienced eye from the last, but a bird of which, perhaps, it can scarcely be said that it has been actually ascertained to breed any where within the limits of the British Isles. The eggs are described as varying from those of the Common Guillemot in their greater roundness; they are less long in proportion to their thickness than the others, but seem to run through the same endless variations of ground-colour. 281. RINGED GUILLEMOT—(Uria lacrymans). Bridled Guillemot.—There has been some doubt whether this bird is to be considered a distinct species, or merely a variety of the Common Guillemot. It is now, however, generally ad- mitted as a good species. It occurs m company with the other Guillemct on various parts of our coasts, and in Wales is said to be equally numerous with it. The eggs’ are distinguishable from those of the other two species already named, but still ex- hibiting precisely similar characteristics. 282. BLACK GUILLEMOT—(Uria grylie). Tyste, Scraber, Greenland Dove, Sea Turtle—Sensibly less in size than the Common Guillemot, and not found commonly on our more southerly coasts. Shetland, the Orkneys and Western Isles are all frequented by them, and their quick and lively motions are pleasant enough to witness. These birds lay two eggs each instead of one, in holes or crevices of pre- PUFFIN. 155 cipitous rocks, and at some distance from the aperture ; sometimes, where no such nest-sites are available, on the bare ground, under or between fragments of rock or large stones. They are most commonly white more or less tinged with blue, speckled, spotted and blotched or marbled with chestnut brown, very dark brown and a kind of neutral tint.—T. 3, plate X. 283. LITTLE AUK—(HMergulus melanoleucos). have rarely seen any bird, much more a very small bird like this, whose whole air and deportment conveyed to me more com- pletely the idea of entire independence. Only under the pressure of severe storms or long continued hard weather do they leave the deep sea in order to seek the comparative shelter of some land-sheltered bay or reach. It breeds on the Faroe Isles and in Iceland, but not in Britain. 984, PUFFIN—(Fratercula arctica). Sea Parrot, Coulterneb, Tammy Norie.—This is, one may safely say, the quaintest-looking of all the host of our English birds. The young Owl is grotesque enough, but more by reason of its deliberate, solemn-seeming and yet laughable movements; but the Puffin, with its upright attitude and huge ribbed and painted beak—reminding one somewhat strongly of the highly-coloured pasteboard noses of preposterous shape and dimensions which decorate the windows of the toy-shop—strikes us as more laugh- ably singular yet. They breed abundantly about many of our rocky coasts in all parts of the kingdom, depositing their one egg —a large one, again, in proportion to the size of the bird—some- times in crannies or rifts in the surface of the cliff, often very far back; at other times in rabbit-burrows where such excavations are to be met with sufficiently near the coast and otherwise sutt- able to the wants of the bird. It does not follow that because the Puffin occupies the hole, that the rabbit had forsaken it or 156 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. even given it up “for a consideration.” On the contrary the Puffin is quite ready and equally able to seize on and continue to occupy the desired home by force of arms. In other cases they - dig their own noles, and often excavate them to the depth of two or three feet. The eggs are nearly white before they become soiled—that is spotted and marbled with a tinge of ash colour. 985. RAZOR-BILL—(Alea torda). Razor-bill Auk, Black-billed Auk, Murre, Marrot.—It may almost be said that wherever the Guillemot is met with the ~ - Razor-bill is sure not to be far distant. They have their habits their food, their haunts, even to a great degree their general ap- pearance, in common, ‘There is, however, a great difference both in the shape and size and also in the colouring of the single egg laid by the Razor-bill, from that of the Willock. It is less in pro- portion, less elongated, wants the infinite diversity of colouring which characterises the egg of the latter, the ground-colour being always whitish or white tinged with some light buffy shade, and the spots and blotches, which are sufficiently abundant, are some of a reddish or chestnut brown, others of a very deep rich brown.—lViy. 4, plate X. 286. GREAT AUK—(Alca wmpennis). Gair-Fowl.—Not merely an exceedingly rare British bird, but it is to be feared, extinct as a British species. Where it is yet in existence it is said scarcely ever to leave the water, and it lays its one large egg almost close to high-water mark. These eggs are white in ground, or sometimes soiled or slightly yellowish- white, blotched and streaked, most at the larger end, with black. They somewhat resemble the Guillemot’s egg in shape, but are rather less elongated. The value of these eggs is almost SHAG. | 157 fabulous, sixty guineas* having been given for a couple of them. I have to thank Mr. Champley, C.E., of Scarborough, for most kindly sending me an engraving of a Great Auk’s egg in his possession, as well as for offering me access to his admirable col- lection of eggs, numbering upwards of 8000 specimens. IV.—PELECANID 2. 287. COMMON CORMORANT—(Phalacrocoraz carbo). Crested Cormorant, Corvorant, Great Black Cormorant, Cole Goose, Skart.—Wherever there are any traces of a rocky coast about our island, there the Cormorant is pretty sure to be found, so that he may very well be described as a common bird. Where the rocky coast is not only extensive, but not liable to much disturbance from human intrusion, these birds abound, and may be seen in numbers and observed to anyone’s heart’s content- They build their nests, which are of ample size, with sticks, sea- weed and coarse herbage of any obtainable sort, on ledges of the precipices ; and many nests are usually formed in the near neigh- bourhood of each other. They are much disposed also to select as the situation for their nests a rocky islet with cliffy sides, and woe to the nose of anyone who approaches such an island-rock from the leeward side. What from the nature of their food and the abundance of their excrement, an intolerably fetid odour always prevails about their breeding-place. The eggs vary in number from fourto six, and are almost entirely covered over with a white chalky incrustation, which, however, admits of easy removal by a knife or similar means, leaving a shell of a bluish- green colour apparent. 288. SHAG—(Phalacrocorax cristatus). Green Cormorant, Crested Cormorant, Crested Shag.—A * Morris’s Nests and Eggs of British Birds, * 158 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. smaller bird than the last, but easily distinguishable by that and its prevailing green colour. As to habits and haunts the differences are not great. The Shags are said to breed lower down on the rocks than the Cormorant, and the nests are principally com- posed of sea weed and grasses. The eggs are three to five in number, and covered with the same incrustationas those of the Cormorant, and equally removable. White at first, they soon become as soiled and stained as those of the Grebes. 989. GANNET.—(Sula Bassana). Solan Goose.—Common enough in certain localities, though - the localities in which they occur vary with the season, When the breeding time comes round, they congregate in hosts of many thousands at some half-dozen different stations, particularly affected by them on different parts of our coasts. During the breeding season they become exceedingly tame, and will even suffer themselves to be touched. They make their nests of a large mass of sea weed and dry grass, oz rather than ¢# which they lay each one single egg, of no very considerable size. This, when first laid, is white or bluish-white, (the colour being dae to anincrustation similar to that of the Cormorant’s egg), but soon becomes soiled and stained. — ee V.—LARIDA. 290. CASPIAN TERN—(Sterna Caspia). The first member of the last Family of British birds, compris- ing many birds of habits and peculiarities as widely distinct, when it is remembered they are all water-birds, from those of the two Families last wider notice, as is readily conceivable. The Grebes, Divers, Cormorants, all gifted with wonderful powers of diving; the Gulls and Terns incapable of diving an inch: the latter, buoyant and sitting as lightly on the water as a cork; the former deep-sunken ar ROSEATE TERN. F 159 in the water, and seeming to require almost an effort to support themselves on the surface at all. The contrast is certainly sufficiently striking, without taking into account that the one group has immense power of flight, and exercises it; and the others seem to have little inclination to use their wings at all, more than is absolutely necessary. The handsome and large Tern, specially under notice, does not breed in this country, but is known to inhabit the coast of some parts of the European continent, at no great distance from our own shores. 291—_SAND-WICH TERN—(Sterna Cantiaca). This bird has been noticed as breeding in several different localities on our southern coasts, and it is known to frequent both Coquet Island and one or more of the Farne Islands for the same purpose. It lays three or four eggs in a hole, or rather cavity, either scratched or found ready-made in the neighbour- hood of plants or herbage sufficient to afford some covert. The colour of the eggs varies from yellowish white to a buffy stone- colour, and they are thickly spotted with neutral tint, chestnut and deep rich brown. There is, indeed, considerable variation in the colouring of the eggs, but all are very beautiful. J, 2, plate XI. 292. ROSHATE TERN—(Sterna Dougallit). This bird is now known to bea regular but not abundant summer visitor. Unlike many of onr recognised British Birds, this Tern seems rather to increase in numbers than to diminish. They associate with other and infinitely more common species, and closer observation only has distinguished between them and their eggs and those of their more numerous associates. The egos of the Roseate Tern are two or three in number, and vary among themselves to some small extent. They are usually of a 5 160 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. light yellowish stone-colour, spotted and speckled with dark-grey and dark-brown. 293. COMMON TERN—(Sterna hirundo). Sea Swallow, Tarney or Pictarney, Tarrock, Pirr, Gull-teazer, &e.—Although distiguished by the epithet of Common, this Tern is really not much more numerous, and in that sense common, than one or two other species with which it customarily consorts. It is very generally diffused however, and in that sense 7s common. It usually builds on the ground in marshy localities near large sheets of water, or on islands low and flat not far from the sea. Sometimes, though more rarely, it builds upon low rocks or slightly elevated sand-banks. ‘They lay two or three eggs, and are exceedingly and noisily restless and uneasy when they, or especially their young, are too nearly approached. Their eggs vary a good deal, but most of them are of a medium stone-colour, blotched and spotted with ash-grey and dark red-brown. The buoyancy and power of flight exhibited by these birds is very observable —Fig. 3, plate XI. ARCTIC TERN—(Sterna arctica). This Tern, until a comparatively recent period, was confounded with the Common Tern, but a clear specific difference was pointed out by M. Temminck, and it is now acknowledged that, in many of the more northerly localities especially, it is a much more numerous species than the Common Tern. It breeds plentifully in Shetland, Orkney and some parts of the Hebrides, and in great numbers on Coquet Island and one or more of the Farnes. It lays two or three eggs, which are exceedingly like those of the Common Tern, and vary in the same proportion. Some have a greenish shade, and others rather a pronounced buff, spotted and BLACK TERN. 161 blotched as in the case of those of the last-named species.—Fig. 4, plate ATI, 295. WHISKERED TERN—(Sternaé leucopareia). Of very rare, or rather accidental occurrence. 296. GULL-BILLED TERN—(Sterna Anglicd): Another bird, of which much the same may be said as of the last. 297. LESSER TERN—(Sterna mizuta). Lesser Sea Swallow, Tittle Tern—aA pretty—almost a deli- cate—little bird, and not infrequent on such parts of our coasts as are adapted io its habits. It seems to prefer sand or shingle- banks or surfaces, and lays its two or three eggs in any small cavity which it may be lucky enough to find in the selected place. It is perfectly surprising in many cases how closely the eggs laid resemble the stones and gravel among which they are laid. They are palish stone-colour, speckled and spotted with ash-grey and dark brown.—J%g. 5, plate XT. 298. BLACK TERN—(Sterna nigra). Blue Darr.—These birds show considerable varieties in plumage, according to sex and age. They used to be very much more numerous than they now are, many of their favourite haunts having been drained or otherwise broken up. Stil it is not uncommon, even yet, in some parts of the fenny districts— although other Terns build in the close vicinity of the sea, and in dry sites. The Black Tern, however, selects marshy places and often builds in very wet spots, making a nest of flags and grass. The eggs are sometimes four in number, this being the only Tern which lays more than three. They vary much in colour and markings, some being of a palish green, others of a brownish yellow, or dull buff, but all spotted and blotched with deep brown, Fig. 6, plate XT. 162 BRITISH BIRDS THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. 299. NODDY TERN—(Sterna stolida). A bird of only rare and casual occurrence. - 300. SABINE’S GULL— (Larus Sabin). This, the first of the Gulls which falls unaer our notice, is only a rare Visitor. : 301. LITTLE GULL—(Larus minutus). Not only the least English Gull, but the least of all the Gulls, and a very pretty looking little bird. It is, however, only a visitor, though known, of late years, as putting in a more frequent appearance than had been before noticed. 302. MASKED-GULL—(Larus capistratus). A very rare bird, and one of which only a very few specimens generally speaking, have been hitherto met with. 303. BLACK-HEADED GULL—(Larus ridibundus). Brown-headed Gull, Red-legged Gull, Laughing Gull, Pewit Gull, Black-cap, Sea Crow, Hooded Mew.—This is a very numer- ous, and at least, at some periods of the year, a very generally diffused species. At the breeding time, although a few pairs may be met with in an infinite number of localities, the great bulk of the species seems to collect at a few chosen places. One such place, in which they breed in thousands, is on Scoulton Mere, in Norfolk; another at Pallinsburn, in Northumberland; and a third, in Lincolnshire, not far from Brigg. The nests are made of sedges, grass and the flowering part of the reed, and are not very deeply cup-shaped. The bird lays three eggs, and there is a very great degree of variation between them in respect of colour and markings; the ground-colour bemg sometimes of a light blue or yellow, and sometimes green, or red, or brown. Some, too, are thickly covered with spots, and others scarcely marked with a single speckle or spot. In more than one of their great COMMON GULL. 1638 breeding-places the right of gathering the eggs is rented, and sometimes upwards of a thousand eggs are collected in a single day. When the first laying of eggs is taken, a second batch, and even a third is produced; but in each successive instance, the eges become less. They are used as the Pewit’s eggs are, and also for culinary purposes, being sold for about fivepence a score.— Fug. 7, plate XT. 304. LAUGHING-GULL— (Larus atrteilia). A bird of exceedingly rare, or rather exceptional, occurrence. 305. KITTIWAKE—(Larus tridactylus). Tarrock, Annet.—A very common rock-breeding Gull, met with on almost all parts of our coasts, and nesting in great num- bers in many different localities. Flamborough Head, St. Abb’s Head, the Bass, more than one of the Farne islands, are such places. It places its nest of sea-weed high up on the face of some rocky steep on a narrow ledge, and deposits therein, for the most part, three eggs. These differ much im colour and in the amount and position of the spots; some are stone-coloured, some tinged with an olive shade, and some with a bluish cast. The spots and blotches are of ash-grey and two or three shades of brown, chestnut to umber.—/%y.1, plate XII. 306. IVORY-GULL—(ZLarus eburenus). Snow-bird.—A bird of very rare occurrence, 307. COMMON-GULL—(ZLarus canus). Winter Mew, Sea Mew, Sea Mall or Maw, Sea Gull, Sea Cob, Cob.—This Gull is, on the whole, sufficiently general and well- known on all parts of our coast to merit the prefix of Common, which is usually applied to it. For though it is essentially a sea- bird, yet during some weeks in the spring, it may frequntly be seen in the new-ploughed or sowed fields at some miles’ distance from the salt-water. Its nest may sometimes be found on marshes M 2 164 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. or low flat islands, such as are not rare in some of our southern estuaries, while in other districts it breeds on high rocks. In either case, the nest is a structure of considerable size, formed-of ~ sea-weed and grass, and the female deposits two or three eggs in it, which are a good deal varied in appearance: ‘‘Some,” says Mr. Hewitson, with a ground-colour of light blue, or straw- colour, others green or brown; some a good deal like eges of the Oyster-catcher, others covered all over with minute spots.” Some, moreover, are sufficiently well blotched and spotted with ash- colour and dark-brown; others well streaked with the brown, but with only a few spots of the grey colour—%7. 2, plate XII. 308. ICELAND GULL—(Larus Jslandicus). Lesser White-winged Gull—aA bird which has been obtained in this country from time to time, but in cases of no great frequency. 309. LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL—(Larus fuscus). Yeilow-legged Gull.—This Gull is seen in sufficient numbers, and all the year round, on many parts of the British coasts, and in the south as well as the north. It almost exclusively prefers localities to breed in which are characterised by the presence of rocky cliffs, but yet makes a nest of some considerable thickness —even when placed on the grassy summit of some rocky island— “ of grass loosely bundled together in large pieces, and placed in some slight depression or hollow of the rock.” Its nests are intermingled, in several places, with those of the Herring Gull; in many places greatly exceeding those of the latter, in others as greatly inferior, in number. The eggs (two or three in number) vary greatly in colouring,—from a warm stone-colour, through shades of brown, to pale green or light olive-green. The spots and blotches vary too, and vary greatly, in number, size, position PLATE 4, Herring Gull, 5. Richardson’s Skua. Kittiwake, 2. Common Gull. 3. Lesser Black-heade1 Gull nt eS i mech tke 2 pas _- GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL. 165 and intensity; neutral-tint, chestnut brown, and dark brown being all met with, and sometimes in the same specimen.—Fiy. 3, plate XII, 310. HERRING GULL—(Larus argentatus). A very numerous species in many different parts of the king- dom, where rocky coasts sufficiently high and precipitous are met with. I have seen it abundantly at Flamborough Head and St. Abb’s Head, and in smaller numbers on many parts of the York- shire coast north of Flamborough, as well as im others not distant from St. Abb’s. It usually selects for the site of its nest a flat ledge or other rock-surface towards the upper part of the cliff; but will sometimes build on a low rock or grassy island. The nest is like that of the last species, but even larger, and usually contains three eggs. These so strongly resemble those of the Lesser Black-back as to make it very difficult to distingush between the one and the other. Mr. Hewitson says the only means of distinction available even to an experienced eye seem to depend on the somewhat greater size of the Herring Gull’s egg, and the larger and more confluent character of the blotches of surface colour.—Fig. 4, plate XII. 311. GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL—(Larus marinus). Black-back, Cob, Great Black-and-white Gull—By no means a numerous species, and not affecting society as so many of the other Gulls do. It breeds, in some cases, on the Marsh or Salting- spaces met with so abundantly on some of the southern and eastern shores; but more commonly on rocky parts of the coast. Thus, it breeds very abundantly on the Orkney and Shetland Islands. The nest is made of a large quantity cf dry grass simply thrown together. The eggs are three in number, often bearing a great resemblance to those of the two species last 166 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. named, but usually distinguishable by the larger masses of surface colouring, and by some superiority in size. The Black _back’s eggs are much esteemed as articles of food, or for cooking purposes generally. The yolk is very deep and rich-coloured, and the white colourless or transparent. ach female will lay three sets of eggs; the first two sets being, in some cases, customarily taken, and the last left for her to hatch. 312. GLAUCOUS GULL—(Larus glaucus). Large White-winged Gull, Burgomaster.—A Gull equally large with the last, one of which, shot by myself, exceeded six feet from the tip of one wing to that of the other; but one of merely casual occurrence as a British bird. 3138. COMMON SKUA—(Leséris catarractes). Skua Gull, Brown Gull, Bonxie-—We pass here into a some- what different class of birds. The Skua is as bold and insolent as most of the Gulls are timid and retirmg. In many instances these birds do not take the trouble to fish for themselves, but, watching the fishing operations of the Gull, seize their oppor- tunity of assailing a successful fisher, and compel him to disgorge his prey. The Common Skua has only a very limited breeding- range in Britain, not being known to nest out of Shetland, and to have but three places for nidification there. So resolute and daring are they when they have young to defend, they do not scruple to attack the eagle, and a pair have been known to beat the strong, proud marauder effectually off. The Skua makes a large nest of moor-growing moss, and takes some pains in its construction. It is placed among the heath and moss of a hilly island. The eggs are two in number, and vary much in colour; according to locality it would almost seem. Some are dusky FULMAR PETREL. 167 olive brown, others with a much greener hue, and they are blotched with darker brown, and a few spots of rust colour. 314. POMARINE SKUA—(Lestris Pomarinus). Merely a casual visitor, although more frequently noticed of late years than before ornithology became so favourite a study. 315. RICHARDSON’S SKUA—(Zestris Richardsonit). Arctic Gull, Black-toed Gull, Arctic Skua.—This species is the most numerous of all those which visit this country. It breeds in the Hebrides, in the Orkneys and in Shetland, and numerously enough in the two localities last named. The female has been observed to make use of the same artifices as the Partridge and the Grouse to decoy an intrusive dog or man away from its nest or young. The nest is built of moss or ling, on some elevated knoll amid marshy ground, or on the moor, and contains two eges. These are of a greenish olive-brown colour, spotted with dark brown. This Skua not only restlessly and pitilessly persecutes the Kittiwake and other Gulls in order to obtain its own food from them at second-hand, but also makes free with their eges for the same purpose in a very marauder-like fashion.— 77. 5, plate XIL. 316. BUFFON’S SKUA—(Lestris Buffonii). Mr. Yarrell distinguishes between this bird and the true J. Parasitieus, and consequently adopts the scientific name I have now given. This Skua can only be considered a rare and acci- dental visitor. 317. FULMAR PETREL—(Procellaria glacialis). Fulmar, Northern Fulmar.—The Fulmar breeds in incredible . numbers at St. Kilda, but is rarely met with, even in winter, about the southern coasts of England. Both old birds and their young on being touched eject a considerable quantity of 168 BRITISH BIRDS, THEIR EGGS AND NESTS. clear oil, which, however, is by no means of an agreeable odour ; and probably from this cause the nest, young birds, and even the rock on which they are placed, stink almost intolerably. The nest is very slight, if any, and the bird lays her single white egg in little excavations, and lightly lined, on such shelves on the face of high precipitous rocks as are surfaced with a little grass or sward. ‘The egg varies in length from a little over 2} inches to 3 inches, 318. GREATER SHEARWATER—(Pufinus major). Cinerous Shearwater, Dusky Shearwater.—A bird which has not been very frequently recorded as met with on the British seas, but still one of occasional occurrence. 319. MANX SHEARWATER—(Pufinus Angorum). Shearwater Petrel, Manx Puffin.—This is a regular sea-taring little bird, and perhaps would hardly ever care to come to land if it were not for the need of something solid for its eges to repose upon. It usually frequents islands well-washed by the sea and not much frequented by men. It used to be very abundant on the Calf of Man, but is never seen there now. In one of the | Scilly Islands it breeds in some numbers still, and on St. Kilda, the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland. Thenest is made deep down in a hole in some wild and half inaccessible part of the islands frequented, and in it one egy of exceeding whiteness is laid, and remarkable for the fine texture of the shell amd the musky scent of the entire egg. It is about 21 inches long by 13 broad. 320. BULWER’S PETREL—(Tialassidroma Bulwerit). A Petrel of sufficiently rare occurrence. 321. WILSON’S PETREL—(Tihalassid:oma Wilsoni). Equally rare with the bird last-named. STORM PETREL. 169 322. FORK-TAILED PETREL—(Tihalassidroma Leachit). Subject to the same remark as the two last. 323. STORM PETREL—(Thalassidroma procellaria). Mother Carey’s Chicken.—This is said to be the smallest web- footed bird known, and it is the last as well as the least. It never comes to the shore except at the breeding-season, and-only seeks comparative shelter under the pressure of very heavy weather, It breeds in the Scilly Islands, some of the islands on the Ivish coast, and abundantly on St. Kilda, the Orkneys and Shetland. They breed in holes in a cliff, or under large-sized stones, which, from their great size and the accumulation of boulders and large shingle about them, afford many deep recesses well suited to the wants of the nesting Petrel. Like the Manx Shearwater, they are by no means silent in their nest-holes, but make themselves distinctly audible to the passenger above. They lay one white ege, a little exceeding 1 inch long, by 2 broad. APPENDIX. Our object in adding this Appendix is simply a wish to make the book more complete by adding notices, more or less detailed, of thenests and eggs and any interesting breeding-season peculiarities of birds recognized as really well entitled to the name of British Birds, but not happening to remain within the limits of Britain to breed. The first bird of the kind ig that which, in our complete list, is numbered 7. GREENLAND FALCON. The equivalent to Mr. Yarrell’s Gyr Falcon. 8. ICELAND FALCON. These two species are now, I believe, looked upon as established, but the differences between them are not excessively striking, except it be to a scien- tific naturalist. Myr. Hewitson has figured an egg of the Iceland Falcon which he believes may have Jost some of its colour. It was taken from a nest made with sticks and roots, lined with wool, which once perhaps was the nest of a Raven. The nest in question was in a cliff, and had the remains of many sorts of birds—Whimbrels, Golden Plovers, Guillemots, Ducks—strewed round it. The egg is of a buffy red colour, mottled and speckled—very thickly in places—with deeper red. 80. SNOWY OWL. Sufficiently often met within North Britain (and even occurring sometimes in England) to merit a short notice here. It inhabits Sweden, Norway, Lap- land and the greater part of Northern Europe. These birds are accustomed to take their prey by daylight, and seem, from the accounts received, to be 172 APPENDIX. in the habit of “ bolting ” their food, when not very large, whole. It makes its nest on the ground, and lays in it three or four white eggs, 34. GREAT GREY SHRIKE. This bird is met with in Denmark and other northern countries of Western Europe, and also in Russia, Germany and France, It is said to frequent woods and forests, and to build upon trees at some distance from the ground, as well as in thick bushes and hedges. The nest is made of roots, moss, wool and dry stalks, lined with dry grass and root-fibres. The eggs are four to seven in number, and though they vary a good deal in colour, they always illustrate the peculiar tendency of the eggs of the Shrikes to show a sort cf zone or girdle, due to the agglomeration of the spots about some part of the circumference. They are yellowish or greyish white, and the spots of grey and light brown. 42, FIELDFARE. I have sometimes seen this favourite game-bird of the school-boy here as early as the latter part of September, and I have frequently noticed them feeding in hundreds on the holly berries which abound in more than one part of this district. They must breed very late in the year from the late period of their departure hence, and the distance of the countries to which many of them resort for that purpose. It breeds very abundantly in Nor- way, and also in Sweden, Russia and Siberia, not to mention other and more southerly countries in Hurope. Their nests, in Norway, are usually built against the trunk of the spruce-fir, and at very variable heights from the ground. They are said to be very like those of the Ring Ouzel, except that small twigs are added to the outside structure. The eggs are from three to five, and are very like those of the Ring Ouzel,but with somewhat more red about them, The Fieldfare seems to prefer breeding in numerous groups or colonies, two or three hundred nests vemg frequently seen within a rather limited space. 42.*¥ REDWING. This winter visitor is known to breed occasionally, but yet only very excep- tionally, in this country. A nest was brcught to me two summers since, which, from its construction, the size and colcuring of the eggs, and espe- cially from the description of the bird which my informant saw leaving the AYPENDIX. 173 nest, I have little doubt was a Redwing. It breeds abundantly in Sweden, and in lesser numbers in Norway, and is described as being a very sweet singer, as heard among the forest solitudes of the latter country. Its nest is very similar to those of the Blackbird, Ring Ouzel and Fieldfare,in materials ~ and structure. The eggs are four to six in number, and very similar, allow- ing for a little inferiority in size, to those of the Fieldfare, and to very red specimens of the Ring Ouzel’s. 91. SNOW BUNTING This bird resorts in the breeding-season to the “ Arctic Regions and the Islands of the Polar Sea.” Mr. Yarrell says, “the nest is composed of dry grass, neatly lined with deers’ hair and a few feathers, and is generally fixed in acrevice of arock, or in a loose pile of timber or stones. The eggs are a greenish white, with a circle of irregular umber-brown spots round the thick end, and numerous blotches of subdued lavender purple.” 98. MOUNTAIN FINCH. This Finch is occasionally met with in sufficient numbers to be deserving of a short notice here. 14 seems to breed in Denmark, Norway. and Lapland, and it is at least possible that a few pairs may, from time to time, stay to nest with us. It is said to build in fir-trees, though from Mr. Hewitson’s account, the nests are by no means easy +0 find. The following is an account of a nest made by a pair in an aviary at Beccles in Suffolk :—“ The nest was deep, the walls thick, a large quantity of materials employed for the founda- tion which was worked among the stalks of the ivy-leaves. It was composed of moss, wool, and dry grass; and lined with hair.’ The general appearance of the eggs is one of resemblance to those of the Chaffinch; the spots however, seeming to be fewer, smaller and less decided. 104. SISKIN. This little bird has been known in several instances to breed with us in its naturai wild condition, but its nesting-home is in Russia, Germany and north-western Europe. It has been ascertained to build in furze bushes, and also close to the trunk of a fir-tree, where a projecting bough afforded support for the structure. The nest is composed of similar materials te the Chaffinchs’, and the eggs present a good deal of resemblance to those of the Goldfinch, with a little inferiority in size. 174 APPENDIX. 170. TURNSTONE. This very handsomely plumaged bird inhabits the countries bordering on the Baltic, as also Greenland and other localities far to the north. Mr. Hewitson gives a most interesting account of his discovery of its nest in Norway :—“ We had visited numerous islands with little encouragement, and were about to land upon a flat rock, when our attention was attracted by the singular cry of a Turnstone. We remained in the boat a short time until we had watched it behind atuft of grass, near which after a minute search, we succeeded in finding the nest. It was placed against a ledge of the rock, and consisted of nothing more than the dropping leaves of the Juniper bush, under a creeping branch of which the eggs, four in number, were snugly concealed and sheltered.” Several other nests were also found in thecourse of further researches, which, however, were required to be both close and systematic. The eggs are of an olive-green colour, spotted and streaked with different shades of red-brown, and “all having a beautiful tint of purple or crimson, seen in few other eggs.” 171, SANDERLING. It breeds in Greenland, Labrador and other Arctic countries. It makes its nest on marshy grounds, of grass, and lays four “ dusky-coloured eggs, spotted with black.” But little seems to be known of either the nidification or the eggs of this species, as no figure is given by either Mr. Hewitson or in the Reverend O. Morris’s book. 237. HOOPER. Occasionally met with during the breeding season in Iceland, and more commonly in Lapland. They are described as inhabiting the most remote and inaccessible lakes and morasses in forest districts. The nest is made of any coarse water herbage which is suitable and at the same time accessible. It is large, and raised some inches above the surface of the supporting soil. The eggs are believed to be from three or four to seven in number, and are usually of a pale brownish white colour, extending to about 4 inches long by 22 broad. 245. PINTAIL. This Duck breeds in Iceland, and commonly in Lapland and some of the districts about the Gulf of Bothnia. It builds, like most others of its kind OT APPENDIX. 7 among the thick herbage commonly growing near the edge of pieces of fresh water; the nest being made of the same, but dry, and lined with down. The eggs are six to eight or nine in number, and are of a light greenish white colour, and about the same size as those of the Wild Duck proper. 255. VELVET SCOTER. This Sea Duck is found in Russia, Norway, the Faroe Islands, and also in Iceland. Mr. Audubon’s account of its nest and eggs is as follows :—‘ The nests are placed within a few feet of the borders of small lakes, a mile or two from the sea, and usually under the low boughs of the bushes, of the twigs of which, with mosses and various plants matted together, they are formed They are large and almost flat, several inches thick, with some feathers of the female, but no down, under the eggs, which are usually six in number, 23 inches in length, by 13 in breadth, of an uniform pale cream colour, tinged with green.” ’ 256. COMMON SCOTER. a breeds, but not very numeronsly, in Iceland ; but is seen nesting in com- pany with the Velvet Scoter, in Scandinavia, rather more commonly. It makes a nest of any available vegetable substance, such as grasses, twigs, leaves, dry stalks; it is lined with down, and placed under the partial cover or concealment afforded by low shrubs or other plants. The eggs are six or seven to ten in number, of a pale buff colour slightly tinged with green, 2 inches long by 12 broad. After the eggs are laid, the males assemble in large flocks and draw towards the coast. 259. POCHARD. The breeding-haunt of this bird seems to be more to the eastward than the mojority of those hitherto named. It is said to be abundant in Russia and in the north of Germany, and is very commonly found in the Fur-coun- tries in America during the breeding-season. A few also breed on the oorders of the Meres in Holland. The nest is similar in site and materials to those of fhe Wild Duck and other Ducks, and the eggs sometimes reach the number of twelve. They are of a greenish buff colour, 2 inches in length, by 1$in breadth, The Pochard was discovered, several years since 176 APPENDIX as breeding about the mere at Scarborough, and has also been stated to nest occasionally in one or two places in Norfolk. 261. SCAUP DUCK. This Duck has also been known as breeding very incidentally in this coun- try, but its almost unbroken habit is to return to such countries as Iceland, the swampy lake-district north of the Gulf of Bothnia, and some parts of Norway, for nesting purposes. It sometimes makes its nest in what may be almost called the usual site for the nests of Ducks,and sometimes upon the stones and shingle at the edge of sheets of fresh water. The nest is very thin and slightly formed, but well lined with down, and the eggs seem to be six, seven, or eight in number, They are of a pale buff colour, and sensibly less in size than those of the Pochard last named. 262. TUFTED DUCK. This little Duck is known to breed near the head of the Bothnian Gulf, as well as in other parts of Sweden, andin Lapland and Russia. A few pairs also are seen nesting in Holland. It makes a very slight nest of grasses and the like. The eggs are seven or eight to ten in number, very similar in shade to those of the Scaup Duck last mentioned, but much less in size, being only a little over 2 inches long, by less than 1% in breadth. 263. LONG-TAILED DUCK. It is known to breed in Iceland, and believed to do so in Norway. It makes its nest among low brushwoou and the herbage usual at or near the margin of fresh water. A few stems of grass form the substructure, on which is placed a plentiful lining of down. The eggs are from six to twelve in number, They are of yellowish-white, just tinged with green, and nearly 2% inches long by 1% in breadth. 265. GOLDEN EYE. ‘his Duck seems to prefer wooded or forest districts for nesting in. It breeds in Lapland, Sweden and Norway, and has such a strong liking for a hole in a tree to nest in, that if suitable boxes with an adequate entrance- APPENDIX. i ee hele are placed on the trees growing on the banks of streams or lakes fre- quented by them, their eggs are sure to be deposited therein, to the great profit of those who suspend theboxes. Of course when it is known that a Duck hatches its young in a hole in a tree, the question must suggest itself—as it did to the original observer in the case of the Wild Ducks’ nest ou a pollard, or in a Fir-tree—How can the young Ducks ever be got down safely, and still more, finally launched on their proper element? An observed habit of the Golden Eye answers this question. A Lap clergyman saw the parent bird conveying its young, to the number of five or more, but one at a time, from the nest to the water, and he was at last able to “make out that the young bird was held under the bill, but supported by the neck of the parent.” The eges of the Golden Hye are said to be ten or twelve or even more in number, and of a brighter colour than is usual with the eggs of the Duck tribe, being of a rather decided green colour. 267. SMEW. But little that is quite authentic seems to be known of the nesting habits of this little Duck; nor is it certainly ascertained where its chief numbers retire to breed. The eggs are said to be eight or tem in number, or even more than that, and to be of a yellowish white colour. 276. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER. This bird breeds on the Faroe Islands, and on some of the lakes in Ice- land; as also on some of the islands of Finmark, Spitzbergen and Greenland are also named as the breeding resort of many of these Divers. They lay, it is supposed, two eggs each, though in some observed instances only one was to be seen, Mr. Audubon says that three are sometimes laid. They are of a dark olive-brown, with a few spots of dark umber brown, and are of con- siderable size 283. LITTLE AUK. This little wave-dweller has its nesting home in countries far more to the North than ours. It abounds onsome parts of the Greenland shores, and it isalso met with but much more sparingly, in Iceland. It makes no nest, N 178 APPENDIX. but lays its one egg on the ground amongst or possibly beneath the large rock-masses which encumber the shore after falling from the overhanging cliffs and precipices. The parent birds are exceedingly averse to leave their eze when incubation has commenced, and like some other Species already mentioned, will rather suffer themselves to be removed by the hand. The egg is white lightly tinged with blue, a little spotted and veined with rust colour. Accentor, Alpine, 53. Auk Little, 155. -—— Great, 15. Avocet, 125. Bee-Eater, 98. Blackbird, 51. Blackcap, 58. - Bittern, Little, 119. : Common, 120. Bulfinch, 81. Bunting, Lapland, 72. Common, 72. ——— Black - head- ed, 73. ———— Snow 72. ——— Cirl, 75. ——— Ortolan, 75. Bustard, Great, 111. —— Little, 112. Buzzard, Rough-leg- ged, 36. ———— Honey, 36. —+— Common, 35. Capercaillie, 107. Chaffinch, 75. American, 120. INDEX. Chiffchaff, 61. Chongh, 85. Soot, 136. Cormorant,Common, 157. Cream-colour- ed, 112. Courser, Crane, 118. Crake, Spotted, 124. -——— Little, 135. - Baillon’s, 135. Creeper, 94. Crossbill, Common, 83. Parrot, 83. ——— Whitewinged, 89. Crow, 86. — Hooded, 87. Cuckoo, 97. —— Yellow-billed, 98. Curlew, 121. Dipper, Common, 48. Dotterei, 114. Dove, Ring, 165. —— Stock, 104. — Rock, 104. — Turtle, 105. Dunilin, 131. Duck, Pintail, 145, Duck, Bimaculatied, 143. — Wild, 143. —— Hider, 145. — King, 146. —— Steller’s Western, 146 —— Red-crested Whist!- ing, 147. —- Ferruginous, 147. — Scaup, 147. —— Tufted, 147. —— Long-tailed, 148. —— Harlequin, 148. — Golden-Eye, Ss. —— Buffel-headed, 148. Diver, Great North- ern, 152. —— Black-throated, 152. — Red-throated, 152. Bagle, Golden, 24, Spotted, 27. —— White-tailed, 26 ivgret, Little, 119. Falcon, Red-footed, 31. Gyr, 28. Iceland, 29, Peregrine, 29. “180 Finch, Mountain, 76. Flycatcher, Spotted, 47. ———— Pied, 48. Fieldfare, 50. Gadwall, 148. Gannet, 158. Garganey, 144. Godwit, Black-tailed, 126. ———— Bar-tailed, 127. Goldfinch, 79. Goosander, 149. ° Goose, Grey-legged, 187. Bean, 1388. — Pink-footed, 188. —— White-fronted,139. Bernicle, 189. Brent, 139. Red-breasted, 140. — Egyptian, 140. Spur-winged, 140. Canada, 140. Grebe, Great Crested,150. Red-crested, 150. — Sclavonian, Nis —— Eared, 151. — Little, 151, Greenfinch, 78. Greenshank, 125. Grosbeak, Pine, 82. Grouse, Black, 107 Red, 108. INDEX. Guillemot, Common, 153. — Brunnich’s, 154. ——— Ringed, 154. ——— Black, 154. Gull, Sabine’s, 162. — Little, 162. — Masked, 162. -— Black-headed, 162. —— Laughing, 163. —— Ivory, 163. —— Common, 163. — Iceland, 164. —— Lesser Black-back- ed, 164, —— Herring, 163. — Great Black-back- ed, 165. — Glaucous, 166. Harrier, Marsh, 37. Hen, 37. Ash-coloured, 38. Hawfinch, 79. Hawk, Sparrow, 34. Gos, 33. Heron, Common, 118. — Purple, 119. —. Great White, 119. —— Buff-backed, 119. — Squacco, 119. — Night, 120. * Hobby, 30. Hooper, 140. Hoopoe, 96. Ibis, Glossy, 121. Jackdaw, 89. Jay, 90. Kestrel, 81. Kite, 34. — Swallow-tailed, 25. Kittiwake, 163. Kingfisher, 98. Knot, 130. Lapwing, 115. Lark, Shore, 70. —— Sky, 70. , Lark, Wood, 71. Short-toed, 72. : Linnet, Common, 80. Mountain, 81. Magpie, 89. Martin, 100. ——— Sand, 101. Purple, 101. Merganser, Hooded, 149. Red-breasted, 149. Merlin, 81. Moor Hen, 136. Nightingale, 58. Night-Jar, 102. Wutoracker, 91, Nuthatch, 96. Oriole, Golden, 53. Ouzel, Ring, 52. Osprey, 27. Owl, Eagle, 42. —— Scopseared, 42. —— Long-eared, 42. « —— Short-eared, 42, —— Barn, 43. — Tawny, 45. —— Snowy, 46. — Hawk, 46. — Little, 46. — Tengmalm’s, 46. Oyster-catcher, 117. Partridge, Common, 109. Red-legged, 110. Pastor, Rose-coloured, 85. Petrel, Fulmar, 167. Bulwer’s, 168. Wilson’s, 168. Fork-tailed, 169. Storm, 169. Phalarope, Grey, 137. —-— Red-necked, 187. Pheasant, 106. Pigeon, Passenger 105. INDEX. Pipit, Tree, 68. Meadow, 69. ——— Rock, 69. —— Richarda’s, 69 Plover, Great, 112, Golden, 113. —— Ringed, 114. Kentish, 115. — Little Ringed, 115. Grey. 115. Pochard, 147. Pratincole, 112. Ptarmigan, 109. Puffin, 155. Quail, 111. Rail, Land, 1383. —— Water, 135. Raven, 85. Razor-Bill, 156. Redshank, Spotted, 122. Common, 122, Redpole, Mealy, 80. Lesser, 81. Redstart, 54. ——— Black, 55. Redwing, 51. Regulus, Gold-crested, 62. —_—— Fire-crested, 63. Robin, 53, Roller, 98. 381 Rook, 87. Ruff, 127. Sandpiper, Green, 123. Wood, 124, Common, 124. Spotted, 125. Curlew, 180. Buff-breasted, 131. ——- Broad-billed, 131. Schinz’s 181. — Pectoral, 131. Purple, 182. Sanderling, 117. Scoter, Velvet, 146. Comuinon, 146. Surf, 147. Shag, 157. Shearwater, Greater, 168. —— Marx, 168. Shieldrake, Ruddy, 141. Common, 141, Shoveller, 142. Shrike, Great Grey, 46. Red-backed, 46. ——— Wood Chat, 47. Siskin, 80. Skua, Common, 166. Pomarine, 167. Richardson’s, 167, Buffon’s, 167. Smew, 149. 182 Sparrow, Hedge, 53. Tree, 76. a House, 77. Spoonbill, 121. Starling, 84. Stilt, Black-winged, 126. Stint, Little, 151. Temminck’s, 181. Stone-chat, 55. Stork, White, 120. ——— Black, 121. Swallow, 99. Swan, Bewick’s, 140. Mute, 141, Polish, 141. Swift 101. ——— Alpine, 102. Snipe, Great, 129. Common, 129. Jack, 130. Sabine’s 180. Brown, 130. Teal, 144. Tern, Caspian, 158. —-— Sandwich 159, INDEX. Tern, Roseate, 159. Common, 160. Arctic, 160. ——— Whiskered, 161. Gull-billed, 161. Lesser, 161. —— Black, 161. Noddy, 162. Thrush, Missel, 49. -—_—— White’s, 50. Common, 50. Titmouse, Great, 63. ———— Blue, 63. ——-_—— Crested, 64. ———— Cole, 64. —— Marsh, 65. ——— - ———— Bearded, 46. ‘Turnstone, 116. Vulture, Griffon, 22. —— Egyptian, 22. Wagtail, Pied, 67. —— Grey, 67. --—— Grey-headed, 67. ——~- Ray’s, 6S. Long-tailed, 65. Warbler, Blue-throat- ed, 54. Grasshopper, 57. ——— Sedge, 57. Dartford, 62. — Wood, 60. ——— Savi’s, 57. —-—— Reed, 57. Garden, 59. Waxwing, Bohemian, 66. Wheat-ear, 56. Whimbrel, 122. Whin-chat, 55. Whitethroat, 60. Lesser, 60. Wigeon, 145. American, 345. Woodpecker, Great Black, 91. —-~— Green, 91. ——— Great Spotted, 92. -—— Lesser Spotted, 93. Woodcock, 128. Wren, 95. Willow, 61. Wryneck, 93. Yeliowhammer, 74. CAMDEN PRESS LONDON. BOOKS FOR THE COUNTRY. Finely printed on superior paper, in a large type, Illustrated in Colours by W. S. Coleman, Sowerby, Tuffen West, Noel Humphreys, &c. Fcap. 8vo. gilt. Price 3s. 6d. each. COMMON OBJECTS OF THE SEA-SHORE. By the Rev. J. G. 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