^m ■^ A I. WEt-AHOER . ( >^ .^/.^:z Cfff tr BRITISH ENTOMOLOGY; ILLUSTRATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS THE GENERA OF INSECTS GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND: CONTAINING Caloureti JTigureiS from Batitre OF THE MOST RARE AND BEAUTIFUL SPECIES, AND IN MANY INSTANCES OF THE PLANTS UPON WHICH THEY ARE FOUND. BY JOHN CURTIS, KELLOW Of THE LINKEAN SOCIETY. LONDON: PIUNTKD FOR THE AUTIIOK, 4/ UPPEU CHARLOTTE STREET, FITZROY SQUARE; AND SOLD BY SHERWOOD, JONES AND CO., 20 PATERNOSTER ROW j W. WETTON, 21 FLEET STREET; J. BOOTH, DUKE STREET, PORTLAND PLACE; GOSSLING AND EGLEY, 69 NEW BOM) STREET; G. B. SOWERBY, 156 REGENT STREET; AND A. A. ROVER, AU JARUIN DES PLANTES A PARIS. 1824. PRINTED BY RICHARD TAYLOR, SHOE-LANE, LONDON. TO The Rev. WILLIAM KIRBY, M.A. F.R.S. L.S. &c. THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, AS A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MANY OBLIGATIONS, AND IN TESTIiMONY OF THE SINCERE REGARD OF THE AUTHOR. Loiulon, Jan. I, 1824. u AUu i. Sii//:/jycf-&wi'A^ Jirni_luru Ja/rul. iZt4. 1. CICINDELA SYLVICOLA. Order Coleoptera. Family Cicindelidae Lat. Type of the Genus Cicindela campestris L. CiciNDELA. * Antenna' filiform, inserted into the anterior marp;^in of the eye. (fig. 6.) Labrum large, somewhat triangular, slightly indented. ( 1 .) Mandibles large, with 4 simple teeth, and one nt ar the base cleft. (2.) MaxlUce furnished at their extremities with a distinct articulated hook, and strongly ciliated : internal palpi with 2 joints of nearly equal length j external with 4 joints, <;f which the second is equal in length to the two last. (3.) Menium with 2 lobes, and a strong spine in the centre : palpi with 4 joints : the first 2 very short, the third very long and hairy. (4.) Thorax short, almost as broad as the head, sometimes cijlindrital. Elytra Jlat, rounded. Wings /tt'O. Feet formed for running, fur- nished with trochanters ; internal side of the anterior tibue never notclied : anterior tarsi of the male wilh the Jirst 3 joints dilated. (.">.) C. .sYLvico).A MegerU and Dejean C. hybrida, var. Duftschmidt. Above green tinged with purple, beneath metallic, green and blue. Head and thorax very finely punctured, elytra obliquely, and more deeply punctured, having a scabrous a])pearance, with pale yellow interrupted lunular marks at the shoulders and apex, and an abbreviated sinuated fascia in the middle. First 4 joints of Antennae shining green, the remainder velvety, black. Legs and underside covered with white hairs. In the Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. LiNN.EUS and his disciple Fabricius commenced their ar- rangements of the Order Coleoptera with the Scarabasicljje; and Lati'cille and those who have adopted his System selected • The reader will please to observe, that tliroughout the work, the dissections will be made from the Insect established as the type of the genus, unless stnfod to the contrary; and the figures occurring in the descriptions will relate to Uie •lanit: figures in the plate;. for the .same purpose the Cicindelitlee, coiisiderhig them as the most complete in their organization. The only genus of this family found in Great Britain is that which I have described ; the species forming it are all conspicuous for their beaut}^, and valued (with the exception of C. campestrii) for their rarity ; they are exceedingly active, and are mostly met with flying in the heat of the day in sandy situations. The specimen figured is smaller and greener than the au- thentic ones from Mons. Dejean in the magnificent collection of A. MacLeay, Esq., but it agrees very well witli those in the British Museum. As an inhabitant of this country it is unique, and I am indebted to my friend J. F. Stephens, Esq., for being able to present my readers with a figure of this rare and elegant species : it was taken in Epping Forest in Jime 1820, and the same year it was found in profusion in different parts of the continent. — C stjlvicola very nearly approaches C. hyhrida, but is readily distinguished from it by the green colour which is predominant ; by the less sinuated fascia on the elytra; and by the more ferruginous colour of the third joint of the labial palpi. C. germanica from its different form may very fairly be con- sidered as belonging to another division of the genus. Mr. Brightwell found it in the middle of a very hot day in July 1810, running with the greatest rapidity among the short grass, on the maro-in of a small brook at Black-o-ano; Chine in the Isle of Wight : it has also been taken near Dartford in Kent. The other species indigenous to this island are C. sylvatica, C. hybrida, and C. campestris. The plant upon which the Insect is drawn is Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass).* * Whenever the plant to which an insect is attached can be obtained, it w ill be introduced in the plate; but a'; some feed upon putrid animal and vegetable sub- stances, many upon each other, and as not unfrequently their habits are totally unknown, — in such instances plants will be introduced with a view to make the work as handsome and instructive as possible ; and as a knowledge of Botany is absolutely necessary in order to be able to collect insects with complete success, it is hoped tliat figures of the indigenous plants will prove acceptable and useful to the reader. /l», "^ixjLy^ d^tdr l/u iJv'iMtui J-cni-f/on ami ^. 2. VELIA lUVULORUM. OnoKii Hcmiplcra. Fa.ai. Hydronietidic Leach. Type of the Genus Gcrris currens Fah. Velia Ldt. Genis Fab. Hydrometra Fab. Ant'jnncc exserted, filiform, composed of 4 joints, the first of wliicli is the longest, the last cylindric-oval. (1. a ) Head somewhat vertical. (1 . b.) Rostrum 2-jointed. (2. b.) inflected. Labrum very short, not projecting. (2. a.) Setcc (probably 4) passing through the Rostrum. (2. c.) Feet long, formed for walking upon the water, first pair raplurious, tarsi 3-joinled, with very minute nails inserted laterally into a fissure near the extremity of the last joint. (3.) V. RivuLORUM Lat. Cons. Gen. Gevris rivulorum Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 4. p. 189. Fuscous ; head black, thorax deeply punctured, with two gray spots in front, and an orange mark "between them ; sides of the thorax and abdomen red with a black spot on the elevated edge of each segment, and a line of contiguous black .^pots down each side beneath ; the anal segments in the abdomen of the male black : Elytron with one long and 3 round white spots — second pair of legs with the tibiae ciliated 5 posterior thighs of tlie males bidentated, the body flattened, with a small anal joint projecting. Female witli simple thighs, and a robust truncated abdomen. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. This pretty insect was unknown I believe as an inhabitant of this country till it was taken by Dr. Leach. My iriend J. C. Dale, Esq., has since met with it in considerable abun- dance on his estate at Glanville's Wootton, Dorset ; Mr. Samouclle lias also taken it near Kew Hridjie. It is found with its congeners from April to September, by the sides of streams and springs, running upon the surface of the water. Velia liivulorum and V. currens have been described by Fabricius and other authors as distinct species ; but from the remarks of my friends and my own observations, 1 am inchned to beheve that the latter is only the pupa of the former. The fact might easily be proved, by those residing m a convenient situation confining a quantity of V. currens in a frame covered with coarse gauze, and floating them where they have been found. I suggest this plan, hoping that some assiduous ento- mologist may be induced to follow it up, and decide this doubt- ful and interesting question. The insect in the plate represented flying is the male, that at rest the female, and the lines drawn near each denote then' natural size. The plant figured with them is Juncus articulatus Linn. (Shining-fruited jointed Rush): it is found by the water's edge. / S/J.'.ijif dlfC/^puf j&nrJcn Jcun/I: ''814 rj '€>/j/ii^ia c)lxc/:<6-^-Ciu'/ 3. DEILEPHILA EUPHORBIiE. Spotted Elephant. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Spliingida? Lai. Type of the Genus Sphinx Elpenor Linn. Deilepiiila Ochsenhelmcr. Sphinx Linn. Aiiicnncc composed of many joints, with the duh prismatic, and appealing hooked, it being terminated by a long, subulated, naked joint (l.a.) : upper side thickly covered with scales (l,b.): under side ciliated (I.e.) Lahrum (2. a.) and mandibles attached to the head. Mandibles parallel, curved inward, furnished internally with brushes of very strong hair (2. b.) Maxilla: (forming the proboscis) very long and spiral : (3) is a portion of one, to shov/ the base and the semi-cylindric canal. Labial Palpi broad if seen in front, covered with short close scales, the first joint very much bent, second very large, some- what oval, third tuberculiform, scarcely distinct : (4) the scales removed to show the articulations. Wings horizontal, or deflexcd in repose ;'a hook or valch at the exterior edge of the lower icings to retain those above. (Jaterpillars with 6 anterior, S abdominal, and 2 anal feet. D. EuPHORBi.i': Orhs. Sphinx Euphovbite Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 802. 19. Fab. Syst. Nat. torn. 3. p. o67. 37. Haw. Lep. Brit. /). Gl . H. Roescl. Lis. v. 1 . t. 3. /). 17. Head and thorax white, the centre fuscous-green. Abdomen above fuscous-green, sides of the first 3 segments white, with pure black spots upon the first 2, the next 3 segments having narrow white spots on their sides. Upper wings fuscous-green, white at their base, with a black spot ; the posterior margin white ; a rosy fascia extending from the posterior margin to tlie apex, very deeply siiuuited above and luululated beneath, and a darker rosy margin from the apex to the posterior angle ; under wings black, whitisli internally, with a deep rose-coloured fascia in the centre, and another along the external margin : tlie whole In- sect beneath clouded rose colour, with 2 ol)scurc black spots in the upper wings. Antennie white above and fuscous beneath : legs white, first pair fuscous-green above. Tlie male has much less black in tlic under wings, the antenna^ arc thicker, and the abdomen more dilated with hair at the apex, than in the female. In the Cabinets of Mr. Raddon and the Author. Deii.f.i'hila is derived front the Greek, and means Lovers of Evening, It wa.s a genus proposed I believe by Ilnbner, and established by Ochsenheimer in his " Die SchmetterHng von Europa." It contains the following British species : D. Celerio, Elpeiior, Porcellus, lineata, Galii, and Euphorbia, which are all rare excepting the second. These insects, which have been called Hawk-moths, fly about sun-set, darting fi'om flower to flower, and hovering over the most iVagrant with their long proboscis extended to extract the honey deposited in the nec- taries. Deilephila Euphorbice is eminently beautiful both in its larva and imago states ; and although it has been met with by the earlier collectors, I am indebted to the assiduity and liberality of my fi-iend Mr. Raddon for being able to give its history, as well as figures of the larva, and the plant upon which it feeds. During a long residence in Devonshire, that gentleman vdsited occasionally the extensive sand-hills at Appledore and Braunton Burrows near Barnstaple, where Euphorbia Paralias grows in great abundance ; and from the size and beauty of the caterpillar it would be imagined that it might readily be found : but in the young state they are not easily discoverable ; and when more advanced, they become so conspicuous that their numbers are reduced by marine birds which feed upon them : — sometimes they may be traced by their soil, at other times they may be seen far from the spot where they fed, at the extremity of a tall rush. They are full-grown about the middle of September, when they descend into the sand and change into chrj'salides, forming a loose case of earth around them, from which they emerge the beginning of the following June. Sometimes, however, they remain in the pupa state two seasons, as many other Lepidoptera do ; — a wise provision of Nature to prevent any accident from destroying the whole brood. The sand-hills where the larva is foimd are of great extent and magnitude, and must have been collected by the winds and storms to which they are constantly exposed : du- ring the winter the whole soil is frequently removed, so as com- pletely to alter the surface of the country ; a great number of the pupa must consequently be destroyed or buried at a great depth below the surface, where probably they lie hid until they are brought to light and life by the influence of the elements *. Dr. Schwffigrichen of Leipsic informs me that in Germany D. Euphorbice feeds upon Euphm-bia esula and E. Q/parissias, plants of the same division as E. Paralias (Sea Spurge) figured in the plate. * I think it probable that the larva found in marshy ground at Barnscray near Crayford in Kent, and figured by Harris, as well as those recorded by Dc Goer as feeding upon a common Gcilium, were the caterpillars of 1). Galii, especially as that species hat been frequently confounded with JJ. Etijilwrbice. 4 W 8 •%.''('^J^M^J'o^&n iJ.,^,- I ffjU 4. PELTASTES PINl. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Ichneumonidse Lat. Type of the Genus Ichneumon nccatorius Fab. PEi/rASTES ///. Ichneumon Fab., Lnt. Mctopius Pz. Aufen/Ke filiform, composed of (JO joints and upwards, inserted near the crown of the head, and equidistant from the eyes and each other. ( 1 .) * Clijpens formed like an escutcheon, i)ointed in the centre. (1.) Labriun triangular, rounded in front. (2.) Mandibles slightly arcuated, strong, acute, bifid near tlieir ex- tremities. (3. 3.) Maxillce short, corneous, rounded, ciliated, irregular at their outer edge. {A. a.) : MaxiUani palpi very long, hair\', j-jointed, first joint straight cylindric J second very large, thick, clavatc ; third thicker than the first and nearly as long, fourth very small, fifth length of the fir,-,t, cylindric. (-4. b.) Menluni oblong (."j.a ) : /w//)i short, hairy, 4-jointed, nearly equal, inserted near the apex of the mentum (5.b.) Lip membrana- ceous, striated, sides conniving externally. (5. c.) Superior wings with thejirst submarginal cell ver?/ large, the2discoidal cells situated longitudi)ially one above the other. Abdomen cylindric, almost sessile, composed of 7 joints in the male and (i joints in the female : (7) Under side (f abdomen of male. Ow'iduct coticea led : (G) Underside of abdomen of female. Tarsi with 5 joints : (8) Part of hinder leg. PiNi nob. Black, dee|)ly and closely punctured • clypeus yellow j thora\ with 8 yellow spots before the insertion of the wings : 2 at the base of the scutelhim, which is square, bidentate, and margined with yellow behind ; first and second segments of abdomen with two yellow spots, the remainder margined with yellowj wings ol)- scare with ferruginous nervures. Antennte black above, ferrugi- nous beneath ; legs yellow J first pair palest : hinder thighs striped black inside. hi the Cabinet of Mr. Beniley. The insects of this oenus, like those of llie whole family, are parasitic, depositing their eggs in the larvaj of Lepidoptera, which as soon as they hatch begin to feet! upon the niuscle.s * The dissections of the mouth are taken from the type of the genus, but the other figures arc drawn from (lie spi.-cies figured in the plate. of their victim, until the whole internal substance of the Cater ' pillar, with the exception of the alimentary canal, is consumed. In this diseased state it changes to a chrysalis, frequently as- suming the natural form, although the colour is sometimes altered; and the iepidopterist is often disappointed in his hopes, when instead of a valuable moth or butterfly, one of these singular insects is the reward of all his care and attention. The Ichneumonidae, however, are eminently useful, employed as they are to keep within bounds a tribe of caterpillars which otherwise in all probability would swarm to a degree that would deprive vegetation of its beauty and utility : — An extraor- dinary instance occurred in the year 1782; for a further ac- count of which I must refer the reader to "A short History of the Brown-tail Moth," by W. Curtis. Peltastes takes its generic name from the similitude of the clypeus to an escutcheon or shield: and I have given this species the name of P/w/, from its being invariably found in pine groves. Like the rest of the genus (indeed of the family I might say), it is extremely variable; some having the antennae entirely orange, others with the clypeus, palpi and all the thighs black ; and yellow bands to all the segments except the first. There are but three species of this genus (proposed by Illiger) at present known to inhabit Britain, viz. P. necatorius Fab. which is the least rare, and has been bred from the chrysalis of Stauropus Fagi by Mr. Stephens ; P. dissectorius Pz. taken by myself in the North of Devon in September 1822; and the species figured in the plate, which far exceeds the others in size, and was taken in June near Ringwood Hamp- shire, flying in the sunshine amongst pine-trees, by Mr. Bentley, a zealous entomologist who has added many rare and interest- ing species to the British Fauna. Pinus Abies (Spruce Fir) is represented in the plate, which is to be met with in every plantation, having been introduced from Norway near a century since. <^iUr/^ c/lV-6^ J!^^L;^ Ju^l. IS'M 5. CTENOPHORA ORNATA. Order Diptera. Fam. Tipulidae Lat, Type of the Genus Tipula pectinicornis L. Ctenopiiora Meig., III., Lat., Fab. Tipula L., Fab. AntenncB porrected, with 13 joints : first joint cylindric, second globose, third oblong or securiform, and the following pectinated in the male (2), and simple, globose or rhomboidal in the female (3.) Mentum horny in the centre and membranaceous towards the edges (1. a.) : Palpi exsertedj incurved, hairy, cylindiic, 4- jointed, the first very small, second and third large, and the lust joint very long, flexible and wrinkled, except at its base where it is rigid. (1. c.) Lip not inclined, ovate, hairy. (1. b.) Ocelli none : Antennae with short hairs: eyes oval, entire: mouth pro- jecting like a beak. Abdomen of male thicker towards the extre- mity: of the female, thickest in the middle and tapering totcards the apex, which is terminated by 2 strong processes (4.) Wings diva- ricating, shining. Tarsi with 5 joints. C. ORNATA Meg. 8i Meig. Syst. Besch. vol. i, p. 166. Yellow tinged with bright brown ; thorax black, margined witli yellow, and ferruginous behind the centre ; 3 first joints of ab- domen with black fasciae, the fourth entirely yellow ; 2 following with a triangular black mark in the centre, and the remainder ferruginous and black : wings yellow, ferruginous at the costa, black at the apex : Antennae and legs orange : Tarsi black. In the Cabinet of Mr. Dale. The genus Ctenopiiora, which is probably the most beautiful of the Tipulidae, and remarkable for its fine antenna^, has been divided by Meigen, in his admirable work now publishing, into three divisions, taken from the structure of the joints of the antennjE of the males, which I have copied from his work, and are marked A. B. C. in the plate. There are about eight or nine species in Britain ; amongst which are T. bimaculata L. belonging to the first division ; T. atrata L. belonging to the second ; and T. pectinicornis L. the t\^e of the third. The larvee are said to inhabit decayed trees, and the perfect insects are generally found amongst undenvocd and bushes. The specimen figured in the plate is a male, and was taken upon an oak, by J. C. Dale, Esq. in company widi the Rev. W. Kirby, near Lyndhurst in the New Forest, July 7, 1821. It is the only one known to have been found in this country : and it appears to be equally rare upon the Continent; for Meigen has been obliged to depend upon his friend Wiedemann for a description of it. The female of this beautiful species is at present unknown. ]\Ir. Ha worth also possesses a very rare species of this genus, which there is very little doubt is the T.Jlaveolata Fab., taken many years since by Mr. Rippon in Yorkshire. It is worthy of remark, that the palpi of this genus, and pro- bably of many others of the family, are very different in struc- ture to any that I have before observed : the greater part of the last joint being composed of rings, which render it per- fectly flexible, and enable the insect, I imagine, to use it with nearly the same facility as an elephant can his trunk. The plant introduced in the plate is Poli/goimm aviculare (Common Knotgrass). 6 iy.iM^rM,,A*u, £yru.iM>t 3J^. / ^4- 6. NEBllIA LIVIDA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidoc Lat. Tijpe of the Genus Carabus complanatus L. Nebria Lat., Clairv., Sic Carabus L., Fab. Antennce linear, straight, the second joint the shortest, the fifth the longest. (6.) Labrum nearly quadrate, slightly emarglnate, not projecting be- yond the labium. (1.) Mandibles projecting far beyond the labrum, but little dilated ex- ternally, with 2 teeth near their base. (2.) MaxillcE bent at the apex, distinctly ciliated : internal palpi cy- lindrical 2-jointed, external 4-jointed, the second joint the long- est, the last truncated obliquely. (3.) Mentum somewhat quadrate, with tiie centre lobe bifid : palpi 2, equal in length to the maxillary palpi ; 4-jointed, the first 2 very short, the last truncated obliquely. (4.) Thorax cordate-truncate ; the basal angle straight : Abdomen elongate, ovate: back very much depressed. Wings 2. Feet formed for running, with trochanters. Anterior tarsi of the male with the first 3 joints dilated. Internal edge of tJte anterior tibice not notched. N. LIVIDA Lat. Gen. Crus. C. lividus Linn. Faun. Suec. 791. not of Fab. C. sabulosus Fab. Fnt Sj/st. vol. i. p. 133. n. 40. Head black shiningj thorax ochraceous, black behind, sulcated in the middle ; Elytra striated black with a pale yellow margin ; Mouth, antennae and legs pale yellow. Li the Cabinet of Mr, Vigors. There is no family of Coleoptera probably of the same ex- tent better understood than the Carabidu,', which in a irreat degree arises from its forming the commencement of the Order; every one is therefore obliged as soon as he begins his arrange- ment to study and investigate it. Latreille was evidently anxious to make this part of the system perfect in his valuable work " Considerations Generales," &c. Clairville's " Ento- mologie Helvetique" was a most valuable acquisition to the student; and the Monograph by Professor Bonelli, as well as the acute observations of Dr. Leach, have left but little to be done so far as relates to the European genera. In 1792, when Fabricius published his " Entomologia Systematica," the Genus Carabus contained only 195 species, collected from every quarter of the globe ; and now in Britain alone there are 275 species of Carabidse knovvTi. The Genus Nebria as it now stands contains only two British species; the one figured, which is drawn rather larger than life, was first discovered in Yorkshire by Mr. Spence, (well known as the coadjutor of Mr. Kirby,) and a single specimen was afterwards taken by Mr. Wilkin the 28th Sept. 1814 beneath a fragment of rock at Hilston near Hull in the same county. The other {N. complaiiata) — not so rare as N. livida, but ex- tremely local — Sir Joseph Banks first discovered at Swansea. Dr. Leach many years after found it in the same situation; and in Sept. 1822 I was fortunate enough to take it in great abun- dance under the stones at high-water mark, on the sandy shore of the River Taw, near Braunton Burrows North Devon, after having been searching in vain for the larva of Sjj/mix Euphorbicc. Medicago lupulina (Nonesuch, black or Hop Trefoil), both in flower and fruit, is the plant figured in the plate. dCJA^rM^^rtu^ J^mdan c7. 59. Head, tiiorax and abdomen (of the male) pale fuscous. Upper wings cinereous, chesnut-brovvn at the base extending one fourtli of the wing, surrounding a white lunular spot : an ochraceou.s fascia strongly marked in its outline running across parallel with the ciliated margin, very much sinuated behind, crcnatcd before. Under wings pale chesnut. Female one-third larger than the male, similar in its markings, but throughout much paler. In the Cabinet of the British Museum. The Lepidoptera is by far the most difficult of all the Orders to divide into genera, in consequence of the parts of the mouth bring exceedingly minute and closely covered with scales or hair ; and the characters to be derived from the habits of the species will only be sufficient to divide them into families. Latreille in his various works has comparatively done little in the arrangement of this Order, which appears to have been the favourite of the collector and the outcast of the scientific. Savigny indeed is never to be forgotten for his inimitable dis- sections, so exquisitely delineated in his " Memoires sur les Animaux sans Vertebres," and it is to be res-retted that his labours were limited to the comparison of the analogous organs of some of the Orders. Schrank has instituted many good Genera, as well as Ochsenheimer and Germar ; but the cha- racters of the former are often not satisfactory, and the latter frequently gives nothing more than an example of the genus. With such assistance it is with difficulty that the genus of an insect can be decided. The diurna, crepuscular ia^ and noc- turna are undoubtedly the best understood ; yet it was with great difficulty that I could determine the exact situation of the insect now under consideration. Germar and Leach have separated Rotatoria by the name of Odcfiesis, leaving quo-ci- folia and Pini in the original genus Gastropacha, and the remainder of that genus is distributed between Lasiocampa and Eriogaster. O. Phii, however, differs so materially from G. quercifolia, in its short palpi, straight antennae and entire wings, as well as in the texture of its cocoon, that it will be found to agree infinitely better with O. patatoria^ although it may form a division in that genus. Mr. "Wilkes about the middle of September 1748 took a caterpillar of O. Pini upon a white-thorn bush near Richmond Park, which lived through the winter without eating; and my friend Joseph Sparshall, Esq., took a fine male in the Nor- folk and Norwich hospital, 22d July 1809, and I am in- debted to his kindness for being able to give a drawing of it. A British specimen has never before been figured. Bemg desirous of making the subject as complete as pos- sible, I have been induced to copy the female caterpillar figured in Roesel's " Der Montalich-herausgegebenen," &c. where he says that it feeds upon Pinns si/lvestris and P. Stro- bus ; that in June it spins a cocoon, and three weeks after the moth appears. The caterpillar of the male, which differs very much from that of the female, is published by Kleemann in his continuation of Roesel's work. Pinus stjlvestris (Scotch Fir) is figured hi the plate. &uA/^^d€Mi' ^^/jn^Mr/l/l^^^ 8. CHRYSIS FULGIDA. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Clirysidiclco IjcU. Type of the Genus Chrysis ignita L. Chrysis. Antennce inserted close to the margin of the clypeus, geni- culated, fusiform, with 13 joints. ( 1 .) Labrum somewhat oval, entire, ciliated. (2.) Mandibles arcuated, acute, crenated on tlie inner, hairy on the outer edge. (3. 3.) Maxilla' somewhat square, the apex rounded at the internal an- gle and more acute externally, the interior margin dilated abrupt- ly ; membranaceous and hairy above, nearly coriaceous below the centre : Palpi 5 -jointed, much longer than the maxillte, third joint the thickest, fourth and fifth joints slender and twice the length of the former. (4.4.) Mentum triangular-oblong, (5. a.). Palpi short, 3-jointed, (5.b.) Lip with the edges conniving externally, (.'i. c.) Clypeus with a deep impression between the eyes. Thorax semicylin- dric, angular, divided by 3 transverse sutures : metathorax not elon- gated into a scutelluni : Body contractile into a ball. Abdomen attaclied by a portion only of its transverse diameter, convex above, concave beneath, semicylindric, elongate, composed of 3 joints, the second being the largest, the last segment abruptly divided by a trans- verse impression with a row of impressed dots in the same direction. Tarsi with 5 joints (8. afore leg). Oviduct /ono-, soft and membrana- ceous, composed of several sheaths, in which is concealed a sting. Su- perior wings with the marginal cell shut up, submarginal and inferior discoidal cells with only a short nerve to divide them : inferior wings without distinct nervures. FULGIDA Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 948. 7. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 2. p. 240. n. 8. Shining : deeply punctured and pubescent : head, thorax, first segment of abdomen and legs bright blue variegated with green and purple, second and third segments of abdomen bright crim- son reflecting gold and green : beneath green: tarsi and an- tennae (except the first 3 joints) black. Wings fuscous. Anus 4-dentated. In the Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. JuRiNE has very aptly called the Chrysididas the Humming- birds of entomologists ; for it must be confessed that nature has been lavish in adorning them with the most splendid and effulgent colours, which cannot fail to call forth our greatest wonder and admiration. Every one who has taken delight in observmg the works of Nature must have noticed the re- splendent hues of the common C. ignita^ which is seen in the heat of the day running up and down the southern sides of walls, and about paling and posts in gardens where other species may also be found. About 16 species have been taken in this island ; some of them however are so closely allied, that on further investigation they may prove to be only varieties. The beautiful species represented is a female (the natural size of which is denoted by crossed lines) : it was taken with other specimens in June at Birch-wood or Bexley m Kent, by a collector* who has for many years enriched the first cabi- nets in the country by his labours ; and as I well recollect the advantage and delight with which I used to visit this respec- table man upon my earliest acquaintance with London, I have pleasure in makmg mention of him here. Latreille has very judiciously divided the Chrysididae into seven Genera, five of whicli are British: Jurine, having founded his Characters upon the forms of the cells of the wings, has not adopted them. The Genus Chrysis may be divided mto the species with the anal joint dentated, and those with an entire margin, as in C. rufa Pz. The plant represented is TJilaspi Bursa-pastoris (Shepherd's Purse). * Mr. Standisli, 10 Prior Place, East Lane, Walworth; who has always Insects of his own collectin£C for sale. cf^'./yc/4*r^-&nrtW c5^/^cfg/ 9. ANTHRAX ORNATA. Order Diptera. Fam. Anthracidae Lat. Type of the Genus Anthrax flava Hgg. Anthrax Scop., Fab., Lat. Musca Linn. Antennae porrected, remote, 3-jointed, the first article cylindric, clavate, twice the length of the second ; with long and thick tufts of hair ; second nearly globular and hairy ; third nearly naked, somewhat pear-shaped, with a long style terminated by a tuft of hair, or ovate with a 1- or 2-jointed style. (3.) Head subglobose, with 3 stemmata placed upon a little tubercle : eyes reniform, converging behind, green when alive. (2.) Trophi either entirely concealed, or projecting a little beyond the head. (1 . a. part of the head which receives the trophi, and which came away with them upon dissection.) Labrum ( 1 . b.) horny, acute, convex above, concave beneath, in- cloising the tongue. Tongue considerably longer than the labrum, corneous, acumi- nate. (I.e.) Mandibles none. Maxilla; (I.e.) horny, linear, acute, nearly as long as the labrum. Palpi 2, received into the cavity of the mouth, simple, cylindric, hairy, attached to the side of the maxillae near the base, half their length, (l.f.) Mentum? cylindrical, hollow above to receive the tongue and labrum. (1. h.) Lip fleshy, oblong, bipartite, ribbed, extending as far as the tongue, (l.g.) Head level with the thorax. Body 7 -jointed, short, nearly quadrate, abruptly acuminated behind. Wings divaricating, long, lanceolate. (9.) Halteres often concealed in the hair of the body. Posterior legs the longest. Tarsi 5, sometimes terminated by 3 claws : pulvilli obso- lete. (8.) A. ORNATA Hujf'nianseg g . Black shining : Head covered with black hair between the eyes, silvery behind, clypeus and under side of head with golden hair. Thorax covered with ochraceous hair before, nearly naked in the centre. Scutellum brownish. Abdomen covered with short golden hair, the sides surrounded with alternate fasciculi of fine white and black hair, 3rd and 4th segments with white fasciae interrupted in the middle, sixth with a white spot in the centre, last joint very white with hair. Wings transparent, many-nerved, with a brunneous cloud extending two thirds the length, sinuated at the posterior margin, with a transverse transj)arent spot near the base, a larger one in the centre, and 2 others near the mar- gin at the union of the nerves. Legs black, femurs and tibi» co- vered with close yellow hairs. Halteres yellow. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale, Mr. Bentley, and the Author. Meigen very judiciously having separated Belzcbub from An- thrax, and given it the generic name of Stygia, (which, how- ever, must be changed, it having been unfortunately employed by Draparnaud many years back to distinguish a genus of Zygccnidce) the family now contains four genera, two of which are British. It is probable that the sombre aspect of some of the exotic species might have induced authors to apply the name of Anthrax to this genus, and the association being car- ried further, may have given rise to the eccentric use of such names as Abaddon, Bclzebub, Cerberus, Hottentotta, Lar, Lu- cifer, Tantalus, &c. for some of the foreign species. A. ornata was first discovered by J. C. Dale, Esq. at Parley Heath, on the borders of Dorset and Hants, in July 1821, and afterwards in September 1823. It was found settling upon heath, banks, and on the ground where the turf had been pared off; it has also been captured by Mr. Bentley in the same neighbourhood. A. Jiava Hgg. {A. Hottentotta Lat.) I was so fortunate as to meet with the beginning of July 1 822 flying amongst rushes, and lighting upon the sand near the sea-shore at Covehithe, Suflblk, and A. circumdata Hgg. {Musca Hottentotta Linn.) has been taken in Devon on the borders of woods in June ; they are all very rare, and the only species at present known to inhabit Britain. Meigen has de- scribed 58 European species ; but, as they delight in a warm clunate, we cannot ever hope to extend our list to that num- ber. The three species enumerated above are included in Meigen's first division, which is disthiguished from the second by the structure of the antennae, the concealment of the trophi, and the absence of a nerve which divides the submarginal cell in two. The Anthraccs fly in the sunshine and subsist upon the juices of flowers, which accounts probably for their wanting mandi- bles. The origin as well as the form of the parts composing the mouth, not being so accurately exhibited as could be wished in Meigen and other authors, I have endeavoured as far as possible to investigate the subject for the information of the student. The plant figured is Anthcmis ?iobilis (Common Chamomile), found in gravelly soil, and belonging to a class of plants to which Diptera are particularly attached. ^0 <%h-^J4.;U,4i^J,„U,„3,^/t'IS^ 10. NOTONECTA MACULATA. Spotted Boatfly. Order Hemiptera. Fam. Notonectidae Leach. Type of the Genus Notonecta glauca Linn. NoTONECTA Linn., Geoff., Fab., Lat. Antennce concealed in a cavity behind the eyes, minute, 4-joint- ed ; first joint very small, globose ; second large, somewhat cy- lindric ; third as long as the second, but much more slender j fourth very small, conical. (4. 4.) Labrum exserted, large, triangular, convex : apex terminated rather abruptly. (3. 3.) Rostrum as long as the head, inflected, arcuated, conical, 4-joint- ed ; first triangular, truncated ; second with a tuft of hair on each side beneath ; third equal in length to the first and second ; fourth small, bifid. (2. 2.) Mandibles passing through the rostrum, like setae, acute. Maxilla; passing through the rostrum, like setae, acute, not so long as the mandibles. Head vertical, transverse, as wide as anterior margin of thorax, rounded before; eyes large, oblong, converging above, external margin sinu- ated (l.)j Thonix hexagonal, ci/Undric, narrowed before. Scutellum large, triangular. Abdomen long, oval, thick, flat beneath, termi- nated on the side by a small ciliated process. Elytra notched at the apex. Tarsi 2-jointed, the first articulation the longest, the 4 ante- rior feet with strong claws ; the hinder pair elongate, strongly ciliated, and with very minute claws. (6.) N. MACULATA Fab. Eut. Syst. v. 4. p. 58. Coquebert's Illus. bis. tab. 10. f. 1. Thorax and head pale cinereous : scutellum black : abdomen bright orange, black round the scutellum, and a very dark broad spot in the centre J the apex of abdomen on each side green. Elytra ferruginous, sj)otted irregularly with deep brown, anterior margin pale; wings very transparent, tinged with j)ink and yel- low J legs dull and pale green. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. The genus Notonecta contains three species, diflerinn; only in colour and markings, A'^ <^lanca Linn., N. furcata Fab., and N.macidata. The first inhabits almost every pond; the seconil is more local, but may be found plentifully about London, and other parts of the kingdom; thelast appears to be confined to the western counties, and is considered a rare and beautiful species. I never have met with it myself, and am indebted to J. C. Dale, Esq., who took it in Dorsetshire, for the specimens figured. These insects are to be found in ponds and ditches all the year, together with the larvae and pupae (which are smaller than the imago) : the former are without and the latter have only rudiments of wings ; they are said to feed upon animal- cula : the perfect insect being capable of inflicting a consider- able wound with its rostrum, when taken, must be a formidable enemy amongst the weaker inhabitants of the water. The wings, which are exquisitely delicate, and the elytra that protect them, are of little use to the insect in its natural element; but they are necessary to its preservation, by enabling it to seek a more congenial situation, when the place of its ha- bitation is dried up by the heat of the sun, or other casualties. Upon approaching a pond, these insects may be seen lying upon their backs, with their tails touching the surface of the water, and their heads inclined downwards, watching probably for their prey ; and, upon the least alarm, they row off with the greatest celerity, their hinder legs (which are most beauti- fully fringed with long silky hair) serving them like oars, from whence the appellation of Boatfly. Cerastium aquaticum (Marsh Mouse-ear) is figured in the plate. •// &jrb,^rj. (i,Mt,:^j-mJiyy,.rrLcA'.i48i4. 11. MOLORCHUS MINOR. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Ceranibycld.'u Lat. Type of the Genus Nccydalis Umbcllutarum Linn. MoLORCiius Fab. Necydalis Linn., Lul. Antennce inserted in a notch in the eyes, somewhat setaceous, varying in length, first joint thick, second very small, third and following long, cylindric and rather clavate. Labrum very minute, hairy and dilated very much in front, cor- diform. (1.) Mandibles short, triangular, slightly hooked, (2.) Maxillce crustaceous at the base, with 2 coriaceous lobes, the external one the largest, regularly ciliated. (3. a.) Paljd 2, the first 3 joints small, the last thick, ovoid, compressed and trun- cated. (3. b.) Mentum broad, convex at the sides, emarginate before. (-1. a.) Lip coriaceous, 2-lobed. (4. b.) Valpi 2, inserted before the lip, short, 3-jointed, formed like the others. (4. c.) Head sloped off before. Thorax without spines, nearhj orbicular. Body elongate, narrow, subcijlindric. Elytra abbreviated, gaping at the apex. Wings longer than abdomen, not concealed, but folded upon and covering the abdomen when at rest. Anterior legs shortest, posterior longest ; tliighs very mtich clavate. Tarsi 4-jointed, spongy beneath, the third joint deeply divided, the last rather lung, termi nated by 2 claws. (5, a fore-leg.) M. MINOR Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 641. 2. M. dimidiata Fab. Fnt. Syst. t. I. pars 2. p. 357. 3. Black, shining, pubescent. Head and thorax minutely punc- tured, the latter cylindric, oval-truncate, having 2 longitudinal shining lines near the centre. Elytra dark chesnut, with an oblique light spot upon each : the tips thicker and darker. Wings fuscous. Antenn;e ferruginous. Legs bright chesnut, the tliighs clavate towards the joint and black. TibiiE hairy, Li the Cabinet of the Author. The genus Nccydalis of Latreille ought probably to be diviilccl : 1 have therefore adopted Fabriciub's generic name lor tlie species with short elytra ; and those with long and subulated elytra {N. rnfa Linn. &c.) may retain their original appellation of NecydaliSf should such a division be found advisable. Of this singular genus there are but two species in Britain : M. minor figured in the plate (the smaller one being the na- tural size) was taken in June 1823 upon the blossoms of a tree in the beautiful and ornamental grounds of John Walker, Esq., at Arno's Grove, and communicated to me by Mr. Edwin Walker, to whose liberality I am indebted for several rare and interesting insects. M. Umbellatarum has been taken in the lane leading to Darent Wood, Kent, upon the dead branches of an old tree, where probably it bred ; and several specimens were found also by myself in a hot day in June, upon an um- belliferous plant in a garden adjoining the same lane. The plant introduced with the Insect is ^thusa Cynapmm (Fools' Parsley). fl r^ZK/^dSM^^:^/.^^!^ ^/Thx^-f ^SM 12. LYCiENA DISPAR. The large Copper. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Papilionidae Lat. Type of the Genus Papilio Phlaeas Linn. Lyc^xa Fab. Papilio Linn. Polyommatus Lat. Antenn. b.) Lip coriaceous, striated transversely, elongate, dilated at the apex, bilobed, each lobe terminated by a gland (.5. c.) ; a move- able lobe on each side shorter than the lip, dilated at the base, and terminated by a gland. (5. d.) Clj'peus convex?, cordiform, bijid in front. Eyes deeply emarginafe. Ocelli 3, distinct, smooth. Thorax with a triangular piece extend- ing from the anterior margin to the scutellum. Abdomen with the first segment contracted into an arched, elongated peduncle, equal in length to the rest of the abdomen, or with a short funnel-shaped seg- ment, the remaining 6 joints ovate-conic. Superior wings folded when at rest, 3 submarginal cells complete. Tarf^i, first joint equal in length to S following ; Jifth terminated by pulvilli and claws, with a tooth on their internal edge. (8.) Females and Neuters armed with stings. Larvse omnivorous. E. ATUicoRMs Fab. Si/st. Piez. 289 17. Black, hairy, punctured, a yellow spot between the antennse ; clypcus partly or entirely yellow; anterior margin of thorax, base of the wings, jjoslerior margin of scutellum, ami a spot on each side, yellow ; margin of peduncle, a large spot on eadi side first joint of abdomen (which is campanulate), a broad sinuated margin, and narrower margins to the 2 following joints, yellow. Legs yellow. Thighs black. Wings fuscous. Claw of autenuu yellow. Ill the I'dlincts of Mr. Dale and the Author. The genus Eumenes is composed of those Wasps wliich are solitary in their habits ; not congregating and forming nests, like the common Wasps and Hornets ; Fabricius in his Si/- stemaPiezatoTtmi described 23 species, 3 of which are European, and Panzer has added 3 or 4 more to them ; but it was not recorded as a British genus until my friend the Rev. W. Kirby (equally celebrated for his invaluable works and for his acute observations) discovered it in an entomological ex- cursion with Mr. Dale upon Parley Heath, on the borders of Hampshire, July 3, 1821; — at the end of August 1822, I captured 2 on the same heath upon gravelly and dry banks ; and earlier in the last year, I am informed by Mr. Bentley, it was found by him settling upon different species of Ericae which are common in such situations. Emnenes may probably at a future period be separated into two genera ; but as I cannot detect any important differences in the Trophi after the most careful examination, I shall only propose to make 2 divisions of them: the 1st may contain the species with a long petiole to the abdomen; the 2nd (to which our Insect belongs) those with the 1st segment short and funnel- shaped, of which the parts composing the mouth agreeing with the habit of the Insects, are more robust and obtuse than in the 1st division. The plant figured is the beautiful Erica Tetralix (Cross- leaved Heath). u cyiu/^OydSc^^J^J^'WjM' ■fJ<99J 14. HiEMOBORA PALLIPES. Order Omaloptera Leach. Fam. Hippoboscidtc Leach. Type of the Genus H. pallipes nob. H^MOBORA noh. Antennce inserted close to the anterior angles of the clypeus, glo- bular, hairy, and sunk into the head. (2. a.) Labrum horny, elongate, hollow, sliglitly arcuated, inclosing the tongue. Tongue nearly as long as labrum, slender. Lip horny, arched, hollow, inclosing the labrum and tongue. Maxiilce ^ rigid, obtuse, ciliated with strong hairs, united at their internal edges, bent downwards, inclosing the proboscis, and extending beyond the head like a beak. (1 . and 2. e.) Mention large, coriaceous, membranaceous, covering and con- cealing the base of proboscis. (1. h.) Ocelli 3, in a triangle, sunk in foveolse. Wings very long, rounded, first marginal or mediastinal cell ex- tending one-third the length of the wing ; second marginal cell very long, rounded at the end, discoidal cells united, G obscure, imperfect nerves extending to posterior margin. Tarsi 5-jointed, last the longest 3 Claws, lengthened at their base on each side the pulvillus. (8.) Head broader than long, somewhat irlun^ular, divided from the thorax. Eyes venj remote, small. Thorax a little broader than head, nearlif quadrate, dilated near the base of wings, notched anteriorly. Scu- tellum broad and short. Halteres very distinct. Abdomen small, nearly conical, peduncled, coriaceous towards its base, the remainder spongy. Feet extended, thick, first pair remote from the wings, in- seited almost under the head. Larvii nourished in the abdomen of the mother, and excluded befoie transformation. Lat. Pupa inclosed in the indurated skin of the larva, sub-orbicularly im- pressed at one end. Lat. H. pallipes nob. Shining, with strong hairs scattered over the limbs and body ; pale and dull ; greenish-yellow clouded with brown. Eyes and claws black. Thorax bcneatii punctured and covered with short, strong erect hairs. Wings nearly transparent, nerves yellow, the costa slightly ciliated. Jn the Cabinet of Mr. Samouelle. Tnv. curious tribe to wliicli this Insect belongs forms a 2ti^i 'C/ft/rU '/ /(^^ 15. OMASEUS ATERUIMUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat. Type of the Genus Carabus aterrimus Fab. Omaseus Ziegler. Carabus Linn., Fab. Harpalus Lat. Poecillus Bon. Antenn(E filiform, first joint the largest, cylindric, oblong, second the smallest, third twice the lengtifi of the second, the following hairy, of nearly equal length. (6.) Labriim nearly quadrate, straight at its base, rounded at its cor- ners, emarginate and hairy in front. (1.) Mandibles arcuated, acute, with a small tooth or elevation about the middle of the internal edge, and minute clefts near the base. (2.) Maxillce considerably bent at the apex, strongly ciliated on the internal edge, and externally towards the base, with 2 long hairs on the horny edge : internal palpi 2-iointed : external 4-jointed, first joint small and bent, second robust, twice the length of the first, and curved the contrary way, third same length as second, somewhat clavate, fourth shorter^ oval, truncate. (3.) Mentum large, broad and .straight at its base, narrowed before, sides very convex, deeply emarginate in front, with a bifid pro- cess in the centre : /^rt/pJ3-jointe(l, first joint very small, second long, rather uneven on its internal edge, third long, truncate : labium projecting beyond the first joint of palpi, produced into a spine on each side. (4.) Thorax siibquadraie, transverse, slightlij rounded behind, v:itk an im- pression on each side of its base. Abdomen elongate, ovate, robust. Wings 2. Feet formed for running. Anterior tarsi with 3 dilated joints. Anterior tibiae notched on their internal edge. (5.) Aterrimus Fab. Ent. Syst. ]. p. 15G. n. 141. Black, shining : 2 impressed lines on the forehead. Tliorax broader than head, with a narrow slightly reflected margin, a semi-circular line in front, from which a channel extends down the centre. Elytra broader than thorax, striated, with 2 punctures in the second stria from the suture, and another in the third, nearer the base. In the Cabinets of Mr. Sparshall and the Author. This j^enus, proposed by Ziegler and adopted by Dejcan, has not hitherto been published with any defined characters that I am aware of: but as the species composing it do not associate well with any of the other Harpali of Latreille, I have little doubt, as I proceed with the other groups of that extensive family, I shall be able to show clearly that the trophi are sufficiently different to warrant forming them into a distmct genus. l^he individuals which Omaseus comprises found in this country are O. aterrimus figured in the plate (which is a male, and drawn rather larger than life) ; H, orinomum of Leach, taken in Scotland and Ireland; and C nigrita Fab., which is the C. aterrimus of Entomologia Britannica : it is to be found under the bark and at the roots of trees, and is common every where ; but our insect, the true O. aterrimus of Fab., was un- known! as an inhabitant of this island until it was discovered ill Norfolk by my lamented friend the late Joseph Hooker, Esq. of Norwich. Mr. Sparshall afterwards found a specimen at Horning in the same county, which had just settled upon a plant in the marshes, the wings being at the time unfolded ; and in January 1822 he was so obliging as to take me to the same neighbourhood, where I had the pleasure of finding 2 spe- cimens secreted in crevices in the bark of pollard willows by the side of the river : they did not appear to be much affected by the cold at the time, although the tranquil waters which covered the surrounding ronntry were frozen over; for one of them made its escape, and Iklliiig into the river, which had overflov/ed its banks, it sunk, and must have attached itself to the grass at the bottom, for after the most diligent search we could not find it : at the end of November in the same year we went again, when we found a considerable number appa- rently in their natural habitation, the decayed stumps of trees that had been cut down by the sides of ditches which frequently overflowed them : we dug many out of the trees, so completely enveloped that it is difficult to imagine how they could have got there, unless they had resided in the wood in the larva state : it is evidently a very local species, attached to damp situations, and able in warm weather to fly with celerity. Mr. Stephens has also had several sent from Ireland, which came safe to him in a letter by the mail ; they were said to have been taken in an ants nest, the inhabitants of which they probably devour, as the Carabidae live upon other insects, and will even destroy their own species. Peziza aurantia of Persoon (Orange Spread-cup) being found at the roots of decayed trees, it accompanies the insect in the plate. )6 16. PERONEA RUFICOSTANA. Rufous-margined Button Moth. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Tortricidae Leach. Type of the Genus P. Cristahina Don. Pf.roxea noh. Pyralis Fab., Lat. Tortrix Huh., Ilaw., Leach. AntenncB inserted on the crown of the head near to the eyes, rather thickest in the middle, having a serrated appearance under a lens, com))ose(l of 50 joints or more^ hairy vvith a few scales, first joint cylindric, second smaller, nearly globular. ( 1 .) MaxiUce as long as the palpi. (3.) Palpi 2, completely covered (when perfect) with scales, and hairy at the margins and apex (4.) ; first joint short, clavatcj se- cond very long, dilated in the middle ; third joint slender, half the length of last (4. a. the scales being removed to show the ar- ticulations). Wings rounded at the base, appearing ciliated on the costa, either with small tufts of scales, or with one large tuft in the centre of the upper wing. (9.) Anterior legs with the first joint of the tarsus nearly as long as the tibice; coxa nearly as long as the femur. (8. b.) Posterior legs 5 femur short (8. b.), tibia long, with 2 spines in the centre and 2 at the apex (8. a.), all the tarsi 5-jointed. Caterpillars with \6feet? RuFicosTANA nob. Upper wings dull violaceous, yellowish white at their interior margins, a mark of chesnut, darkest in the middle, extending obliquely from the base nearly to the apex ; a very minute tuit of bright ferruginous scales near the centre; and an interrupted line of spots parallel with the posterior margin ; cilia rufous. Head, palpi and thorax white. Abdomen and inferior wings fus- cous. In the Cabinet of Mr. St07ie. The genus Tortrix, containing at present upwards of 250 British species, may with propriety be considered a family ; and as it is composed of numerous natural groups, it will l3e found impossible clearly to understand them unless they are formed into genera: with this object in view, I have proposed the ^ewns Pcronca (which is derived from the Greek, and sig- nifies a button), and divided it into those with a large elevated tuft of scales in the centre of the upper wings, the others having small tubercles only dispersed over them. The follow- ing arrangement of the species may be acceptable to those who have a collection of this beautiful genus, and will enable me to explain the affinities of the neighbouring groups when they come under consideration. I have carefully examined the palpi of every individual, and have to regret that many of the species have only manuscript names, (all of which are printed in italics,) an inconvenience which it is hoped will soon be superseded by the completion of Mr. Haworth's Lepido- ptera Britannica, which it is understood will contain a Supple- ment in which all the new species will be described. 1 cristana F. 2 suhvittana Step. 3 albipunclana Haw. 4 striana Haw. 5 N. S. 6 consimUana Step. 7 vitlana Step. 8 siibstriana Step. 9 spadiceana Haw. 10 N. S. ? \\ fulvocriitana Step. 12 albovittana Step. 13 sericeana Hub. 14 N. S. ? Peronea 15 N. S. ? \f) fidvovittana Step. 17 Cristalana Don. 1 8 profanana F. 19 iV. .S". 20 brunneana Step. *.* 21 eximiana Haw. 22 Byringerane Hub. 23 N. S. 24 autumnana Hub. 25 plumbosana Haw. 26 Boscana F. 27 subcristana Step. 28 iV. S. ? 29 latifasciana Haw. SO X. S. 31 centrovittana Haw. 32 combustana Hub. 33 albistriana Haw. 34 umbrana Hub. 35 raviistriana Haw. ? 86 divibana Hub. 37 radiana Hub. 38 strigana Step. 39 ruficostana nob. 40 bistriana Haiv. 41 similana Step. 42 albicostana, Step. Tortrix favillaceana, asijiana, and tristana, would follow P. Bi/ringerana very well, but the last joint of the palpi is not concealed, otherwise they agree both in the proportion and form of the joints ; and I suspect, if we admit these 3 species, that T. logiana, ScJialleriana, nifana, borana, Asperana and variegana must be admitted also. The unique and nondescript species figured (the natural size of which is given with the dissections) was beat from out the white-thovn, at the end of September 1823, in the New Forest, and is now in the cabinet of Mr. Stone, whose un- rivalled collection of this family I have been allowed to ex- amine at my leisure, and through M'hose liberality I am enabled to give dissections of this rare and valuable genus. These insects conceal themselves in the Lichen parictinus (figured in the plate) when it grows upon the white-thorn, and have nearly all been taken at Darent and Coombe Woods, and in the New Forest, from the end of September to No- vember, and even during January and February occasionally. ^n dluJb-.lA^ Cj-du^dij JinU^ l.lf,^,/l/lif^A 17. CRCESUS SEPTENTRIONALIS. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Tentliredinidae Lat. Type of the Genus Tenthredo septentrionalis Linn. CutEsus Leach. Nematus Jur., Lat. Tenthredo Linn., Fab. Antenna; inserted between the eyes, simple, in both sexes longer than the body (especially in the females), rather thicker in the middle, and tapering towards the apex, hirsute, 9-jointed, first joint short, second very short, the following long, and decreas- ing in length to the apex. (I.) Labrum exserted, pilose and ciliated, transverse quadrate, convex at the sides, rounded and slightly emarginate before. (2.) Mandibles exserted, robust, depressed, acute, with one internal tooth towards the apex. (3.) Maxillic narrow and corneous at the base (4. a.), dilated in the middle, and produced into a tooth on the internal edge (c.) ; apex membranaceous, and appearing ovate externally, from the edges curving inward : Palpi long, inserted near the centre of the exter- nal side, 6-jointed, first joint shortest, fourth and fifth longest, sixth nearly filiform, (b.) Mentum quadrate, dilated and emarginate before (5. a.) ; Palpi 4-jointed, irregular, the third being the thickest, (b.) Lip membranaceous, 3-lobed, the centre narrow and dilated at the apex, side lobes somewhat hemispherical, striated towards their apex, thickened at their margins and ciliated. (5. c.) Clypeus broad, emarginate. Ocelli 3. Abdomen sessile, short, cjjlin- dric in the male, deflexed in the female. Oviduct not exserted, com- posed of two lamellce, which are serrated. Superior wings witli the marginal cell complete, and 4 submarginal cells. Tibite of hinder legs dilated at their apex. Tarsi b-jointed, first joint the longest, very much dilated and compressed iti the posterior legs, as is shown in the coloured fgure. Claws unidentate internally, Pulvilli in the centre. (8. a fore-leg.) Larva unth 20 membranaceous feet. Septentrionalis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 926. 36. Fab. Ent. ISyst. t. 2. p. 1 19. n. 56. Black, shining) head and thorax slightly punctured, pubescent, a pale yellow spot on each side thescutellum, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh segments of the abdomen in the male, and third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and aspot on the seventh in the female, briglit brick colour j base of thighs, tibiye and tarsi in the 4 an- terior legs ochraceous, base of tibiae and coxte in posterior legs whitish. Superior wings pale, ferruginous towards the centre. Li the Author's and other Cabinets. When I took the female figured in the plate, many years back, in a meadow near Bungay, Suffolk, it was considered a valuable species ; but it has been frequently captured since, although never in any abundance. It is said to be taken at Darent Wood, Kent, in June ; and Fabricius says the per- fect insect is found amongst alders in the North of Europe, and that the caterpillars are gregarious, green, spotted black, with a yellow apex ; many of the larvae of this family are very simi- lar in appearance to those of the Lepidopf era ; they feed upon the leaves of plants, are often very brilliant, and have a pecu- liar manner of rolling themselves up if touched ; when full- grown they curl up a leaf in the most artful manner to protect them in the chrysalis state: their feet are very differently situated to the Lepidoptera ; and the accurate Jurine observes, that the number of them regulates the number of the marginal and submarginal cells in the superior wings, which shows the importance of a knowledge of the imperfect, to be thoroughly informed of the affinities of the perfect insect. The present genus, of which we only know the species figured, was separated from Nematus of Jurine by Dr. Leach in the 3rd vol. of the Zoological Miscellany, in a paper upon the external characters of the Tenth redinidae; the dUated tibiae and tarsi in both sexes indicate a different mode of life to the other Nemati : this singular conformation appears occa- sionally in many of the Orders, although we are ignorant of its uses except in the poUinigerous Apidag. The insects of this family may easily be known by their ample wings of many complete cells, and perfectly sessile ab- domen, and on more close inspection by their peculiar oviduct: when alarmed, many of them bend down their heads and an- tennaa very forcibly, so as to show the attachment of the thorax. The plant figured is Crepis Tectorum (Smooth Hawk's- beard). /i- \) ti* 2 ' U^c'yrJ-{i„r£, J^m^n. CZ/ti'tl /f y/Cfid 18. EMPIS BOREALIS. Order Diptera. Fam. Empidaj Lat. Type of the Genus E. tessellata Fab. Empis Linn., Fab., Lat., Melg. Asilus Linn. AntenncB porrected^ 5-jointedj first joint cylindric, second ob- conic or turbinate i third long, subulate; fourth very small, cup- ghapedj fifth long, slender, attenuated. (3.) The antennae of £. borealis is also figured (3. a.), to show the great length of the third, and the shortness of the terminal joint. Labrum horny, hollow, bifid, dilated at its base. (1. b.) Tongue horny, linear, acute, as long as labrum. (I.e.) Mandibles none. MaxiZ/<^ attenuated, acute, shorter than labrum. (I.e.) Palpi erect, filiform, pilose, attached to the base of maxillae, not half their length. (1. f.) Mentum bent, slender, rather short. (I. h.) Lip siphon-formed, submembranaceous, very long, clavate, bi- lobed, ciliated. (1. g.) Proboscis often as long as the head and thorax, perpendicular or in Jlected under the breast. (2.) Head small, globose ; eyes distant only in the females, with 3 stemmati. Halleres 2. Abdomen of male truncate and bilobed at apex ; of the female robust, attenuated, with 2 appendages at the apex. Wings incumbent, parallel, with 4 mar- ginal cells, including the small one near the apex, 2 submarginal, 3 discoidal and A posterior marginal cells. Posterior legs the longest. Tarsi 5-jointed. Pulvilli 2. (8. a fore-leg.) BoBEALis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 1003. I. Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 4. p. 403. n. \. Male very dark gray, pilose. Eyes contiguous. Thorax with 4 black stripes. Body shining. Wings lanceolate, ciliated, pale brown, transparent in the centre, slightly ferruginous at the costa, with a brown spot towards the apex. Halteres yellow. Legs black. Thighs more or less ferruginous, as well as tibiae in last pair. Female : Eyes distant, marks upon thorax very di- stinct. Wings large, broad, obtuse, semi-transparent, brown, ferruginous at the costa and base. In the Cabinet of Mr. Vigors. This curious Insect, which has never been ascertained to be a native ol' Great Britain, has been found in Ireland by James Tardy, Esq. of Dublin : — for 'ipeciuion^, and the following ex- tract from Mr, T.'s letter upon the subject, I have to acknow- ledge my obligations to N. A. Vigors, Esq. — " 1 took this insect two succeeding years (1822 and 1823) early in the month of May along the margin of Lough-bray, a small lake in the county of Wicklow, close to which the military road passes. I have not been able to ascertain the elevation above the level of the sea of this lake ; but I think I do not err much in saying that it may be about 1200 feet. The rocks sur- rounding it are primary (granite), and the surface is entirely a black peat in many places several feet in depth ; the plants almost exclusively prevailing are our Common Heath [Erica vulgaris), Vacci?iium Mi/rtilltis, and a variety of Mosses occur- ring in such situations ; there are also a few stunted Willows, Mountain Ash, and Birch. I have seen few places of the same elevation so perfectly alpine : at the period of my visits the insect occurred in great numbers, almost like some of the Ephemeridce." Linnaeus finding^this species in Lapland gave it the specific name of horealis : it has since been taken in Bavaria and near Aix-la-Chapelle, upon the flowers of the willow: Fa- bricius says that in Sweden it is seen in clear and serene evenings dancing in the air. Mr. Kirby, in his entertaining Introduction to Entomology, compares the rostrum of the Emjndce and Asili with the beak of a bird, and some of their wings with the fins of a fish, of which there cannot be better examples perhaps than the head of E. tessellata, and the wings of the female E. borealis figured in the plate; from the peculiar form of which, Mr. Stephens is disposed to consider the latter a distmct genus, in which opinion he is supported by the difference of the antennae from the generic type. Meigen in his last volume, published in 1822, enumerates 47 European species of Empis ; in this country there are only about 12 known. The female Taxzis baccata (Common Yew-tree), found in mountainous woods, is figured in the plate. fO \J \ 1 ,7). ^ 0 '^^z? J'^aMrt'uiy'^UifKhjJCimdim. /fi». // ^X/' 19. RHIPIPHORUS PARADOXUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Mordelladae Lat. Type of the Genus Mordella paradoxa Linn. Rhipiphorus Fab., Lat., Sec. Mordella Linn. AntenncB inserted between the eyes, distant, 1 1 -jointed, basal joint largest, sub-obconic, second smallest, the 8 following in the males flabellate or bipectinated, terminal joint ver\- Ion? and filiform (f. 6.) : third joint longest in the females, singly branch- ed, a.s well as the 8 following. (6. a,) Labrum coriaceous, porrected, semioval, ciliated. (1.) Mandibles arcuated, acute at apex, without teeth, hairv exter- nally. (2.) Maiilhs ver}- small, slightly bilobed, ciliated : Palpi hair\', 4-joint- ed, first joint ven.' small, second and fourth the longest, trun- cated obliquely. (3.) Mentum elongated, narrow in the middle, terminating in a blunt point : Palpi 2-jointed, hairy, basal joint the smaller, terminal clavate. (4.) Head cordiform, very small, not visible from above. Eyes not emar- ginate. Thorax very much arched., trilobed, the centre behind pro- duced into a scutellary angle. Scutellum none or obscure. Body elevated, arcuate, laterally compressed, very acute. Elytra elongated, shorter than body, acuminated at apex, gaping. Wmgs folded, as long as body. Tarsi simple, posterior 4-jointed, the others 5-jolnfed ; middle and posterior legs longest. Tibiae tcUh spurs. Claws bifid at apex. Pabadoxus Lirm. Faun. Suec. 831. Fab. Ent. Syst. ].pars2. 111.5. Mars. Ent. Brit 491.9. Black, pubescent, punctiired. Thorax deeply and widely chan- nelled in the centre, side lobes testaceous. Elytra testaceous in the male, black at the apes, black in the female slightlv tinged with testaceous. Wings fuscous at apex. Abdomen orange, anus black, sometimes entirely black. Claws testaceous. In the Author's and other Cabinets. This beautiful and interesting insect, which is the only spe- cies that inhabits Britain, was considered a few years back one of our most valuable acquisitions, being only met with acci- dentally, from our ignorance of its habits and economy ; but having been discovered in its natural habitation bv mv friends Dr. Leach and W. S. MacLeay, Esq., the attention of natu- ralists was called to the subject, and it has since been taken in profusion in Shropshire, by the Rev. F. W. Hope ; and at Southgate, not uncommonly, by Mr. Edwin Walker, in August and September 1823", to whom I am indebted for the very fine specimens figured in the plate, which far exceed in size any that I have seen elsewhere ; and this gentleman observed, that the individuals taken in August were much smaller than those that were captured later in the autumn. I have seen this insect alive in Norfolk : it has also been taken in Somersetshire ; and my friend Mr. Dale found one in his orchard in Dorsetshire, which induced us to search for a wasp's nest, which we found in the neighbourhood ; and having destroyed and dug it up, at night it was conveyed home in a vessel closely covered, and upon examination the next morning I had the gi'atification of releasing a male from one of the cells, the external figure of which was sexagonal, but the operculum was circular ; and the same structure is exhibited in one that Mr. Stephens received from Mr. Hope. The eggs must be deposited in the cells of the wasps, for which purpose the acute abdomen of the female is well adapt- ed ; and the larvae, when hatched, are probably nourished by the wasps as their own offspring : — the perfect msect, from the smallness of its mouth and the weakness of its organs, cannot, however, be a very formidable enemy. When it emerges from the chrysalis, it leaves the nest and resorts to neighbouring flowers, like the rest of the Mordelladce : the wasps therefore can sustain no other injury than that which arises from the few cells occupied by the larvae. The smaller figure in the plate (which is the natural size) is the female, and from its different colour was considered by Panzer a distinct species, which he called JR. angidaUis ; the figure of the male is magnified, and is not only distinguished from the other sex by its colour, but by its beautiful flabellated antennae. The plant is Achillea Millefolium (Common Yarrow). w dU ly cf-0M*l<^^onJ^ ^yn^ y f/fU 20. PENTATOMA CiEllULEA. Order Hemiptera. Fam. Pentatomidae Leach. Type of the Genus Cimex rufipes Linn. Pbntatoma Ol'w., Lat. Clmex Linn., Fab., tVolff. Antennae exserted, inserted under the margin of the head before the eyes, nearly filiform or slightly clavate, longer than the head, articulated, .'i-jointed, the joints varying in length. (4 A. C.) Rostrum inflected, distinctly 4-jointed, the second and third joints rather the longest, terminal joint hairy. (2.) Labrum very long, attenuated, tranvcrsely striated^ received into a canal in the basal joint of the rostrum (3.) ; its natural situa- tion is shown at 3. a. Mandibles ^nA\ yy . . ,, u *u„ >„o +..„«, nj J, > like setae passing through the rostrum. Head trigonate, immersed nearly, or quite up to the eyes in the thorax. Thorax with the anterior margin much narrotccr than the posterior, sometimes produced into a spine on each side. Abdomen ovate, de- pressed, immarginate. Scutellum large, not covering the wings or elytra. Elytra coriaceous, membranaceous at apex, crossing each other horizontally. Posterior Tibiae notched internally. Tarsi 3-jointed, middle joint small. (6. a. fore-leg.) C^RULEA Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 722. 50. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 4. p. 123. n. 166. Cyaneous, sometimes tinged with violaceous or green, shining, punctured. Abdomen very minutely and regularly punctured 3 tips of elytra brunneous. Wings slightly fuscous, iridescent. In the Authors and other Cabineis. Few Orders, perhaps, present a greater variety of outline, or more beautiful sculpture, than the European Hemijitcra ,- the Coleoptcra and Lejndoptera caiuiot exceed the brilliancy and powerful opposition of colours in many of the Chinese and South American species. With such attractions, there- fore, it is not a little surprising, that in this counti'y they should have been totally disregarded ; and whilst, on the one hand, we have been assisted by Marshaui's Coleoptcra, and on the other by Haworth's L,epidoptera Britannica, we have no guide in this department, except in the rare and incomplete works of our Continental neighbours. Durijig the progress of the Entomological Transactions, I had hoped that this deside- ratum would have been supplied by my fi*iend the Rev. J. Bur- rell ; and although his valuable researches upon this subject have been so long withheld from the scientific world, I still hope he may be induced to supply this want by its publication. The genus Pentatoma maybe divided into three sections: — A. Thorax produced into a spine on each side; third joint of antennae the longest (fig. 4. A.), containing P. bidens, 7-^iifipes, ciistos and Itirida. B *. Thorax angulated, broader than abdomen; antennae with the third joint the shortest. P. Lynx^ Baccarum and grisea. * * with the second and following joints of antennae of equal length. P. dissimilis and prasina. C. Thorax the same breadth at its base as the abdomen ; an- tennae with the basal jomt oval, second the longest (f. C.) P. Juniperina^ melanocephala, pei'lata, festiva, oleracea and carulea. In Mr. Vigors's cabinet is a species which belongs to this last division, received from Dr. Leach with the name of P. picta. It agrees tolerably well with the description in Fabricius, but I believe that Dr. L. was not satisfied of its authenticity as a British species. Although Cimex hccmorrhoidalis, litiirata and agathina have always heen included in the genus Pentatoma^ I was very much inclined to think that they possessed good characters to esta- blish a distmct genus; and upon a carefiil investigation, (exclu- sive of the antennae having the first joint equal in length to any of the others, vide fig. B., and of a curious keel-shaped ridge arising near the extremity of the abdomen beneath, and pass- ing between the legs nearly up to the head,) the tarsi consist of but two joints, which do not agree with the characters even of the famUy laid down by Mons. Latreille and Dr. Leach. I shall take the first opportmiity of describing this group, which I propose calHng Acanthosoma. P. cocndea flies well in the sun-shine, and is to be met with about July in Coombe Wood, upon the leaves of trees in the heat of the day. I have taken it between Linton and Exmoor, upon heath, at the end of September. The natural size is shown by the smaller insect upon the plant Erysiimtm cheiranthoides (Treacle Worm-seed), ^/ iiUrinf rj ^>A. j^i.^ orUf r i^y 21. EYPREPIA RUSSULA. Clouded Buff Moth. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Arctiadse Leach. Type of the Genus Bombyx Cuja Linn. Eyprepia Ochsenheimer. Arctia Schranlc, Lat. Bombyx Fab. Pha- laena Linn. ^rt small and obscure. mandibles J Maxilla; about the same length as the head, composed of 2 se- parate filaments, distant, broad and flat. Labial palpi 2 , porrected, covered with long hairs (4.), three- jointed (4. a. the hairs being removed to show the articulations.) Wings trigonate, deflexed, undivided. Anterior tibia with a compress- ed spine in the centre of its internal side. Caterpillars hairy, with \ 6 feet. RussuLA Linn. Syst. Nat. 2, 830. 71. Fab. Ent. Syst. t.3. pars 1. p. 464. n. ISO. P. sannio Linn. Faun. Suec. 1135. Bombyx sannius Haw. Lep. Brit. p. 133. n. 96. Male. Superior wings and thorax vitellinous, costa slightly fuscous, anterior margin towards the apex, interior margin, a lunulated spot in the centre, and cilia puniceous. Abdomen and inferior wings yellowish white ; spot in the centre and fimbria fuliginous, cilia puniceous ; main rib of antenns, palpi and legs tinged with red. Under side, superior wings pale ochraceous, costa coccine- ous 3 base, a large spot near the centre, and a transverse irre- gular bar, brunneous ; inferior wings pale yellow, with the lu- nulated spot scarcely visible. Female smaller than the male, dull orange, superior wings with an obscure lunulated s])Ot ; costa, in- terior margin, and veins dull jiuniceous. Abdomen banded with black ; inferior wings with their base, abdominal margin, fimbria and a spot near the centre dull black. Under side orange, slightly clouded with black, having a black spot near the centre of each wing. Thorax, abdomen, and legs beneath sanguineous. Li the Author's and other Cabinets. Ochsenheimer having included in this genus Arctia, Calli- mopha, and Lithosia o\ Lntrcille, I have retained tliree spe- cies only of the former genus under his name Eyprepia, viz. E. nissica, caia and villica, all of which differ so much in the form of the palpi that they belong to separate divisions, and may hereafter be thought, with the other analogous foreign species, to constitute as many good genera. Figs. 5. and 5 a. are the palpi of E. russica, to show their difference from those of the type E. caia, which are given at 4'. and 4. a. It is a little singular that E. russica, which does not associate so well with the type as E. villica by analogy, should agree much better with it in structure, the palpi of the last-mentioned species being terminated by a long cylindric joint, which is nearly naked. Phalana Plantaginis Linn., which has hitherto been included in Eyprepia, is inadmissible from the great dissimi- litude of the palpi, the first and third joints of which are nearly globose. The three species found in this country are amongst the most beautiful of our Moths. E. caia, which is very common in our gardens, (especially in the caterpillar state, when it is seen rambling over the vegetables in every direction,) for the richness and contrast of its colours, as well as the boldness of its markings, is perhaps equal to any other European species. E. villica is equally handsome, but it does not possess that richness and harmony of colour so peculiar to the last species: these two, from their spots, are called Tiger Moths. E. inissica, being the rarest, has been selected for the plate. The female, contrary to most Moths, is smaller than the male and far more rare. The former sex I have taken filing in the day amongst furze-bushes and broom at Coombe Wood, Surry, at the end of June. The caterpillar is thickly covered with reddish brown hairs, has a yellowish line down the back spotted with red, and a row of white spots along each side. A figure of it may be seen in Kleeman's Ins. Bel. tom. i. tab. 20. f. 2. It is pro- bably, like its congeners, a general feeder, as several plants are mentioned for its food. Ulex EuropcEus (Common Furze or Whin) is the plant figured. zt i9M ^J-n.u. ^m^/f. //6^ 22. IBALIA CULTELLATOR. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Dij)Iolepida3 Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Ichneumon Cultellator Fah. Ibalia Lat., III. Ichneumon. Ophion, Banchus Fab. Cynips Jur. Antennce m^QxieA. in the centre between the eyes, approximating; filiform, composed of 15 joints in the male ; third joint bent, clavate, emarginate on the external edge (f. 1 .) ; a little clavate, 13-jointed in the female (1. a.), second joint very small. Labrum corneous, small, transverse, arcuated before, emarginate in the centre. (Lat.) Mandibles thick, nearly quadrate, tridentate on the internal side in one mandible and bidentate in the other, apical tooth more acute, inferior broad, truncate. (3.) Maxillce very broad in the middle, terminal process broad at apex, slightly bilobed, ciliated : Palpi short, 5 -jointed, first and fourth small, second and last large, nearly obtrigonate rounded at apex, hairy. (4.) Mentum pear-shaped. (5. a.) Palpi short, hairy, 3-jointed, ter- minal joint equal in length to the other two. (b.) Lip small, concave, nearly circular, (c.) Head transverse, as broad as thorax, vaulted behind. Ocelli 3. Tlio- raxjlat, slightly compressed. Scutellum bifid behind. Abdomen attached by a very short peduncle, very much compressed, knife- shaped, being very sharp on the under side, with a puncture or sj)i' racle on each side of last joint, the male Q-jointcd, of nearly equal size, very much vaulted. (7.), the female 5-joinfed, the last being equal in size to the first four, with 2 elongated lamince, between which a capillary oviduct passes, and is curved over the back. (6.) Superior wings with no decided stigma, costal iierve very distinct, one marginal cell, linear-lanceolate ; 3 submarginal cells, jirst small, oblong, second extremely minute, third large, complete; inferior wings with one nerve branched near its extremity, four anterior feet short and slender ; cox« oi posterior legs large, thighs short, robust, tibiae very long, first joint of tarsus very long, second small, produced into a spine on the external side (8. a.), third and fourth small, fifth longer, slender (8. posterior leg of a male) : all the tarsi b-jointed, terminated by pulvilli and claws scarcely unidentate. The dissections of the mouth were made from a female , of which the labrum was lost; the ovipositor is probably represented too short, from the specimen being imperfect. CuLTKLLATOR Fab. Eut. Syst. t.2. p. 167. n.I42. Black, hairy, rugose, head and thorax striated transversely, the latter with the anterior margin elevated, and three longitudinal grooves down the back. Abdomen bright ochraceous, shining. Legs fuscous, hinder thighs tinged with chesnut colour. Wings obscure. In the Author's Cabinet. The genus Ibalia contains at present, I believe, no other spe- cies than Cultellator, and was never known to inhabit Britain until the male represented in the plate was captured flying in a garden at Bungay, Suffolk, by Mr. W. H. C. Edwards, justly celebrated for his masterly engravings and knowledge of the fine arts. It is also found in Germany and the South of France. The economy and habits of this genus are supposed to be similar to the rest of the family, forming galls upon va- rious plants. The eccentric appearance (in the male) of the third joint of the antennae at once shows that it belongs to the DiplolepidcB, of which family it is the largest species ; the second submar- ginal cell is so minute, that it is scarcely discernible through a lens ; the hinder legs in both sexes are very powerful, and exceedingly disproportioned to the body and other legs, which are remarkably small. The singular spine-like process on the second joint of the hinder tarsi of both sexes, as well as the puncture or spiracle on the side of the abdomen, have hitherto, I believe, escaped the observation of authors. It may here be observed, that the mandibles are often not counterparts of each other, the shape being altered by their close contact when at rest ; other parts of the mouth are also sometimes irregularly formed. The student must not be mis- led by these exceptions, which are most frequent in the Hy- menoptera^ occasionally in the Coleoptera, and probably all the Mandibulata. The plant figured is Stellaria media (Common Chickweed). 23 t oU' /jiflJ^wUi^ ^&rv,im.. a.), (the point to which the maxilla is attached is shown at e.) : Palpi long, 4- jointed, first joint long, second and third short, last robust, ovate, (b.) Lip short, with the edges conniving internally, (c.) Clypeus subrotundate, anterior margin elevated. Head transverse, as broad as thorax, with a tubercle between the antennce. p]yes oval, entire, remote. Ocelli 3, inserted on crown of head in a triangle. Thorax short, nearly ovate. Scutellum narrow, small. Abdomen ovate-conic, with an elongated, abrupt peduncle. Superior wings with one marginal cell, not extending to the apex, and three perfect submarginal cells, the middle one nearly trigonate, either receiving one or two recurrent nerves. Inferior wings with two complete basal cells. Legu rather small. Tihiis spined. Tarsi i)-jointed,Jirst joint nearly as long as the three following, last terminated by simple claws and pulvilli. (8. afore leg.) Equestris Fab. Syst. Piezatorum, p. 182. 7i. 6. Black : clypeus and face silvery with hair, shining ; first seg- ment of abdomen rufous, with a black spot at its base ; second entirely, and third partly, rufous. Wings hyaline, iridescent. Antennae rufous beneath. Thighs and coxae black. Tibiae and tarsi pale ferruginous, the former annulated with black. In the Cabinets of Mr. Haworth and the Author. This pretty little species I took flying near Lyndliurst in tlie New Forest the end of August 1822. Mr. Haworth has also taken it in the neighbourhood of London. My specimens per- fectly accord with each other ; but it must be exceedingly va- riable if Jurine be correct in considering Trypoxylon equestre Fab., Pse?i rufa Panz., and his own P. bicolar, the same species. P. ater is another species found in the vicinity of London upon posts and in sandy places in June and July ; and Mr. Stephens has two others unnamed, which he con- siders distinct. Jurine has made two divisions in this Genus : the first con- tains P. ater, with the second submarginal cell receiving the first recurrent nerve only ; the second contains P. equestris, in which the second submarginal cell receives the two recurrent nerves. Not having had an opportunity of examining a male of this Genus, the number of joints in the antennae of that sex is given upon the authority of Jurine. The three lobes men- tioned by LaLreille in his observations upon the Larradce, I could not discover in the lip of the species that 1 dissected ; and he does not mention that organ in his generic description. The females from which the characters and figures are taken are armed with sharp stings, that are not entirely concealed. The plant figured is Ranunculus Fie aria (Common Pilewort). ^26 ! ■nJ/:(n^cf.^u'<&^ y„yim c/unc. y ^'ft4 26. ATHERIX IBIS. Order Diptera. Fam. Rhagionidae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus A. Ibis Fab. Atherix Meig., Lat. Rh<\u;io Fab., Lat. Anthrax, Bibio Fah. Antenruc porrected, approximating, much siwrter than the head, 3-jointedj first and second joints nearly globose, hairy j third joint transverse, semi-globose, with a long naked seta inserted on the upi)er side. (f. 3.) Lnbrum robust, channelled beneath. (1 . b.) Tongue subulate, very acute, nearly as long as labrum. (c.) Mandibles none. Maxill(E rather broad, attenuated, acute, as long as labrum (e.) : Palpi porrected, pilose, subcylindric, '2-jointed ; first joint nearly ovate ; second very long, attenudted, loiigci than the niax- ills. (f.) Mentum robust, narrow at the base, (h.) Lip submembranaceousj hairy, longer than the palpi ; apex large, bilobed. (g.) Proboscis not so long as the head, porrected. (2.) Head hemispherical, transverse, nearly as broad as thorax. Eyes large and contiguous in the males, distant in the females. Stemmata 3, approximating. Thorax : posterior angles slightly tuberculated. Halteres naked. Abdomen conical, elongated in the males. Wings divaricating with 16 or 17 cells, four of which are costal ; anal cells complete. Legs rather long, posterior pair in males robust. Tarsi b -jointed ; first joint the Longest. Pulvilli 3. Ibis Fab. Fjit. Syst. Supp. p. 556. mas. Anthrax Titanus F. E. S. Supp. p. 554. ]8.fem. Male hairy. Head black, eyes green (when alive). Thorax black, with four paler lines down the back. Scutellum and first segment of abdomen pure black, the three next segments dark orange, with three black spots in the centre, and fuscous spots down the sides ; two following segments orange, with a black band ; fol- lowing joints ferruginous ; anus black. Wings slightly ferrugi- nous, clouded ; costa and three transverse irregular spots fus- cous. Legs yellowish. Tarsi black. Female hairy, brownish- green. Head yellowish, two pale longitudinal stripes down the thorax, and margins of the segments of abdomen of the same pale colour. Wings larger and paler than in the male. Legs yellowish. Tarsi black. In the Cabinets of Mr. Sleplicnx, Mr. Stonr, and the Auihoi . The two insects figured are considered by Mr. Stephens to be the sexes : one specimen of the female he received from Devonshire, and another was contained in the Cabinet of the Author of Entomologia Britannica, which is now incorporated with his unrivalled Collection of British Insects. For speci- mens of the male, I am indebted to the liberality of Mr. Stone, who received them last summer from Derbyshire. Meigen informs us, in the second volume of his Systema- tische Beschreibung, &c. p. 105, that Atherix maculatus of Lat., Rhagio Ibis and Anthrax Titanus of Fab., are merely the sexes of the same species ; errors likely enough to occur from the great disparity which exists between them. There are at present but two species of this Genus recorded as natives of Rritain, although twelve are enumerated as Euro- pean,— the rare and beautiful species figured, which has never before been published in this country, and Bibio marginata F., w^hich has been taken in Devon, and, Mr. Samouelle says, on the borders of woods at Darent in June : a figure of it may be seen in Donovan's British Insects, vol. xvi. p. 549, under the name of Musca Atherix. The plant is Anthemis Cotula (Stinking Chamomile). £/ c9M:0^ rJSM'Uu, J>n^cjj^^/ fd'i4 27. APHODIUS VILLOSUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Apliodiadae Leach. Type of the Genus Scarabaeus Fossor Linn. Apiiodius ///., Fab., Lat., Gyl. Scarabaeus Lhin. AntenncE rather short, inserted under the clypeus, at the base of the mandibles, 9-jointed 5 first joint long, robust, cylindric ; second joint more or less globular 3 third small; fourth, fifth, and sixth transverse, somewhat cup-shaped ; seventh, eighth, and ninth, forming a nearly globose ovate lamellated club. (f. (i.) Labrum concealed by the clypeus, membranaceous^ subquadrate ; angles rounded, ciliated, (1.) Mandibles concealed by the clypeus, dilated and corneous at the base, membranaceous, rounded, entire, striated at the apex, ci- liated. (2.) Maxillce crustaceous, terminated by a dilated lobe, thickly covered with short hair externally, ciliated ; and having a bifid lobe on the internal side below the base of the palpi, pilose, and ciliated ; Palpi 4-jointed, rather long, filiform, naked ; first joint small 3 second and fourth longer than the third joint. (3.) Mentum somewhat quadrate, deeply emarginate, pilose : Palpi short, cylindric, smooth with a few hairs ; joints nearly equal. Labium membranaceous, bilobed, fimbriated. (4.) Clypeus semicircular or lunate, in many tuberculated. Thorax tranS' verse-quadrate. Scutellum distinct. Elytra convex, completely cover- ing the abdomen, when viewed conjointly longer than broad. Wings 2. Feet all equi-distant, robust. Thighs with a)t impressed line of hairs inside, particularly in thejirst pair. Anterior tibiae trideniate exter- nally (5. a fore leg) : four posterior tibiae with 2 spines at their apex. Tarsi 5 -jointed. ViLLOsus Gyl. Lis. Suec. t. 1. p. 40. h. 38. Shining : ferruginous, (-lypeus angular, narrowed before, scarcely emarginate, without tubercles, punctured : thorax trans- verse, convex, thickly punctured, with a smooth line down the centre, pubescent. Scutellum small. Elytra convex, pilose, piceous, more fuscous on the back, with seven broad furrows having a line of punctures down each side ; interstices flat, shin- ing. Legs and underside pale piceous. /rt the Cabinet of Mr. Vigors. As it is the intention of my friend Mr. Stephens to publish a Catalogue of British Insects, coniprehenchng all the orders, I shall refrain from enumerating the species contained in the Genus Aphodhis (upwards of 50), and content myself with giving the different groups into which it has been found con- venient to divide them. A. Clj'jieus emarginate. * Tuberculated; thorax sulcated transversely. A. asper. * * Smooth ; elytra deeply sulcated. A. jwrcatus, &c. * * * Smooth ; elytra with flat interstices between the fur- rows. A. C(€SUS. * * * * Slightly emarginate, smooth. A. villosus, &c. ***** Tuberculated. A. Fossor, &c. B. Clypeus entire, smooth. A. riifipes, &c. The larvae have six feet ; they are annulated, hairy, with a vesicle at the apex of the abdomen ; they have a hard horny head ; they live inactively in dung, upon which they feed. (Stewart's Nat. Hist.) The perfect insects fly in the sunshine about the excrement of animals, especially horses and cows. Aphodius villosus is an extremely rare species on the Con- tinent, and in this country the only specimen known is the one figured in the plate, which I found dead several years since in the month of August upon Newmarket Heath ; and I have little doubt that I should have captured more if it had been earlier in the season, but my most diligent search proved fruitless. For specimens of the local and beautiful Anemone Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower or Hill Tulip) I am indebted to my kind friend J. S. Henslow, Esq., Professor of Mineralogy at Cam- bridge, who gathered them upon Newmarket Heath, not far from the spot where the Aphodius was taken. C^^ cy^«4^.,^^^ ^^^ 28. ACANTHOSOMA HiEMORRHOIDALIS. Order Hemiptera. Fam. Pentatomidae Leach, Type of the Genus Cimex hsmorrhoidalis Linn. AcANTHOsoMA noh. Penttitoma OUv., Lot., Leach. C\me\ Linn., Fab. Antennce exserted, inserted under the margin of the head, before the eyes, nearly filiform, or slightly clavate, longer than the head, articulated, 5 -jointed ; first joint longer than the third, which is the shortest. (4.) Rostrum inflected, slightly hairy, 4-jointed, the second and third joints rather longer than the others. (2.) Lahrum very long, attenuated, transversely striated, received into a canal in the basal joint of the rostrum. (3. and 3. a) Mandibles VLwdil ■,■■, ^ • ^i. u *i * Max'llo' I ^^ passmg through the rostrum. Head trigonate, immersed nearly or quite up to the eyes in the thorax. Thorax rvith the anterior margin much narrower than the posterior, ungulated on the sides icith a compressed bent spine beneath, extend- ing nearly to the head. (.5. a.) Abdomen depressed above, oblong- quadrate, attenuated towards the apex, with a keel down the centre beneath, terminated by a spine which lies over or by the side of that attached to the thorax. (5. b.) Scutellum large, not covering the wings or elytra. Elytra coriaceous, membranaceous at the apex, crossing each other horizontally. Anterior tibiae scarcely notched internally. Tarsi 2-jointed. (G. afore leg.) H^EMOBKiioiDALis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 720. 3.5. Fab. Ent. Syst. t.4. p. 98. n. 76. Yellowish green, in-egularly puncturedj the obtuse angles and a transverse baud on the anterior part of the thorax orange ; ab- domen testaceous, variously marked with black and scarlet ; tips of elytra and wings pale ferruginous. Antennae testaceous at the base, black towards the apex. Legs and underside testaceous. Tibiae and tarsi inclining to green. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The Genus Acanthosovia was proposed in a former pai't of the work, in allusion to the spined keel beneath the abdomen, which is part of Fabricius's specific cliaracter; it is a singular conformation, and appears to protect the rostrum, whicli lies close by the side. The other peculiar marks of distinction (as has been before observed in folio 20) are the great length of the first joint of the antenna?, and the tarsi having only 2 in- stead of 3 joints. At present there are but 3 British species belonging to this Genus, A. hamorrhoidalis, liturata^ and agathina^ all of which are described by Fabricius in his Entomologia Systematica. A. h(Emorrhoidalis (a male of which is figured of the natural size, the female is rather larger) is by no means a rare insect, being occasionally met with during June, in hedges, upon the white thorn and various other plants. The insects of this family have a very unpleasant scent, and in every state live upon juices obtained from small insects, especially caterpillars. The larva has no wings, the pupa has rudiments only ; they generally resemble the imago in colour, and are very active. A male plant of Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury) is figured in the Plate. ^ig .'u/r^ < J^'CU^ JJmi^ctiy / iSt/l 29. SARROTHRIPUS RAMOSANA. Branched Sarrothiipus. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Tortricidae Leach. Type of the Genus T. degenerana Hub. Sabrothripus nob. Pyralis Fab., Lat. Tortrix Hub., Haw., Leach. Antenna inserted on the crown of the head near to the eyes, long, setaceous, composed of numerous oblong joints, covered with scales above ; Hrst joint rather large, cylindric, curved, second small, (f. 1.) MaxiUcE nearly thrice the length of the Pulpi. (3.) Palpi 2, porrected far beyond the head, completely covered with scales resembling hair (4.) ; first joint short, curved upwards; second joint long, clavate, curved at the base ; third joint as long or longer than the second, nearly filiform, slender. (4. a. the scales being removed.) Head with the scales upon the crown projecting forward in front. (7.) Wings rounded at the base, appearing slightly ciliated on the casta. Anterior legs with a long brush of hairij scales on the interior skies of the femur and tibia. (8.) Intermediate legs tJie longest. Pos- terior legs with 2 moveable sjunes in the centre of the tibia, and 2 at the apex. Tarsi o -jointed, terminated by small claws. Caterpillars with ] 6 feet ? Ramosaxa Hub. Schmet. Tort. Fuscous : Head, palpi, anterior part of thorax, and a great portion of the upper win^'^s brunneous inclining to chesnut. Superior wings with a dark line branched at the base and on its inferior margin, above v\hich towards the centre is a black spot, a row of dots extend along the posterior margin, and 3 fuscous ocellated spots, with others more obscure, form an irregular transverse line near the same margin. In the Cabinet of Mr. Stone. In the 16th folio was described the Genus Pcroi/ca, and from the same family a small group, which has always been arranged near to them, lias been selected for the present subject ; it is called Sarruf/iripus, from the brushes of hair which are attach- ed to the fore-legs. By referring to Lepidoptera Britannica, p. 406, it will be seen (hat Mr. Haworth has in some degree anticipated rae in the formation of this Genus, which contains his division Palpance : a doubt is there expressed whether they may not be varieties ; but the numerous specimens which have since that time been collected leave little room for such a conjecture, and the addition of the novelty figured (the only one not described in the valuable work alluded to) renders it still more probable that they are distinct. The present Genus, on comparison with Peronea, will show how little attention has been paid to the conformation of the Lepidoptera ; such differences in any of the other orders would have been detected long since ; but I hope by the dissections with which I shall always illustrate the subjects, that I may be able to interest entomologists sufficiently to induce them to at- tend to the structure of this beautiful order. The following are the species contained in this Genus : — 1 . S. degenerana Hub. 2. dilutana Hub. 3. Afzeliana Gmelin. 4. Lathamiana Gmelin. 5. 2JU7ictida7ia Hub. Bicana Fab. 6. ramosana Hub. They have been found at different periods of the year at Darent and Birch Woods, Kent, and in the New Forest. The rare and beautiful species, figured from the collection of Mr. Stone, was beat off a tree in July 1823, at Birch Wood, and another was taken off paling there, which induced me to think, that like Peronea they might be attach- ed to Lichens, but we are completely ignorant of their eco- nomy. Lichen prunastri (Plum-tree Lichen), growing upon a branch of a tree, is figured in the Plate. 5(9 r r/ c-9U:/a^ rj i§,,Aiur J^i<,r. 'Ja^ / -/did 30. XYELA PUSILLA. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Xiphydriadae Leach. Type of the Genus X. pusilla Dal. Xyela Dalman. Jntenncc inserted in the front of the face between the eyes, long, slightly hairy, 12-jointed3 first joint cylindric ; second short, ob- conic j third robust, cylindric, equal in length to the nine follow- ing joints which are filiform, the terminal joint being the smallest. Labrian membranaceous, narrowed towards the anterior margin which is entire, ciliated. (2.) Mandibles corneous, slightly curved, acute with three irregular teeth on the internal margin. (3. 3.) Maxilla: membranaceous, bilobed, ciliated, the superior lobe being terminated by a smaller one. Palpi very long, appearing like feet, 4-jointedj first joint short ; second long, bent, clavate j third very long, dilated towards the centre, attenuated to the apex, which has a small head, hollow internally ; fourth joint as long as the second, membranaceous, flat. Mentum dilated anteriorly : Pa/pi 4 -jointed ; first and third joints small} second longer ; fourth joint large, somewhat obovate bent inward. (5.) Lip obsolete. Head transverse, depressed. Eyes lateral. Ocelli 3, approximating, placed triangularly. Neck short, broad. Thorax not broader than the head. Abdomen sessile, 7iearly cylindric, \0-jointed. Oviduct ex- serted, compressed. Ovipositor ensiform, membranaceous towards the edges, corneous down the centre (7. b.), inclosed between 2 lanceolate lamellcE, hairy outside {7. a.) : Jig. 6. represents the under side of the oviduct, and part of the abdomen. Legs placed far behind. Tibiae slightly hairy with a spiiie at the apex, the posterior with 2 bristles un the external edge. Tarsi hairy, as long or longer than the tibia, Jirst joint the longest. {8. a fore leg.) Wings large, superior ones with 18 cells, 3 marginal, and 2 submarginal complete. Stigma large. Inferior wings with many cells. The male {Dalman says) is smaller, the anus is simple, not mucro- nated, the last segment large, scutiform, entire. Eggs somewhat oval. Metamorphosis and economy unknown. Pfsii.LA Dalman in Trans. Stockholm Soc. April 1819. p. 123. Smooth, shining. Head black, clypeus and eyes margined with yellow. Thorax black, with two orange spots on tlie an- terior part ; two first segments of abdomen with a yellow spot in the centre, the remainder of the segments brunneous pale at margins, and at the apex. Legs, oviduct and uophi dull ochra- ceous. AnteniiiE and tliighs fuscous. Wings stained pale fer- ruginous. Stigma darker. lit the ('(tbinels of Mr. Stephens and the Anthin-. This Genus, which so beautifully unites the Tetithr^dhiidce with the Uroceridce, evidently belongs to the family Xiphydri- fli(^ of Leach, although Dalman in his valuable paper upon this Genus in the Stockholm Transactions (which are well worth the perusal of the entomologist) considers that it be- longs to the Urocer'idcE: the ample wings, however, and large stigma bear considerable affinity to the genus Lyda, whilst it cannot be denied that the compressed oviduct brings it close to Xiphydria. Dalman, in his description, has overlooked the twelfth joint of the antennae, which is the smallest, and also one of the joints of the labial palpi, which he describes as only 3-jointed. Although the structure of this insect is altogether remarkable, no part is, I think, more curious than the maxil- lary palpi, which upon the insect look like feet; and from the legs being placed far behind, it is not improbable that they may occasionally be employed like those members : the second and third joints are hollow, which probably enables the in- sect to fold them close for protection, and the terminal joint is perfectly flexible. Of this rare and interesting insect I have three females, taken by myself many years back upon umbelliferous plants in the vicinity of pines, in Norfolk, where those trees abound ; and Mr. Stephens has one which was taken in the neighbour- hood of London. The male I have never seen ; but from the description, and an excellent figure given by Dalman, it ap- pears to differ from the female only in being much smaller, and in its abdomen, which is more cylindric, rounded and simple at the anus. Another species much larger, called X. longula by the same author, has been taken in Sweden by Gyllenhal. Our species appears not to be uncommon in Sweden, where it is said to be found upon Pimis sylvestris (PI. 7.) during the month of July. Chccrophyllum sylvestre {y^'A^ Chervil) being the umbelliferous plant upon which I believe my specimens were taken, it is figured in the Plate. 3/ OD 2 ^3 (%i^.6,f rf/^,,,Ai;^ ^i^ CL^. //cPg/ BUPRESTIS NITIDULA. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Buprestidae Leach. Ttjpe of the Genus B. nitidula. BupRESTis Linn., Fab., Ss-c. Antennce inserted near the base of the clypeus^ short, somewhat iilit'orm, serrated in both sexes, 1 1 -jointed, first joint long, second and terminal joints small, ((j.) Labrum small, exserted, attenuated before, slightly emargi- nate. (I.) Mandibles gaping, small, more or less obtuse, bifid towards the apex. (2. the under side : 2. a. the upper side.) Maxilla; small ; the ai)ex slightly bifid, hairy : Palpi filiform, 4-jointed, (irst joint very small, last slightly securiform. (3.) Menfum oblong-cjuadrate : Palpi very small, approximating, .'J-jointed, nearly concealed. (1.) Head very retuse. Thorax short, broad, transverse, depressed, having a mucronated process between the anterior pair of legs ; the posterior margin straight andapplied to the base of the elytra. Scutellum some- what triangular, small. Elytra elongated, trigonate, depressed, entire, neither serrated nor spined. Wings two. Abdomen not formed for leaping. Feet short ; tarsi ^> -jointed, articulated, broad cordate trigonate, the last joint cijlindrir with si)nple claws. (5.) Nitidula Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. Gfi2. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 1 . pars2.p. 211. H. 123. Ovate, golden green. Head and thorax minutely and irregularly punctured, the latter having a slight impression down the centre and a foveola near the postt rior angle. P^lytra more green than the rest, broader at the base than the tiiorav, attenuated towards the apex, rounded ; rugose, j)uncture(l, having obscure striae ; beneath green, very glossy : legs and antenna- black, tinged with brassy green. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. The superb family of Buprestida: has recently hcvn divided into several Genera, agreeably to the geograpliical distribu- tion of the various groups discovered in the East and West Indies, the Brazils, the Cape of Good Hope and New Hol- land: the European species have also been divided, the cy- lindrical ones B. vin'dis Linn, and B. bigattaln Linn, havin"- been formed into another Genus; and Fabricius having long since estabhshed the Genus Trachijs^ we had but one true Buprestis (Salicis) known to inhabit this country until the brilhant little species figured was detected by Mr. Dale and myself the early part of last June in an excursion to the New Forest: we beat four out of white -thorn flowers in the neigh- bourhood of Brockenhurst in the heat of the day, at which time they flew with great celerity. The larvae of this family live in wood, and are very destruc- tive : in their oeconomy they resemble the CcramhycidcB, and like them also they are frequently conveyed in an imperfect state in timber from their native country; which accounts for the splendid exotics belonging to these families that are occa- sionally met with by Entomologists in this kingdom. Mr. Marsham in the 10th volume of the Linnean Transac- tions relates an extraordinary fact concerning the longevity of a species of this Genus [B. splendeiis Fab.); the perfect insect was seen to emerge from a desk made of Baltic fir that had been in the Office at Guildhall upwards of 20 years : it is most probable that it remained in the larva state the greater portion of that long period. The desk having been after- wards planed, the passage which the insect formed was disco- vered.— In the 1st volume of the same Transactions an ac- count is also recorded in the Minutes of a species resembling the B. canaliculata of Fab. having eaten through 15 pieces of muslin from Bengal. Messrs. Kirby and Spence inform us that the brilliancy of some of the eastern species has rendered them of value to the ladies of China, whose dresses are embroidered with the re- splendent elytra of the Buprestis vittata. CratcEgusOxT/acantha (Haw-thorn or White- thorn) is figured in the Plate. -Jl rSU^CK like setae, passmg through the rostrum. Head longer and narrower than the thorax, porrecfed, elongate, cylin- dric, thickened at the end. Eyes globose, prominent, inserted on the sides before the middle of the head. Thorax cijlindric, anterior part narrowed. ScuteWum minute. Abdomen more or less Jiliform, di- lated in the middle ; margins acute; terminal joint much largtr in the male than female, cylindric, niucronated. Elytra coriaceous, long and narrow. Wings semitransparent, long and narrow. Feet long, slender, attached to the sides of the abdomen, anterior the shortest, posterior the longest. Tarsi indistinctly '3-jointed, first joint very minute. Claws inserted in a fissure at the extremity of the last joint of the tarsi, distinctly bifid only in the posterior pair. (G. afore leg.) Stagnorum Linn. Faun. Suec. 971. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 4. p. 188. n.4. Velvety black. Thorax sometimes testaceous with a slight chan- nel down tlie back. Abdomen with 2 nearly parallel lines down the back ; edges dilated to the last segment with a griseous spot at each joint, sliining down the centre. Elytra testaceous, clouded with black nerves. Wings fuscous with darker nerves. Feet and antenna; ferruginous or fuscous. In the Cabinets of the British Museum and the Author. These curious insects are common in almost every brook and pond during tlie spring, where they may be seen with Vdia and Gcrris gliding along tiie surface of the water. Most of them are either ai)terous, or have only short parallel elytra ; but in the British jNIuseum are two females presented to that establishment by Dr. Leach, which iiave long elytra crossing each other when the insect is at rest, and perfect wuigs as ex- hibited in the specimen represented flying in the Plate. Like Velia and Gem's, to which our insect is closely allied, it is at present impossible to say whether the apterous specimens are pupae or distinct species (from a difference in the colour of their legs, I am inclined to favour the latter opmion); but as far as regards the female figured, it appears extremely pro- bable that winged specimens of the other sex would be found if sought for at the proper time of the year, as it generally oc- curs amongst insects, that the males have the advantage of wings where the females are apterous. A male is represented walking at the base of the plant Scro- phularia aquatica (Water Figwort) : that flying is a female. dd yU-itfCj fe^^„^a4,^ d^: ^ ■/s'i4 33. BUPALUS FAVILLACEARIUS. The grey Scollop. Order Lejndoptera. Fam. Phalaenidae Lat..^ Leach. Type of the Genus B. favillacearius. BuPALUS Leach. Phalsena Linn., Fab., Lut. Geometra Hub., Haw. Antenna; setaceous, bipectinated in the males (1.); the branches ciliated (1. a.), slightly serrated in the females. (2. a portion of the antenna magnified.) Max'illiB short, rather broad and flat. (3.) Labial palpi 2, covered with scales, slightly hirsute (4.), shorter than the head, scarcely projecting beyond the eyes viewed in pro- file (7. a.), 3-jointed ; first joint long, curved upwards j third joint very small, nearly globose. (4. a.) Wings very much dejiexed when at rest, not angulated or indeiited. Body slender. Anterior legs with a spine on the internal side of the tibia arising near the base and extending to the first joint of the tarsus (8.),- the middle and posterior legs with sptirs at the apex of the tibia", the latter with spurs also in the middle. Caterpillars loopers, with 6 pectoral, 2 abdominal, and 2 anal feet. Favillacearius (male) Hub. Schmet. Geo.pl. 26. f 139. Haw.Lep. Brit. p. 278. n. 19. Male hoary white, slightly tinged with ochraceous, covered with irregular minute spots ; superior wings with a blacK transverse indented striga near the base, another dentated internally at the nervures, nearly parallel with the posterior margin, with two large dark spots on its external side, a long black spot near the disk, and a line of small black spots along the base ot the cilia ; inferior wings with a dentated waved dark line nearly parallel with the margin and a dark spot towards the centre ; cilia yel- lowish brown. Eyes, antenme and legs nearly black. Female smaller, the superior wings more brown, the inferior blackish. In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale and the Author. Dr. Leach, in establishing the Genus Bupaliis, has given Phalecna j)iniaria Linn, as an example, to which may be added Geometra ericetaria Vill., and probably G.fidiginaria and ato- maria Lum. The beautiful species figured in illustration of the Genus was first noticed, I believe, by Harris in his Aurelian as an in- habitant of this island ; it was afterwards taken by Mr. Ha- worth in Yorkshire, since which Mr. Dale has met with it in Hampshire ; and during a late visit to that county he was so obliging as to point out the locality to me. The figure in Der Gamlmig Europaischer Schmetterlinge of Hubner {Geometra, pi. ^G.Jl 140.) represents G. Belgiaria, which so much resembles the female oi B.favillacearhis^ except in its pectinated antennae, that until this year an opinion was entertained that we possessed both species : as however we found the sexes upon the same ground, and out of a conside- rable number of both, the males were all B.favillacearms and the females B. Beegiarius, there can no longer be a doubt of their being the sexes of the same species ; and if it were not for the masculine antennae of Hubner's figure, I should be disposed to consider it, as the female of his B.Javillacearius ; it may possibly be a strong variety of the male partaking of the colouring of the female, or the antennae may have been erroneously figured : if it be otherwise, we do not at present possess the species. Both sexes of B. favillacearius are found from the middle of May to the middle of July resting upon the ground (with the inferior wings completely concealed by the superior ones): where turf has been pared off upon heaths, especially where it is rather moist, it is easily detected, from the earth (a black peat) being so opposite in colour ; and it is perhaps the most easy of all insects to capture, as nothing apparently will induce it to fly during the day : late in the evening we took specimens of the male near Lyndhurst flying very sluggishly. The plant figured, Tm'mentilla et'ecta (common or officinal Tormentil), was growing upon the heaths where the moths were taken. u (5i/r /^Cf i^.V^ ..£n,{o^ (Jmo,. / /rmine the species of the numerous divisions which he gave : this difficulty, however, is greatly removed by Meigen in his last work, although I am at a loss to account for his having dropped the Genus Spilo- myia^ as his first subdivision of Milesia (none of which are British) appear to belong to that Genus as at first established, since from their posterior thighs being toothed they do not associate well with our Genus Milesia : of his 2d subdivision with posterior thighs without teeth, five species are described by him, the only one of which found in this country is figured in the Plate. It is now several years since this fine and rare insect was dis- covered in the New Forest by Mr. D. Bydder, and the beginning of June of the present year I took four near Brockenhurst ; they appear to delight in settling in the thickest parts of the Forest, where a partial shadow is thrown by the surrounding foliage upon the trunks of trees, or the flat surface remaining where they have been felled. The female is much more rare than the male (a figure of which is given), and differs only in the eyes being separated from each other, and the apex of the abdomen being more acute. Having taken a pair off ILupliorhia amygdaloides (Wood Spurge), which was full in blossom at the time, it is figured with the insect. ■JJ / ^^ ^/ ■ iyr f«.^^4i»i<»c44 .'^^a^ 35. CRYPTOCEPHALUS BIPUSTULATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Chrysomelidae Lat.^ Leach. Type of the Genus Chrysomela sericea Linn. Cryptocephalus Geoff., Fab., Lat., Marsh. Chrysomela Linn. Antenmc inserted between and close to the eyes, remote, almost as long as the body, simple, somewhat filiform, 1 1 -jointed, first joint large, second and third short, fourth and fifth slender, the following cylindric, more robust. (6.) Lahrum subquadrate, coriaceous ; anterior margin emarginate, in the centre ciliated. ( 1 .) Mandibles strongly bidentate at the apex. (2.) MaxillcE external lobe much larger than the internal : Palpi 4-jointed, first joint minute, the remainder robust, last joint conic-cylindric, truncated at the apex. (3.) Mcntum coriaceous, transverse, short : Lip membranaceous : Palpi 3-jointed, first joint minute, second robust, clavate, third cylindric truncated. (4.) Head vertical, forced into the thorax up to the eyes. Eyes sub-reni- form. Thorax globose, nearly as broad as the elytra. Body short, ovate, cylindric. Tibiae without spurs. Tarsi 4-jointed, three first joints spongy beneath, first and second obtrigonate, third subcordalc, bilobed, fourth cylindric. (5. a fore-leg.) BiPUSTULATUS Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 1. pars 2. p. (57. ». "1. — dispar Payk. Fa. Su. v. 2. p. 142. n. 1.5. var. e. Black, shining; apex of elytra ochraceous, the edges black. Head and apex of abdomen jnmctured, hairy. Thorax perfectly smooth. Elytra with eleven punctured striae upon each. An- tennae fuscous at their base. Legs and under side pubescent. In the Cabinet of Mr. Dale. Nothing can prove more completely the rapid progress of Entomology in this country than the extensive additions that have been made to this beautiful Genus within the last twelve years, amongst the most splendid of which is C. bipustulatus, a single specimen having betMi captured by Mr. Dale near a coppice on Parley Heath, Dorset, 1st July 18-;5. Marsham in his Entomologia Britannica enumerates twelve species only of the true Cryptocephali ; and now there are the following : 1. C. sexpunctatus Linn. 11. C. Barbareae Linn. 2. — Coryli Linn. 1 2. — pusillus Fah. 3. — bipustulatus Fab. 13. — marginellus Do?i. 4. — lineola Fab. 14. — dorsalis Marsh. 5. — Moraei Ziww. 15. — frontalis Ma rs/t, 6. — sericeus Linn. 16. — exilis Sdiiip. MSS. 7. — similis Leach. 17. — ochraceus nob. 8. — nitens Linn. 18. — bilineatus Linn. 9. — flavilabris Fab. 19. — labiatus Linn. 10. — punctiger Payk. C. viarginellus, dorsalis qxmS. frontalis^ it is generally thought are mere varieties of C. pusillus^ varying in different degrees from testaceous to black ; and Dr. Leach has lately sent from Devonshire to the British Museum, either another curious variety or a distinct species, black with a testaceous transverse band near the base of the elytrae. Mr. Dale having swept his insect off Heath growing upon a bank, Erica cinerea (Fine-leaved Heath) is figured in the plate. It is said also by Fabricius to inhabit a very old garden flower Chrysanthemum rorojiarium. ■:J?i'^.<^c/&.^ ^^^ C^^./ZJ'g./ 36. LITHOSIA MUSCEIIDA. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Tineidae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Noctua complana Linn. LiTiiosiA Fab., Lat., Haw. Noctua Linn. Bombyx Iliib. Antenn(E remote, covered with long scales above, hairy beneath, pectinated (under a lens), the pectinations arising from the centre of the joints on each side. (1. and 1. a.) Labrum and "J .^ i j . ^, i -_ ,., , > attached to the clypeus. Mandibles i •" MaxillxE long and spiral. (.'?.) Palpi two, generally shorter than the head (7. a ) ; covered with various scales, the apex nearly naked (4.) ; 2-jointed, first joint long, cylindric, attenuated, curved upward, second joint small, somewhat rhomboid. (4. a.) Mead short, covered with close scales (not halnj in front). Eyes re- mote. Wings long, oblong, somewhat elliptic, incumbent or convo- lute. Inferior ones much folded. Anterior legs with the coxce long and robust. Thighs very long and slender. Tibiae short and slender. Tarsi 5 -jointed. Pulvilli distinct. Claws obscure. (8. a fore-leg.) MuscERDA Iliih. Bomb. pi. 24./. 103. Fuscous tinged with pink and yellow, towards the costa pale straw colour ; five irregular small black spots in the superior wings, the first upon the costa, the tvvo following forming an oblique line towards the posterior margin, and two others near the centre. Li the Cabinet of Mr. Sparshall. Two specimens of this extremely rare insect (drawn ratlier larger than the life) were found by Mr. Joseph Sparshall, at the end of June, upon the marshes at Horning, Norfolk, in ditches, floating on the water. The other species belonging to this Genus are, l.L.Jlava Fab.; 2. auraniia Haw.; 3. och/r- ola Hub.; 4. hclvcola Hub.; 5. complana Linn.; 6. griscula Hub. ; and 7. quadra Lijui. L. quadra will form a second division in this Genus, since the second joint of the palpus is as long as the first, and curved upward : Bomhyx pulchella and 7'iibricollis Fab., with some others, are included by that author and Latreille in the Genus Lithosia, which has occasioned the latter to state that the palpi are three-jointed, whereas Fabricius has described them as biarticulate: after dissecting several specimens of our Genus, and examining them most carefully, I can discover only two joints ; B. pulchella and rubricollis, having three distinct joints in the palpi, must therefore be constituted into a new Genus. The plant figured is Alisma Plantago (Great Water Plan- tain), var. lanceolata. ^7 i:/iJ//^ rj flMAiu- XMl^'J'y't / /3i7 37. RAPHIDIA OPHIOPSIS. Order Neuroptera. Fam. Raphidiadae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus R. Ophiopsis Linn. Rapiiidia Linn., Fab., Lai., &;c. Antenn<£ inserted between the eyes, remote, as long as the thorax, nearly filiform, composed of many joints (44 in the male, 42 in the female of the type), two first joints robust, last coni- cal. (1.) Lahrum exserted, subquadrate, rather broader than long, anterior margin circular, entire. (2.) Mandibles corneous, strong, extending beyond the labrum, elon- gate, curved, acute, with two sharp teeth on the internal side. (3.) Maxilla: short, crustaceous, bilobed, ciliated : Palpi short, filiform, 4-jointed ; first joint short, second longer, third and fourth of equal length, the latter truncated. (4.) Mcntum short, quadrate: Pnlpi short, attached to two immove- able articulations, 3-jointed, last joint long, truncated. (.5.) Clypeus broad, anterior margin nearly straight. Head injiexed, oval, narrowed behind. Eyes prominent. Ocelli 3 in triangle. Thorax icith thejirst segment very long, cylindric. Wings dejlexed, nearly equal in size, reticulated, all the nerves hairy. Abdomen of the male produced at the apex with 2 strong teeth (7. the terminal joints viewed in projile) : of the female terminated by 2 united canals, trans- versely striated, slightly hairy, with two valves at the apex. (G.) Ophiopsis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 916. I. Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 2. p. 99. n. 1. Black, shining. Head slightly punctured. Clypeus, base of antennae, legs (excepting the base and upper surface of the thighs), 2 lines down each side of the abdomen, and a spot on each segment down the back straw colour. \\'ings slightly coloured. Stigma brown. Li the Author's and other Cabinets. Dr. T..EACH has divided this extraordinary Genus into the following species — 1. R. Londinctisis, 2.oJ/inis, 3. maculicollis, 4. ynegaccphala., and 5. Ophiopsis ,■ how far they may be good species it is not easy to determine, as they arc subject to great variations, and the nervures of tlie wings are very inconstant, frequently not agreeing in the same specimen. R. Londinensis, as its name implies, is found in tlie vicinity of our capital, even as near as Copenhagen Fields ; it has no stigma. R. qffinis is a smaller species, the male of which is figured in Kirby and Spence's Introduction to Entomology (pi. 3. f. 6.); R- macuUcollis is very similar to R, Londinensis^ and R. megacephala and Ophiopsis appear to me to be the same. The larvae are described by Latreille as very nimble and voracious, living upon small insects, and concealing themselves in crevices in the bark of trees ; the pupae, like the rest of the Order, have the power of locomotion. The perfect insect also feeds upon smaller ones, its long moveable thorax enablmg it to seize its prey in any direction with great facility ; and it is able to bite with considerable force with its acute mandibles, which it can extend considerably. The ovipositor is exceedingly dissimilar to those of any other insects ; by Latreille's description and my own obser- vations, it appears to be formed by two canals united, with a space between, being composed of transverse rings which enable the insect to propel the eggs to the apex, where they are received and deposited by the two appendages, in clusters like fly-blows. The month of June appears to be the season for all the species in the imago state, and they are stated to prefer the neighbourhood of streams ; the specimen however figured in the plate, with two or three others, were beat out of White- thorns in rather high ground in the New Forest. The plant figured is Veronica Chamadrys (Wild Ger- mander). 36' Ciu^!n^cJ:lS^iL> „£njtm C^/.- / 38. HEDYCHllUM ARDENS. Order Hymenoptera. Faim, Chrysididae Lat..^ Leach. Type of the Genus C. violaceum Rossi. Hedyciirum Lat., Leach. Chr\'sis I.inn., Fab., Jurine. AntenncE inserted close to the margin of the clypeus, geniculated, fusiform, 1.3-jointed j first joint the longest. (1.) Lahrum very minute, long, attenuated, ciliated. (2.) Mandibles hairy, externally arcuated, with 3 sharj) teeth towards the apex. (3.) MaxillcB horny at the base, membranaceous towards the apex, ovate, entire, ciliated : Palpi a-jointed, longer than the maxilUe, third joint rather thicker, fourth and fifth rather longer than the others. (4.) Mentum long, dilated anteriorly : Palpi short, 3-jointed : Lip with the margins conniving externally. (5.) Clypeus with a deep impression between the eyes, receiving the first joint of the antenncc. Thorax semi-cylindric, angular, divided by 3 transverse sutures. Metathorax nut elongated into a scutellum. Body contractile into a ball. Abdomen attached only by a portion of its transverse diameter, semicircular, ivith the extremity rounded, convex above, concave beneath, composed of three joints, the second very large. Tarsi 5-jointed. (S.) Superior wings u-i^/i the margi- nal cell scarcely complete at the apex ,• discoidul cells very obscure. Inferior wings without distinct nerves. Ardens Lat. Coq. Illus. Icon. Lis. dec. 2. p. 59. t. ]4. f. 7. Shining, pubescent. Head and thorax deeply, abdomen minutely punctured. Green, centre of head, thorax and abdomen, crimson reflecting purple and gold. Posterior angles of thorax blue. Un- der side of abdomen black, sometimes aureous towards the base. Wings fuscous, with alternate bands of green and gold at the pos- terior margin. Antenna; black, green at the base. Legs green. Tarsi rufous. Li the Cabinets of the British .}hiseiini and the Author. In a loiiiu'i" miiuber (folio 8.) was given the Genus C/injsis .- and another group of the same family, .separated by Lalreille, is the subject of the present paper. Although the Ilcdycini ma}' equal the Chrys^idcv in sjilendour, their form is by no means so elegant ; the obiuseiicss and breadth of the abdomen di- stinguishing them at first sight ; and upon further comparison, the absence of the transverse line of impressed dots upon the last joint of the abdomen, as well as the great difference in the mandibles, independently of the variation in the wings, excite our astonishment that Jurine should have rejected a Genus so natural and well established. Dr. Leach has divided this Genus into those with the apex of the abdomen entire, 1. H. punctatum Leach?; 2. lucidulum Geoff.; 3. ardens Lat. The others notched at the apex, 4. resium Geoff. ; 5. molaceum Rossi. There are also in the Museum cabinet a species called ccendeum and another un- named. Our insect, which was taken several years back in Norfolk, agrees tolerably well with Latreille's description, and perfectly with the British specimens in the Museum, but not very well with the rude and careless figure in Coquebert. Some specimens are twice the size indicated in the plate by the crossed lines. The habits of this Genus are somewhat dissimilar to those of the Chrysidce, being generally found in the sunshme upon the leaves of brambles and other bushes, from which they fall upon being approached, rolling themselves up into a ball. The plant figured is AjitirrJmium Ci/mbalaria (Ivy-leaved Snapdragon). 59 C^.iy.cf:^Ui^ j£„dmOcl / THYMALUS LIMBATUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Silphadse Leac/i. Necropliagi Za/. Type of the Genus Cassida limbata Fab. Thymalus Lat. Silpha Linn. Cassida, Peltis Fab. .4«^en«£E inserted before the eyes, short, 11 -jointed, first joint the lonf^est, clavate, second short and robust, third, fourth and fifth somewhat cylindric, sixth, seventh and eighth, somewhat turbi- nate, the three last large, forming a compressed perfoliated club, the ninth and tenth joints being transverse, the eleventh orbi- cular. (6.) Labrum exserted, nearly oval, the posterior margin straight. ( 1 .) Mandibles exserted, bifid at the apex, sometimes dentated inter- nally towards the middle. (2.) MaxillcE membranaceous, with a corneous arcuated tooth, ex- ternal process short, curved inward, strongly ciliated and clothed with hair towards the apex : Palpi short and robust, 3-jointed, terminal joint subovate. (3.) Mentum small, quadrate : Palpi 2-jointed : Lip large, broader than the mentum, entire, superior margin ciliated, (4.) Head small, nearly concealed by the thorax, which is emarginafe before and broad behind ; the sides being margined. Scutellum A7naW. Elytra viewed together with the thorax elliptic, margined, much broader than the abdomen, which they completely conceal. Wings 2. Feet short, without spines. Tarsi indistinctly 5 -jointed, all simple. LiMBATUS Fab. Ent. Syst. v. I, pars I. p. 294. 7i. 11. Syst. Eleii. V. 1. p. 344. 71. 4. Pubescent, shining, reddish brown with a slight cupreous cast, the margins of the thorax and elytra appearing brighter. Legs and under side reddish brown. Thorax minutely punctured. Abdomen with numerous longitudinal lines of deep punctures. In the Author's and other Cabinets. The remarkable habit of our insect, which is so similar to that of Cassida as to have led Fabricius to consider it as belonoino- to that Genus in his earlier works, an error however which he corrected in his Si/stcma Eleiiteratonim^ has induced the Baron Dejean and other Entomologists to separate it from Peltis ; and it is now the only true Thymalus known, Peltis retaining the other four species {grossa, ferruginca Fab. &c.), none of which have been yet met with in this country, akhoiigh by accident P. fernigineus was given as the type of TJiymalus in Samouelle's Entomologist's Useful Compendium. Thymalus limhatus is another valuable Genus added to our Fauna by Mr. D. Bydder, who took it in the New Forest in abundance during the months of June and July. It appears to be generally distributed in that neighbourhood, as I have since met with it occasionally in June near Brockenhurst and Lynd- hurst. Upon stripping off the bark of decayed trees, the insect will generally be fomid adhering to it like a Coccus or a scale, from which circumstance we are led to believe that like many of the Nitidulce it feeds upon Bolefi, Fungi, &c. especially such as are found in similar situations : they no doubt at particular periods are to be found also in flowers, as Fabricius gives an Italian plant, the Dianthus Carthusiano- rum, as their habitat, and Mr. Ingpen found a single specimen upon a flower in Kent, during the present year. Boletus versicolor (Changeable Boletus) is given with the insect. 40 C^/y c/^^i^r ..z^/W OcJ- -/ 40. SESIA BOAIBYLIFOIIMIS. Narrow-bordered Bee Sesia. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Sphingidai Lat. Type of the Genus Sphinx fuciformis Linn. Sesia Fab. Sphinx Linn., Fab., Lat., Have. AntenuiE composed of many joints, with the club prismatic, slightly hooked, terminated at the apex by an oblique, slender style of two joints ; those of the male ciliated beneath (1. the terminal joints), of the female more cylindric, simple. (2.) Labrinn and 1 . . , i . ^i i Mandibles S ^"'^'^^^"'^ ^« ^'^^ "^^1^""'- Maxilla; very long and spiral. Palpi 2, meeting over the maxillcB (7.) ; projecting a little be- yond the head, completely covered with hairy scales (4.) ; 3-joint- ed, first joint short, second long, robust, curved upward, third very minute (4. a.) Abdomen hairy, with the apex bearded. Wings more or less transpa- rent, horizontal or dejlexed in repose ; with a hook or catch at the exterior edge of the lower wings to retain those above. Caterpillars with G pectoral, 8 abdominal, and 2 anal feet, uiih an elevated horn at the extremity of the abdomen. BoJiBYLiFORMis Espcr Scluiiet. 2. t. 23. f. 2. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 3. pars 1. /). 382. n. 12. Haw. Lep. Brit. p. 68. n. 16. Golden green, 2d and 3d segments of abdomen nearly black, most intense on the sides ; 4th and 5th bright orange : beard to the abdomen black, orange in the centre. Wings transparent, iridescent, the superior with the costa, posterior margin, and the base extending along the interior margin brown ; inferior with the abdominal margin and a narrow limbria also brown : beneath pale yellow and black. Antennae cyaneous. Tarsi fuscous. Li the Author's and other Cabinets. The beautiful transparent wings of this Geniis at once distin- guish it from Macroglossiim, to w inch it is most nearly allied ; whilst the ovate and hairy abdomens and sphinx-like form (as well as the tailed Caterpillars) are sulficiently obvious characters to separate it from CEgcria. S. bombijIJJormis may be easily tlistinguished from the more common one [S. fziciformis) by the narrow border of the wings, which is entirely brown, by the black instead of crimson band across the abdomen, and by the under side, which is variegated with black and white. The larvffi, which have erroneously been stated by some authors to feed upon the wood of Willows, have been bred from the eggs by my friend J. C. Dale, Esq., to whom I am indebted for a drawing and account of the Caterpillars: when about ten days old they have several furcate spines upon each segment of the abdomen, that entirely disappear when they are full fed, at which period they vary exceedingly. The perfect insects are remarkably swift upon the wing, and make a humming noise similar to a humble-bee ; they have been taken by Mr. Dale at Enborne, near Newbury, Berkshire, in some abundance, the end of May and beginning of June : they are much attached to damp places in woods and moist meadows, where they are attracted by various flowers, especially Pedicularis palustris and sylvatica, about which they fly, extracting honey from the nectaries whilst on the wing, like the Humming Bird and other Sj^/ihiges. Scabiosa succisa (Devil's-bit Scabious), the plant upon which the Caterpillars feed, is figured in the plate. Ji K^\l\ siijjcij,f. rj£u,-iiur ^£mjm Oct ^ m4 41. CIMBEX DECEM-MACULATA. Order Hymenoptera. Fam. Tenthredinidae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Tenthredo europsea Leach. CiMBEX OUv., Fab., Lat., Leach. Tenthredo Linn., Jitr. Antennce inserted between the eyes, clavate, 6-jointed, first joint cup-shaped, second very short, third very long, fourth and fifth clavate-truncate, sixth oblong, club-shaped, witli a transverse suture. (1.) Lahrum small, oblong, rounded at the apex, hairy. (2.) Mandibles exserted, unequal, robust, acute, with one or two irregular teeth on the inside. (3.) Maxillce membranaceous at the apex, with a large hairy lobe near the base of the palpi, extending towards the apex. Palpi irregular, extending a little beyond the maxillae, G-jointcd, third joint the longest, fourth somewhat clavate, sixth small, ovate. (4.) Mentum oblong, dilated anteriorly (5. a.) : Palpi scarcely longer than the lip, 4-jointed, gradually increasing in size to the third joint, terminal joint small (b.) : Lip membranaceous, with a few hairs above, three-lobed, the centre one narrow, external lobes somewhat hemispherical, (c.) Clypeus broad, emarginate. Ocelli 3. Abdomen sessile, cylindric i;i the males, somewhat ovate in the females, first segment especially of the males deeply emarginate above. Oviduct not exserted, composed of two lamellcE, which are serrated. Superior wings with 2 marginal and 3 submarginal cells. Thighs 4 posterior unarmed, very thick in the males. Tibiae terminated by syphonformed spurs, obtuse at the apex. Tarsi with the penultimate joint a little shorter than the an- tepenultimate, four first joints with membranaceous appendages (8. a fore leg) ; the basal joint of the 4 posterior tarsi of the males produced into a spine beneath. (8. a.) Larva tvith membranaceous feet. Dkckm-maculata Leach Zool. Mis. v. 3. p. 106. n. 7. T. lutca Linn. ? Fn. Sn. 1534. Body obscurely villose : black, the abdomen tinged with violet, the lliird and seventh joints having a pale greenish yellow s])ot on eadi side ; the 3 intermediate joints of the same colom- intorrujjtcd by bhickish violet down the centre. Abdominal membrane pale yellow. Antennae and tarsi testaceous. Wings pale fulvous : costa, 2 cells near the stigma and posterior margin ferruginous. In the Cabinet of the British Museum. 1)k. LE.\(n lias described in the Zoological Miscellany (above referred to) eleven species of this fiiie Genus, seven of wliicli are ascertained to be inhabitants of Great Britain ; the unique specimen figured, which is a female, was taken in the month of July at "Windsor several years since by Mr. Griesbach, and presented to the British Museum by Dr. Leach. The larvae of this Genus greatly resemble those of the Lepi- doptera, except that they have twenty-two feet ; they have also two lateral apertures from which they are able to spirt a fluid, for what purpose we can only conjecture, probably it may be sufficiently fetid or noxious to protect them against the attacks of the destructive Ickneumotiidce. When the larvae are full grown, they form for themselves an oblong hard case, which is generally attached to a twig or small branch of the tree they fed upon, vsdthin which they change to an incomplete pupa. The plant figured is Holcns jnollis (Creeping Soft Grass). J'i / C^^ cf£iA£, .=.2^ Oci -/ f8U 42. PACHYGASTER LEACHII. Order Diptcra. Fam. Stratiomydae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Vappo ater Fab. P.vcnYGASTER Meig. Vappo Lat., Fab. Nemotelus Pz. Antenncc approximating, porrected, hairy, 3-jointed, first joint small, second large, transverse, third large, somewhat hemi- spheric, compressed, having a reticulated appearance under a lens, and 2 indistinct transverse rings (Meigen says 4) with a hairy seta attached to the outer side near the extremity. (3.) Labrum horny, robust, cylindrlc, grooved beneath, dilated at the base, obtuse and notched at the apex. (1. b.) Tongue horny, acute, attenuated from the base, shorter than the labrum. (c.) Mandibles none. Maxillce long, slender, acute, concealed in the lip. (e.) Palpi 2, oblong, cylindric, very minute, slightly pilose, attached to the base of the niaxilhe. (f.) Menfum large, cylindric, inclining upward, (h.) Lip fleshy, large, oval, bipartite, pilose, (g.) Proboscis shorter than the head, concealed when at rest. Eyes approxi- mating above in the males. Ocelli 2i , placed, anteriorly in themales, posteriorly in the females. Thorax obovate, with a transverse suture. Scutellum without spines. Abdomen large, nearly globular, being convex above, composed of 5 obscure segments. Legs simple. Tarsi h-jointed, with 2 claws and pulvilli (8. a fore leg.) Wings incum- bent, when at rest placed parallel upon the abdomen, long, lanceolate, nerves very faint, Halteres large, ovate. Leaciiii Stephens' MSS. Black, shining, punctured. Antennae orange, eyes purplish or slightly red, legs pale straw colour, the posterior thighs with a black spot near the apex. Halteres fuscous. Wings entirely transparent, iridescent, nerves very pale brown. In the Cabinets of the British Museum and the Author. Paciiygaster atcr is the only insect of this Genus hitlierto described ; it is figured by Panzer, is somewhat larger than our insect, and is at once distinguished by its wings, which are brown nearly halfway from the base. P. LcacJiii ajipears to be very rare, the only specimens discovered, being a male in the Cabinet of the British Museum, taken it is believed by Dr. Leach in Devonshire, and a female (the one figured) taken by myself in the autumn, I think in the same county ; which is rendered the more probable, because, if it had been a species inhabiting the neighbourhood of London, it must have been met with before; for there can be little doubt that insects so very similar in form have nearly the same habitats. P. ater is by no means a rare insect ; it may be found during the month of July in hedges and trees at Darent, Birch and Coombe Woods. Meigen in 1804- first published this Genus under the name of Pachygaster in his celebrated work in 4to, Klassifikazion und Besclireibung &c., t. 1. p. 146: in the following year Fabricius's Systema Antliatorum was published, where the Genus is called Vappo, which Latreille has adopted ; but as it is clear that Meigen has a claim to priority, I have retained his name in preference, which I am the more inclined to do, because in his last invaluable work the Genus is again pre- sented to us under the name of Pachygaster. It is a little un- fortunate that Germar has applied that name to a Genus of the CurculioniddB ; but as that was only published in 1817, it must of course be discarded. The plant figured is Viola odorata var. alba (Sweet Violet). 44 c^^4'C/>^.X<^ /-^/y<^V 44. CLERUS ALVEARIUS. Order Coleoptera. Fam. Cleridae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Attelabus Apiarius Linn. Clerus Geof., Fab., Lat. Attelabus Linn. Antenna> inserted between and close to the eyes near the clypeus, hairy, 1 1 -jointed, first joint long, curved, second shorter than the third, the five following short, the three last forming an ob- long triangular mass, rounded externally, acuminate internally at the extremity, (f. G.) Lahrum exserted, transverse, ciliated, narrowed before and deeply emarginate. (1.) Mandibles arched, acute, one having a tooth on the internal edge near the apex, the other having only an irregular edge, thickly covered with short regular hairs on the inside from the base, with long hairs externally. (2.) MaxillcB long, the terminal lobe ciliated with long close hairs, inferior lobe with short hairs : Palpi 3-jointed, first joint clavate, third obconic truncated, nearly equal in length to the two first. (3.) Mentum dilated towards the base, narrowed anteriorly : Palpi 3-jointed, first joint minute, second clavate, third large, securi- form : Lip broad, rounded, pubescent. (4.) Head nearly vertical. Eyes notched. Thorax obconic-ciiUndric. Scu- tellum minute. Wings 2. Hinder thighs of the males incrassated. Tarsi 5-jointed,Jirst joint very short, nearly concealed by the tibia, terminal long. Claws simple {5 afore leg.) Alvkarius Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 1. pars I. p. 209- n. 15. Lat. Gen. Crus. and Ins. v. 1. p. 273. Purplish blue, hairy. Head and thorax greenish blue, deeply and closely punctured. Elytra closely punctured in indistinct lines, bright red inclining to orange, blueish purple round the scutellum which is of the same colour, 2 transverse fascije, a spot near the apex, and the suture blueish purple. Legs and antenna; purple inclining to black. Li the Cabinets of Mr. Sparshall and the 'Author. At the time Mr. Marsham wrote his Entomologia BritmiJiica, neither of the species that form the Genus Cloms were con- sidered as British, although specimens were preserved in the old cabinets; Mr. Samouelle has also omitted the Genus in his Useful Compendium ; Donovan, on the other hand, having received specimens of Clems Apiarius from the North of England, has given a figure of it in his British Insects, vol. vii. p. 231. f. 1. Several specimens of this beautiful Genus having been taken within the last fevi' years, amongst which are a fine female of C. Apiarius captured at Dover, and transmitted to Mr. Stone, and two of C. alvearius sent to Mr. Sparshall from Manches- ter, one of which is figured in the plate, our right to record it as a British Genus can no longer be questioned. As a doubt existed in the mind of Fabricius, when he wrote his Entomologia Systematica, whether our insect was any thing more than a variety of C. Apiarius, I shall point out a few of the most obvious characters which distinguish them, although I fear it may be thought unnecessary, after Latreille and Panzer without hesitation had published them as distinct spe- cies. C. Alvearius is smaller (the figure in the plate is about one fourth larger than the insect), more hairy, and less shining than C. Apiarius : moreover the scutellum is surrounded by a purple spot, the suture is of the same colour, and the spot near the apex of the elytra is surrounded by red : these aie characters sufficient to distinguish it from C. Apiarius : it is also well known upon the continent that the larvae of that species inhabit bee-hives, whereas those of C. Alvearius (we are informed by Latreille) are attached to the nidus of Osmia cor?iuta {Apis bicor7iis, Kirby). The larvae, it is most probable, prey upon the young brood of the Bees; and the perfect Beetle is found upon different flowers, at what time of the year is not ascertained. I am indebted to Professor Henslow for specimens of Athamanta Libanotis (Mountain Spignel), gathered at Hinton in Cambridgeshire. JJ 3^ ^rJ:4uA£^ ^^„ 'ru 1 1S^24 45. CUCULLIA ASTERIS. The Starwoit Shark Moth. Order Lepidoptera. Fam. Noctuadae Leachy hat. Type of the Genus Noctua umbmtica Linn. CucuLLiA Schrank, Och. Noctua Linn., Fab., Haw. Tribonophora Hub. AntenncE long, setaceous, composed of numerous short joints, covered with scales above, first joint the largest, with a tuft of hair beneath (1. and 1. a. the basal and a few following joints). Labrum and Mandibles attached to the clypeus. Maxillce nearly twice the length of the antennae. (3.) Labial Palpi curved upward, not so long as the head, thickly covered with loose scales, terminal joint appearing naked, having only short close scales, (4.) first joint long, curved, second long, slightly attenuated, third small, spherical. (4. a. the scales being removed.) Head rather small, obtuse (7. a.) Thorax with an elevated crest. Abdomen long, somewhat deflexed,Jrtqnently with tufts upon the hack, and sometimes with a long pointed or divided apex. Wrings de/iexed, superior lanceolate, inferior rather small. Legs clothed with hair. Tarsi ^-jointed, tvith a row of spines on each side beneath. Claws all bifid. Pulvilli terminated by a horny process. Caterpillars with 6 pectoral, 8 abdominal, and 2 anal membranaceous feet of equal size. AsTERis Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 3. pars 2. p. 121. n. 364. Haw. Lep. Brit, p. 1G8. M. 22. Cinereous tinged with lilac, head and thorax somewhat rufous. Abdomen fuscous, with tufts down the back, deep brown. Supe- rior wings entire deep chesnut along the costa, with streaks of pale rufous ; two irregular broken spots near the centre : Interior margin deep chesnut with lines of cinereous and black, and a lunulated transverse spot cinereous and chesnut, cilia fuscous. Inferior wings fuscous, cinereous at the base, cilia pale testaceous. In the Cabinets of Mr. Blunt and Mr. Thompson. This very natural group was first cstablisiied as a Genus by Schrank under its present name Cuadlia, from the strong resemblance which the crest has to a hood ; it also forms the division ^^ La7iceolatce" in Haworth's Lepidoptera Britaunica. The Genus contains 11 British species, 1. C. itmbratica L. ; 2. Lactuca F. ; 3. lucifuga Hub. ; 4. Jissina Haw. ; 5. Tana- ceti F. ; 6. Gnaphalii Hub.; 7. Chamomillce F. ; 8. Asteris F. ; 9. Verbasci L. ; 10. Scrophularia H'lib. ; H. AbsintJiii L. ; most of them derive their names from the plants upon which the caterpillars feed, and many of the Moths are to be found in July resting upon pales during the day, or flying about flowers in the evening, when they are very strong upon the wing. The caterpillars, which vary considerably in colour, have great muscular power, are very lively, perfectly smooth, and have a fleshy appearance. For the following account, as well as a drawing of the Cater- pillar, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Blunt. " On the 24th Sept. 1821, at Darent, in a pai't of the wood which had been cut down the preceding spring, I found three larvae feeding on the Jlowers of the Solidago virgaurea, from which on the 2nd of July following I bred one, and two or three days after- wards another specimen of Cucullia asteris : from the situa- tion in which I keep my breeding cages, I feel satisfied that the time of an insect's appearance with me and in a natural state corresponds precisely; in this particular instance I am perfectly convinced of it, from the circvmistance of my taking another specimen whilst mothing (on the same spot where I took the larvae) towards the end of the month; it was some- what wasted, as would be the case with an insect that had been out two or three weeks. In the following autumn I again found the larva, and bred a specimen of tlie moth on the 20th July : the difference of time between this and the preceding year, may be accounted for from the severity of the winter of 1822-3, which would cause all insects that had been in the pupa state during that season, to be later than usual in their appearance." Although our insect evidently is attached to the Solidago, it feeds also upon the Chinese Aster {Aster C/iinensis) from which it receives its specific name ; and C. J. Thompson, Esq. of Fulham, beat a considerable number off a Copper Beech in his garden (one of which he reared): this specimen is smaller and not so brilliant in colour as the others ; it is there- fore possible it may be another species, differing materially only in the caterpillars, and this is the more probable because it is general throughout the Genus. Solidago virgaurea (Common Golden Rod) is represented in the plate. 46 rSM:l^rJ:ir.,„,U^ j^^J^f-tl^yf 46. ASILUS GERMANICUS. Order Diptera. Fam. Asilidai Lat., LcacJi. Type of the Genus Asllus forcipatus Linn. AsiLUS Linn., Fab., Lat., Meig. Erax Scop. Dasypogon Fab. AntcnncE approximating, porrectecl, inserted in the middle of the face, scarcely longer than the head, o-jointed, first joint cylin- dric, second clavute or cup-shaped, shorter than the lirst, third long, attenuated, sliijhtly compressed, fourth small, fifth long, slender like a bristle. (;i) Labium short, broad, obtuse, membranaceous at the apex, cori- aceous at the base. (1. b.) Tongue very long, horny, acuminated, grooved beneath, pube- scent towards the apex, (c.) Mandibles none. Maxilhe not so long as the tongue, slender, rather dilated and membranaceous towards the apex, (e.) Palj)i short, cylindric, clavate, hairy, (f.) Lip large, cylindric, very horny, hairy, hollow, open at the base, terminated by two small lobes surrounded by hairs, (g.) Head rather small, transverse, short, attached by a distinct neck. Proboscis exserted. Clypeus produced, bearded. (2.) Eyes distant in both sexes. Ocelli 3. Thonw large, gibbous. Scutellum roi/»i^ -i^wW S«. /fJ8ii4 47. POGONUS BUKRELLll. Okukr Colcoptera. Fam. Carabidae Lat., Leach. Type of the Genus Carabus chalceus Marsh. I'oGONUs Ziegler. Raptor Megerle. Carabus Marshum. AnteniKV nearly cylindric, pilose, 1 1 -jointed, the joints i^radually increasing in circumference, and decreasing in length from the third to the terminal joint, which is longer than the j)enultimate and oblong-conic ; first joint large, second small, third as long as the first, (f. G.) Lnbriun transverse, sides convex, basal and anterior margins slightly emarginate. (1.) Mdiulibles somewhat curved, slender, acute, with a small tooth near the base on the internal edge, sometimes with a larger tooth in the centre. (2.) Maxilla' curved, slender, acute, with strong bristles on the in- ternal edge : Paljti internal very slender, 3-jointcd, first joint minute, second clavate, third attenuated external: 4-jointed, first joint short, the remainder longer, of nearly equal length, second cylindric, third clavate, fourth ovate, truncate. (3.) Menfum transverse, nearly straight at its base, sides very convex being narrowed behind, deeply emarginate in front with a small bifid tooth in the centre : Lahiitin exserted, coriaceous in the centre, lateral processes membranaceous : Palpi 3-jointed, first joint small, trigonate, second long, clavate, third somewhat ventricose, terminated (a|)parently) by a gland. (4.) Head narrower than the thorax, trigonate. Thorax narroiver than the abdomen, nearly quadrate, with an impression near the posterior angle. Elytra nearly thriee the length oj the thorax. Scutellum minute. Wings 2. Legs formed for running, slender. Anterior tibiiB notched internally, spined at their extremities. Anterior tarsi in the male dilated, especially the basal joint (5 afore leg). The dissections are all made from P. liurrellii. BuRKKixii Haworth's MSS. Head and thorax smooth, cujjreous, reflectinii' deep green, espe- cially round the margins, the head with a longitudinal groove on each side between the eyes, the thorax margined on the sides, narrowed behind, with the anterior angles rouniled, the posterior more acute, a channel down the centre, with an impressed line forming a triangle with the anterior margin, punctured poste- riorly, with an impressed line parallel to the base, and a large foveola near the posterior angles. Elytra with a narrow margin, smooth, pale ochraceous, somewhat variegated with fuscous, sometimes having a rosy tinge, an abbreviated stria next the scutellum, and eight punctured longitudinal strite, some of which are united near the apex. Wings white, semi-transparent. Scutellum, legs, antennie and palpi more or less dull ferrugi- nous. Beneath black tinged with green and purple. In the Cabinets of Mr. Ihirrcll and the Author. The Genus now under consideration has been named Pogonus by one author, and Raptor by another; and not knowing which is entitled to priority, I have followed the Baron Dejean in adopting the former, not doubting but he had just reasons for so doing. I am also inclined to believe, that either no characters liave hitherto been published of this genus, or that they have not yet reached this country ; I have therefore been under the necessity of drawing the best I could from our three species, as well as a specific description of the beautiful indivi- dual selected for illustration, it never having been before de- scribed, although it was named many years since, by A. H. Haworth, Esq., after our old and esteemed friend the Rev. J. Burrell, F.L.S., by whom it was jfirst detected in 1806, and to whom I am indebted for specimens, and the following par- ticulars : " The Genus Raptor^ confined as it is to three British species [Burrellii Haw.; cJialceus Marsh.; and (smginosus Steph. MSS.), is perfectly maritime; the species being all found in the same situation, and may be deemed subaquatic ; for in tlie winter, and a considerable part of the summer, the habitat of these pretty animals is entirely covered with water, which stagnates many inches deep in the low places of the marshes after the tide has flowed and ebbed. When these spots, which are first formed by a casual removal of the oozy soil for agricultural purposes, are dried, through evaporation caused by the summer sun, the soil cracks in various directions, and out of these cracks, when any one walks across the place, the RajJtores dart up with swiftness and in great numbers. They are principally found in the months of June, July, August, and September; and if the weather be warm and dry, they may be captured, though in less quantity, in May and October. They associate with many species of Bembidinm^ and not un- frequently the Cillenum laterale is seen in their company. The most manifest habitat of our species is at Salthouse in Norfolk, upon the salt marshes separated from the German Ocean by a high mound of pebbles and other small stones rounded by attrition, and through which mound the tide penetrates at its highest flow." The male is somewhat smaller than the female, but both sexes vary in magnitude. Its food is undoubtedly similar to that of other Carahidtv^ and the soil is productive of very few plants: among these, however, the Statice Limonium (Lavender Thrift) is handsome and common ; it is therefore made the accompaniment of the plate. JS rM^kfcM^i^ X^ Q^cc. 14 8U 48. PONTIA DAPLIDICE. Green chequered white, or Bath white, Butterfly. Order Lcpidoptera. Fam. Papilionidae Lat.^ Leach. Type of the Genus Papilio Daplidice Linn. PoNTiA Fab., Leach. Pieris Schrank., Lat. Papilio Linn., Fab., Haw. AntenncE composed of about 30 joints, with an abrupt, obconic, compressed club of 7 or 8 joints (f. 1 . shows part of the antenna.) Ldbrnm attached to the clypeus. (2. a.) Mandibles attached to the clypeus, remote, parallel, ciliated. (2. b.) Maxilla; long and spiral (3.) : with a small palpus of two joints near the base. Labium triangular, elongated (.5.) : Palpi porrected obliquely, 3-jointed, covered with scales, the two first with long hairs also (4.) : first joint long, recurved from the base, cylindric, second conical, as long or longer than the first, the third slender, linear, much shorter than the second in P. Cardamines and Daplidice (4. a.), and longer than the second in the other species. Wings not very narrow or much elongated, posterior ones with a groove on the abdominal margin to receive the abdomen. Feet alike in both sexes. Tarsi 5 -jointed, first joint very long. Claws unidentate or bifid. Larvae elongate, cylindric, downy, sometimes tuberculated. Pupae elongate, angular, beaked, attached by the tail, girted round the middle. Daplidice Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 760. 81. Fab. Ent. Syst. t. 3. pars I, p. 191. w. 593. Haw. Lep. Brit. p. \0. n. II. Male nearly white. Superior wings above blackish at the apex, interrupted by large white spots, a blackish spot near the centre tovvarfis the costa, with the transverse nerve passing througli it whitish : posterior wings variegated with griseous : superior wings beneath with the same spots, and a small one near the posterior angle green speckled with black: inferior wings be- neath green speckled with black, luiving a row of white spots on the margin, an interrupted fascia parallel to the margin, and three other white spots towards the base. Abdomen black with griseous hairs. Female larger than the male, with an additional blackish spot near the posterior angle of the superior wings, a blackish margin with white spots, and a large black sj)ot u])on the inferior wings ; beneath similar to the male. In the Cabinet of Mr. Stephens. The Genus Pofitia contains five British species, wliicii, with the exception of the one fiji.u \ rp ^ f horny, short, acute. (2*b.) Lip very large, dilated, bilobcd, membranaceous, hairy. (2*9.) Palpi 2, exserted, incurved, cylindric, composed of five joints of nearly equal length. (2. f. and 2*f.) Head small, long, oval, slightly inclining downward, narrowed behind, and like a cylindric, compressed, attenuated rostrum be/ore. (2.) Clypeus ? broad quadrate. (2*.) Ocelli none. Eyes oval, entire. Thorax gibbous with a distinct transverse segment before. Body very long, cylindric, apex somewhat incrassated in the males, acuminate in the females. Oviduct spiniform, corneous, bivalved, valves very acute. Wings incumbent, parallel, ciliated, having about 17 cells, 3 of which are discoidal, nerves naked. (9.) Halteres naked, club trigonate. Feet very long, vibratory. Tarsi 5 -jointed, Jirst joint very long. OcELLARis Linn. Syst. Nat. 2. 973. 17. Fab. Ent. Syst. v. 4. p. 240, H. 30. Meig. Syst. Bes. v. ] . p. 152. n. 65. Dull ochraceous, hairy. Eyes, first and second joints of antennae, bides of the abdomen, a line down the back of the four last joints and a ring round the middle of each thigh, black ; four lines on the thorax, 2 spots near the b;ise of the wings, and scutellum fuscous. Wings stained pale yellow, deej)est towards the costa, with many fuscous ocelli towards the middle, and spots of the same colour along the margins^ nerves fuscous. Halteres very pale. In the Cabinets of Mr. Stephens and Mr. Haworth. Meigen enumerates 65 species o^ Limnobia, including Tipula rivosa and one or two otliers, which ought probably to be removed from the Genus; and so various are tlie nervures of their wings, that he has divided them into 21 sections. In Britain there are at least 50 species in our cabinets ; amongst which are, Z/. picta F. ; Jiiscipenfiis Meig. ; nemoralis Meig. ; ferruginea Meig.; littoralis Meig.; Jimbriata Meig.; fusca Meig. ; lutea Meig. ; tripunctata F. ; xanthoptera Meig. ; longirostris Wied. ; imrnaculata Meig. ; pilipes F. ; and ocel- lata L. ; all of which are examples of different sections of Meigen. The transformations of our Genus do not appear to have been noticed. There can be little doubt, however, that in their CEconomy these insects resemble the Tipulce, from which in the perfect state they may be easily distinguished, by the short- ness of the terminal joint of the palpus. Of the rare and prettily marked species figured, I have seea but two examples, both of which are females ; and although it was described by Linnaeus, as it has not I believe hitherto been figured, it will undoubtedly be interesting and acceptable to the entomologist. The plant selected is Potentilla reptans (Common Cinque- foil). ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INSECTS. . Plate. iVcANTHOsoMA hjEtnorrlioidalis, Red- tippcd Fidd Bug 28 Anthrax ornat;i, Beautiful Anthrax . . 9 Aphodius villosus, Hair;/ Aphodius . . 27 Asilus germanicus, tyhite- and black- winged Asilus 46 Atherix Ibis, Dissimilar Athcrix . . 26 Bupalus favillacearius, Grey Scollop Moth 33 Buprcslis nitidula. Glittering Buprestis 31 Chrysis fulgida, Golden-fly .... 8 Cicindela sylvicola, Epping Sparkler . 1 Cimbex decem-maculata, Ten-spotted Saujly 41 Clerus alvearius, Bee-hive Beetle . . 44 Croesus septentrionalis, Flat-legged Ten- thredo 17 Cryptocephalus bipustulatus. Orange- tipped Cryptocephalus 35 Cteiiopliora oriiata, Urnamented Gnat . 5 Cucullia Astcris, Starwort Shark Moth . 45 Dcilcphila Euphorbia;, Spotted Elephant Sphinx 3 Enipis Borealis, Northern Empis . . 18 Eumenes atricornis, Black-honied Eume- nes 13 Eyprepia russula, C/o?<(/