*■'. .:»S% ■*•/ •^^ .1^ t • it ' V *-^: 'Zi!' ^ «fc V - ■ >^ • '". # 1 J' ••'•, - ' \-« ' , * ■%^ '^e: .^: -: '^>-^.- ®i|j ^. ^. ^ai pkarg SPcoi-\, roLLFCTIONS "0H45 V io 14-55 This book must not be taken from the Library building. JUN 7 '966 Barrs Buffvn, Buffon's Natural History. CONTAINING A THEORY OF THE EARTH, A GENERAL HISTORY OF MAK OF THE BRUTE CREATION, AND OF VEGETABLES, MINERALS, FROM THE FRENCH. WITH NOTES BY THE TRANSLATOR. IN TEN VOLUMES. VOL. X. PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, A>iD SOLD BY II. D. SYMONDS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1807. T. Gillet, Printer, Crovrn-CoUTt, Fleet-Street. =?a CONTENTS. OF THE TENTH VOLUxMJE, Pa^ie D Of the Degeneration of Animals - | Nature and Properties of Miucrals, Vegetables, &c. X^ighty Heat, and Fire - - 27 Of Air, Water y and Jgarth - - 75 Experiments on the Progress of Heat in Mineral Substances - - - 1C9 A Table of the Relations of different Mine- ral Substances - - - 1S5 Observations on the Nature of Platina 15(i Experiments on Light, and on the Heat it can produce. Invention of Mirrors to burn at great dis- tances - - - - 193 Observations and Experiments on Trees and other Vegetables - - 245 On the Temperature of the Planets - 279 General Views of Nature. First View - - - S25 Second View - - - 343 ^^' s. BUFFON'S NATURAL HISTORY. OF THE DEGENERATION OF ANIMALS. npHE deer-kind whose horns arc a sort Of wood, and of a solid texture, although ru- minating, and internally formed like those whose horns arc hollow and porous, seem to form a separate family, in which the elk is the trunk, and therein-deer, stag, axis, fallow-deer, and roe-buck, are the lesser and collateral branches ; for there are only six species of ani- mals whose heads are armed with branched horns that fall off and are renewed every j'ear. Independently of this generic character, they resemble each other still more in formation and natural habitude ; we should, therefore, sooner expect mules from thestagor fallow-deer, join- ed with the rein-deer or the axis, than from a union of the stag with the cow Wc mio]jtbe still belter authorised to resrard all the different kinds of sheep and goats as composing but one- family, since ihey produce VOL. X. B together 2 BUFFON S together mules, "wliich imracdiatelj, and iil the first generation, ascend to the species of sheep. We might even add to tli is numerous family of sheep and goats those of the gazelles and bubalus, which are not less in number. The mufion, the wild goat, the chamois, the antelope, the bubalus, the condoraa, &c. seem to be the principal trunks of this genus, which contains more than thirty different species, and the others are only accessary branches which have retained the principal characters of the stocks from which they issued ; but which, at the same time, have prodigiously varied by the influence of the climate, the difference of the food, and by the state of slavery to which man has reduced most animals. The dog, the wolf, the fox, the jackal, and Iheisatis, form another genus, the different spe- cies of which resemble each other so strongly, especially in their internal conformation, and in the organs of generation, that it isdiflicult to conceive why they do not intermix. From the experiments which I made to form a union of the dog with the wolf and fox, the repug- nance to copulate seemed to proceed from the wolf and fox rather than from the dog, that is, from the wild animal and not from the tame ; for those bitches which I put to the trial would readily have permitted the >volfand fox, where- as NATURAL HISTOHY. 3 as the females of the two latter would never suffer the approaches of the dog. The domes- tic state seems to render animals less faithful to their species : It gives tliem also a greater de- gree of heat and fecundity, for the bitcli gener- ally produces twice a year, while the females of the wolf and fox litter only once ; and it is to be presumed, that those dogs which have been left in desert countries, and which have so greatly multiplied in the island of JaanFer- nandes, and in the mountains of St. Domingo, &:c. produce only once a year, like the wolfand ihe fox. This circumstance, if it were proved to be the fact, would fully establish the unit^' of genus in these three animals, which resem/- ble each other in conformation so strongly as to oblige us to attribute their repugnance to some external circumstances. The dog seems to be (he intermediate spe- cies between the fox and the wolf. The an- cients have stated 5 that the dog, in some coun- tries, and under particular circumstances, en- genders with the wolfand fox. I was desir- ous of verifying this assertion, and although I did not succeed in the trials I made, yet we must not conclude thai it is impossible^ for ray experiments were with captive animals ; and it is know n that in some species captivity alone is sufficient to extingnish desire, and tp give buffon's give tliem a repugnance to copulation, even viith their own kind ; consequently thej would ^ still more refuse to unite with individuals of another species: but I am persuaded, that "when in a state of freedom, and deprived of his own female, the dog would unite with the ■wolf and fox, particularly if he had become ■wild, lost his domestic cast, and approached the manner andnaturalliabits of these animals. The fox and wolf, however, never unite, though they live in the same climate and country, but support their species pure and unmixed ; we must, therefore, suppose a more ancient de- generation than history has recorded, if they ever belonged to one species ; it was for this reason I asserted that the dog was an intermediate species between the fox and wolf; and his species is also common, since it can unite with both ; and if any thing could shew that they all three originally sprang from the same stock, it is this common affinity between the dog, the fox, and the wolf, and which seems to bring their species nearer than all the conformities in their fisrures and organization. To reduce the fox and wolf, therefore, into one species, we must return to a state of nature very ancient indeed; but in their present condition, we must look upon the NATURAL HISTORY. 5 the wolf and fox as the chief trunks in the irc- rtus of the five animals. The dog, the jackal, and the isatis, are only lateral branches placed betweeji the two first ; the jackal par- ticipates of t!ie dog and wolf, and the isatis of the jackal and fox. From a great number of testimonies it appears that the jackal and the dog engender easily together ; and it is ob- servable, from the description and history of the isatis, that it almost entirely resembles the fox in iU form and temperament, that they are equally found in cold countries, but that, at the same time, it inclines to the jackal in its dis])osition, continual barking, clamorous voice, and the habit of always going in packs. The shepherd's dog, which I have considered as the original stock of every other dog, is, at the same time, that which approaches nearest in figure to the fox. lie is of the same size, and, like the fox, he has erect ears, a pointed muzzle, and a strait trailing tail. Re also ap- proaches the fox in voice, sagacity, and in- stinct. The dog, therefore, may orirrinally Jiave been the issue of tlie fox, if not in a di- rect, at least in a collateral line. The doir, which Aristotle calls canis-lacomct/s, and which he affirms to have proceeded from an union of the fox and dog, might, possibly, be the BUFFON^S the same as the shepherd's dog, or, at least, it has more relation to him than to any other dog. We miglit, therefore, be inclined to imagine, tliat the epithet laconicus, left unin- terpreted by Aristotle, was only given to thi& dog because he was found in Laconia, a pro- vince of Greece ; and of wliich Lacediemon •was the capital ; but if we attentively consider the origin of this laconic dog we shall perceive that the breed was not confined to the country of Laconia, alone but must have been found in every country where there were foxes ; and this induces me to presume, that the epithet laco^ nicus might possibly have been used by Aris- totle in a moral sense, to express the brevity and acutencss of his voice, because he did not bark lilvc other dogs, but had a shorter and shriller note, like that of the fox. Now our shepherd's dog is that to which we can justly apply this term of laconic^ for of all dogs his voice is the sharpest and most rarely employed . Bedsides, the characters which Aristotle gives to his laconic dog agree with those of the shep- herd's dog, and perfectly persuade me they are the same. The genus of cruel and rapacious animals is one of the most numerous and most diversified ; evils here, as in other cases, seem to be pro- duccd NATURAL histohy. 7^ duced under every shape, and to assume various natures ; the lion and the tiger, being detached species, rank in the first line ; all the others, as tlie panther, the ounce, the leopard, the lynx, the caracal, the jaguar, the cougar, the oce- lot, the serval, the margai, and the cat, com- pose only one cruel family, whose different branches are more or less extended and diver- sified according to the difference of climate. All these animals resemble each other in natu- ral dispositions, although they are very differ- ent with respect to size and figure. They all have sparkling eyes, short muzzles, and sharp, crooked, and retractile claws. They are all destructive, ferocious, and untameable. The eat, which is the last and the least species, al- though reduced to slavery, continues its fero- city, and is no less perfidious. The wild cat bas preserved the character of the family, and is as cruel and mischievous as any of his lar- gerkindred. They are allequally carnivorous, and enemies to other animals. Man, with all his art and power, has not been able to annihi- late them : fire, steel, poison, pits, and every method has been used against them without attaining that point. As the individuals are very prolific, and the species numerous, the efforts of man have been limited to kecj;'»ng them at a distance, and confining them in the deserts 8 buffon's deserts, whmcethej never sail v without sprctid- ing terror, and makins: great depredations. A single tiger issuing from the forest is sufficient to alarm a multitude of people, and oblige them to take up arms. What then would be tlie consequence if these sanguinary animals came in numbers, like wolves or jackals, to commit their depredations ? Nature has given this instinct to timid animals, but fortunately denied it to the bold tribes ; they go singly, and depend upon their courage and strength for their safety andsupj>ort. Aristotle observ- ed, and justly remarked, that of all animals furnished with talons not any of them are sociable, or go together in troops.* This ob-- gervation, which was then confined to four or live species only, being all that were known ill his time, is extended and verified over ten. or twelve other sp(*c!es since discovered. Other carnivorous animals, such as the wolf, the fox^ the dog, the jackal, and the isatis, whose claws are straight, go mostly in , lallow-dccr, and roc-bucks, are found in all the prv)vinces of North America. 3, The digitated carnivorous animals with fixed claws ; for ihe wolf and (ok. are found in the New World ns well as in the Old. 4. The digitaied animals with long bodies, as the weasel, martin, and pole-cat, are met with in America as well as in Europe. 5. \yc find also m America, partof the digi- tated genus with two large inci.ive teeth in each jaw, as the squirrels, marmots, rats, &c. 6. The 12 BUFFO n'S 6. The digitated amphibious genus, as the walrus, seal, beaver, and otter, exist in the North of the New Continent. 7. The winged genus exist also in America, as the bat and vampire. There remains, therefore, only eight genera, and five detached species, which are peculiar to the Old Continent. These eight genera are, 1 . The whole-hoofed, properly so called, for neitherthehorse, ass, zebra, nor mule, were met with in the New Continent. 2. The small cloven-hoofed beasts with hollow horns ; for sheep, goats, gazelles, or antelopes existed in America. 3. The family of hogs ; for the species of wild boar is not to be found in America ; and although the pecari, and its va- rieties, are related to this family, yet they dif- fer in a sufficient number of remarkable cha- racters to justify their separation. 4. It is the same with carnivorous animals with retractile claws ; we do not meet with either the panther, leopard, guepard, ounce, or serval, in Ame- rica; and although the jaguar, couguar, oce- lot, and margai, seem to belong to this family, there is not one of these species of the New World found in the Old, nor one of the Old to be met with in the New. 5. The same re- niark may be applied to the digitated qua- drupeds NATURAL HISTORY. 13 drupeds whose bodies are covered with prickles; for although the coendou and the urson ap- proach very nigh to this genus, nevertheless, these species are very different from those of the porcupine and hedge-hog. 6. The digi- tated carnivorous genus "with fixed claws, and a pouch under the tail; for the hyaena, civets, and the badger, do not exist in America. 7. The four-lianded genus; for neither apes, baboons, monkeys, nor makis, have ever been seen in America. The sapajous, sagons, opos- sums, &c. although quadrumanous, yet they essentially differ from those of the Old Conti- nent. S. The digitated genus whose bodies are covered with scales ; for none of the scaly lizards are found in America, and the ant- eaters, to wliom they may be compared, arc covered with hair, and differ too much from the scaly lizards to be considered of the same family. Of the nine detached species, seven, namely, the elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, gi- raffe, camel, lion, and tiger, are found only in the Old World ; and two, viz. the bear and mole, are common to both continents. If we, in tlie same manner, enumerate the animals which are peculiar to the New World, we shall find, that there are about fifteen dif- ferent 14 buffon's fcrent species which may be reduced to ten genera and four detached species. These four species are the tapir, tlie cabiai, the lama, and the pecari ; but there is ouly the tapir we can absolutely term detached; for the pecari has varieties ; and the pacos may be united to the lama, and the Guinea hog to the cabiai. The ten genera are, 1. Eight ] ecies of sapajous. 2. Six species of sagoii)s. 3. The opossums, phalangers, tarsiers, &c. 4. The jaguars, coii- guars, ocelots, raargais, &c. 5. Three or four species of coatis. 6. Four or five species of mouffetles. 7. The agouti genus, which com- prehends the acouchi, the paca, the aperea, and the tapeti. 8. That of the armadillos, which consists of seven or eight species. 9. Two or three species of ant-eaters; and, ICthly, The sloth, of which we are acquainted with but two species. Now these ten genera, and four detached species, to which the fifty species of animals peculiar to the New World may be reduced, though they differ from those of the Old Con- tinent, nevertheless have some relations which seem to indicate some common afiinity in their formation, and lead us to causes of degenera- tion, more ancient than any of the rest. We have already made the general remark, that all animals NATURAL HISTORY. 15 animals of the New World were miicli smaller than (hose of the Old. This great diniinufiofi in size, whatever maybe the cause, is a primary kind of dc>generation, which could not be made without having a great influence on the figure of the animal, and we must not lose sight of this effect in comparing them together. The largest is the tapir, which though not bigger than the ass, can only be compared with the elephant, rhinoceros, and hippopota- mus ; he claims the first place for size in the New Continent, as the elephant does in the Old. Like t!ie rhinoceros, his upper lip is muscular and projecting; and, like the hip- popotamus, he often enters the water. Insome respects he represents them all three, and his figure, which partakes more of the ass than of any other animal, seems to be as degraded as his stature is dimini^hed. The horse, the ass, the zebra, the elephant, the rhinoceros, and the hippopotamus, had no existence in America; neither was there an animal in this New Con- tinent which could be compared with ihem^ fiiiher with respect to size or figure. The ta- pir appears (o have some affinity to the whale, but he is so mixer!, and approaches so Utile to any one of them," that it is not possible to at- tribute his origin to the degradation of any par- ticular 15 buffon's ticular species. And, notwitlislanding these trifling relations Avhich he is found to have "with the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, and Ihe ass, v/e must look on him not only as a pe- culiar species, but even as a single genus. The tapir, therefore, does not belong to any species of the Old Continent, and scarcely does hebear any characters which approximate him to those animals with which we have just been comparing him. The nature of the ca- biai is likewise averse from our comparison : externally he has no resemblance with any other animal, and only approaches the Indian hog of the same continent, by his internal parts, and both species are absolutely diii'erent from all those of the Old Continent. The lama and the pacos appear to have more significant marks of their ancient parents: the first Avith ihe camel, and the second in the sheep. The lama, like the camel, has a long neck and legs, slender head, and the upper lip divided. He resembles the latter also by his gentle manners, servility of disposition, endurance of thirst, and aptness for labour. This was the first and most useful domestic animal of the Americans : they made use of him to carry burdens, in tlie same manner as the Arabs do the camel. Here therefore arc suihcidnt NATURAL HISTORY. 17 sufficient resemblances in the nature of these animals, to \\hich we can jet add the perma- nent marks of labour ; for though the back of the lama is not deformed by hunches like that of the camel, he, nevertheless, has callosities on liis breast, occasioned by the like habit he is used to of resting on that part of his body. Yet, notwithstanding all these affinities, the lama is a very distinct and different species from the camel. He is much smaller, not ex- ceeding a fourth or a third part of the camel's magnitude. The shape of his body, and the quality and colour of his hair, are also very different. His temperament is still more so ; for he is a phlegmatic animal, and delights only to live on the mountains, whereas the camel is of a dry temperament, and willingly inhabits the most scorching sands. On the whole, there are more specific differences be- tween the camel and the lama, than between the camel and the giraffe. These three ani- mals have many characters in common, by which they might be referred to one genus,but5 at the same time, they differ so much in other respects,that we cannot suppose them to be the issue of one another; they are, therefore, only neighbours and not relations. The height of the giraffe is nearly double that of the camel, VOL. X. D ^(J 18 buffon's and the camel double that of the lama. The two first belong to the Old Continent, and form separate species. The lama, therefore, which is only found in the New, must be a distinct species from both. It is not the same with respect to the pecari, for though a diflferent species from the hog, he, nevertheless, belongs to the same genus. He resembles the hog in shape, and every ex- ternal appearance, and only differs from it in some trifling characters, such as the aperture on his back, shape of the stomach, intestines, &c. We might, therefore, be led to suppose that this animal sprung from the same stock as the hog, and that he formerly passed from the Old World to the New, where, by the influence of the soil, he had degenerated to so great a degree as now to constitute a distinct species. With regard to the pacos, though it appears to have some aflinities with the sheep, in its wool and habit of body, yet it differs so great- ly in every other respect, that this species cannot be looked on either as neighbours or allies. The pacos is rather a small lama, and has not a single mark Avhich indicates its Laving passed from one continent to the other. Thus of the four detached species peculiar to w the NATURAL HISTORY* 19 the New World, three, namely, the tapir, the cabiai, and the lama, with the pacos, appear to belong originally to this continent, whereas the pecari, which forms the fourth, seems to be only a degenerated species of the hog, and to have formerly derived its origin from the Old Continent. By examining and comparing, in the same manner, the ten genera, to which we have reduced the other animals peculiar to South America, we shall discover, not only singular relations in their nature, but marks of their ancient origin and degeneration. The sapajous and sagoins bear so great a resemblance to the monkeys, that they are commonly included under that name. We have proved, however, tliat their species, and even their genera, are different. Besides, it would be very difficult to conceive how the monkeys of the Old Con- tinent could assume in America a difierent- shaped visage, a long, muscular, and prehensile tail, a large partition between the nostrils, and other characters, both specific and generic, hy which we have distinguished and separated them from the sapajous. But as the monkeys, apes, and baboons, are only found in the Old Continent, we must look upon the~ sapajous and sagoins as their representatives in the New, for so buffon's for these animals have nearly the same form, as well externally as internally, and also have many things in common in their natural habits and dispositions. It is the same with respect to the raakis, none of which are found in Ame- rica, yet they seem to be represented there by the opossums, or four-handed animals, with pointed muzzles, which are found in great numbers in the New Continent, but exist not in the Old. We must, however, observe, that there is much more difference between the nature and the form of the makis, and of these four-handed American animals, than between the monkeys and the sapajous ; and that there is so great a distance between the opossums and the maki that we cannot form an idea that the one ever proceeded from the other, without sup- posing that degeneration can produce effects equal to those of a new nature ; for the greatest number of these American four-handed ani- mals have a pouch under the belly, ten incisive teeth in each jaw, and a prehensile tail ; whereas the maki has a flaccid tail, no pouch under the belly, and only four incisive teeth in the upper jaw, and six in the lower ; therefore, though all these animals have hands and fingers of the same form, and also resemble each other in the elongation of the muzzle, yet their species, and NATURAL HISTORY. 21 and even their genera, are so different, that we cannot imagine them to be one and the same issue, or that such great and general disparities have ever been produced by degeneration. On the other hand, the tigers of America, which we have indicated by the names of ja- guars, couguars, ocelots, and margais, though different in species from the panther, leopard, ounce, guepard, and serval, of the Old Con- tinent, are, nevertheless, of the same genera. All these animals greatly resemble each other, both externally and internally ; they have alsothe samenatural dispositions, the same fe- rocity, the same vehement thirst for blood, and what approximates them still nearer in genus, those which belong tothe same continent differ more from each other than from those of the other Continent. For instance, the African panther differs less from the Brasilian jaguar than the latter does from the couguar, though they are natives of the same country. The Asiatic serval, and tlic margai of Guiana, like- wise differ less from one another than from th« species peculiar to their own continents. We, therefore, may justly suppose, that these ani- mals had one common origin, and that, havino- formerlypassed from one continent to the other, their present differences have proceeded only from 22 buffon's from the long influence of their new situation. The mouffcttes, or stinkards, of America, and the i;olecat cf Europe, seem to be of the same genus. In general, when a genus is common to both continents the species which compose it are more numerous in the Old than in the New ; but in this instance it is quite the re- verse, for there are four or live kinds of pole- cats in America, while we have only one, the nature of which is inferior to that of all the rest ; so that the New World, in its turn, seems to have representatives in the Old ; and if we judged only from the fact, we might think these animals had taken the opposite road, and pas- sed from America to Europe. It is the same with respect to some other species. The roe- bucks and the fallow-deer, as well as the stink- ards, are more numerous, larger, and stronger in the New Continent than in the Old ; ^^e might, therefore, imagine them to be original- ly natives of America ; but as we cannot doubt that every animal was created in the Old Con- tinent, we must, consequently, admit of their migration from the Old to the New World, and at the same time suppose, that instead of having degenerated, like other animals, they have improved their original nature by the in- fluence of the soil and climate. The NATURAL HISTORY. 23 The ant-eaters, wliicli are sini^ular animals, and of wliich there are three or four species in the New World, seem also to have their repre- sentatives in the Old. The scaly lizards re- semble them in the pecnliar character of hav- ing no teeth, and of being obliged to put out their tongues and feed upon ants ; but if we would suppose them to have one common ori- gin, it is strange, that instead of scales, with which they are covered in Asia, they are cloth- ed with hair in America. With respect to the agoutis, pacos, and other animals of the seventh genus peculiar to the New Continent, we can only compare them with the hare and rabbit, from which, how- ever, they all differ in species. What renders their being of a common origin doubtful is, the hare being dispersed almost over every climate of the Old Continent, without having imdergone any other alteration than in the co- Jour of its hair. We cannot, Avith any founda- tion, therefore, imagine that the climate of America has so far changed the nature of our hares to so great a degree as to make them ta- petis or apereas, which have no tail ; or agbutis with pointed muzzles, and short round ears; or pacos, with a large head, short ears, and u coarse hair marked with white stripes. On S4 kuffon's On the whole, the coatis, the armadillos, and the sloths, are so different, not only in species, but also in genus, from every animal of the Old World, that we cannot compare them with any one ; it is also impossible to re- fer them to any common origin, or attribute to the effects of degeneration the prodigious dif- ferences found in their nature from that of every other animal. Thus, of ten genera, and four detached species, to which we have endeavoured to re- duce all the animals peculiar to the New World, there are only two, the genus of the jiguars, ocelots, &c. and the species of the pecari, with their varieties, which can with any foundation be connected with the animals of the Old Continent. The jaguars and ocelots may be regarded as a species of the leopard or panther, and tlie pecari as a species of hog. After these are five genera and one detached species, namely the species of the lama, and the genera of sapajous, sagoins, stinkards, agoutis, and ant-eaters,which may becompared,though in a very distant and equivocal manner, with the camel, monkey, polecat, hare, and scaly lizards. There then remain four genera and t^o detached species, namely, the opossums, the coatis, the armadillos, the sloths, the tapir, and . •«* « Wk» NATURAL HISTORY. 25 and the cabiai, wliich can neither be referred nor compared to any grnera or species of the Old Co iinent. This sutficien'ly proves that the origin of these animals, peculiar to the New world, cannot be attributed merely to degeneration. However, great and powerful the effects of degeneration may be supposed, we cannot, with any appearance of reason, persuade ourselves that these animals were originally the same as fhose of the Old Conti- nent. It is more reasonable to imagine that the two continents were formerly joined, and that those species which inhabited the New World, because they found the climate and soil most suitable to their nature, were sepa- rated from the rest by the irruption of the sea when it divided Asia from Ame» ica . This is a tiatural cause, and similar ones might be con- ceived which \\ould produce the same e^cct ; for example, if the sea should make an irrup- tion from the eastern to the wsite directions. We know of no other mcnns of producing fire, but by striking or rubbing bodies toge- ther*; since hy supposing man without any burning glasses, and without actual fire, he will have no other meacis of producing it; for the fire produced by uniting the rays of light, or by application of tire already pro- duced, hud tl'e same origin* Expansive force, therefore, in reality might be only the re-action of the attractive, a re- action which operates every time that the pri- mitive molecules of matter, always attracted Dne by the other, happen immediately to touch ; for then it is necessary, that they be repelled * The fire, which arises fi-om the fermentation of herbs heaped together, and which manifests itself in effervescences, is not an exception that can be opposed to me, since th» produciion of fire depends, like all the rest, from the action ©f the ihock of the parts of matter one againBt the other. NATURAL mSTORY. SS repelled with as much veloeily as they had acquired in a contrary direction, at the mo- vement of contact ; and when these molecules are absolutely free from all coherence and only obey the motion alone produced by their at- traction, this acquired velocity is immense ia the point of contact. Heat, light, and fire, which are the greatest effects of expansive force, will be produced every time that bodies are either artificially or naturally divided into very minute parts, and meet in opposite di- rections ; and the heat will be so much the more sensible, the light so much the more bright, the fire so much the more violent, ac- cording as the molecules are precipitated one against the other with more velocity by their force of mutual attraction. trom the above it must be concluded, that all matter may become light, heat, and fire ; and that this matter of fire and light is not a substance different from every other, but pre- serves all its essential qualities; and even most of the attributes of common matter, is evidently proved by, first, light, though composed of particles almost infinitely minute, is, never- theless, still divisible, since with the prism we separate the rays, or different coloured atoms one from another. Secondly, light, though in appearance endowed with a quality quite toL. X. F opposite 54 buffon's opposite to that of weiglit, that is, with a vola- tility which we might thinkessential, is, never- theless, heavy like all matter, since it bends every time it passes near other bodies, and finds itself inclined to their sphere of attraction . It is very heavy, relatively to its volume, which is very minute, since the immense velo- city with which light moves in a direct line, does not prevent it from feeling sufficient at- traction near other bodies, for its direction to incline and change in a manner very sensible to our eyes. Thirdly, the substance of light is not more simple than all other matter, since it is composed of parts of unequal weight ; the red rays are much heavier than the blue ; and between these two extremes there are an infinity of intermediate rays, which approach more or less the weight of the red, or the lightness of the blue according to their shades. All these consequences are necessarily derived from the phenomena of the inflection of light, and of its refraction, which, in reality, is only an in- flexion which operates when light passes across transparent bodies. Fourthly, it may be de- monstrated, that light is massive, and that it acts, in some cases, as all other bodies act ; for, independently of its ordinary efiect, which is to shine before our eyes, and by its own action, always accompanied with lustre, and often NATURAL HISTOIIY. 35 often with lieat, it acts by its mass when it is condensed, and it acts to the point of putting in motion heavy bodies placed in the focus of a good burning glass : it turns a needle on a pivot placed in its focus : it displaces leaves of gold or silver before it melts or even sensibly heats them. This action, produced by its mass, precedes that of heat : it operates be- tween the condensed light and the leaves of metal in the same manner as it operates between two other bodies which become contiguous, and, consequently, have still this property in common with all other matter. Fifthly, light is a mixture, like common matter, not only of more gross and minute parts, more or less heavy or moveable , but also diflferently shaped . Whoever has observed the phenomena which Newton calls the access of easy refiection^ and of easy transmission of light ; and on the ef-* feels of double refraction of rock and Iceland chrystal, must have perceived that the atoms of light have many sides, many different sur- faces, which, according as they present them- selves, constantly produce different effects. This, therefore, is suflScient to demonstrate that light is neither particular nor different from common matter; that its essence, and its essential properties are the same ; and that it differs S6 buffon's differs only from having undergone, in (he point of contact, the repulsion whence its vo- latility proceeds ; and in the same manner as the effect of the force of attraction extends, always decreasing as the space augments, the effects of repuLion extend and decrease the more, but in an inverted order, insomuch that YPe can apply to the expansive force all that is known of the attractive. These are two instruments of the same nature, or rather the same instrument, only managed in two oppo- site directions. AH matter will become light, for if all co- herence were destroyed it would be divided into molecules suflficiently minute, and these mole- cules, being at liberty, will be determined by their mutual attraction to rush one against the other. In the moment of the shock the re- pulsive force will be exercised, the molecules will fly in all directions with an almost infinite volatility, which, nevertheless, is not equal to their velocity acquired in the moment of con- tact, for the law of attraction being augmented as the space diminishes, it is evident, that at the contact the space is always proportionable till the square of the distance becomes nil, and, consequently, the velocity acquired by virtue of the attraction must at this point become almost NATURAL HISTORY. 37 almost infinite : aj;d it would be perfectly so if the contact were immediate, and, conse- quently, tlie distance between the two bodies void ; but there is nothing in nature entirely nil, and nothing truly infinite ; and all that I have observed of the infinite minuteness of the atoms which constitute light, of their perfect spring, and of the nil distance in the moment of contact, must be understood only relatively. If this metaphysical truth were doubted, a phy- sical demonstration may begiven. It is pretty generally known that light employs seven mi- nutes and a half to come from the sun to the earth ; supposing, therefore, the sun at thirty-? six millions of miles, light darts through this enormous distance in that short space, that is (supposing its motion uniform), h 0,000 miles in one second. But this velocity, although prodigious, is yd far from being infinite, since it is determinable by numbers. It will even cease to appear so prodigious, when we reflect on the celerity of the motion of the comets to their perihelia, or even that of the planets, and by computing that, we shvall find that the ve- locity of those immense masses may pretty nearly be compared to that of the atoms of light. So, likewise, as all matter can be converted into S8 BUFFO n's into light by the division and expulsion of its parts, when they feel a shook one against another, we shall find that all the elements are convertible ; and if it have been doubted whe- ther light, which appears to be the most simple element, may be converted into a solid sub- stance, it is because we have not paid sufficient attention to every phenomena, and were in- fected with the prejudice, that being essentially volatile it can never become fixed. But it is plain that the fixity and volatility depend oa the same attractive force in the first case, and become repulsive in the second ; and from thence are we led to think that this change of matter into light, and from light into matter, is one of the most frequent operations of Nature. Having shewn that impulsion depends on attraction ; that the expansive force, like the attractive, becomes negative ; that light, heat, and fire, are only modes of the common exist- ing matter ; in one word, tliat there exists but one sole force, and one sole matter, ever ready to attract or repel, according to circumstances ; let us see how, with this single spring, and this siiJgle subject, Nature can vary her works, ad infinitum. In a general point of view, light, heat, and fire, only make one object, but NATURAL HISTORY. 39 in \hereas experience demonstrates, that though very volatile it is not combustible. Matter is, in general, composed of four principal subr stances, called ekmenfSy that is , earth, water, air, and fire. Those in which earth and water predominate will be fixed, and will only be- come volatile by the action of heat ; and those which contain most air and fire will be the only real combustibles. The great difficulty Jhere is. clearly to conceive how air and fire, both so volatile, can fix and become consti- tuent parts of all bodies. Fire, by absorbing air, destroys the spring. Now there are but two methods of destroying a spring, either by compressing it till it break?, or extending it till it loses its effect. It is l^lain tliat fire cannot destroy air by compres- sion, &ince the least degree of heat rarefies it; on tlie contrary, by a very strong heat the rarefaction of llie air will be so great that it will occupy a space thirteen times more ex- tended than that of its general volume; and by NATURAL HISTORY. 5'7 by this means the spring becomes Weakened, and it is in this state that it can become fixedj and unite with oth«r bodies. Light, wliich falls on bodies, is not merely reflected, but remains in quantities oh th# small thickness of the stirface which it strikes j consequently it loses its mot ion, extends, is fix* ed, and becomes a constHuent part of all t4ial it penetrates. Let us add this light, trftfts- formed and fixed in bodies, to the Above air5 and to both, the constant and actual heat of th* terrestrial globe, -whose sum is much greater than that which comes from the stin, and thdft It will appear to be not only one of the greatesl springs of the mechanism of Nature, but a« element with which the whole raatteft of the globe is penetrated. If we consider more particularly the nature of combustible matters, ^g shall fhid, that th^y all proceed originally from vegetables -^^^ ani- mals ; in a woTd, from bodies placed oti tht surface of the globe, which the Son enlighten^, Leats, and vivifies. Wood, bitumen, rmn^ coals, fat and oil, by espTessiOfi, 'vrax, and ^«^j are substances ptocecding immrdiatety from animals and Vegetables. Turf, fcfesrl. Coal, amber, liquid, or concrete biturrreTTs, afe the productions of their mixture, and their ^Vcem* VOL. x\ I position. 58 buffon's position, wbose ulterior waste forms sulphurs^ and the combustible parts of iron, tin, pyrites^ and every inflammable mineral. I know, that this last assertion will be rejected by those who have studied nature only by the mode of chemistry ; but I must request Ihem to con- sider, that their method is not that of nature, and that it cannot even approach it without banishing all those precarious principles, those fictitious beings which they play upon, without being acquainted with (hem. But, without pressing longer on those general considerations, let us pursue in a more direct and particular manner the examination of fire and its effects. The action of fire depends much on the manner in which it is applied ; and the effects of its motion, on similar sub- tances, will appear different according to the mode in which it is administered. I conceive that fire should be considered in three different states, first relative to its velocity ; secondly, as to its volume ; and thirdly, as to its mass. Under each of these points of view, this ele- ment, so simple, and so uniform to all appear- ance, will appear extremely different. The velocity of fire is augmented without the ap- parent volume being increased, every time that in a given space and filled with com- bustible NATURAL HISTORY. 59^ biibtible matters, its action and expansion is pressed by augmenting the velocity of the air by bellows, caverns, ventilators, aspirative tubes, &c. all of which accelerate more or less the rapidity of the air directed on the fire. The action of fire is augmented by its volume, when a great quantity of combustible matters is accumulated, and the heat and fire are driven into the reverberatory furnaces, which comprehend those of our glass, porcelain, and pottery manufactories, and all those wherein metals and minerals are melted, iron excepted. Fire acts here by its volume, and has only its own velocity, since the rapidity is not aug- mented by the bellows, or other instruments which carry air to the fire. There are many modes of augmenting the action of fire by its velocity or volume ; but there is only one way of augmenting its mass ; namely, by uniting it in the focus of a burning glass. When we receive on the refracting, or reflecting mirror, the rays of the sun, or even those of a well-kindled fire, we unite them in so much the less space, as the mirror is longer, and the focus shorter ; for example, by a mirror of four feet diameter, and one inch focus, it is clear, that the quantity of light, or fire, which falls on the four- feet mirror, will &f buffon's will be united in the space ofoueincli, that is, it will be 2SU4 times denser than it was, if all the incident matter arrived to tliis focus with- out any loss, and when eyen the loss is two thirds or three fourths, the mass of fire concen- trated in the focus of this mirror, will alwajs besije or seven hundred times denser than on the surface. In this, as in all other cases, tibe mass goes by the contraction of the vo- lume; and the fire which we thus augment the density of, has all the properties of a mass of matter; for, independently of the action of heatj by which it penetiates bodies, it impels and displaces them qs a solid moving body which strikes another would do. Each of these modes of administering fire, and increasing either the velocity, volume, or mass, often produce very different effects on the same sHibstances ; insomuch, that no reli» ance is to be placed on any thing that cannot be woirked at the same time, or successively, b^r all three. In the like manner, as I divide in^thrcc general proceedings the administra- Honxti this element, I divide every matter that can be submitted toits action iato three classes. JPassing over for the present those which are purely combustible, and which immediately proceed £rom aftimals and vegetables ; we proceed NATURAL HISTORY. 61 proceed to minerals, in the first class of which we reckon those mineral matters, which this action, continued for a long time, renders lighter, as iron ; in the second, such as it ren- ders heavier, as lead ; and in the third class, are those matters on which, as gold, this action of fire does not appear to produce any sen- sible effect, since it does not at all alter their weight. All existing matters, that is, all sub- stances simple and compounded, will necessa- rily be comprized under one of these three classes ; and experiments on them by the three proceedings, which are not difficult to be made, and only require exactness and time, might develope many useful discoveries, and prove very necessary to build on real principles the theory of chemistry, which has hitherto been carried on by a precarious noraenclatura, and on words the more vague as they are the more general. Fire is the lightest of all bodies, notwith- standing which it has weight, and it may be demonstrated, that even in a small volume ittS jcally heavy, as it obeys, like all other raatters, the general law of gravity, and consequently must have connections or affinities with other bodies. All matters it renders more weighty will be those with which it has the greatest aflittiiy. On€ €vf the effects of this affinity in the 62 hufton's the matters is io relaiii the sui)S)tance even of fire, with which it is incorporated, and tli is in- corporation supposes that lire not only lo.ses its licat and elasticity, but even all its motion, since it fixes itselt in these bodies, and becomes a constituent part. From wliich it may be irnai^ined lljat there is fire under a fixed and concrete form in almost every body. It is evident, that all matters, whose weight increases by the action of fire, are endowed with an attractive force superior to the ex* pansive, the fiery particles of which are ani- mated ; this bein£ij extinguished the motion ceases, and the clastic and fugitive particles become fixed, and take a concrete form. Thus matters, whose weight is increased by fire, as tin, lead, &c. are substances which, by their affinity with fire, attract and incorporate. All matters, on the contrary, which, like iron, copper, &c. become lighter in proportion as they are calcined, are substances whose at- tractive forces, relative to the igneous parti- cles, is less than the expansive force of fire ; and hence tlie fire, instead of fixing in these matters, carries ofl:' and drives away the least adherent parts which cannot resist its impul- sion. Those which, like gold, platina, silver, &c. neither lose nor acquire by the application of fire, aresubstanccswhich, having no affinity YfitU NATURAL IIISTORV. G3 with firCy and not being able to iini(c, cnr.no% consequently, either re ain or accompany it when it is carried off. It is evident that the matters of \-\e two first classes Iiave a certain degree of affinity with fire, since those of the second class are loaded with fire, which ihey retain ; and the fire loads itself with (hose of the first class, which it carries off; whereas the matters of ;he third class, to which it neither lends nor borrows, have not any affinity or attraction witli it, but are indifierent to its action, which can neither uniiatuializc nor even change them. This division of every matter into three classes, relative to the action of fire, docs not exclude the more particular and less absolute division of all matters into two other classes, hitherto regarded as relative to tlieir own na- ture, which is said to be always vitrifiable, or calcareous. Our new division is only a more elevated point of view, under which we must consider them, to endeavour to deduce there- from even the agent that is used by the rela- tions fire can have with every substance to which it is applied. We might say, with naturalists, that all is vitrifiable in Nature, excepting that which is calcareous : that quartz, chrystals, precious btoaes. 64 buffon's stones, flints, granites, porphyries, agates, gypsums, clays, lava, pumice stone, with all metals and other minerals, are vitrifiable either by the fire of our furnaces, or that of mirrors; whereas marble, alabaster, stones, chalk, marl, and other substances which pro- ceed from the residue of shells and madrepores, cannot be reduced into fusion by these means. Nevertheless I am persuaded, that if the power of our furnaces and mirrors were further in- creased, we should be enabled to put these cal- careous matters in fusion ; since there are a multiplicity of reasons to conclude, that at the bottom their substance is the same, and that glass is the common basis of all terrestrial matter. By my own experiments I have found, that the most powerful glass furnaces is only a weak fire, compared with that of bellows furnaces ; and that fire produced in the focus of a good mirror, is stronger than that of the most glow- ing fire of a furnace. I have kept iron ore for thirty -six hours in the hottest part of the glass furnace of Rouclle, in Burgundy, without its being melted, agglutinated, or even in any manner changed ; whereas, in less than twelve hours this ore runs in a forge furnace. I have also melted, or volatilized, by a mirror many matters which neither the fire, nor reverbera- tor/ NATURAL niSTonir* 60 tory furnace, nor the most powerful bellows furnace could cause to run. It is commonly supposed, that flame is the hottes* part of fire, yet nothing is more errone- ous than this opinion; the contrary maybe demonstrated by the most simple and familiar experiments. Offer to a straw fire, or even to the flame of alighted faggot, a cloth to dry or heat, and treble the time will be required to what would be necessary if presented to a bra- sier without flame. Newton very accurately defines flame to be a burning smoke, and this smoke, or vapour, has never the same quanti* iy or intensity of heat as the combustible body from which it escapes. By being carried up- wards a,nd extending, it lias the property of communicating fire, and carrying it further than the heat of the brasier, which alone might not be, sufficient to communicate it when even very near. The communication of fire merits a particu- lar attention. I found, after repeated reflec- tions that besides the assistance of facts which appear to have a relation to it, that experi- ments were necessary to understand the man^ ner in which thisoperation of Nature is made. Let us recieve two or three thousand weight of irpn in a mould at its issuing from the furnace ; tliismetal in ashorttimeloses its incandescence, Vol. X, K and 66 buffon's and ceases from its redness, according to the thickness of the ingot. If at the moment its redness leaves i(, it is drawn from the mold, the under parts will be still red, but this colour will fly off. Now so long as the redness sub- sists, we can light combustible matters by ap- plying tliem to the ingot ; but as soon as it has lost its incandescent state, lliere are numbers of matters which it will not get fire to, although the heat which it diffuses is, perha[3S a hun- dred times stronger than that of a straw fire, which would inflame them.. This made me think that fla-ne being necessary to the com- munication of fire, there is therefore a flame in all incandescence. The red colour seems, in fact, to indicate it ; and indeed I am convinced, that combustible, and even the most fixed mat- ters, such as gold and silver, when in an in- candescent stale, are surrounded with a dense flame which extends only to a very short dis- tance, and which is attached to their surface ; and I can easily conceive, that when flame be- comes dense to a certain degree, it ceases from obeyifig the fluctuation of the air. This white or red body, which issues from all bodies in incandescence, and which strikes our eyes, is the evaporation of tliis dense flame which sur- rounds the body by renewisjg itself incessantly on its surface ; aiiid even the light of the sun, which NATURAL HISTORY. 67 which emits such an amazino' brii>'htaess, I presume to be only an evaporation of the dense state that con^tantly plays on its surface ; anc| TV'hich we must regard as a true flame, more pure and dense than any proceeding from our combustible matters. It is, theref )re, by light that fire communi- cates, and heat alone cannot produce the same ofFect as when it becomes very strong to be iii- jninous. Even water, that dchtruclive clement to fire, by which aloiie we can prevent its pro- gress, nevertheless communicates when in a well-closed vessel, such as Papi.i's digester, where it is penetrated with a sufficient quantity of fire to render it luminous, and capable of melting lead and tin, wiiereas when it is oidy boiling, far from communicating fire, it extin- guishes it immediately. Jt is true, that heat alone is sufficient to prepare and dispose com- bustible bodies for inflammation, by driving off the humid parts from bodies ; and what is very remarkable, this heat, which dilates all bodies, does notdesistfVom hardening them by drying. I have an hundred times discovered, by examining the stones of my great furnaces, especially the calcareous, they increased in hardness in proportion to the time tliey had undergone the heat, and ihcy also at the same time became specifically heavier. From this circumstance. CS buffon's circumstance, I think an induction may bo drawn, which would prove, and fully confirm, that heat, although in appearance always fu- gitive and never stable in the bodies which it penetrates, neverthelsss deposits in a positive manner many parts which fixes there even in greater quantities than the aqueous and other parts which it has driven off. But what ap- pears very difficult to be reconciled, this same calcareous stone, which becomes specifically heavier by the action of a moderate heat a long time continued, becomes near a half lighter, when submitted to a fire sufficient for its calcination, and, at the same time, not only loses all the hardness it had acquired by the action of heat, but even the natural adherence of its constituting parts. Calcination generally received, is, with re- spect to fixed and incombustible bodies, what combustion is to volatile and inflammable. Calcination, like combustion, needs the assist- ance of air ; it operates so much the quicker, as it is furnished with a greater quantity of that element, without which the fiercest fire cannot calcine nor inflame any thing, except such matters as contain in themselves all the air necessary for those purposes. This neces- sity for the concurrence of air in calcination, as in combustion, indicates, that there are more tilings NATURAL HISTORY. 69 tbings common between them than has been suspected. The application of fire is the prin- ciple of both ; that of air is the second cause, and abiiost as necessary as the first ; but these two causes are equally combined, according as they act in more or less time, and with more or less power on different substances. Combustion operates almost instantaneously ; calcination is sometimes so lon^:, as to be tliought impossible ; for in proportion as mat- ters are more incombustible, the calcinafion is there more slowly made ; and wlien the con- stituent parts of a substance, such as gold, are not only incombustible, but appear so fixed as not to be volatilized, calcination produces no effect. They must both, therefore, be con- sidered as effects of the same cause, whose two extremes are delineated to us by phos- phorus, which is the most inflammable of all bodies, and by gold, which is the most fixed and least combustible. All substances comprized between these two extremes, will be more or less subjected to tlie efiects of combustion and calcination, according as they approach either of tliem ; insomuch, that in the middle points there will be found substances that endure an almost equal degree of both ; from which we may conclude, that all calcination is always accopmanicd with a little 70 buffon's little combustion, and all combustion uiili a little calcination. Cinders and other residue of the most combustible matters, demonstrate that fire has calcined all the parts it lias not burned, and consequently, a little calcination is found here with combustion. The small flame which rises from most matters, tiiat are calcined, demonstrates also that a slight combustion is made Tlius, we must not se- perate these two effects, if w'e would find out the results of the action of fire on the differ- ent sub>tances to which it is rspplied. But it may be said, that comb u'-tion always diminishes the volume or mass, on account of the quantity of matter it consumes ; and that, on the contrary, calcination increases the •weight of many substances. Ought we then to consider these two effects whose results are so contrary, as effects of the same nature ? Such an objection appears well-founded, and deserves an answer, especially as this is the most difficult point of the question. For that purpose let us consider a matter in "which we shall suppose one half to be fixed parts, and the other volatile or combustible. By the application of fire to this, all the vola- tile or combustible parts will be raised up or burnt, and consequently separated from the whole mass ; from hence this mass or quantity of NATURAL HISTORY, 71 of matter ^vill be found diminished one half, as Ave see it in calcareous stones, which lose near half their weight in the fire. But if we con- tinue to apply the iire for a very longtime to the other half, composed of fixed parts, all combustion and volatilization being ceased, that matter, instead of continuing to lose its mass, must increase at the expense of the air and fire with which it is penetrated ; and (hose are matters already calcined, and prepared by Nature to the degree where combustion ceases, and consequently susceptible of in- creasing: the weisrht from the first moment of the application. We have seen, that light extinguishes on the surface of all bodies which do not reflect ; and that heat, by long residence, fixes partly in the matters which it penetrates ; we know also that air is neces- sary for calcination, or combustion, and the more so for calcination as having more fixity in the external parts of bodies, and becomes a constituent part : hence, it is natural to ima- gine, that this augmentation of weight pro- ceeds only from the addition of the particles of ligh(, heat, and air, which are a length fixed and united to one matter, against which they have made so many efforts, witliout being able either to raise or burn them. This appears clearly 72 BUFFON*S clearly to be the fact, for if wo afterwards pre- sent a combustible substance to them thej ^vill quit the fixed matter, to xvhich they were only attached through force, retake their natural motion, elasticity, and volatility, and all de- part with it ; frcra hence, metal, orcalcinized matter, to which these volatile parts has been rendered, retakes its pristine form, and its weightis found diminished by the whole quan- tity of fiery and airy particles which were fixed in it, and whicli had been ju!>t raised by this new combustion. All this is performed by the sole law of affinities ; and their seems to be no more difficulty to conceive how the lime of a metal is reduced, than to understand how it is precipitated in dissolution ; the cause is the same, and the effects are similar. A metal dis-. solved by an acid, will precipitate when to this acid another substance is offered with which it has more affinity than metal, the acid (hen quits it and falls to the bottom. So,likewcse, this metal calcines, tliat is, loaded with parts of air, heat, and fire, which being fixed, keeps it under the form of a lime, and will precipi- tate, or be reduced, when presented to this fire and fixed air, from the combustible matters with which they have more affinity than with the metal ; the latter will retake its first form as NAtuftAL HISTORY. 72 as soon as U is disembarrassed from tliis su^jcr- fluous air and fire, at the ex pence of the com- bustible matters oii'ered to it, and tlie volatile parts it had lost. IthinkI have nowdemonstratcdjthsit all the litile laws of chemical afHiitlles, Vrliich ap-^ j)earcd so variable and different, are no other llian the general laws of attraction, common to all matter ; that this ^reat law, always constant and the samcj appeared oidy to vary in its expression, ^vliich cannot be the same ^vllen the figure of bodies enters, like an ele^ inent, into their distance. With this new key we can unlock the mobt profound secrets of Nature; we can attain the knowledge of the figufe of the primitive parts of difil^rent substances • assign the laws and degrees of their affinities; determine the forms which they take by re-uniting, &c. I think also I have made it appear that impulsion depends on attraction ; and thatj although it may be considered as a different forcCj it is, notwith- standing, a particular effect of i!ils sole and general one. I have shewn the conmiuni- cation of rriotion to be impossible without a springy whence I have concluded, that all bodies in Nature are more or less elas- tic, and that there is not one perfectly Vol, X. L hard 5 74 ijuffon's hard ; that is, entirely deprived of a spring, since all are susceptible of receiving motion. I liave endeavoured to shew how this sole force may change direction, and attraction become repulsion ; and from these grand principles, which are all founded on rational mechanics, I have sought to deduce the prin- cipal operations of Nature, such as the pro- duction of light, heat, and fire, and . their action on different substances ; this last object %vhich interests us the most is a vast field, but of which I can only cultivate a little spot, yet I presume I may render some assistance, by putting into more capable and laborious hands the instruments I made use of. These instruments were the three modes of making use of fire, that is, by its velocity, volume, and mass ; by applying it* concurrently to the three classes of substances, which either lose, gain, or are not affected by the application of fire. The experiments which I had made on the refrigeration of bodiesjon the real weight of fire, on the nature of flame, on tlie progress of heat, or its communication, its diperdition,i(s conc(*nt ration, or its violent action without flame, &c. are also so many instruments which will spare much labour to those who choose to avail themselves of them, and will produce an ample harvest of knowledge . OF NATURAL HISTORY. 75 OF AIR, WATER, AND EARTH. BY our former observations it appears that air is the necessary and first food of fire, which can neither subsist nor propagatebut by what it assimilates, consumes, or carries off, of tliat element, whereas of all material substances, air is that which seems to exist the most in- dependently of the aid or presence of fire; for although it habitually has nearly the same heat as other matters on the surface of the earth, it can do without it and requires infinitely less than any of the rest to support its fluidity, since the most excessive cold cannot deprive it of that. The strongest condensations are not capable of breaking its spring ; the active fire, in combustible matters, is the. only agent which can alter its nature by rare- fying and extending its spring to the point of rendering it ineff^^ctual, and thus destroying its elasticity. In this state, and in all the links which precede, the air is capable of re-assuming its elasticity, in proportion as the vapours of combustible matters evaporate and separate from it. But if the spring have been totally weakened /^^^ BUFFON'S Avcakcned and extended that it cannot re-instate itself, from having lost all its elastic power, the air, volatile as it might before have been, be- comes a fixed substance Avhich incorporates ■with the other substances, and forms a consti- tuent part of all those to which it unites by con- tact. Under this new form it can no longer forsake the fire, except to unite, like fixed matter, to other fixed matters; and if there remain some parts insCj a able from fire, they tlien make a portion of that element serve it for a base, and are deposited with it in the subetance tliey heat and penetrate together. This efi'ect is manifested in all calcinations, and is the more sensible as the heat is longer ; but combustion demands only a small time to completely effectuate the same. If we wish to hasten calcination the use of bellows may be necessary, not so much to augment the heat of the fire as to establish a current of air on the surface of the matters ; yet it is not requisite for the fire to be very fierce to deprive air of its elaslicity, for a very mode^ rate heat, when constantly applied on a small quantity, is sufficient to destroy the spring ; and for this air, without spring, to fix it- self afterwards in bodies, there is oidy a little more or less time required, according to the afl&nity it may have under tliis new form, with the NATURAL HISTORY. 77 the matters to Tvhich it unites. The heat of the body of animals, and even vegetables, is sufficiently powerful to produce this effect. The degrees of heat are different in different lands of animals : birds are the hottest, from M'hicli we pass successively to quadrupeds, man, cetaceous animals, reptiles, fish, insects, and, lastlj>,to vegetables, whose heat is so tri- fling as to have made some naturalists declare they had not any, although it is very apparent, and in wijiter surpasses that of the atmosphere. I have frequently observed in trees that were cut in cold weather, that their internal part was sensibly warm, and that this heat remained for many minutes. This heat is only moderate while the tree is young and sound, but as soon as it grows old the heart heats by the fermen- tation of the pith, which no longer circulates there with the same freedom ; and as soon as this heat begins the centre receives a red tint, which is the first index of the perishing state of the tree, and the disorganization of the wood. The reason naturalists have not found there was a difference between the temperature of the air, and the heat of vegetables is, be- cause they have made their obseryations at a bad time of the year, and not paid attention, that in the summer the heat of the air exceeds that "78 buffoxn's that of the internal part of a tree; whereas in winter it is quite the contrary. They have not . remembered that the roots have constantly the deicree of heat which surrounds them, and that this heat of the internal part of the earth is, daring all winter, considerably greater than that of the air, and the surface of the earth. .They did not consider that the motion alone of the pith, already warm, is a necessary cause of heat, and that this motion, increasing by the action of the sun, or by an external heat, that of vegetables must be so much the greater as the motion of their pith is more accelerated, &c. Here the air contributes to the animal and vital heat, as we have seen that it does to the action of fire in combustible and calcinable matters. Animals, which have lungs, and which consequently respire the air, have more heat than those deprived of them ; and the more the internal surface of the lungs is extended, and ramified in a greater num- ber of cells, the more it presents greater su- perficies to the air which the animal draws by- inspiration; the more also its blood becomes hotter, the more it communicates heat to all parts of the body it nourishes, and this proportion takes place in all known animals. Birds, WATURAL HISTORY. 79 Birds, relatively to the volume of their body, have lungs considerably more extended than man or quadrupeds. Reptiles, even those with a voice, as frogs, instead of lungs have a simple bladder. Insects which have little or no blood breathe the air only by some pipes, &c. Thus taking the degree of the temperature of the earth for the term of comparison, I have observed that this heat being supposed ten de- grees, that of birds was nearly thirty-lhree, that of some quadrupeds more than thirty-one and a half, that of man thirty and a half, or thirty-one, whereas that of frogs is only fifteen or sixteen, and that of fishes and insects only eleven or twelve, which is nearly the same as that of vegetables. Thus the degree of heat in man and animals depends on the force and extent of the lungs; these are the bellows of the animal machine : the only difficulty is to conceive ho.v they carry the air on (he fire "which animates us, a fire whose focus seems to be indeterminate ; a fire that has not even been qualified with this name, because it is without flame or any apparent smoke, and its heat is only moderate and uniform. How- ever, if we consider that heat and fire are ef- fects, and even elements of the same class ; that heat rarefies air, and, by extending its spring, so BUFFOS ^$ spring, it may render it without effect ; wd may imagine, tbat I be air drawn by our lungs being greatly rarefied, loses its spring in the bronchiae and little vesicles, where it is soon destroyed by the arterial and venous blood, for these blood-vessels are separated from the pulmonary vesicles by such thin di* visions that the air easily parses into the blood, where it produces the same effect as upon common fire, because the heat of this blood is more than sufficient to destroy the elasticity of the particles of air, and to drag them under this new form into all the roa^s of circulation. The fire of the animal bbay differs from common fire only in more or less ; the degree pf heat is less, hence there is no flame, because the vapours, which represent the smoke, have not heat enough to inflame ; every other effect is the same : the respiration of a young animalabsorbs as much air as the light of a candle, for if inclosed in vessels of equal capacities, the animal dies in the same time as the candle extinaruishes : nothini^ can more evidently demonstrate that the fire of the animal a|id that of the candle are not of the same class but of the same nature, and to which the assistance of the air is equally ne- ccssarv. TegetableSj NATURAL HISTORY. 81 Vegetables, and most insects, instead of lungs, have only aspiratory tubes, by which they pump up the air that is necessary for them ; it passes in very sensible balls into the pith of the vine. This air is not only pumped up by the roots but often even by the leaves, and forms a very essential part of the food of the vegetable which assimilates, fixes, and preserves it. Experience fully confirms all we have advanced on this subject, a.nd that all combustible matters contain a considerable quantity of fixed air, as do also all animals and vegetables, and all their parts, and the waste which proceeds therefrom ; and that the greatest number likewise include a certain quantity of elastic air. And, notwithstanding the chimerical ideas of so me chem ists, respecting phlogiston, tliere does not remain the smallest doubt but that fire or light produces, with the assistance of air, all tiie efiects thereof. Minerals, which like sulphur and pyrites, contain in their substance a quantity of the ul- terior waste of animals and vegc(ables, con- tain thence combustible matters, which, like all other, contain more or less fixed air, but always much less than the purely animal or vegetable substances. Tliis fixed air can be equally removed by combustion. In animal and vegetable matters it is disengaged by VOL. X. M simpk- S^ buffon's simple fermentation, wliicli, like conibuhtion, has always need of air for its operation. Sul- phurs and pyrites are not the only minerals which must be looked upon as combustible, there are many others which I shall not here enumerate, because it is sufficient to remark, ^heir degree of combustion depends commonly on the quantity of sulphur which they contain. AH coml)Ustible minerals originally derive this property either from the mixture of animal or vegetable parts which are incorporated with them, or from the particles of light, heat, and air, which, by the lapse of time, are fixed in their internal part. Nothing, according to my opinion, is combustible but that which has been formed by a gentle heat, that is, by these same elements combined in all the substances which the sun brightens and vivifies, or in that which the internal heat of the earth fo- ments and unites. « The internal heat of the globe of the earth must be regarded as the true elementary fire ; it is always subsisting and constant ; it enters, like an clement, inio all the combinations of the other elements, and is more than sufficient to produce the same effi^cts on air as actual fire on animal heat; consequently this internal heat of the earth will destroy the elasticity of the air, and render it fixed, which being divided into NATURAL HISTORY. S3 into minute parts \vill enter into a great num* ber of substances, from hence they will contain articles of fixed air and fire, which are the first principles of combustibility ; but they will be found in difierent quantities, according to their degree of affinity witli the substance, and this degree will greatly depcnil on the quantity these substances contain of animal and vege- table parts, which appear to be the base of ail combustible matter. Most metallic mineral, and even metals, contain great quantities of combustible parts; zinc, antimony, iron, cop- per, &c. burn and produce a very brisk flame, as long as the combustion of these inflammable parts remains, after which, if the fire be con-!- tinued, the calcination begins, during whicli there enters into them new parts of air and heat, which fixes, and cannot be disengaged but by presenting to them combustible matters, with which they have a greater affinity than with those of the mineral, witli which they are only united by the effort of calcination. It appears to me, that the conversion of me- tallic substances into dross, and their repro- duction, might be very clearly understood Avithout applying to secondary principles, or arbitrary hypotheses, for their explanation. Having considered tlje action of fixed air in ,lhe most secret operations of nature, let us take a yipw a view of it when it resides in bodies under an elastic form ; its effects are then as variable as the degrees of its elasticity, and its action, though always the same, seems to give different products in different substances. To bring this consideration back to a general point of view, we "will compare it with water and earth, as "we have already compared it with fire ; the results of this comparison between the four elements will afterwards be easily applied to every substance, since they are all composed merely of these four real principles. The greatest cold that is known, cannot de- stroy the spring of the air, and the least heat is sufficient for that purpose, especially when this fluid is divided into very small particles. But it must be observed, that between its state of fixity, and tliat of perfect elasticity, there are all the links of the intermediate states, in one of which it always resides in earth and water, and all the substances which are com- posed of them ; for example, water, which ap- pears so simple a substance, contains a certain quantity of air, which is neitlier fixed nor elastic, as is plain from its congulation, ebul- lition, and rcsistence to all compression, &c. Experimental philosophy demonstrates, that water is incompressible, for instead of shrink- ing and entering into itself when pressed, it passes NATURAL HISTORY. 85 passes tlirou, ?then, by the means of the heat it includes, and the water which insinuates, there is made an infinity of sublimations; distillation , chrys- tallizatlons, aggregations, and disjunctions, of every kind. By time all substances may be compounded and decompounded by these means; water may divide and attenuate the parts more than fire when it melts them, and iliosfc 102 BUFFO n's those attenuated parts will join in the same manner as those of fused metal unite by cooU ing. Crystallization, of whicli the salts have given us an idea, is never performed but Avhen a substance, being disengaged from every other, is much divided and sustained by a fluid, which having little or no affinity with it, permits it to unite and form by virtue of its force of attraction, masses of a figure nearly similar to its primitive parts. This operation, which supposes all the above circumstances, may be done by the intermediate aid of fire as well as by that of water, and is often accom- plished by the concurrence of both, because all this exacts but one division of matter suffi- ciently great for its primitive parts to be able to form, by uniting figured bodies like them- selves. Now fire can bring many substances to this state much belter than any other dis- solvent, as observation demonstrates to us in asbestos, and other productions of fire, whose figures are regular, and which must be looked upon as true crystallizations. Yet this de- gree of division, necessary to crystallization, is not the greatest possible, since in this state the small parts of matter are still sufficiently large to constitute a mass, which like other masses, is only obedient to the sole attractive force, and the volumes of which, only touch? ing in points, cannot acquire the rcsultive force BUFFO N*S 105 farce that a much greater division might per- form by a more immediate contact, and this is what we see happen in eftervescences, where at once, heat and light are produced bj the mixture of two cold liquors. Light, heat, fire, air, water, and salts, are steps by which we descend from the top of Nature's ladder to its base, which is fixed earth . And these are at the same time the only principles that we must admit and com- bine for the explanation of all phenomena. These principles are real, independently of all hypotheses and all method, as are also their conversion and transformation, which are demonstrated by experience. It is the same with the element of earth, it can convert itself by volatilizing and taking the form of the other elements, as those take that of earth in fixing ; it, therefore, appears quite useless to seek for a substance of pure earth in terres- trial matters. The transparent lustre of the diamond dazzled the sight of our chemists, when they considered that stone as a pure ele- mentary fire ; they might have said with as much foundation, that it is pure water, all the parts of which are fixed to compose a solid diaphanous substance. When we would de- fine Nature, the large masses should alone be considered, and those elements have been well t^ken notice of by even the most ancient philo- sophers. 104 BUFFO n's soplicrs. Tbc sun, atmosphere, earlh, sea, &c. are all great masses on which they establisiied all their conclusions ; and ifthere ever had ex- isted a planet of phlogiston, an atmosphere of alkali, an ocean of acid, or a mountain of diamonds, such might have been looked upon as the general and real principles of all bodies, but they are only particular substances, pro- duced, like all the rest, by the combinations of true elements • and ideas to the contrary "vvould never have been started but upon the supposition that the earth was neither more simple nor less convertible than either of the other elements. In the great mass of solid matter^ which the earth represents, the superficial is the least pure. All the matter deposited by the sea, in form of sediment, all stones produced by shell- animals, all substances composed by the com- binations of the waste of tlic animal or vege- table kingdom, and all those which have beea changed by the fires of volcanos, or subli- mated by the internal heat of tlie globe, are mixed and transformed substances ; and al- though they compose great masses they do not clearly represent to us the element of earlh. They are vitrifiable matters, whose mass must be Considered as 100,000 limes more considerable than all those other substances, which should be regarded as the true basis of this element- It KAtURAL HISTORY. 105 It is front this common foundation that all other substances have derived the origin of their solidity, for all fixed matter, however much decomposed, subsides finally into glass by the sole action of fire : it resumes its first na- ture, when dis«ngaged from the fluid, or vola- tile matters, which were united with it ; and this glass, or virtreous matter, which compo- ses the mass of our globe^ represents so much the better the element of earth j as it has nei- ther colour, smell, taste, liquidity, nor fluidity, qualities which all proceed from the other ele- ments, or belong to them* If glass be not precisely the element of earth, it is at least the most ancient substance of it ; metals are more recent, and less dignified ; and most other minerals form within our sight. Nature produces glass only in the particular focus of its volcanos, whereas every day she forms other substances by the combination of glass with the other elements. If v/e would form to ourselves a just idea of her formation of the globe, we must first consider her proces- ses, which demonstrate that it has been melted or liquefied by fire ; tliat from this iramenss heat it successively passed to its present de- cree ; that in the first moments, ^\here its sur- face began to take conbistencCi inequalities YOL. X. P must lOG BUFFO w'* must be formed, sucli as we see on the surface of racUed matters grown cold : that the high- est mountains, all composed of vitrifiable matters, existed and take their date from that moment, vvhich is also that of the seperation of the great masses of air, water, and earth ; that afterwards, during the long space of lime which the diminution of the heat of the globe to the point of present temperature supposes, there were made in these mountains, which. T\ere tlie parts most exposed io the action of external causes, an inftnity of fusions, sub-» limatioris, aggregations, and transformations, by the fire of the sun, and all the o her causes vhich this great heat rendered more active^ than they at present are, and that consequently we must refer back to this date the format iort of metals and minerals which we find in great masses, and in thick and continued veins. The violent fire of inflamed earth, after having raised up and reduced into vapours all that was volatile, after having driven off from its internal parts the matters which compose the atmosphere and the sea, and at the same time sublimated all the least fixed parts of the earth, raised them up and deposited them in every void space, in all the cavities which formed on the surface in proportion as it cooled ; this, then, is the origin and the gradation of the situation NATURAL HISTDRV. 107 sitttntioh nhd formation of vitrifinble matters ■which fire lias dividct], formed andsubUmated After this first establishment (and ^vhich still subsists) of vitrifiable matters and minerals into a gt-eat mnss, whicli can be attributed to the action of fir(3 alone, water which till then formed with Air only a vast volume of vapours, begiin to take its present slate ; it collected and covered the greatest part of the surface of the earth, on which, finding itself agitated by a cohtiliualflux aud reflirx, by the action bf ^Viiids arid heat, it began to act on thfe works of fire: it changed, by degrees, the superfici^ of vitrifiable matters ; it transported the wrecks rtnd deposited them in the form of sediments ; it nourished shell-ahiraals,it collected their shells, produced calcareous stones, formed hills and mountains, which becoming afterwards dry, received in their cavities all the mineral mat- ters they could dissolve or contain. To establish a general theory on the for- mation of Minerals, we must begin then by distinguishing with the greatest attention, first, those which have been prod need by the pri- tnttive fire of the earth while it was burning witli heat ; secondly, those which have been farmed (torn the waste ofthe first by the means pf water; and thirdly, those which in vol- cafio^i 103 buffon's canosj or other subsequent conflagration^ have a second time undergone the proof of a violent heat. These three objects arc very distinct, and comprehend all the mineral kingdom; by not losing sight of them, and by connecting each substance, we pan scarcely be deceived in its origin, or even in the degrees of its formation. All minerals which are found in masses, or large veins in our high moun- tains, must be referred to the sublimation of the primitive fire ; all those which are found in small ramifactions, in threads or in vegeta- tions, have been formed only from the waste of the first hurried away by the stillation of ■waters. We are evidently convinced of this, hy comparing the matter of the iron mines of Sweden with that of our own. These are the immediate work of water, and we see them formed before our eyes ; they are not at- tracted by the load stone ; they do not contain any sulphur,and are found only dispersed in the earth ; the restare all more or less sulphureous, all attracted by the load stone, which alone sup- poses that they have undergone the action of fire ; they are disposed in great, liard, and solid masses: and their substance is mixed with a quantity of asbestos, another index of the action of fire. Iti^the same with other metals: their ancient foundation comes from fire, and all NATURAJL IIISTORY. 109 all their great masses have been united by its action ; but all their crystallizations, vegeta= tions, granulations, &c. are due to the second- ary causes, in which water is the primary assent. EXPERIMENTS ON THE PROGRESS OF HEAT IN MINERAL SUBSTANCES. I CAUSED ten bullets to be made of forged and beaten iron ; the first, of half-inch diame- ter; the second, of an inch; and soon pro- gressively to five inches : and as all the bullets were made of iron of the same forg^e, their weights were found nearly proportionable to their volumes. The bullet of half an inch weighed 190 gr(iins, Paris weight ; that of an inch, 1522 grains; that of an inch and a half, bl36 grains; that of two inches, 12173 grains; that of two inches and an half, 23781 grains ; that of three inches, 41085 grains ; that of three inches and a half, 65':^5ii grains; that of four inches, 97S88 grains ; that of ftnir inches an4 IK) buffok's a^d an half, i^8179 grains; and that of five inches, 190211 grains. All these weights were taken with very good scales, and those bnllets which were found too heavy, were filed. While these bullets were making, the ther- mometer exposed to the open air was at the freezing point, or some degrees below ; but \n the pit where the bullets w^ere suffered (o cool, the thermonicler was nearly ten degrees above that point ; that is to say, to the degree of tem- perature of the pits of the observatory, and it is this defirree which! liave here taken for that of tlie actual temperature of the earth. To know the exact moment of their cooling to this actual temperature, other bullets of the same matters, diameters, and not heated, were juadc use of for comparison, and which were felt at the same time as the others. By the ira* mediate touch of the hand, or two hands, on the two bullets, we could judge of the moment yfhcn they were equally cold; and as the greater or less smoothness or roughness of bodies makes a great difference to the touch ; (a smooth body, w^hether hot or cold, ap- pearing much more so than a rough body, even of the same matter, although they are both equally so) I took care that the cold bul- lets NATURAL HISTORY. Ill lets were rou^gh, and like those \vhich bad been heated, \^ hose surfaces wJ, 93, 147, 201, 255, S09, 363, 417, 471, 5:5 minutes, and the continuation of the real lime of this cooling is found, by the preceding experiments, to be 39, 93, 145, 196j 248, 308, 356, 415, 466, 522 minutes, which approaches also nearest to the first* I made the like experiments upon the same bullets twice or thrice, but found I could only rely on the first, because each time the bullets were heated they lost a considerable part of their weight, which was occasioned not only by the falling off of the parts of the surface reduced into scoria, but also by a kind of dry- ing, or internal calcination, which diminishes the weight of the constituent parts, insomuch that it appears a strong fire renders the iron specifically lighter each time it is heated; and I have found, by subsequent experiments, tfiat this diminution of weight varies much, ac- cording to the different quality of the iron. Experience has also confirmed me in the opi- nion, that the duration of heat, or the time VOL. x» Q taken IM buffon's taken up in cooling of iron, is not in a smaller, as stated in a passage of Newton, but in a larger ratio than that of the diameter. Now if we would enquire how long it would require for a globe as large as the earth to cool, "we should find, after the preceding experi- ments, that instead of 50,000 jears, which Newton assigns for the earth to cool to the pre- sent temperature, it would take 42,964 years, 221 days, to cool only to the point where it would cease to burn, and 86,667 years and 132 days, to cool to the present temperature. It might only be supposed, that the refrige- ration of the earth should be considerably in- creased, because we imagine that refrigeration is performed by the contact of the air, and that there is a great difference between the time of refrigeration in the air and in vacuo; and supposing that the earth and air cool in the same time in vacuo, this surplus of tim« should be reckoned. But, in fact, this dif- ference of time is very inconsiderable, for though the density of the medium, in which a body cools, makes something on the dura- tion of the refrigeration, yet this effect is much less than might he imagined, since in mercury, which is eleven thousand times denser than air, it is only requisite to plunge bodies into it about NATURAL HISTORY. |15 about nirre times as often as is required to pro- duce the same refrigeration in air. The prin- cipal cause of refrigeration is not, therefore, the contact of the ambient medium, but the expansive force which animates the parts of heat and fire, which drives them out of the bodies wherein they reside, and impels them directly from the centre to the circumference. By comparing the time employed in the preceding experiments to heat the iron globes, with that requisite to co(A them, ^^e find that they may be heated till they become white in one sixth part and a half of the time they take to cool, so as to be held in the hand, and about one fifteenth and a half of that to cool to ac- tual temperature, so that there is a great error in the estimate which Newton made on the heat communicated by the sun to the comet of 1680, for that comet having been exposed to the violent heat of the sun but a short time, could receive it only in proportion thereto, and not only in so great a degree as that au- thor supposes. Indeed, in the passage alluded to, he considers the heat of red-hot iron much less than in fact it is, and he himself states it to be, in a Memoir, entitled, The Scale of Heat, published in the Philosophical Trans- actions of 1701, which was many years after 116 buffon's the publication of h'ls prwcjples. We see in that excellent Memoir, which includes the germ of all the ideas on which thermometers have since been constructed; that Newton, after very exact experiments, makes the heat of boiling water to be three times greater than that of the sun in the height of summer ; that of melted tin, six times greater ; that of melted lead, eight times; that of melted rogulus, twelve times; and that of a common culinary fire, sixteen or seventeen times ; hence we may conclude, that the heat of iron, when heated so as to become white, is still greater, since it requires a fire continually animated by tho bellows to heat it to that degree. Newton seems to be sensible of this, for he says, that the heat of iron in that state seems to be seven or eight times greater than that of boiling water. This diminishes lialfthe heat of this comet, compared to that of liot iron. But this diminution, which is only relative, is nothing in itself, nor nothing in comparison with that real and very great diminution which results from our first consideration. For the comet to have received this heat a thousand times greater than that of red-hot iron, it must have remained a very long time in the vicinity ©f the sun, whereas it only passed very rapidly at NATURAL IIISTOHY. 117 at a small distance. It was on the Stli of De- cember, 16S0, at ~oo distance from the earth to the centre of the sun ; but 24 hours before, and as many after, it was at a distance six times greater, and where the heat was consc" quently 36 times less. To know then the quantity of this heat com- municated to the comet by the sun, we here find how we should make this estimation tole- rably just, and, at ihc same time, make tlie comparison with hot iron by the means of my experiments. We shall suppose, as a fact, that this comet took up 666 hours to descend from the point where it then was, and which point was at an equal distance as the earth is from the sun, consequently it received an equal heat to what the earth receives from that luminary, and which I here take for unity ; we shall likewise suppose that the comet took 666 hours more to ascend from the lowest point of its perihe- lium to this same distance; and supposing also its motion uniform, we shall perceive, that the comet being at the lowest point of its perihelium, that is, to yoVo ^^ the distance from the earth to the sun, the heat it received in that motion was 27,766 times greater than that the earth receives. By giving to this Hiotion a duration of 80 minutes, viz. 40 for its descent. 118 UUi'FON's descent, and 40 for its ascent, we sball have, at 6 distance, 27,776 heat duvini^ 80 minutes at 7 distance 20,408 heat also during 80 mi- nutes, and at S distance 13,625 heat during 80 minutes, and thus, successively, to the distance of 1000, where the heat is one. By summing up the quantity of heat at each dis- tance we shall find ^63,110 to be the total of the heat the comet has received from the sun, as much in descending as in ascending, which must be multiplied by the time, that is, by four thirds of an hour; we shall then have 484,547, which divided by 2,000 represents the solid heat the earth received in this time of 1332 hours, since the distance is always 1,300, and the heat always equals one. Thus we sliall have 242, aV^ for the heat the comet received more than the earth during the wliole time of its perihelium instead of 28,000, as Newton supposed it, because he took only the extreme point, and paid no attention to the very small duration of time. And this heat must still be diminished 242,^^, because the comet ran, by its acceleration, as much more way in the same as it was nearer the sun. But by neglecting this diminution, and ad- mitting that the comet received a heat nearly 242 times greater than that of our summer's sun, and, consequently 177 times greater ^^^an that NATURAL HISTORY. 119^ fhat of hot iron, according to Newton's esti- mation, or only ten minutes greater according to this estimation ; it must be supposed, that give a heat ten times greater than that of red Lot iron, it required ten times more time ; that is to say, 1332; consequently, we may compare the comet to a globe of iron heated by a forge fire for 13320 hours, to lieat it to a whiteness. Now we find by calculation from ray expe- riments, that with a forge fire, we can heat to a whiteness a globe whose diameter is 228342 J inches in 799200 minutes, and, consequently, the whole mass of the comet to be heated to the point of iron to a whiteness, during the short time it was exposed to the heat of the sun, could only be 2233421 inches in diameter ; and even then it must have been struck on all sides, and at the same time, by the light of the sun. Thus comets, when they approach the sun, do Jiot receive an immense nor a very durable heat, as Newton says, and as we at the first view might be inclined to believe. Their stay is so short in the vicinity of the sun, that their masses have not time to be heated, and besides only part of their surface is exposed to it ; this part is burnt by the extreme heat, which by 120 buffom's by calcining and volatilizing the matter of this surfkce, drives it outwardly in vapours and dust from the opposite side to the sun ; and what is called the tail of the comet, is nothing else than the light of the sun rendered visible, as in a dark room, by those atoms which the heat lengthens as it is more violent. But another consideration very different and infinitely more important, is, that to apply the result of our experiments and calculation to the comet and earth, we must suppose them composed of matters which would demand as much time as iron to cool: whereas, in reality, the principal matters of which the terrestrial globe is composed, such as clay, stones, &c. cannot possibly take so long. To satisfy myself on this point, I caused globes of clay and marl to be made, and having heated them at the same forge until white, I found that the clay balls of two inches, cooled inSS minutes so as to be held in thehand ; those of two inches and an half, in 48 minutes ; and those of three inches, in 60 minutes ; w liich being compared with tlie time of the refri- geration of iron bullets of the same diameters, give 38 to 80 for two inches, 48 to 102 for two inches and a half, and 60 to 127 for three NATURAL HISTORY. 1^1 three ihclies ; so that only half the time is re- quired for the refrigeration of clay, to what is necessary for iron. I found also, that lumps of clay, or marl^ of two inches, refrigerated so as to be held in the hand in 45 minutes ; those of two inches and a half in 58 ; and those of three inches in 75, which being compared with the time of refrigeration of iron bullets of the same dia- meters, gives 46 to SO for two inches, 58 to 102 for two inches and a half, and 75 to 127 for three inches, which nearly form the ratio of 9 to 5 ; so that for the refrigeration of clay, more than half the time is required than for iron. It is necessary to observe, that globes of clay iieated white, lost more of their weight than iron bullets, even to the ninth or tenth part of their weight : whereas marl heated in the same jfire, lost scarcely any thing, although the whole surface was covered over with scales, and reduced into glass. As this appeared sin- gular, I repeated the experiment several times, increasing the fire, and continuing it longer than for iron ; and although it scarcely requir- ed a third of the time to redden marl, to what it did to redden iron, I kept them in the fire thrice as long as was requisite, io sec if they would lose more, but I found very trifling di- TOL. X. R miziulions ; 129 BUFFO N*S mwiutions ; for fhe globe of two inches lieated foe eight minutes, which weighed seven ounces^ two drachms, and thirty grains, before it was put in tlie fire, lost only forty-one grains, which docs not make a hundredth part of its weight ; and that of three in ches,wliich weighed twenly-four ounces, five drachms, and thirteen grains, having been heated by the fire for eighteen minutes, that is nearlj^ as much as iron^, l©st only seventy-eight grains, which does riot make the hundredth and eighty-first part of its weight. These losses are so trifling, that it may be looked upon, in general, as cer** taialhat pure clay loses nothing of its weight in the fire ; for those trifling diminutions were certainly occasioned by the ferruginous parts wliich were found in the clay, and which were in part destroyed by the fire. It is also worthy" of observation, that the duration of heat in difierenLmatters exposed to the same fire for an equal time, is always in the same proijortion, whether tlie degree of heat begreatt?ror smaller. , I have made similar experiments on globes of maib)e, stone, lead^ and tin, by a heat only strong enough to melt tin, and I found, that iron refrigerated in eighteen minutes, so as to be able to liold it in the hand, marble refri- gerated to the same degree in twelve minutes, stone iu eleven, lead in nine, and tin in eiglit. It JfATURAL HISTORY. 125 it is not, therefore, in proportion to their den- tsitj, as is commonly supposed, that bodies receive and lose more or less heat, but iti an inverse ratio of their solidity; that is, of their greater or lesser non JIuid'df/ ; so that, by the game heat, less time is requisite to Iteiit or cool the most dense fluid. To prevent the suspicion of vainly dwelling upon assertion, I think it necessary to remark iipon what foundation I build this theory ; I have found that bodies which should heat in ratio of their diameters, could be only those which were perfectly permeable to heat, and would heat or cool in the same time ; hence, I concluded that fluids, whose par(s are only held together by a slight connection, might approach nearer to this perfect permeability than solids, whose parts have more cohesion. In consequence of this, I made ex[3eriments, by which I found, that with the same heat all fluids, however dense they might be, heat and cool more readily than any solids, howev»er light, so that mercury, for example, heats much more readily than wood, although it be fifteen or sixteen times more dense. This made me perceive that the progress of heat in bodies cannot, in any case, be made relatively io their density ; and I have found by 124 buffon's by experience, that this progress, sis well in solids as fluids, is made rather by reason of their fluidity, or in an inverse ratio of their so- lidity. I mean by solidili/ the quality oppo- site to fluidity ; and I say, that it is in an in- verse ratio of this quality that the progress of heat is made in both bodies ; and that they lieat or cool so much the faster as they are the more fluid, and so much the slower as thoy arc more solid, every otlier circumstance being equal. To prove that solidity, taken in this sense, is perfectly independent of density, I have found, by experience, that the most or least dense matters, heat or cool more readily than other more or less dense matters, for example, gold or lead, which are much more dense than iron and copper, heat and cool much quicker ; while tin and marble, which are not so dense, heat and cool much faster than iron and cop- per ; and there arc likewise many other mat- ters which come under the same description ; so that density is in no manner relative to the scale of the progress of heat in solid bodies. It is likewise the same in fluids, for I have observed, that quicksilver, which is thirteen or fourteen times more dense than water, never- theless heats and cools in less time than water ; and NATURAL HISTORY. 125 and spirit of wine, which is less dense than water, heats and cools much quicker ; so that generally the progress of heat in bodies, as well witli regard to tlie ingress as egress, has no affinity with their density, and is principally made in the ratio of their fluitlity, by extend- ing the fluidity to a solid ; from hence I con- cluded, that wc should know thereat degree of fluidity in bodies, by heating them to the same heat ; for their fluidity would be in a like ratio as that of the time during which they would receive and lose this heat ; and that it would be the same with solid bodies. They will bo so much the more solid, that is tosay, so much the more nonjluids^ as they require more time to receive and lose this heat, and that almost generally to what I presume; for I have al- ready tried these experiments on a gr^at num- ber of different matters, and from them I have made a table, which I have endeavoured to render as complete and exact as possible. I caused several globes to be made of an inch diameter witli the greatest possible pre- cision, from the following matters, which nearly represent the Mineral kingdom. M. Tillet, of the Academy of Sciences, made the globe of refined gold at my particu- lar i2Q buffon's lar request, and the whole of tjiem weighed as follows : oz. d. gr. jGoM - - J 6 2 17 I.ead - - - 3 6 28 Pure silver - - 3 3 22 Bismuth - - - 3 0 3 €opper-red - - 2 7 56 Iron . - - 2 5 10 Tin - - - 2 3 48 Antimony melted, and which had small cavities on its surface 2 1 34 Fine - - - 2 12 Emery - - - 1 2 24f White marble - - 1 0 25 Pure clay - - 0 7 24 Marble common of Montbard 0 7 20 White gypsum, improperly called Alabaster - - 0 6 3Q Calcareous white stone of the quarry of Aiiicres, near Dijon - 6 6 6 Rock chry&tal : it was a little too small, and had many defects. I presume that without them it would have weighed - 0 6 22 Common glass - - 0 6 21 Pure OZ. ( 0 0 d. gr. 6 16 5 9 fa- 0 0 5 2i 4 49 NATURAL HISTORY. 1:27 Pure earth, very dry Olver Porcelain of the Court de Laura- guais White chalk Cherry wood, i^feicli although lighter than most other woods, is that which takes in the least fire 0 1 59 1 must here observe, that a positive conclii" sion must not be made of the exact specific weight of each matter from the preceding table, for notwithstanding t lie precaution thai was taken to render the globes equal, yet, as I was obliged to employ different workmen ^ some were too large, and others too small. Those which were more than an inch diameter were diminished, but those of rock chrystal, glass and porcelain, which were rather too small, we suffered to remain, and only rejected those of agate, jasper, and porphyry, which were sensibly so. This precision in size was however not absolutely necessary, for it could very little alter the result of my experiments. Previously to ordering these globes, I exposed to a like degree of fire, a square mass of iron^ and another of lead of two inches diameter,and found, by reiterated essays, that lead lieated and 123 bttffon's and cooled in much less time tlian iron. I made the same experiment on red copperj and that TCt]uircd more time to heat and cool than lead, and less than iron. So that of these three mat- ters, iron appeared the least accessible to hcaf, and, at the same time, that Avhich retained it the longest. From which I learn that the law of the progress of heat in bodies was not proportionable to their density, since lead, which is more dense than iron or copper, ne- vertheless heats and cools in less time than either. As this object appeared important, I was induced to have these globes made, and to be more perfectly satisfied of the progress of heat in a great number of different matters, I always placed the globes at an inch distance from each other, before the same fire, or in the same oven, 2, 3, 4, or 5, together w ith a globe of tin in the midst of them. In most of my ex- periments I suffered them to be exposed to the same active fire till the globe of tin began to melt, and at that instant they were all remov- ed, and placed on a table in small cases. I suffered them to cool without moving, often trying whether I could touch them, and the moment they left offburning,and I could hold them in my hands half a second, I marked the time which had passed since I drew them from the JfATURAL HISTORY. 159 the fire. I afterwards suflfered them to cool to the actual temperature, of whicli I endeavoured to judge by means of touching other small globes of the same matters that had not been heated. Of all the matters which I put to the trial, there was only sulphur which melted ina less degree of heat than tin, and notwithstand- ing its disagreeeble smell I should have taken it for a term of comparison, but being a brittle matter which diminishes by friction, I pre- ferred tin, although it required nearly double the heat to melt. Having heated together bullets of iron, cop- per, lead, tin, gres, arid Moiitbard marble, they cooled in the following order : So as to be held in the hand for To actual temperature. half a second. Min. Min, Tin in - - 6| In - - - 16 Lead in - - S In - - - 17 Gresin - - D In - - - 19 Common marble in 10 In - - - 21 Copper in - l\\ In - - - 30 Iron in - - IS In - . - SS l^y a second experiment with a fiercer fire, sufficient to melt the tin bullet, the five others cooled . VOL. X, S So 130 BUJFFON S So as to he hddinthe hand. To ' actual tefii pet afar e. Min. Min' Lead in • m In - - - 42 Gres in - m In - - - 46 Common marble m In - - - 50 Copper - m In - - - 51 Iron . 231 In - . - 54 By a third experiment, with a less degree of fire than the preceding, the same bullets with a fresh tin buUetj cooled in the following maimer. So as to be held in the hand. To actual ' temperature. Min. Mitt. Tin in '• n In - - - 25 Lead in ' n In - - - 25 Gres in - lOi In - - . 37 Common marble 12 In - - - S9 Copper - 14 In - - - 44 Iron - 17 In - - - 50 From these experiments, which I made with as much precision as possible, we may con- clude, first, that the time of refrigeration of iron, so as to be held in the hand, is to that of copper : : 53| : 45, and so to the point of temperature : : 142 : 125. 2dly, That the time of refrigeration of iron, so as to be held in the hand, is to that of the first refrigeration of common marble : : 5S| : 35f and their entire refrigeration « : 142 : 110. Sdly, NATURAL HISTORY. 131 Sdly, that the time of Tefrigeration of iron, to that of gres, so as to be held in the hand, is : : 53| : S2 and : : 142 : 102^, for their en- tire refrigeration. 4thly, That the time of refrigeration of iron 64 — 7059 Antimony NjlTUIlAL HISTORV* Ml Antimony Gvpsum Wood First Entire Refrig. Reirig. 10000 fo 73 >s— 6 ro to 4368—5000 to 2368—4828 GLASS, ^Tith Lead Tin Clay Porcelain Oker Chalk Gvpsum Wood 10000 tof^SIS— 8548 to9 07— 86"9 to 7938—7643 to 7^.fJ2— 8863 - — to 628^>— 6500 to 6104—6195 to 4160—6011 to 2647—5514 Tin Stone soft Clay Bismuth Antimony Oker Chalk Gypsum LEAD, with 8ooa 10000 to 8695 to 8437—7192 -— to 7878—8536 to 8698—8750 to 8241—8201 to 6060—7073 to 5714—6111 to 4736—5714 Clay Bismuth Antimony Oker TIN, with 10000 to 8823—9524 . to 8889—9400 to 8710—9156 to 5882—7619 Chalk 14S buffon's Chalk Gypsum First Entire Refrig. Refrig. 10000 to 6394 6842 to 4090 4912 STONE CALCAREOUS SOFT, ^ith Antimony Chalk Gypsum 10000 to 7742—9342 r to 7288—7312 to 4182—5211 CLAY, with 15ismutb Oker Chalk Gypsum AYood 10000 (o 8870— 94J6 — _ to 8400—8571 to 7701 8000 to 5186- 8055 to 3437 4545 BISMUTH, ^ilh A ntimony Oker Chalk 10004 to 9349—9572 to 8846 7380 to 8020—9500 PORCELAIN, with Gj^psura lOOOO to 5301 6500 ANTIMONY, with Chalk Gypsum 10000 to 8431—7391 to 3833 5476 OKER, with Chalk Gypsum ^yood 10000 to 8954—8889 — _ to 6364—9062 ■- — to 4074—5128 CHALK, NATURAL IIISTORT. 113 First Entire Refrig. Refri^. CHALK, with Gypsum - - lOOOO to 6667— 7920 GYPSUM, with Wood - - 10000 to 8000 ---5260 Pumice-stone - to 7009—4560 WOOD, with Pumice-stone - 10000 to 8730—8182 Notwithstanding the assiduity I used in my experiments, aiid the care I took (o render the relations exact, I own there are still some im- perfections in the foregoing table ; but the de- fects are trivial, and do not much influence the general results ; for example, it will easily be perceived, that (he relation of zinc to lead being 10,0000 to 6,0,51, that of zinc to tin should be less than 6,000, whereas it is found 6,777 in the table. It is tlie same with respect of silver to bismuth, which ought to be less than 6,308, and also with regard of lead to clay, which ought to be more than 8,000, but in the table is only 7,878. This difference proceeded from the leaden and bismuth bullets not being always the same ; they melted, as well as those of tin and antimony, and, there- fore, could not fail to produce variations, the S:reatest 144; buffon's greatest of wbicli are the three I have just re- marked. It was not possible for me to do better; the different bullets of lead, tin, bis- muth, and aniimony, ^vJiich I successively made use of, were made in the same manner, bul the matter of each might be somewliat dif- ferci'.t, according; to the quantity of the alloy in the lead and tin, for I liad pure tin only tor the two first bullets; besides, there remains very often a small cavity in the melted bullet, and these little causes are sufficient to produce the litlle differences which may be remarked in the table. On the whole, to draw from these experi- ments all the profit that can be expected, the matters which compose their object mustbcdi- vided into four classes, viz. 1. Metals. 2 Se- mi-metals and Metallic Minerals. 3. Vitreous and Vitrescible Substances. And 4. Calca- reous andCalcinable substances. Afterwards the matters of each class mu t be compared between themselves to discover the cause, or causes, or the order w hic!i folio .vs the progress of heat in each, and ihen with each other, in order to deduce some general results. First. The order of ihc six metals, accord- ing to their densiU/, is tin, iron, copper, silver, lead, and gold; v.hereas the order in which they NATURAL HISTORY. 145 tliey receive and lose their heat is tin, lead, sil- ver, gold, copper, and iron ; so that in tin alone it retains its place. The progress and duration of heat in metals erfect, proper, and particular metal, different from all the rest ; they have asserted, tliat i(s specific weight was nearly equ^l to that of gold; • Ijut that it essentially differed in other respects from gold, having neither ductility nor fusibi- lity. I own I am of a quite contrary opinion ; because a matter which has neither ductility nor fusibility, cannot rank in the number of metals, * I have been assured, however, by a person of the first respectability, that piatina is sometimes found in masses, and that he himself saw a piece that weighed twenty pounds, pure as it was extracted from the mine. loS BUFFO n's Kielals, whose essential and common pro» periies are to be ductile and fusible. JNeithcr, aitcr a very careful examiuationj did pl.iiina appear (o nie a new metal different from every olker, but rather an alloj of iron and gold formed by Nature, in which the quantity of gold predominated over the iron ; ai.d J found* ed this Oj7inion on tlie following facts : Of S ounces 85 grains of plutina, furnished mc by Comied'AngiviilitTs, yvhich 1 presented to a fetrong loadbtane, there remained only 1 ©ujice, i dram, awd 98 grains, all ihe rest was taken avvay by the loadstone ; tii ere fore, nearly six-scvcmiis ot the whole was attracted by thq loadstene, \Yliich is so considerable a quantity, that it is iiriposbibte to suppose that iron is not contained intheintimaie substance of platiiia, b«t that it is even there in a very great quan- tity. I am convinced it contains much more, for ii 1 had not been weary of these experi- naents, which took me up several days, I should have attracted a great part of the remainder of the 8 ounces by my loadstone, for to the last it continued to draw some grains one by one, and sometimes two. l here is, therefore, iMuch iron in platina, and it is not simply jMixed with il, as with a foreign matter, but in- limately united and making part of it» bubf stance i NATURAL HISTORY. I^ stance; or, if this is denied, it must be sup- posed, that there exists a second matter m Nature which like iron may be attracted by the loadstone. All the platina I have had an opportunity of examining, has appeared to be mixed with two different matters, the one black, and very at- tractable by the loadstone ; iha other in larger grains, of a pale yellow, and much less mag- netic than the first. Between tliese two mat- ters, which are the two extremes, are found all the intermediate links, whether with respect- to magnetism, colour, or size of the grains. The most magnetic, which are at tlie same time the blackest and smallest, reduce easily into jwwder by a very slight friction, and leaye on white papier the same marks as lead. Seven leaves of paper which were .successively made use of to expose the platina to the action of the loadstone, were blackened over the whole extent occupied by it ; the la»t left less tlian the first, in proportion as the grains which remain- ed were less black and magnetic ; the largest grains, which are yellow, and least magnetic, instead of crumbling into powder like the small black grains, are very hard, and resist all ' trituration ; nevertheless, tlicy are SLi>ceplit)ie of extension in an agate mort;tr, under tlie reiterated strokes of a pestle of the same mat- ter. ]60 buffon's ter, and I flaUened and extended many grains to the double or treble cxtoiit of tbcir surface : this part of platina, therefore, has a certain degree of malleabiiitj', and duclility, whereas the black part appears to be neither malleable nor ductile. The intermediate grains parti- cipate of the qualities of the two extremes : they are brittle and hard, tliey break or ex- tend under the strokes of the pestle, and afford a little powder not so black as the £rst. Having collected this black powder and the most magnetic grains that the loadstone at first attracted, I discovered that the whole A^as iron, but in a different state from common iron. The latter reduced into powder and filings contracts moisture, and rusts very readily ; in proportion as the rust increases, it becomes less magnciic, and absolutely loses this magnetical quality when entirely and in- timately rusted; whereas this iron powder, or ferruginous sand found in Iheplatina, is inac- cesssible to rust, how long soever it may be exposed to the air and humidity; it is also more infusible and much less dissoluble than common iron; but is, nevertheless, an iron V, liich appears to differ only from common iron by a greater purity. This sand is, in fact, iron divested of all llie combustible matter and all terrene paits wliich are found in common iron, and NATURAL HISTORY. 161 and rven in stx^el. It appears endowed and co- vered with a Wtreous varnish which defends it from all injury. What is very rcnarkable, this pure iroR sand does not exclusively belong to the platinaore; for I have found it, although always in small quantities, in many par(s where theiron ore has been dug, and which consumed in my forges. As I submilted to several trials all the ores I had, before I used ihem in rny t;xpcrimen(s, I was surprised to find in some of them, which were in grains, parlicles of iron, somewhat rounded and shining, like the tilings of iron, and perfectly resembling the ferruginous sand of the platina ; they were all as magnetic, all as little fusible, and all as dif- ficult of solution. Such was the result of the comparison I made on the sand of platina, and of the sand found in both my iron ores, at the depth of three feei, in earths where wa- ter easily ]3enctrated. 1 was puzzled to conceive whejice these particles of iron could proceed, how they had been defended against rust for the ages they were exposed to the humidify of the earth, and how this very magnetical iron had been produced in veins of mines, which had not the smallest degree of that qua- lify. I called experience to my aid, and became at lengfh satisfed upon these points. I was TOI-- X. Y well 1C2 buffon's well convinced that none of our iron ores in grain were tractable by the loadstone, and well persuaded that all iron ores, which are magnetical, have acquired that property only by the action of fire : that the mines of the north, which are so raagnelical as lobe sought after by the compass, must owe their origin to .fire, and are formed by the means, or the inter- medium of water; from which I was induced to suppose that this ferruginous and magnetic sand, that I found in a small quantity in my iron mines, must owe its origin to fire, and having examined the place I was confirmed in this idea. This magneticul sand is found in a wood, where, from time immemorial, they have made, and still continue to make, coal furnaces. It is likewise more than probable that there were formerly considerable fires here. Coal and burnt wood produce iron dross, whicli includes the most fixed parts of iron that vegetables contain ; it is this fixed iron which forms tlie sand here spoken of, when thtf dross is decomposed by the action of the air, sun, and rain, for then these pure iron parti- cles, which arc not subject to rust, nor to any otlier kind of alteration, suffer themselves to be carried away by tlie water, and penetrate with it some feet deep into the earth. What I here advance NATURAL IIISTORf r 163 advance may be verified by grinding the dross well burnt, and there will be found a small quantify of this pure iron, which, having re- sisted the action of tlie fire, equally resists that of the solvents, and does not rust at all. Being satisfied on this head, and having sufficiently compared the sand and dross ta- ken from th« iron ores with that of the platina, so as to have no doubt of their identity, it was not long before I was led to conclude, consi- dering the specific gravity of platina, that if this pure iron sand, (proceeding from the de- composition of dross) instead of being in an iron mine, was found near to a gold one, it might, by uniting with tliat metal, form an al- loy which would be absolutely of the same na- ture as platina. Gold and iron have a great affinity ; and it is well-known that most iron mines contain a small quantity of gold ; it is also known how to give to gold the tint, co- lour, and even the brittleness of iron, by fusing them together. This iron-coloured gold is used on difl:erent golden jewels to vary the co- lours ; and this gold mixed witli iron is more or less grey, and more or less tempered, accord- ing to the quantity of iron which enters the mixture. I have seen it of a tint absolutely like the colour of platina ; and having enquir- ed 164 buffon's cd of a goldsmith the proportion of gold anej iron (herein, he informed rac, (hat in a piece of 'i4 carats, there were no more than 18 gold, consequently a fourth p irt was iron, which is nearly the propartion found in (he natural pla- tina, if we judge of it by the specific weight; and this gold made with iron is harder and specifically less weighty than pure gold. All these agreements and common qualities with platina, have persuaded me, that this pretend- ed metal is, in fact, only an alloy of gold and iron, a!)d not a particular substance, a new and perfect metal different from every other, as cbeinis(s have supposed. It is well known \hal alloy makes all me(ais brittle, and that when there is a penetration, that is, an augmentation in the specific gravity j the alloy is so much the more tempered as the penetration is the greater, and the mixture be- comes the more intimate, as is {perceived in the alloy crdled bell-metal, although it be com- posed of two very ductile metals. Now no- thing is more tempered, nor heavier than pla- tina, which alone ought io make us conclude that it is only an alloy made by Nature, a mixture of iron and gold, owing in part its fpecific gravity to this last, and, perliaps, al- so, in a great part, to the i>enet ration of the two matters of which it is composed. As NATUR^Ii HISTORY. 1G5 As this matter, heated alone and without any addition, is very difScult to reduce into a mass, as by the fire of a burning mirror we caa obtain only very snaall masses, and as fhe hy- drostaticnl experiments made on small vo- lumes are so defective, that we can not conclude any thing therefrom, it appears to me that the chemists bave been deceived in their estima- tion of the specific gravity of this mineral. I put some powder of gold in alitde quill, whicli I weighed very exactly ; I put in the same quill an equal yolume of platina, and it weigh- ed nearly . a tenth less ; but this gold powder was much too fine in comparison of the pla- tina. M. Tiiiet, who besides a profound know- ledge of metals, possessed the talent of mak- ing experiments with the greatest precision, repeated, at my request, this experiment up- on the s|)ecific weight of the platina, com pared to pure gold; for tliis purpose, he, like me, made use of a quill, and cut gold of 24 c:irats, reduced as much as possible to the size of the grains of platina, and he found, by eight ex- periments, that the weight of platina differed from that of pure gold very near a fifteenth? but we both observed that the grains of gold had much sh a per angles than the platina: all the angles of the latter were blunt, and even soft, whereas the grains of this gold had sharp and I^ buffon's and culting angles, so that they could not adjust themselves, nor heap one on the other as easily as those of platina. The gold pow- der I had before made use of Tyas such as is found in river sand, whose grains adjust them- selves much better one anjainst the otlier, and I found a about a tenth difference between the specific weight of thoic and platina ; neverthe- less, those are not pure gold, more than tw^o or three carats beinsc often wantinrr, which must diminish the specific weight in the same rela- tion. Thus we have thongl^t we might main- tain, from the result of my experiments, that platina in grains;, and such as Nature produces if, is, at least, an eleventh, or twelfth, lighter than gold. There is every reason to presume that the error on tlie density of platina, pro- ceeded from is not having been weighed in its natural state, but only after it had been re- duced into a mass ; and as this fusion cannot be made but by the addition of other matters, and a very fierce fire, it is no longer pure pla- tina, but a composition in which fusing mat- ters are entered, and from which fire has taken the lightest parts. Platina, therefore,insteadofbeing of a density almost equal to that of pure gold, as has been asserted, is onlj^ density between that of gold and NATUHAL IIISTORY. 167 and iron, anclonly !>earer this :first metal than the last. For supposing that the cube foot of gold weighed 13:-61b and that of iron 280, that of platina in grains will be found to weigh about 11911b. which supposes more than | of gold to 5 of iron in this alloy, if there is no penetration ; but as we extract | by the load- stone, it might be thought, that there is more than I iron therein : especially as by conti- nuing this experiment, I am persuaded, we should be able, wit h a strong loadstone to bring away all the platina even to the last grain. Nevcrtlieless, we must not conclude that iron is contained therein in sogreat a quantity; for when it is mixed by the fusion with gold, the mass Xvhich results from this alloy is attractable by the loadstone, although the iron is in no great quantify therein. M. Baume had a piece of this alloy weigliingGG grains, in which was only entered 6 grains, that is, ^\- of iron, and this button was easily taken up by the load-- stone. Hence the platina might possibly con- tain only yV i**on, or fi gold, and yet be at- tracted entirely by the loadstone; and this per- fectly agrees with the specific weight which is ^V less than gold. .But what makv?s me presume, that plitina contains more than -^j of iron, or ff of gold, is t6S ijgpfon's is, that the alloy from fhis proportion is slill t)f the gold colour, and much yellower Ihaft the highest coloured platina, and that | iron, or I gold is requisite for the alloy to be pre* ciscly of the natural colour of platma. lam, therefore, greatly inclined to think that there might possibly be this quantity of | iron in platina. We were assured by many experi- wicnts, that Uic sand of this pure iron which contained platina, is heavier than the filings of common iron. Tlius, this cause, added to the efil'ct of penetration, is suflficient for th^ reason of this gre^it quantify of iron contained under the small volume indicated by the spe- cific weight of platina. On tlie whole, it is very possible that I may be deceived in some of the consequences which I have drawn from my observations on this metallic substance : for I ha\'e not been able to make so profound an examination as I cotildwish; and wha.t I say is only what I Iiave observed, which may perhaps serve as a stimulus to other and better researches. Chance led me to tell my ideas to Contc de Milly, who declared himself nearly of my opi- nion. I gave him the preceding remarks to inspect, and two days after he favoured me wit U NATURAL HISTORY. 169 with the following observations, and which he iias permitted me to publish. " I weighed exactly thirty-six grains of platina ; I laid them on a sheet of white paper that I might observe them the better with a -magnifying glass : I perceived three different substances; the first had the metallic lustre, and was the most abundant ; the second, draw- ing a LuIq on the black, very nearly resembled a ferruginous metallic matter, which could undergo a considerable degree of fire, such as the scoria of iron, vulgarly called mackefer: the third less abundant than the two first, i. e. sand, where the yellow, or topaz colour, is ih.6 most predominant. Each grain of sand, considered separate, offered (o the sight regu- lar chrystals of different colours. I remarked some in an hexagon form, terminating in pyramids like rock chrystal ; and this sand seems to be no otlier than a detritus of chrys- tal, or quartz of different colours* '' I resolved On separating, as exactly as possible,these different sub^ances, by means of the loadstone, and to put aside the parts most attractable by the Loadstone, from those which were less, and both from those which were not so at all ; then to examine each substance par« ticularly, and to submit them to different che- mical and mechanical heats, ^'OL. X. Z ^'l sepa- 170 buffom's '^ I separated these par(s of the platina which were briskly attracted at the distance of two or three lines ; that is to say, without the contact of the loadstone ; and for this experi- ment I made use of a good fictious magnet; I afterwards touched the metal with this mag* net, and carried ofFall that would yield to the magnctical ft.rce. Being scarcely any longer attractable, I weighed what remained, and whicli I shall call No. 4 ; it was twenty-four grains; No. 1, which was the most sensible to the magnet, weighed four grains; No. 2 weighed the same ; and No. 3, five grains " No. i , examined by the magnifying glass^ presented only a mixture of metallic parts, a white sand bordering on the greyish, flat and round, or black vitriform sand, resembling pounded scoria, in which very rusty parts are perceptible : in short, such as the scoria of iron presents after having been exposed to moisture. '' No. 2 presented nearly the same, except- ing that the metallic parts predominated, and that there were very few rusty particles. " No. 3 was the same, but the metallic parts were more voluminous ; they resembled melted metal which had been thrown into water to be granulated ; they were flat, and of all sorts of figures, rounded on the corners. No. 4, NATURAL HISTORY. 171 *^ No. 4, which had not been carrieJ off by the magnet (but some parts of which still af- forded marks of sensibility to magnetism , when the magnet was moved under the paper where they were in), was a mixture of sand, metallic parts, and real scoria, friable between the fin- gers, and which blackened in the same manner as common scoria. The sand seemed to be composed of small rock, (opaz, and cornelian chryslals. I broke some on a steel, and the powder was like varnish, reduced into powder ; I did the same to the scoria ; it broke with the greatest facility, and presented a black powder which blackened the paper like the common, *' The metallic parts of this last (So. 4) ap- peared more ductile under the hammer than those of No. 1, which made me imagine they contained less iron than the first : from whence it follows, that platina may possibly be no more than a mixture of iron and gold made by Na* ture, or perhaps by the hands of men. '' I endeavoured to examine, by every pos- sible means, the nature of platina: to assure myself of the presence of iron of platina by chemical means, I took No. 1, which was very attractable by the magnet, and No. 4, which was not; I sprinkled them with fuming spirit of nitre ; I immediately observed it with the microscope, but perceived nocfiorvcsccnce? I added 172 buffon's I added distilled water thereon, and it still made no motion, but the metallic parts ac- quired new brilliancy, like silver : I let this mixture rest for ^ve or six minutes, and hav- ing still added water, I threw some drops of alkaline liquor saturated with the colouring matter of Prussian blue, and very fine Prus- sian blue was afforded me on the first. ^* No. 4, treated in the same manner, gave the same result. There are two things very singular to remark in these experiments ; first, that it passes current among chemists who have treated on the platina, that aquafortis, or spirit of nitre, has no action on it. Yet, as I have just observed, it dissolves it sufficiently, though without effervescence, to afford Prus- sian blue, when we add the alkaline liquor phlogisticated and saturated with the colour- ing matter, which, as is known, participates iron into Prussian blue. ^' Secondly, Platina, which is not sensible. to the magnet, does not contain less iron, since spirits of nitre dissolves it enough, and without effervescence, to make Prussian blue. Whence it follows^ that this substance, winch modern chemists, perhaps toogreedy of the marvellous, and too willing to give something novel, have considered as a ninth metal, may possibly be only a mixture of gold and iron. '' Without NATURAL HISTORY. 175 << Without doubt there still require many experiments to determine bow this mixture has taken place, if it be the work of Nature or the effects of some volcano, or simply the produce of the Spaniards' kbours in the New World to acquire gold in the mines of Peru. " If we rub platina on white linen it black- ens it like common scoria, which made me suspect that it was the parts of iron reduced into scoria which are found in Uiis platina, and give it this colour, and which seem, in this slate, only to have undergone the action of a violent fire. Besides, having a second time examined platina with ray lens, I perceived therein different globules of liquid mercury, which made me suppose that platina might be the produce of the hands of man, in the follov/ing manner : — Platina, as I have been told, is taken out of the oldest mines in Peru, which the Spaniards explored after the con- quest of tlie New World. In those dark times only two methods were kriown of extracting gold from the sands wiiich contained it ; first, by an amalgarna with mercury ; secondly, by drying it. The golden sand was triturated with quicksilver, and when that was judged to be loaded with the greatest part of the gold, the sand was thrown away, which was named crass e, as useless and of i\Q value. "The 174 BUFFOX'S " The otber method was adopted with as little judgment ; in tvand vitrify, J>ut even to drive t)iiii \hiii of th^j iron^with other vitrescible nialtcr iifATURAL HISTORY. 193 mafter wliich it contains ; the fusion, never- theless, is not so complete as that of other per- fect metals, since, in grinding, it retakes the same figure as it had before fusion. EXPERIMENTS ON LIGHT, AND ON THE HEAT IT MAY PRODUCE. INVENTION OF MIRRORS TO BURN AT GREAT DISTANCES. THE story of the burning glasses of Archi- medes is famous ; he is said to have invented them for the defence of his country ; and he threw, say the ancients, the fire of the sun with such force on the enemy ^^ fleet, as to reduce it into ashes as it approached the ramparts of Syracuse. But this story, Avhich, for fifteen or sixteen centuries, was never doubled, lias been contradicted, and treated as fabulous in these latter ages. Descartes, with the authority of a master, has attacked this talent attributed to Archimedes; he has denied the possibility of the invention, nnd his opinion has prevailed VOL. X. C c over 194; buffon's over the testimonies and credit of llicancienls. Modern naturalists, either through a respect for their philosopher, or through complaisance for their contemporaries, have adopted the same opinion. Nothing is allowed (o the an- cients but what cannot be avoided. Deter- nained, perhaps, by these motives, of ^vhich self-love too often is the abettor, have we not naturally too much inclination to refuse what is due to our predecessors? and if, in our time, more is refused than was in any other, is it not that, by being more enlightened, we think we have more right to fame, and more pretensions to superiority ? Be that as it may, this invention was the cause of many other discovoi i( s of antiquity which are at present unknown, because the facility of denying them has been preferred to the trouble of finding them out ; and the burning glasses of Archimedes have been so decried, that it does not appear possible to re- establish their reputation ; for, to call the the judgment of Descartes in question, some- thing more is required than assertions, and there only remained one sure decisive mode, but at the same time difficult nnd bold, which was to undertake to discover glasses that might produce the like effects. Tliough NATURAL HISTOllY. 195 Though I had conceived the idea, I was for a long time deterred from making the experi- ment, from the dread of the difficulty which might attend it; at length, however, I deter- mined to search after the mode of makins: mirrors to burn at a great distance, as from 100 to 500 feet. I knew, in general, that the power of reflecting mirrors, never extended farther than 15 or 20 feet, and with refringent, the dis- tance was still siiortcr : and I perceived it was impossible in practice to form a metal, or glass mirror, with such exactness as to burn at these great distances. To have sufhcient pow- er for that, the sphere, for example, must be 800 feet diameter ; therefore, we could hope for nothing of that kind in the common mode of working glasses ; and I perceived also that if we could even find a new method to give to large pieces of glass, or metal, a curve suffi- ciently slight, there would still result but a very inconsiderable advantage. But to proceed regularly, it was necessary first to see how much light the sun loses by re- flection at different distances, and what are the matters which reflect it the stron^^^fst; I first found, ihii glasses when they are pjlished "with care, reflect the light more powiTlully than the best polished metals, aijd even bet- ter 1D6 buffon's tcr tlian tho compounded metal with which ■telescope mirrors are made ; and that although tliere are two reflectors in the glasses, they yet give a brighter and more clear light than metal. Secondly, by receiving the light of the sun in a dark place, and by comparing it w ith this light of the sun reflectpd by a glass, I found, that at small distances, as four or five feet, it only lost about half by reflection, %vhich I judged by letting a second reflected light fall on the first ; for the briskness of these two reflected lights appeared to be equal to ilmt of direct light. Thirdly, having received at the distances of 100, 200, and SOO feet, this light reflected by great glasses, I perceived that it did not lose any of its strength by the thickness of the air it had to pass through. I afterwards tried the same experiments on thelight of candles ; and to assure myself more exactly of the quantity of Aveakness that re- flection causes to »Iiis light, I made the follow- ing experiments . 1 seated myself opi:oite a glass mirror with a book in mv hand, in a room where the dark- ness of the night would not permit me to dis- tinguish a single object. In an adjoining room I had a lighted candle placed at about 40 feet distance : NATURAL HISTORY- 197 x3istance ; this I approached nearer and nearer, till I could read the book, when the distance .was about 24 feet. Afterwards turning the book, I endeavoured to read by the reflected light, having by a parchment intercepted the part of the light which did not fall on the mirror, in order to have only the reflected light on my book. To do so I was obliged to approach the candle nearer, which I did by degrees, till I could read the same characters clearly by the same light, and then the distance from the candle, comprehending tliatofthe book to the mirror, which was only half a foot, I found to be in all 15 feet. I repeated this several times, and had always nearly the same results; from whence I concluded, that the strength, or quantity, of direct light is to that of reflected light, as 576 to 225 ; there- fore, the liglit of five candles reflected by a flat glass, is nearly equal to that of the direct light of two. The light of a candle, therefore, loses more by reflection than by the light of the sun ; and this difference proceeds from the rays of the former falling more obliquely on the mirror than the rays of the sun, which conic almost parallel. This experiment confirmed what I jbad at first found, and 1 hold it ccrtiiin, that (he irS buffon's the H:;lit of the sun loses only half by ils ic- flection on a glass mirror. This first information being acquired, I af- terwards sought what became of the images of the sun when received at great distances. To be perfectly understood we mustnot,as is generally done, consider the rays of the sun as parallel ; and it must also be remembered, that the body of the sun occupies an extent of about 32 minutes ; that consequently the raj^ which issue from the upper edge of the disk, falling on a point of a reflecting surface, the ravs wliich i.%sue from the lower edfi:e falling albo on the same point of this surface, they form between them an angle of 32 minutes in the incidence, and afterwards in the reflection, and that, consequently, the image must in- crease in size in proportion as it is farther dis- tant. Atirntion must likewise be paid to the figure of those images ; for example, a plain square glass of half a foot, exposed to the rays of the sun, will form a square image of six inches, when this image is received at the dis- tance of a few feet ; by removing farther and farther off, the image is seen to increase, after- wards to become deformed, then round, in which state it remains still increasing in size, in proportion as we are more distant from the mirror. Thj^ image is composed of as many of NATURAL HISTORY. 1G9 of the sun's disks as there are physical points in the reflecting surface; the middle point forms an image of the disk, (he adjoining points form the like, and of the same size, •which ex- ceed a little the middle disk: it is the same with the other points, and the image is com- posed of an infinity of disks, ^vhich surmount- ing regularly, and anticipating circularly one over the other, form the reflected image, of which the middle point of the glass is the cen- tre. If the image composed of all these disks is received at a small distance, then their extent being soraewnat larger than that of the glass, this image is of the same figure and nearly of the same extent as the glass ; but when the image is received at a great distance from the glass, where the extent of the disks is much greater f s and covered with sulphur in some places : the infla'ramation was made very suddenly; it be- gan by the parts of the wood whi^h were un- covered, and the fire was so violent, that the plahk was obliged to be dipt in water to ex- tinguish it : there were 148 glasses at 150 feet distance. The eleventh of April, the focus being only 20 feet distant from the mirror, it only required 12 glasses to inflame small combustible matters; with 21 glasses we set fire to another plank which had already been partly burnt ; with 45 glasses we melted a block of tin of 61b. weight ; and with 117 glasses we melted thin pieces of silver, and reddened an iron plate ; imd I am also persuaded, that by using all the glasses of the mirror we should have been en- abled to have melted metals at 50 feet dis* tance ; and as the focus at this distance was six or seven inches broad, we should be aWe to make trials on all metals, which it was not possible to do with common mirrors, whose focus is either very weak or 100 times smaller than that of mine. I have remarked, (that me^ tals, and especially silver, smoke much before they melt ; the smoke was so striking that it shaded the ground, and it was there I looked on it attentively, for it is not possible tdlook a moment on the focus when it falls on the me- NATURAL HISTORY. Sll taij (he lustre being much more dazzling tliaii that of the sun. Tiie experiments which I have here related, ^nd which were made immediately after the invention of the mirrors, have been followed by a great number of others, which confirm them. I liave set fire to wood at 210 feet dis- tance with this mirror, by (he sun in summer ; and I am certiiin, that with lour similar mir- rors I could buri at 400 feet, and, perliaps, at a greater di4rince. I have likewise,melt- ed all metals, and metallic minerals, at S5, SO, and 40 feei. We sliall find, in the course of this article, tlje uses to which these mirrors can be applied, and the limits that must be assigned to their power for calcination, com- bustion, fusion, &c.* This mirror burns according to the different inclination given it, and what gave it this ad- vantage over the common reflecting mirrors was that its focus was very distant, and had so little curvature, that it was almost imper- ceptible : it was seven fe»t broad by eight feet high, which makes about the IjOlh part of the circumference of the sphere, when we burn at 150 feet distance. The * It requires about half an hour to mount the mirror and to make all the images fall on the same point ; but wJien this is once adjusted, it may be used at all times by simply drawings curtain. 212 buffonV - The reason (liat detcrminccl me to prefer glasses of six inches broad by eight inches high to square glasses of six or eight inches, ^vas, th;it it is much more commodious to make experiments npon a horizontal and level ground than otherwise, and that with this fi- gure,thc height of which exceeded the breadth, the images were rounder ; whereas with square glasses they would be shortened, especially at small distaucrs, in a horizontal situation. This discovery furnishes us with many useful hints for physic, and periiaps for tlie arts. We know that v.Jiat renders common reflecting mirrors most useless for experiments is, that they burn almost always upwards, and tliat we are greatly cmbarrafsed to find means to sus- pend or !juppoit to their focus matters to be melted or c^dcined. By means of my mirror we burn concave mirrors downwards, and with so great an advantage that we have what degree of heat v/e please ; for example, by opposing to my mirror a concave one of a foot square in the surface, the lieat produced to this last mir» ror, by using 154 glasses only, will be upwards of 12 i lines greater than that generally pro- duced, and the viWct will be the same as if 12 suns existed instead of one, or rather as if t!ic sun had 12 times more heat, Secondly, NATURAL HISTORY. 213 Seconclly, By means of my miiTor we shall bave the true scale of tiic augmentation of heat, and make a real thermometer, whose divisions will be no lonsjer arbitrary, from the tempera- ture of the air to what degree of heat we chiise, by letting fall, successively, the images of the jBun one on the other, and by graduating the intervals, whether by means of an expansive liquor, or a machine of dilatation, and from that we shall know, in fact, what a double, treblc.quadruple, &c. augmentation of heat is, and shallfind out matters whose expansion, or other effects, will be the most suitaJjie to mea- sure the augmentations of heat. Thirdly, We shall exactly know how many limes is required for the heat of the sun to burn, melt, or calcine different matters, which was hitherto only known in a vague and very indefinite lyauner ; and shall be in a state tr> make precise compariisons of the activity of our fires with that of the sun, and have exact rela- tions and fixed and invariable measures. In short, those who examine my theory, and shall ^avcseen the effect of my mirror. I think will be convinced the mode I have used was the only one possible to succeed to burn f^r off, ^or, inJependant of the physical difticulty of makinij making large concave, spherical; parabolical mirrors, or of any atUer curvature whatsoeverj regular enough to burn at 150 feet distance, we shall easily be convinced that they would not produce but nearly as rmich effect as mine, because the focus would be almost as broad ; that besides, these curved n)irrors, if even it should be possibl to make them, would have the very great disadvanlagc to burn only at a mgh distance, whereas mine burns at all dis- tances ; and, consequently, we shall abandon the scheme of making mirrors to burn at a ^reat distance by means of curves, which has uselessly employed a great number of mathe- maticians and artists, who were always de- ceived,because they considered the rays of Ih© sun as parallel, w hereas they should be consi- dered as they are, namely, as forming angles of all sizes, from 0 to 32 minutes, which makes it impossible, wliatsoevcr curve is given to a mirror, to render the diameter of the focus smaller than the chord, which measures S2 minutes. Thus, even if we could nmke a concave mirror to burn at a great distance ; for exam pie, at 150 feet, by employing all its points on a sphere of COO f^ci diameter, and by employing an uncommon mass ofghiss or metal, NATITtlA r. HISTORY. £15 metal, it is evident that we shall have a little more advantage than by using, as I have done, only small plane mirrors. On(!ic whole, alflunugh this mirror is sus- ceptible of a very gre:;! perfection, both for the adjustment, and many other particulars, and though I think I shall be able to make another, whose effects will be superior, yet, as every thing has its limits, it must not be ex- pected that every one can be formed to bur a at extreme distances ; to burn, for e:5ample, at the distance of half a mile, a mirror 200 times larger would be required ; and I am of opinion that more will never be effected thaa to burn at the distance of 8 or 900 feet. The focus, whose motion is always correspondent to that of the sun, moves so much the quicker as it is farther distant from the mirror ; and at 90 feet it would move about six feet a minute. [lowever, as I have given an account of my discovery, and the success of my experiments, I should render to Archimedes, and the an- cients, the glory that is their due. It is certain that Archimedes could |">erforin witii metal mirrors what I have done with glass, and that, consequently, I cannot refuse him the title of the first inventor of these mirrors, and !he op- portunity he had of using them rendered him, without SI 6 BUFFO N^gr without doubt, more celebrated than the merti t)f the thing itself. Many advanlagcs may be derived from the use of these mirrors ; by an assemblage of small mirrors^ with hexagonal planes, and po-* lished steel, which will have more solidity than, glasses, and which would not be subject to the alterations which the liglit of ihe sun may cause, we may produce very useful effects, and which would amply repay the expences of the construction of the mirror^ " For all evaporations of salt waters, wliere great quantities of wood and coal are consumed^ or structures raised for the purpose of carrying the waters off, which cost more than the con- struction of many mirrors, such as I mention > for the evaporation of salt waters, only an as- semblage of twelve plane mirrors of a square foot each is necessary. The heat reflected by their focuses, although directed below their level, and at tifteea or sixteen feet distance, will be still great enough to boil water, and conse- quently produce a quick evaporation : for the lieat of boiling water is only treble the heat of the sun in summer; and as the reflection of a well polished plane surface only diminishes the heat one half, only six mirrors are required to produce at the focus a heat equal to boiling water j NATURAL HISTORY. 217 ^ater ; but I shall double the number to make the heat communicate quicker; and likewise by reason of the loss occasioned by the obliquity, under which the light falls on the surface of the water to be evaporated, and because salt water heats slower than fresh. This mirror, whose assemblage would form only a square four feet broad by three high, would be easy to be managed ; and if it were required to double or treble the effects in the same time, it would be better to make so many similar mirrors, than to augment the scale of them; for water can only receive a certain quantity of heat, and we should not gain any thing by increasing this degree; whereas, by making two focuses with two equal mirrors, we should double the effect of the evaporation, and treble it by three mir- rors, whose focuses would fall separately one from the other on the surface of the water to be evaporated . We cannot avoid the loss caus- ed by the obliquity ; nor can it be remedied but by suffering a still greater, that is, by re- ceiving the rays of the sun on a large glass, which would reflect them broken on the mirror; for then it would burn at bottom instead of the top, but it would lose half the heat by the first reflection, and half of the remainder by the second ; so that instead of six small mirrors, it VOL. X. F f ^ould 218 buffon's \vould require a dozen to obtain a lieat equaf to boiling water. For the evaporation to be made with more success, we ought to diminish the thickness of the water as much as possible ; a mass of water a foot deep will not eva* |)Grate nearly so quick as the same mass re- duced to six inches, and increased to double the superfices. Besides, the bottom being nearer the surface, it heats quicker, and this heat, which the bottom of the vessel receives, con- tributes still more to the celerity of fhe eva- poration. 2. These mirrors may be used with advan- tage to calcine plaislcrs, and even calcareous stones, but they would require to be larger, and the matters placed in an elevated situation, that nothing might be lost by the obliquity of the light. It has already been observed that gyp- sum heats as soon again as soft calcareous stone, and nearly twice as quick as marble, or hard calcareous stone ; their calcination, therefore, Jnust be in a respective ratio. I have found by an experiment repeated three times, that very little more heat is required to calcine white gypsum, called alabaster, than to melt ieati. Now the heat necessary to melt lead is, according to the experimentsof Newton, eight limes stronger than the heat of the summer ^un ; it therefore would require at least six- teen NATURAL HISTORY. dl9 teen small mirrors to calcine gypsum ; and because of the losses thereby occasioned, as :weU by the obliquity of the light as by the inequality of the focus, which is not removed above fifteen feet, I presume it would require twenty, and perhaps twenty-four mirrors of a foot square each, to calcine gypsum in a short 4ime, consequently it would require an assem- blage of forty -eight small mirrors to calcine ^he softest calcareous stone, and seventy-two of a foot square to calcine hard calcareous stones. Now a mirror twelve feet broad by «ix feet high, would be a large and cumber- some machine ; yet we might conquer these difficulties if the product of the calcination were considerable enough to surpass the ex- pense of the consumption of wood. To as- certain this, we ought to begin by calcining plaister with a mirror of twenty-four pieces, and if that succeeded, to malce two other si- milar mirrors, instead of making a large one of seventy-two pieces ; for by coinciding ihe focuses of these three mirrors of twenty-four pieces, we should produce an equal heat, strono- enough to calcine marlie or hard stone. But a very essential matter remains doubtful, that is, to know how much time would be re- quisite, for example, to calcine a cubical foot ^ matter, especially if that foot were struck with 220 BUFFO n's with llie heat only in one part. Some time would pass before the heat penetrated its thick- ness; during this time, a great part of the heat would be lost, and which would issue from this piece of matter after it had entered it. I fear, therefore, much that the stone not being touched by the heat on every side at once, the calcination would be slower, and the produce less. Experience alone can decide this, but it would be at least necessary to at- tempt it on gypsous matters, whose calcina- tion is as quick again as calcareous stone. By concentrating this heat of the sun in a kiln, which has no other opening than what admits the light, a great part of the heat would be prevented from flying off, and by mixing with calcareous stone a small quan- tity of coal dust, which is the cheapest of all combustible matters, this slight supply of food would suffice to feed and augment the quan- tity of heat, which would produce a more ample and quick calcination, and at very little expense. 3. These mirrors of Archimedes might be, in fact, used to set fire to the sails of vessels, and even to pitched wood at more than 150 feet distance ; they might also be used against the enemy, by burning tbe grain and other productions of tlie earth ; this eifcct would be no NATURAL HISTORY. 221 no less sudden than destructive ; but we will not dwell on the means of doing mischief, conceiving it to be more our duty to think on those which may do some real service to man- kind. 4. These mirrors furnish the sole means of exactly measuring heat. It is evident that U\o mirrors, whose luminous images unite, produce double heat in all tiie points of their surfaces, that three, four, five, or more mirrors, will also give a treble, quadruple, quintuple, &c. Leaf, and that, consequently, by this mode we can make a thermometer whose divisions w ill not be too arbitrary, and the scales different, like those of tlic present thermometers. The only arbitrary thing which would enter into the composition of the thermometer, would be the supposition of the total number of the parts of the quicksilver by quitting the degree of absolute cold: but bv takins; it to lOO'uO be^ low the congelation of water, instead of 1000, as in our common thermometers, we should approach greatly towards reality, especially by chusing the coldest day in winter to mark the thermometers, for then every image of the sun would give it a degree of heat above the temperature of ice. The point to which the mercury rises by the first image of the sun, •would be marked 1, and so on to the highest, which 222 BUFFO n's which might be extended to 35 degrees. * At this degree we should have an augmentation of heat, thirty-six times greater than that of the first, eighteen times greater than that of the second, twelve times greater than that of the third, nine times greater than that of the fourth, and soon ; this augmentation of thirty- six of heat above that of ice would be sufficient to melt lead; and there is every appearance to think that mercury, which volatilizes by a much less heat, would by its vapour break the thermometer. We cannot therefore, at most, extt^nd the division farther than twelve, and perhaps not farther than nine degrees, if mer- cury be used for these thermometers, and by these means we shall have only nine degrees of the augmentation of heat. This is one of the reasons which induced Newton to make use of linseed oil instead of quicksilver; and, in fact^ hy making use of this liquor, we can extend the division not only to twelve degrees, bot as far as to make this oil boil. I do not pro- pose spirits of wine, because that liquor de? composes in a very short time, and cannot be used for experiments of a strong heat.* When • Many travellers have tol4 and written to me, that Reau- mur's thermometers of spirit of wine, became quite useless to th€m, because this liquid lost its colour, and became charged with a sort ©f mud in a very short time. NATURAL HISTORY. 223 %Vhen on the scale of these thermometers filled with oil or mercury, the first divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. are marked to indicate the double, treble, quadruple, &c. augmentations of heat, we must search after the aliquot parts of each division ; for example, of the point 1|, ^i, SI, &c. or I|, 2f , Sf, &c. and 1|, 2|, Sf, and which will be obtained in an easy manner, by covering the |,|, or |, of the superficesof one of those small mirrors ; for then the image -which it reflects, will contain only the |, |, or f , of the heat which the whole ima eights of the matters of which they are composed : for penetration is only a greater degree of inti- macy; every thing equal in other respects will be so much the greater as matters will be in a more perfect state of division. By reflecting on the vessels used to receive and collect these metallic vapours, I was struck with an idea, which apjeared to me to be of too great utility not to publish ; i( isako easy enougli to be realized by good able che- mists ; I have even communicated it to some VOL. X. G g of ^26 buffon's of them, wbo appeared lo be quite satisfied ■with it. This idea is to freeze mercury in this climate, and with a much less degree of cold than that of the experiments of Petcrsburgh or Siberia. For this purpose the vapour of mercury is only required (o be received, and "which is the mercury itself volatilized by a very moderate heat in a crucible, or vessel^ to which we give a certain degree of artificial cold. This vapour, or this mercury, minutely divided, will offer, to the action of the cold, surfaces so large, and masses so small, that in- stead of 187 degrees of cold requisite to freeze mercury, possibly 18 or 20 will be sufficient, and perhaps even less to freeze it when in va-? pour. I recommend this important experi- ment to all those T\ho endeavour earnestly for the advancement of the sciences. To these principal uses of the mirror of Archimedes, I could add many other particular ones; but L have confined myselfto those only which appeared the most useful, and the least difficult to be put in practice ; neyertheless I have subjoined some experiments that I made on thetransmission of light through transparent bodies, to give some new ideas on the means of seeing objects at a distance witli the raked eye, pr with a mirror, like lluit spoken of by the an^ cientSj NATURAL HISTORY. 227 cientsi and hyihe eifectof vvliicli vessels could be perceiv ed from the port of Alexander, as far as the curvature of the earth would permit. Naturalists at present know, that there are three causes which prevent the light from uniting in a point, when its rays have passed the objective glass of a common mirror. The first is the spherical curve of this glass, wliicli disperses a part of the rays in a space termi- nated by a curve. Tlie second is the angle under which the object appears to the naked eye : for the breadth of the focus of the ob- jective glass has a diameter nearly equal to the chord of which this angle measures. The third is the different refrangibility of the light ; for the most refrangible rays do not collect in the same place with the lesser. The first cause may be remedied by substi- tuting, as Descartes has proposed, elliptical, or liypcrbolical, glasses to the spherical. The second is to be remedied by a second glass, placed to the focus of the objective, whose diameter is nearly equal the breadth of this focus, and whose surface is worked on a sphere of a very short ray. The third has been found to be remedied, by making telescopes, called Acromatics, which are composed of two sorts of glasses, which disperse the coloured rays differently 5 $28 BUFFON*S differently : so that the dispersion of the one is corrected by tlic other, without the general refraction, which constitutes the mirror, being destroyed. A telescope Sf feet long, made on this principle, is in effect equivalent to the old telescopes of 25 feet. But the remedy of the first cause is perfectly useless Jit this time, because the effect of the last being much more considerable, has such great influence on the whole effect, that nothing can be gained by substituting hyperbolical, or elliptical glasses to spherical, and this substi- tution could not become advantageous, but in the case where the meaiis of correcting the effect of the different refrangibility of the rays of light might be found ; it seems, therefore, tliat we should do well to combine tlie two means, and to substitute, in acromatic teles- copes, elliptical glasses. To render this more obvious, let us suppose the object observed to be a luminous point wilhout extent, as a fixed star is to us. It is certain, that with an objective glass, for ex- ample, of SO feci focus, all the images of this luminous point will extend in the form of a curve to this focus, if it be worked on a sphere; and, on tlie contrary, ihcy will unite in one pi'intif this gla^s be hyperbolical : but if the object NATURAL HISTORY. 229 object observed have a certain extent, as the moon, which occupies half a degree of space 1o our eyes, then the image of this object will occupy a space of three inches diameter in the focus of the objective glass of thirty feet ; and the aberration caused by the sphericity pro- ducing a confusion in any luminous point, it produces the same on every luminous point of the moon's disk, and, consequently, wholly disfigures it. There would be, then, much disadvantage in making use of elliptical glasses or long telescopes, since the means have been found, in a great measure, to correct the effect produced by the different refrangibility of the rays of light. From this it follows, that if we would make a telescope of SO feet, to observe the moon, and see it completely, the ocular glass must be at least three inches diameter, to collect the whole image which the objective glass pro- duces to its focus ; and if we would observe this planet with a telescope of 60 feet, the ocular glass must be at least six inches diameter, be- cause the chord which the angle measures under which the moon appears to us, is, in this case, nearly six inches; therefore astro- nomers never make use of telescopes that in- clude the whole disk of the moon, because they would magnify but very little. But if We 550 BUFFO n's we would observe the planet Yen us witli a te- lescope of 60 het^ as the angle under which it appears to us is only CO secondsj the ocular glass can only have four lines diameter ; and if we make use of an objective of 120 feet, an ocular glass of eight lines diameter would suf- fice to unite the whole image which the ob- jective forms to its focus. Hence we see, that even if the rnjs of light were equally refrangible we could not make such strong telescopes to see the moon with as to see the other planets, and that the smaller a planet appears to our sight the more we can augment the length of the telescope, with which wc can see it wholly. Hence it may be well conceived, that in this supposition of the rays, equally refrangible, there must be a cer- tain length more advantageously determined than any ether for each different planet, and that this length of the telescope depends not only on the angle under whicli the planet ap- pears to our sight, but also on the quantity of li£:ht with which it is brightened. In common telescopes the rays of light being difTeiently refrangible, all that could be done in this mode to give them perfection would be of very little advantage, because, that under whatever angle the object, or planet, appears to our sight, and whatever intensity of light it may NATURAL HISTORY. 231 may liavo, the rays will never collect in the same part ; the longer the telescope the more interval it will have between the focus of the red and violet rays, and consequently the more confused the image of the object observed. Refracting telescopes, therefore, can be rendered perfect only by seeking for the means of correcting this eftect of the different refran- gibility, either by composing telescopes of dif- ferent densities, or by other particular means, which would be different according to different objects and circumstances. Suppose, for ex- ample, a short telescope, composed of two glasses, one convex and the other concave; it is certain that this telescope might be reduced to another whose two glasses would be plain on one side, and on the other bordering on spheres, whose rays would be shorter than that on the spheres on which the glasses of the first telescopes have been constructed. However, to avoid a great part of the effect of the dif- ferent refrangibility of the rays, the second te- lescope may be made with one single piece of massive glass, as I had it done with two pieces of white glass, one of two inches and a half in lengtli, and the other one inch and a half; but then the loss of transparency is a greater inconvenience than the different re-- frangibility 232 uuffon's frangibilify wliicb it corrects, for these two small massive telescopes of glass are more obscure than a small common telescope of the same glass and dimensions ; they indeed give less iris, but are not better; for in massive glass the light, after having crossed this thick- Bess of glass, would no longer have a suffi- cient force to take in the image of the object to our eye. So to make telescopes 10 or 23 feet long, I find nothing but water that has sufficient transparency to suffer the light to pass through this great thickness. By using, therefore, water to fill up the intervals be- tween the objective and the ocular glass, we should in part diminish the effect of the dif- ferent refrangibility, because water approaches nearer to glass than air, and if we could, by loading tlie water with different salts, give it the same rcfringent degree of power as glass, it is not to be doubted, that we should correct still more, by this means, the different refran- gibility of the rays. A transparent liquor should, therefore, be used, which would have nearly the same refrangible power as glass, for then it would be certain that the two glasses, with their liquor between them, would in part correct the effect of the diflerent refran- gibility of the rays, in the same mode as it is NATURAL HISTORY. 233 is ^corrected in the small massive telescope which I speak of. According to the experiments of M. Bon- guer, the thicknes^s of aline of glass destroys ■§. of light, and consequently the diminution would be made in tlie following proportion : Thickness, .1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 lines lillttlUllUII, 7 -^Y "34 3" "24 oT 16 8 0 7 lT7S^49 So that by the sum of these six terms we should find, that the light which passes Ihrough six lines of glass would lose tttIttj ^^^^ ^^5 about If^ of its quantity. But it must be con- sidered, that M. Bouguer makes use of glasses which are but little transparent, since he has observed, that the thickness of a line of these glasses destroys |. of the light. By the experi- ments which I have made on different kinds of white glass, it has appeared to me that the light diminishes much less. These experi- ments are easy to be made, and are what all the world may repeat. In a dark chamber, whose walls were black- ened, and which I made use of for optical ex- periments, I had a candle lighted of five (a the pound ; the room was very large and the candle the only light in it; I then tried at what distance I could read by this light, and found that I read very easily at 24 feet four inches VOL. X. H h from 234: buf^'on's from the candle. Afterwards, bavlng placed a piece of glass, about a line tliick, before it, at two inches distance, I found that I still read very plainly at 22 feet nine inches ; and sub- stituting to this glass another piece of two lines in thickness and of the same glass, I read at 21 feet distance from the candle. Two 6f the same glasses joined one to the other, and placed before the candle diminished the light so much that I could only read at 17| feet dis- tance; and at length, with three glasses, I could only read at 15 feet. Now the lisrht of a candle diminishing as the square of the dis- tance augments, its diminution should have been in the following progression, if glasses had not been interposed : 2 — 2^•. 2 — 22| 2__2J. 2— 17i. 2— 15, or 592^. 517^441. S06|. 225. Therefore the loss of the light, by the interposition of the glasses, is in the following progression: 84t4V' 151. 2h5^. 367 i. From hence it may be concluded, that the thickness of a line of this glass diminishes only tVt o^ iJ^'^lj or about -f ; that two lines dimi- nishes m, not quite ^ and three glasses of two lines l^l, i. e. less than l. As this result is very different from that of M. Bouguer, and as I was cautious of sus- pect ing NATURAL HISTORY. 235 pecting the truth of his experiments, I re- peated mine uith common glass. For long telescopes water alone can be used ; and it is still to be feared that an inconveniency will subsist, from the opacity resulting from the quantity of liquor which fills the interval be- tween the two glasses. The longer the telescope the greater loss of light will ensue : so that it appears at first sight that this mode cannot be used, especially for 'iong telescopes ; for following what M. Bou- guer says in his Optical Essay, on the gradation of liglit, nijie feet seven inches sea-water di- minishes the lisfht in a relation of 14 to 5 ; therefore these long telescopes, filled with wa- ter, cannot be used for observing the sun, and the stars would not have light enough to be perceived across a thickness of 2>) or SO feet of intermediate liquor. Nevertheless, if we consider, that by allow- ing]: onlv an inch, or an inch and a half, for the bore of an objective of SO (eei, we shall very distinctly perceive the planets in the com- mon telescopes of this length; we may sup- pose that by allowing a greater diameter to the o!)jective we should augment the quantity of light in the ratio of the square of this diameter, and, consequently, if an inch before suffices to see a star distinctly, in a common telescope, Ibrco ^^^ buppon's llir^e iiicbes bore would be sufficient to see it distinctly through a thickness of 10 feet water, and that with a glass of three inches diameter We should easilj see it through a thickness of 20 feet water, and so on. It appears, therefore, that we might hope to meet with success in constructing a telescope on these principles ; for, bybicreasing the diameter of the objec- tive, we parlly regain the light lost by the de- feet of the transparency of the liquor. But ir appears to me certain that a telescope constructed on this mode would be very useful for observing the sun ; for supposing it even the leuglh of 100 feet, the light of that lumi- nary would not be too strong after having tra- versed this thickness of water, and we should be enabled to observe its surface easily, and at •leisure, without the need of making use of smoked glasses, or of receiving the image on pasteboard ; an ad vantage we cannot possibly derive from any other telescope. There would require only some tri /ling dif- ference in the construction of this solaAele- scope, if we wanted the whole face of the sun presented ; forsupposing it the length of 100 feet, in this case, the ocular glass must be ten inches diameter; because the sun, taking up more than half a celesti;d degree, the image formed by t he object veto its focus at ICO feel, will NATURAL HISTORY. ^^J will at least have this length of ten inches; and (o unite it wholly, it will require an ocul lar glass of this breadth, to whicli only twenty inches of focus should be given to render it as strong as possible. It is necessary that the ob- jective, as well as the ocular glass, should be ten inches in diameter, in "order that the image of the sun, and the image of the bore of the telescope, be of an equal size with the focus. If this telescope, which I propose, should only serve to observe tlie sun exactly, it would be of great service; for example, it would be very curious to be able to discover wheiher there beany luminous parts larger than others in (he sun ; if there be inequalities on its sur* face; and of what kind; ifthe spots float on its surface; or whether they be fixed tliere, &c. The brightness of its light prevents us from observ- ing this luminary with the naked eye, and the different refrangibility of its rays, renders its image confused when received in the focus of an objective glass, or on pasteboard, so that the surface of the sun is less known to us than that of any of the planets. The different r.fran- gibility o£ its rays would be but little corrected in this Jong telescope filled with water; but if the liquor could, by the addition of salts. 2S8 buipfon's he rciiflcred as dense as glass, it woulct then ha ihe same as if there were onlj^ one glass to pass throngli; and it appears to me that infinitely jnore advantage would result from making use of these telescopes filled with water, than from the common telescopes with smoked glasses. ^ Whether that would or would not be the fact, this lioweveris certain, that to observe the sun, a telescope quite different is required from those that we make use of for the different planets ; and it is also certain, that a particular telescope is necessary for each planet, propor- tionate totheirintensity of light, that is, to the real quantity of light with which they appear to be enlightened. In all telescopes the ob- jectives arc required as large, and the ocular glass as strong, as possible, and, at the same time, the distance of the focus proportioned to the intensity of the light of each planet. To do this with the greatest advantage, it is requi- site to use only an objective glass so much tlie larger, and a focus so much the shorter, accordr ing to the light of the planet. Why has there not hitherto been made objectiveglassesof 243 feet diameter ? The aberration oftherays, occa- sioned by the sphericity of the glasses, is the fcolc cause of the confusion, which is as the square NATURAL HI ST our. :?39 , square of the diameter of the tube; and it is for this reason that spherical glasses, with a small bore, are of no value when enlarged ; we have more iighJ, but less distinction and clear- ness. Nevertheless, broad spherical glasses are very good for night telescopes. The Englisk #lave constructed telescopes of this nature, and they make use of them very advantageously to see vessels at a great distance in dark nights But at present, that we know, in a great mea- sure, how to correct the effects of the different rcfrangibility of the rays, it seems, that we should make elliptical or hyperbolical glasses, which would not produce the alteration caused by sphericity, and which, consequently, would he three or four times broader than spherical glasses. There is only this mode of augment- ing to our sight the quantity of light sent io us from the planets, for we cannot put an ad- ditional light on them, as we do on objects which we observe with the microscope, but must at least employ to the greatest possible advantage, the quantity of light with which they are illumined, by receiving it on as great a surface as possible. This hyperbolical tele- scope, which would be composed only of one single large objective glass, and of an oculir one proportionate, would require matter of the greatest transparency; and we should unite by sis BUFFO N'S by this means all the advantages possible, that is, those of the acromatic to that of the ellipti- cal or hyperbolical telescopes, and we should profit by all the quantity of light each planet reflecis to our sight. I may be deceived ; but what I propose appears to be sufficiently founded to recommend i!s execution to per- sons zealously attached to the advancement of the sciences. Employing myself thus on these reveries, some of which may one day be realized, and in which hope I publish them, I thought of (he Alexandrian mirror, spoken of by some an- cient authors, and by means of which vessels were seen at a great distance on the sea. The most positive passage which I have met with is the following. ^' Alexandria .... in Pharo vero erat specu- *' lum e ferro sinico. Per quod a longe vide- *' bantur naves Graecorum advenientes ; sed *' paulo postquara Islamismusinvaluit, scilicet *' tempore califatus Walidfil: Abdi-I-melec, ^' Christiani,fraude adhibita illud deleverunt. *' Abu-1-feda, &c. Dcscriptio iEgypti." Having dwelt for some time on this, I have thought, 1. That such a mirror was possible to be made. 2. That even without a mirror or telescope, we might by certain disposstions NATTJilAL HISTORY. 211 dispositions obtain the same effect, a^d see ves- sels from land, as far, perhaps, astlic curvature of tlie earth would permit. We have already observed that persons whose sight was very good, have perceived objects illumined by the sun at more than 3400 times their diameter, and at the same timt we hrwe remarked, that the intermediate light was of such great hurt to that of distant objects, that by night a lumi- minous object is perceived at ten, twenty, and perhaps a hundred times greater distance than during the day. We know that at the bottom of very deep pits, stars may be seen in the day- time* ; why therefore should we not see ves- sels illumined by the rays of the sun, by placing one's self at the end of a very long dark gallery, situated on the seashore, in such a manner as to receive no other than that of the distant sea, and the vessels which miglit be on it? This gallery would be only a hi ri- zoiital pit, which wotdd have the same effect with respect to ships as the vertical pit has with respect to the stars ; and it appears to me so simple, that I am astonished it has never before been thought of and tried. It seems to me, that by taking the time of the day for our VOL. X. I i observations * Aristotle is, I believe, the first that ever mentioned this observation. 242 BUFFO n's observations wlien the sun slioiild be behind the <]:allerv, we miffht sec them from the dark end of it ten times at least better than in the open light. Now a man on liorseback is easily distinoruished at a mile distance, when the rays of the sun shine on him, and by sup- pressing the intermediate liglit which sur- rounds us, and dPtrkening our sight, we should see him at least ten times farther ; that is to say, ten miles. Ships, therefore, being much larger, would be seen as far as the curvature of the earth would permit, without any other in*- stniment than the naked eye. But a concave mirror, of a great diameter, and of any focus, placed at the end of a long black tube, would Jiave nearly the same effect as our great objective glasses of the same dia- meter and form would have during the night, and it was probably one of these concave mir* Tors of polished steel that was established at the port of Alexandria*. If this steel mirror did really exist, we cannot refuse to the an- cients the glory of the first invention, for this mirror can only be effective by as much as the light * From time immemorial the Chinese, and particularly the Japanese, have possessed the art of working in steel both in large and small bodies; and hence I have thought that the words eferro sinico in the preceding quotation should be understood as applying to polished steel. NATURAL HISTORY. 2 IS light reflected by its surface was collected by another concave mirror placed at its ft)cus, aiid in this consists the essence of the telescope and the merit of its construction. Neverthe- less this does not deprive the great Ncwtnn of any glory, who first renewed the almost-forgot- ten invention. As the rays of light are by their nature differently refrangible, he was inclined to think there were no means of correcting this effect, or, if he had perceived those means, he judged them so difhcult that he chose rather to turn his views another way, and produce, by means of the reflection of the rays, the great effects which he could not obtain by their re- fraction ; he, therefore, constructed his telc- •scQpe, the reflection of which is infinitely su- perior to those that were in common use. The best telescopes are always dark in comparison of the acromatic, and this obscurity does not proceed only from the defect of the polish, or the colour of the metal of mirrors, but from the nature even of light, the rays of which being differently refrangible are also differentlj^ re- flexible, although in much less unequal degrees. It still remains, therefore, to bring the tele- scope to perfection, and to find the manner of compensating ihia different reflexibility, as we have SM BUFFO n'S hav€ discovered that of compensating the dif- ferent rcfrangibility. After all, I imagine that it will be well per- ceived tbata verj'goodday-gl»'^s may be made, withoui using either glasses or mirrors, and simply by suppressing the siirrounding light, by means of a tube 150 or ^50 feet long, and by placing ourselves in an obscure place. The brighter the day is, the greater will be the ef- fect. I am persuaded that we should be able io see at 15, and perhaps 20 miles distance. The only difference between this long tube, and the dark gallery, which I have spoken of, is, that the field, or the space seen, would be smaller,and precisely in the ratio of the square of the bore of the tube to that of the gallery. OBSERVATIONS NATURAL HISTORV. QiS OBSERVATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS ON TREES AND OTHER VEGETABLES. THE physical study of Ycgetables is one of those sciences which require a multiplicity of observations and experiments bej^ond the ca- pacity of one man, and must consequently be a work of time ; even the observations them- selves are seldom of much value till they have been repeatedly made, and compared in dif- ferent places and seasons, and by different per- gons of similar ideas. It was for this purpose that Buffon united with M. Dii Ilarael, to la- bour, in co:icert for the illustration of a num- ber of henomena, whicii appeared difficult to explain, in the vegetable kingdom, and from the knowledge of which may result an infinity of useful matters in the practice of agriculture. The frost is sometimes so intense during wit.tcr, that it destroys almost all vegetables, and the scarcity in the year 1709 was a melan- choly proof of its cruel effects. Seeds, and some kinds of trees, entirely perished, while others ^6 15ufpon's others, as olives, and almost all fruit-trees, sliar- ^d a milder fate, shooting forth their leaves, tlreir roots not having been hurt; and manjr large trees, which were more vigorous, shot forth every branch in spring, and did not ap- pear to have suffered any material injury. We shall, nevertheless, remark on the real and ir- jcparablc damage this winter occasioned them. Frost, which can deprive us of the most ne- cessary articles of life, destroys many kinds of useful trees, and which scarcely ever leaves one insensible of its rigour, is certainly one of the most formidable misfortunes of human na- ture; we have therefore every reason to dread intense frosts, which might reduce us to the last extremities if their severities v/cre frequent ; but fortunately we can quote only two or tliree winters which have produced so great and ge- neral a calamity as that in 1709. The greatest spring frosts, although they damage the grain, and principally barley^ when it is but just eared, never occasion great scarcities. They do not affect the trunks or branches of (rees, but they totally destroy tlieir productions, deprive us of the harvest of the vines and orchards, and by the suppression of new buds cause a considerable damage to forests. AUhouirh NATURAL HISTORY. 247 Although there are some examples of ^vinter frosts having reduced us to a scarcity of bread, and deprived us of vegetables,thcdamage which spring frosts occasion becomes still more im- portant, because tliey afflict us more frequcnt- Ij, and their effects are felt almost every year* To consider frost even very superficially, we must perceive that the effects produced by the sharp frosts of winter are very different from what are occasioned by those in spring, since the one attacks (he body and most solid parts of trees, whereas the other simj^y destroys 4heir productions, and opposes their growth .; at the same time they act under quite different circumstances ; and it is not always the ground |n which the winter frosts produce the greatest; disorders, as that generally suffers most fron;i those in the spring frosts. It was from a great number of observations that we have been able to make this distinctioa on the effects of frost, and which we hope will not be simply curious, but prove of utility, and be profitabl(? to agriculture ; and should they not wholly enable us to escape from the evils occasioned by frost, they will afford us a means to guard against them. We shall, therefore, enter upon the detail, beginning •with that ^^hich regards the sharp frosts of wii.tcr : 243 BUFFO n's "winter : of these, however, we cnnnot reason with so great a certainty as on those of spring, because, as we have already observed, we are seldom subjected to their tragical effects. Most trees during wi;iler being deprived of blossoms, fruits, and leaves, have generally their buds hardened so as to be capable of sup- porting very sharp frosts, unless the preceding summer was cool, in which case the buds not being arrived to that degree of maturity , which gardeners call crow/cs*, they are not in a state of resisting the moderate frosts of winter; but this seldom happens, the buds commonly rip- ening before winter, and the trees end are the rigour of that season without being damag- ed, unless excessive cold weather ensue, join- ed to the circumstances hereafter mentioned. We have, nevertheless, met with many trees in foresis with considerable def('cts,whichhave certainly been produced by the sharp frosts, and which will never be effaced. These defects are, 1st, chaps or chinks, which follow the direction of the fibres. 2. .1 ])ortion of dead wood included in the good ; and lastly, the double sap, which is an entire crown of imperfect wood. We must dwell a little * Ripened or filled vrith sap. NATURAL HTSTORY. S45 a little on these defects to trace the causes whence they proceed. The sappy part of trees- is^ as is well known, a crown or circle of white or imperfect wood of a greater or less thickness, and which in almost all trees is easily distinguished from the sound wood, called the^ear^, by the difference of its colour and hardness ; it is found imme* diately under the bark, and surrounds the per- fect wood, which in sound trees is nearly of (he same colour, from the circumference to the centre. But in those we now speak of, the per- fect wood was separated by another circle of white wood, so that on cutting the trunks of them we saw alternately circles of sap and perfect wood, and afterwards a clump of the latter, which was more or less considerable, according to the different soils and situations ; in strong and forest earth it is more scarce tliaa in glades and light earth. By the mere inspection of these cinctures of white wood, which we in future shall terra false sap, we could perceive it to be of bad quality; nevertheless, to be certain of it, we had several planks sawed two feet in length, by nine to ten inches square, and having the like made from the true sap, we had both loaded in the middle, and those of the false sap VOL. X. K k alv/ays 250 buffon'^s always brolie under a less \veigl)t than (li(E)se of the (rue, though (he strength of the true sap is very trivial in comparison with that of formed wood. We aficr wards took several pieces of these two kinds of sap, and weighed them both in th€ air anil water, by which we discovered that the specific weight of the natural sap was al- ways greater than that of the false. We then made a like experiment with tlie wood of the centre of the same trees, to compare it with that of the cincture which is found between these two saps, and we discovered that the dif- ference was nearly the same as is usual between the weight of the wood of the centre of all trees and that of the circumference ; thus all that is become perfect wood in these defective trees is found nearly in the common order. But it is not the same with respect to the false sap, for, as these experiments prove, it is weaker, bofter, and lighter tlian the true sap, although formed 20, nay 25 years befole, which we dis- covered to be the fact, by counting the annual cirdes, as well of the sap as of the wood which covered it; and this observation, which wc have repeated on a number of trees, Lncon- testibly proves that these defects had been caused by the hard frost of 1709, notwith- standing NATURAL HISTORY. 251 stand Lnsr til at the number of some of their coals was less than the years which had passed since that period ; and at which we must not be surprised, not only because we can never, by the number of li^i»eous coats, find the age of trees within three or four years, but also be- cause the first ligneous coats, formed after that frost, were so thin and confined, that we cannot very exactly distinguish them. It is also certain, that it was the portion of the trees that were in sap in the hard frost of i709, which instead of coming to perfection, and converting itself into wood, became more faulty. Besides, it is more natural to suppose, thatthe faulty part raustsufFer more from sharp frosts than sound wood : because it is not only at the external part of the tree, and therefore more exposed to the weather, but also because the fibres are more tender and delicate than the wood. All this at first appears to wear but little diflficulty, yet the objections related in the history of the Academy of Sciences, 1710, might be here adduced ; by these objections it appears that in 1709, the young trees en- dured the hard frost much better than old. But as these facts are certain, there mnst be some difference between the organic parts, the vessels, the fibres, &c. of the sappy part of the 55S buffon's the old trees and that of the young ; they per- haps will be more supple, so that a power which will be capable of causing the oue to break, will only dilate the other. But as these are conjectures with which the mind remains but little satisfied, we shall pass sligh'ly over them, and content ourselves with the particulars we have well observed. That this sappy part suffered greatly from the frost is an incontestible fact, but has it been en- tirely disorganized? This might happeii without the death of the tree ensuin^g, pro- vided the bark remained sound ; and even ve- getation might continue. Willows and limes frequently subsist only by their bark, and the same thing has beerv seen at the nursery of Roule in an orange tree. But we do not think that the false sap is dead, because it always apj>eared to lis in quite a different state from the sap found in trees, which had a portion of dead wood included in the sound ; besides, if it had been disorganized, as it extends over the whole cbcumference, it would have inter- rupted the lateral motion of the sap, and the wood of the centre, not being able to vegetate, would have ali / perished and altered, which was not the case, and which I could confirm by a number of experiments ; however, it is not easily NATURAL HISTORY, S53 easily conceivable iiow tliis sappy part of wood has been changed so far as not to become ■wood, and that far from lacing dead, it was even in a state of supplying the ligneous coat^ wiUi sap, whicli are formed fro^n above in a state of perfection, and which may be com- pared to the wood of trees that have suffered no accident. This must nevertlieless have been done by the hard winter, which caused an incurable malady to this part of the tree; for if it were dead, as well as the bark which cloathed it, there can be no doubt that tlie tree would have entirely perished, which happened in .1709 to many trees whose bark was detached from them, and which by the remaininir sap in their trunk, shot forth their buds in spring, but died through weakness before autumn, for want of receiving sufficient nutriment to subsist on. We have met with some of these false sappy .part of' trees which are thicker on oiic side than the other, and which surprisingly agrees with the most general state of the sap. Wc have also seen others very thin, so that appa- rently there were only the outer coats injured. These were not all of the same colour, had not undergone an equal alteration,norwer;e equally affected, which agrees with what we have be- fore advanced. At length, we dug at the foot 254 buffon's foot of some of these trees, to sec if tLe defect existed also in the roots, but we found them sound: therefore, it is probable that the earlh which covered them had repaired the injury done by the frost. Here then we see one of the most dreadful effects ofwinter frosts, which though locked up within the tree, is not less to be feared, since it renders the trees attacked by them almost useless; but besides this, it is very difficult to meet with trees totally exemjjt from these in- juries ; and indeed all those whose wood is not of a deeper colour at the centre, growing somewhat lighter towards the sap, may be sus- pected of having some defects, andouglit not to be made use of in any matter of consequence. By horizontally sawing the bottom of trees, wc sometimes perceive apiece of dead sap or dried bark, entirely covered by the live wood : this dead sap occupies nearly half of the cir- cumference in the parts of the trunk where it is found : it is sometimes browner than good wood, and at others almost white. From the depth also where this sap is found in the trunk, it appears to have been occasioned by the sharp frost in winter, by which a portion of the sap and bark perished, and wasaftcrwards covered hy the new wood ; for this sap is almost always found NATURAL HISTORY. 255 found exposed to llie south, where the sun melting the ice, a humidity results, which again freezes soon after the sun disappears, and that forms a true ice, which is well known to cause a considerable prejudice to trees. This defect does not always appear throughout the whole length of the trunk, for we have seen many square pieces which seemed perfectly exempt from all defects, nor were the injuries of the frost discovered until they were slit into planks. It is, nevertheless easily to be con- ceived, how such a disorder, in their internal parts, must diminish their strength, and assist their perishing. In forests, or woods, we meet with trees which strong winter frosts have split accord- ing to the direction of their fibres; these are marked with a ridge formed by the cicatrice that covers the cracks, but which remain within the trees without uniting again, because a re-union is never formed in the ligneous fibres when they have been divided or broken ; nor can it be doubted, that the sap, which in- creases in volume when it freezes, as all liquors do, may produce many of these cracks. But we also suppose that there are some which are independent of the frost, and which have been occasioned by a too great abundance of sap. Be 25S buffon's Be this as it may, the fact is, we have found defects of (his kind in all soils, and mall ex- Jmsitions, but most frequeiUly in wet ground and in nortliern and western expositions ; the letter may perhaps proceed in cases whert the cold is more intense, in such expositions ; and in the other, from the trees which are in marshy grounds, having the tissue of their lig- neous fibres weaker, and because their sap is more abundant and aqueous- tlmn in dry land;* which may be the cause that the effect of the rarefaction of liquors by the pores is more per-* ccptible, and more in a state of diminishing the ligneous fibres, as they bring less resist- ance thereto. This reasoning seems io be confirmed by anotlicr observation ; namely, that resinous trees, as the fir,aveseldom injured by the sharp frosts of winter, evidently from their sap bein^ more resinous : for we know that oils do not perfectly freeze, and that instead of augment- ing in volume, like water, in frosty weather, they diminish when they congeal. Dr. Hales says in his Vegetable Sialics, p. 16, that the plants which transpire the least, arc those which best resist the winter; because they have need of only a small quantity of nu- triment to preserve themselves. He says, likewise in the same part, that the plants, Ivhich NATURAL HISTORY. 257 "Hbicli preserve their leaves during winter, are those ^vhich trcanspire the least ; nevertheless, we know that the orange tree, the myrtle, and still more the jessamine of Arabia, &c. are very sensible to frost, although these trees pre- serve their leaves during winter; we must, therefore, have recourse to another cause to explain why certain trees which do not shed- their leaves in winter, so well support the sharj^est frosts. We have sawed many trees which were at- tacked with this malady, and have almost al- ways found, under (he prominent cicatrice, a deposit of sap or rotten wood, and they are ea- sily distinguished from what are called in the forest terms, sinks or gutters, because the de- fects which proceed from an alteration of the ligneous fibres, which is internally produced, occasion no cicatrice to change the external form of the trees, whereas the cliinks produc- ed by frosts, w hich proceed from a cleft after- wards covered by a cicatrice, make a ridge or eminence in the form of a cord, which an- nounces the internal defect. The sharp winter frosts produce, without doubt, many oilier injuries to trees, and we Jiave remarked many defects, which we might attribute to them with great probability ; but, as we have not been able to verify the fact, we VOL. X. I, 1 ^]i^ll 358 BUFFO n's shall pass on to the effects of the advantages and disadvantages of different expositions with rc^. spect to frost ; for this question is too interesting to agriculture not to attempt its elucidation, especially as various authors have supported an opposition of sentiment more capable of breed- ing doub:s than increasing our knowledge. Some have insisted that tlie frost is felt more strongly at the northern exposition, while others assert it is more sensible to the south or vrest, and all these opinions are founded on a single observation. We nevertheless perceive what has caused thisdiversity of opinion, and we are therefore enabled to reconcile them. But, before we relate the observations and ex- periments which have led us therelo, it is but just we should give a more exact idea or the question. It is not doubted that the grcalest cold pro- ceeds from the north, for that is in the shade of the sun, which alone, in sharp frosts, tem- pers the rigour of the cold ; besides, a situation to tlie north, is exposed to the north-east, and north-west winds, which are clearly the most intense, whether we judge from the effects which Lhose winds produce, or from the liquor of the thermometers, whose decision is much more certain. It may also be observed along the espaliers, that the earth is often frozen and hardened NATUJlAL HISTORY* 259 hardened all the day towards the north, while it may be worked upon towards the south. Moreover when a strong frost succeeds in the night, it is evident, that it must be much colder in the part where it is already formed, than ia that where the earth is warmed by the sun ; this is also the reason why, even in hot countries, we find snow in tlie northern exposition, on the back of lofly mountains : besides, the li- quor of the thermometer is alwaj^s lower at the northern exposition, than in that of the south ; therefore, it is incontestible, that it is colder there, and freezes stronger. It is therefore certain, that all the accidents which depend solelj^on the power of the frost, will be found more frequently at the northern expo>iUon than elsewhere. But yet it is not al- ways the great power of the frost which injures trees, for there are particular accidents, which cause a moderatcfrost to do them more preju- dice than the mucii sharper, when they happen in favourable circumstances. Of this we have already given an example in speaking of that part of dead wood included in the good, which is producj^d by the hoar frost, and is found most frequently intlie expositions to ihe south ; and it is also to be observed, that great part of the disorders produced in the winter of i 709, are ^60 buffon's are to be attributed to a false thaw, w!iicli was followed by a frost still sharper than what had preceded ; but the observations which we have made on the eiTectsof spring frosts sup- ply us with many similar examples, which i neon test ibly prove it is not in the expositions where it freezes the strongest, that the frost commits the greatest injuries to vegetables, ^ot to dwell upon assertions,we shall proccc.l to a detail of facts, which will render these general positions clear and apparent. In the winter 1734 we caused a coppice in my wood,, near Montbard in Burgundy, to be cut,which measured one hundred and fifty-four feet, situated in a dry place, on a Hat ground, surrounded on all sides widi cultivated land. In this wood we left many small square pieces without felling them, and in a manner that each equally faced east, west, noilh and south. Af- ter having well cleared the part that was cut, we observed carefully in spring the growth of the young buds ; the renewed tops on the 2jih of April, had sensibly shot out in the parts ex- posed to the soutli, and which consequently •were sheltered from the north by the tufted tops ; these were the first bucis that appeared, and were the most vigorous ; those exposed to the east appeared next ; then those of the west, NATURAL IIISTOR'T. 261 west, and lastly those of the northern exposi- tion. On the 28th of April the ff^st \vas very sharp in the morning accompanied by anortli wind ; the .sky was clear, and the air very diy , and in whicb manner it continued for throe dajs. At the end of which I went to sec iu what slate the buds were about the cluinps, and found them absoiiitcly blacliei'.cd in all the parts exposed to the south and sheltered from the north wind, wherciis those wliich were ex- posed to the cold north wind, which still Wowed, were only slightly injured; and with resiDcctto the eastern and western expositions, they were that day nearly alike ifijured. The 14th, 15th, and 22d of May, it froze pretty sharply, accompanied by the north and north-west winds, and I then likewise observed that ali those sheltered from the wind were very much injured, but that all those which were exposed thereto had sufllrcd but very little. This experiment appeared decisive, and show* ed that although it froze most strong in p;irts exposed to the north wind, yet the frost in that -aitnationdid the least injury to vegetabics. This circumstance is certainly opposed to common prejudice ; but it is not less the fact, atid is even easy to be explained ; for this p.u- jK«M\ it h 'sufficient topay attcnlio;i tocirciun- g(j2 buffom's stances in wTiich frost acts, and we shall dis- cover that humidity is the principal cause of its effects, so thatall which occasions humidity renders, at the same time, the frost dangerous to vegetaljles, and all that dissipates humidity, evenlf it should be done by increasing the cold (for every thing 'hat dries diminishes the dis- asters ofa fro.t) acts towards their preservation. We have often remarked, that iu low places, where mists and fogs reign, frost is felt n»ore sharoly, and oftener than elsewhere. For in- stance, in autumn and spring we have seen de- licate plants frozen in a kitchen-garden, in a low situation, while the like plants were pre- served sound in another kitchen-garden situated on an eminence. So, likewise, in vallies and low forests the wood is never of a beautuul vein, nor of good quality, although the vallies are often by much the best soil . The coppice wood is never go.d in low places, although it shoots forth th6re later than upon high places, and which is occasioned by a freshness that is always concentered therein. When I walked H nioht in the wood I felt almost as much heat "on eminences as in the open plains, but in the vallies 1 experienced a sharp a,.d un- comfortable cold. Though the trees shoot out the latest in those parts, yet the shoots arc stil injurcu NATURAL HISTORY. 263 injured by , &c. is often all destroyed by the frost, while the rest of the vine is quite healthy, and this is undoubtedly, to be attri* buted to the transpiration of the sainfoin, or other plants, which bring a humidity on the shoots of the vine. In the vine also, the branches that are strong and cut are always less injured th:m the stock; especially when not attached tothe props, as they are then agi- tated by the wind which dries them. The same thing is remarked of limber, and I have seen in copses all the buds entirely de- stroyed by the frost, while the upper shoo s had not received the least damage ; indeed it always appeared that the frost did most injury nearest to the earth, commonly within one or two feet, VOL. X. Mm insomuch S66 BUFFO n's insomiicli that it must be very violent to de- stroy the buds higher than four. All these observations, which may be re- garded as very constant, agree to prove that in general it is not the sharpest frosts which do the greatest injury to plants, but that they are affected in proportion as they are loaded with humidity, which perfectly explains why the frost causes so many disorders in the southern exposition, although it should be less cold than that of the north, and likewise why the frost causes more injury to the northern exposition, when after a rain proceeding from a westerly wind the wind veers to the north towards sun- set, as often happens in spring, or when, by an easterly wind, a cold moist air arises before sun-rise, which, however, is not so common. There are likewise circumstances where the frostdoes most injury to the eastern exposition ; but as we have many observations on that sub- ject, we shall first relate those which we made in the spring frost in 1736, which occasioned so much damage. It having been very dry previously, it froze for a long time before it in- jured the vines ; but it was not so in the forests, apparently because they contained more hu- midity. In Burgundy it was the same as in the forest of Orleans, the underwood was in- jured KATURAL HISTORY. 267 jurcd very earij. At last the frost increased so greatly that all the vines were destroyed, notwithstanding the dryness still continued ; but instead of this frost doing much damage under thesheltcr of the wind, those parts which were sheltered were the only ones preserved, insomuch, that in many closes surrounded by walls the stocks along the southern exposition were very green, while all the rest remained dry ; and in two quarters the vines were saved, tlie one by being sheltered from the north by a nursery of ash-trees, and the other because the vineyard was stocked with a number of fruil -trees. But this effect is very rare, and this hap- pened only because the season had been dry, and because the vines had resisted the wea-- ther till the plants had became so strong, from the time of the year, that the frost could not injure them, independently of the external hu- midity and other particular circumstances. But there are other causes to be assigned v/hy frost produces injury more frequently to the east than to the west, and which are drawn from the following observations : A sharp frost causes no prejudice to plants when it goes off before the sun comes upon them : let it freeze at night, if the morning be cloudy, 268 bupfon's cloudy, or a slight rain fall, or, in a word, if by any cause whatever the ice melt gently, and independently of (he action of the sun, it seldom does Any injury ; and we have very often saved very delicate plants, which had by chance remained exposed to ihe frosts, by re- turning them into the green-house before sun- rise, or by simply covering them before the sun ' had shone upon them. One time in particular a very sharp frost happened in autumn while our orange-lrecs were out of the green-house, and as it rained part of the night they were all covered with icicles: but this accident was prevented from doing any injury by covering them with cloths before the sun rose, so that there was only the young fruit and the most tender shoots injured, and we are persuaded they would all have been saved if the covering had been thicker. Another time oxxr geraniums ^ and many other plants which cannot bear the frost, were out, when suddenly the wind, which was south- west, veered to the north, and became so cold that the rain, which fell abundantly, was frozen, and in almost a moment all that were exposed to the air were covered with ice ; we thought, therefore, that all our plants were irrecoverably destroyed ; nevertheless we had then NATURAL HISTORY. 269 them carried to the furthermost part of the green-house, shut up the windows, and by that means they sustained but little damage. This kintl of precaution is always observed with regard to animals ; whcnlhey are stricken with cold, or have a limb frozen, great care is taken not to expose them hastily to heat, but they are rubbed with snow, dipped in water, or burned in dung; in one word, the greates^t attention is paid that they shall gradually be brought to warmth. It is almost certain, with respect to fruit which may be frozen, that if thawed with precipitation it invariably j3e- rishes, whereas it suffers but little if thawed gradually. In order to explain how the sun produces so manj^ disorders in frozen plants, some have imagined that the ice, by melting, is reduced into small spherical drops of water, which form so many small burning mirrors when the sun shines upon them. But however small the form of a mirror may be, it can only pro- duce heat at a distance, and can have no effect on a body it touches ; besides, the side of the drop of water which is on the leaf of a plant is flat, wliich removes its focus to a greater distance. In short, if these drops of water could produce this effect why should not the dew- §70 buffon's dew-drops, which are also splierical, produce the same ? Perhaps, it may he tliought that the most spirituous and volatile parts of the sap meitini^ the first, they evaporate before the rest are in a state of moving in the vessels of the plant, which might decompose the sap. But in general it may be said, that the frost increasing the volume of fluids, dilates the ves- sels of plants, and that the thaw cannot be performed without the parts which compose the frozen fluid enter into motion. This change may be made with suflicicnt gentleness not to break the most delicate vessels of plants, which will by degrees return to their natural tone, and then the plants will not suffer any injury; but, if it be done with precipitation, these vessels will not be able to resume their na- tural tone so soon after having suflbred a vio- lent extension, the liquors will evaporate and the plant remain dry. Although we might conclude wilh these conjectures, wi;h which I am not myself per- fectly satisfied, yet the following data are irre- vocably constant. 1. That it seldom happens with regard to fruit, ei'.her in spring or winter, that the plants are injured simply by the force of the frost and independently of any particular circumstances, and NATURAL HISTORY. 271 and when it does, it is at the northern exposi- tion that plants meet with the greatest injur^^. 2. In frosty weather, which lasts several days, the heat of the sun melts the ice in some places for a few liours ; for it often fieezcs again be- fore sun-set, whicli forms an ice very preju- dicial to plants, and it is observable that the southern exposition is more subject to this in- convenience than all the rest. 3. It has been observed, that spring frosts principally disorder those plants where there is humidity, the soils which transpire much, the bottoms of vallies, and in general all phices which cannot be dried by the wind and sua are the most injured. • In short, if, in spring, the sun which shines on frozen plants occasion a more considerable damage to them, it is clear that it will be the eastern exposition, and those next the south which will suffer most. But it may be said, if this be the case, we must no longer plant tothe souihern expositijn en a-dos (which are slopes, or borders of earth, thrown up in kitchen gardens or along espa- liers) gilliflowcrs, cabbages, winter lettuces, green peas, and such othc'r delicate plants as we would have stand the winter, and preserve for an early crop in spring : and that it is t'3 the 272 supfon's the northern exposition alone that we must in future plant peach and olher delicate trees. It is proper to destroy these objections, and shew that Ihey are false consequences of what we have advanced. Different objects are proposed when we set plants to pass through the winter in shelters exposed to the south, and sometimes it is to expedite vegetation: it is, for example, with this intention, that along espaliers we plant ranges of lettuces, which for that reason are termed winter-hiiuces ; these will tolerably well resist the frost in whatever part we plant them, but are always most forward in this ex-» position ; at other times, it is to preserve them from the rigour of this season, with an inten- tion of replanting them early in the spring. This practice is also followed in winter cab- bages, which are sown in this season along an espalier border. These kind of cabbages, like brocoli, are tender and cannot endure the frost, and would often perish in these shelters, if care were not taken to cover them durinservati{)ns ; but \ye shall content ourselves with having briefly adverted to some, because the ingenious man may supply what we have omitted by paying a little attention to the observations we have mentioned. We are well convinced there are a great number of further experiments to be made on this matter ; and perhaps even ihose •which we have related will engage Fome per-^ €ons to work on the same subject, and from our hints general and useful advantages may be derived. NATURAL HISTORY. 279 ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE PLANETS. MAN newly created, and even the igno- rant man at this day beholds the extent and nature of the universe only by the simple organ of light : to him the earth is but a solid body, whose volume is unbounded, and whose ex- tent is without limits, of which he can only survey small superficial spaces : while the sun and planets seem to be luminous points, of which the sun and moon appear to be the only objects worthy regard in the immensity of th^ heavens. To this false idea on the extent of ^^ature and the proportions of the universe is joined the still more disproportionate sentiment of superiority. Man, by comparing himself with other terrestrial beings, feels that lie ranks the first, and hence he presumes that all was made for him ; that the earth was created only to serve for his habitation, and the heavens for a spectacle; and in short the whole universe ought to yield to his necessities, and even his pleasures. But in proportion as he makes use of that divine light, which alonie ennobles hi* being; 280 BUFFON*S being ; in proportion as he obtains instruction^ he is forced to abate his pretensions ; he finds himself lessened in proportion as the universe increases in his ideas, and it becomes demon- strable to him, that the earth, which forms all his domain, and on which unfortunately he cannot subsist without trouble and sorrow, is as small with respect to the universe, as he is with respect to the Creator. In short, from study and application, he finds that there does not remain a possible doubt, that this earth, large and extensive as it may seem to him, is but a moderate sized planet, a small mass of matter, which, with others, has a regular course round the sun : for as it appears our globe is at the distance of at least 33 millions of leagues, and the planet Saturn at Si3 millions, the natural conclusion is, that the extent of the sun's em- pire is a sphere, whose diameter is 627 millions of leagues, and that the earth, relative to this space, is not more than a grain of sand to the volume of the globe. However, the planet Saturn, altliough the furtliest from the sun, is not by uny means near the confines of his empire: his limits extend m'lch further, since comets ])ass over spaces beyond that distance, as n)ay be estimated by the time of their revolutions : a comet which like NATURAL HISTORY. SSl like that ofthe jear 1680 revolves round the i^im in 575 years must be 15 times more remote from him than Saturn ; for the great axis of its orbit is 138 times greater than the distance from the earth to the sun. Hence we must still augment the extent of the solar power 15 times the distance from the sun to Saturn, so thatall the space in which the planets are included is only a small province of his domain, whose bounds should be placed at least 138 times his distance from the earth. What immensity of space ! What quantity of matter ! For independently ofthe planets, there is a probability ofthe existence of 400 or 500 comets, perhaps larger than the earth, which run over the different regions of this vast sphere of which the terrestrial globe only con- stituting a part, a unity on 191, 201, 612, 9S5y 514, 272, 000, a quantity represented by num- bers, which imagination cannot attain or com-* prehend. Nevertheless, this enormous extent, this vast sphere, is yet only a very small space in the im- mensity of the heavens; each fixed star is a sun, a center of a sphere equally as extensive ; and as we reckon more than 2O0O of these fixed stars perceived by the naked eye^and as with telescopes we can discover so much the greater number as these instruments are more powerful ; voB. X. O a the 282 buffon's the extent of tlic universe appears lobe \vit1i» out bounds and the solar system forms only a province of the universal empire of the Crea- tor ; an infinite empire like himself. Sirius, the most brilliant fixed star^and which for that reason may be regarded as the nearest sun to our's, affords to our sight only a second of annual parrallax on the whole diameter of the earth's orbit, and is therefore at the distance of 6, 771, 770, millions of leagues distant from us, that is, 6, 767, 216 millions of leagues from the limits of the solar system, such as we have assigned it after the depth to which the comets immerse. Supposing then, there is an equal space from Sirius to that which belong* to our sun , we shall perceive that we must ex- tend the limits of our solar system 742 times more than it is at present, as for as the aphe- lion of the comet, ivhose enormous distance from the sun is nevertheless only a unit on 742 of the total diameter of the solar system. Leagues. Distance from the earth to the Sun - - 33,000,000 Distance from Saturn to the Sun - - 3l3,OOO,CC0i Distance from the aphehon of the Comet to the Sun - - - 4,554,000,000 Distance from Sirius to the Sun - 6,771,770,000,000 Distance of Sirius to the point of the aphe- lion of the Comet, supposing that in as- cending; from the sun the comet point- ed directly towards Sirius (a supposition whick NATURAL lUSTOIlY. 283 which diminishes the distance as much as possible) - - 6,767^16,030,000 Oue half the distance from Sirius to the Sun, or the depth of the solar and sircin system - - 3,385,S85,0(X),OCO Extent beyond the Hmits of the comet's aphelion - - 3,331,331,000,000 Which being divided by the distance of the comet's aphelion, gives about - 742§ We can form another idea of our immense distance from Sirius, by recollecting that the sun's disk formstooursisrht an'ancrle of 32 mi- nutes, wliereas that of Sirius forms only that of a second ; and Sirius being- a sun like ours, ■wliich we shall suppose of equal magnitude, since there is no reason to conceive it larger or smaller, it would appear to lis as large as the sun, if it were but a like dislance. Taking therefore two numbers proportional to the square of 32 minutes, and to the square of a second, we shall have 3,686,4000 for the dis- tance of the earth to Sirius, and one for its dibtuncc to the sun ; and as this unit is equal to c3 millions of leagues, we see how many millions of leagues Sirius is distant from us, since we must multiply these 33 millions by 3,686,400 ; and if we divide the space between these two reighbouring suns, althougli at so great a distance, we shall sec that the comets might be removed to a distance 1.800,000 times £!Tcater 2iS4 BUFFO n's ffrcaler Mian (hat of the earth to (he sun withr out quittinfi^ the limits of (he solar universe, and without bcingsulrjectcd to other laws than that of our sun, and lieuce it may be concluded that the solar system for its dianie(er has an extent, which, although prodigious, never- theless, forms on! J a very small portion of the licavcns ; and we must infer a truth therefrom but little known, namely, that from the sun, the earlh and all the other planets, the sky must appear the same. When in a serene and clear night we con- template all those stars nith which the celestial vault is illuminated, it might be imagined that by being conveyed into another planet more remote from the sun, we should see these glitter- ing stars larger, and emitting a brighter light, since we siiould be so much nearer to them. Nevertheless, the calculation we have just made demonstrates that if we were placed in Saturn, which is 300 millions of leagues nearer Sirius, it would appear only an ]9i,021st part bigger, an augmentation absolutely insen- sible ; from which it must be concluded, that the heaven, with respect to all the planets, lias the same aspect as it has lo the ear(h. There- fore if even there should exist comets whose periods of revolution might be double, or (rebk NATURAL HISTORY. ^^5 4veble the period of 575 yrars, tlie longest known to us ; if even tlic comets in coiisct* qiieiice thereof, immerse at a depth ten times greater, there would still he a space 74 or 75 times deeper j to reach the iast coniincs,as well of the solar system, as of the sirian ; so that by allowing" Sirius as much magnitude as our sun has, and supposing in !iis system as muny or more cometary bodies than tiMere are comets existing in the solar, Sirius will govern them as the sun governs his, and tJiere will renuiin an immense interval between the coniines of the two enipires; an interval which appears to be no more than a desart in the vast space, and which must give a suspicion t!)at cometa- ry bodies do exist, whose periods are longcT,and which are to a muchgreaterdistance than we. can determine by our actual knowledge. Sirius may also be a sun much l.uger and more powerful than ours ; and if ihvd is tlie case, it must throw the borders of his doinain so much the further back by approaching them to us, and at the same time retrench the circumfe- rence of the sun. I cannot avoid presuming, that in tin's great number of fixed stiirs, which are all so many suns, there are some greater and others smaller than ours; others more or less luminous, some i)(.ly places uninhabited and 41 n in habit able fox ever, if they do not include within themselves treasures of heat much superior to what they receive from the sun. The heat wiiich our globe possesses of itself, and which is 50 times greater than that which comes to it from the sun, is, in fact, the treasure of nature, the true fund which animates us as well as every being : it is this internal heat of the earth which causes all things to germinate and to develope; it is that which constitutes the element of fire, properly called an element, which alone gives motion to other elements, and which if it was reduced to -^ could not conquer -their rcsist- ftnce,but would itself fall into an inertia. Now 4hls element, this sole active power, whicli may 292 buffon's may render the air fluid, the water liquid, and the earth penetrable, might it not have been given to the terrestrial globe alone ? Does ana- ^^gy permit us to doubt that the other planets do not likewise contain a quantity of heat, which belongs to them alone, and which must render them capable of receiving and support- ing living nature ? Is it not greater and more worthy the idea we ought to haveof the Creator, to suppose that there every where exists beings who acknowledge his power and celebrate his glory, than to depopulate all the universe, ex- cepting the earth, and to despoil it of all be- ings, by reducing it to a profound solitude, in which we should only find a desart space, and frightful masses of inanimate matter. Since the heat of the sun is so small on the earth, and other planets, it is necessarj^ that they should possess a heat belonging solely to themselves, and our enquiry must be to see whence this heat proceeds which alone can constitute in them this element of fire. Now where shall we be able to discover this ffreat quantity of heat if it be not in the source itself, in the sun alone ? for the matter of which the planets have been formed and projected by a like impulsion will have preserved their mo- tion in the same direction, and their heat in proportion NATURAL HISTORV. 203 proportion to their magnitude and density, Whoever weighs these a lalogics, and con-r ccives the power cf their relations, will not doubt that the planets have issued from the sun by the stroke of a comet, because in the solar system comets oidy could have power and sufficient motion, to communicate a similar impulsion to the masses of matter which compose the planets. If to all these circum- stances we unite that of the innate heat of the earth, and of the insufficiency of the sun to support nature, we must rest persuaded, that in the time of their formation the planets and earth were in a state of liquefaction, afterwards in a state of incandescence, and ,at last in a successive state of heat, always decreasing from incandescence to actual temperature, for there is no other mode of conceiving the origin and duration of this heat peculiar to the earth. It is difficult to imagine that the fire, termt^d central, can subsist at the bottom of the globe without air (that is, v/ilhout its first aliment, and from whence this fire should proceed, which is supposed to be shut up in the centre of the globe), because what origin, what source shall we then find for it ? Descarles has imagined the earth and planets were only small incrusted suns ; in other words, suns entirely cxtinguislicd. ^S)i: BUFFO n's exlinguislied . Leibnitz has not besiiated to prOi- nouncetbat the terrestrial globe owes its source, and the consistence of its matters, to the elcr jinent of fire: yei these two great philosophers had not the assistance of these nnmeroiis cir- ciiiTistances and observations which have been acquired and collected in our days, and whick are so well established that it ap j)ears more than probable that the earth, as well as the planets, •(v^ere projected out of ihx" sun, and being con- sequently of a like matter, which was at first in a sta(e of liqucfacticm they obeyed the centri- fugal power, at the same time that it c6llec(cd itself together by that of attraction, which has ^iven a round form to all the planets under the equator, and flattened under the poles, on ac- count of the variety of their rotation ; that af- terwarcfethis fire being gradually dissipated, the benign temperature, suitable to organized Jiature, succeeded in difl"erent planets accord- ing to the difference of their thickness or den- sity. If there should be other particular causes of heat assigned for the earth and pLi- liets, which might combine with those whose <:rffects we have calculated, our results are not less curious, nor less usefid to the advancement of science; and we shall here only observe, that those particular causes may prolong the 4ime of the refrigeration of the globe, and the duration NATURAL HiSTGRY. 2fe dnralian of living nature, bejoncl the terms we have indicated. But I may be asked is this Tlieorj equally as well founded in every point %vhic]i serves far its basis ; is it certain, according to your ex- periments, that a globe, as large as the earth, and composed of the same matters, cannot re- frigerate from incandescence to actual tempc-* rature in less than 74,000 years, and that in order to become heated to the point of incan-* descencc a 15th of this time, that isdOOO years, would be required : and also that it should be surrounded all that time by the most violent fire ; if so, there are as you say strong presump- tions tliat this great heat of the earth could not have been communicated to it from a disttince, and that consequently the terrestrial matter formerly made a part of the mass of the sun ; but it does not appear equally proved that i\iQ heat of this body on the earth is at present but •^ part of the heat of the glgbe. The testimony of our senses seems to refute this opinion, which you lay down as a certain truth, for al- though we cannot doubt that the earth has an innate heat, which is demonstrated by its al- ways equal temperature, iii all deep places where the coldness of the air cannot communi- cate; yet does it result that this heat, ^vhicli appears- ^d6 liu Frog's appears of moderate temperature, is gre^tcf than that of the sun which seerns to burn us? To all these objections I can give full satis- faction, but let us first reflect on the nature of our sensations. A very slight, and often im- perceptible, difterence in the causes which affect us, produces considerable ones in their effects. Is there any thing which comes nearer to extreme pleasure than grief? and who can! assign the distance between the lively irritation by which we are moved witli delight, and the friction which gives us pain ? between the fire "which warms and that which burns ? between the light which is agreeable to our sight and tliat which blinds us? between the savour Tvhich pleases our taste and that which is dis- agreeable ? between the smell of which a small quantily will at first be agreeable and yet soon after create nausea ? We must therefore cease from being astonished that a small aug- mentation of heat, such as ^^ should appear so striking. I do not pretend positively to assert that the innate heat of the earth is really 49 times greater than that wdiicli comes to it from the su!i : for as the heat of the globe belongs to all terrestrial matter, we liave no means of separating it, nor consequently any sensi- bly NATURAL HISTORY* 297 ble and real limits to wlrich wemidit relate it. But even if ihe solar heat be grealer or smaller than we have supposed, relative to the terres- trial heat, our theory would only alter thp. pro- portion of tlie results. For ei^ample, if we include the whole extent of our sensations of the greatest heat to the greatest cold, within the limits given by the observations of M. Amontons, that is, between seven and eight, and at the same time suppose that the heat of the sun can alone produce this difierence of our sensations, we shall from thence have the proportion of 8 to 1 of the in- nate heat of the terrestrial globe to that which proceeds from the sun ; and consequently the compensation which this heat of the sun ac- tually makes on the earth, would be |- and the compensation which it made in the time of in- candescence will have been _a^: adding toge- ther these two terms, we have -^ which mul- tiplied by 12f, the half of the sum of all the terms of the diminution of heat, gives |^J or -J for the total compensation made by the sun's heat during the the period of 74047 years of tlie refrigeration of the earth to actual tempe- rature. And as the total loss of the innate beat is to tlie total compensation in the same ratio as the time of the period of refrigeration, roL. X. Q q ^c S98 BUFFON S we shall have 25 : 1 » : ; 74047 : 4813 ^\, so that the refrigeration of the globe of the earth instead of having been prolonged only 770 years, would have been 4813 ^ years ; which joined to the longest prolongation, the lieat of the moon would also produce in this supposi- tion, would give more than 50OO years. If we adopt the limits laid down by M. dc Marian, which are from 31 to 32, and suppose that the solar heat is no more than -jV of that of the earth, ue shall have only \ of this pro- longation, about 1250 years, insfead of 770, which gives the supposition of -5^ which we have adopted. But if we suppose that the sun's heat is only ^^ of that of the earth, as appears to result from the observations made at Paris, we should have for the compensation of the incandescence ^^^and ^1^ for the compensation to the end of the period of 7407 years of the refrigeration of the terrestrial globe to actual temperature, and we should find ^jj for the total compensa- tion made by the heat of the sun during this period, which would give only 154 years, or the 5th part of 770 years for the time of the prolongation of refrigeration. And likewise, if in the place of ^ we suppose that the solar heat was -^^ of the terrestrial, we should find that NATURAL HTSTORT. 999 that the time of prolongation would be five times longer, that is 3850 years ; so that the more we endeavour to increase the heat ^vhich comes to us from the sun relative to that which emanates from the earth, the more we shall ex- tend the duration of nature, and date the an- tiquity of the earth further back; for by sup- posing the heat of the sun was equal to the in- nate of the globe, we should find that the time of prolongation would be S8504 years, which consequently gives the earth a greater antiquity of38 or 39000 years. If we cast our eye on the table which M. de Mairan has calculated with great exactness, and in which he gives the proportion of the heat which comes to us from the sun, to that which emanates from the earth in all climates, we shall discover a well attested fact, which is, that in all climates where observations'havc been made, the summers are equal, whereas the winters are prodigiously unequal ; this learned naturalist, attributes this constant equa- lity of the intensity of heat in summer in all climates to the reciprocal compensation of the solar heat, and from the l»eat of the emana- tions of the central fire. All naturalists who have employed them- selves 30O BUFFOIV'S selres on this subject agree with me that the terrestrial globe possesses of itself a heat inde- pendently of that which comes from the sun. Is it not evident that this innate heat should be equal at every place on the surface of the globe, and that there is no other difference in this re- spect than that whicli results from the swelling of the earth at the equator, and of its flatness under the poles ? A difference, which being in the same ratio nearly as the two diameters, does not exceed yto^ so that the innate heat of the terrestrial spheriod must be ^-^ times greater under the cqua'or than under the poles. The depcrdition which is made, and the time of refrigeration must, therefore, have been quicker, or more sudden, in the northern cli- mates, where the thickness of the globe is not so great as in the southern climates, but this difference of -2 |o cnnnot produce that of the in- equality of the central emanations, whose rela- tion to the heat of the sun in winter being equal 50 to 1 in the adjacent climates to tlie equator, is found double to the 27th degree, triple to the SSth, quadruple to the 40Lh, ten- fold to the 49th, and 35 time§ greater to the 60th degree of latitude. This cause, which presents itself, contributes to the cold of (he northern NATURATi HISTORY. SOI novtlicrn climafcs, but it is insufficient for tbe effect of the inequality of the winters, since this effect would be S5 times ^eater than its cause to the 60th degree, and even excessive in climates nearer the poles ; at the same time it would in no part be proportional to this same cause. On the other hand there is not any founda- tion for supposing" that in a globe which has re- ceived, or which possesses a certain di^grce ef Jieat, there might he some parts of it much col- der than others. We are sufficiently acqtiaint- «d with the progress of heat and the pheno- mena of its communication, to be convinced that it is every Avhere distributed alike, since by placing a cold body on one thai is hot, the latter will communicate to the other sufficient heat to render heat of the same degree of tem- perature in a short time. It must not, there- fore, be supposed that towards the polesthere are strata of colder matters less permeable to the heat than in other climates, for of whatever uature (hey may be supposed to be, experience has demonstrated that in a very shovi tunc they would become as hot as the rest. It is evident that great cold in the north does not proceed from tliese pretended obstacles which might oppose t!i em selves to the issue of heat, nor from the slight difference which that of S02 BUFFOW's oftlie diameters of the terrestrial spheroid must produce ; but it appears to me, after much rc- lleciion upon it, that we ought to attribute the equality of the summers, and the great inequa- lity ofthe winters to a much more simple cauf-e, but which, notwithstanding, has escaped the notice of all naturalists. it is certain that as the native heat of the earth is much greater than that which comes to it from the sun, the summers ought to appear nearly equal every where, because this same heat from the sun makes only a small augmen- tation to the stock of real heat which the earth possesses ; and consequently if this heat issu- ing from the sun, be only * ofthe native heat of the globe, the greater or less stay of it on the horizon, its greater or less obliquity on the cli- mate, and even its total absence, would only produce one-fiftieth difference on the tempera- ture of the climate, and hence the summers must appear, and are, in fact, nearly equal in all the climates of the earth. But what makes the winters so very unequal is the emanations of this internal heat of the globe being in a great measure suppressed as soon as the cold and frost bind and consolidate the surface of the earth and waters. This heat which issues from the globe, de- creases in the air in proportion, and in the same NATURAL HISTORY. SC5 same ratio as the space increases, and the sole COHdensation of the air by this cause is sufficient to produce cold winds, which acting against the surface of the earth, bind and freeze it. As long as this confinement of the external strata of the earth remains, the emanations of the internal beat are retained, and the cold ap- pears to be, nay in fact is, very considerably increased by this suppression of a part of this heat: but as soon as the air becomes milder, and the superficial strata of the globe loses its ri- gidity, tlie heat, retained all the time of the frost, issues out in greater abundance than in climates where it doet not freeze, so that the sura of the emanations of the heat becomes equal and every where alike ; and this is the reason that plants vegetate quicker, and the harvest is reaped in much less time in northern countries ; and for the same reason it is, that often at the beginning of summer we feel sucfe considerable heats. If there were any doubt of the suppression of the emanations of the internal heat by the ef- fect of frost, we might easily be convinced of the fact ; for it is a circumstance universally known, that after a frost, we may perceive snow to thaw in pits, acqueducts, cisterns, quarries, subterraneous vaults or mines, wlien even these depths, pits or cisterns, contain no water s 30i BVFFOa^S water; the emanations of the earth having their free issue through these kinds of vents, the ground which covers tliis top is never fro- zen so strong as the open land; to the emana- tions, it permits their general course, and their heat is sufficient io melt the snow, especially in hollow places, at the same time that it remains on all the rest of the surface where the earth is not excavated. This suppression ofthe emanations of die na- tive heat of the earth h not only made by the frost, but likewise by the simple binding of the ear 111, often occasioned by a less degree of cold thau that which is necessary to freeze the sur- face ; there are very few countries where it freezes in the plains beyond the 35th degree la- titude, particularly in the northern hemisphere. It appears, therefore, that from the equator, as far as the 35th degree, the emanations of the terrestrial heat having always their free issue, there ought to be in that part little or no dif- ference between winter and summer, since this diflbrence proceeds only from two causes, both too slight to produce any sensible effect. The iirst cause is the difference of the solar action, but as this action is itself much smaller than that of the terrestrial heat, its difference is too inconsiderable to be regarded as any thing. The second cause is the thickness of the globe, which NATURAL HISTORY. S05 \\luch towards the Soth degree, is near -^lotli part less than at the equator, but even this dif-. ferencecan only produce a very slight effect, since at 35 degrees the relation of the emana- tions of the terrestrial to the solar heat is in summer from 33 to 1, and in winter from 153 to 1, which gives 186 to 2 or 93 to 1. From hence it can only be owing to the consolidation of the earth occasioned by the cold, or even to the cold produced by the durable rains -which fall in these climates, that wc can attribute this difference between winter and summer ; the binding of the earth by cold suppresses a part of the emanations of the internal heat, and the cold, always renewed by the fall of rain, di- minishes its intensity ; these two causes, there- fore, together produce the difference between winter and summer. After having proved that the heat which comes to us from the sun is gready inferior to the native heat of our globe ; after having ex- plained that, by supposing it only -^Jg^ part, the refrigeration of the globe to actual tem.perature cannot be made but in 75,832 years ; after having demonstrated that the time of this re- frigeration would still be longer, if the heat sent from the sun to tlie earth were in a greater relation, namely, of J5. or-j^ instead of ^Vj ^ve VOL. X. R r cannot 503 uufpon's cannot Ijeblamed for having adopted that pi*o- portion which appears the most plausible from physical reasonings, and at the same time the most probaHe, as it does not extend too fer back the time of the commencement of nature, which we l3a\'« fixed at 37 or 38,000 years, dating itfrom the first day. 1 nevertheless acknowledge that this time, all considerable as it is, does not appear suffi- ciently long for certain changes, certain suc- cessive alteiations, which Natural History de- monstrates to have taken place, and which seem to have required a still longer course of centuries ; and from which I should be inclined to imagine, that, in reality, this time would be increased perhaps double if every phenomena were completely investigated ; but 1 have con- fined myself to the least terms, and restrained the limits of time as much as possible, with- out contradicting facts and experiments. This theory, perhaps, may be attacked by another objection, which it is right to guard against. It may be told me that I have sup- posed, after Newton, the heat of boiling water to be three times greater than that of the sun in sTtmmer,and iron heated red-hot eight times greater ih&n boiling water, that is, 24 or 2a times greater than that of tlie adtml tempera- lure NATURAL HISTORY. 307 ture of the earth, and that there is EometUing hypothetical in this supposition, on which I have founded tlie second basis of my calcula- tions, whose results would be, without doubt, very different if this red heat of iron, or glass in incandescence, instead of bein^, in il^ct, 25 times greater than the actual heat of the globe, were, for example only 5 or Q times as great. The better to feel the force of this gbjectiou, let us make a calculation of the refrigeration of the earth, upon the supposition that in the time of incandescence it was only five times hotter than it is according to our calculations ; this solar heat, instead of a compensation of 5V would have only made the compensation of -5^1^ in the time of incandescence, these two terms added together gives ■^-^, which multi- plied by 2|, the half of the sum of all the terms of the diminution of heat, gives ^ for the toktal compensation which the heat of the sun has made during the whole period of the deperdition of the innate heat of the globe, which is 74047 years : therefore we shall have : ^^^ : : 74047 : S$8 44 from which we see that the prolongation of refrigeration, which for a heat 28 times greater than actual tempe- rature, has been only 770 years, should have 308 buffon's been 888 |4j i" ^'^e supposition that this first lieat should have been only fivie times greater thsfn this actual temperature. This alone shews us that if we even suppose this primitive heat below 25, there would only be a longer prolongation of the refrigeration of the globe, and that alone appears to me sufficient to satisfy the objection. It may likewise be said, " you have calcu- lated the duration 6f the refrigeration of the planets, not only by the inverted ratio of their diameters, but also by the inverted ratio of their density ; this might be well founded if we could imagine that in fact there exists matter whose density is as different from that of our globe : but does it exist? What, for example, willbethe matter of which Saturn is composed, since its density is more than five times less than that of the earth ? To this I answer, that it would be very easy to find, in the vegetable class, matters five or six times less dense than a mass of iron, mar- ble, hard calcareous stone, &c. of which we liuow that the earth is principally composed ; but without quitingthemineralkingdom, and considering the density of these five matters, we have 21 f| for iron, 8yf for white marble, forgres 7 14, for common marble and calcare- ous stone 7 f|; taking the mean term of the densities NATURAL HISTORY. 509 densities of these five matters, of Vyhic)i the terrestrial globe is principally composed, we find its density to be 10y\.. It is therefore rcr quired to find a matter Avhose density is in the relation of 189 to 1000 density, Avhicli is the same as that between Saturn and tlie Earth. Now this matter might be a kind of pumice stone, somewhat less dense than common pu- mice stone, whose relative density inhere ly| ; whence it appears that Saturn is principally composed of a light matter similar to pumice stone. So likewise the density of the Earth being to that of Jupiter as 1000 to 292, we must suppose that Jupiter is composed of a more dense matter than pumice stone, but much less dense than chalk. The density of the Earth being to that of the Moon as 1000 to 702, this secondary planet appears composed of a matter whose density- is not quite so great as that of hard calcareous stone, but more so than soff. The densitj' of the Earth being to that of Mars as lOOO to 730, this planet must be com- posed of a matter somewhat more dense than that of gres, and not bO great as that of white marble. But the density of the Earth being to that of Yenus as lOOO to 12700, it may be supposed that 310 buffon's that this planet is chiefly composed of a more dense matter than emery, and less dense than zinc. Finally, tlie density of tlie Earth being to that of Mercury : : 1000 : 2040, or : : 10^ : ^SOjI^I^I, it must be thought that this planet is composed of a matter less den^se than iron but more so than tin. To the question, how can animated nature, which you suppose every >vhere established, exist in planets ofiron, emery, or pumice stone? I shall answer, by the same causes, and by the same means as it exists on the terrestrial globe, although composed of stone, grcs, marble, iron, and glass. There are other planets like our globe, v/hose principalis one of these mat- ters ; but the external causes will soon have altered its superficial strata, and according to the different degrees of heat or cold, dryness or humidity, they will have converted this matter into a fertile earth proper to receive the seeds of organized nature, which only needs heat and moisture to develope itself. Having answered the most obvious objec- tions, it is necessary now to explain the facts, and observations, by which we are assured that the sun is only an accessory to the real heat, which continually emanates from the globe of NATURAL HISTORY. 311 (be earth; and it will be just, at the same time, to see how comparable thermometers have taught us in a certain manner that the heat in summer is equal in all the climates of the earth, excepting Senegal, and some other parts of Africa, where (he heat is greater than elsewhere. It may be incontcslibly demonstrated, that the light, and consequently the heat of the sun, emitted on the earth in the summer, is very great, comparatively with (hat emitted by the same body in winter; and yet, by very exact and reiterated observations, thediiFerence of the real heat of the sun in summer is very small. This alone would be sufficient to prove that the heat of the sun makes only a small part of that of the terrestrial globe; but in ad- dition io this M. Amontons, by receiving the rays of the sun on the same thermometer in summer and winter, observed that the greatest heat in summer in our climate differs from the cold in winter, when the water congeals, as only 7 differs from 6 ; whereas it can be de- monstrated that the action of the sun in sum- mer is about 6C) times greater than that of th« sun in winter ; it therefore cannot be doubted, that there is a fund of very great heat in the terrestrial globe, on which, as a basis, the de- grees 512 buffon's grccs of heat iirise, and that at the surface it docs not give a greater quantity of heat than that which comes from the sun. If it be asked, how we can then assert that the heat in summer is 66 times grater than that in winter in our climate? I cannot give a bet- ter answer than by referring to the memoirs given by the late M. de Mairanin 1719, 1722, and 1765, and inserted in those of the Aca- demy, where he examines, with a scrupulous altention, the vicissitudes of summers in dif- ferent climates ; the various causes for which may be reduced to four principal ones : 1 . The inclination under which the light of the sun falls according to the different height of (he sun on the horizon ; 2Jly. The greater or less intensify of light in proportion us its passage in the atmosphere is more or less oblique ; ,*^dly. The diffbrent distance of the earth to the sun in summer and winter; and 4thly. The inequalities of the length of days in diiferent climates. By the principle that lieat is proportional to the action of light it will be easily demonstrated^ that these four united causes, combined and compared,' diminish with respect to our climate, this action of the sun's heat in a ratio of about 66 to 1 between the summer and the winter solstice ; NATURAL HISTORY. 313 solstice ; and this theoretical truth may be re- garded as certain, as the second truth from experience, and which demonstrates, by the observations of ihe thermometer, immediately exposed to the sun's rays in winter and sum- mer, that the diiference of real heat in these two is, nevertheless, at most only from 7 to 6; I say at most, for this determination given by M. Amontons is not nearly so exact as that which has been made by M. de Mairan, who, after a great number of final observations, proves that this relation is only as 32 to 31. What, therefore, must indicate this prodigious inequality between these two relations of the action of the soldr heat^ in summer and winter, which is from 66 to 1 ; and of that of the real heaty which is only from 32 to 3i ? Is it not evident that the innate heat of the globe of the earth is considerably greater than that which comes to us from the sun ? It appears, in fact, that in the climate of Paris this heat of the earth is 29 times greater in summer, and 491 times greater in winter than thatof ths sun, as M. de Mairan has determined it. But I have already said that we must not conclude, from these two combined relations, tho real one of the beat of iht globe of the earth to that which comes from the sun, and I have firiven reasons which hr\ve determined rae io suppose VOL. X. Ss that SI^ buffon's that we may estimate this heat of the sun 49* times less than the heat which emanates from the earth. From the year ITOl to 1756 inclusive, a variety of observations were made with ther- mometers, and the following were the results . The greatest degree of heat, and of cold, which was experienced at Paris in each year was col- lected ; a total of these was made, and it was found that the mean estimate, in all the ther- mometers, reduced to Rheaumur's division, was 1026, for the greatest heat in summer, that is 26 degrees above the freezing point ; and that the mean degree of cold in winter, during those 56 years, was 994, or 6 degrees below the freezing point of water, whence we con- cluded that the greatest heat in our summers at Paris differs from the greatest cold of our winters only •g?^, since 994 : 1026 : : 31 : 32; and it was on this foundation that we stated the latter to be the relation of the greatest heat to the greatest cold. But it may be objected against the precision of this valuation, the de- fect of the construction of the thermometer, and Rheaumur's division (to which we have here reduced the scale of all the rest); and this defect is extending only 1000 degrees be- low that of ice, as if 1000 degrees were in fact, that of absolute cold, whereas absolute cold doe NATURAL HISTOHY. 315 does not exist in nature ; and that of the smallest heat should be supposed 10,000 instead of 1000, which would alter the thermometer's gradation. It may likewise be said that it is possible all our sensations between the greatest heat and the greatest cold are comprised in as small an interval as that of a unit on 32 of heat, but that the voice of judgment seems to be raised against this opinion, and tells us this limit is too confined, and that it is much easier to reduce this interval than to give it an eighth, or a seventh instead of a thirty-second. But be this valuation as it may, there can be no doubt of the truth of these facts which we have drawn from our observations, for in the same manner as we found, from the com- parison of oQ successive years, the heat of sum- mer at Paris 1026, or 2o degrees above the freezing point, we also found, with the same thermometers, that the heat in summer was 1026 in every climate of the earth, from the equator to the polar circle ;* at Madagascar, in the islands of France and Bourbon, Roderigo, Siam, and the East-Indies ; at Algiers, Malta, Cadiz, Monlpelier, Lyons, Amsterdam, Upsal, Petcrsburgh, and as far as Lapland, near the polar * See the Memoirs of Rheaumur In those of the Aca- demy (year 1735 and 1741), and also of the Memoirs of M. de Mairan in thvseof the year 1765, p. 213. 316 BUFFO N'S polar circle. At Cayenne, Peru, Martinica, Carthag^nain America; at Panama; m short, in all the climates of tlie two hemispheres and continents Tvhere observations could be made, it has been constantly found that the liquor of the thermometer rose equally to 25, 26, or 27 de- grees in the hottest days in summer ; and hence ensues the incontestible fact of the equality of beat in summer in all climates of the earth. There are indeed some exceptions, for at Sene- gal, and some few other places, the thermo- meter rises 5 or 6 degrees higher, to 31 or 32 degrees; but that arises from accidental and local causes, which do not alter the truth of the observations, nor the certainty of the general fact, Vvhich alone might demonstrate to ns, that there really exists a very great heat in the ter- restrial globe, that the effect, or the emana- tions, of which are nearly equal in all the points of its surface, and that the sun, very far from being the only sphere of heat which ani- mates nature, is at best only the regulator. This important fact, which we consign to pos- terity, will enable it to discover the real pro- gression of the diminution of the heat of the terrestrial globe, which we have been only able to determine in a hypothetical manner. In a few centuries, I am confident it will be found thii^ NATURAL HISTORY. 317 that the greatest beat of summer, insteail of raising the liquor of the tliermometer to 26, will not raise it to more than 25, or 24 ; and from this eilect, which is the result of all the combined causes, a judgment may be formed of the value of each of the particular causes, which produce the total effect of heat oi\ the surfiice of the globe ; for the heat which be- longs to the earth, and which it has possessed from the time of incadescence, has very con- siderably diminished, and will continue to di- minish with the course of time: this heat is independent of that whicli comes from the sun; the latter may be looked upon as cuiistant, and consequently in futurity will make a greater compensation than at present. To the loss of this innate heat of the globe there are two other particular causes, which may add a con- siderable quantity of heat to the effect of the two first, tlie only ones we have as yet taken notice of. One of these particuhtr causes proceeds, in some measure, from the iirst general cause, and may add something to it. It is certain Ih^it during the time of incadescence, aiRl indeed all the subsequent tig^^s till that of the refrige- ration of the eartli, not any of the volatile matters could reside at the surface, or even in the 5iS buffon's the internal part, of the globe ; (hey were raised and dispersed in the form of vapours,ancl could not deposit themselves but successively in jiroportion as it cooledjby which means some of these matters have penetrated through the clefts and crevices of the earth to great depths, in an infinity of places; and this is the primitive foundation of volcanos, which are all found in lofty mountains, were the clefts of the earth are so much the greater as these points of the globe are more projecting and isolated. This deposit of the volatile combustible matters of the first ages will have been greatly augmented by the addition of every combustible matter which has been subsequently formed. Pyrites, sulphurs, coal, bitumen, &c. have penetrated into the principal cavities of the earth, and produced almost every where great masses of inflammable matters, and often conflagrations, ■which have been manifested by earthquakes, crruptions of volcanos, and by the hot springs which flow from mountains, or run internally in the cavities of theearth. It may, therefore, be presumed that these subterraneous fires, some of which burn without explosion, and others with great noise and violence, somewhat increase the general heat of the globe. Never- theless this adiiition of heat can be only very slight. NATURAL HISTORY. 31^ slight, for it has been observed that it is nearly as cold on the top of volcanos as on the top of other mountains of the same height, except at the very time when the volcano throws out in- flamed vapours or burning matters. The second cause, which seems not to have been thought of, is the motion of the moon round the earth. This secondary planet per- forms its evolution round the earth in 27 days and one third, and being 85.3^5 leagues dis- tance, it goes over a circumference of 536,329 leagues in this space of time, which makes a motion of 817 leagues in an hour, or from 13 to 14 leagues in a minute. Although this rout is, perhaps, the slowest of all the celestial bo- dies, yet it is rapid enough to produce on the earth, which serves for the axis or pivot to this motion, a considerable heat by the friction which results from the weight and velocity of this planet. But it is not possible to estimate the quantity of heat produced by this exterior cause, because hitherto we have had nothing which might serve us for a term of comparison. But if we ever can discover tlie number, mag- nitude, and velocity, of all tlie planets which circulate round the sun, we s^IialUhen be able to judge of the quantity of iieat wliich the moon can give to tlic earth, by the much greater 390 buffon's grealer quantity of fire which all these vast bo«* dies excite in the sun. For my own part I am greatly inclined to think that the heat produc- ed by this cause in the globe of the earth, forms a verj' considerable part of its own heat : and that, in consequence, we mast still extend the limits of time for the duration of nature. But let us return to our principal object. We have observed that the summers are very nearly equal in all climates of the earth, and that this truth is founded on incontestible facts ; but it is not the same with respect to winters ; they are very unequal, and vary in different climates, as we remove further from that of the equator, where the heat in winter and summer is nearly the same. I think I have already explained in a satisfactory man- ner the cause of this, viz, the suppression of the terrestrial heat. This suJ)pression is, as I have said, occasioned by the cold winds, which fall from the air, bind the earth, freeze the waters, and shut up the emanations of the terrestrial heat during the time the frosts re- main ; so that it is not at all surprising that the cold in winter is in fact so much the greater as we advance further towards the climates where the mass of air, receiving the rays of STATURAL HISTORY. 3^1 of the sun more obliquely is for that reason colder. But with respect to the cold as well as to the heat, there are some countries which are an exception to the general rule. At Senegal, Guinea, Angola, and probably in every country where the natives are black, as in Nubia, the country of the Papons, New Gui- nea, &c. it is certain that the heat is greater there than in any other part of the earth ; but this arises from local causes and therefore in those particular climates where the east wind reigns during the whole year, passes over a very considerable track of land, and receives a scorching heat before it arrives to them, it is not surprising that the heat is found 5, 6, and even 7 degrees greater tlian it is elsewhere. The excessive colds of Siberia, are also to be attributed to that part of the surface of the globe being much higher than that which sur- rounds it. " The northern Asiatic countries (says the Baron Strahlenberg in his description of the Russian Empire) are considerably more elevated than the European. They are like a table, in comparison of the bed on which they appear so be placed ; for on coming from the west and leaving Russia, we pass to the east by the mountains Ripha and Rymnikas VOL. X. T t to 322 BUFFO. \'S to enlcr Siberia, and constantly advance to an ascent." " There are many places in Siberia, says i\I. Gmelin, which arc not less elevated above the rest of the earth, nor less remote from its centre, than are many high moun- tains in many other regions." Tliese plains of Siberia, appear, in fact, to be as high as the summit of theRiphean mountains, on which the ice and snow do not wholly melt during summer ; and if the same effect do not hap- pen in the plains of Siberia, it is because they are less detached, for this local circumstance also adds much to the duration and to the in- tensity of cold and heat. A vast plain once made hot will retain its heat longer than a de- tached mountain, though both are alike ele- vated ; and for the same reason the mountain once cooled will retain its snow or ice lon- ger than the plain. But if we compare the excess of heat with that of cold produced by these particular and local causes, we shall be surprized to find, that in Senegal, &c. where the heat is greatest, it ne- ver exceeds seven degrees beyond the summer heat in other countries, which is 26 degrees above the freezing point, while on the contra- ry, the colds of Siberia sometimes reach 60 or 70 degrees below it, and that at Petersburg!), Upsal, NATURAL HISTORY. 323 Upsal, &c. under the same latitude as Siberia, the greatest cold is not more than to 25 or 26 degrees below tbe freezing point ; therefore, we must conclude, that these local causes have much more influence in cold than in hot cli- mates. Although we cannot pretend to deter- mine what this great difference in the excess of cold and heat may produce,yet by reflecting on it, it appears that we may easily conceive the reason of this difference. The auirmenta- tion of the heat in such a climate as Senegal can only proceed from the action of the air^ the nature of the soil, and the depression of ■the ground; forthis country being alnwst on a level with the sea, it is in a great measure co- vered with scorching sands, over which an jeasterly wind continually blows ; this, instead of refreshing the air, only renders it more burn- ings because it traverses over more than 2000 leagues of land in its way, and consequently acquires a considerable degree of heat. But in such countries as Siberia, where the plains are elevated like the summits of mountains above tbe level of the rest of the eaith, this sole diftbrence of elevation must produce an ef- fect proportionally greater than the depression of the ground of Senegal, which cannot be s,upposed more than that of the level of the 324: • buffon's sea ; for if the plains of Siberia be only elevate ed 4 or 500 fathoms above Ibe level of Upsal, or Petersburgh, we must cease from being as- tonished that the excess of cold is so great there ; sine? the heat which emanates from the earth, decreases at each point as the space in* creases, and this elevation of tlie ground alone suffices to explain this great difference of cold under the same latitude. On this point there remainsonly oneinterest- ing question. Men animals, and plants, may, for some time, support the rigour of this cold, which is 60 degrees below the freezing point ; but could theyalso support a heat which should be CO degrees above it ? To tliis we answer, yes, provided we knew as well how to guard airainst the heal as we do to shelter ourselves from the cold ; and if the air could, during the remainder of the year, refresh the earth, in the same manner as the emanations of the heat of the globe warms the air in cold countries. We know of plants, insects, and fish, which live and grow in baths of 45, 50, and even 60 de- grees of heat ; there are, therefore, species in living nature which can support this degree of heat ; and as the negroes are in the human race those whom a strong heat the least in^ commodes, might we not conclude, according tci NATURAL HISTORY. 325 to this hypothesis, that the earth has continued to decline from its original heat, and that the race of negroes are more ancient than that of white people? GENERAL VIEWS OF NATURE. FIRST VIEW. NATURE is that system of laws established by the Creator for regulating the existence of bodies and the succession of beings. Nature is therefore not a body, for if it were so, it would comprehend every thing; neither is it a being, for in that case it would necessarily be God. We must rather consider Nature as an immense living power, which is in subordina- tion to the Supreme Being, and by his com- mand animates the universe, and whose actions are dependent on, and continued by, his con- currence or consent. This power is that part of Divine omnipotence which is manifested to mankind ; 526 BUFFON S mankiiid : it is the cause and eflfcct, tho mode and substance, the design and execution. Ex- tremely different from all human art, whose productions are inanimate. Nature is herself a Mork perpetually alive, an active, an unceas- ing operator, who knows how to make use of every material, and whose power, though al- ways employed on the same invariable plan, in- stead of suffering dirainulion, is perfectly in- exhaustible : time, space, and matter, are her means ; the universe her object ; and motion and life her end. Every object in the universe is the effect of this power. Those springs which she makes use of are active forces which time and space can only limit but can never destroy; forces which unite, balance, and oppose, but areinca-r pable of annihilating each other. Some pcr netrate and connect bodies, others heat and animate them. It is principally by attrac- tion and impulsion, that this power acts upon brute matter, while beats and organic molecules are her chief active agents, which she employs in the formation and exj an- sion of organized beings. Aided by such in- struments, how can the operations of Nature be limited ? She only wants the additional power to create and annihilate to become omni- potent. But these two extremes the Almighty has NATURAL IIISTOIIY. 327 has reserved to himself alone ; the power of creating and annihilating are his peculiar at- tributes; while that of changing, destroying-, unfolding, renewing, and producing, are th€ only privileges he has conferred on this or any other agent. Nature, the minister of his irrc^ "cocahle commands, the depositary of his immU' table decrees, never deviates from the laws he has prescribed to her ; she never changes any part of his original plan, but in all her opera- tions she exhibits the will and design of the eternal Lord of the universe. This grand de- sign, this unalterable impression of all exist- ence, is the model upon which she invariably acts; a model of which all the features are so strongly impressed, that they can never be effaced; a model which the infinite number of copies, instead of impairing', only serve t(3 renew. We may therefore affirm that every thing has been created, but nothing annihilated; Naiure acts between the two without ever reaching either the one or the other. It is in some points of this vast space, which she haj» filled and traversed from the beginning of ages, that we must endeavour to lay hold of her (o bring her inio view. Whatan infinity of objects, comprehending jin infinity of matter, which would liave beeu creatwl o28 BUFFO n'S created in vain, had it not been divided info portions, separated from each other by almost inconceivable spaces ! Myriads of luminous globes, placed at immense distances, are the bases which support the fabric of the universe, and millions of opaque globes, which circu- late round them, constitute the moving order of its architecture. By two primitive forces, each of which are in continual action, these masess are revolved and carried through the immen- sity of space ; and their combined efforts pro- duce the zones of the celestial spheres, and in the midst of vacuity establish fixed stations, and regular routes and orbits.. From motion pro- ceeds the equilibrium of worlds, and the repose of the universe. The first of these forces is equally divided, but the second is separated in unequal proportions. Every atom of matter contains the same degree of attractive forcc^ while every individual globe has a different quantity of impulsive force assigned to each. Of the stars, some are fixed and others wan- dering ; some globes appear formed to attract, and others to impel or be impelled. Some spheres have received a common impulsion in the same direction, and others a particular impulsion. Some stars are alone, and others are attended by satellites ; some are luminous, aiul NATURAL HISTORY. ^9 E^nd others opaque masses. There are planpt^ whose different parts successively enjoy a bor- rowed light, and there are comets which, after being lost in the immensity of space for several ages, return to receive the influence of the solar heat. There are some suns which appear and disappear as if they were alternately kindled and extinguished ; and there are others which n^erely shew themselves and then are seen no ipore. Heaven abounds with great events, which the human eye is scarcely able to per- ceive. A sun which expires and annihilates a world, or system of worlds, has no other effect upon the eyes of man than an i^ms- fatuus, which gives a transitory bla?;e and then vanishes for ever. Mao, confined to the terrestrial atom on which he vegetates, cpn^ aiders this atom as a world, and loojks upoi; pther worlds as atoms. This earth which we inhabit js scarcely dis- tinguishable among the other globes, and per- fectly invisibl,e to the distant spheres ; it is at least a million times smaller than the sun by which it is illuminated, and even a thousancj. times less tlian some of the planets which, by its influence, the sun compels to ciiculate round him. Saturn? Jupiter, Mai^j the Earthy Yenus, Mercury, an,d the Sun, occupy that \oh. X. U u small 330. BUFFO n's small portion of the heavens which we tertrj^ our Universe. These planets, with their sa- tellites, moving with amazing celerity in the same direction, and almost in the same plane, compose a wheel of an immense diameter, whose axis supports the whole weight, and which by the rapidity of its own rotation must inflame and diffuse heat and light throughout the whole circumference. As long as this re- gular motion continues (and which will be eternal, unless the Divine Mover exert the same force to destroy as He thought necessary to create them) the sun will burn and illuminate all the spheres of this universe with his splen- dor; and as, in a system where the whole of the bodies mutuatly attract each other, nothing can be lost or removed without being return- ed, the quantity of matter must always remain the same ; this great source of light and life can never be extinguished or exhausted, for other suns, which also continually dart forth their fires, constantly restore to our sun as much light as they take from him. Comets are more numerous than planets, and like them depend on the power of the sun ; they also press on the common focus, and by aug- menting the weight increase the inflammation. They may also be said to form a part of our universe. NATURAL HISTORY. 331 liHi verse, for, like the planets, they are subject to the attraction of the sun. But in their pro- jectile and impelled motions they have nothing iji common either with each other or with the planets. Every one of them circulates in a different plane, and they each describe orbits in different periods of time ; for some perform their revolutions in a few years, while others require several centuries. The sun, simply moving round his own centre, remains, as it were at rest in the midst, and, at the same time, serves as a torch, a focus, and an axis, to all and every part of this w onderful ma- chine. That the sun continues immoveable, and re- gulates the motions of the other globes, is to be ascribed to his magnitude alone. The force of attraction being in proportion to the mass of matter; as the sun is so considerably larger than any of the comets, and contains above a thousand times more matter than the most ex- tensive planet, they can neither derange him nor diminish his influence, which extending to immense distances keeps the whole within the bounds of his power, and thus at particular periods recals those which have stretched fur- thest into the regions of space. Some of these en being brought back, approach so near the sua, utjffon's siin, that after Tiavin^^ cooled for ages they re- ceive an inconceivable degree of beat. From experiencing- the^ alternate extremes of heat artd cold, they ate subject to singular vicissi- ttides, as Well as from the ineCfiialities of theur tridtioTis, which at sortie titnes are most incon- ceivably rapid, and at others so amazingly ^loiv as to be scarel}^ perceptible. In compari- S6n with the planets the comets may be consi- dered fes ivorlds in disorder, for to them the orbits of the planets are re'gtilar, their move- ments equal, their temperature always the sanle ; they appear to be places of rest, where, every thing being permanent, Nature, has the power of establishing a uniform plan of opera- tion, and successively to mature her various productions. Among the planets the Earth, which we inhabit, seems to possess peculiar ad* Vantages ; from being less distant from the ^un than Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, it does not ex- perience that excess of cold ; nor is it so scorched as Venus and Mercury, which appear to revolve in an orbit too near the body of that luminary. Besides, what a peculiar magnifi- cence from Nature does the earth enjoy? A pure light, gridunlly extending ftom east to west, alternately gilds both hemispheres of this globe; which is also surrounded with a pune transparent NATURAL HISTORY. 333 transparent element. By a mild and fertile heat all (he germs ofexistence are animated and nnfolded, and they are nourished and supported by a plentiful supply of excellent waters. Con- siderable eminences dispersed over the surface of the land, not oaly check, bnt collect the moist vapours which float in the air, and give rise to perpetual fountains. Immense cavi- ties evidently formed for the reception of those waters, separate islands and continents. The sea in extent is equal to that of the land : nor is this a cold and barren element, but a new empire, no less rich and no less furnished with inhabitants. By the finger of the Almighty the limits of the waters are marked out. If the sea encroach on the western shores, it re- treats from those of the cast. This great mass of water, though inactive of itself, is agi- tated, and put in motion by the influence of the celestial bodies, whence arise its regular and const-Hit flux and reflux ; it rises and falls with the course of the moon, and is always at the highest when the action of the sun and moon concurs ; it is from these causes uniting at the time of the equinoxes, that the tides arc then higher tiian at any other time ; and this is certainly the strongest mark of the connec- tion of this globe with the heavens. These general S34 buffon's general and constant motions are the cause of many variable and particular circumstances ; it is by those that the removals of earth are occasioned, which falling in the form of sedi- ment, produce mountains at the bottom of the sea, similar to those which are on the surface of the land; they also give rise to currents, which following the direction of these chains of mountains, bestow On them a figure, whose Singles correspond, and maintain a course in the midst of the waves as waters run upon land ; they may in fact, be considered as sea*- rivcrs. The Air being lighter and more fluid than water, is subject to the influence of a greater number of powers. It is constantly agitated by the effects of the sun and moon, by the immediate action of the sea, and by the rare- faction and condensation of heat and cold. The winds arc, as it may be said, its currents ; they force and collect the clouds, they give rise to meteors, and transport the moist vapours of the ocean to the surfuces of islands and conti- nents ; from them proceed storms, and they diffuse and distribute the fertile dews and rains over the land ; they interfere with the regular motions ot the sea, agitate the waters, some- times stop, and at others precipitate the cur- rents, NATURAL HISTORY. S3a rents, elevate the waves, and excite dreadful storms and tempests. Forced by them the troubled ocean rises towards the heavens, and with a tremendous noise and violence, rushes against those immoveable barriers, which it can neither destroy nor surmount. The earth being elevated above the level of the sea, it is thus defended against its irrup- tions. Its surface is beautifully enamelled with various flowers, and a constant renewing verdure ; it is inhabited by numberless species of inhabitants, among which, man, placed to assist the intentions of Nature, presides over every other being, finds a place of perfect re-- pose, and a delightful habitation. He alone is endowed witli knowledge, and dignified witli the fiiculty of admiration ; the Almighty has rendered him capable of distinguishing the wonders of the universe, and a witness of his increasing miracles. Animated by a ray of divinity, he participates the mysteries of the Deity. It is by this ray tliat he is enabled io think and reflect, and that he perceives and un- derstands the wonderful works of his Creator. The external throne of the Divine mag- nificence is Nature ; and man, by contem- plating her, advances by degrees to the internal throne of the Almighty. He is formed to adore $$6. buffon's udore his Creator, and to h^ve dominion ovef every other creature; he is the vassal of heaven, and the lord of the earth ; by hina this nether globe is peopled, enobled, and enriched ; he f{>tablishcs order, subordination, and harmony among living beings, and even to Nature her- self he gives polish, extension, cultivation, ^nd embellishment ; for he cuts down the thistle und the bramble, and, by his care, multiplies the vine and the rose. In those dreary desarts vhere man has not inhabited, we find then> ever-run wivliich are assimilated indifferently the organic particles of all animals or vegetables which have been destroyed by death, or consumed by time. The brute particles, of which part of their composition was formed, returned to the common mass of inanimate matter; but tlie organic particles, whose existence is per- manent, are again resumed by organized bo- dies : they are extracted at first from the earth by vegetables, and then absorbed by animals wlio feed thereon ; and thus serve for the sup- port, growth, and expansion of both. By this constant and perpetual circulation from body to body, they serve to animate all orga- nized beings. These living substances ia quantity are always the same, and differ only in form and appearance. In fertile ages, and when population is the greatest, the whole sur- face of the earth seems to be covered with men, domestic animals, and useful plants. But in the times of famine and depopulation, the fe- rocious animals, poisonous insects, parasitical plants, and useless herbs, resume, in their turn, dominion over the earth. To man these changes are material, but to Nature they are perfectly indifferent. The silk worm so inestimable to the former, is to the latter only a caterpillar of the mulberry tree . Though this cater pillar, which S52 BUFFO n's which so materially assists in the supply of our luxuries, should disappear; though the plants, from which our domestic animals procure their nourishment, should be devoured by other ca- terpillars ; though still others should destroy the substance of our corn before the harvest ; in short, though man and the larger animals should be starved by the inferior tribes. Na- ture would not be less abundant nor less alive ; she never protects one at the expence of ano- ther, but especially supports (he whole. As to individuals she is regardless of number ; she considers them only as successive images of the same impression ; as passing shadows of which the species is the substance. in earth, air, and water, then, there exists a certain quantity of organic matter which can- not be destroyed, but which is constantly assi- milated in a certain number of moulds, that arc perpetually undergoing destruction and re- newal : these moulds, or rather individuals, tho' varying in number in every species, are never- theless always the same, that is, proportioned to the quantity of living matter ; and this appears to be absolutely the case, for if there wore any redundance of this matter, or if it were not at all times fully occupied by the individuals of tli€ NATURAL HISTORY. 353 the species which exist, it would, most assur- edly, form itself into new species, for being alive it would not remain without action ; and once uniting with brute matter is sufficient to form organized bodies ; and it is by this con- stant combination, and invariable proportion, that Nature preserves her form and consistence. The laws of Nature, both with respect io the number of species and of tl>eir support and equilibrium, being fixed and constant, she would invariably have the same appearance, and be in all climes absolutely the same, if her complexion did not so completely vary in almost every individual form. The figure of each species is an impression, in which the principal characters are so strongly engraven as never to be effaced ; but the accessory parts and shades are so greatly varied that no two indi- viduals have a perfect resemblance to each other ; and in all species there are a number of varieties. The human species, which has such superior pretensions, varies from white to black,from small to great, &c. The Laplander, the Patagonian, the Hottentot, the European, the American, and the Negro, though the off- spring of the same parents, have by no means the resemblance of brothers. TOL, X. Z z It tt is evident, therefore, that every species U subjectfo individual difFerenccs,but thateacli! ofthem does not equally possess the constant varieties \^'hich are perpetuated fhrouj^b succes* si vr generations* themoredignifiedthespecies, the less changeable is its figure, and the less are the varieties of it. The multiplication of ani- mals being inversely in proportion to their magnifudc, as the possibility of variation must be in exact proportion to the numbers they produce, there consequently must be more va- rieties among the small than the large animals ; and also, for the same reason, there \>ill be a greater number of species which seem to ap- proacli each other ; for the unity of the spe- cies in the large animals IS more fixed, and the nature of their separation more extended. What a number of various and similar spe- cies surround those of the squirrel, the rat, and other small quadrupeds, while the massy elephant stands alone, without a compeer, and at the head of the whole. The brute matter, of which the body of the earth is principally composed, is a substance that has not undergone many alterations, thongh the whole has more than once been disturbed and put in mo- tioB NATURAL HISTORY. 355 Cion by the hand of Nature. The globe of the eartli has been penetrated by fire, and after- wards covered and disordered by water. The sand, which occ^ipies the interior parts of th^ earth, is a vitrified matter ; and the layers of clay, by which its surface is covered, are no- thing but the same sand having been decora^ posed by tlie operation ofthe waters. Granite, free-stone, flint, nay, all mjetals, are compos- ed of this same vitrified matter, whose parti- cles have been condensed or sepa rated, accord^ ing io the laws of their affinity. These sub* stances are totally destitute of animation ; they exists and will continue to do so, inde- pendently of animals and vegetables. There are, however, many other substances, which, although they have the appearance of l)eing equally inanimate, orijrinate from organized bodies; and of this description are marble, lime-stone, chalk, and marl ; they being com5- posed of the fragments of shells, and of those small animals which by transforming the wa- ter of the sea into stone, produce coral, and all the madrepores, whose varieties are numberless, and whose quantity are almost immense. Pit- coal, turf, and many other substancts found in the upper strata, are also of this nature, they being only the residue of vegetables which have been wore or less corrupted or consumed. Besides S55 buffon's Besides these, there are other substances "vihiGll have been produced by the second action of fire upon original matter ; these are but few in number, and consist of such as pumice* stones, sulphur,the scoria of iron, asbestos, and lava. To one or other of these three great combinations may be referred all the relations of brute matter, and all the substances of the mineral kingdom. The laws of affinity, by which the various particles of these different substances separate from each other, in order (o unite among them- selves and form homogeneous masses, are per- fectly similar to that general law by which the celestial bodies act upon each other; in both cases their exertions are the same. Globules of water, of sand, or of metal, have the same influence, and act upon each other as the earth acts upon the mmxi ; and if the laws of affinity have hitherto been deemed different from those of gravity, it is because the subject has been considered in a very confined point of view. The mutual action of celestial bodies iii very little influenced by figure; their distance from each other is so very great, that this is necessarily the case ; but when they are not fat asunder, then the effect of figure is considerable. For instance, if the earth and moon, instead af spherical figures, were both short cylinders, an4 NATURAL HISTORY. 357 and exactly equal throughout in their diame"* ters, their reciprocal action would be very lit- tle varied from what it is at present, because the distances of all their parts irom each otlier would be very little changed. But it' these two globes were cyliiiders of great extent, and approached near to each otiier, the law of their reciprr.cal action would seem to be dif^ ferent, inasmuch as the distances of their parts would be greatly varied ; and hence whenever figure becomes a principle in dis- tance the law will appear to vary, although in fact it is always the same. The human intellect guided by this prin- ciple, may advance one step further in pene- trating into the operations of nature. The figure of the constituent particles of bodies still remains unknown ; we cannot entertain the smallest doubt that water, air, earth, metals, and all homogeneous particles, are compo-^ed of elementary particles, v>hich are perfectly similar, although we are s'ill ignorant of their figure. By the aid of calculition this at pre- sent unknown field of knowled-^e may be dis- closed by {.O'-terity, and the figure of the ele- mentary bodies be ascertained with tolerable precision. They may take the principle W6 have established as the basis of their enquiry ; namely, 558 buffon's namely, '' that all matter is attracted in the *' inverse raiio of ihe square of the distance ; ^' and this law >eems to admit of no variation ^' in I articular at(ractionsbuiTvh?it arises from ^' the figure of the con^tiiueut particles of each *^ substance, because this figure enters as an '* element or principle into the distance ;"and having once discovered, by repeated experi- ments, the law ofattraciion in any particular substance, they may then, by the aid of calcu- lation, be able to trace the figure of its consti- tuent particles. To render this point more clear, let us suppose, that by placing mercury on a perfectly jjolished surface, repeated expe- riments prove that this fluid metal is always attracted in the inverse ratio of the cubeof the distance ; it will then become necessary to in^ vestigate what figure gives this expression ; and this figure will be certainly thatof thecon^- stitucnt particles of mercury. If it should ap- pear, by such experiments, that the attraction of mercury was in the inverse ratio of the square of tlie distance, it would be clearly de^ TOonstratcd that its constituent particles were spherical, because a sphere is the only figure which observes this law, and at whatever dis-r lance globes are placed the law of their attrac? tion is always the same. Newton BfATUllAL lilSTTORY. 25^ Newton had some idea that chemical affini- ties (which are nothing more in fact thanthe.se particular attractions which we have men- tioned) were produced by the same kind of laws as those of gravitation; but he does not appear to have perceived