Chicacfo Natural History Museum Buplri:^iN FormerlyW beum News Vol. 15 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1944 No8. 1-2 HOPEWELL AND OTHER PRE-COLUMBIAN CULTURES SYNTHESIZED IN EXHIBITS By PAUL S. MARTIN CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY Another section of Hall B, devoted to the history or archaeology of American Indians, is now open to the public. This section, although not completed, is dedicated to the American Indian civilizations as they were prior to the com- ing of the white man — that is, before 1492. At present there are ten exhibits ready. Seven of these deal with the Hopewell In- dians who lived in southern Ohio from about A.D. 1100-1400. The civilization of these Indians was well developed and was probably more ad- vanced in many ways than that of any other Indians east of the Rocky Mountains. Although the Hope- well Indian farmers were fairly advanced in arts and crafts, and although their civili- zation has been stud- ied rather intensively, very little actually is known about their way of living. A few guesses can be made, however, and these are presented in our exhibits and summa- rized in this article. The Hopewell farm- ers probably lived in skin or bark covered huts which were grouped together in small hamlets or towns. Near the houses were large and small burial mounds, from which all of our materials were dug. A low, earthen wall enclo.sed some of these hamlets and their burial mounds. This enclosing wall probably did not serve as a fortification, but was, rather, sacred in character. The people of these villages raised corn and, perhaps, squash and beans. They obtained other necessary items for their diet by fishing and hunting. They made pottery, wore cloth and basketry, and produced extraordinarily varied and beautiful orna- ments of copper, mica, stone and silver. It is believed that the Hopewell farmers were united with other near-by Indians in some sort of a political confederacy. From the meager evidence which is now available, it seems likely that there were privileged MODEL OF MUMMY-CAVE VILLAGE (HALL B) Diorama showing \n miniature a clifT'dwelling as built in a cavern of Canyon del Muerto, Arizona, and occupied about A. D. 1250. The Indians abandoned the cave about fifty years later because of drought and a military defeat, archaeological evidence indicates. classes among the Hopewell Indians, some of whom may have held a high rank of some kind; that elaborate ceremonies were per- formed from time to time; that special guilds of craftsmen existed; that commerce and trade were carried on with far distant tribes; and that the people were organized socially in such a way as to permit the com- pletion of large jobs (such as building large mounds) by means of co-operative labor. Our exhibits attempt to portray all these phases of the daily life of these ancient Indians. For example, there are exhibits illustrating man's work; woman's work; personal ornaments of copper, stone and silver; a Hopewell woman; a Hopewell man wearing a ceremonial deer-antler headdress; and finally a display showing the artistic skill and the interest of the Hopewell crafts- men in man and nature. We shall soon install other displays which will show: Hopewell villages and burial mounds; sculp- ture; ceremonies; and the materials which they received by means of trade. Thus, the round of daily activities of an important group of Indians who lived in southern Ohio about 700 years ago has been carefully recon- structed from evi- dence secured by studying Hopewell burial mounds. We have presented this round of daily activi- ties by means of care- fully planned exhibits which are attractive in layout and color. Labeling has been re- duced to a minimum and no scientific terms have been used. Another exhibit, called "The Death Cult," is unique and illustrates a curious period of emotional- ism in the life of the American Indian. This exhibit shows some of the symbols and objects associated with what was really a religious revival. This religious outburst, which lasted from about A.D. 1550-1650, centered in the south- eastern part of what is now the United States, and manifestations of it were present in large portions of the east. It is presumed that at about a.d. 1525 most of the Indians of North America had at least heard about the white man and the many unpleasant and cruel tricks he played on the Indians; although few of them had ever seen a white man. At any rate, by the year 1550, the Indians of eastern America Page i CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN January-February, 19H must have unconsciously experienced a pre- monition of impending doom. Wild rumors and stories about the Spanish conquest of the Aztec empire by means of treachery and the consequent rapacious pillaging and plundering had probably reached their ears. They had probably also heard of the bar- barous treatment accorded the Southwestern Indians by the Spaniards. Then the De Soto expedition which started from Florida — such as skulls and crossbones, trophy heads severed from the bodies of enemies, and representations of human bones — became very important in the sacred art and may be seen on pottery, shell pendants, copper ornaments, and stone paint palettes. Furthermore, religious art forms similar to those found in Mexico — such as the weeping eye symbol, the fighting turkey cock, the woodpecker, the spider, and eagles — were THEN, AS NOW, FIGHTING DOMINATED MANS WORK . . . ... as this exhibit of Hopewell activities indicates by its emphasis on weapons, shown at left. Hunting, fishing, and carpentry were also important elements in the lives of these Indians who lived in southern Ohio about A. D. IIOO'HOO, the display of implements shows. • ♦ ♦ HUNT INC riCMTINC F ) S H I N C iHH^ 61 « c CARPENTRY 1 » I MAH'S WORK o •tevmt ,„«• preparing to make a fight for their lives. Before this time of religious revival, each village contained at least one "temple" mound, that is a flat-topped mound (about 20 feet high) on top of which stood a religious structure. But now, after the people be- came scared and retreated into remote areas, these "temple" mounds became much larger (some being 75 feet high). This increase in the size of mounds may also indicate a deeper concern with religion. One important fact about the Death Cult should be noted: the "death cult" idea and all the objects and symbols a.ssociated with it were independent of people, area, and civilization. In other words, the revival of interest in religion and possibly in life after death was widespread and was not limited by language, culture, or tribe. It was, in a way, similar to the European Crusades — an hysterical religious outburst which swept over the continent without respect to language, people, political borders, or civilizations. THE "dysphoria COMPLEX" Thus, the Death Cult exhibit shows some of the symbols, art, and sacred objects used during this time of renewed interest in re- ligion. The general psychological symptoms typical of this period are characteristic of a and wandered through many of the southern states (1539-1542) had certainly made a most unpleasant impression on the terrified Indians and had probably given them some inkling as to how their wives, children, property, and their own lives would be ravaged. The Indians sensed the fact that they had "three strikes" on them, and that the horses, guns, cannons, and armor of the whites made them unconquerable. It is also probable that, in addition to their fear of the white man, the Indians may also have been experiencing other tough luck, such as crop failures and new and strange diseases which swept the country in epidemic form. The population may also have declined. PREPARATIONS FOR SURVIVAL Apparently, then, about 1550, the Indians of eastern North America unconsciously knew that their civilizations were going to pieces. It was a time of chaos, despair, unhappiness, and general tension. The Indians were scared and the future looked black and uncertain. Even the art of this period is "nervous" and does not reflect the tranquillity and stability of previous periods. During such times of stress and strain, what do people usually do about such problems over which they have no control? They often turn to religion. The Indians of the period between 1550 and 1650 did just this. Religion and ceremonial forms became more important than ever before. It seems probable also that there was greater preoccupation with death. Death symbols WOMAHS WORK REPARATION or FOOD '■A I m 1 WOMAN'S WORK, THEN, AS NOW, WAS "NEVER DONE" . . . . . judging from the variety of tools and utcnsi.'s used for cooking, sewing, and weaving by the Hope\% wives and recovered from the ruins of their unique hamlets for this new exhibit. ^11 house* borrowed and adapted to the needs of this religious revival. Additional evidence of the restlessness and the dismal spirit of the times is reflected by the sudden movement of the people. Heretofore, the Indians had built their villages near large and important rivers — the highways of those times. Now during this Death Cult or religious revival period, the people left their ancient and favorite village sites and retreated into less desirable, small, unimportant and inaccessible river valleys. And most of these villages were now fortified against possible enemies. In other words, they were trying to hide from the white man and his devastating and upsetting ways; and judging from the forti- fied villages, we assume the Indians were state of mind sometimes called dysphoria — that is, a general feeling of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, unrest, and perhaps despair. From time to time, more exhibits will be added to this section. These will deal with such subjects as: Where the American Indian came from and how long he has been in the New World; the civilizations of ancient Peru, Mexico, the Southwestern United States, the Great Lakes region, California, Alaska and New England. MORE DIORAMAS PLANNED In addition to the diorama of an ancient cliff house in Arizona (now on exhibition in Hall B), there will be three more: one dealing with the Inca civilization of Peru; one, with one of the civilizations of Mexico; January-February, 19 kU CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page S HOPEWELL INDIAN Restoration with ceremonial deet'antler headdress of copper. and one, with the Temple Mound Period of the Southeastern United States. Mr. Lee Rowell is working on one now. This newly opened section, when finished, will then present to any interested adult or child a bird's-eye view of the ancient civilizations of the American Indians. Then, equipped with the back- ground furnished by this section, the visitor can more easily understand and enjoy the ex- hibits concerned with present-day Indians of North, Central, and South America. Further- more, from a study of the ancient civi- lizations of the In- dians, we can learn some lessons which will be helpful in our daily life. All of these exhibits have been carefully planned and simplified so that they may easily be understood. The original ideas and the general tone of the new types of exhibit were formulated by Mrs. Anne Spoehr and her husband, Dr. Alexander Spoehr, who is temporarily serving in the United States Navy; and they carried out these ideas in Section 1 of Hall B. After the completion of the first section (opened to the public in January, 1943), Mrs. Spoehr re- signed as staff artist of this department and joined her husband on the west coast. Since that time, the exhibits in the second section of Hall B have been skillfully planned and executed by Curator Donald Collier, Curator George Quimby, and Mr. Gustav Dalstrom, our present depart- mental artist. Mr. Dalstrom is well known for his paintings which have been widely exhibited, and for his murals. By constant co-operation we have achieved in this new hall a harmonious balance between color, layout, and objects. ' I believe that we have established a new precedent in museum exhibition work and one of which the Museum may be proud. Equatorial Africa, and a Padaung "giraffe- necked" woman of the Karen tribe of upper Burma, are on exhibition at the east end of the hall. Examination of these body mutila- tions demonstrates the remarkable lengths in voluntary torture to which mankind subjects itself for the sake of "decoration." Mutilations of the Body Throughout the ages men and women have mutilated themselves either to enhance their powers of attraction to the opposite sex, as marks of social status, or for therapeutic reasons. Examples of tattooing, scarifica- tion, deformation of the skull, binding of the feet and ear lobes, filing the teeth, hair shaving in patterns, and splitting the nasal septum, are shown in photographs in 7, Hall 3 (Races of Mankind). Bronze busts, by Malvina Hoffman, of an Ubangi "duck-billed" woman of French A HISTORICAL NOTE FOR TEA DRINKERS Confirmed tea-drinkers (aren't tea- drinkers always "confirmed" when men- tioned in conversation?) may find academic interest, thinks Dr. C. Martin Wilbur, Curator of Chinese Archaeology and Eth- nology of this museum, in a bit of tea history which he recently discovered. Tea, like "T," seems to stand for Tyranny — it's always turning up in history — and Dr. Wilbur's item concerns a sort of one-man revolt that occurred about 2,000 years ago in China. Dr. Wilbur (who prefers coffee) has found what probably is the earliest written reference to tea — a reference that dates some three centuries earlier than "the earliest previously known literary reference to tea drinking that has been commonly accepted by Sinologists." This occurs, of all places, in a contract for the purchase of a slave. The document bears a Chinese date which corresponds to February 18, 59 B.C. of our calendar. "Tea is casually mentioned twice in the T'ung yueh 'contract for a slave,' by Wang Pao, a writer who lived in the first century B.C.," says Dr. Wilbur. "This is recounted in a humorous essay in verse form which describes, perhaps fictitiously, a visit by the author, a native of Chengtu in Szechwan, to a widow who owned an unruly male slave. Wang Pao requested that the slave, Pien-lao by name, be sent to buy some wine, but the slave refused to go, contending that his late master had not contracted for him to do errands for other gentlemen. Wang then offered to buy the slave, who promptly insisted that the purchase contract list every duty the new master would call on him to perform (apparently slaves had some rights in those days). The remainder of the document is a detailed, humorous, and very revealing list of Pien-lao's future duties. The first mention of tea is in a list of prepa- rations to be made for dinner parties. In addition to fetching wine and cooking various foods, the slave is instructed to 'boil tea and fill the utensils.' Then, in a description of the slave's marketing duties it is. instructed that 'at Wu-yang he will buy tea.' " If one is going to camp or travel in the wilds it is well to have some knowledge of poisonous snakes. The only poisonous snakes found in North America are the rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads, and coral snakes. Examples may be studied in Albert W. Harris Hall (Hall 18). THE OPAL SUPERSTITION Bv HENRY W. NICHOLS CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY The superstition that the opal is a bearer of ill fortune — a belief that prevailed during the 19th century — is now rapidly disappear- ing. Such fear of the opal was comparatively recent in origin, for during the Middle Ages and earlier times the opal was regarded contrariwise as a gem bringing much good fortune to its owner. How and just when the superstition arose is unknown. Certainly during the early 17th century the opal was held in higher esteem than it is at present. One authority states that the belief came from an old German superstition. Others say that it came from the influence of Sir Walter Scott's novel, Anne of Gierstein, in which an opal played such a malignant part. It seems more probable, however, that Scott conceived the idea of an opal of evil in- fluence from an already existing belief. In ancient times the opal was believed to have all the virtues of all the gems whose colors appeared in it. As the fire of the opal includes the colors of all gems, and as in those superstitious days each kind of gem had a long list of cures and many beneficial influences ascribed to it, the opal possessing all these must have been highly prized. BELIEVED AID TO VISION Opals were especially potent as charms to avoid or cure diseases of the eye. It increased keenness of vision of the wearer and dimmed that of the onlooker. One virtue of the greatest value to the wearer, but surely not to society, was its property of making a thief invisible so that he could pursue his vocation unhindered. If only this were true, it could be used to advantage now by equipping commando units with opal rings! The list of curative and other virtues especially ascribed to the opal is too long to record here and does not differ much from those credited to other gems. The high regard in which the opal was held by the Romans is illustrated by the case of the Roman senator, Nonius. He possessed an opal the size of a filbert set in a ring. Be- cause he refused to part with it he was banished by Marc Antony and preferred life in exile with his opal to life in Rome without it. The most extravagant praise ever given any gem is found in a description of an opal written by Petrus Arlensis in 1610. He must have had a stone equal to the Sun God opal in this museum's collection (H. N. Higinbotham Hall of Gems and Jewels — Hall 31), for, among other equally extravagant things, he says, "in which such beauty, loveliness and grace shown forth that it could truly boast that it forcibly drew all other gems to itself while it sur- prised, astonished and held captive without escape or intermission the hearts of all who beheld it." Page U CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN JamMry-Fehruary, ISItU NEW ZEALAND EXHIBITS INCLUDE RARE MAORI BUILDING The spaces between the side posts were filled with panels of woven reeds. The roof and walls were covered on the outside with a thick reed thatch. Long beds were made along either side of the house, and there was a small fire-place near the door. By WILFRID D. HAMBLY CURATOR OF AFRICAN ETHNOUXJY New Zealand, a critical war area, is well represented by collections filling approxi- mately half of Hall F (Polynesia and Micro- nesia) at the Chicago Natural History Museum. The outstanding exhibit in this hall — and one which has no equal in any other museum — is a Maori council house nearly sixty feet long, twenty feet wide, and fourteen feet high inside. Maori council houses more than PARLIAMENTARY GHOSTS We may not regard the Maori council house merely as a building to accommodate what corresponds to a legislative or govern- mental body. The council house of the MAORI COUNCIL HOUSE AT MUSEUM Very few such structures renuin in existence either in use by New Zealand natives, or preserved in museums, and this one, on exhibition in Hall F, is believed to be the largest and finest in the world today. twenty-five feet long were always excep- tional, and today very few of these council houses of any size have been preserved any- where. In addition to being the largest such house extant, the Museum's example is one of the finest ever encountered by ethnolo- gists, and it is the only one now existing which has a completely carved front. Its decorations show Maori art at its best. The Maori were the best wood-workers in the Pacific, and all their mechanical skill and artistic ability were lavished on the construction of their great council houses (whare whakairo). These were primarily council and guest houses, but were also used as dormitories. They were usually erected as memorials of some great event, such as the birth of an heir to the principal chief of the tribe. The materials were selected with great care, the framework being hewn from trees which had been buried in river beds until they had lost their sap wood and be- come thoroughly seasoned. The ridge-pole was the most important member, and was always made from a single log. That of this house is nearly sixty feet long, and weighs a ton and a half. All the upright timbers were carved with conventionalized figures of ancestors, while the rafters and ridge-pole were painted with scroll designs. Maoris has a strong spiritual significance and the ghosts of dead chiefs were believed to attend the meetings. In the first place the choice of a site was of extreme importance, and trees which were chosen to provide the building material were chopped to the accompaniment of chants and incantations. Laying of the foundation stone near the doorway was accompanied by human sacrifice of a person of importance, sometimes the son of a chief. The heart of the victim was removed and eaten by the priest who performed the sacred rites. Jade ornaments were buried near the foot of one of the house-posts. The council house in the Chicago Natural History Museum provides an excellent example of the type of carving which the Maoris applied with lavish hand to their canoes, food bowls, and ornamental staffs. The work was done with tools of stone, shell, and bone; for before the landing of Euro- peans the Maoris had no knowledge of metal tools. The designs are for the main part geometrical, consisting of a very accurate spiral design. But the human face is often portrayed with a protruding tongue which was a symbol of defiance to enemies, and the gesture was made repeatedly during a war dance. Accompanying the elaborate designs of the wood-carver was a color scheme usually carried out with red ocher mixed with fish oil, and additional decorations were provided by the insertion of mother-of-pearl. DESIGNS CARVED IN FLESH Some of the best Maori carving, strangely enough, the Maoris applied to their own faces in the form of "moko." This should not be described as tattooing which is mark- ing of the skin by small punctures. The Maori made designs in the flesh by chiseling little grooves which were filled with a blue- black dye. "Moko" heads became objects of trade when they were desired by European collectors, in the same way that the shrunken heads made by the Jivaro Indians of South America have acquired high value. It is hardly necessary to say that when the demand was great "moko" was faked after death. But a scientist can tell whether the "moko" was pre-mortem or post-mortem by a microscopic examination of the coloring matter in the tissue. The pre-mortem process allowed the dye to sink deeply into the dermis or true skin while on the contrary post-mortem "moko" work usually affected only the epidermis or the outer skin. OPENING CEREMONY The opening of a new council house required the attendance of a priest who climbed to the top of the house where he performed a ceremony to keep away evil influences. In performing this acrobatic and undignified feat he had to be careful not to slip or fall, for any action of that kind would be the worst kind of omen. Immedi- ately on descending from the roof the priest entered the house through a window and unfastened the door. The ceremony was completed sometime later by three elderly women of high social status who were the first to cross the threshold, which they did to the accompaniment of chants invoking the god of the house to protect the building. The Maoris had an elaborate sort of government carried out by greater and lesser chiefs who were the only ones allowed to do any talking when the house was in session. This they did with great volubility, and at the present day Maori councilors in the New Zealand House of Representatives are noted for their eloquence. With these associations in mind we now regard this rare object in the Chicago Natural History Museum, not merely as an example of Maori art. The house is a structure repre- senting the magic, religious beliefs, and entire system of government of the dis- tinguished Maori people, many of whom are now playing an active part with the Allies in the present war. Other New Zealand material on exhibition at the Museum illustrates well other features of the culture of the ancient Maori. Promi- nent among these is a collection of jade implements and feathered robes which is regarded as the best in the United States. January-February, 19U CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 5 SOME LAND ANIMALS OF BERMUDA By KARL P. SCHMIDT CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOOY If you are accustomed to thinking of Bermuda as a naval base and airplane station, as a place for honeymooners and convalescents, and as the source of onions and lilies, it may surprise you to learn that the islands have received no little attention from scientists, especially the small group of biologists who are interested in the hows and whys of the distribution of animal life. Even if you know about the interesting deep-sea dredging, and the spectacular de- scents with the bathysphere made by Dr. William Beebe, you may not have heard of the more permanent foothold of science in the form of the . Bermuda Biological Station for Research, at Shore Hills, St. George, where students of marine life find an opportunity for research under most pleasant conditions. But the marine animals of Bermuda are for the most part like those of the West Indies. It is not because of the animal life of the sea that Bermuda is mentioned in textbooks of zoology, even elementary ones. It is the land animals that are especially interesting to animal geography, both be- cause there are a few kinds that are found on Bermuda and nowhere else, and because of their very fewness. Striking also is the fact that the abundant types of animal life on the mainland of North America are so poorly represented in these islands. Oceanic islands are wonderful natural laboratories where "new species" have been produced, as is demonstrated by the existence of dis- tinctive island faunas; and great contro- versies have been waged again and again over the problem of the origin of such seem- ingly orphaned species. North American birds and bats visit Bermuda in the course of their migrations, and it is of course obvious that they cross the ocean by flying, influenced no doubt to some extent by storms. Seven species of land birds are resident in Bermuda, and six of these are now regarded as distinct from their relatives in the eastern United States. In Darwin's time it was thought that they were identical with the American species, and the fact is that they are only slightly different. FEW MAMMALS, AND NO SNAKES Turning to the land mammals, we find only the rats and mice, and the goats, cows, and ponies that have come with the human population. There are no field mice, no deer mice, no gophers or squirrels, no deer or raccoons, in short none of the different kinds of wild mammals that inhabit the mainland of the United States to this day. There are no snakes of any kind, but there is a lizard, a handsome shiny-scaled species, related to the common five-lined skinks of North America. This species, however, proves to be a very distinct one, not to be confused with any of the mainland forms. It is known in zoology as Eumeces longiroslris, which may be translated as "long-snouted skink." Many specimens of this interesting and of course harmless creature have been collected; but no detailed studies of its habits, its food and egg-laying, growth or mating have been made. This lizard affords an opportunity for some amateur naturalist to make a real, if humble, contribution to science by undertaking such studies and by making a photographic record of them. There are no native frogs or toads, which may be rather difficult for the visitor to believe if he happens to arrive when the big Trinidad toads (misnamed by scientists "marine toads") are engaged in their mating chorus, which sounds like hammering on boards, or when the little West Indian tree frogs sound their bell-like notes in the very hotel gardens. The toad and the tree-frog are both introduced species. The toad was brought in to aid the gardeners in destroying insect pests, which were likewise imported. The tree frog seems to have been introduced by accident from Jamaica. FROGS TRAVEL IN PLANT IMPORTS Now you may well ask, how could frogs be brought in by accident? The ordinary frogs of the United States probably would not be subject to such accidental transport; but in a large group of West Indian frogs the eggs are laid on land, in moss, or in the axils of leaves; and, as many types of plants have been imported into Bermuda from Jamaica, it seems certain that clusters of eggs must have been brought in this manner, or that some of the small frogs stole a ride hidden in moss or in the leaves of shrubs. In any case, the Jamaican frog with the long but euphonious name Eleu- tkerodaclylus biteolus is now common and wide-spread in the Bermudas. When I made a short visit to Bermuda in November, 1928, as scientist for an ex- pedition of Field Musseum of Natural History sailing in the Illyria, the private yacht of Mr. Cornelius Crane (of Ipswich, Massa- chusetts, and Bermuda), the little tree-frog was singing in the gardens of Hamilton. While searching for lizards on a nearby hill- side, I found one of these frogs at the open- ing of an excavation under a flat stone. When this was turned over, three clusters of pearl-like eggs were seen in the burrow. It seems that the male finds a suitably moist egg-laying site and stations himself there, inviting successive females to place their egg-masses in his charge. The three egg- ma.sses, at any rate, were in different stages of development. In the oldest of the eggs the fully formed froglets could be seen through the gelatinous covering, each with arms and legs well developed and wholly unlike the tadpole stage that always develops in the more familiar American frogs. The only sugges- tion of the tadpole stage was the large flattened tail, which can be seen to be filled with blood vessels by means of which the developing frog breathes. The jewel-like perfection of these frog-atoms never fails to draw a gasp of admiration from the ob- server. Here is another opportunity for the amateur naturalist with note-book and cameral^although probably not feasible until after the war. Lieutenant Traylor Wounded A dispatch from a combat correspondent of the U.S. Marine Corps, published in Chicago newspapers December 8, reports that First Lieutenant Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. (Associate in Ornithology on the staff of the Museum) was wounded during the Marines' assault on the island of Tarawa. According to the dispatch. Lieutenant Traylor was engaged in directing artillery fire against Japanese pillboxes and bunkers when he was struck by an enemy bullet. His injuries are believed to be not serious and he is reported to be receiving expert medical care. Earlier in the year Lieutenant Traylor had been awarded the Silver Star for similar gallantry and intrepidity during action on Guadalcanal. If birds are inevitably associated in your mind with fiying, you will be surprised by the number and variety of flightless birds on display in the Halls of Birds (Hall 20— Habitat Groups, and Hall 21 — Systematic Series). MEET THE APES "Man's Poor Relations, by Dr. Earnest Hooton, of Harvard Uni- versity, is probably one of the best popular books he has turned out," says Dr. Paul S. Martin, the Mu- seum's Chief Curator of Anthro- pology. "Hooton studies chimpanzees, goril- las, orang-utans, gibbons and mon- keys exactly as an anthropologist studies man. He deals with them as if they were people. Although he cannot interview an aged baboon in the zoo and ask him to describe life in the old days, he presents a humor- ous, intimate account of the actions of these close cousins of ours. "In summarizing some of the experiments which have been under- taken with ape subjects. Professor Hooton makes clear that human physique, temperament and behavior are rooted in apes and monkeys. Any- one who is curious about himself and his fellows should read this book." On sale at THE BOOK SHOP of the Museum — $5. The Museum pays postage in filling mail orders. Page 6 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN January-February, 19H Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Field DiiTe, Chlca&o Telephone: Wabash 9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lbstbr Armour Stanley Field Sbwell L. Avery Samuel Insull, Jr. W. McCoRMicK Blair Charles A. McCulloch Leopold E. Block William H. Mitchell boardman conover george a. richardson Walter J. Cummings Theodore Roosevelt Albert B. Dick, Jr. Solomon A. Smith Howard W. Fenton Albert A. Sprague Joseph N. Field Silas H. Strawn Marshau. Field Albert H. Wettbn John P. Wilson OFFICERS Stanley Field President .Albert A. Sprague First Vice-President Silas H. Strawn Second Vice-President .\LBBRT B. Dick Third Vice-President •Clifford C. Gregg Director and Secretary Orr GOODSON Acting Director and Acting Secretary Solomon A. Smith . . . Treasurer and Assistant Secretary * On leave in active service as a Colonel in the United States Army. THE BULLETIN EDITOR WiLntBO H. Osgood Curator Emeritus, Zoology CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin Chief Curator of Anthropology B. E. Dahlgren Chief Curator of Botany Henry W. Nichols Chief Curator of Geology Karl P. Schmidt Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR H. B. Harte Public Relations Counsel Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. CHICAGO HAS PHOTO RECORD OF BOMB-RUINED "TYPES" By PAUL C. STANDLEY curator of the herbarium At the outset of the war, the dire possi- bilities of bombing were recognized by museums, especially in England where valuable and often irreplaceable collections were quite promptly removed to places of comparative safety. Even in the United States similar precautions were taken, at least by institutions situated near the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. In Chicago no removals were actually carried out, but definite plans were made for speedy action in case warning should be given by bombings on the coast. This seemed to be sufficient and events have proved it to be so. Early in the war the American section of the herbarium containing the great historic collection of dried plants of the British Mu- seum in London was destroyed by German attackers. This was doubtless a grievous loss, but it was greatly mitigated by the fact that the more valuable parts of the collection had been placed in safety. It is now reported via Sweden and Switzerland, and confirmed by our State Department, that the Botanical Museum in Dahlem, a suburb of Berlin, was struck during an air raid and that the herbarium building with all its collections, and its large library, were completely destroyed, either by direct hit or by ensuing fire and water. Practically nothing had been evacuated and nothing was salvaged except the ferns and some of the fungi. GOERING: "BERLIN SAFE FROM BOMBS"! It seems fair to assume that the German botanists would have been just as careful to seek safety for their principal treasures as the British and the Americans if they had been permitted or encouraged to do so by their government. Since Goering had assured them they would never be bombed, however, and since this idea continued to be promoted for supposed reasons of morale, nothing seems to have been done. The Berlin Museum was one of the largest botanical institutions of the world, and the one most active in recent years. It was particularly rich in plants of Africa and tropical America, especially of South Amer- ica. Since it had been a center of botanical research for perhaps 150 years, it possessed a vast number of type specimens of plants, that is, the standards or historical specimens used by botanists in describing and publish- ing new species. The loss, therefore, is a very great one. Its magnitude, however, is somewhat reduced by fortunate and fore- sighted action taken before the war on the initiative of the Department of Botany of our own Chicago Natural History Museum. FORTY THOUSAND PHOTOGRAPHS HERE More than fifteen years ago, this museum, in anticipation of the possible destruction of historic botanical collections in Europe, proposed a plan for photographing such specimens, which was carried out in part with the co-operation of The Rockefeller Foundation. Mr. J. Francis Macbride, Associate Curator of the Herbarium, spent more than ten years photographing type specimens in the herbaria of Berlin, Copen- hagen, Munich, Vienna, Paris, Geneva, Madrid, and elsewhere, making more than 40,000 photographs. Included are 15,800 Berlin types. The negatives and prints are now in Chicago, and many prints have been distributed to other botanical institutions in North and South America, and Europe. This foresight is well justified by what has happened. These type specimens are indis- pensable for standardizing the names of plants. Many thousands of them were destroyed at Berlin, and they represent not the property of the German botanists but the yardsticks, so to speak, by which thou- sands of our American plants are to be judged. Many of the types are duplicated by specimens distributed to other botanical institutions of Europe and America, but many others were unique. The only sub- stitute for them hereafter will be these photographs made by our museum, which may be duplicated indefinitely for distri- bution to other institutions. The Berlin Museum apparently has announced officially the discontinuance of all its publications, most ambitious of which was a flora of the whole world. With its contents there presumably were lost col- lections of material on loan there from her- baria of America, including several lots of specimens lent before the war by our museum. One correspondent has hinted that in addition to its own rich collections, no one knows what may have been removed by the Nazis to Dahlem from botanical mu- seums of conquered nations. There were great herbaria in Paris, Brussels, and Leyden. THE MUSEUM HONOR ROLL Now In the Nation's Service ^ Army Theodore Roosevelt, Trustee — Brig.Gen. George A. Richard- son, Trustee — Lt. Col. Clifford C. Gregg, Director — Colonel, G.S.C. Dr. John Rinaldo, Associate, Southwestern Archaeol. — Staff Sgt. Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Curator, Geol. — Capt. D. Dwight Davis, Curator, Anat. and Osteol. — Corp. Bryan Patterson, Curator, Paleontology — Pvt. Emmet R. Blake, Asst. Curator, Birds — Special Agent, War Dept. Rupert L. Wenzel, Asst. Curator, Insects — Capt. Henry S. Dybas, Assistant, Insects — Pvt. William Beecher, Temp, .^sst., Zool. — Pvt. Henry Horback, Asst., Geol. — Pvt. Jambs C. McIntyre, Guard — 2nd Lt. Raymond J. Connors, Guard — Pvt. Frank J. Dutkovic, Janitor^— Pvt. Navy Lester Armour, Tnistee — Comdr. Samuel Insull, Jr., Trustee — Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Nash Field, Trustee — Lieut. Colin Campbell Sanborn, Curator, Mammals — Lieut. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Asst. Curator, N. Amer. Etbnol. — Lieut, (j.g.) LoREN P. Woods, .\sst. Curator, Fishes — Ensign John W. Moyer, Taxidermist — Ch. Specialist (Bur. Aeronautics) Patrick T. McEnery, Guard — Master-at-Arms John Syckowski, Guard — Ch. Commissary- Stewd. George Jahrand, Guard — Ch. Water Tender Clyde James Nash, Guard — Ch. Gunner Nicholas Repar, Printer — Aviation Machinist's Mate 2C. Morris Johnson, Carpenter — Carpenter's Mate 2C. Herbert Nelson, Painter — Painter IC. Elizabeth Best, Guide-Lecturer — Ensign, WAVES Marie B. Pabst, Guide-Lecturer— WAVES Marine Corps Melvin a. TraylOK, Jr. .Associate, Birds — Ist Lt. Coast Guard M. C. Dabnall, Jr., Guard — Ensign John McGinnis, Guard — Ch. Boatswain's Mate Other Services RUDYERD BOULTON, Curator, Birds — Staff of Office of Strategic Services Bryant Mather, Asst. Curator, Mineralogy — Civilian Worker, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Llewelyn Williams, Curator of Economic Botany — on special service for U.S. Government Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Asst. Curator, Herba- rium— field work for Board of Economic Warfare Dr. C. Martin Wilbur, Curator, Chinese .\rchaeol. and Ethnol. — Staff of Office of Strategic Services . . and Some Who Have Served and Been Honorably Discharged: Frank Boryca, Asst. Prep., Bot.— Pvt. U. S. Marine Corps. Bert E. Grove, Guide-Lecturer — Medical Aide, American Field Service, Africa. January-February, 19ii CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 7 NATURE AS A BONESETTER FOR INJURED ANIMALS By DOROTHY FOSS ASSISTANT IN ANATOMY AND OSTEOLOGY In time of war, men may well yearn for a magic power to regenerate lost fingers or limbs. Such a power would erase the heart- break of crippling accidents, diseases, or war wounds. If a limb could be replaced in a few months, and the incapacitated person made whole again, it would indeed be "too good to be true;" unfortunately it is too good, for such regeneration does not occur for any animal higher on the tree of life than the salamander, which does regrow whole limbs, although frogs and lizards and all higher animals have lost this capacity. All the lower animals have great powers of regeneration. This ranges from the earth- worm's ability to grow two worms from the halves of one cut in two to the sea cucum- bers, which are able to eject their internal organs to a predaceous enemy, and within a short period grow a complete new set. Like- wise, the latter's relatives, the starfishes, can grow a whole new "star" from an arm if it is cut off. Nature hasn't entirely forgotten the higher animals, however. As animals have progressed from the simple forms toward complexity and specialization, the powers of regeneration have become increasingly restricted. Above the level of the frog, loss of power to replace lost parts becomes evi- dent. A good many lizards leave their wriggling tails in the grasp of their enemies, and in a few months grow others. The new tail is supported by a cartilaginous rod, to replace the lost caudal vertebrae, and may have a different type of scales, but it it is otherwise as good as new. Lizards, however, are unable to regrow lost limbs or toes. Turtles grow new shells to replace injured parts, although lost limbs, and even tails, are irreplaceable. In still higher forms of life this power is limited to mending broken bones, and to , filling in muscle and skin wounds with scar tissue. When a doctor fits the broken ends of a man's bone together, and immobilizes the limb, the organism immediately begins to cover the break with new bone. When the healing is complete, the fracture will have a heavy layer of new bone, which shows as a slight bulge. Thus at the point of the original break the bone will be much stronger than the adjoining bone. We can be sin- cerely thankful that this fragment of the remarkable power of regeneration has not been denied us, and should hope that the overspecialization of the cells will not be- come a fact. Animals in the wild have no recourse but "Mother Nature" when a fracture occurs, and sometimes these breaks heal as cleanly and neatly as though a doctor had set them. Ribs and vertebral processes usually heal without much distortion, but in the case of legs it is a different matter. Because of the pain, the animal uses the limb as little as possible, but in the course of searching for food, and escaping enemies, the leg inevi- tably gets a good deal of rough handling, the powerful muscles in contracting pull the broken ends of bone together, and thus often past each other, and this causes the peculiar distortion of the limbs that is fre- quently observed. Natural healing of broken bones, even of limbs, is quite well known to observant hunters and naturalists. They have been observed even in fossil skeletons. The recent receipt at the Museum ol a naturally healed leg bone of a pheasant, shot by Mr. E. W. Atkinson calls at- tention to this sub- ject. The bone in question represents a case of natural healing with little distortion. The new bone is strong and solid, and al- though the healed bone is three- fourths of an inch shorter than the femur of the other leg, the bird's limp was obviously no great handicap. In the case of the tibia of a caribou, the broken ends of the bone were ap- proximately two inches apart. The leg was shortened about five inches. The new bone encasing the break was not solid but took the form of a hollow sphere which was ap- proximately six inches wide, and sixteen and one-half inches in circumference. In this case, the new growth of bone was very thin. This is contrary to most breaks, in which the healed break is much stronger than before. Such cases of natural healing are of interest as showing the great tenacity of life, and the powers even of higher animals to heal grave wounds under natural conditions Nevertheless, it must be admitted that such crippling is usually a handicap leading to the destruction of the animal in question by its natural enemies. Exceptional cases of healing naturally attract attention because of the unique way in which nature takes care of her own, without doctors or hospitals. RESTORED BY NATURE Femur of a pheasant as healed after fracture, com' pared to normal leg bone. scratches. From these he concluded errone- ously that the rock was a glacial boulder and that Uruguay had once been covered by the ice of an ice age — a conclusion which is now known to be untrue. In 1926 a member of a Field Museum expedition made a careful study of the rock shown him by a geologist of the Uruguay National Museum, and photographed it. For reasons which need not be detailed here he saw that the markings could not be of glacial origin, but was at first unable to explain them. The true explanation as given him by a geologist from the National Museum in Montevideo is absurdly simple. Uruguay is a cattle country. The cattle rub against any convenient surface to rid themselves of ticks and flies. They even rub through unprotected telegraph poles until they fall. Constant rubbing of the rough hides of cattle against the boulder amply accounts for the mysterious smooth- ing and scratching. — H.W.N. CATTLE DECEIVE SCIENTIST Louis Agassiz, who first developed the theory of the Ice Age and continental glaciers, visited the "Mount" near Monte- video, Uruguay, during the voyage of the Hassler in 1872. In a large boulder of red granite found there, he noticed that crystals projecting on its lower quarter were roughly polished and that there were a few parallel Technical Publications Issued The following new technical publications have been issued by Chicago Natural His- tory Museum Press: Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 26. Peru- vian Snakes from the University of Arequipa. By Karl P. Schmidt and Warren F. Walker, Jr. October 20, 1943. 18 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 27. Snakes of the Peruvian Coastal Region. By Karl P. Schmidt and Warren F. Walker, Jr. Octo- ber 20, 1943. 28 pages, 1 text figure. $0.20. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 28. Three New Snakes from the Peruvian Andes. By Karl P. Schmidt and Warren F. Walker, Jr. October 20, 1943. 6 pages. $0.10. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 29. Am- phibians and Reptiles from the Sudan. By Karl P. Schmidt. October 20, 1943. 8 pages, 1 text figure. $0.10. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 30. The White Sands Earless Lizard. By Hobart M. Smith. October 20, 1943. 6 pp. $0.10. Botanical Series, Vol. 20, No. 7. Myxo- phyceae of Eastern California and Western Nevada. By Francis Drouet. November 20, 1943. 34 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 31. A Study of the Torrent Ducks. By Boardman Conover. November 20, 1943. 12 pp. $0.10. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 32. The Odonata of Chile. By James G. Needham and Dillman S. Bullock. November 20, 1943. 18 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 24, No. 33. Bird Lice from the Tinamidae. By Theresa Clay. November 26, 1943. 12 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 2. Notes on Coral Snakes from Mexico. By Karl P. Schmidt and Hobart M. Smith. November 26, 1943. 8 pages. $0.10. Zoological Series, Vol. 30. The Mammals of Chile. By Wilfred H. Osgood. December 28, 1943. 268 pages, 33 text figures, 10 maps. Geological Series, Vol. VII, No. 6. Meas- urements of the Age of the Solar system. By Robley D. Evans. December 28, 1943. 20 pages, 5 text figures. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 3. The Auditory Region of the Arctoid Carnivores. By Walter Segall. December 31, 1943. 28 pages, 4 text figures. Page 8 CH1CAC50 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN JarMary-Febniary, 19 hh SUNDAY LECTURES IN FEBRUARY ON LORE OF DIAMONDS Although Paul G. Dallwig, the Layman Lecturer of the Museum, will make no appearances here during January because of a lecture tour to other cities, he will resume his Sunday afternoon lectures at the Mu- seum on the first Sunday in February {February 6). "The Romance of Diamonds From Mine to Man" will be the subject of Mr. Dallwig's lectures at the Museum in February, and will be given each Sunday afternoon. In this lecture Mr. Dallwig will tell the story of diamonds from their original "find" through the various stages of mining, sort- ing, cutting, polishing, pricing, and market- ing. He will also dramatize in word pictures the finding and mining of diamonds in South Africa. The dramatization will be divided as follows: Act I.— The Original Find Act II.— The Diamond Rush Act III.— A Trip Through A Diamond Mine In addition, this lecture will include the fascinating stories of hate, love, greed, and murder attached to the successive ownership of the world's "famous historic diamonds." The program will be given in the Museum Lecture Hall, and end with a "social hour" in H. N. Higinbotham Hall of Gems and Jewels. Mr. Dallwig's lectures all begin promptly at 2 p.m. and end at 4:30. During a half-hour intermission the audience has opportunity for smoking, refreshments, and relaxation. , The size of Mr. Dallwig's audiences is necessarily limited; for this reason it is essential to make reservations in advance by mail or telephone (WABash 9410). The experience of past seasons is that long waiting lists are quickly formed for each title. There is no charge for the lectures or reservations, and admission to the Museum itself is free to everyone on Sundays. GIFTS TO THE MUSEUM Following is a list of some of the principal gifts received during the last month: Department of Anthropology: From United States Marine Corps — 55 photographs. South Pacific Islands; from Mrs. John H. Harmon, Highland Park.TU. — a Chaco jar. New Mexico. Department of Botany; From Brazilian Consulate, Chicago — 88 economic plant products of Brazil; from Donald Richards, Chicago — 800 crypto- gams, Vogeso-rhenanae; from Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. — 17 herbarium speci- mens, Costa Rica. Department of Geolo^ : From Brazilian Consulate, Chicago — 5 specimens of bauxite and one of monazite sand, Brazil; from George J. Carson, Akron, Ohio — 2 specimens of stromatopera and one of agate, California and Ohio; from Edwin C. Galbreath, Ashmore, 111. — a fossil crane bone, Illinois; from an anonymous donor — 20 specimens of gems and minerals, including 16 small cabochon-cut opals. Department of Zoolo^: From Mrs. Edw. F. Lustig, Elkhart, Ind. —408 butterflies and 2,381 moths, United States — mostly Illinois, Indiana, and Michi- gan; from Lt. Harold Trapido, Camp Davis, N. C. — 26 frogs, lizards, and salamanders, Washington; from Chicago Zoological Soci- ety, Brookfield, 111. — 30 birds and 5 mam- mals; from Bernard Benesh, North Chicago, 111. — 44 stag-beetles; from Gordon Johnson, Hinsdale, 111. — a rattlesnake, Indiana; from Edward W. Atkinson, Evanston, 111. — a pair of pheasant femurs, Minnesota. Library : Valuable books from Francisco Tamayo, Caracas, Venezuela; from Department of Subways and Superhighways, Chicago; from Dr. Henry Field and Carleton R. Ball, Washington, D. C; from Council on Inter- cultural Relations, New Ygrk; from Dr. George B. Cummins, Lafayette, Ind.; and from Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood and Boardman Conover, both of Chicago. StaflF Notes Mr. Donald Collier, Curator of South American Ethnology and Archaeology, has been appointed Editor of South American Archaeology for the Handbook of Latin American Studies, an annual publication which lists and reviews scholarly publica- tions in the Latin American field. Mr. Paul G. Dallwig, the Museum's Layman Lecturer, in recognition of his research on gems, has been "elected an associate member of the American Gem Society (national and international). He has lectured ssveral times before the society. Mr. Oscar Neumann, formerly of the Berlin Museum and well-known among European ornithologists, is now in Chicago and in daily attendance at the Museum, pursuing studies in the Division of Birds. He is especially known for his expeditions to Africa and subsequent research on his collections. WEEKD.W LECTURE TOURS, JANUARY AND FEBRUARY Conducted tours of exhibits, under the guidance of staff lecturers, are made every afternoon at 2 o'clock, except Sundays and certain holidays. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, general tours are given, covering all departments. Special subjects are offered on Wednesdays and Fridays; a schedule of these for January and February follows: January Wed., Jan. 5 — Customs and Costumes (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Thurs., Jan. 6— SPECIAL: Teddy Roose- velt, Naturalist — 25th anniversary of Theo- dore Roosevelt's death (Miss Miriam Wood). Fri., Jan. 7 — South Sea Island Foods (Miss Miriam Wood). Wed., Jan. 12 — Reptiles of Ancient and Modern Times (Bert Grove). Fri., Jan. 14 — Sleepy Heads — Animal Habits of Slumber (Miss Loraine Lloyd). Wed., Jan. 19 — Decorative Art of the American Indians (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., Jan. 21— Sheltering the Worid— Housing Plans from the Native Viewpoint (Miss Emma Neve). Wed., Jan. 26 — Expeditions into the Past (Bert Grove). Fri., Jan. 28 — Nature's Hoarders (Miss Loraine Lloyd). February Wed., Feb. 2— The Ground Hog's Shadow (Miss Loraine Lloyd). Fri., Feb. 4— Skeletons of the Past (Bert Grove). Wed., Feb. 9— Plants of Illinois (Miss Miriam Wood). Fri., Feb. 11 — Animal Life Around Lincoln's Home (Miss Loraine Lloyd). Wed., Feb. 16— Why People Wear Orna- ments (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., Feb. 18 — History Making Stones (Bert Grove). Wed., Feb. 23— Living to Eat (Miss Emma Neve). Fri., Feb. 25 — Leap Year Customs (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Apply at North Entrance; tours are free. By prearrangement, groups of ten or more persons may make tours at hours and on subjects they select. NEW MUSEUM MEMBERS ELECTED FROM NOV. 16 TO DEC. 15 The following persons became Members of the Museum during the period from November 16 to December 15: Associate Meml>er8 Byron Harvey III, James Donald Rich- ards, Dr. Otto Schwartz, John O. Stoll, Mrs. Melvin A. Traylor, Jr., Mrs. Horace E. Turner. Annual Memtjers William U. Bardwell, Dr. Charies L. Bidwell, W. E. Bishton, Patrick C. Burns, Joseph T. Carp, William J. Dressel, George C. Derkers, Mrs. Fred A. Hansen, Mrs. H. C. Havighurst, Theodore D. Hazen, Louis R. Hazzard, Gordon Heaney, Guy J. Henry, E. E. Hesse, Henry J. Jaeobi, Saul Kaufer, Miss Nellie M. Krotter, James F. Leahy, John Michael Levy, Mrs. Ernest G. Loeb, Mrs. L. E. Naffz, E. W. Quackenbush, Frank R. Reid, Eari F. Reinhart, Mrs. Charies Reyher, Harold T. Segil, Mrs. Frank E. Selz, Wilbur Smart, Mrs. Roland M. Torgerson, Guy R. Turner, Charles Tuteur, William H. Waddington, Miss Dorothy Weeks, Frank M. Whiston. CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Chicago Natur FormerlyM History Museum iTIN keum News Vol. 15 MARCH-APRIL, 1944 No8. 3-4 ZEBRA WAS ORIGINALLY NORTH AMERICAN NATIVE— A MILLION YEARS AGO By PAUL O. McGREW ASSISTANT CURATOR, PALEONTOLOGY During the past several years, as their expeditions traveled to and from fossil beds of western Colorado, Mr. Bryan Patterson, Curator of Paleontology, and Mr. James H. Quinn, Chief Preparator, have stopped at a locality in north-central Nebraska, and each year they have thus added a few speci- mens to a collection of fossil mammals from deposits of Pleistocene age. In itself the assemblage is small and composed of frag- mentary specimens, but despite this fact it has yielded important clues which, added to other available evi- dence, have permitted what may be solutions to some rather impor- tant geological and paleontological prob- lems. Indeed, if the conclusions derived from the study of this collection are substan- tiated, significant changes in our con- cepts of the prehistory of the horse family will be necessary. Of the new conclu- sions, probably the most interesting is that the striped horse or zebra was originally a native of America — not Africa, its present home, and neither Europe nor Asia, where it occurred during certain extensive periods. A new exhibit to illustrate graphically these findings, including both specimens and an artist's conceptions of the appearance of extinct horses as they appeared in life (based upon careful studies of fossils), is already partially completed in Ernest R. Gra- ham Hall (Hall 38), and will be com- pleted in a few days after appearance of this issue of the Museum Bulletin. Nearly everyone has heard of the glacial period — that unit of geologic time during which great sheets of ice advanced from the north to cover some four million square miles of our continent. Geologists have learned much about that period: They know that the ice reached thicknesses of more than a mile; they know that there were four major glacial advances; they also know that in the intervals between these advances, when the ice melted back, the climate was warm — probably even warmer than now. The vast regions once overridden by the ice are now covered by thick- deposits of detritus that were carried down by the ice and dropped as the ice melted. This is known as glacial till and forms most of the hills that are found in the Chicago region. HIPPOTIGRIS Restoration of prehistoric zebra from the Great Plains of North America. A painting by Artist John Conrad Hansen. It was by these successive deposits, sepa- rated by non-glacial sediments, that the existence of four great ice cycles have been determined. This series of glacial and inter- glacial deposits has served as a calendar by which Pleistocene time (the million or so years just preceding Recent time) has been subdivided by geologists. An important problem in geology and paleontology has been to correlate deposits that lie outside the glaciated regions with actual glacial deposits. Exact solution to this problem has been beset with many extreme difficulties. The locality in north-central Nebraska lies some 250 miles from the ice front. Deposits in this area, even though some distance from the glaciated region, were strongly affected by the advance and retreat of the ice sheets. It has been demonstrated by a Nebraska geologist that it is possible to correlate the fossil-bearing deposits with the earliest interglacial period of the glaciated region. The fresh-water shells are of the same species that are found in the interglacial deposits and offer considerable supporting evidence to the correlation. But of equal importance is the fact that, by means of the fossil mammals, it has been possible to make correlations with beds as much as 2,000 miles from the glaciated parts of the country. Thus the fossil mammals from this locality have proved of special geo- logic interest. The fossil horses from this locality have contributed evidence that has helped to- ward the solution of problems concerning the evolution of the horse family. This new evidence, com- bined with what we already knew about horse evolution, un- folds a rather com- plete picture of the evolution and distri- bution of the family. Horses were so closely a-ssociated with the conquest and de- velopment of America that it is hard to conceive of this country without them, yet at the time the first Europeans set foot in the Western Hemisphere the horse was not among the animals present. Never- theless, during a period of 50,000,000 years the horse had been among the most abund- ant of American mammals. It has been the consensus of most pale- ontologists that the true horse originated in North America and later spread to the Old World; and that comparatively recently (in geological terms) it became extinct in America. The date of extinction was apparently less than 25,000 years ago, shortly after the arrival of the first Indians from Asia, as bones of horses have been found quite frequently in association with early Indian artifacts. The zebra heretofore has been presumed Page » CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN March-April, 19H to be merely a horse with stripes that developed from the true horse after the latter's expansion into the Old World. However, it has been possible, from speci- mens in the paleontological collections of this museum, to trace the ancestry of both 'SityuSi; Most of the evolution of the horse family took place in North America during the SO million years of Tertiary time. About 3,000,000 years ago the ancestor of the true horse spread into Asia and became extinct in America. The true horse, as we know it today, evolved in Asia about a million years ago; from there it spread throughout Eurasia and to North and South America. The zebra evolved in North America about a million years ago and from there spread to Asia, Europe and Africa. groups, separately, back some four million years. The history of their evolution and dispersal must have been very different and much more complex than previously believed, the evidence indicates. It has been well known that the family Equidae (which includes horses, asses and zebras) went through most of its evolution in North America between Eocene and middle Pliocene time. The earliest known member of the horse family is from rocks deposited in inter-mountain basins of western North America during the Eocene epoch, some 55,000,000 years ago. Hyraco- therium, the rather imposing name given this earliest of horses, was tiny, little more than a foot in height. It bore four toes on its front feet and three on the hind. So dif- ferent was it from its modern descendant, in fact, that were it not for the intergrading forms that are found in the successive rock layers, it is extremely doubtful if this primi- tive animal would be recognized at all as a member of the horse family. EVOLUTION OF TRUE HORSE By late Pliocene time, about 3,000,000 years ago, the horses, through gradual evolutionary change, had progressed so they differed only in slight details from our modern horses. Through these details of teeth and skeleton, however, we see that branching of the horse line had occurred. One branch, known as Astrohippus, was destined to give rise to the true horses; another, Pliohippus, to the zebras. Dur- ing the several intervening epochs some other side branches had risen, but all were poorly adapted and sooner or later became extinct. Some of these aberrant groups spread to the Old World, but those leading to the living members of the family were confined to North America. During the late part of the Pliocene epoch the true horse branch spread over the Bering I'egion (which was dry land and warm at that time) into Asia. There it continued in its evolutionary path and evolved into a full-fledged horse belonging to the genus, Equus, the same as our domestic horses of today. In North America this true horse line must have become extinct about that time because no fo.ssils representing it are found in rocks deposited during a long time span. Soon after the Equus stage was reached in Asia, however, the true horse spread throughout Europe and Asia, back to North America and even into South America. Finally, however, something went wrong — something of which no satis- factory explanation seems possible — and horses became extinct in the Western Hemis- phere before the white man came. All horses in the Americas today spring from stock introduced from the Old World after the white man's invasion. THE ZEBRA'S PROGRESS The ancestral zebras continued their evolution in North America until the modern form was reached. About a million years ago this animal, whose origin was in North America, expanded its range into Asia, Europe, and throughout Africa. This great geographic expansion of the zebra was short lived, however, because by middle Pleisto- cene time, or about 500,000 years ago, the zebra had become extinct everywhere except in Africa. Before recent times the true horse also greatly reduced its range and has been found in its wild state only in a small portion of Asia. In historic times wild members of the horse family have been confined to Africa and southwestern Asia. They were totally extinct in the Western Hemisphere when Euro. pean explorers and settlers first arrived. PLIOHIPPUS An ancestral horse that lived in the Great Plains of North America during early Pliocene time, 7,000,000 years ago. Restoration by Artist John Conrad Hansen. March-April, 19U CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 3 MUSEUM RECEIVES RARE EGGS OF CALIFORNIA CONDOR SKELETON OF AMERICAN ZEBRA (Hippotigris) The now extinct American zebras were presumably striped like the modern African ones, but stripes are not very important distinctions between horses and zebras as far as paleontologists are concerned. Early examples of the true horse were probably also striped, as indicated by drawings pre- historic men have left in caves in early Europe — drawings made at a time when there were no zebras on that continent. Further, there is a modern zebra known as the quagga which has practically lost its stripes. Important distinctions between horses and zebras are found in the teeth and certain features of the skeletons. One lower milk tooth is sufficient to identify a skeleton as that of a horse, zebra, or ass. The asses, natives of North Africa, are unknown as fossils, and at present practi- cally nothing is known of their history. In some respects they resemble the zebra in their basic structure, and in others they resemble more closely the true horses. Clearing up the history of the ass will depend on future paleontological discoveries. Editor's Note: The subject of the above article is covered in a detailed technical paper by Dr. McGrew, published on January 20, 1944, by Chicago Natural History Museum Press: Publication 546, Geological Series, Vol. 9, No. 2, An Early Pleistocene {Blancan) Fauna from Nebraska; 37 pp., illustrated. By ELLEN T. SMITH ASSOCIATE, DIVISION OF BIRDS Two eggs of the California condor (Gymnogyps californiana) have recently been presented to this institution by Judge R. Magoon Barnes, noted oologist who is Curator of Birds' Eggs on the Museum staff. Judge Barnes' extensive egg collection was given to the Museum in 1925, and included the only two other California condor eggs owned by the Museum. These rare eggs, valued conservatively at $100 each, were taken in California in 1879, 1900, and 1915. They are dead dull white, with a faint green tinge, slightly rough, and nearly perfectly elliptical — about 4}^ inches long and 23^ in diameter. A pair of condors lays only a single egg each year. Had the eggs been allowed to hatch — a seven weeks' process — there would have emerged from each a downy white chick, floundering helplessly, and giving no hint of the dignified monarch of the skies which it would soon become. When grown, the condor in flight resem- bles a turkey vulture (or buzzard) in the fingering-out of the feathers at the wing tips, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the large white patch on the fore- part of the under side of each wing, and by its enormous size. Its wing-spread ranges from nine to ten feet as contrasted with the vulture's five and one-half to six feet. Its head and neck are bald and reddish-orange; the strength of its great beak is astonishing. A NUISANCE TO EXPLORERS It is possible that the two eggs just acquired, both taken in 1879, were an easy mark for the collector, as the condor was once a common sight over California, nesting in hollow trees and stumps. It ranged as far north as the Columbia River, congre- gating there each fall to feed on salmon. Lewis and Clark, and other early explorers of the northwest, complained of the diffi- culty they encountered in hiding their large game from these birds, which could devour in an hour enough meat to feed a man for a month. It is only natural that under these circumstances the hunter's gun was frequently aimed at the condor, while a further incentive to its destruction was added during the gold-rush, by prospectors, who found the large hollow wing-quills con- venient for carrying gold dust, lessening the fear of detection and theft when sewn into their clothes. Fate ironically conspired against the condors in the early 1900's, when it became known that they were getting scarce. According to Dawson, "Anyone who could stuff a bird and any village junk-pile calling itself a 'museum', promptly went out to get a bird while the getting was good." Oolo- gists joined in the rush, and the remaining birds were driven to nest on the high cliffs of the mountains of southern California (west of Santa Barbara) in the most inac- cessible cave-like nooks. The present rate of reproduction is barely sufficient to sustain the race, but regardless of this, the fight for preservation is a losing one, as sooner or later civilization will abolish the carrion on which the condor completely depends for food. The forty or more birds still in existence must eventually go the way of the dodo and the passenger- pigeon. And yet, in contrast to those two species, the condor is one of the most intelli- gent members of the animal kingdom. One condor, nicknamed "The General," was taken when very young by Mr. William Finley, and made the most extraordinary pet, equal to a good dog or horse in intelli- (Please turn page) RAYMOND FOUNDATION OFFERS FREE MOVIES FOR CHILDREN ON MARCH-APRIL SATURDAYS America's neighbor nations of the western hemisphere, the Arctic regions, Africa, lands of the Mediterranean, Australian animals, and life underneath the sea, are among the subjects of motion pictures to be presented on free programs for children in the spring series under the auspices of the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation. For "spice," there will also be a number of animated cartoons. These pro- grams will be given on Saturday mornings during March and April in the James Simp- son Theatre of the Museum. Each will be presented twice, at 10 a.m., and again at 11, in order to accommodate the maximum num- bers of children. Children from all parts of Chicago and suburbs are invited, and no tickets are necessary for admission. "They may come alone, accompanied by adults, or in groups from schools and other centers. Many of the films to be shown are in natural colors, and sound effects and talking are now regulation fare on Museum pro- grams. Following is the schedule: March 4 — Wheels Across Africa Also two cartoons March 11 — Central America— Old and New March 18— The Story of Mountains Also a cartoon March 25 — Father Hubbard Among the Eskimos Also a cartoon April 1— With Williamson Beneath the Sea Also a cartoon April 8 — The Holy Land by Way of the Mediterranean Also a cartoon April 15 — Wild Innocence (Australian animal story featuring Chut, a kangaroo) April 22 — America South of the Tropics (Deep in South America) Also a cartoon April 29 — An All-Cartoon Program Crucibles, flasks, and other utensils blown from quartz are used in chemical laboratories to fit conditions that the best glass cannot endure. Manufacture of glass ornaments is a rare occupation of west African Negroes, who melt European bottle glass. In Hall D, Case 21, are some glass bangles. Beads made by rubbing and boring hard stone are shown in Hall D, Case 16. Page i CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN March-April, IHi gence and appreciation of human com- panionship. "The General" eventually ended up in the New York Zoo. Contrary to popular belief, the condor cannot seize its prey in its claws, because, unlike the eagle or the hawk, its hind toe is completely undeveloped. It does not attack One day three condors, which had only a mile farther to go to reach their nests, were prevented from doing so by the strong north wind suddenly turning into a roaring gale. After repeatedly tacking back and forth to no avail, they headed for the Carissa plains, which were baking in the sun twenty- CALIFORNIA CONDORS One of the series of bird habitat groups in Hall 20 of the Museum. or feed off living things, and although undis- puted master over turkey vultures and coyotes, has often been seen calmly and graciously allowing them to share its meal. When the fanners of the west poisoned carrion to rid the country of the plague of coyotes, it • was feared that condors also would suffer. But their stomachs can stand great abuse, and when necessary they dis- gorge something that does not agree with them, so that in spite of tales to the contrary none of these birds has been known to perish from this cause. TAKE-OFF LIKE BOMBER'S Their feeding and perching is limited to the open country or the cliffs, for unless they can catapult themselves into the air, they need room, like a bomber, for a take- off, and run along the ground flapping vigorously till they have gained enough speed to commence sailing. Their instinc- tive knowledge of aerodynamics is extra- ordinary, and once in the air they do not use their wings in any forward motion, but like the perfect glider, they soar majestically, by means of the most correct use of air currents. They cannot make headway straight into a hard wind, but tack back and forth like a sailboat. five or thirty miles away. Rising with the column of heat, the birds were soon above the gale, sailing north again, and reached their nests from the northwest, aided by their former foe, the north wind. This "slight" detour of some sixty or seventy miles was accomplished in about thirty minutes, according to Mr. Claude C. L. Brown, who had the birds under observation the entire time. Condors like water, and spend hours preening themselves, for obviously every part of their flying equipment must be kept in perfect condition; the fifteen- to eighteen-inch tail and the huge thirty- to thirty-six-inch wings must not have a feather out of place. LARGEST OF FLYING BIRDS The California condor and its near relative from South America, the condor of the Andes (VuUur gryphus) are the largest birds that fly. Reports as to their relative wing spread are contradictory and unreliable, but lead one to believe that while individual California birds may have larger measure- ments throughout, the South American bird probably averages slightly larger. The Andean condor is said to weigh more, but no one seems actually to have weighed it to find out if it surpasses the twenty-six pounds at which one California condor tipped the scales after a meal. The normal weight of the California bird is nearer twenty to twenty-two pounds. One other bird, the wandering albatross (Diomedea exidans), an inhabitant of the cold southern seas, has a greater wing- spread, reaching eleven feet four inches, but it is a smaller bird in every other way. Examples of these three birds can be seen at the Chicago Natural History Museum in Halls 20 and 21. In Hall 20 is a habitat group of a pair of California condors. NEW MEMBERS The following persons became Members of the Museum during the period from December 16 to February 12: Contributors Lieut. Alvin R. Cahn, U.S.N.R. Associate Meitibers Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Robert N. Chatain, L. Charles Cook, Louis T. Cook, Thomas H. Cook, Mrs. John E. Cornell, William C. Danne, Don L. Davis, Mrs. William Warren Dixon, Karl Eitel, Dr. A. G. Falls, Frederick M. Gottlieb, Dr. Daniel W. Jeffries, Solo- mon Katz, Miss Paula Knickerbocker, Carl Kresl, George C. Lazear, George Moeller, Edmund Daniel O'Connell, William F. O'Keeffe, Comer Plummer, Sydney Stein, Jr., Felix VanCleef, Miss Cecilia Wells. Sustaining Members A. E. Meyerhoff Annual Members Dr. Walter A. Adams, Jay Adler, R. J. Anschicks, Guy T. Avery, T. D. Beven, John W. Blackburn, Maurice C. Blaz, O. D. Borcherding, Mrs. J. Stewart Boswell, Mrs. RoUand I. Bosworth, Dr. Garnet Bradley, Chesser M. Campbell, H. R. Car- penter, William B. Coggin, Miss Bonnie Col- vin, A. D. Davis, John S. Dempsey, Mrs. Andrew R. Dole, Mrs. Charles Eichin, Mrs. Cyril Farney, Max Feld, John S. Field, Edward Fitzgerald, Adolph R. Floreen, E. W. Fritzell, Miss Josephine Goodrich, A. S. Gourfain, Jr., Harry Green, Miss Rose Grossfeld, David L. Harrington, Mrs. John H. Harrison, Mrs. Henry T. Heald, Dr. S. C. Henn, Charles L. Henry, Mrs. Howard C. Hill, Edwin W. Hirsch, Joseph Hoffman, E. N. Hope, Stephen E. Hurley, S. L. Hypes, Max E. Immerwahr, Scott R. Johnson, Mrs. Walter N. Jones, Gerald C. Kimes, Mrs. Marian K. Lamb, A. Pope Lancaster, James Lawrence, C. A. LeBeau, Theodore Levin, W. F. Lochridge, Mrs. Richard J. Massey, Irving McHenry, Eugene Miller, Frederic Kimball Mizen, J. J. Nance, Mrs. Leland R. Newell, Mrs. Charles B. Nolte, V. W. Peter- son, William Henry Phelps, Joseph Richard Pick, M. C. Pond, Frank Rasmussen, Mrs. Allen M. Reed, Courtney H. Reeves, C. G. Rhodes, Burr L. Robbins, Hugh Rodman, Mrs. L. L. Schaffner, Mrs. Barrett Scudder, Myron M. Segal, Victor Segal, John P. Spencer, Dr. Julius L. Spivack, J. M. Symes, Mrs. A. D. Taylor, Mrs. Albert H. Tippens, Mrs. Ben E. Ursin, R. G. Wallace, Herbert J. Watt, A. Webster, William Yates. March-April, 19U CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page S OSA JOHNSON, AND CHINESE SHADOW PLAYS, FEATURED IN SATURDAY LECTURE COURSE One of the world's most daring and suc- cessful women explorers — Osa (Mrs. Martin) Johnson — will appear before a Chicago Nat- ural History Museum audience during this year's annual spring course of Saturday af- ternoon free illustrated lectures on science and travel. Mrs. Johnson will show some of the exciting motion pictures for the filming of which both she and her late husband became famous. The annual spring course will open March 4, and lectures will be presented each Saturday afternoon from then until April 29 inclusive, at 2:30 p.m., in the James Simpson Theatre of the Museum. The demand for seats makes it necessary to restrict admission to adults; for children free motion pictures are given on Saturday mornings. Following are the dates, subjects, and speakers for the adult programs: March 4 — The New Air World. Canfield Cook. Mr. Cook, who has devoted years to study of the many factors involved, will discuss the influences, past, present, and future, of the development of aviation on peoples and places all over the world. He will emphasize the changes which may be expected in world economy in the peace which is to come, as a result of the expected growth of transporta- tion of persons and goods by airplane. The lecture will be illustrated with color films. March 1 1 — WORLD Adventure Films. Osa Johnson. Mrs. Johnson and her late husband, Martin Johnson, were famous for their adventuring and their notable motion pic- ture work, particularly in the jungles of Africa and Asia, for many years. Since the airplane death of her husband, in a crash in which Mrs. Johnson was also injured, she has gone ahead on her own, exploring in far places and bringing back magnificent film records of what she has observed. Her films often are made under conditions of personal danger. She is noted for a sparkling per- sonality which results in a lecture as humorous and whimsical as it is interesting and informative. March 18~We Re-map the World. Clarence Sorensen. Mr. Sorensen's lecture is described as: "a report in new horizons — global dimen- sions, modern maps, strategic crossroads, great circles, the geography for peace." As a geographer and foreign correspondent for the Columbia Broadcasting System, Mr. Sorensen's work has since 1934 taken him to more than thifty-five countries. Buenos Aires and Burma are alike familiar. He first packed his bags for Europe to watch Hitler's rise to power and the re-arming of the Reich. The great Arab world was next. With headquarters in the Near East, Clarence Sorensen covered thousands of desert miles. Later he went on to India, Burma, Malaya, Java, China, the Philip- pines, and other regions. March 25 — FOUR CORNERS — The Land OF THE NAVAJOS. Alfred M. Bailey. Formerly a member of the Chicago Natural History Museum zoological staff, and now director of the Colorado Museum of Natural History, Mr. Bailey presents in this lecture the story of the home of the Navajos at the "four corners," the meeting place of Colorado, New Mexico, Ari- zona, and Utah. In color films to be shown with the lecture he has faithfully recorded the plants and ani- mals encountered. Included are views of the high moun- tains of Colorado with bird life; views down the Colorado River in Utah; the Arches National Monument; the Goose-necks of the San Juan, and Mesa Verde Na- tional Park. April 1 — Alaska AND ITS Highway William L. Dar- den. Alaska is very much the subject of the hour. Alas- ka's air bases are They are our stepping- William L. Darden, a resident of Alaska for many years, shows this great territory of ours in a complete manner. Not only points in the news, but scenery, animals, industries — everything. April 8 — Midnight Movies in Animal Land. Howard Cleaves. Even many people familiar with the haunts and habits of wild animals in their daytime hours have little knowledge of life in the animal kingdom after dark. Mr. Cleaves has devoted himself to study and observation in this special field, and has made most unusual motion pictures. April 15— Chinese Shadow Plays. The Red Gate Players (directed by Pauline Benton). Shadow plays have long been a favorite entertainment in China. With simplicity and charm they interpret the art, the drama, the music and the customs of the Chinese. The shadow actors used by the Red Gate NAVAHO (Sculpture by Malvina Hoffman) closest to Japan, stones to Tokyo. Players are made of transparent parch- ment, carved and painted by Chinese crafts- men. Each is a masterpiece of design and color; each is imbued with its own person- ality. The action of the drama takes place behind a screen where the shadow actors move, live, dance, and talk. A light illuminates the stage, which is decorated with elaborate and delicately wrought set- tings, and shines through the players who appear to the audience in jewel-bright and crystal-like colors. April 22 — Wings Across the Midnight Sun. Dr. Arthur Twomey. This lecture follows the course of a recent Carnegie Museum expedition across the 10,000 square miles of the Mackenzie delta region and adjacent arctic islands. It con- tains many intimate shots of tundra birds never before photographed in color on their nesting grounds; immense colonies of snow geese on the outer fringe of islands that skirt the Arctic Ocean, and magnificent sweeps of arctic flora. April 29 — Summer and Winter in the Western Ranges. John Claire Monteilh. Mr. Monteith has made an enviable reputation for his studies on many phases of life on the other side of "the great divide," and his natural color motion picture films are regarded as ranking among the out- standing achievements in photography representing the lives of our Indians, and the story of plains, deserts, and mountains. No tickets are necessary for admission to these lectures. A section of the Theatre is reserved for Members of the Museum, each of whom is entitled to two reserved seats upon presentation of membership ticket to the Theatre attendant before 2:30 o'clock on the day of the lecture, or by writing to the Museum (or telephoning WABash 9410) for reservation. Seats will be held until 2:30. Technical Publications Issued The following technical publications re- cently have been issued by the Chicago Natural History Museum Press: Zoological Series, Vol. 28, No. 2. On the Classification of the Histerid Beetles. By Rupert L. Wenzel. January 19, 1944. 104 pages, 9 plates, 3 text figures. $1.00 Geological Series, Vol. 9, No. 2. An Early Pleistocene (Blancan) Fauna from Nebraska. By Paul O. McGrew. January 20, 1944. 36 pages, 9 text figures. $0.40 Geological Series, Vol. 8, No. 11. Two New Thalassemyd Turtles from the Cretaceous of Arkansas. By Karl P. Schmidt. January 21, 1944. 12 pages, 5 text figures. $0.25 Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 4. Masti- catory Apparatus in the Giant Panda and the Bears. By Harry Sicher. January 28, 1944. 14 pages, 5 text figures. $0.15 Page 6 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Marehf-April, IHi Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Field Drive, Chicago Telephone: Wabash 9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Aruour Stanley Field Sbwell L. Avery Samuel Insull, Jr. W. McCoRHicK Blair Charles A. McCulloch Leopold E. Block William H. Mitchell boarohan conovbr george a. richardson Walter J. Cuuhings Theodore Roosevelt Albert B. Dick, Jr. Solomon A. Smith Howard W. Fenton Albert A. Sphague Joseph N. Field Silas H. Strawn Mabshall Field Albert H. Wbtten JoBN P. Wilson OFFICERS Stanley Field President Albert A. Spbagub Pint Viee-PretidenI Silas H. Strawn Second Vice-President Albert B. Dick Third Vice-President •Clifford C. Grbgo Director and Secretary Orr Goodson Acting Director and Acting Secretary Solomon A. Smith . . . Treasurer and Assistant Secretary * On leave in active service as a Colonel in the United States Army. THE BULLETIN EDITOR WlLniEO H. Osgood Curator Emeritus, Zoology CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin Chief Curator of Anthropology B. E. Dahlgren Chief Curator of Botany Henry W. Nichols Chief Curator of Geology Karl P. Schmidt Chief Curator 0/ Zoology MANAGING EDITOR H. B. Harte Public Relations Counsel Members are requested to inform the Museum proraptijr of changes of address. MUSEUM "GOES ON THE AIR" FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN "Places and People," a series of radio broadcasts, has been begun by the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Founda- tion of the Chicago Natural History Mu- seum', in co-operation with the Radio Council of the Chicago Public Schools. On February 16, the series was introduced by Mr. Orr Goodson, Acting Director of the Museum, and on February 23 there was a broadcast on Alaska. The rest of the pro- grams, to be given over FM station WBEZ at 11:30 a.m., and over both WIND and WBEZ at 1:30 p.m., on the dates indicated, are as follows: March 1 — Middle America March 8 — South America (Part I) March 15 — South America (Part II) March 22— Africa March 29 — Solomon Islands and New Guinea April 5 — Polynesia: Samoa, Fiji, Hawaii, Tonga. April 12 — Australia and New Zealand May 3 — Philippine Islands May 10 — Malay Archipelago, and Bor- neo, Sumatra, and Java May 17 — Malaya May 24 — India May 31— China June 7 — United States In conjunction with the broadcasts, the Museum will present two follow-up pro- grams for groups of children brought from the schools to this institution. The first of these, "Peoples of Alaska, Middle and South America, and Africa," will be given on March 23 at 10:30 A.M.; the second will be "Peoples of the South Pacific, Australia, India and China," on June 1. The Museum and the schools' Radio Council have jointly prepared a booklet of suggestions for teachers, to aid them in making most effective use of the series. The purpose of the series of broadcasts and related programs is expressed in this pam- phlet as follows: "Our world is being brought closer together, partly because of easy and fast transportation. The present war has forced us to be interested in people and places little known or thought of before. Many of these people are our allies; many of the places are the temporary homes of our relatives and friends. After the war is over, many of these people will have a part in the world peace plans; if the world peace is to be lasting, we must try to understand their needs and problems." In charge of the series for the Museum is Miss Miriam Wood, chief lecturer of the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation; for the schools, Mr. George Jennings, director of the Radio Council. Script writer is Joseph H. Spear. in his division of the Museum. Capt. Rupert L. Wenzel, U. S. Army (Assistant Curator of Insects), also visited the Mu- seum recently. Staff Notes Word has been received that Ensign Maynard C. Darnall, Jr., a former student guard at the Museum, has been promoted to lieutenant (j.g.), U. S. Coast Guard. Mr. Raymond H. Hallstein, for over 23 years connected with the F. J. Riley Print- ing Company, Chicago, and for eight years its superintendent, has been appointed as head of the Division of Printing. Mrs. Marion Grey has been appointed Associate in the Division of Fishes in recog- nition of her continued effective aid to the work of the division. Mr. Henry Dybas, formerly Assistant in the Division of Fishes, has been transferred to the Army Sanitary Corps. Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Assistant Curator of the Herbarium, on leave for government war work, has been transferred recently from Ecuador where he was engaged in quinine investigations, and is now carry- ing on the same work in Venezuela. First Lt. Melvin A. Traylor, U.S.M.C, (Associate, C.N.H.M. Division of Birds) visited the Museum while invalided home from action at Tarawa. Ensign Loren P. Woods, U.S.N. R. (Assistant Curator of Fishes) visited the Museum while on fur- lough and conferred about various projects Dr. Wilfred H. Osgood, Curator Emeritus of Zoology, will spend some weeks in the west where he will visit museums and col- lect mammals as opportunity presents. THE MUSEUM HONOR ROLL Now In the Nation's Service ^ Army Theodore Roosevelt, Trustee — Brig.Gen. George A. Richard- son, Trustee — Lt. Col. Clifford C. Gregg, Director — Colonel, -. ..» -» G.S.C. 39 Dr. John Rinaldo, Associate, Southwestern Archaeol. — Staff Sgt. Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Curator, Ged. — Capt. D. Dwight Davis, Curator, Anat. and Osteol. — Corp. Bryan Patterson, Curator, Paleontology — Pvt. Ehmbt R. Blake, Asst. Curator, Birds — Special Agent, War Dept. Rupert L. Wenzel, Asst. Curator, Insects — Capt. Henry S. Dybas, Assistant, Insects — Pvt. William Bebcher, Temp. Asst., Zool. — Pvt. Henry Horback, Aast., Geol. — Pvt. James C. McIntybe, Guard — 2nd Lt. Raymond J. Connors, Guard — Pvt. Fbank J. DITTKOVIC, Janitor— Pvt. Navy Lester Armour, Trustee — Comdr. Samuel Insull, Jr., Trustee — Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Nash Field, Trustee — Lieut. CouN Campbell Sanborn, Curator, Mammals — Lieut. Dr. Alexander Spoehr, Asst. Curator, N. Amer. Ethnol. — Lieut, (j.g.) LoRBN P. Woods, Asst. Curator, Fishes — Ensign John W. Mover, Taxidermist — Ch. Specialist (Bur. Aeronautics) Patrick T. McEnery, Guard — Master-at-Arms John Syckowski, Guard — Ch. Commissary Stewd. George Jarrand, Guard — Ch. Water Tender Clyde Jambs Nash, Guard — Ch. Gunner Nicholas Repar, Printer — Aviation Machinist's Mate 2C. Morris Johnson, Carpenter — Carpenter's Mate 2C. Herbert Nelson, Painter — Painter IC. EUZABBTH Best, Guide-Lecturer — Ensign, WAVES Marie B. Pabst, Guide-Lecturer— WAVES Marine Corps Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Associate, Birds — 1st Lt. Coast Guard M. C. Darnall, Jr., Guard — Lieut, (j.g.) John McGinnis, Guard — Ch. Boatswain's Mate Other Services Rudyerd Boulton, Curator, Birds — Staff of Office of Strategic Services Bryant Mather, Asst. Curator, Mineralogy — Civilian Worker, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Llewelyn Williams, Curator of Economic Botany — on special service for U.S. Government Dr. Julian A. Steyermark, Asst. Curator, Herba- rium— field work for Board of Economic Warfare Dr. C. Martin Wilbur, Curator, Chinese Archaeol. and Ethnol. — Staff of Office of Strategic Services . . and Some Who Have Served and Been Honorably Discharged: Frank Boryca, Asst. Prep., Bot. — Pvt. U. S. Marine Corps. Bert E. Grove, Guide-Lecturer— Medical Aide, American Field Service, Africa. March- April, 19ii CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 1 SOME SOLOMON ISLANDERS Bv KARL P. SCHMIDT CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ZOOIXXiY Since American service men have been stationed in the Solomon Islands, the Mu- seum has had frequent inquiries about the animal life of that region. These have often been in the form of requests for some illus- trated guidebook to the birds, or insects, or reptiles, suitable for a far-off boy who had been interested in natural history at home, and now finds himself seeing white- crested cockatoos, hearing the choo-choo, choo-choo, of the black hornbill's wings, or listening to strange sounds from the forest at night. With regret we have had to reply that knowledge of the natural history of the Pacific islands, though considerable, is for the most part locked in technical volumes. Museums engage in the preparation of handbooks suitable for the general public as one of their manifold activities associated with the attempt to describe the life of the world; but museums are under-financed and under-staffed, and the handbooks must often wait for essential primary research. It may be enough to recall to the reader that there was no good popular guide even to the birds of the eastern United States until 1895. My own interest in the frogs and lizards of the Solomon Islands was aroused by the beautiful lithographs in G. A. Boulenger's papers, based on the collections of H. B. Guppy and C. M. Woodford, made on Guadalcanal and various other islands in the eighteen eighties. Further knowledge of the animal life of the Solomons has accumulated. In 1929, in the course of the Museum's Cornelius Crane Pacific Expedition, consid- erable collections of frogs, lizards, and snakes were made on the islands of Ugi, Malaita, Tulagi, Isabel and Kulambangra. SOLDIER SENDS COLLECTION Our nucleus of Solomon Island collections in the-se groups has now been greatly in- creased by the receipt of two collections made by Pvt. William J. Beecher (Tempo- rary Assistant in Zoology at the Museum), now with the Army Medical Corps. The Solomon Islands are distant enough from the larger areas of New Guinea and Australia to have far fewer kinds of amphi- bians and reptiles, as indeed of all kinds of animals; this is a general characteristic of the life of islands as contrasted with that of the continents. At the .same time, the separation of the islands from New Guinea came at a time so ancient that there has been opportunity for the evolution of numerous distinct species of animals, and some of the frogs and lizards are very distinct indeed. Only some of the very small lizards that may be transported by floating logs, the exceed- ingly active and partly aquatic monitor lizard, and a few tree snakes appear on New Guinea as the same sjieeies. The relations of the animal life of the Solomons are nearly all with New Guinea rather than with Australia or any other region, and the archipelagos of smaller islands to the east- ward have still fewer kinds of animals. "who comes?" One March night in 1929, on Tulagi Island, Walter Weber, the artist, and I were engaged in the naturalist's perennial search of the forest for its nocturnal inhabitants, on a forest floor of extraordinary beauty. When we put out our flashlights, the leaf- mold was dotted with gleaming fox-fire. Whole clumps of tiny mushrooms glowed with yellow light, as did particles of rotten wood and leaf, and an occasional whole dead stick or even a log. We had caught a tiny froglet (Bairaehylodes) in some numbers, PREHENSILE-TAILED SKINK Also called giant slcink, this unique lizard is found nowhere in the world except the Solomon Islands. The tail aids its arboreal existence. Specimen shown above is on exhibition in Albert W. Harris Hall (Hall 18). and we heard the loud quack of a big geckonid lizard, but could not find it. While standing some yards apart, we each heard a loud "squunk" startlingly like the suck of a foot in a loose wet boot; and as we both had wet feet, we looked at each other for the source of the sound, only to hear it repeated from another direction. When traced to its source the sound was found to be made by a good-sized frog — a species confined to the Solomons, and in some ways the most distinctive amphibian of the area. It is characterized by triangular flaps of skin on the head and limbs that give it the scientific name Cerotobatrachus. Other Solomon Island frogs include a true tree frog (i.e., a Hyla) and several representatives of the family of true frogs, including a big species of bullfrog size. The commonest frog, whose scientific name is Platymantis solomonis, is a small relative of the big fel- low. It has a startlingly loud and clear note resembling the syllables "whoo-ee." The snakes of the Solomons are few. There are burrowing blind snakes (Typh- lops) with the eyes concealed beneath the scales. Small boas that reach a length of about three feet, with strongly prehensile tails, are remote relatives of the American boa constrictors. A green tree snake and a black and yellow tree snake are wide- spread in the New Guinean region. All these snakes are quite harmless. There are three kinds of land snakes that are undoubt- edly poisonous, related by their fixed fangs to the front-fanged snakes of Australia. There is no record of any human being having been bitten by these snakes, and none of them are aggressive creatures. In such densely forested areas as the Solo- mons, snakes are usually found only by accident, or perhaps in jungle-clearing operations like the preparation of an air- field. The sea snakes that come to shore to lay their eggs in the rock crevices at high tide level are deadly poisonous, but they are never known to bite anything except the eels on which they prey. Even if roughly handled by fishermen, they do not bite at all. The lizards exhibit a great variety of form and color, and the shiny-scaled skinks are especially abundant. Little golden striped skinks (Emoia) would remind many an American soldier of the blue-tailed lizard of the southeastern United States. A larger green skink (Dasia) is to be seen only in the trees. Another good-sized lizard (Riopa) is dull brown, and with its short legs must be a slow moving ground dweller. A UNIQUE LIZARD The real prize among the lizards of the Solomons is the "prehensile-tailed skink," a lizard some two feet in length, with the tail developed as a prehensile grasping organ to aid in locomotion in the trees. This lizard is found only in the Solomons. The largest lizard of the islands, the black and yellow monitor, was mentioned above as a more widespread type. Another large tree lizard has a crest of sharp spines on the back. Novel to most Americans are the soft- skinned and big-eyed geckos. These are lizards that come out at night, and they are remarkable for their loud voices. There are several kinds in the Solomon Islands — small ones only two inches long, medium sized gray ones, and a brown species with a bright yellow line down the back, large for a gecko, as it reaches a length of a foot. The natives are apt to be much afraid of geckos, appar- ently on account of the disagreeable feel of the clinging pads on their feet, but all geckos are entirely harmless. Many inhabit houses and come out at night from the thatch, or from behind picture frames (if there are picture frames) to hunt their insect prey on the walls and ceilings. Mr. Beecher's collections, including a few fishes, birds, mammals, insects, and crus- taceans besides his reptiles, came to the Museum as almost the only accessions for 1943 from foreign lands. They serve to remind us all the more that the interests of a museum of natural history are dependent on a peaceful world. Page 8 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN March-April, 19H THE LATE SU-LIN SUNDAY LAYMAN LECTURES IN MARCH AND APRIL Paul G. Dallwig, the Museum's Layman Lecturer, will make nine more appearances on Sunday afternoons during the current season. On Sundays in March his subject will be "Who's Who in the Mounted Zoo." Fea- tures of this lecture include the story of the giant panda, Su-Lin ; the history of the man- eating lions of Tsavo which devoured more than 130 human beings; a dram- atization of a day in the Afri- can jungles, and interesting tales of psychological and behavioris- tic observations on the life of various ani- mals. In April the subject of Mr. Dallwig's Sunday lectures will be "Mysterious 'Night-Riders' of the Sky." The lecturer will explain the differences between comets, meteors, and meteorites, and relate incidents concern- ing some of the most important meteoritic falls. Of special interest is his dramati- zation in "three scenes" of an imaginary trip to the moon by rocket plane. The lectures all begin at 2 P.M. and end at 4:30. For smoking, refreshments and re- laxation there is a half-hour intermission during which the audience gathers in the Museum Cafeteria. The size of audiences is necessarily limited; for this reason it is essential to make reservations in advance by mail or telephone (WABash 9410). Long waiting lists form for each title. The lectures are given in the Museum Lecture Hall, and there is no charge for admission or for reservations. On February 20 Mr. Dallwig made his 200th lecture at the Museum. He began this activity in the autumn of 1937. Dice in Ancient Egypt If a gambler of the present day could go backward into history like the hero of Mark Twain's Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court, taking with him a pair of modern "galloping dominoes" (especially if the dice were loaded to throw the present day game in his favor), he would create a lot of havoc. For the ancient Egyptians whom he would meet, while having dice almost identical with the modem ones in size, form, and appear- ance, nevertheless used numbers paired in different combinations. Some dice dating back to Cleopatra's time and earlier, are on exhibition in the Hall of Egypt (Hall J) at this museum. Most of them are made from bone, but some are of steatite. Tested out by Museum archaeologists before being placed on exhibi- tion, the dice showed a tendency to throw 2's and 5's most readily, indicating that cheating was probably as common among the early gambling fraternity as among those who make their livings from games of alleged chance today. According to Mr. Richard A. Martin, Curator of Near Eastern Archae- ology, there has been little change in the manner of playing games with dice from Ptolemaic times down to the present. GIFTS TO THE MUSEUM Following is a list of some of the principal gifts received during the last two months: Department of Anthropology: From Col. H. W. Jarrow, Chicago — a model of an outrigger canoe, Samoa; from Kennett L. Rawson, Chicago — 15 ethnolog- ical specimens, Greenland and Labrador. Department of Botany: From Dr. Walter Kiener, Lincoln, Neb. — 357 specimens of algae, Nebraska; from William A. Daily, Indianapolis, Ind. — 71 specimens of algae, Indiana; from Professor F. Miranda, Mexico City — 10 herbarium specimens (type material), Mexico; from Harry K. Phinney, Evanston, 111. — 119 specimens of algae, Illinois and Michigan; from Ted Flanagan, Warren, Pa. — 41 speci- mens of algae, Pennsylvania; from Donald Richards, Chicago — 68 moss specimens, chiefly Asia; from J. Francis Macbride, San Jos6, Calif. — 200 specimens of algae, Cali- fornia; from Professor Maximino Martinez, Mexico City — 43 herbarium specimens, Mexico; from G. Ruegg, La Junta, Colo. — a fossil palm wood specimen, Colorado; from Hermann C. Benke, Chicago — 31 herbarium specimens, Illinois and Indiana; from Dr. Henry S. Conard, Grinnell, Iowa — 35 moss specimens, Iowa; from Seriorita Delia Rabinovich, Buenos Aires, Argentina — 13 specimens of algae, Argentina. Department of Geology: From R. H. Finch, Hawaii National Park, Hawaii — a specimen of Pele's Hair, Hawaii; from G. Ruegg, La Junta, Colo. — 8 fossil and mineral specimens, Colorado and Ore- gon; from Jim Breslan, La Junta, Colo. — 2 specimens of polished dinosaur bone, Colo- rado; from Miss Miriam I. Schad, Belle- fonte, Pa. — a clay specimen, Pennsylvania. Department of Zoology : From William J. Beecher, U. S. Army — a crayfish, 19 fishes, 40 lizards, 17 snakes, 6 frogs, 52 bats, a cuscus skull, 3 birds, 49 insects and allies, Solomons and other South Pacific Islands; from Lin- coln Park Zoo, Chicago — 2 birds, 2 mam- mals, and a salamander; from Lieut. Colin C. Sanborn, Talara, Peru — 3 fox skins and skulls and a fox skeleton, Peru ; from Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, 111. — a duck, Australia; from Sidney Camras, Chicago — 2 conopid flies (type and allotype). North Carolina; from Dr. J. N. KnuU, Columbus, Ohio — 20 buprestid beetles, comprising 13 species. United States; from Joseph P. E. Morrison, Washington, D. C. — a fresh- water shell (paratype), British Guiana; from Dr. Paul E. Thompson, Chicago — 5 lizards. New Guinea. WEEKDAY LECTURE TOURS, MARCH AND APRIL Conducted tours of exhibits, under the guidance of staff lecturers, are made every afternoon at 2 o'clock, except Sundays and certain holidays. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, general tours are given, covering all departments. Special subjects are offered on Wednesdays and Fridays; a schedule of these follows: March Wed., Mar. 1 — Nature's Circus (Loraine Lloyd). Fri., Mar. 3 — Weathering Heights (Bert Grove). Wed., Mar. 8 — Messages to and from the Unknown (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., Mar. 10 — Ambassadors from Space (Bert Grove). Wed., Mar. 15 — Social Climbing (Emma Neve). Fri., Mar. 17 — Snake Stories (Miriam Wood). Wed., Mar. 22 — Housekeeping Customs the World Around (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., Mar. 24 — Trees — in Blizzards or Sunshine (Miriam Wood). Wed., Mar. 29— Crime— Threat to Primi- tive Societies (Emma Neve). Fri., Mar. 31— April Fool in the Worid of Animals (Loraine Lloyd). April Wed., Apr. 5 — Our Allies in Asia (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., Apr. 7 — Stones of the Ancients (Bert Grove). Wed. Apr. 12 — Peaks of Two Civilizations (Emma Neve). Fri., Apr. 14 — Wild Flowers of the Chicago Region (Miriam Wood). Wed., Apr. 19 — Animals Our Soldiers See (Loraine Lloyd). Fri., Apr. 21 — Adventures of a Fossil Hunter (Bert Grove). Wed., Apr. 26 — Spring Moving (Loraine Lloyd). Fri., Apr. 28 — Interior Decorating in the Primitive Motif (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Library: Valuable books from Alfredo Barrera Vasquez, Tacubaya, Yucatan; from Abdul Bunny, Mosul, Iraq; from Roy Cross, Kansas City, Mo.; from Raymond Pit- cairn, Philadelphia, Pa.; from Manuel Liendi Lazart, La Paz, Bolivia; from C. C. Burford, Springfield, 111.; from Elmer S. Riggs, Lawrence, Kan.; from American Forestry Association, the National Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Henry Field, Washing- ton, D. C; from Jacques Marchaio, New York; from Dr. H. H. Tucker, Columbus, Ohio; from Orr Goodson, Glencoe, 111.; from Capt. Rupert Wenzel, U. S. Army; from Col. Clifford C. Gregg, U. S. Army; and from Dr. D. Ricardo Calatroni, Henry W. Nichols, Karl P. Schmidt, Bert Grove, Boardman Conover, Paul C. Standley, Dr. W. L. McAtee, Frank L. Heyser, Mrs. Charles W. Dempster, and Henry Miller, all of Chicago. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL. HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Chicago Natural History Museum Formerly Mi/d^>M^ News Vol. 15 MAY-JUNE, 1944 Nos. 5-6 REMARKABLE CHANGES IN FISH COLORATION DEMONSTRATED IN EXHIBIT By KARL P. SCHMIDT CHIBP CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Notable examples of various types of fish coloration, experiments with color change in fishes, and models to explain how fishes are colored and how some of them change color, are shown in a new exhibit under the title "Coloration in Fishes." This exhibit is in a series of cases adjacent to the Hall of Fishes (Hall 0) on the ground floor of the Museum. Besides greatly enlarged models of sec- tions of fish skin and of single color cells, the topics presented are: variability of col- oration; concealing coloration including resemblance to the background and "rup- tive markings"; color mutations such as albinism, melanism, golden coloration, etc. ; and the nuptial color- ation of male fishes in the breeding season. Transparency of small fishes of the surface waters of the ocean and the loss of color in cave fishes are represented by models of the eel larva and of the cave fish of Mam- fishermen. The six models exhibit the extremes of color and pattern out of the hundreds of different colorations possible in this species. The second type of color control is directly through the nervous system and is governed by the sensory impressions received through the eye. The classic example of such color change is the adjustment of the color and pattern of the flounder to that of the sea- bottom on which it lies. This adjustment INTRICATE PATTERN demonstrates capacity of com- mon winter flounder for imitating even a complex back' ground on which it may be placed. THE EYES CONTROL, Hounder show entire fish t. over which the moth Cave. In fishes with the capacity for rapid change of color, the color and pattern may be under two entirely different sets of con- trols, and these may be combined in the same fish. It has been shown that much color change in fishes is controlled by the secretion of the pituitary gland at the base of the brain, and that when the hormone from this gland is poured into the blood in response to nervous stimuli such as fright, aggressiveness, or other exciting factors, radical reversals of color or shimmering waves of color passing over the body may be observed. A familiar aquarium example is the male Siamese fighting fish, in which color change obviously has no relation to the background. Such color change is shown on the first panel of the new exhibit by models of the Nassau grouper, a fish familiar to Florida has been studied by the experiment of plac- ing the living fish on a great variety of natural and even artificial backgrounds. That the flounder's color change is controlled through the eye is proved by the adjust- ments to radically different backgrounds, and still more clearly by the fact that the whole fish takes on the color of the part of the bottom on which the head lies. If the fish is blind, no color change takes place, the color cells are gradually lost, and the upper surface becomes white like the lower side, which is colorless in the normal fish. Many fishes have a rather fixed colora- tion, little subject to change. Important types of background resemblance have been developed in such fishes in the course of their evolution, and it is assumed that concealing coloration in general develops in response to the struggle for existence. The most wide- spread principle of such coloration in the animal kingdom is that of countershading, in which the upper side is dark, the lower light, usually with a gradual transition from one to the other. Such coloration is familiar in the black bass of American fresh waters. Countershading is especially noteworthy in the pelagic fishes of the surface waters of the open sea, whose dark blue backs tend to hide them from enemies above them, while their silvery bellies make them difficult to see from below. The principle of counter- shading among fishes is sharply illustrated by the Nile catfish, which swims and feeds belly upward at the surface of the water instead of being a bot- tom dweller like most of its relatives. Con- sequently, in this fish the belly is dark and the back light. The third panel of the exhibit shows ex- amples of natural camouflage in which the principle of "rup- tive markings" forms the dominant feature of the pattern. Bold lines across the body at first glance seem to make the fish conspicuous; but against their natural colored backgrounds, such markings break up the outlines of the fish. A black line through the eye is a recurring feature of such markings, not only in fishes but in many other animals. In fishes, conceal- ment of the eye is frequently furthered by radiating dark lines, as may be seen in several of the models. The development of form to go with color resemblance to the background is especially noteworthy in the sargassum fish and in the wonderful sea-weed-like seahorse of Aus- tralian seas, Phyllopteryx eques. Another remarkable example of "cryptic coloration" is represented by the "dead-leaf fish" (Monocirrhus polyacanlktis) , in which the resemblance appears to be as u.seful to the fish in enabling it to approach its prey as to hide it from its enemies. The leaf resem- Experiments with winter akes on color of background head finds itself. Page t CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN May-June, 191,1, blance is strikingly supported by the side- slipping movements in the water, and a chin barbel may be interpreted as the leaf-stem. Other general topics in the coloration of fishes are treated on the second and third panels. Models show what is meant by COUNTERSHADING IN REVERSE Coloration phenomena follow the fish's habits of life. In most countet'Shaded fishes the upper parts are dark and the lower parts light, but this species, the Nile catfish, normally swims upside down, so Nature has accommodated by making its belly dark and its back light in accordance with the general "safety first" principle for protection from various enemies. albinism, melanism, and the golden colora- tion known as xanthism. The common local minnow, the horned dace, exhibits the strik- ing seasonal difference in coloration of the sexes — the brilliant colors of the male appear only during the breeding season. Such sexual differences usually accompany some remarkable courtship and breeding behavior. A fourth panel now in preparation for the coloration exhibit, will show the charac- teristic color profile of the depth zones of the ocean from the brilliantly lighted surface waters to the dark abyssal depths. The plans for the exhibit of the principles of coloration in fishes were drawn up by Ensign Loren P. Woods, Assistant Curator of Fishes, before his entry into the Navy. The models and installation are the work of Staff Taxidermist Leon L. P^ay. BIRDMAN'S-EYE VIEW OF WAR From Emmet R. Blake, the Museum's Assistant Curator of Birds, who is now in Italy as a special agent in the Counter- intelligence Corps of the War Department, the Acting Director has received an inter- esting letter. It gives as intimate and vivid a picture of the fighting front as censorship will permit. Excerpts follow: "Dear Mr. Goodson: ". . . After some months of action in the mountains, I had a brief vacation. It was much too good to last, so I wasn't particularly surprised when I 'made the team' for the present engagement. No doubt the papers are giving you a general idea of the situation here on the Anzio beachhead, but you would have to be here conducting business as usual, in view of enemy artillery observers, to really appreciate it. "A typical twenty-four hours includes attacks and counter-attacks, numerous assorted sneak air raids, harassing artillery fire, plain and fancy bombardment by long- range railroad guns and general slapstick. All in all it proves to be very fascinating — like a street accident. There is a very exten- sive wine cellar thirty feet below the bat- tered structure I infest, but I've not devised a means of carrying it about with me. Mussolini did a pretty fair job of draining his malarial marshes but I would settle for a better crop of trees to hide behind. "Business is brisk and quite satisfactory in my department. It is probable that I will be an awfully cynical guy to have around after the war "The enclosed clipping is probably the only thing ever published about the CIC for the public. From it you may get a very pale idea of what goes on. The inside story must be left to the imagination until after the war. "Sincerely yours, "Bob Blake" Following is the Army newspaper clipping Mr. Blake refers to, giving an account of the work of units of the type to which he is attached: "FASCIST RING BREAKUP PUTS CIC IN SPOTLIGHT "Allied Force Headquarters — Behind the battling Yank, inching his way through the rains and retarding mud of Italy, move units of one of the Army's hush-hush depart- ments. Their job is to see that the fighting man is not stabbed in the back by sabotage or any other subversive act in the territory through which he has passed. "Wherever there are vital roads or rail lines to be kept open, wherever there is a loaf of bread or a flagon of blood plasma to be forwarded to the front, wherever expedi- ency demands the constant use of telephone and power lines, there you will find members of these highly specialized units known as the Counter-intelligence Corps. "The CIC was mentioned this week in the breaking up of a ring of youthful Fascists in Trapani, Sicily. A CIC investigation re- sulted in the detention of 15 men and a wealthy Italian girl accused of planning acts of sabotage against the Allies. "CIC men operate all the way from points forward of the actual front to positions deep in the echelons to the rear, and, paradoxi- cally, while anonymity is sought at the rear of the theater of operations, they break out bright red brassards bearing the initials 'CIC when they move into freshly taken territory. "The explanation is simple. They wish to excite the curiosity of natives, and thus acquire contact with all the informants usually found in captured communities and without whom no investigating agency could function at highest efficiency. "On occasion, men of the CIC have entered towns ahead of advancing troops. Three intrepid members of the corps took over a small island off Sicily during the Sicilian campaign. "The CIC co-operates with, but is in no way connected with, the Military Police. Ordinary crimes, such as murder, rape or robbery, are turned over to the Military Police for handling. The Military Police, on the other hand, will place in the hands of the CIC the names of any persons it runs across suspected of being active or passive agents of the enemy." MOYER ALSO IN AREA John W. Moyer, also of the Division of Birds as Staff Taxidermist, and now a Navy Chief Specialist in photography, has written from North Africa and Italy. He was at work with a Medical Photo Unit, not far from the area where Mr. Blake is located, when last heard from. "This was at one time a very beautiful city, but is now partly in ruins from bomb- ing, and they still come, every night or so," writes Mr. Moyer "I flew here all the way from America." MUSEUM BOTANISTS PREPARE PLANT MANUAL FOR NAVY Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Chief Curator of the Department of Botany, and his associate, Paul C. Standley, Curator of the Herba- rium, are co-authors of a special pamphlet for men in service, recently issued by the United States Navy Department. Entitled Edible and Poisonous Plants of the Caribbean Region, the pamphlet is published by the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. It includes 72 illustrations of tropical American plants that are either edible or poisonous, thus providing service- men in the Caribbean area with information enabling them to discriminate as to which of the plants they encounter will be valuable additions to their diet, and which they must shun. The edible plants constitute by far the great majority. The pamphlet, designated as Navmed 127, is obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents at Washington (price 20 cents). Although published by the Navy for its personnel, it is reported that twice as many copies as the Navy itself is using have been distributed to the Army. ARE YOU MOVING? Members of the Museum who have changed residences or plan to do so are urged to notify the Museum of their new addresses 80 that THE BULLETIN and other communications may reach them promptly. A post card for this purpose is enclosed with this issue. Members going away during the summer, who desire Museum matter sent to their temporary addresses, may have this service by notifying the Museum. May-June, 19U CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page S MARSHALL FIELD MUSEUM RECEIVES LARGE GIFT FROM MARSHALL FIELD The Pittsfield Building and the Loop site it occupies, together with 10,000 shares of Marshall Field and j[V^^^ "^ Company 6 per ^jJi^^ cent preferred stock, have been transferred to the ownership of the Chicago Natural History Museum as a gift from Mr. Marshall Field, Publisher and Edi- tor of The Chicago Sun, and member of the Museum's Board of Trustees, it was announced on April 4 by Mr. Stanley Field, President of the Museum. The contribution, one of the largest ever received by this institution from any source, is in fulfillment of a pledge made by Mr. Marshall Field last September 15 on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Museum. At that time he authorized President Stanley Field to inform the institution's Board of Trustees, and the public, of his intention to give the Museum "certain pieces of property that should produce an income at least equivalent to what his annual contributions have been in recent years." It was coincident with this announcement that President Field made public the unanimous de- cision, since carried into effect, of Mr. Marshall Field and all other Trustees, to change the name of the institution from Field Mu- seum of Natural History to its pres- ent designation, Chicago Natural History Museum. The Pittsfield Building, erected in 1928, is an im- portant modern of- fice structure of 38 stories, located at the southeast corner of Wabash Avenue and Washington Street. The first twelve stories are occupied by shops and commercial establishments; the upper floors are divided principally into suites of offices and labora- tories occupied by the medical and dental professions. Mr. Field's gift becomes a part of the permanent endowment of the Museum and is subject to no special restrictions. PITTSFIELD BUILDING 'COMIC STRIP" METHODS MAKE EXHIBITS MORE VIVID The most striking parallel lies in the use of the speech scroll or speech balloon. The Aztec scribe used a speech scroll or speech balloon (just like the circlet which issues from the mouths of the characters to enclose dialogue in our funnies) when he wished to indicate that a certain character in the text was talking; or used a similar symbol when he wished to show that noise was issuing from a trumpet or a drum. "comics" not necessarily funny Some critics may object to this com- parison between our comics and the art of the ancient Egyptians or the Aztec hiero- glyphic writing. They may point out that comics are funny, and that the Egyptian and the Aztec homologues are not. But all of our comics are not funny. Many of them contain no humor at all and are merely serialized stories in picture form. At any rate, the pictorial representation or comic strip technique offers too good a bet to overlook. We have therefore worked very hard to adapt it to a form suitable for our particular needs. When the idea was first considered, we were about ready to prepare an exhibit for Hall B on the Indians of the Shell Mound Period, tn Kentucky. There were several items to bring out: (1) These Indians used a spear-thrower and a spear and did not have the bow and arrow; (2) they did not make or use pottery; (3) they planted no crops; but due to their clam-eating habits, were as sedentary as any agricultural group; (4) they lived on the banks of rivers, from which they gathered clams — their staple food; (5) they ate so many clams and deposited the discarded shells in such restricted areas that large shell-mounds or middens gradu- ally came into being — some of these shell- mounds are 18 feet high and 300 feet or more long; (6) they built their houses on top of the clam-shell mounds, possibly because the mounds provided good drainage; (7) they buried their dead in shallow pits dug into the shell-mounds; (8) they carried on simple daily tasks such as fishing, chop- ping wood, scraping skins, making baskets, cracking nuts, and sewing skins with the aid of simple bone and stone tools. Now, this Kentucky Shell Mound civili- zation is very simple but very important because it is the earliest evidence of man in the eastern United States (probably before 600 A.D.), and because it underlies all later Southeastern cultures. But how is one to show all of these daily activities, each one of which is important to an understanding of this civilization as a whole? By means of ten specimens? No; absolutely not. Ten specimens or even a thousand could not illuminate all aspects of their daily life. For example, take merely those parts which center around clams. Archaeological objects, such as stone knives {Continued on page 5) By PAUL S. MARTIN CHIBP CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OP ANTHROPOLOGY Some months ago, I read an article in The New Yorker on the "funnies." I was amazed to learn that, according to various dependable polls, comic strips or funnies are read by well over half of the country's adults and by two-thirds of the children over six. This constitutes a public of about sixty-five million people who read comics every day! It seems apparent that the comic strip is a medium of expression to which many people are accustomed, and one which is probably adaptable to museum usage. The big question, of course, is how to use it most effectively. I was eager to try to fit the comic strip into our schemes of new exhibi- tion techniques because in essence it is merely a form of pictorial representation. We know that visitors will seldom read labels more than two or three lines in length; and yet many times we have interesting information which we want to convey to our visitors and cannot because they will not read long explanatory labels. But almost anyone will look at a picture or series of pictures, and most people will glean more information from a pictorial than from a ivord stimulus. We determined therefore to use this pictorial means of expression. STRIPS HAVE ANCIENT ROOTS There are some who abhor comics and think of them as "cheap," "degrading," "lacking in imagination" and ruinous to good taste for better things. But such a view is somewhat biased and unperceiving; for, in the opinion of many people of good taste, the comic strip is really part of our folklore, and, as such, is very important. Many of my "highbrow" friends feel cheated if they do not have a chance to read their favorite comic strips each day. Mr. Lovell Thompson, of Houghton Mifflin and Com- pany, wrote in The Atlantic Monthly for September, 1942 that the tendency of the comics is to prolong a period (or era) by anticipating it before it arrives, sustaining it during its brief passage, and maintaining its illusion after it is gone. He also explains opposition to such strips as resulting from man's fear of change; and says that when some men have been shown the future in comics, such as "Batman" or "Flash Gor- don," they resent it and may forbid their children to have anything to do with such types of comics. However, the ancestry of the comics is so long and distinguished that it could claim a coat of arms from the college of heraldry. The painted bas reliefs in Egyptian art are really nothing more or less than pictorial representations, many of which depict scenes of daily life and even of life after death. The Aztec Indians developed a system of writing which was also pictorial representation and which in some ways resembled our comic strip technique. -^J^ T H E L I F E O F J O E E L K P NOW WE I VOUGOTENI EVrR HAvi , V CLAMS TO L/ MOVt AOAlN,/ ^ TWO DAYS ^ JOE HELPS illS MO I Hi U GATHI R CI AM5~j | ~ JOE AND FAI ^Jr ''ES, AND THtYRE SOWO '^ , PLENTIFUL WE CAN ^"^ YOU GOT ENOUGH/ /. ) STAY HERE A CLAMS TO LAST // V LONG TIME_ TWO DAYS JOE HELPS ills MO I Hi U GATHI R CI AM5~j [ JOE AND FAMILY THROW SHELLS ON GROUND I LCHl AINLi ID, f f^"^^ ^.f^^''.^^"'' NFW SPEAR THROWER/ NOW 1 CAN make) YOU A NEW ^ JOE, NOW A GROWN MAN, TALKS TO HIS NEPHEW JOE TELLS HIS NEPHEW ABOUT THE 500-FOOT-LONG MOUND JOE HAS GROWN OLD AND • DREAMS OF THE PAST JOE DIES AND IS BURIED IN THE MOUND ?Ht '^^ How a shell mound grows (Included in a new exhibit in Hall B) May-June, 19ii CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 5 (Continued from page S) or axes, recovered from the shell mounds, would not show our visitors how the shell mound came into being or why it was so important. Therefore, it will be seen, ob- jects alone would not serve. LENGTHY LABELS SUPPLANTED What then? Formerly, it was our custom to explain by means of word pictures those aspects of the exhibition which could not be brought out by specimens. Thus, in this particular exhibit on the shell mound civilization, we would have prepared a long label to explain that clams were the staple food, that because of them the Indians could live in villages long be- fore farming was in- vented, and that shell mounds were the sites for the villages and came into being because many thousands of clams were eaten. But what a label! It would be long and dry, and would only give a word picture of what we were talking about. Most people do not assimilate a word pic- ture so readily as a real picture in color. And, worst of all, most people will not read a label consisting of 100 or more words. I don't blame them — it is not easy to read standing up. And so, what would have been our end product? A case containing .some bone awls, stone axes, knives, and scrapers, without any story or meaning behind those tools, whereas the interesting and meaty part of our exhibit would be wasted it would have been contained in a label which few if any would read. "one picture excels 10,000 words" Therefore, the pictorial representation or comic strip seemed like manna from heaven. For with a series of pictures one can express several ideas so graphically that the visitor can quickly grasp them and will remember them longer than if he had stopped to read any labels. Pictures are like dioramas in miniature. But how to use this pictorial idea? At first, we thought of creating a strip of pictures showing such activities as clam gathering, hunting with a spear thrower, and crushing nuts on a stone mortar. Then we intended to connect each picture with the proper objects by means of an arrow (e.g., an arrow running from the hunting scene to the spear and spear thrower). But this scheme failed for two main reasons: (a) it was not easy to show the tieup between the picture and the object, and the exhibit was unattractive because there were too many arrows; and (b) because the strip of pictures did not make a continuous story. After many other experiments we finally decided to create a series of nine pictures arranged like the Sunday comics. These pictures tell the story of why the people settled near a river (because of a plentiful supply of clams) and how the shell mound came into being. Thus we could eliminate a long label and still put over our story in a dramatic, graphic, unforgettable manner. ANCIENT AZTEC COMIC STRIP PARALLEL The symbols in interrogation'point shape issuing from mouths of characters at right were equivalent in style and purpose to ''speech balloons" used by modern cartoonists. The remainder of the screen is devoted to a story of daily life which is explained with a minimum of labels. By means of actual tools and sketches showing' how the tools were used, nine daily activities of these Indians are illustrated. For example, one important daily activity was to chop wood. This is shown by means of two actual stone axes placed next to a drawing in color of an Indian chopping wood with a stone ax. The other daily activities are demonstrated in the same way. This exhibit is now open to the public in IJall B. The task of adapting this new technique to museum exhibits and to our particular needs in Hall B (Archaeology of the New World) has been a co-operative one. Artist Gustaf Dalstrom, Curators George I. Quimby and Donald Collier, and the writer have striven to make the final product attractive, beautiful, educational, and wor- thy of our ideals for advancing the art of teaching through exhibitions. overpainting technique For rendering the comic strip. Artist Dalstrom used a technique employed by many of the famous Rennaissance masters — a technique called overpainling. The method consists of applying transparent layers of oil paint over a prepared tempera painting. This technique gives the painting a translucent quality which would be unob- tainable by other means. A translucent quality is desirable because it brings out detail with clarity and delicacy. Naturally, this technique, plus Mr. Dalstrom's artistry, produces an unusually beautiful type of comic strip. Looking at it, one is reminded of the skill of the old masters as exemplified by 15th Century paintings in Italian churches. restricted uses We think the comic strip technique is a useful exhibition tool, but one which should be used with restraint. Constant use of any good tool dulls it. We shall therefore use this technique only when good taste and urgent need make it desirable. I can think of one exhibit where a comic strip will be a necessity — an exhibit showing the immigra- tion of the Indians to North America from Siberia. We know fairly well the story of this great trek of Mongoloids from Asia to America, and we know about when the first migration took place (some 20,000 to 30,000 years ago), but we possess none of the tools, equipment or gear of these first discoverers of North America. All of their houses, tools, clothing, and the like have been lost for all time or have long since turned to Therefore, the only way in which we could tell this epic story in an exhibit would be by means of pictorial representation, such as our comic strip. FEDERAL ADMISSION TAX RISE AFFECTS MUSEUM The increase in the Federal tax on admis- sions to amusement places, which became effective April 1, applies also to all such educational institutions as the Museum. On the days when admission of 25 cents is charged (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes- days and Fridays) the tax is now 5 cents, making a total entrance fee of 30 cents. Children will be admitted free on all days, as in the past, as will also teachers, uni- formed members of the armed forces of the United Nations, and Museum Members. In the case of children admitted free on the days when adults are charged, the govern- ment requires payment of the tax for those 12 years of age, or over, but this charge will be absorbed by the Museum itself, as has been the practice ever since the former 3-cent tax was imposed. Thus, every child over 12 admitted on a pay-day will cost the Museum five cents in actual cash outlay, but the Trustees regard this as a worthy expenditure justified in the accomplishment of the educa- tional aims of the Museum. Layman Lectures Resume in October Mr. Paul G. Dallwig, the Layman Lecturer of the Museum, ended his season of Sunday afternoon lectures on April 30, after appearing before the largest audiences since he began this activity in 1937. He will return for a new series on the first Sunday in October. Page 6 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN May-June, 19U Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Field Drive, Chicago Telephone: Wabash 9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Stanley Field Sewell L. Avery Samuel Insull, Jr. W. McCoRMicK Blair Charles A. McCulloch Leopold E. Block William H. Mitchell Boardman Conover George A. Richardson Walter J. Cummings Theodore Roosevelt Albert B. Dick, Jr. Solomon A. Smith Howard W. Fenton Albert A. Sprague Joseph N. Field Silas H. Strawn Marshall Field Albert H. Wetten John P. Wilson OFFICERS Stanley Field President Albert A. Sprague First Vice-President Silas H. Strawn Second Vice-President Albert B. Dick Third Vice-President ♦Clifford C. Gregg Director and Secretary Orr GOODeON Acting Director and Acting Secretary Solomon A. Smith . . . Treasurer and Assistant Secretary * On leave in active service as a Colonel in the United States Army. THE BULLETIN EDITOR Wilfred H. Osgood Curator Emerittts, Zoology CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin Chief Curator of Ar>thropotogy B. E. DahlGREN Chief Curator of Botany Henry W. Nichols Chief Curator of Geology Karl P. Schmidt Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR H. B. Hakte Public Relations Counsel Members are requested to Inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. WORTHY OF ATTENTION— Included in this issue of The Bulletin are several items which may bring a measure of satisfaction to all who are interested in this Museum. The article on the war experiences of Emmet R. Blake, Assistant Curator of Birds, and John W. Moyer, Bird Taxider- mist, is a matter for pride not only as a testimony of what these particular men are doing, but because it is broadly representa- tive of what all of the 40 Museum Trustees, employees and volunteer associates who have entered war service are doing. That the scientific research sponsored by this institution can be of practical value to the nation is again attested in an item telling of the Navy Department's publication of a manual for service men on edible and poison- ous plants, prepared by the Chief Curator of the Department of Botany and one of his associates. We are proud, too, that the news contents of this issue indicate no complete cessation of regular work due to war preoccupation. Accounts of the installation of additions to the exhibits, presenting new subjects in new types of display, point the fact that the Museum is still progressing. One item we have to print is discourag- ing— the one about the increase in the Federal tax on admissions, which emphasizes again the Congressional myopia that re- sulted in the grouping of educational insti- tutions such as this in the classification of "Amusements" to be taxed on the same percentage basis as movies and other theaters. SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS Backgrounds of the War. On Thursday afternoons at 2:30, beginning July 6, the Museum will present its third series of pro- grams relating Museum material to the news of the day. Like the "Backgrounds of the War" series given in 1942 and 1943, these programs will give information on the vari- ous geographical areas involved in current fighting, and their inhabitants. The pro- grams are now in preparation, and a com- plete schedule will appear in the next issue of The Bulletin. Talks in the Lecture Hall, motion pictures and slides, and tours of exhibits will be among the features. FOR CHILDREN Raymond Foundation Movies. During the summer, the James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation for Public School and Children's Lectures will again offer its annual summer series of free motion pic- tures for children on Thursday mornings in the James Simpson Theatre. E?.ch program will be presented twice, at 10 a.m., and again at 11, in order to accommodate maximum numbers of children. The July-August Bulletin will contain an announcement of the full schedule of dates, and titles of the films to be shown on each. Staff Notes Mr. Henry F. Ditzel, Registrar of the Museum, retired on pension March 15. He had served on the staff since 1905. Mr. Timothy Reedy, night sergeant of the Museum guards, has been retired on pension after many years of faithful service. Mr. James H. Quinn, Chief Preparator in the Division of Paleontology, has enlisted in the Navy, and left the.Museum April 25 to take up his duties. He has been given the rating of Metalsmith 2c. Mr. George I. Quimby, Jr., formerly Assistant Curator of North American Archaeology and Ethnology, has been pro- moted to Curator of Exhibits. Curator Hambly and Dr. Cole in University 'Lectures Dr. Wilfrid D. Hambly, Curator of Afri- can Ethnology, was one of the two featured speakers in a series of lectures on "Peoples and Customs of the Pacific" presented at the Art Institute by the Department of Anthro- pology of the University of Chicago in co- operation with the Chicago Natural History Museum. Dr. Hambly appeared on April 7, 14, and 21, his subjects being: "Australia: 'The Black Boy' "; "Melanesia: The Stone Age in the Pacific"; and "Polynesia: 'Sailors of the Pacific.' " The other lecturer is Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor of Anthropology at the Univer- sity (also Research Associate in Malaysian Ethnology on the Museum staff), who spoke April 28 on "The People and Courts of Java"; and who will present "Pagan Tribes of the Philippines" on May 5, and "The Japanese Trail to Singapore" May 12. THE MUSEUM HONOR ROLL Now In the Nation's Service t >S ^ Army Theodore Roosevelt, Trustee — Brig.Gen. George A. Richard- son, Trustee — Lt. Col. Clifford C. Gregg, Director — Colonel, G.S.C. Dr. John Rinaldo, Associate, Southwestern Archaeol. — Staff Sgt. Dr. Sharat K. Roy, Curator, Geol. — Capt. D. Dwight Davis, Curator, Anat. and Osteol. — Corp. Bryan Patterson, Curator, Paleontology — Pvt. Emmet R. Blake, Asst. Curator, Birds — Special Agent, War Dept. Rupert L. Wenzel, Aast. Curator, Insects — Capt. Henry S. DybAs, Assistant, Insects — Pvt. William Beecher, Temp. Asst., Zool. — Pvt. Henky Horback, Asst., Geol. — Pvt. Jambs C. McIntyre, Guard — 2nd Lt. Raymond J. Connors, Guard^Pvt. Frank J. Dutkovic, Janitor — Pvt. Navy Lester Armour, Trustee — Comdr. Samuel Insull, Jr., Trustee — Lieut. Comdr. Joseph Nash Field, Trustee — Lieut. Colin Campbell Sanborn, Curator, Mammals — Lieut. Dr. Alexander Spoehb, Asst. Curator, N. Amer. Etlmol. — Lieut, (j.g.) LOREN P. Woods, Asst. Curator, Fishes — Ensign John W. Moyer, Taxidermist — Ch. Specialist (Bur. Aeronautics) James H. Quinn, Chief Preparator, Paleontol. — Metalsmith 2C Patrick T. McEnbry, Guard — Master«t-Arms John Syckowski, Guard— Ch. Commissary Stewd. George Jahrand, Guard — Ch. Water Tender Clyde Jambs Nash, Guard — Ch. Gunner Nicholas Rbpar, Printer — Aviation Machinist's Mate 2C. Morris Johnson, Carpenter — Carpenter's Mate 2C. Herbert Nelson, Painter — Painter IC. Elizabeth Best, Guide-Lecturer — • Ensign, WAVES Marie B. Pabst, Guide-Lecturer— WAVES Marine Corps Melvin A. Traylor, Jr. Associate, Birds — 1st Lt. Coast Guard M. C. Darnall, Jr., Guard — Lieut (j.g.) John McGinnis, Guard — Ch. Boatswain's Mate Other Services Rudyerd Boulton, Curator, Birds — Staff of Office of Strategic Services Bryant Mather, Asst. Curator, Mineralogy- Civilian Worker, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army Llewelyn Williams, Curator of Economic Botany — on special service for U.S. Government Dr. Julian A. Steybrhark, Asst. Curator, Herba- rium— field work for Board of Economic Warfare Dr. C. Martin Wilbur, Curator, Chinese Archaeol. and Ethnol. — Staff of Office of Strategic Services Served and Honorably Discharged: Bert E. Grove, Guide-Lecturer — Medical Aide, American Field Service, Africa. May-June, 19H CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page 7 In Memoriam CHARLES E. HELLMAYR A brief cable received a few weeks ago records the recent death in Switzerland of Charles E. Hellmayr, Associate Curator of Birds, at the age of sixty-six. Since 1942 it had not been possible to communicate with him by mail, and although it was known that his health had been threatened, it had been hoped that he would survive. Hellmayr joined the staff of the Museum in 1922, coming from Europe after the first World War to carry on ornithological research which had been interrupted by the death of the former Curator of Zoology, Charles B. Cory. Mr. Cory had planned the publication of a large work entitled The Birds of the Americas. Two parts had been issued, and manuscript partially pre- pared for another in a series which promised to run to ten or twelve large volumes. SOUTH AMERICAN AUTHORITY The completion of this series by Hellmayr was especially welcomed by ornithologists throughout the world, since he was known to be especially qualified for it. At the time, his reputation was established as the leading authority on the classification of the birds of South America, and he brought to the work a large mass of accumulated notes, a familiarity with the more important ums of Europe, and an unsurpassed knowledge of the special literature con- cerned. In his earlier years he had been especially associated with Ernst Hartert, ornithologist of the Tring Museum in Eng- land, and later at Munich with Count von Berlepsch whose great collection of South American birds had received his particular attention. Beginning in 1922, he remained in resi- dence in Chicago until 1931, diligently and most effectively engaged in the tremendous amount of research involved in the project. Four large volumes were published and data compiled for others. Meanwhile he published numerous other ornithological papers, the most important being a lengthy volume on The Birds of Chile, a report on Birds of Northeastern Brazil, and another on Birds of the James Simpson-RooseveUs Asiatic Expedition. CONFINED BY NAZIS In 1931, for personal reasons, he requested permission to return to Europe to continue there the preparation of the remaining volumes to complete the series started in Chicago. This was arranged and he estab- lished himself in an attractive home in Vienna with access to the library and col- lections of the Vienna Museum. For several years he continued to produce with- out interruption, but when the Nazis took over Austria he was suddenly seized and confined with other intellectuals for real or suspected expression of anti-Nazi senti- ment. Fortunately he was enabled after a time to regain his freedom and to make his way to Switzerland, having lost most of his property and having suffered much anxiety. First in Zurich and later in Geneva, he found excellent libraries and was able to go on with his work. Under difficulties, there- fore, the entire series of books was finished and all but two parts of the final volume are printed and issued. Manuscript of the un- published parts is deposited in Switzerland to be forwarded to Chicago whenever war conditions will permit. EPOCHAL RESEARCH The series The Birds of the Americas is one of the most important publications ever issued by this Museum, and one of the larg- est pieces of bibliographic and ornithological research ever undertaken by a single author. Like the famous British Museum Catalogue of Birds it will for years be consulted by students and specialists of all nations. Hellmayr was known for a very genial personality, as well as his tremendous con- centration on his task, an encyclopedic mind, a marvelous memory, and an enor- mous capacity for application of his talents. His hobbies were the study of the French Revolution and collecting orchids. In early life he had been fond of mountain climbing. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Kate Hellmayr, who is in Geneva, Switzerland. — W.H.O. BOOK REVIEW A Guide to Bird Watching. — The arrival of the migrant birds in spring serves to remind us of the intrinsic charm of these travelers and of the marvel of their travels. The avocation of bird-study has grown in every part of the world during the past two generations, with a steadily increasing litera- ture directed especially to the bird lover. At first this literature was primarily for the purpose of identification: everyone making birds a hobby seemed to be interested in recognizing the different kinds and in know- ing their names — sometimes indeed, to have little if any other interest. While the knowledge of migration dates, supported by banding records, and of the life habits of birds in general was accumulat- ing, the classification of North American birds was refined, and the literature for their identification became more and more volu- minous. This literature, indeed, has reached the point of diminishing returns. Every newcomer to bird study now must feel the need for advice as to the value of the books about birds with which he is confronted. It is evident to the more thoughtful natura- list that he needs also a guide to direct his love of birds into more fruitful lines of endeavor than mere identification. A Guide to Bird Watching, by Joseph J. Hickey, accomplishes the end described by its title most satisfactorily. One may well hope that bird-lovers may become bird- watchers, and that their bird watching may be directed into the more interesting and more valuable studies of migration, popula- tion estimates, ecological distribution, and of individual and group behavior. These subjects are effectively introduced by Mr. Hickey. The success of Mr. Hickey's book is plainly due to the fact that he has a long familiarity with bird study and, it may be added, with bird students, from the amateur side, while this knowledge is overlaid and finally infiltrated by an equally competent technical familiarity with the more scientific aspects of ornithology and with an apprecia- tion of the systematized natural history now known as ecology. He is thus able to com- bine practical advice to the beginner with suggestions for the advanced student, and with interest for the professional biologist. A Guide to Bird Watching is recommended to everyone interested in bird study, and to naturalists whose special interests lie in other groups of animals as well. — K.P.S. Technical Publications Issued The following technical publications re- cently have been issued by the Chicago Natural History Museum Press: Botanical Series, Vol. 23, No. 2. Studies of Central American Plants — IV. By Paul C. Standley and Julian A. Steyermark. February 14, 1944. 82 pages. $0.50. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 5. Amphi- bians and Reptiles of the Big Bend Region of Texas. By Karl P. Schmidt and Tarleton F. Smith. February 23, 1944. 22 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 6. Amphi- bians and Reptiles of Northern Coahuila, Mexico. By Karl P. Schmidt and David W. Owens. February 23, 1944. 20 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 7. New Mordellid Beetles from the Western Hemi- sphere. By Eugene Ray. February 29, 1944. 18 pages. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 8. Snakes of the Hoogstraal Expeditions to Northern Mexico. By Hobart M. Smith. February 29, 1944. 18 pages, 2 text figures. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 9. New Frogs from Misiones and Uruguay. By Kari P. Schmidt. March 15, 1944. 8 pages, 3 text figures. $0.15. Zoological Series, Vol. 28, No. 3. A New Subfamily of Beetles Parasitic on Mammals. By Charles H. Seevers. March 17, 1944. 20 pages, 3 plates with captions opposite. $0.20. Botanical Series, Vol. 23, No. 3. Studies of Central American Plants— V. By Paul C. Standley and Julian A. Steyermark. March 24, 1944. 40 pages. $0.30. Zoological Series, Vol. 29, No. 10. Masti- catory Apparatus of the Sloths. By Harry Sicher. March 28, 1944. 8 pages, 3 text figures. $0.10. Page 8 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN May-June, 19H WEEKDAY LECTURE TOURS DURING MAY AND JUNE Conducted tours of exhibits, under the guidance of staff lecturers, are made every afternoon at 2 o'clock, except Sundays and certain holidays. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, general tours are given, covering all departnjents. Special subjects are offered on Wednesdays and Fridays; a schedule of these follows: May Wed., May 3 — Spring Maneuvers (Lo- raine Lloyd). Fri., May 5 — Embalming the Past (Bert Grove). Wed., May 10 — Trees in Bloom (Miriam Wood). Fri., May 12 — Mothers of the Animal Kingdom (Loraine Lloyd). Wed., May 17 — Faces and Races the World Around (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., May 19— Wonders of the World (Bert Grove). Wed., May 24 — Polar Frontiers (Emma Neve). Fri., May 26 — Primitive Fighters (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Wed., May 31 — Flowers as Symbols (Miriam Wood). June Fri., June 2— Out of the Sky (Bert Grove) . Wed., June 7 — Tropical Trail Blazers (Emma Neve). Fri., June 9— The World's Gardens (Miriam Wood). Wed., June 14 — Signs of the Times (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., June 16 — Equipment for Combat (Loraine Lloyd). Wed., June 21 — Primitive Humor (Emma Neve). Fri., June 23 — Vacation Fun Exploring Nature (Loraine Lloyd). Wed., June 28— The World at Play (Mrs. Roberta Cramer). Fri., June 30 — Yesterday Lives Again (Bert Grove). Persons wishing to participate should apply at North Entrance. Tours are free. By pre-arrangement at least a week in advance, special tours are available to groups of ten or more persons. There will be no tour on Tuesday, May 30, on account of the Memorial Day holiday, but the Museum will be open to visitors as usual. GIFTS TO THE MUSEUM Following is a list of some of the principal gifts received during the last two months: Department of Anthropology: From Dr. Henry Field, Washington, D. C. — 10 ethnological specimens from Macusi Indians, British Guiana. Department of Botany; From Dr. R. M. Harper, University, Ala. —70 herbarium specimens, Alabama, and 46 photographs; from Hermann C. Benke, Chicago — 116 herbarium specimens, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Idaho; from John E. Wilde and J. T. Baldwin, Rio Branco, Brazil — 120 herbarium specimens, Brazil; from C. W. Bazuin, Grand Rapids, Mich. — 105 herbarium specimens, Michi- gan; from Cpl. W. L. Tolstead, Camp Barkeley, Texas — 33 specimens of algae, Texas; from Dr. Fred A. Barkley, Austin, Tex. — 21 specimens of algae, Texas and Mexico; from Dr. Walter Kiener, Lincoln, Neb. — 41 specimens of algae, Nebraska; from Museo Nacional, San Jos6, Costa Rica — 265 herbarium specimens, Costa Rica. Department of Geology; From Lieut. Alvin R. Cahn, U.S.N.R— a molar of mammoth, Mammonteus primi- genius, Alaska; from Dr. Henry Field, Washington, D. C. — a specimen of sand, British West Indies; from William Redman, Chicago — a specimen of weathered sand- stone, Wisconsin; from L. B. Roberts, Monticello, Ark. — a specimen of wood replaced with iron oxide, Louisiana. Department of Zoology; From Boardman Conover, Chicago — an Ibis and a goshawk, Paraguay and Illinois; from William J. Beecher, U. S. Army — a cuscus skin and an Australian coot skull, Solomon Islands; from Dr. C. Clayton Hoff, Quincy, 111. — 13 water mites (slides of types and paratypes) and 11 microscopic slides of paratypes of 6 species of ostracods, United States; from Dr. Henry Field, Washington, D. C. — a jaguar skull and 2 turtles, British Guiana; from Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, 111. — skull of a reticulated python; from Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago — a Japanese macaque and skull of a Chaoma baboon; from Minnesota Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis, Minn. — 37 snakes and 45 lizards, mostly Philippine Islands; from Mrs. Henry A. Wallis, Oak Park, 111. — 60 specimens com- prising 24 kinds of sea shells, Florida; from H. Rasool, Georgetown, British Guiana — 2 rodents, British Guiana; from Brother Niceforo Maria, Bogotd, Colombia — 5 bats, Colombia; from Walter F. Webb, Rochester, N. Y. — 2 specimens of sea shell, Panama; from D. Dwight Davis, U. S. Army — 10 specimens of Crustacea, Arkansas and Cali- fornia; from Bryan Patterson, U. S. Army — 35 specimens of shells and Crustacea, Texas; from Billy Milstead, Houston, Tex.— 39 snakes, Texas; from Dr. P. W. Fattig, Emory University, Ga. — 439 beetles, 288 bees and wasps, 4 lacewings, and 2 fruit- flies, Georgia; from Charles D. Nelson, Grand Rapids, Mich. — 267 specimens com- prising 88 lots of fresh water mussels, Michigan and Japan; from Keith Evans, Chicago — a marine fish, Mexico. Library: Valuable books from: American Museum of Natural History, Bakelite Corporation, and Harold N. Moldenke, New York; from Pan American Union and Leon Kelso, Washington, D. C; from Educational Research Bureau for By-Product Ammonia, and H. H. Tucker, Columbus, O.; from Dr. P. W. Fattig, Emory University, Ga.; from Afranio do Amaral, Instituto de Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil; from William J. Phelps, Caracas, Venezuela; from Noemi V. Cattoi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; from Canadian Conservation Association, London, Ontario; from Donald E. Savage, Norman, Okla.; from Maine Geological Survey, Augusta; from Illinois State Archae- ological Society, Urbana; from Captain Rupert L. Wenzel, Camp Ellis, 111.; from Stanley A. Cain, Knoxville, Tenn.; and from Henry F. Ditzel, F. H. Heyser, Mrs. Charles W. Dempster, Dr. D. Ricardo Calatroni, and The Chicago Tribune, all of Chicago. NEW MEMBERS The following persons became Members of the Museum during the period from February 14 to April 15: Associate Members John P. Bent, Mrs. Joseph H. Biggs, Willard F. Clark, Leopold E. Cole, Mrs. William R. Folsom, Albert J. Foute, J. E. Fuller, Joseph B. Garnett, Mrs. James E. Howie, Samuel A. Larsen, Dr. B. J. Mix, Miss Susan Naumann, Sidney Neuman, Mrs. Vaughn G. Nishkian, Mrs. Ernest J. Norcott, Wrisley B. Oleson, Mrs. Cornelius Osgood, Charles H. Porter, Edward C. Porter, August Rassweiler, Mrs. Bartlett Richards, Hugh Robertson, D. G. Schneider, Dr. J. E. Smuk, Ernest G. Sundin. Annual Members Mrs. John Jay Abbott, J. F. Ambrose, Ralph Ambrose, Albert T. Bard, Miss Florence E. Bigelow, Mrs. Albert V. Bori, Mrs. George W. Brown, Mrs. Eugene E. Bruckner, William H. Card, Paul Caspers, Rev. W. M. Cassetty, Jr., Mrs. Peter S. Clark, Henry P. Conkey, Mrs. Irving Crown, John G. Curtis, Raymond J. Darby, Mrs. H. F. Duncan, Harry Edward Eaton, Dr. Franz S. Eriach, W. J. Fitzpatrick, Herman H. Fleer, Joseph Fletcher, Mrs. Carl A. Giesbert, Harry M. Goodman, Miss Bernice M. Goodrich, Mrs. Marie J. Graves, Mrs. Charles J. Haines, Mrs. Robert J. Harvey, Eli Herman, Edward Hershenson, Arthur H. Herts, Reynolds Conrad Hieber, Bernard E. Hopper, Ralph Horween, Dr. Harvey C. Johnson, Miss Fannie S. Johnston, J. G. Kennedy, James L. Lyon, Dr. Paul D. V. Manning, Hays MacFarland, K. E. Morgaridge, Mrs. Wil- bur C. Munnecke, James L. Palmer, J. W. Pearce, Edward P. Renier, J. R. Shuman, Joseph C. Sibley, Jr., Dr. Danely Philip Slaughter, Eari T. Staffelbach, Felix B. Stahl, Lyman A. Stanton, Mrs. Robert E. Straus, Carroll H. Sudler, Jr., Mrs. Edwin H. Swenson, Mrs. Robert Tarrant, Mrs. Samuel G. Taylor, S. B. Teeters, Reuben Thorson, O. M. Thorsson, Herman L. Wahl, Mrs. Carroll T. Walsh, Eugene H. Weak, Dr. Olin West, Frederick H. Weze- man, Graybiel Graham White, R. R. Wible, Mrs. Charies H. Willard, John G. Wilson, Percy Wilson, Louis Zahn. Museum Hours Extended Summer visiting hours, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. daily, including Sundays and holidays, will go into effect at the Museum on May 1, and continue until September 4 (Labor Day). PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS Chicago Natural History Museum Fo rme rly^^qi/e^^yMiise^ News Vol. 15 JULY-AUGUST, 1944 No8. 7-8 GIANT FOREST HOG— ONCE A 'MYSTERY CREATURE'— SHOWN IN NEW GROUP By WILFRED H. OSGOOD CURATOR EMERITUS, DBfARTMBNT OF ZOOUXSY Until the beginning of the present century there was still considerable justification for calling Africa the "Dark Continent." The source of the Nile was no longer debatable, but the great Congo forest of the west central part of the continent had yielded only part of its secrets. Rumors and fre- quently exaggerated reports from native sources told of mys- terious animals not yet seen by white men and, although these were subject to dis- count based on expe- rience elsewhere, some of them were followed up with very surpris- ing results. Most widely her- alded was the dis- covery of the large, strangely colored, giraffe-like okapi. This animal was first brought to notice in 1900 by Sir Harry John.ston who secured from natives some strips of skin and in- formation which led in the following year to the acquisition of an entire skin demon.strating beyond doubt the wholly novel character of the animal. Later specimens, including skulls, showed it to be more nearly related to extinct forms than to modern giraffes and it was added to the list of interesting animals known as living fossils, survivors of a past that is gone. While this was going on, reports were circulating to the effect that the same forest (the Semliki or Ituri) which harbored and had so long concealed the okapi was also the home of a huge wild hog, unlike any other, and rather extravagantly described by some as equal in size to a small rhinoceros and of a ferocity unequaled for its kind. In fact, some of these highly colored stories dated back to the famous explorer, Henry M. Stanley, twenty years earlier. It was not until 1904 that these reports were confirmed by Captain R. Meinertz- hagen of the British East African Rifles, who secured an imperfect skin from the forest on the southeastern side of Mount Kenya, and a perfect skull with a piece of body skin from the region northeast of the FOREST HOGS IN AN AFRICAN RAIN FOREST A new habitat group recently installed in Carl E. Akeley Memorial Hall (Hall 22). Taxidermy and accessories by Julius Friesser, assisted by Frank C. Wonder, Victoria Nyanza. These were consigned to the British Museum where the peculiarities of the animal were at once recognized and described under the name Hylochoerus meinertzhageni, both the genus and the species being new. Since then, as suspected, the animal has been found in various parts of the Congo forest and some of its eastern extensions, having much the same range as the richly colored forest antelope known as the bongo. No less than four varieties have been dis- tinguished, one from the Ituri forest, one from Liberia and the Ivory Coast, one from the Cameroons, and one from the mountains of eastern Tanganyika. Although not so enormous in size as reported, it is a very large heavy animal, larger than any other African wild pig, and has many peculiarities. It is jet black in color and its enormous head is characterized by a very broad snout and a pair of cres- centic warty facial swellings several times larger than those of the wart hog. Its pro- truding tusks are curved as in the wart hog, but somewhat shorter and much heavier. Altogether its facial makeup is rather nightmarish and dis- tinctly unlovely. Like the okapi, the forest hog is probably a survivor of former times. It forms a sort of link between the bush-pigs and the wart-hogs, the former being nearer to the typical pigs repre- sented by the wild boar. Most of the specimens now in mu- seums have come through local hunters and native sources and few white hunters have ever encountered the animal. In the depths of its forest habitat it may be heard at times, but to get a sight of it is largely a matter of chance. It was through correspondence with a local hunter that our Museum obtained two adult specimens and several newly born young a few years ago. Although not in perfect condition, these have been skilfully prepared by Staff Taxidermist Julius Fries- ser, and combined with accessories fashioned by himself and Preparator Frank C. Wonder to make a habitat group which has recently been installed in Carl E. Akeley Memorial Hall (Hall 22). The animals are shown in a reproduction of their natural rain forest environment, framed against the buttresses of a gigantic rainbow-colored liana-hung tree. So far as known, the only other museum group of this kind in the United States is in the American Museum of Natural History. Page S CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN July- August, 19U As the reputed ancestor of the many forms of cultivated kale and cabbage, this is undoubtedly the most famous plant of that part of the western edge of Europe that we WILD CABBAGE— A PLANT OF THE FRENCH INVASION COAST BY B. E. DAHUJREN Carrie Ryerson Hall (Hall 29— Plant Life), CHIEF CURATOR. DEPARTMENT OF BOTAKY ^jje^e it will be Supplemented eventually by other notable examples of the mustard family. This family, of some 3,000 species of the temperate and frigid zones, includes orna- mentals like the wall-flower, sweet alyssum and stock — garden plants like cress, water- cress and radishes, all the wild and culti- vated mustards and their congeners, tur- nips and rapes, as well as many forms and races of cultivated kales and cabbages. Distinctly Chinese forms of the latter are supposedly of independent, east Asiatic origin, but all the European cultivated races of kale and collard as well as the various European types of cabbage, leaf- cabbage of different sorts, broccoli, cauli- flower and Brussels sprouts — are commonly held to be descendants of the wild cabbage of western Europe. Whether this is literally true, or where, when and how the very con- siderable differentiation took place is entire- ly unknown. It is common practice, even among people who work with plants and write about them and thus might be expected to be more critical, to be satisfied with attributing all the distinctive qualities of cultivated plants to cultivation. In the absence of all definite information on how, exactly where and when, it is probably reasonable to suspect that there may be something wrong or lacking in such an obvious explanation of the origin of different kinds of kale and cabbage, and their cultivated relatives as well as of many other cultivated plants. The great variability of some kinds of fruit and fruit trees still existing in their wild state suggests that the distinctive differences might have been well developed before it had ever occurred to anyone to bring these plants into cultivation for food purposes. There are innumerable such questions which in the absence of direct evidence may have to wait a long time for an answer, if indeed an answer is possible until after we have learned a great many other things that we do not know at present. In the meantime wild cabbage plants will probably survive on the western edge of Europe. KALE FROM CLIFFS OF DOVER This plant of [he south and west coast of Europe is probably ancestral to all European kinds of cultivated cabbage. Original of this exhibit in t-lall 29 was grown in the Museum from seed obtained a number of years ago in the south of England. have come to think of as the invasion coast. It grows on the rocks and cliffs near the sea- shores of England and Wales, the Channel islands and the main- land from the Channel coast to the Mediter- ranean. The accompanying photograph shows a re- production of the plant in its flowering stage. It was produced in the Museum, using a plant grown from seed ob- tained in the neighbor- hood of Dover by a member of the Museum staff on a visit to England a few years ago. It now forms an inconspicuous part of the botanical exhibits in Martin A. and WAR TRAGEDIES RELATED BY FRENCH SCIENTIST Shortly before Allied forces smashed their way into France, a first-hand picture of the sort of tragedies that befell scientists and other intellectuals there under the German occupation was furnished in a letter received by Mr. Henry W. Nichols, Chief Curator of Geology at this Museum. The letter is from Andre Cailleux, a noted French geologist, who has been a lieutenant of artillery in the French army since the war began, and is now with the fighting Free French. Prof. Cailleux is a world authority on glacial sands and climatology of the glacial periods, and he collaborated with Mr. Nichols on research projects before the war. The letter here published is the first communication from him since the end of 1939 when he sent a letter published in the January, 1940 (p. 2) issue of The Bulletin (then Field Museum News) : Casablanca Militaire Dear Sir:- Since three years, it is the first opportunity I find to write you. I made the campaign in France, in June 1940, from Paris to Augouleme. I had the luck not to be a prisoner. As I had absolutely no faith in the policy of the Vichy government, I asked to be liberated. I wanted not to be obliged — occasionally — to fight against our Allies. In August, 1940, I went back to Paris, as a professor in the Lycee de Saint Maur. Those three years of life under the German occupation have been awful. In my own family, one of my aunts has been sent to a camp de concentration; one of my cousins was imprisoned — by the Gestapo for having worked for the English. L.S., another one, mayor of a little village in Bretagne, was condemned to death (he had helped English airmen); but happily his execution did not take place and he was yet in life last August. My brother-in-law, a captain of artillery, was prisoner of war in Germany. In the Lycee de St. Maur, three of the sixty pro- fessors have been sent to prison by the Gestapo, and one shot. In 1942, first, I tried to join Africa; but the American Consul at Lyon, to whom I paid a visit, told me it was better to wait. In August, 1943, I left my wife and children, crossed alone the Pyrenean mountains, and after a few weeks of prison in Spain, joined our army, where I hope to fight as soon as possible against the Germans. HARVEST NEAR CALAIS A peaceful landscape near what is today's invasion coast in France, 2S photographed by Joseph Breitenbach. A.R.P.S.. a few weeks before war was declared in 1939. Common tungsten ore fluoresces in ultra- violet light. Prospectors often carry an ultra-violet light outfit while seeking this ore. July-Aiigtist, 19H CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM BULLETIN Page S MAYAS AND AZTECS WERE ONLY AMERICAN INDIANS TO DEVELOP A SYSTEM OF WRITING By PAUL S. MAKTIN CHIEF CURATOR, DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY According to the latest archaeological evidence — evidence recently recovered from beneath the dry lake gravels of a Pleistocene lake in Arizona — the American Indian has been in the New World at least 15,000 years and perhaps as long as 25,000. He un- doubtedly came from Asia via Bering Strait. The earliest date recorded by man in the New World — about A.D. 350 — comes from Uaxactun, Guatemala. What man did in the New World during the thousands of years before this date is not known. At some time during this period he began to develop a system of agriculture which finally made it possible for him to domesticate at least thirty different food plants, many of which are in daily use on our tables. During the millennia that man has been in the New World he has invented only one system of writing, and that was in Central America. This system was used by two peoples — the Mayas and the Aztecs. The Mayas developed and extended it more than did the Aztecs. Who were (and are) the Mayas and of what did their ancient civilization consist? HIGHLY DEVELOPED ClILTURE The Maya Indians, a subdivision of the Mongoloid race, live in Central America. At least twenty-five hundred years ago they had become agriculturists, raising beans, squash, peppers, tobacco and maize. They did not posses the plough nor any domesti- cated beast of burden. Large towns and then great cities sprang into existence. Each city was provided with at least one civic center and the princi- pal structures were built around it. Many of the temples were placed on the tops of pyramids. Since the true arch was not known to the Mayas, the rooms of the temples and palaces were long and narrow. The buildings were elaborately and beauti- fully decorated. The achievements of the Mayas stand head and shoulders in every direction above those of all other American Indian peoples. Politically, the Maya cities may be roughly classed as city-states, each one governed by an hereditary theocracy. For the most part, these city-states, held together by a common culture, lived peacefully, although just prior to the Spanish Conquest there was conflict among them. The earliest city-states, which flourished from a.d. 350 to about 850, were gradually abandoned for various reasons, the chief of which was the wasteful system of using the land. Following this period, a renaissance of Maya culture flowered in Yucatan for six centuries and was then stamped out by the Spaniards in 1541. The Maya system of ■writing consists of phonetic and ideographic symbols. We do not know how and where they developed. It is certain that they are indigenous and show no trace of any Old World influence. The earliest inscriptions in the oldest city yet discovered are perfectly set forth. The system of numeration by position, the con- cept of zero, and all the other highly special- ized refinements which I shall briefly describe were at this time already perfected. No changes or improvements in the late inscriptions have been noted by epigraphers. At the present time about one-third of all Maya glyphs can be read. These deciphered glyphs include signs for the day and the month, for two kinds of num- bers from zero to in- finity, signs for periods of time, for the four directions and the asso- ciated colors, signs for several gods and for the sun, moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. The notes and explanations left by the Spanish padres have given us the key which makes it possible to read what we can; but their notes are not so helpful as one might expect. Maya hieroglyphic writing, as already noted, is partly phonetic and partly ideo- graphic. It is possible that Maya writing was similar to rebus writing — i.e., a system where a character has one sound but several meanings. The Aztecs certainly employed the rebus system. Where do Maya inscriptions occur? They are found on large stone monuments and stone altars set up in front of temples, on wooden and stone lintels, in bas-reliefs of molded stucco, on bone, shell, metal, and pottery, and in three codices inscribed in color on fibre-paper. The Mayas possessed many more books, but the Spanish priests burned thousands of them and therefore only three remain. OBSESSED BY TIME'S FLIGHT What do Maya inscriptions say? Since only one-third of all Maya glyphs have been read, it is impossible to know the total con- tent of the inscriptions. We guess that they do not record any deeds of personal glory or great conquests. They are, first, concerned mostly with the counting of time. Interest in the pa-ssage of time was almost a fanatical pas.sion of the Mayas, and time was noted with meticulous care. Second, the inscriptions recorded and pre- dicted astronomical phenomena such as revolutions of the planets,, and celestial conjunctions. The Maya astrono- mers possessed lunar and Venus tables. The lunar tables predicted such things as the appearance of the new moon and eclipses of the moon. The Venus tables forecast the movements of the planet Venus and were so accurate that the accumulated error in a thousand years would not have amounted to more than a day. Third, we know from Spanish chronicles that the codices were used to cast horoscopes and predict forthcoming events. They were also employed by the priests in celebrating ceremonies. Since the glyphs which can be MAYA NUMERALS (1 • : 1 :l II nil ZERO ONE TWO FIVE EIGHT TEN NINETEEN COMPARISON OF SYSTEMS OF WRITING NUMBERS OUR SYSTEM (DECIMAL) Nunib«r lo bi Writltn 3rd potltiMi \)»iH of 100 Endpocllion Units of 10 1st pooillon Units of 1 Rosull 405 4 4XI00'«' 0 0X10 + 5 •5X1- 405 1 MAYA SYSTEM (VIGESIMAL) Numbtr lo bt WrIllin 3r«po