Feenstra ey ae Cm .- neces ric irnit hia an te eT Hien ot int Ate rm Fie tab amibit Ate See daar ere beet or pte pa ‘sande eben are tS are eT are Y Ce arerenanet ere ne Nibrary ot Liberal Hxts She mienee reily o Neut Kampslhive e i wy tee ; pt f i te efit brits ak | ee a= PARE ee | 2 ; P-; 4 ° 4 - ' f . ; = ; FX | Ny ’ ‘ ; 4 / ; a . &: “ 5 ’ . - ‘ i . = ° f f bo 5 = . Bulletin 218 August, 1925 THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION | : % | DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY Inspection of Commercial Feeding --Stuffs 1925 MADE FOR THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE No. 8717 By T. G. Phillips and T. 0. Smith THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DURHAM, N. H. INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL FEEDING-STUFFS Made for the STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The inspection of commercial feeding-stuffs reported in this bulletin was made under the direction of the Hon- orable Andrew L. Felker, Commissioner of Agriculture. Mr. E. D. Sanborn, State Inspector, collected 330 samples of feeding-stuffs which were offered for sale in the state be- tween December 1924 and June 1925. THE FEEDING-STUFFS LAW The Feeding-stuffs law entitled ““An Act to Regulate the Sale of Concentrated Commercial Feeding-Stuffs” was passed in 1901 and amended in 1911 and in 1915. Under the provisions of this law every manufacturer or dealer who shall sell or offer for sale any concentrated commercial feeding-stuff shall furnish with each package a clearly printed statement certifying the number of net pounds in the package, the brand name under which the feed is sold, the name and address of the manufacturer and a chemical analysis stating the minimum percentages only of protein, fat and carbohydrates and the maximum percentage only of crude fiber. He shall also plainly state the several in- ‘gredients of which the feed is composed. PURPOSES OF THE LAW The purposes of the law are primarily to protect the consumer against the unscrupulous manufacturer or dealer and to enable him to buy most economically the feeds best suited to his needs. It aims to prevent misbranding, adul- teration and other fradulent practices. It requires that the 2 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION [Bulletin 218 fullest information possible be available to the purchaser both as to the chemical composition of the feed and the ma- terials of which it is composed. TO CONSUMERS The cooperation of the consumer aids materially in en- forcing the law. Do not buy a feed that is not properly labeled and guaranteed in compliance with the law. Dur- ing the past year a number of feeding-stuffs were found upon the market without a label showing the guaranteed analysis or a statement of the ingredients of which the feed is composed. This practice is unlawful. The con- sumer’s cooperation in refusing to buy such feeds will stop it. What argument can the consumer have for buying a feed on which the manufacturer is unwilling to place a guarantee when there are high grade feeds on the market which comply with the law in every respect? In connec- tion with the guarantee the consumer should study the list of ingredients and buy the feeds best suited to his partic- ular needs. TO DEALERS Write to the Commissioner of Agriculture for a copy of the state law and familiarize yourself with its provis- ions. Study these annual reports and buy feeds from the manufacturers who regularly meet their guarantees. Pro- tect yourself by specifying that all shipments of feeding- stuffs consigned to you must comply with the state law. Do not accept from the manufacturer or jobber any shipment of feed which does not have a guaranteed analysis as well as a statement of the ingredients of which the feed is com- posed plaintly printed upon each bag. The dealer is di- rectly responsible for any feed in his possession that fails to comply with the law. The same penalty applies to ex- posing or offering for sale as for actually selling. A very large per cent. of the dealers in the state now comply with AuG., 1925] INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS 3 the law. This paragraph is intended as a warning to the small per cent. who violate it that the law will be rigidly enforced against them. TO MANUFACTURERS Each brand of feeding-stuff offered for sale in the state must be registered with the Commissioner of Agri- culture, Concord, New Hampshire. Registration blanks will be furnished upon request or the uniform application blank approved by the Association of Feed Control Officials may be used. The uniform labels approved by the Asso- ciation of Feed Control Officials meet the requirements of the state law. CLASSIFICATION OF FEEDING-STUFFS ANALYZED In classifying the feeding-stuffs the class names under which they were sold have been used. Table 1 shows the number of feeding-stuffs in each class, the average percent- age of protein and fat found and the price per 100 pounds. — 4 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION [Bulletin 218 TABLE 1 Oo Class 2 ge ae oe f i ue E Z 1S) 40 cilito) Alfalfa Meal ........-. 4 | 16.47 | 1.57 | 2.47 Beet Pulp ......-.s«. 3 | 9.37 | 0.48 | 2.38 Brewers’ Dried Grains Ge 24.26 | 6.58 | 2.75 Calf Meal ..........-- 4 | 24.17 | 5.00 | 5.00 Compounded Feed 26 | 10.21 4.44 | 2.54 Corn and Oat Feed 2 9.28 | 4.35 | 3.08 Cottonseed Meal ....| 19 | 39.03 6.73 2.69 Dairy Feed .........- 53 21.64 | 5.01 | 2.61 Flaxseed Screenings . 1 16.48 | 10.16 | Gluten Feed ........- 6 _ 25.00 | 3.01 | 2.62 Gluten Meal ...... ae 2 | 45.01 | 2.56 3.15 efor INCL Goooseoccoc 2 | 18.14 5.57 3.03 Hominy Feed .......- 8 10.86 6.47 2.78 Horse Feed .......... 5 | 10.56 3.51 2.83 Linseed Meal ........ 9 | 32.79 6.72 2.85 Oat Feed .........--- 1 | 5.89 1.93 1.00 Poultry Feed ........ 68 , 29.31 7.30 3.71 Wheat Feed ......... 116 | 16.13 4.91 2.19 | | | “ito! “aawogcooudduEc 330 ! | | DEFICIENCIES IN ANALYSIS Table 2 shows the number of samples found deficient in protein and in fat, the number of samples deficient in both protein and fat and also the percentages of each class showing such deficiencies. In making up the table only those feeds deficient by one-half of one per cent. or more of protein and one-fourth of one per cent. or more of fat were used. AUuG., 1925] INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS 5 In the tabulation of the analytical data in the following pages these deficiencies are shown in heavy black type. TABLE 2 a S Sees caw lieae SSH Ncouwu lis ae n = £ 2 =e) 5 = 2 3 5 Class 3 5 ie) § 2 8§ A a B a5 Ae oS Ghee oa else | ae 5 AslAw| 48 (Selden) 8s S Sette SNe oe meen ace ll us. Zz az 1A Fe Ba Fae a Alfalfa Meal ......... 4 0 1 0 0 20 0 I COLaP UID) lefalatoletotelciaters 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brewers’ Dried Grains 1 0 0 0 0 0 (Chile MEEIL Goopngotodoo 4 1 2 0 25 50 0 Compounded Feed ... 26 aL 4 0 4 15 0 Corn and Oat Feed .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cottonseed Meal .... 19 7 0 0. 37 0 0 Dairy Feed 53 7 5 0 13 10 0 Flaxseed Screenings . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gluten Feed ........- 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gluten Meal ........-. 2 0 0 0 0 0 0. Hog Feed ........--- 2 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 Hominy Feed ........ 8 1 1 0 13 13 0 Horse Feed 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Linseed Meal ........ 9 3 | 2 1 33 22 11 Oat Feed ......--+-+- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Poultry Feed ......-- 68 9 | 9 4 13 13 6 Wheat Feed ........-. 116 7 | 7 iL | 6 6 fl | Aoi! peiidpodo sodaoo 330 | 36 | 31 | 6 | 11 | 9 | 2 6 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION’ [Bulletin 218 THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS In a feed analysis the following determinations are usually made: protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, moisture and crude fiber. Protein is a term employed to designate the compounds in feeding-stuffs which contain nitrogen. It is determined . by finding the per cent. of nitrogen and multiplying by the factor 6.25 since it has been found that most proteins con- tain approximately 16 per cent. nitrogen. Fat is determined by extracting a dried sample of the feeding-stuff with dry ether and weighing the residue after the ether is evaporated. It contains the vegetable fats of which linseed oil, and cottonseed oil are examples. The ether extract contains also small amounts of chlorophyll, (the green coloring matter of the leaves,) waxes, resins, etc. Ash is determined by weighing the residue after the sample has been burned at a low temperature. It contains the mineral matter of feeding-stuffs. Carbohydrates are determined by adding the percent- ages of protein, fat, moisture and ash, and subtracting the total from 100 per cent. The carbohydrates are composed largely of starches, sugars, pentosans, celluloses, etc. The carbohydrates include the crude fiber also. The percentage of carbohydrates less the percentage of crude fiber is called nitrogen free extract. Crude Fiber is made up of the more wood-like carbo- hydrates which are largely of a cellulose nature. Pure cot- ton is an example of almost pure cellulose. Wood, straw, corn fodder, etc., are materials which are high in crude fiber content. AuG., 1925] INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS 7 DIGESTIBILITY IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING THE VALUE OF FEED Not all of the protein, carbohydrates, and fat in the different feeding-stuffs are digestible. In comparing the feeding value of the different classes of feeds consideration must be given to their relative digestibility. The co- efficient of digestibility is a term which expresses the per- centage amount of the food nutrients which are digested and absorbed by the animal. Table No. 3 gives a summary of the average results for some of our common feeding- stuffs. These data are available for the pure grains and feeds, but because the various proprietary feeds are not standardized there are no data for them. 8 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION [Bulletin 218 TABLE 3 AVERAGE DIGESTIBILITY OF FEEDING STUFFS, WITH RUMI- NANTS EXPRESSED IN PERCENTAGE (Taken from ‘Feeds and Feeding” by Henry and Morrison) Dry Crude | Nitrogen i“ 3 Matter Protein | Fiber | eee Fat Corn Meal ......... coeee 90 | 74 57 94 93 Gluten Meal .......... ee 88 85 55 90 93 Gluten Feed ...cccccccee 86 85 16 88 85 Hominy Feed ....ccccces 83 66 16 90 91 Wheat Bran ....ccesee ee 65 78 | 31 72 68 Stan. Wheat Middlings 5 se i 77 | 30 | 78 88 BRE Gaaconabaapaoods a6 88 | 78 | 56 | 92 78 GEES « goondo90cadh5000000¢ 70 | 78 35 81 87 TEVEKelLaveENe | Gad ogoouoador 71 75 | 24 | 76 100 Soybean Meal .......... - ae 92 99 100 68 Linseed Meal (old proc.) 79 89 57 | 78 89 Linseed Meal (new proc.) 81 86 73 87 95 Cottonseed Wc). «1c @)-lei 66 68 76 50 87 Cottonseed Meal ........ OT 84 87 75 95 Cottonseed Feed ........ 56 58 45 61 90 Dried Brewers’ Grain ... 61 81 49 57 89 Dried Beet Pulp <....... 75 52 83 83 45 Molasses Feeds ......... 68 61 50 79 100 IMG WIA GaaoacGsedcae aio 93 ae 98 LMNs ey WIGENL SaroncadooGs oo 71 [ 78 50 100 dibeaoyline JERS Sybbocodooc 55 48 50 62 50 Barley Haye .ocs cece wists 59 65 62 63 41 (ere IEERE -goddaooac dune 54 | 54 | 52 56 61 FUE Gegngcooo0GbaUdooC 60 71 43 72 38 REC CLOVE Rerateloretals-telestel-ts 59 | 59 54 66 | 57 Corn Sil. Dent Immature 64 | 53 | 68 66 cal Corn Silage Dent Mature. 66 51 | 65 71 | 82 AUG., 1925] INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS 9 The comparison of two feeds should be made on the basis of the digestible nutrients which they contain. A cottonseed meal containing 36 per cent. protein, 84 per cent. of which is digestible contains 84/100 of 36 pounds or 30.2 pounds of digestible protein in 100 pounds of meal. An old process linseed meal containing 34 per cent. pro- tein, 89 per cent. of which is digestible, contains 89/100 of 34 pounds or 30.3 pounds of digestible protein in 100 pounds of meal. 10 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION [Bulletin 218 HOW TO FIGURE THE COMPARATIVE VALUE OF FEEDS FROM THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Because such factors as palatability, quality of protein, digestibility, etc., play an important part in determining the value of feeding-stuffs it is difficult to make an exact com- parison of their value from a chemical analysis. The analysis will, however, serve as a very valuable guide. Since the consumer can usually grow carbohydrates cheap- er than he can purchase them, he is chiefly interested in buying the concentrated feeding-stuffs for their protein and fat content. Feeds may be compared upon the basis of the number of pounds of protein and fat one dollar will buy. An ex- ample is as follows: Feed number 119 sells for $5.25 per 100 pounds and is guaranteed protein 12 per cent. and fat 3 percent. If it contains 12 per cent. protein there are 12 pounds of protein in 100 pounds of feed costing $5.25. Then one dollar will buy 12 divided by 5.25 or 2.28 pounds of protein and 3 divided by 5.25 or 0.6 pound of fat. Feed number 104 sells for $3.15 per 100 pounds and is guaran- teed 20 per cent. protein and 5 per cent. fat. Then one dollar buys 20 divided by 3.15 or 6.35 pounds of protein and 5 divided by 3.15 or 1.6 pounds of fat. In buying feed number 104 the consumer received nearly three times as much protein and nearly three times as much fat per dollar as in feed number 119. These fig- ures represent two feeds in the same class which were sold in New Hampshire in December 1924. The state inspec- tor collected one of them in Concord on December 23 and the other in Manchester on December 29. In comparing feeds of the same class this method shows fairly accurately their relative value. When feeds of different classes as a cottonseed meal and a hominy feed are compared the digestible protein figures should be com- pared and the carbohydrates and crude fiber must also be AuG., 1925] INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS jee taken into consideration. In Table 4 is tabulated the num- ber of pounds of protein and fat that one dollar will buy in each class of feeding-stuffs at the average price at which they were offered for sale during the past winter and spring. TABLE 4 Class atProtelti Petraes $1.00 will buy $1.00 will buy ANISH IEE Gecre SON ODOR SDOAAE GEC CREAT 6.7 0.6 IBGE tam ETD EE soit Li seislieteticmersters sicisicc notice 3.9 0.2 BreWersusMOniCgmGnrains) cineca sete 8.8 2.4 CALNE A Prsiciets wisctetsnitiectl cals hen Steen OOK Oke 00°0L 1) S88 $68 S'S 6L°0L bes |. Z9°TT ul 00°TL vee cae OOMOS 00°§ 00°0L 49) 89°01 09°6 I8'é L6°TL 6G P OTOL ‘A 00°0L aes eee OOKOG 00's | O0OOL mo) 00°01 62°8 GL's STIL Gc'P 66°01 ru I 00°0T Soe een | MOORS: 00°F 00°6 5) 00°38 | Teor jes | og'zz | o's] sz'8 “a 00°8 “eae oo NOONE OSS la woes i) 96°L 08'8 | SL's LVGL | e's GP OL Tu 00°0T ees se | OOROY) 0s'9 00°0L *9) aeqiq | ean | seqeBa1p epnip]-IsloyW| Usy | -AYo BUEN | ul9}JO1g -1B9 | | SJINIS-Ssurpsay, JO “Sql 0OLT Ul Spunog ‘eq ‘ileysevoury “* suog pue ueueysm “AA uyor PpI9q YOIS peresng s,uvurslyso ‘Bq ‘layseouery suOS puv uBWsyusSH “MM UuYyor Pe YO}S 19}svouvy s,uewupaysoq Come eee ere rere reseene ‘SSRI “Sanqyoq yy Tyieisiele ieee Hees CO MTR TE PI9H YOO}S powesng ao03rA ‘SSB, “Sunqyoiy DODO SIRI toto actu gua (statoyy [a PI9H 4001S “SSB ‘Sunqyoiyy PEGE 09 BaMOD “W "Hy TThesss8e9s Dead BOOIg §,2aM05 “SSBIL “Sunqyoq yy se Sada ‘0D 9aMOD “V “Gq Treeeereeess Dead HOOIg XBUTTO JA ‘u0JUBMS ; ‘OD pues ATIVE “M ‘HW seeeeeeeess peat OOS JuvUUNg jo 19INJOvINUBUL Ssoippe pue oureu pu puBig 21 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘yes pue 9}eu0qG -1e9 «wuiNntoyeo ‘syioys }eo ‘ssul[ppriiu yeo ‘sting 380 ‘psay Auruoy ‘s}¥O punois ‘u10od punois ‘Av[j1eq punoswy ‘yes pue eyeuoqivo wnyoleo ‘[vau [[ays ~Boo0d ‘sSUIUV0I0S Uleis punows suy ‘sassRy -oul ‘syonpoid-Aq }yeo paeddijoa punoay “yes %t jo % ‘stiny eo ‘sy10ys zeo ‘sSurypp -piu jzeo ‘syonpoud-Aq [[IWW [vour RO ‘syeo punois AuIWOY o2}IYM puNnory ‘Wes YT jo % ‘siiny jo ‘s}IOYS 7eO ‘SSUI[PPIUI yvO ‘syonpoad-Aq [[}ut [eau }eo ‘s}evO puNnoss ‘eau ULOD Wes WT jo % ‘siIny vo ‘[eowt ueynLs ‘una [LUT suUIps9e0x9 JOU SSUIUVeIOS puNnoOAs YIM SSUI[pplul yeoyM ‘UeIq Ye2eIyM ‘ainoy yeoyM opeid MOT ‘Ao[Ieq puNnoAs ‘peau [10 psvesull ‘posy AUTWIOY ‘uU40d puNnoAy ‘Wes %T jo % ‘sijny yeo ‘syroys 7eo ‘sSUI[ppIUL }eO ‘syOnpoud-Aq [[pWe [eeUL yeo ‘[wout AuyWOyY JO UI0D puNoAy ‘Wes %T jo % pue szi0oys 7eo pure ‘s]Iny yeo ‘ssuljppyut yeo ‘syonpoud-Aq yeo ‘SOp pst yeoymM ‘AUTIOY 91 AA ‘und [[}Ul Su~pess0xe you ssuyusees0s punous ureyu0o AeUL SSUI[PpIlul yeayAA ‘jes %1 JO % ‘sytoys 7eo ‘s[[ny yeo ‘sSuryp -piut }eo ‘syonpoid-Aq [[lur [eat 4eoO ‘Aoj1eq punois ‘ssuljpprut yeosym ‘paas Aurwmoy ‘[weul pssjy us0d ‘[RaUT UAOD 686 00°CT 616 00°GT 00°TT 00°TT 081 00°FT 688 00°@T 60°&T OS’sT 00°0T 00°0T 90°0T 00°CT Be 509 678 eeee v0'P 9T'? eee. We ae ake 19'€ GG'OL 00°0S 69°19 00°0S 6c €L 00°SS GP9L 00°SS LL‘OL 00°09 TL°S2 00°0L 00'TL 00°09 O08 'L 00°SS BLP Oy rel Of ‘Ho 72) ul 9) "sseyT ‘U0jSOq teececeereeees “OO piBlog pue yied @oovoeosereoeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pao 4904S ‘sseI ‘U0jsSOogq OUGNUOODOOOCOOY Goro) Fonueygtoysr [oom SypMepeT some oe ee ee eee eee eee eee IOYCIL AUC! ‘H ‘'N ‘paoou0p ‘Our ‘OSUBYOX ,SIIWIeY YORU tteteeereees Dogg YOOIS YOVUITAIII ‘H ‘N ‘paioou0p ‘Our ‘aSueYOXM ,SIOULIe A YORU W pe%q YyooIs [eloedg yoeurlss9 ¢ ‘H ‘'N ‘adajsoyoueyy AON OOUOOD ODIO Siw Yelag (00a Ud}SONOIW Tteeteeseseeeeeeeeesseses Doggd YOOIS ‘H 'N ‘pleyuse.sp eee eee eee sul ydoTy "YT “MM. pue 70) “OL DODEDDOOODOG Fof\sHisn B: GLoHlsi mic} OlXOlS) lailalo) ‘H 'N ‘pleyuee1y CRO OORT surydopy "TT “AA pue ‘D WH st eeeeeees NgaqT YooIS 9381S o}1URIDH ‘A 'N ‘uMOjsouer BHODOD ODO Aya) SUI[ILAL uIPpUuURIy “HE “CG eee ecrcscsccne P2994 YOOS s,ulpuvsy [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 22 it vy: =e O1yO ‘puRleAcg1o ‘Wes puB sz1oys yo ‘si[ny yo ‘paas 80°8 “Le°8 «=| 828 | 89°32 00°9 606 waporesssereeeeecs “Ofy AOPEACTH, S}JO9US Auyuioy + ‘s}7eo punoas ‘u100 punoay 00°6 GOTO) SGN tant 00°9 00°6 “pl cccctecseceees* poem 490IS S,119HSeEH ‘Wes %T jo % ‘stiny yeo ‘sz10ys Pie aoe : yeo ‘sSul[ppiut yevo ‘syonpoad-Aq [[TW oa ears aie, Ne: JA ‘SUBCTY “4S : [wout 7wo ‘UIOD puNoAs ‘[Raut AUTWIOY 616 9T°6 |8S°& | Le°0L 99°9 €e'0T {Ulli Bg aaa op ulrelp sueqiy 4S punoas ‘s7vo punouis ‘Ao,1eq punory 03°6 eels. OOD 00°F 00°6 iG) ge ceee PEAT YOOUS SLOUIYIITAA ‘Wes %T jo % pue ‘jvau 5 ‘ fa [10 peesul,T ‘eeu Uuas00 "10 Auruoy 4 : 4 : , : Pillieterensieveicistarsiereiatete ne Beli OG Be E qmy yo ‘ssuyfppru ywo ‘sytoys ywo |O8TT | 262 | LTS | TTL | 89 | OF'OT HD) (ere hice sean neeat a atee ae ‘sjonpoad-Aq [[[Uul [Teaut 7BO ‘peasy 1VO ORF Ean |eameeoenn here OOMOS Ian OOsPaleOOIG g3) Pood lO se[teuO) ‘KN ‘oreyngd eee eeeeeeeee ‘OUT UTo¥a) euling U0}S[BY ee pet asus[OW-O euling ‘Wes %T pues [wBsul [Io peesul, ssooo1d plo ‘sessvloul ‘RyTej[e 6F'L ITIL |60°% | 89°02 66°8 ST'OL punois ‘s}vwo peysnio ‘Wa0d payovaD 00°8 ee een OOS 02° 0L'6 Ok ‘sossvloul ‘ayBuUOoqie—d winTojeo YY ‘Wes %T jo % ‘sjaoys yeo ‘s[[ny vo ‘ssuITpprIut 7eO ‘szyonpoud -Aq [[lult [veut yeo ‘und [[TuUl SuIpaed -X9 JOU SSUTUBABI0S JVOYM puNnoIs YIM ‘SSUI[PPIl }JBVOyYM ‘INOY yeoyM sopwRais MOT ‘[BOUT Life peesul] ssooo.1d plo ‘Teew Selle ed Nee eaten un ete L lo Soe See ee eae agboge AulwoN /agiot | gre |eey | $82 | Tae | BROT lets. peo seqowamuos poseang ; Ties 1 30 Ye “eyaue eae mre te eS Ll) Reraeq poop auMIoN tatoo “puron [9S 8T | Be [ey | TL | ee) GE Ae Hoong puoueI NUM PLO;HOT qeqn¢) ean | so}eap | . ePNAD)-ISIOW) USV mek JO ufe}OId | roinjoVjnueUL ule}JUOD OF JoAnjJOBjJnuBU Aq PIYl}1eD | JO ssoippe pue suleuU pue pUueIg SJINJG-Su[peagT JO “Sql OOT Ul spunog 23 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘kJuO pesesuojjoo puridp ‘syzeo pue uo) ‘s}7Bo pue ul0g ‘pesy yeo ‘sop pea ‘AuIWoFT ‘Wes %T jo % s9eAO JOU pUuBv psej }eO ‘(Boul pesesul, ‘[VauL UIOD ‘past yeoyM ‘pees AUTWUIOY pelip uU[Iy ‘s}BvO puUNOAy ‘yes ‘eyBuoqieo unto -[eo ‘sSuluset0s und [[[Ul ule}UOD ABUL SSUI[PppIuL JeoyM ‘szLOYsS yeo ‘sT[NY yeo ‘SSuUI[ppIu yeVO ‘pees AuTWOY ‘U100 punoas ‘s}veo punoas ‘[eaut [10 passul'yT ‘[Beul uUIOD MOTIVA VUY 4seq ‘S3Ur -JJIS uso0d peyoeio ‘uBvIiq Us0D ‘s}10YS zeo ‘SSsUI[PppIuUL }vVO ‘pseszy yvO puNoIy Te'Tr sone €9°0T OF'SE 00°96 L6°TP 00°L2 T6°8& 00°86 og’éL LOL 00°Sh 66°EL 00°09 9L°0L 00°02 69°69 sees TO’SL 00°99 OB O Fy "ey “eB URITV ‘OD ~UOSUTHIIM -1JB104Sy peesu0}}0D 1 SWlIgd pueiq joWwloH ‘ey “B]UBITV sect eeeeeeeeeeeeeeees “OD UW WL “a seecerees TBOTN pPeesuo}}0D puivepueys ‘ey “8 UeITV ‘OD USILV “L ‘a [G9 P9esuo}}0HN 9peIH YSI_ eaduy TIVGIN GHUSNOLLOO ‘oryO ‘Ope[oL, ‘ees “OO SUNINA pue urery [elseduy sees Not paHooD wiveiIg [el1eduy ‘ ‘BSBIT “Sanqyoiwy teeta eeeeeeeeeeeeees “OD QOMOD “W “ET seeeeeeeeeeeeeresses JONUBAOIT T ‘ON qaga LVO GNV NUYOO ‘SSB. ‘OOUDIMET] teeeeeeeeeserees OD TOISAS H sereeees NgQq HOOIS OLIYSdUIBE, MON ‘SSBI, ‘QOUIIMET teeeeteeeeeeeeees (OD TOISGOM “MH seeeeeeeeeeess pagq HooIg Tees onig ‘A UN “80117 Ce ed ‘0D ps0, 90AOG-SBULOU,L, st eeeeeeeeeeseenes DgaT HOOIS OEIIG ‘H 'N ‘paoouo0p stteeeeeeeeeeeeeers (QD puR u0}7BI19 see"* psagq HOS 8,09 pus u0j}BI1S [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 24 ‘s][NY peesuo}j0o pue [Bel ps9esuo}}0D ‘peesuo0}}00 possaig *p99suo}}0N pazyeolq1009q ‘paesuo}joo pa}eo1},.1000q UIB}UOD 0} JoIN}JORJnUReU Aq PE9YtVIED ene 9h L |T8°S | TL'0F 1&9 OOS | eeseeeeet eens OUR Gs 00°S ae 8hL |78°9 | £098 £6'¢ | COiO Ts Sees! se OOhOGen BOORGa ee TALE) NERS tate 2 0&8 OOM | eae poke OOK LG 00°S ne a 16°9 |&9°9 | 08°SE 8TL | 00°0T et eet, 2 ORGS, 00°9 as 98°L |L9°9 | 083% €8°S AY) al RO 00°9 Sah og G89 |39°S | 96°F ¥9°9 OOF essen OOrOs 00°S seth 80°L |T9°9 | 9T LE GL'9 oot loc le de 0¢°9 | ganas 98°L {Te'9 | OL eh 9F'9 HAR PPR Heese. | ae OS*G: reqiy | oan | se7yeap | yea OPN) -ISTOW Et -Ayoq -18— TL6é 00°96 CLEP 00°? 00°9& 00°98 GP EP 00°&P bb'se 00'TP 9T 98 00°9& OF SP 00°TF 16'9& 00°9& ule}O1g a) a SYNIS-Sulpeeq JO ‘Sql OOT UL Spunog ‘uud, ‘sIyduey eeoeeeeseeere ‘0D UIMpOo+y-ssAoIYduIN yy “*** peaq pessuo}j0pD pueig ysrueqd ‘uueL, ‘SIUduyl teseeeseres “OD UTMpOy-sADIYdUIN srereessTBOIT peesuo}yjoD puvig [Ind ‘O ‘N ‘uojJUEpPT ee eres eseeeee ‘00 i<@) u0}}00 U1IISVA tereceeees TeaTT poasuo}joHD sulaidng “Mav ‘HOOU 913311 ste e ee ee eeeeeeeeeseeress SraBG ‘g ‘S ** [Bs]. peesuoj}0D puvig AO 1993S “yay ‘HOoU 9817711 seeeeceeeeteercneresettrs STAB ‘G'S ** [B98 pee9suo0}}0D purrig yonTpooy ogo ‘1yeuUTOUTD eecoseseeoeeeeee ‘0D lo uo}}0D esAyoN, *[e2IJ + peesuo}}0D paepurys sAVyonN, ‘oryO $= ‘}yeUuUTOUTOD eeooeoeeew eevee 50%) lo uo0}10D eAOyon, ‘°° TBO peesuo0}0HD suUllIq 9AIHON, ‘ey “BURITV seeeeeeeeees “OQ UOSUIMILM-1WeIOUSV reece cece eeeeecteeeeeeeses TROT psesu0}}09 poody purigq junoweieg roinjoejnueut jo ssoippe pue oweu pue purig 1 18s %1 jo % pue seassvjowm ‘[vaur f “I pe9suojj00 ‘syonpoad-Aq 380 peaddijo peyoq pue punois ‘sSulusei0s yeoyM peioq pue punois pouve[o ‘u100 pue ; yeu ‘Aepreq wor suress perap ‘teow aN neon Hes BOT) [IO psesulT sseoo1d plo ‘uBaq jyeeyM 69°6 tr6 =|F9'L | 86°29 b8'P 0L°0¢ Pirrrrsss (00 SUNITA suseq Apeory ‘SSUI[PPIU yeoeyM ‘paedy ueN{[s uUs0D OOg Tete cocee tae OOGS 00°F 00°62 seeeess uoTeYy Apesy ssJoHIIT qaaa AYIVa ‘uuaL, ‘sIydureyy Ok eee eters ene oe 006 |88°9 | 6I'FE €6°9 00°¢P cl eee ‘OD PU }IPAIOISOM “ODO “VW *PS98U0}700" Pessorcs OOR0 as eneece en iene | OOLIS 00°9 00°¢h Dp Tee pe9suo0jjoHD puvig jour[d | oblmnsaoe ‘uueL ‘sTyduey A, g9°8 |8h'S | 89°8F #8°S OV'Le pulls poe OO ePUBRTEONS NT (MAG |) SPOS SS I it rS 00°S 00°96 =2) Tee Peesuo}}0D puvig o[suer4y, ‘uua,L ‘styduieyy 4050 6z'L |O1'9 | LI'bE 619 ez'98 sa| titre tte tc rete cece eteeeeees cour “99 sjonporig psesu0j09 siydwey cost | cote [tes | og'ez 00°S 00°98 “| [BOI P90SU0}}0D XIG-AWINL weyang ‘uua,L, ‘STUduULeL kes eek 69°9 |98°9 | 98°85 SLL 98°6¢ Tap crrtrrtsttstssss “Od sees BuUuee ooror | °°’ |°°7* | 00°S2 00°9 00°&F D| tetteteeeeseeeeeee =” pueie etn SIU M—1P9TL p299su01}0D eullIg ‘UUs, ‘SIUdurey INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS aad 99°9 \uzL | 69°88 90°L Zb'Ob a titeresseeeeeees sO goreg BUUREN 00°0T veer [eee | go-gz 00°9 00°TF Dl ocrrssteess* Peay poesu0jj0g ewig ‘uus, ‘SIydurey, ey o9'L |LS°S | &8°&7 69°9 66°9€ (ill oe ee OO SOLUS) See EIN 00°FT nee eaten ORS 00°S 00°98 719)| OBO ODO OUOG OOO VASAT jorskeltbtonaoroy jslelora) ‘uua,, ‘STyduoyr — 16 --s+ | pon lego | ease | $29] serve “g|ttrrseseeeeess cop pues 3NAOT “a “I or) (NOTE |] OPP NESS EELS 00°S 00°9E P|" [Bey psesuojj}0D puvig XIS-AWIVL re ‘uua,L ‘sIudureyy oO eeee 288 6F'9 Gh'se SEL 9S'ov “AL ee ee) or@) pue VIAO'T ‘gd "Ty =) *p29suo0}}00 poe}Bo!} 10090 ONO er eens | een OOD G 00°9 00°8F ‘D/ TRON P998su0}}0D BWEp ..PUBI_ }IAO'T,, o «‘[eoul UsynN[s UsloOo puOoUTeICd ‘yes Aarep puv [veut 9u0q 98I{qIpso ‘ssulusveI0s unt [[[UL SUIpse0xe jOU UvIq }JeIyM ‘SsuUI[p -plul yeoyM ‘[eour UOD ‘pevsy AUTUTOY ‘Teoul pa9SUuo0}}OO ‘[RaUT pseSUIT ssvo0 -oid plo ‘sureis polap ,Sstamoriq ‘SuIeid palip ,Sdea[[IystIp usl0oo ‘pass usNLs uioo) «6‘[eaur )«=6ueyn{s uUlod)§=6puoWMRId 0€°0T 00°CT 8T'8 00°0T él8 00°0T 80°0T 566 v0 OL 8é OT 09°6 626 18°F 66°F 619 0&9 g9°¢ 9F°9 ¥9'T9 00°ES 6h FS 00°0S €9°6S 00°LS TSS 00°SS 00°S 00°S GOLT OS'9T 80°FG 00°F6 es Zl 00°06 PL FS 09°06 66 06 00°06 OW i ful ‘HL ox 0 fe oe) oryo ‘WeuUTOUID see ee reer eee 00 SUITITIN OIG s) uoljey AIeq XXXX xo1n0q ‘KON ‘B9177V “se's “OF psaq 9o0AOG-SeUIOY,L eee mete eens p20 Aled JOIIIG suIeI, ‘pue[}y10d fertile iaG ae RUT aeNGIGE Ee El uoneYy eC %0Z ePMd 8,10ea01S . ‘H UN ‘10}Sse0uR'T seeeeeeeees OD YQIWIG YURI ecccccccce pea, AMed ‘OOSH A ‘sueqiy 4S eee eeene 09 ureiy sueqly 4s pest Aued %0% e10Ury ITM ‘A ‘sueqiy 4S tiseees cog urery sueqry 3S UuoI}veY poouyle_g I1OULY IM [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 34 ‘punois SSulusatIos possxPy *syewo AouBy peysnso ‘Jeout usod ‘UBIq ‘pases Ue NLS {Boul [IO poseasul]T ‘[Rau pseasuoj}0D ‘TBeut psesuo.j09 ‘dind yoaq ‘peasy pextut ‘s}eo punois ‘peasy ua pny ‘yes 91qe}1 ouy %% ‘suread pelip ,SiaMeiq ‘paey uayN[S uaso0ood ‘Bout ulleas UI00 ‘[eaul AUITIOY ‘UBIq TBAYM J9JUIM ‘“SSUI[PPIUL JBIYM JIM ‘[eaUT peesul,T sseo0id plo ‘[Baut paasuo}}00 ao1l0yo ‘SUIvIS potaIp ,Sdel[IStp uUusl0opM UIe}]U0D 0} JaINJORJNUBUT Aq peyaeD BMOT ‘U0UTIO oe! 816 |S6°§ | €0°8S 18% £5°92 Aj" ‘0D Sulugey dnikg usop uo0zlTD 00°8 tia eee (ROOsGS 00°% 00°82 pyr peat ueynTH uUsoH uo JUTID AWD WIOX MON ee 98h |Lle°s | 21°09 LO& €8°hS ‘Hl ssss* og sjyonpoig ezIe uBoliewy 0s'8 CE Naat | (ora 0ST 00°82 DLs s* peag ueqnpD usop jo urBai9 qqagHw NALOTID - : ‘UOIIN ‘}1O.1}0C ae PLOT |9F'9 | 9T'9S ST'OL | 8h 9L ayrrrrsss* “op BUIINA P1GeIIeuH PIO 00°FT eree eene 00°8F 00°8 00°FT “Ky eeee ree eeeene IIACS AVUOW xeypeing SONINGHYOS GHASXVWI4 ‘SSVI, ‘QOUDIMET 88°8 PEO | Tes | OL'09 68'S 98°81 fl COC DOOOOOO GOO OOO Toray. i zHysteyMd Oat. Ver Sar Saeco \leace |) oaar ehstare ASDe WD] etre eeeeeeeececesoeonees AEG “HON | ‘SSBYT ‘OOUDIMBT G60 | 320 |98'F | 9L°LS OS | 99°22 Heli Relssedehes shelielel sie ieicheieks as OG) LOTRO ONAN EST ATED CORO eaten einen OOROG OS'r | 00°36 ‘pl crcceesccesecs Doom AILS [ees entg ‘H ‘ON ‘surddgy 9G°OT | 82°6 |TL% | 18°€9 20° €1'8I 1G TO OE OIC I 9 Ye Gey, WRG fea 0S'8 oeee eeee 00°08 00°S 00'8T SR) || ial sistormie\avialipialieie}iexeliete).ei¢/e(e AMC S,Ud1IB AA | oryO ‘1WBuUOUID 99°L 92°8 |#6'S | 60°ES 669 Gee al oe eee oe eee sefoy. heqdigane Ce iMeiial OOOT | ottt tees | tees 00°S 00°FZ ‘ltt eter esse eeeeeeeeteeres UOTE Aueq 1 ‘K 'N ‘oreyng ‘+++ ‘guy ‘suog pue 3s0][ey{ 190ueds wre aieleiblefelats)sialctalsverelelersisiatetelrinteRaw aS -Old PIO 9nd ‘TRAN 10 §,880]193 ‘AN ‘oregng vetteseeeseeeeess “QQ SzsyjoIg UURIN seteeseeeeeseeesees TeoME TIO PoeasulrT ‘KA 'N ‘weps0jsury Seeeeeeeooeeoees TOT pUuB SSSZOl[O teeeeees TeOW [10 SS900Id PIO 21nd ‘A ‘N ‘wepsojsmy teeeeeeeeeeeeses JOTI PUB SSSOl[OM sereesess TROT 110 91INd ssev0Iq PIO qeinyoejnueut jo ssoippe pue owieu pue purig 39 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] [Boul Agjzeq ‘YysTjod edl1 ‘[eour uviq ‘Teo eyjeyje ‘[eeur us0d ‘inoy poolq ‘jes ‘eyeuoqievo winio[eo ‘Teour 9uo0q ‘[vour ]I0 psesuTT sso00id plo ‘jeeaut [ays Bo000 ‘[vVaut [IO yNUBvODO0D ‘SSUT[ppiUt yeoumM ‘Tvat yeO ‘uURIq JeIyM ‘TeauT ysy ‘U9sUINd[e YIU poeyap ‘sdeazos ee ‘ayeuoqievo wNo[eo ‘TRauUr Agjleq ‘anoy }yeoyM ‘[veu [IO ynNUvODOD ‘jeout psesul]T sseooid pro ‘YysiItod sos ‘jveul ueveq ysnoo, ‘Teaut [[eYyS BvOD0D ‘SSUI[PPIU JeOYM ‘TVOUT Jeo ‘TROUT U100 ‘Teour 9gu0q ‘anoy poojlq ‘[eour Ysy ‘sdeios jyeour ‘ustuind[e YW poslid ‘yes pue 9}eUu0qivO Wn1o[vo ‘sSuUI[ppIu }eoYyM ‘SSuTUsa.0S uleigs pue uriq }eoyM ‘YSy ‘Teour su0q pue jyeour ‘s}vo ‘Aajaeq ‘uUs0D puNnodary ‘Wes efqe} suy %T jo % pue v}yeuoqieo winio[eo ‘veut 9UuO0g ‘poey usjN[s UuI0D ‘SSUI[ppIuU }eIyM ‘ueiq yeoymM ‘[veuT [IO pesesul]T ssa0 -oid p[o vind ‘[eout poses us0d ‘[vou eyleyle ‘Y[IUI49}j3Nnq pelip ‘eeu jJeoTT ‘sdeios 9u0q pue jee] 66°9 00°0T ¥8'6 GT Or Or 0€ OT 8L°8 6a ¥E 89°F2 66 OT TS'86 S6°@S 00°FS Te 7s 00°¢S Lg°Sg 00°OF eeee wees 8Z°oL 00°ST go's GOTT 00°9 09°02 00°61 L0°06 00°06 68 61 00°8T 68 CP 00°SE él €¢ 00°0S £9°3S 00°06 Ge gg 00°SS “L eeeerecese er) eee eoeeesece OR otf eee ee eee senses sesere “K) i eo “Al cere ese eee rere eseee “A sewer eeee 9) see eee eeeeeee Yysenl SUIAR'T 290 ys0q TIL ‘uesoyne Mw ‘0D [89 JIBO Psosyo eA YseW, s3q S,p1oyyo}ela TIL ‘uesoyne A ‘OD [BOW HeO ps0jsyozeia YSBI HOMO 8,pszosyoz Pilg ‘KR ‘N -‘H00U NOVI Ai fe UOIDIOOD ‘di0p SUITITIAL HOOY WoRlg “K) eevee w ere sees esone ysen Aiq TeApIa ‘SSB ‘OOUDIMET ‘709 deosg yore sdeisg jood puvig aejg—punoiyn e%MNd ‘H ‘N ‘ssBy, ‘QOUDIMBT ‘0D dvog yoveg ‘DHyocsss sdeig joog so;medng s,yovog TIL ‘oseo1yO ‘OD SUITITN swmiey Apeo1y AWD HOR MON “q|'0D [eormeyO [eainj[noAsy uvoloWy ‘pl cts sdeiog ouog pue }eoW x0}01g [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 40 ‘TeBouL pessul[, Sseooid plo le {rout euo0g ‘y[TuUIAeIjNq peteapmod ‘sul ‘ssBy ‘Sanqyoyw wy -[pprur yeeyM ‘pass JyeoyYM poyeq pues OPP €6'8 ./S°6 || FT Lo 66'S ye RS S| cess ss Shae pe eke Gar ees ee OR) io PUSS) eat pexyooo ‘Teal ULOD palip UPA ‘TBEUL VO 00°S mepeeia oy eae on OOrS9 00°F 00°0T ‘plots deqe7S YomO Aqveg yllurseyne ‘ayeuoqivo wintoyeo 4Tes ‘sdeBaos jyeeq punois ouy ‘ssujusedoS und [ur Surpssoxe you ‘Ssul[pplur }eVIyM ‘uBiq yeoyM ‘azrBvut OT[TUL ‘spod ‘Ady A ‘o10qge1}} 81g, -1eq ‘syeo ‘U100 ‘yBeYM PuNoIs ‘[wour jog'h | 86°OT |TS'OT| G0'9G | BES | OT LT Tr ners cmcisiesie a: OR) SUT SUSO2G) euog eqipa ‘y[luI41e}{NqG psttp 91M Oh 2 eS |e | 00209 Os F 00°ST aji\trrtttsess ss peag SuIMoIn s,AqsoIp ‘Wes ML jo % JaAO JOU puBw JeayMHoNG punois ‘ssul -Waed0S UNA [TU Surpsvoxe jou ‘SsUrTp -prut yBeyM ‘uUBIq PeoyUM ‘Kopaeq ‘s7Bo 4A ‘010Q9]1}7 81g, ‘uioo punois ‘[weut [JO poosull “peer | 16°2 | TOOT |9TOT| 90'2s | OLS | 102 af(Tctettrtrtstt ss og BUTT Aqsor ueynts uso0oo ‘sdeios yeout ‘TvVeUL YSTof 03'8 seve Jere | Qg'og 00°F 00°81 “Hy ess cs Use ace Ss, Aqsor@ *sdeaos ney pee ‘SSRI, ‘Sanqyoy LT (Boul yweU pue eUod ‘peesul| “SBUHP | Tg°g | QTOT [EB IT) Lees | THs | ve"6L los Sots ae ORES MOORE TL -piut ‘u1r00 ‘uaynps “Ss}vo ‘uBiqd BOM 00°0T coer sees 00°SF 0g 00°02 wiry | eases oeeacas sede A SAL XBUIIID S,daMOD ‘ypIuieyjnq ‘[weut psas U.0d eo POs SRglom. I 12 ; € Ba A - 5 ‘e . m C Ce ee ‘09 AO uo . . Sumtaoyyng teow peak sti0> irom, (682 | esi0t |parg | ogg | oy | oer eet. poom Sunes oud pue ulein HILULIeyNg «6s ,AVYUOD eMOT ‘U0JULIID sees | ggg §=|99°6 | 88°2h | 999 | Ze'ss Sills ernie ie Seat cae CORREO DOS ay SHLOS) cece tree [sees | Qo'ge 0S°2 00°08 aj) orcs MTUeyNg ped end ‘JA, ‘U0}.SUTTINE see eee Oke ps'oL | S8‘Zb Sich ee Sp S09) SUlIepueT UOT SOT LANE ‘sdvaios auoq pue Bea phere AGOO OOOO) ot 00°3E | 00°08 ‘yf pea Aaynod uo} suUl[ Ng ri qeqiy | ean | seyeap re apnip)- stow) usw | -Ayoq | 7B ula}O1g Rife) ||| IainjoRjnueUl UIBJUOD 0} JAANJOVJNUBUL Aq PeytsaD | syNj{g-Surpeeg Jo ‘Sql 0OT Ul spunog Jo ssoippe pue ouleu pue puBIg 41 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘sdeios }eou ‘uvIq }eIyUM pAepuRys ‘Teour ulod suUy ‘s}vVO punoid ‘poaaj usyn{[s UIOD ‘SSUI[PpIuUl AMOY yeoy MA ‘Wes %% ‘[eour ejyreyje ‘eeu [IO ssa001d plo ‘pass Aurmoy ‘Aojaeq punois ‘sywo punoid ‘pevy uayn[s usoo ‘uvIq }yeaYM ‘TRI poses UuslOO ‘SSUI[pplulL }yeoyM ‘sdeios ysy puBe jyeou ‘HI[IUIIe}RjNq polid Wes 4H ‘leow wjlejle ‘{Yeout [IO ssa001d plo ‘pessy AuUIWIOY ‘Aota4eq punois ‘s}wo punoas ‘[eaul yeo ‘pesy useyn[s# UsOO ‘URIq yeIYM ‘eau peseJ usloo ‘SssUI[ppIul }eIyUM ‘sdei0s ysy pue jywot ‘H[IUI4eyjNq polid ‘sdeios }eoT ‘sdeaos yea ‘Wes %% ‘jeour eyeyje ‘jeaur [Io sseo001d pyjo ‘paays Aulwoy ‘Asjieq punoirws ‘s}eo punois ‘pesy uszyN[s uIOO ‘UBIq JeOUM ‘[RIUT psey uloo ‘SsuI[ppIu yeoyM ‘sdeao0s ysy pue yeour ‘H[IUIIe}yjnNq polid ‘Wes %% [eosut vyyesye ‘[eout [IO ssao0id plo ‘pesy Aurwoy ‘Aopleq punoas ‘s}zeo punoas ‘~eout }eo ‘pe9y usyN[Ss usto0o ‘uUeIq yeoyM ‘[RoUI pssy ulodo ‘ssul[ppIt yeoym ‘sdeaios ysy pue }eour ‘H[IW4ey{jNnq polid 00°8 82 '0T 97'S eeee 00°0T 6a TT SL'9 ae 16'S L6°SE 8T OL TP '0& ae oP'9 eas O1'sS 00°S% 99°TS 00°SP TG'8S 00°St PL'0G 00°06 06°62 00°06 69°8E 00°ST 00°SP 00°SP 16°29 00°09 92°8h 00°SS £0°&6 00°02 PT8t 00°9T ir’) =?) 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EXPERIMENT STATION 42 ‘UNL [[IU SUIpe9oxKe JOU SSUI -uset0S punois ulejuUOo ABU SSUI[pprut yeoYyM puB uUBIq }eVOYM ‘IVS Jo 93¥B]uU90 -19d [[Vus B@ puB 9a}eUOqIvO UWINTOl[vO {eout ejley[e ‘yIIUIIeqINGq poizaMod ‘yeoymyonqg ‘azieur ojrut ‘ui00 ae y ‘Aetaeq ‘ywoymM ‘ul0d Jo SuUTISISUOD SSUIUVGINS ‘peasy YO BIOS puNnoaws ‘s}BO punois ‘peey AUIWIOY ‘[velu psaajy UuA00 {Beul ulod ‘SSUI[PpIu }eoyM ‘uUBIg ; ‘AK ‘(N ‘UMO}SOUIBL yeoyM ‘[BVaUl UaIN[s UIOd ‘pesy uUeINLS 668 60°6 FCT | 60°89 $9F GL'0G ‘Ajecrr ree’ OD BUITINN Ulpuein “H ‘Cd utoo ‘9u0q pue jeeu Yysy punoiy 00°0T he es ere mOORO4 00°€ 00°06 wy YyseyT Arq Aaynog s,urpuewsp ‘[Bett 9u0qg puw ‘azeu0qaBo ce uUIn}O[Vo ‘SSUI[PppIul yeoyM ‘psezy Aut . ¢ 4 ; ; . iil aera aee!S CIS ‘UMOISOWEL y -uw0oy ‘[veut UIOD YeeyM puNo Is ‘s}vO OLY BLOT (ELS | 94°29 bs 69°ST al OD SUNINN UlpuBIDHn “H “Gd pelny punors suy ‘y[IUIIe33nq ped 00's canara eee | OOLOG 00°F 00°@T Oj" teWBVIS HMO Aqva s,urpuery ‘Boul P ‘ Ulles U100 puBe ‘vou Bj[es[e ‘sSuITp } é ’ ‘ eet oseoIyD -pIUL }BV9YM ‘[BaUI psdyl UO ‘TROUT BUOG Seg G6°0L |20°8 | 26°89 91'S 86°91 ‘Hj scretesseeseees co BupjexreM uleryp ‘sdvios ywour ‘Jeout yweo ‘yI[TULAEWWNY 00°9 Patent || earn RO OG. 00°S 00°ST pycrrr sts sssss USBIAL SUIMOIN) APITBILTA ‘ 5 TIE ‘osvoryD [BOUL pssst UIOD pus ‘SSUI[PppIUT JeOyM 61'S FO'TT |49°6 | 99°99 T8°S oe LT AH] ceereeeecesesos “OF SupoHIVI ULeIy ‘yeour euoq [veut yweo ‘HI TUIIeqjNg 00°9 eaooet |e |b OO; 67, 00'S 00°ST D]ereceeeeeesees JoqIBIG HOO ATCA : ‘Wes 6H ‘wou wvjley -[@ %T ‘[eeul [Io sseooid plo %Z% ‘paay Autmoy ‘Aojteq punors ‘s}evo punous 6 ‘ ‘peey uayn{s us0>s ‘uvIq }yeeyM ‘TRaUT Saat ee cea Eanes aa peeJ Ul00 ‘SSUITppIu yeayM ‘sdwaios G69 $8°6 |96°L | L6°&S 96°S ara Ry nats Vober YSY pue yeout ‘H[yUIIe73Nq perp %0z oo, | “°° |*'** | OOS | 00°S| 00°02 YSeN SulAvT s,uBU[oysm Ok aeqiq7 | aan | soqzvap | | 8PNID]-ISIOW) USyv | -AYyod nucASE ulo}JOIg ato) |f | Jeanjovjnueur JO ssouppe pue suIeUu put puBIg UTB}JUOD 0} JAINJOBJNUBUL Aq payTaeD SYNIS-Sulpeeq JO ‘Sql OOT UL spunog . ae 43 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘yes jo JUuNOUIe [[VUIS pUuB [veut [IO ‘[eaut Aojavq ‘jvVaeul ‘Bj[RVI[e ‘peey usayn[s ‘syonpoud-Aq ui00 pues uioo ‘szyonpoid-Aq 1B984M puUue IM ‘9u0q pue eI ‘sdeios ouoq pue ea, ‘Boul BjLBJ -[B pue yes YT Jo % ‘y[Iwi49}3nq potup ‘[eour ysy ‘sdeis suo0q pue 4yeout ‘s7vo punoid ‘pssy uayn,Ls us0d ‘TRaur [lO pessul] ‘Baur uslod ‘anoy B3op pea 7B94M ‘SSUITPPIUL VOM ‘UBIq BI AA ‘sdeios 3suoq pues easy ‘ayBuU0qIvO UINJOTVO %G A9AO you pues y[IuIIe}z3Nq petap ‘'sdvaos yeout ‘ueiq }yeoyM ‘SSUI[PpIlU yJeayYM ‘inoy yeo ‘pees UeyNLs u10d ‘[BoUT psey ULOD ‘a7 euU0q -180 WNd[Vd %G Aa9AO JOU PUB [TULLE -jnq pelip ‘[eou vjleyje ‘sdeaos yeau ‘peel ueyn[s usl0d ‘sSuUI[ppIuU }BIyM ‘ueiq 7ee9yM ‘Inoy 7BO ‘[ewauUt pads UAOD ‘au0g pues ee ¥0°0T sees 9¢°L 69°L eeee IT'6 F602 PI'S 93°L PI'Sé 6L°C8 eeee #8°9 98°6 Lo°98 eeee 10°99 00°SP FL G6 00'TE 0S°6S 00°S¢ 0 SF 00°SF 69'TS 00°02 96°&F 00°0F $9'9P 00°0F 686. 00°8T €o°8b 00°06 6T'LE 00°SE coe w eee e ene Ok Ok Ok Fete eee eee ae O by O Fe of Of ‘"H ON ‘adoZSoyouRyyL sIMOT pue usjsonYow Sos eeees see * YseI sa}InN0g ‘SSRI ‘TIOMOT eoes eee eee ee ee ‘0D SULIOpUusy IleMOo'T pee7 AIZNOG UOorlDeJIOg “SSB ‘T[2MoOrT see's “OF Sulzepuey [[eMo7T peat AtWNOg sSsea[1s90q ‘KN ‘ATIOAC A oeoeer ewe eee eee eee ene ‘Our ‘STILL OOSBST MIWI}ING ped YUM Ysv oosey “SSB ‘OT[TAIOULOS ‘OD sUllepuey A, yOur_T peeq Aaynog As, yourEy ‘SSB, ‘UILeYSUIWIe.T eoeeereeeeeeeeeeees oka) SULSSIET ‘a “M i a ey sdeiog ouog pue eo TI ‘oseoryp ** "OD deJUNn_, pue soley sce" YSBIL SUIMOIH quUIOD pe TIT ‘oseoryD “*'* “oy JOJUN_T puv sealepy Toreeeeses Use SEQ Quiog per ‘SSP ‘peoyolqivyT Trtteeeeeeess “09 pao HOIYO ouse1y a ee poo, Aqj[nNog s,ousery [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION id pens ong |Sg°LE) ~°"° 18°Tl| 820% ‘sdeaos auoq pue yoy sielels S boty ooo iaanc 00°8 000% oti 699 |FPrSe) ~~" ” GO\sE| 9% TS ‘sdeaios 9u0qg pue }eoTT over pe a alll a oe OO WT) 00°0S yes % Tt jo %& ‘ssuruseios punoris jo unas [[lur Surureyuoo ssulppprut yeoym pur ueiq yeoyM ‘sdeios 9uoq pue }e9Ul ‘sSUI[PpIuUL Jeo ‘TROUT Bj[BI[e “TROUT [IO 00°8 vE'6 |88L | 68°99 96°9 £0°06 peessul, ‘pees AurWOYy ‘[BauU possay UIOD 00°8 eee eee MOE SS 00°S 00°06 ‘yes %% ‘oul jo ayeuo0qg -180 %] ‘pssy AuyUIOy MOT[eA ‘uUeIqG JeoymM ‘eou 9uoq ‘[BauT UAOD ‘TROL poessul, ‘[eaw eylejye ‘Teaut yeo ‘[eaur r6'S TL'OE |c6°2 | O& LS op 19°61 ysy ‘sdeios jeowt “y[IuIta}}3Nq polid 00°9 eee |iemnenl MOON 00°¢ 0\) 06 ales Ts'9 «=|G8 Le) “°° ° T8°@1| cS °6P ‘sdeios eu0g pue 7eITT eee eee eee of 00°8 00°0S rel CONOR a OSC) |i ne cOrTT LST? ‘sdeios ouoq pue ea] pata mci lay Paella eed 00°8 00°0P Jeqiy | ein so}eap | epNAN}-SIOW! USV | -AYyoq | Vey ula}OLd UIB}JUOD 0} JAaAnjJORJnUuRU Aq paynaeDy | -1BD | synig-Surpee, Jo ‘sql 0OT Ul spunog A in) UO ‘A ‘SSBIL ‘UUA'T ttteeeeeeeereeres OO YSURIN ‘of ‘00D seeees Sdei0g punory 91nd Ss,Ysieyy ‘SSRI, ‘UUATT tte eeeeesleeees 6 OS YSURIN ‘O ‘005 eee eee were e eee eee ee ee eee . sdeaog punoi jermodg puowriq yYysiryy Tl ‘osevorgD oe eee eee wees ‘OuryT *STITIL oyeLA-[de ee YSsenl SULAB'T stonbody TI ‘osvorup ee eee worse aree ‘OurT STIL OHeLA-1de Ww ‘* YSRPIT SsuréeT YeOD-HeO s.ANnouly ‘H ‘'N ‘10}S9TOURTT See “* ‘OD SuUlIepuey A9}SaTOUvT ‘* poaq Aaynog [e1Ioedg sJe}soTOUPr]T ‘H 'N ‘aioysoyouryT ‘OD SUIIOpUsYy ABSOYOURIT psaq AaVNOg A9sapOuvI I9InjJoOeVjNUeUL jo sSoippe pue oureu pue puPeig 45 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] “y[lUuLIeIjNq pues [BS ‘a]eu0qgIeo UINTO[BO ‘sSuru9eI10sS Jo und T[lur YA uBIq WwoaYyM ‘auo0q ‘eau ‘ysy ‘ejjey[e ‘yeoayMyonq ‘us00 ALey ‘Aojqeq ‘s}zeo ‘JeaeymM ‘UO. pUuNno Ty “Y[IULIA}ING pelip pue 4[eVBs ‘azeuo0qivo UlNIoTeo ‘SSUITPpIuUL BIyM ‘ssulu901I0S Jo und TIU YM ‘uBiq yBeyM ‘TBaut sVsuOq pue yeoaut ‘s}¥B0 QeoymM ‘ul0d ‘AaTABq ‘Bj[BJTB@ puNnoay “y[Iutte8}1Nq polap pues YleVs ‘a}7BUuO0qGaABd uUInNTOTeoO ‘aola ‘SSUITppIuLr VBIyM ‘uUvIq 1894M ‘[BvoUuT VUOgd pue Peau ‘YSy ‘s}BvO ‘Aopaeq ‘yeoyM ‘uso. ‘By[VJ[B puNoAy ‘au0q pue 7ee ‘SdBID8 JVAW VpeIsS YSIy puv ‘pseyj uaIn[s UIOD ‘SSUITPPIUL JeoyM aIYM ‘uBiq JeBoUM ‘Ss}BVO puNnoAs ‘[Baul UAOD “Wes %{ ‘sde1ios VBoUL 9pBisd YSIY puB pseay usn{[s UO. ‘SSUI[PpplUL }JBIUM V2I]IYM ‘uBIq }BeUM ‘S}BO paT[ou ‘[eauLt UAOD ‘aUulIT JO ayeuOoqae. %e yes %T jo % ‘Teooreyd ‘ejlejie punoiss ‘s}7eo punois ‘sdvi0s jyeow opis ysty ‘[Bour ul0od ‘sSuluse10S Jo und Itur ‘uBiq JwVeyM ‘SSUITppIuL yeoy A OTST |0LF 00°ST 00°8 86'F 00°FT 68°GL 00'GL co 0b 00°SP 60°8h 00°0S LgT6 00°06 TL 16 00°16 8661 00°8T ois ‘SSBY ‘U0JSOd testeeeeseseees QQ pIellog pues yIeg PPO DO CCOOS Mane ABEL HWSiaksp ato) AAar ‘SSB. ‘UOISOg 100 pley[od puew yaeg Teese eeeeeeeeeeeeseess Dogg SUIMOID ‘SSB ‘U0JSO, BODE OICCOOTOOG ora) yom) holar joel sPuaer sn bonooUNvOnMOoO doen n aajsoog + aluuog ¢ “SSBIL ‘O[[[AIAUIOg dauoupuoadeadcon ** "OD MOTB, U0WON a Cy poow Aaqynog S,U0JION ‘SSRI. ‘U0]SOg beet eee eset eeeeeeees QQ TOOM pue B29 + pesse1q purlsuqD MAN eee ee eee eee eee eene sdeiog AINOg ‘H 'N ‘paoouo0p ‘ouy ‘8aSuUBYyOXY ,SAOWIBY YORU se" USBI, Ssoy [BIoedg YoOBVwl1iws9w ‘H 'N ‘paoou0p ‘our ‘QSUBYOXD, ,SAIUIIB YY YOBULLIIATT Meet oe Serta es USI SST YORU ‘H ‘N ‘paoou0p ‘OUL ‘ASUBYOXO, ,SISUIB YY YORU Dette eeeeeeeeeeeteereees USBI IIB [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 46 A nL ‘Wes YT ‘eooreyo \YeouL poye[nueis ‘anoy posesull ‘anoy ejyjeyje ‘[Bwout usod ‘uUI0D Worl pesayj ueynps ‘UBiq JeoYM ‘SSUI[PpPIUL Jeo AMA ‘yeOUM WOT SSUTUIIIOS uleisd punois ‘jewour weyrejyje ‘sdeaos yeou ‘[eou YsSy ‘[eour suO0q ‘SSuT[p -plut JeoymM ‘uUBIq }BOYM ‘TReUL pases -u0}}00 ‘[volt yeVo ‘psey UsyN[Ss Uus00 ‘posy AuUIMIOY MOT[PA ‘poss AUTWIOFT TIO JOAIT poo ‘[vour wBjlejle ‘VeoyM poynd punoas ‘[eour ysy ‘[eour euoq ‘und [[IUl Sulpesox9 jou ssuUr -U9010S JBOYM puNnoIs YIM Ssul[pprur yeouUM pue uRIq yeOYyM ‘psdj UsNIs ulod ‘pees AUIUIOY MOT[VA ‘TeoUL 1eVO ‘MVS %T Jo % ‘jeout ysy ‘ejpeyje ‘ueiq yeoyM ‘Teo posej usoo ‘sdeios }eou ‘SssUuI[ppIur }yeayM ‘jwout [IO ssesooid p[o ‘vou wua100 ‘syeo poddijo punoas ‘y[IUIAe}jNqG polad ‘Teo ysy ‘sdeios yeour ‘[eeut suo ‘uBeiq jeeymM pue SSUI[PpIuU yeoyM ‘Boul UIOD ‘TROL 7}eO ‘YIIUIIe}}{NG poelAcf ‘sdeios 9uoq pure }eoyT UTB}UOS 0} JeINjJORJNUReUT Aq peytaeD (OW ‘sIno'yT 4S 89°8 T9°OT | 29°8 | LT'9S €9'F 10°02 ‘apo sss couy “oh euyand uo Ws[ey 00°6 Stoo eat Poaeream | MOOG 00°F 00°6L ‘O° * peat JopmMoyH usxoIyO Bvulind ‘TIL ‘Os e0yD 69°6 T&6 | L466 | 06°&S FPS 8E°1S eq) OS SOR. sofa). EAU) Hep eee) 00°0T eee ewee 00°SP 00°F 00°02 “K) ee yseyl 33 deq-O-Iny TIT ‘oseoryO 97'9 $68 £0°6 82°69 28'S #691 Pie | OOO OC COO ROOMUME COM Cela y t-4:1e) r9yeney 0g°9 Seen eee a (OCLOD 00°S 00°ST ‘pprrssssssss geqrezg HOYO deq-O-Ind ‘eq ‘“elydjopeliyd ez | eee sre | ene | to9 | asic nal cr eceteeeeeeneeenees 0D pood 381d 00°6 Saree || eee (OO ng 00°F 00°02 ‘wyjcccs YSB Sursey sueidng s8,.37e%1d ‘eq ‘erydjopeliyd 669 €e'OT |81°8 | 88°LS 09°S 10°81 ST Sse os eis Sees tasitget sve suevesiers'* AOR) POGHs Ayete 00°L eee ath eataet|O0L89 OSPF OG LT ‘oltsts YSP Supmoipy sureidng s§.4}e81d ‘PIN ‘910UT} eg Peak €8°L |9L'¥6 : 08's ce'9S qu Rac iaee ee, oe * 0D poog Aaj[nNOg o9euUl0}0Og eve eoee evee eeee 00°8 00°LS “ny ee [eo usta purig seq esyeodesoyD euleW ‘puelii0d Sain Said 4|Lunee |e ee Lo*Le LS’bp ‘Altcccrscsetss ‘oR suytepuey puez[}log eevee eevee eee eeee 00°2T 00°0¢ “K) eer eee were eee peat AIqVnog puelyodg 1eqiq | ean | sozeip | | Sa epnip|-ystow| usy | -Ayoq | yeq | urej01g “re | | Jainjoejnueur | | jo ssoippe pue eweu pue pueig SHNIS-Suyp9eq JO Sq] OOT Ul Spunodg AT INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUuG., 1925] “por -19}}Nq polip pue [vew pessul, sse900i1d plo ‘pees usjn[s us0d ‘s7eO puNnolg ajoyuM ‘SSUITPPIU }yeodyM ‘UBIGq }yeEoyM ‘{eeur us0oo ‘[eour 9uoqg ‘[veuUl yeeTT ‘sdeios yeout ‘peasy usyn[Ss ‘Tevaw uioo ‘s}eOo punois ‘ssuI[pplul uPvIg ‘yes Aatep pue 97e -uoqivo winio[eo ‘[veul posesul,T ‘[vour ysy ‘sdeios jJooq ‘s}vo poi[[o1 punois ‘pesy usN[s UI0OD ‘SssuI[ppIul yeoymM ‘uBiq ‘yeoymM ‘ur00 ‘yeoyMyYyonq ‘AvTIeq ‘s7eo punois ‘y[TUII9}}3Nq petlip sing ‘yes Adrep pue 9}euU0qIeO WNId -jeo ‘sdeios Jooq punois suy sx01040 ‘pees AUIWIOY 2JIYM ‘UeIq }eOYM Vind ‘jeour UdJOO MOT[IA ‘SSUI[PpIuUL JVIOYyM eind ‘yeeyM punois ‘feour 9suo0q 9IqIpea ‘syeo pony ‘HIIUlte}3nNq polip 9ing ‘[eoul UlIes ui0od pue ‘jeoul ej[ejje ‘sSurueda10s unt [[lUl Sulpse0xe jou SssUI[pprut yeoyuM ‘vou pessyJ UIOD ‘[vatU VUu0g ‘sdeios yeour ‘Jeour yeo ‘y[TUIAe7V)NE ‘[eoW Waes UI0D pue ‘[vOU BI[e -[e ‘SSUITppIum 7eOYyM ‘TeVouU psejJ Us0D ‘Teout euoq ‘sdeios yea ‘[eour 4eO £6'¢ 6T TT 8TTT 89°6 eee 89'TT 99°9 LL’8 ¥9'TE PF Te €9°&¢ 00°€9 91°09 b9'FS 00°0S Tg°99 00°09 €9°39 00°64 g9'FS 00°87 ceee LEGS 00°06 Beet €e°6b 00°06 9T9T OS'sT €9°ST 00°&T GL Te 00°06 98°9F 00°SP &1'6S 00°S¢ ai i Ok ee olyO ‘IyeuUTOUTD seees “OD SUITITIN O81 Seer eeeeecee Useyl 330 ‘H 'N ‘aeqseyooy vreeees TT uleIn AJUNOD ps0ozesS eee reese esos * peod yseIt ee ee) WMO Aqeq ee eC aca | eC er) cy yseW AjuN0D paoyesys 4A ‘sueqiy 3S * ‘oD uperp sueqiy 3S HITUIE}jNg e10UIy ITM 4A ‘sueqry 3S "OD ureip sueqry 3S cana acre tals MIyUIIEWNg = ez0uTYyIATM TIL ‘oseoryo sieyj}o1g uInequesoy YSeI SuUyMOID ARTEILA TIT ‘osBvoryO * sieyjo1g umMmequesoy ee Use 330, AVTCWA ‘SSRI ‘OSplaiquieo s**ee* “OQ guog pue UOpivey uYyos eee eee eree see sdviog BOW S,uopivsy ‘Sse, ‘oSpliquieg sseeesss “Og suOog pUue UOpIveYy uYyor eevee eeeseee sdeisog jooq s,uopieey [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 48 ‘SSUL -U92IDS VBIYM “TBVaUL UO. puB ‘UBIG U1OD ‘SSUI[PPIUL JB9YM ‘anoy Sop pay ‘UNL [[I[UL SUIpesoxe jou sSurueados punois YIM peey poxIu zea ‘UNA [[IUL SUIPe290X9 JOU SSUI -U92AIDS PUNOLS YIM SSUI[PPIuUL JBVIY AM ‘und [[[Ul SUIpseoxe JOU SSUIUV8INS puNnods YIM UvIq BAYA ‘und [[[UL SUIpsV0x9 JOU SSUIUVIINS pPUNOIs YM peel oy ‘pees WwoUM Wes %E-1[ AVAO JOU puUB ‘peey ueqnts ‘s}eo punoas ‘yeaur ua09 ‘peey yeeyM ‘s}BO puNoOIs ‘|e ea UIBJUOD OF JAINjJORJNUBU Aq payseD oro § ‘playsurads ieee OGL |€6°C | SP'L9 GG’ L19°$T TEM OCOCSHUGOOOODS ora Stiiqteap jolbus} jalshisibiyte 0g’s oS pera aia te ee 00°8 OS'SL =o) i i ee ee ay SSUTTPPIIAL OuTUM. oryO ‘pleysurids aren; OTOL |68°S | &F'F9 98° 9T'9T FOOOOOIIONIOW ray siadqkal jokes) josmise gi 0G'8 D104 MG OD) 09°09 00°F 0S°ST FOC OOODOOGOWOGDUGUGOOOAE Tiseysy joxersq At, oro $ ‘preysuridg luis CP IL |66'F | TS'F9 es°s Go OT (EH VOLO OOGOOOGOGO tora) Si aiakel johodeh olsnksponic GL’s COOC aussi 0s°T9 00°F Ga'9OL oe SSUITPPUNL ogo ‘pley.suLtdg oe TeOT | T&L | 06°39 68°8 68°91 fl] POCOB OO GOO COMS “Koray Stpiatey joqiiey oakshlshine 0S°6 2 O1ehe — NS G2°Sg 00°F 0S’SL *5) ee uBigd oryo ‘AOA, ae FECL |F9F | GS'E9 10'F 9L°ST. TUN PSO GOS OOODO GG. tore) AGE EUUNN [heh Leite 00°8 ee lesen tll OORSG 00°F 0G'°ST FOP POP RESO CIDODO LIONS —roretshisr- oXeb qa hit thie] Movi gp, oryo ‘AOL, ae GLIt |g9°9 TT'€9 os’ .60°ST Full, PIE OVOOGHDONG “toyay wisyicteneiMs joheach Weyl 03°6 see sae 00°2S 00°F 00°ST wy i ee ei i ec a) ueig uvloaL Gund LCVAHM “SSR ‘90URIMP'T 96'S G6°8 |L9°2 | Loss Le°9 PL 1S WU ee et coe LOFO ORICA SIF EI SOOC Sooo. Ihedooe || -osae ataterd diatevs ry] ttre tee eeeeseseeeeee teres USBI FT ON ‘SSB ‘90UDIMPT 86°L GL6 |&8L | 39°FS 69°S 03°66 fal ee OFS) ACMI Mah 1A OOZO TES | iirer ant |ieeaens | OORGE 00°¢ 00°61 )"" TTIW UA YysepT Arq [Bag ent qaqny | ean | seqyeap |e ae : - epnap|-is1ow| usy | -Ayoq | ie ula}O1d -IBD I9INJOBVINUBUL SIINIS-Surp9aq JO ‘sql OOT UL Spunog jO ssoIppe pue sueU pue puPig 49 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘und j[[ul Surpeesoxes jou sSulusei0s punow ‘Inoy «esja puoosss pue ueIq }eaUM ‘und [TU Sul[pessvoxs jou sSuyuses0s punors yVIM SSUI[ppIu }eoyM pue uUuPIq eX A ‘und [[1uL Sutpesox9 jou sSuluse.9s punory ‘und [[ful Surpsesoxe jou sSulues.0s punoay ‘und [[ful SuIpessoxe you SSUTUGII0S puNnoiy Og TT 00°8 eeee 00°8 06°0T eeee 00° 00°OT 03°6 eeee 00°ET 00°F 09°6 TP'sr 68°CT eves 6L'6 0S9°&T eeee 8Tet €8°0T 6e TT T0°CT 83 °TT eeee €6°TT 42°F OL LT 00°ST 86°SL 00°LT OF 9T 00°ST OT FT Os rT GP OT 00°FT 8e°LT 00°ST 0g '9T og’st G6 FT 00°éT 62°9L 00°LT LG°9T 00°ST C5 fy O fx yuo ‘u0jse1g cocecees “piq ‘suog pus AlIeyD £ -S * uvig yes MK ee ee ‘yuo ‘U0jseIg eeeeenee ‘prYI ‘suos pue AIIBYUO ‘Cc AS) seen cence eceeeeeeeeereseeses SITOUS 3A ‘Arnqsuyor 3S eee eeeee eer eeeee ‘Our ‘SITLL eluops[epD p227 PeXIW AoUBY S,YOOIg ‘UUIL ‘sT[odvouulW toeeeeeeeeees “OD SIT PUOWIG sig seeeecessseceeees WUBI PUOUIBIG BIg ‘YA ‘u0JUePMS Bia uae ge Soc ene ‘0D pue AgTIe, “mM HC eooeer were eee ee eree peat poxIyl Teyidep ‘JA ‘19TTod UOT Nictesede! efeleXereieyereieis 09 pur AUC “M ae | coe eoe eee eee eoeeee pea AOUBT Ale, “SIM ‘OOHNVATIA teceeeeereeooeecess SHIT INOLA SBIYV Dove eee ecese SSUTIPPIN pepueys se[yV ‘uUUIW = ‘ST[OdveuUuTIL sisvelereLelatekels|aisselsl “sais CG) SUTTITIN uOSUIHVV seseeesosces UpIGT JBOUM S,UOSUIY}V ‘uUUTT, ‘STTOdeoUuUTL eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ‘0D SUITITIL uOSUINIVV ano La S,UOSUIyTV i i ie acc 30d pxy psoMmyoVEM ‘uUuIy, ‘STTOdveUuUTIT ee ee 09 SUITITIL uOosSUTyIV “"** SSUIIPPI Prepuejg s,UOsUuTyyVy [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 50 ‘und [[lut Sulpse0xe JOU SSsULUVa10S PUNO.) ‘und [Jul Surpessoxe jou sSulusadios punowy yonpoid Aq yBay A ‘und [ul SulIpesoxe jou ssutuse.i0s puno.y ‘und [If Sutpssoxe JOU SSsuUIUGaI0S pPUNOAy ‘und [fut sutpesoxe JOU SSulued10S puUNodsy UIBJUOD 0} JaInjJoRJnuBW Aq psyasD pire GRsLE wike S| 40.00 Gihas ne eee acagige "*** | go'TT g8’a | 6¥°29 Mera lieece eetee (one AGO TL. (eek | BOoO ove fre tee’ | garga ee Heh TL aw ece s | 6G co GEC ksce lee earn enravar "* | Se'OL Zb'h | 8°29 oma tect cee potters tLe OLS) | SI ea Feil bea icelcgk al Bb | SE 7o Recreate eee ong en req | ean so] Bip apnip|- stow} ysy | -Ayoq -1BD | 1A GULL 00°9T 89°ST 00'FL 6L°LT 0S '9T 9L FT 00°FT LL9T 00°9T Le°ST 00°ST 99°41 00°FT nb et 8T'ST OS FT ula}O1g SYNIg-Surpeeq JO ‘sql OOT ul spunog ‘UU ‘WI MeN ee ee wee eee eee ‘0D IAL 19T[OY ose ee eee eee ee SSUT[PPLTAL INO[ A yeouUM ‘UUTT, ‘WUT. MON POCO TOG ' OO TW aeT0y eLsesr Saselesoictcl otatel Meher sh cteeeeelan ei “* uvig WBoeuA ‘UUTT “WI MON teetteeeeeseees “OD TIA JaT0yY oLsear @, 0/0, 6 6.0 86) 8. 0. 6 8:8 058 a) e 8 6 30q pew qaodng ‘uu ‘qyn[NG ‘OD SUITITA a0lzeadng yin[ing woman eeeeeeee uvig [etseduy yong epeuep ‘[eorU0OyW sreeses “pry ‘STITA Ino, uoturm0dg ad s}y10ys VEO epeuep ‘[eoa1jU0OW, ‘ssByT ‘Saunqyoiqy oe eee eee eee eee eee wore) surysnp on Vette sees trees ereeeeeees pga PaXTW ‘SSB ‘Sinqyoqy Fete teen eeeeeeeees “QQ QaMOD “W “OT eee eee ew eee eee SSUTTPPIINL pavpueis ‘UUIT, «‘STTOdvaUUITT Ceeoecescevceene ore) IWIN JIpuBUILUOD corer recee * uvig Jee M JIpUeUIULOD TIIN}JOVJNUBeUL JO ssoippe pue euleu pue pug INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] “Un [[[Ul SUIpe90x9 JOU SSuUlUsaI0S punoary ‘und [[[Ul SUIP920XxXe Jou Ssul -U99I0S punolis YM ANOY speVid MoO] 1Ve9YM pPAavy PU SSUI[PPIU JVIYM Pie _L ‘und [[[UL Ssulpeas0xa JOU SSULUB0INS puNno.Ss YIM SSUIT[ppru yeoyM pavy pue uUuvIq }eoyM PAB] ‘und [[[Ul Surpesox9 jou Sssurus9e10S punoiy ‘und [[[W SUIpsedx9 JOU SSUIUVBIDS puNnods YIM yeBoyM pueH ‘und [Jul SuIpes9oxe JOU SSUIUVAI0S pUuUNOoAy ‘und [Iu Suipesoxe you sSuruseeios punowy 09°TT 00°8 OS TT 00°8 OS TL een. 0g°9 eee 00°OT seer 00°L 00°6T 00°L 09°6 Goer 6T TT 96°0L eee OT'IT 60'TT TQ3r TP OT eee LOTT eeee re ia 00°6T 61'OL vI'9 63°F see. Lg°S tPF LT'9 61'& see. tS 8L' 1g°9 60'F LG’? 96 FL Go'sT Go LT 00°LT Le°ST 00°ST 98°LT 00°9T 9L FT 00°ST L191 0O°LT co OL 0S '9T ee°OL 00°LT 09ST OG'ST T8°ST 00°9T GT ST 00°ST ‘dl i AG | “KN ‘SIT[RY 9AOOU0FT eee eee eee a ‘out “OO weet ee eee ‘OUT rey@) sete weet ae ‘OUT ‘ 00 ‘ouT “00 ee a a ery POUL OS) eee were ee ‘our ‘UOG puUe UOIIUIB]ET “UL. ee a ce uBle JeoUM yuo ‘0}JU0I0., ' ‘pi “OD eIploy sewer teteeeteees SaroUg BOA, ‘yuo ‘0}U010\L “* ‘“pyT “OD eIplop sewer teeeeteees UeIg 1BAaU WO ‘WeD “) pyT ‘SITTAL ano, Wey eeeeee sees SuIoUg JBOTLAL quo ‘}eD “* pT ‘SHWA nol Wey seeeeetseesen GBIET VBOUAL ‘K ‘N ‘}a0dy00', JOVVAITA PUB [TTA [vsA9VpIA SSUI[PPIIN AouBYA xXulyds ‘XN ‘jody yo0'T TOPVAITH Puev TIN [esl9paH sreees Ngaqy pexi Ayon'T ‘K 'N. ‘ya0dy00'T AOVEASTA, Pu’ [TTT [e19pIT ore ee eee SSUTTPPIIN Ayonw'y] ‘KON ‘Juody00'T IOJVAZTAE PUB TTT [B19 paw eS uBvig AYon'T ‘XK ‘'N ‘aod y00'T IOVBAZTA PUY TITAN [e198 pa ‘** SSUIIPPIN PIVIN Asred ‘UNIT ‘WO MeN ") OD TIN Jeo eLseor steeesss SSUTTPPIA YEOUM. [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 52 “Inoy yeoyM Sop pot pue uni [Im Bul -p900x9 JOU SSUTUVAIOS JBOYM posuUvolo punois pue SSUI[PpIuUl PpAepuURIS VOM ‘Tut Jo [rey wo1y [BJJO snoiqy pue ueiq }eoyM Jo sepyoryaed ouy ‘anoy yeoyM opeis MO'T ‘yua0 a9d g pav0xKa 07 JOU SSUIUV9I0S puNnors und [UL YIM SSUIUVBINDS }eOUM pue UPIG }BIUM é ‘und [It Surpess90xe jou SSuTueeI0S punols ya Ssul[pprul prepueys yeouUM ‘und [TU SuIpesvox9 JOU SSuTuseI0S puNnors YIM inoy Sop poi yeoym pue uviq Jeo MA ‘und [TUL SUIP990OxKe JOU SSuUIUVaIOS puNnorwsd YIM Inoy Sop pet 7eayM pue UBIq VOU AM ‘s10o}eIedes SUIAIVO0I WoOdJ JAP 10 SSUIUVBIOS PpuNnOoOAS OU UIP} -uod 0} poosJURIeNS }eIYM 19},UTM WJOS ‘und [II SUIpssvoxe JOU SSuIuUseI0S puNnory ‘und [[[UL SUuUlpseox9 jou SSUIUGZINS UleIS PUNOIS YIM Jeo AM ~ Ul¥}JUOD OF ABAINJOVJNuUeU Aq PeUIIIIO pe 68°0T |88°E | S129 40'S by LT ‘aA 00°9 apc (ore a OURS 00°F 00°9T 9) aoe 6L°0T | 12° | 64°29 68°9 GE LT ‘A 00°F meee |e OLO9 00°F 00°9T ‘oD bone G6'0OT |28°9 | &L°29 STF ceSt ‘A oott |code fee 0¢'g 0¢'FI ay st 60 TE |6L°h | 0429 68°F Se 9L ‘H 0s'8 tai || Sateen | ELD a) OS'F 0G°9T Dp 706 |&6°S | S279 GLY €0°91 ‘Wl (KE |) Seem OURGS 00°F 00'FT Dp : Got |eS'F | 89°79 Cl Ph ep'vl ‘Al 0g°8 Prone pal nce t emt ACU Nae be 00°F 00°ST f2) aie PECL |2O'S | 22°&9 86°E PP ST ‘Hl OO; 0 ieee ete OUsG4 GLé 00°FT iz?) atk 00°C |19°F | £0°T9 oEe 02 °9T ‘Al 0s°6 eee | emeen OU Mis GLP 00°ST D ipes TSE |8&°9 | 91°29 bl 2 OL'ST ‘A (UAH | eS We OE ie 0g'é GL’or iz) Jeqia | ean | sezeap 9PNAN]-ISIOW! USV | -AYOq | WBA Uulo},OIg -1eD SINIS-SuUIpIa_ JO “SQ OOT UL Spunodg ‘UU ‘StTodveuuly seerereesss= OF) SUNITIN SEDI UIST seeeresess SSUTIPPHA INOLA 1TTeqmous ‘UUI =‘stjodeveuulyy seeeeees “OS SITHA INO SUIT “H “H stot eee e cern eeereeeeeeeerrses® JOPOW sesuey ‘A}ID Sesuvyy teeeeeses “Oy SUITITA 9HOUTH -}10 UIST sZuluss10g yeoUMA pues uvIg }eOUM ‘uu, ‘SITOdvouUly, rr ‘0D SUITITIAL yeuoleui9}Uuy ‘* SSUIIPPIIL Prepuvys yYMeH HOPI ‘H 'N ‘pleyusco1y veeeeeeees gurydoH “TA DUB ‘O “A trteeeeeees DQQg POXTIA [vIDedg ino ‘H 'N $‘pleyuessy eee ere ecee sulydoy, "T ‘M pue *<) ceeeeerees NOOT POXTN 97819 o71UeID ‘Yo ~‘uosyoer ee ‘09D SUITITIN poomA9}f teeeeeeess Daag THN eing poomsoy{ ‘K ON ‘oreynd “** ‘Og SUITITIN [leMef-Ssouor-19y09H eee eee eee eee eee SSUITPPIIN parepurys ‘KN ‘olreyngd "* OD SUIT TleMmer-souor- IoyooH seveeteceeerese® UBIG YEOUM sO10UD JeinjoejnueUl jo ssoippe pue oweu pue pueig 53 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AuG., 1925] ‘yes pue uni [[IUl SUIp9e0x9 JOU SsuUTIUV—BIOS puNnoils YIM SSUITPPIU 7BIYM PUB UBIG BOTA ‘und [TUL suIp9e0xe JOU SSuUIUV—INS pUuNOASs YIM inoy jeayM pue SsUI[PpIuU }eXy AA “SSUITP -PIUL AIM JBVIYAA ‘“SSurused9s Jo una [[}UL urejuoo ABU UBIGgT ‘UBIq BOM ‘unI [[fUut Surpesoxe jou sSuruseaog ‘uns [IW Sulpssoxe jou sSurlus9eI19s punowy “und I[ful Surpses0x9 jou sSurusa10s punow) 00°0T 00°9 00°9 el 81°39 00°64 L8°S9 00°6F 09°39 00°69 86°89 00°SS LEGO 00°¢S Te 19 00°6F GP &9 00°FS peace oahee €8°T9 00°TS 96°9T 00°ST fest 0O°LT 46ST 00°9T PL ST 00°ST ot =) oo rear 80°ST 00°ST 0S FI OS FL 8F ST 00°ST LEST 00°ST ¥6 91 00°9T OF Ok se ee ‘OUT oryO ‘opetoL ‘0D SUIT TeuoneNn tteteeeeeereeerneres Dagq BIOSO oe ee ewe eee oryo ‘opelo,L, ‘OD SUITITA TeuotjeN SSUI[PPIL Ino[ Wy ‘UUIT, ‘STTOdveUUITL ‘OD =SUTTITN Stlodvouutyw SSUIIPPIIN IANO, ueploy eee ee eee ee cesses ‘H 'N ‘paoouo0p ‘QSUBYOXG ,SAOWIB YORVULIIOW peag VWeeUM AABOFT YOVULIMIT epeuBy ‘0}U010,L, grcseseeees Od SUITTTN JROTOTAeIN ee ee ee ee ee s}104g BOM. xoy epeuepy ‘o0,U010,, oIyO ‘UOasSnNB A jeo[use1p pu UOoA'T socceoeos WUBI WJOS OOSEAN oIyO ‘UOsSnNB A sessees JeoloeIy, PUB UOAT p92, PeXIW OIsVA. epeuep ‘[evar}U0O WW ‘PIT “OO BUTI SPOOM ey Jo oHerT eee ee uBIg }BIUM S,pooMoayE'T epeusy ‘[eaatjUOy ‘PYT “OD SUITITN SpooAA ey} Jo ayer] wees -PI =psrepueys ee ee cry teee SSUI[D eing S,pooaoyey [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 54 ‘sSulLimoos ou ‘ssulueet0S ON ‘anoy }BeYM Sop pat puv uviq }BoYM JO 9IN} -xIUl & ‘sSulanoos OU ‘SsUIU9e810S ON “un [IIul Surpssoxe JOU SsulueatosS puNnodyy “Moy yeeyM sop poy ‘und [[IWU sulps90 -x9 JOU SSuUlU9aINS puNOIs pue SsUI[p -piu uviq yeoymM ‘psoy yeoyM 91nd ‘sSulueo10s punoild ON ‘sSurinoos Jo 90e1L ‘yes pue und [[IWW Sulps90x9 you SSuIU9eINS puNnols YIM ANNOY yeoyM pue SsuUI[ppIlU }eOyYM ‘UBIQ VOM UIRJUOD OF JoInNjJORJNUBeU Aq pPoyIyAIO LQ 89pnsYH) -FSLOVL 68°TE |S8°9 | 96°09 geg 9F ST Germ alee st! (OOKOS 00°F 00°&T ST'3E |98S | LL T9 OTs $9 ST Sets ee OO) 00°F 00°ST OTTL |99°§ | oLs9 97°9 90°LT Wid Se ee NOOR 00°F 00°ST LeOT |S0'E | 89°39 eho G9'LT Tia See ROOKOO 00°F 00°9T €8'It |S0°S | 61 T9 617 PLT apie Aor 5 tie 00°F 00°9T Gh'6 |b | 86°49 OL'F 96°ST Sano Gneyy Sorc 0¢°% 0S°eT SG |0G'E | L829 69°F TL9T oped | OOSUS 00°F OG'ST ST'Gl | op | 02 9 OLY PLST sae eee. | POOKGF GLé 00°ST oan | sezBap ysyv | -Ayoq | ie ula}JOIdg -18)D | SYNIS-Sulposy JO “Sql OOT UL Spunog ‘A =) ‘A *c) Ok Ok ‘uuI,, =‘STTOdeveuUIy, Leen e eee eter eee eee e en ene QD SUIIITIN peyeEpllosuog uds0}SeMY}ION tesseeeeeeeeteres® UBIGE JBOUAA 1nd ‘uUTTA = ‘ST[OdveuUuryL Dio Scr aa ike 09 SUITILIL po epIjosuoH UAeJSOMYION Feet eeeeeeeeeerterereres Nggg JOUR eee en ene ey ‘UI ‘StTTodveuul ; ‘09 SUIT perepljosuopD uas0]SseMyIION Ce ee) SSUT[PPIAL Ano eC ee ‘uu, $=‘STTOdRvoUUTIT a ieroreinedateneteke se isiekntatacs ‘09 SUIT §=pe7eBpIfosuoH UsOJSaMYIION il otaiialevel isl faint ares youlog. XXX ‘pul ‘OTTTASOTGON beteeeeeeees COD WW CN P90M PEXTN 8,00 “WW 'N Cr a) eee eeeee ee) ‘A ON ‘SI@A Bre seIN ‘OD BUITTTIN SITRY Bae seIN peaq PeXxXIT V9OIOYD BAeSePIN, ‘AN ‘SU@q BueseIN ‘OD SUITINN Site Biesern SSUNPPHN e104) eIeseIN eee ewe neee sere ee eeee oryO ‘OpetoL, ‘oD SUIT [TeuoeN peo ATeny ueuusd Ce ) i ec ee) Iainjoejnueut jo Ssoippe pue oweu pue pueIg 55 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘und [[IUt Sulps90x9 JOU SSuUIUGDINS JBIYM posuRITOD puNnoOAs pue SsuUI[ppIul paepUvIS }eOYA PaABy_T ‘uUnI [[[UL SUIpea9ox9 JOU S3ulUs—.0S yeoyM pouBe[oO punols UM UBIqG yeoyM paey ‘AnoOy yeoYM VBpels MOT ‘“InOy VBOYUM VBpeBAS MOT ‘und [[[ul Surpssoxe you sSurluse910s yeoyM pouvs[o punoas pue uvaiq veVoyM paey_T ‘und [[[ut sur -p900xK9 JOU SSUIUGII0S JeAYM posuUBelo punoi3 Uy SSUI[pprluL paepueys yBoyM paiey ‘INnoyY yeoymM opeIs MOT ‘SSULU90INS pUuNnOAS posuve[o UNA [IU pue ssul[ppiut anoy ‘uviq JeoyM pile ‘und [[[ut Surpesoxs jou sSuruses0s punoay “und [[[Ut Sulpesox9 jou sSurueei9s punoawy 00°9 0S°6 98°TT seer Seay aoe eae 9¢°9 seer Ree 18'P nate arial ge GLY see S069 00°ES 0&9 0°99 00°09 GLT9 00°TS 9g°€9 00°69 L&E°39 00°TS b8°F9 00°LS 99°09 00°LS 8°09 00°FS £9°&9 00°&S 9T'9T 00°ST LP LT 00°ST L0°9T 00°91 9L°ST 00°FT 90°LT 00°9T 6L°ST OTST 08ST 00°ST ST 9T O0O'FE G9°LT 00°9T LEST 00°ST ‘uu «=‘ST[odveuulyy Way cc OD STH ANoT Aanqsiitd ‘D)] 'SSUIIPPIIL @ Paepuvjsg s,Aanqsiiid ‘uUuI, =‘SI[OdBOUUTTL ‘q)oeseese=e =e" OS SITTIN ano AINSI ‘plot’ pood pextA AouBT_ s8,Aanqsiitd ‘UU «‘STTOdveUUIL MIPOMIROCOGGOO “TOY pga A Ino, A AINQST[Id ‘uUUITA $«‘SI[OdBvoUuUTTL A Pare eC 09 STILL Ino|t AINGSTIId ‘ uBsig s,AINQSTIId se ee eee eee sesso ‘UUIT ‘SI[OdeouUly C5 (| |DAOOD hover ‘00 | STITIN aIno| AINSI d ‘ssBy, ‘U0JSO_ afritettessseess cog prelog pue y1ed “Ol ocrscsstes poag Surudg pox. ooded epeuep ‘UII WO" ‘Ay PYLE “OD SIA ANOWL eLATLSO 29) seo eee eee eee eee eee SSUI[TPPIN 7eOU NM. epeusp ‘sodiuulM salcctts* pid “OO SIN amo, efATlso 3) eee e ee eee eee eee reser esos ueig VeOU MM, epeuep ‘[vo1} UOT salocc* py “OO SITTIN ano, 9etATIsO ‘nls ees* SyIOyS WouM eng S,9IATISO ‘UUIW =‘ST[OdevoUuUTyL nal crt e teeter eee gg SUITIIT pe BpI[osuoH uUs9}sS9aMYIION 9) Ce SSUI[PPITAL paepueys [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 56 ‘Sop pel puv ssutr -[ppIul uvaiq JO UNI [IU ‘JBoyM PAB ‘poxIul SSUI[PppIu ANOLE pue SsuUuI[ppIul paepuvys Jo una [ITN “und I[[Ul SUIpssoxe jou ssurusei0s punois pue ssul[ppIur anoy ‘uraq yee M ‘und [[}Ul surpseoxe Jou sSSulusei19s punoay ‘UNI [[IUt SutIpesoxe jou SSUIU9EINS puNoIS YIM S}LOYS Peo AA ‘UNI [II SUIpesox9 jou ssulusei10s punois YIM UvIq BIA UIv]UOD OF TaINJOVJnNUBU Aq PayIWAeD PSS Oates zag |) 49'S | FF OT “A 09°6 Sones ean OORGCN em KOGay eemOSaGi a ROR SNCS OR std) 6F'9 68°ST “A 0g'8 Ba | ROSS | Kea Oost) o0g'st #3) vi REEL S8av. |) PIaLo 98'¢ | ¥8'9T ‘al (HOE | OPES "** | 00'SS | 00% | 00°9T 3) Sa eta (Oe. 2010. | Lledal= OC nT ‘A 0S°6 Dee See lle as os7 | 00°LT 5 kee Leanna (Graken mbcuc TL'G | 819 “A ostt foe: fees foe ose | 00°ST rs Se OSS NGS hod) BOGRS pe) Tee) oe Seed eS Pal Ea uSaee OSsCON allehOne T8'9T “Al 00°8 eae |e aeane OO) Game nO On Pall OORGIE 9) PRO PGE We Oe SI'S | 02'S “A C020 Tien eecemn nn cenens OO Cue hOSiH| MNO ORCI 79) IOqia ein | seqyeap epNiO}-ISIOM| USy | -AYoq | 3eq | Uleq01g -IBD SYNJS-Sulpeeq JO ‘sql QOL ul spunog ‘UUIW +‘STTOdvouuI;L ‘OD SUTIN J9INA-Ilessny tteteeeeeeeeess Dggq PexI JUEpIooO ewe eww nee ‘UU ‘StTodvouutryAr ee eee esece ‘09 SUITITIAL JIT -[[9ssny, i ee en | SSUI[PPIW ey ‘VUOW ‘STIR yeIIH eee eee eereee ee eeene ‘0D SUTTITI [es0y PIT Pex [eAoy epeuepy ‘Mefasoop ‘PYI ‘SII pooH urqoy Titteseeeeeeeeees” suioug HMBUMOBIE epeuep ‘mefosooyw ‘PHT SINHA pooH urqoy uvig 91nd YMBEY YOR ee oe ary eee eee ewene ‘WOT “eysuoya, Pittesssecseeseeeerees TepUBY “Hy secceceecc* Teel Pug 10) opery Mor epeusy ‘Ysno010qG.1910g ee Auedwuog $180 rayenry Tittteeeeeeeeeeeees saioug MOO [Lag epeuep ‘Ysno10q19}0q eee eee ewe sens Aueduog $1280 rayenry sererene teeeeeeseeees WpIer MOOD Tleq I9InjoOVINUeUL JO SSoIppe pue suIeU pue puPeIg Tew eS Bt A 57 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] ‘SSUIU90INS UNA [[IU YM yeoyYM JING ‘SSUIMOOIOS UNI [IU YIM yeoyUM oINg ‘SSUI -U90I10S }BIYM pUuNnoIs pouvos[o UNA [TU pue sSuI[pplul paepueys jJeoyM piey ‘ueIqg JBOUM “SUT -u9a10S 7BOYM puNnOoIs pouvsl[oO UNA [ITU pue ssul[ppiut anoy ‘ueiq yeoyM pie ‘yes pure [vou auog peyood-ulve}s ‘UBIq PeEOYM ‘UL00 punoas ‘syeo punoas ‘jeatu [Io sseo0ud plo ‘[Bout poesuo0}jOo ‘poss Us}N{Ss Us0,) ‘ssulueet0S jo UNI [[TUl YUM INOY pssj veayYM pue URI JBOUM ‘sSurus0I0S UNA [[IUI YIM anoy Sop poet pue ssuljpprur yeoyM oOer LUIT 18:11 port SEL ore noe ae ae T9°&9 00°SP 61°19 00°SP ad orp 69°39 09°09 69°19 00°6F 86°S¢ 00°SS orca 9F'F9 00°0S Té°p9 00°0S v6 ST 00°ST ST ST 00'FE Le9T OL oT G8°ST 00°FT €9°ST OTST GF ST OS FT 92'S 00°66 LG°GT 00°ST L&°ST 00°ST Ce 00°FE 12) OF Ok, OF YOUN ‘ST@PSTILH seeeeeeeeeeees SuOG pUue yO0IS “M ‘ nyavejaherevererste re elsveretenevaisnarerelsleleelsi’sotey's weagq ‘YOTIAL ‘@LePSTE Sen Saemt es ee eros. RUE SOI A Ga Shite kaha dE Seah re Tyne te SERA cere: ‘d ‘N ‘sy0gd purip tseeeses OD aozBART pues TTA 97878 ‘+ SSUNPPHN pxepueig PIRI vIONVC ‘dN ‘sSy1O4 puesy teeesers “OF JOPVAOTA PUB [ITI 9381S sereeeceeoes UBIG oINd PIRI 2}0OXVC ‘ad ‘'N ‘SHIOq puBID tereeees “OD JOPBVARTA Pure IITA 9381S see eoeeeee pet PEeXTAL prIell BjJOyed sesuey ‘AVID SBSUB Sy seers OUT “OD SUITITIA Usl9}SeMYNOS soos UBig }7BOUM VIng AVYING psy ‘H ON ‘TIUteAeVH U}ION DDODOOOTOO GUIDO Iara) oat2) radee[s ‘Sa OOOODIO : 16(oHOYEDET AMC Aqpeny ‘00-S epeuep ‘[vo1} UOT “pry “OO STH Ano, eueIMeT 4S avaveretal avelexelenens(aheyetet aloe rsnoueDarevoherenene “+ Upag ‘JA ‘suBqIy 3S titeeeeeeeerees “OQ UTeIDN sURqIV JS teeteeeeeres paagq JOYA SLOW IITM ‘JA ‘sueqty 4S seeeeeeeereeres “OO ulBED SUBqTV JS seeesses SSUITPPHN INOTH 91OUY}ATM [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 58 ‘UNI [[[Ul Sulpssoxe jou ssuluset0g ‘UNI [[1Ut Surpssoxe jou sSuruses0g ‘ul punois sSsuluset9s Jo una [TIN “und Ill Sulpseoxe jou SSsulUVeIOS BOM uvosl[o punods YIM uBIq JVoyYM Surids ‘SSUIMNGQIOS BOM uv9slo punois YIM UuPIq yeoYyM BSuradg ‘sSulueed10s JO unt [III ‘SSuluaeI0S JO UNA [TIN UIB}]UOD 0} JaInjJORJNUBU Aq peyMaesD segues CGR Wis, Re 2 ae ae PS 08 Late cerca) |eSaer er, joe {'* | ogre | 08> eo een (soe \epooo cere ogo [ott lett | 0099 | 98°F see OS tT h| DEG. aa6'o9) | POee: DOr Teed manee calcu a OU Pie al OORT. ‘eee | TQS |et'9 | 29°39 | 28's OGieellbee a | LOO Rae NODEE cess | Beer |FF'D | 99°09 | 92°F | OSiatoe aes ah |e yee (OS50 Siem MOORY a ts) 1 5 I Sh Zs Za Le Ca ea COR) aime rs ee) OO Osan Ogery | ° TPIT |68°8 | Lb°29 | 89°F | oon | cot’ fete? | 000g | 00°F 1205 TOS IEE | O8'F SPL To. LPF. | QOUT ee ae Stal gO Gee 00: F| | | | woqna | ean | | seqzeap | | epnip|-Is!foW| usy | -Ayoq | 7eq | -189 | Hees | | GoLT 00°9T 09°LT 00°9T ul9}O1d SJINIS-sulpse7 JO ‘Sq[ OOT UL Spunod ‘A 9) ‘A 49) O fy ‘H ‘N ‘paoou0p titeeeeseesseeree® “OD pue uOBIS “''* peat POX} 8,09 puvs u07e1S ‘H ‘N ‘paoou09 titeeeeeseeeeseesos (QQ pue uoNENS Cr ed SSUITPPIIL ‘H ‘'N ‘paoou0p steeceeccceeeceesss SOD pues 0077815 Ce uBig AQUB LT ‘UOHAL ‘}10130C seeeees “OUT ‘STIL NOTA 3303S plAeq see ceeeeseeeeeoeenbereeeecesers UBrEp “UOT ‘310.139 veeeess “OUT ‘STITAL INOTA 337038 DIAG sete cece ee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers UBIC ‘UST ‘OTBPSTITH eed oe teeeeees guog pue HO0IS “MA ‘WT yeouM pue peeq yeouM AOJs0dng ‘UOT ‘OLePSTITH SHOR SHOR Pet pth gen an shat Ga sreeeeeeees SSUTIDPIA UBSIYOIN 10S ‘UO, ‘OTVPSTITH teeeeeeeeeeess suog pue yooIS “M ‘vt ‘ss peagT 2eeUM AoUBT YOIBUOTT IeInjJoOeINUeUL jO sSoIppe puev oUIvU pu pUueIg 59 INSPECTION OF FEEDING STUFFS AUG., 1925] -pesv0x9 4OU SSuruses0s Trput put [fut tpt [fut [ar ripe trp SUIPaI—a0x9 BSUIPaI—a0x9 SuUIpae9oxa SUIp9a0xe SUIp990xe SulIpaaoxe Sulpesoxa SUIp9a0xa j0u jou jou }0u jou jou jou jou ‘und [TUL Sur SSULU9II0S S.SULUB9I0S SSUTU9II0S SSUIU99I10S SSulusaI0S SSUTUVIIOS SSULUBAINS SSUIUBAI0S 7BayM punoawy ‘und punoay ‘und puno.wy ‘und punoars ‘und punowy ‘und punowy ‘und punowy ‘und punowy ‘und punowy ‘uUBIg JVOUM PARET 0g°8 es pad ed Teh Cola G8 °ST 00°ST 96°PL 00°9T 92°SL 00°9T 08ST 0G'éT PL ST OS'FT bE 9T 00°ST 08°ST 00°ST $9 '9T 00°9T G8°9T 00°ST €8°ST 0S°ST 2) OF OR ' KUNT ‘oreyng seeees OUT “OD SUITITN Jovem “vy ‘Pr we elee eee resece pe2,T poxIyl §,J9}[@M. ‘KN ‘102901A. Ce ee ee ‘Our ‘STITT InoLa IOJOIA st eeteeeeeeneeeseceeres WUBI JOLLA ‘WOT ‘spidey puviy rertreresess “OO SUNITA AND AOIIBA ee a SSUI[PPIA BUIMOY ‘UDI ‘Spidey puvaiy PDO OLIGO Caray ho iqgahie WMO YOURS) ILEVN ee ee pe0,7 MOD BUIMOY ‘YON ‘spidey pueip reeeeeeeeees “OO SUT AUD AOITeA fe aldownnentreart esate quay ae oR 3 ‘YOHN ‘spidey pueip ewer eee eee eee ore) SUTTLLIAL AWD AQIBVA. ‘+ BUsMOY—p9a,T PexT uordureyo ‘K ‘ON ‘oleyng “* OD SUITINA 19e3seyO pue uojUIOY,L “"'"* SSUIIPPI PAepuByg "DM pue ‘yz, ‘A CN ‘oreyng ** ‘OD SUITINN 1038949 pue uoZJUAOYT, rreesTeseeees Dood POX ‘O pue “LT ‘A ON ‘oreyng “OOD SUITITA 193seyD pu uojULOyAL ee SSUT[PPIIAL a) pue ATF, ‘K ‘N ‘yAtodyoory EROOIGOOOOUGOD Gove) Flimigqany uosdwuoy,L DOLD UOTE O OOOOH OTe i Gpiater flqkekeary [Bulletin 218 N. H. EXPERIMENT STATION 60 “sSUI -U9010S JeOYM puNnors pouvosTo UNA [TU pue sSsuI[pplul paepuR{s PBoYM PALeFTL *SSUI -Ud010S }BOYM puNnoO.s pouvelo UNA [PUL pue ssul[ppiu anoy ‘ueiq yesYM PAVFT ‘SSUIU90I0S JeOYM puNnoss pouvs]o und [[IuW pue ueIq Yeo pLerL UIe}UOD 07 JaInzoRjnueWU Aq Poyt}19D s 98°TT |0S°S | 29°09 6° GG9oT “ a 88°0L |O8b | cr t9 66'S SLT rl 00°8 7; ‘ E 00°S 00°9T 12) ede T6TE |3b'S | LT E9 coy 8ST LT ‘Wi ; 88 TL |L48°h | 76°09 €L'¢ 80°LT “ 0S°6 aoe earner OOKGE 00°F 00ST 7) ; CO TL |orp | TE E9 80°F LG°9T ‘A och pean eeeeen (OO RS 00°F 00°9T » aS €y it |£0°9 | Lcd 9907 TP ST ‘A ORC | armenian | necenn n OO 00°F 00°FT 1) ige OF'OT |84°3 | 9T°S9 00°F 99°LT ‘A 00°F Parnes || commana OONOS 00°F 00°9T “2) areqig | oan | | se7e.1p | apnip|-IsIoW| usV | -AGoq | eH ulo}OIg -1eQ | syNjg-Surpoag JO ‘Sql OOT Ul spunog epeuep “OO SITTA Ce i ‘Sodtuul MA “‘PYI Ino\_T Bepeuep Ule}so A -* uBig aIng JI9IUOI epeury ‘sodruUul A SAO HUDOOGRoDA TG DOU BOOED 05 o ‘Dy “oD STITIN ANO,A BvpeueH Ue}S59M seteceeertrrss STTOYS JBOUM BpeUR,) “SSB, ‘QOUDIME'T ‘0D 41078Q9M “SM “H SSUI[PPIIN OUR ee Ce ee ee ‘uulyy $=‘SI[OdeauUulyy ‘OM = Aqsorp-UInqgYyse MA aos sSunppin prepuerys Tepe Ploy ‘uUuly, =‘SITOdevauUuTyy ‘oD = AqsOIpD-UaINnGyse A teseeeeeeees pgaq pPeXI [ePe PION ‘UUI, ‘ST[odeouUly, ‘OM AQSOID-UINGYse AA © o(sfofele (eee) e es) vieierere ueig [epew ploy ‘uulyy =‘SITOdBveUuUTIT ‘09 Aqsorp-UINqGYyse AA sod pey uvipy Tepe Pop eC a ey JOINJOVjNUBULE jo ssoippe pue owreu pue pueig es . gu aye Se. ne pln tt pin ada Aeytect wed SO one een een’ eae — payne ~ a pee, eT ane ghana eee pena ens Ss ee . He ea baal ener IE Oe OE, : Navn earner OW IN reas ¥ er to PH ene oT a ee ete ors coer DTT tae ~ os ee ane aa oo ; Sean - : epee a pene eee er ee, nO tee ee as