September 2010 Vol. 29, No. 4 ISSN 1085-9632 A publication of the VIRGINIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Conserving wild flowers and wild places BRIT Press will publish Flora of Virginia A concept of the cover of the Flora of Virginia. Pre¬ liminary watercolor rendering of Claytonia virginica by Lara Call Gastinger. The BRIT Press logo may be seen on the spine. It's official! The BRIT Press will be the publisher of the Flora of Virginia. The Flora of Virginia Project and the publishing arm of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, in Fort Worth, signed an agreement in July that moves the creation of the Flora a giant step forward. Publication is set for late 2012. "The BRIT Press is delighted to be working with the Flora of Vir¬ ginia Project in publishing this re¬ markable flora," said Barney Lipscomb, Dorothea Leonhardt Chair of Texas Botany with BRIT and head of the BRIT Press. "The Flora of Virginia is a 21st-century flora that will present critical infor¬ mation about the plant life of Vir¬ ginia and surrounding states." The Flora will be the most mod¬ ern single-volume flora for our region and will reflect the latest advances in genetics and thought in plant bio- systematics. It will be the first state¬ wide plant manual for Virginia since Flora Virginica in 1762. "We are very happy to have a publisher—but we're especially happy that it's the BRIT Press," said Chris Ludwig, director of the Flora of Virginia Project and a co-author of the Flora of Virginia. "This is such a good match, and that has been clear since our first conversations over a year ago." In April, Ludwig vis¬ ited BRIT and met with Lipscomb, after which only a few details remained to be worked out. BRIT's mission illus¬ trates why the Flora of Vir¬ ginia is in the right hands. As its website states, "BRIT is a global institute for the conservation and preserva¬ tion of plant diversity through research, education, scientific publications, and collections." Its press reflects its commitment to botani¬ cal research through the worldwide distribution of books and journals. In addition to the semiannual Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (formerly Sida ), the BRIT Press's edi¬ tions include systematic monographs, botanical histories, and floras like Shinners & Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas and the Illus¬ trated Flora of East Texas of which Lipscomb is a co-author. The Flora of Virginia will be some 1,400 pages long, describing more than 3,500 plant species native to or natural¬ ized in Virginia, of which 1,400 will be illustrated with pen-and-ink drawings commissioned for the book. Final con¬ tent review is under way, and copyediting will begin this fall. The fi¬ nal manuscript will be handed off to the BRIT Press at the beginning of 2012. There, the Flora will be designed, laid out, and prepared for the printer. The BRIT Press will also spearhead market¬ ing efforts. (See Going to press , page 8) Let me tell you a thing or two about removing invasives! See page 6 - Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society From the president . Summer's diverse habitats bring comfort It's the heat of summer, breeze swishing the leaves in the treetops, a few yellow ones drifting down with each gust, and the fountain is on so I can hear the sound of water. Recent trips to the mountains have shown again the amazing differences in habitat across the state. While plants here are in a summer lull, only a few Monardas and Rud- beckias for company, the roadsides in the mountains have diverse blooms, from columbines that fin¬ ished here long ago on the Shenandoah Valley floor to late-summer flowers like the common milkweed (Asclepias syriacaj that haven't started yet. And there are high-elevation plants like Indian plantain (Cacalia atriplicifoliaj, poke milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) and fly poison (Amianthium muscaetoxicum). The summer is compressed into a shorter season, and thick clouds of bumblebees, butterflies and others are at their seasonal work. Our late summer wave of bloom in the Valley is beginning though. The first red of Lobelia cardinalis, heads of Joe-pye weed (Eupatorium spp.), those curious buttons of the buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalism, and a few Helianthus have appeared recently. In this extremely hot summer, in spite of herbicided power lines and oily water, I am feeling lucky and grateful for the good things I have around me, and I'm hoping that VNPS can help to find a way to keep more of the land beautiful and healthy. _ „ . T _ TT „ T Your President, Sally Anderson Visit forestry center, unique sand dunes with VNPS Register now and join experts on back-to-back VNPS state field trips on Friday, October 1, and Saturday, Octo¬ ber 2. Both trips run 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. On October 1, join retired William and Mary professor Donna Ware for an insider's visit to the New Kent Forestry Center (NKFC). The center celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2002, having produced more than 1.6 billion seed¬ lings and received recognition as a world premier forest nursery and re¬ search station. Located on more than 400 acres of mostly upland terrain along the Chickahominy River, NKFC is operated by the Virginia Department of Forestry. Its mission has always been the production of quality seed¬ lings. During the morning portion of our visit, Lisa Deaton, forest education specialist, will describe current re¬ search at NKFC, which focuses on at least 10 species in addition to loblolly pine, including American chestnut, Atlantic white cedar, longleaf pine, as well as native warm season grasses, and longleaf pine. She will also present information on the various plant com¬ munities represented on the site. NKFC maintains a nature trail and boardwalk built by local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts through a bald- (See VNPS field trips on page 8) VNPS 2010 State Field Trips $10 donation per trip. Please register with the VNPS Office at 400 Blandy Farm Lane #2, Boyce, V4 22620, or phone 540-837-1600. October 1,10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Walk the boardwalk through a swamp at what was formerly the New Kent Forestry Center near Providence Forge. Trip will be led by College of William and Mary botanist Donna Ware. October 2,10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. See a 50-foot sand dune, many plant communities, and a beach that is home to rare northeastern beach tiger beetles at Savage Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve. Led by Natural Heritage botanist Dot Field. I would like to attend the following trips:_$10 New Kent Forestry Center _ $10 Savage Neck Dunes _TOTAL Enclose check with this information or call the office to register with credit card. NAME - VNPS CHAPTER - ADDRESS - PHONE - EMAIL \___ J Page 2 September 2010 _ Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society : SwordAeaved phlox VNPS support helps rediscover rare plant As a result of a Virginia Native Plant Society-sponsored botanical survey, a globally rare plant is back on the maps in Virginia. Sword¬ leaved phlox was "rediscovered" af¬ ter Department of Conservation and Recreation's Natural Heritage field botanist, Nancy VanAlstine, con¬ ducted surveys to relocate historical occurrences of the globally rare phlox (Phlox buckleyi, G2/S2), known only from western Virginia and eastern West Virginia. This perennial herb, which blooms in May and June, is typically found in open shale woods, and has not been reported in 30 years. The 2010 survey effort in May and June focused on relo¬ cating occurrences in Craig, Wythe, Pulaski and Rockbridge Counties. Dur¬ ing the surveys in May and June, sword-leaved phlox was found in five of the nine historical locations where the plant was sought. During the June survey, popula¬ tions of the plant were relocated and more accurately mapped for three of the five occurrences, with one along a road in Craig County north of New Castle within the George Washing¬ ton and Jefferson National Forests, one with two colonies along a road bank near Max Meadows in Wythe County, and one consisting of mul¬ tiple colonies along a road within the national forest west of Pulaski. Sword-leaved phlox was not found in two other sites: a Wythe County location with probable in¬ creased road bank disturbances since the original discovery, and a Rockbridge County site that may have either been subject to habitat degradation since the original find or the description may have been misinterpreted. Additionally, dur¬ ing the June field work two small road-bank colonies were found be¬ yond the previously documented lo¬ cations, one in Pulaski County and one in Wythe County. The survey is part of a larger project, funded by the Virginia Native Plant Society, to re¬ locate historical occurrences of rare plants around the state. Reprinted from Virginia Natural Heritage E-News, Summer 2010 June field trip opens eyes to forest dynamics SIGEO and NEON—that's sci¬ ence, not alphabet soup At our June outing to the Smith¬ sonian Conservation Biology Insti¬ tute (formerly the Conservation Re¬ search Center) we spent much of our time at the SIGEO Forest Dynamics Plot with our tour leader Norm Bourg, plant ecologist and ecological re¬ search programs manager. This acro¬ nym signifies the Smithsonian Insti¬ tution Global Earth Observatory, and grew out of the tropical forest plots that have been studied by the Smithsonian's Center for Tropical Forest Science since the first plot was established on Barro Colorado Is¬ land, Panama, in 1980. This study grew into a network of about 30 plots worldwide, each 25 to 50 hectares (about 62-124 acres). According to the center's website, a common plot struc¬ ture and scientific methodology unify the network. All free-standing trees with a diameter at breast height of at least 1 cm. (0.4 inches) are tagged, measured, identified to species, and recensused approximately every five years. Because each plot follows the September 2010^= - same methodology, scientists can di¬ rectly compare data collected from different forests around the world and detect patterns that would oth¬ erwise be impossible to recognize. SIGEO represents the addition of temperate forest plots to this net¬ work. The same scale and method¬ ology are used. At the site south of Front Royal, Virginia, the 25-ha. plot established in 2008 sits at the intersection of Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, and Piedmont physi¬ ographic provinces and is covered in a mature second-growth mixed deciduous forest. Tree bands can be seen on many of the larger trees, and provide a precise measurement of growth. The initial inventory re¬ corded 40,400 trees and shrubs of 65 species, plus 7 woody vine spe¬ cies. Several other types of ecologi¬ cal studies are ongoing, and volun¬ teers can participate in some of these projects. Included within the SIGEO plot is a 4-ha. (10-acre) deer exclosure. Although some deer occasionally visit the exclosure, they are soon chased out. We found a fawn in the exclosure when we visited, and Norm told us that the mothers usually man¬ age to come in after them. The fence does not exclude any other species, including bears, which seem to have no problem passing over the farm fence topped with several strands of wire. The results of excluding the deer are seen in the many tree seedlings that survive to become adults, and in the paucity of invasive plants, which are found outside of the exclosure. The field trip site is also the core station for the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Mid- Atlantic domain. NEON observato¬ ries will collect data across the United States on the impacts of cli¬ mate change, land-use change and invasive species, and the effects of those changes on natural resources and biodiversity. There are 20 do¬ mains that include all 50 states and Puerto Rico. NEON is a relatively new project of the U.S. National Sci¬ ence Foundation, with many other U.S. agencies and nongovernmental (See Trees , page 7) Page 3 Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society = Ancient longleafpine habitat being restored In early June, a group of John Clayton Chapter members gathered in Sussex County for a tour of the Joseph Pines Preserve. Hundreds of years ago, a climax longleaf pine forest probably stood here. This unique and incredibly diverse ecosystem, once dominant in the southeastern United States, histori¬ cally reached its northern limit here in southeast Virginia. But the most evi¬ dent indication of a formerly grand eco¬ system at the preserve are the remains Pinus Palustris, longleafpine of an old longleaf stump that had been sacrificed to the business of lumber, tar, pitch, and turpentine production. Today, through much effort by the scientists and volunteers of Meadowview Biological Research Sta¬ tion, minimal funding, and the heal¬ ing hand of nature, the preserve is in the early stages of recovery. In its present state the front of the preserve is a 30-plus-year-old mixed loblolly pine/hardwood stand. Here the Meadowview team has conducted five understory, growing-season burns to restore a wetland pine savanna. At the back of the preserve 45 acres have been cleared, burned, chemically treated, and replanted with certified native Virginia longleaf pine. Scattered Page 4 throughout the preserve are a number of sphagnous seepage bogs with na¬ tive pitcher plants. Our walk was led by Phil Sheridan, president and director of the Meadowview Biological Research Station that owns the 100-acre pre¬ serve. As Phil explained to us, the longleaf pine ecosystem was evolu- tionarily dependent on lightning- caused fires. The high resin content of the fallen needles of Pinus palustris, and their tendency to decompose slowly are two of the conditions that allowed the frequent fires that encour¬ aged the growth of the characteristic early-successional array of flora—hot enough to discourage growth of shade-creating hardwoods and un¬ derstory shrubs, but not so intense as to kill the fire-resistant longleaf pines. Hundreds of plant species pros¬ pered in the characteristic fire-robbed, nutrient-poor soils of established longleaf forests. Clues that Joseph Pines was once inhabited by such an ecosystem are some of the flora recently discovered there such as red milkweed (Asclepias rubra), Collins's sedge ( Carex collinsii), Rafinesque's seedbox (Ludwigia hirtella), and the sandhill's fire lily ( Lilium pyrophilum). Histori¬ cally in damp depressions of the fire- cleared forest, one could also find the yellow pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava) and pink sundew ( Drosera capillaris ), two carnivorous plant species we saw at Joseph Pines. Unfortu¬ nately, the pitcher plant and many other species have been eradicated from their na¬ tive territory. Indeed only two wild populations of the endan¬ gered yellow pitcher plant still exist in Virginia, and John Clayton members explore the Jo¬ seph Pines Preserve while on afield trip. (All photos by Phillip Merritt) these are not thriving. But here is the good news. Pitcher plants of rare popu¬ lations are being propagated at the Meadowview facility both from seed and divisions and then are returned to the wild. We were thrilled to see the product of this unique work in sev¬ eral thriving pitcher plant bogs, the largest stands of their kind in Virginia! Of course, successful establish¬ ment of the pitcher plant is only a part (See Joseph Pines, page 7) Sarracenia flava, yellow pitcher plant September 2010 Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society Catalpas, moths have unique relationship Catalpa trees are part of my coun- y Vv try landscape. Their preference for /fv moist soil allows them to grow near 1 . > r' f rJ roadside ditches or near streams. Sometimes a specimen tree is seen t \ ^ in an old farm's front yard. J Their lacy white blossoms against a background of deep green leaves are arrestingly beautiful. The cat- alpa can also be seen in urban settings; a large tree filling a small quarter-acre lot. Winter views of ma¬ ture trees reveal twisted gnarled trunks with irregularly placed branches that match mountain top trees shaped by harsh cli¬ mate elements. Last summer, a vehicle hit a young Catalpa tree nearby. Several days after the accident, the tree was defoliated. Only its cigar-like seed- pods were hanging from the branches. No leaf was on the tree and it was easy to jump to the conclu¬ sion that the tree was dying as a re¬ sult of the accident. There had been evidence of some small fire related to the crash. The tree remained upright and defoliated, but a few days later, new leaves began emerging. Within three weeks, that tree had a new leaf canopy of large green leaves. It was not the crash that caused its trauma. Catalpa worms (sphinx moth cater¬ pillars, Ceratomia catalpae ) were defo¬ liating the tree at the time of the crash. They didn't attack the seed- pods, which are sometimes called In¬ dian beans or Indian cigars, that were hanging from the branches like giant green beans. The tree com¬ pleted its normal life cycle that year and the next year the defoliation cycle began again. Leaves, blooms, pods, defoliation, and re-leafing. Controlling the caterpillars of the sphinx moth is not popular. The reason lies in the following question- and-answer. What native southern tree species is associated with large- mouth bass fishing? Answer: Both southern catalpa ( Catalpa bignonioides ) and northern catalpa September 2010^= naturalized after being introduced from the Deep South and the Midwest. As a landscape tree enjoyed for its flowers and interesting architecture, it might be better for it not to be a center of landscape fo¬ cus if the sphinx moth lar¬ vae strike, leaving the tree defoliated even for the short duration of a week or two. Knowing that the defoliation period is brief, using chemical control for the caterpillars is not usually considered. Catalpa trees have had only Catalpa leaf, blossom, and seed pod, as well as a sphinx sli S ht economic importance be- moth caterpillar (Illustration by Nicky Staunton) (Catalpa speciosa)\ An on-going catalpa industry exists selling catalpa worms that produce two broods per year. Fish¬ ermen consider these larvae a treasured bait. After reading how the caterpillars are used, a fly lure mimicking the worm might be preferred by those with a squeamish stomach. A healthy market on eBay for both fresh and frozen caterpillars hovers at about $40 for six dozen. Actually they are alive when removed from the packing and thawed. Katawba Gold is one company offering the bait. Largemouth bass reportedly have a voracious appetite for the three-inch black and pale yellow caterpillar with the characteristic long black spike tail or horn. The catalpa tree creates many emotions for those who enjoy its blooms, ache with its defoliation and then rejoice when it leafs out again as a renewed tree until winter takes its leaves once again. Because not all catalpa trees are selected by the sphinx moth, some never lose all their leaves to the caterpillars. Not everyone is aware that the catalpa tree leaves are the sole host for the catalpa sphinx moth, but fishermen know! The words catawba and kawtawba are informal names for the catalpa. No matter the spelling, nei¬ ther tree species is native to Virginia. In the Old Dominion, the trees have yond the landscape nursery business. The wood has strength enough to have been used for fence posts, but generally is not consid¬ ered of key economic value. Catalpa trees are in the Bignoniaceae family with trumpet vine ( Campis radicans ) and cross-vine ( Bignonia capreolata ). The in¬ vasive non-native princess tree ( Pau- lownia tomentosa) was once classified in the Bignoniaceae family before being moved to Paulowniaceae, and, more recently, into Scrophularaceae accord¬ ing to the USDA website. The new Vir¬ ginia Flora , however, will keep it in Paulowniaceae. Two venerable and beautiful old cat¬ alpa trees survived the Civil War in Chatham, Virginia, near Fredericksburg. Their photographs can be seen and their story read in the Remarkable Trees of Vir¬ ginia (Nancy Ross Hugo and Jeff Kirwan, with photographs by Rob¬ ert Llewellyn). The trees were part of the antebellum landscape of the home that served as a hospital there on the heights. The young catalpa trunks witnessed the carnage of war. In 1978, the trees were esti¬ mated to be 160 to 170 years old. The astounding beauty of their knotty gnarled and hollow trunks remains and they still support beau¬ tiful blossoms. Hopefully, the sphinx moth keeps its distance from these inspirational and remarkable catalpa trees. Nicky Staunton, VNPS vice-president -Page 5 Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society Goats put biological brakes on invasive plant species W e have all seen the choking de¬ struction of invasive alien plant species: autumn olive, Ailanthus, Japa¬ nese honeysuckle, Asian bittersweet, kudzu, Bradford pear, and multi¬ flora rose can take over a tract of land and wipe out native habitats within a few years. Often the only recourse for re¬ claiming an area is bushhogging or apply¬ ing heavy applications of herbicide. But now there is a faster, easier, more organic way to rid an area of invasives. Enter goats—in this case South African Boer Bok goats. These large goats, raised for meat, ac¬ tually prefer eating with their heads up, foraging and browsing off of shrubs rather than putting their heads down and grazing. In the Shenan¬ doah Valley, Linda and Clay Trainum of Autumn Olive Farms are participating in a pilot land-recla¬ mation project sponsored by the Shenandoah Resource Conservation and Development Council in partner¬ ship with the Headwaters Soil and Water Conservation District. The pur¬ pose is to restore ecological balance within a habitat. The Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton offered up the perfect labora¬ tory for the project because it had sev¬ eral fields badly overgrown with Bradford pear seedlings from a nearby memorial avenue of the trees as well as autumn olives and multiflora roses. The Trainums devised a plan to rotate 36 does and a buck through several fields. The animals were fenced in behind a flexible electrified mesh fence and pro¬ tected by a Great Pyrenees guardian dog. Within days the animals had turned the once-impenetrable field into a stripped-out war zone while gently fertilizing the field with their droppings. And, should any of the invasive seeds happen to enter the goats' digestive tracts, the odds of germinating after ex¬ iting are very slim. Further, unlike cattle in a field, goats don't like to get their feet wet, so if there is a stream within an area being cleared, they will not degrade the stream banks by stepping down into the water. They will never stand in the stream and defecate. The goats, who can strip an acre in a few days, will be ro¬ tated from field to field every few weeks. Plants such as autumn olive will attempt to put out new growth two or three times but eventually give up and die after being munched on time and again. At that point, when the invasives are gone, the field is ready to be prepared and re¬ planted with native species. The result is a win-win for everyone. It turns out that some of the more nutritious forages that produce some of the best meat are those invasives that seem to thrive even during droughts, giving these rumi¬ nants food while other livestock owners bring out the hay. The result is a highly nutritious, natural meat product that is low in fat and choles¬ terol. And, apparently, it is delicious as well—the meat is highly sought after by local restau¬ rants that special¬ ize in fresh, local food products. In addition to their project at the Frontier Mu¬ seum, 44 other Trainum goats are hard at work south of Staunton trying to eradicate an impenetrable field of autumn olive shrubs. We are all rooting for them! If you would like to follow the culi¬ nary adventures of the Trainum's goats, visit Nancy Sorrells VNPS Bulletin Editor A herd of goats teams up on an autumn olive. (Photos by Nancy Sorrells) Page 6 September 2010 Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society • Joseph Pines - (Continued from 4) of Meadowview's goals. It is also dedicated to restoration of an integrated longleaf pine-pitcher plant habitat for 18 rare plant and three rare animal taxa. The back¬ bone of the restoration effort is the establishment of native Virginia longleaf pines. The germplast for the trees planted at Joseph Pines, unlike those of other restora¬ tion sites, was gathered from native Virginia stock. In an effort to capture the local genome, the scientists and volunteers at the preserve took on the arduous process of gathering cones still hanging from some of the 4,432 native trees in the state and propagating those seeds. At the age of 1 year, the seedlings were planted, and today, 5,000 longleaf pines at the preserve are 2 to 9 years old. Another key to the sustainability of the longleaf-pitcher plant community is understanding surface-water and ground-water flows at the preserve. Re¬ search projects are being conducted by Old Dominion University students and volunteers to determine how water reaches the bogs, to understand the make-up of the soils, and to learn the type and age of any seeds found in soil plugs. Finding pitcher plant seeds, or better yet, viable pitcher plant seeds, would be exciting news indeed! The work accomplished by the Meadowview team members is unprec¬ edented in the state and a testament to their vision and the challenge still before them. They plan to expand the preserve to 234 acres by purchasing two adjoin¬ ing properties, which will allow almost complete control of the local bog water¬ shed. The original purchase of Joseph Pines (100 acres at $100,000) was accom¬ plished entirely from small donations by members. Continued generous dona¬ tions are necessary to make this conservation work possible. Donations are tax deductible because Meadowview is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Make sure to check out the John Clayton website ( and follow the link to "Photo Gallery" and then to Phillip Merritt’s photographs to see more of Joseph Pines. Also, learn more about the Joseph Pines project and how you can help at Terri Cuthriell, John Clayton Chapter See the address label for your membership expiration date VNPS Membership /Renewal Form Name(s)_ Address_ City_State_Zip_ _Individual $30 _Student $15 _Family $40 _Associate (groups) $40* _Patron $50 _Sustaining $100 _Life $500 *Please designate one person as delegate for Associate membership To give a gift membership or join additional chapters: Enclose dues, name, address, and chapter (non-voting memberships in any other than your primary chapter are $5) I wish to make an additional contribution to_VNPS or_Chapter in the amount of_$10_$25_$50_$100_$(Other)_ _Check if you do not wish your name to be exchanged with similar organizations _Check if you do not wish your name to be listed in a chapter directory Which chapter do you wish to join? (See Paying by credit card?_MC_Visa_Discover Exp. date_ Card #_Security code_Signature_ Make check payable to VNPS and mail to: VNPS Membership Chair, Blandy Experimental Farm, 400 Blandy Farm Lane, Unit 2, Boyce, VA 22620 Membership dues are tax deductible in the amount they exceed $5. Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations. • Trees (Continued from page 3) organizations cooperating. Its purpose is to study continen¬ tal-scale questions about our environment and seems to be fo¬ cused on climate change and biological invasions. Our group also stopped by a recently sown warm sea¬ son grass plot that had not sprouted for lack of moisture and so there was little to see. The SCBI grows food for our nation's zoo and plans to test native grasses for use as for¬ age and at the same time have a wildlife-friendly pasture. We also visited the American chestnut orchard. There we were lucky to have along Cathy Mayes, who heads Virginia's chapter of the American Chestnut Founda¬ tion. She was able tell us a lot about the work being done and about this orchard. Thanks to both Cathy and Norm for an interesting day! Sally Anderson, VNPS President The Bulletin ISSN 1085-9632 is published five times a year (Feb., April, June, August, Nov.) by the Virginia Native Plant Society Blandy Experimental Farm 400 Blandy Farm Lane, Unit 2 Boyce, VA 22620 (540) 837-1600 Sally Anderson, President Nancy Sorrells, Editor Original material contained in the Bulletin may be reprinted, provided credit is given to VNPS and the author, if named. Readers are invited to send letters, news items, or original articles for the editor's con¬ sideration. Items should be typed, on disk in Microsoft Word or e-mailed to: Editor, 3419 Cold Springs Rd., Greenville, VA24440, or The deadline for the next issue is October 1. - Page 7 September 2010 Bulletin of the Virginia Native Plant Society •VNPS field trips (Continued front page 2) cypress swamp. After lunch. Ware, who is curator emerita of the William and Mary Herbarium, will lead the group along this trail where species such as Elliott's gold- enrod, poison sumac, water ash, sweet leaf (horse sugar), red-berried cat-brier, frogs- bit, and a variety of ferns occur. After exit¬ ing the swamp, we will follow slopes above the swamp to the banks of the Chickahominy River where farkleberry(!) (Vaccinium arboreum ) is near its northern limit. From the riverbank we will view an extensive bald-cypress forest in autumn foliage. If time permits, we will also visit a deep sand habitat at the tip of an adja¬ cent peninsula along the river that is in¬ habited by Margaret's oak and narrow- leafed bluecurls. Those who sign up for Saturday's October 2 trip will meet Dot Field, East¬ ern Shore region steward. Division of Natural Heritage, for a field trip at Sav¬ age Neck Dunes Natural Area Preserve. This special natural area features sand dunes as high as 50 feet above the Chesa¬ peake Bay, making them among the high¬ est points on Virginia's Eastern Shore. The dunes and the mile-long bay shore¬ line help support diverse maritime plant communities, which in turn provide es¬ sential habitat for migratory birds and the federally threatened northeastern beach tiger beetle. Dot introduced us to this preserve and others under her stew¬ ardship in her presentation at the 2010 annual VNPS Workshop. Following this field trip, there will be an opportunity to visit Joe Scalf's Livng Shoreline Project that is nearby. If you attended the workshop, you will recall that Joe introduced us to this demonstration project. Bring a lunch or a snack and wa¬ ter and be prepared for weather and insects by wearing long pants, closed shoes, and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket. The parking at Savage Neck Dunes is limited, so consider carpooling. The preserve has only ru¬ dimentary toilet facilities (field toilet with tent cover), so it may be wise to stop at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tun¬ nel Rest Area or at the McDonalds or Hardees along Rt. 13 before arriving at the preserve. To learn more about Savage Neck, visit natural_heritage / documents/ pgsavage.pdf. Invasive plant workshop "Good Green, Bad Green: Invasive Plant Control for Habitat Restoration," a Mid-Atlantic focused conference sponsored by a consortium of conser¬ vation organizations including VNPS, will be held September 16-17 in Front Royal. Session topics include climate change and invasives, species identi¬ fication, vegetation management, habi¬ tat triage, herbicide use, and habitat restoration. For more information, visit http: / / www. f orestry f ortheb ay. org / ggbg/ or call 540-564-3080. Going to press (Continued from page 1) "The Flora will be vital for managing Virginia's natural resources and funda¬ mentally important to all levels of education in Virginia," Fipscomb said. "But it will also provide trustworthy information that will meet the needs of the commer¬ cial and nonprofit sectors and local, state, and federal governments." It is ex¬ pected that the Flora of Virginia will also be in demand in neighboring states, which share many taxa with Virginia but lack a current flora. For more information about BRIT, please visit And to learn more about the Flora of Virginia Project, please visit Bland Crowder, associate director, Flora of Virginia Project