New Maori Family "AT HOME" IN POLYNESIAN HALL IN the history of the South Pacific the Maori of New Zealand stand out as an exceptional people. Not only did they attain excellence in govern- ment, in navigation, and in the art of warfare, but — more importantly — their achievements in the decorative arts, in music, and in poetry stand as enduring reminders of the sophisticated and artistically sensitive society they were able to develop in an isolated area of the world. During January the Museum will focus on the Maori in a new featured exhibit-of-the-month — a life-size reconstruction of a typical family scene in a Maori council house in New Zealand shortly after the coming of the white man. The exhibit is located in the Museum's Hall of Polynesian and Micro- nesian Cultures (Hall F, ground floor, east), which opened earlier this year. Illustrations: Artist-preparator Susan Schanck works on life- size models for new per- manent exhibit in Maori Council house. The exhibits were pre- pared under the direction of Dr. Roland Force, Curator of Oceanic Archaeology and Ethnol- ogy- Photographs, including cover, by John Bayalis and Homer Holdren. Page 2 January Set against a patterned background of colored woven mats, the reconstructed family of seven includes two children, who are playing happily on the floor and do not seem to mind their lack of cloth- ing, in spite of chilly weather. Their grandmother sits opposite them smoking a carved pipe. Off in the corner grand- father is dozing, while another man sleeps on a floor mat. Nearby, an im- posing Maori chieftain, with face com- pletely tattooed, has risen to welcome a male visitor. Across the shoulders of both men are draped feather capes of ex- quisitely blended colors. Around the chiefs neck is a valuable hei-tiki — a green- stone neck-pendant representing the Maori deity, Tiki, the father of mankind. The children are playing cat's cradle, a game which their pipe-smoking grand- mother appears to be enjoying as much as they. In the Maori fashion for women, grandmother is tattooed only around her mouth. Carved feather-boxes, ances- tor figures, and a variety of weapons complete the interior scene. The council house providing the set- ting for the family group is nearly 60 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 14 feet high in- side. It is one of the largest and finest on exhibit in the world today. Maori council houses more than 25 feet long were always exceptional, and very few houses of any size have been preserved. The council house is also the only one now in existence with a completely carved front. Incorporated in the entrance design are many eye-shaped pieces of abalone shell. The Museum's featured exhibit clearly demonstrates the universality of the spiral (pitau) in Maori decorative art. Supposedly the pitau evolved from the study of natural objects (the term is derived from the first un- folding fronds of the fern tree). The web of the spider, the wave-like markings on sandstone cliffs, and the markings on one's thumb, all have been given by the Maori as being the original sources on which the carver and tattooer based their designs. The spiral is everywhere in Maori decorations — in their carved houses, in canoe figureheads and stern-posts, and in the elaborate tattooing on their faces and hips. The recon- structed family group uses authentic examples of Maori decorative arts to create a scene that is accurate to the most minute detail. A Polynesian people, the Maori are believed to have been the original inhabitants of New Zealand. Unlike many other native peoples of the South Pacific, how- ever, the Maori did not die out with the coming of the white man. Instead, they have taken their place in the economic and social life of the new society that has grown up in New Zealand under the British. Marilyn K. Jindrich January Page 3 anua LENGTH OF DAYLIGHT JANUARY 1 _0 ... -arctic;-' ::■:■:■: im*?-: : . : oo 23° \ etjvjalti*: 0° o mm _oo° SS: v ' m z o 66° <5 antarctic on° 24 HOURS Above: The duration of daylight through the latitudes. Upper right: The earth in its orbit around the sun. Right: The course of the sun in the sky.sum- mer and winter, over Chicago. -tl 7'5A.M. SUMMER 4-.15A.I By DR. AUSTIN L. RAND, : THE seasons follow the sun, which reac : 22, nearly over the southern tip of Fl< i December 22, when it is nearly over Rio ment of the sun is caused by the tilt of tl earth's orbit around the sun. In the north sented to the sun's rays for six months of from the sun, has its southern winter and si is, of course, true during the southern sum In the temperate and polar regions the it, producing the succession of the seasons: 1 1 But in the tropics, where the sun is alway seasonal changes they are correlated with seasons and wet seasons follow each other w season stimulates the greater amount of rep dry season is very severe, some species als NOR Chicai Pole and it is the winter, v The Ian. woodlots pines; fr< cattail; shore an are snow few inse< are man; — also cl rows, am and squi meadow TROPICS Barro Colorado, in latitude 10°N.: Here the average January temperature is 80°F.. There is no spring, sum- mer, autumn, and winter based on temperature. Rather, January is the end of the wet season and the beginning of the dry; only certain trees lose their leaves, but the forest floor is carpeted with rustling dead leaves. Balsa trees are loaded with vase-like, ivory-colored flowers six inches long, and to these come a dozen species of birds — parakeets, hummingbirds, tanagers, and honeycreepers — monkeys, and insects, to eat flower parts or juices. Another big forest tree bears ripe, two-inch nuts with a thin, fleshy coating. Raccoon-like coatis and howling monkeys climb among the branches, pick the nuts, eat off the flesh, then drop the nuts. These are scooped up from the ground by agoutis and peccaries. TROPICS AT EQUATOR The mouth of the Amazon River, in latitude 0° near Para (Caripi): It is early January, with cloudless blue skies; a sea breeze; the murmur of water on the beach. The river bank is masked with lofty walls of green trees, and there are many palms. In the clearings are palm- thatched huts; beyond are groves of bananas, mango trees, cotton, and papayas. Orange trees are loaded with blooms, about which hummingbirds whirl. At dusk,, moths come to the flowers, and bats emerge from the red tiles of the house roofs. In late January, the dry season abruptly ends. On the first rainy night tree frogs, crickets, goatsuckers, and owls join in a deafening chorus. In the daytime, dragonflies swarm and winged ants and termites come forth in great numbers. TROPIC EDGE ^^ Southern Florida, in latitude 23°-2!t° N.: This t: average January temperature of 71 °F., with fro occasional years and a growing season of 365 d the temperate zone concept of summer and wir down. It is summer, judging by swallows feedir green, wet prairies, the flowers in the gardens, a tivity of butterflies and dragonflies. Ocean b; fishing continue, but it is late summer or autui: time judging by the green vegetables and ripe or the shore birds on the beaches; winter, judging 1: less cypress and gumbo limbo trees, the need for houses for warmth some days; and spring, judj nesting of herons. A visitor from the tropics wo ; palms and bamboos familiar, would recognize t bougainvillaea and hibiscus, caladium and crotc i SOUTH TEMPI, The La Plata River , i It is the hottest mont i January temperature o season for birds, which > is past; rheas and tinar on the plains; many o still here, and will no winter home in Brazil equator refugees from barn swallows, bobolii the many sandpipers, a of months ago on the v t of the pampas, will sta: :l. ief Curator, Zoology :s farthest point north on June I and its farthest point south on aneiro. This apparent move- fth's axis to the plane of the ummer, the North Pole is pre- ;hf, while the South Pole, away nths of darkness. The reverse brings warmth and withdraws ;, summer, autumn, and winter, rly overhead, while there are mount of rainfall, so that dry nsiderable regularity. The wet tion and growth, but unless the w and reproduce then. TEMPERATE ^^^^^ jtitude 1,2° about halfway between the North quator {2,800 and 2,600 miles away) : Here le of the coldest month of the northern i average January temperature of -f-27°F. • is of snow-covered fields, grey leafless ak or maple, occasional groves of green ands rimmed with leafless shrubs and dead Michigan with an ice barrier along the ting wind-driven ice fields. Farmsteads and plant life is dormant; many birds, a d some bats have migrated south. There er birds, such as ducks, on Lake Michigan ees, woodpeckers in woodlots, tree spar- row hawks in the fields. Raccoon, rabbits, save trails in the snow, while shrews and ive in burrows beneath it. eloigned and illustrated by • . John pf iff ner , staff artist HIGH ARCTIC Western Ellesmere Island, in latitude 80°N., about 600 miles south of the North Pole: This is the middle of the arctic night, where the sun does not appear above the horizon for four months, and the depth of the arctic winter, where the aver- age winter temperature is —38°. The annual average tem- perature is — 4°F., and arctic conditions are extreme. It is a country of glacier-topped mountains; bare ridges blown clear of snow, exposing rock, gravel, and sparse, scattered, dwarf plants; and snow drifts up to 100 feet deep in sheltered places. The rivers and lakes are frozen shut, and new ice, six feet or more thick, joins the coast with the equally thick ice fields covering the polar sea. All the land birds have long since departed, as have the many shore and water birds which nested in June. Musk ox feed on exposed plants; lemmings in burrows under the snow. LOW ARCTIC Southampton Island, in latitude 6i°N.: It is midwinter, with a temperature average. of -26°F., and extremes of — 60° and +32 F. The tundra snow cover varies from a few inches to snowbanks 20 feet deep — at most, a few twigs of dwarf willow stick up through the snow. Four to eight feet of ice cover the lakes, and there is a foot of snow on the sea ice which locks fast the shoreline and extends far offshore to where waves keep the sea from freezing. The sun comes above the horizon for only a short time at midday. Caribou and arctic hares feed in the open; lemmings under the snow"; seals and white whales at the edge of -the ice. Wolves, arctic foxes, weasels, polar bears, ptarmigan, and snowy owls live on the land; eiders, murres, and gulls at the open water. The female polar bears- bear young in chambers in the snow. mtina, in latitude 85° S.: e year, with an average The peak of the breeding September and October, ive young following them ummer nesting birds are back for their southern nonth or so. The trans- thern winter, such as the How-billed cuckoos, and irrived in force a couple ns and the flooded ponds er couple of months. ANTARCTIC The Antarctic Archipelago ("Palmer Land," "Graham Land," etc.), in latitude 62°-70° south: The average January temperature is 34 'F. This is the middle of the southern summer, with a prolonged antarctic day in a land of extreme polar conditions. Mountains rise to 10,000 feet, and even in summer the snow falls faster than it melts, so that snow lies everywhere except on steep slopes. Much of the adja- cent sea is covered with pack ice. Vegetation, all low and herbaceous, is at a minimum, and the few land invertebrate animals are active for but a small part of the year. About 25 species of birds have been recorded in the archipelago, but some, such as the albatrosses, are wanderers from more northern latitudes. Some 15 species of birds breed, drawing all their sustenance from the sea; these include penguins, a cormorant, a sheath bill, skua, a kelp gull, and the antarctic tern, which have eggs or young in January. CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News Trustees Meet At its December meeting, the Board of Trustees elected four members to fill vacancies on the Board. They are Bow-en Blair, investment banker, John M. Simp- son, steel executive, John Shedd Reed, railroad executive, and Clifford C. Gregg, the Museum's Director. John Shedd Reed Clifford C. Gregg Mr. Blair is a graduate of Yale Uni- versity and is a Partner in the firm of Wm. Blair & Co. He is a son of Wil- liam McCormick Blair, President of The Art Institute of Chicago and a member of the Museum's Board. Mr. Simpson, President of A. M. Castle & Co., steel distributors, is a graduate of the University of Chicago. He is a son of the late James Simpson, who was a member of the Museum's Board and who contributed the James Simpson Theatre to the Museum. Mr. Reed is a graduate of Yale Uni- versity and of the Advanced Manage- ment Program at Harvard. He is Vice- President in charge of Finance of the Santa Fe Railway. Dr. Gregg has been with the Museum since 1926 and has been Director since 1937. He is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Cincinnati and is a retired Colonel in the United States Army Reserve. At the meeting, the resignation of Clarence B. Randall, Trustee of the Mu- seum since 1946, was accepted with re- gret. Since his retirement a few years Page 6 January ago as Chairman of the Board of Inland Steel Company, he has been active as an economic adviser in the interests of the Federal Government. Mr. Randall cited the pressure of other duties and his in- ability to attend the Board meetings as the reasons for his resignation. In Memoriam Just as the Bulletin was going to press, we received word of the death on December 13 of Captain A. W. F. Fuller of London, England. Captain Fuller devoted his life to the assembling of what is recognized as the world's fin- est collection of Polynesian and other Oceanic artifacts. His splendid collec- tion came into the possession of the Museum in 1958. Captain Fuller was devoted not only to Oceanic ethnology but became a de- voted member of the Museum. His splendid assistance in documenting his collection and his generosity in present- ing to the Museum some especially fine pieces he acquired after the purchase of his collection caused the Board of Trus- tees in January of 1959 to elect him a Patron of the Museum. Subsequently, he was elected a Contributor, and in November 1961 he was elected a Bene- factor. His deep interest in the Museum and in his collection continued even to the hour of his death. His death is a blow to the science of ethnology and he is deeply mourned. Museum Events "An Evening of Renaissance and Ba- roque Music" — the fourth program in the 1961-62 series offered by the Free Concerts Foundation, Mrs. J. Dennis Freund, sponsor — will be presented on Monday, January 8, at 8:15 p.m. in the Museum's James Simpson Theatre. The program consists of vocal and in- strumental solos, and vocal ensembles, both accompanied and a cappella, by the following musicians: Charles Bress- ler, tenor; Huges Cuenod, tenor; Albert Fuller, harpsichord; Donald Gramm, baritone; Thomas Paul, bass; and Joseph Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insult, Jr. Henry P. Isham William V. Kahler ♦Resigned Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoc Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. ♦Clarence B. Randall John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware J. Howard Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer Clifford C. Gregg, Director and Secretary E. Leland Webber, Assistant Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR Clifford C. Gregg, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. Iadone, lute. Among the composers whose works will be heard are Costeley, Milan, Monteverdi, Morley, Dowland, Couperin, Scarlatti, de Mudarra, and Clerambault. For free tickets, please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Museum, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5. On February 3, Free Concerts Foun- dation will present an a capella concert by the Netherlands Choir, under the direction of Felix de Nobel. Tickets will be available after the concert on Janu- ary 8. The Chicago Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Dieter Kober, will present a series of nine free concerts in the Museum's James Simpson Thea- tre on selected Sunday afternoons from January through May. The complete list of dates is as follows : January 7 and 21, February 25, March 4 and 18, April 1, 15, and 29, and May 13. On Janu- ary 7 will be heard the Suite No. 3 in D by Bach, Haydn's Symphony No. 60 in C, and Franz Waxman's Sinfonietta for String Orchestra and Timpani. On Jan- uary 21 the program will include the Suite No. 2 in B by Bach, Mozart's An- dante for Flute (K. 315), Wagner's Adagio for Clarinet and Strings, and the Chicago premiere of Bernard Heiden's Concerto for Small Orchestra. Admis- sion is free and without ticket. Complete program information for this series of Museum concerts, as well as a schedule of the orchestra's other appearances, may be obtained from the Chicago Chamber Orchestra Association, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago (HA 7-0603). On Sunday, January 28, the Illinois Audubon Society continues its wildlife film-lectures with "Nova Scotia — Land of the Sea," by Robert C. Hermes. This color motion picture records a visual journey through the spruce and hem- lock forests in Canada's lovely province- by-the-sea. J The lecturer follows a tiny stream from its woodland source to the Atlantic, where time-lapse photography focuses on the Minas Basin tides and the changing patterns of oceanic life. The free film will be presented at 2 :30 p.m. in the Museum's James Simpson Theatre. The deadline for entries in the 17th Chicago International Exhibition of Na- ture Photography is January 15. The exhibit of photographic work will be presented in the Museum from Febru- ary 3 through 18, with showings of slides in the James Simpson Theatre on Feb- ruary 4 and 11 at 2:30 p.m. Photogra- phers wishing to enter the exhibition may obtain entry forms from Frank Pfleger, exhibition chairman, 2347 Harvey Ave- nue, Berwyn. Staff' Changes Dr. Joseph Curtis Moore is joining the staff of the Museum on January 1 , 1962, as Curator of Mammals. Dr. Moore attended the University of Ken- tucky and received a doctorate at the University of Florida. He spent several years with the National Park Service in the capacity of Park Biologist at the Everglades National Park. He is also a Research Fellow of the American Mu- seum of Natural History in New York. Dr. Moore has been a prolific writer of both scientific and popular reports in the fields of his interest. Mr. Philip Hershkovitz, who has been Curator of Mammals at the Museum since January 1, 1956, and served as Assistant Curator and Associate Curator since March, 1 947, will become Research Curator of Mammals. In this capacity he will be able to devote more time to the studies he has been conducting. Mrs. Dorothy Gibson, secretary in the Department of Botany, has been ap- pointed Assistant in that department. Her appointment comes as the result of contributions she has made to botanical research while in the service of the Mu- seum. Since joining the Museum's staff in 1958 she has acquired, through out- side study and through working with the herbarium, a basic knowledge of systematic botany. Studying plants has long been an avocation of Mrs. Gib- son. Her extensive collections from her native state of Kentucky have been deposited in the Museum's herbarium, and formed the basis for her "Life Forms of Kentucky Flowering Plants," pub- (Continued on next page) What Is It? No, the peculiar animal pictured is not a dinosaur or even a " living fossil" that has survived from some prehistoric age. It is a pangolin, an ant and termite-eating mammal found in Southwest Africa and parts of Asia. Most pangolins grow 15 or 16 inches long, excluding the tail, although a few giants have been known to reach the size of a small sheep. The most striking feature of the animal's appearance are the horny, overlapping scales that cover all but the under part of the body. It has been claimed that the scaly plating of a mature pangolin is so strong and streamlined that it will ward off a .303 bullet fired point blank from a distance of 100 yards. When forcefully snapped together, these scales are said to be capable of cutting off the paws of an attacking animal. Small wonder that African Bushmen and other native tribes use the scales as charms. The pangolin' s strong front claws, which extend backward as it walks, are well adapted for digging into and breaking open the hard mud nests of termites so that the mammal may extend its sticky foot-long tongue into the nests' tunnels to scoop up their inhabitants. A pangolin may be seen in Hall 18 during January and February. MKJ January Page 7 lished recently in The American Midland Naturalist. The retirement at the close of the year of Emil Sella, Curator of Exhibits in the Department of Botany, is announced with regret. Mr. Sella joined the staff of the Museum in 1922 as a glassblower and preparator in the Stanley Field Plant Reproduction Laboratory of the Museum. He advanced over the years to Chief Preparator of botanical exhibits and in 1947 was appointed Curator of Exhibits in the Department of Botany. Hundreds of plant models at the Muse- um bear silent testimony to his unusual ability and skill in reproducing in per- manent form a wide variety of plants. Mr. George Langford, Curator of Fos- sil Plants, also retired at the end of the year. Mr. Langford came to the Mu- seum in 1949 after his retirement from a business career. A native of Denver, Colorado, he graduated from Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University in 1897. His great interest in the coal fos- sils in the strip mine areas of Wilming- ton, Illinois, and his general interest both in paleontology and certain phases of anthropology brought him to the Museum first as a volunteer and later as a staff member. Dr. C. Earle Smith, Jr., Associate Curator of Vascular Plants, resigned at the end of the year to accept employ- ment with the United States Department of Agriculture. He will be stationed at Beltsville, Maryland. Dr. Smith joined the staff of the Museum in January of 1959 and has been interested especially in tropical vegetation. BROR ERIC DAHLGREN 1877 — 1961 Dr. B. E. Dahlgren, Curator Emeritus of Botany, died of a heart attack at his home on December 16, 1961. This ended a varied career that began with emigra- tion from his native Sweden to the United States when he was in his teens. After receiving his degree from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Dahlgren engaged in the practice of orthodontic dentistry in New York City at the turn of the cen- tury. His studies of the comparative Page 8 January anatomy of the mammalian palate led to use of the collections at the American Museum of Natural History, and subse- quently to an interest in problems of museum exhibition. Employing some of the materials and techniques of me- chanical dentistry, Dahlgren constructed models of invertebrate animals, includ- ing insects, that were superior to any known at the time. Eventually he gave up the practice of dentistry and became a staff member at the American Museum. In 1909, Dr. Charles W. Millspaugh, the Museum's first Curator of Botany, with the support of Mr. Stanley Field, President, induced Dahlgren to become head of the department's Division of Modeling. In 1935 Dr. Dahlgren be- came Curator of Botany, a title that was changed the following year to Chief Curator of Botany. Under his direction a program of bo- tanical exhibition was begun that re- sulted in the famed Stanley Field Col- lection of Plant Models and botanical exhibits considered to be the finest any- where. Among the most spectacular of these is the restoration of a Carbonifer- ous forest on display in Hall 38 of the Museum. Illustrations of this restora- tion have appeared in most textbooks of geology published since the completion of the exhibit. Dr. Dahlgren was an authority on wax palms and conducted a number of bo- tanical collecting expeditions to Jamai- ca, British Guiana, Brazil, and Cuba. Scientific Meetings and Honors The government of Guatemala has honored two former staff members of Chicago Natural History Museum for scientific work accomplished relating to that country. On September 15, Dr. Julian Steyermark received Guatemala's "Order of the Quetzal" from the Guate- malan government at Caracas, Vene- zuela. The same honor was bestowed on Mr. Paul C. Standley at Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on October 11, 1961. The honors were bestowed in recognition of the scientific studies of these botanists on the flora of Guatemala. Rupert L. Wenzel, Curator of Insects, has returned from a trip to the Canal Zone where he worked and conferred with Major Vernon J. Tipton, U. S. Army. Wenzel and Tipton are writing a paper on the batflies of Panama. The study is part of a U. S. Army-sponsored research program directed by Major Tipton, who is Chief of the Environ- mental Health Branch of the Division of Preventive Medicine, U. S. Army Caribbean. Dr. Paul S. Martin, Dr. Donald Col- lier, Dr. Roland W. Force, Mr. Phillip H. Lewis, and Mr. George I. Quimby, all of the Department of Anthropology, recently attended annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association in Philadelphia. Mr. Lewis presented a paper on "Comparison of Art of Primi- tive and Civilized Societies." His mono- graph, A Definition of Primitive Art, has just been published by the Museum Press (Fieldiana: Anthropology, Vol. 36, No. 10; 21 pages, 5 illustrations; 50c). At Effigy hanger, New Guinea. Illustration from "A Definition of Primitive Art" the meetings, Dr. Force discussed "The Concept of Process and the Study of Cultural Change." Dr. Force is now en route to his new post as Director of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Hono- lulu, Hawaii. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS HICAGO NATURAL HISTORY VIUSEU CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News New Director Chosen The Board of Trustees of Chicago Natural History Museum, at its January meeting, elected a new Director, a new President, and a new Chairman of the Board. E. Leland Webber Stanley Field Mr. Stanley Field, who has served as President of the Museum since 1909, was relieved of that duty at his own request and elected to the new position of Board Chairman. During his 53 years as President, the Museum developed in- to an institution of worldwide reputa- tion, known for its scientific research and its outstanding collections. It is worthy of note that Museum attendance in 1909 was 209,170 against 1,307,567 in 1961. Expenditures in 1909 were $312,934.98 compared with approxi- mately $1,500,000 in 1961. In his new capacity, Mr. Field will continue to be intimately associated with the work of the Museum which has made such phe- nomenal progress under his direction. The new Director is Mr. E. Leland Webber, who joined the staff of the Museum in 1 950. After serving as Exec- utive Assistant to the Director, he was appointed Assistant Director in 1960. He has been active in the American Association of Museums and the Mid- west Museums Association. He is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Association of Science Museum Di- rectors. Mr. Webber lives in Wilmette, Illinois, with his wife and three children, and has been active in community and church affairs. He succeeds Clifford C. Gregg, who has been Director of the Museum since Page 2 February 1937 and who was elected President of the Museum, succeeding Mr. Field. Free Lectures and Films The Museum's 1962 spring series of illustrated travel lectures for adults will begin with a film trip to Mandalay on March 3, followed on March 10 by a motion picture excursion to Germany. Travel-lecturer for "The Road to Man- dalay" is William Moore, with Gordon Palmquist — a familiar lecturer on the stage of James Simpson Theatre — pro- viding the narrative for "Germany." The complete schedule for the spring travel lectures will be announced in the March Bulletin. The programs to be presented each Saturday during Marcn and April begin at 2:30 p.m. Reserved seats in the James Simpson Theatre will be held for Museum Members until 2:25 p.m. The Saturday morning programs for children will also be listed in the March Bulletin. They begin on March 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the James Simpson The- atre. "Once Around the Sun," a motion picture-lecture explaining why the sea- sons change, the tides ebb, and the days turn to night, is the February 18 pro- gram of the Illinois Audubon Society's current wildlife film series. The pro- gram begins at 2 : 30 p.m. in James Simp- son Theatre. Free Choral Concert The Netherlands Chamber Choir, di- rected by Felix de Nobel, will be pre- sented in James Simpson Theatre by the Free Concerts Foundation on Wednes- day, February 7, at 8:15 p.m., in a con- cert of a cappella music dating from the 16th Century to the present. (The date has been changed to February 7 from February 3, as listed in last month's Bulletin.) The choir will sing selec- tions by Morley, Farmer, di Lasso, Bar- ber, Ravel, and others. Free tickets may be obtained by sending a stamped, self- addressed envelope to Free Concerts, Chicago Natural History Museum, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive (5). Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. Howard William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer E. Leland Webber, Secretary Solomon A. Smith, Assistant Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Pau! S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. Nature Photo Exhibition Nature photographs from all over the world will be on display in Stanley Field Hall February 3 through 18 in the 17th Chicago International Exhibition of Na- ture Photography. Sponsored jointly by the Museum and the Nature Camera Club of Chicago, the exhibition is the largest in the world devoted to nature photography, and comprises several hun- dred of the best of more than three thou- sand entries. The entries include both color and black-and-white prints, and color slides of scenic and unusual natural phenomena, plant life, and animal life photographed by both amateur and pro- fessional photographers. The exhibi- tion's most outstanding slides will be shown in James Simpson Theatre on February 4 and 1 1 (Sundays) at 2 :30 p.m. February's Featured Exhibit In a world full of strange and curious things, the cannonball tree ranks high on the scale of the unusual among trop- ical trees. It is native to Guiana, the general region of northeastern South America, where it grows as a tall forest tree. A few examples have been estab- lished in Florida, one at the Fairchild Tropical Garden in Coconut Grove and another in the garden of the Royal Palm Hotel, Fort Meyers. The name "can- nonball" derives from resemblance of the reddish brown, six to eight-inch spherical fruits to old-time, rusty artil- lery shells. The tree bears large, showy flowers with five to seven fleshy petals colored crimson on their inner surfaces. The crimson color blends to white at the base of the petals where they surround a pe- culiar hood-like structure bearing two sets of stamens. Numerous short sta- mens cover a flat disc at the center of the flower while a fleshy, white, re- curved extension of the disc terminates in an equally numerous set of larger, tentacle-like stamens. Large black bum- ble-bees that seem to be the principal pollinators thus are dusted top and bot- tom with pollen as they force their way under the hood. Flowers and fruits are borne on pendulous branches located on the lower part of the trunk well below the leafy crown of the tree. These branches, gnarled and woody as they seem, are appendages of the inner bark and are not united with the wood of the tree trunk. The cannonball tree is ornamental but otherwise of no importance to man, whereas some of its botanically close rel- atives, the Brazil-nut and monkeypot trees, the tauary tree, and Colombian mahogany serve utilitarian purposes. Brazil nuts of commerce are obtained from wild trees of the Amazonian forest. The angular seeds are contained in thick- shelled globular fruits gathered from the forest floor after they have fallen natur- ally from high in the leafy crown of the giant Castanheira do Brasil (Brazilian chestnut tree). The tauary tree is the The Cannonball Tree John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany source of a bark cloth similar to tapa and was used by South American Indians. So-called Colombian mahogany is one of the numerous substitutes for true ma- hogany (Swietenia mahogani). The name "monkeypot" refers to the form of the fruit, which comes in a vari- ety of sizes and shapes, from the giant monkeypot, which looks like a scallop squash with an opening and lid on one end, to others known as monkey's drink- ing cups, vases, and so forth, with stop- pered openings. The name "monkey- pot" may be fanciful, like Lovers' Leap, or Jacob's Ladder, or perhaps there is truth in the travelers' tales that when a monkeypot is baited with sugar a mon- {Continued on page 7) February Page 3 Dr. Robert L. Flemin Museum Field Associate Reports on a 1960-61 84 28 85 86 27 26 84 ^\ L, Katmandu ~- » tT- H >»Bigu ^•^ >»Ghost Lai E P & 1 N D 1 A V 85 86 SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION TO THE Initial Planning Early in 1960, while I was in the United States,1 Dr. Clifford G. Gregg, Director of Chicago Natural History Museum, asked me, as a member of the Museum staff living in Katmandu, whether I would represent the Museum on a forthcoming expedition to the Hi- malayas. The expedition was being planned by the World Book Encyclo- pedia and would be under the direction of Sir Edmund Hillary. My particular job would be to collect birds and small mammals for the Museum. Since my vacation was due and I would be return- ing to Katmandu from the United States in less than a month, I accepted. Two weeks later I was jetting to the Orient. Plans for the World Book En- cyclopedia Scientific Expedition to the Himalayas had taken definite shape. The major effort would be a study by 1 Dr. Fleming is representative of the Board of World Missions of the Methodist Church and Superintendent, Katmandu Area, United Mission to Nepal. Readers of the Bulletin will remember his article on "The Changing Seasons in Nepal" (March, 1960). Page i February a group of medical men as to the effect of altitude on the human body and the scaling, without oxygen, of Makalu, the world's fourth highest mountain. A sec- ond purpose of the expedition would be to prove or disprove the existence of the "yeti." The third part of the expedition would be my work for Chicago Natural History Museum.2 Chief Curator Rand outlined a rough program for me : to en- list the assistance of several Nepalese helpers for my collecting, and to choose my own time and area of operation in- dependently of Sir Edmund Hillary's group. Planning Our First Expedition To make the most of our trip, it would be necessary to select men who would work well together. I therefore conducted four short trial camps near Katmandu at various altitudes to 6,000 feet. Six of us took part in these camps — two Americans and four Nepalese. 2 A grant from the World Book Encyclope- dia to the Museum made possible this phase of the expedition's work. Later we added a Scottish doctor. I discovered that these men, despite their varied backgrounds, acted as a team. One must always keep the weather factor in mind when arranging a field trip in Nepal. When we made our first trial camp in September, the weather was wet and miserable. We remained at that camp just long enough to be bit- ten by mosquitoes; and later two of us came down with malignant malaria — a fumbling start. We decided that we could do better work at less health risk in the bright, clear days of fall. Since November is our driest month, we fixed on that time to set out. First, however, we had to furnish sev- eral different government departments with a complete listing of our proposed routes, fire arms, and plans in order to secure their formal permission to trek through the country. One always needs extra time when seeking such permits because there are 142 holidays a year in Katmandu. When you least expect it, you are likely to find an office closed and to be told to come back bholi (tomor- 88 I B E T it Everest » / Biratna^ar^.— ' SIKKIM Darjeeling 27 26 HIMALAYAS row). Then you had better check to see whether "tomorrow" isn't another of the 142 holidays. Along the Everest Trail On November 2 we began our first ex- tended trip. Our goal was an area east of Katmandu and south of Mount Ev- erest. After being driven by car the first eighteen miles on our way out of the city, the road tapered off and we set out on foot. Our equipment was carried by porters. Ordinary travelers cover about eight miles a day in this fashion, and this rate suited us. At night we camped by streams in the woods, and we ate the food our cook prepared from stores we carried or purchased at markets and tea houses along the way. After several days of such travel (during which two of our porters crept away during the night and had to be replaced by local men), we crossed the rim of a wide valley and there, off to the northeast, glimpsed the top of the mighty Everest. It was crowned with a snow plume that glowed with warm pink in the fading sunlight. A memorable conclusion to a day's trek in the Himalayas! On the following day we were up in the chilly grey dawn to cross a river on a suspension bridge that had seen better days. Beyond it, we put out our mam- mal traps and admired a flight of thirty or forty Kestral falcons. Over the next ridge we could see the hills running into the high country, the land of the Sher- pas, but Everest was not our aim, so we soon turned off the trail toward the hills on the northeast. Here the Swiss have built several model cheese-making in- stallations. We pitched our tent on a grassy knoll beside one of their "fac- tories," and were invited to tea by the Swiss, sampled their cheese, inspected their wooden-shingled houses, their cow and buffalo stalls, and the kiln where they make bricks. Among all these signs of civilization we saw a score of men working on the building of an air strip where shortly before there had been only wilderness. It was good to stop here for a bit and have time for collecting, instead of hav- ing to snatch specimens as we traveled. The children had a young civet for a pet, and the villagers brought us an adult specimen for the Museum. There were a few jackals about, and a field of millet was being devoured by rats. In a scrub jungle we found more of the birds we wanted, especially a red-headed babbling thrush and the elusive snow pigeon. In the High Country Later we climbed toward the Swiss milk collecting stations located at vari- ous altitudes from 1 1,600 to 12,600 feet. As we left the trees behind and made our way through masses of rock, we passed lovely, large orchids overhanging the cliffs along the trail. We found where the Kansu rose finch sheltered under overhanging rocks above the "Lake of Ghosts" (Bhoat Pokhari), and we saw the little mouse-hares, relatives of the Rocky Mountain pika, pop out of their burrows between the rocks when the sun warmed the chilly hillside. At these heights, white clouds stretched below us for miles toward the southwest. In the forest fringing a ridge at 10,500 feet there were laughing thrushes, gros- beaks, and rose finches. Blood pheasants clucked from the bamboo thickets a bit lower down. Along the base of steep cliffs at still lower altitudes lived serow and musk deer; and we also saw the holes of shrews and voles among the undergrowth. At one point we halted to watch a dozen brilliant Impeyan pheasants digging for tubers under the evergreen trees. Bigu Before returning to Katmandu we decided to stay a few days at Bigu. A new batch of porters led us toward the town on a much more difficult route than was necessary — -after hacking our way through the jungle for nearly a day, we reached the well-trodden road we should have taken all along. We found compensation, however, in being able to buy fresh oranges off the tree for one pice (Mc) apiece. Reaching Bigu on Thanksgiving Day, November 24th, we immediately began to explore the surrounding countryside. And here we made a real discovery — the honey guide. Although the Hima- layan honey guide — a small, dull bird related to woodpeckers — is largely un- known, its African counterpart is known to be a social parasite. Some of them eat beeswax, and at least one African species guides humans to bee trees so that the men will open the wild hives and the birds can eat a share of the wax. In about the third century A.D., a Chi- nese scholar, Chang Hua, had ascribed similar habits to the Asiatic honey guide. Now, seventeen centuries later, I was to confirm his observations as being true, also, of the Himalayan species. It came about this way. Near Bigu, the villagers told us that they had been collecting honey near the cliffs. As we approached the place by a narrow path winding down beside the cliffs, our bird boy, Sagar Rana, who had gone on ahead, ran back to us from the bee combs. "The men showed me where they have been scraping the wax off the rocks," reported Sagar, "and there was a bird upside down on a comb!" The honey guide at last, with its stomach crammed full of wax. That evening we celebrated our find with a complete Thanksgiving Day dinner of curried chicken, generously furnished us by the head man of the local village. {Continued on next page) February Page 5 Here, near the bee cliffs, there was an important change in the people. On the lower terraces, the villagers had been Nepalese-speaking Hindus. On these upper hillsides lived Tibetan-speaking Buddhists, each with his own neat little house fronted by a fluttering prayer flag. On one of the upper levels of the village was a well-constructed gompa, its central portion elaborately decorated with scenes from Buddha's life, while on either side were separate living quarters for nuns and monks. At Bigu the medical man of our party was very busy. There was no other medical aid in the town, and almost half the population crowded around the doc- tor's tent wanting to be examined and to receive medicines. Return to Katmandu The route from Bigu back to Kat- mandu led over a 10,000 foot pass. With four weeks of mountain trekking behind us, we were able to cover greater dis- tances each day. Soon we were down to an altitude of 2,700 feet and had a real bath in a warm valley stream. The next day we met Doctors West and Ward of the Hillary expedition; they and their sherpas were washing in the river when we arrived. They were away very early next morning, carrying extremely bulky packs. "Getting acclimatized," they called it. We set off in the opposite direction and soon reached the motor road, where we intercepted a truck headed for Katmandu. We were now "acclimatized," ourselves, to hard trav- eling, and as we covered the last eighteen miles of our thirty-mile trip that day, we enjoyed watching a full yellow moon rise and flood the dark hills with pale light. Altogether, we had had a wonderful experience among the Himalayan hills. Eastern Nepal Our attention now shifted to far east- ern Nepal. This is an area from which we have little data concerning birds, and from which many new records were to be expected. Our party decided, there- fore, to spend part of February and most of March in the Ham area on the Sikkim border near Darjeeling. Accordingly, six of us, along with 800 pounds of luggage, flew from Katmandu to Biratnagar, the taking-off place for our second expedi- tion, on February 12, 1961. Touring the Terai From Biratnagar, we traveled for 45 miles eastward in two buffalo carts, mak- ing about nine miles a day. We passed by cultivated fields, jolted through forests, and crossed sixteen rivers. How different from the birds of the hill country were those of the tropical terai: rails and lap- wings, bitterns, herons and egrets, terns and black-necked storks of the streams and marshes were especially conspicuous. One day we found the den of an Indian fox and watched the young ones gambol- ing and basking. At Jhapa, a town with a fairly good bazaar but a limited supply of food for sale, we camped in the court- yard of a temple where all night long devotees rang a temple bell when they came to pray. Then we turned north to the hill country and Ham. One village, Santali, interested us par- ticularly, for its people were in India be- fore Dravidian times (4,000 B.C.) and long before the Aryans came (1,500 B.C.). Part of their fare still comes from the wild, for while skirting one reedy swamp, we met three Santal boys armed with bows and arrows and aided by five hunting dogs, each with a bell on its neck. The boys had a string of birds: a hawk, crane, water hen, kingfisher and shrike that they would have for supper. Tiger! A disagreement arose that evening {Continued on next page) What Is It? These horn-shaped objects are known to have been fashioned from a variety of materials, such as silver, cloisonne, and tortoise shell. The ones in our photograph are of silver and are shown at about actual size. Here is a hint. Among the Chinese upper classes before the present regime, these objects were a minor, but effective, status symbol. What are they? . . . They're fingernail guards, worn to protect the long fingernails, sometimes several inches in length, that symbolized the freedom from manual labor enjoyed by the old Chinese leisure classes. Several fine examples of fingernail pro' tectors were photographed recently when exhibits in the hall of Chinese ethnological materials were dismantled in connection with plans now under way to reconstruct the hall completely during the coming year. Page 6 February The Cannonball Tree {Continued from page 3) .'« : *-^*^*k! Also exhibited in Hall 29, near the cannonball tree are other members of the monkeypot family. Shown here are the fruits of some of them. The name "monkeypot" refers to the form of the fruit, which comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, many with stoppered openings. key may stick his head in the opening, not be able to withdraw it and thus may be caught. Or, in another version, when a monkey clutches a handful of nuts in the interior of a monkeypot, he may not be able to withdraw his clenched hand, his greed being so great that he will not release the nuts even at the risk of being caught. At any rate, the "paradise nuts" produced by various species of Lecythis (the monkeypots) are deemed superior in flavor to Brazil nuts; but because the fruits lose their "lids" or "stoppers" while still on the tree, the seeds or "nuts" scatter over the ground and are labori- ous to gather, and hence scarce on the market. A full scale reproduction of the lower trunk of a cannonball tree may be seen in Martin A. and Carrie Ryerson Hall of Plant Life (Hall 29, second floor, east), opposite the entrance to the Hall of For- eign Woods (Hall 27). Other members of the monkeypot family may be seen in Case 860 near the south end of Hall 29. {Continued from preceding page) when I proposed camping in a forest clearing. Our cartmen strongly disa- greed— tigers might attack and kill their buffaloes ! But camp we did, despite pan- ther and tiger tracks in the sand. As the camp went up, the men scurried around to find wood and in a few minutes had assembled the impressive amount of fuel needed to keep a fire going all night. Perhaps it was just as well, for the mon- keys woke us with alarm calls at mid- night, and we heard a panther begin its deep-throated "wood sawing" calls at minute-and-a-half intervals. At that mo- ment, the walls of the tent seemed aw- fully thin! The next morning, a man from a nearby village reported that one of his goats had been killed and eaten during the night, and that the carcass of one of his pigs was hanging from a fork in a forest tree. Probably buffalo meat was too tough for the panther, which was fortunate for us ! In a few days we left our cartmen and hired porters and horses for the journey farther north. Quickly we left the plains behind and started a gentle climb. There were small streams and thick, tropical forests full of bamboo, tangled vines, and tall trees. As we approached Ham, we re- called that much of the country nearby used to be covered with pines, but not a single pine now remains. Well built homesteads, cultivated fields, and exten- sive terraces of tea bushes now are the rule here. The country is one of the most advanced in Nepal. Every mile or so one finds a village or town. A Forest Camp We continued to climb rolling hills, each one higher than the one preceding. After being entertained with tea and a radio program by the leading Brahman of one town, a guide was furnished to take us to a suitable camping place in the forest. Here we stayed eight days. The ravines were filled with clouds at times; cliffs towered overhead. To the south, the slopes were dry and grassy. On the northern slopes, however, much of the forest remained and the ground was covered with moss and ferns. Large sprays of yellow-green orchids hung from the trees above our camp and water rushed loudly below us. Small birds were plentiful, but one of the most im- portant specimens — the Myxornis, a bright green, sparrow-sized bird with a slender bill and a brush tongue — eluded us. We finally found what seemed to be a Myzornis drinking sap from a large oak tree, and bagged the specimen for fur- ther study at the Museum. The Lowlands and Home After adding many more birds to our collection — thrushes, babblers, minivets, fulvettes, sunbirds, brush robins, dippers and fork-tails from the streams, red- starts, wren babblers, flowerpeckers, and others — we descended again to the low- lands. There it felt and smelled like a hothouse in comparison with our forest camp. We stayed overnight in a tropical mango grove. A quick trip to Darjeeling by Land Rover, a beautiful view of Kinchen- junga, and we began the trip back by car. Changing eventually to a little Nep- alese train, we reached Simra, where we missed the plane and had to camp in the airdrome all night. The next morning, twenty minutes' flying time brought us home to Katmandu on March 23, 1961. Our expedition arrived just in time for me to be home to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary! {As a result of Dr. Fleming's collecting ac- tivities in the Himalayas, he has sent the Mu- seum some 382 bird and 150 mammal speci- mens, including some rarities and new records for the country.) February Page 7 This Month's Cover Story MUSEUM EDUCATION REACHES OUT TO THE BLIND ii~XT FEELS so shiny" — was the com- _L ment, as the boy's hands slipped over the surface of the calcite crystal. Quickly but thoroughly he "saw" in de- tail first the crystal and then a piece of graphite, which he described as "slip- pery." Though the descriptions were unusual, they were easily understood by six of the youngster's classmates, who, like the boy, were blind. Part of a 28-student group studying rocks and minerals in a work- shop conducted by the Raymond Foun- dation, the seven children were the first sightless students to take part in a Mu- seum workshop program. Page 8 February Joanne Evenson Staff Member, Raymond Foundation They were participating in the pro- gram with their 21 sighted classmates in the hope that they would get more from the experience while in the company of their friends. Few modifications in the usual workshop were necessary for these unusual students. The normal schedule — a color film on rocks and minerals, time spent in the "laboratory" for the testing and the identification of mineral specimens, and question sheets answered after studying the Museum's geology ex- hibits— was followed. However, the questions for the blind children had been prepared in advance in Braille by their teacher, and the minerals were es- Above photograph and cover by Division of Photography pecially chosen for their definite or un- usual texture rather than their color. Results were quickly seen. One boy, after handling a geode, described the quartz crystal-lined stone as "rough on the outside but rough and beautiful on the inside," an extremely accurate de- scription from one who could "see" only with his fingers. With their question sheets, the blind students were given styli with which they could imprint their answers in Braille on the special, heavy paper provided them. Sighted classmates helped them to find the an- swers in the exhibit cases. At the conclusion of the one-and-a- half-hour session, observers felt that the blind children had learned as much as the sighted. Among the comments made by the Braille participants was one from Robert Weiland, who was es- pecially interested in seeing the meteo- rite because "he couldn't believe that a rock could be that big." PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSBUM PRESS ■*« -* CHIC/fed' NATURAli HISTORY ^/^ MUSEUM ^ta*cA m • 4T -vv, CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News Nature Photography — This Month's Cover Winners of silver medals in the Chi- cago International Exhibition of Nature Photography, displayed last month in the Museum, represent states from the East to the West coasts, and include a resident of the Chicago area. In the "Print" category, silver medals were awarded to: John Kohout, La Grange Park, Illinois; Fred E. Unver- hau, Danbury, Connecticut; and Charles L. Norton, Topfield, Massachusetts. (Two prize-winning photographs are re- produced on this page.) In the "Slide" category, medals went to: Gertrude Russ, Glendale, California; Agnes M. Hoist, Phoenix, Arizona; and Beatrice Nature Photo Winner by Charles L. Norton Petersen, Niagara Falls, New York. The Bulletin cover, entitled "Guard- ing the Nest," is by Grant M. Haist of Rochester, New York. Children's Programs Children will have an opportunity to step back into ancient Mexico and to compare it with Mexico as it is today when the Museum's new Journey for spring begins on March 1 . "Journey to Mexico" starts at a mini- ature view of the great market in Mex- ico City in the year 1515, five years Page 2 March before the coming of Cortez. From that embarkation point the journeyer travels to such fascinating exhibits as the Temple of Quetzelcoatl, in which the feathered serpent god was wor- shipped, and on to displays showing the modern Aztec, Tarascan, and Zapotec Indians. Information sheets and ques- tionnaires are available at the Informa- tion Desk and at the North and South doors of the Museum. All children who can read and write are eligible, and the Journey will be in effect during March, April, and May. As an introduction to the new Jour- ney, and the beginning of the Muse- um's spring series of free programs for children, the color motion picture, "Jour- ney to Mexico," will be presented on March 3 at 10:00 a.m. in James Simp- son Theatre. During March and April free programs for children will be held every Saturday morning at this time. Following is the complete schedule : March 3 — Journey to Mexico {Cartoon also) March 10— The Red Balloon (.4 Parisian boy' s friendship with a red balloon) March 17 — The Magic Thread girl scout day (Movie, slide story, and stage show) Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. How OF TRUSTEES William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware rd Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer E. Leland Webber, Secretary Solomon A. Smith, Assistant Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Nature Photo Winner by John Kohout Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. March 24 — Islands of the World CUB SCOUT DAY March 31 — Our New Frontiers camp fire girl day (Movie and stage show on Alaska and Hawaii) April 7 — Congo Safari museum traveler day (Dr. Robert F. Inger of the Museum staff tells the story of his recent expedition to the Congo) April 14 — Japan Harvests the Sea (^1 Disney "People and Places" movie — cartoon also) April 21— NO PROGRAM (Easter Saturday) April 28 — A Night Out with Mr. Toad (And other films on the world of nature — cartoon also) (Continued on page 8) MARCH EXHIBITS Indians of the Overland Trail PAINTINGS OF PLAINS INDIANS BY PAUL DYCK AND The Pawnee Thunder Ceremony A MINIATURE DIORAMA " The clouds shall touch the earth And the earth shall receive power from above." PAWNEE CHANT w, hen the first sound of spring thun- der was heard by the Pawnee Indians who occupied the dry, sandy slopes of the Platte River valley before the com- ing of the white men, the sound signified that the gods were ready to turn their attention earthward and to receive once again the prayers and offerings that opened the religious ceremonial year. The voice heard in the thunder was that of the god, Paruxti, messenger of the supreme deity, Tirawa. As Paruxti passed over the land in the first spring storm, his voice awakened the earth and kindled life anew. Hearing this mes- sage, the priests assembled their sacred bundles and began a ritual of chants and sacrifices that symbolized and ensured the renewed concern of the gods for the welfare of men. It is this event that is portrayed in the Museum's featured exhibit for March — a miniature diorama, displayed in Stan- ley Field Hall, of the Pawnee thunder ceremony. Concerning it, the noted an- thropologist, Ralph Linton, has written in a Museum publication: "The thun- der ceremony was, more than any other, at the bottom of [Pawnee] ceremonial life. ... It promoted the well-being of the tribe, and was efficacious in driving back the malignant being of the south- west, the bringer of disease. It instructed the people as to their duties and privi- leges in their relationship to the deities; and finally it afforded many opportuni- ties for direct communication with the deities themselves in a number of rites of sacrifice . . ." Linton's detailed de- scription of this interesting ritual of early spring is available at the Book Shop for fifty cents. Also on exhibit during March is an ex- citing gallery of Indian portraits painted by Arizona artist Paul Dyck, delineating "Indians of the Overland Trail." These brilliant, almost lifesize paintings of plains Indians in full ceremonial dress depict representatives of the Nez Perce, Sioux, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Crow, and Shoshoni at the zenith of their tribal ex- istence. Dyck has lived among a number of Indian peoples, having received from the Sioux a particularly appropriate name meaning "Rainbow Hand." He imparts to his paintings, which he calls "a labor of love," the qualities of ac- curate observation, compassion for the American Indian, and an impressive command of historical background. In the illustrated catalogue that accom- panies the exhibit, Dyck writes of his work: "The Indian recreated in these paintings is the free man of the buckskin, porcupine quill, bow and arrow days; a primitive man but one rich in his way of life . . ." The Museum is pleased to bring this special exhibit to Chicago fol- lowing its recent successful showing in the Phoenix Art Museum. P. R. Nelson Shoshoni "Digger" Warrior: Paint- ing by Paul Dyck. In Western Idaho and Nevada, a barren country empty of large game, lived the poorer bands of the Shoshoni Indians, commonly called "Diggers" by the whites. They did not own horses, and lived in primitive houses that were mostly mere brush shelters. Their fare was rabbits, small birds, roots, nuts, seeds, and in bad years often only the desert insects. Rarely using moccasins or garments, their artistic develop- ment was limited to a few work utensils. That the "Diggers" survived on their in- hospitable land speaks well of them as a people. March Page 3 Presenting; the 117th Adult Travel Lectures March 3 through April 28, 1962 Osaka Castle. From "Fabulous Japan." Page U March March 3 — Laos, Focus of Conflict Arthur Niehojf As village development adviser in Laos for the International Cooperation Administration during 1959-61, Arthur Niehoff lived through the events that have made Laos front-page news during the past two years. An anthropologist and Asian specialist, Niehoff learned to speak both Lao and French for his as- signment and thereby came to know the Lao people well. He is unusually quali- fied to present an intimate picture of the people and their country. In his au- thentic film documentary, Niehoff has captured both the old and the new — the quiet isolated country of yesterday, almost unknown to Americans two years ago, and the rapidly changing Laos of today, focal point of the current struggle for world power. March 10 — Germany Gordon Palmquist Germany, though in the forefront of the news, is still an unfamiliar country whose problems are not well understood by many who have not been there. In an attempt to shed light on contempo- rary Germany, Gordon Palmquist pre- sents the intensely human story of its people divided between East and West. In his program he contrasts May Day scenes of soldiers and tanks in Russian controlled East Berlin with a romantic children's procession at Dinkelsbuhl, the gay life of Munich at festival time, and the rich cultural life of rebuilt West Berlin. Add to this a Rhine journey at grape harvest time and visits to the world famous Hanover Industrial Fair, the Volkswagen factory, and Mad Lud- wig's Castle — and you have a refreshing documentary. March 17 — Mormon Land High- lights Alfred M. Bailey All the magnificent features of our country's great West, which have kin- dled a desire for adventure and beauty in Americans from frontier days to the present, are dramatically presented in this outstanding film on Utah. Through the years, Alfred M. Bailey, Director of the Denver Museum of Natural History, has photographed the changing seasons of this western state, from the deep can- yons on its southern borders to the rugged mountain tops toward the north. Among the highlights of his film adven- ture are sequences devoted to Bryce and Zion National Parks, Arches National Monument, the Natural Bridges to Mex- ican Hat, and a six-day journey down the rapids of the San Juan into the Colo- rado River. March 24— The "Yankee" Sails Across Europe Captain Irving Johnson A boat that does almost everything but fly was the vehicle employed by Captain and Mrs. Irving Johnson to ex- plore a Europe unknown to most trav- elers. On this trip, the Johnsons' goal was to seek out the romantic and out- of-the-way places of Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, and Greece. The Johnsons' boat, a ketch called "Yankee," crossed oceans, negotiated tunnels, harbored on remote beaches, and folded her sails to dodge under bridges. To broaden still further the scope of their picture-taking, the John- sons carried two motor scooters on deck, which they put ashore from time to time over a specially built aluminum gang- plank. These the two sailors used for touring Europe's rolling countryside. March 31 — Tangier to Istanbul Clifford J. Kamen The Strait of Gibraltar, the Suez, and the Dardanelles are three gateways that have exerted a powerful influence on Mediterranean lands since ancient times. "Tangier to Istanbul" is a story of those three vital waterways. Whether it be the mysterious Casbah, the ancient forti- fications of Gibraltar, the blue grotto of Capri, or the famed cedars of Lebanon, Clifford Kamen has the ability to pre- sent the familiar from an unconven- tional point of view. His film is espe- cially noteworthy for its extensive pho- tographic coverage of crucial military areas where photography is generally forbidden. Concluding the program is a stop at Istanbul, the world's only city that stradles two continents, where the historic Basilica of St. Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the most massive city walls ever built in ancient times still stand. unique covered coaches, while 70-foot lions guard the entrances to its fabled temples. William Moore has made Mandalay the last stop in an enticing film trip that includes Singapore, gate- way port between East and West; Bang- kok, whose Royal Palace is familiar to lovers of "Anna and the King of Siam"; and Rangoon, home of the Reclining Buddha, the largest image of the Hon- ored One in the world. April 14- -Fabulous Japan Willis Butler Japan's phenomenal industrial recov- ery and growth following the war has created a country that blends the cul- tures of East and West. Motorbike rickshaws, 700-year-old plays, television towers and skyscrapers, exotic temples and shrines — all are intermingled to create a new milieu. Willis Butler shows in his program that as typical now of April 21 — Poland Kenneth Richter Biscopin, a reconstructed prehistoric lake village; Poznan, Poland's first capi- tal; Gdansk, the ancient Hanseatic port town; glowering Marlbork, greatest of the Teutonic castles; Krakow, beautiful, undamaged, a gem of the Renaissance; Warsaw, "the Paris of the North" — these are the places that form the back- drop for Kenneth Richter's delightful film story about the Polish people. You will meet a steel worker in the new So- viet-equipped steel complex of Nova Huta; a young woman who works among the antiquities of a museum in Krakow by day and at night joins her friends at a Jazz Club that meets in a 16th Cen- tury cellar; a University of Warsaw student of atomic science; and finally, a farm family living in the magnificent Tatra Mountains near Zakopane, who each Sunday don brightly colored peas- ant costumes to attend church in the little village of Bukovina. Marlbork Castle, seat of the Teutonic Knights. From "Poland." April 7 — The Road to Mandalay William Moore In the heart of Burma, within the shadow of Mandalay Hill, lies the mys- tic and far-off city made famous by Rudyard Kipling. Mandalay, formerly the home of Burma's last kings, today is a mecca for yellow-robed Buddhists, In- dian fakirs, beggars, and snakecharmers. Along its busy streets rumble oxcarts, rickety two-wheeled carriages, and Japan as rice paddies and temples have been in the past is the mushrooming of new industries, such as the manufacture of transistor radios, cameras, and other electronic equipment. At the same time, no film of Japan would be complete without the traditional attractions that have captured the hearts of visitors for centuries — Mt. Fuji, the world-famous gardens of Kyoto, the Kabuki Theatre, Tadaiji Temple, and the "Floating Shrine" of Itsukishima. April 28 — An Ozark Anthology Leonard Hall Possum Trot Farm in the legendary Ozarks, an area abounding in wildlife of all varieties, has afforded Leonard Hall with many opportunities to observe nature. It is on this farm that much of his "Ozark Anthology" was filmed. In this color motion picture of a pictur- esque and seldom portrayed region, Hall unfolds the story of the Ozark hills. On the soil of one of the oldest land areas on our continent live the woodland crea- tures that play leading parts in Hall's film — raccoon and opossum, chipmunk, flying squirrel, and whitetail deer. Great blue herons are shown patroling the riv- ers, while green herons stalk the spring peepers at the water's edge. And in the air the great horned owl and the osprey soar on tireless wings. There -is a human side to this story, as well, in glimpses of the mountain people who have made their homes in the deep hol- lows of the Ozarks. All programs begin at 2 :30 p.m. in James Simpson Theatre. Reserved seats will be held for Museum Members until 2:25 p.m. March Page 5 0L *.: Sea lamprey larvae shown in their burrows in mud of lake bottom (re-drawn from Applegate) . SEA LAMPREY EXHIBIT Shows Different Feeding Structures of Larvae and Adults Figure 1: Mouth of adult sea lamprey. Page 6 March Figure 2: Head of larval sea lamprey. LOREN P. WOODS Curator of Fishes Recently the Museum placed on ex- hibit in the Hall of Fishes (Hall O, ground floor, west) enlarged models of the mouth of both the larval and the adult forms of the sea lamprey. These models show the great differ- ences in feeding structures between the immature and the mature lamprey. The adults possess the horny teeth and rasp- ing tongue that enable them to cling to other fishes and suck their blood (Fig- ure 1). But the sea lamprey is a para- sitic menace to other fishes only during its relatively short adult life. For the first four to eight years (nobody knows just how many) of its existence, it is a blind and harmless larva, called an am- mocoete, which lives in a burrow in the soft mud of quiet pools and eddies, and in the main body of lakes just off the mouths of streams. These ammocoetes possess a dendritic structure (Figure 2) that acts as a filter in separating micro- scopic food organisms from the surround- ing water. Shortly after hatching, the tiny, trans- parent ammocoetes work their way up through the gravel of their nest, where they are caught in the current and car- ried downstream. As soon as the cur- rent slackens they dive for the bottom, burrowing into the soft, oozy mud that is usually found there. Here they stay, unless washed out by eroding floods that sometimes carry them along with their cover further downstream or out into the main body of the Great Lakes. At intervals the larvae come to the en- trance of their burrows and feed on the microorganisms that are especially abun- dant in the thin layers of debris lying on the lake bottom. Dr. V. C. Applegate of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has described this behavior in detail: "When ready to feed, the ammocoete squirms upward in its burrow until the oral hood is at or near the surface of the bottom. Here it may lie for long periods of time, the branchial area expanding and contracting as water is pumped in and out for respiratory and feeding pur- poses. . . . Pumping action into the oral hood is easily discernible by following bits of detritus suspended near the bot- tom as they are drawn into the hood. Microscopic organisms are drawn into the hood on the water currents. At least some of these organisms are separated out from the detritus by the sieve appara- tus and passed to the intestine for diges- tion. Periodically the detritus accumu- lated on the sieve is blown out. The larva is seen to expand its branchial re- gion, the gill openings close, and with a rapid convulsive movement of that re- gion and the head, a cloud of small par- ticles is ejected from the hood. Typical pumping is resumed at once ... At irreg- ular intervals, the ammocoetes retreat to the depths of their burrows for varying periods." Rare Lizard Reaches Museum ROBERT F. INGER Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles Several weeks ago the Division of Am- phibians and Reptiles received a highly publicized lizard from Mr. Tom Harris- son, Curator of the Sarawak Museum in Borneo. This lizard, called "Jorgen" by Mrs. Harrisson but Lanthonotus borneensis by herpetologists, is a member of a spe- cies about which we know very little. Brown without a conspicuous pattern, about thirteen inches long, short legs, small eyes, flattened head, long tail — nothing about this lizard is especially striking except to a herpetologist. Scien- tific interest attaches to Lanthonotus — the the ground in the rain forests covering Borneo? These are the simplest questions to ask about an animal, yet we had no answers. Now, however, the Harrissons have supplied at least partial answers. Our specimen was found about ten inches below the surface in soil of formerly cultivated land. The Harrissons kept the lizard alive for several months and after trying all sorts of food, induced it to eat the eggs of the green sea turtle, some- thing Lanthonotus never encounters in na- ture. "Jorgen" could swim well and &&*j&*£M earless monitor — because it is the least known member of the group of lizards from which snakes arose. If we are to understand the origin of snakes, we must first know their ancestors. The mere half dozen or so specimens that reached museums between 1878 (when Lanthonotus was first discovered) and 1961 were sent by men who ob- tained the lizards from natives and were not interested in the biology of Lantho- notus. All we knew until this year was that the animal lived in Sarawak on the northwest coast of Borneo. Did it live in water? Did it burrow in the soil? Or was it one of those many lizards that live on would stay submerged for long periods in a wash basin, though the lizard was found a hundred yards from water. Two more specimens of Lanthonotus have been caught in the last two months. It has always been this way — an animal is rare until we know where and how to look for it. As more individuals are found, it will be possible to make more observations on their behavior and to study their anatomy more thoroughly. Whether these studies will actually help us unravel the ancestry of snakes cannot be foretold. At the very least we should have a better understanding of the evo- lution of lizards. March Page 7 MUSEUM NEWS {Continued from page 2) Free Concerts George London, bass, will appear in recital at Free Concerts Foundation's April 3 (Tuesday) concert at 8:15 p.m. in the Museum's James Simpson Thea- tre. He will be accompanied by Leo Taubman, pianist, in a program that will include works by Handel, Schubert, and Moussorgsky. Also to be presented by the Founda- tion during April will be a violin recital on Wednesday the 18th by Sidney Harth, concert master of the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra. Harth will play the sonata recital he performed during his 1961 Russian concert tour. His piano accompanist will be Christiane Ver- zieux. For free tickets to both events send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Free Concerts, Chicago Natural History Mu- seum, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5, Illinois. A lecture on "What Is a Chamber Orchestra" and a concert for wind in- struments will be the March 4 and 18 (Sundays) free programs of the Chicago Chamber Orchestra Association, each to be held at 3:30 p.m. in James Simpson Theatre. Exhibition Held Over "Winter Fur 'N Feathers," the tem- porary exhibit announced in the Decem- ber Bulletin, has been so popular with the public and with school groups that it is to remain on exhibition during the spring and summer. While originally announced as a winter exhibit, and com- bined with the winter Museum Journey of the Raymond Foundation, the exhibit actually covers both summer and winter aspects of bird and mammal coats. Staff Changes Mr. James I. Good rick joined the staff on February 1 as Assistant to the Di- rector. After Army service in World War II, Mr. Goodrick spent 17 years in the field of industrial administration. His most recent affiliation has been with Wyatt & Morse, Management Con- sultants. Dr. John W. Thieret, Curator of Eco- nomic Botany, resigned on February 28 to enter the teaching profession. Dr. Thieret joined the staff of the Museum in October, 1953. Earlier that year he had accompanied the late Dr. Bror Dahl- gren on a field trip to Cuba in connec- tion with the study of palms of the genus Copernicia. In January, 1954, he be- came Curator of Economic Botany at the Museum. He conducted field trips to the Great Plains of the United States and Canada in 1958, 1959, and 1961. Dr. Thieret will be associated with the University of Southwestern Louisiana. University Cooperation Six curators from the Department of Zoology and two from the Department of Geology will present a new course en- tided "Zoogeography, Phylogeny, and Evolution" for the University of Chi- cago during the winter quarter (Janu- ary-March). The course is designed for seniors and graduate students in the University's Department of Zoology, and will introduce them to the range of re- search problems that occupy museum staff, and acquaint the students with the kinds of biological information that can be extracted from museum specimens. Curators participating in the course are : from the Department of Zoology — D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy; Henry S. Dybas, Associate Curator of Insects; Philip Hershkovitz, Research Curator of Mammals; Rob- ert F. Inger, Curator of Amphibians and Reptiles; Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology; Rupert L. Wenzel, Curator of Insects; and Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes. Also, Rainer Zangerl, Cura- tor of Fossil Reptiles, and William Turn- bull, Assistant Curator of Fossil Mam- mals, from the Department of Geology. WHAT IS IT? Objects like the one shown are often brought to the Museum by their collectors, who usually mistake them for fossils. Actually the photograph is of a concretion, a name given by geologists to the concentric structures that result in nature by the precipitation of some soluble mineral about a nucleus. Concretions occur in sedimentary rocks, commonly along bedding planes. The mineral constituents of concretions consist chiefly of the cementing material of the rocks in which they are enclosed. The most common cementing minerals are silica, calcite, and iron oxide. These are carried in solution by percolating waters from the surrounding rock and redeposited around a nucleus, which may be a mineral grain, a leaf, or a fossil. Concretions range in size from a fraction of an inch to many feet in diameter, and are remarkably diversified in form — sphe- roidal, oval, disk-shaped, or fantastically odd and irregular, the latter resulting from the fusion of two or more simple forms or by deposition around an irregular object. To the imaginative finder, these structures may very well resemble familiar animal or artistic forms. Concretions in many fascinating shapes are displayed in Hall 34 (at Soundtrek station 10) and at the east end of Hall 37, where fossil- like formations are distinguished from true fossils. Page 8 March PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 'OLUME 33 JUMBER 4 vPRIL 1962 Tibouchina granulosa: "Flower of Lent' s EE the human image with fresh in- sight through the eyes of primitive art- ists; compare the anatomy of your heart with the hearts of other mammals; dis- cover what would happen to Earth plants transported to Mars; and learn how to brew a proper cup of tea — all at Chicago Natural History Museum's once-a-year, behind-the-scenes event — Members' Night! On April 27, from 7 to 10 p.m., the entire staff of the Museum will play host to Members in the offices, labora- tories, studios, and workrooms not ordi- narily open to the public. In addition to special exhibits, lectures, and dem- onstrations, the curatorial staff will dis- cuss their research-in-progress. Following is a partial schedule of the evening's events: In the Department of Anthropology "The Human Image in Primitive Art," a new exhibit opening on May 1, will be previewed by Members in one of the world's largest permanent exhibition halls devoted to primitive art {Hall 2, first floor). Curator Phillip Lewis will lecture on the exhibit in Hall 9. On the third floor : a special exhibit of objects to be found on a Chinese scholar's desk. Also, lecture demonstrations on (1) how to look up a word in a Chinese diction- ary, and (2) tea — the varieties; how they are grown and processed; and the proper art of brewing. In the Department of Botany "The Guatemalan Highlands," illus- trated talk by Curator Louis O. Williams (Hall 9, first floor) . A new exhibit hall of economic botany, in progress (Hall 28, second floor) . On the third floor: What happens to growing plants when they are subjected to the conditions presumed to exist on Mars. And, the "next-of- kin" variation in plants. Page 2 April An invitation to Members' Night! In the Department of Geology On the third floor : Demonstration of stereoscopic X-ray techniques used in studying fossil fish from Indiana that in- habited an epicontinental sea 250 mil- lion years ago (see photograph above). Devonian fish and Eocene mammals col- lected on Museum expeditions to the Bighorn Mountains and to western Col- orado. Sectioned and polished rock specimens showing cone-in-cone struc- ture. Concretions and pseudo-meteorites — natural formations that fool the un- wary collector. On the second floor: The reinstalled Hall of Gems and Jewels (Hall 72) displays recent acquisitions and a bright, new look. In the Department of Zoology April 27, 1962 to Northern Rhodesia and Suriname (Dutch Guiana). A range of heart spec- imens comparing the human heart with those of other mammals from huge bears to tiny mice. The jewel-like colors of the insect world. On the jowth floor: Pearl- producing mollusks. Displays of furs and skins from rare and exotic animals. On the ground floor : An array of fish skeletons illustrating the framework that holds a fish together. Reptiles and amphibians with bizarre forms. On the third floor : Birds and mammals collected on recent Museum expeditions The public exhibition halls, the Book Shop, and the cafeteria open at 6, with dinner being served (at usual prices) until 8. An adjacent room will be avail- able for those who bring picnic hampers from home. Tea will be served in the third floor Library, and other refresh- ments in Stanley Field Hall. Soundtrek tours are available, and nature films will be shown throughout the evening in the second floor Meeting Room. At fre- quent intervals chartered buses will pro- vide transportation to and from State Street and Jackson Boulevard. SURINAME ZOOLOGICAL EXPEDITION Philip Hershkovitz, Research Curator, Mammals Illustrations by E. John Pfiffner, Museum Artist The Museum's collection of Suriname mam* mals and mammalian ectoparasites is now the largest and most varied in the world. (J \ V 4rUNT /* E A. /7#2S \C ^c 4° S v? \>W / x z < co < < / 1° 1 •* z h- J (ill /^ / 1 < I? < / \ r\ /v /* / \ 1 /T /-> — 1 / i / I r (£ / \ f f \ 1*° / o u z ■^X^/v/s^-SURINAME / j<£^-%_ LU \ 5 o: \ ^ N. u_ jv y ^N \ V JS BRAZIL Suriname and the author's collecting localities: (7) Paramaribo, (2) Lelydorpplan, (3) Carolinakreek, (4) Loksie Haiti, (5) La Poule, (6) Dirkshoop. Inset: Position of Suriname in the Guianan region (bars) and South America. Suriname is a little country on the northern coast of South America. It has about the same land area as Illinois, is almost entirely covered with tropical rain forest, and is exceedingly rich in bauxite. Formerly known as the colony of Dutch Guiana, Suriname is bounded on the west by British Guiana, on the east by French Guiana, and on the south by Brazil. Its people are a conglomeration of Amerindians, Africans, Asiatics, and Europeans. Nearly half its quarter mil- lion inhabitants live in the capital city, Paramaribo, and most of the others farm or raise cattle along the fertile coastal strip. This leaves all but a small fraction of land in the possession of a meager pop- ulation of primitive Indians, Bush Ne- gros, and wild animals. A naturalist can begin his studies of wild animals in the outskirts of Parama- ribo itself. Thence, good roads, navig- able rivers, and regular grasshopper plane service can speed him in a few hours to high forests, isolated savannas, and table-topped mountains in the most remote and undisturbed corners of the country. Suriname is part of a natural biolog- ical area known as the Guianan region. This is a vast wilderness territory which extends from the Orinoco River in Ven- ezuela east to the Atlantic and south to the Negro and lower Amazonas Rivers in Brazil. The mammals of British Gui- ana and some of the highlands of the in- terior of Venezuela are fairly well known. Those of the remainder of the Guianan region are hardly known. Least docu- mented are those of Suriname. Less than half the number of mammalian species presumed to occur there have actually been recorded in scientific liter- ature. Small rodents, which make up the bulk of the mammalian fauna, had been nearly entirely passed over in field col- lecting and in published records. The habits and distribution of Suriname mammals had hardly been studied and, prior to our work, only a negligible num- ber of specimens had been preserved in American institutions. Review of Suriname Mammalogy Suriname mammalogy begins in 1719, with, strange as it may seem, the post- humous publication in Holland of a book on insects by a Dutch artist and amateur naturalist, Maria Sibylla Merian. Madame Merian arrived in Suriname in 1699 to sketch and paint its beautiful butterflies and strange in- sects. By way of filling up the lower half of the last plate of her book, she drew what she described as "a kind of wood- rat which always carries her young (of which there are commonly five or six), on her back." She went on to say that "when these rats come out of their hole, either to play or seek their food, they run about with their mother, but when they are sated or sense the presence of danger, (Continued on page 7) April Page 3 Page It April TRIBUTE BEARERS OF ANCIENT MEXICO: "For weeks the people of Tepoztlan heve been preparing tribute for the Aztec conquerors .... The carriers are loaded and start on the march to the capital." MEXICO: LIFE IN A MEXICAN TOWN Chapter highlights from the new Raymond Foundation publication for children written by Edith Fleming and illustrated by Marion Pahl A different chapter will be presented each week to children attending the Saturday morning programs at the Museum this spring JOURNEY TO MEXICO, the spring journey for children, also follows the Mexican theme THE FAMILY FARM: "Last January Papa . . . started to clear a new field. First he cut down the trees. Then with a machete he cut down the bushes and shrubs. All the work has to be done by hand, chopping away at the soil with a hoe." MARKET DA Y: ". . . Noise and bargaining and laughter and strange delicious smells." April Page 5 THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO: "When Cortez and his conquistadores reached Tenochtitlan, the capital, Montezuma received them kindly. . ." SCHOOL DAYS: "Mast of the children in the town start school, but many drop out each year until by sixth grade there are few left. Maria, Pablo's older sister, was very sad when she had to stop school and stay at home. She cried a great deal. But Pablo couldn't understand." A MEXICAN BOY: "Pablo's home, like his neighbor's, is made of sun-dried bricks and roofed with tile. The door of the one-room house opens into a walled yard where there is a row of cans filled with bright flowers." THE FIESTA: "The dancers from Jalatlaco have made a vow to dance at the fiesta this year. Their leaders carry statues of the santo and bright-colored banners with the name of their club .... They look very fine, both the men and women, with their plumed headdresses and their pink and red costumes embroidered with beads. A procession winds down the street: women with baskets of flowers and incense, men with great candles to be burned in the church, musicians with flutes, and a drummer to bring up the rear. 'The firecracker tower is coming, ' shouts Pablo . . . ." CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News This Month's Cover The Lenten season comes to Brazil in fall. Through much of the country the heavy rainy season is past and many trees and shrubs begin to come into flower. The subject of our cover, 77- bouchina granulosa, is one of the most colorful of trees and is to be found, often abundantly, from Para and Baia in the northeast of Brazil down through the coastal ranges and hills to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo and westward to Bolivia. There are many fancy Tibouchinas in Brazil. If they come into bloom during the Lenten season the common names quaresma, flor de quaresma, or quaresmeira are often used for them. These names may be translated as Lent, flower of Lent, or tree of Lent. It is common practice in Latin America to name a showy or at- tractive plant for a religious holiday dur- ing which it is usually in bloom. The Tibouchina shown on the cover is a model constructed of hand-blown glass, wax, and a variety of plastics. It is one of the Stanley Field Collection of Plant Models displayed in Hall 29. The photograph is by the Museum's Division of Photography. April Concert Free Concerts Foundation brings George London, baritone, to the stage of the James Simpson Theatre on Tues- day, April 3, at 8:15 p.m., in a recital of works by Handel, Schubert, Brahms, and Moussorgsky. Sidney Harth, violinist and concert- master of the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra, will lie the soloist at the Foun- dation's free concert on Wednesday, April 18. Harth will perform the so- nata recital he played during his 1961 concert tour of the Soviet Union. Free tickets for both concerts may be obtained by sending a stamped, self- addressed envelope to: Free Concerts, Chicago Natural History Museum, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive. Staff Lecture Dr. Robert F. Inger, Curator of Am- phibians and Reptiles, recently pre- sented two lectures to the Department of Biology at San Diego State College, California. During his study trip to the Coast, Dr. Inger also conducted a biol- ogy seminar at the University of South- ern California, and lectured at the Uni- versitv of Southern California. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware J. Howard Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer E. Leland Webber, Secretary Solomon A. Smith, Assistant Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. APRIL'S FEATURED EXHIBIT What birds inhabit the Chi- cago region, and how may they be attracted to the garden? These are questions answered by the Museum's featured exhibit for April entitled, "Resident Birds of Chicago." The exhibit dis- plays mounted specimens of typ- ical birds of this area, and ex- plains what plants may be grown to provide birds with food, nest- ing sites, and protection; what water receptacles, feeders, and foods are most satisfactory for local birds; and how feeding sta- tions may be protected from bird enemies. The exhibit is located at the entrance to Hall 21 near the south end of Stanley Field Hall. Page 6 April SURINAME EXPEDITION- {Continued from page 3) they return to their mother's back and twist theintails around that of the parent who runs with them into their hole again." In spite of the fanciful descrip- tion of the tails of the young, and other inaccuracies, Merian's little animals can be positively identified with the mouse opossum bearing the scientific name Marmosa murina Linnaeus. The next original contributions to Su- riname mammalogy were published in 1734, also in Holland. They appear in the first two of four lavish folio-sized volumes, called the Most Complete The- saurus, or Treasury, of Natural History. The author, Albert Seba, was a wealthy Dutch naturalist and his collection of plants and animals was then the finest of its kind. Most of the species shown in the Thesaurus had not been previously described or figured. Its armadillos re- minded people of the armored beasts of mythology. The marsupials with their pouches for carrying young had never been imagined before. The huge bats were at once associated with legendary ghosts who sucked the blood of sleeping persons. The sloths and anteaters with their long fore-limbs armed with hook- like claws baffled all European savants of the time. Some depicted sloths in the impossible posture of standing on all fours, and others, like Seba, exhib- ited the animals in erect man-like poses. Seba, like his contemporaries, gave only the vaguest indications of the places of origin of the animals mentioned in his Thesaurus. He did state, however, that most of the specimens were col- lected through his personal contacts in the Dutch colonies. With but one ex- ception, all tropical American mammals described by Seba could and probably did originate in coastal Suriname. The great value of the Thesaurus was apparent to Linnaeus. In the tenth edi- tion of his Systema Naturae, published in 1758, the great systematist gave the first valid scientific names to 13 of the species of Suriname mammals described by Seba. This is extraordinary in view of the fact that the sum total of South American mammals known to Linnaeus was only 40. Today nearly 600 species Suriname mammalogy began in 7779 with this picture of a mother mouse opossum with young on her back, their taiis unreaiisticalty lengthened and entwined around hers. The upper half of the plate sliows the life history of the praying mantis. Adapted from insects of suriname by Maria Sybilla Merian. are recognized. The Linnaean diag- nosis and technical name for the com- mon opossum of North and South Amer- ica, Didelphis marsupialis, is based on Seba's account of the Suriname form. The other Suriname mammals of the Thesaurus which received technical names from Linnaeus and other system- atists include the woolly opossum, the four-eyed opossum, the short-tailed opos- sum, Merian's opossum, the two-toed and three-toed sloths, the silky anteater, the cabassu armadillo, the squirrel mon- key, the kinkajou, the remarkable fishing bat, Noctilio leporinus, the largest New World bat, Vampyrum spectrum, and the commonest tropical American bat, Ca- rollia perspicillata. For well over two cen- turies Seba's Thesaurus remained the source for the description of the greatest number of Suriname mammals based on actual specimens. Expedition Objectives The principal objectives of the Chi- cago Natural History Museum's expedi- tion included the collection of as com- plete a representation as possible of the mammals of Suriname, particularly the rodents, primates, and the Linnaean species based on Seba and Merian. Field studies were to be made of the distribu- tion and the relationship of the animals to their environment, especially in culti- vated areas. Special attention was to {Continued on next page) April Page 7 {Continued from previous page) be given to the preservation of the ex- ternal parasites of mammals. An earlier Museum expedition to Suriname, con- ducted by Harry A. Beatty (see Bulletin for December, 1961), had already made a good start toward these objectives, although its efforts were mostly devoted to collecting birds. With the completion of the present field work, all missions were accomplished. Now, the Museum's collection of Suriname mammals and mammalian ectoparasites is the largest and most varied in the world and the only one of its kind in the western hemi- sphere. Field Work Begins at Carolinakreek The expedition consisted of myself, Dr. Jack Fooden, a post-doctoral student in primatology, and one or two native assistants employed as needed. Dr. Fooden and I arrived in Suriname on November 15, 1961. Field work was in- itiated in Carolinakreek about 32 miles south of Paramaribo on the 22nd of November. The dry season had already ended and the rainy season was gather- ing force. The wild mammal popula- tion at this time was extremely low. The previous dry season had been un- usually long and rigorous and few mam- mals survived it. Poor collecting here was aggravated by the great number of Sunday and holiday hunters who drove in from Paramaribo with their retinues and dog packs. I lost little time in finding a more secluded camp site, and on the fifth of December the expedition was installed at Loksie Hatti on the left bank of the Saramacca River high up in Bush Negro country. Bush Negroes are descendants of slaves who escaped into the forest nearly three centuries ago. Today, these proud and independent people conserve much of the way of life of their West African ancestors. They live in palm-thatched huts in small clearings along the banks of the river. They cultivate corn, plan- tain, cassava, and other tubers, raise some chickens, hunt and fish. Most of the men are skillful wood carvers and decorators and their most artistic work is done to curry the favor of their be- trothed or to hold the affection of their wives. The Negroes can eschew the de- generating comforts and nerve-wracking April Page 8 inventions of European civilization, but they cannot resist the status symbols of outboard motors for their dugout canoes, battery powered radios, cardboard suit- cases for their meager personal effects, and even umbrellas. All these they can and do acquire from the proceeds of log- ging, rubber hunting, and other exploi- tations of the forest. Bush Negroes speak a language of their own called talkee-talkee. It is a mix- ture of Dutch, French, English, Portu- guese, and West African. A young Bush Negro, Edwin Dafit, whom I employed in the Saramacca, had no difficulty in communicating with me although nei- ther he nor I understood more than a few words of each other's language. Ed- win was neat, intelligent, could read and write talkee talkee, had a fine sense of hu- mor, and was a good worker. Collecting in the Saramacca Theoretically, every species of Suri- name mammals could be found at one time or another in the Saramacca region within a half day's walking or paddling distance of my camp. A few species, par- ticularly marmosets and monkeys, might be encountered daily. Some mammals would appear only during certain fruit- ing seasons. The vast majority of species, however, are never seen, at least during the day. They may be trapped or hunted at night in some seasons and might just as well be forgotten at other times of the year. Many species live in places which the best of collectors might overlook, and the rising river had made it difficult or inexpedient to search for mammals with pronounced aquatic proclivities. Cultivated and fallow fields bordering on the forest create exceptions to the or- dinary relationship between the animal and its habitat. The fields are magnets for many kinds of small herbivores, par- ticularly rodents and, naturally, the train of carnivores which preys upon them. Because the fields are relatively secure as habitats, and provide an abundance of food, they sustain abnor- mally large numbers of individuals. Intensive trapping and hunting for small mammals in climax forest on the camp side of the river was hardly re- warding. In spite of all efforts and every guile, I got no Merian's opossum and no specimens of a common water rat from this forest. In contrast, traps set in a cassava field upstream on the other side of the river yielded Merian's opossum, water rats, and other kinds of small mammals which were not taken in their natural forest habitat. Mammals of the Coastal Region After a month at Loksie Hatti, the number of different species being added to the collection had fallen to a point where it was no longer feasible to con- tinue operations there. The next few weeks, from mid-January to early Feb- ruary, were spent in the intensively cultivated coastal region. Three stations were worked successively. The first was in Lelydorpplan, an agricultural colony about 15 miles south of Paramaribo; the second at La Poule, a government ex- perimental farm specializing in citrus fruits about 21 miles west of Paramaribo; and the last was at Dirkshoop, a cit- rus farm five miles farther west. The most abundant native mammals here were squirrel monkeys, sloths, common opossums, Merian's opossums, raccoons, spiny rats, cotton rats, the common bat, Carollia, and the nectar-eating bat, Glossophaga. The same species were present but rare at Loksie Hatti. A progressive increase in the number of rats, bats, and small opossums was noted with the advancing rainy season. Col- lecting now called for more ingenuity and foresight than ever to prevent the common species from monopolizing the traps. By mid-February, it was time to com- plete our preparations for the return trip to Chicago. In the final days re- maining to us, some collecting was done in and about Paramaribo in collabora- tion with Dr. Van Dosburg Jr., Chief Zoologist of the Suriname Ministry of Agriculture. The cost of the expedition was de- frayed by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Much of the suc- cess of the expedition was due to Dr. D. C. Geijskes, Director of the Suriname Museum in Paramaribo, who provided many facilities and assisted in other ways in expediting our work and travels. Studies of the collection in the Museum's laboratories have already been initiated, and the results will be published in scientific journals. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS CHICAGO NATURAL/ HISTORY MUSEUM VOLUME 33 NUMBER 5 MAY 1962 Page 2 May RIGHT: SHAMAN'S MASK. 19th Century. Tlingit Indians, Alaska LEFT: RELIQUART FIGURE Early 20th Century. Bakota Tribe, Gabon Republic, Africa #HE PRESENTATION OF in Primitive Art" as May signals the open- new Hall of Primitive galleries of its kind in "The Human Image the featured exhibit for ing of the Museum's Art, one of the largest the world. The exhibit brings to culmination more than two years of work. From the fifty to one hundred thousand specimens of primitive art in the Museum's archaeological and ethnological collections, more than 200 objects have been selected for display in the new exhibit. These have been drawn largely from primitive societies of Africa and the Oceanic areas of Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and Malaysia; and also in- clude art works from American Indian societies of North and South America. The subject of the exhibit — the human image itself — is the most universal in the art of any people and is especially preva- lent in primitive art. Visitors to the Hall will see man — and some of his gods — portrayed in a mul- tiplicity of ways: in calm and supernal beauty, as ferocious and cruel, or as satirical and funny. The first art was probably not painting or sculpture at all, but the posing, gesturing, and danc- ing of the living person. Thus many of the images of man pre- sented in the Museum's new ex- hibition picture him in elaborate dress, ready to take part in the important social, ceremonial, and religious occasions of his life. Such moments were caught and fixed by the tribal artists in sculp- ture, painting, or in the ornamen- tation of utensils and weapons. Photographs by John Bayalis and Homer Holdren BELOW: DAXCE MASK Early 20th Century. Bafut Tribe, Cameroons, Africa LEFT: PORT10.X OF CHIEFS STAFF Early 20th Century. Ovimbundu Tribe, Algeria, Africa THE HUMAN IMAGE in Primitive Art By Phillip H. Lewis Curator, Primitive Art RIGHT: DETAIL OF HEADDRESS FIGURE Early 20th Century. Ibibio Tribe, Nigeria, Africa ABOVE: BEGGING FIGURE Early 20th Century. Baluba Tribe, Congo area, Africa Other pieces in the exhibit are memorial statues of de- ceased relatives, sometimes shown in funeral attitudes, sometimes in poses symbolic of ferocity in war or virility in procreation. These figures evoke powerful images of real persons attempting to establish immediate and per- sonal relations with the supernatural forces and beings that governed their lives. Deities are depicted either directly or through the por- trayal of human beings costumed as gods. Thus, although the art objects have been removed from their religious and social contexts, the new exhibit presents a fragmentary view of a hundred religions, as well as a gallery of the myriad art styles of the primitive world. The new Hall of Primitive Art is located on the main floor of the Museum adjacent to Stanley Field Hall. It encloses 9,000 square feet of exhibition area. An earlier exhibit, "Primitive Man Looks at Civilization" (see Bulletin for July, 1961) opened last July in the new Hall and, together with the present exhibit, will remain on display for an in- definite period. May Page 3 120 124 AUSTIN L. RAND CHIEF CURATOR ZOOLOGY A ZOOLOGICAL EXPEDITION TO THE PHILIPPINES 120 124 For twelve years, the study of Philip- pine birds has been one of the con- tinuing projects of the Museum. This work has been made possible by coop- eration between the Museum and Dr. D. S. Rabor of Silliman University, Ne- gros, P. I., who has interests similar to ours. Dr. Rabor heads the science de- partment of his university. Each vaca- tion period, he takes a group of his stu- dents on a field trip to a different part of the archipelago, where they study and collect natural history material, and es- pecially birds. This field work we aid with some travel funds and some collect- ing material. In return, many of the specimens collected come to the Chicago Natural History Museum, where our large collections provide a basis for com- pare k May parative and critical studies. While Rabor's studies are mostly done in the field, he has spent parts of two years in Chicago, working in the Mu- seum. While my work has been mostly done in the Museum, I have spent a few months in the field with Rabor. As long range projects, Rabor is writing an up- to-date handbook of Philippine birds, while I have a check-list of Philippine birds in manuscript. Each year, there is a quantity of new data to add to both. It seems timely to pause and review what we have accomplished. The most obvious is the spendid collection of birds we have built up at the Museum. The main islands — Luzon, Mindanao, Sa- mar and Negros — are well represented, and from the first two we have collec- tions from different parts of the isles showing that each may be as different as are different islands. We also have important collections from Bohol, Pala- wan, Calamianes and Cebu, and through earlier exchanges with the old Philippine Bureau of Science we have some speci- mens from many other scattered islands. But the possession of specimens is only the beginning. They are the raw mate- rial from which one reads new knowl- edge, the reference material needed to document old knowledge and to re-in- terpret it in the light of subsequent dis- coveries. Though the major reports are still in manuscript, we have published preliminary studies on some of our find- ings. These include some twenty papers totaling over 300 pages. Most outstanding are the novelties discovered. We have described two new bird species. One is a small, greenish babbling thrush of the trees, the other a brown babbling thrush of the forest floor. We have described nearly two dozen new subspecies, some of them, like the little red-headed owl of Negros, so different from their nearest relatives that perhaps they, too, should be considered species. Not as exciting, perhaps, but even more intriguing are the half dozen cases where we have discovered that what has been considered one variable species really represents two quite different ones. For example, a large brown fruit pigeon is widespread, with a different subspe- cies on each major island. But we found that both the endemic Mindanao form and the form thought to be restricted to adjacent Basilan actually occur together on the former island and behave there as two species, which we now consider them to be. The Basilan bird, in the isolation of its original island home, has evolved into a species that was able to recolonize Mindanao, despite the occu- pation of the island by the Basilan's closest relative. A special case of this "circular over- lap" is shown by certain little green leaf warblers. One type "A" lives on Negros and other southern and central islands; another type "B," which looks to be a subspecies, is found only on Luzon; a third type "C" lives on Negros, and would be considered a third subspecies if it did not overlap the range of "A." As subspecies cannot live together, "A" and "C" must be considered species. The status of the perplexing "B" is solved by linking it arbitrarily with "A," with the mental reservation that here we have a case where two species have evolved without the connecting link between them having yet been lost. A large green parrot has provided a case of what we call a checkerboard pat- tern of variation. The birds of adjacent islands are sufficiently different in size and color to be recognized as subspecies if it were not that the same characters are repeated in more distant populations. For example, the Palawan and Min- danao populations, or the Talaut and Siquijor, are quite similar, but they are separated by large areas inhabited by different populations. The taxonomic treatment of this type of variation by us- ing subspecies names for each population, based solely on geography, is unsatisfac- tory, so we lump them together but point out that a checkerboard type of varia- tion exists. For such studies, large series of specimens are obviously essential. We have recorded birds new to the Philippines, as well as new range exten- sions within the Philippines. For in- stance, thirteen species have been added to those known from Siquijor, 25 species to Bohol, and nineteen to Samar. These are the three islands for which we have published complete lists, as well as dis- cussions of their zoogeography and ecol- ogy. There is hardly a page in the older books on Philippine birds which does not need revision on the basis of our studies. The past geological history of the Phil- ippines has had its effect on bird distri- bution, and for the study of this zooge- ography knowledge of the precise ranges of the birds is important. For instance, the main islands of Luzon, the eastern islands of Samar and Leyte, and Minda- nao, have similar birds and are grouped together as the "eastern province" of the Philippines. One unexplained range was that of the little crow that was re- corded from Samar and Mindanao but not found on Luzon, despite the great amount of collecting that has been done there. There seemed to be nothing in zoogeography to explain this. Then Rabor collected two specimens on north- ern Luzon, showing that the bird does occur there (incidentally, it was a new subspecies), though it is very rare. This recalled that it was also rare in Minda- nao, though common on Samar. One suspects here that ecological rather than geological factors are the important ones in determining its occurrence as well as its abundance. In an attempt to sort out the ecologi- cal from the zoogeographical effects on distribution, we examined the small is- land of Siquijor, which is about fifteen miles out in the Sulu Sea from Negros. A comparison of the two islands is as follows: Negros, area 12,699 square kilometers. . . 183 breeding birds Siquijor, area 235 square kilometers 83 breeding birds This illustrates that the smaller an is- land, the smaller the avifauna. We have discussed this and other small island ef- fects under such headings as "distance from other islands," "size of island," "first arrivals excluding other colonists," "occurrence of two species in a genus," "small island species" (some Philippine species, like the big white nutmeg pigeon, live only on small islands — why, we do not know), "change of habitat on small islands," and "patterns of varia- tion" (for example, birds on small is- lands tend to have longer bills). Another interesting and puzzling point about Siquijor is that certain migrants from Asia are much more common as winter visitors on this little island than they are on other nearby larger islands. What all these factors mean is still im- perfectly known, but at least we are find- ing out some of the facts of distribution and occurrence which will repay more study, and island distribution and speci- ation can nowhere be better studied than in the Philippines, where there are more than 7,000 islands displaying a remark- able range in size. Taxonomy and distribution, the kinds of birds there are and where they live, are the mainstay, the "bread and butter" work, of a museum ornithologist. But many other points emerge in the course of studies, either from looking at speci- mens or from field reports. In one shipment to the Museum, a bulbul's nest had withered brown leaves in its lining, leaves that forcefully re- minded me of the snake-skin used in a Madagascar bulbul's nest. This sparked a review of the use of shed snake-skins in birds' nests, with the conclusion that the important question is not why some birds use shed snake-skins, which are very suit- able material, but the more general one of why some species of birds use nest ma- terials which are characteristic and dif- ferent from those of other related species. A dried tongue attached to a specimen of flowerpecker provided material for re- viewing the relationships of the flower- pecker family. The tongue was brush- tipped and quite unlike that of any other flowerpecker, but very similar to that of certain honeyeaters. Supported with certain other data, including the nest structure, it appears that flowerpeckers {Continued on page 7) May Page 5 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News K. Roy Sharat K. Roy (1898-1962) Dr. Sharat Kumar Roy. Chief Cura- tor of the Department of Geology, whose death occurred on April 17th. was a dis- tinguished scientist of outstanding abil- ity and achievement. Dr. Roy was born in India in 1898, and attended the University of Cal- cutta and the Uni- versity of London. He came to the United States in 1920 and graduated from the University of Illinois in 1922. He received the degrees of Master of Science in 1924 from the University of Illinois and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Chicago in 1941. He began his professional career in the Department of Geology of the New York State Museum in Albany, and joined the staff of Chicago Xatural His- tory Museum in 1925 as an Assistant Curator in the Department of Geology. He has served continuously with the Mu- seum since that time, becoming Chief Curator of his department in 1947. Dr. Roy served in the British-Indian Army during World War I. In World War II he received a commission as Captain in the United States Army Air Forces and was discharged with the rank of Major in July, 1946. In addition to many collecting trips in various parts of the United States, Dr. Roy was a member of the Second Rawson-MacMillan Subarctic Expedi- tion of Field Museum in 1927-28; and he collected ores, lithological specimens and Paleozoic fossils in Newfoundland the following year. In 1945, on leave from the United States Army, he col- lected Permian fossils in mines in eastern India and in the Salt Range of northern India. From 1953 to 1961 Dr. Roy conducted six field trips to Central America to study the volcanos of that region. In Page 6 May 1957-58 he spent one year in Europe and India under a National Science Foundation grant, engaged in research and consultation on stony meteorites, concentrating on those containing rounded bodies called chondrules. He has published more than 30 scien- tific papers in the fields of invertebrate paleontology, meteoritics and volcanol- ogy, and was a Fellow of the Royal Geo- graphical Society as well as a member of numerous professional societies. In recognition of his exploratory geo- logical work in the Arctic, the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, in 1944. honored him by designating one of the mountain peaks on Baffin Island as "Mount Sharat." With Dr. Roy's death the Museum staff has lost a colleague of unassuming and gentle temperament. He will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Tutankhamun Treasures Coming to Museum An exhibit of treasures from the tomb of King Tutankhamun will be presented at Chicago Natural History Museum from June 15 through July 15 under joint sponsorship of the Museum and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. The pieces assembled for this exhibit are touring major American museums to arouse interest in the international effort to save a number of ancient Nu- bian monuments from being inundated by the waters of the Nile on completion of the Aswan Dam. Usually on display in the Cairo Museum, the King Tut treasures have never before been per- mitted to leave Egypt. Tutankhamun was King of Egypt about 1350 B.C. His tomb, with its incredible treasures, was discovered by- Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter in November of 1 922. The opening of the inner burial chamber of the Pharaoh in the following February stirred the in- terest of the entire world, both because of the intrinsic value of the tomb con- Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1S93 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9-UO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware J. Howard Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Boird Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany * Sharat K. Roy, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations * deceased Members are requested to inform the Museun promptly of changes of address. tents and because they had been pre- served, through more than thirty cen- turies, in all their pristine beauty. From the more than 2,000 exquisite objects found in the tomb, the 31 pieces selected for the traveling exhibit are of particular interest because of their close association with the mummified body of the boy-king. Among them are his favorite hunting dagger and sheath of embossed gold, found in the mummy wrappings; a richly decorated minia- ture coffin of gold, inlaid with carnelian and lapis lazuli — one of four that held the ruler's internal organs; the cere- monial crook and flail, fashioned of gold and blue glass, which were the symbols of his power: jewelry taken from the body; the young king's walking stick, embellished with a portrait figure in solid gold; and many vases, chests, and Figure of young King Tutankhamun in solid gold embellishes a gold walking stick found in the tomb — one of 34 treasures from tomb that will be on display June 15 through July 15. statuettes of deities that would have sig- nificance in the Pharaoh's life beyond the grave. Also on display will be several objects from the tomb of Sheshonq I (the Bibli- cal Shishak) ; several pieces from the permanent Egyptian collections of the Oriental Institute and Chicago Natural History Museum; and a stone statue from the Egyptian Old Kingdom (about 2,500 B.C.) which was a gift from the United Arab Republic to President and Mrs. Kennedy at the opening of the exhibit in Washington, D.C This statue forms a part of the traveling exhibit at Mrs. Kennedy's request. The exhibit of Tutankhamun treas- ures was organized by the American Association of Museums with the coop- eration of the Ministry of Culture of the United Arab Republic and the Cairo Museum. It is being circulated in this country under auspices of the Traveling Exhibition Service of the Smithsonian Institution. Children's Art Exhibit An exhibit of 50 paintings and draw- ings by young artists of the Junior School of the Art Institute will be displayed in Stanley Field Hall from May 5 through June 3 (see cover). As part of their regular course of instruction, students in the Junior School visit the Museum reg- ularly to study plant, animal, and geo- logical structures; forms of primitive art and design; and the art techniques of ancient or remote civilizations. The colorful and imaginative works selected for the show, entitled "A Child's World of Nature," were inspired by exhibits at the Museum. Later in the year, the exhibit of children's art will be circu- lated to other cities under auspices of the Traveling Exhibition Service of the Smithsonian Institution. Science Fair Science projects designed by students of the Chicago area will be exhibited in Stanley Field Hall from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, in the 12th Annual Chicago Area Science Fair. The young scientists who will explain their displays and demonstrations are stu- dents from the sixth grade through the final year of high school. They rep- resent public, private, and parochial schools (as well as a number of youth organizations) located within a 35-mile radius of Chicago. The science exhibits will relate to living things (including man), geology, astronomy, matter, and energy. Awards will be presented at the end of the day on the basis of the student's knowledge of his project and on the attractiveness and originality of his exhibit. The fair is sponsored by the Chicago Area Teachers Science As- sociation. Staff Lecture The Northwestern University Geology Club heard Bertram G. Woodland, Asso- ciate Curator of Petrology, speak re- cently on "Methods and Results of the Analysis of Small Scale Structures in Metamorphic Rocks." Free Concert The Chicago Chamber Orchestra completes its concert season in the Mu- seum this year with its performance on Sunday, May 13, at 3:30 p.m. in the James Simpson Theatre. The con- ductor will be Dr. Dieter Kober. Re- cently the Chicago Chamber Orchestra was featured in a half-hour program on CBS television entitled "Music for a City." Longer Museum Hours Beginning May 1 the Museum will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHILIPPINES EXPEDITION {Continued from page 5) are probably more closely related to honeyeaters than has been thought. A young female hornbill from Minda- nao had the head partly black, like the adult female, and partly rufous like the adult male. Examination of the skin showed that the bird was in moult, the rufous feathers being replaced by black ones. In birds generally, when the sexes are different, it is the female that both young resemble, but here we had an ex- ample of a species in which both young resemble the male. This phenomenon is not unknown, but it occurs rarely, and in widely separated families. When Dr. Rabor and I were traveling on Siquijor Island, we discovered that the ruddy kingfisher, which lives in the forest, feeds to a considerable extent on snails. The bird opens the shell to get the meat by pounding the snail on a rock, a habit which is shared by no other kingfisher, so far as we know, and by very few other birds. Also from our Philippine field work, and more especially that of Rabor, it seemed to us that the domestic fowl of the villages and the jungle fowl of the forest, though belonging to the same spe- cies, each lived on the same islands with very little hybridization. Apparently they are kept separate by their respec- tive habitat differences. Here we seem to have an example of an unusual state of affairs for birds: two subspecies living in the same area, but in different habitats. {Continued on next page) Page 7 May {Continued from page 7) Deforestation and other attendant changes have caused the extinction of island birds, as is especially well known for the West Indies and the Hawaiian Islands. No such cases were known from the Philippines. But after extensive field work on the island of Cebu, from which most of the forest has gone since Magel- lan landed there early in the 16th Cen- tury, Dr. Rabor decided in 1959 that all but one of the ten endemic Cebu forest birds had disappeared with the forest. Among the birds not seen since 1906 was the golden washed hanging lorikeet. However, we have since found that it existed up until 1930, for about then a considerable number were brought alive to Europe and the United States as cage birds. This was brought to our attention by Mr. Karl Plath, formerly of Brook- field Zoo, who, reading Rabor's account, brought to us an example of one of these 1930 birds which he had had alive for a time. The destruction of forests, especially in the lowlands, lends urgency to some collecting, notably on Panay and the Romblon-Tablas group. The Sulus, with such striking endemics, are unfor- tunately so filled with unrest as to make work there impractical, and the same is true for parts of Palawan and southeast- ern Mindanao. But there are still parts of Palawan that would be worth while. The new species discovered in recent years from Luzon, Negros, and Minda- nao, some from areas "well collected," may serve as a guide to indicate that al- most any upland forest in the Philippines may yield more new forms or range ex- tensions. And the abundance of small islands in the Archipelago makes an eco- logical study of island effects an inviting prospect. The above will give some idea of the progress that Dr. Rabor and I have made in the study of Philippine birds, the use we have made of the collections, the in- formation we have read from skins and observations, and made available to the scientific world. The work is continu- ing, but is never done. In planning for the future, we must keep in mind that our space, material, money, and also time (for our years are numbered) are limited; and that I have interests in other parts of the world, too ! Page 8 May B^ Oe.\ocyraV\ /\ %*\t ^^M , s'j7 ■ It ,^^^teu~^-_ An invitation N June 15, history will turn back more than 3,000 years for an intimate look into the life of Egypt's most publi- cized boy king when the exhibit of treasures from the tomb of King Tut- ankhamun opens at Chicago Natural History Museum. Members of the Museum and the Ori- ental Institute of the University of Chi- cago— joint sponsors of the exhibit — have received invitations to a Members' preview on Thursday evening, June 14. A special attraction of the preview will be a lecture in James Simpson The- atre on "Tutankhamun and his Treas- ures" by Dr. Ahmed Fakhry, Professor of History of Ancient Egypt and the East at the University of Cairo. Dr. Fakhry will also lecture at the Museum on the same subject on Friday, June 1 5, at 7 :00 p.m. and on Sunday, June 1 7, at 3:00 p.m. The carpenters, electricians, and paint- ers will soon complete their work on Hall 9, which has been completely re- modeled for the Tutankhamun Treasures exhibit under plans drawn up by Phillip H. Lewis, Curator of Primitive Art, and James Shouba, Superintendent of Main- tenance. Four huge lighting panels, sus- pended from the ceiling, will illuminate the exhibit and emphasize the exquisite craftsmanship and delicate artistic style of the jewel-like objects. An example is the young king's favorite hunting dag- ger, of gold, on which an incised group- Page 2 June ing of wild animals attacking each other forms an interlacing pattern. Also of interest to art lovers will be the solid gold figurine of King Tutankhamun on the head of his walking stick, and the minia- ture mummy case, inscribed with hiero- glyphics and richly decorated with semi- precious stones. Most of the 34 objects on display are made of gold, decorated with inlaid lapis lazuli, carnelian. and colored glass. Two vases, a painted chest, and the lid of a canopic jar — beautifully carved in the form of the king's head — are of alabaster. Several objects — amulets, rings, cere- monial necklaces, and the dagger — were actually found on the king's mummy. A flail and a crook, of gold and blue glass, symbolize the Pharaoh's power as shepherd of his people and overseer of their efforts. The crook can be found today as the staff of Christian bishops while the flail survives as the ceremonial fly-whisk of African chiefs. Augmenting the exhibit will be sev- eral pieces from the permanent Egyptian collections of the Oriental Institute and Chicago Natural History Museum. Large photographs of the Nubian monuments and temples on the banks of the Nile will serve as a background for the tomb treasures. Probably the most dramatic are those showing the great rock-cut temple at Abu Simbel with its colossal statues of Rameses II and his queen, Nefertari (mother-in-law of King Tutankhamun). The purpose of the ex- hibit is to arouse support for the salvage program, sponsored by UNESCO, to save these ancient monuments from be- ing destroyed by the waters of the Nile after scheduled completion of the Aswan Dam in the late 1960's. Although general admission to the Tutankhamun Treasures will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children, Members of the Oriental Institute and Chicago Natural History Museum will be admitted free. Beginning June 15, the Museum will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, closing at 6 p.m. on the other days of the week. THE MYSTERY of the TOLTEC HEAD! DONALD COLLIER Curator, South American Archaeology and Ethnology Museum discoveries are associated in the public mind with expeditions to far places. Although expedition finds are most newsworthy, equally interest- ing discoveries are frequently made in the course of study of the Museum's re- search collections. An intriguing example of such a dis- covery occurred recently in the Depart- ment of Anthropology. In connection with the rearrangement of the research collection on Mexican archaeology, we undertook the sorting and classification of several thousand human figurines of terra cotta from the Valley of Mexico. These came from several cultures and date from 1000 B.C. to a.d. 1500. Aside from their aesthetic interest and their value for yielding cultural information, these figurines serve as "index fossils" in dating the various archaeological periods in central Mexico. At the end of the classifying job, I was examining the remaining miscellaneous lot of unclassified figurine fragments when I noticed the hollow head of a man that struck me as familiar. After examining it I decided that the color and texture of the clay reminded me of an incomplete Toltec cup that had been placed on display in 1959 in the new exhibits on Mexican archaeology (Hall 8, Case 63). The handle of this cup was modeled into the effigy of a man, whose head had been missing since the piece was acquired by the Museum. A quick visit to the Mexican hall confirmed my hunch, and upon opening the case we found that the head discovered among the fragments fitted perfectly. We have now made a permanent resto- ration of the head to the body, from which it was separated for more than sixty years, and the complete specimen is once more on exhibit. I turned to the catalogue and acces- sion records for a solution to the mystery of the missing head. It had been ac- quired by the Museum in 1905 as part of a large collection of Mexican antiqui- ties and ethnological objects purchased from Fredrick Starr, who was professor of anthropology at the University of Chi- cago from 1893 to 1923. The cup was in a collection of archaeological speci- mens presented to the Museum in 1923 by the late Martin A. Ryerson, a Bene- factor of the Museum and for many years a member of the Board of Trustees. Be- cause of the freshness of the break on the effigy cup it appeared highly probable that the fracture had occurred relatively recently and almost certainly since the specimen had been excavated. I there- fore looked for a connection between the Starr and Ryerson collections. I dis- covered that the head had been pur- chased by Professor Starr in about 1895 from the collection of Antonio Penafiel, a well known Mexican archaeologist and collector. The Ryerson collection was shipped from Mexico in 1895. There is no record that the cup came from the Penafiel collection, but identification marks on its base are similar to marks on known Penafiel pieces. The evidence points to the following probable course of events. The cup was intact when excavated and acquired by Penafiel. While in his possession and prior to 1895, the head was broken and separated from the cup. Mr. Ryerson's agent acquired the cup in 1895 or slightly earlier, and probably Professor Starr bought the head after the cup had been sold. The two parts came under the same roof again in 1923 but were not reunited until 1961. The cup, which is shown in its com- pleted form in the accompanying illus- trations, was found in Tlapanaloya, Dis- trict of Zumpango, about 25 miles north of Mexico City and closer to Tula, the Toltec capital. The slight- ly humpbacked figure that serves as a handle is mod- eled in Toltec style. The man depicted wears elaborate earplugs, a necklace, and a tassled gee string tied with a sin- gle bowknot at the back. At the front of the cup is a molded design in relief depicting the typical Toltec prowling jaguar. The low ring base of the cup is also characteristic of the Toltec period. It is estimated to date from the tenth century a.d. It is a most interesting example of Toltec art, now to be seen in its original form as the result of a quiet but profitable adventure among the collections of the Museum. June Page $ CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News NSF Awards Grant for Borneo Study Dr. Robert F. Inger, Curator of Am- phibians and Reptiles at Chicago Nat- ural History Museum, and Dr. Bernard S. Greenberg, Professor of Biology at Roosevelt University, have been awarded a 835,100 grant by the National Science Foundation for research on the "Repro- ductive Patterns and Population Struc- ture of Borneo Amphibians." Borneo is a part of the oriental tropics where much of the evolution of contem- porary groups of reptiles and amphib- ians has taken place. Within these tropics, the most stable and favorable environment is the evergreen rain forest, which has probably been in continuous existence in Borneo for at least 50 mil- lion years. The advantageous qualities of the rain forest have fostered the evo- lution of more groups of organisms than any other terrestrial habitat. The organization and dynamics of the animal community living within such a rain forest are virtually unknown. Inger and Greenberg, therefore, intend to study the size and composition of the animal population, the movements of individuals of various species, and the annual reproductive patterns of the am- phibians of these forests. Dr. Inger has long been interested in the animal life of Borneo, having made collecting trips to the island in 1950 and Page 1, June 1956. This year, he and Dr. Greenberg will spend three months in Borneo estab- lishing a field base, mapping the area, and training assistants. When they leave the island, the field work will continue under the supervision of Mr. F. W. King, a graduate student of the Depart- ment of Zoology of the University of Chicago. It is estimated that approxi- mately 6,000 frogs, snakes, and lizards will be collected during the first two years of the NSF grant. On returning to the Museum, Inger and Greenberg will carry out detailed studies of these specimens. A full report of the research will be prepared during the fourth and final year of their study. Mrlvin A. Traylor, As- sociate Curator of Birds, who returned recently from a six-months' expedition to Africa, examines one of the more than 1,500 birds col- lected during his trip. Focus of Traylor' s field work in Africa was Barotse- land, a British Protector- ate in Northern Rhodesia. There Traylor discovered two subspecies of lark never before described. The ex- pedition was supported jointly by the Museum and the National Science Foun- dation. Research Report from Hawaii A recent report from Hawaii, where Museum field work is also being sup- ported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (see Bulletin for August, 1961), illuminates another aspect of the research being done by Museum zoologists abroad. Dr. Alan Solem, Curator of Lower In- vertebrates, has been in Hawaii on the first stop of a round-the-world study trip. The Hawaiian Islands are re- nowned both for their manifold, beauti- ful land snails and for their equally beau- tiful sea shells. To study them, Dr. Solem has not, as one might think, pre- pared to do research in the field, well supplied with different kinds of nets and bottles full of alcohol. Rather, his equip- ment so far has consisted mainly of a microscope, calipers, drawing material, and a camera. His work has chiefly been done in the laboratories of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu, which has rich collections of some kinds of snail shells in which Dr. Solem is greatly interested — tiny shells that look very inconspicuous and almost identical to the naked eye. Under enlargement, however, a great number of distinguishing characters are revealed, and these characters vary greatly according to the individual kind of shell. The describers of these shells, working 50 to 100 years ago, did not have the elaborate optical equipment we now possess; hence their descriptions are partly deficient, partly faulty. And what is more, they even confused shells of similar size and sculpture, believing them to be identical. Here is where Dr. Solem's work be- gan. He has been studying the speci- mens of earlier scientists and improving their descriptions by amending errors or by adding newly discovered characters. To his surprise, and almost to his dis- may, he has also found that there are many tiny shells still undescribed at all. More than 300 of these await recogni- tion as probable new species, while about 4,000 have so far been restudied and catalogued. Thus one of our staff members uses his absence from the Museum to further science, not in the field, but in the lab- oratory. Western States Field Trip William B. Turnbull, Assistant Cura- tor of Fossil Mammals, is presently trav- eling through a number of western states on a geology reconnaissance trip for the purpose of locating Mesozoic mammal localities. Included in his survey of North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Colo- rado is a stop at Como Bluff, Wyoming, one of the most famous early mammal localities. Como Bluff is part of the Morrison formation noted for important dinosaur finds. It also has been the center of Mesozoic mammal discoveries. Honored Dr. Alfred E. Emerson, Research As- sociate, Insects, in the Museum's Depart- ment of Zoology and Professor of Zoology at the University of Chicago, recently was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. The Academy, which has been informally called the "hierarchy of American science," func- tions as an advisory body on scientific matters for the government. Its mem- bers are chosen for their distinguished and continued achievements in original research. Emerson is the world's leading author- ity on the classification and biology of termites and is internationally known for his contributions in the field of evolu- tion. He is one of the few systematic zoologists to become a member of the Academy, another being the late Karl P. Schmidt, former Chief Curator of Zool- ogy at this Museum. During his affiliation with Chicago Natural History Museum, Emerson has made notable contributions to the Mu- seum's insect collections. Outstanding among them is a termite collection that is considered one of the finest in the world. Summer Children's Journey Young "rock hounds" interested in adding to their collections this summer won't want to miss the Museum's new Journey for children, "Down to Earth," ■••«•» V • ••■•■ which began June 1 and will continue through August 31. A planned excur- sion through the Museum's geology halls, the Journey offers young "prospectors" helpful hints on finding and identifying rocks in the local area. Youngsters wishing to take the Jour- ney may obtain further information and a Journey itinerary at the Information Desk and at the north and south doors of the Museum. A questionnaire is to be answered during the course of the Journey and turned in at the door be- fore leaving the building. Completed questionnaires are then recorded so that each child will receive credit for his Journey. Each spring and fall, at a special honors program, children who have successfully completed specified numbers of Museum Journeys are pre- sented awards for their achievement. The Journeys are sponsored by the Mu- seum's Raymond Foundation. Annual Lapidary Show The 12th Annual Amateur Hand- crafted Gem and Jewelry Competitive Exhibition, to be shown June 8 through July 8 in Stanley Field Hall, once again will demonstrate that common earth materials in the hands of a craftsman can be fashioned into objects of unusual beauty. The exhibition will feature prize-win- ning jewelry of polished stone, polished On Members'' Night, 1962 {held April 27), 1,638 Members enjoyed a once-a- year opportunity to browse through workshops, research collections, and staff offices not ordinarily open to the public. In each of the Mu- seum's four departments — anthropology, botany, geol- ogy, and zoology — staff scientists and scholars pre- pared special demonstra- tions relating to their fields ■% of study. Here we see Dr. Kenneth Starr, Curator of Chinese Archaeology and Ethnology, explain how to look up a word in a Chinese dictionary. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. How OF TRUSTEES William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware ard Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. slab collections, enameled stone work, cabochoned and faceted gems, and gem collections. Exhibitors are amateur lap- idarists residing in the Chicago area. Approximately 100 winning entries will be included in the display, which is sponsored by the Chicago Lapidary Club. Exhibit-of-the-Month "The Human Image in Primitive Art," which opened the Museum's new Hall of Primitive Art on May 1 and was the featured exhibit throughout that month, will continue to be featured during June. This exhibit-of-the-month program, be- gun a little more than a year ago, calls attention to the Museum's outstanding permanent exhibitions — some of them new, and some old. The exhibit, "The Human Image in Primitive Art," dis- plays more than 200 specimens from primitive societies of Africa, Oceania, and North and South America. June Page 5 In the summer of 1917 a young cooper made his first trip to Alaska and began working at a whaling station. The ar- rival of a loaded ship at the station's fac- tory meant putting in twenty-four to forty-eight hour stretches constructing barrels to hold oil and other whale prod- ucts, but between ships there would be two or three days of relative leisure. As a young boy Walter J. Eyerdam had col- lected natural history specimens, includ- ing shells; this summer he spent his spare hours combing the beaches or operating a crude hand dredge from the back of a borrowed rowboat. In this way, he hauled up living specimens from both shallow shoals and rocky bottoms cov- ered by 1 50 feet of water. Born in Seattle in November, 1892, Eyerdam had been trained as a cooper. tion to be identified and stored the re- mainder in the growing number of wooden cabinets that housed his Alaskan collection. In 1919, he exchanged shells with Mrs. Oldroyd of Stanford Univer- sity, and a young Michigan student, William J. Clench, who is now Curator of Mollusks at Harvard College. They were the first in a list of his correspond- ents that eventually numbered over two hundred. Eyerdam's activities as a collector be- came widely known, and in 1 927 he per- suaded the United States National Mu- seum and Thomas Barbour, the distin- guished Harvard herpetologist, to send him to Haiti to collect both reptiles and shells. There he teamed up with Eric Ekman, a diligent and eccentric Swedish botanist, who taught him the art of plant PORTRAIT of a COLLECTOR By Alan Solem Curator Lower Invertebrates Influenced by an interest in natural his- tory, however, he studied mining at the University of Washington, and followed this by three years as a prospector in California before making his Alaskan venture. When the whaling station closed for the winter, Eyerdam returned to Seattle with a large assortment of shells. Many were sent to Dr. William Healy Dall and Dr. Paul Bartsch of the United States National Museum for identification, some named specimens being returned to the collector. In the following few years, Eyerdam continued to earn his living as a cooper for Alaskan whaling and herring stations, and to devote his spare time to shell collecting. Each year he sent a few to the Smithsonian Institu- Page 6 June collecting. The success of this trip earned Eyerdam a $200 bonus that enabled him to take a needed rest to recover from ma- laria and dengue fever. The mountains of Kamchatka had been glimpsed from a fishing boat in 1925, and in 1928 Eyerdam seized an op- portunity to become nursemaid to forty muskrats being shipped from Seattle to Siberia, where they were to be intro- duced to Karaginsk Island in hopes of establishing a fur industry. Two pre- vious shipments of muskrats had died in transit, but Eyerdam and his partner, William Coultas, lost only one, presum- ably a patriotic animal, since it jumped overboard after escaping from its cage and was last seen swimming for the United States. When the thirty-six day voyage ended, Eyerdam and Coultas persuaded the Soviet authorities to per- mit them to collect plants in Kamchatka from May to September. Their collec- tion was then sold to the Riksmuseum in Stockholm. On their way to Moscow, Coultas and Eyerdam visited the local museum in Vladivostok and were greatly impressed by a mounted Siberian tiger. Returning to New York, they ap- proached the American Museum about sponsoring a trip to collect Siberian tigers for the museum, only to learn that such an expedition had just left. They did, however, obtain jobs with the Whitney South Sea Expedition, and spent a year skinning birds in the Solomon Islands. As usual, Eyerdam collected many shells for himself. Leaving the Whitney Expedition, he traveled from Singapore to Siberia, vis- ited the famous Lake Baikal, continued west to Europe, where he married, and finally returned to Seattle in the early part of 1931. That summer, he again visited Alaska, collected plants for the Stockholm museum, fishes for the emi- nent Michigan ichthyologist, Carl Hubbs, and spent a few days each week on a herring boat. The next summer saw Eyerdam gathering plants in the Aleu- tians with the Swedish botanist, Eric Hulten. After the end of prohibition, the reopened breweries needed all the coopers they could get, and it was not until 1939 that Eyerdam made another collecting trip, this time to Chile, as a botanist for the University of California. During the decade of the 40's he win- tered in Seattle ship yards as a steel chip- per and summered in Alaskan herring stations as a cooper. Another plant col- lecting trip to Chile in 1957 and 1958 brings his travels up-to-date. Twenty-four summers in Alaska had produced an unequaled collection of Alaskan shells. Moreover, during all his trips to Haiti, Siberia, the Solomon Is- lands, Europe, and Chile, Eyerdam had collected shells at every opportunity. Since 1919 he had traded duplicates from his collection with shell enthusiasts in all corners of the world. Japanese, Scandinavian, and Australian biologists studying deep sea shells exchanged spe- cies from their waters for Alaskan shells dredged by Eyerdam from a rowboat. Gradually his shell cabinets and ex- change packages filled the second floor of his house and spilled over to the first floor and basement. So many shells ar- rived that new packages could not be opened, since all available cabinet space was full. So that he might continue to expand a collection that had greatly outgrown his storage facilities, Eyerdam recently agreed to sell his land and fresh water shells to Chicago Natural History Mu- seum. In April of last year more than 58,000 specimens arrived at the Muse- um. Eyerdam's house still contains his more than 120,000 marine shells, with exchanges continuing and new boxes arriving weekly. Today, a young sixty-nine, Walter Eyerdam is recognized not only as an expert collector, but as an authority on shells, mosses, and minerals. Numerous species have been named after him and his collections have formed, and will continue to form, the basis of many scientific monographs. Once or twice a month he still makes brief collecting trips around Seattle and nearly every week a lecture on some of his specimens or on his many travels is given to a Seattle group. He even talks of arrang- ing a trip to a "stone age" area of New Guinea, to Amazonian Peru, or perhaps back to Siberia for more collecting. To keep in condition for such a trip, he continues as steel chipper in a ship yard. Barrel cooper, bird skinner, steel chip- per, prospector, lecturer, but above all, a great collector of natural history ob- jects— this is Walter J. Eyerdam. His story gives a brief insight into what lies behind the bare announcement that "Chicago Natural History Museum has just received the very important collec- tion of land and fresh water shells, con- taining about 58,000 specimens, that was formed by Walter J. Eyerdam of Seattle, Washington." Perhaps ninety per cent of the mol- luscan specimens in Chicago Natural History Museum were collected by ama- teurs such as Eyerdam, and their efforts provide much of the raw material for our research studies. It is, therefore, most fitting that this announcement of the acquisition of a new collection should feature the man behind the speci- mens, rather than the specimens them- selves. The Unusual Is Where You Find It By Ernest J. Roscoe Assistant, Lower Invertebrates Do you tend to think of museum sci- entific work in terms of high adven- ture on collecting expeditions to "faraway places with strange sounding names"? The lure of the exotic is apt to cause us to forget that important scientific discov- eries may lie just beyond our doorstep. On her way to work one late October morning, Mrs. Maidi Leibhardt, Muse- um artist, noticed an unusual number of small land snails — probably several hun- dred individuals — on the sidewalk in front of her apartment in Oak Park. Not all aggregations of snails are un- usual, but this one was. For the species involved was Cionella lubrica, a form rarely known to occur in large numbers. There are only a half dozen scattered refer- ences in the literature, dating back to the early 1840's, which record such con- centrations of C. lubrica as were observed by Mrs. Leibhardt. The detailed environmental circum- stances (temperature and other weather conditions) at the time of her first obser- vation were obtained from Mrs. Leib- hardt, and she continued watching the site until cold weather drove the snails into hibernation. This information has now been summarized and compared with the meager data given in previous reports. Are these concentrations a re- sponse to local weather conditions, a re- flection of periodic population build- ups, or reproductive aggregations? We do not have enough data to go beyond the formulation of working hypotheses. As other isolated observations are made known (and we hope the publica- tion of this one will stimulate them) our store of knowledge will build up. Even- tually we will have sufficient information on which to base some firm conclusions. Had it not been for an alert layman, the Oak Park snail concentration, although close at hand, would probably have en- tirely escaped scientific notice. A second instance of a significant discovery made close to home also oc- curred last year. In late June, Miss Joanne L. Evenson, of the Raymond Foundation, picked up for her aquarium several aquatic snails from a lake near Madison, Wisconsin. Within a few days the snails died. They were identified as Viviparus contecloides, a gill-breathing snail, previously known from Wisconsin only by a single "dead" shell found in the 1920's in a stream near Milwaukee. In July, Miss Evenson found this species at yet another Wisconsin locality, and she continues the search for additional ma- terial as opportunity affords. Miss Evenson's specimens are being placed at the disposal of Dr. William J. Clench, Curator of Mollusks at the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, for use in connection with a monograph he is preparing on the group. He and other malacologists are inter- ested in ascertaining the extent of the range of this snail in Wisconsin. If, as now appears possible, it is fairly wide- spread over that state, why has it been almost completely overlooked until now? Has it recently spread northward from Illinois, where it is fairly common? Or have we merely failed to look in the right places? As is common in scientific work, a single discovery has opened up several questions. These two cases serve to illustrate one of the things that makes museum work interesting. We never know when some- one will bring or send in specimens that will prove to be of more than average scientific interest. Of course, only a small percentage of such cases will have ex- ceptional merit. But the average person, if he is curious about everything he ob- serves, and tries to find out what is al- ready known about his observations, may well have the satisfaction, as have Mrs. Leibhardt and Miss Evenson, of helping to lay another brick in the edi- fice of science. June Page 7 HE Book Shop The Bird Watcher's Guide By Henry Hill Collins, Jr. Golden Press: New York. 123 pages. $3.95. This is a once-over-lightly, how-to-do- it book that tells how to build an active, sporting hobby around birds. Pleasantly written, easy to read, its 22 chapters cover the following: becoming a bird watcher, equipment, first steps; identification (five pages); how, where and when to see birds; trips for birds; the sport, lists, cen- suses; houses, baths, cover and planting for birds; photographing, banding, con- serving birds; bird clubs (including lists of) and a set of selected references. The chapter on the sport of bird watching covers the following topics: "Big day," "Big morning," "Small day," "Round up," and "Rare bird alert." As nearly half of the 123 pages is taken up with illustrations, some of them excellent color photographs, some in- formative art work, and some patches of garish color, the text is skimpy. This makes necessary a reference to one of the publications listed in the back, to locate a book where an adequate coverage can be found. A. L. RAND Chief Curator of Apology The Giant Snakes By Clifford H. Pope. Alfred A. Knopf: New York. 290 pages, 25 photographs. $6.95. Probably no one else is as qualified as Clifford Pope to write this book. The Museum's former Curator of Reptiles kept an Indian python named Sylvia from the time it was an infant scarcely three feet long until it was ten feet, nine inches long five years later. As Sylvia lived most of this time in Mr. Pope's home, the observations on growth, phys- iology, and behavior made by Pope were detailed and supplied the impetus for this book. Sylvia's presence also supplied the impetus for many stories, true and un- true, in the suburb of Winnetka. Neigh- bors gradually became accustomed to the occasionally strange habits of mu- seum curators. The Village of Win- netka took all ten feet of Sylvia in stride and merely noted on the Popes' card in the official files: "Snake in basement," for the benefit of water meter readers. In this book Pope has brought to- gether all that is known of the biology and habits of the six giant constricting snakes: the boa constrictor, the Indian python, the amethystine python, the African rock python, the reticulated py- thon, and the anaconda. The subjects covered include senses, locomotion, strength, food, growth, reproduction, and relations to man. Information on these snakes is buried in hundreds of scientific papers, and it took Mr. and Mrs. Pope years of digging in libraries to assemble it all. Some of the information on the giant snakes can be understood only in terms of the biology of snakes in general. For this reason Pope has presented a remark- ably complete and concise summary of this larger subject. The writing has Pope's customary clear style. While fascinating to adult readers, the book can be read and un- derstood by an intelligent twelve-year- old. I read this book with eagerness and I can imagine that I would have done the same if it had been available when I was in seventh grade. ROBERT F. INGER Curator of Reptiles and Amphibians Chicago Area Archaeology: Bul- letin No. 3, Illinois Archaeology Sur- vey, Inc. Edited by Elaine A. Bluhm. University of Illinois: Urbana. 175 pages, 81 illus- trations. $2.00. Following are the contents of the Illi- nois Archaeological Survey's most recent publication : "An Archaeological Survey of the DuPage River Drainage," by Sanford H. Gates "Evidence for an Archaic Tradition in the Chicago Area," by Philip D. Young "Report on a Back Yard Digging," by Jane MacRae "Two Early Burial Sites in Lake County," by Philip D. Young, David J. Wenner, Jr., and Elaine A. Bluhm "The Skeleton from the Doetsch Site, Lake County, Illinois," by Georg K. Neu- mann "Old Copper Artifacts from Chicago," by George I. Quimby "The Bowmanville Site," by Gloria J. Fenner "The Adler Mound Group, Will County, Illinois," by Howard D. Winters "The Anker Site," by Elaine A. Bluhm and Allen Liss "The Oak Forest Site," by Elaine A. Bluhm and Gloria J. Fenner "Indians of the Chicago Area ca. 1650 to 1816," by Emily J. Blasingham These eleven papers, two of which are by staff members of the Museum's De- partment of Anthropology, summarize the results of recent study, survey, and excavation of Chicago-area archaeolog- ical sites, and review the ethno-history of the area. Included in the papers are reports of work sponsored and carried out by Chicago Natural History Mu- seum, the University of Illinois, and the Illinois Archaeological Survey. Bulletin No. 3 can be read with inter- est by many throughout the Chicago region and neighboring areas, not only for the information it contains, but for "Gentian Trio" by Fred E. Unverhau, Danbury, Connecticut. A top medal winner in the 17th Chicago International Exhibition of Nature Photography presented at the Mu- seum in February. the way it points up the archaeological losses we have sustained in these areas and the critical nature of the sites that are left in northeastern Illinois. ALLEN S. LISS Department of Anthropology CHICAGO/^ /£*- N ATU RkJjiilletiJJ HISTORY vu.33 j*o.7 MUSEUM g«ty ^962 Marilyn K. Jindrich " The relation of the Chinese to crickets and other insects is one of their most striking characteristics, and presents a most curious chapter in culture-historical development.'''' So wrote Berthold Laufer,1 distin- guished anthropologist and former Curator of Anthropology, who con- ducted pioneering expeditions to China and Tibet for the Museum during the early 1900's. According to Dr. Laufer, the reason that the Chinese affinity for insects — and particularly crickets — is so interesting to anthropologists is that it represents a curious exception to a uni- versal rule concerning man's relation to animals. In the primitive stages of life man took a keen interest in the animal world, observing and studying large mammals first, and birds and fishes next. But the Chinese were more concerned with insects than with any other ani- ma'Is; and mammals attracted their Page Z July Cricket Warriors and Musicians of China attention least of all. As a result, the Chinese have made discoveries and observations about in- sects which still inspire admiration. The life cycle of the cicada, for example, one of nature's most puzzling phenomena, was known to the Chinese centuries ago. More significantly, only a people with a deep interest in nature's smallest crea- tures could have penetrated the mysteri- ous habits of an insignificant caterpillar to present the world with the discovery of silk. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this national predilection for insects is in the areas of sports and entertainment. While sports enthusiasts in other parts of the world have focused their attention on baseball diamonds, football fields, bull-fight rings, and gigantic soccer sta- diums, the Chinese sports fan has been concerned with a tiny pottery jar, the arena for the most unusual of spectator sports — cricket fighting. For anyone who might find it difficult to imagine a bout between crickets, the following description by Laufer sheds light on this uncommon sports event. " The tournaments take place in an open space, on a public square, or in a special house termed' Autumn Amusements'. There are heavy-weight, middle, and light-weight champions. The wran- glers are always matched on equal terms according to size, weight, and color, and are carefully weighed on a pair of wee scales at the opening of each contest. A silk cover is spread over a table on which are placed the pottery jars containing the warring crickets. The jar is the arena in which the prizefight is staged. As a rule, the two adversaries facing each other will first endeavor to flee, but the thick walls of the bowl or jar are set up as an invincible barrier to this attempt at desertion. "Now the referee, who is called ' Army Commander'' or 'Director of Battle' in- tercedes, announcing the contestants and reciting the history of their past perform- ances, and spurs the two parties on to combat. . . . The two opponents, thus excited, stretch out their antennae, which the Chinese not inaptly designate 'tweez- ers,' and jump at each other's heads. The antennae, or tentacles, are their chief weapons. One of the belligerents will soon lose one of its horns, while the other may retort by tearing off one of the ene- my's legs. The two combatants become more and more exasperated and fight each other mercilessly. The struggle usually ends in the death of one of them, and it occurs not infrequently that the more agile or stronger one pounces with its whole weight upon the body of its opponent, severing its head completely." The period before the matches is one of rigid adherence to a number of train- ing procedures. Trainers are aware, for example, that extremes of temperature are injurious to crickets. Therefore, when they observe that the tiny antennae of the insects are drooping, they conclude that their charges are too warm. The temperature is then adjusted, the cricket being protected at all times from drafts. When a trainer judges that a cricket is sick from overeating, a change of diet to a certain kind of red insect is prescribed. If sickness arises from cold, a diet of mosquitoes is the remedy; if from heat, young green pea shoots are given. A kind of butterfly, known as the "bamboo butterfly," is the prescription for diffi- culty in breathing. Even in death the cricket enjoys spe- cial attention. In southern China, when a cricket champion dies it is placed in a small silver coffin and solemnly buried. The owner believes that showing such respect will bring him an excellent har- vest of fighters next year, when he searches the area of the burial. These ideas spring from the belief that able cricket champions are incarnations of great warriors and heroes of the past, from whom they inherit a soul imbued with special prowess. This month's Bulletin cover shows a scene from an old Chinese scroll paint- ing in the Museum's collection. The painting depicts the games and pastimes of boys — including the three youngsters peering intently at a wooden cricket cage (like the one in the photograph on page 2) which undoubtedly houses the local champion. Such cages are only one of many objects devised by the Chi- nese for the comfort and housing of pet crickets. For example, there are cricket traps — often marvelous works of art — made of bamboo or ivory rods. Circular pottery jars of common burnt clay with a per- forated lid house the insects during the summer (many potters are proud of their specialization in cricket houses and im- press on them a seal with the maker's name). Tiny porcelain dishes decorated in blue and white hold the insects' food and water. Beds and sleeping boxes are fashioned of clay. During the winter months, the crickets are transferred to homes made from gourds, furnished with cotton padding beds. These cages are shaped by the ingenious method of in- troducing the young gourd into an earth- en mold, so that as the gourd grows it assumes the shape of the mold and is permanently imprinted with its designs. Such a cage is pictured on page 2. Of special interest in the long list of cricket equipment are the ticklers used for stirring the insects to fight or sing. In Peking fine hairs from a hare or rat whiskers inserted in a reed or bone han- dle are used for tickling; in Shanghai, a delicate blade of grass. Ticklers are kept in bamboo or wooden tubes, with elegant ivory containers being reserved for the rich. An aspect of cricket enjoyment that we cannot omit in this discussion has to do with the insect's best-known charac- teristic— its melodious chirping. A 6th Century Chinese book, T'ien-pao i-shih, describes the origin of a charming cus- tom: " When the autumnal season arrives, the ladies of the palace catch crickets in small golden cages. These with the cricket enclosed in them they place near their pillows, and during the night heark- en to the voices of the insects. This cus- tom was imitated by all people." Instead of using golden cages, how- ever, ordinary people placed their crick- ets in bamboo or wooden cages — or even in a carved walnut shell — and carried them tucked inside their dress or sus- pended from their girdles. Of course, the cricket's chip has had its place in Western society as well. While some have interpreted the notes of the hidden melodist as a portent of sorrow, or even an omen of death, in England the insect's cheerful notes gen- erally have suggested peace and com- fort, and the coziness of the homely fire- side. This July — and for several months to come — when the evening countryside is alive with a chorus of cricket voices, it is hoped that the preceding will provide our readers with a new dimension in their enjoyment of the summer night. 1 Laufer, Berthold, Insect Musicians and Cricket Champions of China, Anthropology Leaf- let 22, Chicago Natural History Museum. July Page 3 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News Rainer Zangerl New Chief Curator Dr. Rainer Zangerl was appointed Chief Curator of the Department of Ge- ology of Chicago Natural History Muse- um at the last meeting of the Board of Trustees. His predecessor in the post was Dr. Sharat K. Roy. who died on April 17. Dr. Zangerl has been Curator of Fos- sil Reptiles at the Museum since 1945, when he joined the Museum's scien- tific staff. Before that he had held positions at the Uni- versity of Notre Dame, the Univer- sity of Detroit, and Middlesex University in Waltham, Mas- sachusetts. He was born in 1912 in Switzerland, and obtained his formal education in that country, receiving a doctorate in philosophy from the Uni- versity of Zurich in 1936. While a member of the Museum's staff, Dr. Zangerl has been actively en- gaged in research in the field of fossil reptiles. This scientific interest has led him on expeditions to many parts of the United States and Europe. Most re- cently, he and Dr. Eugene S. Richard- son, Curator of Fossil Invertebrates, have focused their attention on the Mecca area of Indiana, a region once covered by a large epicontinental sea. The faunas that they have collected from the Mecca and Logan quarries are estimated to have lived 240 million years ago. Through study of these faunas and of sediments from the quarries, Drs. Zangerl and Richardson have recon- structed the events that occurred in the Mecca area during two specific four- year periods of prehistory. Dr. Zangerl has published the results of his research in numerous scientific journals and has contributed lead arti- Page i July cles to several encyclopedias. He is a member of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology; the Detroit Academy of Sciences; the American Association of University Professors; and the Schweiz- erische Paleontologische Gesellschaft. In Memoriam The Museum has been saddened by the death of Mrs. Sara Carroll Field, Museum benefactor and wife of Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board of Trus- tees. Mrs. Field died on June 1 after a period of prolonged illness. She was 84 years of age. Her life-long interest in the Museum and a number of charitable organizations, and her active participa- tion in Chicago's civic and social life will be deeply missed. Children's Summer Programs A puppet stage production, "The Three Bears Take to the Wilderness," opens Chicago Natural History Muse- um's summer series of free children's programs on July 5. The programs will be presented every Thursday morning through August 9, at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., in the James Simpson Theatre. On July 5, the delightful puppets cre- ated by the Apple Tree Workshop, of Chicago Heights, will enact a story based on what might happen if the traditional three bears lived in a modern city and suddenly decided to go back to the wilderness. On the other dates of the summer series, color movies about nature and science have been scheduled. They are: July 12 — "Australia's Coral Wonder- land"; July 19— "African Lion" (A Dis- ney "True-Life Adventure"); July 26 — "Summer Adventure in the Out-of- Doors"; August 2 — "Seldom-Seen Ani- mals"; August 9 — "Universe." The free programs are selected by the Museum's educational division, the Raymond Foundation. Adults are wel- come to attend with their children. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1S93 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour William V. Kahlcr Wm. McCormick Blair Hughston M. McBain Bowen Blair J. Roscoe Miller Walter J. Cummings William H. Mitchell Joseph N. Field John T. Pirie, Jr. Marshall Field, Jr. John Shedd Reed Stanley Field John G. Searle Clifford C. Gregg John M. Simpson Samuel Insull, Jr. Solomon A. Smith Henry P. Isham Louis Ware J. Howard Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Rainer Zangerl, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. Tutankhamun Treasures Close July 15 Since their opening on June 15 the King Tutankhamun Treasures have at- tracted to the Museum thousands of visitors from all over the Midwest. In the first two weeks of exhibition more than 43,000 persons saw the treasures. Because of this unusual public response — and so that the treasures may be en- joyed to the fullest degree — visitors who have not seen the exhibit are advised to come during the late afternoon, or eve- nings on those days when the Museum is open until 8 p.m. Those evenings are Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sun- day, nights of the free Grant Park Con- cert presented in the bandshell across the street from the Museum. The treasures will remain on display here in Chicago only until July 15. C*I\I»H*!VI Joseph Curtis Moore Curator of Mammals SCIENTIFIC RARITIES FROM CEYLON A shipment of mammal specimens, which includes species that are very rare in the great scientific collections of the world, has recently arrived at the Museum from tropical Ceylon. In wood- en boxes tightly covered with white mus- lin, addressed with paint, and adorned with sealing wax and numerous attractive postage stamps, the collection certainly arrived in a style suited to its significance. From these distinguished parcels the Museum has received its first two speci- mens of a species of bat called Kerivoula picta, the painted bat. Like the more familiar red bat of North America, the painted bat from Ceylon wears a bright coat of orange-red hair, which becomes more brilliantly orange to scarlet along its wings and contrasts with large patches of dark pigment on the flying membrane. In painted bats from some geographic areas these darkly pigmented patches may in life be iridescent. One might think that a curator who routinely receives study skins of mam- mals from far parts of the world would become indifferent to any beauty in them. But not so. When a curator of mammals mentions his examples of the painted bat, his appreciation of their charm will noticeably warm both his choice of words and tone of voice. It may seem somehow appropriate that so especially attractive a species lives in those alluring Oriental countries, Indo- nesia, Ceylon, Malaya, and Thailand. No one knows much about the painted bat. It is said to be rather solitary and to live in tropical jungle where it sleeps by day, probably hanging from some vine like a dead and withered leaf. Ma- jor S. S. Flower, the English naturalist, said that he found one in Thailand asleep "in the flower of a Calla lily." The two obtained by Chicago Natural History Museum were captured in sugar cane. Another species new to the Museum's collections and received in this distinc- tive shipment from Ceylon is the rusty- spotted cat, Felis rubiginosa. Smaller than the domestic house cat, the rusty- spotted cat is said to be active and cou- rageous, and has some reputation for raiding chicken houses located near jun- gle. The Museum's new specimen came from rain forest in the central highlands of Ceylon. Although there are four spe- cies of cats occurring on Ceylon, the rusty-spotted variety is the smallest, and the only one restricted in range to Cey- lon and southern India. The other three species all range widely in south- ern Asia. From the white muslin packages, also, has come the Museum's very first speci- men of the ruddy mongoose, a species known only from central and southern India and Ceylon. This particular mon- goose, Herpestes smithi, lives primarily in jungle where it preys upon birds, small mammals, and reptiles. In Ceylon it is said to feed extensively upon the giant terrestrial snail of Africa, Achatina Julica, which was foolishly introduced into Cey- lon in 1900 and quickly became a de- structive garden pest. Naturalists re- cord that the ruddy mongoose breaks open the thick shell of this big mollusk by beating it upon a stone, and that one may find a number of such broken shells scattered about a conveniently protrud- ing rock, some split neatly in half down the middle. In addition to this kind of virtuosity, the ruddy mongoose is re- ported to have the temerity to feed upon the kill of a leopard, though it departs in utter panic upon sensing the return of the cat. While there are four species of mon- goose in Ceylon, one may distinguish the ruddy mongoose in the field by its curi- ous habit of carrying its long tail with the tip curved up. A second species of mongoose proves also entirely new to the Museum's col- lections. This is the mongoose with the striped neck, Herpestes vitticollis — the largest of all the eleven species in Asia. {Continued on page 8) July Page 5 Drawing of a habitat group showing American crocodiles captured in Lake Ticamaya, Hondu- ras, by former Chief Curator of Zoology Karl P. Schmidt. This scene is part of July's exhibit-of- the-month, featuring crocodiles, alligators, cai- mans, and gavials. The exhibit is in Hall 18, first floor, west. A booklet, "Crocodile Hunting in Central America," available at The Book Shop for 25 cents, describes the capture of the Lake Ticamayan crocodiles. THE NILE CROCODILE Paula R. Nelson The unforgettably sly crocodile who - - in Lewis Carroll's famous lines --"... wel- comes little fishes in with gently smiling jaws," is the heritage ofall English-speak- ing children. From Pliny's carefully re- corded observations to Rubens' boldly imaginative "Hippopotamus and Croco- dile Hunt," studies of this survivor of the Age of Reptiles have exerted a unique fascination. A recent publication on the Nile crocodile by Dr. Hugh B. Cott of the University Museum of Zoology, Cam- bridge,! is the most complete, modern report of this remarkable animal. The following article is based on Dr. Cott's research. In the warm, unruffled waters that it normally frequents, the Nile croco- dile floats low. Little more than its snout tip, eyes, and the back of its head are above the surface. At an alarm, the ani- mal closes its nostrils and immediately dives to the muddy bottom. There it may remain, fully submerged, for as long as an hour. The pebbles and stones that the croc- odile has swallowed during its lifetime, Page 6 July and which may account for as much as one per cent of its total body weight, help to keep it submerged in places where a strong current might dislodge an animal of lower specific gravity. These stomach stones also have an effect like the cargo in a ship's hold : they help to stablilize the swimming animal. The need for such a mechanism becomes ap- parent when young crocodiles that have not yet begun to accumulate stomach stones are placed in deep water. Tail- heavy and top-heavy, they cannot lie level at the surface like their stone- carrying elders, but must move their limbs to keep from rolling about. This is in marked contrast to the easy poise of the floating adult. Nights are usually spent in the warmth- retaining waters, which are sought again by the cold-blooded reptile during the intense heat of the next day's noon. Mornings and afternoons the crocodile shares his basking and breeding grounds at the edge of the water with a large number of different kinds of birds. From the times of Herodotus and Pliny, it has been known that certain birds feed from the crocodile's body. The food taken is tsetse flies and leeches. In addition to ridding the reptiles of these parasites, the birds give timely warning of danger. Basking crocodiles will respond imme- diately to the alarm signals of birds that become aware of an approaching man or boat before their sleeping companions. Under modern conditions of intensive hunting, few crocodiles achieve their po- tential life-span, though individuals in captivity have been known to live for from 20 to 50 years. Studies of the growth rates of these animals suggest that a crocodile measuring 15 feet in length would be about 76 years old, and one measuring 18 feet would be over 100 years old. If, as is believed, the growth rate slows down in later life, then the largest known specimens must have survived well into their second century. At different periods of their life-his- tory, crocodiles utter a variety of sounds. There is the croaking of the young while still in the egg; the sharp, coughing hiss of the cornered reptile unable to make its escape to water; the warning growl of the female surprised while guarding her eggs; and the powerful, open-jawed roaring of the male during the breed- ing season. As in many tropical animals, the re- productive cycle of the Nile crocodile is correlated with the seasonal rhythm of rainfall. The eggs are laid in the dry season, in holes dug in coarse sand or gravel near the water's edge. The incu- bation period coincides with the phase of lowest water; and hatching occurs after the onset of rains, when the lakes and rivers are again rising into flood. These are ideal conditions for the newly- emerged young, who disperse upon the wide-spreading shallows, feeding upon the rich harvest of insects that follows the rains. Among the weedy shallows, in iso- lated pools, occasionally at some dis- tance inland, and even on nearby tree limbs, the young crocodiles from two to five years old lead a life of seclusion. So successful are they in keeping out of sight, shunning both the common bask- ing grounds and the open water, that many observers report the young ani- mals have "vanished." Since these rep- tiles have few enemies other than larger individuals of their own kind, the segre- gation of the young from their elders is probably forced upon them by the prevalence of cannibalism. Young crocodiles feed on insects, snails, crabs, frogs, and toads. As the reptiles grow, fish, mammals, and other crocodiles become the important foods. Occasionally birds and lizards are taken. The hunting and capturing of prey is characterized by stealth, surprise, and a final, sudden burst of speed. The adult crocodile often lurks off-shore near game trails and watering places. On sighting an animal that has come down to drink, the reptile quietly sub- merges and cruises under water to the precise spot from which it can make its fatal upward rush. A sideways snap of the jaws, and the prey is seized, dragged down into the water, and drowned. When feeding ashore, the crocodile may lie in ambush near trails or beside dried- up water courses. It is here that the deadly tail-stroke or sledge-hammer head-blow effectively throws the victim, breaks its leg, or flings it into the water. The only animals known to kill the adult Nile crocodile are the hippopota- mus, lion, leopard, African elephant — and man. In recent years, the trade in crocodile leather has grown to the pro- portions of almost a major industry. As a result of this commercial exploitation, in some areas of the world the crocodile is being rapidly reduced and its contin- ued existence actually threatened. Yet from the points of view of ecol- ogy, economics, and zoology, this ani- mal is a valuable and important mem- ber of its local fauna. For example, the Nile crocodile is directly or indirectly beneficial to the fishing industry of East and Central Africa, since the reptiles feed upon species that prey upon fry, while eating relatively few adult fish themselves. As a producer of high- quality leather, the crocodile is a com- mercial asset, and under rational man- agement could provide a sustained yield of skins. More important still, to the biologist these animals merit protection in their own right. Crocodiles essentially like the modern species existed in Juras- sic times, and were contemporaries of the dinosaurs. As the only members of the archosaurian stock which survived beyond the Age of Reptiles, they are of exceptional scientific importance. Studies of their anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behavior can throw in- direct light upon the biology of ances- tors long extinct. For these reasons, it is to be hoped that the crocodile — which has survived over a hundred million years — may con- tinue to live as a unique and valuable member of the tropical fauna. This drawing from July's featured exhibit shows the relative sizes of living species of crocodile and man. The exhibit explains how to tell a crocodile from an alligator and shows how the crocodile's build is especially adapted for life in the water. An American alliga- tor is shown with her nest and eggs, along with the skull of a 15- foot man-eater from the Philip- pines. 1 Cott, Hugh B., "Scientific Results of an Inquiry into the Ecology and Economic Status of the Nile Crocodile (Crocodilus niloticus) in Uganda and Northern Rhodesia." Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 29, Part 4, April, 1961. July Page ? STAFF NOTES Harry E. Changnon, Curator of Geol- ogy Exhibits, conducted a lecture and laboratory exercise at the Chicago Academy of Science on the identifica- tion of minerals, for teachers and stu- dents of the Chicago area. Dr. Donald Collier, Curator of South American Archaeology and Ethnology, has been appointed a member of the International Committee of the Centre International a" Etude Ethnographique de la Maison dans le Monde, in Brussels. The Committee will study the domestic ar- chitecture of the world from a cultural and anthropological point of view, to determine the relation of each country's housing to its physical environment and social organization. "Archaeological Exploration in New Mexico" was discussed by Allen Liss, Custodian of Collections, Department of Anthropology, at a recent meeting of the Earth Science Club of Northern, Illinois. Dr. Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology, and Mr. George Quimby, Curator of North American Archaeol- ogy and Ethnology, attended the annual meetings of the Society for American Archaeology at Tucson. Mr. Quimby was chairman of a session on the archae- ology of the eastern United States, while Dr. Martin chaired a session on south- western archaeology. Mr. George Quimby, Curator of North American Archaeology and Ethnology, has been appointed Collaborator of the National Park Service, Region One. In this consultative capacity, he recently inspected salvage archaeological opera- tions at Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia. Mr. E. Leland Webber, Director, at- tended the Conference of Directors of Systematic Collections held in Washing- ton, D. C, in March. Page 8 July Loren P. Woods, Curator of Fishes, and Robert F. Inger, Curator of Am- phibians and Reptiles, traveled to Washington, D. C, last month to attend the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Amer- ican Society of Ichthyologists and Herpe- tologists. Both are members of the soci- ety's board of governors and Dr. Inger is herpetological editor of its quarterly publication, Copeia. Sea Shells of the World A Golden Nature Guide, by R. Tucker Abbott. Golden Press: New York. In de luxe hard cover library edition, $3.50; limp-bound edition, $1.00. There are many books dealing with the better-known and more spectacular sea shells of the world to which the in- terested layman or collector resorts for information. These books have two dis- advantages: they are bulky and expen- sive. Now there is a recently published booklet on the same subject which over- comes the two handicaps mentioned above: it is of pocket-size, and is very, almost incredibly, inexpensive, costing just one dollar! As far as the contents of this recent booklet are concerned, they hold to what is promised in the title. The selection of shells is good and the accompanying figures in color are as useful as anyone could wish. Hence one really can recommend Abbott's new publication wholeheartedly, and hope that it will get the vast distribution that it deserves. FRITZ HAAS Curator Emeritus, Lower Invertebrates Drawings for this month's Bul- etin by Museum Artist, E. John Pfiffner. Photographs by the Division of Photography. CEYLON RARITIES {Continued from page 5) The geographic range of Herpestes vit- ticollis, like that of the brown mongoose, H.fuscus, extends only up into the south- ern tip of India, and is thus exceedingly small. It may seem a curious thing that two mongoose species out of the four known to inhabit Ceylon should be so limited in distribution. However, the Western Ghats (mountains) of southern India and the Central Highlands of Cey- lon receive torrential rains from the southwest monsoons which support the lush tropical rain forest that is rare in most of the rest of India. Such tropical rain forests appear to provide a prolifera- tion of niches for similar species in many genera of animals. To cite another ex- ample besides the mongoose, there are three species of the diurnal tree squirrel genus, Funambulus, whose ranges are all limited to this same area. How such a proliferation of similar species may have come about is a ques- tion that invites speculation. I have published one hypothesis seeking to ex- plain the origin of the species of squirrels local to Ceylon and southern India, in which I suggest that the simple mech- anism involved is the presumed union of Ceylon with the mainland during each glacial period of the Pleistocene, and the separation of Ceylon from the mainland during each interglacial period. (Cey- lon and peninsular India have been physiographically very stable, and the lower and higher sea levels of glacial and interglacial periods should obviously have accomplished the unions and sepa- rations mentioned.) Each union would permit mainland species to invade Cey- lon; each separation might be long enough to allow island and mainland populations of any one species to evolve differences that would prevent their in- terbreeding when rejoined at the begin- ning of the next union. These pairs of populations would survive as distinct species if they evolved habits that would enable them to avoid competition with one another. Very likely the mongoose with the striped neck, the brown mon- goose, and even the ruddy mongoose originated in this way. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS WW sa ■W** P^V'^^fl 1 CHICAGO NATURAU HISTORY yw. 33 MUSEUM ^4^ Philip Hershkovitz Research Curator Division of Mammals BATS "I could distinguish large bats swooping about as they out- maneuvered the fireflies and picked them off inflight." ^m:€ Bats are world-wide in distribution, but in the tropics they are most numerous and diversified. The warm nights are filled with the soft beat of their wings, the clicking and rasping sounds of their voices, and the constant patter of falling seeds, fruits, and flowers dropped from their feedings. On bright nights when no other animal may be visible, bats can be seen as flitting shad- ows climbing, diving, turning, skimming over moonlit waters and careening high above the tree tops. All bats of temperate latitudes are in- sect eaters, and during the winter they must migrate or hibernate. Not so in the tropics, where there is an abundance of flowers and fruits the year round. Insect eaters live there, too — many more Page 2 August kinds than in northern latitudes — and there are meat eaters, fish eaters, blood suckers, and others with more general tastes. Insectivorous bats may see or hear their prey, but their usual manner of hunting and navigating, in general, is by echolocation. Bats send out high pitched signals and determine the direction, dis- tance and perhaps the nature of objects by the echoes received. By this means bats flying at comparatively high speed in pitch darkness can avoid obstacles and capture insects with amazing rapidity, up to one and even two per second. Echolocating sounds emitted by bats, particularly those of the larger insect-or fish-catching species, are often audible to the human ear. The sounds made by and their Menu: smaller bats, however, are usually higher and outside our range of hearing. Bats also have a repertory of quite audible squeaks, chirps, hisses and screams for expressing feelings and communicating with other bats. Insect-eating bats usually catch prey in mid-air with their wing or tail mem- brane before seizing it with their mouth. An insect too large to be devoured in flight is carried to a feeding place where the bat hangs head down and eats at leisure. A bat feeding roost can be rec- ognized by the piled-up leftovers of wings, legs and other hard parts of in- sects. The daytime resting roost, in con- trast, is in a dark, well sheltered place marked by the accumulation of guano. One memorable evening in a tropical forest, just as the calls of the tinamous and wood quails died out, I saw a myr- iad of fireflies scatter out of the trees like bursts of stars. I watched the light of one of the beetles flying straight toward me, then suddenly swerve into a wild, careening flight and abruptly disappear from sight. Then another and another of the drifting lights broke into a swift, zigzagging flight and vanished in mid- air; meanwhile I could distinguish the silhouettes of large bats swooping about and feel the beat of their wings and hear the crunch of their jaws as they out- maneuvered the fireflies and picked them off in flight. The evasive flight tactics of the fireflies prompts the thought that they, too, and perhaps many other in- sects, possess a sound wave system for warning them of the approach of pred- ators just as bats use their system for detecting prey. Fruit eaters can find their stationary food by sight or smell and they use their echolocating system in flight for avoid- ing obstacles. Only ripe, fragrant fruits \\vi--;>,- ''Most nectar and pollen eaters have long noses and extensible, brush-tipped tongues which can be protruded into the floral envelope." attract these bats and wild figs are a favorite as well as a common food in the the forest. Ripe bananas in orchards or stores are irresistible. A large number of bats feed on the nectar, pollen, petals and other parts of night flowers. Most nectar and pollen eaters have long noses and marvelously long, extensible, brush-tipped tongues which can be protruded into the floral envelope. Small bats which cannot reach the pollen or nectar of pitcher- shaped flowers from the outside crawl inside as far as need be to get their food. By their various operations in feeding on flowers, bats become pollinating agents and there are night-blooming flowers specially adapted for attracting and feed- ing bats to insure pollination. Of the nearly 2,000 kinds of bats known to science only two are proven fish- catchers. One, the hair-lipped bat, or Noctilio, widely distributed over tropical America, is about the size of a robin. The other, with the technical name, Pi- Zonyx, is smaller and restricted to the coasts and islands of northwestern Mex- ico. Pizonyx is rarely observed and has never been identified in the act of fishing, but the stomachs of captured individuals always contain fish. On the other hand, Noctilio is common and easily recognized by its comparatively large size, bright reddish-orange color and a pervading scent not unlike some popular perfumes. The bat is often seen before nightfall skimming over water. The dim, fading light and the swift, unpredictable movements of the bat make it impossible to see how Noctilio catches fish. In an experiment recently conducted with special cameras on cap- tive Noctilio, it was ascertained that the bat drags its large feet through the water and hooks whatever small fish may be near the surface with its long, sharp, re- curved claws. Noctilio may actually see the particular fish it tries to gaff or it may hook it by chance. Noctilio also catches and eats insects over water and far from water and it may live indefi- nitely on insects alone. The omnivorous bats are primarily in- sectivorous, but also prey on other bats and small, nocturnal vertebrates such as frogs, lizards, mice and whatever roost- ing birds they can kill. Large insects, including beetles, moths, and larvae, are favorite articles of diet, and fruits, particularly bananas, are eaten along with the insects and small animals feed- ing on them. The largest New World bat, the so-called false vampire, is an omnivore. Its body is about the size of a large rat and its wingspread exceeds three feet. It hawks in wide, smooth circles with an unhurried stroke of the wings. The clicking or echolocating sound made by this bat is loud and rasp- ing. The prey is trapped with the wings and seized with a crunching bite behind the neck. True vampire or blood-sucking bats are confined to the New World tropics. There are three kinds, all the size of a mouse. Desmodus is the common, wide- spread species found almost everywhere in forests and cattle country from Mex- ico to Chile and Argentina. Diaemus is like Desmodus but prefers the blood of birds to that of mammals. Diphylla is very poorly known, but presumably its habits are like those of Diaemus. Vampires subsist on fresh blood alone. All parts of their mouth are designed for bloodletting and drinking and nothing but a trickle of liquid could pass through their thread-slender gullets. They scoop out a small piece of skin with their sharp, scimitar-shaped front teeth, press their tongue against the wound, and by curl- ing the sides of the tongue downward against the cleft lower lip form a tube through which the blood flows into the mouth. To assist the flow the vampire pumps and licks the wound with its tongue and sucks with its mouth. It may also enlarge the incision with its teeth. A vampire can consume about two ounces of blood in one night's feed- ing. This is more than one or two times the weight of the bat. Vampires are slow flyers but by using their wings as forelegs they scurry nimbly along the ground and over their victims. Their bodies are exceedingly soft and smooth to the touch. If echolocation is used by vampire bats for finding objects they may also resort to other senses for dis- criminating between obstacles, individ- uals of their own kind, and their prey, which includes other species of bats. One of my earliest acquaintances with vampire bats was made many years ago in the boundary area between Ecuador and Peru. I was traveling with a family of Indians in a dugout canoe on a trib- utary of the Amazon. It was the dry season, the river was low, and we spent the nights on mosquito-free sand bars. Ordinarily such sand bars are free of bats, too, and we slept under the stars to enjoy the rare night breeze. At dawn, after the first night, we saw that the little {Continued on page 5) "Noctilio drags its large feet through the water and hooks whatever small fish may be near the surface with its long, sharp, recurved claws." August Page 3 ROBERT F. INGER CURATOR, AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES DEPARTURE OF Fig. 1: Dr. Robert F. Inger and Mr. F. Wayne King display anti-leech stocking to be worn for protection against land leeches in Borneo. Fig. 2: Land leech posed on a leaf and reaching out for a victim (actual size of leech about one and one-half inches). J. he Borneo Zoological Expedition, 1962, will leave Chicago on August 18. It would be more correct to say that the personnel — Dr. Bernard Greenberg of Roosevelt University, Mr. F. Wayne King of University of Chicago, and my- self— will leave then. For the equip- ment and the supplies left in June. The main purpose of the expedition is to gather information on the breeding activity of frogs living in the tropical rain forests that cover most of Borneo. Frogs and toads living in the Temperate Zones generally have relatively short breeding periods restricted to a part of spring. We suspect, on the basis of fragmentary information, that in trop- ical rain forests, which are warm and wet at all times, frogs and toads breed all year round. Most zoologists now think that the major groups of frogs and toads evolved in the wet tropics. As the breeding pat- terns are important to the evolutionary success of any kind of animal, we must learn what they are in tropical frogs. The field work connected with this Page i August research program will consist of collect- ing monthly samples of about six species of frogs, making notes on their behavior, and recording daily rainfall, tempera- ture, and relative humidity. We also need to know how far an in- dividual frog (of the species we will study) moves and how fast it matures in order to understand the full implica- tions of its breeding habits. To get this information we plan to mark, measure, and release frogs along several forest streams. By recapturing (hopefully !) a number of these marked frogs, we will learn not only their rates of growth and movement but also how large the popu- lations are. As time permits, we will work on other field studies, all aimed at increas- ing our knowledge of the distribution and interrelationships of the animals in the rain forest. One of these problems, an investigation of the reptiles and am- phibians living in epiphytic plants, will be the special concern of Mr. King. Epiphytes are plants, such as bird's nest ferns, pitcher plants, and orchids, that BORNE ZOOLOG grow attached to trees and whose roots do not reach the ground. Mr. King will try to discover not only what species of reptiles and amphibians live in such plants but also their abundance, their vertical distribution, and the weather conditions under which they live. What collecting is done on this expe- dition will be subordinated to solving the particular biological questions raised by study of material previously collected during the Museum's Borneo Zoological Expeditions of 1950 and 1956. Though we are concerned primarily with the biological problems, we are naturally forced to consider logistical ones. What supplies and equipment will we need? When and how do we ship them? The second question is easy to answer, merely requiring a telephone call to one of the export agents in Chi- cago. The answer to the first question depends on our previous experience in Borneo and the specific projects we will tackle in the field. Out of curiosity, we counted the dif- ferent kinds of items we are taking into the field. We found we had 173, not including our field clothing. Many of these items are strictly for housekeeping : for example, we have three packets of sewing needles, a folding table, an alarm clock, two can openers, three jungle ham- mocks, and similar uninspiring but vital equipment. Collecting equipment in- cludes 30 snake bags, two potato rakes (for tearing apart rotting logs), 500 blow- gun corks, three headlights, dip nets, etc. For preserving and packing specimens we have — among many other things — 5,000 numbered tags, 2,000 plastic bags, 115 pints of formalin, three plastic hy- drators, and dissecting instruments. We also have some delicate instru- ments such as a hygrometer with a 200- D <^ AL EXPEDITION foot extension cable, which we will use for reading the temperature and relative humidity in the bird's nest ferns, and a recording thermohumidigraph (Fig. 3) for use in more accessible places. In addition to these we have a tape re- corder, rain gauge, clinometer (for meas- uring heights of trees and epiphytes,) compass, surveyor's tape, and assorted photographic equipment. As the success of any expedition nowa- days depends upon the quality and quan- tity of field notes, we have paper, note- books, waterproof ink, and pens. One piece of field clothing requires special mention — anti-leech stockings (Fig. 1). The humid forests of Borneo are rich in land leeches and in some areas and times every leaf of every bush seems to have a hungry leech reaching out for the next passerby (Fig. 2). These animals are interesting, but their fond- ness for human blood makes protection against them important. We learned on previous trips that an over-stocking made of muslin and tied over one's trousers below the knee cut down the leech bites significantly. With the exception of one item, we are taking no food from here. All of that will be purchased in Borneo. The exception consists of two cans of high- protein pablum — not for us, but for the tadpoles we hope to raise. All this material, believe it or not, fit into 15 medium-sized boxes. With such an assortment of things, the contents of each box had to be listed and the boxes numbered. Museum men always have in their minds the horrible example of the large expedition (not from this insti- tution, we hasten to add) that arrived at its base camp with 100 boxes and not a single packing list. Months ago a tentative field base was selected on the basis of our previous ex- perience in Borneo and study of our col- lections. The chosen site was in Sara- wak and we applied for and received permission to work there from the au- thorities in Sarawak. In many ways this expedition reflects the national and international coopera- tion vital to scientific progress. Mr. Tom Harrisson, Curator of the Sarawak Museum, has graciously offered to con- tinue the cooperation and help he gave previous expeditions of Chicago Natural History Museum. Similarly, other agen- cies of the Government of Sarawak have been helpful as in the past. Our Mu- seum hopes that previously published results of our work on the Bornean fauna and future publications growing out of this expedition will be of value to the government and people of Sarawak. At the national level, the expedition is largely financed by the National Sci- ence Foundation. Part of the cost, how- ever, will be borne by Chicago Natural History Museum and Roosevelt Univer- sity. Finally, the field work and subse- quent research will be carried out by representatives of three Chicago institu- tions— our Museum, Roosevelt Univer- sity, and the University of Chicago. BATS- (Continued from page 3) Fig. 3: Thermohumidigraph for re- cording temperature and relative hu- midity is placed in field chest for shipment to Borneo. girl in our company had been bitten by a vampire bat on the very tip of her nose. The child felt nothing and apparently suffered no ill effects. The next three nights of our journey were spent in the same way and each morning we discov- ered that another bit of the tip of the girl's nose had been sliced away and oozed blood. During these nights all of us were equally exposed to vampires. Yet, a single bat preyed on the same vic- tim night after night. Was it the same bat that attacked the child each night in successively different camps or was it a different bat each night? Did the vam- pire prefer the girl because of a predi- lection for her type of blood or because she slept more profoundly than the others? Years later, in Suriname, I achieved a more intimate acquaintance with a vam- pire bat. Sleeping accommodations for the first night on the banks of my Sara- macca River camp in Suriname were provisional. I used a hammock as did also our native assistant, while my com- panion, Dr. Jack Fooden, rolled himself in a blanket and slept on his cot. Mos- quitoes were absent and no netting was used. Minutes after turning off the kerosene lantern and dropping off to sleep I was awakened with a violent start by a sharp pain on the big toe of my left foot. A vampire bat had bitten me. (It is strange that some victims are awakened by the attack of a vampire bat, while others sleep soundly through repeated attacks.) With the aid of a flashlight I saw that a thin sliver of skin about one-half inch long had been sliced out of my toe. A finely honed razor could not have cut more neatly. I bandaged the bleeding toe with a hand- kerchief, covered my feet with a sheet and wrapped the edges of the hammock around me. All the while the hungry bat remained in attendance, now flying back and forth, now hanging nearby in watchful expectancy. I spent the early part of the night warding off attacks made by the animal each time it thought I had fallen asleep. The vampire finally (Continued on page 8) August Page 5 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM News 50 Millionth Visitor On July 2, Chicago Natural History Museum welcomed its 50 millionth vis- itor since the present Museum building opened in 1921. The special guest was 'My gosh, this is really something!" was John Witte's reaction when informed by Director E. Leland Webber that he was the Museum's 50 millionth visitor to its present building. John McFaul Wine. 12 years old, of nearby Westchester, Illinois. He had come to the Museum with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Witte, and a young friend, Steve Larson, especially to see the Tutankhamun Treasures. The 50th millionth visitor was greeted by Director E. Leland Webber, who presented him with a $500 Life Mem- bership certificate in the Museum and a book on ancient Egyptian art. John and his family then enjoyed a personally con- ducted tour of the King "Tut" exhibit Page 6 August by Dr. Mohammed H. Abd-Ur-Rah- man, First Curator of the Egyptian Mu- seum, who has accompanied the Tutank- hamun Treasures on their American tour. The first annual attendance figure of one million visitors to Chicago Natural History Museum's present building was reached in 1927. In 1937, 14-year-old John Ladd, of New York City, had the distinction of being the Museum's 20 millionth visitor. (Mr. Ladd wrote us recently from his home in Belmont, Massachusetts, that he is "finishing up a period of graduate study in anthropol- ogy at Harvard University with Pana- manian archaeology as my present area of specialization. Although circum- stances have kept me away from Chi- cago and the Museum, I have followed its growth and changing exhibits through the Bulletin, and as an archaeologist have been especially grateful for the Museum publications.") Since the war, Museum attendance has continued to rise, reaching 1,307,567 in 1961, a gain of 63,193 over the preceding year. In the first six months of 1962, there have been 671,866 visitors. Treasures A Success When the last visitor left the Tutankh- amun Treasures late on July 1 5, the final day of their exhibition here, attendance figures for their one month's display in Chicago had reached 123,722. Between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. on that final Sunday, 8,839 persons — a record for the Chicago showing — saw the priceless, 3000-year- old objects from King Tutankhamun's tomb, which had been permitted to leave Egypt for the first time. The ex- hibit was brought to Chicago under joint sponsorship of the Museum and the Oriental Institute of the LTniversity of Chicago. Next stop for the Tutankhamun Treas- ures will be Seattle, followed by San Francisco and Los Angeles. Before re- turning to their permanent home in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, the treas- ures will tour American cities for an- other year. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. Howard William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Rainer Zangerl, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. His Excellency Mahmoud Riad, Ambas- sador of the United Arab Republic to the United Nations, and Dr. Ahmed Fakhry, Professor of History of Ancient Egypt and the East at the University of Cairo, discuss the King Tutankhamun Treasures with guests at the preview of the exhibit held June 14. The Ambassador made a special trip from \ew Pork to Chicago to be present at the preview. on page 8) Austin L. Rand Chief Curator Zoology The camouflaged inchworm in the black-eyed susan is natural size; the enlargement shows how the camouflage is achieved. The flower parts — pieces of yellow petal and black parts of the florets — are bitten off and attached to the pair of spines on each segment. Silk spun by the caterpillar (and per- haps exuded by the spines) holds the camouflage in place. When the inch- worm is on the "eye" of the black-eyed susan, it is very inconspicuous. Note the second caterpillar on the flower. We found one of the most intri- guing examples of camouflage in nature in an ornamented or decorated inchworm on the black-eyed susans in our garden on the last weekend in Au- gust. The weather was hot, 95° F., and humid, and the black-eyed susans were thriving, drinking in the sunshine and radiating vitality, like zinnias. This heat seems to suit insects, too, which never have been more plentiful than in these mid-day hours, and the black-eyed susans were favorite places for a host of them: — flies, some small and metallic green, some big, dull and brown, and many intermediate ones; gnats of various sizes; black-spotted, red ladybird beetles, little round, green bee- tles with long antennae, and slender orange and black beetles; leaf hoppers of several shapes and colors; little grey moths folding their wings along the stems; a red-bodied dragonfly; grass- hoppers, some green, some brown; bees, A DECORATED INCHWORM \ from tiny ones to black and buff bumble bees as big as the end of my finger; vari- ous sizes of wasps, and winged aphids. Such profusion of insect life feeding on the flowers, on nectars, juices, and tis- sues, or on each other, brought special predators, too, such as ambush bugs with their distinctive black markings, which lay in wait, as did the pale, yel- lowish white crab spiders. Indicative of the minute animals hid- den within the microcosm of a single flower head, we saw tiny, insect-caused galls on the florets, and a diminutive red mite which came out onto a petal and, as we saw through a lens, seemed to scratch its venter with four of its eight legs in quick succession before it ran back among the florets and disappeared. Then Mrs. Rand picked from a flower what seemed to be a tiny mass of debris of flower parts caught in a bit of spider web. It proved to be an inchworm, a half-inch long, with bits of yellow petals and black floret parts stuck all over its back. Imagine our delight at finding one of these decorated insects — the cat- erpillars of a greenish, geometrical moth — about which we had read and won- dered. Last year, after having run across a photograph of one posed on a golden- rod, we spent several days in vain search through a nearby goldenrod field. From the photograph, which showed a cater- pillar as big as a cigarette, we had not been prepared for anything this small. Now that we knew what to look for — such tiny things — we soon found two more, and installed them on flowers in a dish where we could watch them (Continued on next page) August Page 7 through a reading glass. Without their decorations these inch- worms, despite their small size, would still have been unusual. They were dark brownish grey with pale grey longitudi- nal stripes, and each of the central seg- ments had a pair of projections. It was to these that the yellow pieces cut from the petals and the black pieces from the florets of the black-eyed susans had been stuck, presumably with silk spun by the inchworm. The result camouflaged the caterpillar wonderfully against the brown-black, yellow pollen-dotted "eye" of the flower. Much of the time the inchworm looped along, in its half circle pose, and browsed on the florets as placidly as a cow in a meadow. Once, while we watched it, it actually broke off part of a floret and, bending back, stuck it onto its back. Sometimes the inch-worm's head was liberally covered with yellow pollen grains. The forelegs seem to come into play here, but whether they were wiping the pollen away or pushing it into the caterpillar's mouth we could not tell. Occasionally the inchworm made a short journey out onto a petal, where it was conspicuous against the yellow and where it ate scallops into the edge of the petal. But soon it would return to the dark "eye" with which it harmonized so well. This type of camouflage seems as won- derful as that of the ocean crabs which put sponges and algae on their backs for concealment or protection. It is quite well known to the entomologists, but seemed dismissed in a very perfunctory way in some of our textbooks by ". . . the larvae of these geometrid moths conceal themselves by attaching bits of plants to their backs . . .," or some such phrase. In a more popular book with the photo- graph I mentioned above the phenome- non was dramatized on a scale that led me to look for a much larger caterpillar, one that could be watched without dif- ficulty. When we did find it, our first response was one of chagrin, — "is it as tiny as this!" This well illustrates the razor edge we try to travel when we write of the wonderful happenings in nature. BATS- {Continued from page 5) gave up and I slept undisturbed for the remainder of the night. The following night, Fooden and I slept under mosquito net shelters. Just as the light of the lantern faded out, I felt the bat strike my net with its wings. Not finding an opening, it tried Fooden's net with no more success and then flew off to find a meal elsewhere. This bat's quiet but efficient inspection tours be- came routine, and one night its persist- ence was rewarded. It found the wall side of Jack Fooden's netting snagged and raised just a crack above the bed- ding of the cot. The vampire snuggled inside and scurried on its four limbs to the sleeper's face. Sensing the intruder, Jack awoke with a cry, jumped out of bed, seized a flashlight and searched for the bat. I aided, but the alarmed ani- mal escaped through the same opening it had used for entering. Undismayed, the bat hopefully continued its regular nocturnal visits during the rest of our six- weeks' stay on the shores of the Sara- macca. y>~ Bulletin drawings by E. John Pfiffner. Cover photograph by Joanne Evenson. MUSEUM NEWS- {Continued from page 6) Children's Program "Universe," a color motion picture about a journey through space, will be presented Thursday, August 9, at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. in the James Simpson Thea- tre. It is the last in the Museum's sum- mer series of free films for children. The program will also include a cartoon, "Romance of Transportation." Evening Hours Continue Summer evening hours of 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will continue at the Muse- um through Sunday, September 2. On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday the Museum doors are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Museum's late evenings coincide with the nights of the free Grant Park concerts which begin at 8 p.m. Dinner is available in the Museum's cafeteria until 7 p.m. on these four evenings each week. Free parking is available in the north parking lot. " The hungry [vampire] bat hanging nearby in watch- Jut expectancy." Lower drawing shows skull with "scimitar-shaped front teeth." Vampire bats, insect eaters, fruit eat- ers, nectar eaters, and the means they use for getting their food are shown in the Museum's Exhibit-of-the-Month — "Bats, The Only Mammals That Fly" —in Hall 15. Page 8 August After September 3 the Museum will resume its fall schedule of hours — 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week. In Memoriam The Museum reports with regret the death of Cornelius Crane, Museum Benefactor, who died on July 9 at the age of 57 in his summer home in Belfast, Maine. Mr. Crane was the son of Richard T. Crane, Jr., former Museum Trustee, and a grandson of Harlow N. Higginbotham, Museum President from 1898 to 1908. In 1928 and 1929, Mr. Crane led an eleven months' expedition to the south seas for the Museum, for which his brig- antine yacht, Illyria, was fitted out with a scientific laboratory. The late Karl P. Schmidt, former Chief Curator of the Department of Zoology, accompanied the expedition as scientific leader. More than 6,000 zoological specimens were collected by Mr. Crane and his party in the Caribbean and in the Pacific. Upon his return, Mr. Crane was named a Museum Benefactor by vote of the Board of Trustees. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Desmids: Some of the "jewels from Lake Michigan featured in September's exhibit-of-the- month. VOL. 33 NO. 9 SEPTEMBER 1962 FEATURED EXHIBIT FOR SEPTEMBER Cladophora: A widely distributed green alga. There are many marvels in the world of plant life. It is very difficult to see and appreciate many of these, how- ever, because they are located in distant places, are rare, or are too small to be seen without a microscope. Chicagoans are fortunate to have at hand, in Lake Michigan, one of the most marvelous forms of life, the microscopic algae, which abound in these waters in a variety diffi- cult to imagine — and to have in the Museum, in the Hall of Plant Life, a series of enlarged glass models, hand- blown with exquisite skill to illustrate the principal groups of bacteria and al- gae. These exhibits bring into view, as though one were peering at them through a microscope, details of form and color in a variety of these tiny plants which directly or indirectly are involved in our daily lives. It is in overcoming such difficulties of size, distance, time, and situation that Museum exhibits serve their most useful educational purpose. Among members of the plant world which form a large part of the free swim- ming or floating organisms called plank- ton, are the diatoms: tiny, one-celled algae from 1/5000 of an inch in diam- eter up to the size of a pin head. Despite their small size, they have an unusual beauty scarcely equalled by any other form of life in the intricate markings, headings, and designs borne by their ex- terior cell wall of silica. For this reason, diatoms are often called the "jewels of the waters." The outer layer of silica is as indestructible as glass or quartz. Among the great variety of forms we can find disc shapes, with radial or concen- tric designs, canoe shapes, triangles, quadrangles, and other geometric forms. Sometimes diatoms live free as single units, or they may be united in long fila- Page 2 September ments set end to end at opposite corners to resemble a complicated game of dom- inoes, or they may be joined together lat- erally like shells in a cartridge belt. In addition to beauty of design and unique form is the attraction of their golden color. When sunlight strikes shallow water containing diatoms the water ap- pears to glow with a golden light, be- cause in addition to the green chloro- phyll common to all algae, diatoms have a brown pigment which masks the chlorophyll and produces the golden color. These ornamented little gems possess a special and intriguing method of move- ment which is one of the most unique in the natural world. Without the aid of either flagellae or cilia, which are com- mon to other motile unicellular forms, the diatoms appear to use a slow-motion form of jet propulsion achieved by ex- pelling a mucilaginous substance which propels them forward. Diatoms are a major source of food for all animals living in water, beginning a nutritional chain when, with the aid of sunlight, they build organic matter by photosynthesis. Diatoms are eaten by very small crustaceans; these are de- MIC] Lai voured by small fishes and by larger crustaceans; these in turn are eaten by larger fishes, which may be caught by man. Therefore, the chain of life begun by the diatoms is ended in the frying pan of a lucky fisherman. Diatom "shells" form large deposits known as diatomaceous earth, which is used in many ways — in insulating and sound-proofing materials, paints, filters, toothpaste, and polishing powders, to name only a few. Although some of us may think that we and the diatoms lead separate lives, we are actually quite close, as there are many diatoms not only in our bird baths and fish tanks but we also brush our teeth with diatoms and take baths with diatoms! The diatoms are not the only wonders offered us by Lake Michigan. There are the flagellates, which present char- acters of both the animal and the plant world, to such an extent that it is impos- sible to decide to which of the two great groups in which man has divided the living world these belong. For instance, in comparing a cat and a daisy, it is easy to apply our classification keys and de- cide which is plant and which is animal. Such keys, however, do not easily apply fOSCOPIC PLANTS: Michigi ) ans "Jewels » PATRICIO PONCE DE LEON ASSISTANT CURATOR, CRYPTOGAMIC HERBARIUM to this minute organism, for man's meth- ods of classifying living material were made before he encountered this form of life. Therefore, in observing the spe- cialities oiEuglena viridis (a flagellate rep- resented in our exhibit) we find that it contains chlorophyll as do most plants, that it moves about as do most animals (and some plants), and that it feeds at times as an animal does but at other times as a plant, manufacturing its own food with the aid of sunlight. Thus flagellates represent a generalized way of life that many plants and all animals still retain at some stage of their life cycles: the one-celled flagellate form. Among the numerous other forms of microscopic plant life in the waters of our lake are green algae, many of them having unusual shapes that might have inspired the futuristic painters (see Scene- desmus and Staurastrum in our exhibit). One of the most important of the green algae, Chlorella, has become almost in- dispensable in physiological research laboratories because it is easy to obtain, to handle, and control, and exhibits very rapid reproduction and growth. It was chosen by Dr. Melvin Calvin and his associates at the Radiation Laboratory of the University of California as the green plant to be used in their efforts to uncover one of nature's most closely guarded secrets — the intermediate steps in photosynthesis. In addition, this di- minutive alga has been considered as a possible solution to the problem of feed- ing the world's starving millions, as it can produce annually an estimated 20 tons of food per acre as compared with 1 to 2]/2 tons per acre produced by corn. In one day's time Chlorella can double its weight, using only the most simple materials and sunlight, and thus may well be the hope of future humanity. In the shallow water of Lake Michi- gan's quiet areas are found the so-called "blue-green" algae, a group that has characteristics of very primitive organ- isms. Like bacteria, they have no or- ganized nucleus; in fact, in some blue- greens there is no evidence of any struc- ture resembling a nucleus. Reproduction takes place by simple division. They do have chlorophyll, enabling them to man- ufacture food as do other algae, but it is masked by a blue pigment. They, along with some of the bacteria, are able to utilize free nitrogens in their manufac- ture of food, which other algae cannot do. They can live alone or in colonies. These colonies may appear as filaments, or may form large gelatinous masses, such as Nostoc. Some genera move about by means of oscillation, turning from one side to the other, but the remainder of the genera are not motile. On the lake bottom in shallow water can be observed many filaments of green color which belong to the sedentary green algae. Among them we find the common Oedogonium whose various stages are clearly illustrated in our exhibit; Ulothrix, which literally carpets the shal- lows of all of the Great Lakes and is re- sponsible for the green appearance of Niagara Falls; Cladophora, which has the largest world distribution of any fila- mentous alga and forms great masses known as "lake balls"; and Spirogyra, or "water silk," with its ribbon-like chloro- plasts interlaced in a spiral form, result- ing in such great beauty as often to mo- nopolize the attention of the students using a microscope. Another green alga is Hydrodichtyon, or "water-net," which forms colonies in the shape of a mesh bag. The net or mesh is made by the conjunction of many individuals at cer- tain points to form pentagons and hex- agons. Although Hydrodichtyon is very widely distributed throughout the world, it is also "rare" in the sense that it oc- curs only in isolated or locally limited spots — for example, one population may occur in South Africa, another in Si- beria, another in Argentina, and one in Illinois. Of course we have to tolerate a few inconveniences which accompany these marvelous algae — that fishy taste and smell of the water in the summer months is attributed to oily food reserves built up by diatoms and by the flagellate Dinobryum instead of starchy food re- serves commonly built by other plants. The large colonies formed in our lake by these organisms may clog filters of pumping stations of the city water sup- ply. However, when we consider our pleasure in their beauty, their great use- fulness in numerous manufactured prod- ucts, and in our research laboratories, the slight difficulties they may cause are far outweighed by the many benefits afforded us by these micro-organisms with which we are closely associated in our daily lives. September Page 3 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM In Memoriam The Museum regretfully reports the death on July 18 of Dr. Wilfrid D. Ham- bly, Curator of African Ethnology from 1926 to 1952. The noted anthropologist died in Chicago at the age of 75. Born in Clayton, Yorkshire, England, Dr. Hambly was educated at Hartley University College and at Oxford Uni- versity. He began his career as a teacher of biology, turning later to the field of ethnology. In 1913 he joined the Anglo- Egyptian Sudan Archaeological Expe- dition as member for the Wellcome His- torical Museum of London. Following the first world war, during which he served in the British Royal Naval Divi- sion, he became a lecturer in biology at Eastham Technical College and a re- search worker for the Industrial Research Board in London. Dr. Hambly came to the United States in 1926 to join the staff of the Museum. Subsequently he be- came an American citizen. Dr. Hambly's 26 years of association with the Museum were distinguished by many noteworthy contributions to the field of African ethnology. In 1929-30 he was leader of the Frederick H. Lawson West African Expedition which explored the vast area of Angola and Nigeria. The collections that he brought back, representing many tribes of both coun- tries, form a large part of the exhibits in the Museum's Hall of African Ethnol- ogy. In addition, Dr. Hambly's African studies resulted in a number of scientific papers published by the Museum, as well as many popular books and articles for both children and adults. In recog- nition of his scholarly research in the field of African ethnology, Dr. Hambly was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science by Oxford University. After his retirement, Dr. Hambly con- tinued his intellectual pursuits, returning often to the Museum. His gentle, warm personality will be greatly missed. Resignation Allen S. Liss has resigned as Custodian of Collections for the Department of Anthropology to accept an appointment Page k September as Curator of the Museum of Natural History of the State University of Iowa. A graduate of the University of Chicago, Liss had been a member of the staff of Chicago Natural History Museum since 1955. While associated with the Mu- seum he cooperated with the Illinois Archaeological Survey in numerous ex- cavations of prehistoric Indian sites throughout the State of Illinois. His new appointment at the State Univer- sity of Iowa will include the teaching of courses in museology. Replacing Liss is Mr. Christopher Legge, who joins the Museum's staff after 23 years with the British Colonial Service in Fiji. Legge was born in London, England, and received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Cambridge University. After graduating with honors he stayed on at the university to participate in a special preparatory program for the Co- lonial Service. His first assignment was in Nigeria, where he remained from 1928 to 1934. In 1938 he re-entered the British Colonial Service for duty in Fiji, where he remained as Commis- sioner until 1961. Legge has long been interested in an- thropology and is currently engaged, with Professor J. W. Davidson of the Australian National University, in re- search on the life of John Jackson, an Englishman who lived with the natives of Fiji in the 1840's. Research-in-Progress A 200-year-old research project initi- ated by King Charles III of Spain in the mid-1 700's was brought near to comple- tion this summer at Chicago Natural History Museum. The project began when the Spanish king charged a Royal Botanical Expedi- tion to New Spain with the task of sur- veying the natural resources of his do- mains in North America, and especially in Mexico. The principal botanists of the expedition, Dr. Martin Sesse y La- casta, a Spaniard, and D. Jose Mariano Mocino, a native of Mexico, visited many parts of Mexico and the West In- dies between 1788 and 1804. They amassed a large collection of approxi- mately 7,700 herbarium specimens, rep- resenting many species new to science. The two botanists never published the results of their work, however, and most of their collection remained unstudied in Madrid until 1936, when the speci- mens were loaned to this Museum to be mounted and identified. This work was begun by Dr. Paul C. Standley, at that time Curator of the Herbarium, and was continued with frequent and long inter- ruptions until his retirement in 1950. In 1959, Dr. Rogers McVaugh, Mu- seum Research Associate in Vascular Plants and a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan, undertook to prepare a critical catalogue of the collection as corollary to his own work on a flora of western Mexico. This summer Dr. McVaugh spent a (< MIGF At this time of year, when we can set to take wing for the south's warmer dim for children called "Migration." The Journey focuses on insects, fisl movements east, west, north, south — and from mountain to plain; from cold clii Journey will learn where the monarch 1 migration of sea lampreys differs from the fishes migrate; what bird "fly ways" pass flight during the year; where the black w the migrating buffalo in the years before Children (and families, too!) wishing at the north and south doors of the Must Journey has been completed, the filled boxes provided at each Museum entranc applied toward the Museum's Journey i fall Journey on "Migration" will contin month at the Museum to further the work of identifying, listing, and anno- tating specimens and preparing a final report on the botanical survey begun two centuries ago. As soon as final checking of literature and duplicate specimens in European herbaria can be accomplished, the specimens will be re- turned to Spain — as a much more valu- able, usable, and botanically important collection than King Charles knew. Staff Notes Mr. William D. Turnbull, Assistant Curator of Mammals, recently returned from a reconnaissance trip to Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado in search of new Mesozoic and earliest Tertiary fos- sil mammal localities. He examined a number of Jurassic formations in these western states, including the Morrison formation, which produced the earliest NEW FALL JOURNEY TION" march butterflies and some birds beginning he Museum is featuring a new fall Journey birds, and mammals, and their seasonal in up and down; from salt water to fresh; ;s to warm. Children who complete the erflies go at the end of summer; how the sonal travels of birds and mammals; which :r Chicago; which bird makes the longest moth is often found; what people followed western plains were settled. take the Journey may obtain questionnaires and at the Information Booth. When the questionnaires should be dropped in the Each child's questionnaire is recorded and rd Program held twice a year. The new hrough November. known mammal materials from the New World. Similar prospecting in several Cretaceous formations yielded fossil mammal materials from the Dakota, Mesa Verde, and Lance formations and from a new locality in the Hell Creek formation (a Lance formation equiva- lent). Greatest success was achieved at the Tongue River formation, a new Late Paleocene locality in Central North Da- kota. There an extensive number of small fossil mammal materials were col- lected, thanks to the lead and friendly assistance of the site's discoverers, Dr. and Mrs. Edmund Vinje, of Hazen, North Dakota. At the site, pantodonts, carnivores, condylarths, multitubercu- lates, marsupials, and insectivores were recognized, and it is quite likely that at least eight or ten orders will be distin- guished in the collection when it is studied. D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Verte- brate Anatomy at Chicago Natural His- tory Museum, is one of twelve nationally recognized scholars who lectured at Harvard University during August at a summer institute on the teaching of com- parative anatomy. Attending the six- weeks' institute sponsored by the Na- tional Science Foundation were 40 col- lege teachers selected from academic institutions in various parts of the United States. Purpose of the institute was to review and to re-evaluate the teaching of comparative anatomy. Davis pre- sented five lectures on the history of the concepts used in this scientific field. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1893 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9410 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Five members of the Museum's scien- tific staff were among a group of scholars selected to conduct the "Science for the Citizen" lecture series presented this summer by the Chicago Academy of Science. The lecturers were: Mr. D. Dwight Davis, Curator of Vertebrate Anatomy, Dr. Joseph C. Moore, Cura- tor of Mammals, Dr. Louis O. Williams, Curator of Central American Botany, William D. Turnbull, Curator of Verte- brate Paleontology, and Dr. Rupert R. Wenzel, Curator of Entomology. Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowen Blair Walter J. Cutnmings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C. Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. Howard William V. Kahlcr Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware Wood OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowen Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curatot of Botany Rainer Zangerl, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jindrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. This summer zoologists from all over the world have been convening in vari- ous cities in the United States to exchange ideas, compare notes, and to discuss cur- rent and future research in their particu- lar zoological specialties. Representing the Museum at the meetings of the Amer- ican Society of Mammalogists held late in June at Middlebury, Vermont, were Dr. Joseph C. Moore, Curator of Mam- mals, and Mr. Philip Hershkovitz, Re- search Curator. In Ithaca, New York, Dr. Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology, Mr. Emmet R. Blake, Curator of Birds, and Mr. Melvin A. Traylor, Associate Curator of Birds, participated in the XHIth International Ornitho- logical Congress. At the conclusion of the Ithaca meet- {Continued on page 8) September Page 5 EDWARD J. OLSEN CURATOR, MINERALOGY FIG. 1 For most of us the lure of piecing to- gether a jigsaw puzzle is irresistible. It taxes our ingenuity, completely ab- sorbs our attention, measures our ability to visualize forms, and, above all, it pleases our inherent belief that there is Page 6 September a pattern to all things and that the simplest, most straightforward way of putting things together is probably the right way. Unknown to most people is the fact that even today work is being done on a jigsaw puzzle of the grandest proportions imaginable. The puzzle itself was "man- ufactured" about 150 million years ago. Even the ancient Greeks, however, who were admirably aware of most of the rid- dles and puzzles of our physical world, didn't see this one. The reason? They were standing on it ! pie geographical similarity there would have to be grave geological, paleonto- logical, and biological implications. However, as Wegener's opponents and critics have pointed out, he was often overzealous to the point that he was guilty of playing heavily upon evidence in favor of the idea and disregarding evidence contrary to it. So that the reader will not be misled, the writer will outline, briefly, evidence on both sides of the question. In Fig. 1A we see a reconstruction of the "original" continent, Pangaea, as AT SEA ON A CC Perhaps the first person to notice it was Francis Bacon in 1620. By that time the first, approximately accurate maps of the Atlantic Ocean had been made. Bacon commented on the remarkable similarity in shape of the western coast- line of Europe and Africa and the east- ern coastline of North and South Amer- ica. They appear to lock together like the pieces of a gigantic jigsaw puzzle (Fig. 1 A). Since that time, as maps have improved in their accuracy, this same feature has been noted by other reput- able men, including the famous French zoologist, Georges Buffon (1780), the U.S. astronomer, Edward C. Pickering (1880), and the German geophysist, Al- fred Wegener (1900). By and large, the observation was re- garded only as an interesting coinci- dence. To Wegener, however, it was something more than a simple curiosity. He made the obvious proposition that the continents of the world were once a large, single mass, and that at some time in the past they split apart and the granitic continents "drifted" away from each other on top of the underlying mantle rocks to the positions in which we find them today. This he called the hypothesis of continental drift. Wegener spent the remaining thirty years of his life gathering evidence for this hypothesis. Over and above the sim- Wegener visualized it. (Because this is a flat map projection some of the shapes are necessarily distorted. In order to view it correctly one would have to use a globe.) Note that the correspondence between the actual (above water) coast- lines is not exact. This is to be expected. Each continent has, projecting from its coast, a gradually sloping shelf, which is under water but still a part of the con- tinent. The shelf finally drops offsharply to the oceanic deeps. Thus it is the out- lines of the continents out to their shelf edges that should fit together reasonably well. And in fact, as our knowledge of the shapes of continental shelves in- creases the correspondence becomes bet- ter and better. From Fig. 1 A we see that Australia, India, Africa, and South America all come together, with Ant- arctica in the center at the southern end of the continent. In the north, Eu- rope and North America fit together, with Greenland in between. In geology the notion of relative time is used to place past events and the ages of rocks. For example, Carboniferous is the name given to rocks and events older than the Permian. The Permian is older than the Triassic; the Triassic is older than the Jurassic, and so on. Thus if a large fault (fracture) disjoints a series of Permian and Triassic layers but does not affect Jurassic layers overlying them, we know that the fault occurred some time in the Triassic and before the Jurassic. The same kind of reasoning is true of flexures (folds) in rocks. Looking at a series of folds in Africa it is possible to date them as lower Trias- sic. In Fig. 2, the lines A, B, and C mark the axes of three of these large folds. At present they go right up to the coast and stop. However, if one were to move South America adjacent to Africa these three folds would be found to continue right on into South America. What is more, the latter folds are lower Triassic NTINENT! in age also! In North America the Appalachian Mountains first show themselves in west- ern Georgia and wend northeastward as a chain of high ridges up through Ver- mont, eastern Quebec, and Newfound- land. At the northern coast of that is- land they show no signs of waning in size or gradually flattening out. They simply stop dead at the coast. By mov- ing our jigsaw puzzle piece called North America into its interlocking position with the piece called Europe, we find that the Appalachians connect neatly onto the Caledonian Mountains of Eng- land and Scotland, continuing on to Norway and up to Spitzbergen. Further- more, the ages of the folding that warped up these mountains on both sides of the Atlantic are the same. Similarly, the swampy fern forests of the Carboniferous are evident today from the vast deposits of coal that run from Illinois through Pennsylvania, as well as through England, northern France, Germany, Poland, and the east- ern U.S.S.R. Furthermore, ores of some precious metals common to South Africa are found in similar formations in Argen- tina, Antarctica, India, and Australia. Over the past one hundred years, pa- leontologists and biologists have often struggled with the problems presented by the known distribution of various animals and plants, both extinct and presently alive. The extinct plants of the Glossoptera group occur as fossils in rocks of the same age in Africa, South America, and India. Several families of worms and scorpions currently show dis- tributions over southern South America, South Africa, India, and eastern Aus- tralia. Some primitive plants and fresh- water fishes are found as fossils in the (Devonian) Old Red Sandstone of Eng- land. In New York State the (Devonian) Catskill Formation is strikingly similar to the Old Red and carries the same fossil groups. Perhaps the most out- standing example is the primitive rep- tile, Mesosaurus, which exhibits distinct physical characteristics and shows no clear relationship to later reptile groups. Its fossil remains are confined solely to Permian rocks in Brazil and South Africa. If the continents were not once an interlocking mass, in order to account for these fossil distributions it would be necessary to postulate, at various times in the past, a series of land bridges, or strings of closely spaced islands, criss- crossing the Atlantic in order to permit the intercontinental migration of animals and plants which, though closely related, are now found an ocean apart. Indeed, many biologists, geologists, and paleon- tologists who are severe critics of con- tinental drift have suggested such bridges. However, when they are pin- ned down concerning where these bridges connected and when they rose and sank, they become vague and non- committal. From a geophysical point of view such bridges are virtually im- possible. From the mass of data which has been accumulated by Wegener and his follow- ers one could go on presenting evidence to support the hypothesis of continental drift. For our purposes, we must be con- tent with the brief resume presented above and go on to look at the other side of the question. The opponents of continental drift point out that the forces required to move masses are so large that they would have caused a major catastrophe in the earth's orbital motion. There is no evi- dence of such a world-wide catastrophe in the geologic record. For example, a force sufficient to move America west- ward by 50 degrees of longitude in 30 million years would be sufficient to halt the earth's rotation in one year. Moreover, if one looks at the occur- rences of modern plants of the dogwood family (the genus, Cornus), their distribu- tion is found to be eastern North Ameri- ica, southern China, and New Zealand ! If this kind of scattered distribution is possible today, it should not be difficult to conceive of ancient plants and ani- mals being distributed in South America and Africa, or North America and Eu- rope, without these continents necessar- ily having been joined together. On the basis of fossil evidence Wegener £C/ / /-^—— A M 1 SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH 1 AMERICA I \ f .^r t| ^*- -B :#\ _ JOHANNESBURG / VO- A BLEN05\ AIRES J I ~^y S^/^-N. ^-^-^v si concluded that the actual split took place sometime late in the Triassic or early in the Jurassic, or about 1 50 million years ago (Figs. IB, 1C). Some of his oppon- ents, however, claim that sediments col- lected from the Atlantic Ocean bottom are older than Triassic. If so, the Atlan- tic must have been open ocean prior to the time when Wegener concluded that it was supposed to have formed. So the contest goes on even today. Perhaps the most significant part of the dispute is that concerning the rate of continental movement. In principle, the Americas need not have drifted 50 degrees to the west of Eurasia-Africa, but, rather, each block could have drifted about 25 degrees of longitude each way from what is now the central Atlantic. Thus any tendency for the Americas to stop the earth's rotation presumably would have been more than compensated by the Eurasian-African block going in the other direction. In fact, because of the larger mass of the latter, the earth would have sped up to a fantastic rate if both blocks had moved at the same rate away from the center! September Page 7 Furthermore, if the theory of conti- nental drift is correct, there is no reason to assume that the drifting motion would have ceased. It is presumably going on today. To test this supposition, Weg- ener's modern proponents have searched and sifted vast amounts of data covering surveys made over the past 100 years of points all over the world. Some of their conclusions are quite interesting. From 1823 to 1933 a small island near Green- land called Sabine Island has been sur- veyed four times by different men. Its longitude shows a westward shift of about 1300 feet, or about 13 feet per year. Similarly, observations of longi- tude were made at Godthaab in west Greenland by three surveyors on three occasions from 1863 to 1922. Their re- sults show an apparent average shift westward of about 1 2 feet per year. The gap between Washington, D.C., and Paris. France, appears to be increasing by about one inch per year. Madagascar, on the other hand, shows an apparent motion of a few inches per year in an easterly direction. The modern opponents of continental drift point out, quite rightly, that one cannot compare 100-year-old surveys with modern surveys. The older deter- minations of longitude were subject to large errors, and all of the supposed shifts are within standard allowances for observational error. The defenders of continental drift, on the other hand, point out that such errors are so-called "plus or minus" errors. That is, they could be in either direction, east or west. If one were to look at enough data one would expect to find as many apparent shifts, due to errors, in an easterly as well as a westerly direction. However, all "errors" in studies of movement of the Americas (including Greenland, as well as other localities)are to the west. Stud- ies of Madagascar and Africa show "er- rors" to the east, just as they should if these land masses are presumed to be drifting eastward. At the present time, several groups are working on accurate determinations of longitude to find out if such shifts are really taking place. The present tech- niques use very accurately timed radio signals, which are subject only to very small error. Navigational satellites will also help immeasurably in this kind of Page 8 September work. Oceanographers are currently at- tempting to obtain good samples from the deep Atlantic to determine the age of the oldest sediment on its bottom. The idea of continental drift admits of no middle ground of opinion. Either con- tinents drift, or they don't. Thus the hy- pothesis has strong defenders and strong opponents. Some of the best minds in modern geology and geophysics are on each side of the dispute. In reality, data on the physical properties of the earth's mantle and its granitic crustal conti- nents are not good enough, even today, to say whether continental drift is phys- ically possible or impossible. We do know, however, that it is pos- sible for large pieces of continental rock to move limited distances. For example, in California there is the famous San Andreas fault, which runs through cen- tral California and under the city of San Francisco. The fault is gradually cutting off the southwest side of California and sliding it northwestward. By matching up rocks on either side of the fault it is known that the southwestern block has moved some 100 miles northwestward. As opponents of continental drift point out, however, 100 miles is a fairly small distance in contrast to the distances whole continents are supposed to have moved under the Wegener hypothesis. At the present time the solution to the problem can only be viewed as a matter of opinion until there is quanti- tative data one way or the other. Strong opinions, unfortunately, often take the form of jibing jokes designed to ridicule the opposition. Opponents of conti- nental drift enjoy telling a small fiction about an eminent geologist who was an ardent proponent of the hypothesis. This gentleman, one day, was rowing a boat along the African coast. As he ap- proached a protruding ledge of rock he observed that it contained a fossil fish. Unfortunately, only the tail end of the fish remained. Quickly he took out his Wegenerian map of old Pangaea and found the corresponding point on the South American coast. He turned his rowboat around and rowed across the Atlantic to that place. Sure enough, there was a ledge of the same kind of rock, and in it he found the head of the fossil fish. Only one trouble — it was up- side down ! MUSEUM NEWS (Continued from page 5) ings several ornithologists from other countries traveled to Chicago to study this Museum's bird collections. Mr. C. W. Benson, of the Game and Fish- eries Department, Chilanga, Northern Rhodesia, returned with Traylor, who recently spent seven months in Northern Rhodesia collecting birds and mam- mals. Other foreign ornithologists who visited the Museum are: Mr. Rudyerd Boulton, Atlantica Foundation, Salis- bury, Southern Rhodesia; Mr. Jean Dorst, Museum National d'Histoire Nat- urelle, Paris; Dr. Ernst Shiiz, Lud wigs- burg, Germany. Dr. Donald Collier, Curator of South American Archaeology and Ethnology, attended the annual meetings of the Central States Anthropological Society in St. Louis. Mrs. Paula R. Nelson, Public Rela- tions Counsel, has been appointed co- chairman of the Science Assembly of the Adult Education Council. The Science Assembly will plan programs on science topics for members of the Council and the general public during the coming months. Mrs. Nelson has also been appointed to the Awards Committee of the Pub- licity Club of Chicago. Dr. Louis O. Williams, Curator of Central American Botany, attended the recent Neotropical Botanical Conference sponsored by the National Science Foun- dation at the Imperial College of Trop- ical Agriculture of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad. The confer- ence was attended by botanists repre- senting several countries in the neotropics as well as by specialists from American institutions where botanical research has a strong neotropical orientation. Dr. Williams reports that a beginning was made looking toward an integrated re- search program which it may be hoped will bring greater knowledge to bear on problems of that vast region where nearly half of the peoples of the Americas live. PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS CHICAGO' NATURAL! HISTORY vu.33 MUSEUM 0ci. ^■•-."-..^fl i ...^ Ifefe ''x. -l r7 x-r '• --K-'r -._ '"/S- ^ mtm, | tt* |L 7? \ : ?~!!&)0EmZ**w1' ■ ii' **-*■ < \ - - V? ' - * i =3^ .'V !*fct'"5&\' ^£ «.-• ^■F*"Roman World by AL. N. OIKONOMIDES Mr. Oikonomides is studying for a graduate degree in clas- sical archaeology at the University of Chicago. Born in Greece, he is a graduate of the University of Athens. While Assistant Curator at the Acropolis Museum in Athens, and later at the Epidauros Museum, he participated in several excavations in his native country. The collection of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman antiquities at Chicago Natural History Museum is one of the most interesting in the Midwest. One of the most important specimens in the col- lection is a bronze bust, 3% inches high, of the god Serapis (Fig. 1). The worship of Serapis was introduced into Egypt by Ptolemy I (305-283 B.C.), and in the times of his successors the cult spread all over the Greco-Roman world. For the Egyptians the new god was yet another form of their old deity, Osiris; thus Serapis was worshiped in the tradi- tional way together with Isis and Horus (or Harpocrates). For the Greeks and the Romans, however, Serapis repre- sented a combination of the divine fea- tures of the three great sons of Saturn : Zeus, Pluto (or Hades), and Poseidon. An ancient Greek scholar has described this conception of the nature of Serapis : " The powers and honors of the other gods are separate; men call upon one god for this purpose, upon another for that pur- pose. He, the leader of the choir, holds the beginning and end of everything in his hand. . . . Hence there are those who wor- ship this god alone, in the place of all the gods; and there are others who, though for each special purpose they resort to some particular divinity, yet couple Serapis with that divinity, as being Him to whom the whole world alike gives peculiar exal- tation. . . . He has, as the poets would say, the keys of earth and sea; seeing that, even after life has come to its neces- sary end, Serapis remains still the Lord of men . . . who assigns its place to each soul "» The most famous sanctuary of the new divinity was a monumental temple in Alexandria containing a cult statue of the god. Serapis sat on a richly deco- rated throne, clad in a chiton and hima- tion of dark blue. The head of the god was of gold, and crowned with the tradi- tional modius;2 the face was sober, strong, yet mild and mysterious. The god's jeweled eyes gleamed through the dark- ened temple from the richly decorated and lighted cella. According to ancient sources, the sculptor who made the statue 1 Aristeides, Aelius, Praise of Serapis, written in the third century a.d. •An ancient grain measure. Page 2 December was Bryaxis the younger, a pupil of the famous Skopas. On a gold bracelet in the Museum's collection (Fig. 4) the temple of Serapis at Alexandria, with the statue of the god wearing the modius, appears in relief. As far as I know, this is a unique repre- sentation of the temple and has only one parallel : the relief on a clay lamp from the Athenian Agora, which represents the local temple of Serapis, together with the cult statue of the god. From the many statues and statuettes of Serapis known to be in various mu- seums and collections, only a few are accepted as echoes or copies of the cult statue made by Bryaxis. The most fa- mous of these copies are two busts in the Vatican Museum in Rome. The bronze bust in the Museum's collection (Fig. 1 ) belongs stylistically to the same group as the Vatican busts and is possibly the best bronze copy of this type in a museum in the United States. The "Chicago Sera- pis" can be dated between the second and first centuries B.C. Although a minor work of art of its period, it preserves clearly the fine features of its original. The eyes were jeweled, and on the mo- dius olive tree branches were carved with very fine lines (now obscured by corrosion) . Three other representations of Serapis are also in the Museum's collection. A clay bust from Egypt dates from the Ro- man period (Fig. 5). The face is not pre- served, but the copy is interesting be- cause it tries to imitate the bronze busts. A clay lamp from Egypt also preserves a bust of Serapis in relief (Fig. 3). We rec- ognize immediately the Bryaxis type, but the features are not clear because the mold was ruined by the time this lamp was produced. A signet stone, with a bust of Serapis (Fig. 2), completes the set of "Serapis monuments" at Chicago Natural History Museum. It can be dated from the late Hellenistic period, but does not add new knowledge to the history of the statuary types. " The market-places are full, and the har- bors, and the broad places of the cities, with those who tell the manifold things Serapis has done. Should I seek to nar- rate them, though an unending series of Fig. 2 — A signet stone with a bust of Serapis (enlarged approx- imately three times) Fig. 3 — A clay I amp from Egypt with a barely discernible bust of Serapis appearing in low relief (actual size shown) ABOVE: Fig. 4 Gold bracelet in the de- sign of the temple of Serapis in Alexandria, with the statue of the god in relief (enlarged approximately three times) RIGHT: Fig. 5 A clay bust of Serapis, dating from the Ro- man period, found in Eg ypt (actual size shown) DECEMBER Page 3 CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM NEWS The Holiday Science Lectures — A New Program for Outstanding High School Students Dr. Rene Jules Dubos, eminent micro- biologist and pioneer discoverer of anti- biotics, will be the speaker in a new series of Holiday Science Lectures to lie given at the Museum for high school students of exceptional ability in science or mathe- matics. The program is sponsored jointly by the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science and the Museum. Four illustrated lectures will be pre- sented to outstanding students from the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades who have been nominated by public, paro- chial, and private high school principals from Chicago and the surrounding coun- ties. The lectures will be given in the James Simpson Theatre from 10 a.m. to noon, beginning on Wednesday, Decem- ber 26, and ending on Saturday, Decem- ber 29. Dr. Dubos, who is Professor at the Rockefeller Institute in New York, will speak on the subject, "Microbes in Health and Disease." The Holiday Science Lectures were be- gun in New York City in 1 959 as part of a continuing program of the AAAS to in- crease public understanding of science. Under a grant from the National Science Foundation the program was expanded to include, in 1961, the cities of San Francisco and Cincinnati. In 1962-63 Holiday Science Lectures will be pre- sented, in cooperation with local univer- sities or museums, in Chicago, Boston, New York, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Na- tionally known scientists scheduled to speak, in addition to Dr. Dubos, are: Dr. Lyman Craig, Dr. Theodosius Dob- zhansky, Dr. Mark Kac, Dr. Stanford Moore, Dr. William Stein, and Dr. Paul Weiss. The Museum is especially pleased that Dr. Dubos will deliver the Holiday Sci- ence Lectures in Chicago, since he is noted for his ability to write and speak as well as for his research. His most recent Page k DECEMBER book, The Unseen World, published this year, is an outgrowth of a similar series of talks he gave to selected high school stu- dents in New York when this program began. Dr. Dubos is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, past president of the Society of American Bacteriologists, and an editor of the Journal of Experi- mental Medicine, His books include: Pasteur and Modern Science, published in 1960; The Mirage of Health, in 1959; The White Plague — Tuberculosis, Man, and So- ciety (1952), and in 1961, The Dreams of Reason. Among the many awards he has received for his contributions to science, the most recent are the Robert Koch Centennial Award of the Koch Institute in Berlin in 1960, and the Modern Medi- cine Award for Distinguished Achieve- ment in 1961. Souzay Returns in Free Concert Gerard Souzay, French baritone, whose performance in the Free Concerts Foun- dation's program series last year received praise from critics and public alike, will return to the stage of the James Simpson Theatre on Wednesday, January 16, for a joint recital with Maureen Forrester, so- prano. The concert will be the two vocal- ists' only Chicago appearance in their first joint concert tour of America. The program begins at 8 :15 p.m. For free tickets to the concert send a stamped, self-addressed enveolope to Free Concerts Foundation, Chicago Natural History Museum, Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5. Winter Hours On Christmas Day, December 25, and New Year's Day, January 1, the Museum will be closed to enable the Museum's staff to spend the holidays with their fam- ilies. During December, January, and February, the Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Chicago Natural History Museum Founded by Marshall Field, 1S93 Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 5 Telephone: WAbash 2-9-UO TRUSTEES William V. Kahler Hughston M. McBain J. Roscoe Miller William H. Mitchell John T. Pirie, Jr. John Shedd Reed John G. Searle John M. Simpson Solomon A. Smith Louis Ware Wood THE BOARD OF Lester Armour Wm. McCormick Blair Bowcn Blair Walter J. Cummings Joseph N. Field Marshall Field, Jr. Stanley Field Clifford C Gregg Samuel Insull, Jr. Henry P. Isham J. Howard OFFICERS Stanley Field, Chairman of the Board Clifford C. Gregg, President Hughston M. McBain, First Vice-President Joseph N. Field, Second Vice-President Bowcn Blair, Third Vice-President Solomon A. Smith, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary E. Leland Webber, Secretary THE BULLETIN EDITOR E. Leland Webber, Director of the Museum CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Paul S. Martin, Chief Curator of Anthropology John R. Millar, Chief Curator of Botany Rainer Zangerl, Chief Curator of Geology Austin L. Rand, Chief Curator of Zoology MANAGING EDITOR Paula R. Nelson, Public Relations Counsel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Marilyn Jmdrich, Associate in Public Relations Members are requested to inform the Museum promptly of changes of address. Audubon Lecture "Alberta Outdoors," a color motion picture about the mountains, prairies, and vast wildernesses of the Province of Al- berta, will be presented in the James Simpson Theatre at 2 :30 p.m. on Sunday, December 9, by the Illinois Audubon So- ciety. The film is narrated in person by Edgar T. Jones. Cultural Groups Visit "Art of Benin" A number of Chicago's cultural organi- zations have scheduled programs at the Museum centered around the current ex- hibition, "The Art of Benin." Among groups that have already viewed the centuries-old bronzes from Africa is the Society for Contemporary American Art. Sixty of their members attended a dinner meeting on November 13 in the Museum. Another group that toured the exhibi- tion in November were participants in the University of Chicago's Fine Arts Pro- gram, students of Mr. Theodore Halkin, artist in the Department of Anthropology. On December 6, the Committee for Roosevelt University's African Studies Program will hold a dinner meeting at the Museum especially to see the exhibition Director E. Leland Webber (center) and Phil- lip H. Lewis, Curator of Primitive Art (left), dis- cuss the Museum's cur- rent special exhibition, "The Art of Benin;' with three members of the Society for Contemporary American Art: (from left to right) Mrs. Albert H. Newman, Mrs. Charles F. Cutter, and Mr. Wil- liam E. Hartmann, Pres- ident of the Society. of African court art. The evening's pro- gram will include a performance of Af- rican dancing, singing, and drums by the Chicago chapter of the Pan-African Stu- dent Organization in the Americas. Also in December, members of the South Side Community Art Center have arranged a tea in the Museum and a viewing of the exhibition at that time. The exhibition remains on display through December 9 only. Geology Staff Artist Appointed Dr. Tibor Perenyi, Hungarian-born sculptor, was appointed Geology Staff Artist on October 1. He fills a position that has been vacant since the resignation of Mrs. Maidi Wiebe Leibhardt earlier this year. Dr. Perenyi brings to the Museum a wide background of experience in the field of art. Before leaving Hungary in 1956, Dr. Perenyi had achieved national recognition as a portrait sculptor. His busts of prominent people and of children had been displayed in numerous art ex- hibitions in Budapest and he was a per- manent exhibitor in the annual Winter Exhibition of the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts. When he arrived in the United States, Dr. Perenyi was immediately commis- sioned by a number of Americans to do several busts. For the past three years he has been designing and painting ana- tomical models for a leading firm in this field, while continuing his work as a free- lance sculptor. New Museum Journey for Children Why does the earth look the way it does? What forces of nature are con- stantly at work changing the face of the earth? The Museum's new winter Journey for children, "Understanding Scenery," pro- vides answers to these questions in a care- fully plotted trip to exhibits that show the variable surface of our planet and explain how it got that way. A question- Gift Suggestions from the Book Shop Here are just a few of the many items now available at the Museum Book Store which should please a number of persons on your holiday shopping list. Prices men- tioned include tax and postage. Museum Stories. These booklets have been written by the Museum staff to stimulate the curiosity of young readers about man and the world around him. They form a junior encyclopedia of natural his- tory. Each story book contains ap- proximately 12 pages with black and white illustrations. A complete set of 30 booklets is $6.75. Songbirds of America. A high fi- delity recording, accompanied by text and commentary, with full color photographs of 26 familiar song birds. This 10" x 10* volume is available at 33M rpm for $5.20. Precious Stone — Gemstone Set. A collection of 30 genuine rough stones from around the world. This set contains a synoptic tables of names, hardness, specific gravities, refractive index, crystal forms, chemical formu- las, and places of origin at $4.35. As usual, the Book Shop carries a wide selection of books on art, anthropology, botany, geology, and zoology, which make fine gifts for both adults and child- ren. Jewelry and craft objects from many countries are also available to help make your Christmas shopping easy and pleas- sant. naire to be filled out on the Journey is available at the Information Desk and at the north and south entrances to the Museum. Children who deposit a com- pleted questionnaire in the boxes pro- vided at each door will receive credit leading to a certificate of award. All Journeyers are honored at a special awards program held twice each year at the Museum. dccember Page 5 Field Work in Iran Continues Camp Two, Near Sama North Slope, Elburz Mountains (4,200 feet elevation) August 24: That good man, Kosrovv Sa- rin,1 turned up in camp on the night of the 22nd, not only laden with such desid- erata as butter, fruit, cookies, bread, and loafcake, but with a stack of letters. We were delighted to hear from the Muse- um. By now you will have heard about the wild sheep and goat specimens which are en route. We thought hunting that group of animals quite exciting. At this moment there is much activity in camp. Douglas is skinning the first hare over in front of his tent under the interested eye of a villager who resem- bles, more than a little, a brigand. Kos- row Sariri and Nicola, our driver, have started a fire under a huge copper kettle borrowed from the village and are boil- ing bear bones. Bill is well away from the tents skinning a jackal, while I sit under a huge walnut tree happily writ- ing to you. So far we have taken 27 mammal spe- cies in all. At this camp we have added to the collections a doe and a fawn maral,2 one roebuck, one bear beauti- fully silver tipped, three jackals, one hare, one pig, plus some bats, rats, and mice. The dormice are large and fluffy tailed — very pretty. They live in the walnut trees. The ones caught here are rolling fat, but the ones Doug took at 6,000 feet are much thinner by com- parison. The hunting here is rather hard; the hills are dry, the padding of leaves and twigs extremely crackly. The night hunting has not yet produced very much. Bill and Doug sit in the spare tires on top of the truck and come leaping down when they see any shining eyes. It's slim picking, but we are rather pleased with what we have obtained. 1 Representative of the Game Council of Iran who has acted as "chief-of-staff" for the expe- dition. Page 6 December 2 Maral is a name for the large Persian form of the red deer, Cervus elephus. Janice K. Street Mrs. Street continues the nar- rative, begun in the November BULLETIN, of the W. S. and J. K. Street Expedition of Chicago Natural History Museum to Iran. Members of the expedi- tion include her husband and the expedition's leader, Mr. William S. Street, and mam- malogist Douglas Lay. The trip over the Chalus Road down here to our second camp was spectacu- lar. We drove to 10,000 feet, then through a one-lane tunnel over a mile long. On the other side of it we started down one horseshoe curve after another. In places we went through narrow can- yons cut through the rocks, sometimes with great overhangs of rock. We passed through a couple of villages where houses were of stone and mud, usually with no windows. The village shop, if there was one, was merely a dark hole in a wall. Always, though, a table or two with chairs, where you could stop LEFT: William S. Street kneels to photo- graph one of his field "prizes" held by Douglas Lay. for tea, were set out by the road. Or in an out-of-the-way place you might see a man with a samovar, and one or two little glasses on china saucers, sell- ing tea. The tea is served in the glass, you then pour the tea in the saucer, put a sugar lump in your mouth, and drink from the saucer. At Pal-e-Dowab (under 2,000 feet ele- vation), we turned off the main road and traveled about 1 5 miles over a rough, rocky, winding side road to camp. It took us two hours, and we felt shaken up for the first time. The camp is at 4,200 feet, with hills on both sides and higher mountains beyond. It is delightful. I have the same feeling here that I did at Doab, of hills overlapping as far as one can see. The hills are dry with scrub growth (much thorn bush), which grows heavier as you go up higher toward the forest. Yet in spite of the dry hills and rocky terrain there is a feeling of lushness in the green fields of rice and arzan, the great walnut trees, and the small vegetable gardens. Every so often there is an oa- sis. In the center of a velvet green field one may see several piles of stones placed there when the field was cleared. All the fields are tilled and worked by hand or with the aid of crude implements. Looking from our tent down-valley we see green fields, trees, berry bushes, and other crops. They give the appearance of lavishness but do not show how hard the people work to wrest a living from the hill. They have done a remarkable job putting in the irrigation ditches which make the green possible. Back of us to either side a narrow valley runs between high rock cliffs and winds, slowly climbing, among the bases of the hills. These hills are rugged looking and splendid, with green trees growing out of the rock. There are many thistles all around us — some yellow, some just plain thistle color, but the ones I love are a periwinkle blue. There are also blue daisies, and, believe it or not, blue but- terflies to match. Charming! The village of Sama is quite close. The people have very, very little. Many of the children have immense tummies from dietary deficiency. But they are a friendly, happy people. In the early morning we hear the boys taking the cattle, and the men starting out with mules or horses for the fields, going along the trails on either side of camp, singing and laughing. The houses are stone, chinked with mud and straw. One affluent citizen, whose house is walled away from the rest, allowed us to look inside. There were three rooms : one, the kitchen area — very cool inside, with plastered walls. Across one corner hung a baby bed. A sack of wheat and a sack of another grain stood side by side. In one corner a col- lection of elegant copper utensils and a kerosene single burner. On the lone shelf, two lamps. The next two rooms were locked and identical — large, high- ceilinged, and deliriously cool. On the floor were lovely Persian rugs. Neat bed rolls with round pillows on top were stacked at the back. In the yard were rugs and mats with arzan and wheat spread on them to dry. We went to the village armed with two cameras, one a Polaroid, and a pocket full of balloons. At first the women all covered their faces and ran to hide. I took a picture of two young- sters and had them show it. That did it. We were swamped. Everyone wanted "aks" (pictures). It was an interesting experience, photographing the women with babies on their backs and tiny chil- dren carrying babies. The women and children all dress alike : a long, full print- ed cotton shirt; then a shift, perhaps red or a print, goes over that, split on the sides for freedom in walking. Some women also wear a sleeveless jacket that may have silver-looking coins on the edges. Always a scarf is tied over and around the head, back far enough to show a piece of hat attached to the scarf. It's shaped like the front of an overseas cap — black with silver braid and a touch of red. With their first reticence over, the women now come to camp in ones or twos each day for a picture, and have lost all shyness. Douglas is going to be away for a couple of days working the traps for a few mice in another area. He had hoped to go up the mountain today for more dormice, but for the first time there are low clouds and fog, and he will have to wait. A few days ago, Bill took off with Isa, the local Game Council man. They left camp and started straight up the moun- tains where they hunted and camped at 6,500 feet, then went on up to 8,400 where the two maral were taken. A beautiful, but precipitous piece of coun- try, with extremely large trees, six to eight feet through: alders and beeches, with {Continued on next page) \ ... N U. S. S. R. S"> T" .•"makuX -^ ; i ./ 'n. ( Hi** ^ L-. IASTEHA v / \ 7*\ ■ TABRIZ i REZA \Ws -**No.4- ^L, PAH LEVI . No.Vi ■* / / ^^fcg^| S6\fJ RESH' "'X^ >^- No. 3 / \ \ v.. \ — , / • ^^^ SMAIUS No. 2 #/ gach-i-sarJ £?°-1 4 KARAJ(j^_ _ (" TEHERAN IRAQ \ r ( ('' _j f Ht = camps December Page 7 (Continued from preceding page) thousands of trilliums below. Holly, too. One thing I can say, this country is good for the waistline. We've all tight- ened up the belts a bit, which calls for some boasting. Bill is doing his best to have the same waistline measurement as Doug. I measure each of them every few days. (Just between the two of us, I pull the tape tighter when measuring Bill !) Before too long we will move on to the Caspian. Camp Six, near Rezaiah On the banks of the Bardasar Chay (River) September 18: Our tents are set up among the willow trees overlooking a small river — really a stream — some distance from the road. A hill rises directly behind us and an old flour mill is built into it. Made of rock and mud, it's been there for over a hundred years. The miller grinds the wheat on a stone wheel. The mill is built over water ditches, so he controls the water. We are almost sur- rounded with ditches. The mill is built on three levels: one where the wheat is poured, one where the miller (a nice gentle soul who looks as though a breath of wind would blow him away) keeps his meager belongings, and the lowest where the wheel is, and a trough into which the flour falls. Out- side, in a large flat area, the wheat is sifted before being ground. Driving from Chalus westward along the Caspian coast, we experienced some delightful moments. We enjoyed seeing the tea plantations. Through binoculars we could see the neat rows of tea plants way up the mountain sides. Girls in gaily colored dresses were picking tea leaves in the fields. The tea factories are the best looking buildings we have seen, painted and surrounded with gardens. Beyond Bandar Pahlovi we drove through miles of wild pomegranate, some in bloom, some with fruit. At Astara we stopped at a small cav- iar packing plant. It comprised two square rooms, not large, connected by a roofed passageway. One room held the vats for sturgeon. The caviar is put in salt water, then drained in large sieves. In the other room, the caviar was packed. The place was painted white and blue and was very clean. Page 8 December SERAPIS days ran on and on, the list would still be incomplete. For his mighty works have not come to a standstill: there are more today than yesterday. Each day, each night, adds new ones to the tale." The conception of one almighty god in Hellenistic religion, as incorporated in the image of Serapis, spread throughout (Continued from page 3) the Mediterranean. The most efficient propagators of his worship were the sail- ors and mariners who carried the cult to the Black Sea and the coast of the At- lantic Ocean. The temple of Serapis at Eboracum, near York, in Britain, and the cults at Silchester and London, give an idea of the northern boundaries of the god's worship in the ancient world. Beyond Astara we drove over plateau country, 5,200 feet high. It reminded us of eastern Washington. Dry farming was done and we saw quantities of wheat being threshed with water buffalo or by hand. Plowing was done with a buffalo and crude implements. Tremendous amounts of land were under cultivation. Every bit of green was being gathered and stored. Here we began seeing the Turkish style villages. They are completely dif- ferent from the others, with square mud houses, flat-roofed, and a series of courts seemingly connecting everything. There were a few small windows, or more often just a door. Many of the houses were THE COVER Chinese belt toggles, photographed to almost exact size, create an unusual checkerboard effect on this month's cover. What are belt toggles? As their photo- graphs show, they are beautifully fash- ioned objects, two to three inches in size, made from ivory, wood, lacquer, metal, jade, or other hard materials, including seeds. Traditionally, belt toggles were used by Chinese gentlemen as counter- weights for various personal accessories — cases for pipes, fans, and spectacles, portable writing sets, portable eating kits — which were carried suspended from a cord looped over the belt. Most of these toggles date from the 19th Cen- tury, but some are older, including one inscribed with the date, 1403. The 20 pieces pictured on the cover are part of a collection of 237 recently presented as a gift to the Museum by Miss C. F. Bieber of Santa Fe, Mew Mexico. All will be displayed in the Museum's hall of Chinese and Tibetan ethnology (Hall 32) whose reinstallation is in progress. built wall to wall. Elsewhere, winding walkways ran between quite high walls. The flat roofs of the houses were used for storage, as was evidenced by the stacks of straw and the high, cone- shaped stocks of winter fuel — patties of cow dung and straw. After being made, these are dried on the walls. The vil- lagers' cattle and sheep looked very good, and where land has been irrigated, vege- tables were growing. Ardabil was a busy town. We were intrigued by the many horse-drawn car- riages. There wasn't one in good repair. The fenders were frayed and merely tied on, the upholstery was torn and patched — but the driver sat high and proud in his ragged coat. Many of the carriages were painted blue or red and decorated with a row of colored flowers. The horses not only sported beads and bells, but red yarn tassels or pompoms were attached in several places. Two-wheeled carts carried tanks of water to sell. Children would run out and try to turn the spigot on and take some water. The driver carried a stick and when he saw them he would leap off and give chase. Meanwhile, the horse just plodded on. This is a fertile valley, with much to- bacco and large vineyards. Both crops are being picked now and dried. There is also a large sugar factory. While some sugar beets are grown in this vicinity, most are sent in from Khoi and other places. Melons grow everywhere, and these are the sweetest yet. A few days ago, Bill, Nicola, and I left camp at 8:30 a.m. and took off to find new jerboa fields. We had been told that the jerboas sometimes came out in daytime. Found a most promising look- ing field, loaded with burrows, but saw no animals. Decided to return at dusk. (To be continued) PRINTED BY CHICAGO NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM PRESS